[SCM] Packaging for pytango branch, master, updated. ce571221d6744bc557714a4a0ebd5dae057459c1
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Mon Aug 9 09:21:54 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit cef47911aa890d19940fdd802b6f86e6e22f921b
Author: Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA <picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr>
Date: Mon Aug 9 10:44:28 2010 +0200
* clean an useless file
diff --git a/src/server/attribute.cpp~ b/src/server/attribute.cpp~
deleted file mode 100644
index b8a77ef..0000000
--- a/src/server/attribute.cpp~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,803 +0,0 @@
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/return_value_policy.hpp>
-#include <tango.h>
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "pytgutils.h"
-#include "tango_extra.h"
-#include "attribute.h"
-using namespace boost::python;
-# ifdef WIN32
-# define PYTG_TIME_FROM_DOUBLE(dbl, tv) \
- if (true) { \
- tv.time = (time_t)floor(dbl); \
- tv.millitm = (unsigned short)((dbl - tv.time)*1.0e3); \
- } else (void)0
-# define PYTG_NEW_TIME_FROM_DOUBLE(dbl, tv) \
- struct _timeb tv; PYTG_TIME_FROM_DOUBLE(dbl, tv)
-# else
-# define PYTG_TIME_FROM_DOUBLE(dbl, tv) double2timeval(tv, dbl);
-# define PYTG_NEW_TIME_FROM_DOUBLE(dbl, tv) \
- struct timeval tv; PYTG_TIME_FROM_DOUBLE(dbl, tv)
-inline void throw_wrong_python_data_type(const std::string &att_name,
- const char *method)
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Wrong Python type for attribute " << att_name << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(), method);
-inline void throw_wrong_python_data_type_in_array(const std::string &att_name,
- long idx,
- const char *method)
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Wrong Python type for attribute " << att_name
- << ".\nElement with index " << idx << " in sequence does not "
- << "have a correct type." << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(), method);
-namespace PyAttribute
- /**
- * Tango Attribute set_value wrapper for scalar attributes
- *
- * @param att attribute reference
- * @param value new attribute value
- */
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- inline void __set_value_scalar(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- extract<TangoScalarType> val(value.ptr());
- if (!val.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_value()");
- }
- TangoScalarType cpp_val = val;
- att.set_value(&cpp_val);
- }
- /**
- * Tango Attribute set_value wrapper for DevEncoded attributes
- *
- * @param att attribute reference
- * @param data_str new attribute data string
- * @param data new attribute data
- */
- inline void __set_value(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::str &data_str,
- boost::python::str &data)
- {
- extract<Tango::DevString> val_str(data_str.ptr());
- if (!val_str.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_value()");
- }
- extract<Tango::DevUChar*> val(data.ptr());
- if (!val.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_value()");
- }
- Tango::DevString val_str_real = val_str;
- Tango::DevUChar *val_real = val;
- att.set_value(&val_str_real, val_real, (long)len(data));
- }
- /**
- * Tango Attribute set_value_date_quality wrapper for scalar attributes
- *
- * @param att attribute reference
- * @param value new attribute value
- * @param t timestamp
- * @param quality attribute quality
- */
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- inline void __set_value_date_quality_scalar(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value,
- double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- extract<TangoScalarType> val(value.ptr());
- if (!val.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_value_data_quality()");
- }
- TangoScalarType cpp_val = val;
-// att.set_value_date_quality(&cpp_val, tv, quality);
- att.set_value_date_quality(new TangoScalarType(cpp_val), tv, quality);
- }
- /**
- * Tango Attribute set_value_date_quality wrapper for DevEncoded attributes
- *
- * @param att attribute reference
- * @param data_str new attribute data string
- * @param data new attribute data
- * @param t timestamp
- * @param quality attribute quality
- */
- inline void __set_value_date_quality(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::str &data_str,
- boost::python::str &data,
- double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality)
- {
- extract<Tango::DevString> val_str(data_str.ptr());
- if (!val_str.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_value()");
- }
- extract<Tango::DevUChar*> val(data.ptr());
- if (!val.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_value()");
- }
- Tango::DevString val_str_real = val_str;
- Tango::DevUChar *val_real = val;
- att.set_value_date_quality(&val_str_real, val_real, (long)len(data), tv, quality);
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- inline typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst)*
- __pyvalue_to_array(boost::python::object &seq, long x_dim, long y_dim, const std::string &)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- typedef typename TANGO_const2arraytype(tangoTypeConst) TangoArrayType;
- PyObject *seq_ptr = seq.ptr();
- long len = (long) PySequence_Size(seq_ptr);
- twod2oned(len, x_dim, y_dim);
- TangoScalarType *tg_ptr = TangoArrayType::allocbuf(len);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx)
- {
- PyObject *elt_ptr = PySequence_GetItem(seq_ptr, idx);
- // The boost extract could be used:
- // TangoScalarType val = boost::python::extract<TangoScalarType>(elt_ptr);
- // instead of the code below.
