[SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.2.0-1-23-gcc71e86
Michael Wild
themiwi at users.sourceforge.net
Wed May 30 06:53:46 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a5a30b61c9d24b485f1d5585a11afc89a8387fe0
Author: Michael Wild <themiwi at users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Tue May 29 06:45:37 2012 +0200
New upstream version 1.3.0
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index ffe5f6a..6011ec2 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ ENDIF(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin")
diff --git a/README b/README
index a7cf5f9..e23d6ce 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ ViennaCL requires the following:
The first step is to extract the file:
Unix-based OS:
-$> gunzip ViennaCL-1.2.1.tar.gz
-$> tar -xf ViennaCL-1.2.1.tar
-$> cd ViennaCL-1.2.1
+$> gunzip ViennaCL-1.3.0.tar.gz
+$> tar -xf ViennaCL-1.3.0.tar
+$> cd ViennaCL-1.3.0
ViennaCL is a header-only library, therefore it is sufficient to copy the subfolder viennacl/ (holding the header files) into you project directory or your system include directory. For instructions on how to set the include paths correctly, please refer to the documentation of your compiler.
diff --git a/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt b/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt
index d009a3f..662eb98 100644
--- a/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
add_executable(generate-blas3-solve-align1 generate-blas3-solve-align1.cpp)
add_executable(generate-blas3-prod-align1 generate-blas3-prod-align1.cpp)
+add_executable(generate-blas3-prod16-align1 generate-blas3-prod16-align1.cpp)
function(generate_blas3_prod_align1 outvar)
set(crstr_0 col)
@@ -19,6 +20,8 @@ function(generate_blas3_prod_align1 outvar)
set(d "${d}/matrix_prod_${crstr_${ar}}_${crstr_${br}}_${crstr_${cr}}")
set(d "${d}/align1")
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${d}")
+ # standard kernels:
set(o "${d}/prod_${ATstr_${at}}${ATstr_${bt}}.cl")
add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${o}"
@@ -28,6 +31,18 @@ function(generate_blas3_prod_align1 outvar)
list(APPEND outfiles "${o}")
+ # fast kernels:
+ set(o16 "${d}/prod16_${ATstr_${at}}${ATstr_${bt}}.cl")
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${o16}"
+ COMMAND generate-blas3-prod16-align1
+ ${ar} ${br} ${cr} ${at} ${bt} > "${o16}"
+ COMMENT "Generating ${ro16}"
+ list(APPEND outfiles "${o16}")
@@ -98,6 +113,12 @@ set(COORDINATE_MATRIX_SRCS
+ ell_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl)
+ hyb_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl)
@@ -186,6 +207,7 @@ set(VECTOR_SRCS
+ vector/align1/assign.cl
@@ -237,6 +259,17 @@ set(FFT_SRCS
+ svd/align1/copy_col.cl
+ svd/align1/copy_row.cl
+ svd/align1/transpose_inplace.cl
+ svd/align1/inverse_signs.cl
+ svd/align1/givens_prev.cl
+ svd/align1/bidiag_pack.cl
+ svd/align1/house_col.cl
+ svd/align1/house_row.cl
+ )
@@ -248,9 +281,14 @@ set(SPAI_SRCS
+ nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl
+ nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl
+ )
get_filename_component(d "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${f}" PATH)
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${d}")
configure_file(${f} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${f}" COPYONLY)
@@ -266,6 +304,8 @@ set(KERNEL_SRCS)
+ ell_matrix
+ hyb_matrix
@@ -283,7 +323,9 @@ foreach(d
+ svd
+ nmf
set(f "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/viennacl/linalg/kernels/${d}")
list(APPEND KERNEL_HDRS "${f}_kernels.h")
diff --git a/auxiliary/converter.cpp b/auxiliary/converter.cpp
index d858822..03f624c 100644
--- a/auxiliary/converter.cpp
+++ b/auxiliary/converter.cpp
@@ -357,6 +357,8 @@ int main(int args, char * argsv[])
+ createHeaders("ell_matrix");
+ createHeaders("hyb_matrix");
@@ -374,6 +376,8 @@ int main(int args, char * argsv[])
+ createHeaders("svd");
+ createHeaders("nmf");
diff --git a/auxiliary/ell_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl b/auxiliary/ell_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba427bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/ell_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+__kernel void vec_mul(
+ const __global int* coords,
+ const __global float* elements,
+ const __global const float * vector,
+ __global float * result,
+ const unsigned int row_num,
+ const unsigned int col_num,
+ const unsigned int internal_row_num,
+ const unsigned int items_per_row,
+ const unsigned int aligned_items_per_row
+ )
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_sz = get_global_size(0);
+ for(uint row_id = glb_id; row_id < row_num; row_id += glb_sz)
+ {
+ float sum = 0;
+ uint offset = row_id;
+ for(uint item_id = 0; item_id < items_per_row; item_id++, offset += internal_row_num)
+ {
+ float val = elements[offset];
+ if(val != 0.0f)
+ {
+ int col = coords[offset];
+ sum += (vector[col] * val);
+ }
+ }
+ result[row_id] = sum;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod-align1.cpp b/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod-align1.cpp
index 3223c24..c15d89f 100755
--- a/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod-align1.cpp
+++ b/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod-align1.cpp
@@ -51,9 +51,12 @@ void printMatrixMatrixProduct(bool row_major_A, bool row_major_B, bool row_major
std::cout << "A";
std::cout << "(" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " float alpha," << std::endl;
std::cout << " __global const float * A," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int A_row_start," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int A_col_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_row_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_col_inc," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int A_row_size," << std::endl; //number of elements starting from row_start!
std::cout << " unsigned int A_col_size," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int A_internal_rows," << std::endl;
@@ -61,70 +64,76 @@ void printMatrixMatrixProduct(bool row_major_A, bool row_major_B, bool row_major
std::cout << " __global const float * B, " << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int B_row_start," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int B_col_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_row_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_col_inc," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int B_row_size," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int B_col_size," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int B_internal_rows," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int B_internal_cols," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " float beta," << std::endl;
std::cout << " __global float * C," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int C_row_start," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int C_col_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_row_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_col_inc," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int C_row_size," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int C_col_size," << std::endl;
std::cout << " unsigned int C_internal_rows," << std::endl;
- std::cout << " unsigned int C_internal_cols," << std::endl;
- std::cout << " __local float * bufA," << std::endl;
- std::cout << " __local float * bufB) " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_internal_cols) " << std::endl;
std::cout << "{ " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __local float bufA[" << 16 * 17 << "];" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __local float bufB[" << 16 * 17 << "];" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
//do not forgot to change block_size !!!
std::cout << " size_t block_size = 16;//get_local_size(0);" << std::endl;
std::cout << " size_t row_block_id = get_group_id(0);" << std::endl;
std::cout << " size_t col_block_id = get_group_id(1);" << std::endl;
std::cout << " size_t row_thread_id = get_local_id(0);" << std::endl;
std::cout << " size_t col_thread_id = get_local_id(1);" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t row_block_id_ = get_local_id(1);" << std::endl;
//traverse block row of A (taking mem layout and transpose operation into account)
if (row_major_A && transpose_A)
- std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size + A_col_start) + A_row_start * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size * A_col_inc + A_col_start) + A_row_start * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size * A_row_inc * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
else if (row_major_A && !transpose_A)
- std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + A_col_start;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + A_col_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size * A_col_inc;" << std::endl;
else if (!row_major_A && transpose_A)
- std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows + A_row_start;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows + A_row_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size * A_row_inc;" << std::endl;
else if (!row_major_A && !transpose_A)
- std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size + A_row_start) + A_col_start * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * block_size * A_row_inc + A_row_start) + A_col_start * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = block_size * A_col_inc * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
if (row_major_B && transpose_B)
- std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + B_col_start;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + B_col_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size * B_col_inc;" << std::endl;
else if (row_major_B && !transpose_B)
- std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size + B_col_start) + B_row_start * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size * B_col_inc + B_col_start) + B_row_start * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size * B_internal_cols * B_row_inc;" << std::endl;
else if (!row_major_B && transpose_B)
- std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size + B_row_start) + B_col_start * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size * B_row_inc + B_row_start) + B_col_start * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size * B_internal_rows * B_col_inc;" << std::endl;
else if (!row_major_B && !transpose_B)
- std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows + B_row_start;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * block_size * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows + B_row_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = block_size * B_row_inc;" << std::endl;
@@ -137,14 +146,14 @@ void printMatrixMatrixProduct(bool row_major_A, bool row_major_B, bool row_major
//offset of the the memory access by the thread relative to the beginning of the block:
if (row_major_A)
- std::cout << " size_t aOffset = row_thread_id + col_thread_id * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aOffset = row_thread_id * A_row_inc + col_thread_id * A_col_inc * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t aOffset = row_thread_id + col_thread_id * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aOffset = row_thread_id * A_row_inc + col_thread_id * A_col_inc * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
if (row_major_B)
- std::cout << " size_t bOffset = row_thread_id + col_thread_id * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bOffset = row_thread_id * B_row_inc + col_thread_id * B_col_inc * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " size_t bOffset = row_thread_id + col_thread_id * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bOffset = row_thread_id * B_row_inc + col_thread_id * B_col_inc * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
@@ -166,7 +175,6 @@ void printMatrixMatrixProduct(bool row_major_A, bool row_major_B, bool row_major
std::cout << " else" << std::endl;
std::cout << " bufA[row_thread_id * block_size + col_thread_id] = 0;" << std::endl;*/
- //new code:
if (transpose_A && row_major_A)
std::cout << " bufA[row_thread_id_times_block_size + col_thread_id] = ((block * block_size + col_thread_id < A_row_size) && (row_block_id * block_size + row_thread_id < A_col_size)) ? A[aBegin + aOffset] : 0;" << std::endl;
else if (transpose_A && !row_major_A)
@@ -220,9 +228,9 @@ void printMatrixMatrixProduct(bool row_major_A, bool row_major_B, bool row_major
std::cout << "get_global_id(1) < B_col_size)" << std::endl;
if (row_major_C)
- std::cout << " C[(get_global_id(0) + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + get_global_id(1) + C_col_start] = Csub;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " C[(get_global_id(0) * C_row_inc + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + get_global_id(1) * C_col_inc + C_col_start] = alpha * Csub + beta * C[(get_global_id(0) * C_row_inc + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + get_global_id(1) * C_col_inc + C_col_start];" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " C[get_global_id(0) + C_row_start + (get_global_id(1) + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] = Csub;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " C[get_global_id(0) * C_row_inc + C_row_start + (get_global_id(1) * C_col_inc + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] = alpha * Csub + beta * C[get_global_id(0) * C_row_inc + C_row_start + (get_global_id(1) * C_col_inc + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows];" << std::endl;
std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
diff --git a/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod16-align1.cpp b/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod16-align1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78d21b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/generate-blas3-prod16-align1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+* Generates BLAS level 3 routines
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//generate code for C = alpha * op1(A) * op2(B) + beta * C, where A, B, C can have different storage layouts and opX(D) = D or trans(D)
+void printMatrixMatrixProduct(bool row_major_A, bool row_major_B, bool row_major_C,
+ bool transpose_A, bool transpose_B)
+ std::size_t vector_size = 4;
+ std::size_t block_size = 16;
+ //write header:
+ std::cout << "// file automatically generated - do not edit!" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "// matrix-matrix multiplication C = ";
+ if (transpose_A)
+ std::cout << "A^T * ";
+ else
+ std::cout << "A * ";
+ if (transpose_B)
+ std::cout << "B^T" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << "B" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "// matrix layouts: ";
+ if (row_major_C)
+ std::cout << "C...row_major, ";
+ else
+ std::cout << "C...col_major, ";
+ if (row_major_A)
+ std::cout << "A...row_major, ";
+ else
+ std::cout << "A...col_major, ";
+ if (row_major_B)
+ std::cout << "B...row_major" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << "B...col_major" << std::endl;
+ //start OpenCL code:
+ std::cout << "__kernel void prod16_";
+ if (transpose_A)
+ std::cout << "T";
+ else
+ std::cout << "A";
+ if (transpose_B)
+ std::cout << "T";
+ else
+ std::cout << "A";
+ std::cout << "(" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " float alpha," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __global const float * A," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_row_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_col_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_row_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_col_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_row_size," << std::endl; //number of elements starting from row_start, using an increment of A_row_inc
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_col_size," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_internal_rows," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int A_internal_cols," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __global const float * B, " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_row_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_col_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_row_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_col_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_row_size," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_col_size," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_internal_rows," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int B_internal_cols," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " float beta," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __global float * C," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_row_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_col_start," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_row_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_col_inc," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_row_size," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_col_size," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_internal_rows," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " unsigned int C_internal_cols) " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "{ " << std::endl;
+ //do not forgot to change block_size !!!
+ std::cout << " size_t row_block_id = get_group_id(1);" << std::endl; //refers to the row index in op(A), op(B)
+ std::cout << " size_t col_block_id = get_group_id(0);" << std::endl; //refers to the col index in op(A), op(B)
+ std::cout << " size_t row_thread_id = get_local_id(1);" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t col_thread_id = get_local_id(0);" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __local float As[" << block_size * block_size << "];" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " float cv[" << block_size << "] = {";
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<block_size-1; ++i)
+ std::cout << "0,";
+ std::cout << "0};" << std::endl;
+ //traverse block row of A (taking mem layout and transpose operation into account)
+ if (row_major_A && transpose_A)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * " << block_size << " * A_col_inc + A_col_start) + A_row_start * A_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = " << block_size << " * A_internal_cols * A_row_inc;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aEnd = aBegin + A_internal_cols * A_row_inc * A_row_size;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (row_major_A && !transpose_A)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * " << block_size << " * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + A_col_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = " << block_size << " * A_col_inc;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aEnd = aBegin + A_col_inc * A_col_size;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (!row_major_A && transpose_A)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * " << block_size << " * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows + A_row_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = " << block_size << " * A_row_inc;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aEnd = aBegin + A_row_inc * A_row_size;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (!row_major_A && !transpose_A)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t aBegin = (row_block_id * " << block_size << " * A_row_inc + A_row_start) + A_col_start * A_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aStep = " << block_size << " * A_internal_rows * A_col_inc;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t aEnd = aBegin + A_internal_rows * A_col_inc * A_col_size;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (row_major_B && transpose_B)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * " << block_size * vector_size << " * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + B_col_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = " << block_size << " * B_col_inc;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (row_major_B && !transpose_B)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * " << block_size * vector_size << " * B_col_inc + B_col_start) + B_row_start * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = " << block_size << " * B_row_inc * B_internal_cols;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (!row_major_B && transpose_B)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * " << block_size * vector_size << " * B_row_inc + B_row_start) + B_col_start * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = " << block_size << " * B_col_inc * B_internal_rows;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (!row_major_B && !transpose_B)
+ {
+ std::cout << " size_t bBegin = (col_block_id * " << block_size * vector_size << " * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows + B_row_start;" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " size_t bStep = " << block_size << " * B_row_inc;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << " for(size_t a = aBegin, b = bBegin; a < aEnd; a += aStep, b += bStep) { " << std::endl;
+ // copy blocks of op(A) to shared memory (op(A) is column-major in shared memory then)
+ std::cout << " for(size_t i = 0; i < " << vector_size << "; i++) " << std::endl;
+ if (row_major_A && transpose_A)
+ std::cout << " As[ (i*" << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + " << block_size << " * col_thread_id] = (A[a + A_col_inc * (i * " << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + A_internal_cols * A_row_inc * col_thread_id]);" << std::endl;
+ else if (row_major_A && !transpose_A)
+ std::cout << " As[ (i*" << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + " << block_size << " * col_thread_id] = (A[a + A_internal_cols * A_row_inc * (i * " << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + A_col_inc * col_thread_id]);" << std::endl;
+ else if (!row_major_A && transpose_A)
+ std::cout << " As[ (i*" << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + " << block_size << " * col_thread_id] = (A[a + A_internal_rows * A_col_inc * (i * " << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + A_row_inc * col_thread_id]);" << std::endl;
+ else if (!row_major_A && !transpose_A)
+ std::cout << " As[ (i*" << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + " << block_size << " * col_thread_id] = (A[a + A_row_inc * (i * " << vector_size << " + row_thread_id) + A_internal_rows * A_col_inc * col_thread_id]);" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); " << std::endl;
+ // initialize memory pointers
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " __local float *ap = As; " << std::endl;
+ if (row_major_B && transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " __global float *bp = B + (b + (" << block_size << " * row_thread_id + col_thread_id) * B_row_inc * B_internal_cols); " << std::endl;
+ else if (row_major_B && !transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " __global float *bp = B + (b + (" << block_size << " * row_thread_id + col_thread_id) * B_col_inc); " << std::endl;
+ else if (!row_major_B && transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " __global float *bp = B + (b + (" << block_size << " * row_thread_id + col_thread_id) * B_row_inc); " << std::endl;
+ else if (!row_major_B && !transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " __global float *bp = B + (b + (" << block_size << " * row_thread_id + col_thread_id) * B_col_inc * B_internal_rows); " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ // run computations
+ std::cout << " for(size_t i = 0; i < " << block_size << "; i++) { " << std::endl;
+ if (row_major_B && transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " float bv = bp[i]; " << std::endl;
+ else if (row_major_B && !transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " float bv = bp[i * B_internal_cols]; " << std::endl;
+ else if (!row_major_B && transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " float bv = bp[i * B_internal_rows]; " << std::endl;
+ else if (!row_major_B && !transpose_B)
+ std::cout << " float bv = bp[i]; " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " for(size_t k = 0; k < " << block_size << "; k++) " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " cv[k] += ap[k] * bv; " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " ap += " << block_size << "; " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " } " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " } " << std::endl;
+ // write to C
+ if (row_major_C)
+ {
+ std::cout << " int c = C_internal_cols * (C_row_inc * " << block_size << " * row_block_id + C_row_start) + " //block row index
+ << vector_size * block_size << " * C_col_inc * col_block_id + C_col_start " << std::endl; //block column index
+ std::cout << " + C_col_inc * (" << block_size << " * row_thread_id + col_thread_id); " << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << " int c = C_row_inc * " << block_size << " * row_block_id + C_row_start + (" // block row index
+ << vector_size * block_size << " * C_col_inc * col_block_id + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows " << std::endl; // block column index
+ std::cout << " + C_internal_rows * C_col_inc * (" << block_size << " * row_thread_id + col_thread_id); " << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << " for(size_t i = 0; i < " << block_size << "; i++) { " << std::endl;
+ if (row_major_C)
+ {
+ std::cout << " C[c] = alpha * cv[i] + beta * C[c]; " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " c += C_internal_cols * C_row_inc; " << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << " C[c] = alpha * cv[i] + beta * C[c]; " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " c += C_row_inc; " << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << " } " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "} " << std::endl;
+// if (row_major_C)
+// std::cout << " C[(get_global_id(0) * C_row_inc + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + get_global_id(1) * C_col_inc + C_col_start] = Csub;" << std::endl;
+// else
+// std::cout << " C[get_global_id(0) * C_row_inc + C_row_start + (get_global_id(1) * C_col_inc + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] = Csub;" << std::endl;
+void printUsage()
+ std::cout << "Must have five parameters for C = A * B:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 0/1 : storage layout for A (column_major/row_major)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 0/1 : storage layout for B (column_major/row_major)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 0/1 : storage layout for C (column_major/row_major)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 0/1 : transpose for A (no/yes)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 0/1 : transpose for B (no/yes)" << std::endl;
+void readParameter(bool & param, char input)
+ if (input == '0')
+ param = false;
+ else if (input == '1')
+ param = true;
+ else
+ {
+ printUsage();
+ }
+int main(int args, char * argsv[])
+ if (args != 6)
+ {
+ printUsage();
+ }
+ //the following flags are 'true' for row_major layout
+ bool layout_A;
+ bool layout_B;
+ bool layout_C;
+ readParameter(layout_A, argsv[1][0]);
+ readParameter(layout_B, argsv[2][0]);
+ readParameter(layout_C, argsv[3][0]);
+ bool transpose_A;
+ bool transpose_B;
+ readParameter(transpose_A, argsv[4][0]);
+ readParameter(transpose_B, argsv[5][0]);
+ printMatrixMatrixProduct(layout_A, layout_B, layout_C, transpose_A, transpose_B);
diff --git a/auxiliary/hyb_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl b/auxiliary/hyb_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b921c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/hyb_matrix/align1/vec_mul.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+__kernel void vec_mul(
+ const __global int* ell_coords,
+ const __global float* ell_elements,
+ const __global uint* csr_rows,
+ const __global uint* csr_cols,
+ const __global float* csr_elements,
+ const __global float * vector,
+ __global float * result,
+ unsigned int row_num,
+ unsigned int internal_row_num,
+ unsigned int items_per_row,
+ unsigned int aligned_items_per_row
+ )
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_sz = get_global_size(0);
+ for(uint row_id = glb_id; row_id < row_num; row_id += glb_sz)
+ {
+ float sum = 0;
+ uint offset = row_id;
+ for(uint item_id = 0; item_id < items_per_row; item_id++, offset += internal_row_num)
+ {
+ float val = ell_elements[offset];
+ if(val != 0.0f)
+ {
+ int col = ell_coords[offset];
+ sum += (vector[col] * val);
+ }
+ }
+ uint col_begin = csr_rows[row_id];
+ uint col_end = csr_rows[row_id + 1];
+ for(uint item_id = col_begin; item_id < col_end; item_id++)
+ {
+ sum += (vector[csr_cols[item_id]] * csr_elements[item_id]);
+ }
+ result[row_id] = sum;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/add.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/add.cl
index 2a09d6f..89ed2ee 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/add.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
__global const float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
__global float * C,
unsigned int C_row_start,
unsigned int C_col_start,
+ unsigned int C_row_inc,
+ unsigned int C_col_inc,
unsigned int C_row_size,
unsigned int C_col_size,
unsigned int C_internal_rows,
@@ -24,6 +30,7 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- C[i + C_row_start + (j + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] = A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows]
- + B[i + B_row_start + (j + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
+ C[i * C_row_inc + C_row_start + (j* C_col_inc + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] =
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows]
+ + B[i * B_row_inc + B_row_start + (j * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/assign.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/assign.cl
index 55a678f..c586785 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/assign.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/assign.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void assign( // A <- B
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void assign( // A <- B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,7 @@ __kernel void assign( // A <- B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] = B[i + B_row_start + (j + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] =
+ B[i * B_row_inc + B_row_start + (j * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/clear.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/clear.cl
index bb11f6a..90f51e4 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/clear.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/clear.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void clear( // A <- 0
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,5 +12,5 @@ __kernel void clear( // A <- 0
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] = 0;
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] = 0;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
index 833b51b..f259062 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void cpu_inplace_mult( // A *= const
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -11,6 +13,6 @@ __kernel void cpu_inplace_mult( // A *= const
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] *= factor;
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_add.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_add.cl
index db947d0..d4a3933 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_add.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_add( // A += B
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_add( // A += B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,5 +21,6 @@ __kernel void inplace_add( // A += B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] += B[i + B_row_start + (j + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] +=
+ B[i * B_row_inc + B_row_start + (j * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_divide.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_divide.cl
index 640a0dc..452d487 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_divide.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_divide.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_divide( // A /= const
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -12,6 +14,6 @@ __kernel void inplace_divide( // A /= const
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] /= factor;
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] /= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_mult.cl
index 9c24038..04555aa 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_mult.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_mult( // A *= const
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ __kernel void inplace_mult( // A *= const
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] *= factor;
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_sub.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_sub.cl
index dc86b4c..5f02bcb 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/inplace_sub.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_sub( // A -= B
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_sub( // A -= B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,7 @@ __kernel void inplace_sub( // A -= B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] -= B[i + B_row_start + (j + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] -=
+ B[i * B_row_inc + B_row_start + (j * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/sub.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/sub.cl
index 4699866..7279ad7 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/sub.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
__global const float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,8 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
__global float * C,
unsigned int C_row_start,
unsigned int C_col_start,
+ unsigned int C_row_inc,
+ unsigned int C_col_inc,
unsigned int C_row_size,
unsigned int C_col_size,
unsigned int C_internal_rows,
@@ -24,6 +30,7 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- C[i + C_row_start + (j + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] = A[i + A_row_start + (j + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows]
- - B[i + B_row_start + (j + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
+ C[i * C_row_inc + C_row_start + (j * C_col_inc + C_col_start) * C_internal_rows] =
+ A[i * A_row_inc + A_row_start + (j * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows]
+ - B[i * B_row_inc + B_row_start + (j * B_col_inc + B_col_start) * B_internal_rows];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl
index eeca1e8..17fbef8 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl
@@ -1,22 +1,28 @@
__kernel void trans_vec_mul(
- __global const float * matrix,
- unsigned int matrix_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_cols,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_cols,
- __global const float * vector,
- __global float * result)
+ __global const float * A,
+ unsigned int A_row_start,
+ unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
+ unsigned int A_row_size,
+ unsigned int A_col_size,
+ unsigned int A_internal_rows,
+ unsigned int A_internal_cols,
+ __global const float * v,
+ unsigned int v_start,
+ unsigned int v_inc,
+ unsigned int v_size,
+ __global float * result,
+ unsigned int result_start,
+ unsigned int result_inc,
+ unsigned int result_size)
- //row and col indicate indices within transposed matrix
- for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < matrix_cols; row += get_global_size(0))
+ for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < A_col_size; row += get_global_size(0))
- float dot_prod2 = 0.0f;
- for (unsigned int col = 0; col < matrix_rows; ++col)
- dot_prod2 += matrix[row * matrix_internal_rows + col] * vector[col];
- result[row] = dot_prod2;
+ float dot_prod = 0;
+ for (unsigned int col = 0; col < A_row_size; ++col)
+ dot_prod += A[(row * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows + col * A_row_inc + A_row_start] * v[v_start + col * v_inc];
+ result[row * result_inc + result_start] = dot_prod;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/vec_mul.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/vec_mul.cl
index 470d325..ea722c7 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/vec_mul.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_col/align1/vec_mul.cl
@@ -1,22 +1,28 @@
__kernel void vec_mul(
- __global const float * matrix,
- unsigned int matrix_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_cols,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_cols,
- __global const float * vector,
- __global float * result)
+ __global const float * A,
+ unsigned int A_row_start,
+ unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
+ unsigned int A_row_size,
+ unsigned int A_col_size,
+ unsigned int A_internal_rows,
+ unsigned int A_internal_cols,
+ __global const float * v,
+ unsigned int v_start,
+ unsigned int v_inc,
+ unsigned int v_size,
+ __global float * result,
+ unsigned int result_start,
+ unsigned int result_inc,
+ unsigned int result_size)
- for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < matrix_rows; row += get_global_size(0))
+ for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < A_row_size; row += get_global_size(0))
- float dot_prod = 0.0f;
- for (unsigned int col = 0; col < matrix_cols; ++col)
- dot_prod += matrix[row + col*matrix_internal_rows] * vector[col];
- result[row] = dot_prod;
+ float dot_prod = 0;
+ for (unsigned int col = 0; col < A_col_size; ++col)
+ dot_prod += A[(row * A_row_inc + A_row_start) + (col * A_col_inc + A_col_start) * A_internal_rows] * v[v_start + v_inc * col];
+ result[row * result_inc + result_start] = dot_prod;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/add.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/add.cl
index eae5ba5..ada7283 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/add.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
__global const float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
__global float * C,
unsigned int C_row_start,
unsigned int C_col_start,
+ unsigned int C_row_inc,
+ unsigned int C_col_inc,
unsigned int C_row_size,
unsigned int C_col_size,
unsigned int C_internal_rows,
@@ -24,7 +30,8 @@ __kernel void add( // C = A + B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- C[(i + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + j + C_col_start] = A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start]
- + B[(i + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j + B_col_start];
+ C[(i * C_row_inc + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + j * C_col_inc + C_col_start] =
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start]
+ + B[(i * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j * B_col_inc + B_col_start];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/assign.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/assign.cl
index e4dce74..af993e8 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/assign.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/assign.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void assign( // A <- B
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void assign( // A <- B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,7 @@ __kernel void assign( // A <- B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] = B[(i + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j + B_col_start];
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start]
+ = B[(i * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j * B_col_inc + B_col_start];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/clear.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/clear.cl
index 89806f2..ffe4802 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/clear.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/clear.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void clear( // A <- 0
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,5 +12,5 @@ __kernel void clear( // A <- 0
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] = 0;
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start] = 0;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
index 8785a53..721e6e1 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void cpu_inplace_mult( // A *= const
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -11,5 +13,5 @@ __kernel void cpu_inplace_mult( // A *= const
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] *= factor;
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_add.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_add.cl
index 2f28b34..01269b6 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_add.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_add( // A += B
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_add( // A += B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,7 @@ __kernel void inplace_add( // A += B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] += B[(i + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j + B_col_start];
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start] +=
+ B[(i * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j * B_col_inc + B_col_start];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_divide.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_divide.cl
index 42630d4..cff4de0 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_divide.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_divide.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_divide( // A /= const
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -12,5 +14,5 @@ __kernel void inplace_divide( // A /= const
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] /= factor;
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start] /= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_mult.cl
index 9246841..7758b51 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_mult.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_mult( // A *= const
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ __kernel void inplace_mult( // A *= const
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] *= factor;
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_sub.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_sub.cl
index 97760f9..acc10ff 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/inplace_sub.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_sub( // A -= B
__global float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void inplace_sub( // A -= B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,5 +21,6 @@ __kernel void inplace_sub( // A -= B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start] -= B[(i + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j + B_col_start];
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start] -=
+ B[(i * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j * B_col_inc + B_col_start];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/sub.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/sub.cl
index 5bd03a1..8fd4993 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/sub.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
__global const float * A,
unsigned int A_row_start,
unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
unsigned int A_row_size,
unsigned int A_col_size,
unsigned int A_internal_rows,
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
__global const float * B,
unsigned int B_row_start,
unsigned int B_col_start,
+ unsigned int B_row_inc,
+ unsigned int B_col_inc,
unsigned int B_row_size,
unsigned int B_col_size,
unsigned int B_internal_rows,
@@ -17,6 +21,8 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
__global float * C,
unsigned int C_row_start,
unsigned int C_col_start,
+ unsigned int C_row_inc,
+ unsigned int C_col_inc,
unsigned int C_row_size,
unsigned int C_col_size,
unsigned int C_internal_rows,
@@ -24,6 +30,7 @@ __kernel void sub( // C = A - B
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < A_row_size; i += get_global_size(0))
for (unsigned int j = get_global_id(1); j < A_col_size; j += get_global_size(1))
- C[(i + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + j + C_col_start] = A[(i + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j + A_col_start]
- - B[(i + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j + B_col_start];
+ C[(i * C_row_inc + C_row_start) * C_internal_cols + j * C_col_inc + C_col_start] =
+ A[(i * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + j * A_col_inc + A_col_start]
+ - B[(i * B_row_inc + B_row_start) * B_internal_cols + j * B_col_inc + B_col_start];
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl
index 86e5525..c02f621 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/trans_vec_mul.cl
@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
__kernel void trans_vec_mul(
- __global const float * matrix,
- unsigned int matrix_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_cols,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_cols,
- __global const float * vector,
- __global float * result)
+ __global const float * A,
+ unsigned int A_row_start,
+ unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
+ unsigned int A_row_size,
+ unsigned int A_col_size,
+ unsigned int A_internal_rows,
+ unsigned int A_internal_cols,
+ __global const float * v,
+ unsigned int v_start,
+ unsigned int v_inc,
+ unsigned int v_size,
+ __global float * result,
+ unsigned int result_start,
+ unsigned int result_inc,
+ unsigned int result_size)
- //row and col indicate indices within transposed matrix
- for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < matrix_cols; row += get_global_size(0))
+ for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < A_col_size; row += get_global_size(0))
- float dot_prod2 = 0.0f;
- for (unsigned int col = 0; col < matrix_rows; ++col)
- dot_prod2 += matrix[row + col*matrix_internal_cols] * vector[col];
- result[row] = dot_prod2;
+ float dot_prod = 0;
+ for (unsigned int col = 0; col < A_row_size; ++col)
+ dot_prod += A[(row * A_col_inc + A_col_start) + (col * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols] * v[v_start + v_inc * col];
+ result[row * result_inc + result_start] = dot_prod;
diff --git a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/vec_mul.cl b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/vec_mul.cl
index 9897353..fab3d36 100644
--- a/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/vec_mul.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/matrix_row/align1/vec_mul.cl
@@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
__kernel void vec_mul(
- __global const float * matrix,
- unsigned int matrix_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_cols,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_rows,
- unsigned int matrix_internal_cols,
- __global const float * vector,
- __global float * result)
+ __global const float * A,
+ unsigned int A_row_start,
+ unsigned int A_col_start,
+ unsigned int A_row_inc,
+ unsigned int A_col_inc,
+ unsigned int A_row_size,
+ unsigned int A_col_size,
+ unsigned int A_internal_rows,
+ unsigned int A_internal_cols,
+ __global const float * v,
+ unsigned int v_start,
+ unsigned int v_inc,
+ unsigned int v_size,
+ __global float * result,
+ unsigned int result_start,
+ unsigned int result_inc,
+ unsigned int result_size)
- for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < matrix_rows; row += get_global_size(0))
+ for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0); row < A_row_size; row += get_global_size(0))
- float dot_prod = 0.0f;
- for (unsigned int col = 0; col < matrix_cols; ++col)
- dot_prod += matrix[row*matrix_internal_cols + col] * vector[col];
- result[row] = dot_prod;
+ float dot_prod = 0;
+ for (unsigned int col = 0; col < A_col_size; ++col)
+ dot_prod += A[(row * A_row_inc + A_row_start) * A_internal_cols + col * A_col_inc + A_col_start] * v[v_start + v_inc * col];
+ result[row * result_inc + result_start] = dot_prod;
diff --git a/auxiliary/nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d62ec9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+__kernel void el_wise_mul_div(
+ __global float * matrix1,
+ __global const float * matrix2,
+ __global const float * matrix3,
+ unsigned int size)
+ for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size; i += get_global_size(0))
+ {
+ float val = matrix1[i] * matrix2[i];
+ float divisor = matrix3[i];
+ matrix1[i] = (divisor > 0.00001) ? (val / divisor) : 0;
+ };
diff --git a/auxiliary/nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl~ b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a5405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/el_wise_mul_div.cl~
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+__kernel void el_wise_mul_div(
+ __global float * matrix1,
+ __global const float * matrix2,
+ __global const float * matrix3,
+ unsigned int size)
+ for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size; i += get_global_size(0)) {
+ float val = matrix1[i] * matrix2[i];
+ float divisor = matrix3[i];
+ matrix1[i] = (divisor > 0.00001) ? (val / divisor) : 0;
+ };
diff --git a/auxiliary/nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f2b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+__kernel void sub_wise(
+ __global const float * matrix1,
+ __global const float * matrix2,
+ __global float * result,
+ unsigned int size)
+ for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size; i += get_global_size(0))
+ result[i] = matrix1[i] - matrix2[i];
diff --git a/auxiliary/nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl~ b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a5405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/nmf/align1/sub_wise.cl~
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+__kernel void el_wise_mul_div(
+ __global float * matrix1,
+ __global const float * matrix2,
+ __global const float * matrix3,
+ unsigned int size)
+ for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size; i += get_global_size(0)) {
+ float val = matrix1[i] * matrix2[i];
+ float divisor = matrix3[i];
+ matrix1[i] = (divisor > 0.00001) ? (val / divisor) : 0;
+ };
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/bidiag_pack.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/bidiag_pack.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6baa8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/bidiag_pack.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+__kernel void bidiag_pack(__global float* A,
+ __global float* D,
+ __global float* S,
+ uint size1,
+ uint size2,
+ uint stride
+ ) {
+ uint size = min(size1, size2);
+ if(get_global_id(0) == 0)
+ S[0] = 0.0f;
+ for(uint i = get_global_id(0); i < size ; i += get_global_size(0)) {
+ D[i] = A[i*stride + i];
+ S[i + 1] = (i + 1 < size2)?A[i*stride + (i + 1)]:0.0f;
+ }
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/copy_col.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/copy_col.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6381d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/copy_col.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// probably, this is a ugly way
+__kernel void copy_col(__global float* A,
+ __global float* V,
+ uint row_start,
+ uint col_start,
+ uint size,
+ uint stride
+ ) {
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_sz = get_global_size(0);
+ for(uint i = row_start + glb_id; i < size; i += glb_sz) {
+ V[i - row_start] = A[i * stride + col_start];
+ }
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/copy_row.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/copy_row.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d7303a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/copy_row.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// probably, this is too
+__kernel void copy_row(__global float* A,
+ __global float* V,
+ uint row_start,
+ uint col_start,
+ uint size,
+ uint stride
+ ) {
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_sz = get_global_size(0);
+ for(uint i = col_start + glb_id; i < size; i += glb_sz) {
+ V[i - col_start] = A[row_start * stride + i];
+ }
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/givens_prev.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/givens_prev.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e62007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/givens_prev.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+__kernel void givens_prev(__global float* matr,
+ __global float* cs,
+ __global float* ss,
+ uint size,
+ uint stride,
+ uint start_i,
+ uint end_i
+ )
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_sz = get_global_size(0);
+ uint lcl_id = get_local_id(0);
+ uint lcl_sz = get_local_size(0);
+ uint j = glb_id;
+ __local float cs_lcl[256];
+ __local float ss_lcl[256];
+ float x = (j < size)?matr[(start_i - 1) * stride + j]:0;
+ uint elems_num = end_i - start_i;
+ uint block_num = (elems_num + lcl_sz - 1) / lcl_sz;
+ for(uint block_id = 0; block_id < block_num; block_id++)
+ {
+ uint to = min(elems_num - block_id * lcl_sz, lcl_sz);
+ if(lcl_id < to)
+ {
+ cs_lcl[lcl_id] = cs[lcl_id + start_i + block_id * lcl_sz];
+ ss_lcl[lcl_id] = ss[lcl_id + start_i + block_id * lcl_sz];
+ }
+ if(j < size)
+ {
+ for(uint ind = 0; ind < to; ind++)
+ {
+ uint i = ind + start_i + block_id * lcl_sz;
+ float z = matr[i * stride + j];
+ float cs_val = cs_lcl[ind];//cs[i];
+ float ss_val = ss_lcl[ind];//ss[i];
+ matr[(i - 1) * stride + j] = x * cs_val + z * ss_val;
+ x = -x * ss_val + z * cs_val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(j < size)
+ matr[(end_i - 1) * stride + j] = x;
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/house_col.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/house_col.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a4861a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/house_col.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// calculates a sum of local array elements
+void col_reduce_lcl_array(__local float* sums, uint lcl_id, uint lcl_sz) {
+ uint step = lcl_sz >> 1;
+ while(step > 0) {
+ if(lcl_id < step) {
+ sums[lcl_id] += sums[lcl_id + step];
+ }
+ step >>= 1;
+ }
+__kernel void house_col(__global float* A,
+ __global float* QL,
+ __constant float* V, //householder vector
+ uint row_start,
+ uint col_start,
+ uint size1,
+ uint size2,
+ uint stride,
+ uint strideQ,
+ __local float* sums
+ ) {
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_sz = get_global_size(0);
+ uint grp_id = get_group_id(0);
+ uint grp_nm = get_num_groups(0);
+ uint lcl_id = get_local_id(0);
+ uint lcl_sz = get_local_size(0);
+ float ss = 0.0f;
+ // update of left matrix
+ for(uint i = grp_id; i < size1; i += grp_nm) {
+ ss = 0.0f;
+ for(uint j = lcl_id; j < size1; j += lcl_sz) ss = ss + (V[j] * QL[i * strideQ + j]);
+ sums[lcl_id] = ss;
+ col_reduce_lcl_array(sums, lcl_id, lcl_sz);
+ float sum_Qv = sums[0];
+ for(uint j = lcl_id; j < size1; j += lcl_sz)
+ QL[i * strideQ + j] = QL[i * strideQ + j] - (2 * V[j] * sum_Qv);
+ }
+ // doing it in slightly different way to avoid cache misses
+ for(uint i = glb_id + col_start; i < size2; i += glb_sz) {
+ ss = 0.0f;
+ for(uint j = row_start; j < size1; j++) ss = ss + (V[j] * A[j * stride + i]);
+ for(uint j = row_start; j < size1; j++)
+ A[j * stride + i] = A[j * stride + i] - (2 * V[j] * ss);
+ }
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/house_row.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/house_row.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37b2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/house_row.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// calculates a sum of local array elements
+void row_reduce_lcl_array(__local float* sums, uint lcl_id, uint lcl_sz) {
+ uint step = lcl_sz >> 1;
+ while(step > 0) {
+ if(lcl_id < step) {
+ sums[lcl_id] += sums[lcl_id + step];
+ }
+ step >>= 1;
+ }
+__kernel void house_row(__global float* A,
+ __global float* QR,
+ __global float* V, // householder vector
+ uint row_start,
+ uint col_start,
+ uint size1,
+ uint size2,
+ uint stride,
+ uint strideQ,
+ __local float* sums
+ ) {
+ uint glb_id = get_global_id(0);
+ uint grp_id = get_group_id(0);
+ uint grp_nm = get_num_groups(0);
+ uint lcl_id = get_local_id(0);
+ uint lcl_sz = get_local_size(0);
+ float ss = 0.0f;
+ // update of QR matrix
+ // Actually, we are calculating a transpose of right matrix. This allows to avoid cache
+ // misses.
+ for(uint i = grp_id; i < size2; i += grp_nm) {
+ ss = 0.0f;
+ for(uint j = lcl_id; j < size2; j += lcl_sz) ss = ss + (V[j] * QR[i * strideQ + j]);
+ sums[lcl_id] = ss;
+ row_reduce_lcl_array(sums, lcl_id, lcl_sz);
+ float sum_Qv = sums[0];
+ for(uint j = lcl_id; j < size2; j += lcl_sz)
+ QR[i * strideQ + j] = QR[i * strideQ + j] - (2 * V[j] * sum_Qv);
+ }
+ // update of A matrix
+ for(uint i = grp_id + row_start; i < size1; i += grp_nm) {
+ ss = 0.0f;
+ for(uint j = lcl_id; j < size2; j += lcl_sz) ss = ss + (V[j] * A[i * stride + j]);
+ sums[lcl_id] = ss;
+ row_reduce_lcl_array(sums, lcl_id, lcl_sz);
+ float sum_Av = sums[0];
+ for(uint j = lcl_id; j < size2; j += lcl_sz)
+ A[i * stride + j] = A[i * stride + j] - (2 * V[j] * sum_Av);
+ }
diff --git a/auxiliary/svd/align1/inverse_signs.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/inverse_signs.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223539f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/inverse_signs.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+__kernel void inverse_signs(__global float* v,
+ __global float* signs,
+ uint size,
+ uint stride
+ )
+ uint glb_id_x = get_global_id(0);
+ uint glb_id_y = get_global_id(1);
+ if((glb_id_x < size) && (glb_id_y < size))
+ v[glb_id_x * stride + glb_id_y] *= signs[glb_id_x];
diff --git a/auxiliary/fft/align1/transpose_inplace.cl b/auxiliary/svd/align1/transpose_inplace.cl
similarity index 81%
copy from auxiliary/fft/align1/transpose_inplace.cl
copy to auxiliary/svd/align1/transpose_inplace.cl
index fcbece7..521152b 100644
--- a/auxiliary/fft/align1/transpose_inplace.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/svd/align1/transpose_inplace.cl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-// inplace-transpose of a matrix
-__kernel void transpose_inplace(__global float2* input,
+__kernel void transpose_inplace(__global float* input,
unsigned int row_num,
unsigned int col_num) {
unsigned int size = row_num * col_num;
@@ -13,10 +15,11 @@ __kernel void transpose_inplace(__global float2* input,
//input[i] = new_pos;
if(i < new_pos) {
- float2 val = input[i];
+ float val = input[i];
input[i] = input[new_pos];
input[new_pos] = val;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/add.cl
index 0ab59cf..591cb54 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/add.cl
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
__kernel void add(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] + vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] + vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/assign.cl
similarity index 68%
copy from auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl
copy to auxiliary/vector/align1/assign.cl
index 50bffd2..05dba1a 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/assign.cl
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-__kernel void inplace_sub(
+__kernel void assign(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2];
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] = vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/clear.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/clear.cl
index 78d488d..1dc93e1 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/clear.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/clear.cl
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
__kernel void clear(
__global float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] = 0;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] = 0;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl
index d020712..fb12b39 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
__kernel void cpu_inplace_mul_add(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
float factor)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] += vec2[i+start2] * factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] += vec2[i*inc2+start2] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
index 9c4d3ff..df5eca0 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_inplace_mult.cl
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
__kernel void cpu_inplace_mult(
__global float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
float factor)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] *= factor;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mul_add.cl
index bab4419..7c02900 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mul_add.cl
@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
__kernel void cpu_mul_add(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
float factor,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] * factor + vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] * factor + vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mult.cl
index 478cabc..e25e4da 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/cpu_mult.cl
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
__kernel void cpu_mult(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
float factor,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start2] = vec[i+start1] * factor;
+ result[i*inc2+start2] = vec[i*inc1+start1] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/diag_precond.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/diag_precond.cl
index c9e30d0..abaa6f3 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/diag_precond.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/diag_precond.cl
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
__kernel void diag_precond(
__global const float * diag_A_inv,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global float * x,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- x[i+start2] *= diag_A_inv[i+start1];
+ x[i*inc2+start2] *= diag_A_inv[i*inc1+start1];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/divide.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/divide.cl
index 2782dc6..f013c53 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/divide.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/divide.cl
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
__kernel void divide(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac, //note: CPU variant is mapped to prod_scalar
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec[i+start1] / factor;
+ result[i*inc1+start3] = vec[i*inc1+start1] / factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/index_norm_inf.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/index_norm_inf.cl
index 32590d1..a3e415b 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/index_norm_inf.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/index_norm_inf.cl
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
unsigned int float_vector1_index_norm_inf_impl(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__local float * float_buffer,
__local unsigned int * index_buffer)
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ unsigned int float_vector1_index_norm_inf_impl(
float tmp;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- tmp = fabs(vec[i+start1]);
+ tmp = fabs(vec[i*inc1+start1]);
if (cur_max < tmp)
float_buffer[get_global_id(0)] = tmp;
@@ -44,12 +45,13 @@ unsigned int float_vector1_index_norm_inf_impl(
__kernel void index_norm_inf(
__global float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__local float * float_buffer,
__local unsigned int * index_buffer,
global unsigned int * result)
- unsigned int tmp = float_vector1_index_norm_inf_impl(vec, start1, size1, float_buffer, index_buffer);
+ unsigned int tmp = float_vector1_index_norm_inf_impl(vec, start1, inc1, size1, float_buffer, index_buffer);
if (get_global_id(0) == 0) *result = tmp;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inner_prod.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inner_prod.cl
index 5f5628e..37e3714 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inner_prod.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inner_prod.cl
@@ -14,15 +14,17 @@ void helper_inner_prod_parallel_reduction( __local float * tmp_buffer )
float impl_inner_prod(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__local float * tmp_buffer)
float tmp = 0;
for (unsigned int i = get_local_id(0); i < size1; i += get_local_size(0))
- tmp += vec1[i+start1] * vec2[i+start2];
+ tmp += vec1[i*inc1+start1] * vec2[i*inc2+start2];
tmp_buffer[get_local_id(0)] = tmp;
@@ -34,19 +36,25 @@ float impl_inner_prod(
__kernel void inner_prod(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__local float * tmp_buffer,
global float * group_buffer)
float tmp = impl_inner_prod(vec1,
- ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
- ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) - ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0),
+ ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) * inc1 + start1,
+ inc1,
+ ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0)
+ - ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0),
- ( get_group_id(0) * size2) / get_num_groups(0) + start2,
- ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size2) / get_num_groups(0) - ( get_group_id(0) * size2) / get_num_groups(0),
+ ( get_group_id(0) * size2) / get_num_groups(0) * inc2 + start2,
+ inc2,
+ ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size2) / get_num_groups(0)
+ - ( get_group_id(0) * size2) / get_num_groups(0),
if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_add.cl
index ab7c23d..d9e55f4 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_add.cl
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
__kernel void inplace_add(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] += vec2[i+start2];
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] += vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_add.cl
index 77820cd..6df0494 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_add.cl
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
__kernel void inplace_div_add(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac) //CPU variant is mapped to mult_add
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2] / factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2] / factor;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_sub.cl
index 0f2a10f..1c23d6e 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_div_sub.cl
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
__kernel void inplace_div_sub(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac) //CPU variant is mapped to mult_add
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2] / factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2] / factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_divide.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_divide.cl
index 5c935f1..b940b01 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_divide.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_divide.cl
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
__kernel void inplace_divide(
__global float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac) //note: CPU variant is mapped to prod_scalar
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] /= factor;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] /= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_add.cl
index 544f5fc..20c61b8 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_add.cl
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
__kernel void inplace_mul_add(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac)
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] += vec2[i+start2] * factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] += vec2[i*inc2+start2] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_sub.cl
index f0c05b2..0882e1c 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mul_sub.cl
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
__kernel void inplace_mul_sub(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac) //CPU variant is mapped to mult_add
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2] * factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mult.cl
index f8a8210..be10b5b 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_mult.cl
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
__kernel void inplace_mult(
__global float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac)
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] *= factor;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl
index 50bffd2..31abe48 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/inplace_sub.cl
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
__kernel void inplace_sub(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2];
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_add.cl
index 72cc286..5084168 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_add.cl
@@ -2,19 +2,22 @@
__kernel void mul_add(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] * factor + vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] * factor + vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_sub.cl
index 860e867..bc11d3c 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/mul_sub.cl
@@ -3,18 +3,21 @@
__kernel void mul_sub(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] * factor - vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] * factor - vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/mult.cl
index 1915983..b6b302e 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/mult.cl
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
__kernel void mult(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
float factor = *fac;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec[i+start1] * factor;
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec[i*inc1+start1] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_1.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_1.cl
index 006ab3a..341457d 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_1.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_1.cl
@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ void helper_norm1_parallel_reduction( __local float * tmp_buffer )
////// norm_1
float impl_norm_1(
__global const float * vec,
- unsigned int start_index,
- unsigned int end_index,
+ unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
+ unsigned int size1,
__local float * tmp_buffer)
float tmp = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = start_index + get_local_id(0); i < end_index; i += get_local_size(0))
- tmp += fabs(vec[i]);
+ for (unsigned int i = get_local_id(0); i < size1; i += get_local_size(0))
+ tmp += fabs(vec[i*inc1 + start1]);
tmp_buffer[get_local_id(0)] = tmp;
@@ -30,13 +31,16 @@ float impl_norm_1(
__kernel void norm_1(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__local float * tmp_buffer,
global float * group_buffer)
float tmp = impl_norm_1(vec,
- ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
- ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
+ ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) * inc1 + start1,
+ inc1,
+ ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0)
+ - ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0),
if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_2.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_2.cl
index bc45d17..1e9b2fc 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_2.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_2.cl
@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ void helper_norm2_parallel_reduction( __local float * tmp_buffer )
////// norm_2
float impl_norm_2(
__global const float * vec,
- unsigned int start_index,
- unsigned int end_index,
+ unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
+ unsigned int size1,
__local float * tmp_buffer)
float tmp = 0;
float vec_entry = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = start_index + get_local_id(0); i < end_index; i += get_local_size(0))
+ for (unsigned int i = get_local_id(0); i < size1; i += get_local_size(0))
- vec_entry = vec[i];
+ vec_entry = vec[i*inc1 + start1];
tmp += vec_entry * vec_entry;
tmp_buffer[get_local_id(0)] = tmp;
@@ -33,13 +34,16 @@ float impl_norm_2(
__kernel void norm_2(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__local float * tmp_buffer,
global float * group_buffer)
float tmp = impl_norm_2(vec,
( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
- ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
+ inc1,
+ ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0)
+ - ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0),
if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_inf.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_inf.cl
index 5eaf719..41a5dff 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_inf.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/norm_inf.cl
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
////// norm_inf
float impl_norm_inf(
__global const float * vec,
- unsigned int start_index,
- unsigned int end_index,
+ unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
+ unsigned int size1,
__local float * tmp_buffer)
float tmp = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = start_index + get_local_id(0); i < end_index; i += get_local_size(0))
- tmp = fmax(fabs(vec[i]), tmp);
+ for (unsigned int i = get_local_id(0); i < size1; i += get_local_size(0))
+ tmp = fmax(fabs(vec[i*inc1 + start1]), tmp);
tmp_buffer[get_local_id(0)] = tmp;
//step 2: parallel reduction:
@@ -25,13 +26,16 @@ float impl_norm_inf(
__kernel void norm_inf(
__global const float * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__local float * tmp_buffer,
global float * group_buffer)
float tmp = impl_norm_inf(vec,
( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
- ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0) + start1,
+ inc1,
+ ((get_group_id(0) + 1) * size1) / get_num_groups(0)
+ - ( get_group_id(0) * size1) / get_num_groups(0),
if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/plane_rotation.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/plane_rotation.cl
index 28d6c91..d6b64d7 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/plane_rotation.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/plane_rotation.cl
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
__kernel void plane_rotation(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
float alpha,
float beta)
@@ -15,11 +17,11 @@ __kernel void plane_rotation(
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- tmp1 = vec1[i+start1];
- tmp2 = vec2[i+start2];
+ tmp1 = vec1[i*inc1+start1];
+ tmp2 = vec2[i*inc2+start2];
- vec1[i+start1] = alpha * tmp1 + beta * tmp2;
- vec2[i+start2] = alpha * tmp2 - beta * tmp1;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] = alpha * tmp1 + beta * tmp2;
+ vec2[i*inc2+start2] = alpha * tmp2 - beta * tmp1;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/sqrt_sum.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/sqrt_sum.cl
index 3debe8a..396ab24 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/sqrt_sum.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/sqrt_sum.cl
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+// helper kernel for norm_2
__kernel void sqrt_sum(
__global float * vec1,
- unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global float * result)
@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ __kernel void sqrt_sum(
for (unsigned int stride = get_global_size(0)/2; stride > 0; stride /= 2)
if (get_global_id(0) < stride)
- vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1] += vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1+stride];
+ vec1[get_global_id(0)*inc1+start1] += vec1[(get_global_id(0)+stride)*inc1+start1];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/sub.cl
index 48d3317..28827ef 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/sub.cl
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
__kernel void sub(
__global const float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] - vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] - vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/sum.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/sum.cl
index 7e51c52..ff0e1c0 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/sum.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/sum.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
__kernel void sum(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global float * result)
@@ -10,11 +11,11 @@ __kernel void sum(
for (unsigned int stride = get_global_size(0)/2; stride > 0; stride /= 2)
if (get_global_id(0) < stride)
- vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1] += vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1+stride];
+ vec1[get_global_id(0)*inc1+start1] += vec1[(get_global_id(0)+stride)*inc1+start1];
if (get_global_id(0) == 0)
- *result = vec1[0];
+ *result = vec1[start1];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/swap.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/swap.cl
index b1bc41e..f0f0d81 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/swap.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/swap.cl
@@ -4,18 +4,20 @@
__kernel void swap(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global float * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2
float tmp;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size1; i += get_global_size(0))
- tmp = vec2[i+start2];
- vec2[i+start2] = vec1[i+start1];
- vec1[i+start1] = tmp;
+ tmp = vec2[i*inc2+start2];
+ vec2[i*inc2+start2] = vec1[i*inc1+start1];
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] = tmp;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align1/vmax.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align1/vmax.cl
index 0888b53..9ce45d6 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align1/vmax.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align1/vmax.cl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
__kernel void vmax(
__global float * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global float * result)
@@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ __kernel void vmax(
for (unsigned int stride = get_global_size(0)/2; stride > 0; stride /= 2)
if (get_global_id(0) < stride)
- vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1] = fmax(vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1+stride], vec1[get_global_id(0)+start1]);
+ vec1[get_global_id(0)*inc1+start1] = fmax(vec1[(get_global_id(0)+stride)*inc1+start1],
+ vec1[get_global_id(0)*inc1+start1]);
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/add.cl
index 6e786b0..1995acd 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/add.cl
@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
__kernel void add(
__global const float16 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float16 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float16 * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
- unsigned int i_end = size/16;
+ unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] + vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] + vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_inplace_mul.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_inplace_mul.cl
index 2eba4bf..f271f56 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_inplace_mul.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_inplace_mul.cl
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
__kernel void cpu_inplace_mult(
__global float16 * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
float factor)
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] *= factor;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_mult.cl
index 6c36326..5241da5 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/cpu_mult.cl
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
__kernel void cpu_mult(
__global const float16 * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
float factor,
__global float16 * result,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start2] = vec[i+start1] * factor;
+ result[i*inc2+start2] = vec[i*inc1+start1] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/divide.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/divide.cl
index a3b3119..0fc3ddb 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/divide.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/divide.cl
@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
__kernel void divide(
__global const float16 * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac, //note: CPU variant is mapped to prod_scalar
__global float16 * result,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
float factor = *fac;
- unsigned int i_end = size/16;
+ unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start2] = vec[i+start1] / factor;
+ result[i*inc2+start2] = vec[i*inc1+start1] / factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_add.cl
index 76f4e45..a93dad2 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_add.cl
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
__kernel void inplace_add(
__global float16 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float16 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] += vec2[i+start2];
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] += vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_divide.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_divide.cl
index 01150e8..76741c1 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_divide.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_divide.cl
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
__kernel void inplace_divide(
__global float16 * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac) //note: CPU variant is mapped to prod_scalar
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] /= factor;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] /= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_mult.cl
index 51df457..6e5edfe 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_mult.cl
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
__kernel void inplace_mult(
__global float16 * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac)
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec[i+start1] *= factor;
+ vec[i*inc1+start1] *= factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_sub.cl
index 4e67918..e452e3f 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/inplace_sub.cl
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
__kernel void inplace_sub(
__global float16 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float16 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2];
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/mult.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/mult.cl
index 8af3ff7..d55e667 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/mult.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/mult.cl
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
__kernel void mult(
__global const float16 * vec,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac,
__global float16 * result,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2)
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int i_end = size1/16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start2] = vec[i+start1] * factor;
+ result[i*inc2+start2] = vec[i*inc1+start1] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align16/sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align16/sub.cl
index bcccdc6..93e8077 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align16/sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align16/sub.cl
@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
__kernel void sub(
__global const float16 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float16 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float16 * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
unsigned int i_end = size1 / 16;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] - vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] - vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl
index bddcf43..c71f129 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_inplace_mul_add.cl
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
__kernel void cpu_inplace_mul_add(
__global float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
float factor)
unsigned int i_end = size1/4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] += vec2[i+start2] * factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] += vec2[i*inc2+start2] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_mul_add.cl
index 0232f8f..53a4a9f 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/cpu_mul_add.cl
@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
__kernel void cpu_mul_add(
__global const float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
float factor,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float4 * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
unsigned int i_end = size1/4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] * factor + vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] * factor + vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_add.cl
index dd36960..4cbf33d 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_add.cl
@@ -2,16 +2,18 @@
__kernel void inplace_div_add(
__global float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac) //CPU variant is mapped to mult_add
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int i_end = size1 / 4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2] / factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2] / factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_sub.cl
index 40ff851..3f73162 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_div_sub.cl
@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
__kernel void inplace_div_sub(
__global float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac) //CPU variant is mapped to mult_add
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int i_end = size1/4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2] / factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2] / factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_add.cl
index aab7484..96618c9 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_add.cl
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
__kernel void inplace_mul_add(
__global float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac)
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int size_div_4 = size1/4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < size_div_4; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] += vec2[i+start2] * factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] += vec2[i*inc2+start2] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_sub.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_sub.cl
index 5c5f750..4c8c3bc 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_sub.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/inplace_mul_sub.cl
@@ -2,16 +2,18 @@
__kernel void inplace_mul_sub(
__global float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global const float * fac) //CPU variant is mapped to mult_add
float factor = *fac;
- unsigned int i_end = size/4;
+ unsigned int i_end = size1/4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- vec1[i+start1] -= vec2[i+start2] * factor;
+ vec1[i*inc1+start1] -= vec2[i*inc2+start2] * factor;
diff --git a/auxiliary/vector/align4/mul_add.cl b/auxiliary/vector/align4/mul_add.cl
index 39327bc..0b074ae 100644
--- a/auxiliary/vector/align4/mul_add.cl
+++ b/auxiliary/vector/align4/mul_add.cl
@@ -2,18 +2,21 @@
__kernel void mul_add(
__global const float4 * vec1,
unsigned int start1,
+ unsigned int inc1,
unsigned int size1,
__global const float * fac,
__global const float4 * vec2,
unsigned int start2,
+ unsigned int inc2,
unsigned int size2,
__global float4 * result,
unsigned int start3,
+ unsigned int inc3,
unsigned int size3)
float factor = *fac;
unsigned int i_end = size1/4;
for (unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); i < i_end; i += get_global_size(0))
- result[i+start3] = vec1[i+start1] * factor + vec2[i+start2];
+ result[i*inc3+start3] = vec1[i*inc1+start1] * factor + vec2[i*inc2+start2];
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index bdfcbbc..fc0d0c1 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -2,6 +2,22 @@
**** ViennaCL Change Logs ****
+*** Version 1.3.x ***
+-- Version 1.3.0 --
+Several new features enter this new minor version release.
+Some of the experimental features introduced in 1.2.0 keep their experimental state in 1.3.x due to the short time since 1.2.0, with exceptions listed below along with the new features:
+ - Full support for ranges and slices for dense matrices and vectors (no longer experimental)
+ - QR factorization now possible for arbitrary matrix sizes (no longer experimental)
+ - Further improved matrix-matrix multiplication performance for matrix dimensions which are a multiple of 64 (particularly improves performance for NVIDIA GPUs)
+ - Added Lanczos and power iteration method for eigenvalue computations of dense and sparse matrices (experimental, contributed by Guenther Mader and Astrid Rupp)
+ - Added singular value decomposition in single precision (experimental, contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko)
+ - Two new ILU-preconditioners added: ILU0 (contributed by Evan Bollig) and a block-diagonal ILU preconditioner using either ILUT or ILU0 for each block. Both preconditioners are computed entirely on the CPU.
+ - Automated OpenCL kernel generator based on high-level operation specifications added (many thanks to Philippe Tillet who had a lot of /fun fun fun/ working on this)
+ - Two new sparse matrix types (by Volodymyr Kysenko): ell_matrix for the ELL format and hyb_matrix for a hybrid format (contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko).
+ - Added possibility to specify the OpenCL platform used by a context
+ - Build options for the OpenCL compiler can now be supplied to a context (thanks to Krzysztof Bzowski for the suggestion)
+ - Added nonnegative matrix factorization by Lee and Seoung (contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko).
*** Version 1.2.x ***
@@ -17,7 +33,6 @@ The main changes (in addition to some internal adjustments) are as follows:
- Fixed incorrect matrix dimensions obtained with the transfer of non-square sparse Eigen and MTL matrices to ViennaCL objects (thanks to sourceforge.net user ggrocca for pointing at this)
-- Version 1.2.0 --
Many new features from the Google Summer of Code and the IuE Summer of Code enter this release.
Due to their complexity, they are for the moment still in experimental state (see the respective chapters for details) and are expected to reach maturity with the 1.3.0 release.
Shorter release cycles are planned for the near future.
diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile.in b/doc/Doxyfile.in
index a4a1b32..bdca248 100644
--- a/doc/Doxyfile.in
+++ b/doc/Doxyfile.in
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = "ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library"
# This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or
# if some version control system is used.
# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute)
# base path where the generated documentation will be put.
diff --git a/doc/manual/algorithms.tex b/doc/manual/algorithms.tex
index b38a64a..70f00d1 100644
--- a/doc/manual/algorithms.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/algorithms.tex
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ iterations
viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag custom_gmres(1e-10, 100, 30);
+\section{Preconditioners} \label{sec:preconditioner}
{\ViennaCL} ships with a generic implementation of several preconditioners.
The preconditioner setup is expect for simple diagonal preconditioners always carried out on the CPU host due to the need for dynamically allocating memory.
Thus, one may not obtain an overall performance benefit if too much time is spent on the preconditioner setup.
@@ -178,6 +178,50 @@ vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::solve(vcl_matrix,
Two parameters can be passed to the constructor of \lstinline|ilut_tag|: The first specifies the maximum number of entries per row in $L$ and $U$, while the
second parameter specifies the drop tolerance.
+\subsection{Incomplete LU Factorization with Static Pattern (ILU0)}
+Similar to ILUT, ILU0 computes an approximate LU factorization with sparse factors L and U.
+While ILUT determines the location of nonzero entries on the fly, ILU0 uses the sparsity pattern of A for the sparsity pattern of L and U \cite{saad-iterative-solution}.
+Due to the serial nature of the preconditioner, the setup as well as each application of ILU0 to the residual is computed on
+the CPU.
+//compute ILU0 preconditioner:
+ilu0_precond< SparseMatrix > vcl_ilu0(vcl_matrix,
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+//solve (e.g. using conjugate gradient solver)
+vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::solve(vcl_matrix,
+ vcl_rhs,
+ viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag(),
+ vcl_ilut); //preconditioner here
+Two parameters can be passed to the constructor of \lstinline|ilu0_tag|:
+The first parameter specifies the lower row and column index for which ILU0 should be computed, while the second parameter specifies the upper bound on the row and column indices considered.
+For example, the parameter set $(2,5)$ is supplied, ILU0 is computed for the diagonal block $A(2:4, 2:4)$, where $2:4 = \{2, 3, 4 \}$.
+By default, ILU0 is computed for the full system matrix.
+To overcome the serial nature of ILUT and ILU0 applied to the full system matrix,
+a parallel variant is to apply ILU to diagonal blocks of the system matrix.
+This is accomplished by the \lstinline|block_ilu| preconditioner, which takes
+the system matrix type as first template argument and the respective ILU-tag type as second template argument
+(either \lstinline|ilut_tag| or \lstinline|ilu0_tag|).
+//compute block-ILU preconditioner using ILU0 for each block:
+ ilu0_tag> vcl_block_ilu0(vcl_matrix,
+ ilu0_tag());
+vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::solve(vcl_matrix,
+ vcl_rhs,
+ viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag(),
+ vcl_block_ilu0);
+A third argument can be passed to the constructor of \lstinline|block_ilu_precond|:
+Either the number of blocks to be used (defaults to 4), or an index vector with fine-grained control over the blocks. Refer to the Doxygen pages in doc/doxygen for details.
\subsection{Jacobi Preconditioner}
A Jacobi preconditioner is a simple diagonal preconditioner given by the reciprocals of the diagonal entries of the system matrix $A$.
@@ -388,10 +432,59 @@ and return the permutation array. In {\ViennaCLversion}, the user then needs to
can be found in \lstinline|examples/tutorial/bandwidth-reduction.cpp|.
+\section{Eigenvalue Computations}
+Two algorithms for the computations of the eigenvalues of a matrix $A$ are implemented in {\ViennaCL}:
+\item The Power Iteration \cite{golub:matrix-computations}
+\item The Lanczos Algorithm \cite{simon:lanczos-pro}
+Depending on the parameter \lstinline|tag| either one of them is called.
+Both algorithms can be used for either {\ublas} or {\ViennaCL} compressed matrices.\\
+In order to get the eigenvalue with the greatest absolut value the power iteration should be called. \\
+The lanczos algorithm returns a vector of the largest eigenvalues with the same type as the entries of the matrix.
+The algorithms are called for a matrix object \lstinline|A| by
+std::vector<double> largest_eigenvalues = viennacl::linalg::eig(A, ltag);
+double largest_eigenvalue = viennacl::linalg::eig(A, ptag);
+\subsection{Power Iteration}
+The Power iteration aims at computing the eigenvalues of a matrix by calculating the product of the matrix and a vector for several times, where the resulting vector is used for the next product of the matrix and so on. The computation stops as soon as the norm of the vector converges. \\
+The final vector is the eigenvector to the eigenvalue with the greatest absolut value.\\
+To call this algorithm, \lstinline|piter_tag| must be used.
+This tag has only one parameter: \\ \lstinline|terminationfactor| defines the accuracy of the computation, i.e. if the new norm of the eigenvector changes less than this parameter the computation stops and returns the corresponding eigenvalue (default: $1e-10$).\\
+The call of the constructor may look like the following:
+viennacl::linalg::piter_tag ptag(1e-8);
+\TIP{Example code can be found in \lstinline|examples/tutorial/power-iter.cpp|.}
+\subsection{The Lanczos Algorithm}
+In order to compute the eigenvalues of a sparse high-dimensional matrix the lanczos algorithm can be used to find these.
+This algorithm reformulates the given high-dimensional matrix in a way such that the matrix can be rewritten in a tridiagonal matrix at much lower dimension. The eigenvalues of this tridiagonal matrix are equal to the largest eigenvalues of the original matrix. \\
+The eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix are calculated by using the bisection method \cite{golub:matrix-computations}. \\
+To call this lanczos algorithm, \lstinline|lanczos_tag| must be used.
+This tag has several parameters that can be passed to the constructor:
+ \item The exponent of epsilon for the tolerance of the reorthogonalization, defined by the parameter \lstinline|factor| (default: $0.75$)
+ \item The method of the lanczos algorithm: $0$ uses partial reorthogonalization, $1$ full reothogonalization and $2$ does not use reorthogonalization (default: $0$)
+ \item The number of eigenvalues that are returned is specified by \lstinline|num_eigenvalues| (default: $10$)
+ \item The size of the krylov space used for the computations can be set by the parameter \lstinline|krylov_size| (default: $100$). The maximum number of iterations can be equal or less this parameter
+The call of the constructor may look like the following:
+viennacl::linalg::lanczos_tag ltag(0.85, 15, 0, 200);
+\TIP{Example code can be found in \lstinline|examples/tutorial/lanczos.cpp|.}
\section{QR Factorization}
-\NOTE{The QR factorization is experimental in {\ViennaCLversion}. Interface changes as well as considerable performance improvements may
-be included in future releases!}
A matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ can be factored into $A = Q R$, where $Q \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ is an
orthogonal matrix and $R \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ is upper triangular. This so-called QR-factorization is important for eigenvalue computations as well as
@@ -408,8 +501,6 @@ If $A$ is a dense matrix from \ublas, the calculation is carried out on the CPU
\lstinline|viennacl::matrix|, a hybrid implementation is used: The panel factorization is carried out using \ublas, while expensive BLAS level 3 operations
are computed on the OpenCL device using multiple threads.
-\NOTE{The number of columns of the input matrix must be a multiple of the block size in {\ViennaCLversion}.}
Typically, the orthogonal matrix $Q$ is kept in inplicit form because of computational efficiency
However, if $Q$ and $R$ have to be computed explicitly, the function \lstinline|recoverQ| can be used:
@@ -417,3 +508,42 @@ However, if $Q$ and $R$ have to be computed explicitly, the function \lstinline|
Here, \lstinline|A| is the inplace QR-factored matrix, \lstinline|betas| are the coefficients of the Householder reflectors as returned by
\lstinline|inplace_qr|, while \lstinline|Q| and \lstinline|R| are the destination matrices.
+\section{Singular Value Decomposition}
+\NOTE{Singular Value Decomposition is experimental in {\ViennaCLversion}. Interface changes as well as considerable performance improvements may
+be included in future releases!}
+\NOTE{Singular Value Decomposition in {\ViennaCLversion} is provided for a row-major matrix $A$ with single precision floating point entries (\lstinline|float|) only.}
+Any matrix $A$ can be factored as
+ A = U \Sigma V^{\mathrm{T}}
+with orthogonal matrices $U$ and $V$ and a diagonal matrix $\Sigma$ consisting of non-negative diagonal entries only.
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> A(size1, size2),
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> U(size1, size1),
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> V(size2, size2),
+ viennacl::linalg::svd(A, U, V);
+The input matrix \lstinline|A| is overwritten with $\Sigma$.
+\section{Nonnegative Matrix Factorization}
+\NOTE{Nonnegative Matrix Factorization is experimental in {\ViennaCLversion}. Interface changes as well as considerable performance improvements may
+be included in future releases!}
+In various fields such as text mining, a matrix $V$ needs to be factored into factors $W$ and $H$ such that the function
+ f(W, H) = \Vert V - WH \Vert_{\mathrm{F}}^2
+is minimized. The algorithm proposed by Lee and Seoung \cite{lee:nmf} is available in ViennaCL as
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> V(size1, size2),
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> W(size1, size1),
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> H(size2, size2),
+ viennacl::linalg::nmf(V, W, H);
diff --git a/doc/manual/changelogs.tex b/doc/manual/changelogs.tex
index 2eae9a8..8137e0f 100644
--- a/doc/manual/changelogs.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/changelogs.tex
@@ -1,6 +1,27 @@
\chapter*{Change Logs} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Change Logs}
+\section*{Version 1.3.x}
+\subsection*{Version 1.3.0}
+Several new features enter this new minor version release.
+Some of the experimental features introduced in 1.2.0 keep their experimental state in 1.3.x due to the short time since 1.2.0, with exceptions listed below along with the new features:
+ \item Full support for ranges and slices for dense matrices and vectors (no longer experimental)
+ \item QR factorization now possible for arbitrary matrix sizes (no longer experimental)
+ \item Further improved matrix-matrix multiplication performance for matrix dimensions which are a multiple of 64 (particularly improves performance for NVIDIA GPUs)
+ \item Added Lanczos and power iteration method for eigenvalue computations of dense and sparse matrices (experimental, contributed by G\"unther Mader and Astrid Rupp)
+ \item Added singular value decomposition in single precision (experimental, contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko)
+ \item Two new ILU-preconditioners added: ILU0 (contributed by Evan Bollig) and a block-diagonal ILU preconditioner using either ILUT or ILU0 for each block. Both preconditioners are computed entirely on the CPU.
+ \item Automated OpenCL kernel generator based on high-level operation specifications added (many thanks to Philippe Tillet who had a lot of \emph{fun fun fun} working on this)
+ \item Two new sparse matrix types (by Volodymyr Kysenko): \lstinline|ell_matrix| for the ELL format and \lstinline|hyb_matrix| for a hybrid format (contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko).
+ \item Added possibility to specify the OpenCL platform used by a context
+ \item Build options for the OpenCL compiler can now be supplied to a context (thanks to Krzysztof Bzowski for the suggestion)
+ \item Added nonnegative matrix factorization by Lee and Seoung (contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko).
\section*{Version 1.2.x}
\subsection*{Version 1.2.1}
diff --git a/doc/manual/contributors.tex b/doc/manual/contributors.tex
index b8f047b..cccfd0e 100644
--- a/doc/manual/contributors.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/contributors.tex
@@ -13,13 +13,18 @@ Karl Rupp\\
\textit{Code Contributors:} \\
-Philipp Grabenweger\\
-Volodymyr Kysenko\\
-Nikolay Lukash\\
-Florian Rudolf\\
-Markus Wagner\\
-Josef Weinbub\\
-Michael Wild
+Evan Bollig \\
+Philipp Grabenweger \\
+Volodymyr Kysenko \\
+Nikolay Lukash \\
+G\"unther Mader \\
+Vittorio Patriarca \\
+Florian Rudolf \\
+Astrid Rupp \\
+Philippe Tillet \\
+Markus Wagner \\
+Josef Weinbub \\
+Michael Wild \\
diff --git a/doc/manual/cover.tex b/doc/manual/cover.tex
index 7482e64..30a71ea 100644
--- a/doc/manual/cover.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/cover.tex
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-\Huge{ViennaCL 1.2.1}
+\Huge{ViennaCL 1.3.0}
\Large{User Manual}
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10289bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/manual/kernel-generation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\chapter{Automated User-Kernel Generation} \label{chap:kernel-generation}
+While {\ViennaCL} provides a convenient means of including custom compute kernels, cf.~Chap.~\ref{chap:custom},
+it can be rather tedious to come up with a good compute kernel, or to come up with many similar kernels differing in small details only.
+For the case of BLAS level 1 and level 2 operations, {\ViennaCL} now provides an automated kernel generator, which takes a high-level specification of the operations and create one or more suitable OpenCL kernels.
+This allows for high-performance implementations of algorithms which may otherwise lead to spurious temporary objects.
+As our second example, we consider the operation
+\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{A} \times \bigl[ (\mathbf{y} \cdot (\mathbf{y}+\mathbf{z}))\mathbf{y} + \mathbf{z} \bigr] \ ,
+where $\mathbf{x}$, $\mathbf{y}$ and $\mathbf{z}$ denote vectors, $\mathbf{A}$ is a dense matrix, and the dot denotes the vector dot product.
+With the proposed generator it is sufficient to write the following C++ code:
+// Instantiation of the symbolic variables
+symbolic_vector<0, NumericT> sX;
+symbolic_matrix<1, NumericT> sA;
+symbolic_vector<2, NumericT> sY;
+symbolic_vector<3, NumericT> sZ;
+//Creation of the custom operation
+custom_operation my_op(
+ sX = prod(sA, inner_prod(sY, sY+sZ) * sY + sZ)
+ );
+where \lstinline|NumericT| is either \lstinline|float| or \lstinline|double|.
+The custom operation object \lstinline|my_op| can then be enqueued like any other kernel:
+//Execution of the custom operation
+Here, \lstinline|x|, \lstinline|y|, \lstinline|z| are of type \lstinline|viennacl::vector<NumericT>| and \lstinline|A| is of type \lstinline|viennacl::matrix<NumericT>|.
+\TIP{Sample code can be found in \lstinline|tests/src/generator_*.cpp|}
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diff --git a/doc/manual/multi-device.tex b/doc/manual/multi-device.tex
index d837a54..6449ef4 100644
--- a/doc/manual/multi-device.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/multi-device.tex
@@ -15,12 +15,19 @@ All operations are then carried out on this context, which can be obtained with
This default context is identified by the ID $0$ (of type \lstinline|long|).
+{\ViennaCL} uses the first platform returned by the OpenCL backend for the context.
+If a different platform should be used on a machine with multiple platforms available,
+this can be achieved with
+ viennacl::ocl::setup_context_platform_index(id, platform_index);
+where the context ID is \lstinline|id| and \lstinline|platform_index| refers to the array index of the platform as returned by \lstinline|clGetPlatformIDs()|.
By default, only the first device in the context is used for all operations. This device can be obtained via
viennacl::ocl::current_device(); //equivalent to above
A user may wish to use multiple contexts, where each context consists of a subset of the available devices.
To setup a context with ID \lstinline|id| with a particular device type only, the user has to specify this
prior to any other {\ViennaCL} related statements:
@@ -79,3 +86,14 @@ std::vector<viennacl::ocl::device> const & devices =
If the supplied device is not part of the context, an error message is printed and the active device remains unchanged.
+\section{Setting OpenCL Compiler Flags}
+Each context provides a member function \lstinline|.build_options()|, which can be used to pass OpenCL compiler flags prior to compilation.
+Note that flags need to be passed to the context prior to the compilation of the respective kernels, i.e.~prior the first instantiation of the respective matrix or vector types.
+To pass the \lstinline|-cl-mad-enable| flag to the current context, the line
+ viennacl::ocl::current_context().build_options("-cl-mad-enable");
+is sufficient. Confer to the {\OpenCL} standard for a full list of flags.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/manual/types.tex b/doc/manual/types.tex
index eff1245..b7254a1 100644
--- a/doc/manual/types.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/types.tex
@@ -459,15 +459,32 @@ The use of \texttt{coordinate\_matrix$<$T, alignment$>$} is similar to that of t
The interface is described in Tab.~\ref{tab:coordinate-matrix-interface}.
-\TIP{In {\ViennaCLversion} the use of \lstinline|compressed\_matrix| over \lstinline|coordinate\_matrix| is encouraged due to better performance!}
+%\TIP{In {\ViennaCLversion} the use of \lstinline|compressed\_matrix| over \lstinline|coordinate\_matrix| is encouraged due to better performance!}
+\NOTE{Note that preconditioners in Sec.~\ref{sec:preconditioner} do not work with \lstinline|coordinate_matrix| yet.}
+\subsection{ELL Matrix}
+A sparse matrix in ELL format of type \lstinline|ell_matrix| is stored in a block of memory of size $N \times n_{\max}$, where $N$ is the number of rows of the matrix and $n_{\max}$ is the maximum number of nonzeros per row.
+Rows with less than $n_{\max}$ entries are padded with zeros. In a second memory block, the respective column indices are stored.
-\NOTE{Matrix and vector proxies are experimental in {\ViennaCLversion}. Interface changes as well as considerable performance improvements may
-be included in future releases!}
+The ELL format is well suited for matrices where most rows have approximately the same number of nonzeros.
+This is often the case for matrices arising from the discretization of partial differential equations using e.g.~the finite element method.
+On the other hand, the ELL format introduces substantial overhead if the number of nonzeros per row varies a lot.
+For an example use of an \lstinline|ell_matrix|, have a look at \lstinline|examples/benchmarks/sparse.cpp|.
+\NOTE{Note that preconditioners in Sec.~\ref{sec:preconditioner} do not work with \lstinline|ell_matrix| yet.}
+\subsection{Hybrid Matrix}
+The higher performance of the ELL format for matrices with approximately the same number of entries per row
+and the higher flexibility of the CSR format is combined in the \lstinline|hyb_matrix| type, where the main part of the system matrix is stored in ELL format and excess entries are stored in CSR format.
-Similar to {\ublas}, {\ViennaCL} provides \lstinline|range| objects in order to conveniently manipulate dense submatrices and vectors. The functionality is
+For an example use of an \lstinline|hyb_matrix|, have a look at \lstinline|examples/benchmarks/sparse.cpp|.
+\NOTE{Note that preconditioners in Sec.~\ref{sec:preconditioner} do not work with \lstinline|hyb_matrix| yet.}
+Similar to {\ublas}, {\ViennaCL} provides \lstinline|range| and \lstinline|slice| objects in order to conveniently manipulate dense submatrices and vectors. The functionality is
provided in the headers \lstinline|viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp| and \lstinline|viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp| respectively.
A range refers to a contiguous integer interval and is set up as
@@ -475,6 +492,15 @@ A range refers to a contiguous integer interval and is set up as
std::size_t upper_bound = 7;
viennacl::range r(lower_bound, upper_bound);
+A slice is similar to a range and allows in addition for arbitrary increments (\emph{stride}).
+For example, to create a slice consisting of the indices $2, 5, 8, 11, 14$, the code
+ std::size_t start = 2;
+ std::size_t stride = 3;
+ std::size_t size = 5
+ viennacl::slice s(start, stride, size);
In order to address a subvector of a vector \lstinline|v| and a submatrix of a matrix \lstinline|M|, the proxy objects \lstinline|v_sub| and \lstinline|M_sub|
are created as follows:
@@ -484,11 +510,18 @@ are created as follows:
viennacl::vector_range<VCLVectorType> v_sub(v, r);
viennacl::matrix_range<VCLMatrixType> M_sub(M, r, r);
+As a shortcut, one may use the free function \lstinline|project()| in order to avoid having to write the type explicitly:
+ project(v, r); //returns a vector_range as above
+ project(M, r, r); //returns a matrix_range as above
+In the same way \lstinline|vector_slice|s and \lstinline|matrix_slice|s are set up.
The proxy objects can now be manipulated in the same way as vectors and dense matrices. In particular, operations such as vector proxy additions and matrix
additions work as usual, e.g.
- vcl_sub += vcl_sub;
- M_sub += M_sub;
+ vcl_sub += vcl_sub; //or project(v, r) += project(v, r);
+ M_sub += M_sub; //or project(M, r, r) += project(M, r, r);
Submatrix-Submatrix products are computed in the same manner and are handy for many block-based linear algebra algorithms.
diff --git a/doc/manual/viennacl.bib b/doc/manual/viennacl.bib
index 6206b13..c5bbcdf 100644
--- a/doc/manual/viennacl.bib
+++ b/doc/manual/viennacl.bib
@@ -150,3 +150,21 @@
year = {1996}
+ at article{simon:lanczos-pro,
+ author = {Simon, Horst~D.},
+ title = {The Lanczos Algorithm With Partial Reorthogonalization},
+ journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
+ volume = {42},
+ issue = {165},
+ year = {1984},
+ pages = {115-142},
+ publisher = {American Mathematical Society}
+ at inproceedings{lee:nmf,
+ author = {Lee, D.~D. and Seung, S.~H.},
+ title = {{Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization}},
+ booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13},
+ pages = {556–562},
+ year = {2000},
