[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:53:33 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 893b94fbd80bc4db5042db38ac113a62634577ea
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Thu Feb 2 01:17:26 2006 +1100

    Updated spurious and capwave test cases

diff --git a/test/capwave/capwave.gfs b/test/capwave/capwave.gfs
index f04f65a..0f36604 100644
--- a/test/capwave/capwave.gfs
+++ b/test/capwave/capwave.gfs
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@
   ProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
   Refine LEVEL
   VariableTracer {} T { scheme = vof }
-  VariableFiltered {} T1 T 0
-  VariableCurvature {} K T1
+  VariableLevelSet {} L T 0.5
+  # The explicit scheme seems to be more accurate for this test case
+  VariableCurvature {} K L { theta = 0. }
   SourceTension {} T K
   AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
   SourceDiffusion {} U 0.0182571749236
diff --git a/test/capwave/capwave.sh b/test/capwave/capwave.sh
index be0d4aa..e81f6c2 100755
--- a/test/capwave/capwave.sh
+++ b/test/capwave/capwave.sh
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
 levels="3 4 5 6 7"
 if ! $donotrun; then
-    file=`mktemp /tmp/wave.XXXXXX`
-    awk 'BEGIN{
-      print "0.51 -0.51"
-      for (x = 0.51; x >= -0.51; x -= 0.01) 
-        print x " " 0.01*cos (2.*3.14159265359*x);
-      print "-0.51 -0.51"
-    }' > $file
-    shapes $file > wave.gts
-    rm -f $file
+    if test -f wave.gts; then :
+    else
+	file=`mktemp /tmp/wave.XXXXXX`
+	awk 'BEGIN{
+          print "0.51 -0.51"
+          for (x = 0.51; x >= -0.51; x -= 0.01) 
+            print x " " 0.01*cos (2.*3.14159265359*x);
+          print "-0.51 -0.51"
+        }' > $file
+	shapes $file > wave.gts
+	rm -f $file
+    fi
     for level in $levels; do
 	rm -f wave-$level
diff --git a/test/capwave/convergence.ref b/test/capwave/convergence.ref
index 449ce26..0408d68 100644
--- a/test/capwave/convergence.ref
+++ b/test/capwave/convergence.ref
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-3 0.427073
-4 0.255337
-5 0.0784138
-6 0.0183746
-7 0.00692082
+3 0.427077
+4 0.255341
+5 0.0784345
+6 0.0184025
+7 0.00694846
diff --git a/test/spurious/convergence.ref b/test/spurious/convergence.ref
index 1e2c1d8..b101eb6 100644
--- a/test/spurious/convergence.ref
+++ b/test/spurious/convergence.ref
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-12.8 0.0022303
-25.6 0.0021489
-51.2 0.00173436
+12.8 0.00223434
+25.6 0.0021743
+51.2 0.00161427
diff --git a/test/spurious/spurious.gfs b/test/spurious/spurious.gfs
index 9fadb55..4b9020c 100644
--- a/test/spurious/spurious.gfs
+++ b/test/spurious/spurious.gfs
@@ -66,16 +66,18 @@
   AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
   VariableTracer {} T { scheme = vof }
-  VariableFiltered {} T1 T 0
-  VariableCurvature {} K T1
+  VariableFiltered {} T1 T 1
+  VariableLevelSet {} L T 0.5
+  VariableCurvature {} K L
   SourceTension {} T K
   SourceDiffusion {} U MU
   SourceDiffusion {} V MU
   InitFraction {} T circle.gts
+  AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-6 maxlevel = LEVEL } T1
   OutputSimulation { start = end } sim-LEVEL {}
   OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } stdout { v = Velocity }
 GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/spurious/spurious.sh b/test/spurious/spurious.sh
index 6539b06..a67043c 100755
--- a/test/spurious/spurious.sh
+++ b/test/spurious/spurious.sh
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ if ! $donotrun; then
     shapes ellipse | transform --scale 0.8 > circle.gts
     for La in 12000 1200 120; do
 	mu=`echo $La | awk '{print sqrt (0.4/$1)}'`
-	tmax=`echo $mu | awk '{print 1000.*$1*0.4}'`
-	if sed "s/LEVEL/5/g" < $1 |\
+	tmax=`echo $mu | awk '{print 500.*$1*0.4}'`
+	if sed "s/LEVEL/6/g" < $1 |\
            sed "s/MU/$mu/g" |\
            sed "s/TMAX/$tmax/g" | gerris2D - | awk -v mu=$mu -v D=0.4 '{
              print $3/(mu*D) " " $9*mu;
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if ! $donotrun; then
     for level in 5 6 7; do
         mu=`echo $La | awk '{print sqrt (0.4/$1)}'`
-	tmax=`echo $mu | awk '{print 1000.*$1*0.4}'`
+	tmax=`echo $mu | awk '{print 500.*$1*0.4}'`
 	if sed "s/LEVEL/$level/g" < $1 |\
            sed "s/MU/$mu/g" |\
            sed "s/TMAX/$tmax/g" | gerris2D - | awk -v mu=$mu -v level=$level -v D=0.4 '{ 

Gerris Flow Solver

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