[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:55:42 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit 0dfdcf572ea442babf4139b15284a3ec678f6cc5
Author: Hans Schoenemann <hannes at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date: Tue Apr 24 14:48:08 2012 +0200
chg: new version of ffsolve.lib
diff --git a/Singular/LIB/ffsolve.lib b/Singular/LIB/ffsolve.lib
index b454724..28377f5 100644
--- a/Singular/LIB/ffsolve.lib
+++ b/Singular/LIB/ffsolve.lib
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+version="$Id: ffsolve.lib f0fdb24 2012-04-23 12:50:26 UTC$";
category="Symbolic-numerical solving";
LIBRARY: ffsolve.lib multivariate equation solving over finite fields
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ KEYWORDS: multivariate equations; finite field
ffsolve(); finite field solving using heuristically chosen method
-speoff(); solve system of multivariate equations over finite field
-simpleSolver(); solver using modified brute-force search
-gbsolve(); multivariate solver using Groebner-basis
+PEsolve(); solve system of multivariate equations over finite field
+simplesolver(); solver using modified exhausting search
+GBsolve(); multivariate solver using Groebner-basis
+XLsolve(); multivariate polynomial solver using linearization
+ZZsolve(); solve system of multivariate equations over finite field
LIB "presolve.lib";
@@ -26,8 +28,8 @@ RETURN: list L, the common roots of I as ideal
ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
- list solutions, possibleSolvers, tempsols;
- int i,j, k, found;
+ list solutions, lSolvers, tempsols;
+ int i,j, k,n, R, found;
ideal factors, linfacs;
poly lp;
// check assumptions
@@ -38,18 +40,31 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
ERROR("Basering must have finite characteristic");
- // heuristic choice of solver
- // not yet implemented
if(size(#)==1 and typeof(#[1])=="list"){
- possibleSolvers = #[1];
+ lSolvers = #[1];
- possibleSolvers = #;
+ lSolvers = #;
- possibleSolvers = "simpleSolver", "speoff", "gbsolve";
+ if(deg(equations) == 2){
+ lSolvers = "XLsolve", "PEsolve", "simplesolver", "GBsolve", "ZZsolve";
+ }else{
+ lSolvers = "PEsolve", "simplesolver", "GBsolve", "ZZsolve", "XLsolve";
+ }
+ if(deg(equations) == 1){
+ lSolvers = "GBsolve";
+ }
+ }
+ n = size(lSolvers);
+ R = random(1, n*(3*n+1) div 2);
+ for(i=1;i<n+1;i++){
+ if(R<=(2*n+1-i)){
+ string solver = lSolvers[i];
+ }else{
+ R=R-(2*n+1-i);
+ }
- string solver = possibleSolvers[random(1,size(possibleSolvers))];
@@ -95,7 +110,7 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
map recmap = original_ring, mappingIdeal;
- list tsols = ffsolve(recmap(neweqs), possibleSolvers);
+ list tsols = ffsolve(recmap(neweqs), lSolvers);
tsols = list(ideal(1));
@@ -135,18 +150,21 @@ example
-proc speoff (ideal L, list #)
-"USAGE: speoff(I[, i]); I ideal, i optional integer
+proc PEsolve(ideal L, list #)
+"USAGE: PEsolve(I[, i]); I ideal, i optional integer
+ solve I (system of multivariate equations) over a
+ finite field using an equvalence property when i is
+ not given or set to 2, otherwise if i is set to 0
+ then check whether common roots exists
RETURN: list if optional parameter is not given or set to 2,
-integer if optional is set to 0
+ integer if optional is set to 0
ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
NOTE: When the optional parameter is set to 0, speoff only
-checks if I has common roots, then return 1, otherwise return 0.
+ checks if I has common roots, then return 1, otherwise
+ return 0.
