r44683 - in /packages/teem/trunk/debian: changelog control man/teem-ilk.1 man/teem-puller.1 patches/10_all_changes.diff rules teem-apps.manpages
domibel at users.alioth.debian.org
domibel at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 7 13:31:52 UTC 2012
Author: domibel
Date: Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
New Revision: 44683
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/?sc=1&rev=44683
update to teem svn revision 5226
Modified: packages/teem/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=44683&op=diff
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/changelog Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+teem (1.11.0~svn5226-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream snapshot
+ * upload to unstable
+ * removed DM upload rights
+ * removed teem-doc package and dependencies
+ -- Dominique Belhachemi <domibel at debian.org> Fri, 06 Apr 2012 21:46:12 -0400
teem (1.11.0~svn5112-1) experimental; urgency=low
* new upstream snapshot
Modified: packages/teem/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/control?rev=44683&op=diff
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/control (original)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/control Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
Source: teem
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Science Team <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
Uploaders: Dominique Belhachemi <domibel at debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), cmake, zlib1g-dev, libpng-dev,
libbz2-dev, cdbs, quilt
-Build-Depends-Indep: doxygen-latex
-Standards-Version: 3.9.2
+Standards-Version: 3.9.3
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/
Section: libs
@@ -18,7 +16,6 @@
Provides: libteem1-dev
Replaces: libteem1-dev
Conflicts: libteem1-dev
-Suggests: teem-doc
Architecture: any
Depends: libteem2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - development
@@ -121,27 +118,3 @@
This package contains the debugging symbols for libteem2.
-Package: teem-doc
-Section: doc
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - documentation
- Teem is a coordinated group of libraries for representing, processing, and
- visualizing scientific raster data. Teem includes command-line tools that
- permit the library functions to be quickly applied to files and streams,
- without having to write any code. The most important and useful libraries in
- Teem are:
- .
- * Nrrd (and the unu command-line tool on top of it) supports a range of
- operations for transforming N-dimensional raster data (resample, crop,
- slice, project, histogram, etc.), as well as the NRRD file format for
- storing arrays and their meta-information.
- * Gage: fast convolution-based measurements at arbitrary point locations in
- volume datasets (scalar, vector, tensor, etc.)
- * Mite: a multi-threaded ray-casting volume render with transfer functions
- based on any quantity Gage can measure
- * Ten: for estimating, processing, and visualizing diffusion tensor fields,
- including fiber tractography methods.
- .
- This package provides the documentation files.
Added: packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-ilk.1
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-ilk.1?rev=44683&op=file
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-ilk.1 (added)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-ilk.1 Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,86 @@
+.TH TEEM "1" "April 2012" "Teem version 1.11.0" "User Commands"
+teem\-ilk \- (I)mage (L)inear Trans(X\-\->K)forms.
+.B teem-ilk
+[\fI at file \fR...] [\fI-i <image>\fR] [\fI-0 <origin>\fR] \fI\\fR
+/usr/bin/teem\-ilk: (I)mage (L)inear Trans(X\-\->K)forms. Applies linear
+(homogenous coordinate) transforms to a given image, using the given kernel for
+\fB\-t\fR <xform0 ...> [\-k <kernel>] [\-min <xMin yMin>] [\-max <xMax yMax>] \e
+[\-b <boundary>] [\-bg <bg0 bg1 ...>] [\-s <xSize ySize>] [\-a <avg #>] \e
+[\-o <filename>]
+ at file ... = response file(s) containing command\-line arguments
+\fB\-i\fR <image> = input image; default: "\-"
+\fB\-0\fR <origin> = where to location (0,0) prior to applying transforms.
+o "u:<float>,<float>" locate origin in a unit box
+[0,1]x[0,1] which covers the original image
+o "p:<float>,<float>" locate origin at a particular
+pixel location, in the index space of the image
+default: "p:0,0"
+\fB\-t\fR <xform0 ...> = transform(s) to apply to image. Transforms are applied in
+the order in which they appear.
