[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. e8f73a07832050124d2b8bf6c6f35b33180e65a8

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Tue Nov 24 12:25:24 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 03e9a57c07bc9ec6eddb0de4ab3525ff943a77e2
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Thu Oct 29 09:48:18 2009 +1100

    Godunov advection scheme takes metric into account

diff --git a/src/advection.c b/src/advection.c
index 59ae339..c0e9f50 100644
--- a/src/advection.c
+++ b/src/advection.c
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 #include "source.h"
 static gdouble transverse_term (FttCell * cell,
-				gdouble size,
+				gdouble * msize,
 				FttComponent c,
 				const GfsAdvectionParams * par)
   GfsStateVector * s = GFS_STATE (cell);
   gdouble vtan = par->use_centered_velocity ? 
-    GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->u[c]->i) :
+    GFS_VALUE (cell, par->u[c]) :
     (s->f[2*c].un + s->f[2*c + 1].un)/2.;
   FttCellFace f;
   GfsGradient gf;
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ static gdouble transverse_term (FttCell * cell,
   f.cell = cell;
   f.neighbor = ftt_cell_neighbor (cell, f.d);
   gfs_face_gradient (&f, &gf, par->v->i, -1);
-  g = gf.b - gf.a*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->v->i);
+  g = gf.b - gf.a*GFS_VALUE (cell, par->v);
   if (vtan > 0.) g = - g;
-  return par->dt*vtan*g/(2.*size);
+  return par->dt*vtan*g/(2.*msize[c]);
@@ -55,34 +55,39 @@ static gdouble transverse_term (FttCell * cell,
 void gfs_cell_advected_face_values (FttCell * cell,
 				    const GfsAdvectionParams * par)
-  FttComponent c;
-  gdouble size;
-  GfsStateVector * s;
   g_return_if_fail (cell != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (par != NULL);
-  s = GFS_STATE (cell);
-  size = ftt_cell_size (cell);
+  GfsStateVector * s = GFS_STATE (cell);
+  gdouble size = ftt_cell_size (cell), msize[FTT_DIMENSION];
+  FttComponent c;
+  if (par->v->domain->scale_metric)
+    for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
+      msize[c] = size*(* par->v->domain->scale_metric) (par->v->domain, cell, c);
+  else
+    for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
+      msize[c] = size;
   for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++) {
     gdouble unorm = par->use_centered_velocity ?
-      par->dt*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->u[c]->i)/size :
-      par->dt*(s->f[2*c].un + s->f[2*c + 1].un)/(2.*size);
+      par->dt*GFS_VALUE (cell, par->u[c])/msize[c] :
+       par->dt*(s->f[2*c].un + s->f[2*c + 1].un)/(2.*msize[c]);
     gdouble g = (* par->gradient) (cell, c, par->v->i);
-    gdouble vl = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->v->i) + MIN ((1. - unorm)/2., 0.5)*g;
-    gdouble vr = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->v->i) + MAX ((- 1. - unorm)/2., -0.5)*g;
+    gdouble vl = GFS_VALUE (cell, par->v) + MIN ((1. - unorm)/2., 0.5)*g;
+    gdouble vr = GFS_VALUE (cell, par->v) + MAX ((- 1. - unorm)/2., -0.5)*g;
     gdouble src = par->dt*gfs_variable_mac_source (par->v, cell)/2.;
     gdouble dv;
 #if FTT_2D
-    dv = transverse_term (cell, size, FTT_ORTHOGONAL_COMPONENT (c), par);
+    dv = transverse_term (cell, msize, FTT_ORTHOGONAL_COMPONENT (c), par);
 #else  /* FTT_3D */
     static FttComponent orthogonal[FTT_DIMENSION][2] = {
       {FTT_Y, FTT_Z}, {FTT_X, FTT_Z}, {FTT_X, FTT_Y}
-    dv =  transverse_term (cell, size, orthogonal[c][0], par);
-    dv += transverse_term (cell, size, orthogonal[c][1], par);
+    dv =  transverse_term (cell, msize, orthogonal[c][0], par);
