[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:54:26 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit 1404ceb2a1357894f54d31afb79cb47835f29f7c
Author: Yue Ren <ren at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date: Tue Mar 27 17:53:21 2012 +0200
fix: bug converting fans
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc b/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc
index cc645e8..f22a553 100644
--- a/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ int numberOfMaximalConesOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
int d = zf->getAmbientDimension();
int n = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<=n; i++)
+ for (int i=0; i<=d; i++)
- int n = n + zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(i,0,1);
+ n = n + zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(i,0,1);
return n;
@@ -412,24 +412,21 @@ polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > conesOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> pm=raysOf(zf);
polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > L(r);
- int d = 1; // runs through all dimensions
- int ii = 0; // runs through all cones of a given dimension
- for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
+ int ii = 0;
+ for (int d=1; d<=zf->getDimension(); d++)
- if (ii>zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(d,0,1)) // if all cones of a dimension are through,
+ for (int i=0; i<zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(d,0,1); i++)
- d = d+1; // increase dimension
- ii = 0; // set counter to 0
+ gfan::IntVector v = zf->getConeIndices(d,i,0,1);
+ std::cout << "this is v: " << v << std::cout;
+ polymake::Set<int> s;
+ for (int j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
+ {
+ s = s+v[j];
+ }
+ L[ii] = s;
+ ii = ii + 1;
- gfan::IntVector v = zf->getConeIndices(d,ii,0,1);
- polymake::Set<int> s;
- for (int j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
- {
- s = s+v[j];
- }
- L[i] = s;
- ii = ii+1;
return L;
@@ -442,7 +439,7 @@ polymake::perl::Object* ZFan2PmFan (gfan::ZFan* zf)
pf->take("RAYS") << zm; // using rays here instead of INPUT_RAYS prevents redundant computations
polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > ar = conesOf(zf);
- pf->take("INPUT_CONES") << ar;
+ pf->take("MAXIMAL_CONES") << ar;
return pf;
an open source computer algebra system
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