[SCM] 2D CAD system branch, master, updated. upstream/1.0.0_beta4-8-g81e6e37
Scott Howard
showard314 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 22:52:50 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 81e6e37ec6f6f800127d895dd703c1b7d4d346d5
Author: Scott Howard <showard314 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Dec 8 17:52:05 2010 -0500
imported patches from qcad package
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..845ca06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/autosave.patch b/debian/patches/autosave.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2af4ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/autosave.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Description: enables autosave The autosave implementation doesn't clobber
+ the original user file but prepends a "#" to the filename part. Upon a
+ successful save of the user file, the autosave file will be deleted.
+Origin: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/qcad-user/message/1838
+Bug: 94629
+Index: librecad/src/main/qc_applicationwindow.cpp
+--- librecad.orig/src/main/qc_applicationwindow.cpp 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/main/qc_applicationwindow.cpp 2010-12-07 09:43:21.453428256 -0500
+@@ -165,6 +165,11 @@
+ RS_DEBUG->print("QC_ApplicationWindow::QC_ApplicationWindow: init MDI");
+ initMDI();
++ // Activate autosave timer
++ autosaveTimer = new QTimer(this, "autosave");
++ connect(autosaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotFileAutoSave()));
++ autosaveTimer->start(autosaveTime);
+ // Disable menu and toolbar items
+ emit windowsChanged(FALSE);
+@@ -2138,6 +2143,9 @@
+ name = w->getDocument()->getFilename();
+ recentFiles->add(name);
+ w->setCaption(name);
++ if (!autosaveTimer->isActive()) {
++ autosaveTimer->start(autosaveTime);
++ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // error
+@@ -2156,6 +2164,37 @@
+ }
++ * Autosave.
++ */
++void QC_ApplicationWindow::slotFileAutoSave() {
++ RS_DEBUG->print("QC_ApplicationWindow::slotFileAutoSave()");
++ statusBar()->message(tr("Auto-saving drawing..."));
++ QC_MDIWindow* w = getMDIWindow();
++ QString name;
++ if (w!=NULL) {
++ bool cancelled;
++ if (w->slotFileSave(cancelled, true)) {
++ // auto-save cannot be cancelled by user, so the
++ // "cancelled" parameter is a dummy
++ statusBar()->message(tr("Auto-saved drawing"), 2000);
++ } else {
++ // error
++ autosaveTimer->stop();
++ QMessageBox::information(this, QMessageBox::tr("Warning"),
++ tr("Cannot auto-save the file\n%1\nPlease "
++ "check the permissions.\n"
++ "Auto-save disabled.")
++ .arg(w->getDocument()->getAutoSaveFilename()),
++ QMessageBox::Ok);
++ }
++ }
+ /**
+ * Menu file -> export.
+Index: librecad/src/main/qc_applicationwindow.h
+--- librecad.orig/src/main/qc_applicationwindow.h 2010-12-07 09:43:04.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/main/qc_applicationwindow.h 2010-12-07 09:48:36.115406626 -0500
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ #include <qsplitter.h>
+ #include <qstatusbar.h>
+ #include <q3table.h>
++#include <qtimer.h>
+ #include <qtoolbar.h>
+ #include <qtoolbutton.h>
+ #include <q3whatsthis.h>
+@@ -145,6 +146,8 @@
+ void slotFileSave();
+ /** saves a document under a different filename*/
+ void slotFileSaveAs();
++ /** auto-save document */
++ void slotFileAutoSave();
+ /** exports the document as bitmap */
+ void slotFileExport();
+ bool slotFileExport(const QString& name, const QString& format,
+@@ -219,6 +222,10 @@
+ /** resizes window to 640x480 for screen shots */
+ void slotTestResize1024();
++ QTimer *autosaveTimer;
++ const static int autosaveTime = 60 * 1000; // 1 minute
+ signals:
+ void gridChanged(bool on);
+ void draftChanged(bool on);
+Index: librecad/src/main/qc_mdiwindow.cpp
+--- librecad.orig/src/main/qc_mdiwindow.cpp 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/main/qc_mdiwindow.cpp 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -325,23 +325,32 @@
+ /**
+ * Saves the current file.
+ *
++ * @param isAutoSave true if this is an "autosave" operation.
++ * false if this is "Save" operation requested
++ * by the user.
+ * @return true if the file was saved successfully.
+ * false if the file could not be saved or the document
+ * is invalid.
+ */
+-bool QC_MDIWindow::slotFileSave(bool &cancelled) {
++bool QC_MDIWindow::slotFileSave(bool &cancelled, bool isAutoSave) {
+ RS_DEBUG->print("QC_MDIWindow::slotFileSave()");
+ bool ret = false;
+ cancelled = false;
+ if (document!=NULL) {
+- if (document->getFilename().isEmpty()) {
+- ret = slotFileSaveAs(cancelled);
++ if (isAutoSave) {
++ // Autosave filename is always supposed to be present.
++ // Autosave does not change the cursor.
++ ret = document->save(true);
+ } else {
+- QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor) );
+- ret = document->save();
+- QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+- }
++ if (document->getFilename().isEmpty()) {
++ ret = slotFileSaveAs(cancelled);
++ } else {
++ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor) );
++ ret = document->save();
++ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+Index: librecad/src/main/qc_mdiwindow.h
+--- librecad.orig/src/main/qc_mdiwindow.h 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/main/qc_mdiwindow.h 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+ void slotFileNew();
+ bool slotFileOpen(const QString& fileName, RS2::FormatType type);
+- bool slotFileSave(bool &cancelled);
++ bool slotFileSave(bool &cancelled, bool isAutoSave=false);
+ bool slotFileSaveAs(bool &cancelled);
+ bool slotFileClose(bool force);
+ void slotFilePrint();
+Index: librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_block.cpp
+--- librecad.orig/src/lib/engine/rs_block.cpp 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_block.cpp 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
+ }
+-bool RS_Block::save() {
++bool RS_Block::save(bool isAutoSave) {
+ RS_Graphic* g = getGraphic();
+ if (g!=NULL) {
+- return g->save();
++ return g->save(isAutoSave);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+Index: librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_block.h
+--- librecad.orig/src/lib/engine/rs_block.h 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_block.h 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from RS_Document. Saves the parent graphic document.
+ */
+- virtual bool save();
++ virtual bool save(bool isAutoSave = false);
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation from RS_Document. Does nothing.