diff --git a/doc/manual/viennacl.tex b/doc/manual/viennacl.tex
index 4833a62..2370e8f 100644
--- a/doc/manual/viennacl.tex
+++ b/doc/manual/viennacl.tex
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
\newcommand{\OpenMP} {\texttt{OpenMP}}
\newcommand{\OpenCL} {\texttt{OpenCL}}
\newcommand{\ViennaCL} {\texttt{ViennaCL}}
-\newcommand{\ViennaCLversion} {\texttt{ViennaCL 1.2.1}}
-\newcommand{\ViennaCLminorversion} {\texttt{ViennaCL 1.2.x}}
+\newcommand{\ViennaCLversion} {\texttt{ViennaCL 1.3.0}}
+\newcommand{\ViennaCLminorversion} {\texttt{ViennaCL 1.3.x}}
\newcommand{\Boost} {\texttt{Boost}}
\newcommand{\ublas} {\texttt{ublas}}
\newcommand{\Eigen} {\texttt{Eigen}}
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
diff --git a/examples/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
index 067d289..b2171a8 100644
--- a/examples/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ endforeach()
- foreach(bench sparse solver iccs_qr)
+ foreach(bench sparse solver)
add_executable(${bench}bench ${bench}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${bench}bench ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
#ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wall -pedantic -O0 -g)
- ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wall -pedantic -O3)
+# ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wall -pedantic -O3)
diff --git a/examples/benchmarks/blas3.cpp b/examples/benchmarks/blas3.cpp
index 583570e..3945d13 100644
--- a/examples/benchmarks/blas3.cpp
+++ b/examples/benchmarks/blas3.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
-//disable debug mechanisms to have a fair comparison with ublas:
+//disable debug mechanisms to have a fair benchmark environment
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define NDEBUG
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp"
// Some helper functions for this tutorial:
#include "../tutorial/Random.hpp"
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
-#define BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE 1500
+#define BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE 1024
template<typename ScalarType>
int run_benchmark()
@@ -73,10 +74,13 @@ int run_benchmark()
// Set up some ViennaCL objects
viennacl::ocl::set_context_device_type(0, viennacl::ocl::gpu_tag());
+ //viennacl::ocl::current_context().build_options("-cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math"); //uncomment for additional optimizations
+ //viennacl::ocl::current_context().build_options("-cl-opt-disable"); //uncomment to get poor performance
viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> vcl_A(BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE, BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE);
- viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, viennacl::column_major> vcl_B(BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE, BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> vcl_B(BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE, BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE);
viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> vcl_C(BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE, BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE);
//////////// Matrix-matrix products /////////////
@@ -84,6 +88,10 @@ int run_benchmark()
// Now iterate over all OpenCL devices in the context and compute the matrix-matrix product
+ std::cout << " ------ Benchmark 1: Matrix-Matrix product ------ " << std::endl;
std::vector<viennacl::ocl::device> devices = viennacl::ocl::current_context().devices();
for (size_t i=0; i<devices.size(); ++i)
@@ -106,7 +114,57 @@ int run_benchmark()
std::cout << " - GFLOPs (counting multiply&add as one operation): " << (vcl_A.size1() / 1000.0) * (vcl_A.size2() / 1000.0) * (vcl_B.size2() / 1000.0) / exec_time << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " ------ Benchmark 2: Matrix-Matrix product using ranges ------ " << std::endl;
+ viennacl::range r(BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE/4, 3 * BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE/4);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<devices.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::current_context().switch_device(devices[i]);
+ std::cout << " - Device Name: " << viennacl::ocl::current_device().name() << std::endl;
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&(stl_A[0]),
+ &(stl_A[0]) + stl_A.size(),
+ vcl_A);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&(stl_B[0]),
+ &(stl_B[0]) + stl_B.size(),
+ vcl_B);
+ viennacl::project(vcl_C, r, r) = viennacl::linalg::prod(viennacl::project(vcl_A, r, r), viennacl::project(vcl_B, r, r));
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ timer.start();
+ viennacl::project(vcl_C, r, r) = viennacl::linalg::prod(viennacl::project(vcl_A, r, r), viennacl::project(vcl_B, r, r));
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << " - Execution time on device (no setup time included): " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " - GFLOPs (counting multiply&add as one operation): " << (vcl_A.size1() / 2000.0) * (vcl_A.size2() / 2000.0) * (vcl_B.size2() / 2000.0) / exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << " ------ Benchmark 3: Matrix-Matrix product using slices ------ " << std::endl;
+ viennacl::slice s(0, 2, BLAS3_MATRIX_SIZE/2);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<devices.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::current_context().switch_device(devices[i]);
+ std::cout << " - Device Name: " << viennacl::ocl::current_device().name() << std::endl;
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&(stl_A[0]),
+ &(stl_A[0]) + stl_A.size(),
+ vcl_A);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&(stl_B[0]),
+ &(stl_B[0]) + stl_B.size(),
+ vcl_B);
+ viennacl::project(vcl_C, s, s) = viennacl::linalg::prod(viennacl::project(vcl_A, s, s), viennacl::project(vcl_B, s, s));
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ timer.start();
+ viennacl::project(vcl_C, s, s) = viennacl::linalg::prod(viennacl::project(vcl_A, s, s), viennacl::project(vcl_B, s, s));
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << " - Execution time on device (no setup time included): " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " - GFLOPs (counting multiply&add as one operation): " << (vcl_A.size1() / 2000.0) * (vcl_A.size2() / 2000.0) * (vcl_B.size2() / 2000.0) / exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/examples/benchmarks/iccs_qr.cpp b/examples/benchmarks/iccs_qr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c97dfcb..0000000
--- a/examples/benchmarks/iccs_qr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* =========================================================================
- Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
- Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
- TU Wien.
- -----------------
- ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
- -----------------
- Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
- (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
- License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
-============================================================================= */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- #define NDEBUG
-#include <utility>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "benchmark-utils.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp"
-#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp"
-#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp"
-#include "boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp"
-//typedef viennacl::compressed_matrix<float> SparseMatrix;
-using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
-//using namespace viennacl::linalg;
-void run(size_t rows, size_t cols, std::size_t block_size, double with_cpu = true)
- typedef float ScalarType;
- typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<ScalarType, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> MatrixType;
- typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> VectorType;
- typedef viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, viennacl::column_major> VCLMatrixType;
- typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType> VCLVectorType;
- Timer timer;
- double elapsed = 0;
- MatrixType A(rows, cols);
- for (size_t i=0; i<rows; ++i)
- {
- for (size_t j=0; j<cols; ++j)
- {
- A(i,j) = 1.0 + (i + 1)*(j+1);
- }
- }
- VCLVectorType dummy(10);
- VCLMatrixType vcl_A(rows, cols);
- viennacl::copy(A, vcl_A);
- std::cout << "Benchmark size: " << rows << " x " << cols << std::endl;
- //
- // CPU:
- //
- if (with_cpu)
- {
- timer.start();
- std::vector<ScalarType> betas_cpu = viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr_ublas(A, block_size);
- elapsed = timer.get();
- std::cout << "Time for QR on CPU: " << elapsed << std::endl;
- }
- //
- // GPU:
- //
- viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
- timer.start();
- std::vector<ScalarType> betas_gpu = viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr_viennacl(vcl_A, block_size);
- viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
- elapsed = timer.get();
- std::cout << "Time for QR on GPU: " << elapsed << std::endl;
- //
- // Hybrid:
- //
- viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
- timer.start();
- std::vector<ScalarType> betas_hybrid = viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr_hybrid(vcl_A, block_size);
- viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
- elapsed = timer.get();
- std::cout << "Time for QR on CPU/GPU: " << elapsed << std::endl;
-int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
- run(200, 200, 20);
- std::size_t max_size = 3200;
- std::cout << "---- block size: 20 -----" << std::endl;
- for (std::size_t i=100; i<=max_size; i*=2)
- run(i, i, 20);
- std::cout << "---- block size: 50 -----" << std::endl;
- for (std::size_t i=100; i<=max_size; i*=2)
- run(i, i, 50);
- std::cout << "---- block size: 100 -----" << std::endl;
- for (std::size_t i=100; i<=max_size; i*=2)
- run(i, i, 100);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/examples/benchmarks/solver.cpp b/examples/benchmarks/solver.cpp
index f676dfc..f21aaeb 100644
--- a/examples/benchmarks/solver.cpp
+++ b/examples/benchmarks/solver.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
#include "viennacl/coordinate_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/hyb_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/jacobi_precond.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/row_scaling.hpp"
@@ -149,6 +151,8 @@ int run_benchmark()
viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_compressed_matrix(ublas_vec1.size(), ublas_vec1.size());
viennacl::coordinate_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_coordinate_matrix(ublas_vec1.size(), ublas_vec1.size());
+ viennacl::ell_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_ell_matrix(ublas_vec1.size(), ublas_vec1.size());
+ viennacl::hyb_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_hyb_matrix(ublas_vec1.size(), ublas_vec1.size());
viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vcl_vec1(ublas_vec1.size());
viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vcl_vec2(ublas_vec1.size());
@@ -171,6 +175,8 @@ int run_benchmark()
//cpu to gpu:
viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_compressed_matrix);
viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_coordinate_matrix);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_ell_matrix);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_hyb_matrix);
viennacl::copy(ublas_vec1, vcl_vec1);
viennacl::copy(ublas_vec2, vcl_vec2);
viennacl::copy(ublas_result, vcl_result);
@@ -183,8 +189,41 @@ int run_benchmark()
viennacl::linalg::row_scaling< viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > vcl_row_scaling(vcl_compressed_matrix, viennacl::linalg::row_scaling_tag(1));
- ////////////////////// ILUT preconditioner //////////////////
+ ////////////////////// ILU preconditioner //////////////////
+ std::cout << "------- ILU0 on CPU (ublas) ----------" << std::endl;
+ timer.start();
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << "Setup time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ timer.start();
+ for (int runs=0; runs<BENCHMARK_RUNS; ++runs)
+ {
+ ublas_ilu0.apply(ublas_vec1);
+ }
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << "ublas time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "------- ILU0 with ViennaCL ----------" << std::endl;
+ timer.start();
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > vcl_ilu0(vcl_compressed_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << "Setup time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ timer.start();
+ for (int runs=0; runs<BENCHMARK_RUNS; ++runs)
+ {
+ vcl_ilu0.apply(vcl_vec1);
+ }
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
std::cout << "------- ILUT on CPU (ublas) ----------" << std::endl;
@@ -199,7 +238,7 @@ int run_benchmark()
exec_time = timer.get();
std::cout << "ublas time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
std::cout << "------- ILUT with ViennaCL ----------" << std::endl;
@@ -230,11 +269,22 @@ int run_benchmark()
std::cout << "------- CG solver (no preconditioner) via ViennaCL, compressed_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
run_solver(vcl_compressed_matrix, vcl_vec2, vcl_result, cg_solver, viennacl::linalg::no_precond(), cg_ops);
-// std::cout << "------- CG solver (no preconditioner) via ViennaCL, coordinate_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
-// run_solver(vcl_coordinate_matrix, vcl_vec2, vcl_result, cg_solver, cg_ops);
+ std::cout << "------- CG solver (no preconditioner) via ViennaCL, coordinate_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
+ run_solver(vcl_coordinate_matrix, vcl_vec2, vcl_result, cg_solver, viennacl::linalg::no_precond(), cg_ops);
+ std::cout << "------- CG solver (no preconditioner) via ViennaCL, ell_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
+ run_solver(vcl_ell_matrix, vcl_vec2, vcl_result, cg_solver, viennacl::linalg::no_precond(), cg_ops);
+ std::cout << "------- CG solver (no preconditioner) via ViennaCL, hyb_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
+ run_solver(vcl_hyb_matrix, vcl_vec2, vcl_result, cg_solver, viennacl::linalg::no_precond(), cg_ops);
+ std::cout << "------- CG solver (ILU0 preconditioner) using ublas ----------" << std::endl;
+ run_solver(ublas_matrix, ublas_vec2, ublas_result, cg_solver, ublas_ilu0, cg_ops);
+ std::cout << "------- CG solver (ILU0 preconditioner) via ViennaCL, compressed_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
+ run_solver(vcl_compressed_matrix, vcl_vec2, vcl_result, cg_solver, vcl_ilu0, cg_ops);
std::cout << "------- CG solver (ILUT preconditioner) using ublas ----------" << std::endl;
run_solver(ublas_matrix, ublas_vec2, ublas_result, cg_solver, ublas_ilut, cg_ops);
diff --git a/examples/benchmarks/sparse.cpp b/examples/benchmarks/sparse.cpp
index 471a06f..5f9aed7 100644
--- a/examples/benchmarks/sparse.cpp
+++ b/examples/benchmarks/sparse.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
#include "viennacl/coordinate_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/hyb_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
@@ -80,8 +82,12 @@ int run_benchmark()
viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType, 1> vcl_compressed_matrix_1;
viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType, 4> vcl_compressed_matrix_4;
viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType, 8> vcl_compressed_matrix_8;
- viennacl::coordinate_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_coordinate_matrix_128;
+ viennacl::coordinate_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_coordinate_matrix_128;
+ viennacl::ell_matrix<ScalarType, 1> vcl_ell_matrix_1;
+ viennacl::hyb_matrix<ScalarType, 1> vcl_hyb_matrix_1;
boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> ublas_matrix;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (!viennacl::io::read_matrix_market_file(ublas_matrix, "../../examples/testdata/mat65k.mtx"))
@@ -106,6 +112,8 @@ int run_benchmark()
viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_compressed_matrix_8);
viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_coordinate_matrix_128);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_ell_matrix_1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_hyb_matrix_1);
viennacl::copy(ublas_vec1, vcl_vec1);
viennacl::copy(ublas_vec2, vcl_vec2);
@@ -168,7 +176,6 @@ int run_benchmark()
std::cout << "GPU align8 "; printOps(static_cast<double>(ublas_matrix.nnz()), static_cast<double>(exec_time) / static_cast<double>(BENCHMARK_RUNS));
std::cout << vcl_vec1[0] << std::endl;
- // vector addition
std::cout << "------- Matrix-Vector product with coordinate_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
vcl_vec1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_coordinate_matrix_128, vcl_vec2); //startup calculation
@@ -198,8 +205,69 @@ int run_benchmark()
std::cout << "GPU time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
std::cout << "GPU "; printOps(static_cast<double>(ublas_matrix.nnz()), static_cast<double>(exec_time) / static_cast<double>(BENCHMARK_RUNS));
std::cout << vcl_vec1[0] << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "------- Matrix-Vector product with ell_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
+ vcl_vec1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_ell_matrix_1, vcl_vec2); //startup calculation
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ viennacl::copy(vcl_vec1, ublas_vec2);
+ err_cnt = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ublas_vec1.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if ( fabs(ublas_vec1[i] - ublas_vec2[i]) / std::max(fabs(ublas_vec1[i]), fabs(ublas_vec2[i])) > 1e-2)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index " << i << ": Should: " << ublas_vec1[i] << ", Is: " << ublas_vec2[i] << std::endl;
+ ++err_cnt;
+ if (err_cnt > 5)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ timer.start();
+ for (int runs=0; runs<BENCHMARK_RUNS; ++runs)
+ {
+ vcl_vec1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_ell_matrix_1, vcl_vec2);
+ }
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << "GPU time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "GPU "; printOps(static_cast<double>(ublas_matrix.nnz()), static_cast<double>(exec_time) / static_cast<double>(BENCHMARK_RUNS));
+ std::cout << vcl_vec1[0] << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "------- Matrix-Vector product with hyb_matrix ----------" << std::endl;
+ vcl_vec1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_hyb_matrix_1, vcl_vec2); //startup calculation
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ viennacl::copy(vcl_vec1, ublas_vec2);
+ err_cnt = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ublas_vec1.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if ( fabs(ublas_vec1[i] - ublas_vec2[i]) / std::max(fabs(ublas_vec1[i]), fabs(ublas_vec2[i])) > 1e-2)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index " << i << ": Should: " << ublas_vec1[i] << ", Is: " << ublas_vec2[i] << std::endl;
+ ++err_cnt;
+ if (err_cnt > 5)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ timer.start();
+ for (int runs=0; runs<BENCHMARK_RUNS; ++runs)
+ {
+ vcl_vec1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_hyb_matrix_1, vcl_vec2);
+ }
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ exec_time = timer.get();
+ std::cout << "GPU time: " << exec_time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "GPU "; printOps(static_cast<double>(ublas_matrix.nnz()), static_cast<double>(exec_time) / static_cast<double>(BENCHMARK_RUNS));
+ std::cout << vcl_vec1[0] << std::endl;
- return 0;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/examples/testdata/svd/pysvd.example b/examples/testdata/svd/pysvd.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb49fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/testdata/svd/pysvd.example
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+8 5
+22 10 2 3 7
+14 7 10 0 8
+-1 13 -1 -11 3
+-3 -2 13 -2 4
+9 8 1 -2 4
+9 1 -7 5 -1
+2 -6 6 5 1
+4 5 0 -2 2
+35.327044 20 19.5959178 0 0
diff --git a/examples/testdata/svd/qr.example b/examples/testdata/svd/qr.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9567639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/testdata/svd/qr.example
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+3 3
+1 2 3
+-1 0 -3
+0 -2 3
+5.326834 2.911210 0.386908
diff --git a/examples/testdata/svd/random.example b/examples/testdata/svd/random.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3f354b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/testdata/svd/random.example
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+1000 512
+0.08834 0.10614 0.61831 0.77807 0.12377 0.54896 0.68364 0.00781 0.60657 0.33968 0.86093 0.08402 0.01421 0.73769 0.69238 0.59821 0.22596 0.1263 0.02751 0.30073 0.76626 0.31306 0.53773 0.03314 0.00757 0.34715 0.05356 0.60592 0.6178 0.73482 0.54152 0.00058 0.62707 0.72706 0.91957 0.01432 0.21002 0.38132 0.48756 0.70514 0.92263 0.15634 0.08337 0.47822 0.42724 0.56289 0.53421 0.83481 0.44116 0.93946 0.64668 0.14445 0.56688 0.00813 0.38443 0.71754 0.01271 0.27184 0.47817 0.90726 0.29564 0.61861 0.91182 0.60587 0.00284 0.86753 0.22075 0.25338 0.97004 0.98899 0.81849 0.32609 0.12479 0.36502 0.90526 0.55891 0.9217 0.6732 0.27564 0.21046 0.01957 0.78377 0.8134 0.34617 0.91895 0.62264 0.98841 0.09215 0.54248 0.03646 0.69512 0.66449 0.8523 0.17044 0.5859 0.17219 0.06885 0.8429 0.75195 0.35323 0.28855 0.78863 0.85134 0.56854 0.20804 0.16961 0.74021 0.98289 0.3279 0.57114 0.36297 0.19924 0.20508 0.10049 0.6418 0.76267 0.63986 0.4353 0.02543 0.99571 0.08736 0.57914 0.17705 0.05807 0.07833 0.21822 0.64367 0.79047 0.25638 0.9579 0.5891 0.34806 0.04488 0.9007 0.60922 0.67982 0.99072 0.66046 0.85405 0.02831 0.0804 0.37766 0.85378 0.98408 0.89957 0.27428 0.00225 0.0765 0.64386 0.02039 0.29724 0.36437 0.35522 0.02437 0.12352 0.52606 0.53558 0.04009 0.15321 0.20168 0.36888 0.92605 0.98645 0.00046 0.51629 0.47347 0.73025 0.96418 0.49281 0.72686 0.89975 0.4488 0.65721 0.05541 0.37842 0.14952 0.94218 0.91437 0.54528 0.86035 0.01996 0.29879 0.7527 0.95658 0.27482 0.58926 0.80394 0.75901 0.15436 0.56868 0.77073 0.42961 0.71502 0.68863 0.35527 0.03106 0.17423 0.40688 0.55909 0.40342 0.26905 0.76171 0.48441 0.9633 0.23073 0.346 0.05448 0.7136 0.1692 0.72501 0.75838 0.51697 0.79625 0.02442 0.45294 0.48634 0.99557 0.80495 0.54821 0.66992 0.7214 0.95099 0.67073 0.12515 0.98437 0.71645 0.78293 0.37372 0.34986 0.58036 0.76125 0.64282 0.03477 0.27172 0.376 0.11935 0.61242 0.58773 0.31864 0.12429 0.10294 0.16717 0.2358 0.69931 0.59563 0.6781 0.60522 0.13921 0.85375 0.87997 0.7751 0.7995 0.28429 0.53096 0.45264 0.81224 0.71516 0.45669 0.25028 0.95359 0.81115 0.62087 0.93361 0.46991 0.58543 0.79045 0.35831 0.31379 0.07569 0.67636 0.6886 0.85761 0.44331 0.74798 0.93301 0.40504 0.62367 0.46943 0.31406 0.50512 0.76004 0.53387 0.52629 0.57368 0.48112 0.52984 0.10064 0.55008 0.19554 0.5932 0.70021 0.17559 0.90178 0.34247 0.73519 0.55714 0.81926 0.63513 0.12954 0.87403 0.9031 0.73475 0.0251 0.6896 0.96489 0.10672 0.01391 0.72952 0.69783 0.42852 0.30535 0.20402 0.27362 0.45098 0.345 0.64891 0.4078 0.95745 0.13728 0.94006 0.55101 0.892 0.36445 0.82167 0.06106 0.26481 0.54298 0.61939 0.27301 0.12302 0.60033 0.31062 0.6545 0.48614 0.52628 0.43115 0.31675 0.0686 0.98486 0.6434 0.49328 0.09043 0.77401 0.24062 0.6505 0.71037 0.74397 0.14879 0.33135 0.17316 0.69461 0.8214 0.23794 0.7644 0.29259 0.77626 0.55032 0.27577 0.96291 0.41162 0.11132 0.77543 0.44621 0.90163 0.94762 0.63756 0.39484 0.67979 0.85377 0.03716 0.53297 0.94763 0.01092 0.60297 0.46188 0.72831 0.35539 0.25599 0.19658 0.90245 0.18061 0.28734 0.38529 0.99089 0.48017 0.39181 0.74569 0.34131 0.24076 0.61349 0.09971 0.66214 0.84948 0.91016 0.07328 0.15186 0.57501 0.17163 0.46383 0.56618 0.5462 0.68897 0.22097 0.21019 0.8275 0.95966 0.17567 0.34388 0.11524 0.4385 0.56477 0.51309 0.84843 0.84592 0.35441 0.41085 0.80722 0.84744 0.305 0.32912 0.02604 0.18022 0.26822 0.91433 0.1878 0.70957 0.21796 0.09993 0.61964 0.08615 0.83082 0.60796 0.33652 0.33341 0.47182 0.72298 0.70699 0.93797 0.14348 0.83328 0.78241 0.26957 0.31258 0.15697 0.11155 0.57639 0.63425 0.73371 0.93178 0.81275 0.3017 0.14548 0.93254 0.0255 0.1283 0.35983 0.60721 0.25282 0.05633 0.30192 0.12408 0.50244 0.18174 0.00172 0.47578 0.36678 0.56633 0.23185 0.53801 0.26773 0.69433 0.70423 0.47766 0.95891 0.48302 0.09841 0.15141 0.71942 0.85144 0.7945 0.79652 0.20922 0.94548 0.11827 0.18033 0.48683 0.57822 0.44116 0.06806 0.30754 0.93624 0.65833 0.77639 0.61591 0.22859 0.25423 0.25906 0.83174 0.83966 0.47106 0.71582 0.0654 0.0702 0.94329 0.06901 0.88045 0.22242 0.74661 0.81863 0.57566 0.47266 0.53363
+0.59444 0.98509 0.40811 0.33891 0.70735 0.12417 0.01476 0.09688 0.71122 0.86902 0.19858 0.16084 0.52489 0.62274 0.37364 0.69772 0.4872 0.81885 0.1069 0.6047 0.49578 0.74282 0.30682 0.73411 0.41722 0.52232 0.6199 0.5296 0.82447 0.30476 0.31099 0.44712 0.75459 0.81231 0.09384 0.10602 0.15572 0.89294 0.09294 0.82793 0.8914 0.67494 0.90767 0.08095 0.81092 0.12156 0.85556 0.50246 0.7977 0.6743 0.96074 0.62448 0.17374 0.44606 0.45137 0.02711 0.19512 0.37857 0.81903 0.34123 0.1506 0.34481 0.10695 0.04041 0.95244 0.0685 0.87305 0.04347 0.87269 0.43073 0.51174 0.63778 0.47541 0.69239 0.3263 0.02126 0.93204 0.54441 0.97394 0.14855 0.84321 0.8296 0.90203 0.64985 0.84447 0.15493 0.95699 0.61673 0.3083 0.85828 0.57926 0.36873 0.80483 0.31637 0.53256 0.99202 0.26553 0.98214 0.22992 0.38623 0.03583 0.731 0.64522 0.82673 0.05706 0.70152 0.19559 0.09725 0.51897 0.27267 0.61034 0.90266 0.2231 0.64528 0.31213 0.88823 0.54621 0.9205 0.11997 0.65976 0.16889 0.38978 0.52768 0.50027 0.54321 0.98174 0.82311 0.96622 0.75889 0.59454 0.78016 0.32155 0.39653 0.1625 0.75053 0.18453 0.55868 0.80062 0.69586 0.7476 0.5436 0.58993 0.67021 0.77691 0.9172 0.07325 0.92738 0.86379 0.07622 0.32493 0.93614 0.73921 0.42173 0.48832 0.26087 0.61891 0.46259 0.65254 0.4348 0.68951 0.99921 0.39215 0.29066 0.25724 0.37871 0.01117 0.13631 0.1582 0.41445 0.86309 0.57416 0.70336 0.00875 0.82884 0.2212 0.04362 0.28634 0.17032 0.12131 0.65551 0.76238 0.2758 0.99883 0.54526 0.03514 0.40044 0.46194 0.8341 0.12796 0.02135 0.48541 0.86357 0.30481 0.65051 0.7994 0.19682 0.25691 0.40024 0.74622 0.9384 0.56118 0.5741 0.39207 0.50695 0.73352 0.31966 0.34519 0.51711 0.63565 0.83543 0.57801 0.4845 0.23143 0.11 0.19386 0.79255 0.39756 0.73827 0.67527 0.03352 0.88595 0.48084 0.193 0.78354 0.05977 0.28398 0.32584 0.10391 0.50685 0.22115 0.30762 0.54458 0.48205 0.27093 0.92596 0.7994 0.97094 0.16845 0.47675 0.81869 0.8642 0.74282 0.40793 0.46261 0.54208 0.78078 0.4533 0.55011 0.96068 0.0106 0.35359 0.49909 0.36891 0.23919 0.29527 0.59761 0.26446 0.93309 0.64636 0.00437 0.33908 0.41713 0.85562 0.388 0.17534 0.59332 0.97772 0.56526 0.33196 0.84781 0.11117 0.2885 0.40128 0.43728 0.33661 0.39128 0.52733 0.81189 0.98099 0.96676 0.47443 0.89697 0.20459 0.14072 0.74356 0.62161 0.64867 0.82714 0.65388 0.17596 0.75402 0.05978 0.83313 0.10897 0.223 0.94772 0.50421 0.34329 0.18448 0.05772 0.33128 0.95037 0.38434 0.20047 0.65571 0.05456 0.33116 0.95385 0.31295 0.80647 0.63344 0.69463 0.16688 0.97246 0.66728 0.09039 0.3567 0.79628 0.70708 0.9949 0.97843 0.62289 0.06994 0.69274 0.94805 0.13375 0.22498 0.43727 0.37965 0.45138 0.79898 0.40271 0.56369 0.05167 0.32185 0.7584 0.89446 0.89571 0.71231 0.539 0.54354 0.76002 0.79739 0.71835 0.56376 0.71233 0.09077 0.04924 0.49407 0.38367 0.59484 0.52291 0.64283 0.42023 0.35443 0.36118 0.22618 0.99677 0.4779 0.69544 0.28957 0.72984 0.95277 0.36588 0.54833 0.89785 0.30237 0.4009 0.99865 0.63498 0.65628 0.55037 0.62106 0.04775 0.77547 0.19435 0.03254 0.57703 0.14065 0.85197 0.85825 0.4404 0.45329 0.06813 0.85212 0.616 0.21629 0.9767 0.87626 0.30246 0.93556 0.36185 0.67972 0.2139 0.56198 0.64143 0.46208 0.2385 0.95079 0.77508 0.90756 0.42418 0.50217 0.58661 0.2131 0.53503 0.26516 0.91485 0.56754 0.66473 0.87431 0.19078 0.62527 0.37603 0.955 0.44556 0.93558 0.98394 0.44185 0.1635 0.63015 0.43264 0.78195 0.71114 0.28501 0.83133 0.36082 0.39957 0.86133 0.78742 0.52032 0.22812 0.00604 0.42171 0.06178 0.31385 0.91528 0.7044 0.34583 0.98435 0.81781 0.23813 0.0205 0.9693 0.31915 0.05214 0.17548 0.44155 0.3523 0.5809 0.42688 0.47841 0.13831 0.90491 0.91818 0.92693 0.58446 0.96796 0.92701 0.91662 0.33947 0.7278 0.63262 0.37382 0.76428 0.15066 0.70605 0.75743 0.73056 0.60742 0.7094 0.19189 0.49511 0.42971 0.94958 0.71657 0.97108 0.29293 0.08062 0.96068 0.10686 0.39951 0.0603 0.95065 0.51274 0.04481 0.68682 0.16144 0.1173 0.56092 0.54875 0.5965 0.90595 0.68767 0.57787 0.06994 0.99996 0.46337 0.64521 0.1394 0.80354 0.42571 0.87115 0.38718 0.87836 0.27726 0.08359 0.00842 0.98236 0.0032 0.68652 0.0984
+0.65656 0.18708 0.14023 0.09244 0.07199 0.17737 0.75973 0.19448 0.02498 0.60818 0.32549 0.63648 0.95966 0.89266 0.54439 0.42763 0.53214 0.14405 0.43364 0.38416 0.57504 0.35203 0.98103 0.70966 0.83584 0.48638 0.44376 0.4335 0.90803 0.39961 0.78503 0.21394 0.17962 0.86526 0.34542 0.86536 0.92991 0.27821 0.79447 0.89732 0.68718 0.96949 0.91423 0.7045 0.09057 0.10436 0.34705 0.67405 0.28307 0.85872 0.4269 0.38403 0.73677 0.77404 0.96655 0.33727 0.65171 0.75579 0.97246 0.42304 0.546 0.18739 0.63533 0.03871 0.67009 0.37916 0.33611 0.05732 0.00748 0.14444 0.43173 0.05348 0.26971 0.86042 0.16695 0.73578 0.35168 0.40346 0.18614 0.99391 0.93766 0.495 0.90452 0.01329 0.85802 0.46435 0.0231 0.82866 0.37387 0.67881 0.14485 0.61067 0.05428 0.10668 0.74635 0.6206 0.76148 0.74654 0.82495 0.28746 0.99835 0.19899 0.59053 0.08342 0.85523 0.67819 0.7511 0.92894 0.06896 0.40136 0.18573 0.72894 0.25847 0.55332 0.15138 0.79754 0.14796 0.30454 0.23762 0.95155 0.66844 0.19855 0.93458 0.6954 0.91477 0.88731 0.55466 0.4153 0.53459 0.95198 0.35265 0.90799 0.89456 0.12935 0.43891 0.3032 0.48206 0.16364 0.44924 0.31049 0.35174 0.34503 0.38555 0.82813 0.60136 0.67648 0.63898 0.89937 0.3014 0.08418 0.95109 0.41736 0.72411 0.63207 0.62094 0.66371 0.52799 0.15967 0.21612 0.40568 0.42337 0.88881 0.51669 0.6415 0.13826 0.37657 0.21397 0.69663 0.92204 0.71237 0.51247 0.26767 0.16192 0.35671 0.28225 0.60664 0.81496 0.07907 0.49394 0.82814 0.45529 0.67988 0.21283 0.66389 0.94606 0.6164 0.25861 0.2703 0.44774 0.86277 0.0374 0.12614 0.74558 0.12471 0.45192 0.11452 0.49286 0.23805 0.91754 0.80118 0.02746 0.69789 0.49544 0.9709 0.87186 0.31747 0.29653 0.30267 0.95064 0.10403 0.62323 0.22877 0.27257 0.7423 0.79288 0.46582 0.06685 0.90106 0.97865 0.34675 0.2607 0.26856 0.21891 0.7291 0.31855 0.52172 0.05959 0.90334 0.16147 0.71095 0.18712 0.36383 0.35922 0.69363 0.93287 0.24647 0.09628 0.60406 0.0957 0.56188 0.71594 0.73864 0.06178 0.97033 0.96715 0.54213 0.59986 0.35416 0.38288 0.50653 0.19908 0.72674 0.10846 0.29822 0.04525 0.10801 0.26089 0.20491 0.98865 0.31954 0.65428 0.89562 0.70814 0.05654 0.55446 0.79403 0.72956 0.78297 0.74426 0.40959 0.70678 0.4146 0.50583 0.28394 0.36634 0.70239 0.384 0.84703 0.69719 0.52878 0.37088 0.13578 0.20043 0.93521 0.99779 0.8754 0.2292 0.37224 0.60619 0.1882 0.94988 0.15323 0.75479 0.01121 0.63424 0.69407 0.60483 0.27398 0.92034 0.13227 0.12633 0.94905 0.96954 0.16466 0.20393 0.65461 0.56207 0.434 0.11153 0.29647 0.98781 0.74611 0.1536 0.87692 0.4424 0.52629 0.71373 0.09109 0.26713 0.91295 0.78024 0.14943 0.01152 0.01713 0.59136 0.61152 0.18905 0.80492 0.76921 0.75183 0.74141 0.69188 0.93607 0.04122 0.87128 0.33652 0.57712 0.75514 0.90489 0.75294 0.5641 0.78085 0.26495 0.38859 0.36989 0.73981 0.82317 0.63423 0.31451 0.6864 0.4431 0.88162 0.48654 0.25429 0.90267 0.88544 0.20539 0.94305 0.62503 0.82409 0.43265 0.1013 0.94432 0.70985 0.58351 0.61699 0.90967 0.28961 0.33046 0.0748 0.96016 0.07587 0.8694 0.47081 0.80603 0.87716 0.87436 0.16552 0.99837 0.77854 0.13138 0.94254 0.64542 0.81489 0.01859 0.13559 0.71403 0.88426 0.10395 0.71143 0.90098 0.01413 0.58237 0.02132 0.259 0.08608 0.03243 0.62854 0.73092 0.08737 0.857 0.18876 0.1222 0.52747 0.32803 0.54395 0.04171 0.56757 0.95683 0.89118 0.147 0.67388 0.58953 0.80645 0.535 0.89511 0.5885 0.32732 0.70685 0.84104 0.00665 0.85329 0.42699 0.07923 0.08716 0.81506 0.69877 0.11407 0.98416 0.20251 0.03885 0.42092 0.15578 0.86239 0.61347 0.40999 0.34991 0.75934 0.13128 0.26704 0.51038 0.63285 0.82212 0.23649 0.59104 0.15213 0.87641 0.62244 0.21559 0.06227 0.33879 0.54373 0.11127 0.35071 0.1443 0.90151 0.58084 0.1274 0.06489 0.82252 0.83653 0.4363 0.19748 0.29619 0.29482 0.52545 0.74493 0.73977 0.95204 0.99173 0.04882 0.14442 0.67706 0.08478 0.41369 0.20423 0.17454 0.35994 0.58071 0.90899 0.07804 0.24827 0.72767 0.08795 0.10451 0.90659 0.94952 0.1932 0.29874 0.31225 0.53097 0.59807 0.81843 0.99883 0.69408 0.0431 0.28397 0.56665 0.96063 0.55613 0.54224 0.32376 0.34067 0.1172 0.96623 0.4742 0.11997 0.10024 0.91272 0.20833 0.67726 0.2102
+0.34038 0.05737 0.82705 0.85986 0.06035 0.76271 0.89119 0.28764 0.93202 0.40069 0.48894 0.92015 0.56527 0.9559 0.25317 0.52983 0.98532 0.02192 0.75539 0.75015 0.89805 0.75284 0.22971 0.47088 0.12581 0.67884 0.757 0.95205 0.66215 0.44392 0.25259 0.75571 0.60202 0.56401 0.41344 0.47547 0.85942 0.5213 0.17844 0.41787 0.74015 0.46098 0.43597 0.78365 0.03958 0.80015 0.03347 0.61974 0.97335 0.36278 0.40022 0.78981 0.38338 0.67938 0.34913 0.57441 0.93223 0.40442 0.81047 0.73484 0.39618 0.81799 0.85308 0.27749 0.2088 0.77144 0.80772 0.73711 0.0291 0.56503 0.28631 0.85917 0.69824 0.8023 0.45853 0.22161 0.79172 0.26747 0.5293 0.89611 0.82318 0.10783 0.06556 0.56055 0.25561 0.89739 0.21661 0.65487 0.98784 0.60963 0.08706 0.56533 0.26351 0.63138 0.87993 0.33675 0.63225 0.77498 0.79864 0.29958 0.36566 0.67672 0.47168 0.55629 0.04005 0.13629 0.87125 0.63245 0.3038 0.35166 0.29047 0.79726 0.52862 0.42536 0.10711 0.89054 0.30014 0.41132 0.17153 0.70879 0.79839 0.87627 0.26446 0.60974 0.83836 0.31146 0.19594 0.57574 0.31022 0.47681 0.85033 0.14613 0.57137 0.10281 0.17984 0.88652 0.93561 0.32385 0.75382 0.13528 0.89832 0.53219 0.85661 0.48599 0.78865 0.75635 0.0805 0.21873 0.22968 0.01069 0.20148 0.45359 0.11691 0.092 0.25151 0.35885 0.42954 0.55473 0.18595 0.59202 0.14382 0.63793 0.6836 0.96202 0.43809 0.36209 0.28835 0.27438 0.56726 0.18289 0.98264 0.38262 0.05396 0.50055 0.69511 0.15685 0.17144 0.33469 0.47207 0.3928 0.87257 0.96874 0.33684 0.61867 0.75771 0.77978 0.44052 0.75071 0.0497 0.72731 0.16415 0.7544 0.98673 0.96118 0.36764 0.91411 0.31691 0.72663 0.99878 0.51948 0.21678 0.40008 0.80926 0.28444 0.09926 0.99469 0.414 0.82767 0.09677 0.40809 0.87013 0.03237 0.80123 0.76238 0.67017 0.03606 0.68465 0.23307 0.83062 0.52972 0.12152 0.56484 0.80793 0.21516 0.81025 0.05653 0.51041 0.18944 0.21035 0.25011 0.43324 0.46266 0.49469 0.23503 0.84952 0.03586 0.6825 0.79785 0.72049 0.88615 0.79182 0.38287 0.63758 0.52871 0.13239 0.62733 0.31756 0.17255 0.08549 0.31405 0.24289 0.82951 0.27041 0.32665 0.26458 0.2776 0.5111 0.05281 0.38332 0.23185 0.82285 0.72776 0.2223 0.82146 0.8094 0.52284 0.39393 0.61317 0.63564 0.49627 0.80981 0.82569 0.85169 0.99879 0.22501 0.51133 0.04505 0.72591 0.32742 0.45974 0.50268 0.07853 0.27506 0.23974 0.75559 0.00894 0.44593 0.84897 0.44533 0.50252 0.82867 0.36559 0.28807 0.22553 0.90649 0.46001 0.02494 0.99708 0.77252 0.02215 0.27081 0.46746 0.99282 0.68391 0.21336 0.48789 0.6713 0.50734 0.37012 0.95145 0.16895 0.40946 0.59506 0.80498 0.89919 0.3982 0.8946 0.5236 0.20635 0.63484 0.19343 0.06886 0.73222 0.35255 0.19655 0.46551 0.22757 0.76907 0.83672 0.5598 0.80426 0.04165 0.6132 0.79323 0.38427 0.18334 0.60706 0.16578 0.72133 0.06599 0.01674 0.90209 0.64921 0.49549 0.55851 0.24357 0.61208 0.21877 0.79309 0.83719 0.96248 0.82081 0.20976 0.79144 0.47339 0.01431 0.81172 0.63894 0.73134 0.51413 0.24647 0.18396 0.21201 0.17141 0.14164 0.26845 0.80212 0.64582 0.11153 0.74606 0.61827 0.15236 0.75713 0.92709 0.22953 0.91223 0.13454 0.38444 0.63903 0.81759 0.40504 0.51208 0.23607 0.44252 0.85706 0.61765 0.14393 0.38781 0.29721 0.61061 0.98624 0.95771 0.51254 0.46577 0.02943 0.9344 0.24416 0.15441 0.29904 0.00502 0.54982 0.23268 0.70913 0.1507 0.19053 0.30861 0.75866 0.9079 0.74614 0.43387 0.06949 0.84412 0.39064 0.73246 0.19909 0.25332 0.56018 0.27418 0.28196 0.21653 0.17646 0.22173 0.96402 0.73158 0.81035 0.19809 0.42455 0.61698 0.41297 0.7916 0.32109 0.58867 0.75948 0.12337 0.55594 0.92141 0.61276 0.08067 0.47925 0.94797 0.90142 0.0887 0.70408 0.00403 0.92015 0.16491 0.10954 0.96591 0.83883 0.91708 0.36388 0.01935 0.64082 0.37519 0.39424 0.99032 0.93325 0.03762 0.43961 0.60424 0.21407 0.97876 0.35546 0.62827 0.49277 0.7912 0.07584 0.20253 0.78862 0.20318 0.71484 0.53516 0.23308 0.82172 0.57189 0.53044 0.97797 0.58456 0.31866 0.28182 0.77095 0.9949 0.22952 0.95605 0.31893 0.8404 0.89091 0.16937 0.21545 0.92522 0.86901 0.36727 0.80983 0.83754 0.61304 0.5436 0.28744 0.99061 0.17693 0.78632 0.64007 0.24904 0.56451 0.02337 0.41487 0.34305 0.42744 0.71633 0.25654 0.98197 0.34793 0.6829
+0.56445 0.45432 0.64172 0.05938 0.25406 0.97975 0.03033 0.53295 0.62063 0.22541 0.90518 0.50492 0.20701 0.9395 0.25531 0.96665 0.10155 0.04242 0.64657 0.43506 0.94084 0.02733 0.70176 0.79412 0.29643 0.42116 0.8642 0.0906 0.9846 0.86343 0.07333 0.16084 0.9882 0.22708 0.00772 0.73922 0.75119 0.25127 0.37541 0.0887 0.71477 0.84679 0.75141 0.3247 0.00692 0.79957 0.04755 0.10854 0.05951 0.638 0.79012 0.75041 0.62038 0.66483 0.48643 0.92673 0.26259 0.93794 0.71054 0.06409 0.69718 0.66821 0.67491 0.71275 0.61397 0.43332 0.26023 0.09292 0.65825 0.07261 0.86536 0.76189 0.42539 0.72661 0.75694 0.00388 0.62855 0.46195 0.78705 0.16892 0.7672 0.62673 0.02613 0.98704 0.65033 0.25543 0.40261 0.18277 0.87197 0.88426 0.90178 0.90022 0.33976 0.82299 0.22391 0.09013 0.18521 0.87766 0.17993 0.22757 0.90895 0.02957 0.13428 0.20115 0.09884 0.89321 0.12386 0.94928 0.80018 0.49518 0.33037 0.21568 0.38966 0.48111 0.08894 0.50322 0.30806 0.97815 0.15127 0.23022 0.57542 0.36767 0.18356 0.71985 0.84636 0.48385 0.63578 0.19331 0.42738 0.91364 0.11041 0.53688 0.9579 0.8888 0.07844 0.14516 0.26623 0.95512 0.90593 0.54793 0.26237 0.16358 0.18208 0.83463 0.64237 0.23322 0.37432 0.72112 0.78748 0.47433 0.72214 0.41653 0.26359 0.72543 0.4921 0.71647 0.81078 0.37462 0.40144 0.43965 0.00744 0.16063 0.04913 0.29333 0.14568 0.71926 0.90928 0.59525 0.55579 0.04378 0.08902 0.39211 0.75322 0.8475 0.1411 0.29112 0.19898 0.04372 0.04957 0.18994 0.16757 0.52504 0.10913 0.78805 0.17365 0.94546 0.46901 0.16271 0.28729 0.78202 0.08048 0.93358 0.71647 0.77145 0.11155 0.17839 0.3013 0.55857 0.75943 0.6833 0.40805 0.3732 0.88626 0.24099 0.46991 0.32452 0.33443 0.2151 0.37238 0.48759 0.88407 0.65446 0.08884 0.33947 0.9883 0.7268 0.97206 0.12663 0.71554 0.87135 0.35861 0.25875 0.11847 0.30453 0.32972 0.48323 0.63181 0.00663 0.14103 0.86625 0.19472 0.74592 0.39927 0.64279 0.14339 0.55432 0.68688 0.32348 0.81642 0.26951 0.32696 0.3401 0.99706 0.50989 0.74833 0.35763 0.00302 0.70911 0.5349 0.30464 0.76476 0.54342 0.78358 0.72654 0.39811 0.98988 0.36395 0.23676 0.82968 0.09079 0.41947 0.82627 0.078 0.961 0.30731 0.32118 0.01301 0.28898 0.60409 0.7609 0.49419 0.4137 0.94039 0.58115 0.14165 0.18473 0.75029 0.64441 0.98164 0.22313 0.53913 0.54816 0.07449 0.0969 0.49679 0.81295 0.24476 0.79812 0.61821 0.03838 0.05795 0.35905 0.59615 0.38121 0.15288 0.29744 0.81328 0.57046 0.67798 0.02816 0.68869 0.18841 0.46894 0.96075 0.69166 0.93646 0.79564 0.59092 0.03703 0.63831 0.82701 0.63496 0.17602 0.77673 0.29697 0.38534 0.53083 0.14705 0.66574 0.63613 0.00585 0.03848 0.54999 0.9092 0.64184 0.92677 0.18033 0.50926 0.09195 0.62491 0.24534 0.0416 0.2097 0.57731 0.52831 0.4799 0.10848 0.67992 0.23999 0.77673 0.77178 0.90457 0.49594 0.51062 0.7978 0.26889 0.95435 0.04561 0.94843 0.84786 0.83644 0.13423 0.19818 0.83831 0.28469 0.85105 0.38247 0.38671 0.28828 0.41568 0.08662 0.28644 0.24703 0.81086 0.56514 0.26188 0.12985 0.20429 0.38571 0.62872 0.44625 0.66906 0.71092 0.85309 0.1461 0.05215 0.16804 0.50177 0.2615 0.91593 0.31056 0.20727 0.01226 0.8787 0.34055 0.00957 0.10934 0.47894 0.60366 0.11814 0.84578 0.07433 0.59585 0.32799 0.58062 0.6016 0.49349 0.41919 0.685 0.46487 0.21349 0.26991 0.32319 0.47084 0.67256 0.24806 0.33221 0.86935 0.50861 0.86396 0.25695 0.50153 0.67926 0.40322 0.73681 0.98223 0.11542 0.85488 0.3308 0.41829 0.001 0.82052 0.94392 0.85609 0.18198 0.10223 0.85624 0.4743 0.76837 0.12722 0.20924 0.43545 0.08199 0.21194 0.09023 0.00956 0.9865 0.69879 0.58791 0.7199 0.82932 0.59622 0.32011 0.76036 0.83941 0.43832 0.18657 0.65378 0.94692 0.79467 0.89222 0.98964 0.74422 0.40587 0.67762 0.73008 0.84612 0.33201 0.34354 0.22583 0.26033 0.79871 0.667 0.12736 0.12662 0.42045 0.02535 0.38182 0.60836 0.08295 0.71062 0.05813 0.34745 0.59204 0.99925 0.14863 0.22305 0.4243 0.24239 0.39312 0.24973 0.29576 0.00551 0.8821 0.63853 0.19079 0.25013 0.80703 0.26343 0.76624 0.62246 0.9086 0.10059 0.94245 0.86199 0.41765 0.66041 0.93093 0.38141 0.74512 0.0981 0.12924 0.00836 0.66328 0.62999 0.7956 0.14735 0.72262 0.19167 0.78071 0.3013 0.58002
+0.71605 0.72887 0.84277 0.10719 0.5054 0.27849 0.19826 0.57909 0.69346 0.34299 0.5248 0.25746 0.30149 0.93932 0.76605 0.96155 0.87258 0.26932 0.55413 0.89864 0.01407 0.32767 0.32369 0.07494 0.30276 0.28167 0.58365 0.6475 0.09315 0.62675 0.96405 0.92382 0.56046 0.70746 0.53896 0.21774 0.46558 0.92947 0.48858 0.22231 0.53678 0.43348 0.83782 0.13713 0.08145 0.4771 0.67467 0.51827 0.16074 0.63355 0.58372 0.40008 0.49152 0.77322 0.00787 0.37705 0.35941 0.82349 0.91765 0.48355 0.86708 0.01206 0.64322 0.1561 0.70255 0.95089 0.23534 0.46274 0.52981 0.77221 0.39265 0.91085 0.64694 0.63997 0.80324 0.55385 0.58861 0.00932 0.64504 0.22844 0.00958 0.9504 0.31772 0.05716 0.05184 0.61668 0.33692 0.99607 0.2456 0.86997 0.44602 0.8319 0.81929 0.47609 0.36606 0.18476 0.10845 0.23056 0.85407 0.5882 0.37334 0.8381 0.46401 0.29916 0.73416 0.76778 0.67297 0.25664 0.79136 0.30461 0.46111 0.98282 0.80698 0.45646 0.89168 0.68868 0.17174 0.69626 0.98783 0.23163 0.37613 0.9041 0.3324 0.91784 0.25303 0.88038 0.31821 0.17208 0.76839 0.76207 0.21877 0.01194 0.68802 0.5897 0.40096 0.25068 0.14443 0.41975 0.63711 0.51952 0.44317 0.76665 0.27167 0.34554 0.3657 0.03861 0.04592 0.60657 0.98626 0.60628 0.19331 0.56231 0.88385 0.288 0.00337 0.26858 0.6754 0.17774 0.69939 0.495 0.16388 0.31477 0.97022 0.492 0.17315 0.52031 0.6115 0.66021 0.30041 0.90072 0.86686 0.16067 0.31605 0.75265 0.78499 0.10343 0.45701 0.45015 0.09571 0.95212 0.62027 0.3645 0.37123 0.1599 0.77211 0.44743 0.57795 0.31386 0.80223 0.09112 0.90844 0.69143 0.83814 0.87545 0.51317 0.84599 0.0744 0.75481 0.98966 0.79835 0.06227 0.05978 0.14298 0.74731 0.82972 0.76395 0.3025 0.43744 0.61914 0.3336 0.02344 0.76546 0.54443 0.25716 0.60297 0.6334 0.13683 0.1702 0.58547 0.905 0.39523 0.92335 0.10794 0.98143 0.3918 0.93701 0.00968 0.61416 0.38221 0.75359 0.2636 0.99752 0.13057 0.58327 0.40488 0.07493 0.42777 0.76679 0.03769 0.03221 0.0501 0.55919 0.50071 0.65142 0.00264 0.88973 0.14983 0.83969 0.16039 0.77458 0.12386 0.41906 0.61774 0.83329 0.1728 0.93954 0.58072 0.50212 0.77233 0.44101 0.57328 0.63453 0.77982 0.31945 0.11532 0.67684 0.71642 0.43028 0.87487 0.41337 0.36068 0.59545 0.80028 0.319 0.19066 0.43806 0.02592 0.32401 0.23583 0.79276 0.66127 0.54292 0.79604 0.29707 0.75234 0.2046 0.60214 0.23504 0.28929 0.92812 0.02705 0.82383 0.04244 0.35572 0.18018 0.07958 0.3659 0.76015 0.10048 0.72422 0.8764 0.03324 0.64518 0.38947 0.79148 0.90704 0.98543 0.53667 0.56269 0.21286 0.54525 0.83792 0.08013 0.38662 0.40929 0.43836 0.74307 0.62145 0.50116 0.9137 0.87255 0.65632 0.44051 0.43714 0.19138 0.36616 0.55711 0.30639 0.55433 0.17891 0.11816 0.55299 0.65138 0.47814 0.28019 0.04972 0.40086 0.39878 0.54616 0.44365 0.49029 0.93799 0.23461 0.15331 0.13583 0.25688 0.85278 0.34437 0.92092 0.79515 0.15352 0.22112 0.40917 0.92672 0.39938 0.26037 0.57799 0.06015 0.87532 0.60723 0.26889 0.20411 0.15953 0.33332 0.21073 0.42319 0.32326 0.79649 0.60018 0.78151 0.10934 0.42303 0.42296 0.05372 0.04828 0.24495 0.88889 0.35748 0.82146 0.54574 0.27505 0.30105 0.43509 0.82483 0.85401 0.99729 0.14391 0.9517 0.09469 0.99989 0.12166 0.09336 0.34677 0.52537 0.48257 0.67758 0.00089 0.21493 0.01065 0.4232 0.08901 0.32911 0.05265 0.42309 0.41237 0.7725 0.14688 0.32515 0.01012 0.94889 0.13505 0.14452 0.15508 0.60143 0.31738 0.48834 0.60588 0.88122 0.09704 0.71854 0.5832 0.28735 0.4371 0.62884 0.1768 0.33076 0.84287 0.98723 0.02351 0.08106 0.91345 0.68532 0.97241 0.05548 0.21319 0.32577 0.43798 0.17446 0.09351 0.8569 0.18574 0.33331 0.65906 0.15574 0.67959 0.27649 0.54658 0.559 0.47215 0.07885 0.33359 0.39073 0.45224 0.87255 0.44641 0.27731 0.35877 0.6034 0.74002 0.95004 0.457 0.60192 0.03809 0.24749 0.49798 0.64598 0.80809 0.43457 0.65393 0.92609 0.24716 0.43738 0.46682 0.10083 0.58201 0.63958 0.77153 0.68319 0.79828 0.43338 0.38241 0.85371 0.31824 0.68971 0.70911 0.71487 0.66 0.75438 0.7258 0.94646 0.1197 0.64643 0.10479 0.36621 0.24791 0.7464 0.45858 0.36031 0.57104 0.3355 0.59949 0.87752 0.80164 0.06498 0.86878 0.52105 0.62436 0.72943 0.98498 0.66881 0.85724 0.24949
+0.32445 0.1096 0.507 0.37148 0.07704 0.24056 0.41251 0.78594 0.35476 0.55962 0.18794 0.87086 0.6777 0.1274 0.22993 0.32839 0.8591 0.7207 0.06052 0.34952 0.57396 0.13143 0.20242 0.29741 0.16365 0.99734 0.26838 0.50705 0.35248 0.7358 0.48124 0.08514 0.62877 0.7426 0.47383 0.91423 0.22848 0.16402 0.37287 0.53924 0.66971 0.17476 0.9402 0.22475 0.58896 0.65166 0.73606 0.94217 0.52863 0.12501 0.43564 0.93153 0.21584 0.96679 0.30565 0.78679 0.64787 0.63957 0.1314 0.15669 0.04092 0.39454 0.62906 0.02803 0.42671 0.24802 0.35904 0.29782 0.64752 0.3095 0.10674 0.94285 0.93222 0.7273 0.31374 0.73675 0.9304 0.49535 0.83856 0.11277 0.06148 0.61752 0.38142 0.39114 0.56583 0.46593 0.07904 0.84968 0.80225 0.65399 0.97045 0.03935 0.40109 0.61131 0.76022 0.85076 0.07252 0.08501 0.55817 0.54067 0.68296 0.62463 0.34062 0.36095 0.99851 0.18056 0.88159 0.42134 0.23404 0.84254 0.86899 0.4001 0.11585 0.52956 0.87765 0.03099 0.32717 0.61248 0.72171 0.85707 0.93864 0.18235 0.46991 0.00083 0.57077 0.88358 0.03986 0.1637 0.782 0.1005 0.00213 0.2493 0.70942 0.12751 0.04511 0.75733 0.75812 0.10559 0.52656 0.53814 0.77377 0.45293 0.36142 0.59298 0.80572 0.59793 0.61547 0.73429 0.01602 0.27456 0.72474 0.24665 0.08013 0.27478 0.60077 0.40082 0.22345 0.18938 0.9042 0.75963 0.80424 0.40871 0.67879 0.67349 0.28418 0.99879 0.97237 0.42234 0.66825 0.76412 0.17415 0.51519 0.27751 0.51789 0.6117 0.16683 0.86382 0.3228 0.11351 0.57493 0.50418 0.65675 0.55419 0.14383 0.57944 0.27027 0.96489 0.9257 0.07291 0.24256 0.75399 0.86131 0.60537 0.43397 0.16789 0.36996 0.45257 0.60164 0.95317 0.60403 0.86511 0.55765 0.95304 0.86099 0.64239 0.29013 0.61357 0.08253 0.14341 0.58009 0.47251 0.7357 0.79869 0.80973 0.32393 0.80437 0.94741 0.7026 0.32686 0.62771 0.29339 0.61145 0.4688 0.8823 0.7689 0.40792 0.57416 0.72373 0.84798 0.81025 0.23049 0.84941 0.74724 0.6201 0.67831 0.56596 0.8055 0.56329 0.34583 0.13689 0.09016 0.38671 0.83446 0.74003 0.54082 0.16381 0.1829 0.33083 0.48507 0.29684 0.60664 0.11206 0.52398 0.6647 0.74949 0.37341 0.78851 0.36257 0.5889 0.94728 0.91786 0.96999 0.88518 0.80243 0.99493 0.42563 0.44723 0.94725 0.17207 0.72486 0.79679 0.98592 0.2566 0.78754 0.76677 0.83546 0.2517 0.85946 0.00532 0.51468 0.60005 0.72294 0.97931 0.83688 0.85177 0.14168 0.48047 0.59059 0.71222 0.30663 0.25145 0.93286 0.86958 0.54852 0.13462 0.92769 0.01397 0.03302 0.2419 0.0092 0.80111 0.11023 0.75172 0.07554 0.66299 0.40334 0.72647 0.37616 0.46343 0.50421 0.47262 0.36085 0.82722 0.2924 0.5934 0.6498 0.42714 0.05286 0.12979 0.21242 0.35632 0.37125 0.47364 0.12177 0.01484 0.69281 0.8017 0.89794 0.07581 0.40511 0.54476 0.01166 0.06633 0.0146 0.35405 0.59898 0.79908 0.49344 0.32543 0.78786 0.20932 0.98581 0.07466 0.514 0.64442 0.90107 0.74428 0.15615 0.71272 0.78004 0.03116 0.19471 0.91325 0.19882 0.73572 0.7275 0.64396 0.70699 0.96052 0.46313 0.12665 0.58719 0.22679 0.13028 0.04349 0.62454 0.90341 0.60959 0.29892 0.7133 0.68269 0.93618 0.16509 0.75025 0.84804 0.5781 0.51753 0.51861 0.36213 0.47363 0.94553 0.65368 0.13896 0.91343 0.16379 0.33417 0.14573 0.92502 0.3891 0.98422 0.8899 0.43363 0.08715 0.38957 0.00788 0.76914 0.9295 0.6738 0.3211 0.10396 0.54295 0.19059 0.21504 0.1307 0.53451 0.18158 0.17675 0.27436 0.66124 0.21244 0.01042 0.25298 0.11984 0.67302 0.36155 0.68737 0.78929 0.65134 0.46253 0.84705 0.53917 0.79178 0.93435 0.97083 0.91089 0.41907 0.10377 0.03385 0.94854 0.53567 0.85346 0.23604 0.4179 0.12455 0.9274 0.28448 0.31053 0.64176 0.65869 0.35477 0.96453 0.75888 0.831 0.09367 0.47702 0.33501 0.27712 0.88312 0.50656 0.94564 0.47948 0.95228 0.99007 0.34291 0.75897 0.79852 0.71232 0.03524 0.36228 0.97544 0.27981 0.53749 0.9855 0.12078 0.19499 0.97556 0.18858 0.4904 0.6797 0.30794 0.11914 0.16146 0.76779 0.34011 0.99141 0.74794 0.44997 0.64924 0.29146 0.2623 0.86478 0.70285 0.37722 0.72317 0.85292 0.35684 0.93886 0.88083 0.24341 0.56821 0.99137 0.62301 0.04811 0.76619 0.00141 0.0347 0.4689 0.3053 0.44242 0.84523 0.01415 0.56369 0.68531 0.53405 0.79598 0.85488 0.15015 0.7456 0.74417 0.12346 0.06514 0.56579
+0.02706 0.2333 0.52638 0.7769 0.70284 0.99844 0.88644 0.21117 0.85635 0.32725 0.52812 0.24851 0.13785 0.17486 0.14956 0.20753 0.47808 0.07349 0.6555 0.9755 0.55942 0.88711 0.54159 0.31058 0.20254 0.67118 0.78457 0.19894 0.50847 0.08033 0.18498 0.6347 0.44422 0.85976 0.85819 0.90084 0.35035 0.21823 0.98071 0.38606 0.03016 0.37264 0.80222 0.97718 0.71417 0.86842 0.55052 0.53948 0.14983 0.81298 0.42196 0.82609 0.16924 0.82811 0.70042 0.53672 0.31464 0.1224 0.74159 0.30366 0.3104 0.9108 0.70624 0.38683 0.33764 0.48005 0.61076 0.16431 0.85702 0.02229 0.90843 0.13587 0.7103 0.6853 0.42048 0.94347 0.00112 0.98849 0.74636 0.26566 0.80959 0.3026 0.90353 0.53461 0.15398 0.29918 0.62035 0.88108 0.22879 0.92138 0.57689 0.6541 0.12605 0.72909 0.65921 0.2703 0.1159 0.11187 0.94045 0.16556 0.86976 0.61077 0.12323 0.18025 0.91004 0.04365 0.8814 0.65422 0.00787 0.86128 0.93664 0.94834 0.91012 0.29943 0.45753 0.50442 0.01317 0.03344 0.08667 0.94879 0.03446 0.76609 0.34837 0.00346 0.82706 0.25478 0.06987 0.28136 0.42851 0.13031 0.87563 0.59885 0.97247 0.05135 0.57967 0.67082 0.78879 0.384 0.84277 0.16242 0.77934 0.95094 0.55959 0.87483 0.09791 0.98051 0.34561 0.91664 0.4163 0.34033 0.77943 0.31579 0.40362 0.13503 0.24334 0.06031 0.57031 0.46644 0.46204 0.31151 0.71987 0.57386 0.84654 0.92539 0.16796 0.63777 0.29958 0.22916 0.90359 0.66863 0.8965 0.68707 0.53989 0.36683 0.32683 0.35659 0.6557 0.64933 0.74631 0.51445 0.03794 0.36313 0.46604 0.72202 0.00193 0.91736 0.44214 0.68829 0.20526 0.1647 0.8709 0.53288 0.5558 0.86641 0.42192 0.55234 0.46169 0.70351 0.39155 0.44879 0.07893 0.93531 0.26063 0.50678 0.90428 0.82007 0.20172 0.83556 0.2018 0.92979 0.78517 0.35622 0.74233 0.80075 0.10697 0.05612 0.89883 0.33771 0.72094 0.47161 0.07144 0.29174 0.12531 0.03063 0.81703 0.22233 0.2427 0.95658 0.24118 0.92247 0.72346 0.08578 0.66359 0.96579 0.76484 0.13544 0.97121 0.73395 0.72523 0.60875 0.90795 0.21348 0.3784 0.93062 0.86217 0.08304 0.6437 0.0181 0.50855 0.44363 0.37355 0.26806 0.87533 0.07575 0.32832 0.63982 0.37265 0.021 0.38135 0.22083 0.9867 0.19412 0.67719 0.90386 0.35274 0.60666 0.87955 0.58452 0.97486 0.9682 0.10743 0.89252 0.47761 0.57141 0.09426 0.9404 0.31004 0.60767 0.88042 0.65232 0.81425 0.38455 0.3773 0.83519 0.64413 0.06369 0.4102 0.0157 0.09261 0.25352 0.12753 0.86309 0.32099 0.77074 0.23832 0.30038 0.21079 0.29714 0.18228 0.06914 0.96816 0.83285 0.84184 0.5202 0.98779 0.07889 0.85296 0.3951 0.95224 0.34526 0.6167 0.68771 0.14945 0.86505 0.10829 0.30876 0.6554 0.12305 0.52824 0.42742 0.6788 0.0264 0.08028 0.79603 0.36729 0.934 0.13663 0.43757 0.80293 0.27574 0.08024 0.00645 0.46411 0.25521 0.08504 0.0752 0.56223 0.04545 0.90636 0.32286 0.49669 0.38761 0.14228 0.4749 0.65745 0.19505 0.7314 0.38789 0.14332 0.43574 0.74134 0.60324 0.81853 0.58992 0.72844 0.32733 0.24009 0.38209 0.76393 0.24868 0.52182 0.13186 0.25929 0.58634 0.53568 0.87104 0.76617 0.8176 0.97129 0.86349 0.92435 0.95506 0.19336 0.18427 0.88703 0.97232 0.86114 0.37374 0.31546 0.19636 0.46297 0.9186 0.11382 0.14824 0.12248 0.66925 0.9241 0.61837 0.97356 0.20278 0.76901 0.69251 0.80194 0.92684 0.13078 0.02286 0.30056 0.03377 0.75423 0.08962 0.00729 0.40237 0.44049 0.6646 0.38809 0.29288 0.8457 0.35094 0.05364 0.23978 0.14315 0.7015 0.01819 0.74668 0.73746 0.61888 0.73041 0.69564 0.16782 0.7986 0.27029 0.08018 0.9948 0.13901 0.92984 0.21336 0.40233 0.27558 0.34331 0.19552 0.93766 0.83328 0.27728 0.45294 0.62333 0.74635 0.85774 0.34081 0.10018 0.96975 0.29604 0.27568 0.04677 0.66124 0.27727 0.00089 0.27751 0.46501 0.52455 0.78832 0.20249 0.51406 0.93962 0.11291 0.99299 0.27143 0.49942 0.7409 0.72212 0.47265 0.90034 0.1707 0.04807 0.37897 0.98421 0.78996 0.44282 0.83987 0.77285 0.89119 0.67151 0.08431 0.75405 0.65773 0.76599 0.39349 0.70337 0.99738 0.21315 0.41282 0.47871 0.74231 0.12687 0.24786 0.16835 0.45721 0.93932 0.68594 0.38704 0.31309 0.97766 0.9906 0.23958 0.64048 0.43659 0.32105 0.96181 0.03466 0.51724 0.70801 0.37465 0.99155 0.98183 0.23366 0.1278 0.43161 0.17548 0.81795 0.13297 0.45052 0.48662 0.65582
+0.97716 0.78933 0.24968 0.19466 0.82551 0.89153 0.741 0.8871 0.08002 0.0161 0.37676 0.24274 0.65743 0.62472 0.44896 0.06215 0.61174 0.78371 0.36663 0.33846 0.97952 0.52909 0.86774 0.93319 0.72945 0.61406 0.73436 0.04612 0.09186 0.48818 0.82718 0.60851 0.55265 0.93066 0.67344 0.20826 0.24281 0.20937 0.06974 0.27072 0.37351 0.68091 0.78839 0.14913 0.08296 0.99162 0.71629 0.29597 0.49648 0.80141 0.85127 0.02248 0.94424 0.53956 0.76184 0.7972 0.24773 0.24947 0.10855 0.30339 0.08112 0.79211 0.32343 0.10678 0.64673 0.57494 0.41835 0.81715 0.17276 0.17265 0.39288 0.50733 0.95828 0.67912 0.25841 0.5966 0.44903 0.92608 0.97178 0.80686 0.49088 0.30827 0.17016 0.51846 0.22569 0.76035 0.53747 0.49814 0.46375 0.46848 0.09974 0.62482 0.01834 0.74683 0.19448 0.5466 0.99376 0.80901 0.41422 0.10241 0.34553 0.35171 0.65941 0.11414 0.02851 0.53759 0.81967 0.0595 0.9181 0.37966 0.2621 0.05062 0.62555 0.57009 0.16458 0.34295 0.26024 0.66521 0.54637 0.04809 0.91293 0.14815 0.60911 0.12063 0.29816 0.54168 0.84792 0.66718 0.20392 0.50542 0.55446 0.85329 0.56407 0.50204 0.95526 0.74252 0.40332 0.26904 0.625 0.6284 0.70438 0.24364 0.41671 0.92843 0.22151 0.00851 0.3446 0.51754 0.06406 0.00287 0.88622 0.08598 0.46707 0.73404 0.1963 0.16748 0.736 0.52506 0.89399 0.53884 0.07556 0.33096 0.79177 0.99128 0.99919 0.28594 0.82211 0.05218 0.05433 0.88768 0.3905 0.68912 0.14226 0.2748 0.59621 0.57908 0.3128 0.952 0.32349 0.51234 0.87568 0.14944 0.23804 0.41735 0.05638 0.33555 0.33321 0.32918 0.4217 0.89117 0.10561 0.19325 0.58352 0.16969 0.02471 0.72505 0.71513 0.59253 0.5844 0.39627 0.30434 0.38619 0.69425 0.38102 0.67297 0.97509 0.61855 0.98528 0.06829 0.37505 0.186 0.26637 0.44844 0.60038 0.20789 0.06986 0.28162 0.56213 0.74381 0.50964 0.00499 0.7938 0.81382 0.55288 0.54217 0.92091 0.2574 0.85164 0.40656 0.23937 0.77599 0.41947 0.16273 0.0142 0.86002 0.31433 0.18429 0.48052 0.31929 0.81744 0.39769 0.58055 0.55378 0.95603 0.87228 0.58861 0.43135 0.16554 0.65336 0.86822 0.62703 0.42917 0.88371 0.89568 0.47723 0.90797 0.79202 0.19876 0.88919 0.09825 0.9217 0.65278 0.27332 0.83906 0.52948 0.69973 0.12521 0.33653 0.06002 0.72186 0.8913 0.23091 0.10644 0.12403 0.71651 0.41459 0.7795 0.29016 0.30088 0.35385 0.58058 0.20991 0.22806 0.92603 0.59521 0.81078 0.93133 0.56422 0.55549 0.65611 0.14851 0.58074 0.1285 0.75918 0.68392 0.46747 0.61868 0.22348 0.5944 0.99364 0.6429 0.17756 0.37613 0.47714 0.1054 0.57142 0.59737 0.76333 0.8352 0.29924 0.68144 0.64011 0.02094 0.66735 0.88463 0.51674 0.24499 0.26516 0.26141 0.24928 0.25919 0.98429 0.55674 0.24503 0.47055 0.14482 0.87891 0.59779 0.10361 0.7495 0.01315 0.73566 0.59892 0.49159 0.99804 0.01991 0.44875 0.62657 0.37627 0.67581 0.25448 0.22361 0.07283 0.8796 0.81408 0.59288 0.59947 0.51005 0.24045 0.56235 0.88998 0.41119 0.40539 0.86919 0.89276 0.19606 0.74049 0.49682 0.80061 0.5246 0.43412 0.52109 0.84418 0.63883 0.49427 0.83351 0.71458 0.37422 0.7197 0.84194 0.72934 0.83335 0.73022 0.95834 0.13538 0.72975 0.49187 0.91548 0.43252 0.63785 0.57199 0.90152 0.33192 0.09662 0.19204 0.97318 0.70257 0.33007 0.99626 0.17544 0.15446 0.27048 0.47678 0.87144 0.06274 0.78704 0.04896 0.74118 0.47051 0.69534 0.39138 0.8553 0.04163 0.91275 0.59068 0.77013 0.33905 0.78105 0.58214 0.85342 0.17613 0.27694 0.67953 0.88977 0.84466 0.4932 0.93646 0.80671 0.86948 0.90781 0.46489 0.26455 0.1439 0.38144 0.98599 0.21278 0.0593 0.09949 0.30638 0.41526 0.96218 0.54332 0.93967 0.93096 0.88984 0.03389 0.94264 0.74622 0.14714 0.51238 0.84763 0.18605 0.50342 0.35323 0.61334 0.01209 0.81328 0.50445 0.68304 0.66482 0.21573 0.58208 0.39803 0.16849 0.84909 0.83289 0.39073 0.85163 0.25789 0.57787 0.0731 0.2164 0.26496 0.34491 0.27667 0.91243 0.86081 0.05976 0.03557 0.81211 0.491 0.83824 0.97183 0.8772 0.52926 0.97602 0.27369 0.70086 0.57641 0.64797 0.82929 0.20724 0.63162 0.68537 0.98639 0.5175 0.23971 0.03311 0.38908 0.30471 0.13459 0.81348 0.45439 0.47848 0.49036 0.65537 0.92522 0.57349 0.98332 0.42599 0.54916 0.67657 0.39421 0.54487 0.1294 0.63203 0.17657 0.78548 0.10862 0.8609 0.58827 0.01722
+0.13623 0.4955 0.54181 0.98389 0.04986 0.77059 0.4262 0.27158 0.89759 0.30428 0.37215 0.44622 0.39835 0.71011 0.09994 0.08499 0.5823 0.3842 0.45055 0.55907 0.17073 0.51807 0.62536 0.75476 0.17111 0.73744 0.6817 0.82012 0.68703 0.97017 0.05408 0.9998 0.72875 0.18963 0.12221 0.71073 0.63531 0.83382 0.11393 0.3833 0.07851 0.66595 0.19733 0.43314 0.25248 0.33242 0.06592 0.65044 0.8756 0.12722 0.64693 0.89443 0.05451 0.47787 0.94134 0.45992 0.10218 0.48002 0.96134 0.58231 0.19476 0.97112 0.73825 0.22444 0.51096 0.5449 0.55666 0.90537 0.3394 0.6888 0.66274 0.93446 0.43916 0.56271 0.96375 0.95323 0.10895 0.58789 0.09018 0.22207 0.38326 0.96383 0.16496 0.71926 0.0958 0.61674 0.44502 0.63186 0.84226 0.99569 0.39888 0.70317 0.00369 0.09212 0.72594 0.9704 0.681 0.26689 0.71521 0.79095 0.63935 0.44887 0.77549 0.50024 0.16739 0.10413 0.23878 0.63832 0.7601 0.56295 0.91185 0.64171 0.44146 0.95731 0.14107 0.12463 0.65269 0.00449 0.06261 0.98496 0.37904 0.57318 0.51488 0.48449 0.06353 0.61835 0.23716 0.62491 0.16584 0.07236 0.5687 0.34172 0.08046 0.40943 0.89518 0.61592 0.26901 0.57196 0.8263 0.55046 0.81934 0.53908 0.5379 0.96368 0.33938 0.07387 0.87725 0.61977 0.54543 0.25256 0.13913 0.61202 0.43999 0.00246 0.68524 0.62232 0.17966 0.8968 0.51831 0.36357 0.81158 0.88175 0.08217 0.42537 0.64357 0.87129 0.04469 0.64352 0.27256 0.14324 0.26948 0.27266 0.4182 0.36114 0.48571 0.38334 0.0132 0.48437 0.95793 0.25453 0.76686 0.63797 0.13174 0.23292 0.50316 0.52116 0.40555 0.26185 0.35 0.86702 0.43384 0.11914 0.74113 0.3643 0.92715 0.99433 0.09902 0.49478 0.11826 0.92524 0.88103 0.11168 0.75737 0.26459 0.76336 0.1973 0.24179 0.92475 0.20617 0.3612 0.72252 0.89085 0.3163 0.43665 0.94376 0.62708 0.81304 0.02791 0.78795 0.17308 0.67932 0.20077 0.33266 0.74012 0.0052 0.74781 0.7846 0.00263 0.64986 0.67528 0.61731 0.866 0.36968 0.81451 0.40703 0.31457 0.73601 0.28532 0.43241 0.75991 0.53458 0.84292 0.06946 0.96722 0.32256 0.88061 0.8779 0.09432 0.19838 0.15302 0.2053 0.19256 0.53738 0.27947 0.00499 0.33897 0.89963 0.91689 0.27695 0.71029 0.29387 0.247 0.15884 0.8599 0.628 0.26239 0.82899 0.98369 0.09402 0.12262 0.57858 0.58838 0.72804 0.57756 0.49512 0.04158 0.39829 0.77634 0.12329 0.89075 0.54173 0.6645 0.85866 0.25999 0.99128 0.44287 0.10369 0.73248 0.5603 0.69405 0.70126 0.93991 0.18167 0.39615 0.66033 0.52855 0.01052 0.29656 0.49209 0.45052 0.91273 0.76946 0.61388 0.83444 0.09301 0.84981 0.24722 0.40894 0.13458 0.7686 0.46197 0.1419 0.59132 0.05876 0.50425 0.32968 0.45383 0.85303 0.16364 0.03027 0.17184 0.01787 0.95019 0.29269 0.74869 0.91499 0.67657 0.44204 0.53256 0.71186 0.9474 0.21703 0.70735 0.7393 0.17431 0.1861 0.75007 0.5987 0.98184 0.19314 0.67557 0.33049 0.5056 0.69311 0.84546 0.34856 0.09447 0.22615 0.70626 0.16048 0.30718 0.65172 0.24432 0.70079 0.43118 0.3036 0.43113 0.30748 0.43503 0.49153 0.67432 0.7666 0.72449 0.28511 0.85113 0.44418 0.81997 0.07039 0.17459 0.36633 0.13468 0.87881 0.98195 0.27727 0.14535 0.02821 0.99268 0.87993 0.12975 0.17219 0.86874 0.80855 0.40988 0.45809 0.81786 0.75454 0.40825 0.84387 0.91468 0.9321 0.6588 0.09203 0.2658 0.19217 0.05015 0.01191 0.05543 0.40955 0.54045 0.53381 0.92358 0.38748 0.01914 0.6904 0.12994 0.30985 0.92105 0.25126 0.47936 0.87919 0.2239 0.40409 0.99922 0.65208 0.56966 0.31178 0.42028 0.99747 0.09187 0.10532 0.27049 0.89384 0.72114 0.21243 0.33325 0.65001 0.12963 0.13666 0.09848 0.35643 0.53314 0.53253 0.24472 0.64967 0.35169 0.14938 0.17638 0.93565 0.07179 0.83095 0.39454 0.02139 0.73585 0.73228 0.3818 0.06343 0.68937 0.03992 0.22972 0.01939 0.43523 0.22143 0.20703 0.48915 0.03145 0.63324 0.80596 0.77815 0.8936 0.19545 0.1663 0.77832 0.88222 0.65859 0.76405 0.34205 0.33965 0.04223 0.49564 0.9315 0.49281 0.54482 0.77751 0.58961 0.44396 0.98243 0.06614 0.62917 0.57047 0.86579 0.09241 0.62374 0.91884 0.21088 0.45154 0.6889 0.85156 0.41124 0.65365 0.03737 0.01731 0.80653 0.52623 0.50827 0.39524 0.8182 0.91092 0.0686 0.88204 0.8391 0.23681 0.46649 0.04015 0.70767 0.67628 0.59962 0.71351 0.17976 0.11438 0.67308 0.59676 0.26289
+0.11792 0.80721 0.92316 0.53679 0.23616 0.97098 0.63893 0.55086 0.3699 0.94154 0.55557 0.78736 0.31999 0.27507 0.76036 0.68804 0.56439 0.66896 0.84101 0.31927 0.39788 0.16775 0.96181 0.61806 0.2793 0.86946 0.15454 0.30206 0.03446 0.85634 0.29669 0.27423 0.91696 0.74211 0.26118 0.17843 0.25494 0.22845 0.42877 0.93122 0.71335 0.05171 0.75833 0.73565 0.54513 0.55604 0.70559 0.72534 0.53657 0.96711 0.72386 0.74385 0.52003 0.96742 0.88021 0.12793 0.24811 0.1881 0.58611 0.84415 0.8177 0.99076 0.62775 0.06935 0.27719 0.95067 0.13327 0.2423 0.98464 0.02987 0.74061 0.56766 0.57903 0.59298 0.78876 0.09409 0.70315 0.78265 0.2302 0.07999 0.42426 0.41846 0.6822 0.81828 0.52144 0.93113 0.78957 0.35148 0.23646 0.00117 0.70644 0.24204 0.19117 0.27061 0.52813 0.23237 0.18697 0.29872 0.16815 0.39197 0.77484 0.20873 0.4511 0.07588 0.96169 0.56891 0.87204 0.90098 0.74822 0.64857 0.90195 0.64283 0.53114 0.64373 0.09657 0.31381 0.73217 0.57655 0.15941 0.86719 0.75499 0.74281 0.0841 0.53529 0.92711 0.14371 0.78668 0.81168 0.96821 0.25747 0.60634 0.61639 0.15395 0.21085 0.01488 0.33903 0.95266 0.10261 0.62572 0.41418 0.79307 0.62615 0.53839 0.45695 0.65459 0.36417 0.49386 0.99642 0.56382 0.47173 0.72642 0.1487 0.96061 0.23491 0.98377 0.02756 0.27136 0.27956 0.51155 0.08847 0.12483 0.6294 0.34593 0.28762 0.7555 0.68013 0.08127 0.95445 0.47526 0.40015 0.6207 0.2257 0.72295 0.02619 0.43411 0.83407 0.02085 0.05334 0.59543 0.3639 0.2324 0.55105 0.24146 0.61559 0.14161 0.57086 0.59533 0.66587 0.76653 0.13445 0.45918 0.25194 0.31599 0.05584 0.50156 0.06003 0.10605 0.36821 0.28948 0.43891 0.08261 0.08428 0.97737 0.14681 0.61079 0.75078 0.09969 0.97103 0.04349 0.88506 0.53961 0.91471 0.77048 0.23762 0.22941 0.07261 0.28412 0.13834 0.76946 0.54985 0.10662 0.33631 0.95958 0.91291 0.95659 0.83222 0.85914 0.01048 0.07165 0.8384 0.195 0.97372 0.19402 0.48018 0.89709 0.25148 0.91581 0.15374 0.26434 0.04253 0.90158 0.46801 0.34606 0.92992 0.6895 0.82558 0.17339 0.45946 0.43202 0.91602 0.79973 0.65223 0.10774 0.04215 0.26251 0.30005 0.42625 0.39006 0.02381 0.6067 0.72157 0.82085 0.80134 0.08056 0.49994 0.22353 0.05129 0.58745 0.51885 0.78051 0.68599 0.15365 0.39154 0.997 0.82851 0.35464 0.79948 0.73261 0.52171 0.60736 0.50222 0.7882 0.23069 0.68635 0.90101 0.41714 0.29447 0.00338 0.24148 0.68749 0.08606 0.52858 0.75295 0.96014 0.507 0.51827 0.20329 0.13416 0.03379 0.99124 0.6549 0.43694 0.62914 0.51258 0.70089 0.82085 0.27447 0.80843 0.88332 0.32108 0.97977 0.68154 0.92315 0.39819 0.78639 0.0086 0.37033 0.37 0.58283 0.13526 0.70285 0.81936 0.21278 0.52258 0.12629 0.87903 0.65752 0.82549 0.4344 0.13456 0.06671 0.02651 0.82067 0.70127 0.42286 0.11329 0.59431 0.524 0.07365 0.88445 0.15556 0.24743 0.8988 0.80079 0.55735 0.0536 0.02974 0.2142 0.76051 0.26101 0.60549 0.33423 0.75939 0.67114 0.74106 0.84224 0.63668 0.84923 0.45112 0.88765 0.51039 0.2611 0.04604 0.10633 0.5937 0.14116 0.1789 0.23864 0.95924 0.22104 0.36362 0.07652 0.92793 0.53402 0.99113 0.63871 0.67393 0.03885 0.9615 0.99741 0.65649 0.26963 0.03805 0.83471 0.16513 0.96751 0.71915 0.44371 0.87295 0.92734 0.96502 0.18853 0.36835 0.33658 0.86966 0.2485 0.35713 0.8823 0.94827 0.19735 0.83858 0.70921 0.58914 0.16291 0.56039 0.90954 0.38319 0.87351 0.62138 0.68217 0.66213 0.32365 0.26871 0.22233 0.26822 0.63355 0.30601 0.72045 0.51389 0.45634 0.29208 0.64687 0.28146 0.40025 0.06421 0.96014 0.2509 0.61197 0.31686 0.39674 0.20059 0.88951 0.8895 0.43727 0.82768 0.54538 0.81093 0.3405 0.16394 0.54558 0.30769 0.5553 0.02805 0.10806 0.82517 0.56402 0.51274 0.93424 0.66467 0.46678 0.28139 0.59119 0.35871 0.71596 0.15741 0.82074 0.51075 0.00119 0.83065 0.35653 0.79195 0.10535 0.59727 0.8983 0.99845 0.47513 0.36838 0.38074 0.73719 0.33816 0.04004 0.37317 0.04126 0.43211 0.077 0.74401 0.31227 0.77163 0.91262 0.9599 0.1872 0.8204 0.89688 0.36871 0.93474 0.70129 0.87756 0.98003 0.61156 0.04279 0.04635 0.46404 0.69549 0.36615 0.56381 0.57495 0.66835 0.88227 0.85609 0.07816 0.14355 0.17087 0.48834 0.19332 0.63479 0.67668 0.43194 0.51402 0.61214 0.42973 0.35246 0.72819
+0.37809 0.98976 0.87247 0.45064 0.10198 0.99761 0.35457 0.386 0.68361 0.95699 0.95594 0.71518 0.22786 0.22382 0.81861 0.48021 0.79644 0.21393 0.73784 0.12397 0.28331 0.95646 0.08775 0.4241 0.10772 0.37459 0.6298 0.07249 0.58277 0.41352 0.06174 0.05515 0.26995 0.45165 0.28433 0.6588 0.83139 0.70978 0.70999 0.10671 0.58166 0.15648 0.99742 0.12364 0.75041 0.69596 0.05987 0.69588 0.96159 0.20579 0.80548 0.81899 0.92542 0.42154 0.50488 0.38069 0.03697 0.38917 0.08076 0.96147 0.56804 0.83156 0.6845 0.33983 0.68284 0.82797 0.55252 0.15234 0.03312 0.07657 0.42937 0.59351 0.22959 0.94735 0.10297 0.16744 0.95951 0.22771 0.14524 0.07058 0.87942 0.6506 0.46726 0.00839 0.90281 0.68107 0.18585 0.80659 0.05398 0.88733 0.96006 0.38807 0.55561 0.15411 0.82348 0.30511 0.75499 0.08002 0.49889 0.62091 0.59482 0.44781 0.37477 0.14634 0.28429 0.26503 0.70389 0.3291 0.97964 0.3518 0.10058 0.02431 0.5475 0.41512 0.71358 0.39355 0.99288 0.58808 0.85733 0.78856 0.89891 0.89781 0.19258 0.28002 0.04004 0.92747 0.35836 0.10346 0.09599 0.07426 0.71376 0.54306 0.24989 0.78582 0.79601 0.87359 0.0668 0.48814 0.74187 0.05868 0.73524 0.55136 0.57496 0.27207 0.02255 0.74193 0.09809 0.2418 0.9802 0.53071 0.15212 0.50383 0.30559 0.36259 0.62043 0.03196 0.44032 0.7883 0.87853 0.72429 0.99758 0.88621 0.37855 0.49565 0.8543 0.81599 0.99351 0.06536 0.64682 0.51843 0.38407 0.90713 0.71898 0.78432 0.29021 0.47264 0.64433 0.29773 0.33607 0.63315 0.80327 0.82049 0.29604 0.7681 0.50484 0.73124 0.80041 0.63825 0.0619 0.40534 0.86452 0.36983 0.85452 0.41503 0.21231 0.82224 0.66668 0.83102 0.65118 0.39314 0.13292 0.53061 0.53411 0.96361 0.04928 0.51618 0.01749 0.38911 0.40387 0.94449 0.58609 0.95427 0.42413 0.5011 0.56183 0.87808 0.36864 0.23703 0.72933 0.92065 0.67482 0.11924 0.4243 0.2086 0.66239 0.28834 0.43371 0.90459 0.55135 0.28371 0.5193 0.80841 0.11907 0.0432 0.39206 0.81401 0.76575 0.4041 0.62818 0.94763 0.85406 0.52685 0.28225 0.2058 0.48116 0.90922 0.35982 0.89513 0.19519 0.92657 0.54398 0.34326 0.86074 0.38023 0.98297 0.49111 0.15912 0.43733 0.47723 0.9584 0.28801 0.87805 0.98419 0.76341 0.88402 0.84321 0.1126 0.19308 0.95782 0.8942 0.65679 0.70289 0.73996 0.51773 0.87963 0.4115 0.97671 0.77252 0.82794 0.876 0.31497 0.46664 0.46537 0.31966 0.75301 0.00826 0.38251 0.81133 0.06749 0.44584 0.1197 0.94113 0.57996 0.20538 0.03025 0.13906 0.05341 0.83641 0.70614 0.42601 0.97581 0.63953 0.10091 0.92359 0.84123 0.97691 0.86486 0.71438 0.43536 0.5882 0.29217 0.38116 0.34138 0.18312 0.99731 0.09857 0.28848 0.15705 0.14265 0.11947 0.00102 0.88281 0.96093 0.97486 0.11899 0.24473 0.36131 0.25564 0.47568 0.16483 0.25048 0.53975 0.81916 0.48427 0.73471 0.467 0.0868 0.48462 0.67294 0.82995 0.20653 0.0082 0.93042 0.31842 0.60368 0.03721 0.76913 0.80117 0.83652 0.40436 0.3156 0.26534 0.53948 0.02211 0.51492 0.44514 0.94336 0.29979 0.85041 0.04408 0.01718 0.81621 0.18865 0.50828 0.68901 0.26104 0.54543 0.89059 0.60338 0.75815 0.7479 0.31681 0.94857 0.89965 0.78918 0.65849 0.15717 0.06029 0.45293 0.98037 0.67554 0.41752 0.02851 0.40662 0.8341 0.4 0.39444 0.0314 0.02647 0.9773 0.61624 0.59238 0.69993 0.96803 0.4257 0.01911 0.23565 0.3798 0.37236 0.807 0.23956 0.17885 0.945 0.52817 0.82605 0.91744 0.18319 0.65589 0.23347 0.03328 0.2542 0.13042 0.28862 0.92761 0.5299 0.61671 0.65451 0.62864 0.24671 0.43005 0.40454 0.14522 0.88542 0.93546 0.81251 0.99041 0.9189 0.29573 0.83969 0.76026 0.25485 0.01604 0.05006 0.365 0.67494 0.94072 0.01148 0.34265 0.86805 0.12269 0.11051 0.12749 0.53642 0.96304 0.52991 0.3866 0.21714 0.23165 0.23069 0.63917 0.14966 0.50466 0.32027 0.25638 0.6193 0.17737 0.88851 0.10667 0.2311 0.8457 0.40416 0.58822 0.82575 0.32428 0.65203 0.09291 0.35268 0.9086 0.75181 0.33698 0.72075 0.89737 0.07942 0.99838 0.41497 0.51805 0.5653 0.57178 0.6744 0.0257 0.29735 0.26151 0.12096 0.20352 0.7735 0.01577 0.69983 0.69917 0.99312 0.59376 0.97959 0.52871 0.38453 0.96389 0.44886 0.89799 0.32124 0.66644 0.87851 0.13455 0.61186 0.512 0.23589 0.07793 0.02855 0.88322 0.08983 0.57772 0.87863 0.53061 0.54957 0.85106
+0.82928 0.56896 0.14673 0.02247 0.47971 0.81048 0.87054 0.93187 0.616 0.30208 0.26454 0.60315 0.27123 0.13384 0.43543 0.0849 0.5976 0.14023 0.40125 0.61436 0.43282 0.31974 0.79223 0.45714 0.26485 0.27532 0.9074 0.80512 0.24168 0.26033 0.36036 0.99231 0.1671 0.3303 0.89798 0.13432 0.00702 0.72932 0.52802 0.86759 0.62221 0.23806 0.92299 0.30395 0.29811 0.33967 0.46498 0.7769 0.22095 0.98771 0.75201 0.97871 0.77277 0.41984 0.68565 0.10997 0.21191 0.30839 0.00738 0.6981 0.24927 0.44355 0.54222 0.46723 0.33587 0.75734 0.45981 0.53144 0.25606 0.24973 0.80665 0.51329 0.89577 0.84556 0.9857 0.58422 0.39442 0.87366 0.03838 0.23828 0.94471 0.44148 0.69908 0.33332 0.32489 0.33435 0.21585 0.29067 0.31228 0.71715 0.00611 0.19999 0.22706 0.7617 0.06507 0.28622 0.67859 0.85773 0.14951 0.14542 0.92499 0.91928 0.26378 0.04358 0.33054 0.86557 0.88882 0.92657 0.84693 0.79812 0.99371 0.71369 0.42712 0.12203 0.48589 0.39652 0.66344 0.62352 0.90753 0.73186 0.24033 0.4024 0.04356 0.16648 0.9421 0.01171 0.88843 0.45289 0.00633 0.78104 0.03419 0.0879 0.97925 0.42108 0.41799 0.14454 0.48524 0.10311 0.87603 0.58409 0.68299 0.04812 0.84505 0.9839 0.89004 0.87066 0.81646 0.88679 0.89098 0.05063 0.35073 0.43314 0.5103 0.50271 0.82361 0.17978 0.66038 0.81134 0.34533 0.44168 0.13399 0.5727 0.43227 0.15333 0.70451 0.85306 0.22988 0.13562 0.01883 0.4948 0.39765 0.98603 0.70455 0.52802 0.24694 0.15448 0.23152 0.47491 0.82218 0.91306 0.36131 0.25931 0.6824 0.85145 0.17157 0.05133 0.80168 0.65051 0.78323 0.82665 0.91125 0.49607 0.07028 0.81849 0.82938 0.26891 0.98853 0.58094 0.28423 0.52219 0.57449 0.0076 0.4863 0.07485 0.74887 0.88411 0.90987 0.29905 0.43101 0.84718 0.30358 0.50772 0.52081 0.75684 0.52352 0.40937 0.92501 0.01976 0.42484 0.20203 0.31966 0.34819 0.60596 0.63595 0.63147 0.43576 0.86818 0.38566 0.09406 0.18186 0.81748 0.98521 0.20925 0.57756 0.67731 0.8835 0.25868 0.71178 0.2753 0.89117 0.06006 0.59579 0.20828 0.59028 0.93251 0.00767 0.35715 0.76554 0.2358 0.01974 0.57394 0.44654 0.54603 0.55246 0.38301 0.75113 0.90986 0.73789 0.82813 0.83953 0.99603 0.86047 0.2634 0.04861 0.05201 0.68287 0.37897 0.30597 0.89222 0.47845 0.69499 0.06821 0.62351 0.37469 0.99905 0.53112 0.59846 0.69758 0.05236 0.6865 0.80885 0.86569 0.23076 0.47534 0.69507 0.79522 0.14418 0.91581 0.92569 0.54266 0.8347 0.29021 0.49689 0.95923 0.10255 0.19299 0.33896 0.49854 0.24764 0.8364 0.57692 0.14557 0.36409 0.03129 0.13142 0.65676 0.33329 0.33253 0.26195 0.43047 0.23673 0.0125 0.39723 0.6505 0.76131 0.4464 0.93134 0.11292 0.00984 0.42576 0.84001 0.8893 0.39134 0.60468 0.865 0.36898 0.19777 0.97514 0.13808 0.3769 0.56548 0.28543 0.77109 0.26985 0.71074 0.40741 0.31612 0.87343 0.41697 0.79177 0.40208 0.65678 0.54141 0.11514 0.59705 0.8789 0.32876 0.70294 0.84383 0.01817 0.41895 0.4139 0.07663 0.53246 0.73095 0.34752 0.10249 0.13903 0.3872 0.95531 0.3418 0.89297 0.50251 0.39796 0.01128 0.82459 0.24878 0.67993 0.80622 0.2054 0.12608 0.19815 0.10379 0.4751 0.90912 0.11695 0.91243 0.98749 0.93756 0.9412 0.31843 0.46346 0.29181 0.7175 0.14018 0.79297 0.73779 0.49662 0.07312 0.30179 0.98896 0.57414 0.66535 0.11398 0.64693 0.51795 0.45146 0.30127 0.7892 0.22529 0.6995 0.60933 0.44625 0.45945 0.85852 0.87887 0.17243 0.37379 0.22069 0.45503 0.64581 0.33252 0.76673 0.84562 0.65137 0.97874 0.34328 0.83085 0.36792 0.27504 0.45672 0.03478 0.8311 0.99391 0.48141 0.73469 0.58276 0.81337 0.34897 0.44285 0.25212 0.30839 0.07286 0.18293 0.28466 0.83224 0.44156 0.2746 0.80773 0.05943 0.56106 0.45775 0.44285 0.55768 0.46272 0.88528 0.51865 0.18226 0.7555 0.62423 0.19208 0.33488 0.92733 0.02604 0.55085 0.64551 0.94759 0.94055 0.5753 0.72611 0.63584 0.71435 0.12492 0.5131 0.72903 0.26052 0.08194 0.26558 0.34266 0.94821 0.14041 2e-05 0.09374 0.54421 0.91176 0.81396 0.45092 0.90996 0.22459 0.79752 0.64054 0.37776 0.27363 0.84241 0.65291 0.9983 0.06387 0.7709 0.42777 0.92892 0.74955 0.64791 0.74327 0.492 0.92097 0.15811 0.85461 0.10502 0.8138 0.29187 0.34902 0.53732 0.79354 0.41847 0.52397 0.30125 0.28207 0.65563 0.35851 0.1757 0.34757 0.56106
+0.45485 0.68941 0.27512 0.05985 0.18388 0.96981 0.64422 0.74822 0.10129 0.43719 0.80817 0.37246 0.56097 0.4766 0.54166 0.36025 0.41656 0.49971 0.69304 0.11044 0.38928 0.82382 0.75465 0.19696 0.11687 0.82956 0.38804 0.08668 0.15141 0.0546 0.61216 0.7661 0.66323 0.30031 0.55192 0.46304 0.80396 0.39318 0.11823 0.07287 0.34919 0.30014 0.74061 0.37687 0.41975 0.41563 0.49189 0.73946 0.54525 0.87657 0.48934 0.33021 0.33853 0.50847 0.52528 0.46088 0.02388 0.17403 0.49847 0.78441 0.77487 0.31511 0.54902 0.24732 0.87943 0.24075 0.71995 0.63991 0.12257 0.14869 0.94665 0.97066 0.63543 0.30066 0.8115 0.01382 0.09366 0.29657 0.67138 0.33554 0.45247 0.45215 0.4076 0.40328 0.08346 0.581 0.23583 0.50083 0.43087 0.53474 0.62494 0.05233 0.07197 0.41855 0.48038 0.28699 0.38473 0.58738 0.60645 0.16157 0.04673 0.56067 0.67257 0.32697 0.39909 0.3052 0.41945 0.97578 0.80245 0.80971 0.67498 0.32898 0.38327 0.11367 0.53059 0.38732 0.2885 0.39048 0.53844 0.81483 0.51409 0.30923 0.41679 0.67809 0.49212 0.77159 0.78411 0.9072 0.28577 0.44924 0.51654 0.94179 0.98312 0.51211 0.06874 0.27212 0.84545 0.35172 0.24794 0.35473 0.40307 0.72833 0.97014 0.32467 0.1159 0.39735 0.45633 0.02358 0.12793 0.83118 0.56892 0.3434 0.21973 0.15104 0.01713 0.48265 0.50364 0.31359 0.54108 0.7002 0.91657 0.21845 0.04729 0.54635 0.11744 0.73168 0.84787 0.13579 0.02589 0.7733 0.30682 0.9489 0.37355 0.49984 0.66106 0.50345 0.28973 0.35211 0.88867 0.36283 0.775 0.82663 0.85463 0.54381 0.2625 0.85774 0.99986 0.85042 0.77445 0.65325 0.82048 0.62583 0.85256 0.5969 0.50868 0.45215 0.57411 0.8092 0.04908 0.47896 0.22317 0.44865 0.74019 0.21598 0.76153 0.14831 0.91311 0.09991 0.76958 0.15953 0.34577 0.31516 0.61423 0.07305 0.71047 0.27016 0.17986 0.05059 0.8645 0.47205 0.03513 0.64295 0.59141 0.6262 0.79331 0.66659 0.82776 0.43345 0.17797 0.70016 0.09637 0.97468 0.65807 0.96305 0.85344 0.40543 0.48409 0.52209 0.67205 0.97877 0.95098 0.98555 0.24217 0.83265 0.2963 0.57706 0.31199 0.55289 0.02743 0.3345 0.79041 0.18602 0.67725 0.9524 0.92273 0.39003 0.07524 0.90109 0.16382 0.66737 0.02235 0.74711 0.64737 0.55699 0.25307 0.95896 0.07212 0.51811 0.65449 0.34007 0.87942 0.02192 0.57405 0.68198 0.32335 0.54594 0.96349 0.28501 0.01982 0.31937 0.2636 0.75499 0.46838 0.08849 0.50715 0.31725 0.20134 0.94212 0.14006 0.43317 0.56015 0.09048 0.28968 0.96359 0.32858 0.36158 0.49619 0.44081 0.2404 0.00603 0.52995 0.37836 0.72859 0.8924 0.17286 0.74455 0.33215 0.8254 0.07064 0.82092 0.62876 0.21338 0.89772 0.58874 0.06872 0.58804 0.15585 0.39675 0.20097 0.73011 0.70736 0.83507 0.26859 0.86886 0.53766 0.64488 0.45297 0.88374 0.02878 0.18454 0.65869 0.74158 0.21432 0.05963 0.77309 0.90955 0.02755 0.06426 0.95767 0.40367 0.61059 0.47266 0.78378 0.99954 0.01741 0.72757 0.07041 0.53519 0.86521 0.90598 0.96139 0.1033 0.68091 0.24624 0.41874 0.52796 0.57777 0.66261 0.239 0.84282 0.45897 0.38019 0.92098 0.23937 0.68896 0.67599 0.09166 0.19722 0.86681 0.56273 0.78533 0.07186 0.59872 0.58885 0.03413 0.00537 0.36134 0.39969 0.68542 0.13577 0.24176 0.71896 0.45877 0.85969 0.64331 0.74441 0.12499 0.57846 0.21088 0.30942 0.92389 0.73173 0.60011 0.3863 0.91657 0.53478 0.4976 0.65897 0.59593 0.68348 0.90301 0.8809 0.04721 0.74409 0.96345 0.49025 0.03701 0.86523 0.11555 0.64129 0.30117 0.83238 0.56384 0.09616 0.01767 0.75146 0.55157 0.98228 0.49919 0.53054 0.29828 0.23574 0.84827 0.83753 0.82965 0.59419 0.62463 0.48041 0.93329 0.95471 0.66419 0.55534 0.30459 0.42717 0.27265 0.93751 0.61317 0.89028 0.91471 0.48113 0.24886 0.28203 0.57283 0.4728 0.2327 0.49518 0.67741 0.97066 0.73351 0.49759 0.22056 0.26148 0.40192 0.83411 0.27069 0.25269 0.84463 0.63461 0.85491 0.67568 0.04278 0.37983 0.25133 0.73112 0.2484 0.19495 0.85245 0.35864 0.90896 0.51108 0.37077 0.18241 0.07042 0.94202 0.73045 0.502 0.24253 0.14876 0.87216 0.92588 0.83108 0.18775 0.84947 0.49446 0.45406 0.68074 0.46011 0.82627 0.09234 0.79477 0.15035 0.41441 0.11318 0.55225 0.60694 0.29302 0.60789 0.66962 0.86171 0.36289 0.99208 0.76934 0.09538 0.92923 0.3801 0.56613 0.12245 0.1945 0.19207 0.55461 0.89304 0.83121
+0.03674 0.73692 0.67776 0.2417 0.23917 0.51964 0.6152 0.36694 0.95652 0.72459 0.44064 0.66671 0.39153 0.22441 0.87169 0.79628 0.80884 0.91949 0.6793 0.78554 0.8848 0.18441 0.77974 0.78656 0.72471 0.94415 0.48011 0.38994 0.24794 0.06442 0.86756 0.6751 0.88206 0.54884 0.40223 0.58705 0.99062 0.52348 0.81884 0.47803 0.06954 0.57147 0.36587 0.04378 0.96418 0.37944 0.82896 0.62115 0.71988 0.4394 0.24545 0.99186 0.46824 0.72211 0.97048 0.12139 0.56549 0.40972 0.98319 0.20327 0.16488 0.75204 0.03876 0.17844 0.64759 0.13417 0.5449 0.55313 0.59283 0.92304 0.02756 0.21778 0.98443 0.40437 0.83791 0.77154 0.6924 0.3888 0.35226 0.80262 0.13782 0.13762 0.47867 0.09717 0.18038 0.01445 0.27699 0.71455 0.96964 0.95938 0.2515 0.99119 0.82006 0.38672 0.86183 0.71135 0.71286 0.31162 0.87804 0.59287 0.12058 0.13781 0.43997 0.25193 0.41588 0.88896 0.86593 0.25518 0.80031 0.35417 0.95145 0.17705 0.06715 0.92877 0.08176 0.06832 0.62066 0.8062 0.05782 0.07287 0.21442 0.70715 0.58173 0.49657 0.88669 0.40673 0.18575 0.86021 0.82943 0.83325 0.61817 0.83293 0.13581 0.36638 0.96013 0.88595 0.97893 0.59 0.50391 0.6076 0.47696 0.65525 0.63283 0.99153 0.55953 0.0897 0.80808 0.44207 0.2887 0.77396 0.24018 0.52167 0.04036 0.95768 0.37815 0.40554 0.17405 0.26737 0.81989 0.07526 0.99755 0.47244 0.36891 0.98987 0.19221 0.64274 0.43639 0.09051 0.94899 0.92839 0.73637 0.78651 0.91174 0.44941 0.40524 0.43797 0.72057 0.48089 0.43299 0.04081 0.40627 0.65683 0.89651 0.38315 0.51051 0.16504 0.99493 0.6209 0.81199 0.3097 0.13202 0.81385 0.18806 0.00073 0.46401 0.26624 0.57409 0.87589 0.05306 0.6324 0.21327 0.17067 0.46019 0.28648 0.34212 0.77509 0.4586 0.51538 0.10082 0.29107 0.02354 0.77853 0.61725 0.01988 0.87178 0.64882 0.1081 0.81947 0.87714 0.05644 0.11474 0.75177 0.53352 0.71721 0.29879 0.4972 0.00095 0.23645 0.91246 0.25878 0.41163 0.87941 0.3176 0.57752 0.25827 0.37897 0.56853 0.18996 0.63979 0.1848 0.87475 0.35118 0.56589 0.05463 0.04263 0.76345 0.6881 0.60249 0.632 0.51339 0.87607 0.36503 0.59514 0.95528 0.25731 0.89746 0.07582 0.65322 0.74601 0.37209 0.7045 0.07548 0.78081 0.18477 0.20337 0.41268 0.37506 0.30759 0.77642 0.50758 0.3867 0.70042 0.54602 0.42063 0.76559 0.72513 0.51222 0.73864 0.82769 0.42989 0.27264 0.0783 0.27723 0.6684 0.73522 0.25132 0.45999 0.24151 0.79533 0.52219 0.88906 0.0561 0.2553 0.06499 0.75507 0.3762 0.33096 0.9461 0.37649 0.8852 0.17487 0.17805 0.0572 0.11122 0.67089 0.96035 0.11931 0.83946 0.26638 0.18557 0.73156 0.4809 0.53993 0.56071 0.07714 0.5695 0.85875 0.99225 0.74251 0.33461 0.19309 0.83242 0.95539 0.38321 0.37258 0.9393 0.75345 0.92404 0.84139 0.81134 0.20999 0.35883 0.38303 0.52229 0.5284 0.12118 0.80594 0.1357 0.67242 0.73139 0.04859 0.70762 0.68209 0.73869 0.6548 0.19909 0.52089 0.23353 0.05076 0.96142 0.25769 0.20968 0.74924 0.1306 0.42461 0.01849 0.09873 0.31529 0.50905 0.31409 0.30195 0.02249 0.34732 0.86086 0.3182 0.13863 0.22214 0.65104 0.92855 0.00235 0.32362 0.82532 0.40355 0.09069 0.12555 0.35157 0.16278 0.79374 0.27699 0.6725 0.4193 0.72413 0.89597 0.50678 0.55984 0.62944 0.93821 0.30878 0.25112 0.06742 0.46425 0.34081 0.05223 0.22436 0.86363 0.90076 0.79857 0.84714 0.97436 0.06463 0.48342 0.88505 0.04202 0.50351 0.13082 0.47105 0.34698 0.26243 0.06904 0.77967 0.96227 0.85508 0.28028 0.64874 0.36084 0.41617 0.13379 0.4014 0.83973 0.38301 0.37331 0.88312 0.40604 0.89365 0.62968 0.97558 0.57537 0.27458 0.34887 0.51147 0.59381 0.556 0.94115 0.34855 0.40317 0.19557 0.64705 0.43224 0.46668 0.86106 0.28093 0.69246 0.87951 0.09504 0.85485 0.55302 0.70396 0.57342 0.24478 0.70019 0.8166 0.69306 0.8558 0.41674 0.34336 0.64357 0.38528 0.73993 0.18554 0.20658 0.65999 0.26576 0.22453 0.24228 0.53637 0.07216 0.07851 0.68039 0.41835 0.73072 0.51341 0.24987 0.22932 0.89821 0.72121 0.90087 0.42827 0.67472 0.2661 0.3272 0.98918 0.52762 0.68898 0.14668 0.395 0.00355 0.7538 0.84269 0.63832 0.08375 0.13841 0.95705 0.14463 0.99667 0.76194 0.33138 0.13675 0.93794 0.79526 0.3606 0.71174 0.85286 0.64475 0.55512 0.70634 0.38113 0.16806 0.77769 0.64096 0.81154 0.83637 0.96431
+0.29876 0.34609 0.78773 0.63078 0.02624 0.62078 0.31761 0.46897 0.43036 0.14867 0.85639 0.53674 0.06591 0.37297 0.25682 0.03011 0.85362 0.16303 0.23772 0.08666 0.36215 0.46182 0.22298 0.53321 0.08329 0.50482 0.1812 0.20695 0.15799 0.6034 0.71784 0.00263 0.17562 0.01128 0.43362 0.18108 0.4473 0.23532 0.20956 0.89461 0.5983 0.71487 0.69545 0.5943 0.12987 0.5916 0.43076 0.42011 0.80078 0.13017 0.06343 0.42788 0.84224 0.84277 0.82674 0.80005 0.94673 0.44441 0.96121 0.07137 0.19015 0.43941 0.68293 0.74124 0.47213 0.13719 0.72055 0.50504 0.62562 0.59036 0.72696 0.22022 0.00898 0.50688 0.89267 0.57199 0.13914 0.02273 0.66842 0.2704 0.92557 0.61083 0.99972 0.70829 0.98387 0.6795 0.60674 0.92282 0.28879 0.05536 0.80886 0.62833 0.57472 0.16737 0.75528 0.97505 0.23371 0.35373 0.88458 0.73438 0.19262 0.70906 0.23367 0.8731 0.44409 0.1236 0.0832 0.89689 0.78956 0.97777 0.72969 0.96081 0.84351 0.62139 0.4563 0.1648 0.6313 0.95064 0.12647 0.41348 0.27342 0.32305 0.18281 0.03735 0.11223 0.73993 0.93789 0.48221 0.79522 0.38821 0.58041 0.39441 0.6798 0.92597 0.18871 0.13121 0.04186 0.10926 0.16819 0.44844 0.97394 0.45324 0.76929 0.12206 0.41329 0.19193 0.93901 0.02522 0.70268 0.43667 0.54243 0.02982 0.46668 0.53074 0.16852 0.57606 0.92193 0.63642 0.47699 0.87031 0.52028 0.29685 0.13911 0.58318 0.33502 0.01995 0.75885 0.88588 0.78314 0.00128 0.25274 0.44219 0.04401 0.05509 0.7375 0.47222 0.98203 0.18252 0.14148 0.99438 0.27301 0.60418 0.5699 0.08395 0.60615 0.71402 0.69975 0.07845 0.0405 0.36287 0.38845 0.49833 0.68225 0.20464 0.34713 0.56396 0.99723 0.04919 0.90116 0.80956 0.38073 0.94184 0.65998 0.69445 0.57834 0.75929 0.71185 0.98018 0.37537 0.95346 0.82467 0.11314 0.90248 0.69805 0.78216 0.539 0.6872 0.30495 0.32396 0.96579 0.63181 0.58496 0.53602 0.14928 0.08225 0.37034 0.10273 0.37207 0.81904 0.72419 0.17791 0.5346 0.37446 0.49558 0.81039 0.05803 0.75481 0.83345 0.0533 0.73101 0.12749 0.7428 0.18263 0.76778 0.83809 0.62362 0.0927 0.22825 0.81113 0.26616 0.45793 0.15665 0.68452 0.71389 0.06268 0.20334 0.6925 0.06567 0.00719 0.74539 0.79284 0.17768 0.68063 0.62 0.71568 0.1866 0.57106 0.07006 0.91289 0.66882 0.89527 0.9095 0.55208 0.75431 0.80322 0.69857 0.4285 0.04685 0.40379 0.93535 0.09604 0.20111 0.86662 0.73319 0.24616 0.89308 0.27227 0.90969 0.11158 0.92685 0.73693 0.47134 0.28308 0.52859 0.26843 0.527 0.73342 0.23507 0.55384 0.28221 0.84909 0.33627 0.43047 0.18497 0.926 0.77281 0.45098 0.43963 0.8684 0.20353 0.8394 0.4171 0.14346 0.66713 0.36081 0.12744 0.18475 0.70048 0.21567 0.07585 0.29817 0.88167 0.58546 0.3337 0.52537 0.99181 0.70918 0.73954 0.20328 0.09623 0.11395 0.02304 0.3082 0.0483 0.74397 0.01503 0.068 0.34378 0.9696 0.25343 0.22439 0.12766 0.63855 0.29111 0.34322 0.29185 0.85471 0.2617 0.68817 0.92812 0.04528 0.92225 0.51737 0.98393 0.7441 0.02065 0.90913 0.03097 0.86981 0.16351 0.53517 0.15077 0.15015 0.53169 0.69564 0.04646 0.69034 0.01466 0.77326 0.52699 0.24928 0.45969 0.31318 0.99364 0.57822 0.99082 0.36213 0.22417 0.51242 0.50962 0.60013 0.25751 0.57096 0.51358 0.59972 0.47359 0.05403 0.27535 0.22708 0.53716 0.53114 0.64551 0.71946 0.76965 0.95345 0.15081 0.54562 0.26371 0.31132 0.89723 0.21312 0.21065 0.34874 0.77173 0.70166 0.28979 0.64084 0.58692 0.07633 0.11643 0.03416 0.26516 0.29706 0.31185 0.35223 0.69914 0.51875 0.77928 0.09184 0.64888 0.16164 0.3343 0.43949 0.1729 0.05904 0.19269 0.39717 0.34228 0.48425 0.83088 0.13636 0.88036 0.22928 0.96508 0.96115 0.578 0.06594 0.93476 0.76367 0.39652 0.53813 0.56962 0.37756 0.46245 0.09502 0.2293 0.43236 0.97041 0.0602 0.81726 0.64522 0.44399 0.77598 0.59698 0.2029 0.78426 0.99158 0.69469 0.96559 0.96635 0.72329 0.23419 0.0781 0.40803 0.53368 0.19096 0.39966 0.54227 0.21815 0.31283 0.79199 0.9116 0.86919 0.74283 0.08933 0.93512 0.86202 0.28498 0.87305 0.23352 0.40101 0.08807 0.84466 0.16624 0.16257 0.38839 0.50606 0.20844 0.72695 0.43649 0.39298 0.81266 0.80987 0.59346 0.40141 0.61406 0.96627 0.56181 0.39961 0.01482 0.41175 0.35988 0.94963 0.04471 0.92103 0.74419 0.43719 0.7549 0.19381 0.76695 0.40344 0.04817
+0.72464 0.74292 0.23217 0.35454 0.85888 0.16672 0.90924 0.84852 0.98356 0.19394 0.2356 0.00628 0.43585 0.37938 0.63814 0.68023 0.4674 0.6305 0.45161 0.11592 0.497 0.59406 0.93133 0.50294 0.01481 0.73621 0.03918 0.91757 0.61679 0.34665 0.00674 0.91596 0.21811 0.60781 0.22961 0.77049 0.30265 0.0149 0.30067 0.16998 0.18193 0.76068 0.19837 0.39016 0.98311 0.77949 0.96058 0.58991 0.87455 0.93682 0.65857 0.15542 0.20459 0.81261 0.38315 0.19821 0.39351 0.60239 0.60879 0.40454 0.03394 0.98922 0.22356 0.13874 0.48123 0.10039 0.09625 0.06035 0.73577 0.93641 0.65363 0.86823 0.10451 0.68435 0.637 0.94795 0.5855 0.34031 0.53857 0.68768 0.26004 0.07001 0.87886 0.288 0.78562 0.23622 0.17948 0.14727 0.71972 0.88701 0.20133 0.35271 0.51277 0.25637 0.1721 0.13486 0.54208 0.18499 0.73541 0.08661 0.78797 0.9108 0.99973 0.884 0.45772 0.3809 0.64329 0.82395 0.86407 0.07313 0.7953 0.41668 0.69341 0.7855 0.68685 0.75103 0.01276 0.49759 0.80738 0.61594 0.06467 0.1122 0.85723 0.14212 0.69276 0.02149 0.15138 0.55034 0.24774 0.81094 0.60129 0.08471 0.2825 0.59382 0.91945 0.07503 0.17991 0.02191 0.18856 0.15119 0.03829 0.04898 0.9671 0.80035 0.16373 0.2132 0.4039 0.90829 0.24712 0.60859 0.9091 0.24702 0.31038 0.96154 0.79144 0.71508 0.97817 0.11576 0.11094 0.60441 0.44623 0.60746 0.9639 0.3284 0.69815 0.30265 0.43246 0.37016 0.36431 0.1858 0.27809 0.5628 0.57535 0.35932 0.62933 0.68244 0.05435 0.20185 0.58711 0.05001 0.39654 0.21799 0.76307 0.70057 0.11049 0.06376 0.98874 0.00882 0.1789 0.67657 0.485 0.04487 0.37498 0.11255 0.73825 0.17985 0.47816 0.91779 0.38348 0.68531 0.88878 0.91831 0.52787 0.75462 0.392 0.83484 0.54904 0.06909 0.16698 0.42091 0.95734 0.06001 0.23742 0.49763 0.25365 0.29088 0.87222 0.62725 0.34729 0.74368 0.5618 0.45752 0.22179 0.7315 0.56219 0.49274 0.53133 0.39217 0.51727 0.29296 0.29333 0.06747 0.27045 0.59041 0.25791 0.48261 0.78133 0.17778 0.25255 0.73037 0.96153 0.79028 0.71214 0.36731 0.00963 0.64406 0.55698 0.30888 0.9363 0.25462 0.48839 0.80374 0.69711 0.91177 0.00175 0.85246 0.67548 0.47251 0.25538 0.29779 0.05282 0.10804 0.19856 0.07074 0.1001 0.14292 0.74029 0.33628 0.97359 0.36445 0.85293 0.13911 0.61172 0.20749 0.85344 0.61683 0.31146 0.94554 0.00632 0.05028 0.16973 0.78467 0.0762 0.26245 0.84602 0.83186 0.54297 0.47235 0.67401 0.43776 0.73829 0.86316 0.9444 0.93137 0.79147 0.5183 0.23099 0.70217 0.60418 0.74674 0.78736 0.69599 0.54645 0.09869 0.01622 0.96098 0.28362 0.45858 0.45921 0.24196 0.22256 0.74974 0.80038 0.57126 0.78271 0.17871 0.59673 0.73259 0.89076 0.21716 0.77817 0.75731 0.49196 0.12252 0.98886 0.26655 0.7043 0.12221 0.59428 0.98006 0.51507 0.64005 0.31267 0.88625 0.43475 0.86312 0.19038 0.07822 0.8964 0.82387 0.73749 0.97523 0.74849 0.75312 0.30593 0.7884 0.52875 0.05761 0.12991 0.17215 0.83296 0.14605 0.06716 0.49756 0.05288 0.26414 0.0227 0.66518 0.56021 0.57966 0.87258 0.84557 0.10184 0.18869 0.09146 0.98714 0.86759 0.44345 0.09724 0.17433 0.82142 0.25774 0.45618 0.14 0.83443 0.40298 0.24444 0.57098 0.64809 0.3973 0.03132 0.21933 0.98984 0.52808 0.04007 0.90427 0.70984 0.16388 0.11886 0.2497 0.15593 0.02087 0.58964 0.12299 0.78353 0.23422 0.96936 0.52918 0.52882 0.27803 0.2339 0.64796 0.97046 0.0805 0.1829 0.78456 0.71119 0.93832 0.76212 0.61986 0.83579 0.03119 0.79753 0.39792 0.38373 0.11516 0.49688 0.04817 0.58181 0.53556 0.72624 0.98422 0.74109 0.96965 0.7109 0.06655 0.93231 0.76002 0.58236 0.11058 0.51622 0.22611 0.96393 0.50679 0.79463 0.12232 0.99997 0.08205 0.38552 0.366 0.57757 0.28644 0.83858 0.15363 0.27371 0.18905 0.44996 0.37335 0.39603 0.06036 0.64492 0.61858 0.75848 0.81949 0.31998 0.4705 0.39022 0.38779 0.23389 0.89504 0.9549 0.15952 0.99308 0.62632 0.13196 0.56471 0.76222 0.36097 0.89734 0.88353 0.08562 0.80722 0.22672 0.16274 0.69196 0.31443 0.47292 0.003 0.78102 0.38083 0.48784 0.89515 0.94823 0.45846 0.61687 0.99 0.96775 0.58975 0.54977 0.9279 0.26551 0.67106 0.77077 0.32154 0.06021 0.16968 0.36851 0.53942 0.61639 0.55232 0.10119 0.66197 0.99054 0.62739 0.48722 0.55791 0.71121 0.50109 0.53013 0.31504 0.57471 0.59253
+0.87649 0.08524 0.73018 0.99313 0.85939 0.91634 0.32345 0.74553 0.40422 0.3461 0.99257 0.85855 0.65354 0.39585 0.79333 0.35289 0.68962 0.49867 0.52953 0.43183 0.85931 0.04367 0.11199 0.81886 0.28285 0.37988 0.02237 0.74101 0.94032 0.74237 0.77779 0.85299 0.08794 0.60559 0.93219 0.80875 0.0438 0.27209 0.66705 0.71865 0.03327 0.16459 0.04772 0.36005 0.56446 0.30787 0.95133 0.4562 0.14307 0.5826 0.49618 0.49729 0.43815 0.99489 0.55553 0.74745 0.63772 0.29936 0.1793 0.64097 0.93286 0.26892 0.1888 0.11109 0.25142 0.88737 0.49216 0.91683 0.56436 0.65167 0.54428 0.44342 0.10543 0.88752 0.51546 0.98992 0.75009 0.35925 0.0291 0.40115 0.92418 0.65699 0.45352 0.11321 0.76289 0.42658 0.9706 0.30732 0.53851 0.49159 0.5429 0.3036 0.87388 0.46021 0.95699 0.70628 0.17203 0.22787 0.14729 0.05166 0.79751 0.79385 0.8897 0.87234 0.82344 0.63767 0.0567 0.07103 0.99885 0.33337 0.67271 0.7634 0.27072 0.6691 0.66494 0.00477 0.14984 0.12401 0.83283 0.87227 0.07609 0.92803 0.89332 0.33551 0.29923 0.77853 0.87006 0.54532 0.55549 0.43802 0.21346 0.92444 0.22736 0.32528 0.0975 0.49825 0.46669 0.17083 0.31216 0.69954 0.19548 0.61136 0.48465 0.41935 0.68225 0.33724 0.39492 0.191 0.75141 0.02244 0.94228 0.16213 0.37248 0.94435 0.73785 0.90043 0.53219 0.8202 0.57107 0.32706 0.34985 0.18294 0.81635 0.35647 0.89468 0.744 0.88567 0.74858 0.53465 0.31312 0.23587 0.59052 0.61148 0.73101 0.06784 0.01319 0.83119 0.88937 0.26455 0.3454 0.38841 0.61819 0.63606 0.43944 0.33424 0.62262 0.0831 0.60942 0.30239 0.96546 0.08218 0.81404 0.07588 0.6261 0.01117 0.80433 0.26457 0.54735 0.70864 0.11505 0.05812 0.9174 0.57714 0.92234 0.65988 0.2197 0.49217 0.42302 0.48237 0.3543 0.31693 0.26619 0.35754 0.82376 0.15284 0.63792 0.90457 0.74818 0.70779 0.37994 0.52562 0.63795 0.58531 0.00929 0.56102 0.70542 0.75085 0.56469 0.77295 0.61383 0.49068 0.66522 0.50833 0.39411 0.5096 0.82232 0.96588 0.66226 0.89243 0.85863 0.63129 0.46066 0.05406 0.33175 0.46816 0.16766 0.21659 0.76541 0.92258 0.69646 0.11291 0.74812 0.85072 0.58953 0.26858 0.18817 0.5304 0.49057 0.90933 0.40172 0.91525 0.59043 0.471 0.93867 0.11298 0.44075 0.55154 0.38592 0.49269 0.30894 0.21985 0.35319 0.41968 0.65184 0.87571 0.47767 0.12432 0.17187 0.20149 0.99832 0.24777 0.4956 0.58898 0.65541 0.90017 0.94995 0.8704 0.01997 0.01519 0.06428 0.7328 0.65769 0.21883 0.90332 0.1376 0.60403 0.45451 0.37124 0.2017 0.36388 0.73291 0.45044 0.80571 0.60383 0.44633 0.26082 0.45823 0.72417 0.37411 0.03449 0.99774 0.46463 0.26005 0.12606 0.02927 0.96412 0.37144 0.03201 0.04815 0.41906 0.34505 0.09469 0.49262 0.20028 0.52922 0.46719 0.66975 0.15367 0.26655 0.60826 0.59127 0.35097 0.74935 0.28222 0.54598 0.15754 0.16534 0.43737 0.44858 0.39409 0.72077 0.3572 0.20849 0.86396 0.86853 0.65619 0.53597 0.41912 0.15075 0.67143 0.85262 0.16034 0.4519 0.73734 0.7643 0.89915 0.66903 0.46016 0.70405 0.19615 0.26238 0.74726 0.53226 0.68861 0.53075 0.46286 0.52781 0.71716 0.22049 0.48715 0.00073 0.09783 0.14098 0.31187 0.59047 0.38125 0.493 0.44245 0.74967 0.83976 0.43767 0.77337 0.76891 0.71541 0.31807 0.50611 0.97331 0.27374 0.05088 0.61676 0.28973 0.90616 0.30064 0.32419 0.64592 0.3094 0.36266 0.99827 0.78142 0.17959 0.0661 0.26864 0.75199 0.12726 0.26067 0.47762 0.06128 0.59126 0.189 0.40428 0.16156 0.51151 0.21404 0.0615 0.45361 0.40465 0.15844 0.82819 0.7272 0.14399 0.77468 0.72021 0.53597 0.15513 0.63396 0.62289 0.46994 0.83642 0.42202 0.99604 0.31105 0.64106 0.69929 0.10742 0.66477 0.99675 0.97796 0.54836 0.27362 0.48646 0.69227 0.08274 0.44521 0.00527 0.63879 0.76478 0.43677 0.29662 0.93721 0.34346 0.79537 0.26982 0.90763 0.79677 0.22555 0.2498 0.97672 0.37379 0.08684 0.67239 0.75765 0.96332 0.3072 0.02556 0.0108 0.49583 0.45405 0.07071 0.34064 0.47199 0.3419 0.17205 0.41719 0.03714 0.56665 0.59383 0.41915 0.57226 0.20959 0.22617 0.88965 0.99355 0.73228 0.05523 0.7257 0.46377 0.22641 0.04343 0.91552 0.39203 0.00276 0.12361 0.02072 0.03582 0.44111 0.8713 0.93186 0.8996 0.16973 0.97016 0.35347 0.0508 0.36623 0.82541 0.06403 0.355 0.65872 0.76675 0.39017 0.19192 0.67236 0.92019
+0.82068 0.54105 0.34674 0.48892 0.96045 0.83587 0.82562 0.08231 0.93099 0.17682 0.25178 0.96337 0.15718 0.97718 0.96137 0.60224 0.44646 0.54418 0.98679 0.03023 0.32465 0.71673 0.36506 0.44407 0.48378 0.04828 0.45545 0.52866 0.47397 0.96622 0.36796 0.37782 0.34457 0.8691 0.96671 0.90776 0.95569 0.43426 0.43003 0.7664 0.56975 0.30025 0.65964 0.85698 0.07405 0.98074 0.51876 0.12833 0.76633 0.69194 0.33896 0.34991 0.20956 0.7936 0.8531 0.70024 0.6391 0.12649 0.6829 0.62022 0.73073 0.69955 0.12139 0.85574 0.71169 0.09675 0.02574 0.86881 0.05023 0.30161 0.61112 0.16873 0.68775 0.45369 0.1115 0.31968 0.81631 0.01409 0.96877 0.18441 0.53463 0.40799 0.57445 0.87763 0.03468 0.56327 0.06223 0.145 0.72529 0.9368 0.71694 0.08449 0.0255 0.24565 0.3342 0.19056 0.10999 0.26885 0.4679 0.01875 0.4202 0.52394 0.46388 0.4779 0.32155 0.76535 0.70246 0.87951 0.44223 0.46674 0.89178 0.9156 0.58102 0.27905 0.17342 0.40581 0.34531 0.29229 0.27546 0.53738 0.43574 0.37188 0.17678 0.0931 0.01195 0.32722 0.6563 0.98598 0.22473 0.583 0.22194 0.54553 0.79524 0.91997 0.09683 0.46085 0.1143 0.34603 0.1461 0.94129 0.72422 0.5208 0.48156 0.8382 0.05642 0.21194 0.63551 0.32865 0.20357 0.62562 0.32739 0.75161 0.86894 0.11076 0.99579 0.46412 0.31147 0.01955 0.16692 0.45402 0.28839 0.66764 0.86228 0.4197 0.27865 0.58009 0.4159 0.16475 0.58696 0.30719 0.27173 0.46799 0.75797 0.36708 0.60797 0.71895 0.86412 0.86615 0.59395 0.36648 0.82978 0.17257 0.49587 0.91906 0.32794 0.7808 0.51134 0.1541 0.27681 0.08458 0.05711 0.48324 0.45612 0.3482 0.90978 0.69966 0.69905 0.40219 0.17489 0.61385 0.79484 0.78936 0.56361 0.79288 0.26195 0.72454 0.76875 0.54896 0.84997 0.90689 0.86869 0.57563 0.09705 0.09976 0.14705 0.37905 0.31361 0.97515 0.00735 0.78634 0.66321 0.83896 0.04375 0.46345 0.86889 0.54508 0.2701 0.62702 0.58132 0.4732 0.52294 0.45152 0.61268 0.05111 0.59112 0.58114 0.50383 0.54216 0.23829 0.95383 0.31935 0.20424 0.70075 0.58247 0.17502 0.30644 0.5886 0.60834 0.07389 0.91015 0.61487 0.05768 0.50099 0.33352 0.3572 0.02474 0.4433 0.40373 0.84409 0.15454 0.69245 0.35244 0.22291 0.09945 0.53545 0.54359 0.68195 0.69802 0.42313 0.76486 0.20158 0.96435 0.64642 0.41334 0.14288 0.00523 0.4176 0.91817 0.43877 0.60331 0.97852 0.8965 0.0089 0.39252 0.28625 0.21444 0.57839 0.42332 0.31309 0.10675 0.09644 0.94799 0.39108 0.40948 0.22299 0.38834 0.48132 0.20619 0.76911 0.9269 0.25959 0.29028 0.59366 0.49075 0.27549 0.98731 0.46917 0.70852 0.43818 0.05192 0.61273 0.81585 0.78502 0.07791 0.2761 0.06655 0.98209 0.83869 0.34032 0.41758 0.37461 0.04339 0.38776 0.40827 0.65574 0.95404 0.69913 0.93333 0.78874 0.17942 0.62688 0.48989 0.21187 0.18427 0.76036 0.52523 0.10054 0.51712 0.07056 0.89637 0.81948 0.49989 0.59581 0.02241 0.13037 0.81399 0.10784 0.6653 0.71927 0.33065 0.3736 0.40776 0.62465 0.67492 0.90033 0.9985 0.1112 0.72131 0.61935 0.59025 0.61404 0.67437 0.38491 0.48441 0.91482 0.52593 0.32043 0.87272 0.31742 0.57685 0.98626 0.30625 0.30201 0.82134 0.8644 0.35077 0.21804 0.77848 0.15175 0.50327 0.64409 0.27556 0.30958 0.22819 0.8614 0.40131 0.20283 0.26819 0.07833 0.89008 0.65606 0.11206 0.46669 0.48485 0.15866 0.66025 0.84037 0.05472 0.85733 0.72502 0.5304 0.4055 0.93093 0.30918 0.10025 0.72652 0.43107 0.51597 0.77522 0.23167 0.34127 0.24591 0.4859 0.19103 0.00085 0.10105 0.99745 0.39934 0.14011 0.40045 0.95166 0.41015 0.93005 0.64779 0.53942 0.43476 0.27013 0.15911 0.151 0.41825 0.54741 0.6978 0.38012 0.54797 0.84889 0.76635 0.41833 0.26809 0.62657 0.27102 0.40555 0.47352 0.09938 0.80724 0.21533 0.50147 0.4778 0.31261 0.94418 0.08725 0.08185 0.409 0.90727 0.85414 0.33317 0.43382 0.58212 0.45638 0.49884 0.46772 0.7621 0.17397 0.06728 0.15654 0.15299 0.36346 0.95389 0.5943 0.06384 0.57665 0.29615 0.22266 0.44823 0.21846 0.80975 0.25698 0.71871 0.91081 0.51808 0.84918 0.00172 0.69984 0.10993 0.76337 0.09314 0.57344 0.04368 0.66505 0.02625 0.67792 0.88143 0.26318 0.33154 0.36311 0.61696 0.27058 0.47305 0.8451 0.39142 0.89989 0.48222 0.41228 0.55507 0.07893 0.44411 0.57686 0.82622 0.73837 0.28929 0.47262 0.4071 0.39251
+0.11812 0.29897 0.99533 0.58992 0.88232 0.08798 0.96109 0.65395 0.37017 0.18173 0.82877 0.66906 0.87449 0.26705 0.69048 0.20557 0.34067 0.81371 0.72212 0.3084 0.14702 0.92177 0.88018 0.62691 0.61985 0.35761 0.90117 0.65457 0.02057 0.19883 0.98846 0.91923 0.28579 0.34794 0.97883 0.10816 0.86502 0.57731 0.67079 0.27354 0.66558 0.77298 0.09032 0.67524 0.38159 0.45031 0.62017 0.4178 0.63326 0.77159 0.35954 0.46089 0.80509 0.3748 0.59856 0.38707 0.43004 0.15325 0.97148 0.47759 0.24668 0.21391 0.79126 0.15518 0.02085 0.18759 0.07166 0.24429 0.06706 0.10109 0.32256 0.41411 0.82802 0.42632 0.79639 0.7177 0.62886 0.66358 0.17852 0.77148 0.50482 0.12124 0.21274 0.80382 0.53054 0.02764 0.5067 0.00189 0.76741 0.24038 0.61246 0.3403 0.66254 0.43303 0.12933 0.25372 0.55978 0.83366 0.775 0.12925 0.75383 0.80846 0.46401 0.71252 0.70017 0.24697 0.25216 0.05711 0.03293 0.46181 0.14329 0.90955 0.26797 0.34049 0.58197 0.39971 0.1674 0.55117 0.18233 0.99547 0.28819 0.10446 0.0831 0.47636 0.18438 0.66988 0.20324 0.28218 0.56405 0.11516 0.54519 0.45375 0.47119 0.69515 0.09823 0.04422 0.00073 0.50923 0.35615 0.09488 0.72654 0.51185 0.61242 0.87523 0.2687 0.27452 0.78019 0.81424 0.34553 0.4136 0.66395 0.08262 0.7795 0.57855 0.18247 0.33041 0.94215 0.24835 0.62104 0.09325 0.17404 0.3583 0.88989 0.0389 0.83089 0.60794 0.8168 0.88041 0.16733 0.72717 0.85472 0.96268 0.38728 0.75559 0.10701 0.23433 0.41605 0.8688 0.76087 0.43701 0.44468 0.63719 0.10251 0.10525 0.88547 0.47448 0.39627 0.72333 0.17994 0.59094 0.32956 0.59592 0.31305 0.55455 0.05661 0.52373 0.9163 0.48154 0.40927 0.55113 0.26941 0.80105 0.11255 0.34589 0.98912 0.1733 0.46791 0.97511 0.00895 0.70105 0.59453 0.20357 0.49115 0.35394 0.15106 0.05901 0.8498 0.01702 0.26477 0.53653 0.43511 0.6588 0.44933 0.85613 0.6461 0.94024 0.7885 0.47305 0.30034 0.20048 0.94297 0.05894 0.43536 0.54113 0.651 0.44266 0.66215 0.12735 0.43438 0.45153 0.8987 0.78375 0.2983 0.84114 0.26793 0.03892 0.56437 0.89213 0.26634 0.12007 0.25647 0.54492 0.54844 0.7663 0.89584 0.61463 0.66906 0.98189 0.25835 0.47063 0.94425 0.53361 0.27932 0.179 0.36131 0.99388 0.61974 0.9254 0.26076 0.32442 0.50828 0.73305 0.6822 0.27634 0.32705 0.56583 0.29385 0.07085 0.75798 0.32098 0.34791 0.38005 0.9325 0.99297 0.80094 0.66503 0.89955 0.16575 0.67414 0.3011 0.94708 0.64885 0.62064 0.78365 0.81245 0.19304 0.98343 0.97872 0.90444 0.60746 0.2897 0.37013 0.00446 0.5355 0.15212 0.46118 0.91642 0.47293 0.70757 0.1634 0.66911 0.00726 0.43704 0.56521 0.52813 0.14051 0.86512 0.28117 0.25367 0.95803 0.23687 0.56167 0.8387 0.1808 0.06269 0.59984 0.58264 0.7659 0.45117 0.09252 0.7416 0.57867 0.19936 0.54345 0.37072 0.32258 0.59065 0.8918 0.06933 0.66606 0.25864 0.54056 0.50107 0.88246 0.27898 0.96428 0.73809 0.30427 0.0153 0.18924 0.68792 0.26779 0.21374 0.33332 0.89805 0.34633 0.8801 0.80802 2e-05 0.71733 0.15705 0.16125 0.96547 0.36669 0.3062 0.81585 0.36874 0.25578 0.33289 0.84823 0.91223 0.44808 0.74544 0.98674 0.73882 0.24253 0.75726 0.64451 0.22318 0.38376 0.72042 0.33722 0.11844 0.66733 0.12685 0.15126 0.10516 0.2323 0.13748 0.56726 0.00168 0.23778 0.03394 0.07214 0.02174 0.30802 0.62087 0.40986 0.42568 0.77639 0.79572 0.88031 0.13165 0.28456 0.11073 0.22423 0.08081 0.0403 0.16352 0.70967 0.05568 0.23726 0.78085 0.82159 0.83221 0.83399 0.34788 0.34986 0.61453 0.94922 0.21048 0.55698 0.96175 0.36716 0.36239 0.07758 0.3312 0.32864 0.39014 0.50224 0.4484 0.58663 0.32005 0.99032 0.89556 0.01121 0.83269 0.14047 0.10581 0.73759 0.44558 0.87985 0.22367 0.2101 0.00493 0.08414 0.01382 0.49673 0.25731 0.28788 0.50165 0.48958 0.64472 0.05306 0.91889 0.74849 0.27226 0.37485 0.9209 0.93467 0.07125 0.55591 0.60242 0.53192 0.40431 0.32811 0.72009 0.86049 0.03757 0.97802 0.57218 0.61196 0.96337 0.19341 0.03227 0.84926 0.53045 0.12233 0.97798 0.39011 0.41874 0.65157 0.56361 0.12792 0.13247 0.58936 0.05804 0.8132 0.48129 0.69916 0.40666 0.9613 0.22915 0.6052 0.70755 0.47252 0.19227 0.4043 0.72565 0.25473 0.7895 0.60924 0.91071 0.36542 0.61401 0.57011 0.39089 0.57482 0.75017 0.53365 0.97915 0.69265
+0.72907 0.25974 0.65357 0.03042 0.32214 0.97402 0.43182 0.87933 0.2307 0.70816 0.08182 0.5855 0.4397 0.22204 0.2335 0.74936 0.63922 0.86389 0.73446 0.90599 0.94798 0.46082 0.31127 0.90292 0.44576 0.31671 0.82575 0.47202 0.38386 0.04541 0.42904 0.47132 0.36338 0.38275 0.16795 0.11423 0.99585 0.73572 0.19264 0.56685 0.01427 0.1334 0.83394 0.46346 0.54635 0.33135 0.04909 0.5043 0.97154 0.93067 0.62497 0.34812 0.24553 0.28197 0.55447 0.51892 0.91208 0.98557 0.66381 0.72535 0.49792 0.54908 0.14267 0.16721 0.27176 0.56403 0.56236 0.32988 0.22728 0.72686 0.6078 0.81284 0.27537 0.03598 0.18485 0.08447 0.76581 0.77901 0.42276 0.27628 0.7555 0.9929 0.0972 0.03101 0.71323 0.22669 0.48716 0.25404 0.63964 0.90436 0.85925 0.9563 0.67489 0.55925 0.74961 0.77946 0.03233 0.69619 0.44627 0.85377 0.24454 0.69273 0.88972 0.2614 0.46276 0.64078 0.30422 0.63236 0.3476 0.84511 0.26505 0.28906 0.54692 0.35115 0.75147 0.10892 0.69383 0.58513 0.23584 0.91445 0.0604 0.82121 0.20102 0.86409 0.53784 0.05263 0.20348 0.88242 0.5552 0.55731 0.40756 0.39753 0.44617 0.52728 0.99606 0.26434 0.12905 0.14945 0.15177 0.44369 0.57635 0.0586 0.99968 0.53154 0.98495 0.96565 0.5881 0.091 0.19286 0.83325 0.92639 0.84721 0.31627 0.49987 0.03338 0.33809 0.43682 0.17546 0.00927 0.37542 0.81709 0.64715 0.2334 0.42144 0.79579 0.20223 0.66381 0.46527 0.07015 0.13652 0.06766 0.91827 0.10666 0.25036 0.81353 0.04005 0.60758 0.39994 0.6383 0.14993 0.40086 0.67961 0.85343 0.79379 0.95105 0.5683 0.70868 0.37665 0.2833 0.51338 0.35951 0.13545 0.65961 0.99415 0.2016 0.53156 0.50607 0.20715 0.03955 0.88732 0.36677 0.67962 0.11898 0.206 0.38246 0.18421 0.43326 0.07125 0.83235 0.64798 0.19278 0.33582 0.33253 0.11567 0.686 0.66699 0.61783 0.6435 0.77239 0.765 0.64086 0.67847 0.47271 0.08302 0.69888 0.76597 0.88187 0.17953 0.2222 0.44693 0.0587 0.39839 0.19789 0.26002 0.03083 0.49407 0.6258 0.52988 0.58317 0.03252 0.13987 0.51656 0.39934 0.59175 0.96249 0.6593 0.83314 0.99883 0.95112 0.08836 0.12443 0.53554 0.08238 0.99117 0.42153 0.39309 0.53231 0.59099 0.4648 0.09219 0.58656 0.06112 0.6644 0.01058 0.4243 0.30202 0.30777 0.52386 0.26013 0.32062 0.96105 0.17497 0.68428 0.16807 0.77223 0.17074 0.94756 0.85967 0.09622 0.13312 0.60914 0.81705 0.26874 0.06488 0.53725 0.43575 0.35745 0.22183 0.39716 0.58068 0.12009 0.73868 0.89092 0.17752 0.2398 0.92081 0.17682 0.52919 0.09331 0.43104 0.73876 0.60578 0.07025 0.32977 0.13582 0.30951 0.41965 0.98109 0.08846 0.22542 0.36524 0.28828 0.01557 0.83794 0.05125 0.38784 0.71662 0.45004 0.63234 0.40023 0.73961 0.5838 0.83099 0.12803 0.17744 0.35297 0.71205 0.95913 0.33783 0.91148 0.21544 0.19832 0.0979 0.47944 0.5216 0.06225 0.72089 0.52872 0.47861 0.15416 0.96457 0.51893 0.98684 0.7815 0.64132 0.48568 0.99912 0.86775 0.43898 0.29288 0.50759 0.99871 0.04768 0.41088 0.44289 0.29158 0.98294 0.26778 0.68612 0.11246 0.45793 0.64761 0.51772 0.75166 0.33747 0.61066 0.07129 0.426 0.23338 0.3049 0.67338 0.91342 0.65216 0.60692 0.35662 0.34218 0.35232 0.7514 0.59906 0.0003 0.84039 0.44463 0.16377 0.77526 0.95305 0.7118 0.64985 0.57054 0.29096 0.0289 0.96559 0.14506 0.18284 0.61265 0.69553 0.96608 0.21488 0.13924 0.40372 0.15712 0.48158 0.1898 0.68742 0.48298 0.60689 0.82964 0.69522 0.42376 0.08867 0.34115 0.14571 0.55037 0.96728 0.52554 0.42556 0.0498 0.91804 0.91627 0.58132 0.16515 0.04239 0.67122 0.89134 0.49917 0.33658 0.34533 0.3674 0.42154 0.56081 0.37387 0.36507 0.66315 0.95 0.36427 0.53502 0.1236 0.87042 0.21468 0.04404 0.77374 0.94944 0.52567 0.70792 0.9746 0.13909 0.01454 0.85356 0.42617 0.75325 0.79016 0.0524 0.45901 0.31584 0.11083 0.33147 0.03124 0.0048 0.11274 0.01352 0.22539 0.91822 0.43939 0.71957 0.53994 0.41445 0.1588 0.04044 0.34583 0.13748 0.9545 0.88584 0.12404 0.69016 0.52129 0.07284 0.44234 0.8741 0.02658 0.28887 0.93713 0.66594 0.18728 0.55295 0.44883 0.96265 0.94262 0.93494 0.2071 0.92614 0.24433 0.53298 0.35597 0.86668 0.63655 0.43697 0.17263 0.44018 0.89172 0.30501 0.27412 0.46558 0.20456 0.39197 0.04756 0.54051 0.24317 0.73539 0.13189 0.07792 0.87876 0.13129 0.31116
+0.4326 0.57543 0.6008 0.17124 0.19228 0.06838 0.28397 0.26968 0.31125 0.44467 0.61869 0.0583 0.60647 0.39657 0.23915 0.24805 0.26176 0.00484 0.20262 0.96822 0.87553 0.32042 0.91513 0.78306 0.50705 0.2945 0.61694 0.40586 0.24251 0.89203 0.72508 0.60804 0.2019 0.96173 0.74287 0.77797 0.44405 0.07698 0.36248 0.88055 0.81725 0.76209 0.55637 0.90823 0.10933 0.87253 0.70353 0.49826 0.2401 0.30351 0.65453 0.94888 0.37589 0.64373 0.43401 0.63233 0.82215 0.18812 0.71475 0.40138 0.13627 0.45936 0.86155 0.37374 0.10046 0.76084 0.23948 0.77996 0.64859 0.87913 0.48738 0.6732 0.02878 0.93133 0.85126 0.25528 0.75 0.43233 0.94371 0.202 0.52428 0.31874 0.48042 0.56286 0.03766 0.37457 0.19014 0.48866 0.50178 0.95574 0.68006 0.64487 0.94225 0.67395 0.86165 0.09205 0.25753 0.6378 0.68429 0.00035 0.18626 0.5157 0.38101 0.17955 0.72737 0.10083 0.27163 0.28323 0.46246 0.38464 0.50257 0.90552 0.91091 0.3124 0.81193 0.21574 0.26569 0.77964 0.27459 0.96989 0.82322 0.27319 0.65946 0.4411 0.55168 0.24562 0.33715 0.69844 0.10134 0.33279 0.58824 0.14086 0.43466 0.63962 0.50399 0.98698 0.26229 0.57131 0.81046 0.52768 0.04603 0.54034 0.17761 0.50017 0.65623 0.37367 0.35229 0.67915 0.91983 0.86059 0.03283 0.05495 0.10234 0.49194 0.92802 0.67465 0.46706 0.38403 0.1245 0.0517 0.93405 0.48932 0.93921 0.64019 0.91919 0.57465 0.61962 0.40448 0.84079 0.40352 0.74838 0.8977 0.7937 0.51083 0.39641 0.22149 0.47775 0.23337 0.92027 0.14439 0.38446 0.19599 0.0701 0.76064 0.13707 0.85596 0.38749 0.87482 0.98831 0.10645 0.02088 0.60357 0.33087 0.49445 0.33867 0.43875 0.5825 0.37297 0.57724 0.00597 0.23263 0.5956 0.09318 0.80149 0.93944 0.31113 0.61971 0.74108 0.04615 0.61872 0.51184 0.22471 0.6065 0.60748 0.06885 0.25651 0.42898 0.14931 0.37038 0.30941 0.28335 0.55911 0.44453 0.15918 0.34266 0.29786 0.68832 0.78635 0.17522 0.40483 0.61103 0.03418 0.26662 0.10941 0.95571 0.02186 0.81934 0.13835 0.44107 0.09626 0.86323 0.32997 0.56782 0.98657 0.28716 0.61962 0.40967 0.35603 0.03517 0.34941 0.93216 0.73727 0.07757 0.29279 0.4192 0.81013 0.81055 0.05661 0.56816 0.85794 0.43023 0.12514 0.75203 8e-05 0.98225 0.35472 0.50218 0.43306 0.30161 0.35862 0.47396 0.63874 0.59774 0.50694 0.83506 0.49546 0.32167 0.98887 0.2792 0.8407 0.40319 0.49259 0.74143 0.46323 0.35574 0.18281 0.66048 0.88839 0.42164 0.7711 0.89319 0.98159 0.46876 0.60556 0.32524 0.67255 0.67469 0.14946 0.39578 0.78223 0.66068 0.33435 0.00795 0.21942 0.46258 0.50736 0.50927 0.55389 0.61027 0.42077 0.14372 0.17969 0.58412 0.8936 0.86236 0.56083 0.5953 0.15025 0.97821 0.61086 0.26423 0.95733 0.96984 0.521 0.45675 0.74942 0.63147 0.60225 0.28191 0.89509 0.6364 0.20301 0.1203 0.01597 0.70052 0.28535 0.70883 0.89344 0.71004 0.7132 0.67883 0.25656 0.30352 0.0747 0.59727 0.81703 0.53459 0.06084 0.28424 0.03851 0.62572 0.74476 0.06778 0.26199 0.56888 0.10809 0.54873 0.41465 0.37581 0.87993 0.31524 0.41445 0.9032 0.12749 0.71033 0.10272 0.85232 0.74908 0.21963 0.26804 0.66432 0.37426 0.86238 0.3858 0.32875 0.95064 0.25673 0.78477 0.78557 0.97927 0.55384 0.04793 0.40361 0.28656 0.86082 0.67034 0.66226 0.58432 0.69909 0.99703 0.95458 0.59541 0.61821 0.14315 0.49941 0.47951 0.34207 0.26432 0.89628 0.58681 0.648 0.1794 0.97922 0.4537 0.39492 0.92139 0.24688 0.12772 0.54046 0.40329 0.02347 0.50998 0.35083 0.58581 0.48482 0.72204 0.26735 0.44984 0.69944 0.91917 0.73309 0.48706 0.35463 0.30782 0.87653 0.20383 0.47185 0.37506 0.10407 0.27995 0.70372 0.57332 0.73935 0.54018 0.85604 0.52728 0.40774 0.3432 0.17228 0.03972 0.43638 0.70341 0.96287 0.89521 0.44056 0.48804 0.97066 0.36016 0.02619 0.92401 0.82476 0.19799 0.40282 0.01391 0.96228 0.53273 0.15368 0.8927 0.67795 0.47463 0.15261 0.46833 0.90589 0.42142 0.01599 0.27294 0.63603 0.39548 0.25952 0.72877 0.47573 0.46003 0.8644 0.30834 0.83882 0.64579 0.01766 0.10131 0.79994 0.72195 0.05074 0.50764 0.92068 0.66068 0.01076 0.54458 0.10994 0.69863 0.81317 0.77701 0.44057 0.53603 0.89713 0.00622 0.624 0.72472 0.39957 0.61726 0.41688 0.76978 0.82488 0.53912 0.40214 0.53409 0.8726 0.43503 0.03609 0.53845 0.79055 0.19548 0.88544 0.09155
+0.42711 0.22274 0.44814 0.1167 0.37558 0.77626 0.68819 0.53382 0.84309 0.40037 0.21946 0.49319 0.2521 0.87394 0.52568 0.84853 0.40437 0.08993 0.64514 0.08211 0.47852 0.21165 0.70185 0.50445 0.35345 0.61108 0.52747 0.09401 0.49355 0.15735 0.35705 0.2215 0.00825 0.06764 0.58831 0.06607 0.46831 0.77273 0.80445 0.22044 0.16295 0.51783 0.9785 0.67082 0.62392 0.94403 0.42129 0.33135 0.92551 0.34356 0.98906 0.06639 0.00724 0.74262 0.34264 0.50137 0.26226 0.11899 0.09797 0.05836 0.65173 0.23355 0.41387 0.85579 0.01941 0.19208 0.13216 0.9296 0.13725 0.29158 0.72954 0.08184 0.80434 0.57068 0.99716 0.75032 0.78156 0.27088 0.80138 0.06312 0.2701 0.79927 0.3189 0.63665 0.33899 0.69659 0.3715 0.94337 0.67691 0.87003 0.59127 0.34876 0.08401 0.14004 0.24579 0.47294 0.50946 0.99961 0.57052 0.4733 0.05377 0.49304 0.00532 0.62175 0.41078 0.36367 0.72202 0.70351 0.88898 0.74562 0.78909 0.79917 0.48532 0.98103 0.50065 0.38068 0.11838 0.22429 0.12896 0.66772 0.51368 0.61456 0.5659 0.04926 0.10248 0.32074 0.89191 0.55574 0.30341 0.94996 0.72335 0.87292 0.99657 0.7969 0.87839 0.37412 0.17404 0.24423 0.41298 0.86632 0.34721 0.39751 0.50887 0.77886 0.7675 0.55194 0.81709 0.88255 0.6018 0.41471 0.48032 0.9883 0.73552 0.6472 0.34958 0.46046 0.31121 0.6249 0.45795 0.706 0.48317 0.3052 0.29269 0.9548 0.7671 0.7286 0.3668 0.54788 0.30491 0.97106 0.35096 0.75645 0.8591 0.82617 0.37739 0.76706 0.41157 0.83524 0.26344 0.24057 0.62857 0.81611 0.84553 0.74921 0.52422 0.14537 0.75944 0.55376 0.8956 0.50305 0.32675 0.10831 0.60612 0.15053 0.69306 0.1276 0.45443 0.30567 0.33811 0.17041 0.24262 0.20815 0.62141 0.95974 0.42939 0.16385 0.23759 0.08853 0.90495 0.90939 0.79172 0.28103 0.3212 0.51067 0.23619 0.51707 0.29159 0.38669 0.61659 0.76538 0.66506 0.20317 0.09722 0.27066 0.67804 0.44491 0.61064 0.78362 0.7606 0.01367 0.14635 0.08605 0.1894 0.5499 0.15138 0.41179 0.56801 0.16722 0.41734 0.50992 0.87958 0.63117 0.27683 0.98645 0.28955 0.34764 0.99661 0.96032 0.43248 0.88239 0.5173 0.69679 0.70462 0.90842 0.70869 0.96471 0.27828 0.94774 0.2137 0.88646 0.7592 0.96368 0.53155 0.62038 0.10057 0.88371 0.74988 0.17357 0.68852 0.62649 0.468 0.10114 0.10223 0.12981 0.68149 0.89016 0.88956 0.80218 0.03562 0.39977 0.2553 0.50546 0.02541 0.16639 0.92018 0.59482 0.07901 0.95362 0.0142 0.30283 0.03675 0.66341 0.59624 0.71082 0.44338 0.7622 0.36144 0.54568 0.42014 0.84247 0.62174 0.96929 0.50143 0.23529 0.11508 0.20494 0.50529 0.29962 0.99684 0.28413 0.50876 0.38036 0.34119 0.01826 0.99254 0.14619 0.95855 0.39539 0.62905 0.85585 0.22475 0.48098 0.80623 0.65798 0.55035 0.8972 0.56629 0.56307 0.08397 0.93363 0.12732 0.0887 0.7536 0.32301 0.02946 0.89488 0.71815 0.81128 0.69398 0.34593 0.03081 0.30267 0.45299 0.15072 0.89404 0.31162 0.89934 0.8108 0.21515 0.12904 0.78949 0.93296 0.65921 0.10851 0.83452 0.80422 0.60843 0.13681 0.38332 0.88305 0.31913 0.45673 0.44154 0.19069 0.48303 0.13672 0.95897 0.02576 0.37285 0.92118 0.79245 0.05504 0.62203 0.12429 0.24607 0.31594 0.96817 0.82379 0.1959 0.9632 0.17129 0.56202 0.61233 0.96886 0.80168 0.98002 0.48717 0.84988 0.50297 0.98689 0.50358 0.16609 0.11755 0.87097 0.51676 0.67986 0.06391 0.7224 0.43935 0.93104 0.63029 0.85876 0.83058 0.31109 0.98986 0.88668 0.49042 0.94619 0.37326 0.49727 0.25485 0.07295 0.36676 0.72456 0.21104 0.5328 0.29908 0.52218 0.73177 0.22908 0.42294 0.02668 0.41031 0.74132 0.85288 0.03598 0.69646 0.7056 0.5601 0.89093 0.4713 0.82268 0.66963 0.1547 0.20703 0.51545 0.16784 0.45819 0.18987 0.33281 0.52997 0.49123 0.72002 0.66118 0.32841 0.5897 0.41597 0.28661 0.26605 0.368 0.16898 0.52469 0.67856 0.4204 0.30065 0.705 0.23211 0.10209 0.51125 0.31155 0.07741 0.21755 0.57482 0.97398 0.96578 0.90856 0.1679 0.14519 0.96647 0.36063 0.78154 0.37167 0.75274 0.48966 0.74251 0.45641 0.90107 0.78546 0.02392 0.91661 0.36106 0.99332 0.1711 0.44955 0.81178 0.74281 0.1587 0.13125 0.00224 0.04571 0.50857 0.02546 0.58534 0.54604 0.04357 0.2348 0.93528 0.89872 0.27576 0.53083 0.2373 0.42543 0.71055 0.30786 0.31218 0.0175 0.99449 0.88657 0.79231 0.0897 0.26709 0.19665
