[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:53:29 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 270a2db8594db699c95a0369333f9e9a0f862c90
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Tue Feb 20 14:12:43 2007 +1100

    FAQ is now in the wiki not in the source doc

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-SUBDIRS = tutorial examples faq
+SUBDIRS = tutorial examples
 # The name of the module.
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-	l2hconf.pm \
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-	latex2html -no_math -html_version 3.2,math -address "" -info "" -split +2 -toc_depth 5 -t "The Gerris FAQ" -local_icons -white faq.tex
-	sh pre_fix.sh
-	cp -f ../share/darcs.css faq/faq.css
-	tar cf faq.tar faq
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-{\huge The Gerris FAQ}\\
-{\large St\'ephane Popinet\\
-{\tt popinet at users.sf.net}\\
-\section{General questions}
-\subsubsection{What does ``Gerris'' mean?}
-Gerris is the Latin (and French) name of the water strider (or water
-boatman), an aquatic insect which uses surface tension to ``walk'' on
-the surface of the water. Have a look at the logo on the front page of
-the Gerris \htmladdnormallinkfoot{web site}{\gfsweb} for a
-graphical description.
-\subsubsection{How is ``Gerris'' pronounced?}
-With a soft `g' like `genetics' or `general'.
-\subsubsection{Where are the printable versions of the docs?}
-The tutorial, FAQ and examples pages all have printable PDF (\htmladdnormallinkfoot{tutorial.pdf}{\gfsweb/tutorial/tutorial.pdf}, \htmladdnormallinkfoot{faq.pdf}{\gfsweb/faq/faq.pdf}, \htmladdnormallinkfoot{examples.pdf}{\gfsweb/examples/examples.pdf}) and Postscript (\htmladdnormallinkfoot{tutorial.ps.gz}{\gfsweb/tutorial/tutorial.ps.gz}, \htmladdnormallinkfoot{faq.ps.gz}{\gfsweb/faq/faq.ps.gz}, \htmladdnormallinkfoot{examples.ps.gz}{\gfsweb/examples/examples.ps.gz}) versions,
-the reference manual only exists as an \htmladdnormallinkfoot{HTML document}{\gfsweb/reference/book1.html}.
-\subsubsection{What grid generator is Gerris using?}
-Gerris uses an ``embedded boundary'' technique. Grid generation reduces
-to the computation of the ``shape'' (surface and volume fractions) of
-Cartesian (cubic) cells cut by the solid boundaries. These ``boolean
-operations'' between solids are performed automatically using GTS (the
-GNU Triangulated Surface Library). The cells cut by the boundaries can
-then be refined automatically using the quad/octree structure of the
-discretisation. Mesh generation is entirely automatic and works for
-any input geometry (provided it is topologically consistent, i.e. an
-orientable non-self-intersecting manifold).
-\subsubsection{Can Gerris handle unstructured tetrahedral meshes?}
-Gerris uses a quadtree (octree in 3D) finite volume discretisation. It
-cannot handle unstructured meshes.
-\subsubsection{Are there any plans to extend Gerris to RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes)?}
-The focus is on time-dependent Navier-Stokes, so RANS is not really in
-my mind but nothing is in the way if this is what you need.
-Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models is what I am thinking about as far
-as turbulence modelling is concerned.
-\subsubsection{What boundary conditions are in the code now and what
-BCs are planned for the near future?}
-Slip, no-slip solid boundaries, inflow, outflow, periodic\dots, but
-everything is there to implement your own boundary conditions as
-Gerris can not supply all the boundary conditions users could think
-\subsubsection{How is Gerris parallelised? Does it use MPI or a shared memory technique?}
-Gerris uses a domain decomposition approach using MPI for
-synchronisation at domain boundaries. For the moment it does not do
-dynamic balancing of domain sizes which limits its applicability to
-statically refined problems.
-\subsubsection{Does adaptive refinement work in parallel?}
-Yes but there may be load-balancing issues. I
-don't use the MPI version for the moment. For the type of studies I am
-interested in, it is usually much easier to do ``direct parallelism''
-i.e. run several simulations with different parameters ``in parallel''.
-\subsubsection{Does the parallel version of the code do load-balancing?}
-No, the code does not have parallel load-balancing capabilities at the
-moment. It can do static load-balancing i.e. ``optimal'' partitioning of
-the domain so that an initial mesh is divided in roughly equal-sized
-subdomains while minimising the size of the communication boundaries.
-I don't personally use the parallel capability of the code very
-much. What I usually need is several different sequential computations
-with a different set of parameters. This is of course the ideal case
-for ``parallelism''. I don't usually require to run ``one shot'' very
-large parallel computations.
-\subsubsection{When will parallel load-balancing be available?}
-Load-balancing is not very high on my list of priorities at the
-moment. I don't see fundamental obstacles to dynamic
-load-balancing. The main limitation of the current code which would be
-hard to do away with is the fact that only ``coarse grain'' parallelism
-is possible (i.e. domains can be partitioned only at the GfsBox level
-not at an individual cell level). This is a limitation only when the
-ratio of total number of cells to total number of CPUs becomes small
-What's ultimately needed to implement ``full'' load-balancing is a way
-in the code to transfer entire GfsBoxes from one processor to the
-other (ensuring the correct restructuring of associated boundary
-conditions). This is a technical problem but which could be solved
-relatively easily by someone with a good understanding of the code
-structure at the GfsBox/GfsBoundary level.
-An intermediate possibly easier (but not as clean) solution can be to
-save the simulation and stop the code when load-balancing becomes too
-bad, then do a static load-balancing step and restart a ``new''
-simulation with this as initial state. I would probably first
-experiment with this approach to get used to the problems involved
-first and then move to the full internally-coded solution.
-\subsubsection{Can Gerris handle moving/deforming solid geometries?}
-Not yet but this is planned for a next phase.
-\subsubsection{Can Gerris also be used for compressible fluids?}
-No, but this would be possible. The existing shallow-water solver in particular
-can be seen as one form of compressible flow solver.
-\subsubsection{Can Gerris solve the shallow-water (Saint-Venant) equations?}
-Yes, starting with version 0.6.0, although I would not consider it
-ready for ``general consumption'' right now. For simple examples on how
-this works have a look in the source file in {\tt test/ocean}.
-\subsubsection{How can I assist you in your development effort?}
-Thanks for asking. The easiest way you can help me is first by using
-the code. Setting up your own test cases etc\dots And reporting
-problems, either in term of usability, unexpected results etc\dots
-By doing that you will certainly help me ensure that the code is as
-robust as possible and you will soon find areas which need improvement
-and which you might like to work on (preferably after consultation with
-me so that we can coordinate our efforts).
-An important point is also to remember to try to send your
-questions/comments to one of the two Gerris mailing lists (gfs-users
-or gfs-devel) so that other people can benefit from the exchange (I
-will also more readily reply to a message on the mailing list than to
-one addressed directly to me).
-\section{Installation and coding}
-\subsubsection{How do I install the parallel version of Gerris?}
-If when running {\tt ./configure} you got lines looking like
-checking for mpicc... yes
-then you don't have anything else
-to do. Otherwise, you need to make sure that you have MPI installed
-and that the {\tt mpicc} command is in your {\tt PATH}.
-For running the code in parallel, you will have to wait until I have
-written the next chapter of the tutorial\dots
-\subsubsection{Does the Gerris {\tt configure} script support a LAM MPI implementation?}
-Yes, more generally it should support any MPI implementation which
-defines a working {\tt mpicc} command accessible in the {\tt PATH}.
-\subsubsection{My crappy MPI installation prevents Gerris from compiling, 
-how do I turn MPI support off?}
-% ./configure --disable-mpi
-\subsubsection{Is there a Windows version of Gerris?}
-Certainly not a native Windows version (Gerris relies on features
-found in professional operating systems) but one should be able to
-compile and install it on Windows using \htmladdnormallinkfoot{cygwin}{http://www.cygwin.com}.
-Gerris also runs on MacOSX.
-My personal advice would be ``why use Windows?''
-\subsubsection{Are there any plans to release a more documented version of the code?}
-I have chosen the ``classical'' point of view that, if the general
-description of the arguments and of what the function does (given just
-before the body of (almost) all the exported functions) together with
-the code in the function itself does not clearly describe what the
-function is doing, then this is a problem with the code itself not
-with the documentation. A counter-example of that would be a very long
-monolithic code described by comments every few lines.
-Also, from my personal experience, working with a number of research
-and commercial codes, I would consider Gerris to be fairly well documented.
-The code is also quite modular, so you shouldn't (hopefully) need to
-go through all the 16000 lines of code...
-Of course, I would be glad to address any detailed problem you may
-have (unclear documentation etc\dots)
-\subsubsection{Are there any plans to release a C++/Java/Object Oriented 
-implementation of Gerris?}
-No. Gerris is already object-oriented (with class inheritance etc\dots),
-see the tutorial for an example of how this works.
