[SCM] Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. branch, master, updated. upstream/2.5.1_beta1_svn9373_dfsg-41-g53a12be

Anton Gladky gladky.anton at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 20:29:02 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 41822d3a2b110565f2251f43a26d9c3f710c588d
Author: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 6 20:07:12 2011 +0200

    Disable gl2ps more nicely.

diff --git a/debian/patches/delete_gl2ps_from_source.patch b/debian/patches/delete_gl2ps_from_source.patch
index a65cfda..40ea3bc 100644
--- a/debian/patches/delete_gl2ps_from_source.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/delete_gl2ps_from_source.patch
@@ -1,6243 +1,6 @@
 Description: delete gl2ps.* and use packaged version.
 Author: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton at gmail.com>
---- a/Graphics/gl2ps.cpp
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,6031 +0,0 @@
-- * GL2PS, an OpenGL to PostScript Printing Library
-- * Copyright (C) 1999-2009 C. Geuzaine
-- *
-- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- * modify it under the terms of either:
-- *
-- * a) the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-- * Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-- * option) any later version; or
-- *
-- * b) the GL2PS License as published by Christophe Geuzaine, either
-- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- *
-- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- * the GNU Library General Public License or the GL2PS License for
-- * more details.
-- *
-- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-- * License along with this library in the file named "COPYING.LGPL";
-- * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,
-- * Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-- *
-- * You should have received a copy of the GL2PS License with this
-- * library in the file named "COPYING.GL2PS"; if not, I will be glad
-- * to provide one.
-- *
-- * For the latest info about gl2ps and a full list of contributors,
-- * see http://www.geuz.org/gl2ps/.
-- *
-- * Please report all bugs and problems to <gl2ps at geuz.org>.
-- */
--#include "gl2ps.h"
--#include <math.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <sys/types.h>
--#include <stdarg.h>
--#include <time.h>
--#include <float.h>
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--#include <zlib.h>
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_LIBPNG)
--#include <png.h>
-- *
-- * Private definitions, data structures and prototypes
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--/* Magic numbers (assuming that the order of magnitude of window
--   coordinates is 10^3) */
--#define GL2PS_EPSILON       5.0e-3F
--#define GL2PS_ZSCALE        1000.0F
--#define GL2PS_ZOFFSET       5.0e-2F
--#define GL2PS_ZOFFSET_LARGE 20.0F
--#define GL2PS_ZERO(arg)     (fabs(arg) < 1.e-20)
--/* Primitive types */
--#define GL2PS_NO_TYPE          -1
--#define GL2PS_TEXT             1
--#define GL2PS_POINT            2
--#define GL2PS_LINE             3
--#define GL2PS_QUADRANGLE       4
--#define GL2PS_TRIANGLE         5
--#define GL2PS_PIXMAP           6
--#define GL2PS_IMAGEMAP         7
--#define GL2PS_SPECIAL          10
--/* BSP tree primitive comparison */
--#define GL2PS_COINCIDENT  1
--#define GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF 2
--#define GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF  3
--#define GL2PS_SPANNING    4
--/* 2D BSP tree primitive comparison */
--#define GL2PS_POINT_INFRONT    1
--#define GL2PS_POINT_BACK       2
--/* Internal feedback buffer pass-through tokens */
--#define GL2PS_END_OFFSET_TOKEN     2
--#define GL2PS_END_STIPPLE_TOKEN    6
--#define GL2PS_POINT_SIZE_TOKEN     7
--#define GL2PS_LINE_WIDTH_TOKEN     8
--#define GL2PS_BEGIN_BLEND_TOKEN    9
--#define GL2PS_END_BLEND_TOKEN      10
--#define GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN      11
--#define GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN      12
--#define GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_TOKEN       13
--#define GL2PS_DRAW_PIXELS_TOKEN    14
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN           15
--typedef enum {
--  T_UNDEFINED    = -1,
--  T_CONST_COLOR  = 1,
--  T_VAR_COLOR    = 1<<1,
--  T_ALPHA_1      = 1<<2,
--  T_ALPHA_LESS_1 = 1<<3,
--  T_VAR_ALPHA    = 1<<4
--typedef GLfloat GL2PSxyz[3];
--typedef GLfloat GL2PSplane[4];
--typedef struct _GL2PSbsptree2d GL2PSbsptree2d;
--struct _GL2PSbsptree2d {
--  GL2PSplane plane;
--  GL2PSbsptree2d *front, *back;
--typedef struct {
--  GLint nmax, size, incr, n;
--  char *array;
--} GL2PSlist;
--typedef struct _GL2PSbsptree GL2PSbsptree;
--struct _GL2PSbsptree {
--  GL2PSplane plane;
--  GL2PSlist *primitives;
--  GL2PSbsptree *front, *back;
--typedef struct {
--  GL2PSxyz xyz;
--  GL2PSrgba rgba;
--} GL2PSvertex;
--typedef struct {
--  GL2PSvertex vertex[3];
--  int prop;
--} GL2PStriangle;
--typedef struct {
--  GLshort fontsize;
--  char *str, *fontname;
--  /* Note: for a 'special' string, 'alignment' holds the format
--     (PostScript, PDF, etc.) of the special string */
--  GLint alignment;
--  GLfloat angle;
--} GL2PSstring;
--typedef struct {
--  GLsizei width, height;
--  /* Note: for an imagemap, 'type' indicates if it has already been
--     written to the file or not, and 'format' indicates if it is
--     visible or not */
--  GLenum format, type;
--  GLfloat *pixels;
--} GL2PSimage;
--typedef struct _GL2PSimagemap GL2PSimagemap;
--struct _GL2PSimagemap {
--  GL2PSimage *image;
--  GL2PSimagemap *next;
--typedef struct {
--  GLshort type, numverts;
--  GLushort pattern;
--  char boundary, offset, culled;
--  GLint factor;
--  GLfloat width;
--  GL2PSvertex *verts;
--  union {
--    GL2PSstring *text;
--    GL2PSimage *image;
--  } data;
--} GL2PSprimitive;
--typedef struct {
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  Bytef *dest, *src, *start;
--  uLongf destLen, srcLen;
--  int dummy;
--} GL2PScompress;
--typedef struct{
--  GL2PSlist* ptrlist;
--  int gsno, fontno, imno, shno, maskshno, trgroupno;
--  int gsobjno, fontobjno, imobjno, shobjno, maskshobjno, trgroupobjno;
--} GL2PSpdfgroup;
--typedef struct {
--  /* General */
--  GLint format, sort, options, colorsize, colormode, buffersize;
--  char *title, *producer, *filename;
--  GLboolean boundary, blending;
--  GLfloat *feedback, offset[2], lastlinewidth;
--  GLint viewport[4], blendfunc[2], lastfactor;
--  GL2PSrgba *colormap, lastrgba, threshold, bgcolor;
--  GLushort lastpattern;
--  GL2PSvertex lastvertex;
--  GL2PSlist *primitives, *auxprimitives;
--  FILE *stream;
--  GL2PScompress *compress;
--  GLboolean header;
--  /* BSP-specific */
--  GLint maxbestroot;
--  /* Occlusion culling-specific */
--  GLboolean zerosurfacearea;
--  GL2PSbsptree2d *imagetree;
--  GL2PSprimitive *primitivetoadd;
--  /* PDF-specific */
--  int streamlength;
--  GL2PSlist *pdfprimlist, *pdfgrouplist;
--  int *xreflist;
--  int objects_stack; /* available objects */
--  int extgs_stack; /* graphics state object number */
--  int font_stack; /* font object number */
--  int im_stack; /* image object number */
--  int trgroupobjects_stack; /* xobject numbers */
--  int shader_stack; /* shader object numbers */
--  int mshader_stack; /* mask shader object numbers */
--  /* for image map list */
--  GL2PSimagemap *imagemap_head;
--  GL2PSimagemap *imagemap_tail;
--} GL2PScontext;
--typedef struct {
--  void  (*printHeader)(void);
--  void  (*printFooter)(void);
--  void  (*beginViewport)(GLint viewport[4]);
--  GLint (*endViewport)(void);
--  void  (*printPrimitive)(void *data);
--  void  (*printFinalPrimitive)(void);
--  const char *file_extension;
--  const char *description;
--} GL2PSbackend;
--/* The gl2ps context. gl2ps is not thread safe (we should create a
--   local GL2PScontext during gl2psBeginPage) */
--static GL2PScontext *gl2ps = NULL;
--/* Need to forward-declare this one */
--static GLint gl2psPrintPrimitives(void);
-- *
-- * Utility routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static void gl2psMsg(GLint level, const char *fmt, ...)
--  va_list args;
--  if(!(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_SILENT)){
--    switch(level){
--    case GL2PS_INFO : fprintf(stderr, "GL2PS info: "); break;
--    case GL2PS_WARNING : fprintf(stderr, "GL2PS warning: "); break;
--    case GL2PS_ERROR : fprintf(stderr, "GL2PS error: "); break;
--    }
--    va_start(args, fmt);
--    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); 
--    va_end(args);
--    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
--  }
--  /* if(level == GL2PS_ERROR) exit(1); */
--static void *gl2psMalloc(size_t size)
--  void *ptr;
--  if(!size) return NULL;
--  ptr = malloc(size);
--  if(!ptr){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate requested memory");
--    return NULL;
--  }
--  return ptr;
--static void *gl2psRealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
--  if(!size) return NULL;
--  ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
--  if(!ptr){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Couldn't reallocate requested memory");
--    return NULL;
--  }
--  return ptr;
--static void gl2psFree(void *ptr)
--  if(!ptr) return;
--  free(ptr);
--static size_t gl2psWriteBigEndian(unsigned long data, size_t bytes)
--  size_t i;
--  size_t size = sizeof(unsigned long);
--  for(i = 1; i <= bytes; ++i){
--    fputc(0xff & (data >> (size-i) * 8), gl2ps->stream);
--  }
--  return bytes;
--/* zlib compression helper routines */
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--static void gl2psSetupCompress(void)
--  gl2ps->compress = (GL2PScompress*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PScompress));
--  gl2ps->compress->src = NULL;
--  gl2ps->compress->start = NULL;
--  gl2ps->compress->dest = NULL;
--  gl2ps->compress->srcLen = 0;
--  gl2ps->compress->destLen = 0;
--static void gl2psFreeCompress(void)
--  if(!gl2ps->compress)
--    return;
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->compress->start);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->compress->dest);
--  gl2ps->compress->src = NULL;
--  gl2ps->compress->start = NULL;
--  gl2ps->compress->dest = NULL;
--  gl2ps->compress->srcLen = 0;
--  gl2ps->compress->destLen = 0;
--static int gl2psAllocCompress(unsigned int srcsize)
--  gl2psFreeCompress();
--  if(!gl2ps->compress || !srcsize)
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  gl2ps->compress->srcLen = srcsize;
--  gl2ps->compress->destLen = (int)ceil(1.001 * gl2ps->compress->srcLen + 12);
--  gl2ps->compress->src = (Bytef*)gl2psMalloc(gl2ps->compress->srcLen);
--  gl2ps->compress->start = gl2ps->compress->src;
--  gl2ps->compress->dest = (Bytef*)gl2psMalloc(gl2ps->compress->destLen);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--static void *gl2psReallocCompress(unsigned int srcsize)
--  if(!gl2ps->compress || !srcsize)
--    return NULL;
--  if(srcsize < gl2ps->compress->srcLen)
--    return gl2ps->compress->start;
--  gl2ps->compress->srcLen = srcsize;
--  gl2ps->compress->destLen = (int)ceil(1.001 * gl2ps->compress->srcLen + 12);
--  gl2ps->compress->src = (Bytef*)gl2psRealloc(gl2ps->compress->src, 
--                                              gl2ps->compress->srcLen);
--  gl2ps->compress->start = gl2ps->compress->src;
--  gl2ps->compress->dest = (Bytef*)gl2psRealloc(gl2ps->compress->dest, 
--                                               gl2ps->compress->destLen);
--  return gl2ps->compress->start;
--static size_t gl2psWriteBigEndianCompress(unsigned long data, size_t bytes)
--  size_t i;
--  size_t size = sizeof(unsigned long);
--  for(i = 1; i <= bytes; ++i){
--    *gl2ps->compress->src = (Bytef)(0xff & (data >> (size-i) * 8));
--    ++gl2ps->compress->src;
--  }
--  return bytes;
--static int gl2psDeflate(void)
--  /* For compatibility with older zlib versions, we use compress(...)
--     instead of compress2(..., Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) */
--  return compress(gl2ps->compress->dest, &gl2ps->compress->destLen, 
--                  gl2ps->compress->start, gl2ps->compress->srcLen);  
--static int gl2psPrintf(const char* fmt, ...)
--  int ret;
--  va_list args;
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  unsigned int oldsize = 0;
--  static char buf[1000];
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    va_start(args, fmt);
--    ret = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
--    va_end(args);
--    oldsize = gl2ps->compress->srcLen;
--    gl2ps->compress->start = (Bytef*)gl2psReallocCompress(oldsize + ret);
--    memcpy(gl2ps->compress->start+oldsize, buf, ret);
--    ret = 0;
--  }
--  else{
--    va_start(args, fmt);
--    ret = vfprintf(gl2ps->stream, fmt, args);
--    va_end(args);
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  }
--  return ret;
--static void gl2psPrintGzipHeader()
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  char tmp[10] = {'\x1f', '\x8b', /* magic numbers: 0x1f, 0x8b */
--                  8, /* compression method: Z_DEFLATED */
--                  0, /* flags */
--                  0, 0, 0, 0, /* time */
--                  2, /* extra flags: max compression */
--                  '\x03'}; /* OS code: 0x03 (Unix) */
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    gl2psSetupCompress();
--    /* add the gzip file header */
--    fwrite(tmp, 10, 1, gl2ps->stream);
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintGzipFooter()
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  int n;
--  uLong crc, len;
--  char tmp[8];
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    if(Z_OK != gl2psDeflate()){
--      gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Zlib deflate error");
--    }
--    else{
--      /* determine the length of the header in the zlib stream */
--      n = 2; /* CMF+FLG */
--      if(gl2ps->compress->dest[1] & (1<<5)){
--        n += 4; /* DICTID */
--      }
--      /* write the data, without the zlib header and footer */
--      fwrite(gl2ps->compress->dest+n, gl2ps->compress->destLen-(n+4), 
--             1, gl2ps->stream);
--      /* add the gzip file footer */
--      crc = crc32(0L, gl2ps->compress->start, gl2ps->compress->srcLen);
--      for(n = 0; n < 4; ++n){
--        tmp[n] = (char)(crc & 0xff);
--        crc >>= 8;
--      }
--      len = gl2ps->compress->srcLen;
--      for(n = 4; n < 8; ++n){
--        tmp[n] = (char)(len & 0xff);
--        len >>= 8;
--      }
--      fwrite(tmp, 8, 1, gl2ps->stream);
--    }
--    gl2psFreeCompress();
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps->compress);
--    gl2ps->compress = NULL;
--  }
--/* The list handling routines */
--static void gl2psListRealloc(GL2PSlist *list, GLint n)
--  if(!list){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Cannot reallocate NULL list");
--    return;
--  }
--  if(n <= 0) return;
--  if(!list->array){
--    list->nmax = n;
--    list->array = (char*)gl2psMalloc(list->nmax * list->size);
--  }
--  else{
--    if(n > list->nmax){
--      list->nmax = ((n - 1) / list->incr + 1) * list->incr;
--      list->array = (char*)gl2psRealloc(list->array,
--                                        list->nmax * list->size);
--    }
--  }
--static GL2PSlist *gl2psListCreate(GLint n, GLint incr, GLint size)
--  GL2PSlist *list;
--  if(n < 0) n = 0;
--  if(incr <= 0) incr = 1;
--  list = (GL2PSlist*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSlist));
--  list->nmax = 0;
--  list->incr = incr;
--  list->size = size;
--  list->n = 0;
--  list->array = NULL;
--  gl2psListRealloc(list, n);
--  return list;
--static void gl2psListReset(GL2PSlist *list)
--  if(!list) return;
--  list->n = 0;
--static void gl2psListDelete(GL2PSlist *list)
--  if(!list) return;  
--  gl2psFree(list->array);
--  gl2psFree(list);
--static void gl2psListAdd(GL2PSlist *list, void *data)
--  if(!list){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Cannot add into unallocated list");
--    return;
--  }
--  list->n++;
--  gl2psListRealloc(list, list->n);
--  memcpy(&list->array[(list->n - 1) * list->size], data, list->size);
--static int gl2psListNbr(GL2PSlist *list)
--  if(!list)
--    return 0;
--  return list->n;
--static void *gl2psListPointer(GL2PSlist *list, GLint index)
--  if(!list){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Cannot point into unallocated list");
--    return NULL;
--  }
--  if((index < 0) || (index >= list->n)){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Wrong list index in gl2psListPointer");
--    return NULL;
--  }
--  return &list->array[index * list->size];
--static void gl2psListSort(GL2PSlist *list,
--                          int (*fcmp)(const void *a, const void *b))
--  if(!list)
--    return;
--  qsort(list->array, list->n, list->size, fcmp);
--static void gl2psListAction(GL2PSlist *list, void (*action)(void *data))
--  GLint i;
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(list); i++){
--    (*action)(gl2psListPointer(list, i));
--  }
--static void gl2psListActionInverse(GL2PSlist *list, void (*action)(void *data))
--  GLint i;
--  for(i = gl2psListNbr(list); i > 0; i--){
--    (*action)(gl2psListPointer(list, i-1));
--  }
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_LIBPNG)
--static void gl2psListRead(GL2PSlist *list, int index, void *data)
--  if((index < 0) || (index >= list->n))
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Wrong list index in gl2psListRead");
--  memcpy(data, &list->array[index * list->size], list->size);
--static void gl2psEncodeBase64Block(unsigned char in[3], unsigned char out[4], int len)
--  static const char cb64[] = 
--    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
--  out[0] = cb64[ in[0] >> 2 ];
--  out[1] = cb64[ ((in[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((in[1] & 0xf0) >> 4) ];
--  out[2] = (len > 1) ? cb64[ ((in[1] & 0x0f) << 2) | ((in[2] & 0xc0) >> 6) ] : '=';
--  out[3] = (len > 2) ? cb64[ in[2] & 0x3f ] : '=';
--static void gl2psListEncodeBase64(GL2PSlist *list)
--  unsigned char *buffer, in[3], out[4];
--  int i, n, index, len;
--  n = list->n * list->size;
--  buffer = (unsigned char*)gl2psMalloc(n * sizeof(unsigned char));
--  memcpy(buffer, list->array, n * sizeof(unsigned char));
--  gl2psListReset(list);
--  index = 0;
--  while(index < n) {
--    len = 0;
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
--      if(index < n){
--        in[i] = buffer[index];
--        len++;
--      }
--      else{
--        in[i] = 0;
--      }
--      index++;
--    }
--    if(len) {
--      gl2psEncodeBase64Block(in, out, len);
--      for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
--        gl2psListAdd(list, &out[i]);
--    }
--  }
--  gl2psFree(buffer);
--/* Helpers for rgba colors */
--static GLboolean gl2psSameColor(GL2PSrgba rgba1, GL2PSrgba rgba2)
--  if(!GL2PS_ZERO(rgba1[0] - rgba2[0]) ||
--     !GL2PS_ZERO(rgba1[1] - rgba2[1]) ||
--     !GL2PS_ZERO(rgba1[2] - rgba2[2]))
--    return GL_FALSE;
--  return GL_TRUE;
--static GLboolean gl2psVertsSameColor(const GL2PSprimitive *prim)
--  int i;
--  for(i = 1; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--    if(!gl2psSameColor(prim->verts[0].rgba, prim->verts[i].rgba)){
--      return GL_FALSE;
--    }
--  }
--  return GL_TRUE;
--static GLboolean gl2psSameColorThreshold(int n, GL2PSrgba rgba[],
--                                         GL2PSrgba threshold)
--  int i;
--  if(n < 2) return GL_TRUE;
--  for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
--    if(fabs(rgba[0][0] - rgba[i][0]) > threshold[0] ||
--       fabs(rgba[0][1] - rgba[i][1]) > threshold[1] ||
--       fabs(rgba[0][2] - rgba[i][2]) > threshold[2])
--      return GL_FALSE;
--  }
--  return GL_TRUE;
--static void gl2psSetLastColor(GL2PSrgba rgba)
--  int i;        
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
--    gl2ps->lastrgba[i] = rgba[i];
--  }
--static GLfloat gl2psGetRGB(GL2PSimage *im, GLuint x, GLuint y,
--                           GLfloat *red, GLfloat *green, GLfloat *blue)
--  GLsizei width = im->width;
--  GLsizei height = im->height;
--  GLfloat *pixels = im->pixels;
--  GLfloat *pimag;
--  /* OpenGL image is from down to up, PS image is up to down */  
--  switch(im->format){
--  case GL_RGBA:
--    pimag = pixels + 4 * (width * (height - 1 - y) + x);
--    break;
--  case GL_RGB:
--  default:
--    pimag = pixels + 3 * (width * (height - 1 - y) + x);
--    break;
--  }
--  *red = *pimag; pimag++;
--  *green = *pimag; pimag++;
--  *blue = *pimag; pimag++;
--  return (im->format == GL_RGBA) ? *pimag : 1.0F;
--/* Helper routines for pixmaps */
--static GL2PSimage *gl2psCopyPixmap(GL2PSimage *im)
--  int size;
--  GL2PSimage *image = (GL2PSimage*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSimage));
--  image->width = im->width;
--  image->height = im->height;
--  image->format = im->format;
--  image->type = im->type;
--  switch(image->format){
--  case GL_RGBA:
--    size = image->height * image->width * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat);
--    break;
--  case GL_RGB:
--  default:
--    size = image->height * image->width * 3 * sizeof(GLfloat);
--    break;
--  }
--  image->pixels = (GLfloat*)gl2psMalloc(size);
--  memcpy(image->pixels, im->pixels, size);
--  return image;
--static void gl2psFreePixmap(GL2PSimage *im)
--  if(!im)
--    return;
--  gl2psFree(im->pixels);
--  gl2psFree(im);
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_LIBPNG)
--#if !defined(png_jmpbuf)
--#  define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->jmpbuf)
--static void gl2psUserWritePNG(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
--  unsigned int i;
--  GL2PSlist *png = (GL2PSlist*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
--  for(i = 0; i < length; i++) 
--    gl2psListAdd(png, &data[i]);
--static void gl2psUserFlushPNG(png_structp png_ptr)
--static void gl2psConvertPixmapToPNG(GL2PSimage *pixmap, GL2PSlist *png)
--  png_structp png_ptr;
--  png_infop info_ptr;
--  unsigned char *row_data;
--  GLfloat dr, dg, db;
--  int row, col;
--  if(!(png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL)))
--    return;
--  if(!(info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr))){
--    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, NULL);
--    return;
--  }
--  if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
--    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
--    return;
--  }
--  png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, (void *)png, gl2psUserWritePNG, gl2psUserFlushPNG);
--  png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
--  png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, pixmap->width, pixmap->height, 8, 
--               PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE);
--  png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
--  row_data = (unsigned char*)gl2psMalloc(3 * pixmap->width * sizeof(unsigned char));
--  for(row = 0; row < pixmap->height; row++){
--    for(col = 0; col < pixmap->width; col++){
--      gl2psGetRGB(pixmap, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--      row_data[3*col] = (unsigned char)(255. * dr);
--      row_data[3*col+1] = (unsigned char)(255. * dg);
--      row_data[3*col+2] = (unsigned char)(255. * db);
--    }
--    png_write_row(png_ptr, (png_bytep)row_data);
--  }
--  gl2psFree(row_data);
--  png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
--  png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
--/* Helper routines for text strings */
--static GLint gl2psAddText(GLint type, const char *str, const char *fontname, 
--                          GLshort fontsize, GLint alignment, GLfloat angle)
--  GLfloat pos[4];
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  GLboolean valid;
--  if(!gl2ps || !str || !fontname) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_NO_TEXT) return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--  glGetBooleanv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID, &valid);
--  if(GL_FALSE == valid) return GL2PS_SUCCESS; /* the primitive is culled */
--  prim = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  prim->type = type;
--  prim->boundary = 0;
--  prim->numverts = 1;
--  prim->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  prim->verts[0].xyz[0] = pos[0];
--  prim->verts[0].xyz[1] = pos[1];
--  prim->verts[0].xyz[2] = pos[2];
--  prim->culled = 0;
--  prim->offset = 0;
--  prim->pattern = 0;
--  prim->factor = 0;
--  prim->width = 1;
--  glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR, prim->verts[0].rgba);
--  prim->data.text = (GL2PSstring*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSstring));
--  prim->data.text->str = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(str)+1)*sizeof(char));
--  strcpy(prim->data.text->str, str); 
--  prim->data.text->fontname = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(fontname)+1)*sizeof(char));
--  strcpy(prim->data.text->fontname, fontname);
--  prim->data.text->fontsize = fontsize;
--  prim->data.text->alignment = alignment;
--  prim->data.text->angle = angle;
--  gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->auxprimitives, &prim);
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--static GL2PSstring *gl2psCopyText(GL2PSstring *t)
--  GL2PSstring *text = (GL2PSstring*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSstring));
--  text->str = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(t->str)+1)*sizeof(char));
--  strcpy(text->str, t->str); 
--  text->fontname = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(t->fontname)+1)*sizeof(char));
--  strcpy(text->fontname, t->fontname);
--  text->fontsize = t->fontsize;
--  text->alignment = t->alignment;
--  text->angle = t->angle;
--  return text;
--static void gl2psFreeText(GL2PSstring *text)
--  if(!text)
--    return;
--  gl2psFree(text->str);
--  gl2psFree(text->fontname);
--  gl2psFree(text);
--/* Helpers for blending modes */
--static GLboolean gl2psSupportedBlendMode(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
--  /* returns TRUE if gl2ps supports the argument combination: only two
--     blending modes have been implemented so far */
--  if( (sfactor == GL_SRC_ALPHA && dfactor == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) || 
--      (sfactor == GL_ONE && dfactor == GL_ZERO) )
--    return GL_TRUE;
--  return GL_FALSE;
--static void gl2psAdaptVertexForBlending(GL2PSvertex *v)
--  /* Transforms vertex depending on the actual blending function -
--     currently the vertex v is considered as source vertex and his
--     alpha value is changed to 1.0 if source blending GL_ONE is
--     active. This might be extended in the future */
--  if(!v || !gl2ps)
--    return;
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_NO_BLENDING || !gl2ps->blending){
--    v->rgba[3] = 1.0F;
--    return;
--  }
--  switch(gl2ps->blendfunc[0]){
--  case GL_ONE:
--    v->rgba[3] = 1.0F;
--    break;
--  default:
--    break;
--  }
--static void gl2psAssignTriangleProperties(GL2PStriangle *t)
--  /* int i; */
--  t->prop = T_VAR_COLOR;
--  /* Uncommenting the following lines activates an even more fine
--     grained distinction between triangle types - please don't delete,
--     a remarkable amount of PDF handling code inside this file depends
--     on it if activated */
--  /*
--  t->prop = T_CONST_COLOR;    
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
--    if(!GL2PS_ZERO(t->vertex[0].rgba[i] - t->vertex[1].rgba[i]) || 
--       !GL2PS_ZERO(t->vertex[1].rgba[i] - t->vertex[2].rgba[i])){
--      t->prop = T_VAR_COLOR;
--      break;
--    }
--  }
--  */
--  if(!GL2PS_ZERO(t->vertex[0].rgba[3] - t->vertex[1].rgba[3]) || 
--     !GL2PS_ZERO(t->vertex[1].rgba[3] - t->vertex[2].rgba[3])){
--    t->prop |= T_VAR_ALPHA;
--  }
--  else{
--    if(t->vertex[0].rgba[3] < 1)
--      t->prop |= T_ALPHA_LESS_1;
--    else
--      t->prop |= T_ALPHA_1;
--  }
--static void gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(GL2PStriangle *t, GL2PSprimitive *p,
--                                           GLboolean assignprops)
--  t->vertex[0] = p->verts[0];
--  t->vertex[1] = p->verts[1];
--  t->vertex[2] = p->verts[2];
--  if(GL_TRUE == assignprops)
--    gl2psAssignTriangleProperties(t);
--static void gl2psInitTriangle(GL2PStriangle *t)
--  int i;
--  GL2PSvertex vertex = { {-1.0F, -1.0F, -1.0F}, {-1.0F, -1.0F, -1.0F, -1.0F} };
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
--    t->vertex[i] = vertex;
--  t->prop = T_UNDEFINED;
--/* Miscellaneous helper routines */
--static GL2PSprimitive *gl2psCopyPrimitive(GL2PSprimitive *p)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  if(!p){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Trying to copy an empty primitive");
--    return NULL;
--  }
--  prim = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  prim->type = p->type;
--  prim->numverts = p->numverts;
--  prim->boundary = p->boundary;
--  prim->offset = p->offset;
--  prim->pattern = p->pattern;
--  prim->factor = p->factor;
--  prim->culled = p->culled;
--  prim->width = p->width;
--  prim->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(p->numverts*sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  memcpy(prim->verts, p->verts, p->numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_PIXMAP :
--    prim->data.image = gl2psCopyPixmap(p->data.image);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TEXT :
--  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--    prim->data.text = gl2psCopyText(p->data.text);
--    break;
--  default:
--    break;
--  }
--  return prim;
--static GLboolean gl2psSamePosition(GL2PSxyz p1, GL2PSxyz p2)
--  if(!GL2PS_ZERO(p1[0] - p2[0]) ||
--     !GL2PS_ZERO(p1[1] - p2[1]) ||
--     !GL2PS_ZERO(p1[2] - p2[2]))
--    return GL_FALSE;
--  return GL_TRUE;
-- *
-- * 3D sorting routines 
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static GLfloat gl2psComparePointPlane(GL2PSxyz point, GL2PSplane plane)
--  return (plane[0] * point[0] + 
--          plane[1] * point[1] + 
--          plane[2] * point[2] + 
--          plane[3]);
--static GLfloat gl2psPsca(GLfloat *a, GLfloat *b)
--  return (a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]);
--static void gl2psPvec(GLfloat *a, GLfloat *b, GLfloat *c)
--  c[0] = a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1];
--  c[1] = a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2];
--  c[2] = a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0];
--static GLfloat gl2psNorm(GLfloat *a)
--  return (GLfloat)sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2]);
--static void gl2psGetNormal(GLfloat *a, GLfloat *b, GLfloat *c)
--  GLfloat norm;
--  gl2psPvec(a, b, c);
--  if(!GL2PS_ZERO(norm = gl2psNorm(c))){
--    c[0] = c[0] / norm;
--    c[1] = c[1] / norm;
--    c[2] = c[2] / norm;
--  }
--  else{
--    /* The plane is still wrong despite our tests in gl2psGetPlane.
