r44176 - /packages/code-aster/astk/trunk/debian/patches/debian-install.patch

trophime-guest at users.alioth.debian.org trophime-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 15 16:48:38 UTC 2011

Author: trophime-guest
Date: Thu Dec 15 16:48:37 2011
New Revision: 44176

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/?sc=1&rev=44176
some fix to get aster compile


Modified: packages/code-aster/astk/trunk/debian/patches/debian-install.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/code-aster/astk/trunk/debian/patches/debian-install.patch?rev=44176&op=diff
--- packages/code-aster/astk/trunk/debian/patches/debian-install.patch (original)
+++ packages/code-aster/astk/trunk/debian/patches/debian-install.patch Thu Dec 15 16:48:37 2011
@@ -1,26 +1,139 @@
 Index: astk-1.10.0/ASTK_SERV/asrun/maintenance.py
---- astk-1.10.0.orig/ASTK_SERV/asrun/maintenance.py	2011-12-13 15:32:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ astk-1.10.0/ASTK_SERV/asrun/maintenance.py	2011-12-13 15:51:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -869,11 +869,14 @@
+--- astk-1.10.0.orig/ASTK_SERV/asrun/maintenance.py	2011-12-15 17:16:14.000000000 +0100
++++ astk-1.10.0/ASTK_SERV/asrun/maintenance.py	2011-12-15 17:40:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -768,13 +768,19 @@
+                 subject = subject)
+     elif target == 'clean':
++        destdir = run.get('destdir')
++	if not destdir :
++	    destdir = REPREF
++	else :
++	    destdir = destdir + REPREF
++        run.Mess(_(u'cleaning : %s') % destdir, 'TITLE')
+         if len(param) == 0:
+             l_clean = ['BIN_NODBG', 'BIN_DBG', 'BINCMDE', 'BINELE', 'BINPICKLED',
+             for key in l_clean:
+-                ficrep = os.path.join(REPREF, conf[key][0])
++                ficrep = os.path.join(destdir, conf[key][0])
+                 if conf[key][0] != '':
+                     run.Delete(ficrep, verbose=True)
+                 remove_empty_dirs(REPREF)
+@@ -783,7 +789,7 @@
+                 # source files
+                 lf = []
+                 for ext in ('*.c', '*.f', '*.F'):
+-                    lf.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(REPREF, dsrc, ext)))
++                    lf.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(destdir, dsrc, ext)))
+                 # object files
+                 lo = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]+'.o' for f in lf]
+                 for dobj in ('BINOBJ_NODBG', 'BINOBJ_DBG'):
+@@ -821,6 +827,8 @@
+     debug_mode = [mod for mod in conf['MAKE'][0].split() if mod in ('debug', 'nodebug')]
+     if not destdir:
+         destdir = REPREF
++    else :
++        destdir = destdir+REPREF
+     # ----- Initialize MPI_INFO object
+     mpi_info = MPI_INFO(conf.get_defines())
+@@ -869,11 +877,14 @@
          if run.IsDir(libferm):
              libferm = os.path.join(libaster, 'ferm.lib')
          run.Mess(_(u'Start build in %s mode') % mode, 'TITLE')
-+        #run.Mess(_(u'destdir = %s') % destdir, 'TITLE')
-+        #run.Mess(_(u'REPPREF = %s') % REPREF, 'TITLE')
++        run.Mess(_(u'destdir = %s') % destdir, 'TITLE')
++        run.Mess(_(u'REPPREF = %s') % REPREF, 'TITLE')
          # 1.2. compile updated files
          tit = _(u'Compilation in %s mode') % mode
-         kret = build.CompilAster(REPREF, dbg=mode)
-+	 #kret = build.CompilAster(destdir, dbg=mode)
+-        kret = build.CompilAster(REPREF, dbg=mode)
++	#kret = build.CompilAster(REPREF, dbg=mode)
++	kret = build.CompilAster(destdir, dbg=mode)
+@@ -881,13 +892,13 @@
+         # 1.3.1. obj or dbg
+         tit = _(u'Add object files to library')
+         run.timer.Start(tit)
+-        kret = build.Archive(repobj=os.path.join(REPREF, DbgPara[mode]['suff']),
++        kret = build.Archive(repobj=os.path.join(destdir, DbgPara[mode]['suff']),
+                 lib=libaster)
+         run.CheckOK()
+         # 1.3.2. obj_f or dbg_f
+         kret = build.Archive(