+    dv += transverse_term (cell, msize, orthogonal[c][1], par);
 #endif /* FTT_3D */
     s->f[2*c].v     = vl + src - dv;
@@ -111,8 +116,8 @@ void gfs_cell_non_advected_face_values (FttCell * cell,
   s = GFS_STATE (cell);
   for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++) {
     gdouble g = (* par->gradient) (cell, c, par->v->i);
-    gdouble vl = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->v->i) + g/2.;
-    gdouble vr = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, par->v->i) - g/2.;
+    gdouble vl = GFS_VALUE (cell, par->v) + g/2.;
+    gdouble vr = GFS_VALUE (cell, par->v) - g/2.;
     gdouble src = par->dt*gfs_variable_mac_source (par->v, cell)/2.;
     s->f[2*c].v     = vl + src;
@@ -394,16 +399,17 @@ void gfs_face_advection_flux (const FttCellFace * face,
   flux = gfs_domain_face_fraction (par->v->domain, face)*GFS_FACE_NORMAL_VELOCITY (face)*par->dt*
     gfs_face_upwinded_value (face, GFS_FACE_UPWINDING, NULL)/ftt_cell_size (face->cell);
   if (!FTT_FACE_DIRECT (face))
     flux = - flux;
-  GFS_VARIABLE (face->cell, par->fv->i) -= flux;
+  GFS_VALUE (face->cell, par->fv) -= flux;
   switch (ftt_face_type (face)) {
   case FTT_FINE_FINE:
-    GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, par->fv->i) += flux;
+    GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, par->fv) += flux;
-    GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, par->fv->i) += flux/FTT_CELLS;
+    GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, par->fv) += flux/FTT_CELLS;
     g_assert_not_reached ();
@@ -450,14 +456,14 @@ void gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux (const FttCellFace * face,
   if (!FTT_FACE_DIRECT (face))
     flux = - flux;
-  GFS_VARIABLE (face->cell, par->fv->i) -= flux;
+  GFS_VALUE (face->cell, par->fv) -= flux;
   switch (ftt_face_type (face)) {
   case FTT_FINE_FINE:
-    GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, par->fv->i) += flux;
+    GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, par->fv) += flux;
-    GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, par->fv->i) += flux/FTT_CELLS;
+    GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, par->fv) += flux/FTT_CELLS;
     g_assert_not_reached ();
@@ -507,18 +513,18 @@ void gfs_face_velocity_convective_flux (const FttCellFace * face,
   u *= par->dt/(2.*ftt_cell_size (face->cell));
   if (!FTT_FACE_DIRECT (face))
     u = - u;
-  GFS_VARIABLE (face->cell, par->fv->i) -= 
+  GFS_VALUE (face->cell, par->fv) -= 
     u*(GFS_STATE (face->cell)->f[face->d].un + 
        GFS_STATE (face->cell)->f[FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION (face->d)].un);
   switch (ftt_face_type (face)) {
   case FTT_FINE_FINE:
-    GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, par->fv->i) += 
+    GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, par->fv) += 
       u*(GFS_STATE (face->neighbor)->f[face->d].un + 
 	 GFS_STATE (face->neighbor)->f[FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION (face->d)].un);
-    GFS_VARIABLE (face->neighbor, par->fv->i) += 
+    GFS_VALUE (face->neighbor, par->fv) += 
       u*(GFS_STATE (face->neighbor)->f[face->d].un + 
 	 GFS_STATE (face->neighbor)->f[FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION (face->d)].un)
@@ -992,9 +998,8 @@ void gfs_advection_params_read (GfsAdvectionParams * par, GtsFile * fp)
   gts_file_assign_variables (fp, var);
-  if (fp->type != GTS_ERROR && (par->cfl <= 0. || par->cfl > 1.))
-    gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "cfl", 
-			     "cfl `%g' is out of range `]0,1]'", par->cfl);
+  if (fp->type != GTS_ERROR && par->cfl <= 0.)
