[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:54:47 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit c625fc8975f2c5a7ed41bffd91df615ca68024f6
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 10 10:57:32 2007 +1000

    Refines cells which are too coarse for VOF advection
    Cells are too coarse when one of their neighboring cells is finer and
    contains and interface which will be advected in them at the next

diff --git a/src/vof.c b/src/vof.c
index 8fced95..15b6398 100644
--- a/src/vof.c
+++ b/src/vof.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "vof.h"
 #include "variable.h"
+#include "adaptive.h"
 #include "graphic.h"
 #define THRESHOLD(c) {if ((c) < 0.) c = 0.; else if ((c) > 1.) c = 1.;}
@@ -1085,6 +1086,8 @@ typedef struct {
   GfsAdvectionParams * par;
   GfsVariable * dV;
   FttComponent c;
+  GfsDomain * domain;
+  guint depth, too_coarse;
 } VofParms;
 static gdouble plane_volume_shifted (FttVector m, gdouble alpha, FttVector p[2])
@@ -1154,6 +1157,111 @@ static gdouble coarse_fraction (FttCellFace * face, VofParms * p, gdouble un)
+#define TOO_COARSE(cell) (GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->par->fv->i))
+/* Marks coarse cells which should be refined because an interface in
+   a neighboring finer cell will be advected into them */
+static void face_too_coarse (FttCellFace * face, VofParms * p)
+  if (ftt_face_type (face) == FTT_FINE_COARSE) {
+    gdouble un = GFS_FACE_NORMAL_VELOCITY (face);
+    if (!FTT_FACE_DIRECT (face))
+      un = - un;
+    if (un > 0.) {
+      gdouble f = GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, p->par->v->i);
+      if (GFS_IS_FULL (f) &&
+	  fine_fraction (face, p, un*p->par->dt/ftt_cell_size (face->cell)) != f) {
+	p->too_coarse++;
+	TOO_COARSE (face->neighbor) = TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static void vof_cell_fine_init (FttCell * parent, VofParms * p)
+  gfs_cell_fine_init (parent, p->domain);
+  FttDirection d;
+  for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; d++) {
+    FttDirection od = FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION (d);
+    FttCellChildren dchild;
+    guint i, n = ftt_cell_children_direction (parent, d, &dchild);
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      g_assert (dchild.c[i]);
+      FttCell * neighbor = ftt_cell_neighbor (dchild.c[i], d);
+      if (neighbor)
+	GFS_STATE (dchild.c[i])->f[d].un = GFS_STATE (neighbor)->f[od].un;
+    }
+  }
+  FttCellChildren child;
+  gdouble div[FTT_CELLS], P[FTT_CELLS];
+  guint n;
+  ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
+  for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++) {
+    g_assert (child.c[n]);
+    GFS_VARIABLE (child.c[n], p->dV->i) = GFS_VARIABLE (parent, p->dV->i);
+    div[n] = 0.;
+    FttComponent c;
+    for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
+      div[n] += GFS_STATE (child.c[n])->f[2*c].un - GFS_STATE (child.c[n])->f[2*c + 1].un;
+  }
+#if FTT_2D
+  P[0] = 0.;
+  P[1] = (3.*div[1] + div[2])/4. + div[3]/2.;
+  P[2] = (div[1] + 3.*div[2])/4. + div[3]/2.;
+  P[3] = (div[1] + div[2])/2. + div[3];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[0])->f[0].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[1])->f[1].un = P[1] - P[0];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[2])->f[0].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[3])->f[1].un = P[3] - P[2];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[0])->f[3].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[2])->f[2].un = P[0] - P[2];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[1])->f[3].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[3])->f[2].un = P[1] - P[3];
+#else /* 3D */
+  static gdouble m[7][7] = {{7./12.,5./24.,3./8.,5./24.,3./8.,1./4.,1./3.},
+			    {5./24.,7./12.,3./8.,5./24.,1./4.,3./8.,1./3.}, 
+			    {3./8.,3./8.,3./4.,1./4.,3./8.,3./8.,1./2.}, 
