[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet s.popinet at niwa.co.nz
Fri May 15 02:52:37 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 72531a1dc36fb3cecee316073dae3c42179f7011
Author: Stephane Popinet <s.popinet at niwa.co.nz>
Date:   Fri Sep 16 08:06:11 2005 +1000

    Removed old Poisson tests

diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 41f981a..e3d002f 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -421,9 +421,6 @@ src/dx3D.mdf
diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
index 7dfdbc2..36c2470 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/Makefile.am
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = poisson advection euler ocean
+SUBDIRS = advection euler ocean
diff --git a/test/poisson/Makefile.am b/test/poisson/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index a61d7f7..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = convergence order
-INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(includedir) -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"Gfs-test\"\
-            $(GTS_CFLAGS)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
-	simple
-	command.awk \
-	options.awk \
-	models
diff --git a/test/poisson/command.awk b/test/poisson/command.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e5d6f1..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/command.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-  FS=" |\"";
-  if ($1 == "@description") {
-    for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) 
-      printf ("%s ", $i); 
-    exit 0;
-  }
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/Makefile.am b/test/poisson/convergence/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab1a36..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-	divergence.awk \
-	divergence_rate.awk \
-	divfig.sh \
-	report.sh \
-	runcomp.sh \
-	runfig.sh \
-	reference2D \
-	reference3D \
-	divfig.par \
-	check.sh \
-	checkrate.awk \
-	avgrate.awk \
-	makeref \
-	makeref.sh
-TESTS = test.sh
-REFERENCE = reference2D
-	@echo "#! /bin/sh" > test.sh
-	@echo "rm -f report.ps" >> test.sh
-	@echo "./check.sh \"$(REFERENCE)/*.xmgr\" 0.9" >> test.sh
-	@chmod +x test.sh
-report.ps: ../poisson report.sh timestamp
-	./report.sh "$(REFERENCE)/*.xmgr"
-	./makeref.sh $(REFERENCE)
-	$(RM) -r -f figures test
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/avgrate.awk b/test/poisson/convergence/avgrate.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index e1782ae..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/avgrate.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  ingraph = 0;
-  indata = 0;
-  sum = 0.;
-  n = 0;
-  if ($1 == "@target") {
-    graph = substr ($2, 1, 2);
-    if (graph == "G0")
-      ingraph = 0;
-    else if (graph == "G1")
-      ingraph = 0;
-    else if (graph == "G2")
-      ingraph = 1;
-    else if (graph == "G3")
-      ingraph = 0;
-  }
-  else if (ingraph) {
-    if ($1 == "@type") {
-      if (n > 0) {
-	avgrate = sum/n;
-	printf ("%g ", avgrate);
-      }
-      indata = 1;
-      sum = 0.;
-      n = 0;
-    }
-    else if ($1 == "&")
-      indata = 0;
-    else if (indata) {
-      sum += $2;
-      n++;
-    }
-  }
-END {
-  if (n > 0) {
-    avgrate = sum/n;
-    printf ("%g\n", avgrate);
-  }
-  else
-    exit 1;
-  exit 0;
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/check.sh b/test/poisson/convergence/check.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 02c1bac..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/check.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: test files
-# $2: tolerance
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: check.sh REFERENCES TOLERANCE"
-    echo "  REFERENCES: reference xmgr files. example: \"reference/*.xmgr\""
-    echo "  TOLERANCE:  1 no tolerance: 0: maximum tolerance"
-    exit 1;
-if test -e test; then 
-    :
-    mkdir test;
-failed=0; all=0;
-startdate=`date +%s`
-for file in $1; do
-    testfile=test/`basename $file`
-    sname=`basename $file | awk '{print substr ($1, 1, index ($1, ".") - 1)}'`
-    ./runcomp.sh $file > $testfile
-    avg=`awk -f avgrate.awk < $testfile`
-    avgref="$avg `awk -f avgrate.awk < $file`"
-    if echo $avgref | awk -v tol=$2 -f checkrate.awk; then
-        all=`expr $all + 1`;
-	echo "PASS: $sname [$avg]";
-    else
-        all=`expr $all + 1`;
-	failed=`expr $failed + 1`;
-	echo "FAIL: $sname [$avg] [$avgref]";
-    fi
-    expr `date +%s` - $startdate > timestamp
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    banner="All $all tests passed";
-    banner="$failed of $all tests failed";
-dashes=`echo "$banner" | sed s/./=/g`;
-echo "$dashes";
-echo "$banner";
-echo "$dashes";
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    exit 0;
-    exit 1;
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/checkrate.awk b/test/poisson/convergence/checkrate.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index d816746..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/checkrate.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  n = NF/2;
-  if (n != 3)
-    exit 1;
-  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-    if ($i < $(i + n)*tol)
-      exit 1;
-  exit 0;
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/divergence.awk b/test/poisson/convergence/divergence.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 7430a16..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/divergence.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-  if ($1 == "div")
-    print $3 " " $5 " " $7 " " $9 " " $11;
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/divergence_rate.awk b/test/poisson/convergence/divergence_rate.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fde05a..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/divergence_rate.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-  n = 0;
-  if ($1 == "div") {
-    iter[n] = $3;
-    time[n] = $5;
-    first[n] = $7;
-    second[n] = $9;
-    infty[n++] = $11;
-  }
-END {
-  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
-    if (first[i+1] != 0. && second[i+1] != 0. && infty[i+1] != 0.)
-      print iter[i+1] " " time[i+1] " " exp(log(first[0]/first[i+1])/(i + 1)) " " exp(log(second[0]/second[i+1])/(i + 1)) " " exp(log(infty[0]/infty[i+1])/(i + 1));
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/divfig.par b/test/poisson/convergence/divfig.par
deleted file mode 100644
index bf629f6..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/divfig.par
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1612 +0,0 @@
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-    s5 symbol skip 0
-    s5 line type 1
-    s5 line linestyle 1
-    s5 line linewidth 1.0
-    s5 line color 4
-    s5 line pattern 1
-    s5 baseline type 0
-    s5 baseline off
-    s5 dropline off
-    s5 fill type 0
-    s5 fill rule 0
-    s5 fill color 1
-    s5 fill pattern 1
-    s5 avalue off
-    s5 avalue type 2
-    s5 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s5 avalue font 4
-    s5 avalue color 1
-    s5 avalue rot 0
-    s5 avalue format general
-    s5 avalue prec 3
-    s5 avalue prepend ""
-    s5 avalue append ""
-    s5 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s5 errorbar on
-    s5 errorbar place both
-    s5 errorbar color 4
-    s5 errorbar pattern 1
-    s5 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s5 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser clip off
-    s5 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s5 comment "test/4ellipses1.xmgr"
-    s5 legend  "infinite (new)"
-g1 on
-g1 hidden false
-g1 type XY
-g1 stacked false
-g1 bar hgap 0.000000
-g1 fixedpoint off
-g1 fixedpoint type 0
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-g1 fixedpoint format general general
-g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-with g1
-    world xmin 0
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-    world ymax 1000
-    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0
-    znorm 1
-    view xmin 0.129324
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-    view ymin 0.575000
-    view ymax 0.950000
-    title ""
-    title font 4
-    title size 1.500000
-    title color 1
-    subtitle ""
-    subtitle font 4
-    subtitle size 1.000000
-    subtitle color 1
-    xaxes scale Normal
-    yaxes scale Logarithmic
-    xaxes invert off
-    yaxes invert off
-    xaxis  on
-    xaxis  type zero false
-    xaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    xaxis  bar off
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-    xaxis  label font 4
-    xaxis  label color 1
-    xaxis  label place normal
-    xaxis  tick on
-    xaxis  tick major 0.05
-    xaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-    xaxis  tick default 6
-    xaxis  tick place rounded true
-    xaxis  tick in
-    xaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-    xaxis  tick major color 1
-    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-    xaxis  tick major grid off
-    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-    xaxis  tick minor grid off
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-    xaxis  ticklabel on
-    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-    xaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel place normal
-    xaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-    yaxis  on
-    yaxis  type zero false
-    yaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
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-    yaxis  label "Divergence"
-    yaxis  label layout para
-    yaxis  label place auto
-    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-    yaxis  label font 4
-    yaxis  label color 1
-    yaxis  label place normal
-    yaxis  tick on
-    yaxis  tick major 100000
-    yaxis  tick minor ticks 0
-    yaxis  tick default 6
-    yaxis  tick place rounded true
-    yaxis  tick in
-    yaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-    yaxis  tick major grid on
-    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-    yaxis  ticklabel on
-    yaxis  ticklabel format power
-    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel place normal
-    yaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-    yaxis  tick place both
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-    altyaxis  off
-    legend on
-    legend loctype view
-    legend 0.405026971622, 0.924217
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-    legend box fill color 0
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-    legend vgap 1
-    legend hgap 1
-    legend invert false
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-    frame background pattern 0
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-    s0 symbol fill color 1
-    s0 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s0 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s0 symbol linestyle 1
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-    s0 symbol char font 4
-    s0 symbol skip 0
-    s0 line type 1
-    s0 line linestyle 1
-    s0 line linewidth 1.0
-    s0 line color 1
-    s0 line pattern 1
-    s0 baseline type 0
-    s0 baseline off
-    s0 dropline off
-    s0 fill type 0
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-    s0 avalue type 2
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-    s0 avalue color 1
-    s0 avalue rot 0
-    s0 avalue format general
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-    s0 avalue prepend ""
-    s0 avalue append ""
-    s0 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s0 errorbar on
-    s0 errorbar place both
-    s0 errorbar color 1
-    s0 errorbar pattern 1
-    s0 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s0 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s0 errorbar riser clip off
-    s0 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
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-    s1 type xy
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-    s1 symbol fill pattern 1
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-    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-    s1 symbol char 0
-    s1 symbol char font 4
-    s1 symbol skip 0
-    s1 line type 1
-    s1 line linestyle 1
-    s1 line linewidth 1.0
-    s1 line color 1
-    s1 line pattern 1
-    s1 baseline type 0
-    s1 baseline off
-    s1 dropline off
-    s1 fill type 0
-    s1 fill rule 0
-    s1 fill color 1
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-    s1 avalue type 2
-    s1 avalue char size 1.000000
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-    s1 avalue color 1
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-    s1 avalue format general
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-    s1 avalue prepend ""
-    s1 avalue append ""
-    s1 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s1 errorbar on
-    s1 errorbar place both
-    s1 errorbar color 1
-    s1 errorbar pattern 1
-    s1 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s1 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s1 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-    s1 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s1 comment "/tmp/toto"
-    s1 legend  "second"
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-    s2 symbol pattern 1
-    s2 symbol fill color 1
-    s2 symbol fill pattern 1
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-    s2 symbol linestyle 1
-    s2 symbol char 0
-    s2 symbol char font 4
-    s2 symbol skip 0
-    s2 line type 1
-    s2 line linestyle 1
-    s2 line linewidth 1.0
-    s2 line color 1
-    s2 line pattern 1
-    s2 baseline type 0
-    s2 baseline off
-    s2 dropline off
-    s2 fill type 0
-    s2 fill rule 0
-    s2 fill color 1
-    s2 fill pattern 1
-    s2 avalue off
-    s2 avalue type 2
-    s2 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s2 avalue font 4
-    s2 avalue color 1
-    s2 avalue rot 0
-    s2 avalue format general
-    s2 avalue prec 3
-    s2 avalue prepend ""
-    s2 avalue append ""
-    s2 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s2 errorbar on
-    s2 errorbar place both
-    s2 errorbar color 1
-    s2 errorbar pattern 1
-    s2 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s2 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s2 errorbar riser clip off
-    s2 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
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-    s2 legend  "infinite"
-    s3 hidden false
-    s3 type xy
-    s3 symbol 1
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-    s3 symbol pattern 1
-    s3 symbol fill color 4
-    s3 symbol fill pattern 1
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-    s3 symbol char font 4
-    s3 symbol skip 0
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-    s3 line linestyle 1
-    s3 line linewidth 1.0
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-    s3 line pattern 1
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-    s3 baseline off
-    s3 dropline off
-    s3 fill type 0
-    s3 fill rule 0
-    s3 fill color 1
-    s3 fill pattern 1
-    s3 avalue off
-    s3 avalue type 2
-    s3 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s3 avalue font 4
-    s3 avalue color 1
-    s3 avalue rot 0
-    s3 avalue format general
-    s3 avalue prec 3
-    s3 avalue prepend ""
-    s3 avalue append ""
-    s3 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s3 errorbar on
-    s3 errorbar place both
-    s3 errorbar color 4
-    s3 errorbar pattern 1
-    s3 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s3 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s3 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s3 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s3 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s3 errorbar riser clip off
-    s3 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s3 comment "test/4ellipses1.xmgr"
-    s3 legend  "first (new)"
-    s4 hidden false
-    s4 type xy
-    s4 symbol 2
-    s4 symbol size 0.440000
-    s4 symbol color 4
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-    s4 symbol fill color 4
-    s4 symbol fill pattern 1
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-    s4 symbol linestyle 1
-    s4 symbol char 65
-    s4 symbol char font 4
-    s4 symbol skip 0
-    s4 line type 1
-    s4 line linestyle 1
-    s4 line linewidth 1.0
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-    s4 line pattern 1
-    s4 baseline type 0
-    s4 baseline off
-    s4 dropline off
-    s4 fill type 0
-    s4 fill rule 0
-    s4 fill color 1
-    s4 fill pattern 1
-    s4 avalue off
-    s4 avalue type 2
-    s4 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s4 avalue font 4
-    s4 avalue color 1
-    s4 avalue rot 0
-    s4 avalue format general
-    s4 avalue prec 3
-    s4 avalue prepend ""
-    s4 avalue append ""
-    s4 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s4 errorbar on
-    s4 errorbar place both
-    s4 errorbar color 4
-    s4 errorbar pattern 1
-    s4 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s4 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s4 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s4 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s4 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s4 errorbar riser clip off
-    s4 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s4 comment "test/4ellipses1.xmgr"
-    s4 legend  "second (new)"
-    s5 hidden false
-    s5 type xy
-    s5 symbol 4
-    s5 symbol size 0.340000
-    s5 symbol color 4
-    s5 symbol pattern 1
-    s5 symbol fill color 4
-    s5 symbol fill pattern 1
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-    s5 symbol linestyle 1
-    s5 symbol char 65
-    s5 symbol char font 4
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-    s5 line type 1
-    s5 line linestyle 1
-    s5 line linewidth 1.0
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-    s5 line pattern 1
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-    s5 dropline off
-    s5 fill type 0
-    s5 fill rule 0
-    s5 fill color 1
-    s5 fill pattern 1
-    s5 avalue off
-    s5 avalue type 2
-    s5 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s5 avalue font 4
-    s5 avalue color 1
-    s5 avalue rot 0
-    s5 avalue format general
-    s5 avalue prec 3
-    s5 avalue prepend ""
-    s5 avalue append ""
-    s5 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
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-    s5 errorbar place both
-    s5 errorbar color 4
-    s5 errorbar pattern 1
-    s5 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s5 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar linestyle 1
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-    s5 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser clip off
-    s5 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
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-    s5 legend  "infinite (new)"
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-g2 hidden false
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-g2 fixedpoint off
-g2 fixedpoint type 0
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-with g2
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-    view ymax 0.475000
-    title ""
-    title font 4
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-    subtitle ""
-    subtitle font 4
-    subtitle size 1.000000
-    subtitle color 1
-    xaxes scale Normal
-    yaxes scale Normal
-    xaxes invert off
-    yaxes invert off
-    xaxis  on
-    xaxis  type zero false
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-    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-    xaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
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-    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-    yaxis  label color 1
-    yaxis  label place normal
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-    yaxis  tick in
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-    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-    legend color 1
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-    legend hgap 1
-    legend invert false
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-    s0 errorbar on
-    s0 errorbar place both
-    s0 errorbar color 1
-    s0 errorbar pattern 1
-    s0 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s0 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-    s1 avalue type 2
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-    s1 errorbar place both
-    s1 errorbar color 1
-    s1 errorbar pattern 1
-    s1 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s1 errorbar linewidth 1.0
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-    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-    s1 legend  "second"
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-    s2 avalue rot 0
-    s2 avalue format general
-    s2 avalue prec 3
-    s2 avalue prepend ""
-    s2 avalue append ""
-    s2 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s2 errorbar on
-    s2 errorbar place both
-    s2 errorbar color 1
-    s2 errorbar pattern 1
-    s2 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s2 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s2 errorbar riser clip off
-    s2 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s2 comment "/tmp/toto"
-    s2 legend  "infinite"
-    s3 hidden false
-    s3 type xy
-    s3 symbol 1
-    s3 symbol size 0.340000
-    s3 symbol color 4
-    s3 symbol pattern 1
-    s3 symbol fill color 4
-    s3 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s3 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s3 symbol linestyle 1
-    s3 symbol char 65
-    s3 symbol char font 4
-    s3 symbol skip 0
-    s3 line type 1
-    s3 line linestyle 1
-    s3 line linewidth 1.0
-    s3 line color 4
-    s3 line pattern 1
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-    s3 baseline off
-    s3 dropline off
-    s3 fill type 0
-    s3 fill rule 0
-    s3 fill color 1
-    s3 fill pattern 1
-    s3 avalue off
-    s3 avalue type 2
-    s3 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s3 avalue font 4
-    s3 avalue color 1
-    s3 avalue rot 0
-    s3 avalue format general
-    s3 avalue prec 3
-    s3 avalue prepend ""
-    s3 avalue append ""
-    s3 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s3 errorbar on
-    s3 errorbar place both
-    s3 errorbar color 4
-    s3 errorbar pattern 1
-    s3 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s3 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s3 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s3 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s3 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s3 errorbar riser clip off
-    s3 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s3 comment "test/4ellipses1.xmgr"
-    s3 legend  "first (new)"
-    s4 hidden false
-    s4 type xy
-    s4 symbol 2
-    s4 symbol size 0.440000
-    s4 symbol color 4
-    s4 symbol pattern 1
-    s4 symbol fill color 4
-    s4 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s4 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s4 symbol linestyle 1
-    s4 symbol char 65
-    s4 symbol char font 4
-    s4 symbol skip 0
-    s4 line type 1
-    s4 line linestyle 1
-    s4 line linewidth 1.0
-    s4 line color 4
-    s4 line pattern 1
-    s4 baseline type 0
-    s4 baseline off
-    s4 dropline off
-    s4 fill type 0
-    s4 fill rule 0
-    s4 fill color 1
-    s4 fill pattern 1
-    s4 avalue off
-    s4 avalue type 2
-    s4 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s4 avalue font 4
-    s4 avalue color 1
-    s4 avalue rot 0
-    s4 avalue format general
-    s4 avalue prec 3
-    s4 avalue prepend ""
-    s4 avalue append ""
-    s4 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s4 errorbar on
-    s4 errorbar place both
-    s4 errorbar color 4
-    s4 errorbar pattern 1
-    s4 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s4 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s4 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s4 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s4 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s4 errorbar riser clip off
-    s4 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s4 comment "test/4ellipses1.xmgr"
-    s4 legend  "second (new)"
-    s5 hidden false
-    s5 type xy
-    s5 symbol 4
-    s5 symbol size 0.340000
-    s5 symbol color 4
-    s5 symbol pattern 1
-    s5 symbol fill color 4
-    s5 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s5 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s5 symbol linestyle 1
-    s5 symbol char 65
-    s5 symbol char font 4
-    s5 symbol skip 0
-    s5 line type 1
-    s5 line linestyle 1
-    s5 line linewidth 1.0
-    s5 line color 4
-    s5 line pattern 1
-    s5 baseline type 0
-    s5 baseline off
-    s5 dropline off
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-    s5 fill rule 0
-    s5 fill color 1
-    s5 fill pattern 1
-    s5 avalue off
-    s5 avalue type 2
-    s5 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s5 avalue font 4
-    s5 avalue color 1
-    s5 avalue rot 0
-    s5 avalue format general
-    s5 avalue prec 3
-    s5 avalue prepend ""
-    s5 avalue append ""
-    s5 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s5 errorbar on
-    s5 errorbar place both
-    s5 errorbar color 4
-    s5 errorbar pattern 1
-    s5 errorbar size 1.000000
-    s5 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser clip off
-    s5 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s5 comment "test/4ellipses1.xmgr"
-    s5 legend  "infinite (new)"
-g3 on
-g3 hidden true
-g3 type XY
-g3 stacked false
-g3 bar hgap 0.000000
-g3 fixedpoint off
-g3 fixedpoint type 0
-g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
-g3 fixedpoint format general general
-g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-with g3
-    world xmin 0
-    world xmax 1
-    world ymin 0
-    world ymax 1
-    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0
-    znorm 1
-    view xmin 0.737149
-    view xmax 1.254446
-    view ymin 0.575000
-    view ymax 0.950000
-    title ""
-    title font 4
-    title size 1.500000
-    title color 1
-    subtitle ""
-    subtitle font 4
-    subtitle size 1.000000
-    subtitle color 1
-    xaxes scale Normal
-    yaxes scale Normal
-    xaxes invert off
-    yaxes invert off
-    xaxis  on
-    xaxis  type zero false
-    xaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    xaxis  bar off
-    xaxis  bar color 1
-    xaxis  bar linestyle 1
-    xaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  label ""
-    xaxis  label layout para
-    xaxis  label place auto
-    xaxis  label char size 1.000000
-    xaxis  label font 4
-    xaxis  label color 1
-    xaxis  label place normal
-    xaxis  tick on
-    xaxis  tick major 0.5
-    xaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-    xaxis  tick default 6
-    xaxis  tick place rounded true
-    xaxis  tick in
-    xaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-    xaxis  tick major color 1
-    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-    xaxis  tick major grid off
-    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-    xaxis  ticklabel on
-    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-    xaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel place normal
-    xaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel char size 1.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
-    xaxis  tick place both
-    xaxis  tick spec type none
-    yaxis  on
-    yaxis  type zero false
-    yaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    yaxis  bar off
-    yaxis  bar color 1
-    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-    yaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  label ""
-    yaxis  label layout para
-    yaxis  label place auto
-    yaxis  label char size 1.000000
-    yaxis  label font 4
-    yaxis  label color 1
-    yaxis  label place normal
-    yaxis  tick on
-    yaxis  tick major 0.5
-    yaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-    yaxis  tick default 6
-    yaxis  tick place rounded true
-    yaxis  tick in
-    yaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-    yaxis  tick major color 1
-    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-    yaxis  tick major grid off
-    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-    yaxis  ticklabel on
-    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-    yaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel place normal
-    yaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-    yaxis  ticklabel char size 1.000000
-    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
-    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-    yaxis  tick place both
-    yaxis  tick spec type none
-    altxaxis  off
-    altyaxis  off
-    legend off
-    legend loctype view
-    legend 1.03459459, 0.8
-    legend box color 1
-    legend box pattern 0
-    legend box linewidth 1.0
-    legend box linestyle 1
-    legend box fill color 0
-    legend box fill pattern 1
-    legend font 4
-    legend char size 1.000000
-    legend color 1
-    legend length 4
-    legend vgap 1
-    legend hgap 1
-    legend invert false
-    frame type 0
-    frame linestyle 1
-    frame linewidth 1.0
-    frame color 1
-    frame pattern 1
-    frame background color 0
-    frame background pattern 0
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/divfig.sh b/test/poisson/convergence/divfig.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b058841..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/divfig.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: stderr output of poisson
-# $2: description (command line used to run poisson)
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: divfig.sh INPUT DESCRIPTION"
-    echo "  INPUT: output of poisson"
-    echo "  DESCRIPTION: command line used to run poisson"
-    exit 1;
-echo "@description \"$2\""
-echo "@with g0" 
-echo "@g0 on" 
-echo "@g0 type logy" 
-echo "@xaxis label \"Iteration\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis label \"Divergence\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@legend string 0 \"first\""
-echo "@legend string 1 \"second\""
-echo "@legend string 2 \"infinite\""
-echo "@target G0.S0" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $3}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@target G0.S1" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@target G0.S2" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $5}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@with g1" 
-echo "@g1 on" 
-echo "@g1 type logy" 
-echo "@xaxis label \"Time\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis label \"Divergence\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@legend string 0 \"first\"" 
-echo "@legend string 1 \"second\"" 
-echo "@legend string 2 \"infinite\"" 
-echo "@target G1.S0" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence.awk < $1 | awk '{print $2 " " $3}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@target G1.S1" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence.awk < $1 | awk '{print $2 " " $4}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@target G1.S2" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence.awk < $1 | awk '{print $2 " " $5}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@with g2" 
-echo "@g2 on" 
-echo "@g2 type xy" 
-echo "@xaxis label \"Iteration\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis label \"Convergence rate\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@legend string 0 \"first\"" 
-echo "@legend string 1 \"second\"" 
-echo "@legend string 2 \"infinite\"" 
-echo "@target G2.S0" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence_rate.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $3}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@target G2.S1" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence_rate.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@target G2.S2" 
-echo "@type xy" 
-awk -f divergence_rate.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $5}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@with g3" 
-echo "@g3 on" 
-echo "@g3 hidden true"
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/makeref b/test/poisson/convergence/makeref
deleted file mode 100644
index f7899ef..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/makeref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-with G0
-with G1
-with G2
-saveall "/tmp/makeref.xmgr"
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/makeref.sh b/test/poisson/convergence/makeref.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7600c8f..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/makeref.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# !/bin/sh
-if test -d test; then
-  :
-    exit 1
-cd test
-for file in *.xmgr; do
-    grace -param ../divfig.par $file -nosafe -batch ../makeref
-    mv -f /tmp/makeref.xmgr ../$1/$file
-cd ..
