[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:55:11 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 79ccad72529862045f58ad655344a0d27cab8fe6
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Tue Apr 1 12:39:32 2008 +1100

    New module for FES2004 tidal boundary conditions

diff --git a/modules/Makefile.am b/modules/Makefile.am
index 65d4ceb..d7eb6a4 100644
--- a/modules/Makefile.am
+++ b/modules/Makefile.am
@@ -8,13 +8,18 @@ MAP = libmap2D.la libmap3D.la libmap2D3.la
 pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = \
-	$(MAP)
+	$(MAP) \
+	libtide2D.la \
+	libtide3D.la \
+	libtide2D3.la
-	map.mod
+	map.mod \
+	tide.mod
-	map.c
+	map.c \
+	tide.c
         -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE)\
@@ -29,6 +34,15 @@ libmap2D3_la_SOURCES = map.c
 libmap2D3_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DFTT_2D3=1
 libmap2D3_la_LIBADD = -lproj
+libtide3D_la_SOURCES = tide.c
+libtide3D_la_LIBADD = -L/home/popinet/local/lib -lfes -lnetcdf -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lpthread
+libtide2D_la_SOURCES = tide.c
+libtide2D_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DFTT_2D=1
+libtide2D_la_LIBADD = -L/home/popinet/local/lib -lfes -lnetcdf -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lpthread
+libtide2D3_la_SOURCES = tide.c
+libtide2D3_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DFTT_2D3=1
+libtide2D3_la_LIBADD = -L/home/popinet/local/lib -lfes -lnetcdf -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lpthread
 %.c : %.mod
 	@echo "/* $@" > $@
diff --git a/modules/tide.mod b/modules/tide.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c76fbc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tide.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+/* Gerris - The GNU Flow Solver                       (-*-C-*-)
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.  
+ */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE /* glibc2 needs this for strptime() */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <fes2004_lib.h>
+#include "gfsconfig.h"
+#include "variable.h"
+/* Heavily based on GfsBcFlather */
+static gchar * reference = "1950/01/01-00:00:00-UTC";
+static gdouble deltat = 0.;
+/* GfsBcTide: Header */
+typedef struct _GfsBcTide         GfsBcTide;
+struct _GfsBcTide {
+  /*< private >*/
+  GfsBcValue parent;
+  gdouble ** amplitude, ** phase, x, size;
+  /*< public >*/
+  GfsVariable * h, * p;
+#define GFS_BC_TIDE(obj)            GTS_OBJECT_CAST (obj,\
+					         GfsBcTide,\
+					         gfs_bc_tide_class ())
+#define GFS_IS_BC_TIDE(obj)         (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
+						 gfs_bc_tide_class ()))
+GfsBcClass * gfs_bc_tide_class  (void);
+/* GfsBcTide: Object */
+#define N  64 /* number of discretisation points */
+#define NM 14 /* number of tidal modes (must match those of FES2004) */
+static void bc_tide_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
+  GfsBcTide * bc = GFS_BC_TIDE (o);
+  guint i, j;
+  (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_bc_tide_class ())->parent_class->write) (o, fp);
+  fprintf (fp, " %s %s {\n", bc->h->name, bc->p->name);
+  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+    for (j = 0; j < NM; j++)
+      fprintf (fp, "  %g %g\n", bc->amplitude[j][i], bc->phase[j][i]);
+  }
+  fputc ('}', fp);
+static void set_gradient_boundary (FttCell * cell)
+static void bc_tide_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
+  GfsBcTide * bc = GFS_BC_TIDE (*o);
+  GfsDomain * domain = gfs_box_domain (GFS_BC (bc)->b->box);
+  (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_bc_tide_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
+  if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
+    return;
+  GfsBoundary * b = GFS_BC (bc)->b;
+  if (b->d > FTT_BOTTOM) {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "GfsBcTide cannot be used for 3D boundaries");
+    return;
+  }
