[SCM] Freefoam packaging. Programs and libraries for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) branch, master, updated. upstream/0.1.0-17-g7cb00f3

Gerber van der Graaf gerber.vdgraaf at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 20:04:31 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 7cb00f3507fb27b0b22d2ae8118db7c5b25df9d9
Author: Gerber van der Graaf <gerber.vdgraaf at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 6 17:47:39 2012 +0200

    +dfsg, watch

diff --git a/debian/README b/debian/README
index 578aa91..b8e293b 100644
--- a/debian/README
+++ b/debian/README
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-because of non-free or non-distributable files the following have been removed:
-the freefoam-surfaceCoarsen utility
+The following non-free or non-distributable files the following have been removed:
+These file are not used.
+The userd plugin for Paraview to convert ensight data has been desibled because 
+of the non-free files:
-the userd plugin for Paraview to convert ensight data:
- ./applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/global_extern.h 
- ./applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/global_extern_proto.h
-Copyright: 1998, Computational Engineering International, Inc
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index da01407..256dc66 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ License: GPL-3+
  License version 3 can be found in the file
-Files: ./applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/global_extern.h  ./applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/global_extern_proto.h
-Copyright: 1998, Computational Engineering International, Inc
-License: UNKNOWN
 Files: ./data/asciidoc/dblatex/asciidoc-dblatex.xsl ./data/asciidoc/docbook-xsl/chunked.xsl  ./data/asciidoc/docbook-xsl/common.xsl ./data/asciidoc/docbook-xsl/custom.xsl  ./data/asciidoc/docbook-xsl/xhtml.xsl ./data/python/FreeFOAM/doxyFilter.py ./data/python/FreeFOAM/doxyToAsciidoc.py ./data/python/FreeFOAM/path.py  ./data/python/FreeFOAM/run.py ./data/python/FreeFOAM/tutorial.py ./data/python/FreeFOAM/util.py ./data/utilities/db2md.xsl ./applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/fieldview9Reader/errno.c ./data/editor-modes/foamdict-mode.el
 Copyright: 2008-2012, Michael Wild <themiwi at users.sf.net>
 License: GPL-3+
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 965a07b..2511610 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/surfaceCoarsen.diff b/debian/patches/surfaceCoarsen.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dede6c..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/surfaceCoarsen.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3350 +0,0 @@
-removed because of non-free file applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/rabdata.h
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
- add_subdirectory(surfaceAutoPatch)
- add_subdirectory(surfaceCheck)
- add_subdirectory(surfaceClean)
- add_subdirectory(surfaceConvert)
- add_subdirectory(surfaceFeatureConvert)
- add_subdirectory(surfaceFeatureExtract)
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
--#               ______                _     ____          __  __
--#              |  ____|             _| |_  / __ \   /\   |  \/  |
--#              | |__ _ __ ___  ___ /     \| |  | | /  \  | \  / |
--#              |  __| '__/ _ \/ _ ( (| |) ) |  | |/ /\ \ | |\/| |
--#              | |  | | |  __/  __/\_   _/| |__| / ____ \| |  | |
--#              |_|  |_|  \___|\___|  |_|   \____/_/    \_\_|  |_|
--#                   FreeFOAM: The Cross-Platform CFD Toolkit
--# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Michael Wild <themiwi at users.sf.net>
--#                         Gerber van der Graaf <gerber_graaf at users.sf.net>
--# License
--#   This file is part of FreeFOAM.
--#   FreeFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
--#   option) any later version.
--#   FreeFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--#   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--#   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--#   for more details.
--#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--#   along with FreeFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--  OpenFOAM
--  triSurface
--  meshTools
--  )
--# ------------------------- vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et: --------------- end-of-file
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/README
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--	Polygon Reduction Demo
--	By Stan Melax (c) 1998
--	mailto:melax at cs.ualberta.ca
--	http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~melax
--The PC executable bunnylod.exe should run
--on a standard PC.
--Just run it and enjoy.
--Mouse dragging spins the rabbit.
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/bunnygut.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-- *   Polygon Reduction Demo by Stan Melax (c) 1998
-- *  Permission to use any of this code wherever you want is granted..
-- *  Although, please do acknowledge authorship if appropriate.
-- *
-- *  This module initializes the bunny model data and calls
-- *  the polygon reduction routine.  At each frame the RenderModel()
-- *  routine is called to draw the model.  This module also
-- *  animates the parameters (such as number of vertices to
-- *  use) to show the model at various levels of detail.
-- */
--#include <windows.h>
--#include <stdio.h>  
--#include <math.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <assert.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <GL/gl.h>
--#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
--#include "vector.h"
--#include "font.h"
--#include "progmesh.h"
--#include "rabdata.h"
--extern float DeltaT;  // change in time since last frame
--int   render_num;   // number of vertices to draw with
--float lodbase=0.5f; // the fraction of vertices used to morph toward
--float morph=1.0f;   // where to render between 2 levels of detail
--List<Vector> vert;       // global list of vertices
--List<tridata> tri;       // global list of triangles
--List<int> collapse_map;  // to which neighbor each vertex collapses
--int renderpolycount=0;   // polygons rendered in the current frame
--Vector model_position;         // position of bunny
--Quaternion model_orientation;  // orientation of bunny
--// Note that the use of the Map() function and the collapse_map
--// list isn't part of the polygon reduction algorithm.
--// We just set up this system here in this module
--// so that we could retrieve the model at any desired vertex count.
--// Therefore if this part of the program confuses you, then
--// dont worry about it.  It might help to look over the progmesh.cpp
--// module first.
--//       Map()
--// When the model is rendered using a maximum of mx vertices
--// then it is vertices 0 through mx-1 that are used.  
--// We are able to do this because the vertex list 
--// gets sorted according to the collapse order.
--// The Map() routine takes a vertex number 'a' and the
--// maximum number of vertices 'mx' and returns the 
--// appropriate vertex in the range 0 to mx-1.
--// When 'a' is greater than 'mx' the Map() routine
--// follows the chain of edge collapses until a vertex
--// within the limit is reached.
--//   An example to make this clear: assume there is
--//   a triangle with vertices 1, 3 and 12.  But when
--//   rendering the model we limit ourselves to 10 vertices.
--//   In that case we find out how vertex 12 was removed
--//   by the polygon reduction algorithm.  i.e. which
--//   edge was collapsed.  Lets say that vertex 12 was collapsed
--//   to vertex number 7.  This number would have been stored
--//   in the collapse_map array (i.e. collapse_map[12]==7).
--//   Since vertex 7 is in range (less than max of 10) we
--//   will want to render the triangle 1,3,7.  
--//   Pretend now that we want to limit ourselves to 5 vertices.
--//   and vertex 7 was collapsed to vertex 3 
--//   (i.e. collapse_map[7]==3).  Then triangle 1,3,12 would now be
--//   triangle 1,3,3.  i.e. this polygon was removed by the
--//   progressive mesh polygon reduction algorithm by the time
--//   it had gotten down to 5 vertices.
--//   No need to draw a one dimensional polygon. :-)
--int Map(int a,int mx) {
--	if(mx<=0) return 0;
--	while(a>=mx) {  
--		a=collapse_map[a];
--	}
--	return a;
--void DrawModelTriangles() {
--	assert(collapse_map.num);
--	renderpolycount=0;
--	int i=0;
--	for(i=0;i<tri.num;i++) {
--		int p0= Map(tri[i].v[0],render_num);
--		int p1= Map(tri[i].v[1],render_num);
--		int p2= Map(tri[i].v[2],render_num);
--		// note:  serious optimization opportunity here,
--		//  by sorting the triangles the following "continue" 
--		//  could have been made into a "break" statement.
--		if(p0==p1 || p1==p2 || p2==p0) continue;
--		renderpolycount++;
--		// if we are not currenly morphing between 2 levels of detail
--		// (i.e. if morph=1.0) then q0,q1, and q2 are not necessary.
--		int q0= Map(p0,(int)(render_num*lodbase));
--		int q1= Map(p1,(int)(render_num*lodbase));
--		int q2= Map(p2,(int)(render_num*lodbase));
--		Vector v0,v1,v2; 
--		v0 = vert[p0]*morph + vert[q0]*(1-morph);
--		v1 = vert[p1]*morph + vert[q1]*(1-morph);
--		v2 = vert[p2]*morph + vert[q2]*(1-morph);
--		glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
--			// the purpose of the demo is to show polygons
--			// therefore just use 1 face normal (flat shading)
--			Vector nrml = (v1-v0) * (v2-v1);  // cross product
--			if(0<magnitude(nrml)) {
--				glNormal3fv(normalize(nrml));
--			}
--			glVertex3fv(v0);
--			glVertex3fv(v1);
--			glVertex3fv(v2);
--		glEnd();
--	}
--void PermuteVertices(List<int> &permutation) {
--	// rearrange the vertex list 
--	List<Vector> temp_list;
--	int i;
--	assert(permutation.num==vert.num);
--	for(i=0;i<vert.num;i++) {
--		temp_list.Add(vert[i]);
--	}
--	for(i=0;i<vert.num;i++) {
--		vert[permutation[i]]=temp_list[i];
--	}
--	// update the changes in the entries in the triangle list
--	for(i=0;i<tri.num;i++) {
--		for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
--			tri[i].v[j] = permutation[tri[i].v[j]];
--		}
--	}
--void GetRabbitData(){
--	// Copy the geometry from the arrays of data in rabdata.cpp into
--	// the vert and tri lists which we send to the reduction routine
--	int i;
--	for(i=0;i<RABBIT_VERTEX_NUM;i++) {
--		float *vp=rabbit_vertices[i];
--		vert.Add(Vector(vp[0],vp[1],vp[2]));
--	}
--	for(i=0;i<RABBIT_TRIANGLE_NUM;i++) {
--		tridata td;
--		td.v[0]=rabbit_triangles[i][0];
--		td.v[1]=rabbit_triangles[i][1];
--		td.v[2]=rabbit_triangles[i][2];
--		tri.Add(td);
--	}
--	render_num=vert.num;  // by default lets use all the model to render
--void InitModel() {
--	List<int> permutation;
--	GetRabbitData();  
--	ProgressiveMesh(vert,tri,collapse_map,permutation);
--	PermuteVertices(permutation);
--	model_position    = Vector(0,0,-3);
--	Quaternion yaw(Vector(0,1,0),-3.14f/4);    // 45 degrees
--	Quaternion pitch(Vector(1,0,0),3.14f/12);  // 15 degrees 
--	model_orientation = pitch*yaw;
--void StatusDraw() {
--	//  Draw a slider type widget looking thing
--	// to show portion of vertices being used
--	float b = (float)render_num/(float)vert.num;
--	float a = b*(lodbase );
--	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
--	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
--	glPushMatrix();
--	glLoadIdentity();
--	glOrtho(-0.15,15,-0.1,1.1,-0.1,100);
--	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
--	glPushMatrix();
--	glLoadIdentity();
--	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
--	glColor3f(1,0,0);
--	glVertex2f(0,0);
--	glVertex2f(1,0);
--	glVertex2f(1,a);
--	glVertex2f(0,a);
--	glEnd();
--	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
--	glColor3f(1,0,0);
--	glVertex2f(0,a);
--	glVertex2f(morph,a);
--	glVertex2f(morph,b);
--	glVertex2f(0,b);
--	glEnd();
--	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
--	glColor3f(0,0,1);
--	glVertex2f(morph,a);
--	glVertex2f(1,a);
--	glVertex2f(1,b);
--	glVertex2f(morph,b);
--	glEnd();
--	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
--	glColor3f(0,0,1);
--	glVertex2f(0,b);
--	glVertex2f(1,b);
--	glVertex2f(1,1);
--	glVertex2f(0,1);
--	glEnd();
--	glPopMatrix();
--	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
--	glPopMatrix();
--	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
-- *  The following is just a quick hack to animate
-- *  the object through various polygon reduced versions.
-- */
--struct keyframethings {
--	float t;   // timestamp
--	float n;   // portion of vertices used to start
--	float dn;  // rate of change in "n"
--	float m;   // morph value
--	float dm;  // rate of change in "m"
--} keys[]={
--	{0 ,1   ,0 ,1, 0},
--	{2 ,1   ,-1,1, 0},
--	{10,0   ,1 ,1, 0},
--	{18,1   ,0 ,1, 0},
--	{20,1   ,0 ,1,-1},
--	{24,0.5 ,0 ,1, 0},
--	{26,0.5 ,0 ,1,-1},
--	{30,0.25,0 ,1, 0},
--	{32,0.25,0 ,1,-1},
--	{36,0.125,0,1, 0},
--	{38,0.25,0 ,0, 1},
--	{42,0.5 ,0 ,0, 1},
--	{46,1   ,0 ,0, 1},
--	{50,1   ,0 ,1, 0},
--void AnimateParameters() {
--	static float time=0;  // global time - used for animation
--	time+=DeltaT;
--	if(time>=50) time=0;  // repeat cycle every so many seconds
--	int k=0;
--	while(time>keys[k+1].t) {
--		k++;
--	}
--	float interp = (time-keys[k].t)/(keys[k+1].t-keys[k].t);
--	render_num = vert.num*(keys[k].n + interp*keys[k].dn);
--	morph    = keys[k].m + interp*keys[k].dm;
--	morph = (morph>1.0f) ? 1.0f : morph;  // clamp value
--	if(render_num>vert.num) render_num=vert.num;
--	if(render_num<0       ) render_num=0;
--void RenderModel() {
--	AnimateParameters();
--	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
--	glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);
--	glColor3f(1,1,1);
--	glPushMatrix();
--	glTranslatef(model_position.x,model_position.y,model_position.z);
--	// Rotate by quaternion: model_orientation
--	Vector axis=model_orientation.axis();
--	float angle=model_orientation.angle()*180.0f/3.14f;
--	glRotatef(angle,axis.x,axis.y,axis.z);
--	DrawModelTriangles();
--	StatusDraw();
--	glPopMatrix();
--	char buf[256];
--	sprintf(buf,"Polys: %d  Vertices: %d ",renderpolycount,render_num);
--	if(morph<1.0) {
--		sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"<-> %d  morph: %4.2f ",
--		        (int)(lodbase *render_num),morph); 
--	}
--	PostString(buf,0,-2,5);
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/bunnylod.dsp
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
--# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="bunnylod" - Package Owner=<4>
--# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 5.00
--# ** DO NOT EDIT **
--# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101
--CFG=bunnylod - Win32 Debug
--!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
--!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
--!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "bunnylod.mak".
--!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
--!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
--!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "bunnylod.mak" CFG="bunnylod - Win32 Debug"
--!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
--!MESSAGE "bunnylod - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
--!MESSAGE "bunnylod - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
--# Begin Project
--# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
--# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
--!IF  "$(CFG)" == "bunnylod - Win32 Release"
--# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
--# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
--# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
--# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
--# PROP Use_MFC 0
--# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
--# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
--# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
--# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
--# PROP Target_Dir ""
--# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
--# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
--# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
--# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
--# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
--# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
--# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
--# ADD BSC32 /nologo
--# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
--# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib  opengl32.lib glu32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
--!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "bunnylod - Win32 Debug"
--# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
--# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
--# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
--# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
--# PROP Use_MFC 0
--# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
--# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
--# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
--# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
--# PROP Target_Dir ""
--# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
--# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FR /YX /FD /c
--# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
--# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
--# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
--# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
--# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
--# ADD BSC32 /nologo
--# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
--# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib opengl32.lib glu32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
--# Begin Target
--# Name "bunnylod - Win32 Release"
--# Name "bunnylod - Win32 Debug"
--# Begin Source File
--# End Source File
--# Begin Source File
--# End Source File
--# Begin Source File
--# End Source File
--# Begin Source File
--# End Source File
--# Begin Source File
--# End Source File
--# Begin Source File
--# End Source File
--# End Target
--# End Project
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/bunnylod.dsw
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 5.00
--Project: "bunnylod"=.\bunnylod.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/font.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--#ifndef FONT_H
--#define FONT_H
--void PrintString(char *s,int x=0,int y=-1);
--void PostString(char *_s,int _x,int _y,float _life=5.0);
--void RenderStrings();
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/list.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-- *  A generic template list class.  
-- *  Fairly typical of the list example you would 
-- *  find in any c++ book.
-- */
--#ifndef GENERIC_LIST_H
--#define GENERIC_LIST_H
--#include <assert.h>
--#include <stdio.h>
--template <class Type> class List {
--	public:
--				List(int s=0);
--				~List();
--		void	allocate(int s);
--		void	SetSize(int s);
--		void	Pack();
--		void	Add(Type);
--		void	AddUnique(Type);
--		int 	Contains(Type);
--		void	Remove(Type);
--		void	DelIndex(int i);
--		Type *	element;
--		int		num;
--		int		array_size;
--		Type	&operator[](int i){assert(i>=0 && i<num); return element[i];}
--template <class Type>
--List<Type>::List(int s){
--	num=0;
--	array_size = 0;
--	element = NULL;
--	if(s) {
--		allocate(s);
--	}
--template <class Type>
--	delete element;
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::allocate(int s){
--	assert(s>0);
--	assert(s>=num);
--	Type *old = element;
--	array_size =s;
--	element = new Type[array_size];
--	assert(element);
--	for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
--		element[i]=old[i];
--	}
--	if(old) delete old;
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::SetSize(int s){
--	if(s==0) { if(element) delete element;}
--	else {	allocate(s); }
--	num=s;
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::Pack(){
--	allocate(num);
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::Add(Type t){
--	assert(num<=array_size);
--	if(num==array_size) {
--		allocate((array_size)?array_size *2:16);
--	}
--	//int i;
--	//for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
--		// dissallow duplicates
--	//	assert(element[i] != t);
--	//}
--	element[num++] = t;
--template <class Type>
--int List<Type>::Contains(Type t){
--	int i;
--	int count=0;
--	for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
--		if(element[i] == t) count++;
--	}
--	return count;
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::AddUnique(Type t){
--	if(!Contains(t)) Add(t);
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::DelIndex(int i){
--	assert(i<num);
--	num--;
--	while(i<num){
--		element[i] = element[i+1];
--		i++;
--	}
--template <class Type>
--void List<Type>::Remove(Type t){
--	int i;
--	for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
--		if(element[i] == t) {
--			break;
--		}
--	}
--	DelIndex(i);
--	for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
--		assert(element[i] != t);
--	}
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/progmesh.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-- *  Progressive Mesh type Polygon Reduction Algorithm
-- *  by Stan Melax (c) 1998
-- *  Permission to use any of this code wherever you want is granted..
-- *  Although, please do acknowledge authorship if appropriate.
-- *
-- *  See the header file progmesh.h for a description of this module
-- */
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <math.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <assert.h>
--//#include <windows.h>
--#include "vector.h"
--#include "list.h"
--#include "progmesh.h"
--#define min(x,y) (((x) <= (y)) ? (x) : (y))
--#define max(x,y) (((x) >= (y)) ? (x) : (y))
-- *  For the polygon reduction algorithm we use data structures
-- *  that contain a little bit more information than the usual
-- *  indexed face set type of data structure.
-- *  From a vertex we wish to be able to quickly get the
-- *  neighboring faces and vertices.
-- */
--class Triangle;
--class Vertex;
--class Triangle {
--  public:
--	Vertex *         vertex[3]; // the 3 points that make this tri
--	Vector           normal;    // unit vector othogonal to this face
--	                 Triangle(Vertex *v0,Vertex *v1,Vertex *v2);
--	                 ~Triangle();
--	void             ComputeNormal();
--	void             ReplaceVertex(Vertex *vold,Vertex *vnew);
--	int              HasVertex(Vertex *v);
--class Vertex {
--  public:
--	Vector           position; // location of point in euclidean space
--	int              id;       // place of vertex in original list
--	List<Vertex *>   neighbor; // adjacent vertices
--	List<Triangle *> face;     // adjacent triangles
--	float            objdist;  // cached cost of collapsing edge
--	Vertex *         collapse; // candidate vertex for collapse
--	                 Vertex(Vector v,int _id);
--	                 ~Vertex();
--	void             RemoveIfNonNeighbor(Vertex *n);
--List<Vertex *>   vertices;
--List<Triangle *> triangles;
--Triangle::Triangle(Vertex *v0,Vertex *v1,Vertex *v2){
--	assert(v0!=v1 && v1!=v2 && v2!=v0);
--	vertex[0]=v0;
--	vertex[1]=v1;
--	vertex[2]=v2;
--	ComputeNormal();
--	triangles.Add(this);
--	for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
--		vertex[i]->face.Add(this);
--		for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(i!=j) {
--			vertex[i]->neighbor.AddUnique(vertex[j]);
--		}
--	}
--	int i;
--	triangles.Remove(this);
--	for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
--		if(vertex[i]) vertex[i]->face.Remove(this);
--	}
--	for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
--		int i2 = (i+1)%3;
--		if(!vertex[i] || !vertex[i2]) continue;
--		vertex[i ]->RemoveIfNonNeighbor(vertex[i2]);
--		vertex[i2]->RemoveIfNonNeighbor(vertex[i ]);
--	}
--int Triangle::HasVertex(Vertex *v) {
--	return (v==vertex[0] ||v==vertex[1] || v==vertex[2]);
--void Triangle::ComputeNormal(){
--	Vector v0=vertex[0]->position;
--	Vector v1=vertex[1]->position;
--	Vector v2=vertex[2]->position;
--	normal = (v1-v0)*(v2-v1);
--	if(magnitude(normal)==0)return;
--	normal = normalize(normal);
--void Triangle::ReplaceVertex(Vertex *vold,Vertex *vnew) {
--	assert(vold && vnew);
--	assert(vold==vertex[0] || vold==vertex[1] || vold==vertex[2]);
--	assert(vnew!=vertex[0] && vnew!=vertex[1] && vnew!=vertex[2]);
--	if(vold==vertex[0]){
--		vertex[0]=vnew;
--	}
--	else if(vold==vertex[1]){
--		vertex[1]=vnew;
--	}
--	else {
--		assert(vold==vertex[2]);
--		vertex[2]=vnew;
--	}
--	int i;
--	vold->face.Remove(this);
--	assert(!vnew->face.Contains(this));
--	vnew->face.Add(this);
--	for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
--		vold->RemoveIfNonNeighbor(vertex[i]);
--		vertex[i]->RemoveIfNonNeighbor(vold);
--	}
--	for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
--		assert(vertex[i]->face.Contains(this)==1);
--		for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(i!=j) {
--			vertex[i]->neighbor.AddUnique(vertex[j]);
--		}
--	}
--	ComputeNormal();
--Vertex::Vertex(Vector v,int _id) {
--	position =v;
--	id=_id;
--	vertices.Add(this);
--	assert(face.num==0);
--	while(neighbor.num) {
--		neighbor[0]->neighbor.Remove(this);
--		neighbor.Remove(neighbor[0]);
--	}
--	vertices.Remove(this);
--void Vertex::RemoveIfNonNeighbor(Vertex *n) {
--	// removes n from neighbor list if n isn't a neighbor.
--	if(!neighbor.Contains(n)) return;
--	for(int i=0;i<face.num;i++) {
--		if(face[i]->HasVertex(n)) return;
--	}
--	neighbor.Remove(n);
--float ComputeEdgeCollapseCost(Vertex *u,Vertex *v) {
--	// if we collapse edge uv by moving u to v then how
--	// much different will the model change, i.e. how much "error".
--	// Texture, vertex normal, and border vertex code was removed
--	// to keep this demo as simple as possible.
--	// The method of determining cost was designed in order
--	// to exploit small and coplanar regions for
--	// effective polygon reduction.
--	// Is is possible to add some checks here to see if "folds"
--	// would be generated.  i.e. normal of a remaining face gets
--	// flipped.  I never seemed to run into this problem and
--	// therefore never added code to detect this case.
--	int i;
--	float edgelength = magnitude(v->position - u->position);
--	float curvature=0;
--	// find the "sides" triangles that are on the edge uv
--	List<Triangle *> sides;
--	for(i=0;i<u->face.num;i++) {
--		if(u->face[i]->HasVertex(v)){
--			sides.Add(u->face[i]);
--		}
--	}
--	// use the triangle facing most away from the sides
--	// to determine our curvature term
--	for(i=0;i<u->face.num;i++) {
--		float mincurv=1; // curve for face i and closer side to it
--		for(int j=0;j<sides.num;j++) {
--			// use dot product of face normals. '^' defined in vector
--			float dotprod = u->face[i]->normal ^ sides[j]->normal;
--			mincurv = min(mincurv,(1-dotprod)/2.0f);
--		}
--		curvature = max(curvature,mincurv);
--	}
--	// the more coplanar the lower the curvature term
--	return edgelength * curvature;
--void ComputeEdgeCostAtVertex(Vertex *v) {
--	// compute the edge collapse cost for all edges that start
--	// from vertex v.  Since we are only interested in reducing
--	// the object by selecting the min cost edge at each step, we
--	// only cache the cost of the least cost edge at this vertex
--	// (in member variable collapse) as well as the value of the
--	// cost (in member variable objdist).
--	if(v->neighbor.num==0) {
--		// v doesn't have neighbors so it costs nothing to collapse
--		v->collapse=NULL;
--		v->objdist=-0.01f;
--		return;
--	}
--	v->objdist = 1000000;
--	v->collapse=NULL;
--	// search all neighboring edges for "least cost" edge
--	for(int i=0;i<v->neighbor.num;i++) {
--		float dist;
--		dist = ComputeEdgeCollapseCost(v,v->neighbor[i]);
--		if(dist<v->objdist) {
--			v->collapse=v->neighbor[i];  // candidate for edge collapse
--			v->objdist=dist;             // cost of the collapse
--		}
--	}
--void ComputeAllEdgeCollapseCosts() {
--	// For all the edges, compute the difference it would make
--	// to the model if it was collapsed.  The least of these
--	// per vertex is cached in each vertex object.
--	for(int i=0;i<vertices.num;i++) {
--		ComputeEdgeCostAtVertex(vertices[i]);
--	}
--void Collapse(Vertex *u,Vertex *v){
--	// Collapse the edge uv by moving vertex u onto v
--	// Actually remove tris on uv, then update tris that
--	// have u to have v, and then remove u.
--	if(!v) {
--		// u is a vertex all by itself so just delete it
--		delete u;
--		return;
--	}
--	int i;
--	List<Vertex *>tmp;
--	// make tmp a list of all the neighbors of u
--	for(i=0;i<u->neighbor.num;i++) {
--		tmp.Add(u->neighbor[i]);
--	}
--	// delete triangles on edge uv:
--	for(i=u->face.num-1;i>=0;i--) {
--		if(u->face[i]->HasVertex(v)) {
--			delete(u->face[i]);
--		}
--	}
--	// update remaining triangles to have v instead of u
--	for(i=u->face.num-1;i>=0;i--) {
--		u->face[i]->ReplaceVertex(u,v);
--	}
--	delete u;
--	// recompute the edge collapse costs for neighboring vertices
--	for(i=0;i<tmp.num;i++) {
--		ComputeEdgeCostAtVertex(tmp[i]);
--	}
--void AddVertex(List<Vector> &vert){
--	for(int i=0;i<vert.num;i++) {
--		new Vertex(vert[i],i);
--	}
--void AddFaces(List<tridata> &tri){
--	for(int i=0;i<tri.num;i++) {
--		new Triangle(
--            vertices[tri[i].v[0]],
--            vertices[tri[i].v[1]],
--            vertices[tri[i].v[2]] );
--	}
--Vertex *MinimumCostEdge(){
--	// Find the edge that when collapsed will affect model the least.
--	// This funtion actually returns a Vertex, the second vertex
--	// of the edge (collapse candidate) is stored in the vertex data.
--	// Serious optimization opportunity here: this function currently
--	// does a sequential search through an unsorted list :-(
--	// Our algorithm could be O(n*lg(n)) instead of O(n*n)
--	Vertex *mn=vertices[0];
--	for(int i=0;i<vertices.num;i++) {
--		if(vertices[i]->objdist < mn->objdist) {
--			mn = vertices[i];
--		}
--	}
--	return mn;
--void ProgressiveMesh(List<Vector> &vert, List<tridata> &tri,
--                     List<int> &map, List<int> &permutation)
--	AddVertex(vert);  // put input data into our data structures
--	AddFaces(tri);
--	ComputeAllEdgeCollapseCosts(); // cache all edge collapse costs
--	permutation.SetSize(vertices.num);  // allocate space
--	map.SetSize(vertices.num);          // allocate space
--	// reduce the object down to nothing:
--	while(vertices.num > 0) {
--		// get the next vertex to collapse
--		Vertex *mn = MinimumCostEdge();
--		// keep track of this vertex, i.e. the collapse ordering
--		permutation[mn->id]=vertices.num-1;
--		// keep track of vertex to which we collapse to
--		map[vertices.num-1] = (mn->collapse)?mn->collapse->id:-1;
--		// Collapse this edge
--		Collapse(mn,mn->collapse);
--	}
--	// reorder the map list based on the collapse ordering
--	for(int i=0;i<map.num;i++) {
--		map[i] = (map[i]==-1)?0:permutation[map[i]];
--	}
--	// The caller of this function should reorder their vertices
--	// according to the returned "permutation".
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/progmesh.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-- *  Progressive Mesh type Polygon Reduction Algorithm
-- *  by Stan Melax (c) 1998
-- *
-- *  The function ProgressiveMesh() takes a model in an "indexed face 
-- *  set" sort of way.  i.e. list of vertices and list of triangles.
-- *  The function then does the polygon reduction algorithm
-- *  internally and reduces the model all the way down to 0
-- *  vertices and then returns the order in which the
-- *  vertices are collapsed and to which neighbor each vertex
-- *  is collapsed to.  More specifically the returned "permutation"
-- *  indicates how to reorder your vertices so you can render
-- *  an object by using the first n vertices (for the n 
-- *  vertex version).  After permuting your vertices, the
-- *  map list indicates to which vertex each vertex is collapsed to.
-- */
--#include "vector.h"
--#include "list.h"
--class tridata {
--  public:
--	int	v[3];  // indices to vertex list
--	// texture and vertex normal info removed for this demo
--void ProgressiveMesh(List<Vector> &vert,  List<tridata> &tri, 
--                     List<int> &map,  List<int> &permutation );
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/rabdata.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,1384 +0,0 @@
--/* Copyright 1996, Viewpoint Datalabs Int'l, www.viewpoint.com, 1-800-DATASET */
--#     Usage Rights:  You (the user) may use this model to help build cool personal
--#     vrml worlds, but please give us credit when you do ("3D model provided by
--#     Viewpoint Datalabs, www,viewpoint.com").  Please don't sell it or use it to
--#     make money indirectly.  Don't redistribute it or put it on a web site except
--#     as a part of your personal, non-commerical vrml world.  If you want to do a
--#     commercial project, give us a call at 1-800-DATASET or visit www.viewpoint.com
--#     and we'll help you obtain the rights to do so.
-- *  Note that this data was put directly into the program
-- *  to provide a demo program on the net that people could
-- *  just run without having to fetch datafiles.  
-- *  i.e. more convienent for the user this way
-- */
--#include "rabdata.h"
--#pragma warning(disable : 4305)
--#pragma warning(disable : 4136)
--float rabbit_vertices[RABBIT_VERTEX_NUM][3]={
--	{-0.334392,0.133007,0.062259},
--	{-0.350189,0.150354,-0.147769},
--	{-0.234201,0.343811,-0.174307},
--	{-0.200259,0.285207,0.093749},
--	{0.003520,0.475208,-0.159365},
--	{0.001856,0.419203,0.098582},
--	{-0.252802,0.093666,0.237538},
--	{-0.162901,0.237984,0.206905},
--	{0.000865,0.318141,0.235370},
--	{-0.414624,0.164083,-0.278254},
--	{-0.262213,0.357334,-0.293246},
--	{0.004628,0.482694,-0.338626},
--	{-0.402162,0.133528,-0.443247},
--	{-0.243781,0.324275,-0.436763},
--	{0.005293,0.437592,-0.458332},
--	{-0.339884,-0.041150,-0.668211},
--	{-0.248382,0.255825,-0.627493},
--	{0.006261,0.376103,-0.631506},
--	{-0.216201,-0.126776,-0.886936},
--	{-0.171075,0.011544,-0.881386},
--	{-0.181074,0.098223,-0.814779},
--	{-0.119891,0.218786,-0.760153},
--	{-0.078895,0.276780,-0.739281},
--	{0.006801,0.310959,-0.735661},
--	{-0.168842,0.102387,-0.920381},
--	{-0.104072,0.177278,-0.952530},
--	{-0.129704,0.211848,-0.836678},
--	{-0.099875,0.310931,-0.799381},
--	{0.007237,0.361687,-0.794439},
--	{-0.077913,0.258753,-0.921640},
--	{0.007957,0.282241,-0.931680},
--	{-0.252222,-0.550401,-0.557810},
--	{-0.267633,-0.603419,-0.655209},
--	{-0.446838,-0.118517,-0.466159},
--	{-0.459488,-0.093017,-0.311341},
--	{-0.370645,-0.100108,-0.159454},
--	{-0.371984,-0.091991,-0.011044},
--	{-0.328945,-0.098269,0.088659},
--	{-0.282452,-0.018862,0.311501},
--	{-0.352403,-0.131341,0.144902},
--	{-0.364126,-0.200299,0.202388},
--	{-0.283965,-0.231869,0.023668},
--	{-0.298943,-0.155218,0.369716},
--	{-0.293787,-0.121856,0.419097},
--	{-0.290163,-0.290797,0.107824},
--	{-0.264165,-0.272849,0.036347},
--	{-0.228567,-0.372573,0.290309},
--	{-0.190431,-0.286997,0.421917},
--	{-0.191039,-0.240973,0.507118},
--	{-0.287272,-0.276431,-0.065444},
--	{-0.295675,-0.280818,-0.174200},
--	{-0.399537,-0.313131,-0.376167},
--	{-0.392666,-0.488581,-0.427494},
--	{-0.331669,-0.570185,-0.466054},
--	{-0.282290,-0.618140,-0.589220},
--	{-0.374238,-0.594882,-0.323298},
--	{-0.381071,-0.629723,-0.350777},
--	{-0.382112,-0.624060,-0.221577},
--	{-0.272701,-0.566522,0.259157},
--	{-0.256702,-0.663406,0.286079},
--	{-0.280948,-0.428359,0.055790},
--	{-0.184974,-0.508894,0.326265},
--	{-0.279971,-0.526918,0.395319},
--	{-0.282599,-0.663393,0.412411},
--	{-0.188329,-0.475093,0.417954},
--	{-0.263384,-0.663396,0.466604},
--	{-0.209063,-0.663393,0.509344},
--	{-0.002044,-0.319624,0.553078},
--	{-0.001266,-0.371260,0.413296},
--	{-0.219753,-0.339762,-0.040921},
--	{-0.256986,-0.282511,-0.006349},
--	{-0.271706,-0.260881,0.001764},
--	{-0.091191,-0.419184,-0.045912},
--	{-0.114944,-0.429752,-0.124739},
--	{-0.113970,-0.382987,-0.188540},
--	{-0.243012,-0.464942,-0.242850},
--	{-0.314815,-0.505402,-0.324768},
--	{0.002774,-0.437526,-0.262766},
--	{-0.072625,-0.417748,-0.221440},
--	{-0.160112,-0.476932,-0.293450},
--	{0.003859,-0.453425,-0.443916},
--	{-0.120363,-0.581567,-0.438689},
--	{-0.091499,-0.584191,-0.294511},
--	{-0.116469,-0.599861,-0.188308},
--	{-0.208032,-0.513640,-0.134649},
--	{-0.235749,-0.610017,-0.040939},
--	{-0.344916,-0.622487,-0.085380},
--	{-0.336401,-0.531864,-0.212298},
--	{0.001961,-0.459550,-0.135547},
--	{-0.058296,-0.430536,-0.043440},
--	{0.001378,-0.449511,-0.037762},
--	{-0.130135,-0.510222,0.079144},
--	{0.000142,-0.477549,0.157064},
--	{-0.114284,-0.453206,0.304397},
--	{-0.000592,-0.443558,0.285401},
--	{-0.056215,-0.663402,0.326073},
--	{-0.026248,-0.568010,0.273318},
--	{-0.049261,-0.531064,0.389854},
--	{-0.127096,-0.663398,0.479316},
--	{-0.058384,-0.663401,0.372891},
--	{-0.303961,0.054199,0.625921},
--	{-0.268594,0.193403,0.502766},
--	{-0.277159,0.126123,0.443289},
--	{-0.287605,-0.005722,0.531844},
--	{-0.231396,-0.121289,0.587387},
--	{-0.253475,-0.081797,0.756541},
--	{-0.195164,-0.137969,0.728011},
--	{-0.167673,-0.156573,0.609388},
--	{-0.145917,-0.169029,0.697600},
--	{-0.077776,-0.214247,0.622586},
--	{-0.076873,-0.214971,0.696301},
--	{-0.002341,-0.233135,0.622859},
--	{-0.002730,-0.213526,0.691267},
--	{-0.003136,-0.192628,0.762731},
--	{-0.056136,-0.201222,0.763806},
--	{-0.114589,-0.166192,0.770723},
--	{-0.155145,-0.129632,0.791738},
--	{-0.183611,-0.058705,0.847012},
--	{-0.165562,0.001980,0.833386},
--	{-0.220084,0.019914,0.768935},
--	{-0.255730,0.090306,0.670782},
--	{-0.255594,0.113833,0.663389},
--	{-0.226380,0.212655,0.617740},
--	{-0.003367,-0.195342,0.799680},
--	{-0.029743,-0.210508,0.827180},
--	{-0.003818,-0.194783,0.873636},
--	{-0.004116,-0.157907,0.931268},
--	{-0.031280,-0.184555,0.889476},
--	{-0.059885,-0.184448,0.841330},
--	{-0.135333,-0.164332,0.878200},
--	{-0.085574,-0.170948,0.925547},
--	{-0.163833,-0.094170,0.897114},
--	{-0.138444,-0.104250,0.945975},
--	{-0.083497,-0.084934,0.979607},
--	{-0.004433,-0.146642,0.985872},
--	{-0.150715,0.032650,0.884111},
--	{-0.135892,-0.035520,0.945455},
--	{-0.070612,0.036849,0.975733},
--	{-0.004458,-0.042526,1.015670},
--	{-0.004249,0.046042,1.003240},
--	{-0.086969,0.133224,0.947633},
--	{-0.003873,0.161605,0.970499},
--	{-0.125544,0.140012,0.917678},
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--	{-0.261111,-0.414945,-0.613835},
--	{-0.077364,-0.431480,-0.778113},
--	{0.005174,-0.425277,-0.651592},
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--	{0.271006,-0.415749,-0.610577},
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--	{0.280989,-0.280321,-0.666487},
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--	{0.377265,-0.666513,-0.349036},
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--	{0.104725,0.108156,-0.949130},
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--	{0.102643,0.315600,0.499370},
--	{0.094535,0.373481,0.474824},
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--	{0.157071,0.535923,0.380222},
--	{0.161350,0.591224,0.372630},
--	{0.173035,0.662865,0.417531},
--	{0.162808,0.660299,0.493077},
--	{0.148250,0.611070,0.559555},
--	{0.125719,0.576790,0.484702},
--	{0.123489,0.534699,0.614440},
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--	{0.238099,0.441375,0.498528},
--	{0.281711,0.414315,0.451121},
--	{0.263833,0.528513,0.415794},
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--	{0.272023,0.682273,0.385343},
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--	{0.175075,0.148030,0.778264},
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--	{0.163818,0.109013,0.842830},
--	{0.084760,0.396004,0.679695},
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--	{0.166070,0.035644,0.818261},
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--	{0.168542,0.109489,0.862725},
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--	{0.180428,0.160135,0.819438},
--	{0.201823,0.163991,0.695756},
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--	{0.155438,0.291260,0.734412},
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--	{0.152305,0.125256,0.890786},
--	{0.119546,0.249876,0.859104},
--	{0.118369,0.139643,0.919173},
--	{0.079410,0.132973,0.948652},
--	{0.062419,0.036648,0.976547},
--	{0.127847,-0.035919,0.947070},
--	{0.143624,0.032206,0.885913},
--	{0.074888,-0.085173,0.980577},
--	{0.130184,-0.104656,0.947620},
--	{0.156201,-0.094653,0.899074},
--	{0.077366,-0.171194,0.926545},
--	{0.127722,-0.164729,0.879810},
--	{0.052670,-0.184618,0.842019},
--	{0.023477,-0.184638,0.889811},
--	{0.022626,-0.210587,0.827500},
--	{0.223089,0.211976,0.620493},
--	{0.251444,0.113067,0.666494},
--	{0.251419,0.089540,0.673887},
--	{0.214360,0.019258,0.771595},
--	{0.158999,0.001490,0.835374},
--	{0.176696,-0.059249,0.849218},
--	{0.148696,-0.130091,0.793599},
--	{0.108290,-0.166528,0.772088},
--	{0.049820,-0.201382,0.764454},
--	{0.071341,-0.215195,0.697209},
--	{0.073148,-0.214475,0.623510},
--	{0.140502,-0.169461,0.699354},
--	{0.163374,-0.157073,0.611416},
--	{0.189466,-0.138550,0.730366},
--	{0.247593,-0.082554,0.759610},
--	{0.227468,-0.121982,0.590197},
--	{0.284702,-0.006586,0.535347},
--	{0.275741,0.125287,0.446676},
--	{0.266650,0.192594,0.506044},
--	{0.300086,0.053287,0.629620},
--	{0.055450,-0.663935,0.375065},
--	{0.122854,-0.664138,0.482323},
--	{0.046520,-0.531571,0.391918},
--	{0.024824,-0.568450,0.275106},
--	{0.053855,-0.663931,0.328224},
--	{0.112829,-0.453549,0.305788},
--	{0.131265,-0.510617,0.080746},
--	{0.061174,-0.430716,-0.042710},
--	{0.341019,-0.532887,-0.208150},
--	{0.347705,-0.623533,-0.081139},
--	{0.238040,-0.610732,-0.038037},
--	{0.211764,-0.514274,-0.132078},
--	{0.120605,-0.600219,-0.186856},
--	{0.096985,-0.584476,-0.293357},
--	{0.127621,-0.581941,-0.437170},
--	{0.165902,-0.477425,-0.291453},
--	{0.077720,-0.417975,-0.220519},
--	{0.320892,-0.506363,-0.320874},
--	{0.248214,-0.465684,-0.239842},
--	{0.118764,-0.383338,-0.187114},
--	{0.118816,-0.430106,-0.123307},
--	{0.094131,-0.419464,-0.044777},
--	{0.274526,-0.261706,0.005110},
--	{0.259842,-0.283292,-0.003185},
--	{0.222861,-0.340431,-0.038210},
--	{0.204445,-0.664380,0.513353},
--	{0.259286,-0.664547,0.471281},
--	{0.185402,-0.476020,0.421718},
--	{0.279163,-0.664604,0.417328},
--	{0.277157,-0.528122,0.400208},
--	{0.183069,-0.509812,0.329995},
--	{0.282599,-0.429210,0.059242},
--	{0.254816,-0.664541,0.290687},
--	{0.271436,-0.567707,0.263966},
--	{0.386561,-0.625221,-0.216870},
--	{0.387086,-0.630883,-0.346073},
--	{0.380021,-0.596021,-0.318679},
--	{0.291269,-0.619007,-0.585707},
--	{0.339280,-0.571198,-0.461946},
--	{0.400045,-0.489778,-0.422640},
--	{0.406817,-0.314349,-0.371230},
--	{0.300588,-0.281718,-0.170549},
--	{0.290866,-0.277304,-0.061905},
--	{0.187735,-0.241545,0.509437},
--	{0.188032,-0.287569,0.424234},
--	{0.227520,-0.373262,0.293102},
--	{0.266526,-0.273650,0.039597},
--	{0.291592,-0.291676,0.111386},
--	{0.291914,-0.122741,0.422683},
--	{0.297574,-0.156119,0.373368},
--	{0.286603,-0.232731,0.027162},
--	{0.364663,-0.201399,0.206850},
--	{0.353855,-0.132408,0.149228},
--	{0.282208,-0.019715,0.314960},
--	{0.331187,-0.099266,0.092701},
--	{0.375463,-0.093120,-0.006467},
--	{0.375917,-0.101236,-0.154882},
--	{0.466635,-0.094416,-0.305669},
--	{0.455805,-0.119881,-0.460632},
--	{0.277465,-0.604242,-0.651871},
--	{0.261022,-0.551176,-0.554667},
--	{0.093627,0.258494,-0.920589},
--	{0.114248,0.310608,-0.798070},
--	{0.144232,0.211434,-0.835001},
--	{0.119916,0.176940,-0.951159},
--	{0.184061,0.101854,-0.918220},
--	{0.092431,0.276521,-0.738231},
--	{0.133504,0.218403,-0.758602},
--	{0.194987,0.097655,-0.812476},
--	{0.185542,0.011005,-0.879202},
--	{0.230315,-0.127450,-0.884202},
--	{0.260471,0.255056,-0.624378},
--	{0.351567,-0.042194,-0.663976},
--	{0.253742,0.323524,-0.433716},
--	{0.411612,0.132299,-0.438264},
--	{0.270513,0.356530,-0.289984},
--	{0.422146,0.162819,-0.273130},
--	{0.164724,0.237490,0.208912},
--	{0.253806,0.092900,0.240640},
--	{0.203608,0.284597,0.096223},
--	{0.241006,0.343093,-0.171396},
--	{0.356076,0.149288,-0.143443},
--	{0.337656,0.131992,0.066374}
--int rabbit_triangles[RABBIT_TRIANGLE_NUM][3]={
--	{126,134,133},
--	{342,138,134},
--	{133,134,138},
--	{126,342,134},
--	{312,316,317},
--	{169,163,162},
--	{312,317,319},
--	{312,319,318},
--	{169,162,164},
--	{169,168,163},
--	{312,314,315},
--	{169,164,165},
--	{169,167,168},
--	{312,315,316},
--	{312,313,314},
--	{169,165,166},
--	{169,166,167},
--	{312,318,313},
--	{308,304,305},
--	{308,305,306},
--	{179,181,188},
--	{177,173,175},
--	{177,175,176},
--	{302,293,300},
--	{322,294,304},
--	{188,176,175},
--	{188,175,179},
--	{158,177,187},
--	{305,293,302},
--	{305,302,306},
--	{322,304,308},
--	{188,181,183},
--	{158,173,177},
--	{293,298,300},
--	{304,294,296},
--	{304,296,305},
--	{185,176,188},
--	{185,188,183},
--	{187,177,176},
--	{187,176,185},
--	{305,296,298},
--	{305,298,293},
--	{436,432, 28},
--	{436, 28, 23},
--	{434,278,431},
--	{ 30,208,209},
--	{ 30,209, 29},
--	{ 19, 20, 24},
--	{208,207,211},
--	{208,211,209},
--	{ 19,210,212},
--	{433,434,431},
--	{433,431,432},
--	{433,432,436},
--	{436,437,433},
--	{277,275,276},
--	{277,276,278},
--	{209,210, 25},
--	{ 21, 26, 24},
--	{ 21, 24, 20},
--	{ 25, 26, 27},
--	{ 25, 27, 29},
--	{435,439,277},
--	{439,275,277},
--	{432,431, 30},
--	{432, 30, 28},
--	{433,437,438},
--	{433,438,435},
--	{434,277,278},
--	{ 24, 25,210},
--	{ 24, 26, 25},
--	{ 29, 27, 28},
--	{ 29, 28, 30},
--	{ 19, 24,210},
--	{208, 30,431},
--	{208,431,278},
--	{435,434,433},
--	{435,277,434},
--	{ 25, 29,209},
--	{ 27, 22, 23},
--	{ 27, 23, 28},
--	{ 26, 22, 27},
--	{ 26, 21, 22},
--	{212,210,209},
--	{212,209,211},
--	{207,208,278},
--	{207,278,276},
--	{439,435,438},
--	{ 12,  9, 10},
--	{ 12, 10, 13},
--	{  2,  3,  5},
--	{  2,  5,  4},
--	{ 16, 13, 14},
--	{ 16, 14, 17},
--	{ 22, 21, 16},
--	{ 13, 10, 11},
--	{ 13, 11, 14},
--	{  1,  0,  3},
--	{  1,  3,  2},
--	{ 15, 12, 16},
--	{ 19, 18, 15},
--	{ 19, 15, 16},
--	{ 19, 16, 20},
--	{  9,  1,  2},
--	{  9,  2, 10},
--	{  3,  7,  8},
--	{  3,  8,  5},
--	{ 16, 17, 23},
--	{ 16, 23, 22},
--	{ 21, 20, 16},
--	{ 10,  2,  4},
--	{ 10,  4, 11},
--	{  0,  6,  7},
--	{  0,  7,  3},
--	{ 12, 13, 16},
--	{451,446,445},
--	{451,445,450},
--	{442,440,439},
--	{442,439,438},
--	{442,438,441},
--	{421,420,422},
--	{412,411,426},
--	{412,426,425},
--	{408,405,407},
--	{413, 67, 68},
--	{413, 68,414},
--	{391,390,412},
--	{ 80,384,386},
--	{404,406,378},
--	{390,391,377},
--	{390,377, 88},
--	{400,415,375},
--	{398,396,395},
--	{398,395,371},
--	{398,371,370},
--	{112,359,358},
--	{112,358,113},
--	{351,352,369},
--	{125,349,348},
--	{345,343,342},
--	{342,340,339},
--	{341,335,337},
--	{328,341,327},
--	{331,323,333},
--	{331,322,323},
--	{327,318,319},
--	{327,319,328},
--	{315,314,324},
--	{302,300,301},
--	{302,301,303},
--	{320,311,292},
--	{285,284,289},
--	{310,307,288},
--	{310,288,290},
--	{321,350,281},
--	{321,281,282},
--	{423,448,367},
--	{272,273,384},
--	{272,384,274},
--	{264,265,382},
--	{264,382,383},
--	{440,442,261},
--	{440,261,263},
--	{252,253,254},
--	{252,254,251},
--	{262,256,249},
--	{262,249,248},
--	{228,243,242},
--	{228, 31,243},
--	{213,215,238},
--	{213,238,237},
--	{ 19,212,230},
--	{224,225,233},
--	{224,233,231},
--	{217,218, 56},
--	{217, 56, 54},
--	{217,216,239},
--	{217,239,238},
--	{217,238,215},
--	{218,217,215},
--	{218,215,214},
--	{  6,102,206},
--	{186,199,200},
--	{197,182,180},
--	{170,171,157},
--	{201,200,189},
--	{170,190,191},
--	{170,191,192},
--	{175,174,178},
--	{175,178,179},
--	{168,167,155},
--	{122,149,158},
--	{122,158,159},
--	{135,153,154},
--	{135,154,118},
--	{143,140,141},
--	{143,141,144},
--	{132,133,136},
--	{130,126,133},
--	{124,125,127},
--	{122,101,100},
--	{122,100,121},
--	{110,108,107},
--	{110,107,109},
--	{ 98, 99, 97},
--	{ 98, 97, 64},
--	{ 98, 64, 66},
--	{ 87, 55, 57},
--	{ 83, 82, 79},
--	{ 83, 79, 84},
--	{ 78, 74, 50},
--	{ 49, 71, 41},
--	{ 49, 41, 37},
--	{ 49, 37, 36},
--	{ 58, 44, 60},
--	{ 60, 59, 58},
--	{ 51, 34, 33},
--	{ 39, 40, 42},
--	{ 39, 42, 38},
--	{243,240, 33},
--	{243, 33,229},
--	{ 39, 38,  6},
--	{ 44, 46, 40},
--	{ 55, 56, 57},
--	{ 64, 62, 65},
--	{ 64, 65, 66},
--	{ 41, 71, 45},
--	{ 75, 50, 51},
--	{ 81, 79, 82},
--	{ 77, 88, 73},
--	{ 93, 92, 94},
--	{ 68, 47, 46},
--	{ 96, 97, 99},
--	{ 96, 99, 95},
--	{110,109,111},
--	{111,112,110},
--	{114,113,123},
--	{114,123,124},
--	{132,131,129},
--	{133,137,136},
--	{135,142,145},
--	{145,152,135},
--	{149,147,157},
--	{157,158,149},
--	{164,150,151},
--	{153,163,168},
--	{153,168,154},
--	{185,183,182},
--	{185,182,184},
--	{161,189,190},
--	{200,199,191},
--	{200,191,190},
--	{180,178,195},
--	{180,195,196},
--	{102,101,204},
--	{102,204,206},
--	{ 43, 48,104},
--	{ 43,104,103},
--	{216,217, 54},
--	{216, 54, 32},
--	{207,224,231},
--	{230,212,211},
--	{230,211,231},
--	{227,232,241},
--	{227,241,242},
--	{235,234,241},
--	{235,241,244},
--	{430,248,247},
--	{272,274,253},
--	{272,253,252},
--	{439,260,275},
--	{225,224,259},
--	{225,259,257},
--	{269,270,407},
--	{269,407,405},
--	{270,269,273},
--	{270,273,272},
--	{273,269,268},
--	{273,268,267},
--	{273,267,266},
--	{273,266,265},
--	{273,265,264},
--	{448,279,367},
--	{281,350,368},
--	{285,286,301},
--	{290,323,310},
--	{290,311,323},
--	{282,281,189},
--	{292,311,290},
--	{292,290,291},
--	{307,306,302},
--	{307,302,303},
--	{316,315,324},
--	{316,324,329},
--	{331,351,350},
--	{330,334,335},
--	{330,335,328},
--	{341,337,338},
--	{344,355,354},
--	{346,345,348},
--	{346,348,347},
--	{364,369,352},
--	{364,352,353},
--	{365,363,361},
--	{365,361,362},
--	{376,401,402},
--	{373,372,397},
--	{373,397,400},
--	{376, 92,377},
--	{381,378,387},
--	{381,387,385},
--	{386, 77, 80},
--	{390,389,412},
--	{416,417,401},
--	{403,417,415},
--	{408,429,430},
--	{419,423,418},
--	{427,428,444},
--	{427,444,446},
--	{437,436,441},
--	{450,445, 11},
--	{450, 11,  4},
--	{447,449,  5},
--	{447,  5,  8},
--	{441,438,437},
--	{425,426,451},
--	{425,451,452},
--	{417,421,415},
--	{408,407,429},
--	{399,403,400},
--	{399,400,397},
--	{394,393,416},
--	{389,411,412},
--	{386,383,385},
--	{408,387,378},
--	{408,378,406},
--	{377,391,376},
--	{ 94,375,415},
--	{372,373,374},
--	{372,374,370},
--	{359,111,360},
--	{359,112,111},
--	{113,358,349},
--	{113,349,123},
--	{346,343,345},
--	{343,340,342},
--	{338,336,144},
--	{338,144,141},
--	{327,341,354},
--	{327,354,326},
--	{331,350,321},
--	{331,321,322},
--	{314,313,326},
--	{314,326,325},
--	{300,298,299},
--	{300,299,301},
--	{288,287,289},
--	{189,292,282},
--	{287,288,303},
--	{284,285,297},
--	{368,280,281},
--	{448,447,279},
--	{274,226,255},
--	{267,268,404},
--	{267,404,379},
--	{429,262,430},
--	{439,440,260},
--	{257,258,249},
--	{257,249,246},
--	{430,262,248},
--	{234,228,242},
--	{234,242,241},
--	{237,238,239},
--	{237,239,236},
--	{ 15, 18,227},
--	{ 15,227,229},
--	{222,223, 82},
--	{222, 82, 83},
--	{214,215,213},
--	{214,213, 81},
--	{ 38,102,  6},
--	{122,159,200},
--	{122,200,201},
--	{174,171,192},
--	{174,192,194},
--	{197,193,198},
--	{190,170,161},
--	{181,179,178},
--	{181,178,180},
--	{166,156,155},
--	{163,153,152},
--	{163,152,162},
--	{120,156,149},
--	{120,149,121},
--	{152,153,135},
--	{140,143,142},
--	{135,131,132},
--	{135,132,136},
--	{130,129,128},
--	{130,128,127},
--	{100,105,119},
--	{100,119,120},
--	{106,104,107},
--	{106,107,108},
--	{ 91, 95, 59},
--	{ 93, 94, 68},
--	{ 91, 89, 92},
--	{ 76, 53, 55},
--	{ 76, 55, 87},
--	{ 81, 78, 79},
--	{ 74, 73, 49},
--	{ 69, 60, 45},
--	{ 58, 62, 64},
--	{ 58, 64, 61},
--	{ 53, 31, 32},
--	{ 32, 54, 53},
--	{ 42, 43, 38},
--	{ 35, 36,  0},
--	{ 35,  0,  1},
--	{ 34, 35,  1},
--	{ 34,  1,  9},
--	{ 44, 40, 41},
--	{ 44, 41, 45},
--	{ 33,240, 51},
--	{ 63, 62, 58},
--	{ 63, 58, 59},
--	{ 45, 71, 70},
--	{ 76, 75, 51},
--	{ 76, 51, 52},
--	{ 86, 85, 84},
--	{ 86, 84, 87},
--	{ 89, 72, 73},
--	{ 89, 73, 88},
--	{ 91, 92, 96},
--	{ 91, 96, 95},
--	{ 72, 91, 60},
--	{ 72, 60, 69},
--	{104,106,105},
--	{119,105,117},
--	{119,117,118},
--	{124,127,128},
--	{117,116,129},
--	{117,129,131},
--	{118,117,131},
--	{135,140,142},
--	{146,150,152},
--	{146,152,145},
--	{149,122,121},
--	{166,165,151},
--	{166,151,156},
--	{158,172,173},
--	{161,160,189},
--	{199,198,193},
--	{199,193,191},
--	{204,201,202},
--	{178,174,194},
--	{200,159,186},
--	{109, 48, 67},
--	{ 48,107,104},
--	{216, 32,236},
--	{216,236,239},
--	{223,214, 81},
--	{223, 81, 82},
--	{ 33, 12, 15},
--	{ 32,228,234},
--	{ 32,234,236},
--	{240, 31, 52},
--	{256,255,246},
--	{256,246,249},
--	{258,263,248},
--	{258,248,249},
--	{275,260,259},
--	{275,259,276},
--	{207,276,259},
--	{270,271,429},
--	{270,429,407},
--	{413,418,366},
--	{413,366,365},
--	{368,367,279},
--	{368,279,280},
--	{303,301,286},
--	{303,286,287},
--	{283,282,292},
--	{283,292,291},
--	{320,292,189},
--	{298,296,297},
--	{298,297,299},
--	{318,327,326},
--	{318,326,313},
--	{329,330,317},
--	{336,333,320},
--	{326,354,353},
--	{334,332,333},
--	{334,333,336},
--	{342,339,139},
--	{342,139,138},
--	{345,342,126},
--	{347,357,356},
--	{369,368,351},
--	{363,356,357},
--	{363,357,361},
--	{366,367,368},
--	{366,368,369},
--	{375,373,400},
--	{ 92, 90,377},
--	{409,387,408},
--	{386,385,387},
--	{386,387,388},
--	{412,394,391},
--	{396,398,399},
--	{408,406,405},
--	{415,421,419},
--	{415,419,414},
--	{425,452,448},
--	{425,448,424},
--	{444,441,443},
--	{448,452,449},
--	{448,449,447},
--	{446,444,443},
--	{446,443,445},
--	{250,247,261},
--	{250,261,428},
--	{421,422,423},
--	{421,423,419},
--	{427,410,250},
--	{417,403,401},
--	{403,402,401},
--	{420,392,412},
--	{420,412,425},
--	{420,425,424},
--	{386,411,389},
--	{383,382,381},
--	{383,381,385},
--	{378,379,404},
--	{372,371,395},
--	{372,395,397},
--	{371,372,370},
--	{361,359,360},
--	{361,360,362},
--	{368,350,351},
--	{349,347,348},
--	{356,355,344},
--	{356,344,346},
--	{344,341,340},
--	{344,340,343},
--	{338,337,336},
--	{328,335,341},
--	{324,352,351},
--	{324,351,331},
--	{320,144,336},
--	{314,325,324},
--	{322,308,309},
--	{310,309,307},
--	{287,286,289},
--	{203,280,279},
--	{203,279,205},
--	{297,295,283},
--	{297,283,284},
--	{447,205,279},
--	{274,384, 80},
--	{274, 80,226},
--	{266,267,379},
--	{266,379,380},
--	{225,257,246},
--	{225,246,245},
--	{256,254,253},
--	{256,253,255},
--	{430,247,250},
--	{226,235,244},
--	{226,244,245},
--	{232,233,244},
--	{232,244,241},
--	{230, 18, 19},
--	{ 32, 31,228},
--	{219,220, 86},
--	{219, 86, 57},
--	{226,213,235},
--	{206,  7,  6},
--	{122,201,101},
--	{201,204,101},
--	{180,196,197},
--	{170,192,171},
--	{200,190,189},
--	{194,193,195},
--	{183,181,180},
--	{183,180,182},
--	{155,154,168},
--	{149,156,151},
--	{149,151,148},
--	{155,156,120},
--	{145,142,143},
--	{145,143,146},
--	{136,137,140},
--	{133,132,130},
--	{128,129,116},
--	{100,120,121},
--	{110,112,113},
--	{110,113,114},
--	{ 66, 65, 63},
--	{ 66, 63, 99},
--	{ 66, 99, 98},
--	{ 96, 46, 61},
--	{ 89, 88, 90},
--	{ 86, 87, 57},
--	{ 80, 78, 81},
--	{ 72, 69, 49},
--	{ 67, 48, 47},
--	{ 67, 47, 68},
--	{ 56, 55, 53},
--	{ 50, 49, 36},
--	{ 50, 36, 35},
--	{ 40, 39, 41},
--	{242,243,229},
--	{242,229,227},
--	{  6, 37, 39},
--	{ 42, 47, 48},
--	{ 42, 48, 43},
--	{ 61, 46, 44},
--	{ 45, 70, 69},
--	{ 69, 70, 71},
--	{ 69, 71, 49},
--	{ 74, 78, 77},
--	{ 83, 84, 85},
--	{ 73, 74, 77},
--	{ 93, 96, 92},
--	{ 68, 46, 93},
--	{ 95, 99, 63},
--	{ 95, 63, 59},
--	{115,108,110},
--	{115,110,114},
--	{125,126,127},
--	{129,130,132},
--	{137,133,138},
--	{137,138,139},
--	{148,146,143},
--	{148,143,147},
--	{119,118,154},
--	{161,147,143},
--	{165,164,151},
--	{158,157,171},
--	{158,171,172},
--	{159,158,187},
--	{159,187,186},
--	{194,192,191},
--	{194,191,193},
--	{189,202,201},
--	{182,197,184},
--	{205,  8,  7},
--	{ 48,109,107},
--	{218,219, 57},
--	{218, 57, 56},
--	{207,231,211},
--	{232,230,231},
--	{232,231,233},
--	{ 53, 52, 31},
--	{388,411,386},
--	{409,430,250},
--	{262,429,254},
--	{262,254,256},
--	{442,444,428},
--	{273,264,383},
--	{273,383,384},
--	{429,271,251},
--	{429,251,254},
--	{413,365,362},
--	{ 67,413,360},
--	{282,283,295},
--	{285,301,299},
--	{202,281,280},
--	{284,283,291},
--	{284,291,289},
--	{320,189,160},
--	{308,306,307},
--	{307,309,308},
--	{319,317,330},
--	{319,330,328},
--	{353,352,324},
--	{332,331,333},
--	{340,341,338},
--	{354,341,344},
--	{349,358,357},
--	{349,357,347},
--	{364,355,356},
--	{364,356,363},
--	{364,365,366},
--	{364,366,369},
--	{374,376,402},
--	{375, 92,373},
--	{ 77,389,390},
--	{382,380,381},
--	{389, 77,386},
--	{393,394,412},
--	{393,412,392},
--	{401,394,416},
--	{415,400,403},
--	{411,410,427},
--	{411,427,426},
--	{422,420,424},
--	{247,248,263},
--	{247,263,261},
--	{445,443, 14},
--	{445, 14, 11},
--	{449,450,  4},
--	{449,  4,  5},
--	{443,441, 17},
--	{443, 17, 14},
--	{436, 23, 17},
--	{436, 17,441},
--	{424,448,422},
--	{448,423,422},
--	{414,419,418},
--	{414,418,413},
--	{406,404,405},
--	{399,397,395},
--	{399,395,396},
--	{420,416,392},
--	{388,410,411},
--	{386,384,383},
--	{390, 88, 77},
--	{375, 94, 92},
--	{415,414, 68},
--	{415, 68, 94},
--	{370,374,402},
--	{370,402,398},
--	{361,357,358},
--	{361,358,359},
--	{125,348,126},
--	{346,344,343},
--	{340,338,339},
--	{337,335,334},
--	{337,334,336},
--	{325,353,324},
--	{324,331,332},
--	{324,332,329},
--	{323,322,309},
--	{323,309,310},
--	{294,295,297},
--	{294,297,296},
--	{289,286,285},
--	{202,280,203},
--	{288,307,303},
--	{282,295,321},
--	{ 67,360,111},
--	{418,423,367},
--	{418,367,366},
--	{272,252,251},
--	{272,251,271},
--	{272,271,270},
--	{255,253,274},
--	{265,266,380},
--	{265,380,382},
--	{442,428,261},
--	{440,263,258},
--	{440,258,260},
--	{409,250,410},
--	{255,226,245},
--	{255,245,246},
--	{ 31,240,243},
--	{236,234,235},
--	{236,235,237},
--	{233,225,245},
--	{233,245,244},
--	{220,221, 85},
--	{220, 85, 86},
--	{ 81,213,226},
--	{ 81,226, 80},
--	{  7,206,205},
--	{186,184,198},
--	{186,198,199},
--	{204,203,205},
--	{204,205,206},
--	{195,193,196},
--	{171,174,172},
--	{173,174,175},
--	{173,172,174},
--	{155,167,166},
--	{160,161,143},
--	{160,143,144},
--	{119,154,155},
--	{148,151,150},
--	{148,150,146},
--	{140,137,139},
--	{140,139,141},
--	{127,126,130},
--	{114,124,128},
--	{114,128,115},
--	{117,105,106},
--	{117,106,116},
--	{104,105,100},
--	{104,100,103},
--	{ 59, 60, 91},
--	{ 97, 96, 61},
--	{ 97, 61, 64},
--	{ 91, 72, 89},
--	{ 87, 84, 79},
--	{ 87, 79, 76},
--	{ 78, 80, 77},
--	{ 49, 50, 74},
--	{ 60, 44, 45},
--	{ 61, 44, 58},
--	{ 51, 50, 35},
--	{ 51, 35, 34},
--	{ 39, 37, 41},
--	{ 33, 34,  9},
--	{ 33,  9, 12},
--	{  0, 36, 37},
--	{  0, 37,  6},
--	{ 40, 46, 47},
--	{ 40, 47, 42},
--	{ 53, 54, 56},
--	{ 65, 62, 63},
--	{ 72, 49, 73},
--	{ 79, 78, 75},
--	{ 79, 75, 76},
--	{ 52, 53, 76},
--	{ 92, 89, 90},
--	{ 96, 93, 46},
--	{102,103,100},
--	{102,100,101},
--	{116,106,108},
--	{116,108,115},
--	{123,125,124},
--	{116,115,128},
--	{118,131,135},
--	{140,135,136},
--	{148,147,149},
--	{120,119,155},
--	{164,162,152},
--	{164,152,150},
--	{157,147,161},
--	{157,161,170},
--	{186,187,185},
--	{186,185,184},
--	{193,197,196},
--	{202,203,204},
--	{194,195,178},
--	{198,184,197},
--	{ 67,111,109},
--	{ 38, 43,103},
--	{ 38,103,102},
--	{214,223,222},
--	{214,222,221},
--	{214,221,220},
--	{214,220,219},
--	{214,219,218},
--	{213,237,235},
--	{221,222, 83},
--	{221, 83, 85},
--	{ 15,229, 33},
--	{227, 18,230},
--	{227,230,232},
--	{ 52, 51,240},
--	{ 75, 78, 50},
--	{408,430,409},
--	{260,258,257},
--	{260,257,259},
--	{224,207,259},
--	{268,269,405},
--	{268,405,404},
--	{413,362,360},
--	{447,  8,205},
--	{299,297,285},
--	{189,281,202},
--	{290,288,289},
--	{290,289,291},
--	{322,321,295},
--	{322,295,294},
--	{333,323,311},
--	{333,311,320},
--	{317,316,329},
--	{320,160,144},
--	{353,325,326},
--	{329,332,334},
--	{329,334,330},
--	{339,338,141},
--	{339,141,139},
--	{348,345,126},
--	{347,356,346},
--	{123,349,125},
--	{364,353,354},
--	{364,354,355},
--	{365,364,363},
--	{376,391,394},
--	{376,394,401},
--	{ 92,376,374},
--	{ 92,374,373},
--	{377, 90, 88},
--	{380,379,378},
--	{380,378,381},
--	{388,387,409},
--	{388,409,410},
--	{416,393,392},
--	{399,398,402},
--	{399,402,403},
--	{250,428,427},
--	{421,417,416},
--	{421,416,420},
--	{426,427,446},
--	{426,446,451},
--	{444,442,441},
--	{452,451,450},
--	{452,450,449}
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/rabdata.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
--/* Copyright 1996, Viewpoint Datalabs Int'l, www.viewpoint.com, 1-800-DATASET */
--#     Usage Rights:  You (the user) may use this model to help build cool personal
--#     vrml worlds, but please give us credit when you do ("3D model provided by
--#     Viewpoint Datalabs, www,viewpoint.com").  Please don't sell it or use it to
--#     make money indirectly.  Don't redistribute it or put it on a web site except
--#     as a part of your personal, non-commerical vrml world.  If you want to do a
--#     commercial project, give us a call at 1-800-DATASET or visit www.viewpoint.com
--#     and we'll help you obtain the rights to do so.