- // the problem is that extract is considerably slower than our
- // convert function which only has to deal with the specific tango
- // data types
- try
- {
- TangoScalarType tg_scalar;
- from_py<tangoTypeConst>::convert(elt_ptr, tg_scalar);
- tg_ptr[idx] = tg_scalar;
- Py_DECREF(elt_ptr);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- Py_DECREF(elt_ptr);
- TangoArrayType::freebuf(tg_ptr);
- throw;
- }
- }
- return tg_ptr;
- }
- template<>
- inline TANGO_const2type(Tango::DEV_ENCODED)*
- __pyvalue_to_array<Tango::DEV_ENCODED>(boost::python::object &, long, long, const std::string & fname)
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "DevEncoded is only supported for SCALAR attributes." << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(), fname + "()");
- return 0;
- }
- inline void __set_value(const std::string & fname, Tango::Attribute &att, boost::python::object &value, long* x, long *y, double t = 0.0, Tango::AttrQuality* quality = 0)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- Tango::AttrDataFormat format = att.get_data_format();
- if (format == Tango::SCALAR)
- {
- if ((x && ((*x) > 1)) || (y && (*y) > 0)) {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Cannot call " << fname;
- if (y)
- o << "(data, dim_x) on scalar attribute ";
- else
- o << "(data, dim_x, dim_y) on scalar attribute ";
- if (quality)
- o << att.get_name() << ". Use set_value_date_quality(data) instead" << ends;
- else
- o << att.get_name() << ". Use set_value(data) instead" << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- "PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- fname + "()");
- } else {
- if (quality)
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_value_date_quality_scalar, att, value, t, *quality);
- else
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_value_scalar, att, value);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PySequence_Check(value.ptr()))
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Wrong Python type for attribute " << att.get_name()
- << "of type " << Tango::CmdArgTypeName[type]
- << ". Expected a sequence." << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- "PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- fname + "()");
- }
- long dim_x = PySequence_Size(value.ptr()), dim_y = 0;
- if (x)
- dim_x = *x;
- if (y)
- dim_y = *y;
- if (quality) {
- //TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_value_date_quality_array, att, value, t, *quality, dim_x, dim_y);
- att.set_value_date_quality(__pyvalue_to_array<tangoTypeConst>(value, dim_x, dim_y, fname), tv, *quality, dim_x, dim_y, true);
- );
- } else {
- //TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_value_array, att, value, dim_x, dim_y);
- att.set_value(__pyvalue_to_array<tangoTypeConst>(value, dim_x, dim_y, fname), dim_x, dim_y);
- );
- }
- }
- }
- inline void __set_value(const std::string & fname, Tango::Attribute &att, boost::python::str &data_str, boost::python::str &data, double t = 0.0, Tango::AttrQuality* quality = 0)
- {
- if (quality)
- __set_value_date_quality(att, data_str, data, t, *quality);
- else
- __set_value(att, data_str, data);
- }
- inline void set_value(Tango::Attribute &att, boost::python::object &value)
- { __set_value("set_value", att, value, 0, 0); }
- inline void set_value(Tango::Attribute &att, boost::python::str &data_str, boost::python::str &data)
- { __set_value("set_value", att, data_str, data); }
- inline void set_value(Tango::Attribute &att, boost::python::object &value, long x)
- { __set_value("set_value", att, value, &x, 0); }
- inline void set_value(Tango::Attribute &att, boost::python::object &value, long x, long y)
- { __set_value("set_value", att, value, &x, &y); }
- inline void set_value_date_quality(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value, double t,
- Tango::AttrQuality quality)
- { __set_value("set_value_date_quality", att, value, 0, 0, t, &quality); }
- inline void set_value_date_quality(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::str &data_str,
- boost::python::str &data,
- double t,
- Tango::AttrQuality quality)
- { __set_value("set_value_date_quality", att, data_str, data, t, &quality); }
- inline void set_value_date_quality(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value,
- double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality,
- long x)
- { __set_value("set_value_date_quality", att, value, &x, 0, t, &quality); }
- inline void set_value_date_quality(Tango::Attribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value,
- double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality,
- long x, long y)
- { __set_value("set_value_date_quality", att, value, &x, &y, t, &quality); }
-namespace PyWAttribute
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- PyObject* __get_min_value(Tango::WAttribute &att)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- TangoScalarType tg_val;
