[SCM] Packaging for cctbx branch, master, updated. upstream/2012.05.08.2305-8-gfbb1426

Radostan Riedel raybuntu at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 9 17:46:22 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit fbb1426ad3e5812817606e3c4767be0b3250900e
Author: Radostan Riedel <raybuntu at googlemail.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 9 19:43:34 2012 +0200

    Addid patch for gcc4.7 declaration errors

diff --git a/debian/patches/0007-upstream-fix-for-declaration-errors-in-gcc4.7.patch b/debian/patches/0007-upstream-fix-for-declaration-errors-in-gcc4.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f92f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0007-upstream-fix-for-declaration-errors-in-gcc4.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+From: Radostan Riedel <raybuntu at googlemail.com>
+Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 19:37:49 +0200
+Subject: upstream fix for declaration errors in gcc4.7
+ .../math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy.hpp    |    1 +
+ cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent.h    |  416 ++++++++++----------
+ 2 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cctbx_sources/boost/boost/math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy.hpp b/cctbx_sources/boost/boost/math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy.hpp
+index ddedbb7..9812e9f 100644
+--- a/cctbx_sources/boost/boost/math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy.hpp
++++ b/cctbx_sources/boost/boost/math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy.hpp
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include <boost/math/special_functions/sin_pi.hpp>
+ #include <boost/math/special_functions/cos_pi.hpp>
+ #include <boost/math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_asym.hpp>
++#include <boost/math/special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_series.hpp>
+ #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
+ #include <boost/math/policies/error_handling.hpp>
+ #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+diff --git a/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent.h b/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent.h
+index 6959f18..0be075f 100644
+--- a/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent.h
++++ b/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent.h
+@@ -322,6 +322,214 @@ private:
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++scale(af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++      af::const_ref<ComplexType> const& fc)
++    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++    FloatType num=0.0;
++    FloatType denum=0.0;
++    for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++      FloatType fc_abs = std::abs(fc[i]);
++      num += fo[i] * fc_abs;
++      denum += fc_abs * fc_abs;
++    }
++    return (denum == 0 ? 0 : num/denum);
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++scale(af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++      af::const_ref<ComplexType> const& fc,
++      af::const_ref<bool> const& selection)
++    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==selection.size());
++    FloatType num=0.0;
++    FloatType denum=0.0;
++    for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++      if(selection[i]) {
++        FloatType fc_abs = std::abs(fc[i]);
++        num += fo[i] * fc_abs;
++        denum += fc_abs * fc_abs;
++      }
++    }
++    return (denum == 0 ? 0 : num/denum);
++template <typename FloatType>
++scale(af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++      af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fc)
++    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++    FloatType num=0.0;
++    FloatType denum=0.0;
++    for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++      num += fo[i] * fc[i];
++      denum += fc[i] * fc[i];
++    }
++    return (denum == 0 ? 0 : num/denum);
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc1,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc2,
++  FloatType const& twin_fraction)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc1.size());
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc2.size());
++  af::shared<FloatType> fc_abs(fo.size());
++  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++    FloatType fc_abs1 = std::abs(fc1[i]);
++    FloatType fc_abs2 = std::abs(fc2[i]);
++    fc_abs[i]=std::sqrt((1-twin_fraction)*fc_abs1*fc_abs1+
++                           twin_fraction *fc_abs2*fc_abs2);
++  }
++  return scale(fo,fc_abs.const_ref());
++template <typename FloatType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fc,
++  FloatType const& scale)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++  FloatType num=0.0;
++  FloatType denum=0.0;
++  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++    num += std::abs(fo[i] - fc[i] * scale);
++    denum += fo[i];
++  }
++  if(denum == 0) return 1.e+9;
++  return num/denum;
++template <typename FloatType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<FloatType> > const& fc,
++  FloatType const& scale)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++  FloatType num=0.0;
++  FloatType denum=0.0;
++  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++    num += std::abs(fo[i] - std::abs(fc[i]) * scale);
++    denum += fo[i];
++  }
++  if(denum == 0) return 1.e+9;
++  return num/denum;
++template <typename FloatType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<FloatType> > const& fc,
++  af::const_ref<bool> const& selection,
++  FloatType const& scale)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==selection.size());
++  FloatType num=0.0;
++  FloatType denum=0.0;
++  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++    if(selection[i]) {
++      num += std::abs(fo[i] - std::abs(fc[i]) * scale);
++      denum += fo[i];
++    }
++  }
++  if(denum == 0) return 1.e+9;
++  return num/denum;
++template <typename FloatType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fc)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc);
++  return r_factor(fo,fc,sc);
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref<std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc);
++  return r_factor(fo,fc,sc);
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref<std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc,
++  af::const_ref<bool> const& selection)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==selection.size());
++  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc,selection);
++  return r_factor(fo,fc,selection,sc);
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc1,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc2,
++  FloatType const& twin_fraction)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc1.size());
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc2.size());
++  af::shared<FloatType> fc_abs(fo.size());
++  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++    FloatType fc_abs1 = std::abs(fc1[i]);
++    FloatType fc_abs2 = std::abs(fc2[i]);