-\section{Physics and dimensioning}
-\subsubsection{Where are variables like viscosity, density etc\dots defined?}
-By default, the density is unity and the molecular viscosity is
-zero (i.e. there is no explicit viscous term in the momentum
-equation). In practice, it does not mean that there is no viscosity at 
-all however, because any discretisation scheme always has
-some numerical viscosity. Of course, the lower the numerical
-viscosity, the better. Gerris has quite good properties in this
-\subsubsection{How come Gerris generates a Von Karman vortex street for 
-an inviscid flow around a half-cylinder? I would expect the inviscid flow 
-to remain irrotational.}
-This is perfectly right in the case of flow around smooth
-solid boundaries. If there is a sharp corner (as for the
-half-cylinder), the potential flow solution is singular in the sense
-that the velocity tends to infinity as one gets closer to the
-corner. In practice (finite difference numerical solution) and in
-reality, the local numerical (or real) viscosity near the corner,
-smears out the singularity, which results in the creation of a (point) 
-source of vorticity which is then carried away by the mean flow (as
-you can see on the half-cylinder example).
-Even in the case of a smooth geometry, numerical inaccuracies in the
-boundary conditions on the solid surface can lead to the generation of 
-a small amount of vorticity (much smaller than what is generated at a
-discontinuity though).
-\subsubsection{How would I create a $5\times 5$ box?}
-It is possible to change the size of the unit GfsBox, however, I would
-encourage you to think in ``relative units'' rather than ``absolute
-units''. When studying fluid mechanics (and other physical) problems it
-is almost always a good idea to use non-dimensional units. This makes
-relevant independent parameters (such as the Reynolds number for
-example) immediately apparent. When using Gerris I would recommend
-scaling all your physical input parameters by a reference length (the
-physical length of the GfsBox). This also eliminates the need for
-changing the length of the GfsBox.
-\subsubsection{How would I modify the file you sent me ({\tt tangaroa.gfs}) for a ship that is 150 
-meters long and exposed to a cross-flow wind velocity of 50 meters/sec?}
-You would have to non-dimensionalise both the model ship geometry and wind speed.
-The reference length of the {\tt GfsBox} would be $3*150\;meters$, so you would
-scale the model geometry by a factor of $1/(reference\;length)$ or $1/450$.
-You might want to use the {\tt transform} program to do
-that, something like this:
-% transform --scale 2.22222e-3 < model.gts > model_scaled.gts
-You also have to keep in mind that the bottom boundary of a 3D box is
-at $z = -0.5$. You want to have that coinciding with the sea level
-(i.e. translate your model vertically by the correct amount).
-\subsubsection{How would I redimensionalise U,V,W and P?}
-$$U\;meters/sec = U*Uref = U*50\;meters/sec$$
-$$V\;meters/sec = V*Uref = V*50\;meters/sec$$
-$$W\;meters/sec = W*Uref = W*50\;meters/sec$$
-$$P\;Pascals = P*DENSITY*Uref^2$$
-However, keep in mind that the only relevant parameter for the
-(constant density) Navier-Stokes equations is the Reynolds number. If
-you do not include any explicit viscous term the (theoretical)
-Reynolds number is always infinite. In practice this means that the
-inflow velocity has only a uniform scaling influence on the final
-solution. For example
-\item[simulation 1:] inflow velocity set to 1.0
-\item[simulation 2:] inflow velocity set to 2.0
-then, the velocity field of simulation 1 at time t is exactly equal
-(to machine precision) to the velocity field for simulation 2 at time
-$t/2.0$, divided by 2.0.
-\subsubsection{It looks like t and dt output by GfsOutputTime are also scaled?  How would I scale t and dt to time in seconds?}
-Let's say your reference scale is $L=450\;meters$, your reference speed
-$U=50\;meters/sec$, your reference time is then $T=L/U=9\;sec$
-You thus need to multiply both t and dt by $T=9\;sec$.
-\subsubsection{How do I scale Vorticity?}
-The units of vorticity are 
-$$LT^{-1}/L \rightarrow T^{-1}$$
-$$ T' = T*Lref/Vref$$
-\subsubsection{The code provides support for the variable density incompressible Euler 
-equations.  Does that mean you can input the density of the fluid density 
-(air, water, etc\dots)?}
-Not really if what you mean is a constant density throughout the
-domain. In the case of the incompressible constant-density Navier-Stokes
-equations, the density is irrelevant. It is only a scaling factor for
-the pressure.
-What this really means is that Gerris can deal with flows where
-the density varies across the domain (e.g. a mixture of two miscible
-fluids, or density variations due to salinity variations in the sea for
-\subsubsection{Although the initialised problem is symmetric, the solution 
-becomes asymmetric as time passes, why?}
-The code is indeed not perfectly numerically symmetrical. This is due
-mainly to the tolerance in the solution for the pressure equation, if
-you decrease the tolerance you should see smaller
-asymmetries. You can do this using
-  ApproxProjectionParams {
-    tolerance = 1e-6
-  }
-  ProjectionParams {
-    tolerance = 1e-6
-  }
-\subsubsection{How do I deal with negative values of the pressure?}
-Your question is interesting, it comes down to the meaning of
-``pressure'' for incompressible flows.
-For {\em compressible} flows ``pressure'' has a thermodynamic definition
-and is directly linked to other physical quantities through an
-equation of state. It is defined on an absolute scale.
-For {\em incompressible} flows ``pressure'' does not have a thermodynamic
-definition (there is no equation of state linking it to other physical
-quantities), rather it comes about as the stress field necessary to
-enforce the incompressibility condition. In this context, only its
-gradients are relevant, not its absolute value i.e. one can add any
-constant to the pressure field without changing the solution.
-Conclusion: If you don't like negative pressures just add any constant
-necessary to make them positive.
-\section{Representation of solid boundaries}
-\subsubsection{How do I import my geometry into Gerris?}
-You need to convert your geometry into a set of triangulated surfaces
-and be able to export it in the GTS format (very simple, described
-or alternatively in the STL format (which can be converted to GTS
-using the {\tt stl2gts} program).
-The tricky bit is that the surfaces you export must represent proper
-solid objects i.e. they must be orientable, closed, manifold and non
-self-intersecting surfaces.
-\subsubsection{What CAD package can I use to export STL/GTS files?}
-Blender can do that and is open-source, also have a look at ac3d, k3d
-and Pro/Engineer, Rhino. There are plenty of others.
-\subsubsection{Do I need to tessellate (increase the number of triangles of) 
-my surface before importing it into GTS?}
-If your solid boundary is exactly defined using a few triangles, there
-is no need to use more. In short, the mesh size generated by Gerris is
-completely independent from the ``triangle size'' of the input surface
-(in contrast to what happens in ``classical'' unstructured mesh
-If for example, you want to resolve the boundary layers around your
-solid, you could tell Gerris to use a ``fine enough'' mesh like this:
-GfsRefineSolid 10
-which tells Gerris to use 10 levels of refinement near the solid
-surface. ``Fine enough'' is going to depend on the details of the
-physics (most importantly Reynolds number) and on the constraints in
-term of computational time, memory size etc\dots
-\subsubsection{Which part of the parameter file tells Gerris where the
- half-cylinder is placed? How do I alter it?}
-The position of the solid object is defined (obviously) through the
-coordinates of its vertices. If you created it using a CAD or similar
-program, you can translate, rotate etc\dots the object using this same
-Alternatively, you can use the {\tt transform} program which comes with
-% transform -h
-will give you a summary of the transformations you can make, currently
-Usage: transform [OPTION] < file.gts
-Apply geometric transformations to the input.
-  -r ANGLE  --rx=ANGLE      rotate around x-axis
-  -m ANGLE  --ry=ANGLE      rotate around y-axis
-  -n ANGLE  --rz=ANGLE      rotate around z-axis
-  -s FACTOR --scale=FACTOR  scale by FACTOR
-  -R FACTOR --sx=FACTOR     scale x-axis by FACTOR
-  -M FACTOR --sy=FACTOR     scale y-axis by FACTOR
-  -N FACTOR --sz=FACTOR     scale z-axis by FACTOR
-  -t V      --tx=V          translate of V along x-axis
-  -u V      --ty=V          translate of V along y-axis
-  -w V      --tz=V          translate of V along z-axis
-  -i        --revert        turn surface inside out
-  -o        --normalize     fit the resulting surface in a cube of
-                            size 1 centered at the origin
-  -v        --verbose       print statistics about the surface
-  -h        --help          display this help and exit
-Reports bugs to popinet at users.sourceforge.net
-The resulting (transformed) object is written on the standard output.
-For example, if you want the half-cylinder in the second cell do:
-% transform -t 1 < half-cylinder.gts > half-cylinder1.gts
-and use {\tt half-cylinder1.gts} in the parameter file.
-\subsubsection{Are there any tools for converting format-X (not STL) files 
-(generated via a CAD system) to a GTS-format file?}
-The GTS file format is described \htmladdnormallinkfoot{here}{http://gts.sourceforge.net/reference/gts-surfaces.html\#GTS-SURFACE-WRITE}.