+Index: librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_document.cpp
+--- librecad.orig/src/lib/engine/rs_document.cpp 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_document.cpp 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
+ RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Document::RS_Document() ");
+ filename = "";
++ autosaveFilename = "Unnamed";
+ formatType = RS2::FormatUnknown;
+ setModified(false);
+ RS_Color col(RS2::FlagByLayer);
+Index: librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_document.h
+--- librecad.orig/src/lib/engine/rs_document.h 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_document.h 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+ virtual RS_BlockList* getBlockList() = 0;
+ virtual void newDoc() = 0;
+- virtual bool save() = 0;
++ virtual bool save(bool isAutoSave = false) = 0;
+ virtual bool saveAs(const RS_String &filename, RS2::FormatType type) = 0;
+ virtual bool open(const RS_String &filename, RS2::FormatType type) = 0;
+@@ -98,6 +98,13 @@
+ }
+ /**
++ * @return Auto-save file name of the document currently loaded.
++ */
++ RS_String getAutoSaveFilename() const {
++ return autosaveFilename;
++ }
++ /**
+ * Sets file name for the document currently loaded.
+ */
+ void setFilename(const RS_String& fn) {
+@@ -136,6 +143,8 @@
+ RS_Pen activePen;
+ /** File name of the document or empty for a new document. */
+ RS_String filename;
++ /** Auto-save file name of document. */
++ RS_String autosaveFilename;
+ /** Format type */
+ RS2::FormatType formatType;
+ };
+Index: librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_graphic.cpp
+--- librecad.orig/src/lib/engine/rs_graphic.cpp 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_graphic.cpp 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
++#include <qfile.h>
++#include <qfileinfo.h>
+ #include "rs_graphic.h"
+@@ -178,21 +180,46 @@
+ /**
+ * Saves this graphic with the current filename and settings.
+ */
+-bool RS_Graphic::save() {
++bool RS_Graphic::save(bool isAutoSave) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Graphic::save");
+- RS_DEBUG->print(" file: %s", filename.latin1());
+- RS_DEBUG->print(" format: %d", (int)formatType);
+- RS_DEBUG->print(" export...");
+- ret = RS_FILEIO->fileExport(*this, filename, formatType);
+- if (ret) {
+- setModified(false);
+- layerList.setModified(false);
+- blockList.setModified(false);
++ if (isAutoSave && !isModified()) {
++ RS_DEBUG->print(" autsave and not modified => not saved");
++ ret = true;
++ } else {
++ const RS_String *actualName;
++ RS2::FormatType actualType;
++ actualType = formatType;
++ if (isAutoSave) {
++ actualName = new QString(autosaveFilename);
++ if (formatType == RS2::FormatUnknown) {
++ actualType = RS2::FormatDXF;
++ }
++ } else {
++ actualName = new QString(filename);
++ }
++ RS_DEBUG->print(" file: %s", actualName->latin1());
++ RS_DEBUG->print(" format: %d", (int)actualType);
++ RS_DEBUG->print(" export...");
++ ret = RS_FILEIO->fileExport(*this, *actualName, actualType);
++ delete actualName;
++ if (ret && !isAutoSave) {
++ setModified(false);
++ layerList.setModified(false);
++ blockList.setModified(false);
++ // Remove old autosave file
++ QFile f(autosaveFilename);
++ if (f.exists()) {
++ RS_DEBUG->print(" removing old autosave file %s",
++ autosaveFilename.latin1());
++ f.remove();
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Graphic::save ok");
+@@ -210,9 +237,28 @@
+ RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Graphic::saveAs");
+ this->filename = filename;
++ RS_String *oldAutosaveName = new RS_String(autosaveFilename);
++ QFileInfo finfo(filename);
++ // Construct new autosave filename by prepending # to the filename
++ // part, using the same directory as the destination file.
++ this->autosaveFilename = finfo.dirPath() + "/#" + finfo.fileName();
+ this->formatType = type;
+- return save();
++ bool ret = save();
++ if (ret) {
++ // save was successful, remove old autosave file
++ QFile f(*oldAutosaveName);
++ if (f.exists()) {
++ RS_DEBUG->print("removing old autosave file %s",
++ oldAutosaveName->latin1());
++ f.remove();
++ }
++ }
++ delete oldAutosaveName;
++ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -226,6 +272,10 @@
+ bool ret = false;
+ this->filename = filename;
++ QFileInfo finfo(filename);
++ // Construct new autosave filename by prepending # to the filename
++ // part, using the same directory as the destination file.
++ this->autosaveFilename = finfo.dirPath() + "/#" + finfo.fileName();
+ // clean all:
+ newDoc();
+Index: librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_graphic.h
+--- librecad.orig/src/lib/engine/rs_graphic.h 2010-12-04 12:46:17.000000000 -0500
++++ librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_graphic.h 2010-12-07 09:43:21.463427986 -0500
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+ }
+ virtual void newDoc();
+- virtual bool save();
++ virtual bool save(bool isAutoSave = false);
+ virtual bool saveAs(const RS_String& filename, RS2::FormatType type);
+ virtual bool open(const RS_String& filename, RS2::FormatType type);
diff --git a/debian/patches/bug#234340.patch b/debian/patches/bug#234340.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b253499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/bug#234340.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Description: Initial setup dialog is broken in wmaker
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/234340
+Author: Andreas Fester <Andreas.Fester at gmx.de>
+Index: librecad/src/ui/forms/qg_dlginitial.ui
+--- librecad.orig/src/ui/forms/qg_dlginitial.ui 2010-12-07 09:28:37.213897987 -0500
++++ librecad/src/ui/forms/qg_dlginitial.ui 2010-12-07 09:29:12.731567717 -0500
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>413</width>
+- <height>287</height>
++ <height>340</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowTitle">
diff --git a/debian/patches/define-debian-paths.patch b/debian/patches/define-debian-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0956c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/define-debian-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Description: Adjust file and directory paths to the Debian environment
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Andreas Fester <Andreas.Fester at gmx.de>
+Index: librecad/src/main/main.cpp
+--- librecad.orig/src/main/main.cpp 2010-12-08 08:24:18.149495105 -0500
++++ librecad/src/main/main.cpp 2010-12-08 08:25:11.182612394 -0500
+@@ -137,6 +137,13 @@
+ unit = RS_SETTINGS->readEntry("/Unit", QC_PREDEFINED_UNIT);
+ #endif
+ RS_SETTINGS->endGroup();
++ RS_SETTINGS->beginGroup("/Paths");
++ RS_SETTINGS->writeEntry("/Translations", QString("/usr/share/qcad/qm"));
++ RS_SETTINGS->writeEntry("/Patterns", QString("/usr/share/qcad/patterns"));
++ RS_SETTINGS->writeEntry("/Fonts", QString("/usr/share/qcad/fonts"));
++ RS_SETTINGS->writeEntry("/Scripts", QString("/usr/share/qcad/scripts"));
++ RS_SETTINGS->writeEntry("/Library", QString("/usr/share/qcad/libraries"));
++ RS_SETTINGS->endGroup();
+ // show initial config dialog:
+ if (unit=="Invalid") {
diff --git a/debian/patches/qcad- b/debian/patches/qcad-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d302399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/qcad-
@@ -0,0 +1,1450 @@
+Description: Can't type text with this ç,ã,õ,â,ô,á,é,í,ó,ú,à or ü.
