[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. e8f73a07832050124d2b8bf6c6f35b33180e65a8

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Tue Nov 24 12:24:06 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit a91bfc57a30e399fcb823bf59ead00a95cd92c03
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Thu May 14 12:02:33 2009 +1000

    GfsVariableTerrain also reconstructs H and P of GfsRiver

diff --git a/modules/terrain.mod b/modules/terrain.mod
index 5c5a557..ad37860 100644
--- a/modules/terrain.mod
+++ b/modules/terrain.mod
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "refine.h"
 #include "solid.h"
 #include "rsurface.h"
+#include "river.h"
 static gchar * default_path = ".";
@@ -1392,6 +1393,7 @@ struct _GfsVariableTerrain {
   GfsVariable parent;
   /*< public >*/
+  GfsVariable * p, * H;
   RSurfaces rs;
@@ -1412,13 +1414,30 @@ static void variable_terrain_destroy (GtsObject * o)
   (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_variable_terrain_class ())->parent_class->destroy) (o);
+static void none (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
 static void variable_terrain_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
   (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_variable_terrain_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
   if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
-  rsurfaces_read (&GFS_VARIABLE_TERRAIN (*o)->rs, fp);
+  GfsVariableTerrain * v = GFS_VARIABLE_TERRAIN (*o);
+  rsurfaces_read (&v->rs, fp);
+  GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (*o);
+  if (GFS_IS_RIVER (sim)) {
+    v->p = GFS_RIVER (sim)->v[0];
+    v->H = GFS_RIVER (sim)->H;
+    /* the coarse -> fine and fine -> coarse interpolations of p and H
+       are taken over by variable_terrain_coarse_fine (below )*/
+    v->p->coarse_fine = none;
+    v->H->coarse_fine = none;
+    v->p->fine_coarse = none;
+    v->H->fine_coarse = none;
+  }
 static void variable_terrain_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
@@ -1437,18 +1456,20 @@ static void variable_terrain_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
 static void variable_terrain_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
+  GfsVariableTerrain * t = GFS_VARIABLE_TERRAIN (v);
   GfsSimulation * sim = GFS_SIMULATION (v->domain);
   FttCellChildren child;
-  guint j;
+  guint n;
+  /* Reconstruct terrain */
   ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
-  for (j = 0; j < FTT_CELLS; j++) 
-    if (child.c[j]) {
+  for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++) 
+    if (child.c[n]) {
       Polygon poly;
       RSurfaceRect rect;
       RSurfaceSum s;
       guint i;
-      polygon_init (sim, &poly, child.c[j], &GFS_VARIABLE_TERRAIN (v)->rs);
+      polygon_init (sim, &poly, child.c[n], &t->rs);
       r_surface_sum_init (&s);
       rect[0].l = poly.c.x - poly.h/2.; rect[0].h = poly.c.x + poly.h/2.; 
       rect[1].l = poly.c.y - poly.h/2.; rect[1].h = poly.c.y + poly.h/2.; 
@@ -1458,10 +1479,123 @@ static void variable_terrain_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
 				    (RSurfaceCheck) polygon_intersects, &poly, 
 				    rect, &s);
       if (s.n > 0)
-	GFS_VALUE (child.c[j], v) = s.H0/s.n/sim->physical_params.L;
-      else
-	GFS_VALUE (child.c[j], v) = GFS_VALUE (parent, v);
+	GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) = s.H0/s.n/sim->physical_params.L;
+      else {
+	GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) = GFS_VALUE (parent, v);
+	if (!GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY (parent)) {
+	  FttVector p;
+	  FttComponent c;
+	  ftt_cell_relative_pos (child.c[n], &p);
+	  for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
+	    GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) += (&p.x)[c]*gfs_center_minmod_gradient (parent, c, v->i);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  /* If we are part of GfsRiver, reconstruct H and P */
+  if (t->H) {
+    /* Reconstruct H */
+    if (GFS_VALUE (parent, t->p) < GFS_RIVER_DRY) {
+      /* Dry cell */
+      FttCellNeighbors neighbor;
+      ftt_cell_neighbors (parent, &neighbor);
+      FttDirection d;
+      gdouble H = 0., s = 0.;
+      for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; d++)
+	if (neighbor.c[d] && GFS_VALUE (neighbor.c[d], t->p) >= GFS_RIVER_DRY) {