-It is very simple. You should be able to write your own filter
-using your favourite scripting language. You might want to have a look 
-at the {\tt cleanup} utility which comes with GTS (in the {\tt examples/} 
-directory) It will allow you to link unlinked faces, remove duplicate
-vertices etc\dots
-\subsubsection{Gerris seem to allow only one solid body, is this correct?}
-No, there is no limitation on the number and/or complexity of solid
-bodies (as long as they are properly oriented, manifold geometrical
-surfaces). Multiple bodies are possible, either as a single GTS file
-containing multiple separate bodies or as multiple calls to
-{\tt GtsSurface} in the parameter file with several non-intersecting GTS
-GtsSurfaceFile box_1.gts
-GtsSurfaceFile box_2.gts
-Note however that the solids cannot intersect.
-\subsubsection{How do I orient my solid surfaces properly?}
-The orientation of the
-faces of your solid defines where the fluid side is (by
-convention the counter-clockwise (CCW) normal direction to a face points toward the solid
-side). If your solid is not oriented properly you can use the
-{\tt --revert} or {\tt -i} option of {\tt transform} to turn it ``inside out''.
-\subsubsection{It looks like all STL files need to be turned ``inside out''.  I don't understand why, but {\tt transform -i} fixed the problem.}
-It is just a matter of different conventions. The program you use has
-chosen to orient the CCW face normals toward the ``outside'' of the
-solid object.
-\subsubsection{Can solids intersect?}
-No, you first need to use the ``boolean operations'' or ``constructive
-solid geometry'' operations of your solid modeller to generate the
-union of your solids.
-This may change in the future.
-\subsubsection{We have a problem inserting some GTS files generated 
-from STL files and even inserting the standard GTS files found 
-on the GTS samples site?}
-The samples files on the GTS site are not
-necessarily describing consistent geometric surfaces (i.e. they can be
-open, non-manifold etc\dots)
-\section{Post-processing and Visualisation}
-\subsubsection{Is there a way to view the results and solid(s) at the same time (with the 
-solid in the correct location? (Geomview question)}
-Yes, you need to select the Inspect$\rightarrow$Appearance$\rightarrow$Normalise$\rightarrow$None
-option in the Geomview menu. The default is to ``normalise''
-(i.e. rescale) each object individually (Normalise$\rightarrow$Individual option)
-so that it fits at the centre of the viewed area.
-\subsubsection{Is there any way to output U, V, W, P, etc\dots at point (X, Y, Z) in the flow field?}
-Yes, use
-GfsOutputLocation { step = 1 } data -0.209371 -0.0166124 -0.449834
-where the last three numbers are the $x,y,z$ coordinates of the location
-where you want the values of the variables or
-GfsOutputLocation { step = 1 } data positions
-where {\tt positions} is a file containing newline-separated coordinates.
-The file {\tt data} will contain the data as described in the first line of the file, a ``comment'' line starting with \#.
-\subsubsection{Where is the description of the format of the data 
-section of saved simulation files?}
-If you intend to read the simulation files (to convert them or do
-other operations/calculations etc\dots) I would highly recommend that
-you do so through the functions provided by the Gerris library
-({\tt gfs\_simulation\_read()} and so on). This way you will not reinvent the
-wheel and you will be able to use all the functionalities provided by
-the library (traversal of the octree structure, computation of
-gradients, interpolations etc\dots). This would also ensure that your
-code is independent of the format changes in the simulation file.
-Just to give you an example on how this can bite you:
-the GfsOutputSimulation object can be used like this (in simulation
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.1 } sim-%3.1f { variables = P,C }
-in this case, the simulations files ({\tt sim-0.1}, {\tt sim-0.2} etc\dots) will
-only contain the {\tt P} and {\tt C} variables.
-Your code which reads the simulation files would need to know about
-this. The {\tt gfs\_simulation\_read()} function deals with that for you and
-other functions give you easy access to this kind of information (what
-variables where contained in the simulation file etc\dots)
-\subsubsection{How do I compute/display the vorticity field with OpenDX?}
-The {\tt DivCurl} tool in OpenDX works for general grids. You can use it
-to compute the vorticity (vector) from the {\tt U} field returned by
-{\tt GfsImport}, however this will work only for 3D fields.
-\subsubsection{The GfsOutputSimulation and GfsOutputLocation files only place up
-to eight decimals. Is there any way to increase the number of decimal places?}
-Good question. No there isn't, short of editing and recompiling the
-source code. That would be a nice option to have in the simulation
-\subsubsection{I would like a time-averaged velocity profile,
-Would I have to specify a number of monitoring points at different heights,  
-or is there a method to time average over a line through the solution 
-There is no method to do line averaging at the moment, however there
-is a method which averages (or more exactly stores the sum) of a given
-variable in time over the whole domain. You can do it like that:
-  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } U SUx
-  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } V SUy
-  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } W SUz
-  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } U*U SU2x
-  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } V*V SU2y
-  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } W*W SU2z
-  OutputSimulation { start = end } simulation-sum { 
-    variables = SUx,SUy,SUz,SU2x,SU2y,SU2z
-  }
-which would add {\tt U} to {\tt SUx} at every timestep ({\tt istep = 1}) starting from
-time 1 ({\tt start = 1}) etc\dots and {\tt U*U} to {\tt SU2x} at every timestep
-etc\dots The resulting sums are then written at the end of the
-simulation in the file {\tt simulation-sum}. This file can then be
-post-processed (using {\tt gfs2oogl} for example) to obtain averages,
-standard deviations etc\dots (along any curves you want of course).
-\subsubsection{Using animate, the sequence of images generated by OutputPPM looks weird, what's happening?}
-This is probably an artefact of the way the {\tt animate} command
-displays a series of PPM images. What happens is that {\tt OutputPPM}
-generates PPM images which are just big enough to contain all the data
-in your simulation e.g. if you use 7 levels of refinement and one box,
-{\tt OutputPPM} will generate images with $128\times 128$ pixels. If
-you use an adaptive resolution with a maximum level of 6, the size of
-the resulting image generated by {\tt OutputPPM} can be anything in
-$1\times 1$, $2\times 2$, $4\times 4$, $8\times 8$, $16\times
-16$, $32\times 32$, $64\times 64$ depending on the maximum number of
-levels necessary to verify your adaptation criterion. As a result,
-{\tt animate} can see a series of PPM images with a variable size, if
-you look carefully you will see that the weird patterns you see are
-smaller-size images of your simulation, displayed in the top-left
-corner of the initial image. What {\tt animate} should really do is blank
-out the previous larger image before displaying the smaller image, to
-make the difference in size clear.
-The solution is simple, you can set the size of the images generated by {\tt OutputPPM} using:
-OutputPPM { step = 0.05 } tracer.ppm { v = T maxlevel = 6 }
-which will result in PPM images of size $64\times 64$, independently
-of the maximum level of refinement in the simulation.
-\subsubsection{Why create a new visualisation tool like 
-GfsView? Can't you use existing tools like Mayavi/VTK, OpenDX etc\dots?}
-Most visualisation packages assume that the data is defined
-on either structured Cartesian meshes (this includes curvilinear
-coordinates) or fully unstructured meshes (tetrahedra etc\dots). 
-The octrees used by Gerris need first to be converted into
-unstructured tetrahedra and then imported into OpenDX etc\dots This is
-quite slow and memory-hungry and loses most of the advantages of
-the octree: in particular the multilevel representation of the
-solution is very useful from a visualisation point of view.
-I am not aware of any good visualisation tool which understands
-octrees. It would be a good idea to post messages on OpenDX, Mayavi, VTK
-etc\dots mailing lists asking about support for octrees. I did that and
-got little feed back, but more messages would show the developers of these
-projects that there is a desire for such a feature.
-GfsView makes the most of the octree structure to accelerate
-visualisation, computation of isosurfaces etc\dots
-\section{Running Gerris}
-\subsubsection{Are the files {\tt vorticity.gfs} and {\tt half-cylinder.gfs} included in the 
-Gerris distribution?}
-No, you will need to type them following the tutorial\dots
-\subsubsection{Your flow analysis for the RV Tangaroa is just the type of problem I would 
-like to be able to solve quickly, etc\dots  How long did it take to setup and run 
-this problem?  Could you send me a copy of the input file?}
-The longest was to get a ``proper'' CAD model of the vessel. We had it
-made by the ship designers but it was full of topological
-inconsistencies (folds, degenerate faces etc\dots). It was a real pain
-to fix it. Once you have a proper orientable, manifold solid there is
-nothing more to do really.
-Here is a parameter file (replace {\tt tangaroa.gts} with your model)
-1 0 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3 }
-  GtsSurfaceFile tangaroa.gts
-  Refine 5
-  RefineSolid 9
-  Init {} { U = 1. }
-  AdaptVorticity { istep = 1 } { maxlevel = 8 cmax = 1e-2 }
-  OutputSolidStats {} stdout
-  OutputTime { istep = 1 } stdout
-  OutputBalance { istep = 1 } stdout
-  OutputProjectionStats { istep = 1 } stdout
-  OutputSimulation { start = 0.1 step = 0.1 } simulation-%03.1f {
-	variables = U,V,W,P 
-  }
-  OutputTiming { start = end } stdout
-GfsBox { right = BoundaryOutflow left = BoundaryInflowConstant 1. }
-It took about 12 hours (and 100 MB RAM) on a single CPU 350 MHz
-Pentium (knowing that the maximum length of the model I use is about a
-third of the domain size).