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference2D/4ellipses.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference2D/4ellipses.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e4fa0d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference2D/4ellipses.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1308 +0,0 @@
-# Grace project file
- at version 50114
- at page size 792, 612
- at description "../shapes 4ellipses | ../poisson -v -s - 6 10 4"
- at page scroll 5%
- at page inout 5%
- at link page off
- at map font 10 to "Courier-Bold", "Courier-Bold"
- at map font 11 to "Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier-BoldOblique"
- at map font 4 to "Helvetica", "Helvetica"
- at map font 5 to "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Bold"
- at map font 7 to "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
- at map font 15 to "Helvetica-Narrow", "Helvetica-Narrow"
- at map font 16 to "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold"
- at map font 17 to "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique"
- at map font 18 to "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique"
- at map font 6 to "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Oblique"
- at map font 20 to "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold"
- at map font 21 to "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic"
- at map font 22 to "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic"
- at map font 23 to "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman"
- at map font 24 to "Palatino-Bold", "Palatino-Bold"
- at map font 25 to "Palatino-BoldItalic", "Palatino-BoldItalic"
- at map font 26 to "Palatino-Italic", "Palatino-Italic"
- at map font 27 to "Palatino-Roman", "Palatino-Roman"
- at map font 8 to "Symbol", "Symbol"
- at map font 1 to "Times-Bold", "Times-Bold"
- at map font 3 to "Times-BoldItalic", "Times-BoldItalic"
- at map font 2 to "Times-Italic", "Times-Italic"
- at map font 0 to "Times-Roman", "Times-Roman"
- at map font 33 to "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic"
- at map font 9 to "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats"
- at map color 0 to (255, 255, 255), "white"
- at map color 1 to (0, 0, 0), "black"
- at map color 2 to (255, 0, 0), "red"
- at map color 3 to (0, 255, 0), "green"
- at map color 4 to (0, 0, 255), "blue"
- at map color 5 to (255, 255, 0), "yellow"
- at map color 6 to (188, 143, 143), "brown"
- at map color 7 to (220, 220, 220), "grey"
- at map color 8 to (148, 0, 211), "violet"
- at map color 9 to (0, 255, 255), "cyan"
- at map color 10 to (255, 0, 255), "magenta"
- at map color 11 to (255, 165, 0), "orange"
- at map color 12 to (114, 33, 188), "indigo"
- at map color 13 to (103, 7, 72), "maroon"
- at map color 14 to (64, 224, 208), "turquoise"
- at map color 15 to (0, 139, 0), "green4"
- at reference date 0
- at date wrap on
- at date wrap year 1900
- at default linewidth 1.0
- at default linestyle 1
- at default color 1
- at default pattern 1
- at default font 4
- at default char size 1.000000
- at default symbol size 1.000000
- at default sformat "%.8g"
- at background color 0
- at page background fill on
- at timestamp off
- at timestamp 0.03, 0.03
- at timestamp color 1
- at timestamp rot 0
- at timestamp font 4
- at timestamp char size 1.000000
- at timestamp def "Tue Jan 18 04:35:34 2005"
- at r0 off
- at link r0 to g0
- at r0 type above
- at r0 linestyle 1
- at r0 linewidth 1.0
- at r0 color 1
- at r0 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at r1 off
- at link r1 to g0
- at r1 type above
- at r1 linestyle 1
- at r1 linewidth 1.0
- at r1 color 1
- at r1 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at r2 off
- at link r2 to g0
- at r2 type above
- at r2 linestyle 1
- at r2 linewidth 1.0
- at r2 color 1
- at r2 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at r3 off
- at link r3 to g0
- at r3 type above
- at r3 linestyle 1
- at r3 linewidth 1.0
- at r3 color 1
- at r3 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at r4 off
- at link r4 to g0
- at r4 type above
- at r4 linestyle 1
- at r4 linewidth 1.0
- at r4 color 1
- at r4 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at g0 on
- at g0 hidden false
- at g0 type XY
- at g0 stacked false
- at g0 bar hgap 0.000000
- at g0 fixedpoint off
- at g0 fixedpoint type 0
- at g0 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g0 fixedpoint format general general
- at g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
- at with g0
-@    world xmin 0
-@    world xmax 10
-@    world ymin 1e-09
-@    world ymax 1000
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    znorm 1
-@    view xmin 0.129324
-@    view xmax 0.646622
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
-@    title ""
-@    title font 4
-@    title size 1.500000
-@    title color 1
-@    subtitle ""
-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
-@    subtitle color 1
-@    xaxes scale Normal
-@    yaxes scale Logarithmic
-@    xaxes invert off
-@    yaxes invert off
-@    xaxis  on
-@    xaxis  type zero false
-@    xaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
-@    xaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
-@    xaxis  label "Iteration"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
-@    xaxis  label place auto
-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  label font 4
-@    xaxis  label color 1
-@    xaxis  label place normal
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 2
-@    xaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick place rounded true
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel on
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    xaxis  tick place both
-@    xaxis  tick spec type none
-@    yaxis  on
-@    yaxis  type zero false
-@    yaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
-@    yaxis  label "Divergence"
-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  label font 4
-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label place normal
-@    yaxis  tick on
-@    yaxis  tick major 100000
-@    yaxis  tick minor ticks 0
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick place rounded true
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 3
-@    yaxis  tick major grid on
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format power
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  tick place both
-@    yaxis  tick spec type none
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-@    altyaxis  off
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-0 177.546
-1 118.631
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-3 0.269973
-4 0.0138586
-5 0.00131382
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-7 5.48545e-06
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-5 15.0834
-6 15.2106
-7 15.2485
-8 15.4367
-9 15.6867
-10 15.7992
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-2 11.5403
-3 13.4795
-4 14.0889
-5 14.3606
-6 14.2451
-7 14.5804
-8 14.9454
-9 15.1161
-10 15.2474
- at target G2.S2
- at type xy
-1 1.49662
-2 5.00683
-3 8.69621
-4 10.6389
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-9 12.6204
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-9 14.0325
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-5 10.7033
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-2 0.769591
-3 0.193824
-4 0.0487059
-5 0.0124904
-6 0.00338368
-7 0.00104645
-8 0.00033448
-9 0.000109545
-10 3.63836e-05
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-0 90.2744
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-0.081387 3.58382e-05
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-4 8.47757
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-7 6.21545
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-9 5.58267
-10 5.36924
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-4 8.1533
-5 7.21181
-6 6.57277
-7 6.11034
-8 5.76616
-9 5.50382
-10 5.29919
- at target G2.S2
- at type xy
-1 5.58463
-2 7.92377
-3 6.16378
-4 5.77879
-5 5.45958
-6 5.22817
-7 5.04556
-8 4.89709
-9 4.7744
-10 4.67193
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@@ -1,1308 +0,0 @@
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- at r4 type above
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- at with g0
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-0 177.546
-1 110.675
-2 4.74298
-3 0.212712
-4 0.00790186
-5 0.000379233
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-0.009882 6.74424e-08
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-9 25.2364
-10 24.1942
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-3 26.5963
-4 27.5862
-5 26.9841
-6 25.678
-7 24.9009
-8 24.6762
-9 24.9758
-10 23.9434
- at target G2.S2
- at type xy
-1 13.915
-2 18.5598
-3 19.0881
-4 19.6762
-5 22.7507
-6 22.6274
-7 22.1701
-8 21.9655
-9 22.721
-10 21.7309
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+++ /dev/null
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- at r3 type above
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- at r4 off
- at link r4 to g0
- at r4 type above
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- at g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
- at with g0
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-@    xaxis  tick in
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- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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- at with g2
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- at with g3
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-0 177.546
-1 12.5705
-2 0.458164
-3 0.0117993
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-0.089142 6.00841e-12
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-5 29.0872
-6 29.4288
-7 29.6822
-8 29.6654
-9 28.94
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-4 23.7199
-5 25.7679
-6 26.731
-7 25.9678
-8 26.1235
-9 26.5037
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- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
- at with g3
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-@    view xmax 1.254446
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- at target G0.S0
- at type xy
-0 67.0893
-1 5.08166
-2 0.239821
-3 0.0122815
-4 0.000758565
-5 4.26494e-05
-6 3.31996e-06
-7 2.70211e-07
-8 1.86122e-08
-9 1.05344e-09
-10 8.07894e-11
- at target G0.S1
- at type xy
-0 84.0986
-1 8.53986
-2 0.385331
-3 0.018892
-4 0.00130013
-5 7.28006e-05
-6 5.22561e-06
-7 4.38884e-07
-8 3.23825e-08
-9 1.55046e-09
-10 1.19768e-10
- at target G0.S2
- at type xy
-0 177.626
-1 54.9764
-2 2.39287
-3 0.115618
-4 0.00857488
-5 0.000446471
-6 3.99024e-05
-7 4.01804e-06
-8 2.05154e-07
-9 8.34879e-09
-10 1.01463e-09
- at target G1.S0
- at type xy
-3e-06 67.0893
-0.01643 5.08166
-0.032727 0.239821
-0.05206 0.0122815
-0.068433 0.000758565
-0.084826 4.26494e-05
-0.101563 3.31996e-06
-0.118001 2.70211e-07
-0.134308 1.86122e-08
-0.150649 1.05344e-09
-0.167019 8.07894e-11
- at target G1.S1
- at type xy
-3e-06 84.0986
-0.01643 8.53986
-0.032727 0.385331
-0.05206 0.018892
-0.068433 0.00130013
-0.084826 7.28006e-05
-0.101563 5.22561e-06
-0.118001 4.38884e-07
-0.134308 3.23825e-08
-0.150649 1.55046e-09
-0.167019 1.19768e-10
- at target G1.S2
- at type xy
-3e-06 177.626
-0.01643 54.9764
-0.032727 2.39287
-0.05206 0.115618
-0.068433 0.00857488
-0.084826 0.000446471
-0.101563 3.99024e-05
-0.118001 4.01804e-06
-0.134308 2.05154e-07
-0.150649 8.34879e-09
-0.167019 1.01463e-09
- at target G2.S0
- at type xy
-1 13.2022
-2 16.7257
-3 17.6117
-4 17.2451
-5 17.3519
-6 16.5039
-7 15.8226
-8 15.6533
-9 15.8653
-10 15.5571
- at target G2.S1
- at type xy
-1 9.84777
-2 14.7733
-3 16.4502
-4 15.9478
-5 16.3129
-6 15.8894
-7 15.2477
-8 15.0248
-9 15.5849
-10 15.2984
- at target G2.S2
- at type xy
-1 3.23095
-2 8.61576
-3 11.5388
-4 11.9969
-5 13.1808
-6 12.8258
-7 12.3655
-8 13.0972
-9 14.0457
-10 13.3143
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference2D/star4.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference2D/star4.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 52a456d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference2D/star4.xmgr
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-10 5.21852
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-4 6.61337
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-6 5.6701
-7 5.42491
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-9 5.11416
-10 5.00961
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type xy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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- at with g3
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- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden true
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world ymax 1
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-              10      3.66981e-08
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-          3.8513          4.04379
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-         11.5567        0.0193736
-         15.4072       0.00136457
-         19.2591      0.000101119
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-         38.5372      1.99406e-09
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          93.6802
-          3.8513          5.46272
-         7.70431         0.382558
-         11.5567         0.026554
-         15.4072       0.00189928
-         19.2591      0.000145712
-           23.11      1.35067e-05
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-         30.8107      2.02054e-07
-         34.6876      2.73475e-08
-         38.5372       3.7229e-09
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          265.597
-          3.8513          21.3244
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-         11.5567         0.147573
-         15.4072        0.0142443
-         19.2591       0.00150019
-           23.11      0.000167009
-         26.9617      1.88748e-05
-         30.8107      2.31622e-06
-         34.6876      2.85604e-07
-         38.5372      3.66981e-08
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               1          16.8917
-               2          15.5457
-               3          15.2201
-               4          14.9578
-               5           14.653
-               6          14.1149
-               7          13.3984
-               8          12.5751
-               9          11.8657
-              10          11.3103
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               1           17.149
-               2          15.6486
-               3          15.2232
-               4          14.9027
-               5          14.5088
-               6          13.8097
-               7          12.9418
-               8          12.1136
-               9          11.4661
-              10          10.9667
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1          12.4551
-               2           12.855
-               3          12.1639
-               4          11.6855
-               5          11.2103
-               6          10.8039
-               7          10.5001
-               8          10.1726
-               9          9.91963
-              10          9.68184
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/cube1.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/cube1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cea197..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/cube1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "/tmp/toto"
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 50
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  bar off
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend y1 0.924217
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-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type xy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 comment "/tmp/toto"
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol fill 1
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "/tmp/toto"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 1
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 2
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 2.5
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden true
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world ymax 1
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-@    view xmax 0.970000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-         29.0212          4.33679
-         58.0196         0.328647
-         87.2385        0.0235899
-         116.117       0.00180495
-         145.183       0.00015444
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-         232.162      6.72582e-07
-         261.126      1.51709e-07
-         292.098      3.42377e-08
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          94.0204
-         29.0212          5.88267
-         58.0196         0.446271
-         87.2385           0.0327
-         116.117        0.0027395
-         145.183      0.000326981
-         174.169      5.88449e-05
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-         232.162      2.61998e-06
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-         292.098       1.2913e-07
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          266.259
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-         58.0196          2.60889
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-         232.162      0.000139988
-         261.126      2.91419e-05
-         292.098      6.19008e-06
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               3          14.2761
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-               5          13.4759
-               6          12.4647
-               7          11.1998
-               8          10.0254
-               9          9.15645
-              10           8.5154
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               1          15.9826
-               2          14.5148
-               3          14.2197
-               4          13.6109
-               5          12.3521
-               6          10.8123
-               7           9.6428
-               8          8.79763
-               9          8.17199
-              10          7.69519
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1          11.5345
-               2          10.1024
-               3          8.00349
-               4          7.21366
-               5          6.81931
-               6          6.53773
-               7          6.28811
-               8          6.09399
-               9            5.935
-              10           5.7991
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/icube.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/icube.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 77053f7..0000000
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@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
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- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type logy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 comment "/tmp/toto"
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.25
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
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- at g2 type xy
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- at g2 fixedpoint off
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          84.4172
-        0.162174          5.74566
-        0.324412         0.401416
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-        0.649668       0.00169656
-        0.819071      0.000108254
-        0.982007      7.34668e-06
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-         1.30722      4.46795e-08
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-         1.63251      2.79237e-10
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- at TYPE xy
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-         1.30722      1.85901e-07
-         1.46989      1.78691e-08
-         1.63251       1.5393e-09
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               8          14.2761
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               3           14.656
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-               6          15.0218
-               7          14.7289
-               8          14.4391
-               9          14.1432
-              10           14.062
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               3          14.2154
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-               5          14.3194
-               6          14.3417
-               7          14.3584
-               8          13.8718
-               9          13.4353
-              10          13.2404
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
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deleted file mode 100644
index a19bb34..0000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type logy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 2.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
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- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               0          62.7333
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-               2          0.36568
-               3        0.0272904
-               4       0.00201867
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               9      7.94519e-08
-              10      7.17932e-09
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          62.7333
-         1.13983          4.53113
-          2.2791          0.36568
-         3.49896        0.0272904
-         4.63908       0.00201867
-         5.77546      0.000146391
-         6.91823      1.04059e-05
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-          9.2753      5.95023e-08
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-         11.6243       4.7429e-10
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          87.1667
-         1.13983          6.20832
-          2.2791          0.48376
-         3.49896        0.0365719
-         4.63908        0.0026654
-         5.77546      0.000198601
-         6.91823      1.42846e-05
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-          9.2753      9.27312e-08
-         10.4145      8.99629e-09
-         11.6243      8.04042e-10
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          264.978
-         1.13983          28.6305
-          2.2791          2.16447
-         3.49896         0.190334
-         4.63908        0.0134103
-         5.77546       0.00102198
-         6.91823      8.38466e-05
-         8.13638      6.95999e-06
-          9.2753      7.59761e-07
-         10.4145      7.94519e-08
-         11.6243      7.17932e-09
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               1           13.845
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-               3          13.1976
-               4          13.2773
-               5          13.3782
-               6          13.4908
-               7          13.2846
-               8          13.4236
-               9          12.9793
-              10          12.9463
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               2          13.4233
-               3          13.3578
-               4          13.4477
-               5          13.4423
-               6           13.518
-               7          13.3126
-               8          13.2325
-               9          12.8703
-              10          12.6913
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1           9.2551
-               2          11.0644
-               3           11.166
-               4          11.8561
-               5          12.0991
-               6           12.114
-               7          12.1044
-               8          11.6901
-               9           11.432
-              10           11.395
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/simple.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/simple.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a6fce..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/simple.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
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- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type logy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 10
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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- at with g2
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- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
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- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          68.7756
-         4.12834          4.09795
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          94.2147
-         4.12834          5.52827
-         8.30171         0.392149
-         12.6165        0.0273114
-         16.8531       0.00192239
-         21.0883      0.000134472
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-         38.1219      3.42477e-09
-         43.2924      2.53578e-10
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-         33.7925      2.25315e-07
-         38.1219      1.59477e-08
-         43.2924      1.16851e-09
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               1          16.7829
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-               7          14.5418
-               8          14.4269
-               9          14.3739
-              10          14.2603
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               4          14.8788
-               5          14.7604
-               6          14.6309
-               7          14.5822
-               8          14.4851
-               9          14.4525
-              10          14.3549
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1          12.5303
-               2          13.1804
-               3          13.3082
-               4          13.3014
-               5          13.2925
-               6          13.3347
-               7          13.5567
-               8          13.6163
-               9          13.6723
-              10          13.6699
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/simple1.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/simple1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fd634b..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/simple1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