+  if (fp->type != GTS_STRING) {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a string (h)");
+    return;
+  }
+  bc->h = gfs_variable_from_name (domain->variables, fp->token->str);
+  if (bc->h == NULL) {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "unknown variable `%s'", fp->token->str);
+    return;
+  }
+  gts_file_next_token (fp);
+  if (fp->type != GTS_STRING) {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a string (p)");
+    return;
+  }
+  bc->p = gfs_variable_from_name (domain->variables, fp->token->str);
+  if (bc->p == NULL) {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "unknown variable `%s'", fp->token->str);
+    return;
+  }
+  gts_file_next_token (fp);
+  ftt_cell_traverse (b->root, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1,
+		     (FttCellTraverseFunc) set_gradient_boundary, NULL);
+  guint i;  
+  gpointer tmp = g_malloc0 (N*NM*sizeof (double));
+  bc->amplitude = g_malloc (N*sizeof (double *));
+  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+    bc->amplitude[i] = tmp + i*NM*sizeof (double);
+  tmp = g_malloc0 (N*NM*sizeof (double));
+  bc->phase = g_malloc (N*sizeof (double *));
+  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+    bc->phase[i] = tmp + i*NM*sizeof (double);
+  FttCellFace face;
+  face.cell = b->root;
+  face.d = b->d;
+  FttVector p;
+  ftt_face_pos (&face, &p);
+  FttComponent c = face.d < FTT_TOP ? FTT_Y : FTT_X;
+  bc->size = ftt_cell_size (b->root);
+  (&p.x)[c] -= bc->size/2.;
+  bc->x = (&p.x)[c];
+  if (fp->type == '{') {
+    /* read embedded coefficients */
+    guint j;
+    fp->scope_max++;
+    gts_file_next_token (fp);
+    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+      for (j = 0; j < NM; j++) {
+	while (fp->type == '\n') gts_file_next_token (fp);
+	if (fp->type != GTS_INT && fp->type != GTS_FLOAT) {
+	  gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (amplitude[%d][%d])", j, i);
+	  return;
+	}
+	bc->amplitude[j][i] = atof (fp->token->str);
+	gts_file_next_token (fp);
+	if (fp->type != GTS_INT && fp->type != GTS_FLOAT) {
+	  gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (phase[%d][%d])", j, i);
+	  return;
+	}
+	bc->phase[j][i] = atof (fp->token->str);
+	gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      }
+    }
+    while (fp->type == '\n') gts_file_next_token (fp);
+    if (fp->type != '}') {
+      gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a closing brace");
+      return;
+    }
+    fp->scope_max--;
+    gts_file_next_token (fp);
+  }
+  else {
+    /* extract FES2004 tidal coefficients */
+    gchar * fname = g_strjoin ("/", GFS_MODULES_DIR, "tide.fes2004.nc", NULL);
+    FILE * f = fopen (fname, "r");
+    if (f == NULL) {
+      gts_file_error (fp, "cannot open file `%s': %s", fname, strerror (errno));
+      return;
+    }
+    fclose (f);
+    double * lon = g_malloc (N*sizeof (double));
+    double * lat = g_malloc (N*sizeof (double));
+    gdouble dh = bc->size/(N - 1);
+    for (i = 0; i < N; i++, (&p.x)[c] += dh) {
+      FttVector mp = p;
+      gfs_simulation_map_inverse (GFS_SIMULATION (gfs_box_domain (b->box)), &mp);
+      lon[i] = mp.x; lat[i] = mp.y;
+    }
+    fes2004_extraction (fname, N, lat, lon, bc->amplitude, bc->phase, 1);
+    g_free (lon);
+    g_free (lat);
+  }
+static void bc_tide_destroy (GtsObject * o)
+  GfsBcTide * bc = GFS_BC_TIDE (o);
+  if (bc->amplitude) {
+    g_free (bc->amplitude[0]);
+    g_free (bc->amplitude);
+  }
+  if (bc->phase) {
+    g_free (bc->phase[0]);
+    g_free (bc->phase);
+  }
+  (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_bc_tide_class ())->parent_class->destroy) (o);
+static tidal_wave wave[NM];
+static gdouble amplitude_value (FttCellFace * face, GfsBcTide * bc, gdouble t)
+  FttComponent c = face->d < FTT_TOP ? FTT_Y : FTT_X;
+  FttVector p;
+  ftt_face_pos (face, &p);
+  guint i = floor (((&p.x)[c] - bc->x)/bc->size*(N - 1));
+  g_assert (i < N - 1);
+  if (bc->amplitude[i][2] < 0. && bc->amplitude[i+1][2] < 0.)
