[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:56:04 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 3a7ab2dba6fddca3de0e81114aa1fa27df15e399
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Mon Jul 28 16:03:05 2008 +1000

    Iterative Stokes wave solver of John Chaplin

diff --git a/modules/CW263.f b/modules/CW263.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20332dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/CW263.f
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+      program CW263
+c   Stream function wave theory code:
+c   * automatic selection of order
+c   * uniform current
+c   * returns proportion of limiting height
+c   j.r.chaplin at soton.ac.uk
+c   Subroutine cw260 solves the wave.  Kinematics are then available
+c   through subtroutine kmts as illustrated below in the main program.
+c   Stores results in CW263.PSI in a format compatible with that used
+c      by CW6.FOR (24/3/99)
+      character ans*1
+   10 write(*,'(a)') ' Water depth (m)   = '
+      read*,d
+      write(*,'(a)') ' Period      (s)   = '
+      read*,t
+      write(*,'(a)') ' Wave height (m)   = '
+      read*,h
+      write(*,'(a)') ' Current     (m/s) = '
+      read*,u
+      nverb= 1
+      call cw260(d,t,h,u,nverb,n,el)
+   20 write(*,'(/a)')
+     :  ' (H)orizontal, (V)ertical, (S)urface, (N)ew wave, (Q)uit : '
+      read(*,'(a)') ans
+      goto (20,21,22,23,10,29) (index('HhVvSsNnQq',ans)+3)/2
+c   Horizontal
+   21 write(*,'(a)') ' y (m) = '
+      read*,yy
+      npt= 21
+      write(*,3)
+      do 31 i=1,npt
+      xx= el*(i-1)/float(npt-1)
+      tt= 0.0
+      call kmts(n,xx,yy,tt,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah)
+      ans= ' '
+      if (yy.gt.etah) ans='*'
+   31 write(*,'(f9.3,8f8.3,1x,a)') xx,yy,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah,ans
+      goto 20
+c   Vertical
+   22 write(*,'(a)') ' x/L = '
+      read*,xl
+      xx= xl*el
+      yy= 0.0
+      tt= 0.0
+      call kmts(n,xx,yy,tt,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah)
+      npt= 21
+      write(*,3)
+      do 32 i=1,npt
+      yy= (d+etah)*(npt-i)/float(npt-1)-d
+      call kmts(n,xx,yy,tt,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah)
+   32 write(*,'(f9.3,8f8.3,1x,1a)') xx,yy,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah
+      goto 20
+c   Free surface
+   23 npt= 21
+      write(*,3)
+      do 33 i=1,npt
+      xx= el*(i-1)/float(npt-1)
+      yy= h
+      tt= 0.0
+      call kmts(n,xx,yy,tt,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah)
+   33 write(*,'(f9.3,8f8.3)') xx,etah,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah
+      goto 20
+   29 stop
+    3 format('      x       y       u       v      ut   ',
+     :  '   vt      du      dv      eta')
+      end
+      subroutine cw260(zd,zt,zh,zu,nverb,nfun,zel)
+c  Input:  zd=depth; zt=period; zh=height; u=current; nverb=verbosity
+c  Output: nfun=order; zel=wavelength
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      real zd,zt,zh,zu,zel
+      double precision k
+      character itl*79,datim*22
+      common /one/ d,t,h,u,k
+     :       /two/ eta(nmax),c(nmax),amp(0:nmax)
+      pi= 4*atan(1.0)
+      d= zd
+      t= zt
+      hw= zh
+      u= zu
+c  Get required solution order
+      call wavecel(t,d,u,tr,cel)
+      call limit(hw,d,tr,rat,1)
+      dl0= d/(9.81*t*t/(2*pi))
+      a= 0.86/sqrt(dl0)
+      b= 7+2.2*log(dl0)
+      cc= 2.7-3*log(dl0)
+      nve= nint((a+b*rat+cc*rat**2)/2)*2
+      nve= nve+2
+      hb= hw/rat
+      k= 2*pi/(cel*t)
+c  Start with height=<Hb/2
+c    First step up orders; then heights ...
