[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:55:04 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit ff13f65131afe54cbec2cdfc4cf9aa3924f55618
Author: Martin Lee <martinlee84 at web.de>
Date: Tue Feb 28 14:28:23 2012 +0100
chg: use FLINT for multiplication over Q(a)
diff --git a/factory/facMul.cc b/factory/facMul.cc
index 0b79b5e..6581a18 100644
--- a/factory/facMul.cc
+++ b/factory/facMul.cc
@@ -861,6 +861,78 @@ CanonicalForm reverseSubstQ (const fmpz_poly_t F, int d)
+reverseSubstQa (const fmpq_poly_t F, int d1, int d2, const Variable& alpha,
+ const fmpq_poly_t mipo)
+ Variable y= Variable (2);
+ Variable x= Variable (1);
+ fmpq_poly_t f;
+ fmpq_poly_init (f);
+ fmpq_poly_set (f, F);
+ fmpq_poly_t buf;
+ CanonicalForm result= 0, result2;
+ int i= 0;
+ int degf= fmpq_poly_degree(f);
+ int k= 0;
+ int degfSubK;
+ int repLength;
+ fmpq_t coeff;
+ while (degf >= k)
+ {
+ degfSubK= degf - k;
+ if (degfSubK >= d1)
+ repLength= d1;
+ else
+ repLength= degfSubK + 1;
+ fmpq_init (coeff);
+ int j= 0;
+ int l;
+ result2= 0;
+ while (j*d2 < repLength)
+ {
+ fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, d2);
+ for (l= 0; l < d2; l++)
+ {
+ fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq (coeff, f, k + j*d2 + l);
+ fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq (buf, l, coeff);
+ }
+ _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf);
+ fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo);
+ result2 += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, j);
+ j++;
+ fmpq_poly_clear (buf);
+ }
+ if (repLength - j*d2 != 0 && j*d2 - repLength < d2)
+ {
+ j--;
+ repLength -= j*d2;
+ fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, repLength);
+ j++;
+ for (l= 0; l < repLength; l++)
+ {
+ fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq (coeff, f, k + j*d2 + l);
+ fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq (buf, l, coeff);
+ }
+ _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf);
+ fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo);
+ result2 += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, j);
+ fmpq_poly_clear (buf);
+ }
+ fmpq_clear (coeff);
+ result += result2*power (y, i);
+ i++;
+ k= d1*i;
+ }
+ fmpq_poly_clear (f);
+ return result;
reverseSubstReciproFp (const nmod_poly_t F, const nmod_poly_t G, int d, int k)
Variable y= Variable (2);
@@ -1299,6 +1371,38 @@ mulMod2FLINTQ (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const
return A/(f*g);
+mulMod2FLINTQa (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G,
+ const CanonicalForm& M)
+ Variable a;
+ if (!hasFirstAlgVar (F,a) && !hasFirstAlgVar (G, a))
+ return mulMod2FLINTQ (F, G, M);
+ CanonicalForm A= F;
+ int degFx= degree (F, 1);
+ int degFa= degree (F, a);
+ int degGx= degree (G, 1);
+ int degGa= degree (G, a);
+ int d2= degFa+degGa+1;
+ int d1= degFx + 1 + degGx;
+ d1 *= d2;
+ fmpq_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG;
+ kronSubQa (FLINTF, F, d1, d2);
+ kronSubQa (FLINTG, G, d1, d2);
+ fmpq_poly_mullow (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, d1*degree (M));
+ fmpq_poly_t mipo;
+ convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (mipo, getMipo (a));
+ CanonicalForm result= reverseSubstQa (FLINTF, d1, d2, a, mipo);
+ fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTF);
+ fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTG);
+ return result;
zz_pX kronSubFp (const CanonicalForm& A, int d)
@@ -1920,10 +2024,8 @@ CanonicalForm mulMod2 (const CanonicalForm& A, const CanonicalForm& B,
return mod (F*G, M);
- Variable alpha;
- if (getCharacteristic() == 0 && !hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha)
- && !hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha))
- return mulMod2FLINTQ (F, G, M);
+ if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
+ return mulMod2FLINTQa (F, G, M);
if (getCharacteristic() > 0 && CFFactory::gettype() != GaloisFieldDomain &&
an open source computer algebra system
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