[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:53:10 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit be611850d1d8dca59fe9be7921b4268aa6e0be23
Author: Hans Schoenemann <hannes at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date: Wed Feb 15 14:21:49 2012 +0100
add: vim support for LIB files
diff --git a/Singular/LIB/singular.vim b/Singular/LIB/singular.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfa0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Singular/LIB/singular.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Singular
+" Maintainer: Henning Kopp <kopp at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
+" Last Change: 2011 Nov 09
+" Put this file into ~/.vim/syntax/singular.vim or
+" in your vim installation directory under syntax/singular.vim
+" Then you can use the commands :syntax=singular
+" or :set filetype=singular to load the syntax highlighting for your
+" Singular file
+" If you are lazy, you should consider adding
+" map <special> <F12> :set filetype=singular<CR>
+" to your vimrc. Now you can enable singular syntax by pressing F12
+" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn sync fromstart
+"start highlighting from the start of the document
+syn region Comment start="//" end="$"
+" stuff behind a // up to the newline
+syn region Comment start="/\*" end="\*/"
+" stuff between /* and */ including newlines
+" Strings
+syn region String start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=infostring
+" infostring are special keywords in the library
+hi link infostring SpecialComment
+" Highlight infostring as if it is a special comment
+" Library specific stuff
+syn keyword Label version category info
+syn match Number "\d\+"
+syn match Float "[+-]\?\d\+\.\d*" " stuff like -12.05
+syn match Float "[+-]\?\d\+\.\d*e[+-]\?\d\+" " stuff like +0.3e-2 or even 1.e-02
+" Functions, up to now just basic commands, no library functions
+syn keyword Function attrib
+syn keyword Function bareiss betti
+syn keyword Function char char_series charstr chinrem cleardenom close coef coeffs contract
+syn keyword Function datetime dbprint defined deg degree delete det diff dim division dump
+syn keyword Function eliminate eval ERROR example execute extgcd
+syn keyword Function facstd factmodd factorize farey fetch fglm fglmquot find finduni fprintf freemodule frwalk
+syn keyword Function gcd gen getdump groebner
+syn keyword Function help highcorner hilb homog hres
+syn keyword Function imap impart indepSet insert interpolation interred intersect
+syn keyword Function jacob janet jet
+syn keyword Function kbase kernel kill killattrib koszul
+syn keyword Function laguerre lead leadcoef leadexp leadmonom LIB lift liftstd listvar lres ludecomp luinverse lusolve
+syn keyword Function maxideal memory minbase minor minres modulo monitor monomial mpresmat mres mstd mult
+syn keyword Function nameof names ncols npars nres nrows nvars
+syn keyword Function open option ord ordstr
+syn keyword Function par pardeg parstr preimage prime primefactors print printf prune
+syn keyword Function qhweight qrds quote quotient
+syn keyword Function random rank read reduce regularity repart res reservedName resultant ringlist rvar
+syn keyword Function setring simplex simplify size slimgb sortvec sqrfree sprintf sres status std stdfglm stdhilb subst system syz
+syn keyword Function trace transpose type typeof
+syn keyword Function univariate uressolve
+syn keyword Function vandermonde var variables varstr vdim
+syn keyword Function waitall waitfirst wedge weight weightKB write
+" Conditional
+syn keyword Conditional if else
+" Repeat
+syn keyword Repeat for while
+"Keyword, also known as stuff that fits nowhere else (within statements)
+syn keyword Keyword break breakpoint continue export exportto importfrom keepring load quit return ~
+syn keyword Type bigint def ideal int intmat intvec link list map matrix module number package poly proc qring resolution ring string vector pyobject
+syn match Error "\*/"
+" For wrong comments
+let b:current_syntax = "singular"
an open source computer algebra system
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