[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:55:21 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit 2e792e0e69f7f2b0ce1bb0697f8d15f7d67c0b85
Author: Martin Lee <martinlee84 at web.de>
Date: Fri Mar 16 16:08:58 2012 +0100
chg/fix: handling of minpolys over Q[t]\Z[t]
diff --git a/factory/facBivar.cc b/factory/facBivar.cc
index f54ff29..dc8a972 100644
--- a/factory/facBivar.cc
+++ b/factory/facBivar.cc
@@ -630,7 +630,8 @@ CFList biFactorize (const CanonicalForm& F, const Variable& v)
int liftBound= degree (A, y) + 1;
modpk b= modpk();
- if ( !extension)
+ bool mipoHasDen= false;
+ if (!extension)
int i= 0;
@@ -654,6 +655,8 @@ CFList biFactorize (const CanonicalForm& F, const Variable& v)
// make factors elements of Z(a)[x] disable for modularDiophant
for (CFListIterator i= uniFactors; i.hasItem(); i++)
i.getItem()= i.getItem()*bCommonDen(i.getItem());
+ mipoHasDen= !bCommonDen(mipo).isOne();
+ mipo *= bCommonDen (mipo);
int i= 0;
ZZX NTLmipo= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (mipo);
@@ -684,6 +687,16 @@ CFList biFactorize (const CanonicalForm& F, const Variable& v)
CanonicalForm MODl= power (y, liftBound);
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ Variable vv;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= uniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ if (hasFirstAlgVar (iter.getItem(), vv))
+ break;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= uniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), vv, v);
+ }
factors= factorRecombination (uniFactors, A, MODl, degs, 1,
uniFactors.length()/2, b);
diff --git a/factory/facBivar.h b/factory/facBivar.h
index e363f23..bf73faa 100644
--- a/factory/facBivar.h
+++ b/factory/facBivar.h
@@ -80,37 +80,9 @@ ratBiSqrfFactorize (const CanonicalForm & G, ///< [in] a bivariate poly
mat_ZZ M;
vec_ZZ S;
F= compress (F, M, S);
- Variable tmp1, tmp2;
- CanonicalForm mipoTmp1;
- bool substAlgVar= false;
- if (v.level() != 1)
- {
- mipoTmp1= getMipo (v);
- if (!bCommonDen (getMipo (v)).isOne())
- {
- tmp2= v;
- mipoTmp1 *= bCommonDen (mipoTmp1);
- mipoTmp1= replacevar (mipoTmp1, v, Variable (1));
- tmp1= rootOf (mipoTmp1);
- F= replacevar (F, tmp2, tmp1);
- substAlgVar= true;
- }
- else
- tmp1= v;
- }
- else
- tmp1= v;
- CFList result= biFactorize (F, tmp1);
- if (substAlgVar)
- {
- for (CFListIterator i= result; i.hasItem(); i++)
- i.getItem()= N (decompress (replacevar (i.getItem(), tmp1, tmp2), M, S));
- }
- else
- {
- for (CFListIterator i= result; i.hasItem(); i++)
- i.getItem()= N (decompress (i.getItem(), M, S));
- }
+ CFList result= biFactorize (F, v);
+ for (CFListIterator i= result; i.hasItem(); i++)
+ i.getItem()= N (decompress (i.getItem(), M, S));
for (CFFListIterator i= contentXFactors; i.hasItem(); i++)
result.append (N(i.getItem().factor()));
for (CFFListIterator i= contentYFactors; i.hasItem(); i++)
@@ -213,47 +185,15 @@ ratBiFactorize (const CanonicalForm & G, ///< [in] a bivariate poly
mat_ZZ M;
vec_ZZ S;
F= compress (F, M, S);
- Variable tmp1, tmp2;
- CanonicalForm mipoTmp1;
- bool substAlgVar= false;
- if (v.level() != 1)
- {
- mipoTmp1= getMipo (v);
- if (!bCommonDen (getMipo (v)).isOne())
- {
- tmp2= v;
- mipoTmp1 *= bCommonDen (mipoTmp1);
- mipoTmp1= replacevar (mipoTmp1, v, Variable (1));
- tmp1= rootOf (mipoTmp1);
- F= replacevar (F, tmp2, tmp1);
- substAlgVar= true;
- }
- else
- tmp1= v;
- }
- else
- tmp1= v;
CFFList sqrfFactors= sqrFree (F);
for (CFFListIterator i= sqrfFactors; i.hasItem(); i++)
- CFList tmp= ratBiSqrfFactorize (i.getItem().factor(), tmp1);
- if (substAlgVar)
+ CFList tmp= ratBiSqrfFactorize (i.getItem().factor(), v);
+ for (CFListIterator j= tmp; j.hasItem(); j++)
- for (CFListIterator j= tmp; j.hasItem(); j++)
- {
- if (j.getItem().inCoeffDomain()) continue;
- result.append (CFFactor (N (decompress (replacevar (j.getItem(),
- tmp1, tmp2), M, S)), i.getItem().exp()));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (CFListIterator j= tmp; j.hasItem(); j++)
- {
- if (j.getItem().inCoeffDomain()) continue;
- result.append (CFFactor (N (decompress (j.getItem(), M, S)),
- i.getItem().exp()));
- }
+ if (j.getItem().inCoeffDomain()) continue;
+ result.append (CFFactor (N (decompress (j.getItem(), M, S)),
+ i.getItem().exp()));
result= Union (result, contentXFactors);
diff --git a/factory/facFqBivar.cc b/factory/facFqBivar.cc
index 9e6ddbf..9386b18 100644