- system("--ticks-per-sec", 1000);
- int t = rtimer;
int mode, i,j;
list results, rs, start;
poly g;
@@ -167,7 +185,6 @@ checks if I has common roots, then return 1, otherwise return 0.
g = productOfEqs( L );
if(g == 0){
- if(voice==2){printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-t)};
@@ -182,12 +199,10 @@ checks if I has common roots, then return 1, otherwise return 0.
results[size(results)+1] = std(res);
- if(voice==2){printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-t)};
return( results );
if( mode == 0 ){
- if(voice==2){printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-t)};
return( 1 );
for(i=1; i<=nvars(basering); i++){
@@ -212,8 +227,6 @@ checks if I has common roots, then return 1, otherwise return 0.
- if(voice==2){printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-t)};
@@ -225,16 +238,17 @@ example
- ffsolve(I);
+ PEsolve(I);
-proc simpleSolver(ideal E)
-"USAGE: simpleSolver(I); I ideal
+proc simplesolver(ideal E)
+"USAGE: simplesolver(I); I ideal
+ solve I (system of multivariate equations) over a
+ finite field by exhausting search
RETURN: list L, the common roots of I as ideal
ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
- int SStime = rtimer;
int i,j,k,t, correct;
list solutions = list(std(ideal()));
list partial_solutions;
@@ -248,7 +262,6 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
ERROR("Basering must have finite characteristic");
for(k=1; k<=nvars(basering); k++){
partial_solutions = list();
for(i=1; i<=size(solutions); i++){
@@ -279,7 +292,6 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
solutions = partial_solutions;
- if(voice==2){printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-SStime)};
@@ -291,19 +303,18 @@ example
- ffsolve(I);
+ simplesolver(I);
-proc gbsolve(ideal equation_system)
-"USAGE: gbsolve(I); I ideal
+proc GBsolve(ideal equation_system)
+"USAGE: GBsolve(I); I ideal
+ solve I (system of multivariate equations) over an
+ extension of Z/p by Groebner basis methods
RETURN: list L, the common roots of I as ideal
ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
- option(redSB);
- system("--ticks-per-sec",1000);
int i,j, prop, newelement, number_new_vars;
- int t=rtimer;
ideal ls;
list results, slvbl, linsol, ctrl, new_sols, varinfo;
ideal I, linear_solution, unsolved_part, univar_part, multivar_part, unsolved_vars;
@@ -326,14 +337,13 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
int prime_coeff_field=1;
+ option(redSB);
equation_system = simplify(equation_system,15);
ideal standard_basis = std(equation_system);
- printf("std(): %s ms", rtimer-t);
list basis_factors = facstd(standard_basis);
- printf("facstd(): %s ms", rtimer-t);
if( basis_factors[1][1] == 1){
- printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-t);
@@ -345,9 +355,8 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
if(prop == 0){
- ls = Presolve::solvelinearpart( basis_factors[i] );
+ ls = solvelinearpart( basis_factors[i] );
if(ncols(ls) == nvars(basering) ){
ctrl, newelement = add_if_new(ctrl, ls);
@@ -358,11 +367,11 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
for(int E = 1; E<= size(slvbl); E++){
I = slvbl[E][1];
linear_solution = slvbl[E][2];
+ attrib(I,"isSB",1);
unsolved_part = reduce(I,linear_solution);