-- *  Note that this data was put directly into the program
-- *  to provide a demo program on the net that people could
-- *  just run without having to fetch datafiles.  
-- *  i.e. more convienent for the user this way
-- */
--#ifndef RABBIT_DATA_H
--#define RABBIT_DATA_H
--#define RABBIT_VERTEX_NUM (453)
--#define RABBIT_TRIANGLE_NUM (902)
--extern float rabbit_vertices[RABBIT_VERTEX_NUM][3];
--extern int   rabbit_triangles[RABBIT_TRIANGLE_NUM][3];
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/vector.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <math.h>
--#include <assert.h>
--#include "vector.h"
--float  sqr(float a) {return a*a;}
--// vector (floating point) implementation
--float magnitude(Vector v) {
--    return float(sqrt(sqr(v.x) + sqr( v.y)+ sqr(v.z)));
--Vector normalize(Vector v) {
--    float d=magnitude(v);
--    if (d==0) {
--		printf("Cant normalize ZERO vector\n");
--		assert(0);
--		d=0.1f;
--	}
--    v.x/=d;
--    v.y/=d;
--    v.z/=d;
--    return v;
--Vector operator+(Vector v1,Vector v2) {return Vector(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y,v1.z+v2.z);}
--Vector operator-(Vector v1,Vector v2) {return Vector(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y,v1.z-v2.z);}
--Vector operator-(Vector v)            {return Vector(-v.x,-v.y,-v.z);}
--Vector operator*(Vector v1,float s)   {return Vector(v1.x*s,v1.y*s,v1.z*s);}
--Vector operator*(float s, Vector v1)  {return Vector(v1.x*s,v1.y*s,v1.z*s);}
--Vector operator/(Vector v1,float s)   {return v1*(1.0f/s);}
--float  operator^(Vector v1,Vector v2) {return v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;}
--Vector operator*(Vector v1,Vector v2) {
--    return Vector(
--                v1.y * v2.z - v1.z*v2.y,
--                v1.z * v2.x - v1.x*v2.z,
--                v1.x * v2.y - v1.y*v2.x);
--Vector planelineintersection(Vector n,float d,Vector p1,Vector p2){
--	// returns the point where the line p1-p2 intersects the plane n&d
--        Vector dif  = p2-p1;
--        float dn= n^dif;
--        float t = -(d+(n^p1) )/dn;
--        return p1 + (dif*t);
--int concurrent(Vector a,Vector b) {
--	return(a.x==b.x && a.y==b.y && a.z==b.z);
--// Matrix Implementation
--matrix transpose(matrix m) {
--	return matrix(	Vector(m.x.x,m.y.x,m.z.x),
--					Vector(m.x.y,m.y.y,m.z.y),
--					Vector(m.x.z,m.y.z,m.z.z));
--Vector operator*(matrix m,Vector v){
--	m=transpose(m); // since column ordered
--	return Vector(m.x^v,m.y^v,m.z^v);
--matrix operator*(matrix m1,matrix m2){
--	m1=transpose(m1);
--	return matrix(m1*m2.x,m1*m2.y,m1*m2.z);
--//Quaternion Implementation    
--Quaternion operator*(Quaternion a,Quaternion b) {
--	Quaternion c;
--	c.r = a.r*b.r - a.x*b.x - a.y*b.y - a.z*b.z; 
--	c.x = a.r*b.x + a.x*b.r + a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y; 
--	c.y = a.r*b.y - a.x*b.z + a.y*b.r + a.z*b.x; 
--	c.z = a.r*b.z + a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x + a.z*b.r; 
--	return c;
--Quaternion operator-(Quaternion q) {
--	return Quaternion(q.r*-1,q.x,q.y,q.z);
--Quaternion operator*(Quaternion a,float b) {
--	return Quaternion(a.r*b, a.x*b, a.y*b, a.z*b);
--Vector operator*(Quaternion q,Vector v) {
--	return q.getmatrix() * v;
--Vector operator*(Vector v,Quaternion q){
--	assert(0);  // must multiply with the quat on the left
--	return Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
--Quaternion operator+(Quaternion a,Quaternion b) {
--	return Quaternion(a.r+b.r, a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z);
--float operator^(Quaternion a,Quaternion b) {
--	return  (a.r*b.r + a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z); 
--Quaternion slerp(Quaternion a,Quaternion b,float interp){
--	if((a^b) <0.0) {
--		a.r=-a.r;
--		a.x=-a.x;
--		a.y=-a.y;
--		a.z=-a.z;
--	}
--	float theta = float(acos(a^b));
--	if(theta==0.0f) { return(a);}
--	return a*float(sin(theta-interp*theta)/sin(theta)) + b*float(sin(interp*theta)/sin(theta));
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/vector.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
--// This module contains a bunch of well understood functions
--// I apologise if the conventions used here are slightly
--// different than what you are used to.
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <math.h>
--class Vector {
--  public:
--	float x,y,z;
--	Vector(float _x=0.0,float _y=0.0,float _z=0.0){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;};
--	operator float *() { return &x;};
--float magnitude(Vector v);
--Vector normalize(Vector v);
--Vector operator+(Vector v1,Vector v2);
--Vector operator-(Vector v);
--Vector operator-(Vector v1,Vector v2);
--Vector operator*(Vector v1,float s)   ;
--Vector operator*(float s,Vector v1)   ;
--Vector operator/(Vector v1,float s)   ;
--float   operator^(Vector v1,Vector v2);  // DOT product
--Vector operator*(Vector v1,Vector v2);   // CROSS product
--Vector planelineintersection(Vector n,float d,Vector p1,Vector p2);
--class matrix{
-- public:
--	Vector x,y,z;
--	matrix(){x=Vector(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
--	         y=Vector(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
--	         z=Vector(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);};
--	matrix(Vector _x,Vector _y,Vector _z){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;};
--matrix transpose(matrix m);
--Vector operator*(matrix m,Vector v);
--matrix operator*(matrix m1,matrix m2);
--class Quaternion{
-- public:
--	 float r,x,y,z;
--	 Quaternion(){x=y=z=0.0f;r=1.0f;};
--	 Quaternion(Vector v,float t){v=normalize(v);r=float(cos(t/2.0));v=v*float(sin(t/2.0));x=v.x;y=v.y;z=v.z;};
--	 Quaternion(float _r,float _x,float _y,float _z){r=_r;x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;};
--	 float angle(){return float(acos(r)*2.0);}
--	 Vector axis(){Vector a(x,y,z); return a*float(1/sin(angle()/2.0));}
--	 Vector xdir(){return Vector(1-2*(y*y+z*z),  2*(x*y+r*z),  2*(x*z-r*y));}
--	 Vector ydir(){return Vector(  2*(x*y-r*z),1-2*(x*x+z*z),  2*(y*z+r*x));}
--	 Vector zdir(){return Vector(  2*(x*z+r*y),  2*(y*z-r*x),1-2*(x*x+y*y));}
--	 matrix  getmatrix(){return matrix(xdir(),ydir(),zdir());}
--	 //operator matrix(){return getmatrix();}
--Quaternion operator-(Quaternion q);
--Quaternion operator*(Quaternion a,Quaternion b);
--Vector    operator*(Quaternion q,Vector v);
--Vector    operator*(Vector v,Quaternion q);
--Quaternion slerp(Quaternion a,Quaternion b,float interp);
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/bunnylod/winmain.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-- *        Polygon Reduction Demo by Stan Melax (c) 1998
-- *  Permission to use any of this code wherever you want is granted..
-- *  Although, please do acknowledge authorship if appropriate.
-- *
-- *  This module contains the window setup code, mouse input, timing
-- *  routines, and that sort of stuff.  The interesting modules
-- *  to see are bunnygut.cpp and progmesh.cpp.
-- *
-- *  The windows 95 specific code for this application was taken from
-- *  an example of processing mouse events in an OpenGL program using
-- *  the Win32 API from the www.opengl.org web site. 
-- *  
-- *  Under Project->Settings, Link Options, General Category
-- *  Add:  
-- *        Opengl32.lib glu32.lib winmm.lib 
-- *  to the Object/Library Modules
-- *  
-- *  You will need have OpenGL libs and include files to compile this
-- *  Go to the www.opengl.org web site if you need help with this.
-- */
--#include <windows.h>	/* must include this before GL/gl.h */
--#include <GL/gl.h>		/* OpenGL header file */
--#include <GL/glu.h>		/* OpenGL utilities header file */
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <sys/types.h>
--#include <sys/timeb.h>
--#include <time.h>
--#include "vector.h"
--#include "font.h"
--// Functions and Variables from bunny module
--extern void       InitModel();
--extern void       RenderModel();
--extern Vector     model_position;      // position of bunny 
--extern Quaternion model_orientation;   // orientation of bunny 
--// Global Variables
--float   DeltaT = 0.1f;
--float   FPS;
--int 	Width  = 512;
--int 	Height = 512;
--int     MouseX = 0;
--int     MouseY = 0;
--Vector  MouseVector;      // 3D direction mouse points
--Vector  OldMouseVector;
--int     MouseState=0;     // true iff left button down
--float 	ViewAngle=45.0f;
--HDC hDC;                /* device context */
--HPALETTE hPalette = 0;  /* custom palette (if needed) */
--void CalcFPSDeltaT(){
--	static int timeinit=0;
--	static int start,start2,current,last;
--	static int frame=0, frame2=0;
--	if(!timeinit){
--		frame=0;
--		start=timeGetTime();
--		timeinit=1;
--	}
--	frame++;
--	frame2++;
--	current=timeGetTime(); // found in winmm.lib
--	double dif=(double)(current-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
--	double rv = (dif)? (double)frame/(double)dif:-1.0;
--	if(dif>2.0 && frame >10) {
--		start  = start2;
--		frame  = frame2;
--		start2 = timeGetTime();
--		frame2 = 0;
--	}		   
--	DeltaT = (float)(current-last)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
--	if(current==last) { 
--		DeltaT = 0.1f/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;  // it just cant be 0
--	}
--	// if(DeltaT>1.0) DeltaT=1.0;
--	FPS = (float)rv;
--	last = current;
--void ComputeMouseVector(){
--	OldMouseVector=MouseVector;
--	float spread = (float)tan(ViewAngle/2*3.14/180);  
--	float y = spread * ((Height-MouseY)-Height/2.0f) /(Height/2.0f);
--    float x = spread * (MouseX-Width/2.0f)  /(Height/2.0f);
--    Vector v(x ,y,-1); 
--    // v=UserOrientation *v;
--    v=normalize(v);
--	MouseVector = v;
--Quaternion VirtualTrackBall(Vector cop,Vector cor,Vector dir1,Vector dir2) {
--	// Implement track ball functionality to spin stuf on the screen
--	//  cop   center of projection
--	//  cor   center of rotation
--	//  dir1  old mouse direction 
--	//  dir2  new mouse direction
--	// pretend there is a sphere around cor.  Then find the points
--	// where dir1 and dir2 intersect that sphere.  Find the
--	// rotation that takes the first point to the second.
--	float m;
--	// compute plane 
--	Vector nrml = cor - cop;
--	float fudgefactor = 1.0f/(magnitude(nrml) * 0.25f); // since trackball proportional to distance from cop
--	nrml = normalize(nrml);
--	float dist = -(nrml^cor);
--	Vector u= planelineintersection(nrml,dist,cop,cop+dir1);
--	u=u-cor;
--	u=u*fudgefactor;
--	m= magnitude(u);
--	if(m>1) {u=u*1.0f/m;}
--	else {
--		u=u - (nrml * (float)sqrt(1-m*m));
--	}
--	Vector v= planelineintersection(nrml,dist,cop,cop+dir2);
--	v=v-cor;
--	v=v*fudgefactor;
--	m= magnitude(v);
--	if(m>1) {v=v*1.0f/m;}
--	else {
--		v=v - (nrml * (float)sqrt(1-m*m));
--	}
--	Vector axis = u*v;
--	float angle;
--	m=magnitude(axis);
--	if(m>1)m=1; // avoid potential floating point error
--	Quaternion q(Vector(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),0.0f);
--	if(m>0 && (angle=(float)asin(m))>3.14/180) {
-- 			axis = normalize(axis);
--  			q=Quaternion(axis,angle);
--	}
--	return q;
--void SpinIt(){
--	// Change the orientation of the bunny according to mouse drag
--	Quaternion q=VirtualTrackBall(Vector(0,0,0),model_position,
--	                              OldMouseVector,MouseVector);
--	model_orientation=q*model_orientation;
--void Reshape(int width, int height){
--	// called initially and when the window changes size
--	Width=width;
--	Height=height;
--    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
--    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
--    glLoadIdentity();
--    gluPerspective(ViewAngle, (float)width/height, 0.1, 50.0);
--    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
--    glLoadIdentity();
--void PrintStats(){
--	char buf[1024];buf[0]='\0';
--	sprintf(buf,"FPS: %5.2f   ",FPS);
--	PostString(buf,0,-1,0);
--void Display(){
--	// main drawing routine - called every frame
--    glPushMatrix();
--	glLoadIdentity();
--	// camera at default (zero) position and orientation
--	RenderModel();
--	PrintStats();
--	glLoadIdentity();
--	RenderStrings();
--    glPopMatrix();
--    glFlush();
--    SwapBuffers(hDC);			/* nop if singlebuffered */
--LONG WINAPI WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
--    static PAINTSTRUCT ps;
--    static GLboolean left  = GL_FALSE;	/* left button currently down? */
--    static GLboolean right = GL_FALSE;	/* right button currently down? */
--    static int omx, omy, mx, my;
--    switch(uMsg) {
--    case WM_PAINT:
--		BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
--		EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
--		return 0;
--    case WM_SIZE:
--		Reshape(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
--		PostMessage(hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
--		return 0;
--    case WM_CHAR:
--		switch (wParam) {
--			case 27: /* ESC key */
--			    PostQuitMessage(0);
--			    break;
--		}
--		return 0;
--	    /* if we don't set the capture we won't get mouse move
--           messages when the mouse moves outside the window. */
--		SetCapture(hWnd);
--		MouseX = LOWORD(lParam);
--		MouseY = HIWORD(lParam);
--		ComputeMouseVector();
--		MouseState = 1;
--		return 0;
--    case WM_LBUTTONUP:
--		MouseX = LOWORD(lParam);
--		MouseY = HIWORD(lParam);
--	    if(MouseX & 1 << 15) MouseX -= (1 << 16);
--	    if(MouseY & 1 << 15) MouseY -= (1 << 16);
--		ComputeMouseVector();
--		if(MouseState) SpinIt();
--		MouseState=0;
--		/* remember to release the capture when we are finished. */
--		ReleaseCapture();
--		return 0;
--    case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
--		MouseX = LOWORD(lParam);
--		MouseY = HIWORD(lParam);
--	    /* Win32 is pretty braindead about the x, y position that
--	       it returns when the mouse is off the left or top edge
--	       of the window (due to them being unsigned). therefore,
--	       roll the Win32's 0..2^16 pointer co-ord range to the
--	       more amenable (and useful) 0..+/-2^15. */
--	    if(MouseX & 1 << 15) MouseX -= (1 << 16);
--	    if(MouseY & 1 << 15) MouseY -= (1 << 16);
--		ComputeMouseVector();
--		if(MouseState) SpinIt();
--		return 0;
--		if (hWnd == (HWND)wParam) break;
--		/* fall through to WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE */
--		if (hPalette) {
--		    UnrealizeObject(hPalette);
--		    SelectPalette(hDC, hPalette, FALSE);
--		    RealizePalette(hDC);
--		    return TRUE;
--		}
--		return FALSE;
--    case WM_CLOSE:
--		PostQuitMessage(0);
--		return 0;
--    }
--    return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); 
--HWND CreateOpenGLWindow(char* title)
--	// make a double-buffered, rgba, opengl window
--    int         n, pf;
--    HWND        hWnd;
--    WNDCLASS    wc;
--    LOGPALETTE* lpPal;
--    static HINSTANCE hInstance = 0;
--    /* only register the window class once - use hInstance as a flag. */
--    if (!hInstance) {
--		hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
--		wc.style         = CS_OWNDC;
--		wc.lpfnWndProc   = (WNDPROC)WindowProc;
--		wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;
--		wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;
--		wc.hInstance     = hInstance;
--		wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO);
--		wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
--		wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
--		wc.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
--		wc.lpszClassName = "OpenGL";
--		if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) {
--			MessageBox(NULL, "RegisterClass() failed:  "
--				   "Cannot register window class.", "Error", MB_OK);
--			return NULL;
--		}
--    }
--    hWnd = CreateWindow("OpenGL", title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW |
--			0,0,Width,Height, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
--    if (hWnd == NULL) {
--		MessageBox(NULL, "CreateWindow() failed:  Cannot create a window.",
--			   "Error", MB_OK);
--		return NULL;
--    }
--    hDC = GetDC(hWnd);
--    /* there is no guarantee that the contents of the stack that become
--       the pfd are zeroed, therefore _make sure_ to clear these bits. */
--    memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
--    pfd.nSize        = sizeof(pfd);
--    pfd.nVersion     = 1;
--    pfd.iPixelType   = PFD_TYPE_RGBA;
--    pfd.cDepthBits   = 32;
--    pfd.cColorBits   = 32;
--    pf = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd);
--    if (pf == 0) {
--		MessageBox(NULL, "ChoosePixelFormat() failed:  "
--			   "Cannot find a suitable pixel format.", "Error", MB_OK); 
--		return 0;
--    } 
--    if (SetPixelFormat(hDC, pf, &pfd) == FALSE) {
--		MessageBox(NULL, "SetPixelFormat() failed:  "
--			   "Cannot set format specified.", "Error", MB_OK);
--		return 0;
--    } 
--    DescribePixelFormat(hDC, pf, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd);
--    if (pfd.dwFlags & PFD_NEED_PALETTE ||
--		pfd.iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_COLORINDEX) {
--		n = 1 << pfd.cColorBits;
--		if (n > 256) n = 256;
--		lpPal = (LOGPALETTE*)malloc(sizeof(LOGPALETTE) +
--						sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * n);
--		memset(lpPal, 0, sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * n);
--		lpPal->palVersion = 0x300;
--		lpPal->palNumEntries = n;
--		GetSystemPaletteEntries(hDC, 0, n, &lpPal->palPalEntry[0]);
--		/* if the pixel type is RGBA, then we want to make an RGB ramp,
--		   otherwise (color index) set individual colors. */
--		if (pfd.iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA) {
--			int redMask = (1 << pfd.cRedBits) - 1;
--			int greenMask = (1 << pfd.cGreenBits) - 1;
--			int blueMask = (1 << pfd.cBlueBits) - 1;
--			int i;
--			/* fill in the entries with an RGB color ramp. */
--			for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = 
--				(((i >> pfd.cRedShift)   & redMask)   * 255)/redMask;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = 
--				(((i >> pfd.cGreenShift) & greenMask) * 255)/greenMask;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = 
--				(((i >> pfd.cBlueShift)  & blueMask)  * 255)/blueMask;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;
--			}
--		} else {
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[0].peRed = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[0].peGreen = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[0].peBlue = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[0].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[1].peRed = 255;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[1].peGreen = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[1].peBlue = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[1].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[2].peRed = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[2].peGreen = 255;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[2].peBlue = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[2].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[3].peRed = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[3].peGreen = 0;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[3].peBlue = 255;
--			lpPal->palPalEntry[3].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
--		}
--		hPalette = CreatePalette(lpPal);
--		if (hPalette) {
--			SelectPalette(hDC, hPalette, FALSE);
--			RealizePalette(hDC);
--		}
--		free(lpPal);
--    }
--    ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
--    return hWnd;
--int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hCurrentInst, HINSTANCE hPreviousInst,
--	LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
--    HGLRC hRC;				/* opengl context */
--    HWND  hWnd;				/* window */
--    MSG   msg;				/* message */
--	// InitModel() initializes some data structures and
--	// does the progressive mesh polygon reduction algorithm
--	// on the model.
--	CalcFPSDeltaT(); // to time the algorithm
--	InitModel();
--	CalcFPSDeltaT();
--	hWnd = CreateOpenGLWindow("bunnylod by Stan Melax");
--    if (hWnd == NULL) exit(1);
--    hDC = GetDC(hWnd);
--    hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC);
--    wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC);
--    ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow);
--	glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
--	PostString("Demo by Stan Melax (c)1998",5,-5,20);
--	PostString("Model by Viewpoint Datalabs (c)1996",5,-4,20);
--	char buf[128];
--	PostString("Mesh Reduction Algorithm (non-optimized)",1,0,5);
--	sprintf(buf,"was executed in %5.3f seconds",DeltaT);
--	PostString(buf,2,1,6);
--    while (1) {
--		while(PeekMessage(&msg, hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) {
--		    if(GetMessage(&msg, hWnd, 0, 0)) {
--				TranslateMessage(&msg);
--				DispatchMessage(&msg);
--		    } else {
--				goto quit; // This 'goto' was in the sample code
--		    }
--		}
--		CalcFPSDeltaT();
--		Display();
--    }
--  quit:
--    wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
--    ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
--    wglDeleteContext(hRC);
--    DestroyWindow(hWnd);
--    if (hPalette) DeleteObject(hPalette);
--    return msg.wParam;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/files.cmake
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--#               ______                _     ____          __  __
--#              |  ____|             _| |_  / __ \   /\   |  \/  |
--#              | |__ _ __ ___  ___ /     \| |  | | /  \  | \  / |
--#              |  __| '__/ _ \/ _ ( (| |) ) |  | |/ /\ \ | |\/| |
--#              | |  | | |  __/  __/\_   _/| |__| / ____ \| |  | |
--#              |_|  |_|  \___|\___|  |_|   \____/_/    \_\_|  |_|
--#                   FreeFOAM: The Cross-Platform CFD Toolkit
--# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Michael Wild <themiwi at users.sf.net>
--#                         Gerber van der Graaf <gerber_graaf at users.sf.net>
--# License
--#   This file is part of FreeFOAM.
--#   FreeFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
--#   option) any later version.
--#   FreeFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--#   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--#   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--#   for more details.
--#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--#   along with FreeFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--  surfaceCoarsen.C
--  bunnylod/progmesh.C
--  bunnylod/vector.C
--  )
--# ------------------------- vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et: --------------- end-of-file
---- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceCoarsen/surfaceCoarsen.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
--  =========                 |
--  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
--   \\    /   O peration     |
--    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
--     \\/     M anipulation  |
--    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
--    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--    (at your option) any later version.
--    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--    for more details.
--    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--    surfaceCoarsen
--    Surface coarsening using 'bunnylod'.
--	Polygon Reduction Demo
--	By Stan Melax (c) 1998
--	mailto:melax at cs.ualberta.ca
--	http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~melax
--    - surfaceCoarsen [OPTIONS] \<Foam surface file\> \<factor\> \<Foam output surface file\>
--    @param \<Foam surface file\> \n
--    @todo Detailed description of argument.
--    @param \<factor\> \n
--    @todo Detailed description of argument.
--    @param \<Foam output surface file\> \n
--    @todo Detailed description of argument.
--    @param -case \<dir\>\n
--    Case directory.
--    @param -help \n
--    Display help message.
--    @param -doc \n
--    Display Doxygen API documentation page for this application.
--    @param -srcDoc \n
--    Display Doxygen source documentation page for this application.
--#include <OpenFOAM/argList.H>
--#include <OpenFOAM/fileName.H>
--#include <triSurface/triSurface.H>
--#include <OpenFOAM/OFstream.H>
--#include <OpenFOAM/triFace.H>
--#include <OpenFOAM/triFaceList.H>
--// From bunnylod
--#include "bunnylod/progmesh.h"
--using namespace Foam;
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--int mapVertex(::List<int>& collapse_map, int a, int mx)
--    if (mx <= 0)
--    {
--        return 0;
--    }
--    while (a >= mx)
--    {  
--	a = collapse_map[a];
--    }
--    return a;
--// Main program:
--int main(int argc, char *argv[])
--    argList::noParallel();
--    argList::validArgs.clear();
--    argList::validArgs.append("Foam surface file");
--    argList::validArgs.append("reduction factor");
--    argList::validArgs.append("Foam output file");
--    argList args(argc, argv);
--    fileName inFileName(args.additionalArgs()[0]);
--    scalar reduction(readScalar(IStringStream(args.additionalArgs()[1])()));
--    if (reduction <= 0 || reduction > 1)
--    {
--        FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
--            << "Reduction factor " << reduction
--            << " should be within 0..1" << endl
--            << "(it is the reduction in number of vertices)"
--            << exit(FatalError);
--    }
--    fileName outFileName(args.additionalArgs()[2]);
--    Info<< "Input surface   :" << inFileName << endl
--        << "Reduction factor:" << reduction << endl
--        << "Output surface  :" << outFileName << endl << endl;
--    const triSurface surf(inFileName);
--    Info<< "Surface:" << endl;
--    surf.writeStats(Info);
--    Info<< endl;
--    ::List< ::Vector> vert;     // global list of vertices
--    ::List< ::tridata> tri;     // global list of triangles
--    // Convert triSurface to progmesh format. Note: can use global point
--    // numbering since surface read in from file.
--    const pointField& pts = surf.points();
--    forAll(pts, ptI)
--    {
--        const point& pt = pts[ptI];
--        vert.Add( ::Vector(pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z()));
--    }
--    forAll(surf, faceI)
--    {
--        const labelledTri& f = surf[faceI];
--        tridata td;
--        td.v[0]=f[0];
--        td.v[1]=f[1];
--        td.v[2]=f[2];
--        tri.Add(td);
--    }        
--    ::List<int> collapse_map;   // to which neighbor each vertex collapses
--    ::List<int> permutation;
--    ::ProgressiveMesh(vert,tri,collapse_map,permutation);
--    // rearrange the vertex list 
--    ::List< ::Vector> temp_list;
--    for(int i=0;i<vert.num;i++)
--    {
--        temp_list.Add(vert[i]);
--    }
--    for(int i=0;i<vert.num;i++)
--    {
--        vert[permutation[i]]=temp_list[i];
--    }
--    // update the changes in the entries in the triangle list
--    for(int i=0;i<tri.num;i++)
--    {
--        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
--        {
--            tri[i].v[j] = permutation[tri[i].v[j]];
--        }
--    }
--    // Only get triangles with non-collapsed edges.
--    int render_num = int(reduction * surf.nPoints());
--    Info<< "Reducing to " << render_num << " vertices" << endl;
--    // Storage for new surface.
--    Foam::List<labelledTri> newTris(surf.size());
--    label newI = 0;
--    for (int i=0; i<tri.num; i++)
--    {
--        int p0 = mapVertex(collapse_map, tri[i].v[0], render_num);
--        int p1 = mapVertex(collapse_map, tri[i].v[1], render_num);
--        int p2 = mapVertex(collapse_map, tri[i].v[2], render_num);
--        // note:  serious optimization opportunity here,
--        //  by sorting the triangles the following "continue" 
--        //  could have been made into a "break" statement.
--        if (p0 == p1 || p1 == p2 || p2 == p0)
--        {
--            continue;
--        }
--        newTris[newI++] = labelledTri(p0, p1, p2, 0);
--    }
--    newTris.setSize(newI);
--    // Convert vert into pointField.
--    pointField newPoints(vert.num);
--    for(int i=0; i<vert.num; i++)
--    {
--        const ::Vector & v = vert[i];
--        newPoints[i] = point(v.x, v.y, v.z);
--    }
--    triSurface surf2(newTris, newPoints);
--    triSurface outSurf
--    (
--        surf2.localFaces(),
--        surf2.patches(),
--        surf2.localPoints()
--    );
--    Info<< "Coarsened surface:" << endl;
--    surf2.writeStats(Info);
--    Info<< endl;
--    Info<< "Writing to file " << outFileName << endl << endl;
--    surf2.write(outFileName);
--    Info << "End\n" << endl;
--    return 0;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
diff --git a/debian/patches/userd.diff b/debian/patches/userd.diff
index 73c0431..5d60faa 100644
--- a/debian/patches/userd.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/userd.diff
@@ -8,22098 +8,3 @@ Removed userd plugin because of non-free files
  # ------------------------- vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et: --------------- end-of-file
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
--#               ______                _     ____          __  __
--#              |  ____|             _| |_  / __ \   /\   |  \/  |
--#              | |__ _ __ ___  ___ /     \| |  | | /  \  | \  / |
--#              |  __| '__/ _ \/ _ ( (| |) ) |  | |/ /\ \ | |\/| |
--#              | |  | | |  __/  __/\_   _/| |__| / ____ \| |  | |
--#              |_|  |_|  \___|\___|  |_|   \____/_/    \_\_|  |_|
--#                   FreeFOAM: The Cross-Platform CFD Toolkit
--# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Michael Wild <themiwi at users.sf.net>
--#                         Gerber van der Graaf <gerber_graaf at users.sf.net>
--# License
--#   This file is part of FreeFOAM.
--#   FreeFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
--#   option) any later version.
--#   FreeFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--#   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--#   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--#   for more details.
--#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--#   along with FreeFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--foam_add_library(userd MODULE SKIP_EXPORT)
--  OpenFOAM
--  finiteVolume
--  lagrangian
--  genericPatchFields
--  )
--  )
--# ------------------------- vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et: --------------- end-of-file
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,1847 +0,0 @@
--EnSight User Defined Reader Capability
--A user defined reader capability is included in EnSight which allows otherwise
--unsupported structured or unstructured data to be read.  The user defined
--reader utilizes a dynamic shared library composed of routines defined in this
--document, but produced by the user (or some third party). This capability is
--currently available for dec, ibm, hp, sgi, and sun servers.
--Note: Several user defined readers have been included with your EnSight
--      release and can be accessed by changing the ENSIGHT6_READER
--      environment variable as outlined in step 3. below.   Please be aware
--      that these are "unsupported" readers, but many of them are being used
--      successfully.
--The process for producing a user defined reader is:
--1. Write code for all pertinent routines in the library (Unless someone else
--   has done this for you).
--        This is of course where the work is done by the user.  The word
--        "pertinent" is used because depending on the nature of the data, some
--        of the routines in the library may be dummy routines.
--        The source code for a dummy library and for various other working or
--        sample libraries is copied from the installation CD during
--        installation.  These will be located in directories under:
--        $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers
--        examples:
--        --------
--        The default library. Basic dummy routines.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/dummy
--        Sample library which reads unstructured binary EnSight6 data.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/ensight6
--        Sample library which reads binary static plot3d data.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/plot3d
--        Reads binary LS-DYNA3D state database.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/ls-dyna3d
--        Reads FORTRAN binary Unstrutured dytran data base.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/dytran
--        Reads FlowScience "flsgrf" flow3d data.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/flow3d
--        Reads Tecplot "plt" files.        
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/tecplot
--        Reads Common File Format data.        
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/cff
--        Reads Cobalt grid and picture/restart file data.        
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/cobalt
--        You may find it useful to place your library source in this area as
--        well, but are not limited to this location.
-- * ===>	The descriptions of each library routine and the order that the
--	routines are called, which is provided in this file, along with
-- 	the example libraries, should make it possible for you to produce
--	code for your own data reader.	
--2. Produce the dynamic shared library.
--        This is a compiling and loading process which varies according to
--        the type of machine you are on.  Thus, a separate makefile is provided
--        for each machine type.  Operating system level differences could cause
--        you to have to modify these makefiles slightly, but the general
--        process is very straightforward.  Note that for the SGI environment you
--        must compile with the following flags to ensure compatability with
--        the EnSight server:  Irix_5.3     -mips1
--                             Irix_6.2     -mips2
--                             Irix_6.5_n32 -mips3
--                             Irix_6.5_n64 -mips4 -64
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      |  TYPE   |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         |         LD COMMAND USED IN MAKEFILE                    |
--       ==================================================================
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | sgi     | makefile.sgi          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd.so libuserd.o              |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | hp      | makefile.hp           |  libuserd.sl                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -b -o libuserd.sl libuserd.o                        |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | sun     | makefile.sun          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -G -o libuserd.so libuserd.o                        |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | dec     | makefile.dec          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd.so libuserd.o -lc          |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | ibm     | makefile.ibm          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -G -o libuserd.so libuserd.o -bnoentry -bexpall -lc |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--   Once you have created your library, you should place it in a directory
--   of your choice under:
--     $ENSIGHT6_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT6_ARCH/lib_readers
--   Thus, if you created a reader for "mydata", you should create the
--   following directory, and place your libuserd.so into it:
--     $ENSIGHT6_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT6_ARCH/lib_readers/mydata
--3. Set up the ENSIGHT6_READER environment variable so EnSight will know
--   which reader directory to use at runtime.
--   Ensight will look for the library under:
--     $ENSIGHT6_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT6_ARCH/lib_readers/$ENSIGHT6_READER
--   When EnSight was installed, you set this variable to "dummy", with:
--     setenv ENSIGHT6_READER dummy
--   You can use any of the other provided readers by changing this variable.
--   For example, to use the dytran reader:
--     setenv ENSIGHT6_READER dytran 
--   Thus, you can use your reader in the same way.  If you provided "mydata",
--   change ENSIGHT6_READER to:
--     setenv ENSIGHT6_READER mydata
--   For your information, EnSight makes sure that the appropriate library
--   environment variable is set for your machine architecture. You do not
--   have to deal with this if you locate your library as outlined above.
--   The library environment variables used are:
--        Machine type    Environment variable to set
--        ------------    ---------------------------
--        sgi             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        dec             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        sun             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        hp              SHLIB_PATH
--        ibm             LIBPATH
--IMPORTANT:  Unless the shared library is available in the
--            .../$ENSIGHT6_READER directory, EnSight will not run.
--As always, EnSight support is available if you need it.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--Generally Needed for UNSTRUCTURED data
--USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes                number of global nodes
--USERD_get_global_coords                         global node coordinates
--USERD_get_global_node_ids                       global node ids
--USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part       part's element connectivites
--USERD_get_element_ids_for_part                  part's element ids
--USERD_get_scalar_values                         global scalar variables
--USERD_get_vector_values                         global vector variables
--Generally Needed for BLOCK data
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component             block coordinates
--USERD_get_block_iblanking                       block iblanking values
--USERD_get_block_scalar_values                   block scalar variables
--USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component      block vector variables 
--Generally needed for either or both kinds of data
--USERD_set_filenames                             filenames entered in GUI
--USERD_set_time_step                             current time step
--USERD_get_name_of_reader                        name of reader for GUI
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset            number of files in model
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info               info about each model file
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status              changing geometry?
--USERD_get_node_label_status                     node labels?
--USERD_get_element_label_status                  element labels?
--USERD_get_number_of_time_steps                  number of time steps
--USERD_get_solution_times                        solution time values
--USERD_get_description_lines                     file associated descrip lines
--USERD_get_number_of_variables                   number of variables
--USERD_get_variable_info                         variable type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_constant_value                        constant variable's value
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts                 number of model parts
--USERD_get_part_build_info                       part type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific            node's or element's variable
--                                                   value over time
--USERD_stop_part_building                        cleanup routine
--USERD_bkup                                      archive routine
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--1. Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--        USERD_get_name_of_reader
--2. Setting filenames and getting time info
--        USERD_set_filenames
--        USERD_get_number_of_time_steps
--        USERD_get_solution_times
--        USERD_set_time_step
--3. Gathering info for part builder
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_changing_geometry_status
--        USERD_get_node_label_status
--        USERD_get_element_label_status
--        USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset
--        USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--        USERD_get_description_lines             (for geometry)
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_number_global_nodes
--        USERD_get_global_coords                 (for model extents)
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component     (for model extents)
--4. Gathering Variable info
--        USERD_get_number_of_variables
--        USERD_get_variable_info
--5. Part building (per part created)
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_global_node_ids
--        USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_stop_part_building      (only once when part builder
--                                       dialog is closed)
--6. Loading Variables
--        constants:
--        ---------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_constant_value
--        scalars:
--        -------
--        USERD_get_description_lines
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_scalar_values
--        USERD_get_block_scalar_values
--        vectors:
--        -------
--        USERD_get_description_lines
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_vector_values
--        USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component
--7. Changing geometry
--        changing coords only:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        changing connectivity:
--        ---------------------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_number_global_nodes
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_global_node_ids
--        USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--Basis of arrays:
--Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all arrays are zero based - in true C
--Global variables:
--You will generally need to have a few global variables which are shared by
--the various library routines. The detailed specifications below have assumed
--the following are available.  (Their names describe their purpose, and they
--will be used in helping describe the details of the routines below).
--static int Numparts_available      = 0;
--static int Num_unstructured_parts  = 0;
--static int Num_structured_blocks   = 0;
--/* Note: Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks */
--static int Num_time_steps          = 1;
--static int Num_global_nodes        = 0;
--static int Num_variables           = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files       = 0;
--static int Current_time_step       = 0;
--Library Routines (in alphabetical order):
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called during the EnSight archive process.  You can
--   use it to save or restore info relating to your user defined reader.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--                  int backup_type)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  archive_file         = The archive file pointer
--   (IN)  backup_type          = Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE for saving archive
--                                Z_REST_ARCHIVE for restoring archive
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since EnSight's archive file is saved in binary form, you should
--     also do any writing to it or reading from it in binary.
--   * You should archive any variables, which will be needed for
--     future operations, that will not be read or computed again
--     before they will be needed.  These are typically global
--     variables.
--   * Make sure that the number of bytes that you write on a save and
--     the number of bytes that you read on a restore are identical!!
--   * If any of the variables you save are allocated arrays, you must
--     do the allocations before restoring into them.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the coordinates of a given structured block, a component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array containing x,y, or z
--                                   coordinate component of each node
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the iblanking value at each node of a block (if the block is
--   iblanked).
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                                 int *iblank_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (OUT) iblank_array            = 1D array containing iblank value
--                                   for each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--          possible values are:   Z_EXT     = exterior
--                                 Z_INT     = interior
--                                 Z_BND     = boundary
--                                 Z_INTBND  = internal boundary
--                                 Z_SYM     = symmetry plane
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0  and you have
--     some iblanked blocks
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each node of a block, for a given scalar variable
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a block, for a given scalar variable
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_scalar_values(int block_number,
--                                     int which_scalar,
--                                     float *scalar_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_scalar            = The variable number
--   (OUT) scalar_array            = 1D array containing scalar values
--                                   for each node or element.
--                                   Array will have been allocated:
--                                   if Z_PER_NODE:
--                                      i*j*k for the block long
--                                   if Z_PER_ELEM:
--                                      (i-1)*(i-1)*(k-1) for the block long
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and there are some scalar type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each node of a block, for a given vector
--     variable, one component at a time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a block, for a given vector
--     variable, one component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component(int block_number,
--                                                  int which_vector,
--                                                  int which_component,
--                                                  float *vector_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_vector            = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) vector_array            = 1D array containing vector
--                                   component value for each node or element.
--                                   Array will have been allocated:
--                                   if Z_PER_NODE:
--                                      i*j*k for the block long
--                                   if Z_PER_ELEM:
--                                      (i-1)*(i-1)*(k-1) for the block long
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and there are some vector type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the changing geometry status for the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_STATIC        if geometry does not change
--   Z_CHANGE_COORDS if changing coordinates only
--   Z_CHANGE_CONN   if changing connectivity
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * EnSight does not support changing number of parts.  But the
--     coords and/or the connectivity of the parts can change.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the value of a constant at a time step
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   float USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Value of the requested constant variable
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var            = The variable number
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the information about files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) qfiles   = Structure containing information about each file
--                    of the dataset. The Z_QFILES structure is defined
--                    in the global_extern.h file
--                   (The structure will have been allocated
--                    Num_dataset_files long, with 10 description
--                    lines per file).
--      qfiles[].name        = The name of the file
--                             (Z_MAXFILENP is the dimensioned length
--                              of the name)
--      qfiles[].sizeb       = The number of bytes in the file
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].timemod     = The time the file was last modified 
--                             (Z_MAXTIMLEN is the dimensioned length
--                              of this string)
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].num_d_lines = The number of description lines you
--                              are providing from the file. Max = 10
--      qfiles[].f_desc[]    = The description line(s) per file,
--                              qfiles[].num_d_lines of them
--                              (Z_BUFLEN is the allocated length of
--                               each line)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If Num_dataset_files is 0, this routine will not be called.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get two description lines associated with geometry per time step,
--   or one description line associated with a variable per time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_description_lines(int which_type,
--                                   int which_var,
--                                   char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                                   char line2[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_type           = Z_GEOM for geometry (2 lines)
--                              = Z_VARI for variable (1 line)
--   (IN)  which_var            = If it is a variable, which one.
--                                Ignored if geometry type.
--   (OUT) line1                = The 1st geometry description line,
--                                or the variable description line.
--   (OUT) line2                = The 2nd geometry description line
--                                Not used if variable type.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * These are the lines EnSight can echo to the screen in
--     annotation mode.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the connectivities for the elements of an unstructured part
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part(int part_number,
--                                                 int **conn_array[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--   (OUT) conn_array              = 3D array containing connectivity
--                                   of each element of each type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE by num_of_elements of
--                                   each type by connectivity length
--                                   of each type)
--                       ex) If num_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              num_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              num_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[Z_TRI03][25][3]
--                              conn_array[Z_QUA04][100][4]
--                              conn_array[Z_HEX08][30][8]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The coord_array loaded in USERD_get_global_coords is zero-based,
--     but within EnSight it will become a one-based array.
--     Thus, coord_array[0] will be accessed by node 1 from the conn_array,
--           coord_array[1] will be accessed by node 2 from the conn_array, etc.
--      ex) Given a model of two triangles, you should load coord_array in
--          USERD_get_global_coords as follows:
--                            node  coordinates
--                            ----  -----------
--          4 --------- 3      1    coord_array[0].xyz[0] = 0.0
--           |\        |            coord_array[0].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           | \  T2   |            coord_array[0].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |  \      |
--           |   \     |       2    coord_array[1].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |    \    |            coord_array[1].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           |     \   |            coord_array[1].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |      \  |
--           |  T1   \ |       3    coord_array[2].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |        \|            coord_array[2].xyz[1] = 1.6
--          1 --------- 2           coord_array[2].xyz[2] = 0.0
--                             4    coord_array[3].xyz[0] = 0.0
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[1] = 1.6
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[2] = 0.0
--        And conn_array here as follows:
--        Triangle  Connectivity
--        --------  ------------
--           T1     conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][0] = 1
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][1] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][2] = 4
--           T2     conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][0] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][1] = 3
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][2] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the ids for the elements of an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_ids_for_part(int part_number,
--                                      int *elemid_array[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--   (OUT) elemid_array            = 2D array containing id of each
--                                   element of each type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE by num_of_elements of
--                                   each type)
--                       ex) If num_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              num_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              num_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[Z_TRI03][25]
--                              conn_array[Z_QUA04][100]
--                              conn_array[Z_HEX08][30]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and element
--     label status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether element labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if element labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if element labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * element lables are needed in order to do any element querying, or
--     element labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.
--         USERD_get_element_ids_for_part is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a part by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them youself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the coordinates for the global nodes.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_global_coords(CRD *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array of CRD structures,
--                                   which contains x,y,z coordinates
--                                   of each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_global_nodes long)
--    For reference, CRD structure (which is in global_extern) is:
--         typedef struct {
--            float xyz[3];
--         }CRD;
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The coord_array is zero-based, but within EnSight it will become
--     a one-based array.
--     Thus, coord_array[0] will be accessed by node 1 from the conn_array,
--           coord_array[1] will be accessed by node 2 from the conn_array, etc.