+Origin: http://www.ribbonsoft.com/rsforum/viewtopic.php?t=853
+Bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=507368
+Index: librecad/support/fonts/normallatin2.cxf
+--- librecad.orig/support/fonts/normallatin2.cxf 2010-12-04 12:46:17.514168717 -0500
++++ librecad/support/fonts/normallatin2.cxf 2010-12-07 09:34:46.597935256 -0500
+@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
+ # Format: QCad II Font
+ # Creator: QCad
+-# Version: 1
++# Version:
+ # Name: Normal Latin 2
+ # Encoding: ISO8859-2
+-# LetterSpacing: 3.0
++# LetterSpacing: 3
+ # WordSpacing: 6.75
+-# LineSpacingFactor: 1.0
++# LineSpacingFactor: 1
+ # Author: Hughes Jeangerard <hughes.jeangerard at laposte.net>
+-[!] 2
++[0021] !
+ L 0,9,0,3
+ L 0,0,0,0.5
+-["] 2
++[0022] "
+ L 0.5,7,1,9
+ L 3.5,7,4,9
+-[#] 4
+-L 1.999969,0,1.999969,8.999999
+-L 4.999969,8.999999,4.999969,0
+-L -0.000031,2.5,6.999969,2.5
+-L 6.999969,6.499999,-0.000031,6.499999
++[0023] #
++L 2,0,2,9
++L 5,9,5,0
++L 0,2.5,7,2.5
++L 7,6.5,0,6.5
+-[&] 5
++[0026] &
+ L 6,3.21499,3.425964,0.59764
+ A 2,2,2,135.478088,315.478088
+ L 0.574036,3.40236,3.569458,6.44823
+ A 2.5,7.5,1.5,315.478271,209.372314
+-L 1.19281,6.76428,5,0
++L 1.192810,6.76428,5,0
+-['] 1
++[0027] '
+ L 0.5,7,1,9
+-[(] 1
++[0028] (
+ A 13,4,13,157.380142,202.619858
+-[)] 1
++[0029] )
+ A -12,4,13,337.380127,22.61986
+-[*] 2
++[002a] *
+ L 0,6,4,2
+ L 4,6,0,2
+-[+] 2
++[002b] +
+ L 0,4,4,4
+ L 2,6,2,2
+-[,] 2
++[002c] ,
+ L 1,0,0,-3
+ L 1,0,1,0.5
+-[-] 1
++[002d] -
+ L 0,4,4,4
+-[.] 1
++[002e] .
+ L 0,0,0,0.5
+-[/] 1
++[002f] /
+ L 4,9,0,0
+-[0] 10
++[0030] 0
+ A 2,7.91049,1.08951,32.75695,147.243042
+ A 4.93335,5.62352,4.80559,143.232468,169.491135
+ A 4.93335,3.37648,4.80559,190.508865,216.767532
+@@ -71,17 +71,17 @@
+ A 9.404663,4.46906,9.40473,179.811493,192.086868
+ A 9.404663,4.53094,9.40473,167.913132,180.188507
+-[1] 2
++[0031] 1
+ L 0,7,2,9
+ L 2,9,2,0
+-[2] 4
++[0032] 2
+ L 4,0,0,0
+ L 0,0,3.864502,6.64668
+ A 3,7.14931,1,329.82547,20.52911
+ A 2,7,2,14.47751,165.522491
+-[3] 7
++[0033] 3
+ L 0,9,2,9
+ A 2,7,2,270,90
+ L 2,5,1,5
+@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@
+ A 2,2,2,270,0
+ L 2,0,0,0
+-[4] 3
++[0034] 4
+ L 3.5,0,3.5,4
+ L 5,2,0,2
+ L 0,2,2,9
+-[5] 7
++[0035] 5
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,5
+ L 0,5,2,5
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
+ A 2,2,2,270,0
+ L 2,0,0,0
+-[6] 6
++[0036] 6
+ A 6,3.80385,6,120,180
+ L 0,3.80385,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+@@ -112,12 +112,12 @@
+ A 2,3,2,0,90
+ L 2,5,0.120422,5
+-[7] 3
++[0037] 7
+ L 0,9,4,9
+ L 4,9,1.5,0
+ L 2,5,4,5
+-[8] 8
++[0038] 8
+ L 0,3,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+ L 4,2,4,3
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
+ L 3.75,6.75,3.75,7.25
+ A 2,7.25,1.75,0,180
+-[9] 6
++[0039] 9
+ A -2,5.19615,6,300,0
+ L 4,5.19615,4,7
+ A 2,7,2,0,180
+@@ -135,28 +135,28 @@
+ A 2,6,2,180,270
+ L 2,4,3.879578,4
+-[:] 2
++[003a] :
+ L 0,0,0,0.5
+ L 0,4,0,3.5
+-[;] 3
++[003b] ;
+ L 1,0,0,-3
+ L 1,0,1,0.5
+ L 1,4,1,3.5
+-[<] 2
++[003c] <
+ L 4,7,0,3.5
+ L 0,3.5,4,0
+-[=] 2
++[003d] =
+ L 0,5.5,4,5.5
+ L 0,2.5,4,2.5
+-[>] 2
++[003e] >
+ L 0,7,4,3.5
+ L 4,3.5,0,0
+-[?] 9
++[003f] ?