+0.39668 0.14166 0.26849 0.1617 0.82876 0.31083 0.18215 0.83779 0.36605 0.40057 0.88849 0.67252 0.867 0.527 0.50567 0.05822 0.82719 0.83745 0.763 0.18834 0.75641 0.34385 0.38989 0.30285 0.48746 0.27259 0.74153 0.67488 0.63986 0.84579 0.66645 0.24524 0.34017 0.85543 0.66637 0.18747 0.62071 0.62303 0.21254 0.28994 0.81324 0.93191 0.4128 0.85539 0.85866 0.12143 0.89104 0.25803 0.7914 0.81517 0.13935 0.32385 0.41925 0.71472 0.41314 0.72628 0.75339 0.27601 0.2047 0.75204 0.40188 0.00354 0.05142 0.25432 0.67028 0.55958 0.28272 0.30239 0.94164 0.39836 0.83806 0.81764 0.61948 0.97195 0.06217 0.26155 0.55558 0.27755 0.19247 0.94363 0.26509 0.63792 0.74794 0.16305 0.98918 0.99645 0.47482 0.95705 0.09855 0.53343 0.83462 0.16923 0.01661 0.49986 0.40051 0.00039 0.2901 0.07385 0.00923 0.76037 0.27486 0.12622 0.0976 0.12041 0.15848 0.92513 0.5019 0.79825 0.97563 0.19316 0.4087 0.5163 0.59046 0.00692 0.63 0.3874 0.98711 0.63845 0.88813 0.08913 0.84291 0.81004 0.54394 0.11147 0.4284 0.65466 0.40549 0.12054 0.80954 0.43709 0.4461 0.58431 0.5993 0.76167 0.45931 0.82319 0.0833 0.61728 0.88318 0.80531 0.42439 0.2052 0.11156 0.8062 0.45297 0.68468 0.64331 0.30651 0.53175 0.85572 0.34618 0.0513 0.07932 0.48278 0.02745 0.49993 0.51189 0.19019 0.3915 0.91531 0.58051 0.2955 0.91649 0.20893 0.15135 0.08865 0.12364 0.07923 0.1692 0.25054 0.61394 0.68206 0.65091 0.09074 0.89983 0.04649 0.45755 0.9943 0.19861 0.33372 0.91206 0.43335 0.10624 0.67866 0.43996 0.02622 0.01806 0.72863 0.16748 0.29816 0.37128 0.09414 0.78079 0.29606 0.49949 0.38229 0.13647 0.60255 0.82865 0.68088 0.26708 0.04689 0.54028 0.42692 0.71561 0.01971 0.15164 0.42194 0.14454 0.81283 0.8683 0.80861 0.67868 0.23457 0.07678 0.12373 0.20395 0.49627 0.94595 0.01039 0.18642 0.52307 0.95298 0.88941 0.31837 0.04681 0.07533 0.43804 0.06156 0.77641 0.36714 0.4204 0.3579 0.34976 0.62328 0.2201 0.79245 0.52117 0.13998 0.27409 0.58093 0.37959 0.895 0.27132 0.26823 0.6873 0.04935 0.23793 0.23968 0.58151 0.12869 0.74815 0.65821 0.70918 0.99871 0.35245 0.87642 0.84894 0.31356 0.90084 0.84475 0.10071 0.78016 0.2381 0.33033 0.54435 0.79888 0.50027 0.0051 0.43288 0.35714 0.2378 0.6433 0.14727 0.94266 0.3055 0.57642 0.08502 0.24167 0.80689 0.7474 0.86983 0.7199 0.15601 0.33272 0.32853 0.65193 0.46623 0.80107 0.71879 0.1475 0.37311 0.86495 0.07642 0.16342 0.69874 0.54674 0.84183 0.94128 0.71727 0.74103 0.37635 0.31471 0.31896 0.07304 0.24417 0.22544 0.41493 0.88917 0.56312 0.51789 0.05574 0.3737 0.07363 0.66322 0.7651 0.81259 0.26013 0.43867 0.36938 0.01946 0.37719 0.79896 0.63807 0.39847 0.25493 0.27445 0.63517 0.6567 0.92606 0.69682 0.67446 0.23603 0.70204 0.41336 0.46911 0.98778 0.13219 0.25885 0.32621 0.64506 0.74829 0.64714 0.11148 0.06433 0.03853 0.14319 0.98486 0.29891 0.46128 0.94625 0.20762 0.4877 0.16302 0.78468 0.27117 0.69709 0.04973 0.82339 0.80703 0.40663 0.42537 0.30554 0.27547 0.71244 0.80983 0.3995 0.5916 0.85568 0.11312 0.76338 0.51211 0.17417 0.14396 0.18586 0.63279 0.16752 0.88508 0.51615 0.22918 0.11671 0.43475 0.87615 0.73717 0.50409 0.48716 0.4113 0.0089 0.2582 0.16642 0.48711 0.18318 0.41818 0.99327 0.66622 0.91185 0.63353 0.96087 0.43312 0.70121 0.49663 0.54221 0.98668 0.35528 0.74105 0.95425 0.86326 0.75948 0.76604 0.19863 0.09099 0.60253 0.95559 0.53296 0.73029 0.50603 0.97664 0.21946 0.96689 0.43784 0.42549 0.31273 0.95022 0.46504 0.10163 0.20641 0.90197 0.82002 0.19838 0.74853 0.48509 0.62134 0.84173 0.29659 0.94444 0.64376 0.78461 0.45875 0.10023 0.40714 0.39263 0.36965 0.53436 0.38713 0.30821 0.48618 0.75676 0.79663 0.15404 0.27207 0.75775 0.23528 0.84091 0.35662 0.83333 0.65666 0.64365 0.85804 0.68911 0.8979 0.02464 0.51645 0.18071 0.85847 0.70711 0.32019 0.97934 0.15411 0.24337 0.47944 0.01815 0.45223 0.01118 0.17676 0.77448 0.71238 0.59338 0.41827 0.50914 0.8387 0.34319 0.69952 0.84759 0.03228 0.17476 0.43973 0.05531 0.85731 0.12935 0.06031 0.38475 0.49598 0.31051 0.7625 0.48174 0.56452 0.00864 0.14758 0.94274 0.43914 0.5104 0.73978 0.70354 0.49913 0.06144 0.47633 0.36489 0.8882 0.66149 0.31544 0.46968 0.76652
+0.16415 0.5384 0.12627 0.87167 0.71246 0.57368 0.12891 0.3866 0.99264 0.25105 0.44306 0.47645 0.6724 0.78649 0.57122 0.67724 0.28021 0.8873 0.8502 0.35058 0.3201 0.22729 0.28486 0.7774 0.08072 0.57095 0.63 0.12264 0.68402 0.99551 0.80773 0.83382 0.67417 0.28015 0.75972 0.83945 0.63561 0.93532 0.74438 0.81402 0.45116 0.4079 0.6849 0.36569 0.35523 0.67879 0.77482 0.97385 0.79993 0.68237 0.79685 0.52622 0.17163 0.10205 0.53824 0.44088 0.92201 0.09453 0.47514 0.21433 0.00479 0.47781 0.42302 0.36029 0.79638 0.50254 0.39389 0.32163 0.26682 0.38129 0.49246 0.95598 0.84584 0.42598 0.41568 0.07653 0.8984 0.25168 0.56282 0.58559 0.75815 0.8101 0.68951 0.83928 0.33838 0.15279 0.80858 0.36021 0.86963 0.38428 0.10229 0.08833 0.40503 0.41241 0.97363 0.88791 0.64366 0.31941 0.69392 0.24145 0.02481 0.25503 0.91347 0.03567 0.6113 0.51504 0.72653 0.70065 0.3403 0.60109 0.48321 0.71713 0.77603 0.59594 0.19769 0.641 0.0736 0.34731 0.62649 0.95661 0.10912 0.45631 0.90316 0.0678 0.7878 0.747 0.10097 0.2949 0.26701 0.1072 0.79117 0.18654 0.79456 0.25726 0.64872 0.16243 0.20663 0.46028 0.4786 0.34346 0.41651 0.59674 0.11098 0.82002 0.18959 0.90868 0.94819 0.20288 0.60012 0.32957 0.49737 0.08902 0.2056 0.88449 0.06271 0.86031 0.89098 0.67232 0.72963 0.76593 0.55499 0.38831 0.15034 0.05926 0.3284 0.7154 0.74484 0.63743 0.50768 0.80838 0.83746 0.53372 0.84121 0.07676 0.31529 0.35216 0.07398 0.96287 0.75235 0.68219 0.20032 0.27464 0.63121 0.35842 0.80728 0.37392 0.15867 0.10218 0.33024 0.09354 0.55852 0.71905 0.39643 0.69678 0.62703 0.54914 0.31994 0.68165 0.62233 0.80349 0.22872 0.27527 0.49962 0.00435 0.56716 0.26916 0.67674 0.70529 0.73168 0.25943 0.75751 0.99042 0.19169 0.80283 0.0846 0.3483 0.88742 0.3857 0.65732 0.18188 0.53138 0.74607 0.63207 0.9886 0.89368 0.1203 0.3199 0.98869 0.4038 0.08908 0.41869 0.23525 0.86729 0.65452 0.53632 0.59109 0.18038 0.2158 0.89815 0.28076 0.28055 0.68293 0.12289 0.49919 0.83218 0.13589 0.83272 0.41657 0.7829 0.63202 0.15335 0.06113 0.86148 0.19397 0.72384 0.29397 0.17829 0.30704 0.0249 0.26223 0.44421 0.11134 0.54825 0.45397 0.75974 0.31717 0.51903 0.19806 0.21598 0.41855 0.49175 0.63745 0.20206 0.31853 0.78095 0.29471 0.08391 0.5266 0.55669 0.98751 0.30271 0.41076 0.61862 0.89511 0.58074 0.31653 0.26656 0.13191 0.63571 0.92901 0.52447 0.63524 0.60896 0.55275 0.42165 0.86773 0.33524 0.13236 0.39222 0.10641 0.91654 0.62585 0.15231 0.93229 0.48965 0.81808 0.55323 0.23727 0.28422 0.26127 0.58165 0.93472 0.79935 0.48583 0.70308 0.44301 0.05562 0.74601 0.09294 0.21496 0.08747 0.28464 0.73667 0.79555 0.6478 0.63055 0.32272 0.26042 0.81779 0.8654 0.09214 0.00779 0.04418 0.14636 0.51572 0.33493 0.84075 0.14034 0.74392 0.9241 0.37329 0.62452 0.14461 0.16571 0.11437 0.10186 0.13515 0.07301 0.43025 0.33653 0.63364 0.0908 0.04367 0.6682 0.54045 0.61142 0.48546 0.44703 0.8675 0.36756 0.01892 0.64721 0.4348 0.57408 0.77008 0.11314 0.01422 0.46703 0.11687 0.94043 0.17933 0.98806 0.23463 0.15939 0.1824 0.52131 0.06828 0.47167 0.24164 0.0487 0.8836 0.24168 0.03111 0.87762 0.92042 0.76329 0.37468 0.5715 0.93802 0.45087 0.44273 0.40592 0.60181 0.93491 0.2539 0.43118 0.53541 0.85706 0.95856 0.93831 0.01159 0.51388 0.22316 0.27339 0.09933 0.61256 0.93044 0.86602 0.47836 0.64227 0.6663 0.91043 0.14198 0.78211 0.3955 0.75018 0.82577 0.80192 0.25574 0.59509 0.5871 0.69532 0.12802 0.80982 0.18067 0.09156 0.71971 0.72952 0.75575 0.56049 0.24827 0.2916 0.8285 0.44776 0.15463 0.20803 0.81091 0.16831 0.18199 0.93191 0.21552 0.61791 0.92135 0.58574 0.4044 0.6665 0.83215 0.76515 0.04022 0.07188 0.60337 0.11964 0.64602 0.35511 0.86318 0.31483 0.15195 0.95666 0.24127 0.1096 0.96093 0.25459 0.59907 0.102 0.70473 0.92079 0.87035 0.33701 0.7784 0.07181 0.00422 0.87978 0.93654 0.38891 0.54807 0.26976 0.22506 0.07953 0.29305 0.17738 0.34132 0.04397 0.69915 0.19306 0.52635 0.76098 0.13896 0.48659 0.48627 0.05209 0.24403 0.98878 0.84712 0.75734 0.48719 0.91431 0.28345 0.39854 0.20866 0.90739 0.52908 0.93835 0.15314 0.35088 0.13658 0.30603 0.30311 0.95067 0.27745 0.46993 0.77966 0.2685
+0.73527 0.63497 0.77699 0.27699 0.5179 0.82249 0.43125 0.14498 0.87395 0.89559 0.00712 0.43805 0.47213 0.21807 0.54678 0.38301 0.56697 0.82081 0.32826 0.66033 0.8118 0.06091 0.99864 0.78106 0.71854 0.75377 0.59964 0.16143 0.48738 0.20288 0.29293 0.63673 0.75353 0.37596 0.31128 0.80012 0.38072 0.17897 0.281 0.44503 0.11076 0.64841 0.70304 0.29854 0.01369 0.57158 0.46855 0.81182 0.58182 0.26271 0.23388 0.72632 0.58025 0.41297 0.53914 0.28353 0.62417 0.13134 0.06653 0.21369 0.58113 0.909 0.13665 0.73565 0.66338 0.46206 0.36318 0.89762 0.59557 0.15815 0.36716 0.6745 0.21685 0.97302 0.93026 0.65606 0.49916 0.43942 0.01354 0.1485 0.37769 0.47585 0.37843 0.97984 0.28516 0.23259 0.13436 0.0843 0.81771 0.16314 0.88098 0.95403 0.86763 0.68793 0.68698 0.2429 0.84621 0.20429 0.20149 0.13219 0.33489 0.57826 0.27388 0.02352 0.38813 0.41222 0.27534 0.90724 0.44881 0.18456 0.50807 0.42936 0.47511 0.86339 0.50732 0.32241 0.033 0.78592 0.42463 0.81942 0.27113 0.75573 0.51992 0.1809 0.05604 0.8838 0.94722 0.12362 0.14932 0.97317 0.56038 0.4868 0.73922 0.28247 0.84144 0.73221 0.9504 0.63375 0.50886 0.32179 0.10105 0.32836 0.8837 0.1863 0.03509 0.58152 0.84885 0.57494 0.06396 0.32145 0.8834 0.26361 0.56873 0.65737 0.43484 0.7086 0.78883 0.30756 0.29421 0.82103 0.80286 0.37493 0.03041 0.27557 0.20622 0.16092 0.74651 0.74954 0.48343 0.24319 0.04924 0.02056 0.88706 0.81515 0.57741 0.23394 0.53047 0.69032 0.76276 0.31989 0.9521 0.91193 0.63471 0.58459 0.74959 0.64512 0.28121 0.82675 0.31599 0.35078 0.62615 0.33224 0.97724 0.91486 0.07908 0.01677 0.8961 0.61638 0.91096 0.10696 0.77386 0.82886 0.42711 0.19628 0.08586 0.08981 0.10641 0.87329 0.07282 0.06077 0.05275 0.3174 0.73614 0.93567 0.70095 0.33914 0.88566 0.59745 0.06007 0.73118 0.31038 0.54248 0.56505 0.73565 0.0302 0.29143 0.82299 0.64651 0.57179 0.60747 0.54305 0.94219 0.65127 0.38488 0.40785 0.01726 0.32801 0.26744 0.5884 0.18015 0.21092 0.88108 0.486 0.33516 0.66237 0.53818 0.29681 0.5735 0.56106 0.28601 0.52134 0.97046 0.92102 0.69658 0.6855 0.627 0.01931 0.50081 0.97908 0.08902 0.76897 0.31854 0.39962 0.88578 0.75633 0.9692 0.57521 0.77634 0.03795 0.50885 0.58917 0.05171 0.19742 0.36849 0.38332 0.91077 0.4855 0.66768 0.86033 0.26913 0.58025 0.77676 0.01667 0.80568 0.99672 0.51144 0.84162 0.0191 0.1893 0.56444 0.02678 0.52584 0.6746 0.47811 0.68822 0.74941 0.52694 0.45213 0.83966 0.04045 0.14218 0.40366 0.42278 0.97787 0.64063 0.79049 0.35964 0.02531 0.20633 0.4406 0.39506 0.44611 0.70012 0.74917 0.95638 0.20551 0.36771 0.93665 0.00936 0.93263 0.8052 0.54926 0.51621 0.78543 0.45176 0.58139 0.96629 0.94729 0.07219 0.78563 0.78333 0.54992 0.25159 0.49215 0.29422 0.70193 0.85203 0.55228 0.14375 0.92523 0.19563 0.60234 0.50906 0.84146 0.53569 0.52464 0.65762 0.70114 0.18161 0.74551 0.60066 0.30759 0.93461 0.10809 0.72735 0.30136 0.74841 0.82884 0.6337 0.31149 0.60873 0.08191 0.5569 0.69444 0.4804 0.23146 0.19245 0.76988 0.92996 0.32556 0.30163 0.22968 0.64237 0.99869 0.81926 0.51404 0.73237 0.02059 0.996 0.90295 0.83316 0.19214 0.99907 0.10112 0.83603 0.60236 0.13982 0.68932 0.70754 0.367 0.42154 0.27463 0.46662 0.73466 0.00933 0.82752 0.61965 0.98089 0.44871 0.45422 0.0518 0.18895 0.50408 0.06648 0.63311 0.09724 0.84298 0.00627 0.09353 0.26175 0.12203 0.38589 0.8716 0.71199 0.77479 0.19674 0.20309 0.54972 0.95297 0.66211 0.74841 0.44669 0.67582 0.02309 0.98561 0.69707 0.635 0.96895 0.24853 0.78744 0.39513 0.29258 0.5741 0.68657 0.18468 0.24722 0.05464 0.64298 0.84995 0.15912 0.67002 0.03133 0.797 0.55829 0.33334 0.50827 0.15037 0.67568 0.97197 0.22968 0.01396 0.47769 0.09333 0.58478 0.30343 0.23339 0.64876 0.41547 0.28571 0.80202 0.64169 0.53991 0.04329 0.79858 0.86651 0.86214 0.49056 0.26134 0.53919 0.47122 0.60535 0.61615 0.30151 0.98735 0.77377 0.52567 0.11463 0.1597 0.67929 0.19714 0.72596 0.17504 0.20354 0.75512 0.84653 0.77756 0.05299 0.02631 0.61595 0.06337 0.47502 0.71902 0.07068 0.68965 0.1309 0.98315 0.11557 0.1637 0.20036 0.0174 0.53724 0.39738 0.04036 0.61197 0.31239 0.69341 0.98507 0.80211 0.76639 0.62226 0.19836 0.16459
+0.0689 0.34506 0.87997 0.69175 0.58427 0.0477 0.52037 0.49633 0.52755 0.89598 0.33252 0.99077 0.24957 0.94205 0.06743 0.57964 0.19508 0.852 0.69007 0.64111 0.26739 0.22773 0.19137 0.40997 0.3868 0.51493 0.37235 0.69181 0.3144 0.46205 0.73891 0.43708 0.7165 0.59497 0.89795 0.24379 0.70928 0.08233 0.35221 0.38123 0.38413 0.63597 0.53885 0.66293 0.06976 0.16465 0.45786 0.99851 0.02198 0.93111 0.45786 0.13129 0.52614 0.56553 0.62892 0.57049 0.11333 0.48763 0.00896 0.18823 0.86843 0.32003 0.57753 0.13758 0.63363 0.46022 0.92126 0.47368 0.86247 0.59892 0.86451 0.12734 0.51448 0.81785 0.29735 0.33387 0.43607 0.84909 0.99121 0.2629 0.04855 0.41667 0.47945 0.00501 0.30971 0.39531 0.86353 0.83797 0.65609 0.76761 0.85204 0.46546 0.30705 0.02085 0.94122 0.11696 0.30808 0.91883 0.81945 0.03218 0.82464 0.50468 0.62529 0.80916 0.78042 0.43265 0.01155 0.92152 0.33683 0.5016 0.79351 0.76712 0.28127 0.55581 0.47104 0.27484 0.66516 0.77143 0.72428 0.77226 0.22099 0.92706 0.87183 0.01763 0.16901 0.58325 0.93279 0.06724 0.79674 0.40779 0.5748 0.75132 0.63546 0.3811 0.37319 0.36238 0.23838 0.41962 0.21868 0.78768 0.77548 0.95674 0.68153 0.67861 0.577 0.95997 0.02378 0.56699 0.95629 0.63655 0.91538 0.49551 0.4941 0.57847 0.49548 0.08231 0.99035 0.0759 0.34673 0.22808 0.61286 0.46534 0.87728 0.65146 0.997 0.7025 0.88943 0.79372 0.596 0.90827 0.64205 0.47424 0.5844 0.37003 0.70204 0.89007 0.75725 0.69142 0.62506 0.94789 0.83816 0.26682 0.17344 0.22438 0.67033 0.40321 0.8586 0.04271 0.9183 0.57654 0.24009 0.84527 0.57445 0.32032 0.21744 0.07424 0.19882 0.10643 0.40769 0.78544 0.04837 0.30004 0.97314 0.18215 0.83704 0.03276 0.28226 0.4647 0.31981 0.82305 0.61647 0.81364 0.28101 0.63823 0.6538 0.7619 0.01808 0.30552 0.22784 0.12596 0.6308 0.95448 0.10358 0.68448 0.93234 0.9852 0.38412 0.42568 0.31131 0.01011 0.32949 0.395 0.5608 0.83382 0.67763 0.9999 0.08796 0.66162 0.23989 0.37142 0.46087 0.10688 0.18369 0.2874 0.20822 0.51172 0.04846 0.75445 0.79531 0.10948 0.53642 0.93102 0.33056 0.2187 0.52454 0.44507 0.1732 0.48266 0.85947 0.86912 0.47335 0.54948 0.26802 0.47568 0.01864 0.05159 0.80689 0.33424 0.15699 0.059 0.20911 0.35795 0.6455 0.205 0.19213 0.57657 0.92732 0.90395 0.77303 0.68195 0.57887 0.34548 0.93483 0.65961 0.87893 0.60051 0.65131 0.21789 0.24917 0.1851 0.70393 0.97166 0.76526 0.05378 0.15367 0.91831 0.80969 0.68113 0.38712 0.66671 0.10794 0.65472 0.01643 0.69638 0.55883 0.92208 0.51323 0.90918 0.06542 0.13473 0.92419 0.52922 0.71123 0.48168 0.49665 0.5617 0.31096 0.00898 0.73035 0.66161 0.09779 0.52672 0.86227 0.90744 0.01696 0.89334 0.81352 0.00262 0.04494 0.57802 0.33999 0.2957 0.72819 0.30821 0.08666 0.8856 0.02361 0.27038 0.23926 0.53569 0.97669 0.80509 0.40301 0.34609 0.95959 0.50755 0.51788 0.02403 0.84232 0.72 0.92152 0.56988 0.24272 0.50394 0.46718 0.87468 0.92839 0.19402 0.05589 0.52458 0.97194 0.05814 0.03258 0.92075 0.8926 0.15291 0.03602 0.06646 0.27688 0.52621 0.14323 0.79752 0.76819 0.03052 0.98459 0.68392 0.37762 0.60249 0.82284 0.31663 0.28535 0.97389 0.50876 0.81653 0.22682 0.20125 0.61696 0.11207 0.04454 0.21181 0.89991 0.45713 0.77864 0.37782 0.85641 0.90168 0.83381 0.46924 0.54997 0.24446 0.65711 0.47808 0.87259 0.28171 0.15739 0.52236 0.94467 0.71288 0.90775 0.86303 0.62488 0.88996 0.11069 0.87512 0.68005 0.0397 0.59368 0.46908 0.84785 0.1992 0.93875 0.53177 0.39485 0.15574 0.34322 0.30719 0.04807 0.41216 0.35444 0.3277 0.70908 0.39166 0.8187 0.28133 0.28915 0.87087 0.57365 0.87219 0.56223 0.69466 0.67904 0.98247 0.31244 0.89907 0.35322 0.51136 0.10244 0.88893 0.07021 0.49843 0.63853 0.05069 0.79521 0.90574 0.50736 0.76272 0.70936 0.10974 0.71998 0.8437 0.67378 0.9512 0.18385 0.95457 0.78081 0.70168 0.2308 0.91736 0.55903 0.92083 0.65149 0.97751 0.75698 0.7807 0.64202 0.33984 0.0477 0.43565 0.84282 0.43906 0.8454 0.73813 0.61505 0.53114 0.92475 0.07798 0.74309 0.94888 0.11333 0.60824 0.14418 0.2774 0.21826 0.38418 0.30178 0.38987 0.64717 0.4112 0.02359 0.12567 0.11929 0.37027 0.68186 0.28851 0.68127 0.42083 0.79195 0.68886 0.55374 0.68786 0.55574 0.14135
+0.15525 0.77827 0.06788 0.44785 0.79109 0.83635 0.73861 0.02512 0.86151 0.43528 0.01214 0.36882 0.86187 0.05814 0.25751 0.82198 0.10668 0.81615 0.34126 0.88145 0.91732 0.95358 0.45227 0.56004 0.78948 0.64871 0.97248 0.17031 0.58669 0.81263 0.29739 0.60297 0.73893 0.22226 0.46229 0.7818 0.99055 0.01586 0.75458 0.75313 0.68123 0.49108 0.74062 0.62076 0.91571 0.64692 0.84266 0.73954 0.55508 0.87912 0.55172 0.57298 0.74185 0.12836 0.09454 0.64704 0.92774 0.87962 0.34192 0.13865 0.87096 0.35939 0.88379 0.52546 0.49756 0.13238 0.62003 0.48985 0.68463 0.96074 0.40178 0.57891 0.6429 0.04125 0.99834 0.5345 0.88193 0.0184 0.56864 0.85859 0.28385 0.98646 0.44107 0.99357 0.81689 0.94644 0.36011 0.29325 0.28512 0.62304 0.07859 0.08415 0.95555 0.05225 0.92348 0.28766 0.32021 0.87477 0.93335 0.05125 0.35513 0.81755 0.91146 0.84213 0.13486 0.19725 0.41547 0.79641 0.76936 0.00679 0.08416 0.63768 0.95591 0.3676 0.57223 0.76727 0.56211 0.74523 0.69327 0.96609 0.57386 0.30825 0.20268 0.08304 0.07835 0.74012 0.74033 0.25625 0.13983 0.36776 0.68632 0.50973 0.75865 0.41056 0.44642 0.8075 0.26553 0.46315 0.30066 0.15128 0.20219 0.25165 0.92228 0.64382 0.75266 0.00662 0.18072 0.99266 0.44481 0.47484 0.90601 0.52559 0.79916 0.73413 0.60544 0.1161 0.39322 0.892 0.0141 0.05483 0.07988 0.04947 0.86461 0.99048 0.37481 0.2531 0.36035 0.43502 0.63349 0.72925 0.05873 0.02081 0.53052 0.34645 0.25316 0.27816 0.1563 0.86831 0.35637 0.83849 0.86226 0.21782 0.33392 0.42416 0.91883 0.94388 0.7721 0.63322 0.25914 0.75606 0.11046 0.88533 0.3175 0.85024 0.19785 0.92008 0.06675 0.98072 0.60961 0.00761 0.05282 0.1854 0.66469 0.80033 0.86275 0.2975 0.82153 0.89595 0.43391 0.2771 0.23428 0.00017 0.99565 0.28634 0.48072 0.80043 0.01028 0.7571 0.04592 0.39346 0.61316 0.46094 0.14159 0.65787 0.57809 0.23964 0.27703 0.47946 0.87791 0.22075 0.62188 0.02119 0.05592 0.24263 0.59744 0.4785 0.20114 0.28204 0.48313 0.36244 0.66015 0.97538 0.73486 0.13738 0.30588 0.45196 0.63882 0.15373 0.26673 0.64548 0.84345 0.68851 0.94779 0.90407 0.19415 0.99721 0.3304 0.481 0.4866 0.87745 0.19241 0.40858 0.25162 0.54649 0.74098 0.25623 0.01634 0.54028 0.00022 0.73143 0.6093 0.3856 0.72051 0.6519 0.56343 0.75328 0.4846 0.23438 0.62203 0.75862 0.69055 0.0873 0.7316 0.99487 0.648 0.19275 0.33897 0.68196 0.34096 0.55636 0.73154 0.875 0.19211 0.33931 0.35192 0.01913 0.7727 0.89381 0.3058 0.92334 0.75922 0.49222 0.06594 0.89177 0.41712 0.97245 0.60464 0.51146 0.63274 0.13178 0.77881 0.49815 0.69583 0.24993 0.83571 0.40766 0.75854 0.82064 0.46083 0.42882 0.90083 0.56719 0.90277 0.0751 0.46085 0.67291 0.16586 0.71372 0.54917 0.34527 0.97887 0.07711 0.14913 0.02466 0.09804 0.72059 0.40951 0.76931 0.13783 0.78376 0.63095 0.17241 0.33768 0.71484 0.30324 0.26578 0.04631 0.03358 0.44253 0.00326 0.8791 0.59032 0.26319 0.62755 0.25426 0.28783 0.38993 0.10827 0.93122 0.15113 0.91445 0.75747 0.56429 0.20835 0.00214 0.84707 0.88139 0.30826 0.20832 0.83126 0.98926 0.9795 0.8527 0.42058 0.50242 0.39483 0.01343 0.55035 0.31091 0.44374 0.29708 0.5033 0.48956 0.17406 0.47101 0.53316 0.0962 0.48186 0.50899 0.39963 0.13432 0.36324 0.9358 0.5219 0.76881 0.67881 0.65544 0.88241 0.35622 0.54305 0.03831 0.80968 0.34092 0.96286 0.93333 0.47814 0.10269 0.28406 0.01297 0.91783 0.13615 0.84239 0.8584 0.58565 0.38836 0.02274 0.7534 0.97582 0.95541 0.49414 0.05752 0.85458 0.80589 0.56047 0.48214 0.99943 0.42139 0.26103 0.00749 0.13157 0.60387 0.18309 0.21898 0.12604 0.57578 0.97946 0.58081 0.80027 0.13694 0.92542 0.50467 0.92909 0.23701 0.76539 0.3684 0.50974 0.2056 0.22069 0.90187 0.95186 0.51003 0.93822 0.09054 0.3479 0.22249 0.42233 0.74672 0.92869 0.64753 0.91145 0.87937 0.72377 0.61403 0.36364 0.55751 0.49653 0.46898 0.80968 0.14542 0.19113 0.83217 0.52752 0.01951 0.68488 0.43914 0.83483 0.29029 0.49298 0.35386 0.24831 0.89732 0.06239 0.04251 0.19177 0.17446 0.3324 0.38612 0.41572 0.18634 0.59851 0.44906 0.6777 0.41008 0.22198 0.78552 0.35266 0.38605 0.189 0.78574 0.3884 0.52292 0.36309 0.34139 0.81678 0.77786 0.44494 0.71493 0.42229 0.68444 0.44865 0.79875 0.73112
+0.00245 0.27455 0.5899 0.91756 0.44039 0.04533 0.89588 0.66964 0.66333 0.32396 0.28574 0.84401 0.48269 0.02992 0.12762 0.70445 0.65897 0.05551 0.39393 0.9353 0.80401 0.01779 0.19264 0.21224 0.04497 0.54618 0.57247 0.82346 0.78705 0.564 0.09316 0.58118 0.50319 0.54116 0.55477 0.59968 0.28124 0.97668 0.50059 0.60478 0.30565 0.0188 0.67662 0.90943 0.28871 0.00343 0.67849 0.41454 0.50024 0.6533 0.15209 0.52599 0.95617 0.59944 0.12176 0.57554 0.88617 0.37508 0.33181 0.08254 0.3816 0.88022 0.89101 0.71212 0.16106 0.51312 0.86371 0.53944 0.51159 0.88061 0.95141 0.49177 0.72049 0.95033 0.84306 0.1553 0.12161 0.48586 0.79132 0.46012 0.5982 0.35247 0.30968 0.27355 0.86116 0.05202 0.11163 0.76936 0.94662 0.63626 0.05244 0.55989 0.47309 0.72652 0.65403 0.27059 0.88332 0.3124 0.66494 0.78649 0.26566 0.11258 0.76614 0.62822 0.24905 0.73316 0.22919 0.4016 0.4355 0.48205 0.48867 0.83131 0.43916 0.42509 0.35582 0.12671 0.29612 0.0066 0.35941 0.24386 0.87497 0.70409 0.67571 0.64043 0.59938 0.84223 0.20334 0.69428 0.8258 0.78559 0.04378 0.07885 0.22296 0.19684 0.68772 0.6664 0.31248 0.20961 0.33929 0.90782 0.90046 0.74275 0.98802 0.63556 0.5693 0.4981 0.84798 0.2978 0.17068 0.13344 0.08753 0.78771 0.06025 0.05636 0.72137 0.48527 0.95449 0.70388 0.46257 0.1682 0.43582 0.6295 0.52303 0.19714 0.80099 0.90844 0.16128 0.91806 0.9517 0.31984 0.84582 0.42198 0.75316 0.97671 0.64461 0.03166 0.57574 0.85246 0.81433 0.33819 0.09024 0.89114 0.84424 0.18202 0.89505 0.33088 0.5985 0.17321 0.75648 0.29425 0.11428 0.75164 0.16363 0.42097 0.13895 0.36634 0.13747 0.77624 0.44708 0.72037 0.56632 0.40407 0.51056 0.47619 0.26077 0.22051 0.6619 0.82782 0.82133 0.55569 0.8787 0.97235 0.99635 0.24506 0.79333 0.73523 0.9031 0.82402 0.37576 0.07865 0.66678 0.72752 0.91183 0.68878 0.96631 0.12187 0.6487 0.29674 0.21518 0.29982 0.41783 0.52624 0.19983 0.46642 0.66322 0.41518 0.93836 0.22641 0.64214 0.27865 0.89515 0.03384 0.0237 0.78837 0.98935 0.92416 0.17168 0.82865 0.47335 0.87791 0.92516 0.11961 0.12796 0.25478 0.45777 0.75607 0.26484 0.08811 0.50764 0.93727 0.12433 0.44784 0.42481 0.27678 0.03841 0.915 0.72979 0.75515 0.01164 0.34186 0.54131 0.51685 0.0836 0.06462 0.91272 0.30039 0.4026 0.10529 0.5712 0.14781 0.44667 0.34478 0.61927 0.77864 0.88151 0.60996 0.75887 0.25109 0.70201 0.39742 0.94786 0.092 0.22648 0.564 0.08544 0.53262 0.48994 0.15666 0.63641 0.33469 0.183 0.7513 0.94327 0.19088 0.76154 0.13756 0.24583 0.22623 0.49378 0.98019 0.92914 0.55408 0.01559 0.8318 0.5892 0.1802 0.92562 0.84787 0.0082 0.42937 0.67799 0.2611 0.15896 0.16423 0.70479 0.88458 0.71909 0.56259 0.57912 0.88144 0.79622 0.11349 0.36931 0.78601 0.63404 0.67478 0.83763 0.40339 0.19297 0.76749 0.22706 0.11953 0.0185 0.57893 0.1849 0.32935 0.37756 0.4215 0.11381 0.65178 0.42353 0.71219 0.9503 0.78969 0.97297 0.06226 0.07851 0.64404 0.81386 0.56412 0.54456 0.33256 0.86839 0.94906 0.28014 0.52794 0.74461 0.08303 0.97594 0.68969 0.39958 0.8588 0.36703 0.18646 0.32494 0.29739 0.60781 0.63056 0.01887 0.56375 0.92798 0.13859 0.56636 0.08369 0.98088 0.72102 0.06765 0.82603 0.97128 0.52649 0.78725 0.97634 0.63217 0.88983 0.55352 0.99177 0.26696 0.3726 0.70861 0.38981 0.57804 0.76452 0.22659 0.26171 0.46968 0.10758 0.08624 0.92356 0.02341 0.95992 0.72269 0.81083 0.46845 0.01967 0.39733 0.64499 0.27328 0.04126 0.97115 0.10333 0.90669 0.26262 0.45706 0.76867 0.36029 0.53825 0.61816 0.05231 0.67008 0.23178 0.06364 0.56163 0.74216 0.25471 0.43456 0.06828 0.24838 0.85098 0.83566 0.57292 0.23631 0.89008 0.75751 0.1467 0.13814 0.33673 0.63311 0.49518 0.45854 0.35822 0.29649 0.74115 0.16957 0.49707 0.50624 0.60944 0.86778 0.46257 0.10277 0.54024 0.46206 0.17866 0.00475 0.90697 0.91848 0.18544 0.56982 0.77872 0.37535 0.103 0.54005 0.84743 0.82186 0.01674 0.12165 0.18628 0.31574 0.91658 0.44407 0.1792 0.62964 0.34512 0.7917 0.79718 0.00676 0.81175 0.80139 0.90249 0.2215 0.65616 0.40435 0.5618 0.97554 0.27978 0.56198 0.54178 0.13791 0.61117 0.16286 0.80158 0.72613 0.04277 0.94278 0.6935 0.89169 0.60278 0.34989 0.55399 0.97508 0.25432 0.89486 0.61668
+0.13025 0.30546 0.63121 0.20617 0.98236 0.50893 0.90446 0.06142 0.25179 0.10347 0.24108 0.27917 0.93754 0.50487 0.44158 0.05758 0.83708 0.39084 0.34279 0.21883 0.41964 0.36432 0.77486 0.76086 0.39063 0.6297 0.95513 0.02329 0.52803 0.06723 0.40191 0.5125 0.02494 0.59361 0.93819 0.38136 0.03194 0.42895 0.3347 0.62607 0.11084 0.78341 0.4246 0.89956 0.98583 0.35168 0.87138 0.25106 0.67302 0.24091 0.10812 0.28359 0.93647 0.82496 0.02548 0.85376 0.07703 0.85823 0.03298 0.46123 0.02498 0.84893 0.45874 0.78762 0.76145 0.09993 0.15786 0.20927 0.30165 0.51925 0.6954 0.93828 0.95764 0.65452 0.03496 0.61837 0.96824 0.2812 0.95464 0.50022 0.14364 0.78451 0.6242 0.58721 0.1771 0.53913 0.42342 0.57597 0.1462 0.17979 0.47595 0.51005 0.87977 0.59731 0.77813 0.6871 0.49803 0.02322 0.90261 0.55887 0.01026 0.73697 0.83583 0.69275 0.26897 0.5129 0.10225 0.68238 0.88801 0.59471 0.95221 0.61242 0.60799 0.87303 0.22237 0.31895 0.86191 0.95427 0.02296 0.96761 0.15639 0.49173 0.81525 0.93956 0.38318 0.16257 0.23847 0.55633 0.75741 0.06754 0.09546 0.89929 0.92593 0.12176 0.6406 0.16777 0.86343 0.56194 0.08812 0.16976 0.69119 0.756 0.15113 0.88524 0.96441 0.18638 0.67144 0.23186 0.98132 0.70132 0.5775 0.3455 0.84847 0.69556 0.58083 0.50689 0.08578 0.73936 0.58103 0.77241 0.37429 0.98239 0.97911 0.61636 0.80808 0.29077 0.97985 0.53267 0.95629 0.14543 0.75974 0.73532 0.83933 0.62238 0.46389 0.80523 0.77003 0.56884 0.74624 0.32858 0.34737 0.14273 0.58508 0.95524 0.41162 0.77376 0.53918 0.15967 0.23682 0.58729 0.84645 0.04152 0.98442 0.51474 0.88572 0.31631 0.41003 0.69955 0.31036 0.28605 0.66685 0.35111 0.4369 0.18325 0.5167 0.72581 0.72926 0.99319 0.39685 0.40373 0.29566 0.62848 0.2483 0.97749 0.11731 0.04377 0.01842 0.35923 0.4968 0.67244 0.71012 0.55199 0.20322 0.12119 0.86171 0.58 0.15475 0.02711 0.82689 0.96728 0.43889 0.35181 0.47379 0.86592 0.28295 0.40369 0.61904 0.73993 0.85771 0.13871 0.74239 0.60328 0.24005 0.15974 0.4318 0.53073 0.23859 0.31058 0.1029 0.66463 0.40934 0.3827 0.26975 0.20747 0.12108 0.7531 0.68145 0.56184 0.90838 0.28419 0.74354 0.70227 0.62155 0.73881 0.2137 0.27765 0.61384 0.35011 0.54539 0.86586 0.43087 0.4418 0.76867 0.40992 0.29106 0.60611 0.16841 0.54471 0.50665 0.55236 0.91964 0.78557 0.96994 0.43478 0.27662 0.18661 0.13909 0.39037 0.30787 0.11872 0.7708 0.19193 0.26099 0.11872 0.01438 0.34525 0.80859 0.99587 0.05116 0.00738 0.1329 0.67225 0.83376 0.88936 0.81351 0.53976 0.23569 0.81817 0.93897 0.87284 0.56648 0.67077 0.12816 0.80479 0.94599 0.8975 0.94787 0.31442 0.31285 0.11782 0.89595 0.01048 0.26482 0.41185 0.0124 0.00375 0.04641 0.26119 0.00041 0.62194 0.61737 0.13092 0.15938 0.32051 0.92932 0.89652 0.74598 0.5691 0.03778 0.36661 0.1296 0.56546 0.68387 0.73475 0.67255 0.4486 0.0259 0.45909 0.42421 0.26422 0.96741 0.13438 0.12183 0.0437 0.86283 0.59543 0.20289 0.24419 0.04695 0.31037 0.15763 0.17759 0.56416 0.36377 0.69593 0.50096 0.18437 0.7867 0.40043 0.83496 0.40386 0.97007 0.42161 0.60291 0.03159 0.6272 0.54541 0.66445 0.43441 0.56274 0.53023 0.99387 0.28887 0.92056 0.5101 0.52199 0.03107 0.27715 0.96702 0.5337 0.19058 0.42823 0.42495 0.75259 0.04967 0.44529 0.09444 0.65611 0.67232 0.19094 0.06961 0.94757 0.89088 0.65124 0.4662 0.26007 0.37871 0.86696 0.29509 0.03322 0.79097 0.69251 0.41859 0.94533 0.36338 0.79302 0.4773 0.14782 0.89803 0.1728 0.29653 0.01435 0.80582 0.20422 0.47191 0.5064 0.41465 0.21268 0.6647 0.1162 0.48193 0.85033 0.08736 0.0283 0.38593 0.66978 0.31796 0.13463 0.7983 0.40765 0.70256 0.02047 0.79394 0.39487 0.3863 0.7678 0.53838 0.07589 0.67317 0.52831 0.6356 0.94717 0.15795 0.87426 0.94915 0.26552 0.7625 0.14377 0.55036 0.22229 0.50406 0.40852 0.06603 0.56775 0.4161 0.25578 0.59349 0.69726 0.89836 0.71063 0.34872 0.47815 0.43078 0.83607 0.56187 0.57234 0.92635 0.99928 0.41652 0.52876 0.72841 0.1318 0.10254 0.44211 0.44914 0.68185 0.77188 0.05074 0.86186 0.14169 0.66116 0.89026 0.83257 0.99228 0.99024 0.52928 0.16588 0.35659 0.43464 0.87165 0.45618 0.956 0.7774 0.85118 0.09973 0.83818 0.9984 0.0761 0.90382 0.14754 0.848 0.62021
+0.34426 0.80844 0.95967 0.47863 0.34063 0.46188 0.38264 0.16666 0.33693 0.26365 0.8546 0.98594 0.67322 0.2916 0.66172 0.91676 0.19554 0.31272 0.74539 0.03717 0.3396 0.40572 0.99614 0.23479 0.91638 0.4291 0.43504 0.64931 0.44743 0.84521 0.14374 0.24144 0.71182 0.10058 0.96573 0.19796 0.7983 0.43774 0.10254 0.14696 0.26124 0.22429 0.38578 0.91151 0.28316 0.51538 0.43782 0.52607 0.72362 0.26104 0.5323 0.30381 0.97843 0.91474 0.69875 0.7042 0.8736 0.43546 0.7008 0.30791 0.16299 0.60533 0.07561 0.04111 0.89055 0.06312 0.24347 0.93611 0.72915 0.7602 0.4087 0.25271 0.62938 0.26404 0.47091 0.22108 0.83684 0.8492 0.60906 0.86334 0.794 0.49344 0.73258 0.33128 0.87671 0.45523 0.99025 0.87618 0.75428 0.80616 0.85576 0.96546 0.19257 0.30108 0.73219 0.01829 0.07062 0.65217 0.11005 0.64504 0.89571 0.92758 0.90545 0.46275 0.9903 0.96304 0.49925 0.79682 0.76977 0.61183 0.42343 0.42768 0.14635 0.93262 0.72218 0.26435 0.8866 0.93154 0.58189 0.39544 0.81528 0.69833 0.45429 0.81807 0.97516 0.67642 0.57238 0.5273 0.1133 0.24628 0.79078 0.85459 0.33201 0.2081 0.46499 0.64065 0.48993 0.89282 0.25208 0.85309 0.96356 0.95567 0.21712 0.1938 0.96001 0.88459 0.74305 0.99961 0.1624 0.07179 0.09878 0.31656 0.21515 0.99533 0.81975 0.70086 0.9427 0.58744 0.17598 0.83624 0.93887 0.60284 0.65403 0.56768 0.7956 0.56482 0.40123 0.24041 0.15221 0.09325 0.99696 0.41323 0.66105 0.17517 0.23929 0.81349 0.68733 0.56114 0.28931 0.17547 0.11527 0.5906 0.126 0.25055 0.91617 0.06106 0.19273 0.03689 0.29186 0.40794 0.12334 0.7332 0.49511 0.71386 0.62014 0.4253 0.38553 0.74366 0.8592 0.21701 0.87284 0.28704 0.52853 0.04188 0.75001 0.17298 0.30622 0.22413 0.77718 0.40818 0.27478 0.63588 0.28844 0.7995 0.09909 0.52162 0.48644 0.51762 0.34596 0.94826 0.892 0.19567 0.01789 0.64369 0.29002 0.6254 0.06636 0.62627 0.43034 0.56301 0.36714 0.56654 0.27743 0.39687 0.36071 0.31769 0.58358 0.92264 0.45257 0.12754 0.92101 0.86093 0.75369 0.02635 0.44792 0.80245 0.86757 0.05032 0.1242 0.26053 0.54842 0.83347 0.91549 0.31814 0.96159 0.41173 0.4417 0.44524 0.22633 0.24158 0.05386 0.11392 0.2789 0.16931 0.29639 0.12327 0.96432 0.36173 0.75839 0.19587 0.96145 0.85006 0.21754 0.15204 0.05988 0.00264 0.05719 0.35675 0.17435 0.43476 0.13493 0.23777 0.73006 0.06377 0.94066 0.88944 0.23872 0.33744 0.62158 0.28318 0.42932 0.80288 0.19676 0.75 0.84695 0.86323 0.47908 0.22999 0.23036 0.41094 0.91962 0.0112 0.45131 0.15899 0.25964 0.75851 0.85947 0.87492 0.83685 0.44726 0.18494 0.41156 0.8205 0.42423 0.98004 0.63275 0.06984 0.00857 0.95437 0.65525 0.39978 0.61207 0.31061 0.47001 0.33126 0.95439 0.11714 0.74448 0.556 0.65511 0.24636 0.76583 0.41397 0.97549 0.33076 0.03741 0.20983 0.69638 0.09104 0.90558 0.60877 0.47158 0.08552 0.06096 0.85787 0.2163 0.50886 0.42404 0.7883 0.82833 0.78478 0.6571 0.25806 0.32598 0.70035 0.84138 0.72803 0.99279 0.48398 0.42582 0.1557 0.67886 0.42935 0.15222 0.63602 0.23241 0.63127 0.58641 0.67576 0.4359 0.80101 0.73944 0.92817 0.09293 0.21901 0.31107 0.81312 0.71819 0.86952 0.62881 0.93977 0.4369 0.31394 0.43369 0.63073 0.25046 0.72969 0.68489 0.97997 0.9231 0.61187 0.2366 0.81771 0.81887 0.37007 0.94528 0.40845 0.66232 0.96953 0.85785 0.71198 0.00091 0.16222 0.42801 0.18842 0.77704 0.16618 0.37402 0.15194 0.71959 0.14135 0.81184 0.44684 0.04174 0.34682 0.51327 0.09064 0.39974 0.59841 0.88551 0.53292 0.13073 0.61766 0.67917 0.16856 0.95446 0.09723 0.7065 0.78789 0.95961 0.04966 0.92007 0.24042 0.74712 0.44437 0.40467 0.7866 0.13622 0.79729 0.88091 0.17697 0.66681 0.59072 0.89602 0.85239 0.41912 0.96022 0.76825 0.93881 0.61727 0.25883 0.88649 0.80082 0.82137 0.06349 0.33015 0.30812 0.12205 0.43081 0.43724 0.06278 0.1812 0.72996 0.89615 0.90866 0.67829 0.52449 0.22347 0.92032 0.48988 0.65564 0.9826 0.72687 0.27593 0.17395 0.61758 0.09357 0.25554 0.26554 0.4447 0.73536 0.14149 0.28366 0.5414 0.19429 0.29622 0.27425 0.37686 0.31251 0.99186 0.27843 0.46431 0.79183 0.38893 0.95778 0.64716 0.03645 0.79034 0.86316 0.30998 0.06091 0.82941 0.38903 0.82278 0.21835 0.30488 0.85836 0.79044 0.98645 0.57934 0.39221 0.99058
+0.6718 0.98101 0.88655 0.01637 0.44403 0.3404 0.31215 0.32547 0.91252 0.97341 0.66905 0.94632 0.43393 0.63597 0.89708 0.80991 0.06703 0.54416 0.69801 0.2098 0.17026 0.4958 0.74867 0.1545 0.77921 0.40165 0.1872 0.9539 0.32834 0.88156 0.23058 0.7347 0.16861 0.14816 0.50366 0.68991 0.33867 0.11143 0.24368 0.79205 0.87771 0.7774 0.85841 0.74613 0.47625 0.48319 0.87191 0.26015 0.60632 0.8324 0.76999 0.73023 0.01384 0.71364 0.91116 0.75897 0.56872 0.35529 0.62122 0.62343 0.28852 0.32864 0.78145 0.71641 0.16334 0.22038 0.63415 0.95025 0.45025 0.15004 0.60211 0.91883 0.52467 0.87034 0.61396 0.11963 0.87746 0.23388 0.31486 0.87242 0.50723 0.34637 0.13632 0.62888 0.66522 0.82946 0.08932 0.01811 0.94328 0.23205 0.29633 0.37905 0.26228 0.10402 0.23461 0.21437 0.35734 0.77942 0.21979 0.87048 0.10787 0.50576 0.64168 0.87906 0.56553 0.26514 0.87501 0.57373 0.86596 0.07983 0.31815 0.37903 0.78273 0.41017 0.10417 0.57481 0.90708 0.21972 0.87021 0.51891 0.99397 0.25871 0.73961 0.43416 0.92627 0.6289 0.42109 0.0534 0.0087 0.02464 0.61083 0.86979 0.30516 0.27572 0.70756 0.21387 0.78406 0.68029 0.66906 0.68498 0.4293 0.45223 0.15539 0.55148 0.72013 0.16125 0.43001 0.71763 0.25688 0.52851 0.17755 0.95963 0.46487 0.87427 0.65331 0.37258 0.14327 0.31649 0.49214 0.47824 0.25034 0.60956 0.02754 0.23035 0.39419 0.66945 0.56854 0.24236 0.55294 0.63361 0.74645 0.17186 0.65199 0.29944 0.51561 0.26386 0.36186 0.30567 0.52468 0.02335 0.3235 0.15524 0.27989 0.80966 0.48447 0.00257 0.55548 0.44451 0.10574 0.00673 0.44011 0.34474 0.53273 0.9557 0.80098 0.95185 0.62186 0.97564 0.93169 0.0353 0.13536 0.92893 0.79918 0.13954 0.11684 0.25578 0.83425 0.91725 0.95337 0.6375 0.14695 0.12172 0.04792 0.24659 0.61378 0.2566 0.36944 0.27898 0.8415 0.9939 0.13265 0.95982 0.56521 0.93903 0.30491 0.94611 0.03503 0.49282 0.59035 0.71363 0.89862 0.50884 0.47331 0.9907 0.3546 0.44029 0.82302 0.22865 0.20233 0.88641 0.1879 0.81742 0.94046 0.43399 0.77935 0.07374 0.85769 0.28148 0.11898 0.73599 0.36224 0.46243 0.57823 0.24635 0.69296 0.67155 0.86775 0.19065 0.05143 0.53498 0.51527 0.06693 0.54366 0.39471 0.54636 0.85472 0.85287 0.32633 0.75562 0.11941 0.16372 0.00641 0.03855 0.65626 0.38516 0.08699 0.16966 0.46263 0.2157 0.49583 0.65835 0.94103 0.96565 0.15856 0.62788 0.03159 0.94586 0.52191 0.69147 0.90614 0.06203 0.92806 0.14389 0.66099 0.17799 0.16821 0.24163 0.91209 0.52934 0.61477 0.07923 0.43365 0.22673 0.32986 0.57985 0.61232 0.70936 0.53405 0.05271 0.659 0.8375 0.3246 0.9302 0.26735 0.57229 0.46574 0.02546 0.86226 0.45732 0.853 0.33595 0.80295 0.44951 0.00647 0.36353 0.46947 0.28168 0.84277 0.21084 0.96788 0.39989 0.54054 0.14729 0.75945 0.39627 0.61088 0.93039 0.66618 0.04891 0.55905 0.78338 0.97223 0.19343 0.21166 0.40941 0.74924 0.56686 0.68968 0.963 0.5068 0.40336 0.61979 0.69089 0.88356 0.06958 0.91694 0.95723 0.61713 0.69676 0.43095 0.37829 0.04196 0.09084 0.03021 0.79216 0.57035 0.03182 0.4155 0.2753 0.61732 0.58615 0.51271 0.10225 0.44288 0.67036 0.69977 0.53689 0.76739 0.04533 0.35288 0.05172 0.4551 0.71813 0.35854 0.39587 0.64067 0.486 0.31863 0.43519 0.46435 0.55341 0.302 0.82031 0.98 0.02812 0.19652 0.63295 0.19474 0.2102 0.89957 0.50813 0.93968 0.77444 0.69937 0.19462 0.81063 0.07015 0.93252 0.36744 0.89143 0.3977 0.35186 0.05644 0.67199 0.95196 0.16932 0.795 0.24641 0.38069 0.47268 0.55763 0.49848 0.18182 0.07152 0.41141 0.69 0.49878 0.28512 0.06772 0.59359 0.62849 0.81258 0.49333 0.9554 0.42989 0.30405 0.26287 0.16769 0.89957 0.24278 0.05309 0.66335 0.84383 0.66945 0.13805 0.54441 0.04195 0.3069 0.0341 0.35652 0.24141 0.32987 0.78461 0.54052 0.09775 0.77356 0.08762 0.0876 0.65223 0.7331 0.3771 0.75536 0.39412 0.15926 0.98642 0.48586 0.9626 0.93808 0.92882 0.8163 0.81016 0.08145 0.43413 0.33197 0.94647 0.72141 0.54282 0.2984 0.90049 0.37535 0.41167 0.0675 0.01291 0.04129 0.18854 0.37755 0.8055 0.98757 0.16479 0.22468 0.15931 0.01159 0.20041 0.74396 0.92149 0.32263 0.5832 0.02745 0.37128 0.67692 0.20619 0.09787 0.98783 0.19666 0.95126 0.87917 0.70666 0.66258 0.90033 0.86017 0.94306 0.06798
+0.67467 0.14143 0.02069 0.00776 0.26458 0.5375 0.98425 0.2766 0.09475 0.83918 0.52489 0.39249 0.16932 0.70323 0.36297 0.86411 0.1859 0.65221 0.58057 0.42059 0.29244 0.62074 0.49878 0.06926 0.4704 0.53173 0.51323 0.48704 0.31854 0.7091 0.27951 0.2398 0.05619 0.87609 0.29499 0.59345 0.67957 0.49126 0.58284 0.52615 0.17512 0.79833 0.18692 0.63756 0.64062 0.3804 0.4516 0.0816 0.15488 0.43993 0.43807 0.04703 0.83093 0.25521 0.3985 0.43219 0.2999 0.4713 0.65687 0.48545 0.30152 0.13148 0.84541 0.82413 0.09955 0.81694 0.77355 0.43597 0.35835 0.10004 0.76944 0.68572 0.2789 0.8105 0.14665 0.34114 0.04579 0.36665 0.46793 0.8889 0.39253 0.01647 0.98476 0.31038 0.3372 0.82781 0.4467 0.96315 0.93939 0.72353 0.50527 0.67376 0.6256 0.39202 0.61041 0.65765 0.74198 0.82789 0.073 0.29798 0.92124 0.95029 0.34785 0.57685 0.15687 0.01696 0.98685 0.75905 0.88454 0.06811 0.79612 0.90616 0.58499 0.36091 0.68592 0.88097 0.4988 0.05272 0.95524 0.23969 0.1029 0.18959 0.22423 0.61234 0.95762 0.92308 0.2004 0.31849 0.38307 0.22297 0.45598 0.75312 0.95338 0.99987 0.28365 0.98887 0.40185 0.99257 0.85012 0.79569 0.2238 0.5968 0.37575 0.90542 0.97398 0.82337 0.26312 0.98021 0.11684 0.1117 0.40811 0.28774 0.37589 0.51962 0.22795 0.89679 0.62873 0.26641 0.72141 0.13032 0.34453 0.50397 0.3746 0.39901 0.58415 0.09286 0.98697 0.44344 0.36619 0.46874 0.01626 0.56948 0.78612 0.8078 0.18646 0.20595 0.89991 0.89443 0.70426 0.67268 0.61906 0.99007 0.90525 0.70554 0.39831 0.43988 0.34473 0.15864 0.77023 0.38301 0.30778 0.52415 0.40694 0.49672 0.8976 0.87482 0.28934 0.45608 0.53201 0.13377 0.93477 0.83125 0.31332 0.89295 0.58723 0.20852 0.72593 0.98767 0.23432 0.32834 0.71333 0.23871 0.34941 0.46786 0.10347 0.88043 0.31018 0.12808 0.03373 0.81896 0.97907 0.43695 0.28621 0.47331 0.95156 0.50736 0.5762 0.43513 0.59232 0.39905 0.80135 0.44931 0.39659 0.88183 0.20111 0.57689 0.683 0.47349 0.3023 0.62572 0.22064 0.11541 0.5759 0.80158 0.40368 0.83326 0.95433 0.00297 0.66393 0.9556 0.30504 0.29931 0.95742 0.09869 0.94624 0.94179 0.79547 0.00769 0.36651 0.91181 0.26187 0.48525 0.75819 0.53489 0.38124 0.82333 0.61303 0.52719 0.26224 0.1148 0.30303 0.80866 0.92614 0.92053 0.54063 0.18891 0.16442 0.83759 0.10595 0.86777 0.06151 0.20993 0.56102 0.82132 0.01738 0.29158 0.36298 0.42806 0.76627 0.75327 0.43892 0.34602 0.85709 0.25065 0.15092 0.58147 0.82876 0.40638 0.10095 0.70519 0.3165 0.96756 0.3197 0.81509 0.61108 0.30359 0.79806 0.99376 0.42179 0.02528 0.595 0.43162 0.62375 0.77187 0.86549 0.24628 0.75406 0.92207 0.15408 0.84641 0.89803 0.60819 0.04093 0.91882 0.96729 0.46318 0.3723 0.46837 0.69052 0.78143 0.91816 0.25793 0.30494 0.29936 0.04964 0.9898 0.83522 0.18525 0.502 0.76041 0.45128 0.42 0.15907 0.36634 0.14058 0.6626 0.08428 0.53347 0.43846 0.76031 0.684 0.82019 0.35712 0.20114 0.86783 0.89449 0.09036 0.61586 0.70515 0.4909 0.73702 0.84993 0.50756 0.83674 0.9961 0.5325 0.77711 0.68893 0.83764 0.82936 0.29666 0.55103 0.46964 0.10658 0.65098 0.83771 0.73715 0.17224 0.60556 0.17934 0.76865 0.26881 0.6531 0.32644 0.3845 0.22455 0.72516 0.97225 0.69384 0.03318 0.63603 0.46891 0.4304 0.71343 0.06812 0.76654 0.67699 0.15875 0.48382 0.29651 0.73868 0.08079 0.18447 0.66861 0.80114 0.66722 0.58887 0.61296 0.88311 0.76558 0.12372 0.06974 0.76343 0.51966 0.006 0.73632 0.54199 0.72069 0.98179 0.33297 0.33842 0.04339 0.59701 0.92403 0.44734 0.67416 0.71 0.08716 0.56886 0.42121 0.39922 0.00332 0.8849 0.15574 0.55256 0.00993 0.8004 0.97138 0.4711 0.06569 0.2984 0.92676 0.08893 0.19057 0.75313 0.8471 0.74067 0.72212 0.21239 0.56344 0.0257 0.37547 0.13317 0.77816 0.41063 0.83243 0.17685 0.17735 0.36547 0.01121 0.67877 0.41104 0.42555 0.68884 0.4167 0.22231 0.13717 0.81915 0.96131 0.44423 0.87691 0.56809 0.3212 0.35767 0.75652 0.01476 0.87235 0.60914 0.36092 0.4555 0.54856 0.36573 0.4869 0.66865 0.07587 0.75829 0.55742 0.39916 0.10679 0.21378 0.48454 0.53379 0.98991 0.72102 0.49122 0.14146 0.68959 0.00815 0.02386 0.92539 0.36713 0.9835 0.8659 0.81842 0.85323 0.81762 0.08374 0.23606 0.12955 0.1512 0.98639 0.07659
+0.70567 0.39891 0.10618 0.05968 0.54802 0.28817 0.48357 0.92206 0.4536 0.94605 0.88561 0.52702 0.166 0.60994 0.48264 0.96111 0.33203 0.38577 0.33935 0.46775 0.82408 0.17224 0.19804 0.6071 0.43498 0.42442 0.5493 0.06721 0.25143 0.37939 0.7941 0.36979 0.38966 0.52897 0.04022 0.59888 0.02427 0.24468 0.83244 0.64716 0.38965 0.13506 0.0577 0.75386 0.07808 0.86154 0.72406 0.8655 0.2467 0.77136 0.68038 0.40638 0.46811 0.49559 0.79535 0.62996 0.97813 0.13214 0.51474 0.4272 0.92267 0.08763 0.42637 0.11304 0.06388 0.97238 0.98666 0.83801 0.65979 0.52628 0.08428 0.61781 0.81829 0.91314 0.22254 0.51024 0.02656 0.89344 0.14325 0.24993 0.87711 0.48409 0.92451 0.4973 0.06748 0.75649 0.95686 0.2689 0.69354 0.47371 0.40325 0.33583 0.45064 0.45769 0.35763 0.19925 0.53666 0.48644 0.66356 0.54741 0.77651 0.93387 0.8794 0.67414 0.19714 0.81506 0.47411 0.88824 0.90157 0.43688 0.4575 0.2741 0.57764 0.31559 0.80581 0.76173 0.5212 0.11048 0.88134 0.90154 0.65682 0.07167 0.2314 0.6505 0.81941 0.64096 0.88424 0.65184 0.55527 0.20519 0.04946 0.03599 0.99885 0.25283 0.43513 0.1536 0.36911 0.87865 0.35684 0.14846 0.04901 0.48808 0.92568 0.1286 0.31281 0.16861 0.84169 0.27821 0.61313 0.62476 0.26147 0.87709 0.88807 0.99188 0.23023 0.0074 0.47 0.10618 0.56898 0.84032 0.03826 0.82808 0.42222 0.79936 0.5711 0.03844 0.89125 0.39879 0.51081 0.05239 0.84607 0.63511 0.25798 0.83334 0.9844 0.02275 0.14658 0.42321 0.73566 0.49427 0.27382 0.92485 0.31896 0.81638 0.17553 0.25658 0.55075 0.96042 0.94793 0.02961 0.54025 0.45979 0.20362 0.19005 0.65366 0.57415 0.89675 0.19749 0.15591 0.12679 0.00782 0.51782 0.64092 0.99192 0.27754 0.60352 0.82092 0.64555 0.16599 0.46708 0.50569 0.87674 0.53999 0.44758 0.46762 0.20252 0.54936 0.32916 0.75347 0.95662 0.06243 0.79324 0.16059 0.91299 0.97514 0.81706 0.06901 0.7491 0.87014 0.4804 0.59895 0.97174 0.03601 0.80351 0.79642 0.35689 0.68588 0.25248 0.53788 0.52389 0.55061 0.23764 0.44061 0.42202 0.84308 0.69324 0.87497 0.84095 0.51071 0.09628 0.43235 0.25516 0.86731 0.03009 0.88351 0.89125 0.91958 0.2224 0.16791 0.27596 0.42167 0.5379 0.13494 0.33313 0.48935 0.58259 0.48345 0.03228 0.08628 0.38533 0.84008 0.22574 0.49434 0.43917 0.7896 0.68119 0.12034 0.5404 0.5118 0.34967 0.57105 0.07725 0.70373 0.94968 0.90918 0.61979 0.99082 0.6832 0.00521 0.95072 0.79499 0.29208 0.44342 0.31116 0.88768 0.8404 0.02702 0.62417 0.05557 0.51256 0.27302 0.49311 0.57692 0.5682 0.43862 0.85406 0.35482 0.50442 0.22979 0.72329 0.44729 0.70405 0.22066 0.98982 0.08555 0.48959 0.39411 0.5852 0.76042 0.2993 0.08939 0.5 0.96229 0.92101 0.37909 0.21146 0.07824 0.92218 0.09426 0.46829 0.16925 0.35238 0.66702 0.17558 0.53374 0.70291 0.67622 0.85422 0.19129 0.11404 0.46026 0.58983 0.05037 0.25275 0.35675 0.33568 0.6708 0.96845 0.46745 0.13441 0.24953 0.69721 0.3672 0.50825 0.32156 0.95674 0.16972 0.88629 0.16242 0.86969 0.44944 0.97625 0.14971 0.24186 0.14711 0.55677 0.06773 0.45684 0.69927 0.04626 0.98556 0.61526 0.43005 0.59636 0.92308 0.11435 0.61409 0.14122 0.82229 0.87741 0.2834 0.63236 0.28082 0.05346 0.04812 0.08354 0.08455 0.61708 0.73589 0.10864 0.49369 0.02878 0.08435 0.94641 0.09822 0.01963 0.39056 0.78459 0.25836 0.90161 0.88796 0.24107 0.0086 0.69536 0.87895 0.14731 0.46318 0.62406 0.19893 0.91392 0.03214 0.42061 0.82751 0.64014 0.19171 0.42662 0.07113 0.43565 0.17024 0.31812 0.1266 0.94382 0.4546 0.30633 0.34659 0.08945 0.95372 0.45279 0.62975 0.38203 0.50132 0.56225 0.65781 0.63109 0.38325 0.62271 0.61421 0.84432 0.71593 0.99332 0.03581 0.01191 0.29858 0.59217 0.34745 0.54096 0.39938 0.74793 0.20256 0.57346 0.73565 0.61022 0.25094 0.55878 0.55247 0.43113 0.77437 0.39571 0.75973 0.59815 0.72752 0.41306 0.21542 0.99556 0.90426 0.12154 0.32623 0.21008 0.6127 0.95244 0.61906 0.01635 0.14918 0.77405 0.42225 0.31264 0.58885 0.52241 0.65479 0.82211 0.68974 0.09154 0.90054 0.68856 0.74479 0.03569 0.32626 0.05681 0.89154 0.95228 0.10456 0.91366 0.30111 0.65251 0.16415 0.14268 0.02832 0.08641 0.88241 0.25118 0.81903 0.95425 0.26721 0.1786 0.06289 0.60477 0.30079 0.12653 0.65078 0.69379 0.3329 0.48334
+0.01166 0.64169 0.42273 0.61937 0.37633 0.82418 0.90359 0.02636 0.86247 0.57744 0.43157 0.23426 0.15933 0.32765 0.81904 0.05892 0.75924 0.54963 0.27042 0.72784 0.29511 0.43594 0.18873 0.22515 0.82814 0.36783 0.53922 0.81908 0.83748 0.29889 0.50604 0.97092 0.62684 0.45481 0.78647 0.59909 0.59031 0.08703 0.8467 0.1845 0.85227 0.65144 0.2635 0.03184 0.60084 0.89795 0.01946 0.90761 0.62445 0.2222 0.26274 0.69169 0.61051 0.21257 0.97165 0.60724 0.25902 0.97577 0.22815 0.52619 0.39881 0.23846 0.7621 0.73102 0.77029 0.39476 0.71808 0.30556 0.38493 0.79081 0.29472 0.4983 0.65705 0.59405 0.85121 0.56099 0.59262 0.00142 0.53415 0.66591 0.21619 0.4829 0.12106 0.04635 0.6655 0.39735 0.22792 0.6132 0.85672 0.72404 0.04109 0.17538 0.09741 0.28124 0.85583 0.93769 0.6926 0.7135 0.48032 0.06198 0.85079 0.3883 0.11181 0.38459 0.10083 0.18278 0.04819 0.28363 0.95783 0.54177 0.98486 0.00263 0.5883 0.49315 0.06371 0.7669 0.00052 0.24201 0.52182 0.45005 0.0064 0.32834 0.42992 0.88021 0.00449 0.91024 0.48573 0.99618 0.19854 0.69562 0.94181 0.38521 0.23776 0.3019 0.06491 0.30687 0.5408 0.9218 0.43421 0.71688 0.9698 0.55858 0.78092 0.9101 0.44141 0.15019 0.13281 0.60326 0.73353 0.90325 0.82975 0.23311 0.51817 0.28079 0.15368 0.03053 0.71049 0.8776 0.12031 0.85807 0.05349 0.72737 0.51412 0.3937 0.02046 0.79523 0.22083 0.88532 0.54578 0.86491 0.97758 0.99747 0.99118 0.29335 0.94969 0.73041 0.91364 0.85561 0.85771 0.03899 0.27934 0.5326 0.93751 0.71649 0.71599 0.25235 0.34042 0.46574 0.42734 0.61348 0.12964 0.71361 0.51078 0.25027 0.26761 0.15032 0.23384 0.42148 0.9596 0.04175 0.99071 0.91213 0.46269 0.97795 0.90884 0.49124 0.03604 0.90295 0.31433 0.50644 0.20959 0.58034 0.49263 0.71033 0.81522 0.65637 0.81939 0.79068 0.06733 0.8825 0.97725 0.84604 0.17273 0.78867 0.92741 0.56683 0.92811 0.79053 0.27514 0.79643 0.39805 0.88341 0.08333 0.91291 0.53151 0.52143 0.54378 0.83238 0.00075 0.18888 0.49765 0.11555 0.49264 0.25836 0.83353 0.24688 0.93415 0.38068 0.27613 0.45302 0.86801 0.31703 0.80998 0.64325 0.47377 0.16401 0.36113 0.64375 0.19864 0.8846 0.54735 0.6859 0.37036 0.06449 0.46272 0.71795 0.41871 0.72161 0.50831 0.64195 0.69816 0.43338 0.26055 0.37332 0.88249 0.80598 0.62412 0.61303 0.8095 0.65172 0.46494 0.28358 0.79166 0.6994 0.72226 0.7879 0.02134 0.98999 0.10883 0.47985 0.77589 0.136 0.79367 0.82257 0.59747 0.69559 0.03163 0.08751 0.76444 0.37376 0.37995 0.56588 0.06378 0.01129 0.748 0.6242 0.72243 0.43146 0.40825 0.60551 0.94224 0.80647 0.03926 0.84718 0.03072 0.19142 0.72392 0.71659 0.78647 0.92518 0.56371 0.32055 0.92597 0.88692 0.87922 0.27191 0.87171 0.23735 0.2903 0.19145 0.20431 0.7038 0.71929 0.28274 0.43883 0.77397 0.59703 0.03354 0.38085 0.74668 0.46366 0.4301 0.01339 0.25734 0.28465 0.67878 0.31864 0.14689 0.86891 0.05715 0.16911 0.8409 0.57146 0.23538 0.56986 0.80181 0.78605 0.86437 0.11527 0.25656 0.16851 0.1993 0.62733 0.1737 0.02701 0.16836 0.50911 0.08157 0.90678 0.36686 0.41249 0.06687 0.82262 0.97113 0.20289 0.70117 0.01311 0.20002 0.23412 0.79338 0.97963 0.93184 0.80012 0.20346 0.02378 0.67529 0.43541 0.43872 0.44311 0.54301 0.03049 0.8964 0.12106 0.14264 0.07315 0.72853 0.05719 0.30494 0.02467 0.44045 0.5292 0.12596 0.32782 0.20414 0.69137 0.90326 0.14813 0.15152 0.45614 0.67568 0.91631 0.45761 0.26678 0.88008 0.59818 0.50204 0.63512 0.61499 0.31742 0.17834 0.79637 0.98446 0.88147 0.36086 0.99557 0.64615 0.97859 0.31981 0.33672 0.85752 0.15761 0.57811 0.13095 0.38809 0.2631 0.72339 0.18085 0.68092 0.1423 0.34244 0.36025 0.1377 0.72419 0.11157 0.33408 0.76354 0.75283 0.75297 0.38583 0.0083 0.34168 0.48975 0.81334 0.3355 0.68334 0.50544 0.51171 0.30288 0.52913 0.05661 0.18934 0.41673 0.27351 0.86802 0.92978 0.13124 0.35199 0.02052 0.17395 0.29709 0.91249 0.01797 0.38264 0.80843 0.81412 0.88443 0.53124 0.28256 0.59931 0.75191 0.39467 0.94157 0.83902 0.61379 0.92224 0.56308 0.66967 0.89914 0.9628 0.1337 0.14433 0.54593 0.41382 0.30169 0.07299 0.4395 0.22852 0.71036 0.81847 0.22209 0.8931 0.14585 0.03091 0.05283 0.73464 0.5798 0.79122 0.03065 0.66689 0.06071 0.95987 0.72204
+0.77228 0.95103 0.67354 0.26938 0.17013 0.18475 0.5164 0.39514 0.92235 0.46254 0.80172 0.58789 0.42845 0.30859 0.11225 0.63343 0.73338 0.86944 0.84568 0.46433 0.79911 0.92648 0.38886 0.23637 0.91917 0.78603 0.41467 0.39225 0.47256 0.86771 0.55998 0.9908 0.45316 0.93425 0.66006 0.93699 0.44548 0.99546 0.39008 0.6012 0.26542 0.44569 0.58382 0.01566 0.1694 0.09539 0.93938 0.69106 0.85031 0.40907 0.89258 0.07674 0.81349 0.17017 0.37816 0.91916 0.15167 0.45185 0.38688 0.30095 0.22928 0.18104 0.79273 0.36595 0.3963 0.54691 0.01595 0.65717 0.25249 0.21905 0.42987 0.87364 0.36644 0.24019 0.22783 0.7409 0.32874 0.23805 0.79423 0.81024 0.31463 0.85049 0.02374 0.00733 0.89737 0.67073 0.55926 0.81001 0.87883 0.03139 0.52341 0.71471 0.14261 0.22544 0.9724 0.00087 0.64683 0.60265 0.02662 0.06884 0.49845 0.22021 0.29361 0.52639 0.71668 0.57284 0.29522 0.1497 0.99268 0.63895 0.71598 0.99433 0.40514 0.26234 0.12333 0.41344 0.09439 0.67386 0.60541 0.92015 0.08331 0.2534 0.65319 0.71711 0.64312 0.84855 0.99944 0.20478 0.33218 0.90628 0.08772 0.08138 0.93678 0.97319 0.12245 0.05303 0.10474 0.04088 0.29272 0.0613 0.04859 0.68478 0.60923 0.76577 0.83941 0.98715 0.45306 0.82971 0.19851 0.89728 0.83576 0.77183 0.98843 0.76569 0.94058 0.99052 0.13166 0.0959 0.77563 0.88154 0.2585 0.21628 0.42594 0.22785 0.40195 0.00344 0.06942 0.06336 0.69168 0.41289 0.69163 0.6717 0.20959 0.39498 0.51791 0.45049 0.0434 0.57596 0.44004 0.56701 0.7452 0.25313 0.42651 0.98672 0.2432 0.95516 0.17544 0.60024 0.53199 0.33106 0.46611 0.81151 0.15114 0.63948 0.6952 0.9412 0.99676 0.21221 0.204 0.23723 0.60034 0.77564 0.71371 0.77237 0.2994 0.78534 0.62291 0.48078 0.13751 0.29054 0.865 0.38844 0.1495 0.9006 0.66262 0.1248 0.68534 0.12493 0.47135 0.16463 0.07432 0.21105 0.59572 0.15591 0.82579 0.0223 0.50801 0.31488 0.24749 0.26696 0.91922 0.34485 0.91561 0.89112 0.83923 0.33959 0.74709 0.10499 0.76986 0.33656 0.8817 0.34164 0.74171 0.65871 0.77786 0.25013 0.15119 0.83156 0.51878 0.28537 0.43145 0.61064 0.65721 0.21819 0.20014 0.73555 0.5881 0.2243 0.235 0.35263 0.18805 0.07431 0.66966 0.62238 0.20384 0.69456 0.13517 0.09555 0.60289 0.41313 0.88934 0.63488 0.10238 0.75426 0.5432 0.14542 0.02654 0.65328 0.40968 0.49551 0.1932 0.95632 0.24692 0.41297 0.41001 0.80285 0.50354 0.1237 0.28739 0.06151 0.12404 0.63503 0.65366 0.51517 0.74043 0.69579 0.60491 0.13023 0.16489 0.61019 0.19396 0.44662 0.81787 0.04715 0.70624 0.2556 0.78639 0.50564 0.26746 0.00407 0.78756 0.57731 0.96769 0.696 0.64967 0.15954 0.99738 0.58083 0.84657 0.72144 0.11523 0.31182 0.20295 0.49883 0.939 0.46124 0.34508 0.58169 0.17271 0.06826 0.26604 0.19208 0.66597 0.07255 0.6052 0.3356 0.37969 0.91721 0.52571 0.17405 0.95279 0.00812 0.51444 0.57451 0.80499 0.75749 0.53977 0.20357 0.55339 0.30539 0.05462 0.82354 0.88385 0.09427 0.38056 0.13146 0.32486 0.99983 0.86947 0.54296 0.71251 0.51282 0.15957 0.81962 0.70883 0.89364 0.26698 0.09053 0.10138 0.61005 0.82566 0.16439 0.79757 0.29857 0.86451 0.64316 0.37651 0.53312 0.61962 0.38165 0.72129 0.9351 0.67143 0.33139 0.75965 0.02572 0.97052 0.91837 0.14925 0.08587 0.48754 0.40373 0.39769 0.72304 0.02206 0.84184 0.46059 0.97397 0.77678 0.42962 0.49199 0.52529 0.73858 0.34135 0.74611 0.17372 0.45203 0.35607 0.66237 0.43619 0.02401 0.33205 0.08661 0.30682 0.52338 0.96715 0.39277 0.62197 0.70388 0.64262 0.37265 0.19785 0.31673 0.31883 0.39925 0.11969 0.52968 0.61758 0.11306 0.10173 0.76285 0.43891 0.11056 0.73688 0.92827 0.23384 0.08618 0.02901 0.53356 0.33268 0.31569 0.19145 0.03869 0.48648 0.68434 0.95517 0.89491 0.14215 0.00543 0.67624 0.13843 0.98342 0.26182 0.35684 0.05959 0.82573 0.70948 0.76956 0.36314 0.85856 0.85639 0.44288 0.79391 0.77812 0.93482 0.03338 0.21686 0.56055 0.92384 0.7354 0.79019 0.37368 0.65423 0.34613 0.50765 0.89914 0.28901 0.03396 0.39031 0.09977 0.73062 0.93254 0.67148 0.60583 0.59048 0.28562 0.0985 0.39802 0.82014 0.72458 0.98963 0.70045 0.93466 0.37316 0.63659 0.36169 0.89356 0.68992 0.2974 0.3436 0.49143 0.14056 0.97885 0.35686 0.04586 0.16216 0.94903 0.00627 0.57318 0.10871 0.37987 0.51147
+0.48779 0.97543 0.93965 0.68668 0.98311 0.28172 0.96361 0.38196 0.00567 0.90764 0.16354 0.47067 0.86864 0.85231 0.23134 0.65454 0.94273 0.79908 0.36251 0.53365 0.41768 0.21218 0.62931 0.75598 0.94482 0.4806 0.66628 0.04897 0.52361 0.92707 0.3908 0.0751 0.05106 0.44299 0.24434 0.47072 0.19469 0.05058 0.18642 0.29139 0.8169 0.40553 0.71294 0.26433 0.24574 0.99175 0.1855 0.4719 0.56716 0.96323 0.29021 0.39489 0.6399 0.58301 0.13663 0.83798 0.38709 0.60455 0.02828 0.87623 0.07452 0.62062 0.08634 0.64865 0.70969 0.38722 0.91723 0.5393 0.6923 0.60894 0.84799 0.60696 0.07483 0.44141 0.58195 0.16933 0.02885 0.92219 0.94124 0.20756 0.85081 0.44082 0.79385 0.69951 0.98786 0.97937 0.65273 0.9504 0.82813 0.33185 0.40859 0.3584 0.80056 0.09191 0.309 0.99697 0.19891 0.39445 0.52009 0.67025 0.4464 0.32387 0.93954 0.95621 0.72134 0.4032 0.32174 0.66271 0.24744 0.86498 0.75973 0.54913 0.0347 0.16238 0.54483 0.88472 0.68394 0.4115 0.38281 0.15594 0.12163 0.17156 0.63116 0.9215 0.43675 0.76182 0.09375 0.42595 0.76213 0.87215 0.19349 0.32668 0.85452 0.28659 0.72477 0.63594 0.79761 0.76877 0.76613 0.99458 0.82158 0.86442 0.96387 0.28717 0.14325 0.1268 0.81939 0.46408 0.80315 0.94796 0.2963 0.25089 0.6656 0.55175 0.04334 0.24554 0.01676 0.14554 0.16875 0.75986 0.46626 0.67519 0.03935 0.41931 0.11775 0.85091 0.80836 0.21169 0.50669 0.39178 0.91538 0.60516 0.36333 0.27648 0.84158 0.12178 0.93098 0.60246 0.95075 0.41942 0.74002 0.93667 0.88704 0.56878 0.16139 0.52158 0.31603 0.44238 0.44413 0.27234 0.00635 0.44632 0.13499 0.95759 0.53582 0.91238 0.58289 0.67206 0.96539 0.01264 0.48514 0.72791 0.77379 0.97735 0.81925 0.91325 0.18427 0.28658 0.26153 0.86189 0.38089 0.27719 0.49538 0.64404 0.71565 0.38236 0.06677 0.92917 0.86532 0.24318 0.44488 0.36304 0.33707 0.76918 0.36859 0.70991 0.89349 0.50735 0.80295 0.04526 0.72738 0.90019 0.00108 0.65875 0.21524 0.12896 0.95367 0.39146 0.6695 0.23322 0.99073 0.9276 0.66953 0.83057 0.64592 0.17504 0.74305 0.06735 0.10859 0.32357 0.33569 0.5494 0.58764 0.75317 0.6833 0.0202 0.10119 0.25616 0.09131 0.0523 0.51111 0.10951 0.33338 0.36018 0.48179 0.88421 0.81348 0.03684 0.45595 0.93809 0.26109 0.72718 0.36451 0.11719 0.68194 0.98334 0.67337 0.20995 0.01441 0.24983 0.43832 0.39803 0.30339 0.32005 0.53547 0.40085 0.1887 0.69818 0.71895 0.06079 0.82729 0.16266 0.52803 0.76282 0.34098 0.94293 0.29528 0.1124 0.08385 0.30354 0.19648 0.86648 0.35919 0.7119 0.38209 0.09859 0.97771 0.71398 0.95573 0.73408 0.27111 0.66122 0.4174 0.18143 0.76429 0.18199 0.7568 0.81983 0.5371 0.59211 0.79083 0.91453 0.62321 0.52186 0.41396 0.20309 0.09859 0.05183 0.04664 0.96924 0.52084 0.55133 0.31322 0.53868 0.08741 0.99542 0.56326 0.27325 0.0699 0.77935 0.19778 0.26798 0.06175 0.11886 0.52676 0.34725 0.09802 0.60536 0.86331 0.32219 0.44919 0.03888 0.24945 0.78656 0.11082 0.05834 0.82551 0.46216 0.2251 0.03773 0.09182 0.90241 0.12524 0.30374 0.34967 0.1269 0.40123 0.09125 0.99748 0.27209 0.64932 0.45259 0.26686 0.21678 0.65013 0.09122 0.3506 0.58935 0.65728 0.84834 0.41424 0.78778 0.65644 0.51136 0.80073 0.20912 0.6551 0.62214 0.80325 0.02768 0.53226 0.69942 0.0165 0.12868 0.80408 0.0835 0.08023 0.42478 0.72465 0.32647 0.49977 0.00813 0.19837 0.84275 0.08455 0.51395 0.44665 0.6575 0.45033 0.97839 0.21771 0.96036 0.57647 0.83706 0.51892 0.47215 0.64729 0.99842 0.49493 0.94015 0.79442 0.30524 0.98954 0.24055 0.64174 0.74579 0.88789 0.79544 0.60047 0.85995 0.00972 0.49774 0.56013 0.34798 0.90015 0.42178 0.67613 0.2494 0.95492 0.2388 0.38796 0.85028 0.85162 0.38059 0.82778 0.34382 0.14786 0.48599 0.09672 0.08602 0.68709 0.97902 0.53566 0.79396 0.75506 0.4161 0.9039 0.00545 0.35431 0.65494 0.4328 0.50669 0.37438 0.81981 0.73166 0.90668 0.71821 0.26543 0.78724 0.13036 0.49062 0.39613 0.78101 0.46889 0.41701 0.02364 0.58844 0.31348 0.1552 0.51425 0.1311 0.74614 0.79647 0.63557 0.89599 0.61784 0.90205 0.32586 0.12321 0.80872 0.27769 0.94659 0.16989 0.62848 0.02871 0.41851 0.72542 0.11665 0.60888 0.06385 0.56777 0.0393 0.84311 0.5226 0.85084 0.33683 0.48141 0.56992 0.0024 0.77477 0.26941 0.67585
+0.28823 0.53673 0.41956 0.1775 0.80035 0.47469 0.08057 0.50039 0.60375 0.18104 0.97494 0.34652 0.49972 0.79158 0.01199 0.33584 0.12901 0.3832 0.56955 0.96042 0.8406 0.69961 0.87332 0.92402 0.02959 0.93049 0.11286 0.24941 0.348 0.33704 0.83244 0.25583 0.15135 0.82662 0.79681 0.18531 0.68905 0.84591 0.98605 0.97555 0.77465 0.28553 0.18488 0.52137 0.55502 0.07885 0.61175 0.41198 0.34608 0.84426 0.71864 0.51009 0.35841 0.77072 0.4744 0.31589 0.2156 0.63958 0.38404 0.27633 0.43853 0.04342 0.91595 0.9949 0.94813 0.24361 0.43915 0.32109 0.1579 0.96058 0.18235 0.80261 0.62597 0.39273 0.99065 0.4197 0.97537 0.64979 0.08886 0.40299 0.33698 0.86669 0.35858 0.7095 0.86065 0.89012 0.69828 0.27231 0.85391 0.54848 0.7455 0.48569 0.52279 0.55058 0.8117 0.71206 0.25502 0.74468 0.1476 0.53729 0.36395 0.62249 0.58045 0.17157 0.30565 0.14524 0.62862 0.24916 0.54121 0.40565 0.94299 0.73402 0.98706 0.87913 0.21442 0.24241 0.69754 0.81063 0.57982 0.7381 0.91286 0.05949 0.44863 0.72206 0.40952 0.07924 0.75196 0.8775 0.21584 0.83767 0.08652 0.45616 0.57796 0.03026 0.13108 0.96985 0.85142 0.45063 0.84133 0.85983 0.33959 0.48244 0.50674 0.76583 0.49738 0.16159 0.6816 0.05018 0.49245 0.06545 0.568 0.63011 0.7872 0.19746 0.45745 0.59748 0.18155 0.85733 0.15561 0.03837 0.38044 0.89833 0.63339 0.84797 0.48039 0.31985 0.98457 0.35378 0.59686 0.48918 0.40846 0.14214 0.5186 0.18247 0.136 0.3204 0.36799 0.71467 0.60615 0.27745 0.38138 0.17246 0.12637 0.92295 0.05398 0.22102 0.08044 0.99563 0.5575 0.52258 0.58237 0.11998 0.39207 0.82856 0.02326 0.85653 0.09902 0.08708 0.03352 0.38461 0.4253 0.55621 0.32142 0.93829 0.63758 0.95507 0.40586 0.99125 0.57504 0.93458 0.61701 0.82175 0.52588 0.25341 0.22266 0.3234 0.14279 0.64254 0.19958 0.41021 0.37629 0.49898 0.27157 0.74583 0.50753 0.18024 0.17768 0.91942 0.19689 0.63979 0.6893 0.2079 0.81796 0.0847 0.23139 0.31907 0.21748 0.09337 0.24222 0.95801 0.92048 0.86804 0.52134 0.76733 0.68661 0.42111 0.08996 0.17343 0.13765 0.63339 0.06152 0.44609 4e-05 0.75998 0.5842 0.76502 0.55491 0.44774 0.25849 0.59176 0.44591 0.40579 0.52316 0.26754 0.90927 0.05045 0.01638 0.28414 0.52079 0.27732 0.27767 0.81162 0.8576 0.83699 0.51738 0.92617 0.81764 0.46872 0.51977 0.06285 0.68672 0.6241 0.63757 0.608 0.1399 0.84788 0.85753 0.40122 0.21344 0.7738 0.95733 0.0608 0.74128 0.96572 0.89879 0.60539 0.60194 0.18677 0.65071 0.0637 0.13834 0.73627 0.48557 0.97081 0.36955 0.49185 0.09302 0.19344 0.94266 0.25607 0.77412 0.31385 0.36375 0.69019 0.65761 0.41055 0.10252 0.06867 0.45678 0.95737 0.05859 0.50691 0.6123 0.93623 0.29488 0.26832 0.3786 0.50731 0.42154 0.12161 0.5226 0.41021 0.33412 0.83081 0.35854 0.47178 0.57387 0.57957 0.5416 0.08482 0.35643 0.59173 0.08123 0.72173 0.83846 0.05322 0.17989 0.00078 0.17199 0.07034 0.9927 0.46087 0.90568 0.21661 0.34502 0.9617 0.80693 0.422 0.45901 0.04934 0.57757 0.34952 0.11448 0.92416 0.18779 0.20064 0.20479 0.5904 0.97705 0.32019 0.80466 0.11012 0.83323 0.64476 0.56046 0.65979 0.09025 0.07486 0.72161 0.87004 0.3649 0.68558 0.35946 0.74653 0.60682 0.63824 0.231 0.84637 0.86947 0.97162 0.40471 0.49663 0.63167 0.8619 0.02893 0.70596 0.01316 0.06736 0.82602 0.84437 0.65384 0.00125 0.51991 0.74594 0.84114 0.54791 0.80342 0.45412 0.37459 0.3144 0.83787 0.96771 0.62711 0.39102 0.2264 0.83047 0.095 0.98826 0.34488 0.48756 0.99106 0.07305 0.60541 0.57068 0.23606 0.82669 0.72988 0.42307 0.1818 0.96001 0.57109 0.70792 0.38197 0.96068 0.51022 0.02788 0.23519 0.47783 0.46368 0.94388 0.71683 0.91434 0.28547 0.92815 0.24777 0.99088 0.15154 0.76854 0.97735 0.93202 0.9748 0.5786 0.44117 0.74649 0.89959 0.67505 0.99262 0.50475 0.99862 0.51563 0.01912 0.19284 0.30548 0.10163 0.37432 0.85987 0.48099 0.76691 0.61351 0.93352 0.86505 0.27342 0.58711 0.09318 0.79011 0.51457 0.80538 0.65612 0.87076 0.57222 0.97747 0.15625 0.1892 0.71816 0.66923 0.71608 0.71709 0.9896 0.77504 0.46463 0.01294 0.84131 0.09126 0.14523 0.77443 0.99125 0.0891 0.41888 0.40604 0.91518 0.2141 0.28425 0.30246 0.66952 0.97058 0.7998 0.28009 0.32516 0.8123 0.27998 0.23297 0.07245
+0.52082 0.82237 0.20147 0.72158 0.67554 0.00443 0.22031 0.94974 0.52415 0.44304 0.36732 0.99198 0.91817 0.29496 0.93474 0.55766 0.98194 0.05842 0.74161 0.29683 0.97186 0.82188 0.60216 0.51766 0.69774 0.86769 0.94226 0.89807 0.70854 0.73174 0.76841 0.76234 0.51315 0.42442 0.18765 0.79418 0.34869 0.1419 0.08891 0.71857 0.27765 0.80405 0.79577 0.95059 0.16328 0.24629 0.99988 0.35644 0.07636 0.5545 0.10924 0.98242 0.04644 0.20788 0.55937 0.75076 0.68171 0.14028 0.84279 0.63614 0.2477 0.96083 0.71466 0.25605 0.61235 0.37255 0.85358 0.0644 0.94242 0.38997 0.06452 0.75998 0.84003 0.36198 0.12072 0.97289 0.21455 0.56544 0.33997 0.7707 0.02894 0.61061 0.35894 0.693 0.73984 0.94755 0.80169 0.11613 0.8224 0.78399 0.34938 0.80254 0.44569 0.25597 0.74325 0.69588 0.08919 0.93218 0.37951 0.38736 0.18348 0.12986 0.47579 0.28597 0.17411 0.22006 0.5474 0.18932 0.06395 0.16236 0.11797 0.35765 0.52868 0.27105 0.73822 0.64377 0.59239 0.11741 0.91579 0.64638 0.70574 0.67906 0.53366 0.27061 0.32205 0.59433 0.32216 0.49531 0.56713 0.89668 0.68454 0.90434 0.95095 0.72669 0.54261 0.3991 0.89036 0.4606 0.99593 0.40083 0.33596 0.26524 0.25319 0.45282 0.38875 0.04155 0.44603 0.48408 0.75293 0.92868 0.09265 0.83951 0.71904 0.09945 0.14619 0.67557 0.08909 0.96159 0.95837 0.56768 0.52713 0.43612 0.23649 0.85297 0.09954 0.94404 0.77195 0.38092 0.73015 0.31981 0.67861 0.97625 0.3443 0.8539 0.43125 0.92504 0.0152 0.72559 0.81331 0.48943 0.7531 0.96402 0.66553 0.15092 0.71935 0.65508 0.76329 0.05584 0.79381 0.74123 0.6457 0.45973 0.65074 0.16127 0.71735 0.75937 0.22163 0.67889 0.19906 0.84232 0.96175 0.02735 0.89188 0.10783 0.14049 0.38703 0.18874 0.50911 0.61631 0.61251 0.33376 0.77022 0.03404 0.99863 0.87555 0.02448 0.00111 0.99152 0.50804 0.11416 0.74072 0.07056 0.60638 0.79593 0.07596 0.91822 0.79894 0.281 0.87245 0.7907 0.96569 0.59845 0.96456 0.60103 0.52628 0.35658 0.67476 0.89839 0.07109 0.86257 0.03877 0.29997 0.92365 0.19327 0.78398 0.28239 0.37721 0.10666 0.83484 0.13019 0.38109 0.19724 0.80448 0.78871 0.1814 0.13904 0.31438 0.95087 0.23671 0.92803 0.76405 0.01222 0.77749 0.14724 0.44396 0.67439 0.85221 0.95714 0.34938 0.71224 0.10596 0.94158 0.11904 0.05483 0.6645 0.89529 0.91444 0.25667 0.57331 0.38327 0.98324 0.98879 0.18259 0.43653 0.40572 0.10413 0.83537 0.90784 0.68635 0.25778 0.86711 0.33854 0.80633 0.89811 0.84568 0.21008 0.02458 0.36355 0.80766 0.85057 0.67974 0.29459 0.34736 0.96983 0.04342 0.36224 0.56904 0.14118 0.84192 0.4457 0.24765 0.47941 0.0387 0.41192 0.39729 0.15931 0.62425 0.34872 0.84979 0.69531 0.7031 0.14679 0.52266 0.66123 0.4937 0.74241 0.58845 0.27034 0.87291 0.50462 0.71124 0.55783 0.05096 0.13749 0.22 0.54507 0.90034 0.66996 0.73822 0.25445 0.81868 0.55046 0.6188 0.75993 0.11577 0.48109 0.2424 0.56815 0.09146 0.94725 0.14581 0.97311 0.19427 0.01365 0.91896 0.23984 0.74437 0.34647 0.54206 0.4725 0.00604 0.10715 0.78764 0.25941 0.84085 0.48955 0.98688 0.17811 0.90622 0.01441 0.63989 0.82079 0.28852 0.03932 0.38417 0.07068 0.02199 0.75476 0.79002 0.34037 0.14517 0.99251 0.86891 0.03608 0.90502 0.49422 0.32729 0.3237 0.69154 0.21037 0.30309 0.49662 0.52009 0.15547 0.54579 0.32929 0.23545 0.2455 0.12566 0.19745 0.73578 0.75883 0.82262 0.73692 0.77457 0.56184 0.99381 0.93345 0.35401 0.40704 0.99658 0.67324 0.18727 0.95631 0.68493 0.23582 0.4629 0.09763 0.70184 0.86816 0.9235 0.9436 0.08207 0.89806 0.38541 0.27162 0.78373 0.55673 0.72508 0.48769 0.63081 0.07901 0.06172 0.35404 0.74494 0.10797 0.72041 0.84509 0.57489 0.75336 0.81525 0.10644 0.61052 0.71538 0.7042 0.69304 0.56164 0.01993 0.7676 0.69454 0.8053 0.28008 0.69011 0.1927 0.89647 0.9325 0.70789 0.53212 0.58807 0.00239 0.68449 0.18446 0.11306 0.87771 0.38787 0.18331 0.44183 0.65632 0.29096 0.23976 0.10503 0.4345 0.77434 0.22025 0.53894 0.50394 0.79385 0.05776 0.0572 0.57889 0.52437 0.98726 0.31012 0.95149 0.5682 0.75794 0.46141 0.71561 0.77502 0.09218 0.57448 0.06694 0.54337 0.48843 0.08592 0.7033 0.05844 0.60101 0.17172 0.0225 0.03839 0.61139 0.47308 0.27533 0.59591 0.28989 0.47017 0.10532 0.06275 0.39623 0.56347 0.27785
+0.09532 0.19431 0.90189 0.25006 0.15987 0.92235 0.1879 0.61039 0.95032 0.53882 0.08037 0.63308 0.15168 0.02985 0.68305 0.89642 0.73038 0.80177 0.66089 0.62534 0.33078 0.01079 0.05174 0.81439 0.19465 0.69546 0.84168 0.89371 0.5382 0.19127 0.82865 0.29047 0.64764 0.79206 0.75088 0.31991 0.40911 0.07076 0.81033 0.41741 0.43501 0.39609 0.06958 0.4874 0.47137 0.92377 0.71484 0.39279 0.25595 0.91072 0.8383 0.70218 0.92178 0.15788 0.85417 0.14899 0.80771 0.59911 0.35147 0.27225 0.68857 0.1184 0.49044 0.79817 0.87935 0.18735 0.35036 0.33144 0.80893 0.37181 0.81931 0.19175 0.61119 0.81673 0.78596 0.97107 0.35826 0.67791 0.40996 0.79543 0.81724 0.55752 0.5978 0.78897 0.06353 0.2596 0.81945 0.57054 0.19124 0.45947 0.79806 0.82738 0.72308 0.86757 0.01842 0.61746 0.1953 0.34127 0.86042 0.98888 0.25474 0.83557 0.48414 0.00194 0.84033 0.76665 0.88769 0.37844 0.15992 0.05339 0.48912 0.32273 0.33611 0.67731 0.69723 0.92453 0.46588 0.25296 0.82142 0.58901 0.77874 0.46266 0.22778 0.20179 0.74557 0.76984 0.96304 0.5292 0.45394 0.90283 0.77247 0.44856 0.33937 0.89714 0.95318 0.6481 0.84346 0.9083 0.65676 0.17683 0.11348 0.43943 0.48683 0.78599 0.66853 0.64997 0.82314 0.44169 0.80066 0.4173 0.36853 0.73118 0.6451 0.16689 0.60735 0.97296 0.54511 0.71786 0.75556 0.32338 0.07578 0.47335 0.92465 0.28093 0.16855 0.47608 0.63118 0.17991 0.31187 0.6095 0.13121 0.4155 0.3106 0.08772 0.22864 0.86163 0.8573 0.25986 0.88274 0.18087 0.40493 0.0962 0.13275 0.5123 0.34356 0.53919 0.58245 0.63969 0.53119 0.74586 0.63641 0.81097 0.30536 0.77817 0.89517 0.26235 0.68371 0.31635 0.10364 0.58577 0.88242 0.01513 0.68714 0.6179 0.1893 0.16209 0.60411 0.36896 0.29727 0.69198 0.48751 0.13266 0.56533 0.44186 0.13782 0.53585 0.365 0.74937 0.78982 0.29151 0.78924 0.35002 0.92996 0.67437 0.82823 0.18731 0.39154 0.07303 0.1583 0.10015 0.71423 0.77206 0.70151 0.17052 0.52828 0.44992 0.55064 0.14972 0.53995 0.25283 0.07593 0.91707 0.52998 0.21089 0.79537 0.90714 0.67949 0.06206 0.71419 0.58429 0.95721 0.35812 0.89468 0.32158 0.24126 0.23369 0.05866 0.23444 0.84309 0.53155 0.37482 0.6527 0.75588 0.05684 0.92338 0.52963 0.64779 0.50992 0.81916 0.96426 0.15823 0.57741 0.84592 0.76537 0.43771 0.28206 0.26726 0.00673 0.5638 0.8047 0.56632 0.74206 0.79542 0.30764 0.50801 0.54496 0.49061 0.51376 0.26043 0.22628 0.49223 0.68939 0.5993 0.8565 0.57297 0.83133 0.78304 0.65522 0.40633 0.11266 0.57282 0.83863 0.34923 0.05431 0.62142 0.06386 0.29165 0.97056 0.35469 0.80028 0.19975 0.81123 0.6563 0.38769 0.48512 0.1746 0.99754 0.69684 0.34796 0.8883 0.66838 0.37212 0.42123 0.29317 0.18965 0.30707 0.94623 0.34881 0.52381 0.86327 0.01025 0.84806 0.57005 0.41022 0.63092 0.84752 0.95229 0.23629 0.98694 0.598 0.87456 0.51877 0.20214 0.50142 0.04519 0.66404 0.21736 0.34091 0.16047 0.32314 0.73973 0.28407 0.30675 0.09887 0.32788 0.67308 0.10619 0.67676 0.64634 0.30662 0.11818 0.13273 0.64937 0.80999 0.27682 0.85486 0.09657 0.95162 0.1304 0.91781 0.96171 0.55829 0.5782 0.80519 0.05017 0.67927 0.38802 0.93305 0.59232 0.62477 0.70442 0.10283 0.75372 0.83481 0.30458 0.62634 0.38121 0.3363 0.30239 0.29828 0.12546 0.63928 0.51376 0.62299 0.62046 0.86302 0.43922 0.58537 0.54858 0.6457 0.41066 0.71463 0.05651 0.56655 0.80032 0.21665 0.22148 0.25555 0.65924 0.05724 0.48419 0.41544 0.17257 0.6032 0.12683 0.68228 0.24444 0.35781 0.51015 0.16619 0.87503 0.53138 0.13121 0.28072 0.92081 0.42963 0.35425 0.27591 0.83429 0.37458 0.38544 0.27795 0.17247 0.61248 0.27975 0.98852 0.83202 0.66945 0.90773 0.08679 0.27876 0.36281 0.31297 0.69063 0.41222 0.68778 0.2926 0.25848 0.85065 0.39484 0.23601 0.32332 0.11601 0.41121 0.51442 0.45248 0.6471 0.08555 0.21351 0.55141 0.5715 0.93697 0.51984 0.54398 0.6888 0.48242 0.34454 0.67862 0.58282 0.86549 0.63234 0.13301 0.98091 0.13743 0.66279 0.28106 0.617 0.2801 0.52265 0.55589 0.53486 0.32082 0.383 0.10075 0.39547 0.22833 0.82242 0.45907 0.09078 0.24463 0.32365 0.42674 0.53802 0.9668 0.01677 0.67429 0.4814 0.90675 0.27288 0.55368 0.09307 0.40449 0.89244 0.49538 0.78048 0.67597 0.34526 0.51624 0.51161 0.55007 0.07423 0.95309
+0.04751 0.37504 0.96717 0.21257 0.55038 0.19549 0.99506 0.97288 0.29932 0.69232 0.85978 0.4753 0.73475 0.00805 0.59643 0.72618 0.50514 0.34423 0.7674 0.98798 0.73681 0.91723 0.74142 0.6471 0.12511 0.73677 0.72034 0.9184 0.78704 0.52586 0.3534 0.38916 0.68493 0.99723 0.35302 0.8541 0.89402 0.50264 0.70011 0.92086 0.3981 0.29299 0.68584 0.06143 0.46337 0.26396 0.21787 0.01241 0.60781 0.77015 0.87086 0.61483 0.86281 0.89416 0.99436 0.5946 0.48774 0.30834 0.97871 0.17926 0.83437 0.48951 0.55225 0.93376 0.91008 0.61184 0.75273 0.16611 0.42121 0.79327 0.17763 0.16072 0.79967 0.34967 0.51477 0.84639 0.34308 0.53978 0.35182 0.00466 0.34012 0.01473 0.78205 0.89849 0.5517 0.31411 0.31137 0.45372 0.40066 0.81857 0.68084 0.17579 0.67937 0.80801 0.52341 0.85162 0.95673 0.33464 0.22427 0.30405 0.29985 0.45119 0.46077 0.68941 0.03032 0.61422 0.05109 0.09289 0.67204 0.47795 0.97316 0.10646 0.81034 0.05544 0.74842 0.79767 0.69502 0.09526 0.61957 0.34648 0.94954 0.36513 0.56472 0.1752 0.62624 0.23704 0.47626 0.60584 0.36443 0.4392 0.01343 0.41001 0.58645 0.12376 0.91801 0.47241 0.54131 0.10208 0.76428 0.9817 0.06929 0.49165 0.72833 0.01817 0.69902 0.0074 0.75459 0.32927 0.0662 0.61195 0.37564 0.08804 0.65764 0.18923 0.01957 0.10479 0.33365 0.45617 0.19222 0.6933 0.8583 0.2083 0.79305 0.73908 0.08164 0.85555 0.24709 0.95753 0.13214 0.82603 0.28472 0.66281 0.48071 0.9117 0.70743 0.03004 0.75133 0.09927 0.88409 0.81572 0.05228 0.13096 0.19669 0.7108 0.09147 0.56788 0.30971 0.38822 0.01064 0.77163 0.1917 0.43198 0.48797 0.57574 0.73362 0.69168 0.49202 0.8219 0.62376 0.2861 0.81491 0.28366 0.86699 0.97974 0.21011 0.33131 0.29573 0.19285 0.9064 0.20167 0.58396 0.39561 0.13134 0.88889 0.02513 0.07958 0.65151 0.28999 0.53439 0.19807 0.96022 0.60484 0.97793 0.77832 0.32938 0.0603 0.90431 0.14177 0.52219 0.48491 0.06196 0.3057 0.84316 0.67094 0.21582 0.11526 0.28977 0.77925 0.1342 0.67872 0.40423 0.77766 0.2215 0.49582 0.31483 0.20618 0.80215 0.93957 0.81897 0.17916 0.984 0.24013 0.85891 0.76528 0.2826 0.72718 0.12097 0.8371 0.77369 0.39809 0.13777 0.63204 0.07542 0.83945 0.68626 0.09223 0.40644 0.0679 0.81648 0.78541 0.04911 0.21229 0.00407 0.69267 0.45661 0.5386 0.14105 0.87919 0.42871 0.63816 0.7046 0.31843 0.32651 0.64217 0.61489 0.23373 0.00177 0.40125 0.66447 0.92811 0.22828 0.75904 0.18382 0.64424 0.06384 0.50001 0.56787 0.12289 0.21258 0.91143 0.69991 0.10081 0.43657 0.05291 0.30435 0.43792 0.20593 0.18404 0.37386 0.15191 0.37807 0.1101 0.74551 0.43972 0.16002 0.47925 0.19286 0.99716 0.56873 0.56635 0.40971 0.03454 0.29665 0.61026 0.9146 0.48134 0.53369 0.72376 0.94022 0.07456 0.06155 0.53301 0.94731 0.96978 0.84209 0.55671 0.70543 0.89119 0.19623 0.33528 0.27933 0.57805 0.99306 0.86239 0.4228 0.96392 0.87639 0.64985 0.92642 0.61151 0.61271 0.00385 0.34693 0.56494 0.47324 0.8087 0.29795 0.21127 0.87003 0.13906 0.85748 0.12444 0.18701 0.91277 0.47532 0.79711 0.92839 0.89095 0.3555 0.31553 0.79864 0.31617 0.83771 0.78995 0.69111 0.35779 0.34359 0.36035 0.02693 0.07737 0.38644 0.67154 0.80444 0.55647 0.47252 0.02149 0.06023 0.85979 0.73547 0.0824 0.75881 0.04331 0.98804 0.34775 0.56447 0.3197 0.88115 0.30842 0.54399 0.45761 0.73726 0.38332 0.75755 0.45643 0.98591 0.55386 0.50182 0.06395 0.91019 0.01279 0.5863 0.19989 0.32443 0.84687 0.17653 0.74174 0.59237 0.14592 0.18714 0.26737 0.62616 0.32102 0.72374 0.2422 0.96529 0.59467 0.98152 0.11654 0.2772 0.47216 0.33428 0.4351 0.9007 0.22484 0.13163 0.2014 0.41049 0.34699 0.47736 0.25675 0.1078 0.97442 0.1041 0.21099 0.96727 0.44884 0.83578 0.77555 0.12824 0.58593 0.27329 0.76699 0.6612 0.2079 0.51222 0.62342 0.3051 0.07457 0.06474 0.41091 0.05932 0.36937 0.7187 0.24325 0.7792 0.17484 0.79128 0.06688 0.17655 0.9937 0.94362 0.23243 0.49708 0.63317 0.0933 0.70567 0.70074 0.20102 0.64594 0.36599 0.35944 0.56483 0.75817 0.49783 0.82961 0.9297 0.35407 0.2039 0.48891 0.9101 0.75256 0.13441 0.93667 0.92491 0.14658 0.70124 0.60123 0.99668 0.5159 0.11668 0.14734 0.70878 0.42036 0.7753 0.07649 0.5971 0.87966 0.06626 0.89119 0.59932 0.44428 0.00404
+0.79026 0.33528 0.20253 0.15707 0.33875 0.59593 0.6163 0.60491 0.47057 0.98371 0.28145 0.22777 0.20898 0.68798 0.65826 0.24512 0.03673 0.09819 0.21109 0.47945 0.2393 0.58562 0.68144 0.4265 0.2612 0.04879 0.90178 0.95565 0.51708 0.56008 0.26779 0.16969 0.14039 0.77233 0.67761 0.32608 0.41998 0.29848 0.80641 0.35109 0.87557 0.91112 0.24305 0.70854 0.19067 0.76308 0.132 0.41793 0.51431 0.56227 0.26833 0.85403 0.27911 0.57989 0.95231 0.45941 0.77715 0.75765 0.53013 0.55838 0.75916 0.9622 0.65122 0.38302 0.63048 0.20766 0.18147 0.31652 0.52632 0.58411 0.21395 0.33254 0.85097 0.41797 0.62537 0.50958 0.27744 0.08527 0.94418 0.00912 0.56108 0.9925 0.71707 0.2061 0.58815 0.52206 0.80025 0.26007 0.6705 0.64895 0.78633 0.74579 0.21347 0.475 0.00856 0.56279 0.29669 0.5275 0.39665 0.68408 0.21287 0.04434 0.09738 0.39333 0.63782 0.26759 0.71245 0.55309 0.72371 0.506 0.53793 0.5097 0.54223 0.43695 0.62213 0.55117 0.90649 0.66565 0.5625 0.39687 0.07668 0.12594 0.30598 0.04433 0.98482 0.28288 0.37326 0.6844 0.98117 0.59987 0.05695 0.51999 0.58648 0.45908 0.47683 0.47374 0.11432 0.59662 0.84097 0.00857 0.6446 0.61134 0.20989 0.4533 0.2286 0.02369 0.2031 0.28028 0.04009 0.53162 0.49421 0.08867 0.66922 0.09782 0.77921 0.37976 0.61951 0.45772 0.81802 0.72467 0.82575 0.1115 0.32833 0.38414 0.29615 0.83127 0.03973 0.78082 0.61009 0.76449 0.3255 0.57035 0.58319 0.70257 0.90164 0.75118 0.66464 0.78924 0.63337 0.91835 0.80287 0.80041 0.32737 0.58225 0.45975 0.18707 0.06173 0.80191 0.34383 0.86647 0.67868 0.0414 0.00717 0.65308 0.98692 0.7075 0.38745 0.85352 0.90621 0.96808 0.62473 0.48906 0.14268 0.42718 0.05448 0.2746 0.0631 0.03687 0.37874 0.07169 0.54274 0.91076 0.43997 0.0399 0.13031 0.8521 0.53467 0.58206 0.2926 0.18398 0.04058 0.60784 0.64435 0.13098 0.02239 0.84201 0.01327 0.65902 0.65527 0.71121 0.9045 0.897 0.08575 0.48101 0.87584 0.66656 0.66851 0.05117 0.04203 0.38985 0.68209 0.35274 0.69443 0.13713 0.62073 0.25807 0.77288 0.62586 0.79815 0.10251 0.05371 0.24384 0.45649 0.76812 0.79293 0.7973 0.33578 0.95524 0.58807 0.80381 0.30575 0.6569 0.31678 0.25346 0.45704 0.82341 0.52146 0.86363 0.63603 0.08291 0.11979 0.0275 0.54875 0.11523 0.70454 0.60426 0.76371 0.51034 0.42127 0.5585 0.80909 0.58698 0.39018 0.97554 0.29664 0.91289 0.47838 0.40126 0.64099 0.06947 0.9509 0.03902 0.04008 0.75137 0.56117 0.45641 0.28083 0.06843 0.9371 0.48706 0.00573 0.37503 0.85349 0.66906 0.09371 0.22591 0.98268 0.08158 0.58905 0.60765 0.43684 0.44037 0.09987 0.19929 0.0207 0.42947 0.49361 0.62733 0.3762 0.2828 0.51747 0.20588 0.1742 0.96532 0.45737 0.60089 0.60009 0.37484 0.11125 0.82794 0.56902 0.75423 0.84289 0.03711 0.52019 0.43279 0.71018 0.0081 0.76565 0.38604 0.51494 0.67483 0.34613 0.91229 0.21555 0.52432 0.80343 0.38624 0.958 0.5653 0.23504 0.52422 0.04153 0.25148 0.23734 0.98292 0.05568 0.63003 0.28743 0.743 0.71091 0.5776 0.06102 0.55814 0.63042 0.58666 0.65089 0.53497 0.79026 0.71811 0.84318 0.20709 0.84556 0.05486 0.10674 0.77493 0.43337 0.31754 0.06222 0.38581 0.47827 0.15824 0.8738 0.21488 0.07886 0.96122 0.73451 0.78065 0.87815 0.81066 0.11256 0.18075 0.71782 0.19617 0.75235 0.77241 0.1767 0.08671 0.32708 0.73683 0.38733 0.36568 0.49121 0.94548 0.90906 0.77344 0.10498 0.47706 0.7262 0.55288 0.55484 0.62492 0.57204 0.62299 0.9996 0.05882 0.41022 0.19561 0.45897 0.77907 0.45531 0.84994 0.3846 0.85627 0.46016 0.46018 0.71313 0.907 0.99433 0.63137 0.39698 0.4289 0.61361 0.03894 0.36619 0.52447 0.06993 0.6519 0.45949 0.53813 0.07482 0.65941 0.11045 0.65207 0.85127 0.53006 0.77804 0.17027 0.35451 0.17318 0.10047 0.01946 0.19196 0.70635 0.14711 0.99256 0.81957 0.76314 0.32115 0.37999 0.96185 0.89448 0.09388 0.58818 0.52835 0.41012 0.18336 0.32524 0.85679 0.5725 0.34557 0.21168 0.35366 0.23337 0.59403 0.38794 0.30068 0.71579 0.29725 0.22528 0.90147 0.72399 0.20079 0.40115 0.84596 0.64878 0.39638 0.54166 0.85022 0.2462 0.23325 0.17695 0.17257 0.54798 0.11844 0.54293 0.75087 0.82713 0.21593 0.61035 0.74021 0.37424 0.82733 0.87178 0.30957 0.29684 0.67954 0.93689 0.80706 0.1428 0.07708 0.45106
+0.18786 0.75996 0.2164 0.40395 0.11124 0.17662 0.82717 0.48191 0.22465 0.5145 0.35182 0.79678 0.69787 0.37662 0.81728 0.59173 0.77663 0.52538 0.36286 0.94389 0.11606 0.77955 0.70458 0.13017 0.97803 0.4534 0.43318 0.0423 0.70112 0.00797 0.62873 0.25722 0.71966 0.08238 0.58905 0.11504 0.62536 0.51346 0.23831 0.00622 0.20114 0.01532 0.77383 0.11741 0.58372 0.49008 0.83584 0.54852 0.1943 0.23776 0.16768 0.21855 0.43907 0.12099 0.75683 0.95193 0.19185 0.98462 0.05298 0.96108 0.6342 0.68389 0.99178 0.9107 0.02109 0.88326 0.12361 0.83663 0.1278 0.77267 0.81274 0.77464 0.32795 0.27647 0.18425 0.74352 0.70755 0.47141 0.16506 0.65145 0.36467 0.5713 0.58873 0.25533 0.18249 0.01981 0.00582 0.54262 0.15093 0.55495 0.71379 0.68722 0.1218 0.63201 0.12216 0.30729 0.14666 0.9601 0.94241 0.71146 0.35833 0.93764 0.23991 0.4085 0.04556 0.42841 0.32107 0.42639 0.06727 0.48134 0.56061 0.65497 0.16172 0.2977 0.41977 0.655 0.48575 0.02011 0.6924 0.53966 0.31122 0.73511 0.88056 0.43685 0.69503 0.16389 0.04938 0.28243 0.65961 0.03443 0.05888 0.58597 0.94531 0.44779 0.43194 0.50498 0.57439 0.1393 0.66029 0.75537 0.81849 0.74314 0.63013 0.51074 0.67227 0.3164 0.78191 0.80297 0.53852 0.03839 0.83258 0.49129 0.44866 0.54201 0.57088 0.2893 0.3759 0.14652 0.98895 0.19127 0.22024 0.54443 0.04925 0.51406 0.59461 0.17384 0.58315 0.28095 0.81875 0.65585 0.67218 0.80693 0.21653 0.791 0.38559 0.23191 0.99163 0.95119 0.07274 0.69147 0.85935 0.49124 0.85042 0.67416 0.30722 0.97513 0.7695 0.74681 0.3734 0.1163 0.78781 0.03153 0.7003 0.14287 0.51179 0.36864 0.90814 0.47547 0.73295 0.05243 0.60195 0.00918 0.23136 0.3794 0.89274 0.02247 0.66312 0.5717 0.3634 0.61154 0.37034 0.87845 0.31766 0.89804 0.24298 0.42503 0.53433 0.20641 0.38552 0.33633 0.08273 0.14172 0.20183 0.94591 0.18516 0.46943 0.6861 0.24837 0.17487 0.89162 0.65212 0.39038 0.63911 0.83567 0.86401 0.69544 0.77916 0.69507 0.96826 0.10083 0.9242 0.39493 0.46775 0.36889 0.09337 0.48388 0.74615 0.9331 0.93936 0.36249 0.50091 0.09 0.35111 0.5656 0.66811 0.30615 0.54518 1.0 0.5363 0.23974 0.0376 0.47415 0.70723 0.72441 0.68827 0.84357 0.3533 0.93117 0.3024 0.64541 0.54341 0.29294 0.412 0.95651 0.09293 0.68033 0.55955 0.68672 0.5333 0.70519 0.24892 0.31576 0.56979 0.39238 0.48836 0.69074 0.2042 0.98095 0.79628 0.81257 0.18337 0.32179 0.59478 0.82943 0.88478 0.93759 0.01832 0.65138 0.07001 0.50537 0.93905 0.00561 0.27984 0.69144 0.05661 0.84752 0.35514 0.95192 0.28151 0.54714 0.05661 0.01959 0.48815 0.72291 0.78212 0.31177 0.4563 0.70798 0.49828 0.29183 0.61416 0.07457 0.01523 0.06074 0.49243 0.69332 0.70121 0.4726 0.22885 0.53441 0.38512 0.45355 0.74092 0.50254 0.51275 0.96815 0.23669 0.81077 0.29593 0.09705 0.94272 0.22869 0.90229 0.25651 0.72778 0.06169 0.26041 0.15338 0.76878 0.82535 0.46948 0.71089 0.38726 0.9109 0.18763 0.56453 0.55156 0.49508 0.99145 0.25025 0.38888 0.56696 0.41427 0.11436 0.73675 0.01952 0.69389 0.35971 0.57749 0.35848 0.05561 0.9174 0.991 0.50956 0.64388 0.87322 0.92126 0.22106 0.80619 0.98771 0.45703 0.13336 0.82302 0.86137 0.12816 0.79534 0.25514 0.1017 0.188 0.92535 0.19468 0.10199 0.67638 0.38511 0.22913 0.04121 0.15135 0.68138 0.86148 0.19026 0.09339 0.2175 0.95704 0.05602 0.42569 0.73935 0.6487 0.21507 0.47916 0.16137 0.0553 0.03624 0.14217 0.0716 0.47007 0.76722 0.67377 0.71496 0.92722 0.68212 0.02227 0.0149 0.60169 0.84852 0.17112 0.18041 0.85683 0.79411 0.75687 0.55436 0.14326 0.52363 0.53735 0.74251 0.17509 0.89117 0.29757 0.01605 0.48237 0.53535 0.84961 0.00098 0.87405 0.53141 0.69918 0.1778 0.8288 0.99095 0.3898 0.5001 0.93662 0.95311 0.77947 0.62929 0.89448 0.07627 0.27903 0.26104 0.27916 0.44391 0.57039 0.29117 0.64377 0.94019 0.51772 0.53932 0.73183 0.00408 0.57348 0.81921 0.80949 0.01741 0.00203 0.44316 0.35191 0.69973 0.51408 0.15819 0.98288 0.79886 0.08093 0.27418 0.50922 0.69145 0.28597 0.38037 0.32928 0.82241 0.2591 0.51812 0.64549 0.98924 0.18729 0.52902 0.18291 0.77471 0.47933 0.83631 0.16697 0.24273 0.96993 0.72739 0.60577 0.42142 0.45899 0.87404 0.15154 0.37782 0.31063 0.85766 0.63091 0.23075
+0.42403 0.8823 0.81861 0.47815 0.06663 0.57186 0.1247 0.69549 0.44423 0.33743 0.37479 0.8201 0.31703 0.08297 0.25088 0.50731 0.13311 0.80878 0.59898 0.45457 0.73479 0.0551 0.89986 0.32562 0.76894 0.2985 0.7497 0.03583 0.09826 0.91804 0.42779 0.59606 0.27517 0.22906 0.74852 0.11307 0.21697 0.50877 0.14935 0.46604 0.23813 0.66094 0.98055 0.32783 0.14058 0.39877 0.37552 0.18659 0.13564 0.13053 0.64728 0.3134 0.33355 0.56943 0.24672 0.21079 0.89105 0.80912 0.8638 0.48332 0.90763 0.63097 0.67671 0.57298 0.9417 0.78462 0.14741 0.62804 0.51175 0.4848 0.52867 0.93101 0.3989 0.60557 0.08354 0.7195 0.03812 0.24173 0.39472 0.81435 0.83317 0.50193 0.04981 0.05567 0.23338 0.95211 0.36569 0.07688 0.05602 0.72389 0.89946 0.26354 0.62189 0.53071 0.54769 0.19715 0.39026 0.09296 0.51019 0.16375 0.09814 0.98553 0.07448 0.4629 0.47479 0.46252 0.6584 0.1278 0.38784 0.42631 0.70227 0.15404 0.95972 0.50591 0.98379 0.11158 0.99616 0.34693 0.62546 0.23363 0.92445 0.50714 0.55562 0.38732 0.30106 0.90229 0.78622 0.08069 0.82802 0.14316 0.80679 0.87194 0.87857 0.46285 0.08718 0.50642 0.02347 0.24053 0.1525 0.73777 0.99044 0.56725 0.19027 0.52078 0.26162 0.58302 0.05758 0.56094 0.71904 0.21947 0.36604 0.5767 0.47185 0.24357 0.10989 0.05613 0.88599 0.72276 0.55339 0.32591 0.43773 0.7719 0.66936 0.77473 0.54687 0.96895 0.47062 0.88328 0.78658 0.79072 0.07303 0.03281 0.70271 0.01084 0.63794 0.67565 0.33546 0.65242 0.29663 0.7152 0.27504 0.9419 0.05118 0.41631 0.00724 0.62175 0.60583 0.86591 0.1741 0.05978 0.49516 0.91816 0.10247 0.19537 0.56298 0.88146 0.24285 0.61133 0.93748 0.14884 0.84769 0.33687 0.12062 0.64339 0.38762 0.61145 0.26416 0.30391 0.17346 0.59175 0.37713 0.28757 0.52352 0.30247 0.81308 0.36633 0.9737 0.52897 0.2202 0.57485 0.28511 0.79034 0.34617 0.37806 0.97965 0.05053 0.18797 0.61168 0.62166 0.38918 0.67729 0.73371 0.06534 0.57237 0.10163 0.31402 0.84359 0.29334 0.10556 0.93558 0.50242 0.68669 0.09495 0.10839 0.35089 0.79313 0.41081 0.96795 0.94676 0.82473 0.25046 0.63854 0.92275 0.42519 0.90628 0.1692 0.55492 0.05474 0.62203 0.52176 0.78963 0.10968 0.81275 0.40881 0.66224 0.74127 0.78036 0.97516 0.29807 0.51585 0.53527 0.67862 0.66173 0.39424 0.8406 0.71816 0.78027 0.59017 0.16381 0.60336 0.70946 0.71589 0.0063 0.27784 0.45732 0.51032 0.73064 0.62219 0.72424 0.69742 0.92545 0.56169 0.82846 0.81834 0.95459 0.73568 0.0799 0.37315 0.46511 0.89004 0.45456 0.31198 0.01435 0.18006 0.72341 0.46741 0.36578 0.47767 0.52842 0.98387 0.38805 0.32149 0.1651 0.72728 0.63797 0.93412 0.40591 0.4672 0.49811 0.09811 0.71667 0.81691 0.2535 0.58371 0.98255 0.77997 0.04297 0.50159 0.04768 0.43603 0.50894 0.05081 0.66522 0.12442 0.51422 0.56775 0.15545 0.6489 0.53025 0.49794 0.43794 0.60124 0.62263 0.50646 0.91827 0.32264 0.42611 0.89976 0.19843 0.30581 0.95127 0.14983 0.95334 0.28597 0.68294 0.79156 0.99242 0.92323 0.53185 0.95014 0.81778 0.93225 0.18385 0.75648 0.61273 0.07075 0.71584 0.40277 0.75346 0.92971 0.92711 0.02188 0.3338 0.20198 0.24827 0.0179 0.8591 0.48761 0.29506 0.00576 0.68508 0.45458 0.67381 0.53563 0.48963 0.56724 0.0639 0.95239 0.28365 0.77456 0.84282 0.38607 0.42943 0.43148 0.2373 0.45298 0.88966 0.83897 0.85344 0.37745 0.05307 0.01027 0.22838 0.90898 0.18487 0.74353 0.12489 0.42225 0.41625 0.52109 0.01726 0.79144 0.61303 0.96309 0.70805 0.98286 0.40835 0.83473 0.64575 0.59088 0.64558 0.34207 0.14946 0.01911 0.27841 0.0918 0.99678 0.03303 0.95033 0.3155 0.54301 0.60167 0.28102 0.89562 0.31279 0.8308 0.6166 0.05184 0.22859 0.1211 0.30229 0.89191 0.32053 0.02254 0.59566 0.38582 0.59969 0.00631 0.52739 0.05028 0.47701 0.22837 0.27415 0.5438 0.4788 0.23857 0.52753 0.76007 0.34355 0.04301 0.65381 0.3405 0.08575 0.90651 0.35421 0.77883 0.59157 0.31153 0.64698 0.33218 0.65241 0.86098 0.74575 0.40336 0.71745 0.37843 0.38682 0.35986 0.45252 0.03266 0.8225 0.80834 0.05128 0.33705 0.66917 0.28018 0.0229 0.85449 0.81375 0.56113 0.93804 0.21687 0.11359 0.92603 0.68829 0.50782 0.76229 0.9293 0.03351 0.80008 0.97465 0.01382 0.42065 0.55027 0.89608 0.00551 0.22308 0.24602 0.60897 0.94379 0.3615 0.70058
+0.3614 0.07583 0.32258 0.30659 0.70733 0.28888 0.58944 0.67077 0.94005 0.65465 0.18103 0.15449 0.71824 0.59648 0.32211 0.05838 0.26788 0.49714 0.95437 0.9076 0.18438 0.24711 0.25436 0.03675 0.4078 0.79544 0.94592 0.96611 0.83284 0.87396 0.05138 0.4759 0.01228 0.79321 0.93992 0.50781 0.7202 0.24374 0.22105 0.30538 0.42808 0.79195 0.21961 0.53877 0.5737 0.52204 0.78994 0.12153 0.77697 0.86491 0.42515 0.81265 0.82834 0.19458 0.92408 0.05621 0.69761 0.2222 0.53325 0.5531 0.01834 0.28972 0.13982 0.1024 0.62837 0.43119 0.3821 0.20182 0.41391 0.28564 0.09969 0.41861 0.93079 0.99664 0.346 0.65265 0.34845 0.19219 0.94308 0.6121 0.77482 0.10535 0.82396 0.91302 0.00587 0.76173 0.82407 0.40278 0.97374 0.3839 0.63294 0.92755 0.75261 0.81605 0.41667 0.89816 0.91527 0.54266 0.18611 0.85031 0.72446 0.5334 0.15573 0.5071 0.56642 0.87213 0.39905 0.6784 0.499 0.57953 0.86115 0.08148 0.18929 0.17577 0.21566 0.18738 0.36649 0.7192 0.57223 0.76073 0.42521 0.40139 0.73129 0.7849 0.82788 0.26669 0.05657 0.89018 0.1122 0.71249 0.7524 0.61358 0.24573 0.81921 0.62805 0.247 0.58583 0.82593 0.73967 0.18751 0.87023 0.91776 0.39991 0.20869 0.88856 0.43811 0.08537 0.7071 0.70432 0.83697 0.51891 0.23505 0.92418 0.78079 0.07226 0.59152 0.00978 0.52579 0.33592 0.10311 0.86818 0.65997 0.93071 0.7412 0.8361 0.59826 0.76839 0.55541 0.24394 0.26674 0.09379 0.45353 0.81567 0.87395 0.09117 0.73255 0.96826 0.35293 0.2035 0.16863 0.27382 0.1138 0.76675 0.6071 0.46449 0.07962 0.5565 0.76158 0.15738 0.22963 0.17805 0.63186 0.91628 0.61349 0.15996 0.12878 0.63049 0.80617 0.17852 0.24816 0.57727 0.39084 0.21778 0.96943 0.7217 0.60834 0.7912 0.70649 0.94009 0.68715 0.03879 0.84754 0.81694 0.11759 0.11869 0.68045 0.2176 0.50888 0.76169 0.36534 0.24043 0.86587 0.89 0.41727 0.44137 0.28155 0.45976 0.37557 0.3485 0.33325 0.63171 0.55642 0.07524 0.45317 0.54663 0.81248 0.28039 0.70578 0.63918 0.8673 0.55099 0.72918 0.48478 0.48877 0.50896 0.26749 0.2356 0.20617 0.84904 0.91922 0.83799 0.7062 0.48194 0.17093 0.85306 0.51504 0.67766 0.85454 0.38628 0.04751 0.2252 0.02976 0.21811 0.11287 0.68648 0.04035 0.62358 0.12772 0.72288 0.32733 0.22078 0.92372 0.09197 0.5664 0.9916 0.14037 0.58937 0.88768 0.83145 0.34088 0.49746 0.94884 0.25671 0.152 0.95017 0.29097 0.93039 0.92295 0.2014 0.0012 0.60403 0.96861 0.09662 0.44766 0.90731 0.95462 0.37503 0.45447 0.82214 0.11959 0.12966 0.72922 0.52793 0.48429 0.6746 0.1064 0.11103 0.22835 0.48384 0.8464 0.12878 0.76483 0.08368 0.33147 0.50454 0.36356 0.44093 0.31993 0.56642 0.92975 0.47636 0.89649 0.34295 0.39546 0.59773 0.98401 0.86092 0.44962 0.94658 0.30597 0.33691 0.63642 0.88846 0.05614 0.47411 0.95832 0.9196 0.81331 0.47569 0.53292 0.84216 0.27745 0.57077 0.11275 0.76518 0.58642 0.37822 0.23136 0.80613 0.48422 0.04326 0.41924 0.65607 0.93104 0.93489 0.41139 0.77014 0.06515 0.85705 0.79372 0.82319 0.64552 0.10959 0.57474 0.50014 0.09474 0.67596 0.42538 0.38926 0.52706 0.01193 0.58426 0.26417 0.8323 0.02092 0.36392 0.40611 0.8716 0.31091 0.78941 0.2038 0.3183 0.56681 0.6193 0.98471 0.12722 0.0546 0.26206 0.39574 0.24348 0.43812 0.18286 0.65797 0.35815 0.17747 0.62021 0.59799 0.67854 0.89876 0.42211 0.28373 0.18447 0.61937 0.90801 0.81644 0.07641 0.49301 0.67601 0.18425 0.06028 0.22167 0.24176 0.05901 0.39851 0.16432 0.12346 0.26324 0.30219 0.55088 0.1074 0.80364 0.83238 0.74964 0.04807 0.66988 0.23255 0.39523 0.91363 0.71811 0.04318 0.65074 0.28695 0.36745 0.06392 0.71656 0.30379 0.26838 0.50516 0.80116 0.17723 0.60908 0.41655 0.50947 0.0546 0.09503 0.97909 0.33394 0.32877 0.81641 0.25524 0.50096 0.96053 0.10591 0.57031 0.62712 0.63117 0.11847 0.0704 0.7345 0.37028 0.14316 0.7048 0.0697 0.81392 0.24002 0.29854 0.39545 0.31353 0.96922 0.93163 0.87974 0.10185 0.20775 0.39295 0.99539 0.3394 0.99599 0.77476 0.22078 0.81765 0.21796 0.20424 0.54262 0.72447 0.07184 0.63561 0.83094 0.4307 0.38108 0.73308 0.69855 0.70633 0.0427 0.2235 0.44707 0.59653 0.09039 0.32797 0.39381 0.32231 0.2419 0.77937 0.06116 0.17727 0.67114 0.7968 0.73499 0.42098 0.3991 0.06925 0.85033 0.05882
+0.79531 0.62197 0.3345 0.07753 0.60373 0.46609 0.53797 0.3177 0.65617 0.95653 0.54338 0.82487 0.14161 0.34133 0.31164 0.75398 0.92775 0.84723 0.10625 0.89726 0.37804 0.42709 0.38053 0.19444 0.74721 0.31315 0.29829 0.54502 0.16413 0.83167 0.63775 0.35329 0.26462 0.26077 0.60409 0.11366 0.5942 0.05097 0.04856 0.74037 0.49852 0.70292 0.8294 0.38217 0.2767 0.40792 0.73723 0.69419 0.49786 0.20829 0.85636 0.60034 0.71564 0.03031 0.39701 0.38168 0.40957 0.90471 0.00557 0.81067 0.95144 0.78181 0.65519 0.34034 0.35724 0.23034 0.87894 0.7144 0.74946 0.57207 0.37964 0.32985 0.28075 0.62962 0.57115 0.70627 0.8293 0.35672 0.47349 0.1559 0.20602 0.96519 0.91612 0.10846 0.55509 0.06891 0.24973 0.54042 0.56276 0.92334 0.04374 0.82858 0.22109 0.63229 0.41601 0.88343 0.49202 0.53479 0.89104 0.27439 0.47074 0.13316 0.76202 0.70548 0.36305 0.62114 0.0089 0.50845 0.86212 0.54457 0.55645 0.50608 0.98076 0.92387 0.11719 0.51332 0.04274 0.15694 0.22951 0.98696 0.30291 0.68464 0.95861 0.66097 0.66706 0.81837 0.61441 0.88429 0.45443 0.40688 0.64728 0.88991 0.02246 0.72914 0.73281 0.42163 0.0908 0.2905 0.23577 0.37297 0.65788 0.66194 0.50498 0.6026 0.21079 0.37051 0.46069 0.43478 0.37571 0.27934 0.81108 0.41787 0.27419 0.92433 0.64328 0.90037 0.51949 0.65651 0.02299 0.03353 0.40612 0.57199 0.15195 0.80223 0.13592 0.11309 0.13429 0.30129 0.75104 0.34897 0.70114 0.48916 0.88385 0.61318 0.32075 0.3625 0.47862 0.47461 0.73045 0.38713 0.27677 0.3122 0.81391 0.46572 0.60862 0.4875 0.63559 0.76723 0.22634 0.95388 0.27661 0.63839 0.79356 0.24331 0.4231 0.0718 0.20717 0.30873 0.62034 0.40782 0.44684 0.62155 0.5095 0.67564 0.80004 0.82034 0.59552 0.82144 0.59797 0.95805 0.05699 0.45015 0.1917 0.32677 0.48481 0.01736 0.07097 0.68358 0.57298 0.51706 0.59742 0.25531 0.10899 0.09723 0.83414 0.56553 0.11851 0.52072 0.64835 0.54488 0.50806 0.54279 0.84252 0.41555 0.31062 0.22816 0.98879 0.75699 0.12824 0.46691 0.97611 0.86539 0.41342 0.3352 0.17253 0.72226 0.98469 0.95907 0.56134 0.79549 0.85611 0.08875 0.40674 0.96869 0.08023 0.35687 0.11104 0.65657 0.13803 0.29875 0.30224 0.02432 0.81008 0.30811 0.08678 0.57119 0.26352 0.64471 0.89536 0.69234 0.60507 0.09961 0.587 0.7243 0.85542 0.78541 0.1857 0.29764 0.75223 0.73228 0.31604 0.0011 0.76911 0.86325 0.06572 0.79728 0.126 0.00356 0.11429 0.8321 0.26022 0.53784 0.23925 0.15858 0.85787 0.61929 0.92825 0.87286 0.90181 0.44545 0.67781 0.66838 0.6847 0.20831 0.23681 0.7133 0.21816 0.1718 0.18891 0.27895 0.65528 0.19438 0.49094 0.02491 0.83965 0.54863 0.83123 0.78413 0.93252 0.81579 0.56403 0.05368 0.59006 0.72742 0.58246 0.95142 0.79569 0.6255 0.54952 0.47613 0.99629 0.48454 0.98049 0.34527 0.84588 0.18676 0.72332 0.63947 0.2742 0.86561 0.27079 0.70276 0.08176 0.6625 0.30161 0.4864 0.15519 0.17883 0.03171 0.9802 0.91346 0.28383 0.10955 0.17085 0.53971 0.07518 0.68312 0.08067 0.72362 0.71988 0.18898 0.25841 0.77106 0.00258 0.61787 0.86796 0.33848 0.56612 0.44163 0.04257 0.51017 0.36063 0.75686 0.20944 0.08534 0.50577 0.39555 0.91329 0.23396 0.27794 0.41033 0.26685 0.35527 0.02126 0.29096 0.38554 0.58087 0.88469 0.62726 0.17998 0.50702 0.44862 0.36671 0.41581 0.04146 0.85762 0.6206 0.16629 0.86828 0.55329 0.84806 0.30623 0.8622 0.23454 0.1449 0.93217 0.77255 0.05269 0.74554 0.57503 0.05035 0.62614 0.39119 0.20111 0.89203 0.63991 0.72473 0.39901 0.84918 0.9392 0.80003 0.45263 0.8076 0.96395 0.69665 0.14384 0.67974 0.85798 0.54537 0.03078 0.672 0.16796 0.36575 0.47116 0.85262 0.64117 0.11726 0.56898 0.97655 0.90771 0.71956 0.13146 0.98318 0.3422 0.34802 0.59264 0.71749 0.2612 0.25614 0.6698 0.99711 0.10249 0.20266 0.20168 0.21586 0.48595 0.97242 0.21587 0.71665 0.01292 0.66441 0.54988 0.10037 0.13634 0.17981 0.30803 0.42547 0.49091 0.68881 0.84004 0.71403 0.89206 0.99993 0.19876 0.97347 0.36317 0.00366 0.00414 0.69499 0.25504 0.40417 0.64123 0.37519 0.09273 0.9396 0.01102 0.41634 0.7243 0.90019 0.51787 0.24581 0.40042 0.79563 0.12878 0.55108 0.07394 0.39129 0.00226 0.58583 0.26262 0.25658 0.49516 0.68973 0.66187 0.97447 0.43588 0.77007 0.56131 0.92644 0.48794 0.0824 0.3266
+0.59777 0.52888 0.29252 0.62181 0.72013 0.07325 0.36281 0.73197 0.4155 0.56077 0.58553 0.82304 0.4195 0.76527 0.01818 0.71272 0.09186 0.9047 0.09367 0.74198 0.74958 0.71832 0.94785 0.82191 0.94867 0.1493 0.88622 0.65902 0.73033 0.80258 0.60345 0.74831 0.74252 0.989 0.77234 0.98629 0.75642 0.77884 0.92692 0.58884 0.91794 0.22108 0.93299 0.63512 0.10445 0.28468 0.23539 0.55978 0.54403 0.43666 0.21683 0.3182 0.31175 0.16089 0.53569 0.28578 0.15448 0.74472 0.93857 0.22961 0.90404 0.91655 0.37362 0.44574 0.24763 0.10611 0.97824 0.71841 0.76952 0.72633 0.77188 0.7454 0.15123 0.68217 0.2583 0.8305 0.34001 0.44085 0.93211 0.96953 0.91316 0.66689 0.43365 0.4349 0.69303 0.86969 0.15642 0.98306 0.62747 0.35388 0.20088 0.03402 0.15351 0.70425 0.18543 0.32105 0.68875 0.68067 0.73353 0.96141 0.53917 0.22712 0.00902 0.26817 0.55169 0.72275 0.24263 0.28707 0.43586 0.02111 0.86389 0.90797 0.40334 0.16518 0.80631 0.66636 0.63791 0.29292 0.23697 0.24365 0.42461 0.25559 0.81992 0.98203 0.05909 0.36872 0.35972 0.04897 0.66965 0.94659 0.38548 0.50256 0.43077 0.48317 0.08724 0.05316 0.58779 0.26388 0.3375 0.85107 0.98013 0.24214 0.11279 0.63834 0.90808 0.78226 0.26486 0.36099 0.46645 0.6469 0.14967 0.36263 0.00818 0.08608 0.49025 0.73383 0.02831 0.88712 0.49154 0.04222 0.07621 0.4533 0.59211 0.12203 0.56849 0.27155 0.4812 0.05285 0.00232 0.25457 0.64445 0.22627 0.16972 0.32924 0.13987 0.6285 0.78451 0.2198 0.28979 0.02835 0.02263 0.37621 0.81731 0.14981 0.91024 0.1663 0.40769 0.22488 0.02935 0.81072 0.57262 0.38543 0.41421 0.79854 0.70169 0.18277 0.17603 0.60864 0.0708 0.87557 0.07102 0.17169 0.80819 0.4675 0.15579 0.77455 0.74221 0.55692 0.87211 0.94082 0.57961 0.55038 0.56986 0.46892 0.04475 0.11033 0.6424 0.72517 0.14266 0.02347 0.89651 0.53745 0.09408 0.87004 0.44924 0.86873 0.58524 0.69039 0.12405 0.18594 0.85431 0.32482 0.21332 0.22016 0.9044 0.60401 0.73248 0.01975 0.43206 0.68013 0.50082 0.31519 0.91875 0.36172 0.79581 0.45334 0.1769 0.9113 0.73513 0.4782 0.30501 0.31352 0.10789 0.20149 0.88547 0.48748 0.87303 0.21078 0.08137 0.83104 0.58291 0.71512 0.24024 0.89909 0.17295 0.9744 0.05299 0.71905 0.60555 0.79817 0.3192 0.55033 0.61037 0.81554 0.00877 0.73632 0.38848 0.19329 0.61774 0.75322 0.00345 0.72163 0.3455 0.10989 0.89156 0.86898 0.03735 0.9428 0.82919 0.23534 0.8762 0.74621 0.05373 0.59369 0.12407 0.81915 0.99666 0.92705 0.59422 0.82768 0.38743 0.95451 0.14307 0.29685 0.14908 0.07411 0.0976 0.51823 0.03906 0.28175 0.00488 0.97874 0.10113 0.9456 0.28938 0.77998 0.10885 0.59653 0.67966 0.14266 0.85566 0.36163 0.86669 0.44303 0.52033 0.04525 0.11401 0.47422 0.73574 0.42509 0.42026 0.8588 0.94951 0.55808 0.92215 0.53495 0.02795 0.96658 0.81698 0.90836 0.50968 0.27342 0.71392 0.19093 0.72876 0.80328 0.49235 0.54563 0.12007 0.48061 0.42904 0.85086 0.62739 0.03569 0.99175 0.07783 0.90959 0.04749 0.98542 0.35311 0.72509 0.19117 0.47495 0.21409 0.80335 0.79771 0.98429 0.17939 0.09927 0.31409 0.01274 0.90855 0.0639 0.58304 0.1907 0.62667 0.03008 0.04954 0.77663 0.07144 0.19378 0.42097 0.213 0.26609 0.6673 0.4606 0.9097 0.5277 0.40337 0.52663 0.56914 0.61359 0.77892 0.67744 0.28679 0.62771 0.89798 0.17807 0.27225 0.03033 0.73974 0.25602 0.39223 0.63795 0.11116 0.7737 0.71404 0.8462 0.41094 0.35523 0.95762 0.10376 0.34395 0.05469 0.93477 0.98603 0.62402 0.81035 0.11484 0.36065 0.17406 0.02712 0.9194 0.09062 0.80586 0.71532 0.77546 0.61552 0.36808 0.80888 0.35292 0.22252 0.25024 0.97226 0.26745 0.68419 0.26619 0.33262 0.94841 0.20237 0.3965 0.83737 0.73744 0.68052 0.44758 0.85334 0.52135 0.43993 0.14695 0.17175 0.77594 0.85572 0.98334 0.87829 0.66923 0.85749 0.36692 0.53385 0.08084 0.51268 0.19624 0.46217 0.25661 0.34215 0.68129 0.47449 0.2149 0.99888 0.28961 0.33131 0.25666 0.06915 0.17703 0.97132 0.24953 0.92127 0.60511 0.74951 0.28743 0.67052 0.8841 0.33839 0.55587 0.81956 0.36357 0.54107 0.90221 0.30805 0.01771 0.90058 0.43541 0.80302 0.07236 0.49541 0.92373 0.62208 0.73755 0.76755 0.85036 0.59328 0.60697 0.68174 0.5756 0.70976 0.61947 0.6632 0.50906 0.80561 0.55831 0.62763 0.60026 0.65724
+0.66676 0.51344 0.84187 0.28341 0.16802 0.71251 0.48204 0.62246 0.10646 0.0164 0.40849 0.8946 0.8994 0.21852 0.49523 0.94128 0.77214 0.23319 0.97275 0.66259 0.68435 0.73674 0.78026 0.96988 0.95331 0.93437 0.13034 0.29902 0.54319 0.33338 0.27278 0.21246 0.34524 0.81096 0.40828 0.42004 0.72109 0.2176 0.35804 0.90453 0.65178 0.79004 0.65602 0.44199 0.38634 0.94805 0.92911 0.46978 0.0262 0.06967 0.29138 0.61975 0.09184 0.82447 0.98758 0.73621 0.71701 0.34878 0.22401 0.23628 0.9594 0.12679 0.76811 0.9079 0.16464 0.06979 0.9083 0.35186 0.21128 0.60388 0.54799 0.58575 0.26966 0.41682 0.51636 0.77687 0.16896 0.69719 0.88982 0.70571 0.3098 0.65678 0.75915 0.67717 0.29236 0.22274 0.3684 0.06453 0.33655 0.37612 0.01952 0.34253 0.2469 0.16024 0.8291 0.94213 0.06913 0.3752 0.01738 0.3815 0.45633 0.17027 0.71687 0.92005 0.23192 0.78196 0.61953 0.60813 0.15391 0.65115 0.46563 0.9256 0.95376 0.66518 0.91502 0.87467 0.65901 0.16943 0.9809 0.92494 0.55053 0.23236 0.40633 0.36775 0.55855 0.42711 0.85993 0.11923 0.79469 0.06382 0.74357 0.38764 0.73791 0.69104 0.95217 0.40205 0.35425 0.02197 0.62808 0.45139 0.35411 0.89067 0.50376 0.05824 0.17448 0.58555 0.00145 0.70079 0.69905 0.03002 0.15621 0.86392 0.50183 0.5357 0.46761 0.94351 0.71723 0.50541 0.08551 0.68378 0.73984 0.52993 0.59677 0.18361 0.76401 0.12107 0.52899 0.25092 0.1664 0.84214 0.30839 0.16103 0.04776 0.09017 0.41725 0.61904 0.55684 0.20663 0.86946 0.26595 0.19666 0.44992 0.54641 0.58517 0.2561 0.12727 0.0101 0.90799 0.61697 0.49353 0.61389 0.95027 0.29416 0.35989 0.70757 0.70656 0.64229 0.5144 0.41915 0.15563 0.47425 0.71001 0.8912 0.93719 0.64773 0.61633 0.47897 0.37986 0.36775 0.51358 0.44937 0.27631 0.80271 0.59234 0.91354 0.46283 0.89309 0.27204 0.79841 0.67304 0.39097 0.61201 0.45943 0.18454 0.25976 0.09374 0.32637 0.72185 0.28525 0.88124 0.24163 0.57973 0.56142 0.95017 0.79306 0.77381 0.70451 0.26187 0.96005 0.0031 0.73482 0.16201 0.03441 0.3073 0.53008 0.23489 0.38594 0.65352 0.24396 0.92003 0.48502 0.26803 0.10811 0.52909 0.99408 0.68356 0.86281 0.81124 0.12285 0.83906 0.61726 0.61666 0.14533 0.42704 0.80567 0.66936 0.33581 0.76051 0.53674 0.27413 0.70758 0.6864 0.73372 0.48769 0.62455 0.59495 0.04884 0.19034 0.51992 0.74261 0.05388 0.00426 0.62736 0.62683 0.46415 0.17685 0.57368 0.01782 0.68865 0.41688 0.80289 0.88703 0.90042 0.82901 0.75028 0.93401 0.05197 0.12667 0.13976 0.17754 0.87659 0.4614 0.50338 0.13988 0.10751 0.52635 0.80586 0.49978 0.91309 0.95789 0.48753 0.64955 0.97883 0.29272 0.72034 0.80378 0.44742 0.06517 0.96865 0.77562 0.48283 0.26917 0.82626 0.69083 0.35896 0.71122 0.35281 0.95334 0.97033 0.42697 0.3019 0.77536 0.425 0.05354 0.58526 0.25468 0.41469 0.02176 0.5997 0.75686 0.04277 0.28408 0.27923 0.33043 0.10066 0.48402 0.50562 0.32536 0.43549 0.05549 0.65497 0.71339 0.12236 0.24551 0.43781 0.07086 0.74206 0.20597 0.09551 0.62501 0.17498 0.87898 0.26283 0.8627 0.5061 0.42099 0.94616 0.06124 0.62879 0.7984 0.71625 0.10841 0.06021 0.06457 0.50631 0.49651 0.38952 0.71878 0.7864 0.93934 0.64331 0.60278 0.33108 0.0301 0.11505 0.76957 0.92465 0.23339 0.89642 0.67595 0.06715 0.24581 0.36203 0.57336 0.73067 0.65324 0.87128 0.96111 0.55424 0.14958 0.32915 0.94286 0.18666 0.98014 0.82042 0.47107 0.05771 0.03737 0.4698 0.25916 0.7459 0.13082 0.16786 0.46208 0.52113 0.78419 0.56953 0.89187 0.41391 0.80909 0.77092 0.41697 0.74368 0.62108 0.28626 0.84589 0.09684 0.97375 0.04825 0.0276 0.13969 0.33827 0.72083 0.60876 0.68291 0.71023 0.57207 0.665 0.25785 0.16808 0.14387 0.51303 0.13556 0.57802 0.06992 0.20951 0.61235 0.09786 0.32583 0.72573 0.97914 0.44912 0.10449 0.31632 0.03986 0.27255 0.28237 0.1487 0.96243 0.7769 0.89015 0.66336 0.73256 0.76134 0.69191 0.75662 0.13054 0.82665 0.79629 0.70421 0.1351 0.36455 0.1256 0.62678 0.40368 0.50452 0.30627 0.47925 0.66249 0.77436 0.6813 0.9817 0.12159 0.89832 0.7084 0.17486 0.9244 0.28226 0.07816 0.70942 0.71357 0.95362 0.11973 0.60474 0.18024 0.75395 0.81205 0.88063 0.45803 0.69948 0.94205 0.74662 0.88801 0.91037 0.33839 0.95794 0.85513 0.79773 0.19539 0.52286 0.03007 0.95608
+0.30913 0.49832 0.42183 0.07734 0.5798 0.54667 0.78964 0.98596 0.54985 0.25393 0.99739 0.32551 0.6023 0.98499 0.80001 0.9148 0.99242 0.51557 0.45314 0.95526 0.55567 0.25449 0.49114 0.6322 0.164 0.41212 0.61763 0.43482 0.9647 0.74768 0.97787 0.64894 0.36334 0.96519 0.96371 0.03269 0.56273 0.21993 0.73814 0.10786 0.93369 0.27272 0.7956 0.80596 0.40927 0.60313 0.09422 0.80984 0.25327 0.60421 0.44871 0.22002 0.25754 0.74406 0.61513 0.63723 0.4906 0.38025 0.74079 0.14078 0.34327 0.12831 0.0565 0.29456 0.86975 0.90603 0.76746 0.31238 0.82392 0.2843 0.9091 0.18227 0.11458 0.51063 0.72419 0.32013 0.17009 0.92084 0.93837 0.55053 0.44179 0.78481 0.48315 0.00715 0.84776 0.74062 0.80916 0.23209 0.38419 0.242 0.58559 0.02976 0.57136 0.35561 0.46463 0.56401 0.31673 0.07529 0.33004 0.53036 0.72625 0.27008 0.74231 0.09213 0.31501 0.97318 0.3842 0.9443 0.57647 0.23048 0.01974 0.19337 0.55114 0.07886 0.09511 0.36397 0.00844 0.75263 0.34434 0.719 0.80011 0.99799 0.62226 0.19686 0.45676 0.37453 0.32622 0.3293 0.58876 0.93722 0.88884 0.4108 0.21779 0.03563 0.87477 0.65716 0.53232 0.60789 0.55418 0.88455 0.80637 0.63713 0.41352 0.52498 0.60845 0.50234 0.5685 0.65049 0.82125 0.00791 0.61959 0.50785 0.08948 0.46576 0.32095 0.50358 0.74932 0.10104 0.16784 0.37091 0.14613 0.83589 0.7041 0.50213 0.18468 0.59697 0.24248 0.01136 0.16766 0.11527 0.05185 0.58605 0.5211 0.53504 0.7041 0.6231 0.1984 0.07042 0.44686 0.36781 0.44165 0.65041 0.05536 0.03045 0.80676 0.50815 0.06593 0.45828 0.42652 0.7909 0.4123 0.29318 0.66186 0.19343 0.69056 0.74526 0.94525 0.42976 0.30771 0.05588 0.09504 0.64301 0.33239 0.20396 0.47406 0.5127 0.08378 0.83045 0.8003 0.5136 0.65893 0.85492 0.21406 0.29202 0.22006 0.1419 0.54987 0.74378 0.00811 0.48784 0.63624 0.70916 0.80042 0.00818 0.07392 0.85583 0.16142 0.66342 0.45691 0.94622 0.42788 0.90011 0.21855 0.23477 0.31029 0.22575 0.62722 0.22846 0.5372 0.15092 0.24337 0.32637 0.77289 0.41494 0.77551 0.75764 0.27088 0.37133 0.36079 0.18574 0.7561 0.47553 0.46499 0.78892 0.3942 0.83368 0.16821 0.64117 0.5455 0.28659 0.74486 0.23387 0.14275 0.53174 0.01172 0.74565 0.98555 0.98233 0.23889 0.20685 0.56763 0.68857 0.34066 0.8623 0.85901 0.45828 0.61284 0.72044 0.29581 0.4008 0.1687 0.14751 0.99679 0.473 0.295 0.98426 0.76586 0.92024 0.52173 0.01762 0.67444 0.24461 0.76678 0.92257 0.99785 0.82686 0.66144 0.77071 0.55054 0.00687 0.05905 0.89926 0.15013 0.7708 0.46951 0.31513 0.56262 0.38347 0.52733 0.30074 0.36897 0.88676 0.95357 0.80105 0.92284 0.48872 0.03167 0.87309 0.0743 0.22899 0.33814 0.84417 0.72639 0.68989 0.24893 0.51391 0.39389 0.38144 0.83212 0.36331 0.15661 0.01214 0.08785 0.64259 0.25608 0.42353 0.85277 0.61081 0.25187 0.97166 0.92138 0.01847 0.47043 0.87338 0.57454 0.63181 0.35673 0.3788 0.45369 0.45617 0.84186 0.57699 0.27115 0.08709 0.35254 0.1104 0.65249 0.42198 0.05941 0.13894 0.49518 0.99962 0.66894 0.69285 0.1112 0.19422 0.25098 0.70291 0.81392 0.54051 0.48525 0.6546 0.39344 0.8162 0.3992 0.57075 0.01491 0.9349 0.16796 0.48925 0.18033 0.05429 0.74633 0.49868 0.70208 0.07734 0.15852 0.77647 0.24999 0.53278 0.14299 0.56395 0.2967 0.99526 0.53731 0.3085 0.59047 0.73831 0.8447 0.04417 0.39727 0.85222 0.69494 0.78921 0.91927 0.15495 0.0535 0.77978 0.21521 0.30707 0.71869 0.34564 0.75651 0.66095 0.33175 0.79078 0.23575 0.34882 0.83812 0.47165 0.87574 0.14921 0.16822 0.14667 0.6714 0.46742 0.08679 0.5402 0.96625 0.7342 0.31963 0.63164 0.94256 0.44236 0.18357 0.63066 0.26584 0.30621 0.51643 0.53119 0.67431 0.7851 0.54418 0.98758 0.17733 0.8664 0.22083 0.3862 0.70129 0.94709 0.70598 0.58317 0.83169 0.58124 0.27404 0.38718 0.59516 0.57114 0.36518 0.26488 0.65704 0.4425 0.52511 0.22286 0.8 0.80029 0.16242 0.43537 0.60799 0.6484 0.3013 0.14052 0.29147 0.62965 0.54613 0.2987 0.57721 0.62778 0.10428 0.91323 0.59705 0.15459 0.85336 0.98838 0.77104 0.15072 0.12172 0.2033 0.94374 0.94156 0.23403 0.1935 0.52808 0.14546 0.06082 0.24829 0.1942 0.22102 0.35619 0.93918 0.58633 0.75918 0.42181 0.30388 0.04056 0.17004 0.41827 0.46447 0.40277 0.38668 0.00319 0.40427
+0.55569 0.8052 0.06482 0.82383 0.45264 0.52633 0.10581 0.58971 0.17931 0.09877 0.8034 0.48595 0.25188 0.91971 0.77985 0.22996 0.56944 0.29399 0.25616 0.18966 0.60276 0.08247 0.20948 0.89792 0.72696 0.37993 0.51067 0.9037 0.08024 0.80572 0.52296 0.95252 0.17104 0.97131 0.10695 0.26735 0.07935 0.5728 0.16788 0.09119 0.55706 0.86305 0.01614 0.41842 0.53248 0.07582 0.79304 0.91674 0.06976 0.93138 0.2041 0.46087 0.8695 0.41721 0.94828 0.74498 0.15652 0.26093 0.99103 0.46782 0.01038 0.97275 0.43174 0.15892 0.89223 0.75045 0.61972 0.57378 0.15833 0.32303 0.63649 0.10067 0.31452 0.72332 0.42199 0.81777 0.1605 0.00516 0.03977 0.73018 0.23575 0.52393 0.26237 0.65293 0.26254 0.2384 0.88065 0.11099 0.53656 0.72114 0.51037 0.90839 0.69698 0.10913 0.03099 0.29942 0.74938 0.55201 0.93207 0.11518 0.21936 0.50332 0.67797 0.81935 0.83594 0.90877 0.25668 0.81669 0.98927 0.88125 0.21885 0.89269 0.64414 0.3939 0.65163 0.36401 0.97268 0.94746 0.79722 0.37498 0.17674 0.20792 0.90601 0.16229 0.67256 0.19521 0.93128 0.82467 0.6756 0.27524 0.57371 0.36955 0.71628 0.05371 0.11103 0.53834 0.2789 0.85534 0.28392 0.0176 0.02976 0.48856 0.87758 0.45196 0.8398 0.11474 0.56121 0.06714 0.88139 0.58723 0.82306 0.6719 0.06166 0.5312 0.25034 0.23391 0.8938 0.03282 0.16138 0.67299 0.67483 0.61361 0.01919 0.87806 0.84856 0.40516 0.4874 0.91368 0.06324 0.67796 0.15865 0.97791 0.04769 0.46213 0.33177 0.04391 0.83686 0.7373 0.93377 0.20159 0.53846 0.9976 0.10952 0.27921 0.74322 0.99365 0.96895 0.58094 0.55348 0.08109 0.4867 0.59488 0.43138 0.60649 0.63066 0.04587 0.84466 0.52691 0.38536 0.56823 0.15201 0.88126 0.73379 0.81768 0.64424 0.40703 0.94358 0.69266 0.29459 0.1373 0.5043 0.459 0.10249 0.73707 0.62304 0.98314 0.38687 0.29739 0.31992 0.67438 0.36209 0.22882 0.23828 0.65478 0.55132 0.30736 0.05381 0.52815 0.23108 0.53107 0.39288 0.56829 0.06896 0.46251 0.7324 0.38451 0.26412 0.6041 0.23314 0.36188 0.75764 0.4486 0.49728 0.53026 0.9407 0.12473 0.36398 0.36435 0.63168 0.78262 0.98134 0.19004 0.64639 0.57151 0.29993 0.19542 0.25674 0.63298 0.1801 0.88461 0.19319 0.3083 0.88316 0.42289 0.15788 0.20865 0.28192 0.08784 0.25061 0.68224 0.97692 0.91129 0.04873 0.89274 0.19718 0.26028 0.75625 0.96222 0.14975 0.74903 0.94915 0.41974 0.98581 0.53205 0.43016 0.74038 0.11863 0.8787 0.53226 0.99591 0.93322 0.90747 0.95379 0.14196 0.66736 0.61057 0.48109 0.29507 0.8882 0.75388 0.80099 0.53991 0.99371 0.24526 0.90953 0.19881 0.85427 0.96863 0.23491 0.59452 0.83313 0.77761 0.24991 0.99128 0.98954 0.06766 0.96297 0.72982 0.27915 0.64563 0.72323 0.21619 0.97866 0.45149 0.35737 0.29163 0.18408 0.19117 0.38233 0.5823 0.61528 0.1802 0.70822 0.26412 0.59622 0.05866 0.52959 0.75595 0.10172 0.85375 0.74257 0.09954 0.77269 0.3868 0.84277 0.36172 0.28115 0.69713 0.76778 0.93384 0.57574 0.67123 0.00678 0.51948 0.59241 0.58465 0.80343 0.55288 0.22167 0.31009 0.52056 0.08102 0.73409 0.05727 0.96393 0.86961 0.12668 0.95127 0.6207 0.11459 0.45507 0.27464 0.5701 0.9086 0.63674 0.62104 0.28643 0.11064 0.98323 0.67419 0.30072 0.01397 0.14018 0.52837 0.38017 0.89362 0.89956 0.29118 0.72955 0.81401 0.80184 0.8492 0.34146 0.82819 0.69103 0.13318 0.78355 0.99791 0.56686 0.34996 0.53738 0.46611 0.51895 0.76496 0.82357 0.47538 0.73878 0.88954 0.75716 0.96081 0.19376 0.88913 0.05053 0.16108 0.92394 0.35949 0.72597 0.36178 0.15797 0.04258 0.76988 0.46514 0.77773 0.28686 0.73806 0.78516 0.29773 0.47784 0.49092 0.64425 0.06228 0.63397 0.1501 0.02226 0.38331 0.40096 0.27735 0.82475 0.08241 0.44 0.72211 0.50437 0.17677 0.67901 0.06991 0.7464 0.18398 0.31005 0.1117 0.37228 0.64846 0.56398 0.32318 0.75165 0.79102 0.44176 0.88381 0.72381 0.04625 0.84272 0.91557 0.37249 0.55361 0.92991 0.16915 0.58495 0.15358 0.86081 0.56843 0.60176 0.18536 0.93407 0.43741 0.69549 0.54336 0.95506 0.00613 0.27758 0.87211 0.53339 0.55886 0.83312 0.74422 0.97692 0.35191 0.17692 0.48545 0.08735 0.92265 0.07963 0.12431 0.50007 0.0585 0.06034 0.69882 0.87474 0.31923 0.25238 0.34357 0.52027 0.36565 0.86652 0.71145 0.20049 0.15769 0.82221 0.10607 0.35157 0.04465 0.6926 0.9059 0.3782
+0.47039 0.67107 0.11397 0.1826 0.90329 0.67679 0.02486 0.62072 0.0219 0.21084 0.91752 0.17045 0.18357 0.68092 0.19527 0.32091 0.33017 0.74333 0.95968 0.65793 0.76117 0.37527 0.19798 0.35479 0.27331 0.59991 0.2883 0.44769 0.51613 0.39856 0.62616 0.47669 0.54109 0.62287 0.11927 0.91797 0.61004 0.54904 0.57752 0.9333 0.41235 0.34359 0.18588 0.25141 0.01065 0.34515 0.76913 0.07306 0.93649 0.88834 0.81728 0.00723 0.54048 0.36635 0.82139 0.35818 0.93052 0.82484 0.54862 0.62352 0.46777 0.47045 0.24014 0.60545 0.59372 0.8328 0.39305 0.17092 0.53406 0.51716 0.1297 0.86429 0.19934 0.65204 0.77189 0.83546 0.11121 0.28421 0.61321 0.35534 0.97919 0.85584 0.22631 0.81771 0.57712 0.81487 0.63798 0.77694 0.43704 0.65743 0.62371 0.00492 0.15939 0.84402 0.13028 0.63608 0.08645 0.64662 0.05478 0.4394 0.34196 0.99579 0.53783 0.90841 0.97778 0.39659 0.82493 0.88669 0.14099 0.97636 0.43015 0.46605 0.67067 0.3722 0.97925 0.20387 0.427 0.22222 0.07902 0.32834 0.12057 0.9534 0.66138 0.99041 0.81002 0.08326 0.64748 0.47425 0.97065 0.35652 0.12798 0.87558 0.23032 0.36581 0.11668 0.10185 0.14516 0.16457 0.85242 0.78461 0.52094 0.90597 0.85502 0.70366 0.4648 0.36165 0.21343 0.6994 0.28871 0.34355 0.84347 0.74789 0.07473 0.89235 0.92452 0.67214 0.03916 0.88114 0.3019 0.50733 0.61157 0.87085 0.03816 0.53101 0.39613 0.46582 0.3003 0.04329 0.2381 0.99946 0.03741 0.34557 0.47302 0.00856 0.08359 0.53151 0.37151 0.54525 0.67098 0.18947 0.0968 0.45374 0.98824 0.40483 0.7338 0.48683 0.95764 0.7892 0.22652 0.34505 0.5884 0.6083 0.96792 0.708 0.63443 0.54387 0.7674 0.64709 0.38832 0.63447 0.74594 0.78104 0.66155 0.42877 0.3961 0.73775 0.03849 0.09356 0.92118 0.88263 0.83383 0.74655 0.48198 0.51284 0.94824 0.07819 0.20778 0.63824 0.32612 0.76801 0.60923 0.57182 0.75295 0.41303 0.97759 0.9996 0.16169 0.81957 0.9246 0.71119 0.31653 0.45072 0.81713 0.33271 0.98615 0.15402 0.90107 0.5492 0.47473 0.16212 0.85191 0.51051 0.59083 0.40982 0.25272 0.43959 0.56679 0.17698 0.56783 0.16041 0.73236 0.2941 0.93826 0.05649 0.14913 0.84152 0.45073 0.79669 0.64245 0.43401 0.70765 0.6599 0.16104 0.3454 0.79351 0.27279 0.74888 0.17322 0.06962 0.84916 0.94491 0.83262 0.1053 0.37945 0.15804 0.03841 0.2266 0.08505 0.44798 0.23756 0.17626 0.39674 0.53516 0.09856 0.26455 0.19341 0.04285 0.17489 0.74791 0.8162 0.73101 0.20017 0.93005 0.07011 0.67453 0.08432 0.50322 0.69846 0.29955 0.81747 0.43254 0.20076 0.62842 0.68218 0.63272 0.2064 0.7815 0.35269 0.97992 0.93257 0.73739 0.38775 0.72948 0.17369 0.5061 0.90865 0.31998 0.20461 0.03863 0.58384 0.55667 0.04857 0.04687 0.4454 0.13805 0.60354 0.41194 0.91957 0.27965 0.91811 0.38099 0.69187 0.81786 0.24972 0.5005 0.22238 0.75653 0.47345 0.72156 0.46947 0.43625 0.96416 0.57496 0.27666 0.79042 0.0955 0.56342 0.5778 0.047 0.11058 0.4018 0.52743 0.5725 0.74723 0.04893 0.9481 0.43412 0.27212 0.45708 0.84077 0.56221 0.67628 0.97022 0.13711 0.80927 0.94736 0.67289 0.97809 0.68627 0.90657 0.511 0.07151 0.44116 0.14885 0.91218 0.09099 0.43144 0.28212 0.70324 0.64373 0.66042 0.93242 0.14892 0.77622 0.29712 0.11752 0.40592 0.71279 0.82681 0.35984 0.2404 0.27382 0.40763 0.59515 0.93441 0.47431 0.11051 0.84745 0.99047 0.27308 0.08009 0.04703 0.69422 0.82418 0.67391 0.94886 0.40851 0.63091 0.14814 0.78374 0.07246 0.03887 0.6001 0.07859 0.14222 0.21767 0.97724 0.77549 0.71713 0.40455 0.83677 0.80806 0.27705 0.84859 0.9541 0.45448 0.16631 0.63271 0.49699 0.44942 0.84331 0.40985 0.26315 0.60802 0.16973 0.53305 0.78186 0.81806 0.04251 0.35446 0.74249 0.81861 0.8487 0.37509 0.05466 0.80866 0.93614 0.23223 0.77807 0.55209 0.74993 0.34904 0.14629 0.22814 0.11252 0.62861 0.95013 0.86845 0.93938 0.13891 0.1985 0.95765 0.78916 0.98525 0.05452 0.1961 0.9728 0.2284 0.20984 0.27779 0.76844 0.23152 0.33162 0.98277 0.61817 0.85143 0.51614 0.11388 0.06547 0.02419 0.51483 0.34393 0.56895 0.27785 0.73929 0.20558 0.95812 0.88835 0.08235 0.90136 0.69242 0.80883 0.32806 0.02192 0.10297 0.29912 0.10524 0.34979 0.80017 0.00678 0.94161 0.52251 0.26093 0.90625 0.1038 0.23693 0.68578 0.60053 0.62757 0.70928 0.27053 0.65675
+0.38357 0.27453 0.7527 0.83751 0.12898 0.2342 0.11507 0.96052 0.68064 0.59694 0.01472 0.96418 0.3948 0.9208 0.62656 0.16814 0.8303 0.84321 0.02683 0.61683 0.87236 0.44144 0.26637 0.51611 0.6384 0.84397 0.65884 0.16848 0.61582 0.67274 0.08233 0.87363 0.50366 0.74546 0.657 0.59816 0.87306 0.94448 0.98991 0.46494 0.30387 0.92447 0.47152 0.3983 0.26481 0.7876 0.71769 0.67595 0.9138 0.78419 0.40602 0.31001 0.66588 0.48078 0.05563 0.56197 0.99161 0.89386 0.83668 0.13221 0.76968 0.59789 0.58395 0.33404 0.88221 0.30939 0.35042 0.68299 0.04692 0.80855 0.81256 0.84472 0.07408 0.65706 0.16302 0.55335 0.55145 0.00869 0.26596 0.39774 0.85643 0.27394 0.05116 0.89235 0.91813 0.30986 0.03993 0.47668 0.77967 0.90919 0.37402 0.72154 0.41548 0.19801 0.52058 0.70411 0.19841 0.47071 0.83969 0.16394 0.29973 0.15504 0.19054 0.94899 0.92673 0.62022 0.36539 0.343 0.38455 0.92001 0.56759 0.31404 0.78816 0.80774 0.50906 0.58872 0.97827 0.97532 0.20213 0.03677 0.88961 0.88463 0.58581 0.05035 0.65403 0.63671 0.68202 0.67627 0.7095 0.51416 0.12668 0.11821 0.45975 0.09797 0.47227 0.3808 0.39021 0.17268 0.75725 0.29317 0.80756 0.89793 0.91726 0.86423 0.87048 0.93047 0.53499 0.71661 0.38314 0.32728 0.73738 0.78099 0.70623 0.59998 0.19546 0.10047 0.4255 0.25417 0.74296 0.0908 0.61669 0.50436 0.01439 0.3863 0.27563 0.25005 0.39762 0.747 0.40505 0.78329 0.07202 0.09002 0.2389 0.28459 0.7525 0.43033 0.96582 0.29388 0.16071 0.84608 0.3712 0.32007 0.32492 0.43768 0.38872 0.83863 0.39879 0.13839 0.35289 0.03811 0.04632 0.35267 0.82955 0.35067 0.00917 0.85377 0.8625 0.52588 0.52739 0.26529 0.26411 0.30992 0.3918 0.879 0.38711 0.10209 0.69683 0.06221 0.96655 0.29931 0.63312 0.36711 0.01047 0.7673 0.7363 0.27383 0.27239 0.39126 0.14797 0.1914 0.88918 0.22145 0.74478 0.2778 0.09277 0.30733 0.12085 0.34809 0.73592 0.98605 0.64671 0.55752 0.36935 0.27046 0.78341 0.06267 0.41294 0.02276 0.88188 0.69592 0.63526 0.25958 0.56986 0.38608 0.76949 0.01897 0.96025 0.62361 0.74224 0.59733 0.19755 0.24405 0.29687 0.1537 0.75602 0.66448 0.47596 0.96907 0.82578 0.09747 0.72164 0.87993 0.48808 0.41463 0.94854 0.23322 0.0553 0.55538 0.1983 0.17866 0.39689 0.75442 0.12166 0.10897 0.77223 0.51968 0.89915 0.97581 0.89453 0.67976 0.45786 0.77115 0.11207 0.87744 0.26991 0.48052 0.4123 0.51175 0.94807 0.41053 0.03426 0.5993 0.7527 0.67149 0.28134 0.77407 0.72918 0.31722 0.24635 0.75602 0.339 0.75022 0.87528 0.23279 0.76564 0.11716 0.09081 0.61904 0.6493 0.84933 0.20277 0.77979 0.69597 0.6557 0.28889 0.78308 0.74508 0.30697 0.14035 0.29395 0.20269 0.02601 0.1399 0.78386 0.4549 0.02743 0.217 0.78823 0.09233 0.98128 0.75377 0.33498 0.42826 0.96944 0.49527 0.82583 0.31808 0.84027 0.70911 0.90108 0.46491 0.88075 0.46593 0.62564 0.02338 0.83368 0.53851 0.88194 0.31012 0.48141 0.07836 0.76048 0.10059 0.31451 0.78416 0.1534 0.13882 0.13204 0.71833 0.15455 0.21754 0.6892 0.23891 0.62225 0.10349 0.022 0.2305 0.4448 0.09829 0.62671 0.45589 0.38599 0.89542 0.99137 0.22955 0.13708 0.52495 0.85919 0.8338 0.18867 0.70819 0.63651 0.71533 0.93138 0.39701 0.37872 0.12545 0.80876 0.74568 0.54752 0.16467 0.25864 0.37532 0.24445 0.18998 0.64062 0.23462 0.72748 0.86143 0.84133 0.22358 0.0042 0.09757 0.90126 0.60588 0.86863 0.59137 0.769 0.18087 0.40533 0.89459 0.71234 0.38101 0.73805 0.94969 0.93139 0.70477 0.82445 0.13213 0.96692 0.52299 0.13296 0.77287 0.47362 0.89705 0.72598 0.13606 0.71939 0.40067 0.10828 0.05358 0.57469 0.8392 0.12199 0.11798 0.11984 0.49056 0.13238 0.99618 0.50748 0.14539 0.76411 0.58115 0.45639 0.61241 0.16237 0.32338 0.63771 0.72122 0.08107 0.0298 0.15672 0.43897 0.74119 0.42462 0.70994 0.08765 0.82099 0.84662 0.2688 0.68283 0.87951 0.00391 0.65862 0.8041 0.73866 0.89581 0.82942 0.08098 0.93792 0.60124 0.71813 0.2559 0.27746 0.18245 0.21577 0.9669 0.71749 0.23978 0.06623 0.558 0.88965 0.24311 0.92923 0.04884 0.50182 0.36312 0.17501 0.44687 0.67885 0.10479 0.88876 0.46895 0.0521 0.48454 0.20136 0.52345 0.3699 0.37581 0.99134 0.03291 0.00984 0.43763 0.14625 0.13952 0.97719 0.26582 0.07156 0.6689 0.20932 0.14932 0.27047