-\subsubsection{How do you modify the mesh to give greater detail in
-a specific area of flow?}
-As you saw in the tutorial, the meshing is automatic and follows
-user-defined criteria. Vorticity and gradient-based criteria for
-example, can be used. The level of refinement used for both the
-initial refinement and the adaptive refinement can both be functions
-of space, time, other variables etc\dots which give almost total
-flexibility. Other criteria can be added within the object-oriented
-framework of the code if necessary.
-\subsubsection{Is there any way to initialise the grid so that a fine grid is generated 
-around the surface of the solid and a coarser grid is generated in the flow 
-field (resulting in significantly fewer cells being generated)?}
-Sure. You can use something like:
-GfsRefine 6
-GfsRefineSolid 8
-which will first create a uniform level 6 grid and then add two extra
-levels (up to level 8) only in the cells cut by the solid boundary.
-\subsubsection{Is it possible to turn off  adaptive meshing in defined areas?}
-You could do this like that for example:
-AdaptVorticity { istep = 1 } { 
-  cmax = 1e-2 
-  levelmin = (x > 0 ? 6 : 0)
-  levelmax = (x > 0 ? 6 : 7)
-which would use a constant resolution (6 levels) on the right side of
-the domain ({\tt x > 0}) and adaptive resolution (up to 7 levels) on
-the left side.
-\subsubsection{Is there a way to control the maximum size of a simulation?}
-Use something like:
-AdaptVorticity { maxlevel = 10 maxcells = 400000 cmax = 1e-2 }
-the {\tt maxcells} option tells the adaptive algorithm to use a maximum of
-400,000 cells to discretise the domain. When this maximum number is
-reached the algorithm minimises the maximum cost of the refinement by
-optimally distributing the cells across the domain. You have to be
-aware however that this means that the accuracy of the simulation will
-not be constant in time.
-\subsubsection{My simulation file looks fine but does not work, why?}
-Are you sure your text editor does not
-include special characters in your files? (the infamous DOS line ending
-comes to mind).
-\subsubsection{How do I make all the boundaries of a 2D box no-slip?}
-GfsBox {
-   top =    Boundary { BcDirichlet U 0 }
-   bottom = Boundary { BcDirichlet U 0 }
-   left =   Boundary { BcDirichlet V 0 }
-   right =  Boundary { BcDirichlet V 0 }
-\subsubsection{How do I make boundary conditions time-dependent?}
-What about \htmladdnormallinkfoot{this page}{http://gfs.sourceforge.net/tutorial/tutorial/node15.html} of the tutorial?
-As \htmladdnormallinkfoot{described}{http://gfs.sourceforge.net/reference/gfs-functions.html} in the reference manual
-functions can depend on time (just use variable {\tt t}). You should
-be able to use this to implement your boundary conditions.
-\subsubsection{How do I run Gerris in parallel?}
-The principle is relatively simple. Each {\tt GfsBox} can take a {\tt pid}
-argument which defines the number of the process on which the solution
-for this GfsBox will be computed. If you take the ``half cylinder''
-example and do something like:
-4 3 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 10 }
-  Refine 6
-  GtsSurfaceFile half-cylinder.gts
-  Init {} { U = 1 }
-  OutputProjectionStats { step = 0.02 } stderr
-  OutputSimulation { step = 1 } simulation-%d-%3.1f {}
-  OutputTiming { start = end } stderr
-GfsBox { pid = 0 left = BoundaryInflowConstant 1 }
-GfsBox { pid = 1 }
-GfsBox { pid = 2 }
-GfsBox { pid = 3 right = BoundaryOutflow }
-1 2 right
-2 3 right
-3 4 right
-if you run this using
-% gerris2D half-cylinder.gfs
-it will run on one processor. If you now do
-% mpirun -np 4 gerris2D half-cylinder.gfs
-it will run on 4 processor with each of the {\tt GfsBoxes} assigned to a
-different processor. Gerris takes care of the communications necessary
-at the boundaries between {\tt GfsBoxes} on different processors.
-The data will be written in different files e.g:
-vorticity-0.ppm, vorticity-1.ppm etc\dots
-where the number is the pid of the processor.
-For a more complete description you will have to wait until I find the
-time to write the corresponding section in the tutorial.
-% LocalWords:  isosurfaces
diff --git a/doc/faq/l2hconf.pm b/doc/faq/l2hconf.pm
deleted file mode 100755
index 07bd4ba..0000000
--- a/doc/faq/l2hconf.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1243 +0,0 @@
-# LaTeX2HTML l2hconf.pm
-# $Id: l2hconf.pm,v 2004/07/23 05:23:58 popinet Exp $
-package main;
-use vars qw(%used_icons);
-# Setting this variable to where your perl executable resides can lead to
-# better performance on some platforms.
-# It is advisable to do this on an Intel system; e.g.
-# $PERL='g:/usr/bin/perl_.exe';
-# On a unix system it may be best left empty, or set as in:
-# $PERL='/usr/local/bin/perl';
-$PERL = '/usr/bin/perl';
-# ############### THESE VARIABLES ARE DETERMINED BY CONFIGURE ################
-#  Give the paths to latex and dvips on your system:
-$LATEX = '/usr/bin/latex';	# LaTeX
-$DVIPS = '/usr/bin/dvips';	# dvips
-#  give these too, to use the  -ldump  feature
-$TEX = "/usr/bin/tex"; 			# TeX
-$INILATEX = "/usr/bin/initex \"&latex\"";	# initex+latex
-# These affect whether images are made on a white or gray background.
-# They are ignored when the document preamble contains similar commands.
-# Use these defaults for dark solid (anti-aliased) characters in text and math.
-$LOAD_LATEX_COLOR = "\\usepackage[dvips]{color}";
-$LATEX_COLOR = "\\pagecolor[gray]{.7}";
-# -white
-# this overrides the above gray-scale for figures that don't need anti-aliasing
-# -image_type
-# This specifies the type of images produced by latex2html when processing
-# unknown environments and/or e.g. math formulae.
- at IMAGE_TYPES = qw(png gif);
-# -tmp
-# Specify a  tmp  directory for image-generation (optional)
-$TMP = '/tmp';
-#############  HTML validation  ###############
-# set $HTML_VALIDATOR to the command needed to run a validator to check
-# the HTML pages produced;
-# use the  -validate  switch to run the validator, or set $HTML_VALIDATE
-# -validate
-# when $HTML_VALIDATE is 1, the validator will run as default
-# provided $HTML_VALIDATOR is also set;  -novalidate  suppresses this
-##########  ICONSERVER  --- !! IMPORTANT !! ############################
-# LaTeX2HTML uses many small graphics as icons within the navigation
-# panels, and for other purposes.
-# You *must* specify where these graphics are to be found, for use within
-# your documents.
-# IMPORTANT: This location must not only be accessible to you, but also
-#            to the people who are to read your HTML documents.
-# One option is to always use the  -local_icons switch (see below)
-# to have a copy of the icons together with your HTML document.
-# (This is safe, but wasteful if you have a large number of documents.)
-# A better option is to set  $ICONSERVER  to point to a location that
-# is known to always (at least in principle) be available publicly.
-# The default value for  $ICONSERVER  given below is within the local 
-# $LATEX2HTMLDIR. If this is *not* to be publicly available then you 
-#  **should change the value of $ICONSERVER to a site that is**.
-# You probably have to talk to your Webmaster to provide access to the
-# icon directory. Some hints:
-# a) It's ok to set $ICONSERVER just to "/path/to/icons.$IMAGE_TYPE" (without
-#    the internet address) if /path/to is valid for your file system, *and*
-#    if www_root/path/to points to the same directory. Normally the www area
-#    is located in some subsidary directory, which is pointed to by www_root
-#    (the entry 'Document Root' of the http daemon's srm.conf file).
-#    Make the Webmaster add appropriate links in that directory that help
-#    locate the icon directory, or set up an Alias in srm.conf.
-# b) To check if the icons can be displayed properly, invoke the browser
-#    with the *http URL to your site*, and click down to your document.
-# c) If you have $LOCAL_ICONS set, your document will accumulate a pretty
-#    amount of redundant icons if you make use of segmentation.
-#    In this case, customize &img_tag to use a central directory, say,
-#    "../icons".
-$ICONSERVER = ''||'file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons';
-$ALTERNATIVE_ICONS = '../../share';
-# -djgpp
-# On DOS/DJGPP systems one can easily run out of file handles. To
-# avoid that, set this to 1. However this affects performance.
-$DJGPP = 0;
-#  if you are having difficulties with inputs not being found,
-#  and your system is Web2C then setting this to 1 may help.
-$Web2C = 1;
-# Options for dvips as determined by configure
-$DVIPSOPT = ' -Ppdf';
-# If you already have the fonts, you may add -M to suppress font
-# generation
-# $DVIPSOPT .= ' -M';
-# If you have dvips 5.62 or higher, you can turn on generation of EPS files
-# by uncommenting the following line. Warning: dvips does not support
-# included EPS figures very well. However if you don't make use of
-# complicated image include commands like \includegraphics, this option
-# will speed up image generation a *lot*.