+			    {5./24.,5./24.,1./4.,7./12.,3./8.,3./8.,1./3.}, 
+			    {3./8.,1./4.,3./8.,3./8.,3./4.,3./8.,1./2.}, 
+			    {1./4.,3./8.,3./8.,3./8.,3./8.,3./4.,1./2.}, 
+			    {1./3.,1./3.,1./2.,1./3.,1./2.,1./2.,5./6.}};
+  P[0] = 0.;
+  guint i, j;
+  for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+    P[i + 1] = 0.;
+    for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
+      P[i + 1] += m[i][j]*div[j + 1];
+  }
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[0])->f[0].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[1])->f[1].un = P[1] - P[0];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[2])->f[0].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[3])->f[1].un = P[3] - P[2];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[0])->f[3].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[2])->f[2].un = P[0] - P[2];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[1])->f[3].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[3])->f[2].un = P[1] - P[3];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[4])->f[0].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[5])->f[1].un = P[5] - P[4];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[6])->f[0].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[7])->f[1].un = P[7] - P[6];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[4])->f[3].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[6])->f[2].un = P[4] - P[6];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[5])->f[3].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[7])->f[2].un = P[5] - P[7];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[0])->f[5].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[4])->f[4].un = P[0] - P[4];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[1])->f[5].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[5])->f[4].un = P[1] - P[5];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[2])->f[5].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[6])->f[4].un = P[2] - P[6];
+  GFS_STATE (child.c[3])->f[5].un = GFS_STATE (child.c[7])->f[4].un = P[3] - P[7];
+#endif /* 3D */
+static void refine_too_coarse (FttCell * cell, VofParms * p)
+  if (TOO_COARSE (cell)) {
+    guint level = ftt_cell_level (cell);
+    TOO_COARSE (cell) = FALSE;
+    ftt_cell_refine_corners (cell, (FttCellInitFunc) vof_cell_fine_init, p);
+    ftt_cell_refine_single (cell, (FttCellInitFunc) vof_cell_fine_init, p);
+    if (level + 1 > p->depth)
+      p->depth = level + 1;
+  }
 static void vof_face_value (FttCellFace * face, VofParms * p)
   gdouble un = GFS_FACE_NORMAL_VELOCITY (face)*p->par->dt/ftt_cell_size (face->cell);
@@ -1261,6 +1369,20 @@ void gfs_tracer_vof_advection (GfsDomain * domain,
   par->fv = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
   for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++) {
     p.c = (cstart + c) % FTT_DIMENSION;
+    gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
+			      (FttCellTraverseFunc) gfs_cell_reset, par->fv);
+    p.too_coarse = 0;
+    gfs_domain_face_traverse (domain, p.c,
+			      (FttFaceTraverseFunc) face_too_coarse, &p);
+    if (p.too_coarse > 0) {
+      p.depth = 0;
+      p.domain = domain;
+      gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain,
+				(FttCellTraverseFunc) refine_too_coarse, &p);
+      gfs_domain_reshape (domain, p.depth, (FttCellInitFunc) vof_cell_fine_init, &p);
+    }
     gfs_domain_face_traverse (domain, p.c,
 			      (FttFaceTraverseFunc) vof_face_value, &p);
diff --git a/test/shear/curvature/norms.ref b/test/shear/curvature/norms.ref
index 057ca23..22304eb 100644
--- a/test/shear/curvature/norms.ref
+++ b/test/shear/curvature/norms.ref
@@ -1 +1 @@
-T time: 5 first:  7.064e-04 second:  7.952e-03 infty:  4.545e-01 bias: -1.070e-04
+T time: 5 first:  6.999e-04 second:  8.098e-03 infty:  4.553e-01 bias: -1.065e-04

Gerris Flow Solver

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