--      ex) Given a model of two triangles, you should load coord_array as
--          follows:
--                            node  coordinates
--                            ----  -----------
--          4 --------- 3      1    coord_array[0].xyz[0] = 0.0
--           |\        |            coord_array[0].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           | \  T2   |            coord_array[0].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |  \      |
--           |   \     |       2    coord_array[1].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |    \    |            coord_array[1].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           |     \   |            coord_array[1].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |      \  |
--           |  T1   \ |       3    coord_array[2].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |        \|            coord_array[2].xyz[1] = 1.6
--          1 --------- 2           coord_array[2].xyz[2] = 0.0
--                             4    coord_array[3].xyz[0] = 0.0
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[1] = 1.6
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[2] = 0.0
--        And conn_array in USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        as follows:
--        Triangle  Connectivity
--        --------  ------------
--           T1     conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][0] = 1
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][1] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][2] = 4
--           T2     conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][0] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][1] = 3
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][2] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the node ids assigned to each of the global nodes.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_global_node_ids(int *nodeid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) nodeid_array            = 1D array containing node ids of
--                                    each node. The ids must be > 0
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Num_global_nodes long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and node label
--     status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the name of your user defined reader.  The user interface will
--   ask for this and include it in the available reader list.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--				int *two_fields)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) reader_name          = the name of the your reader or data format.
--                              (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which is 20)
--   (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field required
--				      in the data dialog of EnSight.
--				TRUE if two data fields required.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Always called.  Provide a name for your custom reader format.
--   * If you don't want a custom reader to show up in the data dialog
--     choices, return a name of "No_Custom"
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether node labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_node_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if node labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if node labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Node ids are needed in order to do any node querying, or node
--     labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.  The must also be
--       positive numbers greater than zero.
--         USERD_get_global_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--         status returned here is TRUE.
--         Also be aware that if you say node labels are available,
--         the connectivity of elements must be according to these
--         node ids.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them yourself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the total number of files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   The total number of files in the dataset.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You can be as complete as you want about this.  If you don't
--     care about the dataset query option, return a value of 0
--     If you only want certain files, you can just include them. But,
--     you will need to supply the info in USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--     for each file you include here.
--   * Num_dataset_files would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of global nodes, used for unstructured parts.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes()
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of global nodes (>=0 if okay, <0 if problems)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * For unstructured data:
--           EnSight wants  1. A global array of nodes
--                          2. Element connectivities by part, which
--                             reference the node numbers of the global
--                             node array.
--                IMPORTANT:
--                ---------
--                If you provide node ids, then element connectivities
--                must be in terms of the node ids.  If you do not
--                provide node ids, then element connectivities must be
--                in terms of the index into the node array, but shifted
--                to start at 1
--   * Num_global_nodes would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the total number of unstructured and structured parts
--   in the model, for which you can supply information.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of parts  (>0 if okay, <=0 if probs).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If going to have to read down through the parts in order to
--     know how many, you may want to build a table of pointers to
--     the various parts, so you can easily get to particular parts in
--     later processes.  If you can simply read the number of parts
--     at the head of the file, then you would probably not build the
--     table at this time.
--   * This routine would set Numparts_available, which is equal to
--     Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of time steps of data available.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_time_steps( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of time steps  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This should be >= 1       1 indicates a static model
--                              >1 indicates a transient model
--   * Num_time_steps would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of variables for which you will be providing info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_variables( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of variables (includes constant, scalar, and vector types)
--                       (>=0 if okay, <0 if problem)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Variable numbers, by which references will be made, are implied
--     here. If you say there are 3 variables, the variable numbers
--     will be 1, 2, and 3.
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Num_variables would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_build_info(int *part_numbers,
--                                 int *part_types,
--                                 char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                 int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                 int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                                 int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) part_numbers           = Array containing part numbers for
--                                  each of the model parts.
--                                  IMPORTANT:
--                                   Parts numbers must be >= 1
--            ********************************************
--             The numbers provided here are the ones by
--             which the parts will be referred to in any
--             of the other routines which receive a part
--             number or block number as an argument!! 
--            ********************************************
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                       Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                       Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                       Z_IBLANKED
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                   long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimensions
--                                  for each structured model part.
--                                           ----------
--                                  (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--      iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                       [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                       [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                       [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                       [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--     you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each global node for a given scalar variable.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a specific part and type for a
--     given scalar variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_scalar_values(int which_scalar,
--                               int which_part,
--                               int which_type,
--                               float *scalar_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_scalar            = The variable number (of scalar type)
--   (IN)  which_part 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The part number
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--   (OUT) scalar_array 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:       = 1D array containing scalar values
--                                    for each node.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Num_global_nodes long)
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = 1d array containing scalar values for
--                                   each element of a particular part and type.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    number_of_elements[which_part][which_type]
--                                    long.  See USERD_get_part_build_info)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and you have some scalar type variables.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the solution times associated with each time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_solution_times(float *solution_times)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) solution_times       = 1D array of solution times/time step
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_time_steps long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The solution times must be non-negative and increasing.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the variable descriptions, types and filenames
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                               char **var_filename,
--                               int *var_type,
--                               int *var_classify)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) var_description      = Variable descriptions
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_filename         = Variable filenames
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_type             = Variable type
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_CONSTANT
--                                            Z_SCALAR
--                                            Z_VECTOR
--   (OUT) var_classify         = Variable classification
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_PER_NODE
--                                            Z_PER_ELEM
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The implied variable numbers apply, but be aware that the
--     arrays are zero based.
--     So for variable 1, will need to provide   var_description[0]
--                                               var_filename[0]
--                                               var_type[0]
--                                               var_classify[0]
--        for variable 2, will need to provide   var_description[1]
--                                               var_filename[1]
--                                               var_type[1]
--                                               var_classify[1]
--              etc.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular node in a
--     particular part at a particular time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular element of
--     a particular type in a particular part at a particular time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                            int which_node_or_elem,
--                                            int which_part,
--                                            int which_elem_type,
--                                            int time_step,
--                                            float values[3])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var   = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_node_or_elem
--                        If Z_PER_NODE:
--                          = The node number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                              the index of the global node 
--                                              list (1 based), or the block's
--                                              node list (1 based).
--                            Thus,  coord_array[1]
--                                   coord_array[2]
--                                   coord_array[3]
--                                        .      |
--                                        .      |which_node_or_elem index
--                                        .             ----
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The element number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                                 the element number index
--                                                 of the number_of_element array
--                                                 (see USERD_get_part_build_info),
--                                                 or the block's element list
--  zzzzz                                          (1 based).
--                            Thus,  for which_part:
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][0]
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][1]
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][2]
--                                        .                      |
--                                        .          which_node_or_elem index
--                                        .                        ----
--   (IN)  which_part
--                        If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                          = Not used
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The part number
--   (IN)  which_elem_type
--                        If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                          = Not used
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The element type.    This is the element type index
--                                                 of the number_of_element array
--                                                 (see USERD_get_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  time_step   = The time step
--   (OUT) values      = scalar or vector component value(s)
--                        values[0] = scalar or vector[0]
--                        values[1] = vector[1]
--                        values[2] = vector[2]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This routine is used in node querys over time (or element querys over
--     time for Z_PER_ELEM variables).  If these operations are not critical
--     to you, this can be a dummy routine.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each global node for a given vector variable.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a specific part and type for a
--     given vector variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_vector_values(int which_vector,
--                               int which_part,
--                               int which_type,
--                               float *vector_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_vector            = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_part 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The part number
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--   (OUT) vector_array 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:       = 1D array containing vector values
--                                    for each node.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    3 by Num_global_nodes long)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            vector_array[0] = xcomp of node 1
--                            vector_array[1] = ycomp of node 1
--                            vector_array[2] = zcomp of node 1
--                            vector_array[3] = xcomp of node 2
--                            vector_array[4] = ycomp of node 2
--                            vector_array[5] = zcomp of node 2
--                            vector_array[6] = xcomp of node 3
--                            vector_array[7] = ycomp of node 3
--                            vector_array[8] = zcomp of node 3
--                                    etc.
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = 1d array containing vector values for
--                                   each element of a particular part and type.
--                                 (Array will have been allocated
--                                  3 by number_of_elements[which_part][which_type]
--                                  long.  See USERD_get_part_build_info)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            vector_array[0] = xcomp of elem 1 (of part and type)
--                            vector_array[1] = ycomp of elem 1         "
--                            vector_array[2] = zcomp of elem 1         "
--                            vector_array[3] = xcomp of elem 2         "
--                            vector_array[4] = ycomp of elem 2         "
--                            vector_array[5] = zcomp of elem 2         "
--                            vector_array[6] = xcomp of elem 3         "
--                            vector_array[7] = ycomp of elem 3         "
--                            vector_array[8] = zcomp of elem 3         "
--                                    etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0,  and you have some vector type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the geometry and result filenames entered in the data
--   dialog.  The user written code will have to store and use these
--   as needed.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                           char filename_2[],
--                           char the_path[],
--                           int swapbytes)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) filename_1   = the filename entered into the geometry
--                         field of the data dialog.
--   (IN) filename_2   = the filename entered into the result
--                         field of the data dialog.
--			 (If the two_fields flag in USERD_get_name_of_reader
--			  is FALSE, this will be null string)
--   (IN) the_path     = the path info from the data dialog.
--                       Note: filename_1 and filename_2 have already
--                            had the path prepended to them.  This
--                            is provided in case it is needed for
--                            filenames contained in one of the files
--   (IN) swapbytes    = TRUE if should swap bytes when reading data.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since you must manage everything from the input that is entered in
--     these data dialog fields, this is an important routine!
--   * It may be that you will need to have an executive type file that contains
--     info and other filenames within it, like EnSight6's case file.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Set the current time step.  All functions that need time, and
--   that do not explicitly pass it in, will use the time step set by
--   this routine.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_set_time_step(int time_step)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) time_step - The current time step to set
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Current_time_step would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine called when the part building dialog is closed.  It is
--   provided in case you desire to release memory, etc. that was only needed
--   during the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_stop_part_building( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README7
-+++ /dev/null
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--EnSight User Defined Reader Capability
--A user defined reader capability is included in EnSight which allows otherwise
--unsupported structured or unstructured data to be read.  The user defined
--reader utilizes a dynamic shared library composed of routines defined in this
--document, but produced by the user (or some third party). This capability is
--currently available for dec, ibm, hp, sgi, and sun servers.
--Note: Several user defined readers have been included with your EnSight
--      release and can be accessed by changing the ENSIGHT6_READER
--      environment variable as outlined in step 3. below.   Please be aware
--      that these are "unsupported" readers, but many of them are being used
--      successfully.
--The process for producing a user defined reader is:
--1. Write code for all pertinent routines in the library (Unless someone else
--   has done this for you).
--        This is of course where the work is done by the user.  The word
--        "pertinent" is used because depending on the nature of the data, some
--        of the routines in the library may be dummy routines.
--        The source code for a dummy library and for various other working or
--        sample libraries is copied from the installation CD during
--        installation.  These will be located in directories under:
--        $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers
--        examples:
--        --------
--        The default library. Basic dummy routines.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/dummy
--        Sample library which reads unstructured binary EnSight6 data.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/ensight6
--        Sample library which reads binary static plot3d data.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/plot3d
--        Reads binary LS-DYNA3D state database.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/ls-dyna3d
--        Reads FORTRAN binary Unstrutured dytran data base.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/dytran
--        Reads FlowScience "flsgrf" flow3d data.
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/flow3d
--        Reads Tecplot "plt" files.        
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/tecplot
--        Reads Common File Format data.        
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/cff
--        Reads Cobalt grid and picture/restart file data.        
--          $ENSIGHT6_HOME/ensight62/user_defined_src/readers/cobalt
--        You may find it useful to place your library source in this area as
--        well, but are not limited to this location.
-- * ===>	The descriptions of each library routine and the order that the
--	routines are called, which is provided in this file, along with
-- 	the example libraries, should make it possible for you to produce
--	code for your own data reader.	
--2. Produce the dynamic shared library.
--        This is a compiling and loading process which varies according to
--        the type of machine you are on.  Thus, a separate makefile is provided
--        for each machine type.  Operating system level differences could cause
--        you to have to modify these makefiles slightly, but the general
--        process is very straightforward.  Note that for the SGI environment you
--        must compile with the following flags to ensure compatability with
--        the EnSight server:  Irix_5.3     -mips1
--                             Irix_6.2     -mips2
--                             Irix_6.5_n32 -mips3
--                             Irix_6.5_n64 -mips4 -64
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      |  TYPE   |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         |         LD COMMAND USED IN MAKEFILE                    |
--       ==================================================================
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | sgi     | makefile.sgi          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd.so libuserd.o              |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | hp      | makefile.hp           |  libuserd.sl                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -b -o libuserd.sl libuserd.o                        |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | sun     | makefile.sun          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -G -o libuserd.so libuserd.o                        |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | dec     | makefile.dec          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd.so libuserd.o -lc          |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--       __________________________________________________________________
--      | ibm     | makefile.ibm          |  libuserd.so                   |
--      |         |--------------------------------------------------------|
--      |         | ld -G -o libuserd.so libuserd.o -bnoentry -bexpall -lc |
--       ------------------------------------------------------------------
--   Once you have created your library, you should place it in a directory
--   of your choice under:
--     $ENSIGHT6_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT6_ARCH/lib_readers
--   Thus, if you created a reader for "mydata", you should create the
--   following directory, and place your libuserd.so into it:
--     $ENSIGHT6_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT6_ARCH/lib_readers/mydata
--3. Set up the ENSIGHT6_READER environment variable so EnSight will know
--   which reader directory to use at runtime.
--   Ensight will look for the library under:
--     $ENSIGHT6_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT6_ARCH/lib_readers/$ENSIGHT6_READER
--   When EnSight was installed, you set this variable to "dummy", with:
--     setenv ENSIGHT6_READER dummy
--   You can use any of the other provided readers by changing this variable.
--   For example, to use the dytran reader:
--     setenv ENSIGHT6_READER dytran 
--   Thus, you can use your reader in the same way.  If you provided "mydata",
--   change ENSIGHT6_READER to:
--     setenv ENSIGHT6_READER mydata
--   For your information, EnSight makes sure that the appropriate library
--   environment variable is set for your machine architecture. You do not
--   have to deal with this if you locate your library as outlined above.
--   The library environment variables used are:
--        Machine type    Environment variable to set
--        ------------    ---------------------------
--        sgi             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        dec             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        sun             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        hp              SHLIB_PATH
--        ibm             LIBPATH
--IMPORTANT:  Unless the shared library is available in the
--            .../$ENSIGHT6_READER directory, EnSight will not run.
--As always, EnSight support is available if you need it.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--Generally Needed for UNSTRUCTURED data
--USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes                number of global nodes
--USERD_get_global_coords                         global node coordinates
--USERD_get_global_node_ids                       global node ids
--USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part       part's element connectivites
--USERD_get_element_ids_for_part                  part's element ids
--USERD_get_scalar_values                         global scalar variables
--USERD_get_vector_values                         global vector variables
--Generally Needed for BLOCK data
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component             block coordinates
--USERD_get_block_iblanking                       block iblanking values
--USERD_get_block_scalar_values                   block scalar variables
--USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component      block vector variables 
--Generally needed for either or both kinds of data
--USERD_set_filenames                             filenames entered in GUI
--USERD_set_time_step                             current time step
--USERD_get_name_of_reader                        name of reader for GUI
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset            number of files in model
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info               info about each model file
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status              changing geometry?
--USERD_get_node_label_status                     node labels?
--USERD_get_element_label_status                  element labels?
--USERD_get_number_of_time_steps                  number of time steps
--USERD_get_solution_times                        solution time values
--USERD_get_description_lines                     file associated descrip lines
--USERD_get_number_of_variables                   number of variables
--USERD_get_variable_info                         variable type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_constant_value                        constant variable's value
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts                 number of model parts
--USERD_get_part_build_info                       part type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific            node's or element's variable
--                                                   value over time
--USERD_stop_part_building                        cleanup routine
--USERD_bkup                                      archive routine
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--1. Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--        USERD_get_name_of_reader
--2. Setting filenames and getting time info
--        USERD_set_filenames
--        USERD_get_number_of_time_steps
--        USERD_get_solution_times
--        USERD_set_time_step
--3. Gathering info for part builder
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_changing_geometry_status
--        USERD_get_node_label_status
--        USERD_get_element_label_status
--        USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset
--        USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--        USERD_get_description_lines             (for geometry)
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_number_global_nodes
--        USERD_get_global_coords                 (for model extents)
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component     (for model extents)
--4. Gathering Variable info
--        USERD_get_number_of_variables
--        USERD_get_variable_info
--5. Part building (per part created)
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_global_node_ids
--        USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_stop_part_building      (only once when part builder
--                                       dialog is closed)
--6. Loading Variables
--        constants:
--        ---------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_constant_value
--        scalars:
--        -------
--        USERD_get_description_lines
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_scalar_values
--        USERD_get_block_scalar_values
--        vectors:
--        -------
--        USERD_get_description_lines
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_vector_values
--        USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component
--7. Changing geometry
--        changing coords only:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        changing connectivity:
--        ---------------------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_number_global_nodes
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_global_node_ids
--        USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--Basis of arrays:
--Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all arrays are zero based - in true C
--Global variables:
--You will generally need to have a few global variables which are shared by
--the various library routines. The detailed specifications below have assumed
--the following are available.  (Their names describe their purpose, and they
--will be used in helping describe the details of the routines below).
--static int Numparts_available      = 0;
--static int Num_unstructured_parts  = 0;
--static int Num_structured_blocks   = 0;
--/* Note: Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks */
--static int Num_time_steps          = 1;
--static int Num_global_nodes        = 0;
--static int Num_variables           = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files       = 0;
--static int Current_time_step       = 0;
--Library Routines (in alphabetical order):
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called during the EnSight archive process.  You can
--   use it to save or restore info relating to your user defined reader.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--                  int backup_type)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  archive_file         = The archive file pointer
--   (IN)  backup_type          = Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE for saving archive
--                                Z_REST_ARCHIVE for restoring archive
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since EnSight's archive file is saved in binary form, you should
--     also do any writing to it or reading from it in binary.
--   * You should archive any variables, which will be needed for
--     future operations, that will not be read or computed again
--     before they will be needed.  These are typically global
--     variables.
--   * Make sure that the number of bytes that you write on a save and
--     the number of bytes that you read on a restore are identical!!
--   * If any of the variables you save are allocated arrays, you must
--     do the allocations before restoring into them.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the coordinates of a given structured block, a component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array containing x,y, or z
--                                   coordinate component of each node
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the iblanking value at each node of a block (if the block is
--   iblanked).
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                                 int *iblank_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (OUT) iblank_array            = 1D array containing iblank value
--                                   for each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--          possible values are:   Z_EXT     = exterior
--                                 Z_INT     = interior
--                                 Z_BND     = boundary
--                                 Z_INTBND  = internal boundary
--                                 Z_SYM     = symmetry plane
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0  and you have
--     some iblanked blocks
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each node of a block, for a given scalar variable
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a block, for a given scalar variable
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_scalar_values(int block_number,
--                                     int which_scalar,
--                                     float *scalar_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_scalar            = The variable number
--   (OUT) scalar_array            = 1D array containing scalar values
--                                   for each node or element.
--                                   Array will have been allocated:
--                                   if Z_PER_NODE:
--                                      i*j*k for the block long
--                                   if Z_PER_ELEM:
--                                      (i-1)*(i-1)*(k-1) for the block long
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and there are some scalar type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each node of a block, for a given vector
--     variable, one component at a time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a block, for a given vector
--     variable, one component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component(int block_number,
--                                                  int which_vector,
--                                                  int which_component,
--                                                  float *vector_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_vector            = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) vector_array            = 1D array containing vector
--                                   component value for each node or element.
--                                   Array will have been allocated:
--                                   if Z_PER_NODE:
--                                      i*j*k for the block long
--                                   if Z_PER_ELEM:
--                                      (i-1)*(i-1)*(k-1) for the block long
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and there are some vector type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the changing geometry status for the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_STATIC        if geometry does not change
--   Z_CHANGE_COORDS if changing coordinates only
--   Z_CHANGE_CONN   if changing connectivity
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * EnSight does not support changing number of parts.  But the
--     coords and/or the connectivity of the parts can change.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the value of a constant at a time step
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   float USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Value of the requested constant variable
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var            = The variable number
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the information about files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) qfiles   = Structure containing information about each file
--                    of the dataset. The Z_QFILES structure is defined
--                    in the global_extern.h file
--                   (The structure will have been allocated
--                    Num_dataset_files long, with 10 description
--                    lines per file).
--      qfiles[].name        = The name of the file
--                             (Z_MAXFILENP is the dimensioned length
--                              of the name)
--      qfiles[].sizeb       = The number of bytes in the file
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine) (Is a long)
--      qfiles[].timemod     = The time the file was last modified 
--                             (Z_MAXTIMLEN is the dimensioned length
--                              of this string)
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].num_d_lines = The number of description lines you
--                              are providing from the file. Max = 10
--      qfiles[].f_desc[]    = The description line(s) per file,
--                              qfiles[].num_d_lines of them
--                              (Z_MAXFILENP is the allocated length of
--                               each line)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If Num_dataset_files is 0, this routine will not be called.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get two description lines associated with geometry per time step,
--   or one description line associated with a variable per time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_description_lines(int which_type,
--                                   int which_var,
--                                   char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                                   char line2[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_type           = Z_GEOM for geometry (2 lines)
--                              = Z_VARI for variable (1 line)
--   (IN)  which_var            = If it is a variable, which one.
--                                Ignored if geometry type.
--   (OUT) line1                = The 1st geometry description line,
--                                or the variable description line.
--   (OUT) line2                = The 2nd geometry description line
--                                Not used if variable type.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * These are the lines EnSight can echo to the screen in
--     annotation mode.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the connectivities for the elements of an unstructured part
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part(int part_number,
--                                                 int **conn_array[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--   (OUT) conn_array              = 3D array containing connectivity
--                                   of each element of each type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE by num_of_elements of
--                                   each type by connectivity length
--                                   of each type)
--                       ex) If num_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              num_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              num_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[Z_TRI03][25][3]
--                              conn_array[Z_QUA04][100][4]
--                              conn_array[Z_HEX08][30][8]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The coord_array loaded in USERD_get_global_coords is zero-based,
--     but within EnSight it will become a one-based array.
--     Thus, coord_array[0] will be accessed by node 1 from the conn_array,
--           coord_array[1] will be accessed by node 2 from the conn_array, etc.
--      ex) Given a model of two triangles, you should load coord_array in
--          USERD_get_global_coords as follows:
--                            node  coordinates
--                            ----  -----------
--          4 --------- 3      1    coord_array[0].xyz[0] = 0.0
--           |\        |            coord_array[0].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           | \  T2   |            coord_array[0].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |  \      |
--           |   \     |       2    coord_array[1].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |    \    |            coord_array[1].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           |     \   |            coord_array[1].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |      \  |
--           |  T1   \ |       3    coord_array[2].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |        \|            coord_array[2].xyz[1] = 1.6
--          1 --------- 2           coord_array[2].xyz[2] = 0.0
--                             4    coord_array[3].xyz[0] = 0.0
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[1] = 1.6
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[2] = 0.0
--        And conn_array here as follows:
--        Triangle  Connectivity
--        --------  ------------
--           T1     conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][0] = 1
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][1] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][2] = 4
--           T2     conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][0] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][1] = 3
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][2] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the ids for the elements of an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_ids_for_part(int part_number,
--                                      int *elemid_array[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--   (OUT) elemid_array            = 2D array containing id of each
--                                   element of each type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE by num_of_elements of
--                                   each type)
--                       ex) If num_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              num_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              num_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[Z_TRI03][25]
--                              conn_array[Z_QUA04][100]
--                              conn_array[Z_HEX08][30]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and element
--     label status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether element labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if element labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if element labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * element lables are needed in order to do any element querying, or
--     element labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.
--         USERD_get_element_ids_for_part is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a part by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them youself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the coordinates for the global nodes.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_global_coords(CRD *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array of CRD structures,
--                                   which contains x,y,z coordinates
--                                   of each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_global_nodes long)
--    For reference, CRD structure (which is in global_extern) is:
--         typedef struct {
--            float xyz[3];
--         }CRD;
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The coord_array is zero-based, but within EnSight it will become
--     a one-based array.
--     Thus, coord_array[0] will be accessed by node 1 from the conn_array,
--           coord_array[1] will be accessed by node 2 from the conn_array, etc.
--      ex) Given a model of two triangles, you should load coord_array as
--          follows:
--                            node  coordinates
--                            ----  -----------
--          4 --------- 3      1    coord_array[0].xyz[0] = 0.0
--           |\        |            coord_array[0].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           | \  T2   |            coord_array[0].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |  \      |
--           |   \     |       2    coord_array[1].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |    \    |            coord_array[1].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           |     \   |            coord_array[1].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |      \  |
--           |  T1   \ |       3    coord_array[2].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |        \|            coord_array[2].xyz[1] = 1.6
--          1 --------- 2           coord_array[2].xyz[2] = 0.0
--                             4    coord_array[3].xyz[0] = 0.0
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[1] = 1.6
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[2] = 0.0
--        And conn_array in USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        as follows:
--        Triangle  Connectivity
--        --------  ------------
--           T1     conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][0] = 1
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][1] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][2] = 4
--           T2     conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][0] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][1] = 3
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][2] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the node ids assigned to each of the global nodes.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_global_node_ids(int *nodeid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) nodeid_array            = 1D array containing node ids of
--                                    each node. The ids must be > 0
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Num_global_nodes long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and node label
--     status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the name of your user defined reader.  The user interface will
--   ask for this and include it in the available reader list.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--				int *two_fields)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) reader_name          = the name of the your reader or data format.
--                              (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which is 20)
--   (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field required
--				      in the data dialog of EnSight.
--				TRUE if two data fields required.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Always called.  Provide a name for your custom reader format.
--   * If you don't want a custom reader to show up in the data dialog
--     choices, return a name of "No_Custom"
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether node labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_node_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if node labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if node labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Node ids are needed in order to do any node querying, or node
--     labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.  The must also be
--       positive numbers greater than zero.
--         USERD_get_global_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--         status returned here is TRUE.
--         Also be aware that if you say node labels are available,
--         the connectivity of elements must be according to these
--         node ids.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them yourself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the total number of files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   The total number of files in the dataset.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You can be as complete as you want about this.  If you don't
--     care about the dataset query option, return a value of 0
--     If you only want certain files, you can just include them. But,
--     you will need to supply the info in USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--     for each file you include here.
--   * Num_dataset_files would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of global nodes, used for unstructured parts.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes()
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of global nodes (>=0 if okay, <0 if problems)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * For unstructured data:
--           EnSight wants  1. A global array of nodes
--                          2. Element connectivities by part, which
--                             reference the node numbers of the global
--                             node array.
--                IMPORTANT:
--                ---------
--                If you provide node ids, then element connectivities
--                must be in terms of the node ids.  If you do not
--                provide node ids, then element connectivities must be
--                in terms of the index into the node array, but shifted
--                to start at 1
--   * Num_global_nodes would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the total number of unstructured and structured parts
--   in the model, for which you can supply information.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of parts  (>0 if okay, <=0 if probs).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If going to have to read down through the parts in order to
--     know how many, you may want to build a table of pointers to
--     the various parts, so you can easily get to particular parts in
--     later processes.  If you can simply read the number of parts
--     at the head of the file, then you would probably not build the
--     table at this time.
--   * This routine would set Numparts_available, which is equal to
--     Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of time steps of data available.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_time_steps( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of time steps  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This should be >= 1       1 indicates a static model
--                              >1 indicates a transient model
--   * Num_time_steps would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of variables for which you will be providing info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_variables( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of variables (includes constant, scalar, and vector types)
--                       (>=0 if okay, <0 if problem)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Variable numbers, by which references will be made, are implied
--     here. If you say there are 3 variables, the variable numbers
--     will be 1, 2, and 3.
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Num_variables would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_build_info(int *part_numbers,
--                                 int *part_types,
--                                 char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                 int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                 int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                                 int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) part_numbers           = Array containing part numbers for
--                                  each of the model parts.
--                                  IMPORTANT:
--                                   Parts numbers must be >= 1
--            ********************************************
--             The numbers provided here are the ones by
--             which the parts will be referred to in any
--             of the other routines which receive a part
--             number or block number as an argument!! 
--            ********************************************
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                       Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                       Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                       Z_IBLANKED
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                   long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimensions
--                                  for each structured model part.
--                                           ----------
--                                  (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--      iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                       [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                       [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                       [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                       [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--     you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each global node for a given scalar variable.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a specific part and type for a
--     given scalar variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_scalar_values(int which_scalar,
--                               int which_part,
--                               int which_type,
--                               float *scalar_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_scalar            = The variable number (of scalar type)
--   (IN)  which_part 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The part number
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--   (OUT) scalar_array 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:       = 1D array containing scalar values
--                                    for each node.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Num_global_nodes long)
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = 1d array containing scalar values for
--                                   each element of a particular part and type.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    number_of_elements[which_part][which_type]
--                                    long.  See USERD_get_part_build_info)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and you have some scalar type variables.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the solution times associated with each time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_solution_times(float *solution_times)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) solution_times       = 1D array of solution times/time step
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_time_steps long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The solution times must be non-negative and increasing.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the variable descriptions, types and filenames
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                               char **var_filename,
--                               int *var_type,
--                               int *var_classify)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) var_description      = Variable descriptions
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_filename         = Variable filenames
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_type             = Variable type
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_CONSTANT
--                                            Z_SCALAR
--                                            Z_VECTOR
--   (OUT) var_classify         = Variable classification
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_PER_NODE
--                                            Z_PER_ELEM
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The implied variable numbers apply, but be aware that the
--     arrays are zero based.
--     So for variable 1, will need to provide   var_description[0]
--                                               var_filename[0]
--                                               var_type[0]
--                                               var_classify[0]
--        for variable 2, will need to provide   var_description[1]
--                                               var_filename[1]
--                                               var_type[1]
--                                               var_classify[1]
--              etc.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular node in a
--     particular part at a particular time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular element of
--     a particular type in a particular part at a particular time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                            int which_node_or_elem,
--                                            int which_part,
--                                            int which_elem_type,
--                                            int time_step,
--                                            float values[3])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var   = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_node_or_elem
--                        If Z_PER_NODE:
--                          = The node number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                              the index of the global node 
--                                              list (1 based), or the block's
--                                              node list (1 based).
--                            Thus,  coord_array[1]
--                                   coord_array[2]
--                                   coord_array[3]
--                                        .      |
--                                        .      |which_node_or_elem index
--                                        .             ----
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The element number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                                 the element number index
--                                                 of the number_of_element array
--                                                 (see USERD_get_part_build_info),
--                                                 or the block's element list
--  zzzzz                                          (1 based).
--                            Thus,  for which_part:
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][0]
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][1]
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][2]
--                                        .                      |
--                                        .          which_node_or_elem index
--                                        .                        ----
--   (IN)  which_part
--                        If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                          = Not used
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The part number
--   (IN)  which_elem_type
--                        If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                          = Not used
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The element type.    This is the element type index
--                                                 of the number_of_element array
--                                                 (see USERD_get_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  time_step   = The time step
--   (OUT) values      = scalar or vector component value(s)
--                        values[0] = scalar or vector[0]
--                        values[1] = vector[1]
--                        values[2] = vector[2]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This routine is used in node querys over time (or element querys over
--     time for Z_PER_ELEM variables).  If these operations are not critical
--     to you, this can be a dummy routine.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each global node for a given vector variable.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a specific part and type for a
--     given vector variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_vector_values(int which_vector,
--                               int which_part,
--                               int which_type,
--                               float *vector_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_vector            = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_part 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The part number
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--   (OUT) vector_array 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:       = 1D array containing vector values
--                                    for each node.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    3 by Num_global_nodes long)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            vector_array[0] = xcomp of node 1
--                            vector_array[1] = ycomp of node 1
--                            vector_array[2] = zcomp of node 1
--                            vector_array[3] = xcomp of node 2
--                            vector_array[4] = ycomp of node 2
--                            vector_array[5] = zcomp of node 2
--                            vector_array[6] = xcomp of node 3
--                            vector_array[7] = ycomp of node 3
--                            vector_array[8] = zcomp of node 3
--                                    etc.
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = 1d array containing vector values for
--                                   each element of a particular part and type.
--                                 (Array will have been allocated
--                                  3 by number_of_elements[which_part][which_type]
--                                  long.  See USERD_get_part_build_info)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            vector_array[0] = xcomp of elem 1 (of part and type)
--                            vector_array[1] = ycomp of elem 1         "
--                            vector_array[2] = zcomp of elem 1         "
--                            vector_array[3] = xcomp of elem 2         "
--                            vector_array[4] = ycomp of elem 2         "
--                            vector_array[5] = zcomp of elem 2         "
--                            vector_array[6] = xcomp of elem 3         "
--                            vector_array[7] = ycomp of elem 3         "
--                            vector_array[8] = zcomp of elem 3         "
--                                    etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0,  and you have some vector type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the geometry and result filenames entered in the data
--   dialog.  The user written code will have to store and use these
--   as needed.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                           char filename_2[],
--                           char the_path[],
--                           int swapbytes)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) filename_1   = the filename entered into the geometry
--                         field of the data dialog.
--   (IN) filename_2   = the filename entered into the result
--                         field of the data dialog.
--			 (If the two_fields flag in USERD_get_name_of_reader
--			  is FALSE, this will be null string)
--   (IN) the_path     = the path info from the data dialog.
--                       Note: filename_1 and filename_2 have already
--                            had the path prepended to them.  This
--                            is provided in case it is needed for
--                            filenames contained in one of the files
--   (IN) swapbytes    = TRUE if should swap bytes when reading data.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since you must manage everything from the input that is entered in
--     these data dialog fields, this is an important routine!
--   * It may be that you will need to have an executive type file that contains
--     info and other filenames within it, like EnSight6's case file.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Set the current time step.  All functions that need time, and
--   that do not explicitly pass it in, will use the time step set by
--   this routine.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_set_time_step(int time_step)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) time_step - The current time step to set
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Current_time_step would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine called when the part building dialog is closed.  It is
--   provided in case you desire to release memory, etc. that was only needed
--   during the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_stop_part_building( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_1.0_to_2.0
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
--This document exists to help those who already have a working user defined
--reader (using the 1.0 API) to change it into the 2.0 API format - if desired.
--Note that you do not have to update your (1.0 API) user defined reader if it
--is already working fine for you.
--You should consider it if:
--  - efficieny gains are needed or
--  - you need access to complex variables or
--  - you need access to tensor variables or
--  - you need multiple timeset capability or
--  - you want to provide your own "border" elements (as opposed to EnSight's
--                                                    computation of them)
--As an indication of the differences that might be realized in efficency,
--consider the following comparison on an unstructured model consisting of:
--1,639,058 nodes
--7,079,211 elements      240530 tria3
--                          3984 quad4
--                       5927663 tetra4
--                           653 pyramid5
--                        906381 penta6
--12 parts
--The same model was represented in EnSight6 and EnSight Gold format.
--                    EnSight6 format into:           EnSight Gold format into:
--            ------------------------------------    -------------------------
--            EnSight7.1  |Ensight7.2  |Ensight 7.1  |EnSight7.2  |Ensight7.2
--            internal    |internal    |userd reader |internal    |userd reader
--            reader      |reader      |(API 1.0)    |reader      |(API 2.0)
--                        |            |             |            |
--            Time | Mem  |Time | Mem  |Time | Mem   |Time | Mem  |Time | Mem
--            (sec)| (Mb) |(sec)| (Mb) |(sec)| (Mb)  |(sec)| (Mb) |(sec)| (Mb)
--            ----------- |----------- |-----------  |----------- |-----------
--@ part       4.3   27.6 | 3.5   28.4 | 4.0   27.6  | 3.3    8.8 | 3.3    8.9
--loader                  |            |             |            |
--                        |            |             |            |
--after       14.0  243.4 |12.8  244.3 |49.8  475.8  | 6.0  211.5 | 6.2  211.6
--loading all             |            |             |            |
--12 parts                |            |             |            |
--(non-visual)            |            |             |            |
--                        |            |             |            |
--after       16.8  263.2 |16.0  264.2 |52.8  490.7  | 9.1  236.2 | 9.5  236.2
--activate of             |            |             |            |
--a vector.               |            |             |            |
--                                           ^                          ^
--                                          /|\                        /|\
--                                           |                          |
--                                           |                          |
--                                           |                          |
--                                                Compare these two!
--Significant is the inefficiency of the 1.0 API, and the fact that the
--2.0 API has the same improved efficiency (both in speed and memory) as
--the gold internal reader!
--Note: Structured data will not show much difference between the two API's,
--but it was more efficient initially.
--A note on philosophical differences between the two API's:
--API 1.0 deals with:
-- -> global coordinate array  & corresponding
--    -> global node id array
--    -> global nodal variables
-- -> for each part:
--    -> local element connectivities (grouped by type) & corresponding
--       -> local element ids
--       -> local elemental variables
--The element connectivities, within parts, reference the global coordinate
--array. If node ids are provided, the element connectivities have to be in
--terms of the node ids. If node ids are not provided, the connectivities are in
--terms of the (one-based) index number of each node in the global coordinate
--array. Thus, node ids are more than labels - they are a part of the
--connectivity referencing scheme. Element ids are purely labels.
--This API was originally setup to try to make the interface to other codes as
--straightforward as possible.  Efficiency was not the major consideration.
--EnSight must do a fair amount of work to get data provided in the manner
--described above into the form that it uses internally. There is mapping that
--has to be setup and maintained between the global arrays and the local part
--arrays so that updating over time can be accomplished efficiently. There is
--hashing that is required in order to deal efficently with node ids.
--All of this leads to a considerable amount of temporary memory and processing,
--in order to get a model read into EnSight.
--API 2.0 deals with:
-- -> for each part:
--    -> part coordinates  & corresponding
--    -> part node ids
--    -> part nodal variables
--    -> part element connectivities (grouped by type) & corresponding
--       -> part element ids
--       -> part elemental variables
--API 2.0 requires that the coordinates and corresponding nodal variables be
--provided per part. This eliminates the global to local mapping with all its
--associated temporary memory and processing time. The connectivity of the
--elements in each part reference the node indicies of its own (one-based) part
--coordinate array.  The connectivity of the elements do not reference the nodes
--according to node ids.  Node ids (and element ids for that matter) are purely
--labels for screen display and for query operations within EnSight. This
--eliminates the need for node id hashing as a model is read.
--The 2.0 API has been created for those needing more efficiency - both in terms
--of memory use and speed. The increased efficiency is possible because data is
--requested in a manner which more closely represents the way that EnSight
--stores and manipulates information internally. The new API requests size
--information and allocates the actual internal structures and arrays
--accordingly.  Pointers to these arrays are passed directly to you in the
--routines which gather data, thus eliminating a considerable amount of
--temporary memory (and allocation time) that is needed in the old
--API. Depending on what you must do to get your data into the form required,
--the memory savings and the speed improvement when loading models can be quite
--Additionally, the ability to handle tensor and complex variables has been
--added to the new API, and support for multiple timesets is provided.
--So, with that said, if you determine that you want to convert your existing
--reader to the new API format, The following may be helpful.
--First the Good News!  The following routines are identical in both API's!!
--====================  ----------------------------------------------------
--Second, pretty Good News!    The following routines have minor changes,
--========================     namely a slight name change and the addition
--                             of arguments related to complex data, constant
--(Note, the name changes      type, or self contained parts vs global coords.
-- are needed so both
-- API's can exist together)   The arguments must be added, but depending on
--                             your situation, many might simply be place
--                             holders.
--   -----------------------------------------------------
--A) Changes related to imaginary flag for complex data
--   =====================================================
--   If you don't deal with complex variables, simply add
--   this flag to your argument list and ignore its value.
--   ----------------------------------------------------- 
--API 1.0                                 API 2.0
---------                                 -------
--USERD_get_constant_value                USERD_get_constant_val
--(                                       (
-- int which var                           int which_var,
--                                         int imag_data
--)                                       )
--USERD_get_description_lines             USERD_get_descrip_lines
--(                                       (
-- int which_type,                         int which_type,
-- int which_var,                          int which_var,
--                                         int imag_data,
-- char line1[Z_BUFL],                     char line1[Z_BUFL],
-- char line2[Z_BUFL]                      char line2[Z_BUFL]
--)                                       )
--USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific    USERD_get_var_value_at_specific
--(                                       (
-- int which_var,                          int which_var,
-- int which_node_or_elem,                 int which_node_or_elem,
-- int which_part,                         int which_part,
-- int which_elem_type,                    int which_elem_type,
-- int time_step,                          int time_step,
-- float values[3]                         float values[3],
--                                         int imag_data
--)                                       )
--   ---------------------------------------------------------
--B) Changes related to complex data info, and constant type
--   (and some of the multiple timeset support)
--   =========================================================
--   If you don't deal with complex variables, simply add the
--   arguments for var_complex, var_ifilename, and var_freq
--   and assign var_complex to be FALSE.
--   The argument var_contran needs to be added, and set
--   appropriately if you have constant variables, to indicate
--   if the constant variable is fixed for all time or varies
--   over time.
--   The argument var_timeset needs to be added, and set
--   appropriately.
--   --------------------------------------------------------- 
--API 1.0                                 API 2.0
---------                                 -------
--USERD_get_variable_info                 USERD_get_gold_variable_info
--(                                       (
-- char **var_description,                 char **var_description,
-- char **var_filename,                    char **var_filename,
-- int *var_type,                          int *var_type,
-- int *var_classify                       int *var_classify,
--                                         int *var_complex,
--                                         char **var_ifilename,
--                                         float *var_freq,
--                                         int *var_contran,
--                                         int *var_timeset
--)                                       )
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--C) Changes related to self contained part coordinates
--   ======================================================
--   The number_of_nodes argument needs to be added and
--   set for each part. This one is critical for you to do.
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--API 1.0                                 API 2.0
---------                                 -------
--USERD_get_part_build_info               USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--(                                       (
-- int *part_numbers,                      int *part_types,
-- int *part_types,                        int *part_types,
-- char *part_description[Z_BUFL],         char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                         int *number_of_nodes,
-- int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],     int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
-- int *ijk_dimensions[3],                 int *ijk_dimensions[3],
-- int *iblanking_options[6]               int *iblanking_options[6]
--)                                       )
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--D) Changes related to multiple timeset support
--   ======================================================
--   The timeset_number argument needs to be added for the
--   following three routines.
--   The multiple timeset support also includes the change
--   in B) above for USERD_get_gold_variable_info and the
--   last three new routines in the third section of this
--   readme file.
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--API 1.0                                 API 2.0
---------                                 -------
--USERD_get_number_of_time_steps          USERD_get_num_of_time_steps
--(                                       (
-- void                                    int timeset_number
--)                                       )
--USERD_get_solution_times                USERD_get_sol_times
--(                                       (
--                                         int timeset_number,
-- float *solution_times                   float *solution_times
--)                                       )
--USERD_set_time_step                     USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--(                                       (
--                                         int timeset_number,
-- int time_step                           int time_step
--)                                       )
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--E) Changes related to global_extern.h
--   ======================================================
--   Be sure to include the updated global_extern.h file that comes 
--   with the EnSight 7.2 release (not the one from previous releases).
--Third, deleted and new routines.  (Here is where the work lies)
--  Several old routines are gone. You will have to create the new
--  routines that replace them. I think you will find in most cases
--  that your old routines will form the basis of the new routines,
--  and that it isn't too difficult to provide the information in
--  the new way.
--  The detailed specifications for these new routines can be found
--  in README_USERD_2.0 (or the headers in libuserd.c of the
--  dummy_gold or ensight_gold readers).
--API 1.0                                     API 2.0
---------                                     -------
--These routines:                             replaced by the single routine:
-----------------------------                 -------------------------------
--USERD_get_block_scalar_values               USERD_get_var_by_component
--These global coordinate routines:           replaced by part coord routines:
-----------------------------------           --------------------------------
--USERD_get_global_coords                     USERD_get_part_coords
--USERD_get_global_node_ids                   USERD_get_part_node_ids
--These part connectivity routines:           replaced by part by type routines:
-----------------------------------           ----------------------------------
--USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part   USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--USERD_get_element_ids_for_part              USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--                                            These are New Routines
--                                            ----------------------
--                      (Can be a dummy) ->   USERD_exit_routine
--                      (Can be a dummy) ->   USERD_get_model_extents
--                            (Required) ->   USERD_get_reader_version
--     multiple timeset releated:
--                            (Required) ->   USERD_get_number_timesets
--                            (Required) ->   USERD_get_timeset_description
--                            (Required) ->   USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--     border provided by the reader option:
--                            (Required) ->   USERD_get_border_availability
--                      (Can be a dummy) ->   USERD_get_border_elements_by_type
--     transient model allocation efficency:
--                      (Can be a dummy) ->   USERD_get_maxsize_info
--     Possible use with Server-of-Servers:
--                      (Can be a dummy) ->   USERD_set_server_number
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_2.01_to_2.03
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
--At this API revision level:
--1. Routines to handle materials have been added.
--2. Routines to handle nsided and nfaced elements have been added
--3. A routine has modified so structured ranges can be specified
--Note: The dummy_gold reader, the Ensight Gold example reader, and the
--      SILO reader have been moved to this 2.03 API level.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--The new new routines are:
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets    Gets the number of material sets
--USERD_get_matf_set_info              Gets the material set indices and names
--USERD_get_number_of_materials        Gets the number of materials
--USERD_get_matf_var_info              Gets the material indices and descriptions
--USERD_size_matf_data                 Gets the length of either the
--                                        material ids list,
--                                        mixed-material ids list, or
--                                        mixed-material values list
--USERD_load_matf_data                 Gets the material ids list,
--                                        mixed-material ids list, or
--                                        mixed-material values list
--USERD_get_nsided_conn                Gets the element connectivities for nsided
--                                        elements. (utilizes the number of nodes
--                                        per element obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face      Gets the number of nodes per face for nfaced
--                                        elements (utilizes the number of faces
--                                        per element obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--USERD_get_nfaced_conn                Gets the element connectivities for nfaced
--                                        elements (utilizes the number of nodes
--                                        per face obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face)
--The modified routine is:
--USERD_get_gold_part_build_info       Gets the info needed for part building
--                                        process
--Header files changes
--global_extern.h         has appropriate changes, must use it
--global_extern_proto.h   new file, access from global_extern.h
--Basically the the old global_extern.h file has been split into two files now.
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--10. To see if materials in the model
--        USERD_get_number_of_material_sets
--      If any material sets in the model (calls these once per material set):
--        USERD_get_matf_set_info
--        USERD_get_number_of_materials
--        USERD_get_matf_var_info
--      For each elment type of each part containing material ids, calls:
--        USERD_size_matf_data
--        USERD_load_matf_data
--      If there are any elements with mixed materials, when a domain or
--      interface is created, calls these again per part:
--        USERD_size_matf_data
--        USERD_load_matf_data
--6. Part building (per part created)
--        both unstructured and structured:
--        --------------------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        if unstructured part:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--          If any nsided elements:
--            USERD_get_nsided_conn
--          If any nfaced elements:
--            USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face
--            USERD_get_nfaced_conn
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--         .
--         .
--         .
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--****************************** Special Note ***********************************
--Make sure you use the proper define in the global_extern.h header file, namely:
--#define USERD_API_203
--Also, Make sure the api version in the USERD_get_reader_version routine is set
--to "2.03" or larger.
--Make sure your reader has access to the global_extern_proto.h   This is a new
--file which is access from the new global_extern.h    
--New Library Routines
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of material sets in the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_material_sets( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Num_material_sets = number of material sets
--                       (Zero would indicate that you have no materials
--                        to deal with in the model)
--                       or
--                       -1 if an error condition
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * You may want to keep this as a global for use in other routines.
--   ###############################################################
--   NOTE:  For EnSight 7.6, only one material set is supported
--          within EnSight.
--          Thus the only valid returns here are:
--               0 (no materials)
--               1 (for the one material set allowed)
--          or  -1 (if an error)
--          If the casefile has more than this, this reader will
--          read them, but EnSight will issue an error message and
--          choke on them!
--   ###############################################################
--  ================================================================
--  A very simple explanatory example, to use as a reference for the
--  materials routines:
--  Given a 2D mesh composed of 9 quad (Z_QUA04) elements, with two materials.
--  Most of the model is material 1, but the top left corner is material 9 -
--  basically as shown:
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--        |        |   /    |        |
--        |     Mat 9 /     |        |
--        |        | /      |        |
--        |        |/       |        |
--        |  e7    /   e8   |   e9   |
--        |       /|        |        |
--        |      / |        |        |
--        |     /  |        |        |
--        *----/---*--------*--------*
--        |   /    |        |        |
--        |  /     |        |        |
--        | /      |      Mat 1      |
--        |/       |        |        |
--        |   e4   |   e5   |   e6   |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |   e1   |   e2   |   e3   |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--  Thus, in this routine, set:
--    Num_material_sets = 1
--  In USERD_get_matf_set_info, set:
--    mat_set_ids[0]    = 1
--    mat_set_name[0]   = "Material Set 1"  (or whatever name desired)
--  In USERD_get_number_of_materials, input would be set_index = 0, and
--  would need to set:
--    Num_materials[0] = 2
--  For simplicity, the ids and descriptions that would be returned in
--  USERD_get_matf_var_info could be:
--    mat_ids[0] = 1
--    mat_ids[1] = 9
--    mat_desc[0] = "mat 1"   (or whatever desired)
--    mat_desc[2] = "mat 9"
--  The per element material ids list would need to be:
--     material ids:
--     -------------
--     ids_list[0] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e1)
--     ids_list[1] = 1  (     "                  e2)
--     ids_list[2] = 1  (     "                  e3)
--     ids_list[3] = -1 (negative of index into mixed-material id list, for elem e4)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e5)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (     "                  e6)
--     ids_list[5] = -5 (negative of index into mixed-material id list, for elem e7)
--     ids_list[5] = -9 (     "                                                  e8)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e9)
--  Finally we need the mixed material ids list and the mixed materials values list,
--  which would need to be:
--       mixed-material ids:
--       -------------------
--   ==> 1  ids_list[0]  =  2  (the -1 in the material variable points here,
--                                      2 indicates that two materials are present)
--       2  ids_list[1]  =  1  (1st material is 1)
--       3  ids_list[2]  =  9  (2nd material is 9)
--       4  ids_list[3]  = -1  (negative of index into mixed-material val_list)
--   ==> 5  ids_list[4]  =  2  (the -5 in the material variable points here,
--                                      2 indicates that two materials are present)
--       6  ids_list[5]  =  1  (1st material is 1)
--       7  ids_list[6]  =  9  (2nd material is 9)
--       8  ids_list[7]  = -3  (negative of index into mixed-material val_list)
--   ==> 9  ids_list[8]  =  2     etc.
--       10 ids_list[9]  =  1
--       11 ids_list[10] =  9
--       12 ids_list[11] = -5
--       mixed-material values:
--       ----------------------
--   ==> 1 val_list[0] = 0.875 (the -1 in the  mixed-material ids_list points here,
--                                       and this is the value for material 1)
--       2 val_list[1] = 0.125 (the value for material 9)
--   ==> 3 val_list[2] = 0.125 (the -3 in the mixed-materials ids_list points here)
--       4 val_list[3] = 0.875
--   ==> 5 val_list[4] = 0.875 (the -5 in the mixed-materials ids_list points here)
--       6 val_list[5] = 0.125
--  So, USERD_size_matf_data would need to return
--       matf_size = 8, when called with set_id    = 1
--                                       part_id   = 1
--                                       wtyp      = Z_QUA04
--                                       mat_type  = Z_MAT_INDEX
--       matf_size = 12, when called with set_id   = 1
--                                        part_id  = 1
--                                        mat_type = Z_MIX_INDEX
--                 = 6, when called with set_id   = 1
--                                       part_id  = 1
--                                       mat_type = Z_MIX_VALUE
--  And, USERD_load_matf_data would need to return:
--    the int array ids_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       wtyp     = Z_QUA04
--       mat_type = Z_MAT_INDEX (indicating id list).
--    the int array ids_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       mat_type = Z_MIX_INDEX (indicating id list).
--    the float array val_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       mat_type = Z_MIX_VALUE (indicating val list).
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the material set ids and names
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_matf_set_info(int *mat_set_ids,
--                               char **mat_set_name)
--   Returns: 
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) mat_set_ids  = 1D material set ids array
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                Num_material_sets long)
--   (OUT) mat_set_name = 2D material set name array
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                Num_material_sets by Z_BUFL long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero
--   * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of materials in the material set
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_materials( int set_index )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Num_materials[set_index]   = Number of materials in the set
--                                 0 indicates no materials information present
--                                -1 indicates an error
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) set_index             = the material set index (zero based)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero
--  * You may want to keep this as a global for use in other routines.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the material ids and descriptions for the material set
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_matf_var_info(int set_index,
--                               int *mat_ids,
--                               char **mat_desc)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  set_index               = the material set index (zero based)
--   (OUT) mat_ids[set_index]      = 1D integer array containing the material
--                                   ids to associated with each material
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Num_materials[set_index] long)
--   (OUT) mat_desc[set_index]     = 2D char array containing the material
--                                   descriptions to associated with each material
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Num_materials[set_index] by Z_BUFL long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero, or
--     Num_materials[set_index] is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the length of the material id list, mixed-material id list, or
--   mixed-material values list for the given material set and part (and
--   element type if material id list)
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_size_matf_data( int set_index,
--                             int part_id,
--                             int wtyp,
--                             int mat_type,
--                             int *matf_size)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--  (IN)  set_index         = the material set index (zero based)
--  (IN)  part_id           = the part number desired
--  (IN)  wtyp              = the element type        (used for Z_MAT_INDEX only)
--                                  Z_POINT    node point element
--                                  Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                  Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                  Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                  Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                  Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                  Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                  Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_NSIDED  nsided polygon
--                                  Z_NFACED  nfaced polyhedron
--                                  Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                  Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_NSIDED  ghost nsided polygon
--                                  Z_G_NFACED  ghost nfaced polyhedron
--  (IN)  mat_type          = Z_MAT_INDEX for material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_INDEX for mixed-material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_VALUE for mixed-material values list
--  (OUT) matf_size         = the length of the material id list, or
--                            mixed-material id list, or
--                            mixed-material values list
--                            for the given material set and part number
--                            (and element type if Z_MAT_INDEX)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero, or
--     Num_materials[set_index] is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the material id list, mixed-material id list, or
--   mixed-material values list for the given material set and part (and
--   element type if material id list)
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_load_matf_data( int set_index,
--                             int part_id,
--                             int wtyp,
--                             int mat_type,
--                             int *ids_list,
--                             float *val_list)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--  (IN)  set_index         = the material set index (zero based)
--  (IN)  part_id           = the part number desired
--  (IN)  wtyp              = the element type        (used for Z_MAT_INDEX only)
--                                  Z_POINT    node point element
--                                  Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                  Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                  Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                  Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                  Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                  Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                  Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_NSIDED  nsided polygon
--                                  Z_NFACED  nfaced polyhedron
--                                  Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                  Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_NSIDED  ghost nsided polygon
--                                  Z_G_NFACED  ghost nfaced polyhedron
--  (IN)  mat_type          = Z_MAT_INDEX for material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_INDEX for mixed-material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_VALUE for mixed-material values list
--  (OUT) ids_list          = If mat_type is Z_MAT_INDEX:
--                            ---------------------------
--                             1D material id list
--                               (Int array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                 USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MAT_INDEX)
--                            If mat_type is Z_MIX_INDEX:
--                            ---------------------------
--                             1D mixed-material id list
--                               (Int array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                 USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MIX_INDEX)
--  (OUT) val_list          = 1D mixed-materials values list
--                            (only used if mat_type is Z_MIX_VALUE)
--                               (Float array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MIX_VALUE)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero,
--     or Num_materials[set_index] is zero,
--     or the appropriate size from USERD_size_matf_data is zero
--USERD_get_nsided_conn -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the connectivity of nsided elements
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_nsided_conn(int part_number,
--                             int *nsided_conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number         = the part number
--   (OUT) nsided_conn_array   = 1D array of nsided connectivies
--                               (int array will have been allocated long enough
--                                to hold all the nsided connectivities. Which is
--                                the sum of all the nodes_per_element values in
--                                the conn_array of USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called unless there are some nsided elements in the the part.
--   * Providing nsided information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nsided
--        elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of nodes per nsided element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nsided element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed connectivities for each of the
--        nsided elements.