+	  H += GFS_VALUE (neighbor.c[d], t->H);
+	  s += 1.;
+	}
+      if (s > 0.) {
+	H /= s; /* average H of neighbouring wet cells */
+	for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++)
+	  if (child.c[n])
+	    GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->H) = H;
+      }
+      else { /* surrounded by dry cells */
+	for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++)
+	  if (child.c[n])
+	    GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->H) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v); /* dry cell */
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      /* wet cell */
+      GfsVariable * v = t->H;
+      for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++)
+	if (child.c[n])
+	  GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) = GFS_VALUE (parent, v);
+      if (!GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY (parent)) {
+	FttVector g;
+	FttComponent c;
+	FttCellNeighbors neighbor;
+	ftt_cell_neighbors (parent, &neighbor);
+	for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
+	  if (neighbor.c[2*c] && GFS_VALUE (neighbor.c[2*c], t->p) >= GFS_RIVER_DRY &&
+	      neighbor.c[2*c + 1] && GFS_VALUE (neighbor.c[2*c + 1], t->p) >= GFS_RIVER_DRY)
+	    (&g.x)[c] = gfs_center_minmod_gradient (parent, c, v->i);
+	  else
+	    (&g.x)[c] = 0.;
+	for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++) 
+	  if (child.c[n]) {
+	    FttVector p;
+	    ftt_cell_relative_pos (child.c[n], &p);
+	    for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
+	      GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) += (&p.x)[c]*(&g.x)[c];
+	  }
+      }
+    /* Deduce P from the reconstruction of Zb and H */
+    for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++)
+      if (child.c[n]) {
+	GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->p) = MAX (0., (GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->H) - 
+						 GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v)));
+	GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->H) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->p) + GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v);
+      }
+  }
+static void variable_terrain_fine_coarse (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
+  FttCellChildren child;
+  guint n;
+  /* Reconstruct terrain (weighted average) */
+  gdouble Zb = 0., sa = 0.;
+  ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
+  for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++) 
+    if (child.c[n]) {
+      gdouble a = GFS_IS_MIXED (child.c[n]) ? GFS_STATE (child.c[n])->solid->a : 1.;
+      Zb += GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v)*a;
+      sa += a;
+    }
+  if (sa > 0.)
+    GFS_VALUE (parent, v) = Zb/sa;
+  /* If we are part of GfsRiver, reconstruct H and P */
+  GfsVariableTerrain * t = GFS_VARIABLE_TERRAIN (v);
+  if (t->H) {
+    /* Reconstruct H */
+    gdouble H = 0., sa = 0.;
+    for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++) 
+      if (child.c[n] && GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->p) >= GFS_RIVER_DRY) {
+	gdouble a = GFS_IS_MIXED (child.c[n]) ? GFS_STATE (child.c[n])->solid->a : 1.;
+	H += GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], t->H)*a;
+	sa += a;
+      }
+    if (sa > 0.) {
+      GFS_VALUE (parent, t->H) = H/sa;
+      GFS_VALUE (parent, t->p) = MAX (0., GFS_VALUE (parent, t->H) - GFS_VALUE (parent, v));
+    }
+    else { /* dry cell */
+      GFS_VALUE (parent, t->p) = 0.;
+      GFS_VALUE (parent, t->H) = GFS_VALUE (parent, v);
+    }
+  }
 static void variable_terrain_init (GfsVariableTerrain * v)
@@ -1469,6 +1603,7 @@ static void variable_terrain_init (GfsVariableTerrain * v)
   GFS_VARIABLE1 (v)->units = 1.;
   GFS_VARIABLE1 (v)->description = g_strdup ("Terrain");
   GFS_VARIABLE1 (v)->coarse_fine = variable_terrain_coarse_fine;
+  GFS_VARIABLE1 (v)->fine_coarse = variable_terrain_fine_coarse;
   v->rs.basename = g_strdup ("*");
diff --git a/src/fluid.c b/src/fluid.c
index 1390f26..b5ac9c4 100644
--- a/src/fluid.c
+++ b/src/fluid.c
@@ -573,13 +573,10 @@ gdouble gfs_center_minmod_gradient (FttCell * cell,
   v0 = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, v);
   if (f1.neighbor) {
     FttCellFace f2 = gfs_cell_face (cell, d);
-    gdouble x1 = 1., v1;
-    v1 = neighbor_value (&f1, v, &x1);