univar_part = ideal();
multivar_part = ideal();
@@ -373,15 +382,13 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
multivar_part = multivar_part+I[i];
- // list varinfo = Presolve::findvars(linear_solution,1);
- varinfo = Presolve::findvars(univar_part,1);
+ varinfo = findvars(univar_part,1);
unsolved_vars = varinfo[3];
unsolved_var_nums = varinfo[4];
number_new_vars = ncols(unsolved_vars);
new_vars = "@y(1.."+string(number_new_vars)+")";
- def R_new = Ring::changevar(new_vars, original_ring);
+ def R_new = changevar(new_vars, original_ring);
setring R_new;
if( !prime_coeff_field ){
@@ -397,7 +404,7 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
list sol_new;
int unsolvable = 0;
- sol_new = simpleSolver(I_new);
+ sol_new = simplesolver(I_new);
if( size(sol_new) == 0){
unsolvable = 1;
@@ -423,8 +430,6 @@ ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
kill R_new;
- if(voice==2){printf("Runtime: %s ms", rtimer-t)};
return( results );
@@ -436,13 +441,366 @@ example
- ffsolve(I);
+ GBsolve(I);
+proc XLsolve(ideal I, list #)
+"USAGE: XLsolve(I[, d]); I ideal, d optional integer
+ solve I (system of multivariate polynomials) with a
+ variant of the linearization technique, multiplying
+ the polynomials with monomials of degree at most d
+ (default is 2)
+RETURN: list L of the common roots of I as ideals
+ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)"
+ int i,j,k, D;
+ int SD = deg(I);
+ list solutions;
+ if(size(#)){
+ if(typeof(#[1])=="int"){ D = #[1]; }
+ }else{
+ D = 2;
+ }
+ list lMonomialsForMultiplying = monomialsOfDegreeAtMost(D+SD);
+ int m = ncols(I);
+ list extended_system;
+ list mm;
+ for(k=1; k<=size(lMonomialsForMultiplying)-SD; k++){
+ mm = lMonomialsForMultiplying[k];
+ for(i=1; i<=m; i++){
+ for(j=1; j<=size(mm); j++){
+ extended_system[size(extended_system)+1] = reduce(I[i]*mm[j], defaultIdeal());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ideal new_system = I;
+ for(i=1; i<=size(extended_system); i++){
+ new_system[m+i] = extended_system[i];
+ }
+ ideal reduced_system = linearReduce( new_system, lMonomialsForMultiplying);
+ solutions = simplesolver(reduced_system);
+ return(solutions);
+ "EXAMPLE:";echo=2;
+ ring R = (2,a),x(1..3),lp;
+ minpoly=a2+a+1;
+ ideal I;
+ I[1]=(a)*x(1)^2+x(2)^2+(a+1);
+ I[2]=(a)*x(1)^2+(a)*x(1)*x(3)+(a)*x(2)^2+1;
+ I[3]=(a)*x(1)*x(3)+1;
+ I[4]=x(1)^2+x(1)*x(3)+(a);
+ XLsolve(I, 3);
+proc ZZsolve(ideal I)
+"USAGE: ZZsolve(I); I ideal
+solve I (system of multivariate equations) over a
+finite field by mapping the polynomials to a single
+univariate polynomial over extension of the basering
+RETURN: list, the common roots of I as ideal
+ASSUME: basering is a finite field of type (p^n,a)
+ int i, j, nv, numeqs,r,l,e;
+ def original_ring = basering;
+ // check assumptions
+ if(npars(basering)>1){
+ ERROR("Basering must have at most one parameter");
+ }
+ if(char(basering)==0){
+ ERROR("Basering must have finite characteristic");
+ }
+ nv = nvars(original_ring);
+ numeqs = ncols(I);
+ l = numeqs % nv;
+ if( l == 0){
+ r = numeqs div nv;
+ }else{
+ r = (numeqs div nv) +1;
+ }
+ list list_of_equations;
+ for(i=1; i<=r; i++){
+ list_of_equations[i] = ideal();
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<numeqs; i++){
