[SCM] Gnuplot. Interactive plotting program branch, master, updated. debian/4.6.0-3-3-g031fca2
Anton Gladky
gladky.anton at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 14:03:57 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 031fca23b354940e73d27c880e7bda6412ba6fb2
Author: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Apr 9 15:50:17 2012 +0200
Consider gz-ipped data-files in examples-directory. (Closes: #283966)
diff --git a/debian/fix_examples/fix_examples.diff b/debian/fix_examples/fix_examples.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17f88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fix_examples/fix_examples.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+diff --git a/all.dem b/all.dem
+index 863a6c8..050cebf 100644
+--- a/all.dem
++++ b/all.dem
+@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ print "******************** file mgr.dem ********************"
+ load "mgr.dem"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file fit.dem ********************"
+-load "fit.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat fit.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat fit.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "******************** file param.dem ********************"
+@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ print "******************** file polar.dem ********************"
+ load "polar.dem"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file poldat.dem ********************"
+-load "poldat.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat poldat.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat poldat.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "******************** file multiplt.dem ********************"
+@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ load "multiplt.dem"
+ load "layout.dem"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file surface1.dem ********************"
+-load "surface1.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat surface1.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat surface1.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "******************** file discrete.dem ********************"
+@@ -83,16 +83,16 @@ load "world.dem"
+ load "world2.dem"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file prob.dem ********************"
+-load "prob.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat prob.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat prob.dem.gz"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file prob2.dem ********************"
+-load "prob2.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat prob2.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat prob2.dem.gz"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file random.dem ********************"
+-load "random.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat random.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat random.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "******************** file smooth.dem ********************"
+@@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ print "******************** file singulr.dem ********************"
+ load "singulr.dem"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file airfoil.dem ********************"
+-load "airfoil.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat airfoil.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat airfoil.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "******************** file surface2.dem ********************"
+ load "surface2.dem"
+ reset
+-print "******************** file contours.dem ********************"
+-load "contours.dem"
++print "******************** file <zcat contours.dem.gz ********************"
++load "<zcat contours.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "******************** file multimsh.dem ********************"
+@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ print "********************** file rgb_variable.dem *********************"
+ load "rgb_variable.dem"
+ reset
+-print "********************** file pm3d.dem *********************"
+-load "pm3d.dem"
++print "********************** file <zcat pm3d.dem.gz *********************"
++load "<zcat pm3d.dem.gz"
+ reset
+-print "********************** file pm3dcolors.dem *********************"
+-load "pm3dcolors.dem"
++print "********************** file <zcat pm3dcolors.dem.gz *********************"
++load "<zcat pm3dcolors.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "********************** file heatmaps.dem *********************"
+@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ load "histograms2.dem"
+ reset
+ print "********************** Image formats *********************"
+-load "image.dem"
+-load "image2.dem"
++load "<zcat image.dem.gz"
++load "<zcat image2.dem.gz"
+ load "rgbalpha.dem"
+ reset
+@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ print "********************** file ellipses_style.dem *********************"
+ load "ellipses_style.dem"
+ reset
+-print "********************** file key.dem *********************"
+-load "key.dem"
++print "********************** file <zcat key.dem.gz *********************"
++load "<zcat key.dem.gz"
+ reset
+ print "********************** file borders.dem *********************"
+diff --git a/animate.dem b/animate.dem
+index 9a1f031..db669f0 100644
+--- a/animate.dem
++++ b/animate.dem
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ #
+ # $Id: animate.dem,v 1.7 2006/01/07 23:21:02 sfeam Exp $
+ #
+-# Demo animation, tumbling around 'glass.dat'.
++# Demo animation, tumbling around '<zcat glass.dat.gz'.