- att.get_min_value(tg_val);
- boost::python::object py_value(tg_val);
- return boost::python::incref(py_value.ptr());
- }
- PyObject *get_min_value(Tango::WAttribute &att)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- return __get_min_value<tangoTypeConst>(att)
- );
- return 0;
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- PyObject* __get_max_value(Tango::WAttribute &att)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- TangoScalarType tg_val;
- att.get_max_value(tg_val);
- boost::python::object py_value(tg_val);
- return boost::python::incref(py_value.ptr());
- }
- PyObject *get_max_value(Tango::WAttribute &att)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- return __get_max_value<tangoTypeConst>(att)
- );
- return 0;
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- void __set_min_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, boost::python::object &v)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- TangoScalarType tg_val = boost::python::extract<TangoScalarType>(v);
- att.set_min_value(tg_val);
- }
- void set_min_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, boost::python::object &v)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- TANGO_CALL_ON_NUMERICAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_min_value, att, v);
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- void __set_max_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, boost::python::object &v)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- TangoScalarType tg_val = boost::python::extract<TangoScalarType>(v);
- att.set_max_value(tg_val);
- }
- void set_max_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, boost::python::object &v)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- TANGO_CALL_ON_NUMERICAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_max_value, att, v);
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- inline void __set_write_value_scalar(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- extract<TangoScalarType> val(value.ptr());
- if (!val.check())
- {
- throw_wrong_python_data_type(att.get_name(), "set_write_value()");
- }
- TangoScalarType cpp_val = val;
- att.set_write_value(cpp_val);
- }
- template<>
- inline void __set_write_value_scalar<Tango::DEV_ENCODED>(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value)
- {
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- (const char *)"set_write_value is not supported for DEV_ENCODED attributes.",
- (const char *)"set_write_value()");
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- inline void __set_write_value_array(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::object &seq,
- long x_dim, long y_dim)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- typedef typename TANGO_const2arraytype(tangoTypeConst) TangoArrayType;
- PyObject *seq_ptr = seq.ptr();
- long len = (long) PySequence_Size(seq_ptr);
- twod2oned(len, x_dim, y_dim);
- TangoScalarType *tg_ptr = TangoArrayType::allocbuf(len);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx)
- {
- PyObject *elt_ptr = PySequence_GetItem(seq_ptr, idx);
- // The boost extract could be used:
- // TangoScalarType val = boost::python::extract<TangoScalarType>(elt_ptr);
- // instead of the code below.
- // the problem is that extract is considerably slower than our
- // convert function which only has to deal with the specific tango
- // data types
- try
- {
- TangoScalarType tg_scalar;
- from_py<tangoTypeConst>::convert(elt_ptr, tg_scalar);
- tg_ptr[idx] = tg_scalar;
- Py_DECREF(elt_ptr);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- Py_DECREF(elt_ptr);
- delete [] tg_ptr;
- throw;
- }
- }
- try
- {
- att.set_write_value(tg_ptr, x_dim, y_dim);
- delete [] tg_ptr;
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete [] tg_ptr;
- throw;
- }
- }
- template<>
- inline void __set_write_value_array<Tango::DEV_ENCODED>(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::object &seq,
- long x_dim, long y_dim)
- {
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- (const char *)"set_write_value is not supported for DEV_ENCODED attributes.",
- (const char *)"set_write_value()");
- }
- inline void set_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, boost::python::object &value)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- Tango::AttrDataFormat format = att.get_data_format();
- if (format == Tango::SCALAR)
- {
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_write_value_scalar,
- att, value);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PySequence_Check(value.ptr()))
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Wrong Python type for attribute " << att.get_name()
- << "of type " << Tango::CmdArgTypeName[type]
- << ". Expected a sequence." << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- (const char *)"set_value()");
- }