--- a/factory/facFqBivar.cc
+++ b/factory/facFqBivar.cc
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "facFqBivarUtil.h"
#include "facFqBivar.h"
#include "cfNewtonPolygon.h"
+#include "algext.h"
#ifdef HAVE_NTL
#include "NTLconvert.h"
@@ -520,19 +521,33 @@ factorRecombination (CFList& factors, CanonicalForm& F,
- test= prodMod0 (S, M, b);
+ if (!isRat)
+ test= prodMod0 (S, M);
+ if (!isRat)
+ {
+ test *= bCommonDen (test);
+ }
test= mulNTL (test, LCBuf, b);
test= mod (test, M);
if (uniFdivides (test, buf0))
+ if (!isRat)
S.insert (LCBuf);
g= prodMod (S, M);
+ if (!isRat)
+ {
+ g *= bCommonDen(g);
+ }
if (b.getp() != 0)
g= b(g);
- g /= content (g, x);
if (!isRat)
+ g /= content (g, x);
if (fdivides (g, buf, quot))
recombination= true;
@@ -677,12 +692,19 @@ earlyFactorDetection (CFList& reconstructedFactors, CanonicalForm& F, CFList&
test0= mod (mulNTL (i.getItem() (0,x), LCBuf, b), M);
if (uniFdivides (test0, buf0))
+ if (!isRat)
g= mulMod2 (i.getItem(), LCBuf, M);
+ if (!isRat)
+ {
+ g *= bCommonDen(g);
+ }
if (b.getp() != 0)
g= b(g);
- g /= content (g, x);
if (!isRat)
+ g /= content (g, x);
if (fdivides (g, buf, quot))
reconstructedFactors.append (g);
@@ -910,6 +932,7 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
CFList bufUniFactors= uniFactors;
CanonicalForm bufA= A;
CanonicalForm lcA0= 0;
+ bool mipoHasDen= false;
if (getCharacteristic() == 0 && b.getp() != 0)
if (alpha.level() == 1)
@@ -923,13 +946,10 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
lcA0= Lc (A (0,2));
- ZZX NTLlcA0= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (lcA0);
- ZZX NTLmipo= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (getMipo (alpha));
- ZZ NTLpk= power_ZZ (b.getp(), b.getk());
- ZZ_p::init (NTLpk);
- ZZ_pX S, T, G;
- XGCD (G, S, T, to_ZZ_pX (NTLlcA0), to_ZZ_pX(NTLmipo));
- CanonicalForm lcA0inverse= convertNTLZZX2CF (to_ZZX (S), alpha);
+ mipoHasDen= !bCommonDen(getMipo(alpha)).isOne();
+ CanonicalForm lcA0inverse= b.inverse (lcA0);
A *= lcA0inverse;
A= b (A);
// Lc of bufUniFactors is in Z
@@ -948,15 +968,38 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
for (int i= 0; i < uniFactors.length(); i++)
factorsFoundIndex [i]= 0;
+ CFList bufBufUniFactors;
+ Variable v= alpha;
if (smallFactorDeg >= liftBound || degree (A,y) <= 4)
henselLift12 (A, bufUniFactors, liftBound, Pi, diophant, M, b, true);
else if (sizeOfLiftPre > 1 && sizeOfLiftPre < 30)
henselLift12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg, Pi, diophant, M, b, true);
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ if (hasFirstAlgVar (iter.getItem(), v))
+ break;
+ if (v != alpha)
+ {
+ bufBufUniFactors= bufUniFactors;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufBufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), v, alpha);
+ A= replacevar (A, alpha, v);
+ }
+ }
if (!extension)
- earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
- factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
- smallFactorDeg, b);
+ {
+ if (v==alpha)
+ earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
+ smallFactorDeg, b);
+ else
+ earlyFactorDetection(earlyFactors, bufA, bufBufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
+ smallFactorDeg, b);
+ }
extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, info,
@@ -969,12 +1012,25 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x));
henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg,
liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1, Pi, diophant, M, b);
+ if (v!=alpha)
+ {
+ bufBufUniFactors= bufUniFactors;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufBufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), v, alpha);
+ }
if (!extension)
+ {
+ if (v==alpha)
earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1, b);
+ else
+ earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors,bufA,bufBufUniFactors,newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
+ liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1, b);
+ }
- extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors,bufA,bufUniFactors,newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, info,
eval, liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1);
@@ -990,12 +1046,25 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x));
henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, liftPre[i] + 1,