+ #
+ # History:
+ # - 1. 1. 2006 Dan Sebald: Defined variables for more generic rotate
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ zrot_delta = 10
+ xview(xrot)=(50.+30.*sin((xrot%180)/180.*pi))
+ zview(zrot)=(60.+45.*sin(zrot/180.*pi))
+ set view xview(xrot),zview(zrot)
+-splot "glass.dat"
++splot "<zcat glass.dat.gz"
+ limit_iterations=40 # limits number of iterations if nonzero
+diff --git a/animate2.dem b/animate2.dem
+index d129b72..7613a27 100644
+--- a/animate2.dem
++++ b/animate2.dem
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ set view xview(xrot), zview(zrot), 2, 1
+ set size square
+ splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) notitle with lines lt 5, \
+- 'world.dat' notitle with lines lt 2 lw 3
++ '<zcat world.dat.gz' notitle with lines lt 2 lw 3
+ iteration_count=0
+ xrot =(xrot+xrot_delta)%360
+diff --git a/circles.dem b/circles.dem
+index b8ab599..9598b6c 100644
+--- a/circles.dem
++++ b/circles.dem
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ set border
+ set yrange [-70:*]
+-plot 'world.dat' with filledcurves lc rgb "light-green" , \
++plot '<zcat world.dat.gz' with filledcurves lc rgb "light-green" , \
+ 'world.cor' using 1:2:(7.*rand(0)) with circles lt 3 \
+ fs transparent solid 0.5 noborder
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ keyr = 25.
+ set obj 20 rect from graph 0,0 to graph 1,1 behind fc rgb "cyan" fs solid 0.2
+ set angle degree
+-plot 'world.dat' with filledcurves lc rgb "light-green" notit, \
++plot '<zcat world.dat.gz' with filledcurves lc rgb "light-green" notit, \
+ 'energy_circles.dat' using 2:1:(sqrt($9)*r):6:($6+$7):5 \
+ with circles lc pal fs solid 1.0 border rgb "gray",\
+ for [i=0:types-1] '' using (keyx):(keyy):(keyr-5):(-(i+1)*360./types):(-(i)*360./types):5 \
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ unset key
+ unset border
+ set yrange [] reverse
+-plot 'lena.rgb' binary array=(128,128) dx=4 dy=4 format='%uchar' with rgbimage, \
++plot '<zcat lena.rgb.gz' binary array=(128,128) dx=4 dy=4 format='%uchar' with rgbimage, \
+ 'lena-keypoints.bin' binary format='%double' with circles lc rgb "yellow"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ set title "Delaunay triangulation of Hemisphere points, some empty circles in re
+ unset key
+ plot 'empty-circles.dat' with circles lw 2 lc rgb "red", \
+- 'delaunay-edges.dat' with lines lc rgb "forest-green", \
+- 'hemisphr.dat' u (100*$1):(100*$2) with points pt 7 lc rgb "black"
++ '<zcat delaunay-edges.dat.gz' with lines lc rgb "forest-green", \
++ '<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz' u (100*$1):(100*$2) with points pt 7 lc rgb "black"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+diff --git a/ellipse.dem b/ellipse.dem
+index fa20820..16b4e5e 100644
+--- a/ellipse.dem
++++ b/ellipse.dem
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ #
+ # Ethan A Merritt - Feb 2007
+ # This demo requires support for 'set object ellipse'
+-# Also it uses the file 'random.tmp' created by random.dem
++# Also it uses the file '<zcat random.tmp.gz' created by <zcat random.dem.gz
+ #
+ if ((GPVAL_VERSION == 4.3 || GPVAL_VERSION == 4.2) \
+ && (!strstrt(GPVAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS,"+OBJECTS"))) \
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ set object 1 ellipse center 1.5,1.0 size 2.,4. angle 20. front fillstyle empty b
+ set obj 2 ellipse center 1.5, 1 size 6, 12 angle 20 front fs empty bo 3
+ A = pi/9.
+-plot 'random.tmp' using (1.5 + $1*cos(A)-2.*$2*sin(A)):(1.0 + $1*sin(A)+2.*$2*cos(A)) with dots
++plot '<zcat random.tmp.gz' using (1.5 + $1*cos(A)-2.*$2*sin(A)):(1.0 + $1*sin(A)+2.*$2*cos(A)) with dots
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+diff --git a/fillcrvs.dem b/fillcrvs.dem
+index 68ef4ee..1d129c4 100644
+--- a/fillcrvs.dem
++++ b/fillcrvs.dem
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ pause -1 'Press Return to continue'
+ reset
+-set title "world.dat plotted with filledcurves"
++set title "<zcat world.dat.gz plotted with filledcurves"
+ set format x ""
+ set format y ""
+ set grid layerdefault linewidth 0.5
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ set object 1 rect from graph 0, 0 to graph 1, 1 behind fc rgb "#afffff" fillst
+ set xrange [ -180.000 : 180.000 ]
+ set yrange [ -70.0000 : 80.0000 ]
+ set lmargin 1
+-plot 'world.dat' with filledcurve notitle fs solid 1.0 lc rgb 'dark-goldenrod'
++plot '<zcat world.dat.gz' with filledcurve notitle fs solid 1.0 lc rgb 'dark-goldenrod'
+ pause -1 'Press Return to continue'
+ reset
+diff --git a/hidden.dem b/hidden.dem
+index 07e895d..0938c96 100644
+--- a/hidden.dem
++++ b/hidden.dem
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ set style data lines
+ # autoranging loses the verticals
+ set xrange [0:15]
+ set yrange [0:15]
+-splot "glass.dat" using 1
++splot "<zcat glass.dat.gz" using 1
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (6)"
+ set view 50
+diff --git a/kdensity2d.dem b/kdensity2d.dem
+index 697de2a..9403d5c 100644
+--- a/kdensity2d.dem
++++ b/kdensity2d.dem
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+-# Run 'random.dem' to generate 'random.tmp'
++# Run '<zcat random.dem.gz' to generate '<zcat random.tmp.gz'
+ reset
+ set title "How to plot a kernel density estimate for this 2D dataset?"
