[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:54:28 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit 47fba768d87d9da9d4f2a6fc6f4380bf61835004
Author: Yue Ren <ren at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date: Wed Mar 28 10:19:22 2012 +0200
fix: typo in gorensteinVector and documentation
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc b/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc
index 9fb5e4c..d7edf4b 100644
--- a/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc
@@ -13,182 +13,182 @@ void init_polymake_help()
std::string isReflexive_help =
- "USAGE: isReflexive(p); p polytope\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is reflexive and 0 otherwise\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake; reflexive\nEXAMPLE: example isReflexive shows an example\nexample\n{ \"EXAMPLE:\";\nintmat M[4][4]=1,1,0,0, 1,0,1,0, 1,0,0,1, 1,-1,-1,-1;\npolytope p = polytopeViaVertices(M);\nPolymake::isReflexive(p);\nintmat N[4][4]=1,2,0,0, 1,0,2,0, 1,0,0,2, 1,-2,-2,-2;\nq = polytopeViaVertices(N);\nPolymake::isReflexive(q);\n}\n";
+ "USAGE: isReflexive(p); p polytope\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is reflexive and 0 otherwise\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake; reflexive\nEXAMPLE: example isReflexive shows an example\nexample\n{ \"EXAMPLE: \";\nintmat M[4][4]=1,1,0,0, 1,0,1,0, 1,0,0,1, 1,-1,-1,-1;\npolytope p = polytopeViaVertices(M);\nPolymake::isReflexive(p);\nintmat N[4][4]=1,2,0,0, 1,0,2,0, 1,0,0,2, 1,-2,-2,-2;\nq = polytopeViaVertices(N);\nPolymake::isReflexive(q);\n}\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isReflexive", omStrDup(isReflexive_help.c_str()));
std::string isBounded_help =
- "USAGE: isBounded(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is bounded, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isBounded shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isBounded(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is bounded, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isBounded shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isBounded", omStrDup(isBounded_help.c_str()));
std::string isGorenstein_help =
- "USAGE: isGorenstein(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is gorenstein (i.e. reflexive after dilatation and translation), 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isGorenstein shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isGorenstein(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is gorenstein (i.e. reflexive after dilatation and translation), 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isGorenstein shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isGorenstein", omStrDup(isGorenstein_help.c_str()));
std::string gorensteinIndex_help =
- "USAGE: gorensteinIndex(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, n if p is reflexive after dilatation by n and translation, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example gorensteinIndex shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: gorensteinIndex(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, n if p is reflexive after dilatation by n and translation, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example gorensteinIndex shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","gorensteinIndex", omStrDup(gorensteinIndex_help.c_str()));
std::string gorensteinVector_help =
- "USAGE: gorensteinVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, v if p is reflexive after dilatation and translation by v, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example gorensteinVector shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: gorensteinVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, v if p is reflexive after dilatation and translation by v, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example gorensteinVector shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","gorensteinVector", omStrDup(gorensteinVector_help.c_str()));
std::string isCanonical_help =
- "USAGE: isCanonical(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, 1 if p has exactly one interior lattice point, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isCanonical shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isCanonical(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, 1 if p has exactly one interior lattice point, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isCanonical shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isCanonical", omStrDup(isCanonical_help.c_str()));
std::string isTerminal_help =
- "USAGE: isLatticeEmpty(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p contains no lattice points other than the vertices, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isLatticeEmpty shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isLatticeEmpty(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p contains no lattice points other than the vertices, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isLatticeEmpty shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isTerminal", omStrDup(isTerminal_help.c_str()));
std::string latticeVolume_help =
- "USAGE: latticeVolume(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, the normalized lattice volume of p, that is, (dim(P))! times the volume of P.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticeVolume shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: latticeVolume(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, the normalized lattice volume of p, that is, (dim(P))! times the volume of P.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticeVolume shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","latticeVolume", omStrDup(latticeVolume_help.c_str()));
std::string latticeDegree_help =
- "USAGE: latticeDegree(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, the lattice degree of p, i.e. degree of the Ehrhart polynomial of P.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticeDegree shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: latticeDegree(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, the lattice degree of p, i.e. degree of the Ehrhart polynomial of P.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticeDegree shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","latticeDegree", omStrDup(latticeDegree_help.c_str()));
std::string latticeCodegree_help =
- "USAGE: latticeCodegree(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, getDimension(p)+1-latticeDegree(p), which is the smallest number k such that k*p has an interior latt\\nice point.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticeCodegree shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: latticeCodegree(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, getDimension(p)+1-latticeDegree(p), which is the smallest number k such that k*p has an interior latt\\nice point.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticeCodegree shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","latticeCodegree", omStrDup(latticeCodegree_help.c_str()));
std::string ehrhartPolynomialCoeff_help =
- "USAGE: ehrhartPolynomialCoeff(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example ehrhartPolynomialCoeff shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: ehrhartPolynomialCoeff(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example ehrhartPolynomialCoeff shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","ehrhartPolynomialCoeff", omStrDup(ehrhartPolynomialCoeff_help.c_str()));
std::string hStarVector_help =