+    gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "cfl", "cfl must be strictly positive");
   if (gradient) {
     if (!strcmp (gradient, "gfs_center_gradient"))
diff --git a/src/domain.c b/src/domain.c
index afe2ee6..2704105 100644
--- a/src/domain.c
+++ b/src/domain.c
@@ -2541,10 +2541,10 @@ static void minimum_mac_cfl (FttCellFace * face, CflData * p)
   gdouble un = GFS_STATE (face->cell)->f[face->d].un;
   gdouble length = ftt_cell_size (face->cell);
   if (p->domain->cell_metric) {
-    gdouble fm = (* p->domain->face_metric) (p->domain, face, p->domain->metric_data);
+    gdouble fm = (* p->domain->face_metric) (p->domain, face);
     if (fm <= 0.) /* e.g. Axi metric on the axis */
-    length *= (* p->domain->cell_metric) (p->domain, face->cell, p->domain->metric_data)/fm;
+    length *= (* p->domain->cell_metric) (p->domain, face->cell)/fm;
   if (un != 0.) {
     gdouble cflu = length/fabs (un);
@@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ static void minimum_cfl (FttCell * cell, CflData * p)
   gdouble length = ftt_cell_size (cell);
   if (p->domain->cell_metric)
-    length *= (* p->domain->cell_metric) (p->domain, cell, p->domain->metric_data);
+    length *= (* p->domain->cell_metric) (p->domain, cell);
   FttComponent c;
   for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++) {
@@ -2581,9 +2581,9 @@ static void minimum_cfl (FttCell * cell, CflData * p)
     if (p->domain->face_metric) {
       FttCellFace f;
       f.cell = cell; f.d = 2*c;
-      gdouble fm1 = (* p->domain->face_metric) (p->domain, &f, p->domain->metric_data);
+      gdouble fm1 = (* p->domain->face_metric) (p->domain, &f);
       f.d = 2*c + 1;
-      gdouble fm2 = (* p->domain->face_metric) (p->domain, &f, p->domain->metric_data);
+      gdouble fm2 = (* p->domain->face_metric) (p->domain, &f);
       fm = MAX (fm1, fm2);
diff --git a/src/domain.h b/src/domain.h
index b4c0bb4..f7cd455 100644
--- a/src/domain.h
+++ b/src/domain.h
@@ -76,9 +76,10 @@ struct _GfsDomain {
   /* coordinate metrics */
   gpointer metric_data;
-  gdouble (* face_metric)  (const GfsDomain *, const FttCellFace *, const gpointer);
-  gdouble (* cell_metric)  (const GfsDomain *, const FttCell *,     const gpointer);
-  gdouble (* solid_metric) (const GfsDomain *, const FttCell *,     const gpointer);
+  gdouble (* face_metric)  (const GfsDomain *, const FttCellFace *);
+  gdouble (* cell_metric)  (const GfsDomain *, const FttCell *);
+  gdouble (* solid_metric) (const GfsDomain *, const FttCell *);
+  gdouble (* scale_metric) (const GfsDomain *, const FttCell *, FttComponent);
 struct _GfsDomainClass {
@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ gdouble gfs_domain_face_fraction (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace *
   gdouble f = GFS_FACE_FRACTION (face);
   if (domain->face_metric)
-    f *= (* domain->face_metric) (domain, face, domain->metric_data);
+    f *= (* domain->face_metric) (domain, face);
   return f;
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ gdouble gfs_domain_face_fraction_right (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellF
     FttCellFace face1;
     face1.cell = face->neighbor;
     face1.d = FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION (face->d);
-    f *= (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &face1, domain->metric_data);
+    f *= (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &face1);
   return f;
@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ gdouble gfs_domain_cell_fraction (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell
   gdouble a = GFS_IS_MIXED (cell) ? GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a : 1.;
   if (domain->cell_metric)
-    a *= (* domain->cell_metric) (domain, cell, domain->metric_data);
+    a *= (* domain->cell_metric) (domain, cell);
   return a;
@@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ static inline
 gdouble gfs_domain_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
   if (domain->solid_metric)
-    return (* domain->solid_metric) (domain, cell, domain->metric_data);
+    return (* domain->solid_metric) (domain, cell);
   return 1.;
diff --git a/src/fluid.c b/src/fluid.c
index c7ab1b0..8ffdd94 100644
--- a/src/fluid.c
+++ b/src/fluid.c
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ void gfs_cell_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
     if (v->domain->cell_metric) {
       gdouble a[FTT_CELLS], sa = 0.;
       for (n = 0; n < FTT_CELLS; n++) {
-	a[n] = (* v->domain->cell_metric) (v->domain, child.c[n], v->domain->metric_data);
+	a[n] = (* v->domain->cell_metric) (v->domain, child.c[n]);
 	sa += a[n];
       sa *= 2.;
diff --git a/src/metric.c b/src/metric.c
index 937046d..6b5124a 100644
--- a/src/metric.c
+++ b/src/metric.c
@@ -344,28 +344,34 @@ static GfsMapClass * gfs_map_cubed_class (void)