--       Let's return a dummy value for now (this is a hack: we should
--       do more intelligent tests in GetPlane) */
--    c[0] = c[1] = 0.0F;
--    c[2] = 1.0F;
--  }
--static void gl2psGetPlane(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane)
--  GL2PSxyz v = {0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F}, w = {0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F};
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_TRIANGLE :
--    v[0] = prim->verts[1].xyz[0] - prim->verts[0].xyz[0]; 
--    v[1] = prim->verts[1].xyz[1] - prim->verts[0].xyz[1]; 
--    v[2] = prim->verts[1].xyz[2] - prim->verts[0].xyz[2]; 
--    w[0] = prim->verts[2].xyz[0] - prim->verts[0].xyz[0]; 
--    w[1] = prim->verts[2].xyz[1] - prim->verts[0].xyz[1]; 
--    w[2] = prim->verts[2].xyz[2] - prim->verts[0].xyz[2]; 
--    if((GL2PS_ZERO(v[0]) && GL2PS_ZERO(v[1]) && GL2PS_ZERO(v[2])) || 
--       (GL2PS_ZERO(w[0]) && GL2PS_ZERO(w[1]) && GL2PS_ZERO(w[2]))){
--      plane[0] = plane[1] = 0.0F;
--      plane[2] = 1.0F;
--      plane[3] = -prim->verts[0].xyz[2];
--    }
--    else{
--      gl2psGetNormal(v, w, plane);
--      plane[3] = 
--        - plane[0] * prim->verts[0].xyz[0] 
--        - plane[1] * prim->verts[0].xyz[1] 
--        - plane[2] * prim->verts[0].xyz[2];
--    }
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_LINE :
--    v[0] = prim->verts[1].xyz[0] - prim->verts[0].xyz[0]; 
--    v[1] = prim->verts[1].xyz[1] - prim->verts[0].xyz[1]; 
--    v[2] = prim->verts[1].xyz[2] - prim->verts[0].xyz[2]; 
--    if(GL2PS_ZERO(v[0]) && GL2PS_ZERO(v[1]) && GL2PS_ZERO(v[2])){
--      plane[0] = plane[1] = 0.0F;
--      plane[2] = 1.0F;
--      plane[3] = -prim->verts[0].xyz[2];
--    }
--    else{
--      if(GL2PS_ZERO(v[0]))      w[0] = 1.0F;
--      else if(GL2PS_ZERO(v[1])) w[1] = 1.0F;
--      else                      w[2] = 1.0F;
--      gl2psGetNormal(v, w, plane);
--      plane[3] = 
--        - plane[0] * prim->verts[0].xyz[0] 
--        - plane[1] * prim->verts[0].xyz[1] 
--        - plane[2] * prim->verts[0].xyz[2];
--    }
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_POINT :
--  case GL2PS_PIXMAP :
--  case GL2PS_TEXT :
--  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--  case GL2PS_IMAGEMAP:
--    plane[0] = plane[1] = 0.0F;
--    plane[2] = 1.0F;
--    plane[3] = -prim->verts[0].xyz[2];
--    break;
--  default :
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Unknown primitive type in BSP tree");
--    plane[0] = plane[1] = plane[3] = 0.0F;
--    plane[2] = 1.0F;
--    break;
--  }
--static void gl2psCutEdge(GL2PSvertex *a, GL2PSvertex *b, GL2PSplane plane,
--                         GL2PSvertex *c)
--  GL2PSxyz v;
--  GLfloat sect, psca;
--  v[0] = b->xyz[0] - a->xyz[0];
--  v[1] = b->xyz[1] - a->xyz[1];
--  v[2] = b->xyz[2] - a->xyz[2];
--  if(!GL2PS_ZERO(psca = gl2psPsca(plane, v)))
--    sect = -gl2psComparePointPlane(a->xyz, plane) / psca;
--  else
--    sect = 0.0F;
--  c->xyz[0] = a->xyz[0] + v[0] * sect;
--  c->xyz[1] = a->xyz[1] + v[1] * sect;
--  c->xyz[2] = a->xyz[2] + v[2] * sect;
--  c->rgba[0] = (1 - sect) * a->rgba[0] + sect * b->rgba[0];
--  c->rgba[1] = (1 - sect) * a->rgba[1] + sect * b->rgba[1];
--  c->rgba[2] = (1 - sect) * a->rgba[2] + sect * b->rgba[2];
--  c->rgba[3] = (1 - sect) * a->rgba[3] + sect * b->rgba[3];
--static void gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(GL2PSprimitive *parent, GL2PSplane plane,
--                                      GL2PSprimitive *child, GLshort numverts,
--                                      GLshort *index0, GLshort *index1)
--  GLshort i;
--  if(parent->type == GL2PS_IMAGEMAP){
--    child->type = GL2PS_IMAGEMAP;
--    child->data.image = parent->data.image;
--  }
--  else{
--    if(numverts > 4){
--      gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "%d vertices in polygon", numverts);
--      numverts = 4;
--    }
--    switch(numverts){
--    case 1 : child->type = GL2PS_POINT; break; 
--    case 2 : child->type = GL2PS_LINE; break; 
--    case 3 : child->type = GL2PS_TRIANGLE; break; 
--    case 4 : child->type = GL2PS_QUADRANGLE; break;    
--    default: child->type = GL2PS_NO_TYPE; break;
--    }
--  }
--  child->boundary = 0; /* FIXME: not done! */
--  child->culled = parent->culled;
--  child->offset = parent->offset;
--  child->pattern = parent->pattern;
--  child->factor = parent->factor;
--  child->width = parent->width;
--  child->numverts = numverts;
--  child->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  for(i = 0; i < numverts; i++){
--    if(index1[i] < 0){
--      child->verts[i] = parent->verts[index0[i]];
--    }
--    else{
--      gl2psCutEdge(&parent->verts[index0[i]], &parent->verts[index1[i]], 
--                   plane, &child->verts[i]);
--    }
--  }
--static void gl2psAddIndex(GLshort *index0, GLshort *index1, GLshort *nb, 
--                          GLshort i, GLshort j)
--  GLint k;
--  for(k = 0; k < *nb; k++){
--    if((index0[k] == i && index1[k] == j) ||
--       (index1[k] == i && index0[k] == j)) return;
--  }
--  index0[*nb] = i;
--  index1[*nb] = j;
--  (*nb)++;
--static GLshort gl2psGetIndex(GLshort i, GLshort num)
--  return (i < num - 1) ? i + 1 : 0;
--static GLint gl2psTestSplitPrimitive(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane)
--  GLint type = GL2PS_COINCIDENT;
--  GLshort i, j;
--  GLfloat d[5]; 
--  for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){  
--    d[i] = gl2psComparePointPlane(prim->verts[i].xyz, plane);
--  }
--  if(prim->numverts < 2){
--    return 0;
--  }
--  else{
--    for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--      j = gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts);
--      if(d[j] > GL2PS_EPSILON){
--        if(type == GL2PS_COINCIDENT)      type = GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF;
--        else if(type != GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF) return 1; 
--        if(d[i] < -GL2PS_EPSILON)         return 1;
--      }
--      else if(d[j] < -GL2PS_EPSILON){
--        if(type == GL2PS_COINCIDENT)       type = GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF;   
--        else if(type != GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF) return 1;
--        if(d[i] > GL2PS_EPSILON)           return 1;
--      }
--    }
--  }
--  return 0;
--static GLint gl2psSplitPrimitive(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane, 
--                                 GL2PSprimitive **front, GL2PSprimitive **back)
--  GLshort i, j, in = 0, out = 0, in0[5], in1[5], out0[5], out1[5];
--  GLint type;
--  GLfloat d[5]; 
--  type = GL2PS_COINCIDENT;
--  for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){  
--    d[i] = gl2psComparePointPlane(prim->verts[i].xyz, plane);
--  }
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_POINT :
--    if(d[0] > GL2PS_EPSILON)       type = GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF;
--    else if(d[0] < -GL2PS_EPSILON) type = GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF;
--    else                           type = GL2PS_COINCIDENT;
--    break;
--  default :
--    for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--      j = gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts);
--      if(d[j] > GL2PS_EPSILON){
--        if(type == GL2PS_COINCIDENT)      type = GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF;
--        else if(type != GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF) type = GL2PS_SPANNING; 
--        if(d[i] < -GL2PS_EPSILON){
--          gl2psAddIndex(in0, in1, &in, i, j);
--          gl2psAddIndex(out0, out1, &out, i, j);
--          type = GL2PS_SPANNING;
--        }
--        gl2psAddIndex(out0, out1, &out, j, -1);
--      }
--      else if(d[j] < -GL2PS_EPSILON){
--        if(type == GL2PS_COINCIDENT)       type = GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF;   
--        else if(type != GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF) type = GL2PS_SPANNING;
--        if(d[i] > GL2PS_EPSILON){
--          gl2psAddIndex(in0, in1, &in, i, j);
--          gl2psAddIndex(out0, out1, &out, i, j);
--          type = GL2PS_SPANNING;
--        }
--        gl2psAddIndex(in0, in1, &in, j, -1);
--      }
--      else{
--        gl2psAddIndex(in0, in1, &in, j, -1);
--        gl2psAddIndex(out0, out1, &out, j, -1);
--      }
--    }
--    break;
--  }
--  if(type == GL2PS_SPANNING){
--    *back = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--    *front = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--    gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(prim, plane, *back, out, out0, out1);
--    gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive(prim, plane, *front, in, in0, in1);
--  }
--  return type;
--static void gl2psDivideQuad(GL2PSprimitive *quad, 
--                            GL2PSprimitive **t1, GL2PSprimitive **t2)
--  *t1 = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  *t2 = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  (*t1)->type = (*t2)->type = GL2PS_TRIANGLE;
--  (*t1)->numverts = (*t2)->numverts = 3;
--  (*t1)->culled = (*t2)->culled = quad->culled;
--  (*t1)->offset = (*t2)->offset = quad->offset;
--  (*t1)->pattern = (*t2)->pattern = quad->pattern;
--  (*t1)->factor = (*t2)->factor = quad->factor;
--  (*t1)->width = (*t2)->width = quad->width;
--  (*t1)->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(3 * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  (*t2)->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(3 * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  (*t1)->verts[0] = quad->verts[0];
--  (*t1)->verts[1] = quad->verts[1];
--  (*t1)->verts[2] = quad->verts[2];
--  (*t1)->boundary = ((quad->boundary & 1) ? 1 : 0) | ((quad->boundary & 2) ? 2 : 0);
--  (*t2)->verts[0] = quad->verts[0];
--  (*t2)->verts[1] = quad->verts[2];
--  (*t2)->verts[2] = quad->verts[3];
--  (*t2)->boundary = ((quad->boundary & 4) ? 2 : 0) | ((quad->boundary & 4) ? 2 : 0);
--static int gl2psCompareDepth(const void *a, const void *b)
--  GL2PSprimitive *q, *w;
--  GLfloat dq = 0.0F, dw = 0.0F, diff;
--  int i;
--  q = *(GL2PSprimitive**)a;
--  w = *(GL2PSprimitive**)b;
--  for(i = 0; i < q->numverts; i++){
--    dq += q->verts[i].xyz[2]; 
--  }
--  dq /= (GLfloat)q->numverts;
--  for(i = 0; i < w->numverts; i++){
--    dw += w->verts[i].xyz[2]; 
--  }
--  dw /= (GLfloat)w->numverts;
--  diff = dq - dw;
--  if(diff > 0.){
--    return -1;
--  }
--  else if(diff < 0.){
--    return 1;
--  }
--  else{
--    return 0;
--  }
--static int gl2psTrianglesFirst(const void *a, const void *b)
--  GL2PSprimitive *q, *w;
--  q = *(GL2PSprimitive**)a;
--  w = *(GL2PSprimitive**)b;
--  return (q->type < w->type ? 1 : -1);
--static GLint gl2psFindRoot(GL2PSlist *primitives, GL2PSprimitive **root)
--  GLint i, j, count, best = 1000000, index = 0;
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim1, *prim2;
--  GL2PSplane plane;
--  GLint maxp;
--  if(!gl2psListNbr(primitives)){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Cannot fint root in empty primitive list");
--    return 0;
--  }
--  *root = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(primitives, 0);
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_BEST_ROOT){
--    maxp = gl2psListNbr(primitives);
--    if(maxp > gl2ps->maxbestroot){
--      maxp = gl2ps->maxbestroot;
--    }
--    for(i = 0; i < maxp; i++){
--      prim1 = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(primitives, i);
--      gl2psGetPlane(prim1, plane);
--      count = 0;
--      for(j = 0; j < gl2psListNbr(primitives); j++){
--        if(j != i){
--          prim2 = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(primitives, j);
--          count += gl2psTestSplitPrimitive(prim2, plane); 
--        }
--        if(count > best) break;
--      }
--      if(count < best){
--        best = count;
--        index = i;
--        *root = prim1;
--        if(!count) return index;
--      }
--    }
--    /* if(index) gl2psMsg(GL2PS_INFO, "GL2PS_BEST_ROOT was worth it: %d", index); */
--    return index;
--  }
--  else{
--    return 0;
--  }
--static void gl2psFreeImagemap(GL2PSimagemap *list)
--  GL2PSimagemap *next;
--  while(list != NULL){
--    next = list->next;
--    gl2psFree(list->image->pixels);
--    gl2psFree(list->image);
--    gl2psFree(list);
--    list = next;
--  }
--static void gl2psFreePrimitive(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *q;
--  q = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  gl2psFree(q->verts);
--  if(q->type == GL2PS_TEXT || q->type == GL2PS_SPECIAL){
--    gl2psFreeText(q->data.text);
--  }
--  else if(q->type == GL2PS_PIXMAP){
--    gl2psFreePixmap(q->data.image);
--  }
--  gl2psFree(q);
--static void gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSlist *list)
--  GL2PSprimitive *t1, *t2;
--  if(prim->type != GL2PS_QUADRANGLE){
--    gl2psListAdd(list, &prim);
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psDivideQuad(prim, &t1, &t2);
--    gl2psListAdd(list, &t1);
--    gl2psListAdd(list, &t2);
--    gl2psFreePrimitive(&prim);
--  }
--static void gl2psFreeBspTree(GL2PSbsptree **tree)
--  if(*tree){
--    if((*tree)->back) gl2psFreeBspTree(&(*tree)->back);
--    if((*tree)->primitives){
--      gl2psListAction((*tree)->primitives, gl2psFreePrimitive);
--      gl2psListDelete((*tree)->primitives);
--    }
--    if((*tree)->front) gl2psFreeBspTree(&(*tree)->front);
--    gl2psFree(*tree);
--    *tree = NULL;
--  }
--static GLboolean gl2psGreater(GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2)
--  if(f1 > f2) return GL_TRUE;
--  else return GL_FALSE;
--static GLboolean gl2psLess(GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2)
--  if(f1 < f2) return GL_TRUE;
--  else return GL_FALSE;
--static void gl2psBuildBspTree(GL2PSbsptree *tree, GL2PSlist *primitives)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim, *frontprim = NULL, *backprim = NULL;
--  GL2PSlist *frontlist, *backlist;
--  GLint i, index;
--  tree->front = NULL;
--  tree->back = NULL;
--  tree->primitives = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--  index = gl2psFindRoot(primitives, &prim);
--  gl2psGetPlane(prim, tree->plane);
--  gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(prim, tree->primitives);
--  frontlist = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--  backlist = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(primitives); i++){
--    if(i != index){
--      prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(primitives,i);
--      switch(gl2psSplitPrimitive(prim, tree->plane, &frontprim, &backprim)){
--      case GL2PS_COINCIDENT:
--        gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(prim, tree->primitives);
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF:
--        gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(prim, backlist);
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF:
--        gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(prim, frontlist);
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_SPANNING:
--        gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(backprim, backlist);
--        gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(frontprim, frontlist);
--        gl2psFreePrimitive(&prim);
--        break;
--      }
--    }
--  }
--  if(gl2psListNbr(tree->primitives)){
--    gl2psListSort(tree->primitives, gl2psTrianglesFirst);
--  }
--  if(gl2psListNbr(frontlist)){
--    gl2psListSort(frontlist, gl2psTrianglesFirst);
--    tree->front = (GL2PSbsptree*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree));
--    gl2psBuildBspTree(tree->front, frontlist);
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psListDelete(frontlist);
--  }
--  if(gl2psListNbr(backlist)){
--    gl2psListSort(backlist, gl2psTrianglesFirst);
--    tree->back = (GL2PSbsptree*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree));
--    gl2psBuildBspTree(tree->back, backlist);
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psListDelete(backlist);
--  }
--  gl2psListDelete(primitives);
--static void gl2psTraverseBspTree(GL2PSbsptree *tree, GL2PSxyz eye, GLfloat epsilon,
--                                 GLboolean (*compare)(GLfloat f1, GLfloat f2),
--                                 void (*action)(void *data), int inverse)
--  GLfloat result;
--  if(!tree) return;
--  result = gl2psComparePointPlane(eye, tree->plane);
--  if(GL_TRUE == compare(result, epsilon)){
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(tree->back, eye, epsilon, compare, action, inverse);
--    if(inverse){
--      gl2psListActionInverse(tree->primitives, action);
--    }
--    else{
--      gl2psListAction(tree->primitives, action);
--    }
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(tree->front, eye, epsilon, compare, action, inverse);
--  }
--  else if(GL_TRUE == compare(-epsilon, result)){ 
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(tree->front, eye, epsilon, compare, action, inverse);
--    if(inverse){
--      gl2psListActionInverse(tree->primitives, action);
--    }
--    else{
--      gl2psListAction(tree->primitives, action);
--    }
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(tree->back, eye, epsilon, compare, action, inverse);
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(tree->front, eye, epsilon, compare, action, inverse);
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(tree->back, eye, epsilon, compare, action, inverse);
--  }
--static void gl2psRescaleAndOffset()
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  GLfloat minZ, maxZ, rangeZ, scaleZ;
--  GLfloat factor, units, area, dZ, dZdX, dZdY, maxdZ;
--  int i, j;
--  if(!gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->primitives))
--    return;
--  /* get z-buffer range */
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->primitives, 0);
--  minZ = maxZ = prim->verts[0].xyz[2];
--  for(i = 1; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--    if(prim->verts[i].xyz[2] < minZ) minZ = prim->verts[i].xyz[2];
--    if(prim->verts[i].xyz[2] > maxZ) maxZ = prim->verts[i].xyz[2];
--  }
--  for(i = 1; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->primitives); i++){
--    prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->primitives, i);
--    for(j = 0; j < prim->numverts; j++){
--      if(prim->verts[j].xyz[2] < minZ) minZ = prim->verts[j].xyz[2];
--      if(prim->verts[j].xyz[2] > maxZ) maxZ = prim->verts[j].xyz[2];
--    }
--  }
--  rangeZ = (maxZ - minZ);
--  /* rescale z-buffer coordinate in [0,GL2PS_ZSCALE], to make it of
--     the same order of magnitude as the x and y coordinates */
--  scaleZ = GL2PS_ZERO(rangeZ) ? GL2PS_ZSCALE : (GL2PS_ZSCALE / rangeZ);
--  /* avoid precision loss (we use floats!) */
--  if(scaleZ > 100000.F) scaleZ = 100000.F;
--  /* apply offsets */
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->primitives); i++){
--    prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->primitives, i);
--    for(j = 0; j < prim->numverts; j++){
--      prim->verts[j].xyz[2] = (prim->verts[j].xyz[2] - minZ) * scaleZ;
--    }
--    if((gl2ps->options & GL2PS_SIMPLE_LINE_OFFSET) &&
--       (prim->type == GL2PS_LINE)){
--      if(gl2ps->sort == GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT){
--        prim->verts[0].xyz[2] -= GL2PS_ZOFFSET_LARGE;
--        prim->verts[1].xyz[2] -= GL2PS_ZOFFSET_LARGE;
--      }
--      else{
--        prim->verts[0].xyz[2] -= GL2PS_ZOFFSET;
--        prim->verts[1].xyz[2] -= GL2PS_ZOFFSET;
--      }
--    }
--    else if(prim->offset && (prim->type == GL2PS_TRIANGLE)){
--      factor = gl2ps->offset[0];
--      units = gl2ps->offset[1];
--      area = 
--        (prim->verts[1].xyz[0] - prim->verts[0].xyz[0]) * 
--        (prim->verts[2].xyz[1] - prim->verts[1].xyz[1]) - 
--        (prim->verts[2].xyz[0] - prim->verts[1].xyz[0]) * 
--        (prim->verts[1].xyz[1] - prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--      if(!GL2PS_ZERO(area)){
--        dZdX = 
--          ((prim->verts[2].xyz[1] - prim->verts[1].xyz[1]) *
--           (prim->verts[1].xyz[2] - prim->verts[0].xyz[2]) -
--           (prim->verts[1].xyz[1] - prim->verts[0].xyz[1]) *
--           (prim->verts[2].xyz[2] - prim->verts[1].xyz[2])) / area;
--        dZdY = 
--          ((prim->verts[1].xyz[0] - prim->verts[0].xyz[0]) *
--           (prim->verts[2].xyz[2] - prim->verts[1].xyz[2]) -
--           (prim->verts[2].xyz[0] - prim->verts[1].xyz[0]) *
--           (prim->verts[1].xyz[2] - prim->verts[0].xyz[2])) / area;
--        maxdZ = (GLfloat)sqrt(dZdX * dZdX + dZdY * dZdY);
--      }
--      else{
--        maxdZ = 0.0F;
--      }
--      dZ = factor * maxdZ + units;
--      prim->verts[0].xyz[2] += dZ;
--      prim->verts[1].xyz[2] += dZ;
--      prim->verts[2].xyz[2] += dZ;
--    }
--  }
-- *
-- * 2D sorting routines (for occlusion culling) 
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static GLint gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(GL2PSxyz a, GL2PSxyz b, GL2PSplane plane)
--  GLfloat n; 
--  plane[0] = b[1] - a[1];
--  plane[1] = a[0] - b[0];
--  n = (GLfloat)sqrt(plane[0]*plane[0] + plane[1]*plane[1]);
--  plane[2] = 0.0F;
--  if(!GL2PS_ZERO(n)){
--    plane[0] /= n;
--    plane[1] /= n;
--    plane[3] = -plane[0]*a[0]-plane[1]*a[1]; 
--    return 1;
--  }
--  else{
--    plane[0] = -1.0F;
--    plane[1] = 0.0F;
--    plane[3] = a[0];
--    return 0;
--  }
--static void gl2psFreeBspImageTree(GL2PSbsptree2d **tree)
--  if(*tree){
--    if((*tree)->back)  gl2psFreeBspImageTree(&(*tree)->back);
--    if((*tree)->front) gl2psFreeBspImageTree(&(*tree)->front);
--    gl2psFree(*tree);
--    *tree = NULL;
--  }
--static GLint gl2psCheckPoint(GL2PSxyz point, GL2PSplane plane)
--  GLfloat pt_dis;
--  pt_dis = gl2psComparePointPlane(point, plane);
--  if(pt_dis > GL2PS_EPSILON)        return GL2PS_POINT_INFRONT;
--  else if(pt_dis < -GL2PS_EPSILON)  return GL2PS_POINT_BACK;
--  else                              return GL2PS_POINT_COINCIDENT;
--static void gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage(GL2PSprimitive *prim,
--                                         GL2PSbsptree2d **tree)
--  GLint ret = 0;
--  GLint i;
--  GLint offset = 0;
--  GL2PSbsptree2d *head = NULL, *cur = NULL;
--  if((*tree == NULL) && (prim->numverts > 2)){
--    /* don't cull if transparent
--    for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts - 1; i++)
--      if(prim->verts[i].rgba[3] < 1.0F) return;
--    */
--    head = (GL2PSbsptree2d*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree2d));
--    for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts-1; i++){
--      if(!gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(prim->verts[i].xyz,
--                                  prim->verts[i+1].xyz,
--                                  head->plane)){
--        if(prim->numverts-i > 3){
--          offset++;
--        }
--        else{
--          gl2psFree(head);
--          return;
--        }
--      }
--      else{
--        break;
--      }
--    }
--    head->back = NULL;
--    head->front = NULL;
--    for(i = 2+offset; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--      ret = gl2psCheckPoint(prim->verts[i].xyz, head->plane);
--      if(ret != GL2PS_POINT_COINCIDENT) break;
--    }
--    switch(ret){
--    case GL2PS_POINT_INFRONT :
--      cur = head;
--      for(i = 1+offset; i < prim->numverts-1; i++){
--        if(cur->front == NULL){
--          cur->front = (GL2PSbsptree2d*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree2d));
--        }
--        if(gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(prim->verts[i].xyz,
--                                   prim->verts[i+1].xyz,
--                                   cur->front->plane)){
--          cur = cur->front;
--          cur->front = NULL;
--          cur->back = NULL;
--        }
--      }
--      if(cur->front == NULL){
--        cur->front = (GL2PSbsptree2d*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree2d));
--      }
--      if(gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(prim->verts[i].xyz,
--                                 prim->verts[offset].xyz,
--                                 cur->front->plane)){
--        cur->front->front = NULL;
--        cur->front->back = NULL;
--      }
--      else{
--        gl2psFree(cur->front);
--        cur->front = NULL;
--      }
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_POINT_BACK :
--      for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--        head->plane[i] = -head->plane[i];
--      }
--      cur = head;
--      for(i = 1+offset; i < prim->numverts-1; i++){
--        if(cur->front == NULL){
--          cur->front = (GL2PSbsptree2d*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree2d));
--        }
--        if(gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(prim->verts[i+1].xyz,
--                                   prim->verts[i].xyz,
--                                   cur->front->plane)){
--          cur = cur->front;
--          cur->front = NULL;
--          cur->back = NULL;
--        }
--      }
--      if(cur->front == NULL){
--        cur->front = (GL2PSbsptree2d*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree2d));
--      }
--      if(gl2psGetPlaneFromPoints(prim->verts[offset].xyz,
--                                 prim->verts[i].xyz,
--                                 cur->front->plane)){
--        cur->front->front = NULL;
--        cur->front->back = NULL;
--      }
--      else{
--        gl2psFree(cur->front);
--        cur->front = NULL;
--      }
--      break;
--    default:
--      gl2psFree(head);
--      return;
--    }
--    (*tree) = head;
--  }
--static GLint gl2psCheckPrimitive(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSplane plane)
--  GLint i;
--  GLint pos;
--  pos = gl2psCheckPoint(prim->verts[0].xyz, plane);
--  for(i = 1; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--    pos |= gl2psCheckPoint(prim->verts[i].xyz, plane);
--  }
--  if(pos & GL2PS_POINT_INFRONT)   return GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF;
--  else if(pos & GL2PS_POINT_BACK) return GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF;
--  else                            return GL2PS_COINCIDENT;
--static GL2PSprimitive *gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(GL2PSprimitive *parent,
--                                                   GLshort numverts,