++    fc_abs[i]=std::sqrt((1-twin_fraction)*fc_abs1*fc_abs1+
++                           twin_fraction *fc_abs2*fc_abs2);
++  }
++  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc_abs.const_ref());
++  return r_factor(fo,fc_abs.const_ref(),sc);
++template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
++  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc1,
++  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc2,
++  FloatType const& twin_fraction,
++  FloatType const& scale)
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc1.size());
++  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc2.size());
++  af::shared<FloatType> fc_abs(fo.size());
++  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
++    FloatType fc_abs1 = std::abs(fc1[i]);
++    FloatType fc_abs2 = std::abs(fc2[i]);
++    fc_abs[i]=std::sqrt((1-twin_fraction)*fc_abs1*fc_abs1+
++                           twin_fraction *fc_abs2*fc_abs2);
++  }
++  return r_factor(fo,fc_abs.const_ref(),scale);
+ // All scales (overall, overall anisotropic, etc) must be applied.
+ template <
+   typename FloatType=double,
+@@ -744,214 +952,6 @@ template <typename FloatType>
+  };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-scale(af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-      af::const_ref<ComplexType> const& fc)
+-    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-    FloatType num=0.0;
+-    FloatType denum=0.0;
+-    for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-      FloatType fc_abs = std::abs(fc[i]);
+-      num += fo[i] * fc_abs;
+-      denum += fc_abs * fc_abs;
+-    }
+-    return (denum == 0 ? 0 : num/denum);
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-scale(af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-      af::const_ref<ComplexType> const& fc,
+-      af::const_ref<bool> const& selection)
+-    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==selection.size());
+-    FloatType num=0.0;
+-    FloatType denum=0.0;
+-    for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-      if(selection[i]) {
+-        FloatType fc_abs = std::abs(fc[i]);
+-        num += fo[i] * fc_abs;
+-        denum += fc_abs * fc_abs;
+-      }
+-    }
+-    return (denum == 0 ? 0 : num/denum);
+-template <typename FloatType>
+-scale(af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-      af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fc)
+-    MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-    FloatType num=0.0;
+-    FloatType denum=0.0;
+-    for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-      num += fo[i] * fc[i];
+-      denum += fc[i] * fc[i];
+-    }
+-    return (denum == 0 ? 0 : num/denum);
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc1,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc2,
+-  FloatType const& twin_fraction)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc1.size());
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc2.size());
+-  af::shared<FloatType> fc_abs(fo.size());
+-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-    FloatType fc_abs1 = std::abs(fc1[i]);
+-    FloatType fc_abs2 = std::abs(fc2[i]);
+-    fc_abs[i]=std::sqrt((1-twin_fraction)*fc_abs1*fc_abs1+
+-                           twin_fraction *fc_abs2*fc_abs2);
+-  }
+-  return scale(fo,fc_abs.const_ref());
+-template <typename FloatType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fc,
+-  FloatType const& scale)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-  FloatType num=0.0;
+-  FloatType denum=0.0;
+-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-    num += std::abs(fo[i] - fc[i] * scale);
+-    denum += fo[i];
+-  }
+-  if(denum == 0) return 1.e+9;
+-  return num/denum;
+-template <typename FloatType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<FloatType> > const& fc,
+-  FloatType const& scale)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-  FloatType num=0.0;
+-  FloatType denum=0.0;
+-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-    num += std::abs(fo[i] - std::abs(fc[i]) * scale);
+-    denum += fo[i];
+-  }
+-  if(denum == 0) return 1.e+9;
+-  return num/denum;
+-template <typename FloatType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<FloatType> > const& fc,
+-  af::const_ref<bool> const& selection,
+-  FloatType const& scale)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==selection.size());
+-  FloatType num=0.0;
+-  FloatType denum=0.0;
+-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-    if(selection[i]) {
+-      num += std::abs(fo[i] - std::abs(fc[i]) * scale);
+-      denum += fo[i];
+-    }
+-  }
+-  if(denum == 0) return 1.e+9;
+-  return num/denum;
+-template <typename FloatType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fc)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc);
+-  return r_factor(fo,fc,sc);
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref<std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc);
+-  return r_factor(fo,fc,sc);
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref<std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc,
+-  af::const_ref<bool> const& selection)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc.size());
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==selection.size());
+-  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc,selection);
+-  return r_factor(fo,fc,selection,sc);
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc1,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc2,
+-  FloatType const& twin_fraction)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc1.size());
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc2.size());
+-  af::shared<FloatType> fc_abs(fo.size());
+-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-    FloatType fc_abs1 = std::abs(fc1[i]);
+-    FloatType fc_abs2 = std::abs(fc2[i]);
+-    fc_abs[i]=std::sqrt((1-twin_fraction)*fc_abs1*fc_abs1+
+-                           twin_fraction *fc_abs2*fc_abs2);
+-  }
+-  FloatType sc = scale(fo,fc_abs.const_ref());
+-  return r_factor(fo,fc_abs.const_ref(),sc);
+-template <typename FloatType, typename ComplexType>
+-  af::const_ref<FloatType> const& fo,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc1,
+-  af::const_ref< std::complex<ComplexType> > const& fc2,
+-  FloatType const& twin_fraction,
+-  FloatType const& scale)
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc1.size());
+-  MMTBX_ASSERT(fo.size()==fc2.size());
+-  af::shared<FloatType> fc_abs(fo.size());
+-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < fo.size(); i++) {
+-    FloatType fc_abs1 = std::abs(fc1[i]);
+-    FloatType fc_abs2 = std::abs(fc2[i]);
+-    fc_abs[i]=std::sqrt((1-twin_fraction)*fc_abs1*fc_abs1+
+-                           twin_fraction *fc_abs2*fc_abs2);
+-  }
+-  return r_factor(fo,fc_abs.const_ref(),scale);
+ template <typename DataType, typename TagType>
+ void
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 7289e6c..090480a 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@

Packaging for cctbx

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