liftPre[i-1] + 1, Pi, diophant, M, b);
+ if (v!=alpha)
+ {
+ bufBufUniFactors= bufUniFactors;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufBufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), v, alpha);
+ }
if (!extension)
+ {
+ if (v==alpha)
earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
liftPre[i-1] + 1, b);
+ else
+ earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors,bufA,bufBufUniFactors,newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
+ liftPre[i-1] + 1, b);
+ }
- extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors,bufA,bufUniFactors,newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, info,
eval, liftPre[i-1] + 1);
@@ -1013,10 +1082,30 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
henselLift12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg, Pi, diophant, M, b, true);
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ if (hasFirstAlgVar (iter.getItem(), v))
+ break;
+ if (v != alpha)
+ {
+ bufBufUniFactors= bufUniFactors;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufBufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), v, alpha);
+ A= replacevar (A, alpha, v);
+ }
+ }
if (!extension)
+ {
+ if (v==alpha)
earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
smallFactorDeg, b);
+ else
+ earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufBufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess,
+ smallFactorDeg, b);
+ }
extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, info,
@@ -1030,11 +1119,23 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x));
henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg,
dummy, Pi, diophant, M, b);
+ if (v!=alpha)
+ {
+ bufBufUniFactors= bufUniFactors;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufBufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), v, alpha);
+ }
if (!extension)
+ {
+ if (v==alpha)
earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, dummy, b);
+ else
+ earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA,bufBufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, dummy, b);
+ }
- extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA,bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, info,
eval, dummy);
@@ -1046,11 +1147,23 @@ henselLiftAndEarly (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList&
dummy= tmin (degree (A,y)+1, (degree (A,y)/4)*(i+1)+4);
henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, (degree (A,y)/4)*i + 4,
dummy, Pi, diophant, M, b);
+ if (v!=alpha)
+ {
+ bufBufUniFactors= bufUniFactors;
+ for (CFListIterator iter= bufBufUniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
+ iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), v, alpha);
+ }
if (!extension)
+ {
+ if (v==alpha)
earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, dummy,b);
+ else
+ earlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors,bufA,bufBufUniFactors,newLiftBound,
+ factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, dummy,b);
+ }
- extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors, bufA, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound,
+ extEarlyFactorDetection (earlyFactors,bufA,bufUniFactors,newLiftBound,
factorsFoundIndex, degs, earlySuccess, info,
eval, dummy);
diff --git a/factory/facHensel.cc b/factory/facHensel.cc
index 3637ae1..c70cd67 100644
--- a/factory/facHensel.cc
+++ b/factory/facHensel.cc
@@ -451,12 +451,21 @@ CFList
diophantineHenselQa (const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm& G,
const CFList& factors, modpk& b, const Variable& alpha)
- int p= b.getp();
- setCharacteristic (p);
bool fail= false;
CFList recResult;
CanonicalForm modMipo, mipo;
+ //here SW_RATIONAL is off
mipo= getMipo (alpha);
+ bool mipoHasDen= false;
+ if (!bCommonDen (mipo).isOne())
+ {
+ mipo *= bCommonDen (mipo);
+ mipoHasDen= true;
+ }
+ int p= b.getp();
+ setCharacteristic (p);
setReduce (alpha, false);
while (1)
@@ -494,7 +503,8 @@ diophantineHenselQa (const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm& G,
bufFactors [k]= i.getItem();
- CanonicalForm tmp, quot;
+ CanonicalForm tmp;
for (k= 0; k < factors.length(); k++) //TODO compute b's faster
tmp= 1;
@@ -505,24 +515,88 @@ diophantineHenselQa (const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm& G,
tmp= mulNTL (tmp, bufFactors[l]);
- L.append (tmp);
