[SCM] Algorithms for models in fundamental astronomy branch, debian, updated. cfe2efb64ebfbb20e3ad1ee4242e83807c70ea04

Ole Streicher debian at liska.ath.cx
Thu Feb 23 14:14:51 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit cfe2efb64ebfbb20e3ad1ee4242e83807c70ea04
Author: Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>
Date:   Thu Feb 23 15:14:28 2012 +0100

    Add current copyright

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce5b4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Format: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?revision=202
+Upstream-Name: iausofa_c
+Upstream-Author: IAU SOFA Board <sofa at ukho.gov.uk>
+Source: hhttp://www.iausofa.org/current_C.html
+Files: *
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 2010  Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy Board
+ of the International Astronomical Union.
+License: SOFA
+ .
+ 1. The Software is owned by the IAU SOFA Board ("SOFA").
+ .
+ 2. Permission is granted to anyone to use the SOFA software for any
+ purpose, including commercial applications, free of charge and
+ without payment of royalties, subject to the conditions and
+ restrictions listed below.
+ .
+ 3. You (the user) may copy and distribute SOFA source code to others,
+ and use and adapt its code and algorithms in your own software,
+ on a world-wide, royalty-free basis.  That portion of your
+ distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies
+ of SOFA source code files is a "derived work" that must comply
+ with the following requirements:
+ .
+  a) Your work shall be marked or carry a statement that it
+     (i) uses routines and computations derived by you from
+     software provided by SOFA under license to you; and
+     (ii) does not itself constitute software provided by and/or
+     endorsed by SOFA.
+ .
+  b) The source code of your derived work must contain descriptions
+     of how the derived work is based upon, contains and/or differs
+     from the original SOFA software.
+ .
+  c) The name(s) of all routine(s) in your derived work shall not
+     include the prefix "iau".
+ .
+  d) The origin of the SOFA components of your derived work must
+     not be misrepresented;  you must not claim that you wrote the
+     original software, nor file a patent application for SOFA
+     software or algorithms embedded in the SOFA software.
+ .
+  e) These requirements must be reproduced intact in any source
+     distribution and shall apply to anyone to whom you have
+     granted a further right to modify the source code of your
+     derived work.
+ .
+ Note that, as originally distributed, the SOFA software is
+ intended to be a definitive implementation of the IAU standards,
+ and consequently third-party modifications are discouraged.  All
+ variations, no matter how minor, must be explicitly marked as
+ such, as explained above.
+ .
+ 4. In any published work or commercial products which includes
+ results achieved by using the SOFA software, you shall
+ acknowledge that the SOFA software was used in obtaining those
+ results.
+ .
+ 5. You shall not cause the SOFA software to be brought into
+ disrepute, either by misuse, or use for inappropriate tasks, or
+ by inappropriate modification.
+ .
+ 6. The SOFA software is provided "as is" and SOFA makes no warranty
+ as to its use or performance.   SOFA does not and cannot warrant
+ the performance or results which the user may obtain by using the
+ SOFA software.  SOFA makes no warranties, express or implied, as
+ to non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or
+ fitness for any particular purpose.  In no event will SOFA be
+ liable to the user for any consequential, incidental, or special
+ damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a
+ SOFA representative has been advised of such damages, or for any
+ claim by any third party.
+ .
+ 7. The provision of any version of the SOFA software under the terms
+ and conditions specified herein does not imply that future
+ versions will also be made available under the same terms and
+ conditions.
+ .
+ Correspondence concerning SOFA software should be addressed as
+ follows:
+ .
+     By email:  sofa at ukho.gov.uk
+     By post:   IAU SOFA Center
+                HM Nautical Almanac Office
+                UK Hydrographic Office
+                Admiralty Way, Taunton
+                Somerset, TA1 2DN
+                United Kingdom
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: not applicable
+License: public-domain
+ Debian packaging by Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>

Algorithms for models in fundamental astronomy

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