+      if (nverb.ne.0) write(*,'(/2a)')
+     :   '      d       T       H       U    order  iter  ',
+     :   'rms error  code      L'
+      nfun = 6
+      h= min(hw,0.5*hb)
+      do 10 i=0,nmax
+   10 amp(i)= 0.0
+      amp(1)= h/2
+   12 continue
+      call cw261(nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail)
+      if (ifail.eq.0) then
+         el= 2*pi/k
+         if (nverb.ne.0) write(*,'(a,4f8.3,i5,i7,1p1e12.3,0p,i5,f10.3)')
+     :      ' ',d,t,h,u,nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail,el
+      else
+         if (nverb.ne.0) write(*,'(a,4f8.3,i5,i7,1p1e12.3,0p,i5)')
+     :      ' ',d,t,h,u,nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail
+         stop
+      endif
+      if (nfun.lt.nve) then
+         nfun= nfun+2
+         goto 12
+      endif
+      if (hw.gt.0.5*hb) then
+         fac= 1.1
+   11    hm= h
+         if (h*fac.gt.hw) then
+            h= hw
+            ilast= 1
+         else
+            h= h*fac
+            ilast= 0
+         endif
+         do 14 i=1,nfun-1
+   14    amp(i)= (h/hm)*amp(i)
+         call cw261(nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail)
+         if (ifail.eq.0) then
+            el= 2*pi/k
+            if (nverb.ne.0)
+     :         write(*,'(a,4f8.3,i5,i7,1p1e12.3,0p,i5,f10.3)')
+     :         ' ',d,t,h,u,nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail,el
+         else
+            if (nverb.ne.0) write(*,'(a,4f8.3,i5,i7,1p1e12.3,0p,i5)')
+     :         ' ',d,t,h,u,nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail
+            stop
+         endif
+         if (ilast.ne.1) then
+            fac= 0.995*fac
+            goto 11
+         endif
+      endif
+      zel= 2*pi/k
+      open(12,file='cw263.psi')
+      itl= 'Solved by CW263'
+      datim= 'Space for date & time:'
+      ver= 5.01
+      el0= 9.81*zt**2/(2*pi)
+      hl0= zh/el0
+      dl0= zd/el0
+      wl0= zel/el0
+      write(12,101) itl,datim,ver,hl0,dl0,wl0,zh,zd,zt,nfun-1,zu
+      write(12,102) (eta(i),c(i+1),i=1,nfun-1),eta(nfun)
+      write(12,107) (amp(i)/zh,i=0,nfun-1)
+      close(12)
+  101 format(a/a,f10.2/3f16.10/3f16.10,i5,f16.10)
+  102 format(1p2e25.16)
+  107 format(1p1e25.16)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cw261(nfun,iter,fsumsq,ifail)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      double precision k
+      dimension x(nmax),f(nmax),etas(2*nmax),bb(0:nmax)
+      common /one/ d,t,h,u,k
+     :       /two/ eta(nmax),c(nmax),amp(0:nmax)
+      pi= 4*atan(1.0)
+      do 10 i=1,nfun-2
+      th= (i-1)*pi/(nfun-1)
+      x(i)= 0.0
+      do 10 j=1,nfun-1
+   10 x(i)= x(i)+cos(j*th)*amp(j)
+      x(nfun-1)= k
+      jverb= 0
+      call gaf(nfun,nfun-1,x,f,fsumsq,jverb,iter,ifail)
+      if (ifail.eq.1) return
+      k= x(nfun-1)
+      do 11 i=1,nfun
+   11 etas(i)= eta(i)
+      do 12 i=1,nfun-1
+   12 etas(nfun+i)= eta(nfun-i)
+      call four(etas,2*nfun-2,amp,bb,nfun-1)
+      amp(nfun)= 0.0
+      bb(nfun)= 0.0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine lsfun(nfun,x,f,jac,sq,ifail)