+ list_of_equations[(i div nv)+1][(i % nv) +1] = I[i+1];
+ }
+ ring ring_for_matrix = (char(original_ring), at y),(x(1..nv), at X, at c(1..nv)(1..nv)),lp;
+ execute("minpoly="+Z_get_minpoly(size(original_ring)^nv, parstr(1))+";");
+ ideal IV;
+ for(i=1; i<=nv; i++){
+ IV[i] = var(i);
+ }
+ matrix M_C[nv][nv];
+ for(i=1;i<=nrows(M_C); i++){
+ for(j=1; j<=ncols(M_C); j++){
+ M_C[i,j] = @c(i)(j);
+ }
+ }
+ poly X = Z_phi(IV);
+ ideal IX_power_poly;
+ ideal IX_power_var;
+ for(i=1; i<=nv; i++){
+ e = (size(original_ring)^(i-1));
+ IX_power_poly[i] = X^e;
+ IX_power_var[i] = @X^e;
+ }
+ IX_power_poly = reduce(IX_power_poly, Z_default_ideal(nv, size(original_ring)));
+ def M = matrix(IX_power_poly,1,nv)*M_C - matrix(IV,1,nv);
+ ideal IC;
+ for(i=1; i<=ncols(M); i++){
+ for(j=1; j<=ncols(IV); j++){
+ IC[(i-1)*ncols(M)+j] = coeffs(M[1,i],IV[j])[2,1];
+ }
+ }
+ ideal IC_solultion = std(Presolve::solvelinearpart(IC));
+ matrix M_C_sol[nv][nv];
+ for(i=1;i<=nrows(M_C_sol); i++){
+ for(j=1; j<=ncols(M_C_sol); j++){
+ M_C_sol[i,j] = reduce(@c(i)(j), std(IC_solultion));
+ }
+ }
+ ideal I_subs;
+ I_subs = ideal(matrix(IX_power_var,1,nv)*M_C_sol);
+ setring original_ring;
+ string var_str = varstr(original_ring)+", at X, at y";
+ string minpoly_str = "minpoly="+string(minpoly)+";";
+ def ring_for_substitution = Ring::changevar(var_str, original_ring);
+ setring ring_for_substitution;
+ execute(minpoly_str);
+ ideal I_subs = imap(ring_for_matrix, I_subs);
+ ideal I = imap(original_ring, I);
+ list list_of_equations = imap(original_ring, list_of_equations);
+ list list_of_F;
+ for(i=1; i<=r; i++){
+ list_of_F[i] = Z_phi( list_of_equations[i] );
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=nv; i++){
+ for(j=1; j<=r; j++){
+ list_of_F[j] = subst( list_of_F[j], var(i), I_subs[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ int s = size(original_ring);
+ if(npars(original_ring)==1){
+ for(j=1; j<=r; j++){
+ list_of_F[j] = subst(list_of_F[j], par(1), (@y^( (s^nv-1) div (s-1) )));
+ }
+ }
+ ring temp_ring = (char(original_ring), at y), at X,lp;
+ list list_of_F = imap(ring_for_substitution, list_of_F);
+ ring ring_for_factorization = (char(original_ring), at y),X,lp;
+ execute("minpoly="+Z_get_minpoly(size(original_ring)^nv, parstr(1))+";");
+ map rho = temp_ring,X;
+ list list_of_F = rho(list_of_F);
+ poly G = 0;
+ for(i=1; i<=r; i++){
+ G = gcd(G, list_of_F[i]);
+ }
+ if(G==1){
+ return(list());
+ }
+ list factors = Presolve::linearpart(factorize(G,1));
+ ideal check;
+ for(i=1; i<=nv; i++){
+ check[i] = X^(size(original_ring)^(i-1));
+ }
+ list fsols;
+ matrix sc;
+ list sl;
+ def sM;
+ matrix M_for_sol = fetch(ring_for_matrix, M_C_sol);
+ for(i=1; i<=size(factors[1]); i++){
+ sc = matrix(reduce(check, std(factors[1][i])), 1,nv );
+ sl = list();
+ sM = sc*M_for_sol;
+ for(j=1; j<=ncols(sM); j++){
+ sl[j] = sM[1,j];
+ }
+ fsols[i] = sl;
+ }
+ if(size(fsols)==0){
+ return(list());
+ }
+ setring ring_for_substitution;
+ list ssols = imap(ring_for_factorization, fsols);
+ if(npars(original_ring)==1){
+ execute("poly P="+Z_get_minpoly(size(original_ring)^nv, "@y"));
+ poly RP = gcd(P, (@y^( (s^nv-1) div (s-1) ))-a);
+ for(i=1; i<=size(ssols); i++){
+ for(j=1; j<=size(ssols[i]); j++){
