[SCM] Tcl interface to FITS Files branch, debian, updated. 06da197b4ba2f9a9b474d5a435276df040bc5e55

Ole Streicher debian at liska.ath.cx
Wed Jul 25 10:35:14 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 06da197b4ba2f9a9b474d5a435276df040bc5e55
Author: Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>
Date:   Wed Jul 25 12:34:41 2012 +0200

    Provide some documentation and manpages (manpage still not well formatted)

diff --git a/debian/fits.3tcl b/debian/fits.3tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8231454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fits.3tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+.\" Hey Emacs! This file is -*- nroff -*- source.
+.\" Created for Debian using the original file "sig.announce.1.4"
+.TH fits "3tcl" "2.3 Tcl" "Tcl interface to FITS Files"
+fits \- Tcl interface to FITS Files
+\fBfits\fI (open|info|close)
+.SH "Handling FitsFile objects"
+.SS fits open fileName mode ?objName? 
+Create a FitsFile object, open the file and read the header of the current
+HDU. (Read the CFITSIO web pages or documentation to learn about its "Extended
+File Name Syntax".) mode can be 0 (read only) or 1 (read and write). If no
+objName is given, a name will be automatically assigned. A new empty FITS file
+can be created by setting mode to 2. In this case, if the named file exists,
+then it will be overwritten. Returns objName which will be used in most of the
+methods as the handle to the object. 
+.SS  fits info ?objName ...?
+Return a list of all the existing objects, or the named objects (supports
+regular expressions), with the following information: 
+{objName fileName mode CHDU hduType}
+where CHDU is the current HDU (1-primary array, 2-the first extension ...) and
+hduType is the type of the HDU (0-image, 1-ASCII table, 2-Binary table).
+.SS objName move ?+/-?n
+If n has ``+/-'' sign, then move n units relative to the CHDU, otherwise move
+to the nth HDU. Return the extension type of the new HDU: 0-image, 1-ASCII
+table, 2-Binary Table.
+.SS objName close
+Delete object objName.
+.SS fits close
+Delete all the existing objects.
+.SH "Getting information about the CHDU"
+.SS objName info chdu
+Return the CHDU. 1=primary, 2=first extension, etc. 
+.SS objName info filesize
+Return the size of the file (in units of 2880 bytes). 
+.SS objName info hdutype
+Return ``Primary array'', ``Image extension'', ``Binary Table'', or ``ASCII
+.SS objName info imgdim
+Return the dimensions of the image if the CHDU is an image extension. 
+.SS objName info ncols
+Return the number of columns in the table if the CHDU is a table extension. 
+.SS objName info nrows
+Return the number of rows in the table if the CHDU is a table extension. 
+.SS objName info nkwds
+Return the number of keywords in the header of the CHDU. 
+.SS objName info column ?\-exact? ?colList?
+Without any arguments, return a list of all the column names in the table if
+the CHDU is a table extension. If colList is present, detailed information
+about the listed columns, using regular expression name comparisons, is
+returned in the form of:
+    {Name Type Unit DisplayFormat DefaultFormat ColumnWidth isOffset isScaled defaultNull}
+    where
+      	Name 	name of the column (TTYPE keyword)
+    Type 	type of the column (TFORM keyword)
+    Unit 	unit of the column (TUNIT keyword)
+    DisplayFormat 	format for display (TDISP keyword)
+    DefaultFormat 	default format for display (if TDISP keyword is absent)
+    ColumnWidth 	the width of the column (in units of characters).
+    isOffset 	0 = no offset (no TZERO keyword), 1 = offset.
+    isScaled 	0 = not scaled (no TSCALE keyword), 1 = scaled.
+    defaultNull 	default NULL value (TNULL keyword)
+    The \-exact option turns off the regular expression matching. 
+.SH "Reading data from a FITS file"
+.SS objName dump ?\-s/\-e/\-l?
+Return all the keyword records in the current header. The following options
+control how the information is formatted: 
+      	none 	return list of all ards in header
+    \-s 	return three lists: {keywords} {values} {comments}
+    \-e 	return a single string containing a newline-separated list of all header records
+    \-l 	return all the keyword names
+.SS objName get keyword ?keyList?
+Return a list of {keyword value comment} for all the keywords in keyList
+(supports regular expressions). If no keyList is given, return a list of
+entries for all the keywords in the CHDU. The order in which keywords are
+listed is undefined. (HISTORY and COMMENT keywords are never returned.)  
+.SS objName get keyword \-num n
+Return a list of {keyword value comment} of the nth keyword. 
