[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:53:39 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit bf7446d86c1d7de90ac6ebe9bfd50f88aa551dd7
Author: Janko Boehm <janko at lubuntu>
Date: Fri Feb 24 17:29:22 2012 +0100
new: divisors.lib
Library for handling and computing with divisors and pdivisors
diff --git a/Singular/LIB/divisors.lib b/Singular/LIB/divisors.lib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0f7f9f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Singular/LIB/divisors.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+version="$Id: modnormal.lib 14273 2011-06-10 10:44:10Z steidel $";
+category = "Commutative Algebra";
+LIBRARY: modnormal.lib Normalization of rings with modular techniques
+We implement a class divisor on an algebraic variety and methods
+for computing with them. Divisors are represented by tuples of ideals
+defining the positive and the negative part. In particular, we implement the group
+structure on divisors, computing global sections and testing linear
+In addition to this we provide a class formaldivisor which implements
+formal sums of divisors (not necessarily prime). A formal divisor
+can be evaluated to a divisor, and a divisor can be decomposed into
+a formal sum.
+For the class divisor we closely follow
+makeDivisor(ideal,ideal) create a divisor
+divisorplus(divisor,divisor) add two divisors
+multdivisor(int,divisor) multiply a divisor by an interger
+normalform(divisor) normalform of a divisor
+isEqualDivisor(divisor,divisor) test whether two divisors are equal
+purify1(ideal) purify an S2 ideal in codim 1
+globalSections(divisor) compute the global sections of a divisor
+degreeDivisor(divisor) degree of a divisor
+linearlyEquivalent(divisor,divisor) test whether two divisors a linearly equivalent
+effective(divisor) compute an effective divisor linearly equivalent to a divisor
+makeFormalDivisor(list) make a formal integer sum of divisors
+evaluateFormalDivisor(formaldivisor) evalutate a formal sum of divisors to a divisor
+formaldivisorplus(formaldivisor,formaldivisor) add two formal divisors
+multformaldivisor(int,formaldivisor) multiply a formal divisor by an interger
+degreeFormalDivisor(formaldivisor) degree of a formal divisor
+primDecDivisor(divisor) decompose a divisor into a formal divisor of primary divisors
+makePDivisor(List) make a formal polyhedral sum of divisors
+LIB "primdec.lib";
+proc mod_init()
+//if (!defined(Gfanlib::coneViaRays)) {
+ LIB("gfanlib.so");
+ export(Gfanlib);
+//if (!defined(Polymake::minkowskiSum)) {
+ LIB("polymake.so");
+ export(Polymake);
+newstruct("divisor","ideal den,ideal num");
+newstruct("formaldivisor","list summands");
+newstruct("pdivisor","list summands, cone tail");
+// divisors as numerator and denomiator ideals
+proc makeDivisor(ideal I, ideal J){
+divisor C;
+C.num = purify1(I);
+C.den = purify1(J);
+proc divisorplus(divisor A, divisor B){
+proc multdivisor(int n, divisor A){
+if (n<0) {return(multdivisor(-n,negativedivisor(A)));}
+proc negativedivisor(divisor A){
+divisor B;
+proc normalForm(divisor A){
+divisor B;
+proc isEqualIdeal(ideal A,ideal B){
+return((size(NF(A,std(B)))==0) && (size(NF(B,std(A)))==0));
+proc isEqualDivisor(divisor A,divisor B){
+return((isEqualIdeal(A.num,B.num)) && (isEqualIdeal(A.den,B.den)));
+proc purify1(ideal I)
+I = simplify(I,2);
+if (I[1]==0){ERROR("expected a non-zero ideal");}
+ideal f = I[1];
+proc basis(ideal I,int d)
+proc globalSections(divisor D)
+poly f =(simplify(D.num,2))[1];
+ideal LD = basis(purify1(quotient(f*D.den,D.num)),deg(f));
+list L = simplify(LD,2),f;
+proc sectionIdeal(poly f, poly g, divisor D){
+return(purify1(quotient(quotient(f*D.num,g), D.den)));
+proc degreeDivisor(divisor A){