+    return G_MAXDOUBLE;
+  gdouble dh = bc->size/(N - 1);
+  gdouble a = ((&p.x)[c] - bc->x - dh*i)/dh;
+  if (bc->amplitude[i][2] < 0.)
+    a = 1.;
+  if (bc->amplitude[i+1][2] < 0.)
+    a = 0.;
+  gdouble prediction = 0.;
+  guint j;
+  for (j = 0; j < NM; j++) {
+    fcomplex Z1, Z2, Z;
+    Z1.reel = bc->amplitude[i][j]*cos (- bc->phase[i][j]*M_PI/180.);
+    Z1.imag = bc->amplitude[i][j]*sin (- bc->phase[i][j]*M_PI/180.);
+    Z2.reel = bc->amplitude[i+1][j]*cos (- bc->phase[i+1][j]*M_PI/180.);
+    Z2.imag = bc->amplitude[i+1][j]*sin (- bc->phase[i+1][j]*M_PI/180.);
+    Z.reel = (1. - a)*Z1.reel + a*Z2.reel;
+    Z.imag = (1. - a)*Z1.imag + a*Z2.imag;
+    prediction += Tide_prediction (t, wave[j], Z, 0, 0);
+  }
+  return prediction;
+static gdouble tide_value (FttCellFace * f, GfsBc * b)
+  /* fixme: this will not work for multilayer domains */
+  guint d, nb = 0;
+  FttCellNeighbors n;
+  gdouble H;
+  ftt_cell_neighbors (f->neighbor, &n);
+  for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS_2D; d++)
+    if (n.c[d] != NULL && GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY(n.c[d]) && nb++ > 0)
+      /* if the boundary cell is bounded by more than one boundary -> no flux */
+      return 0.;
+  H = gfs_face_interpolated_value (f, GFS_BC_TIDE (b)->h->i);
+  if (H > 2e-3) { /* fixme: 2e-3 is an arbitrary constant which should be a parameter or sthg*/
+    GfsSimulation * sim = GFS_SIMULATION (gfs_box_domain (b->b->box));
+    gdouble a = amplitude_value (f, GFS_BC_TIDE (b), sim->time.t + deltat);
+    if (a < G_MAXDOUBLE) {
+      gdouble cg = sqrt (sim->physical_params.g*H);
+      a *= sim->physical_params.g/5000.; /* fixme: reference depth is fixed at 5000 meters */
+      return gfs_function_face_value (GFS_BC_VALUE (b)->val, f) +
+	(FTT_FACE_DIRECT (f) ? -1. : 1.)*
+	(GFS_VARIABLE (f->neighbor, GFS_BC_TIDE (b)->p->i) - a)*
+	cg/sim->physical_params.g
+#if !FTT_2D
+	/H
+	;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0.;
+static void tide (FttCellFace * f, GfsBc * b)
+  g_assert (GFS_CELL_IS_GRADIENT_BOUNDARY (f->cell));
+  g_assert (ftt_cell_neighbor (f->cell, f->d) == f->neighbor);
+  GFS_VARIABLE (f->cell, b->v->i) = 2.*tide_value (f, b) - GFS_VARIABLE (f->neighbor, b->v->i);
+static void homogeneous_tide (FttCellFace * f, GfsBc * b)
+  g_assert (GFS_CELL_IS_GRADIENT_BOUNDARY (f->cell));
+  GFS_VARIABLE (f->cell, b->v->i) = - GFS_VARIABLE (f->neighbor, b->v->i);
+static void face_tide (FttCellFace * f, GfsBc * b)
+  g_assert (GFS_CELL_IS_GRADIENT_BOUNDARY (f->cell));
+  GFS_STATE (f->cell)->f[f->d].v = tide_value (f, b);
+static void gfs_bc_tide_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
+  klass->write   = bc_tide_write;
+  klass->read    = bc_tide_read;
+  klass->destroy = bc_tide_destroy;
+static void gfs_bc_tide_init (GfsBc * bc)
+  bc->bc =             (FttFaceTraverseFunc) tide;