+ L 2,0,2,0.5
+ L 2,3,2,3.39445
+ L 0,7,0,7.5
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
+ A 1.5,7.5,1.5,90,180
+ A 2.5,7.5,1.5,1.87147,90
+-[@] 11
++[0040] @
+ L 8,1,6.067566,0.28186
+ A 4.5,4.5,4.5,333.472015,290.386322
+ A 7.412354,2.943008,1.2,168.690186,337.880432
+@@ -180,12 +180,12 @@
+ L 6.321533,3.607756,7,7
+ L 5.049561,7,5.170288,7
+-[A] 3
++[0041] A
+ L 0,0,3,9
+ L 3,9,6,0
+ L 0.833313,2.5,5.166687,2.5
+-[B] 8
++[0042] B
+ L 0,0,0,9
+ L 0,9,2.5,9
+ A 2.5,7,2,270,90
+@@ -195,14 +195,14 @@
+ A 2.599976,2.4,2.4,270,0
+ L 2.599976,0,0,0
+-[C] 5
++[0043] C
+ L 4,9,2,9
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 0,7,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,270
+ L 2,0,4,0
+-[D] 6
++[0044] D
+ L 0,0,3,0
+ A 3,2,2,270,0
+ L 5,2,5,7
+@@ -210,18 +210,18 @@
+ L 3,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+-[E] 4
++[0045] E
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0,5,3,5
+-[F] 3
++[0046] F
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,5,4,5
+-[G] 7
++[0047] G
+ L 5,9,2,9
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 0,7,0,2
+@@ -230,40 +230,40 @@
+ L 5,0,5,5
+ L 5,5,3.5,5
+-[H] 3
++[0048] H
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 5,0,5,9
+ L 0,5,5,5
+-[I] 1
++[0049] I
+ L 0,9,0,0
+-[J] 3
++[004a] J
+ L 3,9,3,2
+ A 1,2,2,270,0
+ L 1,0,0,0
+-[K] 3
++[004b] K
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,3.5,5,9
+ L 1.671326,5.33844,5,0
+-[L] 2
++[004c] L
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+-[M] 4
++[004d] M
+ L 0,0,0,9
+ L 0,9,3,4
+ L 3,4,6,9
+ L 6,9,6,0
+-[N] 3
++[004e] N
+ L 0,0,0,9
+ L 0,9,5,0
+ L 5,0,5,9
+-[O] 8
++[004f] O
+ L 0,2,0,7
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 2,9,3,9
+@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
+ L 3,0,2,0
+ A 2,2,2,180,270
+-[P] 6
++[0050] P
+ L 0,0,0,9
+ L 0,9,3,9
+ A 3,7,2,0,90
+@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
+ A 3,6,2,270,0
+ L 3,4,0,4
+-[Q] 9
++[0051] Q
+ L 0,2,0,7
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 2,9,3,9
+@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
+ A 2,2,2,180,270
+ L 6,0,3,2
+-[R] 7
++[0052] R
+ L 0,0,0,9
+ L 0,9,3,9
+ A 3,7,2,0,90
+@@ -301,60 +301,60 @@
+ L 3,4,0,4
+ L 3,4,5,0
+-[S] 5
++[0053] S
+ A 2,2.375,6.625,63.074589,90
+ A 2,7,2,90,242.981201
+ L 1.091431,5.21829,3.908569,3.78171
+ A 3,2,2,270,62.98119
+ A 3,6.625,6.625,243.074585,270
+-[T] 2
++[0054] T
+ L 0,9,6,9
+ L 3,9,3,0
+-[U] 3
++[0055] U
+ L 0,9,0,2.5
+ A 2.5,2.5,2.5,180,0
+ L 5,2.5,5,9
+-[V] 2
++[0056] V
+ L 0,9,3,0
+ L 3,0,6,9
+-[W] 4
++[0057] W
+ L 0,9,2,0
+ L 2,0,4,6
+ L 4,6,6,0
+ L 6,0,8,9
+-[X] 2
++[0058] X
+ L 0,9,6,0
+ L 0,0,6,9
+-[Y] 3
++[0059] Y
+ L 0,9,3,5
+ L 3,5,3,0
+ L 3,5,6,9
+-[Z] 3
++[005a] Z
+ L 0,9,5,9
+ L 5,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,5,0
+-[[] 3
++[005b] [
+ L 1,-1,0,-1
+ L 0,-1,0,9
+ L 0,9,1,9
+-[\] 1
++[005c] \
+ L 0,9,4,0
+-[]] 3
++[005d] ]
+ L 0,9,1,9
+ L 1,9,1,-1
+ L 1,-1,0,-1
+-[a] 6
++[0061] a
+ L 0.5,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
+ L 1.5,3,4,3
+-[b] 6
++[0062] b
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,2.5,0
+ A 2.5,1.5,1.5,270,0
+@@ -370,14 +370,14 @@
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 2.5,6,0,6
+-[c] 5
++[0063] c
+ L 3,6,1.5,6
+ A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+ L 0,4.5,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,3,0
+-[d] 6
++[0064] d
+ L 4,9,4,0
+ L 4,0,1.5,0
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
+ A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+ L 1.5,6,4,6
+-[e] 6
++[0065] e
+ L 0,3,4,3
+ L 4,3,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+-[f] 4
++[0066] f
+ L 1,0,1,7.5
+ A 2.5,7.5,1.5,90,180
+ L 2.5,9,3,9
+ L 0,6,3,6
+-[g] 8
++[0067] g
+ L 0,-3,2.5,-3
+ A 2.5,-1.5,1.5,270,0
+ L 4,-1.5,4,6
+@@ -409,51 +409,51 @@
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+-[h] 4
++[0068] h
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+-[i] 2
++[0069] i
+ L 0,0,0,6
+ L 0,8.5,0,9
+-[j] 4
++[006a] j
+ L 0,-3,0.5,-3
+ A 0.5,-1.5,1.5,270,0
+ L 2,-1.5,2,6
+ L 2,8.5,2,9
+-[k] 3
++[006b] k