+ return( deg(std(A.num))-deg(std(A.den)));
+proc linearlyEquivalent(divisor A, divisor B){
+divisor F = normalForm(divisorplus(A,negativedivisor(B)));
+list LB = globalSections(F);
+if (size(LB[1])!=1) {return(0);}
+ideal V = sectionIdeal(LB[1][1,1],LB[2],F);
+if (isEqualIdeal(V,ideal(1))==1) {return(list(LB[1][1,1],LB[2]));}
+proc effective(divisor A){
+list LB = globalSections(A);
+if (size(LB[1])==0) {ERROR("the divisor is not linearly equivalent to an effective divisor");}
+ideal V = sectionIdeal(LB[1][1,1],LB[2],A);
+// formal sums of divisors
+proc makeFormalDivisor(list L){
+formaldivisor C;
+C.summands = L;
+proc evaluateFormalDivisor(formaldivisor D){
+list L = D.summands;
+if (size(L)==0) {return(makeDivisor(ideal(1),ideal(1)));}
+int i;
+divisor E = multdivisor(L[1][1],L[1][2]);
+ for ( i=2; i <= size(L); i++ )
+ {
+ E = divisorplus(E, multdivisor(L[i][1],L[i][2]));
+ }
+proc position(divisor I,list L){
+int i;
+for (i=1; i <=size(L); i++){
+ if (isEqualDivisor(I,L[i][2])==1) {return(i);}
+proc formaldivisorplus(formaldivisor A, formaldivisor B){
+formaldivisor C;
+int i,p;
+int j=1;
+list L;
+list LA=A.summands;
+list LB=B.summands;
+for (i=1; i<=size(LA);i++){
+ p=position(LA[i][2],L);
+ if (p==0) {
+ L[j]=list();
+ L[j][2]=LA[i][2];
+ L[j][1]=LA[i][1];
+ j=j+1;
+ } else {
+ L[p][1]=L[p][1]+LA[i][1];
+ };
+for (i=1; i<=size(LB);i++){
+ p=position(LB[i][2],L);
+ if (p==0) {
+ L[j]=list();
+ L[j][2]=LB[i][2];
+ L[j][1]=LB[i][1];
+ j=j+1;
+ } else {
+ L[p][1]=L[p][1]+LB[i][1];
+ };
+//C.summands = (A.summands)+(B.summands);
+proc degreeFormalDivisor(formaldivisor A){
+int i,s;
+list L = A.summands;
+for (i=1;i<=size(L);i++){
+ s=s+L[i][1]*degreeDivisor(L[i][2]);
+proc multformaldivisor(int n,formaldivisor A){
+formaldivisor B;
+list L=A.summands;
+int i;
+for (i=1;i<=size(L);i++){
+ L[i][1]=n*L[i][1];
+proc negativeformaldivisor(formaldivisor A){
+formaldivisor B;
+list L=A.summands;
+int i;
+for (i=1;i<=size(L);i++){
+ L[i][1]=-L[i][1];
+proc primDecDivisor(divisor D){
+formaldivisor E;
+ideal I = D.num;
+ideal J = D.den;
+list L;
+int i;
+int j = 1;
+list LI = primdecGTZ(I);
+for (i=1;i<=size(LI);i++){
+ LI[i][2];
+ L[j]=list(1,makeDivisor(LI[i][1],ideal(1)));
+ j=j+1;
+list LJ = primdecGTZ(J);
+for (i=1;i<=size(LJ);i++){
+ LJ[i][2];
+ L[j]=list(-1,makeDivisor(LJ[i][1],ideal(1)));
+ j=j+1;
+// P-divisors
+proc makePDivisor(list L){
+pdivisor P;
+P.summands = L;
+cone C = tailCone(L[1][1]);
+P.tail = C;
+proc tailCone(polytope P){
+intmat rays = Gfanlib::getVertices(P);
+int i,j;
+for (i=1; i<=nrows(rays);i++){
+ if (rays[i,1]==1) {
+ for (j=1; j<=ncols(rays);j++){
+ rays[i,j]=0;
+ }
+ }
+cone C = Gfanlib::coneViaRays(rays);
+proc evaluatePDivisor(pdivisor D,intvec v){
+formaldivisor vD;
+list L = D.summands;
+list vL;
+int i;
+intvec vv = 0;
+for (i=1; i<=size(v);i++){
+ vv[i+1]=v[i];
+for (i=1; i<=size(L);i++){
+ vL[i]=list();
+ vL[i][2]=L[i][2];
+ vL[i][1]=Polymake::minimalValue(L[i][1],vv);
+vD.summands = vL;
+proc pdivisorplus(pdivisor A, pdivisor B){
+pdivisor C;
+int i,p;
+int j=1;
+if (!(Gfanlib::isEqual(A.tailcone,B.tailcone))) {ERROR("tail cones should be equal");}
+list L;
+list LA=A.summands;
+list LB=B.summands;
+for (i=1; i<=size(LA);i++){
+ p=position(LA[i][2],L);
+ if (p==0) {
+ L[j]=list();
+ L[j][2]=LA[i][2];
+ L[j][1]=LA[i][1];
+ j=j+1;
+ } else {
+ L[p][1]=Polymake::minkowskiSum(L[p][1],LA[i][1]);
+ };
+for (i=1; i<=size(LB);i++){
+ p=position(LB[i][2],L);
+ if (p==0) {
+ L[j]=list();
+ L[j][2]=LB[i][2];
+ L[j][1]=LB[i][1];
+ j=j+1;
+ } else {
+ L[p][1]=Polymake::minkowskiSum(L[p][1],LB[i][1]);
+ };
+C.summands = L;
+C.tail = A.tail;
an open source computer algebra system
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