[SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.13-1-4-gb39d279
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
eftaxi12 at otenet.gr
Thu Jun 2 11:23:23 UTC 2011
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 1a71398d8c7fe5ef0364c29d40227f6b6688f2e7
Author: Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <eftaxi12 at otenet.gr>
Date: Thu Jun 2 13:56:36 2011 +0300
Clean up
diff --git a/.pc/applied-patches b/.pc/applied-patches
deleted file mode 100644
index 34bb8ce..0000000
--- a/.pc/applied-patches
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.pc/debian-changes-3.13-1/src/fflib/array_long.ii b/.pc/debian-changes-3.13-1/src/fflib/array_long.ii
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/.pc/debian-changes-3.13-1/src/fflib/array_long.s b/.pc/debian-changes-3.13-1/src/fflib/array_long.s
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/.pc/examples-bamg-test-dotestpl.patch/.timestamp b/.pc/examples-bamg-test-dotestpl.patch/.timestamp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/.pc/examples-bamg-test-dotestpl.patch/examples-bamg/test/dotest.pl b/.pc/examples-bamg-test-dotestpl.patch/examples-bamg/test/dotest.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c307b0..0000000
--- a/.pc/examples-bamg-test-dotestpl.patch/examples-bamg/test/dotest.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# ----- clean ---
-unlink <*.mesh>;
-unlink <*.am_fmt>;
-unlink <*.mtr>;
-unlink <*.bb>;
-unlink <*.BB>;
-unlink <YG_trace*>;
-unlink 'PLOT';
-##$f="10 + 1/(1+ 100**(sin(x*3)-y)) ";
-#$f1 = "(10*x*x*x+y*y*y) + 10/(1+10**(10*((sin(5*x)-2*y)))) ";
-$f1=" sin(3*x)*cos(5*y)+ atan2(0.001,x**2 + y**2 - 0.5 )";
-#$f1=" 8*(x-y)**2 + (x+y)**2";
-$bamgoption=" -AbsError -NbJacobi 2 -NbSmooth 5 -anisomax 5 -hmax 0.5 -ratio 2 -nbv 100000 ";
-#$bamgoption=" -AbsError -NbJacobi 3 -ratio 2 -anisomax 30";
-#$quadoption=" -2q -thetaquad 30 -coef 2";
-# --- change x in $x and y in $y
-print "The function = f1(x,y) = $f1 \n";
-$, = ' '; # set output field separator
-$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
-## -------------------------------------------------------------
-## --- construction the Geometry file Gh.mesh
-## 8 points on circle of radius r
-open(GH,">$GH") || die "Can't redirect stdout";
-$Pi = 3.14159265358979;
-$i8 = 8;
-$r = 1;
-$c0x = 0;
-$c0y = 0;
-print GH 'Dimension', 2;
-print GH 'MaximalAngleOfCorner 46';
-print GH 'Vertices';
-print GH $i8;
-# vertex on circle (counter clock wise)
-for ($i = 0; $i < $i8; $i++) {
- $t = $i * $Pi * 2 / $i8;
- print GH $c0x + $r * (cos($t)), $c0y + $r * sin($t), 5;
-print GH 'Edges', $i8+1;
-print GH 1,5,10;
-# edge on circle
-$k = 1;
-$j = $i8 - 1;
-# previous points
-for ($i = 0; $i < $i8; $j = $i++) {
- print GH $k + $j, $k + $i, 5;
-# previous, current vertex
-# one subdomain, region on left side of the wing
-# because clock wise sens.
-print GH 'SubDomain', 2;
-print GH 2, 1, 1, 0;
-print GH 2, 1, -1, 1;
-close GH;
-## -------------- END construct of the geom
-# -- make the DATA file for the mesh to also save the arguments
-open(BAMG,">DATA_bamg") || die "Can't open DATA_bamg";
-print BAMG "$quadoption $bamgoption -g $GH -o $TH -v 9 -oam_fmt $TH.am_fmt";
-## constructio the inital mesh
-!system($bamg) || die "Error in bamg construction of initial mesh $Th";
-## the adpatation loop
-while ($iteration<$nbiteration) {
- $BB="$iteration.BB";
- $ERRBB="err$iteration.bb";
-## construction of the solution
- $errsol=0;
- open (TH,"<$TH") || die "Can't open $TH";
- open (BB,">$BB") || die "Can't open $BB";
- open (ERRBB,">$ERRBB") || die "Can't open $ERRBB";
- while (<TH>) {
- if(/^Vertices$/) {
- $nbv=<TH>;
- chop($nbv);
- print BB "2 1 1 $nbv 2";
- for ($i=1;$i<=$nbv;$i++) {
- ($x,$y,$ref)=split(/[\ \t\n]+/, <TH>);
- $f1xy=eval $f1;
- $xx[$i]=$x;
- $yy[$i]=$y;
- $ff[$i]=$f1xy;
- print BB $f1xy ;
- };
- };
- if(/^Triangles$/) {
- $nbt=<TH>;
- chop($nbt);
- print " Nb of Triangles = $nbt \n";
- print ERRBB "2 1 $nbt 1";
- for ($i=1;$i<=$nbt;$i++) {
- ($i0,$i1,$i2,$ref)=split(/[\ \t\n]+/, <TH>);
- $x = ($xx[$i0]+$xx[$i1]+$xx[$i2])/3;
- $y = ($yy[$i0]+$yy[$i1]+$yy[$i2])/3;
- $fm = ($ff[$i0]+$ff[$i1]+$ff[$i2])/3;
- $fxy = eval $f1;
- $vv=($fm-$fxy);
- $vv= ($vv<0)?-$vv:$vv;
- print ERRBB $vv;
- $errsol = ($errsol>$vv) ? $errsol : $vv;
- };
- };
- };
- close TH;
- close BB;
- close ERRBB;
- print " ---------------------------------------------\n";
- print "\n\n Iteration $iteration\n Erreur L_infini = $errsol \n\n";
- print " ---------------------------------------------\n";
-## -----------------------
- $MTR="M$iteration.mtr";
- $iteration++;
- $BTH=$TH;
- $TH="Th$iteration$suffixe";
- open(BAMG,">DATA_bamg") || die "Can't open DATA_bamg";
- print BAMG "$quadoption $bamgoption -MBB $BB -errg $errg -err $err -b $BTH -o $TH -v 9 -oM $MTR -oam_fmt $TH.am_fmt -wBB /tmp/tyty ";
- close(BAMG);
- !system($bamg) || die "Error in bamg construction of adapted $iteration mesh $Th";
-print "Normal End\n";
diff --git a/.pc/examples-load-WHERE-LIBRARY.patch/examples++-load/WHERE_LIBRARY b/.pc/examples-load-WHERE-LIBRARY.patch/examples++-load/WHERE_LIBRARY
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
FreeFem++ packaging
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