[SCM] libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] branch, master, updated. upstream/0.9-12-gd4e7c10

Tobias Hansen tobias.han at gmx.de
Thu Dec 20 21:35:20 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 93ad26a0f2c492ca40548298d3bfadafa00eae0e
Author: Tobias Hansen <tobias.han at gmx.de>
Date:   Thu Dec 20 22:08:43 2012 +0100

    Refresh debian/patches/zn_poly_soname.patch.

diff --git a/debian/patches/zn_poly_soname.patch b/debian/patches/zn_poly_soname.patch
index c3360e9..70dc577 100644
--- a/debian/patches/zn_poly_soname.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/zn_poly_soname.patch
@@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
-Index: libzn-poly-0.8/makemakefile.py
---- libzn-poly-0.8.orig/makemakefile.py	2008-06-02 13:20:05.000000000 -0400
-+++ libzn-poly-0.8/makemakefile.py	2008-06-02 13:22:56.000000000 -0400
-@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
- print "\trm -f *.o"
- print "\trm -f libzn_poly.a"
- print "\trm -f libzn_poly.dylib"
--print "\trm -f libzn_poly.so"
-+print "\trm -f libzn_poly*.so*"
- print "\trm -f test"
- print "\trm -f tune"
- for x in prof_progs:
-@@ -154,7 +154,9 @@
+--- a/makemakefile.py
++++ b/makemakefile.py
+@@ -181,7 +181,9 @@
     print "\trm -f " + x + "-ntl"
- for x in example_progs:
+ for x in demo_progs:
     print "\trm -f " + x
@@ -22,15 +11,9 @@ Index: libzn-poly-0.8/makemakefile.py
-@@ -164,11 +166,19 @@
- print "\tar -r libzn_poly.a $(LIBOBJS)"
- print "\tranlib libzn_poly.a"
- print
--print "libzn_poly.dylib: $(LIBOBJS)"
-+print "libzn_poly.dylib: "
-+print "\trm -f *.o"
-+print "\tmake shobjs"
- print "\t$(CC) -single_module -fPIC -dynamiclib -o libzn_poly.dylib $(LIBOBJS) $(LIBS)"
+@@ -199,8 +201,13 @@
+ print "\t$(CC) -m64 -single_module -fPIC -dynamiclib -o libzn_poly.dylib " \
+       "$(LIBOBJS) $(LIBS)"
 -print "libzn_poly.so: $(LIBOBJS)"
 -print "\t$(CC) -shared -o libzn_poly.so $(LIBOBJS) $(LIBS)"
@@ -41,61 +24,10 @@ Index: libzn-poly-0.8/makemakefile.py
 +print "\tln -s lib`cat DIRNAME`.so libzn_poly.so"
 +print "shobjs: $(LIBOBJS)"
-+print "shobjs: FPICFLAG = -fPIC"
- print
- print
-@@ -183,16 +193,16 @@
- print
- for x in prof_progs:
-    print "%s-main.o: %s-main.c $(HEADERS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -DNDEBUG -o %s-main.o -c %s-main.c" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(INCLUDES) -DNDEBUG -o %s-main.o -c %s-main.c" % (x, x)
-    print
-    print "%s: %s-main.o $(PROFOBJS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o %s %s-main.o $(PROFOBJS) $(LIBS)" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(LDFLAGS) -o %s %s-main.o $(PROFOBJS) $(LIBS)" % (x, x)
-    print
-    print "%s-main-ntl.o: %s-main.c $(HEADERS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -DPROFILE_NTL -DNDEBUG -o %s-main-ntl.o -c %s-main.c" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(INCLUDES) -DPROFILE_NTL -DNDEBUG -o %s-main-ntl.o -c %s-main.c" % (x, x)
-    print
-    print "%s-ntl: %s-main-ntl.o $(CPP_PROFOBJS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o %s-ntl %s-main-ntl.o $(CPP_PROFOBJS) $(CPP_LIBS)" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(LDFLAGS) -o %s-ntl %s-main-ntl.o $(CPP_PROFOBJS) $(CPP_LIBS)" % (x, x)
-    print
-@@ -218,7 +228,7 @@
- for x in lib_modules + test_modules + testprof_modules + example_progs:
-    print
-    print "%s-DEBUG.o: %s.c $(HEADERS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CC) -g $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -DDEBUG -o %s-DEBUG.o -c %s.c" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CC) -g $(CFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(INCLUDES) -DDEBUG -o %s-DEBUG.o -c %s.c" % (x, x)
- print
- print
-@@ -226,7 +236,7 @@
- for x in lib_modules + prof_modules + testprof_modules + tune_modules + example_progs:
-    print
-    print "%s.o: %s.c $(HEADERS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -DNDEBUG -o %s.o -c %s.c" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(INCLUDES) -DNDEBUG -o %s.o -c %s.c" % (x, x)
- print
- print
-@@ -234,7 +244,7 @@
- for x in cpp_prof_modules:
-    print
-    print "%s.o: %s.c $(HEADERS)" % (x, x)
--   print "\t$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPP_INCLUDES) -DNDEBUG -o %s.o -c %s.c" % (x, x)
-+   print "\t$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FPICFLAG) $(CPP_INCLUDES) -DNDEBUG -o %s.o -c %s.c" % (x, x)
- ### end of file
-Index: libzn-poly-0.8/DIRNAME
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ libzn-poly-0.8/DIRNAME	2008-06-02 13:20:53.000000000 -0400
+ print "libzn_poly-%s.so: $(LIBOBJS)" % version
+ print "\t$(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname,libzn_poly-%s.so " \
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/DIRNAME
 @@ -0,0 +1 @@

libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x]

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