+o "identity": no geometric transform, just resampling
+o "translate:x,y": shift image by vector (x,y), as
+measured in pixels
+o "rotate:ang": rotate CCW by ang degrees
+o "scale:xs,ys": scale by xs in X, and ys in Y
+o "shear:fix,amnt": shear by amnt, keeping fixed the
+pixels along a direction <fix> degrees from the X axis
+o "flip:ang": flip along axis an angle <ang> degrees
+from the X axis
+o "a,b,tx,c,d,ty": specify the transform explicitly in
+row\-major order (opposite of PostScript)
+(1 or more 2D transforms)
+\fB\-k\fR <kernel> = reconstruction kernel; default: "cubic:0,0.5"
+\fB\-min\fR <xMin yMin> = lower bounding corner of output image. Default (by not
+using this option) is the lower corner of input image.
+(2 doubles)
+\fB\-max\fR <xMax yMax> = upper bounding corner of output image. Default (by not
+using this option) is the upper corner of input image.
+(2 doubles)
+\fB\-b\fR <boundary> = what to do when sampling outside original image.
+o "bleed": copy values at image border outward
+o "wrap": do wrap\-around on image locations
+o "pad": use a given background value (via "\-bg")
+default: "bleed"
+\fB\-bg\fR <bg0 bg1 ...> = background color to use with boundary behavior "pad".
+Defaults to all zeroes. (1 or more floats)
+\fB\-s\fR <xSize ySize> = For each axis, information about how many samples in
+o "x<float>": number of output samples is some scaling
+of the number input of samples; multiplied by <float>
+o "<int>": specify exact number of samples
+(2 sampling specifications)
+default: "x1 x1"
+\fB\-a\fR <avg #> = number of averages (if there there is only one rotation)
+(unsigned int); default: "0"
+\fB\-o\fR <filename> = file to write output nrrd to (string); default: "\-"
+The full documentation for
+.B Teem
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
+.B info
+.B Teem
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info Teem
+should give you access to the complete manual.
Added: packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-puller.1
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-puller.1?rev=44683&op=file
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-puller.1 (added)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/man/teem-puller.1 Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,287 @@
+.TH TEEM "1" "April 2012" "Teem version 1.11.0" "User Commands"
+/usr/bin/teem\-puller \- Command\-line interface to the "pull" library.
+.B teem-puller
+[\fI at file \fR...] [\fI-int <int>\fR] [\fI-enr <spec>\fR] \fI\\fR
+/usr/bin/teem\-puller: Command\-line interface to the "pull" library. Published
+research using this tool or the "pull" library should cite the paper:
+Gordon L. Kindlmann, Ra{\e'u}l San Jos{\e'e} Est{\e'e}par, Stephen M. Smith,
+Carl\-Fredrik Westin. Sampling and Visualizing Creases with Scale\-Space
+Particles. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
+15(6):1415\-1424 (2009).
+[\-ens <spec>] [\-enw <spec>] [\-efs <bool>] [\-nave <bool>] [\-cbst <bool>] \e
+[\-noadd] [\-usa <bool>] [\-pcet <bool>] [\-nobin] [\-lti <bool>] \e
+[\-por <bool>] [\-npcwza <bool>] [\-ubfgl <bool>] [\-ratb <bool>] \e
+[\-svec <vec>] [\-gssr <rad>] [\-v <verbosity>] \fB\-vol\fR <vol0 vol1 ...> \e
+\fB\-info\fR <info0 info1 ...> [\-k00 <kern00>] [\-k11 <kern11>] [\-k22 <kern22>] \e
+[\-sscp <path>] [\-kssb <kernel>] [\-kssr <kernel>] [\-nss <# scl smpls>] \e
+[\-np <# points>] [\-halton] [\-ppv <# pnts/vox>] [\-ppvzr <z range>] \e
+[\-jit <jitter>] [\-pi <npos>] [\-step <step>] [\-csm <step>] [\-snap <# \e
+iters>] [\-maxi <# iters>] [\-stim <# iters>] [\-maxci <# iters>] \e
+[\-irad <scale>] [\-srad <scale>] [\-bws <bin width>] [\-alpha <alpha>] \e
+[\-beta <beta>] [\-gamma <gamma>] [\-theta <theta>] [\-wall <k>] [\-eip <k>] \e
+[\-ess <scl>] [\-oss <scl>] [\-edmin <frac>] [\-edpcmin <frac>] \e
+[\-fnnm <frac>] [\-pcp <period>] [\-iad <# iters>] [\-icb <# iters>] \e