--     Simple example:         5        6
--                            +--------+
--     3 nsided elements:    /|         \
--     (1 4-sided           / |          \
--      1 3-sided          /  |           \
--      1 7-sided)        /   |            \ 7
--                       /3   |4            +
--                      +-----+             |
--                      |     |             |
--                      |     |             |8
--                      |     |             +
--                      |     |            /
--                      |     |           /
--                      |     |          /
--                      |1    |2        /9
--                      +-----+--------+
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NSIDED] = 3
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      3 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NSIDED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 4           (for the 4-sided element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 3           (for the 3-sided element)
--              conn_array[2][0] = 7           (for the 7-sided element)
--                           Sum  ===
--                                 14    <---------+
--                                                 |
--      3. In this routine:                        |
--           length of nsided_conn_array will be:  14
--              nsided_conn_array[0]  = 1      (connectivity of 4-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[1]  = 2
--              nsided_conn_array[2]  = 4
--              nsided_conn_array[3]  = 3
--              nsided_conn_array[4]  = 3      (connectivity of 3-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[5]  = 4
--              nsided_conn_array[6]  = 5
--              nsided_conn_array[7]  = 2      (connectivity of 7-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[8]  = 9
--              nsided_conn_array[9]  = 8
--              nsided_conn_array[10] = 7
--              nsided_conn_array[11] = 6
--              nsided_conn_array[12] = 5
--              nsided_conn_array[13] = 4
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the number of nodes per face for each face
--   of the nfaced elements.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face(int part_number,
--                                       int *nfaced_npf_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number       = the part number
--   (OUT) nfaced_npf_array  = 1D array of nodes per face for all faces of
--                             nfaced elements
--                             (int array will have been allocated long enough
--                              to hold all the nodes_per_face values. Which is
--                              the sum of all the number of faces per element
--                              values in the conn_array of
--                              USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called unless there are some nfaced elements in the
--     the part
--   * Providing nfaced information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nfaced
--        polyhedral elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of faces per nfaced element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nfaced element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed number of nodes per face
--        for each of the faces of the nfaced elements.
--     Simple example:         11        10   12
--                            +--------+-----+
--     2 nfaced elements:    /|        |\   /|
--     (1 7-faced           / |        | \ / |
--      1 5-sided)         /  |        |  +9 |
--                        /   |        | /|  |
--                       /7   |      8 /  |  |
--                      +-----------+/ |  |  |
--                      |     |5    |  |4 |  |6
--                      |     +-----|--+--|--+
--                      |    /      |   \ | /
--                      |   /       |    \|/3
--                      |  /        |     +
--                      | /         |    /
--                      |/1         |2 /
--                      +-----------+/
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NFACED] = 2
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      2 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NFACED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 7           (for the 7-faced element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 5           (for the 5-faced element)
--                                ==
--                           Sum  12    <---------+
--                                                |
--      3. In this routine:                       |
--           length of nfaced_npf_array will be:  12
--            nfaced_npf_array[0]  = 5  (5-noded top face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[1]  = 5  (5-noded bot face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[2]  = 4  (4-noded front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[3]  = 4  (4-noded left face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[4]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[5]  = 4  (4-noded right front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[6]  = 4  (4-noded right back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[7]  = 3  (3-noded top face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[8]  = 3  (3-noded bot face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[9]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[10] = 4  (4-noded right face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[11] = 4  (4-noded left front face of 5-faced element)
--                                   ==
--                             Sum   48   <-------------+
--                                                      |
--      4. In USERD_get_nfaced_conn:                    |
--            length of the nfaced_conn_array will be:  48
--            nsided_conn_array[0] = 7   (conn of 5-noded top face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[1] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[2] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[3] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[4] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[5] = 1   (conn of 5-noded bot face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[6] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[7] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[8] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[9] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[10] = 1  (conn of 4-noded front face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[11] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[12] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[13] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[14] = 5  (conn of 4-noded left face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[15] = 1
--            nsided_conn_array[16] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[17] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[18] = 4  (conn of 4-noded back face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[19] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[20] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[21] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[22] = 2  (conn of 4-noded right front face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[23] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[24] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[25] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[26] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right back face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[27] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[28] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[29] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[30] = 9  (conn of 3-noded top face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[33] = 3  (conn of 3-noded bot face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[34] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[35] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[36] = 6  (conn of 4-noded back face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[37] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[38] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[39] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[40] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[41] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[42] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[43] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[44] = 4  (conn of 4-noded left front face of 5-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[45] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[46] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[47] = 10
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the connectivity of nsided faces of nfaced elements
--   Specification:
--   -------------int
--   int USERD_get_nfaced_conn(int part_number,
--                             int *nfaced_conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number        = the part number
--   (OUT) nfaced_conn_array  = 1D array of nsided face connectivies of nfaced
--                              elements
--                              (int array will have been allocated long enough to
--                               hold all the nsided face connectivities. Which is
--                               the sum of all the nodes per face values in the
--                               nfaced_npf_array of USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face)
--   Notes:
--   -----
-- * Will not be called unless there are some nfaced elements in the part
-- * Providing nfaced information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nfaced
--        polyhedral elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of faces per nfaced element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nfaced element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed number of nodes per face
--        for each of the faces of the nfaced elements.
--     Simple example:         11        10   12
--                            +--------+-----+
--     2 nfaced elements:    /|        |\   /|
--     (1 7-faced           / |        | \ / |
--      1 5-sided)         /  |        |  +9 |
--                        /   |        | /|  |
--                       /7   |      8 /  |  |
--                      +-----------+/ |  |  |
--                      |     |5    |  |4 |  |6
--                      |     +-----|--+--|--+
--                      |    /      |   \ | /
--                      |   /       |    \|/3
--                      |  /        |     +
--                      | /         |    /
--                      |/1         |2 /
--                      +-----------+/
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NFACED] = 2
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      2 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NFACED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 7           (for the 7-faced element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 5           (for the 5-faced element)
--                                ==
--                           Sum  12    <---------+
--                                                |
--      3. In USERD_get_faced_nodes_per_face:     |
--           length of nfaced_npf_array will be:  12
--            nfaced_npf_array[0]  = 5  (5-noded top face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[1]  = 5  (5-noded bot face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[2]  = 4  (4-noded front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[3]  = 4  (4-noded left face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[4]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[5]  = 4  (4-noded right front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[6]  = 4  (4-noded right back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[7]  = 3  (3-noded top face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[8]  = 3  (3-noded bot face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[9]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[10] = 4  (4-noded right face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[11] = 4  (4-noded left front face of 5-faced element)
--                                   ==
--                             Sum   48   <-------------+
--                                                      |
--      4. In this function:                            |
--            length of the nfaced_conn_array will be:  48
--            nsided_conn_array[0] = 7   (conn of 5-noded top face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[1] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[2] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[3] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[4] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[5] = 1   (conn of 5-noded bot face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[6] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[7] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[8] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[9] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[10] = 1  (conn of 4-noded front face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[11] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[12] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[13] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[14] = 5  (conn of 4-noded left face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[15] = 1
--            nsided_conn_array[16] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[17] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[18] = 4  (conn of 4-noded back face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[19] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[20] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[21] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[22] = 2  (conn of 4-noded right front face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[23] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[24] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[25] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[26] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right back face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[27] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[28] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[29] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[30] = 9  (conn of 3-noded top face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[33] = 3  (conn of 3-noded bot face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[34] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[35] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[36] = 6  (conn of 4-noded back face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[37] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[38] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[39] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[40] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[41] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[42] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[43] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[44] = 4  (conn of 4-noded left front face of 5-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[45] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[46] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[47] = 10
--Modified Library Routine
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for part building process
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int
--   USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                                  int *part_types,
--                                  char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                  int *number_of_nodes,
--                                  int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                  int *ijk_dimensions[9],
--                                  int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) part_id                = Array containing the external part
--                                  ids for each of the model parts.
--                                  IMPORTANT:
--                                   Parts numbers must be >= 1, because
--                                   of the way they are used in the GUI
--              *******************************************
--               The ids provided here are the numbers by
--               which the parts will be referred to in the
--               GUI (if possible). They are basically
--               labels as far as you are concerned.
--               Note: The part numbers you pass to routines
--               which receive a part_number or block_number
--               or which_part as an argument are the 1-based
--               table index of the parts!
--               example:  If Numparts_available = 3
--                         Table index        part_id
--                         -----------        -------
--                          1                  13
--                          2                  57
--                          3                  125
--                          ^                   ^
--                          |                   |
--                          |                    These are placed in:
--                          |                      part_id[0] = 13
--                          |                      part_id[1] = 57
--                          |                      part_id[2] = 125
--                          |                    for GUI labeling purposes.
--                          |
--                           These implied table indices are the part_number,
--                           block_number, or which_part numbers that you would
--                           pass to routines like:
--                          USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,...
--                          USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,...
--                          USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,...
--                          USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--                          USERD_get_border_availability( int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_border_elements_by_type( int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                                     int which_part,...
--                          USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                                          int which_node_or_elem,
--                                                          int which_part,...
--              ********************************************
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                        Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                        Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                        Z_IBLANKED
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                    long)
--   (OUT) number_of_nodes        = Number of unstructured nodes in the part
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                 Z_POINT   =  point
--                                 Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                 Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                 Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                 Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                 Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                 Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                 Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                 Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                 Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                 Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                 Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                 Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--    Starting at API 2.01:
--    ====================
--                                 Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                 Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--    Starting at API 2.02:
--    ====================
--                                 Z_NSIDED     n node nsided polygon
--                                 Z_NFACED     n face nfaced polyhedron
--                                 Z_G_NSIDED   n node ghost nsided polygon
--                                 Z_G_NFACED   n face ghost nfaced polyhedron
--                                (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by
--                                    Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimension info
--                                  for structured blocks
--                                  For Z_UNSTRUCTURED - is ignored
--                                  For Z_STRUCTURED or Z_IBLANKED
--        Prior to version 2.03:
--        ----------------------
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--        Starting at version 2.03:
--        ------------------------
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by 9 long)
--                              There are two ways to do this:
--                              ------------------------------
--                              1. The simple one, without ranges.
--                                   This is good for all structured models
--                                   that will NOT be used in EnSight's
--                                   Server of Servers
--                                   Simply provide the ijk dimensions in the
--                                   first three slots and place a -1 in
--                                   the 4th slot.  (The remaining slots will
--                                   be ignored).
--                              Thus,
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][3] = -1
--                        (J planes)
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][4] = -1
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                            2 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                              2. Using ranges.
--                                  This one can be used anytime, but MUST
--                                  be used if EnSight's Server of Servers
--                                  is to be used!
--                                  The first 3 slots contain the ijk dimension
--                                  of the complete block (of which this may be
--                                  a portion).  The last 6 slots contain the
--                                  ijk min and max ranges within the complete.
--                              Thus,
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][3] = Imin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][4] = Imax of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][5] = Jmin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][6] = Jmax of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][7] = Kmin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][8] = Kmax of portion (1-based)
--                              example1: (Model has one part, a simple 2D block,
--                                         and want whole thing)
--                        (J planes)
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][3] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][5] = 1
--                            2 *-------*-------*    ijk_dimension[0][6] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][7] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][8] = 1
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                              example2: (Want to have the block represented
--                                         in two portions - 2 parts)
--                        (J planes)                 top portion
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][3] = 1
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][5] = 3
--                            2 .................    ijk_dimension[0][6] = 4
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][7] = 1
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][8] = 1
--                              .       .       .
--                            1 .................
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                        (J planes)                 bottom portion
--                            4 .................
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[1][0] = 3
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[2][1] = 4
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[3][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][3] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][5] = 1
--                            2 *-------*-------*    ijk_dimension[1][6] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][7] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][8] = 1
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--        And note that if you were partioning this block for
--        EnSight's Server of Servers, you would only have one part,
--        instead of two.  Each SOS server would return its appropriate
--        ranges in the last 6 slots. The first 3 slots would remain constant.
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--       iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                        [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                        [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                        [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                        [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--   you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   This will be based on Current_time_step
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_USERD_1.0
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,2013 +0,0 @@
--EnSight User Defined Reader Capability   ===> (API 1.0)
--A user defined reader capability is included in EnSight which can allow
--otherwise unsupported structured or unstructured data to be read.  The user
--defined reader capability utilizes dynamic shared libraries composed of
--routines defined in this document but produced by you, the user, (or some
--third party). This capability is currently available for dec, ibm, hp, sgi,
--sun, linux, alpha linux, and NT servers.
--Two versions of this API are available starting with EnSight Version 7.2. The
--1.0 API (which was designed to be friendly to those producing it, but requires
--more manipulation internally by EnSight) may be a little easier to
--produce, but requires more memory and processing time.  The 2.0 API is
--considerably more efficient, and was designed more with that in mind. It
--requires that all data be provided on a part basis.
--If you already have a working 1.0 API reader and are happy with it - there is
--probably no reason to modify it to the 2.0 API unless:
-- - you deal with large models and the memory use and load times are a
--   problem or
-- - you need tensor variable support or
-- - you need complex variable support or
-- - you need multiple timeset capability or
-- _ you want to provide your own "border" elements (as opposed to EnSight's
--                                                    computation of them).
--If you are producing a new reader, you should consider which will work best
--for your needs.
--API 1.0 (defined in this README_USERD_1.0 document)
--The original user defined reader API (used with EnSight Versions 6 through
--7.1) will continue to be supported. (Note that there was a change in the way
--that the libraries were made at version 7.1 of EnSight, but underlying code
--was kept the same.) Thus, any readers that work with EnSight 7.1, should still
--function with EnSight 7.2.
--API 2.0  (defined in README_USERD_2.0 document)
--This new API has been defined to be more efficient and includes access to new
--capabilities of EnSight 7.2.  It lends itself closely to the EnSight "gold"
--type format.
--Some of its advantages are::
-- * Most intermediate temporary arrays have been eliminated, such that the user
--   defined routines write directly into internal part structures. This is a 
--   considerable improvement in memory use, and improves speed as well since
--   far less memory need be allocated, initialized, etc.
-- * Parts are self contained. Coordinates, connectivity and all variables are
--   provided on a part basis. This eliminates the need for several global to
--   local coordinate mapping operations and the need for node id connectivity
--   hashing.  This can greatly improve the speed at which models are loaded.
-- * Model extents can be provided directly, such that EnSight need not read
--   all the coordinate data at load time.
-- * Tensor variables are supported
-- * Complex variables are supported
-- * A routine is provided as EnSight exits, so cleanup operations such as
--   removing temporary files can be easily accomplished.
-- * Geometry and variables can be provided on different time lines.
-- * If your data format already provides boundary shell information, you can
--   use it instead of the "border" representation that EnSight would compute.
--Further discussion on the philosophical differences between the two API's and
--an efficiency comparison example can be found in the README_1.0_to_2.0 file.
--This file also contains guidance on necessary changes to modify an existing
--1.0 API to the new 2.0 API.
--Note: Several (1.0 API) user defined readers have been included with your
--      EnSight release and are configured by default.  There are site- and
--      user-configurable options outlined in step 3 below.  Please be aware
--      that these are "unsupported" readers, but many of them are being used
--      successfully.
--The process for producing a user defined reader is:
--1. Write code for all pertinent routines in the library (Unless someone else
--   has done this for you).
--        This is of course where the work is done by the user.  The word
--        "pertinent" is used because depending on the nature of the data, some
--        of the routines in the library may be dummy routines.
--        The source code for a dummy library and for various other working or
--        sample libraries is copied from the installation CD during
--        installation.  These will be located in directories under:
--        $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers
--        examples of API 1.0:
--        -------------------
--        Basic dummy routines provide skeleton for a new reader
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/dummy
--        Sample library which reads unstructured binary EnSight6 data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/ensight6
--        Sample library which reads binary static plot3d data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/plot3d
--        Reads binary LS-DYNA3D state database
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/ls-dyna3d
--        Reads FORTRAN binary Unstructured dytran data base
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/dytran
--        Reads FlowScience "flsgrf" flow3d data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/flow3d
--        Reads Tecplot "plt" files
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/tecplot
--        Reads Common File Format data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/cff
--        Reads Cobalt grid and picture/restart file data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/cobalt
--        Reads binary Nastran OP2 data base
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/nastran
--        Reads binary and ascii cfx data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/cfx4
--        Reads Exodus II data base
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/exodus
--        Reads Parallel Exodus data base
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/pxi
--        Reads FORTRAN binary SCRYU data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/scryu
--        Reads binary and ascii STL data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/stl
--        Reads Vectis data
--          $ENSIGHT7_HOME/user_defined_src/readers/vectis
--        You may find it useful to place your library source in this area as
--        well, but are not limited to this location.
-- * ===>	The descriptions of each library routine and the order that the
--        routines are called, which is provided in this file, along with
--        the example libraries, should make it possible for you to produce
--        code for your own data reader.	
--2. Produce the dynamic shared library.
--   This is a compiling and loading process which varies according to
--   the type of machine you are on.  In the user-defined-reader source
--   tree we have tried to isolate the machine dependent parts of the
--   build process using a set of files in the 'config' directory.  In this
--   directory there is a configuration file for each platform on which
--   EnSight is supported.  Before you can compile the installed readers
--   you should run the script called 'init' in the config directory.
--      i.e.  (for UNIX)
--            cd config
--            ./init sgi_6.5_n64
--            cd ..
--            make
--   If you are compiling for Windows NT, there are two options.  If you
--   have the Cygwin GNU utilities installed, you can use GNU make as for
--   Unix.  Otherwise, there is a script called makeall.cmd which will
--   build all of the readers using nmake.  The Makefiles in each reader
--   directory will work using either make or nmake.
--      i.e.  (WIN32 Cygwin)                 (using nmake)
--            cd config                      cd config
--            sh init win32                  cp win32 config
--            cd ..                          cd ..
--                                           mkdir lib
--            make                           makeall.cmd
--   If you have platform-specific portions of code in your reader, the
--   build system defines a set of flags which can be used within
--   #ifdef ... #endif regions in your source, as shown in the table
--   below.
--   Because the readers are now dynamically opened by EnSight, you may
--   have to include dependent libraries on your link-line to avoid having
--   unresolved symbols.  If you are having problems with a reader, start
--   ensight as "ensight7 -readerdbg" and you will get feedback on any
--   problems encountered in loading a reader.  If there are unresolved
--   symbols, you need to find the library which contains the missing
--   symbols and link it into your reader by adding it to the example
--   link commands below.
--   If you choose to use a different build environment for your reader,
--   you should take care to use compatible compilation flags to ensure
--   compatibilty with the EnSight executables, most notably on the SGI
--   and HP-UX 11.0 platforms, which should use the following flags:
--      sgi_6.2_o32: -mips2
--      sgi_6.2_n64: -mips4 -64
--      sgi_6.5_n32: -mips3
--      sgi_6.5_n64: -mips4 -64
--       hp_11.0_32: +DA2.0
--       hp_11.0_64: +DA2.0W
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | MACHINE | OS flag               |  SHARED LIBRARY NAME PRODUCED      |
--   |  TYPE   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         |         LD COMMAND USED IN MAKEFILE                        |
--    ======================================================================
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sgi     | -DSGI                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o              |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | hp      | -DHP                  |  libuserd-X.sl                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -b -o libuserd-X.sl libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sun     | -DSUN                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | dec     | -DDEC                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc          |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | linux   | -DLINUX               |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | alpha   | -DALINUX              |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   | linux   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | ibm     | -DIBM                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -bnoentry -bexpall -lc |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--   Once you have created your library, you should place it in a directory
--   of your choice or in the standard reader location:
--      $ENSIGHT7_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT7_ARCH/lib_readers
--   For example, if you created a reader for "mydata", you should create
--   the reader libuserd-mydata.so and place the file in your own reader
--   directory (see section 3 below) or in the standard location:
--      $ENSIGHT7_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT7_ARCH/lib_readers/libuserd-mydata.so
--3. By default EnSight will load all readers found in the directory:
--      $ENSIGHT7_HOME/machines/$ENSIGHT7_ARCH/lib_readers
--   Files with names "libuserd-X.so" (where X is a name unique to the reader)
--   are assumed to be user-defined readers.
--   There are two methods which can be used to supplement the default
--   behavior.
--   (1) A feature which is useful for site-level or user-level configuration
--       is the optional environment variable $ENSIGHT7_READER.  This
--       variable directs EnSight to load all readers in the specified reader
--       directory (you should probably specify a full path) before loading
--       the built-in readers.  If the same reader exists in both directories
--       (as determined by the name returned by USERD_get_name_of_reader(),
--       NOT by the filename), the locally configured reader will take
--       precedence.
--   (2) A useful feature for end-users is the use of the libuserd-devel
--       reader.  EnSight will search for a reader named libuserd-devel.so
--       (.sl for HP or .dll for NT).  This reader can exist anywhere in the
--       library path (see below) of the user.  This is useful for an
--       individual actively developing a reader because the existence of a
--       libuserd-devel library will take precedence over any other library
--       which returns the same name from USERD_get_name_of_reader().
--   As an example, a site may install commonly used readers in a common
--   location, and users can set the ENSIGHT7_READER variable to access them:
--      setenv ENSIGHT7_READER /usr/local/lib/e7readers
--   A user working on a new reader may compile the reader and place it in
--   a directory specified by the library path:
--      cp libuserd-myreader.so ~/lib/libuserd-devel.so
--      setenv <librarypath> ~/lib:$<librarypath>
--   The user is responsible for correctly configuring the library path
--   variable in order to make use of the libuserd-devel feature.  The
--   library environment variables used are:
--        Machine type    Environment variable to set
--        ------------    ---------------------------
--        sgi             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        dec             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        sun             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        linux           LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        alpha linux     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        hp              SHLIB_PATH
--        ibm             LIBPATH
--As always, EnSight support is available if you need it.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--Generally Needed for UNSTRUCTURED data
--USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes              number of global nodes
--USERD_get_global_coords                       global node coordinates
--USERD_get_global_node_ids                     global node ids
--USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part     part's element connectivites
--USERD_get_element_ids_for_part                part's element ids
--USERD_get_scalar_values                       global scalar variables
--USERD_get_vector_values                       global vector variables
--Generally Needed for BLOCK data
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component           block coordinates
--USERD_get_block_iblanking                     block iblanking values
--USERD_get_block_scalar_values                 block scalar variables
--USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component    block vector variables 
--Generally needed for either or both kinds of data
--USERD_set_filenames                           filenames entered in GUI
--USERD_set_time_step                           current time step
--USERD_get_name_of_reader                      name of reader for GUI
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset          number of files in model
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info             info about each model file
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status            changing geometry?
--USERD_get_node_label_status                   node labels?
--USERD_get_element_label_status                element labels?
--USERD_get_number_of_time_steps                number of time steps
--USERD_get_solution_times                      solution time values
--USERD_get_description_lines                   file associated descrip lines
--USERD_get_number_of_variables                 number of variables
--USERD_get_variable_info                       variable type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_constant_value                      constant variable's value
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts               number of model parts
--USERD_get_part_build_info                     part type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific          node's or element's variable
--                                                 value over time
--USERD_stop_part_building                      cleanup routine
--USERD_bkup                                    archive routine
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--1. Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--        USERD_get_name_of_reader
--2. Setting filenames and getting time info
--        USERD_set_filenames
--        USERD_get_number_of_time_steps
--        USERD_get_solution_times
--        USERD_set_time_step
--3. Gathering info for part builder
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_changing_geometry_status
--        USERD_get_node_label_status
--        USERD_get_element_label_status
--        USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset
--        USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--        USERD_get_description_lines             (for geometry)
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_number_global_nodes
--        USERD_get_global_coords                 (for model extents)
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component     (for model extents)
--4. Gathering Variable info
--        USERD_get_number_of_variables
--        USERD_get_variable_info
--5. Part building (per part created)
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_global_node_ids
--        USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_stop_part_building      (only once when part builder
--                                       dialog is closed)
--6. Loading Variables
--        constants:
--        ---------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_constant_value
--        scalars:
--        -------
--        USERD_get_description_lines
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_scalar_values
--        USERD_get_block_scalar_values
--        vectors:
--        -------
--        USERD_get_description_lines
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_vector_values
--        USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component
--7. Changing geometry
--        changing coords only:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        changing connectivity:
--        ---------------------
--        USERD_set_time_step
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_number_global_nodes
--        USERD_get_global_coords
--        USERD_get_global_node_ids
--        USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--8. Node or Element queries over time
--        USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--Basis of arrays:
--Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all arrays are zero based - in true C
--Global variables:
--You will generally need to have a few global variables which are shared by
--the various library routines. The detailed specifications below have assumed
--the following are available.  (Their names describe their purpose, and they
--will be used in helping describe the details of the routines below).
--static int Numparts_available      = 0;
--static int Num_unstructured_parts  = 0;
--static int Num_structured_blocks   = 0;
--/* Note: Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks */
--static int Num_time_steps          = 1;
--static int Num_global_nodes        = 0;
--static int Num_variables           = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files       = 0;
--static int Current_time_step       = 0;
--Library Routines (in alphabetical order):
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called during the EnSight archive process.  You can
--   use it to save or restore info relating to your user defined reader.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--                  int backup_type)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  archive_file         = The archive file pointer
--   (IN)  backup_type          = Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE for saving archive
--                                Z_REST_ARCHIVE for restoring archive
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since EnSight's archive file is saved in binary form, you should
--     also do any writing to it or reading from it in binary.
--   * You should archive any variables, which will be needed for
--     future operations, that will not be read or computed again
--     before they will be needed.  These are typically global
--     variables.
--   * Make sure that the number of bytes that you write on a save and
--     the number of bytes that you read on a restore are identical!!
--   * If any of the variables you save are allocated arrays, you must
--     do the allocations before restoring into them.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the coordinates of a given structured block, a component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array containing x,y, or z
--                                   coordinate component of each node
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the iblanking value at each node of a block (if the block is
--   iblanked).
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                                 int *iblank_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (OUT) iblank_array            = 1D array containing iblank value
--                                   for each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--          possible values are:   Z_EXT     = exterior
--                                 Z_INT     = interior
--                                 Z_BND     = boundary
--                                 Z_INTBND  = internal boundary
--                                 Z_SYM     = symmetry plane
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0  and you have
--     some iblanked blocks
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each node of a block, for a given scalar variable
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a block, for a given scalar variable
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_scalar_values(int block_number,
--                                     int which_scalar,
--                                     float *scalar_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_scalar            = The variable number
--   (OUT) scalar_array            = 1D array containing scalar values
--                                   for each node or element.
--                                   Array will have been allocated:
--                                   if Z_PER_NODE:
--                                      i*j*k for the block long
--                                   if Z_PER_ELEM:
--                                      (i-1)*(i-1)*(k-1) for the block long
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and there are some scalar type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each node of a block, for a given vector
--     variable, one component at a time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a block, for a given vector
--     variable, one component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component(int block_number,
--                                                  int which_vector,
--                                                  int which_component,
--                                                  float *vector_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--   (IN)  which_vector            = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) vector_array            = 1D array containing vector
--                                   component value for each node or element.
--                                   Array will have been allocated:
--                                   if Z_PER_NODE:
--                                      i*j*k for the block long
--                                   if Z_PER_ELEM:
--                                      (i-1)*(i-1)*(k-1) for the block long
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and there are some vector type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the changing geometry status for the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_STATIC        if geometry does not change
--   Z_CHANGE_COORDS if changing coordinates only
--   Z_CHANGE_CONN   if changing connectivity
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * EnSight does not support changing number of parts.  But the
--     coords and/or the connectivity of the parts can change.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the value of a constant at a time step
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   float USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Value of the requested constant variable
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var            = The variable number
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the information about files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) qfiles   = Structure containing information about each file
--                    of the dataset. The Z_QFILES structure is defined
--                    in the global_extern.h file
--                   (The structure will have been allocated
--                    Num_dataset_files long, with 10 description
--                    lines per file).
--      qfiles[].name        = The name of the file
--                             (Z_MAXFILENP is the dimensioned length
--                              of the name)
--      qfiles[].sizeb       = The number of bytes in the file
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine) (Is a long)
--      qfiles[].timemod     = The time the file was last modified 
--                             (Z_MAXTIMLEN is the dimensioned length
--                              of this string)
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].num_d_lines = The number of description lines you
--                              are providing from the file. Max = 10
--      qfiles[].f_desc[]    = The description line(s) per file,
--                              qfiles[].num_d_lines of them
--                              (Z_MAXFILENP is the allocated length of
--                               each line)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If Num_dataset_files is 0, this routine will not be called.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get two description lines associated with geometry per time step,
--   or one description line associated with a variable per time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_description_lines(int which_type,
--                                   int which_var,
--                                   char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                                   char line2[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_type           = Z_GEOM for geometry (2 lines)
--                              = Z_VARI for variable (1 line)
--   (IN)  which_var            = If it is a variable, which one.
--                                Ignored if geometry type.
--   (OUT) line1                = The 1st geometry description line,
--                                or the variable description line.
--   (OUT) line2                = The 2nd geometry description line
--                                Not used if variable type.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * These are the lines EnSight can echo to the screen in
--     annotation mode.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the connectivities for the elements of an unstructured part
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part(int part_number,
--                                                 int **conn_array[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--   (OUT) conn_array              = 3D array containing connectivity
--                                   of each element of each type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE by num_of_elements of
--                                   each type by connectivity length
--                                   of each type)
--                       ex) If num_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              num_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              num_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[Z_TRI03][25][3]
--                              conn_array[Z_QUA04][100][4]
--                              conn_array[Z_HEX08][30][8]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The coord_array loaded in USERD_get_global_coords is zero-based,
--     but within EnSight it will become a one-based array.
--     Thus, coord_array[0] will be accessed by node 1 from the conn_array,
--           coord_array[1] will be accessed by node 2 from the conn_array, etc.
--      ex) Given a model of two triangles, you should load coord_array in
--          USERD_get_global_coords as follows:
--                            node  coordinates
--                            ----  -----------
--          4 --------- 3      1    coord_array[0].xyz[0] = 0.0
--           |\        |            coord_array[0].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           | \  T2   |            coord_array[0].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |  \      |
--           |   \     |       2    coord_array[1].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |    \    |            coord_array[1].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           |     \   |            coord_array[1].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |      \  |
--           |  T1   \ |       3    coord_array[2].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |        \|            coord_array[2].xyz[1] = 1.6
--          1 --------- 2           coord_array[2].xyz[2] = 0.0
--                             4    coord_array[3].xyz[0] = 0.0
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[1] = 1.6
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[2] = 0.0
--        And conn_array here as follows:
--        Triangle  Connectivity
--        --------  ------------
--           T1     conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][0] = 1
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][1] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][2] = 4
--           T2     conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][0] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][1] = 3
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][2] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the ids for the elements of an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_ids_for_part(int part_number,
--                                      int *elemid_array[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--   (OUT) elemid_array            = 2D array containing id of each
--                                   element of each type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE by num_of_elements of
--                                   each type)
--                       ex) If num_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              num_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              num_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[Z_TRI03][25]
--                              conn_array[Z_QUA04][100]
--                              conn_array[Z_HEX08][30]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and element
--     label status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether element labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if element labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if element labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * element lables are needed in order to do any element querying, or
--     element labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.
--         USERD_get_element_ids_for_part is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a part by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them youself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the coordinates for the global nodes.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_global_coords(CRD *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array of CRD structures,
--                                   which contains x,y,z coordinates
--                                   of each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_global_nodes long)
--    For reference, CRD structure (which is in global_extern) is:
--         typedef struct {
--            float xyz[3];
--         }CRD;
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The coord_array is zero-based, but within EnSight it will become
--     a one-based array.
--     Thus, coord_array[0] will be accessed by node 1 from the conn_array,
--           coord_array[1] will be accessed by node 2 from the conn_array, etc.
--      ex) Given a model of two triangles, you should load coord_array as
--          follows:
--                            node  coordinates
--                            ----  -----------
--          4 --------- 3      1    coord_array[0].xyz[0] = 0.0
--           |\        |            coord_array[0].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           | \  T2   |            coord_array[0].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |  \      |
--           |   \     |       2    coord_array[1].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |    \    |            coord_array[1].xyz[1] = 0.0
--           |     \   |            coord_array[1].xyz[2] = 0.0
--           |      \  |
--           |  T1   \ |       3    coord_array[2].xyz[0] = 1.0
--           |        \|            coord_array[2].xyz[1] = 1.6
--          1 --------- 2           coord_array[2].xyz[2] = 0.0
--                             4    coord_array[3].xyz[0] = 0.0
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[1] = 1.6
--                                  coord_array[3].xyz[2] = 0.0
--        And conn_array in USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part
--        as follows:
--        Triangle  Connectivity
--        --------  ------------
--           T1     conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][0] = 1
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][1] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][0][2] = 4
--           T2     conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][0] = 2
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][1] = 3
--                  conn_array[Z_TRI03][1][2] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the node ids assigned to each of the global nodes.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_global_node_ids(int *nodeid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) nodeid_array            = 1D array containing node ids of
--                                    each node. The ids must be > 0
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Num_global_nodes long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and node label
--     status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the name of your user defined reader.  The user interface will
--   ask for this and include it in the available reader list.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--				int *two_fields)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) reader_name          = the name of the your reader or data format.
--                              (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which is 20)
--   (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field required
--				      in the data dialog of EnSight.
--				TRUE if two data fields required.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Always called.  Provide a name for your custom reader format.
--   * If you don't want a custom reader to show up in the data dialog
--     choices, return a name of "No_Custom"
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether node labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_node_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if node labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if node labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Node ids are needed in order to do any node querying, or node
--     labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.  The must also be
--       positive numbers greater than zero.
--         USERD_get_global_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--         status returned here is TRUE.
--         Also be aware that if you say node labels are available,
--         the connectivity of elements must be according to these
--         node ids.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them yourself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the total number of files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   The total number of files in the dataset.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You can be as complete as you want about this.  If you don't
--     care about the dataset query option, return a value of 0
--     If you only want certain files, you can just include them. But,
--     you will need to supply the info in USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--     for each file you include here.
--   * Num_dataset_files would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of global nodes, used for unstructured parts.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes()
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of global nodes (>=0 if okay, <0 if problems)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * For unstructured data:
--           EnSight wants  1. A global array of nodes
--                          2. Element connectivities by part, which
--                             reference the node numbers of the global
--                             node array.
--                IMPORTANT:
--                ---------
--                If you provide node ids, then element connectivities
--                must be in terms of the node ids.  If you do not
--                provide node ids, then element connectivities must be
--                in terms of the index into the node array, but shifted
--                to start at 1
--   * Num_global_nodes would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the total number of unstructured and structured parts
--   in the model, for which you can supply information.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of parts  (>0 if okay, <=0 if probs).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If going to have to read down through the parts in order to
--     know how many, you may want to build a table of pointers to
--     the various parts, so you can easily get to particular parts in
--     later processes.  If you can simply read the number of parts
--     at the head of the file, then you would probably not build the
--     table at this time.
--   * This routine would set Numparts_available, which is equal to
--     Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of time steps of data available.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_time_steps( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of time steps  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This should be >= 1       1 indicates a static model
--                              >1 indicates a transient model
--   * Num_time_steps would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of variables for which you will be providing info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_variables( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of variables (includes constant, scalar, and vector types)
--                       (>=0 if okay, <0 if problem)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Variable numbers, by which references will be made, are implied
--     here. If you say there are 3 variables, the variable numbers
--     will be 1, 2, and 3.
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Num_variables would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_build_info(int *part_numbers,
--                                 int *part_types,
--                                 char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                 int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                 int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                                 int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) part_numbers           = Array containing part numbers for
--                                  each of the model parts.
--                                  IMPORTANT:
--                                   Parts numbers must be >= 1
--            ********************************************
--             The numbers provided here are the ones by
--             which the parts will be referred to in any
--             of the other routines which receive a part
--             number or block number as an argument!! 
--            ********************************************
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                       Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                       Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                       Z_IBLANKED
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                   long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimensions
--                                  for each structured model part.
--                                           ----------
--                                  (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--      iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                       [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                       [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                       [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                       [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--     you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each global node for a given scalar variable.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a specific part and type for a
--     given scalar variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_scalar_values(int which_scalar,
--                               int which_part,
--                               int which_type,
--                               float *scalar_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_scalar            = The variable number (of scalar type)
--   (IN)  which_part 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The part number
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--   (OUT) scalar_array 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:       = 1D array containing scalar values
--                                    for each node.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Num_global_nodes long)
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = 1d array containing scalar values for
--                                   each element of a particular part and type.
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    number_of_elements[which_part][which_type]
--                                    long.  See USERD_get_part_build_info)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0, and you have some scalar type variables.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the solution times associated with each time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_solution_times(float *solution_times)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) solution_times       = 1D array of solution times/time step
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_time_steps long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The solution times must be non-negative and increasing.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the variable descriptions, types and filenames
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                               char **var_filename,
--                               int *var_type,
--                               int *var_classify)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) var_description      = Variable descriptions
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_filename         = Variable filenames
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_type             = Variable type
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_CONSTANT
--                                            Z_SCALAR
--                                            Z_VECTOR
--   (OUT) var_classify         = Variable classification
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_PER_NODE
--                                            Z_PER_ELEM
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The implied variable numbers apply, but be aware that the
--     arrays are zero based.
--     So for variable 1, will need to provide   var_description[0]
--                                               var_filename[0]
--                                               var_type[0]
--                                               var_classify[0]
--        for variable 2, will need to provide   var_description[1]
--                                               var_filename[1]
--                                               var_type[1]
--                                               var_classify[1]
--              etc.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular node in a
--     particular part at a particular time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular element of
--     a particular type in a particular part at a particular time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                            int which_node_or_elem,
--                                            int which_part,
--                                            int which_elem_type,
--                                            int time_step,
--                                            float values[3])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var   = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_node_or_elem
--              If Z_PER_NODE:
--                = The node number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                    the index of the global node 
--                                    list (1 based), or the block's
--                                    node list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  coord_array[1]
--                         coord_array[2]
--                         coord_array[3]
--                              .      |
--                              .      |which_node_or_elem index
--                              .             ----
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                       the element number index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_part_build_info),
--                                        or the block's element list (1 based).
--                            Thus,  for which_part:
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][0]
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][1]
--                                   conn_array[which_elem_type][2]
--                                        .                      |
--                                        .          which_node_or_elem index
--                                        .                        ----
--   (IN)  which_part
--                        If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                          = Not used
--                        If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                          = The part number
--   (IN)  which_elem_type
--              If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                = Not used
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element type.    This is the element type index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  time_step   = The time step
--   (OUT) values      = scalar or vector component value(s)
--                        values[0] = scalar or vector[0]
--                        values[1] = vector[1]
--                        values[2] = vector[2]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This routine is used in node querys over time (or element querys over
--     time for Z_PER_ELEM variables).  If these operations are not critical
--     to you, this can be a dummy routine.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the values at each global node for a given vector variable.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the values at each element of a specific part and type for a
--     given vector variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_vector_values(int which_vector,
--                               int which_part,
--                               int which_type,
--                               float *vector_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_vector            = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_part 
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The part number
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--   (OUT) vector_array 
--        if Z_PER_NODE:       = 1D array containing vector values
--                               for each node.
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                3 by Num_global_nodes long)
--                  Info stored in this fashion:
--                        vector_array[0] = xcomp of node 1
--                        vector_array[1] = ycomp of node 1
--                        vector_array[2] = zcomp of node 1
--                        vector_array[3] = xcomp of node 2
--                        vector_array[4] = ycomp of node 2
--                        vector_array[5] = zcomp of node 2
--                        vector_array[6] = xcomp of node 3
--                        vector_array[7] = ycomp of node 3
--                        vector_array[8] = zcomp of node 3
--                                etc.
--        if Z_PER_ELEM:       = 1D array containing vector values for
--                               each element of a particular part and type.
--                             (Array will have been allocated
--                              3 by number_of_elements[which_part][which_type]
--                              long.  See USERD_get_part_build_info)
--                  Info stored in this fashion:
--                       vector_array[0] = xcomp of elem 1 (of part and type)
--                       vector_array[1] = ycomp of elem 1         "
--                       vector_array[2] = zcomp of elem 1         "
--                       vector_array[3] = xcomp of elem 2         "
--                       vector_array[4] = ycomp of elem 2         "
--                       vector_array[5] = zcomp of elem 2         "
--                       vector_array[6] = xcomp of elem 3         "
--                       vector_array[7] = ycomp of elem 3         "
--                       vector_array[8] = zcomp of elem 3         "
--                               etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0,
--     Num_variables is > 0,  and you have some vector type variables
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the geometry and result filenames entered in the data
--   dialog.  The user written code will have to store and use these
--   as needed.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                           char filename_2[],
--                           char the_path[],
--                           int swapbytes)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) filename_1   = the filename entered into the geometry
--                         field of the data dialog.
--   (IN) filename_2   = the filename entered into the result
--                         field of the data dialog.
--			 (If the two_fields flag in USERD_get_name_of_reader
--			  is FALSE, this will be null string)
--   (IN) the_path     = the path info from the data dialog.
--                       Note: filename_1 and filename_2 have already
--                            had the path prepended to them.  This
--                            is provided in case it is needed for
--                            filenames contained in one of the files
--   (IN) swapbytes    = TRUE if should swap bytes when reading data.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since you must manage everything from the input that is entered in
--     these data dialog fields, this is an important routine!
--   * It may be that you will need to have an executive type file that contains
--     info and other filenames within it, like EnSight6's case file.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Set the current time step.  All functions that need time, and
--   that do not explicitly pass it in, will use the time step set by
--   this routine.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_set_time_step(int time_step)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) time_step - The current time step to set
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Current_time_step would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine called when the part building dialog is closed.  It is
--   provided in case you desire to release memory, etc. that was only needed
--   during the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_stop_part_building( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
------ end of doucment ----
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_USERD_2.0
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,2537 +0,0 @@
--EnSight User Defined Reader Capability   ===> (API 2.0)
--A user defined reader capability is included in EnSight which can allow
--otherwise unsupported structured or unstructured data to be read.  The user
--defined reader capability utilizes dynamic shared libraries composed of
--routines defined in this document but produced by you, the user, (or some
--third party). This capability is currently available for dec, ibm, hp, sgi,
--sun, linux, alpha linux, and NT servers.
--Two versions of this API are available starting with EnSight Version 7.2. The
--1.0 API (which was designed to be friendly to those producing it, but requires
--more manipulation internally by EnSight) may be a little easier to
--produce, but requires more memory and processing time.  The 2.0 API is
--considerably more efficient, and was designed more with that in mind. It
--requires that all data be provided on a part basis.
--If you already have a working 1.0 API reader and are happy with it - there is
--probably no reason to modify it to the 2.0 API unless:
-- - you deal with large models and the memory use and load times are a
--   problem or
-- - you need tensor variable support or
-- - you need complex variable support or
-- - you need multiple timeset capability or
-- _ you want to provide your own "border" elements (as opposed to EnSight's
--                                                    computation of them).
--If you are producing a new reader, you should consider which will work best
--for your needs.
--API 1.0  (defined in README_USERD_1.0 document)
--The original user defined reader API (used with EnSight Versions 6 through
--7.1) will continue to be supported. (Note that there was a change in the way
--that the libraries were made at version 7.1 of EnSight, but underlying code
--was kept the same.) Thus, any readers that work with EnSight 7.1, should still
--function with EnSight 7.2.
--API 2.0  (defined in this README_USERD_2.0 document)
--This new API has been defined to be more efficient and includes access to new
--capabilities of EnSight 7.2.  It lends itself closely to the EnSight "gold"
--type format.
--Some of its advantages are::
-- * Most intermediate temporary arrays have been eliminated, such that the user
--   defined routines write directly into internal part structures. This is a
--   considerable improvement in memory use, and improves speed as well since
--   far less memory need be allocated, initialized, etc.
-- * Parts are self contained. Coordinates, connectivity and all variables are
--   provided on a part basis. This eliminates the need for several global to
--   local coordinate mapping operations and the need for node id connectivity
--   hashing.  This can greatly improve the speed at which models are loaded.
-- * Model extents can be provided directly, such that EnSight need not read
--   all the coordinate data at load time.
-- * Tensor variables are supported
-- * Complex variables are supported
-- * A routine is provided as EnSight exits, so cleanup operations such as
--   removing temporary files can be easily accomplished.
-- * Geometry and variables can be provided on different time lines (timesets).
-- * If your data format already provides boundary shell information, you can
--   use it instead of the "border" representation that EnSight would compute.
--Further discussion on the philosophical differences between the two API's and
--an efficiency comparison example can be found in the README_1.0_to_2.0 file.
--This file also contains guidance on necessary changes to modify an existing
--1.0 API to the new 2.0 API.
--Note: A default dummy_gold reader and an Ensight Gold example of this new 2.0
--      user defined reader API has been included with your EnSight release.
--      Also, the SILO reader included in the release utilizes the 2.0 API. 
--      And while not identical, the API 1.0 readers might be useful to
--      examine as examples.  Many of the routines are the same or similar.
--The process for producing a user defined reader is:
--1. Write code for all pertinent routines in the library (Unless someone else
--   has done this for you).
--        This is of course where the work is done by the user.  The word
--        "pertinent" is used because depending on the nature of the data, some
--        of the routines in the library may be dummy routines.
--        The source code for a dummy_gold library and for various other
--        working or sample libraries is copied from the installation CD during
--        installation.  These will be located in directories under:
--        $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers
--        examples:
--        --------
--        Basic dummy_gold routines provide skeleton for a new reader
--          $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers/dummy_gold
--        Sample library which reads unstructured binary EnSight Gold data
--          $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers/ensight_gold
--        You may find it useful to place your library source in this area as
--        well, but are not limited to this location.
-- * ===>	The descriptions of each library routine and the order that the
--        routines are called, which is provided in this file, along with
--        the example libraries, should make it possible for you to produce
--        code for your own data reader.	
--2. Produce the dynamic shared library.
--   This is a compiling and loading process which varies according to
--   the type of machine you are on.  In the user-defined-reader source
--   tree we have tried to isolate the machine dependent parts of the
--   build process using a set of files in the 'config' directory.  In this
--   directory there is a configuration file for each platform on which
--   EnSight is supported.  Before you can compile the installed readers
--   you should run the script called 'init' in the config directory.
--      i.e.  (for UNIX)
--            cd config
--            ./init sgi_6.5_n64
--            cd ..
--            make
--   If you are compiling for Windows NT, there are two options.  If you
--   have the Cygwin GNU utilities installed, you can use GNU make as for
--   Unix.  Otherwise, there is a script called makeall.cmd which will
--   build all of the readers using nmake.  The Makefiles in each reader
--   directory will work using either make or nmake.
--      i.e.  (WIN32 Cygwin)                 (using nmake)
--            cd config                      cd config
--            sh init win32                  cp win32 config
--            cd ..                          cd ..
--                                           mkdir lib
--            make                           makeall.cmd
--   If you have platform-specific portions of code in your reader, the
--   build system defines a set of flags which can be used within
--   #ifdef ... #endif regions in your source, as shown in the table
--   below.
--   Because the readers are now dynamically opened by EnSight, you may
--   have to include dependent libraries on your link-line to avoid having
--   unresolved symbols.  If you are having problems with a reader, start
--   ensight as "ensight7 -readerdbg" and you will get feedback on any
--   problems encountered in loading a reader.  If there are unresolved
--   symbols, you need to find the library which contains the missing
--   symbols and link it into your reader by adding it to the example
--   link commands below.
--   If you choose to use a different build environment for your reader,
--   you should take care to use compatible compilation flags to ensure
--   compatibilty with the EnSight executables, most notably on the SGI
--   and HP-UX 11.0 platforms, which should use the following flags:
--      sgi_6.2_o32: -mips2
--      sgi_6.2_n64: -mips4 -64
--      sgi_6.5_n32: -mips3
--      sgi_6.5_n64: -mips4 -64
--       hp_11.0_32: +DA2.0
--       hp_11.0_64: +DA2.0W
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | MACHINE | OS flag               |  SHARED LIBRARY NAME PRODUCED      |
--   |  TYPE   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         |         LD COMMAND USED IN MAKEFILE                        |
--    ======================================================================
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sgi     | -DSGI                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o              |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | hp      | -DHP                  |  libuserd-X.sl                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -b -o libuserd-X.sl libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sun     | -DSUN                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | dec     | -DDEC                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc          |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | linux   | -DLINUX               |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | alpha   | -DALINUX              |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   | linux   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | ibm     | -DIBM                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -bnoentry -bexpall -lc |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--   Once you have created your library, you should place it in a directory
--   of your choice or in the standard reader location:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers
--   For example, if you created a reader for "mydata", you should create
--   the reader libuserd-mydata.so and place the file in your own reader
--   directory (see section 3 below) or in the standard location:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers/libuserd-mydata.so
--3. By default EnSight will load all readers found in the directory:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers
--   Files with names "libuserd-X.so" (where X is a name unique to the reader)
--   are assumed to be user-defined readers.
--   There are two methods which can be used to supplement the default
--   behavior.
--   (1) A feature which is useful for site-level or user-level configuration
--       is the optional environment variable $ENSIGHT7_READER.  This
--       variable directs EnSight to load all readers in the specified reader
--       directory (you should probably specify a full path) before loading
--       the built-in readers.  If the same reader exists in both directories
--       (as determined by the name returned by USERD_get_name_of_reader(),
--       NOT by the filename), the locally configured reader will take
--       precedence.
--   (2) A useful feature for end-users is the use of the libuserd-devel
--       reader.  EnSight will search for a reader named libuserd-devel.so
--       (.sl for HP or .dll for NT).  This reader can exist anywhere in the
--       library path (see below) of the user.  This is useful for an
--       individual actively developing a reader because the existence of a
--       libuserd-devel library will take precedence over any other library
--       which returns the same name from USERD_get_name_of_reader().
--   As an example, a site may install commonly used readers in a common
--   location, and users can set the ENSIGHT7_READER variable to access them:
--      setenv ENSIGHT7_READER /usr/local/lib/e7readers
--   A user working on a new reader may compile the reader and place it in
--   a directory specified by the library path:
--      cp libuserd-myreader.so ~/lib/libuserd-devel.so
--      setenv <librarypath> ~/lib:$<librarypath>
--   The user is responsible for correctly configuring the library path
--   variable in order to make use of the libuserd-devel feature.  The
--   library environment variables used are:
--        Machine type    Environment variable to set
--        ------------    ---------------------------
--        sgi             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        dec             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        sun             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        linux           LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        alpha linux     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        hp              SHLIB_PATH
--        ibm             LIBPATH
--As always, EnSight support is available if you need it.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--Generally Needed for UNSTRUCTURED data
--USERD_get_part_coords                         part's node coordinates
--USERD_get_part_node_ids                       part's node ids
--USERD_get_part_elements_by_type               part's element connectivites
--USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type            part's element ids
--Generally Needed for BLOCK data
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component           block coordinates
--USERD_get_block_iblanking                     block iblanking values
--Generally needed for either or both kinds of data
--USERD_get_name_of_reader                      name of reader for GUI
--USERD_get_reader_version                      provide reader version number
--USERD_get_reader_descrip                      provide GUI more description(optional)
--USERD_set_filenames                           filenames entered in GUI
--USERD_set_server_number                       server which of how many
--USERD_get_number_of_timesets                  number of timesets
--USERD_get_timeset_description                 description of timeset
--USERD_get_geom_timeset_number                 timeset # to use for geom
--USERD_get_num_of_time_steps                   number of time steps
--USERD_get_sol_times                           solution time values
--USERD_set_time_set_and_step                   current timeset and time step
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status            changing geometry?
--USERD_get_node_label_status                   node labels?
--USERD_get_element_label_status                element labels?
--USERD_get_model_extents                       provide model bounding extents
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset          number of files in model
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info             info about each model file
--USERD_get_descrip_lines                       file associated description lines
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts               number of model parts
--USERD_get_part_build_info                     part/block type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_maxsize_info                        part/block allocation maximums
--USERD_get_border_availability                 part border provided?
--USERD_get_border_elements_by_type             part border conn and parent info
--USERD_get_number_of_variables                 number of variables
--USERD_get_gold_variable_info                  variable type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_var_by_component                    part or block variable values
--USERD_get_constant_val                        constant variable's value
--USERD_get_var_value_at_specific               node's or element's variable
--                                                 value over time
--USERD_stop_part_building                      cleanup after part build routine
--USERD_bkup                                    archive routine
--USERD_exit_routine                            cleanup upon exit routine
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--1. Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--        USERD_get_name_of_reader
--        USERD_get_reader_descrip    (optional)
--2. Getting the reader version (also distinguishes between API's)
--        USERD_get_reader_version
--3. Setting filenames and getting timeset and time info
--        USERD_set_server_number
--        USERD_set_filenames
--        USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--        USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--        for each timeset:
--          USERD_get_timeset_description
--          USERD_get_num_of_time_steps
--          USERD_get_sol_times
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--4. Gathering info for part builder
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_changing_geometry_status
--        USERD_get_node_label_status
--        USERD_get_element_label_status
--        USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset
--        USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines                 (for geometry)
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_maxsize_info
--        USERD_get_model_extents     OR          (for model extents)
--             USERD_get_part_coords  AND/OR
--             USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--5. Gathering Variable info
--        USERD_get_number_of_variables
--        USERD_get_gold_variable_info
--6. Part building (per part created)
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_border_availability        (If border representation
--        USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     is selected)
--        USERD_stop_part_building      (only once when part builder
--                                       dialog is closed)
--7. Loading Variables
--        constants:
--        ---------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_constant_val
--        scalars/vectors/tensors:
--        ------------------------
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_var_by_component
--8. Changing geometry
--        changing coords only (per part):
--        --------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        changing connectivity (per part):
--        ---------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_model_extents   OR
--           USERD_get_part_coords  AND/OR
--           USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_border_availability        (If border representation
--        USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     is selected)
--9. Node or Element queries over time
--        USERD_get_var_value_at_specific
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--Basis of arrays:
--Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all arrays are zero based - in true C
--Global variables:
--You will generally need to have a few global variables which are shared by
--the various library routines. The detailed specifications below have assumed
--the following are available.  (Their names describe their purpose, and they
--will be used in helping describe the details of the routines below).
--static int Numparts_available         = 0;
--static int Num_unstructured_parts     = 0;
--static int Num_structured_blocks      = 0;
--/* Note: Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks */
--static int Num_timesets               = 1;
--static int Current_timeset            = 1;
--static int Geom_timeset_number        = 1;
--static int Num_time_steps[Z_MAXSETS]  = 1;
--static int Current_time_step          = 0;
--static int Num_variables              = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files          = 0;
--static int Server_Number              = 1;    Which server of
--static int Tot_Servers                = 1;    the total number of servers
--Library Routines (in alphabetical order):
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called during the EnSight archive process.  You can
--   use it to save or restore info relating to your user defined reader.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--                  int backup_type)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  archive_file         = The archive file pointer
--   (IN)  backup_type          = Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE for saving archive
--                                Z_REST_ARCHIVE for restoring archive
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since EnSight's archive file is saved in binary form, you should
--     also do any writing to it or reading from it in binary.
--   * You should archive any variables, which will be needed for
--     future operations, that will not be read or computed again
--     before they will be needed.  These are typically global
--     variables.
--   * Make sure that the number of bytes that you write on a save and
--     the number of bytes that you read on a restore are identical!!
--   * If any of the variables you save are allocated arrays, you must
--     do the allocations before restoring into them.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called as EnSight is exiting. It can be used to clean
--   up anything needed - such as removing temporary files, etc. - or can simply
--   be a dummy.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_exit_routine( void )
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the coordinates of a given structured block, a component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array containing x,y, or z
--                                   coordinate component of each node
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the iblanking value at each node of a block (if the block is
--   iblanked).
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                                 int *iblank_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) iblank_array            = 1D array containing iblank value
--                                   for each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--          possible values are:   Z_EXT     = exterior
--                                 Z_INT     = interior
--                                 Z_BND     = boundary
--                                 Z_INTBND  = internal boundary
--                                 Z_SYM     = symmetry plane
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0  and you have
--     some iblanked blocks
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Finds out if border elements are provided by the reader for the
--   desired part, or will need to be computed internally by EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_border_availability(int part_number,
--                                     int number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if border elements will be provided by the reader.
--          (number_of_elements array will be loaded and
--           USERD_get_border_elements_by_type will be called)
--   Z_ERR if border elements are not available - thus EnSight must compute.
--          (USERD_get_border_elements_by_type will not be called)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of border element in
--                                  the part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Only called if border representation is used.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Provides border element connectivity and parent information. 
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_border_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                         int element_type,
--                                         int **conn_array,
--                                         short *parent_element_type,
--                                         int *parent_element_num)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number           = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type          = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                 Z_POINT    node point element
--                                 Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                 Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                 Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                 Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--   (OUT) conn_array            = 2D array containing connectivity
--                                 of each border element of the type.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type by
--                                 connectivity length of the type)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_border_availability
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25][3]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100][4]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30][8]   when called with Z_QUA08
--   (OUT) parent_element_type   = 1D array containing element type of the
--                                 parent element (the one that the border
--                                 element is a face/edge of).