- $DVIPSOPT .= "";
-# (Note: this here is old, don't worry unless you really run into trouble.)
-# Some dvips programs generate postscript images in the reverse order by
-# default. If your inlined images are all screwed up try uncommenting
-# the following line:
-# $DVIPSOPT .= " -r0";
-# Modern TeX installations have PostScript Type 1 fonts which can be
-# used instead of bitmaps. Use of these can give better quality images
-# as Ghostscript can use `hinting' as well as having accurate outlines
-# which help with anti-aliasing. Possible options here depend upon the
-# TeX installation; e.g. " -Pcmz -Pams"  or " -Ppdf" 
-# $DVIPSOPT .= " -Ppdf";
-# For efficient use of font resources, minimising disk-space use,
-# allow GhostScript to find the fonts it needs for images.
-# DO:
-#   EITHER:  edit Ghostscript's  $GS_LIB/Fontmap  file
-#   OR:      set the GS_FONTPATH environment variable;
-#   e.g.
-#  $ENV{'GS_FONTPATH'} = join(':/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/', '',
-#	'adobe','ams','bh','bsr','lucida','mt','public/cm','public/xypic');
-# AND
-#   setup a virtual printer configuration file  'config.gs' 
-#   and listing  'psfonts.gs'  of PostScript fonts to exclude from .ps files
-# AND
-#   tell dvips to use this 'virtual printer' :
-#   (the previous item for Type 1 fonts becomes redundant)
-#  $DVIPSOPT .= " -Pgs";
-# Local initialization files are usually named  .latex2html-init
-# this name is hard-coded as the default with the latex2html script
-# It can be changed here, if desired:
-# $INIT_FILE_NAME = '.latex2html-init';
-# Location of texexpand, supplied with the translator
-$TEXEXPAND = "$PERL /usr/bin${dd}texexpand";
-# Location of pstoimg, supplied with the translator
-$PSTOIMG = "$PERL /usr/bin${dd}pstoimg";
-# This is used to "autoload" perl code to deal with specific style files
-# This is used to support upcoming versions of html - directory where perl
-# files to handle those are
-# The following variable sets the default search list of directories for
-# latex style files that latex2html should process.  It also defines a
-# a list of directories (: separated) which possibly contain TeX and dvips
-# inputs.  This variable is overriden by the environment variable
-# TEXINPUTS, if it is specified.  Internally, the directory your document
-# resides in, and ".", are appended to this list of directories.
-#  IMPORTANT:  In some installations, latex and dvips are really
-#  shell scripts which set environment TEXINPUTS (and other variables)
-#  to predefined values, then call the real latex and dvips.  If this
-#  is true for your installation, then the $TEXINPUTS that latex2html
-#  sees will only affect the processing of \input and \include's
-#  by latex2html, not the operation of latex and dvips when called
-#  by latex2html.  In this case, make sure that the predefined
-#  values of TEXINPUTS within the latex and dvips scripts at least
-#  contains "." and ".." (".." works in the most cases).
-#  Otherwise, latex and dvips will not find inputs from the original source
-#  directory when called from a subdirectory contained therein.
-# The single colon tells LaTeX to look on the standard places only.
-# If you add entries, do it colon-separated.
-# If you don't know where LaTeX takes its standard files from, leave the
-# single colon in front or at the end, or have an empty entry "::"
-# at some place among the other entries.
-if ($Web2C) {
-    chomp ($TEXINPUTS =
-         # `kpsewhich -progname=latex -expand-braces \\\$TEXINPUTS`);
-         #`kpsewhich -v -n latex \\\$TEXINPUTS`);
-         $envkey);
-} else {
-    $TEXINPUTS = $envkey;
-# This line helps LaTeX2HTML to recognize your adaption everywhere.
-# -no_fork
-# If defined this will prevent the translator to crash if your operating
-# system does not support forking; e.g. DOS.
-$CAN_FORK = 1;
-# ############################################################################
-# ############################################################################
-### Command Line Argument Defaults #######################################
-# -ldump
-# Change this to 1 if you want to speed up image processing during the 2nd
-# and more runs of LaTeX2HTML on the same document.
-# This will cause LaTeX2HTML to produce a LaTeX dump of images.tex which
-# is read in on subsequent runs and speeds up startup time of LaTeX on the
-# images.tex translation.
-# This actually consumes additional time on the first run, but pays off on
-# subsequent runs. The dump file will need about 1 Meg of disk space.
-# -numbered_footnotes
-# If defined to 1 you will get every footnote applied with a subsequent
-# number, else with a hyperlink icon.
-# -local_icons
-# Change this to 1 if you want to copy the navigation icons to each
-# document directory so that the document directory is self-contained
-# and can be dropped into another server tree. Note that you can also
-# use the command line option -local_icons
-# -split
-$MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH = 8;	# Stop making separate files at this depth
-# -link 
-$MAX_LINK_DEPTH = 4;    # Stop showing child nodes at this depth   
-# -short_extn
-# If this is set all HTML file will have extension ".htm" instead of
-# ".html". This is helpful when shipping the document to PC systems.
-# -nolatex
-$NOLATEX = 0;           # 1 = do not pass unknown environments to Latex
-# -external_images
-$EXTERNAL_IMAGES = 0;   # 1 = leave the images outside the document 
-# -ps_images
-# 1 =  use links to external postscript images rather than inlined GIF's.
-$PS_IMAGES = 0;
-# ANTI-ALIASING within generated images
-# -antialias
-# 1 =  use anti-aliasing in the generation of images of figures .
-# -antialias_text
-# 1 =  use anti-aliasing in the generation of images of typeset material;
-#      e.g. mathematics and text, e.g. in tables and {makeimage} environments.
-# -font_size
-# To set the point size of LaTeX-generated GIF files, uncomment the following
-# variable, and set it to its desired value (i.e, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, etc.)
-# The default is to use the point size of the original LaTeX document.
-# This value will be magnified by $FIGURE_SCALE_FACTOR and
-# $MATH_SCALE_FACTOR (below).
-# $FONT_SIZE = "12pt";
-# -no_tex_defs
-# To suppress the interpretation of raw TeX commands, set $TEXDEFS = 0;
-# Note:  There are many variations of \def that latex2html cannot process
-# correctly!
-$TEXDEFS = 1;
-# -ascii_mode
-# This is different from -no_images.
-# If this is set, LaTeX2HTML will show textual tags rather than
-# images, both in navigation panel and text (Eg. [Up] instead the up
-# icon).
-# You could use this feature to create simple text from your
-# document, eg. with 'Save as... Text' from Netscape or with
-# lynx -dump.
-$ASCII_MODE = 0;        # 1 = do not use any icons or internal images
-# -t, The document title.
-$default_title = '$FILE';
-# -dir
-$DESTDIR = '';         # Put the result in this directory 
-# -no_subdir
-# When this is set, the generated HTML files will be placed in the 
-# current directory. If set to 0 the default behaviour is to create (or reuse)
-# another file directory.
-$NO_SUBDIR = 0;
-# -address
-# Supply your own string if you don't like the default <Name> <Date>
-$ADDRESS = "<I>$address_data[0]</I>\n<BR><I>$address_data[1]</I>";
-# -no_navigation
-# 1 = do not put a navigation panel at the top of each page
-# -top_navigation
-# Determines whether to navigation links should be at the top or the bottom
-# of each page. The default is at the top.
-# -bottom_navigation
-# Determines whether to navigation links should be at the top or the bottom
-# of each page. The default is at the top.
-# -auto_navigation
-# Put navigation links at the top of each  page.  If  the page  exceeds
-# $WORDS_IN_PAGE  number of words then put one at the bottom of the page.
-# -index_in_navigation
-# Put a link to the index page in  the  navigation  panel
-# -contents_in_navigation
-# Put a link to the table of contents  in  the  navigation  panel
-# -next_page_in_navigation
-# Put a link to the next logical page  in  the  navigation  panel
-# -previous_page_in_navigation
-# Put a link to the previous logical page  in  the  navigation  panel
-# -prefix
-# Set the output file prefix, prepended to all .html, .gif and .pl files.
-# See also $AUTO_PREFIX.
-$PREFIX = '';
-# -auto_prefix
-# To automatically insert the equivalent of "-prefix basename-", where
-# "basename" is the base name of the file being translated, set this to 1.
-# -up_url, -up_title, -down_url, -down_title, -prev_url, -prev_title:
-# If both of the following two variables are set then the "Up" button
-# of the navigation panel in the first node/page of a converted document
-# will point to $EXTERNAL_UP_LINK. $EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE should be set
-# to some text which describes this external link.
-# Similarly you might set these variables to link external documents
-# to your navigation panel.
-# -info
-# 0 = do not make an "About this document..." section 
-$INFO = 1;
-# -reuse, -no_reuse, Image recycling:
-# If 0, do not reuse or recycle identical images. If the html subdirectory 
-#	already exists, start the interactive session.
-# If nonzero, do recycle them and switch off the interactive session.
-# If 1, only recycle images generated from previous runs.
-# If 2, recycle images from the current and previous runs.