+0.26021 0.92466 0.08955 0.53253 0.21938 0.67229 0.26386 0.20276 0.53016 0.51055 0.55164 0.70885 0.46711 0.49775 0.09174 0.9885 0.73087 0.35279 0.76602 0.96396 0.92028 0.01802 0.04441 0.55508 0.50847 0.37216 0.42386 0.06726 0.65811 0.13781 0.68522 0.86992 0.572 0.73594 0.10417 0.3848 0.52116 0.08434 0.6938 0.27459 0.06358 0.31594 0.35838 0.73035 0.27983 0.53415 0.96565 0.28571 0.27713 0.96349 0.09811 0.01458 0.04969 0.71197 0.55328 0.41473 0.06576 0.62596 0.5702 0.56356 0.81835 0.34132 0.12075 0.50091 0.88714 0.15182 0.10649 0.87798 0.26133 0.41254 0.94428 0.98281 0.98119 0.16442 0.3994 0.61099 0.73273 0.35022 0.63219 0.89079 0.41287 0.13512 0.5776 0.35875 0.15055 0.15964 0.16138 0.31538 0.08643 0.56904 0.37321 0.39859 0.87856 0.2084 0.36461 0.94195 0.97863 0.44794 0.85306 0.6332 0.46876 0.29889 0.91824 0.92445 0.28199 0.39313 0.30147 0.31712 0.92692 0.69488 0.62903 0.72473 0.45034 0.45505 0.71058 0.13607 0.96096 0.94349 0.17186 0.29171 0.97584 0.12569 0.77161 0.24249 0.71029 0.8768 0.05653 0.53457 0.20284 0.54593 0.97037 0.89024 0.76309 0.80196 0.93388 0.6454 0.88685 0.70913 0.32321 0.15148 0.54654 0.72319 0.31816 0.46925 0.53712 0.47466 0.40603 0.78572 0.61008 0.01062 0.26 0.8141 0.00858 0.06467 0.08491 0.86396 0.33621 0.66895 0.43899 0.65699 0.96442 0.24532 0.0497 0.12102 0.69764 0.72653 0.8026 0.47232 0.01461 0.94547 0.17321 0.03232 0.83059 0.2904 0.82595 0.48622 0.17475 0.41873 0.60959 0.18916 0.13012 0.93614 0.25075 0.17451 0.52514 0.90752 0.05583 0.26335 0.72946 0.55599 0.13008 0.2479 0.05857 0.0659 0.94636 0.48743 0.74266 0.00068 0.35395 0.99389 0.61356 0.80169 0.03754 0.92393 0.53595 0.08024 0.13915 0.28893 0.84586 0.19285 0.21804 0.59091 0.14778 0.23533 0.6544 0.93748 0.49064 0.98568 0.73801 0.45478 0.22305 0.77501 0.19514 0.35004 0.69674 0.18985 0.10371 0.06142 0.5528 0.9947 0.83705 0.52116 0.5559 0.61845 0.12796 0.54079 0.05256 0.17401 0.447 0.66286 0.22272 0.07329 0.36731 0.15226 0.86373 0.93905 0.41521 0.62581 0.14064 0.83253 0.8913 0.00648 0.3051 0.07194 0.06635 0.5641 0.59525 0.51463 0.22766 0.18975 0.74375 0.1043 0.00934 0.65792 0.10743 0.39573 0.15448 0.48441 0.87572 0.35552 0.38106 0.06359 0.29189 0.52857 0.15535 0.98836 0.13931 0.05616 0.68687 0.60307 0.36606 0.07114 0.3103 0.6092 0.81477 0.61096 0.83003 0.72606 0.56657 0.92427 0.00764 0.99236 0.58528 0.07075 0.08386 0.63281 0.55649 0.26192 0.63666 0.58675 0.19976 0.72075 0.27917 0.21781 0.87068 0.62578 0.62705 0.77547 0.04941 0.79985 0.12497 0.27302 0.41454 0.19381 0.21208 0.56622 0.1311 0.70872 0.53208 0.61886 0.58632 0.02618 0.0309 0.76892 0.4275 0.41824 0.28711 0.90887 0.92822 0.6928 0.64944 0.7031 0.32859 0.16643 0.3166 0.47523 0.61175 0.33302 0.53186 0.72183 0.03612 0.7486 0.65418 0.81561 0.45509 0.26095 0.706 0.59964 0.21007 0.76463 0.06716 0.21949 0.13375 0.51535 0.49872 0.29 0.98885 0.81652 0.05836 0.14359 0.86532 0.90559 0.62943 0.31447 0.31279 0.4939 0.54204 0.32829 0.17034 0.15083 0.57843 0.88254 0.23034 0.38984 0.42851 0.12476 0.27296 0.65435 0.44337 0.77206 0.54303 0.2991 0.17299 0.29166 0.25339 0.34755 0.13394 0.75087 0.20615 0.90419 0.83297 0.18359 0.3223 0.28079 0.75694 0.05047 0.02376 0.01441 0.391 0.11878 0.73945 0.83444 0.81749 0.40298 0.95842 0.32755 0.7058 0.70692 0.91617 0.8725 0.6561 0.69538 0.23775 0.19452 0.77467 0.71309 0.94293 0.06516 0.51527 0.06291 0.42583 0.42247 0.45896 0.74124 0.9545 0.5574 0.96606 0.31588 0.17714 0.73926 0.94083 0.41082 0.52995 0.87442 0.19336 0.14865 0.87585 0.78355 0.03745 0.8717 0.64779 0.40301 0.87817 0.53275 0.92448 0.04633 0.24149 0.07151 0.22731 0.54772 0.55528 0.00449 0.92616 0.1944 0.29204 0.20113 0.31772 0.91291 0.23405 0.8072 0.11051 0.28036 0.09703 0.22844 0.57763 0.68384 0.24669 0.85916 0.30769 0.07965 0.82973 0.25872 0.2253 0.46068 0.71468 0.11612 0.82529 0.96315 0.88524 0.47683 0.83534 0.44354 0.20253 0.21643 0.03592 0.75599 0.5991 0.19608 0.2205 0.10377 0.42075 0.39218 0.41902 0.93166 0.41015 0.43368 0.04385 0.26258 0.4749 0.70404 0.03441 0.30472 0.04987 0.8019 0.44493 0.05146 0.29032 0.69379 0.95093 0.97808 0.91142 0.92909
+0.53192 0.71461 0.03292 0.32394 0.50252 0.92631 0.24082 0.04873 0.2017 0.40145 0.32688 0.58824 0.18981 0.64958 0.87749 0.84722 0.50039 0.29919 0.2438 0.923 0.07765 0.42136 0.71087 0.32777 0.52736 0.26506 0.64723 0.37938 0.40933 0.1572 0.58295 0.0231 0.91796 0.54097 0.33087 0.86407 0.98511 0.94325 0.24179 0.87638 0.34851 0.32739 0.5803 0.04571 0.969 0.08252 0.28099 0.51273 0.18535 0.01475 0.47243 0.12411 0.65466 0.70904 0.57626 0.86764 0.60422 0.32449 0.87757 0.35714 0.67986 0.9599 0.54909 0.54475 0.76338 0.60636 0.25165 0.35462 0.14892 0.93223 0.93036 0.06071 0.23908 0.37463 0.40883 0.52204 0.2939 0.82952 0.02017 0.96859 0.11861 0.50022 0.45502 0.80516 0.55278 0.00562 0.01218 0.40685 0.06071 0.66748 0.00762 0.71674 0.62808 0.90418 0.28148 0.52528 0.99155 0.3952 0.7668 0.38514 0.53748 0.82552 0.50987 0.57516 0.36902 0.35669 0.10441 0.10303 0.67645 0.36204 0.49957 0.14722 0.4355 0.80084 0.51602 0.93197 0.67324 0.01425 0.49487 0.14938 0.96324 0.81258 0.27756 0.29917 0.47469 0.87015 0.08298 0.98001 0.69111 0.61186 0.23203 0.85221 0.17722 0.61325 0.31205 0.58917 0.70828 0.23137 0.42003 0.46734 0.74073 0.91297 0.48215 0.15045 0.24202 0.99327 0.92675 0.91257 0.76714 0.35512 0.27792 0.40362 0.44014 0.13886 0.4856 0.27174 0.16051 0.46288 0.81729 0.22582 0.43839 0.90244 0.93394 0.52952 0.80143 0.70534 0.05248 0.03368 0.16231 0.90116 0.12356 0.39091 0.92218 0.96138 0.64888 0.0059 0.3615 0.35438 0.5622 0.31111 0.10809 0.9385 0.63159 0.25216 0.16567 0.27524 0.17877 0.94933 0.50111 0.56567 0.88455 0.88374 0.53808 0.39888 0.99702 0.10432 0.38614 0.63692 0.7825 0.25999 0.59404 0.97 0.05172 0.04362 0.40219 0.99501 0.03684 0.26294 0.82489 0.86471 0.0007 0.84276 0.93214 0.16129 0.58216 0.14543 0.95561 0.81422 0.60746 0.74517 0.20576 0.51073 0.11614 0.57169 0.9502 0.67099 0.50616 0.12846 0.21647 0.98959 0.4824 0.7591 0.51238 0.08053 0.25175 0.17836 0.31332 0.43001 0.7321 0.53512 0.22551 0.77666 0.11213 0.88034 0.64474 0.37136 0.89602 0.27175 0.4482 0.56125 0.06526 0.92619 0.19241 0.45291 0.29814 0.04905 0.43981 0.71156 0.65944 0.76417 0.01372 0.58865 0.1044 0.79588 0.06568 0.82989 0.19573 0.2057 0.95068 0.74191 0.02977 0.49096 0.35127 0.90387 0.47495 0.52278 0.30382 0.5321 0.57977 0.27342 0.3231 0.04989 0.31397 0.31633 0.14253 0.05445 0.80269 0.07832 0.48565 0.89812 0.42151 0.6104 0.38719 0.27158 0.56648 0.60467 0.52208 0.42594 0.99469 0.97319 0.14544 0.66638 0.5691 0.3175 0.77377 0.01312 0.347 0.3625 0.96209 0.49369 0.53065 0.4362 0.15613 0.2883 0.05152 0.48103 0.24642 0.36472 0.85074 0.07736 0.66581 0.82145 0.60889 0.23007 0.70549 0.28668 0.0452 0.38942 0.09033 0.05235 0.12607 0.35373 0.11349 0.40017 0.39141 0.8371 0.67509 0.42258 0.29754 0.67031 0.57539 0.21026 0.27106 0.73676 0.79585 0.36082 0.48636 0.36281 0.41233 0.69081 0.55471 0.17366 0.20402 0.37931 0.76329 0.91889 0.51629 0.49651 0.44064 0.10995 0.11319 0.59133 0.38068 0.00681 0.34053 0.5771 0.76244 0.17392 0.12519 0.538 0.86428 0.80732 0.69963 0.00892 0.97716 0.58364 0.86556 0.21679 0.97587 0.35222 0.40667 0.36059 0.99563 0.95069 0.36773 0.38884 0.66969 0.45963 0.71952 0.39088 0.97882 0.1759 0.73068 0.06165 0.44683 0.21527 0.60503 0.22485 0.05222 0.93444 0.89268 0.91327 0.73846 0.61245 0.81313 0.50223 0.41735 0.6981 0.5808 0.06454 0.34418 0.24004 0.26905 0.37544 0.73734 0.33906 0.91716 0.77151 0.80087 0.30788 0.50187 0.96352 0.77644 0.67029 0.49662 0.79604 0.55449 0.53582 0.1273 0.77462 0.27871 0.0897 0.07395 0.84838 0.01583 0.02426 0.93361 0.52982 0.81643 0.54381 0.39468 0.58099 0.008 0.09085 0.88188 0.64141 0.75747 0.51228 0.98113 0.21297 0.20022 0.19485 0.41209 0.21407 0.13987 0.88329 0.14951 0.85402 0.83828 0.78112 0.84865 0.16117 0.82034 0.05056 0.52266 0.08057 0.39112 0.92485 0.35213 0.14212 0.13683 0.26327 0.44722 0.18619 0.88906 0.26503 0.95118 0.67492 0.26484 0.64595 0.28216 0.33401 0.6835 0.15495 0.25141 0.44708 0.90546 0.44682 0.41304 0.37175 0.50258 0.93895 0.21183 0.87282 0.40449 0.70274 0.08867 0.93385 0.69475 0.03493 0.05769 0.76332 0.51964 0.8492 0.08948 0.30648 0.38161 0.52046 0.43332 0.07221 0.4126 0.90859
+0.72552 0.69788 0.82709 0.92481 0.78541 0.66202 0.15403 0.25652 0.51618 0.31473 0.09946 0.06723 0.95366 0.13126 0.13725 0.58842 0.0055 0.63713 0.2512 0.65581 0.15244 0.33041 0.90443 0.00093 0.97137 0.82094 0.56775 0.4994 0.39463 0.57262 0.02394 0.71004 0.45414 0.24737 0.85078 0.11059 0.23709 0.13218 0.1021 0.14806 0.05946 0.88716 0.74232 0.1172 0.12526 0.01594 0.54268 0.6229 0.04123 0.29557 0.75741 0.0278 0.64165 0.11721 0.43322 0.18746 0.82299 0.53343 0.95424 0.33903 0.47885 0.40215 0.63874 0.71217 0.91237 0.24898 0.48474 0.01062 0.14305 0.82585 0.3701 0.22074 0.85696 0.04157 0.105 0.79394 0.47077 0.5719 0.2004 0.13787 0.72352 0.34433 0.1166 0.77312 0.88159 0.50566 0.21922 0.83896 0.51369 0.14066 0.92883 0.82321 0.36507 0.83882 0.06317 0.3913 0.12535 0.32476 0.98687 0.53907 0.5758 0.86326 0.71058 0.08543 0.24671 0.73853 0.45725 0.45329 0.98573 0.56976 0.66591 0.00339 0.2197 0.52759 0.97607 0.02415 0.19389 0.18013 0.13129 0.1952 0.87185 0.30712 0.23492 0.41408 0.70699 0.2838 0.57581 0.7362 0.20981 0.79089 0.12824 0.40512 0.60456 0.6407 0.90302 0.7659 0.53219 0.76448 0.23152 0.75756 0.96395 0.63974 0.95931 0.58421 0.6924 0.05241 0.82803 0.78623 0.22448 0.68709 0.66498 0.93275 0.58075 0.36763 0.27648 0.34397 0.60912 0.70273 0.34246 0.72673 0.89097 0.06396 0.42578 0.77648 0.31929 0.52939 0.24944 0.56043 0.36325 0.83868 0.89499 0.1542 0.15868 0.04987 0.6943 0.21226 0.07016 0.00452 0.89329 0.75084 0.2452 0.64585 0.88862 0.75652 0.68341 0.22567 0.50687 0.34447 0.43511 0.06114 0.31258 0.05566 0.03124 0.31346 0.80918 0.70674 0.25651 0.76282 0.97713 0.52677 0.45867 0.61854 0.60424 0.076 0.80311 0.19146 0.32459 0.70665 0.78331 0.43015 0.83968 0.8479 0.81741 0.04689 0.73222 0.48117 0.63294 0.89907 0.2172 0.72906 0.76185 0.45236 0.55071 0.80695 0.66848 0.30981 0.56327 0.29888 0.2909 0.06935 0.58609 0.59426 0.5453 0.4363 0.72835 0.98852 0.06201 0.39519 0.13206 0.63271 0.53776 0.64843 0.45071 0.63417 0.68922 0.65302 0.87343 0.85503 0.40581 0.35761 0.40392 0.86603 0.22172 0.57227 0.73799 0.99956 0.6108 0.93267 0.23006 0.78947 0.67528 0.2981 0.52747 0.10901 0.68208 0.68352 0.81452 0.83147 0.48086 0.87531 0.36014 0.60198 0.13445 0.64624 0.98853 0.94621 0.59283 0.84952 0.9506 0.18787 0.31179 0.94071 0.14489 0.78723 0.74547 0.52777 0.75588 0.67623 0.63523 0.82042 0.73212 0.88041 0.96515 0.97816 0.27195 0.26613 0.24307 0.45008 0.84847 0.73696 0.49485 0.47931 0.8112 0.73539 0.5751 0.06627 0.50359 0.06205 0.34948 0.91481 0.52905 0.63145 0.64897 0.25445 0.75263 0.7893 0.87885 0.23069 0.09424 0.4739 0.59358 0.10832 0.32446 0.84855 0.69135 0.50076 0.95327 0.36188 0.99052 0.7309 0.35447 0.68047 0.2202 0.71778 0.49849 0.9742 0.13257 0.6713 0.98971 0.71429 0.74093 0.77579 0.78702 0.40433 0.27008 0.84377 0.54781 0.0946 0.72776 0.44504 0.50428 0.88834 0.1599 0.76182 0.11438 0.45677 0.31989 0.55176 0.15078 0.44888 0.92612 0.40763 0.71554 0.18509 0.64551 0.33628 0.80851 0.6385 0.80621 0.86665 0.46557 0.71781 0.59973 0.28636 0.74476 0.90041 0.4663 0.51849 0.36954 0.17491 0.62179 0.8946 0.44944 0.72381 0.57999 0.34128 0.87821 0.1482 0.14734 0.33306 0.67222 0.08772 0.02558 0.80851 0.14036 0.51887 0.07079 0.00464 0.91074 0.4545 0.5221 0.2637 0.87171 0.68436 0.27508 0.07627 0.68937 0.34062 0.14161 0.61084 0.00808 0.05977 0.37438 0.2963 0.58046 0.60508 0.15418 0.26733 0.26184 0.61509 0.14613 0.27725 0.27383 0.07062 0.23616 0.38551 0.95233 0.4412 0.07687 0.23263 0.50287 0.31391 0.526 0.77617 0.52045 0.77849 0.17806 0.31486 0.32334 0.40044 0.52881 0.86587 0.59224 0.43053 0.18331 0.87598 0.93708 0.48312 0.33677 0.80944 0.5032 0.09436 0.76967 0.26882 0.3858 0.27306 0.54094 0.18325 0.55969 0.04743 0.37262 0.86131 0.31031 0.15494 0.15367 0.38289 0.43772 0.78468 0.21204 0.90019 0.55634 0.20729 0.15108 0.99126 0.50669 0.68586 0.89159 0.9246 0.02441 0.18044 0.37205 0.26886 0.13613 0.71571 0.05177 0.18535 0.40852 0.47895 0.99639 0.93936 0.93427 0.57708 0.3588 0.95162 0.51863 0.25058 0.66241 0.12365 0.74821 0.67778 0.61919 0.65921 0.42171 0.21884 0.83937 0.5767 0.25748 0.04491 0.86988 0.28826 0.08226 0.47284
+0.30014 0.96582 0.4736 0.5032 0.11368 0.8456 0.0039 0.15929 0.17091 0.94873 0.68611 0.73073 0.02694 0.28957 0.48006 0.50931 0.13153 0.50242 0.13182 0.87983 0.69688 0.92225 0.06514 0.10665 0.63888 0.15243 0.26515 0.50339 0.66193 0.47055 0.77178 0.73149 0.03073 0.3014 0.36259 0.43433 0.64506 0.40208 0.25744 0.0808 0.78956 0.28042 0.25325 0.51833 0.26741 0.49984 0.81102 0.22083 0.75238 0.85954 0.42624 0.39432 0.90413 0.99131 0.57331 0.42714 0.41623 0.15655 0.86123 0.47459 0.03445 0.87284 0.66335 0.90564 0.36029 0.0056 0.73901 0.76453 0.92695 0.84229 0.25561 0.10564 0.60764 0.0749 0.25977 0.73438 0.39985 0.23916 0.74315 0.95765 0.17541 0.84887 0.58698 0.40263 0.23538 0.03026 0.63183 0.57048 0.8677 0.22906 0.40601 0.17217 0.29599 0.69176 0.90197 0.17357 0.6169 0.29853 0.89341 0.75468 0.70892 0.37774 0.91999 0.86633 0.09892 0.81529 0.01557 0.70544 0.05262 0.35064 0.65808 0.84045 0.32575 0.20103 0.77402 0.80057 0.02031 0.29586 0.30347 0.91639 0.23371 0.95146 0.51168 0.56069 0.95113 0.60347 0.79109 0.92216 0.68031 0.30731 0.43439 0.74897 0.692 0.88951 0.81646 0.30288 0.37372 0.91669 0.4459 0.67498 0.95653 0.19207 0.02661 0.76655 0.97828 0.26834 0.68653 0.81157 0.47801 0.02488 0.4384 0.01329 0.11892 0.8503 0.95184 0.26335 0.43121 0.06335 0.43494 0.39546 0.08507 0.64434 0.60317 0.44053 0.07229 0.19848 0.6171 0.71204 0.53143 0.1729 0.88875 0.21026 0.01536 0.19348 0.07277 0.51387 0.82952 0.05037 0.44491 0.92261 0.07248 0.62334 0.70725 0.49946 0.97072 0.81122 0.68233 0.76016 0.55428 0.01144 0.83183 0.43899 0.09657 0.52419 0.08548 0.28181 0.91758 0.10387 0.21618 0.14145 0.97368 0.98599 0.23192 0.82227 0.94619 0.76511 0.8076 0.18922 0.9485 0.91129 0.24401 0.29679 0.46435 0.52996 0.55283 0.61355 0.16291 0.68654 0.03399 0.58183 0.36846 0.14938 0.5729 0.49758 0.07895 0.78477 0.43623 0.87988 0.61034 0.8472 0.56644 0.10735 0.40852 0.85047 0.66839 0.40596 0.05811 0.43937 0.92875 0.99675 0.19069 0.99204 0.05342 0.89554 0.2081 0.03939 0.14876 0.1416 0.20411 0.39337 0.69567 0.02231 0.98701 0.20876 0.43942 0.48791 0.61802 0.32938 0.74139 0.18905 0.77992 0.35645 0.78524 0.92465 0.61515 0.022 0.00889 0.36488 0.46814 0.32943 0.08081 0.73323 0.70756 0.14286 0.33198 0.51508 0.21022 0.67399 0.33328 0.3143 0.10764 0.2158 0.38859 0.24002 0.54686 0.33488 0.96937 0.29569 0.16743 0.4966 0.33438 0.68521 0.53017 0.18757 0.16948 0.45082 0.36771 0.20707 0.2039 0.20773 0.76958 0.20813 0.30084 0.90631 0.61369 0.13185 0.8905 0.64302 0.4418 0.80914 0.8275 0.33946 0.33096 0.86877 0.38203 0.23649 0.8001 0.15372 0.50713 0.21265 0.00201 0.23082 0.27568 0.77385 0.50829 0.90252 0.29291 0.0408 0.06185 0.84694 0.89467 0.0614 0.94211 0.37784 0.98899 0.2422 0.12636 0.06513 0.95708 0.15535 0.63952 0.59563 0.1689 0.21173 0.08868 0.29348 0.03419 0.95077 0.63088 0.32911 0.20765 0.1268 0.25715 0.99001 0.56665 0.71111 0.9277 0.2947 0.88726 0.80834 0.60571 0.26017 0.40513 0.10332 0.56172 0.54123 0.77199 0.49568 0.55395 0.50435 0.49128 0.48641 0.54455 0.37066 0.61387 0.448 0.42183 0.10121 0.72444 0.69761 0.35974 0.23819 0.88726 0.07134 0.1339 0.48067 0.9955 0.18149 0.94478 0.55201 0.89791 0.19987 0.1213 0.14639 0.22054 0.91836 0.81015 0.00305 0.82089 0.2524 0.66685 0.70787 0.79603 0.52404 0.80459 0.5477 0.03203 0.4466 0.08838 0.35437 0.29026 0.94339 0.7391 0.66957 0.55988 0.57508 0.91012 0.25868 0.23953 0.6874 0.53398 0.3011 0.14757 0.63969 0.18548 0.01601 0.57763 0.89408 0.51427 0.97211 0.58134 0.74679 0.6241 0.01679 0.92544 0.71645 0.91751 0.98732 0.28449 0.95873 0.05291 0.91512 0.05718 0.42041 0.50792 0.48554 0.21361 0.4346 0.93059 0.41564 0.62199 0.93448 0.89089 0.93312 0.11315 0.34007 0.4452 0.28949 0.64856 0.66512 0.09624 0.56953 0.38613 0.75491 0.15173 0.64732 0.57288 0.04788 0.28892 0.47506 0.51882 0.69663 0.77972 0.3169 0.24236 0.64793 0.41169 0.89739 0.42166 0.18571 0.39983 0.06851 0.46642 0.6024 0.21577 0.32036 0.20551 0.09778 0.04261 0.89934 0.27573 0.65238 0.5339 0.72477 0.20911 0.16377 0.44184 0.71992 0.2661 0.21558 0.03471 0.77604 0.53429 0.97811 0.50615 0.02604 0.76461 0.73357 0.54983 0.38824 0.93087 0.57875
+0.23899 0.17396 0.46673 0.02262 0.53339 0.50506 0.75924 0.27217 0.42701 0.56921 0.76712 0.41615 0.477 0.85015 0.49401 0.94802 0.00268 0.83326 0.13356 0.11432 0.56992 0.68979 0.27239 0.9866 0.35056 0.22155 0.97869 0.19971 0.78904 0.94592 0.8596 0.61649 0.64157 0.91319 0.26107 0.90608 0.58058 0.56785 0.05058 0.35855 0.84302 0.56754 0.17261 0.14481 0.71858 0.16568 0.34114 0.67961 0.63084 0.35808 0.1386 0.10911 0.10784 0.38035 0.03742 0.6207 0.48048 0.59565 0.75877 0.06117 0.99828 0.32996 0.94214 0.43409 0.7223 0.11149 0.95346 0.32426 0.0544 0.3003 0.32763 0.22675 0.53343 0.18196 0.00013 0.79296 0.2634 0.09967 0.35756 0.50289 0.1143 0.87822 0.88732 0.70592 0.79003 0.72293 0.48904 0.16985 0.96248 0.77756 0.18028 0.58645 0.25941 0.19208 0.27274 0.26011 0.51479 0.75134 0.20294 0.39573 0.59004 0.80782 0.22666 0.88865 0.65394 0.8905 0.77933 0.84934 0.70698 0.13302 0.93782 0.72658 0.94188 0.94676 0.94861 0.47308 0.98313 0.42836 0.86044 0.0824 0.29884 0.41664 0.87304 0.99321 0.83015 0.26147 0.49751 0.89242 0.3728 0.32118 0.92805 0.02577 0.77149 0.14818 0.54095 0.33686 0.42152 0.37815 0.44601 0.07764 0.90285 0.1841 0.93519 0.30558 0.22069 0.22563 0.16156 0.56951 0.40279 0.26986 0.14868 0.80435 0.71021 0.85397 0.98416 0.50758 0.58267 0.04691 0.72688 0.34556 0.12585 0.16231 0.23877 0.91959 0.47454 0.35048 0.38418 0.30855 0.49348 0.09717 0.73547 0.46327 0.4828 0.04497 0.9649 0.06216 0.80124 0.01027 0.74881 0.10528 0.65519 0.7987 0.52575 0.77215 0.78214 0.4796 0.92566 0.44922 0.30395 0.14964 0.18293 0.4848 0.64931 0.55615 0.97114 0.73809 0.8303 0.21886 0.60138 0.97032 0.02663 0.99746 0.51094 0.53223 0.86895 0.7484 0.45449 0.03435 0.75029 0.64492 0.8284 0.72167 0.79374 0.80315 0.27525 0.41762 0.80704 0.01415 0.25013 0.25919 0.66692 0.98435 0.99026 0.1833 0.64638 0.26107 0.6911 0.79654 0.33632 0.58147 0.48405 0.15816 0.30036 0.33729 0.82087 0.92499 0.33187 0.6586 0.96593 0.11343 0.03116 0.35175 0.58322 0.55335 0.28549 0.54171 0.1482 0.01623 0.5705 0.81102 0.16128 0.51649 0.29071 0.7341 0.5239 0.42924 0.95226 0.56419 0.99462 0.10687 0.32353 0.45365 0.02815 0.69012 0.30278 0.88715 0.42398 0.12684 0.07976 0.10726 0.26278 0.64055 0.54784 0.53195 0.699 0.11683 0.45514 0.90026 0.46835 0.15995 0.39129 0.69464 0.96345 0.41908 0.59208 0.88313 0.01998 0.88555 0.16173 0.2585 0.15717 0.28532 0.17634 0.43849 0.89839 0.39654 0.54018 0.83985 0.97516 0.91081 0.35935 0.09415 0.33093 0.10692 0.6521 0.37535 0.64499 0.14035 0.71141 0.03017 0.41549 0.73588 0.13563 0.42734 0.29147 0.25585 0.06321 0.82498 0.64501 0.32602 0.66522 0.43727 0.64091 0.71931 0.96708 0.19624 0.54393 0.76886 0.37849 0.07459 0.97524 0.70415 0.09102 0.45276 0.10251 0.57024 0.81356 0.46596 0.85884 0.72712 0.41576 0.47374 0.92509 0.35677 0.63454 0.36759 0.81843 0.4658 0.6062 0.45361 0.50506 0.96675 0.5687 0.97742 0.20091 0.18107 0.1802 0.04849 0.27784 0.08131 0.74959 0.01301 0.77427 0.5996 0.10502 0.75082 0.1252 0.7589 0.81687 0.03 0.76007 0.36996 0.15269 2e-05 0.22084 0.68025 0.43827 0.64227 0.76556 0.052 0.70764 0.39085 0.57086 0.97321 0.53695 0.29471 0.91055 0.85231 0.09278 0.93064 0.84482 0.43486 0.99185 0.57338 0.53328 0.03172 0.15209 0.60684 0.89978 0.51996 0.69062 0.50747 0.57818 0.50947 0.39727 0.54311 0.87734 0.31882 0.19181 0.06655 0.55199 0.86662 0.83466 0.95706 0.46332 0.90513 0.20591 0.17648 0.90359 0.26225 0.64569 0.38339 0.61599 0.04476 0.37876 0.74284 0.1472 0.65931 0.20342 0.526 0.18822 0.05548 0.73748 0.01264 0.64875 0.56836 0.68015 0.89014 0.13582 0.22849 0.3868 0.03156 0.04005 0.89453 0.47846 0.52956 0.13783 0.66031 0.05446 0.16644 0.32276 0.97343 0.11828 0.16272 0.29859 0.49329 0.33035 0.09014 0.62578 0.34797 0.15878 0.53882 0.39316 0.87937 0.84545 0.22937 0.13593 0.63723 0.55717 0.20208 0.07251 0.44941 0.59787 0.38151 0.91843 0.61808 0.53457 0.33332 0.72359 0.46943 0.92011 0.19112 0.49741 0.22781 0.14623 0.12203 0.74524 0.81411 0.63096 0.34049 0.8034 0.29651 0.04765 0.08938 0.08722 0.05481 0.797 0.70195 0.5404 0.86244 0.28278 0.60339 0.83955 0.86358 0.2754 0.20164 0.10842 0.60823 0.26407 0.87749 0.05474 0.43766
+0.03303 0.5662 0.70254 0.80767 0.14566 0.46298 0.4387 0.69669 0.36711 0.27676 0.67443 0.40301 0.31722 0.81337 0.88907 0.70406 0.29825 0.80857 0.3687 0.48156 0.4404 0.76775 0.67302 0.74313 0.8 0.07183 0.1906 0.8029 0.80008 0.78411 0.90669 0.01831 0.55627 0.87483 0.27068 0.69896 0.12408 0.0888 0.10529 0.61438 0.69981 0.1363 0.97449 0.84233 0.72502 0.81756 0.32953 0.7251 0.54757 0.37913 0.82086 0.43887 0.47962 0.23316 0.80142 0.5433 0.35858 0.43415 0.49274 0.79544 0.48762 0.42844 0.50334 0.96869 0.06902 0.81564 0.85304 0.67306 0.49915 0.22216 0.24083 0.57607 0.52179 0.65698 0.65668 0.84996 0.79873 0.82672 0.15129 0.69694 0.99975 0.6569 0.10727 0.13047 0.1305 0.44456 0.6181 0.54948 0.16268 0.40316 0.72704 0.20361 0.64335 0.7332 0.29788 0.24193 0.88227 0.63251 0.90857 0.44629 0.66287 0.25364 0.66322 0.24056 0.3606 0.58056 0.06732 0.52823 0.45158 0.71968 0.61363 0.03018 0.44949 0.03455 0.24867 0.92517 0.897 0.89866 0.58164 0.68009 0.13662 0.58493 0.92175 0.39914 0.58124 0.67557 0.64743 0.79149 0.02455 0.51908 0.72075 0.71609 0.33076 0.5804 0.72325 0.37144 0.02958 0.3152 0.17691 0.7078 0.85195 0.7765 0.00092 0.88839 0.55669 0.52263 0.74567 0.76896 0.34875 0.93665 0.97616 0.14666 0.53809 0.3217 0.21624 0.9855 0.46432 0.68266 0.74635 0.07698 0.27051 0.36839 0.58477 0.11359 0.83245 0.69212 0.81501 0.99804 0.21669 0.24935 0.45312 0.09617 0.76834 0.25009 0.57997 0.56092 0.27035 0.46516 0.96224 0.82012 0.37945 0.84757 0.46424 0.80471 0.4271 0.65073 0.18596 0.03782 0.80692 0.94148 0.78256 0.7702 0.16594 0.10168 0.87959 0.14646 0.5228 0.99875 0.55276 0.60605 0.63045 0.93298 0.16285 0.80601 0.21286 0.85409 0.61875 0.25254 0.45364 0.70809 0.08274 0.89088 0.85406 0.86638 0.45657 0.35985 0.93778 0.53646 0.34943 0.46866 0.78687 0.30466 0.21985 0.65352 0.03026 0.94434 0.87975 0.38948 0.7755 0.09424 0.76747 0.48223 0.84913 0.01771 0.76096 0.08756 0.07369 0.48855 0.89647 0.31967 0.22725 0.21011 0.55684 0.41741 0.57509 0.7612 0.97126 0.40107 0.89985 0.81896 0.45571 0.34335 0.52623 0.60557 0.98838 0.98948 0.78141 0.09676 0.3273 0.89551 0.35791 0.67482 0.01041 0.73716 0.15795 0.50619 0.39399 0.90963 0.25844 0.64919 0.88089 0.80728 0.24045 0.17857 0.08463 0.83704 0.77932 0.61484 0.71768 0.38403 0.22884 0.69202 0.72627 0.35969 0.1883 0.51912 0.14388 0.35043 0.59779 0.45081 0.18521 0.96369 0.31466 0.91081 0.82851 0.36583 0.99074 0.49976 0.46214 0.63373 0.22166 0.8493 0.56382 0.31673 0.60477 0.37339 0.72722 0.61693 0.61957 0.37609 0.15121 0.75402 0.00667 0.52838 0.0557 0.54459 0.72443 0.76948 0.79309 0.12025 0.05868 0.82023 0.15007 0.07941 0.2619 0.45765 0.66799 0.07382 0.64904 0.13319 0.08986 0.38517 0.54177 0.84712 0.04227 0.1934 0.79483 0.21628 0.21762 0.86446 0.66679 0.57284 0.26117 0.95077 0.59288 0.06099 0.10516 0.2477 0.16443 0.91521 0.35674 0.22925 0.5801 0.40776 0.8603 0.86942 0.03691 0.65398 0.31275 0.0152 0.50477 0.05836 0.94445 0.5476 0.45811 0.49371 0.60885 0.59166 0.71972 0.96641 0.75116 0.52516 0.58784 0.22092 0.60669 0.99382 0.90917 0.29188 0.22368 0.23257 0.98244 0.45198 0.16845 0.99963 0.08684 0.33 0.17435 0.02367 0.86511 0.77897 0.85312 0.87093 0.82897 0.11338 0.28427 0.71976 0.7228 0.70349 0.46528 0.96054 0.77506 0.32333 0.04723 0.69796 0.961 0.59056 0.75936 0.62435 0.50169 0.66985 0.26568 0.99601 0.71435 0.72497 0.50143 0.80185 0.41798 0.6909 0.13273 0.15023 0.56921 0.43787 0.01568 0.42763 0.75895 0.88065 0.12779 0.49063 0.85183 0.57705 0.34096 0.01436 0.43238 0.27155 0.71815 0.82024 0.71566 0.23954 0.57845 0.33561 0.01855 0.45972 0.88946 0.37623 0.72534 0.11452 0.28101 0.01961 0.42294 0.34078 0.86191 0.92471 0.0766 0.366 0.63952 0.60991 0.67008 0.02626 0.69165 0.00138 0.20651 0.81233 0.83865 0.08049 0.10813 0.61703 0.15771 0.95121 0.12561 0.6372 0.74499 0.10537 0.19226 0.61285 0.29149 0.69276 0.58107 0.84919 0.20718 0.97719 0.78376 0.84828 0.23994 0.62233 0.60547 0.01737 0.95201 0.59475 0.77548 0.66787 0.29339 0.91943 0.9848 0.82808 0.13413 0.02512 0.62673 0.62721 0.57663 0.62924 0.35075 0.45999 0.28477 0.77778 0.87721 0.91073 0.52074 0.20891 0.17523 0.16342 0.62049 0.99068
+0.76962 0.43516 0.36562 0.32734 0.58813 0.43441 0.81924 0.66177 0.01208 0.68036 0.0164 0.66233 0.47279 0.67209 0.00693 0.91559 0.88239 0.21214 0.75869 0.21816 0.71119 0.21885 0.56872 0.30523 0.30629 0.78261 0.69853 0.87502 0.58713 0.64359 0.5324 0.00874 0.29023 0.3016 0.74717 0.09239 0.84329 0.68983 0.22937 0.578 0.06038 0.27568 0.99807 0.31531 0.0456 0.37307 0.93493 0.96396 0.42549 0.33214 0.10453 0.53298 0.87335 0.54806 0.40207 0.51433 0.63637 0.79096 0.10584 0.04398 0.43542 0.15707 0.9277 0.54868 0.49349 0.65037 0.83636 0.75495 0.3533 0.49977 0.57062 0.9979 0.19726 0.20755 0.12142 0.99682 0.38926 0.44228 0.69045 0.60413 0.1113 0.66704 0.41054 0.8816 0.56004 0.48586 0.62084 0.0579 0.62277 0.69013 0.22827 0.93536 0.30116 0.9046 0.76596 0.33477 0.62521 0.83461 0.33816 0.18373 0.68711 0.52733 0.89072 0.12902 0.73439 0.63358 0.84843 0.24968 0.8583 0.76538 0.33012 0.57073 0.01707 0.68739 0.46746 0.96326 0.67792 0.75626 0.87531 0.66973 0.93647 0.95977 0.77271 0.915 0.60431 0.52135 0.35209 0.96472 0.58551 0.09822 0.51767 0.12234 0.5042 0.29033 0.82972 0.8772 0.95923 0.87828 0.54043 0.73227 0.0125 0.36112 0.79035 0.22206 0.83101 0.3515 0.90613 0.63248 0.27309 0.12921 0.22485 0.64031 0.83823 0.7653 0.20812 0.98527 0.89575 0.80733 0.59343 0.78103 0.06834 0.86429 0.61676 0.72002 0.51668 0.29264 0.00743 0.34443 0.26993 0.92609 0.47131 0.28563 0.18385 0.01881 0.04242 0.29654 0.48904 0.10225 0.24016 0.27168 0.95976 0.19184 0.06794 0.23667 0.90999 0.40282 0.97877 0.14383 0.71425 0.31278 0.89765 0.81571 0.08656 0.02299 0.4979 0.70716 0.88819 0.59675 0.97682 0.5925 0.93636 0.16493 0.64575 0.97567 0.88805 0.96145 0.91512 0.03133 0.02263 0.17529 0.09674 0.76768 0.1884 0.23574 0.29035 0.89042 0.14845 0.93939 0.3362 0.14609 0.49947 0.71055 0.23704 0.13225 0.92332 0.36237 0.45834 0.00328 0.83172 0.62845 0.8723 0.43521 0.30216 0.44051 0.83607 0.6745 0.17129 0.65401 0.43464 0.93716 0.4108 0.35912 0.25803 0.95908 0.88331 0.60156 0.4851 0.52819 0.56119 0.04086 0.27071 0.2796 0.63482 0.6414 0.82954 0.82083 0.77465 0.37709 0.74419 0.64404 0.06764 0.7211 0.29984 0.02403 0.53184 0.47615 0.70662 0.62938 0.72638 0.03843 0.83922 0.72136 0.60112 0.92758 0.89034 0.68333 0.99377 0.52191 0.06489 0.7723 0.32328 0.25341 0.36307 0.8446 0.09602 0.8618 0.85805 0.33793 0.46317 0.17688 0.16697 0.88271 0.55439 0.85731 0.11316 0.98895 0.11298 0.39327 0.27548 0.69424 0.86097 0.48664 0.1351 0.29252 0.34357 0.33922 0.83743 0.42368 0.99501 0.09338 0.20898 0.84276 0.23857 0.69641 0.76338 0.02741 0.24607 0.86138 0.93357 0.84023 0.53602 0.12424 0.58518 0.08308 0.71905 0.30298 0.6489 0.03564 0.96676 0.28318 0.87324 0.06581 0.42348 0.1076 0.51194 0.7279 0.371 0.32009 0.22933 0.59881 0.47069 0.72448 0.34456 0.57466 0.58039 0.16573 0.6088 0.28048 0.54228 0.71297 0.67229 0.97181 0.71638 0.04951 0.54323 0.48435 0.20935 0.45 0.71125 0.27494 0.62711 0.99721 0.19513 0.36246 0.90882 0.24388 0.20499 0.12692 0.28659 0.39085 0.22134 0.32266 0.55685 0.11194 0.81862 0.68847 0.54407 0.56701 0.39292 0.74388 0.81375 0.08962 0.47851 0.6393 0.1776 0.91581 0.87879 0.00857 0.07014 0.24654 0.55475 0.72143 0.15703 0.15629 0.99574 0.20274 0.37332 0.13348 0.03208 0.53805 0.62714 0.66753 0.18066 0.7948 0.52542 0.21598 0.24004 0.159 0.05311 0.42435 0.32106 0.10355 0.20214 0.02016 0.71671 0.58735 0.11786 0.52565 0.45156 0.53395 0.29444 0.81825 0.88637 0.77784 0.8552 0.36604 0.92854 0.29106 0.31274 0.07813 0.06883 0.66088 0.91155 0.33557 0.81637 0.98334 0.23554 0.51421 0.27256 0.38793 0.56926 0.15582 0.49149 0.82618 0.18666 0.58586 0.14935 0.93051 0.92694 0.2751 0.22631 0.82944 0.14782 0.85128 0.6271 0.1777 0.04876 0.46939 0.86213 0.5382 0.6318 0.96732 0.48038 0.1038 0.38271 0.14533 0.71769 0.83669 0.92902 0.14811 0.51182 0.33118 0.29036 0.19054 0.49184 0.97975 0.76606 0.26285 0.74968 0.13565 0.32677 0.54458 0.80398 0.14428 0.4214 0.20096 0.86376 0.98268 0.14504 0.86453 0.22332 0.69057 0.64847 0.25815 0.83904 0.30215 0.29273 0.71047 0.54348 0.01881 0.42706 0.60396 0.53571 0.10027 0.4107 0.27762 0.31052 0.57568 0.69598 0.2364 0.76416 0.00786
+0.38447 0.04461 0.57563 0.6815 0.07154 0.46068 0.28534 0.35893 0.87873 0.00895 0.28898 0.85525 0.01003 0.11461 0.41554 0.13646 0.15746 0.55751 0.22198 0.13765 0.97001 0.11745 0.04851 0.8213 0.70642 0.56496 0.73133 0.89329 0.53161 0.29619 0.47453 0.70976 0.5687 0.68123 0.78335 0.84593 0.47878 0.42958 0.10051 0.79239 0.81881 0.11619 0.53635 0.36553 0.06366 0.99922 0.49184 0.70711 0.97914 0.28605 0.76982 0.61555 0.58344 0.33096 0.12641 0.03729 0.03494 0.10471 0.92893 0.63449 0.44767 0.70859 0.91201 0.14363 0.59231 0.31118 0.48236 0.47516 0.90536 0.30785 0.1905 0.8219 0.51455 0.01506 0.90025 0.70127 0.38405 0.15762 0.98372 0.38421 0.4328 0.81416 0.55095 0.1005 0.45413 0.6338 0.60308 0.06782 0.06709 0.51348 0.54085 0.04715 0.63791 0.51762 0.16869 0.20071 0.66683 0.00053 0.56444 0.37898 0.35661 0.47807 0.56166 0.59605 0.51803 0.37875 0.09203 0.63026 0.26391 0.71667 0.30883 0.1687 0.42141 0.99261 0.67718 0.10134 0.94539 0.39764 0.26206 0.40191 0.54075 0.15354 0.8226 0.30574 0.07717 0.51605 0.03649 0.94837 0.47718 0.53189 0.4998 0.94385 0.89281 0.8049 0.77299 0.45051 0.99137 0.72969 0.00188 0.36394 0.60516 0.89407 0.63231 0.14755 0.02991 0.58162 0.03473 0.9775 0.07253 0.74345 0.10974 0.76249 0.76711 0.07317 0.93152 0.47085 0.66931 0.07615 0.9264 0.85338 0.84425 0.16657 0.12191 0.47709 0.99017 0.36552 0.25433 0.60336 0.66516 0.28443 0.36263 0.97367 0.70412 0.83472 0.05 0.10183 0.00729 0.03693 0.06837 0.38069 0.96349 0.78926 0.40947 0.70977 0.86148 0.2446 0.89492 0.4453 0.83103 0.06354 0.13682 0.67972 0.97076 0.7352 0.89117 0.88973 0.80956 0.89557 0.98673 0.91518 0.99057 0.45491 0.70928 0.04095 0.55242 0.97533 0.27944 0.1646 0.6323 0.2942 0.4957 0.69623 0.53089 0.96909 0.76777 0.20361 0.81493 0.92206 0.66534 0.70057 0.79451 0.01564 0.52288 0.25168 0.01613 0.88493 0.25242 0.02976 0.66911 0.14998 0.44561 0.02112 0.84675 0.43417 0.9523 0.32271 0.20363 0.19933 0.94523 0.99683 0.3868 0.07559 0.92229 0.82809 0.03996 0.13742 0.46748 0.16949 0.13404 0.27958 0.30197 0.84366 0.47543 0.13002 0.13719 0.92133 0.88433 0.95065 0.69595 0.83826 0.68532 0.10252 0.77903 0.92662 0.24554 0.42921 0.72617 0.19943 0.64602 0.70205 0.03747 0.08271 0.87674 0.41284 0.42921 0.92988 0.31138 0.40213 0.29728 0.61097 0.27156 0.90672 0.81733 0.90455 0.84979 0.39939 0.97395 0.05543 0.3249 0.26108 0.85298 0.89927 0.2367 0.90808 0.75884 0.56632 0.77215 0.2539 0.26103 0.49937 0.05482 0.5119 0.67912 0.23146 0.66096 0.38846 0.04726 0.30553 0.52447 0.61221 0.40385 0.517 0.16802 0.64412 0.16012 0.51504 0.94387 0.68558 0.02743 0.6766 0.38024 0.41624 0.87515 0.11085 0.68509 0.517 0.74623 0.24316 0.48143 0.8905 0.48789 0.43964 0.63096 0.1182 0.80547 0.48794 0.85895 0.55696 0.0798 0.28669 0.12133 0.77903 0.37031 0.48091 0.34818 0.78621 0.77972 0.73468 0.81156 0.0752 0.85772 0.25822 0.68264 0.74245 0.64924 0.43238 0.59058 0.93576 0.35342 0.60886 0.19364 0.21454 0.39199 0.85198 0.93677 0.28675 0.59874 0.39729 0.34721 0.97743 0.78907 0.63886 0.49622 0.04122 0.72656 0.41137 0.58048 0.3474 0.36316 0.29786 0.62027 0.81181 0.16401 0.36463 0.95675 0.66011 0.84495 0.9571 0.24668 0.05222 0.29516 0.71007 0.07045 0.66851 0.52054 0.64937 0.09204 0.80353 0.89581 0.57073 0.14035 0.39503 0.44043 0.81279 0.54627 0.85289 0.15671 0.38597 0.04828 0.12864 0.82332 0.83046 0.90772 0.91013 0.80047 0.19919 0.57326 0.19193 0.33265 0.08264 0.6875 0.99577 0.11359 0.65937 0.74477 0.01962 0.44223 0.30101 0.51051 0.50072 0.37752 0.73605 0.53175 0.05989 0.28863 0.57299 0.04533 0.89671 0.35765 0.94035 0.53545 0.78604 0.48783 0.84557 0.36916 0.22842 0.48665 0.8052 0.59096 0.11702 0.43755 0.97468 0.37318 0.80139 0.12176 0.86202 0.04062 0.12824 0.8766 0.87316 0.48766 0.8978 0.3208 0.01793 0.15759 0.22316 0.75748 0.06443 0.3577 0.84771 0.97381 0.95149 0.0141 0.9254 0.7112 0.97888 0.09907 0.8238 0.8094 0.77023 0.97033 0.17767 0.54288 0.48182 0.50619 0.76181 0.51387 0.81267 0.73863 0.41028 0.11437 0.58812 0.20979 0.61325 0.20533 0.61429 0.24687 0.14648 0.35106 0.78711 0.21921 0.70599 0.75557 0.43775 0.75268 0.93607 0.9377 0.79286 0.80929 0.1981 0.36831 0.43358
+0.7769 0.65428 0.87001 0.5285 0.4725 0.94033 0.09348 0.44974 0.4062 0.9204 0.65513 0.41426 0.47622 0.7337 0.58257 0.42448 0.10931 0.36971 0.2189 0.44146 0.14732 0.87167 0.94647 0.22149 0.34249 0.11677 0.324 0.65967 0.27368 0.59844 0.74454 0.12528 0.45052 0.71966 0.66126 0.3564 0.45245 0.84798 0.52407 0.18723 0.91062 0.62051 0.81892 0.86302 0.66525 0.33496 0.47129 0.53025 0.65318 0.28482 0.37278 0.79344 0.0826 0.65415 0.59604 0.75822 0.55818 0.3772 0.41775 0.72829 0.47302 0.56896 0.69502 0.08701 0.09214 0.51649 0.7433 0.187 0.13668 0.33788 0.4183 0.05146 0.01967 0.83541 0.89643 0.01114 0.35345 0.85187 0.27432 0.02541 0.40456 0.25234 0.92626 0.68965 0.91715 0.90162 0.75617 0.91357 0.80388 0.40796 0.14519 0.77201 0.113 0.22941 0.96661 0.97178 0.71894 0.98581 0.36804 0.62584 0.89277 0.84447 0.54673 0.50844 0.20906 0.56427 0.59898 0.80684 0.74735 0.20574 0.94315 0.80332 0.9764 0.54889 0.95624 0.02688 0.80618 0.2232 0.6193 0.27719 0.58953 0.38775 0.12389 0.84802 0.99164 0.28832 0.39508 0.33518 0.47547 0.87817 0.05651 0.16555 0.25695 0.09958 0.78883 0.32599 0.00244 0.53103 0.65012 0.41409 0.39316 0.8751 0.31647 0.58444 0.99242 0.16394 0.04541 0.4004 0.52777 0.60696 0.73374 0.07718 0.82393 0.14879 0.33198 0.95524 0.51405 0.13834 0.71479 0.02118 0.41005 0.1073 0.21373 0.10545 0.37149 0.68885 0.35314 0.69479 0.42731 0.13824 0.035 0.818 0.20856 0.44372 0.98379 0.01238 0.47034 0.90735 0.99102 0.09966 0.7427 0.69043 0.16576 0.19483 0.16227 0.04129 0.77799 0.86463 0.70026 0.06307 0.99711 0.18984 0.47203 0.71361 0.25344 0.24789 0.2331 0.25167 0.93395 0.53329 0.5767 0.37749 0.66699 0.38611 0.89645 0.80451 0.1682 0.35837 0.78651 0.05531 0.87296 0.27159 0.12233 0.97296 0.63128 0.36614 0.41888 0.78048 0.14846 0.36274 0.51713 0.42896 0.91363 0.34613 0.33888 0.44457 0.46293 0.23213 0.04535 0.95224 0.07073 0.33906 0.97984 0.50561 0.38135 0.58779 0.11362 0.81539 0.48667 0.72157 0.69835 0.80669 0.72401 0.66721 0.79804 0.35506 0.18557 0.38 0.05739 0.13007 0.99937 0.36322 0.32393 0.03754 0.22095 0.97302 0.04291 0.76176 0.97295 0.8103 0.643 0.04258 0.52752 0.2344 0.33999 0.05918 0.61845 0.98493 0.37804 0.46475 0.55818 0.80043 0.3197 0.6362 0.59253 0.36271 0.95256 0.27327 0.55418 0.69914 0.16615 0.27704 0.29535 0.86224 0.55084 0.9557 0.72265 0.18726 0.93107 0.52296 0.17873 0.34704 0.14047 0.31762 0.08543 0.77924 0.37141 0.41368 0.28937 0.7662 0.45923 0.9267 0.65382 0.48636 0.02485 0.73717 0.72803 0.98893 0.91978 0.26206 0.7801 0.65047 0.20384 0.99057 0.84556 0.9245 0.16089 0.00398 0.7163 0.53156 0.7948 0.66196 0.79134 0.21874 0.11396 0.45118 0.23276 0.03098 0.81151 0.99915 0.80178 0.12249 0.50373 0.94001 0.18459 0.28743 0.52676 0.22967 0.19125 0.00078 0.30839 0.49922 0.99879 0.83737 0.88304 0.42414 0.2166 0.91851 0.07519 0.05442 0.58886 0.52173 0.26306 0.28575 0.6876 0.45675 0.24807 0.41166 0.84133 0.13899 0.87378 0.36614 0.39437 0.52508 0.02657 0.78772 0.06749 0.62729 0.14987 0.07749 0.64596 0.01222 0.50348 0.17 0.88667 0.95172 0.5807 0.8679 0.61476 0.96621 0.00403 0.67543 0.9465 0.50056 0.12126 0.62205 0.08249 0.46306 0.82117 0.77518 0.00543 0.55263 0.58892 0.67013 0.01514 0.50729 0.4656 0.46428 0.43823 0.22005 0.08534 0.03151 0.46819 0.66598 0.0497 0.21005 0.57402 0.4143 0.00238 0.53101 0.24877 0.11052 0.06751 0.83295 0.34934 0.33787 0.97959 0.15624 0.1971 0.73283 0.73872 0.88555 0.08844 0.41189 0.28114 0.76703 0.24828 0.47038 0.1972 0.07146 0.39019 0.06398 0.26897 0.12483 0.73182 0.62838 0.79405 0.31921 0.34442 0.40266 0.59535 0.39379 0.78279 0.29303 0.04128 0.63138 0.92096 0.98675 0.28991 0.19673 0.57473 0.17284 0.80027 0.6054 0.04194 0.30956 0.78992 0.13408 0.9166 0.76086 0.79834 0.11076 0.74076 0.75416 0.28498 0.91372 0.51493 0.97013 0.85771 0.46549 0.0596 0.46782 0.8593 0.48232 0.39844 0.91312 0.71154 0.29766 0.92292 0.98764 0.55247 0.96395 0.51704 0.54114 0.64126 0.50814 0.95765 0.28619 0.07704 0.74067 0.00632 0.26909 0.27373 0.8092 0.82454 0.03005 0.52054 0.64873 0.38152 0.76758 0.63515 0.33762 0.56524 0.4756 0.15047 0.28002 0.76724 0.35264 0.05348 0.34307 0.27202 0.55074
+0.67633 0.60695 0.758 0.252 0.2324 0.20386 0.48789 0.58089 0.19324 0.46374 0.34164 0.56719 0.72588 0.42812 0.47386 0.26299 0.58536 0.85629 0.68327 0.74496 0.57714 0.32273 0.88433 0.24659 0.84884 0.08991 0.88625 0.97017 0.76228 0.0248 0.60639 0.50795 0.77639 0.12267 0.1679 0.57443 0.18936 0.37654 0.57344 0.34827 0.03592 0.332 0.80312 0.27103 0.6544 0.30661 0.38344 0.20928 0.58158 0.4674 0.44473 0.24221 0.38554 0.56973 0.16819 0.20726 0.52844 0.71871 0.26393 0.71623 0.23292 0.85654 0.12822 0.77108 0.43956 0.8157 0.20248 0.32226 0.88409 0.97023 0.29514 0.16525 0.11322 0.65278 0.5498 0.71485 0.89506 0.0938 0.13672 0.04663 0.19485 0.59204 0.71149 0.95009 0.60164 0.92635 0.9959 0.15871 0.46307 0.97368 0.62894 0.24563 0.46943 0.20477 0.88019 0.81422 0.46505 0.99655 0.99294 0.65148 0.54854 0.54301 0.8047 0.38473 0.00708 0.59641 0.03934 0.3064 0.45228 0.82141 0.18443 0.66173 0.15237 0.29233 0.84664 0.81258 0.12459 0.89152 0.35991 0.55389 0.66478 0.09852 0.82199 0.93746 0.38635 0.13709 0.03086 0.73578 0.45353 0.22778 0.25746 0.10252 0.18236 0.7929 0.33039 0.00105 0.44092 0.35867 0.31064 0.40313 0.33 0.12484 0.21009 0.58418 0.25488 0.55583 0.6043 0.69094 0.36548 0.71108 0.06267 0.16159 0.71413 0.67691 0.96079 0.49587 0.02643 0.32667 0.96382 0.05237 0.99195 0.83733 0.24832 0.10866 0.33763 0.11703 0.34888 0.66879 0.44672 0.3247 0.83246 0.15327 0.50341 0.15956 0.51633 0.79878 0.25785 0.60293 0.33226 0.99663 0.76269 0.51487 0.64225 0.097 0.97781 0.87699 0.74698 0.77412 0.73282 0.35189 0.93025 0.28024 0.17957 0.56653 0.80635 0.3671 0.79841 0.20053 0.27661 0.52702 0.08418 0.75181 0.77923 0.36041 0.14087 0.48921 0.65649 0.34283 0.04666 0.23508 0.48172 0.1745 0.72903 0.5914 0.00114 0.44116 0.26097 0.74583 0.51854 0.52038 0.36834 0.35855 0.90698 0.86971 0.70502 0.79116 0.49704 0.09485 0.73958 0.33117 0.06359 0.4944 0.9211 0.34367 0.08625 0.12299 0.04596 0.16676 0.23297 0.61974 0.44464 0.72038 0.56518 0.70004 0.37907 0.34772 0.14614 0.5611 0.36974 0.23878 0.56562 0.75977 0.35081 0.57723 0.79674 0.74805 0.73319 0.64848 0.66026 0.80596 0.01688 0.06777 0.82932 0.69558 0.68469 0.86666 0.30549 0.7981 0.25363 0.23942 0.68064 0.92004 0.92421 0.37326 0.57905 0.83077 0.6847 0.92934 0.70962 0.9749 0.69449 0.60742 0.48579 0.27144 0.98769 0.30841 0.48682 0.16931 0.69191 0.82494 0.25652 0.0314 0.98866 0.74341 0.58612 0.60496 0.87541 0.76944 0.92688 0.26457 0.62626 0.05833 0.53321 0.49075 0.01672 0.51522 0.2455 0.30778 0.945 0.43171 0.47973 0.19232 0.54283 0.63906 0.50948 0.03874 0.56635 0.1484 0.75046 0.54659 0.22986 0.67236 0.43783 0.65905 0.84788 0.09026 0.92135 0.35301 0.97334 0.21634 0.05491 0.84133 0.74587 0.74282 0.94681 0.22645 0.44754 0.83716 0.86621 0.31545 0.89745 0.11858 0.4745 0.28887 0.41654 0.45482 0.83978 0.82843 0.99314 0.644 0.15973 0.25221 0.5543 0.44522 0.24179 0.4812 0.96006 0.32954 0.50433 0.33962 0.36976 0.18536 0.17857 0.70532 0.75015 0.28495 0.50891 0.06778 0.14469 0.0882 0.47845 0.5748 0.5416 0.94406 0.13806 0.5264 0.76618 0.97495 0.89779 0.26331 0.20676 0.23119 0.69542 0.68914 0.17877 0.91185 0.82701 0.86043 0.64187 0.99609 0.39823 0.42299 0.27789 0.29279 0.73279 0.79021 0.24899 0.42122 0.35428 0.94154 0.83496 0.17403 0.63678 0.72332 0.24304 0.94044 0.80576 0.67494 0.6982 0.4566 0.48182 0.96182 0.4501 0.83733 0.27276 0.56312 0.19423 0.67457 0.30996 0.91849 0.78784 0.76637 0.01004 0.00352 0.88349 0.57238 0.15421 0.51447 0.4767 0.57133 0.862 0.5771 0.90566 0.47673 0.17634 0.35781 0.03793 0.81621 0.2747 0.29939 0.80721 0.74256 0.8105 0.22064 0.11661 0.04519 0.87644 0.63417 0.44935 0.1806 0.91085 0.73975 0.66687 0.639 0.28024 0.56538 0.38943 0.68127 0.91222 0.41703 0.62632 0.68026 0.31099 0.98541 0.10964 0.31958 0.29863 0.66203 0.94453 0.21651 0.73426 0.75346 0.08437 0.22575 0.13228 0.33297 0.02616 0.55058 0.90984 0.23283 0.78748 0.75137 0.76069 0.58614 0.77969 0.69987 0.00524 0.66816 0.80432 0.92711 0.87088 0.97328 0.54071 0.30424 0.94877 0.58224 0.95301 0.33556 0.16354 0.04422 0.27976 0.47624 0.04475 0.49025 0.87392 0.72353 0.10187 0.69914 0.44011 0.54738 0.51029 0.82972
+0.54782 0.37863 0.96947 0.41099 0.27126 0.19988 0.00313 0.47982 0.45189 0.17153 0.40591 0.98306 0.92113 0.90991 0.64587 0.86375 0.29243 0.47242 0.86315 0.51214 0.39579 0.44649 0.02843 0.89609 0.3482 0.88638 0.13042 0.7158 0.50537 0.74382 0.75384 0.89531 0.15365 0.02739 0.05558 0.52413 0.81527 0.13424 0.00618 0.12686 0.79049 0.60673 0.52149 0.72034 0.74513 0.71746 0.90127 0.6771 0.39769 0.96442 0.76989 0.76505 0.70052 0.00977 0.40546 0.59442 0.8943 0.31007 0.16091 0.32993 0.99057 0.01424 0.8343 0.26283 0.34001 0.24665 0.90452 0.2345 0.4321 0.72482 0.19496 0.41686 0.91448 0.9129 0.99452 0.03953 0.03174 0.32317 0.86261 0.72846 0.74136 0.67086 0.24222 0.03574 0.44384 0.25039 0.18156 0.14839 0.97038 0.75094 0.74363 0.13634 0.66497 0.90505 0.9145 0.19537 0.80751 0.58386 0.29093 0.29571 0.36233 0.47662 0.42621 0.11508 0.33956 0.37885 0.79103 0.12011 0.01624 0.632 0.05869 0.82398 0.25345 0.6418 0.77708 0.96233 0.1286 0.25226 0.7577 0.28821 0.13658 0.86391 0.20639 0.88354 0.8383 0.68945 0.35807 0.03122 0.11872 0.12484 0.89584 0.87737 0.36165 0.96183 0.88541 0.06238 0.60813 0.56757 0.77475 0.2736 0.35982 0.28715 0.45163 0.24969 0.77413 0.70121 0.08628 0.11353 0.76489 0.72327 0.86501 0.38043 0.70702 0.74233 0.44482 0.94875 0.0142 0.91554 0.90887 0.41096 0.74333 0.1936 0.11169 0.92833 0.90351 0.92281 0.15529 0.35088 0.53852 0.59017 0.3795 0.36082 0.53022 0.18098 0.40083 0.66677 0.55683 0.30963 0.8319 0.12026 0.7649 0.461 0.01655 0.22151 0.55909 0.99255 0.32271 0.84006 0.03811 0.27757 0.64297 0.38345 0.91442 0.14315 0.40327 0.32682 0.52447 0.92556 0.62456 0.79082 0.44517 0.35579 0.63252 0.5321 0.21704 0.1657 0.49041 0.38791 0.43485 0.07463 0.59978 0.34388 0.93854 0.59804 0.33525 0.95195 0.56494 0.95231 0.22515 0.84783 0.91295 0.69377 0.00703 0.51847 0.58145 0.8577 0.9014 0.67773 0.99035 0.77814 0.06322 0.67465 0.64705 0.64477 0.6212 0.99806 0.71646 0.45337 0.30651 0.34764 0.61414 0.38274 0.03408 0.88862 0.40254 0.01036 0.58832 0.0389 0.37556 0.97158 0.26704 0.06617 0.70179 0.54809 0.45103 0.64154 0.00725 0.36005 0.47507 0.1163 0.52929 0.49944 0.76021 0.66924 0.3181 0.01026 0.41446 0.06565 0.31853 0.00274 0.37214 0.22694 0.8806 0.52153 0.49062 0.80203 0.33508 0.99423 0.16778 0.76726 0.5399 0.54918 0.06948 0.56222 0.9198 0.36322 0.07693 0.93755 0.9376 0.28343 0.40556 0.30548 0.54885 0.48051 0.97706 0.51207 0.44939 0.69527 0.09044 0.76448 0.49901 0.34023 0.61504 0.43067 0.75572 0.01044 0.17508 0.76881 0.04401 0.46334 0.79806 0.37326 0.62213 0.20818 0.19565 0.5769 0.33653 0.84586 0.1205 0.6601 0.82285 0.83182 0.91137 0.08668 0.00317 0.70073 0.10559 0.04809 0.7159 0.8884 0.74653 0.0118 0.72173 0.99068 0.44931 0.47429 0.35917 0.20288 0.98544 0.36302 0.2175 0.78211 0.77102 0.50879 0.58966 0.98787 0.20548 0.75181 0.96303 0.51923 0.51527 0.59191 0.09561 0.14444 0.77171 0.87817 0.30657 0.61958 0.22285 0.32815 0.02881 0.75889 0.23925 0.63998 0.154 0.66225 0.06174 0.4451 0.86762 0.6575 0.5396 0.41541 0.36019 0.91075 0.18604 0.10014 0.18526 0.09548 0.32385 0.5926 0.62232 0.79433 0.49713 0.66567 0.51401 0.0363 0.42227 0.82491 0.80784 0.90565 0.97396 0.7423 0.06501 0.10265 0.53889 0.62406 0.62729 0.70257 0.39549 0.03656 0.30888 0.81722 0.00884 0.93801 0.53049 0.00188 0.65967 0.04827 0.27166 0.3515 0.27004 0.36508 0.06039 0.58584 0.98247 0.33884 0.49018 0.80457 0.07094 0.04314 0.89966 0.30495 0.2335 0.99902 0.64973 0.1128 0.89326 0.06635 0.03811 0.73184 0.5709 0.39266 0.99851 0.17749 0.74771 0.98864 0.34317 0.9059 0.86769 0.67045 0.96722 0.60962 0.15272 0.17083 0.33784 0.63978 0.10595 0.53059 0.8231 0.37566 0.12083 0.83323 0.6806 0.22567 0.41146 0.80563 0.89374 0.20721 0.1063 0.71239 0.07403 0.26678 0.10316 0.25406 0.65073 0.84172 0.25367 0.55725 0.34256 0.26518 0.72813 0.58958 0.02729 0.63385 0.99918 0.43058 0.2954 0.21977 0.93188 0.62734 0.18418 0.02747 0.40603 0.97032 0.62437 0.72183 0.1124 0.50829 0.49027 0.7972 0.2637 0.27764 0.74963 0.29315 0.32159 0.82226 0.2165 0.13516 0.0646 0.70699 0.21889 0.07995 0.1178 0.93343 0.2806 0.47186 0.34703 0.27523 0.0219 0.15722 0.36031 0.4213
+0.95551 0.14463 0.08389 0.48353 0.25105 0.18271 0.06292 0.17857 0.72246 0.28347 0.36953 0.98158 0.5662 0.74293 0.30199 0.62582 0.51437 0.69552 0.39799 0.90978 0.8442 0.02011 0.50174 0.80953 0.63418 0.95774 0.40123 0.39765 0.96799 0.89723 0.44 0.7572 0.23479 0.95143 0.95708 0.94018 0.09771 0.32854 0.41623 0.52927 0.17145 0.74527 0.19697 0.39067 0.41049 0.41071 0.64678 0.20431 0.11484 0.16762 0.16397 0.08727 0.79806 0.87532 0.96086 0.7409 0.65172 0.85606 0.7353 0.19784 0.72059 0.96942 0.39857 0.95368 0.16551 0.2805 0.94415 0.53957 0.84499 0.8072 0.25072 0.87301 0.09361 0.24295 0.84339 0.50935 0.82422 0.81833 0.87948 0.18807 0.82063 0.51161 0.58038 0.53491 0.4485 0.96328 0.52138 0.19005 0.02606 0.20502 0.88967 0.39841 0.37763 0.72529 0.46673 0.48347 0.54284 0.98919 0.10992 0.93977 0.07835 0.13885 0.69184 0.30719 0.68254 0.72302 0.30358 0.14008 0.08536 0.74462 0.37132 0.5024 0.41143 0.02834 0.3867 0.87891 0.17421 0.9911 0.00808 0.13133 0.16831 0.10739 0.87692 0.45441 0.18787 0.33002 0.04628 0.1926 0.10183 0.93616 0.02623 0.08673 0.64234 0.47544 0.68006 0.98054 0.1406 0.11467 0.41998 0.01896 0.7464 0.75984 0.57537 0.1572 0.93001 0.92236 0.48564 0.22738 0.61295 0.96328 0.74856 0.31818 0.77074 0.4383 0.5739 0.86648 0.90137 0.82591 0.50866 0.91158 0.2674 0.47243 0.61824 0.46545 0.33653 0.36178 0.31999 0.08006 0.68977 0.56867 0.44058 0.15275 0.66149 0.30648 0.6676 0.37378 0.97132 0.12434 0.75335 0.21685 0.37568 0.05598 0.41048 0.23517 0.18675 0.72978 0.77003 0.89334 0.74454 0.78143 0.38746 0.48448 0.07538 0.73709 0.13229 0.52464 0.67761 0.39898 0.29668 0.67197 0.08196 0.65594 0.96394 0.59561 0.74189 0.64971 0.85926 0.0208 0.59383 0.05568 0.105 0.2417 0.50842 0.03565 0.45995 0.88177 0.85151 0.72717 0.76867 0.79606 0.9424 0.75154 0.97913 0.4973 0.15616 0.71457 0.7813 0.55405 0.491 0.78239 0.88899 0.05087 0.7473 0.01676 0.39098 0.20024 0.45162 0.90203 0.83236 0.65029 0.2652 0.20236 0.57483 0.90012 0.14723 0.84821 0.64039 0.09813 0.04295 0.11634 0.73564 0.01394 0.21066 0.96845 0.60262 0.11705 0.91487 0.4469 0.97763 0.88285 0.51821 0.697 0.35118 0.83799 0.53889 0.24409 0.37954 0.67357 0.42456 0.65887 0.77292 0.37229 0.08942 0.9108 0.79321 0.9247 0.68343 0.04219 0.58377 0.17993 0.73292 0.31099 0.29172 0.5396 0.4271 0.70928 0.4836 0.03409 0.59777 0.92175 0.60719 0.77498 0.94424 0.47675 0.25258 0.69434 0.98182 0.69014 0.03753 0.83679 0.81554 0.79367 0.48751 0.61185 0.7406 0.89544 0.57577 0.30381 0.54824 0.07754 0.55457 0.73632 0.38708 0.99003 0.70082 0.30422 0.81408 0.21175 0.80546 0.80332 0.50518 0.28125 0.83375 0.17937 0.57538 0.00335 0.10439 0.06232 0.9118 0.71065 0.0023 0.03294 0.57321 0.5351 0.34268 0.31473 0.12379 0.44984 0.63832 0.6125 0.45958 0.2553 0.19625 0.7654 0.16279 0.71476 0.70377 0.53915 0.66809 0.33581 0.16523 0.52677 0.63634 0.53551 0.14303 0.2666 0.34523 0.82107 0.19432 0.44404 0.05966 0.90845 0.03484 0.90538 0.53688 0.16339 0.03793 0.30752 0.28694 0.55873 0.43261 0.47206 0.07257 0.38352 0.63163 0.56976 0.76886 0.76564 0.24141 0.0979 0.22365 0.34087 0.75569 0.8914 0.40333 0.38868 0.256 0.15929 0.58927 0.40536 0.49976 0.56273 0.31319 0.48957 0.98489 0.86992 0.83424 0.04187 0.59708 0.39783 0.13494 0.16203 0.90224 0.50625 0.87268 0.77601 0.07618 0.53014 0.43894 0.33015 0.6 0.52102 0.65258 0.15799 0.23861 0.68247 0.28722 0.91678 0.4157 0.29531 0.22033 0.74731 0.521 0.03363 0.02876 0.61785 0.19286 0.66661 0.88677 0.27559 0.38367 0.86138 0.39013 0.46072 0.29694 0.04793 0.87054 0.39301 0.44061 0.18655 0.07437 0.8496 0.87016 0.18423 0.72879 0.23595 0.96591 0.82833 0.43716 0.74453 0.79611 0.33938 0.86993 0.71125 0.76075 0.55119 0.50065 0.63723 0.71089 0.22929 0.10238 0.03229 0.24065 0.00077 0.15085 0.65479 0.0202 0.42863 0.64664 0.43712 0.3804 0.29795 0.39599 0.72535 0.19957 0.09128 0.98238 0.13045 0.1132 0.68449 0.29354 0.81222 0.47469 0.84598 0.8443 0.17571 0.37202 0.15602 0.85977 0.53869 0.59238 0.4183 0.78843 0.05386 0.48524 0.01337 0.40359 0.44942 0.69714 0.84083 0.07632 0.51082 0.46378 0.6023 0.42487 0.33719 0.64331 0.38336 0.29597 0.14863 0.87277 0.98368
+0.11205 0.69704 0.3939 0.09866 0.62603 0.34208 0.20776 0.50517 0.3348 0.48486 0.01282 0.86504 0.66353 0.55824 0.07594 0.83328 0.94527 0.40308 0.22186 0.72372 0.79418 0.29755 0.26286 0.23591 0.08097 0.34881 0.58813 0.09361 0.50966 0.60199 0.35086 0.40737 0.48223 0.73699 0.5215 0.04162 0.20316 0.03769 0.20808 0.8737 0.13896 0.70458 0.85516 0.49679 0.49631 0.67337 0.39054 0.76402 0.74971 0.15374 0.3628 0.31814 0.3997 0.10127 0.56063 0.56112 0.74393 0.77241 0.87057 0.54752 0.6992 0.8272 0.29949 0.68445 0.38998 0.75222 0.62417 0.72007 0.59706 0.06897 0.78829 0.68885 0.55262 0.95369 0.29406 0.82263 0.18972 0.00294 0.07213 0.87033 0.46919 0.13125 0.96414 0.70726 0.93486 0.82875 0.83904 0.96355 0.06358 0.48639 0.14685 0.11745 0.79468 0.9642 0.36024 0.7495 0.0258 0.9328 0.55252 0.67145 0.53266 0.48427 0.51244 0.98685 0.73633 0.83692 0.62999 0.70362 0.46572 0.43087 0.4559 0.03596 0.47954 0.47975 0.36018 0.76527 0.59643 0.17534 0.93455 0.4837 0.9974 0.77011 0.57145 0.05341 0.45304 0.52062 0.11235 0.13246 0.17105 0.11385 0.57458 0.54653 0.71831 0.01159 0.48138 0.92227 0.56941 0.27917 0.107 0.78222 0.09468 0.38977 0.42354 0.77956 0.15971 0.68652 0.07574 0.23199 0.54304 0.6224 0.40423 0.74974 0.18857 0.72131 0.13301 0.15317 0.75431 0.19841 0.38979 0.27659 0.30067 0.59476 0.44108 0.19921 0.90365 0.01331 0.75865 0.94763 0.59776 0.11388 0.86586 0.80636 0.76646 0.36747 0.82173 0.62317 0.17148 0.29752 0.81176 0.44871 0.59543 0.57186 0.10249 0.02359 0.92619 0.22065 0.50286 0.03925 0.30263 0.84651 0.59056 0.63398 0.38058 0.36131 0.3214 0.00304 0.14561 0.29162 0.29947 0.0774 0.03331 0.3149 0.33946 0.06379 0.76628 0.29549 0.77676 0.99162 0.42185 0.19192 0.51349 0.92057 0.66945 0.45773 0.11064 0.34071 0.61427 0.02236 0.26298 0.45641 0.43014 0.9613 0.41013 0.68102 0.86323 0.27743 0.76119 0.1345 0.68255 0.20795 0.95677 0.68118 0.98976 0.91704 0.64623 0.875 0.85879 0.80941 0.52323 0.54535 0.56259 0.84125 0.59768 0.97409 0.51964 0.31906 0.08308 0.51487 0.80815 0.43989 0.57021 0.52312 0.97268 0.57386 0.92372 0.98971 0.27488 0.89349 0.14506 0.07782 0.67371 0.3644 0.9393 0.05125 0.87254 0.49446 0.77965 0.92268 0.79271 0.16906 0.67527 0.31282 0.09988 0.68027 0.20217 0.57074 0.1938 0.11383 0.75087 0.21701 0.52139 0.5704 0.61313 0.45702 0.30574 0.0234 0.86964 0.07082 0.23769 0.85073 0.47812 0.78689 0.40168 0.23818 0.88217 0.94232 0.82079 0.39534 0.33547 0.53973 0.82043 0.82392 0.68102 0.06541 0.31112 0.1275 0.41518 0.35363 0.71548 0.5559 0.51981 0.43007 0.83334 0.39056 0.15 0.36482 0.85888 0.86633 0.10239 0.8466 0.0223 0.81508 0.1371 0.41511 0.78062 0.67056 0.59694 0.10782 0.84924 0.64069 0.24582 0.76188 0.22211 0.9826 0.02978 0.9523 0.89622 0.93328 0.58644 0.2255 0.68251 0.08934 0.76484 0.21487 0.05096 0.79265 0.28815 0.44819 0.67545 0.23565 0.05211 0.33439 0.19524 0.29403 0.81784 0.98876 0.30731 0.95284 0.515 0.84245 0.37871 0.33475 0.42285 0.41261 0.19245 0.87778 0.10835 0.11575 0.71932 0.51235 0.43359 0.452 0.15183 0.54333 0.04369 0.16359 0.87129 0.01388 0.06992 0.83293 0.36911 0.85733 0.90742 0.78527 0.9922 0.02416 0.11829 0.65873 0.41771 0.01085 0.16244 0.48671 0.49253 0.41718 0.40939 0.24254 0.72065 0.70481 0.60118 0.23209 0.33521 0.05569 0.33581 0.58226 0.99162 0.4098 0.586 0.35329 0.4638 0.48824 0.21632 0.18404 0.2775 0.10478 0.41568 0.05493 0.74871 0.25407 0.82184 0.685 0.28209 0.91207 0.04119 0.95052 0.49754 0.64656 0.63949 0.89884 0.21901 0.37999 0.29262 0.51385 0.0257 0.62222 0.94807 0.05885 0.45947 0.50123 0.64628 0.44826 0.66073 0.38109 0.30684 0.1386 0.75437 0.68076 0.71825 0.40809 0.91881 0.9686 0.36322 0.94091 0.26029 0.33312 0.48181 0.96532 0.94834 0.50612 0.08493 0.08748 0.88942 0.51359 0.14325 0.2747 0.10139 0.60148 0.42029 0.01235 0.00622 0.23122 0.55523 0.02117 0.03326 0.6554 0.75572 0.23785 0.57392 0.49339 0.33948 0.44371 0.73615 0.74433 0.95649 0.52041 0.40491 0.91858 0.97207 0.98857 0.33427 0.98043 0.44543 0.34534 0.19202 0.98393 0.50568 0.41349 0.10929 0.21971 0.84891 0.50695 0.14073 0.22239 0.24719 0.00819 0.87205 0.23224 0.42859 0.62414 0.3612 0.80514 0.76927 0.83015
+0.72408 0.00842 0.58754 0.99098 0.63913 0.04404 0.43802 0.79566 0.85773 0.27095 0.66901 0.29517 0.68452 0.42357 0.97209 0.73418 0.34962 0.39577 0.44717 0.17123 0.49972 0.07075 0.86476 0.61891 0.68526 0.37102 0.45016 0.88005 0.59428 0.078 0.64002 0.69086 0.42722 0.00162 0.05164 0.5372 0.78879 0.37652 0.97154 0.27427 0.85031 0.42071 0.06875 0.03509 0.4432 0.69107 0.0449 0.07853 0.0846 0.02866 0.84763 0.08178 0.54183 0.03608 0.03739 0.46588 0.96305 0.50562 0.7537 0.85853 0.51844 0.12767 0.89591 0.81448 0.3377 0.18907 0.85935 0.51914 0.6431 0.01481 0.0167 0.17278 0.16135 0.03308 0.57281 0.55075 0.99934 0.12567 0.49059 0.73521 0.234 0.05531 0.43794 0.6568 0.87835 0.21501 0.51232 0.9792 0.22891 0.06981 0.9478 0.45056 0.73174 0.17198 0.65675 0.28724 0.74727 0.37816 0.91607 0.68326 0.77854 0.46698 0.55785 0.64904 0.99981 0.37929 0.08671 0.93501 0.01046 0.01754 0.14639 0.75902 0.40694 0.24451 0.48449 0.53455 0.41717 0.13087 0.2053 0.32621 0.20665 0.04034 0.78 0.18539 0.58604 0.56854 0.65537 0.90066 0.39479 0.80648 0.17459 0.95488 0.91 0.97202 0.66915 0.70922 0.49391 0.78343 0.36351 0.94047 0.68912 0.59932 0.26915 0.90265 0.15467 0.18137 0.6919 0.17862 0.7995 0.99892 0.02797 0.73976 0.81749 0.27096 0.57266 0.32675 0.21657 0.31137 0.8644 0.28399 0.67724 0.48948 0.35685 0.7359 0.6914 0.17225 0.04564 0.54309 0.70284 0.74658 0.46665 0.35991 0.84353 0.55148 0.31338 0.95177 0.55323 0.55546 0.43864 0.66439 0.96051 0.87657 0.77231 0.30226 0.67436 0.60062 0.0778 0.40655 0.55889 0.13276 0.03438 0.05149 0.33848 0.57707 0.7008 0.17306 0.79804 0.19721 0.97585 0.64721 0.79732 0.72364 0.61904 0.72415 0.72139 0.6805 0.70611 0.76576 0.03944 0.70108 0.60501 0.64712 0.50047 0.38789 0.45933 0.7128 0.88703 0.85154 0.13592 0.64678 0.32599 0.10119 0.98509 0.40085 0.14627 0.85986 0.92964 0.21837 0.36285 0.35987 0.01411 0.25359 0.7166 0.79536 0.38346 0.91947 0.95995 0.72479 0.80667 0.18785 0.81967 0.53806 0.97349 0.54529 0.92538 0.67652 0.30344 0.38649 0.77034 0.68325 0.48903 0.96898 0.23161 0.0183 0.6151 0.03463 0.38287 0.49327 0.45622 0.26276 0.52256 0.12922 0.78849 0.26043 0.37867 0.04461 0.91504 0.37359 0.44607 0.65109 0.29868 0.37836 0.55116 0.5524 0.58994 0.10032 0.38475 0.37619 0.58247 0.51283 0.59337 0.7494 0.94001 0.24949 0.00048 0.12876 0.16705 0.97049 0.03359 0.67204 0.71333 0.9991 0.92618 0.96703 0.62758 0.21711 0.9037 0.23041 0.41483 0.20337 0.45667 0.32483 0.19904 0.8153 0.96261 0.46642 0.86908 0.90334 0.26058 0.42838 0.87938 0.48211 0.14467 0.20512 0.23886 0.5674 0.95048 0.02786 0.1625 0.86434 0.54088 0.48559 0.00408 0.97394 0.03142 0.40886 0.01073 0.90948 0.84229 0.53388 0.81923 0.01013 0.47263 0.42667 0.16624 0.56405 0.27439 0.33152 0.54221 0.61747 0.65623 0.13977 0.36436 0.58707 0.50434 0.92496 0.00317 0.12554 0.71307 0.36907 0.03497 0.07042 0.94309 0.87194 0.44687 0.94376 0.17133 0.64562 0.2266 0.52071 0.61729 0.22721 0.41688 0.11036 0.85619 0.28703 0.3594 0.71739 0.47848 0.81111 0.19705 0.8775 0.32897 0.30823 0.8524 0.85812 0.84075 0.69194 0.27454 0.66736 0.09189 0.06891 0.2895 0.55098 0.01411 0.99997 0.72831 0.78073 0.62262 0.29866 0.17371 0.9834 0.27835 0.75421 0.25996 0.6389 0.90191 0.94898 0.42843 0.54098 0.6749 0.14618 0.92759 0.65009 0.33531 0.269 0.33131 0.6234 0.18282 0.79516 0.172 0.51013 0.71579 0.19182 0.1659 0.11661 0.96108 0.49899 0.86916 0.68833 0.42637 0.65658 0.67661 0.05634 0.60789 0.07111 0.26283 0.27203 0.1725 0.94895 0.78814 0.61535 0.46263 0.69231 0.3857 0.83157 0.95125 0.74235 0.31897 0.25123 0.36719 0.33124 0.7581 0.71785 0.98558 0.43294 0.77995 0.03217 0.01176 0.24972 0.24156 0.64652 0.48626 0.79575 0.27436 0.26502 0.14306 0.25675 0.10709 0.46096 0.66415 0.86456 0.04107 0.27207 0.18285 0.79662 0.25207 0.33376 0.8828 0.14519 0.99456 0.73031 0.98224 0.84602 0.24897 0.33643 0.66002 0.52983 0.70486 0.39996 0.48287 0.11866 0.33084 0.47273 0.22238 0.63739 0.94237 0.8991 0.85566 0.26329 0.026 0.01795 0.42884 0.51344 0.95149 0.94145 0.45371 0.15156 0.5103 0.74722 0.33136 0.7122 0.79879 0.25296 0.3867 0.11516 0.99822 0.7675 0.17783 0.19303 0.49341 0.26217
+0.47561 0.81475 0.59939 0.40976 0.53367 0.45829 0.00187 0.59376 0.03631 0.51995 0.6931 0.61427 0.92909 0.10766 0.67401 0.53026 0.9331 0.36185 0.50309 0.86555 0.71893 0.39948 0.22609 0.1819 0.59616 0.75203 0.28739 0.95498 0.86491 0.31969 0.63538 0.22629 0.33399 0.66527 0.96613 0.93326 0.9854 0.2383 0.72472 0.97928 0.27319 0.15071 0.29448 0.64999 0.27462 0.18758 0.98386 0.03337 0.31127 0.38113 0.45947 0.58634 0.60898 0.86027 0.83228 0.87195 0.779 0.99818 0.75743 0.24788 0.74329 0.06485 0.51668 0.58558 0.19596 0.88749 0.36661 0.04814 0.19909 0.48827 0.53721 0.80456 0.37631 0.25431 0.26449 0.69139 0.20377 0.9755 0.26077 0.65531 0.26115 0.19553 0.4546 0.75485 0.18819 0.26909 0.06439 0.79448 0.58157 0.14147 0.96802 0.79199 0.04154 0.97982 0.83394 0.44451 0.6197 0.8524 0.12693 0.54084 0.70447 0.395 0.8427 0.92338 0.91573 0.55817 0.34884 0.45414 0.09123 0.07525 0.88188 0.41363 0.10013 0.47122 0.5307 0.55659 0.3834 0.36692 0.7942 0.39146 0.43569 0.06891 0.90672 0.55741 0.72844 0.06897 0.02075 0.30148 0.6731 0.78527 0.27776 0.53056 0.81992 0.23584 0.98943 0.65297 0.40587 0.06922 0.65656 0.29132 0.18981 0.3847 0.97424 0.07823 0.80791 0.16557 0.63718 0.37508 0.4862 0.7493 0.06093 0.47974 0.21698 0.30321 0.5471 0.27993 0.8067 0.25319 0.86556 0.84303 0.48094 0.93503 0.67853 0.1171 0.2739 0.28258 0.2291 0.97917 0.41009 0.19725 0.10704 0.71825 0.95266 0.58469 0.3631 0.6853 0.57566 0.61731 0.181 0.13966 0.73292 0.50352 0.70287 0.56458 0.74053 0.79372 0.55251 0.00582 0.59119 0.90329 0.83199 0.8943 0.25119 0.76626 0.63309 0.18318 0.82045 0.71893 0.5222 0.01435 0.57097 0.40585 0.0367 0.712 0.62061 0.26883 0.81011 0.64076 0.8418 0.6554 0.99709 0.86509 0.14206 0.28365 0.08204 0.90154 0.36907 0.73231 0.01168 0.55589 0.23134 0.70669 0.53814 0.54082 0.03294 0.85967 0.21973 0.0166 0.6155 0.1808 0.83884 0.12124 0.5247 0.20778 0.2614 0.68943 0.72239 0.09585 0.4286 0.49375 0.31724 0.05599 0.74107 0.69561 0.37392 0.2902 0.72762 0.33303 0.91341 0.0328 0.78294 0.16755 0.80894 0.80363 0.88147 0.41047 0.00595 0.40183 0.42018 0.01427 0.23231 0.87366 0.65666 0.61154 0.63802 0.29163 0.69195 0.18708 0.95011 0.7974 0.9011 0.70359 0.26204 0.67994 0.10003 0.41401 0.26762 0.49285 0.64285 0.32191 0.2379 0.43111 0.16298 0.07427 0.48932 0.44046 0.61535 0.80388 0.28343 0.03958 0.8521 0.3939 0.00265 0.47164 0.61159 0.29865 0.39993 0.43613 0.40723 0.46936 0.03836 0.08326 0.7744 0.33502 0.13722 0.06116 0.41067 0.13362 0.21331 0.85619 0.27652 0.76681 0.32649 0.54154 0.43395 0.57908 0.82098 0.09233 0.15663 0.8502 0.00911 0.38464 0.2351 0.18708 0.82955 0.79046 0.38507 0.96403 0.32698 0.71729 0.80017 0.74426 0.63508 0.66489 0.61676 0.30313 0.65055 0.87785 0.64655 0.51792 0.07851 0.15882 0.25347 0.22902 0.00869 0.91613 0.46544 0.23853 0.43884 0.70331 0.37877 0.90341 0.91196 0.54799 0.72666 0.9362 0.35865 0.00139 0.59048 0.62959 0.86847 0.18774 0.05668 0.23936 0.62642 0.53462 0.74501 0.24843 0.06515 0.99551 0.67669 0.71244 0.25462 0.72028 0.18996 0.82261 0.66785 0.97571 0.05273 0.03679 0.31478 0.67347 0.38749 0.21322 0.58247 0.32426 0.42448 0.81123 0.65078 0.28751 0.43951 0.53812 0.65642 0.64812 0.77702 0.51084 0.123 0.77121 0.97585 0.22548 0.91526 0.67209 0.80652 0.71508 0.35051 0.5362 0.2881 0.9783 0.87357 0.82698 0.02862 0.11921 0.40042 0.69996 0.49228 0.01971 0.471 0.16955 0.55499 0.00785 0.265 0.7715 0.23523 0.48846 0.26819 0.3086 0.84566 0.74569 0.70776 0.12435 0.64564 0.39637 0.18444 0.77126 0.07747 0.12108 0.98196 0.38607 0.8305 0.79756 0.32192 0.87615 0.80463 0.09718 0.72422 0.58666 0.21925 0.35581 0.80557 0.17097 0.70815 0.58162 0.21656 0.39932 0.59898 0.29331 0.69192 0.26065 0.93727 0.67331 0.67876 0.45131 0.10814 0.3243 0.45459 0.15625 0.56904 0.18751 0.68876 0.38035 0.4569 0.64022 0.70951 0.7756 0.15482 0.73763 0.10468 0.90729 0.37963 0.95013 0.37552 0.10801 0.7665 0.12817 0.08434 0.21917 0.72487 0.37962 0.88202 0.28077 0.54431 0.87839 0.00514 0.72745 0.36432 0.40362 0.07393 0.67388 0.24814 0.93568 0.73669 0.31292 0.46573 0.20754 0.92746 0.54857 0.24271 0.33706 0.56158 0.42449 0.50159 0.55405
+0.84531 0.14813 0.72402 0.9851 0.91172 0.89936 0.57017 0.91661 0.15494 0.01252 0.32382 0.08721 0.52836 0.30263 0.95749 0.08181 0.5816 0.1226 0.99525 0.80226 0.74407 0.757 0.82118 0.31074 0.98151 0.84951 0.52303 0.54393 0.04618 0.66839 0.89479 0.24521 0.29073 0.05786 0.97225 0.37241 0.81005 0.57851 0.21029 0.63407 0.55837 0.15573 0.56172 0.05207 0.40628 0.4819 0.45199 0.18233 0.25567 0.47437 0.70149 0.61886 0.6715 0.64021 0.97332 0.13391 0.90734 0.26076 0.29623 0.06851 0.61676 0.78467 0.17657 0.29911 0.83116 0.24137 0.9174 0.50289 0.50992 0.32633 0.44353 0.77181 0.07791 0.16175 0.73622 0.30863 0.12853 0.16255 0.87186 0.4734 0.28453 0.96681 0.56671 0.40221 0.19215 0.44557 0.99027 0.81313 0.5634 0.27415 0.20988 0.96037 0.15087 0.5612 0.78542 0.89327 0.23666 0.67727 0.04679 0.85411 0.91897 0.09323 0.07557 0.25792 0.84752 0.70741 0.17158 0.55938 0.74366 0.16368 0.42955 0.30881 0.69685 0.3873 0.1573 0.26356 0.80021 0.86551 0.94455 0.18102 0.85314 0.66243 0.97296 0.41406 0.17785 0.43404 0.40372 0.56525 0.80537 0.12536 0.38923 0.96894 0.6712 0.20016 0.77857 0.5825 0.50782 0.07977 0.57181 0.29682 0.85859 0.51354 0.3016 0.50635 0.68926 0.27078 0.45215 0.2258 0.4148 0.60481 0.1719 0.17294 0.4059 0.7137 0.25162 0.91822 0.36386 0.97826 0.65686 0.3314 0.09964 0.38291 0.97214 0.43744 0.00042 0.96103 0.99852 0.28274 0.73529 0.33374 0.79985 0.38904 0.7468 0.00947 0.2825 0.8262 0.27376 0.25279 0.85879 0.01331 0.88832 0.06794 0.74344 0.97641 0.43424 0.45845 0.02716 0.71673 0.26597 0.56319 0.72621 0.82642 0.34805 0.92351 0.37111 0.12412 0.21656 0.29954 0.8525 0.73736 0.28178 0.64341 0.0129 0.81698 0.72608 0.25453 0.05414 0.50861 0.88771 0.15845 0.30919 0.47371 0.08655 0.58835 0.09187 0.60304 0.36093 0.02724 0.14684 0.83474 0.90018 0.22212 0.36441 0.15568 0.55756 0.36222 0.24539 0.63918 0.24607 0.1387 0.45122 0.9901 0.00435 0.05164 0.53619 0.42092 0.60746 0.89469 0.70261 0.91721 0.07236 0.27873 0.75727 0.99344 0.44784 0.36907 0.75351 0.40128 0.70189 0.21841 0.21624 0.78298 0.18362 0.73746 0.04765 0.65585 0.11735 0.59697 0.97389 0.96693 0.8887 0.61484 0.96422 0.66466 0.96946 0.17584 0.074 0.05365 0.43224 0.87074 0.16824 0.865 0.34629 0.28412 0.60996 0.70689 0.27169 0.23039 0.77806 0.58313 0.55679 0.66121 0.52771 0.93818 0.67136 0.10036 0.56163 0.99482 0.13576 0.79988 0.85752 0.01312 0.54156 0.9682 0.30873 0.46225 0.80844 0.20371 0.57313 0.60849 0.11908 0.7131 0.22208 0.342 0.475 0.25529 0.62787 0.7309 0.38114 0.04444 0.43265 0.68791 0.77019 0.65938 0.45303 0.09586 0.8734 0.98846 0.06313 0.88164 0.52057 0.60412 0.62289 0.89537 0.15455 0.80008 0.03402 0.44808 0.58501 0.06425 0.88574 0.55967 0.65955 0.78177 0.75406 0.92593 0.77433 0.5902 0.99371 0.9582 0.09827 0.46576 0.02229 0.19744 0.34322 0.28044 0.2922 0.62915 0.10682 0.51362 0.69124 0.39535 0.06659 0.91548 0.9556 0.90563 0.85221 0.65732 0.74416 0.85991 0.69275 0.14923 0.94546 0.21353 0.59562 0.39737 0.98793 0.20741 0.82929 0.25974 0.21442 0.38248 0.67105 0.64386 0.65373 0.72472 0.32782 0.09843 0.13931 0.51051 0.99909 0.26553 0.6208 0.2969 0.27296 0.03531 0.68957 0.52226 0.40622 0.49334 0.86758 0.51717 0.88856 0.80281 0.78829 0.23456 0.31522 0.18835 0.99719 0.0638 0.2827 0.74738 0.92435 0.08673 0.37995 0.08067 0.72652 0.23362 0.23636 0.6052 0.97372 0.00874 0.22143 0.88216 0.71526 0.81758 0.28417 0.04242 0.67378 0.13134 0.90724 0.54894 0.55249 0.82857 0.14892 0.36963 0.23732 0.44127 0.9942 0.42245 0.99942 0.34523 0.38259 0.19964 0.76138 0.34297 0.54537 0.33013 0.30318 0.62799 0.375 0.95618 0.04927 0.25354 0.35623 0.76838 0.48292 0.61571 0.07545 0.89217 0.38551 0.03368 0.19284 0.25116 0.76263 0.75852 0.27194 0.96081 0.04944 0.17526 0.66958 0.42525 0.14997 0.26922 0.49209 0.85191 0.17313 0.17909 0.76299 0.24616 0.05674 0.48386 0.8023 0.87345 0.33661 0.39047 0.61035 0.56227 0.0523 0.18896 0.80249 0.74908 0.90129 0.50729 0.62734 0.23507 0.86646 0.17157 0.39072 0.52187 0.77125 0.90789 0.75062 0.49396 0.9728 0.64246 0.98447 0.58977 0.28739 0.02644 0.88386 0.21504 0.28768 0.85702 0.85695 0.86424 0.50655 0.81064 0.89599 0.34713 0.22575 0.50416
+0.70594 0.98748 0.7014 0.353 0.2828 0.37364 0.66784 0.56159 0.11233 0.74964 0.65522 0.58935 0.8909 0.08496 0.57413 0.53226 0.79513 0.92944 0.48579 0.74265 0.68181 0.57873 0.04799 0.73799 0.44616 0.41766 0.68348 0.92536 0.80729 0.05888 0.47003 0.73993 0.27099 0.27357 0.65628 0.77811 0.14023 0.78318 0.10903 0.85557 0.52581 0.08852 0.26556 0.97862 0.77958 0.13815 0.19232 0.36409 0.71046 0.42392 0.41562 0.48323 0.14519 0.05485 0.24981 0.41047 0.43569 0.97047 0.65171 0.57975 0.96806 0.41504 0.2913 0.98786 0.38292 0.97467 0.92126 0.2118 0.64047 0.71816 0.12059 0.73328 0.76022 0.82379 0.61115 0.96528 0.74544 0.71762 0.75821 0.41515 0.14194 0.57991 0.28787 0.90899 0.02005 0.66718 0.54838 0.2363 0.98945 0.03516 0.86961 0.54537 0.13135 0.85351 0.58411 0.37678 0.1379 0.35475 0.02547 0.14092 0.07209 0.15565 0.88726 0.4741 0.12527 0.15376 0.50982 0.88265 0.49845 0.51102 0.59773 0.49757 0.91336 0.85497 0.07825 0.01592 0.06478 0.91086 0.32771 0.68784 0.12991 0.776 0.51352 0.28287 0.08739 0.79382 0.7661 0.45682 0.08737 0.69781 0.81264 0.57611 0.02553 0.09651 0.93568 0.44011 0.94559 0.17939 0.4652 0.64544 0.83448 0.49931 0.02166 0.15631 0.71606 0.07206 0.78023 0.68474 0.4452 0.74032 0.79557 0.54292 0.79206 0.34889 0.23861 0.22032 0.68067 0.45399 0.41812 0.30358 0.74155 0.76715 0.64282 0.1475 0.29154 0.36764 0.20105 0.70617 0.06515 0.66868 0.99203 0.579 0.0324 0.53219 0.09093 0.11148 0.56166 0.14531 0.34402 0.46555 0.32183 0.41577 0.40917 0.611 0.01189 0.05957 0.81902 0.60298 0.64793 0.67025 0.02503 0.32299 0.37211 0.77099 0.13937 0.29367 0.59035 0.88347 0.26943 0.5737 0.92289 0.54904 0.22879 0.12687 0.60122 0.5514 0.48235 0.16507 0.3034 0.67746 0.63032 0.26474 0.19318 0.623 0.9538 0.26826 0.59629 0.10279 0.88718 0.17702 0.60803 0.64497 0.39391 0.26341 0.83473 0.7376 0.12159 0.76788 0.70394 0.66165 0.05046 0.71854 0.86407 0.73509 0.18487 0.46247 0.69306 0.81266 0.21282 0.30578 0.3398 0.30705 0.35185 0.73716 0.09875 0.00656 0.38332 0.0716 0.3701 0.24274 0.02778 0.78731 0.32125 0.22112 0.12834 0.18548 0.91202 0.04109 0.65809 0.08058 0.4434 0.8869 0.04135 0.15365 0.20687 0.90624 0.22157 0.65319 0.34485 0.09793 0.176 0.51498 0.73811 0.36899 0.80872 0.01239 0.86767 0.05154 0.3127 0.32991 0.1633 0.87346 0.22664 0.70031 0.31839 0.082 0.90656 0.39192 0.39099 0.05252 0.49472 0.50577 0.35307 0.63748 0.89893 0.96692 0.32819 0.36128 0.76059 0.56396 0.23818 0.55086 0.47719 0.06245 0.55313 0.75337 0.43778 0.71702 0.3732 0.60248 0.36432 0.7986 0.15398 0.88181 0.1048 0.69254 0.62635 0.07294 0.15147 0.94983 0.00582 0.76821 0.19385 0.58124 0.53854 0.37846 0.93525 0.14252 0.34118 0.93883 0.27902 0.9592 0.03687 0.68046 0.00557 0.87912 0.77285 0.6185 0.79583 0.99024 0.03275 0.3103 0.87145 0.18624 0.38355 0.43065 0.94732 0.11621 0.82363 0.6616 0.99251 0.08679 0.01432 0.47708 0.48719 0.8941 0.62155 0.08604 0.49348 0.15019 0.50464 0.086 0.11988 0.58399 0.43947 0.93263 0.91049 0.44927 0.91972 0.75285 0.26082 0.55173 0.30534 0.80807 0.83213 0.05856 0.04145 0.81633 0.13923 0.29822 0.01472 0.78431 0.23739 0.08588 0.44175 0.27291 0.00683 0.44587 0.63703 0.55848 0.0623 0.63552 0.23546 0.74039 0.11684 0.2296 0.29213 0.22216 0.84603 0.89844 0.4405 0.73419 0.05288 0.16166 0.39221 0.55364 0.55766 0.68448 0.82491 0.73965 0.28115 0.64523 0.64043 0.47228 0.80252 0.28459 0.63445 0.77032 0.15416 0.04522 0.46671 0.83594 0.77346 0.39658 0.63962 0.88838 0.63075 0.39886 0.25245 0.13691 0.23523 0.24616 0.74279 0.43001 0.30112 0.02893 0.87419 0.37072 0.82159 0.5223 0.89503 0.04646 0.64566 0.75836 0.54282 0.00137 0.22772 0.641 0.53229 0.26976 0.40738 0.5747 0.0184 0.06912 0.43487 0.391 0.85161 0.95206 0.06403 0.60643 0.06443 0.43558 0.48215 0.13527 0.31767 0.54669 0.14955 0.99225 0.17937 0.55099 0.65305 0.18436 0.64543 0.23495 0.30077 0.31458 0.6267 0.26771 0.5227 0.07943 0.40451 0.04677 0.87256 0.01506 0.27904 0.06782 0.40028 0.43735 0.14901 0.78679 0.64201 0.88145 0.22904 0.20913 0.62779 0.88556 0.38184 0.67902 0.87884 0.52664 0.14888 0.91023 0.37205 0.91916 0.75979 0.88598 0.59619 0.13277 0.543 0.84707 0.78506 0.63835
+0.13109 0.24171 0.8418 0.71063 0.85233 0.32628 0.0447 0.72982 0.03148 0.93169 0.01098 0.70945 0.17337 0.45125 0.05383 0.71916 0.8149 0.56807 0.61206 0.46278 0.2955 0.85657 0.1501 0.57525 0.508 0.05399 0.97283 0.85797 0.45806 0.44855 0.62089 0.93148 0.62971 0.72201 0.23674 0.52188 0.54909 0.75159 0.39236 0.58207 0.13462 0.18891 0.12825 0.99478 0.01794 0.44419 0.9507 0.07425 0.87869 0.28782 0.49886 0.84903 0.36462 0.8941 0.44722 0.60596 0.40191 0.7246 0.73626 0.22886 0.81976 0.15369 0.46143 0.01516 0.89563 0.00914 0.30854 0.25099 0.33023 0.37037 0.46092 0.98365 0.46349 0.72302 0.67471 0.44853 0.45815 0.82533 0.19119 0.97214 0.2919 0.76409 0.30007 0.59072 0.76774 0.36115 0.34725 0.19641 0.93547 0.98811 0.66714 0.06857 0.4449 0.75385 0.76947 0.78324 0.56172 0.23939 0.80469 0.45321 0.86943 0.53381 0.05119 0.48502 0.06601 0.53262 0.49185 0.31415 0.78027 0.34608 0.59545 0.80446 0.38031 0.14445 0.28557 0.82959 0.49503 0.83951 0.43074 0.66253 0.09356 0.34847 0.61265 0.95747 0.3748 0.1587 0.77853 0.02663 0.98185 0.12132 0.3033 0.82008 0.35597 0.27433 0.60165 0.24158 0.33694 0.83348 0.60272 0.10125 0.16983 0.41057 0.96401 0.6882 0.51674 0.08193 0.3842 0.05658 0.25854 0.4236 0.61806 0.98351 0.06725 0.00535 0.97103 0.53359 0.71829 0.22278 0.58612 0.75521 0.63338 0.02652 0.67817 0.88574 0.13679 0.1175 0.64711 0.71697 0.01909 0.13606 0.70142 0.10673 0.99003 0.0807 0.72918 0.98616 0.04429 0.66255 0.76453 0.26764 0.73877 0.08753 0.28254 0.08055 0.27424 0.51581 0.19274 0.68005 0.91153 0.12617 0.99523 0.84772 0.73864 0.56093 0.64701 0.77073 0.24026 0.47385 0.97926 0.61387 0.64682 0.35514 0.78984 0.27588 0.86965 0.02049 0.69722 0.93385 0.16596 0.15553 0.22165 0.72459 0.53965 0.74119 0.46245 0.60773 0.52219 0.99012 0.74496 0.67682 0.0685 0.30556 0.90063 0.11603 0.61745 0.94883 0.90911 0.04142 0.24099 0.67247 0.6228 0.15921 0.34797 0.02166 0.70266 0.0357 0.32498 0.3563 0.95183 0.49418 0.09729 0.37219 0.03739 0.24903 0.05399 0.99594 0.18692 0.90189 0.848 0.13311 0.66173 0.18681 0.96628 0.65724 0.16196 0.57119 0.25226 0.52893 0.34425 0.25354 0.74667 0.21634 0.71862 0.16596 0.41308 0.3825 0.86036 0.44066 0.11805 0.81695 0.92637 0.22929 0.74561 0.65926 0.80144 0.92205 0.19569 0.24337 0.079 0.06315 0.67489 0.03515 0.5233 0.68296 0.59501 0.88002 0.81852 0.26539 0.1262 0.10642 0.93993 0.3238 0.09791 0.93227 0.98182 0.88058 0.22639 0.05029 0.6984 0.93325 0.73458 0.77345 0.37362 0.58081 0.3859 0.69591 0.06843 0.5158 0.10043 0.86305 0.7848 0.51504 0.8794 0.88647 0.29942 0.60928 0.07618 0.10382 0.91078 0.48817 0.51195 0.70286 0.9656 0.03205 0.44666 0.25401 0.3124 0.48382 0.52468 0.78131 0.99594 0.9561 0.48106 0.05951 0.48473 0.99861 0.30779 0.07906 0.07232 0.54291 0.78736 0.41591 0.16276 0.4754 0.14088 0.89665 0.44676 0.2278 0.21798 0.09061 0.77858 0.28402 0.25086 0.26422 0.15912 0.07484 0.68895 0.29484 0.79012 0.97432 0.20377 0.01851 0.54623 0.24195 0.69777 0.12238 0.6116 0.21365 0.75358 0.8576 0.74104 0.37771 0.2012 0.29151 0.61002 0.09918 0.50927 0.19567 0.80998 0.44579 0.77383 0.79747 0.50493 0.78134 0.10998 0.95923 0.77873 0.17516 0.81811 0.27308 0.41586 0.76491 0.20671 0.7518 0.30049 0.49439 0.02579 0.34327 0.33283 0.91186 0.55359 0.14313 0.10935 0.82733 0.49275 0.66969 0.18935 0.18785 0.9287 0.62707 0.59434 0.56601 0.58715 0.51233 0.06466 0.68869 0.09349 0.42863 0.319 0.37995 0.08461 0.52445 0.98728 0.007 0.70509 0.96345 0.92957 0.8451 0.69808 0.9157 0.29191 0.0024 0.92104 0.10572 0.32879 0.08515 0.7962 0.65557 0.86721 0.73697 0.53107 0.28895 0.7891 0.11943 0.89737 0.71545 0.83845 0.61505 0.7947 0.66111 0.49722 0.41782 0.20215 0.51581 0.79801 0.54455 0.14561 0.1543 0.02919 0.13492 0.5291 0.00027 0.85863 0.00422 0.25283 0.82169 0.38972 0.33528 0.07692 0.58233 0.53601 0.53999 0.04093 0.8853 0.33906 0.17877 0.21744 0.69258 0.81973 0.5462 0.37214 0.25555 0.58232 0.01796 0.44876 0.71877 0.9769 0.03144 0.06494 0.32626 0.21096 0.39653 0.43961 0.54528 0.82481 0.19653 0.5183 0.37416 0.97336 0.79869 0.4328 0.1594 0.57822 0.94497 0.98658 0.09358 0.49333 0.18933 0.30871 0.72029 0.26851 0.53069
+0.90408 0.94735 0.25979 0.23017 0.72598 0.15034 0.34267 0.19001 0.7663 0.84054 0.06381 0.15162 0.31419 0.59154 0.32421 0.22946 0.99454 0.5624 0.07869 0.37017 0.05592 0.39271 0.40781 0.76107 0.19851 0.18643 0.23133 0.48875 0.24768 0.11895 0.96045 0.91132 0.37685 0.57218 0.1989 0.71068 0.35204 0.96608 0.6496 0.80892 0.66834 0.23162 0.41734 0.42014 0.71859 0.87276 0.95983 0.39535 0.07541 0.65469 0.40123 0.43989 0.89011 0.32363 0.94951 0.58517 0.53668 0.80636 0.93949 0.00186 0.75483 0.37205 0.54651 0.8169 0.07614 0.19782 0.87033 0.60683 0.9592 0.52277 0.50135 0.74635 0.80915 0.24186 0.24726 0.79703 0.06679 0.68897 0.06608 0.86888 0.69689 0.82045 0.79803 0.13398 0.83683 0.90121 0.19052 0.25175 0.82792 0.40807 0.6009 0.48373 0.59713 0.61819 0.23274 0.29434 0.90289 0.19229 0.7078 0.2914 0.37316 0.07658 0.64355 0.50301 0.71031 0.98823 0.37804 0.78751 0.67357 0.60898 0.20456 0.72932 0.79269 0.36723 0.87748 0.62701 0.70041 0.6751 0.54887 0.45541 0.20494 0.76688 0.81898 0.4062 0.71481 0.15364 0.94665 0.58406 0.29833 0.41246 0.57553 0.15142 0.4478 0.95839 0.04812 0.2086 0.05116 0.36284 0.501 0.50281 0.95251 0.80449 0.49583 0.74981 0.32677 0.31528 0.67445 0.91614 0.43305 0.51986 0.42964 0.63757 0.38294 0.58216 0.76615 0.21431 0.77929 0.26825 0.19193 0.21244 0.35139 0.04691 0.27788 0.70318 0.69368 0.49879 0.7289 0.9875 0.95452 0.13389 0.29686 0.11567 0.49436 0.84146 0.37449 0.28319 0.79847 0.18079 0.9624 0.01592 0.76844 0.07999 0.64717 0.71781 0.11223 0.96418 0.32514 0.05047 0.95956 0.16133 0.9475 0.29666 0.94846 0.20359 0.7356 0.50769 0.97591 0.41913 0.87948 0.52244 0.14611 0.4807 0.4069 0.44676 0.36261 0.22843 0.22155 0.86115 0.71942 0.27445 0.90288 0.29476 0.65741 0.42248 0.03573 0.6128 0.51832 0.63753 0.88989 0.59654 0.85555 0.19522 0.85606 0.84462 0.34132 0.43268 0.78774 0.09092 0.53603 0.84157 0.92023 0.25796 0.29642 0.01608 0.94615 0.00644 0.21938 0.15552 0.85171 0.17829 0.76477 0.03734 0.25999 0.43697 0.31695 0.6944 0.43553 0.06804 0.11324 0.21174 0.28811 0.42133 0.87021 0.09491 0.2497 0.12545 0.05844 0.47553 0.54507 0.8168 0.00699 0.80889 0.9443 0.57631 0.63123 0.42938 0.33272 0.46669 0.53893 0.99164 0.77028 0.68768 0.63032 0.6654 0.29877 0.2166 0.46944 0.14763 0.67127 0.66418 0.76958 0.961 0.73478 0.24756 0.30959 0.68613 0.436 0.14587 0.68322 0.89196 0.20577 0.89034 0.30255 0.47483 0.97506 0.09248 0.10166 0.81936 0.70492 0.18547 0.79869 0.87606 0.75809 0.70366 0.92428 0.35797 0.71427 0.6593 0.40606 0.78942 0.32032 0.21839 0.5282 0.93546 0.27091 0.15271 0.71603 0.4653 0.62324 0.91618 0.20423 0.95797 0.70454 0.45382 0.86012 0.69246 0.18681 0.7005 0.76335 0.36751 0.25876 0.30666 0.93307 0.55188 0.20472 0.2882 0.81361 0.04779 0.05801 0.54772 0.20758 0.00636 0.61622 0.61014 0.16351 0.56149 0.20543 0.63514 0.3826 0.3862 0.44452 0.63745 0.3774 0.17984 0.54689 0.73332 0.72951 0.39569 0.1216 0.33067 0.50165 0.99089 0.77429 0.3477 0.79761 0.87024 0.88225 0.33132 0.85055 0.56636 0.95762 0.22911 0.19405 0.0012 0.79916 0.00868 0.0472 0.00794 0.36276 0.04469 0.3317 0.11785 0.43112 0.35135 0.70439 0.13597 0.17041 0.05639 0.3351 0.49364 0.7832 0.34909 0.27881 0.12297 0.33323 0.40675 0.9437 0.10623 0.86793 0.65009 0.91791 0.84032 0.42368 0.72807 0.72684 0.95705 0.88486 0.94887 0.59772 0.8812 0.80181 0.04887 0.88854 0.63275 0.42303 0.10215 0.13785 0.61019 0.92378 0.41879 0.12016 0.82816 0.11544 0.67237 0.77116 0.18054 0.59641 0.49403 0.00047 0.62385 0.04134 0.21605 0.79892 0.7783 0.33372 0.69111 0.4773 0.5404 0.33824 0.4712 0.30297 0.31454 0.59657 0.36022 0.3589 0.02223 0.16651 0.1691 0.06125 0.00528 0.91238 0.03266 0.97055 0.51666 0.54738 0.04511 0.48082 0.81916 0.08572 0.03033 0.00389 0.66754 0.62519 0.62822 0.98898 0.32477 0.79701 0.00875 0.32546 0.04475 0.9126 0.09885 0.74833 0.29479 0.84872 0.97045 0.51952 0.74717 0.21661 0.00271 0.58776 0.24004 0.83666 0.04901 0.86026 0.15136 0.50858 0.42118 0.62268 0.63702 0.03427 0.73643 0.48342 0.85831 0.91704 0.51772 0.91276 0.0867 0.39685 0.0278 0.30605 0.83333 0.19283 0.39224 0.35188 0.55604 0.18046 0.30698 0.58177 0.83911 0.76934 0.49906
+0.19343 0.11507 0.75236 0.54146 0.26175 0.60552 0.94853 0.59274 0.64811 0.33848 0.28404 0.06372 0.749 0.06577 0.38456 0.67218 0.4117 0.01952 0.4924 0.94493 0.83522 0.54916 0.20986 0.22161 0.15733 0.26846 0.56195 0.81546 0.75174 0.81219 0.56275 0.61478 0.72518 0.55344 0.28011 0.13188 0.71156 0.62742 0.71334 0.79977 0.78949 0.36666 0.99614 0.88414 0.35267 0.51755 0.56209 0.97438 0.72492 0.44753 0.70913 0.02223 0.13156 0.22607 0.94555 0.62872 0.67155 0.99617 0.51636 0.21143 0.05454 0.19019 0.58725 0.04597 0.47728 0.38308 0.74777 0.00918 0.90776 0.9492 0.08761 0.53277 0.60849 0.11478 0.78243 0.87876 0.63185 0.76882 0.45116 0.95711 0.93511 0.6661 0.8295 0.32516 0.88581 0.42779 0.84388 0.01076 0.14278 0.5898 0.49655 0.89582 0.01096 0.66196 0.2965 0.29519 0.65877 0.55234 0.80028 0.20188 0.20698 0.06536 0.49097 0.66169 0.95628 0.85357 0.83717 0.434 0.16999 0.69847 0.41945 0.62814 0.51653 0.42368 0.42579 0.94083 0.34519 0.36519 0.80905 0.99693 0.4701 0.44447 0.07645 0.28634 0.45015 0.33487 0.44548 0.20234 0.09305 0.82802 0.39579 0.54784 0.29025 0.03781 0.08546 0.35046 0.49674 0.47449 0.06851 0.18938 0.68337 0.41892 0.17392 0.48227 0.1743 0.9648 0.96086 0.81444 0.81894 0.42583 0.37439 0.89883 0.08191 0.85578 0.59229 0.43807 0.26142 0.27765 0.54804 0.66509 0.95173 0.5836 0.07767 0.56306 0.07016 0.17845 0.35336 0.96702 0.78 0.84746 0.35162 0.497 0.66803 0.20891 0.80012 0.87455 0.03444 0.54233 0.57663 0.09614 0.26913 0.78518 0.59042 0.16759 0.70799 0.21739 0.17727 0.88003 0.9865 0.50763 0.48312 0.49256 0.14973 0.38965 0.94534 0.45876 0.5968 0.75337 0.25875 0.48771 0.49937 0.12413 0.25291 0.82358 0.7971 0.75977 0.59718 0.09466 0.00225 0.61122 0.91045 0.62526 0.7837 0.57144 0.14397 0.36482 0.44198 0.5316 0.80122 0.48461 0.98189 0.71092 0.65725 0.38871 0.61026 0.98024 0.34008 0.84687 0.28131 0.39482 0.76154 0.91855 0.14399 0.4719 0.57278 0.57895 0.25481 0.57127 0.29303 0.38048 0.24307 0.75722 0.77085 0.99107 0.49411 0.88712 0.55133 0.96985 0.01721 0.70258 0.11071 0.6467 0.48786 0.64002 0.94614 0.84369 0.67188 0.35349 0.98275 0.6108 0.18717 0.32234 0.21854 0.80035 0.70892 0.96863 0.12683 0.62152 0.73029 0.35294 0.90864 0.65679 0.74775 0.12374 0.35706 0.67939 0.00059 0.44363 0.75169 0.39781 0.39625 0.49976 0.53053 0.33839 0.92537 0.97034 0.68457 0.375 0.94109 0.53695 0.43979 0.21124 0.38704 0.04052 0.65259 0.52957 0.60684 0.74785 0.13615 0.898 0.5855 0.71256 0.22873 0.12168 0.4395 0.03464 0.60335 0.20476 0.15044 0.28462 0.65794 0.15731 0.96441 0.381 0.7747 0.04522 0.49011 0.79658 0.90411 0.04905 0.56986 0.98717 0.42364 0.34758 0.05698 0.13579 0.96005 0.14445 0.14266 0.34258 0.6258 0.73952 0.4778 0.93281 0.75984 0.04953 0.36199 0.56778 0.11746 0.52881 0.21599 0.49756 0.81477 0.08203 0.68531 0.53424 0.37496 0.24467 0.81279 0.66559 0.20752 0.86096 0.12123 0.35144 0.39104 0.73743 0.70968 0.03948 0.83805 0.83536 0.80845 0.7934 0.61532 0.736 0.81046 0.80715 0.38775 0.20169 0.00976 0.2688 0.26135 0.98719 0.21889 0.24931 0.48733 0.2422 0.02842 0.92958 0.7136 0.4923 0.45542 0.5507 0.94964 0.17885 0.47584 0.78573 0.83066 0.32062 0.92878 0.87261 0.79691 0.77193 0.68384 0.25085 0.58584 0.66113 0.41622 0.59854 0.89404 0.42174 0.49353 0.40015 0.60426 0.99929 0.31579 0.40143 0.41531 0.4315 0.82854 0.51937 0.57981 0.3106 0.22089 0.95682 0.69618 0.59909 0.5908 0.03992 0.51412 0.59151 0.01846 0.92948 0.57005 0.31384 0.20328 0.76455 0.67842 0.35168 0.38398 0.98543 0.4685 0.92907 0.20741 0.71641 0.45405 0.86644 0.13746 0.02142 0.82537 0.22335 0.38296 0.60308 0.34165 0.12422 0.42023 0.22902 0.62265 0.78748 0.94815 0.96886 0.44258 0.44527 0.51969 0.00835 0.17188 0.86369 0.03427 0.14117 0.16385 0.37438 0.21305 0.38212 0.27268 0.19351 0.75997 0.19077 0.04118 0.57943 0.48187 0.30239 0.5764 0.20773 0.93394 0.27079 0.6808 0.05014 0.47611 0.0323 0.64621 0.50145 0.51504 0.899 0.25659 0.33715 0.46206 0.19064 0.77163 0.34074 0.3234 0.37279 0.69277 0.8556 0.02281 0.75366 0.18683 0.32847 0.88665 0.8128 0.01839 0.86883 0.52996 0.93514 0.53814 0.91986 0.81717 0.18487 0.95384 0.12808 0.64751 0.6597 0.61347 0.06899
+0.28923 0.13417 0.94705 0.49322 0.80525 0.55201 0.98379 0.29262 0.9209 0.55757 0.35743 0.84978 0.2413 0.88038 0.26479 0.07958 0.7913 0.36276 0.21404 0.75109 0.79178 0.61843 0.74431 0.06409 0.53631 0.80035 0.26534 0.62427 0.87565 0.19916 0.81623 0.58029 0.44654 0.38601 0.21194 0.03431 0.41925 0.39867 0.23294 0.80409 0.68803 0.77151 0.90273 0.06359 0.51655 0.3922 0.13264 0.1248 0.5038 0.84227 0.82467 0.6993 0.58003 0.38971 0.23052 0.10422 0.81615 0.99816 0.57674 0.19883 0.45022 0.92797 0.65764 0.59092 0.8294 0.82438 0.29025 0.92731 0.33257 0.9729 0.92591 0.64393 0.33646 0.04866 0.52352 0.0221 0.63127 0.5197 0.75624 0.70822 0.33157 0.22206 0.90153 0.31114 0.31083 0.1304 0.18369 0.21855 0.71852 0.67485 0.93196 0.16506 0.87241 0.94415 0.76394 0.6596 0.6418 0.56401 0.09119 0.94351 0.21178 0.94527 0.47705 0.32365 0.91472 0.85821 0.03825 0.75783 0.63896 0.48356 0.67974 0.16973 0.77411 0.84062 0.68696 0.63545 0.79738 0.57214 0.35927 0.59241 0.44895 0.77746 0.756 0.77592 0.97965 0.78536 0.69988 0.4509 0.95486 0.38295 0.73889 0.96239 0.70516 0.27497 0.53235 0.29924 0.24343 0.73813 0.55734 0.43101 0.16706 0.92204 0.14057 0.97998 0.81385 0.54288 0.29853 0.20622 0.29256 0.75989 0.36239 0.57993 0.91218 0.70975 0.38872 0.03549 0.27928 0.92289 0.40962 0.57699 0.2201 0.71148 0.66307 0.15433 0.74056 0.43124 0.72159 0.05393 0.77519 0.12686 0.3232 0.10668 0.25709 0.53506 0.39865 0.98547 0.85586 0.4336 0.0428 0.28766 0.25052 0.74171 0.01848 0.60478 0.69568 0.92269 0.00128 0.16357 0.37693 0.49996 0.74376 0.80076 0.44587 0.96502 0.09527 0.9702 0.23602 0.55604 0.92075 0.74076 0.159 0.17845 0.98629 0.82677 0.89085 0.65265 0.21862 0.81615 0.52069 0.3845 0.56597 0.93746 0.73011 0.74396 0.86556 0.17934 0.63709 0.71723 0.25781 0.9917 0.10896 0.35702 0.82263 0.0251 0.475 0.53502 0.68621 0.8989 0.82513 0.75808 0.92328 0.98528 0.60948 0.29575 0.96865 0.53266 0.5899 0.65056 0.01095 0.24612 0.13831 0.45485 0.29451 0.05851 0.0695 0.70089 0.29862 0.13465 0.73798 0.79449 0.70309 0.05552 0.86951 0.66172 0.57599 0.93558 0.64271 0.1648 0.5891 0.11398 0.35966 0.08801 0.16054 0.07583 0.27506 0.30572 0.68271 0.26569 0.9602 0.16468 0.49385 0.82719 0.51329 0.58629 0.01714 0.03809 0.05706 0.13075 0.36398 0.49577 0.54823 0.66699 0.27705 0.30133 0.69295 0.02659 0.20808 0.63843 0.63653 0.83906 0.79726 0.10111 0.48822 0.87274 0.8316 0.13764 0.74173 0.43804 0.25932 0.93463 0.84661 0.24034 0.06062 0.90352 0.24679 0.44536 0.85306 0.58552 0.86606 0.97117 0.76092 0.9182 0.65159 0.49082 0.64191 0.71865 0.06731 0.939 0.68362 0.36649 0.58387 0.97891 0.90216 0.01185 0.31605 0.60087 0.48769 0.89945 0.4362 0.52066 0.85446 0.28172 0.24779 0.99107 0.14745 0.86773 0.56595 0.19964 0.07143 0.40441 0.36262 0.61307 0.30534 0.46056 0.73617 0.61572 0.6604 0.18695 0.4872 0.17575 0.34829 0.96302 0.26171 0.64614 0.6769 0.38057 0.94279 0.25775 0.48622 0.42214 0.28525 0.49092 0.61542 0.90316 0.0598 0.70223 0.35545 0.15293 0.50861 0.2825 0.65029 0.12555 0.44257 0.38484 0.42864 0.53158 0.1599 0.81134 0.86626 0.35085 0.47821 0.29068 0.78119 0.98422 0.59324 0.87649 0.03268 0.53562 0.7695 0.24658 0.21121 0.19669 0.12719 0.97349 0.30965 0.61796 0.51924 0.51373 0.90137 0.46011 0.71836 0.09927 0.98084 0.60315 0.66332 0.13752 0.80327 0.96205 0.51286 0.88102 0.66326 0.61439 0.12012 0.44727 0.40698 0.07088 0.97243 0.00042 0.10226 0.92451 0.50463 0.54521 0.0746 0.84092 0.94032 0.98912 0.54836 0.16474 0.55881 0.70928 0.25448 0.6499 0.31552 0.30751 0.44209 0.84553 0.9003 0.29413 0.72125 0.56994 0.75753 0.8339 0.9193 0.28255 0.63446 0.79207 0.30271 0.16756 0.39589 0.80673 0.34133 0.76747 0.93171 0.2937 0.19769 0.15431 0.18481 0.58358 0.81568 0.21711 0.67391 0.58321 0.16494 0.1146 0.36647 0.12646 0.51877 0.79645 0.72469 0.8463 0.06597 0.30991 0.44203 0.2949 0.40707 0.18834 0.8096 0.47509 0.43516 0.98807 0.90833 0.30771 0.83802 0.06387 0.34127 0.09537 0.63001 0.49608 0.73699 0.26602 0.66377 0.51796 0.75096 0.23511 0.55421 0.29269 0.50974 0.77862 0.48191 0.0338 0.48511 0.77395 0.30927 0.50434 0.27083 0.47511 0.88868 0.28183 0.66027 0.11155 0.53172 0.84687
+0.50237 0.97057 0.83622 0.72816 0.21461 0.46889 0.86907 0.18997 0.24717 0.16435 0.98402 0.73229 0.20598 0.13019 0.55766 0.99052 0.6212 0.15066 0.67411 0.78391 0.03525 0.59868 0.70517 0.8407 0.51866 0.15773 0.81375 0.47764 0.96408 0.43914 0.77847 0.12765 0.17063 0.77496 0.35346 0.86559 0.31004 0.00193 0.43825 0.19229 0.90903 0.31265 0.69981 0.32282 0.82694 0.62205 0.87238 0.55319 0.7733 0.49794 0.81566 0.87341 0.32658 0.87867 0.58077 0.20415 0.6622 0.46583 0.8854 0.74915 0.60116 0.97535 0.0708 0.58702 0.33837 0.29892 0.55022 0.74115 0.57621 0.86866 0.63615 0.1665 0.35842 0.13648 0.93753 0.01919 0.40133 0.05697 0.41814 0.47079 0.11728 0.08455 0.15721 0.99104 0.34256 0.54449 0.18194 0.58217 0.61115 0.37026 0.14564 0.42928 0.21407 0.47974 0.83015 0.52995 0.48394 0.80834 0.36893 0.01445 0.97805 0.73911 0.61237 0.33933 0.23736 0.42818 0.07431 0.34831 0.86329 0.23986 0.33693 0.43603 0.94673 0.07617 0.50083 0.06843 0.98153 0.58283 0.86189 0.68597 0.42734 0.64152 0.17917 0.32602 0.54647 0.84491 0.69461 0.43611 0.97549 0.86027 0.87892 0.4828 0.4175 0.69893 0.11282 0.54518 0.38344 0.22672 0.44588 0.97019 0.03535 0.64011 0.7375 0.11912 0.96635 0.96853 0.96309 0.33081 0.14432 0.75661 0.61418 0.85102 0.9693 0.28222 0.41894 0.57152 0.08889 0.64333 0.01955 0.43601 0.13619 0.04572 0.19536 0.18134 0.46556 0.05292 0.04786 0.85256 0.61226 0.11529 0.84593 0.10924 0.08246 0.36504 0.79786 0.64742 0.4314 0.47703 0.38814 0.01879 0.74488 0.8043 0.86943 0.88608 0.89297 0.93641 0.72167 0.19764 0.66143 0.51172 0.77063 0.06122 0.94373 0.67562 0.69492 0.76296 0.33255 0.24777 0.28904 0.68438 0.8195 0.95681 0.74582 0.22724 0.13287 0.44722 0.46358 0.13248 0.66876 0.55864 0.3613 0.78511 0.18489 0.24035 0.91561 0.843 0.30054 0.76064 0.58486 0.81045 0.72163 0.28828 0.49658 0.9127 0.72916 0.93413 0.42232 0.25141 0.25066 0.58005 0.95213 0.80419 0.99084 0.04572 0.46305 0.92173 0.94792 0.72488 0.5243 0.84331 0.75553 0.81956 0.98936 0.33258 0.99812 0.70612 0.6686 0.32883 0.55599 0.7845 0.76439 0.58434 0.64945 0.16938 0.58155 0.08763 0.24987 0.11471 0.67871 0.86235 0.68159 0.27448 0.30114 0.94043 0.37619 0.14233 0.64001 0.4311 0.03282 0.95291 0.42086 0.07632 0.84424 0.60156 0.0445 0.72314 0.13226 0.92257 0.67911 0.18724 0.9144 0.9675 0.26235 0.93327 0.20269 0.67002 0.79519 0.54803 0.98109 0.20357 0.33607 0.99121 0.835 0.25944 0.34598 0.92454 0.90748 0.7518 0.16359 0.93867 0.5443 0.86102 0.26921 0.35623 0.92644 0.55786 0.70092 0.23725 0.81742 0.10323 0.29504 0.14323 0.09611 0.67309 0.52022 0.3354 0.6286 0.15885 0.58493 0.3291 0.37424 0.35486 0.68459 0.24883 0.61504 0.02119 0.80799 0.62716 0.02392 0.77879 0.28599 0.25676 0.77069 0.87499 0.24228 0.21837 0.63794 0.9467 0.60651 0.61428 0.64592 0.73281 0.75869 0.08199 0.0784 0.94896 0.50593 0.02371 0.69157 0.52313 0.39568 0.92951 0.55364 0.1706 0.78976 0.88437 0.71533 0.35819 0.53144 0.78312 0.85827 0.75453 0.37713 0.2362 0.42722 0.59294 0.6764 0.30901 0.02012 0.53136 0.90481 0.17711 0.25729 0.8281 0.50174 0.77049 0.54123 0.63651 0.30225 0.39558 0.84836 0.21714 0.96348 0.19634 0.96812 0.98133 0.42217 0.08052 0.40174 0.715 0.30993 0.13841 0.66492 0.95741 0.85666 0.57067 0.51982 0.77691 0.72322 0.52981 0.61469 0.4933 0.14143 0.69166 0.9764 0.72139 0.39968 0.9337 0.24683 0.84647 0.16481 0.57167 0.85508 0.32096 0.12105 0.6866 0.09264 0.05118 0.78187 0.37622 0.92747 0.39812 0.77412 0.18838 0.9848 0.20102 0.92209 0.97741 0.18633 0.00453 0.78678 0.95236 0.39477 0.30763 0.09753 0.54909 0.65608 0.85262 0.09012 0.83965 0.10113 0.1489 0.52268 0.98683 0.61614 0.5681 0.32081 0.74704 0.75314 0.99106 0.47252 0.36596 0.96773 0.48808 0.06796 0.47922 0.18557 0.16777 0.99616 0.1442 0.01106 0.48681 0.14735 0.46312 0.11576 0.30659 0.93377 0.74971 0.04532 0.54811 0.50045 0.70699 0.07714 0.3378 0.67977 0.14072 0.66363 0.89965 0.88108 0.0866 0.8801 0.89442 0.00822 0.78719 0.51105 0.31841 0.95001 0.15639 0.96396 0.88135 0.11347 0.10521 0.84807 0.64295 0.92974 0.27475 0.34182 0.1591 0.58023 0.39837 0.24654 0.09863 0.60987 0.18596 0.50005 0.89758 0.77319 0.65721 0.50636 0.03067 0.72003 0.80381
+0.13221 0.47869 0.04649 0.46593 0.83655 0.97689 0.23972 0.78204 0.84544 0.52046 0.0244 0.09508 0.66584 0.00415 0.3952 0.3172 0.39059 0.10292 0.34128 0.85601 0.82904 0.67228 0.19301 0.48457 0.82825 0.69712 0.21563 0.93064 0.77792 0.95627 0.38238 0.9533 0.89433 0.77003 0.50692 0.39276 0.49151 0.46053 0.06655 0.01135 0.37756 0.94418 0.59299 0.81152 0.0004 0.43449 0.97989 0.72971 0.65806 0.90323 0.72154 0.84646 0.27579 0.41837 0.43766 0.46843 0.85888 0.25479 0.89214 0.07587 0.34055 0.80735 0.51298 0.00707 0.36583 0.8761 0.51865 0.09586 0.96288 0.80184 0.87562 0.1261 0.47843 0.94294 0.29395 0.61548 0.59588 0.43384 0.7213 0.75092 0.7755 0.79446 0.8081 0.29635 0.4418 0.95242 0.02224 0.65156 0.42444 0.22343 0.52078 0.9467 0.17138 0.87906 0.5261 0.17504 0.03014 0.55382 0.74505 0.87288 0.18066 0.0856 0.53139 0.25811 0.79853 0.35023 0.77804 0.29299 0.00709 0.84827 0.26931 0.00975 0.65273 0.62082 0.77671 0.94265 0.50546 0.92346 0.15797 0.09826 0.73876 0.02611 0.65252 0.60512 0.39043 0.05017 0.87137 0.21672 0.22276 0.77183 0.47716 0.48344 0.40343 0.43348 0.02964 0.03074 0.16172 0.40546 0.11215 0.18941 0.88245 0.57651 0.09208 0.90463 0.13383 0.91226 0.34843 0.3981 0.42823 0.83347 0.6036 0.77452 0.93376 0.0429 0.22275 0.00874 0.07997 0.3317 0.96173 0.98619 0.96561 0.9275 0.46633 0.02743 0.70352 0.35594 0.85981 0.28082 0.63552 0.79903 0.3181 0.24145 0.82811 0.25908 0.37653 0.07413 0.40384 0.72224 0.41183 0.00177 0.63389 0.48071 0.64319 0.35494 0.69911 0.69485 0.87023 0.88679 0.21415 0.43454 0.66577 0.12073 0.25217 0.33007 0.90509 0.07295 0.6889 0.96256 0.25922 0.4855 0.05419 0.5807 0.98038 0.89046 0.67592 0.98683 0.98312 0.97871 0.38075 0.07804 0.14593 0.67991 0.47071 0.61213 0.32175 0.80874 0.02094 0.67687 0.85203 0.94435 0.89201 0.06523 0.26848 0.40133 0.66814 0.49852 0.84734 0.27902 0.21611 0.76364 0.13081 0.20441 0.73393 0.4524 0.93352 0.73004 0.35597 0.85572 0.92253 0.93563 0.78938 0.96088 0.19876 0.8026 0.33817 0.66179 0.30771 0.59944 0.7631 0.23105 0.88148 0.90901 0.34747 0.10106 0.27848 0.74875 0.29306 0.6187 0.12478 0.38784 0.01616 0.0679 0.11744 0.59573 0.96583 0.06165 0.88344 0.82247 0.08648 0.18678 0.22918 0.48272 0.257 0.28782 0.97596 0.86294 0.75963 0.73081 0.41192 0.62454 0.14361 0.25638 0.06231 0.51923 0.20893 0.01418 0.79493 0.96513 0.52107 0.89854 0.44434 0.87905 0.1141 0.34566 0.82967 0.18639 0.55075 0.48352 0.60212 0.6071 0.58545 0.41311 0.0225 0.62495 0.9769 0.93358 0.51981 0.56412 0.71013 0.33463 0.6739 0.20403 0.11908 0.50255 0.90629 0.35779 0.66812 0.02067 0.01134 0.29407 0.95032 0.2585 0.33586 0.09604 0.02785 0.01948 0.05358 0.06049 0.32146 0.71044 0.14678 0.4015 0.10265 0.18567 0.56795 0.67184 0.04432 0.22889 0.14001 0.70555 0.81527 0.27746 0.17254 0.1807 0.3315 0.07451 0.7648 0.4934 0.56572 0.04385 0.77341 0.0097 0.58266 0.64882 0.62625 0.78168 0.22797 0.01866 0.07597 0.51137 0.2598 0.40934 0.14108 0.69397 0.3093 0.76812 0.26501 0.15319 0.48206 0.84245 0.22826 0.10023 0.96867 0.00251 0.77335 0.73381 0.98434 0.66386 0.50522 0.49963 0.74709 0.40047 0.4299 0.87275 0.89363 0.54221 0.21025 0.91876 0.21039 0.02822 0.76002 0.35154 0.26593 0.24985 0.89282 0.07911 0.17217 0.72257 0.08182 0.8269 0.26088 0.72698 0.9985 0.0806 0.75673 0.09828 0.86664 0.11643 0.24458 0.62834 0.41084 0.42647 0.40958 0.34259 0.25154 0.18434 0.67377 0.84759 0.66832 0.18196 0.35315 0.26995 0.83773 0.6022 0.93126 0.49574 0.25469 0.23739 0.29506 0.8893 0.85891 0.20875 0.00712 0.15442 0.68387 0.83479 0.06568 0.61105 0.17125 0.87231 0.96684 0.27955 0.4617 0.82663 0.96524 0.1464 0.92873 0.59187 0.3632 0.50584 0.43116 0.28638 0.44865 0.20114 0.73858 0.58326 0.32923 0.22337 0.39105 0.86277 0.34928 0.89392 0.03743 0.97822 0.68984 0.58774 0.4386 0.2688 0.89251 0.06598 0.08163 0.96479 0.70208 0.13983 0.12212 0.21293 0.05684 0.45395 0.22749 0.25258 0.01182 0.53572 0.89651 0.11378 0.56624 0.35233 0.18164 0.01711 0.0131 0.38877 0.54859 0.01429 0.70379 0.36833 0.96218 0.17446 0.08237 0.29572 0.40698 0.35854 0.64169 0.159 0.50546 0.35629 0.80872 0.584 0.43379 0.03644 0.07641 0.20835 0.40591 0.38458
+0.44921 0.41299 0.68096 0.9312 0.66025 0.59589 0.35063 0.17353 0.164 0.41184 0.13826 0.08405 0.56205 0.51066 0.01097 0.44405 0.82655 0.70464 0.17581 0.5032 0.88417 0.73979 0.90377 0.3958 0.70197 0.66794 0.97167 0.42553 0.54871 0.49774 0.65872 0.59415 0.76623 0.78201 0.79854 0.32544 0.18016 0.29209 0.06306 0.69393 0.65596 0.24304 0.04499 0.97113 0.97963 0.53427 0.08542 0.2349 0.10337 0.08685 0.34998 0.53712 0.88572 0.7408 0.82487 0.82249 0.12116 0.08547 0.93146 0.55487 0.05124 0.95298 0.07331 0.48791 0.76386 0.23231 0.82235 0.8834 0.36722 0.47667 0.32303 0.78302 0.66193 0.9272 0.56679 0.79506 0.4474 0.37757 0.99499 0.3267 0.30728 0.013 0.71981 0.33719 0.5434 0.3558 0.19506 0.05351 0.70544 0.85074 0.59945 0.22112 0.30635 0.24539 0.64941 0.63312 0.52528 0.64303 0.77647 0.26414 0.40522 0.24727 0.35456 0.5489 0.36514 0.70352 0.29901 0.99024 0.68141 0.42033 0.68691 0.70205 0.75578 0.57349 0.07463 0.00413 0.04174 0.35322 0.85331 0.67195 0.88904 0.12052 0.39347 0.16712 0.15645 0.83801 0.16609 0.95442 0.61822 0.98877 0.64708 0.56885 0.5194 0.16913 0.55537 0.30766 0.02269 0.50928 0.52709 0.41703 0.23854 0.24801 0.4775 0.33565 0.7676 0.16752 0.73037 0.51818 0.35224 0.26333 0.15359 0.25063 0.05252 0.61997 0.09936 0.48425 0.90481 0.36798 0.73963 0.48079 0.6238 0.03611 0.89806 0.25542 0.0704 0.64168 0.18824 0.53193 0.9568 0.89599 0.63015 0.99167 0.22857 0.23311 0.41489 0.17637 0.98904 0.8606 0.64544 0.07736 0.35953 0.1794 0.68336 0.04473 0.51883 0.0525 0.76344 0.4708 0.73646 0.55349 0.11225 0.49332 0.57209 0.87185 0.3386 0.07361 0.0005 0.281 0.00701 0.18356 0.52468 0.63403 0.95445 0.17569 0.26642 0.74165 0.73163 0.58617 0.08197 0.48267 0.90982 0.67421 0.07685 0.23576 0.0312 0.32374 0.96247 0.70999 0.2101 0.48398 0.25939 0.71559 0.32096 0.54994 0.96522 0.82572 0.12331 0.18973 0.34173 0.32409 0.16555 0.92271 0.22516 0.19888 0.67695 0.94625 0.2472 0.83557 0.94325 0.59794 0.05247 0.69039 0.69021 0.92505 0.80666 0.15076 0.70203 0.26878 0.21748 0.28569 0.49548 0.93061 0.47214 0.64698 0.08357 0.03374 0.4812 0.63956 0.40873 0.05622 0.31418 0.67783 0.85081 0.99039 0.24328 0.83929 0.73962 0.91775 0.51466 0.70082 0.96191 0.51776 0.58594 0.64813 0.73017 0.09483 0.96333 0.75952 0.1153 0.20806 0.92631 0.97981 0.28237 0.264 0.92133 0.03178 0.83438 0.87208 0.26924 0.58927 0.38698 0.81396 0.8023 0.7739 0.35087 0.66697 0.28647 0.26593 0.19322 0.42161 0.13421 0.80107 0.81911 0.92412 0.67034 0.94767 0.8762 0.77784 0.53297 0.84315 0.42624 0.85249 0.3409 0.21561 0.77337 0.95765 0.94497 0.04505 0.16375 0.5899 0.60486 0.8429 0.80118 0.45118 0.5352 0.46648 0.30682 0.36184 0.70278 0.22908 0.503 0.64726 0.6967 0.00417 0.8923 0.89631 0.22517 0.58116 0.17388 0.14799 0.89637 0.42164 0.09965 0.88144 0.744 0.3448 0.10336 0.07559 0.30655 0.3215 0.0222 0.08672 0.31522 0.27904 0.94913 0.30882 0.43269 0.1387 0.97114 0.69725 0.17575 0.42752 0.86035 0.3218 0.29672 0.96215 0.49556 0.95085 0.11179 0.4065 0.36153 0.64315 0.17738 0.38976 0.76048 0.12436 0.99156 0.45564 0.6915 0.68406 0.23113 0.94487 0.16815 0.94686 0.17362 0.61885 0.2691 0.75051 0.08147 0.5938 0.07386 0.57853 0.94941 0.84121 0.98545 0.41162 0.28436 0.94284 0.37533 0.42775 0.26035 0.08141 0.32187 0.14845 0.22168 0.25376 0.39096 0.9138 0.78092 0.65195 0.0679 0.93971 0.4929 0.96233 0.32465 0.70235 0.02764 0.14903 0.60157 0.03605 0.80884 0.3688 0.37157 0.18638 0.43448 0.25914 0.87797 0.50749 0.62231 0.93461 0.37384 0.42019 0.2585 0.86539 0.92907 0.10373 0.59047 0.6223 0.8656 0.46345 0.23197 0.16434 0.04652 0.16043 0.49025 0.7347 0.00462 0.32884 0.73318 0.56343 0.6063 0.46181 0.7541 0.58531 0.86159 0.90935 0.28927 0.91326 0.4511 0.63552 0.51173 0.21122 0.22826 0.10216 0.39009 0.29135 0.72406 0.08317 0.65371 0.62867 0.47256 0.71804 0.40813 0.63583 0.27661 0.00977 0.94673 0.2051 0.79068 0.11447 0.07003 0.7123 0.73158 0.47277 0.50808 0.07023 0.02111 0.53867 0.54535 0.52076 0.48582 0.05458 0.29245 0.67256 0.40347 0.26171 0.03901 0.00298 0.54498 0.14149 0.42858 0.38362 0.2069 0.67579 0.51754 0.11112 0.91092 0.53416 0.98159 0.28565 0.19082 0.04585
+0.85818 0.91355 0.24486 0.00697 0.71191 0.24042 0.65888 0.92564 0.18337 0.05979 0.48307 0.30672 0.81027 0.58347 0.44786 0.4994 0.90754 0.04621 0.17685 0.02013 0.93041 0.45755 0.195 0.43178 0.09851 0.11651 0.11975 0.30465 0.14602 0.39692 0.40986 0.13334 0.65007 0.86955 0.72701 0.747 0.87715 0.54954 0.42867 0.27314 0.68343 0.79282 0.57064 0.62029 0.45521 0.4982 0.01995 0.2812 0.47267 0.65782 0.45159 0.57965 0.12457 0.09234 0.12605 0.56727 0.10804 0.48418 0.0299 0.30106 0.24151 0.89371 0.06512 0.42689 0.32737 0.45845 0.20053 0.95225 0.34906 0.35812 0.60741 0.84743 0.06913 0.63694 0.24744 0.57963 0.30479 0.55786 0.72596 0.42283 0.48632 0.20936 0.18823 0.8161 0.6868 0.08989 0.62186 0.72679 0.46515 0.00168 0.73629 0.67291 0.09051 0.65882 0.47175 0.26937 0.85581 0.12953 0.80555 0.88955 0.65298 0.21201 0.63595 0.46179 0.21369 0.87406 0.29467 0.98875 0.58563 0.53736 0.65073 0.82135 0.99462 0.55935 0.90962 0.3793 0.16749 0.43485 0.03585 0.5948 0.1736 0.6379 0.84215 0.30993 0.05707 0.48632 0.33258 0.90016 0.80224 0.00838 0.97203 0.55559 0.03322 0.25801 0.83397 0.20885 0.61309 0.01703 0.38759 0.72753 0.91257 0.28478 0.02151 0.225 0.50874 0.01518 0.90008 0.99241 0.50567 0.50944 0.29487 0.16618 0.33707 0.43259 0.38062 0.44637 0.68945 0.2901 0.96176 0.00661 0.39081 0.63146 0.13692 0.82516 0.10479 0.90254 0.35219 0.78697 0.15378 0.86154 0.7276 0.33732 0.69345 0.33824 0.65594 0.80504 0.79624 0.70144 0.9649 0.88915 0.14742 0.91942 0.44553 0.38385 0.91391 0.63441 0.26114 0.57215 0.63509 0.06499 0.94796 0.05434 0.21066 0.87951 0.38768 0.42126 0.1278 0.51714 0.18668 0.60534 0.38067 0.38886 0.41502 0.97167 0.21301 0.87644 0.0992 0.86998 0.46916 0.10202 0.94558 0.80051 0.82357 0.23949 0.43323 0.58762 0.73076 0.63913 0.9248 0.38348 0.99386 0.01645 0.80234 0.2587 0.1933 0.26653 0.92117 0.81133 0.91496 0.88122 0.94822 0.22752 0.27472 0.0561 0.96993 0.24086 0.71481 0.61321 0.28315 0.88412 0.70422 0.3091 0.47503 0.9319 0.18934 0.98254 0.43202 0.35547 0.23337 0.81301 0.2986 0.87326 0.3508 0.17423 0.34279 0.63674 0.72607 0.48924 0.38787 0.64172 0.17666 0.80918 0.46783 0.29242 0.11494 0.0285 0.32553 0.55239 0.80164 0.95764 0.65852 0.69148 0.45593 0.17236 0.01074 0.0944 0.11264 0.11371 0.71343 0.8699 0.96337 0.40165 0.20902 0.00294 0.61579 0.16864 0.52233 0.79062 0.56399 0.99728 0.12534 0.182 0.27986 0.91048 0.18551 0.63054 0.70878 0.11715 0.71869 0.43342 0.12864 0.05711 0.14834 0.3659 0.47918 0.65439 0.55121 0.53002 0.99867 0.16351 0.53295 0.66545 0.3172 0.00584 0.41843 0.41853 0.81869 0.00964 0.04019 0.95168 0.74739 0.63009 0.54477 0.83071 0.1469 0.98807 0.05327 0.5586 0.26951 0.30628 0.928 0.7383 0.59201 0.7302 0.52985 0.32111 0.20274 0.83385 0.47859 0.86069 0.80461 0.35893 0.92224 0.20912 0.95 0.70998 0.65208 0.01313 0.04288 0.49646 0.6108 0.95427 0.39146 0.95844 0.99263 0.14707 0.50828 0.1938 0.11279 0.43504 0.86071 0.3451 0.08997 0.58333 0.66924 0.49566 0.96605 0.11937 0.65595 0.82258 0.99788 0.10165 0.39922 0.97393 0.42214 0.47314 0.51519 0.11778 0.20774 0.42658 0.03724 0.87522 0.33856 0.25948 0.63281 0.05357 0.35561 0.55832 0.19886 0.07245 0.86374 0.05671 0.66467 0.95944 0.53353 0.3175 0.70214 0.11108 0.06393 0.001 0.29856 0.58529 0.19738 0.11273 0.88073 0.8441 0.74214 0.87166 0.7499 0.52033 0.86234 0.54657 0.34504 0.85501 0.89999 0.30996 0.50813 0.92893 0.97178 0.24992 0.24491 0.25787 0.69686 0.88714 0.68945 0.01353 0.51598 0.88336 0.51223 0.48653 0.72388 0.46704 0.27819 0.04692 0.09446 0.04189 0.31728 0.07568 0.66801 0.61792 0.05906 0.60018 0.76116 0.94864 0.11525 0.95507 0.96871 0.76189 0.73001 0.93012 0.31757 0.15236 0.90202 0.81411 0.90035 0.18068 0.54259 0.45407 0.178 0.94999 0.86217 0.53733 0.97127 0.55974 0.29733 0.64918 0.22617 0.67986 0.76434 0.14728 0.06392 0.82003 0.65715 0.4059 0.25083 0.02748 0.37266 0.2843 0.61906 0.99768 0.67646 0.58859 0.20157 0.73785 0.65925 0.07197 0.65391 0.16672 0.45674 0.28146 0.06689 0.90898 0.91506 0.25553 0.36169 0.76901 0.62616 0.80155 0.13335 0.40372 0.75694 0.71319 0.92731 0.58038 0.94937 0.09108 0.89255 0.37077 0.45434 0.96876 0.37636 0.64779
+0.13898 0.4762 0.70329 0.27539 0.17783 0.30413 0.76849 0.46146 0.81819 0.3781 0.69124 0.92762 0.88611 0.27294 0.0417 0.60638 0.37064 0.85897 0.1642 0.23796 0.53043 0.49607 0.26651 0.01634 0.58107 0.99837 0.11705 0.61052 0.28992 0.91892 0.5217 0.47479 0.51464 0.58324 0.17758 0.84891 0.01813 0.39428 0.4971 0.14764 0.25866 0.5307 0.93161 0.57235 0.51238 0.83614 0.95896 0.59304 0.23011 0.32484 0.532 0.4729 0.6827 0.99426 0.25083 0.11762 0.58361 0.56586 0.74965 0.03122 0.73307 0.89673 0.58629 0.26638 0.90257 0.45159 0.18806 0.77835 0.15859 0.68462 0.65279 0.22195 0.77891 0.85779 0.95915 0.44662 0.12227 0.44843 0.31281 0.89032 0.74933 0.63275 0.04144 0.16402 0.40874 0.5487 0.39584 0.43579 0.22302 0.3388 0.20276 0.94891 0.01421 0.10177 0.14476 0.486 0.06102 0.30991 0.02181 0.03191 0.97816 0.45075 0.93493 0.30902 0.55316 0.74677 0.07957 0.88136 0.60605 0.23209 0.44888 0.79759 0.42323 0.88783 0.49599 0.5266 0.23572 0.68281 0.36134 0.21684 0.39117 0.02419 0.87695 0.14232 0.55327 0.21649 0.34036 0.00146 0.14486 0.95534 0.09249 0.18043 0.11754 0.41548 0.50188 0.33019 0.46357 0.52318 0.21678 0.07641 0.74739 0.36797 0.96418 0.64931 0.65079 0.6101 0.94898 0.8917 0.23885 0.84521 0.37379 0.73121 0.53827 0.60071 0.71952 0.62067 0.69632 0.83578 0.13212 0.44051 0.14125 0.17529 0.89516 0.6981 0.39454 0.71874 0.55559 0.0935 0.14353 0.21987 0.66315 0.13341 0.45804 0.08756 0.39672 0.44408 0.77072 0.85332 0.21197 0.1674 0.2867 0.68362 0.27911 0.41635 0.51147 0.51822 0.07006 0.80402 0.54814 0.93355 0.83642 0.58211 0.77704 0.72269 0.1288 0.19056 0.68198 0.19618 0.13303 0.37427 0.18646 0.17977 0.76124 0.47697 0.54537 0.68761 0.27606 0.81105 0.24973 0.74265 0.5576 0.66428 0.18278 0.96618 0.13247 0.50579 0.04702 0.63179 0.628 0.12334 0.6853 0.12744 0.89059 0.93776 0.18519 0.06661 0.14796 0.90385 0.18339 0.64818 0.96265 0.5197 0.6045 0.92792 0.977 0.49036 0.00085 0.99369 0.50047 0.69411 0.38134 0.44779 0.54482 0.29701 0.23649 0.39842 0.52251 0.83713 0.38935 0.6864 0.02341 0.30778 0.0366 0.64229 0.92223 0.5005 0.34515 0.15556 0.01575 0.66121 0.98141 0.16549 0.8468 0.35427 0.03434 0.32829 0.60653 0.67808 0.95447 0.44041 0.73329 0.7213 0.0697 0.12242 0.1879 0.73364 0.38699 0.66976 0.87892 0.43053 0.19862 0.85928 0.03931 0.64637 0.74616 0.10934 0.72615 0.07908 0.24879 0.55838 0.96387 0.01266 0.58403 0.98106 0.49477 0.72414 0.47949 0.34165 0.21917 0.83679 0.32541 0.78372 0.10566 0.446 0.41318 0.44443 0.99073 0.76741 0.61878 0.45446 0.17761 0.52834 0.40514 0.91645 0.89802 0.58148 0.12747 0.39065 0.43808 0.61973 0.83048 0.49918 0.47321 0.01177 0.92546 0.38098 0.58425 0.1364 0.48447 0.32058 0.17392 0.62672 0.89581 0.4565 0.05699 0.83462 0.92499 0.67052 0.78193 0.20838 0.98938 0.54164 0.43028 0.58614 0.62982 0.3665 0.74475 0.38801 0.40918 0.97423 0.18411 0.65255 0.6704 0.99373 0.38722 0.75545 0.37432 0.84321 0.39014 0.18367 0.04635 0.61281 0.8616 0.04177 0.46564 0.15406 0.87124 0.86108 0.22425 0.70372 0.72939 0.53546 0.7247 0.63386 0.0738 0.51204 0.592 0.12093 0.44012 0.25126 0.98189 0.51836 0.45756 0.36768 0.41149 0.18213 0.188 0.2652 0.34143 0.80929 0.73195 0.51305 0.56367 0.2006 0.97785 0.91573 0.08798 0.31729 0.8071 0.56129 0.03963 0.59058 0.65611 0.00903 0.24483 0.43668 0.48828 0.07471 0.40741 0.88985 0.44367 0.09925 0.93144 0.55231 0.7097 0.1027 0.3147 0.98698 0.16154 0.36494 0.72688 0.54254 0.48097 0.01679 0.06298 0.46042 0.3201 0.65195 0.56771 0.22947 0.20487 0.10324 0.10207 0.53094 0.85705 0.66111 0.06489 0.93731 0.90649 0.44019 0.49326 0.63473 0.82285 0.50227 0.15549 0.44386 0.36323 0.45866 0.6403 0.76384 0.03007 0.1047 0.82539 0.12928 0.15555 0.42627 0.47807 0.18531 0.12384 0.6259 0.45433 0.81842 0.65576 0.06099 0.69924 0.21842 0.80893 0.73022 0.30865 0.82981 0.36412 0.42053 0.62876 0.97307 0.463 0.92597 0.32742 0.57781 0.16081 0.79795 0.38772 0.02814 0.69093 0.51401 0.90063 0.71477 0.95529 0.34056 0.50072 0.81031 0.73152 0.84727 0.72811 0.07218 0.5046 0.10449 0.73599 0.86312 0.77528 0.43813 0.3335 0.01216 0.16945 0.36706 0.94373 0.83061 0.94788 0.76914 0.29323 0.03396 0.34981 0.89288
+0.09938 0.04331 0.13671 0.08283 0.94838 0.56728 0.93656 0.456 0.62076 0.28119 0.3521 0.61063 0.39887 0.22669 0.63306 0.25003 0.47148 0.42412 0.46083 0.93008 0.43639 0.71353 0.99942 0.04045 0.44526 0.34808 0.7876 0.66706 0.29019 0.73846 0.10738 0.14469 0.27653 0.23719 0.08538 0.08865 0.47967 0.17135 0.70265 0.92293 0.8926 0.84072 0.54123 0.2734 0.49293 0.60298 0.03718 0.93433 0.88384 0.04339 0.04606 0.73827 0.19325 0.49889 0.27758 0.92404 0.66354 0.18765 0.1458 0.88064 0.89323 0.94436 0.12031 0.31058 0.11848 0.72297 0.95165 0.67856 0.73143 0.32001 0.86646 0.93414 0.81705 0.79428 0.66516 0.95283 0.64092 0.87602 0.21934 0.65097 0.09723 0.33254 0.19983 0.24609 0.06897 0.0175 0.26011 0.46309 0.728 0.6369 0.34851 0.05528 0.51682 0.59758 0.63503 0.14835 0.91608 0.24318 0.9029 0.89372 0.09764 0.59255 0.20676 0.78776 0.99569 0.41144 0.9709 0.39743 0.23029 0.23836 0.12951 0.01931 0.54524 0.91895 0.31495 0.31564 0.45833 0.95749 0.19962 0.176 0.46536 0.42605 0.77586 0.59757 0.76634 0.78332 0.17237 0.68392 0.85029 0.03878 0.80566 0.2251 0.29916 0.26374 0.60454 0.95322 0.56665 0.67094 0.5709 0.02973 0.30222 0.30436 0.36777 0.76168 0.24407 0.02846 0.34368 0.68618 0.16261 0.31361 0.2281 0.20154 0.6413 0.61258 0.74924 0.70944 0.261 0.47234 0.82371 0.83687 0.51175 0.9528 0.86045 0.72182 0.98056 0.1923 0.39254 0.1275 0.61332 0.76237 0.85322 0.6834 0.46705 0.40479 0.47273 0.26745 0.29885 0.35019 0.55495 0.49324 0.13179 0.83738 0.55166 0.74074 0.48534 0.8378 0.48615 0.6569 0.62322 0.26388 0.7691 0.9649 0.22081 0.96414 0.65255 0.36329 0.19282 0.32793 0.42522 0.58875 0.55296 0.5019 0.21927 0.65041 0.73583 0.96784 0.99198 0.34228 0.13711 0.8263 0.35937 0.90433 0.25672 0.63529 0.34517 0.1206 0.56935 0.03864 0.27281 0.73652 0.89494 0.92846 0.53791 0.8604 0.32799 0.25314 0.66232 0.36137 0.81106 0.34259 0.31754 0.99671 0.12544 0.05851 0.19249 0.99975 0.39329 0.35214 0.5999 0.32185 0.68744 0.07849 0.64533 0.18307 0.417 0.5475 0.52935 0.0354 0.9557 0.91426 0.15448 0.33548 0.20235 0.4853 0.95375 0.56132 0.22665 0.83544 0.79651 0.0862 0.71494 0.59571 0.98023 0.82417 0.61065 0.70001 0.42341 0.28722 0.00906 0.04879 0.9974 0.05865 0.01603 0.54197 0.31822 0.69133 0.24967 0.13164 0.55899 0.11023 0.5029 0.08525 0.5405 0.93975 0.52996 0.00391 0.59758 0.63337 0.02741 0.724 0.2071 0.99501 0.27374 0.32365 0.38066 0.14605 0.30547 0.93001 0.57856 0.22834 0.86773 0.83145 0.8145 0.55291 0.80714 0.48868 0.62036 0.48374 0.44373 0.8645 0.92906 0.88036 0.65799 0.52817 0.22773 0.48729 0.16868 0.43603 0.61533 0.48263 0.07208 0.41312 0.61697 0.84204 0.81047 0.17578 0.41064 0.65242 0.21836 0.01016 0.14296 0.40352 0.71973 0.80306 0.50541 0.14108 0.55863 0.67634 0.57477 0.45825 0.26672 0.55666 0.86857 0.47625 0.80994 0.12559 0.69484 0.94443 0.08138 0.77921 0.94619 0.50465 0.82143 0.02437 0.43385 0.6244 0.80418 0.52747 0.9379 0.14245 0.65881 0.92438 0.71506 0.62552 0.53215 0.3979 0.49144 0.17565 0.41092 0.0908 0.62008 0.61347 0.71168 0.73591 0.53618 0.62784 0.76322 0.95638 0.64698 0.1739 0.43121 0.05933 0.69047 0.606 0.21579 0.70287 0.23535 0.25868 0.53978 0.52854 0.85966 0.50782 0.9403 0.5972 0.65039 0.01046 0.85974 0.64127 0.7352 0.1534 0.91893 0.04294 0.75223 0.02028 0.45089 0.03588 0.58011 0.28411 0.67338 0.96422 0.34727 0.40896 0.20047 0.62701 0.05347 0.44095 0.96434 0.25426 0.67857 0.49222 0.04908 0.29305 0.94866 0.00785 0.35874 0.82405 0.50038 0.18201 0.19638 0.7488 0.79148 0.5498 0.61967 0.2277 0.00961 0.48677 0.73939 0.42277 0.26946 0.06665 0.25952 0.36889 0.47232 0.28331 0.23709 0.35953 0.93835 0.10001 0.72685 0.93545 0.2102 0.86608 0.04821 0.71293 0.2714 0.73569 0.39336 0.82071 0.10054 0.68342 0.01413 0.15026 0.27648 0.01892 0.69143 0.78423 0.38004 0.29184 0.45098 0.23583 0.41468 0.25625 0.925 0.82296 0.48056 0.62316 0.3558 0.77299 0.44702 0.01594 0.61914 0.26456 0.27347 0.05852 0.69697 0.13713 0.52928 0.95773 0.21628 0.06921 0.11771 0.76059 0.95645 0.34294 0.93072 0.58115 0.77575 0.37279 0.03071 0.29321 0.44507 0.24799 0.63998 0.85229 0.66583 0.45407 0.96816 0.80929 0.88858 0.29089 0.91946 0.63144
+0.78953 0.96878 0.10054 0.76836 0.65568 0.34923 0.07833 0.28653 0.27442 0.72255 0.03263 0.16363 0.88547 0.866 0.29338 0.30965 0.92613 0.38707 0.9432 0.62755 0.35496 0.90667 0.52989 0.9972 0.06545 0.49742 0.4597 0.41834 0.28641 0.94629 0.39852 0.82302 0.92914 0.59679 0.52545 0.86097 0.90757 0.26508 0.56022 0.52621 0.10097 0.78596 0.5615 0.22565 0.50117 0.87361 0.07157 0.39318 0.78888 0.25898 0.42639 0.7719 0.58448 0.80962 0.46499 0.30329 0.04523 0.83557 0.44453 0.55969 0.07628 0.09586 0.39112 0.53504 0.1717 0.24822 0.46204 0.65147 0.6666 0.45283 0.15168 0.95203 0.73017 0.08517 0.31613 0.52717 0.46335 0.4206 0.93407 0.79496 0.71856 0.90395 0.61748 0.02534 0.39557 0.21419 0.04991 0.64592 0.89091 0.25587 0.76062 0.48743 0.44609 0.23573 0.60957 0.54731 0.48234 0.73924 0.80999 0.28478 0.0399 0.71857 0.40982 0.83301 0.35296 0.36039 0.80606 0.30528 0.62369 0.16919 0.44816 0.03362 0.291 0.33874 0.15552 0.09392 0.99642 0.86125 0.9785 0.76629 0.81217 0.90913 0.69111 0.43637 0.13252 0.742 0.15397 0.80271 0.20894 0.7277 0.46122 0.90153 0.88233 0.3872 0.51259 0.95052 0.76701 0.27432 0.74191 0.31045 0.31101 0.38367 0.36491 0.81359 0.00529 0.47407 0.20607 0.12344 0.08804 0.68913 0.20355 0.08695 0.21924 0.09429 0.68735 0.67342 0.47289 0.06025 0.41246 0.87426 0.07612 0.58375 0.48845 0.72237 0.55192 0.746 0.97767 0.19766 0.36822 0.97753 0.55086 0.15187 0.27303 0.61321 0.12155 0.50727 0.13676 0.56483 0.60739 0.1278 0.50582 0.81702 0.75667 0.42248 0.59611 0.32732 0.7667 0.17121 0.87969 0.51193 0.84662 0.80498 0.6615 0.51641 0.95434 0.04896 0.88221 0.78206 0.75418 0.55975 0.53689 0.26209 0.0303 0.01164 0.07217 0.19832 0.8795 0.66351 0.13898 0.70769 0.03817 0.83642 0.44129 0.12488 0.75484 0.99818 0.61139 0.18108 0.15764 0.04845 0.39172 0.39405 0.98498 0.51851 0.94275 0.30475 0.01437 0.5711 0.94142 0.50042 0.4823 0.29913 0.78353 0.2603 0.98193 0.44299 0.8883 0.91034 0.24312 0.12748 0.73229 0.3239 0.74853 0.5986 0.17254 0.95888 0.38808 0.47012 0.58773 0.22013 0.5062 0.56497 0.82672 0.15139 0.41692 0.41017 0.03951 0.71407 0.18552 0.81214 0.58624 0.41709 0.00835 0.33434 0.26738 0.53697 0.84986 0.76925 0.93179 0.99102 0.01609 0.59038 0.102 0.29595 0.56591 0.2207 0.32593 0.06254 0.00299 0.38638 0.76645 0.58713 0.30998 0.56882 0.50617 0.82204 0.83621 0.314 0.33293 0.6935 0.30043 0.75186 0.96468 0.52007 0.31122 0.32285 0.95232 0.75449 0.11169 0.32275 0.88255 0.58178 0.59508 0.78691 0.4059 0.18457 0.4733 0.66205 0.8118 0.95298 0.1071 0.03346 0.49777 0.41727 0.09137 0.24643 0.8063 0.9543 0.75035 0.69505 0.42517 0.04797 0.7834 0.09862 0.8467 0.6757 0.06071 0.57637 0.69949 0.00679 0.17294 0.99042 0.65755 0.77399 0.15265 0.10109 0.08335 0.51537 0.69339 0.76616 0.1326 0.08323 0.57571 0.22224 0.86857 0.88652 0.04266 0.44826 0.30322 0.10139 0.47292 0.83574 0.73912 0.26697 0.7965 0.14134 0.94768 0.6512 0.50115 0.07562 0.00248 0.0609 0.9274 0.84235 0.2502 0.75992 0.34341 0.29217 0.66963 0.51216 0.47411 0.53451 0.22602 0.94915 0.78797 0.19309 0.64301 0.1554 0.91488 0.01567 0.19181 0.64052 0.99073 0.56619 0.42533 0.16583 0.62812 0.87959 0.30401 0.91021 0.37458 0.70782 0.11375 0.03332 0.5065 0.25085 0.84856 0.27228 0.71124 0.79723 0.11832 0.56029 0.006 0.44359 0.6414 0.53873 0.52071 0.15836 0.96761 0.35031 0.6558 0.5895 0.60302 0.27984 0.04382 0.65037 0.7182 0.411 0.4554 0.83872 0.4472 0.72573 0.25644 0.72453 0.31547 0.07813 0.90394 0.50075 0.91345 0.95412 0.54568 0.73057 0.3063 0.63396 0.3496 0.97434 0.5987 0.58401 0.59406 0.77608 0.58908 0.69979 0.76182 0.60056 0.50206 0.69113 0.67374 0.03505 0.88606 0.61922 0.78785 0.9156 0.02051 0.19936 0.51471 0.55113 0.2918 0.36052 0.93131 0.50163 0.70033 0.20209 0.37004 0.30152 0.85548 0.71948 0.27801 0.31848 0.56514 0.2417 0.86527 0.84338 0.54675 0.33373 0.12641 0.48007 0.607 0.91307 0.82465 0.2355 0.73529 0.39664 0.77525 0.14092 0.73206 0.9508 0.37052 0.79748 0.52155 0.14742 0.17603 0.59289 0.52937 0.70491 0.4281 0.48123 0.93039 0.37333 0.86084 0.47166 0.08391 0.34399 0.93839 0.15599 0.88242 0.44962 0.7047 0.30683 0.4709 0.82897 0.2358 0.49608
+0.9802 0.75907 0.60934 0.12148 0.87097 0.25465 0.97092 0.15712 0.87644 0.33483 0.69757 0.53331 0.89834 0.47069 0.59993 0.92107 0.03457 0.60553 0.63315 0.99302 0.30377 0.06045 0.0099 0.64759 0.86694 0.6283 0.32454 0.44653 0.48998 0.93303 0.80653 0.1365 0.96171 0.93429 0.63111 0.2434 0.32081 0.45149 0.84704 0.83339 0.72103 0.79528 0.59509 0.97112 0.89304 0.46394 0.21173 0.8323 0.57357 0.59513 0.7434 0.69322 0.45923 0.12104 0.44619 0.08899 0.53836 0.79296 0.17332 0.20027 0.63449 0.58821 0.36906 0.61724 0.46489 0.53175 0.8718 0.65426 0.10205 0.06053 0.34252 0.85822 0.35275 0.86351 0.93661 0.97346 0.66596 0.13627 0.61614 0.80948 0.87135 0.73624 0.26786 0.18339 0.25981 0.84612 0.9792 0.61383 0.87916 0.16047 0.23769 0.9248 0.5832 0.53226 0.14228 0.85953 0.65832 0.20145 0.44764 0.49157 0.61193 0.56434 0.80505 0.13668 0.30991 0.24198 0.62676 0.48019 0.9807 0.35954 0.55605 0.11131 0.27102 0.14875 0.76471 0.02017 0.99127 0.06945 0.37484 0.31383 0.3632 0.41878 0.932 0.5773 0.37739 0.36895 0.98583 0.54257 0.80584 0.24816 0.25148 0.39257 0.01113 0.18224 0.8396 0.76207 0.37891 0.57063 0.26155 0.33858 0.63801 0.87988 0.95436 0.70202 0.37695 0.83695 0.94526 0.3135 0.2356 0.4119 0.9056 0.60175 0.77702 0.50938 0.90321 0.56597 0.74742 0.51484 0.4487 0.15963 0.43772 0.41756 0.90402 0.61086 0.60706 0.66177 0.36537 0.00954 0.57053 0.1351 0.08945 0.41729 0.19091 0.83942 0.40964 0.14195 0.28941 0.4516 0.3891 0.05837 0.76281 0.31766 0.22237 0.46773 0.84175 0.0388 0.68351 0.75565 0.49468 0.07534 0.62874 0.80348 0.95399 0.36247 0.67991 0.05139 0.43313 0.29271 0.74982 0.00745 0.01763 0.49499 0.00391 0.09572 0.16742 0.0624 0.55792 0.78484 0.47896 0.72161 0.57488 0.81378 0.70686 0.62871 0.28742 0.64139 0.239 0.7122 0.07434 0.34953 0.33012 0.33691 0.54654 0.30332 0.70194 0.89478 0.89905 0.69443 0.25182 0.36282 0.58712 0.22353 0.16502 0.98664 0.73547 0.46012 0.45136 0.21454 0.49087 0.32237 0.07275 0.12114 0.84339 0.06075 0.25846 0.45494 0.38551 0.06494 0.20127 0.3645 0.9862 0.06639 0.58813 0.37966 0.49608 0.39289 0.89832 0.6051 0.60271 0.50138 0.14762 0.7425 0.59975 0.17093 0.1237 0.10897 0.72642 0.26994 0.64954 0.8193 0.02014 0.35988 0.76824 0.05402 0.22305 0.07121 0.21175 0.44532 0.89328 0.17884 0.85324 0.21891 0.13769 0.88347 0.22555 0.2168 0.99497 0.96073 0.85953 0.73288 0.36354 0.83808 0.28389 0.84399 0.08842 0.7515 0.37906 0.44395 0.31072 0.62959 0.92059 0.80864 0.45863 0.983 0.59051 0.42308 0.88988 0.98409 0.67816 0.94967 0.97583 0.98561 0.69144 0.53288 0.17145 0.65034 0.31686 0.19706 0.68221 0.35513 0.57885 0.25605 0.17288 0.15101 0.11923 0.23834 0.55329 0.21077 0.37718 0.79504 0.24726 0.59633 0.08082 0.82044 0.95407 0.6019 0.89593 0.17754 0.53308 0.25724 0.3536 0.48306 0.96693 0.41456 0.37799 0.33928 0.5684 0.08578 0.11531 0.03118 0.94606 0.22702 0.14461 0.60077 0.85802 0.82734 0.06446 0.17443 0.31227 0.66526 0.78601 0.18998 0.32839 0.15757 0.10386 0.60197 0.99371 0.09628 0.6306 0.07292 0.94189 0.88588 0.18577 0.95117 0.17262 0.17869 0.33643 0.89437 0.12874 0.96378 0.07316 0.60019 0.26432 0.57722 0.33894 0.97129 0.18527 0.64797 0.00816 0.09953 0.9001 0.10514 0.08967 0.93776 0.62836 0.37759 0.54749 0.92036 0.77211 0.84226 0.11733 0.48032 0.66568 0.64833 0.71512 0.0218 0.91642 0.27124 0.22321 0.55626 0.86835 0.03514 0.39674 0.94791 0.79788 0.8908 0.83836 0.99248 0.1274 0.42304 0.57294 0.34024 0.41273 0.44015 0.2007 0.51435 0.44764 0.21302 0.99614 0.06705 0.08936 0.19188 0.07377 0.50783 0.88953 0.92618 0.89584 0.73093 0.32163 0.85721 0.51301 0.44317 0.1609 0.32251 0.14876 0.84486 0.43858 0.70576 0.89792 0.48278 0.07069 0.86706 0.37591 0.5879 0.0741 0.03767 0.7139 0.69643 0.64631 0.71154 0.16 0.71833 0.15445 0.59639 0.54078 0.49571 0.70114 0.28543 0.44941 0.56613 0.75809 0.14179 0.66172 0.13917 0.03961 0.29197 0.96862 0.74345 0.40408 0.45294 0.54898 0.00624 0.64431 0.68996 0.64183 0.10118 0.09332 0.05184 0.76009 0.19104 0.57596 0.93701 0.25645 0.22513 0.45995 0.61592 0.60132 0.16126 0.59942 0.04975 0.26707 0.85887 0.79619 0.45195 0.24607 0.98237 0.91801 0.10498 0.26367 0.39866 0.38141 0.12815