--                                                   GL2PSvertex *vertx)
--  GLint i;
--  GL2PSprimitive *child = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  if(parent->type == GL2PS_IMAGEMAP){
--    child->type = GL2PS_IMAGEMAP;
--    child->data.image = parent->data.image;
--  }
--  else {
--    switch(numverts){
--    case 1 : child->type = GL2PS_POINT; break;
--    case 2 : child->type = GL2PS_LINE; break;
--    case 3 : child->type = GL2PS_TRIANGLE; break;
--    case 4 : child->type = GL2PS_QUADRANGLE; break;
--    default: child->type = GL2PS_NO_TYPE; break; /* FIXME */
--    }
--  }
--  child->boundary = 0; /* FIXME: not done! */
--  child->culled = parent->culled;
--  child->offset = parent->offset;
--  child->pattern = parent->pattern;
--  child->factor = parent->factor;
--  child->width = parent->width;
--  child->numverts = numverts;
--  child->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  for(i = 0; i < numverts; i++){
--    child->verts[i] = vertx[i];
--  }
--  return child;
--static void gl2psSplitPrimitive2D(GL2PSprimitive *prim,
--                                  GL2PSplane plane, 
--                                  GL2PSprimitive **front, 
--                                  GL2PSprimitive **back)
--  /* cur will hold the position of the current vertex
--     prev will hold the position of the previous vertex
--     prev0 will hold the position of the vertex number 0
--     v1 and v2 represent the current and previous vertices, respectively
--     flag is set if the current vertex should be checked against the plane */
--  GLint cur = -1, prev = -1, i, v1 = 0, v2 = 0, flag = 1, prev0 = -1;
--  /* list of vertices that will go in front and back primitive */
--  GL2PSvertex *front_list = NULL, *back_list = NULL;
--  /* number of vertices in front and back list */
--  GLshort front_count = 0, back_count = 0;
--  for(i = 0; i <= prim->numverts; i++){
--    v1 = i;
--    if(v1 == prim->numverts){
--      if(prim->numverts < 3) break;
--      v1 = 0;
--      v2 = prim->numverts - 1;
--      cur = prev0;
--    }
--    else if(flag){
--      cur = gl2psCheckPoint(prim->verts[v1].xyz, plane);
--      if(i == 0){
--        prev0 = cur;
--      }
--    } 
--    if(((prev == -1) || (prev == cur) || (prev == 0) || (cur == 0)) &&
--       (i < prim->numverts)){
--      if(cur == GL2PS_POINT_INFRONT){
--        front_count++;
--        front_list = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psRealloc(front_list,
--                                                sizeof(GL2PSvertex)*front_count);
--        front_list[front_count-1] = prim->verts[v1];
--      }
--      else if(cur == GL2PS_POINT_BACK){
--        back_count++;
--        back_list = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psRealloc(back_list,
--                                               sizeof(GL2PSvertex)*back_count);
--        back_list[back_count-1] = prim->verts[v1];
--      }
--      else{
--        front_count++;
--        front_list = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psRealloc(front_list,
--                                                sizeof(GL2PSvertex)*front_count);
--        front_list[front_count-1] = prim->verts[v1];
--        back_count++;
--        back_list = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psRealloc(back_list,
--                                               sizeof(GL2PSvertex)*back_count);
--        back_list[back_count-1] = prim->verts[v1];
--      }
--      flag = 1;
--    }
--    else if((prev != cur) && (cur != 0) && (prev != 0)){
--      if(v1 != 0){
--        v2 = v1-1;
--        i--;
--      }
--      front_count++;
--      front_list = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psRealloc(front_list,
--                                              sizeof(GL2PSvertex)*front_count);
--      gl2psCutEdge(&prim->verts[v2], &prim->verts[v1],
--                   plane, &front_list[front_count-1]);
--      back_count++;
--      back_list = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psRealloc(back_list,
--                                             sizeof(GL2PSvertex)*back_count);
--      back_list[back_count-1] = front_list[front_count-1];
--      flag = 0;
--    }
--    prev = cur;
--  }
--  *front = gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(prim, front_count, front_list);
--  *back = gl2psCreateSplitPrimitive2D(prim, back_count, back_list);
--  gl2psFree(front_list);
--  gl2psFree(back_list);
--static GLint gl2psAddInBspImageTree(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSbsptree2d **tree)
--  GLint ret = 0;
--  GL2PSprimitive *frontprim = NULL, *backprim = NULL;
--  /* FIXME: until we consider the actual extent of text strings and
--     pixmaps, never cull them. Otherwise the whole string/pixmap gets
--     culled as soon as the reference point is hidden */
--  if(prim->type == GL2PS_PIXMAP || 
--     prim->type == GL2PS_TEXT || 
--     prim->type == GL2PS_SPECIAL){
--    return 1;
--  }
--  if(*tree == NULL){
--    if((prim->type != GL2PS_IMAGEMAP) && (GL_FALSE == gl2ps->zerosurfacearea)){
--      gl2psAddPlanesInBspTreeImage(gl2ps->primitivetoadd, tree);
--    }
--    return 1;
--  }
--  else{
--    switch(gl2psCheckPrimitive(prim, (*tree)->plane)){
--    case GL2PS_IN_BACK_OF: return gl2psAddInBspImageTree(prim, &(*tree)->back);
--    case GL2PS_IN_FRONT_OF: 
--      if((*tree)->front != NULL) return gl2psAddInBspImageTree(prim, &(*tree)->front);
--      else                       return 0;
--    case GL2PS_SPANNING:
--      gl2psSplitPrimitive2D(prim, (*tree)->plane, &frontprim, &backprim);
--      ret = gl2psAddInBspImageTree(backprim, &(*tree)->back);
--      if((*tree)->front != NULL){
--        if(gl2psAddInBspImageTree(frontprim, &(*tree)->front)){
--          ret = 1;
--        }
--      }
--      gl2psFree(frontprim->verts);
--      gl2psFree(frontprim);
--      gl2psFree(backprim->verts);
--      gl2psFree(backprim);
--      return ret;
--    case GL2PS_COINCIDENT:
--      if((*tree)->back != NULL){
--        gl2ps->zerosurfacearea = GL_TRUE;
--        ret = gl2psAddInBspImageTree(prim, &(*tree)->back);
--        gl2ps->zerosurfacearea = GL_FALSE;
--        if(ret) return ret;
--      }
--      if((*tree)->front != NULL){
--        gl2ps->zerosurfacearea = GL_TRUE;
--        ret = gl2psAddInBspImageTree(prim, &(*tree)->front);
--        gl2ps->zerosurfacearea = GL_FALSE;
--        if(ret) return ret;
--      }
--      if(prim->type == GL2PS_LINE) return 1;
--      else                         return 0;
--    }
--  }
--  return 0;
--static void gl2psAddInImageTree(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim = *(GL2PSprimitive **)data;
--  gl2ps->primitivetoadd = prim;
--  if(prim->type == GL2PS_IMAGEMAP && prim->data.image->format == GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_VISIBLE){
--    prim->culled = 1;
--  }
--  else if(!gl2psAddInBspImageTree(prim, &gl2ps->imagetree)){
--    prim->culled = 1;
--  }
--  else if(prim->type == GL2PS_IMAGEMAP){
--    prim->data.image->format = GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_VISIBLE;
--  }
--/* Boundary construction */
--static void gl2psAddBoundaryInList(GL2PSprimitive *prim, GL2PSlist *list)
--  GL2PSprimitive *b;
--  GLshort i;
--  GL2PSxyz c;
--  c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0.0F;
--  for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--    c[0] += prim->verts[i].xyz[0];
--    c[1] += prim->verts[i].xyz[1];
--  }
--  c[0] /= prim->numverts;
--  c[1] /= prim->numverts;
--  for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--    if(prim->boundary & (GLint)pow(2., i)){
--      b = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--      b->type = GL2PS_LINE;
--      b->offset = prim->offset;
--      b->pattern = prim->pattern;
--      b->factor = prim->factor;
--      b->culled = prim->culled;
--      b->width = prim->width;
--      b->boundary = 0;
--      b->numverts = 2;
--      b->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(2 * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--#if 0 /* FIXME: need to work on boundary offset... */
--      v[0] = c[0] - prim->verts[i].xyz[0];
--      v[1] = c[1] - prim->verts[i].xyz[1];
--      v[2] = 0.0F;
--      norm = gl2psNorm(v);
--      v[0] /= norm;
--      v[1] /= norm;
--      b->verts[0].xyz[0] = prim->verts[i].xyz[0] +0.1*v[0];
--      b->verts[0].xyz[1] = prim->verts[i].xyz[1] +0.1*v[1];
--      b->verts[0].xyz[2] = prim->verts[i].xyz[2];
--      v[0] = c[0] - prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[0];
--      v[1] = c[1] - prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[1];
--      norm = gl2psNorm(v);
--      v[0] /= norm;
--      v[1] /= norm;
--      b->verts[1].xyz[0] = prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[0] +0.1*v[0];
--      b->verts[1].xyz[1] = prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[1] +0.1*v[1];
--      b->verts[1].xyz[2] = prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[2];
--      b->verts[0].xyz[0] = prim->verts[i].xyz[0];
--      b->verts[0].xyz[1] = prim->verts[i].xyz[1];
--      b->verts[0].xyz[2] = prim->verts[i].xyz[2];
--      b->verts[1].xyz[0] = prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[0];
--      b->verts[1].xyz[1] = prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[1];
--      b->verts[1].xyz[2] = prim->verts[gl2psGetIndex(i, prim->numverts)].xyz[2];
--      b->verts[0].rgba[0] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[0].rgba[1] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[0].rgba[2] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[0].rgba[3] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[1].rgba[0] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[1].rgba[1] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[1].rgba[2] = 0.0F;
--      b->verts[1].rgba[3] = 0.0F;
--      gl2psListAdd(list, &b);
--    }
--  }
--static void gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(GL2PSbsptree *tree)
--  GLint i;
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  if(!tree) return;
--  gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(tree->back);
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(tree->primitives); i++){
--    prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(tree->primitives, i);
--    if(prim->boundary) gl2psAddBoundaryInList(prim, tree->primitives);
--  }
--  gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(tree->front);
-- *
-- * Feedback buffer parser
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static void gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(GLshort type, GLshort numverts, 
--                                  GL2PSvertex *verts, GLint offset, 
--                                  GLushort pattern, GLint factor,
--                                  GLfloat width, char boundary)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  prim = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  prim->type = type;
--  prim->numverts = numverts;
--  prim->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  memcpy(prim->verts, verts, numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  prim->boundary = boundary;
--  prim->offset = offset;
--  prim->pattern = pattern;
--  prim->factor = factor;
--  prim->width = width;
--  prim->culled = 0;
--  /* FIXME: here we should have an option to split stretched
--     tris/quads to enhance SIMPLE_SORT */
--  gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->primitives, &prim);
--static GLint gl2psGetVertex(GL2PSvertex *v, GLfloat *p)
--  GLint i;
--  v->xyz[0] = p[0];
--  v->xyz[1] = p[1];
--  v->xyz[2] = p[2];
--  if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_COLOR_INDEX && gl2ps->colorsize > 0){
--    i = (GLint)(p[3] + 0.5);
--    v->rgba[0] = gl2ps->colormap[i][0];
--    v->rgba[1] = gl2ps->colormap[i][1];
--    v->rgba[2] = gl2ps->colormap[i][2];
--    v->rgba[3] = gl2ps->colormap[i][3];
--    return 4;
--  }
--  else{
--    v->rgba[0] = p[3];
--    v->rgba[1] = p[4];
--    v->rgba[2] = p[5];
--    v->rgba[3] = p[6];
--    return 7;
--  }
--static void gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(GLint used)
--  char flag;
--  GLushort pattern = 0;
--  GLboolean boundary;
--  GLint i, sizeoffloat, count, v, vtot, offset = 0, factor = 0, auxindex = 0;
--  GLfloat lwidth = 1.0F, psize = 1.0F;
--  GLfloat *current;
--  GL2PSvertex vertices[3];
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  GL2PSimagemap *node;
--  current = gl2ps->feedback;
--  boundary = gl2ps->boundary = GL_FALSE;
--  while(used > 0){
--    if(GL_TRUE == boundary) gl2ps->boundary = GL_TRUE;
--    switch((GLint)*current){
--    case GL_POINT_TOKEN :
--      current ++;
--      used --;
--      i = gl2psGetVertex(&vertices[0], current);
--      current += i;
--      used    -= i;
--      gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(GL2PS_POINT, 1, vertices, 0, 
--                            pattern, factor, psize, 0);
--      break;
--    case GL_LINE_TOKEN :
--    case GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN :
--      current ++;
--      used --;
--      i = gl2psGetVertex(&vertices[0], current);
--      current += i;
--      used    -= i;
--      i = gl2psGetVertex(&vertices[1], current);
--      current += i;
--      used    -= i;
--      gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(GL2PS_LINE, 2, vertices, 0, 
--                            pattern, factor, lwidth, 0);
--      break;
--    case GL_POLYGON_TOKEN :
--      count = (GLint)current[1];
--      current += 2;
--      used -= 2;
--      v = vtot = 0;
--      while(count > 0 && used > 0){
--        i = gl2psGetVertex(&vertices[v], current);
--        gl2psAdaptVertexForBlending(&vertices[v]);
--        current += i;
--        used    -= i;
--        count --;
--        vtot++;
--        if(v == 2){
--          if(GL_TRUE == boundary){
--            if(!count && vtot == 2) flag = 1|2|4;
--            else if(!count) flag = 2|4;
--            else if(vtot == 2) flag = 1|2;
--            else flag = 2;
--          }
--          else
--            flag = 0;
--          gl2psAddPolyPrimitive(GL2PS_TRIANGLE, 3, vertices, offset,
--                                pattern, factor, 1, flag);
--          vertices[1] = vertices[2];
--        }
--        else
--          v ++;
--      }
--      break;      
--    case GL_BITMAP_TOKEN :
--    case GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN :
--    case GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN :
--      current ++;
--      used --;
--      i = gl2psGetVertex(&vertices[0], current);
--      current += i;
--      used    -= i;
--      break;      
--      switch((GLint)current[1]){
--      case GL2PS_BEGIN_OFFSET_TOKEN : offset = 1; break;
--      case GL2PS_END_OFFSET_TOKEN : offset = 0; break;
--      case GL2PS_BEGIN_BOUNDARY_TOKEN : boundary = GL_TRUE; break;
--      case GL2PS_END_BOUNDARY_TOKEN : boundary = GL_FALSE; break;
--      case GL2PS_END_STIPPLE_TOKEN : pattern = factor = 0; break;
--      case GL2PS_BEGIN_BLEND_TOKEN : gl2ps->blending = GL_TRUE; break;
--      case GL2PS_END_BLEND_TOKEN : gl2ps->blending = GL_FALSE; break;
--        current += 2;
--        used -= 2; 
--        pattern = (GLushort)current[1]; 
--        current += 2;
--        used -= 2; 
--        factor = (GLint)current[1]; 
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN : 
--        current += 2; 
--        used -= 2; 
--        gl2ps->blendfunc[0] = (GLint)current[1];
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN : 
--        current += 2; 
--        used -= 2; 
--        gl2ps->blendfunc[1] = (GLint)current[1];
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_POINT_SIZE_TOKEN : 
--        current += 2; 
--        used -= 2; 
--        psize = current[1];
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_LINE_WIDTH_TOKEN : 
--        current += 2; 
--        used -= 2; 
--        lwidth = current[1];
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_TOKEN :
--        prim = (GL2PSprimitive *)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--        prim->type = GL2PS_IMAGEMAP;
--        prim->boundary = 0;
--        prim->numverts = 4;
--        prim->verts = (GL2PSvertex *)gl2psMalloc(4 * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--        prim->culled = 0;
--        prim->offset = 0;
--        prim->pattern = 0;
--        prim->factor = 0;
--        prim->width = 1;
--        node = (GL2PSimagemap*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSimagemap));
--        node->image = (GL2PSimage*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSimage));
--        node->image->type = 0;
--        node->image->format = 0;
--        node->next = NULL;
--        if(gl2ps->imagemap_head == NULL)
--          gl2ps->imagemap_head = node;
--        else
--          gl2ps->imagemap_tail->next = node;
--        gl2ps->imagemap_tail = node;
--        prim->data.image = node->image;
--        current += 2; used -= 2;
--        i = gl2psGetVertex(&prim->verts[0], &current[1]);
--        current += i; used -= i;
--        node->image->width = (GLint)current[2];
--        current += 2; used -= 2;
--        node->image->height = (GLint)current[2];
--        prim->verts[0].xyz[0] = prim->verts[0].xyz[0] - (int)(node->image->width / 2) + 0.5F;
--        prim->verts[0].xyz[1] = prim->verts[0].xyz[1] - (int)(node->image->height / 2) + 0.5F;
--        for(i = 1; i < 4; i++){
--          for(v = 0; v < 3; v++){
--            prim->verts[i].xyz[v] = prim->verts[0].xyz[v];
--            prim->verts[i].rgba[v] = prim->verts[0].rgba[v];
--          }
--          prim->verts[i].rgba[v] = prim->verts[0].rgba[v];
--        }
--        prim->verts[1].xyz[0] = prim->verts[1].xyz[0] + node->image->width;
--        prim->verts[2].xyz[0] = prim->verts[1].xyz[0];
--        prim->verts[2].xyz[1] = prim->verts[2].xyz[1] + node->image->height;
--        prim->verts[3].xyz[1] = prim->verts[2].xyz[1];
--        sizeoffloat = sizeof(GLfloat);
--        v = 2 * sizeoffloat;
--        vtot = node->image->height + node->image->height * 
--          ((node->image->width - 1) / 8);
--        node->image->pixels = (GLfloat*)gl2psMalloc(v + vtot);
--        node->image->pixels[0] = prim->verts[0].xyz[0];
--        node->image->pixels[1] = prim->verts[0].xyz[1];
--        for(i = 0; i < vtot; i += sizeoffloat){
--          current += 2; used -= 2;
--          if((vtot - i) >= 4)
--            memcpy(&(((char*)(node->image->pixels))[i + v]), &(current[2]), sizeoffloat);
--          else
--            memcpy(&(((char*)(node->image->pixels))[i + v]), &(current[2]), vtot - i);
--        }
--        current++; used--;
--        gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->primitives, &prim);
--        break;
--      case GL2PS_DRAW_PIXELS_TOKEN :
--      case GL2PS_TEXT_TOKEN :
--        if(auxindex < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->auxprimitives))
--          gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->primitives, 
--                       gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->auxprimitives, auxindex++));
--        else
--          gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Wrong number of auxiliary tokens in buffer");
--        break;
--      }
--      current += 2; 
--      used -= 2; 
--      break;      
--    default :
--      gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "Unknown token in buffer");
--      current ++;
--      used --;
--      break;
--    }
--  }
--  gl2psListReset(gl2ps->auxprimitives);
-- *
-- * PostScript routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static void gl2psWriteByte(unsigned char byte)
--  unsigned char h = byte / 16;
--  unsigned char l = byte % 16;
--  gl2psPrintf("%x%x", h, l);
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GL2PSimage *im)
--  GLuint nbhex, nbyte, nrgb, nbits;
--  GLuint row, col, ibyte, icase;
--  GLfloat dr, dg, db, fgrey;
--  unsigned char red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, b, grey;
--  GLuint width = (GLuint)im->width;
--  GLuint height = (GLuint)im->height;
--  /* FIXME: should we define an option for these? Or just keep the
--     8-bit per component case? */
--  int greyscale = 0; /* set to 1 to output greyscale image */
--  int nbit = 8; /* number of bits per color compoment (2, 4 or 8) */
--  if((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) return;
--  gl2psPrintf("gsave\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("%.2f %.2f translate\n", x, y); 
--  gl2psPrintf("%d %d scale\n", width, height); 
--  if(greyscale){ /* greyscale */
--    gl2psPrintf("/picstr %d string def\n", width); 
--    gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d\n", width, height, 8); 
--    gl2psPrintf("[ %d 0 0 -%d 0 %d ]\n", width, height, height); 
--    gl2psPrintf("{ currentfile picstr readhexstring pop }\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("image\n");
--    for(row = 0; row < height; row++){
--      for(col = 0; col < width; col++){ 
--        gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--        fgrey = (0.30F * dr + 0.59F * dg + 0.11F * db);
--        grey = (unsigned char)(255. * fgrey);
--        gl2psWriteByte(grey);
--      }
--      gl2psPrintf("\n");
--    }
--    nbhex = width * height * 2; 
--    gl2psPrintf("%%%% nbhex digit          :%d\n", nbhex); 
--  }
--  else if(nbit == 2){ /* color, 2 bits for r and g and b; rgbs following each other */
--    nrgb = width  * 3;
--    nbits = nrgb * nbit;
--    nbyte = nbits / 8;
--    if((nbyte * 8) != nbits) nbyte++;
--    gl2psPrintf("/rgbstr %d string def\n", nbyte);
--    gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d\n", width, height, nbit);
--    gl2psPrintf("[ %d 0 0 -%d 0 %d ]\n", width, height, height);
--    gl2psPrintf("{ currentfile rgbstr readhexstring pop }\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("false 3\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("colorimage\n");
--    for(row = 0; row < height; row++){
--      icase = 1;
--      col = 0;
--      b = 0;
--      for(ibyte = 0; ibyte < nbyte; ibyte++){
--        if(icase == 1) {
--          if(col < width) {
--            gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--          } 
--          else {
--            dr = dg = db = 0;
--          }
--          col++;
--          red = (unsigned char)(3. * dr);
--          green = (unsigned char)(3. * dg);
--          blue = (unsigned char)(3. * db);
--          b = red;
--          b = (b<<2) + green;
--          b = (b<<2) + blue;
--          if(col < width) {
--            gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--          } 
--          else {
--            dr = dg = db = 0;
--          }
--          col++;
--          red = (unsigned char)(3. * dr);
--          green = (unsigned char)(3. * dg);
--          blue = (unsigned char)(3. * db);
--          b = (b<<2) + red;
--          gl2psWriteByte(b);
--          b = 0;
--          icase++;
--        } 
--        else if(icase == 2) {
--          b = green;
--          b = (b<<2) + blue;
--          if(col < width) {
--            gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--          }
--          else {
--            dr = dg = db = 0;
--          }
--          col++;
--          red = (unsigned char)(3. * dr);
--          green = (unsigned char)(3. * dg);
--          blue = (unsigned char)(3. * db);
--          b = (b<<2) + red;
--          b = (b<<2) + green;
--          gl2psWriteByte(b);
--          b = 0;
--          icase++;
--        } 
--        else if(icase == 3) {
--          b = blue;
--          if(col < width) {
--            gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--          }
--          else {
--            dr = dg = db = 0;
--          }
--          col++;
--          red = (unsigned char)(3. * dr);
--          green = (unsigned char)(3. * dg);
--          blue = (unsigned char)(3. * db);
--          b = (b<<2) + red;
--          b = (b<<2) + green;
--          b = (b<<2) + blue;
--          gl2psWriteByte(b);
--          b = 0;
--          icase = 1;
--        }
--      }
--      gl2psPrintf("\n");
--    }
--  }
--  else if(nbit == 4){ /* color, 4 bits for r and g and b; rgbs following each other */
--    nrgb = width  * 3;
--    nbits = nrgb * nbit;
--    nbyte = nbits / 8;
--    if((nbyte * 8) != nbits) nbyte++; 
--    gl2psPrintf("/rgbstr %d string def\n", nbyte);
--    gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d\n", width, height, nbit);
--    gl2psPrintf("[ %d 0 0 -%d 0 %d ]\n", width, height, height);
--    gl2psPrintf("{ currentfile rgbstr readhexstring pop }\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("false 3\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("colorimage\n");
--    for(row = 0; row < height; row++){
--      col = 0;
--      icase = 1;
--      for(ibyte = 0; ibyte < nbyte; ibyte++){
--        if(icase == 1) {
--          if(col < width) {
--            gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--          } 
--          else {
--            dr = dg = db = 0;
--          }
--          col++;
--          red = (unsigned char)(15. * dr);
--          green = (unsigned char)(15. * dg);
--          gl2psPrintf("%x%x", red, green);
--          icase++;
--        } 
--        else if(icase == 2) {
--          blue = (unsigned char)(15. * db);
--          if(col < width) {
--            gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--          } 
--          else {
--            dr = dg = db = 0;
--          }
--          col++;
--          red = (unsigned char)(15. * dr);
--          gl2psPrintf("%x%x", blue, red);
--          icase++;
--        }
--        else if(icase == 3) {
--          green = (unsigned char)(15. * dg);
--          blue = (unsigned char)(15. * db);
--          gl2psPrintf("%x%x", green, blue);
--          icase = 1;
--        }
--      }
--      gl2psPrintf("\n");
--    }
--  }
--  else{ /* 8 bit for r and g and b */
--    nbyte = width * 3;
--    gl2psPrintf("/rgbstr %d string def\n", nbyte);
--    gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d\n", width, height, 8);
--    gl2psPrintf("[ %d 0 0 -%d 0 %d ]\n", width, height, height); 
--    gl2psPrintf("{ currentfile rgbstr readhexstring pop }\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("false 3\n");
--    gl2psPrintf("colorimage\n");
--    for(row = 0; row < height; row++){