-$REUSE = 2;
-# -no_images
-# When $NO_IMAGES is set LaTeX2HTML will not attempt to produce any inlined images
-# The missing images can be generated "off-line" by restarting LaTeX2HTML
-# after setting $IMAGES_ONLY (see below);
-$NO_IMAGES = 0;
-# -images_only
-# When $IMAGES_ONLY is set, LaTeX2HTML will only try to convert the inlined images
-# in the file "images.tex" which should have been generated automatically during
-# previous runs. This is very useful for correcting "bad LaTeX" in this file.
-# -discard
-# When $DISCARD_PS is set, the PostScript file created for each generated image
-# is discarded immediately after its image has been rendered and saved in the
-# required graphics format. This can lead to significant savings in disk-space,
-# when there are a lot of images, since otherwise these files are not discarded 
-# until the end of all processing.
-# -show_section_numbers
-# When this is 1, the section numbers are shown. The section numbers should 
-# then match those that would have bee produced by LaTeX.
-# The correct section numbers are obtained from the $FILE.aux file generated 
-# by LaTeX.
-# Hiding the seciton numbers encourages use of particular sections 
-# as standalone documents. In this case the cross reference to a section 
-# is shown using the default symbol rather than the section number.
-# -short_index
-# If this is set then  makeidx.perl  will construct codified names
-# for the text of index references.
-# -debug
-#  If this is set then intermediate files are left for later inspection.
-#  This includes $$_images.tex and $$_images.log created during image
-#  conversion.
-#  Caution: Intermediate files can be *enormous*.
-$DEBUG = 0;
-# -html_version
-# The default HTML version to be produced
-$HTML_VERSION = '3.2';
-# -no_math
-# By default the special MATH extensions are not used
-# since they do not conform with the HTML 3.2 standard.
-# -unsegment
-# Use this to translate a segmented document as if it were not
-# segmented.
-### Other global variables ###############################################
-# If this is set then the HTML will look better if viewed with Netscape.
-# Set this to 1 if you want interlaced images, 0 otherwise. Interlaced
-# images build up gradually while downloading so one can get a first
-# impression of what the final image will look like very quickly.
-# Set this to 1 if you like the old LaTeX2HTML style to have a
-# border around the navigation links.
-# Values > 1 are also possible.
-### Colors ###
-# If this is set you may set colors in your document (see the LaTeX
-# package color.dvi and the color.perl/colordvi.perl files).
-# Note that HTML generated herefrom cannot be viewed by all browsers
-# (at least Netscape or Mosaic 2.7 should do).
-# Specify the path to your systems color database if you do not agree on
-# the databases provided with the translator. Eg.: /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt
-# the RGB colors database
-$RGBCOLORFILE = '/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/styles/rgb.txt';
-# the CMYK colors database
-$CRAYOLAFILE = '/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/styles/crayola.txt';
-### End Colors ###
-# Do not try to translate these input files, and do not
-# complain about a missing Perl module.
-# Complex LaTeX inputs, styles, or classes may cause the translator
-# to hang. If this occurs add the input file here.
-# You may also specify filename extensions here, e.g. if you do
-# not want to include input files matching "*.myfig", add
-# ``:.myfig''.
-$DONT_INCLUDE = "2up:psfig:epsf:texinfo:pictex:" .
-    ".ps:.eps:.fig:.pstex_t:.epsf:.epic:.eepic:.xy:.xya:.xyc:" .
-    "titlepage:openbib:\\d+pt:twoside:twocolumn:" .
-    "memo:dvipsfig:times:margins:aaii2:a4:art\\d+:doublespace:" .
-    "alltt:amstex:anysize:array:article:bm:book:bookman:" .
-    "boxedminipage:cite:comment:courier:dcolumn:doc:eepic:" .
-    "enumerate:epic:fleqn:float:floatflt:fullpage:index:" .
-    "inputenc:isolatin1:leqno:letter:llncs:makeidx:" .
-    "multicol:psfig:report:shadow:shapepar:showidx:" .
-    "slides:syntonly:sz:tabls:times:twoside:umlaut:umlaute";
-# Latex2html usually does not include style files provided by
-# \documentstyle, \documentclass, \usepackage but tries to use the 
-# corresponding *.perl files provided in the styles/ subdirectory.
-# Now if you use home-brew style files with new environments/commands
-# you may want to include them. E.g. if you want to include "mystyle.sty",
-# say $DO_INCLUDE = "mystyle" here. Separate styles with colons. This
-# setting overrides the settings in $DONT_INCLUDE. You may specify
-# filename extensions here as well.
-# $DO_INCLUDE = "";
-# If you have equations in your text, and must use bitmap'd fonts with 
-# an old (pre 4.02) version of Ghostscript...
-#  (RRM: ignore all the following with later versions)
-#    ... you'll get the best results with PK_GENERATION=1.
-# With this option switched on, DVIPS will be told to generate
-# all of the images for a specific screen resolution,
-# eliminating "blurring" of small letters and subscripts.
-# If any of it causes you grief, simply set PK_GENERATION=0,
-# and your default printer's resolution will be used.
-# Sidik Isani, <isani at cfht.hawaii.edu> added this.
-$PK_GENERATION = 0; # 0 # by configure
-#    ... and set the following variable ONLY if your version of dvips
-#  understands the "-mode" command line switch.  It is a more reliable
-#  way of setting the METAfont mode than the .dvipsrc file on versions that
-#  support this switch. If you do this, you do not need to modify .dvipsrc
-#  as described below. Herb Swan <dprhws at edp.Arco.com> added this.
-$DVIPS_MODE = '';
-# Only if you have PK_GENERATION set to 1:
-# A file 'modes.mf' is probably installed somewhere in your tex
-# tree. e.g /usr/local/tex/texmf/mf/modes.mf or something similar.
-# If it has and entry for 'toshiba', then you can ignore the rest.
-# Otherwise, you'll need to try *one* of the following things:
-#  o Set PK_GENERATION=0 and generate images for your default printer
-#  o Download the latest modes.mf from the TeX archive and re-run inimf.
-#  o Choose another LOW RESOLUTION screen or printer entry from modes.mf,
-#    (preferably with "|blacker|" set to 0.0 and a 1:1 aspect ratio--
-#     If you don't have "toshiba", try "epsonlq", "lqlores", "nec", or "NEC")
-#     If you try some other mode, remember to update two other things as well:
-#      1) Change the 'toshiba' in the .dvipsrc file that came with latex2html.
-#      2) Put whatever the |pixels_per_inch| value is into $METAFONT_DPI
-#         and the .dvipsrc file
-#   Note: The maximum usable SCALE_FACTOR is determined by this resolution.
-#   A higher resolution will take more memory during processing (regardless
-#   of SCALE_FACTOR) but will allow higher SCALE_FACTORs.  Do NOT just
-#   change this value though.  It *must* match the |pixels_per_inch| of
-#   the metafont mode (e.g. `toshiba').
-# Controls which markup shows up between page and its foot.
-$CHILDLINE = "<BR><HR>\n";
-# If this is set as below, LaTeX2HTML produces a directory index link to
-# the html document, ie. you may use <http://my.cite.is.here/dir/of/document>
-# instead of <http://my.cite.is.here/dir/of/document/document.html>.
-# Set it to eg. 'node1' to have the index pointing to node1.html, etc.
-# Comment it out to have no index generation.
-# Note: $EXTN is ".html" by default, see -short_extn.
-# Uses this one to determine the name of the directory index.
-$LINKNAME = '"index$EXTN"';
-# This is the line width measured in pixels and it is used to right justify
-# equations and equation arrays; 
-$LINE_WIDTH = 500;
-# Used in conjunction with AUTO_NAVIGATION
-$WORDS_IN_PAGE = 300;
-# Affects ONLY the way accents are processed 
-$default_language = 'english';	
-# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each 
-# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)
-# This number will determine the size of the equations, special characters,
-# and anything which will be converted into an inlined image
-# *except* "image generating environments" such as "figure", "table" 
-# or "minipage".
-# Effective values are those greater than 0.
-# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.
-# This number, when defined, determines extra scaling for displayed equations.
-# It multiplies with the $MATH_SCALE_FACTOR to give the total scaling.
-# It is especially useful when \scriptscriptstyle text is used frequently,
-# which would otherwise be extremely difficult to read on-screen.
-# This number will determine the size of 
-# image generating environments such as "figure", "table" or "minipage".
-# Effective values are those greater than 0.
-# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.
-# This is yet another scaling factor which has a special use.
-# When this number is set, images are created at a size scaled by the
-# specified amount (multiplying any other scale factors).
-# However the images are displayed unscaled, by setting the
-#  HEIGHT="..."  and  WIDTH="..." attributes to the unscaled size.
-# Thus a larger image is squeezed into a smaller area.
-# This allows for better quality when the HTML page is printed.
-#  {figure}  environments are *not* affected by this factor.
-# If this is set to 0 then any inlined images generated from "figure" 
-# environments will NOT be transparent.
-# Set the default body text, inserted between <BODY> ... </BODY>.
-# See also \bodytext{..} provided with html.sty.
-$BODYTEXT = "";
-# Valid paper sizes are "letter", "legal", "note" and ...