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_write_value_array,
- att, value,
- PySequence_Size(value.ptr()), 0);
- }
- }
- inline void set_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value,
- long x)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- Tango::AttrDataFormat format = att.get_data_format();
- if (format == Tango::SCALAR)
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Cannot call set_value(data, dim_x) on scalar attribute "
- << att.get_name() << ". Use set_write_value(data) instead"
- << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- (const char *)"set_write_value()");
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PySequence_Check(value.ptr()))
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Wrong Python type for attribute " << att.get_name()
- << "of type " << Tango::CmdArgTypeName[type]
- << ". Expected a sequence" << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- (const char *)"set_write_value()");
- }
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_write_value_array,
- att, value, x, 0);
- }
- }
- inline void set_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::object &value,
- long x, long y)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- Tango::AttrDataFormat format = att.get_data_format();
- if (format == Tango::SCALAR)
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Cannot call set_write_value(data, dim_x, dim_y) "
- << "on scalar attribute " << att.get_name()
- << ". Use set_write_value(data) instead" << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- (const char *)"set_write_value()");
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PySequence_Check(value.ptr()))
- {
- TangoSys_OMemStream o;
- o << "Wrong Python type for attribute " << att.get_name()
- << "of type " << Tango::CmdArgTypeName[type]
- << ". Expected a sequence" << ends;
- Tango::Except::throw_exception(
- (const char *)"PyDs_WrongPythonDataTypeForAttribute",
- o.str(),
- (const char *)"set_write_value()");
- }
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __set_write_value_array,
- att, value, x, y);
- }
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- void __get_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, boost::python::list &seq)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- const TangoScalarType *ptr;
- long length = att.get_write_value_length();
- att.get_write_value(ptr);
- for (long l = 0; l < length; ++l)
- {
- seq.append(ptr[l]);
- }
- }
- template<>
- void __get_write_value<Tango::DEV_STRING>(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::list &seq)
- {
- const Tango::ConstDevString *ptr;
- long length = att.get_write_value_length();
- att.get_write_value(ptr);
- for (long l = 0; l < length; ++l)
- {
- seq.append(ptr[l]);
- }
- }
- inline void get_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att,
- boost::python::list &value)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __get_write_value, att, value);
- }
- template<long tangoTypeConst>
- void __get_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att, PyObject **obj)
- {
- typedef typename TANGO_const2type(tangoTypeConst) TangoScalarType;
- Tango::AttrDataFormat fmt = att.get_data_format();
- if (fmt == Tango::SCALAR)
- {
- TangoScalarType v;
- att.get_write_value(v);
- boost::python::object o(v);
- PyObject *o_ptr = o.ptr();
- boost::python::incref(o_ptr);
- *obj = o_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- const TangoScalarType *ptr;
- long length = att.get_write_value_length();
- att.get_write_value(ptr);
- boost::python::list o;
- for (long l = 0; l < length; ++l)
- o.append(ptr[l]);
- PyObject *o_ptr = o.ptr();
- boost::python::incref(o_ptr);
- *obj = o_ptr;
- }
- }
- template<>
- void __get_write_value<Tango::DEV_STRING>(Tango::WAttribute &att, PyObject **obj)
- {
- Tango::AttrDataFormat fmt = att.get_data_format();
- if (fmt == Tango::SCALAR)
- {
- Tango::DevString v = NULL;
- att.get_write_value(v);
- boost::python::object o(v);
- PyObject *o_ptr = o.ptr();
- boost::python::incref(o_ptr);
- *obj = o_ptr;
- }
- else
- {
- const Tango::ConstDevString *ptr;
- long length = att.get_write_value_length();
- att.get_write_value(ptr);
- boost::python::list o;
- for (long l = 0; l < length; ++l)
- o.append(ptr[l]);
- PyObject *o_ptr = o.ptr();
- boost::python::incref(o_ptr);
- *obj = o_ptr;
- }
- }
- inline PyObject* get_write_value(Tango::WAttribute &att)
- {
- long type = att.get_data_type();
- PyObject *value = NULL;
- TANGO_CALL_ON_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE(type, __get_write_value, att, &value);
- return value;
- }
- Tango::Attribute::set_quality, 1, 2);
-void export_attribute()
- enum_<Tango::Attribute::alarm_flags>("alarm_flags",
- "an enumerated for the alarm flags")
- .value("min_level", Tango::Attribute::min_level)
- .value("max_level", Tango::Attribute::max_level)