--      for(col = 0; col < width; col++){
--        gl2psGetRGB(im, col, row, &dr, &dg, &db);
--        red = (unsigned char)(255. * dr);
--        gl2psWriteByte(red);
--        green = (unsigned char)(255. * dg);
--        gl2psWriteByte(green);
--        blue = (unsigned char)(255. * db);
--        gl2psWriteByte(blue);
--      }
--      gl2psPrintf("\n");
--    }
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("grestore\n");
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap(GLfloat x, GLfloat y,
--                                         GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
--                                         const unsigned char *imagemap){
--  int i, size;
--  if((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) return;
--  size = height + height * (width - 1) / 8;
--  gl2psPrintf("gsave\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("%.2f %.2f translate\n", x, y);
--  gl2psPrintf("%d %d scale\n%d %d\ntrue\n", width, height,width, height); 
--  gl2psPrintf("[ %d 0 0 -%d 0 %d ] {<", width, height);
--  for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
--    gl2psWriteByte(*imagemap);
--    imagemap++;
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf(">} imagemask\ngrestore\n");
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader(void)
--  time_t now;
--  /* Since compression is not part of the PostScript standard,
--     compressed PostScript files are just gzipped PostScript files
--     ("ps.gz" or "eps.gz") */
--  gl2psPrintGzipHeader();
--  time(&now);
--  if(gl2ps->format == GL2PS_PS){
--    gl2psPrintf("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psPrintf("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("%%%%Title: %s\n"
--              "%%%%Creator: GL2PS %d.%d.%d%s, %s\n"
--              "%%%%For: %s\n"
--              "%%%%CreationDate: %s"
--              "%%%%LanguageLevel: 3\n"
--              "%%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n"
--              "%%%%Pages: 1\n",
--              gl2ps->title, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION, 
--              gl2ps->producer, ctime(&now));
--  if(gl2ps->format == GL2PS_PS){
--    gl2psPrintf("%%%%Orientation: %s\n"
--                "%%%%DocumentMedia: Default %d %d 0 () ()\n",
--                (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait",
--                (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? (int)gl2ps->viewport[3] :
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], 
--                (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? (int)gl2ps->viewport[2] : 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n"
--              "%%%%EndComments\n",
--              (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? (int)gl2ps->viewport[1] : 
--              (int)gl2ps->viewport[0],
--              (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? (int)gl2ps->viewport[0] :
--              (int)gl2ps->viewport[1],
--              (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? (int)gl2ps->viewport[3] : 
--              (int)gl2ps->viewport[2],
--              (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? (int)gl2ps->viewport[2] :
--              (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  /* RGB color: r g b C (replace C by G in output to change from rgb to gray)
--     Grayscale: r g b G
--     Font choose: size fontname FC
--     Text string: (string) x y size fontname S??
--     Rotated text string: (string) angle x y size fontname S??R
--     Point primitive: x y size P
--     Line width: width W
--     Line start: x y LS
--     Line joining last point: x y L
--     Line end: x y LE
--     Flat-shaded triangle: x3 y3 x2 y2 x1 y1 T
--     Smooth-shaded triangle: x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 ST */
--  gl2psPrintf("%%%%BeginProlog\n"
--              "/gl2psdict 64 dict def gl2psdict begin\n"
--              "0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin\n"
--              "/tryPS3shading %s def %% set to false to force subdivision\n"
--              "/rThreshold %g def %% red component subdivision threshold\n"
--              "/gThreshold %g def %% green component subdivision threshold\n"
--              "/bThreshold %g def %% blue component subdivision threshold\n",
--              (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_NO_PS3_SHADING) ? "false" : "true",
--              gl2ps->threshold[0], gl2ps->threshold[1], gl2ps->threshold[2]);
--  gl2psPrintf("/BD { bind def } bind def\n"
--              "/C  { setrgbcolor } BD\n"
--              "/G  { 0.082 mul exch 0.6094 mul add exch 0.3086 mul add neg 1.0 add setgray } BD\n"
--              "/W  { setlinewidth } BD\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("/FC { findfont exch /SH exch def SH scalefont setfont } BD\n"
--              "/SW { dup stringwidth pop } BD\n"
--              "/S  { FC moveto show } BD\n"
--              "/SBC{ FC moveto SW -2 div 0 rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/SBR{ FC moveto SW neg 0 rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/SCL{ FC moveto 0 SH -2 div rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/SCC{ FC moveto SW -2 div SH -2 div rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/SCR{ FC moveto SW neg SH -2 div rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/STL{ FC moveto 0 SH neg rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/STC{ FC moveto SW -2 div SH neg rmoveto show } BD\n"
--              "/STR{ FC moveto SW neg SH neg rmoveto show } BD\n");
--  /* rotated text routines: same nameanem with R appended */
--  gl2psPrintf("/FCT { FC translate 0 0 } BD\n"
--              "/SR  { gsave FCT moveto rotate show grestore } BD\n"  
--              "/SBCR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate SW -2 div 0 rmoveto show grestore } BD\n"
--              "/SBRR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate SW neg 0 rmoveto show grestore } BD\n"
--              "/SCLR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate 0 SH -2 div rmoveto show grestore} BD\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("/SCCR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate SW -2 div SH -2 div rmoveto show grestore} BD\n"
--              "/SCRR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate SW neg SH -2 div rmoveto show grestore} BD\n"
--              "/STLR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate 0 SH neg rmoveto show grestore } BD\n"
--              "/STCR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate SW -2 div SH neg rmoveto show grestore } BD\n"
--              "/STRR{ gsave FCT moveto rotate SW neg SH neg rmoveto show grestore } BD\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("/P  { newpath 0.0 360.0 arc closepath fill } BD\n"
--              "/LS { newpath moveto } BD\n"
--              "/L  { lineto } BD\n"
--              "/LE { lineto stroke } BD\n"
--              "/T  { newpath moveto lineto lineto closepath fill } BD\n");
--  /* Smooth-shaded triangle with PostScript level 3 shfill operator:
--        x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 STshfill */
--  gl2psPrintf("/STshfill {\n"
--              "      /b1 exch def /g1 exch def /r1 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def\n"
--              "      /b2 exch def /g2 exch def /r2 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\n"
--              "      /b3 exch def /g3 exch def /r3 exch def /y3 exch def /x3 exch def\n"
--              "      gsave << /ShadingType 4 /ColorSpace [/DeviceRGB]\n"
--              "      /DataSource [ 0 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 0 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 0 x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 ] >>\n"
--              "      shfill grestore } BD\n");
--  /* Flat-shaded triangle with middle color:
--        x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 Tm */
--  gl2psPrintf(/* stack : x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 */
--              "/Tm { 3 -1 roll 8 -1 roll 13 -1 roll add add 3 div\n" /* r = (r1+r2+r3)/3 */
--              /* stack : x3 y3 g3 b3 x2 y2 g2 b2 x1 y1 g1 b1 r */
--              "      3 -1 roll 7 -1 roll 11 -1 roll add add 3 div\n" /* g = (g1+g2+g3)/3 */
--              /* stack : x3 y3 b3 x2 y2 b2 x1 y1 b1 r g b */
--              "      3 -1 roll 6 -1 roll 9 -1 roll add add 3 div" /* b = (b1+b2+b3)/3 */
--              /* stack : x3 y3 x2 y2 x1 y1 r g b */
--              " C T } BD\n");
--  /* Split triangle in four sub-triangles (at sides middle points) and call the
--     STnoshfill procedure on each, interpolating the colors in RGB space:
--        x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 STsplit
--     (in procedure comments key: (Vi) = xi yi ri gi bi) */
--  gl2psPrintf("/STsplit {\n"
--              "      4 index 15 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* x13 = (x1+x3)/2 */
--              "      4 index 15 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* y13 = (y1+y3)/2 */
--              "      4 index 15 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* r13 = (r1+r3)/2 */
--              "      4 index 15 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* g13 = (g1+g3)/2 */
--              "      4 index 15 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* b13 = (b1+b3)/2 */
--              "      5 copy 5 copy 25 15 roll\n");
--  /* at his point, stack = (V3) (V13) (V13) (V13) (V2) (V1) */
--  gl2psPrintf("      9 index 30 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* x23 = (x2+x3)/2 */
--              "      9 index 30 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* y23 = (y2+y3)/2 */
--              "      9 index 30 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* r23 = (r2+r3)/2 */
--              "      9 index 30 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* g23 = (g2+g3)/2 */
--              "      9 index 30 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* b23 = (b2+b3)/2 */
--              "      5 copy 5 copy 35 5 roll 25 5 roll 15 5 roll\n");
--  /* stack = (V3) (V13) (V23) (V13) (V23) (V13) (V23) (V2) (V1) */
--  gl2psPrintf("      4 index 10 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* x12 = (x1+x2)/2 */
--              "      4 index 10 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* y12 = (y1+y2)/2 */
--              "      4 index 10 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* r12 = (r1+r2)/2 */
--              "      4 index 10 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* g12 = (g1+g2)/2 */
--              "      4 index 10 index add 0.5 mul\n" /* b12 = (b1+b2)/2 */
--              "      5 copy 5 copy 40 5 roll 25 5 roll 15 5 roll 25 5 roll\n");
--  /* stack = (V3) (V13) (V23) (V13) (V12) (V23) (V13) (V1) (V12) (V23) (V12) (V2) */
--  gl2psPrintf("      STnoshfill STnoshfill STnoshfill STnoshfill } BD\n");
--  /* Gouraud shaded triangle using recursive subdivision until the difference
--     between corner colors does not exceed the thresholds:
--        x3 y3 r3 g3 b3 x2 y2 r2 g2 b2 x1 y1 r1 g1 b1 STnoshfill  */
--  gl2psPrintf("/STnoshfill {\n"
--              "      2 index 8 index sub abs rThreshold gt\n" /* |r1-r2|>rth */
--              "      { STsplit }\n"
--              "      { 1 index 7 index sub abs gThreshold gt\n" /* |g1-g2|>gth */
--              "        { STsplit }\n"
--              "        { dup 6 index sub abs bThreshold gt\n" /* |b1-b2|>bth */
--              "          { STsplit }\n"
--              "          { 2 index 13 index sub abs rThreshold gt\n" /* |r1-r3|>rht */
--              "            { STsplit }\n"
--              "            { 1 index 12 index sub abs gThreshold gt\n" /* |g1-g3|>gth */
--              "              { STsplit }\n"
--              "              { dup 11 index sub abs bThreshold gt\n" /* |b1-b3|>bth */
--              "                { STsplit }\n"
--              "                { 7 index 13 index sub abs rThreshold gt\n"); /* |r2-r3|>rht */
--  gl2psPrintf("                  { STsplit }\n"
--              "                  { 6 index 12 index sub abs gThreshold gt\n" /* |g2-g3|>gth */
--              "                    { STsplit }\n"
--              "                    { 5 index 11 index sub abs bThreshold gt\n" /* |b2-b3|>bth */
--              "                      { STsplit }\n"
--              "                      { Tm }\n" /* all colors sufficiently similar */
--              "                      ifelse }\n"
--              "                    ifelse }\n"
--              "                  ifelse }\n"
--              "                ifelse }\n"
--              "              ifelse }\n"
--              "            ifelse }\n"
--              "          ifelse }\n"
--              "        ifelse }\n"
--              "      ifelse } BD\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("tryPS3shading\n"
--              "{ /shfill where\n"
--              "  { /ST { STshfill } BD }\n"
--              "  { /ST { STnoshfill } BD }\n"
--              "  ifelse }\n"
--              "{ /ST { STnoshfill } BD }\n"
--              "ifelse\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("end\n"
--              "%%%%EndProlog\n"
--              "%%%%BeginSetup\n"
--              "/DeviceRGB setcolorspace\n"
--              "gl2psdict begin\n"
--              "%%%%EndSetup\n"
--              "%%%%Page: 1 1\n"
--              "%%%%BeginPageSetup\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE){
--    gl2psPrintf("%d 0 translate 90 rotate\n",
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("%%%%EndPageSetup\n"
--              "mark\n"
--              "gsave\n"
--              "1.0 1.0 scale\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g %g C\n"
--                "newpath %d %d moveto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto\n"
--                "closepath fill\n",
--                gl2ps->bgcolor[0], gl2ps->bgcolor[1], gl2ps->bgcolor[2], 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1], (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[1], (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3], 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(GL2PSrgba rgba)
--  if(!gl2psSameColor(gl2ps->lastrgba, rgba)){
--    gl2psSetLastColor(rgba);
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g %g C\n", rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]);
--  }
--static void gl2psResetPostScriptColor(void)
--  gl2ps->lastrgba[0] = gl2ps->lastrgba[1] = gl2ps->lastrgba[2] = -1.;
--static void gl2psEndPostScriptLine(void)
--  int i;
--  if(gl2ps->lastvertex.rgba[0] >= 0.){
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g LE\n", gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[0], gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[1]);
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
--      gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[i] = -1.;
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
--      gl2ps->lastvertex.rgba[i] = -1.;
--  }
--static void gl2psParseStipplePattern(GLushort pattern, GLint factor, 
--                                     int *nb, int array[10])
--  int i, n;
--  int on[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
--  int off[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
--  char tmp[16];
--  /* extract the 16 bits from the OpenGL stipple pattern */
--  for(n = 15; n >= 0; n--){
--    tmp[n] = (char)(pattern & 0x01);
--    pattern >>= 1;
--  }
--  /* compute the on/off pixel sequence */
--  n = 0;
--  for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
--    while(n < 16 && !tmp[n]){ off[i]++; n++; }
--    while(n < 16 && tmp[n]){ on[i]++; n++; }
--    if(n >= 15){ i++; break; }
--  }
--  /* store the on/off array from right to left, starting with off
--     pixels. The PostScript specification allows for at most 11
--     elements in the on/off array, so we limit ourselves to 5 on/off
--     couples (our longest possible array is thus [on4 off4 on3 off3
--     on2 off2 on1 off1 on0 off0]) */
--  *nb = 0;
--  for(n = i - 1; n >= 0; n--){
--    array[(*nb)++] = factor * on[n];
--    array[(*nb)++] = factor * off[n];
--    if(*nb == 10) break;
--  }
--static int gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(GLushort pattern, GLint factor, const char *str)
--  int len = 0, i, n, array[10];
--  if(pattern == gl2ps->lastpattern && factor == gl2ps->lastfactor)
--    return 0;
--  gl2ps->lastpattern = pattern;
--  gl2ps->lastfactor = factor;
--  if(!pattern || !factor){
--    /* solid line */
--    len += gl2psPrintf("[] 0 %s\n", str);
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psParseStipplePattern(pattern, factor, &n, array);
--    len += gl2psPrintf("[");
--    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
--      if(i) len += gl2psPrintf(" ");
--      len += gl2psPrintf("%d", array[i]);
--    }
--    len += gl2psPrintf("] 0 %s\n", str);
--  }
--  return len;
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive(void *data)
--  int newline;
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  if((gl2ps->options & GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL) && prim->culled) return;
--  /* Every effort is made to draw lines as connected segments (i.e.,
--     using a single PostScript path): this is the only way to get nice
--     line joins and to not restart the stippling for every line
--     segment. So if the primitive to print is not a line we must first
--     finish the current line (if any): */
--  if(prim->type != GL2PS_LINE) gl2psEndPostScriptLine();
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_POINT :
--    gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g %g P\n", 
--                prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1], 0.5 * prim->width);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_LINE :
--    if(!gl2psSamePosition(gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz, prim->verts[0].xyz) ||
--       !gl2psSameColor(gl2ps->lastrgba, prim->verts[0].rgba) ||
--       gl2ps->lastlinewidth != prim->width ||
--       gl2ps->lastpattern != prim->pattern ||
--       gl2ps->lastfactor != prim->factor){
--      /* End the current line if the new segment does not start where
--         the last one ended, or if the color, the width or the
--         stippling have changed (multi-stroking lines with changing
--         colors is necessary until we use /shfill for lines;
--         unfortunately this means that at the moment we can screw up
--         line stippling for smooth-shaded lines) */
--      gl2psEndPostScriptLine();
--      newline = 1;
--    }
--    else{
--      newline = 0;
--    }
--    if(gl2ps->lastlinewidth != prim->width){
--      gl2ps->lastlinewidth = prim->width;
--      gl2psPrintf("%g W\n", gl2ps->lastlinewidth);
--    }
--    gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(prim->pattern, prim->factor, "setdash");
--    gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g %s\n", prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1],
--                newline ? "LS" : "L");
--    gl2ps->lastvertex = prim->verts[1];
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TRIANGLE :
--    if(!gl2psVertsSameColor(prim)){
--      gl2psResetPostScriptColor();
--      gl2psPrintf("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g ST\n",
--                  prim->verts[2].xyz[0], prim->verts[2].xyz[1],
--                  prim->verts[2].rgba[0], prim->verts[2].rgba[1],
--                  prim->verts[2].rgba[2], prim->verts[1].xyz[0],
--                  prim->verts[1].xyz[1], prim->verts[1].rgba[0],
--                  prim->verts[1].rgba[1], prim->verts[1].rgba[2],
--                  prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1],
--                  prim->verts[0].rgba[0], prim->verts[0].rgba[1],
--                  prim->verts[0].rgba[2]);
--    }
--    else{
--      gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--      gl2psPrintf("%g %g %g %g %g %g T\n",
--                  prim->verts[2].xyz[0], prim->verts[2].xyz[1],
--                  prim->verts[1].xyz[0], prim->verts[1].xyz[1],
--                  prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--    }
--    break;
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "There should not be any quad left to print");
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_PIXMAP :
--    gl2psPrintPostScriptPixmap(prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1],
--                               prim->data.image);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_IMAGEMAP :
--    if(prim->data.image->type != GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_WRITTEN){
--      gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--      gl2psPrintPostScriptImagemap(prim->data.image->pixels[0],
--                                   prim->data.image->pixels[1],
--                                   prim->data.image->width, prim->data.image->height,
--                                   (const unsigned char*)(&(prim->data.image->pixels[2])));
--      prim->data.image->type = GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_WRITTEN;
--    }
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TEXT :
--    gl2psPrintPostScriptColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    gl2psPrintf("(%s) ", prim->data.text->str);
--    if(prim->data.text->angle)
--      gl2psPrintf("%g ", prim->data.text->angle);
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g %d /%s ",
--                prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1],
--                prim->data.text->fontsize, prim->data.text->fontname);
--    switch(prim->data.text->alignment){
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_C:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "SCCR\n" : "SCC\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_CL:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "SCLR\n" : "SCL\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_CR:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "SCRR\n" : "SCR\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_B:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "SBCR\n" : "SBC\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_BR:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "SBRR\n" : "SBR\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_T:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "STCR\n" : "STC\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_TL:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "STLR\n" : "STL\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_TR:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "STRR\n" : "STR\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_BL:
--    default:
--      gl2psPrintf(prim->data.text->angle ? "SR\n" : "S\n");
--      break;
--    }
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--    /* alignment contains the format for which the special output text
--       is intended */
--    if(prim->data.text->alignment == GL2PS_PS ||
--       prim->data.text->alignment == GL2PS_EPS)
--      gl2psPrintf("%s\n", prim->data.text->str);
--    break;
--  default :
--    break;
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter(void)
--  gl2psPrintf("grestore\n"
--              "showpage\n"
--              "cleartomark\n"
--              "%%%%PageTrailer\n"
--              "%%%%Trailer\n"
--              "end\n"
--              "%%%%EOF\n");
--  gl2psPrintGzipFooter();
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4])
--  GLint index;
--  GLfloat rgba[4];
--  int x = viewport[0], y = viewport[1], w = viewport[2], h = viewport[3];
--  glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);
--  if(gl2ps->header){
--    gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader();
--    gl2ps->header = GL_FALSE;
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("gsave\n"
--              "1.0 1.0 scale\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_RGBA || gl2ps->colorsize == 0){
--      glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, rgba);
--    }
--    else{
--      glGetIntegerv(GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, &index);
--      rgba[0] = gl2ps->colormap[index][0];
--      rgba[1] = gl2ps->colormap[index][1];
--      rgba[2] = gl2ps->colormap[index][2];
--      rgba[3] = 1.0F;
--    }
--    gl2psPrintf("%g %g %g C\n"
--                "newpath %d %d moveto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto\n"
--                "closepath fill\n",
--                rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], 
--                x, y, x+w, y, x+w, y+h, x, y+h);
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("newpath %d %d moveto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto %d %d lineto\n"
--              "closepath clip\n",
--              x, y, x+w, y, x+w, y+h, x, y+h);
--static GLint gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport(void)
--  GLint res;
--  res = gl2psPrintPrimitives();
--  gl2psPrintf("grestore\n");
--  return res;
--static void gl2psPrintPostScriptFinalPrimitive(void)
--  /* End any remaining line, if any */
--  gl2psEndPostScriptLine();
--/* definition of the PostScript and Encapsulated PostScript backends */
--static GL2PSbackend gl2psPS = {
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptFinalPrimitive,
--  "ps",
--  "Postscript"
--static GL2PSbackend gl2psEPS = {
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptHeader,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptFooter,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptBeginViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptEndViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptPrimitive,
--  gl2psPrintPostScriptFinalPrimitive,
--  "eps",
--  "Encapsulated Postscript"
-- *
-- * LaTeX routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static void gl2psPrintTeXHeader(void)
--  char name[256];
--  time_t now;
--  int i;
--  if(gl2ps->filename && strlen(gl2ps->filename) < 256){
--    for(i = strlen(gl2ps->filename)-1; i >= 0; i--){
--      if(gl2ps->filename[i] == '.'){
--        strncpy(name, gl2ps->filename, i);
--        name[i] = '\0';
--        break;
--      }
--    }
--    if(i <= 0) strcpy(name, gl2ps->filename);
--  }
--  else{
--    strcpy(name, "untitled");
--  }
--  time(&now);