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type long)
--   (OUT) parent_element_num   = 1D array containing element number of the
--                                 parent element (the one that the border
--                                 element is a face/edge of).
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless USERD_get_border_availability returned Z_OK
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the changing geometry status for the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_STATIC        if geometry does not change
--   Z_CHANGE_COORDS if changing coordinates only
--   Z_CHANGE_CONN   if changing connectivity
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * EnSight does not support changing number of parts.  But the
--     coords and/or the connectivity of the parts can change.  Note that
--     a part is allowed to be empty (number of nodes and elements equal
--     to zero).
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the value of a constant at a time step
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   float USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var,
--                                  int imag_data)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Value of the requested constant variable
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var            = The variable number
--   (IN)  imag_data            = TRUE if want imaginary data value.
--                                FALSE if want real data value.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the information about files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) qfiles   = Structure containing information about each file
--                    of the dataset. The Z_QFILES structure is defined
--                    in the global_extern.h file
--                   (The structure will have been allocated
--                    Num_dataset_files long, with 10 description
--                    lines per file).
--      qfiles[].name        = The name of the file
--                             (Z_MAXFILENP is the dimensioned length
--                              of the name)
--      qfiles[].sizeb       = The number of bytes in the file
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine) (Is a long)
--      qfiles[].timemod     = The time the file was last modified 
--                             (Z_MAXTIMLEN is the dimensioned length
--                              of this string)
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].num_d_lines = The number of description lines you
--                              are providing from the file. Max = 10
--      qfiles[].f_desc[]    = The description line(s) per file,
--                              qfiles[].num_d_lines of them
--                              (Z_MAXFILENP is the allocated length of
--                               each line)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If Num_dataset_files is 0, this routine will not be called.
--     (See USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset)
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get two description lines associated with geometry per time step,
--   or one description line associated with a variable per time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_descrip_lines(int which_type,
--                               int which_var,
--                               int imag_data,
--                               char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                               char line2[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_type           = Z_GEOM for geometry (2 lines)
--                              = Z_VARI for variable (1 line)
--   (IN)  which_var            = If it is a variable, which one.
--                                Ignored if geometry type.
--   (IN)  imag_data            = TRUE if want imaginary data file.
--                                FALSE if want real data file.
--   (OUT) line1                = The 1st geometry description line,
--                                or the variable description line.
--   (OUT) line2                = The 2nd geometry description line
--                                Not used if variable type.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * These are the lines EnSight can echo to the screen in
--     annotation mode.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether element labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if element labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if element labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * element lables are needed in order to do any element querying, or
--     element labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.
--         USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a per part, per type basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them youself!!
--USERD_get_geom_timeset_number -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--    Gets the timeset number to be used for geometry
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_geom_timeset_number( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Geom_timeset_number = The timeset number that will be used for geometry.   
--                         For example, if USERD_get_number_of timesets
--                         returns 2, the valid timeset numbers would be
--                         1 or 2.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   *  If your model is static, which you indicated by returning a zero
--      in USERD_get_number_of_timesets, you can return a zero here as well.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                                      int *part_types,
--                                      char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                      int *number_of_nodes,
--                                      int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                      int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                                      int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--    (OUT) part_id                = Array containing the external part
--                                   ids for each of the model parts.
--                                   IMPORTANT:
--                                    Parts numbers must be >= 1, because
--                                    of the way they are used in the GUI
--               *******************************************
--                The ids provided here are the numbers by
--                which the parts will be referred to in the
--                GUI (if possible). They are basically
--                labels as far as you are concerned.
--                Note: The part numbers you pass to routines
--                which receive a part_number or block_number
--                or which_part as an argument are the 1-based
--                table index of the parts!
--                example:  If Numparts_available = 3
--                          Table index        part_id
--                          -----------        -------
--                           1                  13
--                           2                  57
--                           3                  125
--                           ^                   ^
--                           |                   |
--                           |                    These are placed in:
--                           |                      part_id[0] = 13
--                           |                      part_id[1] = 57
--                           |                      part_id[2] = 125
--                           |                    for GUI labeling purposes.
--                           |
--                            These implied table indices are the part_number,
--                            block_number, or which_part numbers that you would
--                            pass to routines like:
--                           USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--                           USERD_get_border_availability( int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_border_elements_by_type( int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                                      int which_part,...
--                           USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                                           int which_node_or_elem,
--                                                           int which_part,...
--               ********************************************
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                       Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                       Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                       Z_IBLANKED
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                   long)
--   (OUT) number_of_nodes        = Number of unstructured nodes in the part
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimensions
--                                  for each structured model part.
--                                           ----------
--                                  (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--      iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                       [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                       [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                       [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                       [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--     you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the variable descriptions, types and filenames
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_gold_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                                    char **var_filename,
--                                    int *var_type,
--                                    int *var_classify,
--                                    int *var_complex,
--                                    char **var_ifilename,
--                                    float *var_freq,
--                                    int *var_contran,
--                                    int *var_timeset)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) var_description      = Variable descriptions
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--           variable description restrictions:
--           ----------------------------------
--           1. Only first 19 characters used in EnSight.
--           2. Leading and trailing whitespace will be removed by EnSight.
--           3. Illegal characters will be replaced by underscores.
--           4. Thay may not start with a numeric digit.
--           4. No two variables may have the same description.
--   (OUT) var_filename         = Variable real filenames
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_type             = Variable type
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_CONSTANT
--                                            Z_SCALAR
--                                            Z_VECTOR
--                                            Z_TENSOR
--                                            Z_TENSOR9
--   (OUT) var_classify         = Variable classification
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_PER_NODE
--                                            Z_PER_ELEM
--   (OUT) var_complex          = TRUE if complex, FALSE otherwise
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_ifilename        = Variable imaginary filenames (if complex)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_freq             = complex frequency  (if complex)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_contran          = TRUE if constant changes per time step
--                                FALSE if constant truly same at all time steps
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_timeset          = Timeset the variable will use (1 based).
--                                (For static models, set it to 1)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                 For example:  If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                               returns 2, the valid
--                                               timeset_number's would be 1 or 2
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The implied variable numbers apply, but be aware that the
--     arrays are zero based.
--     So for variable 1, will need to provide   var_description[0]
--                                               var_filename[0]
--                                               var_type[0]
--                                               var_classify[0]
--                                               var_complex[0]
--                                               var_ifilename[0]
--                                               var_freq[0]
--                                               var_contran[0]
--                                               var_timeset[0]
--        for variable 2, will need to provide   var_description[1]
--                                               var_filename[1]
--                                               var_type[1]
--                                               var_classify[1]
--                                               var_complex[1]
--                                               var_ifilename[1]
--                                               var_freq[1]
--                                               var_contran[1]
--                                               var_timeset[1]
--              etc.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets maximum part sizes for efficient memory allocation.
--   Transient models (especially those that increase in size) can cause
--   reallocations, at time step changes, to keep chewing up more and
--   more memory.   The way to avoid this is to know what the maximum
--   size of such memory will be, and allocate for this maximum initially.
--   Accordingly, if you choose to provide this information (it is optional),
--   EnSight will take advantage of it.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_maxsize_info(int *max_number_of_nodes,
--                              int *max_number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                              int *max_ijk_dimensions[3])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if supplying maximum data
--   Z_ERR if not supplying maximum data, or some error occurred
--           while trying to obtain it.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) max_number_of_nodes    = Maximum number of unstructured nodes
--                                  in the part (over all time).
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) max_number_of_elements = 2D array containing maximum number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part (over all time).
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) max_ijk_dimensions  = 2D array containing maximum ijk dimensions
--                               for each structured model part (over all time).
--                                           ----------
--                                (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][0] = maximum I dimension
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][1] = maximum J dimension
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][2] = maximum K dimension
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You need to have first called USERD_get_number_of_model_parts and
--     USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, so Numparts_available is known and
--     so EnSight will know what the type is (Z_UNSTRUCTURED, Z_STRUCTURED,
--     or Z_IBLANKED) of each part.
--   * This will NOT be based on Current_time_step - it is to be the maximum
--     values over all time!!
--   * This information is optional.  If you return Z_ERR, Ensight will still
--     process things fine, reallocating as needed, etc.  However, for
--     large transient models you will likely use considerably more memory
--     and take more processing time for the memory reallocations. So, if it
--     is possible to provide this information "up front", it is recommended
--     to do so.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the model bounding box extents.  If this routine supplys them
--   EnSight will not have to spend time doing so.  If this routine
--   returns Z_ERR, EnSight will have to take the time to touch all the
--   nodes and gather the extent info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_model_extents(float extents[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful  (whereupon EnSight will determine by reading
--                             all coords of all parts)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) extents[0]   = min x
--                [1]   = max x
--                [2]   = min y
--                [3]   = max y
--                [4]   = min z
--                [5]   = max z
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the name of your user defined reader.  The user interface will
--   ask for this and include it in the available reader list.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--				int *two_fields)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) reader_name          = the name of the your reader or data format.
--                              (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which is 20)
--   (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field required
--				      in the data dialog of EnSight.
--				TRUE if two data fields required.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Always called.  Please be sure to provide a name for your custom
--     reader format.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether node labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_node_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if node labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if node labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Node ids are needed in order to do any node querying, or node
--     labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.  They must also be
--       positive numbers greater than zero.
--         USERD_get_part_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--         status returned here is TRUE.
--         (Unlike API 1.0, where the connectivity of elements had to be
--          according to the node ids - API 2.0's element connectivities
--          are not affected either way by the status here.)
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them yourself!!
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of time steps of data available for desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_num_of_time_steps( int timeset_number )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of time steps in timeset  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) timeset number = the timeset number
--                         For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                      returns 2, the valid
--                                      timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This should be >= 1       1 indicates a static model
--                              >1 indicates a transient model
--   * Num_time_steps[timeset_number] would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the total number of files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   The total number of files in the dataset.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You can be as complete as you want about this.  If you don't
--     care about the dataset query option, return a value of 0
--     If you only want certain files, you can just include them. But,
--     you will need to supply the info in USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--     for each file you include here.
--   * Num_dataset_files would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the total number of unstructured and structured parts
--   in the model, for which you can supply information.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of parts  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If going to have to read down through the parts in order to
--     know how many, you may want to build a table of pointers to
--     the various parts, so you can easily get to particular parts in
--     later processes.  If you can simply read the number of parts
--     at the head of the file, then you would probably not build the
--     table at this time.
--   * This routine would set Numparts_available, which is equal to
--     Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--    Gets the number of timesets used in the model.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_timesets( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of timesets in the model
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Num_timesets would be set here
--   * If you have a static model, both geometry and variables, you should
--     return a value of zero.
--   * If you have a transient model, then you should return one or more.
--   For example:
--      Geometry    Variables                                 No. of timesets
--      ---------   ------------------------------            ---------------
--      static      static                                      0
--      static      transient, all using same timeset           1
--      transient   transient, all using same timeset as geom   1
--      static      transient, using 3 different timesets       3
--      transient   transient, using 3 different timesets and
--                             none of them the same as the
--                             geometry timeset                 4
--          etc.
--   NOTE: ALL GEOMETRY MUST USE THE SAME TIMESET!!! You will have to provide
--                                                   the timeset number to use
--                                                   for geometry in:
--                                               USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--         Variables can use the same timeset as the geometry, or can use
--         other timesets. More than one variable can use the same timeset.
--   example:  changing geometry at 5 steps, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
--             variable 1 provided at these same five steps
--             variable 2 provided at 3 steps, 0.5, 1.25, 3.33
--        This routine should return a value of 2, because only
--        two different timesets are needed. Timeset 1 would be for the
--        geometry and variable 1 (they both use it). Timeset 2 would
--        be for variable 2, which needs its own in this case.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of variables for which you will be providing info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_variables( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of variables (includes constant, scalar, vector and tensor types)
--                       (>=0 if okay, <0 if problem)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Variable numbers, by which references will be made, are implied
--     here. If you say there are 3 variables, the variable numbers
--     will be 1, 2, and 3.
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Num_variables would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the coordinates for an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number, float **coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 2D float array which contains,
--                                   x,y,z coordinates of each node
--                                   in the part.
--       (IMPORTANT: The second dimension of this aray is 1-based!!!)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 3 by (number_of_nodes + 1) for the part
--                                 long - see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                       ex) If number_of_nodes = 100
--                           as obtained in:
--                             USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions of the
--                           pointer sent to this routine will be:
--                             coord_array[3][101]
--                           Ignore the coord_array[0][0]
--                                      coord_array[1][0]
--                                      coord_array[2][0] locations and start
--                           the node coordinates at:
--                             coord_array[0][1]
--                             coord_array[1][1]
--                             coord_array[2][1]
--                             coord_array[0][2]
--                             coord_array[1][2]
--                             coord_array[2][2]
--                                   etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the ids for the elements of a particular type for an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,
--                                          int element_type,
--                                          int *elemid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type            = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                   Z_POINT    node point element
--                                   Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                   Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                   Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                   Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                   Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                   Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                   Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--   (OUT) elemid_array            = 1D array containing id of each
--                                   element of the type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   number_of_elements of the type long)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30]  when called with Z_HEX08
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and element
--     label status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the connectivities for the elements of a particular type in an
--   unstructured part
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                       int element_type,
--                                       int **conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number           = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type          = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                 Z_POINT    node point element
--                                 Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                 Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                 Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                 Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                 Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                 Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                 Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                 Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                 Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                 Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                 Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                 Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--   (OUT) conn_array            = 2D array containing connectivity
--                                 of each element of the type.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type by
--                                 connectivity length of the type)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25][3]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100][4]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30][8]   when called with Z_HEX08
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the node ids of an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number, int *nodeid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) nodeid_array            = 1D array containing node ids of
--                                    each node in the part.
--           (IMPORTANT: This array is 1-based!!!)
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    (number_of_nodes + 1) for the part long
--                                    see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                       ex) If number_of_nodes = 100
--                           as obtained in:
--                             USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions of the
--                           pointer sent to this routine will be:
--                             nodeid_array[101]
--                           Ignore the nodeid_array[0] location and start
--                           the node ids at:
--                             nodeid_array[1]
--                             nodeid_array[2]
--                                   etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0  and node label
--     status is TRUE
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The ids are purely labels, used when displaying or querying node ids.
--     However, any node id < 0 will never be displayed
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the description of the reader, so gui can give more info
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_reader_descrip(char descrip[Z_MAXFILENP])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) descrip  = the description of the reader (max length is MAXFILENP,
--                                                   which is 255)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * OPTIONAL ROUTINE!   You can have it or not.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the version number of the user defined reader
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_reader_version(char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful (and will assume is version 1.0)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) version_number       = the version number of the reader
--                                (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which
--                                 is 20)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This needs to be "2.000" or greater. Otherwise EnSight will assume
--     this reader is API 1.0 instead of 2.0
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the solution times associated with each time step for 
--   desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_sol_times(int timeset_number,
--                           float *solution_times)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  timeset_number     = the timeset number
--                              For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                           returns 2, the valid
--                                           timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   (OUT) solution_times       = 1D array of solution times per time step
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_time_steps[timeset_number] long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The solution times must be non-negative and increasing.
--USERD_get_timeset_description -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the description to associate with the desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_timeset_description(int timeset_number,
--                                     char timeset_description[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  timeset_number     = the timeset number
--                              For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                           returns 2, the valid
--                                           timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   (OUT) timeset_description  = timeset description string
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * A string of NULLs is valid for timeset_description
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the values of a variable component.  Both unstructured and structured
--   parts use this routine.
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the component value at each node for a given variable in the part.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the component value at each element of a specific part and type
--     for a given variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                  int which_part,
--                                  int var_type,
--                                  int which_type,
--                                  int imag_data,
--                                  int component,
--                                  float *var_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   or:  Z_UNDEF, in which case you need not load any values into var_array
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_variable          = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_part                 Since EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    -------------------------
--                                  = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                                    Prior to EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    ----------------------------
--                                  = The part id   This is the part_id label loaded
--                                                  in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.
--                                                  It is NOT the part table index.
--   (IN)  var_type                = Z_SCALAR
--                                   Z_VECTOR
--                                   Z_TENSOR   (symmetric tensor)
--                                   Z_TENSOR9  (asymmetric tensor)
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--                                   Z_POINT    node point element
--                                   Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                   Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                   Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                   Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                   Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                   Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                   Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--   (IN)  imag_data               = TRUE if imag component
--                                   FALSE if real component
--   (IN)  component               = The component: (0       if Z_SCALAR)
--                                                  (0 - 2   if Z_VECTOR)
--                                                  (0 - 5   if Z_TENSOR)
--                                                  (0 - 8   if Z_TENSOR9)
--                                 * 6 Symmetric Indicies, 0:5    *
--                                 * ---------------------------- *
--                                 *     | 11 12 13 |   | 0 3 4 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 * T = |    22 23 | = |   1 5 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 *     |       33 |   |     2 | *
--                                 * 9 General   Indicies, 0:8    *
--                                 * ---------------------------- *
--                                 *     | 11 12 13 |   | 0 3 4 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 * T = | 21 22 23 | = | 6 1 5 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 *     | 31 32 33 |   | 7 8 2 | *
--   (OUT) var_array 
--      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--      (IMPORTANT: this array is 1-based for both Z_PER_NODE and Z_PER_ELEM!!!)
--      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--            if Z_PER_NODE:    = 1D array containing variable component value
--                                for each node.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 (number_of_nodes + 1) long)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            var_array[0] = not used
--                            var_array[1] = var component for node 1 of part
--                            var_array[2] = var_component for node 2 of part
--                            var_array[3] = var_component for node 3 of part
--                            etc.
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:    = 1D array containing variable component
--                                value for each element of a particular
--                                part and type.
--                              (Array will have been allocated
--                               (number_of_elements[which_part][which_type] + 1)
--                                long.  See USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                  Info stored in this fashion:
--                    var_array[1] = var component for elem 1 (of part and type)
--                    var_array[2] = var component for elem 2 (of part and type)
--                    var_array[3] = var component for elem 3 (of part and type)
--                    etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_variables is > 0
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * If the variable is not defined for this part, simply return with a
--     value of Z_UNDEF.  EnSight will treat the variable as undefined for
--     this part.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular node in a
--     particular part at a particular time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular element of
--     a particular type in a particular part at a particular time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                       int which_node_or_elem,
--                                       int which_part,
--                                       int which_elem_type,
--                                       int time_step,
--                                       float values[3],
--                                       int imag_data)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var   = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_node_or_elem
--              If Z_PER_NODE:
--                = The node number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                    the index of the global node 
--                                    list (1 based), or the block's
--                                    node list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  coord_array[1]
--                         coord_array[2]
--                         coord_array[3]
--                              .      |
--                              .      |which_node_or_elem index
--                              .             ----
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                       the element number index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info),
--                                        or the block's element list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  for which_part:
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][0]
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][1]
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][2]
--                              .                      |
--                              .          which_node_or_elem index
--                              .                        ----
--   (IN)  which_part                 Since EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    -------------------------
--                                  = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                                    Prior to EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    ----------------------------
--                                  = The part id   This is the part_id label loaded
--                                                  in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.
--                                                  It is NOT the part table index.
--   (IN)  which_elem_type
--              If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                = Not used
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element type.    This is the element type index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  time_step   = The time step
--   (IN)  imag_data   = TRUE if want imaginary value.
--                       FALSE if want real value.
--   (OUT) values      = scalar or vector component value(s)
--                        values[0] = scalar or vector[0]
--                        values[1] = vector[1]
--                        values[2] = vector[2]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This routine is used in node querys over time (or element querys over
--     time for Z_PER_ELEM variables).  If these operations are not critical
--     to you, this can be a dummy routine.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * The time step given is for the proper variable timeset.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the geometry and result filenames entered in the data
--   dialog.  The user written code will have to store and use these
--   as needed. The user written code must manage its own files!!
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                           char filename_2[],
--                           char the_path[],
--                           int swapbytes)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) filename_1   = the filename entered into the geometry
--                         field of the data dialog.
--   (IN) filename_2   = the filename entered into the result
--                         field of the data dialog.
--			 (If the two_fields flag in USERD_get_name_of_reader
--			  is FALSE, this will be null string)
--   (IN) the_path     = the path info from the data dialog.
--                       Note: filename_1 and filename_2 have already
--                            had the path prepended to them.  This
--                            is provided in case it is needed for
--                            filenames contained in one of the files
--   (IN) swapbytes    = TRUE if should swap bytes when reading data.
--                     = FALSE normally.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since you must manage everything from the input that is entered in
--     these data dialog fields, this is an important routine!
--   * It may be that you will need to have an executive type file that contains
--     info and other filenames within it, like EnSight6's case file.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the server number of how many total servers.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_server_number(int cur_serv,
--                               int tot_servs)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) cur_serv    = the current server.
--   (IN) tot_servs   = the total number of servers.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Only useful if your user defined reader is being used with EnSight's
--     Server-of-Server capability.  And even then, it may or may not be
--     something that you can take advantage of.  If your data is already
--     partitioned in some manner, such that you can access the proper
--     portions using this information.
--     For all non-SOS uses, this will simply be 1 of 1
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Set the current time step in the desired timeset.  All functions that
--   need time, and that do not explicitly pass it in, will use the timeset
--   and step set by this routine, if needed.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_set_time_set_and_step(int timeset_number,
--                                    int time_step)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) timeset_number  = the timeset number (1 based).
--                          For example:  If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                        returns 2, the valid timeset_number's
--                                        would be 1 and 2.
--   (IN) time_step       = The current time step to set
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Current_time_step and Current_timeset would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine called when the part building dialog is closed.  It is
--   provided in case you desire to release memory, etc. that was only needed
--   during the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_stop_part_building( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
------ end of doucment ----
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_USERD_2.01
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,2787 +0,0 @@
--EnSight User Defined Reader Capability   ===> (API 2.01)
--A user defined reader capability is included in EnSight which can allow
--otherwise unsupported structured or unstructured data to be read.  The user
--defined reader capability utilizes dynamic shared libraries composed of
--routines defined in this document but produced by you, the user, (or some
--third party). This capability is currently available for dec, ibm, hp, sgi,
--sun, linux, alpha linux, and NT servers.
--You should refer to beginning of README_USERD_2.0  and/or README_1.0_to_2.0
--for a discussion of the differences between API 1.0 and API 2.*.
--***>> API 2.01 adds the capabilty of handling ghost cells.
--API 2.01  (defined in this README_USERD_2.01 document)
--This new API has been defined to be more efficient and includes access to new
--capabilities of EnSight 7.4.  It lends itself closely to the EnSight "gold"
--type format.
--Some of its advantages are::
-- * Most intermediate temporary arrays have been eliminated, such that the user
--   defined routines write directly into internal part structures. This is a
--   considerable improvement in memory use, and improves speed as well since
--   far less memory need be allocated, initialized, etc.
-- * Parts are self contained. Coordinates, connectivity and all variables are
--   provided on a part basis. This eliminates the need for several global to
--   local coordinate mapping operations and the need for node id connectivity
--   hashing.  This can greatly improve the speed at which models are loaded.
-- * Model extents can be provided directly, such that EnSight need not read
--   all the coordinate data at load time.
-- * Tensor variables are supported
-- * Complex variables are supported
-- * A routine is provided as EnSight exits, so cleanup operations such as
--   removing temporary files can be easily accomplished.
-- * Geometry and variables can be provided on different time lines (timesets).
-- * If your data format already provides boundary shell information, you can
--   use it instead of the "border" representation that EnSight would compute.
-- * Ghost cells are supported, for both unstructured and structured models.
--Note: A default dummy_gold reader and an Ensight Gold example of this new 2.01
--      user defined reader API has been included with your EnSight release.
--      Also, the SILO and ExodusII_gold reader included in the release
--      utilizes the 2.01 API. 
--The process for producing a user defined reader is:
--1. Write code for all pertinent routines in the library (Unless someone else
--   has done this for you).
--        This is of course where the work is done by the user.  The word
--        "pertinent" is used because depending on the nature of the data, some
--        of the routines in the library may be dummy routines.
--        The source code for a dummy_gold library and for various other
--        working or sample libraries is copied from the installation CD during
--        installation.  These will be located in directories under:
--        $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers
--        examples:
--        --------
--        Basic dummy_gold routines provide skeleton for a new reader
--          $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers/dummy_gold
--        Sample library which reads unstructured binary EnSight Gold data
--          $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers/ensight_gold
--        You may find it useful to place your library source in this area as
--        well, but are not limited to this location.
-- * ===>	The descriptions of each library routine and the order that the
--        routines are called, which is provided in this file, along with
--        the example libraries, should make it possible for you to produce
--        code for your own data reader.	
--2. Produce the dynamic shared library.
--   This is a compiling and loading process which varies according to
--   the type of machine you are on.  In the user-defined-reader source
--   tree we have tried to isolate the machine dependent parts of the
--   build process using a set of files in the 'config' directory.  In this
--   directory there is a configuration file for each platform on which
--   EnSight is supported.  Before you can compile the installed readers
--   you should run the script called 'init' in the config directory.
--      i.e.  (for UNIX)
--            cd config
--            ./init sgi_6.5_n64
--            cd ..
--            make
--   If you are compiling for Windows NT, there are two options.  If you
--   have the Cygwin GNU utilities installed, you can use GNU make as for
--   Unix.  Otherwise, there is a script called makeall.cmd which will
--   build all of the readers using nmake.  The Makefiles in each reader
--   directory will work using either make or nmake.
--      i.e.  (WIN32 Cygwin)                 (using nmake)
--            cd config                      cd config
--            sh init win32                  cp win32 config
--            cd ..                          cd ..
--                                           mkdir lib
--            make                           makeall.cmd
--   If you have platform-specific portions of code in your reader, the
--   build system defines a set of flags which can be used within
--   #ifdef ... #endif regions in your source, as shown in the table
--   below.
--   Because the readers are now dynamically opened by EnSight, you may
--   have to include dependent libraries on your link-line to avoid having
--   unresolved symbols.  If you are having problems with a reader, start
--   ensight as "ensight7 -readerdbg" and you will get feedback on any
--   problems encountered in loading a reader.  If there are unresolved
--   symbols, you need to find the library which contains the missing
--   symbols and link it into your reader by adding it to the example
--   link commands below.
--   If you choose to use a different build environment for your reader,
--   you should take care to use compatible compilation flags to ensure
--   compatibilty with the EnSight executables, most notably on the SGI
--   and HP-UX 11.0 platforms, which should use the following flags:
--      sgi_6.2_o32: -mips2
--      sgi_6.2_n64: -mips4 -64
--      sgi_6.5_n32: -mips3
--      sgi_6.5_n64: -mips4 -64
--       hp_11.0_32: +DA2.0
--       hp_11.0_64: +DA2.0W
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | MACHINE | OS flag               |  SHARED LIBRARY NAME PRODUCED      |
--   |  TYPE   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         |         LD COMMAND USED IN MAKEFILE                        |
--    ======================================================================
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sgi     | -DSGI                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o              |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | hp      | -DHP                  |  libuserd-X.sl                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -b -o libuserd-X.sl libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sun     | -DSUN                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | dec     | -DDEC                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc          |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | linux   | -DLINUX               |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | alpha   | -DALINUX              |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   | linux   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | ibm     | -DIBM                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -bnoentry -bexpall -lc |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--   Once you have created your library, you should place it in a directory
--   of your choice or in the standard reader location:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers
--   For example, if you created a reader for "mydata", you should create
--   the reader libuserd-mydata.so and place the file in your own reader
--   directory (see section 3 below) or in the standard location:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers/libuserd-mydata.so
--3. By default EnSight will load all readers found in the directory:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers
--   Files with names "libuserd-X.so" (where X is a name unique to the reader)
--   are assumed to be user-defined readers.
--   There are two methods which can be used to supplement the default
--   behavior.
--   (1) A feature which is useful for site-level or user-level configuration
--       is the optional environment variable $ENSIGHT7_READER.  This
--       variable directs EnSight to load all readers in the specified reader
--       directory (you should probably specify a full path) before loading
--       the built-in readers.  If the same reader exists in both directories
--       (as determined by the name returned by USERD_get_name_of_reader(),
--       NOT by the filename), the locally configured reader will take
--       precedence.
--   (2) A useful feature for end-users is the use of the libuserd-devel
--       reader.  EnSight will search for a reader named libuserd-devel.so
--       (.sl for HP or .dll for NT).  This reader can exist anywhere in the
--       library path (see below) of the user.  This is useful for an
--       individual actively developing a reader because the existence of a
--       libuserd-devel library will take precedence over any other library
--       which returns the same name from USERD_get_name_of_reader().
--   As an example, a site may install commonly used readers in a common
--   location, and users can set the ENSIGHT7_READER variable to access them:
--      setenv ENSIGHT7_READER /usr/local/lib/e7readers
--   A user working on a new reader may compile the reader and place it in
--   a directory specified by the library path:
--      cp libuserd-myreader.so ~/lib/libuserd-devel.so
--      setenv <librarypath> ~/lib:$<librarypath>
--   The user is responsible for correctly configuring the library path
--   variable in order to make use of the libuserd-devel feature.  The
--   library environment variables used are:
--        Machine type    Environment variable to set
--        ------------    ---------------------------
--        sgi             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        dec             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        sun             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        linux           LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        alpha linux     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        hp              SHLIB_PATH
--        ibm             LIBPATH
--As always, EnSight support is available if you need it.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--Generally Needed for UNSTRUCTURED data
--USERD_get_part_coords                         part's node coordinates
--USERD_get_part_node_ids                       part's node ids
--USERD_get_part_elements_by_type               part's element connectivites
--USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type            part's element ids
--Generally Needed for BLOCK data
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component           block coordinates
--USERD_get_block_iblanking                     block iblanking values
--USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag                block ghost cell existence?
--USERD_get_block_ghost_flags                   block ghost cell flags
--  These routines, which formerly were only for unstructured data, will now
--  also be called for structured data if you specify that ids will be given
--  in the USERD_get_node_label_status and USERD_get_element_label_status rotuines
--  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
--  USERD_get_part_node_ids                       part's node ids
--  USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type            part's element ids
--Generally needed for either or both kinds of data
--USERD_get_name_of_reader                      name of reader for GUI
--USERD_get_reader_version                      provide reader version number
--USERD_get_reader_descrip                      provide GUI more description(optional)
--USERD_set_filenames                           filenames entered in GUI
--USERD_set_server_number                       server which of how many
--USERD_get_number_of_timesets                  number of timesets
--USERD_get_timeset_description                 description of timeset
--USERD_get_geom_timeset_number                 timeset # to use for geom
--USERD_get_num_of_time_steps                   number of time steps
--USERD_get_sol_times                           solution time values
--USERD_set_time_set_and_step                   current timeset and time step
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status            changing geometry?
--USERD_get_node_label_status                   node labels?
--USERD_get_element_label_status                element labels?
--USERD_get_model_extents                       provide model bounding extents
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset          number of files in model
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info             info about each model file
--USERD_get_descrip_lines                       file associated description lines
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts               number of model parts
--USERD_get_part_build_info                     part/block type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_maxsize_info                        part/block allocation maximums
--USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag                model contains ghost cells?
--USERD_get_border_availability                 part border provided?
--USERD_get_border_elements_by_type             part border conn and parent info
--USERD_get_number_of_variables                 number of variables
--USERD_get_gold_variable_info                  variable type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_var_by_component                    part or block variable values
--USERD_get_constant_val                        constant variable's value
--USERD_get_var_value_at_specific               node's or element's variable
--                                                 value over time
--USERD_stop_part_building                      cleanup after part build routine
--USERD_bkup                                    archive routine
--USERD_exit_routine                            cleanup upon exit routine
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--1. Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--        USERD_get_name_of_reader
--        USERD_get_reader_descrip        (optional)
--2. Getting the reader version (also distinguishes between API's)
--        USERD_get_reader_version
--3. Setting filenames and getting timeset and time info
--        USERD_set_server_number
--        USERD_set_filenames
--        USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--        USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--        for each timeset:
--          USERD_get_timeset_description
--          USERD_get_num_of_time_steps
--          USERD_get_sol_times
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--4. Gathering info for part builder
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_changing_geometry_status
--        USERD_get_node_label_status
--        USERD_get_element_label_status
--        USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset
--        USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines                 (for geometry)
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag
--        USERD_get_maxsize_info
--        USERD_get_get_ghosts_in_block_flag      (if any ghost cells in model)
--        USERD_get_model_extents     OR          (for model extents)
--             USERD_get_part_coords  AND/OR
--             USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--5. Gathering Variable info
--        USERD_get_number_of_variables
--        USERD_get_gold_variable_info
--6. Part building (per part created)
--        both unstructured and structured:
--        --------------------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        if unstructured part:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--        else if structured part:
--        -----------------------
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_block_ghost_flags          (If ghost cells in part)
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids              (If node ids given)
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type   (If element ids given)
--        both again:
--        ----------
--        USERD_get_border_availability        (If border representation
--        USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     is selected)
--        USERD_stop_part_building      (only once when part builder
--                                       dialog is closed)
--7. Loading Variables
--        constants:
--        ---------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_constant_val
--        scalars/vectors/tensors:
--        ------------------------
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_var_by_component
--8. Changing geometry
--        changing coords only (per part):
--        --------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        changing connectivity (per part):
--        ---------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag
--        USERD_get_get_ghosts_in_block_flag      (if any ghost cells in model)
--        USERD_get_model_extents   OR
--           USERD_get_part_coords  AND/OR
--           USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_block_ghost_flags          (If ghost cells in part)
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids              (If node ids given)
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type   (If element ids given)
--        USERD_get_border_availability        (If border representation
--        USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     is selected)
--9. Node or Element queries over time
--        USERD_get_var_value_at_specific
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--****************************** Special Note ***********************************
--You must use the global_extern.h file associated with the proper release of
--EnSight when you build readers.  Namely, this header file can change per EnSight
--release.  For example, readers compiled for EnSight 7.3 will not run properly in
--EnSight 7.4 and vica versa because there was a critical change in the
--global_extern.h file between these two versions.  In most cases the only thing
--needed to produce a workable reader is to remake it with the proper header file.
--Basis of arrays:
--Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all arrays are zero based - in true C
--Global variables:
--You will generally need to have a few global variables which are shared by
--the various library routines. The detailed specifications below have assumed
--the following are available.  (Their names describe their purpose, and they
--will be used in helping describe the details of the routines below).
--static int Numparts_available         = 0;
--static int Num_unstructured_parts     = 0;
--static int Num_structured_blocks      = 0;
--/* Note: Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks */
--static int Num_timesets               = 1;
--static int Current_timeset            = 1;
--static int Geom_timeset_number        = 1;
--static int Num_time_steps[Z_MAXSETS]  = 1;
--static int Current_time_step          = 0;
--static int Num_variables              = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files          = 0;
--static int Server_Number              = 1;    Which server of
--static int Tot_Servers                = 1;    the total number of servers
--Library Routines (in alphabetical order):
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called during the EnSight archive process.  You can
--   use it to save or restore info relating to your user defined reader.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--                  int backup_type)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  archive_file         = The archive file pointer
--   (IN)  backup_type          = Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE for saving archive
--                                Z_REST_ARCHIVE for restoring archive
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since EnSight's archive file is saved in binary form, you should
--     also do any writing to it or reading from it in binary.
--   * You should archive any variables, which will be needed for
--     future operations, that will not be read or computed again
--     before they will be needed.  These are typically global
--     variables.
--   * Make sure that the number of bytes that you write on a save and
--     the number of bytes that you read on a restore are identical!!
--   * If any of the variables you save are allocated arrays, you must
--     do the allocations before restoring into them.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called as EnSight is exiting. It can be used to clean
--   up anything needed - such as removing temporary files, etc. - or can simply
--   be a dummy.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_exit_routine( void )
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the coordinates of a given structured block, a component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array containing x,y, or z
--                                   coordinate component of each node
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the iblanking value at each node of a block (if the block is
--   iblanked).
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                                 int *iblank_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) iblank_array            = 1D array containing iblank value
--                                   for each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--          possible values are:   Z_EXT     = exterior
--                                 Z_INT     = interior
--                                 Z_BND     = boundary
--                                 Z_INTBND  = internal boundary
--                                 Z_SYM     = symmetry plane
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0  and you have
--     some iblanked blocks
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the ghost_flags value at each element of a block containing ghost cells.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,
--                                   int *ghost_flags)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) ghost_flags             = 1D array containing ghost flag value
--                                     for each block cell.
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     (i-1)*(j-1)*(k-1) for the block long)
--            possible values are:    0  = non-ghost cell  (normal cell)
--                                   >0  = ghost cell
--    Notes:
--    -----
--    * This routine is new in the 2.01 API
--    * This will be based on Current_time_step
--    * Only called for structured "block" parts that have some ghost cells
--      as indicated by the USERD_get_ghost_in_block_flag.  The model must
--      of course also have been indicated to have some ghost cells in the
--      USERD_get_ghost_in_model_flag routine.
--    * It is sufficient to set the value to be 1 to flag as a ghost cell,
--      but the value can be any non-zero value, so you could use it to
--      indicate which block or which server (for Server-of-server use) the
--      cell is actually in.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Finds out if border elements are provided by the reader for the
--   desired part, or will need to be computed internally by EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_border_availability(int part_number,
--                                     int number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if border elements will be provided by the reader.
--          (number_of_elements array will be loaded and
--           USERD_get_border_elements_by_type will be called)
--   Z_ERR if border elements are not available - thus EnSight must compute.
--          (USERD_get_border_elements_by_type will not be called)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of border element in
--                                  the part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Only called if border representation is used.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Provides border element connectivity and parent information. 
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_border_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                         int element_type,
--                                         int **conn_array,
--                                         short *parent_element_type,
--                                         int *parent_element_num)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number           = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type          = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                 Z_POINT    node point element
--                                 Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                 Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                 Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                 Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--   (OUT) conn_array            = 2D array containing connectivity
--                                 of each border element of the type.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type by
--                                 connectivity length of the type)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_border_availability
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25][3]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100][4]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30][8]   when called with Z_QUA08
--   (OUT) parent_element_type   = 1D array containing element type of the
--                                 parent element (the one that the border
--                                 element is a face/edge of).
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type long)
--   (OUT) parent_element_num   = 1D array containing element number of the
--                                 parent element (the one that the border
--                                 element is a face/edge of).
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless USERD_get_border_availability returned Z_OK
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the changing geometry status for the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_STATIC        if geometry does not change
--   Z_CHANGE_COORDS if changing coordinates only
--   Z_CHANGE_CONN   if changing connectivity
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * EnSight does not support changing number of parts.  But the
--     coords and/or the connectivity of the parts can change.  Note that
--     a part is allowed to be empty (number of nodes and elements equal
--     to zero).
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the value of a constant at a time step
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   float USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var,
--                                  int imag_data)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Value of the requested constant variable
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var            = The variable number
--   (IN)  imag_data            = TRUE if want imaginary data value.
--                                FALSE if want real data value.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the information about files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) qfiles   = Structure containing information about each file
--                    of the dataset. The Z_QFILES structure is defined
--                    in the global_extern.h file
--                   (The structure will have been allocated
--                    Num_dataset_files long, with 10 description
--                    lines per file).
--      qfiles[].name        = The name of the file
--                             (Z_MAXFILENP is the dimensioned length
--                              of the name)
--      qfiles[].sizeb       = The number of bytes in the file
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine) (Is a long)
--      qfiles[].timemod     = The time the file was last modified 
--                             (Z_MAXTIMLEN is the dimensioned length
--                              of this string)
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].num_d_lines = The number of description lines you
--                              are providing from the file. Max = 10
--      qfiles[].f_desc[]    = The description line(s) per file,
--                              qfiles[].num_d_lines of them
--                              (Z_MAXFILENP is the allocated length of
--                               each line)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If Num_dataset_files is 0, this routine will not be called.
--     (See USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset)
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get two description lines associated with geometry per time step,
--   or one description line associated with a variable per time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_descrip_lines(int which_type,
--                               int which_var,
--                               int imag_data,
--                               char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                               char line2[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_type           = Z_GEOM for geometry (2 lines)
--                              = Z_VARI for variable (1 line)
--   (IN)  which_var            = If it is a variable, which one.
--                                Ignored if geometry type.
--   (IN)  imag_data            = TRUE if want imaginary data file.
--                                FALSE if want real data file.
--   (OUT) line1                = The 1st geometry description line,
--                                or the variable description line.
--   (OUT) line2                = The 2nd geometry description line
--                                Not used if variable type.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * These are the lines EnSight can echo to the screen in
--     annotation mode.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether element labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if element labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if element labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * element lables are needed in order to do any element querying, or
--     element labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--   * Prior to API 2.01:
--     -----------------
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.
--       API 1.0:
--         USERD_get_element_ids_for_part is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a part by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       API 2.0:
--         USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a per part, per type basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them youself!!
--   * Starting at API 2.01:
--     --------------------
--       For both unstructured and structured parts, you can read them
--       from your file if available, or can assign them, etc. They need
--       to be unique per part, and are often unique per model (especially
--       if you are dealing with a decomposed dataset).
--       USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type is used to obtain the ids,
--       on an element type by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--   * Will call USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type for each type of
--     of each part if this routine returns TRUE.
--USERD_get_geom_timeset_number -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--    Gets the timeset number to be used for geometry
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_geom_timeset_number( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Geom_timeset_number = The timeset number that will be used for geometry.   
--                         For example, if USERD_get_number_of timesets
--                         returns 2, the valid timeset numbers would be
--                         1 or 2.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   *  If your model is static, which you indicated by returning a zero
--      in USERD_get_number_of_timesets, you can return a zero here as well.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                                      int *part_types,
--                                      char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                      int *number_of_nodes,
--                                      int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                      int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                                      int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--    (OUT) part_id                = Array containing the external part
--                                   ids for each of the model parts.
--                                   IMPORTANT:
--                                    Parts numbers must be >= 1, because
--                                    of the way they are used in the GUI
--               *******************************************
--                The ids provided here are the numbers by
--                which the parts will be referred to in the
--                GUI (if possible). They are basically
--                labels as far as you are concerned.
--                Note: The part numbers you pass to routines
--                which receive a part_number or block_number
--                or which_part as an argument are the 1-based
--                table index of the parts!
--                example:  If Numparts_available = 3
--                          Table index        part_id
--                          -----------        -------
--                           1                  13
--                           2                  57
--                           3                  125
--                           ^                   ^
--                           |                   |
--                           |                    These are placed in:
--                           |                      part_id[0] = 13
--                           |                      part_id[1] = 57
--                           |                      part_id[2] = 125
--                           |                    for GUI labeling purposes.
--                           |
--                            These implied table indices are the part_number,
--                            block_number, or which_part numbers that you would
--                            pass to routines like:
--                           USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--                           USERD_get_border_availability(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_border_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                                      int which_part,...
--                           USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                                           int which_node_or_elem,
--                                                           int which_part,...
--               ********************************************
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                       Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                       Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                       Z_IBLANKED
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                   long)
--   (OUT) number_of_nodes        = Number of unstructured nodes in the part
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_G_POINT =  ghost node point element
--                                Z_G_BAR02 =  2 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_BAR03 =  3 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_TRI03 =  3 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_TRI06 =  6 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_QUA04 =  4 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_QUA08 =  8 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_TET04 =  4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_TET10 = 10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_PYR05 =  5 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PYR13 = 13 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PEN06 =  6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_PEN15 = 15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX08 =  8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX20 = 20 node ghost hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimensions
--                                  for each structured model part.
--                                           ----------
--                                  (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                             ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--      iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                       [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                       [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                       [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                       [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--     you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the variable descriptions, types and filenames
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_gold_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                                    char **var_filename,
--                                    int *var_type,
--                                    int *var_classify,
--                                    int *var_complex,
--                                    char **var_ifilename,
--                                    float *var_freq,
--                                    int *var_contran,
--                                    int *var_timeset)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) var_description      = Variable descriptions
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--           variable description restrictions:
--           ----------------------------------
--           1. Only first 19 characters used in EnSight.
--           2. Leading and trailing whitespace will be removed by EnSight.
--           3. Illegal characters will be replaced by underscores.
--           4. Thay may not start with a numeric digit.
--           4. No two variables may have the same description.
--   (OUT) var_filename         = Variable real filenames
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_type             = Variable type
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_CONSTANT
--                                            Z_SCALAR
--                                            Z_VECTOR
--                                            Z_TENSOR
--                                            Z_TENSOR9
--   (OUT) var_classify         = Variable classification
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_PER_NODE
--                                            Z_PER_ELEM
--   (OUT) var_complex          = TRUE if complex, FALSE otherwise
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_ifilename        = Variable imaginary filenames (if complex)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_freq             = complex frequency  (if complex)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_contran          = TRUE if constant changes per time step
--                                FALSE if constant truly same at all time steps
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_timeset          = Timeset the variable will use (1 based).
--                                (For static models, set it to 1)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                 For example:  If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                               returns 2, the valid
--                                               timeset_number's would be 1 or 2
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The implied variable numbers apply, but be aware that the
--     arrays are zero based.
--     So for variable 1, will need to provide   var_description[0]
--                                               var_filename[0]
--                                               var_type[0]
--                                               var_classify[0]
--                                               var_complex[0]
--                                               var_ifilename[0]
--                                               var_freq[0]
--                                               var_contran[0]
--                                               var_timeset[0]
--        for variable 2, will need to provide   var_description[1]
--                                               var_filename[1]
--                                               var_type[1]
--                                               var_classify[1]
--                                               var_complex[1]
--                                               var_ifilename[1]
--                                               var_freq[1]
--                                               var_contran[1]
--                                               var_timeset[1]
--              etc.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets whether ghost cells present in block or not
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--  int USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE  if any ghost cells in this structured part
--   FALSE if no ghost cells in this structured part
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) block_number      = The block part number
--                              (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                1 ... Numparts_available.
--                              It is NOT the part_id that
--                              is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    * This routine is new in the 2.01 API
--    * This will be based on Current_time_step
--    * Intended for structured parts only, value will be ignored for
--      unstructured parts
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets maximum part sizes for efficient memory allocation.
--   Transient models (especially those that increase in size) can cause
--   reallocations, at time step changes, to keep chewing up more and
--   more memory.   The way to avoid this is to know what the maximum
--   size of such memory will be, and allocate for this maximum initially.
--   Accordingly, if you choose to provide this information (it is optional),
--   EnSight will take advantage of it.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_maxsize_info(int *max_number_of_nodes,
--                              int *max_number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                              int *max_ijk_dimensions[3])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if supplying maximum data
--   Z_ERR if not supplying maximum data, or some error occurred
--           while trying to obtain it.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) max_number_of_nodes    = Maximum number of unstructured nodes
--                                  in the part (over all time).
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) max_number_of_elements = 2D array containing maximum number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part (over all time).
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_G_POINT =  ghost node point element
--                                Z_G_BAR02 =  2 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_BAR03 =  3 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_TRI03 =  3 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_TRI06 =  6 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_QUA04 =  4 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_QUA08 =  8 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_TET04 =  4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_TET10 = 10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_PYR05 =  5 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PYR13 = 13 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PEN06 =  6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_PEN15 = 15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX08 =  8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX20 = 20 node ghost hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) max_ijk_dimensions  = 2D array containing maximum ijk dimensions
--                               for each structured model part (over all time).
--                                           ----------
--                                (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][0] = maximum I dimension
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][1] = maximum J dimension
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][2] = maximum K dimension
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You need to have first called USERD_get_number_of_model_parts and
--     USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, so Numparts_available is known and
--     so EnSight will know what the type is (Z_UNSTRUCTURED, Z_STRUCTURED,
--     or Z_IBLANKED) of each part.
--   * This will NOT be based on Current_time_step - it is to be the maximum
--     values over all time!!
--   * This information is optional.  If you return Z_ERR, Ensight will still
--     process things fine, reallocating as needed, etc.  However, for
--     large transient models you will likely use considerably more memory
--     and take more processing time for the memory reallocations. So, if it
--     is possible to provide this information "up front", it is recommended
--     to do so.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether any ghost cells in the model.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--  int USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE  if any ghost cells in the model
--   FALSE if no ghost cells in the model
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    * This routine is new in the 2.01 API
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the model bounding box extents.  If this routine supplys them
--   EnSight will not have to spend time doing so.  If this routine
--   returns Z_ERR, EnSight will have to take the time to touch all the
--   nodes and gather the extent info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_model_extents(float extents[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful  (whereupon EnSight will determine by reading
--                             all coords of all parts)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) extents[0]   = min x
--                [1]   = max x
--                [2]   = min y
--                [3]   = max y
--                [4]   = min z
--                [5]   = max z
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the name of your user defined reader.  The user interface will
--   ask for this and include it in the available reader list.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--				int *two_fields)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) reader_name          = the name of the your reader or data format.
--                              (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which is 20)
--   (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field required
--				      in the data dialog of EnSight.
--				TRUE if two data fields required.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Always called.  Please be sure to provide a name for your custom
--     reader format.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether node labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_node_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if node labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if node labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Node ids are needed in order to do any node querying, or node
--     labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--   * Prior to API 2.01:
--     -----------------
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.  They must also be
--       positive numbers greater than zero.
--         USERD_get_part_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--         status returned here is TRUE.
--         (Unlike API 1.0, where the connectivity of elements had to be
--          according to the node ids - API 2.0's element connectivities
--          are not affected either way by the status here.)
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them yourself!!
--   * Starting at API 2.01:
--     --------------------
--       For both unstructured and structured parts, you can read them
--       from your file if available, or can assign them, etc. They need
--       to be unique per part, and are often unique per model. They must
--       also be positive numbers greater than zero.
--       USERD_get_part_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--       status returned here is TRUE.
--   * Will call USERD_get_part_node_ids for each part if this routine
--     returns TRUE.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of time steps of data available for desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_num_of_time_steps( int timeset_number )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of time steps in timeset  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) timeset number = the timeset number
--                         For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                      returns 2, the valid
--                                      timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This should be >= 1       1 indicates a static model
--                              >1 indicates a transient model
--   * Num_time_steps[timeset_number] would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the total number of files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   The total number of files in the dataset.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You can be as complete as you want about this.  If you don't
--     care about the dataset query option, return a value of 0
--     If you only want certain files, you can just include them. But,
--     you will need to supply the info in USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--     for each file you include here.
--   * Num_dataset_files would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the total number of unstructured and structured parts
--   in the model, for which you can supply information.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of parts  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If going to have to read down through the parts in order to
--     know how many, you may want to build a table of pointers to
--     the various parts, so you can easily get to particular parts in
--     later processes.  If you can simply read the number of parts
--     at the head of the file, then you would probably not build the
--     table at this time.
--   * This routine would set Numparts_available, which is equal to
--     Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--    Gets the number of timesets used in the model.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_timesets( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of timesets in the model
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Num_timesets would be set here
--   * If you have a static model, both geometry and variables, you should
--     return a value of zero.
--   * If you have a transient model, then you should return one or more.
--   For example:
--      Geometry    Variables                                 No. of timesets
--      ---------   ------------------------------            ---------------
--      static      static                                      0
--      static      transient, all using same timeset           1
--      transient   transient, all using same timeset as geom   1
--      static      transient, using 3 different timesets       3
--      transient   transient, using 3 different timesets and
--                             none of them the same as the
--                             geometry timeset                 4
--          etc.
--   NOTE: ALL GEOMETRY MUST USE THE SAME TIMESET!!! You will have to provide
--                                                   the timeset number to use
--                                                   for geometry in:
--                                               USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--         Variables can use the same timeset as the geometry, or can use
--         other timesets. More than one variable can use the same timeset.
--   example:  changing geometry at 5 steps, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
--             variable 1 provided at these same five steps
--             variable 2 provided at 3 steps, 0.5, 1.25, 3.33
--        This routine should return a value of 2, because only
--        two different timesets are needed. Timeset 1 would be for the
--        geometry and variable 1 (they both use it). Timeset 2 would
--        be for variable 2, which needs its own in this case.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of variables for which you will be providing info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_variables( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of variables (includes constant, scalar, vector and tensor types)
--                       (>=0 if okay, <0 if problem)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Variable numbers, by which references will be made, are implied
--     here. If you say there are 3 variables, the variable numbers
--     will be 1, 2, and 3.
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Num_variables would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the coordinates for an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number, float **coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 2D float array which contains,
--                                   x,y,z coordinates of each node
--                                   in the part.
--       (IMPORTANT: The second dimension of this aray is 1-based!!!)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 3 by (number_of_nodes + 1) for the part
--                                 long - see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                       ex) If number_of_nodes = 100
--                           as obtained in:
--                             USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions of the
--                           pointer sent to this routine will be:
--                             coord_array[3][101]
--                           Ignore the coord_array[0][0]
--                                      coord_array[1][0]
--                                      coord_array[2][0] locations and start
--                           the node coordinates at:
--                             coord_array[0][1]
--                             coord_array[1][1]
--                             coord_array[2][1]
--                             coord_array[0][2]
--                             coord_array[1][2]
--                             coord_array[2][2]
--                                   etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the ids for the elements of a particular type for an unstructured
--   or structured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,
--                                          int element_type,
--                                          int *elemid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type            = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                   Z_POINT      node point element
--                                   Z_BAR02      2 node bar
--                                   Z_BAR03      3 node bar
--                                   Z_TRI03      3 node triangle
--                                   Z_TRI06      6 node triangle
--                                   Z_QUA04      4 node quad
--                                   Z_QUA08      8 node quad
--                                   Z_TET04      4 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_TET10     10 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_PYR05      5 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PYR13     13 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PEN06      6 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_PEN15     15 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_HEX08      8 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_HEX20     20 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                   Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--   (OUT) elemid_array            = 1D array containing id of each
--                                   element of the type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   number_of_elements of the type long)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30]  when called with Z_HEX08
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless element label status is set to TRUE in
--     USERD_get_element_label_status
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the connectivities for the elements of a particular type in an
--   unstructured part
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                       int element_type,
--                                       int **conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number           = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type          = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                 Z_POINT      node point element
--                                 Z_BAR02      2 node bar
--                                 Z_BAR03      3 node bar
--                                 Z_TRI03      3 node triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06      6 node triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04      4 node quad
--                                 Z_QUA08      8 node quad
--                                 Z_TET04      4 node tetrahedron
--                                 Z_TET10     10 node tetrahedron
--                                 Z_PYR05      5 node pyramid
--                                 Z_PYR13     13 node pyramid
--                                 Z_PEN06      6 node pentahedron
--                                 Z_PEN15     15 node pentahedron
--                                 Z_HEX08      8 node hexahedron
--                                 Z_HEX20     20 node hexahedron
--                                 Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                 Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--   (OUT) conn_array            = 2D array containing connectivity
--                                 of each element of the type.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type by
--                                 connectivity length of the type)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25][3]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100][4]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30][8]   when called with Z_HEX08
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the node ids of an unstructured or structured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number, int *nodeid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) nodeid_array            = 1D array containing node ids of
--                                    each node in the part.
--           (IMPORTANT: This array is 1-based!!!)
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    (number_of_nodes + 1) for the part long
--                                    see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                       ex) If number_of_nodes = 100
--                           as obtained in:
--                             USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions of the
--                           pointer sent to this routine will be:
--                             nodeid_array[101]
--                           Ignore the nodeid_array[0] location and start
--                           the node ids at:
--                             nodeid_array[1]
--                             nodeid_array[2]
--                                   etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless node label status is TRUE, as returned from
--     USERD_get_node_label_status
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The ids are purely labels, used when displaying or querying node ids.
--     However, any node id < 0 will never be displayed
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the description of the reader, so gui can give more info
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_reader_descrip(char descrip[Z_MAXFILENP])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) descrip  = the description of the reader (max length is MAXFILENP,
--                                                   which is 255)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * OPTIONAL ROUTINE!   You can have it or not.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the version number of the user defined reader
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_reader_version(char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful (and will assume is version 1.0)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) version_number       = the version number of the reader
--                                (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which
--                                 is 20)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This needs to be "2.000" or greater. Otherwise EnSight will assume
--     this reader is API 1.0
--   * should set it to "2.010" for this version of the API
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the solution times associated with each time step for 
--   desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_sol_times(int timeset_number,
--                           float *solution_times)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  timeset_number     = the timeset number
--                              For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                           returns 2, the valid
--                                           timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   (OUT) solution_times       = 1D array of solution times per time step
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_time_steps[timeset_number] long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The solution times must be non-negative and increasing.