+0.35937 0.82095 0.23867 0.2155 0.48287 0.67526 0.94433 0.39311 0.86731 0.98254 0.928 0.38043 0.18434 0.48995 0.90736 0.20772 0.26584 0.07463 0.33102 0.52035 0.91578 0.05703 0.59957 0.8145 0.61723 0.23555 0.92024 0.8551 0.28363 0.08343 0.82773 0.47084 0.01758 0.26303 0.13927 0.94396 0.54331 0.16036 0.29828 0.43268 0.09251 0.24379 0.27388 0.08118 0.80103 0.13884 0.40182 0.05126 0.69603 0.5464 0.69913 0.27084 0.97968 0.5942 0.03629 0.70151 0.61578 0.52615 0.48828 0.85458 0.02108 0.72312 0.68716 0.06726 0.65245 0.45789 0.44501 0.43538 0.98777 0.83241 0.8017 0.46487 0.54737 0.6701 0.99707 0.85581 0.24761 0.43031 0.04887 0.4322 0.28881 0.27711 0.52904 0.50124 0.47818 0.57654 0.2774 0.34032 0.13722 0.34228 0.07384 0.7165 0.42515 0.26293 0.06244 0.88486 0.99759 0.07728 0.59388 0.55983 0.61929 0.56849 0.84535 0.21458 0.36587 0.08101 0.62015 0.91643 0.60602 0.50706 0.58739 0.54484 0.79628 0.41146 0.58228 0.09374 0.12431 0.71439 0.85725 0.95124 0.88849 0.97819 0.4869 0.84513 0.28206 0.27035 0.25433 0.84111 0.2846 0.95624 0.44849 0.05146 0.06844 0.28768 0.28884 0.5069 0.41634 0.14929 0.43327 0.85375 0.9607 0.94041 0.59971 0.41484 0.69969 0.16553 0.94406 0.39064 0.47237 0.75383 0.20755 0.21554 0.0767 0.75579 0.01804 0.25357 0.978 0.85069 0.60978 0.49271 0.96656 0.88904 0.56666 0.5632 0.31417 0.55265 0.76426 0.85645 0.47643 0.38493 0.5545 0.05825 0.06305 0.71528 0.55757 0.5607 0.14658 0.60294 0.70872 0.02748 0.14244 0.12226 0.19352 0.0527 0.20275 0.32881 0.83671 0.25454 0.40891 0.80816 0.68906 0.25809 0.7167 0.27083 0.28162 0.81391 0.25142 0.2506 0.97265 0.89687 0.09647 0.63957 0.18957 0.49708 0.94994 0.5811 0.98413 0.39438 0.71584 0.10094 0.99353 0.12058 0.50387 0.78315 0.69805 0.05 0.98501 0.69673 0.19593 0.0213 0.61313 0.41319 0.89334 0.00821 0.8648 0.16199 0.50399 0.81573 0.7875 0.29586 0.54775 0.64458 0.28865 0.73578 0.1466 0.98082 0.75431 0.92096 0.3505 0.3194 0.21449 0.79749 0.58973 0.23763 0.8665 0.07562 0.24905 0.06638 0.38696 0.17328 0.16776 0.37945 0.7197 0.36529 0.84101 0.59537 0.67546 0.36769 0.81487 0.12972 0.92085 0.11094 0.02696 0.46688 0.3672 0.58388 0.61058 0.55864 0.52906 0.38528 0.31373 0.00714 0.57321 0.80808 0.3671 0.47834 0.18504 0.99026 0.82991 0.03518 0.85749 0.53469 0.5723 0.63984 0.38309 0.07195 0.07487 0.47496 0.73901 0.54239 0.33725 0.67216 0.19368 0.1636 0.98017 0.01191 0.83393 0.7951 0.8681 0.31938 0.75035 0.82656 0.75102 0.03087 0.33981 0.01826 0.52922 0.79532 0.82714 0.28128 0.4063 0.47485 0.75392 0.39231 0.27372 0.71081 0.43616 0.31904 0.83254 0.8717 0.84305 0.4488 0.80566 0.89259 0.57106 0.39988 0.6986 0.6082 0.21853 0.14092 0.7784 0.9878 0.2901 0.76157 0.53505 0.61072 0.87828 0.281 0.19215 0.64066 0.49413 0.07078 0.20468 0.2917 0.44607 0.51748 0.63947 0.78492 0.1614 0.71958 0.13239 0.1078 0.8364 0.44037 0.69079 0.32782 0.21423 0.3099 0.90569 0.92434 0.9142 0.63952 0.51717 0.61602 0.12993 0.88686 0.59989 0.51863 0.63719 0.39538 0.15541 0.81691 0.88335 0.93106 0.5654 0.21802 0.91656 0.08966 0.46924 0.72711 0.53878 0.34882 0.01971 0.42221 0.45242 0.63461 0.30143 0.64901 0.17234 0.80157 0.88453 0.04676 0.66612 0.98391 0.25896 0.3818 0.889 0.01953 0.90719 0.74996 0.995 0.07963 0.97815 0.64024 0.75069 0.1885 0.39859 0.44731 0.87618 0.24646 0.88022 0.22566 0.18732 0.78452 0.863 0.82612 0.32832 0.24829 0.3341 0.40748 0.59705 0.73898 0.14844 0.99603 0.67017 0.54801 0.75943 0.47885 0.94784 0.17777 0.3871 0.69201 0.51766 0.6846 0.30464 0.66252 0.4122 0.67954 0.07203 0.26292 0.5532 0.99982 0.67744 0.76007 0.16851 0.37164 0.70359 0.73705 0.2623 0.35551 0.21805 0.25033 0.16967 0.33585 0.02841 0.21995 0.18919 0.97504 0.1344 0.20739 0.17812 0.50424 0.45486 0.60583 0.39283 0.23524 0.77892 0.95271 0.06303 0.73508 0.39439 0.43198 0.71638 0.8449 0.64119 0.71542 0.40014 0.4737 0.24489 0.28059 0.68971 0.87426 0.26974 0.12352 0.88002 0.32523 0.80749 0.25151 0.02793 0.32945 0.0027 0.91916 0.47999 0.92342 0.89918 0.20692 0.7045 0.10141 0.80757 0.22226 0.08804 0.65476 0.94689 0.66942 0.54141 0.59236 0.67517 0.19769 0.45774 0.06936 0.21051 0.68557
+0.45107 0.37422 0.85162 0.94603 0.01423 0.0486 0.82239 0.23567 0.67649 0.43077 0.14135 0.2727 0.32831 0.82542 0.45067 0.03875 0.13793 0.45849 0.83592 0.2747 0.96388 0.30399 0.16858 0.61034 0.98939 0.4641 0.66152 0.37128 0.69972 0.6578 0.48225 0.22387 0.25349 0.64401 0.09233 0.21544 0.58192 0.78752 0.58504 0.33765 0.78262 0.75454 0.72312 0.42522 0.37889 0.2833 0.49511 0.05311 0.38596 0.10623 0.16043 0.13632 0.46729 0.3938 0.37196 0.96238 0.50205 0.10946 0.66887 0.85723 0.34811 0.74782 0.20677 0.68995 0.74081 0.92406 0.18044 0.61851 0.63175 0.51303 0.70934 0.70426 0.7113 0.4579 0.19029 0.20819 0.97648 0.1062 0.75426 0.32081 0.20806 0.43714 0.83524 0.9716 0.43795 0.76474 0.94834 0.33068 0.41663 0.61528 0.53296 0.4687 0.78264 0.35261 0.09625 0.80094 0.27841 0.44503 0.38535 0.4851 0.13359 0.98752 0.92482 0.9298 0.40677 0.75247 0.22689 0.48847 0.91584 0.7645 0.9444 0.05732 0.42246 0.68367 0.40631 0.51148 0.332 0.92764 0.37411 0.38543 0.33472 0.20739 0.89821 0.85991 0.93525 0.95671 0.33167 0.76033 0.39721 0.14432 0.87839 0.03147 0.65018 0.79078 0.25655 0.56552 0.45123 0.87111 0.99296 0.13834 0.42483 0.47932 0.59369 0.73031 0.28138 0.0609 0.72377 0.27694 0.82091 0.84204 0.32995 0.7562 0.34491 0.22852 0.55703 0.93242 0.0766 0.43255 0.5572 0.8734 0.41475 0.40186 0.87019 0.91625 0.11935 0.00904 0.61945 0.93925 0.24335 0.42979 0.4855 0.21909 0.01933 0.00333 0.53065 0.61584 0.05744 0.96408 0.62823 0.16198 0.52164 0.97597 0.51297 0.49888 0.40137 0.99354 0.07033 0.8328 0.93534 0.65714 0.45045 0.09661 0.46236 0.43532 0.58481 0.23367 0.93089 0.91493 0.97356 0.97517 0.6795 0.77649 0.3265 0.50375 0.0992 0.50964 0.6354 0.16725 0.41701 0.14303 0.85847 0.64381 0.13628 0.08503 0.681 0.99215 0.13568 0.65139 0.08489 0.35785 0.0618 0.28934 0.80147 0.35533 0.01832 0.60885 0.00423 0.3289 0.0517 0.63653 0.31378 0.87538 0.71939 0.96227 0.15549 0.73448 0.10017 0.93091 0.25646 0.80122 0.91659 0.37151 0.67286 0.61553 0.2513 0.79314 0.35471 0.26214 0.02783 0.59902 0.27985 0.49493 0.09302 0.40719 0.86266 0.13951 0.2304 0.91865 0.11276 0.18377 0.33674 0.81864 0.28565 0.5607 0.30993 0.20755 0.55323 0.44964 0.74547 0.80417 0.48801 0.41987 0.02792 0.82378 0.63539 0.99049 0.96399 0.41489 0.64816 0.35066 0.39526 0.76328 0.51211 0.37616 0.03548 0.57396 0.88578 0.0693 0.70138 0.17309 0.08842 0.85731 0.12834 0.95107 0.09994 0.23475 0.21511 0.93841 0.87714 0.58462 0.55281 0.70083 0.23612 0.73553 0.41415 0.26985 0.99166 0.72898 0.9894 0.66794 0.64643 0.58579 0.99122 0.39676 0.66524 0.67364 0.95742 0.56022 0.17038 0.86156 0.30637 0.63494 0.6909 0.87483 0.43051 0.38313 0.54544 0.10822 0.4213 0.20093 0.12624 0.68659 0.34493 0.11001 0.85018 0.09713 0.68397 0.06711 0.12681 0.9037 0.36528 0.10459 0.73483 0.08834 0.64002 0.53651 0.59022 0.86136 0.91544 0.95256 0.56122 0.18114 0.0259 0.28906 0.10899 0.75553 0.1888 0.56906 0.42091 0.86807 0.70944 0.43074 0.63183 0.3513 0.62402 0.81415 0.31847 0.31713 0.87103 0.52383 0.3812 0.69681 0.89614 0.6729 0.26994 0.27497 0.71832 0.81827 0.09216 0.764 0.79576 0.713 0.70183 0.49336 0.56243 0.78712 0.40787 0.58852 0.10859 0.88168 0.85765 0.24717 0.27613 0.66795 0.68554 0.77901 0.76063 0.68172 0.19667 0.88645 0.21854 0.85318 0.91942 0.84025 0.98449 0.29665 0.53085 0.00993 0.13392 0.8431 0.88578 0.23219 0.5713 0.82324 0.68469 0.04434 0.62613 0.37032 0.60633 0.99627 0.1229 0.06357 0.72236 0.96573 0.70584 0.08951 0.05352 0.6264 0.31758 0.45066 0.04004 0.47322 0.01181 0.01486 0.4456 0.06224 0.27901 0.89612 0.6231 0.18562 0.76161 0.07284 0.49521 0.43516 0.91796 0.74291 0.75207 0.97381 0.7909 0.39563 0.00713 0.80464 0.99445 0.29966 0.28568 0.27292 0.35064 0.17903 0.25083 0.12902 0.37186 0.25869 0.06345 0.45451 0.85416 0.69766 0.37653 0.85337 0.24843 0.14213 0.13163 0.94946 0.07975 0.1148 0.37373 0.00348 0.23106 0.20771 0.82922 0.97791 0.61632 0.32461 0.63467 0.08683 0.62849 0.61318 0.08064 0.28553 0.57422 0.8671 0.29567 0.13929 0.46205 0.23975 0.54179 0.3813 0.83915 0.34063 0.32212 0.44282 0.72002 0.13566 0.51578 0.81816 0.2374 0.20821 0.83898 0.29611 0.89998 0.7392 0.68367 0.65976
+0.22753 0.30927 0.72002 0.18111 0.25893 0.06681 0.6057 0.97735 0.56989 0.64938 0.52961 0.00158 0.88747 0.40662 0.74737 0.78671 0.75472 0.52698 0.1349 0.2961 0.5656 0.23536 0.7811 0.84184 0.45331 0.79942 0.027 0.4551 0.83896 0.01716 0.27088 0.38466 0.34407 0.9848 0.28269 0.3593 0.82811 0.8684 0.47308 0.56901 0.26716 0.64114 0.55078 0.28636 0.06233 0.5227 0.68341 0.63069 0.59591 0.35195 0.90501 0.60157 0.43902 0.88023 0.25196 0.11661 0.89307 0.84179 0.03459 0.4553 0.51955 0.9862 0.70593 0.50133 0.75883 0.88263 0.29563 0.71445 0.07256 0.75072 0.38769 0.6787 0.80999 0.76529 0.50716 0.24738 0.90965 0.751 0.01607 0.76525 0.06548 0.56889 0.76132 0.12073 0.48349 0.49585 0.1009 0.53885 0.08968 0.90644 0.11036 0.85269 0.0624 0.94191 0.57569 0.21825 0.86852 0.19641 0.90007 0.95215 0.15911 0.65964 0.01659 0.1967 0.77912 0.70383 0.40258 0.70823 0.47362 0.94172 0.56589 0.25404 0.58376 0.74035 0.87066 0.06384 0.33426 0.04585 0.19353 0.62089 0.73261 0.08581 0.4507 0.73242 0.02632 0.7945 0.5767 0.41186 0.26702 0.09773 0.441 0.40574 0.09474 0.22225 0.42258 0.73203 0.89783 0.24153 0.54107 0.30366 0.9422 0.17139 0.44838 0.38642 0.86358 0.56782 0.70531 0.59043 0.95727 0.97469 0.59477 0.16013 0.42513 0.95119 0.53049 0.39213 0.07683 0.42187 0.99338 0.61183 0.81432 0.20296 0.88334 0.07156 0.80099 0.33917 0.46675 0.43195 0.28094 0.24115 0.37132 0.81784 0.06818 0.71643 0.3837 0.08629 0.12614 0.89852 0.78973 0.23963 0.3963 0.73111 0.15882 0.14543 0.66862 0.12663 0.98846 0.69665 0.85956 0.04982 0.2101 0.85537 0.55136 0.35142 0.50563 0.44017 0.70295 0.37951 0.67448 0.00522 0.33113 0.80702 0.14156 0.63361 0.11159 0.76532 0.02953 0.55212 0.40248 0.45443 0.44542 0.11181 0.81257 0.04086 0.11167 0.93381 0.20796 0.38414 0.45971 0.54957 0.36466 0.7204 0.05959 0.59012 0.6268 0.1481 0.16852 0.25491 0.60437 0.844 0.79897 0.57346 0.39759 0.62141 0.20313 0.76503 0.30793 0.2513 0.27788 0.06182 0.88179 0.9618 0.84031 0.76001 0.04186 0.89605 0.01105 0.35765 0.08385 0.97113 0.91916 0.4269 0.647 0.57767 0.02225 0.96491 0.7579 0.52855 0.79249 0.46733 0.11417 0.7086 0.2363 0.90627 0.49018 0.38843 0.42725 0.31851 0.86643 0.36616 0.33329 0.06325 0.65618 0.36898 0.94165 0.20499 0.62008 0.33807 0.88826 0.88718 0.08504 0.81769 0.05573 0.06703 0.11476 0.12859 0.76436 0.63876 0.77929 0.55259 0.34513 0.96794 0.65868 0.95396 0.0678 0.55399 0.32507 0.72768 0.63976 0.2509 0.33913 0.98171 0.57884 0.48499 0.30151 0.16377 0.04557 0.83298 0.16962 0.08444 0.11709 0.95474 0.85795 0.92175 0.06547 0.22031 0.42842 0.19743 0.68202 0.03438 0.46123 0.72063 0.03271 0.51352 0.37498 0.12324 0.832 0.52077 0.33527 0.67054 0.4748 0.71531 0.89657 0.4473 0.23131 0.24934 0.30529 0.64402 0.3734 0.46528 0.18252 0.03632 0.47457 0.2613 0.45972 0.37272 0.392 0.25231 0.22851 0.32817 0.2102 0.65494 0.81433 0.98596 0.17354 0.14684 0.02636 0.66438 0.00878 0.75025 0.76848 0.1366 0.82241 0.15565 0.16813 0.61887 0.86192 0.09509 0.0635 0.61211 0.12208 0.46499 0.47855 0.77985 0.93734 0.36716 0.86901 0.41227 0.18317 0.35854 0.59814 0.34216 0.59738 0.053 0.74598 0.10976 0.86081 0.69395 0.18744 0.69524 0.4108 0.90014 0.93511 0.44237 0.1594 0.5569 0.96685 0.43596 0.05045 0.62661 0.21976 0.63564 0.18025 0.89093 0.80085 0.22325 0.40834 0.11895 0.90048 0.11753 0.14989 0.02469 0.10313 0.25882 0.43909 0.85916 0.10556 0.12546 0.97776 0.16502 0.6331 0.0945 0.18245 0.69634 0.79395 0.39957 0.93586 0.88181 0.96105 0.70271 0.04563 0.10252 0.47609 0.55832 0.30796 0.03106 0.29664 0.71402 0.6936 0.44232 0.8731 0.11975 0.83694 0.04851 0.3502 0.81842 0.06186 0.4942 0.17632 0.05077 0.63641 0.3364 0.88776 0.06317 0.8451 0.64869 0.8646 0.47711 0.25107 0.9908 0.51008 0.31231 0.72701 0.29042 0.36967 0.44193 0.38789 0.03307 0.72615 0.46906 0.5772 0.55472 0.75036 0.19435 0.63412 0.37021 0.9701 0.40602 0.03533 0.82044 0.41007 0.57098 0.78103 0.51073 0.5751 0.93469 0.92087 0.94282 0.64811 0.2672 0.8158 0.92856 0.96764 0.52002 0.00132 0.51511 0.1845 0.06607 0.25189 0.95296 0.35516 0.9498 0.68866 0.95664 0.03288 0.3513 0.71483 0.67371 0.81299 0.29579 0.27083 0.28645
+0.16455 0.13914 0.93726 0.61501 0.78457 0.37862 0.80209 0.36826 0.76944 0.17216 0.39836 0.69276 0.03727 0.95002 0.00817 0.154 0.93773 0.36711 0.66356 0.79411 0.00669 0.99637 0.3326 0.95483 0.22471 0.20905 0.06835 0.69468 0.57167 0.01389 0.80743 0.02761 0.46306 0.01007 0.08576 0.55575 0.22724 0.38535 0.5056 0.63544 0.40324 0.15704 0.64573 0.1762 0.43247 0.64723 0.90157 0.63937 0.01399 0.34953 0.63822 0.29528 0.95697 0.4463 0.7985 0.02696 0.89819 0.03214 0.98505 0.17841 0.44117 0.74274 0.08205 0.49734 0.29493 0.00038 0.70996 0.23045 0.93062 0.77802 0.07784 0.98888 0.46151 0.25532 0.81569 0.34089 0.49446 0.03648 0.1855 0.36681 0.24724 0.63191 0.93581 0.52821 0.44551 0.64636 0.56147 0.73689 0.61017 0.52699 0.18138 0.48643 0.87433 0.27176 0.68101 0.6438 0.49966 0.47281 0.49865 0.01559 0.16411 0.95904 0.20174 0.31735 0.74599 0.08681 0.3603 0.10151 0.54138 0.50746 0.74123 0.82271 0.31709 0.55991 0.79545 0.75879 0.8492 0.51605 0.79866 0.8561 0.24595 0.16508 0.61265 0.51692 0.72218 0.18297 0.58736 0.39396 0.94839 0.08053 0.64902 0.5071 0.7541 0.64008 0.78545 0.45513 0.57531 0.83268 0.30871 0.62164 0.00066 0.87851 0.76288 0.7836 0.70644 0.21464 0.93391 0.0701 0.73839 0.31433 0.86287 0.62948 0.71224 0.68801 0.19333 0.7768 0.92642 0.47658 0.7154 0.64679 0.79142 0.35666 0.14388 0.23808 0.41409 0.02458 0.61059 0.17937 0.78216 0.03363 0.28511 0.96583 0.12495 0.67941 0.7119 0.04158 0.17094 0.08848 0.88321 0.02927 0.82284 0.59127 0.13951 0.52468 0.57345 0.33077 0.19595 0.76922 0.01632 0.03772 0.9448 0.31801 0.55286 0.53488 0.30306 0.28564 0.28918 0.99811 0.98407 0.84205 0.58658 0.43851 0.04888 0.46653 0.12131 0.63427 0.69235 0.32903 0.38465 0.2493 0.70371 0.24472 0.75855 0.70401 0.83303 0.11285 0.6725 0.26589 0.6212 0.64021 0.8912 0.30715 0.65062 0.75257 0.96863 0.43667 0.74829 0.04144 0.71723 0.5809 0.50798 0.36731 0.71503 0.52822 0.43016 0.37068 0.55804 0.41428 0.03417 0.64842 0.3747 0.56032 0.62025 0.45371 0.22659 0.81624 0.50499 0.53035 0.56065 0.08368 0.76518 0.70716 0.66114 0.16838 0.03037 0.89776 0.73472 0.54445 0.70489 0.20697 0.08422 0.80971 0.33058 0.78413 0.90636 0.40252 0.61232 0.9781 0.01264 0.8562 0.626 0.17221 0.28199 0.94283 0.28088 0.23358 0.96208 0.58925 0.65324 0.23021 0.2959 0.00569 0.60397 0.31936 0.87173 0.60839 0.53921 0.94542 0.22933 0.10595 0.03576 0.58645 0.90293 0.15507 0.46981 0.64139 0.43364 0.8945 0.04038 0.0361 0.03181 0.74755 0.1102 0.25747 0.60572 0.15955 0.44826 0.61276 0.60467 0.0421 0.52091 0.55006 0.11392 0.94715 0.96338 0.92178 0.07736 0.20782 0.86723 0.43334 0.57327 0.76512 0.7051 0.17387 0.27972 0.57078 0.17759 0.78891 0.52716 0.16847 0.40979 0.87915 0.05508 0.44894 0.14658 0.42536 0.97023 0.56643 0.1556 0.04682 0.20905 0.77673 0.53143 0.17998 0.707 0.01298 0.64495 0.44495 0.33231 0.14281 0.08238 0.99294 0.53027 0.3872 0.99029 0.09416 0.94943 0.86027 0.25577 0.16304 0.23534 0.01938 0.62315 0.28272 0.221 0.69606 0.07823 0.11033 0.90768 0.41879 0.04748 0.91234 0.90714 0.26463 0.03151 0.43494 0.3725 0.77414 0.88493 0.27538 0.45919 0.94918 0.53241 0.32188 0.10405 0.86391 0.70864 0.26867 0.9737 0.82575 0.15925 0.49432 0.60236 0.03234 0.62179 0.87756 0.63229 0.5709 0.15361 0.29725 0.73995 0.12529 0.07579 0.1571 0.27916 0.04496 0.26998 0.8341 0.67173 0.47048 0.02381 0.03652 0.05672 0.49049 0.08925 0.72979 0.66445 0.34444 0.02442 0.71751 0.98596 0.16786 0.77398 0.05978 0.19341 0.91803 0.95971 0.81478 0.45633 0.36569 0.84801 0.77075 0.26778 0.61345 0.44477 0.80187 0.22948 0.30663 0.97671 0.40268 0.19062 0.79788 0.84048 0.88103 0.30754 0.07472 0.45344 0.71917 0.75851 0.53752 0.93875 0.44542 0.37115 0.50479 0.21002 0.02213 0.31324 0.07253 0.69851 0.15926 0.80971 0.81735 0.22311 0.93952 0.09549 0.70827 0.58009 0.96231 0.68628 0.79889 0.8006 0.54658 0.91626 0.08757 0.0352 0.06858 0.20314 0.79088 0.43862 0.11037 0.46958 0.20021 0.52026 0.14154 0.45637 0.94252 0.68421 0.77216 0.97846 0.0323 0.04715 0.17351 0.56708 0.31007 0.55567 0.11452 0.97626 0.45225 0.02908 0.25136 0.04278 0.63649 0.35985 0.04411 0.10781 0.5041 0.09437 0.16646 0.05645 0.15658 0.11091 0.47003
+0.80231 0.33266 0.42352 0.1993 0.39041 0.61117 0.04663 0.0034 0.19189 0.79147 0.5849 0.12208 0.65038 0.22086 0.9445 0.88426 0.19022 0.01934 0.98354 0.37355 0.23317 0.93024 0.21423 0.68365 0.03314 0.81762 0.393 0.13396 0.79785 0.56047 0.93486 0.8421 0.98656 0.607 0.82159 0.31194 0.79248 0.70794 0.4387 0.80079 0.56209 0.51291 0.73973 0.26454 0.49175 0.67505 0.63748 0.91263 0.44192 0.48837 0.02379 0.98907 0.57537 0.67824 0.90072 0.72308 0.60297 0.13359 0.28075 0.15884 0.79895 0.4582 0.76863 0.73461 0.30493 0.29147 0.62567 0.19983 0.0935 0.22805 0.38791 0.74353 0.43233 0.35927 0.90995 0.28769 0.25841 0.25073 0.3426 0.51121 0.08829 0.16739 0.08079 0.14912 0.61691 0.82739 0.14953 0.89239 0.07513 0.43914 0.76315 0.11916 0.81411 0.42069 0.23148 0.23205 0.83636 0.21853 0.82171 0.17047 0.68735 0.27725 0.29363 0.23939 0.26227 0.06743 0.77931 0.95612 0.12624 0.2984 0.4596 0.62043 0.83005 0.5415 0.75299 0.30775 0.55692 0.59701 0.1413 0.39403 0.29224 0.2988 0.54353 0.22753 0.34353 0.70631 0.33868 0.10057 0.93686 0.53738 0.13062 0.14754 0.57471 0.36309 0.67844 0.77896 0.42732 0.83695 0.72928 0.53749 0.16082 0.92466 0.56433 0.11158 0.48625 0.55465 0.95576 0.06156 0.59401 0.19872 0.20039 0.68518 0.94409 0.39714 0.34759 0.92016 0.60089 0.65971 0.79989 0.7436 0.87235 0.35916 0.7546 0.93978 0.949 0.22269 0.76435 0.48238 0.3634 0.42834 0.84591 0.41977 0.14086 0.42695 0.42472 0.65627 0.88998 0.27771 0.04207 0.10265 0.24383 0.0909 0.9691 0.28 0.82519 0.69838 0.60424 0.38361 0.34039 0.32145 0.54194 0.88422 0.51599 0.63995 0.20504 0.22822 0.94476 0.07626 0.95953 0.10269 0.13743 0.87658 0.0813 0.94306 0.19951 0.72072 0.74935 0.39497 0.52935 0.97209 0.89665 0.33163 0.22674 0.91337 0.83096 0.44818 0.82253 0.94993 0.19802 0.55591 0.7288 0.25306 0.79226 0.20428 0.25394 0.00537 0.20023 0.33279 0.22252 0.1081 0.8853 0.27249 0.23064 0.1243 0.78825 0.01098 0.5849 0.72621 0.68157 0.48338 0.38553 0.99663 0.6391 0.07809 0.08415 0.26754 0.81664 0.89605 0.30637 0.45105 0.40775 0.31253 0.65744 0.01312 0.72888 0.43617 0.06342 0.52294 0.82788 0.33469 0.25768 0.60603 0.07597 0.73899 0.17852 0.44667 0.9958 0.04777 0.32456 0.15473 0.06316 0.55772 0.05242 0.00113 0.96496 0.16758 0.94364 0.78283 0.21222 0.50796 0.07601 0.98491 0.29498 0.65159 0.53994 0.64568 0.55674 0.67171 0.73425 0.44521 0.58961 0.41318 0.62141 0.60697 0.96799 0.1058 0.2723 0.69271 0.54575 0.4652 0.37036 0.71607 0.28287 0.42954 0.73058 0.41897 0.43413 0.18137 0.18279 0.30828 0.70867 0.73647 0.84728 0.22304 0.04145 0.14593 0.4003 0.47254 0.80874 0.54901 0.78719 0.3229 0.17331 0.1987 0.37846 0.15463 0.20147 0.25133 0.85222 0.83716 0.94207 0.94027 0.24195 0.35862 0.46008 0.14503 0.86267 0.10607 0.55957 0.83177 0.84507 0.34852 0.06817 0.71085 0.94353 0.03385 0.42358 0.9474 0.75094 0.09276 0.4743 0.82616 0.48002 0.39399 0.5707 0.49524 0.31593 0.40704 0.66451 0.30952 0.77111 0.9795 0.95056 0.9358 0.54054 0.10918 0.87971 0.83323 0.88478 0.78902 0.63075 0.33411 0.14115 0.39223 0.26068 0.78243 0.87842 0.46917 0.89454 0.33522 0.30353 0.42015 0.52023 0.99834 0.91285 0.21467 0.10904 0.28716 0.31988 0.0518 0.25749 0.79806 0.69865 0.76429 0.344 0.14104 0.76464 0.19862 0.41181 0.87979 0.79613 0.8735 0.34023 0.51862 0.52595 0.5981 0.00447 0.13193 0.25322 0.75055 0.3244 0.14694 0.41318 0.70004 0.01352 0.59155 0.21812 0.61336 0.81336 0.70307 0.55975 0.71221 0.83341 0.0505 0.29361 0.99122 0.58223 0.96632 0.13064 0.44431 0.84383 0.67482 0.71327 0.72231 0.13153 0.35248 0.86177 0.87221 0.6486 0.84214 0.57371 0.41251 0.98319 0.65869 0.61488 0.92473 0.98975 0.20748 0.42422 0.89284 0.90089 0.7227 0.34571 0.81946 0.07429 0.89479 0.28535 0.53577 0.18981 0.29663 0.85161 0.51164 0.09028 0.36881 0.664 0.5992 0.94058 0.66678 0.33398 0.18333 0.6291 0.21813 0.84359 0.53505 0.82617 0.52886 0.3379 0.40064 0.17659 0.81906 0.77073 0.62255 0.29909 0.24208 0.53391 0.4929 0.86578 0.44819 0.11529 0.91302 0.40211 0.11964 0.85429 0.01197 0.56038 0.39388 0.60117 0.77525 0.76169 0.96459 0.58207 0.56884 0.62057 0.16945 0.21232 0.90322 0.824 0.3308 0.47861 0.06299 0.32527 0.81784
+0.57222 0.64985 0.5553 0.07621 0.86931 0.40565 0.53912 0.47431 0.69981 0.25851 0.66356 0.10022 0.63437 0.78448 0.28171 0.30128 0.3276 0.09874 0.49529 0.30594 0.35298 0.72413 0.69803 0.69392 0.22787 0.68322 0.53438 0.79882 0.7798 0.89622 0.21871 0.38356 0.16681 0.16301 0.73535 0.07873 0.00637 0.74807 0.6195 0.60849 0.8467 0.35756 0.52218 0.99964 0.05582 0.70399 0.3854 0.14025 0.54215 0.86432 0.69706 0.07928 0.82414 0.4201 0.13157 0.31515 0.57036 0.71641 0.12247 0.47005 0.88267 0.06646 0.92199 0.86877 0.94836 0.20113 0.03249 0.12201 0.97771 0.09533 0.08621 0.93611 0.90801 0.41061 0.40596 0.24712 0.78339 0.01709 0.74358 0.19294 0.52186 0.5097 0.58486 0.59474 0.24192 0.11796 0.72789 0.02323 0.06997 0.83534 0.73236 0.46298 0.12652 0.2322 0.47076 0.78667 0.17958 0.72649 0.25056 0.51955 0.92313 0.14628 0.2591 0.80072 0.82503 0.37351 0.097 0.04939 0.98797 0.65589 0.3361 0.72378 0.5471 0.43006 0.90768 0.17671 0.76372 0.51004 0.97241 0.73938 0.25316 0.82439 0.25119 0.71702 0.8591 0.83874 0.3796 0.36025 0.80189 0.32916 0.37514 0.80548 0.40436 0.10138 0.12051 0.24084 0.17208 0.37049 0.27025 0.58542 0.84978 0.61531 0.82183 0.78804 0.30728 0.03486 0.83926 0.99769 0.74801 0.26151 0.03217 0.44395 0.23539 0.35702 0.63946 0.82284 0.30196 0.32023 0.0418 0.83267 0.22918 0.63019 0.57478 0.16552 0.65503 0.70149 0.92218 0.79163 0.61964 0.79337 0.72633 0.76839 0.32004 0.60421 0.91398 0.21945 0.46089 0.06081 0.64183 0.31199 0.44935 0.61937 0.30045 0.19736 0.16224 0.96081 0.6188 0.08154 0.63391 0.31699 0.76877 0.05126 0.4872 0.20776 0.96375 0.64699 0.92512 0.06106 0.29494 0.05042 0.02118 0.36643 0.87979 0.48113 0.20933 0.92572 0.70275 0.25058 0.40236 0.1595 0.40533 0.2536 0.81668 0.66712 0.29162 0.41257 0.50276 0.82834 0.52803 0.45576 0.77432 0.28745 0.18341 0.59032 0.69143 0.54782 0.98455 0.77584 0.5696 0.38292 0.62769 0.71867 0.32356 0.13564 0.37904 0.89213 0.25437 0.03261 0.20925 0.48692 0.83262 0.47706 0.49118 0.03828 0.89626 0.49929 0.20527 0.20685 0.45162 0.69828 0.75166 0.70988 0.45483 0.05817 0.40495 0.26294 0.16333 0.49598 0.26114 0.99216 0.66474 0.48316 0.5597 0.14696 0.04373 0.06032 0.03403 0.44626 0.11994 0.37802 0.22259 0.68273 0.59978 0.04813 0.40212 0.06742 0.08449 0.11936 0.21423 0.67885 0.93907 0.33267 0.36096 0.69607 0.00913 0.01258 0.84777 0.50366 0.33072 0.06445 0.83241 0.37168 0.03435 0.5542 0.71507 0.14441 0.60052 0.29364 0.22061 0.02555 0.92956 0.39115 0.3156 0.54021 0.99711 0.00369 0.17731 0.4706 0.18971 0.78351 0.673 0.1083 0.24366 0.01488 0.68505 0.52432 0.38155 0.81221 0.27372 0.28369 0.26166 0.17606 0.5112 0.50319 0.78573 0.07087 0.29951 0.91096 0.03834 0.14468 0.47254 0.18682 0.78029 0.52165 0.43745 0.28427 0.86552 0.45827 0.36734 0.36862 0.53541 0.4624 0.62437 0.86344 0.99813 0.88839 0.78484 0.78561 0.39689 0.9753 0.43522 0.24892 0.9277 0.66269 0.19533 0.53516 0.1171 0.69586 0.34668 0.18399 0.52667 0.66603 0.26392 0.5488 0.64652 0.68778 0.59858 0.70398 0.34061 0.10479 0.96921 0.4438 0.90931 0.03584 0.63192 0.46471 0.82583 0.23292 0.45085 0.86687 0.5481 0.22513 0.73571 0.4782 0.87124 0.9816 0.12915 0.95119 0.90824 0.80719 0.54726 0.95132 0.9212 0.79719 0.36757 0.48741 0.65879 0.54621 0.72243 0.8693 0.64601 0.82932 0.84597 0.94074 0.82041 0.47462 0.04929 0.57823 0.19146 0.7596 0.23364 0.28714 0.42759 0.35648 0.80319 0.62212 0.32892 0.99122 0.2985 0.32469 0.23567 0.62607 0.59913 0.11556 0.29728 0.39382 0.47879 0.59965 0.27504 0.76603 0.49815 0.40615 0.32674 0.57409 0.56281 0.80968 0.74582 0.30002 0.60106 0.68213 0.80186 0.59338 0.99335 0.79092 0.78942 0.03583 0.62779 0.70992 0.54339 0.79332 0.65921 0.18683 0.37291 0.62738 0.4975 0.34658 0.12206 0.68997 0.9045 0.75466 0.93265 0.22566 0.718 0.3185 0.87579 0.71561 0.8418 0.49748 0.22502 0.14094 0.75373 0.08285 0.99421 0.2523 0.30554 0.92143 0.22255 0.15986 0.01102 0.85255 0.84642 0.7104 0.1385 0.52336 0.71436 0.86833 0.07726 0.94552 0.72722 0.98182 0.92193 0.1869 0.59969 0.77103 0.87997 0.70142 0.61183 0.76084 0.42838 0.78137 0.56902 0.91476 0.34033 0.39971 0.97822 0.03053 0.81303 0.4109 0.57361 0.35967 0.60869 0.35063
+0.05909 0.92298 0.99644 0.47019 0.02277 0.77271 0.96742 0.19952 0.96873 0.23675 0.79276 0.63555 0.32784 0.52299 0.26147 0.01067 0.95361 0.19933 0.21388 0.21178 0.46453 0.32513 0.40001 0.90128 0.70941 0.69263 0.25816 0.78597 0.84632 0.73335 0.68701 0.0706 0.02497 0.82233 0.84007 0.51902 0.58119 0.06129 0.12866 0.79901 0.87025 0.87059 0.68361 0.65766 0.3344 0.5519 0.40646 0.56813 0.08478 0.7932 0.20472 0.84807 0.81121 0.8325 0.56915 0.30891 0.94129 0.09828 0.49074 0.23303 0.41344 0.88713 0.9174 0.17272 0.83919 0.4106 0.2602 0.44651 0.43192 0.0417 0.86461 0.6157 0.47439 0.24332 0.38244 0.41912 0.52068 0.99559 0.6873 0.85331 0.34426 0.2244 0.28415 0.48782 0.76448 0.38294 0.01759 0.10324 0.77123 0.23891 0.2558 0.02353 0.74415 0.36706 0.81052 0.43822 0.38897 0.9522 0.91004 0.72272 0.98535 0.55385 0.64541 0.32089 0.35446 0.85633 0.00312 0.333 0.12703 0.88484 0.93839 0.09961 0.65574 0.68106 0.98404 0.63388 0.54838 0.97682 0.73528 0.51016 0.55044 0.49221 0.19207 0.96266 0.42101 0.12597 0.38316 0.56145 0.22483 0.74859 0.03975 0.49431 0.82974 0.91051 0.2815 0.56433 0.23789 0.97031 0.33459 0.52115 0.85927 0.46989 0.24309 0.58294 0.22646 0.06047 0.95778 0.33706 0.59521 0.62407 0.95388 0.11578 0.68667 0.44407 0.01237 0.94327 0.51942 0.11225 0.53722 0.56855 0.93618 0.56497 0.98061 0.05022 0.51158 0.32331 0.34604 0.027 0.61857 0.25888 0.51597 0.38854 0.62997 0.65281 0.37323 0.23876 0.48533 0.39455 0.34296 0.90295 0.75819 0.93755 0.26542 0.07125 0.61417 0.99359 0.57436 0.09587 0.00382 0.28425 0.64962 0.40047 0.14594 0.83387 0.17358 0.18104 0.52534 0.70079 0.68132 0.25185 0.77929 0.11979 0.49236 0.72844 0.4628 0.09799 0.19639 0.74164 0.93411 0.92323 0.83446 0.10196 0.77374 0.18478 0.3793 0.2363 0.83291 0.93003 0.34354 0.01871 0.26034 0.91286 0.4137 0.72678 0.29893 0.6638 0.01384 0.91963 0.49534 0.13611 0.05833 0.27966 0.19954 0.2727 0.79866 0.66968 0.28029 0.13671 0.06867 0.14815 0.30409 0.18323 0.48596 0.66329 0.71149 0.58171 0.21059 0.35311 0.72413 0.81251 0.59586 0.73096 0.67259 0.81393 0.18817 0.85406 0.24987 0.47644 0.85768 0.49125 0.27658 0.58373 0.81406 0.33593 0.30497 0.5925 0.75475 0.53236 0.17135 0.26395 0.55983 0.15063 0.18456 0.05881 0.74001 0.89518 0.8902 0.80186 0.90669 0.88913 0.79313 0.28415 0.19632 0.66082 0.71119 0.09702 0.24116 0.45694 0.32456 0.26005 0.98176 0.19452 0.74881 0.17926 0.27566 0.22956 0.0486 0.65255 0.69876 0.29073 0.14059 0.53651 0.64633 0.31209 0.69472 0.31967 0.3216 0.34143 0.07864 0.65963 0.20544 0.06977 0.03932 0.70939 0.17465 0.47273 0.05515 0.93488 0.46213 0.96964 0.45984 0.14981 0.69242 0.68885 0.72189 0.68899 0.53757 0.61491 0.90613 0.85762 0.79173 0.11256 0.96604 0.58142 0.13082 0.32704 0.09659 0.89229 0.36867 0.01254 0.71566 0.01185 0.84081 0.47613 0.21857 0.59165 0.39231 0.55134 0.62691 0.97949 0.11259 0.49571 0.45475 0.64268 0.3642 0.24653 0.37762 0.21352 0.82635 0.76216 0.5761 0.65052 0.432 0.24012 0.12073 0.95888 0.88646 0.58376 0.40346 0.95271 0.85866 0.91798 0.8368 0.32715 0.60456 0.48192 0.85955 0.95006 0.78645 0.56438 0.0708 0.66528 0.60915 0.02916 0.87945 0.06236 0.25403 0.63015 0.62567 0.02882 0.83294 0.03408 0.6238 0.07918 0.08103 0.21016 0.24737 0.27079 0.3813 0.65384 0.26741 0.75724 0.06233 0.87483 0.22748 0.90135 0.29991 0.38222 0.47737 0.15058 0.55687 0.10547 0.83631 0.67379 0.82505 0.1306 0.24678 0.19366 0.33881 0.46638 0.38029 0.79036 0.51424 0.55172 0.65808 0.25159 0.77862 0.24456 0.60516 0.64486 0.39117 0.15987 0.84108 0.57145 0.23429 0.59727 0.21392 0.3059 0.49535 0.48798 0.95336 0.40963 0.35993 0.93457 0.74599 0.49933 0.49984 0.52463 0.45786 0.49466 0.70045 0.81216 0.10387 0.50158 0.17553 0.03709 0.01227 0.1455 0.34641 0.67626 0.76252 0.75383 0.39461 0.40525 0.52066 0.54768 0.17123 0.69696 0.83518 0.44312 0.16483 0.55985 0.28715 0.33353 0.1952 0.21059 0.99222 0.69717 0.47779 0.90319 0.51602 0.53281 0.58009 0.30045 0.43685 0.38518 0.53154 0.57926 0.72827 0.59886 0.32905 0.43968 0.64985 0.21291 0.97589 0.61179 0.9159 0.56471 0.38606 0.84273 0.78865 0.65288 0.4259 0.20843 0.81685 0.95421 0.756 0.90656 0.83662 0.22424 0.19619 0.64807
+0.29882 0.28082 0.2515 0.50191 0.75215 0.81256 0.18684 0.80581 0.60954 0.63011 0.08144 0.07852 0.91552 0.34086 0.28621 0.79645 0.18316 0.96463 0.88368 0.22831 0.30739 0.10257 0.51085 0.5516 0.30489 0.75654 0.23608 0.88917 0.44606 0.61819 0.12041 0.61848 0.78699 0.61511 0.23286 0.30405 0.21131 0.98045 0.29096 0.85547 0.29621 0.95599 0.28021 0.88505 0.94761 0.438 0.9718 0.88933 0.39188 0.56322 0.95327 0.36599 0.09277 0.8267 0.14 0.67293 0.36188 0.23141 0.5347 0.89709 0.24648 0.66866 0.28026 0.8455 0.3967 0.62486 0.84341 0.40317 0.37072 0.82346 0.85674 0.16571 0.28267 0.36944 0.5442 0.45616 0.0401 0.78599 0.02939 0.09491 0.98665 0.16085 0.42791 0.1918 0.69257 0.7515 0.27173 0.51586 0.57639 0.20332 0.54703 0.15785 0.96706 0.18173 0.70265 0.91713 0.2291 0.7385 0.63427 0.46361 0.47533 0.92506 0.40353 0.16858 0.56556 0.33236 0.57652 0.36309 0.24945 0.21527 0.49113 0.39226 0.47695 0.369 0.36347 0.0247 0.11483 0.21663 0.52078 0.71076 0.89654 0.07754 0.29341 0.56948 0.17033 0.79362 0.01162 0.86176 0.2427 0.71554 0.24075 0.60621 0.22174 0.82348 0.92308 0.20282 0.55825 0.02154 0.87502 0.60542 0.60652 0.53082 0.42037 0.41118 0.40891 0.52208 0.7393 0.26491 0.91091 0.54219 0.85034 0.52025 0.31626 0.05839 0.48712 0.79046 0.94742 0.58891 0.58 0.10332 0.94794 0.99223 0.56495 0.19821 0.46124 0.55785 0.78716 0.24338 0.39034 0.54481 0.85306 0.47171 0.47746 0.06094 0.08968 0.1542 0.98916 0.19682 0.68112 0.41032 0.86064 0.18355 0.04958 0.75954 0.22057 0.27917 0.4761 0.13854 0.86681 0.58697 0.78902 0.61635 0.45954 0.88792 0.78497 0.16332 0.78661 0.49495 0.81721 0.47302 0.34348 0.07677 0.40484 0.36371 0.93722 0.84015 0.91211 0.49158 0.79153 0.73542 0.02379 0.27516 0.78343 0.64065 0.51598 0.55591 0.34991 0.72661 0.30679 0.35632 0.15989 0.00612 0.14134 0.13706 0.08271 0.71146 0.85991 0.19652 0.2404 0.49374 0.03421 0.8952 0.47289 0.97859 0.82281 0.57084 0.91997 0.07092 0.93516 0.60313 0.31574 0.07515 0.91942 0.4433 0.55067 0.63505 0.73823 0.33679 0.27464 0.38447 0.78757 0.11291 0.32156 0.98624 0.50463 0.49005 0.16072 0.44471 0.07299 0.48631 0.34326 0.37228 0.28037 0.13385 0.65025 0.76826 0.18051 0.00785 0.0281 0.40874 0.18475 0.83058 0.1906 0.8001 0.02393 0.65325 0.57482 0.63501 0.73425 0.96479 0.36565 0.54154 0.38526 0.54967 0.73438 0.12781 0.68125 0.07173 0.99851 0.57593 0.79461 0.21254 0.86538 0.1844 0.52866 0.36335 0.75437 0.04766 0.74952 0.05116 0.99259 0.26844 0.6099 0.01766 0.941 0.41216 0.88244 0.62956 0.83018 0.12897 0.92495 0.4329 0.79683 0.81779 0.50383 0.2742 0.06033 0.84453 0.21687 0.34994 0.91236 0.58855 0.20165 0.96674 0.67134 0.32294 0.22919 0.40126 0.37624 0.36952 0.95208 0.72737 0.26727 0.94159 0.63503 0.71549 0.51379 0.71151 0.5243 0.62324 0.36888 0.44323 0.81884 0.33178 0.45535 0.6042 0.54671 0.91064 0.56986 0.06268 0.46974 0.10622 0.71603 0.07618 0.66216 0.24101 0.63452 0.35624 0.39995 0.90945 0.9994 0.71877 0.29608 0.87557 0.18304 0.87315 0.23323 0.23582 0.78959 0.51467 0.76582 0.95066 0.756 0.00135 0.29065 0.05699 0.60556 0.64152 0.78752 0.67561 0.99248 0.60331 0.18701 0.51849 0.33421 0.10476 0.61101 0.57507 0.79347 0.6626 0.3124 0.73799 0.41966 0.81182 0.16971 0.85414 0.99849 0.18771 0.33599 0.71602 0.99937 0.69588 0.88873 0.25096 0.31479 0.94739 0.51332 0.05397 0.31874 0.73016 0.31783 0.40575 0.01944 0.35869 0.14777 0.67854 0.79095 0.2683 0.19624 0.40663 0.63711 0.37016 0.11986 0.52165 0.5648 0.32476 0.15837 0.68448 0.36345 0.08963 0.27832 0.27407 0.54375 0.08403 0.82176 0.064 0.68342 0.73692 0.97333 0.28313 0.50119 0.99726 0.01502 0.96896 0.82068 0.00358 0.89761 0.20108 0.47545 0.28946 0.93418 0.0977 0.66206 0.83733 0.89872 0.65706 0.17299 0.80364 0.77833 0.99996 0.75643 0.12345 0.03336 0.29578 0.87215 0.62311 0.05803 0.41697 0.46163 0.36897 0.46134 0.28315 0.81761 0.14048 0.32671 0.60917 0.52322 0.08331 0.66423 0.95574 0.23649 0.76375 0.92645 0.23448 0.0195 0.42654 0.28012 0.0056 0.59549 0.14308 0.72495 0.55585 0.83634 0.36514 0.19836 0.88973 0.01995 0.77538 0.75661 0.50513 0.17087 0.02607 0.08293 0.05008 0.28216 0.19388 0.63837 0.07362 0.25417 0.97483 0.92041 0.79269
+0.36743 0.23491 0.27588 0.06522 0.31659 0.52873 0.89679 0.47649 0.70833 0.69996 0.34768 0.89286 0.6168 0.89885 0.5435 0.83187 0.75947 0.8842 0.53971 0.37273 0.9052 0.12038 0.57537 0.31373 0.30078 0.37884 0.88403 0.32539 0.53842 0.54682 0.72263 0.31273 0.62383 0.91819 0.94111 0.80881 0.75753 0.29669 0.03746 0.59367 0.63124 0.71378 0.07345 0.86808 0.92203 0.42327 0.00415 0.41999 0.24673 0.69435 0.98909 0.83066 0.52265 0.24936 0.08477 0.7296 0.77364 0.5908 0.09435 0.87163 0.99774 0.56736 0.36449 0.67966 0.7235 0.81848 0.75374 0.33468 0.79417 0.39907 0.96743 0.84997 0.4478 0.67636 0.66177 0.92438 0.62707 0.72256 0.38705 0.5531 0.23311 0.35441 0.02803 0.3951 0.05145 0.80934 0.80234 0.18184 0.39056 0.66508 0.92579 0.32676 0.37561 0.23053 0.5788 0.87324 0.19776 0.45276 0.50136 0.62099 0.94189 0.98872 0.86708 0.61579 0.22412 0.23193 0.37333 0.73055 0.24188 0.19817 0.81503 0.12898 0.85147 0.60381 0.3205 0.58643 0.91096 0.0277 0.42054 0.58428 0.56336 0.75608 0.7522 0.2322 0.11582 0.77439 0.06292 0.52835 0.92439 0.19102 0.77144 0.44199 0.10376 0.25289 0.51518 0.24388 0.86058 0.15769 0.702 0.70623 0.24408 0.40085 0.71194 0.97773 0.2369 0.82472 0.03032 0.68426 0.50811 0.02733 0.97493 0.9794 0.10098 0.07857 0.12127 0.47952 0.34136 0.96153 0.89607 0.77065 0.72165 0.57697 0.28631 0.91061 0.96502 0.8884 0.7988 0.35539 0.57096 0.01352 0.46239 0.6619 0.63173 0.34891 0.87484 0.9399 0.38397 0.1375 0.93791 0.03146 0.90738 0.40394 0.33472 0.89911 0.62958 0.40455 0.9768 0.23912 0.05279 0.77365 0.31946 0.39123 0.08407 0.01123 0.71217 0.95233 0.82336 0.50966 0.32176 0.58491 0.45098 0.76541 0.4297 0.13214 0.52875 0.7395 0.09281 0.94791 0.57219 0.40526 0.47824 0.46053 0.05351 0.49553 0.28413 0.23827 0.51324 0.00281 0.51565 0.23019 0.97962 0.34424 0.46004 0.46358 0.40476 0.75924 0.40362 0.80832 0.86551 0.62115 0.00217 0.45652 0.43034 0.68515 0.0316 0.40758 0.08591 0.87889 0.91427 0.97489 0.15404 0.43908 0.86291 0.10746 0.90033 0.15859 0.62282 0.7811 0.22635 0.63218 0.33195 0.67618 0.48832 0.49063 0.91038 0.63214 0.77408 0.40574 0.97592 0.45056 0.91082 0.73033 0.99142 0.97603 0.64258 0.82889 0.05667 0.68506 0.40691 0.8986 0.75657 0.58418 0.10256 0.81654 0.22652 0.06249 0.45811 0.54726 0.10419 0.92207 0.51674 0.09118 0.66871 0.84974 0.58493 0.49582 0.82379 0.75454 0.97936 0.40966 0.09266 0.78409 0.49222 0.56728 0.54429 0.14468 0.40007 0.36835 0.29952 0.41699 0.59386 0.91528 0.99191 0.23833 0.89887 0.10707 0.02865 0.99485 0.06068 0.566 0.21184 0.05529 0.89281 0.3554 0.13064 0.87036 0.60701 0.66484 0.16274 0.88582 0.44697 0.88039 0.78481 0.66978 0.96887 0.21629 0.92368 0.83473 0.54071 0.70627 0.2334 0.44911 0.02024 0.22706 0.13534 0.46077 0.73039 0.40498 0.542 0.72527 0.95896 0.67603 0.62312 0.55524 0.56092 0.14001 0.50517 0.0525 0.19212 0.32271 0.89661 0.13261 0.81686 0.99799 0.67491 0.15792 0.21572 0.27788 0.06402 0.21456 0.08597 0.87622 0.99564 0.1846 0.7248 0.71435 0.05191 0.79104 0.83941 0.51967 0.52026 0.75519 0.0264 0.70971 0.68761 0.36013 0.92397 0.47329 0.19929 0.6924 0.49698 0.0316 0.0485 0.60277 0.58859 0.81804 0.49926 0.59666 0.05803 0.62192 0.27957 0.91339 0.18449 0.50388 0.20913 0.81285 0.63939 0.36227 0.18752 0.35816 0.90336 0.0623 0.62519 0.24843 0.63478 0.61297 0.52733 0.15318 0.23531 0.92315 0.83501 0.80089 0.00274 0.30539 0.69339 0.12451 0.76836 0.91756 0.17488 0.96401 0.58869 0.60301 0.65416 0.96306 0.34429 0.12881 0.20145 0.76894 0.67688 0.7464 0.08775 0.13094 0.31475 0.96511 0.58588 0.55509 0.84829 0.37997 0.83295 0.40365 0.95809 0.00324 0.08436 0.27309 0.57765 0.52564 0.37554 0.29748 0.89956 0.67524 0.45515 0.28129 0.84949 0.35077 0.07505 0.76198 0.82166 0.61119 0.522 0.27092 0.5848 0.61924 0.08447 0.98023 0.1494 0.49256 0.30764 0.01303 0.24537 0.88343 0.41014 0.18819 0.22571 0.125 0.90671 0.42778 0.40277 0.82446 0.12364 0.53388 0.94598 0.93217 0.02783 0.23708 0.60707 0.00645 0.11342 0.764 0.47912 0.21724 0.57892 0.69334 0.49123 0.91591 0.79199 0.93322 0.57538 0.87804 0.0045 0.84734 0.44172 0.89958 0.57642 0.2994 0.6113 0.44842 0.88613 0.92354 0.80123 0.64756 0.77261 0.75598
+0.77065 0.29215 0.51682 0.77697 0.23852 0.71182 0.95313 0.24625 0.13788 0.47004 0.79361 0.34154 0.19323 0.02209 0.07453 0.02878 0.18993 0.40102 0.17799 0.98026 0.22572 0.88171 0.12129 0.23981 0.22303 0.83454 0.26236 0.80166 0.17038 0.12834 0.88731 0.96285 0.03504 0.04858 0.15659 0.1443 0.55575 0.54915 0.09299 0.22967 0.41969 0.36173 0.88838 0.0243 0.05208 0.98375 0.92031 0.2359 0.81716 0.43328 0.22043 0.93177 0.56608 0.91396 0.83306 0.34746 0.73472 0.19903 0.09893 0.09761 0.67644 0.03823 0.77441 0.86515 0.4724 0.73908 0.58264 0.47107 0.87239 0.80206 0.23545 0.63618 0.79211 0.12568 0.20922 0.28162 0.82133 0.75832 0.7284 0.87794 0.75128 0.10088 0.3306 0.65432 0.41137 0.11218 0.88557 0.24447 0.39108 0.89833 0.41825 0.35452 0.3149 0.89684 0.65517 0.96958 0.3734 0.17541 0.78245 0.58912 0.85683 0.40829 0.86809 0.2717 0.13259 0.54916 0.29426 0.06695 0.33218 0.69135 0.43321 0.91782 0.66382 0.25557 0.18287 0.96002 0.74511 0.5052 0.50143 0.36245 0.4019 0.50093 0.25106 0.37388 0.98682 0.97401 0.15692 0.67593 0.65894 0.5881 0.8771 0.86913 0.00926 0.42787 0.00599 0.02384 0.84578 0.49167 0.01673 0.38264 0.20055 0.0749 0.61478 0.6284 0.30384 0.99402 0.01273 0.2341 0.30036 0.5484 0.30353 0.86569 0.95751 0.42111 0.65407 0.69275 0.16879 0.64487 0.02083 0.91072 0.47636 0.42992 0.21658 0.13441 0.72773 0.98806 0.9489 0.30509 0.90183 0.59872 0.31631 0.49686 0.64309 0.92676 0.27647 0.6939 0.8106 0.13143 0.57433 0.88807 0.48104 0.70523 0.10512 0.8212 0.45443 0.20783 0.63749 0.22297 0.87318 0.57072 0.42645 0.74051 0.47683 0.71476 0.446 0.07248 0.3058 0.5269 0.01932 0.04037 0.98066 0.94937 0.8087 0.35198 0.51383 0.58104 0.40844 0.81456 0.6739 0.94734 0.92645 0.22565 0.23844 0.21017 0.93409 0.91936 0.60353 0.31569 0.9285 0.44168 0.14201 0.88719 0.99205 0.11707 0.75702 0.24747 0.60003 0.39888 0.41033 0.0515 0.99938 0.802 0.76946 0.58909 0.21746 0.73632 0.44051 0.71136 0.76869 0.66253 0.56763 0.63367 0.6023 0.24268 0.33263 0.58067 0.31782 0.65379 0.49197 0.67359 0.44506 0.27921 0.89831 0.20435 0.7222 0.34366 0.36147 0.07037 0.5835 0.41776 0.96031 0.2297 0.95278 0.15838 0.28654 0.7575 0.25264 0.01478 0.59123 0.07665 0.12169 0.17504 0.61853 0.86809 0.99804 0.11559 0.83079 0.57167 0.85465 0.54785 0.69833 0.09479 0.3241 0.5906 0.0009 0.55612 0.8664 0.82131 0.49055 0.90119 0.14564 0.70823 0.26929 0.1944 0.63611 0.78487 0.91278 0.54036 0.17624 0.71321 0.45563 0.86266 0.49873 0.26283 0.64797 0.93284 0.77223 0.33441 0.86364 0.75652 0.08019 0.38287 0.57389 0.7939 0.03914 0.05966 0.49935 0.65751 0.63346 0.45254 0.19884 0.98766 0.02963 0.1048 0.50266 0.56591 0.34132 0.76533 0.26349 0.697 0.0712 0.2032 0.06421 0.38751 0.23011 0.56521 0.84487 0.01585 0.37552 0.83544 0.82296 0.365 0.03193 0.88064 0.35817 0.78577 0.27839 0.07873 0.72498 0.08295 0.2203 0.36954 0.61579 0.91515 0.9448 0.43332 0.63522 0.31354 0.43341 0.80949 0.88916 0.48514 0.1713 0.04777 0.29021 0.95636 0.47314 0.29122 0.93469 0.06842 0.87763 0.6255 0.57888 0.73399 0.56697 0.808 0.25623 0.05705 0.04459 0.40234 0.41388 0.4268 0.41275 0.77542 0.9151 0.80074 0.83008 0.85697 0.98261 0.25966 0.88945 0.66764 0.41188 0.77964 0.60544 0.47461 0.74753 0.47523 0.56804 0.75959 0.61493 0.0295 0.42855 0.36402 0.38781 0.91685 0.24112 0.44347 0.73664 0.80961 0.27057 0.11429 0.88744 0.57494 0.3188 0.99606 0.13616 0.35361 0.0426 0.89804 0.16623 0.95164 0.95416 0.60871 0.08643 0.24977 0.24591 0.35409 0.01943 0.83256 0.64381 0.20487 0.43006 0.49972 0.21896 0.84761 0.27135 0.7425 0.45826 0.89935 0.14793 0.54224 0.33244 0.77715 0.33464 0.95601 0.67916 0.63159 0.59464 0.81413 0.50518 0.08346 0.3242 0.93145 0.03144 0.43267 0.08843 0.03211 0.65459 0.17816 0.84746 0.40406 0.80929 0.58564 0.85001 0.26161 0.76158 0.20028 0.70537 0.71786 0.78983 0.85289 0.65823 0.7469 0.87241 0.55332 0.54314 0.06264 0.53224 0.2664 0.00529 0.97575 0.40505 0.58285 0.55098 0.32464 0.51075 0.46911 0.45529 0.07448 0.62897 0.32891 0.34328 0.09648 0.51572 0.86286 0.55482 0.12341 0.31782 0.58212 0.51531 0.59404 0.13949 0.51103 0.894 0.52344 0.18916 0.69174 0.28276 0.87447 0.7074 0.20867
+0.85247 0.39993 0.08587 0.11011 0.78957 0.17764 0.47381 0.08547 0.39137 0.06225 0.02614 0.66562 0.1821 0.59075 0.20346 0.67429 0.17503 0.8012 0.9575 0.64164 0.86347 0.14704 0.83599 0.597 0.47412 0.68779 0.82326 0.89791 0.25177 0.0893 0.73183 0.06231 0.17206 0.81839 0.35116 0.38939 0.98799 0.16071 0.43223 0.16864 0.5018 0.69839 0.35006 0.96467 0.05839 0.7795 0.64709 0.71384 0.80545 0.98828 0.39932 0.80045 0.87286 0.19005 0.60902 0.51379 0.07336 0.95982 0.14725 0.01177 0.14051 0.81036 0.07169 0.59179 0.54676 0.24236 0.67226 0.84743 0.92906 0.61599 0.40811 0.70957 0.01151 0.39887 0.52538 0.3629 0.3273 0.6722 0.94941 0.29284 0.66888 0.3108 0.61274 0.28825 0.27849 0.05906 0.86366 0.10444 0.43851 0.13007 0.95781 0.73385 0.53583 0.48596 0.50335 0.37439 0.16727 0.58232 0.33026 0.93736 0.53067 0.04949 0.82324 0.27324 0.65653 0.06656 0.92567 0.82933 0.80761 0.0176 0.53826 0.97886 0.51249 0.01234 0.25287 0.51759 0.92788 0.93186 0.20149 0.88662 0.34062 0.43308 0.31951 0.55586 0.081 0.78443 0.66995 0.36915 0.54607 0.5899 0.88459 0.26383 0.65239 0.98052 0.88328 0.78205 0.25476 0.20319 0.57044 0.6008 0.51208 0.60942 0.67722 0.46531 0.20964 0.33562 0.84907 0.35 0.29354 0.08005 0.27531 0.41875 0.51224 0.20703 0.70202 0.28057 0.02239 0.41839 0.83937 0.94835 0.93442 0.62926 0.87874 0.48611 0.32264 0.28962 0.2486 0.58749 0.4448 0.56982 0.489 0.33491 0.63396 0.12736 0.04979 0.21573 0.00657 0.37531 0.3648 0.79002 0.99287 0.44441 0.34933 0.50374 0.3777 0.54795 0.36076 0.74483 0.43905 0.60944 0.63385 0.46225 0.4759 0.1913 0.26142 0.82729 0.1687 0.34234 0.16238 0.40289 0.82034 0.77438 0.91871 0.96584 0.61176 0.55478 0.25104 0.74587 0.56123 0.08313 0.23104 0.56338 0.82113 0.03237 0.14034 0.37024 0.66726 0.26553 0.83095 0.92212 0.48942 0.69329 0.08652 0.82442 0.39551 0.94935 0.94475 0.57706 0.49352 0.6749 0.38018 0.87486 0.01563 0.22176 0.757 0.91008 0.58313 0.43948 0.13578 0.38229 0.14978 0.71583 0.75842 0.13898 0.34444 0.97042 0.97388 0.24728 0.52372 0.29435 0.39771 0.80207 0.8168 0.02803 0.1301 0.05241 0.48766 0.58169 0.93664 0.27718 0.06791 0.77927 0.52073 0.38489 0.93443 0.7815 0.42951 0.81415 0.93072 0.56413 0.86912 0.60695 0.26366 0.87065 0.30507 0.64635 0.51902 0.18252 0.80735 0.13327 0.01565 0.57175 0.25483 0.96892 0.26568 0.83331 0.47669 0.26105 0.74387 0.07079 0.89703 0.39388 0.93739 0.69442 0.17771 0.26409 0.86055 0.12174 0.91268 0.38505 0.24627 0.29378 0.44689 0.62218 0.14208 0.11293 0.28789 0.07194 0.40137 0.94098 0.30191 0.80098 0.73052 0.1876 0.35978 0.12186 5e-05 0.98042 0.48228 0.84557 0.51518 0.95959 0.74973 0.01945 0.53687 0.34158 0.46974 0.43329 0.01109 0.47747 0.64913 0.45458 0.81208 0.20005 0.83058 0.79101 0.0307 0.0819 0.09173 0.65156 0.5409 0.83613 0.36946 0.29553 0.25468 0.64846 0.29713 0.28803 0.85266 0.64555 0.90209 0.04841 0.28967 0.4064 0.5448 0.02328 0.09403 0.44628 0.27139 0.97954 0.09413 0.47644 0.86505 0.5946 0.7802 0.38866 0.52489 0.29987 0.25926 0.82229 0.00847 0.92589 0.01415 0.92748 0.02956 0.84273 0.18978 0.37776 0.91356 0.06138 0.68648 0.72467 0.34301 0.28723 0.88331 0.6951 0.08168 0.21054 0.01256 0.53578 0.3046 0.76436 0.63309 0.84383 0.82631 0.29207 0.46874 0.84668 0.61097 0.87036 0.84906 0.78782 0.7313 0.59155 0.06502 0.04628 0.75001 0.80448 0.40803 0.8228 0.32475 0.11125 0.83685 0.09222 0.28442 0.40779 0.46245 0.72203 0.34165 0.2991 0.98356 0.70069 0.06722 0.00327 0.77979 0.82688 0.36904 0.09257 0.823 0.98879 0.0057 0.06479 0.65717 0.66448 0.03161 0.52427 0.41062 0.97808 0.99326 0.55591 0.25751 0.74202 0.42908 0.32436 0.83449 0.17378 0.94275 0.1902 0.55931 0.02521 0.09555 0.37206 0.01139 0.07417 0.72881 0.91401 0.04594 0.13864 0.1389 0.70408 0.59541 0.66911 0.90104 0.30787 0.65685 0.82302 0.71006 0.95949 0.06452 0.04111 0.0391 0.13385 0.06452 0.48114 0.12408 0.30338 0.47182 0.55995 0.40494 0.71912 0.08022 0.84266 0.22986 0.7779 0.46853 0.75527 0.16363 0.76388 0.95597 0.2501 0.02139 0.1371 0.62314 0.47237 0.13527 0.77657 0.54861 0.46051 0.89402 0.34893 0.65454 0.98097 0.53698 0.84855 0.4095 0.73197 0.62478 0.31164 0.36648 0.79261 0.67095 0.99357
+0.29447 0.10687 0.8033 0.7139 0.55802 0.81074 0.53638 0.25479 0.28319 0.00109 0.17482 0.53883 0.01894 0.57015 0.49256 0.12193 0.65095 0.4321 0.86648 0.63682 0.66089 0.25474 0.68093 0.01678 0.06439 0.367 0.93526 0.59259 0.52156 0.4441 0.7547 0.06522 0.26495 0.00193 0.65207 0.48414 0.70681 0.43012 0.97886 0.66079 0.59677 0.52633 0.57509 0.51549 0.81153 0.08326 0.68546 0.91235 0.60499 0.72308 0.02113 0.53336 0.83846 0.3575 0.15367 0.14375 0.03354 0.51545 0.0172 0.21927 0.95198 0.37653 0.95328 0.90515 0.46701 0.27854 0.23777 0.12848 0.99505 0.07921 0.2365 0.72613 0.7441 0.74291 0.46938 0.54041 0.2041 0.63985 0.41488 0.60557 0.26828 0.45914 0.0319 0.61873 0.25108 0.8903 0.97063 0.22292 0.8372 0.72255 0.38524 0.44616 0.82651 0.24637 0.08901 0.76574 0.09875 0.26535 0.52521 0.7841 0.19871 0.61288 0.99635 0.31271 0.79893 0.82167 0.33341 0.70596 0.33179 0.8369 0.7057 0.66311 0.70461 0.00763 0.58477 0.44885 0.70813 0.4796 0.86319 0.72514 0.71549 0.90145 0.59158 0.18317 0.68773 0.39041 0.80669 0.64508 0.48949 0.64602 0.38292 0.87698 0.80877 0.8517 0.03303 0.89417 0.17207 0.15983 0.82184 0.13428 0.12507 0.92352 0.52087 0.27428 0.55334 0.68177 0.08744 0.68368 0.68471 0.73306 0.75948 0.00753 0.68814 0.75091 0.7184 0.7702 0.97504 0.20891 0.01171 0.51043 0.8057 0.90917 0.7572 0.50667 0.28788 0.98758 0.71953 0.92273 0.12351 0.64834 0.45232 0.08502 0.18982 0.02989 0.94181 0.63082 0.92561 0.54603 0.67761 0.23528 0.26358 0.6897 0.15568 0.58851 0.88918 0.94363 0.8535 0.22882 0.36554 0.89858 0.11287 0.53173 0.66494 0.68772 0.53465 0.41434 0.17243 0.85237 0.97888 0.35392 0.46452 0.06039 0.31427 0.09172 0.41673 0.80001 0.90324 0.92723 0.97471 0.97206 0.61388 0.08162 0.65529 0.64823 0.26048 0.42959 0.77525 0.53878 0.42474 0.62299 0.79611 0.01279 0.91728 0.23121 0.50276 0.34831 0.88291 0.67017 0.0406 0.13477 0.15283 0.08366 0.39651 0.9892 0.47808 0.85104 0.99401 0.2517 0.20624 0.15172 0.09228 0.69518 0.29637 0.26202 0.30334 0.65732 0.70825 0.33695 0.45136 0.01196 0.45175 0.86592 0.14408 0.19404 0.14029 0.47966 0.12932 0.47822 0.19954 0.93023 0.95752 0.68155 0.34485 0.50632 0.29215 0.29453 0.5786 0.29153 0.42957 0.43662 0.92132 0.1877 0.34454 0.83717 0.23673 0.81325 0.95904 0.84031 0.95196 0.2296 0.73692 0.6276 0.81258 0.10013 0.27064 0.62429 0.76281 0.96021 0.27628 0.55011 0.29005 0.29596 0.50916 0.13041 0.3957 0.91751 0.81664 0.64627 0.73043 0.53971 0.01653 0.52689 0.52632 0.75629 0.15123 0.68441 0.77374 0.2044 0.56256 0.39847 0.20362 0.70669 0.37805 0.56964 0.83972 0.76539 0.79673 0.17293 0.1674 0.4219 0.55468 0.39245 0.41977 0.21625 0.57881 0.41002 0.16874 0.33511 0.75857 0.66586 0.01551 0.23122 0.59238 0.43676 0.29503 0.11414 0.91874 0.95208 0.79415 0.51401 0.63822 0.7493 0.46067 0.2765 0.96595 0.12195 0.77697 0.62608 0.08817 0.95767 0.41485 0.97221 0.42021 0.68721 0.77727 0.00092 0.26542 0.65379 0.48442 0.35596 0.20245 0.9534 0.87649 0.488 0.72675 0.3712 0.95187 0.70453 0.37672 0.10426 0.87166 0.37735 0.62361 0.20571 0.01289 0.75117 0.4018 0.67065 0.94689 0.96872 0.1623 0.21111 0.27886 0.43452 0.98407 0.6066 0.78016 0.71333 0.32264 0.65681 0.91888 0.70088 0.31997 0.67555 0.99809 0.76286 0.40174 0.44368 0.89801 0.72305 0.74981 0.5881 0.69094 0.7854 0.59516 0.75679 0.40577 0.09124 0.61434 0.14567 0.63258 0.65467 0.46531 0.43069 0.96059 0.12534 0.17665 0.55588 0.86425 0.19019 0.10617 0.29972 0.59799 0.44404 0.85067 0.34241 0.39464 0.94242 0.80924 0.77401 0.60654 0.85219 0.48963 0.09645 0.9931 0.55634 0.39125 0.82243 0.10119 0.92261 0.7875 0.96371 0.75127 0.80431 0.7789 0.03889 0.70474 0.01748 0.00251 0.04713 0.93188 0.45533 0.80725 0.79134 0.99683 0.58675 0.98944 0.21386 0.69145 0.79686 0.93829 0.17118 0.74889 0.69092 0.14723 0.71161 0.8784 0.81931 0.66106 0.99351 0.26125 0.15732 0.78589 0.26826 0.54878 0.46847 0.76596 0.32931 0.12307 0.71838 0.52656 0.73581 0.10147 0.57851 0.69097 0.02533 0.04151 0.35913 0.50439 0.43051 0.67053 0.61957 0.87669 0.67097 0.69775 0.51903 0.58565 0.55066 0.56923 0.10718 0.07204 0.16303 0.15967 0.55044 0.34637 0.72218 0.99674 0.22314 0.00254 0.53808 0.98396 0.66775
+0.85527 0.68363 0.83622 0.45834 0.52267 0.32842 0.83482 0.89959 0.35058 0.77836 0.26559 0.78942 0.61545 0.50552 0.97555 0.55957 0.82991 0.3737 0.45114 0.39702 0.69269 0.9167 0.04166 0.32619 0.5951 0.55887 0.81613 0.60231 0.48961 0.64973 0.50533 0.63911 0.35681 0.06314 0.79935 0.49817 0.95286 0.73396 0.40731 0.06511 0.10454 0.22129 0.52502 0.85954 0.72819 0.91589 0.6036 0.48526 0.65877 0.64827 0.89765 0.07198 0.73215 0.82426 0.64851 0.19597 0.01554 0.97173 0.86831 0.2909 0.56864 0.27274 0.41697 0.31949 0.7136 0.8885 0.76861 0.46545 0.68514 0.56925 0.56316 0.42834 0.6911 0.30924 0.78878 0.16737 0.99669 0.12327 0.20615 0.85744 0.61149 0.63365 0.40035 0.33859 0.69012 0.47154 0.20399 0.04184 0.7764 0.82786 0.31866 0.64933 0.23659 0.38508 0.2335 0.13083 0.33493 0.09884 0.52264 0.33604 0.08122 0.25035 0.51303 0.30105 0.67668 0.77946 0.17758 0.30854 0.21401 0.05902 0.1226 0.71671 0.67936 0.67709 0.3872 0.24308 0.60972 0.08129 0.49869 0.52549 0.21383 0.37166 0.40939 0.11243 0.37148 0.20286 0.52975 0.10195 0.59097 0.78218 0.0788 0.78176 0.20019 0.52969 0.58727 0.43796 0.38587 0.56492 0.31237 0.49476 0.32907 0.92229 0.46215 0.27097 0.11127 0.30899 0.2269 0.07447 0.61691 0.49184 0.99488 0.51584 0.82683 0.68776 0.85983 0.10392 0.2873 0.80498 0.76336 0.16197 0.71525 0.29517 0.73536 0.81651 0.28753 0.46743 0.1276 0.6182 0.91047 0.37234 0.58954 0.14317 0.60383 0.78724 0.50569 0.97841 0.73077 0.45344 0.36045 0.07481 0.39526 0.10198 0.31501 0.60451 0.10548 0.66117 0.95933 0.27333 0.60276 0.4457 0.26914 0.2862 0.31019 0.04612 0.90397 0.9261 0.63611 0.56627 0.5914 0.82043 0.27541 0.67804 0.09439 0.96417 0.20684 0.12359 0.63738 0.32434 0.86004 0.15745 0.99189 0.5427 0.82048 0.41057 0.02837 0.84686 0.86743 0.30199 0.32969 0.74142 0.79601 0.75348 0.54956 0.66803 0.48723 0.27567 0.46422 0.75288 0.83791 0.76543 0.84566 0.4443 0.09296 0.17933 0.36235 0.83779 0.9506 0.46265 0.34205 0.79337 0.74631 0.67436 0.47369 0.51981 0.36234 0.34775 0.30834 0.8538 0.62139 0.04759 0.85509 0.47179 0.12269 0.94396 0.28543 0.02933 0.27749 0.68167 0.63061 0.86688 0.47608 0.66623 0.5844 0.51885 0.61339 0.0801 0.24636 0.52058 0.81894 0.71828 0.76548 0.96759 0.27959 0.85123 0.48368 0.59572 0.44257 0.90259 0.34641 0.89547 0.62545 0.16814 0.52596 0.98955 0.06278 0.94205 0.25819 0.11862 0.44717 0.39786 0.7295 0.54784 0.67518 0.83182 0.86514 0.3618 0.06239 0.6892 0.09036 0.74197 0.72396 0.1419 0.04042 0.98029 0.87607 0.99394 0.99111 0.50147 0.926 0.27457 0.84512 0.1187 0.2192 0.5939 0.63142 0.62082 0.10346 0.66926 0.89461 0.10697 0.64227 0.77232 0.28053 0.07232 0.49023 0.97012 0.41769 0.85731 0.53637 0.86959 0.1524 0.99928 0.82394 0.29005 0.96077 0.40188 0.80105 0.0894 0.97448 0.75433 0.73254 0.82328 0.13385 0.70796 0.03054 0.7885 0.97245 0.99897 0.93466 0.56993 0.97146 0.38541 0.3211 0.00922 0.71693 0.9004 0.64984 0.74875 0.8216 0.17127 0.15316 0.06564 0.75953 0.41074 0.34843 0.857 0.19741 0.74653 0.78386 0.22324 0.67869 0.85112 0.53568 0.72014 0.59018 0.68718 0.92842 0.27311 0.16627 0.55915 0.79815 0.75668 0.11742 0.52813 0.93752 0.38365 0.20569 0.49105 0.59563 0.51571 0.26798 0.82453 0.83863 0.28651 0.43572 0.58898 0.09708 0.2546 0.43722 0.30759 0.61293 0.75177 0.7278 0.46455 0.34247 0.1024 0.25271 0.85832 0.28137 0.85108 0.41807 0.95094 0.25486 0.18326 0.86985 0.28201 0.28078 0.04099 0.19536 0.71525 0.26573 0.49871 0.9264 0.19748 0.02189 0.49447 0.88885 0.63633 0.08786 0.36164 0.25602 0.83685 0.12647 0.61183 0.38797 0.97913 0.75169 0.91295 0.87875 0.3515 0.48444 0.11501 0.12519 0.1596 0.72506 0.91195 0.44866 0.68817 0.91373 0.34777 0.72711 0.53062 0.86469 0.90771 0.55626 0.93703 0.33037 0.85684 0.4043 1.0 0.32627 0.94339 0.61123 0.59698 0.83223 0.57079 0.21963 0.80274 0.27983 0.25204 0.34111 0.41102 0.964 0.53991 0.90616 0.03185 0.86337 0.14803 0.00692 0.30075 0.4484 0.47111 0.97093 0.83025 0.839 0.3076 0.06541 0.95713 0.80025 0.98377 0.76771 0.12005 0.26307 0.94943 0.39935 0.94069 0.45466 0.25233 0.23476 0.21668 0.70382 0.19319 0.72021 0.23484 0.84511 0.54721 0.04065 0.69448 0.97741 0.02533 0.85849 0.49642
+0.88341 0.97691 0.53798 0.74819 0.92734 0.2334 0.82137 0.12353 0.49707 0.38899 0.37165 0.98397 0.24659 0.2698 0.61934 0.02081 0.90319 0.5206 0.31213 0.51584 0.76026 0.60626 0.52574 0.07518 0.22341 0.09962 0.73384 0.31397 0.09269 0.09795 0.14387 0.57664 0.14358 0.33054 0.27876 0.19459 0.55293 0.2669 0.47175 0.50307 0.14546 0.61399 0.82325 0.9161 0.81847 0.92341 0.73436 0.69539 0.47954 0.46638 0.93324 0.67514 0.27346 0.54512 0.87675 0.65993 0.206 0.98989 0.93032 0.07331 0.91123 0.28115 0.58543 0.33073 0.99775 0.56395 0.70676 0.32152 0.79908 0.40342 0.04543 0.80734 0.15181 0.91459 0.72336 0.11826 0.30398 0.99144 0.17187 0.31258 0.15292 0.37049 0.503 0.95071 0.6357 0.55399 0.83863 0.08538 0.18929 0.25892 0.87636 0.35394 0.83631 0.97338 0.93139 0.92667 0.36393 0.23503 0.26541 0.88741 0.65334 0.09367 0.04778 0.62707 0.15935 0.86552 0.57667 0.5024 0.42856 0.62817 0.674 0.45369 0.42289 0.87527 0.46723 0.22823 0.53671 0.64602 0.67094 0.1805 0.64758 0.39235 0.05117 0.32597 0.07273 0.20872 0.14776 0.84321 0.14289 0.88729 0.55828 0.27967 0.35169 0.33665 0.2533 0.58844 0.38422 0.55234 0.64326 0.44925 0.82357 0.92378 0.29651 0.97668 0.75147 0.70185 0.79425 0.48309 0.81838 0.86801 0.18321 0.82396 0.77226 0.3833 0.80401 0.26468 0.64839 0.35094 0.34961 0.71171 0.68371 0.78548 0.32042 0.6339 0.9588 0.53303 0.62802 0.83994 0.14936 0.10955 0.43722 0.36052 0.0289 0.5833 0.83263 0.34574 0.77329 0.77989 0.6173 0.67541 0.35567 0.188 0.20318 0.00241 0.09713 0.38132 0.38556 0.60162 0.10234 0.77396 0.40919 0.64722 0.15649 0.33001 0.37187 0.42007 0.65371 0.58261 0.52894 0.38728 0.28208 0.27287 0.07018 0.55377 0.32154 0.0122 0.07058 0.17978 0.69017 0.99536 0.47178 0.80115 0.19376 0.37095 0.48053 0.74179 0.29608 0.59825 0.26913 0.98003 0.38145 0.05438 0.08296 0.91617 0.23172 0.09745 0.28969 0.82584 0.70217 0.36547 0.2891 0.15388 0.92125 0.08919 0.52853 0.21949 0.2667 0.32064 0.33632 0.48057 0.59626 0.76103 0.88608 0.17468 0.11111 0.6284 0.84174 0.54513 0.498 0.88712 0.46922 0.38152 0.14916 0.34115 0.1801 0.27432 0.03408 0.8986 0.94071 0.17031 0.79877 0.90899 0.77778 0.43429 0.93953 0.84978 0.217 0.86105 0.60744 0.68242 0.83422 0.68129 0.61675 0.03922 0.62002 0.59536 0.96987 0.69101 0.10872 0.22524 0.35504 0.01052 0.64536 0.672 0.66174 0.92209 0.04411 0.49308 0.22107 0.64429 0.8355 0.51086 0.05618 0.88781 0.94545 0.79423 0.93235 0.93343 0.73607 0.77279 0.72554 0.26199 0.64789 0.79344 0.04989 0.89792 0.26393 0.19026 0.06302 0.72359 0.62718 0.98409 0.75764 0.92295 0.83258 0.29765 0.07279 0.41695 0.7317 0.24088 0.211 0.05202 0.62805 0.05924 0.81905 0.87681 0.5502 0.02067 0.80926 0.95126 0.31378 0.87982 0.69114 0.70656 0.58223 0.40723 0.3592 0.39132 0.88057 0.82058 0.39691 0.90073 0.62661 0.1966 0.6289 0.14234 0.11855 0.82907 0.71313 0.85919 0.33822 0.61661 0.25132 0.9426 0.6094 0.2523 0.89329 0.10669 0.82074 0.99812 0.58909 0.14236 0.4057 0.45397 0.76568 0.67715 0.12193 0.63572 0.26256 0.45465 0.07565 0.8698 0.33346 0.60741 0.16181 0.85867 0.77701 0.85829 0.60772 0.42193 0.51421 0.57083 0.40772 0.34532 0.82715 0.60439 0.14203 0.22014 0.97183 0.14512 0.38522 0.10236 0.9501 0.3243 0.03187 0.15377 0.59862 0.66958 0.79645 0.06524 0.54635 0.6371 0.24768 0.38638 0.52448 0.04602 0.83831 0.86144 0.92692 0.86452 0.46784 0.56623 0.50988 0.26886 0.27396 0.21277 0.39403 0.76144 0.73735 0.49984 0.73696 0.62353 0.33884 0.59298 0.08027 0.04408 0.43692 0.13973 0.66639 0.89521 0.64288 0.90433 0.88803 0.24917 0.93039 0.36186 0.93698 0.48077 0.40155 0.80242 0.95906 0.80899 0.55555 0.68175 0.11003 0.58523 0.58069 0.71547 0.92783 0.45184 0.00485 0.7419 0.33897 0.7126 0.01246 0.06609 0.86296 0.3099 0.31572 0.55526 0.77001 0.95435 0.78712 0.7019 0.79894 0.36509 0.85491 0.34714 0.4956 0.41088 0.07551 0.10697 0.68978 0.88357 0.95029 0.8136 0.19823 0.99916 0.66914 0.36656 0.99251 0.99086 0.94563 0.10834 0.41753 0.34127 0.75667 0.60227 0.0079 0.49021 0.40968 0.40448 0.90986 0.59104 0.16127 0.14475 0.48396 0.46219 0.6885 0.53131 0.27536 0.04378 0.22721 0.1326 0.29239 0.71932 0.06379 0.1853 0.04759 0.79615 0.76314 0.84973
+0.39189 0.79423 0.53633 0.55122 0.74232 1.0 0.39086 0.19721 0.54476 0.11389 0.395 0.20543 0.38171 0.32012 0.13556 0.52898 0.7675 0.99009 0.4458 0.43713 0.89322 0.01661 0.17659 0.96209 0.7404 0.41854 0.44832 0.2995 0.45638 0.37304 0.76277 0.70924 0.79967 0.41662 0.85042 0.15297 0.54416 0.10845 0.84259 0.17049 0.44119 0.06526 0.65741 0.36993 0.36095 0.3544 0.8381 0.72767 0.22883 0.324 0.78817 0.38681 0.23149 0.66738 0.65202 0.96415 0.06345 0.78378 0.24928 0.37638 0.07133 0.99641 0.1144 0.03843 0.32473 0.86165 0.26627 0.73063 0.91885 0.57355 0.38137 0.53022 0.40973 0.71194 0.61141 0.79965 0.86074 0.01511 0.65746 0.59317 0.29612 0.31482 0.44758 0.20497 0.33658 0.22767 0.77212 0.82891 0.35904 0.89062 0.32277 0.96051 0.80586 0.17295 0.6201 0.34867 0.97056 0.30361 0.48143 0.81965 0.84164 0.63932 0.75097 0.66409 0.55897 0.02376 0.01833 0.53031 0.61467 0.68215 0.93581 0.22924 0.89574 0.65229 0.65057 0.21467 0.04909 0.47329 0.90061 0.70786 0.62659 0.71327 0.20907 0.60635 0.91384 0.73087 0.7113 0.5859 0.23538 0.18628 0.27524 0.06668 0.18399 0.59577 0.7352 0.2784 0.85429 0.79527 0.48237 0.23714 0.78777 0.57985 0.0881 0.12966 0.28032 0.17433 0.13845 0.45693 0.4438 0.2485 0.86986 0.95099 0.00158 0.53855 0.13434 0.58693 0.90611 0.68266 0.76436 0.38399 0.00216 0.68457 0.51352 0.3557 0.40307 0.32726 0.17315 0.86928 0.98457 0.11618 0.81746 0.73321 0.51324 0.22678 0.07956 0.6142 0.19672 0.56807 0.56417 0.72086 0.40874 0.10234 0.94689 0.03812 0.50998 0.07739 0.03344 0.88718 0.62484 0.72659 0.88484 0.3223 0.02232 0.91819 0.65079 0.61689 0.92305 0.49339 0.83025 0.14474 0.04205 0.74262 0.15134 0.10681 0.06282 0.42068 0.02963 0.21723 0.06618 0.01165 0.66918 0.95527 0.97327 0.17325 0.49878 0.12568 0.69062 0.45602 0.47706 0.44919 0.58664 0.36794 0.84154 0.08702 0.66135 0.98806 0.55404 0.64007 0.88368 0.60596 0.58766 0.36852 0.96979 0.5166 0.04314 0.40381 0.01631 0.79637 0.97615 0.47797 0.13343 0.15775 0.02657 0.97329 0.97596 0.84873 0.11741 0.95978 0.56178 0.93236 0.13023 0.98736 0.3218 0.15192 0.1285 0.65778 0.10256 0.46689 0.38742 0.00361 0.11879 0.6879 0.91923 0.22183 0.85475 0.17109 0.58921 0.99651 0.32515 0.94998 0.75815 0.57378 0.26282 0.39991 0.75503 0.38702 0.52779 0.6335 0.08553 0.95282 0.34666 0.11583 0.68886 0.83918 0.69072 0.29184 0.20345 0.75881 0.45964 0.96808 0.43517 0.81312 0.08003 0.14881 0.15463 0.10296 0.19058 0.93832 0.57851 0.97077 0.44112 0.91538 0.04319 0.78672 0.98599 0.87787 0.35105 0.09606 0.07214 0.50823 0.69456 0.38045 0.66967 0.21737 0.73783 0.08295 0.51832 0.84563 0.95891 0.87282 0.86112 0.23655 0.71319 0.15165 0.39222 0.83007 0.41777 0.65229 0.94549 0.70936 0.20532 0.16514 0.92877 0.63896 0.67112 0.24387 0.07211 0.75405 0.64835 0.73945 0.4063 0.95367 0.37333 0.08818 0.45647 0.14119 0.57396 0.67021 0.84488 0.78652 0.4225 0.3996 0.51906 0.09993 0.2851 0.72127 0.96369 0.54204 0.05765 0.8688 0.77393 0.6179 0.81913 0.74041 0.86114 0.40034 0.27509 0.1331 0.19163 0.35941 0.7197 0.78605 0.04928 0.73444 0.72544 0.35878 0.62856 0.90356 0.90172 0.67673 0.06568 0.96442 0.79987 0.85274 0.56221 0.95383 0.71778 0.03929 0.00212 0.94962 0.15815 0.81409 0.7865 0.56434 0.12612 0.82569 0.56667 0.31269 0.54741 0.31821 0.15902 0.70343 0.18307 0.13128 0.99718 0.01748 0.83241 0.68156 0.30286 0.9598 0.46579 0.94274 0.54185 0.59344 0.53323 0.76954 0.34606 0.72216 0.01346 0.31155 0.15589 0.0379 0.73276 0.59312 0.02162 0.55557 0.99003 0.03623 0.62824 0.21292 0.79599 0.81244 0.07345 0.11509 0.42544 0.58728 0.46698 0.91217 0.71458 0.56882 0.62079 0.07423 0.40269 0.61148 0.34754 0.83681 0.86766 0.39669 0.233 0.59581 0.521 0.77051 0.16999 0.81018 0.86114 0.94638 0.9245 0.48841 0.56509 0.28448 0.33858 0.26259 0.78216 0.30746 0.19809 0.98009 0.30214 0.02817 0.58333 0.33161 0.19395 0.67027 0.12811 0.84419 0.5304 0.22831 0.02804 0.4642 0.95166 0.54665 0.88371 0.86319 0.30129 0.98706 0.39957 0.75928 0.29719 0.19279 0.96861 0.14769 0.87478 0.3252 0.08424 0.65531 0.89453 0.9254 0.72823 0.85152 0.13462 0.81326 0.60743 0.1207 0.11349 0.93595 0.0685 0.22997 0.66471 0.79925 0.8724 0.66805 0.12358 0.78618
+0.18077 0.67618 0.25048 0.11962 0.40212 0.18574 0.42858 0.67848 0.80247 0.23468 0.81453 0.48484 0.20506 0.22921 0.83692 0.18433 0.26287 0.07825 0.49149 0.8332 0.74171 0.48376 0.95023 0.49047 0.1002 0.62827 0.70605 0.90054 0.0063 0.068 0.84663 0.99203 0.32313 0.02649 0.09294 0.33036 0.06563 0.93011 0.84224 0.4791 0.19324 0.25013 0.57382 0.99102 0.33834 0.33218 0.24391 0.932 0.33888 0.80916 0.51955 0.08585 0.64584 0.65178 0.75954 0.31977 0.20901 0.70532 0.14549 0.45388 0.94849 0.35398 0.1562 0.01836 0.02932 0.39582 0.48073 0.61347 0.9653 0.49353 0.01853 0.29826 0.99643 0.29385 0.19372 0.954 0.72895 0.57393 0.37868 0.35217 0.14216 0.30683 0.14876 0.65649 0.92199 0.33164 0.78357 0.12658 0.03081 0.76892 0.83539 0.48649 0.15804 0.09938 0.09378 0.59521 0.63964 0.44298 0.80768 0.21075 0.4941 0.25858 0.2173 0.49504 0.60142 0.15402 0.76688 0.9314 0.52527 0.92021 0.57731 0.16308 0.71646 0.11492 0.71071 0.92774 0.44399 0.76945 0.62188 0.26156 0.34884 0.54037 0.95444 0.38883 0.89924 0.95868 0.82166 0.71215 0.82705 0.03758 0.68458 0.74682 0.81249 0.65062 0.16683 0.22337 0.40217 0.81521 0.31176 0.33787 0.28494 0.47339 0.74003 0.65078 0.43938 0.85617 0.88751 0.16795 0.76274 0.68579 0.93811 0.55863 0.4732 0.76361 0.86401 0.42587 0.15112 0.28149 0.75462 0.23022 0.66518 0.14466 0.31481 0.07533 0.08516 0.23635 0.25184 0.19468 0.41361 0.0277 0.98103 0.02662 0.70089 0.85633 0.48373 0.68113 0.52564 0.17131 0.00776 0.7185 0.97609 0.90737 0.32565 0.05798 0.44379 0.16686 0.23581 0.57764 0.44837 0.29414 0.64997 0.02202 0.06015 0.63504 0.5712 0.82017 0.4893 0.93975 0.96032 0.48033 0.98371 0.1136 0.6358 0.30976 0.72373 0.21632 0.23325 0.92805 0.24743 0.46658 0.29018 0.86038 0.89392 0.54554 0.59047 0.77133 0.71677 0.01883 0.50202 0.80316 0.90076 0.95323 0.87077 0.69214 0.80591 0.57623 0.58655 0.01643 0.17149 0.56608 0.49137 0.55347 0.17283 0.6682 0.20069 0.98226 0.9957 0.21265 0.60629 0.78346 0.25403 0.06316 0.91723 0.1938 0.06449 0.74175 0.92228 0.79495 0.32919 0.86527 0.09468 0.3392 0.14434 0.77228 0.33732 0.15552 0.07158 0.39537 0.76364 0.08908 0.73262 0.81306 0.07245 0.15945 0.13826 0.34346 0.00082 0.17311 0.76784 0.68648 0.9022 0.80486 0.76118 0.94458 0.21785 0.0189 0.64921 0.39628 0.41073 0.03082 0.40933 0.77422 0.89513 0.47504 0.26397 0.46072 0.96576 0.98757 0.39861 0.74959 0.87001 0.74774 0.88373 0.12538 0.67106 0.50861 0.74741 0.82367 0.99719 0.76031 0.46315 0.36027 0.69482 0.30951 0.05179 0.31141 0.59262 0.90374 0.34231 0.69236 0.56416 0.97906 0.8654 0.76362 0.10336 0.07227 0.98234 0.21481 0.37143 0.62914 0.08023 0.01275 0.59576 0.23724 0.00231 0.16878 0.26624 0.29955 0.3593 0.52675 0.89732 0.10389 0.34423 0.25487 0.0254 0.96113 0.51804 0.46793 0.31209 0.2956 0.47184 0.2843 0.73047 0.48831 0.11389 0.66739 0.84849 0.96897 0.10682 0.04634 0.54309 0.25795 0.80087 0.37538 0.62261 0.99603 0.20964 0.72856 0.62846 0.05446 0.52772 0.66999 0.2735 0.27874 0.69253 0.70081 0.62505 0.48902 0.88422 0.5953 0.78572 0.89839 0.21394 0.97256 0.47022 0.79625 0.05458 0.8341 0.17327 0.73349 0.5317 0.05373 0.80183 0.32333 0.01339 0.61696 0.32244 0.81206 0.95113 0.9283 0.50863 0.74407 0.78292 0.91112 0.0014 0.50657 0.2916 0.91396 0.29105 0.6331 0.55827 0.02031 0.03456 0.02679 0.71139 0.06641 0.91923 0.3234 0.81837 0.20599 0.53766 0.25004 0.74726 0.02557 0.1413 0.92491 0.69634 0.10624 0.21631 0.63955 0.58152 0.53645 0.68644 0.58274 0.40896 0.57575 0.84041 0.26188 0.11564 0.3741 0.67631 0.30469 0.19073 0.68935 0.20459 0.89042 0.22567 0.63481 0.05595 0.25247 0.25301 0.53017 0.59656 0.93446 0.01143 0.83672 0.44666 0.60321 0.84695 0.92125 0.70427 0.20729 0.0652 0.32685 0.64925 0.64718 0.73788 0.28122 0.74917 0.61409 0.51886 0.8201 0.28437 0.01898 0.84159 0.03403 0.1798 0.38124 0.49638 0.06774 0.5495 0.03498 0.57448 0.66877 0.34853 0.58223 0.73122 0.22747 0.85818 0.27053 0.83131 0.66595 0.9007 0.59354 0.37853 0.624 0.76428 0.08502 0.67505 0.40603 0.32663 0.48287 0.33585 0.55628 0.28089 0.6061 0.72137 0.99606 0.28912 0.39824 0.65926 0.87687 0.72121 0.92795 0.86199 0.70331 0.60035 0.57305 0.54858 0.01138 0.35149 0.51669
+0.06046 0.83565 0.5784 0.57496 0.77613 0.38931 0.38392 0.69073 0.24852 0.50116 0.13402 0.71796 0.26365 0.60988 0.57199 0.25326 0.46289 0.48754 0.20922 0.80156 0.54812 0.07135 0.53679 0.81102 0.87548 0.61526 0.01493 0.7745 0.49634 0.74169 0.69359 0.39562 0.49031 0.5692 0.6476 0.12218 0.75096 0.24409 0.6611 0.78232 0.9262 0.58725 0.50809 0.95557 0.3707 0.84218 0.28875 0.33479 0.4047 0.96066 0.31657 0.00352 0.58357 0.15016 0.34001 0.27801 0.31251 0.14677 0.11203 0.65322 0.68298 0.45168 0.56927 0.60548 0.55032 0.91361 0.99204 0.577 0.43973 0.35387 0.49369 0.33725 0.33432 0.69994 0.01838 0.86036 0.36614 0.3421 0.94958 0.44381 0.62037 0.35972 0.24473 0.16539 0.74078 0.04902 0.62602 0.29125 0.17493 0.77621 0.54477 0.92478 0.64445 0.61536 0.93765 0.02044 0.32598 0.88877 0.50785 0.15237 0.49353 0.70664 0.20824 0.92096 0.38737 0.19053 0.27442 0.2399 0.80431 0.95783 0.9291 0.4479 0.28419 0.4366 0.04349 0.11228 0.45656 0.953 0.65946 0.05971 0.3629 0.54925 0.77245 0.79056 0.558 0.47219 0.12328 0.81425 0.62395 0.1221 0.21896 0.76749 0.59115 0.10275 0.00702 0.07018 0.6908 0.01269 0.63623 0.72362 0.7799 0.64671 0.67453 0.26387 0.0953 0.46377 0.80731 0.81676 0.50006 0.93079 0.18551 0.75986 0.71917 0.15867 0.44282 0.26277 0.10518 0.05681 0.52816 0.63789 0.06959 0.17931 0.45687 0.18372 0.45001 0.42026 0.27376 0.60772 0.2472 0.43053 0.54065 0.95723 0.41369 0.26146 0.00597 0.3507 0.31088 0.89134 0.41572 0.88971 0.71858 0.03339 0.6682 0.43709 0.34689 0.62247 0.92984 0.17617 0.8933 0.90967 0.86473 0.74904 0.6014 0.82407 0.40745 0.93008 0.16161 0.74828 0.6572 0.3873 0.95623 0.42027 0.74568 0.01175 0.65731 0.36042 0.4741 0.94352 0.24796 0.36606 0.65913 0.65058 0.45379 0.47445 0.72792 0.90476 0.30558 0.87883 0.67671 0.5943 0.42202 0.11563 0.03844 0.39033 0.61218 0.38667 0.79404 0.25222 0.72935 0.45751 0.87585 0.89304 0.76677 0.33 0.64991 0.95794 0.72277 0.08011 0.54988 0.71173 0.51551 0.09318 0.72388 0.54507 0.83369 0.92787 0.73997 0.12268 0.4489 0.37932 0.13148 0.3634 0.98429 0.70517 0.84398 0.82503 0.55739 0.9841 0.09058 0.48545 0.86562 0.79163 0.68512 0.39016 0.35233 0.84939 0.85737 0.85314 0.50571 0.71672 0.00319 0.21911 0.65853 0.98301 0.98212 0.19818 0.51414 0.32089 0.27435 0.87878 0.55387 0.92109 0.90946 0.48549 0.17099 0.38038 0.02408 0.68357 0.34306 0.30034 0.08216 0.2087 0.19099 0.64649 0.69426 0.47103 0.84825 0.7495 0.66722 0.57877 0.27215 0.97696 0.00144 0.09814 0.4567 0.73685 0.98993 0.26246 0.47029 0.62992 0.28679 0.18108 0.47826 0.41128 0.60744 0.50167 0.08515 0.35114 0.1395 0.32636 0.41388 0.64212 0.93986 0.37382 0.59892 0.02295 0.54765 0.12219 0.85822 0.13092 0.1638 0.83523 0.99189 0.03931 0.27553 0.16073 0.08544 0.40346 0.22391 0.32635 0.16175 0.89021 0.21849 0.71982 0.41432 0.45648 0.97067 0.30369 0.57225 0.59682 0.08051 0.35057 0.99283 0.39949 0.47802 0.92186 0.49546 0.87428 0.62355 0.01264 0.86867 0.42029 0.49918 0.76288 0.75584 0.76991 0.04301 0.64795 0.28117 0.07117 0.39707 0.02659 0.20161 0.24273 0.875 0.91721 0.72763 0.80269 0.72467 0.26286 0.34486 0.43601 0.65336 0.51156 0.9587 0.58658 0.05506 0.30224 0.22945 0.26567 0.44811 0.50539 0.51621 0.537 0.42875 0.16576 0.17971 0.35292 0.68321 0.63888 0.50677 0.9551 0.79533 0.20504 0.07987 0.67081 0.93491 0.851 0.49974 0.22779 0.37357 0.73966 0.69253 0.51182 0.44193 0.61317 0.80528 0.57384 0.6601 0.43338 0.69639 0.87224 0.1512 0.26484 0.81519 0.11844 0.53155 0.4107 0.1997 0.38025 0.81175 0.94083 0.21277 0.69496 0.08243 0.87184 0.80876 0.52836 0.47389 0.81408 0.74148 0.31822 0.63473 0.24 0.98213 0.95518 0.75266 0.8959 0.88704 0.43163 0.47789 0.37258 0.35368 0.04242 0.7506 0.28095 0.24012 0.2783 0.9537 0.76282 0.02387 0.5256 0.81574 0.78225 0.51686 0.59351 0.29099 0.27155 0.68455 0.86632 0.6878 0.50458 0.15247 0.80976 0.06422 0.21435 0.6491 0.24865 0.66438 0.82893 0.98044 0.09722 0.57036 0.45699 0.45433 0.25795 0.67974 0.41302 0.9092 0.16977 0.13864 0.23143 0.54475 0.23859 0.74093 0.77773 0.49672 0.69312 0.96554 0.15068 0.98711 0.56327 0.45755 0.31532 0.41767 0.13168 0.42449 0.49669 0.3626 0.38828 0.25541 0.55326
+0.33019 0.96793 0.39561 0.85826 0.87971 0.58088 0.07296 0.51077 0.11333 0.59576 0.69647 0.72008 0.41352 0.09995 0.64638 0.78148 0.07425 0.42138 0.00389 0.0051 0.3216 0.48421 0.84373 0.53215 0.61646 0.79012 0.32915 0.7892 0.57801 0.11124 0.47702 0.16716 0.3749 0.4281 0.92794 0.4317 0.91214 0.42737 0.01662 0.93732 0.69544 0.42806 0.28368 0.43102 0.32727 0.55014 0.15735 0.74421 0.86042 0.28636 0.27513 0.27002 0.67808 0.88563 0.83912 0.19395 0.65898 0.66766 0.86303 0.31497 0.54311 0.20823 0.75051 0.73438 0.26492 0.51188 0.96623 0.56147 0.29424 0.44356 0.84907 0.321 0.13124 0.36144 0.33481 0.46693 0.98454 0.63077 0.84195 0.34592 0.0955 0.33845 0.88341 0.21736 0.72037 0.35286 0.47633 0.71998 0.51727 0.12799 0.1161 0.64544 0.58114 0.31882 0.14321 0.11033 0.8063 0.38299 0.38433 0.31288 0.39059 0.83445 0.97431 0.85294 0.55232 0.55726 0.18354 0.83107 0.16788 0.65025 0.59482 0.79639 0.65305 0.09013 0.71923 0.15923 0.90605 0.44176 0.7174 0.82423 0.27932 0.90015 0.99269 0.3581 0.76417 0.12116 0.82925 0.3168 0.513 0.2054 0.06238 0.36342 0.35189 0.12795 0.24017 0.18529 0.80584 0.16651 0.77896 0.05358 0.30483 0.4834 0.83467 0.45917 0.89432 0.76319 0.72479 0.93127 0.79853 0.45821 0.37199 0.09714 0.71601 0.3046 0.76071 0.37038 0.41087 0.41414 0.31852 0.68344 0.18367 0.91689 0.50425 0.78196 0.78577 0.38646 0.17338 0.33277 0.03142 0.26385 0.89679 0.73265 0.25884 0.08176 0.17962 0.73879 0.43183 0.91635 0.28712 0.88646 0.07128 0.01747 0.25461 0.94093 0.55506 0.59434 0.95381 0.05222 0.37824 0.32251 0.16193 0.72653 0.89254 0.52085 0.13598 0.23891 0.68574 0.20108 0.0077 0.62973 0.01487 0.80249 0.44138 0.71302 0.9267 0.5855 0.71008 0.87618 0.24856 0.36332 0.79783 0.4469 0.55756 0.46938 0.3729 0.3191 0.79637 0.41839 0.63392 0.64923 0.34283 0.85043 0.63977 0.8118 0.26903 0.21645 0.29252 0.0352 0.66225 0.26113 0.06641 0.30874 0.45196 0.79623 0.18761 0.54318 0.25732 0.17952 0.94453 0.1244 0.54624 0.27798 0.15172 0.06239 0.69701 0.92064 0.16939 0.66531 0.39562 0.58028 0.8979 0.57629 0.81355 0.33574 0.94556 0.31669 0.23559 0.15548 0.08489 0.18141 0.5228 0.09761 0.49226 0.69895 0.50315 0.13366 0.28302 0.29868 0.81993 0.02021 0.40837 0.98275 0.3098 0.77305 0.24559 0.61454 0.07973 0.56311 0.42895 0.72323 0.59711 0.33481 0.67489 0.06878 0.17639 0.14248 0.56512 0.50625 0.97326 0.39095 0.84049 0.21443 0.86279 0.09955 0.76457 0.8562 0.69103 0.48214 0.01496 0.53465 0.91292 0.87739 0.14104 0.45639 0.61489 0.38817 0.2234 0.18231 0.17357 0.29114 0.25388 0.07293 0.65472 0.68313 0.29861 0.37919 0.91686 0.57954 0.50933 0.38518 0.42044 0.04397 0.27523 0.52511 0.58096 0.04302 0.24106 0.38405 0.96099 0.47296 0.09459 0.36416 0.54108 0.95088 0.03491 0.17411 0.25543 0.55865 0.06919 0.09439 0.15715 0.80049 0.82668 0.25385 0.42351 0.00611 0.10408 0.61049 0.77515 0.99485 0.45706 0.15007 0.3653 0.95153 0.06831 0.68378 0.15899 0.86298 0.93973 0.63621 0.37257 0.60562 0.12781 0.57579 0.33362 0.86515 0.90535 0.28076 0.25691 0.25312 0.51687 0.49188 0.25705 0.69151 0.34407 0.61739 0.80566 0.09748 0.80015 0.45577 0.88895 0.19026 0.78678 0.461 0.47977 0.78975 0.84837 0.30482 0.37054 0.9097 0.53851 0.02342 0.72128 0.8795 0.60155 0.62195 0.09439 0.72044 0.76082 0.87942 0.16777 0.8414 0.00844 0.16097 0.90025 0.41742 0.29542 0.18525 0.41968 0.52375 0.83321 0.35055 0.75733 0.96066 0.34285 0.06593 0.22902 0.22625 0.42371 0.38257 0.00503 0.80543 0.66 0.71303 0.9153 0.10893 0.34628 0.15337 0.78139 0.9236 0.66738 0.89774 0.7016 0.31677 0.60539 0.27324 0.28106 0.58793 0.28155 0.29096 0.98095 0.30091 0.42889 0.55976 0.83748 0.51144 0.38636 0.89423 0.40918 0.94957 0.82964 0.45126 0.5169 0.87001 0.83059 0.96355 0.11572 0.98346 0.54496 0.16819 0.30659 0.48281 0.59075 0.70048 0.31726 0.63318 0.92394 0.02438 0.13586 0.58336 0.90753 0.56243 0.07684 0.30929 0.84839 0.37613 0.63234 0.53428 0.48008 0.70525 0.00036 0.62895 0.11041 0.01872 0.79444 0.23385 0.70148 0.1945 0.71549 0.19552 0.25894 0.21963 0.58209 0.48304 0.4984 0.93793 0.6028 0.08229 0.09614 0.47346 0.10591 0.35259 0.55547 0.71152 0.17067 0.47831 0.81749 0.43075 0.55634 0.7185 0.71161 0.80818
+0.47685 0.53651 0.77995 0.73161 0.48465 0.09072 0.01028 0.17993 0.83488 0.54397 0.60325 0.27957 0.65372 0.42757 0.29832 0.35397 0.82205 0.4004 0.4006 0.67963 0.08632 0.21269 0.67726 0.27965 0.94572 0.33838 0.02877 0.528 0.99251 0.99605 0.97844 0.2016 0.88789 0.29438 0.78058 0.5795 0.96185 0.71553 0.4585 0.88239 0.32858 0.53824 0.98827 0.02489 0.32266 0.45022 0.00141 0.10778 0.18086 0.91547 0.93402 0.84653 0.75146 0.46855 0.57801 0.56421 0.14486 0.44135 0.8344 0.08341 0.67494 0.52915 0.29648 0.80781 0.62022 0.17416 0.76583 0.41284 0.51259 0.0163 0.91806 0.14345 0.94369 0.23979 0.99691 0.76137 0.90898 0.62853 0.98324 0.05931 0.89259 0.28952 0.44695 0.65682 0.46751 0.49113 0.26193 0.9308 0.53978 0.98585 0.37334 0.19933 0.21222 0.40366 0.65186 0.04331 0.83892 0.28851 0.27287 0.21572 0.09015 0.13586 0.92005 0.43471 0.05936 0.55325 0.06658 0.51453 0.99375 0.78844 0.17611 0.75141 0.41535 0.32449 0.5054 0.1947 0.06507 0.36763 0.05988 0.30966 0.47697 0.97929 0.25851 0.5732 0.59684 0.30628 0.09293 0.17565 0.14283 0.71257 0.37334 0.2247 0.40908 0.26863 0.90047 0.21924 0.0632 0.89183 0.49735 0.27657 0.42933 0.80794 0.54985 0.94762 0.96614 0.45508 0.73075 0.26478 0.89999 0.66 0.54913 0.59503 0.04259 0.56745 0.48166 0.83165 0.10759 0.13011 0.6665 0.09004 0.26677 0.20918 0.29426 0.64407 0.20511 0.00154 0.35748 0.63302 0.66364 0.96445 0.06947 0.04048 0.15252 0.55485 0.42118 0.23281 0.10523 0.6511 0.64734 0.358 0.69301 0.06125 0.95537 0.39495 0.66327 0.8465 0.82013 0.63862 0.21156 0.33072 0.83958 0.07046 0.04211 0.17802 0.93573 0.47685 0.565 0.02405 0.68121 0.49578 0.99623 0.51165 0.46811 0.16537 0.4048 0.62425 0.00392 0.17915 0.10771 0.40635 0.48687 0.58737 0.44803 0.07403 0.65356 0.45761 0.08049 0.49662 0.97745 0.08541 0.23052 0.66107 0.96566 0.26272 0.86665 0.62367 0.70752 0.85503 0.94519 0.70263 0.04939 0.99754 0.83415 0.54946 0.49909 0.10262 0.5022 0.62985 0.5022 0.72413 0.48003 0.65997 0.64124 0.95398 0.8324 0.38851 0.94411 0.54751 0.71392 0.61916 0.45596 0.53061 0.19159 0.26218 0.76547 0.49133 0.2201 0.65628 0.41486 0.32032 0.25961 0.99032 0.70583 0.31789 0.24934 0.75208 0.20873 0.85791 0.08471 0.05303 0.25733 0.5221 0.08482 0.13995 0.88003 0.56202 0.76213 0.55972 0.91545 0.52719 0.43372 0.095 0.56192 0.04887 0.75806 0.3094 0.42968 0.86167 0.49202 0.33638 0.13109 0.70291 0.24979 0.51473 0.1827 0.71378 0.26277 0.27836 0.49087 0.9955 0.06218 0.03058 0.56778 0.81071 0.11853 0.95151 0.85398 0.06292 0.33137 0.26196 0.86216 0.66041 0.89766 0.04653 0.33069 0.48237 0.87075 0.85458 0.77715 0.47783 0.4362 0.86764 0.55331 0.66048 0.90172 0.51562 0.14547 0.67387 0.35127 0.63919 0.08261 0.51925 0.78616 0.53056 0.95208 0.32416 0.07315 0.22946 0.04504 0.12221 0.0948 0.10481 0.93571 0.06437 0.70677 0.01159 0.8328 0.73081 0.37034 0.15741 0.54308 0.68875 0.42156 0.71656 0.63673 0.47457 0.63565 0.59211 0.54473 0.88714 0.59955 0.59928 0.23825 0.54376 0.4697 0.03674 0.54824 0.67572 0.71661 0.26307 0.82141 0.36645 0.35747 0.30182 0.56342 0.19055 0.50439 0.55747 0.74101 0.1928 0.14278 0.46836 0.27437 0.56386 0.2446 0.78728 0.90392 0.61407 0.72063 0.7956 0.70049 0.97058 0.60835 0.04859 0.86567 0.92668 0.07174 0.7769 0.121 0.68838 0.68392 0.3926 0.70058 0.7019 0.10965 0.93383 0.77329 0.07421 0.1858 0.18608 0.62414 0.52689 0.00613 0.99214 0.93549 0.03211 0.48931 0.62769 0.58191 0.42234 0.16103 0.58491 0.63193 0.42338 0.51931 0.90794 0.3395 0.53311 0.84719 0.79906 0.70106 0.90077 0.733 0.72256 0.73235 0.12518 0.0479 0.99267 0.32785 0.79296 0.54097 0.90669 0.53986 0.22425 0.56361 0.34248 0.89164 0.12423 0.69165 0.08866 0.4902 0.04856 0.70929 0.37495 0.84736 0.48725 0.41267 0.27135 0.58647 0.43306 0.61804 0.0303 0.16254 0.41575 0.08355 0.89638 0.89372 0.57689 0.23124 0.10422 0.18408 0.76832 0.45163 0.94111 0.28969 0.8686 0.41512 0.49343 0.86147 0.60915 0.59129 0.29412 0.45519 0.65754 0.34949 0.58899 0.96835 0.02335 0.68704 0.68427 0.60861 0.54256 0.12919 0.59238 0.53069 0.48992 0.4692 0.12846 0.22984 0.76164 0.40597 0.19151 0.07941 0.53887 0.13988 0.37389 0.12966 0.55387 0.95784 0.75313 0.02996 0.01367
+0.78982 0.77592 0.22288 0.37591 0.91693 0.93497 0.78745 0.9191 0.14522 0.30735 0.0716 0.34606 0.16174 0.38277 0.38385 0.30988 0.23873 0.5734 0.26563 0.52309 0.57171 0.52037 0.65011 0.72744 0.29525 0.90302 0.85498 0.60532 0.18804 0.09967 0.39626 0.67719 0.90981 0.47711 0.00442 0.67895 0.59505 0.09161 0.08312 0.97242 0.98305 0.16989 0.29842 0.34641 0.17327 0.44138 0.43888 0.54924 0.73175 0.0164 0.96359 0.18561 0.09042 0.97025 0.781 0.54114 0.55083 0.54103 0.64508 0.32438 0.94599 0.60314 0.35694 0.65181 0.98911 0.03742 0.07177 0.36908 0.40647 0.8044 0.78 0.75818 0.88613 0.80944 0.713 0.72805 0.33885 0.60943 0.32321 0.38499 0.67473 0.73532 0.48764 0.59389 0.30354 0.55296 0.81244 0.93434 0.93898 0.39482 0.41998 0.76257 0.68181 0.66912 0.24203 0.62332 0.53496 0.11431 0.97688 0.85523 0.99028 0.7986 0.42548 0.60766 0.41053 0.39937 0.52724 0.05104 0.05373 0.8334 0.92905 0.09666 0.18681 0.00689 0.73673 0.57117 0.61273 0.36291 0.19616 0.73762 0.31726 0.8697 0.16605 0.90364 0.24119 0.83785 0.92129 0.21185 0.49079 0.4481 0.66121 0.49478 0.73334 0.5394 0.14514 0.82362 0.59165 0.0816 0.42398 0.28655 0.65391 0.00971 0.98893 0.14031 0.04796 0.63671 0.58284 0.17428 0.85404 0.68472 0.95451 0.00146 0.18743 0.75622 0.70767 0.84154 0.04662 0.66782 0.69759 0.35017 0.91021 0.72561 0.36085 0.51469 0.66014 0.75455 0.23004 0.34612 0.22954 0.18481 0.20472 0.50698 0.76458 0.35772 0.09106 0.13583 0.08635 0.99214 0.97996 0.95422 0.67824 0.32956 0.72953 0.40933 0.19649 0.07841 0.68979 0.73624 0.96981 0.24946 0.97945 0.5924 0.73121 0.95225 0.7867 0.13721 0.34188 0.49943 0.47911 0.94105 0.7843 0.24217 0.54285 0.15204 0.78258 0.71955 0.24772 0.19662 0.56838 0.02136 0.95085 0.24732 0.449 0.74828 0.3719 0.98755 0.4475 0.93933 0.1988 0.4781 0.88489 0.76759 0.36099 0.21963 0.85399 0.29099 0.52926 0.99844 0.80171 0.81933 0.35066 0.9417 0.43263 0.75897 0.41804 0.6604 0.72475 0.9845 0.6187 0.98483 0.54587 0.42028 0.39404 0.94868 0.00609 0.81073 0.71091 0.26308 0.25015 0.38356 0.73034 0.22141 0.05612 0.85793 0.78441 0.36486 0.91789 0.12712 0.97067 0.47362 0.69014 0.06098 0.56867 0.37037 0.91813 0.69188 0.80948 0.45733 0.94373 0.38791 0.32838 0.69108 0.29043 0.69764 0.5302 0.05627 0.12672 0.28401 0.45867 0.73002 0.69295 0.70666 0.26999 0.37508 0.82701 0.01795 0.00577 0.12235 0.72048 0.05842 0.51591 0.86248 0.15399 0.19147 0.83734 0.81399 0.33578 0.47201 0.94678 0.68588 0.4803 0.245 0.82613 0.94563 0.39866 0.12099 0.08678 0.24211 0.38447 0.18321 0.43535 0.46661 0.27669 0.53722 0.77186 0.95945 0.43117 0.75192 0.8621 0.39596 0.89749 0.32117 0.15055 0.74085 0.28442 0.36136 0.89931 0.95597 0.79806 0.2352 0.11871 0.11378 0.13647 0.58518 0.10536 0.25628 0.8949 0.93278 0.51912 0.2572 0.30927 0.15244 0.60839 0.24205 0.54115 0.72989 0.77248 0.58036 0.35483 0.65081 0.26372 0.15461 0.4039 0.52955 0.91591 0.49711 0.90189 0.48762 0.44909 0.23602 0.57861 0.05388 0.30916 0.33206 0.38138 0.66088 0.99374 0.57469 0.24894 0.61063 0.65669 0.46269 0.62248 0.45577 0.96902 0.64466 0.82464 0.81558 0.16235 0.87283 0.14048 0.05853 0.86614 0.88357 0.71385 0.48953 0.49086 0.5145 0.72424 0.028 0.91144 0.80232 0.5045 0.65725 0.62654 0.5068 0.25379 0.13082 0.06416 0.47752 0.56857 0.53101 0.76943 0.82781 0.32585 0.11433 0.1269 0.38274 0.19222 0.71601 0.95217 0.76529 0.82906 0.93882 0.86221 0.57746 0.45543 0.21738 0.66648 0.96535 0.95609 0.12683 0.80344 0.96525 0.75937 0.9614 0.98634 0.48462 0.76573 0.50786 0.69609 0.48556 0.50112 0.84257 0.08905 0.8565 0.99858 0.82463 0.60358 0.46322 0.84501 0.63826 0.84992 0.87151 0.78121 0.96186 0.20192 0.47298 0.81024 0.37453 0.08306 0.70272 0.49745 0.54575 0.6319 0.10321 0.48539 0.23652 0.05592 0.78342 0.47379 0.79986 0.56774 0.00397 0.3611 0.72502 0.73688 0.16905 0.77347 0.49144 0.27461 0.42963 0.08478 0.73477 0.28906 0.73356 0.38605 0.68913 0.93962 0.45441 0.44616 0.97913 0.8905 0.46104 0.98136 0.6436 0.50476 0.08166 0.2795 0.70629 0.8377 0.5317 0.83322 0.97255 0.45495 0.19995 0.71111 0.30649 0.0965 0.49145 0.97268 0.90242 0.41925 0.95644 0.12005 0.89902 0.32876 0.69986 0.83021 0.95582 0.98597 0.83998
+0.50267 0.11516 0.63462 0.26274 0.28335 0.64738 0.3458 0.46472 0.25867 0.65281 0.2356 0.86393 0.09356 0.01885 0.59327 0.78183 0.53291 0.21987 0.01918 0.0591 0.31711 0.76284 0.94433 0.44887 0.57929 0.06095 0.72127 0.67256 0.21982 0.27948 0.99107 0.78603 0.97996 0.02958 0.02219 0.61504 0.48472 0.35684 0.04692 0.50726 0.6413 0.98291 0.24109 0.73012 0.54716 0.22941 0.11828 0.04121 0.06891 0.97678 0.7142 0.36992 0.55682 0.12713 0.217 0.22542 0.84806 0.79825 0.55978 0.16036 0.21836 0.59585 0.96343 0.07878 0.09044 0.0691 0.75776 0.3431 0.41674 0.82747 0.42886 0.20637 0.39531 0.88711 0.29023 0.21818 0.91059 0.19872 0.38094 0.63288 0.7528 0.36609 0.19058 0.14946 0.42375 0.46181 0.04364 0.3314 0.7964 0.84141 0.50542 0.43291 0.5478 0.02928 0.26938 0.33549 0.04361 0.88664 0.59572 0.12611 0.60213 0.98497 0.04549 0.59599 0.16205 0.48262 0.1391 0.56961 0.26794 0.89233 0.21806 0.13119 0.33534 0.03332 0.63895 0.31224 0.06544 0.89543 0.64396 0.93882 0.27913 0.30133 0.66037 0.22681 0.3111 0.26499 0.94794 0.48171 0.6804 0.93587 0.97478 0.2403 0.12697 0.11437 0.83632 0.66485 0.15238 0.6866 0.29076 0.13797 0.64771 0.32285 0.99504 0.92354 0.14983 0.87406 0.77311 0.69992 0.99678 0.53786 0.05902 0.35787 0.49851 0.43829 0.82305 0.90225 0.74563 0.38863 0.88388 0.61175 0.0301 0.11756 0.06531 0.35277 0.59858 0.85679 0.90338 0.97794 0.59561 0.83718 0.40223 0.96696 0.93118 0.6748 0.69049 0.93956 0.96421 0.57203 0.81178 0.11203 0.39211 0.39353 0.07369 0.65886 0.01502 0.00144 0.14242 0.72514 0.17661 0.39981 0.89173 0.93772 0.09585 0.38025 0.52566 0.63851 0.88415 0.11739 0.46864 0.79548 0.2547 0.18494 0.9528 0.56481 0.68183 0.72003 0.32622 0.96045 0.58468 0.55348 0.79276 0.50582 0.67458 0.22625 0.64696 0.12902 0.06717 0.15672 0.55618 0.27253 0.6609 0.71076 0.28996 0.51446 0.67783 0.15208 0.40335 0.48965 0.36703 0.96292 0.55231 0.99561 0.32656 0.95661 0.68337 0.61374 0.24234 0.58472 0.75547 0.11754 0.53691 0.86233 0.94826 0.3523 0.17008 0.02578 0.99856 0.71341 0.0975 0.85783 0.85829 0.71775 0.99839 0.054 0.25697 0.86967 0.12032 0.35622 0.44318 0.84345 0.44937 0.33301 0.07723 0.91427 0.0143 0.6407 0.94805 0.96096 0.15008 0.19086 0.20587 0.78673 0.02632 0.07358 0.0786 0.70203 0.50481 0.17035 0.88153 0.34765 0.80679 0.70799 0.06748 0.78309 0.13822 0.4481 0.65916 0.05404 0.98084 0.00829 0.08097 0.93327 0.17731 0.55348 0.87384 0.93293 0.07789 0.19108 0.85005 0.602 0.19062 0.51229 0.52535 0.56325 0.82472 0.3395 0.04417 0.18266 0.46511 0.23495 0.69468 0.81984 0.76919 0.39679 0.50652 0.7626 0.18266 0.49126 0.81299 0.87494 0.88558 0.10965 0.50368 0.99635 0.51326 0.58229 0.50961 0.28039 0.18305 0.25299 0.74027 0.62213 0.39257 0.06973 0.80312 0.5634 0.96005 0.54898 0.84905 0.27634 0.05862 0.45241 0.01133 0.56012 0.9972 0.24023 0.72929 0.90101 0.1892 0.98447 0.70109 0.14684 0.48955 0.47084 0.66129 0.0145 0.55218 0.90659 0.84525 0.33108 0.26818 0.12086 0.88408 0.96445 0.42892 0.40676 0.02378 0.34101 0.75377 0.50777 0.32327 0.48951 0.26257 0.45708 0.87513 0.49735 0.80665 0.54273 0.75275 0.39448 0.53551 0.8369 0.61421 0.24476 0.80554 0.94051 0.70723 0.18004 0.43688 0.50945 0.78844 0.07499 0.90686 0.34994 0.61294 0.13679 0.1218 0.62629 0.41787 0.81047 0.8125 0.53948 0.26709 0.84449 0.66299 0.24259 0.1042 0.15996 0.46489 0.21307 0.43193 0.33793 0.59106 0.76003 0.73475 0.32109 0.3068 0.23868 0.14001 0.31321 0.441 0.76732 0.65432 0.88021 0.77236 0.44187 0.36505 0.47982 0.19341 0.92417 0.88595 0.39184 0.49739 0.62263 0.22228 0.3124 0.36814 0.06965 0.04031 0.36272 0.71682 0.56175 0.56855 0.0778 0.18103 0.41504 0.99413 0.6962 0.98567 0.37336 0.76702 0.03861 0.56585 0.47982 0.73984 0.30903 0.67149 0.68978 0.177 0.82466 0.76214 0.7126 0.71023 0.7957 0.95685 0.74915 0.84026 0.93174 0.81989 0.29249 0.38558 0.90987 0.48292 0.64061 0.25981 0.31437 0.17096 0.0441 0.11191 0.08044 0.71153 0.61923 0.29133 0.52582 0.00133 0.54538 0.00129 0.2647 0.96864 0.53374 0.89402 0.65428 0.5561 0.39433 0.02976 0.51356 0.52737 0.13681 0.06879 0.67869 0.62125 0.59705 0.89305 0.8899 0.09316 0.65921 0.68005 0.81716 0.58509 0.55558 0.86832 0.59147
+0.93234 0.56046 0.29827 0.07629 0.82111 0.41397 0.30507 0.74596 0.56815 0.61923 0.50208 0.67632 0.41951 0.63185 0.11165 0.40827 0.95703 0.72991 0.11666 0.84782 0.61052 0.21532 0.5777 0.92193 0.48088 0.12613 0.0032 0.91237 0.36299 0.29116 0.43587 0.00525 0.68324 0.0824 0.60204 0.53218 0.75352 0.04259 0.04757 0.55899 0.93395 0.93975 0.59406 0.77507 0.74289 0.42613 0.22643 0.90463 0.98263 0.76674 0.49098 0.57944 0.97678 0.2142 0.82604 0.96047 0.45766 0.41249 0.79251 0.814 0.13869 0.22931 0.90588 0.87241 0.47995 0.7555 0.83464 0.07934 0.78983 0.62129 0.23378 0.40766 0.99372 0.92351 0.57956 0.47767 0.24038 0.48028 0.97369 0.67514 0.16437 0.27464 0.44507 0.43747 0.5724 0.19107 0.06984 0.87532 0.8133 0.38977 0.38135 0.92695 0.28771 0.01283 0.20607 0.1695 0.84918 0.1388 0.85135 0.04603 0.94131 0.80637 0.74671 0.04914 0.93929 0.56986 0.24683 0.43219 0.79199 0.03204 0.76291 0.20599 0.87173 0.42733 0.91891 0.86317 0.21076 0.71261 0.29119 0.93869 0.7537 0.78932 0.63883 0.9814 0.07041 0.75658 0.3017 0.45224 0.33316 0.27017 0.57261 0.26458 0.92233 0.75059 0.10712 0.93851 0.32432 0.3497 0.71062 0.06601 0.35565 0.98649 0.16111 0.75178 0.56742 0.71507 0.38007 0.12734 0.3653 0.66816 0.68338 0.82652 0.17576 0.36675 0.35223 0.49016 0.8665 0.82668 0.37497 0.46294 0.37493 0.17842 0.75819 0.26047 0.99093 0.03996 0.4695 0.17109 0.30702 0.8422 0.73647 0.60789 0.79016 0.82289 0.38021 0.27439 0.87605 0.51703 0.00889 0.2037 0.24091 0.52507 0.34003 0.89395 0.72002 0.34223 0.11617 0.87511 0.07442 0.40359 0.37434 0.35119 0.38083 0.59007 0.69985 0.27244 0.50842 0.23759 0.49238 0.41113 0.85486 0.06542 0.43617 0.27715 0.84304 0.84226 0.29255 0.19501 0.18687 0.45582 0.15479 0.03452 0.1557 0.5431 0.90818 0.13548 0.34261 0.39075 0.36536 0.39296 0.88526 0.2891 0.25884 0.17173 0.03047 0.66836 0.07817 0.03383 0.8643 0.91993 0.84365 0.24668 0.14373 0.03004 0.73999 0.64643 0.00759 0.5111 0.40193 0.75885 0.28818 0.94117 0.78662 0.20383 0.82632 0.89862 0.14282 0.56905 0.68863 0.65852 0.51479 0.90366 0.572 0.27161 0.32267 0.46149 0.66233 0.86223 0.53001 0.95085 0.20209 0.98339 0.28608 0.1562 0.69451 0.26588 0.38418 0.19336 0.18065 0.02293 0.37303 0.76294 0.64329 0.44303 0.90172 0.86055 0.35632 0.18569 0.55699 0.43175 0.9323 0.49845 0.72134 0.7902 0.63704 0.60002 0.989 0.12533 0.33851 0.44797 0.35148 0.15774 0.45647 0.4345 0.70049 0.88451 0.41468 0.4497 0.41363 0.94874 0.61021 0.68862 0.80612 0.48594 0.26838 0.0101 0.23399 0.88697 0.0246 0.70807 0.41042 0.35197 0.28063 0.09919 0.00575 0.41057 0.98362 0.80547 0.42213 0.18838 0.02942 0.22455 0.36499 0.28083 0.37131 0.37988 0.24393 0.69334 0.18451 0.79791 0.47696 0.43352 0.44315 0.9856 0.45296 0.43456 0.81386 0.69757 0.86034 0.02277 0.65055 0.23088 0.67204 0.66809 0.95147 0.99409 0.18015 0.17561 0.42381 0.84347 0.85481 0.92525 0.30417 0.42449 0.48565 0.67976 0.29772 0.19304 0.5241 0.59346 0.24306 0.58787 0.7838 0.17923 0.35022 0.62386 0.73764 0.46863 0.58192 0.5116 0.19656 0.81021 0.23609 0.56892 0.94494 0.09583 0.10103 0.86009 0.92751 0.96609 0.7066 0.52709 0.36993 0.8135 0.15806 0.959 0.7659 0.38056 0.90155 0.93151 0.31792 0.48155 0.92358 0.47595 0.80039 0.22528 0.38303 0.04 0.66686 0.90944 0.11713 0.01064 0.72395 0.31078 0.89187 0.15145 0.09072 0.07156 0.21618 0.02992 0.36187 0.53865 0.87926 0.23432 0.59344 0.47594 0.87828 0.06856 0.84455 0.37007 0.37594 0.56324 0.56918 0.9861 0.28766 0.06961 0.67341 0.69868 0.69925 0.43418 0.05528 0.43649 0.79256 0.74667 0.7218 0.12289 0.81124 0.75848 0.99755 0.78899 0.56526 0.83719 0.80316 0.08945 0.29684 0.77236 0.08238 0.46926 0.76842 0.51573 0.94645 0.877 0.54207 0.86277 0.73007 0.50504 0.66641 0.65402 0.51876 0.09063 0.50852 0.94448 0.83958 0.01439 0.95867 0.8458 0.79868 0.27342 0.38101 0.5646 0.74488 0.34748 0.1147 0.48252 0.67824 0.19286 0.38553 0.45279 0.10946 0.54127 0.43601 0.50762 0.53723 0.73114 0.39794 0.90726 0.30567 0.31972 0.15192 0.73463 0.77157 0.00216 0.37885 0.16556 0.71786 0.46742 0.21159 0.80567 0.75443 0.99808 0.30454 0.85555 0.44433 0.33293 0.36191 0.81609 0.62606 0.97228 0.44078 0.32782 0.24876 0.13269
+0.71045 0.74224 0.11964 0.33282 0.81444 0.15433 0.72834 0.57724 0.42442 0.86504 0.48232 0.96943 0.49778 0.2535 0.0525 0.73234 0.29939 0.87076 0.89337 0.18806 0.07751 0.09859 0.98127 0.88978 0.25033 0.33853 0.67403 0.36229 0.21646 0.49796 0.12125 0.31255 0.4184 0.62271 0.26406 0.58613 0.75744 0.75722 0.59468 0.69256 0.96122 0.33698 0.17746 0.7448 0.09748 0.68567 0.72728 0.98809 0.77559 0.09929 0.65307 0.55962 0.62248 0.19073 0.90027 0.9929 0.80577 0.22987 0.83828 0.70243 0.2797 0.00725 0.83173 0.09017 0.3595 0.5389 0.70343 0.95557 0.7661 0.40031 0.6165 0.07895 0.18019 0.23907 0.98368 0.60226 0.49719 0.7723 0.16667 0.15663 0.19937 0.3233 0.77825 0.59781 0.63562 0.54109 0.92352 0.22571 0.27651 0.06958 0.07295 0.51955 0.81318 0.68753 0.54508 0.27026 0.83248 0.87522 0.80827 0.01477 0.56089 0.76821 0.77662 0.7334 0.78584 0.41276 0.88425 0.57156 0.22877 0.5643 0.98198 0.33192 0.83022 0.91648 0.31701 0.41831 0.24538 0.54577 0.71749 0.23791 0.62294 0.10899 0.91698 0.49537 0.27823 0.84072 0.37758 0.66989 0.449 0.16837 0.36175 0.22902 0.22564 0.25846 0.41234 0.0046 0.11207 0.90607 0.0964 0.76642 0.14203 0.66403 0.88713 0.74038 0.55727 0.89589 0.40803 0.54362 0.50766 0.80684 0.75056 0.81247 0.41995 0.85047 0.16295 0.57382 0.78252 0.54119 0.15878 0.26805 0.70586 0.6201 0.07948 0.41934 0.61773 0.377 0.2305 0.06848 0.6778 0.41231 0.10824 0.41671 0.20348 0.87359 0.48981 0.03129 0.27696 0.33954 0.16043 0.33221 0.75868 0.78973 0.59099 0.81569 0.44816 0.42822 0.47812 0.10227 0.96112 0.00505 0.12237 0.80371 0.78803 0.28396 0.94029 0.68969 0.27785 0.47959 0.82683 0.48744 0.13981 0.73381 0.81846 0.64758 0.24691 0.45397 0.91662 0.31337 0.66196 0.95851 0.84406 0.55571 0.87635 0.18517 0.10852 0.85166 0.4177 0.7929 0.78607 0.91574 0.30741 0.96651 0.31554 0.43886 0.5205 0.96001 0.81289 0.823 0.93496 0.69703 0.55317 0.48496 0.30461 0.08334 0.71925 0.13507 0.86027 0.66539 0.56662 0.00569 0.26671 0.46492 0.72693 0.27123 0.79312 0.24373 0.29707 0.81395 0.00603 0.0459 0.94549 0.55583 0.14144 0.25756 0.02694 0.71247 0.29802 0.31498 0.63454 0.41013 0.4527 0.98379 0.17969 0.48801 0.88893 0.4954 0.3782 0.00714 0.54778 0.0034 0.43387 0.73678 0.31952 0.17639 0.76768 0.24187 0.76148 0.66078 0.17569 0.61376 0.58823 0.53641 0.55004 0.12371 0.34296 0.20167 0.72955 0.0773 0.57225 0.63986 0.32668 0.61755 0.9311 0.34543 0.54562 0.9194 0.12268 0.03931 0.13088 0.29653 0.81575 0.45038 0.26588 0.07379 0.7093 0.08611 0.57928 0.17708 0.57259 0.72645 0.65488 0.14625 0.22905 0.1693 0.3015 0.67802 0.82164 0.38793 0.00332 0.6362 0.39499 0.88482 0.8435 0.14617 0.92562 0.47828 0.73195 0.01563 0.91765 0.12274 0.43178 0.77501 0.73586 0.33376 0.67165 0.87495 0.99362 0.34077 0.69673 0.66403 0.17492 0.2111 0.95289 0.02224 0.12669 0.43312 0.5889 0.08938 0.74085 0.57956 0.18774 0.84108 0.6688 0.6023 0.3516 0.72673 0.2186 0.04449 0.65779 0.10342 0.08243 0.52329 0.61625 0.84091 0.60805 0.94868 0.28162 0.60875 0.41241 0.44416 0.70963 0.4696 0.85871 0.0488 0.75057 0.23283 0.22036 0.53829 0.88273 0.49651 0.32776 0.84807 0.00169 0.80577 0.89135 0.72995 0.79597 0.64591 0.56396 0.49667 0.89679 0.19588 0.96939 0.35635 0.718 0.12431 0.20604 0.3487 0.78443 0.68522 0.84954 0.53491 0.62669 0.80383 0.28956 0.87027 0.07014 0.74449 0.98714 0.21422 0.3613 0.70777 0.70045 0.56427 0.02206 0.38294 0.47069 0.15119 0.28125 0.29436 0.83526 0.30006 0.30224 0.10787 0.12319 0.38921 0.96402 0.11681 0.08324 0.09671 0.394 0.0215 0.06937 0.13807 0.79302 0.67955 0.95212 0.6017 0.31146 0.06906 0.54612 0.08693 0.12341 0.90582 0.58682 0.4471 0.18405 0.18819 0.82552 0.25507 0.8788 0.67665 0.65032 0.16196 0.80692 0.88468 0.40297 0.8512 0.28168 0.70341 0.7379 0.26795 0.13283 0.74004 0.76393 0.76987 0.98324 0.81452 0.97372 0.48328 0.54483 0.56151 0.76012 0.73312 0.41631 0.46052 0.79262 0.01246 0.37441 0.7227 0.54864 0.9681 0.16056 0.11355 0.1787 0.66883 0.624 0.62095 0.59141 0.63457 0.6103 0.7445 0.06412 0.81325 0.01393 0.71577 0.3491 0.79875 0.06347 0.70988 0.69152 0.17821 0.19151 0.96548 0.59132 0.73333 0.97226 0.79717 0.16783 0.49849 0.27699 0.97249
+0.77204 0.11219 0.08496 0.30403 0.35222 0.93337 0.14226 0.91464 0.76833 0.0963 0.4306 0.86996 0.20496 0.45283 0.10931 0.83058 0.81692 0.34062 0.87617 0.21507 0.08896 0.94545 0.81821 0.06153 0.25787 0.97192 0.91253 0.46595 0.95396 0.43223 0.21877 0.0591 0.98641 0.0094 0.44854 0.58337 0.53095 0.51119 0.25457 0.52406 0.13937 0.56967 0.02851 0.01063 0.6878 0.51171 0.71871 0.70549 0.84779 0.06117 0.58585 0.97293 0.41024 0.02654 0.63403 0.28541 0.38264 0.41271 0.55031 0.71487 0.62891 0.34715 0.4009 0.53496 0.62278 0.3105 0.61247 0.6774 0.36169 0.98518 0.5862 0.63071 0.45123 0.79294 0.83196 0.39504 0.12758 0.27482 0.49502 0.17311 0.07905 0.56954 0.59584 0.84624 0.00501 0.40207 0.40537 0.70935 0.82614 0.68756 0.9435 0.66005 0.72596 0.14657 0.47325 0.02766 0.63674 0.23657 0.74606 0.96147 0.29034 0.77165 0.37532 0.80092 0.81776 0.42372 0.19232 0.54571 0.82336 0.21375 0.64191 0.0811 0.50153 0.45375 0.15523 0.93058 0.20239 0.53419 0.80481 0.08121 0.39303 0.14034 0.00715 0.72921 0.44473 0.2092 0.1092 0.14678 0.09316 0.89581 0.51306 0.87478 0.69725 0.77594 0.64737 0.94166 0.01866 0.26247 0.52052 0.52364 0.46373 0.76032 0.86877 0.73403 0.34326 0.25331 0.46644 0.35838 0.09178 0.14057 0.37784 0.53028 0.33134 0.52225 0.89591 0.99773 0.72234 0.38991 0.0708 0.35468 0.2768 0.79839 0.06554 0.00033 0.5159 0.60736 0.37971 0.8098 0.89246 0.2455 0.97253 0.98902 0.47034 0.08075 0.50878 0.87356 0.16219 0.8048 0.57163 0.30323 0.18353 0.22245 0.1625 0.00853 0.90274 0.64537 0.90403 0.52601 0.66524 0.25368 0.72181 0.3361 0.07311 0.69298 0.31372 0.03342 0.92922 0.20356 0.1695 0.5225 0.16581 0.77797 0.7313 0.95678 0.24934 0.92661 0.71601 0.47998 0.93146 0.4433 0.00437 0.77219 0.0231 0.5344 0.86843 0.66785 0.89633 0.64193 0.02411 0.48784 0.0295 0.44687 0.36081 0.75304 0.5441 0.4988 0.7063 0.17336 0.33511 0.63892 0.97822 0.49289 0.67414 0.74925 0.89893 0.88314 0.31676 0.88941 0.0073 0.92577 0.01446 0.16822 0.70947 0.9219 0.67683 0.30195 0.73034 0.84088 0.02721 0.67692 0.45798 0.62622 0.93646 0.73557 0.83386 0.63616 0.89553 0.81231 0.79753 0.74481 0.09566 0.34869 0.07649 0.06736 0.34626 0.38949 0.96748 0.27707 0.16379 0.31385 0.32021 0.25497 0.77923 0.49225 0.72401 0.53682 0.88043 0.36258 0.13624 0.88734 0.47383 0.07198 0.33091 0.89812 0.21878 0.89078 0.06506 0.92264 0.78886 0.16798 0.15709 0.20597 0.81129 0.57692 0.69041 0.61434 0.21855 0.28351 0.59835 0.46074 0.48913 0.17638 0.46009 0.74609 0.61203 0.51011 0.20116 0.08137 0.68791 0.69374 0.53652 0.91375 0.8266 0.69985 0.05115 0.46731 0.38074 0.23067 0.85772 0.74824 0.74768 0.50673 0.67886 0.01069 0.6247 0.61615 0.37619 0.54261 0.47261 0.51008 0.11518 0.79607 0.3945 0.76068 0.64443 0.46004 0.55371 0.63851 0.31258 0.68511 0.94872 0.35258 0.28874 0.51721 0.05421 0.25749 0.80686 0.23733 0.96986 0.31112 0.89452 0.83584 0.89988 0.80291 0.1552 0.87329 0.78248 0.0358 0.45719 0.27928 0.15333 0.12603 0.19334 0.10326 0.18039 0.6919 0.89098 0.46882 0.35154 0.49307 0.98759 0.87379 0.0793 0.7059 0.04267 0.11993 0.37 0.38635 0.13629 0.03281 0.67341 0.10718 0.04578 0.28027 0.90354 0.28615 0.17868 0.80425 0.91733 0.09777 0.57613 0.20941 0.58941 0.63607 0.76024 0.356 0.92584 0.23216 0.0535 0.92774 0.08725 0.86397 0.70049 0.97396 0.14843 0.29318 0.00996 0.64571 0.98519 0.94755 0.57592 0.87871 0.68697 0.39509 0.14746 0.2475 0.86719 0.41527 0.0908 0.9728 0.07559 0.08858 0.39957 0.02312 0.11271 0.15929 0.42492 0.57228 0.66428 0.20216 0.45555 0.21186 0.44813 0.38585 0.05532 0.08389 0.87194 0.37963 0.39561 0.29836 0.31334 0.64039 0.80499 0.72065 0.38427 0.83933 0.49123 0.04059 0.65959 0.43368 0.5652 0.25295 0.17237 0.94154 0.76396 0.26939 0.12604 0.21181 0.85032 0.46887 0.30297 0.91958 0.7296 0.26819 0.73741 0.2994 0.92491 0.35822 0.91788 0.7097 0.26656 0.99235 0.28426 0.85888 0.77211 0.07114 0.66053 0.86925 0.63514 0.5087 0.39378 0.60247 0.98531 0.4532 0.02124 0.83776 0.37561 0.72872 0.41909 0.52605 0.0705 0.17492 0.69316 0.37144 0.10384 0.38091 0.74886 0.05296 0.42921 0.41025 0.87621 0.92882 0.74006 0.79411 0.42129 0.06343 0.80747 0.23529 0.15098 0.05144 0.96284 0.0573
+0.48953 0.42494 0.37551 0.48954 0.97816 0.17278 0.03799 0.75578 0.02207 0.55877 0.9901 0.07241 0.30112 0.5194 0.73712 0.72518 0.56031 0.68288 0.4429 0.47466 0.42692 0.90692 0.74568 0.85991 0.24744 0.10761 0.71859 0.73198 0.6265 0.37422 0.84714 0.40784 0.65818 0.60676 0.11663 0.61912 0.3875 0.1675 0.84524 0.72826 0.94145 0.42317 0.56742 0.24492 0.17233 0.04788 0.61999 0.55185 0.17494 0.75649 0.02627 0.45929 0.8025 0.61647 0.28799 0.10681 0.76999 0.65889 0.25374 0.69015 0.47392 0.97975 0.29825 0.76408 0.78725 0.57733 0.07014 0.1609 0.56505 0.6588 0.33593 0.91047 0.88782 0.91963 0.32583 0.03952 0.04717 0.70987 0.20042 0.30962 0.42731 0.39162 0.30521 0.00715 0.91869 0.20433 0.02786 0.11405 0.12893 0.23558 0.60857 0.84501 0.59421 0.55301 0.14948 0.43794 0.69153 0.43554 0.34346 0.23695 0.24069 0.51304 0.94845 0.07146 0.23665 0.80946 0.99828 0.2965 0.35781 0.05048 0.76615 0.87722 0.49175 0.88827 0.23638 0.22762 0.0246 0.68815 0.37547 0.81569 0.55142 0.76022 0.53644 0.82545 0.67078 0.34902 0.14918 0.47263 0.39751 0.81827 0.88267 0.65467 0.09995 0.66315 0.21884 0.27669 0.59779 0.02619 0.94569 0.17825 0.8544 0.56356 0.7298 0.58418 0.10977 0.75707 0.52099 0.50519 0.57926 0.92201 0.13813 0.28471 0.34746 0.13783 0.80914 0.79921 0.59969 0.75194 0.7316 0.90372 0.96616 0.22773 0.52301 0.52222 0.96708 0.86752 0.37746 0.25009 0.22417 0.71802 0.76922 0.72876 0.13035 0.97542 0.96281 0.87645 0.55053 0.67407 0.76003 0.95783 0.61511 0.62787 0.30617 0.36935 0.04425 0.78007 0.54237 0.8264 0.2357 0.17108 0.98332 0.26468 0.59326 0.38464 0.40503 0.56692 0.66167 0.01653 0.3576 0.45216 0.2319 0.81018 0.21604 0.3795 0.31208 0.77099 0.3247 0.75295 0.6715 0.89109 0.90075 0.09701 0.7243 0.77209 0.95498 0.56045 0.62652 0.60704 0.14889 0.56252 0.46832 0.8737 0.4508 0.99245 0.9615 0.67558 0.40052 0.51054 0.92926 0.61403 0.79969 0.22112 0.96882 0.86554 0.23567 0.95638 0.58505 0.24848 0.71036 0.0989 0.3878 0.70956 0.38813 0.55197 0.27947 0.89733 0.70807 0.95787 0.05713 0.33034 0.65504 0.1478 0.58973 0.26509 0.18238 0.64329 0.62739 0.91327 0.03858 0.56707 0.70114 0.98847 0.05112 0.13618 0.38405 0.475 0.50847 0.98794 0.32694 0.76375 0.5516 0.09901 0.52324 0.76613 0.93992 0.96222 0.89127 0.99307 0.35419 0.56779 0.31473 0.20303 0.98543 0.12393 0.33976 0.04738 0.6033 0.55688 0.67768 0.31903 0.46566 0.48667 0.54937 0.73468 0.39856 0.60562 0.15287 0.37891 0.36657 0.68327 0.62319 0.24528 0.99406 0.2721 0.09041 0.55902 0.41517 0.86764 0.36187 0.88004 0.25045 0.23174 0.69751 0.49961 0.04658 0.10206 0.0181 0.11022 0.82167 0.25329 0.85565 0.90946 0.79262 0.70085 0.91204 0.84939 0.59652 0.49925 0.03604 0.02701 0.98344 0.78852 0.25435 0.54951 0.69752 0.51867 0.4572 0.53979 0.14515 0.25027 0.01929 0.04084 0.47355 0.46276 0.23696 0.00298 0.4281 0.51844 0.25209 0.48777 0.82476 0.97546 0.96126 0.75852 0.38022 0.57021 0.79358 0.69699 0.76647 0.7898 0.88628 0.57542 0.17333 0.19784 0.02798 0.40032 0.81183 0.21766 0.83057 0.33073 0.0726 0.96533 0.9595 0.55773 0.33931 0.67654 0.29233 0.8046 0.89201 0.17336 0.0467 0.32958 0.8414 0.95015 0.27171 0.28211 0.92194 0.97291 0.19563 0.71472 0.70909 0.17223 0.62109 0.06196 0.15569 0.98436 0.72212 0.34412 0.22584 0.39826 0.40552 0.40102 0.01527 0.0533 0.7975 0.47437 0.21621 0.77776 0.57221 0.59771 0.67216 0.76799 0.46912 0.10374 0.24325 0.83262 0.74136 0.91961 0.95718 0.3509 0.41355 0.2813 0.10165 0.25669 0.6501 0.2922 0.15772 0.96819 0.24733 0.80207 0.79594 0.31713 0.9603 0.36666 0.66497 0.81721 0.99664 0.6621 0.08989 0.43737 0.93162 0.30433 0.87437 0.8698 0.33444 0.33219 0.05478 0.55996 0.83357 0.70285 0.35992 0.25525 0.86617 0.99881 0.15469 0.90168 0.79376 0.75309 0.69813 0.61848 0.1939 0.85565 0.2354 0.17637 0.95331 0.05008 0.2928 0.00109 0.61508 0.95868 0.52327 0.60694 0.70808 0.34473 0.64774 0.96548 0.01822 0.65577 0.8031 0.87373 0.93055 0.05638 0.0163 0.25725 0.65399 0.11925 0.59513 0.49469 0.78396 0.88407 0.9699 0.14279 0.30209 0.68254 0.16953 0.97544 0.39471 0.45065 0.92381 0.78906 0.42567 0.56877 0.7373 0.43061 0.66669 0.63373 0.62791 0.1304 0.33306 0.12879 0.04369 0.10327
+0.49428 0.61183 0.8361 0.74039 0.37757 0.18979 0.87031 0.81234 0.83395 0.68638 0.22839 0.48297 0.65313 0.7282 0.43743 0.01166 0.24023 0.84411 0.36398 0.6737 0.25049 0.08565 0.73233 0.74329 0.54892 0.6408 0.19309 0.82271 0.71353 0.77737 0.63841 0.60841 0.16017 0.40112 0.56534 0.75722 0.61817 0.57342 0.49263 0.74841 0.51557 0.19601 0.51419 0.5678 0.32422 0.23382 0.66984 0.58367 0.5827 0.11236 0.62761 0.21811 0.10348 0.7996 0.43036 0.33456 0.85555 0.52346 0.67271 0.39639 0.33925 0.458 0.78917 0.14154 0.15352 0.03965 0.89572 0.63452 0.44083 0.70045 0.48909 0.95486 0.83996 0.43982 0.67174 0.77956 0.42228 0.93118 0.77697 0.48408 0.04156 0.55734 0.87608 0.05167 0.27014 0.124 0.69376 0.55639 0.32355 0.16708 0.87777 0.6385 0.91308 0.54161 0.0315 0.1218 0.1498 0.83872 0.10984 0.17545 0.98353 0.47651 0.5835 0.27217 0.4977 0.72689 0.1677 0.39874 0.22487 0.76525 0.88723 0.01169 0.89253 0.94806 0.56709 0.84004 0.82457 0.6345 0.71627 0.51019 0.17415 0.01183 0.61234 0.07023 0.77537 0.06771 0.00109 0.9045 0.67519 0.31708 0.32163 0.57185 0.97584 0.11867 0.97442 0.50953 0.58181 0.42951 0.38289 0.88363 0.72517 0.96185 0.23282 0.32077 0.02218 0.36427 0.04978 0.55809 0.37636 0.71107 0.31842 0.84596 0.22956 0.37953 0.22119 0.93365 0.11692 0.55602 0.63706 0.44345 0.53265 0.13903 0.91903 0.05272 0.70758 0.93425 0.67442 0.06308 0.55678 0.15468 0.99361 0.25469 0.87459 0.55004 0.66046 0.45725 0.98048 0.71987 0.26535 0.20337 0.15782 0.61404 0.56783 0.41766 0.37625 0.84031 0.06154 0.3942 0.5294 0.19796 0.06353 0.62773 0.07207 0.55836 0.72477 0.41771 0.569 0.64281 0.78489 0.59267 0.67773 0.90436 0.39582 0.48094 0.48293 0.30298 0.31685 0.96521 0.52714 0.2468 0.2641 0.84079 0.56629 0.4903 0.84912 0.48801 0.02812 0.79556 0.70025 0.84033 0.88706 0.66021 0.44567 0.00181 0.10867 0.54728 0.52554 0.08572 0.58156 0.27485 0.50074 0.28087 0.23456 0.57107 0.06403 0.53217 0.53947 0.52861 0.34089 0.05982 0.29464 0.94131 0.67133 0.15801 0.32751 0.92168 0.94046 0.75396 0.92704 0.53975 0.78043 0.50761 0.14221 0.56866 0.48892 0.56252 0.67135 0.369 0.24629 0.67348 0.48138 0.33611 0.92139 0.9758 0.35065 0.52601 0.41011 0.43185 0.27938 0.61916 0.75345 0.3639 0.47862 0.5512 0.41976 0.37125 0.27521 0.69898 0.49574 0.69618 0.79515 0.55769 0.20103 0.32778 0.63951 0.05131 0.46538 0.25865 0.93486 0.15027 0.83496 0.54524 0.86665 0.67871 0.49494 0.23258 0.4996 0.29279 0.0921 0.5869 0.194 0.93524 0.83004 0.4134 0.80754 0.10894 0.23641 0.02888 0.73443 0.96411 0.48499 0.00091 0.84458 0.42705 0.31144 0.61528 0.78226 0.69996 0.35318 0.75957 0.84809 0.31285 0.04058 0.69057 0.09304 0.71079 0.82009 0.26879 0.39671 0.42733 0.28936 0.21067 0.82877 0.72548 0.04235 0.03859 0.701 0.87627 0.09593 0.38286 0.28532 0.50796 0.75427 0.68909 0.212 0.83253 0.15483 0.89999 0.55536 0.63641 0.577 0.03498 0.54089 0.60162 0.1219 0.42859 0.72777 0.70321 0.15032 0.94102 0.11289 0.56429 0.83107 0.65422 0.62487 0.37257 0.75998 0.00214 0.84713 0.27887 0.88407 0.35798 0.98917 0.45284 0.17783 0.79628 0.28375 0.74651 0.36053 0.19375 0.0537 0.9288 0.47463 0.46721 0.97889 0.50887 0.67192 0.20437 0.85827 0.89488 0.22146 0.95899 0.1849 0.79033 0.03894 0.32691 0.90641 0.34242 0.3998 0.0235 0.82803 0.67929 0.07408 0.45002 0.25947 0.7452 0.18747 0.6296 0.54459 0.53775 0.65247 0.36004 0.9533 0.33564 0.19018 0.42809 0.00543 0.65831 0.07462 0.97369 0.09124 0.05282 0.99059 0.06061 0.06076 0.88128 0.31177 0.45322 0.38499 0.24042 0.76776 0.9404 0.70061 0.7399 0.2536 0.12148 0.60653 0.78071 0.22641 0.53059 0.13369 0.62631 0.23557 0.3013 0.20745 0.39089 0.45451 0.51862 0.03568 0.89514 0.85163 0.10333 0.41063 0.8173 0.42857 0.22664 0.19823 0.82179 0.2923 0.69515 0.65719 0.30985 0.68364 0.4383 0.10359 0.55518 0.90139 0.19754 0.25734 0.49506 0.44696 0.90014 0.26224 0.17008 0.41369 0.88151 0.18861 0.00782 0.58898 0.14504 0.68925 0.04018 0.97816 0.90275 0.18679 0.10465 0.50167 0.18444 0.47895 0.30115 0.68502 0.40643 0.98913 0.09803 0.36999 0.48141 0.06581 0.10467 0.04524 0.75448 0.84073 0.99421 0.49098 0.13908 0.11722 0.51765 0.2352 0.70965 0.3736 0.91242 0.00288 0.66105
+0.71405 0.58063 0.53468 0.6698 0.37157 0.05767 0.34282 0.09191 0.10978 0.05493 0.85651 0.72996 0.84414 0.04039 0.60757 0.47516 0.92416 0.32836 0.96117 0.78342 0.94656 0.3789 0.3743 0.03799 0.56045 0.05066 0.211 0.27812 0.82813 0.19491 0.30676 0.8248 0.21522 0.53167 0.89055 0.16359 0.22356 0.50237 0.95198 0.10231 0.09165 0.70751 0.628 0.101 0.21279 0.12187 0.92376 0.25404 0.425 0.36033 0.45926 0.6062 0.5045 0.23436 0.39256 0.07602 0.51731 0.4979 0.89709 0.75523 0.58506 0.25428 0.89437 0.46301 0.18109 0.2491 0.82636 0.85252 0.57676 0.13433 0.08812 0.79331 0.64171 0.50901 0.95881 0.93561 0.40959 0.98281 0.29155 0.39784 0.74919 0.0798 0.04571 0.81979 0.37768 0.74865 0.49204 0.73765 0.52958 0.25118 0.99924 0.11439 0.33717 0.84501 0.53099 0.88615 0.26035 0.15654 0.62876 0.22128 0.04478 0.9469 0.82921 0.00528 0.29194 0.14727 0.3139 0.65293 0.70827 0.182 0.93925 0.27947 0.00302 0.73443 0.47387 0.72051 0.20426 0.29452 0.16378 0.43142 0.60584 0.33675 0.12021 0.92475 0.68355 0.28534 0.63913 0.41233 0.86958 0.29372 0.47479 0.53737 0.22921 0.47734 0.58497 0.04933 0.56957 0.73165 0.43222 0.22002 0.86386 0.44535 0.85445 0.3909 0.84407 0.30447 0.65211 0.02719 0.93278 0.988 0.78246 0.92301 0.27747 0.36271 0.92292 0.261 0.80606 0.89554 0.33716 0.10168 0.30431 0.91255 0.6395 0.73541 0.83252 0.25608 0.93743 0.39276 0.19139 0.34258 0.91745 0.33722 0.74682 0.61084 0.2589 0.33933 0.06712 0.71832 0.78801 0.68603 0.88974 0.99911 0.7947 0.60008 0.94031 0.02384 0.11267 0.75865 0.7175 0.21325 0.76794 0.29238 0.499 0.6453 0.51563 0.4409 0.36783 0.99606 0.55149 0.36016 0.1689 0.21667 0.84479 0.51113 0.21632 0.67761 0.46084 0.53686 0.34565 0.05897 0.88764 0.33076 0.02789 0.22394 0.06358 0.70674 0.52013 0.6593 0.17471 0.04192 0.54 0.90884 0.72884 0.1451 0.97578 0.61397 0.50161 0.67229 0.63708 0.61566 0.31359 0.40076 0.3187 0.9955 0.28559 0.95669 0.81112 0.73889 0.59815 0.58196 0.54719 0.04608 0.90119 0.42343 0.11812 0.2291 0.62888 0.1318 0.12604 0.2778 0.37265 0.13114 0.88504 0.66468 0.53907 0.14131 0.16 0.52872 0.03316 0.44105 0.27088 0.20005 0.59482 0.07896 0.33403 0.48478 0.1259 0.63476 0.02616 0.614 0.68989 0.1401 0.66368 0.65575 0.69994 0.06403 0.63131 0.31448 0.12541 0.88626 0.52683 0.47292 0.16962 0.57825 0.62551 0.76655 0.31804 0.69921 0.24556 0.36393 0.22765 0.52195 0.03058 0.37401 0.0677 0.268 0.82787 0.04724 0.83144 0.76771 0.42297 0.49383 0.56652 0.11945 0.5025 0.31517 0.95219 0.8133 0.99229 0.35725 0.61821 0.84636 0.49442 0.02715 0.60227 0.91629 0.01817 0.66558 0.51724 0.91812 0.25144 0.78353 0.31155 0.37914 0.57212 0.99386 0.94158 0.57671 0.15258 0.76595 0.60264 0.07903 0.02416 0.80363 0.3075 0.74628 0.84607 0.34915 0.98184 0.21437 0.40559 0.47624 0.50257 0.87727 0.48067 0.1469 0.13938 0.16695 0.62527 0.83689 0.49216 0.92284 0.30998 0.80992 0.59667 0.38389 0.39875 0.94932 0.53692 0.76617 0.65964 0.48562 0.21288 0.29314 0.06736 0.12714 0.65911 0.18592 0.67821 0.79938 0.94065 0.04836 0.75352 0.05455 0.01044 0.41771 0.4302 0.90668 0.76775 0.11893 0.05953 0.14302 0.71419 0.13362 0.89115 0.68386 0.05588 0.66428 0.07597 0.45031 0.974 0.36318 0.49696 0.60412 0.5245 0.0723 0.64439 0.47769 0.76353 0.83997 0.60811 0.64503 0.81387 0.45577 0.05728 0.30089 0.74628 0.22953 0.85273 0.64029 0.67564 0.5143 0.10981 0.78943 0.60884 0.92529 0.86154 0.94694 0.78688 0.16066 0.08314 0.65939 0.03529 0.55195 0.50572 0.74133 0.89998 0.91694 0.5521 0.95995 0.66275 0.72204 0.96539 0.4751 0.48484 0.72115 0.01002 0.57654 0.33986 0.75919 0.46126 0.86757 0.50908 0.066 0.46391 0.56988 0.79882 0.02727 0.57668 0.61766 0.4753 0.64831 0.07372 0.79726 0.76306 0.38932 0.46249 0.27615 0.65956 0.04945 0.63016 0.50299 0.66236 0.9627 0.04597 0.84446 0.48923 0.79053 0.28704 0.681 0.69843 0.20138 0.90133 0.67057 0.34344 0.95269 0.83187 0.5701 0.23597 0.56388 0.7177 0.4669 0.02556 0.62828 0.63922 0.23446 0.09598 0.58983 0.25978 0.23261 0.65442 0.68437 0.78013 0.00605 0.36077 0.83812 0.33639 0.44014 0.39328 0.04028 0.9116 0.57609 0.5096 0.14455 0.57785 0.33228 0.86746 0.29728 0.33316 0.21902 0.96837 0.61746
+0.78201 0.44744 0.40203 0.85008 0.32297 0.11163 0.29279 0.45887 0.05418 0.00365 0.79349 0.99574 0.02558 0.12856 0.63661 0.06671 0.53839 0.50255 0.21317 0.80613 0.79523 0.04163 0.99633 0.47368 0.00434 0.01416 0.28799 0.45682 0.26971 0.54444 0.73748 0.83248 0.52164 0.4494 0.23494 0.30053 0.67069 0.61373 0.87912 0.95573 0.67018 0.50921 0.08128 0.18712 0.82198 0.89859 0.27778 0.37045 0.87548 0.39028 0.52246 0.46179 0.90408 0.37475 0.7951 0.6663 0.31422 0.97106 0.10525 0.82043 0.05247 0.97713 0.63997 0.32405 0.58096 0.64874 0.50677 0.71252 0.04122 0.6396 0.57352 0.05621 0.31534 0.65983 0.69425 0.15214 0.62611 0.06621 0.19153 0.2874 0.49245 0.37578 0.67143 0.74513 0.24234 0.28649 0.04438 0.90638 0.56559 0.62683 0.0574 0.92999 0.37942 0.38886 0.68323 0.94873 0.73838 0.11884 0.7473 0.92707 0.43875 0.6107 0.27172 0.7481 0.99014 0.72326 0.17481 0.57773 0.122 0.64419 0.39637 0.17067 0.69613 0.70147 0.86133 0.87453 0.92115 0.95602 0.23719 0.44862 0.82065 0.61639 0.04584 0.54742 0.3869 0.52894 0.45785 0.54984 0.09759 0.01886 0.89562 0.3016 0.94274 0.39905 0.22323 0.33081 0.60164 0.42713 0.69614 0.0587 0.01777 0.65656 0.00412 0.83535 0.73448 0.2535 0.55623 0.04173 0.21887 0.71891 0.96207 0.87981 0.2702 0.50082 0.30969 0.42617 0.65995 0.51669 0.65194 0.95549 0.46545 0.71558 0.09113 0.4387 0.8532 0.16971 0.40118 0.6563 0.6489 0.55352 0.93146 0.23086 0.01405 0.11935 0.05938 0.63534 0.22664 0.69892 0.35119 0.27418 0.01777 0.32338 0.19412 0.97429 0.0584 0.38757 0.52342 0.46157 0.36363 0.06838 0.36532 0.49598 0.74373 0.87363 0.27489 0.8205 0.43426 0.47968 0.74609 0.76236 0.29845 0.27039 0.74918 0.28601 0.87736 0.18101 0.68236 0.12306 0.61594 0.17679 0.92827 0.1848 0.22971 0.83158 0.22855 0.68256 0.70077 0.1326 0.16619 0.06575 0.96838 0.50668 0.00792 0.55204 0.43654 0.42352 0.32691 0.53779 0.9054 0.67202 0.48601 0.9484 0.19001 0.82667 0.65306 0.99512 0.47508 0.39081 0.95616 0.20273 0.78301 0.48523 0.88114 0.77771 0.13073 0.14288 0.6457 0.61913 0.65705 0.28463 0.36111 0.67698 0.11558 0.8592 0.50538 0.97363 0.10083 0.36114 0.30913 0.48852 0.6458 0.00431 0.39845 0.57052 0.56189 0.84879 0.60731 0.23756 0.82781 0.15869 0.33149 0.49165 0.43926 0.59567 0.12326 0.94715 0.35963 0.48172 0.441 0.95864 0.73594 0.09422 0.59451 0.1034 0.33317 0.65148 0.25366 0.00867 0.91593 0.66326 0.22839 0.51681 0.40852 0.05297 0.35832 0.57098 0.07361 0.45349 0.20395 0.58369 0.79908 0.1607 0.04743 0.61443 0.73289 0.96639 0.09309 0.11014 0.17721 0.17296 0.88655 0.54909 0.43659 0.10106 0.93513 0.35713 0.5811 0.63964 0.55495 0.41191 0.776 0.02599 0.3135 0.88856 0.92511 0.25221 0.0849 0.91652 0.2437 0.37181 0.71416 0.9755 0.43961 0.66147 0.02038 0.6105 0.12712 0.89392 0.31328 0.51379 0.04208 0.59067 0.1539 0.02161 0.63251 0.69749 0.21843 0.47123 0.23385 0.75441 0.63794 0.96436 0.12244 0.77751 0.89617 0.91693 0.63445 0.95636 0.04398 0.47558 0.11754 0.77432 0.98985 0.496 0.43073 0.72128 0.30504 0.34976 0.14768 0.65846 0.77111 0.45996 0.49475 0.27627 0.59491 0.45785 0.21684 0.91369 0.37246 0.4111 0.31974 0.61209 0.05083 0.59308 0.73976 0.70842 0.34739 0.91231 0.90277 0.65551 0.24321 0.82518 0.31669 0.51182 0.73744 0.94343 0.24103 0.17431 0.54509 0.22743 0.71179 0.98842 0.95947 0.01169 0.32493 0.92922 0.22776 0.94555 0.22214 0.58671 0.90321 0.43266 0.98562 0.29884 0.25307 0.96966 0.69586 0.74165 0.30663 0.23757 0.79153 0.58291 0.23383 0.93954 0.51269 0.20852 0.53272 0.82654 0.68342 0.45254 0.59717 0.34434 0.104 0.80142 0.24937 0.80439 0.86323 0.67524 0.41818 0.463 0.6776 0.88614 0.44054 0.17236 0.69317 0.53778 0.80215 0.07786 0.89885 0.58584 0.44127 0.48573 0.63737 0.32162 0.50747 0.58287 0.02982 0.87555 0.39646 0.83284 0.92705 0.62642 0.58693 0.0265 0.17429 0.66597 0.91077 0.90271 0.45631 0.00093 0.77927 0.81038 0.66244 0.65984 0.4066 0.37891 0.10409 0.28182 0.70852 0.23362 0.96307 0.60802 0.96301 0.19718 0.98242 0.49077 0.08746 0.88687 0.73962 0.50594 0.87817 0.7731 0.94213 0.45105 0.02423 0.90077 0.98985 0.68036 0.79703 0.15183 0.06484 0.04244 0.06736 0.32548 0.93298 0.94929 0.71053 0.54442 0.85706 0.85644 0.38478 0.135
