[Debian-ppc64-devel] i5 installer.

Sven Luther sven.luther at wanadoo.fr
Mon Nov 7 11:09:15 UTC 2005

On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 10:23:58AM +0000, Frank van Berkel wrote:
> Hi,
> Oke I tryed this morning to install debian on an i5.
> http://cdimage.debian.org/pub/cdimage-testing/daily/powerpc/current/debian-testing-powerpc-netinst.iso
> Everything went fine untill I get to the point that yaboot says that it wants
> to install the yaboot bootloader? I get a menu with several choises sdb sdd
> but no sda where my debian lives. Am I doing something wrong? Also I did a
> continue without a bootloader but then I can't select with sms to boot from
> the debian disk...
> So can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Yes, his is a known problem of which i know no solution. Can you please file
an installation report like i asked you to ? 


Sven Luther

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