[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:55:26 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit e903ed8ade0d9a19a82303f8e19d96cac4da94e9
Author: Martin Lee <martinlee84 at web.de>
Date:   Thu Mar 22 15:25:25 2012 +0100

    fix: use smaller bound for sieving factors

diff --git a/factory/facFqBivar.cc b/factory/facFqBivar.cc
index 1362956..2072ca9 100644
--- a/factory/facFqBivar.cc
+++ b/factory/facFqBivar.cc
@@ -4564,7 +4564,7 @@ henselLiftAndLatticeRecombi (const CanonicalForm& G, const CFList& uniFactors,
   CanonicalForm H;
   bool success;
   smallFactors= sieveSmallFactors (F, bufUniFactors, degs, H, diophant, Pi, M,
-                                   success, 2*(minBound + 1)
+                                   success, minBound + 1
   if (smallFactors.length() > 0)
@@ -4689,20 +4689,20 @@ henselLiftAndLatticeRecombi (const CanonicalForm& G, const CFList& uniFactors,
     if (alpha.level() == 1)
-      oldL= liftAndComputeLattice (F, bounds, d, 2*(minBound + 1), liftBound,
+      oldL= liftAndComputeLattice (F, bounds, d, minBound + 1, liftBound,
                                    minBound, bufUniFactors, NTLN, diophant, M,
                                    Pi, bufQ, irreducible
       if (reduceFq2Fp)
-        oldL= liftAndComputeLatticeFq2Fp (F, bounds, d, 2*(minBound + 1),
+        oldL= liftAndComputeLatticeFq2Fp (F, bounds, d, minBound + 1,
                                           liftBound, minBound, bufUniFactors,
                                           NTLN, diophant, M, Pi, bufQ,
                                           irreducible, alpha
-        oldL= liftAndComputeLattice (F, bounds, d, 2*(minBound + 1), liftBound,
+        oldL= liftAndComputeLattice (F, bounds, d, minBound + 1, liftBound,
                                      minBound, bufUniFactors, NTLNe, diophant,
                                      M, Pi, bufQ, irreducible

an open source computer algebra system

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