[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. e8f73a07832050124d2b8bf6c6f35b33180e65a8
Stephane Popinet
popinet at users.sf.net
Tue Nov 24 12:25:18 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 4623e3bd3f4effbaf94af3cbf18de2743ab5e122
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date: Fri Oct 16 14:57:51 2009 +1100
Optimisation of GfsMetricLonLat and GfsMetricCubed
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index ed8389e..d0ec605 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ GFS_HDS = \
river.h \
moving.h \
balance.h \
- cubed.h \
+ metric.h \
pkginclude_HEADERS = \
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ SRC = \
river.c \
moving.c \
balance.c \
- cubed.c \
+ metric.c \
domain.c: version.h
diff --git a/src/cubed.c b/src/cubed.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 17dd764..0000000
--- a/src/cubed.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-/* Gerris - The GNU Flow Solver
- * Copyright (C) 2009 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- * 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include "cubed.h"
-#include <complex.h>
-#include "map.h"
-#define N 30
-#if 0
-/* Conformal mapping Taylor coefficients: from Rancic et al, 1996, Table B.1 */
-static double A[N] = {
- 1.47713062600964, -0.38183510510174, -0.05573058001191, -0.01895883606818, -0.00791315785221,
- -0.00486625437708, -0.00329251751279, -0.00235481488325, -0.00175870527475, -0.00135681133278,
- -0.00107459847699, -0.00086944475948, -0.00071607115121, -0.00059867100093, -0.00050699063239,
- -0.00043415191279, -0.00037541003286, -0.00032741060100, -0.00028773091482, -0.00025458777519,
- -0.00022664642371, -0.00020289261022, -0.00018254510830, -0.00016499474461, -0.00014976117168,
- -0.00013646173946, -0.00012478875823, -0.00011449267279, -0.00010536946150, -0.00009725109376
-static double B[N] = {
- 0.67698819751739, 0.11847293456554, 0.05317178134668, 0.02965810434052, 0.01912447304028,
- 0.01342565621117, 0.00998873323180, 0.00774868996406, 0.00620346979888, 0.00509010874883,
- 0.00425981184328, 0.00362308956077, 0.00312341468940, 0.00272360948942, 0.00239838086555,
- 0.00213001905118, 0.00190581316131, 0.00171644156404, 0.00155493768255, 0.00141600715207,
- 0.00129556597754, 0.00119042140226, 0.00109804711790, 0.00101642216628, 0.00094391366522,
- 0.00087919021224, 0.00082115710311, 0.00076890728775, 0.00072168382969, 0.00067885087750
-/* Conformal mapping Taylor coefficients: from map_xy2xyz.m from mitgcm */
-static double A[N] = {
- 1.47713057321600, -0.38183513110512, -0.05573055466344, -0.01895884801823, -0.00791314396396,
- -0.00486626515498, -0.00329250387158, -0.00235482619663, -0.00175869000970, -0.00135682443774,
- -0.00107458043205, -0.00086946107050, -0.00071604933286, -0.00059869243613, -0.00050696402446,
- -0.00043418115349, -0.00037537743098, -0.00032745130951, -0.00028769063795, -0.00025464473946,
- -0.00022659577923, -0.00020297175587, -0.00018247947703, -0.00016510295548, -0.00014967258633,
- -0.00013660647356, -0.00012466390509, -0.00011468147908, -0.00010518717478, -0.00009749136078
-static double B[N] = {
- 0.67698822171341, 0.11847295533659, 0.05317179075349, 0.02965811274764, 0.01912447871071,
- 0.01342566129383, 0.00998873721022, 0.00774869352561, 0.00620347278164, 0.00509011141874,
- 0.00425981415542, 0.00362309163280, 0.00312341651697, 0.00272361113245, 0.00239838233411,
- 0.00213002038153, 0.00190581436893, 0.00171644267546, 0.00155493871562, 0.00141600812949,
- 0.00129556691848, 0.00119042232809, 0.00109804804853, 0.00101642312253, 0.00094391466713,
- 0.00087919127990, 0.00082115825576, 0.00076890854394, 0.00072168520663, 0.00067885239089
-static complex WofZ (complex Z)
- complex W = 0.;
- int n = N;
- while (n-- > 0)
- W = (W + A[n])*Z;
- return W;
-static complex ZofW (complex W)
- complex Z = 0.;
- int n = N;
- while (n-- > 0)
- Z = (Z + B[n])*W;
- return Z;
-/* I^(1/3) */
-#define I3 (0.86602540378444 + I/2.)
-/* sqrt (3.) - 1. */
-#define RA 0.73205080756888
-/* Conformal mapping of a cube onto a sphere. Maps (x,y) on the
- * north-pole face of a cube to (X,Y,Z) coordinates in physical space.
- *
- * Based on f77 code from Jim Purser & Misha Rancic.
- *
- * Face is oriented normal to Z-axis with X and Y increasing with x
- * and y.
- *
- * valid ranges: -1 < x < 1 -1 < y < 1.
- */
-static void cmap_xy2XYZ (double x, double y, double * X, double * Y, double * Z)
- int kx = x < 0., ky = y < 0.;
- x = fabs (x); y = fabs (y);
- int kxy = y > x;
- if (kxy) {
- double tmp = x;
- x = 1. - y;
- y = 1. - tmp;
- }
- else {
- x = 1. - x;
- y = 1. - y;
- }
- complex z = (x + I*y)/2.;
- complex W;
- if (cabs (z) > 0.) {
- z = z*z*z*z;
- W = WofZ (z);
- W = I3*cpow (W*I, 1./3.);
- }
- else
- W = 0.;
- complex cb = I - 1.;
- complex cc = RA*cb/2.;
- W = (W - RA)/(cb + cc*W);
- *X = creal (W);
- *Y = cimag (W);
- double H = 2./(1. + (*X)*(*X) + (*Y)*(*Y));
- *X *= H;
- *Y *= H;
- *Z = H - 1.;
- if (kxy) {
- double tmp = *X;
- *X = *Y;
- *Y = tmp;
- }
- if (kx)
- *X = - *X;
- if (ky)
- *Y = - *Y;
-/* Conformal mapping of a sphere onto a cube. Maps (X,Y,Z) coordinates
- * in physical space to (x,y) on the north-pole face of a cube.
