[Debian-ppc64-devel] is this port alife?

Andreas Schuldei andreas at schuldei.org
Wed Nov 2 22:31:13 UTC 2005

* Harald Görl <harald.goerl at rz.uni-augsburg.de> [2005-11-02 12:44:53]:
> Sven, while i understand this of course, i can only say that it would be 
> possible to give you *full* control over the machine. I would feel 
> better if we had root access on all of the machines running here, but if 
> that would be a "killer criterion" things can change! Essentially 
> Bastian has the full control over the machines and full control over the 
> Management Console.
> I'm sorry that the machines do not support the official Debian buildd.

Actually i think it would be better to make the machine part of
the "alternative" buildd network (at http://buildd.net ). that is
for two reasons:
- ppc64 is a new prospective port like several others in their
- the debian-admin team is overworked and have really long
  latencies when reacting to some mails. the admin team of the
  alternative buildd network seems faster and more reponsive.

regarding the services that could be put on those machines
besides the buildd and porter machine, how much bandwidth do we
have at our disposal? how is the site connected?

> And Andreas, could you explain "i try to secure power5 machines" a 
> little bit more? I'm interested in that.

it all started out at debconf5 when wiggy ran benchmarks on the
machine we had there and was impressed with it. the plan was to
get one to host the new alioth. then people (i specifically
recall zobel) pointed out that we did not have official buildds
for ppc64. i think we used one partition on that box for a month
after debconf to that end. 

so i had contacts to people at IBM in the linux/open source
development center in the US and asked them for one for debian,
both for alioth and for porting purposes and have been prodding
people the whole time since then. very recently i got the answer
that there was no money for a machine for the debian project.
they did not know about the three machines in Augsburg, though.

i then approached OSDL, since i heared they had power5s there and
asked if we could have one of theirs, or at least free access to
a couple of partitions on it. but that is hard, aparently, for
various reasons. the final word on this has not been spoken yet,
though. But the Augsburg solutions seems to be much better then
OSDL, i guess. i will tell them we dont need their box. 
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