+  bc->homogeneous_bc = (FttFaceTraverseFunc) homogeneous_tide;
+  bc->face_bc =        (FttFaceTraverseFunc) face_tide;
+GfsBcClass * gfs_bc_tide_class (void)
+  static GfsBcClass * klass = NULL;
+  if (klass == NULL) {
+    GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_bc_tide_info = {
+      "GfsBcTide",
+      sizeof (GfsBcTide),
+      sizeof (GfsBcClass),
+      (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) gfs_bc_tide_class_init,
+      (GtsObjectInitFunc) gfs_bc_tide_init,
+      (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
+      (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
+    };
+    klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_bc_value_class ()),
+				  &gfs_bc_tide_info);
+  }
+  return klass;
+/* Initialize module */
+const gchar * g_module_check_init (void);
+void          gfs_module_read     (GtsFile * fp);
+void          gfs_module_write    (FILE * fp);
+const gchar * g_module_check_init (void)
+  wave[0] = w2N2;
+  wave[1] = wK1;
+  wave[2] = wK2;
+  wave[3] = wM2;
+  wave[4] = wM4;
+  wave[5] = wMf;
+  wave[6] = wMm;
+  wave[7] = wMSqm;
+  wave[8] = wMtm;
+  wave[9] = wN2;
+  wave[10] = wO1;
+  wave[11] = wP1;
+  wave[12] = wQ1;
+  wave[13] = wS2;
+  gfs_bc_tide_class ();
+  return NULL;
+#define TIME_FORMAT "%Y/%m/%d-%T"
+void gfs_module_read (GtsFile * fp)
+  g_return_if_fail (fp != NULL);
+  if (fp->type == '{') {
+    GtsFileVariable var[] = {
+      {GTS_STRING, "reference",  TRUE},
+      {GTS_NONE}
+    };
+    var[0].data = &reference;
+    gts_file_assign_variables (fp, var);
+    if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
+      return;
+    if (var[0].set) {
+      struct tm timeref;
+      time_t tref, t0;
+      memset (&timeref, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
+      strptime ("1950/01/01-00:00:00-UTC", TIME_FORMAT, &timeref);
+      tref = mktime (&timeref);
+      memset (&timeref, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
+      if (!strptime (reference, TIME_FORMAT, &timeref)) {
+	gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "reference", "error parsing date format");
+	return;
+      }
+      t0 = mktime (&timeref);
+      deltat = difftime (t0, tref)/3600.;
+    }
+  }
+void gfs_module_write (FILE * fp)
+  g_return_if_fail (fp != NULL);
+  fprintf (fp, " { reference = %s }", reference);
diff --git a/src/ocean.c b/src/ocean.c
index 1be27be..c875443 100644
--- a/src/ocean.c
+++ b/src/ocean.c
@@ -1125,6 +1125,8 @@ GfsSourceGenericClass * gfs_source_friction_class (void)
 /* GfsBcFlather: Object */
+/* Also check whether modules/tide.mod needs upgrading when modyifing this class */
 static void bc_flather_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
   GfsBcFlather * bc = GFS_BC_FLATHER (o);

Gerris Flow Solver

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