+-plot 'random.tmp' using 1:2
++plot '<zcat random.tmp.gz' using 1:2
+ pause -1 "Press Return to continue - the plot may take some time to appear"
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ set palette defined (0 'white', 1 'red')
+ set dgrid3d 50,50 gauss kdensity
+ set title "set dgrid3d 50,50 gauss kdensity"
+-splot 'random.tmp' using 1:2:(1) with pm3d
++splot '<zcat random.tmp.gz' using 1:2:(1) with pm3d
+ pause -1 "Press Return to continue - the plot may take some time to appear"
+ set dgrid3d 50,50 gauss kdensity 0.1
+diff --git a/molecule.dem b/molecule.dem
+index ef77958..2abaed6 100644
+--- a/molecule.dem
++++ b/molecule.dem
+@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ unset xtics
+ unset ytics
+ unset ztics
+-splot 'GM1_sugar.pdb' using 6:7:8 with points lt 3 pt 7 ps 3 notitle, \
+- 'GM1_bonds.r3d' using 1:2:3:($5-$1):($6-$2):($7-$3) with vectors nohead lw 3 lt 1 \
++splot '<zcat GM1_sugar.pdb.gz' using 6:7:8 with points lt 3 pt 7 ps 3 notitle, \
++ '<zcat GM1_bonds.r3d.gz' using 1:2:3:($5-$1):($6-$2):($7-$3) with vectors nohead lw 3 lt 1 \
+ title "GM1 pentasaccharide"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+diff --git a/multimsh.dem b/multimsh.dem
+index 03b7a88..3fe62eb 100644
+--- a/multimsh.dem
++++ b/multimsh.dem
+@@ -9,40 +9,40 @@ set yrange [-4:4]
+ set zrange [-2:2]
+ set style data line
+ set title "Demo of multiple mesh per file capability - Digitized Blue Whale"
+-splot "whale.dat"
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Press Return"
+ set title "Demo of multiple mesh per file capability - Digitized Blue Whale"
+ set xlabel "Mesh or Network 0"
+-splot "whale.dat" index 0
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" index 0
+ pause -1 "Press Return"
+ set autoscale z
+ set xlabel "Mesh or Network 6"
+ set autoscale z
+-splot "whale.dat" index 6 using 3:2:1
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" index 6 using 3:2:1
+ pause -1 "Press Return"
+ set zrange [-2:2]
+ set xlabel "Mesh or Network 12"
+-splot "whale.dat" index 12 with points
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" index 12 with points
+ pause -1 "Press Return"
+ set xlabel "Mesh or Network 13"
+-splot "whale.dat" i 13
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" i 13
+ pause -1 "Press Return - A Loop over Indices could be done with reread"
+ # #file "loop"
+ # maxmsh = 16
+ # ind = (ind + 1)%maxmsh
+-# splot "whale.dat" i ind
++# splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" i ind
+ # reread "loop"
+ set xlabel "Mesh or Network 4"
+-splot "whale.dat" i 4
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" i 4
+ pause -1 "Press Return"
+ set xlabel "Mesh or Network 5"
+-splot "whale.dat" i 5
++splot "<zcat whale.dat.gz" i 5
+ pause -1 "Press Return"
+ reset
+diff --git a/orbits.dem b/orbits.dem
+index 86f1ea9..3cbf52d 100644
+--- a/orbits.dem
++++ b/orbits.dem
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ set datafile separator "\t"
+ if (strstrt(GNUTERM,"wxt")) \
+ set label 1 "Use Ctrl+mousewheel to zoom!" at graph 0.5,0.05 center
+-fn = 'orbital_elements.dat'
++fn = '<zcat orbital_elements.dat.gz'
+ # functions to calculate the parameters of the ellipses from orbital elements
+ # the actual 3D orbits are projected onto the ecliptic plane
+diff --git a/pointsize.dem b/pointsize.dem
+index 64a81e7..55a14e0 100644
+--- a/pointsize.dem
++++ b/pointsize.dem
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ unset ztics
+ # plot a 2D map with locations marked by variable sized points
+ #