+ L.append (tmp*bCommonDen(tmp));
+ }
+ Variable gamma;
+ CanonicalForm den;
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ modMipo= getMipo (alpha);
+ den= bCommonDen (modMipo);
+ modMipo *= den;
+ setReduce (alpha, false);
+ gamma= rootOf (b (modMipo*b.inverse (den)));
+ setReduce (alpha, true);
setCharacteristic (p);
+ Variable beta;
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ setReduce (alpha, false);
+ modMipo= modMipo.mapinto();
+ modMipo /= lc (modMipo);
+ beta= rootOf (modMipo);
+ setReduce (alpha, true);
+ }
for (k= 0; k < factors.length(); k++)
- bufFactors [k]= bufFactors[k].mapinto();
+ {
+ if (!mipoHasDen)
+ bufFactors [k]= bufFactors[k].mapinto();
+ else
+ {
+ bufFactors [k]= bufFactors[k].mapinto();
+ bufFactors [k]= replacevar (bufFactors[k], alpha, beta);
+ }
+ }
CFListIterator j= L;
+ for (;j.hasItem(); j++)
+ {
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ j.getItem()= replacevar (b(j.getItem()*b.inverse(lc(j.getItem()))),
+ alpha, gamma);
+ else
+ j.getItem()= b(j.getItem()*b.inverse(lc(j.getItem())));
+ }
+ j= L;
for (CFListIterator i= recResult; i.hasItem(); i++, j++)
- e= b (e - mulNTL (i.getItem(),j.getItem(), b));
+ {
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ e= b (e - mulNTL (replacevar (i.getItem(), alpha, gamma),j.getItem(), b));
+ else
+ e= b (e - mulNTL (i.getItem(), j.getItem(), b));
+ }
if (e.isZero())
+ {
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ for (CFListIterator i= recResult; i.hasItem(); i++)
+ i.getItem()= replacevar (i.getItem(), alpha, gamma);
+ }
return recResult;
+ }
CanonicalForm coeffE;
CFList result= recResult;
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ for (CFListIterator i= result; i.hasItem(); i++)
+ i.getItem()= replacevar (i.getItem(), alpha, gamma);
+ }
setCharacteristic (p);
recResult= mapinto (recResult);
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ for (CFListIterator i= recResult; i.hasItem(); i++)
+ i.getItem()= replacevar (i.getItem(), alpha, beta);
+ }
setCharacteristic (0);
CanonicalForm g;
CanonicalForm modulus= p;
@@ -532,6 +606,8 @@ diophantineHenselQa (const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm& G,
coeffE= div (e, modulus);
setCharacteristic (p);
coeffE= coeffE.mapinto();
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ coeffE= replacevar (coeffE, gamma, beta);
setCharacteristic (0);
if (!coeffE.isZero())
@@ -545,8 +621,17 @@ diophantineHenselQa (const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm& G,
g= mulNTL (coeffE, j.getItem());
g= modNTL (g, bufFactors[ii]);
setCharacteristic (0);
- k.getItem() += g.mapinto()*modulus;
- e -= mulNTL (g.mapinto()*modulus, l.getItem(), b);
+ if (mipoHasDen)
+ {
+ k.getItem() += replacevar (g.mapinto()*modulus, beta, gamma);
+ e -= mulNTL (replacevar (g.mapinto(), beta, gamma)*modulus,
+ l.getItem(), b);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ k.getItem() += g.mapinto()*modulus;
+ e -= mulNTL (g.mapinto()*modulus, l.getItem(), b);
+ }
e= b(e);
DEBOUTLN (cerr, "mod (e, power (y, i + 1))= " <<
mod (e, power (y, i + 1)));
@@ -848,6 +933,25 @@ henselLift12 (const CanonicalForm& F, CFList& factors, int l, CFArray& Pi,
Pi= CFArray (factors.length() - 1);
CFListIterator j= factors;
diophant= diophantine (F[0], F, factors, b);
+ CanonicalForm bufF= F;
+ if (getCharacteristic() == 0 && b.getp() != 0)
+ {
+ Variable v;
+ bool hasAlgVar= hasFirstAlgVar (F, v);
+ for (CFListIterator i= factors; i.hasItem() && !hasAlgVar; i++)
+ hasAlgVar= hasFirstAlgVar (i.getItem(), v);
+ Variable w;
+ bool hasAlgVar2= false;
+ for (CFListIterator i= diophant; i.hasItem() && !hasAlgVar2; i++)
+ hasAlgVar2= hasFirstAlgVar (i.getItem(), w);
+ if (hasAlgVar && hasAlgVar2 && v!=w)
+ {
+ bufF= replacevar (bufF, v, w);
+ for (CFListIterator i= factors; i.hasItem(); i++)
+ i.getItem()= replacevar (i.getItem(), v, w);
+ }
+ }
DEBOUTLN (cerr, "diophant= " << diophant);
Pi [0]= mulNTL (j.getItem(), mod (factors.getFirst(), F.mvar()), b);
@@ -870,7 +974,7 @@ henselLift12 (const CanonicalForm& F, CFList& factors, int l, CFArray& Pi,
bufFactors[i]= k.getItem();
for (i= 1; i < l; i++)
- henselStep12 (F, factors, bufFactors, diophant, M, Pi, i, b);
+ henselStep12 (bufF, factors, bufFactors, diophant, M, Pi, i, b);
CFListIterator k= factors;
for (i= 0; i < factors.length (); i++, k++)
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