+[\-ac3c <ac3c>] [\-sit <sit>] [\-rng <seed>] [\-pbm <mod>] [\-eiphl <hl>] \e
+[\-nt <# threads>] [\-nprob <prob>] [\-pprob <prob>] [\-addlog <fname>] \e
+[\-o <nout>] [\-eob <base>]
+ at file ... = response file(s) containing command\-line arguments
+\fB\-int\fR <int> = inter\-particle energy type (interaction type);
+default: "justr"
+\fB\-enr\fR <spec> = inter\-particle energy, radial component (energy
+specification); default: "cotan"
+\fB\-ens\fR <spec> = inter\-particle energy, scale component (energy
+specification); default: "zero"
+\fB\-enw\fR <spec> = windowing to create locality with additive
+scale\-space interaction ("\-int add") (energy
+specification); default: "butter:16,0.8"
+\fB\-efs\fR <bool> = whether or not strength contributes to
+particle\-image energy (bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-nave\fR <bool> = whether or not to nix points at edge of volume,
+where gage had to invent values for kernel support
+(bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-cbst\fR <bool> = during initialization, try constraint satisfaction
+before testing seedThresh (bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-noadd\fR = turn off adding during population control
+\fB\-usa\fR <bool> = allow volumes to have different shapes (false is
+safe as different volume sizes are often accidental)
+(bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-pcet\fR <bool> = use neighbor\-counting "enough" heuristic to bail out
+of pop cntl (bool); default: "true"
+\fB\-nobin\fR = turn off spatial binning (which prevents
+multi\-threading from being useful), for debugging or
+speed\-up measurement
+\fB\-lti\fR <bool> = impose liveThresh on initialization (bool);
+default: "true"
+\fB\-por\fR <bool> = permute points during rebinning (bool);
+default: "true"
+\fB\-npcwza\fR <bool> = no pop cntl with zero alpha (bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-ubfgl\fR <bool> = use beta for gamma learning (bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-ratb\fR <bool> = be choosy when adding points to bins to avoid
+overlap (bool); default: "true"
+\fB\-svec\fR <vec> = if non\-zero (length), vector to use for displaying
+scale in 3\-space (3 doubles); default: "0 0 0"
+\fB\-gssr\fR <rad> = if non\-zero (length), scaling of scale to
+cylindrical tensors (double); default: "0.0"
+\fB\-v\fR <verbosity> = verbosity level (int); default: "1"
+\fB\-vol\fR <vol0 vol1 ...> = input volumes, in format <filename>:<kind>:<volname>
+(1 or more meetPullVols)
+\fB\-info\fR <info0 info1 ...> = info definitions, in format
+(1 or more meetPullInfos)
+\fB\-k00\fR <kern00> = kernel for gageKernel00 (kernel specification);
+default: "cubic:1,0"
+\fB\-k11\fR <kern11> = kernel for gageKernel11 (kernel specification);
+default: "cubicd:1,0"
+\fB\-k22\fR <kern22> = kernel for gageKernel22 (kernel specification);
+default: "cubicdd:1,0"
+\fB\-sscp\fR <path> = path (without trailing /) for where to read/write
+pre\-blurred volumes for scale\-space (string);
+default: "./"
+\fB\-kssb\fR <kernel> = blurring kernel, to sample scale space (kernel
+specification); default: "ds:1,5"
+\fB\-kssr\fR <kernel> = kernel for reconstructing from scale space samples
+(kernel specification); default: "hermite"
+\fB\-nss\fR <# scl smpls> = if using "\-ppv", number of samples along scale axis
+for each spatial position (unsigned int);
+default: "1"
+\fB\-np\fR <# points> = number of points to start in system (unsigned int);
+default: "1000"
+\fB\-halton\fR = use Halton sequence initialization instead of
+uniform random
+\fB\-ppv\fR <# pnts/vox> = number of points per voxel to start in simulation
+(need to have a seed thresh vol, overrides "\-np")
+(unsigned int); default: "0"
+\fB\-ppvzr\fR <z range> = range of Z slices (1st num < 2nd num) to do ppv in,
+or, "1 0" for whole volume (2 unsigned ints);
+default: "1 0"