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,3.5,4,6
+ L 1.320923,4.32555,4,0
+-[l] 2
++[006c] l
+ L 0,9,0,1
+ A 1,1,1,180,270
+-[m] 5
++[006d] m
+ L 0,0,0,6
+ L 0,6,4.5,6
+ A 4.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 6,4.5,6,0
+ L 3,6,3,0
+-[n] 4
++[006e] n
+ L 0,0,0,6
+ L 0,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+-[o] 4
++[006f] o
+ L 0,4,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+ L 4,2,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+-[p] 6
++[0070] p
+ L 0,0,2.5,0
+ A 2.5,1.5,1.5,270,0
+ L 4,1.5,4,4.5
+@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
+ L 2.5,6,0,6
+ L 0,6,0,-3
+-[q] 6
++[0071] q
+ L 4,0,1.5,0
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 0,1.5,0,4.5
+@@ -469,54 +469,54 @@
+ L 1.5,6,4,6
+ L 4,6,4,-3
+-[r] 3
++[0072] r
+ L 0,0,0,6
+ L 0,6,2,6
+ A 2,5,1,0,90
+-[s] 5
++[0073] s
+ A 2.164185,1.82088,4.0573,63.09737,108.27552
+ A 1.268188,4.53406,1.2,108.274567,247.790543
+ L 0.814575,3.42309,3.185425,2.45509
+ A 2.731812,1.34412,1.19999,288.274933,67.791191
+ A 1.835815,4.05732,4.05732,243.097656,288.275513
+-[t] 2
++[0074] t
+ L 0,6,3,6
+ L 1,9,1,0
+-[u] 4
++[0075] u
+ L 0,6,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+ L 4,0,4,6
+-[v] 2
++[0076] v
+ L 0,6,2,0
+ L 2,0,4,6
+-[w] 4
++[0077] w
+ L 0,6,1.5,0
+ L 1.5,0,3,4
+ L 3,4,4.5,0
+ L 4.5,0,6,6
+-[x] 2
++[0078] x
+ L 0,6,4,0
+ L 0,0,4,6
+-[y] 4
++[0079] y
+ L 0,6,2,0
+ L 4,6,1.227905,-2.31623
+ A 0.279297,-2,1,270,341.565063
+ L 0.279297,-3,0,-3
+-[z] 3
++[007a] z
+ L 0,6,4,6
+ L 4,6,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+-[{] 6
++[007b] {
+ A 2,8,1,90,180
+ L 1,8,1,5
+ A 0,5,1,270,0
+@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
+ L 1,3,1,0
+ A 2,0,1,180,270
+-[}] 6
++[007d] }
+ A 0,8,1,0,90
+ L 1,8,1,5
+ A 2,5,1,180,270
+@@ -532,43 +532,16 @@
+ L 1,3,1,0
+ A 0,0,1,270,0
+-[#0104] 4
+-L 0,0,3,9
+-L 3,9,6,0
+-L 0.833313,2.5,5.166687,2.5
+-A 5.842222,-0.831208,0.84605,79.252124,297.569897
+-[¢] 1
++[00a2] ¢
+ A 3,12.083333,2.083333,196.260205,343.739795
+-[#0141] 3
+-L 0,3.5,2.5,5.5
+-L 1,9,1,0
+-L 1,0,5,0
+-[¤] 6
+-A 2,3,1,90,270
+-A 2,3,1,270,90
+-L 1.2,3.6,0,4.5
+-L 1.2,2.4,0,1.5
+-L 2.8,2.4,4,1.5
+-L 2.8,3.6,4,4.5
+-[¥] 4
++[00a5] ¥
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0.5,12,2,10
+ L 2,10,3.5,12
+-[#015A] 6
+-A 2,2.375,6.625,63.074589,90
+-A 2,7,2,90,242.981201
+-L 1.091431,5.21829,3.908569,3.78171
+-A 3,2,2,270,62.98119
+-A 3,6.625,6.625,243.074585,270
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
+-[§] 6
++[00a7] §
+ A 2,2.375,6.625,63.074589,90
+ A 2,7,2,90,242.981201
+ A 3,2,2,270,62.98119
+@@ -576,190 +549,97 @@
+ A 2.274781,4.058343,1.657038,350.389979,135.57225
+ A 2.725219,4.941657,1.657038,170.389979,315.57225
+-[¨] 2
++[0161] ¨
+ L 5,10.25,5,10.75
+ L 1,10.25,1,10.75
+-[#0160] 7
++[0160] ¦
+ A 2,2.375,6.625,63.074589,90
+ A 2,7,2,90,242.981201
+ L 1.091431,5.21829,3.908569,3.78171
+-A 3,2,2,270,62.98119
++A 3,2,2,270,62.98110
+ A 3,6.625,6.625,243.074585,270
+ L 1,12,2.5,10
+ L 2.5,10,4,12
+-[#015E] 6
+-A 2,2.375,6.625,63.074589,90
+-A 2,7,2,90,242.981201
+-L 1.091431,5.21829,3.908569,3.78171
+-A 3,2,2,270,62.98119
+-A 3,6.625,6.625,243.074585,270
+-A 3.157778,-0.831208,0.84605,242.430103,100.747876
+-[#0164] 4
+-L 0,9,6,9
+-L 3,9,3,0
+-L 1.5,12,3,10
+-L 3,10,4.5,12
+-[#0179] 4
+-L 0,9,5,9
+-L 5,9,0,0
+-L 0,0,5,0
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
+-[] 1
+-L 0,3,3.5,3
+-[#0170] 5
+-L 0,9,5,9
+-L 5,9,0,0
+-L 0,0,5,0
+-L 1,12,2.5,10
+-L 2.5,10,4,12
+-[#017B] 4
+-L 0,9,5,9
+-L 5,9,0,0
+-L 0,0,5,0
+-L 2.5,10,2.5,10.5
+-[°] 2
++[00b0] °
+ A 1,11,1,90,270
+ A 1,11,1,270,90
+-[#0105] 7
+-L 0.5,6,2.5,6
+-A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+-L 4,4.5,4,0
+-L 4,0,1.5,0
+-A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
+-L 1.5,3,4,3
+-A 3.842222,-0.831208,0.84605,79.252124,297.569897
+-[#0142] 3
+-L 0,3,2.5,5
+-L 1,9,1,1
+-A 2,1,1,180,270
+-[´] 1
++[017d] ´
+ L 0,10,2.5,12
+-[#013E] 4
+-L 0,12,1.5,10
+-L 1.5,10,3,12
+-L 1.5,9,1.5,1
+-A 2.5,1,1,180,270
+-[#015B] 6
+-A 2.164185,1.82088,4.0573,63.09737,108.27552