+ set title "plot with variable size points"
+-plot 'world.dat' with lines lt 3, \
++plot '<zcat world.dat.gz' with lines lt 3, \
+ 'world.cor' using 1:2:(5.*rand(0)) with points lt 1 pt 6 ps variable
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ set title "splot with variable size points\nit is possible to specify size and color separately"
+ set view map
+ unset hidden3d
+-splot 'world.dat' using 1:2:(0) with lines lt 3, \
++splot '<zcat world.dat.gz' using 1:2:(0) with lines lt 3, \
+ 'world.cor' using 1:2:(0.5-rand(0)):(5.*rand(0)) with points pt 5 ps var lt palette
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ set isosamples 9
+ set urange [-90:90]
+ set vrange [0:360]
+ splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) with lines lt 5,\
+- 'world.dat' with lines lt 3, \
++ '<zcat world.dat.gz' with lines lt 3, \
+ 'world.cor' using 1:2:(1):(5.*rand(0)) with points lt 1 pt 6 ps variable
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ set arrow from 0,0,-1.2 to 0,0,1.2 lt 5 lw 2
+ set arrow from -1.2, 0, 0 to 1.2, 0, 0 nohead lt 5 lw 1
+ set arrow from 0, -1.2, 0 to 0, 1.2, 0 nohead lt 5 lw 1
+ splot cos(u)*cos(v),-cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) with lines lt 5,\
+- 'world.dat' u 1:2:(1.001) with lines lt 3, \
++ '<zcat world.dat.gz' u 1:2:(1.001) with lines lt 3, \
+ 'world.cor' using 1:2:(1):(5.*rand(0)) with points lt 1 pt 6 ps var
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+diff --git a/rectangle.dem b/rectangle.dem
+index 60d8a03..689c4f2 100644
+--- a/rectangle.dem
++++ b/rectangle.dem
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ reset
+ #
+-# Requires data file "using.dat" from this directory,
++# Requires data file "<zcat using.dat.gz" from this directory,
+ # so change current working directory to this directory before running.
+ #
+@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ set obj rect from 3, graph 0 to 4, graph 1
+ set obj rect from 5, graph 0 to 6, graph 1
+ set obj rect from 7, graph 0 to 8, graph 1
+-plot 'using.dat' using 3:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
+- 'using.dat' using 3:5 t "Load average" with points,\
+- 'using.dat' using 3:6 t "%CPU used" with lines
++plot '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 3:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
++ '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 3:5 t "Load average" with points,\
++ '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 3:6 t "%CPU used" with lines
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+diff --git a/rgbalpha.dem b/rgbalpha.dem
+index 9d355f7..8a0c8f5 100644
+--- a/rgbalpha.dem
++++ b/rgbalpha.dem
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ set yrange [ 0. : 128. ]
+ # Alpha = linear gradient on x
+ plot 100.*(.4+sin(x/5.)/(x/5.)) lw 5 title 'solid line', \
+- 'lena.rgb' binary array=(128,128) format="%uchar" flipy using 1:2:3:(2.*column(0)) \
++ '<zcat lena.rgb.gz' binary array=(128,128) format="%uchar" flipy using 1:2:3:(2.*column(0)) \
+ with rgbalpha title "Lena with linear\nalpha gradient"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ focus(x,y) = ((column(0)-x)**2 + (column(-1)-(127-y))**2) > 400 ? 0 : 255
+ plot 100.*(.4+sin(x/5.)/(x/5.)) lw 5 title 'solid line', \
+- 'lena.rgb' binary array=(128,128) format="%uchar" flipy using 1:2:3:(focus(70,50)) \
++ '<zcat lena.rgb.gz' binary array=(128,128) format="%uchar" flipy using 1:2:3:(focus(70,50)) \
+ with rgbalpha title "Lena with circular mask"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+diff --git a/scatter.dem b/scatter.dem