--USERD_get_timeset_description -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the description to associate with the desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_timeset_description(int timeset_number,
--                                     char timeset_description[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  timeset_number     = the timeset number
--                              For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                           returns 2, the valid
--                                           timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   (OUT) timeset_description  = timeset description string
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * A string of NULLs is valid for timeset_description
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the values of a variable component.  Both unstructured and structured
--   parts use this routine.
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the component value at each node for a given variable in the part.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the component value at each element of a specific part and type
--     for a given variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                  int which_part,
--                                  int var_type,
--                                  int which_type,
--                                  int imag_data,
--                                  int component,
--                                  float *var_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   or:  Z_UNDEF, in which case you need not load any values into var_array
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_variable          = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_part                 Since EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    -------------------------
--                                  = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                                    Prior to EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    ----------------------------
--                                  = The part id   This is the part_id label loaded
--                                                  in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.
--                                                  It is NOT the part table index.
--   (IN)  var_type                = Z_SCALAR
--                                   Z_VECTOR
--                                   Z_TENSOR   (symmetric tensor)
--                                   Z_TENSOR9  (asymmetric tensor)
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--                                   Z_POINT      node point element
--                                   Z_BAR02      2 node bar
--                                   Z_BAR03      3 node bar
--                                   Z_TRI03      3 node triangle
--                                   Z_TRI06      6 node triangle
--                                   Z_QUA04      4 node quad
--                                   Z_QUA08      8 node quad
--                                   Z_TET04      4 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_TET10     10 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_PYR05      5 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PYR13     13 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PEN06      6 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_PEN15     15 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_HEX08      8 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_HEX20     20 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                   Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--   (IN)  imag_data               = TRUE if imag component
--                                   FALSE if real component
--   (IN)  component               = The component: (0       if Z_SCALAR)
--                                                  (0 - 2   if Z_VECTOR)
--                                                  (0 - 5   if Z_TENSOR)
--                                                  (0 - 8   if Z_TENSOR9)
--                                 * 6 Symmetric Indicies, 0:5    *
--                                 * ---------------------------- *
--                                 *     | 11 12 13 |   | 0 3 4 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 * T = |    22 23 | = |   1 5 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 *     |       33 |   |     2 | *
--                                 * 9 General   Indicies, 0:8    *
--                                 * ---------------------------- *
--                                 *     | 11 12 13 |   | 0 3 4 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 * T = | 21 22 23 | = | 6 1 5 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 *     | 31 32 33 |   | 7 8 2 | *
--   (OUT) var_array 
--      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--      (IMPORTANT: this array is 1-based for both Z_PER_NODE and Z_PER_ELEM!!!)
--      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--            if Z_PER_NODE:    = 1D array containing variable component value
--                                for each node.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 (number_of_nodes + 1) long)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            var_array[0] = not used
--                            var_array[1] = var component for node 1 of part
--                            var_array[2] = var_component for node 2 of part
--                            var_array[3] = var_component for node 3 of part
--                            etc.
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:    = 1D array containing variable component
--                                value for each element of a particular
--                                part and type.
--                              (Array will have been allocated
--                               (number_of_elements[which_part][which_type] + 1)
--                                long.  See USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                  Info stored in this fashion:
--                    var_array[1] = var component for elem 1 (of part and type)
--                    var_array[2] = var component for elem 2 (of part and type)
--                    var_array[3] = var component for elem 3 (of part and type)
--                    etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_variables is > 0
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * If the variable is not defined for this part, simply return with a
--     value of Z_UNDEF.  EnSight will treat the variable as undefined for
--     this part.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular node in a
--     particular part at a particular time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular element of
--     a particular type in a particular part at a particular time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                       int which_node_or_elem,
--                                       int which_part,
--                                       int which_elem_type,
--                                       int time_step,
--                                       float values[3],
--                                       int imag_data)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var   = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_node_or_elem
--              If Z_PER_NODE:
--                = The node number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                    the index of the global node 
--                                    list (1 based), or the block's
--                                    node list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  coord_array[1]
--                         coord_array[2]
--                         coord_array[3]
--                              .      |
--                              .      |which_node_or_elem index
--                              .             ----
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                       the element number index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info),
--                                        or the block's element list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  for which_part:
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][0]
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][1]
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][2]
--                              .                      |
--                              .          which_node_or_elem index
--                              .                        ----
--   (IN)  which_part                 Since EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    -------------------------
--                                  = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                                    Prior to EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    ----------------------------
--                                  = The part id   This is the part_id label loaded
--                                                  in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.
--                                                  It is NOT the part table index.
--   (IN)  which_elem_type
--              If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                = Not used
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element type.    This is the element type index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  time_step   = The time step
--   (IN)  imag_data   = TRUE if want imaginary value.
--                       FALSE if want real value.
--   (OUT) values      = scalar or vector component value(s)
--                        values[0] = scalar or vector[0]
--                        values[1] = vector[1]
--                        values[2] = vector[2]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This routine is used in node querys over time (or element querys over
--     time for Z_PER_ELEM variables).  If these operations are not critical
--     to you, this can be a dummy routine.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * The time step given is for the proper variable timeset.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the geometry and result filenames entered in the data
--   dialog.  The user written code will have to store and use these
--   as needed. The user written code must manage its own files!!
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                           char filename_2[],
--                           char the_path[],
--                           int swapbytes)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) filename_1   = the filename entered into the geometry
--                         field of the data dialog.
--   (IN) filename_2   = the filename entered into the result
--                         field of the data dialog.
--			 (If the two_fields flag in USERD_get_name_of_reader
--			  is FALSE, this will be null string)
--   (IN) the_path     = the path info from the data dialog.
--                       Note: filename_1 and filename_2 have already
--                            had the path prepended to them.  This
--                            is provided in case it is needed for
--                            filenames contained in one of the files
--   (IN) swapbytes    = TRUE if should swap bytes when reading data.
--                     = FALSE normally.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since you must manage everything from the input that is entered in
--     these data dialog fields, this is an important routine!
--   * It may be that you will need to have an executive type file that contains
--     info and other filenames within it, like EnSight6's case file.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the server number of how many total servers.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_server_number(int cur_serv,
--                               int tot_servs)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) cur_serv    = the current server.
--   (IN) tot_servs   = the total number of servers.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Only useful if your user defined reader is being used with EnSight's
--     Server-of-Server capability.  And even then, it may or may not be
--     something that you can take advantage of.  If your data is already
--     partitioned in some manner, such that you can access the proper
--     portions using this information.
--     For all non-SOS uses, this will simply be 1 of 1
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Set the current time step in the desired timeset.  All functions that
--   need time, and that do not explicitly pass it in, will use the timeset
--   and step set by this routine, if needed.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_set_time_set_and_step(int timeset_number,
--                                    int time_step)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) timeset_number  = the timeset number (1 based).
--                          For example:  If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                        returns 2, the valid timeset_number's
--                                        would be 1 and 2.
--   (IN) time_step       = The current time step to set
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Current_time_step and Current_timeset would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine called when the part building dialog is closed.  It is
--   provided in case you desire to release memory, etc. that was only needed
--   during the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_stop_part_building( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
------ end of doucment ----
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_USERD_2.03
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,3838 +0,0 @@
--EnSight User Defined Reader Capability   ===> (API 2.03)
--A user defined reader capability is included in EnSight which can allow
--otherwise unsupported structured or unstructured data to be read.  The user
--defined reader capability utilizes dynamic shared libraries composed of
--routines defined in this document but produced by you, the user, (or some
--third party). This capability is currently available for dec, ibm, hp, sgi,
--sun, linux, alpha linux, and NT servers.
--You should refer to beginning of README_USERD_2.0  and/or README_1.0_to_2.0
--for a discussion of the differences between API 1.0 and API 2.*.
--***>> API 2.03 additional capabilities (beyond API 2.01):
--1. Routines to handle materials
--2. Routines to handle nsided and nfaced elements
--3. Modified routine to handle structured ranges
--Note: The dummy_gold reader, the Ensight Gold example reader, and the
--      SILO reader have been moved to this 2.03 API level.
--The process for producing a user defined reader is:
--1. Write code for all pertinent routines in the library (Unless someone else
--   has done this for you).
--        This is of course where the work is done by the user.  The word
--        "pertinent" is used because depending on the nature of the data, some
--        of the routines in the library may be dummy routines.
--        The source code for a dummy_gold library and for various other
--        working or sample libraries is copied from the installation CD during
--        installation.  These will be located in directories under:
--        $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers
--        examples:
--        --------
--        Basic dummy_gold routines provide skeleton for a new reader
--          $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers/dummy_gold
--        Sample library which reads unstructured binary EnSight Gold data
--          $CEI_HOME/ensight76/user_defined_src/readers/ensight_gold
--        You may find it useful to place your library source in this area as
--        well, but are not limited to this location.
-- * ===>	The descriptions of each library routine and the order that the
--        routines are called, which is provided in this file, along with
--        the example libraries, should make it possible for you to produce
--        code for your own data reader.	
--2. Produce the dynamic shared library.
--   This is a compiling and loading process which varies according to
--   the type of machine you are on.  In the user-defined-reader source
--   tree we have tried to isolate the machine dependent parts of the
--   build process using a set of files in the 'config' directory.  In this
--   directory there is a configuration file for each platform on which
--   EnSight is supported.  Before you can compile the installed readers
--   you should run the script called 'init' in the config directory.
--      i.e.  (for UNIX)
--            cd config
--            ./init sgi_6.5_n64
--            cd ..
--            make
--   If you are compiling for Windows NT, there are two options.  If you
--   have the Cygwin GNU utilities installed, you can use GNU make as for
--   Unix.  Otherwise, there is a script called makeall.cmd which will
--   build all of the readers using nmake.  The Makefiles in each reader
--   directory will work using either make or nmake.
--      i.e.  (WIN32 Cygwin)                 (using nmake)
--            cd config                      cd config
--            sh init win32                  cp win32 config
--            cd ..                          cd ..
--                                           mkdir lib
--            make                           makeall.cmd
--   If you have platform-specific portions of code in your reader, the
--   build system defines a set of flags which can be used within
--   #ifdef ... #endif regions in your source, as shown in the table
--   below.
--   Because the readers are now dynamically opened by EnSight, you may
--   have to include dependent libraries on your link-line to avoid having
--   unresolved symbols.  If you are having problems with a reader, start
--   ensight as "ensight7 -readerdbg" and you will get feedback on any
--   problems encountered in loading a reader.  If there are unresolved
--   symbols, you need to find the library which contains the missing
--   symbols and link it into your reader by adding it to the example
--   link commands below.
--   If you choose to use a different build environment for your reader,
--   you should take care to use compatible compilation flags to ensure
--   compatibilty with the EnSight executables, most notably on the SGI
--   and HP-UX 11.0 platforms, which should use the following flags:
--      sgi_6.2_o32: -mips2
--      sgi_6.2_n64: -mips4 -64
--      sgi_6.5_n32: -mips3
--      sgi_6.5_n64: -mips4 -64
--       hp_11.0_32: +DA2.0
--       hp_11.0_64: +DA2.0W
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | MACHINE | OS flag               |  SHARED LIBRARY NAME PRODUCED      |
--   |  TYPE   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         |         LD COMMAND USED IN MAKEFILE                        |
--    ======================================================================
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sgi     | -DSGI                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o              |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | hp      | -DHP                  |  libuserd-X.sl                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -b -o libuserd-X.sl libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | sun     | -DSUN                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o                        |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | dec     | -DDEC                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -all -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc          |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | linux   | -DLINUX               |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | alpha   | -DALINUX              |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   | linux   |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -shared -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -lc               |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--    ______________________________________________________________________
--   | ibm     | -DIBM                 |  libuserd-X.so                     |
--   |         |------------------------------------------------------------|
--   |         | ld -G -o libuserd-X.so libuserd-X.o -bnoentry -bexpall -lc |
--    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--   Once you have created your library, you should place it in a directory
--   of your choice or in the standard reader location:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers
--   For example, if you created a reader for "mydata", you should create
--   the reader libuserd-mydata.so and place the file in your own reader
--   directory (see section 3 below) or in the standard location:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers/libuserd-mydata.so
--3. By default EnSight will load all readers found in the directory:
--      $CEI_HOME/ensight76/machines/$CEI_ARCH/lib_readers
--   Files with names "libuserd-X.so" (where X is a name unique to the reader)
--   are assumed to be user-defined readers.
--   There are two methods which can be used to supplement the default
--   behavior.
--   (1) A feature which is useful for site-level or user-level configuration
--       is the optional environment variable $ENSIGHT7_READER.  This
--       variable directs EnSight to load all readers in the specified reader
--       directory (you should probably specify a full path) before loading
--       the built-in readers.  If the same reader exists in both directories
--       (as determined by the name returned by USERD_get_name_of_reader(),
--       NOT by the filename), the locally configured reader will take
--       precedence.
--   (2) A useful feature for end-users is the use of the libuserd-devel
--       reader.  EnSight will search for a reader named libuserd-devel.so
--       (.sl for HP or .dll for NT).  This reader can exist anywhere in the
--       library path (see below) of the user.  This is useful for an
--       individual actively developing a reader because the existence of a
--       libuserd-devel library will take precedence over any other library
--       which returns the same name from USERD_get_name_of_reader().
--   As an example, a site may install commonly used readers in a common
--   location, and users can set the ENSIGHT7_READER variable to access them:
--      setenv ENSIGHT7_READER /usr/local/lib/e7readers
--   A user working on a new reader may compile the reader and place it in
--   a directory specified by the library path:
--      cp libuserd-myreader.so ~/lib/libuserd-devel.so
--      setenv <librarypath> ~/lib:$<librarypath>
--   The user is responsible for correctly configuring the library path
--   variable in order to make use of the libuserd-devel feature.  The
--   library environment variables used are:
--        Machine type    Environment variable to set
--        ------------    ---------------------------
--        sgi             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        dec             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        sun             LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        linux           LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        alpha linux     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
--        hp              SHLIB_PATH
--        ibm             LIBPATH
--As always, EnSight support is available if you need it.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--Generally Needed for UNSTRUCTURED data
--USERD_get_part_coords                 part's node coordinates
--USERD_get_part_node_ids               part's node ids
--USERD_get_part_elements_by_type       part's element connectivites
--USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type    part's element ids
--Generally Needed for BLOCK data
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component   block coordinates
--USERD_get_block_iblanking             block iblanking values
--USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag        block ghost cell existence?
--USERD_get_block_ghost_flags           block ghost cell flags
--  These routines, which formerly were only for unstructured data, will now
--  also be called for structured data if you specify that ids will be given
--  in the USERD_get_node_label_status and USERD_get_element_label_status rotuines
--  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
--  USERD_get_part_node_ids               part's node ids
--  USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type    part's element ids
--Generally needed for either or both kinds of data
--USERD_get_name_of_reader              name of reader for GUI
--USERD_get_reader_version              provide reader version number
--USERD_get_reader_descrip              provide GUI more description (optional)
--USERD_set_filenames                   filenames entered in GUI
--USERD_set_server_number               server which of how many
--USERD_get_number_of_timesets          number of timesets
--USERD_get_timeset_description         description of timeset
--USERD_get_geom_timeset_number         timeset # to use for geom
--USERD_get_num_of_time_steps           number of time steps
--USERD_get_sol_times                   solution time values
--USERD_set_time_set_and_step           current timeset and time step
--USERD_get_gold_part_build_info        Gets the info needed for part building process
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status    changing geometry?
--USERD_get_node_label_status           node labels?
--USERD_get_element_label_status        element labels?
--USERD_get_model_extents               provide model bounding extents
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset  number of files in model
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info     info about each model file
--USERD_get_descrip_lines               file associated description lines
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts       number of model parts
--USERD_get_part_build_info             part/block type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_maxsize_info                part/block allocation maximums
--USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag        model contains ghost cells?
--USERD_get_nsided_conn                 Gets the element connectivities for nsided
--                                        elements. (utilizes the number of nodes
--                                        per element obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face       Gets the number of nodes per face for nfaced
--                                        elements (utilizes the number of faces
--                                        per element obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--USERD_get_nfaced_conn                 Gets the element connectivities for nfaced
--                                        elements (utilizes the number of nodes
--                                        per face obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face)
--USERD_get_border_availability         part border provided?
--USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     part border conn and parent info
--USERD_get_number_of_variables         number of variables
--USERD_get_gold_variable_info          variable type/descrip etc.
--USERD_get_var_by_component            part or block variable values
--USERD_get_constant_val                constant variable's value
--USERD_get_var_value_at_specific       node's or element's variable value over time
--USERD_stop_part_building              cleanup after part build routine
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets     Gets the number of material sets
--USERD_get_matf_set_info               Gets the material set indices and names
--USERD_get_number_of_materials         Gets the number of materials
--USERD_get_matf_var_info               Gets the material indices and descriptions
--USERD_size_matf_data                  Gets the length of either the
--                                        material ids list,
--                                        mixed-material ids list, or
--                                        mixed-material values list
--USERD_load_matf_data                  Gets the material ids list,
--                                        mixed-material ids list, or
--                                        mixed-material values list
--USERD_bkup                            archive routine
--USERD_exit_routine                    cleanup upon exit routine
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--1. Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--        USERD_get_name_of_reader
--        USERD_get_reader_descrip        (optional)
--2. Getting the reader version (also distinguishes between API's)
--        USERD_get_reader_version
--3. Setting filenames and getting timeset and time info
--        USERD_set_server_number
--        USERD_set_filenames
--        USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--        USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--        for each timeset:
--          USERD_get_timeset_description
--          USERD_get_num_of_time_steps
--          USERD_get_sol_times
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--4. Gathering info for part builder
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_changing_geometry_status
--        USERD_get_node_label_status
--        USERD_get_element_label_status
--        USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset
--        USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines                 (for geometry)
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag
--        USERD_get_maxsize_info
--        USERD_get_get_ghosts_in_block_flag      (if any ghost cells in model)
--        USERD_get_model_extents     OR          (for model extents)
--             USERD_get_part_coords  AND/OR
--             USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--5. Gathering Variable info
--        USERD_get_number_of_variables
--        USERD_get_gold_variable_info
--6. Part building (per part created)
--        both unstructured and structured:
--        --------------------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        if unstructured part:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--        If any nsided elements:
--          USERD_get_nsided_conn
--        If any nfaced elements:
--          USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face
--          USERD_get_nfaced_conn
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--        else if structured part:
--        -----------------------
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_block_ghost_flags          (If ghost cells in part)
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids              (If node ids given)
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type   (If element ids given)
--        both again:
--        ----------
--        USERD_get_border_availability        (If border representation
--        USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     is selected)
--        USERD_stop_part_building      (only once when part builder
--                                       dialog is closed)
--7. Loading Variables
--        constants:
--        ---------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_constant_val
--        scalars/vectors/tensors:
--        ------------------------
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_var_by_component
--8. Changing geometry
--        changing coords only (per part):
--        --------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        changing connectivity (per part):
--        ---------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        USERD_get_descrip_lines
--        USERD_get_number_of_model_parts
--        USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--        USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag
--        USERD_get_get_ghosts_in_block_flag      (if any ghost cells in model)
--        USERD_get_model_extents   OR
--           USERD_get_part_coords  AND/OR
--           USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--        USERD_get_block_iblanking
--        USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--        USERD_get_block_ghost_flags          (If ghost cells in part)
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids              (If node ids given)
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type   (If element ids given)
--        USERD_get_border_availability        (If border representation
--        USERD_get_border_elements_by_type     is selected)
--9. Node or Element queries over time
--        USERD_get_var_value_at_specific
--10. To see if materials in the model
--        USERD_get_number_of_material_sets
--        USERD_get_matf_set_info
--        If any material sets in the model (calls these once per material set):
--          USERD_get_number_of_materials
--          USERD_get_matf_var_info
--        For each elment type of each part containing material ids, calls:
--          USERD_size_matf_data
--          USERD_load_matf_data
--        If there are any elements with mixed materials, when a domain or
--        interface is created, calls these again per part:
--          USERD_size_matf_data
--          USERD_load_matf_data
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--And it references:
--       #include "global_extern_proto.h"
--****************************** Special Note ***********************************
--Make sure you use the proper define in the global_extern.h header file, namely:
--#define USERD_API_203
--Also, Make sure the api version in the USERD_get_reader_version routine is set
--to "2.03" or larger.
--Make sure your reader has access to the global_extern_proto.h   This is a new
--file which is accessed from the new global_extern.h
--Basis of arrays:
--Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all arrays are zero based - in true C
--Global variables:
--You will generally need to have a few global variables which are shared by
--the various library routines. The detailed specifications below have assumed
--the following are available.  (Their names describe their purpose, and they
--will be used in helping describe the details of the routines below).
--static int Numparts_available         = 0;
--static int Num_unstructured_parts     = 0;
--static int Num_structured_blocks      = 0;
--/* Note: Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks */
--static int Num_timesets               = 1;
--static int Current_timeset            = 1;
--static int Geom_timeset_number        = 1;
--static int Num_time_steps[Z_MAXSETS]  = 1;
--static int Current_time_step          = 0;
--static int Num_variables              = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files          = 0;
--static int Server_Number              = 1;    Which server of
--static int Tot_Servers                = 1;    the total number of servers
--Library Routines (in alphabetical order):
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called during the EnSight archive process.  You can
--   use it to save or restore info relating to your user defined reader.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--                  int backup_type)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  archive_file         = The archive file pointer
--   (IN)  backup_type          = Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE for saving archive
--                                Z_REST_ARCHIVE for restoring archive
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since EnSight's archive file is saved in binary form, you should
--     also do any writing to it or reading from it in binary.
--   * You should archive any variables, which will be needed for
--     future operations, that will not be read or computed again
--     before they will be needed.  These are typically global
--     variables.
--   * Make sure that the number of bytes that you write on a save and
--     the number of bytes that you read on a restore are identical!!
--   * If any of the variables you save are allocated arrays, you must
--     do the allocations before restoring into them.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine is called as EnSight is exiting. It can be used to clean
--   up anything needed - such as removing temporary files, etc. - or can simply
--   be a dummy.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_exit_routine( void )
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the coordinates of a given structured block, a component at a time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  which_component         = Z_COMPX if x component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPY if y component wanted
--                                 = Z_COMPZ if z component wanted
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 1D array containing x,y, or z
--                                   coordinate component of each node
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the iblanking value at each node of a block (if the block is
--   iblanked).
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                                 int *iblank_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) iblank_array            = 1D array containing iblank value
--                                   for each node.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   i*j*k for the block long)
--          possible values are:   Z_EXT     = exterior
--                                 Z_INT     = interior
--                                 Z_BND     = boundary
--                                 Z_INTBND  = internal boundary
--                                 Z_SYM     = symmetry plane
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_structured_blocks is > 0  and you have
--     some iblanked blocks
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the ghost_flags value at each element of a block containing ghost cells.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,
--                                   int *ghost_flags)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  block_number            = The block number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) ghost_flags             = 1D array containing ghost flag value
--                                     for each block cell.
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     (i-1)*(j-1)*(k-1) for the block long)
--            possible values are:    0  = non-ghost cell  (normal cell)
--                                   >0  = ghost cell
--    Notes:
--    -----
--    * This routine is new in the 2.01 API
--    * This will be based on Current_time_step
--    * Only called for structured "block" parts that have some ghost cells
--      as indicated by the USERD_get_ghost_in_block_flag.  The model must
--      of course also have been indicated to have some ghost cells in the
--      USERD_get_ghost_in_model_flag routine.
--    * It is sufficient to set the value to be 1 to flag as a ghost cell,
--      but the value can be any non-zero value, so you could use it to
--      indicate which block or which server (for Server-of-server use) the
--      cell is actually in.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Finds out if border elements are provided by the reader for the
--   desired part, or will need to be computed internally by EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_border_availability(int part_number,
--                                     int number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if border elements will be provided by the reader.
--          (number_of_elements array will be loaded and
--           USERD_get_border_elements_by_type will be called)
--   Z_ERR if border elements are not available - thus EnSight must compute.
--          (USERD_get_border_elements_by_type will not be called)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of border element in
--                                  the part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Only called if border representation is used.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Provides border element connectivity and parent information. 
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_border_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                         int element_type,
--                                         int **conn_array,
--                                         short *parent_element_type,
--                                         int *parent_element_num)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number           = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type          = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                 Z_POINT    node point element
--                                 Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                 Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                 Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                 Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--   (OUT) conn_array            = 2D array containing connectivity
--                                 of each border element of the type.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type by
--                                 connectivity length of the type)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_border_availability
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25][3]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100][4]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30][8]   when called with Z_QUA08
--   (OUT) parent_element_type   = 1D array containing element type of the
--                                 parent element (the one that the border
--                                 element is a face/edge of).
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type long)
--   (OUT) parent_element_num   = 1D array containing element number of the
--                                 parent element (the one that the border
--                                 element is a face/edge of).
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless USERD_get_border_availability returned Z_OK
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the changing geometry status for the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_STATIC        if geometry does not change
--   Z_CHANGE_COORDS if changing coordinates only
--   Z_CHANGE_CONN   if changing connectivity
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * EnSight does not support changing number of parts.  But the
--     coords and/or the connectivity of the parts can change.  Note that
--     a part is allowed to be empty (number of nodes and elements equal
--     to zero).
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the value of a constant at a time step
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   float USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var,
--                                  int imag_data)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Value of the requested constant variable
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var            = The variable number
--   (IN)  imag_data            = TRUE if want imaginary data value.
--                                FALSE if want real data value.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the information about files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) qfiles   = Structure containing information about each file
--                    of the dataset. The Z_QFILES structure is defined
--                    in the global_extern.h file
--                   (The structure will have been allocated
--                    Num_dataset_files long, with 10 description
--                    lines per file).
--      qfiles[].name        = The name of the file
--                             (Z_MAXFILENP is the dimensioned length
--                              of the name)
--      qfiles[].sizeb       = The number of bytes in the file
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine) (Is a long)
--      qfiles[].timemod     = The time the file was last modified 
--                             (Z_MAXTIMLEN is the dimensioned length
--                              of this string)
--                             (Typically obtained with a call to the
--                              "stat" system routine)
--      qfiles[].num_d_lines = The number of description lines you
--                              are providing from the file. Max = 10
--      qfiles[].f_desc[]    = The description line(s) per file,
--                              qfiles[].num_d_lines of them
--                              (Z_MAXFILENP is the allocated length of
--                               each line)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If Num_dataset_files is 0, this routine will not be called.
--     (See USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset)
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get two description lines associated with geometry per time step,
--   or one description line associated with a variable per time step.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_descrip_lines(int which_type,
--                               int which_var,
--                               int imag_data,
--                               char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                               char line2[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_type           = Z_GEOM for geometry (2 lines)
--                              = Z_VARI for variable (1 line)
--   (IN)  which_var            = If it is a variable, which one.
--                                Ignored if geometry type.
--   (IN)  imag_data            = TRUE if want imaginary data file.
--                                FALSE if want real data file.
--   (OUT) line1                = The 1st geometry description line,
--                                or the variable description line.
--   (OUT) line2                = The 2nd geometry description line
--                                Not used if variable type.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * These are the lines EnSight can echo to the screen in
--     annotation mode.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether element labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_element_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if element labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if element labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * element lables are needed in order to do any element querying, or
--     element labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--   * Prior to API 2.01:
--     -----------------
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.
--       API 1.0:
--         USERD_get_element_ids_for_part is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a part by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       API 2.0:
--         USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type is used to obtain the ids,
--         on a per part, per type basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them youself!!
--   * Starting at API 2.01:
--     --------------------
--       For both unstructured and structured parts, you can read them
--       from your file if available, or can assign them, etc. They need
--       to be unique per part, and are often unique per model (especially
--       if you are dealing with a decomposed dataset).
--       USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type is used to obtain the ids,
--       on an element type by part basis, if TRUE status is returned here.
--   * Will call USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type for each type of
--     of each part if this routine returns TRUE.
--USERD_get_geom_timeset_number -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--    Gets the timeset number to be used for geometry
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_geom_timeset_number( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Geom_timeset_number = The timeset number that will be used for geometry.   
--                         For example, if USERD_get_number_of timesets
--                         returns 2, the valid timeset numbers would be
--                         1 or 2.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   *  If your model is static, which you indicated by returning a zero
--      in USERD_get_number_of_timesets, you can return a zero here as well.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                                      int *part_types,
--                                      char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                      int *number_of_nodes,
--                                      int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                      int *ijk_dimensions[9],
--                                      int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--    (OUT) part_id                = Array containing the external part
--                                   ids for each of the model parts.
--                                   IMPORTANT:
--                                    Parts numbers must be >= 1, because
--                                    of the way they are used in the GUI
--               *******************************************
--                The ids provided here are the numbers by
--                which the parts will be referred to in the
--                GUI (if possible). They are basically
--                labels as far as you are concerned.
--                Note: The part numbers you pass to routines
--                which receive a part_number or block_number
--                or which_part as an argument are the 1-based
--                table index of the parts!
--                example:  If Numparts_available = 3
--                          Table index        part_id
--                          -----------        -------
--                           1                  13
--                           2                  57
--                           3                  125
--                           ^                   ^
--                           |                   |
--                           |                    These are placed in:
--                           |                      part_id[0] = 13
--                           |                      part_id[1] = 57
--                           |                      part_id[2] = 125
--                           |                    for GUI labeling purposes.
--                           |
--                            These implied table indices are the part_number,
--                            block_number, or which_part numbers that you would
--                            pass to routines like:
--                           USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,...
--                           USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--                           USERD_get_border_availability(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_border_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                           USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                                      int which_part,...
--                           USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                                           int which_node_or_elem,
--                                                           int which_part,...
--               ********************************************
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                       Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                       Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                       Z_IBLANKED
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                   long)
--   (OUT) number_of_nodes        = Number of unstructured nodes in the part
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_G_POINT =  ghost node point element
--                                Z_G_BAR02 =  2 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_BAR03 =  3 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_TRI03 =  3 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_TRI06 =  6 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_QUA04 =  4 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_QUA08 =  8 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_TET04 =  4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_TET10 = 10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_PYR05 =  5 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PYR13 = 13 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PEN06 =  6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_PEN15 = 15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX08 =  8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX20 = 20 node ghost hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimension info
--                                  for structured blocks
--                                  For Z_UNSTRUCTURED - is ignored
--                                  For Z_STRUCTURED or Z_IBLANKED
--        Prior to version 2.03:
--        ----------------------
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--        Starting at version 2.03:
--        ------------------------
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by 9 long)
--                              There are two ways to do this:
--                              ------------------------------
--                              1. The simple one, without ranges.
--                                   This is good for all structured models
--                                   that will NOT be used in EnSight's
--                                   Server of Servers
--                                   Simply provide the ijk dimensions in the
--                                   first three slots and place a -1 in
--                                   the 4th slot.  (The remaining slots will
--                                   be ignored).
--                              Thus,
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][3] = -1
--                        (J planes)
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][4] = -1
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                            2 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                              2. Using ranges.
--                                  This one can be used anytime, but MUST
--                                  be used if EnSight's Server of Servers
--                                  is to be used!
--                                  The first 3 slots contain the ijk dimension
--                                  of the complete block (of which this may be
--                                  a portion).  The last 6 slots contain the
--                                  ijk min and max ranges within the complete.
--                              Thus,
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][3] = Imin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][4] = Imax of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][5] = Jmin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][6] = Jmax of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][7] = Kmin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][8] = Kmax of portion (1-based)
--                              example1: (Model has one part, a simple 2D block,
--                                         and want whole thing)
--                        (J planes)
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][3] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][5] = 1
--                            2 *-------*-------*    ijk_dimension[0][6] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][7] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][8] = 1
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                              example2: (Want to have the block represented
--                                         in two portions - 2 parts)
--                        (J planes)                 top portion
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][3] = 1
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][5] = 3
--                            2 .................    ijk_dimension[0][6] = 4
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][7] = 1
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][8] = 1
--                              .       .       .
--                            1 .................
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                        (J planes)                 bottom portion
--                            4 .................
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[1][0] = 3
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[2][1] = 4
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[3][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][3] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][5] = 1
--                            2 *-------*-------*    ijk_dimension[1][6] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][7] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][8] = 1
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--        And note that if you were partioning this block for
--        EnSight's Server of Servers, you would only have one part,
--        instead of two.  Each SOS server would return its appropriate
--        ranges in the last 6 slots. The first 3 slots would remain constant.
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--      iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                       [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                       [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                       [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                       [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--     you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the variable descriptions, types and filenames
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_gold_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                                    char **var_filename,
--                                    int *var_type,
--                                    int *var_classify,
--                                    int *var_complex,
--                                    char **var_ifilename,
--                                    float *var_freq,
--                                    int *var_contran,
--                                    int *var_timeset)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) var_description      = Variable descriptions
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--           variable description restrictions:
--           ----------------------------------
--           1. Only first 19 characters used in EnSight.
--           2. Leading and trailing whitespace will be removed by EnSight.
--           3. Illegal characters will be replaced by underscores.
--           4. Thay may not start with a numeric digit.
--           4. No two variables may have the same description.
--   (OUT) var_filename         = Variable real filenames
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_type             = Variable type
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_CONSTANT
--                                            Z_SCALAR
--                                            Z_VECTOR
--                                            Z_TENSOR
--                                            Z_TENSOR9
--   (OUT) var_classify         = Variable classification
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                types are:  Z_PER_NODE
--                                            Z_PER_ELEM
--   (OUT) var_complex          = TRUE if complex, FALSE otherwise
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_ifilename        = Variable imaginary filenames (if complex)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables by Z_BUFL long)
--   (OUT) var_freq             = complex frequency  (if complex)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_contran          = TRUE if constant changes per time step
--                                FALSE if constant truly same at all time steps
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--   (OUT) var_timeset          = Timeset the variable will use (1 based).
--                                (For static models, set it to 1)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Num_variables long)
--                                 For example:  If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                               returns 2, the valid
--                                               timeset_number's would be 1 or 2
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The implied variable numbers apply, but be aware that the
--     arrays are zero based.
--     So for variable 1, will need to provide   var_description[0]
--                                               var_filename[0]
--                                               var_type[0]
--                                               var_classify[0]
--                                               var_complex[0]
--                                               var_ifilename[0]
--                                               var_freq[0]
--                                               var_contran[0]
--                                               var_timeset[0]
--        for variable 2, will need to provide   var_description[1]
--                                               var_filename[1]
--                                               var_type[1]
--                                               var_classify[1]
--                                               var_complex[1]
--                                               var_ifilename[1]
--                                               var_freq[1]
--                                               var_contran[1]
--                                               var_timeset[1]
--              etc.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets whether ghost cells present in block or not
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--  int USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE  if any ghost cells in this structured part
--   FALSE if no ghost cells in this structured part
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) block_number      = The block part number
--                              (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                1 ... Numparts_available.
--                              It is NOT the part_id that
--                              is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    * This routine is new in the 2.01 API
--    * This will be based on Current_time_step
--    * Intended for structured parts only, value will be ignored for
--      unstructured parts
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether any ghost cells in the model.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--  int USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE  if any ghost cells in the model
--   FALSE if no ghost cells in the model
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    * This routine is new in the 2.01 API
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the material set ids and names
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_matf_set_info(int *mat_set_ids,
--                               char **mat_set_name)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) mat_set_ids  = 1D material set ids array
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                Num_material_sets long)
--   (OUT) mat_set_name = 2D material set name array
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                Num_material_sets by Z_BUFL long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero
--   * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the material ids and descriptions for the material set
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_matf_var_info(int set_index,
--                               int *mat_ids,
--                               char **mat_desc)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  set_index               = the material set index (zero based)
--   (OUT) mat_ids[set_index]      = 1D integer array containing the material
--                                   ids to associated with each material
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Num_materials[set_index] long)
--   (OUT) mat_desc[set_index]     = 2D char array containing the material
--                                   descriptions to associated with each material
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Num_materials[set_index] by Z_BUFL long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero, or
--     Num_materials[set_index] is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets maximum part sizes for efficient memory allocation.
--   Transient models (especially those that increase in size) can cause
--   reallocations, at time step changes, to keep chewing up more and
--   more memory.   The way to avoid this is to know what the maximum
--   size of such memory will be, and allocate for this maximum initially.
--   Accordingly, if you choose to provide this information (it is optional),
--   EnSight will take advantage of it.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_maxsize_info(int *max_number_of_nodes,
--                              int *max_number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                              int *max_ijk_dimensions[3])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if supplying maximum data
--   Z_ERR if not supplying maximum data, or some error occurred
--           while trying to obtain it.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) max_number_of_nodes    = Maximum number of unstructured nodes
--                                  in the part (over all time).
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) max_number_of_elements = 2D array containing maximum number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part (over all time).
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                Z_POINT   =  point
--                                Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--                                Z_G_POINT =  ghost node point element
--                                Z_G_BAR02 =  2 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_BAR03 =  3 node ghost bar
--                                Z_G_TRI03 =  3 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_TRI06 =  6 node ghost triangle
--                                Z_G_QUA04 =  4 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_QUA08 =  8 node ghost quad
--                                Z_G_TET04 =  4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_TET10 = 10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                Z_G_PYR05 =  5 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PYR13 = 13 node ghost pyramid
--                                Z_G_PEN06 =  6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_PEN15 = 15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX08 =  8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                Z_G_HEX20 = 20 node ghost hexahedron
--                               (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by
--                                   Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) max_ijk_dimensions  = 2D array containing maximum ijk dimensions
--                               for each structured model part (over all time).
--                                           ----------
--                                (Ignored if Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][0] = maximum I dimension
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][1] = maximum J dimension
--                             max_ijk_dimensions[][2] = maximum K dimension
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You need to have first called USERD_get_number_of_model_parts and
--     USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, so Numparts_available is known and
--     so EnSight will know what the type is (Z_UNSTRUCTURED, Z_STRUCTURED,
--     or Z_IBLANKED) of each part.
--   * This will NOT be based on Current_time_step - it is to be the maximum
--     values over all time!!
--   * This information is optional.  If you return Z_ERR, Ensight will still
--     process things fine, reallocating as needed, etc.  However, for
--     large transient models you will likely use considerably more memory
--     and take more processing time for the memory reallocations. So, if it
--     is possible to provide this information "up front", it is recommended
--     to do so.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the model bounding box extents.  If this routine supplys them
--   EnSight will not have to spend time doing so.  If this routine
--   returns Z_ERR, EnSight will have to take the time to touch all the
--   nodes and gather the extent info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_model_extents(float extents[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful  (whereupon EnSight will determine by reading
--                             all coords of all parts)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) extents[0]   = min x
--                [1]   = max x
--                [2]   = min y
--                [3]   = max y
--                [4]   = min z
--                [5]   = max z
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the name of your user defined reader.  The user interface will
--   ask for this and include it in the available reader list.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--				int *two_fields)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) reader_name          = the name of the your reader or data format.
--                              (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which is 20)
--   (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field required
--				      in the data dialog of EnSight.
--				TRUE if two data fields required.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Always called.  Please be sure to provide a name for your custom
--     reader format.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the connectivity of nsided faces of nfaced elements
--   Specification:
--   -------------int
--   int USERD_get_nfaced_conn(int part_number,
--                             int *nfaced_conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number        = the part number
--   (OUT) nfaced_conn_array  = 1D array of nsided face connectivies of nfaced
--                              elements
--                              (int array will have been allocated long enough to
--                               hold all the nsided face connectivities. Which is
--                               the sum of all the nodes per face values in the
--                               nfaced_npf_array of USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face)
--   Notes:
--   -----
-- * Will not be called unless there are some nfaced elements in the part
-- * Providing nfaced information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nfaced
--        polyhedral elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of faces per nfaced element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nfaced element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed number of nodes per face
--        for each of the faces of the nfaced elements.
--     Simple example:         11        10   12
--                            +--------+-----+
--     2 nfaced elements:    /|        |\   /|
--     (1 7-faced           / |        | \ / |
--      1 5-sided)         /  |        |  +9 |
--                        /   |        | /|  |
--                       /7   |      8 /  |  |
--                      +-----------+/ |  |  |
--                      |     |5    |  |4 |  |6
--                      |     +-----|--+--|--+
--                      |    /      |   \ | /
--                      |   /       |    \|/3
--                      |  /        |     +
--                      | /         |    /
--                      |/1         |2 /
--                      +-----------+/
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NFACED] = 2
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      2 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NFACED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 7           (for the 7-faced element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 5           (for the 5-faced element)
--                                ==
--                           Sum  12    <---------+
--                                                |
--      3. In USERD_get_faced_nodes_per_face:     |
--           length of nfaced_npf_array will be:  12
--            nfaced_npf_array[0]  = 5  (5-noded top face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[1]  = 5  (5-noded bot face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[2]  = 4  (4-noded front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[3]  = 4  (4-noded left face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[4]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[5]  = 4  (4-noded right front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[6]  = 4  (4-noded right back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[7]  = 3  (3-noded top face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[8]  = 3  (3-noded bot face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[9]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[10] = 4  (4-noded right face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[11] = 4  (4-noded left front face of 5-faced element)
--                                   ==
--                             Sum   48   <-------------+
--                                                      |
--      4. In this function:                            |
--            length of the nfaced_conn_array will be:  48
--            nsided_conn_array[0] = 7   (conn of 5-noded top face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[1] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[2] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[3] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[4] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[5] = 1   (conn of 5-noded bot face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[6] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[7] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[8] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[9] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[10] = 1  (conn of 4-noded front face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[11] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[12] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[13] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[14] = 5  (conn of 4-noded left face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[15] = 1
--            nsided_conn_array[16] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[17] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[18] = 4  (conn of 4-noded back face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[19] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[20] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[21] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[22] = 2  (conn of 4-noded right front face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[23] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[24] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[25] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[26] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right back face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[27] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[28] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[29] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[30] = 9  (conn of 3-noded top face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[33] = 3  (conn of 3-noded bot face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[34] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[35] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[36] = 6  (conn of 4-noded back face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[37] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[38] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[39] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[40] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[41] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[42] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[43] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[44] = 4  (conn of 4-noded left front face of 5-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[45] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[46] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[47] = 10
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the number of nodes per face for each face
--   of the nfaced elements.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face(int part_number,
--                                       int *nfaced_npf_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number       = the part number
--   (OUT) nfaced_npf_array  = 1D array of nodes per face for all faces of
--                             nfaced elements
--                             (int array will have been allocated long enough
--                              to hold all the nodes_per_face values. Which is
--                              the sum of all the number of faces per element
--                              values in the conn_array of
--                              USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called unless there are some nfaced elements in the
--     the part
--   * Providing nfaced information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nfaced
--        polyhedral elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of faces per nfaced element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nfaced element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed number of nodes per face
--        for each of the faces of the nfaced elements.
--     Simple example:         11        10   12
--                            +--------+-----+
--     2 nfaced elements:    /|        |\   /|
--     (1 7-faced           / |        | \ / |
--      1 5-sided)         /  |        |  +9 |
--                        /   |        | /|  |
--                       /7   |      8 /  |  |
--                      +-----------+/ |  |  |
--                      |     |5    |  |4 |  |6
--                      |     +-----|--+--|--+
--                      |    /      |   \ | /
--                      |   /       |    \|/3
--                      |  /        |     +
--                      | /         |    /
--                      |/1         |2 /
--                      +-----------+/
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NFACED] = 2
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      2 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NFACED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 7           (for the 7-faced element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 5           (for the 5-faced element)
--                                ==
--                           Sum  12    <---------+
--                                                |
--      3. In this routine:                       |
--           length of nfaced_npf_array will be:  12
--            nfaced_npf_array[0]  = 5  (5-noded top face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[1]  = 5  (5-noded bot face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[2]  = 4  (4-noded front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[3]  = 4  (4-noded left face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[4]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[5]  = 4  (4-noded right front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[6]  = 4  (4-noded right back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[7]  = 3  (3-noded top face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[8]  = 3  (3-noded bot face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[9]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[10] = 4  (4-noded right face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[11] = 4  (4-noded left front face of 5-faced element)
--                                   ==
--                             Sum   48   <-------------+
--                                                      |
--      4. In USERD_get_nfaced_conn:                    |
--            length of the nfaced_conn_array will be:  48
--            nsided_conn_array[0] = 7   (conn of 5-noded top face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[1] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[2] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[3] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[4] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[5] = 1   (conn of 5-noded bot face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[6] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[7] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[8] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[9] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[10] = 1  (conn of 4-noded front face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[11] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[12] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[13] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[14] = 5  (conn of 4-noded left face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[15] = 1
--            nsided_conn_array[16] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[17] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[18] = 4  (conn of 4-noded back face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[19] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[20] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[21] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[22] = 2  (conn of 4-noded right front face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[23] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[24] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[25] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[26] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right back face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[27] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[28] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[29] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[30] = 9  (conn of 3-noded top face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[33] = 3  (conn of 3-noded bot face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[34] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[35] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[36] = 6  (conn of 4-noded back face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[37] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[38] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[39] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[40] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[41] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[42] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[43] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[44] = 4  (conn of 4-noded left front face of 5-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[45] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[46] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[47] = 10
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Answers the question as to whether node labels will be provided.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_node_label_status( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   TRUE        if node labels will be provided
--   FALSE       if node labels will NOT be provided
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Node ids are needed in order to do any node querying, or node
--     labeling on-screen within EnSight.
--   * Prior to API 2.01:
--     -----------------
--       For unstructured parts, you can read them from your file if
--       available, or can assign them, etc. They need to be unique
--       per part, and are often unique per model.  They must also be
--       positive numbers greater than zero.
--         USERD_get_part_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--         status returned here is TRUE.
--         (Unlike API 1.0, where the connectivity of elements had to be
--          according to the node ids - API 2.0's element connectivities
--          are not affected either way by the status here.)
--       For structured parts, EnSight will assign ids if you return a
--         status of TRUE here.  You cannot assign them yourself!!
--   * Starting at API 2.01:
--     --------------------
--       For both unstructured and structured parts, you can read them
--       from your file if available, or can assign them, etc. They need
--       to be unique per part, and are often unique per model. They must
--       also be positive numbers greater than zero.
--       USERD_get_part_node_ids is used to obtain the ids, if the
--       status returned here is TRUE.
--   * Will call USERD_get_part_node_ids for each part if this routine
--     returns TRUE.
--USERD_get_nsided_conn -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the connectivity of nsided elements
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_nsided_conn(int part_number,
--                             int *nsided_conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number         = the part number
--   (OUT) nsided_conn_array   = 1D array of nsided connectivies
--                               (int array will have been allocated long enough
--                                to hold all the nsided connectivities. Which is
--                                the sum of all the nodes_per_element values in
--                                the conn_array of USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called unless there are some nsided elements in the the part.
--   * Providing nsided information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nsided
--        elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of nodes per nsided element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nsided element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed connectivities for each of the
--        nsided elements.
--     Simple example:         5        6
--                            +--------+
--     3 nsided elements:    /|         \
--     (1 4-sided           / |          \
--      1 3-sided          /  |           \
--      1 7-sided)        /   |            \ 7
--                       /3   |4            +
--                      +-----+             |
--                      |     |             |
--                      |     |             |8
--                      |     |             +
--                      |     |            /
--                      |     |           /
--                      |     |          /
--                      |1    |2        /9
--                      +-----+--------+
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NSIDED] = 3
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      3 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NSIDED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 4           (for the 4-sided element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 3           (for the 3-sided element)
--              conn_array[2][0] = 7           (for the 7-sided element)
--                           Sum  ===
--                                 14    <---------+
--                                                 |
--      3. In this routine:                        |
--           length of nsided_conn_array will be:  14
--              nsided_conn_array[0]  = 1      (connectivity of 4-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[1]  = 2
--              nsided_conn_array[2]  = 4
--              nsided_conn_array[3]  = 3
--              nsided_conn_array[4]  = 3      (connectivity of 3-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[5]  = 4
--              nsided_conn_array[6]  = 5
--              nsided_conn_array[7]  = 2      (connectivity of 7-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[8]  = 9
--              nsided_conn_array[9]  = 8
--              nsided_conn_array[10] = 7
--              nsided_conn_array[11] = 6
--              nsided_conn_array[12] = 5
--              nsided_conn_array[13] = 4
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of time steps of data available for desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_num_of_time_steps( int timeset_number )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of time steps in timeset  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) timeset number = the timeset number
--                         For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                      returns 2, the valid
--                                      timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This should be >= 1       1 indicates a static model
--                              >1 indicates a transient model
--   * Num_time_steps[timeset_number] would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the total number of files in the dataset.  Used for the
--   dataset query option within EnSight.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   The total number of files in the dataset.
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * You can be as complete as you want about this.  If you don't
--     care about the dataset query option, return a value of 0
--     If you only want certain files, you can just include them. But,
--     you will need to supply the info in USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info
--     for each file you include here.
--   * Num_dataset_files would be set here
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of material sets in the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_material_sets( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Num_material_sets = number of material sets
--                       (Zero would indicate that you have no materials
--                        to deal with in the model)
--                       or
--                       -1 if an error condition
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * You may want to keep this as a global for use in other routines.
--   ###############################################################
--   NOTE:  For EnSight 7.6, only one material set is supported
--          within EnSight.
--          Thus the only valid returns here are:
--               0 (no materials)
--               1 (for the one material set allowed)
--          or  -1 (if an error)
--          If the casefile has more than this, this reader will
--          read them, but EnSight will issue an error message and
--          choke on them!
--   ###############################################################
--  ================================================================
--  A very simple explanatory example, to use as a reference for the
--  materials routines:
--  Given a 2D mesh composed of 9 quad (Z_QUA04) elements, with two materials.
--  Most of the model is material 1, but the top left corner is material 9 -
--  basically as shown:
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--        |        |   /    |        |
--        |     Mat 9 /     |        |
--        |        | /      |        |
--        |        |/       |        |
--        |  e7    /   e8   |   e9   |
--        |       /|        |        |
--        |      / |        |        |
--        |     /  |        |        |
--        *----/---*--------*--------*
--        |   /    |        |        |
--        |  /     |        |        |
--        | /      |      Mat 1      |
--        |/       |        |        |
--        |   e4   |   e5   |   e6   |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |   e1   |   e2   |   e3   |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--  Thus, in this routine, set:
--    Num_material_sets = 1
--  In USERD_get_matf_set_info, set:
--    mat_set_ids[0]    = 1
--    mat_set_name[0]   = "Material Set 1"  (or whatever name desired)
--  In USERD_get_number_of_materials, input would be set_index = 0, and
--  would need to set:
--    Num_materials[0] = 2
--  For simplicity, the ids and descriptions that would be returned in
--  USERD_get_matf_var_info could be:
--    mat_ids[0] = 1
--    mat_ids[1] = 9
--    mat_desc[0] = "mat 1"   (or whatever desired)
--    mat_desc[2] = "mat 9"
--  The per element material ids list would need to be:
--     material ids:
--     -------------
--     ids_list[0] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e1)
--     ids_list[1] = 1  (     "                  e2)
--     ids_list[2] = 1  (     "                  e3)
--     ids_list[3] = -1 (negative of index into mixed-material id list, for elem e4)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e5)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (     "                  e6)
--     ids_list[5] = -5 (negative of index into mixed-material id list, for elem e7)
--     ids_list[5] = -9 (     "                  e8)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e9)
--  Finally we need the mixed material ids list and the mixed materials values list,
--  which would need to be:
--       mixed-material ids:
--       -------------------
--   ==> 1  ids_list[0]  =  2  (the -1 in the material variable points here,
--                                      2 indicates that two materials are present)
--       2  ids_list[1]  =  1  (1st material is 1)
--       3  ids_list[2]  =  9  (2nd material is 9)
--       4  ids_list[3]  = -1  (negative of index into mixed-material val_list)
--   ==> 5  ids_list[4]  =  2  (the -5 in the material variable points here,
--                                      2 indicates that two materials are present)
--       6  ids_list[5]  =  1  (1st material is 1)
--       7  ids_list[6]  =  9  (2nd material is 9)
--       8  ids_list[7]  = -3  (negative of index into mixed-material val_list)
--   ==> 9  ids_list[8]  =  2     etc.
--       10 ids_list[9]  =  1
--       11 ids_list[10] =  9
--       12 ids_list[11] = -5
--       mixed-material values:
--       ----------------------
--   ==> 1 val_list[0] = 0.875 (the -1 in the  mixed-material ids_list points here,
--                                       and this is the value for material 1)
--       2 val_list[1] = 0.125 (the value for material 9)
--   ==> 3 val_list[2] = 0.125 (the -3 in the mixed-materials ids_list points here)
--       4 val_list[3] = 0.875
--   ==> 5 val_list[4] = 0.875 (the -5 in the mixed-materials ids_list points here)
--       6 val_list[5] = 0.125
--  So, USERD_size_matf_data would need to return
--       matf_size = 8, when called with set_id    = 1
--                                       part_id   = 1
--                                       wtyp      = Z_QUA04
--                                       mat_type  = Z_MAT_INDEX
--       matf_size = 12, when called with set_id   = 1
--                                        part_id  = 1
--                                        mat_type = Z_MIX_INDEX
--                 = 6, when called with set_id   = 1
--                                       part_id  = 1
--                                       mat_type = Z_MIX_VALUE
--  And, USERD_load_matf_data would need to return:
--    the int array ids_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       wtyp     = Z_QUA04
--       mat_type = Z_MAT_INDEX (indicating id list).
--    the int array ids_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       mat_type = Z_MIX_INDEX (indicating id list).
--    the float array val_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       mat_type = Z_MIX_VALUE (indicating val list).
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of materials in the material set
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_materials( int set_index )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Num_materials[set_index]   = Number of materials in the set
--                                 0 indicates no materials information present
--                                -1 indicates an error
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) set_index             = the material set index (zero based)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero
--  * You may want to keep this as a global for use in other routines.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the total number of unstructured and structured parts
--   in the model, for which you can supply information.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of parts  (>0 if okay, <=0 if problems).
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * If going to have to read down through the parts in order to
--     know how many, you may want to build a table of pointers to
--     the various parts, so you can easily get to particular parts in
--     later processes.  If you can simply read the number of parts
--     at the head of the file, then you would probably not build the
--     table at this time.
--   * This routine would set Numparts_available, which is equal to
--     Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_blocks.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--    Gets the number of timesets used in the model.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_timesets( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of timesets in the model
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Num_timesets would be set here
--   * If you have a static model, both geometry and variables, you should
--     return a value of zero.
--   * If you have a transient model, then you should return one or more.
--   For example:
--      Geometry    Variables                                 No. of timesets
--      ---------   ------------------------------            ---------------
--      static      static                                      0
--      static      transient, all using same timeset           1
--      transient   transient, all using same timeset as geom   1
--      static      transient, using 3 different timesets       3
--      transient   transient, using 3 different timesets and
--                             none of them the same as the
--                             geometry timeset                 4
--          etc.
--   NOTE: ALL GEOMETRY MUST USE THE SAME TIMESET!!! You will have to provide
--                                                   the timeset number to use
--                                                   for geometry in:
--                                               USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--         Variables can use the same timeset as the geometry, or can use
--         other timesets. More than one variable can use the same timeset.
--   example:  changing geometry at 5 steps, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
--             variable 1 provided at these same five steps
--             variable 2 provided at 3 steps, 0.5, 1.25, 3.33
--        This routine should return a value of 2, because only
--        two different timesets are needed. Timeset 1 would be for the
--        geometry and variable 1 (they both use it). Timeset 2 would
--        be for variable 2, which needs its own in this case.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of variables for which you will be providing info.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_variables( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Number of variables (includes constant, scalar, vector and tensor types)
--                       (>=0 if okay, <0 if problem)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Variable numbers, by which references will be made, are implied
--     here. If you say there are 3 variables, the variable numbers
--     will be 1, 2, and 3.
--    *****************************************************************
--   * Num_variables would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the coordinates for an unstructured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number, float **coord_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) coord_array             = 2D float array which contains,
--                                   x,y,z coordinates of each node
--                                   in the part.
--       (IMPORTANT: The second dimension of this aray is 1-based!!!)
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 3 by (number_of_nodes + 1) for the part
--                                 long - see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                       ex) If number_of_nodes = 100
--                           as obtained in:
--                             USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions of the
--                           pointer sent to this routine will be:
--                             coord_array[3][101]
--                           Ignore the coord_array[0][0]
--                                      coord_array[1][0]
--                                      coord_array[2][0] locations and start
--                           the node coordinates at:
--                             coord_array[0][1]
--                             coord_array[1][1]
--                             coord_array[2][1]
--                             coord_array[0][2]
--                             coord_array[1][2]
--                             coord_array[2][2]
--                                   etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the ids for the elements of a particular type for an unstructured
--   or structured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,
--                                          int element_type,
--                                          int *elemid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type            = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                   Z_POINT      node point element
--                                   Z_BAR02      2 node bar
--                                   Z_BAR03      3 node bar
--                                   Z_TRI03      3 node triangle
--                                   Z_TRI06      6 node triangle
--                                   Z_QUA04      4 node quad
--                                   Z_QUA08      8 node quad
--                                   Z_TET04      4 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_TET10     10 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_PYR05      5 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PYR13     13 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PEN06      6 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_PEN15     15 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_HEX08      8 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_HEX20     20 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                   Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--   (OUT) elemid_array            = 1D array containing id of each
--                                   element of the type.