- *
- * This is the inverse transform of cmap_xy2XYZ().
- */
-static void cmap_XYZ2xy (double X, double Y, double Z, double * x, double * y)
- int kx = X < 0., ky = Y < 0.;
- X = fabs (X); Y = fabs (Y);
- int kxy = Y > X;
- if (kxy) {
- double tmp = X;
- X = Y;
- Y = tmp;
- }
- double H = Z + 1.;
- X /= H; Y /= H;
- complex W = X + Y*I;
- complex cb = I - 1.;
- complex cc = RA*cb/2.;
- W = (W*cb + RA)/(1. - W*cc);
- W = W/I3;
- W = W*W*W;
- W /= I;
- complex z = ZofW (W);
- z = cpow (z, 1./4.)*2.;
- *x = fabs (creal (z));
- *y = fabs (cimag (z));
- if (kxy) {
- *x = 1. - *x;
- *y = 1. - *y;
- }
- else {
- double tmp = *x;
- *x = 1. - *y;
- *y = 1. - tmp;
- }
- if (kx)
- *x = - *x;
- if (ky)
- *y = - *y;
-static double angle_between_vectors (const double v1[3], const double v2[3])
- return acos (v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]);
-static void plane_normal (const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double plane[3])
- plane[0] = p1[1]*p2[2] - p1[2]*p2[1];
- plane[1] = p1[2]*p2[0] - p1[0]*p2[2];
- plane[2] = p1[0]*p2[1] - p1[1]*p2[0];
- double mag = sqrt (plane[0]*plane[0] + plane[1]*plane[1] + plane[2]*plane[2]);
- plane[0] /= mag;
- plane[1] /= mag;
- plane[2] /= mag;
-static double excess_of_quad (const double v1[3], const double v2[3],
- const double v3[3], const double v4[3])
- double plane1[3], plane2[3], plane3[3], plane4[3];
- plane_normal (v1, v2, plane1);
- plane_normal (v2, v3, plane2);
- plane_normal (v3, v4, plane3);
- plane_normal (v4, v1, plane4);
- return 2.*M_PI -
- angle_between_vectors (plane2, plane1) -
- angle_between_vectors (plane3, plane2) -
- angle_between_vectors (plane4, plane3) -
- angle_between_vectors (plane1, plane4);
-/* GfsMapCubed: Object */
-static void gfs_map_cubed_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
- /* this mapping cannot be used independently from GfsMetricCubed */
-static void gfs_map_cubed_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
- /* this mapping cannot be used independently from GfsMetricCubed */
-static void gfs_map_cubed_class_init (GfsMapClass * klass)
- GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->read = gfs_map_cubed_read;
- GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->write = gfs_map_cubed_write;
-static void map_cubed_transform (GfsMap * map, const FttVector * src, FttVector * dest)
- GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (map);
- double lon = src->x*M_PI/180., lat = src->y*M_PI/180.;
- double X = cos (lat)*sin (lon), Y = sin (lat), Z = sqrt (1. - X*X - Y*Y);
- double x, y;
- cmap_XYZ2xy (X, Y, Z, &x, &y);
- dest->x = x/2.*sim->physical_params.L;
- dest->y = y/2.*sim->physical_params.L;
- dest->z = src->z;
-static void map_cubed_inverse (GfsMap * map, const FttVector * src, FttVector * dest)
- GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (map);
- double X, Y, Z;
- cmap_xy2XYZ (2.*src->x/sim->physical_params.L, 2.*src->y/sim->physical_params.L, &X, &Y, &Z);
- double lat = asin (Y);
- double lon = asin (X/cos (lat));
- dest->x = lon*180./M_PI;
- dest->y = lat*180./M_PI;
- dest->z = src->z;
-static void gfs_map_cubed_init (GfsMap * map)
- map->transform = map_cubed_transform;
- map->inverse = map_cubed_inverse;
-static GfsMapClass * gfs_map_cubed_class (void)
- static GfsMapClass * klass = NULL;
- if (klass == NULL) {
- GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_map_cubed_info = {
- "GfsMapCubed",
- sizeof (GfsMap),
- sizeof (GfsMapClass),
- (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) gfs_map_cubed_class_init,
- (GtsObjectInitFunc) gfs_map_cubed_init,
- (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
- (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
- };
- klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_map_class ()), &gfs_map_cubed_info);
- }
- return klass;
-/* GfsMetricCubed: Object */
-static gdouble metric_cubed_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face,
- const gpointer data)
- if (face->d/2 > 1)
- return 1.;
- FttVector p;
- ftt_face_pos (face, &p);
- double h = ftt_cell_size (face->cell);
- double v1[3], v2[3];
- v1[0] = v2[0] = 2.*p.x; v1[1] = v2[1] = 2.*p.y;
- FttComponent c = FTT_ORTHOGONAL_COMPONENT (face->d/2);
- v1[c] -= h; v2[c] += h;
- cmap_xy2XYZ (v1[0], v1[1], &v1[0], &v1[1], &v1[2]);
- cmap_xy2XYZ (v2[0], v2[1], &v2[0], &v2[1], &v2[2]);
- return 2.*angle_between_vectors (v1, v2)/(M_PI*h);
-static gdouble metric_cubed_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
- const gpointer data)
- FttVector p;
- ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
- double h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
- double v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3];
- v1[0] = 2.*p.x - h; v1[1] = 2.*p.y - h;
- cmap_xy2XYZ (v1[0], v1[1], &v1[0], &v1[1], &v1[2]);
- v2[0] = 2.*p.x - h; v2[1] = 2.*p.y + h;
- cmap_xy2XYZ (v2[0], v2[1], &v2[0], &v2[1], &v2[2]);
- v3[0] = 2.*p.x + h; v3[1] = 2.*p.y + h;
- cmap_xy2XYZ (v3[0], v3[1], &v3[0], &v3[1], &v3[2]);
- v4[0] = 2.*p.x + h; v4[1] = 2.*p.y - h;
- cmap_xy2XYZ (v4[0], v4[1], &v4[0], &v4[1], &v4[2]);
- return 4.*excess_of_quad (v1, v2, v3, v4)/(M_PI*M_PI*h*h);
-static gdouble metric_cubed_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
- const gpointer data)
- g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
- g_assert_not_implemented ();
- return 1.;
-static void metric_cubed_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
- (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_metric_cubed_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
- if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
- return;
- GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (*o));
- if (domain->metric_data || domain->face_metric || domain->cell_metric || domain->solid_metric) {
- gts_file_error (fp, "cannot use multiple metrics (yet)");
- return;
- }
- GtsObject * map = gts_object_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_map_cubed_class ()));
- gfs_object_simulation_set (map, domain);
- gts_container_add (GTS_CONTAINER (GFS_SIMULATION (domain)->maps), GTS_CONTAINEE (map));
- domain->face_metric = metric_cubed_face_metric;
- domain->cell_metric = metric_cubed_cell_metric;
- domain->solid_metric = metric_cubed_solid_metric;
-static void metric_cubed_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
- klass->read = metric_cubed_read;
-static void metric_cubed_init (GfsEvent * m)
- m->istep = G_MAXINT/2;
-GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_cubed_class (void)
- static GfsEventClass * klass = NULL;
- if (klass == NULL) {
- GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_metric_cubed_info = {
- "GfsMetricCubed",
- sizeof (GfsEvent),
- sizeof (GfsEventClass),
- (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) metric_cubed_class_init,
- (GtsObjectInitFunc) metric_cubed_init,
- (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
- (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
- };
- klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_event_class ()),
- &gfs_metric_cubed_info);
- }
- return klass;
diff --git a/src/cubed.h b/src/cubed.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0e413c..0000000
--- a/src/cubed.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* Gerris - The GNU Flow Solver
- * Copyright (C) 2009 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- * 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#ifndef __CUBED_H__
-#define __CUBED_H__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#include "event.h"
-/* GfsMetricCubed: Header */
-#define GFS_IS_METRIC_CUBED(obj) (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
- gfs_metric_cubed_class ()))
-GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_cubed_class (void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __CUBED_H__ */
diff --git a/src/init.c b/src/init.c
index 425957e..38d4a4e 100644
--- a/src/init.c
+++ b/src/init.c
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#include "river.h"
#include "balance.h"
#include "map.h"
-#include "cubed.h"
+#include "metric.h"
#include "modules.h"
diff --git a/src/metric.c b/src/metric.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c18b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metric.c
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+/* Gerris - The GNU Flow Solver
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "metric.h"
+#include <complex.h>
+#include "map.h"
+#include "solid.h"
+#define N 30
+#if 0
+/* Conformal mapping Taylor coefficients: from Rancic et al, 1996, Table B.1 */
+static double A[N] = {
+ 1.47713062600964, -0.38183510510174, -0.05573058001191, -0.01895883606818, -0.00791315785221,
+ -0.00486625437708, -0.00329251751279, -0.00235481488325, -0.00175870527475, -0.00135681133278,
+ -0.00107459847699, -0.00086944475948, -0.00071607115121, -0.00059867100093, -0.00050699063239,
+ -0.00043415191279, -0.00037541003286, -0.00032741060100, -0.00028773091482, -0.00025458777519,
+ -0.00022664642371, -0.00020289261022, -0.00018254510830, -0.00016499474461, -0.00014976117168,
+ -0.00013646173946, -0.00012478875823, -0.00011449267279, -0.00010536946150, -0.00009725109376
+static double B[N] = {
+ 0.67698819751739, 0.11847293456554, 0.05317178134668, 0.02965810434052, 0.01912447304028,
+ 0.01342565621117, 0.00998873323180, 0.00774868996406, 0.00620346979888, 0.00509010874883,
+ 0.00425981184328, 0.00362308956077, 0.00312341468940, 0.00272360948942, 0.00239838086555,
+ 0.00213001905118, 0.00190581316131, 0.00171644156404, 0.00155493768255, 0.00141600715207,
+ 0.00129556597754, 0.00119042140226, 0.00109804711790, 0.00101642216628, 0.00094391366522,
+ 0.00087919021224, 0.00082115710311, 0.00076890728775, 0.00072168382969, 0.00067885087750
+/* Conformal mapping Taylor coefficients: from map_xy2xyz.m from mitgcm */
+static double A[N] = {
+ 1.47713057321600, -0.38183513110512, -0.05573055466344, -0.01895884801823, -0.00791314396396,
+ -0.00486626515498, -0.00329250387158, -0.00235482619663, -0.00175869000970, -0.00135682443774,
+ -0.00107458043205, -0.00086946107050, -0.00071604933286, -0.00059869243613, -0.00050696402446,
+ -0.00043418115349, -0.00037537743098, -0.00032745130951, -0.00028769063795, -0.00025464473946,
+ -0.00022659577923, -0.00020297175587, -0.00018247947703, -0.00016510295548, -0.00014967258633,
+ -0.00013660647356, -0.00012466390509, -0.00011468147908, -0.00010518717478, -0.00009749136078
+static double B[N] = {
+ 0.67698822171341, 0.11847295533659, 0.05317179075349, 0.02965811274764, 0.01912447871071,
+ 0.01342566129383, 0.00998873721022, 0.00774869352561, 0.00620347278164, 0.00509011141874,
+ 0.00425981415542, 0.00362309163280, 0.00312341651697, 0.00272361113245, 0.00239838233411,
+ 0.00213002038153, 0.00190581436893, 0.00171644267546, 0.00155493871562, 0.00141600812949,
+ 0.00129556691848, 0.00119042232809, 0.00109804804853, 0.00101642312253, 0.00094391466713,
+ 0.00087919127990, 0.00082115825576, 0.00076890854394, 0.00072168520663, 0.00067885239089
+static complex WofZ (complex Z)
+ complex W = 0.;
+ int n = N;
+ while (n-- > 0)
+ W = (W + A[n])*Z;
+ return W;
+static complex ZofW (complex W)
+ complex Z = 0.;
+ int n = N;
+ while (n-- > 0)
+ Z = (Z + B[n])*W;
+ return Z;
+/* I^(1/3) */
+#define I3 (0.86602540378444 + I/2.)