+.SS objName get wcs ?RAcol DecCol?
+Return a list of the WCS parameters -- {xrval yrval xrpix yrpix xinc yinc rot
+ctype} -- for the CHDU. If the current HDU is a table, supply the RAcol and
+DecCol parameters specifying the two columns (as names or column numbers)
+containing WCS data. Use defaults for any missing WCS keywords: 1.0 for
+xinc/yinc; ``none'' for ctype; and 0.0 or all others. If the RA/Dec identity
+of the columns (or image axes) are not known, an extra WCS parameter --
+wcsSwap -- can be obtained which, when on, indicates that the X parameters are
+for Dec instead of RA. Turn this option on with fits option wcsSwap 1.  
+.SS objName get wcs \-m ?Col1 ...?
+Similar to above, but information is returned in new-style format, allowing
+arbitrary matrix transforms. Return value is {refVals refPix matrix types
+projections} where each item (except matrix) contains a list of the given
+information for each image dimension or table column; matrix is the rotation,
+scale, skew, NxN transformation matrix given as {cd11 .. cd1N
+cd21 .. cd2N .. cdNN}. The wcsSwap option has no effect on this command; one
+must check the types values to see if the RA and Dec transforms are backwards.
+.SS objName get image ?firstElem? ?numElem?
+Read data elements from the current IMAGE extension and return them in a
+list. Without any parameters, the entire image will be returned. If only
+firstElem is given, return just one element.  
+.SS objName get table ?\-c? ?\-noformat? ?colList? ?rows?
+Read a block of a table and return list(s) of data. The block range is set in
+      	colList 	a list of all the columns one wants to read. Read all columns if missing or is ``*''.
+    rows 	a comma-separated list of row ranges of the form start-end (eg, ``3-5,7,9-'')
+    \-c 	return data from each column as a separate list
+    \-noformat 	do not format results according to a TDISPn, or default, format
+.SS objName get vtable ?\-noformat? colName n ?rows?
+Return a list of data in the nth vector element in column colName of the given rows. The \-noformat option turns off any TDISPn formatting. 
+.SH "Loading data into memory or to a TCL array"
+When loading data into memory, fitsTcl will normally return address dataType numElements where these are:
+  	address 	Memory address of the data. Can be recovered in C by
+  sscanf(address, "%p", &databuff);
+with void *databuff
+0 - BYTE_DATA 	1 byte data
+1 - SHORTINT_DATA 	2 byte integer
+2 - INT_DATA 	4 byte integer
+3 - FLOAT_DATA 	4 byte floating point
+4 - DOUBLE_DATA 	8 byte floating point
+numElement 	Number of data elements in the array
+.SS objName load image ?slice? ?rotate?
+Load a full 2D image in the CHDU into memory and return the address address
+(see above). slice indicates which frame to use if image is 3D. rotate
+indicates how many 90-degree counter-clockwise rotations to perform on the
+image (0-3).  
+.SS objName load iblock arrayName firstRow numRows firstCol numCols ?slice?
+Load a block (start from firstCol, firstRow with size numCols x numRows) of
+image data to a 2-D TCL array arrayName or to memory if arrayName is
+``--''. The indices of the array variable are
+(firstCol-1 ... firstCol+numCols-1, firstRow-1 ... firstRow+numRows-1). A 1D
+image will be treated as either a single row or column, depending on the
+row/column parameters supplied. For a 3D image, slice indicates which frame to
+use. If arrayName is ``--'', read the data block into memory and return the
+pointer information: address dataType numElements. 
+.SS objName load irows firstRow lastRow ?slice?
+.SS objName load icols firstCol lastCol ?slice?
+Read and average together a range of rows or columns of an image. Returns
+address dataType numElements. dataType will be 3 for all image data types
+except for double for which dataType is 4.  
+.SS objName load column colName ?defaultNull? ?firstElement?
+Load a column of a table into memory and return address dataType
+numElements. Use the value of defaultNull for NULL values, or internal
+defaults (normally the data type's maximum value) if ``NULL'' or absent. If
+colName is a vector column, read the firstElement-th element. One can only
+load numerical columns.  
+.SS objName load vtable colName
+Load all elements of the vector column colName and return address dataType
+.SS objName load tblock ?\-noformat? arrayName colList firstRow numRows colIndex ?firstElem?