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--          "%% Title: %s\n"
--          "%% Creator: GL2PS %d.%d.%d%s, %s\n"
--          "%% For: %s\n"
--          "%% CreationDate: %s",
--          gl2ps->title, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION,
--          gl2ps->producer, ctime(&now));
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--          "\\setlength{\\unitlength}{1pt}\n"
--          "\\begin{picture}(0,0)\n"
--          "\\includegraphics{%s}\n"
--          "\\end{picture}%%\n"
--          "%s\\begin{picture}(%d,%d)(0,0)\n",
--          name, (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? "\\rotatebox{90}{" : "",
--          (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--static void gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_TEXT :
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\fontsize{%d}{0}\n\\selectfont", 
--            prim->data.text->fontsize);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\put(%g,%g){\\makebox(0,0)",
--            prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--    switch(prim->data.text->alignment){
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_C:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_CL:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[l]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_CR:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[r]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_B:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[b]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_BR:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[br]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_T:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[t]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_TL:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[tl]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_TR:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[tr]{");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT_BL:
--    default:
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "[bl]{");
--      break;
--    }
--    if(prim->data.text->angle)
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\rotatebox{%g}{", prim->data.text->angle);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\textcolor[rgb]{%g,%g,%g}{{%s}}",
--            prim->verts[0].rgba[0], prim->verts[0].rgba[1], prim->verts[0].rgba[2],
--            prim->data.text->str);
--    if(prim->data.text->angle)
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "}");
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "}}\n");
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--    /* alignment contains the format for which the special output text
--       is intended */
--    if (prim->data.text->alignment == GL2PS_TEX)
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "%s\n", prim->data.text->str);
--    break;
--  default :
--    break;
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintTeXFooter(void)
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\end{picture}%s\n",
--          (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE) ? "}" : "");
--static void gl2psPrintTeXBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4])
--  glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);
--  if(gl2ps->header){
--    gl2psPrintTeXHeader();
--    gl2ps->header = GL_FALSE;
--  }
--static GLint gl2psPrintTeXEndViewport(void)
--  return gl2psPrintPrimitives();
--static void gl2psPrintTeXFinalPrimitive(void)
--/* definition of the LaTeX backend */
--static GL2PSbackend gl2psTEX = {
--  gl2psPrintTeXHeader,
--  gl2psPrintTeXFooter,
--  gl2psPrintTeXBeginViewport,
--  gl2psPrintTeXEndViewport,
--  gl2psPrintTeXPrimitive,
--  gl2psPrintTeXFinalPrimitive,
--  "tex",
--  "LaTeX text"
-- *
-- * PDF routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static int gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType(void)
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    return fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/Filter [/FlateDecode]\n");
--  }
--  return 0;
--static int gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(GL2PSrgba rgba)
--  int i, offs = 0;
--  gl2psSetLastColor(rgba);
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
--    if(GL2PS_ZERO(rgba[i]))
--      offs += gl2psPrintf("%.0f ", 0.);
--    else if(rgba[i] < 1e-4 || rgba[i] > 1e6) /* avoid %e formatting */
--      offs += gl2psPrintf("%f ", rgba[i]);
--    else
--      offs += gl2psPrintf("%g ", rgba[i]);
--  }
--  offs += gl2psPrintf("RG\n");
--  return offs;
--static int gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(GL2PSrgba rgba)
--  int i, offs = 0;
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
--    if(GL2PS_ZERO(rgba[i]))
--      offs += gl2psPrintf("%.0f ", 0.);
--    else if(rgba[i] < 1e-4 || rgba[i] > 1e6) /* avoid %e formatting */
--      offs += gl2psPrintf("%f ", rgba[i]);
--    else
--      offs += gl2psPrintf("%g ", rgba[i]);
--  }
--  offs += gl2psPrintf("rg\n");
--  return offs;
--static int gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth(GLfloat lw)
--  if(GL2PS_ZERO(lw))
--    return gl2psPrintf("%.0f w\n", 0.);
--  else if(lw < 1e-4 || lw > 1e6) /* avoid %e formatting */
--    return gl2psPrintf("%f w\n", lw);
--  else
--    return gl2psPrintf("%g w\n", lw);
--static void gl2psPutPDFText(GL2PSstring *text, int cnt, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
--  GLfloat rad, crad, srad;
--  if(text->angle == 0.0F){
--    gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf
--      ("BT\n"
--       "/F%d %d Tf\n"
--       "%f %f Td\n"
--       "(%s) Tj\n"
--       "ET\n", 
--       cnt, text->fontsize, x, y, text->str);
--  }
--  else{
--    rad = (GLfloat)M_PI * text->angle / 180.0F;
--    srad = (GLfloat)sin(rad);
--    crad = (GLfloat)cos(rad);
--    gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf
--      ("BT\n"
--       "/F%d %d Tf\n"
--       "%f %f %f %f %f %f Tm\n"
--       "(%s) Tj\n"
--       "ET\n",
--       cnt, text->fontsize, crad, srad, -srad, crad, x, y, text->str);
--  }
--static void gl2psPutPDFImage(GL2PSimage *image, int cnt, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
--  gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf
--    ("q\n"
--     "%d 0 0 %d %f %f cm\n"
--     "/Im%d Do\n"
--     "Q\n",
--     (int)image->width, (int)image->height, x, y, cnt);
--static void gl2psPDFstacksInit(void)
--  gl2ps->objects_stack = 7 /* FIXED_XREF_ENTRIES */ + 1; 
--  gl2ps->extgs_stack = 0;   
--  gl2ps->font_stack = 0;    
--  gl2ps->im_stack = 0;      
--  gl2ps->trgroupobjects_stack = 0;    
--  gl2ps->shader_stack = 0;  
--  gl2ps->mshader_stack = 0; 
--static void gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(GL2PSpdfgroup *gro)
--  if(!gro)
--    return;
--  gro->ptrlist = NULL;
--  gro->fontno = gro->gsno = gro->imno = gro->maskshno = gro->shno 
--    = gro->trgroupno = gro->fontobjno = gro->imobjno = gro->shobjno 
--    = gro->maskshobjno = gro->gsobjno = gro->trgroupobjno = -1;
--/* Build up group objects and assign name and object numbers */
--static void gl2psPDFgroupListInit(void)
--  int i;
--  GL2PSprimitive *p = NULL;
--  GL2PSpdfgroup gro;
--  int lasttype = GL2PS_NO_TYPE;
--  GL2PSrgba lastrgba = {-1.0F, -1.0F, -1.0F, -1.0F};
--  GLushort lastpattern = 0;
--  GLint lastfactor = 0;
--  GLfloat lastwidth = 1;
--  GL2PStriangle lastt, tmpt;
--  int lastTriangleWasNotSimpleWithSameColor = 0;
--  if(!gl2ps->pdfprimlist)
--    return;
--  gl2ps->pdfgrouplist = gl2psListCreate(500, 500, sizeof(GL2PSpdfgroup));
--  gl2psInitTriangle(&lastt);
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfprimlist); ++i){  
--    p = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfprimlist, i);
--    switch(p->type){
--    case GL2PS_PIXMAP:
--      gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(&gro);
--      gro.ptrlist = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--      gro.imno = gl2ps->im_stack++;
--      gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--      gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, &gro);
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT:
--      gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(&gro);
--      gro.ptrlist = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--      gro.fontno = gl2ps->font_stack++;
--      gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--      gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, &gro);
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_LINE:
--      if(lasttype != p->type || lastwidth != p->width || 
--         lastpattern != p->pattern || lastfactor != p->factor ||
--         !gl2psSameColor(p->verts[0].rgba, lastrgba)){
--        gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(&gro);
--        gro.ptrlist = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--        gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--        gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, &gro);
--      }
--      else{
--        gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--      }
--      lastpattern = p->pattern;
--      lastfactor = p->factor;
--      lastwidth = p->width;
--      lastrgba[0] = p->verts[0].rgba[0];
--      lastrgba[1] = p->verts[0].rgba[1];
--      lastrgba[2] = p->verts[0].rgba[2];
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_POINT:
--      if(lasttype != p->type || lastwidth != p->width || 
--         !gl2psSameColor(p->verts[0].rgba, lastrgba)){
--        gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(&gro);
--        gro.ptrlist = gl2psListCreate(1,2,sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--        gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--        gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, &gro);
--      }
--      else{
--        gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--      }
--      lastwidth = p->width;
--      lastrgba[0] = p->verts[0].rgba[0];
--      lastrgba[1] = p->verts[0].rgba[1];
--      lastrgba[2] = p->verts[0].rgba[2];
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TRIANGLE:
--      gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&tmpt, p, GL_TRUE);
--      lastTriangleWasNotSimpleWithSameColor = 
--        !(tmpt.prop & T_CONST_COLOR && tmpt.prop & T_ALPHA_1) ||
--        !gl2psSameColor(tmpt.vertex[0].rgba, lastt.vertex[0].rgba);
--      if(lasttype == p->type && tmpt.prop == lastt.prop && 
--         lastTriangleWasNotSimpleWithSameColor){
--        /* TODO Check here for last alpha */
--        gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--      }
--      else{
--        gl2psPDFgroupObjectInit(&gro);
--        gro.ptrlist = gl2psListCreate(1, 2, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--        gl2psListAdd(gro.ptrlist, &p);
--        gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, &gro);
--      }
--      lastt = tmpt;
--      break;
--    default:
--      break;
--    } 
--    lasttype = p->type;
--  }
--static void gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup(GL2PSpdfgroup *gro)
--  GL2PStriangle t;
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim = NULL;
--  if(!gro)
--    return;
--  if(!gl2psListNbr(gro->ptrlist))
--    return;
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, 0);
--  if(prim->type != GL2PS_TRIANGLE)
--    return;
--  gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&t, prim, GL_TRUE);
--  if(t.prop & T_CONST_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_LESS_1){        
--    gro->gsno = gl2ps->extgs_stack++; 
--    gro->gsobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack ++;
--  }
--  else if(t.prop & T_CONST_COLOR && t.prop & T_VAR_ALPHA){              
--    gro->gsno = gl2ps->extgs_stack++;
--    gro->gsobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    gro->trgroupno = gl2ps->trgroupobjects_stack++; 
--    gro->trgroupobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    gro->maskshno = gl2ps->mshader_stack++;
--    gro->maskshobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--  }
--  else if(t.prop & T_VAR_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_1){          
--    gro->shno = gl2ps->shader_stack++;
--    gro->shobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--  }
--  else if(t.prop & T_VAR_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_LESS_1){             
--    gro->gsno = gl2ps->extgs_stack++;
--    gro->gsobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    gro->shno = gl2ps->shader_stack++; 
--    gro->shobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--  }
--  else if(t.prop & T_VAR_COLOR && t.prop & T_VAR_ALPHA){                
--    gro->gsno = gl2ps->extgs_stack++;
--    gro->gsobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    gro->shno = gl2ps->shader_stack++; 
--    gro->shobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    gro->trgroupno = gl2ps->trgroupobjects_stack++; 
--    gro->trgroupobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    gro->maskshno = gl2ps->mshader_stack++;
--    gro->maskshobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--  }
--/* Main stream data */
--static void gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream(void)
--  int i, j, lastel;
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim = NULL, *prev = NULL;
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro;
--  GL2PStriangle t;
--  if(!gl2ps->pdfgrouplist)
--    return;
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, i);
--    lastel = gl2psListNbr(gro->ptrlist) - 1;
--    if(lastel < 0)
--      continue;
--    prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, 0);
--    switch(prim->type){
--    case GL2PS_POINT:
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("1 J\n");
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth(prim->width);
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--      for(j = 0; j <= lastel; ++j){  
--        prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--        gl2ps->streamlength +=
--          gl2psPrintf("%f %f m %f %f l\n",
--                      prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1],
--                      prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--      }
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("S\n"); 
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("0 J\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_LINE:
--      /* We try to use as few paths as possible to draw lines, in
--         order to get nice stippling even when the individual segments
--         are smaller than the stipple */
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFLineWidth(prim->width);
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFStrokeColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPostScriptDash(prim->pattern, prim->factor, "d");
--      /* start new path */
--      gl2ps->streamlength += 
--        gl2psPrintf("%f %f m\n", 
--                    prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--      for(j = 1; j <= lastel; ++j){
--        prev = prim;
--        prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--        if(!gl2psSamePosition(prim->verts[0].xyz, prev->verts[1].xyz)){
--          /* the starting point of the new segment does not match the
--             end point of the previous line, so we end the current
--             path and start a new one */
--          gl2ps->streamlength += 
--            gl2psPrintf("%f %f l\n", 
--                        prev->verts[1].xyz[0], prev->verts[1].xyz[1]);
--          gl2ps->streamlength += 
--            gl2psPrintf("%f %f m\n", 
--                        prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--        }
--        else{
--          /* the two segements are connected, so we just append to the
--             current path */
--          gl2ps->streamlength += 
--            gl2psPrintf("%f %f l\n",
--                        prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--        }
--      }
--      /* end last path */
--      gl2ps->streamlength += 
--        gl2psPrintf("%f %f l\n", 
--                    prim->verts[1].xyz[0], prim->verts[1].xyz[1]);
--      gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("S\n");
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TRIANGLE:
--      gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&t, prim, GL_TRUE);
--      gl2psSortOutTrianglePDFgroup(gro);
--      /* No alpha and const color: Simple PDF draw orders  */
--      if(t.prop & T_CONST_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_1){         
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(t.vertex[0].rgba);        
--        for(j = 0; j <= lastel; ++j){  
--          prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--          gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&t, prim, GL_FALSE);
--          gl2ps->streamlength 
--            += gl2psPrintf("%f %f m\n"
--                           "%f %f l\n"
--                           "%f %f l\n"
--                           "h f\n",
--                           t.vertex[0].xyz[0], t.vertex[0].xyz[1],
--                           t.vertex[1].xyz[0], t.vertex[1].xyz[1],
--                           t.vertex[2].xyz[0], t.vertex[2].xyz[1]);
--        }
--      }
--      /* Const alpha < 1 and const color: Simple PDF draw orders 
--         and an extra extended Graphics State for the alpha const */
--      else if(t.prop & T_CONST_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_LESS_1){               
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("q\n"
--                                           "/GS%d gs\n",
--                                           gro->gsno);
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--        for(j = 0; j <= lastel; ++j){  
--          prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--          gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&t, prim, GL_FALSE);
--          gl2ps->streamlength 
--            += gl2psPrintf("%f %f m\n"
--                           "%f %f l\n"
--                           "%f %f l\n"
--                           "h f\n",
--                           t.vertex[0].xyz[0], t.vertex[0].xyz[1],
--                           t.vertex[1].xyz[0], t.vertex[1].xyz[1],
--                           t.vertex[2].xyz[0], t.vertex[2].xyz[1]);
--        }
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("Q\n");
--      }
--      /* Variable alpha and const color: Simple PDF draw orders 
--         and an extra extended Graphics State + Xobject + Shader 
--         object for the alpha mask */
--      else if(t.prop & T_CONST_COLOR && t.prop & T_VAR_ALPHA){          
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("q\n"
--                                           "/GS%d gs\n"
--                                           "/TrG%d Do\n",
--                                           gro->gsno, gro->trgroupno);
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--        for(j = 0; j <= lastel; ++j){  
--          prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--          gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&t, prim, GL_FALSE);
--          gl2ps->streamlength 
--            += gl2psPrintf("%f %f m\n"
--                           "%f %f l\n"
--                           "%f %f l\n"
--                           "h f\n",
--                           t.vertex[0].xyz[0], t.vertex[0].xyz[1],
--                           t.vertex[1].xyz[0], t.vertex[1].xyz[1],
--                           t.vertex[2].xyz[0], t.vertex[2].xyz[1]);
--        }
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("Q\n");
--      }
--      /* Variable color and no alpha: Shader Object for the colored
--         triangle(s) */
--      else if(t.prop & T_VAR_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_1){              
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("/Sh%d sh\n", gro->shno);
--      }
--      /* Variable color and const alpha < 1: Shader Object for the 
--         colored triangle(s) and an extra extended Graphics State 
--         for the alpha const */
--      else if(t.prop & T_VAR_COLOR && t.prop & T_ALPHA_LESS_1){         
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("q\n"
--                                           "/GS%d gs\n"
--                                           "/Sh%d sh\n"
--                                           "Q\n",
--                                           gro->gsno, gro->shno);
--      }
--      /* Variable alpha and color: Shader Object for the colored 
--         triangle(s) and an extra extended Graphics State 
--         + Xobject + Shader object for the alpha mask */
--      else if(t.prop & T_VAR_COLOR && t.prop & T_VAR_ALPHA){            
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("q\n"
--                                           "/GS%d gs\n"
--                                           "/TrG%d Do\n"
--                                           "/Sh%d sh\n"
--                                           "Q\n",
--                                           gro->gsno, gro->trgroupno, gro->shno);
--      }
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_PIXMAP:
--      for(j = 0; j <= lastel; ++j){
--        prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--        gl2psPutPDFImage(prim->data.image, gro->imno, prim->verts[0].xyz[0], 
--                         prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--      }
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT:
--      for(j = 0; j <= lastel; ++j){  
--        prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--        gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--        gl2psPutPDFText(prim->data.text, gro->fontno, prim->verts[0].xyz[0],
--                        prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--      }
--      break;
--    default:
--      break;
--    } 
--  }
--/* Graphics State names */
--static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources(void)
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro;
--  int offs = 0;
--  int i;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/ExtGState\n" 
--                  "<<\n"
--                  "/GSa 7 0 R\n");
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){  
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, i); 
--    if(gro->gsno >= 0)
--      offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/GS%d %d 0 R\n", gro->gsno, gro->gsobjno);
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, ">>\n"); 
--  return offs;
--/* Main Shader names */
--static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources(void)
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro;
--  int offs = 0;
--  int i;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/Shading\n"
--                  "<<\n");
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){  
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, i); 
--    if(gro->shno >= 0)
--      offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/Sh%d %d 0 R\n", gro->shno, gro->shobjno);
--    if(gro->maskshno >= 0)
--      offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/TrSh%d %d 0 R\n", gro->maskshno, gro->maskshobjno);
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,">>\n");  
--  return offs;
--/* Images & Mask Shader XObject names */
--static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources(void)
--  int i;
--  GL2PSprimitive *p = NULL;
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro;
--  int offs = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/XObject\n"
--                  "<<\n");
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){  
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, i); 
--    if(!gl2psListNbr(gro->ptrlist))
--      continue;
--    p = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, 0);
--    switch(p->type){
--    case GL2PS_PIXMAP:
--      gro->imobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--      if(GL_RGBA == p->data.image->format)  /* reserve one object for image mask */
--        gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--      offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/Im%d %d 0 R\n", gro->imno, gro->imobjno);
--    case GL2PS_TRIANGLE:
--      if(gro->trgroupno >=0)
--        offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/TrG%d %d 0 R\n", gro->trgroupno, gro->trgroupobjno);
--      break;
--    default:
--      break;
--    }
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,">>\n");
--  return offs;
--/* Font names */
--static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources(void)
--  int i;
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro;
--  int offs = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/Font\n<<\n");
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){  
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, i); 
--    if(gro->fontno < 0)
--      continue;
--    gro->fontobjno = gl2ps->objects_stack++;
--    offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/F%d %d 0 R\n", gro->fontno, gro->fontobjno);
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, ">>\n");
--  return offs;
--static void gl2psPDFgroupListDelete(void)
--  int i;
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro = NULL;
--  if(!gl2ps->pdfgrouplist)
--    return;
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){ 
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist,i);
--    gl2psListDelete(gro->ptrlist);
--  }
--  gl2psListDelete(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist);
--  gl2ps->pdfgrouplist = NULL;
--/* Print 1st PDF object - file info */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFInfo(void)
--  int offs;
--  time_t now;
--  struct tm *newtime;
--  time(&now);
--  newtime = gmtime(&now);
--  offs = fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                 "1 0 obj\n"
--                 "<<\n"
--                 "/Title (%s)\n"
--                 "/Creator (GL2PS %d.%d.%d%s, %s)\n"
--                 "/Producer (%s)\n",
--                 gl2ps->title, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION,
--                 gl2ps->producer);
--  if(!newtime){
--    offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                    ">>\n"