+index 6f1eb45..cb1424a 100644
+--- a/scatter.dem
++++ b/scatter.dem
+@@ -13,30 +13,30 @@ set parametric
+ set style data points
+ set xlabel "data style point - no dgrid"
+ set key box
+-splot "hemisphr.dat"
++splot "<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (1)"
+ set dgrid3d 10,10,1
+ set xlabel " data style lines, dgrid3d 10,10,1"
+ set style data lines
+-splot "hemisphr.dat"
++splot "<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (2)"
+ set dgrid3d ,,4
+ set xlabel " data style lines, dgrid3d ,,4 "
+ set style data lines
+-splot "hemisphr.dat"
++splot "<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (3)"
+ set dgrid3d ,,16
+ set xlabel " data style lines, dgrid3d ,,16"
+ set style data lines
+-splot "hemisphr.dat"
++splot "<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (4)"
+ set contour
+ set xlabel "data style lines, dgrid3d ,,16, contour"
+-splot "hemisphr.dat"
++splot "<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (5)"
+ unset dgrid3d
+diff --git a/singulr.dem b/singulr.dem
+index 76d0d74..daa0750 100644
+--- a/singulr.dem
++++ b/singulr.dem
+@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ unset hidden3d
+ set ticslevel 0.
+ set view 50,15 #HBB: ,1,1.7
+ set title "Klein bottle, glassblowers' version (look-through)"
+-splot "klein.dat"
++splot "<zcat klein.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (19)"
+ set hidden3d
+ set view 70,305
+ set title "Klein bottle, glassblowers' version (solid)"
+-splot "klein.dat"
++splot "<zcat klein.dat.gz"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue (20)"
+ reset
+diff --git a/smooth.dem b/smooth.dem
+index 86c47f7..417d4d3 100644
+--- a/smooth.dem
++++ b/smooth.dem
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ set zeroaxis
+ set title "Uniform Distribution"
+ set key top right
+ set boxwidth 0.05
+-plot [-0.1:1.1][-0.4:1.5] "random-points" u 1:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
++plot [-0.1:1.1][-0.4:1.5] "<zcat random-points.gz" u 1:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
+ "" u (bin($1,0.05)):(20/300.) s f t 'smooth frequency' w boxes, \
+ "" u 1:(1/300.) s cumul t 'smooth cumulative'
+ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+ set title "Normal Distribution"
+ set key top left
+ set boxwidth 0.05
+-plot "random-points" u 2:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
++plot "<zcat random-points.gz" u 2:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
+ "" u (bin($2,0.05)):(20/300.) s f t 'smooth frequency' w boxes, \
+ "" u 2:(1/300.) s cumul t 'smooth cumulative'
+ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+ set title "Lognormal Distribution"
+ set key top right
+ set boxwidth 0.1
+-plot [0:] "random-points" u 3:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
++plot [0:] "<zcat random-points.gz" u 3:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
+ "" u (bin($3,0.1)):(10/300.) s f t 'smooth frequency' w boxes, \
+ "" u 3:(1/300.) s cumul t 'smooth cumulative'
+ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+ set title "Mixed Distribution (Lognormal with shifted Gaussian)"
+ set key top right
+ set boxwidth 0.1
+-plot "random-points" u 4:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
++plot "<zcat random-points.gz" u 4:(0.25*rand(0)-.35) t '', \
+ "" u (bin($4,0.1)):(10/300.) s f t 'smooth frequency' w boxes, \
+ "" u 4:(1/300.) s cumul t 'smooth cumulative'
+ pause -1 "Hit enter to continue"
+diff --git a/starmap.dem b/starmap.dem
+index 830ec6e..04ba344 100644