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- at with g1
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- at g1 label off
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- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
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- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type xy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
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- at with g3
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- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world ymax 1
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-@    view xmax 0.970000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               0          68.7601
-               1          4.37044
-               2         0.333922
-               3        0.0240846
-               4       0.00179362
-               5      0.000128029
-               6      9.54205e-06
-               7      6.72418e-07
-               8      5.01145e-08
-               9      3.46759e-09
-              10      2.55606e-10
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               0          94.2147
-               1          5.92804
-               2         0.454225
-               3        0.0331059
-               4       0.00248996
-               5      0.000178895
-               6      1.33472e-05
-               7      9.39835e-07
-               8      6.94743e-08
-               9      4.79044e-09
-              10      3.50615e-10
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               0          266.419
-               1          23.0154
-               2          1.82221
-               3         0.139843
-               4        0.0112388
-               5      0.000825736
-               6      6.86562e-05
-               7      5.07383e-06
-               8      4.13429e-07
-               9      3.03511e-08
-              10         2.29e-09
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          68.7601
-         27.3014          4.37044
-         54.5952         0.333922
-         81.9568        0.0240846
-         109.247       0.00179362
-         136.538      0.000128029
-         163.914      9.54205e-06
-         191.207      6.72418e-07
-         218.486      5.01145e-08
-         245.857      3.46759e-09
-         273.174      2.55606e-10
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          94.2147
-         27.3014          5.92804
-         54.5952         0.454225
-         81.9568        0.0331059
-         109.247       0.00248996
-         136.538      0.000178895
-         163.914      1.33472e-05
-         191.207      9.39835e-07
-         218.486      6.94743e-08
-         245.857      4.79044e-09
-         273.174      3.50615e-10
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-           7e-06          266.419
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-         136.538      0.000825736
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-         191.207      5.07383e-06
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-         245.857      3.03511e-08
-         273.174         2.29e-09
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               1           15.733
-               2          14.3498
-               3          14.1862
-               4          13.9927
-               5          13.9961
-               6          13.8979
-               7          13.9393
-               8           13.873
-               9          13.9362
-              10          13.8988
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               9          13.9235
-              10          13.8972
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1          11.5757
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-               8          12.6225
-               9          12.7298
-              10          12.7812
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
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deleted file mode 100644
index 49f505d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/sphere.xmgr
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@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type xy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden true
- at g3 type xy
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- at g3 fixedpoint off
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world ymax 1
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-          3.8513          4.04379
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-         19.2591      0.000101119
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-         38.5372      1.99406e-09
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-          3.8513          5.46272
-         7.70431         0.382558
-         11.5567         0.026554
-         15.4072       0.00189928
-         19.2591      0.000145712
-           23.11      1.35067e-05
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-         34.6876      2.73475e-08
-         38.5372       3.7229e-09
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-          3.8513          21.3244
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-         11.5567         0.147573
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-         19.2591       0.00150019
-           23.11      0.000167009
-         26.9617      1.88748e-05
-         30.8107      2.31622e-06
-         34.6876      2.85604e-07
-         38.5372      3.66981e-08
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               1          16.8917
-               2          15.5457
-               3          15.2201
-               4          14.9578
-               5           14.653
-               6          14.1149
-               7          13.3984
-               8          12.5751
-               9          11.8657
-              10          11.3103
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               1           17.149
-               2          15.6486
-               3          15.2232
-               4          14.9027
-               5          14.5088
-               6          13.8097
-               7          12.9418
-               8          12.1136
-               9          11.4661
-              10          10.9667
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1          12.4551
-               2           12.855
-               3          12.1639
-               4          11.6855
-               5          11.2103
-               6          10.8039
-               7          10.5001
-               8          10.1726
-               9          9.91963
-              10          9.68184
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/sphere1.xmgr b/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/sphere1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff69a3..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/reference3D/sphere1.xmgr
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@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type xy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 2
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden true
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world ymax 1
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major grid off
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-@    frame on
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-@    frame background color 0
- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               0          72.0456
-               1          4.74128
-               2         0.340105
-               3        0.0319725
-               4       0.00344747
-               5      0.000448412
-               6       6.6146e-05
-               7      1.00315e-05
-               8      1.72803e-06
-               9      3.68995e-07
-              10      8.03628e-08
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               0          97.2707
-               1          6.66922
-               2         0.541362
-               3        0.0721504
-               4        0.0105682
-               5       0.00158918
-               6      0.000243535
-               7      3.80683e-05
-               8      6.22111e-06
-               9       1.0848e-06
-              10      2.01171e-07
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               0          266.239
-               1          55.4508
-               2          5.78481
-               3         0.940554
-               4         0.170091
-               5        0.0295212
-               6       0.00486485
-               7      0.000783464
-               8      0.000126297
-               9      2.06361e-05
-              10      3.43965e-06
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          72.0456
-         8.65981          4.74128
-         17.3203         0.340105
-         25.9707        0.0319725
-         34.6291       0.00344747
-         43.2784      0.000448412
-         51.9247       6.6146e-05
-         60.5738      1.00315e-05
-         69.2837      1.72803e-06
-         77.9846      3.68995e-07
-         86.6425      8.03628e-08
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          97.2707
-         8.65981          6.66922
-         17.3203         0.541362
-         25.9707        0.0721504
-         34.6291        0.0105682
-         43.2784       0.00158918
-         51.9247      0.000243535
-         60.5738      3.80683e-05
-         69.2837      6.22111e-06
-         77.9846       1.0848e-06
-         86.6425      2.01171e-07
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-           8e-06          266.239
-         8.65981          55.4508
-         17.3203          5.78481
-         25.9707         0.940554
-         34.6291         0.170091
-         43.2784        0.0295212
-         51.9247       0.00486485
-         60.5738      0.000783464
-         69.2837      0.000126297
-         77.9846      2.06361e-05
-         86.6425      3.43965e-06
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               1          15.1954
-               2          14.5545
-               3          13.1102
-               4          12.0234
-               5          10.9948
-               6          10.1434
-               7          9.53813
-               8          8.96411
-               9           8.3402
-              10          7.85697
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               1           14.585
-               2          13.4044
-               3          11.0471
-               4          9.79479
-               5          9.06487
-               6          8.58164
-               7          8.22897
-               8          7.92984
-               9          7.64937
-              10          7.38655
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               1          4.80136
-               2          6.78409
-               3          6.56593
-               4          6.28996
-               5          6.18056
-               6           6.1617
-               7          6.16849
-               8          6.17284
-               9          6.16697
-              10          6.15001
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/report.sh b/test/poisson/convergence/report.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ae73775..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/report.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: test files
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: report.sh REFERENCES"
-    echo "  REFERENCES: reference xmgr files. example: \"reference/*.xmgr\""
-    exit 1;
-if test -e figures; then 
-    :
-    mkdir figures;
-if test -e test; then 
-    :
-    mkdir test;
-cat <<EOF > $texfile.tex
-{\bf Tests of convergence of Poisson solver} \\\\
-../poisson -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $0 "\\\\"}' >> $texfile.tex
-echo "`uname -a` \\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "Total running time: `cat timestamp` s\\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-cat <<EOF >> $texfile.tex
-\today \\\\
-for file in $1; do
-    testfile=test/`basename $file`
-    sname=`basename $file | awk '{print substr ($1, 1, index ($1, ".") - 1)}'`
-    xmgrace -hardcopy -noask -hdevice EPS -printfile figures/$sname.eps -param divfig.par $file $testfile
-    echo "\\begin{figure}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\begin{center}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\psfig{file=figures/$sname.eps, width=\\hsize}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\end{center}" >> $texfile.tex
-    esname=`echo $sname | awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)if($i=="_")printf("\\\_"); else printf("%s", $i);}'`
-    echo "\\caption{$esname: {\tt `awk -f ../command.awk < $file`}}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\end{figure}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\clearpage" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "\\end{document}" >> $texfile.tex
-latex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile.tex > /dev/null 2>&1
-dvips $texfile.dvi -o $texfile.ps > /dev/null 2>&1
-rm -f $texfile.log $texfile.aux $texfile.dvi
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/runcomp.sh b/test/poisson/convergence/runcomp.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 44eaa89..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/runcomp.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: xmgr file 
-# $2: options
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: runcomp.sh REFERENCE [OPTIONS]"
-    echo "  REFERENCE: an xmgr reference file"
-    exit 1;
-command=`awk -f ../command.awk < $1`
-options=`transform -h 2>&1 | awk -f ../options.awk`
-options="$options `../shapes -h 2>&1 | awk -f ../options.awk`"
-options="$options `../poisson -h 2>&1 | awk -f ../options.awk`"
-for replace in $options; do
-    command=`echo $command | sed $replace`;
-./runfig.sh "$command" $2
diff --git a/test/poisson/convergence/runfig.sh b/test/poisson/convergence/runfig.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ca43aa..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/convergence/runfig.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: command line
-# $2: options
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: runfig.sh COMMAND [OPTIONS]"
-    exit 1;
-/bin/sh -c "$1 > /tmp/tutu 2>&1"
-if test $2; then
-    ./divfig.sh /tmp/tutu "$1" > /tmp/divfig
-    xmgr -graph 0 -autoscale xy -graph 1 -autoscale xy -graph 2 -autoscale xy /tmp/divfig -p divfig.par
-    ./divfig.sh /tmp/tutu "$1"
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/circlescale b/test/poisson/misc/circlescale
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d95e9..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/circlescale
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-1 15.6507 10.7033
-1.01 16.7651 10.8506
-1.02 17.4357 11.4565
-1.03 17.6932 12.118
-1.04 19.4795 13.4601
-1.05 20.7459 15.0191
-1.06 21.836 17.1156
-1.07 21.4505 15.2298
-1.08 22.2195 17.4628
-1.09 20.5276 14.4977
-1.1 20.2664 14.0521
-1.11 19.7588 13.7709
-1.12 20.9011 16.5732
-1.13 20.4406 15.5407
-1.14 21.1927 16.1353
-1.15 19.8687 14.2327
-1.16 19.7206 15.4735
-1.17 19.4718 15.8418
-1.18 21.4836 18.4166
-1.19 20.2428 14.79
-1.2 19.1637 14.1524
-1.21 18.9865 14.2937
-1.22 19.386 14.7999
-1.23 20.3133 15.531
-1.24 21.1352 16.9557
-1.25 20.3587 15.3711
-1.26 18.9689 13.6166
-1.27 17.9629 15.0415
-1.28 16.8709 14.6242
-1.29 16.5409 14.2237
-1.3 18.2715 14.3894
-1.31 17.61 13.2047
-1.32 16.4716 12.1469
-1.33 18.7878 14.5304
-1.34 19.7945 15.8202
-1.35 20.2926 15.4623
-1.36 20.9539 17.5608
-1.37 19.6285 14.6002
-1.38 18.1485 13.4078
-1.39 15.5131 11.2801
-1.4 15.8757 13.3121
-1.41 17.1441 14.4393
-1.42 19.2469 15.7659
-1.43 19.082 15.6026
-1.44 18.2466 14.7845
-1.45 16.3099 12.5778
-1.46 13.8634 11.0271
-1.47 14.7862 11.3358
-1.48 15.1172 11.0431
-1.49 14.2817 10.2432
-1.5 14.8103 11.2773
-1.51 16.1212 12.3756
-1.52 14.9166 11.2619
-1.53 17.6989 13.5803
-1.54 15.7785 12.1239
-1.55 15.8359 12.167
-1.56 17.7545 12.8127
-1.57 16.1323 12.1086
-1.58 16.8643 13.095
-1.59 19.1305 14.528
-1.6 20.018 14.7876
-1.61 18.4137 16.0977
-1.62 17.783 14.7394
-1.63 14.9197 11.768
-1.64 17.7729 14.7662
-1.65 17.7903 14.2795
-1.66 15.1656 11.5505
-1.67 15.3438 12.4214
-1.68 15.6517 12.1153
-1.69 18.0594 15.5706
-1.7 13.5601 11.2885
-1.71 13.5473 10.8264
-1.72 16.6877 13.4737
-1.73 15.1667 12.8408
-1.74 14.769 11.9381
-1.75 16.7336 13.325
-1.76 12.6577 10.7016
-1.77 13.9559 11.3404
-1.78 14.5896 11.8009
-1.79 12.9475 10.2987
-1.8 12.3774 10.0546
-1.81 10.5709 8.5156
-1.82 7.82996 6.16584
-1.83 8.02207 6.18434
-1.84 7.83539 6.311
-1.85 7.51821 5.76768
-1.86 7.44172 5.75925
-1.87 7.56753 5.92195
-1.88 9.66085 7.13103
-1.89 6.70508 5.3675
-1.9 6.1107 4.92657
-1.91 5.77902 4.72489
-1.92 4.9517 3.82283
-1.93 4.17897 3.19732
-1.94 3.56008 2.90917
-1.95 2.83996 2.13388
-1.96 2.00432 1.57793
-1.97 1.5132 1.19012
-1.98 1.04577 0.82902
-1.99 0.599171 0.469196
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/circlescale.sh b/test/poisson/misc/circlescale.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 71ab0dd..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/circlescale.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for scale in `seq 1 0.01 2`; do
-  rate=`./shapes ellipse | transform --scale $scale | ./poisson -v 6 5 4 -s - 2>&1 | awk -f divergence_rate.awk | awk '{ avg = $3; max = $4;}END{print avg " " max;}'`
-  echo $scale $rate
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/diamondscale b/test/poisson/misc/diamondscale
deleted file mode 100644
index 68fede2..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/diamondscale
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-1 5.41518 3.88882
-1.01 5.63452 4.06047
-1.02 5.92775 4.31234
-1.03 6.26526 4.64566
-1.04 6.67359 5.11563
-1.05 7.19958 5.42061
-1.06 7.90201 5.70375
-1.07 8.27898 5.87461
-1.08 8.3528 5.96823
-1.09 8.43567 6.14527
-1.1 8.54593 6.46174
-1.11 8.72738 6.36431
-1.12 9.09479 6.4585
-1.13 9.77541 6.91919
-1.14 10.3532 7.4768
-1.15 11.0289 8.40788
-1.16 11.5256 9.01905
-1.17 11.3653 8.50723
-1.18 11.0325 8.16486
-1.19 11.1631 8.31658
-1.2 10.3033 7.60003
-1.21 9.50629 7.1162
-1.22 8.77716 6.80354
-1.23 8.11956 6.11468
-1.24 7.55155 5.52953
-1.25 7.13583 5.13377
-1.26 7.05193 5.08086
-1.27 6.99049 5.08945
-1.28 6.95602 5.16875
-1.29 6.96557 5.36825
-1.3 7.05561 5.33891
-1.31 7.29209 5.24588
-1.32 7.27702 5.13426
-1.33 6.94462 4.95754
-1.34 6.62078 4.84876
-1.35 6.31412 4.81015
-1.36 6.04237 4.46312
-1.37 5.8475 4.22306
-1.38 5.79521 4.16532
-1.39 5.66728 4.1193
-1.4 5.53783 4.10446
-1.41 5.4197 4.14763
-1.42 5.33316 4.17383
-1.43 5.30979 4.00118
-1.44 5.37752 3.86202
-1.45 5.02664 3.66897
-1.46 4.6841 3.53361
-1.47 4.35557 3.36107
-1.48 4.04894 3.09028
-1.49 3.7774 2.81481
-1.5 3.57209 2.62426
-1.51 3.57366 2.63759
-1.52 3.58724 2.67751
-1.53 3.60391 2.7449
-1.54 3.63326 2.86483
-1.55 3.69314 2.85443
-1.56 3.81627 2.87021
-1.57 3.8363 2.83161
-1.58 3.69201 2.76725
-1.59 3.54808 2.7378
-1.6 3.40932 2.67826
-1.61 3.28504 2.50335
-1.62 3.19616 2.38017
-1.63 3.16742 2.34566
-1.64 3.07585 2.3063
-1.65 2.98413 2.28053
-1.66 2.89919 2.28236
-1.67 2.83162 2.28187
-1.68 2.79875 2.17884
-1.69 2.82906 2.0959
-1.7 2.62944 1.99666
-1.71 2.43585 1.89464
-1.72 2.25084 1.79001
-1.73 2.07789 1.64139
-1.74 1.92318 1.48967
-1.75 1.80199 1.38069
-1.76 1.7383 1.34236
-1.77 1.67033 1.30736
-1.78 1.60382 1.28057
-1.79 1.54306 1.22839
-1.8 1.49475 1.18394
-1.81 1.47085 1.14337
-1.82 1.40865 1.09827
-1.83 1.28413 0.991326
-1.84 1.16669 0.88499
-1.85 1.05725 0.789229
-1.86 0.957627 0.704787
-1.87 0.872048 0.634258
-1.88 0.803078 0.580251
-1.89 0.71593 0.516788
-1.9 0.633697 0.457728
-1.91 0.557397 0.403439
-1.92 0.4884 0.355341
-1.93 0.428982 0.316129
-1.94 0.383716 0.282504
-1.95 0.304782 0.228892
-1.96 0.233629 0.176118
-1.97 0.170593 0.124133
-1.98 0.116184 0.0824355
-1.99 0.0709912 0.0496628
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/diamondscale.sh b/test/poisson/misc/diamondscale.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 00dcd81..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/diamondscale.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for scale in `seq 1 0.01 2`; do
-  rate=`./shapes ellipse --number 4 | transform --scale $scale | ./poisson -v 6 5 4 -s - 2>&1 | awk -f divergence_rate.awk | awk '{ avg = $3; max = $4;}END{print avg " " max;}'`
-  echo $scale $rate
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/ellipse4pos b/test/poisson/misc/ellipse4pos
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a1461..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/ellipse4pos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
--0.1 7.92968 6.42435
--0.099 7.90828 6.25933
--0.098 7.89054 6.10811
--0.097 7.87323 5.97342
--0.096 7.8638 5.90487
--0.095 7.8545 5.87873
--0.094 7.83816 5.85106
--0.093 7.8416 5.93939
--0.092 7.83542 6.09054
--0.091 7.82913 6.24515
--0.09 7.82638 6.41417
--0.089 7.81529 6.47364
--0.088 7.79513 6.53612
--0.087 7.77386 6.61015
--0.086 7.75293 6.64704
--0.085 7.72875 6.69014
--0.084 7.70749 6.74603
--0.083 7.68962 6.71824
--0.082 7.67922 6.75397
--0.081 7.66981 6.76595
--0.08 7.66318 6.71661
--0.079 7.64027 6.63059
--0.078 7.69229 6.58097
--0.077 7.88132 6.68626
--0.076 7.96858 6.74836
--0.075 8.03277 6.80939
--0.074 8.07322 6.86276
--0.073 8.1014 6.92003
--0.072 8.13076 6.97793
--0.071 8.1483 6.99142
--0.07 8.15348 6.83042
--0.069 8.16052 6.59853
--0.068 8.16552 6.41753
--0.067 8.1572 6.25443
--0.066 8.16303 6.11974
--0.065 8.18034 6.03974
--0.064 8.19414 6.02804
--0.063 8.22086 6.01537
--0.062 8.28515 6.11334
--0.061 8.36658 6.26671
--0.06 8.4881 6.50045
--0.059 8.62061 6.74073
--0.058 8.76745 6.84689
--0.057 8.93947 6.96007
--0.056 9.10617 7.07797
--0.055 9.32567 7.22072
--0.054 9.58341 7.38696
--0.053 9.8526 7.58249
--0.052 10.1159 7.80131
--0.051 10.4489 8.09524
--0.05 10.853 8.45985
--0.049 11.2937 8.89048
--0.048 11.7727 9.42152
--0.047 12.2016 10.0165
--0.046 12.505 10.362
--0.045 12.7608 10.5825
--0.044 13.0658 10.7233
--0.043 13.3445 10.8253
--0.042 13.5245 10.5471
--0.041 13.7498 10.3504
--0.04 13.9749 10.2084
--0.039 14.2403 10.172
--0.038 14.4024 10.1336
--0.037 14.674 10.1319
--0.036 15.0498 10.2517
--0.035 15.3668 10.2809
--0.034 15.6878 10.4458
--0.033 16.0408 10.8363
--0.032 16.7837 11.5151
--0.031 17.4918 13.0582
--0.03 17.8657 13.3182
--0.029 17.9821 13.463
--0.028 17.7859 13.4332
--0.027 17.5701 13.2501
--0.026 17.26 12.9535
--0.025 16.9729 12.7039
--0.024 16.9507 12.7147
--0.023 17.1339 13.0034
--0.022 17.2863 13.0677
--0.021 17.584 12.6773
--0.02 17.7178 12.4554
--0.019 17.6772 12.4217
--0.018 17.764 12.7391
--0.017 17.6968 13.0973
--0.016 17.1253 12.6392
--0.015 17.6937 12.7443
--0.014 18.3067 13.8467
--0.013 18.6642 14.6298
--0.012 18.5809 14.4892
--0.011 18.1706 14.1734
--0.01 17.4382 13.6854
--0.009 16.7908 12.6888
--0.008 16.3547 11.9838
--0.007 15.8186 11.3761
--0.006 15.3435 10.9216
--0.005 14.7697 10.5225
--0.004 14.4082 10.1794
--0.003 13.991 9.80108
--0.002 13.6498 9.48743
--0.001 13.4584 9.29678
--3.46945e-18 13.2139 9.10652
-0.001 13.1732 9.06604
-0.002 13.0714 8.96616
-0.003 13.1605 9.11276
-0.004 13.427 9.50028
-0.005 13.6034 9.88724
-0.006 13.9232 10.4354
-0.007 14.2096 10.8756
-0.008 14.5345 11.3345
-0.009 14.8002 11.7235
-0.01 15.1678 11.9552
-0.011 15.7113 12.2797
-0.012 16.3182 12.8284
-0.013 16.7169 13.1844
-0.014 17.027 13.4959
-0.015 17.4274 13.8326
-0.016 17.3748 14.0206
-0.017 17.5656 14.2382
-0.018 17.527 14.2796
-0.019 17.2933 13.4017
-0.02 17.1612 13.2383
-0.021 16.9829 13.3341
-0.022 16.6144 13.0606
-0.023 16.5223 12.8897
-0.024 16.3758 12.8076
-0.025 16.421 12.5994
-0.026 16.7397 12.8462
-0.027 16.987 12.5467
-0.028 17.0342 12.1686
-0.029 16.9189 11.9149
-0.03 16.7681 11.7441
-0.031 16.6083 11.575
-0.032 16.1411 11.481
-0.033 15.7102 11.4438
-0.034 15.5466 11.6557
-0.035 15.1362 11.7152
-0.036 14.5922 11.1127
-0.037 14.0322 10.5218
-0.038 13.5863 10.1096
-0.039 13.453 10.1007
-0.04 13.2615 10.1011
-0.041 13.1177 10.1186
-0.042 12.989 9.92465
-0.043 12.9014 9.8435
-0.044 12.7027 9.69959
-0.045 12.4795 9.6886
-0.046 12.3145 9.74159
-0.047 12.1339 9.71286
-0.048 11.8604 9.47383
-0.049 11.5227 9.21317
-0.05 11.2131 8.99279
-0.051 10.9023 8.82359
-0.052 10.6337 8.67747
-0.053 10.4206 8.5671
-0.054 10.2117 8.36248
-0.055 10.018 7.88124
-0.056 9.84234 7.48976
-0.057 9.67112 7.15494
-0.058 9.48931 6.85345
-0.059 9.33996 6.61502
-0.06 9.20455 6.44968
-0.061 9.07165 6.35001
-0.062 8.99704 6.25851
-0.063 8.9252 6.28886
-0.064 8.89302 6.41679
-0.065 8.90441 6.60468
-0.066 8.92811 6.77974
-0.067 8.96361 6.85385
-0.068 9.01213 6.96133
-0.069 9.05121 7.07939
-0.07 9.1132 7.21964
-0.071 9.18165 7.39019
-0.072 9.22673 7.46496
-0.073 9.26142 7.54169
-0.074 9.30133 7.64969
-0.075 9.30711 7.75054
-0.076 9.25827 7.84507
-0.077 9.20781 7.85345
-0.078 9.09493 7.83273
-0.079 9.05526 7.88579
-0.08 9.12691 7.95499
-0.081 9.16665 8.00307
-0.082 9.20859 8.05363
-0.083 9.2628 8.0505
-0.084 9.32852 8.03254
-0.085 9.39861 8.01645
-0.086 9.47079 8.02255
-0.087 9.54108 7.90957
-0.088 9.58141 7.78198
-0.089 9.62262 7.67337
-0.09 9.65205 7.56382
-0.091 9.66079 7.45879
-0.092 9.68978 7.49686
-0.093 9.73611 7.48184
-0.094 9.72393 7.47604
-0.095 9.77246 7.66062
-0.096 9.8019 7.86726
-0.097 9.81285 8.06912
-0.098 9.84092 8.25518
-0.099 9.89278 8.34888
-0.1 9.99564 8.3863
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/ellipse4pos.sh b/test/poisson/misc/ellipse4pos.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2748869..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/ellipse4pos.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for pos in `seq -0.1 0.001 0.1`; do
-  rate=`./shapes 4ellipses | transform --ty $pos | ./poisson -v 6 5 4 -s - 2>&1 | awk -f divergence_rate.awk | awk '{ avg = $3; max = $4;}END{print avg " " max;}'`
-  echo $pos $rate
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/icirclepos b/test/poisson/misc/icirclepos
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b37567..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/icirclepos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
--0.25 26.052 22.759
--0.249 20.9312 18.6026
--0.248 19.1941 18.6358
--0.247 19.3192 18.2959
--0.246 18.5079 16.2802
--0.245 18.1824 16.6514
--0.244 18.2557 18.0706
--0.243 17.9242 17.7732