+Load a block of table data to a 2-D TCL array arrayName. colIndex is (almost)
+the column index of the array to use for the first column read. The first data
+index is actually (as for images) (colIndex-1,firstRow-1). For scaler columns,
+firstElem = 1. Without the \-noformat flag, values will be returned as strings
+formatted according to a TDISP keyword or default format based on data type.
+.SS objName load expr ?\-rows rows? expression ?defaultNull?
+Evaluate the arithmetic expression on each row (or a subset of rows given by
+rows) of the CHDU's table and return address dataType numElements, using
+defaultNull as the null value of any NULL results.
+.SS objName load keyword
+Load keywords into fitsTcl's internal hash table. One usually will not need to
+call this routine.
+.SS objName load chdu
+Reload the information about the current HDU. One usually will not need to
+call this routine.
+.SH "Writing to a FITS file"
+.SS objName insert image bitpix naxis naxesList
+.SS objName insert image \-p ?bitpix naxis naxesList?
+Insert an empty image HDU (primary header with \-p) after the current HDU (or,
+at start of file for primary array). The image parameters -- bitpix naxis
+naxesList -- can be left off if creating a zero-length primary array.
+.SS objName insert table numRows {colNames} {colFormats} ?{colUnits} extensionName?
+.SS objName insert table \-ascii numRows {colNames} {colFormats} ?{colUnits} {colPosition} extensionName rowWidth?
+Insert an empty BINARY (default) or ASCII (with \-ascii flag) table HDU after
+the current HDU. The colNames and colFormats lists must be of equal length
+(possibly both empty). The optional parameters can each be empty if one wants
+to use default/empty values. 
+.SS objName insert keyword index record ?formatFlag?
+Insert a new record at the index-th keyword. If formatFlag is 0, write the
+record exactly as passed, otherwise parse it as a free form keyname value
+comment and reformat it into a standardized KEYNAME = VALUE / COMMENT
+.SS objName put keyword ?\-num index? record ?formatFlag?
+Write a keyword record either at position index; the position of a
+pre-existing keyword with the same name; or append it if no such keyword
+exists. See above for format/meaning of record and formatFlag.
+.SS objName put history historyStr
+Write a HISTORY keyword with content historyStr 
+.SS objName insert column index colName colFormat
+Insert an empty column with format colFormat before the index-th
+column. colFormat specifies the column format as, for example: 
+      ASCII Table: A15, I10, E12.5, D20.10, F14.6 ...
+      BINARY Table: 15A, 1I, 1J, 1E, 1D, 1L, 1X, 1B, 1C, 1M 
+.SS objName add column colName colFormat ?expression?
+Without an expression, append an empty column to the CHDU table; return
+nothing. Given an arithmetic expression, though, the indicated column
+(new or old) will be filled in with the results of the expression
+evaluated for each row of the table. If colName does not exist in the
+current table extension, a new one will be created with format
+colFormat (see above). If colFormat is ``default'', the column will be
+created based on the data type of the result. Return 1 or 0 to
+indicate whether a new column was created (1) or not (0). expression
+can be in either C or Fortran format with table columns and keywords
+referenced by their names. Here are some expression samples: 
+      	Expression 	Result 	 
+    17.2 	17.2 for every row
+    17 + 4*(PHI > 32) 	17 or 21, depending on whether that row of the PHI column is greater than 32
+    sqrt( (X\-X0)^2 + (Y\-Y0)^2 ) 	Distance of the (X,Y) column coordinates from the (X0,Y0) keyword values
+See the CFITSIO web pages and documentation for more details. 
+.SS objName insert row index numRows
+Insert number of numRows rows after the index-th row. 
+.SS objName add row numRows
+Add numRows rows at the end of the CHDU table. 
+.SS objName put image firstElem listOfData
+Write a block of data to the CHDU image. The first pixel of an image has
+firstElem = 1, not zero.
+.SS objName put table colName firstElem rowSpan listOfData
+Write a list of data to the firstElem-th element of column colName in the CHDU
+table. (For scalar columns firstElem is 1.) rowSpan is a single row range of
+form start-end with ``\-'' indicating all rows.
+.SH "Deleting data from a FITS file"
+.SS objName delete keyword keyList
+Delete listed keywords, where the keyList can be the mix of keyword names and
+index numbers. Keywords are deleted individually in sequence, causing keyword
+positions to change after each deletion, so be careful when deleting multiple
+keywords by index.
+.SS objName delete cols colList
+Delete listed columns in a table extension. 
+.SS objName delete rows firstRow numRows
+Delete a block of rows. 
+.SS objName delete rows \-expr expression
+Delete rows using expression which must evaluate to a boolean value. Rows for
+which expression evaluates to TRUE get deleted.