+--- a/starmap.dem
++++ b/starmap.dem
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ set colorbox horiz user origin .1,.1 size .8,.04
+ set title "Gliese star catalog - 7 parsec neighborhood centered on Earth"
+ set cblabel "Luminosity" offset 0,1
+ #
+-splot 'nearmap.csv' using 5:6:7:11 with points pt 6 ps 2 pal notitle, \
++splot '<zcat nearmap.csv.gz' using 5:6:7:11 with points pt 6 ps 2 pal notitle, \
+ '' using 5:6:7:11 with points pt 7 ps 1 pal notitle, \
+ '' using 5:6:7:2 with labels font "Helvetica,9" left \
+ point pt 0 offset 1,0 notitle
+diff --git a/stats.dem b/stats.dem
+index 86392a5..558a3da 100644
+--- a/stats.dem
++++ b/stats.dem
+@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ set offset 0,0,.5,.5
+ set autoscale fix
+ set key left Left
+-stats 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using 2 prefix "A"
++stats '<zcat orbital_elements.dat.gz' index 1 using 2 prefix "A"
+ set arrow 1 from A_index_min, graph 0.1 to A_index_min, A_min fill
+ set arrow 2 from A_index_max, graph 0.9 to A_index_max, A_max fill
+ set label 1 at A_index_min, graph 0.1 "min" center offset 0,-1
+ set label 2 at A_index_max, graph 0.9 "max" center offset 0,1
+-plot 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using 0:2 title " Data" lw 2, \
++plot '<zcat orbital_elements.dat.gz' index 1 using 0:2 title " Data" lw 2, \
+ A_mean title " Mean"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ set title "Use of stats command to find min/max/mean before plotting\nTwo data c
+ f(x) = log(1+x)
+-stats 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using (f($0)):2 prefix "B"
++stats '<zcat orbital_elements.dat.gz' index 1 using (f($0)):2 prefix "B"
+ set arrow 1 from B_pos_min_y, graph 0.1 to B_pos_min_y, B_min_y fill
+ set arrow 2 from B_pos_max_y, graph 0.9 to B_pos_max_y, B_max_y fill
+ set label 1 at B_pos_min_y, graph 0.1 "min" center offset 0,-1
+ set label 2 at B_pos_max_y, graph 0.9 "max" center offset 0,1
+-plot 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using (f($0)):2 title " Data" lw 2, \
++plot '<zcat orbital_elements.dat.gz' index 1 using (f($0)):2 title " Data" lw 2, \
+ B_mean_y title " Mean", \
+ B_slope * x + B_intercept title "Linear fit"
+diff --git a/steps.dem b/steps.dem
+index 0f15dc9..160cf65 100644
+--- a/steps.dem
++++ b/steps.dem
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pause -1 "Hit return for demonstration of automatic histogram creation"
+ set title "Histogram built from unsorted data by 'smooth frequency'"
+ set ylabel 'counts per bin'
+ set xlabel 'bins'
+-plot 'hemisphr.dat' u (floor($1*20)):(1) smooth frequency with histeps
++plot '<zcat hemisphr.dat.gz' u (floor($1*20)):(1) smooth frequency with histeps
+ unset xlabel
+ unset ylabel
+diff --git a/triangle.dat b/triangle.dat
+index a496168..09fb096 100644
+--- a/triangle.dat
++++ b/triangle.dat
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-# pm3d demo - datafile with different nb of points in scans and options
++# <zcat pm3d.dem.gzo - datafile with different nb of points in scans and options
+ # set pm3d flush [begin | center | end]
+ 0 0 1
+diff --git a/using.dem b/using.dem
+index 66b46dd..742a1cc 100644
+--- a/using.dem
++++ b/using.dem
+@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
+ #
+ # $Id: using.dem,v 1.6 2003/10/28 05:35:54 sfeam Exp $
+ #
+-# Requires data file "using.dat" from this directory,
++# Requires data file "<zcat using.dat.gz" from this directory,
+ # so change current working directory to this directory before running.