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   number_of_elements of the type long)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30]  when called with Z_HEX08
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless element label status is set to TRUE in
--     USERD_get_element_label_status
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the connectivities for the elements of a particular type in an
--   unstructured part
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                       int element_type,
--                                       int **conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number           = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  element_type          = One of the following (See global_extern.h)
--                                 Z_POINT      node point element
--                                 Z_BAR02      2 node bar
--                                 Z_BAR03      3 node bar
--                                 Z_TRI03      3 node triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06      6 node triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04      4 node quad
--                                 Z_QUA08      8 node quad
--                                 Z_TET04      4 node tetrahedron
--                                 Z_TET10     10 node tetrahedron
--                                 Z_PYR05      5 node pyramid
--                                 Z_PYR13     13 node pyramid
--                                 Z_PEN06      6 node pentahedron
--                                 Z_PEN15     15 node pentahedron
--                                 Z_HEX08      8 node hexahedron
--                                 Z_HEX20     20 node hexahedron
--                                 Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                 Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--   (OUT) conn_array            = 2D array containing connectivity
--                                 of each element of the type.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 num_of_elements of the type by
--                                 connectivity length of the type)
--                       ex) If number_of_elements[Z_TRI03] = 25
--                              number_of_elements[Z_QUA04] = 100
--                              number_of_elements[Z_HEX08] = 30
--                           as obtained in:
--                            USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions available
--                           for this routine will be:
--                              conn_array[25][3]   when called with Z_TRI03
--                              conn_array[100][4]  when called with Z_QUA04
--                              conn_array[30][8]   when called with Z_HEX08
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_unstructured_parts is > 0
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the node ids of an unstructured or structured part.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number, int *nodeid_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number             = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (OUT) nodeid_array            = 1D array containing node ids of
--                                    each node in the part.
--           (IMPORTANT: This array is 1-based!!!)
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    (number_of_nodes + 1) for the part long
--                                    see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                       ex) If number_of_nodes = 100
--                           as obtained in:
--                             USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--                           Then the allocated dimensions of the
--                           pointer sent to this routine will be:
--                             nodeid_array[101]
--                           Ignore the nodeid_array[0] location and start
--                           the node ids at:
--                             nodeid_array[1]
--                             nodeid_array[2]
--                                   etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless node label status is TRUE, as returned from
--     USERD_get_node_label_status
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * The ids are purely labels, used when displaying or querying node ids.
--     However, any node id < 0 will never be displayed
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the description of the reader, so gui can give more info
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_reader_descrip(char descrip[Z_MAXFILENP])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) descrip  = the description of the reader (max length is MAXFILENP,
--                                                   which is 255)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * OPTIONAL ROUTINE!   You can have it or not.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the version number of the user defined reader
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_reader_version(char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful (and will assume is version 1.0)
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) version_number       = the version number of the reader
--                                (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which
--                                 is 20)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This needs to be "2.000" or greater. Otherwise EnSight will assume
--     this reader is API 1.0
--   * should set it to "2.010" for this version of the API
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the solution times associated with each time step for 
--   desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_sol_times(int timeset_number,
--                           float *solution_times)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  timeset_number     = the timeset number
--                              For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                           returns 2, the valid
--                                           timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   (OUT) solution_times       = 1D array of solution times per time step
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Num_time_steps[timeset_number] long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * The solution times must be non-negative and increasing.
--USERD_get_timeset_description -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the description to associate with the desired timeset.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_timeset_description(int timeset_number,
--                                     char timeset_description[Z_BUFL])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  timeset_number     = the timeset number
--                              For example: If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                           returns 2, the valid
--                                           timeset_number's would be 1 and 2
--   (OUT) timeset_description  = timeset description string
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * A string of NULLs is valid for timeset_description
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the values of a variable component.  Both unstructured and structured
--   parts use this routine.
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the component value at each node for a given variable in the part.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the component value at each element of a specific part and type
--     for a given variable.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                  int which_part,
--                                  int var_type,
--                                  int which_type,
--                                  int imag_data,
--                                  int component,
--                                  float *var_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   or:  Z_UNDEF, in which case you need not load any values into var_array
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_variable          = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_part                 Since EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    -------------------------
--                                  = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                                    Prior to EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    ----------------------------
--                                  = The part id   This is the part_id label loaded
--                                                  in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.
--                                                  It is NOT the part table index.
--   (IN)  var_type                = Z_SCALAR
--                                   Z_VECTOR
--                                   Z_TENSOR   (symmetric tensor)
--                                   Z_TENSOR9  (asymmetric tensor)
--   (IN)  which_type
--            if Z_PER_NODE:         Not used
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:       = The element type
--                                   Z_POINT      node point element
--                                   Z_BAR02      2 node bar
--                                   Z_BAR03      3 node bar
--                                   Z_TRI03      3 node triangle
--                                   Z_TRI06      6 node triangle
--                                   Z_QUA04      4 node quad
--                                   Z_QUA08      8 node quad
--                                   Z_TET04      4 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_TET10     10 node tetrahedron
--                                   Z_PYR05      5 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PYR13     13 node pyramid
--                                   Z_PEN06      6 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_PEN15     15 node pentahedron
--                                   Z_HEX08      8 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_HEX20     20 node hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                   Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                   Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                   Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                   Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                   Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                   Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                   Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--   (IN)  imag_data               = TRUE if imag component
--                                   FALSE if real component
--   (IN)  component               = The component: (0       if Z_SCALAR)
--                                                  (0 - 2   if Z_VECTOR)
--                                                  (0 - 5   if Z_TENSOR)
--                                                  (0 - 8   if Z_TENSOR9)
--                                 * 6 Symmetric Indicies, 0:5    *
--                                 * ---------------------------- *
--                                 *     | 11 12 13 |   | 0 3 4 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 * T = |    22 23 | = |   1 5 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 *     |       33 |   |     2 | *
--                                 * 9 General   Indicies, 0:8    *
--                                 * ---------------------------- *
--                                 *     | 11 12 13 |   | 0 3 4 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 * T = | 21 22 23 | = | 6 1 5 | *
--                                 *     |          |   |       | *
--                                 *     | 31 32 33 |   | 7 8 2 | *
--   (OUT) var_array 
--      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--      (IMPORTANT: this array is 1-based for both Z_PER_NODE and Z_PER_ELEM!!!)
--      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--            if Z_PER_NODE:    = 1D array containing variable component value
--                                for each node.
--                                (Array will have been allocated
--                                 (number_of_nodes + 1) long)
--                      Info stored in this fashion:
--                            var_array[0] = not used
--                            var_array[1] = var component for node 1 of part
--                            var_array[2] = var_component for node 2 of part
--                            var_array[3] = var_component for node 3 of part
--                            etc.
--            if Z_PER_ELEM:    = 1D array containing variable component
--                                value for each element of a particular
--                                part and type.
--                              (Array will have been allocated
--                               (number_of_elements[which_part][which_type] + 1)
--                                long.  See USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                  Info stored in this fashion:
--                    var_array[1] = var component for elem 1 (of part and type)
--                    var_array[2] = var component for elem 2 (of part and type)
--                    var_array[3] = var component for elem 3 (of part and type)
--                    etc.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Not called unless Num_variables is > 0
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * Will be based on Current_time_step
--   * If the variable is not defined for this part, simply return with a
--     value of Z_UNDEF.  EnSight will treat the variable as undefined for
--     this part.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   if Z_PER_NODE:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular node in a
--     particular part at a particular time.
--   or if Z_PER_ELEM:
--     Get the value of a particular variable at a particular element of
--     a particular type in a particular part at a particular time.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                       int which_node_or_elem,
--                                       int which_part,
--                                       int which_elem_type,
--                                       int time_step,
--                                       float values[3],
--                                       int imag_data)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  which_var   = The variable number
--   (IN)  which_node_or_elem
--              If Z_PER_NODE:
--                = The node number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                    the index of the global node 
--                                    list (1 based), or the block's
--                                    node list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  coord_array[1]
--                         coord_array[2]
--                         coord_array[3]
--                              .      |
--                              .      |which_node_or_elem index
--                              .             ----
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element number.  This is not the id, but is
--                                       the element number index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info),
--                                        or the block's element list (1 based).
--                  Thus,  for which_part:
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][0]
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][1]
--                         conn_array[which_elem_type][2]
--                              .                      |
--                              .          which_node_or_elem index
--                              .                        ----
--   (IN)  which_part                 Since EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    -------------------------
--                                  = The part number
--                                    (1-based index of part table, namely:
--                                       1 ... Numparts_available.
--                                     It is NOT the part_id that
--                                     is loaded in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--                                    Prior to EnSight Version 7.4
--                                    ----------------------------
--                                  = The part id   This is the part_id label loaded
--                                                  in USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.
--                                                  It is NOT the part table index.
--   (IN)  which_elem_type
--              If Z_PER_NODE, or block part:
--                = Not used
--              If Z_PER_ELEM:
--                = The element type.    This is the element type index
--                                       of the number_of_element array
--                                       (see USERD_get_gold_part_build_info)
--   (IN)  time_step   = The time step
--   (IN)  imag_data   = TRUE if want imaginary value.
--                       FALSE if want real value.
--   (OUT) values      = scalar or vector component value(s)
--                        values[0] = scalar or vector[0]
--                        values[1] = vector[1]
--                        values[2] = vector[2]
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * This routine is used in node querys over time (or element querys over
--     time for Z_PER_ELEM variables).  If these operations are not critical
--     to you, this can be a dummy routine.
--   * The per_node or per_elem classification must be obtainable from the
--     variable number (a var_classify array needs to be retained)
--   * The time step given is for the proper variable timeset.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the material id list, mixed-material id list, or
--   mixed-material values list for the given material set and part (and
--   element type if material id list)
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_load_matf_data( int set_index,
--                             int part_id,
--                             int wtyp,
--                             int mat_type,
--                             int *ids_list,
--                             float *val_list)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--  (IN)  set_index         = the material set index (zero based)
--  (IN)  part_id           = the part number desired
--  (IN)  wtyp              = the element type        (used for Z_MAT_INDEX only)
--                                  Z_POINT    node point element
--                                  Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                  Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                  Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                  Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                  Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                  Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                  Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_NSIDED  nsided polygon
--                                  Z_NFACED  nfaced polyhedron
--                                  Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                  Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_NSIDED  ghost nsided polygon
--                                  Z_G_NFACED  ghost nfaced polyhedron
--  (IN)  mat_type          = Z_MAT_INDEX for material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_INDEX for mixed-material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_VALUE for mixed-material values list
--  (OUT) ids_list          = If mat_type is Z_MAT_INDEX:
--                            ---------------------------
--                             1D material id list
--                               (Int array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                 USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MAT_INDEX)
--                            If mat_type is Z_MIX_INDEX:
--                            ---------------------------
--                             1D mixed-material id list
--                               (Int array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                 USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MIX_INDEX)
--  (OUT) val_list          = 1D mixed-materials values list
--                            (only used if mat_type is Z_MIX_VALUE)
--                               (Float array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MIX_VALUE)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero,
--     or Num_materials[set_index] is zero,
--     or the appropriate size from USERD_size_matf_data is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the geometry and result filenames entered in the data
--   dialog.  The user written code will have to store and use these
--   as needed. The user written code must manage its own files!!
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                           char filename_2[],
--                           char the_path[],
--                           int swapbytes)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) filename_1   = the filename entered into the geometry
--                         field of the data dialog.
--   (IN) filename_2   = the filename entered into the result
--                         field of the data dialog.
--			 (If the two_fields flag in USERD_get_name_of_reader
--			  is FALSE, this will be null string)
--   (IN) the_path     = the path info from the data dialog.
--                       Note: filename_1 and filename_2 have already
--                            had the path prepended to them.  This
--                            is provided in case it is needed for
--                            filenames contained in one of the files
--   (IN) swapbytes    = TRUE if should swap bytes when reading data.
--                     = FALSE normally.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Since you must manage everything from the input that is entered in
--     these data dialog fields, this is an important routine!
--   * It may be that you will need to have an executive type file that contains
--     info and other filenames within it, like EnSight6's case file.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Receives the server number of how many total servers.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_set_server_number(int cur_serv,
--                               int tot_servs)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) cur_serv    = the current server.
--   (IN) tot_servs   = the total number of servers.
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Only useful if your user defined reader is being used with EnSight's
--     Server-of-Server capability.  And even then, it may or may not be
--     something that you can take advantage of.  If your data is already
--     partitioned in some manner, such that you can access the proper
--     portions using this information.
--     For all non-SOS uses, this will simply be 1 of 1
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Set the current time step in the desired timeset.  All functions that
--   need time, and that do not explicitly pass it in, will use the timeset
--   and step set by this routine, if needed.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_set_time_set_and_step(int timeset_number,
--                                    int time_step)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) timeset_number  = the timeset number (1 based).
--                          For example:  If USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--                                        returns 2, the valid timeset_number's
--                                        would be 1 and 2.
--   (IN) time_step       = The current time step to set
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Current_time_step and Current_timeset would be set here
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the length of the material id list, mixed-material id list, or
--   mixed-material values list for the given material set and part (and
--   element type if material id list)
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_size_matf_data( int set_index,
--                             int part_id,
--                             int wtyp,
--                             int mat_type,
--                             int *matf_size)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--  (IN)  set_index         = the material set index (zero based)
--  (IN)  part_id           = the part number desired
--  (IN)  wtyp              = the element type        (used for Z_MAT_INDEX only)
--                                  Z_POINT    node point element
--                                  Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                  Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                  Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                  Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                  Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                  Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                  Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_NSIDED  nsided polygon
--                                  Z_NFACED  nfaced polyhedron
--                                  Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                  Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_NSIDED  ghost nsided polygon
--                                  Z_G_NFACED  ghost nfaced polyhedron
--  (IN)  mat_type          = Z_MAT_INDEX for material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_INDEX for mixed-material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_VALUE for mixed-material values list
--  (OUT) matf_size         = the length of the material id list, or
--                            mixed-material id list, or
--                            mixed-material values list
--                            for the given material set and part number
--                            (and element type if Z_MAT_INDEX)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero, or
--     Num_materials[set_index] is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   This routine called when the part building dialog is closed.  It is
--   provided in case you desire to release memory, etc. that was only needed
--   during the part building process.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   void USERD_stop_part_building( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   nothing
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
------ end of doucment ----
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/README_USERD_2.03_CHANGES
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
--At this API revision level:
--1. Routines to handle materials have been added.
--2. Routines to handle nsided and nfaced elements have been added
--3. A routine has modified so structured ranges can be specified
--Note: The dummy_gold reader, the Ensight Gold example reader, and the
--      SILO reader have been moved to this 2.03 API level.
--Quick Index of Library Routines
--The new new routines are:
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets    Gets the number of material sets
--USERD_get_matf_set_info              Gets the material set indices and names
--USERD_get_number_of_materials        Gets the number of materials
--USERD_get_matf_var_info              Gets the material indices and descriptions
--USERD_size_matf_data                 Gets the length of either the
--                                        material ids list,
--                                        mixed-material ids list, or
--                                        mixed-material values list
--USERD_load_matf_data                 Gets the material ids list,
--                                        mixed-material ids list, or
--                                        mixed-material values list
--USERD_get_nsided_conn                Gets the element connectivities for nsided
--                                        elements. (utilizes the number of nodes
--                                        per element obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face      Gets the number of nodes per face for nfaced
--                                        elements (utilizes the number of faces
--                                        per element obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--USERD_get_nfaced_conn                Gets the element connectivities for nfaced
--                                        elements (utilizes the number of nodes
--                                        per face obtained in
--                                        USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face)
--The modified routine is:
--USERD_get_gold_part_build_info       Gets the info needed for part building
--                                        process
--Header files changes
--global_extern.h         has appropriate changes, must use it
--global_extern_protr.h   new file, access from global_extern.h
--Basically the the old global_extern.h file has been split into two files now.
--Order Routines are called
--The various main operations are given basically in the order they will
--be performed.  Within each operation, the order the routines will be
--called is given.  
--10. To see if materials in the model
--        USERD_get_number_of_material_sets
--      If any material sets in the model (calls these once per material set):
--        USERD_get_matf_set_info
--        USERD_get_number_of_materials
--        USERD_get_matf_var_info
--      For each elment type of each part containing material ids, calls:
--        USERD_size_matf_data
--        USERD_load_matf_data
--      If there are any elements with mixed materials, when a domain or
--      interface is created, calls these again per part:
--        USERD_size_matf_data
--        USERD_load_matf_data
--6. Part building (per part created)
--        both unstructured and structured:
--        --------------------------------
--        USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--        if unstructured part:
--        --------------------
--        USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--        USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--          If any nsided elements:
--            USERD_get_nsided_conn
--          If any nfaced elements:
--            USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face
--            USERD_get_nfaced_conn
--        USERD_get_part_coords
--        USERD_get_part_node_ids
--         .
--         .
--         .
--Detailed Specifications
--Include files:
--The following header file is required in any file containing these library
--       #include "global_extern.h"
--****************************** Special Note ***********************************
--Make sure you use the proper define in the global_extern.h header file, namely:
--#define USERD_API_203
--Also, Make sure the api version in the USERD_get_reader_version routine is set
--to "2.03" or larger.
--Make sure your reader has access to the global_extern_proto.h   This is a new
--file which is access from the new global_extern.h    
--New Library Routines
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the number of material sets in the model
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_material_sets( void )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Num_material_sets = number of material sets
--                       (Zero would indicate that you have no materials
--                        to deal with in the model)
--                       or
--                       -1 if an error condition
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   none
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * You may want to keep this as a global for use in other routines.
--   ###############################################################
--   NOTE:  For EnSight 7.6, only one material set is supported
--          within EnSight.
--          Thus the only valid returns here are:
--               0 (no materials)
--               1 (for the one material set allowed)
--          or  -1 (if an error)
--          If the casefile has more than this, this reader will
--          read them, but EnSight will issue an error message and
--          choke on them!
--   ###############################################################
--  ================================================================
--  A very simple explanatory example, to use as a reference for the
--  materials routines:
--  Given a 2D mesh composed of 9 quad (Z_QUA04) elements, with two materials.
--  Most of the model is material 1, but the top left corner is material 9 -
--  basically as shown:
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--        |        |   /    |        |
--        |     Mat 9 /     |        |
--        |        | /      |        |
--        |        |/       |        |
--        |  e7    /   e8   |   e9   |
--        |       /|        |        |
--        |      / |        |        |
--        |     /  |        |        |
--        *----/---*--------*--------*
--        |   /    |        |        |
--        |  /     |        |        |
--        | /      |      Mat 1      |
--        |/       |        |        |
--        |   e4   |   e5   |   e6   |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |   e1   |   e2   |   e3   |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        |        |        |        |
--        *--------*--------*--------*
--  Thus, in this routine, set:
--    Num_material_sets = 1
--  In USERD_get_matf_set_info, set:
--    mat_set_ids[0]    = 1
--    mat_set_name[0]   = "Material Set 1"  (or whatever name desired)
--  In USERD_get_number_of_materials, input would be set_index = 0, and
--  would need to set:
--    Num_materials[0] = 2
--  For simplicity, the ids and descriptions that would be returned in
--  USERD_get_matf_var_info could be:
--    mat_ids[0] = 1
--    mat_ids[1] = 9
--    mat_desc[0] = "mat 1"   (or whatever desired)
--    mat_desc[2] = "mat 9"
--  The per element material ids list would need to be:
--     material ids:
--     -------------
--     ids_list[0] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e1)
--     ids_list[1] = 1  (     "                  e2)
--     ids_list[2] = 1  (     "                  e3)
--     ids_list[3] = -1 (negative of index into mixed-material id list, for elem e4)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e5)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (     "                  e6)
--     ids_list[5] = -5 (negative of index into mixed-material id list, for elem e7)
--     ids_list[5] = -9 (     "                                                  e8)
--     ids_list[5] = 1  (material id 1, for elem e9)
--  Finally we need the mixed material ids list and the mixed materials values list,
--  which would need to be:
--       mixed-material ids:
--       -------------------
--   ==> 1  ids_list[0]  =  2  (the -1 in the material variable points here,
--                                      2 indicates that two materials are present)
--       2  ids_list[1]  =  1  (1st material is 1)
--       3  ids_list[2]  =  9  (2nd material is 9)
--       4  ids_list[3]  = -1  (negative of index into mixed-material val_list)
--   ==> 5  ids_list[4]  =  2  (the -5 in the material variable points here,
--                                      2 indicates that two materials are present)
--       6  ids_list[5]  =  1  (1st material is 1)
--       7  ids_list[6]  =  9  (2nd material is 9)
--       8  ids_list[7]  = -3  (negative of index into mixed-material val_list)
--   ==> 9  ids_list[8]  =  2     etc.
--       10 ids_list[9]  =  1
--       11 ids_list[10] =  9
--       12 ids_list[11] = -5
--       mixed-material values:
--       ----------------------
--   ==> 1 val_list[0] = 0.875 (the -1 in the  mixed-material ids_list points here,
--                                       and this is the value for material 1)
--       2 val_list[1] = 0.125 (the value for material 9)
--   ==> 3 val_list[2] = 0.125 (the -3 in the mixed-materials ids_list points here)
--       4 val_list[3] = 0.875
--   ==> 5 val_list[4] = 0.875 (the -5 in the mixed-materials ids_list points here)
--       6 val_list[5] = 0.125
--  So, USERD_size_matf_data would need to return
--       matf_size = 8, when called with set_id    = 1
--                                       part_id   = 1
--                                       wtyp      = Z_QUA04
--                                       mat_type  = Z_MAT_INDEX
--       matf_size = 12, when called with set_id   = 1
--                                        part_id  = 1
--                                        mat_type = Z_MIX_INDEX
--                 = 6, when called with set_id   = 1
--                                       part_id  = 1
--                                       mat_type = Z_MIX_VALUE
--  And, USERD_load_matf_data would need to return:
--    the int array ids_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       wtyp     = Z_QUA04
--       mat_type = Z_MAT_INDEX (indicating id list).
--    the int array ids_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       mat_type = Z_MIX_INDEX (indicating id list).
--    the float array val_list as shown above when called with:
--       set_id   = 1
--       part_id  = 1
--       mat_type = Z_MIX_VALUE (indicating val list).
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the material set ids and names
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_matf_set_info(int *mat_set_ids,
--                               char **mat_set_name)
--   Returns: 
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) mat_set_ids  = 1D material set ids array
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                Num_material_sets long)
--   (OUT) mat_set_name = 2D material set name array
--                               (Array will have been allocated
--                                Num_material_sets by Z_BUFL long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero
--   * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the number of materials in the material set
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_number_of_materials( int set_index )
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Num_materials[set_index]   = Number of materials in the set
--                                 0 indicates no materials information present
--                                -1 indicates an error
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN) set_index             = the material set index (zero based)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero
--  * You may want to keep this as a global for use in other routines.
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the material ids and descriptions for the material set
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_matf_var_info(int set_index,
--                               int *mat_ids,
--                               char **mat_desc)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  set_index               = the material set index (zero based)
--   (OUT) mat_ids[set_index]      = 1D integer array containing the material
--                                   ids to associated with each material
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Num_materials[set_index] long)
--   (OUT) mat_desc[set_index]     = 2D char array containing the material
--                                   descriptions to associated with each material
--                                    (Array will have been allocated
--                                     Num_materials[set_index] by Z_BUFL long)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero, or
--     Num_materials[set_index] is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the length of the material id list, mixed-material id list, or
--   mixed-material values list for the given material set and part (and
--   element type if material id list)
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_size_matf_data( int set_index,
--                             int part_id,
--                             int wtyp,
--                             int mat_type,
--                             int *matf_size)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--  (IN)  set_index         = the material set index (zero based)
--  (IN)  part_id           = the part number desired
--  (IN)  wtyp              = the element type        (used for Z_MAT_INDEX only)
--                                  Z_POINT    node point element
--                                  Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                  Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                  Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                  Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                  Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                  Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                  Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_NSIDED  nsided polygon
--                                  Z_NFACED  nfaced polyhedron
--                                  Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                  Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_NSIDED  ghost nsided polygon
--                                  Z_G_NFACED  ghost nfaced polyhedron
--  (IN)  mat_type          = Z_MAT_INDEX for material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_INDEX for mixed-material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_VALUE for mixed-material values list
--  (OUT) matf_size         = the length of the material id list, or
--                            mixed-material id list, or
--                            mixed-material values list
--                            for the given material set and part number
--                            (and element type if Z_MAT_INDEX)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero, or
--     Num_materials[set_index] is zero
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Get the material id list, mixed-material id list, or
--   mixed-material values list for the given material set and part (and
--   element type if material id list)
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_load_matf_data( int set_index,
--                             int part_id,
--                             int wtyp,
--                             int mat_type,
--                             int *ids_list,
--                             float *val_list)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--  (IN)  set_index         = the material set index (zero based)
--  (IN)  part_id           = the part number desired
--  (IN)  wtyp              = the element type        (used for Z_MAT_INDEX only)
--                                  Z_POINT    node point element
--                                  Z_BAR02    2 node bar
--                                  Z_BAR03    3 node bar
--                                  Z_TRI03    3 node triangle
--                                  Z_TRI06    6 node triangle
--                                  Z_QUA04    4 node quad
--                                  Z_QUA08    8 node quad
--                                  Z_TET04    4 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_TET10   10 node tetrahedron
--                                  Z_PYR05    5 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PYR13   13 node pyramid
--                                  Z_PEN06    6 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_PEN15   15 node pentahedron
--                                  Z_HEX08    8 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_HEX20   20 node hexahedron
--                                  Z_NSIDED  nsided polygon
--                                  Z_NFACED  nfaced polyhedron
--                                  Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                  Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                  Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                  Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                  Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                  Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                  Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--                                  Z_G_NSIDED  ghost nsided polygon
--                                  Z_G_NFACED  ghost nfaced polyhedron
--  (IN)  mat_type          = Z_MAT_INDEX for material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_INDEX for mixed-material ids list
--                            Z_MIX_VALUE for mixed-material values list
--  (OUT) ids_list          = If mat_type is Z_MAT_INDEX:
--                            ---------------------------
--                             1D material id list
--                               (Int array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                 USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MAT_INDEX)
--                            If mat_type is Z_MIX_INDEX:
--                            ---------------------------
--                             1D mixed-material id list
--                               (Int array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                 USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MIX_INDEX)
--  (OUT) val_list          = 1D mixed-materials values list
--                            (only used if mat_type is Z_MIX_VALUE)
--                               (Float array will have been allocated
--                                the appropriate size, as returned in
--                                USERD_size_matf_data for mat_type Z_MIX_VALUE)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--  * See USERD_get_number_of_material_sets header for explanatory example
--  * Will not be called if Num_material_sets is zero,
--     or Num_materials[set_index] is zero,
--     or the appropriate size from USERD_size_matf_data is zero
--USERD_get_nsided_conn -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the connectivity of nsided elements
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_nsided_conn(int part_number,
--                             int *nsided_conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number         = the part number
--   (OUT) nsided_conn_array   = 1D array of nsided connectivies
--                               (int array will have been allocated long enough
--                                to hold all the nsided connectivities. Which is
--                                the sum of all the nodes_per_element values in
--                                the conn_array of USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called unless there are some nsided elements in the the part.
--   * Providing nsided information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nsided
--        elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of nodes per nsided element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nsided element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed connectivities for each of the
--        nsided elements.
--     Simple example:         5        6
--                            +--------+
--     3 nsided elements:    /|         \
--     (1 4-sided           / |          \
--      1 3-sided          /  |           \
--      1 7-sided)        /   |            \ 7
--                       /3   |4            +
--                      +-----+             |
--                      |     |             |
--                      |     |             |8
--                      |     |             +
--                      |     |            /
--                      |     |           /
--                      |     |          /
--                      |1    |2        /9
--                      +-----+--------+
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NSIDED] = 3
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      3 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NSIDED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 4           (for the 4-sided element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 3           (for the 3-sided element)
--              conn_array[2][0] = 7           (for the 7-sided element)
--                           Sum  ===
--                                 14    <---------+
--                                                 |
--      3. In this routine:                        |
--           length of nsided_conn_array will be:  14
--              nsided_conn_array[0]  = 1      (connectivity of 4-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[1]  = 2
--              nsided_conn_array[2]  = 4
--              nsided_conn_array[3]  = 3
--              nsided_conn_array[4]  = 3      (connectivity of 3-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[5]  = 4
--              nsided_conn_array[6]  = 5
--              nsided_conn_array[7]  = 2      (connectivity of 7-sided element)
--              nsided_conn_array[8]  = 9
--              nsided_conn_array[9]  = 8
--              nsided_conn_array[10] = 7
--              nsided_conn_array[11] = 6
--              nsided_conn_array[12] = 5
--              nsided_conn_array[13] = 4
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face -
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the number of nodes per face for each face
--   of the nfaced elements.
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face(int part_number,
--                                       int *nfaced_npf_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number       = the part number
--   (OUT) nfaced_npf_array  = 1D array of nodes per face for all faces of
--                             nfaced elements
--                             (int array will have been allocated long enough
--                              to hold all the nodes_per_face values. Which is
--                              the sum of all the number of faces per element
--                              values in the conn_array of
--                              USERD_get_part_elements_by_type)
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   * Will not be called unless there are some nfaced elements in the
--     the part
--   * Providing nfaced information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nfaced
--        polyhedral elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of faces per nfaced element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nfaced element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed number of nodes per face
--        for each of the faces of the nfaced elements.
--     Simple example:         11        10   12
--                            +--------+-----+
--     2 nfaced elements:    /|        |\   /|
--     (1 7-faced           / |        | \ / |
--      1 5-sided)         /  |        |  +9 |
--                        /   |        | /|  |
--                       /7   |      8 /  |  |
--                      +-----------+/ |  |  |
--                      |     |5    |  |4 |  |6
--                      |     +-----|--+--|--+
--                      |    /      |   \ | /
--                      |   /       |    \|/3
--                      |  /        |     +
--                      | /         |    /
--                      |/1         |2 /
--                      +-----------+/
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NFACED] = 2
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      2 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NFACED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 7           (for the 7-faced element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 5           (for the 5-faced element)
--                                ==
--                           Sum  12    <---------+
--                                                |
--      3. In this routine:                       |
--           length of nfaced_npf_array will be:  12
--            nfaced_npf_array[0]  = 5  (5-noded top face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[1]  = 5  (5-noded bot face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[2]  = 4  (4-noded front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[3]  = 4  (4-noded left face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[4]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[5]  = 4  (4-noded right front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[6]  = 4  (4-noded right back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[7]  = 3  (3-noded top face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[8]  = 3  (3-noded bot face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[9]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[10] = 4  (4-noded right face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[11] = 4  (4-noded left front face of 5-faced element)
--                                   ==
--                             Sum   48   <-------------+
--                                                      |
--      4. In USERD_get_nfaced_conn:                    |
--            length of the nfaced_conn_array will be:  48
--            nsided_conn_array[0] = 7   (conn of 5-noded top face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[1] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[2] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[3] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[4] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[5] = 1   (conn of 5-noded bot face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[6] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[7] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[8] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[9] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[10] = 1  (conn of 4-noded front face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[11] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[12] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[13] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[14] = 5  (conn of 4-noded left face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[15] = 1
--            nsided_conn_array[16] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[17] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[18] = 4  (conn of 4-noded back face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[19] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[20] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[21] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[22] = 2  (conn of 4-noded right front face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[23] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[24] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[25] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[26] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right back face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[27] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[28] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[29] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[30] = 9  (conn of 3-noded top face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[33] = 3  (conn of 3-noded bot face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[34] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[35] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[36] = 6  (conn of 4-noded back face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[37] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[38] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[39] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[40] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[41] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[42] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[43] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[44] = 4  (conn of 4-noded left front face of 5-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[45] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[46] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[47] = 10
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the array containing the connectivity of nsided faces of nfaced elements
--   Specification:
--   -------------int
--   int USERD_get_nfaced_conn(int part_number,
--                             int *nfaced_conn_array)
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (IN)  part_number        = the part number
--   (OUT) nfaced_conn_array  = 1D array of nsided face connectivies of nfaced
--                              elements
--                              (int array will have been allocated long enough to
--                               hold all the nsided face connectivities. Which is
--                               the sum of all the nodes per face values in the
--                               nfaced_npf_array of USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face)
--   Notes:
--   -----
-- * Will not be called unless there are some nfaced elements in the part
-- * Providing nfaced information to Ensight:
--     1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info, provide the number of nfaced
--        polyhedral elements in the part.
--     2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type, provide (in the conn_array),
--        the number of faces per nfaced element. (as if connectivity
--        length of an nfaced element is one)
--     3. In this routine, provide the streamed number of nodes per face
--        for each of the faces of the nfaced elements.
--     Simple example:         11        10   12
--                            +--------+-----+
--     2 nfaced elements:    /|        |\   /|
--     (1 7-faced           / |        | \ / |
--      1 5-sided)         /  |        |  +9 |
--                        /   |        | /|  |
--                       /7   |      8 /  |  |
--                      +-----------+/ |  |  |
--                      |     |5    |  |4 |  |6
--                      |     +-----|--+--|--+
--                      |    /      |   \ | /
--                      |   /       |    \|/3
--                      |  /        |     +
--                      | /         |    /
--                      |/1         |2 /
--                      +-----------+/
--      1. In USERD_get_gold_part_build_info:
--              number_of_elements[Z_NFACED] = 2
--                                             .
--                                            /|\
--                                             |
--      2. In USERD_get_part_elements_by_type:
--          length of conn_array will be:      2 x 1
--          for element_type of Z_NFACED:
--              conn_array[0][0] = 7           (for the 7-faced element)
--              conn_array[1][0] = 5           (for the 5-faced element)
--                                ==
--                           Sum  12    <---------+
--                                                |
--      3. In USERD_get_faced_nodes_per_face:     |
--           length of nfaced_npf_array will be:  12
--            nfaced_npf_array[0]  = 5  (5-noded top face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[1]  = 5  (5-noded bot face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[2]  = 4  (4-noded front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[3]  = 4  (4-noded left face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[4]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[5]  = 4  (4-noded right front face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[6]  = 4  (4-noded right back face of 7-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[7]  = 3  (3-noded top face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[8]  = 3  (3-noded bot face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[9]  = 4  (4-noded back face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[10] = 4  (4-noded right face of 5-faced element)
--            nfaced_npf_array[11] = 4  (4-noded left front face of 5-faced element)
--                                   ==
--                             Sum   48   <-------------+
--                                                      |
--      4. In this function:                            |
--            length of the nfaced_conn_array will be:  48
--            nsided_conn_array[0] = 7   (conn of 5-noded top face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[1] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[2] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[3] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[4] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[5] = 1   (conn of 5-noded bot face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[6] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[7] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[8] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[9] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[10] = 1  (conn of 4-noded front face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[11] = 2
--            nsided_conn_array[12] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[13] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[14] = 5  (conn of 4-noded left face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[15] = 1
--            nsided_conn_array[16] = 7
--            nsided_conn_array[17] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[18] = 4  (conn of 4-noded back face of 7-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[19] = 5
--            nsided_conn_array[20] = 11
--            nsided_conn_array[21] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[22] = 2  (conn of 4-noded right front face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[23] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[24] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[25] = 8
--            nsided_conn_array[26] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right back face of 7-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[27] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[28] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[29] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[30] = 9  (conn of 3-noded top face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[32] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[33] = 3  (conn of 3-noded bot face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[34] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[35] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[36] = 6  (conn of 4-noded back face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[37] = 4
--            nsided_conn_array[38] = 10
--            nsided_conn_array[39] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[40] = 3  (conn of 4-noded right face of 5-faced elem)
--            nsided_conn_array[41] = 6
--            nsided_conn_array[42] = 12
--            nsided_conn_array[43] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[44] = 4  (conn of 4-noded left front face of 5-faced)
--            nsided_conn_array[45] = 3
--            nsided_conn_array[46] = 9
--            nsided_conn_array[47] = 10
--Modified Library Routine
--   Description:
--   -----------
--   Gets the info needed for part building process
--   Specification:
--   -------------
--   int
--   USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                                  int *part_types,
--                                  char *part_description[Z_BUFL],
--                                  int *number_of_nodes,
--                                  int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                                  int *ijk_dimensions[9],
--                                  int *iblanking_options[6])
--   Returns:
--   -------
--   Z_OK  if successful
--   Z_ERR if not successful
--   Arguments:
--   ---------
--   (OUT) part_id                = Array containing the external part
--                                  ids for each of the model parts.
--                                  IMPORTANT:
--                                   Parts numbers must be >= 1, because
--                                   of the way they are used in the GUI
--              *******************************************
--               The ids provided here are the numbers by
--               which the parts will be referred to in the
--               GUI (if possible). They are basically
--               labels as far as you are concerned.
--               Note: The part numbers you pass to routines
--               which receive a part_number or block_number
--               or which_part as an argument are the 1-based
--               table index of the parts!
--               example:  If Numparts_available = 3
--                         Table index        part_id
--                         -----------        -------
--                          1                  13
--                          2                  57
--                          3                  125
--                          ^                   ^
--                          |                   |
--                          |                    These are placed in:
--                          |                      part_id[0] = 13
--                          |                      part_id[1] = 57
--                          |                      part_id[2] = 125
--                          |                    for GUI labeling purposes.
--                          |
--                           These implied table indices are the part_number,
--                           block_number, or which_part numbers that you would
--                           pass to routines like:
--                          USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,...
--                          USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,...
--                          USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,...
--                          USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number)
--                          USERD_get_border_availability( int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_border_elements_by_type( int part_number,...
--                          USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                                                     int which_part,...
--                          USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                                          int which_node_or_elem,
--                                                          int which_part,...
--              ********************************************
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_types             = Array containing one of the
--                                  following for each model part:
--                                        Z_UNSTRUCTURED or
--                                        Z_STRUCTURED  or
--                                        Z_IBLANKED
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) part_description       = Array containing a description
--                                  for each of the model parts
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by Z_BUFL
--                                    long)
--   (OUT) number_of_nodes        = Number of unstructured nodes in the part
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available long)
--   (OUT) number_of_elements     = 2D array containing number of
--                                  each type of element for each
--                                  unstructured model part.
--                                  ------------
--                                  Possible types are:
--                                 Z_POINT   =  point
--                                 Z_BAR02   =  2-noded bar
--                                 Z_BAR03   =  3-noded bar
--                                 Z_TRI03   =  3-noded triangle
--                                 Z_TRI06   =  6-noded triangle
--                                 Z_QUA04   =  4-noded quadrilateral
--                                 Z_QUA08   =  8-noded quadrilateral
--                                 Z_TET04   =  4-noded tetrahedron
--                                 Z_TET10   = 10-noded tetrahedron
--                                 Z_PYR05   =  5-noded pyramid
--                                 Z_PYR13   = 13-noded pyramid
--                                 Z_PEN06   =  6-noded pentahedron
--                                 Z_PEN15   = 15-noded pentahedron
--                                 Z_HEX08   =  8-noded hexahedron
--                                 Z_HEX20   = 20-noded hexahedron
--    Starting at API 2.01:
--    ====================
--                                 Z_G_POINT    ghost node point element
--                                 Z_G_BAR02    2 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_BAR03    3 node ghost bar
--                                 Z_G_TRI03    3 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_TRI06    6 node ghost triangle
--                                 Z_G_QUA04    4 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_QUA08    8 node ghost quad
--                                 Z_G_TET04    4 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_TET10   10 node ghost tetrahedron
--                                 Z_G_PYR05    5 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PYR13   13 node ghost pyramid
--                                 Z_G_PEN06    6 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_PEN15   15 node ghost pentahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX08    8 node ghost hexahedron
--                                 Z_G_HEX20   20 node ghost hexahedron
--    Starting at API 2.02:
--    ====================
--                                 Z_NSIDED     n node nsided polygon
--                                 Z_NFACED     n face nfaced polyhedron
--                                 Z_G_NSIDED   n node ghost nsided polygon
--                                 Z_G_NFACED   n face ghost nfaced polyhedron
--                                (Ignored unless Z_UNSTRUCTURED type)
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by
--                                    Z_MAXTYPE long)
--   (OUT) ijk_dimensions         = 2D array containing ijk dimension info
--                                  for structured blocks
--                                  For Z_UNSTRUCTURED - is ignored
--                                  For Z_STRUCTURED or Z_IBLANKED
--        Prior to version 2.03:
--        ----------------------
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by 3 long)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension
--        Starting at version 2.03:
--        ------------------------
--                                   (Array will have been allocated
--                                    Numparts_available by 9 long)
--                              There are two ways to do this:
--                              ------------------------------
--                              1. The simple one, without ranges.
--                                   This is good for all structured models
--                                   that will NOT be used in EnSight's
--                                   Server of Servers
--                                   Simply provide the ijk dimensions in the
--                                   first three slots and place a -1 in
--                                   the 4th slot.  (The remaining slots will
--                                   be ignored).
--                              Thus,
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dimension of block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][3] = -1
--                        (J planes)
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][4] = -1
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                            2 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                              2. Using ranges.
--                                  This one can be used anytime, but MUST
--                                  be used if EnSight's Server of Servers
--                                  is to be used!
--                                  The first 3 slots contain the ijk dimension
--                                  of the complete block (of which this may be
--                                  a portion).  The last 6 slots contain the
--                                  ijk min and max ranges within the complete.
--                              Thus,
--                              ijk_dimensions[][0] = I dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][1] = J dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][2] = K dim of complete block
--                              ijk_dimensions[][3] = Imin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][4] = Imax of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][5] = Jmin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][6] = Jmax of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][7] = Kmin of portion (1-based)
--                              ijk_dimensions[][8] = Kmax of portion (1-based)
--                              example1: (Model has one part, a simple 2D block,
--                                         and want whole thing)
--                        (J planes)
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][3] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][5] = 1
--                            2 *-------*-------*    ijk_dimension[0][6] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][7] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][8] = 1
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                              example2: (Want to have the block represented
--                                         in two portions - 2 parts)
--                        (J planes)                 top portion
--                            4 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][0] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][1] = 4
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[0][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 1
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 3
--                            2 .................    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 4
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 1
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[0][4] = 1
--                              .       .       .
--                            1 .................
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--                        (J planes)                 bottom portion
--                            4 .................
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[1][0] = 3
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[2][1] = 4
--                              .       .       .    ijk_dimension[3][2] = 1
--                            3 *-------*-------*
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 1
--                            2 *-------*-------*    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 3
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 1
--                              |       |       |    ijk_dimension[1][4] = 1
--                              |       |       |
--                            1 *-------*-------*
--                              1       2       3  (I planes)
--        And note that if you were partioning this block for
--        EnSight's Server of Servers, you would only have one part,
--        instead of two.  Each SOS server would return its appropriate
--        ranges in the last 6 slots. The first 3 slots would remain constant.
--   (OUT) iblanking_options      = 2D array containing iblanking
--                                  options possible for each
--                                  structured model part.
--                                  ----------
--                                  (Ignored unless Z_IBLANKED type)
--                                  (Array will have been allocated
--                                   Numparts_available by 6 long)
--       iblanking_options[][Z_EXT]     = TRUE if external (outside)
--                        [][Z_INT]     = TRUE if internal (inside)
--                        [][Z_BND]     = TRUE if boundary
--                        [][Z_INTBND]  = TRUE if internal boundary
--                        [][Z_SYM]     = TRUE if symmetry surface
--   Notes:
--   -----
--   If you haven't built a table of pointers to the different parts,
--   you might want to do so here as you gather the needed info.
--   This will be based on Current_time_step
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_bkup.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--//    backup is not implemented
--int USERD_bkup
--    FILE *archive_file,
--    int backup_type)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_bkup" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_exit_routine.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--// Do nothing
--void USERD_exit_routine
--    void
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_exit_routine" << endl 
--        << flush;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_border_availability.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--// Not used
--int USERD_get_border_availability
--    int part_number,
--    int number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE]
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_border_availability for part_number " 
--        << part_number << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_border_elements_by_type.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--// Not called if USERD_border_availability returns Z_ERR
--int USERD_get_border_elements_by_type
--    int part_number,
--    int element_type,
--    int **conn_array,
--    short *parent_element_type,
--    int *parnet_element_type
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_border_elements_by_type" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_changing_geometry_status.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_changing_geometry_status(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_changing_geometry_status" << endl << flush;
--    // Choose the most general option
--    return Z_CHANGE_CONN;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_constant_val.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--// Not in use
--float USERD_get_constant_val
--    int which_var,
--    int imag_data
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_constant_val" << endl << flush;
--    return 0.0;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
--// NOT SUPPORTED... yet, if ever!
--int USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles)
--    // just return OK
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_descrip_lines.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_descrip_lines
--    int which_type,
--    int which_var,
--    int imag_data,
--    char line1[Z_BUFL],
--    char line2[Z_BUFL]
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_descrip_lines" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    if (which_type == Z_GEOM)
--    {
--        strncpy(line1, meshName, Z_BUFL);
--        strncpy(line2, "", Z_BUFL);
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        strncpy(line1, "WHERE IS THIS LINE USED I WONDER???", Z_BUFL);
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_descrip_lines" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_element_label_status.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--//  if TRUE: set in USERD_get_element_ids_for_part
--int USERD_get_element_label_status(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_element_label_status" << endl << flush;
--    return TRUE;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_geom_timeset_number.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_geom_timeset_number
--    void
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_geom_timeset_number" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    Geom_timeset_number = 1;
--    return Geom_timeset_number;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
--// this is based on the current time step.
--int USERD_get_gold_part_build_info
--    int *part_numbers,
--    int *part_types,
--    char *part_descriptions[Z_BUFL],
--    int *number_of_nodes,
--    int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--    int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--    int *iblanking_options[6]
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_gold_part_build_info" << endl << flush;
--    //#   include "checkForNewMesh.H"
--    const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--    const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--    label nCells = cells.size();
--    // all parts are unstructured
--    for (label n = 0; n<Numparts_available; n++)
--    {
--        part_numbers[n] = n + 1;
--        part_types[n]   = Z_UNSTRUCTURED;
--    }
--    strncpy(part_descriptions[0], meshName, Z_BUFL);
--    for(label i=0; i<nPatches; i++)
--    {
--        word patchName(meshPtr->boundary()[i].name());
--        strncpy(part_descriptions[i+1], patchName.c_str(), Z_BUFL);
--    }
--    label nHex08 = 0;
--    label nPen06 = 0;
--    label nPyr05 = 0;
--    label nTet04 = 0;
--    label nFaced = 0;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--        labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--        if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--        {
--            nHex08++;
--        }
--        else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--        {
--            nTet04++;
--        }
--        else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--        {
--            if (points.size() == 6)
--            {
--                nPen06++;
--            }
--            else if (points.size() == 5)
--            {
--                nPyr05++;
--            }
--            else
--            {
--                nFaced++;
--            }
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            nFaced++;
--        }
--    }
--    for (label n=0; n < Z_MAXTYPE; n++)
--    {
--        for (label i=0; i<Numparts_available; i++)
--        {
--            number_of_elements[i][n] = 0;
--        }
--    }
--    number_of_elements[0][Z_TET04] = nTet04;
--    number_of_elements[0][Z_PYR05] = nPyr05;
--    number_of_elements[0][Z_HEX08] = nHex08;
--    number_of_elements[0][Z_PEN06] = nPen06;
--    number_of_elements[0][Z_NFACED] = nFaced;
--    /*
--    Info << "nTet04 = " << nTet04 << endl;
--    Info << "nPyr05 = " << nPyr05 << endl;
--    Info << "nHex08 = " << nHex08 << endl;
--    Info << "nPen06 = " << nPen06 << endl;
--    Info << "nFaced = " << nFaced << endl;
--        */
--    number_of_nodes[0] = meshPtr->nPoints();
--    const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--    for(label i=0; i<nPatches; i++)
--    {
--        label nTri03 = 0;
--        label nQuad04 = 0;
--        label nPoly = 0;
--        forAll(bMesh[i], n)
--        {
--            label nPoints = bMesh[i][n].size();
--            if (nPoints == 3)
--            {
--                nTri03++;
--            }
--            else  if (nPoints == 4)
--            {
--                nQuad04++;
--            }
--            else
--            {
--                nPoly++;
--            }
--        }
--        number_of_elements[i+1][Z_TRI03] = nTri03;
--        number_of_elements[i+1][Z_QUA04] = nQuad04;
--        number_of_elements[i+1][Z_NSIDED] = nPoly;
--        number_of_nodes[i+1] = bMesh[i].points().size();
--    }
--    if (Numparts_available > nPatches+1)
--    {
--        strncpy
--        (
--            part_descriptions[nPatches+1],
--            cloud::prefix.c_str(),
--            Z_BUFL
--        );
--        number_of_elements[nPatches+1][Z_POINT] = sprayPtr->size();
--        number_of_nodes[nPatches+1] = sprayPtr->size();
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_gold_part_build_info" << endl << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_gold_variable_info.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
--//  variable 1 - var[0] , i.e variables are zero based
--int USERD_get_gold_variable_info
--    char **var_description,
--    char **var_filename,
--    int *var_type,
--    int *var_classify,
--    int *var_complex,
--    char **var_ifilename,
--    float *var_freq,
--    int *var_contran,
--    int *var_timeset
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_gold_variable_info" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    label offset = Num_variables - nSprayVariables;
--    // scalars first ...
--    for (label n=0; n<offset; n++)
--    {
--        if (isScalar[var2field[n]])
--        {
--            var_type[n]     = Z_SCALAR;
--            var_classify[n] = Z_PER_ELEM;
--            var_complex[n]  = FALSE;
--            var_timeset[n]  = 1;
--            strncpy
--            (
--                var_description[n],
--                fieldNames[var2field[n]].c_str(),
--                Z_BUFL
--            );
--        }
--    }
--    // ... and then vectors
--    for (label n=0; n<offset; n++)
--    {
--        if (isVector[var2field[n]])
--        {
--            var_type[n]     = Z_VECTOR;
--            var_classify[n] = Z_PER_ELEM;
--            var_complex[n]  = FALSE;
--            var_timeset[n]  = 1;
--            strncpy
--            (
--                var_description[n],
--                fieldNames[var2field[n]].c_str(),
--                Z_BUFL
--            );
--        }
--    }
--    // ... and tensors (NB! all tensors are treated as asymmetric)
--    for (label n=0; n<offset; n++)
--    {
--        if (isTensor[var2field[n]])
--        {
--            var_type[n]     = Z_TENSOR9;
--            var_classify[n] = Z_PER_ELEM;
--            var_complex[n]  = FALSE;
--            var_timeset[n]  = 1;
--            strncpy
--            (
--                var_description[n],
--                fieldNames[var2field[n]].c_str(),
--                Z_BUFL
--            );
--        }
--    }
--    if (Numparts_available > nPatches+1)
--    {
--        label Ns = lagrangianScalarNames.size();
--        for (label n=0; n<Ns; n++)
--        {
--            var_type[offset + n] = Z_SCALAR;
--            var_classify[offset + n] = Z_PER_ELEM;
--            var_complex[offset + n] = FALSE;
--            var_timeset[offset + n] = 1;
--            word name = parcelPrepend + lagrangianScalarNames[n];
--            strncpy
--            (
--                var_description[offset + n],
--                name.c_str(),
--                Z_BUFL
--            );
--        }
--        for (label n=0; n<lagrangianVectorNames.size(); n++)
--        {
--            var_type[offset + Ns + n] = Z_VECTOR;
--            var_classify[offset + Ns + n] = Z_PER_ELEM;
--            var_complex[offset + Ns + n] = FALSE;
--            var_timeset[offset + Ns  + n] = 1;
--            word name = parcelPrepend + lagrangianVectorNames[n];
--            strncpy
--            (
--                var_description[offset + Ns + n],
--                name.c_str(),
--                Z_BUFL
--            );
--        }
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_gold_variable_info" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_matf_set_info.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_matf_set_info
--    int *mat_set_ids,
--    char **mat_set_name
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_matf_set_info" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_matf_var_info.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_matf_var_info
--    int set_index,
--    int *mat_ids,
--    char **mat_desc
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_matf_var_info" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_maxsize_info.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_maxsize_info
--    int *max_number_of_nodes,
--    int *max_number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--    int *max_ijk_dimensions[3]
--    return Z_ERR; 
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_maxsize_info" << endl;
--    label maxNPoints = 0;
--    label maxNParcels = 0;
--    label nPen06Max = 0;
--    label nHex08Max = 0;
--    label nPyr05Max = 0;
--    label nTet04Max = 0;
--    Info<< "Checking all time steps for EnSight memory allocation purpose. This can take some time." << endl;
--    for (label timeI=1; timeI < timeDirs.size(); ++timeI)
--    {
--        label nPen06 = 0;
--        label nHex08 = 0;
--        label nPyr05 = 0;
--        label nTet04 = 0;
--        runTimePtr->setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
--        Info<< "Checking time = " << runTimePtr->timeName() << endl;
--        const cellShapeList& cells = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--        const label nPoints = meshPtr->nPoints();
--        const label nCells  = cells.size();
--        maxNPoints = max(maxNPoints, nPoints);
--        for (label n=0; n<nCells;n++)
--        {
--            label nFaces = cells[n].nFaces();
--            const labelList& points = cells[n];
--            if ((nFaces == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--            {
--                nHex08++;
--            }
--            else if ((nFaces == 5) && (points.size() == 6))
--            {
--                nPen06++;
--            }
--            else if ((nFaces == 5) && (points.size() == 5))
--            {
--                nPyr05++;
--            }
--            else if ((nFaces == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--            {
--                nTet04++;
--            }
--        }
--        nPen06Max = max(nPen06Max, nPen06);
--        nHex08Max = max(nHex08Max, nHex08);
--        nPyr05Max = max(nPyr05Max, nPyr05);
--        nTet04Max = max(nTet04Max, nTet04);
--        if (Numparts_available > 1)
--        {
--            // Get the maximum number of spray parcels
--            // and store it
--            Cloud<passiveParticle> lagrangian(*meshPtr);
--            if (lagrangian.size() > nMaxParcels)
--            {
--                nMaxParcels = lagrangian.size();
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    max_number_of_nodes[0] = maxNPoints;
--    max_number_of_elements[0][Z_HEX08] = nHex08Max;
--    max_number_of_elements[0][Z_PEN06] = nPen06Max;
--    max_number_of_elements[0][Z_PYR05] = nPyr05Max;
--    max_number_of_elements[0][Z_TET04] = nTet04Max;
--    if (Numparts_available > 1)
--    {
--        max_number_of_nodes[1] = maxNParcels;
--        max_number_of_elements[1][Z_POINT] = maxNParcels;
--    }
--    Info<< "Leaving: USERD_get_maxsize_info" << endl;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_model_extents.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--// Not used. Let EnSight do the job.