+.SS objName delete chdu
+Delete the current HDU. The HDU immediately following the one deleted (or the
+preceding one if the current HDU is the last one of the file) will become the
+new current HDU. Returns extension type of new HDU: 0-image, 1-ASCII table,
+2-Binary Table.
+.SH "Analyzing FITS data"
+.SS objName sort ?\-merge? colList ?ascendFlags?
+Sort table rows using columns in colList. When \-merge is present, if multiple
+rows have identical sort keys all but one of the rows will be deleted. If
+present, ascendFlags contains a list of 1s and 0s indicating whether that
+column will be sorted in ascending (1, the default) or descending (0) order.
+.SS objName column \-stat colName ?firstElem? ?rows?
+Return statistics on the firstElem-th element (1 for scalar columns) of column
+colName in the order min firstMinRow max firstMaxRow mean stdDev numData.
+.SS objName column \-minmax colName ?firstElem? ?rows?
+Returns minimum and maximum values of the firstElem-th element (1 for scalar
+columns) of column colName.
+.SS objName histogram ?\-weight colName|value? ?\-inverse? ?\-rows rows? filename {binAxis1} ?{binAxis2} ...?
+Create a 1D - 4D histogram from columns in the current table. The binning
+parameters are given by the binAxisN parameters which are lists of the form
+colName min max binSize where the last 3 elements can each be ``\-'',
+indicating default values. If TLMINn, TLMAXn, and/or TDBINn exist, those
+values will be used for defaults. Otherwise, for min and max the defaults are
+the actual min/max values of the data; for binSize the smaller of one-tenth
+the data span or 1.0 will be selected. A weighting value can be indicated with
+the \-weight option. This can be either another column or a numerical
+constant. The \-inverse option indicates the weight should be 1.0/weight
+instead of the weighting value itself. The histogram can be restricted to
+certain row ranges using the \-rows option.
+.SS objName smooth {width height} outfile ?inPrimary?
+Smooth the current image extension with a boxcar function of dimensions width
+by height pixels. The dimensions must be odd integers. The resulting image
+will be placed in a new extension appended to the file outfile. If outfile
+does not exist, the image will be placed either in the primary or in the first
+extension, depending on the value of the inPrimary flag; the default is to
+place it in an extension.
+.SH "List/Pointer Manipulation"
+.SS lst2ptr dataList ?dataType? ?naxesList?
+Convert a TCL list into a memory-resident array. Returns address dataType
+naxesList (see the load commands above). The TCL list will be cast as double
+values in the absence of the dataType parameter. The parameter naxesList gives
+the vector dimensions of the list. It can be a single number indicating the
+length of the list (the default value when absent) or a list of numbers which
+must multiply together to be the list length. If a list entry contains the
+string "NULL", the maximum value of the given dataType will be inserted.
+.SS ptr2lst address dataType naxesList
+Convert a memory pointer into a TCL list. Returns dataList dataType naxesList
+(see lst2ptr). If an array element contains the maximum value for the given
+dataType, the string "NULL" will be inserted into the list.
+.SS vexpr ?\-ptr? ?\-use getDataCallback? expression
+Perform a vector calculation using lists or arrays where expression is a
+C-style arithmetic expression. (Ie, do not use $var notation unless you
+explicitly want variable substitution before passing expression to vexpr.)
+Without any of the options, variable references within expression will be
+interpretted as local TCL lists (or scalars) containing double data and the
+result will itself be a simple TCL list. With the \-ptr option set, the answer
+instead will be returned as a pointer to a memory-resident array. With either
+option set, two additional parameters will be returned in a list of the form
+dataList dataType naxesList or address dataType naxesList. The \-use option
+provides a "callback" routine which is to be used for supplying the variable
+data. It gets called when a variable is encountered in the expression and will
+be passed a single argument containing the name of the variable. The callback
+routine should return either "dataList dataType naxesList" or "\-ptr address
+dataType naxesList". If the callback routine doesn't recognize the variable,
+it should return an empty string. The parser will then try to find the
+variable in the local namespace, as when no callback is supplied. If this
+fallback behavior is not desired, raise an error instead. The callback
+function can itself check for local variables using the TCL command upvar 1
+$varName localName. The following code snippet provides a sample callback
+function which assumes the expression contains variables storing the results
+of a load or lst2ptr command (ie, address dataType naxesList):
+    proc getPtrData { varName } { upvar $varName myName if [info exists myName] { return [eval list \-ptr $myName] } else { error "Variable doesn't exist" } }
+    then the following code would calculate the average value of a table column:
+    set myCol [objName load column X] vexpr \-use getPtrData "sum( (double)myCol ) / nelem( myCol )"
+By default, a vector with a single-valued naxesList is interpretted as a
+single vector containing n elements such that the above "sum" function sums
+all of the elements. In the context of loading a column, though, one actually
+has an array of n rows with each row containing 1 (or perhaps more)
+elements. To handle this case, one must use the callback function to provide
+an naxisList of "1 n" (or "2 m", etc) instead of merely "n". In that case each
+row will be calculated separately and have its own result. When naxesList has
+multiple elements, the final element specifies the number of rows. 