+ #
+ set title "Convex November 1-7 1989 Circadian"
+ set key left box
+ set xrange[-1:24]
+-plot 'using.dat' using 2:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
+- 'using.dat' using 2:4 title "Logged in" with points
++plot '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 2:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
++ '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 2:4 title "Logged in" with points
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ set xrange [1:8]
+@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ set xrange [1:8]
+ set title "Convex November 1-7 1989"
+ set key below
+ set label "(Weekend)" at 5,25 center
+-plot 'using.dat' using 3:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
+- 'using.dat' using 3:5 t "Load average" with points,\
+- 'using.dat' using 3:6 t "%CPU used" with lines
++plot '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 3:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
++ '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 3:5 t "Load average" with points,\
++ '<zcat using.dat.gz' using 3:6 t "%CPU used" with lines
+ unset label
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ reset
+diff --git a/vector.dem b/vector.dem
+index 387cb24..3565373 100644
+--- a/vector.dem
++++ b/vector.dem
+@@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ splot vtot(x,y) w l
+ print "Now create a file with equipotential lines"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+-set table "equipo2.tmp"
++set table "<zcat equipo2.tmp.gz"
+ replot
+ unset table
+ reset
+ pause 0
+-plot "equipo2.tmp" w l
++plot "<zcat equipo2.tmp.gz" w l
+ print "Now create a x/y datafile for plotting with vectors "
+ print "and display vectors parallel to the electrostatic field"
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ set isosam 31,31
+-set table "field2xy.tmp"
++set table "<zcat field2xy.tmp.gz"
+ splot vtot(x,y) w l
+ unset table
+ pause 0
+@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ set xr [xmin:xmax]
+ set yr [ymin:ymax]
+ set isosam 31,31
+ set key under Left reverse
+-plot "field2xy.tmp" u 1:2:(coef*dx1($1,$2)):(coef*dy1($1,$2)) w vec, \
+- "equipo2.tmp" w l
++plot "<zcat field2xy.tmp.gz" u 1:2:(coef*dx1($1,$2)):(coef*dy1($1,$2)) w vec, \
++ "<zcat equipo2.tmp.gz" w l
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ reset
+diff --git a/world.dem b/world.dem
+index f7e47c9..79b9e8a 100644
+--- a/world.dem
++++ b/world.dem
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ unset xtics
+ unset ytics
+ #
+ # plot world map and correspondent locations as a +
+-plot 'world.dat' with lines lt 3 , 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
++plot '<zcat world.dat.gz' with lines lt 3 , 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
+ set title ""
+ set key on
+ set border
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ set isosamples 9
+ set urange [-90:90]
+ set vrange [0:360]
+ splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) with lines lc rgb "cyan" ,\
+-'world.dat' with lines lc rgb "blue" , 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
++'<zcat world.dat.gz' with lines lc rgb "blue" , 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ # HBB 20000715: new demo:
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ set arrow from 0,0,-1.2 to 0,0,1.2 lc rgb "cyan" lw 2
+ set arrow from -1.2, 0, 0 to 1.2, 0, 0 nohead lc rgb "cyan" lw 1
+ set arrow from 0, -1.2, 0 to 0, 1.2, 0 nohead lc rgb "cyan" lw 1
+ splot cos(u)*cos(v),-cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) with lines lc rgb "cyan" ,\
+-'world.dat' u 1:2:(1.001) with lines lc rgb "blue" , 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
++'<zcat world.dat.gz' u 1:2:(1.001) with lines lc rgb "blue" , 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ unset arrow
+@@ -66,6 +66,6 @@ set isosamples 13
+ set urange [-180:180]
+ set vrange [-90:90]
+ splot cos(u),sin(u),v with lines lc rgb "cyan" ,\
+-'world.dat' with lines lc rgb "blue" lw 2, 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
++'<zcat world.dat.gz' with lines lc rgb "blue" lw 2, 'world.cor' with points lt 1 pt 2
+ pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+ reset
+diff --git a/world2.dem b/world2.dem
+index 532ed44..e01ecc7 100644
+--- a/world2.dem
++++ b/world2.dem
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ set cbrange [0:8]
+ set colorb vert user size 0.02, 0.75
+ unset hidden
+ splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) notitle with lines lt 5, \
+- 'world.dat' notitle with lines lt 2, \
++ '<zcat world.dat.gz' notitle with lines lt 2, \
+ 'srl.dat' using 3:2:(1):1:4 with labels notitle point pt 6 lw .1 left offset 1,0 font "Helvetica,7" tc pal
+ pause -1 "Same plot with hidden line removal"
+ set title "Labels with hidden line removal"
diff --git a/debian/fix_examples/replace_gz.py b/debian/fix_examples/replace_gz.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e44618f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fix_examples/replace_gz.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+import os, numpy, math, sys, datetime, glob
+list_of_files = glob.glob('./files/*')
+files = [
+for i in list_of_files:
+ if (i[-3:]<>'.gz'):
+ for z in files:
+ s = 'sed -i \'s/%s/<zcat %s/g\' %s' % (z[:-3], z, i)
+ os.system(s)
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 6178163..d41dc55 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -101,3 +101,8 @@ override_dh_installinfo:
dh_installchangelogs -pgnuplot-doc ChangeLog
+ dh_compress -Xall.dem
+ cd debian/gnuplot-doc/usr/share/doc/gnuplot-doc/examples/; patch -p1 < $(CURDIR)/debian/fix_examples/fix_examples.diff
Gnuplot. Interactive plotting program
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