+-A 1.268188,4.53406,1.2,108.274567,247.790543
+-L 0.814575,3.42309,3.185425,2.45509
+-A 2.731812,1.34412,1.19999,288.274933,67.791191
+-A 1.835815,4.05732,4.05732,243.097656,288.275513
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
+-[·] 2
++[00b7] ·
+ L 0.5,11,2,9
+ L 2,9,3.5,11
+-[#0161] 7
+-A 2.164185,1.82088,4.0573,63.09737,108.27552
+-A 1.268188,4.53406,1.2,108.274567,247.790543
+-L 0.814575,3.42309,3.185425,2.45509
+-A 2.731812,1.34412,1.19999,288.274933,67.791191
+-A 1.835815,4.05732,4.05732,243.097656,288.275513
+-L 0.5,9,2,7
+-L 2,7,3.5,9
+-[#015F] 6
+-A 2.164185,1.82088,4.0573,63.09737,108.27552
+-A 1.268188,4.53406,1.2,108.274567,247.790543
+-L 0.814575,3.42309,3.185425,2.45509
+-A 2.731812,1.34412,1.19999,288.274933,67.791191
+-A 1.835815,4.05732,4.05732,243.097656,288.275513
+-A 2.157778,-0.831208,0.84605,242.430103,100.747876
+-[#0165] 4
+-L 0,6,3,6
+-L 1,9,1,0
+-L 0,12,1.5,10
+-L 1.5,10,3,12
+-[#017A] 4
+-L 0,6,4,6
+-L 4,6,0,0
+-L 0,0,4,0
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
+-[½] 2
+-L 3.5,10,6,12
+-L 1.5,10,4,12
++[0153] ½
++L 0,4,0,2
++A 2,2,2,180,0
++L 4,2,4,4
++A 2,4,2,0,180
++A 5.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
++A 6,4,2,0,180
++L 8,4,8,3
++L 8,3,4,3
++L 5.5,0,8,0
++L 4,1.5,4,2
+-[#017E] 5
++[017e] ¸
+ L 0,6,4,6
+ L 4,6,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0.5,9,2,7
+ L 2,7,3.5,9
+-[#017C] 4
+-L 0,6,4,6
+-L 4,6,0,0
+-L 0,0,4,0
+-L 2,9,2,8.5
+-[#0154] 8
+-L 0,0,0,9
+-L 0,9,3,9
+-A 3,7,2,0,90
+-L 5,7,5,6
+-A 3,6,2,270,0
+-L 3,4,0,4
+-L 3,4,5,0
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++[00c0] À
++L 0,0,3,9
++L 3,9,6,0
++L 0.833313,2.5,5.166687,2.5
++L 2,12,4.5,10
+-[#00C1] 4
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++[00c1] Á
+ L 0,0,3,9
+ L 3,9,6,0
+ L 0.833313,2.5,5.166687,2.5
++L 1.5,10,4,12
+-[#00C2] 5
++[00c2] Â
+ L 0,0,3,9
+ L 3,9,6,0
+ L 0.833313,2.5,5.166687,2.5
+ L 1.5,10,3,12
+ L 3,12,4.5,10
+-[#0102] 4
++[00c3] Ã
+ L 0,0,3,9
+ L 3,9,6,0
+ L 0.833313,2.5,5.166687,2.5
+-A 3,12.083333,2.083333,196.260205,343.739795
++A 2,9.95,1.45,46.397181,133.602819
++A 4,11.75,1.25,216.869898,323.130102
+-[#00C4] 5
++[00c4] Ä
+ L 0,0,3,9
+ L 3,9,6,0
+ L 0.833252,2.5,5.166748,2.5
+ L 5,10.25,5,10.75
+ L 1,10.25,1,10.75
+-[#0139] 3
+-L 0,9,0,0
+-L 0,0,4,0
+-L 1,10,3.5,12
++[00c5] Å
++L 0,0,3,9
++L 3,9,6,0
++L 0.833252,2.5,5.166748,2.5
++A 3,11,1,0,360
+-[#0106] 6
+-L 4,9,2,9
+-A 2,7,2,90,180
+-L 0,7,0,2
+-A 2,2,2,180,270
+-L 2,0,4,0
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++[00c6] Æ
++L 0,0,3,9
++L 4,9,4,0
++L 0.833252,2.5,4,2.5
++L 3,9,8,9
++L 7,5,4,5
++L 8,0,4,0
+-[#00C7] 6
++[00c7] Ç
+ L 4,9,2,9
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 0,7,0,2
+@@ -767,88 +647,73 @@
+ L 2,0,4,0
+ A 2.657778,-0.831208,0.84605,242.430103,100.747876
+-[#010C] 7
+-L 4,9,2,9
+-A 2,7,2,90,180
+-L 0,7,0,2
+-A 2,2,2,180,270
+-L 2,0,4,0
+-L 0.5,12,2,10
+-L 2,10,3.5,12
+-[#00C9] 5
++[00c9] É
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0,5,3,5
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++L 1,10,3.5,12
+-[#0118] 5
++[00c8] È
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0,5,3,5
+-A 3.842222,-0.831208,0.84605,79.252124,297.569897
++L 1,12,3.5,10
+-[#00CB] 6
++[00ca] Ê
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0,5,3,5
+-L 0.5,10.25,0.5,10.75
+-L 3.5,10.25,3.5,10.75
++L 0.5,10,2,12
++L 2,12,3.5,10
+-[#011A] 6
++[00cb] Ë
+ L 4,9,0,9
+ L 0,9,0,0
+ L 0,0,4,0
+ L 0,5,3,5
+-L 0.5,12,2,10
+-L 2,10,3.5,12
++L 0.5,10.25,0.5,10.75
++L 3.5,10.25,3.5,10.75
+-[#013A] 2
+-L 0,9,0,0
+-L 0,10,2.5,12
++[00cc] Ì
++L 1.5,9,1.5,0
++L 1,12,2.5,10
++[00cd] Í
++L 1.5,9,1.5,0
++L 0.75,10,2.25,12
+-[#00CE] 3
++[00ce] Î
+ L 0,10,1.5,12
+ L 1.5,12,3,10
+ L 1.5,9,1.5,0
+-[#010E] 8
+-L 0,0,3,0
+-A 3,2,2,270,0
+-L 5,2,5,7
+-A 3,7,2,0,90
+-L 3,9,0,9
+-L 0,9,0,0
+-L 0.5,12,2,10
+-L 2,10,3.5,12
+-[#0110] 7
+-L 1,0,4,0
+-A 4,2,2,270,0
+-L 6,2,6,7
+-A 4,7,2,0,90
+-L 4,9,1,9
+-L 1,9,1,0
+-L 0,4.5,2.5,4.5
++[00cf] Ï
++L 1.5,9,1.5,0
++L 0.5,10.25,0.5,10.75
++L 2.5,10.25,2.5,10.75
+-[#0143] 4
++[00d1] Ñ
+ L 0,0,0,9
+ L 0,9,5,0
+ L 5,0,5,9
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++A 1.5,9.95,1.45,46.397181,133.602819