- "USAGE: hStarVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, h*-vector of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example hStarVector shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: hStarVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, h*-vector of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example hStarVector shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","hStarVector", omStrDup(hStarVector_help.c_str()));
std::string hVector_help =
- "USAGE: hVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, h-vector of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example hVector shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: hVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, h-vector of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example hVector shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","hVector", omStrDup(hVector_help.c_str()));
std::string fVector_help =
- "USAGE: fVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, the f-vector of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example fVector shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: fVector(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, the f-vector of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example fVector shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","fVector", omStrDup(fVector_help.c_str()));
std::string isNormal_help =
- "USAGE: isNormal(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is normal, i.e. the projective toric variety defined by p is projectively normal, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isNormal shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isNormal(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is normal, i.e. the projective toric variety defined by p is projectively normal, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isNormal shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isNormal", omStrDup(isNormal_help.c_str()));
std::string facetWidths_help =
- "USAGE: facetWidths(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, vector with the integral widths of p with respect to all facet normals.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example facetWidths shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: facetWidths(polytope p)\nRETURN: intvec, vector with the integral widths of p with respect to all facet normals.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example facetWidths shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","facetWidths", omStrDup(facetWidths_help.c_str()));
std::string facetWidth_help =
- "USAGE: facetWidth(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, maximum of the integral widths of p over all facet normals.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example facetWidth shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: facetWidth(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, maximum of the integral widths of p over all facet normals.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example facetWidth shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","facetWidth", omStrDup(facetWidth_help.c_str()));
std::string facetVertexLatticeDistances_help =
- "USAGE: facetVertexLatticeDistances(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, matrix of lattice distances between vertices (columns) and facets (rows).\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example facetVertexLatticeDistances shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: facetVertexLatticeDistances(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, matrix of lattice distances between vertices (columns) and facets (rows).\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example facetVertexLatticeDistances shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","facetVertexLatticeDistances", omStrDup(facetVertexLatticeDistances_help.c_str()));
std::string isCompressed_help =
- "USAGE: isCompressed(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if facetWidth(p)=1, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isCompressed shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isCompressed(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if facetWidth(p)=1, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isCompressed shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isCompressed", omStrDup(isCompressed_help.c_str()));
std::string isSmooth_help =
- "USAGE: isSmooth(polytope p)\n isSmooth(cone c)\n isSmooth(fan F)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p, c, or F is smooth, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; cones; fans; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isSmooth shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isSmooth(polytope p)\n isSmooth(cone c)\n isSmooth(fan F)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p, c, or F is smooth, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; cones; fans; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isSmooth shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isSmooth", omStrDup(isSmooth_help.c_str()));
std::string isVeryAmple_help =
- "USAGE: isVeryAmple(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is very ample, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isVeryAmple shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: isVeryAmple(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, 1 if p is very ample, 0 otherwise.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example isVeryAmple shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","isVeryAmple", omStrDup(isVeryAmple_help.c_str()));
std::string latticePoints_help =
- "USAGE: latticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, matrix whose rows are the lattice points of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticePoints shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: latticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, matrix whose rows are the lattice points of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example latticePoints shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","latticePoints", omStrDup(latticePoints_help.c_str()));
std::string nLatticePoints_help =
- "USAGE: nLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, number of lattice points of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nLatticePoints shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: nLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, number of lattice points of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nLatticePoints shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","nLatticePoints", omStrDup(nLatticePoints_help.c_str()));
std::string interiorLatticePoints_help =
- "USAGE: interiorLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, an matrix whose rows are the lattice points in the relative interior of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example interiorLatticePoints shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: interiorLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, an matrix whose rows are the lattice points in the relative interior of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example interiorLatticePoints shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","interiorLatticePoints", omStrDup(interiorLatticePoints_help.c_str()));
std::string nInteriorLatticePoints_help =
- "USAGE: nInteriorLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, number of lattice points in the relative interior of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nInteriorLatticePoints shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: nInteriorLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, number of lattice points in the relative interior of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nInteriorLatticePoints shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","nInteriorLatticePoints", omStrDup(nInteriorLatticePoints_help.c_str()));