+0.613 0.06146 0.66437 0.69547 0.60562 0.78187 0.73791 0.07242 0.1456 0.27727 0.09203 0.44284 0.92403 0.35169 0.87222 0.33417 0.04927 0.14538 0.14324 0.23867 0.11645 0.76802 0.91682 0.86659 0.13836 0.12898 0.02081 0.33328 0.61346 0.41595 0.66927 0.04022 0.48171 0.63214 0.6489 0.48471 0.96303 0.82681 0.64386 0.65643 0.38656 0.08971 0.77911 0.35978 0.87889 0.12781 0.07241 0.76969 0.8287 0.94879 0.58789 0.30692 0.03518 0.66458 0.58867 0.82873 0.88521 0.73068 0.40852 0.47284 0.52316 0.65789 0.02792 0.52739 0.82572 0.47933 0.14084 0.26817 0.10748 0.71238 0.97219 0.19869 0.06131 0.02519 0.65171 0.56794 0.63085 0.55069 0.3977 0.28257 0.27693 0.36422 0.65092 0.48052 0.61776 0.08253 0.47373 0.04981 0.17751 0.15205 0.92332 0.46101 0.65509 0.2279 0.23912 0.94563 0.8513 0.50842 0.14353 0.92754 0.9751 0.33088 0.86278 0.18419 0.9115 0.99173 0.93381 0.09158 0.29397 0.8171 0.19053 0.42125 0.90366 0.07622 0.50659 0.83485 0.21883 0.08803 0.23707 0.25792 0.22824 0.99621 0.61882 0.86654 0.47003 0.35871 0.44712 0.66682 0.43221 0.34978 0.73582 0.20759 0.39028 0.01072 0.68563 0.24911 0.66652 0.51291 0.13177 0.38802 0.68397 0.53505 0.51553 0.98091 0.17479 0.01583 0.22965 0.21877 0.35848 0.90991 0.01682 0.96425 0.70464 0.00857 0.88453 0.76976 0.2067 0.964 0.31611 0.01043 0.31149 0.64708 0.08872 0.16246 0.64868 0.06439 0.76834 0.68731 0.17232 0.8064 0.9446 0.10152 0.12544 0.26431 0.86579 0.80852 0.36073 0.78356 0.14397 0.31704 0.66262 0.32712 0.38657 0.79845 0.51482 0.03253 0.40323 0.19027 0.7532 0.56835 0.93764 0.73808 0.06709 0.83736 0.97158 0.20395 0.00272 0.29532 0.20216 0.13975 0.34244 0.12185 0.43122 0.9428 0.06538 0.88853 0.63118 0.47364 0.99469 0.9794 0.16976 0.09503 0.86839 0.51257 0.51144 0.67076 0.69775 0.80499 0.66803 0.30356 0.92498 0.19659 0.19921 0.02832 0.88804 0.57086 0.41499 0.15753 0.70244 0.63571 0.57301 0.5602 0.51783 0.56107 0.31859 0.12834 0.90456 0.16231 0.60651 0.78565 0.65518 0.0405 0.74166 0.1893 0.70861 0.23948 0.26711 0.14433 0.67024 0.31772 0.83252 0.57885 0.19905 0.93213 0.44998 0.6596 0.53044 0.1486 0.21674 0.52825 0.8829 0.30664 0.91963 0.79188 0.37237 0.07504 0.3598 0.87524 0.08961 0.4444 0.76459 0.23867 0.79044 0.48725 0.62219 0.06401 0.1632 0.02961 0.6729 0.26241 0.76064 0.30175 0.71854 0.32359 0.70992 0.96593 0.06936 0.80136 0.70236 0.11714 0.40656 0.3592 0.22297 0.33925 0.61194 0.56157 0.77304 0.34226 0.66014 0.41989 0.78567 0.76358 0.43666 0.94697 0.19444 0.34095 0.24596 0.65938 0.20399 0.10702 0.38753 0.55471 0.45133 0.6708 0.09444 0.24678 0.25871 0.59789 0.06302 0.15166 0.72758 0.80542 0.13493 0.41941 0.08608 0.49549 0.56294 0.00831 0.67721 0.34583 0.61055 0.97377 0.93975 0.61973 0.39093 0.20665 0.80288 0.93043 0.09337 0.09567 0.48696 0.16606 0.568 0.69784 0.59605 0.68705 0.41219 0.39027 0.94017 0.0007 0.32016 0.27648 0.18041 0.26684 0.75317 0.66258 0.27064 0.75827 0.37348 0.93463 0.30478 0.7243 0.17464 0.61334 0.27317 0.00429 0.94006 0.93433 0.30106 0.68889 0.27432 0.29932 0.13684 0.809 0.94461 0.71091 0.26409 0.87763 0.69555 0.88885 0.62248 0.84173 0.93779 0.4141 0.52256 0.71348 0.03771 0.12997 0.8658 0.43543 0.33325 0.9019 0.52339 0.78625 0.13789 0.20819 0.72091 0.00766 0.08263 0.7279 0.36685 0.7884 0.10106 0.10405 0.33126 0.42204 0.91579 0.83691 0.37516 0.84407 0.04209 0.27064 0.78732 0.19426 0.08425 0.99312 0.59801 0.20322 0.78612 0.36887 0.09349 0.07548 0.83573 0.73418 0.72697 0.42638 0.98907 0.61109 0.75818 0.81445 0.68435 0.954 0.2122 0.08394 0.66062 0.59002 0.88598 0.5904 0.29249 0.29682 0.50383 0.26011 0.65978 0.03742 0.09375 0.7999 0.98076 0.07149 0.52213 0.24415 0.08081 0.22432 0.01046 0.02244 0.74789 0.16975 0.9086 0.50986 0.01971 0.08654 0.5029 0.34834 0.72987 0.87835 0.52339 0.15389 0.96448 0.4392 0.85802 0.2091 0.88249 0.3957 0.35554 0.3427 0.61554 0.16266 0.6235 0.93344 0.38057 0.30646 0.87515 0.28668 0.73743 0.34303 0.78413 0.21189 0.38198 0.51452 0.70941 0.50234 0.47435 0.39229 0.64145 0.42026 0.13577 0.51173 0.34835 0.10605 0.89138 0.55042 0.33772 0.55543 0.52751 0.47916 0.43562 0.03461 0.27685 0.37345 0.6613 0.60422 0.27735 0.43453
+0.66087 0.12827 0.57804 0.55496 0.74865 0.80235 0.67447 0.51949 0.97775 0.20331 0.13835 0.25287 0.27726 0.92811 0.68877 0.38193 0.27261 0.88571 0.03521 0.40895 0.96389 0.1848 0.8985 0.04692 0.39131 0.07748 0.04606 0.99466 0.99133 0.75226 0.53573 0.84732 0.07743 0.63747 0.53472 0.5076 0.21651 0.27044 0.68126 0.66898 0.96857 0.08715 0.17051 0.33039 0.92785 0.923 0.81016 0.53466 0.62635 0.1214 0.0921 0.49949 0.25556 0.59645 0.97835 0.42978 0.85577 0.96531 0.17375 0.14438 0.09297 0.92892 0.47684 0.66176 0.29607 0.52255 0.53778 0.84455 0.12764 0.37766 0.98908 0.99379 0.20664 0.27032 0.19391 0.09496 0.76689 0.92534 0.21585 0.0602 0.58151 0.2892 0.5907 0.5188 0.9765 0.38507 0.73776 0.88019 0.41054 0.07187 0.75181 0.98623 0.62633 0.6306 0.23007 0.09424 0.42948 0.64674 0.98029 0.273 0.79228 0.08579 0.6146 0.26522 0.0013 0.43005 0.08018 0.49762 0.21935 0.17396 0.66506 0.20312 0.46721 0.03637 0.31965 0.56933 0.54672 0.2339 0.32949 0.07459 0.74031 0.05838 0.05895 0.49144 0.28645 0.75328 0.20274 0.95601 0.06232 0.44554 0.64682 0.2459 0.24605 0.86337 0.34491 0.56578 0.90704 0.0736 0.34812 0.54585 0.38102 0.3943 0.11163 0.63481 0.00599 0.22034 0.65191 0.3066 0.22387 0.01352 0.76591 0.89354 0.11653 0.37938 0.09279 0.18061 0.55986 0.95452 0.78849 0.13767 0.03418 0.39961 0.5679 0.67861 0.45763 0.73186 0.1336 0.48946 0.50832 0.78335 0.68423 0.03351 0.32895 0.36013 0.70569 0.84823 0.49934 0.87887 0.49383 0.48251 0.71176 0.89431 0.96513 0.64527 0.8069 0.13524 0.74559 0.81753 0.30862 0.08436 0.13515 0.25559 0.44883 0.48931 0.30532 0.24543 0.71887 0.76391 0.35952 0.67834 0.61171 0.91902 0.70967 0.70317 0.21998 0.15715 0.30586 0.04213 0.18047 0.30916 0.9704 0.87428 0.87973 0.46662 0.15945 0.28938 0.26202 0.6547 0.94559 0.12459 0.49548 0.97389 0.87231 0.31554 0.44083 0.12806 0.60196 0.72975 0.41017 0.84499 0.73758 0.79278 0.6983 0.9963 0.01399 0.76422 0.23371 0.40323 0.74066 0.78893 0.74891 0.69097 0.00272 0.04991 0.12364 0.04771 0.9653 0.07451 0.89005 0.76297 0.41989 0.9126 0.37769 0.93562 0.72842 0.04778 0.52727 0.95371 0.20079 0.60843 0.62056 0.35766 0.40593 0.16266 0.26356 0.80173 0.79515 0.10481 0.23161 0.30381 0.74711 0.72562 0.37748 0.06531 0.44473 0.46193 0.52551 0.14238 0.20728 0.32712 0.35248 0.704 0.24318 0.94901 0.49367 0.44252 0.83139 0.76439 0.1032 0.547 0.00584 0.54044 0.43105 0.56937 0.41973 0.33714 0.07816 0.39826 0.23973 0.91064 0.39005 0.09739 0.70666 0.70053 0.03014 0.20252 0.72846 0.27733 0.01793 0.7367 0.05458 0.82 0.16811 0.22625 0.61765 0.21958 0.87182 0.77345 0.95456 0.7145 0.76111 0.07297 0.19173 0.89258 0.36934 0.25948 0.19522 0.32644 0.42437 0.47043 0.48134 0.83419 0.73504 0.85748 0.63657 0.68684 0.76511 0.43446 0.89818 0.66193 0.36792 0.72575 0.79753 0.67317 0.91663 0.8086 0.66256 0.01758 0.13956 0.42381 0.53432 0.86524 0.95442 0.93228 0.65189 0.13852 0.84815 0.37454 0.35604 0.33294 0.15647 0.76592 0.97906 0.86633 0.83158 0.47082 0.02627 0.0803 0.27104 0.38114 0.67216 0.67253 0.91813 0.07064 0.26959 0.53013 0.31715 0.24581 0.89665 0.778 0.14798 0.88052 0.96986 0.45166 0.26035 0.897 0.65037 0.40477 0.47054 0.78068 0.72684 0.2216 0.65754 0.36858 0.52714 0.21664 0.05066 0.13506 0.11416 0.4126 0.39999 0.5324 0.18559 0.50466 0.30372 0.1922 0.70978 0.57903 0.30834 0.16193 0.78937 0.4631 0.02132 0.83088 0.80629 0.49649 0.25769 0.9419 0.99662 0.99281 0.07859 0.98528 0.94449 0.4011 0.58247 0.46675 0.79425 0.11801 0.19384 0.54032 0.38654 0.87035 0.56054 0.73521 0.89279 0.23678 0.96099 0.90891 0.38984 0.69795 0.75171 0.02262 0.12173 0.26272 0.28866 0.7687 0.67025 0.69453 0.30531 0.09313 0.81893 0.45029 0.69725 0.86368 0.5499 0.1336 0.94281 0.85309 0.92142 0.93621 0.91606 0.16862 0.24789 0.47228 0.03963 0.30213 0.16916 0.70086 0.26908 0.07454 0.79339 0.96171 0.39937 0.01816 0.10119 0.72236 0.2108 0.83431 0.18632 0.80186 0.128 0.33509 0.69043 0.28692 0.11712 0.24907 0.22642 0.43802 0.02311 0.56827 0.97837 0.79563 0.82096 0.72695 0.25956 0.4958 0.40258 0.89285 0.11022 0.54586 0.34564 0.51057 0.75916 0.00111 0.89832 0.20037 0.61557 0.42538 0.36968 0.75367 0.19351 0.28125
+0.47399 0.89933 0.06354 0.16034 0.01921 0.88388 0.32374 0.1372 0.34409 0.40204 0.82051 0.00929 0.55009 0.91981 0.24041 0.69998 0.99363 0.59693 0.54011 0.39482 0.54153 0.28561 0.37192 0.492 0.79495 0.73312 0.09196 0.96524 0.67189 0.44809 0.49616 0.74258 0.32375 0.36508 0.82778 0.69487 0.95468 0.06783 0.32048 0.0461 0.83403 0.853 0.70149 0.17697 0.38476 0.03437 0.41345 0.89399 0.89861 0.40601 0.7989 0.22819 0.08255 0.01511 0.36875 0.78859 0.92531 0.35609 0.27299 0.34815 0.25029 0.23791 0.02676 0.31158 0.53118 0.92856 0.38099 0.55339 0.96496 0.74288 0.75637 0.05036 0.60842 0.03282 0.45073 0.62326 0.19066 0.75106 0.66557 0.69967 0.14639 0.52455 0.83452 0.44147 0.04569 0.38463 0.05616 0.18001 0.77955 0.6178 0.93766 0.43534 0.1791 0.47533 0.89556 0.06889 0.06502 0.99976 0.97244 0.56895 0.00444 0.23265 0.56244 0.53128 0.47615 0.7929 0.05591 0.07447 0.16158 0.8512 0.88639 0.10221 0.60288 0.91383 0.22597 0.76738 0.63013 0.31606 0.25178 0.50155 0.18681 0.50393 0.35849 0.84263 0.14534 0.70064 0.0513 0.00954 0.66435 0.27045 0.44999 0.48121 0.25186 0.01244 0.03239 0.51874 0.05109 0.40658 0.33035 0.53988 0.99758 0.56948 0.84402 0.05525 0.4408 0.54954 0.74816 0.11236 0.88739 0.18703 0.6342 0.06773 0.50611 0.91668 0.71406 0.72147 0.31585 0.07415 0.04629 0.66629 0.41682 0.94637 0.37578 0.24727 0.3191 0.34725 0.7601 0.56124 0.33528 0.84462 0.33615 0.72239 0.07911 0.0811 0.08373 0.19706 0.47464 0.93405 0.79164 0.11958 0.15556 0.36658 0.2602 0.04549 0.44185 0.88562 0.61206 0.68618 0.66177 0.36454 0.23704 0.53112 0.22924 0.13932 0.15308 0.02328 0.1804 0.18218 0.93129 0.98802 0.70254 0.84338 0.54359 0.4752 0.0044 0.62628 0.73593 0.70993 0.78008 0.4645 0.54851 0.46352 0.09384 0.80562 0.94785 0.18752 0.24359 0.51793 0.10906 0.08161 0.72322 0.76598 0.51232 0.7125 0.17143 0.73867 0.77095 0.84154 0.51673 0.76826 0.14195 0.61786 0.34616 0.72539 0.06806 0.61607 0.70577 0.63754 0.24711 0.03559 0.10169 0.128 0.84608 0.12423 0.53222 0.77973 0.87033 0.27213 0.24111 0.44742 0.21829 0.64957 0.46402 0.92469 0.76084 0.60065 0.70562 0.33614 0.533 0.45242 0.89116 0.33015 0.75417 0.60436 0.11077 0.75985 0.59793 0.91828 0.1754 0.29955 0.15861 0.99716 0.64505 0.5641 0.53299 0.34886 0.45859 0.57828 0.21796 0.55316 0.09359 0.80165 0.83185 0.45401 0.46825 0.17335 0.9648 0.77785 0.18633 0.72589 0.11065 0.976 0.45046 0.18621 0.80608 0.91552 0.91696 0.11282 0.30298 0.37473 0.41701 0.20457 0.46478 0.7321 0.0678 0.46229 0.81049 0.5206 0.4669 0.08566 0.20156 0.49738 0.10733 0.64454 0.7767 0.42187 0.32003 0.31094 0.92429 0.73253 0.38371 0.75757 0.26767 0.96524 0.04555 0.25765 0.19604 0.36616 0.50993 0.92049 0.17841 0.93356 0.67206 0.09449 0.08332 0.78377 0.38008 0.86417 0.21953 0.13568 0.84807 0.55443 0.54956 0.45482 0.27578 0.41367 0.21647 0.50089 0.08529 0.37338 0.10364 0.79922 0.9553 0.61102 0.20679 0.97242 0.2477 0.05595 0.88923 0.81145 0.37844 0.12812 0.16917 0.4667 0.24221 0.51573 0.44485 0.00965 0.1439 0.26024 0.27232 0.38849 0.18794 0.66991 0.13348 0.79286 0.52292 0.18132 0.27435 0.72598 0.84265 0.37585 0.32756 0.5995 0.32349 0.79205 0.19912 0.09709 0.03382 0.16297 0.85114 0.78009 0.90993 0.58793 0.78366 0.04384 0.38602 0.0016 0.44673 0.7908 0.37378 0.01377 0.01412 0.44543 0.32424 0.82129 0.19689 0.42596 0.88211 0.80886 0.25901 0.01682 0.62118 0.71155 0.9546 0.06347 0.64146 0.67919 0.36438 0.05833 0.27723 0.81476 0.40274 0.8749 0.5458 0.70205 0.47584 0.21093 0.52251 0.43401 0.80055 0.46436 0.7276 0.68772 0.24886 0.0296 0.57617 0.70375 0.51097 0.94016 0.12075 0.10257 0.58468 0.72139 0.6695 0.14714 0.56014 0.52036 0.52019 0.95504 0.91413 0.31069 0.93662 0.36102 0.0834 0.90267 0.12902 0.43633 0.75125 0.74773 0.17881 0.00461 0.69067 0.17057 0.02741 0.07961 0.03242 0.10952 0.72783 0.29479 0.62367 0.72431 0.63324 0.48807 0.02013 0.43692 0.28382 0.34415 0.75 0.96492 0.73754 0.49285 0.65239 0.95794 0.63696 0.81654 0.24487 0.48125 0.79399 0.23513 0.75166 0.2669 0.93027 0.19948 0.87077 0.41908 0.44012 0.6623 0.20128 0.27471 0.64952 0.57559 0.47 0.81342 0.04735 0.77008 0.22628 0.19266 0.44899 0.04893 0.76812 0.01825
+0.28861 0.56237 0.49159 0.47151 0.27371 0.06394 0.41349 0.78686 0.08204 0.78941 0.27762 0.04001 0.78183 0.37936 0.1384 0.5263 0.54145 0.1713 0.65913 0.04613 0.93998 0.89785 0.97282 0.2063 0.14149 0.87683 0.83953 0.1401 0.3554 0.58951 0.9257 0.30224 0.51299 0.83817 0.67068 0.22882 0.18449 0.42046 0.86947 0.5721 0.09921 0.33128 0.18554 0.66307 0.38952 0.51239 0.72817 0.25473 0.25296 0.85459 0.816 0.20491 0.95956 0.21254 0.51566 0.14679 0.37928 0.3124 0.12922 0.9369 0.06654 0.69428 0.48134 0.17252 0.79669 0.64065 0.89821 0.12102 0.39633 0.32984 0.24032 0.4241 0.49548 0.49016 0.98802 0.11727 0.5127 0.40905 0.43221 0.08949 0.43448 0.87626 0.57557 0.10664 0.48775 0.25997 0.03652 0.70826 0.51569 0.15644 0.21492 0.14576 0.66601 0.13174 0.60996 0.25267 0.90486 0.78878 0.91636 0.45001 0.58672 0.34831 0.59242 0.19004 0.38865 0.47865 0.18758 0.04911 0.0545 0.25024 0.00454 0.76335 0.76366 0.59383 0.55469 0.7444 0.69074 0.1124 0.95343 0.09279 0.5647 0.83801 0.97572 0.79953 0.72876 0.41084 0.30931 0.33254 0.32283 0.12598 0.73125 0.86728 0.70333 0.82223 0.1742 0.06827 0.30258 0.40228 0.52183 0.91564 0.4848 0.26171 0.40151 0.89037 0.15797 0.46738 0.26945 0.02172 0.32134 0.49647 0.16765 0.098 0.42567 0.87833 0.39876 0.088 0.68922 0.40224 0.32084 0.35234 0.54063 0.71076 0.97925 0.25168 0.29846 0.68577 0.18777 0.37436 0.61442 0.70243 0.48151 0.57092 0.92597 0.30542 0.4929 0.72233 0.577 0.53429 0.94218 0.86434 0.18845 0.07599 0.14012 0.72939 0.27443 0.87051 0.49126 0.6511 0.08519 0.05192 0.76252 0.06856 0.66584 0.42524 0.77288 0.77124 0.04566 0.5674 0.57139 0.18949 0.97509 0.79329 0.51647 0.20423 0.74275 0.90569 0.21617 0.13895 0.70326 0.52788 0.07075 0.93767 0.25058 0.20462 0.25519 0.3158 0.22272 0.65255 0.84673 0.84261 0.18677 0.1195 0.23208 0.46189 0.92135 0.79899 0.62569 0.87447 0.4124 0.41639 0.39605 0.58218 0.3698 0.26619 0.63714 0.54457 0.67432 0.67345 0.34743 0.98707 0.83037 0.98459 0.83993 0.90672 0.72394 0.80994 0.81909 0.56184 0.45956 0.78183 0.75204 0.7583 0.0291 0.25549 0.29847 0.03967 0.07471 0.86871 0.71065 0.01681 0.35523 0.31065 0.98224 0.62046 0.31905 0.44605 0.40897 0.25478 0.11259 0.22099 0.2257 0.17181 0.34678 0.16103 0.52936 0.91642 0.76067 0.72441 0.46815 0.59183 0.53399 0.83848 0.7913 0.68423 0.77845 0.82858 0.91362 0.50182 0.06757 0.12142 0.04459 0.26785 0.66391 0.03911 0.12551 0.64024 0.02553 0.22233 0.35861 0.43676 0.43742 0.589 0.71273 0.4656 0.26406 0.72001 0.76529 0.30277 0.31602 0.12715 0.0521 0.28632 0.25056 0.03172 0.15383 0.01386 0.45464 0.40279 0.10535 0.40202 0.29523 0.11937 0.17403 0.04972 0.5633 0.47271 0.00796 0.37397 0.92785 0.35289 0.21295 0.16145 0.72274 0.56262 0.40472 0.17434 0.03704 0.27405 0.08616 0.91312 0.15231 0.15454 0.13444 0.11237 0.50496 0.53338 0.00703 0.32871 0.88796 0.64331 0.63475 0.82462 0.6703 0.30437 0.17904 0.61509 0.91926 0.61358 0.69027 0.32848 0.98871 0.81866 0.60481 0.96673 0.87557 0.94431 0.93177 0.15177 0.86485 0.37345 0.61876 0.27086 0.84238 0.42386 0.24219 0.21146 0.29427 0.62215 0.12269 0.24384 0.66365 0.35546 0.40611 0.03639 0.0518 0.31996 0.42517 0.81988 0.95243 0.33636 0.46487 0.01498 0.67244 0.53715 0.74969 0.32429 0.5527 0.19203 0.05396 0.39411 0.04877 0.15922 0.19444 0.65096 0.96646 0.30813 0.14371 0.91877 0.82856 0.88114 0.83206 0.92047 0.75727 0.25462 0.63356 0.45664 0.87427 0.70498 0.57485 0.37635 0.66791 0.46359 0.25394 0.84334 0.09887 0.98286 0.75682 0.18684 0.93456 0.72895 0.94808 0.62763 0.1564 0.36393 0.50651 0.52013 0.7549 0.41041 0.4736 0.29874 0.88704 0.7815 0.62045 0.78895 0.14521 0.45309 0.64448 0.77227 0.54974 0.96737 0.29144 0.11798 0.54551 0.7312 0.94225 0.06998 0.76882 0.69479 0.99021 0.66964 0.00702 0.5382 0.65065 0.58374 0.19228 0.56715 0.11055 0.60476 0.24285 0.03294 0.21549 0.98898 0.30423 0.74553 0.36877 0.91771 0.81829 0.19428 0.27019 0.45755 0.10348 0.38614 0.09848 0.65215 0.67749 0.31977 0.70237 0.30517 0.46967 0.78896 0.12622 0.07152 0.34235 0.53166 0.80185 0.15298 0.99462 0.85202 0.66598 0.79986 0.42097 0.97111 0.96257 0.58065 0.19299 0.7399 0.48662 0.59586 0.23531 0.72022 0.10549 0.23622
+0.00291 0.28813 0.29664 0.78596 0.35243 0.00801 0.93253 0.2203 0.82418 0.13884 0.45381 0.18486 0.71456 0.4165 0.00617 0.38746 0.80519 0.83524 0.83624 0.67335 0.05113 0.7733 0.59778 0.46213 0.56977 0.04797 0.82671 0.5196 0.97286 0.10689 0.32893 0.4107 0.34652 0.44723 0.23516 0.54247 0.52296 0.48312 0.93027 0.22868 0.60948 0.36569 0.26492 0.68251 0.19757 0.54958 0.12941 0.00192 0.65553 0.56039 0.30675 0.11184 0.23277 0.17123 0.83359 0.52367 0.41772 0.46343 0.04825 0.2528 0.97867 0.91089 0.16947 0.47533 0.47934 0.85469 0.30723 0.01455 0.95392 0.05903 0.07599 0.23939 0.48256 0.03101 0.05897 0.16921 0.58047 0.88504 0.61366 0.1709 0.47357 0.25977 0.35005 0.11948 0.5542 0.76863 0.28301 0.28495 0.19257 0.4178 0.57526 0.36639 0.06179 0.16416 0.81369 0.92624 0.6061 0.86114 0.60591 0.28592 0.13642 0.67193 0.92816 0.36103 0.1603 0.03723 0.43638 0.21445 0.92943 0.67582 0.17424 0.21254 0.46784 0.16328 0.59393 0.11562 0.86195 0.49417 0.98875 0.67564 0.89644 0.32234 0.49656 0.94561 0.43337 0.54758 0.4986 0.69078 0.51306 0.46731 0.4358 0.51455 0.85576 0.15611 0.48093 0.72024 0.45644 0.02885 0.75963 0.12421 0.65333 0.43207 0.28744 0.24604 0.20964 0.57982 0.87408 0.57589 0.23815 0.94885 0.54278 0.0709 0.02506 0.33735 0.36524 0.02253 0.84714 0.38214 0.62549 0.99209 0.6927 0.30436 0.76725 0.90629 0.04216 0.07342 0.44091 0.59805 0.18638 0.01336 0.88075 0.36689 0.34007 0.48604 0.47493 0.43159 0.12846 0.19496 0.39267 0.69748 0.02782 0.82591 0.22071 0.50392 0.18147 0.35606 0.54456 0.59874 0.7738 0.63589 0.83727 0.62254 0.55347 0.88647 0.38004 0.7596 0.77732 0.98713 0.82875 0.69436 0.18405 0.27683 0.71559 0.88224 0.27186 0.87576 0.72016 0.02967 0.7614 0.58456 0.71569 0.23077 0.20423 0.07883 0.33565 0.64863 0.39529 0.91567 0.16237 0.70234 0.94707 0.29719 0.56617 0.96842 0.46518 0.3999 0.36967 0.75688 0.05431 0.6889 0.36614 0.70911 0.79781 0.51314 0.41219 0.12992 0.74133 0.06938 0.38487 0.96793 0.58055 0.78219 0.14111 0.52995 0.48015 0.55708 0.19411 0.48612 0.99879 0.21825 0.47088 0.08569 0.36391 0.57402 0.71181 0.59613 0.08328 0.28566 0.11106 0.43603 0.46445 0.29602 0.46349 0.24716 0.21158 0.83569 0.4057 0.40993 0.07207 0.39185 0.08554 0.05141 0.6947 0.03139 0.64298 0.08638 0.36092 0.59748 0.63863 0.35394 0.13906 0.46894 0.55504 0.19348 0.0284 0.16664 0.56552 0.6018 0.82028 0.28397 0.74284 0.13026 0.91271 0.8569 0.5083 0.36499 0.17382 0.03546 0.61222 0.42249 0.02823 0.18243 0.30649 0.33504 0.99553 0.9635 0.35127 0.10477 0.52022 0.9857 0.36868 0.53345 0.55741 0.14709 0.09354 0.09155 0.61836 0.56278 0.49217 0.97609 0.93826 0.33652 0.14588 0.63706 0.34686 0.57133 0.36501 0.05585 0.89993 0.19202 0.34483 0.26333 0.93468 0.51737 0.27957 0.80368 0.58187 0.02974 0.09193 0.33873 0.69741 0.79957 0.75988 0.37631 0.96415 0.56719 0.03159 0.43347 0.87306 0.14419 0.86808 0.45124 0.43384 0.55041 0.46304 0.53347 0.36894 0.48863 0.09058 0.84529 0.93332 0.72842 0.14598 0.48509 0.82968 0.61094 0.26982 0.10917 0.83208 0.71675 0.25393 0.94444 0.50007 0.77748 0.14757 0.39233 0.15115 0.73461 0.99247 0.7012 0.42236 0.5899 0.6355 0.81986 0.38868 0.49937 0.92627 0.15617 0.25012 0.8948 0.39691 0.92979 0.81749 0.2783 0.76931 0.44779 0.17114 0.82781 0.79448 0.17413 0.69852 0.96261 0.29587 0.57257 0.59039 0.87312 0.44611 0.83779 0.65025 0.14204 0.94718 0.23597 0.00074 0.71102 0.50696 0.03432 0.67682 0.6808 0.91834 0.11175 0.20013 0.34742 0.9491 0.35175 0.85475 0.68272 0.99833 0.51062 0.99491 0.91458 0.80014 0.86292 0.52822 0.95009 0.57307 0.22543 0.93604 0.70356 0.82095 0.63319 0.59805 0.00042 0.77822 0.4296 0.98899 0.29457 0.09866 0.13749 0.25659 0.04305 0.5973 0.42565 0.90769 0.88937 0.25932 0.87471 0.8212 0.06468 0.60622 0.86592 0.57819 0.58311 0.10134 0.32348 0.2678 0.31474 0.31595 0.44692 0.57672 0.33518 0.0251 0.18817 0.34149 0.24142 0.73537 0.1817 0.49597 0.77649 0.85011 0.76595 0.02873 0.66951 0.58902 0.09368 0.75689 0.32874 0.78344 0.83071 0.13408 0.80157 0.28562 0.98155 0.23218 0.40001 0.90905 0.46228 0.60942 0.48996 0.18082 0.20523 0.60502 0.48561 0.26315 0.93773 0.90248 0.93904 0.43697 0.63405 0.59244 0.19989 0.60113 0.84842
+0.58413 0.72078 0.07736 0.93448 0.93094 0.11469 0.50638 0.50876 0.2383 0.37442 0.67264 0.64228 0.3714 0.09365 0.25751 0.73164 0.18923 0.42523 0.47384 0.02239 0.81619 0.7223 0.92819 0.73612 0.1991 0.65026 0.06413 0.99027 0.44313 0.68738 0.63402 0.19636 0.9312 0.67711 0.95546 0.60843 0.5495 0.11121 0.2873 0.54433 0.24737 0.83462 0.26455 0.61007 0.38896 0.01274 0.00257 0.02393 0.81999 0.0154 0.22201 0.36539 0.24789 0.43179 0.66859 0.81254 0.39089 0.72184 0.71794 0.49856 0.57078 0.35263 0.39372 0.44252 0.95675 0.36227 0.75783 0.52909 0.82663 0.20939 0.59212 0.99999 0.18797 0.82516 0.34463 0.86253 0.48537 0.16424 0.94979 0.03805 0.24851 0.67786 0.13843 0.47955 0.2418 0.84389 0.87849 0.34819 0.62184 0.80031 0.4381 0.44472 0.94859 0.57141 0.91508 0.36342 0.59237 0.18997 0.3647 0.64727 0.54541 0.03155 0.95106 0.66228 0.48193 0.53032 0.55176 0.36984 0.442 0.24716 0.99568 0.00794 0.6189 0.03733 0.08173 0.57301 0.92422 0.76307 0.63642 0.95276 0.69589 0.88249 0.2506 0.16827 0.70709 0.94919 0.32047 0.66674 0.46954 0.54774 0.07295 0.79308 0.95254 0.2808 0.08863 0.14098 0.4365 0.93706 0.55044 0.01442 0.8438 0.67126 0.59904 0.72685 0.5261 0.93233 0.50718 0.79219 0.27168 0.91245 0.50675 0.47517 0.32762 0.43252 0.64717 0.99661 0.40185 0.22587 0.46113 0.06232 0.84915 0.20544 0.85373 0.09019 0.51875 0.67776 0.61016 0.96576 0.8393 0.82248 0.53682 0.01925 0.40887 0.09579 0.61259 0.38269 0.19942 0.75311 0.96203 0.2749 0.33243 0.29911 0.6218 0.31519 0.59245 0.17848 0.2911 0.40055 0.04859 0.17825 0.64612 0.93328 0.58949 0.44616 0.46182 0.99331 0.66559 0.08323 0.83295 0.12936 0.2031 0.13177 0.15894 0.85807 0.91994 0.0467 0.75305 0.11174 0.56558 0.62008 0.94266 0.26325 0.79178 0.82092 0.85479 0.21068 0.74104 0.82082 0.19269 0.77876 0.77957 0.75516 0.4783 0.91672 0.98507 0.55433 0.57768 0.93679 0.55493 0.12257 0.98585 0.31287 0.34549 0.54702 0.34952 0.57585 0.49745 0.6893 0.98889 0.5439 0.49894 0.14641 0.50426 0.21665 0.42877 0.2929 0.65992 0.83209 0.73555 0.67264 0.74993 0.74937 0.42948 0.28552 0.63965 0.75346 0.78268 0.87502 0.12158 0.72977 0.64445 0.48063 0.48989 0.31772 0.66988 0.93362 0.68487 0.44735 0.72182 0.95609 0.38736 0.9242 0.46437 0.347 0.57091 0.20713 0.70584 0.97561 0.81213 0.09886 0.44417 0.44387 0.9626 0.99046 0.35143 0.49581 0.08601 0.19982 0.13985 0.43784 0.87178 0.65862 0.04531 0.98643 0.14006 0.70315 0.26932 0.59882 0.89031 0.32447 0.34517 0.61062 0.36776 0.26313 0.09294 0.20005 0.27949 0.93743 0.41435 0.65312 0.99009 0.1338 0.83774 0.96723 0.60494 0.77842 0.77296 0.73843 0.07417 0.35744 0.14119 0.5303 0.45903 0.48887 0.29625 0.37618 0.87145 0.99883 0.43522 0.89017 0.20319 0.27083 0.82837 0.03671 0.3341 0.94626 0.64854 0.87772 0.92417 0.95752 0.53505 0.75353 0.59847 0.24156 0.94067 0.38169 0.29467 0.60168 0.99449 0.74122 0.67581 0.48623 0.90981 0.43923 0.00331 0.08046 0.86017 0.70358 0.11224 0.34551 0.74086 0.26719 0.81024 0.86181 0.33681 0.09134 0.27174 0.41216 0.30708 0.05214 0.8818 0.12359 0.24425 0.12487 0.93049 0.2763 0.3794 0.25171 0.42181 0.16213 0.91411 0.87484 0.96662 0.35058 0.404 0.61986 0.55202 0.57022 0.23355 0.87655 0.28063 0.72433 0.13109 0.72702 0.63745 0.09393 0.267 0.50082 0.92333 0.48948 0.66571 0.13262 0.82971 0.84882 0.08212 0.01819 0.39933 0.39423 0.75688 0.7783 0.65397 0.31254 0.80322 0.46462 0.71587 0.89096 0.73813 0.40295 0.71412 0.04569 0.72258 0.37638 0.22418 0.0455 0.40726 0.38801 0.78817 0.44319 0.86282 0.87119 0.48429 0.9202 0.40956 0.33244 0.60512 0.67021 0.48476 0.26651 0.80119 0.07451 0.91225 0.17267 0.96457 0.54361 0.1466 0.99373 0.15076 0.11736 0.1357 0.30608 0.41906 0.01193 0.73295 0.09997 0.07744 0.80871 0.51315 0.82693 0.73569 0.77296 0.61073 0.36312 0.57742 0.8979 0.47514 0.86021 0.78217 0.18915 0.89428 0.9102 0.59887 0.9848 0.69717 0.64057 0.4903 0.63307 0.85238 0.05805 0.47398 0.61067 0.55247 0.17359 0.14306 0.65551 0.91935 0.38222 0.64778 0.22894 0.19057 0.87089 0.2619 0.21668 0.8274 0.14 0.86613 0.32926 0.91509 0.00136 0.7679 0.70083 0.21993 0.46328 0.80571 0.55341 0.20065 0.2075 0.67998 0.88451 0.87705 0.96501 0.80748 0.54843
+0.09893 0.46155 0.48183 0.8161 0.88769 0.89659 0.14721 0.12322 0.80057 0.49208 0.66704 0.86156 0.91592 0.11256 0.19956 0.01936 0.70593 0.95814 0.7941 0.39013 0.35324 0.0785 0.61746 0.50852 0.23144 0.1628 0.32041 0.14911 0.58218 0.77837 0.65749 0.46959 0.07689 0.31864 0.14069 0.73647 0.83682 0.03206 0.57976 0.96964 0.59407 0.99737 0.79158 0.14273 0.8725 0.97926 0.70122 0.71359 0.30386 0.11989 0.30254 0.68604 0.18393 0.96 0.22694 0.34941 0.24051 0.19002 0.33644 0.65987 0.00872 0.65127 0.22413 0.34557 0.80182 0.75036 0.27197 0.29321 0.95249 0.41512 0.3642 0.50791 0.60731 0.10703 0.28765 0.06251 0.32238 0.8594 0.30018 0.1071 0.93127 0.84432 0.6936 0.90051 0.11255 0.56428 0.68123 0.82787 0.00636 0.69241 0.88437 0.68419 0.08006 0.5156 0.83567 0.33429 0.07461 0.54188 0.25712 0.98953 0.00637 0.31256 0.77651 0.31905 0.85849 0.57093 0.09097 0.39181 0.3555 0.11657 0.82026 0.10013 0.83658 0.18058 0.80075 0.69974 0.24672 0.82435 0.17296 0.85466 0.13732 0.24394 0.58234 0.09417 0.93983 0.62052 0.33882 0.7885 0.15805 0.52095 0.22807 0.32574 0.75627 0.1379 0.16558 0.74513 0.49315 0.67389 0.58988 0.37944 0.2244 0.54533 0.30501 0.88599 0.47827 0.29597 0.45915 0.93869 0.5204 0.16765 0.91 0.9914 0.66514 0.93203 0.41898 0.87444 0.72202 0.73083 0.45698 0.10243 0.91717 0.59605 0.37423 0.02204 0.80196 0.20557 0.5744 0.08258 0.52371 0.00743 0.12449 0.50035 0.88648 0.71817 0.59168 0.33237 0.86403 0.8521 0.8742 0.62547 0.80391 0.79518 0.64783 0.56435 0.48047 0.96332 0.47342 0.41257 0.50245 0.50652 0.86443 0.11538 0.73593 0.93709 0.29953 0.66546 0.08322 0.56693 0.16155 0.80359 0.47762 0.04383 0.17306 0.03273 0.19644 0.96892 0.31777 0.46136 0.65913 0.69838 0.4023 0.04363 0.9846 0.78253 0.60471 0.85486 0.4337 0.07937 0.50048 0.19161 0.45317 0.18669 0.87304 0.75301 0.71255 0.54679 0.65266 0.87721 0.23428 0.68479 0.04068 0.09764 0.86528 0.8765 0.92765 0.12424 0.68021 0.59426 0.99878 0.48548 0.03347 0.94947 0.32351 0.59794 0.32004 0.02582 0.24255 0.41543 0.6738 0.13283 0.29345 0.09095 0.11603 0.29873 0.50336 0.50994 0.32747 0.35593 0.5128 0.33118 0.3435 0.29882 0.5059 0.24972 0.12035 0.63516 0.23254 0.34934 0.61787 0.33353 0.02709 0.54136 0.86978 0.73971 0.60788 0.20883 0.35655 0.46702 0.07045 0.94153 0.26033 0.88685 0.47263 0.34485 0.49392 0.75944 0.897 0.95073 0.59929 0.48033 0.29225 0.73948 0.54072 0.02241 0.80194 0.09587 0.69893 0.521 0.20599 0.3785 0.16441 0.28356 0.23888 0.79766 0.26185 0.42307 0.86316 0.41921 0.92883 0.43939 0.39923 0.80233 0.8423 0.58603 0.99055 0.31876 0.12336 0.84757 0.3392 0.42796 0.34262 0.24046 0.83 0.76704 0.2585 0.39102 0.17098 0.44715 0.02117 0.45554 0.4059 0.60117 0.39165 0.8305 0.29203 0.65537 0.38636 0.58325 0.11027 0.96243 0.02055 0.91561 0.19457 0.35899 0.80255 0.83397 0.64287 0.93672 0.31224 0.86206 0.27119 0.3975 0.70214 0.60064 0.87594 0.80052 0.65223 0.45029 0.05952 0.72682 0.92 0.78934 0.95321 0.78137 0.52379 0.22322 0.56503 0.65867 0.53325 0.66787 0.22717 0.37889 0.32001 0.19119 0.05203 0.34953 0.11571 0.79563 0.38255 0.02852 0.94657 0.88694 0.37229 0.21856 0.41289 0.18236 0.33194 0.96456 0.199 0.51998 0.37718 0.20622 0.72511 0.46807 0.46431 0.52619 0.92688 0.36129 0.97156 0.02997 0.63626 0.38666 0.10084 0.63545 0.68108 0.68287 0.81889 0.58296 0.42953 0.41793 0.47706 0.01751 0.43829 0.81457 0.74849 0.96838 0.53719 0.96887 0.88087 0.334 0.34549 0.13382 0.69271 0.58519 0.16179 0.31659 0.3767 0.92346 0.56325 0.25374 0.99487 0.15473 0.30436 0.39673 0.27355 0.61215 0.72476 0.83964 0.61323 0.35289 0.8847 0.22886 0.11939 0.72431 0.51303 0.86591 0.81122 0.69615 0.61617 0.77723 0.28075 0.16646 0.3342 0.69612 0.16537 0.13994 0.04004 0.51834 0.85284 0.81698 0.03968 0.4589 0.3705 0.99596 0.2721 0.69646 0.14395 0.99652 0.29915 0.23754 0.34088 0.84478 0.20402 0.71592 0.71198 0.64818 0.54239 0.90057 0.87692 0.28992 0.53741 0.98173 0.42215 0.42817 0.06661 0.14108 0.54724 0.76509 0.6645 0.95401 0.3165 0.73828 0.78816 0.55905 0.62117 0.13144 0.16727 0.30054 0.24258 0.71999 0.33923 0.14658 0.53955 0.08121 0.5992 0.64143 0.47153 0.96639 0.94006 0.25909 0.55028 0.79806
+0.69385 0.88642 0.50689 0.55518 0.83594 0.82275 0.42468 0.07599 0.7463 0.57779 0.20635 0.70753 0.43628 0.89661 0.16573 0.22952 0.55778 0.07394 0.0989 0.08005 0.01325 0.17594 0.17569 0.91236 0.24117 0.34875 0.58755 0.83908 0.6199 0.8861 0.43996 0.92386 0.53644 0.13129 0.18904 0.11164 0.67211 0.02147 0.83966 0.59585 0.70461 0.97602 0.64156 0.14546 0.1994 0.0479 0.57554 0.09574 0.91235 0.92463 0.24007 0.94969 0.59818 0.94502 0.4551 0.20717 0.50662 0.72378 0.07067 0.19066 0.07949 0.35069 0.2426 0.59143 0.13779 0.69993 0.08291 0.95031 0.06859 0.97143 0.98968 0.16678 0.14528 0.92487 0.64786 0.81974 0.11463 0.30034 0.84928 0.46366 0.15093 0.28237 0.95604 0.95667 0.69232 0.68445 0.60382 0.14431 0.25857 0.78643 0.24135 0.53447 0.42608 0.76076 0.78084 0.17962 0.7002 0.82205 0.64915 0.79414 0.30159 0.60992 0.75007 0.79378 0.19164 0.42531 0.68882 0.75987 0.21398 0.99082 0.98797 0.78782 0.85116 0.06733 0.51092 0.9441 0.42084 0.82751 0.33508 0.06092 0.3058 0.89925 0.41528 0.81528 0.78306 0.7905 0.81287 0.63831 0.44668 0.74102 0.01051 0.1898 0.76789 0.36129 0.19257 0.65937 0.73933 0.25662 0.63898 0.38656 0.78356 0.07692 0.26831 0.4821 0.27426 0.91348 0.79959 0.11924 0.05739 0.10886 0.64824 0.1617 0.10679 0.08898 0.39247 0.00041 0.04171 0.68264 0.87429 0.72721 0.92241 0.63816 0.20668 0.70646 0.00258 0.87854 0.01728 0.73694 0.81355 0.92658 0.52358 0.12431 0.71591 0.71379 0.67529 0.17054 0.11639 0.44249 0.61031 0.94868 0.81678 0.50959 0.13185 0.07338 0.59922 0.58663 0.86674 0.73651 0.26623 0.1431 0.70921 0.09179 0.58023 0.74693 0.58483 0.70267 0.34407 0.64634 0.15761 0.6123 0.29679 0.04994 0.51577 0.1605 0.9723 0.43142 0.64422 0.4353 0.4794 0.41818 0.20792 0.76369 0.51475 0.29924 0.11174 0.75622 0.00304 0.98775 0.16473 0.7 0.39841 0.66688 0.15651 0.21781 0.15499 0.04812 0.10049 0.93555 0.00019 0.71181 0.85068 0.88708 0.34851 0.70964 0.41913 0.77806 0.39656 0.88958 0.33171 0.29049 0.47681 0.47701 0.90622 0.34817 0.86926 0.95051 0.02347 0.44224 0.80741 0.68437 0.61155 0.31827 0.0288 0.70661 0.87082 0.36542 0.32274 0.90513 0.30758 0.70518 0.63924 0.46435 0.97141 0.4649 0.31747 0.32572 0.70542 0.57309 0.16071 0.72585 0.06977 0.07261 0.57215 0.82169 0.31168 0.16179 0.17101 0.34241 0.34487 0.05518 0.10778 0.43546 0.99146 0.74462 0.92321 0.77955 0.56419 0.45146 0.6061 0.57445 0.96022 0.97505 0.0581 0.18109 0.80163 0.41864 0.20287 0.6912 0.92446 0.36825 0.79794 0.61192 0.12869 0.46374 0.58652 0.7951 0.51189 0.59333 0.2607 0.02509 0.28399 0.42751 0.31132 0.65526 0.21481 0.43244 0.58295 0.41766 0.24819 0.89982 0.18789 0.55826 0.2619 0.78235 0.67735 0.27265 0.85745 0.62465 0.21433 0.44737 0.32398 0.40632 0.34339 0.68478 0.84189 0.7848 0.96411 0.15041 0.8986 0.69257 0.99107 0.93732 0.25438 0.38939 0.37602 0.62925 0.30696 0.62667 0.54739 0.2139 0.34998 0.73903 0.06439 0.70938 0.06957 0.4651 0.14715 0.15747 0.54668 0.98675 0.60066 0.50949 0.36985 0.5567 0.20924 0.65086 0.34272 0.4241 0.5445 0.59742 0.58145 0.15274 0.14372 0.7603 0.89805 0.37658 0.96372 0.497 0.64253 0.68648 0.58803 0.75768 0.3334 0.88894 0.20376 0.77461 0.34644 0.05979 0.73523 0.97989 0.90959 0.8646 0.11676 0.35705 0.3855 0.74275 0.24844 0.97612 0.47569 0.0966 0.95373 0.60279 0.31247 0.99661 0.22306 0.58029 0.56931 0.13534 0.91916 0.91477 0.20642 0.85671 0.43304 0.87813 0.59885 0.49202 0.30004 0.75896 0.12042 0.83394 0.64355 0.18396 0.28845 0.14357 0.62872 0.19039 0.29719 0.61257 0.08676 0.2869 0.93087 0.07022 0.24221 0.75783 0.55186 0.4262 0.41308 0.23915 0.57517 0.51242 0.58872 0.72479 0.86594 0.92635 0.25158 0.2596 0.81739 0.29728 0.8174 0.22926 0.94573 0.67868 0.39535 0.85956 0.30761 0.49012 0.9545 0.76613 0.71159 0.14965 0.72545 0.52091 0.50665 0.45109 0.86135 0.08141 0.35822 0.35855 0.0412 0.052 0.39227 0.55703 0.20794 0.32272 0.36921 0.91919 0.51461 0.40887 0.64127 0.63657 0.47656 0.38238 0.54529 0.09322 0.80063 0.79135 0.21191 0.07377 0.30769 0.67465 0.13333 0.17839 0.57749 0.51943 0.17908 0.41541 0.48837 0.49423 0.59851 0.4121 0.80631 0.54192 0.44971 0.4292 0.86484 0.72258 0.5944 0.65308 0.19929 0.28244 0.83902 0.01604
+0.87105 0.29385 0.08846 0.25463 0.11244 0.94616 0.78903 0.09169 0.8851 0.19119 0.13426 0.65376 0.17002 0.88695 0.0266 0.54941 0.12499 0.25301 0.54503 0.24936 0.69296 0.63116 0.20661 0.31351 0.3119 0.47571 0.9221 0.60333 0.8689 0.74496 0.26255 0.84394 0.14555 0.50273 0.89527 0.89373 0.85451 0.48875 0.65893 0.74201 0.18139 0.76359 0.58749 0.34276 0.74202 0.18784 0.41893 0.88978 0.30578 0.98527 0.83119 0.03434 0.49866 0.41221 0.03489 0.00504 0.75201 0.21533 0.23614 0.01621 0.05743 0.42421 0.82546 0.0897 0.25328 0.89487 0.0125 0.09931 0.78648 0.16112 0.74128 0.82847 0.95546 0.1957 0.04206 0.55037 0.06426 0.58646 0.24325 0.17729 0.06598 0.83367 0.96558 0.46776 0.97025 0.30586 0.07549 0.43838 0.79709 0.55313 0.78771 0.67356 0.9075 0.78419 0.78477 0.99669 0.54902 0.29391 0.06756 0.4035 0.61679 0.91285 0.51806 0.98027 0.67062 0.38808 0.17989 0.04882 0.23683 0.96288 0.73606 0.68458 0.56246 0.91616 0.50108 0.474 0.66989 0.96085 0.13215 0.22706 0.49166 0.23334 0.58777 0.36717 0.91303 0.24587 0.32256 0.57627 0.36696 0.36527 0.98958 0.59365 0.23597 0.33086 0.95125 0.52053 0.36746 0.87445 0.37554 0.13716 0.45719 0.6706 0.99272 0.55048 0.78116 0.35147 0.98021 0.50888 0.30077 0.44089 0.70525 0.98834 0.06282 0.50252 0.4638 0.29382 0.93563 0.60451 0.16468 0.3628 0.42138 0.5859 0.82859 0.29537 0.75962 0.48775 0.04124 0.92929 0.67713 0.02314 0.07905 0.46521 0.47101 0.84724 0.23721 0.28823 0.2987 0.94519 0.08077 0.17055 0.70415 0.87973 0.63336 0.8084 0.87284 0.59326 0.02205 0.57657 0.46419 0.26646 0.87019 0.09036 0.56924 0.5654 0.33448 0.60233 0.3138 0.36796 0.6543 0.09516 0.81807 0.86231 0.40159 0.99151 0.56362 0.38736 0.27757 0.21692 0.70895 0.45889 0.54276 0.43235 0.52975 0.75405 0.61862 0.38093 0.34718 0.21023 0.53611 0.37767 0.13621 0.96394 0.6352 0.08171 0.82559 0.98187 0.89277 0.10226 0.52104 0.84344 0.36711 0.0219 0.58261 0.03243 0.21321 0.28975 0.74423 0.15518 0.71452 0.40434 0.33833 0.37009 0.13106 0.09708 0.98179 0.08459 0.4723 0.64239 0.67163 0.48065 0.19706 0.37388 0.81528 0.21125 0.81121 0.26742 0.83672 0.28136 0.7108 0.47846 0.89647 0.97499 0.87588 0.35662 0.587 0.23072 0.35974 0.22327 0.95371 0.83889 0.84403 0.25333 0.32339 0.13525 0.09638 0.51647 0.7148 0.00756 0.43104 0.5992 0.97892 0.80721 0.40769 0.99776 0.75268 0.59785 0.0151 0.0069 0.59391 0.30294 0.1639 0.96481 0.96422 0.74214 0.19479 0.81947 0.21352 0.33677 0.75219 0.04987 0.25061 0.95219 0.07074 0.48799 0.07987 0.67872 0.86549 0.36278 0.53483 0.45117 0.23148 0.75925 0.96851 0.6883 0.57283 0.07183 0.48937 0.96605 0.72795 0.75869 0.70949 0.30643 0.43652 0.4885 0.74444 0.90913 0.63088 0.24973 0.85762 0.49931 0.76208 0.83608 0.4576 0.38045 0.22174 0.04148 0.92872 0.17437 0.82961 0.61802 0.6447 0.68586 0.39444 0.71104 0.73239 0.93251 0.99757 0.17013 0.25465 0.73682 0.1348 0.67936 0.32224 0.61991 0.96145 0.9611 0.5222 0.31703 0.52202 0.35812 0.37157 0.72304 0.68916 0.13782 0.84218 0.6924 0.07468 0.60134 0.88087 0.78525 0.18056 0.69191 0.90974 0.79288 0.87686 0.99446 0.50124 0.0421 0.05909 0.10542 0.81471 0.56737 0.14408 0.1056 0.41512 0.53057 0.23123 0.21531 0.02975 0.46137 0.46441 0.52384 0.79368 0.5065 0.27348 0.16325 0.95969 0.77129 0.48811 0.21587 0.62464 0.55477 0.92753 0.59202 0.97402 0.45867 0.89228 0.71705 0.44501 0.72087 0.87599 0.89846 0.14294 0.74875 0.79569 0.53976 0.77777 0.12177 0.69102 0.03864 0.86729 0.99838 0.98153 0.41612 0.57565 0.8275 0.23501 0.57298 0.19682 0.13715 0.19949 0.17343 0.94935 0.6829 0.84893 0.7559 0.11873 0.08943 0.01749 0.61562 0.23313 0.37154 0.77329 0.24677 0.67755 0.73911 0.35434 0.16579 0.43078 0.59755 0.06575 0.8475 0.22924 0.43811 0.65768 0.1597 0.84981 0.87811 0.95277 0.57326 0.63203 0.19479 0.26684 0.61671 0.94094 0.50852 0.80972 0.34244 0.06055 0.96244 0.36041 0.2525 0.0217 0.15928 0.6134 0.65405 0.46409 0.54553 0.99046 0.20543 0.07118 0.20009 0.17173 0.44785 0.39634 0.19896 0.31475 0.03799 0.34722 0.6389 0.63736 0.62197 0.08405 0.15812 0.32382 0.45793 0.78152 0.45617 0.05862 0.2664 0.13299 0.72633 0.53068 0.30382 0.14365 0.40565 0.86894 0.43989 0.21004 0.53232 0.79013 0.71436
+0.50437 0.51118 0.67011 0.865 0.59425 0.31595 0.94152 0.35195 0.72465 0.64132 0.45804 0.74074 0.38596 0.61666 0.18589 0.24595 0.82767 0.78076 0.70544 0.99895 0.3913 0.04717 0.48308 0.867 0.20049 0.72514 0.03628 0.81078 0.94181 0.47223 0.0624 0.10349 0.5346 0.61567 0.63001 0.95832 0.32127 0.04743 0.85213 0.82931 0.4698 0.95511 0.54715 0.07891 0.25009 0.84497 0.13047 0.17525 0.18988 0.57299 0.88663 0.80945 0.79641 0.43726 0.36142 0.17825 0.72977 0.00748 0.44619 0.01312 0.63923 0.88664 0.61374 0.28391 0.63267 0.48658 0.51066 0.09368 0.3902 0.69121 0.41688 0.10565 0.47781 0.87195 0.09757 0.58253 0.09205 0.65115 0.18628 0.97309 0.32514 0.71762 0.52258 0.38927 0.06815 0.15357 0.06358 0.52241 0.93184 0.101 0.31724 0.03916 0.6404 0.77659 0.57226 0.10737 0.7751 0.29881 0.65445 0.37529 0.40832 0.29211 0.14853 0.16663 0.50697 0.11864 0.03443 0.43107 0.50991 0.5641 0.62936 0.01224 0.8286 0.95756 0.14623 0.46026 0.18631 0.72064 0.41923 0.59115 0.69127 0.65739 0.24403 0.29647 0.80362 0.66928 0.6806 0.01997 0.92204 0.61518 0.32635 0.33942 0.19827 0.00026 0.72089 0.25191 0.55962 0.86652 0.48487 0.51394 0.89322 0.03438 0.56081 0.08104 0.45114 0.27463 0.5545 0.31241 0.46265 0.71269 0.51246 0.71243 0.43911 0.33631 0.06181 0.29784 0.72316 0.80054 0.87951 0.3535 0.18557 0.64994 0.3298 0.89027 0.98787 0.33228 0.82329 0.92002 0.06332 0.76156 0.63374 0.02615 0.59481 0.6945 0.31003 0.07428 0.96964 0.74896 0.11824 0.78954 0.27043 0.62746 0.9396 0.53462 0.08587 0.36251 0.27558 0.54628 0.89826 0.07041 0.90644 0.473 0.39093 0.25884 0.31419 0.47795 0.2503 0.57638 0.88261 0.69425 0.76774 0.19175 0.00672 0.80321 0.00457 0.51038 0.93618 0.68001 0.38647 0.53205 0.24796 0.10478 0.58591 0.99727 0.27936 0.3644 0.57937 0.68148 0.92889 0.67337 0.28557 0.76594 0.03656 0.61113 0.50359 0.32128 0.62552 0.52349 0.64511 0.87186 0.96073 0.07533 0.37981 0.08651 0.83315 0.22606 0.5789 0.84134 0.51734 0.91441 0.16287 0.54014 0.0497 0.4332 0.53439 0.89462 0.46452 0.58208 0.49508 0.98428 0.77728 0.74067 0.35922 0.59337 0.857 0.36189 0.3015 0.64388 0.29224 0.82822 0.13281 0.4443 0.93433 0.12456 0.64007 0.36798 0.46503 0.29436 0.78418 0.62687 0.44616 0.68657 0.70396 0.29093 0.20085 0.16415 0.0432 0.33193 0.88952 0.49249 0.61853 0.11879 0.72939 0.82259 0.2804 0.68337 0.90787 0.55077 0.99351 0.53506 0.42767 0.87397 0.4361 0.88973 0.95443 0.1767 0.68134 0.14171 0.97709 0.91411 0.13489 0.19239 0.34662 0.59225 0.79016 0.80431 0.4818 0.67584 0.29907 0.80234 0.40238 0.05909 0.32951 0.13175 0.2027 0.857 0.96816 0.1985 0.72978 0.61373 0.24091 0.57654 0.6143 0.09791 0.4668 0.08321 0.77016 0.824 0.80154 0.54687 0.0665 0.8526 0.45538 0.82566 0.78085 0.58261 0.92093 0.12188 0.86018 0.78814 0.54628 0.61126 0.96483 0.80419 0.75647 0.55569 0.7133 0.98477 0.74607 0.52585 0.23579 0.45071 0.09038 0.7945 0.01508 0.13 0.10285 0.37404 0.49953 0.45537 0.84549 0.89913 0.21973 0.67093 0.17053 0.11049 0.42151 0.56102 0.78766 0.62411 0.3941 0.20967 0.68214 0.36685 0.61072 0.92057 0.30305 0.40931 0.5208 0.67693 0.89332 0.55153 0.87348 0.75565 0.49374 0.337 0.9114 0.16822 0.50595 0.2527 0.0895 0.72982 0.61925 0.40331 0.27074 0.80617 0.67974 0.03769 0.17058 0.13112 0.59761 0.81773 0.33343 0.40474 0.09935 0.24849 0.55988 0.09339 0.29969 0.6629 0.33701 0.8408 0.94781 0.31268 0.50287 0.59625 0.42745 0.22526 0.68638 0.35766 0.01066 0.47755 0.27695 0.16152 0.6997 0.12587 0.59164 0.95485 0.53451 0.79917 0.74262 0.4002 0.66437 0.78789 0.55036 0.75288 0.35765 0.14966 0.07111 0.67691 0.17472 0.37659 0.63071 0.648 0.73266 0.36453 0.44476 0.35903 0.87558 0.87001 0.85144 0.45048 0.41628 0.95202 0.24964 0.64203 0.28186 0.59556 0.75613 0.81978 0.98008 0.4772 0.02242 0.91602 0.2124 0.93553 0.07077 0.54831 0.20104 0.96951 0.68187 0.73545 0.92873 0.50855 0.3777 0.34457 0.50815 0.15025 0.21496 0.53718 0.21592 0.87515 0.61912 0.27063 0.55677 0.35225 0.55719 0.39043 0.95652 0.00657 0.3664 0.88473 0.27887 0.75976 0.81399 0.58676 0.01988 0.97986 0.64816 0.63111 0.58056 0.74911 0.67547 0.58784 0.58864 0.99179 0.16376 0.00282 0.96368 0.93069 0.74601 0.11704
+0.03755 0.93683 0.4749 0.09025 0.92345 0.80976 0.4485 0.622 0.90372 0.27107 0.74773 0.84554 0.0053 0.40309 0.16514 0.13149 0.9509 0.50857 0.45046 0.51707 0.82638 0.14983 0.41445 0.72429 0.64645 0.14941 0.42407 0.86507 0.75111 0.06525 0.44308 0.46905 0.26671 0.57287 0.92025 0.59835 0.98636 0.13556 0.51829 0.21369 0.2716 0.84193 0.09401 0.97718 0.61477 0.44598 0.24897 0.65188 0.42782 0.30608 0.77202 0.59858 0.67387 0.21129 0.28759 0.05504 0.98051 0.08608 0.35779 0.79413 0.43584 0.56277 0.81608 0.12264 0.38568 0.61662 0.4198 0.18001 0.50843 0.71926 0.41599 0.99462 0.10916 0.25824 0.15912 0.86774 0.90483 0.76567 0.08311 0.64825 0.27265 0.07672 0.76264 0.50506 0.16793 0.07087 0.13292 0.39089 0.1171 0.28224 0.6104 0.18338 0.04584 0.17309 0.76466 0.68989 0.44921 0.47294 0.19367 0.59232 0.71173 0.68726 0.82244 0.16709 0.7947 0.34748 0.69758 0.60283 0.78588 0.19799 0.54824 0.85221 0.66407 0.31746 0.90735 0.62154 0.10852 0.10913 0.63068 0.61363 0.27224 0.90613 0.00074 0.49724 0.88096 0.58041 0.0996 0.28173 0.49634 0.94007 0.47736 0.62207 0.85012 0.72914 0.52419 0.0705 0.32629 0.9439 0.89362 0.74703 0.90582 0.64594 0.35755 0.272 0.91992 0.2385 0.58799 0.45863 0.22441 0.9181 0.50476 0.4055 0.8509 0.68557 0.23997 0.96016 0.08988 0.93101 0.70003 0.14555 0.4639 0.13647 0.05047 0.40151 0.5552 0.23568 0.32623 0.0179 0.86399 0.97343 0.64288 0.67179 0.64436 0.10421 0.81127 0.99359 0.74152 0.68877 0.61779 0.16858 0.14207 0.93537 0.66504 0.50844 0.29762 0.41514 0.98794 0.53106 0.61798 0.90547 0.84727 0.35606 0.54044 0.60834 0.47879 0.3942 0.86631 0.37436 0.38819 0.63646 0.18576 0.19367 0.72872 0.05462 0.51284 0.73844 0.35863 0.98871 0.3227 0.73297 0.06148 0.87207 0.49158 0.88183 0.09903 0.2443 0.24074 0.84474 0.95562 0.56686 0.44665 0.97639 0.0849 0.99953 0.34005 0.38566 0.88761 0.65622 0.96433 0.35597 0.83927 0.61551 0.49266 0.11891 0.56603 0.61253 0.43938 0.34941 0.40715 0.88012 0.236 0.79403 0.91054 0.49917 0.11687 0.19641 0.71526 0.94938 0.456 0.20596 0.71089 0.05403 0.65511 0.97723 0.24395 0.37166 0.2651 0.12195 0.32775 0.94719 0.60111 0.30835 0.04338 0.89357 0.2738 0.76232 0.20785 0.63905 0.25548 0.88265 0.20585 0.80798 0.13275 0.46065 0.22233 0.9902 0.80887 0.23718 0.17205 0.27245 0.01795 0.56016 0.4189 0.93123 0.11152 0.57862 0.90636 0.21322 0.25649 0.24267 0.86002 0.17061 0.29943 0.40609 0.48512 0.65485 0.49766 0.37719 0.21356 0.57259 0.45699 0.83487 0.99342 0.8772 0.97149 0.17462 0.51172 0.81712 0.06143 0.19641 0.95693 0.90771 0.92189 0.63382 0.73265 0.85737 0.16232 0.18531 0.47533 0.2932 0.66661 0.64828 0.1753 0.62793 0.57907 0.31975 0.96201 0.91121 0.27148 0.35303 0.66784 0.53552 0.96906 0.24482 0.92218 0.47626 0.02014 0.5232 0.56619 0.55312 0.21197 0.73474 0.39316 0.50397 0.79767 0.78814 0.7813 0.57985 0.28686 0.73145 0.75104 0.95012 0.09785 0.22844 0.93218 0.41008 0.2157 0.5253 0.01487 0.58695 0.31982 0.33481 0.36303 0.22296 0.9921 0.94882 0.05264 0.71832 0.02704 0.23789 0.65205 0.43782 0.44972 0.69677 0.14943 0.80333 0.35024 0.84284 0.74295 0.87505 0.92608 0.91107 0.42093 0.81584 0.74163 0.18764 0.87985 0.89225 0.56197 0.76278 0.20157 0.66718 0.12655 0.32957 0.22826 0.29739 0.17941 0.09846 0.5012 0.56708 0.78675 0.00294 0.73088 0.47717 0.49441 0.44641 0.52947 0.1397 0.18992 0.76849 0.5009 0.33042 0.26421 0.84592 0.39306 0.45385 0.1549 0.72845 0.12665 0.32542 0.24296 0.64191 0.85986 0.35461 0.55626 0.48258 0.27108 0.6121 0.70576 0.13492 0.15946 0.62772 0.86295 0.86592 0.14748 0.21163 0.54849 0.23415 0.66942 0.60382 0.87596 0.55403 0.60909 0.17815 0.34064 0.35679 0.26497 0.90577 0.82389 0.81622 0.30043 0.78755 0.45446 0.96389 0.17387 0.2793 0.18137 0.52905 0.40973 0.92876 0.98337 0.34071 0.4187 0.71897 0.49983 0.49489 0.68228 0.44384 0.88407 0.75575 0.68001 0.04468 0.32079 0.00065 0.0921 0.08109 0.88951 0.24598 0.98812 0.3193 0.35813 0.68841 0.0093 0.64018 0.31083 0.78506 0.62647 0.89441 0.27955 0.86565 0.76855 0.19457 0.37717 0.37212 0.16314 0.73748 0.96762 0.17359 0.19523 0.58136 0.88252 0.90279 0.07015 0.23278 0.96285 0.65411 0.62375 0.63204 0.75194 0.2828 0.39503 0.41915
+0.17912 0.40789 0.19649 0.72009 0.54016 0.51393 0.43525 0.73497 0.71343 0.13395 0.70265 0.8429 0.24501 0.3975 0.95394 0.69446 0.7174 0.88121 0.93622 0.61859 0.93776 0.71552 0.19228 0.8862 0.08765 0.44805 0.21484 0.7453 0.47849 0.1136 0.05129 0.79421 0.29923 0.04172 0.93656 0.58788 0.59084 0.36577 0.25752 0.89036 0.1678 0.54316 0.3582 0.74003 0.00724 0.85319 0.98289 0.35468 0.08935 0.86269 0.62805 0.83678 0.33225 0.39667 0.0843 0.76232 0.20134 0.05494 0.72402 0.11151 0.80007 0.58088 0.51768 0.41194 0.64428 0.04978 0.71239 0.71398 0.20842 0.49844 0.22191 0.13873 0.78968 0.949 0.96958 0.75253 0.78658 0.72019 0.96649 0.35024 0.79853 0.28789 0.66434 0.93444 0.49082 0.58116 0.70217 0.08385 0.91177 0.35985 0.51288 0.05535 0.86605 0.49837 0.93397 0.00101 0.76738 0.87614 0.48424 0.54333 0.98488 0.08129 0.23076 0.21603 0.40375 0.99656 0.86986 0.32602 0.01474 0.36508 0.70836 0.65624 0.09322 0.9453 0.76049 0.98969 0.32002 0.34226 0.83189 0.31736 0.37909 0.05232 0.22249 0.73592 0.18161 0.27304 0.63243 0.78148 0.39774 0.61812 0.86012 0.63585 0.31819 0.63997 0.71477 0.71267 0.08849 0.47518 0.20941 0.82985 0.1032 0.20843 0.95642 0.1063 0.57971 0.97477 0.20944 0.9956 0.81136 0.68866 0.83297 0.45782 0.90585 0.0305 0.06487 0.30967 0.31817 0.93759 0.57154 0.88536 0.97347 0.84928 0.63636 0.82404 0.70851 0.00828 0.31592 0.00502 0.05892 0.29321 0.18933 0.38156 0.54588 0.3542 0.3473 0.19235 0.18975 0.07351 0.07676 0.01185 0.9254 0.03046 0.93197 0.30486 0.86198 0.38173 0.46525 0.6161 0.41006 0.91172 0.28114 0.86738 0.78403 0.06654 0.56771 0.95608 0.13277 0.61387 0.49954 0.63736 0.46537 0.06145 0.84958 0.48788 0.02373 0.60662 0.49366 0.65606 0.1892 0.97153 0.85467 0.98123 0.81724 0.74077 0.76779 0.08647 0.07845 0.74344 0.16832 0.85889 0.21104 0.32056 0.58122 0.01047 0.73592 0.82301 0.14389 0.4374 0.13617 0.56386 0.3418 0.98406 0.17769 0.43019 0.80694 0.13658 0.85926 0.69688 0.01567 0.17798 0.87976 0.37385 0.20676 0.83996 0.83368 0.8732 0.08755 0.21379 0.95147 0.37619 0.41 0.90005 0.10243 0.06765 0.59363 0.77076 0.97524 0.26399 0.51741 0.64887 0.03739 0.19167 0.01875 0.10054 0.48714 0.0954 0.65313 0.1984 0.71388 0.52621 0.11576 0.65763 0.87006 0.77003 0.84239 0.30622 0.66852 0.08018 0.99518 0.86158 0.47616 0.50258 0.3954 0.00382 0.29764 0.4749 0.76809 0.60403 0.47455 0.0623 0.04271 0.08675 0.2547 0.02442 0.21255 0.38272 0.71272 0.69634 0.25945 0.50614 0.06147 0.47838 0.91741 0.13283 0.42275 0.2801 0.24003 0.32125 0.98876 0.79853 0.68175 0.58557 0.35889 0.78871 0.21938 0.61635 0.86233 0.20238 0.01139 0.69113 0.9303 0.82633 0.55404 0.88688 0.12772 0.73287 0.53927 0.56141 0.30906 0.80664 0.97781 0.5532 0.60029 0.33442 0.32739 0.14665 0.02523 0.227 0.38107 0.88918 0.9918 0.6615 0.16453 0.32404 0.83738 0.17155 0.99565 0.91798 0.44568 0.40379 0.43962 0.05583 0.08664 0.91567 0.43769 0.47276 0.99384 0.16233 0.25277 0.35136 0.24348 0.86903 0.68167 0.21572 0.07387 0.71302 0.52196 0.29646 0.05052 0.44233 0.00856 0.28806 0.81442 0.39924 0.54808 0.434 0.58943 0.59148 0.4291 0.48859 0.64935 0.69652 0.03869 0.76438 0.84028 0.56811 0.6045 0.54714 0.88286 0.48936 0.78192 0.7686 0.99074 0.26169 0.48451 0.65384 0.0421 0.30843 0.26983 0.78418 0.88931 0.61047 0.93044 0.25711 0.57587 0.41915 0.28907 0.77992 0.06347 0.92432 0.95878 0.60839 0.81441 0.31893 0.98248 0.56829 0.94251 0.20351 0.04753 0.37864 0.16456 0.08028 0.99036 0.51141 0.31002 0.57338 0.37048 0.28192 0.49045 0.93839 0.02579 0.1787 0.1412 0.89511 0.23089 0.58129 0.24942 0.39125 0.72233 0.21989 0.02174 0.05717 0.4043 0.2898 0.80036 0.73058 0.71781 0.48824 0.58929 0.22644 0.47645 0.58076 0.01329 0.72257 0.96635 0.5746 0.27808 0.65671 0.64533 0.92213 0.84806 0.9566 0.81182 0.24393 0.55779 0.389 0.50256 0.47591 0.8705 0.24403 0.55457 0.39372 0.51265 0.40191 0.59349 0.93904 0.14481 0.62486 0.23751 0.55015 0.00738 0.50171 0.74492 0.56643 0.32924 0.93869 0.67109 0.25111 0.11595 0.50627 0.9712 0.38219 0.54663 0.41014 0.90237 0.01248 0.45072 0.70962 0.17928 0.58367 0.8174 0.45489 0.27168 0.55468 0.36167 0.09661 0.26815 0.49396 0.71534 0.04601 0.41281 0.62556
+0.67225 0.72913 0.74607 0.24086 0.42296 0.03379 0.59761 0.85822 0.51522 0.96354 0.95252 0.75566 0.86127 0.1833 0.93017 0.4226 0.04641 0.69871 0.20078 0.45587 0.65398 0.45704 0.90183 0.60728 0.39569 0.22768 0.26339 0.05794 0.18849 0.48023 0.57638 0.62642 0.03551 0.91652 0.07502 0.18523 0.79593 0.15214 0.04683 0.42952 0.95628 0.69321 0.77429 0.44162 0.91137 0.45619 0.37411 0.06121 0.41715 0.08747 0.55705 0.30845 0.45311 0.67156 0.3794 0.14906 0.95471 0.19331 0.10817 0.16579 0.20299 0.56549 0.5574 0.81418 0.63394 0.29261 0.94191 0.37376 0.71288 0.84589 0.94043 0.70554 0.81171 0.75141 0.05353 0.08931 0.65229 0.8475 0.54307 0.5861 0.35957 0.02909 0.61903 0.72029 0.99322 0.38598 0.65278 0.7477 0.54103 0.07027 0.43669 0.35556 0.28709 0.60746 0.13036 0.53611 0.10418 0.56643 0.15848 0.65207 0.1316 0.56922 0.15641 0.52719 0.86353 0.86488 0.74774 0.86447 0.97023 0.72599 0.51414 0.79966 0.16917 0.01829 0.17015 0.28647 0.75332 0.50674 0.87607 0.23488 0.6108 0.86414 0.54226 0.10586 0.27403 0.53996 0.53964 0.41089 0.6066 0.10981 0.1686 0.54644 0.08763 0.05216 0.08344 0.30334 0.31153 0.62559 0.2862 0.35071 0.99007 0.99216 0.89731 0.85469 0.87871 0.70426 0.47454 0.56265 0.81596 0.76906 0.90514 0.2776 0.75985 0.49224 0.75456 0.67009 0.62793 0.03065 0.86471 0.53391 0.65643 0.26308 0.72644 0.65831 0.66119 0.36604 0.94749 0.93567 0.36455 0.99182 0.95248 0.35407 0.58469 0.58481 0.35993 0.05915 0.02506 0.10651 0.29755 0.22437 0.46697 0.90278 0.86983 0.12808 0.29364 0.30386 0.92132 0.07613 0.00129 0.2341 0.93253 0.63805 0.23964 0.28643 0.34387 0.43365 0.17763 0.65988 0.24794 0.19821 0.09292 0.02092 0.06463 0.77775 0.04383 0.68539 0.58341 0.99889 0.75903 0.33484 0.92455 0.44622 0.29189 0.54829 0.51657 0.47173 0.55367 0.34339 0.08218 0.77987 0.70578 0.66576 0.25047 0.73613 0.71735 0.3274 0.09216 0.46197 0.57352 0.84134 0.08153 0.06274 0.20352 0.2036 0.2219 0.9239 0.17178 0.81405 0.83912 0.44333 0.61533 0.82041 0.36256 0.60464 0.14715 0.72239 0.29228 0.61848 0.46762 0.64074 0.21586 0.76081 0.13486 0.74468 0.83556 0.32143 0.50178 0.01265 0.17326 0.84188 0.00703 0.34481 0.2968 0.21912 0.34266 0.01233 0.49206 0.54877 0.48375 0.58088 0.65621 0.66055 0.66734 0.66011 0.4205 0.678 0.74754 0.20776 0.79134 0.95535 0.72139 0.00179 0.00279 0.18289 0.48457 0.76516 0.99182 0.54781 0.06226 0.88583 0.37766 0.56166 0.01936 0.71671 0.12919 0.33093 0.3104 0.40356 0.82894 0.3739 0.54274 0.35724 0.57022 0.354 0.11702 0.16224 0.88507 0.16934 0.24921 0.23598 0.40586 0.08354 0.95606 0.00383 0.58353 0.70208 0.43521 0.79784 0.64801 0.41918 0.25262 0.57013 0.67289 0.72221 0.02125 0.30689 0.19002 0.66764 0.72199 0.21013 0.48398 0.5228 0.53328 0.13945 0.2147 0.59288 0.41063 0.25246 0.28979 0.62855 0.6084 0.06575 0.50429 0.38736 0.54687 0.31992 0.88532 0.29045 0.84435 0.85544 0.48901 0.78967 0.92425 0.2678 0.94442 0.57761 0.38011 0.26269 0.93107 0.51611 0.7548 0.69534 0.47988 0.14681 0.23367 0.69128 0.35306 0.06104 0.2947 0.80575 0.89266 0.04709 0.04404 0.04381 0.18501 0.25189 0.31516 0.10768 0.38538 0.38702 0.33933 0.75012 0.01435 0.91311 0.55867 0.4325 0.83921 0.25736 0.2661 0.7592 0.66951 0.30888 0.8273 0.14333 0.19563 0.54821 0.73434 0.37539 0.5175 0.14496 0.09624 0.2404 0.33722 0.14912 0.73438 0.80517 0.8098 0.86387 0.47487 0.07319 0.17329 0.22176 0.93966 0.30714 0.17282 0.10197 0.32945 0.09324 0.75243 0.56106 0.48239 0.83556 0.49859 0.66483 0.69715 0.27974 0.94433 0.6102 0.0632 0.31552 0.72265 0.29706 0.27946 0.68792 0.47765 0.05895 0.79276 0.64239 0.71072 0.77898 0.78087 0.06002 0.93825 0.99634 0.80614 0.89362 0.95155 0.035 0.06853 0.30602 0.60022 0.8954 0.27599 0.75507 0.90762 0.7635 0.02627 0.72606 0.38605 0.22974 0.45763 0.64812 0.72071 0.34155 0.9234 0.54928 0.24751 0.34291 0.3654 0.79134 0.78434 0.44173 0.00173 0.90692 0.87267 0.20485 0.26202 0.05214 0.99205 0.69738 0.25268 0.61519 0.9163 0.70603 0.9149 0.36955 0.46857 0.24488 0.03832 0.19232 0.54888 0.51287 0.57597 0.92613 0.46004 0.79872 0.7878 0.94723 0.85399 0.37977 0.35464 0.26559 0.09285 0.15739 0.73869 0.48006 0.3636 0.10373 0.15125 0.21137 0.29474 0.87909
+0.88044 0.52159 0.20327 0.46402 0.51311 0.42269 0.57763 0.07256 0.42117 0.67896 0.83544 0.87895 0.75302 0.20967 0.56414 0.56114 0.18429 0.93926 0.58115 0.54024 0.75579 0.81986 0.88597 0.32305 0.66212 0.79967 0.23726 0.69962 0.05839 0.72653 0.94737 0.82189 0.04013 0.02034 0.27328 0.4041 0.24346 0.63838 0.08509 0.19724 0.11548 0.03673 0.33187 0.64271 0.67198 0.74265 0.5777 0.50183 0.05261 0.46653 0.06399 0.54622 0.10849 0.91497 0.54715 0.6998 0.6475 0.9804 0.95592 0.02555 0.76021 0.99218 0.49628 0.40576 0.56866 0.26642 0.59653 0.26144 0.31864 0.79487 0.58226 0.62754 0.7102 0.04716 0.51764 0.07434 0.77118 0.3638 0.34207 0.97927 0.08634 0.52997 0.49615 0.71846 0.07785 0.85846 0.4752 0.06726 0.41884 0.96276 0.07589 0.61127 0.81061 0.34362 0.64547 0.76147 0.89257 0.77779 0.20397 0.87821 0.1947 0.01152 0.97738 0.84778 0.84825 0.70686 0.12161 0.90893 0.42644 0.84461 0.17737 0.16226 0.56364 0.88052 0.68677 0.18497 0.6011 0.7272 0.56499 0.44957 0.96119 0.88193 0.29409 0.0143 0.42025 0.19766 0.9391 0.60624 0.54812 0.68281 0.12455 0.89517 0.13246 0.25587 0.58376 0.00768 0.47722 0.80827 0.28155 0.72552 0.31404 0.82519 0.52622 0.40152 0.19575 0.39946 0.49267 0.37706 0.4532 0.06429 0.48265 0.61839 0.22065 0.99716 0.56343 0.16168 0.23013 0.83831 0.91883 0.64628 0.70413 0.70443 0.14623 0.51839 0.37829 0.19897 0.4101 0.60711 0.89301 0.98466 0.42896 0.7338 0.74014 0.29464 0.28795 0.86927 0.11852 0.37185 0.78741 0.71904 0.54078 0.62082 0.10709 0.09883 0.71595 0.6148 0.31924 0.93294 0.19379 0.11482 0.91623 0.15834 0.65482 0.97698 0.60405 0.05144 0.96121 0.83183 0.0768 0.01425 0.89361 0.23806 0.53367 0.97333 0.96186 0.01049 0.1384 0.83051 0.88528 0.46937 0.31763 0.85673 0.40878 0.72123 0.01981 0.87529 0.11008 0.39596 0.16065 0.48264 0.3105 0.95223 0.10277 0.22942 0.36581 0.91555 0.64407 0.42917 0.00982 0.69428 0.52868 0.0756 0.85201 0.86135 0.0544 0.59134 0.5001 0.80677 0.88796 0.44397 0.78515 0.11284 0.14046 0.08578 0.83034 0.15405 0.64038 0.68927 0.32654 0.40592 0.78067 0.20313 0.54844 0.08884 0.8144 0.20503 0.01544 0.6221 0.06598 0.82358 0.76836 0.93757 0.86491 0.91796 0.02431 0.88979 0.62446 0.74632 0.74964 0.04757 0.88001 0.26764 0.36414 0.88181 0.09451 0.07759 0.67123 0.51557 0.32805 0.40367 0.20644 0.14794 0.63102 0.68045 0.80104 0.45845 0.7057 0.66127 0.53362 0.74775 0.91138 0.78903 0.39947 0.76858 0.11635 0.83629 0.79776 0.25321 0.96062 0.06796 0.79259 0.79011 0.5344 0.19821 0.51498 0.60023 0.11938 0.06948 0.66023 0.34862 0.37776 0.64178 0.52535 0.82546 0.19468 0.2012 0.71595 0.30598 0.9012 0.59261 0.59825 0.10134 0.61052 0.93137 0.5277 0.14486 0.07194 0.68883 0.74713 0.08758 0.86426 0.92905 0.20174 0.62071 0.68851 0.07973 0.07101 0.69619 0.5493 0.85149 0.43536 0.92654 0.09292 0.02151 0.38298 0.70691 0.38294 0.51186 0.00836 0.91126 0.76794 0.67722 0.54321 0.73074 0.75949 0.02683 0.82098 0.23261 0.1801 0.03962 0.96658 0.79782 0.43653 0.4325 0.21552 0.13919 0.68812 0.77855 0.06068 0.23387 0.73184 0.70301 0.06183 0.22998 0.03866 0.898 0.81325 0.39701 0.59115 0.66612 0.51058 0.73136 0.64656 0.16388 0.67465 0.84725 0.10398 0.88704 0.69848 0.4558 0.41492 0.63695 0.01821 0.00071 0.91926 0.55659 0.84604 0.09676 0.88046 0.52416 0.74744 0.28588 0.73587 0.01083 0.8502 0.49567 0.18731 0.13089 0.49201 0.46929 0.35858 0.54422 0.47765 0.26406 0.1869 0.32353 0.80563 0.77016 0.78364 0.28635 0.55148 0.77993 0.15886 0.89215 0.93528 0.07932 0.6528 0.91027 0.14946 0.9312 0.81001 0.33821 0.50495 0.15942 0.62612 0.71295 0.82645 0.98135 0.1991 0.61177 0.35038 0.90657 0.07942 0.67942 0.76825 0.11549 0.82166 0.56681 0.86704 0.49867 0.35503 0.94816 0.80869 0.6398 0.72032 0.71098 0.93894 0.27447 0.96137 0.50208 0.22956 0.66145 0.99011 0.42928 0.98397 0.69062 0.1437 0.05492 0.60178 0.51132 0.46023 0.41456 0.84217 0.4673 0.21494 0.73859 0.67358 0.34674 0.52351 0.46336 0.6753 0.69288 0.71755 0.14341 0.3836 0.71607 0.57303 0.35109 0.47548 0.00196 0.63086 0.90282 0.13345 0.46395 0.01683 0.25875 0.283 0.4673 0.36016 0.51284 0.34623 0.08625 0.30145 0.58226 0.57739 0.89623 0.36138 0.8105 0.29762 0.6461 0.17398 0.2299
+0.5497 0.54761 0.69582 0.4531 0.54655 0.50166 0.86462 0.43082 0.9572 0.77783 0.43535 0.92872 0.71091 0.24374 0.49344 0.01903 0.61284 0.98991 0.04613 0.53904 0.18023 0.04783 0.71619 0.70373 0.86908 0.2391 0.69436 0.45402 0.37573 0.77505 0.68759 0.91986 0.5263 0.31954 0.64333 0.5514 0.94418 0.80163 0.234 0.63424 0.76217 0.38852 0.91635 0.73069 0.03386 0.61712 0.95183 0.30605 0.38257 0.02117 0.41619 0.91835 0.82894 0.90408 0.71701 0.64328 0.53063 0.45988 0.34448 0.89935 0.35106 0.23116 0.92712 0.37071 0.10853 0.13051 0.98658 0.53931 0.25934 0.45619 0.45217 0.16112 0.73029 0.86074 0.7745 0.00568 0.76385 0.01291 0.52191 0.66191 0.82181 0.20106 0.8672 0.00688 0.26725 0.53919 0.0546 0.83501 0.23006 0.6789 0.14666 0.44265 0.18427 0.28551 0.22758 0.41722 0.26508 0.41942 0.17013 0.82241 0.15776 0.42121 0.36357 0.44317 0.63112 0.97395 0.89513 0.51805 0.43923 0.14274 0.55078 0.25823 0.77424 0.0278 0.40972 0.88786 0.46642 0.84076 0.44449 0.31267 0.20565 0.35881 0.64497 0.46411 0.99503 0.50719 0.59947 0.85819 0.35586 0.52544 0.6341 0.81192 0.17412 0.34973 0.64103 0.09896 0.98615 0.16924 0.6341 0.06376 0.41805 0.56947 0.89982 0.3189 0.83924 0.34563 0.91492 0.45341 0.17661 0.98224 0.94333 0.15378 0.07683 0.36688 0.65567 0.85956 0.7703 0.8159 0.37357 0.86307 0.10078 0.54752 0.5115 0.35546 0.82389 0.1066 0.37857 0.37395 0.19849 0.12514 0.02657 0.59692 0.40828 0.09698 0.62543 0.3111 0.36273 0.54489 0.51802 0.51655 0.74792 0.14795 0.61802 0.52795 0.72893 0.77623 0.84436 0.12826 0.70571 0.16387 0.50816 0.78295 0.13167 0.15725 0.49589 0.51654 0.60883 0.32588 0.3 0.39129 0.25458 0.56019 0.72482 0.01954 0.13185 0.93644 0.57123 0.71326 0.76327 0.05 0.26718 0.53923 0.04832 0.77427 0.21799 0.44509 0.95022 0.14102 0.32468 0.40225 0.67328 0.55355 0.37931 0.44502 0.11095 0.94246 0.76447 0.41189 0.30869 0.84471 0.07298 0.5192 0.3542 0.7235 0.18461 0.61037 0.7534 0.8866 0.06862 0.68116 0.85587 0.21192 0.05217 0.28028 0.79414 0.40232 0.04183 0.77317 0.43142 0.69071 0.08196 0.93735 0.71924 0.79874 0.90005 0.1854 0.24438 0.01347 0.23607 0.59329 0.02302 0.22899 0.63522 0.71442 0.96991 0.59689 0.571 0.04728 0.91575 0.62022 0.96949 0.86718 0.36524 0.21817 0.79782 0.64608 0.59207 0.06701 0.88873 0.91632 0.11948 0.66117 0.72719 0.83158 0.66764 0.90461 0.32309 0.11798 0.77422 0.03555 0.32101 0.11492 0.8455 0.12754 0.513 0.17346 0.75658 0.74656 0.1499 0.27927 0.78606 0.22433 0.26028 0.36186 0.72821 0.62595 0.20706 0.20349 0.35806 0.87159 0.69018 0.44473 0.45627 0.75208 0.55833 0.99683 0.26455 0.93885 0.66569 0.93758 0.69035 0.55241 0.82711 0.1766 0.12171 0.4753 0.31737 0.31864 0.65419 0.67939 0.7502 0.88901 0.6603 0.21352 0.40713 0.55636 0.51503 0.06597 0.74208 0.88359 0.85398 0.67245 0.88875 0.76564 0.73795 0.98131 0.00396 0.38334 0.062 0.91733 0.38176 0.46735 0.7542 0.46429 0.36758 0.74695 0.14156 0.11309 0.89928 0.22455 0.71008 0.44657 0.93079 0.73423 0.71391 0.86146 0.19779 0.85899 0.97851 0.51447 0.38871 0.93365 0.8334 0.59402 0.274 0.27736 0.12369 0.03321 0.03612 0.36981 0.44579 0.52114 0.46714 0.21229 0.59449 0.2461 0.03994 0.86082 0.44037 0.17839 0.08203 0.2906 0.07081 0.20213 0.25967 0.98148 0.16602 0.56478 0.78988 0.1159 0.74962 0.29295 0.72472 0.72285 0.51628 0.95046 0.98701 0.25002 0.13882 0.58293 0.8244 0.82036 0.79515 0.12069 0.01338 0.43408 0.57638 0.24033 0.46561 0.56304 0.79688 0.38411 0.19702 0.55807 0.492 0.96704 0.76103 0.45241 0.8422 0.005 0.64163 0.91345 0.63921 0.15776 0.38402 0.63924 0.30063 0.33458 0.35336 0.03571 0.60662 0.55691 0.09615 0.67292 0.73297 0.74153 0.25279 0.32685 0.60652 0.47904 0.77313 0.92116 0.83532 0.74859 0.70332 0.61275 0.53771 0.58429 0.61856 0.52177 0.20849 0.36528 0.09959 0.26211 0.50539 0.08974 0.00677 0.49988 0.77376 0.75481 0.34709 0.39075 0.04152 0.95645 0.78189 0.33389 0.50898 0.89066 0.92477 0.00296 0.03631 0.21892 0.6167 0.07559 0.96099 0.41421 0.27819 0.33017 0.47613 0.98057 0.56424 0.58384 0.79931 0.93041 0.17928 0.22632 0.73988 0.80838 0.4182 0.80599 0.47929 0.70148 0.15941 0.99426 0.46555 0.11397 0.77804 0.5671 0.12127 0.39272 0.77693 0.56807
+0.97756 0.9744 0.11118 0.05232 0.02478 0.75379 0.71007 0.20978 0.77765 0.30345 0.35502 0.30816 0.19549 0.81706 0.57448 0.43008 0.25562 0.72944 0.61596 0.11583 0.8191 0.34391 0.04098 0.33031 0.52185 0.31978 0.73382 0.15975 0.22951 0.92203 0.94307 0.64201 0.80657 0.89317 0.28766 0.62228 0.59561 0.1441 0.38184 0.46944 0.42315 0.03918 0.64814 0.14732 0.38849 0.57739 0.6057 0.20066 0.45344 0.46292 0.44305 0.04223 0.67442 0.5244 0.85388 0.27564 0.48251 0.73456 0.05603 0.41843 0.19922 0.04061 0.50177 0.24083 0.93979 0.57436 0.79229 0.48502 0.76025 0.68087 0.54207 0.42547 0.01658 0.65713 0.98889 0.81374 0.46371 0.33482 0.77388 0.41806 0.84099 0.42642 0.76767 0.88558 0.03557 0.98812 0.61971 0.8225 0.07437 0.75426 0.50232 0.46306 0.44932 0.17314 0.23782 0.9689 0.99277 0.56765 0.88182 0.22645 0.23071 0.43752 0.97355 0.79601 0.46637 0.44136 0.82664 0.48806 0.91113 0.42804 0.84283 0.06829 0.13425 0.12471 0.79524 0.86875 0.07424 0.55908 0.07325 0.72317 0.79175 0.87515 0.88909 0.66309 0.85101 0.13612 0.75846 0.1745 0.85389 0.04042 0.53937 0.85858 0.74339 0.94583 0.9346 0.43988 0.06243 0.09071 0.35173 0.78778 0.74168 0.68848 0.38346 0.18529 0.97585 0.80199 0.15994 0.00471 0.40364 0.80768 0.35472 0.58656 0.97706 0.48551 0.57249 0.61091 0.50685 0.8192 0.90329 0.45616 0.01527 0.4183 0.26599 0.64452 0.76045 0.36282 0.99667 0.55541 0.43191 0.7192 0.46322 0.19957 0.01375 0.04884 0.16675 0.44323 0.62519 0.1316 0.28141 0.10203 0.69532 0.67333 0.8043 0.65993 0.06124 0.93454 0.43902 0.44666 0.66955 0.19361 0.60538 0.91737 0.40182 0.16256 0.56845 0.4175 0.93718 0.40213 0.84866 0.58145 0.00544 0.75635 0.07985 0.87511 0.48068 0.63251 0.07719 0.51323 0.58372 0.82575 0.45565 0.99067 0.38859 0.68319 0.76736 0.17504 0.78249 0.0187 0.46383 0.12828 0.97697 0.45865 0.12153 0.54645 0.62291 0.44967 0.98831 0.65944 0.29823 0.11938 0.44655 0.66648 0.19704 0.16907 0.41187 0.84645 0.80523 0.15376 0.75669 0.22689 0.84662 0.38784 0.82395 0.59993 0.25305 0.09242 0.90172 0.32738 0.78035 0.36236 0.44885 0.30998 0.81931 0.05616 0.66467 0.20356 0.74613 0.2059 0.4587 0.68266 0.60324 0.6834 0.94544 0.76482 0.97242 0.36401 0.09529 0.95265 0.91917 0.02738 0.88036 0.56169 0.9329 0.67191 0.29215 0.73748 0.40805 0.21227 0.43464 0.02256 0.45086 0.38049 0.37406 0.19586 0.64634 0.32939 0.58017 0.68847 0.53237 0.10265 0.53679 0.72005 0.11584 0.64564 0.85715 0.56247 0.33536 0.28619 0.76181 0.79329 0.00434 0.50423 0.43561 0.76526 0.80364 0.01084 0.89578 0.68438 0.12775 0.43192 0.39314 0.48907 0.39908 0.65551 0.55262 0.8679 0.52599 0.70977 0.56834 0.63685 0.42422 0.62644 0.97805 0.25177 0.73098 0.33373 0.71825 0.17626 0.97415 0.52207 0.40342 0.32897 0.0668 0.30794 0.10258 0.08613 0.02911 0.84147 0.05835 0.16654 0.75923 0.4241 0.02342 0.73481 0.91977 0.93365 0.7286 0.84674 0.6607 0.26015 0.5486 0.63196 0.17511 0.61599 0.22044 0.58358 0.60062 0.30697 0.14487 0.82884 0.68928 0.84111 0.48326 0.63316 0.59068 0.0826 0.05839 0.36825 0.6072 0.87881 0.06115 0.03544 0.89465 0.0977 0.71735 0.27022 0.71878 0.41624 0.47553 0.95579 0.16371 0.84357 0.62936 0.41204 0.32327 0.62407 0.00527 0.558 0.81712 0.43918 0.22544 0.74548 0.07293 0.02358 0.89681 0.47178 0.66765 0.3654 0.20935 0.57738 0.35619 0.62631 0.65617 0.39279 0.48329 0.64679 0.58038 0.19926 0.54653 0.05852 0.04875 0.68127 0.42046 0.95266 0.83669 0.36939 0.43961 0.42258 0.92991 0.30491 0.46651 0.84486 0.19583 0.09402 0.26491 0.05135 0.39164 0.93748 0.58965 0.05405 0.16319 0.89906 0.57884 0.55119 0.43666 0.42079 0.94561 0.22497 0.04626 0.07584 0.60344 0.81029 0.7683 0.51354 0.58729 0.67123 0.22863 0.49548 0.26174 0.67356 0.58205 0.908 0.89021 0.95129 0.98715 0.50086 0.55758 0.64884 0.51057 0.33536 0.34406 0.74419 0.88566 0.36971 0.57577 0.66174 0.83638 0.04997 0.27117 0.44385 0.7122 0.38118 0.20404 0.43548 0.22269 0.40021 0.21174 0.48251 0.68554 0.45478 0.95395 0.93959 0.37155 0.09019 0.09118 0.74893 0.31831 0.03322 0.33748 0.02101 0.84853 0.39441 0.98541 0.64166 0.55 0.20147 0.32075 0.33629 0.06343 0.63706 0.32045 0.34591 0.10843 0.61061 0.77118 0.55525 0.79997 0.88456 0.33121 0.61932 0.83498 0.86656
+0.15775 0.61185 0.79586 0.95926 0.47739 0.52067 0.30792 0.26438 0.98581 0.79857 0.13041 0.98684 0.47287 0.12668 0.04544 0.55249 0.97107 0.31891 0.79731 0.54438 0.2049 0.70922 0.05801 0.49832 0.33389 0.2275 0.00571 0.15235 0.34862 0.07843 0.0132 0.53587 0.56031 0.2751 0.03247 0.74493 0.15468 0.21876 0.01397 0.73742 0.17475 0.12466 0.25323 0.07082 0.09177 0.35281 0.7739 0.58097 0.47191 0.35659 0.13315 0.80379 0.60063 0.25922 0.47122 0.32509 0.74068 0.58539 0.63725 0.45166 0.0892 0.05665 0.85363 0.32311 0.71173 0.96349 0.37079 0.92234 0.46585 0.43129 0.56113 0.84878 0.56375 0.09221 0.51625 0.50486 0.33122 0.28371 0.00041 0.3817 0.6802 0.02109 0.2438 0.03719 0.72013 0.99527 0.09458 0.37025 0.77785 0.82104 0.97753 0.81617 0.5293 0.54356 0.86437 0.43919 0.78811 0.82241 0.56053 0.47861 0.72898 0.86548 0.89493 0.39245 0.9538 0.50587 0.08709 0.12428 0.97024 0.45359 0.33381 0.80894 0.78255 0.78772 0.69747 0.98246 0.05428 0.89806 0.48265 0.37087 0.543 0.5349 0.0918 0.51486 0.47205 0.68397 0.58805 0.84227 0.4607 0.56617 0.66145 0.95899 0.67159 0.92979 0.79601 0.59997 0.87323 0.7331 0.43873 0.4615 0.32813 0.66821 0.9924 0.18674 0.02089 0.25713 0.93867 0.95608 0.83926 0.6702 0.29449 0.30319 0.19049 0.41522 0.5974 0.2572 0.90411 0.87058 0.1834 0.73222 0.64144 0.21451 0.13623 0.11828 0.58535 0.50886 0.34993 0.79057 0.57857 0.74301 0.69943 0.08037 0.10223 0.19183 0.49754 0.78425 0.89544 0.64587 0.563 0.33697 0.73336 0.0149 0.75018 0.81806 0.34901 0.52846 0.00084 0.21912 0.51709 0.56572 0.92408 0.08086 0.8287 0.5468 0.99628 0.38264 0.52766 0.38499 0.28567 0.04992 0.15449 0.23642 0.64703 0.53871 0.63312 0.83443 0.42317 0.12505 0.3863 0.69013 0.69931 0.18591 0.77979 0.85637 0.77224 0.8634 0.72147 0.3969 0.24035 0.75527 0.44934 0.68779 0.83241 0.52386 0.00571 0.21966 0.07631 0.75367 0.27343 0.4434 0.33354 0.5752 0.72679 0.94023 0.9589 0.96913 0.07862 0.72412 0.13288 0.60893 0.53594 0.58863 0.10988 0.9772 0.67433 0.04648 0.36586 0.58863 0.24259 0.90003 0.20288 0.21951 0.56481 0.02009 0.67885 0.13863 0.12061 0.63128 0.38268 0.82759 0.44682 0.03964 0.41195 0.15583 0.44388 0.91753 0.6608 0.76624 0.26253 0.7928 0.11006 0.55097 0.89349 0.76689 0.13923 0.70933 0.49916 0.94489 0.18712 0.33512 0.09048 0.43309 0.63789 0.93749 0.41555 0.10607 0.49407 0.87652 0.69262 0.16662 0.35473 0.15348 0.68373 0.75465 0.04788 0.74099 0.61816 0.69449 0.41303 0.40393 0.42184 0.92234 0.26233 0.75567 0.66929 0.59732 0.01374 0.468 0.16718 0.3649 0.73536 0.11408 0.7258 0.32959 0.54274 0.02859 0.65973 0.27791 0.87221 0.08848 0.78022 0.25797 0.6193 0.35393 0.7791 0.6781 0.9754 0.69834 0.60488 0.74049 0.41445 0.04596 0.41607 0.00853 0.648 0.31764 0.48436 0.96451 0.83818 0.23366 0.59432 0.11719 0.57332 0.99217 0.52234 0.69533 0.12346 0.71897 0.78499 0.07636 0.63703 0.35772 0.29563 0.90142 0.44868 0.24674 0.66273 0.67304 0.68867 0.91808 0.02188 0.6377 0.52216 0.13602 0.73257 0.54083 0.46137 0.01884 0.19393 0.05005 0.74937 0.87543 0.02253 0.46419 0.01772 0.13925 0.58666 0.82948 0.2645 0.29362 0.42742 0.23963 0.72386 0.95189 0.83963 0.40338 0.08933 0.3345 0.18935 0.23063 0.62074 0.96411 0.00193 0.49015 0.43748 0.47389 0.74652 0.90487 0.32676 0.67836 0.34864 0.75992 0.68862 0.74037 0.0467 0.35146 0.78548 0.26905 0.52864 0.42802 0.21637 0.023 0.50407 0.99753 0.25939 0.08601 0.33923 0.84935 0.04386 0.02569 0.67593 0.96791 0.04195 0.18059 0.28197 0.60602 0.58527 0.85586 0.14803 0.95674 0.35444 0.71298 0.84083 0.07515 0.31322 0.52522 0.70233 0.64233 0.56207 0.49084 0.61995 0.81848 0.61622 0.79677 0.31679 0.99079 0.01513 0.54818 0.14938 0.06113 0.037 0.09109 0.29406 0.21599 0.86375 0.07542 0.56928 0.27862 0.79388 0.05361 0.73838 0.4825 0.65507 0.35662 0.75149 0.17105 0.45688 0.76176 0.35563 0.51961 0.54363 0.60394 0.35472 0.68006 0.69143 0.87438 0.29043 0.18339 0.35594 0.8677 0.96628 0.99571 0.61577 0.31305 0.4343 0.58942 0.93281 0.81336 0.63624 0.98933 0.0998 0.18577 0.25967 0.3602 0.38756 0.18229 0.97017 0.02762 0.6167 0.15414 0.16434 0.87578 0.25263 0.4496 0.28888 0.53396 0.34675 0.0859 0.77985 0.68922 0.63192 0.10895
+0.63825 0.90794 0.8521 0.78671 0.68814 0.64295 0.02284 0.72331 0.34446 0.75562 0.06971 0.31208 0.53681 0.75023 0.18093 0.67355 0.91567 0.32255 0.69612 0.42208 0.98881 0.02332 0.54771 0.86441 0.56329 0.92125 0.55484 0.27481 0.08069 0.88855 0.40708 0.29896 0.9082 0.63012 0.07454 0.21949 0.34675 0.94769 0.42125 0.59271 0.52758 0.46914 0.65663 0.04771 0.17158 0.64339 0.53899 0.54837 0.13852 0.00253 0.57781 0.80291 0.46806 0.77123 0.63543 0.68873 0.65903 0.78886 0.73435 0.94232 0.62885 0.91566 0.00568 0.54392 0.98883 0.51539 0.35638 0.98205 0.63561 0.00606 0.73627 0.3965 0.41871 0.61644 0.50205 0.04047 0.9682 0.53429 0.5734 0.94493 0.5877 0.46672 0.09866 0.41193 0.43622 0.7736 0.36873 0.55358 0.54357 0.00653 0.78764 0.82407 0.73756 0.8271 0.66932 0.38817 0.13479 0.76691 0.7473 0.4768 0.39853 0.97469 0.29334 0.1153 0.52587 0.34523 0.72266 0.65787 0.90154 0.22047 0.65666 0.57157 0.86568 0.62241 0.65666 0.04734 0.4377 0.49998 0.5396 0.42341 0.19979 0.11393 0.08768 0.40292 0.85749 0.82983 0.744 0.83969 0.91188 0.15397 0.23373 0.84198 0.2329 0.61554 0.85741 0.13114 0.60027 0.77121 0.92394 0.36086 0.42924 0.32467 0.88234 0.90898 0.39959 0.11271 0.41766 0.57858 0.27753 0.1402 0.95565 0.25093 0.12017 0.23056 0.13764 0.17373 0.86902 0.78341 0.89668 0.06709 0.95646 0.99998 0.36662 0.44229 0.34642 0.57655 0.88567 0.49998 0.46109 0.43138 0.09479 0.44381 0.69329 0.21906 0.27364 0.08067 0.52057 0.69715 0.77707 0.5072 0.46904 0.24418 0.69826 0.4624 0.78751 0.66525 0.20854 0.66267 0.1752 0.19842 0.80372 0.58288 0.75891 0.10268 0.57028 0.02451 0.63144 0.06538 0.01134 0.89725 0.59854 0.54183 0.74238 0.08413 0.68717 0.31008 0.69017 0.08769 0.03163 0.96173 0.50608 0.9201 0.34719 0.67427 0.81137 0.93025 0.62182 0.06187 0.51898 0.86887 0.00763 0.57936 0.63894 0.24978 0.10564 0.19463 0.60193 0.69053 0.80301 0.62669 0.74725 0.16443 0.38715 0.35803 0.43606 0.86221 0.32297 0.6903 0.91067 0.92167 0.03995 0.23103 0.07426 0.26758 0.55998 0.76904 0.59837 0.03192 0.8839 0.92546 0.78443 0.26445 0.45654 0.78898 0.51078 0.54179 0.6574 0.2248 0.7875 0.33304 0.4589 0.75041 0.96503 0.29971 0.49802 0.56599 0.72324 0.32157 0.38192 0.30908 0.64339 0.07541 0.12764 0.643 0.15679 0.40783 0.54235 0.35349 0.76061 0.74373 0.9157 0.04794 0.38065 0.05987 0.01018 0.24084 0.1884 0.87558 0.38589 0.81488 0.88187 0.39943 0.65559 0.14167 0.45457 0.27321 0.15301 0.97305 0.7611 0.54869 0.45583 0.20398 0.87943 0.22768 0.1216 0.47803 0.39886 0.94378 0.27598 0.32116 0.22556 0.0355 0.00665 0.57089 0.00694 0.05354 0.24553 0.18105 0.26563 0.6942 0.7697 0.47419 0.9488 0.19975 0.68382 0.55389 0.15568 0.40015 0.79764 0.6589 0.70843 0.89115 0.29236 0.23348 0.84485 0.29145 0.34836 0.3302 0.08423 0.62907 0.07651 0.61258 0.13734 0.80083 0.73686 0.06144 0.11658 0.99299 0.0801 0.2765 0.48094 0.3196 0.70856 0.02834 0.89567 0.15876 0.55219 0.11939 0.65599 0.5672 0.19124 0.56124 0.42911 0.65128 0.99703 0.81041 0.96746 0.24632 0.97492 0.22285 0.22735 0.27233 0.20706 0.05642 0.06048 0.48256 0.6385 0.01546 0.81872 0.08377 0.79264 0.43674 0.67036 0.39632 0.44283 0.89234 0.0161 0.36165 0.48407 0.31577 0.42194 0.63407 0.07325 0.58016 0.91414 0.25384 0.84023 0.84413 0.22159 0.11995 0.38128 0.26718 0.05724 0.03012 0.40185 0.70609 0.33316 0.86611 0.67082 0.88894 0.05985 0.86831 0.86664 0.96638 0.4047 0.93072 0.45866 0.82313 0.69248 0.69274 0.0988 0.89766 0.01244 0.65603 0.67238 0.86807 0.0711 0.44624 0.08267 0.44996 0.38587 0.74486 0.7936 0.18147 0.36396 0.47447 0.87195 0.98999 0.72247 0.56778 0.99779 0.87938 0.04515 0.3306 0.25805 0.4615 0.49177 0.67364 0.03309 0.76993 0.23406 0.44312 0.63995 0.44163 0.84877 0.6255 0.09427 0.89919 0.67635 0.08345 0.65018 0.68541 0.92218 0.02638 0.31985 0.48914 0.62724 0.02278 0.20905 0.06874 0.80926 0.76039 0.8481 0.0086 0.74544 0.12036 0.86094 0.53478 0.36141 0.07968 0.76566 0.54071 0.03572 0.93427 0.60338 0.0976 0.33191 0.71091 0.78286 0.93553 0.47451 0.9182 0.34837 0.94207 0.13334 0.38101 0.14672 0.34494 0.24198 0.72025 0.9277 0.94947 0.40866 0.15959 0.00335 0.2721 0.56944 0.56238 0.74442 0.07157 0.2124 0.79796
+0.84398 0.63149 0.34384 0.7822 0.9865 0.14168 0.51385 0.40427 0.66814 0.29672 0.07997 0.76132 0.35261 0.22326 0.62488 0.51591 0.48552 0.06088 0.70447 0.55167 0.03038 0.09164 0.97343 0.63297 0.49716 0.11219 0.25116 0.60595 0.96977 0.94207 0.11105 0.05752 0.54345 0.87301 0.84875 0.54983 0.41297 0.08058 0.22626 0.80049 0.54757 0.5092 0.53071 0.20657 0.63886 0.86973 0.55801 0.89484 0.30048 0.51161 0.69737 0.70293 0.15113 0.34967 0.34344 0.55482 0.64358 0.28836 0.7385 0.57189 0.41362 0.87212 0.61022 0.34707 0.21663 0.2228 0.96184 0.967 0.29876 0.70867 0.02772 0.52894 0.57937 0.08632 0.76302 0.34623 0.01096 0.86025 0.75428 0.15316 0.56223 0.38192 0.02622 0.25519 0.14792 0.4791 0.84544 0.66724 0.70979 0.00696 0.25884 0.54009 0.35018 0.54002 0.53095 0.50641 0.62728 0.32244 0.0153 0.54627 0.3996 0.92103 0.52002 0.00825 0.50712 0.84921 0.04221 0.62048 0.14643 0.12652 0.22128 0.23045 0.17358 0.96827 0.9813 0.72739 0.46464 0.25907 0.67414 0.8211 0.17963 0.33812 0.35391 0.22995 0.58827 0.30589 0.86367 0.68565 0.64704 0.752 0.69992 0.18426 0.12725 0.58893 0.71898 0.93725 0.74671 0.23378 0.65728 0.36059 0.5401 0.02313 0.38311 0.08238 0.0891 0.89162 0.58644 0.28955 0.13866 0.75167 0.83747 0.21909 0.5846 0.7266 0.84305 0.48971 0.58324 0.37222 0.42761 0.61579 0.94306 0.27039 0.43541 0.1618 0.78774 0.81044 0.39317 0.51367 0.5176 0.7525 0.2297 0.13296 0.42559 0.61152 0.20204 0.39261 0.3755 0.71262 0.18174 0.2073 0.77997 0.40249 0.35006 0.26846 0.60112 0.9403 0.54733 0.79663 0.88817 0.753 0.76514 0.60255 0.53207 0.48644 0.25231 0.29553 0.99435 0.55084 0.81443 0.75597 0.5157 0.01164 0.8511 0.59949 0.26133 0.57847 0.02102 0.02412 0.67181 0.94139 0.83583 0.0818 0.26086 0.12149 0.12593 0.96409 0.28586 0.2119 0.98592 0.4188 0.01686 0.25468 0.72261 0.6431 0.14777 0.97781 0.41764 0.38159 0.30875 0.74779 0.38065 0.6427 0.7377 0.33307 0.74593 0.89501 0.9237 0.69162 0.73534 0.22058 0.56652 0.32176 0.39092 0.88478 0.87499 0.45826 0.25192 0.79188 0.18425 0.02184 0.58663 0.74541 0.1413 0.74969 0.82796 0.09754 0.03745 0.38242 0.16334 0.03751 0.06872 0.3755 0.63473 0.76683 0.37623 0.20237 0.30553 0.1391 0.63516 0.1102 0.60428 0.7261 0.15059 0.212 0.50594 0.97874 0.60663 0.00045 0.00204 0.4241 0.76328 0.71214 0.46492 0.97668 0.92447 0.41618 0.21602 0.84073 0.40501 0.32869 0.04927 0.7207 0.29728 0.30564 0.59629 0.87099 0.08099 0.72891 0.26442 0.87502 0.6294 0.11394 0.51492 0.70377 0.22594 0.18564 0.13509 0.811 0.9106 0.27768 0.06544 0.97369 0.90026 0.56504 0.78962 0.3735 0.73968 0.01024 0.1361 0.4598 0.27771 0.16012 0.28283 0.43714 0.97868 0.30353 0.06112 0.64366 0.50521 0.05872 0.34016 0.60417 0.86048 0.66061 0.46869 0.30784 0.60267 0.15171 0.34277 0.12034 0.20583 0.9093 0.36189 0.39706 0.37623 0.65233 0.27288 0.77413 0.09371 0.66472 0.05187 0.34491 0.2173 0.46446 0.02325 0.17902 0.11962 0.81565 0.2268 0.30368 0.27188 0.09058 0.36693 0.88624 0.53989 0.48557 0.42735 0.63878 0.86889 0.29403 0.38521 0.63907 0.73241 0.44126 0.86098 0.37747 0.19881 0.84583 0.25597 0.73155 0.03371 0.97209 0.91877 0.76263 0.7174 0.12537 0.73177 0.46832 0.31335 0.93647 0.721 0.61556 0.29671 0.05616 0.01572 0.42716 0.75435 0.85641 0.74175 0.71183 0.04994 0.48583 0.18845 0.55481 0.9486 0.87244 0.17645 0.98796 0.50575 0.83565 0.99239 0.18388 0.63643 0.16857 0.10341 0.09258 0.99268 0.19572 0.73621 0.26236 0.38912 0.91208 0.5249 0.01345 0.8383 0.98536 0.31758 0.01642 0.06134 0.90924 0.35716 0.36998 0.21149 0.78865 0.81166 0.77911 0.41132 0.18816 0.37236 0.41942 0.29159 0.96949 0.87175 0.68944 0.67214 0.77088 0.87649 0.7636 0.23984 0.74939 0.49905 0.71868 0.22004 0.98433 0.50247 0.82524 0.60321 0.30329 0.47514 0.65899 0.33075 0.89 0.0252 0.03716 0.39713 0.64637 0.51204 0.19435 0.24485 0.24558 0.04527 0.96763 0.87838 0.62291 0.80685 0.30314 0.62527 0.60229 0.10417 0.39058 0.93144 0.00397 0.50792 0.71873 0.2401 0.86468 0.46465 0.56322 0.60035 0.71476 0.45856 0.3097 0.91186 0.68605 0.32242 0.68955 0.00333 0.90159 0.88519 0.59591 0.724 0.8202 0.60973 0.50767 0.97464 0.38078 0.90189 0.97894 0.65285 0.8431 0.12162 0.73514
+0.11871 0.36463 0.22469 0.05768 0.19911 0.7978 0.01959 0.33731 0.14191 0.51201 0.3046 0.65785 0.98782 0.44697 0.28907 0.48246 0.99868 0.47785 0.7897 0.21535 0.01807 0.2128 0.74076 0.1089 0.27229 0.93338 0.04669 0.73017 0.69126 0.64994 0.14686 0.62493 0.28542 0.88111 0.5468 0.46826 0.17402 0.61567 0.51834 0.00362 0.00764 0.55297 0.16776 0.58926 0.64171 0.30707 0.58848 0.02775 0.43096 0.46695 0.77562 0.06049 0.19838 0.9646 0.76825 0.73397 0.28499 0.93501 0.1776 0.03157 0.81758 0.16434 0.68355 0.24536 0.22748 0.74165 0.1032 0.85213 0.53172 0.33377 0.02604 0.50296 0.66105 0.47797 0.76612 0.45359 0.16576 0.80149 0.65584 0.90249 0.76703 0.78134 0.18176 0.30002 0.12646 0.69468 0.00267 0.53558 0.00443 0.87 0.073 0.56708 0.24933 0.48096 0.34252 0.32294 0.40758 0.98451 0.63191 0.42299 0.69009 0.19225 0.91074 0.69852 0.11568 0.08073 0.56419 0.55518 0.68277 0.38521 0.43899 0.15427 0.67979 0.14048 0.43942 0.33945 0.7622 0.73689 0.76285 0.95703 0.97306 0.06433 0.58769 0.65729 0.93875 0.86442 0.78554 0.0042 0.02034 0.4161 0.75577 0.78975 0.39249 0.51987 0.81069 0.02353 0.82201 0.90982 0.95845 0.94046 0.20957 0.55663 0.24862 0.65895 0.41519 0.45352 0.53561 0.02079 0.1861 0.33663 0.25186 0.35177 0.86266 0.25805 0.90633 0.59181 0.79277 0.61838 0.87905 0.95716 0.95934 0.14534 0.14037 0.23236 0.42564 0.00175 0.74074 0.43664 0.56703 0.12258 0.97444 0.29329 0.31523 0.6533 0.73772 0.3163 0.14801 0.13939 0.55609 0.22593 0.35084 0.28136 0.01629 0.0578 0.43443 0.72112 0.99219 0.36685 0.31189 0.67001 0.67289 0.25958 0.17022 0.49129 0.93612 0.49517 0.56479 0.80989 0.79245 0.45683 0.87524 0.19079 0.901 0.4158 0.91234 0.54624 0.34476 0.79974 0.93421 0.28401 0.57964 0.92898 0.31626 0.84386 0.30037 0.3572 0.74477 0.2488 0.05479 0.63975 0.94013 0.91331 0.33578 0.0858 0.90766 0.97149 0.54795 0.24208 0.22021 0.27787 0.20975 0.40191 0.57521 0.62 0.74218 0.29984 0.27927 0.45657 0.06693 0.66051 0.18866 0.53896 0.51863 0.1854 0.28206 0.55351 0.67436 0.21869 0.68601 0.4906 0.08975 0.5278 0.18352 0.85846 0.05579 0.85078 0.79837 0.28869 0.97702 0.0977 0.18071 0.09087 0.66883 0.1096 0.24232 0.38071 0.4525 0.28149 0.54111 0.99273 0.18268 0.21031 0.59909 0.27332 0.35041 0.88402 0.88824 0.69176 0.09051 0.9281 0.7862 0.11487 0.77356 0.70312 0.63527 0.85412 0.55931 0.31823 0.15136 0.3939 0.3877 0.82388 0.08677 0.96675 0.49669 0.99801 0.94971 0.77936 0.97203 0.49961 0.8185 0.70415 0.1435 0.88023 0.65351 0.11418 0.62698 0.21311 0.53276 0.64448 0.89194 0.66272 0.81673 0.08698 0.00019 0.32002 0.56033 0.71985 0.10924 0.29217 0.56564 0.01683 0.91236 0.49206 0.39597 0.15889 0.16739 0.53394 0.53946 0.66934 0.99835 0.05847 0.3952 0.46137 0.47003 0.61504 0.02251 0.10899 0.15293 0.81978 0.34458 0.87993 0.51058 0.21541 0.37584 0.23165 0.51208 0.74614 0.78555 0.36322 0.20955 0.22331 0.42209 0.56225 0.05412 0.6626 0.19883 0.24086 0.04556 0.28646 0.87275 0.75374 0.06063 0.57649 0.62094 0.01834 0.98464 0.90702 0.89887 0.42554 0.14212 0.88017 0.44635 0.96412 0.77859 0.45531 0.88174 0.98053 0.77643 0.15318 0.0584 0.97713 0.8349 0.63126 0.30906 0.02173 0.88758 0.71944 0.88513 0.56249 0.71677 0.82734 0.66677 0.29771 0.67033 0.08289 0.73564 0.4762 0.80839 0.27753 0.94813 0.19603 0.46796 0.25753 0.44992 0.08357 0.78753 0.9572 0.35839 0.84232 0.54294 0.96896 0.21639 0.78615 0.14318 0.64839 0.28906 0.91627 0.76317 0.66424 0.64088 0.63116 0.15863 0.22347 0.73775 0.26224 0.53142 0.23297 0.62369 0.67401 0.84214 0.11873 0.17405 0.46814 0.49034 0.74985 0.28515 0.87519 0.68896 0.92151 0.43422 0.09824 0.70091 0.03724 0.04013 0.16733 0.12141 0.06313 0.07687 0.10063 0.11736 0.74423 0.21131 0.93036 0.6352 0.65317 0.8373 0.08725 0.9853 0.49588 0.21724 0.20183 0.87583 0.81794 0.01889 0.82924 0.4304 0.64945 0.59002 0.52292 0.74163 0.71492 0.9238 0.99033 0.25741 0.73042 0.72579 0.27345 0.2943 0.67072 0.23022 0.60281 0.97098 0.70313 0.51132 0.87157 0.68001 0.11748 0.95433 0.61612 0.94828 0.3305 0.43631 0.40108 0.37686 0.35102 0.54814 0.49648 0.60056 0.96602 0.00951 0.88712 0.41834 0.42964 0.43363 0.76336 0.2104 0.27278 0.31863 0.70637 0.92168 0.07375
+0.98875 0.74051 0.26707 0.24297 0.10269 0.58914 0.37987 0.22515 0.53824 0.75252 0.12317 0.5887 0.19914 0.53845 0.55616 0.52386 0.63327 0.9975 0.89691 0.80968 0.40603 0.76964 0.72735 0.34126 0.03931 0.3914 0.92597 0.6406 0.37833 0.05846 0.88331 0.13747 0.34783 0.93192 0.08493 0.78341 0.2974 0.7793 0.34768 0.40636 0.19253 0.62506 0.10694 0.99526 0.93955 0.7427 0.99315 0.85263 0.4174 0.53378 0.29789 0.03189 0.08566 0.1078 0.34475 0.27203 0.39314 0.79928 0.50615 0.83624 0.32723 0.64624 0.4389 0.57663 0.68423 0.16929 0.15381 0.26863 0.51137 0.10581 0.3544 0.48633 0.22903 0.05781 0.603 0.56048 0.80475 0.68368 0.2155 0.01657 0.81472 0.65749 0.42684 0.36962 0.82767 0.82205 0.15646 0.20123 0.3878 0.71965 0.20823 0.96009 0.16987 0.70091 0.50351 0.05359 0.8292 0.00459 0.80469 0.01945 0.96255 0.8638 0.49527 0.92519 0.25524 0.2549 0.63843 0.35844 0.54241 0.4165 0.52644 0.56196 0.24622 0.97574 0.66406 0.78403 0.17554 0.08116 0.3278 0.4885 0.06316 0.79683 0.86837 0.34682 0.73901 0.8744 0.98722 0.21072 0.13932 0.98922 0.34419 0.5764 0.02967 0.19289 0.27867 0.95543 0.39905 0.63293 0.57267 0.71718 0.92935 0.1157 0.25146 0.10063 0.37665 0.57663 0.11123 0.51725 0.59719 0.5873 0.16937 0.537 0.08859 0.11613 0.72328 0.62099 0.32219 0.24104 0.82031 0.71303 0.90166 0.33178 0.93211 0.29407 0.86598 0.05229 0.60923 0.81332 0.4955 0.42868 0.92306 0.91507 0.8558 0.20876 0.61532 0.91348 0.40282 0.81587 0.04876 0.95453 0.02259 0.30178 0.15498 0.41117 0.62242 0.70415 0.13169 0.61774 0.66866 0.97483 0.97225 0.62634 0.16307 0.93561 0.84809 0.07867 0.06121 0.03515 0.21348 0.35001 0.1301 0.83169 0.82726 0.6213 0.38551 0.12106 0.42583 0.51499 0.54165 0.28606 0.08972 0.0297 0.28959 0.36431 0.573 0.85489 0.76931 0.58857 0.36666 0.74004 0.90329 0.39269 0.66792 0.64575 0.64624 0.43708 0.66391 0.3125 0.12068 0.92205 0.79459 0.4024 0.18517 0.90689 0.20964 0.36763 0.61569 0.36155 0.58131 0.68422 0.40421 0.69559 0.52028 0.4223 0.15703 0.0922 0.6302 0.38507 0.73849 0.45211 0.11212 0.68174 0.08971 0.42967 0.53599 0.38637 0.02044 0.00986 0.30736 0.77205 0.96508 0.71284 0.21567 0.36641 0.44652 0.00163 0.60131 0.99312 0.51174 0.65004 0.46392 0.44907 0.08557 0.70202 0.64958 0.2566 0.98017 0.50411 0.81039 0.76628 0.25197 0.59089 0.40159 0.97151 0.73451 0.54228 0.50961 0.4417 0.31299 0.42436 0.07476 0.15075 0.45625 0.74355 0.96642 0.10859 0.62025 0.32007 0.11185 0.04114 0.83208 0.05137 0.10434 0.79623 0.34707 0.64009 0.65057 0.08093 0.41109 0.92112 0.60211 0.484 0.28362 0.78808 0.66265 0.425 0.3514 0.87858 0.30944 0.73885 0.2809 0.44979 0.90967 0.46048 0.98525 0.92209 0.2524 0.87541 0.59097 0.15623 0.5146 0.79188 0.58232 0.86826 0.69817 0.94765 0.48504 0.2851 0.0518 0.8631 0.18796 0.03814 0.68828 0.14767 0.90484 0.95835 0.63217 0.54579 0.32073 0.61985 0.39408 0.56244 0.66971 0.49446 0.91929 0.86549 0.53271 0.42258 0.52478 0.44002 0.82222 0.10558 0.84626 0.72376 0.77009 0.82023 0.29102 0.54218 0.97112 0.00949 0.42188 0.37274 0.80004 0.06437 0.38204 0.0157 0.64907 0.86247 0.32434 0.66985 0.93887 0.43199 0.97629 0.1893 0.9882 0.45396 0.84836 0.34519 0.56427 0.50345 0.74008 0.67674 0.97365 0.66928 0.24216 0.37687 0.27898 0.27964 0.81293 0.54167 0.59132 0.26321 0.37568 0.08049 0.08607 0.19379 0.72157 0.98791 0.18714 0.62404 0.00744 0.67023 0.17157 0.84418 0.85833 0.34706 0.12178 0.08068 0.27074 0.00606 0.28408 0.79054 0.15375 0.21987 0.77701 0.9513 0.23512 0.03791 0.36672 0.15044 0.15027 0.30914 0.28541 0.93304 0.51616 0.63821 0.36544 0.70821 0.8266 0.46568 0.2501 0.32239 0.80564 0.56258 0.88961 0.20006 0.47062 0.37873 0.66883 0.55034 0.27658 0.57969 0.92132 0.21688 0.50331 0.02834 0.24392 0.81018 0.7153 0.98746 0.58444 0.56771 0.53488 0.52098 0.57225 0.12263 0.40302 0.80027 0.01391 0.06494 0.21399 0.25167 0.52233 0.61044 0.1667 0.49223 0.19373 0.78334 0.036 0.85974 0.87112 0.55909 0.87166 0.50687 0.86888 0.31069 0.48603 0.75919 0.68698 0.31202 0.72067 0.85102 0.93563 0.84735 0.16654 0.27653 0.99752 0.74963 0.7455 0.92495 0.14352 0.28726 0.23315 0.65752 0.13437 0.15327 0.50415 0.63172 0.46578 0.07285 0.90595 0.53942
+0.4414 0.21797 0.76265 0.26456 0.23539 0.93495 0.03542 0.73436 0.11621 0.0045 0.1426 0.67818 0.67057 0.93059 0.22117 0.91734 0.73667 0.50463 0.32308 0.7448 0.55063 0.6133 0.71696 0.28537 0.90882 0.15277 0.62207 0.73725 0.24812 0.83245 0.52245 0.14878 0.2573 0.51697 0.83594 0.74493 0.90458 0.7707 0.77824 0.70058 0.42985 0.33501 0.92533 0.82341 0.54627 0.78109 0.85929 0.23449 0.69999 0.67346 0.66583 0.77755 0.05094 0.86906 0.18795 0.53526 0.84979 0.83256 0.38164 0.03133 0.96096 0.72308 0.39715 0.41913 0.76004 0.68936 0.02723 0.61747 0.49993 0.14205 0.32808 0.41618 0.42469 0.2562 0.44185 0.80653 0.20256 0.6226 0.52943 0.35504 0.5253 0.52556 0.7066 0.32574 0.29331 0.87671 0.42289 0.01632 0.92404 0.34621 0.02979 0.18469 0.46253 0.04711 4e-05 0.84935 0.66808 0.09264 0.87562 0.02069 0.94061 0.0153 0.02129 0.23611 0.11749 0.25663 0.24997 0.29839 0.95931 0.87735 0.01549 0.4289 0.49508 0.76209 0.3696 0.51631 0.66642 0.11922 0.87605 0.32874 0.89353 0.79233 0.81568 0.46742 0.20798 0.57227 0.35738 0.0093 0.80082 0.6469 0.79228 0.0211 0.07674 0.52822 0.32438 0.51238 0.14032 0.55169 0.46391 0.72028 0.46914 0.50433 0.27632 0.9317 0.36526 0.04513 0.60801 0.14555 0.32299 0.56181 0.77717 0.31561 0.66374 0.50671 0.20764 0.20112 0.71039 0.2688 0.74687 0.05122 0.91429 0.57328 0.00143 0.9247 0.60076 0.08597 0.32929 0.09975 0.96355 0.19325 0.68302 0.68053 0.20911 0.51968 0.61725 0.77707 0.2363 0.59401 0.50386 0.42106 0.13179 0.17525 0.26853 0.16859 0.71377 0.64672 0.46501 0.16039 0.62488 0.89323 0.22759 0.53177 0.85086 0.77133 0.13444 0.48213 0.51511 0.39456 0.90178 0.55397 0.5045 0.7841 0.03415 0.95156 0.7627 0.44503 0.75588 0.0809 0.39257 0.37824 0.17767 0.91132 0.56727 0.7487 0.42527 0.73507 0.84304 0.88302 0.82131 0.30204 0.36259 0.59808 0.69083 0.401 0.2217 0.62408 0.98676 0.62812 0.76237 0.19035 0.37902 0.43277 0.48672 0.40188 0.83156 0.32752 0.83399 0.05091 0.91165 0.86571 0.34936 0.04863 0.44922 0.20863 0.34775 0.52475 0.32814 0.94228 0.58369 0.30712 0.68255 0.85332 0.39293 0.5981 0.35672 0.43245 0.88706 0.6647 0.86286 0.10857 0.85121 0.52281 0.91049 0.15264 0.50652 0.81935 0.96427 0.05478 0.11636 0.139 0.2812 0.54258 0.16381 0.50611 0.45487 0.25076 0.53491 0.71833 0.76619 0.95706 0.55884 0.32623 0.3647 0.4167 0.0376 0.14576 0.44339 0.20541 0.92945 0.36213 0.65088 0.19379 0.87363 0.10235 0.38522 0.49048 0.63823 0.31752 0.28824 0.66028 0.84134 0.03705 0.42885 0.60535 0.19683 0.13039 0.09112 0.07075 0.1869 0.75974 0.72789 0.71167 0.14268 0.21235 0.78952 0.15061 0.70387 0.51604 0.72718 0.215 0.78331 0.78498 0.01803 0.41895 0.92697 0.43247 0.86992 0.34599 0.28642 0.08688 0.84353 0.70101 0.13403 0.90568 0.57197 0.71545 0.99932 0.87519 0.56733 0.1559 0.70958 0.10392 0.28194 0.39595 0.4115 0.6715 0.15138 0.03478 0.24791 0.47516 0.54254 0.27794 0.16702 0.89868 0.82695 0.57133 0.90275 0.79454 0.77733 0.40981 0.21047 0.86454 0.63661 0.37896 0.82657 0.5566 0.22896 0.19781 0.7703 0.63425 0.81969 0.42187 0.34554 0.45459 0.83567 0.00568 0.56269 0.40926 0.95638 0.27868 0.92915 0.1222 0.27443 0.16625 0.85242 0.54213 0.75491 0.32382 0.5498 0.17885 0.2668 0.49388 0.41105 0.41262 0.3262 0.43877 0.02712 0.15099 0.54501 0.94648 0.62161 0.47238 0.59523 0.8826 0.87307 0.32786 0.99087 0.46824 0.87698 0.40974 0.32206 0.32656 0.6167 0.0408 0.82854 0.67506 0.05137 0.59954 0.78729 0.20451 0.79923 0.57968 0.83508 0.14159 0.62953 0.06081 0.3157 0.65958 0.5495 0.64753 0.22459 0.99928 0.87584 0.23159 0.25538 0.89477 0.35045 0.63841 0.17914 0.50619 0.0879 0.05711 0.78664 0.14196 0.73424 0.69873 0.6837 0.94231 0.55754 0.01747 0.17324 0.52694 0.01837 0.64205 0.89048 0.52127 0.5671 0.71512 0.51067 0.94502 0.69584 0.41617 0.08043 0.69722 0.6925 0.47059 0.7299 0.55665 0.12783 0.08116 0.72611 0.62271 0.74717 0.97986 0.73622 0.06448 0.96735 0.5418 0.75215 0.88139 0.01328 0.87163 0.94453 0.21565 0.0474 0.91926 0.15733 0.82087 0.76505 0.80404 0.48425 0.90377 0.39497 0.46352 0.42661 0.22554 0.1157 0.76211 0.34322 0.62972 0.82349 0.5477 0.87619 0.73136 0.04898 0.04836 0.15508 0.87276 0.20564 0.28221 0.58333 0.3043
+0.15976 0.2258 0.53073 0.38782 0.87732 0.76205 0.33944 0.75851 0.97014 0.44282 0.67091 0.6584 0.4321 0.12625 0.32213 0.21388 0.81806 0.49221 0.60781 0.32139 0.94201 0.02202 0.36951 0.63635 0.46196 0.46579 0.77038 0.91921 0.95432 0.62672 0.53164 0.67293 0.14412 0.83837 0.90263 0.87013 0.94665 0.63014 0.03346 0.44362 0.38482 0.63874 0.66599 0.44281 0.65208 0.05162 0.73134 0.81008 0.80383 0.4798 0.7993 0.0653 0.02684 0.63376 0.42818 0.9908 0.09749 0.77356 0.50931 0.67076 0.62691 0.31798 0.78437 0.97842 0.97224 0.94887 0.78758 0.84109 0.07181 0.0099 0.56196 0.61107 0.64251 0.33842 0.26096 0.56021 0.97491 0.77226 0.10685 0.62789 0.2794 0.16935 0.57863 0.97671 0.58782 0.0139 0.39229 0.87777 0.14032 0.26558 0.40569 0.04953 0.75717 0.19254 0.87459 0.34638 0.77591 0.03865 0.07622 0.25468 0.09373 0.08736 0.03665 0.77483 0.21966 0.83762 0.97897 0.66174 0.30633 0.68783 0.9146 0.70475 0.7119 0.29065 0.82524 0.78166 0.98046 0.87539 0.18012 0.10996 0.72704 0.8125 0.57085 0.38508 0.48821 0.5651 0.90453 0.82756 0.14422 0.91805 0.90876 0.0125 0.15139 0.16787 0.734 0.95602 0.13069 0.70719 0.97391 0.29253 0.37859 0.81529 0.88034 0.1168 0.63541 0.80936 0.1414 0.17753 0.59155 0.70861 0.05331 0.28004 0.24105 0.58725 0.7339 0.16785 0.26958 0.91713 0.31317 0.45017 0.03648 0.15389 0.40467 0.56409 0.77826 0.09781 0.15336 0.57159 0.29659 0.46485 0.96425 0.75583 0.36259 0.08665 0.32266 0.15769 0.03252 0.68186 0.21032 0.75669 0.07837 0.72263 0.84751 0.0925 0.69494 0.46505 0.0038 0.14118 0.44243 0.26564 0.42996 0.01519 0.75395 0.34739 0.66682 0.95711 0.87857 0.93362 0.79213 0.05545 0.68002 0.15618 0.6804 0.83204 0.34136 0.87751 0.8792 0.35426 0.56955 0.92153 0.84893 0.48879 0.58525 0.34024 0.75115 0.36579 0.43952 0.48064 0.79489 0.20129 0.20863 0.02475 0.65707 0.21367 0.12555 0.45393 0.81478 0.01856 0.26947 0.44397 0.07875 0.12139 0.77926 0.81089 0.86138 0.5639 0.63507 0.66475 0.01303 0.69405 0.11507 0.40552 0.21061 0.08499 0.86055 0.23867 0.92849 0.96142 0.59793 0.4437 0.89387 0.90821 0.77431 0.50479 0.4992 0.73237 0.34685 0.32781 0.78217 0.91595 0.01901 0.4221 0.69567 0.06695 0.76739 0.64532 0.32032 0.76444 0.00203 0.9343 0.29353 0.46705 0.13386 0.06246 0.97356 0.95751 0.69299 0.07104 0.47965 0.36905 0.14898 0.83443 0.13096 0.79109 0.24989 0.46356 0.69254 0.60686 0.48128 0.74089 0.13915 0.93401 0.78121 0.66047 0.3307 0.61138 0.60862 0.89687 0.77703 0.75125 0.78104 0.96613 0.2615 0.15965 0.70392 0.26204 0.09051 0.39801 0.3692 0.65315 0.45442 0.67453 0.05206 0.35884 0.10486 0.5447 0.68261 0.83089 0.30725 0.36621 0.30248 0.93599 0.4585 0.70276 0.94842 0.77976 0.80413 0.15267 0.07915 0.93941 0.71177 0.07198 0.33261 0.66223 0.79927 0.37088 0.29111 0.0404 0.20779 0.64039 0.09089 0.45489 0.47233 0.04207 0.57916 0.17757 0.04253 0.19926 0.88836 0.95068 0.54298 0.81903 0.53544 0.75922 0.37255 0.10283 0.75421 0.76016 0.47313 0.52834 0.86512 0.60884 0.86448 0.98562 0.40551 0.81839 0.31087 0.99518 0.00783 0.60161 0.7472 0.67752 0.98123 0.86552 0.84165 0.22465 0.83791 0.50542 0.92542 0.63934 0.75739 0.27294 0.49154 0.13159 0.89301 0.3401 0.44084 0.54728 0.74368 0.77196 0.29061 0.58495 0.11535 0.64278 0.30503 0.94371 0.80911 0.22444 0.73581 0.24673 0.15438 0.34896 0.70394 0.42711 0.68165 0.05106 0.51572 0.49559 0.86011 0.20513 0.20337 0.60622 0.91237 0.80006 0.56199 0.68083 0.19373 0.48871 0.31502 0.51702 0.46802 0.1734 0.85949 0.22024 0.31308 0.15987 0.52279 0.61921 0.73795 0.57929 0.09429 0.32619 0.41108 0.53829 0.82167 0.26122 0.83064 0.52549 0.48946 0.10458 0.92742 0.28557 0.78642 0.07988 0.46399 0.69924 0.50855 0.20556 0.14373 0.70967 0.82723 0.18232 0.36534 0.84081 0.97379 0.47112 0.34593 0.44529 0.41777 0.86179 0.42144 0.54412 0.37158 0.02608 0.18956 0.39967 0.56053 0.54654 0.60618 0.87795 0.75027 0.11171 0.54769 0.17048 0.44588 0.15057 0.66472 0.80201 0.44642 0.73795 0.1437 0.2287 0.0677 0.9841 0.3857 0.81793 0.94741 0.05274 0.48665 0.32281 0.24255 0.69249 0.19576 0.15052 0.11804 0.57238 0.68074 0.35178 0.93072 0.11375 0.81439 0.02451 0.6876 0.82507 0.74122 0.68169 0.12306 0.82631 0.41699 0.21787 0.12704 0.45923
+0.69725 0.684 0.17307 0.32627 0.33395 0.06901 0.81631 0.17575 0.74626 0.40595 0.01839 0.24907 0.96218 0.71152 0.30006 0.65874 0.14782 0.26842 0.19754 0.3285 0.01696 0.96746 0.52439 0.97399 0.99175 0.67595 0.93486 0.80299 0.80277 0.09212 0.55637 0.60502 0.37619 0.56298 0.59669 0.17451 0.7772 0.80621 0.77264 0.84293 0.39393 0.07492 0.89665 0.58738 0.68872 0.55894 0.70396 0.57823 0.47912 0.15674 0.68807 0.74028 0.15885 0.53939 0.68519 0.92027 0.14571 0.2849 0.84812 0.00876 0.66861 0.1487 0.87578 0.92589 0.77113 0.00106 0.81564 0.70501 0.0096 0.58929 0.76239 0.75636 0.79959 0.7486 0.66014 0.82842 0.62006 0.80624 0.20206 0.80802 0.06254 0.21287 0.56759 0.50742 0.61013 0.03747 0.06895 0.05303 0.21354 0.81496 0.40151 0.97374 0.94319 0.0807 0.04645 0.6835 0.39835 0.34503 0.77691 0.11486 0.02535 0.96167 0.16965 0.91472 0.42041 0.039 0.73196 0.82934 0.03077 0.48079 0.37112 0.29043 0.17598 0.63542 0.47403 0.87871 0.02011 0.79895 0.86811 0.37704 0.89436 0.06917 0.41073 0.7523 0.68724 0.66865 0.20986 0.00154 0.75278 0.43433 0.45839 0.20608 0.85544 0.47543 0.99893 0.75936 0.72144 0.44036 0.46652 0.00043 0.7421 0.97806 0.07523 0.6074 0.915 0.62147 0.35201 0.17287 0.82884 0.68977 0.24259 0.48947 0.52861 0.3447 0.6629 0.27107 0.75491 0.40064 0.64886 0.06739 0.96377 0.50763 0.60715 0.43802 0.93273 0.24868 0.21733 0.06275 0.79639 0.93791 0.56123 0.66699 0.53065 0.65656 0.79852 0.20726 0.38874 0.67255 0.77219 0.27799 0.91216 0.56099 0.72909 0.60525 0.07231 0.6355 0.29735 0.32403 0.30638 0.7456 0.85031 0.60167 0.29646 0.70776 0.72499 0.29814 0.67157 0.43589 0.20626 0.48817 0.34088 0.57253 0.09683 0.30418 0.5441 0.91728 0.87196 0.42551 0.32483 0.07297 0.69061 0.67155 0.86351 0.07357 0.05988 0.07814 0.66193 0.40778 0.91485 0.95093 0.98083 0.61031 0.38861 0.88525 0.06455 0.58712 0.53659 0.08315 0.79937 0.28802 0.92019 0.63984 0.87506 0.23439 0.10069 0.26571 0.9368 0.24007 0.62964 0.25303 0.38801 0.80522 0.21985 0.13043 0.02311 0.26626 0.23285 0.72345 0.19768 0.46905 0.41387 0.87504 0.45501 0.38321 0.54146 0.48082 0.82548 0.60621 0.30058 0.82089 0.63526 0.85113 0.0033 0.16343 0.22674 0.64046 0.09786 0.74707 0.56487 0.54633 0.4144 0.26244 0.88525 0.73775 0.20326 0.32351 0.70015 0.34631 0.55142 0.77192 0.01901 0.09 0.1456 0.38725 0.30472 0.5762 0.33905 0.86888 0.26174 0.84847 0.55004 0.37903 0.96124 0.58611 0.54119 0.78638 0.18405 0.98029 0.05248 0.0872 0.53226 0.64394 0.37831 0.13683 0.13259 0.42223 0.7587 0.25525 0.7795 0.38005 0.08365 0.63803 0.58437 0.6687 0.69018 0.6201 0.48013 0.9583 0.68672 0.53338 0.14534 0.52275 0.21043 0.05478 0.4106 0.61258 0.6851 0.84201 0.36439 0.15643 0.58936 0.95665 0.71144 0.73535 0.88989 0.17396 0.76004 0.42633 0.80806 0.7163 0.37355 0.66203 0.94775 0.54978 0.98206 0.16207 0.39036 0.40707 0.79434 0.43184 0.67283 0.48259 0.49 0.32138 0.33899 0.91856 0.70595 0.8681 0.61578 0.17707 0.28971 0.82173 0.6588 0.37915 0.34926 0.89874 0.87292 0.80465 0.08379 0.1058 0.19708 0.40347 0.43377 0.96711 0.85651 0.06141 0.74889 0.98237 0.6763 0.57713 0.71625 0.45903 0.93929 0.99926 0.80344 0.64223 0.4647 0.13193 0.31927 0.78409 0.23135 0.28307 0.82369 0.57545 0.19723 0.65439 0.19493 0.02514 0.20606 0.8352 0.61924 0.53448 0.51981 0.63188 0.37387 0.55938 0.57004 0.18365 0.88807 0.1385 0.5065 0.224 0.40899 0.91435 0.74294 0.60146 0.0532 0.13118 0.89113 0.0377 0.71218 0.84258 0.41573 0.46022 0.26965 0.77932 0.44941 0.21037 0.6578 0.07319 0.86608 0.70251 0.77679 0.18087 0.54811 0.41324 0.1097 0.69887 0.4257 0.13368 0.27247 0.62068 0.32054 0.55008 0.53542 0.02313 0.69624 0.47891 0.02793 0.37856 0.58512 0.78994 0.15884 0.71576 0.65753 0.93832 0.99045 0.13204 0.92107 0.75955 0.74987 0.47267 0.06243 0.60097 0.62094 0.12269 0.16529 0.70939 0.10903 0.41787 0.10398 0.45228 0.35639 0.75214 0.59023 0.32574 0.30062 0.216 0.41319 0.57566 0.08197 0.70843 0.25375 0.22445 0.85239 0.47693 0.35608 0.51226 0.46622 0.05028 0.24618 0.38664 0.46288 0.29816 0.96778 0.45964 0.48092 0.11625 0.98086 0.31953 0.72408 0.93397 0.34168 0.17501 0.1921 0.32947 0.26225 0.38404 0.73114 0.79801 0.72474 0.92327
+0.71398 0.90373 0.53986 0.10745 0.48476 0.81346 0.28728 0.59127 0.59313 0.15479 0.1624 0.79513 0.45024 0.99233 0.07282 0.2488 0.03222 0.62644 0.64115 0.42606 0.49568 0.24952 0.08991 0.39411 0.60471 0.38044 0.09372 0.89423 0.358 0.54185 0.71051 0.16202 0.68935 0.43166 0.09157 0.40163 0.76462 0.74394 0.43876 0.47629 0.23375 0.62875 0.18587 0.04186 0.61713 0.75655 0.71123 0.16411 0.35612 0.97534 0.27747 0.06281 0.65941 0.98732 0.06469 0.38075 0.20308 0.34693 0.98582 0.66787 0.28837 0.24005 0.73365 0.77954 0.10144 0.41641 0.3106 0.85835 0.22711 0.71297 0.91456 0.47856 0.63852 0.19054 0.20604 0.1379 0.44961 0.90993 0.78472 0.22115 0.7958 0.76329 0.84833 0.45264 0.60056 0.87302 0.48727 0.44067 0.26303 0.54774 0.74378 0.66469 0.99227 0.24578 0.32263 0.07721 0.31856 0.00987 0.34071 0.65563 0.24257 0.12568 0.90098 0.54285 0.80049 0.12895 0.05174 0.20656 0.46198 0.83663 0.94606 0.5794 0.05196 0.43279 0.96538 0.47338 0.85396 0.72382 0.84373 0.86727 0.43457 0.01319 0.21798 0.27944 0.98287 0.76328 0.53926 0.87372 0.31599 0.06863 0.86512 0.53156 0.39757 0.39372 0.02741 0.63451 0.7861 0.25057 0.95048 0.52056 0.91739 0.15808 0.54936 0.09145 0.07858 0.56891 0.01807 0.22078 0.22032 0.79372 0.56826 0.43376 0.65668 0.16815 0.46033 0.4594 0.34166 0.99486 0.16484 0.53979 0.71335 0.43808 0.8368 0.79168 0.87007 0.49371 0.64786 0.27547 0.86548 0.55558 0.50815 0.42268 0.16762 0.42866 0.63724 0.07438 0.4646 0.50346 0.82458 0.20264 0.71575 0.22702 0.13705 0.05729 0.43704 0.41614 0.69046 0.91433 0.92027 0.71207 0.35101 0.9286 0.26216 0.51365 0.83919 0.74779 0.64774 0.97483 0.90097 0.0504 0.48269 0.72205 0.25279 0.40768 0.71459 0.18893 0.99509 0.16394 0.46047 0.83907 0.8621 0.79189 0.70671 0.04395 0.62415 0.84736 0.08106 0.04486 0.77575 0.86317 0.37246 0.70672 0.37456 0.60244 0.19002 0.288 0.70003 0.34665 0.19467 0.73774 0.59998 0.76738 0.08098 0.3352 0.79263 0.88822 0.75714 0.20107 0.77421 0.87 0.39259 0.69806 0.30481 0.60586 0.20316 0.3353 0.07104 0.49002 0.35622 0.15923 0.84604 0.50744 0.75086 0.79069 0.34202 0.01772 0.92181 0.76234 0.05784 0.36791 0.62954 0.4784 0.08159 0.51358 0.46243 0.20904 0.03619 0.09703 0.38926 0.82944 0.83714 0.74078 0.49058 0.13716 0.47591 0.93547 0.56245 0.77518 0.30128 0.92443 0.52348 0.98381 0.23516 0.62276 0.16944 0.39226 0.547 0.06221 0.14305 0.09007 0.57349 0.14206 0.55841 0.72746 0.72294 0.87684 0.16364 0.29308 0.60901 0.50876 0.19189 0.08534 0.37054 0.09497 0.84065 0.7368 0.51377 0.84528 0.67352 0.50588 0.51458 0.75946 0.89022 0.00346 0.80806 0.67485 0.22776 0.32267 0.15452 0.19522 0.25682 0.79488 0.763 0.07002 0.8975 0.14972 0.9992 0.02031 0.59675 0.82594 0.52487 0.58948 0.87507 0.0908 0.20654 0.09149 0.9227 0.95449 0.30187 0.22807 0.80379 0.63753 0.28033 0.14778 0.12387 0.06831 0.58967 0.98876 0.88896 0.56471 0.92856 0.78374 0.18584 0.591 0.31457 0.60152 0.31972 0.71726 0.13572 0.07561 0.47186 0.54709 0.16917 0.36196 0.05324 0.62789 0.71722 0.73469 0.88635 0.84824 0.1476 0.45042 0.87503 0.08714 0.83862 0.48721 0.46608 0.13457 0.49928 0.48437 0.9413 0.96199 0.92448 0.19635 0.51661 0.44279 0.48155 0.09412 0.56349 0.66706 0.1143 0.93963 0.00139 0.48138 0.18237 0.83033 0.19205 0.05041 0.23952 0.78809 0.27021 0.11517 0.89096 0.35536 0.54098 0.06772 0.45903 0.72737 0.02483 0.23488 0.84021 0.6022 0.20711 0.70393 0.32594 0.70679 0.12546 0.88779 0.12352 0.98654 0.89962 0.52428 0.11992 0.69614 0.7017 0.27222 0.76652 0.74189 0.27125 0.68814 0.76137 0.03766 0.0164 0.43464 0.96966 0.34032 0.25214 0.17248 0.413 0.37252 0.71486 0.81059 0.11275 0.33781 0.7768 0.94101 0.32168 0.41732 0.46805 0.13125 0.44314 0.4852 0.93725 0.43961 0.28703 0.08937 0.91652 0.30332 0.33363 0.50957 0.49093 0.58505 0.72904 0.30176 0.03959 0.00191 0.79156 0.84225 0.89738 0.59428 0.24525 0.22744 0.99564 0.56832 0.07018 0.60572 0.06693 0.55657 0.06995 0.78021 0.32031 0.26454 0.65515 0.92108 0.66525 0.85843 0.16234 0.01453 0.55677 0.10569 0.71468 0.239 0.14979 0.82326 0.47519 0.56197 0.93294 0.81291 0.94199 0.94848 0.51165 0.96867 0.22199 0.37995 0.60603 0.39566 0.69796 0.88324 0.29001 0.09304 0.7212 0.49952
+0.87481 0.53521 0.02991 0.87687 0.12045 0.37742 0.93195 0.22186 0.80736 0.63734 0.75599 0.5875 0.07183 0.7381 0.88023 0.98785 0.02946 0.98747 0.40933 0.64361 0.27401 0.42353 0.35977 0.21124 0.39371 0.4415 0.27624 0.64985 0.48174 0.38989 0.98516 0.28192 0.57771 0.53546 0.99155 0.53136 0.14878 0.33415 0.46981 0.51417 0.18833 0.28531 0.44616 0.51073 0.58626 0.46699 0.49613 0.76673 0.18199 0.16231 0.52755 0.76746 0.57374 0.50551 0.84552 0.86611 0.291 0.07177 0.24177 0.35416 0.26284 0.22275 0.45483 0.77225 0.47241 0.4839 0.47837 0.7191 0.99815 0.64901 0.62314 0.11881 0.10077 0.49417 0.96225 0.82937 0.23372 0.56851 0.84213 0.26447 0.79141 0.29903 0.71138 0.51726 0.85044 0.31366 0.27163 0.51005 0.15048 0.21433 0.85276 0.48336 0.60809 0.52089 0.63224 0.70668 0.68162 0.88822 0.20167 0.8998 0.13688 0.19774 0.40113 0.88281 0.19669 0.11547 0.19865 0.45476 0.43854 0.20028 0.71537 0.02766 0.33171 0.80614 0.83055 0.10453 0.77052 0.4732 0.42616 0.98171 0.77204 0.92003 0.78738 0.39078 0.88206 0.83491 0.56888 0.18047 0.05406 0.08851 0.37056 0.44678 0.4161 0.23232 0.22158 0.79912 0.50157 0.67415 0.31265 0.88591 0.5784 0.35087 0.66243 0.95277 0.44125 0.36607 0.43998 0.56376 0.38288 0.24615 0.42623 0.27782 0.01243 0.65731 0.47541 0.94788 0.02338 0.68881 0.01828 0.57562 0.92738 0.85569 0.87756 0.90479 0.13881 0.10765 0.23944 0.33177 0.31313 0.4928 0.67255 0.09984 0.47495 0.2429 0.75486 0.42335 0.68719 0.7462 0.27296 0.05127 0.98267 0.73666 0.88284 0.37745 0.8903 0.19651 0.61485 0.71301 0.14897 0.04108 0.03625 0.14949 0.08463 0.36801 0.67185 0.57692 0.17446 0.82977 0.67523 0.28975 0.56473 0.90809 0.52052 0.37503 0.23367 0.40683 0.29503 0.29157 0.48819 0.62209 0.41955 0.54107 0.50735 0.27369 0.36217 0.44899 0.8065 0.41836 0.56573 0.55657 0.01239 0.83975 0.52578 0.62711 0.50069 0.25103 0.91595 0.15751 0.20675 0.20238 0.02473 0.77726 0.36967 0.04651 0.05973 0.52993 0.31458 0.18819 0.7179 0.593 0.15354 0.96481 0.08828 0.03962 0.99734 0.44186 0.51589 0.12754 0.20295 0.47559 0.04118 0.69078 0.05676 0.22919 0.01559 0.29138 0.67379 0.09197 0.81371 0.26009 0.42905 0.69543 0.76226 0.85395 0.21571 0.23088 0.70937 0.64541 0.05021 0.94826 0.51636 0.50444 0.06163 0.22925 0.18503 0.17769 0.60684 0.4393 0.96728 0.77902 0.38492 0.16597 0.8531 0.87272 0.7259 0.20916 0.96079 0.31169 0.13952 0.58595 0.47788 0.68641 0.90103 0.21821 0.31992 0.15436 0.14246 0.59339 0.12331 0.20236 0.30935 0.92004 0.12097 0.75065 0.7909 0.52328 0.31237 0.28766 0.74987 0.60089 0.12809 0.80665 0.27824 0.42311 0.47152 0.86037 0.69796 0.06789 0.49914 0.62094 0.04514 0.34113 0.78659 0.66558 0.77697 0.39707 0.61189 0.83116 0.69361 0.64983 0.14198 0.29548 0.54761 0.39869 0.70754 0.19716 0.4561 0.64591 0.16214 0.02328 0.59266 0.49366 0.08202 0.88588 0.54599 0.13937 0.51164 0.44386 0.55059 0.40386 0.12761 0.54838 0.32392 0.41097 0.42471 0.78176 0.02747 0.14604 0.27911 0.82495 0.61784 0.1743 0.62794 0.61109 0.11809 0.84755 0.8691 0.44896 0.8081 0.19156 0.42469 0.24651 0.86595 0.83849 0.14935 0.74126 0.88292 0.89958 0.64823 0.79262 0.97615 0.97656 0.48049 0.75049 0.90251 0.98984 0.45274 0.92744 0.81582 0.81188 0.9689 0.05224 0.39505 0.79531 0.00842 0.68219 0.21062 0.43841 0.06207 0.53978 0.78627 0.10214 0.79916 0.44671 0.60203 0.03231 0.43511 0.51167 0.28844 0.80072 0.31701 0.20011 0.14413 0.28519 0.46457 0.95727 0.58955 0.16027 0.12482 0.06689 0.4798 0.338 0.3432 0.84566 0.71389 0.36616 0.07867 0.57668 0.12814 0.17829 0.08591 0.43205 0.18367 0.63759 0.94267 0.06473 0.95429 0.34327 0.44464 0.83791 0.27137 0.27931 0.6818 0.34685 0.83606 0.96295 0.73078 0.90025 0.459 0.70592 0.72474 0.65353 0.7473 0.32435 0.75617 0.25214 0.97642 0.23199 0.74637 0.72061 0.73878 0.91356 0.66922 0.20202 0.78249 0.79088 0.54242 0.59895 0.16353 0.00251 0.19318 0.34869 0.10406 0.44292 0.2048 0.37834 0.57579 0.1426 0.60009 0.90491 0.32027 0.30321 0.49523 0.42726 0.41877 0.31851 0.31953 0.45006 0.40635 0.53623 0.82127 0.21192 0.93281 0.02651 0.16432 0.3739 0.97187 0.40096 0.86179 0.54746 0.22119 0.53894 0.39303 0.91824 0.66395 0.72594 0.3877 0.81326 0.66104 0.40805 0.3324 0.37509
+0.8858 0.6858 0.52761 0.20343 0.16933 0.0892 0.22902 0.20482 0.59507 0.42861 0.53409 0.19247 0.62867 0.09142 0.54151 0.16365 0.20119 0.21459 0.52769 0.83984 0.48345 0.85235 0.28155 0.08037 0.94356 0.11608 0.08464 0.01698 0.95242 0.255 0.14541 0.38981 0.50325 0.31271 0.76286 0.18321 0.00297 0.56922 0.30531 0.86399 0.63479 0.02671 0.20425 0.85655 0.53 0.97229 0.13585 0.78533 0.75609 0.06167 0.79927 0.22328 0.186 0.77877 0.36541 0.39359 0.39576 0.08195 0.34609 0.55017 0.46838 0.03501 0.06654 0.79878 0.73231 0.0605 0.2068 0.10323 0.23562 0.87774 0.52269 0.9568 0.59521 0.00778 0.44623 0.61297 0.59457 0.74153 0.22349 0.44115 0.53788 0.75954 0.62369 0.15027 0.13445 0.54696 0.55942 0.35566 0.12696 0.53158 0.1402 0.67682 0.32732 0.69142 0.93577 0.63093 0.32585 0.4095 0.17488 0.6674 0.62057 0.71944 0.97253 0.30148 0.38893 0.0846 0.95337 0.68595 0.24684 0.67578 0.70515 0.55307 0.66217 0.10311 0.96797 0.25186 0.44691 0.34222 0.8681 0.89411 0.66829 0.3087 0.79458 0.27834 0.97657 0.28637 0.50446 0.16835 0.08059 0.95093 0.2971 0.68059 0.98872 0.31544 0.98277 0.89401 0.60027 0.89306 0.23444 0.54495 0.23252 0.23705 0.23869 0.31549 0.53667 0.22843 0.98123 0.65494 0.92505 0.44001 0.84718 0.43032 0.64805 0.24166 0.09245 0.18178 0.55867 0.30801 0.38276 0.1317 0.2812 0.14184 0.07936 0.07494 0.32216 0.75482 0.3729 0.94755 0.45234 0.73469 0.60831 0.88202 0.36505 0.48363 0.31948 0.3588 0.82305 0.14499 0.0955 0.21381 0.60694 0.74297 0.36548 0.46603 0.38412 0.75946 0.19312 0.84746 0.40581 0.15531 0.75517 0.97877 0.24404 0.15746 0.70704 0.44901 0.40098 0.85518 0.60713 0.87739 0.0476 0.8303 0.6806 0.64646 0.03387 0.20776 0.14386 0.99307 0.83425 0.36789 0.71948 0.45965 0.40939 0.08144 0.13588 0.47853 0.58021 0.93251 0.14541 0.54993 0.72043 0.96035 0.4903 0.48811 0.98235 0.09865 0.99118 0.46292 0.6494 0.78803 0.07425 0.59893 0.39214 0.18422 0.83522 0.86198 0.29033 0.75704 0.71423 0.20459 0.8805 0.07561 0.87383 0.98209 0.92942 0.91882 0.08153 0.20933 0.7862 0.10693 0.42702 0.77805 0.5254 0.62694 0.23181 0.06899 0.19544 0.96406 0.25509 0.22685 0.3374 0.7534 0.76605 0.90708 0.66008 0.51712 0.56549 0.6394 0.98826 0.95324 0.96927 0.18882 0.99563 0.01739 0.70178 0.97621 0.40216 0.04399 0.20592 0.91453 0.71505 0.101 0.1791 0.54289 0.2048 0.035 0.81872 0.71611 0.20116 0.20277 0.38784 0.83734 0.77439 0.31701 0.89804 0.7385 0.97651 0.06657 0.25692 0.52675 0.22667 0.67797 0.46206 0.07638 0.35879 0.17547 0.1166 0.21379 0.01893 0.77249 0.0422 0.93904 0.64416 0.45177 0.97144 0.34936 0.05085 0.66969 0.00178 0.40742 0.93106 0.88682 0.24798 0.49361 0.57424 0.5291 0.28237 0.23416 0.1806 0.61997 0.32358 0.40919 0.98859 0.17828 0.50914 0.28097 0.20731 0.36293 0.18825 0.59554 0.87552 0.39502 0.68877 0.00702 0.55334 0.99023 0.92559 0.09507 0.97408 0.18163 0.22746 0.54566 0.08162 0.0118 0.33759 0.7786 0.23185 0.42935 0.25822 0.81332 0.67629 0.90851 0.90798 0.35029 0.56184 0.84361 0.70403 0.60104 0.82369 0.3805 0.8326 0.69505 0.76157 0.00052 0.19748 0.253 0.63405 0.35231 0.17168 0.80905 0.8106 0.89965 0.18781 0.0018 0.59382 0.74651 0.02121 0.75195 0.80474 0.85585 0.41486 0.04384 0.93644 0.68193 0.06687 0.63417 0.2157 0.60856 0.49257 0.69071 0.20889 0.30684 0.56669 0.68769 0.57542 0.47981 0.81558 0.64944 0.84249 0.12009 0.5926 0.79123 0.74435 0.9104 0.22997 0.21156 0.06139 0.03969 0.14608 0.1597 0.53775 0.19368 0.27046 0.99987 0.42019 0.20871 0.17676 0.05599 0.4232 0.25525 0.41134 0.19069 0.38688 0.45984 0.82839 0.56205 0.74067 0.85014 0.87139 0.0279 0.46785 0.11978 0.27177 0.18288 0.24082 0.47491 0.46595 0.3603 0.27496 0.69727 0.62184 0.9778 0.94338 0.07925 0.3439 0.64039 0.08585 0.84844 0.49515 0.81039 0.99117 0.71493 0.20496 0.87958 0.32266 0.33859 0.05248 0.97048 0.30069 0.52548 0.72328 0.42935 0.06009 0.73904 0.58925 0.62679 0.80744 0.45024 0.47565 0.04097 0.05403 0.46181 0.3596 0.0298 0.49842 0.08872 0.23409 0.80495 0.73191 0.92526 0.98521 0.41475 0.98942 0.23302 0.10926 0.69414 0.18269 0.11415 0.76976 0.26884 0.52906 0.33434 0.23555 0.23723 0.8772 0.15776 0.56027 0.59109 0.03324 0.00494 0.60777 0.17175
+0.36473 0.05586 0.06518 0.84071 0.56033 0.39891 0.73998 0.17093 0.99157 0.4546 0.11843 0.40622 0.82869 0.22909 0.35295 0.2792 0.62603 0.92621 0.44407 0.33864 0.48246 0.41191 0.64776 0.01564 0.67607 0.85856 0.85189 0.32028 0.84545 0.46597 0.79763 0.93822 0.93782 0.57832 0.21466 0.8162 0.9764 0.94705 0.91059 0.02753 0.97913 0.11168 0.25586 0.28691 0.92894 0.87144 0.88792 0.49279 0.51271 0.91746 0.99025 0.77934 0.86919 0.31627 0.08715 0.47759 0.41964 0.20223 0.99428 0.59547 0.44509 0.44083 0.8747 0.72116 0.62089 0.74704 0.50205 0.67496 0.3975 0.22477 0.82892 0.78593 0.70765 0.73827 0.15586 0.42595 0.42635 0.08991 0.53152 0.42089 0.22319 0.62289 0.99911 0.38108 0.33301 0.77062 0.92498 0.74012 0.06946 0.09647 0.71725 0.02456 0.70272 0.74514 0.33407 0.88204 0.76837 0.78393 0.30727 0.76342 0.11318 0.15568 0.02611 0.82962 0.92489 0.19423 0.74696 0.3945 0.47412 0.70057 0.09146 0.53043 0.38588 0.16144 0.05308 0.45714 0.40117 0.88396 0.23154 0.12764 0.24725 0.10524 0.81156 0.75535 0.48565 0.24815 0.18251 0.57538 0.04092 0.71006 0.83421 0.20557 0.37214 0.09853 0.54857 0.91306 0.22072 0.7601 0.97249 0.97135 0.55125 0.54615 0.36302 0.05371 0.9977 0.18625 0.49787 0.02455 0.54214 0.50679 0.27916 0.5334 0.02435 0.48102 0.88631 0.68742 0.68641 0.20086 0.35089 0.41859 0.66544 0.55757 0.23849 0.74868 0.31803 0.67514 0.88368 0.6007 0.96047 0.61819 0.6552 0.64624 0.62205 0.80713 0.29434 0.3842 0.39369 0.91627 0.85578 0.87893 0.63662 0.08053 0.77622 0.96834 0.36458 0.42722 0.9462 0.7316 0.97865 0.41921 0.69063 0.13973 0.71603 0.01395 0.37126 0.67245 0.57894 0.20692 0.64515 0.66123 0.92389 0.38686 0.78423 0.04143 0.64341 0.78176 0.53153 0.1167 0.96064 0.59582 0.0595 0.43132 0.47231 0.5248 0.45929 0.74538 0.56168 0.15909 0.09378 0.53418 0.94341 0.55942 0.85015 0.68145 0.78545 0.52669 0.41596 0.13525 0.798 0.71831 0.6514 0.05344 0.16918 0.88415 0.76588 0.56172 0.66004 0.82922 0.50654 0.88637 0.80743 0.2846 0.73925 0.74075 0.84857 0.99242 0.74493 0.2514 0.30768 0.89166 0.69883 0.58765 0.17121 0.39049 0.86983 0.8393 0.16655 0.61675 0.17738 0.55415 0.07461 0.76887 0.36795 0.59689 0.64649 0.0856 0.19274 0.88121 0.99882 0.29498 0.37263 0.63913 0.09738 0.99165 0.05325 0.15963 0.54979 0.76459 0.88957 0.16437 0.32475 0.07729 0.63685 0.41714 0.41316 0.15467 0.04139 0.66704 0.1875 0.94575 0.90626 0.306 0.22283 0.52459 0.57148 0.40323 0.51897 0.76341 0.91737 0.99562 0.22475 0.19395 0.86109 0.51573 0.09022 0.94329 0.93828 0.40341 0.03467 0.29983 0.08291 0.90237 0.11556 0.55597 0.31634 0.69683 0.35118 0.74119 0.49129 0.01573 0.69524 0.18874 0.21678 0.59906 0.31971 0.80509 0.00479 0.90158 0.2144 0.46467 0.18053 0.33074 0.98141 0.65561 0.51961 0.54192 0.20303 0.33002 0.95241 0.2199 0.26722 0.79717 0.38291 0.28591 0.45506 0.96426 0.57733 0.93177 0.85152 0.28495 0.00994 0.57077 0.03673 0.7106 0.94914 0.04747 0.46994 0.56003 0.56317 0.78881 0.72066 0.45867 0.77304 0.4003 0.75839 0.6981 0.93027 0.66662 0.2674 0.83134 0.61287 0.50568 0.80814 0.0295 0.76316 0.21784 0.70696 0.42503 0.56268 0.0512 0.48527 0.39675 0.19624 0.86146 0.61704 0.6714 0.40998 0.44362 0.75977 0.01293 0.94691 0.95 0.63256 0.53036 0.18033 0.08572 0.86491 0.02137 0.25683 0.6016 0.12894 0.8542 0.84305 0.13638 0.26142 0.90123 0.90417 0.14361 0.13769 0.58487 0.09138 0.94421 0.39286 0.10234 0.171 0.91766 0.63896 0.83805 0.89353 0.30361 0.87984 0.20345 0.50949 0.19405 0.04622 0.28967 0.65133 0.47673 0.42544 0.58286 0.51246 0.14261 0.15057 0.73834 0.56993 0.17167 0.07262 0.72357 0.47797 0.25785 0.40892 0.15129 0.49908 0.2111 0.40625 0.09837 0.80022 0.28102 0.50354 0.07427 0.89461 0.14449 0.48426 0.04269 0.05036 0.46865 0.15278 0.39198 0.15121 0.89558 0.00356 0.39965 0.64629 0.55057 0.65051 0.53266 0.37909 0.73213 0.9671 0.14863 0.19371 0.2782 0.96357 0.65871 0.87786 0.3439 0.7657 0.6996 0.13134 0.78794 0.59423 0.9448 0.92315 0.07503 0.26938 0.54001 0.11852 0.50782 0.44087 0.47529 0.47276 0.33704 0.02968 0.65147 0.46191 0.86122 0.72355 0.06884 0.42253 0.22413 0.63435 0.08227 0.31002 0.97471 0.469 0.53864 0.06585 0.99034 0.60349 0.53437 0.85924 0.28463
+0.70834 0.65587 0.06419 0.53747 0.73274 0.7539 0.28683 0.94135 0.77355 0.72351 0.94035 0.42173 0.84262 0.70449 0.00586 0.12076 0.35546 0.51758 0.3367 0.13015 0.74883 0.98788 0.58446 0.90934 0.87109 0.34005 0.23227 0.54057 0.10726 0.73186 0.15844 0.28544 0.06635 0.60115 0.48034 0.25252 0.31968 0.46825 0.54428 0.90994 0.62518 0.29446 0.61141 0.7256 0.02075 0.33668 0.48582 0.08612 0.22698 0.51469 0.03627 0.74651 0.45652 0.03135 0.18585 0.70562 0.03564 0.90167 0.16145 0.75795 0.8795 0.36738 0.32097 0.81194 0.44641 0.53563 0.77265 0.9226 0.77356 0.94936 0.51139 0.89189 0.49073 0.57934 0.62516 0.67131 0.1051 0.19658 0.10066 0.56046 0.16551 0.94712 0.12676 0.05256 0.47422 0.96683 0.26353 0.34146 0.21985 0.84959 0.97967 0.32627 0.62507 0.62799 0.09539 0.73738 0.50239 0.08334 0.16036 0.15194 0.83817 0.15179 0.92507 0.97922 0.68989 0.49162 0.0047 0.25054 0.14212 0.04356 0.63153 0.20536 0.56537 0.60406 0.26851 0.55354 0.19448 0.53205 0.08336 0.50673 0.42965 0.22478 0.73644 0.59639 0.89768 1.0 0.02912 0.45221 0.88562 0.26145 0.84177 0.15437 0.63013 0.87716 0.60477 0.32639 0.54173 0.98775 0.91796 0.0176 0.65206 0.60864 0.22256 0.23855 0.51017 0.47014 0.91545 0.89775 0.80698 0.95261 0.64035 0.37206 0.89573 0.86406 0.4669 0.06503 0.46267 0.46486 0.58093 0.02927 0.18589 0.74528 0.65603 0.98188 0.20804 0.17022 0.61803 0.40322 0.84897 0.98129 0.95788 0.61695 0.56837 0.19327 0.8072 0.24303 0.08541 0.31275 0.30715 0.58917 0.20298 0.65296 0.76593 0.91878 0.75138 0.72296 0.84649 0.84127 0.16846 0.72871 0.437 0.09071 0.42932 0.62843 0.53125 0.70618 0.9961 0.92743 0.80712 0.7123 0.42222 0.80823 0.40195 0.91446 0.00494 0.30833 0.16081 0.04941 0.44248 0.05479 0.68003 0.60151 0.61266 0.55584 0.53332 0.39043 0.06122 0.95063 0.25704 0.36926 0.99393 0.46482 0.64444 0.91066 0.30555 0.37853 0.65679 0.76808 0.25487 0.32851 0.19716 0.25386 0.72183 0.12164 0.79801 0.95306 0.9933 0.65099 0.12201 0.4437 0.4306 0.56403 0.24739 0.45525 0.61576 0.00139 0.20332 0.26994 0.15511 0.7303 0.59421 0.02164 0.61709 0.8772 0.59933 0.84877 0.79984 0.87476 0.04436 0.9083 0.88613 0.92863 0.04143 0.53058 0.40493 0.88111 0.19366 0.81394 0.33262 0.78179 0.12671 0.81873 0.6222 0.31631 0.85656 0.43004 0.1579 0.08124 0.49496 0.45628 0.31722 0.78857 0.52177 0.62997 0.18022 0.7082 0.67307 0.11835 0.31411 0.01131 0.8994 0.70797 0.91823 0.5137 0.34553 0.08355 0.98015 0.24171 0.11901 0.02803 0.86498 0.09069 0.82849 0.45619 0.86342 0.98608 0.91176 0.554 0.98467 0.71843 0.74666 0.71538 0.51695 0.28618 0.0088 0.49302 0.22159 0.2513 0.24637 0.22276 0.68101 0.51346 0.689 0.53045 0.98897 0.10538 0.68121 0.46369 0.00508 0.94748 0.01404 0.18651 0.62956 0.38712 0.01754 0.96545 0.13516 0.99473 0.05251 0.13953 0.30466 0.2754 0.80601 0.98893 0.21426 0.37781 0.919 0.71886 0.52569 0.56208 0.40757 0.20475 0.03036 0.14227 0.28776 0.71091 0.33967 0.41398 0.35771 0.41036 0.21776 0.30677 0.55803 0.97408 0.62371 0.54762 0.41646 0.42745 0.18319 0.90021 0.90257 0.58236 0.96734 0.28661 0.97624 0.1779 0.18425 0.89478 0.78768 0.10463 0.47787 0.3602 0.1687 0.63669 0.58672 0.5964 0.39995 0.54083 0.40315 0.32374 0.64045 0.0317 0.90156 0.97372 0.72893 0.87818 0.68234 0.38028 0.66558 0.57664 0.36853 0.88775 0.82328 0.14912 0.20876 0.45751 0.88689 0.14296 0.0327 0.73132 0.48596 0.13786 0.69019 0.22785 0.80297 0.63666 0.56852 0.98735 0.15719 0.39548 0.96601 0.97809 0.3024 0.87127 0.84276 0.19534 0.07872 0.77588 0.67327 0.15422 0.6311 0.30525 0.92519 0.72018 0.17456 0.34744 0.87685 0.64178 0.97901 0.37743 0.16106 0.32334 0.44869 0.52005 0.71834 0.97926 0.33966 0.41278 0.61049 0.09002 0.25898 0.30165 0.90597 0.73137 0.79386 0.2175 0.86805 0.30975 0.68998 0.32507 0.00581 0.16461 0.69666 0.03392 0.28285 0.23498 0.45935 0.06677 0.30006 0.75879 0.87048 0.71843 0.38684 0.58987 0.32678 0.50082 0.391 0.02764 0.13124 0.14424 0.23722 0.02333 0.84591 0.88558 0.99298 0.02899 0.38284 0.13196 0.92061 0.04031 0.92241 0.69328 0.41452 0.79376 0.82502 0.22108 0.47992 0.17486 0.88244 0.45164 0.09031 0.39413 0.90823 0.99448 0.43733 0.08392 0.87245 0.15793 0.45738 0.44708 0.08401 0.90238