++A 3.5,12.05,1.45,226.397181,313.602819
+-[#0147] 5
+-L 0,0,0,9
+-L 0,9,5,0
+-L 5,0,5,9
+-L 1,12,2.5,10
+-L 2.5,10,4,12
++[00d2] Ò
++L 0,2,0,7
++A 2,7,2,90,180
++L 2,9,3,9
++A 3,7,2,0,90
++L 5,7,5,2
++A 3,2,2,270,0
++L 3,0,2,0
++A 2,2,2,180,270
++L 1.5,12,4,10
+-[#00D3] 9
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++[00d3] Ó
+ L 0,2,0,7
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 2,9,3,9
+@@ -857,8 +722,9 @@
+ A 3,2,2,270,0
+ L 3,0,2,0
+ A 2,2,2,180,270
++L 1,10,3.5,12
+-[#00D4] 10
++[00d4] Ô
+ L 0,2,0,7
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 2,9,3,9
+@@ -870,7 +736,7 @@
+ L 1,10,2.5,12
+ L 2.5,12,4,10
+-[#0150] 10
++[00d5] Õ
+ L 0,2,0,7
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 2,9,3,9
+@@ -879,10 +745,10 @@
+ A 3,2,2,270,0
+ L 3,0,2,0
+ A 2,2,2,180,270
+-L 3.5,10,6,12
+-L 1.5,10,4,12
++A 1.5,9.95,1.45,46.397181,133.602819
++A 3.55,12.175,1.575793,228.215484,311.784516
+-[#00D6] 10
++[00d6] Ö
+ L 0,2,0,7
+ A 2,7,2,90,180
+ L 2,9,3,9
+@@ -894,86 +760,61 @@
+ L 1,10.25,1,10.75
+ L 4,10.25,4,10.75
+-[×] 2
++[00d7] ×
+ L 0.066298,4.160725,2.732965,1.494059
+ L 2.732965,4.160725,0.066298,1.494059
+-[#0158] 9
+-L 0,0,0,9
+-L 0,9,3,9
+-A 3,7,2,0,90
+-L 5,7,5,6
+-A 3,6,2,270,0
+-L 3,4,0,4
+-L 3,4,5,0
+-L 0.5,12,2,10
+-L 2,10,3.5,12
+-[#016E] 5
++[00d9] Ù
+ L 0,9,0,2.5
+ A 2.5,2.5,2.5,180,0
+ L 5,2.5,5,9
+-A 2.5,11,1,90,270
+-A 2.5,11,1,270,90
++L 1.5,12,4,10
+-[#00DA] 4
++[00da] Ú
+ L 0,9,0,2.5
+ A 2.5,2.5,2.5,180,0
+ L 5,2.5,5,9
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++L 1,10,3.5,12
+-[#0170] 5
++[00db] Û
+ L 0,9,0,2.5
+ A 2.5,2.5,2.5,180,0
+ L 5,2.5,5,9
+-L 3.5,10,6,12
+-L 1.5,10,4,12
++L 1,10,2.5,12
++L 2.5,12,4,10
+-[#00DC] 5
++[00dc] Ü
+ L 0,9,0,2.5
+ A 2.5,2.5,2.5,180,0
+ L 5,2.5,5,9
+ L 1,10.25,1,10.75
+ L 4,10.25,4,10.75
+-[#00DD] 4
++[00dd] Ý
+ L 0,9,3,5
+ L 3,5,3,0
+ L 3,5,6,9
+-L 2.5,10,5,12
++L 2,10,4.5,12
+-[#0162] 3
+-L 0,9,6,9
+-L 3,9,3,0
+-A 3.157778,-0.831208,0.84605,242.430103,100.747876
+-[#00D7] 9
+-A 2.5,7,2,270,90
+-A 2.599976,2.6,2.4,0,90
+-L 5,2.6,5,2.4
+-A 2.599976,2.4,2.4,270,0
+-L 1,5,2.599976,5
+-A 2,7,2,90,180
+-L 2,9,2.5,9
+-L 0,0,0,7
+-L 2.599976,0,1,0
+-[#0155] 4
+-L 0,0,0,6
+-L 0,6,2,6
+-A 2,5,1,0,90
+-L 1.5,7,4,9
++[00e0] à
++L 0.5,6,2.5,6
++A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
++L 4,4.5,4,0
++L 4,0,1.5,0
++A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
++L 1.5,3,4,3
++L 1,9,3.5,7
+-[#00E1] 7
++[00e1] á
+ L 0.5,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+ L 4,0,1.5,0
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
+ L 1.5,3,4,3
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
++L 1,7,3.5,9
+-[#00E2] 8
++[00e2] â
+ L 0.5,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+@@ -983,16 +824,17 @@
+ L 0.5,7,2,9
+ L 2,9,3.5,7
+-[#0103] 7
++[00e3] ã
+ L 0.5,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+ L 4,0,1.5,0
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
+ L 1.5,3,4,3
+-A 2,9.583333,2.083333,196.260205,343.739795
++AR 1.5,7.033333,0.966667,136.397181,43.602819
++A 2.9,8.366667,0.966667,223.602819,316.397181
+-[#00E4] 8
++[00e4] ä
+ L 0.5,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+@@ -1002,20 +844,29 @@
+ L 1,9,1,8.5
+ L 3,9,3,8.5
+-[#013A] 3
+-L 0,10,2.5,12
+-L 1,9,1,1
+-A 2,1,1,180,270
++[00e5] å
++L 0.5,6,2.5,6
++A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
++L 4,4.5,4,0
++L 4,0,1.5,0
++A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
++L 1.5,3,4,3
++A 2,8,1,0,360
+-[#0107] 6
+-L 3,6,1.5,6
+-A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+-L 0,4.5,0,1.5
+-A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+-L 1.5,0,3,0
+-L 1.5,7,4,9
++[00e6] æ
++L 0.5,6,2.5,6
++A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
++L 4,4.5,4,0
++L 4,0,1.5,0
++A 1.5,1.5,1.5,90,270
++L 1.5,3,4,3
++A 6,4,2,0,180
++A 5.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
++L 4,3,8,3
++L 5.5,0,8,0
++L 8,3,8,4
+-[#00E7] 6
++[00e7] ç
+ L 3,6,1.5,6
+ A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+ L 0,4.5,0,1.5
+@@ -1023,104 +874,85 @@
+ L 1.5,0,3,0