+c  Computes function errors and Jacobian
+c  x(1:nfun-1) = unknowns,  f(1:nfun) = functions
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      double precision k,jac,ks
+      dimension x(nmax),f(nmax),jac(nmax,nmax)
+      dimension dex(nmax,nmax),th(nmax),s(nmax),
+     :	chcs(nmax,nmax),chsn(nmax,nmax),shcs(nmax,nmax),shsn(nmax,nmax),
+     :	fu(nmax,nmax),df(nmax,nmax),a(nmax),da(nmax,nmax),
+     :  dax(nmax,nmax),dcx(nmax,nmax),dfx(nmax,nmax),
+     :	us(nmax),vs(nmax),dux(nmax,nmax),dvx(nmax,nmax)
+      common /one/ d,t,h,u,k
+     :       /two/ eta(nmax),c(nmax),amp(0:nmax)
+      pi= 4*atan(1.0d0)
+      g= 9.81d0
+      ifail= 0
+      om= 2*pi/t
+c  Get surface elevations
+      do 40 i=1,nfun-2
+   40 eta(i)= x(i)
+      eta(nfun)= eta(1)-h
+      sm= 0.0
+      do 10 i=2,nfun-2
+   10 sm= sm+eta(i)
+      eta(nfun-1)= -sm-(eta(1)+eta(nfun))/2
+      do 11 i=2,nfun
+      if (eta(i).gt.eta(i-1)+5*h/nfun) then
+	 ifail= 1
+c        write(*,'(7f11.3)') (eta(m),m=1,nfun-1)
+	 return
+      endif
+   11 continue
+      k= x(nfun-1)
+c  Get dex(i,j) = d(eta(i))/d(eta(j)), 1 <= j <= nfun-2
+      do 18 i=1,nfun
+      dex(i,nfun-1)= 0.0d0
+      do 18 j=1,nfun-2
+      if (i.lt.nfun-1) then
+	 if (i.eq.j) then
+	    dex(i,j)= 1.0d0
+	 else
+	    dex(i,j)= 0.0d0
+	 endif
+      else if (i.eq.nfun-1) then
+	 dex(i,j)= -1.0d0
+      else if (i.eq.nfun) then
+	 if (j.eq.1) then
+	    dex(i,j)= 1.0d0
+	 else
+	    dex(i,j)= 0.0d0
+	 endif
+      endif
+   18 continue
+c  Set some useful functions
+      do 23 i=1,nfun
+      th(i)= pi*(i-1)/float(nfun-1)
+      s(i)= d+eta(i)
+      ks= k*s(i)
+      do 23 n=1,nfun
+      ch= cosh(n*ks)
+      sh= sinh(n*ks)
+      cs= cos(n*th(i))
+      sn= sin(n*th(i))
+      chcs(i,n)= ch*cs
+      shsn(i,n)= sh*sn
+      chsn(i,n)= ch*sn
+   23 shcs(i,n)= sh*cs
+c  Get normalised stream function coefficients a(j)
+      do 12 i=1,nfun
+      fu(i,1)= k*s(i)
+      df(i,1)= k
+      do 12 j=2,nfun
+      n= j-1
+      fu(i,j)= shcs(i,n)
+   12 df(i,j)= chcs(i,n)*n*k
+      call trans2(nfun,fu,df,a,da)
+c  Get dax(i,j) = d(a(i))/d(eta(j)), 1 <=j <= nfun-2
+      do 41 i=1,nfun
+      do 41 j=1,nfun-2
+      dij= 0.0
+      do 42 n=1,nfun
+   42 dij= dij+da(i,n)*dex(n,j)
+   41 dax(i,j)= dij
+c   Get dax(i,nfun-1) = d(a(i))/dk
+      do 19 i=1,nfun
+      sm= 0.0
+      do 13 m=1,nfun
+   13 sm= sm+da(i,m)*s(m)/k
+   19 dax(i,nfun-1)= sm
+c  De-normalise to get correct reverse mean flow
+      a1k2= a(1)*k**2
+      r= (u*k-om)/a1k2
+      do 24 i=1,nfun
+      c(i)= a(i)*r
+      do 24 j=1,nfun-1
+      drx= -(u*k-om)*dax(1,j)*(k/a1k2)**2
+      if (j.eq.nfun-1) then
+         drx= drx+u/a1k2-2*a(1)*k*(u*k-om)/a1k2**2
+      endif
+   24 dcx(i,j)= r*dax(i,j)+a(i)*drx
+c  Get surface velocities and functions
+      do 14 i=1,nfun
+      su= k*c(1)
+      sv= 0.0d0
+      do 15 n=1,nfun-1
+      su= su+n*k*c(n+1)*chcs(i,n)
+   15 sv= sv+n*k*c(n+1)*shsn(i,n)
+      us(i)= su
+   14 vs(i)= sv
+      sm= 0.0d0
+      do 16 i=1,nfun
+      f(i)= (us(i)**2+vs(i)**2)/(2*g)+eta(i)
+   16 sm= sm+f(i)
+      sm= sm/float(nfun)