+/* sqrt (3.) - 1. */
+#define RA 0.73205080756888
+/* Conformal mapping of a cube onto a sphere. Maps (x,y) on the
+ * north-pole face of a cube to (X,Y,Z) coordinates in physical space.
+ *
+ * Based on f77 code from Jim Purser & Misha Rancic.
+ *
+ * Face is oriented normal to Z-axis with X and Y increasing with x
+ * and y.
+ *
+ * valid ranges: -1 < x < 1 -1 < y < 1.
+ */
+static void cmap_xy2XYZ (double x, double y, double * X, double * Y, double * Z)
+ int kx = x < 0., ky = y < 0.;
+ x = fabs (x); y = fabs (y);
+ int kxy = y > x;
+ if (kxy) {
+ double tmp = x;
+ x = 1. - y;
+ y = 1. - tmp;
+ }
+ else {
+ x = 1. - x;
+ y = 1. - y;
+ }
+ complex z = (x + I*y)/2.;
+ complex W;
+ if (cabs (z) > 0.) {
+ z = z*z*z*z;
+ W = WofZ (z);
+ W = I3*cpow (W*I, 1./3.);
+ }
+ else
+ W = 0.;
+ complex cb = I - 1.;
+ complex cc = RA*cb/2.;
+ W = (W - RA)/(cb + cc*W);
+ *X = creal (W);
+ *Y = cimag (W);
+ double H = 2./(1. + (*X)*(*X) + (*Y)*(*Y));
+ *X *= H;
+ *Y *= H;
+ *Z = H - 1.;
+ if (kxy) {
+ double tmp = *X;
+ *X = *Y;
+ *Y = tmp;
+ }
+ if (kx)
+ *X = - *X;
+ if (ky)
+ *Y = - *Y;
+/* Conformal mapping of a sphere onto a cube. Maps (X,Y,Z) coordinates
+ * in physical space to (x,y) on the north-pole face of a cube.
+ *
+ * This is the inverse transform of cmap_xy2XYZ().
+ */
+static void cmap_XYZ2xy (double X, double Y, double Z, double * x, double * y)
+ int kx = X < 0., ky = Y < 0.;
+ X = fabs (X); Y = fabs (Y);
+ int kxy = Y > X;
+ if (kxy) {
+ double tmp = X;
+ X = Y;
+ Y = tmp;
+ }
+ double H = Z + 1.;
+ X /= H; Y /= H;
+ complex W = X + Y*I;
+ complex cb = I - 1.;
+ complex cc = RA*cb/2.;
+ W = (W*cb + RA)/(1. - W*cc);
+ W = W/I3;
+ W = W*W*W;
+ W /= I;
+ complex z = ZofW (W);
+ z = cpow (z, 1./4.)*2.;
+ *x = fabs (creal (z));
+ *y = fabs (cimag (z));
+ if (kxy) {
+ *x = 1. - *x;
+ *y = 1. - *y;
+ }
+ else {
+ double tmp = *x;
+ *x = 1. - *y;
+ *y = 1. - tmp;
+ }
+ if (kx)
+ *x = - *x;
+ if (ky)
+ *y = - *y;
+static double angle_between_vectors (const double v1[3], const double v2[3])
+ return acos (v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]);
+static void plane_normal (const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double plane[3])
+ plane[0] = p1[1]*p2[2] - p1[2]*p2[1];
+ plane[1] = p1[2]*p2[0] - p1[0]*p2[2];
+ plane[2] = p1[0]*p2[1] - p1[1]*p2[0];
+ double mag = sqrt (plane[0]*plane[0] + plane[1]*plane[1] + plane[2]*plane[2]);
+ plane[0] /= mag;
+ plane[1] /= mag;
+ plane[2] /= mag;
+static double excess_of_quad (const double v1[3], const double v2[3],
+ const double v3[3], const double v4[3])
+ double plane1[3], plane2[3], plane3[3], plane4[3];
+ plane_normal (v1, v2, plane1);
+ plane_normal (v2, v3, plane2);
+ plane_normal (v3, v4, plane3);
+ plane_normal (v4, v1, plane4);
+ return 2.*M_PI -
+ angle_between_vectors (plane2, plane1) -
+ angle_between_vectors (plane3, plane2) -
+ angle_between_vectors (plane4, plane3) -
+ angle_between_vectors (plane1, plane4);
+/* GfsMapCubed: Object */
+static void gfs_map_cubed_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
+ /* this mapping cannot be used independently from GfsMetricCubed */
+static void gfs_map_cubed_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
+ /* this mapping cannot be used independently from GfsMetricCubed */
+static void gfs_map_cubed_class_init (GfsMapClass * klass)
+ GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->read = gfs_map_cubed_read;
+ GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->write = gfs_map_cubed_write;
+static void map_cubed_transform (GfsMap * map, const FttVector * src, FttVector * dest)
+ GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (map);
+ double lon = src->x*M_PI/180., lat = src->y*M_PI/180.;
+ double X = cos (lat)*sin (lon), Y = sin (lat), Z = sqrt (1. - X*X - Y*Y);
+ double x, y;
+ cmap_XYZ2xy (X, Y, Z, &x, &y);
+ dest->x = x/2.*sim->physical_params.L;
+ dest->y = y/2.*sim->physical_params.L;
+ dest->z = src->z;
+static void map_cubed_inverse (GfsMap * map, const FttVector * src, FttVector * dest)
+ GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (map);
+ double X, Y, Z;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (2.*src->x/sim->physical_params.L, 2.*src->y/sim->physical_params.L, &X, &Y, &Z);
+ double lat = asin (Y);
+ double lon = asin (X/cos (lat));
+ dest->x = lon*180./M_PI;
+ dest->y = lat*180./M_PI;
+ dest->z = src->z;
+static void gfs_map_cubed_init (GfsMap * map)
+ map->transform = map_cubed_transform;
+ map->inverse = map_cubed_inverse;
+static GfsMapClass * gfs_map_cubed_class (void)
+ static GfsMapClass * klass = NULL;
+ if (klass == NULL) {
+ GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_map_cubed_info = {
+ "GfsMapCubed",
+ sizeof (GfsMap),
+ sizeof (GfsMapClass),
+ (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) gfs_map_cubed_class_init,
+ (GtsObjectInitFunc) gfs_map_cubed_init,
+ (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
+ (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
+ };
+ klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_map_class ()), &gfs_map_cubed_info);
+ }
+ return klass;
+/* GfsMetricCubed: Object */
+static gdouble metric_cubed_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face,
+ const gpointer data)
+ if (face->d/2 > 1)
+ return 1.;
+ return GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (data)->h[face->d]);