     if (f2.neighbor) {
       /* two neighbors */
-      gdouble x2 = 1., v2;
+      gdouble x1 = 1., v1, x2 = 1., v2;
+      v1 = neighbor_value (&f1, v, &x1);
       v2 = neighbor_value (&f2, v, &x2);
       gdouble g;
@@ -1611,7 +1608,7 @@ void gfs_cell_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
   ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
   for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++)
     if (child.c[n])
-      GFS_VARIABLE (child.c[n], v->i) = GFS_VARIABLE (parent, v->i);
+      GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) = GFS_VALUE (parent, v);
   if (!GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY (parent)) {
     FttVector g;
@@ -1626,7 +1623,7 @@ void gfs_cell_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
 	ftt_cell_relative_pos (child.c[n], &p);
 	for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
-	  GFS_VARIABLE (child.c[n], v->i) += (&p.x)[c]*(&g.x)[c];
+	  GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], v) += (&p.x)[c]*(&g.x)[c];
diff --git a/src/river.c b/src/river.c
index 1a5faac..a45ef64 100644
--- a/src/river.c
+++ b/src/river.c
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
 #include "adaptive.h"
 #include "source.h"
-#define DRY 1e-6
 /* GfsRiver: Object */
 static void flux (const gdouble * u, gdouble g, gdouble * f)
@@ -99,8 +97,8 @@ typedef struct {
 static void face_fluxes (FttCellFace * face, GfsRiver * r)
-  if (GFS_VALUE (face->cell, r->v1[0]) <= DRY &&
-      GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, r->v1[0]) <= DRY)
+  if (GFS_VALUE (face->cell, r->v1[0]) <= GFS_RIVER_DRY &&
+      GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, r->v1[0]) <= GFS_RIVER_DRY)
   static Sym sym[4] = {
@@ -119,7 +117,7 @@ static void face_fluxes (FttCellFace * face, GfsRiver * r)
   gdouble zbLR = MAX (zbL, zbR);
   gdouble uL[4], uR[4], f[3];
-  if (etaL > DRY) {
+  if (etaL > GFS_RIVER_DRY) {
     uL[1] = s->du*(GFS_VALUE (face->cell, r->v1[s->u]) +
 		   s->du*GFS_VALUE (face->cell, r->dv[face->d/2][s->u]))/etaL; /* u = uh/h */
     uL[2] = s->dv*(GFS_VALUE (face->cell, r->v1[s->v]) +
@@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ static void face_fluxes (FttCellFace * face, GfsRiver * r)
   switch (ftt_face_type (face)) {
     /* fixme: this is only first-order accurate for fine/coarse */
-    if (etaR > DRY) {
+    if (etaR > GFS_RIVER_DRY) {
       uR[1] = s->du*(GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, r->v1[s->u]) -
 		     s->du*GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, r->dv[face->d/2][s->u]))/etaR; /* u = uh/h */
       uR[2] = s->dv*(GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, r->v1[s->v]) -
@@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ static void minimum_cfl (FttCell * cell, GfsRiver * r)
   gdouble size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
   gdouble h = GFS_VALUE (cell, r->v[0]);
-  if (h > DRY) {
+  if (h > GFS_RIVER_DRY) {
     gdouble uh = fabs (GFS_VALUE (cell, r->v[1]));
     gdouble c = sqrt (r->g*h);
     gdouble cfl = size/(uh/h + c);
@@ -418,7 +416,7 @@ static gdouble cell_velocity (FttCell * cell, FttCellFace * face, GfsRiver * r)
   gdouble D = GFS_VALUE (cell, r->v[0]);
   gdouble L = GFS_SIMULATION (r)->physical_params.L;
-  return D > DRY ? L*gfs_vector_norm (cell, gfs_domain_velocity (GFS_DOMAIN (r)))/D : 0.;
+  return D > GFS_RIVER_DRY ? L*gfs_vector_norm (cell, gfs_domain_velocity (GFS_DOMAIN (r)))/D : 0.;
 static gdouble cell_velocity2 (FttCell * cell, FttCellFace * face, GfsRiver * r)
@@ -427,7 +425,8 @@ static gdouble cell_velocity2 (FttCell * cell, FttCellFace * face, GfsRiver * r)
   gdouble D = GFS_VALUE (cell, r->v[0]);
   gdouble L = GFS_SIMULATION (r)->physical_params.L;
-  return D > DRY ? L*L*gfs_vector_norm2 (cell, gfs_domain_velocity (GFS_DOMAIN (r)))/(D*D) : 0.;
+  return D > GFS_RIVER_DRY ? 
+    L*L*gfs_vector_norm2 (cell, gfs_domain_velocity (GFS_DOMAIN (r)))/(D*D) : 0.;
 static void river_init (GfsRiver * r)
diff --git a/src/river.h b/src/river.h
index b137fe4..3fc7d3d 100644
--- a/src/river.h
+++ b/src/river.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ extern "C" {
 /* GfsRiver: Header */
 #define GFS_RIVER_NVAR 3
+#define GFS_RIVER_DRY 1e-6
 typedef struct _GfsRiver GfsRiver;

Gerris Flow Solver

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