+\fB\-jit\fR <jitter> = amount of jittering to do with ppv (double);
+default: "0"
+\fB\-pi\fR <npos> = 4\-by\-N array of positions to start at (overrides
+"\-np") (nrrd); default: ""
+\fB\-step\fR <step> = initial step size for gradient descent (double);
+default: "1"
+\fB\-csm\fR <step> = convergence criterion for constraint satisfaction
+(double); default: "0.0001"
+\fB\-snap\fR <# iters> = if non\-zero, # iters between saved snapshots
+(unsigned int); default: "0"
+\fB\-maxi\fR <# iters> = if non\-zero, max # iterations to run whole system
+(unsigned int); default: "0"
+\fB\-stim\fR <# iters> = if non\-zero, max # iterations to allow a particle to
+be stuck before nixing (unsigned int); default: "5"
+\fB\-maxci\fR <# iters> = if non\-zero, max # iterations for contraint
+enforcement (unsigned int); default: "15"
+\fB\-irad\fR <scale> = particle radius in spatial domain (double);
+default: "1"
+\fB\-srad\fR <scale> = particle radius in scale domain (double);
+default: "1"
+\fB\-bws\fR <bin width> = spatial bin width as multiple of spatial radius
+(double); default: "1.001"
+\fB\-alpha\fR <alpha> = blend between particle\-image (alpha=0) and
+inter\-particle (alpha=1) energies (double);
+default: "0.5"
+\fB\-beta\fR <beta> = when using Phi2 energy, blend between pure space
+repulsion (beta=0) and scale attraction (beta=1)
+(double); default: "1.0"
+\fB\-gamma\fR <gamma> = scaling factor on energy from strength (double);
+default: "1.0"
+\fB\-theta\fR <theta> = slope of increasing livethresh wrt scale (double);
+default: "0.0"
+\fB\-wall\fR <k> = spring constant on walls (double); default: "0.0"
+\fB\-eip\fR <k> = amount by which its okay for *per\-particle* energy
+to increase during gradient descent process (double);
+default: "0.0"
+\fB\-ess\fR <scl> = when energy goes up instead of down, scale step size
+by this (double); default: "0.5"
+\fB\-oss\fR <scl> = opportunistic scaling (hopefully up, >1) of step
+size on every iteration (double); default: "1.0"
+\fB\-edmin\fR <frac> = convergence threshold: stop when fractional
+improvement (decrease) in energy dips below this
+(double); default: "0.0001"
+\fB\-edpcmin\fR <frac> = population control is triggered when energy
+improvement goes below this threshold (double);
+default: "0.01"
+\fB\-fnnm\fR <frac> = don't nix if this fraction (or more) of neighbors
+have been nixed (double); default: "0.25"
+\fB\-pcp\fR <period> = # iters to wait between attempts at population
+control (unsigned int); default: "20"
+\fB\-iad\fR <# iters> = # iters to run descent on tentative new points
+during PC (unsigned int); default: "10"
+\fB\-icb\fR <# iters> = periodicity of calling rendering callback (unsigned
+int); default: "1"
+\fB\-ac3c\fR <ac3c> = allow codimensions 3 constraints (bool);
+default: "false"
+\fB\-sit\fR <sit> = scale is tau (bool); default: "false"
+\fB\-rng\fR <seed> = base seed value for RNGs (unsigned int);
+default: "42"
+\fB\-pbm\fR <mod> = progress bin mod (unsigned int); default: "50"
+\fB\-eiphl\fR <hl> = half\-life of energyIncreasePermute ("\-eip")
+(unsigned int); default: "0"
+\fB\-nt\fR <# threads> = number of threads hoover should use (int);
+default: "1"
+\fB\-nprob\fR <prob> = do full neighbor discovery with this probability
+(double); default: "1.0"
+\fB\-pprob\fR <prob> = probe local image values with this probability
+(double); default: "1.0"
+\fB\-addlog\fR <fname> = name of file in which to log all particle additions
+(string); default: ""
+\fB\-o\fR <nout> = output volume (string); default: "\-"
+\fB\-eob\fR <base> = save extra info (besides position), and use this
+string as the base of the filenames. Not using this
+means the extra info is not saved. (string);
+default: ""
+The full documentation for
+.B Teem
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
+.B info
+.B Teem
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info Teem
+should give you access to the complete manual.
