[Debian-ppc64-devel] Package: installation-reports

Sven Luther sven.luther at wanadoo.fr
Mon Nov 7 22:46:20 UTC 2005

On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 12:58:56PM +0000, Frank van Berkel wrote:
> Debian-installer-version: 20050311
> http://cdimage.debian.org/pub/cdimage-testing/daily/powerpc/current/debian-testing-powerpc-netinst.iso
> uname -a:
> Date: 07-11-2005 10.30am
> Method: Netinst. iso
> Machine: i5 IBM,9406-520
> Processor: iSeries Model 520
> Memory: 2G
> Root Device: SCSI
> Root Size/partition table:
> Output of lspci and lspci -n:
> Base System Installation Checklist:
> [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
> Initial boot worked:    [O]
> Configure network HW:   [O]
> Config network:         [O]
> Detect CD:              [O]
> Load installer modules: [O]
> Detect hard drives:     [O]
> Partition hard drives:  [O]
> Create file systems:    [O]
> Mount partitions:       [O]
> Install base system:    [O]
> Install boot loader:    [E]
> Reboot:                 [O]
> Comments/Problems: Yaboot wants to write the bootsection but I can't
> choose sda (where my debian lives) for writing! It seems like the bootflag
> option for the several hdisks is ignored. I'm able to set or unset the
> bootflag but the changes are not written to disk.

Can you go to console 2, and provide us the content of :

dmesg output.

Or chose the menu option : Save debug logs

The other way is to :

anna-install openssh-client-udeb

from console 2, and then use scp to send the data off-machine.

(Or alternatively, the same stuff from a running linux kernel on it).


Sven Luther

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