+      sq= 0.0d0
+      do 17 i=1,nfun
+      f(i)= f(i)-sm
+   17 sq= sq+f(i)**2
+      sq= sqrt(sq/nfun)/h
+c  Get d(u(i))/d(eta(j)) and d(u(i))/dk
+      do 20 i=1,nfun
+      do 21 j=1,nfun-2
+      su= k*dcx(1,j)
+      sv= 0.0d0
+      do 22 n=1,nfun-1
+      su= su+n*k*dcx(n+1,j)*chcs(i,n)+(n*k)**2*c(n+1)*shcs(i,n)*dex(i,j)
+   22 sv= sv+n*k*dcx(n+1,j)*shsn(i,n)+(n*k)**2*c(n+1)*chsn(i,n)*dex(i,j)
+      dux(i,j)= su
+   21 dvx(i,j)= sv
+      j= nfun-1
+      su= c(1)+k*dcx(1,j)
+      sv= 0.0d0
+      do 25 n=1,nfun-1
+      su= su+(c(n+1)+k*dcx(n+1,j))*n*chcs(i,n)+
+     :	    n**2*k*s(i)*c(n+1)*shcs(i,n)
+   25 sv= sv+(c(n+1)+k*dcx(n+1,j))*n*shsn(i,n)+
+     :	    n**2*k*s(i)*c(n+1)*chsn(i,n)
+      dux(i,j)= su
+   20 dvx(i,j)= sv
+c  Get derivatives of functions
+      do 44 i=1,nfun
+      do 44 j=1,nfun-1
+   44 dfx(i,j)= (us(i)*dux(i,j)+vs(i)*dvx(i,j))/g+dex(i,j)
+      do 45 j=1,nfun-1
+      sm= 0.0
+      do 46 i=1,nfun
+   46 sm= sm+dfx(i,j)
+      sm= sm/nfun
+      do 45 i=1,nfun
+   45 jac(i,j)= dfx(i,j)-sm
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine trans2(n,f,df,a,da)
+c  Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalisation with derivatives
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      dimension f(nmax,nmax),df(nmax,nmax),a(nmax),da(nmax,nmax)
+      dimension c(nmax,nmax),b(nmax),cr(nmax,nmax),g(nmax,nmax),
+     :   dly(nmax),dc(nmax,nmax),br(nmax,nmax),db(nmax)
+      do 10 i=1,n
+      do 10 j=1,n
+   10 c(i,j)= 0.0d0
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 54 i=1,n
+   54 st= st+f(i,1)**2
+      st= dsqrt(st)
+      do 16 i=1,n
+   16 g(i,1)= f(i,1)/st
+      c(1,1)= st
+      do 18 k=2,n
+      km= k-1
+      do 29 j=1,km
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 20 i=1,n
+   20 st= st+g(i,j)*f(i,k)
+   29 c(j,k)= st
+      c(k,k)= 1.0d0
+      do 21 i=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 22 j=1,km
+   22 st= st+c(j,k)*g(i,j)
+   21 g(i,k)= f(i,k)-st
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 50 i=1,n
+   50 st= st+g(i,k)**2
+      st= dsqrt(st)
+      do 52 i=1,n
+   52 g(i,k)= g(i,k)/st
+      c(k,k)= st
+      do 200 j=1,km
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 202 i=1,n
+  202 st= st+g(i,j)*g(i,k)
+  200 db(j)= st
+      do 204 i=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 206 j=1,km
+  206 st= st+db(j)*g(i,j)
+  204 g(i,k)=g(i,k)-st
+   18 continue
+      do 24 j=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 26 i=1,n
+   26 st= st+g(i,j)
+   24 b(j)= st
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 208 i=1,n
+      sb= 0.0d0
+      do 210 j=1,n
+  210 sb= sb+b(j)*g(i,j)
+  208 st= st+(sb-1.0d0)**2
+      call trinv(n,c,cr)
+      do 28 i=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 30 j=1,n
+   30 st= st+cr(i,j)*b(j)
+   28 a(i)= st
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 72 i=1,n
+      sb= 0.0d0
+      do 74 j=1,n
+   74 sb= sb+a(j)*f(i,j)
+   72 st= st+(sb-1.0d0)**2
+      st= dsqrt(st/float(n))
+      do 80 k=1,n
+      do 81 i=1,n
+      do 81 j=1,n