--0.242 17.5625 17.3583
--0.241 18.3117 17.8943
--0.24 19.1059 18.4063
--0.239 20.0469 18.9684
--0.238 20.2023 17.6894
--0.237 21.032 16.6688
--0.236 21.313 16.816
--0.235 21.4259 17.1256
--0.234 21.5082 18.3146
--0.233 19.8727 18.4072
--0.232 19.2532 18.0125
--0.231 19.4779 18.1201
--0.23 18.6776 17.7339
--0.229 18.7922 18.0924
--0.228 18.8737 18.4239
--0.227 18.4316 18.3435
--0.226 18.4221 18.4109
--0.225 13.4218 13.8954
--0.224 20.4455 20.0058
--0.223 21.8593 21.0889
--0.222 22.6259 21.714
--0.221 25.1266 21.3592
--0.22 23.6181 20.3422
--0.219 25.9714 21.5066
--0.218 21.9843 21.3419
--0.217 19.9193 19.8954
--0.216 20.3123 20.2298
--0.215 20.2546 20.0447
--0.214 19.5745 19.3489
--0.213 19.9078 19.2206
--0.212 19.7775 19.0757
--0.211 19.2696 18.8214
--0.21 19.923 19.4866
--0.209 21.0202 20.151
--0.208 22.7737 20.2608
--0.207 23.418 19.5506
--0.206 24.2427 19.2229
--0.205 22.2608 19.6875
--0.204 22.4876 20.0417
--0.203 24.8716 21.9021
--0.202 20.8802 19.3264
--0.201 19.8373 18.7544
--0.2 21.1323 19.8985
--0.199 20.5533 19.9449
--0.198 20.7375 20.3952
--0.197 21.5894 21.3074
--0.196 21.3414 21.0134
--0.195 20.8672 20.4272
--0.194 22.2045 21.0487
--0.193 24.6535 21.7302
--0.192 29.233 22.2669
--0.191 28.8314 23.3093
--0.19 24.6918 22.9843
--0.189 22.3389 21.3564
--0.188 24.5837 21.6472
--0.187 23.4236 20.3394
--0.186 20.8226 20.679
--0.185 21.1314 20.8196
--0.184 22.6431 21.8452
--0.183 21.3654 20.7557
--0.182 22.7312 21.7514
--0.181 24.1394 22.7701
--0.18 24.5641 22.9973
--0.179 24.5292 23.1381
--0.178 27.1005 25.0668
--0.177 28.5211 25.3697
--0.176 25.4192 22.4464
--0.175 24.5833 20.2802
--0.174 21.2454 19.7186
--0.173 21.5889 19.8236
--0.172 25.6854 22.4707
--0.171 21.7279 19.8017
--0.17 20.5186 18.9354
--0.169 22.5671 20.376
--0.168 23.6204 21.4169
--0.167 24.1962 22.3345
--0.166 27.4277 23.987
--0.165 28.5593 24.3358
--0.164 28.5055 23.2507
--0.163 28.1408 22.7206
--0.162 26.1733 22.1036
--0.161 23.3795 21.6015
--0.16 23.9661 22.3931
--0.159 22.4957 21.8644
--0.158 20.8035 20.8425
--0.157 22.3959 22.0164
--0.156 27.6203 23.1905
--0.155 22.0421 20.5892
--0.154 22.375 20.9506
--0.153 27.1923 22.7292
--0.152 26.5382 21.6038
--0.151 27.0698 21.8702
--0.15 24.1521 23.004
--0.149 22.6688 21.9262
--0.148 22.936 21.7986
--0.147 22.7833 21.2806
--0.146 21.6274 20.1945
--0.145 20.7459 19.3343
--0.144 21.6809 19.7191
--0.143 20.3502 18.9493
--0.142 20.5262 18.9786
--0.141 23.2825 20.7589
--0.14 22.5482 19.0576
--0.139 21.4843 18.3732
--0.138 22.9748 18.6585
--0.137 23.8808 20.0735
--0.136 24.8478 22.0734
--0.135 22.7722 21.0031
--0.134 21.2258 20.1969
--0.133 20.1674 19.5242
--0.132 20.5565 19.9485
--0.131 20.6224 20.2044
--0.13 20.0293 18.6612
--0.129 20.158 18.2587
--0.128 20.754 19.8803
--0.127 19.6903 19.3438
--0.126 21.1796 20.5154
--0.125 28.1778 23.2727
--0.124 23.5118 21.4161
--0.123 24.3358 21.5828
--0.122 26.4709 24.5138
--0.121 23.867 22.6291
--0.12 22.1589 21.4668
--0.119 20.4403 20.2585
--0.118 19.4012 19.4864
--0.117 18.9667 19.166
--0.116 19.48 19.612
--0.115 19.5402 19.6717
--0.114 19.2547 19.3119
--0.113 20.0738 19.8248
--0.112 19.9727 19.2052
--0.111 20.0092 18.8764
--0.11 22.5089 21.3995
--0.109 25.9105 21.3073
--0.108 24.1375 20.749
--0.107 25.6672 19.8471
--0.106 22.1332 19.3089
--0.105 21.6783 19.9202
--0.104 20.1727 19.7662
--0.103 19.0275 19.0226
--0.102 18.1306 17.9418
--0.101 18.318 17.8333
--0.1 13.5245 13.6801
--0.099 18.7706 17.9809
--0.098 18.8826 18.1843
--0.097 19.8389 19.0799
--0.096 19.5518 19.0881
--0.095 20.8408 20.1102
--0.094 26.481 23.866
--0.093 25.5351 22.1545
--0.092 27.5919 22.983
--0.091 23.7231 22.588
--0.09 20.9178 20.5784
--0.089 20.0421 19.8814
--0.088 18.914 18.9649
--0.087 18.0973 18.2085
--0.086 17.3973 17.5613
--0.085 17.8956 17.9798
--0.084 18.286 18.3372
--0.083 18.3429 18.4194
--0.082 18.879 18.6909
--0.081 19.4889 19.0165
--0.08 19.4405 18.4996
--0.079 21.5738 20.1984
--0.078 25.0642 22.3108
--0.077 24.684 21.4728
--0.076 23.7175 18.8762
--0.075 20.8062 19.1128
--0.074 19.791 19.1832
--0.073 18.8649 18.7454
--0.072 18.1847 18.2482
--0.071 17.3184 17.5037
--0.07 17.1023 17.3027
--0.069 17.6679 17.7676
--0.068 17.9108 17.7663
--0.067 17.9981 17.3083
--0.066 18.8757 18.1386
--0.065 19.33 18.596
--0.064 20.3222 19.6683
--0.063 22.6405 17.3335
--0.062 24.7949 18.4037
--0.061 25.2453 21.1243
--0.06 21.9664 20.7845
--0.059 19.6517 19.1501
--0.058 18.8984 18.485
--0.057 18.1461 18.0542
--0.056 17.4799 17.5926
--0.055 16.7611 17.007
--0.054 17.0322 17.2549
--0.053 17.6835 17.8169
--0.052 17.814 17.9153
--0.051 18.2426 18.2068
--0.05 19.1119 18.8698
--0.049 19.4641 18.8218
--0.048 21.5836 20.658
--0.047 25.6605 22.2274
--0.046 25.5377 22.2864
--0.045 22.7721 19.012
--0.044 20.3869 18.8273
--0.043 19.0269 18.6618
--0.042 18.2765 18.2526
--0.041 17.6366 17.7613
--0.04 17.0029 17.2182
--0.039 16.4817 16.6756
--0.038 17.051 17.2866
--0.037 17.5098 17.6969
--0.036 17.8142 17.7939
--0.035 18.5146 18.447
--0.034 19.3915 19.2827
--0.033 20.3238 19.9501
--0.032 23.2611 21.3513
--0.031 26.0228 22.1824
--0.03 24.2314 22.614
--0.029 21.0695 20.3115
--0.028 19.2933 18.9076
--0.027 18.4052 18.1736
--0.026 17.7618 17.6352
--0.025 17.2253 17.1758
--0.024 16.5793 16.6327
--0.023 16.5096 16.5519
--0.022 17.1127 17.0152
--0.021 17.4794 17.2486
--0.02 17.8373 17.4291
--0.019 18.6153 17.9269
--0.018 19.4317 18.451
--0.017 20.8107 19.2985
--0.016 21.789 18.2984
--0.015 21.6342 17.6446
--0.014 20.5648 17.7547
--0.013 19.2959 17.5036
--0.012 18.4092 17.415
--0.011 17.847 17.2373
--0.01 17.4071 16.9981
--0.009 16.9131 16.6299
--0.008 16.2994 16.1467
--0.007 16.6556 16.5137
--0.006 17.1601 16.9299
--0.005 17.4756 16.7803
--0.004 17.9934 16.2145
--0.003 18.9907 17.9624
--0.002 20.0135 18.9518
--0.001 22.048 17.4168
-5.20417e-18 24.6804 23.588
-0.001 22.048 17.4168
-0.002 20.0135 18.9518
-0.003 18.9907 17.9624
-0.004 17.9934 16.2145
-0.005 17.4756 16.7803
-0.006 17.1601 16.9299
-0.007 16.6556 16.5137
-0.008 16.2994 16.1467
-0.009 16.9131 16.6299
-0.01 17.4071 16.9981
-0.011 17.847 17.2373
-0.012 18.4092 17.415
-0.013 19.2959 17.5036
-0.014 20.5648 17.7547
-0.015 21.6342 17.6446
-0.016 21.789 18.2984
-0.017 20.8107 19.2985
-0.018 19.4317 18.451
-0.019 18.6153 17.9269
-0.02 17.8373 17.4291
-0.021 17.4794 17.2486
-0.022 17.1127 17.0152
-0.023 16.5096 16.5519
-0.024 16.5793 16.6327
-0.025 12.1212 12.3408
-0.026 17.7618 17.6352
-0.027 18.4052 18.1736
-0.028 19.2933 18.9076
-0.029 21.0695 20.3115
-0.03 24.2314 22.614
-0.031 26.0228 22.1824
-0.032 23.2611 21.3513
-0.033 20.3238 19.9501
-0.034 19.3915 19.2827
-0.035 18.5146 18.447
-0.036 17.8142 17.7939
-0.037 17.5098 17.6969
-0.038 17.051 17.2866
-0.039 16.4817 16.6756
-0.04 17.0029 17.2182
-0.041 17.6366 17.7613
-0.042 18.2765 18.2526
-0.043 19.0269 18.6618
-0.044 20.3869 18.8273
-0.045 22.7721 19.012
-0.046 25.5377 22.2864
-0.047 25.6605 22.2274
-0.048 21.5836 20.658
-0.049 19.4641 18.8218
-0.05 19.1119 18.8698
-0.051 18.2426 18.2068
-0.052 17.814 17.9153
-0.053 17.6835 17.8169
-0.054 17.0322 17.2549
-0.055 16.7611 17.007
-0.056 17.4799 17.5926
-0.057 18.1461 18.0542
-0.058 18.8984 18.485
-0.059 19.6517 19.1501
-0.06 21.9663 20.7844
-0.061 25.2452 21.1244
-0.062 24.7949 18.4037
-0.063 22.6405 17.3335
-0.064 20.3221 19.6683
-0.065 19.33 18.596
-0.066 18.8756 18.1385
-0.067 17.9981 17.3083
-0.068 17.9108 17.7663
-0.069 17.6679 17.7676
-0.07 17.1023 17.3027
-0.071 17.3184 17.5037
-0.072 18.1847 18.2482
-0.073 18.8649 18.7454
-0.074 19.791 19.1832
-0.075 20.8062 19.1128
-0.076 23.7175 18.8762
-0.077 24.684 21.4728
-0.078 25.0642 22.3108
-0.079 21.5738 20.1984
-0.08 19.4405 18.4997
-0.081 19.4889 19.0165
-0.082 18.879 18.6909
-0.083 18.3429 18.4194
-0.084 18.286 18.3372
-0.085 17.8956 17.9798
-0.086 17.3973 17.5613
-0.087 18.0972 18.2085
-0.088 18.914 18.9649
-0.089 20.0421 19.8814
-0.09 20.9177 20.5783
-0.091 23.723 22.5879
-0.092 27.5921 22.9831
-0.093 25.5352 22.1545
-0.094 26.4808 23.8661
-0.095 20.8408 20.1102
-0.096 19.5518 19.0881
-0.097 19.8389 19.0799
-0.098 18.8825 18.1843
-0.099 18.7706 17.9809
-0.1 18.8118 17.9846
-0.101 18.318 17.8333
-0.102 18.1306 17.9417
-0.103 19.0275 19.0226
-0.104 20.1727 19.7662
-0.105 21.6783 19.9202
-0.106 22.1332 19.3089
-0.107 25.6672 19.8471
-0.108 24.1375 20.749
-0.109 25.9105 21.3073
-0.11 22.5089 21.3996
-0.111 20.0092 18.8764
-0.112 19.9727 19.2052
-0.113 20.0738 19.8248
-0.114 19.2547 19.3119
-0.115 19.5402 19.6717
-0.116 19.48 19.612
-0.117 18.9667 19.166
-0.118 19.4011 19.4863
-0.119 20.4402 20.2585
-0.12 22.1588 21.4667
-0.121 23.8668 22.629
-0.122 26.4707 24.5136
-0.123 24.3359 21.5828
-0.124 23.5119 21.4161
-0.125 28.1778 23.2728
-0.126 21.1795 20.5153
-0.127 19.6903 19.3438
-0.128 20.7539 19.8803
-0.129 20.158 18.2588
-0.13 20.0292 18.6612
-0.131 20.6224 20.2043
-0.132 20.5564 19.9484
-0.133 20.1674 19.5241
-0.134 21.2258 20.1969
-0.135 22.7722 21.0031
-0.136 24.8478 22.0734
-0.137 23.8808 20.0735
-0.138 22.9748 18.6585
-0.139 21.4843 18.3732
-0.14 22.5482 19.0576
-0.141 23.2824 20.7589
-0.142 20.5262 18.9786
-0.143 20.3502 18.9492
-0.144 21.6808 19.719
-0.145 20.7459 19.3343
-0.146 21.6274 20.1945
-0.147 22.7832 21.2805
-0.148 22.9359 21.7985
-0.149 22.6687 21.9261
-0.15 16.3578 16.7741
-0.151 27.0697 21.8703
-0.152 26.5383 21.6039
-0.153 27.1924 22.7293
-0.154 22.3751 20.9507
-0.155 22.0421 20.5892
-0.156 27.6205 23.1906
-0.157 22.3959 22.0163
-0.158 20.8034 20.8424
-0.159 22.4956 21.8644
-0.16 23.966 22.3931
-0.161 23.3794 21.6014
-0.162 26.173 22.1034
-0.163 28.1404 22.7204
-0.164 28.5052 23.2505
-0.165 28.5592 24.3355
-0.166 27.4279 23.9871
-0.167 24.1963 22.3345
-0.168 23.6205 21.4168
-0.169 22.5671 20.376
-0.17 20.5186 18.9354
-0.171 21.728 19.8017
-0.172 25.6854 22.4706
-0.173 21.5888 19.8236
-0.174 21.2453 19.7186
-0.175 24.5832 20.2802
-0.176 25.4191 22.4465
-0.177 28.521 25.3698
-0.178 27.1007 25.067
-0.179 24.5295 23.1382
-0.18 24.5643 22.9974
-0.181 24.1396 22.7702
-0.182 22.7314 21.7515
-0.183 21.3655 20.7558
-0.184 22.6432 21.8453
-0.185 21.1315 20.8197
-0.186 20.8227 20.6791
-0.187 23.4238 20.3393
-0.188 24.5835 21.6471
-0.189 22.3389 21.3563
-0.19 24.6917 22.9843
-0.191 28.8316 23.3094
-0.192 29.2331 22.267
-0.193 24.6537 21.7302
-0.194 22.2046 21.0487
-0.195 20.8673 20.4272
-0.196 21.3415 21.0135
-0.197 21.5894 21.3074
-0.198 20.7375 20.3952
-0.199 20.5534 19.945
-0.2 21.1324 19.8985
-0.201 19.8374 18.7545
-0.202 20.8803 19.3264
-0.203 24.8717 21.9021
-0.204 22.4876 20.0417
-0.205 22.2607 19.6875
-0.206 24.2427 19.2229
-0.207 23.418 19.5506
-0.208 22.7737 20.2608
-0.209 21.0202 20.151
-0.21 19.9231 19.4866
-0.211 19.2697 18.8215
-0.212 19.7776 19.0758
-0.213 19.9079 19.2206
-0.214 19.5746 19.3489
-0.215 20.2547 20.0447
-0.216 20.3124 20.2299
-0.217 19.9193 19.8955
-0.218 21.9844 21.342
-0.219 25.9712 21.5065
-0.22 23.618 20.3422
-0.221 25.1265 21.3591
-0.222 22.626 21.7141
-0.223 21.8594 21.089
-0.224 20.4455 20.0059
-0.225 19.2697 19.0859
-0.226 18.4222 18.4109
-0.227 18.4317 18.3435
-0.228 18.8737 18.4239
-0.229 18.7922 18.0924
-0.23 18.6776 17.7339
-0.231 19.4779 18.1201
-0.232 19.2533 18.0125
-0.233 19.8727 18.4072
-0.234 21.5082 18.3146
-0.235 21.4259 17.1256
-0.236 21.3131 16.816
-0.237 21.032 16.6688
-0.238 20.2022 17.6894
-0.239 20.0469 18.9684
-0.24 19.1059 18.4063
-0.241 18.3117 17.8943
-0.242 17.5625 17.3583
-0.243 17.9242 17.7732
-0.244 18.2557 18.0706
-0.245 18.1824 16.6514
-0.246 18.508 16.2802
-0.247 19.3193 18.2958
-0.248 19.1941 18.6358
-0.249 20.9313 18.6026
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/icirclepos.sh b/test/poisson/misc/icirclepos.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index fbff455..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/icirclepos.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for pos in `seq -0.25 0.001 0.25`; do
-  rate=`./shapes ellipse | transform --revert --tx $pos | ./poisson -v 6 5 4 -s - 2>&1 | awk -f divergence_rate.awk | awk '{ avg = $3; max = $4;}END{print avg " " max;}'`
-  echo $pos $rate
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/istarpos b/test/poisson/misc/istarpos
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac4fe6..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/istarpos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
--0.25 3.14442 2.43015
--0.249 3.14377 2.41696
--0.248 3.13898 2.40169
--0.247 3.12595 2.38191
--0.246 3.10436 2.36858
--0.245 3.07776 2.35524
--0.244 3.0519 2.34189
--0.242 3.01804 2.32662
--0.241 3.06953 2.38329
--0.24 3.13106 2.44301
--0.239 3.18332 2.5288
--0.238 3.22163 2.60495
--0.237 3.24257 2.66765
--0.236 3.24653 2.72387
--0.235 3.24104 2.66206
--0.234 3.24153 2.63887
--0.233 3.26075 2.70296
--0.232 3.27952 2.7856
--0.231 3.28277 2.88488
--0.23 3.21958 2.70892
--0.228 3.09279 2.46943
--0.227 3.02851 2.38055
--0.226 2.95846 2.29665
--0.225 2.92966 2.264
--0.224 2.92167 2.2655
--0.223 2.93568 2.29858
--0.222 2.94246 2.32605
--0.221 2.93947 2.34596
--0.22 2.90422 2.34309
--0.219 2.87066 2.32625
--0.218 2.85191 2.29539
--0.217 2.83746 2.26786
--0.216 2.82451 2.2412
--0.215 2.8113 2.22162
--0.214 2.7961 2.20686
--0.211 2.76475 2.17689
--0.21 2.76997 2.1952
--0.209 2.78701 2.23406
--0.208 2.80009 2.28722
--0.207 2.80258 2.32815
--0.206 2.80057 2.36469
--0.205 2.79754 2.35334
--0.204 2.79598 2.32099
--0.203 2.80135 2.30375
--0.202 2.832 2.37881
--0.201 2.86115 2.47564
--0.2 2.88712 2.52079
--0.199 2.85866 2.42641
--0.198 2.82003 2.33303
--0.197 2.77392 2.26214
--0.196 2.72703 2.20983
--0.195 2.68517 2.16188
--0.194 2.6731 2.13767
--0.193 2.6699 2.12992
--0.192 2.69264 2.16456
--0.191 2.71002 2.19403
--0.19 2.72315 2.2193
--0.189 2.73084 2.24113
--0.188 2.73586 2.23496
--0.187 2.73946 2.22731
--0.186 2.741 2.21634
--0.182 2.70574 2.20224
--0.181 2.70354 2.20496
--0.18 2.70284 2.20815
--0.179 2.72977 2.22857
--0.178 2.79485 2.30333
--0.177 2.85653 2.37735
--0.176 2.91791 2.46532
--0.175 2.9773 2.54294
--0.174 3.0026 2.61523
--0.173 3.02107 2.68911
--0.172 3.03202 2.67103
--0.171 3.03504 2.62076
--0.17 3.02918 2.56498
--0.169 3.01499 2.5134
--0.168 2.97917 2.45753
--0.167 2.93313 2.39947
--0.166 2.88321 2.32986
--0.164 2.79768 2.24053
--0.16 2.85408 2.27237
--0.159 2.86573 2.28633
--0.158 2.87071 2.30678
--0.157 2.8731 2.33159
--0.156 2.87589 2.35371
--0.155 2.88262 2.36069
--0.154 2.88912 2.35133
--0.153 2.86662 2.31951
--0.152 2.83683 2.28071
--0.151 2.80272 2.23724
--0.15 2.78518 2.22338
--0.149 2.7786 2.23629
--0.148 2.80566 2.29662
--0.147 2.84483 2.35417
--0.146 2.88203 2.42502
--0.145 2.91799 2.52413
--0.144 2.95105 2.62975
--0.143 2.94375 2.52509
--0.142 2.92553 2.43956
--0.141 2.90586 2.3749
--0.14 2.89681 2.37938
--0.139 2.89109 2.41631
--0.138 2.88154 2.44323
--0.137 2.8621 2.38796
--0.128 2.78488 2.19465
--0.127 2.79739 2.21302
--0.126 2.80002 2.22504
--0.125 2.79971 2.23585
--0.124 2.79604 2.24471
--0.123 2.78959 2.23874
--0.122 2.77815 2.21548
--0.121 2.761 2.18791
--0.12 2.73857 2.15528
--0.119 2.72274 2.13248
--0.118 2.73393 2.15614
--0.117 2.76331 2.19153
--0.116 2.81321 2.24475
--0.114 2.90864 2.39924
--0.113 2.94547 2.51389
--0.112 2.94337 2.44936
--0.111 2.91071 2.33964
--0.11 2.87218 2.25129
--0.109 2.84241 2.21769
--0.108 2.8303 2.23699
--0.107 2.81906 2.26883
--0.106 2.80622 2.31567
--0.105 2.79181 2.29857
--0.103 2.74571 2.19101
--0.102 2.72527 2.14699
--0.101 2.715 2.15054
--0.1 2.6861 2.14736
--0.099 2.66912 2.15164
--0.098 2.65664 2.15938
--0.097 2.64395 2.16648
--0.096 2.62953 2.18336
--0.095 2.61621 2.20116
--0.094 2.60321 2.21881
--0.093 2.60742 2.24545
--0.092 2.61857 2.25851
--0.091 2.62376 2.2451
--0.09 2.61598 2.21386
--0.089 2.60758 2.17865
--0.087 2.61898 2.15837
--0.086 2.64156 2.18659
--0.085 2.64064 2.22011
--0.084 2.60918 2.25237
--0.083 2.59141 2.3028
--0.082 2.56719 2.19792
--0.081 2.53929 2.10217
--0.08 2.506 2.02877
--0.079 2.47786 1.97263
--0.078 2.45828 1.93113
--0.077 2.47369 1.97572
--0.076 2.49294 2.04014
--0.075 2.51434 2.11554
--0.074 2.53546 2.16907
--0.073 2.55393 2.15647
--0.072 2.55652 2.1081
--0.071 2.56944 2.06966
--0.07 2.57828 2.06132
--0.069 2.57186 2.05587
--0.067 2.56954 2.05197
--0.066 2.57343 2.05285
--0.065 2.57582 2.06074
--0.064 2.57785 2.07219
--0.063 2.57964 2.08372
--0.062 2.58435 2.09758
--0.061 2.59243 2.11292
--0.06 2.59965 2.11356
--0.059 2.60351 2.10225
--0.058 2.60524 2.0884
--0.056 2.62808 2.07308
--0.055 2.66436 2.09719
--0.054 2.69517 2.14486
--0.053 2.68343 2.18126
--0.052 2.68795 2.24142
--0.051 2.67373 2.30058
--0.05 2.65397 2.17881
--0.049 2.61459 2.08764
--0.048 2.57999 2.01821
--0.047 2.55063 1.96394
--0.046 2.56249 1.99076
--0.045 2.58629 2.05533
--0.044 2.61522 2.12876
--0.043 2.64649 2.21052
--0.042 2.67784 2.22275
--0.041 2.7 2.18572
--0.04 2.73014 2.16342
--0.039 2.74772 2.1579
--0.038 2.74559 2.16429
--0.036 2.73831 2.17805
--0.035 2.74735 2.19175
--0.034 2.75683 2.21091
--0.033 2.76402 2.23864
--0.032 2.77117 2.26822
--0.031 2.78575 2.30365
--0.03 2.82505 2.34706
--0.029 2.86769 2.35995
--0.028 2.89351 2.3512
--0.027 2.91552 2.33599
--0.026 2.93543 2.31571
--0.025 2.9759 2.32801
--0.024 3.05338 2.38297
--0.023 3.14334 2.48897
--0.022 3.17562 2.57901
--0.02 3.26053 2.63565
--0.019 3.29546 2.54703
--0.018 3.29871 2.48382
--0.017 3.29758 2.44042
--0.016 3.30087 2.41363
--0.015 3.34779 2.45861
--0.014 3.42094 2.5749
--0.013 3.48719 2.71906
--0.012 3.53086 2.85764
--0.011 3.54425 2.82115
--0.009 3.48624 2.68304
--0.008 3.44584 2.63926
--0.007 3.44196 2.66408
--0.006 3.43218 2.67624
--0.005 3.46354 2.70584
--0.004 3.49882 2.73586
--0.003 3.52725 2.76732
--0.002 3.54893 2.80594
--0.001 3.56204 2.83666
-5.20417e-18 3.56966 2.85563
-0.001 3.56204 2.83666
-0.002 3.54893 2.80594
-0.003 3.52725 2.76732
-0.004 3.49882 2.73586
-0.005 3.46354 2.70584
-0.006 3.43218 2.67624
-0.007 3.44196 2.66408
-0.008 3.44584 2.63926
-0.009 3.48624 2.68304
-0.011 3.54425 2.82115
-0.012 3.53086 2.85764
-0.013 3.48719 2.71906
-0.014 3.42094 2.5749
-0.015 3.34779 2.45861
-0.016 3.30087 2.41363
-0.017 3.29758 2.44042
-0.018 3.29871 2.48382
-0.019 3.29546 2.54703
-0.02 3.26053 2.63565
-0.022 3.17562 2.57901
-0.023 3.14334 2.48897
-0.024 3.05338 2.38297
-0.025 2.9759 2.32801
-0.026 2.93543 2.31571
-0.027 2.91552 2.33599
-0.028 2.89351 2.3512
-0.029 2.86769 2.35995
-0.03 2.82505 2.34706
-0.031 2.78575 2.30365
-0.032 2.77117 2.26822
-0.033 2.76402 2.23864
-0.034 2.75683 2.21091
-0.035 2.74735 2.19175
-0.036 2.73831 2.17805
-0.038 2.74559 2.16429
-0.039 2.74772 2.1579
-0.04 2.73014 2.16342
-0.041 2.7 2.18572
-0.042 2.67784 2.22275
-0.043 2.64649 2.21052
-0.044 2.61522 2.12876
-0.045 2.58629 2.05533
-0.046 2.56249 1.99076
-0.047 2.55063 1.96394
-0.048 2.57999 2.01821
-0.049 2.61459 2.08764
-0.05 2.65397 2.17881
-0.051 2.67373 2.30058
-0.052 2.68795 2.24142
-0.053 2.68343 2.18126
-0.054 2.69517 2.14486
-0.055 2.66436 2.09719
-0.056 2.62808 2.07308
-0.058 2.60524 2.0884
-0.059 2.60351 2.10225
-0.06 2.59965 2.11356
-0.061 2.59243 2.11292
-0.062 2.58435 2.09758
-0.063 2.57964 2.08372
-0.064 2.57785 2.07219
-0.065 2.57582 2.06074
-0.066 2.57343 2.05285
-0.067 2.56954 2.05197
-0.069 2.57186 2.05587
-0.07 2.57828 2.06132
-0.071 2.56944 2.06966
-0.072 2.55652 2.1081
-0.073 2.55393 2.15647
-0.074 2.53546 2.16907
-0.075 2.51434 2.11554
-0.076 2.49294 2.04014
-0.077 2.47369 1.97572
-0.078 2.45828 1.93113
-0.079 2.47786 1.97263
-0.08 2.506 2.02877
-0.081 2.53929 2.10217
-0.082 2.56719 2.19792
-0.083 2.59141 2.3028
-0.084 2.60918 2.25237
-0.085 2.64064 2.22011
-0.086 2.64156 2.18659
-0.087 2.61898 2.15837
-0.089 2.60758 2.17865
-0.09 2.61598 2.21386
-0.091 2.62376 2.2451
-0.092 2.61857 2.25851
-0.093 2.60742 2.24545
-0.094 2.60321 2.21881
-0.095 2.61621 2.20116
-0.096 2.62953 2.18336
-0.097 2.64395 2.16648
-0.098 2.65664 2.15938
-0.099 2.66912 2.15164
-0.1 2.6861 2.14736
-0.101 2.715 2.15054
-0.102 2.72527 2.14699
-0.103 2.74571 2.19101
-0.105 2.79181 2.29857
-0.106 2.80622 2.31567
-0.107 2.81906 2.26883
-0.108 2.8303 2.23699
-0.109 2.84241 2.21769
-0.11 2.87218 2.25129
-0.111 2.91071 2.33964
-0.112 2.94337 2.44936
-0.113 2.94547 2.51389
-0.114 2.90864 2.39924
-0.116 2.81321 2.24475
-0.117 2.76331 2.19153
-0.118 2.73393 2.15614
-0.119 2.72274 2.13248
-0.12 2.73857 2.15528
-0.121 2.761 2.18791
-0.122 2.77815 2.21548
-0.123 2.78959 2.23874
-0.124 2.79604 2.24471
-0.125 2.79971 2.23585
-0.126 2.80002 2.22504
-0.127 2.79739 2.21302
-0.128 2.78488 2.19465
-0.129 2.76436 2.1821
-0.13 2.74128 2.17089
-0.131 2.72059 2.16064
-0.132 2.71036 2.15613
-0.133 2.70438 2.15277
-0.134 2.74433 2.19738
-0.136 2.83095 2.32578
-0.137 2.8621 2.38796
-0.138 2.88154 2.44323
-0.139 2.89109 2.41631
-0.14 2.89681 2.37938
-0.141 2.90586 2.3749
-0.142 2.92553 2.43956
-0.143 2.94375 2.52509
-0.144 2.95105 2.62975
-0.145 2.91799 2.52413
-0.147 2.84483 2.35417
-0.148 2.80566 2.29662
-0.149 2.7786 2.23629
-0.15 2.78518 2.22338
-0.151 2.80272 2.23724
-0.152 2.83683 2.28071
-0.153 2.86662 2.31951
-0.154 2.88912 2.35133
-0.155 2.88262 2.36069
-0.156 2.87589 2.35371
-0.157 2.8731 2.33159
-0.158 2.87071 2.30678
-0.159 2.86573 2.28633
-0.16 2.85408 2.27237
-0.161 2.83712 2.26276
-0.163 2.80559 2.24627
-0.164 2.79768 2.24053
-0.165 2.82805 2.27136
-0.166 2.88321 2.32986
-0.167 2.93313 2.39947
-0.168 2.97917 2.45753
-0.169 3.01499 2.5134
-0.17 3.02918 2.56498
-0.171 3.03504 2.62076
-0.172 3.03202 2.67103
-0.173 3.02107 2.68911
-0.174 3.0026 2.61523
-0.175 2.9773 2.54294
-0.176 2.91791 2.46532
-0.177 2.85653 2.37735
-0.178 2.79485 2.30333
-0.179 2.72977 2.22857
-0.18 2.70284 2.20815
-0.181 2.70354 2.20496
-0.183 2.72221 2.20227
-0.184 2.73378 2.20119
-0.185 2.73967 2.20648
-0.186 2.741 2.21634
-0.187 2.73946 2.22731
-0.188 2.73586 2.23496
-0.189 2.73084 2.24113
-0.19 2.72315 2.2193
-0.191 2.71002 2.19403
-0.192 2.69264 2.16456
-0.194 2.6731 2.13767
-0.195 2.68517 2.16188
-0.196 2.72703 2.20983
-0.197 2.77392 2.26214
-0.198 2.82003 2.33303
-0.199 2.85866 2.42641
-0.2 2.88712 2.52079
-0.201 2.86115 2.47564
-0.202 2.832 2.37881
-0.203 2.80135 2.30375
-0.204 2.79598 2.32099
-0.205 2.79754 2.35334
-0.206 2.80057 2.36469
-0.207 2.80258 2.32815
-0.208 2.80009 2.28722
-0.209 2.78701 2.23406
-0.21 2.76997 2.1952
-0.211 2.76475 2.17689
-0.212 2.77648 2.18564
-0.214 2.7961 2.20686
-0.215 2.8113 2.22162
-0.216 2.82451 2.2412
-0.217 2.83746 2.26786
-0.218 2.85191 2.29539
-0.219 2.87066 2.32625
-0.22 2.90422 2.34309
-0.221 2.93947 2.34596
-0.222 2.94246 2.32605
-0.223 2.93568 2.29858
-0.224 2.92167 2.2655
-0.225 2.92966 2.264
-0.226 2.95846 2.29665
-0.227 3.02851 2.38055
-0.228 3.09279 2.46943
-0.23 3.21958 2.70892
-0.231 3.28277 2.88488
-0.232 3.27952 2.7856
-0.233 3.26075 2.70296
-0.234 3.24153 2.63887
-0.235 3.24104 2.66206
-0.236 3.24653 2.72387
-0.237 3.24257 2.66765
-0.238 3.22163 2.60495
-0.239 3.18332 2.5288
-0.241 3.06953 2.38329
-0.242 3.01804 2.32662
-0.243 3.03478 2.33496
-0.244 3.0519 2.34189
-0.245 3.07776 2.35524
-0.246 3.10436 2.36858
-0.247 3.12595 2.38191
-0.248 3.13898 2.40169
-0.249 3.14377 2.41696
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/istarpos.sh b/test/poisson/misc/istarpos.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5341c06..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/istarpos.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for pos in `seq -0.25 0.001 0.25`; do
-  rate=`./shapes star | transform --revert --tx $pos | ./poisson -v 6 5 4 -s - 2>&1 | awk -f divergence_rate.awk | awk '{ avg = $3; max = $4;}END{print avg " " max;}'`
-  echo $pos $rate
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/starradius b/test/poisson/misc/starradius
deleted file mode 100644
index 76d934e..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/starradius
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-0 8.36488 6.96986
-0.001 8.30847 6.81823
-0.002 8.28898 6.75661
-0.003 8.53754 6.89981
-0.004 9.05203 7.25711
-0.005 9.47261 7.60301
-0.006 9.16558 7.33233
-0.007 9.59627 7.68118
-0.008 9.74867 7.76992
-0.009 9.96995 7.92747
-0.01 10.1708 8.09197
-0.011 10.3434 8.2289
-0.012 10.4716 8.35158
-0.013 10.5484 8.44747
-0.014 10.4782 8.5642
-0.015 10.6759 8.72804
-0.016 10.8301 8.88106
-0.017 10.9686 9.04284
-0.018 11.0666 9.1484
-0.019 11.1214 9.23057
-0.02 11.1364 9.2932
-0.021 11.1441 9.34443
-0.022 11.3908 9.54108
-0.023 11.3028 9.41685
-0.024 11.0039 9.07818
-0.025 11.1841 9.29837
-0.026 11.3936 9.43919
-0.027 11.6081 9.47329
-0.028 11.6849 9.54261
-0.029 11.7214 9.60367
-0.03 11.8952 9.78116
-0.031 11.3156 9.30824
-0.032 11.8157 9.72729
-0.033 11.9901 9.90113
-0.034 12.0138 9.81902
-0.035 12.0018 9.6839
-0.036 12.2416 9.88839
-0.037 12.2378 9.85442
-0.038 12.4389 9.99827
-0.039 12.2232 9.91017
-0.04 12.3239 9.92543
-0.041 12.5195 10.0278
-0.042 12.5385 9.99851
-0.043 12.4593 9.97005
-0.044 12.4086 9.92441
-0.045 12.3738 9.84606
-0.046 12.6055 10.0722
-0.047 12.5089 10.1718
-0.048 12.5643 10.1928
-0.049 12.7896 10.4153
-0.05 12.9081 10.5844
-0.051 13.2892 10.9369
-0.052 13.5479 11.1846
-0.053 13.6722 11.376
-0.054 14.0977 11.7372
-0.055 14.0253 11.7283
-0.056 13.9713 11.739
-0.057 14.1644 11.6978
-0.058 14.276 11.637
-0.059 14.2134 11.6574
-0.06 14.0803 11.5773
-0.061 14.0751 11.3409
-0.062 14.0921 11.3907
-0.063 13.8181 11.1256
-0.064 13.5589 11.0193
-0.065 13.2558 10.8017
-0.066 13.5337 10.9579
-0.067 13.8563 11.2275
-0.068 14.0779 11.4577
-0.069 14.1629 11.5523
-0.07 14.6015 12.1483
-0.071 14.7663 12.2528
-0.072 14.7951 12.1768
-0.073 14.8479 12.0979
-0.074 14.7522 11.902
-0.075 14.8385 11.9895
-0.076 14.5925 11.9444
-0.077 14.2004 11.7041
-0.078 13.7027 11.5704
-0.079 13.6744 11.3201
-0.08 13.4096 11.2849
-0.081 13.2363 11.2337
-0.082 13.2249 10.9904
-0.083 13.2386 10.7016
-0.084 13.1001 10.5038
-0.085 12.9387 10.2706
-0.086 12.7696 10.0228
-0.087 12.6205 9.79903
-0.088 12.5198 9.64516
-0.089 12.4212 9.58709
-0.09 12.3639 9.48549
-0.091 12.2905 9.39086
-0.092 12.2016 9.31826
-0.093 12.1576 9.27136
-0.094 12.1516 9.24993
-0.095 12.1006 9.19943
-0.096 12.3231 9.38751
-0.097 12.8082 9.80874
-0.098 13.2364 10.1325
-0.099 13.5663 10.4155
-0.1 13.3882 10.7231
-0.101 11.3476 8.79596
-0.102 9.83426 7.68952
-0.103 8.86973 7.02902
-0.104 8.3417 6.6639
-0.105 7.92773 6.38207
-0.106 7.53394 6.11534
-0.107 7.21657 5.8996
-0.108 6.95129 5.71934
-0.109 6.71881 5.56059
-0.11 6.51555 5.42119
-0.111 6.33655 5.29778
-0.112 6.1768 5.18672
-0.113 6.03317 5.08537
-0.114 5.89898 4.9912
-0.115 5.77571 4.90227
-0.116 5.6572 4.8175
-0.117 5.53295 4.729
-0.118 5.41599 4.64661
-0.119 5.31678 4.57694
-0.12 5.2238 4.51148
-0.121 5.13437 4.44852
-0.122 5.0479 4.38717
-0.123 4.9643 4.32782
-0.124 4.88697 4.27241
-0.125 4.78221 4.20339
-0.126 4.57748 4.04683
-0.127 4.45982 3.95646
-0.128 4.37339 3.87298
-0.129 4.31551 3.81113
-0.13 4.27146 3.77341
-0.131 4.22819 3.73732
-0.132 4.18488 3.7017
-0.133 4.14286 3.6672
-0.134 4.10154 3.63353
-0.135 4.06158 3.60089
-0.136 4.02321 3.56969
-0.137 3.98672 3.54004
-0.138 3.95096 3.51103
-0.139 3.91644 3.48289
-0.14 3.88323 3.45552
-0.141 3.85125 3.42897
-0.142 3.82006 3.40308
-0.143 3.79001 3.37781