+ ssols[i][j] = reduce( ssols[i][j], std(RP));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setring original_ring;
+ list solutions = imap(ring_for_substitution, ssols);
+ list final_solutions;
+ ideal ps;
+ for(i=1; i<=size(solutions); i++){
+ ps = ideal();
+ for(j=1; j<=nvars(original_ring); j++){
+ ps[j] = var(j)-solutions[i][j];
+ }
+ final_solutions = insert(final_solutions, std(ps));
+ }
+ return(final_solutions);
+ "EXAMPLE:";echo=2;
+ ring R = (2,a),x(1..3),lp;
+ minpoly=a2+a+1;
+ ideal I;
+ I[1]=x(1)^2*x(2)+(a)*x(1)*x(2)^2+(a+1);
+ I[2]=x(1)^2*x(2)*x(3)^2+(a)*x(1);
+ I[3]=(a+1)*x(1)*x(3)+(a+1)*x(1);
+ ZZsolve(I);
+static proc linearReduce(ideal I, list mons)
+ system("--no-warn", 1);
+ int LRtime = rtimer;
+ int i,j ;
+ int prime_field = 1;
+ list solutions, monomials;
+ for(i=1; i<=size(mons); i++){
+ monomials = reorderMonomials(mons[i])+monomials;
+ }
+ int number_of_monomials = size(monomials);
+ def original_ring = basering;
+ if(npars(basering)==1){
+ prime_field=0;
+ string minpolystr = "minpoly="
+ +get_minpoly_str(size(original_ring),parstr(original_ring,1))+";" ;
+ }
+ string old_vars = varstr(original_ring);
+ string new_vars = "@y(1.."+string( number_of_monomials )+")";
+ def ring_for_var_change = changevar( old_vars+","+new_vars, original_ring);
+ setring ring_for_var_change;
+ if( prime_field == 0){
+ execute(minpolystr);
+ }
+ list monomials = imap(original_ring, monomials);
+ ideal I = imap(original_ring, I);
+ ideal C;
+ string weights = "wp(";
+ for(i=1; i<=nvars(original_ring); i++){
+ weights = weights+string(1)+",";
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<= number_of_monomials; i++){
+ C[i] = monomials[i] - @y(i);
+ weights = weights+string(deg(monomials[i])+1)+",";
+ }
+ weights[size(weights)]=")";
+ ideal linear_eqs = I;
+ for(i=1; i<=ncols(C); i++){
+ linear_eqs = reduce(linear_eqs, C[i]);
+ }
+ def ring_for_elimination = changevar( new_vars, ring_for_var_change);
+ setring ring_for_elimination;
+ if( prime_field == 0){
+ execute(minpolystr);
+ }
+ ideal I = imap(ring_for_var_change, linear_eqs);
+ ideal lin_sol = solvelinearpart(I);
+ string new_ordstr = weights+",C";
+ def ring_for_back_change = changeord( new_ordstr, ring_for_var_change);
+ setring ring_for_back_change;
+ if( prime_field == 0){
+ execute(minpolystr);
+ }
+ ideal lin_sol = imap(ring_for_elimination, lin_sol);
+ ideal C = imap(ring_for_var_change, C);
+ ideal J = lin_sol;
+ for(i=1; i<=ncols(C); i++){
+ J = reduce(J, C[i]);
+ }
+ setring original_ring;
+ ideal J = imap(ring_for_back_change, J);
+ return(J);
+static proc monomialsOfDegreeAtMost(int k)
+ int Mtime = rtimer;
+ list monomials, monoms, monoms_one, lower_monoms;
+ int n = nvars(basering);
+ int t,i,l,j,s;
+ for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
+ monoms_one[i] = var(i);
+ }
+ monomials = list(monoms_one);
+ if(1 < k){
+ for(t=2; t<=k; t++){
+ lower_monoms = monomials[t-1];
+ monoms = list();
+ s = 1;
+ for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
+ for(j=s; j<=size(lower_monoms); j++){
+ monoms = monoms+list(lower_monoms[j]*var(i));
+ }
+ s = s + int(binomial(n+t-2-i, t-2));
+ }
+ monomials[t] = monoms;
+ }
+ }
+ return(monomials);
+static proc reorderMonomials(list monomials)
+ list univar_monoms, mixed_monoms;