+   81 dc(i,j)= 0.0d0
+      dly(1)= 2.0d0*f(k,1)*df(k,1)
+      dc(1,1)= 0.5d0*dly(1)/c(1,1)
+      do 82 j=2,n
+   82 dc(1,j)= (f(k,j)*df(k,1)+df(k,j)*f(k,1))/c(1,1)
+     :	    -0.5d0*dly(1)*c(1,j)/c(1,1)**2
+      do 84 l=2,n
+      lm= l-1
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 86 m=1,lm
+   86 st= st+c(m,l)*dc(m,l)
+      dly(l)= 2.0d0*(f(k,l)*df(k,l)-st)
+      dc(l,l)= 0.5d0*dly(l)/c(l,l)
+      if (l.eq.n) goto 84
+      lp= l+1
+      do 85 m=lp,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 90 j=1,lm
+   90 st= st+c(j,m)*dc(j,l)+dc(j,m)*c(j,l)
+   85 dc(l,m)= (f(k,m)*df(k,l)+df(k,m)*f(k,l))/c(l,l)
+     :	    -st/c(l,l)-0.5d0*dly(l)*c(l,m)/c(l,l)**2
+   84 continue
+      do 92 l=1,n
+      do 92 m=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 96 j=1,n
+   96 st= st+g(l,j)*dc(j,m)
+   92 br(l,m)= -st
+      do 94 m=1,n
+   94 br(k,m)= br(k,m)+df(k,m)
+      do 32 j=1,n
+      sb= 0.0d0
+      do 34 i=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 36 l=1,n
+   36 st= st+br(i,l)*cr(l,j)
+   34 sb= sb+st
+   32 db(j)= sb
+      do 38 i=1,n
+      st= db(i)
+      do 40 j=1,n
+   40 st= st-dc(i,j)*a(j)
+   38 dly(i)= st
+      do 42 i=1,n
+      st= 0.0d0
+      do 44 j=1,n
+   44 st= st+cr(i,j)*dly(j)
+   42 da(i,k)= st
+   80 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine trinv(n,c,w)
+c  3-diagonal system solver
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      dimension c(nmax,nmax),w(nmax,nmax)
+      do 10 i=1,n
+      do 10 j=1,n
+   10 w(i,j)= 0.0d0
+      do 12 jj=1,n
+      j= n+1-jj
+      w(j,j)= 1.0d0
+      if (j.eq.1) goto 12
+      k= j-1
+      do 13 ii=1,k
+      i= k-ii+1
+      sum= 0.0d0
+      do 14 l=1,ii
+      m= n+2-jj-l
+   14 sum= sum+c(i,m)*w(m,j)/c(m,m)
+   13 w(i,j)= -sum
+   12 continue
+      do 16 i=1,n
+      sum= c(i,i)
+      do 16 j=1,n
+   16 w(i,j)= w(i,j)/sum
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine wavecel(ta,d,u,tr,c)
+c  Linear theory C by series approximation for waves on a current u
+c    d  = still water depth
+c    ta = absolute period (fixed reference frame)
+c    tr = relative period (reference frame moving with the current)
+c    c  = celerity (reference frame moving with the current)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      pi= 4*atan(1.0d0)
+      g= 9.81
+      sigma= 2*pi/ta
+      y= sigma*sigma*d/g
+      a= 1.0/(1.0+y*(0.6667+y*(0.3556+y*(0.1608+y*(0.06321+
+     :	y*(0.02744+y*0.01))))))
+      c= dsqrt((d*g)/(y+a))
+      if (abs(u).lt.1.0d-6) then
+	 tr= ta
+	 return
+      else
+	 el= c*ta
+	 iter= 0
+   10	 tr= el/(el/ta-u)
+         elp= (g*tr**2/(2*pi))*tanh(2*pi*d/el)
+	 del= elp-el
+	 el= el+del*0.4
+	 if (abs(del/el).gt.1.0d-6) then
+	    iter= iter+1
+	    if (iter.eq.100) then
+               write(*,'(a)') ' WAVECEL error'
+	       stop
+	    endif
+	    goto 10
+	 endif
+	 tr= el/(el/ta-u)
+	 c= el/tr
+	 return
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine slpds(a,b,n,cc)
+c  Linear system solution
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      dimension a(nmax,nmax),b(nmax),cc(nmax)