+0.29483 0.87595 0.87709 0.26033 0.53106 0.88677 0.16988 0.90281 0.86754 0.52269 0.63997 0.19787 0.02967 0.20982 0.90319 0.38881 0.33685 0.08948 0.81646 0.29824 0.8873 0.67942 0.96271 0.56094 0.93762 0.23561 0.16903 0.54859 0.44133 0.23432 0.15364 0.86876 0.67262 0.58077 0.17223 0.43335 0.93156 0.45733 0.54181 0.80171 0.51655 0.97446 0.17115 0.97188 0.35576 0.52779 0.28399 0.77059 0.03762 0.99309 0.0691 0.07445 0.87165 0.91539 0.47342 0.03773 0.40361 0.13427 0.18855 0.8329 0.58667 0.0812 0.0863 0.1859 0.7975 0.52623 0.08249 0.31763 0.56676 0.57133 0.74331 0.88917 0.0323 0.92534 0.65775 0.0324 0.24943 0.38843 0.44142 0.04556 0.23498 0.03809 0.75916 0.4928 0.35276 0.68303 0.21044 0.05779 0.80038 0.39118 0.56489 0.58398 0.06597 0.77311 0.48978 0.84684 0.84247 0.29052 0.54536 0.38875 0.69411 0.06145 0.79502 0.4823 0.98914 0.76416 0.00764 0.6082 0.41951 0.89356 0.07512 0.14913 0.17027 0.77184 0.11592 0.31492 0.19098 0.62854 0.34014 0.59867 0.12553 0.75729 0.57541 0.1413 0.34674 0.18474 0.81455 0.88911 0.17603 0.21571 0.97645 0.55914 0.9887 0.74602 0.15859 0.77946 0.73559 0.99545 0.18417 0.52086 0.68124 0.61964 0.7604 0.83224 0.30177 0.2513 0.17835 0.98027 0.48164 0.76359 0.31776 0.95136 0.50496 0.7477 0.22742 0.69387 0.05121 0.21114 0.72456 0.26055 0.64521 0.64149 0.69894 0.22002 0.97155 0.93621 0.26413 0.64904 0.98198 0.73489 0.07631 0.31068 0.31277 0.7412 0.69123 0.4188 0.67308 0.55193 0.7284 0.19379 0.3496 0.58388 0.21144 0.58093 0.91538 0.42748 0.36623 0.10439 0.76735 0.6814 0.71664 0.85933 0.31144 0.58269 0.51128 0.01501 0.8548 0.31123 0.66332 0.86826 0.99159 0.10602 0.59858 0.15208 0.07847 0.30765 0.20572 0.13939 0.31705 0.06759 0.18468 0.88498 0.75108 0.46765 0.33321 0.80161 0.49633 0.39109 0.44829 0.28663 0.48885 0.4854 0.26237 0.23649 0.72371 0.11958 0.08692 0.59726 0.07311 0.15138 0.60301 0.61843 0.07605 0.95258 0.78567 0.24341 0.00584 0.88166 0.90648 0.50994 0.46416 0.44174 0.87359 0.47749 0.59112 0.75596 0.52363 0.65501 0.24983 0.65447 0.83421 0.34643 0.70768 0.86842 0.73151 0.31288 0.70635 0.71395 0.11173 0.96652 0.42895 0.86151 0.68581 0.77517 0.85648 0.36833 0.26244 0.48625 0.30242 0.36458 0.96937 0.69726 0.03048 0.73947 0.2844 0.06857 0.57897 0.79994 0.79556 0.61482 0.57177 0.65019 0.62029 0.61103 0.8185 0.8529 0.5497 0.57486 0.38582 0.95893 0.34232 0.1687 0.91161 0.97911 0.64814 0.67733 0.64298 0.03483 0.72597 0.32233 0.40857 0.17267 0.03584 0.53101 0.20562 0.35384 0.66729 0.7201 0.08451 0.13999 0.51292 0.34103 0.81556 0.03414 0.33128 0.4458 0.18302 0.64427 0.5927 0.29659 0.81791 0.66006 0.39934 0.74293 0.2972 0.82135 0.69187 0.07606 0.54257 0.07755 0.17067 0.54835 0.84848 0.11305 0.9084 0.82367 0.64549 0.96403 0.59504 0.06032 0.92208 0.41237 0.07794 0.70095 0.32639 0.54308 0.58803 0.26942 0.00591 0.78739 0.12737 0.37086 0.5616 0.08229 0.8414 0.36273 0.20994 0.21364 0.12314 0.83639 0.43527 0.68001 0.03271 0.10893 0.8192 0.90027 0.86183 0.98887 0.57615 0.87765 0.70945 0.222 0.51877 0.32891 0.36962 0.94843 0.83987 0.12805 0.73087 0.20229 0.54903 0.29649 0.44016 0.10774 0.56419 0.08402 0.41391 0.05335 0.01742 0.87595 0.24037 0.47438 0.39742 0.0276 0.27371 0.30107 0.32103 0.65637 0.9603 0.0828 0.592 0.94058 0.37452 0.34051 0.05188 0.26664 0.80196 0.77973 0.67902 0.27258 0.98987 0.74022 0.27685 0.65174 0.92211 0.19024 0.56016 0.03888 0.00951 0.34077 0.92745 0.0342 0.2672 0.19994 0.7427 0.29548 0.90997 0.05618 0.20012 0.66756 0.86054 0.71585 0.2312 0.66075 0.04523 0.71519 0.5134 0.07629 0.80392 0.12296 0.75458 0.72166 0.50864 0.42409 0.49946 0.10429 0.98237 0.96338 0.4546 0.03222 0.21829 0.6961 0.80011 0.27108 0.94538 0.15813 0.69417 0.38767 0.50091 0.54656 0.90984 0.56398 0.59002 0.47958 0.64807 0.50859 0.54844 0.99084 0.90965 0.88524 0.11233 0.32297 0.71198 0.16929 0.38167 0.16301 0.15399 0.59074 0.13485 0.15837 0.59389 0.78316 0.43614 0.6742 0.89016 0.20102 0.12456 0.91599 0.97445 0.86911 0.43992 0.5482 0.34817 0.87305 0.75271 0.23984 0.49121 0.43336 0.22041 0.5087 0.17395 0.98127 0.7154 0.55949 0.06091 0.92084 0.7618 0.45319 0.5758 0.08764 0.69818 0.36705
+0.02712 0.05611 0.54662 0.73942 0.31566 0.97235 0.49527 0.21456 0.1059 0.08964 0.74653 0.21596 0.79289 0.67806 0.41411 0.60485 0.28566 0.02309 0.70328 0.09011 0.70052 0.78082 0.63741 0.51369 0.18912 0.7683 0.63869 0.61349 0.70394 0.75866 0.89286 0.97435 0.84173 0.96603 0.82022 0.70099 0.71331 0.3366 0.98293 0.76985 0.09239 0.21165 0.57422 0.30406 0.9493 0.50102 0.18294 0.12005 0.46455 0.94039 0.2252 0.8257 0.98098 0.90385 0.81812 0.84573 0.72439 0.06084 0.72862 0.20134 0.04042 0.0944 0.67258 0.57005 0.70116 0.88774 0.82933 0.25815 0.98167 0.16933 0.90676 0.27709 0.07354 0.91332 0.39451 0.83067 0.69785 0.99577 0.58503 0.67654 0.39676 0.06071 0.08907 0.93637 0.51245 0.27356 0.56212 0.77469 0.11284 0.98396 0.15842 0.30629 0.25168 0.01341 0.88999 0.86811 0.61767 0.4612 0.02086 0.39271 0.578 0.0953 0.14754 0.93647 0.67155 0.68227 0.69329 0.13203 0.37431 0.37731 0.98097 0.42962 0.03808 0.90099 0.68529 0.67618 0.54125 0.8099 0.33826 0.83716 0.19349 0.84566 0.60532 0.99738 0.20789 0.34749 0.99819 0.44427 0.71035 0.08299 0.10266 0.1999 0.76205 0.54796 0.3998 0.57621 0.54127 0.4023 0.08842 0.7551 0.305 0.52026 0.4671 0.4169 0.66361 0.06201 0.00565 0.84754 0.95285 0.23368 0.76643 0.95755 0.3939 0.09802 0.76444 0.15405 0.28308 0.5121 0.15296 0.33405 0.96482 0.04133 0.37814 0.28153 0.89138 0.28336 0.20051 0.13028 0.62121 0.58881 0.29822 0.96993 0.516 0.23794 0.74501 0.13425 0.43998 0.01673 0.44623 0.83957 0.04606 0.75784 0.99593 0.72149 0.52846 0.5847 0.67086 0.81724 0.07365 0.15145 0.98807 0.13749 0.91605 0.4808 0.0079 0.92593 0.92827 0.3109 0.85574 0.27952 0.59658 0.66522 0.3735 0.87559 0.88195 0.31042 0.38536 0.12623 0.08588 0.74144 0.58567 0.20108 0.23077 0.05575 0.2623 0.40344 0.95092 0.89359 0.07866 0.0047 0.6666 0.92529 0.11685 0.86139 0.21002 0.95777 0.5526 0.83321 0.22383 0.55582 0.58387 0.06868 0.29555 0.16519 0.97854 0.43202 0.27593 0.69637 0.58782 0.77631 0.93078 0.10247 0.2225 0.27252 0.24425 0.94019 0.32697 0.43996 0.92306 0.66572 0.35876 0.62176 0.4912 0.20908 0.22868 0.76695 0.6564 0.91385 0.11556 0.75269 0.35046 0.54495 0.13285 0.06029 0.89545 0.64475 0.8277 0.60289 0.62319 0.20043 0.87135 0.88424 0.30531 0.22907 0.55328 0.71676 0.5438 0.3731 0.80832 0.0704 0.45981 0.89724 0.77829 0.04666 0.59973 0.73813 0.18979 0.23994 0.16124 0.92368 0.94184 0.75913 0.46206 0.00576 0.5653 0.92471 0.96671 0.59323 0.77004 0.25566 0.67089 0.24983 0.41201 0.41089 0.36971 0.71828 0.59003 0.84382 0.8463 0.65573 0.89428 0.03581 0.57491 0.37673 0.34853 0.3988 0.29948 0.39324 0.07445 0.32772 0.92993 0.75557 0.56933 0.31319 0.73075 0.08972 0.78932 0.00459 0.57574 0.62365 0.36649 0.21509 0.98335 0.23153 0.94626 0.17596 0.09522 0.39581 0.11171 0.20325 0.07603 0.60317 0.93645 0.73844 0.38227 0.2728 0.52953 0.76336 0.56284 0.83229 0.07959 0.64947 0.06154 0.03576 0.44993 0.85277 0.74032 0.10808 0.39185 0.7195 0.39799 0.23018 0.11619 0.01318 0.15409 0.04465 0.38396 0.59364 0.70323 0.48648 0.59874 0.80214 0.28601 0.67082 0.88343 0.45617 0.56853 0.40215 0.58593 0.67923 0.07141 0.12945 0.29058 0.93631 0.62558 0.63732 0.91489 0.46078 0.63826 0.65705 0.08748 0.0352 0.52949 0.11283 0.85665 0.9132 0.56164 0.95464 0.84225 0.39763 0.289 0.39416 0.23323 0.94465 0.72275 0.69045 0.79508 0.35932 0.93589 0.17012 0.93812 0.0711 0.9885 0.04973 0.9472 0.30055 0.92862 0.64887 0.78038 0.28389 0.5828 0.61466 0.20485 0.00759 0.36764 0.25103 0.01022 0.87729 0.69747 0.07446 0.78989 0.5143 0.2059 0.96425 0.44046 0.73992 0.55573 0.0554 0.35911 0.7745 0.02337 0.47024 0.08498 0.08124 0.91501 0.57169 0.66412 0.23819 0.84964 0.66429 0.78183 0.34395 0.93547 0.68866 0.21084 0.66768 0.12937 0.79456 0.83528 0.63964 0.52828 0.28268 0.52359 0.29489 0.84941 0.63896 0.42059 0.78613 0.41418 0.5885 0.02054 0.63738 0.59693 0.16859 0.89603 0.48244 0.17312 0.0537 0.89811 0.08461 0.85132 0.13057 0.67612 0.62307 0.86996 0.18998 0.25485 0.51127 0.18 0.67243 0.3021 0.98635 0.87995 0.51842 0.55205 0.5358 0.1601 0.27816 0.4647 0.03819 0.80213 0.80251 0.24559 0.19284 0.91802 0.68879 0.56995 0.07789 0.73414 0.29421 0.83458 0.02587
+0.10597 0.27669 0.67391 0.54758 0.90672 0.75176 0.64831 0.97755 0.53863 0.33895 0.10571 0.99371 0.04961 0.31543 0.73864 0.36549 0.97641 0.51819 0.90993 0.32375 0.89428 0.58464 0.65352 0.47068 0.09884 0.13959 0.31835 0.15643 0.7799 0.0847 0.93397 0.89506 0.24177 0.32927 0.8828 0.24166 0.81742 0.57217 0.88484 0.31372 0.03448 0.2722 0.32897 0.11543 0.33528 0.01102 0.19861 0.87783 0.23541 0.21651 0.13291 0.74807 0.60614 0.51446 0.19574 0.27943 0.36457 0.15006 0.40461 0.72159 0.38997 0.68858 0.26703 0.46923 0.80681 0.8995 0.31717 0.28361 0.97653 0.1015 0.90026 0.0618 0.50021 0.68498 0.68776 0.49927 0.52587 0.18558 0.53849 0.13612 0.53177 0.99478 0.24359 0.17828 0.39014 0.29752 0.41165 0.80291 0.27646 0.0936 0.19306 0.42228 0.85306 0.77571 0.09989 0.87213 0.65176 0.15045 0.83222 0.58728 0.56727 0.10257 0.25563 0.14523 0.84726 0.48576 0.34291 0.62342 0.02384 0.43394 0.89922 0.67985 0.77938 0.74758 0.05908 0.9775 0.79028 0.14486 0.52255 0.49078 0.183 0.06999 0.36302 0.7991 0.50343 0.23107 0.28132 0.06924 0.49022 0.41108 0.73086 0.41036 0.22953 0.40979 0.65069 0.27998 0.44937 0.99146 0.41664 0.64347 0.09715 0.92265 0.39135 0.25644 0.76704 0.315 0.72856 0.22157 0.89936 0.85228 0.56163 0.75319 0.79883 0.72129 0.97802 0.87753 0.42208 0.02086 0.27265 0.65078 0.86321 0.99748 0.68682 0.07641 0.18202 0.67981 0.23361 0.2616 0.21848 0.85338 0.6566 0.57367 0.21931 0.3186 0.54598 0.82439 0.63222 0.66931 0.74795 0.81222 0.74791 0.65199 0.91209 0.32714 0.5161 0.36868 0.66485 0.0751 0.85002 0.84405 0.05269 0.12421 0.77013 0.9019 0.92737 0.8589 0.75156 0.5955 0.8954 0.81245 0.7542 0.04442 0.6305 0.56364 0.43556 0.67238 0.31738 0.58947 0.18906 0.20722 0.56516 0.77797 0.47482 0.20313 0.10498 0.45351 0.86046 0.20739 0.17278 0.56687 0.27016 0.75474 0.50587 0.34609 0.1977 0.09823 0.95314 0.71578 0.23488 0.45208 0.44918 0.69866 0.94285 0.93414 0.42565 0.64809 0.85821 0.15661 0.4029 0.87537 0.05861 0.21595 0.67796 0.61274 0.87487 0.44132 0.85134 0.67506 0.30537 0.67519 0.22946 0.93874 0.00244 0.93449 0.85824 0.16575 0.43104 0.26711 0.72696 0.87347 0.97176 0.93704 0.35911 0.4151 0.66429 0.75167 0.78712 0.37295 0.10642 0.58601 0.71135 0.23658 0.53491 0.29717 0.42535 0.06748 0.55595 0.38911 0.75056 0.87824 0.66992 0.07996 0.36233 0.82377 0.88085 0.7943 0.77132 0.29634 0.47153 0.15402 0.52845 0.83285 0.56799 0.78218 0.34631 0.84043 0.2062 0.18959 0.41199 0.62089 0.12593 0.42123 0.63283 0.81254 0.12484 0.45333 0.16632 0.63922 0.33982 0.22261 0.39444 0.19829 0.18693 0.60471 0.91689 0.58766 0.52781 0.89143 0.30578 0.84214 0.55602 0.43237 0.33498 0.19989 0.34339 0.40401 0.29324 0.64719 0.92754 0.19673 0.99752 0.42472 0.36383 0.68159 0.39624 0.18387 0.76305 0.28961 0.29557 0.95827 0.15775 0.24825 0.00653 0.20142 0.00263 0.62257 0.82187 0.68209 0.40271 0.53784 0.7499 0.03565 0.81106 0.86941 0.1626 0.59362 0.34325 0.67074 0.81693 0.28403 0.06744 0.93175 0.59911 0.74129 0.19374 0.44298 0.35472 0.23107 0.04901 0.22161 0.42021 0.51208 0.15952 0.70616 0.93697 0.82033 0.67852 0.42877 0.88512 0.84651 0.33255 0.30756 0.3944 0.70209 0.88885 0.16013 0.272 0.32817 0.21117 0.37907 0.33648 0.09439 0.21261 0.58915 0.74322 0.59892 0.7281 0.29799 0.45608 0.19991 0.21176 0.01391 0.53552 0.53597 0.34241 0.222 0.74995 0.87727 0.29714 0.90817 0.01648 0.32632 0.87854 0.45507 0.47796 0.24545 0.96861 0.16486 0.44715 0.71597 0.39639 0.94652 0.06716 0.73575 0.85309 0.41364 0.42147 0.69558 0.40069 0.36413 0.72261 0.24655 0.60847 0.88369 0.67558 0.72189 0.77362 0.62911 0.73077 0.02287 0.15201 0.88099 0.09412 0.8956 0.84698 0.04269 0.27451 0.19824 0.5398 0.98568 0.13714 0.43182 0.5644 0.98794 0.60155 0.6876 0.96618 0.56533 0.55341 0.2054 0.16126 0.04293 0.71766 0.82534 0.66255 0.10814 0.79555 0.19534 0.92017 0.66774 0.79803 0.79397 0.15246 0.11405 0.57195 0.77506 0.02304 0.12536 0.70255 0.43448 0.89633 0.15494 0.05131 0.71782 0.59355 0.49183 0.27917 0.93945 0.47982 0.69118 0.83471 0.74431 0.98195 0.72715 0.10376 0.32887 0.36497 0.67366 0.64585 0.63246 0.66905 0.98154 0.71004 0.21653 0.02959 0.94396 0.59049 0.08243 0.55007 0.27817 0.9132 0.60795
+0.97481 0.34036 0.6759 0.68413 0.85896 0.36275 0.47681 0.20699 0.51491 0.53457 0.49153 0.1174 0.15251 0.23896 0.07732 0.82679 0.21041 0.53463 0.89707 0.43065 0.28513 0.0972 0.87189 0.71035 0.74344 0.21726 0.21871 0.94371 0.81022 0.39327 0.76554 0.00996 0.9853 0.81951 0.84951 0.70656 0.3376 0.27642 0.52805 0.87393 0.06674 0.09299 0.49305 0.68478 0.28142 0.15622 0.14355 0.43228 0.81816 0.54324 0.73368 0.23426 0.04424 0.29242 0.81083 0.76476 0.11832 0.73614 0.70427 0.13735 0.36086 0.58468 0.18535 0.36632 0.88687 0.32367 0.95832 0.28079 0.30593 0.13613 0.72942 0.77076 0.32701 0.66365 0.12789 0.3989 0.0459 0.97143 0.33538 0.26999 0.51897 0.84902 0.56338 0.01895 0.77874 0.12449 0.49041 0.9255 0.01996 0.77952 0.93711 0.62073 0.14975 0.57166 0.21911 0.53108 0.95616 0.61467 0.98843 0.09328 0.20955 0.68216 0.57301 0.65325 0.7006 0.41147 0.85668 0.7514 0.08295 0.72046 0.93902 0.37265 0.67588 0.43322 0.21633 0.12446 0.76027 0.79695 0.64052 0.54833 0.43865 0.99896 0.37402 0.84614 0.24639 0.70035 0.19873 0.53139 0.05137 0.04495 0.78541 0.4819 0.82332 0.33252 0.64929 0.61622 0.59864 0.18791 0.99286 0.35177 0.02474 0.52405 0.45873 0.17907 0.09102 0.04077 0.99081 0.31441 0.51608 0.94814 0.93214 0.33366 0.71344 0.89023 0.75129 0.54044 0.15596 0.19085 0.43412 0.28635 0.789 0.24863 0.31422 0.13586 0.18547 0.52019 0.94462 0.55298 0.68144 0.58961 0.37968 0.65598 0.97265 0.61182 0.03087 0.51362 0.45542 0.10908 0.79176 0.59062 0.6862 0.77013 0.88185 0.81597 0.85375 0.25659 0.39173 0.06301 0.92877 0.23825 0.18168 0.0924 0.74307 0.23437 0.13269 0.22153 0.1127 0.35201 0.32622 0.90031 0.18186 0.86207 0.97544 0.88635 0.56393 0.49543 0.18711 0.42994 0.27449 0.86107 0.61987 0.19655 0.48865 0.13228 0.97366 0.87423 0.73613 0.35085 0.90432 0.5658 0.13269 0.1643 0.76371 0.39162 0.90528 0.24038 0.7363 0.01169 0.67746 0.89932 0.17526 0.84758 0.96505 0.6729 0.11191 0.49914 0.82079 0.18191 0.48797 0.59379 0.63104 0.4297 0.64436 0.51913 0.16175 0.58837 0.10536 0.91088 0.10197 0.36195 0.82729 0.67221 0.42215 0.44585 0.1322 0.39675 0.3332 0.30072 0.76454 0.59622 0.49743 0.61863 0.73857 0.63787 0.08819 0.54369 0.00532 0.66198 0.64413 0.54149 0.97641 0.91184 0.41138 0.34663 0.68232 0.58057 0.39194 0.80826 0.29283 0.47818 0.78 0.43842 0.29972 0.84331 0.47303 0.30171 0.51173 0.12806 0.12837 0.25522 0.1021 0.3482 0.4101 0.33267 0.6934 0.81137 0.60027 0.87013 0.9723 0.31392 0.72858 0.33152 0.26943 0.81297 0.37437 0.19392 0.66771 0.89255 0.49298 0.58204 0.74767 0.44921 0.20022 0.25653 0.8788 0.58024 0.83639 0.23064 0.20161 0.78504 0.9665 0.05994 0.46865 0.88265 0.43564 0.1497 0.45653 0.77836 0.87292 0.46204 0.52587 0.6469 0.69354 0.82125 0.69376 0.42131 0.49435 0.14288 0.07243 0.70024 0.72265 0.49578 0.69133 0.86206 0.2667 0.01869 0.1292 0.16064 0.75145 0.78715 0.91556 0.12517 0.59433 0.47902 0.48495 0.83978 0.30351 0.13839 0.35114 0.14082 0.01651 0.84563 0.79572 0.88893 0.88436 0.22855 0.13234 0.79566 0.76924 0.60325 0.24456 0.77324 0.85932 0.8935 0.10595 0.67615 0.15359 0.50421 0.3592 0.55941 0.646 0.61115 0.14437 0.87479 0.57703 0.00937 0.17586 0.63528 0.19487 0.45734 0.08333 0.88957 0.63107 0.49231 0.27536 0.83397 0.33965 0.70693 0.93633 0.21227 0.53993 0.00986 0.6613 0.19229 0.03491 0.69788 0.88998 0.43859 0.78526 0.22425 0.86215 0.3238 0.87532 0.63073 0.77659 0.8168 0.07595 0.91356 0.34028 0.34547 0.88895 0.50451 0.79991 0.16602 0.05409 0.83085 0.78674 0.81345 0.19917 0.06365 0.16592 0.73109 0.91805 0.06225 0.44563 0.51147 0.38736 0.28136 0.88591 0.65212 0.1747 0.38438 0.11309 0.52069 0.70409 0.11528 0.15666 0.92928 0.34587 0.50735 0.00379 0.88029 0.71405 0.10529 0.29962 0.35509 0.35912 0.89316 0.64193 0.47233 0.88867 0.22831 0.63995 0.7292 0.67998 0.56616 0.46038 0.32383 0.51126 0.1888 0.4684 0.51057 0.99344 0.71633 0.08316 0.64043 0.36702 0.75933 0.31777 0.97313 0.11478 0.62097 0.37453 0.1623 0.93835 0.96149 0.85352 0.41674 0.04992 0.92549 0.94586 0.75529 0.61089 0.56615 0.62266 0.78774 0.70401 0.47588 0.42938 0.33579 0.36527 0.24338 0.39214 0.75995 0.53529 0.40642 0.25084 0.61596 0.08976 0.70926 0.64234 0.17093
+0.66982 0.44541 0.86072 0.5616 0.66155 0.70037 0.18207 0.29394 0.24771 0.06614 0.23616 0.50306 0.51288 0.09656 0.61944 0.12896 0.44584 0.3671 0.76318 0.9766 0.49581 0.33779 0.2134 0.74013 0.87174 0.81418 0.62293 0.78769 0.433 0.43153 0.86399 0.6366 0.40239 0.01627 0.11642 0.92868 0.2688 0.69897 0.54933 0.78906 0.9965 0.41075 0.82367 0.15396 0.81746 0.72916 0.529 0.79924 0.71595 0.23072 0.29998 0.19429 0.34556 0.13819 0.65133 0.76392 0.81812 0.30438 0.40386 0.11049 0.60886 0.97606 0.40203 0.69934 0.20894 0.85754 0.38083 0.4158 0.06852 0.94266 0.99179 0.67692 0.52598 0.80082 0.91304 0.35313 0.51901 0.53925 0.65 0.37118 0.51906 0.02844 0.50285 0.78299 0.19393 0.99397 0.48189 0.65794 0.66774 0.40599 0.55229 0.8312 0.56694 0.10144 0.81642 0.08323 0.09776 0.89458 0.16517 0.15336 0.72727 0.95186 0.8377 0.26077 0.78592 0.78246 0.40126 0.11062 0.76695 0.08204 0.47823 0.1732 0.08006 0.59536 0.70119 0.84288 0.32521 0.78353 0.48625 0.53134 0.16207 0.35293 0.80301 0.2998 0.48855 0.87605 0.16336 0.3735 0.62633 0.34778 0.04774 0.03958 0.03259 0.42781 0.61255 0.04912 0.36038 0.25249 0.74609 0.76953 0.20518 0.67202 0.96429 0.9459 0.03365 0.06853 0.76474 0.55337 0.98604 0.17493 0.14846 0.54729 0.47478 0.89205 0.78645 0.86999 0.24478 0.66313 0.92651 0.22038 0.62114 0.89102 0.73421 0.33144 0.4606 0.71427 0.02466 0.18487 0.30198 0.52684 0.18969 0.91762 0.34408 0.05995 0.92832 0.14026 0.08841 0.81195 0.54808 0.24068 0.62474 0.54615 0.35676 0.87812 0.71556 0.86722 0.15144 0.25163 0.44178 0.72256 0.25713 0.34841 0.86862 0.8614 0.17187 0.26643 0.64851 0.33317 0.03093 0.57064 0.19098 0.70529 0.26215 0.73518 0.40622 0.39439 0.97418 0.1244 0.00409 0.7948 0.08238 0.8893 0.70046 0.8865 0.27609 0.43761 0.56145 0.09849 0.59708 0.78784 0.18451 0.90352 0.86725 0.09804 0.52644 0.37943 0.73409 0.433 0.25888 0.06879 0.13122 0.55965 0.69465 0.11081 0.13043 0.10485 0.9283 0.39189 0.26387 0.48378 0.7688 0.91936 0.52324 0.14705 0.75049 0.18883 0.91766 0.06117 0.11797 0.39481 0.72994 0.78137 0.89672 0.91948 0.86066 0.69409 0.74546 0.75357 0.7297 0.09229 0.57565 0.92623 0.32476 0.02793 0.88454 0.8082 0.16943 0.74585 0.66156 0.63588 0.38778 0.59087 0.92125 0.05613 0.82219 0.78436 0.63193 0.49899 0.34107 0.00437 0.44298 0.51141 0.39796 0.58116 0.71433 0.31957 0.57805 0.87538 0.69833 0.72 0.07476 0.26954 0.02182 0.52154 0.07923 0.49202 0.88506 0.1825 0.4378 0.53007 0.37104 0.98753 0.15732 0.10769 0.68759 0.03187 0.72308 0.62516 0.69833 0.43607 0.0469 0.98997 0.74657 0.23938 0.4105 0.54681 0.14891 0.55796 0.28633 0.19883 0.96402 0.16195 0.78875 0.67665 0.73735 0.75011 0.27847 0.32 0.56647 0.60329 0.40235 0.91522 0.27986 0.95689 0.91751 0.69924 0.83667 0.34849 0.9241 0.38542 0.41138 0.30134 0.2421 0.29458 0.15323 0.68047 0.90008 0.93261 0.51218 0.67788 0.85592 0.15468 0.735 0.59168 0.31199 0.9553 0.88081 0.76717 0.45607 0.23271 0.19715 0.8508 0.52224 0.95716 0.78471 0.74668 0.14577 0.17134 0.67385 0.43893 0.15389 0.35318 0.92965 0.42048 0.43244 0.99171 0.00565 0.61913 0.39046 0.46309 0.84582 0.64487 0.14234 0.96195 0.39196 0.23513 0.48634 0.42179 0.76447 0.49159 0.58269 0.52165 0.07278 0.43122 0.84232 0.81859 0.48447 0.63968 0.37961 0.03436 0.85156 0.32509 0.76479 0.82691 0.95128 0.36079 0.32381 0.64678 0.6157 0.39973 0.58065 0.29505 0.00368 0.33651 0.98122 0.03232 0.76112 0.27514 0.63317 0.32599 0.99527 0.673 0.27885 0.92456 0.7395 0.63809 0.78634 0.69064 0.66568 0.04052 0.84047 0.13088 0.72964 0.43751 0.04746 0.61625 0.5381 0.73484 0.38835 0.77565 0.77444 0.62428 0.8473 0.86735 0.0753 0.31543 0.94748 0.794 0.33684 0.64968 0.12924 0.55098 0.39682 0.1954 0.11072 0.81146 0.70995 0.69742 0.97828 0.82117 0.00011 0.57988 0.62413 0.23694 0.88483 0.92892 0.43498 0.90958 0.48102 0.19411 0.99918 0.4204 0.68509 0.24185 0.41881 0.40181 0.25212 0.95788 0.31336 0.25202 0.0761 0.20542 0.34237 3e-05 0.11769 0.48166 0.14453 0.92908 0.119 0.68016 0.92041 0.08599 0.22918 0.90682 0.71888 0.41406 0.92626 0.37128 0.69609 0.96662 0.59872 0.46754 0.56262 0.65527 0.79157 0.06165 0.89344 0.88283 0.24856 0.65026 0.25179 0.78123
+0.91346 0.94389 0.59742 0.01523 0.46899 0.48992 0.33153 0.30831 0.49712 0.61749 0.13233 0.30222 0.85125 0.00233 0.55913 0.73868 0.01959 0.26354 0.80402 0.20898 0.2316 0.79134 0.07077 0.242 0.6158 0.53064 0.88321 0.00423 0.19019 0.11691 0.87822 0.67664 0.85282 0.43245 0.74994 0.98985 0.39851 0.77643 0.95982 0.8933 0.96976 0.27694 0.86857 0.76055 0.99794 0.73155 0.55362 0.6186 0.10611 0.35305 0.89393 0.98527 0.26625 0.35733 0.01782 0.56316 0.29378 0.38454 0.35878 0.58077 0.66705 0.83244 0.39881 0.15765 0.9599 0.58051 0.00632 0.23889 0.63889 0.62883 0.71699 0.39569 0.32259 0.27493 0.78072 0.60412 0.0789 0.54934 0.98643 0.58625 0.83729 0.18834 0.66033 0.84943 0.42946 0.99842 0.71305 0.07093 0.57688 0.10955 0.85959 0.53725 0.79868 0.13328 0.49688 0.68504 0.37511 0.08891 0.619 0.19898 0.35898 0.30802 0.75494 0.67932 0.08767 0.77446 0.92757 0.34993 0.52347 0.06155 0.54167 0.73678 0.07895 0.80164 0.6292 0.64793 0.82283 0.96373 0.64932 0.36188 0.39079 0.06784 0.55772 0.54586 0.57793 0.77541 0.93633 0.17723 0.35381 0.03897 0.26037 0.70558 0.38185 0.82142 0.63039 0.82353 0.69378 0.44453 0.5906 0.87172 0.2629 0.8659 0.88425 0.95918 0.19632 0.16875 0.44666 0.69414 0.38864 0.13516 0.29933 0.86367 0.84129 0.97833 0.73179 0.73092 0.45441 0.89786 0.237 0.38915 0.5748 0.02645 0.39605 0.2801 0.95327 0.5575 0.01204 0.30869 0.00637 0.47478 0.3714 0.31816 0.82028 0.93088 0.18243 0.80089 0.87264 0.92417 0.4401 0.56855 0.75391 0.54303 0.99873 0.72775 0.5126 0.22945 0.21964 0.19557 0.33235 0.45977 0.80034 0.87476 0.55053 0.20976 0.20023 0.36129 0.25511 0.43432 0.51218 0.05788 0.22151 0.94287 0.89945 0.16448 0.54194 0.95176 0.02689 0.08592 0.42278 0.39279 0.69028 0.25765 0.99219 0.29314 0.63314 0.57367 0.17685 0.03575 0.27955 0.98394 0.58341 0.0584 0.54742 0.65424 0.82909 0.57092 0.50129 0.47547 0.02549 0.5751 0.01178 0.71549 0.52422 0.50575 0.25671 0.07138 0.92246 0.34265 0.75603 0.68643 0.72617 0.34176 0.5134 0.13743 0.44631 0.31606 0.83927 0.81771 0.99208 0.2657 0.15148 0.85631 0.22299 0.87649 0.39566 0.50146 0.57647 0.40129 0.711 0.76064 0.91022 0.42582 0.56977 0.81293 0.67992 0.25041 0.01586 0.30552 0.07809 0.85701 0.41638 0.25837 0.97216 0.26496 0.97442 0.50555 0.98476 0.19579 0.66568 0.25499 0.25551 0.76015 0.53384 0.04142 0.72755 0.05176 0.10473 0.34353 0.5745 0.29216 0.67296 0.41222 0.30675 0.5549 0.35885 0.71335 0.99913 0.58038 0.86857 0.10588 0.91273 0.32566 0.2222 0.53064 0.7351 0.46959 0.23019 0.86035 0.16855 0.84112 0.9085 0.575 0.5112 0.22832 0.44571 0.8674 0.44546 0.92328 0.09576 0.80836 0.90064 0.50884 0.65071 0.7587 0.61103 0.68905 0.20669 0.14107 0.02602 0.12096 0.85567 0.13005 0.44463 0.41098 0.94691 0.30708 0.75786 0.3977 0.33339 0.78586 0.98916 0.20373 0.27419 0.51209 0.41763 0.30317 0.65173 0.81007 0.29533 0.0857 0.30924 0.46124 0.73647 0.37394 0.40373 0.68551 0.84822 0.84445 0.72931 0.47207 0.63079 0.32887 0.03432 0.63086 0.08771 0.7956 0.88387 0.98593 0.28331 0.58501 0.27933 0.12663 0.58773 0.40644 0.08397 0.23667 0.72125 0.2609 0.11135 0.66392 0.15733 0.18675 0.48712 0.76196 0.83879 0.04307 0.36394 0.40229 0.8111 0.98074 0.30629 0.61244 0.84285 0.44603 0.37365 0.08573 0.10271 0.3863 0.00294 0.18635 0.28845 0.91238 0.34315 0.0529 0.10334 0.97644 0.43825 0.95353 0.42075 0.52603 0.57742 0.49712 0.32272 0.7344 0.89875 0.81092 0.72365 0.27443 0.6853 0.37187 0.77199 0.70856 0.1094 0.9942 0.69739 0.3142 0.6576 0.11881 0.70943 0.1157 0.66314 0.05958 0.66183 0.93254 0.85383 0.09923 0.2246 0.41476 0.6755 0.72405 0.8242 0.86865 0.79633 0.07309 0.94246 0.86941 0.18915 0.28148 0.91189 0.47001 0.37097 0.04238 0.79432 0.02543 0.63194 0.63323 0.25794 0.42841 0.54838 0.72618 0.40488 0.86586 0.71728 0.00295 0.36691 0.93954 0.27727 0.04039 0.22218 0.2286 0.21619 0.49675 0.31562 0.8871 0.41447 0.13241 0.52521 0.48651 0.41664 0.29943 0.64191 0.24046 0.6361 0.31238 0.14224 0.82217 0.9668 0.00722 0.44911 0.02396 0.63096 0.18847 0.22261 0.02278 0.99618 0.93549 0.86755 0.53276 0.26445 0.26339 0.44731 0.822 0.10691 0.74355 0.80657 0.67641 0.8616 0.25521 0.9405 0.1427 0.27888 0.25232
+0.94232 0.9938 0.80632 0.05416 0.61496 0.82752 0.02941 0.80246 0.87433 0.89654 0.78959 0.67403 0.58867 0.98015 0.68355 0.36377 0.24527 0.23825 0.84311 0.38403 0.04445 0.34964 0.29749 0.24899 0.6023 0.29283 0.2908 0.58031 0.3336 0.22569 0.14706 0.38866 0.28719 0.48505 0.88929 0.32985 0.79106 0.9277 0.52662 0.27958 0.47398 0.95921 0.1759 0.24148 0.6704 0.76722 0.31049 0.49269 0.34066 0.82611 0.60051 0.20241 0.16407 0.40369 0.46178 0.88566 0.80869 0.43402 0.15084 0.94512 0.74268 0.21233 0.05317 0.87831 0.9135 0.41382 0.92321 0.71957 0.91088 0.66238 0.83435 0.39211 0.25847 0.00482 0.95826 0.29981 0.06307 0.87115 0.36266 0.45732 0.06144 0.89505 0.92648 0.21621 0.09364 0.57889 0.26455 0.51393 0.67913 0.63985 0.49205 0.14015 0.25766 0.0836 0.88964 0.34151 0.89536 0.15687 0.96625 0.03673 0.00508 0.32216 0.20612 0.65168 0.03267 0.82481 0.49879 0.27271 0.52808 0.2487 0.78663 0.47047 0.99818 0.76282 0.24645 0.10064 0.07212 0.01442 0.50807 0.43278 0.52694 0.52346 0.05634 0.45222 0.70656 0.51887 0.91681 0.26309 0.15778 0.06173 0.81534 0.28894 0.79761 0.49041 0.02671 0.69831 0.73915 0.39909 0.52915 0.43322 0.24595 0.68715 0.22201 0.30929 0.24681 0.58955 0.73317 0.9813 0.3141 0.93177 0.48273 0.4008 0.50729 0.44468 0.53895 0.61852 0.82371 0.34746 0.46661 0.66103 0.53514 0.30325 0.79224 0.18634 0.99829 0.43907 0.1059 0.73282 0.55917 0.37988 0.41945 0.70503 0.33784 0.74052 0.54813 0.28525 0.45289 0.8106 0.93361 0.0011 0.21939 0.72399 0.44964 0.10308 0.03245 0.85422 0.41186 0.8321 0.07851 0.45196 0.95573 0.93232 0.77987 0.50461 0.48557 0.3592 0.76526 0.18006 0.97884 0.56806 0.78105 0.98227 0.5954 0.8062 0.98894 0.70737 0.32729 0.21883 0.93464 0.21427 0.60222 0.75398 0.45097 0.25913 0.1677 0.7663 0.30739 0.90213 0.90242 0.32145 0.20436 0.21206 0.32153 0.43306 0.01141 0.075 0.52694 0.60713 0.29382 0.38448 0.08121 0.38043 0.20215 0.8248 0.2297 0.69106 0.68246 0.72695 0.8725 0.90627 0.78812 0.17962 0.98729 0.89408 0.84748 0.14663 0.08992 0.32397 0.19553 0.46191 0.31366 0.71242 0.22781 0.02972 0.02478 0.56331 0.2072 0.92301 0.24358 0.50249 0.23919 0.3902 0.99076 0.68226 0.97904 0.12448 0.80759 0.89676 0.85023 0.69196 0.73986 0.85135 0.8627 0.87632 0.70307 0.11472 0.4028 0.98171 0.8052 0.34537 0.99306 0.44334 0.71418 0.33201 0.53112 0.52986 0.04696 0.5566 0.99507 0.5721 0.90639 0.20623 0.64173 0.61624 0.79126 0.18716 0.79165 0.55892 0.28483 0.63398 0.63491 0.0159 0.79022 0.81514 0.42032 0.1995 0.78423 0.43006 0.53241 0.56164 0.22714 0.87801 0.03466 0.89864 0.7613 0.52344 0.91133 0.59292 0.85283 0.48222 0.00714 0.14807 0.68159 0.72684 0.02809 0.48968 0.96705 0.14291 0.84741 0.56051 0.22114 0.93818 0.17708 0.26912 0.63452 0.76155 0.96386 0.63128 0.8373 0.05186 0.81187 0.46046 0.40145 0.71085 0.73683 0.46474 0.29788 0.11493 0.97988 0.61333 0.5248 0.67585 0.23683 0.60097 0.53745 0.64075 0.19702 0.55635 0.25365 0.94412 0.63769 0.89083 0.81657 0.82115 0.3711 0.89709 0.49915 0.5226 0.61171 0.49366 0.3634 0.14574 0.51658 0.35969 0.8496 0.27239 0.19898 0.7822 0.97561 0.0213 0.44657 0.72518 0.2885 0.98675 0.19001 0.06238 0.39915 0.74189 0.8554 0.21512 0.10722 0.72892 0.30759 0.90594 0.69389 0.75498 0.16159 0.99085 0.53865 0.85162 0.07344 0.17884 0.61112 0.86774 0.5552 0.45453 0.6173 0.37044 0.01567 0.5145 0.02127 0.80301 0.5312 0.16104 0.77798 0.70377 0.48027 0.28009 0.20733 0.19124 0.65401 0.05858 0.52124 0.51026 0.58526 0.59593 0.70529 0.06349 0.39198 0.95102 0.39741 0.03258 0.2109 0.32894 0.30824 0.13214 0.78443 0.12337 0.84919 0.33055 0.86433 0.72906 0.67335 0.35902 0.74802 0.26549 0.52313 0.8107 0.26314 0.10966 0.19355 0.79941 0.34698 0.09521 0.70257 0.08278 0.70971 0.55289 0.6165 0.20192 0.3313 0.5888 0.49135 0.37473 0.79371 0.39578 0.66744 0.65728 0.85135 0.03811 0.71414 0.04495 0.32975 0.08261 0.96141 0.44734 0.33333 0.18474 0.86925 0.41725 0.96274 0.98486 0.57392 0.86555 0.93691 0.43244 0.93715 0.78971 0.50946 0.17635 0.81467 0.26081 0.73052 0.24828 0.79355 0.08723 0.95331 0.36042 0.57958 0.64911 0.4203 0.10067 0.32382 0.80523 0.98742 0.82508 0.57511 0.6369 0.69882 0.46753 0.50892 0.31324
+0.8677 0.54513 0.78543 0.61356 0.9955 0.75657 0.03468 0.98507 0.95994 0.85459 0.08848 0.75627 0.14044 0.98276 0.71011 0.57747 0.5779 0.84047 0.42906 0.74795 0.50157 0.302 0.58883 0.52839 0.78372 0.72 0.84895 0.86885 0.81242 0.92197 0.27315 0.58204 0.35113 0.95567 0.82967 0.33323 0.19724 0.67109 0.70505 0.9299 0.39706 0.7906 0.09113 0.41192 0.73318 0.80296 0.36891 0.98266 0.06721 0.25104 0.56111 0.75433 0.85314 0.08793 0.90949 0.42799 0.19719 0.42414 0.66548 0.92363 0.53911 0.94538 0.0573 0.14522 0.09449 0.97804 0.01703 0.53464 0.27582 0.59817 0.89821 0.23803 0.9392 0.97626 0.66109 0.70839 0.64382 0.13224 0.98296 0.58759 0.33775 0.64362 0.62431 0.31064 0.64384 0.2913 0.83115 0.34512 0.04278 0.35469 0.73339 0.33369 0.49488 0.01675 0.63787 0.14354 0.46937 0.64024 0.26627 0.15082 0.04037 0.14996 0.32473 0.52397 0.06451 0.26375 0.05594 0.1672 0.23441 0.92814 0.61422 0.12036 0.92233 0.60407 0.98263 0.40711 0.91165 0.68685 0.12828 0.79272 0.9861 0.75611 0.89632 0.00245 0.94988 0.84293 0.15498 0.84804 0.01265 0.1219 0.60214 0.83901 0.96239 0.70015 0.81451 0.96682 0.95121 0.60768 0.81371 0.42779 0.11305 0.69805 0.12583 0.4525 0.42806 0.86857 0.22203 0.48494 0.19401 0.76597 0.57303 0.41474 0.00026 0.65063 0.06262 0.82445 0.24907 0.65119 0.94733 0.13298 0.80233 0.98081 0.23039 0.0685 0.16896 0.6518 0.35399 0.58367 0.45887 0.42075 0.22202 0.0391 0.20314 0.40485 0.14915 0.36478 0.40756 0.0041 0.99023 0.64542 0.47892 0.53046 0.02945 0.93254 0.89586 0.73708 0.74572 0.69939 0.92281 0.04298 0.17199 0.99577 0.26435 0.06602 0.74972 0.71181 0.29114 0.29185 0.60186 0.40737 0.05826 0.98765 0.07276 0.12085 0.46071 0.84887 0.9145 0.99496 0.72098 0.85006 0.32161 0.90813 0.87675 0.45921 0.92442 0.38205 0.2602 0.82205 0.13406 0.02424 0.61851 0.61431 0.53726 0.99773 0.04947 0.71995 0.74582 0.81295 0.55979 0.52494 0.9971 0.5651 0.8109 0.21713 0.76673 0.75314 0.77623 0.98301 0.21607 0.25493 0.635 0.00852 0.7349 0.27098 0.36056 0.03416 0.79208 0.85891 0.02949 0.0706 0.99329 0.55594 0.83385 0.46435 0.85939 0.1263 0.0588 0.9578 0.19086 0.11153 0.6917 0.32549 0.81876 0.40526 0.75993 0.17985 0.93784 0.98036 0.14049 0.3854 0.00907 0.35879 0.42887 0.91207 0.54729 0.39624 0.97571 0.27044 0.38625 0.80581 0.99092 0.23054 0.27519 0.50371 0.62124 0.33852 0.21783 0.29332 0.93443 0.98237 0.00783 0.63408 0.60283 0.23912 0.05463 0.77527 0.56127 0.81232 0.32125 0.78564 0.77458 0.63121 0.18864 0.48202 0.61819 0.3602 0.11505 0.31334 0.03535 0.68317 0.77374 0.88902 0.3143 0.3908 0.17867 0.46333 0.20423 0.66797 0.47224 0.70016 0.27092 0.93062 0.46026 0.28507 0.94451 0.78143 0.29258 0.9109 0.73551 0.34887 0.70118 0.92244 0.27426 0.30995 0.47944 0.48444 0.44343 0.56446 0.61384 0.31238 0.00247 0.46656 0.38703 0.99732 0.50446 0.93245 0.2017 0.38572 0.11462 0.19801 0.14628 0.10299 0.90922 0.30047 0.40279 0.16772 0.43718 0.39391 0.82633 0.5556 0.71193 0.8602 0.71982 0.98701 0.36852 0.94592 0.23354 0.32807 0.24929 0.45121 0.69283 0.68798 0.44433 0.08716 0.32641 0.34273 0.71996 0.5425 0.5923 0.4971 0.90175 0.97027 0.61373 0.25968 0.50512 0.66571 0.32982 0.34852 0.62937 0.49658 0.75051 0.29882 0.57569 0.10312 0.5423 0.83182 0.41737 0.69458 0.65079 0.16359 0.48041 0.56874 0.99553 0.60368 0.67816 0.8543 0.01243 0.41004 0.43052 0.72944 0.08103 0.69141 0.33064 0.14103 0.74406 0.33429 0.78944 0.99319 0.25103 0.02689 0.29192 0.69436 0.94894 0.19377 0.49778 0.26096 0.36645 0.05805 0.15286 0.57085 0.71041 0.40373 0.45948 0.85853 0.25681 0.0566 0.88649 0.4745 0.65635 0.31923 0.21163 0.77563 0.62774 0.27257 0.23601 0.5217 0.89534 0.2034 0.28552 0.28429 0.26363 0.67055 0.11073 0.03555 0.41891 0.1432 0.35213 0.04563 0.51271 0.60306 0.32074 0.92898 0.97625 0.13207 0.81014 0.60858 0.28582 0.54746 0.81269 0.48634 0.99799 0.50854 0.91701 0.37029 0.36496 0.29296 0.08953 0.70186 0.88051 0.02862 0.93195 0.47625 0.06957 0.14791 0.74779 0.62408 0.6541 0.18013 0.48936 0.83417 0.50474 0.4438 0.88966 0.32263 0.13853 0.20462 0.87344 0.64215 0.91376 0.05627 0.79801 0.90453 0.53778 0.76733 0.82678 0.02539 0.9792 0.75802 0.93693 0.98099 0.83378 0.76008
+0.59009 0.21053 0.66929 0.97003 0.35695 0.06559 0.29072 0.97047 0.72357 0.86598 0.93896 0.43379 0.23168 0.8948 0.4699 0.93653 0.51651 0.33386 0.30564 0.37852 0.65651 0.50352 0.24679 0.96526 0.84029 0.82835 0.07951 0.33213 0.37918 0.47565 0.22525 0.88077 0.82293 0.5766 0.5448 0.12982 0.76856 0.698 0.62427 0.11752 0.33901 0.20666 0.91433 0.71247 0.45748 0.98026 0.4497 0.84058 0.18144 0.16128 0.72532 0.5497 0.00196 0.1684 0.38092 0.16556 0.5441 0.09674 0.893 0.27592 0.74395 0.06491 0.63567 0.90848 0.46012 0.36708 0.45201 0.0573 0.47383 0.25217 0.71431 0.56484 0.17056 0.45691 0.94863 0.65057 0.06962 0.79902 0.73463 0.59324 0.58879 0.69711 0.99675 0.75576 0.27668 0.76194 0.80821 0.45977 0.2727 0.56044 0.87889 0.9086 0.16773 0.34699 0.93522 0.2944 0.84571 0.26172 0.44256 0.45045 0.69958 0.00796 0.28609 0.63624 0.58256 0.52007 0.40458 0.12029 0.65289 0.63495 0.31061 0.09912 0.58612 0.01685 0.60699 0.21131 0.36642 0.14652 0.375 0.08038 0.31641 0.99593 0.44146 0.84971 0.98746 0.05795 0.95128 0.88681 0.47723 0.75863 0.0325 0.11896 0.7675 0.404 0.79879 0.24943 0.21074 0.62338 0.61434 0.58835 0.7587 0.06113 0.34548 0.62232 0.92158 0.69668 0.49291 0.98752 0.24849 0.49293 0.98502 0.17431 0.34764 0.86197 0.71242 0.75677 0.57426 0.55377 0.66182 0.7714 0.51331 0.18938 0.39739 0.36208 0.95836 0.89274 0.08413 0.42111 0.93124 0.89448 0.12458 0.76264 0.43632 0.82201 0.07329 0.43672 0.48169 0.18464 0.99644 0.67737 0.64881 0.21683 0.63937 0.54351 0.93899 0.63274 0.01351 0.44542 0.84183 0.84418 0.2012 0.70328 0.96824 0.22291 0.99806 0.13017 0.32213 0.85238 0.41602 0.05931 0.61003 0.30175 0.04389 0.1359 0.68688 0.84713 0.05788 0.24384 0.23521 0.13424 0.58001 0.14328 0.86399 0.77232 0.71474 0.0268 0.2614 0.0048 0.06091 0.24176 0.3012 0.66077 0.35237 0.59495 0.33045 0.72456 0.58024 0.4004 0.35714 0.10512 0.1609 0.21112 0.81003 0.66254 0.70171 0.56537 0.75736 0.12601 0.04359 0.65554 0.45165 0.80085 0.28879 0.22742 0.63396 0.38299 0.10955 0.56173 0.6388 0.78479 0.34705 0.94997 0.84633 0.41385 0.62073 0.49948 0.47528 0.98372 0.08764 0.73849 0.87123 0.69107 0.94145 0.29579 0.38627 0.09765 0.1059 0.25377 0.63704 0.22428 0.46168 0.85814 0.84585 0.02316 0.24723 0.2738 0.05125 0.47919 0.83368 0.20548 0.6671 0.3625 0.50324 0.05122 0.10426 0.78793 0.76758 0.64096 0.38264 0.41796 0.07793 0.60662 0.86255 0.95979 0.46547 0.6082 0.61625 0.64134 0.91635 0.64219 0.60224 0.06544 0.0357 0.45888 0.23739 0.79886 0.81754 0.45299 0.1498 0.24379 0.09952 0.61968 0.51057 0.23634 0.86009 0.83248 0.39865 0.77832 0.18613 0.91769 0.38054 0.38524 0.8861 0.21736 0.68842 0.70594 0.8415 0.01262 0.92817 0.4807 0.39963 0.74021 0.00752 0.71413 0.51276 0.19051 0.78238 0.18597 0.30952 0.67328 0.30635 0.65337 0.21075 0.05084 0.19472 0.16236 0.39582 0.08158 0.67383 0.9554 0.5377 0.37669 0.73316 0.86675 0.09249 0.15218 0.68518 0.07689 0.23075 0.40513 0.44876 0.01645 0.88204 0.60223 0.3437 0.26738 0.48218 0.58935 0.12004 0.92245 0.52742 0.96216 0.92943 0.35696 0.28416 0.34555 0.6531 0.72989 0.94565 0.49917 0.26191 0.86325 0.86786 0.29742 0.55614 0.08771 0.38347 0.54501 0.45974 0.45071 0.96963 0.8293 0.92001 0.2996 0.45679 0.88121 0.42205 0.12382 0.20533 0.69823 0.38554 0.53036 0.93257 0.25433 0.4915 0.49754 0.91965 0.58105 0.27408 0.87955 0.16672 0.85346 0.05028 0.06455 0.89838 0.92912 0.06511 0.09555 0.6668 0.20156 0.29407 0.99954 0.31452 0.58445 0.2597 0.71548 0.81303 0.73269 0.84774 0.96756 0.99779 0.78753 0.4443 0.56162 0.99273 0.64585 0.64478 0.17893 0.85371 0.14323 0.87324 0.78645 0.50604 0.0645 0.90314 0.72238 0.82542 0.35022 0.71622 0.27261 0.98742 0.40794 0.73013 0.706 0.34578 0.14887 0.39711 0.46287 0.5828 0.24003 0.58732 0.69523 0.46613 0.70836 0.36843 0.27904 0.5162 0.10524 0.31547 0.44807 0.81364 0.23456 0.5132 0.88878 0.126 0.17853 0.12441 0.50523 0.16602 0.73765 0.02328 0.49893 0.5602 0.20229 0.68061 0.60786 0.06329 0.88644 0.51188 0.81612 0.40982 0.18703 0.71578 0.88055 0.59494 0.90226 0.28893 0.23406 0.04465 0.06565 0.87217 0.68318 0.55143 0.44878 0.36447 0.27151 0.08102 0.89126 0.05224 0.7938 0.46515 0.56982
+0.06313 0.43703 0.60275 0.19893 0.26517 0.62016 0.25902 0.05523 0.39134 0.41448 0.07209 0.60694 0.14726 0.27712 0.36073 0.80667 0.56584 0.60224 0.65828 0.0412 0.82776 0.19571 0.76763 0.63823 0.82073 0.77785 0.87721 0.2444 0.5786 0.01727 0.45618 0.7277 0.40189 0.94914 0.93652 0.21621 0.82688 0.04231 0.56253 0.89366 0.76267 0.30868 0.61096 0.70204 0.21986 0.69234 0.66414 0.19933 0.4408 0.18549 0.74714 0.37463 0.44115 0.66772 0.67048 0.70247 0.10583 0.11928 0.62689 0.55671 0.30685 0.72358 0.44185 0.1907 0.81722 0.07993 0.56138 0.86319 0.19889 0.02634 0.17206 0.33649 0.03649 0.18455 0.73166 0.67569 0.09335 0.79564 0.4846 0.08812 0.70462 0.13635 0.64963 0.98311 0.39588 0.40698 0.68464 0.73316 0.89386 0.0743 0.96945 0.53708 0.67663 0.44059 0.02017 0.86425 0.14675 0.8582 0.25958 0.41629 0.17186 0.95527 0.97672 0.06485 0.04096 0.36437 0.81701 0.45863 0.33816 0.42693 0.42482 0.58834 0.92014 0.17556 0.29569 0.16367 0.96253 0.0129 0.68698 0.28784 0.00801 0.52221 0.29589 0.69509 0.88313 0.48368 0.49272 0.46459 0.37001 0.40264 0.24479 0.33197 0.98124 0.03723 0.41058 0.26843 0.26412 0.12706 0.04561 0.07299 0.55281 0.8763 0.57954 0.42874 0.35115 0.08875 0.07415 0.3468 0.80175 0.26904 0.65731 0.28584 0.70724 0.7412 0.02224 0.84796 0.06876 0.82743 0.34903 0.04376 0.2178 0.08443 0.46978 0.61539 0.47089 0.71405 0.56748 0.87326 0.20838 0.21639 0.17734 0.50817 0.51502 0.1402 0.99234 0.15529 0.09825 0.90551 0.61729 0.64771 0.52443 0.01939 0.9349 0.75576 0.50196 0.15024 0.9415 0.95723 0.9121 0.66721 0.68998 0.89908 0.854 0.35819 0.6068 0.89819 0.3645 0.80574 0.24434 0.84047 0.28646 0.40481 0.57887 0.7852 0.60005 0.36416 0.73214 0.51937 0.94786 0.33803 0.73144 0.34642 0.41023 0.52811 0.14539 0.01848 0.54058 0.19933 0.81089 0.35247 0.6482 0.74731 0.91493 0.70762 0.8229 0.63362 0.15242 0.84951 0.17604 0.0654 0.03159 0.72649 0.34599 0.40358 0.34692 0.1828 0.04378 0.61609 0.4778 0.99603 0.21031 0.15292 0.53391 0.23346 0.43053 0.44137 0.55744 0.61536 0.61839 0.28456 0.05943 0.56177 0.83862 0.86885 0.5335 0.31854 0.26266 0.90266 0.55224 0.15081 0.56403 0.23676 0.23868 0.48568 0.61759 0.74924 0.2996 0.01894 0.37314 0.1349 0.04018 0.78775 0.2105 0.08011 0.8026 0.45131 0.52281 0.55235 0.19976 0.15974 0.87854 0.24517 0.69953 0.01246 0.58784 0.48546 0.26526 0.01031 0.21081 0.04821 0.25647 0.64811 0.21309 0.52681 0.44008 0.85358 0.77209 0.1264 0.08144 0.47847 0.82281 0.18642 0.66329 0.34643 0.74056 0.12348 0.03828 0.63637 0.82097 0.26161 0.65027 0.63614 0.29413 0.29493 0.13616 0.04379 0.66305 0.3672 0.53058 0.65317 0.23752 0.34401 0.16571 0.0706 0.08222 0.45141 0.3184 0.07572 0.66383 0.02335 0.03998 0.6072 0.99346 0.05308 0.71196 0.17103 0.86468 0.77421 0.87108 0.56527 0.68549 0.26053 0.56267 0.63244 0.57157 0.28765 0.13374 0.86796 0.79203 0.05416 0.86321 0.31052 0.67229 0.95895 0.65124 0.71029 0.80171 0.7094 0.01503 0.63468 0.66021 0.59457 0.06986 0.09216 0.62319 0.41917 0.35895 0.71538 0.78903 0.06382 0.65102 0.25329 0.63157 0.50445 0.18315 0.24172 0.91848 0.15085 0.75968 0.03812 0.14838 0.17614 0.64995 0.83439 0.87367 0.90022 0.10871 0.07826 0.62653 0.3939 0.68484 0.57783 0.23711 0.48867 0.2862 0.52189 0.83111 0.41021 0.8971 0.61075 0.41759 0.97772 0.2929 0.01643 0.54755 0.88738 0.85847 0.92186 0.46002 0.33836 0.17961 0.81554 0.87115 0.69113 0.01309 0.01263 0.69527 0.27451 0.54211 0.13456 0.17298 0.57101 0.41523 0.98318 0.65959 0.86342 0.3011 0.8944 0.85873 0.8022 0.44873 0.51361 0.16527 0.00505 0.08715 0.57156 0.6439 0.91797 0.22902 0.67803 0.68157 0.43056 0.08847 0.40065 0.02579 0.88254 0.85419 0.17093 0.05985 0.16341 0.81175 0.12912 0.53551 0.38362 0.31641 0.73305 0.79777 0.52146 0.07881 0.88752 0.70029 0.84364 0.10914 0.6095 0.07181 0.06745 0.97658 0.50001 0.0521 0.75694 0.4794 0.27715 0.48634 0.96126 0.57646 0.88068 0.13534 0.2198 0.84638 0.72746 0.41627 0.22164 0.6794 0.54344 0.87123 0.09861 0.76213 0.00724 0.42145 0.40694 0.36234 0.84054 0.94511 0.00262 0.4771 0.53105 0.78694 0.12288 0.60453 0.6706 0.31493 0.294 0.01172 0.17278 0.97854 0.2261 0.06197 0.46235 0.02779 0.30311 0.63679 0.49591
+0.86334 0.09426 0.92334 0.4469 0.69281 0.46092 0.04385 0.03886 0.81032 0.01836 0.0629 0.78458 0.8237 0.55319 0.42887 0.30596 0.23184 0.95862 0.25599 0.408 0.74464 0.08538 0.11034 0.8681 0.09949 0.57653 0.92704 0.76012 0.71487 0.36031 0.9059 0.56861 0.65635 0.25839 0.15796 0.21949 0.14384 0.92486 0.48236 0.41919 0.15579 0.67572 0.93385 0.60368 0.55758 0.68357 0.94641 0.94657 0.28851 0.3271 0.32764 0.15924 0.18206 0.63487 0.78397 0.52531 0.28172 0.63351 0.46333 0.66281 0.0772 0.18066 0.62636 0.1677 0.52159 0.01612 0.49216 0.96695 0.80354 0.83039 0.9202 0.80885 0.74792 0.7449 0.16794 0.08097 0.3796 0.18938 0.46192 0.61541 0.12283 0.49576 0.88612 0.95792 0.13573 0.98323 0.21842 0.25831 0.71259 0.13012 0.57299 0.47534 0.16691 0.10403 0.506 0.27808 0.79556 0.33177 0.4221 0.5814 0.46693 0.57592 0.41517 0.50654 0.34361 0.56838 0.60763 0.73724 0.38834 0.71359 0.9712 0.52548 0.45237 0.49655 0.06225 0.99083 0.27174 0.90543 0.15874 0.87849 0.72178 0.77914 0.05658 0.16527 0.98153 0.76662 0.5457 0.94818 0.996 0.54145 0.85805 0.1352 0.17548 0.01352 0.87605 0.0696 0.01084 0.7859 0.49131 0.05166 0.59317 0.85452 0.36465 0.17139 0.23536 0.53963 0.96906 0.03865 0.43692 0.50156 0.40864 0.09685 0.47509 0.03009 0.68521 0.90927 0.68663 0.19572 0.30795 0.66487 0.20197 0.32774 0.38034 0.98112 0.16917 0.89817 0.13134 0.16302 0.78106 0.80875 0.29315 0.49262 0.3637 0.13468 0.60769 0.82243 0.27964 0.29821 0.57886 0.05979 0.90111 0.36357 0.22557 0.39515 0.65636 0.25964 0.81798 0.34964 0.95251 0.18449 0.45483 0.30719 0.70079 0.41441 0.96808 0.39195 0.27721 0.1534 0.20927 0.35686 0.10868 0.26525 0.65275 0.4951 0.89801 0.02285 0.39506 0.12199 0.68393 0.47709 0.7856 0.61059 0.30289 0.25592 0.46181 0.85654 0.17924 0.99399 0.02929 0.81912 0.08264 0.76695 0.84352 0.88872 0.4219 0.72051 0.35215 0.34146 0.37574 0.66324 0.76816 0.55732 0.75665 0.05795 0.25629 0.80975 0.89427 0.72684 0.22631 0.96776 0.54757 0.28154 0.87895 0.66603 0.09696 0.45053 0.43239 0.65648 0.60966 0.52891 0.02313 0.83163 0.42019 0.65292 0.35144 0.93048 0.29817 0.38342 0.11918 0.55572 0.51289 0.39354 0.25358 0.14067 0.81196 0.73079 0.00399 0.39663 0.14453 0.44836 0.6434 0.29688 0.50898 0.13963 0.43118 0.40642 0.85478 0.90005 0.73409 0.26608 0.63751 0.80909 0.53681 0.69794 0.10996 0.36753 0.91392 0.56908 0.80481 0.75386 0.17619 0.75986 0.53595 0.12927 0.41141 0.13238 0.26466 0.48687 0.92358 0.35901 0.37821 0.10228 0.82194 0.97843 0.42447 0.74586 0.85385 0.69692 0.31393 0.0254 0.59927 0.60355 0.5712 0.40963 0.70138 0.8415 0.15296 0.01744 0.10819 0.84107 0.44813 0.65459 0.23636 0.36716 0.18538 0.25009 0.98343 0.52784 0.27729 0.6011 0.35053 0.07299 0.77678 0.06909 0.11538 0.20237 0.01701 0.92018 0.45481 0.53616 0.47494 0.14583 0.06989 0.77636 0.34778 0.99819 0.74093 0.26219 0.78442 0.50234 0.75022 0.53298 0.32616 0.49059 0.82929 0.27628 0.5431 0.6317 0.09621 0.53777 0.17551 0.41678 0.73049 0.20607 0.53163 0.26851 0.86261 0.27566 0.85246 0.44583 0.59035 0.35902 0.61031 0.82762 0.60048 0.2196 0.88463 0.86604 0.48885 0.99245 0.4208 0.40687 0.18127 0.52834 0.81341 0.56799 0.64832 0.09447 0.92671 0.32102 0.14964 0.82202 0.12919 0.58557 0.63883 0.73209 0.21781 0.23587 0.664 0.97719 0.58975 0.70041 0.7558 0.11474 0.05799 0.26522 0.09425 0.28313 0.90886 0.38185 0.13616 0.18328 0.879 0.26845 0.93782 0.28454 0.79039 0.78584 0.17622 0.53164 0.464 0.68195 0.83262 0.0693 0.55642 0.14166 0.76865 0.26658 0.7202 0.78665 0.11978 0.70596 0.08721 0.6947 0.48181 0.69793 0.6186 0.02303 0.4043 0.01733 0.27598 0.88562 0.14695 0.33323 0.43968 0.85336 0.43762 0.11554 0.01463 0.24241 0.69114 0.09745 0.98472 0.02524 0.67993 0.09625 0.3236 0.22417 0.22968 0.68894 0.04047 0.70832 0.45597 0.68874 0.87785 0.8204 0.34452 0.05421 0.5032 0.42223 0.21922 0.2413 0.17101 0.21633 0.50378 0.20867 0.264 0.03562 0.17244 0.69884 0.31994 0.59677 0.90705 0.93326 0.92017 0.69159 0.41202 0.39188 0.06274 0.9823 0.51135 0.92502 0.35714 0.69803 0.07531 0.21688 0.22289 0.70494 0.80191 0.03925 0.7712 0.7027 0.80237 0.13915 0.7108 0.66911 0.63322 0.88519 0.93958 0.69259 0.87189 0.39801
+0.35509 0.72442 0.08026 0.08436 0.65663 0.41241 0.5549 0.87404 0.72289 0.49124 0.07677 0.42224 0.69832 0.30082 0.76595 0.99462 0.18184 0.91239 0.85277 0.63397 0.80071 0.78023 0.23508 0.54572 0.09656 0.96607 0.24004 0.14438 0.6437 0.83589 0.36605 0.22527 0.98507 0.11796 0.54163 0.54387 0.33106 0.58124 0.92592 0.88796 0.93788 0.7181 0.04645 0.40161 0.20459 0.64229 0.05136 0.36788 0.49926 0.89204 0.95745 0.53529 0.47707 0.05468 0.44055 0.2569 0.87082 0.66724 0.32538 0.27364 0.46979 0.58375 0.53486 0.71087 0.59307 0.04948 0.92124 0.54543 0.11708 0.7059 0.59119 0.1062 0.786 0.84394 0.12353 0.42528 0.91951 0.72283 0.72038 0.66313 0.57475 0.31152 0.32601 0.26042 0.87717 0.40654 0.18775 0.85911 0.60524 0.38989 0.44736 0.02501 0.86418 0.59096 0.88688 0.75592 0.68618 0.1843 0.73249 0.55912 0.27408 0.4792 0.23768 0.39839 0.32016 0.66012 0.25776 0.78858 0.18209 0.72711 0.37498 0.01322 0.96581 0.33928 0.12485 0.17944 0.41799 0.05586 0.30366 0.48179 0.6001 0.38232 0.69646 0.86053 0.95029 0.78857 0.20351 0.06778 0.76909 0.19571 0.9524 0.21707 0.53111 0.8859 0.36368 0.46341 0.17359 0.67991 0.77326 0.44276 0.8675 0.3595 0.86146 0.2951 0.32026 0.86403 0.01437 0.61181 0.54619 0.3397 0.38524 0.41066 0.58143 0.26618 0.30356 0.38548 0.3381 0.80348 0.78419 0.60685 0.29784 0.65045 0.55667 0.26232 0.7929 0.2827 0.30793 0.72988 0.2053 0.50215 0.75705 0.90423 0.60442 0.19142 0.36794 0.50597 0.61328 0.94783 0.79137 0.90782 0.97254 0.28781 0.05686 0.52653 0.14446 0.90316 0.41424 0.71632 0.10841 0.4741 0.81548 0.34058 0.63621 0.62912 0.24972 0.69704 0.82932 0.01252 0.98347 0.57909 0.57602 0.81662 0.4048 0.84261 0.52551 0.71299 0.01785 0.09214 0.7157 0.74573 0.47508 0.59994 0.22172 0.7804 0.46478 0.03455 0.64849 0.90647 0.3425 0.92571 0.7804 0.336 0.43077 0.33721 0.95013 0.59894 0.8152 0.60317 0.18935 0.71286 0.22648 0.75329 0.74849 0.79594 0.57134 0.06398 0.81372 0.22359 0.10408 0.45249 0.96526 0.29495 0.85462 0.55563 0.26423 0.40952 0.91643 0.94304 0.31917 0.74839 0.99313 0.10292 0.7738 0.24894 0.11813 0.36052 0.62305 0.29748 0.3067 0.83606 0.90402 0.51322 0.80299 0.33473 0.13099 0.99898 0.85578 0.27737 0.84057 0.26257 0.70264 0.65564 0.16405 0.28986 0.99889 0.03589 0.58356 0.5139 0.80468 0.72852 0.38875 0.69595 0.16321 0.26979 0.47418 0.82384 0.14748 0.63271 0.74967 0.07604 0.41171 0.99895 0.44128 0.74808 0.63102 0.06342 0.73604 0.50235 0.34192 0.14734 0.97885 0.55959 0.2197 0.31503 0.88246 0.06366 0.29782 0.13159 0.36992 0.48577 0.47549 0.11024 0.15099 0.42022 0.05653 0.67588 0.08212 0.79462 0.66049 0.38032 0.89648 0.2278 0.8447 0.58534 0.00291 0.48716 0.91563 0.27566 0.18861 0.24488 0.20288 0.10648 0.73956 0.99221 0.53415 0.59672 0.165 0.76173 0.65846 0.38579 0.88152 0.91698 0.879 0.36102 0.65114 0.53549 0.36322 0.29952 0.53894 0.71657 0.6116 0.38688 0.50783 0.80944 0.36894 0.45228 0.26576 0.48484 0.99951 0.95435 0.70179 0.44103 0.92608 0.57313 0.64311 0.75762 0.32277 0.92077 0.74205 0.82791 0.90262 0.21814 0.71079 0.52017 0.59058 0.33458 0.819 0.88068 0.33271 0.96557 0.47721 0.33538 0.67376 0.67821 0.34587 0.43384 0.27047 0.49494 0.31483 0.27397 0.18747 0.97073 0.97253 0.73033 0.19215 0.3608 0.45026 0.51404 0.72626 0.07337 0.70474 0.00627 0.09337 0.29604 0.671 0.85082 0.32533 0.39165 0.64263 0.18207 0.19254 0.20043 0.20292 0.94867 0.8158 0.25413 0.07795 0.13775 0.8761 0.99529 0.1233 0.10178 0.22422 0.33559 0.09937 0.37605 0.80814 0.50804 0.46541 0.44435 0.06435 0.52238 0.22092 0.22312 0.52087 0.64946 0.56876 0.24958 0.27743 0.43652 0.8465 0.37465 0.8302 0.27394 0.54644 0.98376 0.22812 0.75553 0.24668 0.90198 0.14109 0.27848 0.731 0.79121 0.96381 0.63077 0.37048 0.18925 0.14971 0.16871 0.49661 0.39557 0.31399 0.88032 0.23687 0.98993 0.33534 0.33087 0.24939 0.41087 0.95141 0.91281 0.94471 0.98448 0.10269 0.75581 0.08217 0.68049 0.83765 0.88953 0.05178 0.66925 0.62177 0.46427 0.14433 0.64001 0.64597 0.08037 0.58887 0.10422 0.16985 0.75661 0.05472 0.24674 0.05549 0.93336 0.95638 0.78872 0.41524 0.38612 0.34405 0.01833 0.03688 0.65972 0.2317 0.05963 0.75261 0.13507 0.48595 0.29176 0.04186 0.10225
+0.30664 0.49496 0.86385 0.15924 0.32017 0.24291 0.67221 0.32395 0.91826 0.48055 0.87946 0.38771 0.73593 0.39869 0.43786 0.14512 0.97469 0.8111 0.97016 0.5347 0.25175 0.53705 0.88446 0.16934 0.95847 0.20482 0.15012 0.09643 0.3126 0.22737 0.21016 0.07239 0.70513 0.40609 0.12438 0.9713 0.77599 0.13015 0.85806 0.98984 0.92394 0.82241 0.95696 0.34532 0.57244 0.51245 0.27293 0.14462 0.58797 0.36088 0.21465 0.87029 0.63052 0.9937 0.38693 0.87283 0.43989 0.78149 0.45718 0.99025 0.10695 0.57059 0.46066 0.86525 0.92052 0.75991 0.48388 0.05592 0.02867 0.16661 0.8716 0.74072 0.87464 0.34502 0.71438 0.34099 0.90767 0.12735 0.67999 0.51567 0.38084 0.90169 0.68227 0.12268 0.0439 0.93044 0.2701 0.34159 0.79448 0.87738 0.18228 0.93486 0.56366 0.85783 0.86542 0.07092 0.73673 0.67175 0.27165 0.7093 0.19704 0.2956 0.63377 0.06408 0.11497 0.62018 0.61841 0.29495 0.05917 0.50829 0.70113 0.6901 0.2727 0.14881 0.97645 0.60617 0.31086 0.65712 0.72238 0.33358 0.48909 0.09337 0.6922 0.81373 0.14767 0.14712 0.50925 0.60048 0.3114 0.79553 0.2557 0.04703 0.83058 0.18364 0.99668 0.19252 0.3514 0.48029 0.5117 0.33916 0.8767 0.25079 0.20556 0.68381 0.0566 0.94952 0.53674 0.57262 0.93096 0.24745 0.47365 0.57141 0.07725 0.32687 0.5757 0.10849 0.50688 0.87712 0.19338 0.32541 0.97908 0.62861 0.05854 0.2135 0.84292 0.84141 0.01774 0.28826 0.26476 0.26513 0.55485 0.7762 0.90183 0.99534 0.47284 0.43274 0.99598 0.65068 0.54056 0.41713 0.48367 0.46728 0.2514 0.14477 0.7974 0.23575 0.33165 0.23284 0.25012 0.81643 0.59184 0.77202 0.58507 0.00985 0.58091 0.46359 0.93715 0.99059 0.15316 0.32947 0.31841 0.40913 0.29644 0.82786 0.76108 0.48852 0.33669 0.91248 0.58217 0.04701 0.07492 0.35998 0.08605 0.6757 0.5624 0.86109 0.87343 0.853 0.71217 0.53329 0.98868 0.17913 0.10903 0.97834 0.79472 0.17182 0.07579 0.63738 0.13152 0.81475 0.58941 0.21872 0.10445 0.51498 0.97893 0.2542 0.97324 0.08475 0.49892 0.78617 0.32638 0.88007 0.45549 0.09963 0.64026 0.73574 0.92999 0.83123 0.70826 0.02904 0.72964 0.69913 0.03254 0.48804 0.78185 0.72017 0.88086 0.83307 0.66251 0.07035 0.83389 0.89197 0.47794 0.25885 0.13649 0.22334 0.25752 0.88031 0.23534 0.01258 0.24086 0.98513 0.0954 0.26689 0.62507 0.32428 0.18233 0.63035 0.38868 0.36391 0.26265 0.89215 0.22187 0.76947 0.92603 0.32188 0.60015 0.60701 0.77214 0.16676 0.77756 0.92656 0.03653 0.09506 0.03268 0.86064 0.37185 0.78206 0.94731 0.05769 0.24863 0.45969 0.36082 0.71989 0.15538 0.18379 0.5962 0.97727 0.266 0.68147 0.91847 0.40384 0.21681 0.87924 0.59774 0.42747 0.96485 0.9244 0.76762 0.82596 0.2758 0.60682 0.87798 0.36084 0.10537 0.46239 0.17778 0.05225 0.72647 0.03377 0.53712 0.78018 0.83867 0.55639 0.32123 0.50805 0.69714 0.7738 0.51283 0.16768 0.7352 0.53959 0.89731 0.06531 0.00491 0.80834 0.44397 0.13968 0.43418 0.37818 0.23464 0.43368 0.03212 0.44469 0.95233 0.35447 0.76091 0.26222 0.26434 0.03314 0.38244 0.44109 0.95807 0.98424 0.05779 0.04397 0.42207 0.08219 0.66311 0.46819 0.32809 0.7253 0.30786 0.67435 0.65018 0.69663 0.92307 0.75389 0.62802 0.6343 0.66399 0.80725 0.94409 0.04265 0.94495 0.03526 0.41112 0.95945 0.23278 0.40143 0.4962 0.30392 0.31968 0.08382 0.16123 0.42257 0.42941 0.72634 0.01716 0.79581 0.014 0.62384 0.29097 0.85324 0.35678 0.06461 0.24758 0.88607 0.09619 0.35659 0.90687 0.13921 0.08699 0.24386 0.64958 0.61881 0.52172 0.63501 0.79059 0.57435 0.56963 0.22013 0.36755 0.23875 0.37627 0.01412 0.65767 0.82963 0.09504 0.2751 0.53134 0.17039 0.83312 0.66851 0.64768 0.8142 0.59518 0.64787 0.12879 0.61475 0.26211 0.98896 0.23472 0.80237 0.95393 0.7472 0.95388 0.06378 0.96013 0.56899 0.56821 0.14741 0.87315 0.76751 0.14066 0.03664 0.54561 0.2372 0.79646 0.55155 0.68499 0.22635 0.38732 0.88652 0.50612 0.36567 0.43447 0.56749 0.359 0.89812 0.82521 0.54507 0.09367 0.40872 0.31949 0.24593 0.27458 0.65794 0.57283 0.73302 0.73272 0.97748 0.33629 0.57074 0.46052 0.12754 0.99213 0.54946 0.99062 0.41061 0.04603 0.56142 0.32955 0.21191 0.81239 0.3947 0.52658 0.18263 0.21616 0.03865 0.62589 0.67498 0.06575 0.31234 0.07089 0.05182 0.36431 0.37494 0.92865 0.29965 0.19068 0.78781
+0.64848 0.20653 0.13169 0.05687 0.22505 0.08696 0.79564 0.85067 0.00086 0.27036 0.91947 0.22227 0.62065 0.309 0.94855 0.18938 0.53869 0.91513 0.16197 0.49698 0.52321 0.40652 0.91074 0.4298 0.64198 0.84389 0.9096 0.21863 0.87757 0.80915 0.59071 0.13465 0.25265 0.5134 0.03893 0.68168 0.12129 0.38296 0.75545 0.2825 0.44857 0.25711 0.99161 0.84401 0.27209 0.30065 0.9181 0.80517 0.61318 0.48318 0.74252 0.19604 0.87938 0.93382 0.59567 0.96049 0.74 0.80011 0.42848 0.2334 0.87046 0.68595 0.28007 0.13582 0.52793 0.41139 0.89007 0.5344 0.13235 0.34822 0.18978 0.30784 0.96417 0.69632 0.93803 0.47103 0.39688 0.9101 0.55625 0.65262 0.74555 0.67106 0.83982 0.25561 0.77167 0.998 0.08234 0.77763 0.98107 0.17219 0.763 0.88755 0.92186 0.56254 0.93124 0.79253 0.08928 0.50173 0.35624 0.71402 0.31028 0.4207 0.55752 0.84175 0.48856 0.72282 0.7754 0.89755 0.95686 0.69089 0.42969 0.59081 0.65327 0.68296 0.34398 0.73834 0.1355 0.1352 0.54547 0.36829 0.59975 0.24596 0.66451 0.8085 0.10494 0.47649 0.66769 0.77564 0.06474 0.92581 0.67402 0.97983 0.0681 0.4276 0.07224 0.67954 0.94276 0.15113 0.21046 0.81483 0.63397 0.86107 0.48476 0.55182 0.86052 0.65724 0.10894 0.53298 0.29827 0.46583 0.54369 0.58436 0.79021 0.5516 0.68135 0.06111 0.39544 0.74502 0.24152 0.15034 0.11044 0.08761 0.93476 0.39723 0.16517 0.44046 0.55379 0.77552 0.17016 0.01931 0.88966 0.84621 0.45916 0.19159 0.9358 0.48249 0.16687 0.72609 0.25576 0.12779 0.49276 0.85885 0.86087 0.34389 0.40448 0.35272 0.21893 0.9794 0.59903 0.31212 0.56311 0.65264 0.07879 0.20253 0.08683 0.92767 0.50081 0.26653 0.40131 0.59146 0.62673 0.04351 0.04663 0.62146 0.24636 0.74091 0.0389 0.17951 0.44241 0.45955 0.43417 0.6967 0.40931 0.78757 0.71775 0.2665 0.82848 0.39489 0.49597 0.50508 0.75242 0.67187 0.21077 0.07083 0.9412 0.37814 0.03389 0.24658 0.50405 0.10441 0.99772 0.89044 0.36796 0.94923 0.88603 0.17116 0.43645 0.65478 0.15625 0.05085 0.53084 0.10081 0.90677 0.53523 0.08162 0.99278 0.45061 0.75779 0.36627 0.63363 0.66661 0.73921 0.4288 0.85658 0.86551 0.65049 0.85383 0.65616 0.01064 0.26313 0.82616 0.34537 0.69556 0.89283 0.8724 0.23825 0.62288 0.01637 0.10332 0.3586 0.70182 0.72286 0.21704 0.85108 0.69904 0.01578 0.91787 0.33373 0.46402 0.71369 0.46717 0.12489 0.92819 0.30471 0.48554 0.94082 0.4631 0.95992 0.73212 0.49463 0.63423 0.87932 0.63032 0.41818 0.8131 0.66591 0.72054 0.7262 0.68698 0.80083 0.91287 0.23473 0.30304 0.89043 0.39996 0.65277 0.88786 0.65991 0.81906 0.25998 0.03598 0.90851 0.18609 0.57609 0.36881 0.57169 0.69275 0.08378 0.61033 0.0413 0.43863 0.04759 0.07701 0.95166 0.26226 0.09202 0.05262 0.42932 0.62089 0.33084 0.04113 0.31165 0.35237 0.74445 0.34966 0.25095 0.29866 0.94034 0.33759 0.16005 0.97259 0.87579 0.54247 0.66425 0.50189 0.48822 0.94763 0.55349 0.26391 0.90573 0.03738 0.42365 0.81486 0.37766 0.02576 0.50314 0.36212 0.9601 0.22508 0.34675 0.92555 0.57717 0.83198 0.03066 0.03459 0.35198 0.36699 0.81573 0.38513 0.23741 0.38848 0.65562 0.92554 0.85975 0.01141 0.51601 0.91368 0.84066 0.50743 0.15491 0.91735 0.09568 0.41337 0.63276 0.95187 0.96856 0.51266 0.94875 0.09779 0.46837 0.67933 0.78388 0.76539 0.32783 0.59555 0.658 0.12579 0.64568 0.75125 0.24102 0.60262 0.26192 0.15703 0.82918 0.8203 0.62312 0.67006 0.33097 0.61375 0.3631 0.09525 0.97667 0.14906 0.41478 0.62454 0.95844 0.49454 0.09713 0.42713 0.14377 0.56145 0.23321 0.1833 0.95322 0.67461 0.78286 0.10765 0.30996 0.30152 0.5144 0.39812 0.8006 0.16426 0.24618 0.07729 0.88777 0.75817 0.74106 0.37476 0.7673 0.68953 0.74192 0.63751 0.83005 0.47623 0.46504 0.32146 0.89365 0.21954 0.25634 0.9996 0.00896 0.34711 0.77297 0.97556 0.76527 0.31519 0.99298 0.61404 0.63419 0.81832 0.29912 0.36198 0.01184 0.76141 0.63691 0.614 0.69632 0.77376 0.10167 0.58981 0.68169 0.23377 0.61862 0.68309 0.99373 0.83971 0.87448 0.12238 0.42821 0.58121 0.51525 0.07954 0.58988 0.70723 0.9199 0.64848 0.98287 0.23845 0.19358 0.91932 0.32518 0.80942 0.20544 0.89829 0.82754 0.44872 0.89546 0.38891 0.03597 0.25155 0.03508 0.39073 0.212 0.60329 0.92792 0.41728 0.88636 0.33969 0.28544 0.48253 0.76209
+0.29175 0.40672 0.0544 0.17739 0.73396 0.74843 0.49055 0.99617 0.76597 0.45391 0.18841 0.64519 0.98856 0.44481 0.57761 0.04769 0.27818 0.47495 0.44919 0.52902 0.43309 0.21057 0.96067 0.48599 0.31229 0.98458 0.75153 0.10158 0.65604 0.09528 0.96207 0.40164 0.02451 0.43883 0.92315 0.66061 0.6659 0.65719 0.75918 0.70678 0.73541 0.43023 0.12581 0.38619 0.57194 0.64079 0.07308 0.51649 0.00343 0.67823 0.3613 0.29246 0.29901 0.17634 0.89021 0.24508 0.55759 0.40721 0.83531 0.62524 0.25025 0.24395 0.62322 0.71153 0.70438 0.29657 0.85036 0.14013 0.4225 0.47809 0.01619 0.04619 0.13217 0.2333 0.50685 0.13003 0.34588 0.39236 0.43769 0.45209 0.18619 0.37395 0.26943 0.50442 0.20074 0.68192 0.76551 0.24464 0.70143 0.44744 0.35758 0.4795 0.84555 0.25796 0.2708 0.37351 0.51315 0.31065 0.07106 0.81972 0.80258 0.07642 0.18357 0.58726 0.27119 0.15633 0.82696 0.65203 0.06091 0.21135 0.48272 0.48813 0.1564 0.7406 0.24557 0.84558 0.94554 0.8258 0.12011 0.87779 0.61379 0.8258 0.10675 0.48582 0.30218 0.72291 0.60722 0.1668 0.82278 0.23713 0.70466 0.147 0.35798 0.76798 0.03964 0.19034 0.70756 0.03162 0.55078 0.42352 0.91852 0.47765 0.1552 0.57927 0.24304 0.1245 0.58818 0.78819 0.64162 0.4706 0.68109 0.44741 0.26909 0.78319 0.81097 0.02806 0.71758 0.3564 0.67593 0.03293 0.98258 0.07887 0.80762 0.57744 0.59411 0.51544 0.0638 0.32957 0.16924 0.23309 0.71472 0.31792 0.39789 0.43869 0.38379 0.56765 0.24374 0.36417 0.73959 0.94953 0.59498 0.31598 0.09095 0.02465 0.21409 0.97795 0.70327 0.12358 0.21995 0.372 0.26385 0.4974 0.11526 0.74259 0.9174 0.64608 0.27424 0.59488 0.93012 0.89741 0.33866 0.02305 0.05048 0.25506 0.77157 0.43724 0.47576 0.78264 0.15221 0.54202 0.22062 0.72371 0.2003 0.62557 0.91929 0.06429 0.9761 0.98658 0.67791 0.7138 0.05698 0.09353 0.30982 0.57523 0.97955 0.52615 0.57033 0.48855 0.88762 0.95692 0.93184 0.89982 0.99193 0.2266 0.91868 0.65727 0.10932 0.58793 0.54583 0.46651 0.50899 0.70627 0.73947 0.46975 0.88996 0.35113 0.5193 0.24513 0.53245 0.61287 0.02036 0.99079 0.03927 0.31968 0.71321 0.88516 0.73423 0.18546 0.09731 0.18143 0.25445 0.2097 0.75256 0.04385 0.90148 0.9744 0.26235 0.76861 0.98029 0.61222 0.33507 0.48081 0.23821 0.25203 0.51129 0.60988 0.22829 0.74359 0.42998 0.78051 0.97823 0.91278 0.77847 0.48308 0.89645 0.93146 0.82713 0.15334 0.4413 0.14922 0.07365 0.04928 0.46466 0.16878 0.87221 0.5336 0.51699 0.23353 0.30882 0.74374 0.38777 0.00207 0.5963 0.80087 0.20866 0.32589 0.96906 0.76249 0.15348 0.19203 0.64909 0.08233 0.56611 0.80101 0.91719 0.54383 0.20393 0.2649 0.06709 0.15623 0.97073 0.65433 0.32115 0.57137 0.17396 0.93499 0.90087 0.70807 0.52254 0.09274 0.40077 0.30942 0.7667 0.4145 0.33602 0.44215 0.4374 0.64121 0.55826 0.03378 0.59847 0.38366 0.40642 0.34814 0.0755 0.7849 0.6814 0.18206 0.47231 0.21568 0.51775 0.5891 0.69451 0.56674 0.91008 0.61177 0.44121 0.74617 0.22878 0.08427 0.89214 0.0709 0.9301 0.05924 0.97097 0.37172 0.16438 0.96075 0.54579 0.40261 0.02993 0.80417 0.95314 0.43969 0.76433 0.92231 0.7122 0.149 0.26956 0.88391 0.36269 0.92694 0.39877 0.443 0.88149 0.04489 0.41715 0.80007 0.37547 0.25358 0.5249 0.30143 0.15162 0.00801 0.37633 0.81481 0.46066 0.16161 0.65776 0.29868 0.10746 0.19659 0.99787 0.66289 0.28909 0.01869 0.19434 0.87027 0.53393 0.45599 0.53891 0.54546 0.0469 0.35057 0.40489 0.069 0.11887 0.65364 0.4181 0.80475 0.95121 0.57528 0.48802 0.90857 0.79648 0.27804 0.45054 0.71701 0.01234 0.43072 0.19976 0.69183 0.93024 0.28476 0.52242 0.51152 0.70065 0.0669 0.61852 0.05609 0.31193 0.38916 0.2587 0.82658 0.02242 0.20445 0.64889 0.52562 0.39324 0.30212 0.43573 0.88537 0.98778 0.17866 0.13084 0.47385 0.1121 0.63694 0.10612 0.76695 0.24115 0.02093 0.78168 0.34041 0.41851 0.32927 0.625 0.84297 0.65569 0.89568 0.54944 0.147 0.82797 0.2547 0.44616 0.00425 0.1386 0.54124 0.13717 0.08225 0.92174 0.87847 0.51825 0.46886 0.85968 0.00919 0.47649 0.42837 0.6693 0.41204 0.43165 0.35457 0.93401 0.58687 0.85617 0.06029 0.9531 0.39568 0.45897 0.96969 0.92238 0.98992 0.9157 0.47097 0.41399 0.51482 0.86449 0.9504 0.60975 0.9381 0.23875 0.42482
+0.90756 0.35144 0.81043 0.89688 0.53725 0.40386 0.07345 0.9909 0.5676 0.47177 0.77424 0.97097 0.19442 0.50032 0.21505 0.55714 0.16494 0.65802 0.03931 0.55509 0.91412 0.71948 0.31788 0.30375 0.88009 0.88726 0.80322 0.68863 0.63031 0.52117 0.56 0.96955 0.53609 0.3956 0.78808 0.92053 0.2472 0.075 0.21798 0.91004 0.1184 0.95422 0.97605 0.09629 0.72634 0.13177 0.1799 0.76591 0.10979 0.89394 0.75381 0.34499 0.37104 0.33368 0.30637 0.9306 0.39702 0.47286 0.00241 0.47631 0.53224 0.7678 0.0235 0.55684 0.87141 0.93698 0.1837 0.15042 0.19431 0.95904 0.33251 0.62097 0.5968 0.01204 0.15452 0.92136 0.66776 0.53545 0.81807 0.96778 0.51504 0.89477 0.16362 0.36331 0.83023 0.20504 0.5179 0.06958 0.2912 0.63275 0.37282 0.43667 0.48647 0.16863 0.56199 0.50227 0.24697 0.62802 0.94599 0.25555 0.74781 0.05026 0.56204 0.43072 0.71482 0.37114 0.89222 0.42882 0.05172 0.7722 0.30568 0.78312 0.45554 0.1637 0.14108 0.14911 0.04246 0.01069 0.62171 0.06215 0.29352 0.39208 0.72742 0.10278 0.99114 0.61178 0.13278 0.77711 0.93779 0.04512 0.89072 0.86354 0.5772 0.278 0.4964 0.06651 0.30443 0.53063 0.20675 0.96793 0.41287 0.3923 0.16852 0.37655 0.47926 0.13892 0.04427 0.68495 0.09038 0.87677 0.9474 0.37598 0.03487 0.37417 0.55493 0.40148 0.54804 0.94855 0.11006 0.82064 0.77016 0.7577 0.69593 0.09424 0.28575 0.25166 0.64159 0.45716 0.16505 0.82372 0.97011 0.22009 0.17881 0.46706 0.45708 0.46282 0.91812 0.64459 0.39431 0.54385 0.2655 0.65009 0.55173 0.0206 0.23536 0.58082 0.55177 0.84323 0.80156 0.33994 0.97493 0.6868 0.38948 0.08766 0.57674 0.50325 0.33787 0.48183 0.48769 0.76156 0.89373 0.32131 0.00305 0.81644 0.50945 0.29162 0.64392 0.38694 0.96122 0.22219 0.59369 0.63163 0.37288 0.59562 0.83059 0.46275 0.04422 0.45049 0.02174 0.90488 0.31569 0.29569 0.46608 0.80779 0.99806 0.67597 0.69507 0.89055 0.62699 0.73925 0.3686 0.34782 0.79541 0.03003 0.70566 0.5512 0.26325 0.45144 0.27567 0.62895 0.62715 0.8997 0.34247 0.41775 0.97937 0.98473 0.88263 0.96602 0.44714 0.85381 0.10438 0.77617 0.09864 0.06753 0.25547 0.18385 0.77553 0.12817 0.321 0.40026 0.61148 0.37873 0.97201 0.84019 0.17355 0.37845 0.12299 0.08454 0.76826 0.59729 0.79651 0.21948 0.07757 0.72026 0.45738 0.1334 0.04358 0.98976 0.82822 0.15697 0.31022 0.47438 0.78031 0.4182 0.71164 0.40527 0.93272 0.56662 0.52643 0.68711 0.7535 0.25988 0.54863 0.46472 0.37348 0.86214 0.40823 0.89899 0.27252 0.64915 0.52273 0.41091 0.59176 0.13828 0.62775 0.22527 0.07167 0.73253 0.23876 0.60544 0.58516 0.95614 0.69285 0.51261 0.79018 0.06724 0.90706 0.84819 0.03825 0.90914 0.76022 0.29605 0.78301 0.76984 0.51892 0.19663 0.64517 0.12586 0.74029 0.64996 0.74747 0.27036 0.79207 0.91059 0.27772 0.47862 0.89358 0.2417 0.90884 0.07031 0.23964 0.31747 0.24584 0.16757 0.2647 0.97607 0.58205 0.86391 0.53072 0.75218 0.57207 0.45127 0.10069 0.37299 0.59051 0.97405 0.07503 0.20236 0.99468 0.91695 0.13979 0.38087 0.29365 0.8324 0.03053 0.02765 0.0277 0.1754 0.46272 0.45049 0.87371 0.76857 0.59297 0.91402 0.32296 0.66721 0.40203 0.57922 0.01077 0.02344 0.78174 0.78108 0.39986 0.76192 0.10109 0.95836 0.89241 0.88372 0.18393 0.14485 0.96645 0.88299 0.94385 0.45007 0.22817 0.4445 0.79967 0.10388 0.28145 0.65951 0.14511 0.72699 0.91231 0.33512 0.10757 0.76056 0.57686 0.13804 0.89394 0.19355 0.04219 0.97158 0.33935 0.46812 0.10019 0.46378 0.68483 0.87127 0.60819 0.21533 0.80064 0.0707 0.66608 0.99521 0.44784 0.41964 0.19953 0.51938 0.10934 0.97894 0.13802 0.38364 0.52511 0.25096 0.37199 0.84755 0.1746 0.46682 0.37697 0.62485 0.08308 0.8378 0.73162 0.59762 0.77948 0.105 0.69564 0.66247 0.90556 0.81588 0.43471 0.50074 0.46014 0.49793 0.79454 0.35057 0.26869 0.41507 0.53399 0.4952 0.41561 0.93306 0.91891 0.14044 0.39919 0.52705 0.82341 0.91429 0.78656 0.41129 0.64365 0.65312 0.50448 0.43767 0.44546 0.19541 0.38094 0.83621 0.94635 0.66363 0.39002 0.1059 0.80205 0.14435 0.78617 0.75162 0.90137 0.99499 0.13398 0.51181 0.84699 0.46708 0.13162 0.48934 0.80296 0.21728 0.18475 0.47265 0.60025 0.79629 0.93721 0.94726 0.31986 0.30021 0.17354 0.28118 0.07402 0.95169 0.37061 0.18993 0.91277 0.6369
+0.0519 0.01667 0.73786 0.21102 0.56121 0.96093 0.22588 0.99546 0.49001 0.46009 0.4517 0.105 0.67033 0.64294 0.59047 0.00565 0.42149 0.96303 0.05693 0.35642 0.88018 0.50268 0.92029 0.30454 0.94303 0.08196 0.59719 0.24877 0.24752 0.6087 0.57635 0.24043 0.86338 0.31279 0.5841 0.30465 0.50914 0.54915 0.69608 0.84826 0.06308 0.13988 0.82077 0.13902 0.10412 0.46476 0.43887 0.15142 0.61222 0.02895 0.48138 0.64975 0.19732 0.04631 0.4206 0.1835 0.97131 0.08836 0.24971 0.94575 0.1688 0.28689 0.64638 0.70072 0.721 0.26821 0.3433 0.2605 0.05915 0.80366 0.94139 0.55571 0.34893 0.97203 0.58797 0.29466 0.94778 0.54328 0.69181 0.75099 0.67763 0.21856 0.46534 0.8823 0.98706 0.93396 0.11475 0.71464 0.72136 0.1982 0.92001 0.30131 0.30154 0.62189 0.22751 0.31511 0.68205 0.73808 0.62881 0.32817 0.45562 0.73218 0.34009 0.14191 0.92191 0.65389 0.94182 0.87674 0.20178 0.96007 0.15682 0.25384 0.79929 0.93842 0.9806 0.73095 0.797 0.19902 0.3648 0.37835 0.06908 0.20023 0.79679 0.32148 0.02155 0.41058 0.32086 0.76274 0.87184 0.16471 0.68135 0.15565 0.60823 0.09235 0.14895 0.26842 0.26531 0.50029 0.12601 0.63035 0.43564 0.72463 0.55598 0.83408 0.8881 0.92256 0.81696 0.48997 0.80677 0.8643 0.83381 0.12656 0.32368 0.68516 0.4331 0.05029 0.70374 0.65053 0.89465 0.47298 0.55939 0.96529 0.97798 0.21725 0.75913 0.51946 0.38298 0.91069 0.70346 0.45554 0.57651 0.291 0.5906 0.07774 0.49806 0.48409 0.0319 0.69464 0.49837 0.81844 0.28782 0.4901 0.02339 0.94155 0.95007 0.39437 0.05701 0.15177 0.16935 0.91784 0.06582 0.69589 0.25501 0.0344 0.68417 0.84788 0.4825 0.54522 0.31835 0.57411 0.68657 0.55804 0.18892 0.32607 0.65473 0.09144 0.26989 0.70362 0.22784 0.9198 0.77535 0.55749 0.7846 0.8731 0.75868 0.59599 0.60814 0.46216 0.83346 0.73489 0.60179 0.67842 0.27804 0.49365 0.15702 0.1819 0.81445 0.97566 0.35871 0.05734 0.38283 0.29942 0.9396 0.48985 0.55397 0.34726 0.58907 0.57987 0.84914 0.10469 0.08769 0.82859 0.21036 0.79608 0.88201 0.02628 0.54909 0.75877 0.08987 0.26055 0.59724 0.27867 0.18958 0.89471 0.41153 0.87623 0.46712 0.89018 0.81 0.75532 0.22732 0.64538 0.95729 0.66269 0.13087 0.68977 0.88976 0.37091 0.23069 0.76985 0.548 0.06878 0.42355 0.5541 0.07682 0.68917 0.64947 0.83287 0.73566 0.50421 0.84547 0.90388 0.89209 0.10734 0.25294 0.86802 0.19049 0.61624 0.2473 0.3391 0.43546 0.60735 0.61353 0.22995 0.29094 0.85887 0.79434 0.41671 0.61931 0.38784 0.07542 0.26113 0.65044 0.50923 0.72203 0.16764 0.77069 0.23659 0.16145 0.46234 0.68879 0.07292 0.48134 0.4441 0.32515 0.70642 0.3058 0.89698 0.99838 0.93088 0.95644 0.62962 0.36252 0.81746 0.80698 0.27977 0.23452 0.24742 0.60371 0.51031 0.28704 0.16373 0.21548 0.50939 0.95589 0.51744 0.5621 0.91211 0.62152 0.32808 0.71441 0.19763 0.16043 0.9627 0.27534 0.02173 0.41913 0.29191 0.88318 0.64469 0.91268 0.43169 0.55232 0.04871 0.2777 0.10163 0.59993 0.41307 0.36612 0.86303 0.09893 0.99119 0.43657 0.71166 0.14501 0.62958 0.91295 0.72956 0.00051 0.40707 0.76794 0.21761 0.28608 0.49074 0.88029 0.37812 0.61803 0.85404 0.67905 0.86742 0.28731 0.61503 0.24687 0.01417 0.48456 0.23981 0.96819 0.97168 0.81545 0.69107 0.79925 0.46373 0.49639 0.52608 0.72194 0.03834 0.67429 0.15658 0.63982 0.79886 0.74574 0.89207 0.4062 0.35514 0.09342 0.38344 0.56691 0.38884 0.58487 0.33641 0.73209 0.6282 0.5556 0.78031 0.14411 0.76543 0.9981 0.21821 0.93233 0.10562 0.85461 0.58773 0.06811 0.88981 0.11892 0.9384 0.12693 0.24067 0.04722 0.08034 0.91774 0.05785 0.56705 0.78418 0.13089 0.25597 0.68506 0.13253 0.35811 0.62597 0.15039 0.62436 0.51829 0.11393 0.49604 0.10511 0.06935 0.3534 0.01768 0.84534 0.11275 0.89446 0.53736 0.99307 0.10444 0.82963 0.60425 0.66592 0.56015 0.75261 0.87631 0.83372 0.56265 0.35279 0.89448 0.13996 0.93043 0.03005 0.13721 0.05903 0.81449 0.53236 0.5942 0.10984 0.67157 0.12712 0.4917 0.75476 0.06788 0.12878 0.03487 0.37102 0.24718 0.07995 0.10666 0.45217 0.751 0.70783 0.77817 0.49077 0.66467 0.20365 0.20946 0.12412 0.23229 0.50767 0.94937 0.29295 0.81694 0.44695 0.6936 0.86008 0.42686 0.89501 0.41148 0.58379 0.54685 0.01975 0.82573 0.28672 0.261 0.90313
+0.54312 0.54216 0.24905 0.47317 0.15849 0.08947 0.33681 0.60729 0.45605 0.34792 0.38326 0.17236 0.4203 0.74811 0.483 0.36965 0.72754 0.08309 0.03444 0.22837 0.34068 0.26889 0.13065 0.03321 0.83509 0.92852 0.04277 0.13988 0.31038 0.48143 0.03659 0.52273 0.96302 0.31854 0.90606 0.814 0.92683 0.42802 0.4975 0.51177 0.07115 0.81641 0.83252 0.20305 0.01709 0.90695 0.6384 0.54252 0.26761 0.2632 0.47229 0.49161 0.88318 0.72392 0.77534 0.25304 0.46144 0.56314 0.92127 0.10677 0.9657 0.61158 0.8609 0.81264 0.10871 0.70883 0.95187 0.21533 0.31818 0.27212 0.68539 0.03996 0.04172 0.42981 0.71345 0.43085 0.52708 0.98023 0.76104 0.04133 0.14016 0.58613 0.51612 0.38979 0.27652 0.55859 0.84661 0.99918 0.43928 0.63015 0.28377 0.25758 0.41793 0.20411 0.0767 0.18341 0.47968 0.32235 0.44728 0.66822 0.76926 0.60452 0.65898 0.53632 0.70996 0.48757 0.33504 0.68453 0.30388 0.24823 0.60995 0.47343 0.81138 0.87406 0.93483 0.95263 0.29978 0.11656 0.81138 0.79447 0.30178 0.86289 0.85394 0.86424 0.62744 0.42636 0.27075 0.82556 0.98255 0.94252 0.59917 0.04224 0.96278 0.42669 0.0489 0.9954 0.42592 0.31987 0.26297 0.69615 0.62363 0.1608 0.95933 0.26484 0.64004 0.98322 0.5654 0.73856 0.92877 0.68466 0.74209 0.68988 0.39199 0.43789 0.98133 0.84202 0.10891 0.61108 0.82002 0.2662 0.7398 0.92191 0.47326 0.07409 0.73941 0.49519 0.40152 0.11692 0.45659 0.15264 0.06618 0.1322 0.7192 0.50295 0.51305 0.56416 0.26864 0.48967 0.34557 0.68892 0.16755 0.21376 0.81688 0.2056 0.79756 0.36124 0.70632 0.11789 0.43042 0.34141 0.87156 0.31002 0.89711 0.49757 0.57033 0.53466 0.32998 0.91271 0.80838 0.46641 0.1173 0.5593 0.26022 0.61182 0.44817 0.04489 0.73187 0.48133 0.91397 0.72376 0.63615 0.95687 0.75916 0.63087 0.60855 0.24993 0.07327 0.81318 0.70318 0.6017 0.35084 0.63311 0.05493 0.79342 0.76182 0.56711 0.03606 0.24382 0.30307 0.38229 0.0173 0.39559 0.26462 0.34028 0.90154 0.15974 0.07554 0.01349 0.6189 0.19249 0.31457 0.85377 0.84182 0.05088 0.82813 0.44567 0.35006 0.07467 0.79367 0.45567 0.34938 0.97581 0.73736 0.57055 0.51518 0.62162 0.59018 0.92028 0.25831 0.83757 0.66642 0.58398 0.2242 0.88655 0.67629 0.87984 0.9116 0.96096 0.10901 0.07211 0.67261 0.9818 0.02953 0.31473 0.5817 0.56495 0.3205 0.02211 0.76933 0.94159 0.08686 0.88476 0.08221 0.59238 0.61947 0.39686 0.1592 0.51317 0.81337 0.12959 0.72309 0.62189 0.14271 0.23423 0.10817 0.82978 0.22915 0.28936 0.15508 0.77841 0.411 0.28883 0.99586 0.01077 0.92813 0.53598 0.41238 0.73397 0.0613 0.73525 0.10966 0.57203 0.85475 0.24226 0.1247 0.62091 0.37373 0.69041 0.80419 0.54316 0.31009 0.12337 0.34006 0.46938 0.72745 0.85545 0.80355 0.82589 0.35643 0.96451 0.00391 0.68297 0.55095 0.78839 0.93987 0.63354 0.44535 0.0263 0.81832 0.98465 0.21122 0.66028 0.36676 0.1289 0.37589 0.33457 0.37576 0.84679 0.55244 0.82478 0.30952 0.88159 0.03771 0.32338 0.31013 0.23171 0.8076 0.04837 0.83502 0.13128 0.57446 0.68711 0.44458 0.91106 0.33588 0.84044 0.79187 0.26769 0.81415 0.55682 0.43636 0.53514 0.63621 0.56743 0.3416 0.38543 0.94941 0.13268 0.56473 0.22879 0.24709 0.19343 0.22161 0.00011 0.49513 0.19733 0.37978 0.42169 0.87159 0.62389 0.00468 0.47621 0.44065 0.91375 0.0848 0.17323 0.07023 0.78404 0.61632 0.2872 0.66631 0.35693 0.9199 0.49947 0.15115 0.7092 0.56064 0.16607 0.56258 0.64579 0.72367 0.45341 0.6064 0.16481 0.09633 0.81814 0.8096 0.88531 0.34673 0.53142 0.70428 0.48104 0.70126 0.25802 0.76667 0.45617 0.27729 0.93081 0.04188 0.43902 0.93144 0.05114 0.763 0.77355 0.18091 0.07234 0.61104 0.59654 0.30751 0.84306 0.72588 0.6307 0.50224 0.49814 0.2392 0.2728 0.72128 0.06322 0.28261 0.1865 0.26377 0.58298 0.75242 0.86919 0.10573 0.19493 0.58044 0.83865 0.56197 0.31708 0.50203 0.91265 0.64174 0.20685 0.74578 0.37609 0.335 0.11165 0.1158 0.58125 0.83375 0.09521 0.67724 0.39154 0.17021 0.50945 0.83685 0.94178 0.91063 0.83786 0.38844 0.42968 0.71164 0.12587 0.64831 0.76998 0.50145 0.33258 0.52332 0.25462 0.09381 0.26053 0.78727 0.34158 0.87498 0.44009 0.53755 0.81774 0.33824 0.34342 0.51514 0.7289 0.18267 0.35708 0.99156 0.81991 0.69785 0.27589 0.52063 0.26795 0.92815 0.46573
+0.19977 0.44435 0.40278 0.86239 0.04402 0.0605 0.24512 0.84229 0.43061 0.47285 0.88361 0.35261 0.08704 0.47389 0.21631 0.50325 0.56718 0.83681 0.80454 0.47059 0.94492 0.25392 0.64755 0.38533 0.00673 0.15366 0.16257 0.24998 0.12457 0.17412 0.56458 0.66659 0.26599 0.66019 0.49243 0.5713 0.97804 0.50248 0.72456 0.91768 0.09555 0.44397 0.3755 0.66424 0.68955 0.24884 0.41296 0.59128 0.70183 0.80832 0.41761 0.34281 0.52402 0.98216 0.2913 0.97338 0.39799 0.36302 0.76261 0.70122 0.11906 0.84385 0.35864 0.98384 0.59926 0.78538 0.90104 0.03308 0.49501 0.04108 0.86952 0.98375 0.18164 0.77628 0.80464 0.98394 0.69677 0.68903 0.19223 0.39207 0.83701 0.15558 0.05886 0.27367 0.42117 0.63142 0.0558 0.59109 0.45689 0.80114 0.96888 0.52328 0.22373 0.2598 0.10867 0.68348 0.80986 0.73486 0.18367 0.96356 0.48291 0.40048 0.28441 0.40102 0.82591 0.0203 0.68466 0.83998 0.2172 0.39246 0.32271 0.97711 0.41991 0.51967 0.60524 0.61231 0.90898 0.51727 0.19397 0.16932 0.498 0.63882 0.14848 0.40168 0.27558 0.47585 0.30245 0.31715 0.98758 0.46421 0.66789 0.73496 0.46789 0.84204 0.65677 0.11647 0.44489 0.90095 0.35605 0.76489 0.17638 0.97467 0.83864 0.169 0.07835 0.55484 0.7707 0.34601 0.75229 0.60114 0.5724 0.80098 0.41783 0.7851 0.45576 0.80171 0.05008 0.60152 0.27134 0.5325 0.21422 0.38684 0.93928 0.53873 0.80286 0.29975 0.80436 0.83057 0.26013 0.69521 0.43858 0.1767 0.07353 0.64846 0.6673 0.15347 0.09336 0.18321 0.42467 0.60262 0.91384 0.64452 0.33746 0.03101 0.20681 0.59897 0.86985 0.88012 0.33457 0.53598 0.52655 0.65479 0.03718 0.77889 0.20658 0.81779 0.72215 0.08793 0.12142 0.91151 0.9949 0.39156 0.52012 0.6885 0.39737 0.8387 0.69486 0.04332 0.78676 0.79603 0.39451 0.45768 0.83534 0.03987 0.07054 0.56431 0.55533 0.86577 0.00206 0.68095 0.39693 0.25705 0.08883 0.73971 0.80584 0.75722 0.3075 0.50934 0.67138 0.02079 0.44084 0.12971 0.9518 0.44763 0.3549 0.87982 0.78902 0.58913 0.09643 0.26831 0.71764 0.95314 0.40982 0.12554 0.93212 0.18817 0.20352 0.33102 0.87502 0.34706 0.7773 0.23884 0.74552 0.68843 0.05984 0.9881 0.28964 0.68547 0.70816 0.50801 0.97795 0.32442 0.02374 0.58893 0.72134 0.22959 0.98259 0.31656 0.82544 0.17513 0.5818 0.09586 0.70735 0.05489 0.74228 0.26805 0.95472 0.71632 0.41061 0.75916 0.35628 0.64425 0.55071 0.81625 0.25584 0.19433 0.55796 0.72046 0.95169 0.97081 0.59864 0.74502 0.74394 0.32924 0.17922 0.86209 0.5154 0.21089 0.00548 0.82781 0.60273 0.49837 0.60852 0.77073 0.26367 0.13376 0.64576 0.25747 0.34707 0.11758 0.93466 0.98235 0.83253 0.13119 0.7161 0.07684 0.10231 0.18768 0.17026 0.95625 0.10567 0.49077 0.02928 0.9649 0.58393 0.40212 0.68025 0.94061 0.97348 0.51029 0.73367 0.73479 0.80839 0.38619 0.37716 0.06344 0.91562 0.4619 0.78984 0.93912 0.17156 0.52599 0.87497 0.38403 0.42068 0.64837 0.04213 0.49804 0.79878 0.02449 0.65501 0.77953 0.00756 0.09376 0.97957 0.04761 0.46963 0.37139 0.11337 0.40596 0.58718 0.52772 0.49677 0.29363 0.99249 0.94957 0.47653 0.69175 0.06309 0.1326 0.42941 0.36302 0.69073 0.25969 0.99825 0.84421 0.83227 0.39488 0.56559 0.441 0.23322 0.49566 0.20404 0.90589 0.31181 0.02924 0.35691 0.32371 0.22061 0.02576 0.49305 0.79888 0.49722 0.86011 0.37901 0.97875 0.11767 0.45923 0.57778 0.60948 0.48397 0.79886 0.46165 0.55967 0.50553 0.02654 0.45889 0.31339 0.62535 0.86398 0.61204 0.64899 0.30299 0.09957 0.33255 0.37354 0.00802 0.45301 0.94424 0.57709 0.57998 0.12498 0.50286 0.58811 0.51893 0.55844 0.80743 0.49696 0.7603 0.7962 0.82377 0.46326 0.64923 0.93851 0.39397 0.53894 0.07858 0.67685 0.11326 0.93506 0.04366 0.09145 0.9025 0.27919 0.76851 0.72964 0.56683 0.90593 0.71453 0.60362 0.89781 0.25886 0.57964 0.23416 0.40428 0.88962 0.28524 0.26194 0.26067 0.71063 0.42876 0.08315 0.73144 0.00706 0.92838 0.57508 0.23718 0.26053 0.44689 0.04853 0.60806 0.151 0.2065 0.48037 0.39756 0.53077 0.0285 0.26411 0.62721 0.12243 0.92163 0.90567 0.61801 0.24747 0.36859 0.15049 0.11046 0.67004 0.85213 0.25515 0.5883 0.8528 0.82822 0.04882 0.99556 0.63554 0.84581 0.15578 0.70231 0.73933 0.5843 0.89823 0.93957 0.18844 0.23537 0.64363 0.52406 0.31562 0.15287 0.08259 0.21411 0.01336
+0.1948 0.25567 0.67588 0.33379 0.88038 0.85851 0.98117 0.10252 0.70745 0.11312 0.04314 0.06779 0.71684 0.24559 0.6238 0.43656 0.80686 0.55587 0.73902 0.40858 0.51026 0.64459 0.10825 0.9345 0.92151 0.13706 0.43777 0.15585 0.3839 0.4897 0.18112 0.14077 0.6257 0.43382 0.43867 0.95259 0.98161 0.28772 0.65853 0.40652 0.44592 0.35663 0.45052 0.05291 0.92459 0.85553 0.78248 0.82866 0.69143 0.06509 0.94427 0.02292 0.22324 0.70086 0.38225 0.49271 0.34197 0.60376 0.14015 0.67415 0.03837 0.61951 0.01899 0.41907 0.94069 0.54974 0.07283 0.37861 0.94514 0.01543 0.10674 0.16085 0.49585 0.1694 0.99843 0.90975 0.75016 0.9911 0.32404 0.82462 0.35342 0.00379 0.44214 0.12928 0.45299 0.52341 0.27583 0.77189 0.76401 0.39011 0.3593 0.65061 0.63367 0.04037 0.74416 0.24537 0.08138 0.50426 0.26486 0.03302 0.81809 0.1927 0.57225 0.24388 0.38261 0.63079 0.20654 0.26065 0.01169 0.20738 0.339 0.14293 0.93112 0.85072 0.36785 0.45388 0.01404 0.08684 0.84066 0.9578 0.80493 0.69354 0.00039 0.23559 0.32139 0.45874 0.70185 0.7201 0.92564 0.4025 0.83895 0.93169 0.38954 0.23482 0.83749 0.42545 0.53117 0.10917 0.55687 0.73787 0.55683 0.14173 0.29314 0.88352 0.5722 0.24824 0.14194 0.63484 0.06595 0.54865 0.9103 0.35716 0.69435 0.78245 0.78692 0.82201 0.74579 0.36383 0.90844 0.41882 0.051 0.44113 0.62329 0.32877 0.21952 0.59424 0.91956 0.67483 0.99841 0.37964 0.24743 0.26602 0.04876 0.61919 0.19725 0.06577 0.49001 0.62743 0.70721 0.68494 0.02129 0.87719 0.9532 0.49278 0.04172 0.48731 0.82841 0.564 0.71565 0.01931 0.51504 0.05322 0.14561 0.49187 0.5625 0.68 0.39719 0.98724 0.0975 0.04643 0.85774 0.28564 0.68782 0.61207 0.72917 0.98754 0.18971 0.81201 0.17143 0.51412 0.38 0.1189 0.23112 0.241 0.04477 0.65026 0.16114 0.83198 0.60898 0.67135 0.85071 0.75636 0.07167 0.2675 0.01664 0.72566 0.81993 0.24991 0.6899 0.28043 0.06546 0.38558 0.42226 0.50214 0.05037 0.06172 0.25917 0.41624 0.58679 0.5693 0.01352 0.60645 0.344 0.71396 0.49814 0.07154 0.70574 0.83632 0.50287 0.73578 0.61318 0.80264 0.93601 0.06681 0.14202 0.30985 0.69343 0.56999 0.2225 0.72541 0.71414 0.68046 0.84322 0.25998 0.78434 0.47188 0.3667 0.38484 0.26687 0.77765 0.99292 0.07124 0.3445 0.84215 0.79972 0.80406 0.11217 0.48255 0.63808 0.28241 0.76402 0.11425 0.33356 0.47204 0.75725 0.81881 0.65929 0.687 0.81971 0.28949 0.90691 0.76826 0.92443 0.3418 0.7159 0.58259 0.85807 0.11018 0.37104 0.22679 0.91446 0.66438 0.91684 0.00112 0.79286 0.20949 0.86938 0.57123 0.52972 0.76809 0.92898 0.85738 0.79436 0.98795 0.67962 0.8184 0.97821 0.67777 0.8704 0.31636 0.91256 0.66871 0.55771 0.20835 0.23646 0.03741 0.22439 0.45903 0.06918 0.38716 0.80157 0.51722 0.82956 0.56205 0.74852 0.67143 0.08885 0.26575 0.74421 0.10796 0.64104 0.97735 0.85934 0.78039 0.63443 0.55442 0.79728 0.21287 0.22752 0.67876 0.86884 0.03565 0.00243 0.04597 0.84163 0.73444 0.14724 0.98891 0.06971 0.26924 0.02649 0.03749 0.9454 0.93407 0.20243 0.37016 0.21019 0.4613 0.7487 0.93851 0.93295 0.83569 0.30924 0.05682 0.58603 0.79367 0.68704 0.66888 0.0756 0.26373 0.12851 0.91482 0.4595 0.85442 0.71803 0.27495 0.63784 0.66005 0.2442 0.10019 0.14324 0.90394 0.92715 0.11776 0.12118 0.25595 0.38046 0.87334 0.60428 0.92289 0.16779 0.8852 0.23709 0.19559 0.14343 0.19763 0.93743 0.34318 0.76542 0.52461 0.28867 0.90211 0.3709 0.68367 0.69453 0.19471 0.52661 0.42857 0.89703 0.42528 0.78573 0.94228 0.03474 0.82388 0.03185 0.99478 0.96763 0.3767 0.34529 0.08905 0.36343 0.55389 0.01438 0.16712 0.78102 0.79455 0.13575 0.62527 0.94869 0.89278 0.11503 0.1362 0.24786 0.9297 0.25108 0.07055 0.24604 0.38736 0.15066 0.90067 0.79731 0.61736 0.5229 0.17467 0.85223 0.69484 0.43943 0.09711 0.87302 0.18586 0.5114 0.89617 0.55812 0.82759 0.43842 0.87765 0.16898 0.93593 0.57174 0.91049 0.23996 0.08189 0.76003 0.47907 0.59772 0.64897 0.36036 0.78124 0.06223 0.79129 0.10441 0.6718 0.72355 0.21322 0.34184 0.4937 0.96916 0.77826 0.72227 0.77529 0.14938 0.17706 0.41535 0.52235 0.53128 0.53864 0.52919 0.2281 0.19559 0.70456 0.13364 0.12271 0.34991 0.11526 0.75389 0.29051 0.66284 0.86543 0.48204 0.38729 0.69241 0.06178
+0.09722 0.61216 0.43751 0.23057 0.35327 0.43726 0.13436 0.89162 0.86406 0.08569 0.03673 0.17012 0.47007 0.00997 0.87646 0.27407 0.62584 0.61233 0.79479 0.11279 0.86615 0.47382 0.46028 0.95654 0.87298 0.37949 0.71723 0.23233 0.76008 0.4445 0.99426 0.21954 0.6499 0.58232 0.94175 0.95763 0.38854 0.94023 0.06038 0.08202 0.92703 0.95487 0.90396 0.82011 0.36419 0.69691 0.56334 0.70188 0.96336 0.57352 0.72325 0.54021 0.00811 0.64708 0.74309 0.52872 0.93957 0.46914 0.21568 0.6753 0.82553 0.65552 0.17357 0.83534 0.50415 0.86846 0.69084 0.59201 0.548 0.08435 0.06711 0.82867 0.94447 0.19009 0.50102 0.05213 0.64276 0.57702 0.38107 0.61908 0.41837 0.90254 0.54132 0.98848 0.15129 0.5127 0.70195 0.83879 0.56117 0.60041 0.68364 0.89061 0.68048 0.25391 0.35709 0.58264 0.46817 0.61442 0.45052 0.92404 0.07118 0.34825 0.99615 0.0105 0.04583 0.57188 0.98379 0.67534 0.37975 0.62664 0.45364 0.82219 0.36759 0.83879 0.35015 0.02577 0.70254 0.97923 0.67147 0.78795 0.04217 0.33069 0.44872 0.46967 0.79748 0.66216 0.98337 0.34548 0.28778 0.76847 0.90405 0.50001 0.54995 0.19841 0.13665 0.61014 0.42907 0.29291 0.20205 0.31794 0.55068 0.74697 0.6904 0.99647 0.42986 0.95807 0.63301 0.81735 0.97283 0.86597 0.23037 0.38271 0.85029 0.29867 0.19062 0.15406 0.42194 0.23631 0.58674 0.23595 0.39261 0.06476 0.42323 0.90098 0.24983 0.64967 0.29729 0.04786 0.71702 0.37749 0.33004 0.84635 0.63741 0.17675 0.88121 0.06915 0.03348 0.3649 0.55453 0.45567 0.42661 0.17106 0.71421 0.48372 0.81297 0.14845 0.17951 0.50333 0.13197 0.3256 0.99932 0.60029 0.31815 0.46114 0.04857 0.59063 0.307 0.85575 0.14191 0.41881 0.19351 0.29684 0.94744 0.87094 0.76056 0.45318 0.24919 0.04283 0.83881 0.6293 0.55002 0.16576 0.98758 0.58788 0.63205 0.79676 0.71395 0.62061 0.92877 0.46326 0.25524 0.75899 0.6334 0.9096 0.42072 0.96904 0.43793 0.49565 0.98079 0.59 0.9684 0.94895 0.38817 0.35247 0.09483 0.17561 0.78191 0.65403 0.59282 0.44361 0.52277 0.17874 0.63229 0.88429 0.40343 0.40952 0.72325 0.87155 0.65691 0.32025 0.86664 0.13874 0.51448 0.14972 0.71813 0.89157 0.31391 0.41448 0.36482 0.72439 0.33091 0.44061 0.3776 0.14503 0.19711 0.86313 0.47913 0.31537 0.5169 0.91672 0.50313 0.79518 0.05238 0.66521 0.10629 0.47305 0.59273 0.22887 0.36115 0.11163 0.09439 0.62308 0.01349 0.85572 0.73318 0.85193 0.79266 0.00268 0.40052 0.815 0.02012 0.03468 0.2969 0.319 0.09119 0.2792 0.7149 0.92674 0.76713 0.43725 0.16551 0.63394 0.55209 0.57656 0.36228 0.49599 0.07371 0.89146 0.14725 0.17081 0.54068 0.15311 0.60142 0.75542 0.77624 0.67857 0.29933 0.88192 0.64983 0.35321 0.49703 0.53932 0.99649 0.22114 0.95913 0.48111 0.10534 0.63585 0.38849 0.86382 0.71894 0.83606 0.16535 0.71457 0.89882 0.31282 0.30638 0.40306 0.53905 0.40645 0.03675 0.11966 0.94973 0.6521 0.57302 0.42249 0.47606 0.19702 0.18477 0.65794 0.84845 0.15166 0.52974 0.72111 0.89781 0.45234 0.25036 0.25956 0.99702 0.09772 0.12878 0.58153 0.48807 0.16525 0.63825 0.78204 0.65405 0.12422 0.01279 0.60679 0.1021 0.95379 0.13175 0.65145 0.73635 0.38607 0.25477 0.07 0.5797 0.2811 0.95377 0.15126 0.20888 0.42002 0.39611 0.57841 0.8969 0.60446 0.30056 0.76072 0.88887 0.2894 0.66509 0.31554 0.54052 0.256 0.45707 0.49116 0.22503 0.8347 0.89318 0.07922 0.37889 0.76444 0.6735 0.55959 0.03406 0.6239 0.45994 0.15729 0.26446 0.81044 0.3526 0.73255 0.95745 0.36513 0.28412 0.70509 0.86739 0.98705 0.32199 0.91533 0.54902 0.26873 0.39059 0.52982 0.40259 0.44173 0.86631 0.10626 0.30705 0.68441 0.0268 0.84723 0.44377 0.71019 0.52858 0.06758 0.2799 0.05944 0.62843 0.7175 0.57388 0.61996 0.66412 0.47017 0.80999 0.9037 0.74846 0.21663 0.30997 0.54113 0.71925 0.92882 0.12972 0.75875 0.85338 0.55902 0.82943 0.72507 0.03122 0.82118 0.92134 0.91559 0.93737 0.09702 0.25099 0.52444 0.43821 0.02978 0.99152 0.10006 0.44303 0.53552 0.06205 0.95952 0.09573 0.97768 0.17743 0.97156 0.41681 0.85974 0.7133 0.10457 0.50122 0.92486 0.98761 0.6451 0.58678 0.92229 0.39857 0.30842 0.12278 0.60142 0.80819 0.66482 0.36241 0.35376 0.21173 0.38625 0.91521 0.80972 0.38473 0.01026 0.46829 0.92866 0.41356 0.75011 0.08968 0.15725 0.06296 0.57896
+0.35033 0.43207 0.62528 0.10411 0.46228 0.90513 0.59787 0.71337 0.29776 0.23299 0.03785 0.68017 0.40638 0.51363 0.8316 0.92413 0.84424 0.68133 0.42512 0.12915 0.19234 0.92188 0.84522 0.0343 0.05963 0.49294 0.86621 0.39706 0.51923 0.96177 0.28051 0.76982 0.78489 0.37825 0.29255 0.1109 0.52864 0.47618 0.26107 0.59281 0.8109 0.02333 0.49433 0.94622 0.767 0.69689 0.10647 0.79206 0.57742 0.71472 0.76652 0.14404 0.97365 0.58945 0.64183 0.67773 0.72372 0.40751 0.43088 0.88941 0.72985 0.79912 0.42341 0.08227 0.56516 0.29063 0.41695 0.95738 0.99662 0.20461 0.64617 0.58397 0.58225 0.14895 0.18194 0.78424 0.35371 0.28077 0.88165 0.32138 0.89538 0.47129 0.69879 0.9754 0.17884 0.87947 0.31887 0.39231 0.34609 0.35056 0.23855 0.24349 0.48857 0.67578 0.82945 0.62144 0.19834 0.97494 0.35104 0.04123 0.64431 0.42504 0.33987 0.2856 0.64877 0.4585 0.18861 0.30511 0.04206 0.19364 0.34086 0.14085 0.96906 0.75426 0.04999 0.12558 0.8462 0.42474 0.50161 0.53128 0.11532 0.22062 0.18469 0.07863 0.30763 0.80462 0.06241 0.17025 0.79689 0.50771 0.69847 0.86509 0.27135 0.03092 0.23426 0.59706 0.08486 0.39864 0.58863 0.17921 0.59381 0.31821 0.80209 0.7244 0.65863 0.02329 0.58247 0.39034 0.4759 0.09966 0.20562 0.03091 0.13655 0.75866 0.97593 0.34843 0.61886 0.13595 0.78482 0.55513 0.12618 0.55031 0.82659 0.1548 0.43906 0.10354 0.95895 0.83556 0.55068 0.15286 0.56749 0.05259 0.77331 0.50891 0.31183 0.01692 0.96726 0.30736 0.27421 0.3371 0.34647 0.79439 0.37895 0.60512 0.49592 0.09142 0.31044 0.54301 0.34909 0.09341 0.62549 0.06134 0.11307 0.23351 0.31225 0.67147 0.19971 0.13043 0.1607 0.17905 0.31224 0.29217 0.39679 0.75453 0.47066 0.94156 0.23324 0.88891 0.06655 0.42957 0.94425 0.90509 0.16134 0.92271 0.89751 0.61931 0.03114 0.25358 0.28058 0.90074 0.57362 0.67194 0.24201 0.53236 0.20261 0.85604 0.1507 0.57527 0.40552 0.70411 0.17051 0.11432 0.39888 0.44591 0.18445 0.59057 0.28896 0.46626 0.74111 0.0314 0.27475 0.03289 0.2058 0.35276 0.23961 0.15129 0.60399 0.0308 0.75328 0.67754 0.7955 0.77184 0.09825 0.19362 0.87981 0.00378 0.4233 0.09964 0.42532 0.13528 0.83294 0.47303 0.48679 0.5643 0.29359 0.53696 0.57991 0.00476 0.36273 0.26899 0.16986 0.9522 0.34332 0.74656 0.97161 0.2493 0.09056 0.2902 0.30393 0.29721 0.66078 0.60835 0.27846 0.29273 0.92683 0.47117 0.33199 0.29687 0.21009 0.23946 0.48057 0.57616 0.7407 0.73992 0.0332 0.84876 0.77525 0.52468 0.01855 0.1226 0.42222 0.7748 0.51995 0.25096 0.17289 0.0029 0.58569 0.77584 0.19324 0.21433 0.82407 0.25167 0.89369 0.79395 0.98382 0.25604 0.17309 0.41723 0.42721 0.31612 0.7557 0.6052 0.85458 0.81344 0.25007 0.65326 0.96871 0.01095 0.38078 0.84727 0.56735 0.22283 0.12315 0.04701 0.26154 0.78407 0.61217 0.83973 0.33771 0.40035 0.12173 0.41879 0.27338 0.27492 0.29914 0.09153 0.63528 0.89433 0.02035 0.57988 0.32414 0.8203 0.97723 0.51887 0.20292 0.77935 0.83302 0.92924 0.58305 0.18643 0.76137 0.27541 0.36441 0.1046 0.36682 0.3863 0.31143 0.45886 0.92557 0.03555 0.643 0.91355 0.37696 0.15001 0.93994 0.04592 0.89595 0.89352 0.47939 0.04112 0.86176 0.12752 0.496 0.49467 0.52917 0.07457 0.26209 0.04676 0.99018 0.02584 0.8559 0.66697 0.51659 0.21728 0.69212 0.24193 0.45316 0.1524 0.87388 0.84746 0.18436 0.064 0.72777 0.49719 0.1487 0.26745 0.20286 0.47856 0.82908 0.33757 0.70475 0.15119 0.66869 0.58604 0.44025 0.41795 0.19177 0.78796 0.13857 0.99223 0.97795 0.06591 0.41284 0.73271 0.36413 0.10656 0.84306 0.32499 0.44304 0.74696 0.49156 0.57643 0.56613 0.48979 0.28829 0.32939 0.03635 0.27291 0.17957 0.83211 0.36256 0.45093 0.37828 0.11615 0.28774 0.4799 0.79363 0.53276 0.6558 0.4266 0.11372 0.45995 0.09358 0.00694 0.20488 0.33632 0.34221 0.36421 0.21966 0.71539 0.57953 0.8858 0.32663 0.13986 0.50245 0.73206 0.43048 0.92445 0.75372 0.44224 0.97902 0.72768 0.8545 0.95649 0.88963 0.81269 0.49292 0.70475 0.77905 0.88027 0.53192 0.03246 0.85093 0.85511 0.4827 0.84242 0.3003 0.86819 0.74932 0.43683 0.51406 0.25494 0.06028 0.66048 0.15006 0.83432 0.07159 0.60791 0.02994 0.91742 0.93905 0.70065 0.49445 0.14239 0.37674 0.05827 0.26916 0.19788 0.0278 0.97268 0.24997 0.95756
+0.04085 0.39123 0.43643 0.60422 0.10367 0.7261 0.80323 0.76164 0.88693 0.17555 0.6628 0.93665 0.63144 0.51774 0.43673 0.03703 0.97359 0.71378 0.94695 0.76003 0.58956 0.07967 0.77181 0.78317 0.98878 0.68948 0.68557 0.35525 0.27626 0.62697 0.15741 0.3148 0.46975 0.29403 0.02339 0.83131 0.91088 0.32076 0.5357 0.02283 0.59005 0.05091 0.45041 0.13439 0.65655 0.71852 0.08499 0.19594 0.40288 0.175 0.05055 0.94075 0.32286 0.78453 0.77921 0.69037 0.18155 0.08684 0.23194 0.09904 0.4334 0.93717 0.07139 0.23142 0.84492 0.45874 0.26461 0.11014 0.17598 0.44994 0.65431 0.68123 0.25826 0.56499 0.91914 0.4877 0.1011 0.6295 0.48773 0.64275 0.94251 0.83495 0.54169 0.73515 0.19092 0.25446 0.61394 0.28398 0.96865 0.50886 0.1879 0.68464 0.43335 0.44946 0.21444 0.25506 0.38968 0.79836 0.59044 0.58423 0.22177 0.53051 0.91188 0.78768 0.76715 0.54693 0.85343 0.36686 0.82719 0.69984 0.95635 0.01684 0.05627 0.29057 0.73142 0.28535 0.82311 0.31914 0.03608 0.30176 0.33456 0.26571 0.31653 0.59948 0.51483 0.90142 0.09464 0.84916 0.67052 0.49743 0.11624 0.68634 0.57406 0.53673 0.41025 0.58946 0.58553 0.52019 0.67592 0.06949 0.9199 0.31575 0.50876 0.64608 0.39332 0.66151 0.42784 0.24102 0.59803 0.01355 0.54016 0.6487 0.8958 0.90681 0.50241 0.44151 0.20714 0.57554 0.21548 0.23314 0.48298 0.96882 0.68292 0.98841 0.6248 0.54417 0.69506 0.11841 0.59918 0.26421 0.33308 0.93805 0.71787 0.18087 0.63497 0.0052 0.52983 0.68591 0.79854 0.01854 0.52149 0.52144 0.99718 0.26639 0.93495 0.36908 0.4904 0.02229 0.93375 0.01318 0.65966 0.17041 0.68834 0.24782 0.58595 0.76926 0.37104 0.67216 0.68199 0.26028 0.1742 0.1775 0.55859 0.30729 0.14445 0.89257 0.62248 0.2284 0.12225 0.79183 0.63601 0.80015 0.82969 0.15916 0.93534 0.83388 0.60007 0.77927 0.85171 0.02422 0.39457 0.27411 0.63711 0.32876 0.61481 0.91112 0.19657 0.14657 0.52579 0.80255 0.74474 0.0505 0.88789 0.28509 0.63063 0.08016 0.46305 0.90128 0.25364 0.44593 0.27403 0.79291 0.0128 0.70722 0.8154 0.39439 0.30099 0.80164 0.26982 0.0461 0.96564 0.22728 0.78899 0.38306 0.51803 0.8433 0.32297 0.15554 0.36273 0.28547 0.81828 0.47106 0.33332 0.50197 0.30922 0.26235 0.87597 0.37653 0.11177 0.84233 0.9311 0.13714 0.85518 0.24302 0.84397 0.47427 0.04264 0.60893 0.7616 0.93149 0.83874 0.43425 0.98754 0.73368 0.2114 0.9017 0.73478 0.34313 0.99133 0.6708 0.24931 0.28064 0.39844 0.84618 0.60637 0.57187 0.32637 0.02936 0.46894 0.0028 0.61214 0.81145 0.02938 0.74238 0.73987 0.29974 0.04943 0.76101 0.09714 0.10631 0.73507 0.20551 0.93545 0.15042 0.85335 0.66391 0.16312 0.74557 0.80069 0.3082 0.39442 0.87527 0.20534 0.40676 0.16141 0.9492 0.11273 0.6105 0.12504 0.51046 0.21552 0.52248 0.86716 0.364 0.35707 0.28569 0.86016 0.95483 0.63395 0.71005 0.95365 0.75909 0.8939 0.32131 0.7899 0.68873 0.64834 0.12099 0.31831 0.58832 0.13733 0.92901 0.2652 0.26694 0.62163 0.74976 0.23596 0.93383 0.68692 0.6836 0.25312 0.2927 0.29488 0.2234 0.09256 0.34181 0.57682 0.76308 0.36007 0.96912 0.77085 0.0302 0.32544 0.99107 0.05986 0.27699 0.83525 0.82789 0.42204 0.45556 0.39632 0.23565 0.69092 0.16202 0.86662 0.4327 0.87859 0.95065 0.22631 0.21445 0.27479 0.81389 0.83716 0.96498 0.11697 0.20229 0.61252 0.90917 0.62991 0.62671 0.94447 0.25759 0.28007 0.76055 0.19186 0.63517 0.19811 0.28169 0.50712 0.25341 0.46129 0.94922 0.72797 0.43525 0.00914 0.80699 9e-05 0.46912 0.7853 0.03412 0.97952 0.45426 0.5467 0.47086 0.065 0.82504 0.63337 0.70095 0.7476 0.11494 0.61139 0.54988 0.57696 0.64761 0.53564 0.22716 0.34277 0.1252 0.23971 0.70798 0.91888 0.54773 0.98623 0.96911 0.90407 0.67114 0.34728 0.97054 0.83665 0.8052 0.37078 0.78784 0.22043 0.81124 0.86278 0.45743 0.5718 0.22152 0.2347 0.02219 0.55504 0.00866 0.35446 0.36245 0.92797 0.89829 0.81191 0.81698 0.97427 0.11999 0.88119 0.05292 0.20209 0.33869 0.81144 0.90226 0.18456 0.55133 0.59747 0.06916 0.31123 0.1358 0.1182 0.96336 0.95183 0.40729 0.35155 0.29478 0.12314 0.11863 0.81097 0.81676 0.64839 0.8676 0.65017 0.29293 0.25943 0.62047 0.83439 0.88188 0.04343 0.70445 0.07182 0.67596 0.66928 0.32479 0.59961 0.83422 0.0861 0.75723 0.18823 0.93156
+0.9535 0.0426 0.59749 0.05658 0.87996 0.79706 0.90144 0.57936 0.59097 0.24087 0.08918 0.35401 0.28313 0.36263 0.4096 0.03182 0.53561 0.3782 0.54486 0.82961 0.78464 0.79381 0.48278 0.97927 0.16056 0.70554 0.68374 0.11188 0.37368 0.10374 0.08414 0.57073 0.3673 0.51577 0.31219 0.08934 0.56424 0.3549 0.7177 0.89503 0.83315 0.37209 0.52576 0.02941 0.70777 0.96163 0.45948 0.85758 0.61597 0.71515 0.70904 0.31598 0.19307 0.27174 0.8327 0.77692 0.22711 0.1874 0.61625 0.11865 0.977 0.80725 0.49721 0.99776 0.27842 0.74092 0.97331 0.53366 0.5891 0.86896 0.96472 0.53761 0.48871 0.77418 0.0063 0.08914 0.88253 0.49051 0.04451 0.24475 0.22445 0.69693 0.69573 0.89815 0.83549 0.36395 0.24573 0.80892 0.56519 0.95467 0.75501 0.37638 0.96961 0.21602 0.56981 0.33192 0.98816 0.91029 0.1846 0.40429 0.86162 0.66916 0.26661 0.38722 0.06695 0.4719 0.37187 0.93622 0.68933 0.16963 0.7261 0.59869 0.75905 0.64988 0.76407 0.91112 0.7269 0.16036 0.23066 0.15584 0.41926 0.94047 0.54561 0.74489 0.94709 0.97553 0.59165 0.21947 0.36316 0.73875 0.5739 0.20812 0.50735 0.16025 0.43741 0.53318 0.21484 0.29348 0.14978 0.88156 0.05993 0.9797 0.95337 0.92847 0.36678 0.51163 0.56127 0.42182 0.33318 0.78555 0.30736 0.87869 0.29722 0.61284 0.70273 0.769 0.88082 0.71901 0.73547 0.34765 0.43966 0.20886 0.8458 0.70628 0.96669 0.79062 0.78609 0.60298 0.13172 0.79757 0.2844 0.83721 0.52243 0.46448 0.86876 0.07928 0.71009 0.00504 0.16214 0.75302 0.19789 0.77285 0.52136 0.80527 0.0889 0.49022 0.68249 0.49908 0.2609 0.12986 0.7909 0.31328 0.85889 0.8317 0.4537 0.19748 0.69629 0.63067 0.84833 0.07464 0.44189 0.46177 0.44478 0.0624 0.3038 0.10368 0.01544 0.49732 0.42909 0.17692 0.88198 0.04544 0.82578 0.15587 0.71349 0.34509 0.0712 0.15914 0.19478 0.182 0.29983 0.37006 0.79866 0.59562 0.90414 0.04753 0.03313 0.19218 0.14826 0.55367 0.22057 0.1519 0.99272 0.36256 0.00523 0.72939 0.36354 0.23741 0.17684 0.44316 0.38518 0.38881 0.19555 0.36806 0.98804 0.00323 0.94309 0.79002 0.87386 0.50827 0.78544 0.5853 0.58479 0.63032 0.20276 0.48171 0.76193 0.8702 0.98043 0.54024 0.67567 0.40936 0.27352 0.61949 0.15167 0.35305 0.5034 0.89432 0.72772 0.67333 0.76994 0.27689 0.42113 0.75224 0.78999 0.58058 0.91264 0.57888 0.74651 0.18748 0.22619 0.57585 0.9302 0.06145 0.23344 0.07229 0.75592 0.03042 0.30901 0.15557 0.56119 0.9262 0.2005 0.20519 0.48174 0.40566 0.6576 0.31951 0.6458 0.81735 0.58635 0.4392 0.83813 0.75958 0.93234 0.96473 0.08091 0.81516 0.14827 0.15852 0.05077 0.37792 0.05517 0.98052 0.67529 0.35885 0.45116 0.51272 0.83995 0.29518 0.36703 0.92458 0.2458 0.58216 0.82288 0.44014 0.83593 0.15538 0.00823 0.31565 0.25833 0.89255 0.53322 0.15932 0.81175 0.7509 0.74488 0.02202 0.8017 0.87119 0.7848 0.69894 0.01682 0.113 0.7966 0.90897 0.02198 0.64355 0.13032 0.72858 0.57599 0.9229 0.10183 0.50682 0.18257 0.91108 0.45977 0.59663 0.43343 0.3849 0.08886 0.01998 0.93132 0.69322 0.59608 0.02341 0.66695 0.4562 0.3848 0.20403 0.85088 0.53013 0.41973 0.58876 0.60198 0.47196 0.22095 0.38779 0.80021 0.17625 0.99076 0.98743 0.8995 0.23976 0.59723 0.83535 0.01702 0.29921 0.52637 0.00132 0.97721 0.33493 0.81662 0.22903 0.68463 0.44202 0.32576 0.20082 0.90166 0.56195 0.50915 0.47443 0.60783 0.35224 0.89712 0.28344 0.54381 0.95953 0.7213 0.48478 0.16065 0.4741 0.30069 0.31403 0.04084 0.61397 0.80784 0.83114 0.05736 0.60904 0.8724 0.72768 0.76463 0.77127 0.91446 0.85655 0.56309 0.28802 0.45862 0.8362 0.3666 0.06895 0.75699 0.80642 0.05635 0.96897 0.49204 0.5694 0.57894 0.79697 0.78548 0.63307 0.1585 0.30102 0.02356 0.79005 0.3109 0.17483 0.44722 0.61637 0.07415 0.31408 0.20844 0.57062 0.44433 0.7834 0.45555 0.7223 0.93339 0.41862 0.67321 0.18155 0.62419 0.99703 0.16951 0.43606 0.96643 0.77005 0.16123 0.94363 0.2818 0.98069 0.14152 0.24065 0.66279 0.05253 0.73051 0.90105 0.91505 0.62012 0.52201 0.18687 0.84503 0.67137 0.7633 0.35924 0.83931 0.52453 0.01258 0.47034 0.49333 0.72927 0.07149 0.08265 0.35093 0.22377 0.82264 0.88939 0.10714 0.77992 0.5575 0.27547 0.04185 0.87825 0.32434 0.77701 0.14594 0.84916 0.7881 0.31997 0.6105 0.25931
+0.5104 0.25463 0.33009 0.39835 0.29034 0.69394 0.43543 0.04401 0.47342 0.02527 0.98873 0.28776 0.87682 0.91171 0.95495 0.92531 0.8994 0.28741 0.43788 0.42708 0.84342 0.71996 0.53283 0.92254 0.67072 0.73787 0.91972 0.93231 0.43887 0.71998 0.3084 0.58733 0.73791 0.57786 0.77276 0.18302 0.98801 0.39665 0.32448 0.40363 0.18857 0.66239 0.05436 0.13291 0.26894 0.05511 0.42822 0.13864 0.84175 0.89432 0.21709 0.41507 0.07785 0.5459 0.13002 0.59739 0.08152 0.47907 0.27127 0.79103 0.30902 0.6874 0.14971 0.26776 0.87191 0.10118 0.77079 0.49769 0.97855 0.14591 0.04088 0.29377 0.34603 0.90195 0.06621 0.38677 0.68776 0.48994 0.63276 0.40207 0.56889 0.65664 0.74711 0.60947 0.91593 0.7642 0.85766 0.94306 0.62063 0.74404 0.36945 0.38403 0.651 0.07262 0.84464 0.85746 0.34173 0.18553 0.06227 0.68935 0.08748 0.18082 0.0023 0.18305 0.08445 0.87458 0.92237 0.8771 0.92776 0.57877 0.08299 0.4717 0.89624 0.04314 0.68261 0.90702 0.84197 0.67741 0.31737 0.23232 0.4655 0.97933 0.47746 0.40607 0.82038 0.92511 0.05807 0.91992 0.57612 0.00309 0.1812 0.09817 0.60673 0.96112 0.27512 0.71993 0.45854 0.78744 0.44378 0.10389 0.29761 0.74206 0.50212 0.44056 0.22573 0.04624 0.73275 0.75051 0.52791 0.88526 0.87608 0.78398 0.32638 0.72716 0.201 0.92047 0.60828 0.03058 0.13415 0.808 0.68763 0.22717 0.54448 0.87336 0.6409 0.20402 0.83017 0.37794 0.16634 0.88472 0.79947 0.29681 0.13907 0.09396 0.76373 0.63052 0.80234 0.43238 0.48518 0.69576 0.28378 0.30034 0.07134 0.95227 0.12271 0.62316 0.89691 0.67363 0.46865 0.12574 0.3546 0.74358 0.40833 0.64659 0.14312 0.60447 0.97409 0.51105 0.51272 0.92417 0.46671 0.36637 0.3803 0.13 0.21058 0.79459 0.01488 0.89051 0.50283 0.75865 0.55321 0.55378 0.18994 0.13367 0.267 0.22984 0.96804 0.60238 0.2489 0.73403 0.79116 0.38821 0.89926 0.05869 0.20785 0.96895 0.90322 0.24232 0.64889 0.12073 0.14166 0.85119 0.22241 0.91453 0.36517 0.42634 0.21109 0.72641 0.36456 0.31776 0.85284 0.25531 0.0134 0.24331 0.26597 0.2091 0.34911 0.49809 0.61288 0.4086 0.87854 0.45419 0.49688 0.42537 0.72057 0.41168 0.92461 0.47641 0.48632 0.71776 0.53736 0.40463 0.21281 0.42387 0.70181 0.73287 0.43879 0.24476 0.72072 0.38203 0.45724 0.24751 0.38957 0.70919 0.97944 0.88976 0.18463 0.77859 0.42434 0.81116 0.26712 0.82868 0.93039 0.50047 0.99739 0.11384 0.73754 0.14891 0.65492 0.53997 0.57298 0.04707 0.1623 0.58056 0.32692 0.88856 0.27511 0.19041 0.54691 0.47833 0.75673 0.78731 0.88678 0.80089 0.91714 0.11996 0.16948 0.63656 0.56201 0.94028 0.54453 0.12024 0.6724 0.22305 0.83399 0.92161 0.81552 0.2488 0.83303 0.57654 0.69927 0.47916 0.55583 0.30182 0.02196 0.7266 0.62321 0.37764 0.25258 0.97108 0.02236 0.2708 0.6902 0.21578 0.46195 0.00116 0.31692 0.96079 0.5285 0.64198 0.09384 0.92934 0.85803 0.25821 0.17391 0.09157 0.66423 0.03077 0.42247 0.54412 0.29487 0.57692 0.23102 0.5277 0.43729 0.42408 0.07087 0.16979 0.9312 0.93691 0.61892 0.0178 0.98901 0.65244 0.50433 0.59244 0.42248 0.76794 0.0321 0.75671 0.27255 0.3414 0.91371 0.00792 0.83208 0.66622 0.65387 0.51478 0.39975 0.48547 0.27198 0.3058 0.40738 0.60414 0.84962 0.57365 0.11998 0.63712 0.53014 0.34997 0.28422 0.69242 0.33197 0.81715 0.66096 0.36981 0.15417 0.42148 0.11619 0.9343 0.90494 0.57585 0.96718 0.80739 0.12585 0.5184 0.28502 0.71921 0.86694 0.78386 0.43452 0.82763 0.96254 0.75233 0.96556 0.66978 0.97934 0.52722 0.60966 0.86517 0.48977 0.43754 0.25482 0.82682 0.96538 0.2955 0.37329 0.92714 0.69963 0.36151 0.61014 0.47991 0.12295 0.17105 0.40557 0.06329 0.05546 0.12087 0.85486 0.60226 0.89832 0.49471 0.09167 0.39774 0.46176 0.49013 0.89049 0.28168 0.51629 0.41913 0.07899 0.91517 0.08353 0.27334 0.05044 0.68472 0.44777 0.03753 0.25977 0.23827 0.10995 0.02498 0.52202 0.50552 0.02648 0.72529 0.70613 0.63906 0.81618 0.42679 0.02249 0.13951 0.4188 0.40786 0.85483 0.68369 0.84199 0.24335 0.62638 0.7524 0.70322 0.75159 0.32118 0.29644 0.82969 0.16601 0.64114 0.29301 0.50062 0.19996 0.87183 0.59395 0.4061 0.43897 0.02054 0.5244 0.84408 0.0254 0.98666 0.77099 0.65052 0.53667 0.07383 0.7767 0.23377 0.47702 0.5971 0.24051 0.54897 0.2013 0.34322 0.61409
+0.26528 0.02731 0.38617 0.62212 0.76132 0.12612 0.78745 0.73046 0.47205 0.18639 0.20726 0.70996 0.54403 0.53962 0.41249 0.14544 0.87162 0.2254 0.65217 0.1416 0.18041 0.41622 0.71126 0.16886 0.16808 0.8062 0.88814 0.23467 0.68143 0.08408 0.64883 0.35971 0.77017 0.39713 0.88296 0.70064 0.70538 0.62793 0.35126 0.9878 0.58448 0.93748 0.68343 0.75652 0.31608 0.20014 0.57672 0.37603 0.95683 0.95904 0.50149 0.41375 0.83006 0.98588 0.66915 0.09947 0.21842 0.92573 0.70715 0.55711 0.69586 0.0868 0.90261 0.89852 0.94353 0.79103 0.52962 0.79916 0.4715 0.83567 0.74181 0.34631 0.11547 0.58509 0.3278 0.19029 0.0464 0.62185 0.74741 0.71233 0.85223 0.98802 0.90804 0.40004 0.09111 0.61454 0.94252 0.23633 0.99757 0.88257 0.67948 0.04834 0.11563 0.49917 0.87952 0.56093 0.10674 0.45302 0.9904 0.69325 0.14385 0.06226 0.07144 0.5027 0.31546 0.56895 0.14072 0.4883 0.29509 0.42217 0.26509 0.0407 0.79164 0.69589 0.33712 0.80982 0.17042 0.80108 0.93823 0.05018 0.52341 0.10158 0.66837 0.97408 0.31183 0.87458 0.92615 0.65604 0.2248 0.12687 0.708 0.53903 0.58809 0.35383 0.28767 0.10484 0.78768 0.39034 0.56621 0.00767 0.85928 0.04979 0.70903 0.83029 0.08473 0.31663 0.72522 0.29743 0.71393 0.43185 0.31898 0.69379 0.31441 0.49537 0.16008 0.02912 0.82224 0.585 0.19097 0.63858 0.52534 0.57912 0.95588 0.62952 0.86778 0.93444 0.72516 0.441 0.60731 0.87965 0.38424 0.52931 0.52325 0.31481 0.41794 0.18513 0.02221 0.74591 0.54215 0.73537 0.79192 0.05347 0.41602 0.42211 0.83695 0.40444 0.58746 0.1173 0.98613 0.9264 0.31942 0.51968 0.93397 0.87247 0.51696 0.20445 0.1457 0.80333 0.1157 0.19305 0.27375 0.11275 0.14517 0.44674 0.57749 0.8912 0.01746 0.39927 0.14593 0.71655 0.34942 0.22064 0.42681 0.27698 0.45862 0.47935 0.64787 0.98101 0.25441 0.66462 0.33552 0.49344 0.43264 0.71603 0.0453 0.70997 0.32713 0.70416 0.21019 0.16457 0.44294 0.25334 0.49563 0.62414 0.54799 0.89458 0.26499 0.13588 0.89489 0.43421 0.39049 0.26118 0.2699 0.02529 0.95791 0.16721 0.76229 0.06038 0.76807 0.01663 0.59707 0.10266 0.7293 0.16271 0.642 0.90927 0.56001 0.00897 0.44694 0.41982 0.14923 0.79444 0.04453 0.64635 0.51233 0.50706 0.69446 0.10789 0.8757 0.82462 0.33302 0.17045 0.92867 0.99304 0.19647 0.2668 0.30532 0.93863 0.00657 0.12252 0.87717 0.22969 0.80463 0.8274 0.21695 0.6529 0.78196 0.99636 0.02989 0.37612 0.45248 0.84502 0.93334 0.56423 0.09966 0.9139 0.66111 0.78708 0.09757 0.98435 0.66327 0.18738 0.17382 0.3161 0.887 0.95976 0.63228 0.94203 0.1709 0.5624 0.03636 0.99787 0.52738 0.54703 0.52251 0.53834 0.49035 0.27248 0.47725 0.57425 0.95116 0.40258 0.61711 0.66082 0.87101 0.63747 0.54536 0.34457 0.18966 0.45159 0.07479 0.77563 0.47027 0.57593 0.92937 0.97998 0.71775 0.76928 0.77058 0.94352 0.49892 0.72758 0.76667 0.65916 0.24812 0.53703 0.78527 0.34297 0.30904 0.16103 0.99049 0.72199 0.79591 0.11406 0.66196 0.78467 0.02355 0.55967 0.71221 0.0527 0.40038 0.71115 0.30831 0.97948 0.14594 0.59086 0.04673 0.85944 0.64391 0.55671 0.76747 0.37834 0.50135 0.22106 0.66291 0.74953 0.81003 0.5844 0.07191 0.27016 0.79607 0.74271 0.79 0.656 0.19524 0.50223 0.49146 0.31419 0.22996 0.77149 0.20316 0.43433 0.25849 0.95666 0.84559 0.70897 0.54801 0.20802 0.8401 0.5437 0.13453 0.94682 0.91705 0.48064 0.28262 0.07158 0.09092 0.23469 0.39012 0.73053 0.79617 0.92322 0.88889 0.04991 0.70596 0.27385 0.77137 0.92093 0.11484 0.41597 0.18263 0.7213 0.25859 0.2665 0.11809 0.54877 0.6184 0.03971 0.47969 0.48571 0.68656 0.96785 0.37127 0.70448 0.5291 0.23803 0.61693 0.83077 0.94964 0.89882 0.4123 0.17957 0.68449 0.54342 0.21294 0.36381 0.25874 0.24021 0.00527 0.05688 0.32852 0.65753 0.82801 0.20977 0.77344 0.37645 0.35164 0.02528 0.72778 0.71964 0.84325 0.11329 0.87957 0.87252 0.48965 0.96306 0.8858 0.21992 0.51243 0.01962 0.3928 0.54352 0.61343 0.79444 0.00123 0.2807 0.44826 0.67384 0.48251 0.37716 0.82598 0.75665 0.27571 0.18077 0.43256 0.92719 0.99622 0.79881 0.43675 0.45621 0.11962 0.93954 0.08031 0.8325 0.30174 0.75787 0.89696 0.08266 0.81889 0.95031 0.49939 0.2618 0.40887 0.93377 0.46489 0.62875 0.24837 0.96808 0.35236 0.86718 0.56037 0.08088
+0.02255 0.95718 0.07042 0.14185 0.46908 0.56921 0.47285 0.01119 0.77629 0.78834 0.95119 0.98209 0.62156 0.71087 0.21579 0.3451 0.80595 0.02885 0.94944 0.47489 0.1925 0.5813 0.23576 0.79927 0.46965 0.84485 0.33785 0.70115 0.63846 0.50596 0.22824 0.61775 0.26513 0.71602 0.9891 0.41065 0.08895 0.78496 0.66163 0.05669 0.32289 0.94254 0.58931 0.95785 0.55693 0.20047 0.32244 0.73212 0.63348 0.55777 0.35072 0.26366 0.05222 0.51476 0.02716 0.22679 0.46725 0.14181 0.63223 0.78521 0.68494 0.33387 0.90292 0.50893 0.56638 0.47571 0.09594 0.70262 0.89106 0.41301 0.29965 0.1254 0.3171 0.66371 0.28537 0.15066 0.78682 0.58796 0.28748 0.59193 0.22311 0.97798 0.09886 0.74521 0.08663 0.81742 0.06572 0.39091 0.14779 0.43543 0.56766 0.60748 0.20566 0.65809 0.06886 0.22326 0.89046 0.20151 0.35644 0.23827 0.81584 0.65674 0.09517 0.04886 0.70351 0.46293 0.79244 0.98428 0.54307 0.28151 0.63164 0.24481 0.2756 0.37237 0.59814 0.02726 0.27635 0.43611 0.80403 0.22822 0.15658 0.13902 0.78677 0.76685 0.39398 0.56671 0.71028 0.17574 0.02596 0.14172 0.65949 0.24837 0.79779 0.15539 0.638 0.77297 0.97963 0.28089 0.49067 0.57984 0.21154 0.53895 0.50827 0.63163 0.80234 0.41141 0.6623 0.86572 0.5231 0.79165 0.60437 0.23943 0.35358 0.11523 0.77231 0.51931 0.65619 0.48317 0.96975 0.65691 0.09282 0.97227 0.53192 0.1323 0.33757 0.79438 0.98817 0.32624 0.64713 0.57935 0.70886 0.36013 0.03621 0.1916 0.67258 0.62649 0.5638 0.43356 0.16242 0.34729 0.01721 0.97905 0.53523 0.67166 0.8839 0.70678 0.07834 0.72958 0.65696 0.08447 0.58602 0.15152 0.03654 0.77892 0.7079 0.58818 0.0554 0.33565 0.92765 0.18939 0.73948 0.8007 0.48466 0.55579 0.8093 0.01592 0.74738 0.51277 0.49217 0.8915 0.28523 0.08156 0.59471 0.54486 0.82055 0.70085 0.52694 0.38979 0.08106 0.45576 0.04379 0.183 0.48949 0.18599 0.41909 0.78304 0.38271 0.67551 0.65152 0.25761 0.26209 0.17576 0.68556 0.32332 0.67412 0.63804 0.45183 0.10462 0.97835 0.23882 0.3113 0.04736 0.87857 0.66981 0.61278 0.98678 0.70861 0.65197 0.57883 0.63967 0.63393 0.55712 0.21183 0.50791 0.32654 0.71558 0.76674 0.09653 0.98263 0.29288 0.26204 0.51527 0.90381 0.68755 0.60015 0.96653 0.44424 0.60085 0.40541 0.62431 0.44888 0.70237 0.65083 0.37836 0.12843 0.99072 0.16747 0.55163 0.21849 0.39851 0.14187 0.6137 0.47431 0.79981 0.92658 0.82679 0.36307 0.60742 0.61548 0.14474 0.17827 0.14874 0.59206 0.69799 0.1189 0.9526 0.96268 0.2697 0.38707 0.294 0.2053 0.13671 0.11792 0.88287 0.49487 0.68852 0.1657 0.14791 0.46008 0.11096 0.42674 0.90063 0.69389 0.03098 0.80851 0.55235 0.60857 0.76591 0.98515 0.6453 0.70973 0.99246 0.86267 0.17314 0.64288 0.23594 0.04841 0.6831 0.91911 0.2265 0.21442 0.52419 0.18934 0.00289 0.45345 0.15739 0.66469 0.41904 0.99247 0.64488 0.84735 0.0373 0.51347 0.39769 0.91567 0.00841 0.66094 0.63089 0.20041 0.54484 0.35974 0.79129 0.46879 0.09443 0.13745 0.32691 0.64677 0.43688 0.20662 0.42653 0.21695 0.11145 0.79141 0.89307 0.91027 0.38566 0.12855 0.41738 0.5976 0.59347 0.13888 0.08125 0.50948 0.49334 0.63892 0.55349 0.97174 0.65029 0.16364 0.31099 0.88591 0.62181 0.55262 0.58557 0.4453 0.84234 0.37577 0.6068 0.01765 0.23452 0.92438 0.13367 0.28922 0.39454 0.03462 0.54937 0.97106 0.59058 0.54997 0.23702 0.08247 0.14853 0.8002 0.72798 0.58019 0.07723 0.60146 0.14737 0.72318 0.27718 0.17188 0.34228 0.65684 0.20454 0.72611 0.16335 0.80491 0.31972 0.56104 0.19628 0.25252 0.43041 0.49459 0.71944 0.39804 0.74049 0.27972 0.13774 0.67771 0.24389 0.38621 0.92817 0.37047 0.26635 0.2261 0.23627 0.29 0.09165 0.18016 0.78928 0.37722 0.15595 0.36709 0.84675 0.71919 0.75096 0.02226 0.56079 0.76136 0.08434 0.56061 0.49245 0.15973 0.48311 0.98864 0.26984 0.82008 0.70487 0.17811 0.64479 0.69463 0.04897 0.32038 0.30022 0.58574 0.01929 0.06161 0.76333 0.58154 0.95146 0.56352 0.1085 0.88812 0.87482 0.50097 0.69558 0.58598 0.8729 0.72305 0.61367 0.69451 0.19615 0.402 0.3296 0.57157 0.74746 0.67731 0.94025 0.36551 0.43694 0.71243 0.90421 0.69137 0.5466 0.8178 0.49236 0.9917 0.22616 0.25692 0.76338 0.53766 0.11232 0.26306 0.92318 0.20255 0.75988 0.04071 0.05772 0.92927 0.57496 0.22923 0.96989
+0.89438 0.37575 0.10665 0.9207 0.61846 0.66714 0.58796 0.94943 0.82942 0.60979 0.79245 0.27018 0.82328 0.30498 0.56867 0.20816 0.03982 0.2132 0.11147 0.11881 0.68671 0.45449 0.53372 0.12615 0.61865 0.79081 0.41779 0.11674 0.50124 0.5938 0.05417 0.22284 0.85134 0.24846 0.9004 0.70605 0.51332 0.36053 0.28956 0.69149 0.66792 0.44251 0.15333 0.79286 0.58901 0.44978 0.26961 0.42042 0.34326 0.72327 0.09131 0.42747 0.5017 0.26378 0.77149 0.41125 0.48306 0.0177 0.92596 0.05623 0.40336 0.45254 0.87755 0.07958 0.38769 0.73701 0.10026 0.87323 0.96426 0.23068 0.49377 0.89821 0.05652 0.59404 0.57833 0.48546 0.86128 0.34928 0.03528 0.08772 0.19416 0.80018 0.95213 0.57457 0.59775 0.4816 0.06555 0.29447 0.61848 0.31669 0.72631 0.58202 0.84433 0.48197 0.222 0.39691 0.78121 0.62662 0.51539 0.49205 0.47214 0.29273 0.36922 0.1972 0.66685 0.76174 0.32671 0.59165 0.24298 0.88191 0.31165 0.19065 0.94845 0.87543 0.73093 0.39228 0.67521 0.1927 0.41591 0.07685 0.08357 0.49677 0.60836 0.69676 0.33994 0.0409 0.40989 0.28114 0.37083 0.72408 0.99424 0.34232 0.1627 0.41051 0.56862 0.38701 0.35751 0.09508 0.96458 0.46091 0.07678 0.59857 0.45581 0.84044 0.4262 0.22265 0.69378 0.10547 0.84517 0.07438 0.24635 0.08745 0.21735 0.47654 0.90289 0.36185 0.99828 0.29916 0.27405 0.33331 0.61039 0.97085 0.98639 0.51828 0.85419 0.67482 0.68845 0.82817 0.86015 0.28236 0.00629 0.77497 0.07267 0.53781 0.50075 0.8872 0.25506 0.158 0.00485 0.18143 0.83177 0.53783 0.24612 0.34791 0.06663 0.5955 0.36515 0.56348 0.19734 0.30866 0.55053 0.4012 0.46771 0.36317 0.98362 0.70663 0.75181 0.14894 0.13749 0.16649 0.91067 0.18847 0.12276 0.56208 0.87265 0.21159 0.61414 0.45759 0.75696 0.59325 0.07248 0.90284 0.68494 0.66884 0.17311 0.41401 0.54246 0.01999 0.45605 0.79446 0.5477 0.49153 0.13688 0.32802 0.14292 0.2863 0.80043 0.99614 0.84042 0.61935 0.98162 0.70104 0.63487 0.87249 0.01271 0.5309 0.06904 0.10755 0.76499 0.40662 0.64247 0.61757 0.46131 0.64905 0.68679 0.846 0.85218 0.91302 0.57992 0.16872 0.64266 0.97751 0.26386 0.41059 0.98613 0.66811 0.05807 0.72385 0.42161 0.29184 0.81408 0.60773 0.27258 0.43349 0.3649 0.42007 0.81045 0.1953 0.86583 0.71868 0.7166 0.71827 0.61528 0.55174 0.73177 0.48311 0.07567 0.22023 0.15557 0.38214 0.25398 0.59108 0.3232 0.83082 0.75521 0.01516 0.48027 0.71358 0.22248 0.59381 0.18943 0.87279 0.79881 0.08982 0.66597 0.62351 0.19007 0.12782 0.90851 0.61379 0.72947 0.52218 0.6968 0.1423 0.72657 0.05023 0.16918 0.2572 0.96582 0.78397 0.26047 0.75648 0.99327 0.34733 0.90891 0.0797 0.33328 0.04285 0.64771 0.00017 0.40903 0.39017 0.25579 0.30127 0.59051 0.31218 0.75134 0.38237 0.20096 0.4104 0.17721 0.75929 0.15738 0.79411 0.35388 0.23845 0.8937 0.8244 0.09685 0.27869 0.19316 0.83464 0.82411 0.13719 0.00043 0.66751 0.82855 0.8172 0.71417 0.79939 0.28255 0.85879 0.31151 0.20628 0.95422 0.00771 0.94042 0.38591 0.96329 0.92199 0.93415 0.05349 0.27325 0.12614 0.43913 0.93815 0.71783 0.74497 0.45417 0.60019 0.15752 0.06412 0.64573 0.56656 0.17453 0.4984 0.13658 0.90688 0.88936 0.14977 0.28453 0.50863 0.9075 0.38784 0.82258 0.04856 0.61989 0.34565 0.34633 0.69974 0.72817 0.52159 0.06071 0.13388 0.05985 0.59126 0.95447 0.09361 0.32814 0.82021 0.90917 0.26526 0.8799 0.42372 0.33868 0.73199 0.11299 0.52681 0.86152 0.34997 0.77802 0.97871 0.07988 0.27449 0.98471 0.07358 0.50253 0.28759 0.03039 0.67574 0.82978 0.69394 0.7698 0.63345 0.54378 0.73608 0.81231 0.33634 0.68039 0.96451 0.31226 0.1796 0.89501 0.21685 0.09391 0.28957 0.99213 0.44581 0.24824 0.99435 0.52666 0.59363 0.69046 0.47321 0.19263 0.47836 0.25606 0.58149 0.17696 0.63991 0.99692 0.54695 0.66765 0.99048 0.60343 0.35316 0.48008 0.72489 0.62793 0.10567 0.14455 0.24934 0.47403 0.07273 0.55282 0.39819 0.51336 0.04081 0.76103 0.97305 0.59158 0.57696 0.64378 0.96088 0.56104 0.69844 0.17406 0.4312 0.91556 0.41634 0.78094 0.66035 0.08146 0.07821 0.87153 0.53083 0.15257 0.73696 0.09319 0.23596 0.62759 0.00734 0.12377 0.92861 0.54257 0.46047 0.29565 0.80318 0.52744 0.28425 0.81968 0.14044 0.65205 0.83528 0.81986 0.71987 0.93614 0.60516 0.44824 0.06161 0.06897 0.3722