+ A 2.157778,-0.831208,0.84605,242.430103,100.747876
+-[#010D] 7
+-L 3,6,1.5,6
+-A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+-L 0,4.5,0,1.5
+-A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+-L 1.5,0,3,0
+-L 0,9,1.5,7
+-L 1.5,7,3,9
+-[#00E9] 7
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
++[00e8] è
+ L 0,3,4,3
+ L 4,3,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+ L 0,4,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
++L 1,9,3.5,7
+-[#0119] 7
++[00e9] é
+ L 0,3,4,3
+ L 4,3,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+ L 0,4,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+-A 3.842222,-0.831208,0.84605,79.252124,297.569897
++L 1,7,3.5,9
+-[#00EB] 8
++[00ea] ê
+ L 0,3,4,3
+ L 4,3,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+ L 0,4,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+-L 1,9,1,8.5
+-L 3,9,3,8.5
++L 0.5,7,2,9
++L 2,9,3.5,7
+-[#011B] 8
++[00eb] ë
+ L 0,3,4,3
+ L 4,3,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+ L 0,4,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+-L 0.5,9,2,7
+-L 2,7,3.5,9
++L 1,9,1,8.5
++L 3,9,3,8.5
+-[#00ED] 2
+-L 0,7,2.5,9
++[00ec] ì
+ L 0.5,0,0.5,6
++L -0.5,9,2,7
+-[#00EE] 3
++[00ed] í
++L 0.5,0,0.5,6
++L -0.5,7,2,9
++[00ee] î
+ L 0,7,1.5,9
+ L 1.5,9,3,7
+ L 1.5,0,1.5,6
+-[#010F] 8
+-L 4,9,4,0
+-L 4,0,1.5,0
+-A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+-L 0,1.5,0,4.5
+-A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+-L 1.5,6,4,6
+-L 0.5,12,2,10
+-L 2,10,3.5,12
+-[#0111] 7
+-L 4,9,4,0
+-L 4,0,1.5,0
+-A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+-L 0,1.5,0,4.5
+-A 1.5,4.5,1.5,90,180
+-L 1.5,6,4,6
+-L 3,7.5,5,7.5
++[00ef] ï
++L 1.5,0,1.5,6
++L 0.5,9,0.5,8.5
++L 2.5,9,2.5,8.5
+-[#0144] 5
++[00f1] ñ
+ L 0,0,0,6
+ L 0,6,2.5,6
+ A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+ L 4,4.5,4,0
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
++A 2.7,8.366670,0.966667,223.603,316.397
++AR 1.3,7.033330,0.966667,136.397,43.602800
+-[#0148] 6
+-L 0,0,0,6
+-L 0,6,2.5,6
+-A 2.5,4.5,1.5,0,90
+-L 4,4.5,4,0
+-L 0.5,9,2,7
+-L 2,7,3.5,9
++[00f2] ò
++L 0,4,0,2
++A 2,2,2,180,0
++L 4,2,4,4
++A 2,4,2,0,180
++L 1,9,3.5,7
+-[#00F3] 5
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
++[00f3] ó
+ L 0,4,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+ L 4,2,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
++L 1,7,3.5,9
+-[#00F4] 6
++[00f4] ô
+ L 0,4,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+ L 4,2,4,4
+@@ -1128,15 +960,15 @@
+ L 0.5,7,2,9
+ L 2,9,3.5,7
+-[#0151] 6
++[00f5] õ
+ L 0,4,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+ L 4,2,4,4
+ A 2,4,2,0,180
+-L 1,7,3.5,9
+-L 3,7,5.5,9
++A 1.3,7.333330,0.966667,43.602800,136.397
++A 2.7,8.666670,0.966667,223.603,316.397
+-[#00F6] 6
++[00f6] ö
+ L 0,4,0,2
+ A 2,2,2,180,0
+ L 4,2,4,4
+@@ -1144,37 +976,29 @@
+ L 1,9,1,8.5
+ L 3,9,3,8.5
+-[#0159] 5
+-L 0,0,0,6
+-L 0,6,2,6
+-A 2,5,1,0,90
+-L 0,9,1.5,7
+-L 1.5,7,3,9
+-[#016F] 6
++[00f9] ù
+ L 0,6,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+ L 4,0,4,6
+-A 2,8,1,90,270
+-A 2,8,1,270,90
++L 1,9,3.5,7
+-[#00FA] 5
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
++[00fa] ú
+ L 0,6,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+ L 4,0,4,6
++L 1,7,3.5,9
+-[#0171] 6
++[00fb] û
+ L 0,6,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+ L 4,0,4,6
+-L 1,7,3.5,9
+-L 3,7,5.5,9
++L 0.5,7,2,9
++L 2,9,3.5,7
+-[#00FC] 6
++[00fc] ü
+ L 0,6,0,1.5
+ A 1.5,1.5,1.5,180,270
+ L 1.5,0,4,0
+@@ -1182,16 +1006,19 @@
+ L 1,9,1,8.5
+ L 3,9,3,8.5
+-[#00FD] 5
++[00fd] ý
+ L 0,6,2,0
+-L 4,6,1.227905,-2.31623
++L 4,6,1.227905,-2.316230
+ A 0.279297,-2,1,270,341.565063
+ L 0.279297,-3,0,-3
+-L 2.5,7,5,9
++L 1,7,3.5,9
+-[#0163] 3
+-L 0,6,3,6
+-L 1,9,1,0
+-A 1.157778,-0.831208,0.84605,242.430103,100.747876
++[00ff] ÿ
++L 0,6,2,0
++L 4,6,1.227905,-2.316230
++A 0.279297,-2,1,270,341.565063
++L 0.279297,-3,0,-3
++L 1,9,1,8.5
++L 3,9,3,8.5
+ #EOF
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03b0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# autosave.patch
2D CAD system
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