Added: packages/teem/trunk/debian/patches/10_all_changes.diff
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/patches/10_all_changes.diff?rev=44683&op=file
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/patches/10_all_changes.diff (added)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/patches/10_all_changes.diff Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,104 @@
+Index: teem-1.11.0~svn5226/CMakeLists.txt
+--- teem-1.11.0~svn5226.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-07 00:05:22.980493042 -0400
++++ teem-1.11.0~svn5226/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-07 00:06:40.508877479 -0400
+@@ -222,11 +222,13 @@
+ # On Apple this should be done at compile time since it is
+ # possible to compile several architectures simultaneously
+ if( NOT APPLE )
++ INCLUDE(TestBigEndian)
++ ELSE()
++ ENDIF()
+ endif( NOT APPLE )
+ #The QNANHIBIT variable is configured by the root level CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -369,7 +371,7 @@
+ )
+Index: teem-1.11.0~svn5226/src/bin/CMakeLists.txt
+--- teem-1.11.0~svn5226.orig/src/bin/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-07 00:05:22.980493042 -0400
++++ teem-1.11.0~svn5226/src/bin/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-07 00:05:23.000000000 -0400
+@@ -32,34 +32,34 @@
+ # These binaries should not be depending on BUILD_EXPERIMENTAL_LIBS
+-CREATE_EXEC(nrrdSanity nrrdSanity.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(overrgb overrgb.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(ilk ilk.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(mrender mrender.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(miter miter.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(vprobe vprobe.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(gprobe gprobe.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(unu unu.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(puller puller.c)
+-CREATE_EXEC(tend tend.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-nrrdSanity nrrdSanity.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-overrgb overrgb.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-ilk ilk.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-mrender mrender.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-miter miter.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-vprobe vprobe.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-gprobe gprobe.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-unu unu.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-puller puller.c)
++CREATE_EXEC(teem-tend tend.c)
+ # NOTE: The BUILD_EXPERIMENTAL_LIBS-dependent inclusion of binaries has to be
+ # done with knowledge of how BUILD_EXPERIMENTAL_LIBS behaves in the top-level
+ # CMakeLists.txt file
+- CREATE_EXEC(airSanity airSanity.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(cubic cubic.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(undos undos.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(qbert qbert.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(emap emap.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(talkweb talkweb.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(pprobe pprobe.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(ninspect ninspect.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(ungantry ungantry.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(deconv deconv.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-airSanity airSanity.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-cubic cubic.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-undos undos.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-qbert qbert.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-emap emap.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-talkweb talkweb.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-pprobe pprobe.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-ninspect ninspect.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-ungantry ungantry.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-deconv deconv.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(gkms gkms.c)
+- CREATE_EXEC(spots spots.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-gkms gkms.c)
++ CREATE_EXEC(teem-spots spots.c)
+Index: teem-1.11.0~svn5226/Testing/CMakeLists.txt
+--- teem-1.11.0~svn5226.orig/Testing/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-07 00:05:22.980493042 -0400
++++ teem-1.11.0~svn5226/Testing/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-07 00:05:23.000000000 -0400
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/testDataPath.h"
+ )
+-ADD_TEST(nrrd.Sanity ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/nrrdSanity)
++ADD_TEST(nrrd.Sanity ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/teem-nrrdSanity)
Modified: packages/teem/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/rules?rev=44683&op=diff
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/rules (original)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/rules Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
@@ -36,12 +36,6 @@
dh_install -plibteem-dev debian/tmp/usr/lib/Teem-1.11.0/*.cmake usr/lib/Teem-1.11.0
dh_install -plibteem-dev debian/tmp/usr/include/teem/* usr/include/teem
- doxygen debian/Doxyfile
- # remove zero byte files
- find doc/ -depth -empty | xargs rm -rf
- dh_install -pteem-doc doc/* usr/share/doc/teem-doc
dh_install -pteem-apps debian/tmp/usr/bin/* usr/bin
Modified: packages/teem/trunk/debian/teem-apps.manpages
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/teem/trunk/debian/teem-apps.manpages?rev=44683&op=diff
--- packages/teem/trunk/debian/teem-apps.manpages (original)
+++ packages/teem/trunk/debian/teem-apps.manpages Sat Apr 7 13:31:50 2012
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
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