[SCM] aribas packaging annotated tag, upstream/1.50, created. upstream/1.50

Ralf Treinen treinen at free.fr
Sun May 15 11:57:00 UTC 2011

The annotated tag, upstream/1.50 has been created
        at  57831e6e6085d53710ffc7c48ce78ed6b9de5a47 (tag)
   tagging  52b357dc814b58f6e4e5fc602ba2fe81c3d4ab6c (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.44
 tagged by  Ralf Treinen
        on  Sun May 15 13:20:29 2011 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.50

Ralf Treinen (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.50


aribas packaging

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