+-                repobj=os.path.join(REPREF, DbgPara[mode]['suffer']),
++                repobj=os.path.join(destdir, DbgPara[mode]['suffer']),
+                 lib=libferm)
+         run.CheckOK()
+         run.timer.Stop(tit)
+@@ -906,7 +917,10 @@
+         # - required Python modules are present
+         tit = _(u'Test executables')
+         run.timer.Start(tit)
+-        cmd = exec_name + ' -c '
++	if not destdir :
++            cmd = exec_name + ' -c '
++	else :
++	    cmd = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH='+ destdir + 'lib ' + exec_name + ' -c '
+         cpyt = ['import traceback']
+         cmd_import = """
+ print '%(cmd)s :',
+@@ -943,7 +957,7 @@
+         kargs['exe'] = os.path.join(destdir, DbgPara['debug']['exe'])
+     tit = _(u'Compilation of commands catalogue')
+     run.timer.Start(tit)
+-    kret = build.CompilCapy(REPREF, reptrav, i18n=True, **kargs)
++    kret = build.CompilCapy(destdir, reptrav, i18n=True, **kargs)
+     run.timer.Stop(tit)
+     run.CheckOK()
+@@ -954,24 +968,17 @@
+     })
+     tit = _(u'Make pickled of elements')
+     run.timer.Start(tit)
+-    kret = build.MakePickled(REPREF, reptrav, repdest=destdir, **kargs)
++    kret = build.MakePickled(destdir, reptrav, repdest=destdir, **kargs)
+     run.timer.Stop(tit)
+     run.CheckOK()
+     tit = _(u'Elements compilation')
+     run.timer.Start(tit)
+-    kret = build.CompilEle(REPREF, reptrav, **kargs)
++    kret = build.CompilEle(destdir, reptrav, **kargs)
+     run.timer.Stop(tit)
+     run.CheckOK()
+     # 4. ----- copy of auxiliary files
+-    if os.path.abspath(destdir) != os.path.abspath(REPREF):
+-        lsrc = [os.path.join(REPREF, fsrc) for fsrc in [conf['SRCPY'][0], conf.get_filename()]]
+-        run.Copy(destdir, *lsrc)
+-        #XXX only works if the files are in REPREF
+-        lsrc = [os.path.join(REPREF, fsrc) for fsrc in conf['ENV_SH'] \
+-                if fsrc == os.path.basename(fsrc)]
+-        run.Copy(destdir, *lsrc)
+     # 9. ----- end
+     run.Mess(_(u'Code_Aster has been successfully built'), 'OK')
+@@ -1173,7 +1180,7 @@
+     run.Mess(_(u'Apply unigest directives'), 'TITLE')
+     lardv = []
+     for f in lunig:
+-        run.Delete(os.path.join(REPREF, f), verbose=True)
++        run.Delete(os.path.join(destdir, f), verbose=True)
+         if re.search('^'+conf['SRCC'][0]+'/' + \
+                         '|^'+conf['SRCFOR'][0]+'/' + \
+                         '|^'+conf['SRCF90'][0]+'/', f):
 Index: astk-1.10.0/setup.py
---- astk-1.10.0.orig/setup.py	2011-12-13 15:32:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ astk-1.10.0/setup.py	2011-12-13 15:51:27.000000000 +0100
+--- astk-1.10.0.orig/setup.py	2011-12-15 17:16:14.000000000 +0100
++++ astk-1.10.0/setup.py	2011-12-15 17:26:37.000000000 +0100
 @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
      data_files.extend(build_data_files(osp.join(confdir, "astkrc"), 'ASTK_CLIENT/etc/astkrc'))
      data_files.extend(build_data_files('lib/astk', 'ASTK_CLIENT/lib'))
@@ -32,9 +145,9 @@
 Index: astk-1.10.0/ASTK_SERV/asrun/installation.py
---- astk-1.10.0.orig/ASTK_SERV/asrun/installation.py	2011-06-15 17:36:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ astk-1.10.0/ASTK_SERV/asrun/installation.py	2011-12-13 15:52:19.000000000 +0100
-@@ -18,11 +18,8 @@
+--- astk-1.10.0.orig/ASTK_SERV/asrun/installation.py	2011-12-15 17:16:14.000000000 +0100
++++ astk-1.10.0/ASTK_SERV/asrun/installation.py	2011-12-15 17:40:33.000000000 +0100
+@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@
  # directory for configuration files (profile.sh, config)
  # alternative to /etc/code_aster for non-root install
@@ -42,9 +155,7 @@
 -if aster_root == '/usr':
 -    prefix = '/'
 -confdir = osp.join(prefix, 'etc', 'codeaster')
 +confdir = os.path.join('/etc', 'codeaster')
  # confdir contains plugins directory
  if confdir not in sys.path:
-     sys.path.append(confdir)

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