--                    "endobj\n");
--    return offs;
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                  "/CreationDate (D:%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d)\n"
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "endobj\n",
--                  newtime->tm_year+1900, 
--                  newtime->tm_mon+1, 
--                  newtime->tm_mday,
--                  newtime->tm_hour,
--                  newtime->tm_min,
--                  newtime->tm_sec);
--  return offs;
--/* Create catalog and page structure - 2nd and 3th PDF object */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFCatalog(void)
--  return fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                 "2 0 obj\n"
--                 "<<\n"
--                 "/Type /Catalog\n"
--                 "/Pages 3 0 R\n"
--                 ">>\n"
--                 "endobj\n");
--static int gl2psPrintPDFPages(void)
--  return fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                 "3 0 obj\n"
--                 "<<\n" 
--                 "/Type /Pages\n"
--                 "/Kids [6 0 R]\n"
--                 "/Count 1\n"
--                 ">>\n"
--                 "endobj\n");
--/* Open stream for data - graphical objects, fonts etc. PDF object 4 */
--static int gl2psOpenPDFDataStream(void)
--  int offs = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                  "4 0 obj\n"
--                  "<<\n" 
--                  "/Length 5 0 R\n" );
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType();
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "stream\n");
--  return offs;
--/* Stream setup - Graphics state, fill background if allowed */
--static int gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface(void)
--  int offs;
--  offs = gl2psPrintf("/GSa gs\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    offs += gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(gl2ps->bgcolor);
--    offs += gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d %d re\n",
--                        (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1],
--                        (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--    offs += gl2psPrintf("f\n");  
--  }
--  return offs;
--/* Use the functions above to create the first part of the PDF*/
--static void gl2psPrintPDFHeader(void)
--  int offs = 0;
--  gl2ps->pdfprimlist = gl2psListCreate(500, 500, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--  gl2psPDFstacksInit();
--  gl2ps->xreflist = (int*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(int) * gl2ps->objects_stack); 
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    gl2psSetupCompress();
--  }
--  gl2ps->xreflist[0] = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "%%PDF-1.4\n");
--  gl2ps->xreflist[1] = offs;
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFInfo();
--  gl2ps->xreflist[2] = offs;
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFCatalog();
--  gl2ps->xreflist[3] = offs;
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFPages();
--  gl2ps->xreflist[4] = offs;
--  offs += gl2psOpenPDFDataStream();
--  gl2ps->xreflist[5] = offs; /* finished in gl2psPrintPDFFooter */
--  gl2ps->streamlength = gl2psOpenPDFDataStreamWritePreface();
--/* The central primitive drawing */
--static void gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  if((gl2ps->options & GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL) && prim->culled) 
--    return;
--  prim = gl2psCopyPrimitive(prim); /* deep copy */
--  gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->pdfprimlist, &prim);
--/* close stream and ... */
--static int gl2psClosePDFDataStream(void)
--  int offs = 0;
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    if(Z_OK != gl2psDeflate())
--      gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Zlib deflate error");
--    else
--      fwrite(gl2ps->compress->dest, gl2ps->compress->destLen, 1, gl2ps->stream);
--    gl2ps->streamlength += gl2ps->compress->destLen;
--    offs += gl2ps->streamlength;
--    gl2psFreeCompress();
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                  "endstream\n"
--                  "endobj\n");
--  return offs;
--/* ... write the now known length object */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFDataStreamLength(int val)
--  return fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                 "5 0 obj\n"
--                 "%d\n"
--                 "endobj\n", val);
--/* Put the info created before in PDF objects */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFOpenPage(void)
--  int offs;
--  /* Write fixed part */
--  offs = fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--                 "6 0 obj\n"
--                 "<<\n" 
--                 "/Type /Page\n"
--                 "/Parent 3 0 R\n"
--                 "/MediaBox [%d %d %d %d]\n",
--                 (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1],
--                 (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE)
--    offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "/Rotate -90\n");
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/Contents 4 0 R\n"
--                  "/Resources\n" 
--                  "<<\n" 
--                  "/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC]  %%/ImageI\n");
--  return offs;
--  /* End fixed part, proceeds in gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources() */
--static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources(void)
--  int offs = 0;
--  /* a) Graphics States for shader alpha masks*/
--  offs += gl2psPDFgroupListWriteGStateResources();  
--  /* b) Shader and shader masks */ 
--  offs += gl2psPDFgroupListWriteShaderResources();  
--  /* c) XObjects (Images & Shader Masks) */
--  offs += gl2psPDFgroupListWriteXObjectResources();
--  /* d) Fonts */
--  offs += gl2psPDFgroupListWriteFontResources();
--  /* End resources and page */
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  ">>\n"
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "endobj\n");
--  return offs;
--/* Standard Graphics State */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFGSObject(void)
--  return fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                 "7 0 obj\n"
--                 "<<\n"
--                 "/Type /ExtGState\n"
--                 "/SA false\n"
--                 "/SM 0.02\n"
--                 "/OP false\n"
--                 "/op false\n"
--                 "/OPM 0\n"
--                 "/BG2 /Default\n"
--                 "/UCR2 /Default\n"
--                 "/TR2 /Default\n"
--                 ">>\n"
--                 "endobj\n");
--/* Put vertex' edge flag (8bit) and coordinates (32bit) in shader stream */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataCoord(GL2PSvertex *vertex, 
--                                              size_t (*action)(unsigned long data, 
--                                                               size_t size), 
--                                              GLfloat dx, GLfloat dy, 
--                                              GLfloat xmin, GLfloat ymin)
--  int offs = 0;
--  unsigned long imap;
--  GLfloat diff;
--  double dmax = ~1UL;
--  char edgeflag = 0;
--  /* FIXME: temp bux fix for 64 bit archs: */
--  if(sizeof(unsigned long) == 8) dmax = dmax - 2048.;
--  offs += (*action)(edgeflag, 1);
--  /* The Shader stream in PDF requires to be in a 'big-endian'
--     order */
--  if(GL2PS_ZERO(dx * dy)){
--    offs += (*action)(0, 4);
--    offs += (*action)(0, 4);
--  }
--  else{
--    diff = (vertex->xyz[0] - xmin) / dx;
--    if(diff > 1)
--      diff = 1.0F;
--    else if(diff < 0)
--      diff = 0.0F;
--    imap = (unsigned long)(diff * dmax);
--    offs += (*action)(imap, 4);
--    diff = (vertex->xyz[1] - ymin) / dy;
--    if(diff > 1)
--      diff = 1.0F;
--    else if(diff < 0)
--      diff = 0.0F;
--    imap = (unsigned long)(diff * dmax);
--    offs += (*action)(imap, 4);
--  }
--  return offs;
--/* Put vertex' rgb value (8bit for every component) in shader stream */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataRGB(GL2PSvertex *vertex,
--                                            size_t (*action)(unsigned long data, 
--                                                             size_t size))
--  int offs = 0;
--  unsigned long imap;
--  double dmax = ~1UL;
--  /* FIXME: temp bux fix for 64 bit archs: */
--  if(sizeof(unsigned long) == 8) dmax = dmax - 2048.;
--  imap = (unsigned long)((vertex->rgba[0]) * dmax);
--  offs += (*action)(imap, 1);
--  imap = (unsigned long)((vertex->rgba[1]) * dmax);
--  offs += (*action)(imap, 1);
--  imap = (unsigned long)((vertex->rgba[2]) * dmax);
--  offs += (*action)(imap, 1);
--  return offs;
--/* Put vertex' alpha (8/16bit) in shader stream */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataAlpha(GL2PSvertex *vertex, 
--                                              size_t (*action)(unsigned long data, 
--                                                               size_t size),
--                                              int sigbyte)
--  int offs = 0;
--  unsigned long imap;
--  double dmax = ~1UL;
--  /* FIXME: temp bux fix for 64 bit archs: */
--  if(sizeof(unsigned long) == 8) dmax = dmax - 2048.;
--  if(sigbyte != 8 && sigbyte != 16)
--    sigbyte = 8;
--  sigbyte /= 8;
--  imap = (unsigned long)((vertex->rgba[3]) * dmax);
--  offs += (*action)(imap, sigbyte);
--  return offs;
--/* Put a triangles raw data in shader stream */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData(GL2PStriangle *triangle, 
--                                         GLfloat dx, GLfloat dy, 
--                                         GLfloat xmin, GLfloat ymin,
--                                         size_t (*action)(unsigned long data, 
--                                                          size_t size),
--                                         int gray)
--  int i, offs = 0;
--  GL2PSvertex v;
--  if(gray && gray != 8 && gray != 16)
--    gray = 8;
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
--    offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataCoord(&triangle->vertex[i], action,
--                                               dx, dy, xmin, ymin);
--    if(gray){ 
--      v = triangle->vertex[i];
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataAlpha(&v, action, gray); 
--    }
--    else{
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamDataRGB(&triangle->vertex[i], action);
--    }
--  }
--  return offs;
--static void gl2psPDFRectHull(GLfloat *xmin, GLfloat *xmax, 
--                             GLfloat *ymin, GLfloat *ymax, 
--                             GL2PStriangle *triangles, int cnt)
--  int i, j;
--  *xmin = triangles[0].vertex[0].xyz[0];
--  *xmax = triangles[0].vertex[0].xyz[0];
--  *ymin = triangles[0].vertex[0].xyz[1];
--  *ymax = triangles[0].vertex[0].xyz[1];
--  for(i = 0; i < cnt; ++i){
--    for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j){
--      if(*xmin > triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[0])
--        *xmin = triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[0];
--      if(*xmax < triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[0])
--        *xmax = triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[0];
--      if(*ymin > triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[1])
--        *ymin = triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[1];
--      if(*ymax < triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[1])
--        *ymax = triangles[i].vertex[j].xyz[1];
--    }
--  }
--/* Writes shaded triangle 
--   gray == 0 means write RGB triangles
--   gray == 8             8bit-grayscale (for alpha masks)
--   gray == 16            16bit-grayscale (for alpha masks) */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShader(int obj, GL2PStriangle *triangles, 
--                               int size, int gray)
--  int i, offs = 0, vertexbytes, done = 0;
--  GLfloat xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
--  switch(gray){
--  case 0:
--    vertexbytes = 1+4+4+1+1+1;
--    break;
--  case 8:
--    vertexbytes = 1+4+4+1;
--    break;
--  case 16:
--    vertexbytes = 1+4+4+2;
--    break;
--  default:
--    gray = 8;
--    vertexbytes = 1+4+4+1;
--    break;
--  }
--  gl2psPDFRectHull(&xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, triangles, size);
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "%d 0 obj\n"
--                  "<< "
--                  "/ShadingType 4 "
--                  "/ColorSpace %s "
--                  "/BitsPerCoordinate 32 "
--                  "/BitsPerComponent %d "
--                  "/BitsPerFlag 8 "
--                  "/Decode [%f %f %f %f 0 1 %s] ",
--                  obj,
--                  (gray) ? "/DeviceGray" : "/DeviceRGB", 
--                  (gray) ? gray : 8,
--                  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
--                  (gray) ? "" : "0 1 0 1");
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    gl2psAllocCompress(vertexbytes * size * 3);
--    for(i = 0; i < size; ++i)
--      gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData(&triangles[i],
--                                    xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, xmin, ymin, 
--                                    gl2psWriteBigEndianCompress, gray);
--    if(Z_OK == gl2psDeflate() && 23 + gl2ps->compress->destLen < gl2ps->compress->srcLen){
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType();
--      offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                      "/Length %d "
--                      ">>\n"
--                      "stream\n",
--                      (int)gl2ps->compress->destLen);
--      offs += gl2ps->compress->destLen * fwrite(gl2ps->compress->dest, 
--                                                gl2ps->compress->destLen, 
--                                                1, gl2ps->stream);
--      done = 1;
--    }
--    gl2psFreeCompress();
--  }
--  if(!done){
--    /* no compression, or too long after compression, or compress error
--       -> write non-compressed entry */
--    offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                    "/Length %d "
--                    ">>\n"
--                    "stream\n",
--                    vertexbytes * 3 * size);
--    for(i = 0; i < size; ++i)
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderStreamData(&triangles[i],
--                                            xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, xmin, ymin,
--                                            gl2psWriteBigEndian, gray);
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "\nendstream\n"
--                  "endobj\n");
--  return offs;
--/* Writes a XObject for a shaded triangle mask */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderMask(int obj, int childobj)
--  int offs = 0, len;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "%d 0 obj\n"
--                  "<<\n"
--                  "/Type /XObject\n"
--                  "/Subtype /Form\n"
--                  "/BBox [ %d %d %d %d ]\n"
--                  "/Group \n<<\n/S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB\n"
--                  ">>\n",
--                  obj,
--                  (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1],
--                  (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  len = (childobj>0) 
--    ? strlen("/TrSh sh\n") + (int)log10((double)childobj)+1
--    : strlen("/TrSh0 sh\n"); 
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/Length %d\n"
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "stream\n",
--                  len);
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/TrSh%d sh\n",
--                  childobj);
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "endstream\n"
--                  "endobj\n");
--  return offs;
--/* Writes a Extended graphics state for a shaded triangle mask if
--   simplealpha ist true the childobj argument is ignored and a /ca
--   statement will be written instead */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderExtGS(int obj, int childobj)
--  int offs = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "%d 0 obj\n"
--                  "<<\n",
--                  obj);
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "/SMask << /S /Alpha /G %d 0 R >> ",
--                  childobj);
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "endobj\n");
--  return offs;
--/* a simple graphics state */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFShaderSimpleExtGS(int obj, GLfloat alpha)
--  int offs = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "%d 0 obj\n"
--                  "<<\n"
--                  "/ca %g"
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "endobj\n",
--                  obj, alpha);
--  return offs;
--/* Similar groups of functions for pixmaps and text */
--static int gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData(GL2PSimage *im,
--                                         size_t (*action)(unsigned long data, 
--                                                          size_t size), 
--                                         int gray)
--  int x, y, shift;
--  GLfloat r, g, b, a;
--  if(im->format != GL_RGBA && gray)
--    return 0;
--  if(gray && gray != 8 && gray != 16)
--    gray = 8;
--  gray /= 8;
--  shift = (sizeof(unsigned long) - 1) * 8;
--  for(y = 0; y < im->height; ++y){
--    for(x = 0; x < im->width; ++x){
--      a = gl2psGetRGB(im, x, y, &r, &g, &b);
--      if(im->format == GL_RGBA && gray){
--        (*action)((unsigned long)(a * 255) << shift, gray);
--      }
--      else{
--        (*action)((unsigned long)(r * 255) << shift, 1);
--        (*action)((unsigned long)(g * 255) << shift, 1);
--        (*action)((unsigned long)(b * 255) << shift, 1);
--      }
--    }
--  }
--  switch(gray){
--  case 0: return 3 * im->width * im->height;
--  case 1: return im->width * im->height;
--  case 2: return 2 * im->width * im->height;
--  default: return 3 * im->width * im->height;
--  }
--static int gl2psPrintPDFPixmap(int obj, int childobj, GL2PSimage *im, int gray)
--  int offs = 0, done = 0, sigbytes = 3;
--  if(gray && gray !=8 && gray != 16)
--    gray = 8;
--  if(gray)
--    sigbytes = gray / 8; 
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "%d 0 obj\n"
--                  "<<\n"
--                  "/Type /XObject\n"
--                  "/Subtype /Image\n"
--                  "/Width %d\n"
--                  "/Height %d\n"
--                  "/ColorSpace %s \n"
--                  "/BitsPerComponent 8\n",
--                  obj,
--                  (int)im->width, (int)im->height,
--                  (gray) ? "/DeviceGray" : "/DeviceRGB" );
--  if(GL_RGBA == im->format && gray == 0){
--    offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                    "/SMask %d 0 R\n",
--                    childobj);
--  }
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    gl2psAllocCompress((int)(im->width * im->height * sigbytes));
--    gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData(im, gl2psWriteBigEndianCompress, gray);
--    if(Z_OK == gl2psDeflate() && 23 + gl2ps->compress->destLen < gl2ps->compress->srcLen){
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFCompressorType();
--      offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                      "/Length %d "
--                      ">>\n"
--                      "stream\n",
--                      (int)gl2ps->compress->destLen);
--      offs += gl2ps->compress->destLen * fwrite(gl2ps->compress->dest, gl2ps->compress->destLen,
--                                                1, gl2ps->stream);
--      done = 1;
--    }
--    gl2psFreeCompress();
--  }
--  if(!done){
--    /* no compression, or too long after compression, or compress error
--       -> write non-compressed entry */
--    offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                    "/Length %d "
--                    ">>\n"
--                    "stream\n",
--                    (int)(im->width * im->height * sigbytes));
--    offs += gl2psPrintPDFPixmapStreamData(im, gl2psWriteBigEndian, gray);
--  }
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "\nendstream\n"
--                  "endobj\n");
--  return offs;
--static int gl2psPrintPDFText(int obj, GL2PSstring *s, int fontnumber)
--  int offs = 0;
--  offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--                  "%d 0 obj\n"
--                  "<<\n"
--                  "/Type /Font\n"
--                  "/Subtype /Type1\n"
--                  "/Name /F%d\n"
--                  "/BaseFont /%s\n"
--                  "/Encoding /MacRomanEncoding\n"
--                  ">>\n"
--                  "endobj\n",
--                  obj, fontnumber, s->fontname);
--  return offs;
--/* Write the physical objects */
--static int gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(int entryoffs)
--  int i,j;
--  GL2PSprimitive *p = NULL;
--  GL2PSpdfgroup *gro;
--  int offs = entryoffs;
--  GL2PStriangle *triangles;
--  int size = 0;
--  if(!gl2ps->pdfgrouplist)
--    return offs;
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist); ++i){  
--    gro = (GL2PSpdfgroup*)gl2psListPointer(gl2ps->pdfgrouplist, i); 
--    if(!gl2psListNbr(gro->ptrlist))
--      continue;
--    p = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, 0);
--    switch(p->type){
--    case GL2PS_POINT:
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_LINE:
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TRIANGLE:
--      size = gl2psListNbr(gro->ptrlist);
--      triangles = (GL2PStriangle*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PStriangle) * size);
--      for(j = 0; j < size; ++j){  
--        p = *(GL2PSprimitive**)gl2psListPointer(gro->ptrlist, j);
--        gl2psFillTriangleFromPrimitive(&triangles[j], p, GL_TRUE);
--      }
--      if(triangles[0].prop & T_VAR_COLOR){
--        gl2ps->xreflist[gro->shobjno] = offs;
--        offs += gl2psPrintPDFShader(gro->shobjno, triangles, size, 0);
--      }
--      if(triangles[0].prop & T_ALPHA_LESS_1){
--        gl2ps->xreflist[gro->gsobjno] = offs;
--        offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderSimpleExtGS(gro->gsobjno, triangles[0].vertex[0].rgba[3]);
--      }
--      if(triangles[0].prop & T_VAR_ALPHA){
--        gl2ps->xreflist[gro->gsobjno] = offs;
--        offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderExtGS(gro->gsobjno, gro->trgroupobjno);
--        gl2ps->xreflist[gro->trgroupobjno] = offs;
--        offs += gl2psPrintPDFShaderMask(gro->trgroupobjno, gro->maskshno);
--        gl2ps->xreflist[gro->maskshobjno] = offs;
--        offs += gl2psPrintPDFShader(gro->maskshobjno, triangles, size, 8);
--      }
--      gl2psFree(triangles);
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_PIXMAP:
--      gl2ps->xreflist[gro->imobjno] = offs;
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFPixmap(gro->imobjno, gro->imobjno+1, p->data.image, 0);
--      if(p->data.image->format == GL_RGBA){
--        gl2ps->xreflist[gro->imobjno+1] = offs;
--        offs += gl2psPrintPDFPixmap(gro->imobjno+1, -1, p->data.image, 8);
--      }
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_TEXT:
--      gl2ps->xreflist[gro->fontobjno] = offs;
--      offs += gl2psPrintPDFText(gro->fontobjno,p->data.text,gro->fontno);
--      break;
--    case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--      /* alignment contains the format for which the special output text
--         is intended */
--      if(p->data.text->alignment == GL2PS_PDF)
--        offs += fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "%s\n", p->data.text->str);
--      break;
--    default:
--      break;
--    } 
--  }
--  return offs;
--/* All variable data has been written at this point and all required
--   functioninality has been gathered, so we can write now file footer
--   with cross reference table and trailer */
--static void gl2psPrintPDFFooter(void)
--  int i, offs;  
--  gl2psPDFgroupListInit();
--  gl2psPDFgroupListWriteMainStream();
--  offs = gl2ps->xreflist[5] + gl2ps->streamlength; 
--  offs += gl2psClosePDFDataStream();
--  gl2ps->xreflist[5] = offs;
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFDataStreamLength(gl2ps->streamlength);
--  gl2ps->xreflist[6] = offs;
--  gl2ps->streamlength = 0;
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFOpenPage();
--  offs += gl2psPDFgroupListWriteVariableResources();
--  gl2ps->xreflist = (int*)gl2psRealloc(gl2ps->xreflist,
--                                       sizeof(int) * (gl2ps->objects_stack + 1));
--  gl2ps->xreflist[7] = offs;
--  offs += gl2psPrintPDFGSObject();
--  gl2ps->xreflist[8] = offs;
--  gl2ps->xreflist[gl2ps->objects_stack] = 
--    gl2psPDFgroupListWriteObjects(gl2ps->xreflist[8]);
--  /* Start cross reference table. The file has to been opened in
--     binary mode to preserve the 20 digit string length! */
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--          "xref\n"
--          "0 %d\n"
--          "%010d 65535 f \n", gl2ps->objects_stack, 0);
--  for(i = 1; i < gl2ps->objects_stack; ++i)
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "%010d 00000 n \n", gl2ps->xreflist[i]);
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--          "trailer\n"
--          "<<\n" 
--          "/Size %d\n"
--          "/Info 1 0 R\n"
--          "/Root 2 0 R\n"
--          ">>\n"
--          "startxref\n%d\n"
--          "%%%%EOF\n",
--          gl2ps->objects_stack, gl2ps->xreflist[gl2ps->objects_stack]);
--  /* Free auxiliary lists and arrays */    
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->xreflist);
--  gl2psListAction(gl2ps->pdfprimlist, gl2psFreePrimitive);
--  gl2psListDelete(gl2ps->pdfprimlist);
--  gl2psPDFgroupListDelete();
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB)
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_COMPRESS){
--    gl2psFreeCompress();
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps->compress);
--    gl2ps->compress = NULL;
--  }
--/* PDF begin viewport */
--static void gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4])
--  int offs = 0;
--  GLint index;
--  GLfloat rgba[4];