-0.144 3.76078 3.35344
-0.145 3.73213 3.32937
-0.146 3.70436 3.3064
-0.147 3.67964 3.28597
-0.148 3.65565 3.26578
-0.149 3.6312 3.2445
-0.15 3.60769 3.22073
-0.151 3.58488 3.19756
-0.152 3.56235 3.17466
-0.153 3.54069 3.15272
-0.154 3.50136 3.12073
-0.155 3.47017 3.09379
-0.156 3.44582 3.0712
-0.157 3.42217 3.04935
-0.158 3.39921 3.02822
-0.167 2.9822 2.40118
-0.171 2.81456 2.20169
-0.172 2.78073 2.16725
-0.187 2.44605 1.89961
-0.188 2.43188 1.89005
-0.189 2.41788 1.88066
-0.206 1.92144 1.29084
-0.207 1.9058 1.27369
-0.21 1.81605 1.17448
-0.211 1.76922 1.14155
-0.212 1.72987 1.1227
-0.213 1.69405 1.10897
-0.214 1.66317 1.09851
-0.215 1.6442 1.0888
-0.216 1.62769 1.07549
-0.217 1.61284 1.05907
-0.218 1.74256 1.15655
-0.219 1.82326 1.20595
-0.22 1.86288 1.23264
-0.221 1.89077 1.25434
-0.222 1.9111 1.27127
-0.223 1.92667 1.28566
-0.224 1.93844 1.29794
-0.225 1.94684 1.30795
diff --git a/test/poisson/misc/starradius.sh b/test/poisson/misc/starradius.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2ce5c02..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/misc/starradius.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for radius in `seq 0. 0.001 0.3`; do
-  rate=`./shapes star --dr $radius | ./poisson -v 6 5 4 -s - 2>&1 | awk -f divergence_rate.awk | awk '{ avg = $3; max = $4;}END{print avg " " max;}'`
-  echo $radius $rate
diff --git a/test/poisson/models/cube.gts b/test/poisson/models/cube.gts
deleted file mode 100644
index b8955f6..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/models/cube.gts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-8 18 12 GtsSurface GtsFace GtsEdge GtsVertex
--0.1666664217 0.1666664217 0.1666666667
--0.1666664217 -0.1666664217 0.1666666667
--0.1666664217 -0.1666664217 -0.1666666667
-0.1666664217 -0.1666664217 -0.1666666667
-0.1666664217 -0.1666664217 0.1666666667
--0.1666664217 0.1666664217 -0.1666666667
-0.1666664217 0.1666664217 -0.1666666667
-0.1666664217 0.1666664217 0.1666666667
-1 2
-3 2
-3 1
-2 4
-2 5
-5 4
-3 4
-6 4
-6 3
-4 7
-7 6
-1 5
-8 1
-5 8
-7 5
-7 8
-6 8
-6 1
-1 2 3
-4 5 6
-7 2 4
-8 9 7
-10 11 8
-12 13 14
-5 1 12
-15 10 6
-14 16 15
-17 11 16
-13 18 17
-3 9 18
diff --git a/test/poisson/models/sphere5.gts b/test/poisson/models/sphere5.gts
deleted file mode 100644
index c57fa48..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/models/sphere5.gts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1503 +0,0 @@
-252 750 500
-0.281811 0.204747 0.937369
-0.513822 0.211637 0.831382
-0.360059 0.423275 0.831382
-0.712379 0.204747 0.671263
-0.582588 0.423275 0.693852
-0.414864 0.614242 0.671263
-0.0609297 0.187522 0.980369
-0.128986 0.396979 0.908719
--0.107642 0.331288 0.937369
-0.193479 0.595468 0.779733
--0.0424992 0.554074 0.831382
--0.291294 0.473235 0.831382
-0.243719 0.750089 0.614791
-0.0254109 0.740783 0.671263
--0.222529 0.684873 0.693852
--0.455979 0.58437 0.671263
--0.159516 0.115895 0.980369
--0.33769 0.245346 0.908719
--0.348337 5.44616e-16 0.937369
--0.506536 0.36802 0.779733
--0.540088 0.130799 0.831382
--0.540088 -0.130799 0.831382
--0.638064 0.463581 0.614791
--0.696674 0.253082 0.671263
--0.720118 1.12589e-15 0.693852
--0.696674 -0.253082 0.671263
--0.159516 -0.115895 0.980369
--0.33769 -0.245346 0.908719
--0.107642 -0.331288 0.937369
--0.506536 -0.36802 0.779733
--0.291294 -0.473235 0.831382
--0.0424992 -0.554074 0.831382
--0.638064 -0.463581 0.614791
--0.455979 -0.58437 0.671263
--0.222529 -0.684873 0.693852
-0.0254109 -0.740783 0.671263
-0 0 1
-0.0609297 -0.187522 0.980369
-0.197173 6.16548e-16 0.980369
-0.128986 -0.396979 0.908719
-0.281811 -0.204747 0.937369
-0.417408 1.30521e-15 0.908719
-0.193479 -0.595468 0.779733
-0.360059 -0.423275 0.831382
-0.513822 -0.211637 0.831382
-0.626112 1.95782e-15 0.779733
-0.243719 -0.750089 0.614791
-0.414864 -0.614242 0.671263
-0.582588 -0.423275 0.693852
-0.712379 -0.204747 0.671263
-0.78869 2.46619e-15 0.614791
-0.804316 0.58437 -0.107642
-0.720118 0.684873 0.111264
-0.873881 0.473235 0.111264
-0.589032 0.740783 0.322926
-0.762617 0.554074 0.333793
-0.886548 0.331288 0.322926
-0.440891 0.750089 0.492931
-0.610888 0.595468 0.52176
-0.755099 0.396979 0.52176
-0.84962 0.187522 0.492931
--0.307222 0.945531 -0.107642
--0.428824 0.89651 0.111264
--0.180029 0.977348 0.111264
--0.522506 0.789117 0.322926
--0.291294 0.89651 0.333793
--0.0411156 0.945531 0.322926
--0.577134 0.651103 0.492931
--0.377549 0.764998 0.52176
--0.144211 0.840815 0.52176
-0.0842027 0.865984 0.492931
--0.99419 7.48603e-17 -0.107642
--0.985146 -0.130799 0.111264
--0.985146 0.130799 0.111264
--0.911958 -0.253082 0.322926
--0.942646 3.96492e-16 0.333793
--0.911958 0.253082 0.322926
--0.79758 -0.347685 0.492931
--0.844226 -0.122673 0.52176
--0.844226 0.122673 0.52176
--0.79758 0.347685 0.492931
--0.307222 -0.945531 -0.107642
--0.180029 -0.977348 0.111264
--0.428824 -0.89651 0.111264
--0.0411156 -0.945531 0.322926
--0.291294 -0.89651 0.333793
--0.522506 -0.789117 0.322926
-0.0842027 -0.865984 0.492931
--0.144211 -0.840815 0.52176
--0.377549 -0.764998 0.52176
--0.577134 -0.651103 0.492931
-0.804316 -0.58437 -0.107642
-0.873881 -0.473235 0.111264
-0.720118 -0.684873 0.111264
-0.886548 -0.331288 0.322926
-0.762617 -0.554074 0.333793
-0.589032 -0.740783 0.322926
-0.84962 -0.187522 0.492931
-0.755099 -0.396979 0.52176
-0.610888 -0.595468 0.52176
-0.440891 -0.750089 0.492931
-0.276393 0.850651 0.447214
-0.182789 0.937611 0.295759
-0.403235 0.865984 0.295759
-0.0644931 0.992447 0.104352
-0.307222 0.945531 0.107642
-0.53117 0.840815 0.104352
--0.0644931 0.992447 -0.104352
-0.180029 0.977348 -0.111264
-0.428824 0.89651 -0.111264
-0.635522 0.764998 -0.104352
--0.182789 0.937611 -0.295759
-0.0411156 0.945531 -0.322926
-0.291294 0.89651 -0.333793
-0.522506 0.789117 -0.322926
-0.698993 0.651103 -0.295759
--0.723607 0.525731 0.447214
--0.835236 0.463581 0.295759
--0.698993 0.651103 0.295759
--0.923944 0.36802 0.104352
--0.804316 0.58437 0.107642
--0.635522 0.764998 0.104352
--0.963803 0.245346 -0.104352
--0.873881 0.473235 -0.111264
--0.720118 0.684873 -0.111264
--0.53117 0.840815 -0.104352
--0.948206 0.115895 -0.295759
--0.886548 0.331288 -0.322926
--0.762617 0.554074 -0.333793
--0.589032 0.740783 -0.322926
--0.403235 0.865984 -0.295759
--0.723607 -0.525731 0.447214
--0.698993 -0.651103 0.295759
--0.835236 -0.463581 0.295759
--0.635522 -0.764998 0.104352
--0.804316 -0.58437 0.107642
--0.923944 -0.36802 0.104352
--0.53117 -0.840815 -0.104352
--0.720118 -0.684873 -0.111264
--0.873881 -0.473235 -0.111264
--0.963803 -0.245346 -0.104352
--0.403235 -0.865984 -0.295759
--0.589032 -0.740783 -0.322926
--0.762617 -0.554074 -0.333793
--0.886548 -0.331288 -0.322926
--0.948206 -0.115895 -0.295759
-0.276393 -0.850651 0.447214
-0.403235 -0.865984 0.295759
-0.182789 -0.937611 0.295759
-0.53117 -0.840815 0.104352
-0.307222 -0.945531 0.107642
-0.0644931 -0.992447 0.104352
-0.635522 -0.764998 -0.104352
-0.428824 -0.89651 -0.111264
-0.180029 -0.977348 -0.111264
--0.0644931 -0.992447 -0.104352
-0.698993 -0.651103 -0.295759
-0.522506 -0.789117 -0.322926
-0.291294 -0.89651 -0.333793
-0.0411156 -0.945531 -0.322926
--0.182789 -0.937611 -0.295759
-0.894427 1.0222e-15 0.447214
-0.948206 0.115895 0.295759
-0.948206 -0.115895 0.295759
-0.963803 0.245346 0.104352
-0.99419 1.13622e-15 0.107642
-0.963803 -0.245346 0.104352
-0.923944 0.36802 -0.104352
-0.985146 0.130799 -0.111264
-0.985146 -0.130799 -0.111264
-0.923944 -0.36802 -0.104352
-0.835236 0.463581 -0.295759
-0.911958 0.253082 -0.322926
-0.942646 1.41958e-16 -0.333793
-0.911958 -0.253082 -0.322926
-0.835236 -0.463581 -0.295759
-0.107642 0.331288 -0.937369
-0.291294 0.473235 -0.831382
-0.0424992 0.554074 -0.831382
-0.455979 0.58437 -0.671263
-0.222529 0.684873 -0.693852
--0.0254109 0.740783 -0.671263
-0.577134 0.651103 -0.492931
-0.377549 0.764998 -0.52176
-0.144211 0.840815 -0.52176
--0.0842027 0.865984 -0.492931
--0.0609297 0.187522 -0.980369
--0.128986 0.396979 -0.908719
--0.281811 0.204747 -0.937369
--0.193479 0.595468 -0.779733
--0.360059 0.423275 -0.831382
--0.513822 0.211637 -0.831382
--0.243719 0.750089 -0.614791
--0.414864 0.614242 -0.671263
--0.582588 0.423275 -0.693852
--0.712379 0.204747 -0.671263
--0.276393 0.850651 -0.447214
--0.440891 0.750089 -0.492931
--0.610888 0.595468 -0.52176
--0.755099 0.396979 -0.52176
--0.84962 0.187522 -0.492931
--0.197173 1.1267e-16 -0.980369
--0.417408 2.38519e-16 -0.908719
--0.281811 -0.204747 -0.937369
--0.626112 3.57779e-16 -0.779733
--0.513822 -0.211637 -0.831382
--0.360059 -0.423275 -0.831382
--0.78869 4.5068e-16 -0.614791
--0.712379 -0.204747 -0.671263
--0.582588 -0.423275 -0.693852
--0.414864 -0.614242 -0.671263
--0.894427 5.11101e-16 -0.447214
--0.84962 -0.187522 -0.492931
--0.755099 -0.396979 -0.52176
--0.610888 -0.595468 -0.52176
--0.440891 -0.750089 -0.492931
--0.0609297 -0.187522 -0.980369
--0.128986 -0.396979 -0.908719
-0.107642 -0.331288 -0.937369
--0.193479 -0.595468 -0.779733
-0.0424992 -0.554074 -0.831382
-0.291294 -0.473235 -0.831382
--0.243719 -0.750089 -0.614791
--0.0254109 -0.740783 -0.671263
-0.222529 -0.684873 -0.693852
-0.455979 -0.58437 -0.671263
--0.276393 -0.850651 -0.447214
--0.0842027 -0.865984 -0.492931
-0.144211 -0.840815 -0.52176
-0.377549 -0.764998 -0.52176
-0.577134 -0.651103 -0.492931
-4.62296e-16 3.35877e-16 -1
-0.159516 -0.115895 -0.980369
-0.159516 0.115895 -0.980369
-0.33769 -0.245346 -0.908719
-0.348337 7.43741e-16 -0.937369
-0.33769 0.245346 -0.908719
-0.506536 -0.36802 -0.779733
-0.540088 -0.130799 -0.831382
-0.540088 0.130799 -0.831382
-0.506536 0.36802 -0.779733
-0.638064 -0.463581 -0.614791
-0.696674 -0.253082 -0.671263
-0.720118 1.53754e-15 -0.693852
-0.696674 0.253082 -0.671263
-0.638064 0.463581 -0.614791
-0.723607 -0.525731 -0.447214
-0.79758 -0.347685 -0.492931
-0.844226 -0.122673 -0.52176
-0.844226 0.122673 -0.52176
-0.79758 0.347685 -0.492931
-0.723607 0.525731 -0.447214
-39 7
-39 1
-7 1
-42 1
-42 2
-1 8
-1 2
-1 3
-8 3
-46 2
-46 4
-2 3
-2 4
-2 5
-3 10
-3 5
-3 6
-10 6
-51 4
-51 61
-4 5
-4 61
-4 60
-5 6
-5 60
-5 59
-6 13
-6 59
-6 58
-13 58
-37 7
-7 17
-7 8
-7 9
-17 9
-8 9
-8 10
-8 11
-9 18
-9 11
-9 12
-18 12
-10 11
-10 13
-10 14
-11 12
-11 14
-11 15
-12 20
-12 15
-12 16
-20 16
-13 14
-13 102
-13 71
-14 15
-14 71
-14 70
-15 16
-15 70
-15 69
-16 23
-16 69
-16 68
-23 68
-37 17
-17 27
-17 18
-17 19
-27 19
-18 19
-18 20
-18 21
-19 28
-19 21
-19 22
-28 22
-20 21
-20 23
-20 24
-21 22
-21 24
-21 25
-22 30
-22 25
-22 26
-30 26
-23 24
-23 117
-23 81
-24 25
-24 81
-24 80
-25 26
-25 80
-25 79
-26 33
-26 79
-26 78
-33 78
-37 27
-27 38
-27 28
-27 29
-38 29
-28 29
-28 30
-28 31
-29 40
-29 31
-29 32
-40 32
-30 31
-30 33
-30 34
-31 32
-31 34
-31 35
-32 43
-32 35
-32 36
-43 36
-33 34
-33 132
-33 91
-34 35
-34 91
-34 90
-35 36
-35 90
-35 89
-36 47
-36 89
-36 88
-47 88
-37 38
-37 39
-38 39
-38 40
-38 41
-39 41
-39 42
-40 41
-40 43
-40 44
-41 42
-41 44
-41 45
-42 45
-42 46
-43 44
-43 47
-43 48
-44 45
-44 48
-44 49
-45 46
-45 49
-45 50
-46 50
-46 51
-47 48
-47 147
-47 101
-48 49
-48 101
-48 100
-49 50
-49 100
-49 99
-50 51
-50 99
-50 98
-51 98
-51 162
-116 172
-116 52
-172 52
-111 52
-111 53
-52 168
-52 53
-52 54
-168 54
-107 53
-107 55
-53 54
-53 55
-53 56
-54 165
-54 56
-54 57
-165 57
-104 55
-104 58
-55 56
-55 58
-55 59
-56 57
-56 59
-56 60
-57 163
-57 60
-57 61
-163 61
-102 58
-58 59
-59 60
-60 61
-61 162
-131 112
-131 62
-112 62
-126 62
-126 63
-62 108
-62 63
-62 64
-108 64
-122 63
-122 65
-63 64
-63 65
-63 66
-64 105
-64 66
-64 67
-105 67
-119 65
-119 68
-65 66
-65 68
-65 69
-66 67
-66 69
-66 70
-67 103
-67 70
-67 71
-103 71
-117 68
-68 69
-69 70
-70 71
-71 102
-146 127
-146 72
-127 72
-141 72
-141 73
-72 123
-72 73
-72 74
-123 74
-137 73
-137 75
-73 74
-73 75
-73 76
-74 120
-74 76
-74 77
-120 77
-134 75
-134 78
-75 76
-75 78
-75 79
-76 77
-76 79
-76 80
-77 118
-77 80
-77 81
-118 81
-132 78
-78 79
-79 80
-80 81
-81 117
-161 142
-161 82
-142 82
-156 82
-156 83
-82 138
-82 83
-82 84
-138 84
-152 83
-152 85
-83 84
-83 85
-83 86
-84 135
-84 86
-84 87
-135 87
-149 85
-149 88
-85 86
-85 88
-85 89
-86 87
-86 89
-86 90
-87 133
-87 90
-87 91
-133 91
-147 88
-88 89
-89 90
-90 91
-91 132
-176 157
-176 92
-157 92
-171 92
-171 93
-92 153
-92 93
-92 94
-153 94
-167 93
-167 95
-93 94
-93 95
-93 96
-94 150
-94 96
-94 97
-150 97
-164 95
-164 98
-95 96
-95 98
-95 99
-96 97
-96 99
-96 100
-97 148
-97 100
-97 101
-148 101
-162 98
-98 99
-99 100
-100 101
-101 147
-102 103
-102 104
-103 104
-103 105
-103 106
-104 106
-104 107
-105 106
-105 108
-105 109
-106 107
-106 109
-106 110
-107 110
-107 111
-108 109
-108 112
-108 113
-109 110
-109 113
-109 114
-110 111
-110 114
-110 115
-111 115
-111 116
-112 113
-112 197
-112 186
-113 114
-113 186
-113 185
-114 115
-114 185
-114 184
-115 116
-115 184
-115 183
-116 183
-116 252
-117 118
-117 119
-118 119
-118 120
-118 121
-119 121
-119 122
-120 121
-120 123
-120 124
-121 122
-121 124
-121 125
-122 125
-122 126
-123 124
-123 127
-123 128
-124 125
-124 128
-124 129
-125 126
-125 129
-125 130
-126 130
-126 131
-127 128
-127 212
-127 201
-128 129
-128 201
-128 200
-129 130
-129 200
-129 199
-130 131
-130 199
-130 198
-131 198
-131 197
-132 133
-132 134
-133 134
-133 135
-133 136
-134 136
-134 137
-135 136
-135 138
-135 139
-136 137
-136 139
-136 140
-137 140
-137 141
-138 139
-138 142
-138 143
-139 140
-139 143
-139 144
-140 141
-140 144
-140 145
-141 145
-141 146
-142 143
-142 227
-142 216
-143 144
-143 216
-143 215
-144 145
-144 215
-144 214
-145 146
-145 214
-145 213
-146 213
-146 212
-147 148
-147 149
-148 149
-148 150
-148 151
-149 151
-149 152
-150 151
-150 153
-150 154
-151 152
-151 154
-151 155
-152 155
-152 156
-153 154
-153 157
-153 158
-154 155
-154 158
-154 159
-155 156
-155 159
-155 160
-156 160
-156 161
-157 158
-157 247
-157 231
-158 159
-158 231
-158 230
-159 160
-159 230
-159 229
-160 161
-160 229
-160 228
-161 228
-161 227
-162 163
-162 164
-163 164
-163 165
-163 166
-164 166
-164 167
-165 166
-165 168
-165 169
-166 167
-166 169
-166 170
-167 170
-167 171
-168 169
-168 172
-168 173
-169 170
-169 173
-169 174
-170 171
-170 174
-170 175
-171 175
-171 176
-172 173
-172 252
-172 251
-173 174
-173 251
-173 250
-174 175
-174 250
-174 249
-175 176
-175 249
-175 248
-176 248
-176 247
-234 187
-234 177
-187 177
-237 177
-237 178
-177 188
-177 178
-177 179
-188 179
-241 178
-241 180
-178 179
-178 180
-178 181
-179 190
-179 181
-179 182
-190 182
-246 180
-246 183
-180 181
-180 183
-180 184
-181 182
-181 184
-181 185
-182 193
-182 185
-182 186
-193 186
-252 183
-183 184
-184 185
-185 186
-186 197
-232 187
-187 202
-187 188
-187 189
-202 189
-188 189
-188 190
-188 191
-189 203
-189 191
-189 192
-203 192
-190 191
-190 193
-190 194
-191 192
-191 194
-191 195
-192 205
-192 195
-192 196
-205 196
-193 194
-193 197
-193 198
-194 195
-194 198
-194 199
-195 196
-195 199
-195 200
-196 208
-196 200
-196 201
-208 201
-197 198
-198 199
-199 200
-200 201
-201 212
-232 202
-202 217
-202 203
-202 204
-217 204
-203 204
-203 205
-203 206
-204 218
-204 206
-204 207
-218 207
-205 206
-205 208
-205 209
-206 207
-206 209
-206 210
-207 220
-207 210
-207 211
-220 211
-208 209
-208 212
-208 213
-209 210
-209 213
-209 214
-210 211
-210 214
-210 215
-211 223
-211 215
-211 216
-223 216
-212 213
-213 214
-214 215
-215 216
-216 227
-232 217
-217 233
-217 218
-217 219
-233 219
-218 219
-218 220
-218 221
-219 235
-219 221
-219 222
-235 222
-220 221
-220 223
-220 224
-221 222
-221 224
-221 225
-222 238
-222 225
-222 226
-238 226
-223 224
-223 227
-223 228
-224 225
-224 228
-224 229
-225 226
-225 229
-225 230
-226 242
-226 230
-226 231
-242 231
-227 228
-228 229
-229 230
-230 231
-231 247
-232 233
-232 234
-233 234
-233 235
-233 236
-234 236
-234 237
-235 236
-235 238
-235 239
-236 237
-236 239
-236 240
-237 240
-237 241
-238 239
-238 242
-238 243
-239 240
-239 243
-239 244
-240 241
-240 244
-240 245
-241 245
-241 246
-242 243
-242 247
-242 248
-243 244
-243 248
-243 249
-244 245
-244 249
-244 250
-245 246
-245 250
-245 251
-246 251
-246 252
-247 248
-248 249
-249 250
-250 251
-251 252
-137 1 31
-142 4 2
-2 3 1
-3 6 33
-150 10 5
-5 7 4
-7 12 8
-8 9 6
-9 15 37
-161 19 11
-11 13 10
-13 21 14
-14 16 12
-16 24 17
-17 18 15
-18 27 44
-175 210 20
-20 22 19
-22 209 23
-23 25 21
-25 208 26
-26 28 24
-28 207 29
-29 30 27
-30 206 54
-31 32 66
-33 36 34
-34 35 32
-35 39 68
-37 43 38
-38 40 36
-40 46 41
-41 42 39
-42 49 72
-44 53 45
-45 47 43
-47 56 48
-48 50 46
-50 59 51
-51 52 49
-52 62 79
-54 245 55
-55 57 53
-57 244 58
-58 60 56
-60 243 61
-61 63 59
-63 242 64
-64 65 62
-65 241 89
-66 67 101
-68 71 69
-69 70 67
-70 74 103
-72 78 73
-73 75 71
-75 81 76
-76 77 74
-77 84 107
-79 88 80
-80 82 78
-82 91 83
-83 85 81
-85 94 86
-86 87 84
-87 97 114
-89 280 90
-90 92 88
-92 279 93
-93 95 91
-95 278 96
-96 98 94
-98 277 99
-99 100 97
-100 276 124
-101 102 136
-103 106 104
-104 105 102
-105 109 139
-107 113 108
-108 110 106
-110 116 111
-111 112 109
-112 119 144
-114 123 115
-115 117 113
-117 126 118
-118 120 116
-120 129 121
-121 122 119
-122 132 152
-124 315 125
-125 127 123
-127 314 128
-128 130 126
-130 313 131
-131 133 129
-133 312 134
-134 135 132
-135 311 163
-136 138 137
-139 143 140
-140 141 138
-141 146 142
-144 151 145
-145 147 143
-147 154 148
-148 149 146
-149 157 150
-152 162 153
-153 155 151
-155 165 156
-156 158 154
-158 168 159
-159 160 157
-160 171 161
-163 350 164
-164 166 162
-166 349 167
-167 169 165
-169 348 170
-170 172 168
-172 347 173
-173 174 171
-174 346 175
-390 176 538
-376 179 177
-177 178 176
-178 181 527
-365 185 180
-180 182 179
-182 187 183
-183 184 181
-184 190 519
-357 194 186
-186 188 185
-188 196 189
-189 191 187
-191 199 192
-192 193 190
-193 202 514
-352 206 195
-195 197 194
-197 207 198
-198 200 196
-200 208 201
-201 203 199
-203 209 204
-204 205 202
-205 210 511
-430 211 378
-416 214 212
-212 213 211
-213 216 367
-405 220 215
-215 217 214
-217 222 218
-218 219 216
-219 225 359
-397 229 221
-221 223 220
-223 231 224
-224 226 222
-226 234 227
-227 228 225
-228 237 354
-392 241 230
-230 232 229
-232 242 233
-233 235 231
-235 243 236
-236 238 234
-238 244 239
-239 240 237
-240 245 351
-470 246 418
-456 249 247
-247 248 246
-248 251 407
-445 255 250
-250 252 249
-252 257 253
-253 254 251
-254 260 399
-437 264 256
-256 258 255
-258 266 259
-259 261 257
-261 269 262
-262 263 260
-263 272 394
-432 276 265
-265 267 264
-267 277 268
-268 270 266
-270 278 271
-271 273 269
-273 279 274
-274 275 272
-275 280 391
-510 281 458
-496 284 282
-282 283 281
-283 286 447
-485 290 285
-285 287 284
-287 292 288
-288 289 286
-289 295 439
-477 299 291
-291 293 290
-293 301 294
-294 296 292
-296 304 297
-297 298 295
-298 307 434
-472 311 300
-300 302 299
-302 312 303
-303 305 301
-305 313 306
-306 308 304
-308 314 309
-309 310 307
-310 315 431
-550 316 498
-536 319 317
-317 318 316
-318 321 487
-525 325 320
-320 322 319
-322 327 323
-323 324 321
-324 330 479
-517 334 326
-326 328 325
-328 336 329
-329 331 327
-331 339 332
-332 333 330
-333 342 474
-512 346 335
-335 337 334
-337 347 338
-338 340 336
-340 348 341
-341 343 339
-343 349 344
-344 345 342
-345 350 471
-351 352 353
-354 355 358
-355 353 356
-356 357 361
-359 360 366
-360 358 362
-362 363 369
-363 361 364
-364 365 372
-367 368 377
-368 366 370
-370 371 380
-371 369 373
-373 374 383
-374 372 375
-375 376 386
-378 379 585
-379 377 381
-381 382 584
-382 380 384
-384 385 583
-385 383 387
-387 388 582
-388 386 389
-389 390 581
-391 392 393
-394 395 398
-395 393 396
-396 397 401
-399 400 406
-400 398 402
-402 403 409
-403 401 404
-404 405 412
-407 408 417
-408 406 410
-410 411 420
-411 409 413
-413 414 423
-414 412 415
-415 416 426
-418 419 625
-419 417 421
-421 422 624
-422 420 424
-424 425 623
-425 423 427
-427 428 622
-428 426 429
-429 430 621
-431 432 433
-434 435 438
-435 433 436
-436 437 441
-439 440 446
-440 438 442
-442 443 449
-443 441 444
-444 445 452
-447 448 457
-448 446 450
-450 451 460
-451 449 453
-453 454 463
-454 452 455
-455 456 466
-458 459 665
-459 457 461
-461 462 664
-462 460 464
-464 465 663
-465 463 467
-467 468 662
-468 466 469
-469 470 661
-471 472 473
-474 475 478
-475 473 476
-476 477 481
-479 480 486
-480 478 482
-482 483 489
-483 481 484
-484 485 492
-487 488 497
-488 486 490
-490 491 500
-491 489 493
-493 494 503
-494 492 495
-495 496 506
-498 499 705
-499 497 501
-501 502 704
-502 500 504
-504 505 703
-505 503 507
-507 508 702
-508 506 509
-509 510 701
-511 512 513
-514 515 518
-515 513 516
-516 517 521
-519 520 526
-520 518 522
-522 523 529
-523 521 524
-524 525 532
-527 528 537
-528 526 530
-530 531 540
-531 529 533
-533 534 543
-534 532 535
-535 536 546
-538 539 750
-539 537 541
-541 542 749
-542 540 544
-544 545 748
-545 543 547
-547 548 747
-548 546 549
-549 550 746
-707 586 551
-712 552 554
-552 551 553
-553 588 556
-720 555 560
-555 554 557
-557 558 562
-558 556 559
-559 592 565
-731 561 569
-561 560 563
-563 564 571
-564 562 566
-566 567 574
-567 565 568
-568 599 577
-745 570 581
-570 569 572
-572 573 582
-573 571 575
-575 576 583
-576 574 578
-578 579 584
-579 577 580
-580 609 585
-586 626 587
-588 589 591
-589 587 590
-590 628 594
-592 593 598
-593 591 595
-595 596 601
-596 594 597
-597 632 604
-599 600 608
-600 598 602
-602 603 611
-603 601 605
-605 606 614
-606 604 607
-607 639 617
-609 610 621
-610 608 612
-612 613 622
-613 611 615
-615 616 623
-616 614 618
-618 619 624
-619 617 620
-620 649 625
-626 666 627
-628 629 631
-629 627 630
-630 668 634
-632 633 638
-633 631 635
-635 636 641
-636 634 637
-637 672 644
-639 640 648
-640 638 642
-642 643 651
-643 641 645
-645 646 654
-646 644 647
-647 679 657
-649 650 661
-650 648 652
-652 653 662
-653 651 655
-655 656 663
-656 654 658
-658 659 664
-659 657 660
-660 689 665
-666 706 667
-668 669 671
-669 667 670
-670 709 674
-672 673 678
-673 671 675
-675 676 681
-676 674 677
-677 714 684
-679 680 688
-680 678 682
-682 683 691
-683 681 685
-685 686 694
-686 684 687
-687 722 697
-689 690 701
-690 688 692
-692 693 702
-693 691 695
-695 696 703
-696 694 698
-698 699 704
-699 697 700
-700 733 705
-706 707 708
-709 710 713
-710 708 711
-711 712 716
-714 715 721
-715 713 717
-717 718 724
-718 716 719
-719 720 727
-722 723 732
-723 721 725
-725 726 735
-726 724 728
-728 729 738
-729 727 730
-730 731 741
-733 734 746
-734 732 736
-736 737 747
-737 735 739
-739 740 748
-740 738 742
-742 743 749
-743 741 744
-744 745 750
diff --git a/test/poisson/options.awk b/test/poisson/options.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index bf71316..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/options.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  FS = " |\t|=";
-  n = 0;
-  for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
-    if (substr($i,1,1) == "-")
-      o[n++] = $i;
-  if (n == 2)
-    printf ("s/%s/%s/g ", o[1], o[0]);
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/Makefile.am b/test/poisson/order/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a2ee41..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-	order.awk \
-	order1.awk \
-	report.sh \
-	orderfig.sh \
-	runcomp.sh \
-	runorderfig.sh \
-	reference2D \
-	reference3D \
-	orderfig.par \
-	check.sh \
-	avgorder.awk \
-	checkorder.awk
-TESTS = test.sh
-REFERENCE = reference2D
-	@echo "#! /bin/sh" > test.sh
-	@echo "rm -f report.ps" >> test.sh
-	@echo "./check.sh \"$(REFERENCE)/*.xmgr\" 0.9" >> test.sh
-	@chmod +x test.sh
-report.ps: ../poisson report.sh timestamp
-	./report.sh "$(REFERENCE)/*.xmgr"
-	$(RM) -r -f figures test
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/avgorder.awk b/test/poisson/order/avgorder.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eae530..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/avgorder.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  ingraph = 0;
-  indata = 0;
-  sum = 0.;
-  n = 0;
-  if ($1 == "@WITH") {
-    if ($2 == "G0")
-      ingraph = 0;
-    else if ($2 == "G1")
-      ingraph = 1;
-    else if ($2 == "G2")
-      ingraph = 0;
-    else if ($2 == "G3")
-      ingraph = 1;
-  }
-  else if (ingraph) {
-    if ($1 == "@TYPE") {
-      if (n > 0) {
-	avgorder = sum/n;
-	printf ("%g ", avgorder);
-      }
-      indata = 1;
-      sum = 0.;
-      n = 0;
-    }
-    else if ($1 == "&")
-      indata = 0;
-    else if (indata) {
-      sum += $2;
-      n++;
-    }
-  }
-END {
-  if (n > 0) {
-    avgorder = sum/n;
-    printf ("%g\n", avgorder);
-  }
-  else
-    exit 1;
-  exit 0;
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/check.sh b/test/poisson/order/check.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8657a64..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/check.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: test files
-# $2: minimum order
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: check.sh REFERENCES TOLERANCE"
-    echo "  REFERENCES: reference xmgr files. example: \"reference/*.xmgr\""
-    echo "  TOLERANCE:  1 no tolerance: 0: maximum tolerance"
-    exit 1;
-if test -e test; then 
-    :
-    mkdir test;
-failed=0; all=0;
-startdate=`date +%s`
-for file in $1; do
-    testfile=test/`basename $file`
-    sname=`basename $file | awk '{print substr ($1, 1, index ($1, ".") - 1)}'`
-    ./runcomp.sh $file > $testfile
-    avg=`awk -f avgorder.awk < $testfile`
-    avgref="$avg `awk -f avgorder.awk < $file`"
-    if echo $avgref | awk -v tol=$2 -f checkorder.awk; then
-        all=`expr $all + 1`;
-	echo "PASS: $sname";
-    else
-        all=`expr $all + 1`;
-	failed=`expr $failed + 1`;
-	echo "FAIL: $sname [$avg]";
-    fi
-    expr `date +%s` - $startdate > timestamp
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    banner="All $all tests passed";
-    banner="$failed of $all tests failed";
-dashes=`echo "$banner" | sed s/./=/g`;
-echo "$dashes";
-echo "$banner";
-echo "$dashes";
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    exit 0;
-    exit 1;
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/checkorder.awk b/test/poisson/order/checkorder.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f453c7..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/checkorder.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  n = NF/2;
-  if (n != 6)
-    exit 1;
-  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-    if ($i < $(i + n)*tol)
-      exit 1;
-  exit 0;
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/order.awk b/test/poisson/order/order.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 8949aab..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/order.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-  n = 0;
-  level[n] = $1;
-  totalfirst[n] = $2;
-  totalsecond[n] = $3;
-  totalinfty[n] = $4;
-  reffirst[n] = $5;
-  refsecond[n] = $6;
-  refinfty[n++] = $7;
-END {
-  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)    
-    if (totalfirst[i] > 0. && totalsecond[i] > 0. && totalinfty[i] > 0. && reffirst[i] > 0. && refsecond[i] > 0. && refinfty[i] > 0.)
