[Debian-ppc64-devel] debootstrap

Sven Luther sven.luther at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jan 14 08:12:10 UTC 2006

On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 01:53:37PM +0100, Harald Görl wrote:
> Bastian Blank wrote:
> >Jörg Jaspert set up an archive but did not do anything on it since
> >months. I currently set up a machine which hosts two archives for now,
> >but it should be possible to add another.
> Hi Bastian,
> so what should Andreas do to get that working? What could be a 
> successful way to achieve this from your point of view?
> >>It would be even better if the ppc64 efforts could somehow be integrated
> >>into standard Debian but I am not sure about the best way to achive 
> >>this.
> Just a (bad) joke from me, i really have no idea how to do this! I think 
> that is something to discuss with Sven (and Bastian?). But of course i'm 
> really interested in all that. So giving you the best power, space and 
> bandwidth is "my job"...

Well, i am not sure this will happen as is. The experience and patches gained
through the pure-64 effort from Andreas Jochens will help a lot, but i don't
think it can be integrated directly in the mulitarch framework, which need to
be further advanced anyway befort we have more visibility.


Sven Luther

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