[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:55:18 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit a24b404751290b690ba9d857bf9e4654d539a28b
Author: Martin Lee <martinlee84 at web.de>
Date:   Fri Mar 9 12:09:29 2012 +0100

    chg: shift factors of the norm instead of factors over Q(a)

diff --git a/factory/facAlgExt.cc b/factory/facAlgExt.cc
index b155343..8543347 100755
--- a/factory/facAlgExt.cc
+++ b/factory/facAlgExt.cc
@@ -119,18 +119,16 @@ AlgExtSqrfFactorize (const CanonicalForm& F, const Variable& alpha)
   CanonicalForm buf;
-  if (shift != 0)
-    buf= f (f.mvar() - shift*alpha, f.mvar());
-  else
-    buf= f;
+  buf= f;
   CanonicalForm factor;
   for (CFFListIterator i= normFactors; i.hasItem(); i++)
     ASSERT (i.getItem().exp() == 1, "norm not squarefree");
-    factor= gcd (buf, i.getItem().factor());
+    if (shift == 0)
+      factor= gcd (buf, i.getItem().factor());
+    else
+      factor= gcd (buf, i.getItem().factor() (f.mvar() + shift*alpha, f.mvar()));
     buf /= factor;
-    if (shift != 0)
-      factor= factor (f.mvar() + shift*alpha, f.mvar());
     factors.append (factor);
   ASSERT (degree (buf) <= 0, "incomplete factorization");

an open source computer algebra system

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