+static gdouble metric_cubed_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
+ const gpointer data)
+ return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (data)->a);
+static gdouble metric_cubed_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
+ const gpointer data)
+ g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
+ g_assert_not_implemented ();
+ return 1.;
+static void none (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
+static void cubed_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * a)
+ GfsMetricCubed * cubed = GTS_OBJECT (a)->reserved;
+ FttCellChildren child;
+ ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
+ FttVector p;
+ ftt_cell_pos (parent, &p);
+ p.x *= 2.; p.y *= 2.;
+ double h = ftt_cell_size (parent);
+ double v0[3];
+ v0[0] = p.x; v0[1] = p.y;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v0[0], v0[1], &v0[0], &v0[1], &v0[2]);
+ double v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3];
+ v1[0] = p.x - h; v1[1] = p.y - h;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v1[0], v1[1], &v1[0], &v1[1], &v1[2]);
+ v2[0] = p.x - h; v2[1] = p.y + h;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v2[0], v2[1], &v2[0], &v2[1], &v2[2]);
+ v3[0] = p.x + h; v3[1] = p.y + h;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v3[0], v3[1], &v3[0], &v3[1], &v3[2]);
+ v4[0] = p.x + h; v4[1] = p.y - h;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v4[0], v4[1], &v4[0], &v4[1], &v4[2]);
+ double v5[3], v6[3], v7[3], v8[3];
+ v5[0] = p.x; v5[1] = p.y - h;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v5[0], v5[1], &v5[0], &v5[1], &v5[2]);
+ v6[0] = p.x - h; v6[1] = p.y;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v6[0], v6[1], &v6[0], &v6[1], &v6[2]);
+ v7[0] = p.x; v7[1] = p.y + h;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v7[0], v7[1], &v7[0], &v7[1], &v7[2]);
+ v8[0] = p.x + h; v8[1] = p.y;
+ cmap_xy2XYZ (v8[0], v8[1], &v8[0], &v8[1], &v8[2]);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], a) = 16.*excess_of_quad (v6, v0, v7, v2)/(M_PI*M_PI*h*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], a) = 16.*excess_of_quad (v0, v8, v3, v7)/(M_PI*M_PI*h*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], a) = 16.*excess_of_quad (v1, v5, v0, v6)/(M_PI*M_PI*h*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], a) = 16.*excess_of_quad (v5, v4, v8, v0)/(M_PI*M_PI*h*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], cubed->h[0]) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], cubed->h[1]) =
+ 4.*angle_between_vectors (v0, v7)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], cubed->h[3]) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], cubed->h[2]) =
+ 4.*angle_between_vectors (v0, v6)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], cubed->h[0]) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], cubed->h[1]) =
+ 4.*angle_between_vectors (v0, v5)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], cubed->h[3]) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], cubed->h[2]) =
+ 4.*angle_between_vectors (v0, v8)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], cubed->h[2]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v2, v7)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], cubed->h[1]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v2, v6)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], cubed->h[2]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v3, v7)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], cubed->h[0]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v3, v8)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], cubed->h[3]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v1, v5)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], cubed->h[1]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v1, v6)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], cubed->h[0]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v4, v8)/(M_PI*h);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], cubed->h[3]) = 4.*angle_between_vectors (v4, v5)/(M_PI*h);
+static void cubed_fine_coarse (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * a)
+ GfsMetricCubed * cubed = GTS_OBJECT (a)->reserved;
+ FttCellChildren child;
+ guint n;
+ ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
+ gdouble va = 0.;
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ va += GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], a);
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, a) = va/4;
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, cubed->h[0]) = (GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], cubed->h[0]) +
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], cubed->h[0]))/2.;
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, cubed->h[1]) = (GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], cubed->h[1]) +
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], cubed->h[1]))/2.;
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, cubed->h[2]) = (GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], cubed->h[2]) +
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], cubed->h[2]))/2.;