- .value("rds", Tango::Attribute::rds)
- .value("min_warn", Tango::Attribute::min_warn)
- .value("max_warn", Tango::Attribute::max_warn)
- .value("numFlags", Tango::Attribute::numFlags)
- ;
- class_<Tango::Attribute>("Attribute", no_init)
- .def("is_write_associated", &Tango::Attribute::is_writ_associated)
- .def("is_min_alarm", &Tango::Attribute::is_min_alarm)
- .def("is_max_alarm", &Tango::Attribute::is_max_alarm)
- .def("is_min_warning", &Tango::Attribute::is_min_warning)
- .def("is_max_warning", &Tango::Attribute::is_max_warning)
- .def("is_rds_alarm", &Tango::Attribute::is_rds_alarm)
- //TODO .def("is_alarmed", &Tango::Attribute::is_alarmed)
- .def("is_polled", &Tango::Attribute::is_polled)
- .def("check_alarm", &Tango::Attribute::check_alarm)
- .def("get_writable", &Tango::Attribute::get_writable)
- .def("get_name", &Tango::Attribute::get_name, return_value_policy<copy_non_const_reference>())
- .def("get_data_type", &Tango::Attribute::get_data_type)
- .def("get_data_format", &Tango::Attribute::get_data_format)
- .def("get_assoc_name", &Tango::Attribute::get_assoc_name, return_value_policy<copy_non_const_reference>())
- .def("get_assoc_ind", &Tango::Attribute::get_assoc_ind)
- .def("set_assoc_ind", &Tango::Attribute::set_assoc_ind)
- .def("get_date", &Tango::Attribute::get_date, return_internal_reference<>())
- .def("set_date",
- (void (Tango::Attribute::*) (Tango::TimeVal &))
- &Tango::Attribute::set_date)
- .def("get_label", &Tango::Attribute::get_label, return_value_policy<copy_non_const_reference>())
- .def("get_quality", &Tango::Attribute::get_quality, return_value_policy<copy_non_const_reference>())
- .def("set_quality", &Tango::Attribute::set_quality, set_quality_overloads())
- .def("get_data_size", &Tango::Attribute::get_data_size)
- .def("get_x", &Tango::Attribute::get_x)
- .def("get_max_dim_x", &Tango::Attribute::get_max_dim_x)
- .def("get_y", &Tango::Attribute::get_y)
- .def("get_max_dim_y", &Tango::Attribute::get_max_dim_y)
- .def("get_polling_period", &Tango::Attribute::get_polling_period)
- //TODO .def("get_properties", &Tango::Attribute::get_properties)
- //TODO .def("get_properties_2", &Tango::Attribute::get_properties_2)
- //TODO .def("get_properties_3", &Tango::Attribute::get_properties_3)
- .def("set_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::object &))
- &PyAttribute::set_value)
- .def("set_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::str &, boost::python::str &))
- &PyAttribute::set_value)
- .def("set_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::object &, long))
- &PyAttribute::set_value)
- .def("set_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::object &, long, long))
- &PyAttribute::set_value)
- .def("set_value_date_quality",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::object &, double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality))
- &PyAttribute::set_value_date_quality)
- .def("set_value_date_quality",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::str &, boost::python::str &, double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality))
- &PyAttribute::set_value_date_quality)
- .def("set_value_date_quality",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::object &, double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality, long))
- &PyAttribute::set_value_date_quality)
- .def("set_value_date_quality",
- (void (*) (Tango::Attribute &, boost::python::object &, double t, Tango::AttrQuality quality, long, long))
- &PyAttribute::set_value_date_quality)
- ;
- class_<Tango::WAttribute, bases<Tango::Attribute> >("WAttribute", no_init)
- .def("get_min_value",
- (PyObject* (*) (Tango::WAttribute &))
- &PyWAttribute::get_min_value)
- .def("get_max_value",
- (PyObject* (*) (Tango::WAttribute &))
- &PyWAttribute::get_max_value)
- .def("set_min_value", &PyWAttribute::set_min_value)
- .def("set_max_value", &PyWAttribute::set_min_value)
- .def("is_min_value", &Tango::WAttribute::is_min_value)
- .def("is_max_value", &Tango::WAttribute::is_max_value)
- .def("get_write_value_length",&Tango::WAttribute::get_write_value_length)
- .def("set_write_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::WAttribute &, boost::python::object &))
- &PyWAttribute::set_write_value)
- .def("set_write_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::WAttribute &, boost::python::object &, long))
- &PyWAttribute::set_write_value)
- .def("set_write_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::WAttribute &, boost::python::object &, long, long))
- &PyWAttribute::set_write_value)
- // old style get_write_value
- .def("get_write_value",
- (void (*) (Tango::WAttribute &, boost::python::list &))
- &PyWAttribute::get_write_value)
- // new style get_write_value
- .def("get_write_value",
- (PyObject* (*) (Tango::WAttribute &))
- &PyWAttribute::get_write_value)
- ;
Packaging for pytango
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