-      print level[i] " " log(totalfirst[i-1]/totalfirst[i])/log(2) " " log(totalsecond[i-1]/totalsecond[i])/log(2) " " log(totalinfty[i-1]/totalinfty[i])/log(2) " " log(reffirst[i-1]/reffirst[i])/log(2) " " log(refsecond[i-1]/refsecond[i])/log(2) " " log(refinfty[i-1]/refinfty[i])/log(2)
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/order1.awk b/test/poisson/order/order1.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 0efc0e4..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/order1.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  if ($1 == "total" && $2 == "err") {
-    totalfirst = $6;
-    totalsecond = $8;
-    totalinfty = $10;
-  }
-  else if ($1 == "refined" && $2 == "err")
-    print $4 " " totalfirst " " totalsecond " " totalinfty " " $6 " " $8 " " $10;
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/orderfig.par b/test/poisson/order/orderfig.par
deleted file mode 100644
index 83cbaaa..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/orderfig.par
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1906 +0,0 @@
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-g3 stacked false
-g3 bar hgap 0.000000
-g3 fixedpoint off
-g3 fixedpoint type 0
-g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
-g3 fixedpoint format general general
-g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-with g3
-    world xmin 4
-    world xmax 8
-    world ymin 0
-    world ymax 3
-    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0
-    znorm 1
-    view xmin 0.743615
-    view xmax 1.228581
-    view ymin 0.575000
-    view ymax 0.950000
-    title ""
-    title font 4
-    title size 1.500000
-    title color 1
-    subtitle ""
-    subtitle font 4
-    subtitle size 1.000000
-    subtitle color 1
-    xaxes scale Normal
-    yaxes scale Normal
-    xaxes invert off
-    yaxes invert off
-    xaxis  on
-    xaxis  type zero false
-    xaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    xaxis  bar off
-    xaxis  bar color 1
-    xaxis  bar linestyle 1
-    xaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  label "Level"
-    xaxis  label layout para
-    xaxis  label place auto
-    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
-    xaxis  label font 4
-    xaxis  label color 1
-    xaxis  label place normal
-    xaxis  tick on
-    xaxis  tick major 1
-    xaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-    xaxis  tick default 6
-    xaxis  tick place rounded true
-    xaxis  tick in
-    xaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-    xaxis  tick major color 1
-    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-    xaxis  tick major grid off
-    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-    xaxis  ticklabel on
-    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-    xaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-    xaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-    xaxis  ticklabel place normal
-    xaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-    xaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
-    xaxis  tick place both
-    xaxis  tick spec type none
-    yaxis  on
-    yaxis  type zero false
-    yaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    yaxis  bar off
-    yaxis  bar color 1
-    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-    yaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  label "Refined order"
-    yaxis  label layout para
-    yaxis  label place auto
-    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-    yaxis  label font 4
-    yaxis  label color 1
-    yaxis  label place normal
-    yaxis  tick on
-    yaxis  tick major 1
-    yaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-    yaxis  tick default 6
-    yaxis  tick place rounded true
-    yaxis  tick in
-    yaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-    yaxis  tick major color 1
-    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-    yaxis  tick major grid off
-    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
-    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-    yaxis  ticklabel on
-    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-    yaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-    yaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-    yaxis  ticklabel place normal
-    yaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
-    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-    yaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-    yaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
-    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-    yaxis  tick place both
-    yaxis  tick spec type none
-    altxaxis  off
-    altyaxis  off
-    legend on
-    legend loctype view
-    legend 0.775945946, 0.72
-    legend box color 1
-    legend box pattern 0
-    legend box linewidth 1.0
-    legend box linestyle 1
-    legend box fill color 0
-    legend box fill pattern 1
-    legend font 4
-    legend char size 0.460000
-    legend color 1
-    legend length 4
-    legend vgap 1
-    legend hgap 1
-    legend invert false
-    frame type 0
-    frame linestyle 1
-    frame linewidth 1.0
-    frame color 1
-    frame pattern 1
-    frame background color 0
-    frame background pattern 0
-    s0 hidden false
-    s0 type xy
-    s0 symbol 1
-    s0 symbol size 0.470000
-    s0 symbol color 1
-    s0 symbol pattern 1
-    s0 symbol fill color 1
-    s0 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s0 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s0 symbol linestyle 1
-    s0 symbol char 0
-    s0 symbol char font 4
-    s0 symbol skip 0
-    s0 line type 1
-    s0 line linestyle 1
-    s0 line linewidth 1.0
-    s0 line color 1
-    s0 line pattern 1
-    s0 baseline type 0
-    s0 baseline off
-    s0 dropline off
-    s0 fill type 0
-    s0 fill rule 0
-    s0 fill color 1
-    s0 fill pattern 1
-    s0 avalue off
-    s0 avalue type 2
-    s0 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s0 avalue font 4
-    s0 avalue color 1
-    s0 avalue rot 0
-    s0 avalue format general
-    s0 avalue prec 3
-    s0 avalue prepend ""
-    s0 avalue append ""
-    s0 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s0 errorbar on
-    s0 errorbar place both
-    s0 errorbar color 1
-    s0 errorbar pattern 1
-    s0 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s0 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s0 errorbar riser clip off
-    s0 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-    s0 legend  "first"
-    s1 hidden false
-    s1 type xy
-    s1 symbol 2
-    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-    s1 symbol color 1
-    s1 symbol pattern 1
-    s1 symbol fill color 1
-    s1 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s1 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-    s1 symbol char 0
-    s1 symbol char font 4
-    s1 symbol skip 0
-    s1 line type 1
-    s1 line linestyle 1
-    s1 line linewidth 1.0
-    s1 line color 1
-    s1 line pattern 1
-    s1 baseline type 0
-    s1 baseline off
-    s1 dropline off
-    s1 fill type 0
-    s1 fill rule 0
-    s1 fill color 1
-    s1 fill pattern 1
-    s1 avalue off
-    s1 avalue type 2
-    s1 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s1 avalue font 4
-    s1 avalue color 1
-    s1 avalue rot 0
-    s1 avalue format general
-    s1 avalue prec 3
-    s1 avalue prepend ""
-    s1 avalue append ""
-    s1 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s1 errorbar on
-    s1 errorbar place both
-    s1 errorbar color 1
-    s1 errorbar pattern 1
-    s1 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s1 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s1 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s1 errorbar riser clip off
-    s1 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-    s1 legend  "second"
-    s2 hidden false
-    s2 type xy
-    s2 symbol 4
-    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-    s2 symbol color 1
-    s2 symbol pattern 1
-    s2 symbol fill color 1
-    s2 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s2 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s2 symbol linestyle 1
-    s2 symbol char 0
-    s2 symbol char font 4
-    s2 symbol skip 0
-    s2 line type 1
-    s2 line linestyle 1
-    s2 line linewidth 1.0
-    s2 line color 1
-    s2 line pattern 1
-    s2 baseline type 0
-    s2 baseline off
-    s2 dropline off
-    s2 fill type 0
-    s2 fill rule 0
-    s2 fill color 1
-    s2 fill pattern 1
-    s2 avalue off
-    s2 avalue type 2
-    s2 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s2 avalue font 4
-    s2 avalue color 1
-    s2 avalue rot 0
-    s2 avalue format general
-    s2 avalue prec 3
-    s2 avalue prepend ""
-    s2 avalue append ""
-    s2 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s2 errorbar on
-    s2 errorbar place both
-    s2 errorbar color 1
-    s2 errorbar pattern 1
-    s2 errorbar size 2.000000
-    s2 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s2 errorbar riser clip off
-    s2 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-    s2 legend  "infinite"
-    s3 hidden false
-    s3 type xy
-    s3 symbol 1
-    s3 symbol size 0.490000
-    s3 symbol color 4
-    s3 symbol pattern 1
-    s3 symbol fill color 4
-    s3 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s3 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s3 symbol linestyle 0
-    s3 symbol char 0
-    s3 symbol char font 4
-    s3 symbol skip 0
-    s3 line type 1
-    s3 line linestyle 1
-    s3 line linewidth 1.0
-    s3 line color 4
-    s3 line pattern 1
-    s3 baseline type 0
-    s3 baseline off
-    s3 dropline off
-    s3 fill type 0
-    s3 fill rule 0
-    s3 fill color 1
-    s3 fill pattern 1
-    s3 avalue off
-    s3 avalue type 2
-    s3 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s3 avalue font 4
-    s3 avalue color 1
-    s3 avalue rot 0
-    s3 avalue format general
-    s3 avalue prec 3
-    s3 avalue prepend ""
-    s3 avalue append ""
-    s3 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s3 errorbar on
-    s3 errorbar place both
-    s3 errorbar color 4
-    s3 errorbar pattern 1
-    s3 errorbar size 4.000000
-    s3 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s3 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s3 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s3 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s3 errorbar riser clip off
-    s3 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s3 comment "ellipse1.xmgr"
-    s3 legend  "first (new)"
-    s4 hidden false
-    s4 type xy
-    s4 symbol 2
-    s4 symbol size 0.480000
-    s4 symbol color 4
-    s4 symbol pattern 1
-    s4 symbol fill color 4
-    s4 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s4 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s4 symbol linestyle 1
-    s4 symbol char 0
-    s4 symbol char font 4
-    s4 symbol skip 0
-    s4 line type 1
-    s4 line linestyle 1
-    s4 line linewidth 1.0
-    s4 line color 4
-    s4 line pattern 1
-    s4 baseline type 0
-    s4 baseline off
-    s4 dropline off
-    s4 fill type 0
-    s4 fill rule 0
-    s4 fill color 1
-    s4 fill pattern 1
-    s4 avalue off
-    s4 avalue type 2
-    s4 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s4 avalue font 4
-    s4 avalue color 1
-    s4 avalue rot 0
-    s4 avalue format general
-    s4 avalue prec 3
-    s4 avalue prepend ""
-    s4 avalue append ""
-    s4 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s4 errorbar on
-    s4 errorbar place both
-    s4 errorbar color 4
-    s4 errorbar pattern 1
-    s4 errorbar size 4.000000
-    s4 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s4 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s4 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s4 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s4 errorbar riser clip off
-    s4 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s4 comment "ellipse1.xmgr"
-    s4 legend  "second (new)"
-    s5 hidden false
-    s5 type xy
-    s5 symbol 4
-    s5 symbol size 0.480000
-    s5 symbol color 4
-    s5 symbol pattern 1
-    s5 symbol fill color 4
-    s5 symbol fill pattern 1
-    s5 symbol linewidth 1.0
-    s5 symbol linestyle 1
-    s5 symbol char 0
-    s5 symbol char font 4
-    s5 symbol skip 0
-    s5 line type 1
-    s5 line linestyle 1
-    s5 line linewidth 1.0
-    s5 line color 4
-    s5 line pattern 1
-    s5 baseline type 0
-    s5 baseline off
-    s5 dropline off
-    s5 fill type 0
-    s5 fill rule 0
-    s5 fill color 1
-    s5 fill pattern 1
-    s5 avalue off
-    s5 avalue type 2
-    s5 avalue char size 1.000000
-    s5 avalue font 4
-    s5 avalue color 1
-    s5 avalue rot 0
-    s5 avalue format general
-    s5 avalue prec 3
-    s5 avalue prepend ""
-    s5 avalue append ""
-    s5 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-    s5 errorbar on
-    s5 errorbar place both
-    s5 errorbar color 4
-    s5 errorbar pattern 1
-    s5 errorbar size 4.000000
-    s5 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-    s5 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-    s5 errorbar riser clip off
-    s5 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-    s5 comment "ellipse1.xmgr"
-    s5 legend  "infinite (new)"
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/orderfig.sh b/test/poisson/order/orderfig.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b05050..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/orderfig.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: output of poisson
-# $2: description (command line used to run order.sh)
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: orderfig.sh INPUT DESCRIPTION"
-    echo "  INPUT: output of poisson"
-    echo "  DESCRIPTION: command line used to run poisson"
-    exit 1;
-echo "@description \"$2\""
-echo "@WITH G0" 
-echo "@G0 ON" 
-echo "@G0 TYPE logy" 
-echo "@XAXIS LABEL \"Level\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@YAXIS LABEL \"Total error norm\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 0 \"first\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 1 \"second\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 2 \"infty\"" 
-echo "@TARGET G0.S0"
-echo "@TYPE xy"
-awk '{print $1 " " $2}' < $1
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G0.S1" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk '{print $1 " " $3}' < $1
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G0.S2" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk '{print $1 " " $4}' < $1
-echo "&" 
-echo "@WITH G1" 
-echo "@G1 ON" 
-echo "@G1 TYPE xy" 
-echo "@XAXIS LABEL \"Level\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@YAXIS LABEL \"Total order\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 0 \"first\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 1 \"second\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 2 \"infty\"" 
-echo "@TARGET G1.S0" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk -f order.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G1.S1" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk -f order.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $3}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G1.S2" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk -f order.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@WITH G2" 
-echo "@G2 ON" 
-echo "@G2 TYPE logy" 
-echo "@XAXIS LABEL \"Level\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@YAXIS LABEL \"Refined error norm\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 0 \"first\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 1 \"second\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 2 \"infty\"" 
-echo "@TARGET G2.S0"
-echo "@TYPE xy"
-awk '{print $1 " " $5}' < $1
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G2.S1" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk '{print $1 " " $6}' < $1
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G2.S2" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk '{print $1 " " $7}' < $1
-echo "&" 
-echo "@WITH G3" 
-echo "@G3 ON" 
-echo "@G3 TYPE xy" 
-echo "@XAXIS LABEL \"Level\"" 
-echo "@xaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@xaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@YAXIS LABEL \"Refined order\"" 
-echo "@yaxis label char size 0.6" 
-echo "@yaxis ticklabel char size 0.6" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 0 \"first\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 1 \"second\"" 
-echo "@LEGEND STRING 2 \"infty\"" 
-echo "@TARGET G3.S0" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk -f order.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $5}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G3.S1" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk -f order.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $6}' 
-echo "&" 
-echo "@TARGET G3.S2" 
-echo "@TYPE xy" 
-awk -f order.awk < $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $7}' 
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/4ellipses.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/4ellipses.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9400b12..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/4ellipses.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
- at version 40102
- at page layout free
- at ps linewidth begin 1
- at ps linewidth increment 2
- at hardcopy device 1
- at description "../shapes 4ellipses | ../poisson --solid - --error 9 --order 3 8 10 4"
- at page 5
- at page inout 5
- at link page off
- at default linestyle 1
- at default linewidth 1
- at default color 1
- at default char size 1.000000
- at default font 4
- at default font source 0
- at default symbol size 1.000000
- at timestamp off
- at timestamp 0.03, 0.03
- at timestamp linewidth 1
- at timestamp color 1
- at timestamp rot 0
- at timestamp font 4
- at timestamp char size 1.000000
- at timestamp def "Tue Sep 25 06:28:02 2001"
- at with g0
- at g0 on
- at g0 label off
- at g0 hidden false
- at g0 type logy
- at g0 autoscale type AUTO
- at g0 fixedpoint off
- at g0 fixedpoint type 0
- at g0 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g0 fixedpoint format general general
- at g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.100000
-@    view xmax 0.475000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
-@    title ""
-@    title font 4
-@    title size 1.500000
-@    title color 1
-@    title linewidth 1
-@    subtitle ""
-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
-@    subtitle color 1
-@    subtitle linewidth 1
-@    s0 symbol 2
-@    s0 symbol size 0.460000
-@    s0 symbol fill 1
-@    s0 symbol color 1
-@    s0 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s0 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s0 symbol center false
-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
-@    s0 linewidth 1
-@    s0 color 1
-@    s0 fill 0
-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
-@    s0 fill pattern 0
-@    s0 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s0 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.440000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
-@    s1 color 1
-@    s1 fill 0
-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
-@    s1 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s1 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser on
-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s2 symbol center false
-@    s2 symbol char 0
-@    s2 skip 0
-@    s2 linestyle 1
-@    s2 linewidth 1
-@    s2 color 1
-@    s2 fill 0
-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
-@    s2 fill pattern 0
-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
-@    xaxis  label place auto
-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  label font 4
-@    xaxis  label color 1
-@    xaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  ticklabel on
-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    xaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major on
-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick log off
-@    xaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    title color 1
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
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-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
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- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
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- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.81232
-               8          2.03709
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               8          1.45966
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/4ellipses1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/4ellipses1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d9a90..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/4ellipses1.xmgr
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@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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- at g0 fixedpoint format general general
- at g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
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-@    view xmax 0.475000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
-@    subtitle color 1
-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol size 0.460000
-@    s0 symbol fill 1
-@    s0 symbol color 1
-@    s0 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol center false
-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
-@    s0 linewidth 1
-@    s0 color 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s0 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.440000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
-@    s2 skip 0
-@    s2 linestyle 1
-@    s2 linewidth 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
-@    s2 fill pattern 0
-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  label font 4
-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend x1 0.13
-@    legend y1 0.22
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend linewidth 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
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- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.100000
-@    view xmax 0.475000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    title font 4
-@    title size 1.500000
-@    title color 1
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-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
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-@    s0 linestyle 1
-@    s0 linewidth 1
-@    s0 color 1
-@    s0 fill 0
-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
-@    s0 fill pattern 0
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
-@    s1 color 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 linewidth 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
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-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-4 0.00116594
-5 0.000317512
-6 7.0832e-05
-7 1.62199e-05
-8 3.81851e-06
- at target G0.S1
- at type xy
-3 0.00204651
-4 0.00131248
-5 0.000352539
-6 7.8119e-05
-7 1.78073e-05
-8 4.17974e-06
- at target G0.S2
- at type xy
-3 0.00857734
-4 0.00199302
-5 0.000592819
-6 0.00013983
-7 3.24041e-05
-8 7.77431e-06
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- at type xy
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-7 2.1332
-8 2.09098
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- at type xy
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-8 2.05939
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-3 0.000633487
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-6 5.82972e-05
-7 1.43444e-05
-8 3.44443e-06
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- at type xy
-3 0.00104785
-4 0.00105032
-5 0.000316497
-6 7.25852e-05
-7 1.73865e-05
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-6 0.00012951
-7 3.10816e-05
-8 7.46663e-06
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- at type xy
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-5 1.79023
-6 2.13242
-7 2.02294
-8 2.05815
- at target G3.S1
- at type xy
-4 -0.00339673
-5 1.73057
-6 2.12444
-7 2.06171
-8 2.06868
- at target G3.S2
- at type xy
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-7 2.05893
-8 2.05753
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index 1c25d81..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse1.xmgr
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@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
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-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3          0.03726
-               4       0.00828294
-               5       0.00204436
-               6      0.000516589
-               7      0.000130354
-               8      3.27983e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0546768
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-               5       0.00284762
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-               7      0.000175606
-               8      4.39385e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               5       0.00868486
-               6       0.00211272
-               7      0.000522379
-               8      0.000129694
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.16941
-               5          2.01849
-               6          1.98456
-               7          1.98658
-               8          1.99074
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.19122
-               5          2.07188
-               6          2.01823
-               7          2.00112
-               8          1.99878
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.08812
-               5          2.03918
-               6           2.0394
-               7          2.01593
-               8          2.00999
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.012446
-               4       0.00389827
-               5       0.00114702
-               6      0.000310142
-               7       8.0472e-05
-               8      2.05399e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0138466
-               4       0.00452589
-               5       0.00138418
-               6      0.000378726
-               7      9.87433e-05
-               8      2.52655e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0235381
-               4       0.00736236
-               5       0.00282623
-               6      0.000859159
-               7      0.000227997
-               8      5.86226e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.67478
-               5          1.76494
-               6          1.88689
-               7          1.94637
-               8          1.97006
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.61326
-               5          1.70917
-               6          1.86981
-               7           1.9394
-               8          1.96651
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.67676
-               5          1.38129
-               6          1.71788
-               7          1.91391
-               8          1.95949
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse2.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index e65fd1d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse2.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
-@    legend box linewidth 1
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-@    legend x1 0.13
-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
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-@    frame color 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 symbol center false
-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
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-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 linewidth 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
-@    xaxis  tick type auto
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  label font 4
-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format decimal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.575000
-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 linestyle 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
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-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill 0
-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0263414
-               4       0.00475692
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-               6      0.000250096
-               7      7.10943e-05
-               8      1.87864e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.81468
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.19674
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               5      0.000121998
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               4       0.00187532
-               5      0.000155967
-               6      0.000152031
-               7      5.31222e-05
-               8      1.50204e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4       0.00455683
-               5      0.000424394
-               6      0.000404253
-               7      0.000137235
-               8      3.85976e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.51865
-               8          1.82176
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.75718
-               5          3.58782
-               6        0.0368753
-               7          1.51698
-               8          1.82239
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.78502
-               5          3.42455
-               6        0.0701458
-               7          1.55861
-               8          1.83007
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse3.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse3.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index efb7c61..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse3.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    legend on
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-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend linewidth 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          2.08527
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               4        0.0243192
-               5       0.00614154
-               6       0.00151949
-               7      0.000358071
-               8      7.14841e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.118859
-               4        0.0300353
-               5       0.00778944
-               6       0.00197636
-               7      0.000511691
-               8      0.000114508
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4        0.0592703
-               5         0.023422
-               6        0.0116397
-               7         0.009656
-               8         0.003265
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.92912
-               5          1.98542
-               6          2.01501
-               7          2.08527
-               8          2.32455
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.98452
-               5          1.94707
-               6          1.97867
-               7           1.9495
-               8          2.15982
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.00991
-               5          1.33945
-               6          1.00881
-               7         0.269556
-               8          1.56434
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse4.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse4.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 67a2e74..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/ellipse4.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
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-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0.0001
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol fill 2
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick major 1
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               8      0.000349003
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               5        0.0130388
-               6        0.0115538
-               7       0.00499797
-               8       0.00172967
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.53452
-               8          1.58107
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.31319
-               8          1.34079
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.76982
-               5          1.31278
-               6         0.174444
-               7          1.20895
-               8          1.53085
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/iellipse1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/iellipse1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 196db3d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/iellipse1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel on
-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
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-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.475000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    title font 4
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-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
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-@    s0 color 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.460000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroxaxis  label char size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.575000
-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
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-@    s0 color 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
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- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               6      0.000314845
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-               8      2.14239e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               5       0.00150524
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.75126
-               5          1.73599
-               6          1.85705
-               7          1.91459
-               8          1.96276
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.66824
-               5          1.70656
-               6          1.85374
-               7          1.91701
-               8          1.96473
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4         0.969126
-               5          1.69232
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0127031
-               4       0.00365844
-               5       0.00108118
-               6      0.000296766
-               7      7.85552e-05
-               8      2.01397e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0155707
-               4       0.00471065
-               5       0.00141259
-               6      0.000388564
-               7      0.000102685
-               8      2.62928e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0314601
-               4        0.0160703
-               5       0.00466378
-               6       0.00125807
-               7      0.000324517
-               8      8.27276e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.79588
-               5          1.75862
-               6          1.86521
-               7          1.91755
-               8          1.96366
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.72484
-               5          1.73758
-               6          1.86212
-               7          1.91993
-               8          1.96549
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4         0.969126
-               5          1.78483
-               6          1.89029
-               7          1.95485
-               8          1.97185
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/iellipse2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/iellipse2.xmgr
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index 1231f83..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/iellipse2.xmgr
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@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
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-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3       0.00379936
-               4       0.00190386
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-               6      0.000284511
-               7      8.31228e-05
-               8       2.2544e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               6      0.000337345
-               7      9.70919e-05
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               5          1.15062
-               6          1.59175
-               7          1.77517
-               8           1.8825
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4         0.939884
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-               7           1.7968
-               8          1.89277
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4         0.672944
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-               8          1.93891
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3       0.00365844
-               4       0.00179731
-               5      0.000832117
-               6      0.000278631
-               7      8.18203e-05
-               8      2.22486e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3       0.00471065
-               4       0.00235944
-               5       0.00100939
-               6      0.000327295
-               7       9.4887e-05
-               8      2.56464e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4       0.00759637
-               5       0.00301447
-               6      0.000913167
-               7      0.000259719
-               8      6.92431e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.02539
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-               6          1.57843
-               7          1.76783
-               8          1.87874
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4         0.997482
-               5          1.22496
-               6          1.62482
-               7          1.78631
-               8          1.88745
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.08101
-               5          1.33341
-               6          1.72295
-               7          1.81393
-               8          1.90721
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/isquare1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/isquare1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index f8819f8..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/isquare1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick log off
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
-@    legend box linewidth 1
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-@    legend x1 0.13
-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
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-@    frame color 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
-@    title ""
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-@    title size 1.500000
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-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
-@    subtitle color 1
-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s0 symbol fill 1
-@    s0 symbol color 1
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-@    s0 symbol center false
-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 linewidth 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick major on
-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
-@    xaxis  tick type auto
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    yaxis  label "Refined error"
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  label font 4
-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format decimal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.575000
-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
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-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               5       0.00257505
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-               7      0.000170148
-               8      4.28971e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               6       0.00148656
-               7      0.000382389
-               8      9.69263e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.97103
-               8          1.98606
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               6          1.94509
-               7          1.97465
-               8          1.98784
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.58216
-               5          1.81512
-               6          1.91193
-               7          1.95886
-               8          1.98008
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/isquare2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/isquare2.xmgr
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index e537002..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/isquare2.xmgr
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@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
-@    legend box linewidth 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.475000
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
-@    xaxis  tick type auto
-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
-@    yaxis  tick on
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroxaxis  label font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend x1 0.13
-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend linewidth 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0.0001
-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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-               7      0.000373015
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               6          1.65363
-               7          1.84164
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               6          1.66093
-               7           1.8443
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.03478
-               5          1.26568
-               6          1.66626
-               7          1.84575
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/random1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/random1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cdf048..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/random1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
- at version 40102
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0.001
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.575000
-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format decimal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/random2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/random2.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7d6b4..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/random2.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
-@    legend box linewidth 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
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-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    title color 1
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-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
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-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 linewidth 1
-@    s2 color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick major on
-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroxaxis  label font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
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-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0.001
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    s1 symbol fill 2
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-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill 0
-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
-@    s1 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    legend loctype view
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    legend on
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
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-@    frame on
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0901158
-               4        0.0147956
-               5        0.0040373
-               6        0.0103561
-               7       0.00356305
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.106366
-               4        0.0166366
-               5       0.00481997
-               6        0.0103701
-               7       0.00356474
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.322182
-               4        0.0484313
-               5        0.0145552
-               6        0.0128804
-               7       0.00386297
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.60661
-               5          1.87371
-               6         -1.35902
-               7           1.5393
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4           2.6766
-               5          1.78726
-               6         -1.10533
-               7          1.54056
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.73386
-               5          1.73441
-               6         0.176357
-               7           1.7374
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0764418
-               4        0.0143853
-               5       0.00398361
-               6        0.0103385
-               7       0.00356252
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0811235
-               4        0.0160861
-               5       0.00468289
-               6        0.0103515
-               7       0.00356418
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3           0.1654
-               4        0.0333556
-               5        0.0124156
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-               7       0.00385656
- at WITH G3
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- at TARGET S0
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/simple.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/simple.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index d85386a..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/simple.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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- at with g1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
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-@    world ymax 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol 3
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0509678
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-               7      0.000183164
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.09097
-               5          2.02237
-               6          2.00557
-               7          2.00139
-               8          2.00035
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.07705
-               5          2.01889
-               6           2.0047
-               7          2.00117
-               8           2.0003
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.03499
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-               6          2.00209
-               7          2.00052
-               8          2.00013
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0509678
-               4        0.0119633
-               5        0.0029448
-               6      0.000733364
-               7      0.000183164
-               8        4.578e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0620751
-               4        0.0147117
-               5       0.00363009
-               6       0.00090457
-               7      0.000225959
-               8      5.64782e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4        0.0291408
-               5        0.0072427
-               6       0.00180805
-               7      0.000451849
-               8      0.000112952
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.09097
-               5          2.02237
-               6          2.00557
-               7          2.00139
-               8          2.00035
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.07705
-               5          2.01889
-               6           2.0047
-               7          2.00117
-               8           2.0003
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.03499
-               5          2.00844
-               6          2.00209
-               7          2.00052
-               8          2.00013
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/simple1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/simple1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index f5fa6cd..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/simple1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 skip 0
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format decimal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol fill 2
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               8      0.000169424
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7           2.0708
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               8          2.32198
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               6          2.01526
-               7          2.06994
-               8          2.32181
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a72bf..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square.xmgr
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@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol 3
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.575000
-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
-@    title ""
-@    title font 4
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-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
-@    s0 symbol color 1
-@    s0 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
-@    s0 linewidth 1
-@    s0 color 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
-@    s1 color 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
-@    s2 skip 0
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-@    s2 color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
-@    xaxis  label place auto
-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  label font 4
-@    xaxis  label color 1
-@    xaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroyaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0541691
-               4         0.012014
-               5          0.00299
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-               8       4.5841e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               5           2.0065
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-               7          2.00211
-               8            2.004
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.16189
-               5          1.99513
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-               7          2.00019
-               8           2.0042
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.20531
-               5          1.93096
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-               7          1.99077
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0541691
-               4         0.012014
-               5          0.00299
-               6       0.00073657
-               7      0.000183873
-               8       4.5841e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0657369
-               4        0.0146898
-               5       0.00368488
-               6      0.000907312
-               7      0.000226798
-               8      5.65348e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.131258
-               4        0.0284617
-               5       0.00746422
-               6       0.00181055
-               7      0.000455542
-               8      0.000113052
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.17275
-               5           2.0065
-               6          2.02125
-               7          2.00211
-               8            2.004
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.16189
-               5          1.99513
-               6          2.02195
-               7          2.00019
-               8           2.0042
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.20531
-               5          1.93096
-               6          2.04356
-               7          1.99077
-               8           2.0106
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 95a836d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    legend on
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.460000
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.042036
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-               6      0.000473789
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          2.03388
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.07906
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0278107
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-               6      9.96753e-05
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0402079
-               4       0.00663676
-               5      0.000818171
-               6      0.000129793
-               7      3.25763e-05
-               8      8.88641e-06
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4        0.0206453
-               5       0.00321018
-               6      0.000519234
-               7      9.30569e-05
-               8      1.86374e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.71468
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-               6          2.42017
-               7          1.89386
-               8          1.84415
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.59893
-               5             3.02
-               6          2.65619
-               7          1.99432
-               8          1.87415
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4           2.3586
-               5          2.68509
-               6           2.6282
-               7           2.4802
-               8          2.31991
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square2.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4fc2c..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square2.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