--  int x = viewport[0], y = viewport[1], w = viewport[2], h = viewport[3];
--  glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);
--  if(gl2ps->header){
--    gl2psPrintPDFHeader();
--    gl2ps->header = GL_FALSE;
--  }
--  offs += gl2psPrintf("q\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_RGBA || gl2ps->colorsize == 0){
--      glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, rgba);
--    }
--    else{
--      glGetIntegerv(GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, &index);
--      rgba[0] = gl2ps->colormap[index][0];
--      rgba[1] = gl2ps->colormap[index][1];
--      rgba[2] = gl2ps->colormap[index][2];
--      rgba[3] = 1.0F;
--    }
--    offs += gl2psPrintPDFFillColor(rgba);
--    offs += gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d %d re\n"
--                        "W\n"
--                        "f\n",
--                        x, y, w, h);
--  }
--  else{
--    offs += gl2psPrintf("%d %d %d %d re\n"
--                        "W\n"   
--                        "n\n",
--                        x, y, w, h);            
--  }
--  gl2ps->streamlength += offs;
--static GLint gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport(void)
--  GLint res;
--  res = gl2psPrintPrimitives();
--  gl2ps->streamlength += gl2psPrintf("Q\n");
--  return res;
--static void gl2psPrintPDFFinalPrimitive(void)
--/* definition of the PDF backend */
--static GL2PSbackend gl2psPDF = {
--  gl2psPrintPDFHeader,
--  gl2psPrintPDFFooter,
--  gl2psPrintPDFBeginViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPDFEndViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPDFPrimitive,
--  gl2psPrintPDFFinalPrimitive,
--  "pdf",
--  "Portable Document Format"
-- *
-- * SVG routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static void gl2psSVGGetCoordsAndColors(int n, GL2PSvertex *verts, 
--                                       GL2PSxyz *xyz, GL2PSrgba *rgba)
--  int i, j;
--  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
--    xyz[i][0] = verts[i].xyz[0];
--    xyz[i][1] = gl2ps->viewport[3] - verts[i].xyz[1];
--    xyz[i][2] = 0.0F;
--    for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
--      rgba[i][j] = verts[i].rgba[j];
--  }
--static void gl2psSVGGetColorString(GL2PSrgba rgba, char str[32])
--  int r = (int)(255. * rgba[0]);
--  int g = (int)(255. * rgba[1]);
--  int b = (int)(255. * rgba[2]);
--  int rc = (r < 0) ? 0 : (r > 255) ? 255 : r;
--  int gc = (g < 0) ? 0 : (g > 255) ? 255 : g;
--  int bc = (b < 0) ? 0 : (b > 255) ? 255 : b;
--  sprintf(str, "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", rc, gc, bc);
--static void gl2psPrintSVGHeader(void)
--  int x, y, width, height;
--  char col[32];
--  time_t now;
--  time(&now);
--  if (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_LANDSCAPE){
--    x = (int)gl2ps->viewport[1];
--    y = (int)gl2ps->viewport[0];
--    width = (int)gl2ps->viewport[3];
--    height = (int)gl2ps->viewport[2];
--  }
--  else{
--    x = (int)gl2ps->viewport[0];
--    y = (int)gl2ps->viewport[1];
--    width = (int)gl2ps->viewport[2];
--    height = (int)gl2ps->viewport[3];
--  }
--  /* Compressed SVG files (.svgz) are simply gzipped SVG files */
--  gl2psPrintGzipHeader();
--  gl2psPrintf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("     xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n"
--              "     width=\"%dpx\" height=\"%dpx\" viewBox=\"%d %d %d %d\">\n",
--              width, height, x, y, width, height);
--  gl2psPrintf("<title>%s</title>\n", gl2ps->title);
--  gl2psPrintf("<desc>\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("Creator: GL2PS %d.%d.%d%s, %s\n"
--              "For: %s\n"
--              "CreationDate: %s",
--              GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION, GL2PS_COPYRIGHT, gl2ps->producer, ctime(&now));
--  gl2psPrintf("</desc>\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("<defs>\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("</defs>\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    gl2psSVGGetColorString(gl2ps->bgcolor, col);
--    gl2psPrintf("<polygon fill=\"%s\" points=\"%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\"/>\n", col,
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1], 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1], 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3], 
--                (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  }
--  /* group all the primitives and disable antialiasing */
--  gl2psPrintf("<g shape-rendering=\"crispEdges\">\n");
--static void gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(GL2PSxyz xyz[3], GL2PSrgba rgba[3])
--  int i;
--  GL2PSxyz xyz2[3];
--  GL2PSrgba rgba2[3];
--  char col[32];
--  /* Apparently there is no easy way to do Gouraud shading in SVG
--     without explicitly pre-defining gradients, so for now we just do
--     recursive subdivision */
--  if(gl2psSameColorThreshold(3, rgba, gl2ps->threshold)){
--    gl2psSVGGetColorString(rgba[0], col);
--    gl2psPrintf("<polygon fill=\"%s\" ", col);
--    if(rgba[0][3] < 1.0F) gl2psPrintf("fill-opacity=\"%g\" ", rgba[0][3]);
--    gl2psPrintf("points=\"%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g\"/>\n", xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1], 
--                xyz[1][0], xyz[1][1], xyz[2][0], xyz[2][1]);
--  }
--  else{
--    /* subdivide into 4 subtriangles */
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
--      xyz2[0][i] = xyz[0][i]; 
--      xyz2[1][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[0][i] + xyz[1][i]);
--      xyz2[2][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[0][i] + xyz[2][i]);
--    }
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--      rgba2[0][i] = rgba[0][i]; 
--      rgba2[1][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[0][i] + rgba[1][i]);
--      rgba2[2][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[0][i] + rgba[2][i]);
--    }
--    gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(xyz2, rgba2);
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
--      xyz2[0][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[0][i] + xyz[1][i]);
--      xyz2[1][i] = xyz[1][i]; 
--      xyz2[2][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[1][i] + xyz[2][i]);
--    }
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--      rgba2[0][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[0][i] + rgba[1][i]);
--      rgba2[1][i] = rgba[1][i]; 
--      rgba2[2][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[1][i] + rgba[2][i]);
--    }
--    gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(xyz2, rgba2);
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
--      xyz2[0][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[0][i] + xyz[2][i]);
--      xyz2[1][i] = xyz[2][i]; 
--      xyz2[2][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[1][i] + xyz[2][i]);
--    }
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--      rgba2[0][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[0][i] + rgba[2][i]);
--      rgba2[1][i] = rgba[2][i]; 
--      rgba2[2][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[1][i] + rgba[2][i]);
--    }
--    gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(xyz2, rgba2);
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
--      xyz2[0][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[0][i] + xyz[1][i]);
--      xyz2[1][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[1][i] + xyz[2][i]); 
--      xyz2[2][i] = 0.5F * (xyz[0][i] + xyz[2][i]);
--    }
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--      rgba2[0][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[0][i] + rgba[1][i]);
--      rgba2[1][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[1][i] + rgba[2][i]); 
--      rgba2[2][i] = 0.5F * (rgba[0][i] + rgba[2][i]);
--    }
--    gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(xyz2, rgba2);
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintSVGDash(GLushort pattern, GLint factor)
--  int i, n, array[10];
--  if(!pattern || !factor) return; /* solid line */
--  gl2psParseStipplePattern(pattern, factor, &n, array);
--  gl2psPrintf("stroke-dasharray=\"");
--  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
--    if(i) gl2psPrintf(",");
--    gl2psPrintf("%d", array[i]);
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("\" ");
--static void gl2psEndSVGLine(void)
--  int i;
--  if(gl2ps->lastvertex.rgba[0] >= 0.){
--    gl2psPrintf("%g,%g\"/>\n", gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[0], 
--                gl2ps->viewport[3] - gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[1]);
--    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
--      gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[i] = -1.;
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
--      gl2ps->lastvertex.rgba[i] = -1.;
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintSVGPixmap(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GL2PSimage *pixmap)
--#if defined(GL2PS_HAVE_LIBPNG)
--  GL2PSlist *png;
--  unsigned char c;
--  int i;
--  /* The only image types supported by the SVG standard are JPEG, PNG
--     and SVG. Here we choose PNG, and since we want to embed the image
--     directly in the SVG stream (and not link to an external image
--     file), we need to encode the pixmap into PNG in memory, then
--     encode it into base64. */
--  png = gl2psListCreate(pixmap->width * pixmap->height * 3, 1000, 
--                        sizeof(unsigned char));
--  gl2psConvertPixmapToPNG(pixmap, png);
--  gl2psListEncodeBase64(png);
--  gl2psPrintf("<image x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\"\n",
--              x, y - pixmap->height, pixmap->width, pixmap->height);
--  gl2psPrintf("xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,");
--  for(i = 0; i < gl2psListNbr(png); i++){
--    gl2psListRead(png, i, &c);
--    gl2psPrintf("%c", c);
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("\"/>\n");
--  gl2psListDelete(png);
--  gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "GL2PS must be compiled with PNG support in "
--           "order to embed images in SVG streams");
--static void gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  GL2PSxyz xyz[4];
--  GL2PSrgba rgba[4];
--  char col[32];
--  int newline;
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  if((gl2ps->options & GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL) && prim->culled) return;
--  /* We try to draw connected lines as a single path to get nice line
--     joins and correct stippling. So if the primitive to print is not
--     a line we must first finish the current line (if any): */
--  if(prim->type != GL2PS_LINE) gl2psEndSVGLine();
--  gl2psSVGGetCoordsAndColors(prim->numverts, prim->verts, xyz, rgba);
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_POINT :
--    gl2psSVGGetColorString(rgba[0], col);
--    gl2psPrintf("<circle fill=\"%s\" ", col);
--    if(rgba[0][3] < 1.0F) gl2psPrintf("fill-opacity=\"%g\" ", rgba[0][3]);
--    gl2psPrintf("cx=\"%g\" cy=\"%g\" r=\"%g\"/>\n",
--                xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1], 0.5 * prim->width);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_LINE :
--    if(!gl2psSamePosition(gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz, prim->verts[0].xyz) ||
--       !gl2psSameColor(gl2ps->lastrgba, prim->verts[0].rgba) ||
--       gl2ps->lastlinewidth != prim->width ||
--       gl2ps->lastpattern != prim->pattern ||
--       gl2ps->lastfactor != prim->factor){
--      /* End the current line if the new segment does not start where
--         the last one ended, or if the color, the width or the
--         stippling have changed (we will need to use multi-point
--         gradients for smooth-shaded lines) */
--      gl2psEndSVGLine();
--      newline = 1;
--    }
--    else{
--      newline = 0;
--    }
--    gl2ps->lastvertex = prim->verts[1];
--    gl2psSetLastColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    gl2ps->lastlinewidth = prim->width;
--    gl2ps->lastpattern = prim->pattern;
--    gl2ps->lastfactor = prim->factor;
--    if(newline){
--      gl2psSVGGetColorString(rgba[0], col);
--      gl2psPrintf("<polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"%s\" stroke-width=\"%g\" ", 
--                  col, prim->width);
--      if(rgba[0][3] < 1.0F) gl2psPrintf("stroke-opacity=\"%g\" ", rgba[0][3]);
--      gl2psPrintSVGDash(prim->pattern, prim->factor);
--      gl2psPrintf("points=\"%g,%g ", xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1]);
--    }
--    else{
--      gl2psPrintf("%g,%g ", xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1]);
--    }
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TRIANGLE :
--    gl2psPrintSVGSmoothTriangle(xyz, rgba);
--    break;
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "There should not be any quad left to print");
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_PIXMAP :
--    gl2psPrintSVGPixmap(xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1], prim->data.image);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TEXT :
--    gl2psSVGGetColorString(prim->verts[0].rgba, col);
--    gl2psPrintf("<text fill=\"%s\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" font-size=\"%d\" ",
--                col, xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1], prim->data.text->fontsize);
--    if(prim->data.text->angle)
--      gl2psPrintf("transform=\"rotate(%g, %g, %g)\" ",
--                  -prim->data.text->angle, xyz[0][0], xyz[0][1]);
--    if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Times-Roman"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Times\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Times-Bold"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Times\" font-weight=\"bold\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Times-Italic"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Times\" font-style=\"italic\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Times-BoldItalic"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Times\" font-style=\"italic\" font-weight=\"bold\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Helvetica-Bold"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-weight=\"bold\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Helvetica-Oblique"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-style=\"oblique\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Helvetica-BoldOblique"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-style=\"oblique\" font-weight=\"bold\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Courier-Bold"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Courier\" font-weight=\"bold\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Courier-Oblique"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Courier\" font-style=\"oblique\">");
--    else if(!strcmp(prim->data.text->fontname, "Courier-BoldOblique"))
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"Courier\" font-style=\"oblique\" font-weight=\"bold\">");
--    else
--      gl2psPrintf("font-family=\"%s\">", prim->data.text->fontname);
--    gl2psPrintf("%s</text>\n", prim->data.text->str);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--    /* alignment contains the format for which the special output text
--       is intended */
--    if(prim->data.text->alignment == GL2PS_SVG)
--      gl2psPrintf("%s\n", prim->data.text->str);
--    break;
--  default :
--    break;
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintSVGFooter(void)
--  gl2psPrintf("</g>\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("</svg>\n");  
--  gl2psPrintGzipFooter();
--static void gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4])
--  GLint index;
--  char col[32];
--  GLfloat rgba[4];
--  int x = viewport[0], y = viewport[1], w = viewport[2], h = viewport[3];
--  glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);
--  if(gl2ps->header){
--    gl2psPrintSVGHeader();
--    gl2ps->header = GL_FALSE;
--  }
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_RGBA || gl2ps->colorsize == 0){
--      glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, rgba);
--    }
--    else{
--      glGetIntegerv(GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, &index);
--      rgba[0] = gl2ps->colormap[index][0];
--      rgba[1] = gl2ps->colormap[index][1];
--      rgba[2] = gl2ps->colormap[index][2];
--      rgba[3] = 1.0F;
--    }
--    gl2psSVGGetColorString(rgba, col);
--    gl2psPrintf("<polygon fill=\"%s\" points=\"%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\"/>\n", col, 
--                x, gl2ps->viewport[3] - y, 
--                x + w, gl2ps->viewport[3] - y, 
--                x + w, gl2ps->viewport[3] - (y + h), 
--                x, gl2ps->viewport[3] - (y + h));
--  }
--  gl2psPrintf("<clipPath id=\"cp%d%d%d%d\">\n", x, y, w, h);
--  gl2psPrintf("  <polygon points=\"%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\"/>\n", 
--              x, gl2ps->viewport[3] - y, 
--              x + w, gl2ps->viewport[3] - y, 
--              x + w, gl2ps->viewport[3] - (y + h), 
--              x, gl2ps->viewport[3] - (y + h));
--  gl2psPrintf("</clipPath>\n");
--  gl2psPrintf("<g clip-path=\"url(#cp%d%d%d%d)\">\n", x, y, w, h);
--static GLint gl2psPrintSVGEndViewport(void)
--  GLint res;
--  res = gl2psPrintPrimitives();
--  gl2psPrintf("</g>\n");
--  return res;
--static void gl2psPrintSVGFinalPrimitive(void)
--  /* End any remaining line, if any */
--  gl2psEndSVGLine();
--/* definition of the SVG backend */
--static GL2PSbackend gl2psSVG = {
--  gl2psPrintSVGHeader,
--  gl2psPrintSVGFooter,
--  gl2psPrintSVGBeginViewport,
--  gl2psPrintSVGEndViewport,
--  gl2psPrintSVGPrimitive,
--  gl2psPrintSVGFinalPrimitive,
--  "svg",
--  "Scalable Vector Graphics"
-- *
-- * PGF routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--static void gl2psPrintPGFColor(GL2PSrgba rgba)
--  if(!gl2psSameColor(gl2ps->lastrgba, rgba)){
--    gl2psSetLastColor(rgba);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\color[rgb]{%f,%f,%f}\n", rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]);
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintPGFHeader(void)
--  time_t now;
--  time(&now);
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--          "%% Title: %s\n"
--          "%% Creator: GL2PS %d.%d.%d%s, %s\n"
--          "%% For: %s\n"
--          "%% CreationDate: %s",
--          gl2ps->title, GL2PS_MAJOR_VERSION, GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION,
--          gl2ps->producer, ctime(&now));
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\begin{pgfpicture}\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    gl2psPrintPGFColor(gl2ps->bgcolor);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream,
--            "\\pgfpathrectanglecorners{"
--            "\\pgfpoint{%dpt}{%dpt}}{\\pgfpoint{%dpt}{%dpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgfusepath{fill}\n",
--            (int)gl2ps->viewport[0], (int)gl2ps->viewport[1],
--            (int)gl2ps->viewport[2], (int)gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintPGFDash(GLushort pattern, GLint factor)
--  int i, n, array[10];
--  if(pattern == gl2ps->lastpattern && factor == gl2ps->lastfactor)
--    return;
--  gl2ps->lastpattern = pattern;
--  gl2ps->lastfactor = factor;
--  if(!pattern || !factor){
--    /* solid line */
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\pgfsetdash{}{0pt}\n");
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psParseStipplePattern(pattern, factor, &n, array);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\pgfsetdash{");
--    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "{%dpt}", array[i]);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "}{0pt}\n");
--  }
--static const char *gl2psPGFTextAlignment(int align)
--  switch(align){
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_C  : return "center";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_CL : return "west";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_CR : return "east";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_B  : return "south";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_BR : return "south east";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_T  : return "north";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_TL : return "north west";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_TR : return "north east";
--  case GL2PS_TEXT_BL : 
--  default            : return "south west";
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  switch(prim->type){
--  case GL2PS_POINT :
--    /* Points in openGL are rectangular */
--    gl2psPrintPGFColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--            "\\pgfpathrectangle{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}"
--            "{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n\\pgfusepath{fill}\n",
--            prim->verts[0].xyz[0]-0.5*prim->width,
--            prim->verts[0].xyz[1]-0.5*prim->width,
--            prim->width,prim->width);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_LINE :
--    gl2psPrintPGFColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    if(gl2ps->lastlinewidth != prim->width){
--      gl2ps->lastlinewidth = prim->width;
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\pgfsetlinewidth{%fpt}\n", gl2ps->lastlinewidth);
--    }
--    gl2psPrintPGFDash(prim->pattern, prim->factor);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--            "\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgflineto{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgfusepath{stroke}\n",
--            prim->verts[1].xyz[0], prim->verts[1].xyz[1],
--            prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TRIANGLE :
--    if(gl2ps->lastlinewidth != 0){
--      gl2ps->lastlinewidth = 0;
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\pgfsetlinewidth{0.01pt}\n");
--    }
--    gl2psPrintPGFColor(prim->verts[0].rgba);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--            "\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgflineto{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgflineto{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgfpathclose\n"
--            "\\pgfusepath{fill,stroke}\n",
--            prim->verts[2].xyz[0], prim->verts[2].xyz[1],
--            prim->verts[1].xyz[0], prim->verts[1].xyz[1],
--            prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_TEXT :
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "{\n\\pgftransformshift{\\pgfpoint{%fpt}{%fpt}}\n",
--            prim->verts[0].xyz[0], prim->verts[0].xyz[1]);
--    if(prim->data.text->angle)
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\pgftransformrotate{%f}{", prim->data.text->angle);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\pgfnode{rectangle}{%s}{\\fontsize{%d}{0}\\selectfont",
--            gl2psPGFTextAlignment(prim->data.text->alignment),
--            prim->data.text->fontsize);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\textcolor[rgb]{%g,%g,%g}{{%s}}",
--            prim->verts[0].rgba[0], prim->verts[0].rgba[1],
--            prim->verts[0].rgba[2], prim->data.text->str);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "}{}{\\pgfusepath{discard}}}\n");
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_SPECIAL :
--    /* alignment contains the format for which the special output text
--       is intended */
--    if (prim->data.text->alignment == GL2PS_PGF)
--      fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "%s\n", prim->data.text->str);
--    break;
--  default :
--    break;
--  }
--static void gl2psPrintPGFFooter(void)
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\end{pgfpicture}\n");
--static void gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4])
--  GLint index;
--  GLfloat rgba[4];
--  int x = viewport[0], y = viewport[1], w = viewport[2], h = viewport[3];
--  glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);
--  if(gl2ps->header){
--    gl2psPrintPGFHeader();
--    gl2ps->header = GL_FALSE;
--  }
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\begin{pgfscope}\n");
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND){
--    if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_RGBA || gl2ps->colorsize == 0){
--      glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, rgba);
--    }
--    else{
--      glGetIntegerv(GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, &index);
--      rgba[0] = gl2ps->colormap[index][0];
--      rgba[1] = gl2ps->colormap[index][1];
--      rgba[2] = gl2ps->colormap[index][2];
--      rgba[3] = 1.0F;
--    }
--    gl2psPrintPGFColor(rgba);
--    fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--            "\\pgfpathrectangle{\\pgfpoint{%dpt}{%dpt}}"
--            "{\\pgfpoint{%dpt}{%dpt}}\n"
--            "\\pgfusepath{fill}\n",
--            x, y, w, h);
--  }
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, 
--          "\\pgfpathrectangle{\\pgfpoint{%dpt}{%dpt}}"
--          "{\\pgfpoint{%dpt}{%dpt}}\n"
--          "\\pgfusepath{clip}\n",
--          x, y, w, h);
--static GLint gl2psPrintPGFEndViewport(void)
--  GLint res;
--  res = gl2psPrintPrimitives();
--  fprintf(gl2ps->stream, "\\end{pgfscope}\n");
--  return res;
--static void gl2psPrintPGFFinalPrimitive(void)
--/* definition of the PGF backend */
--static GL2PSbackend gl2psPGF = {
--  gl2psPrintPGFHeader,
--  gl2psPrintPGFFooter,
--  gl2psPrintPGFBeginViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPGFEndViewport,
--  gl2psPrintPGFPrimitive,
--  gl2psPrintPGFFinalPrimitive,
--  "tex",
--  "PGF Latex Graphics"
-- *
-- * General primitive printing routine
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--/* Warning: the ordering of the backends must match the format
--   #defines in gl2ps.h */
--static GL2PSbackend *gl2psbackends[] = {
--  &gl2psPS,  /* 0 */
--  &gl2psEPS, /* 1 */
--  &gl2psTEX, /* 2 */
--  &gl2psPDF, /* 3 */
--  &gl2psSVG, /* 4 */
--  &gl2psPGF  /* 5 */
--static void gl2psComputeTightBoundingBox(void *data)
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  int i;
--  prim = *(GL2PSprimitive**)data;
--  for(i = 0; i < prim->numverts; i++){
--    if(prim->verts[i].xyz[0] < gl2ps->viewport[0])
--      gl2ps->viewport[0] = (GLint)prim->verts[i].xyz[0];
