[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:55:23 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit a9c3802ca388bb8a8ece5cbe90bb24028046c440
Author: Martin Lee <martinlee84 at web.de>
Date:   Tue Mar 20 11:49:47 2012 +0100

    fix: deleted duplicate function declaration

diff --git a/factory/facFqFactorize.h b/factory/facFqFactorize.h
index fc29817..c81e98d 100644
--- a/factory/facFqFactorize.h
+++ b/factory/facFqFactorize.h
@@ -705,24 +705,6 @@ gcdFreeBasis (CFFList& factors1, ///< [in,out] list of factors, returns gcd free
                                  ///< factors
-/// heuristic algorithm for lifting sparse polynomials
-/// @return a list of factors of A, possibly incomplete
-sparseHeuristic (const CanonicalForm& A,  ///<[in] polynomial to be factored
-                 const CFList& biFactors, ///<[in] list of bivariate factors wrt
-                                          ///< Variable 1 and 2
-                 CFList*& moreBiFactors,  ///<[in,out] more bivariate factors
-                                          ///< wrt different second variables.
-                                          ///< May be recombined s.t. there are
-                                          ///< only minFactorsLength factors and
-                                          ///< resorted s.t. the sequence of
-                                          ///< univariate factors in biFactors
-                                          ///< and moreBiFactors coincides 
-                 const CFList& evaluation,///<[in] evaluation point
-                 int minFactorsLength     ///<[in] minimal number of factors
-                );
 /// evaluate @a F at @a evaluation
 /// @return @a evaluateAtEval returns a list containing the successive 

an open source computer algebra system

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