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- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    legend box fill with color
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0393348
-               4       0.00867858
-               5       0.00159528
-               6      0.000309016
-               7      6.52929e-05
-               8      1.47992e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0562045
-               4        0.0129391
-               5        0.0026267
-               6      0.000573655
-               7      0.000133942
-               8      3.24086e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.205869
-               4        0.0486716
-               5        0.0112438
-               6       0.00267189
-               7      0.000649418
-               8      0.000159949
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.18028
-               5          2.44365
-               6          2.36806
-               7          2.24268
-               8          2.14141
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.11895
-               5          2.30041
-               6            2.195
-               7          2.09857
-               8          2.04716
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.08057
-               5          2.11395
-               6           2.0732
-               7          2.04064
-               8          2.02154
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0284343
-               4       0.00597089
-               5      0.000959875
-               6      0.000153506
-               7      2.65519e-05
-               8      5.11125e-06
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0382732
-               4        0.0081184
-               5       0.00133849
-               6      0.000223108
-               7      4.06937e-05
-               8      8.24401e-06
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0968181
-               4        0.0223091
-               5       0.00405766
-               6      0.000762528
-               7      0.000156443
-               8      3.47466e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.25161
-               5          2.63703
-               6          2.64455
-               7          2.53141
-               8          2.37707
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.23707
-               5          2.60059
-               6          2.58479
-               7          2.45486
-               8          2.30339
- at TARGET S2
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square3.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square3.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eac462..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square3.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
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-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.92712
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.012263
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-               7      0.000297677
-               8      1.11156e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4        0.0130428
-               5       0.00546316
-               6      0.000979884
-               7      0.000423203
-               8      6.37317e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7        -0.674053
-               8          4.84017
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.41329
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-               6          4.10352
-               7        -0.435136
-               8          4.74309
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4         0.493092
-               5          1.25545
-               6          2.47905
-               7          1.21126
-               8          2.73127
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square4.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square4.xmgr
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index 6dd121d..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/square4.xmgr
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@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 0.01
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.97756
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               7      0.000270896
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          1.77498
-               8          1.86913
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               6          1.76462
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-               8          1.86844
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               5        -0.912251
-               6          2.00354
-               7          1.62994
-               8          2.03325
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e2157..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.460000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame color 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
-@    title ""
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-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
-@    s0 symbol color 1
-@    s0 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol center false
-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 linewidth 1
-@    s0 color 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
-@    s0 fill pattern 0
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
-@    s2 skip 0
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               4       0.00746599
-               5       0.00191806
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-               7      0.000155378
-               8       3.3409e-05
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.09403
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-               7          2.01217
-               8          2.21747
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4           2.1681
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0173383
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-               5       0.00116925
-               6      0.000480645
-               7      0.000116654
-               8      2.18427e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0249383
-               4       0.00751305
-               5       0.00168155
-               6      0.000585296
-               7      0.000142279
-               8      2.82691e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4        0.0238739
-               5       0.00587219
-               6       0.00194146
-               7      0.000474611
-               8      0.000105605
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.84904
-               5          2.04126
-               6          1.28254
-               7          2.04274
-               8          2.41701
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.73089
-               5          2.15961
-               6          1.52255
-               7          2.04044
-               8          2.33142
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.42049
-               5          2.02346
-               6          1.59676
-               7          2.03232
-               8          2.16807
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star2.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index fb2ab92..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star2.xmgr
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@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.460000
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend linewidth 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 8
-@    world ymin 1e-05
-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
-@    s1 fill pattern 0
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0144531
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-               5       0.00153521
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.54312
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0105851
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-               6      0.000303619
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0136212
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-               6      0.000450731
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-               8      2.92288e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               5       0.00616856
-               6       0.00172431
-               7      0.000421101
-               8      0.000114182
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7          2.15829
-               8          1.66316
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.14118
-               5          1.83811
-               6          1.93816
-               7          2.06962
-               8          1.87718
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          0.85698
-               5          1.62958
-               6          1.83891
-               7          2.03378
-               8          1.88283
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star3.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star3.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cddd92..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/star3.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    legend loctype view
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.327935
-               4        0.0278032
-               5       0.00976896
-               6       0.00346739
-               7       0.00171666
-               8       0.00200785
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.357006
-               4         0.041771
-               5        0.0132616
-               6       0.00501045
-               7       0.00206597
-               8       0.00206492
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.576206
-               4         0.215075
-               5        0.0851699
-               6        0.0651043
-               7        0.0302105
-               8        0.0120267
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          3.56009
-               5          1.50897
-               6          1.49435
-               7          1.01425
-               8        -0.226047
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          3.09537
-               5          1.65525
-               6          1.40424
-               7          1.27812
-               8      0.000733416
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.42174
-               5          1.33642
-               6         0.387591
-               7           1.1077
-               8          1.32881
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.327935
-               4        0.0278032
-               5       0.00976896
-               6       0.00346739
-               7       0.00171666
-               8       0.00200785
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.357006
-               4         0.041771
-               5        0.0132616
-               6       0.00501045
-               7       0.00206597
-               8       0.00206492
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.576206
-               4         0.215075
-               5        0.0851699
-               6        0.0651043
-               7        0.0302105
-               8        0.0120267
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          3.56009
-               5          1.50897
-               6          1.49435
-               7          1.01425
-               8        -0.226047
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          3.09537
-               5          1.65525
-               6          1.40424
-               7          1.27812
-               8      0.000733416
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4          1.42174
-               5          1.33642
-               6         0.387591
-               7           1.1077
-               8          1.32881
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/tsquare1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/tsquare1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 73043cf..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/tsquare1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
-@    legend box linewidth 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
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-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
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- at G2 ON
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/tsquare2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference2D/tsquare2.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index cf8468b..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference2D/tsquare2.xmgr
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@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
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-@    world ymax 0.1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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- at WITH G0
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
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- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               7            2.036
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/cube.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference3D/cube.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba7a51..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/cube.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
- at version 40102
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
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-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
-@    legend layout 0
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0.0001
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
-@    s0 symbol color 1
-@    s0 symbol linewidth 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
-@    s0 linewidth 1
-@    s0 color 1
-@    s0 fill 0
-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol char 0
-@    s2 skip 0
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-@    s2 linewidth 1
-@    s2 color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
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-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  label font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format decimal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.575000
-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
-@    title ""
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-@    s0 linestyle 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
-@    s0 fill pattern 0
-@    s0 errorbar type BOTH
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0332231
-               4       0.00764068
-               5       0.00188575
-               6      0.000468014
-               7        0.0001168
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.044568
-               4        0.0103997
-               5       0.00258059
-               6      0.000640765
-               7       0.00016003
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.120324
-               4        0.0279617
-               5       0.00731363
-               6       0.00180371
-               7      0.000453708
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.12041
-               5          2.01856
-               6          2.01051
-               7          2.00251
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               4          2.09947
-               5          2.01077
-               6          2.00983
-               7          2.00145
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               4           2.1054
-               5          1.93479
-               6          2.01962
-               7          1.99113
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/simple.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference3D/simple.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 43fb8bb..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/simple.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    legend on
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-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
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-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel off
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0.0001
-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
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-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
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- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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- at TYPE xy
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               3          0.11713
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- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
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-               7           2.0015
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
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-               6           2.0047
-               7          2.00117
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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-               4          2.01396
-               5          2.00322
-               6          2.00078
-               7           2.0002
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/simple1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference3D/simple1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca5376..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/simple1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
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-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 6
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    subtitle linewidth 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol color 1
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
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-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 6
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-@    world ymax 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.100000
-@    view ymax 0.475000
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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- at WITH G0
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- at G3 ON
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- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere1.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere1.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f9467..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere1.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol 3
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
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-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g1
- at g1 on
- at g1 label off
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type xy
- at g1 autoscale type AUTO
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    view xmin 0.100000
-@    view xmax 0.475000
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
-@    title ""
-@    title font 4
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-@    subtitle size 1.000000
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
-@    s0 linestyle 1
-@    s0 linewidth 1
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
-@    s1 symbol fill 2
-@    s1 symbol color 1
-@    s1 symbol linewidth 1
-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s1 symbol center false
-@    s1 symbol char 0
-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
-@    s1 color 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s1 errorbar length 1.000000
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
-@    s2 symbol fill 1
-@    s2 symbol color 1
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
-@    s2 symbol center false
-@    s2 symbol char 0
-@    s2 skip 0
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-@    s2 linewidth 1
-@    s2 color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar length 1.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
-@    xaxis  label place auto
-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  label font 4
-@    xaxis  label color 1
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel on
-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
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-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroxaxis  label font 4
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-@    world xmin 3
-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 1e-05
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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- at WITH G3
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere11.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere11.xmgr
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
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-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend x1 0.13
-@    legend y1 0.7
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
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-@    world ymax 0.01
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    subtitle font 4
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-@    s0 symbol fill 1
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-@    s0 symbol char 0
-@    s0 skip 0
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-@    s0 fill with color
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser on
-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s0 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s0 comment "/tmp/order"
-@    s1 symbol 3
-@    s1 symbol size 0.470000
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
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-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s2 symbol 5
-@    s2 symbol size 0.480000
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-@    s2 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
-@    s2 fill color 1
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-@    s2 errorbar type BOTH
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-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick minor 1
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
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-@    yaxis  label color 1
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
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-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
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-@    legend hgap 1
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-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend y1 0.22
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
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-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
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-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
- at g3 hidden false
- at g3 type xy
- at g3 autoscale type AUTO
- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
- at g3 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world xmax 7
-@    world ymin 0
-@    world ymax 3
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 tick 0, 0, 0, 0
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-@    view xmax 0.950000
-@    view ymin 0.575000
-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s0 fill with color
-@    s0 fill color 1
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-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1
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-@    s1 skip 0
-@    s1 linestyle 1
-@    s1 linewidth 1
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-@    s1 fill with color
-@    s1 fill color 1
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-@    s2 fill with color
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-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
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- at WITH G0
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- at TYPE xy
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diff --git a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere2.xmgr b/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere2.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fad872..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/reference3D/sphere2.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
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-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
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- at with g2
- at g2 on
- at g2 label off
- at g2 hidden false
- at g2 type logy
- at g2 autoscale type AUTO
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1
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-@    s1 symbol 3
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-@    s1 symbol linestyle 1
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-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick on
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  bar color 1
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-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
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-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
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-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
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-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
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-@    frame type 0
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- at with g3
- at g3 on
- at g3 label off
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- at g3 type xy
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- at g3 fixedpoint off
- at g3 fixedpoint type 0
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- at g3 fixedpoint format general general
- at g3 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
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-@    world ymax 3
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-@    view ymax 0.950000
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-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser on
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 xyz 0.000000, 0.000000
-@    s2 comment "test/simple.xmgr"
-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
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-@    xaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    xaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    xaxis  label "Level"
-@    xaxis  label layout para
-@    xaxis  label place auto
-@    xaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    xaxis  label font 4
-@    xaxis  label color 1
-@    xaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  ticklabel on
-@    xaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    xaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel start type auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick major on
-@    xaxis  tick minor on
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick log off
-@    xaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    xaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
-@    xaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    xaxis  tick op both
-@    xaxis  tick type auto
-@    xaxis  tick spec 0
-@    yaxis  tick on
-@    yaxis  tick major 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    yaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    yaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    yaxis  label "Refined order"
-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  label font 4
-@    yaxis  label color 1
-@    yaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel on
-@    yaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    yaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major on
-@    yaxis  tick minor on
-@    yaxis  tick default 6
-@    yaxis  tick in
-@    yaxis  tick major color 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  tick log off
-@    yaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    yaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    yaxis  bar off
-@    yaxis  bar color 1
-@    yaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    yaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    yaxis  tick major grid off
-@    yaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    yaxis  tick op both
-@    yaxis  tick type auto
-@    yaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroxaxis  tick on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label ""
-@    zeroxaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroxaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroxaxis  label char size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  label font 4
-@    zeroxaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel off
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel op bottom
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel char size 0.480000
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroxaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroxaxis  tick in
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroxaxis  bar off
-@    zeroxaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroxaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroxaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroxaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroxaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroxaxis  tick spec 0
-@    zeroyaxis  tick on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor 0.5
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsetx 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick offsety 0.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label ""
-@    zeroyaxis  label layout para
-@    zeroyaxis  label place auto
-@    zeroyaxis  label char size 1.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  label font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  label color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  label linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel off
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel layout horizontal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel place on ticks
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel op left
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel sign normal
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel stop 0.000000
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-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  ticklabel linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor on
-@    zeroyaxis  tick default 6
-@    zeroyaxis  tick in
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick log off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick size 1.000000
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor size 0.500000
-@    zeroyaxis  bar off
-@    zeroyaxis  bar color 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linestyle 1
-@    zeroyaxis  bar linewidth 1
-@    zeroyaxis  tick major grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick minor grid off
-@    zeroyaxis  tick op both
-@    zeroyaxis  tick type auto
-@    zeroyaxis  tick spec 0
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
-@    legend layout 0
-@    legend vgap 2
-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend length 4
-@    legend box off
-@    legend box fill off
-@    legend box fill with color
-@    legend box fill color 0
-@    legend box fill pattern 1
-@    legend box color 1
-@    legend box linewidth 1
-@    legend box linestyle 1
-@    legend x1 0.6
-@    legend y1 0.7
-@    legend font 4
-@    legend char size 0.460000
-@    legend linestyle 1
-@    legend linewidth 1
-@    legend color 1
-@    legend string 0 "first"
-@    legend string 1 "second"
-@    legend string 2 "infinite"
-@    frame on
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1
-@    frame color 1
-@    frame fill off
-@    frame background color 0
- at WITH G0
- at G0 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               2       0.00494546
-               3      0.000843589
-               4      0.000208604
-               5        4.971e-05
-               6      1.21397e-05
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               2        0.0184832
-               3       0.00248718
-               4      0.000480793
-               5      0.000118899
-               6      2.97385e-05
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               2         0.197638
-               3        0.0176734
-               4       0.00340512
-               5      0.000829417
-               6      0.000205039
- at WITH G1
- at G1 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3          2.55149
-               4          2.01577
-               5          2.06916
-               6           2.0338
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3          2.89363
-               4          2.37102
-               5          2.01568
-               6          1.99933
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3          3.48321
-               4           2.3758
-               5          2.03754
-               6           2.0162
- at WITH G2
- at G2 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               2      0.000365776
-               3      0.000340241
-               4      9.26734e-05
-               5      1.94036e-05
-               6      4.22609e-06
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               2      0.000520848
-               3      0.000492156
-               4      0.000131017
-               5      2.78474e-05
-               6        6.048e-06
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               2       0.00116293
-               3       0.00210214
-               4      0.000513536
-               5      0.000111544
-               6      2.57994e-05
- at WITH G3
- at G3 ON
- at TARGET S0
- at TYPE xy
-               3         0.104403
-               4          1.87633
-               5          2.25583
-               6          2.19893
- at TARGET S1
- at TYPE xy
-               3        0.0817467
-               4          1.90936
-               5          2.23414
-               6          2.20301
- at TARGET S2
- at TYPE xy
-               3        -0.854094
-               4          2.03332
-               5          2.20285
-               6           2.1122
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/report.sh b/test/poisson/order/report.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9faee3b..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/report.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: test files
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: report.sh REFERENCES"
-    echo "  REFERENCES: reference xmgr files. example: \"reference/*.xmgr\""
-    exit 1;
-if test -e figures; then 
-    :
-    mkdir figures;
-cat <<EOF > $texfile.tex
-{\bf Tests of order of Poisson solver} \\\\
-../poisson -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $0 "\\\\"}' >> $texfile.tex
-echo "`uname -a` \\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "Total running time: `cat timestamp` s\\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-cat <<EOF >> $texfile.tex
-\today \\\\
-for file in $1; do
-    testfile=test/`basename $file`
-    sname=`basename $file | awk '{print substr ($1, 1, index ($1, ".") - 1)}'`
-    xmgrace -hardcopy -noask -hdevice EPS -printfile figures/$sname.eps $file $testfile -param orderfig.par > /dev/null 2>&1
-    echo "\\begin{figure}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\begin{center}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\psfig{file=figures/$sname.eps, width=\\hsize}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\end{center}" >> $texfile.tex
-    esname=`echo $sname | awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)if($i=="_")printf("\\\_"); else printf("%s", $i);}'`
-    echo "\\caption{$esname: {\tt `awk -f ../command.awk < $file`}}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\end{figure}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\clearpage" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "\\end{document}" >> $texfile.tex
-latex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile.tex > /dev/null 2>&1
-dvips $texfile.dvi -o $texfile.ps > /dev/null 2>&1
-rm -f $texfile.log $texfile.aux $texfile.dvi
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/runcomp.sh b/test/poisson/order/runcomp.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b8cebdc..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/runcomp.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: xmgr file 
-# $2: options
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: runcomp.sh REFERENCE [OPTIONS]"
-    echo "  REFERENCE: an xmgr reference file"
-    exit 1;
-command=`awk -f ../command.awk < $1`
-options=`transform -h 2>&1 | awk -f ../options.awk`
-options="$options `../shapes -h 2>&1 | awk -f ../options.awk`"
-options="$options `../poisson -h 2>&1 | awk -f ../options.awk`"
-for replace in $options; do
-    command=`echo $command | sed $replace`;
-./runorderfig.sh "$command" $2
diff --git a/test/poisson/order/runorderfig.sh b/test/poisson/order/runorderfig.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 57cce43..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/order/runorderfig.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: command line
-# $2: options
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: runorderfig.sh COMMAND [OPTIONS]"
-    exit 1;
-/bin/sh -c "$1 2>&1 | awk -f order1.awk > /tmp/orderfig"
-if test $2; then
-    ./orderfig.sh /tmp/orderfig "$1" > /tmp/order
-    xmgr -graph 0 -autoscale xy -graph 1 -autoscale x -graph 2 -autoscale xy -graph 3 -autoscale x /tmp/order -p orderfig.par
-    ./orderfig.sh /tmp/orderfig "$1"
diff --git a/test/poisson/poisson.c b/test/poisson/poisson.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c100748..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/poisson.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1119 +0,0 @@
-/* Gerris - The GNU Flow Solver
- * Copyright (C) 2001 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- * 02111-1307, USA.  
- */
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#  include <getopt.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_GETOPT_H */
-#  include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
-#include "fluid.h"
-#include "graphic.h"
-#include "solid.h"
-#include "poisson.h"
-#include "init.h"
-static gdouble K = 3.;
-static gdouble L = 3.;
-#ifndef   FTT_2D
-static gdouble M = 3.;
-#endif /* not FTT_2D */
-static void fix_volume (FttCell * cell)
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell)) {
-    GfsSolidVector * s = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid;
-    FttVector p;
-    gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-    ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
-    if (s->s[0] > 0. && s->s[0] < 1. &&
-	s->s[1] > 0. && s->s[1] < 1.) {
-      s->ca.x = p.x;
-      s->a = (s->s[0] + s->s[1])/2.;
-      if (s->s[3] == 1.) {
-	g_assert (s->s[2] == 0.);
-	s->ca.y = p.y + h*(s->a - 0.5);
-      }
-      else {
-	g_assert (s->s[2] == 1. && s->s[3] == 0.);
-	s->ca.y = p.y - h*(s->a - 0.5);	
-      }
-    }
-    else if (s->s[2] > 0. && s->s[2] < 1. &&
-	     s->s[3] > 0. && s->s[3] < 1.) {
-      s->ca.y = p.y;
-      s->a = (s->s[2] + s->s[3])/2.;
-      if (s->s[1] == 1.) {
-	g_assert (s->s[0] == 0.);
-	s->ca.x = p.x + h*(s->a - 0.5);
-      }
-      else {
-	g_assert (s->s[0] == 1. && s->s[1] == 0.);
-	s->ca.x = p.x - h*(s->a - 0.5);	
-      }
-    }
-    else if (s->s[0] > 0. && s->s[0] < 1. &&
-	     s->s[2] > 0. && s->s[2] < 1.) {
-      if (s->s[1] == 1.) {
-	g_assert (s->s[3] == 1.);
-	s->a = 1. - (1. - s->s[0])*(1. - s->s[2])/2.;
-	s->ca.x = p.x + h*s->s[2]/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y + h*s->s[0]/2.;
-      }
-      else {
-	g_assert (s->s[3] == 0. && s->s[1] == 0.);
-	s->a = s->s[0]*s->s[2]/2.;
-      	s->ca.x = p.x + h*(1. - s->s[2])/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y + h*(1. - s->s[0])/2.;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (s->s[0] > 0. && s->s[0] < 1. &&
-	     s->s[3] > 0. && s->s[3] < 1.) {
-      if (s->s[1] == 1.) {
-	g_assert (s->s[2] == 1.);
-	s->a = 1. - (1. - s->s[0])*(1. - s->s[3])/2.;
-	s->ca.x = p.x + h*s->s[3]/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y - h*s->s[0]/2.;
-      }
-      else {
-	g_assert (s->s[2] == 0. && s->s[1] == 0.);
-	s->a = s->s[0]*s->s[3]/2.;
-      	s->ca.x = p.x + h*(1. - s->s[3])/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y - h*(1. - s->s[0])/2.;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (s->s[1] > 0. && s->s[1] < 1. &&
-	     s->s[2] > 0. && s->s[2] < 1.) {
-      if (s->s[0] == 1.) {
-	g_assert (s->s[3] == 1.);
-	s->a = 1. - (1. - s->s[1])*(1. - s->s[2])/2.;
-	s->ca.x = p.x - h*s->s[2]/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y + h*s->s[1]/2.;
-      }
-      else {
-	g_assert (s->s[3] == 0. && s->s[0] == 0.);
-	s->a = s->s[1]*s->s[2]/2.;
-      	s->ca.x = p.x - h*(1. - s->s[2])/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y + h*(1. - s->s[1])/2.;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (s->s[1] > 0. && s->s[1] < 1. &&
-	     s->s[3] > 0. && s->s[3] < 1.) {
-      if (s->s[0] == 1.) {
-	g_assert (s->s[2] == 1.);
-	s->a = 1. - (1. - s->s[1])*(1. - s->s[3])/2.;
-	s->ca.x = p.x - h*s->s[3]/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y - h*s->s[1]/2.;
-      }
-      else {
-	g_assert (s->s[2] == 0. && s->s[0] == 0.);
-	s->a = s->s[1]*s->s[3]/2.;
-      	s->ca.x = p.x - h*(1. - s->s[3])/2.;
-	s->ca.y = p.y - h*(1. - s->s[1])/2.;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-  }
-static void init_sine_div (FttCell * cell)
-  FttVector cm;
-  gdouble size;
-  gfs_cell_cm (cell, &cm);
-  size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-#if FTT_2D
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->div = - M_PI*M_PI*(K*K + L*L)*sin (M_PI*K*cm.x)*sin(M_PI*L*cm.y);
-#else  /* FTT_3D */
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->div = - M_PI*M_PI*(K*K + L*L + M*M)*
-    sin (M_PI*K*cm.x)*sin(M_PI*L*cm.y)*sin(M_PI*M*cm[2]);
-#endif /* FTT_3D */
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell))
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div *= size*size*GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a; 
-  else
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div *= size*size;
-#define EPS 1e-3
-static double dx (double x, double y, double (*f) (double, double))
-  double f0 = (*f) (x, y);
-  return (2.*((*f) (x + EPS, y) - f0)/3. -
-             ((*f) (x + 2.*EPS, y) - f0)/12. -
-          2.*((*f) (x - EPS, y) - f0)/3. +
-             ((*f) (x - 2.*EPS, y) - f0)/12.)/EPS;
-static double dx2 (double x, double y, double (*f) (double, double))
-  double f0 = (*f) (x, y);
-  return (4.*((*f) (x + EPS, y) - f0)/3. -
-             ((*f) (x + 2.*EPS, y) - f0)/12. +
-          4.*((*f) (x - EPS, y) - f0)/3. -
-             ((*f) (x - 2.*EPS, y) - f0)/12.)/(EPS*EPS);
-static double dy (double x, double y, double (*f) (double, double))
-  double f0 = (*f) (x, y);
-  return (2.*((*f) (x, y + EPS) - f0)/3. -
-             ((*f) (x, y + 2.*EPS) - f0)/12. -
-          2.*((*f) (x, y - EPS) - f0)/3. +
-             ((*f) (x, y - 2.*EPS) - f0)/12.)/EPS;
-static double dy2 (double x, double y, double (*f) (double, double))
-  double f0 = (*f) (x, y);
-  return (4.*((*f) (x, y + EPS) - f0)/3. -
-             ((*f) (x, y + 2.*EPS) - f0)/12. +
-          4.*((*f) (x, y - EPS) - f0)/3. -
-             ((*f) (x, y - 2.*EPS) - f0)/12.)/(EPS*EPS);
-static double annulus_p (double x, double y)
-  return x*cos (M_PI*(0.25 - sqrt (x*x + y*y))/(0.25 - 0.5))/sqrt (x*x + y*y);
-  //  return cos (M_PI*(0.25 - sqrt (x*x + y*y))/(0.25 - 0.5));
-static void init_annulus_div (FttCell * cell)
-  FttVector cm;
-  gdouble size;
-  gfs_cell_cm (cell, &cm);
-  size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->div = (dx2 (cm.x, cm.y, annulus_p) +
-			   dy2 (cm.x, cm.y, annulus_p));
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell))
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div *= size*size*GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a; 
-  else
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div *= size*size;
-extern void gfs_face_gradient_flux_centered (const FttCellFace * face,
-					     GfsGradient * g,
-					     guint v,
-					     gint max_level);
-static void cell_annulus_error (FttCell * cell, gdouble * bias)
-#if 1
-  FttVector pos;
-  ftt_cell_pos (cell, &pos);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->v = GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = 
-    annulus_p (pos.x, pos.y) - GFS_STATE (cell)->p -
-    *bias;
-  FttCellFace f;
-  FttVector p;
-  GtsVector ca;
-  f.cell = cell;
-  f.d = FTT_RIGHT;
-  f.neighbor = ftt_cell_neighbor (f.cell, f.d);
-  ftt_face_pos (&f, &p);
-  if (f.neighbor) {
-    gfs_face_ca (&f, ca);
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = dx (ca.x, ca.y, annulus_p) - 
-      GFS_STATE (cell)->f[f.d].un;
-  }
-  else
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = 0.;
-static void init_day_pressure (FttCell * cell)
-  FttVector p;
-  gdouble r2, theta;
-  ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
-  r2 = p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y;
-  theta = atan2 (p.y, p.x);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->p = r2*r2*cos (3.*theta);
-static void init_day_div (FttCell * cell)
-  FttVector cm;
-  gdouble r2, theta;
-  gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  gfs_cell_cm (cell, &cm);
-  r2 = cm.x*cm.x + cm.y*cm.y;
-  theta = atan2 (cm.y, cm.x);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->div = 7.*r2*cos (3.*theta);
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell)) {
-    GfsSolidVector * s = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid;
-    GtsVector n;
-    gdouble a;
-    gdouble x = s->ca.x;
-    gdouble y = s->ca.y;
-    n[0] = s->s[1] - s->s[0];
-    n[1] = s->s[3] - s->s[2];
-    r2 = x*x + y*y;
-#if 0
-    a = sqrt (n[0]*n[0] + n[1]*n[1]);
-    //    fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", a, s->sa);
-    n[0] /= a;
-    n[1] /= a;
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div = GFS_STATE (cell)->div*h*h*s->a -
-      ((4.*x*x*x*x - 3.*x*x*y*y - 3.*y*y*y*y)*n[0] + 
-       (-x*y*(5.*x*x + 9.*y*y))*n[1])/sqrt (r2)*h*s->sa;
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div = GFS_STATE (cell)->div*h*h*s->a -
-      ((4.*x*x*x*x - 3.*x*x*y*y - 3.*y*y*y*y)*n[0] + 
-       (-x*y*(5.*x*x + 9.*y*y))*n[1])/sqrt (r2)*h;
-  }
-  else {
-    FttCellFace f;
-    FttCellNeighbors n;
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div *= h*h;
-    ftt_cell_neighbors (cell, &n);
-    f.cell = cell;
-    for (f.d = 0; f.d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; f.d++)
-      if (n.c[f.d] == NULL) {
-	FttVector p;
-	gdouble x, y, r2;
-	gdouble nx[4] = { 1., -1., 0., 0.};
-	gdouble ny[4] = { 0., 0., 1., -1.};
-	ftt_face_pos (&f, &p);
-	x = p.x; y = p.y;
-	r2 = x*x + y*y;
-	GFS_STATE (cell)->div -=
-	  ((4.*x*x*x*x - 3.*x*x*y*y - 3.*y*y*y*y)*nx[f.d] + 
-	   (-x*y*(5.*x*x + 9.*y*y))*ny[f.d])/sqrt (r2)*h;
-      }
-  }
-static void cell_day_error (FttCell * cell, gdouble * bias)
-  FttVector p;
-  gdouble r2, theta;
-  ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
-  r2 = p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y;
-  theta = atan2 (p.y, p.x);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->v = GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = 
-    r2*r2*cos (3.*theta) - GFS_STATE (cell)->p - *bias;
-static void cell_day_truncation (FttCell * cell, GfsNorm * norm)
-  gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->v = GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = GFS_STATE (cell)->res/(h*h);
-  gfs_norm_add (norm, GFS_STATE (cell)->dp, h*h);
-static void sum_volume (FttCell * cell, GtsRange * vol)
-  gdouble size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell))
-    gts_range_add_value (vol, size*size*GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a);
-  else
-    gts_range_add_value (vol, size*size);
-static void add_ddiv (FttCell * cell, gdouble * ddiv)
-  gdouble size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell))
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div += size*size*GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a*(*ddiv);
-  else
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->div += size*size*(*ddiv);
-static void correct_div (FttCell * root, gboolean * verbose)
-  GtsRange div, vol;
-  gdouble ddiv;
-  div = gfs_stats_variable (root, gfs_div, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-  gts_range_init (&vol);
-  ftt_cell_traverse (root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-		     (FttCellTraverseFunc) sum_volume, &vol);
-  gts_range_update (&vol);
-  ddiv = - div.mean/vol.mean;
-  if (*verbose)
-    fprintf (stderr, "Correcting divergence: %g\n", ddiv);
-  ftt_cell_traverse (root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-		     (FttCellTraverseFunc) add_ddiv, &ddiv);
-static void cell_error (FttCell * cell, gdouble * avg)
-  FttVector pos;
-  ftt_cell_pos (cell, &pos);
-#if FTT_2D
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = (*avg) + 
-    sin (M_PI*K*pos.x)*sin (M_PI*L*pos.y) - GFS_STATE (cell)->p;
-#else  /* FTT_3D */
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = (*avg) + 
-    sin (M_PI*K*pos.x)*sin (M_PI*L*pos.y)*sin (M_PI*M*pos.z) - GFS_STATE (cell)->p;
-#endif /* FTT_3D */
-static void cell_error_ref (FttCell * cell, gpointer * data)
-  FttCell * root = data[0], * locate;
-  gdouble * bias = data[1];
-  gdouble * dpmax = data[2];
-  gdouble * amax = data[3], a = GFS_IS_MIXED (cell) ? 
-    GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a : 1.;
-  guint level = ftt_cell_level (cell);
-  FttVector pos;
-  ftt_cell_pos (cell, &pos);
-  locate = ftt_cell_locate (root, pos, level);
-  g_assert (locate && ftt_cell_level (locate) == level);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = GFS_STATE (locate)->p - *bias - GFS_STATE (cell)->p;
-  if (fabs (GFS_STATE (cell)->dp) > *dpmax) {
-    *dpmax = fabs (GFS_STATE (cell)->dp);
-    *amax = a;
-  }
-static void cell_error_hist (FttCell * cell, gpointer * data)
-  FttCell * root = data[0], * locate;
-  gdouble * bias = data[1];
-  guint level = ftt_cell_level (cell);
-  FttVector pos;
-  ftt_cell_pos (cell, &pos);
-  locate = ftt_cell_locate (root, pos, level);
-  g_assert (locate && ftt_cell_level (locate) == level);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->dp = GFS_STATE (locate)->p - *bias - GFS_STATE (cell)->p;
-  printf ("%g %g\n", GFS_IS_MIXED (cell) ? 
-	  GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a : 1., GFS_STATE (cell)->dp);
-static void weighted_residual (FttCell * cell)
-  gdouble size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  GFS_STATE (cell)->res /= size*size;
-static gboolean refine (FttCell * cell, guint * minlevel)
-  if (ftt_cell_level (cell) < *minlevel)
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean refine_inside_solid (FttCell * cell, gpointer * data)
-  GNode * tree = data[0];
-  guint * maxlevel = data[1];
-  gboolean * is_open = data[2];
-  if (ftt_cell_level (cell) < *maxlevel) {
-    gdouble size = ftt_cell_size (cell)/2.;
-    GtsPoint * p = gts_point_new (gts_point_class (), 0., 0., 0.);
-    FttVector pos;
-    static gint shift[FTT_CELLS][3] = 
-#if FTT_2D
-    {{-1,-1,0},{-1,1,0},{1,1,0},{1,-1,0}};
-#else  /* FTT_3D */
-    {{-1,-1,-1},{-1,1,-1},{1,1,-1},{1,-1,-1},
-     {-1,-1, 1},{-1,1, 1},{1,1, 1},{1,-1, 1}};
-#endif /* FTT_3D */
-    guint i;
-    ftt_cell_pos (cell, &pos);
-    for (i = 0; i < FTT_CELLS; i++) {
-      p->x = pos.x + size*shift[i][0];
-      p->y = pos.y + size*shift[i][1];
-      p->z = pos.z + size*shift[i][2];
-      if (!gts_point_is_inside_surface (p, tree, *is_open)) {
-	gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (p));
-	return TRUE;
-      }
-    }
-    gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (p));
-  }
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean refine_randomly (FttCell * cell, gpointer * data)
-  guint * levelmax = data[0];
-  gdouble * probability = data[1];
-  if (ftt_cell_level (cell) < *levelmax && 
-      (gdouble) rand () < *probability*(gdouble) RAND_MAX)
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-#define GFS_FLAG_MARKED  (1 << 5)
-#define GFS_IS_MARKED(cell) (((cell)->flags & GFS_FLAG_MARKED) != 0)
-typedef enum
-} Method;
-static void refine_cut_cell (FttCell * cell, GtsSurface * s, gpointer * data)
-  GfsDomain * domain = data[0];
-  guint * maxlevel = data[1];
-  if (ftt_cell_level (cell) < *maxlevel)
-    ftt_cell_refine_single (cell, (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-static GfsBox * solution (guint levels,
-			  guint levelmax,
-			  gboolean relative,
-			  GtsSurface * solid,
-			  gboolean nosolid,
-			  gdouble probability,
-			  gboolean verbose,
-			  gboolean annulus,
-                          gboolean day,
-			  gboolean truncation,
-			  gboolean fix_vol,
-			  Method method,
-			  guint vcycle,
-			  guint nrelax,
-			  gdouble * ttime,
-			  GfsDomain ** retdomain)
-  GfsBox * box;
-  GfsDomain * domain;
-  GTimer * timer;
-  guint cycle;
-  gdouble total_time = 0.;
-  *retdomain = domain = 
-   GFS_DOMAIN (gts_graph_new (GTS_GRAPH_CLASS (gfs_domain_class ()), 
-			      GTS_GNODE_CLASS (gfs_box_class ()),
-			      gts_gedge_class ()));
-  box = gfs_box_new (gfs_box_class ());
-  box->root = ftt_cell_new ((FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-  ftt_cell_refine (box->root, (FttCellRefineFunc) refine, &levels, 
-		   (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-  gts_container_add (GTS_CONTAINER (domain), GTS_CONTAINEE (box));
-  if (relative)
-    levelmax += levels;
-  if (solid) {
-    GNode * tree = gts_bb_tree_surface (solid);
-    gboolean is_open = FALSE;
-    if (gts_surface_volume (solid) < 0.)