--int USERD_get_model_extents
--    float extents[6]
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_model_extents" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_name_of_reader.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--//  Setting name in the gui, and specifying one or two input fields
--int USERD_get_name_of_reader
--    char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--    int *two_fields
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_name_of_reader" << endl << flush;
--    strncpy(reader_name, readerName, Z_MAX_USERD_NAME);
--    *two_fields = FALSE;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_nfaced_conn.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_nfaced_conn
--    int part_number,
--    int *nfaced_conn_array
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_nfaced_conn" 
--        << ", part_number = " << part_number
--        << endl 
--        << flush;
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        label nPoint = 0;
--        const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--        const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--        const faceList& faces = meshPtr->faces();
--        label nCells = cellShapes.size();
--        for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--        {
--            label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--            labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--            if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--            {}
--            else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--            {}
--            else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--            {
--                if (points.size() == 6)
--                {}
--                else if (points.size() == 5)
--                {}
--                else
--                {
--                    for(label i=0; i<nFacesInCell; i++)
--                    {
--                        label facei = cells[n][i];
--                        label nPoints = faces[facei].size();
--                        for(label j=0; j<nPoints; j++)
--                        {
--                            nfaced_conn_array[nPoint++] = faces[facei][j] + 1;
--                        }
--                    }
--                }
--            }
--            else
--            {
--                for(label i=0; i<nFacesInCell; i++)
--                {
--                    label facei = cells[n][i];
--                    label nPoints = faces[facei].size();
--                    for(label j=0; j<nPoints; j++)
--                    {
--                        nfaced_conn_array[nPoint++] = faces[facei][j] + 1;
--                    }
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Exiting: USERD_get_nfaced_conn" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face
--    int part_number,
--    int *nfaced_npf_array
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face" 
--        << ", part_number = " << part_number
--        << endl 
--        << flush;
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--        const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--        const faceList& faces = meshPtr->faces();
--        label nCells = cellShapes.size();
--        label nFaced = 0;
--        for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--        {
--            label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--            labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--            label nPoints = points.size();
--            if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (nPoints == 8))
--            {}
--            else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (nPoints == 4))
--            {}
--            else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--            {
--                if (nPoints == 6)
--                {}
--                else if (nPoints == 5)
--                {}
--                else
--                {
--                    for(label i=0; i<nFacesInCell; i++)
--                    {
--                        label facei = cells[n][i];
--                        label nFacePoints = faces[facei].size();
--                        nfaced_npf_array[nFaced++] = nFacePoints;
--                    }
--                }
--            }
--            else
--            {
--                for(label i=0; i<nFacesInCell; i++)
--                {
--                    label facei = cells[n][i];
--                    label nFacePoints = faces[facei].size();
--                    nfaced_npf_array[nFaced++] = nFacePoints;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Exiting: USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_node_label_status.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--// if TRUE: set in USERD_get_global_node_ids
--int USERD_get_node_label_status(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_node_label_status" << endl << flush;
--    return TRUE;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_nsided_conn.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_nsided_conn
--    int part_number,
--    int *nsided_conn_array 
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_nsided_conn" 
--        << ", part_number = " << part_number
--        << endl 
--        << flush;
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        Info << "************* EEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR *************** " << endl << flush;
--    }
--    else if (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--        //const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--        //const faceList& faces = meshPtr->faces();
--        label patchi = part_number - 2;
--        const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--        label np = 0;
--        forAll(bMesh[patchi], facei)
--        {
--            label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--            if ((nPoints != 3) && (nPoints != 4))
--            {
--                for(label i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
--                {
--                    nsided_conn_array[np++] = bMesh[patchi][facei][i] + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number == nPatches+2)
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Exiting: USERD_get_nsided_conn" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_num_of_time_steps.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--// don't use multiple time sets...NN
--int USERD_get_num_of_time_steps
--    int timeset_number
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_num_of_time_steps" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Num_time_steps;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset" << endl << flush;
--    // use 1 insted of 0 which gives an un-necessary warning.
--    Num_dataset_files = 1;
--    return Num_dataset_files;;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_number_of_material_sets.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_number_of_material_sets
--    void 
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_number_of_material_sets" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    // No materials
--    return 0; 
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_number_of_materials.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_number_of_materials
--    int set_index
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_number_of_materials" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    // No materials
--    return 0;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_number_of_model_parts.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_number_of_model_parts(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_number_of_model_parts" << endl << flush;
--    return Numparts_available;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_number_of_variables.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_number_of_variables(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_number_of_variables" << endl << flush;
--    return Num_variables;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_number_timesets.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_number_of_timesets
--    void
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_number_of_timesets" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    Num_timesets = 1;
--    return  Num_timesets;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_part_coords.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
--// Note: coord_array is 1-based.
--int USERD_get_part_coords
--    int part_number,
--    float **coord_array
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_part_coords" << endl << 
--        "part_number = " << part_number << endl << flush;
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        //#       include "checkForNewMesh.H"
--        const vectorField& points = meshPtr->points();
--        label nPoints = points.size();
--        for (label indx=0; indx<nPoints; indx++)
--        {
--            coord_array[0][indx+1] = (float)points[indx].x();
--            coord_array[1][indx+1] = (float)points[indx].y();
--            coord_array[2][indx+1] = (float)points[indx].z();
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--        //#       include "checkForNewMesh.H"
--        label patchi = part_number-2;
--        const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--        const vectorField& points = bMesh[patchi].points();
--        label nPoints = points.size();
--        for (label indx=0; indx<nPoints; indx++)
--        {
--            coord_array[0][indx+1] = (float)points[indx].x();
--            coord_array[1][indx+1] = (float)points[indx].y();
--            coord_array[2][indx+1] = (float)points[indx].z();
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number == nPatches+2)
--    {
--        label indx = 1;
--        for
--        (
--            Cloud<passiveParticle>::iterator elmnt = sprayPtr->begin();
--            elmnt != sprayPtr->end();
--            ++elmnt
--        )
--        {
--            coord_array[0][indx] = (float)elmnt().position().x();
--            coord_array[1][indx] = (float)elmnt().position().y();
--            coord_array[2][indx] = (float)elmnt().position().z();
--            indx++;
--        }
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_part_coords" << endl << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type
--    int part_number,
--    int element_type,
--    int *elemid_array
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type" << endl 
--        << "part_number = " << part_number << endl 
--        << "element_type = " << element_type << endl << flush;
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--        const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--        label nCells = cells.size();
--        label nPen06 = 0;
--        label nHex08 = 0;
--        label nPyr05 = 0;
--        label nTet04 = 0;
--        label nFaced = 0;
--        if (element_type == Z_HEX08)
--        {
--            for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--            {
--                label nFaces = cells[n].size();
--                labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--                if ((nFaces == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nHex08++] = n + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_PEN06)
--        {
--            for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--            {
--                label nFaces = cells[n].size();
--                labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--                if ((nFaces == 5) && (points.size() == 6))
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nPen06++] = n + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_PYR05)
--        {
--            for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--            {
--                label nFaces = cells[n].size();
--                labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--                if ((nFaces == 5) && (points.size() == 5))
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nPyr05++] = n + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_TET04)
--        {
--            for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--            {
--                label nFaces = cells[n].size();
--                labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--                if ((nFaces == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nTet04++] = n + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_NFACED)
--        {
--            for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--            {
--                label nFaces = cells[n].size();
--                labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--                if ((nFaces == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--                {}
--                else if ((nFaces == 5) && (points.size() == 6))
--                {}
--                else if ((nFaces == 5) && (points.size() == 5))
--                {}
--                else if ((nFaces == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--                {}
--                else
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nFaced++] = n + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--        const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--        label patchi = part_number - 2;
--        label nTri03 = 0;
--        label nQuad04 = 0;
--        label nPoly = 0;
--        if (element_type == Z_TRI03)
--        {
--            forAll(bMesh[patchi], facei)
--            {
--                if (bMesh[patchi][facei].size() == 3)
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nTri03++] = facei + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_QUA04)
--        {
--            forAll(bMesh[patchi], facei)
--            {
--                if (bMesh[patchi][facei].size() == 4)
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nQuad04++] = facei + 1;
--                }
--            }            
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_NSIDED)
--        {
--            forAll(bMesh[patchi], facei)
--            {
--                label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--                if ((nPoints != 3) && (nPoints != 4))
--                {
--                    elemid_array[nPoly++] = facei + 1;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number == nPatches+2)
--    {
--        for (label n=0; n<sprayPtr->size(); n++)
--        {
--            elemid_array[n] = n + 1;
--        }
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type" << endl << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_part_elements_by_type.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_part_elements_by_type
--    int part_number,
--    int element_type,
--    int **conn_array
--#   ifdef ENSIGHTDEBUG
--    Info<< "Entering: USERD_get_part_elements_by_type" << nl
--        << "part_number = " << part_number << nl
--        << "element_type = " << element_type;
--    if (element_type == Z_HEX08)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_HEX08";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_PEN06)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_PEN06";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_PYR05)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_PYR05";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_TET04)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_TET04";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_TRI03)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_TRI03";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_QUA04)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_QUA04";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_NFACED)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_NFACED";
--    }
--    else if (element_type == Z_NSIDED)
--    {
--        Info << " Z_NSIDED";
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        Info << " unknown";
--    }
--    Info << endl << flush;
--#   endif
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--        //================================
--        // hexahedron
--        //================================
--        if (element_type == Z_HEX08)
--        {
--            const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));
--            label nHex08 = 0;
--            forAll(cellShapes, celli)
--            {
--                const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[celli];
--                const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--                if (cellModel == hex)
--                {
--                    forAll(cellShape, ip)
--                    {
--                        conn_array[nHex08][ip] = cellShape[ip] + 1;
--                    }
--                    nHex08++;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        //================================
--        // pentahedron
--        //================================
--        else if (element_type == Z_PEN06)
--        {
--            const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism"));
--            label nPen06 = 0;
--            forAll(cellShapes, celli)
--            {
--                const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[celli];
--                const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--                if (cellModel == prism)
--                {
--                    forAll(cellShape, ip)
--                    {
--                        conn_array[nPen06][ip] = cellShape[ip] + 1;
--                    }
--                    nPen06++;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        //================================
--        // pyramid
--        //================================
--        else if (element_type == Z_PYR05)
--        {
--            const cellModel& pyr = *(cellModeller::lookup("pyr"));
--            label nPyr05 = 0;
--            forAll(cellShapes, celli)
--            {
--                const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[celli];
--                const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--                if (cellModel == pyr)
--                {
--                    forAll(cellShape, ip)
--                    {
--                        conn_array[nPyr05][ip] = cellShape[ip] + 1;
--                    }
--                    nPyr05++;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        //================================
--        // tetrahedron
--        //================================
--        else if (element_type == Z_TET04)
--        {
--            const cellModel& tet = *(cellModeller::lookup("tet"));
--            label nTet04 = 0;
--            forAll(cellShapes, celli)
--            {
--                const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[celli];
--                const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--                if (cellModel == tet)
--                {
--                    forAll(cellShape, ip)
--                    {
--                        conn_array[nTet04][ip] = cellShape[ip] + 1;
--                    }
--                    nTet04++;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        //================================
--        // polyhedra
--        //================================
--        else
--        {
--            label nCells = cellShapes.size();
--            label nFaced = 0;
--            const cellList cells = meshPtr->cells();
--            for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--            {
--                label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--                labelList points = cellShapes[n];
--                if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--                {}
--                else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--                {}
--                else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--                {
--                    if (points.size() == 6)
--                    {}
--                    else if (points.size() == 5)
--                    {}
--                    else
--                    {
--                        conn_array[nFaced++][0] = nFacesInCell;
--                    }
--                }
--                else
--                {
--                    conn_array[nFaced++][0] = nFacesInCell;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--        label patchi = part_number - 2;
--        const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--        label nTri03 = 0;
--        label nQuad04 = 0;
--        if (element_type == Z_TRI03)
--        {
--            forAll(bMesh[patchi], n)
--            {
--                label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][n].size();
--                if (nPoints == 3)
--                {
--                    for(label i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
--                    {
--                        label ip = bMesh[patchi][n][i];
--                        conn_array[nTri03][i] = ip + 1;
--                    }
--                    nTri03++;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_QUA04)
--        {
--            forAll(bMesh[patchi], n)
--            {
--                label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][n].size();
--                if (nPoints == 4)
--                {
--                    for(label i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
--                    {
--                        label ip = bMesh[patchi][n][i];
--                        conn_array[nQuad04][i] = ip + 1;
--                    }
--                    nQuad04++;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        else if (element_type == Z_NSIDED)
--        {
--            label nPoly = 0;
--            forAll(bMesh[patchi], n)
--            {
--                label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][n].size();
--                if ((nPoints != 3) && (nPoints != 4))
--                {
--                    conn_array[nPoly++][0] = nPoints;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    else if (part_number == nPatches+2)
--    {
--        for (label n=0; n<sprayPtr->size(); n++)
--        {
--            conn_array[n][0] = n + 1;
--        }
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--#   ifdef ENSIGHTDEBUG
--    Info<< "Leaving: USERD_get_part_elements_by_type" << endl;
--#   endif
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_part_node_ids.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_part_node_ids
--    int part_number,
--    int *nodeid_array
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_part_node_ids" << endl 
--        << "part_number = " << part_number << endl 
--        << flush;
--    if (part_number == 1)
--    {
--        for (label indx=0; indx<Num_global_nodes; indx++)
--        {
--            nodeid_array[indx] = indx + 1;
--        }
--    }
--    else if  (part_number < nPatches+2)
--    {
--        label patchi = part_number-2;
--        const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--        const vectorField& points = bMesh[patchi].points();
--        label nPoints = points.size();
--        for (label indx=0; indx<nPoints; indx++)
--        {
--            nodeid_array[indx] = indx + 1;
--        }
--    }
--    else if  (part_number == nPatches+2)
--    {
--        label indx = 0;
--        for
--        (
--            Cloud<passiveParticle>::iterator elmnt = sprayPtr->begin();
--            elmnt != sprayPtr->end();
--            ++elmnt
--        )
--        {
--             nodeid_array[indx] = indx + 1;
--             indx++;
--        }
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_part_node_ids" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_reader_version.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_reader_version
--    char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME]
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_reader_version" << endl;
--    strncpy(version_number, readerVersion, Z_MAX_USERD_NAME);
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_reader_version" << endl;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_sol_times.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--// Negative values of the time is not allowed in EnSight.
--// So for engines, where the time is CAD's we need to correct
--// this so that all CAD's are positive. NN
--int USERD_get_sol_times
--    int timeset_number,
--    float *solution_times
--    Info<< "Entering: USERD_get_sol_times\n" << timeDirs << endl;
--    for (label n=0; n<Num_time_steps;n++)
--    {
--        solution_times[n] = timeDirs[n+1].value();
--    }
--    if (timeDirs[1].value() < 0)
--    {
--        scalar addCAD = 360.0;
--        while (timeDirs[1].value() + addCAD < 0.0)
--        {
--            addCAD += 360.0;
--        }
--        for (label n=0; n<Num_time_steps;n++)
--        {
--            solution_times[n] += addCAD;
--            Info << "Time[" << n << "] = " << timeDirs[n+1].value()
--                << " was corrected to " << solution_times[n]  << endl;
--        }
--    }
--    Info<< "Leaving: USERD_get_sol_times" << endl;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_timeset_description.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_timeset_description
--    int timeset_number,
--    char timeset_description[Z_BUFL]
--    Info<< "Entering: USERD_get_timeset_description" << endl;
--    if (timeDirs[1].value() < 0)
--    {
--        strncpy(timeset_description, "CAD", Z_BUFL);
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        strncpy(timeset_description, "seconds", Z_BUFL);
--    }
--    Info<< "Leaving: USERD_get_timeset_description" << endl;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_var_by_component.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_var_by_component
--    int which_variable,
--    int which_part,
--    int var_type,
--    int which_type,
--    int imag_data,
--    int component,
--    float *var_array
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_var_by_component" << endl
--        << "which_variable = " << which_variable << endl
--        << "which_part = " << which_part << endl
--        << "var_type = " << var_type << endl
--        << "which_type = " << which_type << endl
--        << "component = " << component << endl
--        << flush;
--    label nVar = which_variable - 1;
--    Time& runTime = *runTimePtr;
--    fvMesh& mesh = *meshPtr;
--    const cellShapeList& cells = mesh.cellShapes();
--    label nCells = cells.size();
--    if (var_type == Z_SCALAR)
--    {
--        if (which_part == 1)
--        {
--#           include "getFieldScalar.H"
--        }
--        else if (which_part < nPatches+2)
--        {
--#           include "getPatchFieldScalar.H"
--        }
--        else if (which_part == nPatches+2)
--        {
--#           include "getLagrangianScalar.H"
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            return Z_ERR;
--        }
--    }
--    else if (var_type == Z_VECTOR)
--    {
--        if (which_part == 1)
--        {
--#           include "getFieldVector.H"
--        }
--        else if (which_part < nPatches+2)
--        {
--#           include "getPatchFieldVector.H"
--        }
--        else if (which_part == nPatches+2)
--        {
--#           include "getLagrangianVector.H"
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            return Z_ERR;
--        }
--    }
--    else if (var_type == Z_TENSOR9)
--    {
--        // all tensor are treated as asymmetric tensors here
--        if (which_part == 1)
--        {
--#           include "getFieldTensor.H"
--        }
--        else if (which_part < nPatches+2)
--        {
--#           include "getPatchFieldTensor.H"
--        }
--        else if (which_part == nPatches+2)
--        {
--            return Z_UNDEF;
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            return Z_ERR;
--        }
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        return Z_UNDEF;
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_var_by_component" << endl
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_get_var_value_at_specific.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_var_value_at_specific
--    int which_var,
--    int which_node_or_elem,
--    int which_part,
--    int which_elem_type,
--    int time_step,
--    float values[3],
--    int imag_data
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_get_var_value_at_specific" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    // Not sure if it is 0 or 1 based
--    label nNode = which_node_or_elem;
--    label nVar = which_var - 1;
--    fvMesh& mesh = *meshPtr;
--    if (nVar < Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    {
--        Time& runTime = *runTimePtr;
--        IOobject fieldObject
--        (
--            fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--            runTime.timeName(),
--            mesh,
--            IOobject::MUST_READ,
--            IOobject::NO_WRITE
--        );
--        if (isScalar[nVar])
--        {
--            volScalarField scalarField(fieldObject,mesh);
--            values[0] = scalarField[nNode];
--        }
--        else if (isVector[nVar])
--        {
--            volVectorField vectorField(fieldObject,mesh);
--            values[0] = vectorField[nNode].x();
--            values[1] = vectorField[nNode].y();
--            values[2] = vectorField[nNode].z();
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            Info<< "ERROR in USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific. "
--                << "No available variable???"
--                << endl;
--            return Z_ERR;
--        }
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        Info<< "This functionality is not implemented yet."
--            << endl;
--        return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_get_var_value_at_specific" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_load_matf_data.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_load_matf_data
--    int set_index,
--    int part_id,
--    int wtyp,
--    int mat_type,
--    int *ids_list,
--    float *val_list 
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_load_matf_data" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_set_filenames.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
--//  Setting filenames
--int USERD_set_filenames
--    char filename_1[],
--    char filename_2[],
--    char the_path[],
--    int swapbytes
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_set_filenames" << endl << flush;
--    char tmp[100];
--    label lRoot = strlen(the_path);
--    label lCase = strlen(filename_1);
--    bool cleared = false;
--    while (!cleared)
--    {
--        lRoot = strlen(the_path);
--        lCase = strlen(filename_1);
--        // remove the last '/' from rootDir
--        if (the_path[lRoot-1] == '/')
--        {
--            the_path[lRoot-1] = (char)NULL;
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            cleared = true;
--        }
--    }
--    rootDir = the_path;
--    // the path is pre-pended to filename_1
--    // 1 is the 'Geometry' : 2 the 'Result' which is null here
--    // since two_field is FALSE
--    for (label i=0; i<lCase-lRoot;i++)
--    {
--        tmp[i] = filename_1[i+1+lRoot];
--    }
--    caseDir = tmp;
--    if (!isDir(rootDir/caseDir))
--    {
--       Info<< rootDir/caseDir << " is not a valid directory."
--           << endl;
--       return Z_ERR;
--    }
--    // construct the global pointers to the database and mesh
--    delete meshPtr;
--    delete runTimePtr;
--    runTimePtr = new Time
--    (
--        Time::controlDictName,
--        rootDir,
--        caseDir
--    );
--    Time& runTime = *runTimePtr;
--    meshPtr = new fvMesh
--    (
--        IOobject
--        (
--            fvMesh::defaultRegion,
--            runTime.timeName(),
--            runTime
--        )
--    );
--    // set the available number of time-steps
--    timeDirs = Foam::Time::findTimes(rootDir/caseDir);
--    Num_time_steps = timeDirs.size() - 1;
--    nPatches = meshPtr->boundaryMesh().size();
--    // set the number of fields and store their names
--    // a valid field must exist for all time-steps
--    runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeDirs.size()-1], timeDirs.size()-1);
--    IOobjectList objects(*meshPtr, runTime.timeName());
--    fieldNames = objects.names();
--    // because of the spray being a 'field' ...
--    // get the availabe number of variables and
--    // check for type (scalar/vector/tensor)
--    label nVar = 0;
--    wordList scalars = objects.names(scalarName);
--    for (label n=0; n<fieldNames.size(); n++)
--    {
--        bool isitScalar = false;
--        forAll(scalars,i)
--        {
--            if (fieldNames[n] == scalars[i])
--            {
--                isitScalar = true;
--                var2field[nVar++] = n;
--            }
--        }
--        isScalar[n] = isitScalar;
--    }
--    wordList vectors = objects.names(vectorName);
--    for (label n=0; n<fieldNames.size(); n++)
--    {
--        bool isitVector = false;
--        forAll(vectors,i)
--        {
--            if (fieldNames[n] == vectors[i])
--            {
--                isitVector = true;
--                var2field[nVar++] = n;
--            }
--        }
--        isVector[n] = isitVector;
--    }
--    wordList tensors = objects.names(tensorName);
--    for (label n=0; n<fieldNames.size(); n++)
--    {
--        bool isitTensor = false;
--        forAll(tensors,i)
--        {
--            if (fieldNames[n] == tensors[i])
--            {
--                isitTensor = true;
--                var2field[nVar++] = n;
--            }
--        }
--        isTensor[n] = isitTensor;
--    }
--    bool lagrangianNamesFound = false;
--    label n = 0;
--    while (!lagrangianNamesFound && n < Num_time_steps)
--    {
--        runTime.setTime(timeDirs[n+1], n+1);
--        Cloud<passiveParticle> lagrangian(*meshPtr);
--        n++;
--        if (lagrangian.size())
--        {
--            lagrangianNamesFound = true;
--        }
--    }
--    IOobject sprayHeader
--    (
--        "positions",
--        runTime.timeName(),
--        cloud::prefix,
--        runTime,
--        IOobject::NO_READ,
--        IOobject::NO_WRITE,
--        false
--    );
--    if (sprayHeader.headerOk())
--    {
--        Info << "[Found lagrangian]" << endl;
--        delete sprayPtr;
--        sprayPtr = new Cloud<passiveParticle>(*meshPtr);
--        IOobjectList objects(*meshPtr, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix);
--        lagrangianScalarNames =
--            (const wordList&)objects.names(sprayScalarFieldName);
--        lagrangianVectorNames =
--            (const wordList&)objects.names(sprayVectorFieldName);
--        isSpray[fieldNames.size()] = true;
--        nSprayVariables += lagrangianScalarNames.size();
--        nSprayVariables += lagrangianVectorNames.size();
--        Num_unstructured_parts++;
--    }
--    Current_time_step = Num_time_steps;
--    runTime.setTime(timeDirs[Current_time_step], Current_time_step);
--    Num_variables = nVar + nSprayVariables;
--    Numparts_available = Num_unstructured_parts + Num_structured_parts + nPatches;
--    Info << "Leaving: USERD_set_filenames" << endl << flush;
--    return Z_OK;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_set_server_number.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--void USERD_set_server_number
--    int cur_serv,
--    int tot_serv
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_set_server_number" << endl 
--        << flush;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_set_time_set_and_step.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
--void USERD_set_time_set_and_step
--    int timeset_number,
--    int time_step
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_set_time_set_and_step" << endl << flush;
--    // update the global pointers and variables
--    // to the current time-step
--    // at exit time_step < 0
--    if (time_step >= 0)
--    {
--        Time& runTime = *runTimePtr;
--        Current_time_step = time_step;
--        // add 1, since the first timestep is 'constant'
--        if (time_step == 0)
--        {
--            runTime.setTime
--            (
--                timeDirs[Current_time_step],
--                Current_time_step
--            );
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            runTime.setTime
--            (
--                timeDirs[Current_time_step + 1],
--                Current_time_step + 1
--            );
--        }
--        meshPtr->readUpdate();
--        if (time_step == 0)
--        {
--            runTime.setTime
--            (
--                timeDirs[Current_time_step + 1],
--                Current_time_step + 1
--            );
--        }
--        if (Numparts_available > nPatches+1)
--        {
--            delete sprayPtr;
--            sprayPtr = new Cloud<passiveParticle>(*meshPtr);
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_size_matf_data.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_size_matf_data
--    int set_index,
--    int part_id,
--    int wtyp,
--    int mat_type,
--    int *matf_size 
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_size_matf_data" << endl 
--        << flush;
--    return Z_ERR;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_stop_part_building.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
--// Not in use
--void USERD_stop_part_building(void)
--    Info << "Entering: USERD_stop_part_building" << endl << flush;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/USERD_structured_data.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
--int USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component
--    int block_number,
--    int which_vector,
--    int which_component,
--    float *vector_array
--  return(Z_OK);
--int USERD_get_block_coords_by_component
--    int block_number,
--    int which_component,
--    float *coord_array
--  return(Z_OK);
--int USERD_get_block_iblanking
--    int block_number,
--    int *iblank_array
--  return(Z_OK);
--int USERD_get_block_scalar_values
--    int block_number,
--    int which_scalar,
--    float *scalar_array
--  return(Z_OK);
--int USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag( void )
--  return(Z_OK);
--int USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag
--    int block_number
--  return(Z_OK);
--int USERD_get_block_ghost_flags
--    int block_number,
--    int *ghost_flags
--  return(Z_OK);
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/files.cmake
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
--#               ______                _     ____          __  __
--#              |  ____|             _| |_  / __ \   /\   |  \/  |
--#              | |__ _ __ ___  ___ /     \| |  | | /  \  | \  / |
--#              |  __| '__/ _ \/ _ ( (| |) ) |  | |/ /\ \ | |\/| |
--#              | |  | | |  __/  __/\_   _/| |__| / ____ \| |  | |
--#              |_|  |_|  \___|\___|  |_|   \____/_/    \_\_|  |_|
--#                   FreeFOAM: The Cross-Platform CFD Toolkit
--# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Michael Wild <themiwi at users.sf.net>
--#                         Gerber van der Graaf <gerber_graaf at users.sf.net>
--# License
--#   This file is part of FreeFOAM.
--#   FreeFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
--#   option) any later version.
--#   FreeFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--#   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--#   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--#   for more details.
--#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--#   along with FreeFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--  libuserd.C
--# ------------------------- vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et: --------------- end-of-file
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getFieldScalar.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
--if (nVar >= Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObjectPtr
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::NO_READ
--if (!fieldObjectPtr.headerOk())
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObject
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::MUST_READ,
--    IOobject::NO_WRITE
--volScalarField scalarField
--    fieldObject,
--    mesh
--const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--// hexa's
--if (which_type == Z_HEX08)
--    const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));
--    //const cellModel& wedge = *(cellModeller::lookup("wedge"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label celli=0; celli<nCells; celli++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[celli];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == hex) // || (cellModel == wedge))
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = scalarField[celli];
--        }
--    }
--// penta's
--if (which_type == Z_PEN06)
--    const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == prism)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = scalarField[n];
--        }
--    }
--// pyramids's
--if (which_type == Z_PYR05)
--    const cellModel& pyr = *(cellModeller::lookup("pyr"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == pyr)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = scalarField[n];
--        }
--    }
--// tet's
--if (which_type == Z_TET04)
--    const cellModel& tet = *(cellModeller::lookup("tet"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == tet)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = scalarField[n];
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_NFACED)
--    const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const labelList& points = cellShapes[n];
--        label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--        if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--        {}
--        else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--        {}
--        else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--        {
--            if (points.size() == 6)
--            {}
--            else if (points.size() == 5)
--            {}
--            else
--            {
--                var_array[counter++] = scalarField[n];
--            }
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = scalarField[n];
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getFieldTensor.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
--if (nVar >= Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObjectPtr
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::NO_READ
--if (!fieldObjectPtr.headerOk())
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObject
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::MUST_READ,
--    IOobject::NO_WRITE
--volTensorField tf
--    fieldObject,
--    mesh
--const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--// hexa's
--if (which_type == Z_HEX08)
--    const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));
--    //const cellModel& wedge = *(cellModeller::lookup("wedge"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == hex) // || (cellModel == wedge))
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--// penta's
--if (which_type == Z_PEN06)
--    const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism"));
--    label counter = 1;    
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == prism)
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--// pyramids's
--if (which_type == Z_PYR05)
--    const cellModel& pyr = *(cellModeller::lookup("pyr"));
--    label counter = 1;    
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == pyr)
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--// penta's
--if (which_type == Z_TET04)
--    const cellModel& tet = *(cellModeller::lookup("tet"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == tet)
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_NFACED)
--    const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const labelList& points = cellShapes[n];
--        label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--        if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--        {}
--        else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--        {}
--        else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--        {
--            if (points.size() == 6)
--            {}
--            else if (points.size() == 5)
--            {}
--            else
--            {
--#               include "tensorConversion.H"
--            }
--        }
--        else
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getFieldVector.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
--if (nVar >= Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObjectPtr
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::NO_READ
--if (!fieldObjectPtr.headerOk())
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObject
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::MUST_READ,
--    IOobject::NO_WRITE
--volVectorField vectorField
--    fieldObject,
--    mesh
--const cellShapeList& cellShapes = meshPtr->cellShapes();
--// hexa's
--if (which_type == Z_HEX08)
--    const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));
--    //const cellModel& wedge = *(cellModeller::lookup("wedge"));
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == hex) // || (cellModel == wedge))
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = vectorField[n][component];
--        }
--    }
--// penta's
--if (which_type == Z_PEN06)
--    const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism"));
--    label counter = 1;    
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == prism)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = vectorField[n][component];
--        }
--    }
--// pyramids's
--if (which_type == Z_PYR05)
--    const cellModel& pyr = *(cellModeller::lookup("pyr"));
--    label counter = 1;    
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == pyr)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = vectorField[n][component];
--        }
--    }
--// tet's
--if (which_type == Z_TET04)
--    const cellModel& tet = *(cellModeller::lookup("tet"));
--    label counter = 1;    
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[n];
--        const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
--        if (cellModel == tet)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = vectorField[n][component];
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_NFACED)
--    const cellList& cells = meshPtr->cells();
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<nCells; n++)
--    {
--        const labelList& points = cellShapes[n];
--        label nFacesInCell = cells[n].size();
--        if ((nFacesInCell == 6) && (points.size() == 8))
--        {}
--        else if ((nFacesInCell == 4) && (points.size() == 4))
--        {}
--        else if (nFacesInCell == 5)
--        {
--            if (points.size() == 6)
--            {}
--            else if (points.size() == 5)
--            {}
--            else
--            {
--                var_array[counter++] = vectorField[n][component];
--            }
--        }
--        else
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = vectorField[n][component];
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getLagrangianScalar.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--// Not sure if this is necessary anymore
--nVar -= Num_variables - nSprayVariables;
--if (nVar >= 0)
--    word name = lagrangianScalarNames[nVar];
--    IOField<scalar> s
--    (
--        IOobject
--        (
--            name,
--            runTime.timeName(),
--            cloud::prefix,
--            mesh,
--            IOobject::MUST_READ,
--            IOobject::NO_WRITE
--        )
--    );
--    if (s.size())
--    {
--        for (label n = 0; n < s.size(); n++)
--        {
--            var_array[n+1] = s[n];
--        }
--    }
--    // Info << "getLagrangianScalar: nVar = " << nVar << endl;
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getLagrangianVector.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
--// Not sure if this is necessary anymore
--nVar -= Num_variables - nSprayVariables + lagrangianScalarNames.size();
--if (nVar >= 0)
--    word name = lagrangianVectorNames[nVar];
--    IOField<vector> v
--    (
--        IOobject
--        (
--            name,
--            runTime.timeName(),
--            cloud::prefix,
--            mesh,
--            IOobject::MUST_READ,
--            IOobject::NO_WRITE
--        )
--    );
--    if (v.size())
--    {
--        for (label n = 0; n < v.size(); n++)
--        {
--            if (component == 0)
--            {
--                var_array[n+1] = v[n].x();
--            }
--            else if (component == 1)
--            {
--                var_array[n+1] = v[n].y();
--            }
--            else if (component == 2)
--            {
--                var_array[n+1] = v[n].z();
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    // Info<< "getLagrangianVector: nVar = " << nVar << endl;
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getPatchFieldScalar.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--label patchi = which_part - 2;
--if (nVar >= Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObjectPtr
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::NO_READ
--if (!fieldObjectPtr.headerOk())
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObject
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::MUST_READ,
--    IOobject::NO_WRITE
--volScalarField sf
--    fieldObject,
--    mesh
--const scalarField& sfb = sf.boundaryField()[patchi];
--const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--if (which_type == Z_TRI03)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label facei=0; facei<sfb.size(); facei++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--        if (nPoints == 3)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = sfb[facei];
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_QUA04)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label facei=0; facei<sfb.size(); facei++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--        if (nPoints == 4)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = sfb[facei];
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_NSIDED)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label facei=0; facei<sfb.size(); facei++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--        if ((nPoints != 3) && (nPoints != 4))
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = sfb[facei];
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getPatchFieldTensor.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--label patchi = which_part - 2;
--if (nVar >= Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObjectPtr
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::NO_READ
--if (!fieldObjectPtr.headerOk())
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObject
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::MUST_READ,
--    IOobject::NO_WRITE
--volTensorField sf
--    fieldObject,
--    mesh
--const tensorField& tf = sf.boundaryField()[patchi];
--const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--if (which_type == Z_TRI03)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<tf.size(); n++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][n].size();
--        if (nPoints == 3)
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_QUA04)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<tf.size(); n++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][n].size();
--        if (nPoints == 4)
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_NSIDED)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label n=0; n<tf.size(); n++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][n].size();
--        if ((nPoints != 3) && (nPoints != 4))
--        {
--#           include "tensorConversion.H"
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/getPatchFieldVector.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--label patchi = which_part - 2;
--if (nVar >= Num_variables - nSprayVariables)
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObjectPtr
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::NO_READ
--if (!fieldObjectPtr.headerOk())
--    return Z_UNDEF;
--IOobject fieldObject
--    fieldNames[var2field[nVar]],
--    runTime.timeName(),
--    mesh,
--    IOobject::MUST_READ,
--    IOobject::NO_WRITE
--volVectorField sf
--    fieldObject,
--    mesh
--const vectorField& sfb = sf.boundaryField()[patchi];
--const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = meshPtr->boundaryMesh();
--if (which_type == Z_TRI03)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label facei=0; facei<sfb.size(); facei++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--        if (nPoints == 3)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = sfb[facei][component];
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_QUA04)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label facei=0; facei<sfb.size(); facei++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--        if (nPoints == 4)
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = sfb[facei][component];
--        }
--    }
--if (which_type == Z_NSIDED)
--    label counter = 1;
--    for (label facei=0; facei<sfb.size(); facei++)
--    {
--        label nPoints = bMesh[patchi][facei].size();
--        if ((nPoints != 3) && (nPoints != 4))
--        {
--            var_array[counter++] = sfb[facei][component];
--        }
--    }
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/globalFoam.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
--// Global variables
--const int maxNames = 1000;
--// define the name to be displayed in the window.
--static char readerName[]           = "OpenFOAM";
--static char meshName[]             = "cells";
--static char readerVersion[]        = "2.03";
--// everything is one part in foam, except the spray
--static int Num_unstructured_parts  = 1;
--static int Num_structured_parts    = 0;
--static int Numparts_available      = 1;
--static int nPatches                = 0;
--static int Num_timesets            = 1;
--static int Geom_timeset_number     = 1;
--static int Num_time_steps          = 1;
--static int Num_global_nodes        = 0;
--static int Num_variables           = 0;
--static int Num_dataset_files       = 0;
--static int Current_time_step       = 0;
--static label nSprayVariables       = 0;
--static label nMaxParcels           = 0;
--static bool isScalar[maxNames];
--static bool isVector[maxNames];
--static bool isTensor[maxNames];
--static bool isSpray[maxNames];
--static word scalarName             = "volScalarField";
--static word vectorName             = "volVectorField";
--static word tensorName             = "volTensorField";
--static word sprayScalarFieldName   = "scalarField";
--static word sprayVectorFieldName   = "vectorField";
--static word sprayTensorFieldName   = "tensorField";
--static word parcelPrepend          = "parcel_";
--static word pointPrepend           = "point_";
--static fileName rootDir;
--static fileName caseDir;
--static instantList timeDirs;
--static List<word> fieldNames;
--static List<word> lagrangianScalarNames;
--static List<word> lagrangianVectorNames;
--static label var2field[maxNames];
--static Time *runTimePtr = 0;
--static fvMesh *meshPtr = 0;
--static Cloud<passiveParticle> *sprayPtr = 0;
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/global_extern.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
--/* Header file for EnSight External Reader DSO Library Routines */
--/*  *************************************************************
-- *   Copyright 1998 Computational Engineering International, Inc.
-- *   All Rights Reserved.
-- *
-- *        Restricted Rights Legend
-- *
-- *   Use, duplication, or disclosure of this
-- *   software and its documentation by the
-- *   Government is subject to restrictions as
-- *   set forth in subdivision [(b)(3)(ii)] of
-- *   the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
-- *   Software clause at 52.227-7013.
-- *  *************************************************************
-- */
-- * Set the reader version define
-- * (only one can be set at a time)
-- *--------------------------------*/
--#define USERD_API_203
-- * Set this appropriately:
-- *  DO_ENSIGHT  if using for EnSight itself
-- *  DO_READER   if using in a reader
-- *----------------------------------------*/
--#if 1
--#define DO_READER
--#define DO_ENSIGHT
--/* True/False and Error conditions, etc. */
--#define Z_ERR                  (-1)          /*Error return value.*/
--#define Z_OK                    (1)          /*Success return value.*/
--#define Z_UNDEF                 (2)          /*Undefined return value.*/
--#define Z_NOT_IMPLEMENTED       (3)          /*Routine not implemented*/
--                                             /*(currently only checked for */
--                                             /* get_var_value_at_specific routine)*/ 
--#ifndef TRUE
--# define TRUE                   (1)
--# define FALSE                  (0)
--#define Z_BUFL                 (80)          /* Typical string length */
--#define Z_COMPX                 (0)          /* x component */
--#define Z_COMPY                 (1)          /* y component */
--#define Z_COMPZ                 (2)          /* z component */
--#define Z_STATIC                (0)          /* static geometry          */
--#define Z_CHANGE_COORDS         (1)          /* coordinate changing only */
--#define Z_CHANGE_CONN           (2)          /* conectivity changing     */
--#define Z_GEOM                  (0)          /* Geometry type */
--#define Z_VARI                  (1)          /* Variable type */
--#define Z_SAVE_ARCHIVE          (0)          /* Save archive    */
--#define Z_REST_ARCHIVE          (1)          /* Restore archive */
--#define Z_MAX_USERD_NAME        (20)         /* max length of reader name */
--#define Z_PER_NODE              (4)          /* At Nodes Variable classif.   */
--#define Z_PER_ELEM              (1)          /* At Elements Variable classif.*/
--#define Z_MAX_SETS              (300)
--#ifndef GLOBALDEFS_H
--/* Unstructured coordinate structure */
--typedef struct {
--  float xyz[3];
--/* Variable Types */
--enum z_var_type
--  Z_TENSOR9,
-- * Element Types
-- *---------------
-- * If you mess with these, you must also
-- * change the get_z_maxtype
-- *            to_z_elem_type
-- *            to_int_elem_type routines
-- * in userd_read.c
-- *----------------------------------------*/
--#if (defined USERD_API_100 || defined USERD_API_200) && defined DO_READER
--enum z_elem_types {
--  Z_POINT,         /* 00:  1 node point element */
--  Z_BAR02,         /* 01:  2 node bar           */
--  Z_BAR03,         /* 02:  3 node bar           */
--  Z_TRI03,         /* 03:  3 node triangle      */
--  Z_TRI06,         /* 04:  6 node triangle      */
--  Z_QUA04,         /* 05:  4 node quad          */
--  Z_QUA08,         /* 06:  8 node quad          */
--  Z_TET04,         /* 07:  4 node tetrahedron   */
--  Z_TET10,         /* 08: 10 node tetrahedron   */
--  Z_PYR05,         /* 09:  5 node pyramid       */
--  Z_PYR13,         /* 10: 13 node pyramid       */
--  Z_PEN06,         /* 11:  6 node pentahedron   */
--  Z_PEN15,         /* 12: 15 node pentahedron   */
--  Z_HEX08,         /* 13:  8 node hexahedron    */
--  Z_HEX20,         /* 14: 20 node hexahedron    */
--#elif defined USERD_API_201 && defined DO_READER
--enum z_elem_types {
--  Z_POINT,         /* 00:  1 node point element              */
--  Z_G_POINT,       /* 01:  1 node point element (ghost call) */
--  Z_BAR02,         /* 02:  2 node bar                        */
--  Z_G_BAR02,       /* 03:  2 node bar           (ghost cell) */
--  Z_BAR03,         /* 04:  3 node bar                        */
--  Z_G_BAR03,       /* 05:  3 node bar           (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TRI03,         /* 06:  3 node triangle                   */
--  Z_G_TRI03,       /* 07:  3 node triangle      (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TRI06,         /* 08:  6 node triangle                   */
--  Z_G_TRI06,       /* 09:  6 node triangle      (ghost cell) */
--  Z_QUA04,         /* 10:  4 node quad                       */
--  Z_G_QUA04,       /* 11:  4 node quad          (ghost cell) */
--  Z_QUA08,         /* 12:  8 node quad                       */
--  Z_G_QUA08,       /* 13:  8 node quad          (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TET04,         /* 14:  4 node tetrahedron                */
--  Z_G_TET04,       /* 15:  4 node tetrahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TET10,         /* 16: 10 node tetrahedron                */
--  Z_G_TET10,       /* 17: 10 node tetrahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PYR05,         /* 18:  5 node pyramid                    */
--  Z_G_PYR05,       /* 19:  5 node pyramid       (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PYR13,         /* 20: 13 node pyramid                    */
--  Z_G_PYR13,       /* 21: 13 node pyramid       (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PEN06,         /* 22:  6 node pentahedron                */
--  Z_G_PEN06,       /* 23:  6 node pentahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PEN15,         /* 24: 15 node pentahedron                */
--  Z_G_PEN15,       /* 25: 15 node pentahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_HEX08,         /* 26:  8 node hexahedron                 */
--  Z_G_HEX08,       /* 27:  8 node hexahedron    (ghost cell) */
--  Z_HEX20,         /* 28: 20 node hexahedron                 */
--  Z_G_HEX20,       /* 29: 20 node hexahedron    (ghost cell) */
--enum z_elem_types {
--  Z_POINT,         /* 00:  1 node point element              */
--  Z_G_POINT,       /* 01:  1 node point element (ghost call) */
--  Z_BAR02,         /* 02:  2 node bar                        */
--  Z_G_BAR02,       /* 03:  2 node bar           (ghost cell) */
--  Z_BAR03,         /* 04:  3 node bar                        */
--  Z_G_BAR03,       /* 05:  3 node bar           (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TRI03,         /* 06:  3 node triangle                   */
--  Z_G_TRI03,       /* 07:  3 node triangle      (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TRI06,         /* 08:  6 node triangle                   */
--  Z_G_TRI06,       /* 09:  6 node triangle      (ghost cell) */
--  Z_QUA04,         /* 10:  4 node quad                       */
--  Z_G_QUA04,       /* 11:  4 node quad          (ghost cell) */
--  Z_QUA08,         /* 12:  8 node quad                       */
--  Z_G_QUA08,       /* 13:  8 node quad          (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TET04,         /* 14:  4 node tetrahedron                */
--  Z_G_TET04,       /* 15:  4 node tetrahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_TET10,         /* 16: 10 node tetrahedron                */
--  Z_G_TET10,       /* 17: 10 node tetrahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PYR05,         /* 18:  5 node pyramid                    */
--  Z_G_PYR05,       /* 19:  5 node pyramid       (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PYR13,         /* 20: 13 node pyramid                    */
--  Z_G_PYR13,       /* 21: 13 node pyramid       (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PEN06,         /* 22:  6 node pentahedron                */
--  Z_G_PEN06,       /* 23:  6 node pentahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_PEN15,         /* 24: 15 node pentahedron                */
--  Z_G_PEN15,       /* 25: 15 node pentahedron   (ghost cell) */
--  Z_HEX08,         /* 26:  8 node hexahedron                 */
--  Z_G_HEX08,       /* 27:  8 node hexahedron    (ghost cell) */
--  Z_HEX20,         /* 28: 20 node hexahedron                 */
--  Z_G_HEX20,       /* 29: 20 node hexahedron    (ghost cell) */
--  Z_NSIDED,        /* 30:  n node polygon                    */
--  Z_G_NSIDED,      /* 31:  n node polygon       (ghost cell) */
--  Z_NFACED,        /* 32:  n faced polyhedron                */
--  Z_G_NFACED,      /* 33:  n faced polyhedron   (ghost cell) */
--enum z_node_ids_opt
--enum z_element_ids_opt
--/* Unstructured/Structured types */
--enum z_structured_defs
--  Z_UNSTRUCTURED,         /* for unstructured part */
--  Z_STRUCTURED,           /* for structured (non-iblanked) part */
--  Z_IBLANKED,             /* for structured iblanked part */
--/* Structured Iblanking types */
--enum z_iblank_domain
--  Z_EXT,                  /* Exterior */
--  Z_INT,                  /* Interior */
--  Z_BND,                  /* Boundary */
--  Z_INTBND,               /* Internal boundary/baffle */
--  Z_SYM,                  /* Symmetry surface */
--/* Dataset Query file info Structure */
--#define Z_MAXFILENP    255  /* Max file name and path.*/
--#define Z_MAXTIMLEN     40  /* Max time str length */
--#define Z_BUFLEN        82  /* Allocated length of the f_desc strings */
--typedef struct {
--    char name[Z_MAXFILENP];
--    long sizeb;
--    char timemod[Z_MAXTIMLEN];
--    int num_d_lines;
--    char **f_desc;
-- * Mixed Material enum
-- *
-- * (Must be comparable to material_file_index
-- *  in mat_defs.h of EnSight server)
-- *--------------------------------------------*/
--enum  z_material_file_index
-- * For readers, we need to include the prototype header file
-- *----------------------------------------------------------*/
--#if defined DO_READER
--#include "global_extern_proto.h"
--#endif /*GLOBAL_EXTERN_H*/
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/global_extern_proto.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
--/* Prototype Header file for EnSight External Reader            */
--/* DSO Library Routines                                         */
--/*                                                              */
--/* intended to be included from global_extern.h only            */
--/*  *************************************************************
-- *   Copyright 1998 Computational Engineering International, Inc.
-- *   All Rights Reserved.
-- *
-- *        Restricted Rights Legend
-- *
-- *   Use, duplication, or disclosure of this
-- *   software and its documentation by the
-- *   Government is subject to restrictions as
-- *   set forth in subdivision [(b)(3)(ii)] of
-- *   the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
-- *   Software clause at 52.227-7013.
-- *  *************************************************************
-- */
--#ifdef WIN32
--#define W32IMPORT __declspec( dllimport )
--#define W32EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
--#define W32IMPORT extern
--#define W32EXPORT extern
-- * Same in All Versions
-- *----------------------*/
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_number_of_model_parts( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_block_coords_by_component(int block_number,
--                                    int which_component,
--                                    float *coord_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_block_iblanking(int block_number,
--                          int *iblank_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_block_scalar_values(int block_number,
--                              int which_scalar,
--                              float *scalar_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_block_vector_values_by_component(int block_number,
--                                           int which_vector,
--                                           int which_component,
--                                           float *vector_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_name_of_reader(char reader_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME],
--                         int *two_fields);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_reader_descrip(char descrip[Z_MAXFILENP]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_set_filenames(char filename_1[],
--                    char filename_2[],
--                    char the_path[],
--                    int swapbytes);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info(Z_QFILES *qfiles);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_changing_geometry_status( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_node_label_status( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_element_label_status( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_number_of_variables( void );
--W32IMPORT void
--USERD_stop_part_building( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_bkup(FILE *archive_file,
--           int backup_type);
-- * For Version 1.000 Only
-- *-----------------------*/
--#if defined USERD_API_100
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_number_of_global_nodes( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_global_coords(CRD *coord_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_global_node_ids(int *nodeid_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_element_connectivities_for_part(int part_number,
--                                          int **conn_array[Z_MAXTYPE]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_element_ids_for_part(int part_number,
--                               int *elemid_array[Z_MAXTYPE]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_vector_values(int which_vector,
--                        int which_part,
--                        int which_type,
--                        float *vector_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                          int *part_types,
--                          char *part_descriptions[Z_BUFL],
--                          int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                          int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                          int *iblanking_options[6]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_scalar_values(int which_scalar,
--                        int which_part,
--                        int which_type,
--                        float *scalar_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                        char **var_filename,
--                        int *var_type,
--                        int *var_classify);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_description_lines(int which_type,
--                            int which_var,
--                            char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                            char line2[Z_BUFL]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_variable_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                     int which_node_or_elem,
--                                     int which_part,
--                                     int which_elem_type,
--                                     int time_step,
--                                     float values[3]);
--W32IMPORT float
--USERD_get_constant_value(int which_var);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_solution_times(float *solution_times);
--W32IMPORT void
--USERD_set_time_step(int time_step);
--W32IMPORT int
-- * New For Version 2.000
-- *----------------------*/
--#if !defined USERD_API_100
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_part_coords(int part_number,
--                      float **coord_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_part_node_ids(int part_number,
--                        int *nodeid_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_part_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                int element_type,
--                                int **conn_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type(int part_number,
--                                   int element_type,
--                                   int *elemid_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_reader_version(char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_reader_release(char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_var_by_component(int which_variable,
--                           int which_part,
--                           int var_type,
--                           int which_type,
--                           int complex,
--                           int component,
--                           float *var_array);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_maxsize_info(int *max_number_of_nodes,
--                       int *max_number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                       int *max_ijk_dimensions[3]);
--W32IMPORT void
--USERD_exit_routine( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_gold_variable_info(char **var_description,
--                             char **var_filename,
--                             int *var_type,
--                             int *var_classify,
--                             int *var_complex,
--                             char **var_ifilename,
--                             float *var_freq,
--                             int *var_contran,
--                             int *var_timeset);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_model_extents( float extents[6] );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_descrip_lines(int which_type,
--                        int which_var,
--                        int imag_data,
--                        char line1[Z_BUFL],
--                        char line2[Z_BUFL]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_var_value_at_specific(int which_var,
--                                int which_node_or_elem,
--                                int which_part,
--                                int which_elem_type,
--                                int time_step,
--                                float values[3],
--                                int imag_data);
--W32IMPORT float
--USERD_get_constant_val(int which_var, int imag_data);
--W32IMPORT int
--W32IMPORT int
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_timeset_description(int timeset_number,
--                              char timeset_description[Z_BUFL]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_sol_times(int timeset_number,
--                    float *solution_times);
--W32IMPORT void
--USERD_set_time_set_and_step(int timeset_number,
--                            int time_step);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_num_of_time_steps(int timeset_number);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_border_availability(int part_number,
--                              int number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE]);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_border_elements_by_type(int part_number,
--                                  int element_type,
--                                  int **conn_array,
--                                  short *parent_element_type,
--                                  int *parent_element_num);
--W32IMPORT void
--USERD_set_server_number(int serv_num,
--                        int tot_servs);
-- * New For Version 2.010
-- *----------------------*/
--#if defined USERD_API_201 || defined USERD_API_202 || defined USERD_API_203
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_ghosts_in_model_flag( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_ghosts_in_block_flag(int block_number);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_block_ghost_flags(int block_number,
--                            int *ghost_flags);
-- * Modified at Version 2.030
-- *--------------------------*/
--#if defined USERD_API_201 || defined USERD_API_202
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                               int *part_types,
--                               char *part_descriptions[Z_BUFL],
--                               int *number_of_nodes,
--                               int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                               int *ijk_dimensions[3],
--                               int *iblanking_options[6]);
--#if defined USERD_API_203
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_gold_part_build_info(int *part_id,
--                               int *part_types,
--                               char *part_descriptions[Z_BUFL],
--                               int *number_of_nodes,
--                               int *number_of_elements[Z_MAXTYPE],
--                               int *ijk_dimensions[9],
--                               int *iblanking_options[6]);
-- * New For Version 2.030
-- *----------------------*/
--#if defined USERD_API_203
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_number_of_material_sets( void );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_matf_set_info(int *mat_set_ids,
--                        char **mat_set_name);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_number_of_materials( int set_index );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_matf_var_info(int set_index,
--                        int *mat_ids,
--                        char **mat_desc);
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_size_matf_data(int set_index,
--                     int part_id,
--                     int wtyp,
--                     int mat_type,
--                     int *matf_size );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_load_matf_data( int set_index,
--                      int part_id,
--                      int wtyp,
--                      int mat_type,
--                      int *ids_list,
--                      float *val_list );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_nsided_conn( int part_number,
--                       int *nsided_conn_array );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face( int part_number,
--                                 int *nfaced_npf_array );
--W32IMPORT int
--USERD_get_nfaced_conn( int part_number,
--                       int *nfaced_conn_array );
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/libuserd.C
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
--  =========                 |
--  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
--   \\    /   O peration     |
--    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
--     \\/     M anipulation  |
--    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
--    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--    (at your option) any later version.
--    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--    for more details.
--    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--    libuserd-foam
--    EnSight library module to read OpenFOAM data directly without translation
--    It can currently handle most cell types.
--    See also: README_USERD_2.0
--    24 Sep 2001: NN - Added support for Ensight API 2.0
--    02 Sep 2002: NN - Added support for ghost cells
--    14 Mar 2004: NN - Added patches to the parts
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <finiteVolume/fvCFD.H>
--#include <OpenFOAM/IOobjectList.H>
--#include <lagrangian/Cloud.H>
--#include <lagrangian/passiveParticle.H>
--#include <finiteVolume/fvMesh.H>
--#include <OpenFOAM/cellModeller.H>
--#include "globalFoam.H"
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--extern "C"
--#include "global_extern.h"
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--// same API as in 1.0
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--#include "USERD_bkup.H"
--#include "USERD_get_name_of_reader.H"
--#include "USERD_set_filenames.H"
--#include "USERD_get_number_of_model_parts.H"
--#include "USERD_get_changing_geometry_status.H"
--#include "USERD_get_dataset_query_file_info.H"
--#include "USERD_get_element_label_status.H"
--#include "USERD_get_node_label_status.H"
--#include "USERD_get_number_of_files_in_dataset.H"
--#include "USERD_get_number_of_variables.H"
--#include "USERD_stop_part_building.H"
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--// slightly changed with 2.0 from 1.0
--// (to handle complex variables -  not used by FOAM anyway)
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--#include "USERD_get_constant_val.H"
--#include "USERD_get_descrip_lines.H"
--#include "USERD_get_var_value_at_specific.H"
--#include "USERD_get_gold_variable_info.H"
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--// critical changes with 2.0 from 1.0
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--#include "USERD_get_gold_part_build_info.H"
--#include "USERD_get_num_of_time_steps.H"
--#include "USERD_get_sol_times.H"
--#include "USERD_set_time_set_and_step.H"
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--// new additions with 2.0 from 1.0
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--#include "USERD_get_var_by_component.H"
--#include "USERD_get_part_coords.H"
--#include "USERD_get_part_node_ids.H"
--#include "USERD_get_part_elements_by_type.H"
--#include "USERD_get_part_element_ids_by_type.H"
--#include "USERD_exit_routine.H"
--#include "USERD_get_model_extents.H"
--#include "USERD_get_reader_version.H"
--#include "USERD_get_number_timesets.H"
--#include "USERD_get_timeset_description.H"
--#include "USERD_get_geom_timeset_number.H"
--#include "USERD_get_border_availability.H"
--#include "USERD_get_border_elements_by_type.H"
--#include "USERD_get_maxsize_info.H"
--#include "USERD_set_server_number.H"
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--// new additions with 2.03 from 2.02
--// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
--#include "USERD_get_number_of_material_sets.H"
--#include "USERD_get_matf_set_info.H"
--#include "USERD_get_number_of_materials.H"
--#include "USERD_get_matf_var_info.H"
--#include "USERD_size_matf_data.H"
--#include "USERD_load_matf_data.H"
--#include "USERD_get_nsided_conn.H"
--#include "USERD_get_nfaced_nodes_per_face.H"
--#include "USERD_get_nfaced_conn.H"
--// STRUCTURED DATA STUFF - not used in foam
--#include "USERD_structured_data.H"
--// ************************************************************************ //
---- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/ensightFoamReader/tensorConversion.H
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--if (component == 0)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].xx();
--else if (component == 1)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].yy();
--else if (component == 2)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].zz();
--else if (component == 3)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].xy();
--else if (component == 4)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].xz();
--else if (component == 5)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].yz();
--else if (component == 6)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].yx();
--else if (component == 7)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].zx();
--else if (component == 8)
--    var_array[counter++] = tf[n].zy();
--// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
index 57128d6..b797c71 100644
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-http://sf.net/freefoam/freefoam-(.*)\.tar\.bz2 debian uupdate
+opts=dversionmangle=s/\.dfsg\.\d+$// \
+http://sf.net/freefoam/freefoam-([\d.]*)\.tar\.bz2 debian uupdate

Freefoam packaging. Programs and libraries for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

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