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, cubed->h[3]) = (GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], cubed->h[3]) +
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], cubed->h[3]))/2.;
+static void metric_cubed_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
+ (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_metric_cubed_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
+ if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
+ return;
+ GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (*o));
+ if (domain->metric_data || domain->face_metric || domain->cell_metric || domain->solid_metric) {
+ gts_file_error (fp, "cannot use multiple metrics (yet)");
+ return;
+ }
+ GfsMetricCubed * cubed = GFS_METRIC_CUBED (*o);
+ FttDirection d;
+ for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; d++) {
+ gchar * name = g_strdup_printf ("Ch%d", d);
+ cubed->h[d] = gfs_domain_get_or_add_variable (domain, name, "Cubed face metric");
+ cubed->h[d]->fine_coarse = cubed->h[d]->coarse_fine = none;
+ g_free (name);
+ }
+ cubed->a = gfs_domain_get_or_add_variable (domain, "Ca", "Cubed cell metric");
+ GTS_OBJECT (cubed->a)->reserved = cubed;
+ cubed->a->coarse_fine = cubed_coarse_fine;
+ cubed->a->fine_coarse = cubed_fine_coarse;
+ GtsObject * map = gts_object_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_map_cubed_class ()));
+ gfs_object_simulation_set (map, domain);
+ gts_container_add (GTS_CONTAINER (GFS_SIMULATION (domain)->maps), GTS_CONTAINEE (map));
+ domain->metric_data = cubed;
+ domain->face_metric = metric_cubed_face_metric;
+ domain->cell_metric = metric_cubed_cell_metric;
+ domain->solid_metric = metric_cubed_solid_metric;
+static void metric_cubed_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
+ klass->read = metric_cubed_read;
+static void metric_cubed_init (GfsEvent * m)
+ m->istep = G_MAXINT/2;
+GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_cubed_class (void)
+ static GfsEventClass * klass = NULL;
+ if (klass == NULL) {
+ GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_metric_cubed_info = {
+ "GfsMetricCubed",
+ sizeof (GfsMetricCubed),
+ sizeof (GfsEventClass),
+ (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) metric_cubed_class_init,
+ (GtsObjectInitFunc) metric_cubed_init,
+ (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
+ (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
+ };
+ klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_event_class ()),
+ &gfs_metric_cubed_info);
+ }
+ return klass;
+/* GfsMapLonLat: Header */
+typedef struct _GfsMapLonLat GfsMapLonLat;
+struct _GfsMapLonLat {
+ /*< private >*/
+ GfsMap parent;
+ /*< public >*/
+ gdouble r;
+#define GFS_MAP_LONLAT(obj) GTS_OBJECT_CAST (obj,\
+ GfsMapLonLat,\
+ gfs_map_lonlat_class ())
+#define GFS_IS_MAP_LONLAT(obj) (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
+ gfs_map_lonlat_class ()))
+static GfsMapClass * gfs_map_lonlat_class (void);
+/* GfsMapLonLat: Object */
+static void gfs_map_lonlat_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
+ /* this mapping cannot be used independently from GfsMetricLonLat */
+static void gfs_map_lonlat_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
+ /* this mapping cannot be used independently from GfsMetricLonLat */
+static void gfs_map_lonlat_class_init (GfsMapClass * klass)
+ GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->read = gfs_map_lonlat_read;
+ GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->write = gfs_map_lonlat_write;
+static void map_lonlat_transform (GfsMap * map, const FttVector * src, FttVector * dest)
+ dest->x = src->x*M_PI/180.*GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r;
+ dest->y = src->y*M_PI/180.*GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r;
+ dest->z = src->z;
+static void map_lonlat_inverse (GfsMap * map, const FttVector * src, FttVector * dest)
+ dest->x = src->x*180./(M_PI*GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r);
+ dest->y = src->y*180./(M_PI*GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r);
+ dest->z = src->z;
+static void gfs_map_lonlat_init (GfsMap * map)
+ map->transform = map_lonlat_transform;
+ map->inverse = map_lonlat_inverse;
+ GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r = 1.;
+static GfsMapClass * gfs_map_lonlat_class (void)
+ static GfsMapClass * klass = NULL;
+ if (klass == NULL) {
+ GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_map_lonlat_info = {
+ "GfsMapLonLat",
+ sizeof (GfsMapLonLat),
+ sizeof (GfsMapClass),
+ (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) gfs_map_lonlat_class_init,
+ (GtsObjectInitFunc) gfs_map_lonlat_init,
+ (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
+ (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
+ };
+ klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_map_class ()), &gfs_map_lonlat_info);
+ }
+ return klass;
+/* GfsMetricLonLat: Object */
+static void metric_lon_lat_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
+ (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ())->parent_class->write) (o, fp);
+ fprintf (fp, " %g", GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (o)->r);
+static gdouble metric_lon_lat_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face,
+ const gpointer data)
+ if (face->d/2 != FTT_Y)
+ return 1.;
+ return face->d == 2 ?
+ GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->h2) :
+ GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->h3);
+static gdouble metric_lon_lat_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
+ const gpointer data)
+ return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->a);
+static gdouble metric_lon_lat_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
+ const gpointer data)
+ g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
+ g_assert_not_implemented ();
+ return 1.;
+static void lonlat_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * a)
+ GfsMetricLonLat * lonlat = GTS_OBJECT (a)->reserved;
+ FttCellChildren child;
+ ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
+ FttVector p;
+ ftt_cell_pos (parent, &p);
+ double theta0 = gfs_object_simulation (lonlat)->physical_params.L/lonlat->r;
+ double theta = p.y*theta0;
+ double h = ftt_cell_size (parent);
+ double dtheta = h*theta0/2.;
+ double theta1 = theta + dtheta;
+ double theta2 = theta - dtheta;
+ double sintheta = sin (theta);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], a) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], a) = (sin (theta1) - sintheta)/dtheta;
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], a) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], a) = (sintheta - sin (theta2))/dtheta;
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], lonlat->h2) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], lonlat->h2) = cos (theta1);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], lonlat->h3) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], lonlat->h3) =
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], lonlat->h2) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], lonlat->h2) =
+ cos (theta);
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], lonlat->h3) = GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], lonlat->h3) = cos (theta2);
+static void lonlat_fine_coarse (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * a)
+ GfsMetricLonLat * lonlat = GTS_OBJECT (a)->reserved;
+ FttCellChildren child;
+ guint n;
+ ftt_cell_children (parent, &child);
+ gdouble va = 0.;
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ va += GFS_VALUE (child.c[n], a);
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, a) = va/4;
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, lonlat->h2) = (GFS_VALUE (child.c[0], lonlat->h2) +
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[1], lonlat->h2))/2.;
+ GFS_VALUE (parent, lonlat->h3) = (GFS_VALUE (child.c[3], lonlat->h3) +
+ GFS_VALUE (child.c[2], lonlat->h3))/2.;
+static void metric_lon_lat_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
+ (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
+ if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
+ return;
+ GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (*o));
+ if (domain->metric_data || domain->face_metric || domain->cell_metric || domain->solid_metric) {
+ gts_file_error (fp, "cannot use multiple metrics (yet)");
+ return;
+ }
+ GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o)->r = gfs_read_constant (fp, gfs_object_simulation (*o));
+ if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
+ return;
+ if (GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o)->r <= 0.) {
+ gts_file_error (fp, "radius must be strictly positive");
+ return;
+ }
+ GfsMetricLonLat * lonlat = GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o);
+ lonlat->h2 = gfs_domain_get_or_add_variable (domain, "Lh2", "LonLat face metric");
+ lonlat->h2->coarse_fine = lonlat->h2->fine_coarse = none;
+ lonlat->h3 = gfs_domain_get_or_add_variable (domain, "Lh3", "LonLat face metric");
+ lonlat->h3->coarse_fine = lonlat->h3->fine_coarse = none;
+ lonlat->a = gfs_domain_get_or_add_variable (domain, "La", "LonLat cell metric");
+ GTS_OBJECT (lonlat->a)->reserved = lonlat;
+ lonlat->a->coarse_fine = lonlat_coarse_fine;
+ lonlat->a->fine_coarse = lonlat_fine_coarse;
+ GtsObject * map = gts_object_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_map_lonlat_class ()));
+ gfs_object_simulation_set (map, domain);
+ gts_container_add (GTS_CONTAINER (GFS_SIMULATION (domain)->maps), GTS_CONTAINEE (map));
+ GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r = GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o)->r;
+ domain->metric_data = *o;
+ domain->face_metric = metric_lon_lat_face_metric;
+ domain->cell_metric = metric_lon_lat_cell_metric;
+ domain->solid_metric = metric_lon_lat_solid_metric;
+static void metric_lon_lat_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
+ klass->read = metric_lon_lat_read;
+ klass->write = metric_lon_lat_write;
+static void metric_lon_lat_init (GfsMetricLonLat * m)
+ GFS_EVENT (m)->istep = G_MAXINT/2;
+ m->r = 1.;
+GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_lon_lat_class (void)
+ static GfsEventClass * klass = NULL;
+ if (klass == NULL) {
+ GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_metric_lon_lat_info = {
+ "GfsMetricLonLat",
+ sizeof (GfsMetricLonLat),
+ sizeof (GfsEventClass),
+ (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) metric_lon_lat_class_init,
+ (GtsObjectInitFunc) metric_lon_lat_init,
+ (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
+ (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
+ };
+ klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_event_class ()),
+ &gfs_metric_lon_lat_info);
+ }
+ return klass;
diff --git a/src/metric.h b/src/metric.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76843e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metric.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* Gerris - The GNU Flow Solver
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __METRIC_H__
+#define __METRIC_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#include "event.h"
+/* GfsMetricCubed: Header */
+typedef struct _GfsMetricCubed GfsMetricCubed;
+struct _GfsMetricCubed {
+ /*< private >*/
+ GfsEvent parent;
+ /*< public >*/
+ GfsVariable * h[FTT_NEIGHBORS], * a;
+ GfsMetricCubed,\
+ gfs_metric_cubed_class ())
+#define GFS_IS_METRIC_CUBED(obj) (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
+ gfs_metric_cubed_class ()))
+GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_cubed_class (void);
+/* GfsMetricLonLat: Header */
+typedef struct _GfsMetricLonLat GfsMetricLonLat;