+      n1= n-1
+      do 100 k=1,n1
+      c= a(k,k)
+      k1= k+1
+      if (abs(c).lt.1.0d-10) then
+         write(*,'(a,i5)') ' Matrix error 1: ',k
+         stop
+      endif
+      do 4 j=k1,n
+    4 a(k,j)= a(k,j)/c
+      b(k)= b(k)/c
+      do 10 i=k1,n
+      c= a(i,k)
+      do 5 j=k1,n
+    5 a(i,j)= a(i,j)-c*a(k,j)
+   10 b(i)= b(i)-c*b(k)
+  100 continue
+      if (abs(a(n,n)).lt.1.0d-10) then
+         write(*,'(a,i5)') ' Matrix error 2: ',n
+         stop
+      endif
+      b(n)= b(n)/a(n,n)
+      do 200 l=1,n1
+      k= n-l
+      k1= k+1
+      do 200 j=k1,n
+  200 b(k)= b(k)-a(k,j)*b(j)
+      do 300 i=1,n
+  300 cc(i)= b(i)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine gaf(nf,nv,xc,fvecc,fsumsq,nverb,iter,ifail)
+c   Non-linear system error minimisation
+c   ifail =  0: OK
+c            1: looks hopeless
+c            2: poor convergence
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      dimension xc(nmax),fvecc(nmax)
+      dimension fjacc(nmax,nmax),
+     :   aa(nmax,nmax),bb(nmax),cc(nmax),xcm(nmax)
+      iter = 0
+      icalls= 0
+      orf= 2.0/nf
+      fsumsm= 100.0
+   15 do 16 i=1,nv
+   16 xcm(i)= xc(i)
+   19 call lsfun(nf,xc,fvecc,fjacc,fsumsq,ifl)
+      icalls= icalls+1
+      if ((fsumsq.gt.fsumsm.and.iter.gt.1).or.ifl.ne.0) then
+         if (orf.lt.0.05) then
+            ifail= 1
+            return
+         endif
+         orf= 0.8*orf
+         iter= max(iter-1,0)
+         do 18 i=1,nv
+   18    xc(i)= xcm(i)
+         fsumsm= 100.0
+         goto 19
+      endif
+      call monit(nf,fvecc,icalls,nverb)
+      do 10 i=1,nv
+      do 10 j=1,nv
+      ra= 0.0d0
+      do 11 l=1,nf
+   11 ra= ra+fjacc(l,i)*fjacc(l,j)
+   10 aa(i,j)= ra
+      do 12 i=1,nv
+      ra= 0.0d0
+      do 13 l=1,nf
+   13 ra= ra+fvecc(l)*fjacc(l,i)
+   12 bb(i)= -ra
+      call slpds(aa,bb,nv,cc)
+      dxmax= 0.0d0
+      do 14 i=1,nv
+      dxmax= max(dxmax,abs(cc(i)))
+   14 xc(i)= xc(i)+orf*cc(i)
+      iter= iter+1
+      fsumsm= fsumsq
+      orf= min(1.0d0,orf*1.1)
+      if (iter.ge.50.and.fsumsq.lt.1.0d-4) then
+         ifail= 2
+         return
+      endif
+      if (iter.ge.50) then
+         ifail= 1
+         return
+      endif
+      if (fsumsq.gt.1.0d-6) goto 15
+      ifail= 0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine monit(nfun,f,icalls,nverb)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      double precision k
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      dimension f(nmax)
+      common /one/ d,t,h,u,k
+     :       /two/ eta(nmax),c(nmax),amp(0:nmax)
+c  Outputs monitoring data
+      if (nverb.eq.0) return
+      sm= 0.0d0
+      do 10 i=1,nfun
+   10 sm=sm+f(i)**2
+      sq= sqrt(sm/nfun)/h
+      write(*,'(/i11,1p1e11.3)') icalls,sq
+      write(*,'(1p7e11.3)') (eta(i),i=1,nfun)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine limit(h,d,t,rat,nverb)
+      double precision h,d,t,rat
+c  Estimates H/(limiting height for d and t) = rat
+      dimension dl0(18),hl0(18)
+      data dl0/2,0.578,0.440,0.356,0.293,0.243,0.201,0.166,0.1359,
