[Debian-ppc64-devel] Re: How to start installation on an IBM power5

Cajus Pollmeier cajus@debian.org
Mon, 23 May 2005 13:55:19 +0200

Am Montag, 23. Mai 2005 13:22 schrieb David Gaya:
> I'm putting all information, that I got from you, together in a new email.
> How to install Debian on an IBM power5
> This is my experience trying to install Debian on an IBM iSeries using
> POWER5 processor, model 9406-520.
> This information should be valid for newest IBM pservers power5 based
> because all IBM power5 systems are nowadays using same hardware and
> same virtualization engine.
> I first booted Gentoo for ppc64.
> Gentoo has a boot CD for powerpc 64bits, it uses kernel 2.6.11. It is
> very handly
> to see if all your hardware is detected. And to be confident for the
> next steps. It even helps partitioning your disks and formating.
> IBM power5 systems, rather pSeries or iSeries, all require 2.6 kernels and
> they must be compiled for 64 bits. No way, 32 bits kernel don't work.
> So don't waste any time trying any POWER4 stuff on IBM POWER5 systems.
> Is there any Debian ppc64 boot CD ?
> No there isn't yet. The best way you can boot is using network boot.
> 	If you have an IBM iSeries and your Logical Partition is OS400 controlled.
> 	Then you have an alternate boot option, you can boot from the NWS
> description. In OS400 partition with the CHGNWSD command, specify 'IPL
> source' to '*SMTF' and 'IPS stream file' to Cajus's boot file, for example
> '/home/linux.bin' Then power on Linux partition.
> Is debian-installer available for ppc64 ?
> Not officially, but Cajus Pollmeier has done a wonderful work. Please see
> http://debian.gonicus.de/debian/dists/sarge/main/disks-powerpc/current/pser
>ies/ Thanks a lot Cajus.
> At this point kernel should boot and start debian-installer. I had to do
> two additional steps, because hardware is not auto detected I had to first
> load network card ibmveth module manualy. Later, my scsi neither was
> detected so I had
> to go to a shell and 'modprobe ibmvscsic'. Then I resumed installation.
> I haven't finish yet, I have to work out booting from disk.

On OpenPower this works quite perfect. Did you use the correct mirror like 
shown in the install.txt file? This would explain why your vscsi and veth 
devices are not detected and the bootloader doesn't install...

You've to use debian.gonicus.de/debian as the mirror - see