std::string boundaryLatticePoints_help =
- "USAGE: boundaryLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, matrix whose rows are the lattice points in the relative boundary of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example boundaryLatticePoints shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: boundaryLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: intmat, matrix whose rows are the lattice points in the relative boundary of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example boundaryLatticePoints shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","boundaryLatticePoints", omStrDup(boundaryLatticePoints_help.c_str()));
std::string nBoundaryLatticePoints_help =
- "USAGE: nBoundaryLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, number of lattice points in the relative boundary of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nBoundaryLatticePoints shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: nBoundaryLatticePoints(polytope p)\nRETURN: int, number of lattice points in the relative boundary of p.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nBoundaryLatticePoints shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","nBoundaryLatticePoints", omStrDup(nBoundaryLatticePoints_help.c_str()));
std::string hilbertBasis_help =
- "USAGE: hilbertBasis(cone c)\nRETURN: intmat, Hilbert basis of the semigroup of c.\nKEYWORDS: cones; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example hilbertBasis shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: hilbertBasis(cone c)\nRETURN: intmat, Hilbert basis of the semigroup of c.\nKEYWORDS: cones; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example hilbertBasis shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","hilbertBasis", omStrDup(hilbertBasis_help.c_str()));
std::string nHilbertBasis_help =
- "USAGE: nHilbertBasis(cone c)\nRETURN: int, size of the Hilbert basis of the semigroup of c.\nKEYWORDS: cones; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nHilbertBasis shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: nHilbertBasis(cone c)\nRETURN: int, size of the Hilbert basis of the semigroup of c.\nKEYWORDS: cones; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example nHilbertBasis shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","nHilbertBasis", omStrDup(nHilbertBasis_help.c_str()));
std::string minkowskiSum_help =
- "USAGE: minkowskiSum(polytope p, polytope q)\nRETURN: polytope, Minkowski sum of p and q.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example minkowskiSum shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: minkowskiSum(polytope p, polytope q)\nRETURN: polytope, Minkowski sum of p and q.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example minkowskiSum shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","minkowskiSum", omStrDup(minkowskiSum_help.c_str()));
std::string minimalValue_help =
- "USAGE: minimalValue(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: int, the minimal value of the linear form v on p.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n minimal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example minimalValue shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: minimalValue(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: int, the minimal value of the linear form v on p.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n minimal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example minimalValue shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","minimalValue", omStrDup(minimalValue_help.c_str()));
std::string maximalValue_help =
- "USAGE: maximalValue(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: int, maximal value of the linear form v on p.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n maximal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example maximalValue shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: maximalValue(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: int, maximal value of the linear form v on p.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n maximal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example maximalValue shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","maximalValue", omStrDup(maximalValue_help.c_str()));
std::string minimalFace_help =
- "USAGE: minimalFace(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: intmat, vertices of the face of p on which the linear form v\n is minimal.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n minimal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1. Hence\n the minimal face is independent of the first coordinate of v.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example minimalFace shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: minimalFace(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: intmat, vertices of the face of p on which the linear form v\n is minimal.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n minimal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1. Hence\n the minimal face is independent of the first coordinate of v.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example minimalFace shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","minimalFace", omStrDup(minimalFace_help.c_str()));
std::string maximalFace_help =
- "USAGE: maximalFace(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: intmat, vertices of the face of p on which the linear form v\n is maximal.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n maximal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1. Hence\n the maximal face is independent of the first coordinate of v.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example maximalFace shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: maximalFace(polytope p, intvec v)\nRETURN: intmat, vertices of the face of p on which the linear form v\n is maximal.\n The first coordinate of v corresponds to a shift of the\n maximal value since p is considered as a polytope\n in the plane (first coordinate) = 1. Hence\n the maximal face is independent of the first coordinate of v.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake;\nEXAMPLE: example maximalFace shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","maximalFace", omStrDup(maximalFace_help.c_str()));
std::string visual_help =
- "USAGE: visual(polytope p)\n visual(fan F)\nRETURN: none, draws the polytope p or fan F using jreality.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake; visualization;\nEXAMPLE: example visual shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: visual(polytope p)\n visual(fan F)\nRETURN: none, draws the polytope p or fan F using jreality.\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake; visualization;\nEXAMPLE: example visual shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","visual", omStrDup(visual_help.c_str()));
std::string normalFan_help =
- "USAGE: normalFan(polytope p)\nRETURN: fan,\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake; visualization;\nEXAMPLE: example visual shows an example\n";
+ "USAGE: normalFan(polytope p)\nRETURN: fan,\nKEYWORDS: polytopes; polymake; visualization;\nEXAMPLE: example visual shows an example\n";
module_help_proc("polymake.so","normalFan", omStrDup(normalFan_help.c_str()));
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc b/callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc
index 7d374de..bc20c3b 100644
--- a/callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ BOOLEAN PMgorensteinVector(leftv res, leftv args)
delete p;
- WerrorS("gorensteinIndex: input polytope not gorenstein");
+ WerrorS("gorensteinVector: input polytope not gorenstein");
return TRUE;
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