-#   "a0", ... "a10", "b0", ... "b5";  
-# Recommended:  "a5"
-# Paper sizes has no effect other than with images that
-# need special alignment; 
-# e.g for equation-numbering with HTML, version 2.0
-#  - larger paper sizes *MAY* help with large image problems 
-#  - smaller paper sizes *MAY* be quicker to handle on some systems
-$PAPERSIZE = "a5";
-### Improved graphics support #################################################
-# These utilities may be needed to implement some of the graphics effects
-# that can be requested using optional parameters to LaTeX's \includegraphics
-# command, from the  graphics.sty  and  graphicx.sty  packages.
-# Thanks to Bruce Miller <bruce.miller at nist.gov> for revising support for
-# these packages, via the module  styles/graphics-support.perl 
-$PNMCUT = '/usr/bin/pnmcut';
-$PNMFLIP = '/usr/bin/pnmflip';
-$PNMPAD = '/usr/bin/pnmpad';
-$PNMROTATE = '/usr/bin/pnmrotate';
-$PNMSCALE = '/usr/bin/pnmscale';
-$GIFTOPNM = '/usr/bin/giftopnm';
-$JPEGTOPNM = '/usr/bin/jpegtopnm';
-$PNGTOPNM = '/usr/bin/pngtopnm';
-$PNMTOPNG = '/usr/bin/pnmtopng';
-$PPMTOGIF = '/usr/bin/ppmtogif';
-$PPMTOJPEG = '/usr/bin/ppmtojpeg';
-# there are for some lesser-used (platform-specific ?) graphics formats:
-$TIFFTOPNM = '/usr/bin/tifftopnm';
-$ANYTOPNM = '/usr/bin/anytopnm';
-$BMPTOPPM = '/usr/bin/bmptoppm';
-$PCXTOPPM = '/usr/bin/pcxtoppm';
-$PICTTOPPM = '/usr/bin/picttoppm';
-$SGITOPNM = '/usr/bin/sgitopnm';
-$XBMTOPBM = '/usr/bin/xbmtopbm';
-$XWDTOPNM = '/usr/bin/xwdtopnm';
-# uncomment these, and adjust  configure.in  to find the executable
-# $GEMTOPNM = ;
-# $PAMTOPNM = ;
-# $PSTOPNM = ;
-# $RLETOPNM = ;
-# $SIRTOPNM = ;
-# $IMGTOPPM = ;
-# $RGB3TOPPM = ;
-# $TGATOPPM = ;
-# $XIMTOPPM = ;
-# $XPMTOPPM = ;
-# $YUVTOPPM = ;
-# $WBMTOPBM = ;
-# $YBMTOPBM = ;
-### Internationalization ######################################################
-# Default values used by do_cmd_tableofcontents and others.
-# Change them to suit your documents
-sub english_titles {
-    $toc_title = "Contents";
-    $lof_title = "List of Figures";
-    $lot_title = "List of Tables";
-    $idx_title = "Index";
-    $ref_title = "References";
-    $bib_title = "Bibliography";
-    $abs_title = "Abstract";
-    $app_title = "Appendix";
-    $pre_title = "Preface";
-    $foot_title = "Footnotes";
-    $thm_title = "Theorem";
-    $fig_name = "Figure";
-    $tab_name = "Table";
-    $prf_name = "Proof";
-    $date_name = "Date";
-    $page_name = "Page";
-  #  Sectioning-level titles
-    $part_name = "Part";
-    $chapter_name = "Chapter";
-    $section_name = "Section";
-    $subsection_name = "Subsection";
-    $subsubsection_name = "Subsubsection";
-    $paragraph_name = "Paragraph";
-  #  Misc. strings
-    $child_name = "Subsections";
-    $info_title = "About this document ...";
-    $also_name = "see also";
-    $see_name = "see";
-  #  names in navigation panels
-    $next_name = "Next";
-    $up_name = "Up";
-    $prev_name = "Previous";
-    $group_name = "Group";
-  #  mail fields
-    $encl_name = "encl";
-    $headto_name = "To";
-    $cc_name = "cc";
-    @Month = ('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
-	      'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
-	      'November', 'December');
-# These words will be omitted from filenames derived
-# from section-titles, when using  -long_titles
-    $GENERIC_WORDS = "and|the|of|for|by|a|an|to";
-# These words will be omitted from filenames derived
-# from section-titles, when using  -long_titles
-# Override this value within a  <language>_titles  subroutine.
-$GENERIC_WORDS = "and|the|of|for|by|a|an|to";
-# Replace "english" with another language provided
-# titles for that language are defined, as above...
-# (Make sure that you don't use a different default in your personal 
-#  configuration file)
-$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "english";
-# ... or use titles in a different language by adding a new subroutine 
-# eg for esperanto:
-#   sub esperanto_titles {
-#       $toc_title = 'Esperanto title';
-#       etc...
-#   }
-# and then say 
-# $TITLES_LANGUAGE = "esperanto";
-# Note:  This is automatically done for you when use the german or
-#	french style file, and for several other languages also,
-#	or when you specify the language through the babel package.
-### Verbosity #################################################################
-# -verbosity
-# The amount of message information printed to the screen during processing
-# by LaTeX2HTML is controlled by the $VERBOSITY variable.
-# Its value can also be set using the  -verbosity <num>  command-line switch.
-# By increasing this value, more information is displayed.
-# Here is the type of extra information that is shown at each level:
-# $VERBOSITY = 0;	# no extra information
-# $VERBOSITY = 1;	# section types and titles
-# $VERBOSITY = 2;	# environment
-# $VERBOSITY = 3;	# command names
-# $VERBOSITY = 4;	# links, labels and internal sectioning codes
-### Navigation Panel ##########################################################
-# The navigation panel is constructed out of buttons and section titles.
-# These can be configured in any combination with arbitrary text and 
-# HTML tags interspersed between them. 
-# The buttons available are:
-# $PREVIOUS - points to the previous section
-# $UP  - points up to the "parent" section
-# $NEXT - points to the next section
-# $NEXT_GROUP - points to the next "group" section
-# $PREVIOUS_GROUP - points to the previous "group" section
-# $CONTENTS - points to the contents page if there is one
-# $INDEX - points to the index page if there is one
-# If the corresponding section exists the button will contain an
-# active link to that section. If the corresponding section does
-# not exist the button will be inactive.
-# Also for each of the $PREVIOUS $UP $NEXT $NEXT_GROUP and $PREVIOUS_GROUP
-# buttons there are equivalent $PREVIOUS_TITLE, $UP_TITLE, etc variables
-# which contain the titles of their corresponding sections. 
-# Each title is empty if there is no corresponding section.
-# The subroutine below constructs the navigation panel in each page.
-# Feel free to mix and match buttons, titles, your own text, your logos,
-# and arbitrary HTML (the "." is the Perl concatenation operator).
-#JKR: Use two panels (top and bot) instead of one.
-# This is the default form of the navigation panel:
-sub navigation_panel {
-    "<!--Navigation Panel-->"
-    # Now add a few buttons with a space between them
-    . "\n<BR>"		# Line break
-    # If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
-    . ($NEXT_TITLE ? "\n<B> $next_name:</B> $NEXT_TITLE" : undef)
-    # Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
-    . ($UP_TITLE ? "\n<B> $up_name:</B> $UP_TITLE" : undef)
-    # ... and the ``previous'' title
-    . ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "\n<B> $prev_name:</B> $PREVIOUS_TITLE" : undef)
-    # ... and the ``contents'' title
-    . ($CONTENTS_LINK ? "\n &nbsp; <B> $CONTENTS_LINK</B> " : undef)
-    # ... and the ``index'' title
-    . ($INDEX_LINK ? "\n &nbsp; <B> $INDEX_LINK</B> " : undef)
-    # These <BR>s separate it from the text body.
-    . "\n<BR><BR>"
-# This can be redefined in an initialization file:
- if (!(defined &main::top_navigation_panel)) {
-    eval "sub top_navigation_panel { \&navigation_panel(\@_) }"
- } else {
-    print "\n *** top_navigation_panel subroutine already defined\n"
- }
-sub bot_navigation_panel {
-    #  Start with a horizontal rule (3-d dividing line)
-    "<HR>\n" . "<!--Navigation Panel-->"
-    # Now add a few buttons with a space between them
-    . "\n<BR>"		# Line break
-    # If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
-    . ($NEXT_TITLE ? "\n<B> $next_name:</B> $NEXT_TITLE" : undef)
-    # Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
-    . ($UP_TITLE ? "\n<B> $up_name:</B> $UP_TITLE" : undef)
-    # ... and the ``previous'' title
-    . ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "\n<B> $prev_name:</B> $PREVIOUS_TITLE" : undef)
-    # ... and the ``contents'' title
-    . ($CONTENTS_LINK ? "\n &nbsp; <B> $CONTENTS_LINK</B> " : undef)
-    # ... and the ``index'' title
-    . ($INDEX_LINK ? "\n &nbsp; <B> $INDEX_LINK</B> " : undef)
-### Meta Information #####################################################
-# This information will be inserted in the HEAD of the generated
-# HTML file. It can be used by automatic indexing scripts (eg
-# site-index.pl at http://www.ai.mit.edu/tools/site-index.html) 
-# You can change the description, keywords, etc. values.