--    if(prim->verts[i].xyz[0] > gl2ps->viewport[2])
--      gl2ps->viewport[2] = (GLint)(prim->verts[i].xyz[0] + 0.5F);
--    if(prim->verts[i].xyz[1] < gl2ps->viewport[1])
--      gl2ps->viewport[1] = (GLint)prim->verts[i].xyz[1];
--    if(prim->verts[i].xyz[1] > gl2ps->viewport[3])
--      gl2ps->viewport[3] = (GLint)(prim->verts[i].xyz[1] + 0.5F);
--  }
--static GLint gl2psPrintPrimitives(void)
--  GL2PSbsptree *root;
--  GL2PSxyz eye = {0.0F, 0.0F, 100.0F * GL2PS_ZSCALE};
--  GLint used;
--  used = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);
--  if(used < 0){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_INFO, "OpenGL feedback buffer overflow");
--    return GL2PS_OVERFLOW;
--  }
--  if(used > 0)
--    gl2psParseFeedbackBuffer(used);
--  gl2psRescaleAndOffset();
--  if(gl2ps->header){
--    if(gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->primitives) && 
--       (gl2ps->options & GL2PS_TIGHT_BOUNDING_BOX)){
--      gl2ps->viewport[0] = gl2ps->viewport[1] = 100000;
--      gl2ps->viewport[2] = gl2ps->viewport[3] = -100000;
--      gl2psListAction(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psComputeTightBoundingBox);
--    }
--    (gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->printHeader)();
--    gl2ps->header = GL_FALSE;
--  }
--  if(!gl2psListNbr(gl2ps->primitives)){
--    /* empty feedback buffer and/or nothing else to print */
--    return GL2PS_NO_FEEDBACK;
--  }
--  switch(gl2ps->sort){
--  case GL2PS_NO_SORT :
--    gl2psListAction(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->printPrimitive);
--    gl2psListAction(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psFreePrimitive);
--    /* reset the primitive list, waiting for the next viewport */
--    gl2psListReset(gl2ps->primitives);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT :
--    gl2psListSort(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psCompareDepth);
--    if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL){
--      gl2psListActionInverse(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psAddInImageTree);
--      gl2psFreeBspImageTree(&gl2ps->imagetree);
--    }
--    gl2psListAction(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->printPrimitive);
--    gl2psListAction(gl2ps->primitives, gl2psFreePrimitive);
--    /* reset the primitive list, waiting for the next viewport */
--    gl2psListReset(gl2ps->primitives);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_BSP_SORT :
--    root = (GL2PSbsptree*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSbsptree));
--    gl2psBuildBspTree(root, gl2ps->primitives);
--    if(GL_TRUE == gl2ps->boundary) gl2psBuildPolygonBoundary(root);
--    if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL){
--      gl2psTraverseBspTree(root, eye, -GL2PS_EPSILON, gl2psLess,
--                           gl2psAddInImageTree, 1);
--      gl2psFreeBspImageTree(&gl2ps->imagetree);
--    }
--    gl2psTraverseBspTree(root, eye, GL2PS_EPSILON, gl2psGreater, 
--                         gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->printPrimitive, 0);
--    gl2psFreeBspTree(&root);
--    /* reallocate the primitive list (it's been deleted by
--       gl2psBuildBspTree) in case there is another viewport */
--    gl2ps->primitives = gl2psListCreate(500, 500, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--    break;
--  }
--  gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->printFinalPrimitive();
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
-- *
-- * Public routines
-- *
-- *********************************************************************/
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage(const char *title, const char *producer, 
--                                  GLint viewport[4], GLint format, GLint sort,
--                                  GLint options, GLint colormode,
--                                  GLint colorsize, GL2PSrgba *colormap,
--                                  GLint nr, GLint ng, GLint nb, GLint buffersize,
--                                  FILE *stream, const char *filename)
--  GLint index;
--  int i;
--  if(gl2ps){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "gl2psBeginPage called in wrong program state");
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  gl2ps = (GL2PScontext*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PScontext));
--  if(format >= 0 && format < (GLint)(sizeof(gl2psbackends) / sizeof(gl2psbackends[0]))){
--    gl2ps->format = format;
--  }
--  else {
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Unknown output format: %d", format);
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--    gl2ps = NULL;
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  switch(sort){
--  case GL2PS_NO_SORT :
--  case GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT :
--  case GL2PS_BSP_SORT :
--    gl2ps->sort = sort;
--    break;
--  default :
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Unknown sorting algorithm: %d", sort);
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--    gl2ps = NULL;
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  if(stream){
--    gl2ps->stream = stream;
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Bad file pointer");
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--    gl2ps = NULL;
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  gl2ps->header = GL_TRUE;
--  gl2ps->maxbestroot = 10;
--  gl2ps->options = options;
--  gl2ps->compress = NULL;
--  gl2ps->imagemap_head = NULL;
--  gl2ps->imagemap_tail = NULL;
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_USE_CURRENT_VIEWPORT){
--    glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, gl2ps->viewport);
--  }
--  else{
--    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--      gl2ps->viewport[i] = viewport[i];
--    }
--  }
--  if(!gl2ps->viewport[2] || !gl2ps->viewport[3]){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Incorrect viewport (x=%d, y=%d, width=%d, height=%d)",
--             gl2ps->viewport[0], gl2ps->viewport[1], 
--             gl2ps->viewport[2], gl2ps->viewport[3]);
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--    gl2ps = NULL;
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  gl2ps->threshold[0] = nr ? 1.0F / (GLfloat)nr : 0.064F;
--  gl2ps->threshold[1] = ng ? 1.0F / (GLfloat)ng : 0.034F;
--  gl2ps->threshold[2] = nb ? 1.0F / (GLfloat)nb : 0.100F;
--  gl2ps->colormode = colormode;
--  gl2ps->buffersize = buffersize > 0 ? buffersize : 2048 * 2048;
--  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
--    gl2ps->lastvertex.xyz[i] = -1.0F;
--  }
--  for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
--    gl2ps->lastvertex.rgba[i] = -1.0F;
--    gl2ps->lastrgba[i] = -1.0F;
--  }
--  gl2ps->lastlinewidth = -1.0F;
--  gl2ps->lastpattern = 0;
--  gl2ps->lastfactor = 0;
--  gl2ps->imagetree = NULL;
--  gl2ps->primitivetoadd = NULL;
--  gl2ps->zerosurfacearea = GL_FALSE;  
--  gl2ps->pdfprimlist = NULL;
--  gl2ps->pdfgrouplist = NULL;
--  gl2ps->xreflist = NULL;
--  /* get default blending mode from current OpenGL state (enabled by
--     default for SVG) */
--  gl2ps->blending = (gl2ps->format == GL2PS_SVG) ? GL_TRUE : glIsEnabled(GL_BLEND);
--  glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_SRC, &gl2ps->blendfunc[0]);
--  glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_DST, &gl2ps->blendfunc[1]);
--  if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_RGBA){
--    gl2ps->colorsize = 0;
--    gl2ps->colormap = NULL;
--    glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, gl2ps->bgcolor);
--  }
--  else if(gl2ps->colormode == GL_COLOR_INDEX){
--    if(!colorsize || !colormap){
--      gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Missing colormap for GL_COLOR_INDEX rendering");
--      gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--      gl2ps = NULL;
--      return GL2PS_ERROR;
--    }
--    gl2ps->colorsize = colorsize;
--    gl2ps->colormap = (GL2PSrgba*)gl2psMalloc(gl2ps->colorsize * sizeof(GL2PSrgba));
--    memcpy(gl2ps->colormap, colormap, gl2ps->colorsize * sizeof(GL2PSrgba));
--    glGetIntegerv(GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, &index);
--    gl2ps->bgcolor[0] = gl2ps->colormap[index][0];
--    gl2ps->bgcolor[1] = gl2ps->colormap[index][1];
--    gl2ps->bgcolor[2] = gl2ps->colormap[index][2];
--    gl2ps->bgcolor[3] = 1.0F;
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "Unknown color mode in gl2psBeginPage");
--    gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--    gl2ps = NULL;
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  if(!title){
--    gl2ps->title = (char*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(char));
--    gl2ps->title[0] = '\0';
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2ps->title = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(title)+1)*sizeof(char));
--    strcpy(gl2ps->title, title);
--  }
--  if(!producer){
--    gl2ps->producer = (char*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(char));
--    gl2ps->producer[0] = '\0';
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2ps->producer = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(producer)+1)*sizeof(char));
--    strcpy(gl2ps->producer, producer);
--  }
--  if(!filename){
--    gl2ps->filename = (char*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(char));
--    gl2ps->filename[0] = '\0';
--  }
--  else{
--    gl2ps->filename = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(filename)+1)*sizeof(char));
--    strcpy(gl2ps->filename, filename);
--  }
--  gl2ps->primitives = gl2psListCreate(500, 500, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--  gl2ps->auxprimitives = gl2psListCreate(100, 100, sizeof(GL2PSprimitive*));
--  gl2ps->feedback = (GLfloat*)gl2psMalloc(gl2ps->buffersize * sizeof(GLfloat));
--  glFeedbackBuffer(gl2ps->buffersize, GL_3D_COLOR, gl2ps->feedback);
--  glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);  
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndPage(void)
--  GLint res;
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  res = gl2psPrintPrimitives();
--  if(res != GL2PS_OVERFLOW)
--    (gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->printFooter)();
--  fflush(gl2ps->stream);
--  gl2psListDelete(gl2ps->primitives);
--  gl2psListDelete(gl2ps->auxprimitives);
--  gl2psFreeImagemap(gl2ps->imagemap_head);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->colormap);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->title);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->producer);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->filename);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps->feedback);
--  gl2psFree(gl2ps);
--  gl2ps = NULL;
--  return res;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4])
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  (gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->beginViewport)(viewport);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndViewport(void)
--  GLint res;
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  res = (gl2psbackends[gl2ps->format]->endViewport)();
--  /* reset last used colors, line widths */
--  gl2ps->lastlinewidth = -1.0F;
--  return res;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psTextOpt(const char *str, const char *fontname, 
--                                GLshort fontsize, GLint alignment, GLfloat angle)
--  return gl2psAddText(GL2PS_TEXT, str, fontname, fontsize, alignment, angle);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psText(const char *str, const char *fontname, GLshort fontsize)
--  return gl2psAddText(GL2PS_TEXT, str, fontname, fontsize, GL2PS_TEXT_BL, 0.0F);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSpecial(GLint format, const char *str)
--  return gl2psAddText(GL2PS_SPECIAL, str, "", 0, format, 0.0F);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawPixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
--                                   GLint xorig, GLint yorig,
--                                   GLenum format, GLenum type, 
--                                   const void *pixels)
--  int size, i;
--  GLfloat pos[4], *piv;
--  GL2PSprimitive *prim;
--  GLboolean valid;
--  if(!gl2ps || !pixels) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  if((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_NO_PIXMAP) return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--  if((format != GL_RGB && format != GL_RGBA) || type != GL_FLOAT){
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_ERROR, "gl2psDrawPixels only implemented for "
--             "GL_RGB/GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT pixels");
--    return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  }
--  glGetBooleanv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID, &valid);
--  if(GL_FALSE == valid) return GL2PS_SUCCESS; /* the primitive is culled */
--  prim = (GL2PSprimitive*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSprimitive));
--  prim->type = GL2PS_PIXMAP;
--  prim->boundary = 0;
--  prim->numverts = 1;
--  prim->verts = (GL2PSvertex*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
--  prim->verts[0].xyz[0] = pos[0] + xorig;
--  prim->verts[0].xyz[1] = pos[1] + yorig;
--  prim->verts[0].xyz[2] = pos[2];
--  prim->culled = 0;
--  prim->offset = 0;
--  prim->pattern = 0;
--  prim->factor = 0;
--  prim->width = 1;
--  glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR, prim->verts[0].rgba);
--  prim->data.image = (GL2PSimage*)gl2psMalloc(sizeof(GL2PSimage));
--  prim->data.image->width = width;
--  prim->data.image->height = height;
--  prim->data.image->format = format;
--  prim->data.image->type = type;
--  switch(format){
--  case GL_RGBA:
--    if(gl2ps->options & GL2PS_NO_BLENDING || !gl2ps->blending){
--      /* special case: blending turned off */
--      prim->data.image->format = GL_RGB;
--      size = height * width * 3;
--      prim->data.image->pixels = (GLfloat*)gl2psMalloc(size * sizeof(GLfloat));
--      piv = (GLfloat*)pixels;
--      for(i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++piv){
--        prim->data.image->pixels[i] = *piv;
--        if(!((i+1)%3))
--          ++piv;
--      }   
--    }
--    else{
--      size = height * width * 4;
--      prim->data.image->pixels = (GLfloat*)gl2psMalloc(size * sizeof(GLfloat));
--      memcpy(prim->data.image->pixels, pixels, size * sizeof(GLfloat));
--    }
--    break;
--  case GL_RGB:
--  default:
--    size = height * width * 3;
--    prim->data.image->pixels = (GLfloat*)gl2psMalloc(size * sizeof(GLfloat));
--    memcpy(prim->data.image->pixels, pixels, size * sizeof(GLfloat));
--    break;
--  }
--  gl2psListAdd(gl2ps->auxprimitives, &prim);
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_DRAW_PIXELS_TOKEN);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawImageMap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
--                                     const GLfloat position[3],
--                                     const unsigned char *imagemap){
--  int size, i;
--  int sizeoffloat = sizeof(GLfloat);
--  if(!gl2ps || !imagemap) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  if((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) return GL2PS_ERROR;
--  size = height + height * ((width - 1) / 8);
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_IMAGEMAP_TOKEN);
--  glBegin(GL_POINTS);
--  glVertex3f(position[0], position[1],position[2]);
--  glEnd();
--  glPassThrough((GLfloat)width);
--  glPassThrough((GLfloat)height);
--  for(i = 0; i < size; i += sizeoffloat){
--    float *value = (float*)imagemap;
--    glPassThrough(*value);
--    imagemap += sizeoffloat;
--  }
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEnable(GLint mode)
--  GLint tmp;
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  switch(mode){
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_BEGIN_OFFSET_TOKEN);
--    glGetFloatv(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR, &gl2ps->offset[0]);
--    glGetFloatv(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS, &gl2ps->offset[1]);
--    break;
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_BEGIN_BOUNDARY_TOKEN);
--    break;
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_BEGIN_STIPPLE_TOKEN);
--    glGetIntegerv(GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN, &tmp);
--    glPassThrough((GLfloat)tmp);
--    glGetIntegerv(GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT, &tmp);
--    glPassThrough((GLfloat)tmp);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_BLEND :
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_BEGIN_BLEND_TOKEN);
--    break;
--  default :
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "Unknown mode in gl2psEnable: %d", mode);
--    return GL2PS_WARNING;
--  }
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDisable(GLint mode)
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  switch(mode){
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_END_OFFSET_TOKEN);
--    break;
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_END_BOUNDARY_TOKEN);
--    break;
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_END_STIPPLE_TOKEN);
--    break;
--  case GL2PS_BLEND :
--    glPassThrough(GL2PS_END_BLEND_TOKEN);
--    break;
--  default :
--    gl2psMsg(GL2PS_WARNING, "Unknown mode in gl2psDisable: %d", mode);
--    return GL2PS_WARNING;
--  }
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psPointSize(GLfloat value)
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_POINT_SIZE_TOKEN);
--  glPassThrough(value);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psLineWidth(GLfloat value)
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_LINE_WIDTH_TOKEN);
--  glPassThrough(value);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  if(GL_FALSE == gl2psSupportedBlendMode(sfactor, dfactor))
--    return GL2PS_WARNING;
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_SRC_BLEND_TOKEN);
--  glPassThrough((GLfloat)sfactor);
--  glPassThrough(GL2PS_DST_BLEND_TOKEN);
--  glPassThrough((GLfloat)dfactor);
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSetOptions(GLint options)
--  if(!gl2ps) return GL2PS_UNINITIALIZED;
--  gl2ps->options = options;
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psGetOptions(GLint *options)
--  if(!gl2ps) {
--    *options = 0;
--  }
--  *options = gl2ps->options;
--  return GL2PS_SUCCESS;
--GL2PSDLL_API const char *gl2psGetFileExtension(GLint format)
--  if(format >= 0 && format < (GLint)(sizeof(gl2psbackends) / sizeof(gl2psbackends[0])))
--    return gl2psbackends[format]->file_extension;
--  else
--    return "Unknown format";
--GL2PSDLL_API const char *gl2psGetFormatDescription(GLint format)
--  if(format >= 0 && format < (GLint)(sizeof(gl2psbackends) / sizeof(gl2psbackends[0])))
--    return gl2psbackends[format]->description;
--  else
--    return "Unknown format";
---- a/Graphics/gl2ps.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-- * GL2PS, an OpenGL to PostScript Printing Library
-- * Copyright (C) 1999-2009 C. Geuzaine
-- *
-- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- * modify it under the terms of either:
-- *
-- * a) the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-- * Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-- * option) any later version; or
-- *
-- * b) the GL2PS License as published by Christophe Geuzaine, either
-- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- *
-- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- * the GNU Library General Public License or the GL2PS License for
-- * more details.
-- *
-- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-- * License along with this library in the file named "COPYING.LGPL";
-- * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,
-- * Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-- *
-- * You should have received a copy of the GL2PS License with this
-- * library in the file named "COPYING.GL2PS"; if not, I will be glad
-- * to provide one.
-- *
-- * For the latest info about gl2ps and a full list of contributors,
-- * see http://www.geuz.org/gl2ps/.
-- *
-- * Please report all bugs and problems to <gl2ps at geuz.org>.
-- */
--#ifndef __GL2PS_H__
--#define __GL2PS_H__
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include "GmshConfig.h"
--/* Define GL2PSDLL at compile time to build a Windows DLL */
--#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__)
--#  if defined(_MSC_VER)
--#    pragma warning(disable:4115)
--#    pragma warning(disable:4996)
--#  endif
--#  include <windows.h>
--#  if defined(GL2PSDLL)
--#    if defined(GL2PSDLL_EXPORTS)
--#      define GL2PSDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
--#    else
--#      define GL2PSDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
--#    endif
--#  else
--#    define GL2PSDLL_API
--#  endif
--#  define GL2PSDLL_API
--#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_GL_H)
--#  include <OpenGL/gl.h>
--#  include <GL/gl.h>
--/* Support for compressed PostScript/PDF/SVG and for embedded PNG
--   images in SVG */
--#if defined(HAVE_ZLIB) || defined(HAVE_LIBZ)
--#  define GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB
--#  if defined(HAVE_LIBPNG) || defined(HAVE_PNG)
--#    define GL2PS_HAVE_LIBPNG
--#  endif
--/* Version number */
--#define GL2PS_EXTRA_VERSION ""
--                       0.01 * GL2PS_MINOR_VERSION + \
--                       0.0001 * GL2PS_PATCH_VERSION)
--#define GL2PS_COPYRIGHT "(C) 1999-2009 C. Geuzaine"
--/* Output file formats (the values and the ordering are important!) */
--#define GL2PS_PS  0
--#define GL2PS_EPS 1
--#define GL2PS_TEX 2
--#define GL2PS_PDF 3
--#define GL2PS_SVG 4
--#define GL2PS_PGF 5
--/* Sorting algorithms */
--#define GL2PS_NO_SORT     1
--#define GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT 2
--#define GL2PS_BSP_SORT    3
--/* Message levels and error codes */
--#define GL2PS_SUCCESS       0
--#define GL2PS_INFO          1
--#define GL2PS_WARNING       2
--#define GL2PS_ERROR         3
--#define GL2PS_NO_FEEDBACK   4
--#define GL2PS_OVERFLOW      5
--/* Options for gl2psBeginPage */
--#define GL2PS_NONE                 0
--#define GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND      (1<<0)
--#define GL2PS_SIMPLE_LINE_OFFSET   (1<<1)
--#define GL2PS_SILENT               (1<<2)
--#define GL2PS_BEST_ROOT            (1<<3)
--#define GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL       (1<<4)
--#define GL2PS_NO_TEXT              (1<<5)
--#define GL2PS_LANDSCAPE            (1<<6)
--#define GL2PS_NO_PS3_SHADING       (1<<7)
--#define GL2PS_NO_PIXMAP            (1<<8)
--#define GL2PS_COMPRESS             (1<<10)
--#define GL2PS_NO_BLENDING          (1<<11)
--#define GL2PS_TIGHT_BOUNDING_BOX   (1<<12)
--/* Arguments for gl2psEnable/gl2psDisable */
--#define GL2PS_LINE_STIPPLE        3
--#define GL2PS_BLEND               4
--/* Text alignment (o=raster position; default mode is BL):
--   +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +-o-+ o---+ +---o 
--   | o | o   | |   o |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | 
--   +---+ +---+ +---+ +-o-+ o---+ +---o +---+ +---+ +---+ 
--    C     CL    CR    B     BL    BR    T     TL    TR */
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_C  1
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_CL 2
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_CR 3
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_B  4
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_BL 5
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_BR 6
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_T  7
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_TL 8
--#define GL2PS_TEXT_TR 9
--typedef GLfloat GL2PSrgba[4];
--#if defined(__cplusplus)
--extern "C" {
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage(const char *title, const char *producer, 
--                                  GLint viewport[4], GLint format, GLint sort,
--                                  GLint options, GLint colormode,
--                                  GLint colorsize, GL2PSrgba *colormap, 
--                                  GLint nr, GLint ng, GLint nb, GLint buffersize,
--                                  FILE *stream, const char *filename);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndPage(void);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSetOptions(GLint options);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psGetOptions(GLint *options);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginViewport(GLint viewport[4]);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEndViewport(void);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psText(const char *str, const char *fontname, 
--                             GLshort fontsize);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psTextOpt(const char *str, const char *fontname, 
--                                GLshort fontsize, GLint align, GLfloat angle);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psSpecial(GLint format, const char *str);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawPixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
--                                   GLint xorig, GLint yorig,
--                                   GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psEnable(GLint mode);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDisable(GLint mode);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psPointSize(GLfloat value);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psLineWidth(GLfloat value);
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor);
--/* undocumented */
--GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psDrawImageMap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
--                                     const GLfloat position[3],
--                                     const unsigned char *imagemap);
--GL2PSDLL_API const char *gl2psGetFileExtension(GLint format);
--GL2PSDLL_API const char *gl2psGetFormatDescription(GLint format);
--#if defined(__cplusplus)
--#endif /* __GL2PS_H__ */
 --- a/Graphics/CMakeLists.txt
 +++ b/Graphics/CMakeLists.txt
 @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@

Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. 

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