+ for(int j=1; j<=size(monomials); j++){
+ if( univariate(monomials[j])>0 ){
+ univar_monoms = univar_monoms + list(monomials[j]);
+ }else{
+ mixed_monoms = mixed_monoms + list(monomials[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return(univar_monoms + mixed_monoms);
static proc melyseg(poly g, list start)
list gsub = g;
@@ -486,53 +844,6 @@ static proc productOfEqs(ideal I)
return( g );
-static proc notSoQuickReduce(poly P)
- int q = ringlist( basering )[1];
- int nov = nvars( basering );
- poly reducedPoly = 0;
- poly M;
- int i, j, e;
- intvec exps;
- for(i=1; i<=size(P); i++){
- if( deg(P[i]) > q-1 ){
- M = leadcoef( P[i] );
- exps = leadexp( P[i] );
- for(j=1; j<=size(exps); j++){
- if( exps[j] > q-1 ){
- e = exps[j] % (q-1);
- if( e == 0 ){ e = q-1; }
- }else{
- e = exps[j];
- }
- M = M*var(j)^e;
- }
- }else{
- M = P[i];
- }
- reducedPoly = reducedPoly + M;
- }
- return( reducedPoly );
-static proc polypowmod(poly P, int E, ideal I)
- system("--no-warn", 1);
- list pot;
- poly rs = 1;
- while( E > 0 ){
- pot[ size(pot)+1 ] = E % 2;
- E = E / 2;
- if( pot[size(pot)] ){
- rs = reduce(rs*P, I);
- }
- P = reduce(P*P,I);
- }
- return( reduce(rs, I) );
static proc clonering(list #)
def original_ring = basering;
@@ -550,7 +861,7 @@ static proc clonering(list #)
int newvars = nvars(original_ring);
string newvarstr = "v(1.."+string(newvars)+")";
- def newring = Ring::changevar(newvarstr, original_ring);
+ def newring = changevar(newvarstr, original_ring);
setring newring;
if( prime_field ){
@@ -577,7 +888,6 @@ static proc order_of_extension()
static proc vec2elm(intvec v)
number g = 1;
@@ -590,16 +900,6 @@ static proc vec2elm(intvec v)
-static proc random_vector()
- int c = char(basering);
- intvec v = 0:order_of_extension();
- for(int i=1; i<=size(v); i++){
- v[i] = random(0, c-1);
- }
- return(v);
static proc increment(list l, list #)
int c, i, j, oe;
@@ -640,8 +940,6 @@ static proc nextVec(intvec l)
static proc every_vector()
list element, list_of_elements;
@@ -681,15 +979,6 @@ static proc num2int(number a)
-static proc listnum2int(list L){
- int N=0;
- int q = size(basering);
- for(int i=1; i<=nvars(basering); i++){
- N = N + num2int(number(L[i]))*q^(nvars(basering)-i);
- }
- return(N);
static proc get_minpoly_str(int size_of_ring, string parname)
def original_ring = basering;
@@ -735,6 +1024,7 @@ static proc add_if_new(list L, ideal I)
int i, newelement;
poly P;
+ I=std(I);
for(i=1; i<=nvars(basering); i++){
P = P + reduce(var(i),I)*var(1)^(i-1);
@@ -750,3 +1040,41 @@ static proc add_if_new(list L, ideal I)
+static proc Z_get_minpoly(int size_of_ring, string parname)
+ def original_ring = basering;
+ ring new_ring = (size_of_ring, A),x,lp;
+ string S = string(minpoly);
+ string SMP;
+ if(S=="0"){
+ SMP = SMP+parname;
+ }else{
+ for(int i=1; i<=size(S); i++){
+ if(S[i]=="A"){
+ SMP = SMP+parname;
+ }else{
+ SMP = SMP+S[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(SMP);
+static proc Z_phi(ideal I)
+ poly f;
+ for(int i=1; i<= ncols(I); i++){
+ f = f+I[i]*@y^(i-1);
+ }
+ return(f);
+static proc Z_default_ideal(int number_of_variables, int q)
+ ideal DI;
+ for(int i=1; i<=number_of_variables; i++){
+ DI[i] = var(i)^q-var(i);
+ }
+ return(std(DI));
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