+See the CFITSIO web pages and documentation for details on expression
+syntax. One can also read the fv online help file on expression syntax, noting
+that vexpr can only handle numerical input and output.
+.SS fits free addressList
+Free the memory occupied by the data generated by one of the load, lst2ptr,
+and vexpr commands.
+.SH "Other commands"
+.SS objName copy filename
+Copy the CHDU to a new FITS file. If the CHDU is not an image array, then an
+empty primary array is inserted.
+.SS objName sascii table filename fileMode firstRow numRows colList widthList
+Write the listed columns into an ASCII file. In the output file, each column
+has the width listed in widthList. fileMode indicates how to write the data to
+filename: 0-create new file and write column headings; 1-append to old file
+and write column headings; 2-append to old file, but don't write any headings.
+.SS objName sascii image filename fileMode firstRow numRows firstCol numCols cellSize ?slice?
+Write a block of the image data to an ASCII file. In the output file, the data
+has width of cellSize. Use frame slice for 3D image data. 
+.SS objName flush ?clear?
+Flush any dirty buffers to the disk. With clear, free the buffers, too. 
+.SS objName append filename
+Append current HDU to another FITS file. 
+.SS objName checksum update|verify
+Update or Verify the checksum keywords in the current HDU. If none exist,
+update will create them. For verify, the return values are 1 for valid values,
+0 if either keyword (CHECKSUM or DATASUM) is missing, and \-1 for invalid
+.SS objName info expr expression
+Get information on the result of the supplied arithmetic expression. Return
+value is cDataType numElements {naxesList} where cDataType is the CFITSIO
+datatype (not fitsTcl's): TDOUBLE, TSTRING, etc; numElements is the number of
+elements in the result; and naxesList contains the vector dimensions of the
+result ({1} for scalar result). An expression which evaluates to a constant
+(no dependency on the contents of the table) will be indicated by a negative
+number of elements.
+.SS range count rangeStr maxElem
+Count the number of elements (esp. rows) contained within the comma-separated
+list of ranges in rangeStr (eg, 1-4,5,7-). To support ranges of the form "7-"
+which specifies a range from element 7 through the final element, maxElem is
+passed with the maximum element number.
+.SS fits option ?option? ?value?
+Modify fitsTcl's default behavior. With no options, this returns a list of all
+the current fitsTcl options and their values. With the option parameter,
+return the value of that parameter. When both option and value are supplied,
+set the parameter to the given value. Current options: wcsSwap (0).
+.SS fits version
+Get version numbers for fitsTcl and underlying cfitsio. 
+Bryan Irby
diff --git a/debian/tcl-fitstcl.doc-base b/debian/tcl-fitstcl.doc-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad22e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tcl-fitstcl.doc-base
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Document: fitstcl
+Title: fitsTcl User's Guide 
+Author: Bryan Irby
+Abstract: fitsTcl is an extension to the Tcl language, providing simple access
+ to astronomical data stored in FITS file format. fitsTcl implements a Tcl
+ interface to the CFITSIO library, developed by the HEASARC (High Energy
+ Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center) at the NASA Goddard Space
+ Flight Center. fitsTcl is primarily distributed as part of the fv FITS file
+ editor. It is also available by itself below. The latest version is 2.3,
+ released July, 2009. This is identical to the version in the most recent
+ release of fv (version 5.3, released July, 2009).
+Section: Science/Astronomy
+Format: HTML
+Index: /usr/share/doc/tcl-fitstcl/fitsTcl.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/tcl-fitstcl/fitsTcl.html
diff --git a/debian/tcl-fitstcl.docs b/debian/tcl-fitstcl.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81bbaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tcl-fitstcl.docs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/tcl-fitstcl.manpages b/debian/tcl-fitstcl.manpages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6eed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tcl-fitstcl.manpages
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Tcl interface to FITS Files

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