+struct _GfsMetricLonLat {
+ /*< private >*/
+ GfsEvent parent;
+ /*< public >*/
+ GfsVariable * a, * h2, * h3;
+ gdouble r;
+ GfsMetricLonLat,\
+ gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ())
+#define GFS_IS_METRIC_LON_LAT(obj) (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
+ gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ()))
+GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_lon_lat_class (void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __METRIC_H__ */
diff --git a/src/simulation.c b/src/simulation.c
index 0b5b80c..34c2dac 100644
--- a/src/simulation.c
+++ b/src/simulation.c
@@ -2020,96 +2020,3 @@ GfsSimulationClass * gfs_axi_class (void)
return klass;
-/* GfsMetricLonLat: Object */
-static void metric_lon_lat_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
- (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ())->parent_class->write) (o, fp);
- fprintf (fp, " %g", GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (o)->r);
-static gdouble metric_lon_lat_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face,
- const gpointer data)
- if (face->d/2 != FTT_Y)
- return 1.;
- FttVector p;
- ftt_face_pos (face, &p);
- return cos (p.y*GFS_SIMULATION (domain)->physical_params.L/GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->r);
-static gdouble metric_lon_lat_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
- const gpointer data)
- FttVector p;
- gfs_cell_cm (cell, &p);
- return cos (p.y*GFS_SIMULATION (domain)->physical_params.L/GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->r);
-static gdouble metric_lon_lat_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell,
- const gpointer data)
- g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
- g_assert_not_implemented ();
- return 1.;
-static void metric_lon_lat_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
- (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
- if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
- return;
- GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (*o));
- if (domain->metric_data || domain->face_metric || domain->cell_metric || domain->solid_metric) {
- gts_file_error (fp, "cannot use multiple metrics (yet)");
- return;
- }
- GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o)->r = gfs_read_constant (fp, gfs_object_simulation (*o));
- if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
- return;
- if (GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o)->r <= 0.) {
- gts_file_error (fp, "radius must be strictly positive");
- return;
- }
- domain->metric_data = *o;
- domain->face_metric = metric_lon_lat_face_metric;
- domain->cell_metric = metric_lon_lat_cell_metric;
- domain->solid_metric = metric_lon_lat_solid_metric;
-static void metric_lon_lat_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
- klass->read = metric_lon_lat_read;
- klass->write = metric_lon_lat_write;
-static void metric_lon_lat_init (GfsMetricLonLat * m)
- GFS_EVENT (m)->istep = G_MAXINT/2;
- m->r = 1.;
-GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_lon_lat_class (void)
- static GfsEventClass * klass = NULL;
- if (klass == NULL) {
- GtsObjectClassInfo gfs_metric_lon_lat_info = {
- "GfsMetricLonLat",
- sizeof (GfsMetricLonLat),
- sizeof (GfsEventClass),
- (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) metric_lon_lat_class_init,
- (GtsObjectInitFunc) metric_lon_lat_init,
- (GtsArgSetFunc) NULL,
- (GtsArgGetFunc) NULL
- };
- klass = gts_object_class_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_event_class ()),
- &gfs_metric_lon_lat_info);
- }
- return klass;
diff --git a/src/simulation.h b/src/simulation.h
index 544ac95..f01c08d 100644
--- a/src/simulation.h
+++ b/src/simulation.h
@@ -147,26 +147,6 @@ GfsSimulationClass * gfs_poisson_class (void);
GfsSimulationClass * gfs_axi_class (void);
-/* GfsMetricLonLat: Header */
-typedef struct _GfsMetricLonLat GfsMetricLonLat;
-struct _GfsMetricLonLat {
- /*< private >*/
- GfsEvent parent;
- /*< public >*/
- gdouble r;
- GfsMetricLonLat,\
- gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ())
-#define GFS_IS_METRIC_LON_LAT(obj) (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
- gfs_metric_lon_lat_class ()))
-GfsEventClass * gfs_metric_lon_lat_class (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/test/lonlat/coriolis/coriolis.gfs b/test/lonlat/coriolis/coriolis.gfs
index aa59a24..e334e54 100644
--- a/test/lonlat/coriolis/coriolis.gfs
+++ b/test/lonlat/coriolis/coriolis.gfs
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ Define LENGTH (150./180.*M_PI)
PhysicalParams { L = LENGTH }
MetricLonLat 1.
Refine 8
- InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x)*cos(y)))
+ InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x*M_PI/180.)*cos(y*M_PI/180.)))
Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH }
Time { end = 1.4 }
- SourceCoriolis 10.*sin(y)
+ SourceCoriolis 10.*sin(y*M_PI/180.)
OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr
OutputSimulation { step = 0.4 } sim-%g.gfs
OutputSimulation { step = 0.4 } sim-%g.txt { variables = U,V,P format = text }
diff --git a/test/lonlat/lonlat.gfs b/test/lonlat/lonlat.gfs
index 0135b77..6ca9f85 100644
--- a/test/lonlat/lonlat.gfs
+++ b/test/lonlat/lonlat.gfs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Define LENGTH (150./180.*M_PI)
PhysicalParams { L = LENGTH }
MetricLonLat 1.
Refine 8
- InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x)*cos(y)))
+ InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x*M_PI/180.)*cos(y*M_PI/180.)))
Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH }
Time { end = 0.9 }
OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ Define LENGTH (150./180.*M_PI)
# OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout
EventScript { start = end } {
for i in 0.3 0.6 0.9; do
- if awk 'BEGIN { n1 = 0 }{
- c = cos($1)*cos($2);
- d = atan2(sqrt(1. - c*c),c)*180./3.14159265359
+ if awk 'BEGIN { n1 = 0; pi = 3.14159265359 }{
+ c = cos($1*pi/180.)*cos($2*pi/180.);
+ d = atan2(sqrt(1. - c*c),c)*180./pi
i = int(d*2.)
x[i] += d
y[i] += $6
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ Define LENGTH (150./180.*M_PI)
cat <<EOF | gnuplot
set xlabel 'Angular distance (degree)'
set ylabel 'Surface height'
set xtics 0,22.5,90
Gerris Flow Solver
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