-      is_open = TRUE;
-    if (nosolid) {
-      gpointer data[3];
-      data[0] = tree;
-      data[1] = &levelmax;
-      data[2] = &is_open;
-      ftt_cell_refine (box->root, 
-		       (FttCellRefineFunc) refine_inside_solid, data,
-		       (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-      ftt_cell_refine (box->root, 
-		       (FttCellRefineFunc) ftt_refine_corner, NULL,
-		       (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-    }
-    else {
-      gpointer data[4];
-      data[0] = domain;
-      data[1] = &levelmax;
-      if (levelmax > 0)
-	gfs_domain_traverse_cut (domain, solid,
-				 (FttCellTraverseCutFunc) refine_cut_cell, data);
-      ftt_cell_refine (box->root, 
-		       (FttCellRefineFunc) ftt_refine_corner, NULL,
-		       (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-      gfs_domain_init_solid_fractions (domain, solid, 
-				       TRUE, (FttCellCleanupFunc) gfs_cell_cleanup, NULL);
-      g_assert (gfs_cell_check_solid_fractions (box->root));
-      if (fix_vol)
-	gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, 
-				  (FttCellTraverseFunc) fix_volume, NULL);
-    }
-    gts_bb_tree_destroy (tree, TRUE);
-  }
-  else {
-    if (probability > 0.) {
-      gpointer data[2];
-      data[0] = &levelmax;
-      data[1] = &probability;
-      ftt_cell_refine (box->root, 
-		       (FttCellRefineFunc) refine_randomly, data,
-		       (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-      ftt_cell_refine (box->root, 
-		       (FttCellRefineFunc) ftt_refine_corner, NULL,
-		       (FttCellInitFunc) gfs_cell_init, domain);
-    }
-    gfs_cell_fluid (box->root);
-  }
-  if (annulus)
-    ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-		       (FttCellTraverseFunc) init_annulus_div, NULL);
-  else if (day) {
-    ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-		       (FttCellTraverseFunc) init_day_div, NULL);
-    if (truncation) {
-      ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			 (FttCellTraverseFunc) init_day_pressure, NULL);
-      gfs_poisson_coefficients (domain, NULL, 1.);
-      return box;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-    ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-		       (FttCellTraverseFunc) init_sine_div, NULL);
-  correct_div (box->root, &verbose); /* enforce solvability condition */
-  if (verbose) {
-    GtsRange stats = gfs_stats_variable (box->root, gfs_div, 
-    fprintf (stderr, 
-	     "initial div min: %g avg: %g| %g max: %g n: %7d\n",
-	     stats.min, stats.mean, stats.stddev, stats.max, stats.n);
-  }
-  levels = gfs_domain_depth (domain);
-  gfs_poisson_coefficients (domain, NULL, 1.);
-  gfs_residual (domain, FTT_DIMENSION, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, gfs_p, gfs_div, gfs_res);
-  timer = g_timer_new ();
-  g_timer_start (timer);
-  if (method == CUSTOM) {
-  }
-  else {
-    if (method == RELAX)
-      ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_POST_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, -1,
-			 (FttCellTraverseFunc) gfs_get_from_below_extensive, 
-			 gfs_div);
-    for (cycle = 0; cycle < vcycle; cycle++) {
-      if (verbose) {
-	GfsNorm norm;
-	g_timer_stop (timer);
-	total_time += g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL);
-	gfs_residual (domain, FTT_DIMENSION, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, gfs_p, gfs_div, gfs_res);
-	norm = gfs_domain_norm_residual (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, 1.);
-	fprintf (stderr, 
-		 "div n: %d time: %g first: %g second: %g infty: %g w: %g\n",
-		 cycle, total_time,
-		 norm.first, norm.second, norm.infty, norm.w);
-	g_timer_start (timer);
-      }
-      switch (method) {
-      case POISSON:
-	gfs_poisson_cycle (domain, FTT_DIMENSION, 0, levels, nrelax, gfs_p, gfs_div);
-	break;
-      case RELAX: {
-	gfs_relax (domain, FTT_DIMENSION, -1, gfs_p, gfs_div);
-	break;
-      }
-      default :
-	break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  g_timer_stop (timer);
-  total_time += g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL);
-  *ttime = total_time;
-  return box;
-int main (int argc, char * argv[])
-  GfsBox * box = NULL, * reference = NULL;
-  GfsDomain * domain = NULL;
-  guint levels, levelmax = 0, vcycle, nrelax, levels_ref = 0, l;
-  GtsRange stats;
-  GfsNorm norm;
-  int c = 0;
-  gboolean verbose = FALSE;
-  gboolean output_mesh = FALSE;
-  gboolean output_tree = FALSE;
-  gboolean nosolid = FALSE;
-  gdouble probability = -1.;
-  gboolean relative = FALSE;
-  gboolean histogram = FALSE;
-  gboolean annulus = FALSE;
-  gboolean day = FALSE;
-  gboolean truncation = FALSE;
-  gboolean fix_vol = FALSE;
-  Method method = POISSON;
-  GfsVariable * output = NULL;
-  gint olevel = -1;
-  gint minlevel = -1;
-  GtsSurface * solid = NULL;
-  gdouble total_time = 0.;
-  GtsBBox bbox;
-  bbox.x1 = bbox.y1 = -0.5;
-  bbox.x2 = bbox.y2 = 0.5;
-  bbox.z1 = bbox.z2 = 0.;
-  gfs_init (&argc, &argv);
-  /* parse options using getopt */
-  while (c != EOF) {
-    static struct option long_options[] = {
-      {"fixvolume", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
-      {"truncation", no_argument, NULL, 'T'},
-      {"day", no_argument, NULL, 'd'},
-      {"annulus", no_argument, NULL, 'A'},
-      {"histogram", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
-      {"solid", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
-      {"refine", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
-      {"relative", no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
-      {"nosolid", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
-      {"random", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
-      {"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
-      {"level", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
-      {"mesh", no_argument, NULL, 'M'},
-      {"method", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
-      {"tree", no_argument, NULL, 't'},
-      {"error", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
-      {"order", required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
-      {"kx", required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
-      {"ky", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
-      {"kz", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
-      {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
-      {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
-      {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}
-    };
-    int option_index = 0;
-    switch ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvo:m:Ml:s:Vr:nRa:te:x:k:u:w:iAdTf",
-			      long_options, &option_index))) {
-#else /* not HAVE_GETOPT_LONG */
-    switch ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hvo:m:Ml:s:Vr:nRa:te:x:k:u:w:iAdTf"))) {
-#endif /* not HAVE_GETOPT_LONG */
-    case 'f': /* fixvolume */
-      fix_vol = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'T': /* truncation */
-      truncation = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'd': /* day */
-      day = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'A': /* annulus */
-      annulus = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'i': /* histogram */
-      histogram = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 's': { /* solid */
-      FILE * fptr = optarg[0] == '-' ? stdin : fopen (optarg, "rt");
-      GtsFile * fp;
-      if (fptr == NULL) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "poisson: cannot open file `%s'\n", optarg);
-	return 1;
-      }
-      solid = gts_surface_new (gts_surface_class (),
-			       gts_face_class (),
-			       gts_edge_class (),
-			       gts_vertex_class ());
-      fp = gts_file_new (fptr);
-      if (gts_surface_read (solid, fp)) {
-	fprintf (stderr, 
-		 "poisson: file `%s' is not a valid GTS file\n"
-		 "%s:%d:%d: %s\n",
-		 fp->fp == stdin ? "stdin" : optarg, 
-		 fp->fp == stdin ? "stdin" : optarg, 
-		 fp->line, fp->pos, fp->error);
-	return 1;
-      }
-      gts_file_destroy (fp);
-      fclose (fptr);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 'r': /* refine */
-      levelmax = atoi (optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'R': /* relative */
-      relative = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'n': /* nosolid */
-      nosolid = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'a': /* random */
-      probability = atof (optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'm': /* method */
-      if (!strcmp (optarg, "POISSON"))
-	method = POISSON;
-      else if (!strcmp (optarg, "RELAX"))
-	method = RELAX;
-      else if (!strcmp (optarg, "CUSTOM"))
-	method = CUSTOM;
-      else {
-	fprintf (stderr, "poisson: bad method option `%s'\n", optarg);
-	fprintf (stderr, "Try `poisson --help' for more information.\n");
-	return 1; /* failure */
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'o': /* output */
-      if (!strcmp (optarg, "GFS_P"))
-	output = gfs_p;
-      else if (!strcmp (optarg, "GFS_DIV"))
-	output = gfs_div;
-      else if (!strcmp (optarg, "GFS_RES"))
-	output = gfs_res;
-      else if (!strcmp (optarg, "GFS_DP"))
-	output = gfs_dp;
-      else {
-	fprintf (stderr, "poisson: bad output option `%s'\n", optarg);
-	fprintf (stderr, "Try `poisson --help' for more information.\n");
-	return 1; /* failure */
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'l': /* level */
-      olevel = atoi (optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'M': /* mesh */
-      output_mesh = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 't': /* tree */
-      output_tree = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'e': /* error */
-      levels_ref = atoi (optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'x': /* order */
-      minlevel = atoi (optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'k': /* kx */
-      K = atof (optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'u': /* ky */
-      L = atof (optarg);
-      break;
-#if (!FTT_2D)
-    case 'w': /* kz */
-      M = atof (optarg);
-      break;
-#endif /* not FTT_2D */
-    case 'v': /* verbose */
-      verbose = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'h': /* help */
-      fprintf (stderr,
-     "Usage: poisson [OPTION] LEVELS CYCLE NRELAX\n"
-     "Solve a simple poisson equation on various grids\n"
-     "\n"
-     "  -f    --fixvolume   fix volume of cut cells using a piecewise linear approximation\n"
-     "  -T    --truncation  compute truncation error (only for Day problem)\n"
-     "  -d    --day         solves Day problem\n"
-     "  -A    --annulus     solves annulus problem\n"
-     "  -s F  --solid=F     read GTS file F describing solid boundaries\n"
-     "                      (if F is `-' the standard input is used)\n"
-     "  -r L  --refine=L    refines up to level L\n"
-     "  -R    --relative    makes the refinement relative i.e. the maximum level is\n"
-     "                      LEVELS + L instead of L\n"
-     "  -n    --nosolid     removes the solid while keeping the generated mesh\n"
-     "  -a    --random      refine the mesh randomly\n"
-     "  -o V  --output=V    output a GTS file representing variable V, where V is one of:\n"
-     "                      GFS_P, GFS_DIV, GFS_RES, GFS_DP\n"
-     "  -l L  --level=L     output values for level L (default is leaves)\n"
-     "  -M    --mesh        output a OOGL file representing the mesh\n"
-     "  -t    --tree        output a GFS representation of the whole cell tree\n"
-     "  -e L  --error=L     use an evaluation of the solution with a maximum level L\n"
-     "                      as the reference solution for the error computation\n"
-     "  -i    --histogram   outputs list of cell fractions and associated errors\n"
-     "  -x L  --order=L     run several simulations of varying size (starting at L)\n"
-     "                      and outputs the corresponding errors\n"
-     "  -k N  --kx=N        set wave number in direction x to N (default is 3)\n"
-     "  -u N  --ky=N        set wave number in direction y to N (default is 3)\n"
-#if (!FTT_2D)
-     "  -w N  --kz=N        set wave number in direction z to N (default is 3)\n"
-#endif /* not FTT_2D */
-     "  -m M  --method=M    use method M, where M is one of:\n"
-     "                      POISSON, RELAX, CUSTOM\n"
-     "                      (default is POISSON)\n"
-     "  -v    --verbose     display info, timing etc...\n"
-     "  -h    --help        display this help and exit\n"
-     "  -V    --version     output version information and exit\n"
-     "\n"
-     "Reports bugs to %s\n",
-      return 0; /* success */
-      break;
-    case 'V': /* version */
-      fprintf (stderr, 
-	       "poisson: using %dD libgfs version %s\n"
-	       "compiled with flags: %s\n",
-	       GFS_VERSION,
-      return 0; /* succes */
-      break;
-    case '?': /* wrong options */
-      fprintf (stderr, "Try `poisson --help' for more information.\n");
-      return 1; /* failure */
-    }
-  }
-  if (optind >= argc) { /* missing LEVELS */  
-    fprintf (stderr, 
-	     "poisson: missing LEVELS\n"
-	     "Try `poisson --help' for more information.\n");
-    return 1; /* failure */
-  }
-  levels = atoi (argv[optind++]);
-  if (optind >= argc) { /* missing CYCLE */  
-    fprintf (stderr, 
-	     "poisson: missing CYCLE\n"
-	     "Try `poisson --help' for more information.\n");
-    return 1; /* failure */
-  }
-  vcycle = atoi (argv[optind++]);
-  if (optind >= argc) { /* missing NRELAX */  
-    fprintf (stderr, 
-	     "poisson: missing NRELAX\n"
-	     "Try `poisson --help' for more information.\n");
-    return 1; /* failure */
-  }
-  nrelax = atoi (argv[optind++]);
-  if (levels_ref > levels) {
-    reference = solution (levels_ref, levelmax, relative,
-			  solid, nosolid, probability, 
-			  FALSE, annulus, day, truncation, fix_vol,
-			  method, vcycle, nrelax, 
-			  &total_time, &domain);
-    ftt_cell_traverse (reference->root, FTT_POST_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, -1,
-		       (FttCellTraverseFunc) gfs_get_from_below_intensive,
-		       gfs_p);
-  }
-  if (minlevel < 0)
-    minlevel = levels;
-  else
-    verbose = FALSE;
-  for (l = minlevel; l <= levels; l++) {
-    if (box)
-      ftt_cell_destroy (box->root, (FttCellCleanupFunc) gfs_cell_cleanup, 
-			NULL);
-    box = solution (l, levelmax, relative, solid, nosolid, probability, 
-		    verbose, annulus, day, truncation, fix_vol,
-		    method, vcycle, nrelax, &total_time, &domain);
-    gfs_residual (domain, FTT_DIMENSION, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, gfs_p, gfs_div, gfs_res);
-    if (verbose) {
-      norm = gfs_domain_norm_residual (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, 1.);
-      fprintf (stderr, 
-	       "div n: %d time: %g first: %g second: %g infty: %g w: %g\n",
-	       vcycle, total_time,
-	       norm.first, norm.second, norm.infty, norm.w);
-      stats = gfs_stats_variable (box->root, gfs_p, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-      fprintf (stderr, 
-	       "p   min: %g avg: %g| %g max: %g n: %7d\n",
-	       stats.min, stats.mean, stats.stddev, stats.max, stats.n);
-      fprintf (stderr, "Time: %g s Speed: %.0f sites.iterations/s\n", 
-	       total_time,
-	       stats.n*vcycle/total_time);
-    }
-    if (verbose || minlevel < levels) {
-      if (reference) {
-	gpointer data[4];
-	gdouble bias = 0.;
-	gdouble dpmax = 0., amax;
-	data[0] = reference->root;
-	data[1] = &bias;
-	data[2] = &dpmax;
-	data[3] = &amax;
-	ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			   (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_error_ref, data);
-	norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-	data[1] = &norm.bias;
-	ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			   (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_error_ref, data);
-	fprintf (stderr, "level: %d dpmax: %g amax: %g\n", 
-		 l, dpmax, amax);
-	norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-      }
-      else if (annulus) {
-	norm.bias = 0.;
-	ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			   (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_annulus_error, 
-			   &norm.bias);
-	norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-	ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			   (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_annulus_error, 
-			   &norm.bias);
-	norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-      }
-      else if (day) {
-	if (truncation) {
-	  gfs_norm_init (&norm);
-	  ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			     (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_day_truncation, 
-			     &norm);
-	  gfs_norm_update (&norm);
-	}
-	else {
-	  norm.bias = 0.;
-	  ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			     (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_day_error, 
-			     &norm.bias);
-	  norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-	  ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			     (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_day_error, 
-			     &norm.bias);
-	  norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	stats = gfs_stats_variable (box->root, gfs_p, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-	ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			   (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_error, &stats.mean);
-	norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-      }
-      fprintf (stderr, "total err level: %d first: %g second: %g infty: %g bias: %g w: %g\n",
-	       l, norm.first, norm.second, norm.infty, norm.bias, norm.w);
-      norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEVEL, 
-				ftt_cell_depth (box->root));
-      fprintf (stderr, "refined err level: %d first: %g second: %g infty: %g bias: %g w: %g\n",
-	       l, norm.first, norm.second, norm.infty, norm.bias, norm.w);
-    }
-    if (histogram && reference) {
-      gpointer data[4];
-      gdouble bias = 0.;
-      gdouble dpmax = 0., amax;
-      data[0] = reference->root;
-      data[1] = &bias;
-      data[2] = &dpmax;
-      data[3] = &amax;
-      ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			 (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_error_ref, data);
-      norm = gfs_norm_variable (box->root, gfs_dp, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-      data[1] = &norm.bias;
-      ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			 (FttCellTraverseFunc) cell_error_hist, data);
-    }
-  }
-  if (output != NULL) {
-    ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1,
-		       (FttCellTraverseFunc) weighted_residual, NULL);
-    if (olevel >= 0) {
-      ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_POST_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, -1,
-			 (FttCellTraverseFunc) gfs_get_from_below_intensive,
-			 gfs_p);
-      gfs_write_gts (domain, output, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEVEL, olevel, 
-		     &bbox, stdout);
-      //gfs_write_gnuplot (box->root, output, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEVEL, olevel, 
-      //                  bbox, stdout);
-    }
-    else {
-      GtsRange stats = gfs_domain_stats_variable (domain, output, 
-						  FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
-      gfs_write_gts (domain, output, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, 
-		     &bbox, stdout);
-      //gfs_write_gnuplot (box->root, output, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, 
-      //            &bbox, stdout);
-      //      gfs_write_squares (domain, output, stats.min, stats.max, 
-      //			 FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, NULL, stdout);
-    }
-  }
-  else if (output_mesh) {
-    if (olevel >= 0) {
-      printf ("LIST {\n");
-      ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEVEL, olevel,
-			 (FttCellTraverseFunc) ftt_cell_draw, stdout);
-      printf ("}\n");
-    }
-    else {
-      gfs_draw_levels (box->root, stdout);
-      if (solid) {
-	printf ("(geometry \"solid\" { =\n");
-	gts_surface_write_oogl (solid, stdout);
-	printf ("})\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else if (output_tree) {
-    ftt_cell_traverse (box->root, FTT_POST_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, -1,
-		       (FttCellTraverseFunc) gfs_get_from_below_intensive,
-		       gfs_p);
-    if (olevel >= 0)
-      domain->max_depth_write = olevel;
-    gts_graph_write (GTS_GRAPH (domain), stdout);
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/poisson/simple.c b/test/poisson/simple.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ab86116..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/simple.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <gts.h>
-#ifndef PI
-# define PI 3.14159265359
-#define K 3.0
-#define L 3.0
-static void ** malloc2D (guint nx, guint ny, gulong size)
-  void ** m = g_malloc (nx*sizeof (void *));
-  guint i;
-  for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
-    m[i] = g_malloc0 (ny*size);
-  return m;
-static void free2D (void ** m, guint nx)
-  guint i;
-  g_return_if_fail (m != NULL);
-  for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
-    g_free (m[i]);
-  g_free (m);
-static void fill0 (gdouble **u, gint n)
-  gint i, j;
-  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
-      u[i][j] = 0.;
-static void symbc (gdouble **u, gint n)
-  gint i;
-  for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
-    u[i][1] = u[i][2];
-    u[i][n] = u[i][n-1];
-    u[1][i] = u[2][i];
-    u[n][i] = u[n-1][i];
-  }
-static void relax (gdouble **u, gdouble **rhs, gint n)
-  gint i,ipass,isw,j,jsw=1; 
-  gdouble h,h2;
-  h=1.0/(n-2); 
-  h2=h*h; 
-  for (ipass=1;ipass<=2;ipass++,jsw=3-jsw) {
-    isw=jsw; 
-    for (j=2;j<n;j++,isw=3-isw)
-      for (i=isw+1;i<n;i+=2)
-	u[i][j]=0.25*(u[i+1][j]+u[i-1][j]+u[i][j+1]		      
-		      +u[i][j-1]-h2*rhs[i][j]);
-  }
-  symbc (u, n);
-static void relax2 (gdouble **u, gdouble **rhs, gint n)
-  gint i,j; 
-  gdouble h,h2;
-  h=1.0/(n-2); 
-  h2=h*h; 
-  for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
-    for (j = 2; j < n; j++)
-      u[i][j] = 0.25*(u[i+1][j]+u[i-1][j]+u[i][j+1]		      
-		      +u[i][j-1]-h2*rhs[i][j]);
-  symbc (u, n);
-static void residual (double **res, double **u, double **rhs, int n)
-  gint i,j; 
-  gdouble h,h2i;
-  h=1.0/(n-2);
-  h2i=1.0/(h*h); 
-  for (j=2;j<n;j++)
-    for (i=2;i<n;i++)
-      res[i][j] = rhs[i][j]-h2i*(u[i+1][j]+u[i-1][j]+u[i][j+1]+u[i][j-1]-
-				 4.0*u[i][j]); 
-  for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
-    res[i][1]=res[i][n]=res[1][i]=res[n][i]=0.0;
-static void init_div (gdouble ** rhs, gint n)
-  int i, j;
-  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
-      gdouble x = ((gdouble) i - (gdouble) (n + 1)/2.)/(gdouble) (n - 2);
-      gdouble y = ((gdouble) j - (gdouble) (n + 1)/2.)/(gdouble) (n - 2);
-      rhs[i][j] = - PI*PI*(K*K + L*L)*sin (PI*K*x)*sin (PI*L*y);
-    }
-static void write (gdouble ** val, gint n, FILE * fp)
-  gint i, j;
-  for (i = 2; i < n; i++) {
-    for (j = 2; j < n; j++) {
-      gdouble x = ((gdouble) i - (gdouble) (n + 1)/2.)/(gdouble) (n - 2);
-      gdouble y = ((gdouble) j - (gdouble) (n + 1)/2.)/(gdouble) (n - 2);
-      fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g\n", x, y, val[i][j]);      
-    }      
-    fprintf (fp, "\n");
-  }
-static GtsRange stats (gdouble ** val, gint n)
-  GtsRange s;
-  gint i, j;
-  gts_range_init (&s);
-  for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
-    for (j = 2; j < n; j++)
-      gts_range_add_value (&s, val[i][j]);
-  gts_range_update (&s);
-  return s;
-static void restrictor (gdouble ** w, gdouble ** w1, gint n)
-  gint i, j;
-  for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
-    for (j = 2; j < n; j++)
-      w1[i][j] = (w[2*i - 2][2*j - 2] + w[2*i - 1][2*j - 2] +
-		  w[2*i - 2][2*j - 1] + w[2*i - 1][2*j - 1])/4.;
-static void interpolate (gdouble ** w, gdouble ** w1, gint n)
-  gint i, j;
-  for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
-    for (j = 2; j < n; j++) {
-      w[2*i - 2][2*j - 2] = w1[i][j];
-      w[2*i - 1][2*j - 2] = w1[i][j];
-      w[2*i - 2][2*j - 1] = w1[i][j];
-      w[2*i - 1][2*j - 1] = w1[i][j];
-    }
-static void addp (gdouble ** p, gdouble ** p1, gint n)
-  gint i, j;
-  for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
-    for (j = 2; j < n; j++) {
-      p[2*i - 2][2*j - 2] += p1[i][j];
-      p[2*i - 1][2*j - 2] += p1[i][j];
-      p[2*i - 2][2*j - 1] += p1[i][j];
-      p[2*i - 1][2*j - 1] += p1[i][j];
-    }
-static void addp1 (gdouble ** p, gdouble ** p1, gint n)
-  gint i, j;
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
-      p[i][j] += p1[i][j];
-static void multigrid (gdouble ** u, gdouble ** rhs, gdouble ** res, guint n,
-		       guint vcycle, guint npre, guint npost)
-  gdouble ** rhs1 = NULL, ** u1 = NULL, ** res1 = NULL;
-  guint nc, i, j;
-  g_return_if_fail (n % 2 == 0);
-  nc = n/2 + 1;
-  if (nc > 3) {
-    rhs1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    u1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    res1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    restrictor (rhs, rhs1, nc);
-    multigrid (u1, rhs1, res1, nc, vcycle, npre, npost);
-    interpolate (u, u1, nc);
-    symbc (u, n);
-  }
-  else
-    fill0 (u, n);
-  for (i = 0; i < npre; i++)
-    relax (u, rhs, n);
-  if (nc > 3) {
-    for (j = 0; j < vcycle; j++) {
-      residual (res, u, rhs, n);
-      restrictor (res, rhs1, nc);
-      multigrid (u1, rhs1, res1, nc, vcycle, npre, npost);
-      addp (u, u1, nc);
-      symbc (u, n);
-      for (i = 0; i < npost; i++)
-	relax (u, rhs, n);
-    }
-    free2D ((void **) rhs1, nc);
-    free2D ((void **) u1, nc);
-    free2D ((void **) res1, nc);
-  }
-static void multigrid1 (gdouble ** u, gdouble ** rhs, gdouble ** res, guint n,
-			guint npre, guint npost)
-  gdouble ** rhs1, ** u1, ** res1;
-  guint nc, i;
-  g_return_if_fail (n % 2 == 0);
-  for (i = 0; i < npre; i++)
-    relax (u, rhs, n);
-  nc = n/2 + 1;
-  if (nc > 3) {
-    rhs1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    u1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    res1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    residual (res, u, rhs, n);
-    restrictor (res, rhs1, nc);
-    multigrid1 (u1, rhs1, res1, nc, npre, npost);
-    addp (u, u1, nc);
-    symbc (u, n);
-    for (i = 0; i < npost; i++)
-      relax (u, rhs, n);
-    free2D ((void **) rhs1, nc);
-    free2D ((void **) u1, nc);
-    free2D ((void **) res1, nc);
-  }
-static void multigrid2 (gdouble ** u, gdouble ** rhs, 
-			guint n, guint npre, guint npost)
-  guint nc, i;
-  g_return_if_fail (n % 2 == 0);
-  nc = n/2 + 1;
-  if (nc > 3) {
-    gdouble ** u1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    gdouble ** rhs1 = (gdouble **) malloc2D (nc + 1, nc + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-    restrictor (rhs, rhs1, nc);
-    multigrid2 (u1, rhs1, nc, npre, npost);
-    interpolate (u, u1, nc);
-    symbc (u, n);
-    for (i = 0; i < npost; i++)
-      relax (u, rhs, n);
-    free2D ((void **) rhs1, nc);
-    free2D ((void **) u1, nc);
-  }
-  else
-    for (i = 0; i < 10*npost; i++)
-      relax (u, rhs, n);
-int main (int argc, char * argv[])
-  gdouble ** p, ** rhs, ** res, ** dp;
-  guint n = 1, vcycle, npre, npost, level, i;
-  GtsRange s;
-  GTimer * timer;
-  if (argc != 5) {
-    fprintf (stderr, "usage: simple LEVELS VCYCLE NPRE NPOST\n");
-    return 1;
-  }
-  i = level = atoi (argv[1]);
-  while (i) {
-    n *= 2;
-    i--;
-  }
-  n += 2;
-  vcycle = atoi (argv[2]);
-  npre = atoi (argv[3]);
-  npost = atoi (argv[4]);
-  p = (gdouble **) malloc2D (n + 1, n + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-  rhs = (gdouble **) malloc2D (n + 1, n + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-  res = (gdouble **) malloc2D (n + 1, n + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-  dp = (gdouble **) malloc2D (n + 1, n + 1, sizeof (gdouble));
-  init_div (rhs, n);
-  timer = g_timer_new ();
-  g_timer_start (timer);
-#if 0
-  multigrid (p, rhs, res, n, vcycle, npre, npost);
-#if 0
-  for (i = 0; i < vcycle; i++)
-    multigrid1 (p, rhs, res, n, npre, npost);
-#else /* as implemented in gerris (speed is identical to the previous one...
-         (02/07/02) */
-  for (i = 0; i < vcycle; i++) {
-    residual (res, p, rhs, n);
-    multigrid2 (dp, res, n, npre, npost);
-    addp1 (p, dp, n);
-    symbc (p, n);
-  }
-  g_timer_stop (timer);
-  residual (res, p, rhs, n);
-  s = stats (res, n);
-  fprintf (stderr, "div min: %10.4e avg: %10.4e|%10.4e max: %10.4e n: %7d\n",
-	   s.min, s.mean, s.stddev, s.max, s.n);
-  s = stats (p, n);
-  fprintf (stderr, "p   min: %10.4f avg: %10.4f|%10.4f max: %10.4f n: %7d\n",
-	   s.min, s.mean, s.stddev, s.max, s.n);
-  fprintf (stderr, "Time: %g s Speed: %.0f sites/s\n", 
-	   g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL),
-	   s.n/g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL));
-  write (res, n, stdout);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/poisson/speed.sh b/test/poisson/speed.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 02455b8..0000000
--- a/test/poisson/speed.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for cycle in `seq 1 1 20`; do
-    ./simple 8 $cycle 4 4 2>&1 | awk '{
-	if ($1 == "div")
-	    max = $7;
-	else if ($1 == "Time:")
-	    print $2 " " max;
-    }'

Gerris Flow Solver

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