-sub meta_information {
-    local($_) = @_;
-    # Cannot have nested HTML tags...
-    do { s/<[^>]*>//g;
-	"<META NAME=\"description\" CONTENT=\"$_\">\n" .
-	"<META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"$FILE\">\n" .
-	"<META NAME=\"resource-type\" CONTENT=\"document\">\n" .
-	"<META NAME=\"distribution\" CONTENT=\"global\">\n"
-    } if $_;
-### Icons ################################################################
-# Icon names and real icon files. 
-foreach $typ (@IMAGE_TYPES) {
-    %{"icons_$typ"} = (
-	'cross_ref_visible_mark' ,"crossref.$typ",
-	'anchor_mark' , '', # ,'&#160;',
-	'anchor_invisible_mark' , '', # ,'&#160;', 
-	'up_visible_mark' ,"up.$typ", 
-	'next_visible_mark' ,"nx_grp.$typ", 
-	'previous_visible_mark' ,"pv_grp.$typ",
-	'next_page_visible_mark' ,"next.$typ",
-	'previous_page_visible_mark' ,"prev.$typ",
-	'contents_visible_mark' ,"contents.$typ",
-	'index_visible_mark' ,"index.$typ",
-	'footnote_mark' ,"footnote.$typ",
-	'up_inactive_visible_mark' ,"up.$typ", 
-	'next_inactive_visible_mark' ,"next.$typ", 
-	'previous_inactive_visible_mark' ,"pv_grp_g.$typ",
-	'next_page_inactive_visible_mark' ,"next.$typ",
-	'previous_page_inactive_visible_mark' ,"prev.$typ",
-	'change_begin_visible_mark',"ch_begin.$typ",
-	'change_begin_right_visible_mark',"ch_beg_r.$typ",
-	'change_end_visible_mark',"ch_end.$typ",
-	'change_end_right_visible_mark',"ch_end_r.$typ",
-	'change_delete_visible_mark',"ch_delet.$typ",
-	'change_delete_right_visible_mark',"ch_del_r.$typ"
-    )
-if (!%icons) {
-    %icons = %{"icons_$IMAGE_TYPE"};
-if (!%iconsizes) {
-    %iconsizes = (
-	'up' ,'WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'next','WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'previous','WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'next_group' ,'WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'next_inactive' ,'WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'previous_group','WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'change_begin','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24"',
-	'change_begin_right','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="RIGHT"',
-	'change_end','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24"',
-	'change_end_right','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="RIGHT"',
-	'change_delete','WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="24"',
-	'change_delete_right','WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="RIGHT"',
-	'contents','WIDTH="22" HEIGHT="22"',
-	'index','WIDTH="43" HEIGHT="24"',
-	'image','WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="24"'
-    ); 
-$extern_image_mark = &extern_image_mark();
-sub extern_image_mark {
-    "[IMAGE $_[0]]";
-sub img_tag {
-    local($iconmark) = @_;
-    local($icon) = $icons{$iconmark};
-    local($alt);
-    local($align) = " ALIGN=\"BOTTOM\" ";
-    $alt = join ('|', "up", "next_group", "next_inactive", "previous_group"
-		, "next", "previous", "change_begin_right", "change_begin"
-		, "change_end_right", "change_end", "change_delete_right"
-		, "change_delete", "contents", "index");
-    if ($icon =~ /(gif|png)$/) {
-	$used_icons{$icon} = 1;
-	if ($iconmark =~ /change_(begin|end|delete)_right/) { $align = ' ' };
-	local($pre);
-	local($nav_border) = "\"$NAV_BORDER\"";
-	if ($iconmark =~ /($alt)/) {
-	    $pre = "\n";
-	    $alt = $1;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $pre = "";
-	    $nav_border = '"1"';
-	    $alt = '[*]';
-	 };
-	if ($LOCAL_ICONS) {
-	    return join('', $pre ,'<IMG ', $iconsizes{$alt} || '', $align
-			,'BORDER=', $nav_border, ' ALT="', $alt
-			,'" SRC="', $icon, '">' );
-	}
-	else {
-	    return join('', $pre ,'<IMG ', $iconsizes{$alt} || '', $align
-			,'BORDER=', $nav_border, ' ALT="', $alt, "\"\n"
-			,' SRC="', $ICONSERVER, "/$icon", '">' );
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-	return $icon;
-    }
-sub inactive_img { 
-    # Replaces an image name xxx.gif with xxx_gr.gif
-    # It is assumed that _gr images contain the equivalent inactive icons
-    local($_) = @_;
-    s/(up|next|previous|next_page|previous_page)(_visible_mark)/$1_inactive$2/;
-    $_;
-### ASCII Mode ###########################################################
-# This subroutine defines the ascii strings to be used instead of the 
-# icons when the translator is invoked with the -ascii_mode option.
-# Please modify them if you do not like them, BUT 
-# *** DO NOT USE THE SPACE CHARACTER (" ") FOR $anchor_invisible_mark ***
-# (if you use " " then the cross-reference hyperlinks will not work).
-# --- this depends on the browser. From HTML 3.2, a space works OK now.
-sub ascii_mode {
-	$cross_ref_visible_mark = "[*]";
-	$anchor_mark = "&#160;";	
-	$anchor_invisible_mark = "&#160;"; 
-	$up_visible_mark = "[$up_name]"; 
-	$next_visible_mark = "[$next_name $group_name]"; 
-	$previous_visible_mark = "[$prev_name $group_name]";
-	$next_page_visible_mark ="[$next_name]";
-	$previous_page_visible_mark ="[$prev_name]";
-	$up_inactive_visible_mark  = "[$up_name]"; 
-	$next_inactive_visible_mark = "[$next_name $group_name]"; 
-	$previous_inactive_visible_mark = "[$prev_name $group_name]";
-	$next_page_inactive_visible_mark ="[$next_name]";
-	$previous_page_inactive_visible_mark ="[$prev_name]";
-	$contents_visible_mark = "[$toc_title]";
-	$index_visible_mark = "[$idx_title]";
-	$footnote_mark = "[+]";
-	$extern_image_mark = &extern_image_mark;
-### Adding commands to be ignored ########################################
-# Add LaTeX commands to be ignored.
-# Each command should be on a separate line and have the format:
-#  <cmd_name>#{}# []# {}# [] etc. 
-# {} marks a compulsory argument and [] an  optional one.
-# Note that some commands may have arguments which should be left as
-# text even though the command should be ignored (e.g. mbox, center, etc)
-&::ignore_commands( <<_IGNORED_CMDS_);
-htmlrule # [] # \$_ = join('',"<BR><HR>",\$_) 
-mathversion # {} 
-underline # {} # \$_ = join('',"<U>", \$2, "</U>", \$_)
-centerline # {} # \$_ = join('',"<P ALIGN=CENTER>", \$2, "</P>", \$_)
-latexhtml# {}
-latex# {}
-lrule # {} 
-savebox# {}# []# [] 
-### Adding commands to be processed by TeX ###############################
-# Commands which need to be passed, ALONG WITH THEIR ARGUMENTS, to TeX.
-# The syntax is the same as that for ignore_commands above.
-&::process_commands_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_);
-fbox # {}
-framebox # [] # [] # {}
-1;	# This must be the last line
diff --git a/doc/faq/pre_fix.sh b/doc/faq/pre_fix.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9e8c0f3..0000000
--- a/doc/faq/pre_fix.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-for file in faq/*.html; do
-awk '{
-    if ($1 == "<PRE>") {
-	inpre = 1;
-	npre = 0;
-    }
-    else if ($1 == "</PRE>")
-	inpre = 0;
-    if (inpre) {
-	if (NF > 0 || npre > 1)
-	    print $0;
-	npre++;
-    }
-    else
-	print $0;
-}' < $file | sed 's/<TT> /<TT>/g' > /tmp/`basename $file`
-mv -f /tmp/`basename $file` $file
diff --git a/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex b/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex
index 26f6cc3..b57c92c 100644
--- a/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex
+++ b/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex
@@ -1795,9 +1795,8 @@ specified in the {\tt read} method of our class.
 While this tutorial should give you a good overview of Gerris, it is
 by no means a complete description. To learn more you should first
-consult the \htmladdnormallinkfoot{Gerris Frequently Asked Questions}{\gfsweb/faq/faq/faq.html} and the
-\htmladdnormallinkfoot{Gerris reference
-  manual}{\gfsweb/reference/book1.html} which describes each
+consult the \htmladdnormallinkfoot{Gerris Frequently Asked Questions}{\gfsweb/wiki/index.php/FAQ} and the
+\htmladdnormallinkfoot{Gerris object hierarchy}{\gfsweb/wiki/index.php/Object\_hierarchy} which describes each
 object and the corresponding file parameters in more detail.
 You should also have a look at the \htmladdnormallinkfoot{Gerris
diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
index 5bf6704..872b726 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/Makefile.am
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	depend.py \
 	test.py \
 	gfs2tex \
-	l2hconf.pm \
 TESTS = test.sh

Gerris Flow Solver

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