+     :         0.1100,0.0876,0.0686,0.0524,0.0390,0.0277,0.01879,
+     :         0.01168,0.00638/
+      data hl0/0.1682,0.1665,0.1613,0.1531,0.1423,0.1298,0.1159,
+     :         0.1017,0.0873,0.0735,0.0605,0.0487,0.0380,0.0289,
+     :         0.0208,0.01440,0.00911,0.00501/
+      pi= 4*atan(1.0)
+      el0= 9.81*t**2/(2*pi)
+      ha= h/el0
+      da= d/el0
+      if (da.gt.dl0(1)) then
+         rat= ha/hl0(1)
+      else if (da.lt.dl0(18)) then
+         rat= ha/(0.8*da)
+      else
+         do 10 i=2,18
+         if (dl0(i).lt.da) goto 11
+   10    continue
+   11    x1= log(dl0(i))
+         x2= log(dl0(i-1))
+         y1= log(hl0(i))
+         y2= log(hl0(i-1))
+         r= (log(da)-x1)/(x2-x1)
+         hb= exp(y1+r*(y2-y1))
+         rat= ha/hb
+      endif
+      if (nverb.ne.0.or.rat.gt.1.0) then
+         write(*,'(a,f5.3)') ' H/Hb              = ',rat
+      endif
+      if (rat.gt.1.0) stop
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine four(f,n,a,b,nb)
+c  Fourier analysis
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension a(0:nb),b(0:nb),f(n)
+      pi= 4*atan(1.0d0)
+      rn= 2.0d0/n
+      t= 2*pi/n
+      c= cos(t)
+      s= sin(t)
+      vk= 0.0d0
+      vl= -1.0d0
+      do 10 k=0,nb 
+      t= c*vk  
+      ck= t-vl 
+      vl= vk   
+      vk= ck+t 
+      t= ck+ck 
+      ul= 0.0d0
+      um= f(n) 
+      do 12 mm=3,n 
+      m= n+2-mm
+      u0= ul   
+      ul= um   
+   12 um= t*ul-u0+f(m) 
+      a(k)= (ck*um-ul+f(1))*rn 
+   10 b(k)= s*vl*um*rn 
+      a(0)= a(0)*0.5d0
+      if (2*nb.ne.n) return
+      a(nb)= a(nb)*0.5d0
+      b(nb)= 0.0d0
+      return   
+      end
+      subroutine kmts(nfun,xx,yy,tt,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah)
+c   Computes
+c        horizontal and vertical velocity components (u,v)
+c        horizontal and vertical local acceleration components (ut,vt)
+c        horizontal and vertical total acceleration components (du,dv)
+c        water surface elevation (etah)
+c   at t=tt; x=xx; y=yy.
+c   If yy>eta kinematics are returned at the free surface
+      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+      real xx,yy,tt,uu,vv,ut,vt,du,dv,etah
+      parameter (nmax=25)
+      double precision k,ks
+      common /one/ d,t,h,u,k
+     :       /two/ eta(nmax),c(nmax),amp(0:nmax)
+      pi=4*atan(1.0d0)
+      om= 2*pi/t
+      theta= k*xx-om*tt
+      etah= 0.0
+      do 11 i=1,nfun-1
+   11 etah= etah+cos(i*theta)*amp(i)
+      ks= k*(d+min(yy,etah))
+      s1= 0.0
+      s2= 0.0
+      s3= 0.0
+      s4= 0.0
+      do 10 i=1,nfun-1
+      ip= i+1
+      ch= cosh(i*ks)
+      sh= sinh(i*ks)
+      cs= cos(i*theta)
+      sn= sin(i*theta)
+      s1= s1+i*ch*cs*c(ip)
+      s2= s2+i*sh*sn*c(ip)
+      s3= s3+i*i*ch*sn*c(ip)
+   10 s4= s4+i*i*sh*cs*c(ip)
+      uu=  u+k*s1
+      vv=  k*s2
+      ut=  k*om*s3
+      vt= -k*om*s4
+      ux= -k*k*s3
+      vx=  k*k*s4
+      uy=  vx
+      vy= -ux
+      du= ut+uu*ux+vv*uy
+      dv= vt+uu*vx+vv*vy
+      return
+      end

Gerris Flow Solver

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