 /* GfsMetricCubed: Object */
-static gdouble metric_cubed_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face, 
-					 const gpointer data)
+static gdouble cubed_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face)
   if (face->d/2 > 1)
     return 1.;
-  return GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (data)->h[face->d]);
+  return GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (domain->metric_data)->h[face->d]);
-static gdouble metric_cubed_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, 
-					 const gpointer data)
+static gdouble cubed_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
-  return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (data)->a);
+  return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (domain->metric_data)->a);
-static gdouble metric_cubed_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, 
-					  const gpointer data)
+static gdouble cubed_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
   g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
   g_assert_not_implemented ();
   return 1.;
+static gdouble cubed_scale_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, FttComponent c)
+  if (c > FTT_Y)
+    return 1.;
+  FttComponent d = FTT_ORTHOGONAL_COMPONENT (c);
+  return (GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (domain->metric_data)->h[2*d]) +
+	  GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_CUBED (domain->metric_data)->h[2*d + 1]))/2.;
 static void none (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * v)
@@ -564,9 +570,10 @@ static void metric_cubed_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
   gts_container_add (GTS_CONTAINER (GFS_SIMULATION (domain)->maps), GTS_CONTAINEE (map));
   domain->metric_data  = cubed;
-  domain->face_metric  = metric_cubed_face_metric;
-  domain->cell_metric  = metric_cubed_cell_metric;
-  domain->solid_metric = metric_cubed_solid_metric;
+  domain->face_metric  = cubed_face_metric;
+  domain->cell_metric  = cubed_cell_metric;
+  domain->solid_metric = cubed_solid_metric;
+  domain->scale_metric = cubed_scale_metric;
 static void metric_cubed_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
@@ -688,30 +695,34 @@ static void metric_lon_lat_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
   fprintf (fp, " %g", GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (o)->r);
-static gdouble metric_lon_lat_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face, 
-					   const gpointer data)
+static gdouble lon_lat_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face)
   if (face->d/2 != FTT_Y)
     return 1.;
   return face->d == 2 ? 
-    GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->h2) :
-    GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->h3);
+    GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (domain->metric_data)->h2) :
+    GFS_VALUE (face->cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (domain->metric_data)->h3);
-static gdouble metric_lon_lat_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, 
-					   const gpointer data)
+static gdouble lon_lat_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
-  return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (data)->a);
+  return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (domain->metric_data)->a);
-static gdouble metric_lon_lat_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, 
-					    const gpointer data)
+static gdouble lon_lat_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
   g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
   g_assert_not_implemented ();
   return 1.;
+static gdouble lon_lat_scale_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, FttComponent c)
+  if (c != FTT_X)
+    return 1.;
+  return GFS_VALUE (cell, GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (domain->metric_data)->a);
 static void lonlat_coarse_fine (FttCell * parent, GfsVariable * a)
   if (GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY (parent))
@@ -796,9 +807,10 @@ static void metric_lon_lat_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
   GFS_MAP_LONLAT (map)->r = GFS_METRIC_LON_LAT (*o)->r;
   domain->metric_data = *o;
-  domain->face_metric  = metric_lon_lat_face_metric;
-  domain->cell_metric  = metric_lon_lat_cell_metric;
-  domain->solid_metric = metric_lon_lat_solid_metric;
+  domain->face_metric  = lon_lat_face_metric;
+  domain->cell_metric  = lon_lat_cell_metric;
+  domain->solid_metric = lon_lat_solid_metric;
+  domain->scale_metric = lon_lat_scale_metric;
 static void metric_lon_lat_class_init (GtsObjectClass * klass)
diff --git a/src/river.c b/src/river.c
index e892ac0..c4ca052 100644
--- a/src/river.c
+++ b/src/river.c
@@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ static void sources (FttCell * cell, GfsRiver * r)
     GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (r);
     FttCellFace face = { cell };
     for (face.d = 0; face.d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; face.d++)
-      fm[face.d] = (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &face, domain->metric_data);
+      fm[face.d] = (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &face);
     gdouble dh_dl = fm[FTT_RIGHT] - fm[FTT_LEFT];
     gdouble dh_dt = fm[FTT_TOP]   - fm[FTT_BOTTOM];
-    cm = (* domain->cell_metric) (domain, cell, domain->metric_data)*ftt_cell_size (cell);
+    cm = (* domain->cell_metric) (domain, cell)*ftt_cell_size (cell);
     gdouble dldh = cm*GFS_SIMULATION (r)->physical_params.L;
       phiu = GFS_VALUE (cell, r->v1[1]), 
@@ -387,9 +387,9 @@ static gdouble maximum_face_metric (FttCell * cell, GfsDomain * domain, FttCompo
   if (domain->face_metric) {
     FttCellFace f;
     f.cell = cell; f.d = 2*c;
-    gdouble fm1 = (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &f, domain->metric_data);
+    gdouble fm1 = (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &f);
     f.d = 2*c + 1;
-    gdouble fm2 = (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &f, domain->metric_data);
+    gdouble fm2 = (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &f);
     return MAX (fm1, fm2);
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ static void minimum_cfl (FttCell * cell, GfsRiver * r)
     GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (r);
     gdouble vol = ftt_cell_size (cell);
     if (domain->cell_metric)
-      vol *= (* domain->cell_metric) (domain, cell, domain->metric_data);
+      vol *= (* domain->cell_metric) (domain, cell);
     gdouble cg = sqrt (r->g*h);
     FttComponent c;
     for (c = FTT_X; c <= FTT_Y; c++) {
diff --git a/src/simulation.c b/src/simulation.c
index 120d53d..26e3c93 100644
--- a/src/simulation.c
+++ b/src/simulation.c
@@ -1968,24 +1968,21 @@ static void axi_read (GtsObject ** object, GtsFile * fp)
   GFS_DOMAIN (*object)->refpos.y = 0.5;
-static gdouble axi_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face, 
-				const gpointer data)
+static gdouble axi_face_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCellFace * face)
   FttVector p;
   ftt_face_pos (face, &p);
   return p.y;
-static gdouble axi_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, 
-				const gpointer data)
+static gdouble axi_cell_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
   FttVector p;
   gfs_cell_cm (cell, &p);
   return p.y;
-static gdouble axi_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell, 
-				 const gpointer data)
+static gdouble axi_solid_metric (const GfsDomain * domain, const FttCell * cell)
   g_assert (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell));
   return GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->ca.y;
diff --git a/src/variable.c b/src/variable.c
index 3a4a15e..184df36 100644
--- a/src/variable.c
+++ b/src/variable.c
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ static gdouble face_metric (FttCell * cell, FttDirection d, GfsDomain * domain)
     FttCellFace f;
     f.cell = cell;
     f.d = d;
-    return (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &f, domain->metric_data);
+    return (* domain->face_metric) (domain, &f);
     return 1.;
diff --git a/test/axiadvection/axi.sh b/test/axiadvection/axi.sh
index 6472ca9..771af68 100644
--- a/test/axiadvection/axi.sh
+++ b/test/axiadvection/axi.sh
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ BEGIN { min = 1000.; max = -1000.; }{
 END {
   e = 2.*(max - min)/(max + min);
   print "Standard:", e;
-  if (e > 2.5e-6)
+  if (e > 1.5e-7)
     exit (1);
 }' < srt1; then :
diff --git a/test/axiadvection/axiadvection.gfs b/test/axiadvection/axiadvection.gfs
index 35f4879..a8b61fb 100644
--- a/test/axiadvection/axiadvection.gfs
+++ b/test/axiadvection/axiadvection.gfs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # flow illustrated in Figure \ref{vof}. As the torus is flattened
 # against the right-hand-side wall, its cross-sectional surface area
 # decreases but the volume should remain constant. This is indeed the
-# case to within 0.05\% for the VOF tracer and $2\times 10^{-4}$\% for
+# case to within 0.04\% for the VOF tracer and $1.5\times 10^{-5}$\% for
 # the standard tracer.
 # \begin{figure}[htbp]
diff --git a/test/axiadvection/solid/axi.sh b/test/axiadvection/solid/axi.sh
index b634e9c..d4f967b 100644
--- a/test/axiadvection/solid/axi.sh
+++ b/test/axiadvection/solid/axi.sh
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ BEGIN { min = 1000.; max = -1000.; }{
 END {
   e = 2.*(max - min)/(max + min);
   print "Standard:", e;
-  if (e > 3e-5)
+  if (e > 0.)
     exit (1);
 }' < srt1; then :

Gerris Flow Solver

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