+0.28956 0.88252 0.43848 0.46437 0.29395 0.86436 0.65862 0.69411 0.6797 0.02382 0.70178 0.02567 0.40158 0.66135 0.73193 0.20124 0.74409 0.88935 0.37586 0.74628 0.51495 0.2425 0.62153 0.6617 0.40117 0.75596 0.26154 0.61942 0.56312 0.27638 0.99807 0.44074 0.77405 0.56643 0.71994 0.41491 0.91629 0.52708 0.55441 0.82159 0.64619 0.4388 0.57676 0.91547 0.71879 0.54324 0.90253 0.25228 0.43993 0.48669 0.97455 0.91264 0.67443 0.37669 0.45751 0.4038 0.45439 0.86271 0.48767 0.53931 0.91868 0.29104 0.89793 0.67342 0.85365 0.99489 0.25609 0.22106 0.23314 0.58892 0.31813 0.47303 0.74266 0.96725 0.26781 0.45201 0.68535 0.68963 0.63239 0.20541 0.96518 0.04022 0.41873 0.57675 0.04044 0.79026 0.70849 0.80757 0.90226 0.17468 0.54548 0.15963 0.00125 0.15048 0.81846 0.53811 0.02198 0.80988 0.49447 0.72178 0.87453 0.30463 0.42013 0.11961 0.16601 0.20353 0.415 0.55743 0.08461 0.73837 0.03356 0.25313 0.4523 0.84994 0.00298 0.40236 0.738 0.83712 0.75806 0.40417 0.13797 0.93519 0.69677 0.42877 0.53886 0.63532 0.85495 0.73743 0.08153 0.83759 0.52822 0.06394 0.57903 0.5714 0.41767 0.38688 0.47941 0.46535 0.99309 0.85626 0.04355 0.82238 0.8326 0.33492 0.98259 0.08183 0.96818 0.01982 0.75497 0.62938 0.39312 0.89826 0.92776 0.92328 0.00334 0.27567 0.17086 0.60634 0.77704 0.2558 0.02475 0.26285 0.75168 0.76354 0.47579 0.62136 0.26182 0.36653 0.90692 0.40519 0.23993 0.78838 0.52916 0.87116 0.79012 0.35017 0.42211 0.45327 0.59541 0.08793 0.1021 0.27776 0.95338 0.25518 0.63498 0.78422 0.78212 0.22884 0.8444 0.32999 0.96114 0.75981 0.55339 0.4044 0.77741 0.43 0.69154 0.88613 0.14748 0.69291 0.96597 0.88514 0.99194 0.66036 0.99842 0.43074 0.63313 0.32403 0.02927 0.47124 0.11734 0.98772 0.73316 0.89362 0.63541 0.29879 0.98949 0.18854 0.98442 0.71239 0.78153 0.28734 0.93398 0.74005 0.12303 0.5593 0.96503 0.50806 0.57367 0.24406 0.22398 0.91755 0.22989 0.09147 0.4829 0.83731 0.47463 0.89058 0.30345 0.08264 0.33317 0.56475 0.7135 0.66869 0.41918 0.24911 0.14074 0.63524 0.89571 0.34824 0.88045 0.39059 0.23278 0.86753 0.64135 0.0582 0.85216 0.52205 0.69998 0.90589 0.51969 0.96442 0.02108 0.1284 0.5638 0.73094 0.66362 0.79906 0.17784 0.57716 0.9896 0.99569 0.19902 0.31057 0.43525 0.05483 0.61827 0.90471 0.47512 0.77099 0.64461 0.50269 0.61537 0.75076 0.37296 0.10287 0.03529 0.32014 0.17226 0.57958 0.1712 0.89196 0.11942 0.3067 0.30162 0.02046 0.73724 0.72951 0.4592 0.05623 0.04752 0.65062 0.99364 0.66654 0.47643 0.02372 0.23184 0.21928 0.67724 0.47812 0.00328 0.07788 0.08742 0.66114 0.58403 0.91135 0.91563 0.97625 0.03829 0.19171 0.35838 0.07422 0.44747 0.57992 0.70596 0.90841 0.74065 0.55634 0.10433 0.91775 0.97455 0.54188 0.02006 0.80587 0.1407 0.18072 0.14529 0.86111 0.19952 0.41827 0.48956 0.10409 0.53476 0.99205 0.80898 0.80485 0.5461 0.22126 0.54593 0.96995 0.80855 0.39535 0.82866 0.96771 0.83209 0.37621 0.04421 0.59488 0.71956 0.58934 0.20298 0.07045 0.73753 0.96052 0.56421 0.49812 0.73633 0.10324 0.33139 0.42109 0.08521 0.32653 0.19084 0.39091 0.83316 0.09549 0.8356 0.62389 0.50607 0.90729 0.16867 0.27946 0.70911 0.95851 0.08257 0.91213 0.07681 0.16954 0.53824 0.30535 0.86712 0.01269 0.44505 0.35084 0.89031 0.33629 0.68565 0.14326 0.03779 0.34199 0.23048 0.99391 0.85162 0.34156 0.80609 0.48963 0.17327 0.72211 0.96355 0.43203 0.5071 0.05096 0.41799 0.61009 0.69961 0.37044 0.98116 0.18135 0.56564 0.48721 0.0325 0.39368 0.2822 0.32908 0.31922 0.76346 0.75744 0.08515 0.0425 0.28793 0.21364 0.23263 0.10301 0.41463 0.92203 0.62983 0.09311 0.80685 0.43785 0.10011 0.86889 0.07176 0.9827 0.42131 0.49537 0.28879 0.66344 0.00123 0.01313 0.81739 0.66192 0.9481 0.07078 0.47151 0.16508 0.22729 0.17921 0.8936 0.5667 0.34922 0.32771 0.75846 0.99562 0.03229 0.59047 0.33797 0.54776 0.04905 0.34753 0.95445 0.72638 0.48462 0.79842 0.54728 0.04426 0.66554 0.84349 0.17677 0.9507 0.78488 0.211 0.62595 0.52538 0.9494 0.14412 0.79583 0.58052 0.07302 0.40784 0.48884 0.56051 0.64697 0.42469 0.30306 0.9571 0.47517 0.65845 0.67707 0.1686 0.92648 0.6892 0.0676 0.55586 0.99036 0.74246 0.6187 0.87769 0.65725 0.81916 0.31017 0.6878 0.10114
+0.27258 0.92318 0.01136 0.29712 0.98631 0.66839 0.78527 0.87049 0.0249 0.33618 0.20948 0.96251 0.35033 0.56784 0.55099 0.96941 0.34645 0.90102 0.01244 0.75449 0.99457 0.93915 0.22251 0.48671 0.19694 0.19998 0.05477 0.70839 0.38646 0.98184 0.81037 0.56312 0.01925 0.18714 0.79271 0.43231 0.37422 0.91477 0.8913 0.00223 0.37072 0.60324 0.8859 0.79745 0.07361 0.56841 0.19353 0.58773 0.27355 0.16622 0.1828 0.29926 0.2625 0.56395 0.3917 0.04808 0.73465 0.31501 0.62036 0.66261 0.00881 0.65762 0.09479 0.08144 0.68162 0.06504 0.11098 0.48926 0.09285 0.4793 0.27509 0.27084 0.91497 0.24449 0.38388 0.89709 0.82653 0.26375 0.38423 0.15266 0.84348 0.21478 0.12475 0.57693 0.31056 0.45232 0.97307 0.7862 0.28655 0.51837 0.83129 0.07526 0.13218 0.69402 0.60339 0.12595 0.55216 0.64805 0.67072 0.59134 0.95171 0.59588 0.98055 0.36543 0.52446 0.87735 0.70292 0.15639 0.99882 0.60791 0.51978 0.80683 0.19375 0.21401 0.17347 0.61427 0.61423 0.39129 0.98386 0.02239 0.89755 0.95989 0.42661 0.56772 0.7596 0.15337 0.00854 0.22004 0.80711 0.60287 0.50431 0.75722 0.45324 0.29189 0.09983 0.37013 0.43191 0.99942 0.22469 0.37685 0.36447 0.3059 0.34963 0.84877 0.41053 0.84613 0.38349 0.54834 0.54413 0.75911 0.52034 0.20432 0.7663 0.4869 0.6309 0.93648 0.64043 0.47121 0.60089 0.90882 0.07152 0.57995 0.37988 0.64127 0.37536 0.95164 0.35238 0.71651 0.60135 0.93743 0.09735 0.45606 0.73279 0.85382 0.39897 0.59959 0.69528 0.94185 0.02739 0.05235 0.6363 0.82835 0.88486 0.46431 0.58746 0.5846 0.56283 0.52071 0.29853 0.24436 0.09414 0.51641 0.00574 0.87644 0.32118 0.07091 0.7768 0.51481 0.85883 0.26701 0.8444 0.00228 0.60974 0.36002 0.43345 0.57764 0.89791 0.87804 0.7845 0.11044 0.65813 0.12185 0.60191 0.52073 0.22626 0.78572 0.38956 0.46257 0.17541 0.8655 0.88588 0.12734 0.78634 0.95529 0.38124 0.82855 0.65701 0.703 0.31316 0.72648 0.09274 0.38379 0.80731 0.77022 0.7054 0.17251 0.87738 0.00593 0.06584 0.75475 0.19072 0.35319 0.35308 0.83167 0.40336 0.05576 0.5333 0.11689 0.4686 0.40783 0.14223 0.57053 0.85764 0.53528 0.25274 0.96716 0.06566 0.60028 0.72359 0.96398 0.6276 0.74205 0.43302 0.9736 0.51577 0.04375 0.85699 0.51486 0.7844 0.65808 0.58591 0.93377 0.88383 0.18861 0.90988 0.69858 0.04653 0.94235 0.41238 0.9256 0.6863 0.77782 0.26413 0.81095 0.01283 0.81227 0.08927 0.31209 0.5258 0.95204 0.51756 0.4959 0.65141 0.29538 0.55836 0.98586 0.17131 0.2441 0.63581 0.61745 0.38246 0.12829 0.22557 0.2714 0.07938 0.38604 0.49647 0.96812 0.86511 0.6645 0.47259 0.52461 0.46414 0.70196 0.66894 0.30719 0.8578 0.82018 0.44048 0.59729 0.69238 0.88692 0.96011 0.53322 0.7378 0.95357 0.55009 0.69899 0.09042 0.84243 0.19842 0.15147 0.84832 0.31499 0.64721 0.24101 0.85244 0.87005 0.96719 0.01489 0.60505 0.40529 0.6161 0.86441 0.9684 0.07987 0.85802 0.65741 0.99652 0.74305 0.1367 0.38557 0.64666 0.2266 0.98649 0.1177 0.49221 0.17021 0.90673 0.24079 0.02688 0.44496 0.28091 0.96219 0.25785 0.34453 0.52185 0.40471 0.39351 0.18482 0.3114 0.04634 0.03917 0.62385 0.07818 0.0184 0.35433 0.14807 0.40189 0.60072 0.79155 0.77907 0.92245 0.61321 0.27144 0.91519 0.04353 0.18994 0.04129 0.26946 0.19098 0.29733 0.54072 0.38983 0.16738 0.17902 0.16247 0.36964 0.38381 0.63551 0.23867 0.40417 0.13899 0.10225 0.56427 0.35389 0.31573 0.14502 0.44134 0.82791 0.54799 0.77052 0.30387 0.45663 0.92296 0.51632 0.22824 0.65743 0.21784 0.03557 0.9014 0.8188 0.44893 0.98683 0.10712 0.18004 0.27114 0.12088 0.04181 0.24408 0.50246 0.32772 0.93064 0.99781 0.20434 0.64833 0.87905 0.42582 0.15485 0.7875 0.37691 0.52202 0.50536 0.36329 0.1157 0.71795 0.55282 0.62077 0.83629 0.74802 0.76071 0.46159 0.99464 0.24341 0.23376 0.88936 0.02706 0.41364 0.36714 0.38654 0.17162 0.79691 0.44299 0.8846 0.79641 0.36581 0.51967 0.51064 0.60463 0.97987 0.02312 0.75814 0.0033 0.09422 0.90668 0.96467 0.72828 0.49437 0.32581 0.06011 0.79336 0.71895 0.76887 0.18989 0.99748 0.07442 0.08256 0.43918 0.31236 0.5123 0.85565 0.23395 0.85387 0.55071 0.5972 0.99828 0.73656 0.23498 0.3765 0.69294 0.06506 0.24228 0.34025 0.02705 0.23012 0.18798 0.14559 0.75229 0.25982 0.83679 0.64426 0.34492
+0.96509 0.45193 0.25718 0.32451 0.93768 0.57722 0.44705 0.12627 0.145 0.0045 0.0691 0.59526 0.05315 0.65163 0.70277 0.06075 0.03695 0.44447 0.50509 0.21513 0.95954 0.60924 0.51396 0.3351 0.85532 0.4381 0.53268 0.15574 0.12357 0.10989 0.65534 0.76429 0.1881 0.53391 0.49851 0.53389 0.57178 0.31167 0.95542 0.08982 0.98941 0.12321 0.93491 0.41815 0.49951 0.30473 0.2914 0.24563 0.54875 0.4201 0.46516 0.51768 0.29789 0.51076 0.99001 0.37756 0.57226 0.16633 0.64044 0.31194 0.28478 0.39272 0.70833 0.05663 0.0036 0.23642 0.09065 0.94972 0.22895 0.49755 0.18765 0.32306 0.31699 0.75795 0.66649 0.38636 0.12683 0.45146 0.10803 0.50665 0.19378 0.30325 0.49299 0.69403 0.95418 0.09453 0.48855 0.61914 0.02524 0.28042 0.61013 0.22524 0.3577 0.49815 0.13332 0.74167 0.08405 0.45614 0.91669 0.56752 0.01356 0.5927 0.77282 0.67045 0.2528 0.94664 0.69998 0.51492 0.15288 0.57467 0.58699 0.39699 0.83462 0.20818 0.81917 0.04316 0.08012 0.01317 0.35165 0.88944 0.42174 0.32781 0.69306 0.69476 0.34738 0.28475 0.58535 0.5042 0.34071 0.77685 0.2866 0.67952 0.54777 0.83879 0.89256 0.44608 0.34405 0.23132 0.5694 0.48723 0.91574 0.74153 0.90303 0.87568 0.8421 0.13057 0.85616 0.89017 0.80877 0.16607 0.29996 0.3898 0.83969 0.71514 0.61122 0.39244 0.3676 0.87087 0.65374 0.67667 0.78142 0.35838 0.3896 0.36686 0.38784 0.39119 0.249 0.22539 0.20238 0.34939 0.76507 0.16684 0.44211 0.49991 0.51705 0.42365 0.48653 0.55022 0.04676 0.26052 0.52446 0.41544 0.74568 0.86902 0.2394 0.11252 0.64567 0.00137 0.74733 0.70874 0.58114 0.277 0.80601 0.62493 0.88167 0.87951 0.24166 0.0675 0.80247 0.95674 0.64814 0.8074 0.08862 0.24044 0.57458 0.10416 0.31469 0.05173 0.95142 0.82575 0.2542 0.37234 0.65069 0.64882 0.08845 0.7043 0.87518 0.62347 0.98844 0.75009 0.60807 0.90956 0.31294 0.90835 0.16884 0.57407 0.27868 0.02469 0.59042 0.43542 0.50973 0.04417 0.43618 0.54974 0.77914 0.90125 0.52236 0.0307 0.13109 0.24643 0.0582 0.7983 0.66222 0.04907 0.04765 0.19555 0.89494 0.76299 0.40681 0.72313 0.66799 0.41154 0.1039 0.32284 0.13182 0.34555 0.02517 0.16575 0.50784 0.66973 0.95945 0.7087 0.89465 0.60487 0.77061 0.39957 0.82528 0.68948 0.53897 0.45581 0.19483 0.16976 0.41569 0.1996 0.90492 0.45978 0.77954 0.88572 0.64293 0.60012 0.52143 0.36905 0.29694 0.3665 0.35789 0.84329 0.46293 0.21969 0.03566 0.28282 0.71636 0.77231 0.88622 0.4852 0.60363 0.73233 0.06846 0.90671 0.33036 0.28205 0.57666 0.75981 0.13823 0.22806 0.88003 0.5534 0.12829 0.50464 0.80378 0.2564 0.45852 0.27302 0.15758 0.4135 0.76467 0.5636 0.95851 0.63964 0.79281 0.91299 0.1976 0.2867 0.81656 0.63201 0.34649 0.40244 0.34759 0.70558 0.70229 0.16153 0.86084 0.82437 0.96538 0.93936 0.28561 0.66764 0.54944 0.37691 0.56213 0.46305 0.34522 0.39585 0.88679 0.86752 0.25383 0.69296 0.6477 0.04595 0.19208 0.22446 0.09059 0.51129 0.68775 0.81928 0.51884 0.11075 0.19319 0.2221 0.11607 0.49127 0.94106 0.23339 0.99731 0.25199 0.73269 0.5759 0.01496 0.53826 0.3248 0.65882 0.20391 0.17235 0.54885 0.79622 0.29513 0.25389 0.93896 0.2787 0.42215 0.32994 0.66013 0.89909 0.64809 0.01844 0.57455 0.46197 0.64394 0.78136 0.32498 0.86569 0.78498 0.30096 0.55891 0.07866 0.23566 0.03951 0.28605 0.94526 0.83707 0.21214 0.1203 0.83733 0.35306 0.84804 0.64036 0.45383 0.83899 0.7036 0.92937 0.18492 0.70568 0.35927 0.82331 0.92725 0.76154 0.66338 0.89406 0.92651 0.90973 0.38734 0.01449 0.38834 0.6379 0.92192 0.17299 0.66336 0.26083 0.87207 0.97148 0.65791 0.51648 0.25352 0.15396 0.56347 0.72745 0.70714 0.06717 0.99143 0.92494 0.80484 0.72232 0.73901 0.07162 0.56601 0.72633 0.17033 0.17932 0.73016 0.02114 0.01877 0.30143 0.83305 0.88577 0.97723 0.27281 0.43041 0.90392 0.94947 0.5059 0.5113 0.37939 0.55605 0.03256 0.89076 0.98485 0.7753 0.53043 0.19738 0.99039 0.36172 0.20369 0.38353 0.3944 0.2437 0.16975 0.45642 0.04479 0.42825 0.6927 0.22381 0.04704 0.74466 0.8656 0.08188 0.41811 0.56597 0.33765 0.3968 0.8211 0.14044 0.75881 0.07336 0.31042 0.80082 0.23874 0.35149 0.69314 0.60282 0.3133 0.49583 0.75038 0.91566 0.78331 0.75251 0.30887 0.71242 0.84193 0.26134 0.32832 0.1023 0.57465 0.8881
+0.4166 0.74868 0.78947 0.83096 0.91409 0.82245 0.18107 0.57718 0.68599 0.00083 0.04 0.60193 0.51398 0.33986 0.12398 0.36946 0.09838 0.16771 0.3096 0.75662 0.92628 0.2569 0.79177 0.60799 0.6184 0.63432 0.71914 0.59958 0.72919 0.78886 0.74405 0.12871 0.71396 0.47183 0.23846 0.66931 0.88244 0.76685 0.63791 0.55913 0.2507 0.23924 0.06604 0.80933 0.34353 0.51462 0.64847 0.83609 0.49462 0.86861 0.56259 0.69008 0.41445 0.40529 0.77663 0.14355 0.88058 0.03551 0.02824 0.2909 0.6127 0.48353 0.52259 0.31191 0.77255 0.87311 0.71312 0.24612 0.13889 0.85073 0.4931 0.74232 0.14225 0.66624 0.56448 0.04808 0.14981 0.43722 0.75156 0.06094 0.72316 0.51444 0.19777 0.69607 0.24185 0.69622 0.99812 0.22815 0.91239 0.48635 0.64014 0.47271 0.79599 0.91697 0.53269 0.18225 0.83289 0.30731 0.74994 0.18579 0.92154 0.35802 0.19628 0.37451 0.58523 0.98147 0.53144 0.10982 0.19555 0.56475 0.94447 0.66672 0.04078 0.2377 0.25883 0.02852 0.61157 0.54724 0.31204 0.24965 0.55984 0.99594 0.9704 0.13599 0.89453 0.68116 0.12289 0.74994 0.8652 0.22123 0.62029 0.13165 0.47176 0.22072 0.76097 0.51148 0.8546 0.18004 0.41531 0.24222 0.20332 0.98217 0.51228 0.71465 0.86543 0.55945 0.80172 0.45285 0.18029 0.60519 0.18645 0.86368 0.55037 0.32731 0.33895 0.99544 0.52865 0.60218 0.24615 0.58665 0.30181 0.95865 0.90125 0.97299 0.86865 0.03594 0.77968 0.50689 0.44636 0.84245 0.94726 0.34952 0.07377 0.43844 0.71099 0.29895 0.41651 0.51045 0.09886 0.45107 0.76621 0.3101 0.71456 0.34828 0.86501 0.43796 0.75524 0.58408 0.24931 0.70963 0.82617 0.63604 0.06871 0.22453 0.08176 0.58417 0.6744 0.93369 0.60943 0.68795 0.55358 0.32979 0.63686 0.4417 0.43554 0.01592 0.01799 0.08401 0.25636 0.96992 0.81743 0.65088 0.9065 0.6086 0.72795 0.53112 0.79475 0.2076 0.40857 0.30372 0.31986 0.69486 0.40215 0.05708 0.56784 0.3644 0.87467 0.36197 0.34392 0.59842 0.08653 0.39797 0.14275 0.36737 0.63651 0.47802 0.20096 0.65343 0.57246 0.44119 0.03407 0.78029 0.23306 0.24871 0.13176 0.05849 0.60242 0.04153 0.72466 0.50103 0.24733 0.26272 0.60558 0.53392 0.70404 0.43797 0.28727 0.79051 0.31254 0.70215 0.60447 0.331 0.61723 0.78611 0.92132 0.71018 0.37197 0.47547 0.86618 0.26012 0.82936 0.70541 0.98404 0.01148 0.14995 0.51893 0.61536 0.65633 0.42236 0.72672 0.13281 0.76211 0.65305 0.16849 0.70739 0.83195 0.1749 0.77284 0.42398 0.13011 0.60639 0.36111 0.62487 0.79551 0.5789 0.62834 0.60758 0.62133 0.34687 0.43372 0.96309 0.82827 0.37408 0.45347 0.61106 0.36575 0.00535 0.16881 0.31493 0.37106 0.47396 0.91793 0.89147 0.69866 0.34504 0.55503 0.33229 0.10679 0.05182 0.93456 0.36846 0.91939 0.72521 0.95129 0.29136 0.32781 0.14998 0.40289 0.48065 0.77111 0.58013 0.74562 0.50267 0.24873 0.28664 0.81019 0.12525 0.79834 0.10359 0.87099 0.24284 0.40057 0.72251 0.5615 0.22655 0.35159 0.65798 0.42656 0.25641 0.95614 0.22585 0.92548 0.9438 0.76801 0.84749 0.59521 0.81901 0.47291 0.34448 0.92312 0.82093 0.01462 0.40141 0.66225 0.32151 0.67444 0.03136 0.39111 0.47354 0.13444 0.54231 0.9236 0.38316 0.30624 0.48184 0.95405 0.72732 0.93921 0.96899 0.55722 0.72482 0.30769 0.66761 0.74932 0.88283 0.2353 0.62166 0.18023 0.139 0.90483 0.06612 0.1359 0.29531 0.6207 0.76529 0.36507 0.50653 0.15856 0.63907 0.65287 0.65219 0.28879 0.60697 0.59101 0.2577 0.00133 0.36948 0.14309 0.20375 0.55555 0.28484 0.19879 0.1832 0.92074 0.96512 0.33093 0.37056 0.23609 0.11347 0.26123 0.84147 0.18979 0.00837 0.70221 0.369 0.66603 0.54752 0.89691 0.17785 0.56934 0.16485 0.89731 0.66915 0.58006 0.04836 0.49445 0.91149 0.85289 0.5487 0.89496 0.48181 0.39947 0.66568 0.30441 0.28123 0.31552 0.33797 0.22215 0.41376 0.92488 0.59228 0.79459 0.87667 0.71338 0.65556 0.75713 0.82369 0.97227 0.16008 0.80769 0.68635 0.10599 0.33514 0.6244 0.21684 0.46066 0.40512 0.51902 0.18215 0.6138 0.03952 0.81664 0.22366 0.27386 0.85367 0.9154 0.93592 0.09907 0.5935 0.6101 0.47061 0.64802 0.47844 0.49435 0.37702 0.334 0.50992 0.05775 0.86481 0.29958 0.21305 0.61831 0.72909 0.70988 0.42133 0.39753 0.73415 0.37045 0.23018 0.88328 0.55335 0.52248 0.65131 0.0377 0.13942 0.82332 0.47176 0.2953 0.97499 0.26479 0.25795 0.93945
+0.73643 0.07556 0.39917 0.76488 0.03867 0.43197 0.81586 0.56383 0.67816 0.86658 0.73792 0.60127 0.46549 0.13754 0.66691 0.45302 0.29807 0.1929 0.52848 0.37918 0.38824 0.93448 0.17829 0.60084 0.87687 0.77941 0.00802 0.0772 0.43336 0.86061 0.14573 0.49847 0.86989 0.06809 0.33187 0.66835 0.85556 0.88254 0.88346 0.83182 0.94088 0.51484 0.20572 0.27497 0.81439 0.67454 0.35927 0.24408 0.0239 0.07985 0.97728 0.1204 0.78573 0.98602 0.06391 0.53994 0.03577 0.12004 0.80348 0.52391 0.13076 0.35043 0.25962 0.89336 0.47005 0.74314 0.44309 0.58608 0.07998 0.31155 0.2069 0.80676 0.85421 0.0012 0.72612 0.66596 0.31418 0.11093 0.35968 0.87352 0.19196 0.61478 0.42528 0.68077 0.85058 0.67281 0.10998 0.80374 0.75149 0.9248 0.53026 0.25747 0.81095 0.70083 0.72414 0.01278 0.31067 0.36245 0.68274 0.39014 0.55725 0.72325 0.41802 0.02585 0.18415 0.41836 0.71908 0.06318 0.41018 0.46143 0.6405 0.09179 0.39288 0.09493 0.40499 0.22876 0.40604 0.61708 0.45382 0.45775 0.01931 0.81843 0.65852 0.04627 0.40195 0.21716 0.46403 0.95251 0.05882 0.02773 0.0198 0.98152 0.13738 0.90565 0.6951 0.94004 0.15945 0.80003 0.57384 0.44909 0.06574 0.68682 0.94591 0.98525 0.11935 0.9622 0.39754 0.60088 0.22613 0.46684 0.65479 0.71731 0.40018 0.32534 0.81626 0.16683 0.51438 0.10381 0.95923 0.49801 0.35142 0.6281 0.49079 0.47293 0.12187 0.01743 0.92506 0.23587 0.15302 0.79257 0.06685 0.45632 0.07135 0.51633 0.2193 0.86746 0.06932 0.59474 0.16275 0.95994 0.34286 0.07618 0.10429 0.73364 0.44884 0.6363 0.54183 0.47883 0.07717 0.51746 0.07435 0.96509 0.51822 0.74676 0.40298 0.66509 0.8477 0.58087 0.84992 0.53521 0.65555 0.58037 0.92965 0.88751 0.72999 0.74168 0.73562 0.89742 0.67684 0.77423 0.5412 0.37172 0.06644 0.5095 0.22869 0.62628 0.85365 0.87219 0.36833 0.35195 0.13347 0.72118 0.48315 0.38248 0.00869 0.22054 0.62211 0.40215 0.63212 0.72907 0.17791 0.85666 0.86438 0.32775 0.4213 0.48199 0.79559 0.00531 0.34852 0.1485 0.11312 0.4014 0.60978 0.82787 0.9603 0.75929 0.90605 0.36424 0.50768 0.12097 0.3052 0.43683 0.64979 0.82388 0.62965 0.82244 0.21702 0.12807 0.28331 0.37987 0.63496 0.51683 0.08308 0.76561 0.3494 0.41498 0.09331 0.21822 0.30897 0.63616 0.50003 0.43617 0.68391 0.50469 0.65215 0.14975 0.35265 0.96328 0.42605 0.07145 0.54787 0.12009 0.9892 0.57204 0.73201 0.29697 0.25825 0.90291 0.75024 0.80284 0.44494 0.62804 0.97889 0.55814 0.23872 0.51545 0.95374 0.25391 0.55638 0.7836 0.07548 0.63601 0.31732 0.68299 0.89705 0.73332 0.64422 0.8196 0.6935 0.87105 0.70082 0.72897 0.36375 0.09342 0.27393 0.79151 0.44004 0.14737 0.07974 0.05741 0.96979 0.26401 0.0862 0.74069 0.12358 0.6412 0.64184 0.74424 0.74392 0.31549 0.99667 0.6861 0.93623 0.12964 0.39995 0.25773 0.59596 0.93515 0.96765 0.1414 0.53321 0.34656 0.06059 0.29279 0.99899 0.88357 0.72575 0.14264 0.63655 0.07527 0.9864 0.47886 0.79787 0.0213 0.12554 0.63189 0.1293 0.13306 0.74091 0.82566 0.05274 0.97639 0.70372 0.23078 0.4433 0.54207 0.67959 0.31589 0.20138 0.59842 0.36247 0.66764 0.51362 0.06596 0.12106 0.74657 0.82895 0.82775 0.98442 0.5068 0.34596 0.9357 0.95945 0.03622 0.45959 0.85626 0.38738 0.38342 0.63857 0.48179 0.25813 0.75825 0.20748 0.88127 0.61843 0.24569 0.90745 0.74159 0.39693 0.33239 0.07117 0.23942 0.995 0.28968 0.83297 0.83591 0.12518 0.90103 0.73563 0.70513 0.78821 0.23058 0.22947 0.81188 0.87073 0.50256 0.31326 0.03997 0.31944 0.51075 0.11671 0.1434 0.8806 0.44506 0.46361 0.62145 0.93085 0.21089 0.28721 0.52594 0.75016 0.90184 0.30082 0.5039 0.59813 0.78487 0.99772 0.61865 0.60827 0.16072 0.57348 0.89234 0.05063 0.29102 0.95967 0.27286 0.36262 0.33143 0.84094 0.15635 0.02992 0.66354 0.62744 0.41531 0.35261 0.36213 0.15129 0.90291 0.15958 0.5887 0.67687 0.44169 0.43297 0.33945 0.6101 0.62844 0.59898 0.38381 0.92159 0.47265 0.06438 0.53014 0.81243 0.84902 0.24522 0.00437 0.85752 0.28925 0.96231 0.02853 0.70994 0.77369 0.14197 0.94133 0.01927 0.9823 0.51195 0.9471 0.43517 0.86832 0.83094 0.6114 0.03791 0.53626 0.23331 0.44624 0.36657 0.74409 0.55252 0.3984 0.68647 0.40517 0.03035 0.4177 0.79808 0.74112 0.26467 0.45155 0.02391 0.00871 0.02448 0.8631
+0.25919 0.83521 0.40306 0.0783 0.99331 0.13937 0.25855 0.51415 0.77223 0.95323 0.70128 0.66814 0.75204 0.15908 0.28502 0.8924 0.8496 0.6966 0.19065 0.17138 0.81276 0.86326 0.22167 0.05987 0.75964 0.80556 0.9511 0.30832 0.25985 0.357 0.34404 0.93036 0.93943 0.15704 0.89445 0.86718 0.97966 0.64836 0.68921 0.52007 0.88134 0.11103 0.8886 0.38634 0.91873 0.21935 0.72684 0.82734 0.51584 0.39913 0.68506 0.32999 0.26483 0.2077 0.26112 0.9143 0.65941 0.15848 0.07578 0.20598 0.94577 0.73594 0.94499 0.89309 0.45791 0.10149 0.82048 0.07329 0.80525 0.4626 0.53032 0.95371 0.21574 0.72679 0.72787 0.68694 0.89177 0.72828 0.11504 0.55163 0.1757 0.78293 0.55349 0.96671 0.36663 0.78568 0.42922 0.7345 0.13885 0.90789 0.42957 0.86208 0.30148 0.3185 0.96915 0.83006 0.74772 0.31853 0.81239 0.74162 0.62109 0.46417 0.48912 0.00363 0.8298 0.55885 0.00525 0.26778 0.8092 0.87852 0.26089 0.4248 0.25404 0.72748 0.95789 0.97571 0.49889 0.44697 0.5363 0.77149 0.2834 0.7626 0.55594 0.09369 0.43619 0.15396 0.96491 0.42123 0.69671 0.49663 0.48657 0.50494 0.90927 0.87573 0.35727 0.80603 0.3764 0.32186 0.841 0.97484 0.79337 0.76079 0.54638 0.48049 0.98714 0.30253 0.05804 0.66609 0.02308 0.46867 0.82315 0.96953 0.33026 0.84874 0.50572 0.1049 0.75691 0.81836 0.24069 0.23183 0.82746 0.4423 0.13129 0.81795 0.8215 0.99309 0.2688 0.7166 0.46045 0.57061 0.48043 0.52052 0.71952 0.10196 0.25554 0.46009 0.34144 0.06928 0.86355 0.94368 0.5686 0.98692 0.78694 0.24325 0.8981 0.01663 0.06255 0.58596 0.91492 0.57156 0.32454 0.16446 0.67635 0.3185 0.00621 0.12271 0.92908 0.00141 0.67158 0.17022 0.06066 0.37156 0.05715 0.83375 0.10146 0.81505 0.91512 0.68013 0.45982 0.73412 0.84008 0.07288 0.74192 0.34537 0.77044 0.65886 0.10332 0.61379 0.39397 0.87233 0.43878 0.17692 0.67432 0.99845 0.23704 0.85663 0.02429 0.93598 0.72998 0.53634 0.46579 0.26745 0.997 0.56363 0.75085 0.70369 0.61 0.80436 0.07044 0.45216 0.17315 0.3967 0.6658 0.00715 0.62237 0.81869 0.98459 0.57276 0.31987 0.13432 0.56159 0.41801 0.88316 0.99396 0.12253 0.97944 0.89672 0.20703 0.44564 0.80746 0.35312 0.17559 0.59011 0.96008 0.81282 0.0032 0.78111 0.86589 0.33735 0.80885 0.89648 0.91431 0.23144 0.32506 0.45702 0.76815 0.21096 0.21069 0.54567 0.40574 0.96787 0.85599 0.18294 0.83486 0.56043 0.35559 0.68565 0.29298 0.96071 0.61096 0.19361 0.46666 0.92858 0.02014 0.05373 0.82444 0.51356 0.60935 0.32159 0.09437 0.65165 0.40763 0.58437 0.67036 0.61589 0.99709 0.90785 0.08663 0.01509 0.76573 0.47906 0.84384 0.44272 0.97245 0.55494 0.66016 0.77596 0.66662 0.49332 0.3719 0.69106 0.16487 0.74033 0.52177 0.39998 0.72415 0.02879 0.32827 0.39343 0.56147 0.51733 0.32008 0.19565 0.35146 0.71662 0.27637 0.84026 0.35427 0.10229 0.15742 0.43223 0.04388 0.6177 0.54538 0.02407 0.84598 0.45594 0.00568 0.96333 0.27936 0.93098 0.40075 0.15266 0.95034 0.18159 0.50684 0.52568 0.73618 0.85105 0.89834 0.50529 0.7525 0.67504 0.22546 0.58009 0.21318 0.48847 0.30292 0.18214 0.83906 0.49539 0.15977 0.31599 0.04917 0.44862 0.58662 0.00462 0.03223 0.64542 0.3991 0.24608 0.9346 0.54009 0.53429 0.63385 0.05143 0.33778 0.43798 0.74693 0.99448 0.4936 0.79916 0.20511 0.6366 0.94806 0.68281 0.54402 0.94936 0.98255 0.29326 0.66726 0.15269 0.4787 0.05538 0.51504 0.74242 0.33523 0.6541 0.45212 0.65388 0.65736 0.75255 0.93363 0.25056 0.19468 0.92742 0.9586 0.41646 0.71949 0.2871 0.89571 0.1354 0.15398 0.61319 0.04599 0.97969 0.25852 0.61162 0.02333 0.0047 0.78928 0.55032 0.7097 0.41359 0.96183 0.67093 0.1116 0.7887 0.52811 0.38687 0.46224 0.03558 0.93585 0.78519 0.58466 0.62437 0.69251 0.87784 0.35872 0.63923 0.38759 0.21224 0.99876 0.08686 0.61806 0.17857 0.56092 0.93538 0.27465 0.99031 0.36074 0.59458 0.79701 0.50825 0.15792 0.04902 0.87116 0.63306 0.59439 0.95457 0.20358 0.50589 0.53644 0.80796 0.67554 0.74339 0.63672 0.43348 0.36693 0.91921 0.51224 0.67806 0.34358 0.38628 0.20635 0.16086 0.21373 0.72912 0.01221 0.31799 0.8715 0.79169 0.73123 0.73567 0.65939 0.42818 0.50756 0.04322 0.85022 0.88565 0.04376 0.61983 0.1431 0.98991 0.91415 0.49014 0.83312 0.21885 0.63108 0.15212 0.26207 0.27837
+0.96144 0.08751 0.36206 0.641 0.30875 0.33354 0.2206 0.67677 0.31881 0.90474 0.46464 0.35003 0.12482 0.11919 0.35027 0.86592 0.71192 0.93332 0.49354 0.44667 0.69163 0.35253 0.42448 0.25294 0.31269 0.89946 0.90712 0.6031 0.31413 0.17069 0.10685 0.52999 0.21121 0.34926 0.61609 0.69263 0.44257 0.36401 0.54178 0.87346 0.74303 0.45113 0.89016 0.97782 0.50797 0.66051 0.6646 0.05542 0.61817 0.28124 0.59997 0.36616 0.73202 0.05471 0.51884 0.50504 0.33241 0.4706 0.44356 0.25181 0.96578 0.16838 0.64203 0.40023 0.71232 0.28408 0.03082 0.85486 0.73015 0.24943 0.22747 0.30048 0.54834 0.552 0.97042 0.85411 0.20076 0.53841 0.12911 0.84219 0.62179 0.26957 0.85184 0.74956 0.35114 0.31242 0.6736 0.79319 0.50657 0.74141 0.68303 0.9368 0.87724 0.15483 0.92583 0.433 0.74105 0.19575 0.08315 0.91766 0.88979 0.73892 0.77353 0.48381 0.69214 0.11913 0.05097 0.99218 0.28183 0.99125 0.14597 0.95652 0.07875 0.10233 0.06448 0.74382 0.16984 0.57503 0.48979 0.07745 0.83155 0.73385 0.94209 0.31592 0.92776 0.60068 0.47582 0.87736 0.10654 0.98625 0.07932 0.43256 0.83499 0.54162 0.42023 0.98778 0.44877 0.33866 0.31081 0.53026 0.30493 0.90196 0.39004 0.81938 0.41922 0.67616 0.1716 0.91572 0.46829 0.88633 0.23491 0.29605 0.4849 0.75985 0.23261 0.5177 0.79808 0.99857 0.30346 0.43066 0.11433 0.13618 0.03324 0.22697 0.87182 0.36585 0.88695 0.76333 0.39079 0.25261 0.06071 0.75082 0.84226 0.38813 0.50504 0.47413 0.65584 0.81485 0.07604 0.88503 0.02071 0.10708 0.84041 0.67856 0.06033 0.11794 0.33479 0.90515 0.59826 0.81021 0.71939 0.27195 0.04194 0.91903 0.49972 0.12038 0.31953 0.30211 0.58232 0.00055 0.97495 0.00454 0.74627 0.67465 0.52597 0.87534 0.74171 0.02636 0.3081 0.28389 0.57012 0.06405 0.89004 0.97208 0.99473 0.004 0.29115 0.65579 0.54652 0.30818 0.3503 0.16774 0.61452 0.24347 0.70802 0.85281 0.57801 0.72383 0.94617 0.50619 0.6371 0.85468 0.75992 0.4242 0.22575 0.17021 0.91639 0.24392 0.31016 0.73586 0.66974 0.06704 0.22906 0.76591 0.41985 0.83792 0.57461 0.50415 0.78801 0.81676 0.08089 0.65598 0.66252 0.73876 0.20077 0.07027 0.80263 0.42529 0.26305 0.48399 0.22785 0.67526 0.5952 0.05317 0.06441 0.6209 0.15713 0.40157 0.98069 0.20163 0.90614 0.11467 0.73541 0.1869 0.40834 0.80146 0.15479 0.96969 0.80883 0.95413 0.95201 0.15148 0.89816 0.95423 0.46114 0.54833 0.92805 0.16223 0.12763 0.46582 0.30755 0.00384 0.43134 0.9139 0.79742 0.96018 0.21492 0.03267 0.73021 0.19431 0.87636 0.09976 0.95997 0.3359 0.75979 0.81505 0.69214 0.61032 0.84609 0.35995 0.5429 0.43528 0.53893 0.038 0.65163 0.25167 0.11392 0.39239 0.67251 0.45655 0.15559 0.82061 0.90959 0.94812 0.1686 0.67315 0.30449 0.06515 0.60649 0.7156 0.65755 0.93533 0.83641 0.32528 0.70294 0.21049 0.64402 0.25864 0.76289 0.1227 0.17558 0.01562 0.36051 0.76262 0.31667 0.5931 0.47106 0.3714 0.78749 0.46255 0.05412 0.33258 0.70517 0.28447 0.01102 0.03117 0.43603 0.39203 0.65339 0.01573 0.64018 0.91936 0.55229 0.36155 0.57041 0.19698 0.04684 0.03899 0.70109 0.08158 0.98853 0.22359 0.43282 0.08241 0.73815 0.79632 0.27052 0.61287 0.0829 0.19226 0.09504 0.08223 0.52242 0.80267 0.23586 0.40722 0.45722 0.08991 0.00784 0.13114 0.07024 0.72452 0.2413 0.7582 0.03363 0.42674 0.8626 0.04235 0.70401 0.93547 0.64095 0.42491 0.74831 0.08884 0.57207 0.71805 0.90683 0.7343 0.31392 0.47941 0.41627 0.7887 0.18218 0.21762 0.00206 0.31525 0.41873 0.68196 0.64585 0.08009 0.89793 0.45569 0.64895 0.04496 0.6612 0.1061 0.2399 0.88284 0.51611 0.90964 0.36648 0.73987 0.77904 0.41579 0.25759 0.16567 0.5398 0.89538 0.1433 0.83795 0.89815 0.06679 0.1122 0.06895 0.81552 0.88643 0.84885 0.93085 0.34653 0.1034 0.34275 0.7222 0.78262 0.52325 0.94775 0.74073 0.0175 0.62048 0.62226 0.10374 0.38294 0.6072 0.04802 0.43974 0.39337 0.20625 0.98163 0.93957 0.01835 0.18664 0.11811 0.71162 0.41011 0.57911 0.52833 0.95523 0.30116 0.92471 0.31185 0.61349 0.82333 0.91521 0.6829 0.81138 0.64469 0.75262 0.64526 0.93554 0.62515 0.39841 0.14394 0.13396 0.67242 0.27347 0.51822 0.85965 0.16659 0.70102 0.8334 0.15749 0.70599 0.82912 0.79502 0.37769 0.01751 0.8263 0.59723 0.36393 0.51359 0.99715 0.31711 0.47728
+0.43924 0.07353 0.40022 0.43456 0.76533 0.27804 0.16001 0.93761 0.12886 0.98673 0.34466 0.29202 0.74414 0.92769 0.68871 0.5891 0.65951 0.28239 0.27917 0.09176 0.06592 0.05262 0.42864 0.5951 0.53266 0.3757 0.56283 0.45421 0.41785 0.44813 0.30706 0.77267 0.37817 0.20527 0.325 0.55878 0.41508 0.02993 0.31985 0.56799 0.83157 0.71979 0.79622 0.9064 0.24572 0.2364 0.01939 0.62069 0.6569 0.36083 0.60081 0.81696 0.76798 0.30982 0.91204 0.19681 0.74693 0.17875 0.15042 0.0643 0.99961 0.82671 0.97979 0.85468 0.56132 0.67853 0.55491 0.36313 0.9402 0.62914 0.47424 0.8961 0.10558 0.44714 0.5004 0.12592 0.78235 0.24144 0.6387 0.05662 0.60805 0.56846 0.86141 0.02493 0.42255 0.59522 0.96223 0.94316 0.41377 0.47878 0.91439 0.30829 0.9507 0.36704 0.35727 0.72554 0.84809 0.75758 0.39969 0.51995 0.96452 0.04604 0.66218 0.0927 0.18913 0.35809 0.60748 0.03402 0.11995 0.41924 0.94827 0.83234 0.36131 0.80384 0.69559 0.57837 0.06583 0.65415 0.16447 0.41282 0.70873 0.45674 0.09792 0.04757 0.34657 0.79385 0.28529 0.33129 0.31695 0.19333 0.77931 0.82354 0.73972 0.34202 0.32542 0.53223 0.55682 0.87311 0.65886 0.31338 0.29381 0.44624 0.06409 0.03598 0.92566 0.45807 0.80396 0.62425 0.24843 0.59012 0.89782 0.94118 0.69993 0.84629 0.18468 0.52394 0.40946 0.60665 0.55104 0.97893 0.55314 0.19819 0.04553 0.36037 0.71246 0.92679 0.80286 0.31955 0.72601 0.89209 0.33625 0.46503 0.71625 0.2446 0.77257 0.36396 0.52303 0.18885 0.76464 0.95024 0.14779 0.33454 0.41643 0.93216 0.75175 0.59028 0.77656 0.32548 0.61606 0.50097 0.05564 0.95952 0.37854 0.69487 0.78042 0.52116 0.8688 0.53818 0.10246 0.21046 0.18234 0.30944 0.37211 0.38806 0.35198 0.73666 0.12307 0.80886 0.91027 0.86372 0.75422 0.659 0.68551 0.06175 0.52148 0.99608 0.79195 0.09159 0.82531 0.08193 0.0818 0.9266 0.53939 0.54591 0.74712 0.34184 0.75706 0.07375 0.84573 0.66537 0.11313 0.42806 0.81575 0.00683 0.96262 0.8706 0.41882 0.95441 0.85736 0.93399 0.47667 0.7426 0.04255 0.88481 0.12468 0.19636 0.58955 0.53409 0.91191 0.51862 0.47295 0.6756 0.72133 0.50007 0.87432 0.95165 0.56956 0.99048 0.72084 0.55149 0.03518 0.07978 0.53284 0.97348 0.25696 0.56157 0.62907 0.84329 0.66884 0.91882 0.26078 0.21038 0.83741 0.45444 0.33647 0.49856 0.30211 0.08116 0.85041 0.41542 0.78305 0.99165 0.25946 0.34409 0.82186 0.04032 0.61082 0.95027 0.03985 0.9248 0.49542 0.17614 0.64665 0.08632 0.92249 0.25724 0.13545 0.75146 0.16233 0.12324 0.30618 0.16482 0.11241 0.2161 0.5637 0.15476 0.32524 0.74525 0.10188 0.72284 0.48626 0.19203 0.99563 0.41644 0.99057 0.85357 0.23784 0.78177 0.80775 0.0955 0.96732 0.56302 0.82784 0.35862 0.75549 0.66382 0.2586 0.5871 0.01142 0.40467 0.63324 0.97896 0.19341 0.09685 0.89004 0.24622 0.02853 0.73024 0.4798 0.23697 0.52328 0.20278 0.96186 0.72185 0.28303 0.38465 0.67512 0.83737 0.04116 0.42529 0.27807 0.06279 0.14602 0.61517 0.21954 0.15372 0.83868 0.98323 0.39395 0.90008 0.94197 0.5665 0.11033 0.42528 0.41537 0.58219 0.70876 0.13003 0.75059 0.13775 0.34076 0.05238 0.21813 0.82031 0.22325 0.41544 0.5091 0.214 0.32786 0.65412 0.92966 0.31419 0.32283 0.30622 0.83602 0.02923 0.88157 0.24337 0.03609 0.62367 0.33654 0.34683 0.51729 0.14229 0.85126 0.57795 0.79566 0.23183 0.36986 0.65659 0.76791 0.47986 0.57204 0.92579 0.85981 0.00377 0.08393 0.19453 0.64965 0.94823 0.89222 0.55657 0.92481 0.09984 0.671 0.51074 0.98206 0.08736 0.07872 0.70967 0.42379 0.77366 0.48006 0.10015 0.31479 0.29644 0.6873 0.0606 0.41651 0.3433 0.17812 0.58292 0.08505 0.43948 0.66212 0.93391 0.88214 0.55635 0.01174 0.0217 0.178 0.63937 0.56781 0.43393 0.76102 0.81969 0.77057 0.14703 0.54866 0.77738 0.6104 0.48661 0.17508 0.19346 0.4192 0.24472 0.17918 0.03388 0.77061 0.76707 0.07681 0.23962 0.19799 0.20923 0.35859 0.49349 0.31749 0.52351 0.10464 0.05496 0.72216 0.32632 0.74778 0.76904 0.75148 0.55836 0.53239 0.15396 0.47453 0.8549 0.09106 0.6479 0.14329 0.98996 0.41414 0.32232 0.47024 0.82516 0.06253 0.35127 0.10565 0.89666 0.4982 0.95525 0.11612 0.23307 0.78242 0.07791 0.55824 0.74153 0.89027 0.39368 0.86748 0.52388 0.89129 0.22635 0.32502 0.73367 0.39233 0.43986 0.35308 0.0954
+0.4727 0.05974 0.64714 0.54325 0.41114 0.43375 0.262 0.18916 0.20285 0.97503 0.44232 0.94915 0.93813 0.92091 0.93473 0.83663 0.573 0.29391 0.6494 0.18892 0.60387 0.17698 0.35021 0.84775 0.20699 0.03489 0.44658 0.77327 0.28129 0.90723 0.72167 0.06536 0.85576 0.4017 0.05232 0.92609 0.35451 0.40608 0.15558 0.06718 0.15441 0.39088 0.45864 0.44346 0.01386 0.42211 0.18775 0.91356 0.56026 0.68276 0.13822 0.13526 0.52165 0.90372 0.59143 0.22962 0.91502 0.0558 0.56347 0.86001 0.19571 0.72752 0.04179 0.66646 0.982 0.88852 0.51684 0.63979 0.72376 0.35673 0.57098 0.61222 0.01673 0.61535 0.62408 0.42705 0.19462 0.93157 0.90534 0.00296 0.49131 0.48033 0.77737 0.67696 0.05369 0.71062 0.32878 0.93692 0.32122 0.38301 0.7819 0.40155 0.19015 0.11502 0.66557 0.36692 0.52342 0.09841 0.43594 0.57027 0.20594 0.08853 0.67228 0.8011 0.80929 0.65195 0.67991 0.83455 0.38756 0.17152 0.8466 0.43845 0.20955 0.75645 0.60656 0.15371 0.81038 0.9375 0.68349 0.84473 0.11701 0.96082 0.31102 0.09165 0.60778 0.91325 0.03042 0.01048 0.44077 0.09642 0.13879 0.56535 0.49082 0.69329 0.78404 0.04382 0.60891 0.19573 0.03902 0.85623 0.00268 0.4769 0.65604 0.07092 0.32548 0.96921 0.90552 0.13329 0.05318 0.21989 0.74264 0.22524 0.80202 0.46296 0.72073 0.52141 0.13856 0.44717 0.1892 0.67469 0.40178 0.09452 0.30261 0.78493 0.77798 0.38734 0.46514 0.82122 0.5318 0.6503 0.9307 0.70553 0.88604 0.64283 0.45791 0.45852 0.88411 0.1214 0.23976 0.73143 0.68031 0.76355 0.76415 0.4133 0.29254 0.08504 0.9919 0.83679 0.16749 0.91618 0.30264 0.14734 0.35387 0.31349 0.3356 0.88078 0.31375 0.7127 0.63974 0.23267 0.05493 0.71247 0.90789 0.34172 0.06727 0.03431 0.53128 0.4515 0.34795 0.10997 0.1283 0.79483 0.15357 0.04092 0.34557 0.67 0.45277 0.81509 0.13622 0.22055 0.33054 0.46598 0.52893 0.63586 0.46476 0.39077 0.53672 0.18322 0.71162 0.62424 0.50385 0.15381 0.21112 0.78441 0.87186 0.7717 0.09842 0.79786 0.07025 0.12747 0.66398 0.02039 0.92672 0.21631 0.74589 0.53118 0.59366 0.58404 0.23496 0.943 0.90216 0.19081 0.83072 0.74231 0.9191 0.84147 0.06576 0.51728 0.10472 0.08381 0.96179 0.28159 0.75668 0.32571 0.78482 0.84694 0.87015 0.04408 0.23242 0.56038 0.9894 0.46014 0.81351 0.46926 0.14117 0.58614 0.51712 0.46005 0.68916 0.90461 0.75256 0.91156 0.89845 0.06336 0.25204 0.43983 0.55917 0.59355 0.86584 0.61214 0.1279 0.77199 0.83876 0.75817 0.27284 0.56205 0.20375 0.4912 0.18965 0.27786 0.74911 0.4497 0.60309 0.81855 0.44865 0.00849 0.42222 0.85657 0.53496 0.52108 0.87523 0.30873 0.36696 0.85776 0.12216 0.10711 0.31213 0.80475 0.89819 0.68788 0.19944 0.80781 0.76914 0.16155 0.94983 0.93108 0.372 0.17386 0.0304 0.09717 0.2564 0.68414 0.95107 0.4588 0.59703 0.17116 0.61577 0.64609 0.22854 0.30268 0.18724 0.43236 0.7498 0.17858 0.17122 0.94559 0.88551 0.24415 0.10829 0.48334 0.6131 0.45603 0.98139 0.25804 0.52139 0.26989 0.25248 0.76534 0.11101 0.86127 0.34875 0.73803 0.83817 0.2997 0.11872 0.27604 0.56328 0.91933 0.77077 0.46746 0.88095 0.18417 0.75586 0.89674 0.62431 0.65582 0.36046 0.00968 0.29407 0.58153 0.62125 0.64977 0.44242 0.97715 0.68855 0.74947 0.53925 0.91134 0.06504 0.35088 0.89385 0.8297 0.5214 0.99241 0.20597 0.82075 0.06579 0.50434 0.97738 0.51343 0.9794 0.13137 0.19374 0.12204 0.09911 0.40138 0.58325 0.43102 0.82019 0.0555 0.37122 0.07565 0.32995 0.12832 0.22751 0.29223 0.05544 0.64183 0.23668 0.92905 0.26998 0.1647 0.90496 0.87995 0.69 0.27636 0.23229 0.58013 0.01956 0.60812 0.18169 0.83124 0.75821 0.31882 0.22191 0.86665 0.19678 0.30227 0.20756 0.92738 0.89783 0.82596 0.57962 0.0944 0.64523 0.91695 0.75904 0.71081 0.18793 0.90124 0.28733 0.6129 0.45408 0.52787 0.88343 0.22738 0.4321 0.83116 0.77747 0.34401 0.1345 0.91338 0.37236 0.20341 0.91031 0.63594 0.16181 0.15383 0.64904 0.31477 0.27715 0.81218 0.51153 0.72038 0.22762 0.692 0.36616 0.02201 0.65995 0.75399 0.86217 0.21866 0.4238 0.25938 0.41737 0.90008 0.58471 0.0687 0.71628 0.927 0.07074 0.08553 0.26684 0.28727 0.41374 0.27035 0.56194 0.23432 0.6823 0.17852 0.68376 0.39225 0.04682 0.82284 0.03227 0.71056 0.20946 0.14561 0.88307 0.44239 0.08953 0.19002
+0.13056 0.02728 0.80743 0.70263 0.74737 0.65636 0.49777 0.82774 0.62483 0.78753 0.7404 0.72578 0.58066 0.13425 0.7541 0.38741 0.9694 0.18563 0.36043 0.22506 0.75653 0.32356 0.25136 0.5798 0.14767 0.78809 0.66408 0.26798 0.35302 0.75845 0.40837 0.21884 0.26715 0.25827 0.74987 0.33973 0.31682 0.39312 0.81363 0.26645 0.6085 0.10981 0.37696 0.01001 0.30739 0.31992 0.05739 0.80487 0.67258 0.00402 0.02184 0.13934 0.19475 0.69202 0.64631 0.45329 0.26102 0.34598 0.73523 0.00932 0.8169 0.64605 0.93949 0.01434 0.70258 0.12505 0.44458 0.26177 0.89994 0.64567 0.59887 0.88016 0.22586 0.04161 0.26977 0.84378 0.50361 0.66451 0.22982 0.34972 0.31388 0.37289 0.15734 0.82332 0.74445 0.81119 0.67142 0.62601 0.14728 0.43958 0.67979 0.6596 0.22393 0.2994 0.59462 0.3542 0.16284 0.30505 0.89184 0.17293 0.7974 0.26249 0.78144 0.92301 0.3324 0.39 0.96614 0.49347 0.00206 0.03194 0.3255 0.54244 0.30138 0.53676 0.0696 0.86488 0.2955 0.67041 0.98111 0.0344 0.11572 0.34313 0.03667 0.56853 0.99914 0.03934 0.43082 0.62171 0.2218 0.67091 0.9798 0.49594 0.1497 0.18904 0.274 0.24106 0.59963 0.32012 0.70722 0.93755 0.19984 0.18084 0.13631 0.46159 0.42333 0.42677 0.22581 0.25177 0.18433 0.20031 0.2595 0.07809 0.30651 0.32764 0.49803 0.48841 0.67034 0.94128 0.6044 0.02013 0.81344 0.66442 0.13146 0.9393 0.23226 0.84395 0.74852 0.47097 0.02067 0.37439 0.47149 0.20934 0.60665 0.87254 0.24178 0.79347 0.85694 0.54572 0.37196 0.79782 0.45088 0.63506 0.1625 0.41641 0.2112 0.07011 0.19008 0.60204 0.58948 0.41978 0.68862 0.31487 0.82714 0.25303 0.78183 0.08906 0.63918 0.22828 0.66137 0.40797 0.26688 0.06128 0.3336 0.05307 0.84683 0.06563 0.96096 0.18804 0.53824 0.7735 0.21267 0.19236 0.41389 0.92618 0.58072 0.23508 0.82557 0.30101 0.99006 0.5374 0.25758 0.29495 0.76214 0.99356 0.18257 0.42213 0.95642 0.32778 0.48372 0.64872 0.54315 0.06751 0.70572 0.23985 0.41491 0.1 0.43797 0.43134 0.59529 0.33878 0.76261 0.84878 0.0896 0.28316 0.33709 0.21081 0.9818 0.02747 0.52611 0.5586 0.75349 0.51631 0.28932 0.54834 0.35804 0.08751 0.13943 0.16291 0.5418 0.97889 0.13305 0.22809 0.07432 0.19424 0.47914 0.42256 0.19909 0.81615 0.75773 0.61441 0.06173 0.01163 0.64796 0.12608 0.60699 0.79063 0.23642 0.9231 0.83705 0.75675 0.59623 0.21197 0.74575 0.8734 0.29898 0.23833 0.67005 0.43369 0.92816 0.56396 0.06524 0.78541 0.64756 0.69706 0.59378 0.96959 0.25002 0.94254 0.02284 0.77381 0.4615 0.35573 0.90666 0.20268 0.35083 0.39716 0.40149 0.76795 0.25774 0.8656 0.89297 0.78221 0.74658 0.43356 0.70369 0.02532 0.21962 0.40224 0.58688 0.59051 0.394 0.7307 0.31329 0.3671 0.46828 0.54533 0.05316 0.86079 0.48836 0.52937 0.29634 0.77625 0.50394 0.13892 0.95011 0.6346 0.35634 0.56826 0.94775 0.3699 0.85602 0.40085 0.6123 0.36501 0.79789 0.1745 0.28377 0.58191 0.38504 0.87426 0.78616 0.0398 0.90863 0.26376 0.51874 0.6112 0.07694 0.21445 0.05352 0.15381 0.73928 0.24518 0.42057 0.07456 0.07087 0.73587 0.97351 0.49592 0.74907 0.5767 0.4385 0.72528 0.05957 0.57755 0.04799 0.83367 0.16006 0.13927 0.89833 0.98491 0.49809 0.86879 0.92089 0.31946 0.44291 0.09523 0.54538 0.43321 0.51546 0.63748 0.7671 0.58845 0.65797 0.28539 0.3165 0.2076 0.60128 0.09199 0.85456 0.39352 0.7165 0.98578 0.93614 0.02126 0.5045 0.70804 0.37618 0.61768 0.84052 0.79115 0.52107 0.66591 0.2624 0.53983 0.03248 0.47564 0.92274 0.94433 0.15168 0.13373 0.43192 0.76076 0.9985 0.19297 0.3647 0.51347 0.23271 0.25273 0.46793 0.77193 0.51694 0.50504 0.85593 0.8224 0.1696 0.57182 0.11487 0.64339 0.49947 0.53446 0.62196 0.51633 0.16846 0.6106 0.86719 0.83546 0.43316 0.02734 0.90293 0.46155 0.47498 0.01366 0.3718 0.27347 0.14884 0.78916 0.50008 0.95166 0.08181 0.21963 0.0666 0.26189 0.39403 0.16971 0.46168 0.94611 0.26646 0.59821 0.79597 0.67235 0.00162 0.24538 0.24001 0.01383 0.76624 0.16733 0.074 0.65762 0.35278 0.18917 0.11731 0.31706 0.10214 0.70645 0.15473 0.49294 0.63553 0.82983 0.75679 0.94388 0.84445 0.79254 0.16109 0.76811 0.99319 0.56085 0.71653 0.08092 0.45677 0.45375 0.86511 0.53454 0.66381 0.45051 0.50089 0.80149 0.62474 0.4343 0.71354 0.33352 0.78458 0.11424
+0.50502 0.81799 0.32903 0.93541 0.80613 0.19177 0.54411 0.58126 0.79064 0.9898 0.62992 0.41504 0.17009 0.5114 0.15275 0.83009 0.68512 0.42684 0.50037 0.38285 0.88127 0.99086 0.33252 0.85431 0.85143 0.19638 0.34144 0.04633 0.85876 0.04272 0.59677 0.43743 0.10946 0.33256 0.48659 0.11472 0.74857 0.7401 0.65473 0.58817 0.2506 0.18811 0.34288 0.34905 0.30287 0.51026 0.86031 0.99875 0.00014 0.42742 0.73199 0.13864 0.45303 0.97691 0.03478 0.5177 0.15227 0.72097 0.89038 0.64515 0.78167 0.94723 0.17512 0.65957 0.34748 0.08225 0.94904 0.70151 0.32873 0.70365 0.34349 0.71816 0.87625 0.71235 0.19859 0.96856 0.03482 0.18336 0.55393 0.58861 0.09958 0.17891 0.92865 0.759 0.63768 0.88285 0.60215 0.01431 0.61863 0.86144 0.27839 0.87763 0.49218 0.48814 0.55334 0.48606 0.12951 0.64778 0.41764 0.04853 0.78257 0.51129 0.03714 0.99434 0.75168 0.44383 0.36921 0.23691 0.01283 0.50882 0.07061 0.18103 0.95727 0.77237 0.13196 0.63169 0.01015 0.35396 0.08246 0.79732 0.70907 0.84431 0.80562 0.84557 0.00642 0.89748 0.76352 0.12632 0.67154 0.13138 0.30157 0.57243 0.05432 0.951 0.49671 0.14741 0.65757 0.2429 0.36997 0.47601 0.01992 0.08585 0.35486 0.6998 0.32321 0.78078 0.64623 0.68053 0.60414 0.69953 0.75012 0.81215 0.81107 0.98591 0.55801 0.0609 0.20767 0.14322 0.73421 0.21363 0.59896 0.18672 0.82722 0.84439 0.02714 0.69871 0.00497 0.91799 0.11168 0.79191 0.30959 0.0826 0.96318 0.15245 0.37285 0.76706 0.12279 0.97405 0.08079 0.67815 0.85334 0.05031 0.09049 0.19632 0.63983 0.54179 0.30993 0.17373 0.0023 0.41077 0.68397 0.86333 0.73023 0.17712 0.09517 0.9984 0.41401 0.98327 0.66638 0.87662 0.93615 0.20674 0.26414 0.44749 0.36847 0.9807 0.20797 0.57837 0.96752 0.89698 0.01706 0.78902 0.47727 0.89853 0.17102 0.7008 0.94575 0.10834 0.02597 0.92306 0.59885 0.89533 0.12824 0.67017 0.05806 0.44337 0.70071 0.16104 0.29596 0.18902 0.26575 0.6261 0.48998 0.09428 0.37352 0.44254 0.01344 0.33132 0.0104 0.52295 0.55587 0.01128 0.64527 0.96951 0.77885 0.37628 0.76057 0.4092 0.54898 0.81293 0.64292 0.57028 0.84731 0.36491 0.8412 0.87879 0.17132 0.51578 0.15143 0.28494 0.0083 0.22539 0.94311 0.70016 0.88888 0.05353 0.83257 0.04063 0.43277 0.79686 0.60828 0.86483 0.97573 0.78734 0.85838 0.45453 0.29708 0.60927 0.12521 0.61284 0.04441 0.06887 0.02179 0.93576 0.8225 0.90743 0.43238 0.8528 0.44374 0.07386 0.24638 0.0397 0.68977 0.15705 0.50264 0.36153 0.6935 0.36977 0.35456 0.27823 0.34246 0.13744 0.68894 0.29445 0.40237 0.91034 0.24648 0.28233 0.03687 0.20979 0.72083 0.61243 0.64425 0.03672 0.85281 0.88537 0.81671 0.98997 0.53813 0.50264 0.00753 0.89523 0.12483 0.1081 0.40589 0.40603 0.83904 0.84422 0.40749 0.7898 0.14842 0.71061 0.03437 0.52588 0.74597 0.49383 0.8939 0.00938 0.16699 0.5696 0.28397 0.44971 0.80679 0.51177 0.00872 0.93591 0.74692 0.67401 0.14366 0.51534 0.56606 0.30789 0.56186 0.80674 0.49863 0.88955 0.51166 0.53633 0.48858 0.57708 0.60519 0.52906 0.81929 0.36274 0.1647 0.06987 0.43357 0.29295 0.52604 0.53411 0.5649 0.93487 0.33725 0.89868 0.92732 0.21506 0.53834 0.23795 0.37182 0.94704 0.10645 0.56459 0.61114 0.12978 0.2427 0.36405 0.26068 0.29706 0.52933 0.46502 0.10029 0.92291 0.73481 0.31443 0.00282 0.81307 0.58442 0.74113 0.54174 0.321 0.49798 0.43342 0.99862 0.16352 0.14985 0.04956 0.62172 0.63875 0.24217 0.04428 0.18855 0.42481 0.02561 0.33915 0.10461 0.01692 0.52885 0.71802 0.66126 0.28544 0.90399 0.18798 0.43807 0.89498 0.79367 0.40359 0.18354 0.32717 0.4825 0.86684 0.95814 0.1588 0.08265 0.85123 0.61187 0.83723 0.90722 0.00233 0.0211 0.821 0.82291 0.28276 0.23512 0.33571 0.5223 0.94267 0.64672 0.36001 0.3063 0.68291 0.69152 0.68688 0.25718 0.40453 0.75249 0.20981 0.42633 0.81054 0.33946 0.87186 0.54592 0.41403 0.66099 0.67659 0.00477 0.63826 0.56612 0.13759 0.33765 0.58917 0.64382 0.77976 0.10001 0.82288 0.49975 0.92531 0.80204 0.72983 0.61067 0.69043 0.68283 0.21905 0.66892 0.76676 0.22502 0.64607 0.97995 0.00542 0.76358 0.42202 0.75737 0.66079 0.75348 0.2806 0.88085 0.66969 0.90045 0.27256 0.09199 0.71223 0.69649 0.08947 0.06164 0.59889 0.86847 0.18802 0.38624 0.77936 0.22801 0.41902 0.34091 0.00431
+0.60975 0.70064 0.99068 0.40565 0.99226 0.28435 0.21618 0.92482 0.15291 0.74841 0.93684 0.93338 0.60608 0.77343 0.45715 0.63573 0.59011 0.7017 0.00943 0.54646 0.41363 0.88319 0.10246 0.16395 0.41663 0.44202 0.76072 0.62538 0.39292 0.47253 0.95137 0.86769 0.76102 0.37104 0.57931 0.19049 0.86539 0.63508 0.33047 0.59284 0.54692 0.95978 0.47198 0.83079 0.11073 0.38195 0.86857 0.66045 0.33509 0.66083 0.46378 0.25871 0.80126 0.83918 0.42841 0.43454 0.99224 0.11829 0.49123 0.17929 0.74405 0.9667 0.23765 0.83033 0.66528 0.03852 0.02639 0.32879 0.48806 0.95693 0.53804 0.27686 0.51933 0.98672 0.3262 0.39788 0.96103 0.59259 0.07123 0.69232 0.90897 0.21303 0.73461 0.8004 0.87589 0.04372 0.34859 0.87027 0.2503 0.33384 0.00885 0.68714 0.14773 0.28603 0.76001 0.16842 0.48135 0.91087 0.40667 0.60472 0.42968 0.48193 0.43394 0.39952 0.54081 0.82907 0.44552 0.4748 0.57418 0.95842 0.02246 0.20975 0.31497 0.15555 0.90831 0.24262 0.58299 0.0513 0.92755 0.91067 0.49079 0.30506 0.60763 0.97029 0.51626 0.88768 0.22516 0.85563 0.78787 0.13259 0.27119 0.32457 0.85391 0.88472 0.95044 0.08615 0.29085 0.18199 0.24917 0.97825 0.3846 0.21746 0.82603 0.76898 0.37771 0.81444 0.90612 0.23682 0.0704 0.10868 0.52776 0.88971 0.40995 0.43164 0.01963 0.50064 0.53339 0.95315 0.7831 0.51501 0.13477 0.40638 0.75847 0.69971 0.86924 0.38793 0.78892 0.11553 0.99187 0.49484 0.36755 0.28484 0.98212 0.31784 0.49172 0.73214 0.61158 0.30185 0.39436 0.28231 0.13817 0.69878 0.18644 0.1486 0.02219 0.305 0.88341 0.52258 0.33298 0.87734 0.87578 0.37598 0.9967 0.01359 0.43689 0.01762 0.62213 0.76428 0.4602 0.60937 0.96653 0.71602 0.0096 0.91 0.72796 0.60877 0.02896 0.9913 0.26085 0.63785 0.19938 0.69881 0.13532 0.1349 0.2173 0.38731 0.59935 0.37693 0.03665 0.51818 0.29045 0.96259 0.37546 0.04697 0.25569 0.65015 0.62158 0.0385 0.68922 0.92811 0.4347 0.83448 0.35174 0.61484 0.47869 0.15945 0.51499 0.41596 0.55003 0.71002 0.54491 0.13291 0.44385 0.97901 0.66863 0.69133 0.47652 0.5576 0.01635 0.58596 0.88571 0.63359 0.94994 0.70746 0.08551 0.66082 0.44407 0.42689 0.68389 0.44899 0.79794 0.93904 0.42362 0.72665 0.47299 0.83978 0.64721 0.74455 0.8873 0.2665 0.74679 0.11566 0.43408 0.92772 0.36508 0.86269 0.42622 0.6997 0.38575 0.54833 0.56278 0.74675 0.69444 0.84958 0.99494 0.20459 0.33826 0.98319 0.59892 0.41103 0.83548 0.61498 0.86695 0.54673 0.87542 0.14694 0.50141 0.69339 0.18177 0.54806 0.46526 0.94366 0.72419 0.70355 0.54624 0.72381 0.84101 0.65311 0.14447 0.51373 0.40659 0.00265 0.75716 0.96299 0.21194 0.31719 0.09996 0.10207 0.24712 0.34288 0.74426 0.31919 0.34464 0.43977 0.18726 0.28197 0.34843 0.75924 0.3347 0.28591 0.66421 0.4021 0.3225 0.89062 0.97753 0.56879 0.43389 0.75537 0.93695 0.48716 0.63452 0.13175 0.25437 0.75212 0.44312 0.09465 0.39409 0.27766 0.33031 0.82271 0.86593 0.81938 0.05623 0.6398 0.73087 0.82298 0.29048 0.34046 0.78745 0.50507 0.95849 0.29015 0.28456 0.19212 0.10669 0.27776 0.75064 0.09517 0.49067 0.20856 0.24287 0.13802 0.73426 0.25643 0.30029 0.71041 0.57443 0.67349 0.75707 0.07065 0.03509 0.6033 0.85983 0.86357 0.69734 0.45181 0.28351 0.79096 0.53055 0.28828 0.14125 0.92894 0.59909 0.58257 0.44266 0.65781 0.72938 0.98882 0.71129 0.37333 0.40262 0.68113 0.26461 0.43782 0.89426 0.33961 0.63894 0.60964 0.84298 0.64662 0.11858 0.43917 0.75758 0.41269 0.92322 0.81306 0.06368 0.62147 0.05745 0.25123 0.4311 0.26011 0.20129 0.30956 0.352 0.46196 0.95879 0.80741 0.59575 0.69575 0.95824 0.7593 0.25083 0.77563 0.7228 0.45249 0.68121 0.51431 0.65851 0.0097 0.25851 0.28821 0.57949 0.05669 0.32108 0.747 0.35908 0.89284 0.18112 0.42456 0.1996 0.93378 0.55559 0.58352 0.39065 0.8945 0.61587 0.70264 0.82305 0.9474 0.08779 0.37977 0.83057 0.25387 0.73235 0.58463 0.63759 0.79962 0.97214 0.68354 0.13312 0.77128 0.08731 0.59454 0.42364 0.40636 0.64552 0.97114 0.36239 0.53995 0.9225 0.93051 0.53591 0.69779 0.78546 0.76603 0.77509 0.51555 0.29263 0.3912 0.21997 0.60378 0.3609 0.58459 0.23787 0.46287 0.77923 0.28868 0.92566 0.77977 0.77046 0.08274 0.58827 0.38123 0.35469 0.00987 0.4678 0.76449 0.14372 0.22163 0.48379 0.75367
+0.83659 0.17865 0.66801 0.34673 0.2255 0.08225 0.79967 0.1715 0.62907 0.18754 0.46055 0.58152 0.99732 0.9609 0.49281 0.47191 0.12449 0.77069 0.79023 0.32306 0.13598 0.18411 0.6648 0.68928 0.08983 0.51896 0.32227 0.67031 0.1122 0.48391 0.16255 0.07336 0.74319 0.35952 0.16356 0.79584 0.91765 0.10338 0.30182 0.32288 0.53178 0.34529 0.43622 0.36898 0.19236 0.99703 0.43698 0.49699 0.03851 0.34783 0.44648 0.07329 0.58565 0.625 0.82938 0.3374 0.69381 0.39891 0.63002 0.20451 0.43781 0.51644 0.20909 0.77882 0.13598 0.15427 0.58187 0.80671 0.81508 0.1879 0.7236 0.0876 0.77217 0.6187 0.00775 0.05444 0.00787 0.72797 0.78431 0.34352 0.35154 0.26885 0.0996 0.55147 0.35422 0.62508 0.20249 0.36568 0.7384 0.47596 0.29187 0.87558 0.05569 0.24569 0.07592 0.59424 0.84606 0.71651 0.04935 0.88077 0.73906 0.84278 0.96391 0.36595 0.45525 0.23834 0.42296 0.73488 0.92445 0.13023 0.15696 0.46495 0.70043 0.54283 0.50905 0.93408 0.07924 0.83314 0.2637 0.12875 0.67328 0.56606 0.1956 0.40533 0.29969 0.13374 0.5373 0.59575 0.89864 0.96637 0.31603 0.97462 0.10515 0.95531 0.60865 0.3182 0.49356 0.02745 0.47368 0.6385 0.33531 0.47785 0.16641 0.98059 0.96188 0.92858 0.16572 0.60156 0.31432 0.09111 0.18572 0.91182 0.24779 0.16564 0.48169 0.06702 0.79423 0.19578 0.39845 0.11771 0.98396 0.85626 0.10402 0.48378 0.0541 0.20769 0.89019 0.65732 0.85985 0.739 0.04771 0.73768 0.57172 0.7502 0.22981 0.07246 0.98635 0.72362 0.19026 0.71575 0.30624 0.3768 0.22095 0.28992 0.54984 0.64283 0.05299 0.1611 0.46391 0.52151 0.02554 0.29706 0.54057 0.20335 0.07178 0.00998 0.1605 0.45528 0.02121 0.81709 0.03724 0.04468 0.81517 0.60196 0.29279 0.7924 0.00906 0.93544 0.71761 0.21101 0.46181 0.60446 0.70726 0.08626 0.59898 0.36057 0.81302 0.83839 0.32091 0.09878 0.64626 0.43691 0.85152 0.60141 0.97577 0.60747 0.74462 0.89716 0.55788 0.68747 0.84795 0.52173 0.14955 0.03748 0.18645 0.9359 0.30088 0.72768 0.05736 0.74003 0.01565 0.43125 0.33284 0.36891 0.17335 0.01909 0.19712 0.81991 0.00266 0.91666 0.18856 0.82185 0.41255 0.82768 0.00898 0.5204 0.01367 0.76855 0.49727 0.72078 0.03282 0.88588 0.71855 0.38391 0.2365 0.15774 0.25598 0.5867 0.0434 0.93028 0.51856 0.18437 0.88212 0.66593 0.20635 0.00688 0.90583 0.25649 0.29531 0.90559 0.27668 0.89624 0.55959 0.61512 0.90017 0.64353 0.82094 0.28236 0.27811 0.14038 0.89038 0.13474 0.56755 0.98863 0.41256 0.0055 0.82659 0.96872 0.0817 0.67712 0.23431 0.83711 0.30937 0.77536 0.40352 0.61076 0.11594 0.13598 0.44466 0.63359 0.26842 0.07194 0.81972 0.14836 0.95652 0.72946 0.33216 0.53612 0.25529 0.6357 0.67231 0.70297 0.179 0.56393 0.1242 0.97505 0.2816 0.3352 0.02236 0.61121 0.59447 0.09958 0.80465 0.35248 0.35846 0.46883 0.84902 0.87822 0.25549 0.2214 0.45787 0.45861 0.31837 0.8756 0.59755 0.93318 0.45472 0.19346 0.29318 0.29991 0.51495 0.39078 0.53996 0.56791 0.1437 0.22626 0.57111 0.76361 0.22761 0.37166 0.76417 0.20011 0.43858 0.76694 0.0499 0.6065 0.92714 0.81789 0.23735 0.6792 0.08549 0.4314 0.57798 0.29921 0.80261 0.33172 0.72042 0.67855 0.7846 0.90138 0.64288 0.82579 0.36035 0.81483 0.75219 0.62806 0.63616 0.16494 0.65684 0.2564 0.74342 0.28651 0.30033 0.55079 0.49134 0.06737 0.94537 0.08796 0.62173 0.90379 0.59425 0.46542 0.20912 0.88989 0.91244 0.41834 0.76587 0.51982 0.67955 0.09067 0.75785 0.5259 0.1426 0.95096 0.96624 0.83025 0.66221 0.6195 0.88295 0.59712 0.01272 0.43416 0.79879 0.99941 0.13953 0.72436 0.69164 0.44228 0.34946 0.67699 0.33862 0.39151 0.43687 0.0136 0.61834 0.40765 0.46305 0.51248 0.41095 0.89266 0.51601 0.17832 0.74209 0.60188 0.5592 0.53383 0.56634 0.53953 0.96684 0.81728 0.63323 0.90798 0.89801 0.63967 0.319 0.36104 0.97394 0.31023 0.87356 0.57619 0.68802 0.12963 0.07428 0.26895 0.08941 0.39809 0.66242 0.97551 0.41381 0.76441 0.89171 0.79037 0.37756 0.3374 0.59688 0.27544 0.49822 0.6388 0.41929 0.30766 0.92145 0.73739 0.17476 0.91495 0.68972 0.94916 0.57489 0.6622 0.46765 0.43227 0.47737 0.71423 0.58349 0.55224 0.79419 0.2738 0.02013 0.56318 0.86939 0.11742 0.48094 0.24315 0.54749 0.07493 0.06033 0.89285 0.83854 0.19196 0.86851 0.85722 0.61259 0.70169
+0.51775 0.59282 0.73969 0.33456 0.65935 0.43411 0.29318 0.05172 0.37675 0.31659 0.94962 0.98595 0.59151 0.49923 0.77251 0.5679 0.69047 0.77638 0.4278 0.57024 0.8918 0.69935 0.79081 0.19857 0.15803 0.65302 0.82043 0.18711 0.49352 0.963 0.88976 0.99945 0.51137 0.0345 0.98613 0.50678 0.70696 0.12792 0.65741 0.00617 0.07578 0.0575 0.01962 0.28378 0.96947 0.33779 0.81913 0.79317 0.23989 0.8485 0.56983 0.23903 0.49614 0.34112 0.11614 0.25042 0.49577 0.27558 0.41382 0.75342 0.44406 0.49414 0.43193 0.84516 0.76361 0.00891 0.4246 0.04449 0.82646 0.74773 0.7852 0.34524 0.01796 0.11655 0.2632 0.73589 0.09083 0.55854 0.70637 0.83751 0.03416 0.05359 0.50926 0.78537 0.46282 0.56252 0.99076 0.33778 0.44361 0.61304 0.14521 0.86883 0.77854 0.7829 0.87528 0.05429 0.52887 0.5416 0.24319 0.3528 0.5772 0.40972 0.78148 0.33482 0.0847 0.69034 0.72607 0.08616 0.57621 0.3025 0.81917 0.63103 0.19803 0.43394 0.45583 0.30117 0.63532 0.77984 0.76481 0.67244 0.26903 0.95597 0.44523 0.2935 0.48075 0.60995 0.58775 0.22195 0.7557 0.75333 0.11852 0.75783 0.37222 0.55487 0.3609 0.71443 0.37266 0.05497 0.33631 0.08332 0.36463 0.97372 0.03876 0.29849 0.7503 0.03331 0.92291 0.82848 0.73109 0.58485 0.22059 0.42324 0.34217 0.5019 0.08263 0.15534 0.7905 0.80132 0.64735 0.82564 0.5741 0.84506 0.20363 0.16292 0.38746 0.85311 0.27366 0.75375 0.18411 0.86247 0.96344 0.97624 0.39345 0.05747 0.22503 0.262 0.78224 0.6368 0.19765 0.58955 0.33982 0.68625 0.53257 0.56377 0.11743 0.84401 0.95529 0.47794 0.78413 0.15427 0.06401 0.67404 0.02164 0.9979 0.38126 0.23299 0.25252 0.79117 0.91989 0.838 0.06005 0.98416 0.70578 0.3482 0.40337 0.40097 0.19282 0.26254 0.41079 0.73802 0.42266 0.90313 0.70073 0.62318 0.38757 0.63215 0.60074 0.63061 0.29551 0.67194 0.73534 0.16117 0.21169 0.80583 0.74847 0.98615 0.06669 0.55661 0.33742 0.43295 0.65378 0.92952 0.2679 0.82736 0.06213 0.38657 0.63453 0.42697 0.9622 0.28241 0.97159 0.90144 0.97868 0.88144 0.55526 0.46174 0.97315 0.92247 0.74555 0.50521 0.39375 0.06461 0.81766 0.81024 0.95471 0.79942 0.93471 0.78676 0.22791 0.02256 0.08026 0.21572 0.70076 0.41889 0.07625 0.36258 0.83179 0.24495 0.93571 0.40623 0.69033 0.20802 0.2867 0.48942 0.63549 0.38369 0.29698 0.90411 0.43073 0.83977 0.35299 0.80115 0.00196 0.20261 0.33692 0.24885 0.53085 0.19383 0.92288 0.57466 0.67742 0.62834 0.78489 0.96471 0.19605 0.47952 0.43959 0.81059 0.1044 0.68302 0.16579 0.06593 0.96372 0.49005 0.79934 0.38701 0.12488 0.66859 0.75661 0.37408 0.51747 0.42252 0.47555 0.30524 0.19765 0.53976 0.96515 0.84498 0.6083 0.84631 0.15666 0.76573 0.41361 0.37923 0.22919 0.53064 4e-05 0.59703 0.59837 0.22375 0.26408 0.96127 0.90591 0.13436 0.94095 0.93077 0.1446 0.54127 0.67001 0.31121 0.90464 0.8536 0.30212 0.44328 0.0356 0.01643 0.91927 0.29115 0.95708 0.50283 0.97361 0.94047 0.78407 0.13894 0.64913 0.00503 0.9225 0.1264 0.6999 0.59257 0.48379 0.0064 0.76385 0.46454 0.942 0.16772 0.05817 0.88786 0.47221 0.97642 0.10482 0.56173 0.79434 0.43016 0.05807 0.6916 0.96585 0.71292 0.66061 0.80188 0.3971 0.15193 0.27814 0.28116 0.92821 0.92948 0.40087 0.36849 0.65002 0.32249 0.65082 0.32464 0.70517 0.17515 0.14537 0.22248 0.66871 0.12521 0.54014 0.4402 0.29494 0.94571 0.58519 0.38954 0.52089 0.57479 0.63286 0.53132 0.00215 0.77549 0.42176 0.23903 0.95313 0.10835 0.29635 0.95538 0.55859 0.91677 0.44545 0.78568 0.78323 0.06777 0.04014 0.29764 0.88594 0.78711 0.41706 0.63742 0.1959 0.7681 0.63982 0.23985 0.57255 0.63533 0.69426 0.43722 0.83701 0.09102 0.98147 0.16054 0.06873 0.96666 0.86134 0.25767 0.31148 0.35164 0.18155 0.34143 0.9692 0.96136 0.81904 0.29444 0.7034 0.42774 0.46028 0.96596 0.78682 0.65584 0.79639 0.81981 0.33566 0.17143 0.51282 0.83426 0.13661 0.61115 0.84548 0.77221 0.65109 0.6506 0.64702 0.35369 0.12708 0.84512 0.49612 0.81798 0.39648 0.70047 0.55808 0.86712 0.10381 0.6766 0.80215 0.24924 0.36381 0.31145 0.08561 0.53476 0.24984 0.67915 0.91901 0.94864 0.27105 0.08929 0.02758 0.36448 0.98125 0.20141 0.56721 0.63094 0.07564 0.95942 0.04399 0.89339 0.53339 0.28403 0.02965 0.03637 0.31193 0.64161 0.93912 0.15047
+0.67835 0.69716 0.28944 0.89308 0.8332 0.86632 0.29346 0.13235 0.74142 0.85368 0.34178 0.65519 0.6885 0.50878 0.71682 0.63029 0.44551 0.64808 0.23576 0.36626 0.83205 0.97503 0.19888 0.89667 0.67462 0.903 0.50263 0.83653 0.98875 0.17201 0.65453 0.99591 0.11904 0.41726 0.337 0.61674 0.0472 0.32432 0.56353 0.6139 0.66924 0.53711 0.11027 0.23881 0.30616 0.62821 0.96897 0.96189 0.58301 0.65891 0.15112 0.18702 0.72183 0.16809 0.2752 0.18106 0.63552 0.09467 0.88469 0.46977 0.63061 0.90201 0.58474 0.55712 0.44151 0.11923 0.02521 0.16223 0.68935 0.24324 0.9465 0.41727 0.07169 0.99545 0.93703 0.90037 0.57808 0.41772 0.19837 0.98648 0.97448 0.17907 0.25336 0.00943 0.16513 0.5599 0.83315 0.48196 0.69811 0.42879 0.11732 0.10434 0.35734 0.6901 0.89968 0.13967 0.01374 0.64832 0.19186 0.28181 0.45016 0.90017 0.83264 0.55418 0.69575 0.62783 0.39916 0.20816 0.95479 0.29262 0.98064 0.92323 0.81603 0.22203 0.45788 0.44984 0.04586 0.4275 0.76355 0.24305 0.56184 0.11768 0.64113 0.55745 0.27282 0.69163 0.34662 0.30926 0.78259 0.2839 0.2029 0.5835 0.62982 0.34659 0.72836 0.59047 0.83654 0.18705 0.88809 0.142 0.51632 0.10633 0.85803 0.30316 0.80159 0.5318 0.7054 0.72933 0.77391 0.11761 0.33735 0.74491 0.42994 0.01837 0.02456 0.25443 0.89837 0.09358 0.65088 0.65823 0.9676 0.42913 0.47852 0.86243 0.57416 0.83275 0.02144 0.62046 0.43312 0.68159 0.1063 0.34847 0.47381 0.65157 0.90217 0.28409 0.09681 0.64833 0.49975 0.70987 0.87588 0.30891 0.89075 0.28352 0.87484 0.39271 0.20807 0.3606 0.90291 0.90192 0.93601 0.72812 0.79654 0.7037 0.98335 0.19999 0.99884 0.58084 0.3212 0.72055 0.6858 0.58192 0.59869 0.2716 0.1437 0.91684 0.46384 0.94017 0.39642 0.90321 0.61091 0.17948 0.06396 0.93069 0.33127 0.42826 0.2283 0.02255 0.85424 0.73682 0.86667 0.62261 0.98087 0.05246 0.22676 0.61195 0.00311 0.24934 0.85371 0.77936 0.07224 0.99301 0.4872 0.10382 0.94094 0.61564 0.74964 0.18831 0.70567 0.94053 0.22859 0.0336 0.54012 0.158 0.21403 0.75739 0.25502 0.22068 0.31986 0.55754 0.48528 0.24303 0.73787 0.05069 0.21164 0.11456 0.81484 0.96582 0.91874 0.82757 0.74845 0.01646 0.8762 0.85143 0.77853 0.42271 0.72255 0.22342 0.42552 0.84212 0.70251 0.71981 0.62464 0.31229 0.93648 0.10646 0.70308 0.79431 0.16177 0.77499 0.86974 0.70181 0.20651 0.1118 0.52492 0.59613 0.9656 0.01089 0.43177 0.84336 0.87392 0.22557 0.57868 0.25711 0.39111 0.73927 0.65737 0.84639 0.53957 0.21272 0.11634 0.2708 0.4227 0.83873 0.38785 0.69953 0.44744 0.09618 0.02697 0.08422 0.74248 0.23933 0.67091 0.43363 0.96819 0.27102 0.37093 0.67167 0.45041 0.7011 0.61291 0.04082 0.4633 0.93512 0.18979 0.42017 0.22585 0.61838 0.00652 0.36315 0.56426 0.79878 0.95562 0.71176 0.09859 0.08346 0.51774 0.78629 0.79242 0.47061 0.28491 0.69979 0.40215 0.28548 0.37236 0.95599 0.46076 0.10079 0.36319 0.9908 0.18758 0.91044 0.50921 0.63016 0.49588 0.03209 0.98239 0.50694 0.89284 0.65912 0.62393 0.06069 0.81046 0.36995 0.07936 0.40761 0.40778 0.78373 0.3515 0.86073 0.55166 0.98176 0.35729 0.41341 0.95051 0.2496 0.80699 0.18234 0.63997 0.2383 0.04441 0.33239 0.44725 0.50576 0.78222 0.88829 0.67719 0.60321 0.61097 0.37011 0.29898 0.56688 0.37506 0.78279 0.78617 0.56628 0.67103 0.99845 0.94175 0.45174 0.39463 0.45334 0.86247 0.28669 0.48437 0.80321 0.23913 0.7279 0.37848 0.98768 0.82788 0.81113 0.16306 0.63618 0.2529 0.17569 0.77437 0.967 0.21845 0.56425 0.29434 0.98865 0.38821 0.59377 0.69623 0.65142 0.45321 0.51557 0.0708 0.48883 0.96547 0.43847 0.5729 0.90352 0.69171 0.40144 0.71621 0.84271 0.80352 0.45846 0.93448 0.0929 0.88236 0.25966 0.87976 0.75942 0.51914 0.1022 0.13516 0.99956 0.17836 0.60532 0.86284 0.1398 0.82403 0.9185 0.72347 0.68399 0.685 0.5597 0.79578 0.97825 0.34739 0.57403 0.53706 0.82319 0.71689 0.43401 0.2448 0.03902 0.98568 0.59308 0.71902 0.19795 0.91895 0.94068 0.02667 0.88337 0.47083 0.38543 0.24869 0.76858 0.79232 0.77332 0.77119 0.12002 0.9104 0.28713 0.67852 0.63717 0.26378 0.09308 0.53019 0.90768 0.68351 0.97054 0.85183 0.22166 0.60318 0.59092 0.5158 0.2719 0.6288 0.09659 0.46676 0.0449 0.20288 0.91988 0.75919 0.17645 0.95015 0.30259
+0.94718 0.55475 0.25371 0.16278 0.23952 0.29886 0.13009 0.74018 0.93176 0.03081 0.62848 0.8085 0.16671 0.02662 0.86959 0.04169 0.58991 0.85812 0.75185 0.28086 0.83915 0.93504 0.08318 0.41122 0.36716 0.9927 0.07199 0.36845 0.92016 0.46781 0.85701 0.88158 0.31123 0.24129 0.72486 0.18611 0.7585 0.99592 0.03792 0.91722 0.82704 0.13351 0.9977 0.78088 0.0079 0.47001 0.14323 0.10952 0.53795 0.3981 0.04758 0.38316 0.49733 0.53631 0.92251 0.28725 0.17044 0.99533 0.65442 0.03803 0.11063 0.17 0.18236 0.53864 0.20782 0.49458 0.84595 0.80119 0.97349 0.08782 0.86013 0.36723 0.45027 0.78745 0.59497 0.94901 0.81512 0.78888 0.693 0.52919 0.38911 0.91328 0.80104 0.46968 0.1024 0.05205 0.86809 0.70684 0.76216 0.92079 0.05063 0.61661 0.39094 0.86936 0.56632 0.91381 0.0016 0.52276 0.28707 0.94886 0.83234 0.44645 0.48623 0.44857 0.31662 0.7812 0.17733 0.24847 0.51277 0.62562 0.911 0.69788 0.61205 0.76411 0.64922 0.47247 0.81467 0.38418 0.86748 0.91462 0.79716 0.3428 0.74609 0.42249 0.00687 0.31197 0.98757 0.45104 0.52737 0.98076 0.47736 0.76738 0.97912 0.52027 0.56411 0.08298 0.59833 0.76283 0.08242 0.23532 0.33966 0.81292 0.75099 0.43039 0.00608 0.97542 0.25183 0.24939 0.22309 0.88698 0.06035 0.05752 0.44367 0.9001 0.82543 0.225 0.5078 0.27338 0.66698 0.82353 0.25968 0.27276 0.25928 0.20727 0.29873 0.84082 0.00387 0.52151 0.20133 0.4246 0.85282 0.14973 0.09527 0.6697 0.97131 0.39437 0.07992 0.28329 0.5005 0.49812 0.8447 0.61395 0.24127 0.62079 0.41038 0.792 0.79294 0.9639 0.16475 0.05311 0.95134 0.85818 0.83429 0.41469 0.19796 0.33459 0.3897 0.65382 0.96595 0.57219 0.84778 0.36796 0.13463 0.1766 0.057 0.15616 0.14898 0.45932 0.27571 0.13476 0.86462 0.42351 0.60474 0.95296 0.39068 0.13367 0.58861 0.10494 0.90175 0.42611 0.46588 0.93298 0.32692 0.2477 0.20767 0.02991 0.85555 0.38621 0.53214 0.87021 0.90716 0.95033 0.81211 0.85364 0.22639 0.73071 0.93263 0.23523 0.08909 0.05079 0.03972 0.56917 0.23493 0.84837 0.705 0.39277 0.42918 0.89194 0.88275 0.68187 0.17077 0.43396 0.81109 0.97634 0.56611 0.12269 0.47982 0.84238 0.60214 0.47666 0.2582 0.40193 0.09006 0.30389 0.77313 0.91198 0.98298 0.99642 0.11376 0.89116 0.28118 0.38425 0.54268 0.84439 0.32613 0.12284 0.8257 0.53636 0.18711 0.03917 0.14319 0.76357 0.39345 0.83813 0.61515 0.94172 0.69743 0.53746 0.00359 0.81452 0.76335 0.22778 0.77848 0.00525 0.89551 0.40385 0.25113 0.42882 0.94716 0.97467 0.34978 0.93469 0.67077 0.69018 0.16172 0.84982 0.99794 0.11422 0.60315 0.5923 0.15506 0.5121 0.67311 0.33511 0.13371 0.49545 0.90234 0.71278 0.25271 0.17464 0.85933 0.75969 0.45715 0.82101 0.67919 0.7506 0.33689 0.20223 0.02167 0.63837 0.81755 0.98282 0.51696 0.45861 0.01482 0.86337 0.02247 0.59892 0.63311 0.65216 0.35061 0.51936 0.89783 0.17405 0.44041 0.32323 0.76151 0.24184 0.74273 0.20315 0.65 0.1917 0.10728 0.1767 0.7973 0.18082 0.06414 0.60976 0.06238 0.02229 0.72418 0.96523 0.34418 0.01427 0.23678 0.26425 0.35879 0.61825 0.4675 0.53371 0.91943 0.22956 0.39022 0.5341 0.98183 0.24391 0.96635 0.54152 0.25432 0.31653 0.3662 0.42258 0.17353 0.88325 0.20438 0.22042 0.37968 0.54323 0.85941 0.19279 0.80659 0.25647 0.98288 0.05116 0.46691 0.0021 0.44146 0.30298 0.39185 0.19829 0.2755 0.41074 0.80123 0.46947 0.72176 0.76981 0.10676 0.76155 0.46133 0.8861 0.21003 0.21378 0.49913 0.09641 0.20767 0.05361 0.62315 0.18324 0.78501 0.7045 0.58198 0.98164 0.72903 0.10066 0.33817 0.32759 0.49323 0.2602 0.20694 0.80792 0.74975 0.74642 0.24824 0.91715 0.0718 0.438 0.56995 0.83919 0.98215 0.61726 0.90886 0.02902 0.46614 0.79809 0.98636 0.32805 0.24988 0.22049 0.47111 0.56473 0.60588 0.91353 0.73202 0.3996 0.51992 0.24657 0.62996 0.62305 0.7377 0.86591 0.68101 0.15882 0.68303 0.98538 0.74868 0.12581 0.83005 0.88678 0.96852 0.2501 0.55749 0.2819 0.89554 0.2996 0.24666 0.69771 0.67031 0.05338 0.48764 0.33779 0.21828 0.73855 0.24979 0.04244 0.03531 0.79872 0.61508 0.51355 0.58105 0.35267 0.81413 0.38286 0.32288 0.31908 0.51141 0.24893 0.92633 0.39178 0.40461 0.41075 0.55725 0.35617 0.30502 0.03475 0.45142 0.96872 0.606 0.79849 0.3264 0.39362 0.63063 0.49142
+0.06709 0.62246 0.55603 0.56389 0.04031 0.92644 0.13224 0.49025 0.50837 0.86209 0.20622 0.38603 0.34849 0.56666 0.94582 0.3906 0.69924 0.3948 0.65288 0.2941 0.65552 0.15787 0.32911 0.10816 0.94812 0.80906 0.45647 0.37387 0.89981 0.75104 0.31871 0.38769 0.48923 0.73672 0.33247 0.26444 0.21519 0.98137 0.02186 0.82564 0.12555 0.04638 0.338 0.63455 0.2329 0.07569 0.43012 0.14113 0.92982 0.43334 0.4057 0.47655 0.29794 0.26894 0.56359 0.32618 0.47637 0.85883 0.85897 0.07957 0.25998 0.70495 0.29348 0.00369 0.55162 0.06485 0.70177 0.89628 0.67871 0.84441 0.69269 0.36003 0.45988 0.17839 0.80596 0.46759 0.14944 0.03065 0.52147 0.91652 0.45422 0.16247 0.07994 0.14329 0.28108 0.01731 0.45192 0.87377 0.70882 0.70611 0.65818 0.23333 0.77641 0.23477 0.09428 0.47734 0.03613 0.6022 0.42249 0.51934 0.5667 0.61376 0.46655 0.64649 0.26058 0.72138 0.28875 0.40673 0.16616 0.47045 0.69044 0.88461 0.92697 0.4714 0.77867 0.06733 0.41361 0.19511 0.91881 0.83603 0.68606 0.6856 0.44035 0.02541 0.16757 0.90104 0.50331 0.06589 0.34787 0.91529 0.10975 0.4226 0.61083 0.42762 0.32341 0.58881 0.60284 0.97375 0.46774 0.2706 0.58465 0.62646 0.78031 0.91751 0.23098 0.15579 0.61873 0.05234 0.27308 0.24022 0.12324 0.41006 0.61474 0.43143 0.5862 0.65612 0.13618 0.59092 0.29357 0.61483 0.14465 0.95471 0.44566 0.73542 0.53827 0.66896 0.4926 0.03609 0.97432 0.22945 0.59995 0.84569 0.80756 0.55285 0.39203 0.75228 0.77155 0.77891 0.55589 0.42556 0.03485 0.25172 0.43484 0.80321 0.10104 0.87892 0.09603 0.23046 0.47607 0.48092 0.50631 0.33581 0.80951 0.17279 0.5975 0.05061 0.02349 0.97943 0.24225 0.82321 0.25026 0.00932 0.70646 0.49645 0.82273 0.63186 0.63013 0.88141 0.58206 0.99704 0.83922 0.43577 0.13124 0.22559 0.03591 0.26508 0.98731 0.57613 0.27792 0.49632 0.97265 0.15397 0.24782 0.79197 0.59798 0.41883 0.39032 0.86463 0.65358 0.71691 0.1934 0.88485 0.24414 0.79433 0.55452 0.49993 0.38285 0.05249 0.01729 0.92366 0.01527 0.02321 0.9128 0.54307 0.60612 0.52064 0.62032 0.91823 0.20748 0.413 0.04114 0.98599 0.78557 0.25528 0.55046 0.27291 0.56825 0.58186 0.77845 0.77777 0.22821 0.91227 0.65624 0.85727 0.18579 0.63165 0.89311 0.47607 0.3509 0.97435 0.04947 0.84296 0.68483 0.49005 0.30194 0.61866 0.43886 0.86039 0.36564 0.19352 0.89211 0.6713 0.57752 0.59603 0.78911 0.02163 0.13429 0.03799 0.87279 0.10068 0.85726 0.39262 0.46315 0.86525 0.56723 0.31829 0.19948 0.78587 0.54623 0.7898 0.74032 0.84131 0.24134 0.6053 0.42603 0.31371 0.45794 0.18838 0.63846 0.4134 0.30114 0.03014 0.35833 0.51329 0.71916 0.29063 0.0663 0.40603 0.23345 0.5541 0.11629 0.40406 0.60178 0.52199 0.10183 0.45531 0.85635 0.66804 0.72553 0.79062 0.82999 0.13196 0.94604 0.23836 0.93381 0.54227 0.41513 0.47834 0.0914 0.05879 0.86685 0.91 0.3873 0.37974 0.39005 0.76884 0.27321 0.77213 0.47393 0.63318 0.58312 0.10499 0.31049 0.16884 0.69517 0.62004 0.72903 0.09025 0.86901 0.21119 0.34323 0.50667 0.15246 0.40386 0.34416 0.89056 0.59341 0.3857 0.82988 0.58357 0.73905 0.76359 0.75828 0.31008 0.89251 0.26384 0.46984 0.39318 0.17147 0.84195 0.65086 0.73557 0.70527 0.09828 0.72891 0.97322 0.93465 0.46458 0.41404 0.34646 0.85792 0.6054 0.68717 0.65464 0.72112 0.41185 0.26395 0.51296 0.37904 0.18407 0.8453 0.07114 0.9488 0.72063 0.01421 0.38108 0.15737 0.12124 0.15857 0.92013 0.69024 0.26183 0.96773 0.14091 0.94952 0.55625 0.44059 0.50831 0.90692 0.25442 0.20464 0.22076 0.5498 0.3148 0.45278 0.58649 0.49844 0.43406 0.82223 0.34673 0.08336 0.7596 0.90965 0.1785 0.34552 0.8973 0.5017 0.22967 0.82878 0.12967 0.50129 0.00066 0.00098 0.80962 0.88205 0.25748 0.16571 0.84808 0.57245 0.48802 0.98154 0.07637 0.60884 0.21856 0.37219 0.71901 0.75639 0.05067 0.56538 0.27308 0.14045 0.32058 0.70157 0.39748 0.92138 0.62401 0.56817 0.76421 0.15265 0.97025 0.77727 0.44062 0.77961 0.2542 0.9276 0.47789 0.71251 0.91378 0.49969 0.2188 0.3841 0.73809 0.81194 0.09406 0.58034 0.01855 0.63147 0.2077 0.4336 0.23096 0.19984 0.2617 0.20135 0.80192 0.91571 0.4875 0.26381 0.97634 0.85671 0.05502 0.40029 0.34786 0.79502 0.2759 0.93316 0.34774 0.0589 0.86741 0.94114 0.21953 0.40067 0.76855
+0.9177 0.11179 0.71374 0.89074 0.12627 0.33464 0.08303 0.49015 0.11074 0.47539 0.93685 0.11372 0.31617 0.84321 0.28606 0.65368 0.81244 0.96383 0.74133 0.04927 0.51122 0.54963 0.97268 0.06486 0.09568 0.51704 0.24516 0.96191 0.15305 0.37977 0.22831 0.48042 0.33108 0.75584 0.65928 0.04213 0.50339 0.9794 0.45715 0.24335 0.11951 0.51165 0.56911 0.19177 0.73117 0.60976 0.18425 0.31476 0.91073 0.28272 0.52919 0.2265 0.56025 0.75783 0.15014 0.10588 0.0793 0.12778 0.67745 0.60917 0.92749 0.86258 0.37212 0.31786 0.63003 0.06702 0.41004 0.53234 0.89663 0.06385 0.24503 0.36114 0.03004 0.27918 0.19004 0.3528 0.74668 0.20064 0.6736 0.36198 0.34283 0.75184 0.28878 0.77564 0.25457 0.35537 0.85848 0.79056 0.87274 0.4451 0.99514 0.64982 0.0674 0.01199 0.14004 0.0895 0.67222 0.21983 0.67848 0.99693 0.55818 0.01889 0.55076 0.09668 0.97415 0.27099 0.85144 0.11102 0.7184 0.17009 0.90964 0.27125 0.53473 0.30689 0.07284 0.41914 0.66841 0.48352 0.14449 0.87053 0.21254 0.55359 0.17179 0.21952 0.94663 0.19695 0.82745 0.99117 0.50059 0.37387 0.71812 0.01156 0.98801 0.84717 0.71144 0.83691 0.60164 0.99426 0.78881 0.16455 0.63482 0.20723 0.47229 0.98437 0.53035 0.75228 0.12724 0.6899 0.54934 0.93302 0.12786 0.55036 0.20975 0.93901 0.53313 0.01623 0.45225 0.10068 0.09202 0.32066 0.14386 0.38295 0.454 0.92373 0.26398 0.51804 0.56908 0.04211 0.2398 0.34032 0.12255 0.60137 0.73145 0.84317 0.23727 0.92109 0.86294 0.95122 0.65371 0.15873 0.23575 0.32102 0.16345 0.11075 0.41886 0.53489 0.06584 0.83991 0.24768 0.08953 0.90931 0.84322 0.41829 0.84124 0.55999 0.30671 0.70704 0.94522 0.21294 0.40192 0.13926 0.95696 0.18221 0.42647 0.334 0.51327 0.23325 0.20074 0.31871 0.80656 0.41025 0.95475 0.66431 0.33344 0.28866 0.26883 0.59992 0.11093 0.13164 0.77108 0.37511 0.65692 0.36851 0.28321 0.83623 0.83181 0.63901 0.8051 0.69621 0.61366 0.45027 0.35188 0.66706 0.16659 0.95184 0.09385 0.69525 0.51613 0.56805 0.21138 0.50111 0.22747 0.49249 0.76576 0.41151 0.1802 0.89948 0.32548 0.03058 0.05153 0.66377 0.58887 0.76432 0.19566 0.35201 0.61043 0.85776 0.64175 0.12649 0.81241 0.48511 0.70197 0.2697 0.74622 0.90514 0.44892 0.25151 0.33394 0.73119 0.85656 0.24925 0.42807 0.84923 0.26081 0.91983 0.7107 0.77985 0.19101 0.40441 0.47303 0.13611 0.65497 0.44003 0.63923 0.26649 0.80595 0.34092 0.1074 0.95326 0.052 0.78602 0.91934 0.50742 0.31965 0.04507 0.07966 0.02249 0.2869 0.04025 0.73664 0.5537 0.29437 0.45124 0.70487 0.28687 0.69062 0.03383 0.35285 0.72699 0.59083 0.6962 0.80113 0.09154 0.96738 0.76223 0.20746 0.08312 0.54289 0.77758 0.53848 0.8386 0.40977 0.92065 0.07556 0.03217 0.60288 0.34423 0.56353 0.50422 0.67807 0.41013 0.14514 0.71455 0.34109 0.77627 0.22489 0.42135 0.35616 0.11675 0.95131 0.78328 0.90123 0.84347 0.42301 0.83102 0.52344 0.72721 0.97266 0.47889 0.17459 0.17162 0.53861 0.759 0.80698 0.40434 0.22306 0.15043 0.69377 0.56662 0.92765 0.96 0.49003 0.86897 0.7161 0.69772 0.58384 0.91185 0.70267 0.96245 0.87408 0.85934 0.24561 0.33204 0.11113 0.70488 0.56232 0.66713 0.30503 0.5575 0.81715 0.19614 0.17803 0.96504 0.65084 0.50693 0.1565 0.39014 0.28694 0.95578 0.93575 0.84473 0.57738 0.93154 0.47294 0.93934 0.51158 0.25633 0.45798 0.84602 0.59533 0.60225 0.29393 0.38395 0.94289 0.32787 0.0628 0.30326 0.52095 0.21548 0.69099 0.56987 0.51806 0.38211 0.92947 0.13841 0.32959 0.10574 0.03789 0.6999 0.80766 0.86814 0.67377 0.3841 0.7164 0.03584 0.76209 0.27604 0.80788 0.78211 0.54971 0.98444 0.82932 0.61156 0.75945 0.25609 0.40526 0.94606 0.28053 0.99078 0.46808 0.54307 0.89389 0.92958 0.3128 0.36079 0.57867 0.02689 0.70887 0.53465 0.19297 0.70685 0.8614 0.9611 0.4852 0.23112 0.82875 0.92761 0.50938 0.04192 0.36558 0.55598 0.24215 0.95837 0.94263 0.74953 0.93313 0.47385 0.45446 0.4645 0.35832 0.42586 0.88775 0.68941 0.8935 0.36666 0.28421 0.88912 0.59488 0.38016 0.6742 0.95543 0.97186 0.5053 0.0715 0.61264 0.48834 0.93647 0.85853 0.0744 0.27027 0.4313 0.18967 0.04551 0.52909 0.60508 0.89518 0.44729 0.06081 0.32936 0.71018 0.2317 0.74889 0.60074 0.8388 0.79997 0.59965 0.81014 0.75337 0.52122 0.02291 0.56832 0.66868
+0.53602 0.90513 0.6164 0.12755 0.14559 0.86935 0.947 0.8364 0.31082 0.40435 0.41876 0.61056 0.24729 0.30074 0.96257 0.27384 0.66824 0.4753 0.1342 0.83827 0.62679 0.05576 0.21748 0.19967 0.33317 0.44792 0.58281 0.77611 0.33129 0.64463 0.32078 0.30326 0.58132 0.7725 0.72668 0.57681 0.49345 0.54798 0.00268 0.28604 0.58026 0.06605 0.62304 0.64898 0.26528 0.3841 0.86753 0.76278 0.89073 0.31229 0.92807 0.54522 0.20274 0.78284 0.13174 0.26903 0.35073 0.31269 0.85419 0.81447 0.8531 0.21557 0.64763 0.67385 0.02009 0.30344 0.03907 0.64678 0.89102 0.14815 0.0288 0.88586 0.48835 0.7217 0.73501 0.4932 0.66716 0.72631 0.82289 0.06855 0.71304 0.71935 0.26779 0.01675 0.38574 0.77423 0.77547 0.29808 0.24487 0.70525 0.96101 0.79868 0.85826 0.3866 0.51732 0.99719 0.68515 0.82285 0.0573 0.33238 0.84045 0.92114 0.46015 0.1633 0.1768 0.04218 0.43898 0.34274 0.64527 0.46538 0.37792 0.49412 0.59156 0.14159 0.43593 0.38738 0.77408 0.22844 0.30229 0.94288 0.71787 0.55953 0.17337 0.12048 0.7343 0.34793 0.18239 0.50467 0.22184 0.40518 0.50052 0.67663 0.5719 0.61385 0.8412 0.14371 0.2412 0.03263 0.20393 0.67859 0.27853 0.8987 0.83923 0.15812 0.60442 0.4983 0.77738 0.3043 0.56296 0.55724 0.13143 0.82762 0.70196 0.41124 0.81152 0.40288 0.42839 0.53635 0.87629 0.55128 0.4287 0.07541 0.83113 0.15157 0.51529 0.79928 0.16954 0.62107 0.86295 0.58954 0.92822 0.15629 0.51327 0.82966 0.60091 0.1184 0.10332 0.49312 0.41262 0.61507 0.65684 0.88838 0.66522 0.15915 0.40286 0.43238 0.36601 0.1718 0.43634 0.9623 0.07401 0.73 0.46515 0.79999 0.40484 0.70485 0.61488 0.46668 0.19641 0.51327 0.71903 0.25625 0.34565 0.84802 0.33922 0.34291 0.08211 0.10877 0.43646 0.30446 0.77193 0.59336 0.75155 0.71764 0.61067 0.70063 0.78207 0.10221 0.79943 0.40766 0.45374 0.20529 0.0897 0.53308 0.71657 0.88571 0.81318 0.09022 0.24259 0.6261 0.57864 0.96631 0.97718 0.72272 0.8379 0.96612 0.0558 0.25101 0.56501 0.48901 0.25751 0.42486 0.03665 0.39091 0.99969 0.66693 0.95341 0.6312 0.88353 0.7715 0.68297 0.40603 0.90227 0.28499 0.77672 0.63586 0.41735 0.8582 0.49152 0.02048 0.06118 0.31996 0.06564 0.33132 0.16985 0.97305 0.98092 0.33328 0.30124 0.89127 0.4848 0.73299 0.0405 0.06911 0.74822 0.80222 0.508 0.48573 0.87334 0.98314 0.40681 0.60303 0.78102 0.92809 0.84153 0.34103 0.18135 0.81211 0.95103 0.64208 0.82283 0.86155 0.32657 0.67088 0.47608 0.34035 0.03953 0.36778 0.9072 0.19594 0.90929 0.17088 0.58484 0.59596 0.21657 0.87571 0.28552 0.85608 0.31611 0.90977 0.19759 0.83209 0.68918 0.77425 0.3686 0.36786 0.34002 0.77879 0.08767 0.43907 0.36441 0.07026 0.42962 0.48758 0.26662 0.40276 0.47286 0.9803 0.05882 0.73446 0.30581 0.6077 0.11652 0.99442 0.60125 0.96612 0.54621 0.08458 0.62866 0.54034 0.36925 0.72186 0.45181 0.16564 0.99568 0.45336 0.51821 0.54983 0.01905 0.06884 0.83886 0.46952 0.33489 0.96377 0.87422 0.37508 0.75589 0.52438 0.39214 0.53363 0.41123 0.21496 0.59089 0.85479 0.6947 0.41125 0.2196 0.97545 0.50992 0.23045 0.43632 0.59871 0.14353 0.23611 0.9755 0.04191 0.17771 0.10049 0.94573 0.12551 0.3774 0.5277 0.59676 0.69995 0.51156 0.05702 0.42524 0.70321 0.70342 0.70353 0.29956 0.90838 0.84783 0.00069 0.4835 0.84544 0.18813 0.02989 0.82176 0.4717 0.53207 0.9741 0.1116 0.15819 0.8252 0.26896 0.40547 0.77629 0.86181 0.7424 0.96577 0.39894 0.46837 0.74758 0.29448 0.63061 0.51468 0.4146 0.89235 0.8239 0.74876 0.52028 0.28911 0.52667 0.17261 0.14167 0.15629 0.54322 0.1411 0.78042 0.07245 0.22038 0.66429 0.87727 0.15088 0.31402 0.68912 0.5911 0.67914 0.86374 0.53652 0.62072 0.63837 0.63277 0.17143 0.53195 0.05004 0.25278 0.5551 0.047 0.21936 0.68873 0.4921 0.33352 0.39569 0.08448 0.6591 0.54401 0.86945 0.01337 0.36326 0.59321 0.6337 0.82657 0.08015 0.56682 0.04782 0.76352 0.65304 0.73794 0.86122 0.39708 0.37312 0.70588 0.37497 0.74144 0.92022 0.9255 0.07227 0.0899 0.49692 0.79007 0.49464 0.86266 0.83129 0.49129 0.63511 0.50978 0.21147 0.21914 0.25914 0.17334 0.71125 0.16073 0.28356 0.56135 0.96754 0.99086 0.13506 0.3487 0.78842 0.83394 0.13381 0.13947 0.89429 0.94382 0.73694 0.30819 0.64666 0.99912 0.00346 0.10156
+0.39273 0.33257 0.54243 0.98492 0.73898 0.01865 0.81293 0.37094 0.86645 0.51023 0.76523 0.93214 0.367 0.8552 0.01096 0.19424 0.34183 0.02251 0.70416 0.20689 0.21679 0.25341 0.96829 0.32192 0.17584 0.54207 0.94306 0.26191 0.46088 0.68519 0.25907 0.18593 0.02685 0.23592 0.98799 0.71493 0.92345 0.24145 0.44124 0.62092 0.70431 0.11274 0.27026 0.08774 0.34731 0.47622 0.76851 0.26195 0.20934 0.13093 0.01542 0.75859 0.54982 0.1375 0.87037 0.51617 0.71938 0.92868 0.40517 0.47126 0.62881 0.48598 0.94935 0.13027 0.98718 0.21209 0.86678 0.65588 0.1208 0.06409 0.86234 0.02922 0.03512 0.35671 0.81242 0.76033 0.89473 0.69903 0.03911 0.1849 0.81953 0.6286 0.03612 0.49798 0.37176 0.41082 0.62424 0.94072 0.17968 0.28224 0.04444 0.05747 0.51764 0.77468 0.89351 0.64907 0.90688 0.03832 0.23973 0.61415 0.00613 0.7764 0.79527 0.56027 0.21864 0.74128 0.6115 0.8492 0.78462 0.18429 0.61364 0.23674 0.87317 0.14207 0.21801 0.28332 0.53505 0.87068 0.71646 0.39329 0.23371 0.66564 0.15873 0.52665 0.84108 0.16238 0.97596 0.81492 0.11614 0.08169 0.62521 0.72872 0.9433 0.77353 0.94381 0.9762 0.89994 0.66225 0.2458 0.00552 0.26449 0.66413 0.11123 0.99619 0.16931 0.97128 0.80587 0.64652 0.48786 0.12856 0.46736 0.44102 0.78059 0.58616 0.45208 0.07824 0.351 0.60432 0.67842 0.45766 0.88846 0.80027 0.27879 0.51842 0.55228 0.56101 0.54942 0.49267 0.90348 0.74293 0.59569 0.57914 0.85731 0.5983 0.52432 0.89621 0.31928 0.71759 0.33938 0.80531 0.76329 0.76564 0.04731 0.38308 0.00744 0.74041 0.93794 0.64902 0.11509 0.13785 0.74968 0.50874 0.94879 0.9192 0.72118 0.81022 0.3112 0.51017 0.44307 0.23164 0.45524 0.08497 0.61663 0.50546 0.64002 0.01109 0.70228 0.03745 0.05233 0.39618 0.27645 0.63033 0.8706 0.82082 0.07292 0.56396 0.98929 0.61915 0.25321 0.54134 0.07685 0.67949 0.63001 0.68006 0.99787 0.85029 0.73261 0.63153 0.38175 0.96458 0.00347 0.7584 0.72391 0.92816 0.65908 0.17127 0.21233 0.05681 0.64196 0.06623 0.92808 0.04537 0.54176 0.11566 0.19347 0.86891 0.54971 0.73915 0.48943 0.19867 0.766 0.7385 0.45706 0.49298 0.59544 0.90182 0.67808 0.10756 0.6111 0.75321 0.01005 0.94339 0.12909 0.51713 0.27166 0.46285 0.40266 0.1115 0.87599 0.93468 0.33686 0.42034 0.80676 0.07517 0.99434 0.87169 0.33114 0.80156 0.85843 0.42007 0.87678 0.85907 0.15976 0.26353 0.04684 0.47283 0.96947 0.2112 0.79246 0.53874 0.95438 0.04795 0.84381 0.35477 0.10176 0.51583 0.19605 0.92286 0.94594 0.20456 0.93333 0.55106 0.51156 0.94186 0.00629 0.66148 0.34363 0.17805 0.98945 0.53865 0.01516 0.32976 0.2688 0.48891 0.23207 0.62794 0.95584 0.47473 0.66894 0.27274 0.76702 0.16471 0.47584 0.18219 0.5734 0.38682 0.15649 0.76346 0.67956 0.75841 0.05065 0.38724 0.52023 0.97515 0.42984 0.09227 0.97877 0.19163 0.45678 0.50005 0.36226 0.33413 0.02395 0.85406 0.97746 0.15802 0.2093 0.6373 0.13719 0.55831 0.78078 0.20261 0.76462 0.89666 0.69785 0.12726 0.50812 0.05247 0.59843 0.84498 0.39702 0.49832 0.23371 0.68987 0.29026 0.28388 0.99661 0.72147 0.66172 0.34113 0.26543 0.19826 0.30241 0.98592 0.43056 0.27982 0.45838 0.16995 0.95573 0.72184 0.67979 0.13337 0.3997 0.04677 0.26095 0.45675 0.13049 0.63561 0.97386 0.98443 0.92079 0.1165 0.04535 0.89885 0.35558 0.23376 0.78409 0.46482 0.45569 0.89338 0.96685 0.56214 0.34236 0.63954 0.75003 0.24319 0.01551 0.54374 0.79765 0.63272 0.88828 0.33524 0.46504 0.74772 0.85584 0.60996 0.19176 0.13905 0.33472 0.27215 0.91756 0.45556 0.75772 0.35824 0.09573 0.86846 0.92986 0.88685 0.33408 0.98484 0.11788 0.44221 0.31395 0.50281 0.0908 0.99376 0.57174 0.48603 0.43336 0.15443 0.70686 0.57912 0.69323 0.73701 0.5929 0.08241 0.88655 0.28595 0.77067 0.18364 0.05263 0.64658 0.05608 0.25603 0.36526 0.15058 0.41966 0.18866 0.17361 0.58569 0.46999 0.80411 0.8154 0.44999 0.03346 0.27516 0.68154 0.32629 0.81246 0.26997 0.21045 0.26844 0.48049 0.8113 0.20809 0.67362 0.34333 0.86607 0.05554 0.73874 0.26792 0.62502 0.66477 0.09271 0.97258 0.95653 0.32713 0.72443 0.17322 0.12841 0.03244 0.37583 0.23193 0.27859 0.11713 0.58892 0.11392 0.70037 0.29454 0.15751 0.66833 0.36818 0.48372 0.2642 0.67713 0.10295 0.70878 0.84904 0.73203 0.8029 0.62477 0.17325
+0.22 0.16818 0.91385 0.84138 0.54077 0.53251 0.79165 0.58527 0.7625 0.18849 0.07459 0.38138 0.29538 0.56371 0.97395 0.27089 0.76562 0.63207 0.31975 0.73289 0.88283 0.45247 0.15006 0.26717 0.38305 0.93432 0.10437 0.62389 0.5818 0.01012 0.70147 0.59198 0.68337 0.30334 0.4171 0.66649 0.58149 0.26592 0.9254 0.22059 0.16501 0.72307 0.34182 0.86481 0.19989 0.24159 0.3455 0.30025 0.48166 0.67626 0.4334 0.00953 0.9463 0.4399 0.83107 0.97324 0.91877 0.52465 0.32113 0.72978 0.22253 0.37141 0.26725 0.38173 0.6483 0.99154 0.795 0.73616 0.66811 0.24593 0.0162 0.47915 0.41442 0.88285 0.52778 0.03018 0.72434 0.94697 0.00469 0.88873 0.9806 0.37959 0.29529 0.77587 0.82531 0.93589 0.62949 0.24706 0.86907 0.67265 0.49096 0.99113 0.13089 0.27168 0.65527 0.01622 0.70539 0.82482 0.20717 0.31448 0.2579 0.89783 0.44977 0.22306 0.43258 0.49626 0.564 0.16967 0.55208 0.34161 0.89605 0.96983 0.73752 0.56891 0.06353 0.41427 0.15373 0.01713 0.09868 0.44594 0.8431 0.38602 0.42546 0.33255 0.68073 0.18741 0.47596 0.79286 0.59032 0.49028 0.52992 0.14894 0.70555 0.84994 0.55549 0.15246 0.85562 0.80643 0.07193 0.46778 0.8988 0.94726 0.89918 0.04227 0.20454 0.84413 0.62402 0.05407 0.34202 0.05792 0.97228 0.77692 0.89247 0.90145 0.19989 0.46717 0.84719 0.88717 0.78192 0.54653 0.76374 0.52712 0.52103 0.29774 0.80204 0.19603 0.24254 0.2558 0.68376 0.26285 0.07266 0.17089 0.42924 0.14527 0.41313 0.46928 0.36186 0.18473 0.78364 0.11128 0.6626 0.68256 0.22586 0.20766 0.48753 0.25755 0.03011 0.35674 0.362 0.37903 0.6878 0.09765 0.11331 0.24645 0.86785 0.22814 0.5131 0.65609 0.74061 0.60034 0.8122 0.00192 0.9072 0.17027 0.42009 0.42021 0.36863 0.91148 0.62274 0.03814 0.97549 0.27773 0.48172 0.4313 0.67078 0.30522 0.56249 0.06449 0.11265 0.26819 0.51549 0.86147 0.67837 0.47176 0.12649 0.95048 0.21484 0.64815 0.9336 0.16703 0.84128 0.24457 0.68139 0.39767 0.87359 0.40182 0.76688 0.73186 0.15847 0.65753 0.11308 0.35315 0.0676 0.5473 0.4764 0.85152 0.70826 0.98494 0.47646 0.09585 0.34612 0.46049 0.76222 0.54131 0.87318 0.6039 0.46163 0.8949 0.58728 0.48782 0.22781 0.76131 0.37638 0.28335 0.81676 0.28995 0.48956 0.18969 0.4649 0.75829 0.01434 0.88029 0.23664 0.75071 0.95761 0.86534 0.94206 0.4842 0.74347 0.41164 0.45184 0.95188 0.06172 0.87996 0.54883 0.92113 0.43988 0.29866 0.49673 0.65443 0.3842 0.93068 0.08945 0.57601 0.94614 0.08919 0.50612 0.01002 0.57681 0.7933 0.15459 0.98581 0.28282 0.11424 0.67596 0.33029 0.36161 0.03287 0.92798 0.43667 0.69652 0.8599 0.72845 0.37291 0.1039 0.88753 0.76729 0.51864 0.12903 0.47207 0.10946 0.8768 0.48102 0.39921 0.9502 0.86452 0.83466 0.18178 0.61821 0.47059 0.29917 0.62446 0.10823 0.92679 0.16599 0.57365 0.33784 0.38474 0.39473 0.37661 0.93127 0.16097 0.30148 0.916 0.76995 0.23578 0.58765 0.69257 0.64647 0.83711 0.00738 0.56198 0.83602 0.31086 0.56262 0.87901 0.37074 0.78271 0.67541 0.08907 0.03833 0.34296 0.75185 0.25101 0.45831 0.728 0.99668 0.98632 0.9273 0.43619 0.39315 0.79314 0.54788 0.97872 0.43104 0.63541 0.79024 0.06259 0.66642 0.77308 0.32122 0.02945 0.13692 0.63559 0.25131 0.4252 0.21465 0.04827 0.17358 0.03844 0.18458 0.37867 0.84758 0.96994 0.55085 0.61188 0.26448 0.05515 0.61541 0.52222 0.03231 0.95266 0.88209 0.96315 0.27526 0.89759 0.19192 0.44359 0.76591 0.13226 0.04363 0.35285 0.76332 0.18987 0.63469 0.46128 0.76784 0.36296 0.22414 0.40721 0.40864 0.50569 0.92739 0.05681 0.29388 0.92484 0.30416 0.74901 0.06187 0.97084 0.33656 0.28909 0.42292 0.66801 0.22915 0.72172 0.84042 0.66362 0.16076 0.18171 0.65976 0.3225 0.04579 0.93204 0.36052 0.16702 0.64308 0.68594 0.34329 0.25013 0.2631 0.62618 0.39192 0.95609 0.21641 0.3214 0.87394 0.6829 0.1933 0.20462 0.29621 0.84316 0.24397 0.1872 0.12773 0.55977 0.09116 0.03354 0.67921 0.62429 0.42087 0.0872 0.13166 0.84472 0.24166 0.96844 0.35013 0.59205 0.86875 0.33081 0.61504 0.4893 0.77573 0.06037 0.84741 0.81547 0.08775 0.4748 0.58577 0.49001 0.10486 0.75208 0.10842 0.5898 0.25597 0.52149 0.94437 0.09817 0.57778 0.33526 0.9428 0.63948 0.29757 0.95823 0.4918 0.55302 0.9837 0.85769 0.31324 0.91061 0.49043 0.46988
+0.81077 0.15555 0.56569 0.08385 0.28488 0.24463 0.06376 0.77755 0.61649 0.89754 0.04454 0.41492 0.53154 0.59421 0.51763 0.88435 0.64241 0.22179 0.9745 0.33666 0.46045 0.83466 0.18122 0.33075 0.20931 0.14788 0.45921 0.11168 0.78136 0.31551 0.99165 0.84856 0.64329 0.59056 0.63707 0.59588 0.40403 0.22988 0.8345 0.5833 0.90245 0.94477 0.05984 0.87687 0.4124 0.64101 0.93949 0.36904 0.49254 0.70228 0.29098 0.31058 0.44966 0.86656 0.30541 0.08517 0.43793 0.44063 0.43046 0.68801 0.71495 0.89985 0.59321 0.13325 0.20134 0.90033 0.06448 0.00249 0.14456 0.41906 0.44386 0.79096 0.09186 0.36615 0.69767 0.64342 0.10196 0.36095 0.01166 0.95097 0.8232 0.65445 0.5984 0.11033 0.69799 0.7215 0.80298 0.28792 0.75901 0.98912 0.00722 0.18967 0.03552 0.7721 0.98467 0.58877 0.94135 0.14847 0.81947 0.73672 0.20136 0.43914 0.41113 0.1206 0.54137 0.11304 0.24473 0.75484 0.03585 0.65085 0.94732 0.7653 0.72385 0.40809 0.2606 0.88167 0.53807 0.88469 0.64892 0.39778 0.75384 0.49692 0.83048 0.97967 0.17347 0.96014 0.0521 0.70809 0.45856 0.79259 0.70416 0.56603 0.74249 0.27297 0.65991 0.23987 0.77296 0.91087 0.88705 0.61859 0.79592 0.43263 0.30269 0.23896 0.84573 0.69576 0.04282 0.90739 0.22625 0.71392 0.4881 0.36385 0.44205 0.74659 0.69129 0.91152 0.19775 0.39503 0.26474 0.79234 0.3869 0.87258 0.70266 0.32358 0.03012 0.85959 0.01653 0.74705 0.22254 0.34667 0.24668 0.64338 0.78085 0.60208 0.9893 0.86545 0.48467 0.21632 0.90807 0.73472 0.45999 0.60268 0.82221 0.14357 0.68891 0.29078 0.04702 0.52353 0.46183 0.06943 0.3625 0.0364 0.10927 0.96077 0.94378 0.50049 0.58995 0.18641 0.87782 0.96744 0.25819 0.69928 0.95765 0.63819 0.50892 0.78619 0.8496 0.27207 0.01737 0.4196 0.93391 0.78759 0.09654 0.9987 0.6304 0.23286 0.70521 0.56297 0.39235 0.8005 0.32634 0.43937 0.83482 0.31265 0.33032 0.48536 0.74349 0.81418 0.38767 0.06384 0.91441 0.03784 0.4634 0.11946 0.20421 0.21768 0.66468 0.82134 0.24732 0.44896 0.76018 0.94934 0.81171 0.43739 0.79026 0.40483 0.36536 0.5638 0.39623 0.97756 0.04023 0.48467 0.54472 0.95063 0.24014 0.62664 0.5442 0.55361 0.21969 0.22019 0.2102 0.53647 0.68572 0.6587 0.57221 0.4787 0.33893 0.89415 0.69738 0.29483 0.94562 0.42315 0.04155 0.20722 0.02738 0.81142 0.20503 0.40068 0.74386 0.40102 0.11027 0.9594 0.8003 0.08753 0.64394 0.12132 0.52585 0.57036 0.19942 0.13671 0.59061 0.5799 0.15286 0.88457 0.06677 0.55781 0.00672 0.45235 0.42857 0.4415 0.57904 0.90501 0.36192 0.66975 0.24755 0.13902 0.83366 0.45645 0.08576 0.85897 0.74594 0.56511 0.44892 0.14049 0.73347 0.32366 0.40418 0.86925 0.1706 0.75935 0.47198 0.90635 0.37595 0.46646 0.16078 0.25577 0.32134 0.47935 0.01535 0.0984 0.15336 0.65059 0.59007 0.18489 0.79228 0.53082 0.31938 0.61922 0.80777 0.96338 0.74954 0.82415 0.70385 0.78483 0.77359 0.93941 0.75889 0.0667 0.20943 0.9692 0.20564 0.36929 0.3766 0.39356 0.21051 0.68237 0.72422 0.64629 0.3139 0.11396 0.52163 0.5035 0.68758 0.24165 0.62409 0.80823 0.59042 0.26861 0.58221 0.46341 0.99342 0.84844 0.81122 0.66717 0.73604 0.58473 0.86658 0.39453 0.55748 0.38611 0.72676 0.74713 0.24917 0.8447 0.29046 0.23499 0.98285 0.99765 0.09805 0.78195 0.72452 0.26243 0.85191 0.3682 0.35503 0.47302 0.86435 0.41388 0.99624 0.83187 0.14911 0.06052 0.05611 0.65503 0.4518 0.86838 0.2859 0.7603 0.93333 0.75679 0.12811 0.56811 0.41178 0.95933 0.46905 0.94152 0.73125 0.80819 0.62567 0.32859 0.93441 0.17081 0.00401 0.66429 0.43437 0.80866 0.43277 0.77872 0.83372 0.09443 0.4279 0.3278 0.78496 0.72428 0.59586 0.70869 0.23298 0.29176 0.75775 0.53306 0.19143 0.64523 0.00602 0.54574 0.41006 0.7299 0.37358 0.96245 0.22393 0.6486 0.02482 0.95064 0.95331 0.13642 0.56473 0.59173 0.43729 0.75541 0.51725 0.12938 0.36709 0.23813 0.30279 0.98738 0.31081 0.41306 0.21281 0.75276 0.1926 0.15104 0.8623 0.34123 0.56401 0.36548 0.03119 0.64305 0.47412 0.03662 0.42736 0.21704 0.41579 0.51394 0.16504 0.9886 0.41658 0.41272 0.95846 0.74448 0.76722 0.48437 0.08481 0.2055 0.48845 0.38064 0.35905 0.85767 0.83437 0.47394 0.52995 0.61228 0.58064 0.206 0.20191 0.44765 0.96442 0.49188 0.48967 0.83761 0.20973 0.87939 0.32787 0.49072
+0.89899 0.1358 0.09572 0.88396 0.60247 0.22741 0.53313 0.71065 0.73384 0.76073 0.60402 0.19754 0.11344 0.5953 0.14092 0.03716 0.03564 0.68403 0.34929 0.41951 0.5573 0.45837 0.44867 0.02331 0.96264 0.10731 0.50571 0.61065 0.84911 0.18611 0.81211 0.93686 0.01613 0.58751 0.51494 0.95335 0.86228 0.01423 0.47764 0.25252 0.23048 0.15348 0.88471 0.71162 0.91562 0.8482 0.37454 0.97925 0.7087 0.46444 0.11875 0.4486 0.87239 0.81592 0.94398 0.60646 0.48185 0.92291 0.60585 0.2706 0.06812 0.55275 0.15044 0.52507 0.78639 0.27355 0.72288 0.76655 0.28207 0.80682 0.09981 0.14991 0.69774 0.23821 0.95475 0.54875 0.63788 0.04762 0.57768 0.6448 0.26773 0.96205 0.88102 0.43302 0.75268 0.81614 0.21174 0.4057 0.25315 0.33733 0.42105 0.79587 0.54956 0.64867 0.89305 0.14217 0.31441 0.92146 0.85134 0.03054 0.04909 0.86848 0.92701 0.86676 0.84377 0.70193 0.97793 0.38722 0.69682 0.92529 0.51264 0.1715 0.97962 0.49857 0.65567 0.59645 0.79317 0.16539 0.22558 0.21115 0.77364 0.65252 0.18883 0.94914 0.74818 0.88042 0.8088 0.47598 0.68802 0.30277 0.7022 0.74669 0.24727 0.10027 0.7553 0.58728 0.06329 0.43568 0.06972 0.74154 0.46564 0.32865 0.20974 0.10179 0.0391 0.54586 0.09891 0.81816 0.69003 0.45887 0.86111 0.68016 0.89154 0.47617 0.59066 0.20402 0.21802 0.78373 0.74896 0.2684 0.15876 0.25185 0.33694 0.21897 0.43862 0.35176 0.08678 0.60957 0.26067 0.78546 0.12815 0.03828 0.84081 0.24505 0.9251 0.41114 0.53861 0.06734 0.72767 0.23843 0.66622 0.90493 0.42793 0.16635 0.38479 0.95848 0.14615 0.52252 0.4836 0.92097 0.35773 0.85721 0.573 0.24569 0.84526 0.21927 0.7493 0.77697 0.74833 0.49128 0.379 0.93782 0.14697 0.25106 0.61608 0.81662 0.2844 0.56372 0.68346 0.81472 0.26513 0.91774 0.94215 0.79839 0.61061 0.15706 0.48935 0.97457 0.70934 0.82229 0.61599 0.6636 0.00558 0.82625 0.20965 0.09949 0.75351 0.77742 0.03976 0.03643 0.91798 0.7603 0.16575 0.33563 0.48939 0.68368 0.82877 0.89237 0.84897 0.00109 0.62927 0.74351 0.36105 0.11146 0.23665 0.46793 0.15112 0.5771 0.75246 0.7541 0.9932 0.04908 0.38704 0.3167 0.09275 0.96453 0.15698 0.65562 0.7694 0.92306 0.42872 0.19537 0.20811 0.85863 0.07071 0.85874 0.28861 0.03706 0.86254 0.90738 0.10198 0.84147 0.96826 0.80644 0.79531 0.09749 0.0625 0.68663 0.59469 0.60264 0.77947 0.89888 0.1215 0.79781 0.03018 0.51782 0.0056 0.98369 0.24097 0.56016 0.70142 0.04546 0.26681 0.84687 0.47304 0.6971 0.31964 0.30097 0.91547 0.91431 0.25591 0.91748 0.85972 0.75111 0.06683 0.01588 0.51688 0.57624 0.27046 0.47284 0.23349 0.63588 0.63611 0.8882 0.56811 0.23614 0.34591 0.99384 0.73953 0.54902 0.90525 0.41492 0.4223 0.43333 0.57336 0.28334 0.4639 0.89692 0.9159 0.99967 0.66817 0.64334 0.59899 0.80219 0.15297 0.33708 0.03374 0.83546 0.32958 0.51184 0.61626 0.10682 0.58501 0.8179 0.25415 0.3789 0.10027 0.22281 0.96842 0.70434 0.90197 0.05909 0.71627 0.85617 0.77576 0.47606 0.48857 0.66294 0.50029 0.29773 0.3598 0.59773 0.55408 0.36881 0.32181 0.54144 0.68621 0.47272 0.37511 0.5463 0.47351 0.678 0.82326 0.1104 0.33838 0.53003 0.3066 0.71551 0.54067 0.28755 0.86238 0.91597 0.18304 0.56869 0.6073 0.39573 0.17336 0.46253 0.3725 0.48949 0.73515 0.24452 0.35199 0.71177 0.5179 0.27303 0.30838 0.34761 0.03524 0.0226 0.35352 0.85923 0.54123 0.21103 0.79032 0.50325 0.92254 0.10603 0.34064 0.9949 0.17298 0.55021 0.42265 0.9236 0.26978 0.18241 0.16486 0.61161 0.42398 0.5387 0.75136 0.29231 0.89892 0.42888 0.18888 0.04104 0.84225 0.27814 0.26651 0.33951 0.48972 0.4298 0.67483 0.36599 0.5053 0.42989 0.95878 0.9322 0.68378 0.53232 0.71332 0.19084 0.3722 0.90078 0.88212 0.82226 0.00401 0.08548 0.37425 0.35281 0.96722 0.17983 0.79813 0.081 0.28099 0.19961 0.41509 0.46174 0.02844 0.43203 0.67685 0.25951 0.65625 0.4516 0.69062 0.82653 0.99137 0.52004 0.80735 0.39498 0.61981 0.22556 0.36017 0.89295 0.62333 0.09608 0.48429 0.87525 0.3645 0.4181 0.89748 0.03505 0.04232 0.46014 0.77124 0.04474 0.2238 0.22852 0.67489 0.53036 0.94391 0.05744 0.3679 0.87521 0.89014 0.82269 0.16685 0.54222 0.2883 0.02045 0.0891 0.07608 0.479 0.78938 0.81008 0.56708 0.19055 0.65096 0.84909 0.69171 0.37518 0.22636
+0.02865 0.08407 0.34166 0.98852 0.10412 0.01198 0.3712 0.61284 0.5426 0.71724 0.37633 0.89709 0.46408 0.36721 0.93268 0.15725 0.56417 0.4917 0.02692 0.411 0.06952 0.47972 0.8722 0.70624 0.04123 0.34338 0.685 0.42338 0.4852 0.00074 0.15599 0.35806 0.83178 0.72888 0.76241 0.8549 0.68006 0.77443 0.37461 0.83638 0.92709 0.29437 0.55139 0.82123 0.6314 0.02569 0.01485 0.88703 0.88995 0.15346 0.94911 0.52996 0.56342 0.80291 0.71156 0.31556 0.69241 0.98081 0.48048 0.56605 0.33307 0.85262 0.13383 0.15996 0.44269 0.78052 0.44281 0.10919 0.59563 0.46888 0.99395 0.64224 0.97887 0.6051 0.81579 0.91619 0.11633 0.17925 0.871 0.45987 0.908 0.29915 0.98046 0.71705 0.20098 0.08632 0.86678 0.20625 0.83018 0.68248 0.17651 0.03236 0.9795 0.97816 0.49898 0.57314 0.11629 0.04094 0.32405 0.80156 0.37372 0.09993 0.48064 0.08049 0.81268 0.39144 0.81418 0.85803 0.70912 0.66618 0.58623 0.78866 0.14435 0.33968 0.15167 0.80625 0.4185 0.15881 0.12744 0.31215 0.63017 0.45437 0.11603 0.34526 0.76775 0.8176 0.78639 0.40046 0.82405 0.53722 0.22325 0.61755 0.35113 0.24999 0.4457 0.27653 0.90656 0.70697 0.73097 0.80489 0.19106 0.36722 0.63922 0.20993 0.71206 0.27121 0.43443 0.70653 0.19778 0.85967 0.25487 0.87186 0.81414 0.4566 0.41491 0.71244 0.48262 0.41479 0.4876 0.21155 0.89373 0.23576 0.18379 0.8368 0.84552 0.88303 0.34206 0.63133 0.3209 0.77075 0.26547 0.61185 0.04737 0.22517 0.05647 0.80718 0.97438 0.61321 0.26464 0.61222 0.231 0.73695 0.01399 0.95413 0.22641 0.61509 0.85737 0.98547 0.35939 0.8951 0.15844 0.79682 0.76766 0.94712 0.97493 0.2599 0.62604 0.39743 0.08045 0.76961 0.70768 0.58204 0.30082 0.6104 0.60897 0.73608 0.09876 0.24335 0.36532 0.45423 0.29941 0.9315 0.37369 0.69496 0.16906 0.68914 0.91797 0.48349 0.89494 0.21203 0.04303 0.08369 0.69372 0.75043 0.8567 0.07605 0.53355 0.02825 0.38903 0.85098 0.93392 0.76148 0.69202 0.48776 0.36355 0.14568 0.93154 0.12834 0.8596 0.14578 0.40689 0.32471 0.21447 0.08882 0.01061 0.30801 0.95416 0.54196 0.15962 0.70645 0.36182 0.06993 0.35544 0.52673 0.74473 0.41985 0.67385 0.05947 0.89545 0.75916 0.18988 0.40042 0.76998 0.8547 0.35664 0.25809 0.09742 0.71935 0.91337 0.63249 0.24092 0.00142 0.23413 0.31032 0.01664 0.02599 0.16289 0.01494 0.82379 0.80193 0.04543 0.28277 0.52539 0.81264 0.11039 0.10969 0.32989 0.98372 0.35319 0.66028 0.87463 0.54332 0.42036 0.21998 0.43164 0.71142 0.41632 0.23977 0.85964 0.68656 0.23074 0.0166 0.13617 0.67336 0.37755 0.7875 0.95578 0.66569 0.57767 0.01659 0.52551 0.94258 0.19098 0.65448 0.02199 0.16297 0.55602 0.49721 0.74762 0.56761 0.05722 0.6929 0.44598 0.89853 0.47834 0.20399 0.86719 0.5007 0.14206 0.02059 0.91136 0.29433 0.76222 0.76612 0.80052 0.92008 0.74027 0.81028 0.64921 0.21175 0.26656 0.14817 0.02821 0.04967 0.76988 0.61646 0.3661 0.34633 0.40402 0.15049 0.03331 0.51073 0.64821 0.64811 0.22998 0.75005 0.10629 0.59423 0.27595 0.10316 0.05902 0.24108 0.22206 0.8948 0.2437 0.01945 0.53031 0.2709 0.39517 0.24115 0.74168 0.30728 0.59915 0.86644 0.3333 0.47505 0.69594 0.95972 0.8248 0.87495 0.84879 0.02893 0.22541 0.23477 0.1332 0.63445 0.03502 0.45815 0.99662 0.30085 0.11057 0.01338 0.34482 0.31206 0.24324 0.47646 0.2799 0.91426 0.77943 0.58321 0.54663 0.5664 0.46381 0.27213 0.351 0.39898 0.99324 0.22522 0.11284 0.73124 0.17149 0.0979 0.64193 0.68953 0.16818 0.03957 0.44246 0.24078 0.00262 0.4324 0.73679 0.03225 0.34489 0.07548 0.17324 0.86249 0.05434 0.32395 0.06782 0.88195 0.736 0.99015 0.69735 0.25157 0.89262 0.97039 0.26526 0.3002 0.75579 0.75268 0.5617 0.96839 0.81018 0.96553 0.41772 0.6975 0.5565 0.90329 0.071 0.04835 0.9534 0.75592 0.50923 0.25203 0.10614 0.38368 0.15515 0.55858 0.00978 0.04565 0.75466 0.81493 0.82574 0.06076 0.40128 0.71174 0.75788 0.5929 0.09817 0.6572 0.4422 0.08525 0.32621 0.58985 0.81992 0.35718 0.44666 0.12285 0.80874 0.29654 0.64187 0.99589 0.36582 0.17386 0.61994 0.20631 0.59024 0.70778 0.94179 0.60991 0.30246 0.77184 0.3312 0.71074 0.1675 0.10146 0.41266 0.40392 0.21737 0.06787 0.94619 0.46427 0.64499 0.91195 0.30363 0.36366 0.05862 0.28278 0.89882 0.91587 0.97405 0.24517
+0.16977 0.60472 0.9453 0.8591 0.46027 0.25594 0.91544 0.07103 0.96316 0.19494 0.07273 0.16608 0.34292 0.0531 0.06989 0.4216 0.17487 0.16497 0.28624 0.09907 0.22648 0.10467 0.65005 0.97675 0.46074 0.08264 0.18864 0.84645 0.34329 0.47873 0.28961 0.94909 0.87928 0.18626 0.73169 0.7091 0.13261 0.86929 0.52784 0.52391 0.14315 0.8426 0.96623 0.88794 0.52543 0.62018 0.65708 0.2431 0.03941 0.72246 0.84949 0.87472 0.9177 0.83392 0.66594 0.11265 0.07793 0.29515 0.04883 0.43997 0.93156 0.37583 0.62287 0.38131 0.36666 0.67607 0.43219 0.63943 0.42686 0.72792 0.54608 0.25986 0.49855 0.98907 0.37728 0.31682 0.22422 0.57473 0.7652 0.20083 0.74812 0.53897 0.31509 0.07717 0.67902 0.50031 0.0832 0.37516 0.01264 0.01763 0.78549 0.35189 0.62909 0.36342 0.70723 0.56803 0.21848 0.17717 0.90666 0.84317 0.32778 0.36934 0.60682 0.2519 0.21231 0.5201 0.00776 0.0312 0.55548 0.76338 0.61545 0.18641 0.45148 0.1078 0.94564 0.28877 0.65982 0.97081 0.0933 0.35253 0.63276 0.86263 0.67674 0.62442 0.96681 0.18548 0.06536 0.86721 0.6961 0.44413 0.93734 0.24156 0.94684 0.26124 0.98501 0.25155 0.88082 0.35492 0.88243 0.03782 0.79395 0.10475 0.81102 0.34962 0.44227 0.58965 0.93809 0.15375 0.29725 0.16539 0.18972 0.73167 0.88441 0.97022 0.14311 0.30103 0.54525 0.69188 0.58101 0.2561 0.3251 0.113 0.65067 0.08258 0.25725 0.27545 0.39179 0.09054 0.32105 0.86066 0.59969 0.1429 0.37338 0.57455 0.27883 0.46388 0.33495 0.76216 0.04564 0.04891 0.1243 0.7107 0.36092 0.916 0.18583 0.29987 0.86376 0.71637 0.84019 0.40812 0.93023 0.21293 0.51049 0.13578 0.81355 0.23971 0.66156 0.57022 0.83076 0.9946 0.54141 0.28356 0.46857 0.2145 0.69937 0.93539 0.63355 0.05007 0.34533 0.09926 0.82038 0.47824 0.47 0.62539 0.14577 0.25769 0.46539 0.89012 0.80842 0.61007 0.99291 0.68936 0.04464 0.52465 0.75644 0.56162 0.43021 0.04662 0.0975 0.87496 0.41072 0.35009 0.16332 0.61132 0.3447 0.03573 0.60106 0.54552 0.48219 0.34414 0.35523 0.18658 0.61938 0.94564 0.50228 0.51342 0.9223 0.31486 0.92518 0.48054 0.35903 0.47978 0.81517 0.14091 0.29496 0.3411 0.41558 0.08119 0.7929 0.40852 0.18886 0.48207 0.70715 0.61742 0.3607 0.38899 0.95565 0.94228 0.40092 0.51615 0.949 0.50863 0.68062 0.66428 0.48758 0.55223 0.43944 0.01465 0.66158 0.12219 0.42256 0.25498 0.17995 0.30667 0.4538 0.58183 0.60235 0.40313 0.18618 0.63985 0.0857 0.93369 0.07714 0.90646 0.11653 0.68059 0.97349 0.60803 0.34621 0.59584 0.49032 0.60097 0.94672 0.23785 0.28063 0.13121 0.96109 0.0635 0.19563 0.22247 0.64321 0.93372 0.9312 0.68996 0.67279 0.34883 0.57519 0.63485 0.54757 0.7953 0.61121 0.95178 0.18474 0.10389 0.26849 0.99129 0.0891 0.16458 0.05895 0.64985 0.15797 0.10215 0.28301 0.60588 0.18825 0.14064 0.06356 0.55715 0.17814 0.60279 0.72245 0.63108 0.71865 0.93352 0.81304 0.00406 0.44119 0.569 0.03115 0.87767 0.54352 0.02033 0.63109 0.99947 0.74561 0.26587 0.1573 0.7912 0.44928 0.30567 0.61388 0.99529 0.23853 0.91566 0.41008 0.17242 0.28903 0.51281 0.4697 0.73943 0.40174 0.33804 0.15851 0.85148 0.1942 0.50256 0.94062 0.03616 0.14796 0.8172 0.77054 0.40169 0.94299 0.542 0.8707 0.40744 0.40342 0.63636 0.72867 0.73199 0.74257 0.2166 0.90914 0.03096 0.4435 0.07361 0.99747 0.4667 0.78948 0.87962 0.34709 0.46648 0.72748 0.15405 0.08643 0.94192 0.31762 0.10896 0.51522 0.22428 0.41171 0.87117 0.47972 0.11546 0.49965 0.69291 0.39895 0.75011 0.73937 0.53002 0.54822 0.69796 0.32837 0.06962 0.2962 0.79187 0.43514 0.04716 0.33914 0.98192 0.7993 0.96685 0.0559 0.69831 0.5553 0.43492 0.59791 0.28737 0.64985 0.28128 0.11145 0.25701 0.16704 0.28755 0.16319 0.38694 0.44452 0.39318 0.51247 0.03098 0.33425 0.32923 0.35487 0.14347 0.85547 0.09938 0.5807 0.16917 0.96055 0.59512 0.12636 0.50833 0.32812 0.77142 0.42376 0.23591 0.13939 0.03649 0.72813 0.79592 0.82499 0.69566 0.7297 0.20926 0.43901 0.52819 0.81493 0.32207 0.11175 0.63514 0.20519 0.72555 0.34161 0.17191 0.12695 0.60283 0.47668 0.50352 0.28461 0.62707 0.36288 0.1658 0.0573 0.00182 0.53659 0.67114 0.66914 0.30775 0.34857 0.60316 0.62019 0.26762 0.38596 0.06715 0.44347 0.28327 0.0635 0.87982 0.00856 0.53706 0.33003 0.18443
+0.87883 0.74131 0.43673 0.83038 0.9446 0.17457 0.63333 0.91226 0.90808 0.39739 0.23533 0.59818 0.6924 0.81414 0.88459 0.28646 0.70798 0.43177 0.53856 0.37621 0.56533 0.4823 0.34196 0.67226 0.53794 0.92478 0.70542 0.41511 0.90026 0.56573 0.19203 0.20756 0.52698 0.13109 0.96726 0.60871 0.15283 0.13765 0.89379 0.97822 0.16209 0.563 0.81151 0.57112 0.31457 0.03354 0.78756 0.79391 0.74895 0.38001 0.55694 0.51523 0.92358 0.70907 0.45004 0.82057 0.80115 0.83881 0.54182 0.48922 0.06031 0.69218 0.84202 0.77608 0.56781 0.5381 0.93708 0.33302 0.24227 0.47069 0.09676 0.23599 0.51067 0.77017 0.51248 0.07199 0.40924 0.63974 0.67259 0.68886 0.66679 0.97683 0.78877 0.33807 0.41724 0.84677 0.46368 0.56582 0.54686 0.10909 0.36219 0.37201 0.61317 0.50568 0.93944 0.47621 0.59549 0.9265 0.95799 0.20659 0.52405 0.86742 0.42245 0.35361 0.23355 0.51961 0.2388 0.24859 0.22867 0.60606 0.34863 0.13564 0.50709 0.43926 0.93492 0.48803 0.46752 0.56474 0.10779 0.88311 0.4565 0.461 0.89818 0.94634 0.67398 0.2034 0.91529 0.49342 0.00798 0.43277 0.71905 0.52334 0.67172 0.66041 0.24466 0.81636 0.59717 0.27198 0.49424 0.60888 0.16282 0.29933 0.32762 0.5924 0.91707 0.12635 0.24618 0.0212 0.64755 0.95457 0.79976 0.60161 0.89719 0.82579 0.64944 0.71882 0.22261 0.57836 0.73363 0.06426 0.34441 0.61655 0.23665 0.39316 0.62748 0.13937 0.51172 0.7865 0.37022 0.92889 0.12583 0.59541 0.72393 0.37913 0.46032 0.4408 0.77187 0.90953 0.27306 0.80005 0.94113 0.51567 0.2353 0.67474 0.42528 0.89907 0.64745 0.42665 0.50184 0.22095 0.22051 0.35296 0.90015 0.2565 0.78772 0.02817 0.71011 0.98596 0.61081 0.23808 0.52415 0.3788 0.64754 0.72669 0.36066 0.5309 0.53346 0.20322 0.31509 0.70156 0.27035 0.16081 0.15888 0.37242 0.55232 0.6073 0.58949 0.24362 0.4932 0.3209 0.79451 0.72929 0.13629 0.50497 0.23755 0.31545 0.01807 0.94458 0.8765 0.33183 0.74026 0.71601 0.44894 0.45208 0.54944 0.90675 0.06702 0.29033 0.52957 0.38801 0.75092 0.14324 0.08243 0.3494 0.50661 0.48732 0.02753 0.4838 0.87191 0.61971 0.86503 0.26379 0.05787 0.52766 0.68284 0.78561 0.15123 0.57705 0.69363 0.68599 0.36692 0.21949 0.83621 0.66027 0.22649 0.48891 0.82953 0.08412 0.10019 0.77796 0.88946 0.40593 0.80858 0.37726 0.86324 0.01321 0.75168 0.7844 0.62557 0.78487 0.24267 0.80297 0.21849 0.459 0.84167 0.15755 0.41417 0.9587 0.0544 0.81704 0.74698 0.2427 0.98317 0.20152 0.79249 0.09408 0.46841 0.53289 0.42478 0.01833 0.44813 0.43532 0.1754 0.91075 0.07888 0.01503 0.01624 0.39498 0.6433 0.38557 0.98344 0.31452 0.69813 0.50893 0.06594 0.63853 0.95622 0.79414 0.02594 0.88596 0.99769 0.28978 0.44499 0.42057 0.4905 0.43583 0.59796 0.03024 0.35253 0.55487 0.93873 0.93736 0.85555 0.07497 0.77184 0.44996 0.65923 0.90184 0.28927 0.64331 0.25718 0.50193 0.574 0.50182 0.7503 0.65715 0.97325 0.96073 0.87096 0.14979 0.82775 0.95435 0.28298 0.7007 0.63719 0.26468 0.9037 0.86589 0.92302 0.79306 0.82067 0.81728 0.93649 0.43916 0.96669 0.13518 0.13979 0.17068 0.17259 0.82128 0.84165 0.25493 0.57089 0.52995 0.2469 0.78462 0.34454 0.66908 0.89522 0.83433 0.91592 0.54939 0.14144 0.19999 0.85276 0.50413 0.01209 0.81659 0.65249 0.30274 0.86402 0.20777 0.95317 0.82211 0.77598 0.35931 0.86496 0.2734 0.55746 0.20534 0.52132 0.75614 0.33745 0.15622 0.54708 0.10882 0.66097 0.58295 0.15548 0.04675 0.50005 0.59179 0.64503 0.85184 0.93987 0.79705 0.35473 0.91863 0.38478 0.41336 0.82462 0.12433 0.81837 0.16672 0.85866 0.85894 0.65009 0.19157 0.91731 0.12609 0.83776 0.22245 0.70111 0.9612 0.37605 0.0496 0.43155 0.06223 0.81412 0.21181 0.12457 0.13305 0.42805 0.69788 0.56696 0.45625 0.08727 0.00088 0.28852 0.1927 0.14319 0.24761 0.44028 0.13555 0.32312 0.92912 0.15638 0.75108 0.09186 0.75639 0.91931 0.2853 0.96363 0.03339 0.87928 0.96388 0.19172 0.118 0.38678 0.0453 0.56401 0.92305 0.2585 0.36685 0.32614 0.51313 0.86268 0.91936 0.52015 0.01652 0.41396 0.5138 0.94585 0.15352 0.77813 0.35328 0.66743 0.66826 0.70678 0.83031 0.97807 0.74689 0.30028 0.19533 0.66152 0.92259 0.46893 0.06274 0.79696 0.11236 0.28753 0.72135 0.41903 0.89635 0.72853 0.43267 0.61183 0.24578 0.89907 0.22886 0.98748 0.35608
+0.99629 0.79392 0.59014 0.83725 0.25631 0.7304 0.38746 0.4459 0.41985 0.17408 0.39413 0.71947 0.40778 0.60031 0.50847 0.82912 0.49742 0.24888 0.02624 0.17188 0.12949 0.52553 0.77678 0.18059 0.8522 0.40048 0.53043 0.47275 0.14205 0.95675 0.01635 0.76912 0.60783 0.05609 0.60908 0.09589 0.86396 0.94805 0.22267 0.33306 0.948 0.9102 0.41027 0.85992 0.41094 0.92221 0.99584 0.05178 0.33588 0.93268 0.25631 0.44707 0.91113 0.10467 0.90028 0.38906 0.82153 0.98077 0.84731 0.81313 0.65 0.15985 0.82157 0.20389 0.88693 0.8009 0.48991 0.9152 0.78164 0.38084 0.80719 0.8729 0.07928 0.75543 0.8235 0.85263 0.16076 0.3504 0.57468 0.22791 0.38444 0.39955 0.644 0.54972 0.63707 0.1653 0.84654 0.9754 0.74035 0.92086 0.92484 0.37236 0.74093 0.20801 0.54183 0.20779 0.38914 0.40464 0.47273 0.98497 0.38633 0.37846 0.05553 0.58823 0.22759 0.66139 0.41098 0.54864 0.67112 0.64652 0.56328 0.91012 0.4129 0.4482 0.38119 0.54244 0.01076 0.08277 0.41452 0.09559 0.51408 0.89342 0.04512 0.33676 0.56252 0.15468 0.28665 0.01362 0.51112 0.04108 0.89717 0.74233 0.52403 0.45073 0.78617 0.27915 0.25332 0.78817 0.35288 0.49282 0.82261 0.32594 0.04793 0.48726 0.60459 0.50693 0.47394 0.51665 0.19288 0.59686 0.79757 0.59023 0.74914 0.39263 0.90033 0.26205 0.40203 0.29247 0.18914 0.49386 0.11133 0.15871 0.32844 0.3973 0.57531 0.39828 0.13622 0.56442 0.36443 0.672 0.66957 0.332 0.18174 0.54625 0.67857 0.93632 0.89986 0.96641 0.92046 0.41642 0.75095 0.34352 0.60214 0.05262 0.06147 0.31848 0.43841 0.03921 0.36313 0.22059 0.8355 0.87784 0.00904 0.83996 0.54112 0.74576 0.36707 0.86343 0.40051 0.10901 0.50197 0.32349 0.28744 0.82002 0.16053 0.09891 0.57892 0.31601 0.96894 0.73588 0.97984 0.08252 0.83594 0.92529 0.24138 0.21616 0.62921 0.8085 0.009 0.47552 0.85515 0.42726 0.99648 0.3878 0.3816 0.75498 0.30029 0.07729 0.19457 0.67064 0.06697 0.96193 0.08628 0.62486 0.6695 0.47428 0.00433 0.92976 0.99537 0.19166 0.00058 0.81966 0.59657 0.61436 0.92976 0.08076 0.22124 0.86856 0.9843 0.73481 0.32575 0.5453 0.20515 0.92802 0.79058 0.24552 0.05766 0.37329 0.30888 0.4441 0.30784 0.15171 0.69573 0.88727 0.55882 0.36796 0.6469 0.66706 0.43234 0.40854 0.68986 0.19049 0.2022 0.48569 0.74169 0.39668 0.50268 0.0319 0.97861 0.909 0.54815 0.69002 0.21374 0.66031 0.89884 0.29669 0.42196 0.21246 0.52013 0.49081 0.19916 0.43928 0.18672 0.82276 0.04525 0.77529 0.60254 0.26429 0.19126 0.64123 0.31537 0.33643 0.56341 0.89607 0.47898 0.47184 0.57737 0.03588 0.27734 0.36239 0.78123 0.87547 0.96484 0.68462 0.87082 0.99466 0.19294 0.79463 0.3164 0.68231 0.65182 0.41937 0.17564 0.29389 0.24381 0.98096 0.32796 0.93001 0.37872 0.96897 0.90648 0.71425 0.04118 0.88068 0.57141 0.4285 0.63693 0.53733 0.91087 0.96367 0.11282 0.78404 0.81342 0.42441 0.31098 0.19778 0.44559 0.38311 0.17737 0.15875 0.7465 0.89032 0.53304 0.53567 0.25619 0.27926 0.67324 0.59946 0.84604 0.67953 0.16552 0.76885 0.86289 0.74468 0.82996 0.50183 0.9594 0.86067 0.28337 0.27561 0.23298 0.28489 0.01903 0.67673 0.76784 0.17538 0.51178 0.52678 0.00232 0.73055 0.20656 0.03611 0.14569 0.23432 0.9294 0.40454 0.5747 0.27146 0.66081 0.95467 0.90086 0.00333 0.50664 0.33253 0.32437 0.04994 0.6467 0.85626 0.51585 0.94953 0.24312 0.00423 0.23993 0.49299 0.65837 0.86005 0.64078 0.744 0.01798 0.10526 0.5264 0.0421 0.37676 0.25453 0.3244 0.33951 0.6262 0.24555 0.36227 0.24363 0.08089 0.47059 0.47386 0.93122 0.81376 0.08995 0.27561 0.38897 0.58811 0.12001 0.0446 0.46816 0.75882 0.7682 0.71073 0.78032 0.02838 0.41871 0.08681 0.42957 0.99601 0.95317 0.10106 0.35157 0.4129 0.27689 0.39401 0.07884 0.2489 0.32677 0.97229 0.44528 0.54831 0.80358 0.48909 0.45514 0.05747 0.6231 0.72074 0.34587 0.70548 0.09079 0.66538 0.05533 0.05024 0.62228 0.21669 0.53021 0.49074 0.28584 0.98303 0.58627 0.88039 0.15381 0.97319 0.10902 0.92541 0.50611 0.11386 0.47863 0.93687 0.63905 0.42673 0.16318 0.04154 0.65873 0.27228 0.75822 0.11717 0.07437 0.0303 0.79714 0.72605 0.44942 0.86603 0.91231 0.58316 0.5402 0.22097 0.87582 0.46842 0.35887 0.97435 0.10119 0.83394 0.9437 0.72167 0.52154 0.99012 0.6675 0.64368 0.77277
+0.29716 0.30376 0.71129 0.12518 0.55618 0.78599 0.90172 0.21014 0.02414 0.31226 0.8172 0.90569 0.75121 0.17659 0.89567 0.77469 0.59169 0.93644 0.35945 0.86277 0.14528 0.87519 0.71104 0.52733 0.76107 0.84606 0.99934 0.2405 0.61406 0.57125 0.05603 0.0633 0.92773 0.99395 0.23461 0.67086 0.46116 0.15586 0.94325 0.45002 0.85772 0.47883 0.59209 0.73549 0.60923 0.70884 0.73293 0.60206 0.0541 0.24774 0.5848 0.10127 0.05498 0.30782 0.75246 0.15382 0.68243 0.64494 0.95699 0.48698 0.77359 0.04343 0.55381 0.7396 0.36617 0.55084 0.342 0.61873 0.88801 0.75176 0.29624 0.13834 0.73522 0.59334 0.649 0.72058 0.16107 0.34211 0.97622 0.1873 0.99564 0.73236 0.46717 0.892 0.5705 0.27801 0.07052 0.66876 0.9315 0.16104 0.53501 0.25999 0.14845 0.01329 0.9741 0.09733 0.50408 0.15867 0.10919 0.39869 0.84732 0.01128 0.929 0.93434 0.47719 0.9787 0.57137 0.9829 0.91622 0.22182 0.35123 0.03233 0.80893 0.85105 0.0662 0.83599 0.40656 0.13792 0.05338 0.40854 0.45384 0.74434 0.17695 0.89907 0.36016 0.51088 0.04254 0.5486 0.01831 0.46437 0.28821 0.24288 0.8976 0.54859 0.23946 0.15684 0.48399 0.20895 0.44746 0.2972 0.65416 0.62157 0.07939 0.16638 0.17915 0.74075 0.80045 0.25741 0.70396 0.70804 0.14565 0.47629 0.75044 0.98387 0.73765 0.74033 0.87321 0.93884 0.79789 0.8524 0.55197 0.37646 0.45395 0.51356 0.58218 0.0405 0.21004 0.76537 0.82992 0.0498 0.77022 0.42796 0.03691 0.13182 0.21641 0.60529 0.98845 0.53819 0.54968 0.89125 0.95772 0.91321 0.48018 0.10208 0.8851 0.41804 0.7782 0.91813 0.66098 0.45214 0.65754 0.24147 0.60193 0.78996 0.50925 0.43939 0.09008 0.35251 0.07827 0.63154 0.1477 0.82237 0.99808 0.22026 0.34683 0.71208 0.36542 0.16216 0.73459 0.82797 0.30207 0.71672 0.67766 0.37891 0.23345 0.6469 0.75227 0.94149 0.75716 0.31839 0.79863 0.66147 0.56875 0.74383 0.71306 0.11143 0.78665 0.21455 0.12314 0.79669 0.69256 0.61574 0.76266 0.03869 0.99603 0.45768 0.96411 0.39349 0.37413 0.46208 0.90818 0.40737 0.6581 0.48299 0.05914 0.87527 0.14063 0.35259 0.64422 0.85482 0.87555 0.95883 0.40287 0.4459 0.09725 0.62103 0.73451 0.95114 0.09079 0.46265 0.27983 0.42826 0.93497 0.07175 0.01793 0.46018 0.12211 0.71563 0.39716 0.30255 0.83557 0.29342 0.78352 0.7349 0.63386 0.26723 0.51132 0.79387 0.90732 0.94641 0.42331 0.15743 0.71834 0.84981 0.97092 0.42165 0.80893 0.40686 0.15129 0.83357 0.64158 0.38784 0.25914 0.76758 0.55568 0.31015 0.10795 0.45452 0.3765 0.15721 0.20548 0.83321 0.04493 0.4401 0.43977 0.70507 0.50189 0.38113 0.33454 0.27891 0.04994 0.08178 0.94497 0.26125 0.87814 0.43847 0.37909 0.30459 0.06151 0.66328 0.62886 0.36447 0.23153 0.96557 0.92747 0.19617 0.53944 0.34198 0.02296 0.60971 0.51588 0.68367 0.05114 0.24779 0.88208 0.76367 0.65564 0.62112 0.7606 0.81529 0.29947 0.03863 0.59217 0.77785 0.7736 0.30174 0.4657 0.32146 0.77838 0.7245 0.57811 0.31268 0.41643 0.44086 0.88933 0.86158 0.33113 0.39659 0.84204 0.4738 0.88121 0.11872 0.22708 0.84715 0.01634 0.54736 0.33585 0.94774 0.57102 0.06283 0.21041 0.2585 0.89372 0.06641 0.00873 0.82253 0.70903 0.32653 0.54536 0.93198 0.9062 0.16131 0.79128 0.41988 0.50884 0.53416 0.10752 0.67729 0.64388 0.80005 0.91308 0.09185 0.8629 0.60548 0.92481 0.68631 0.41887 0.01886 0.71839 0.30067 0.04478 0.76317 0.20048 0.81986 0.96238 0.55956 0.34237 0.2662 0.15121 0.15053 0.86223 0.90419 0.70744 0.82067 0.30152 0.05434 0.86509 0.09458 0.16353 0.02606 0.82622 0.70049 0.47159 0.78914 0.96929 0.6214 0.23508 0.53919 0.50218 0.01752 0.7827 0.24053 0.14648 0.27561 0.42875 0.58792 0.01766 0.85148 0.95433 0.12976 0.25676 0.24685 0.00803 0.45878 0.51987 0.41802 0.60907 0.86866 0.49655 0.42319 0.1954 0.5335 0.31438 0.78471 0.63817 0.85163 0.81057 0.87264 0.81559 0.92667 0.46114 0.21475 0.27927 0.99337 0.9589 0.60112 0.62135 0.32838 0.33433 0.34344 0.22155 0.04571 0.40114 0.22011 0.76467 0.72602 0.66193 0.12549 0.02144 0.13049 0.54965 0.00207 0.27753 0.92288 0.25654 0.45011 0.38627 0.92372 0.85061 0.70279 0.00605 0.90105 0.7149 0.69011 0.48224 0.9098 0.57219 0.4945 0.48122 0.88618 0.64475 0.10266 0.74345 0.65356 0.65863 0.18365 0.09336 0.36587 0.17006 0.65302 0.51195 0.00949
+0.22358 0.23977 0.11376 0.10295 0.25304 0.66881 0.8693 0.08228 0.9838 0.28529 0.89631 0.8991 0.2453 0.77612 0.85008 0.63149 0.72906 0.16428 0.95143 0.03121 0.72193 0.64073 0.04137 0.33021 0.5147 0.16419 0.03769 0.47648 0.56188 0.24542 0.00936 0.65855 0.93738 0.62424 0.57617 0.44962 0.52938 0.52183 0.73546 0.78047 0.83116 0.83516 0.68145 0.52479 0.24688 0.67861 0.89058 0.71885 0.8191 0.65299 0.17679 0.09638 0.91131 0.81664 0.30561 0.71677 0.01659 0.86326 0.46358 0.61134 0.81145 0.69309 0.96261 0.98469 0.17567 0.68806 0.26566 0.28422 0.01979 0.79075 0.63093 0.21379 0.67482 0.74636 0.32763 0.2855 0.17824 0.54117 0.55129 0.24374 0.72611 0.40303 0.36759 0.03035 0.00446 0.00813 0.33502 0.11611 0.1687 0.14697 0.91602 0.24533 0.18392 0.4436 0.09072 0.6721 0.13559 0.69766 0.97083 0.9361 0.27904 0.44016 0.57793 0.51349 0.29907 0.72417 0.52497 0.95418 0.94338 0.41492 0.08423 0.07914 0.00564 0.63516 0.33965 0.42994 0.36201 0.68505 0.58579 0.75184 0.52155 0.87435 0.9776 0.28108 0.29067 0.03862 0.91136 0.19421 0.18452 0.526 0.52283 0.41564 0.79896 0.76502 0.49636 0.6816 0.20248 0.52075 0.73872 0.61039 0.49316 0.44815 0.3831 0.90878 0.41698 0.22043 0.4418 0.23424 0.53815 0.34993 0.29298 0.09546 0.26408 0.63284 0.15952 0.7881 0.68942 0.16172 0.1532 0.30726 0.26195 0.99127 0.57999 0.18901 0.77406 0.97634 0.89919 0.00594 0.71587 0.95266 0.74852 0.90376 0.18032 0.00651 0.64919 0.977 0.90083 0.95694 0.85745 0.85723 0.91423 0.52315 0.71534 0.63738 0.27901 0.99873 0.35026 0.11412 0.92669 0.92878 0.3615 0.5873 0.44595 0.47353 0.57399 0.07688 0.81044 0.29141 0.76178 0.40169 0.60681 0.06101 0.08416 0.79783 0.22637 0.51016 0.55996 0.34999 0.18795 0.85676 0.9059 0.37835 0.94499 0.6487 0.36697 0.267 0.71066 0.05466 0.52783 0.72628 0.73822 0.75555 0.14304 0.73783 0.27889 0.36367 0.63677 0.61627 0.94054 0.00246 0.92297 0.02956 0.66321 0.86955 0.76079 0.69207 0.91363 0.44801 0.23632 0.1809 0.48653 0.00843 0.17978 0.68061 0.25425 0.19796 0.37478 0.7513 0.58487 0.63806 0.02755 0.20058 0.34027 0.78485 0.07304 0.24387 0.74423 0.82618 0.44886 0.63959 0.25788 0.38534 0.2541 0.81402 0.5217 0.49548 0.23604 0.53201 0.18316 0.62139 0.58278 0.52111 0.54452 0.64456 0.29806 0.03244 0.47053 0.73711 0.18984 0.26306 0.81649 0.30982 0.68355 0.59059 0.91996 0.01252 0.79168 0.84628 0.00597 0.03798 0.69224 0.58388 0.20694 0.8152 0.61108 0.59501 0.54278 0.20609 0.00646 0.41893 0.29409 0.04277 0.27876 0.15017 0.35304 0.32401 0.53314 0.20213 0.00853 0.69841 0.60263 0.68175 0.61149 0.73888 0.5407 0.64505 0.29231 0.82007 0.54928 0.76509 0.61993 0.08376 0.22154 0.05366 0.96957 0.82149 0.67571 0.30417 0.35422 0.27237 0.71277 0.47758 0.8447 0.19877 0.12583 0.44766 0.5555 0.24309 0.17944 0.42742 0.87983 0.33357 0.75706 0.77176 0.25985 0.04337 0.91836 0.70406 0.25664 0.56114 0.75755 0.69926 0.54773 0.65303 0.84242 0.21006 0.49762 0.84349 0.81734 0.54635 0.48785 0.90823 0.63081 0.06038 0.68535 0.15284 0.03765 0.1414 0.90091 0.78063 0.8495 0.08992 0.37808 0.7149 0.18241 0.65737 0.91087 0.39192 0.14341 0.86218 0.49397 0.16058 0.57497 0.1638 0.47545 0.21302 0.21376 0.94892 0.71416 0.09233 0.26411 0.4812 0.91026 0.95336 0.27506 0.85657 0.70835 0.32384 0.42226 0.5256 0.70716 0.54091 0.77731 0.25179 0.58529 0.2649 0.94048 0.11584 0.63064 0.09821 0.97913 0.1951 0.09822 0.61048 0.76214 0.11776 0.88184 0.99526 0.04627 0.13101 0.47193 0.07504 0.49012 0.50273 0.31514 0.43677 0.08312 0.35716 0.07435 0.24001 0.41768 0.13671 0.31489 0.12538 0.34258 0.42138 0.3 0.67322 0.03521 0.76468 0.9743 0.79879 0.54295 0.49539 0.12877 0.79379 0.87536 0.88941 0.52397 0.6822 0.09261 0.48088 0.59743 0.08109 0.80433 0.3089 0.25648 0.97557 0.41816 0.83724 0.57413 0.18494 0.54776 0.43823 0.43806 0.15736 0.80133 0.45203 0.21675 0.26595 0.76203 0.36413 0.4465 0.41553 0.28581 0.33525 0.71125 0.7046 0.13345 0.97769 0.80589 0.41845 0.86923 0.58713 0.66549 0.49606 0.91898 0.92014 0.52308 0.14406 0.3697 0.27126 0.72479 0.27281 0.58542 0.58766 0.16043 0.10841 0.09383 0.45365 0.20022 0.73814 0.25074 0.12943 0.65817 0.70565 0.68773 0.07018 0.12241 0.3159 0.94507 0.7881
+0.1052 0.60092 0.54465 0.43572 0.74639 0.28196 0.39644 0.23854 0.25198 0.81069 0.50386 0.16947 0.74016 0.59849 0.11362 0.93131 0.06905 0.30073 0.28924 0.98408 0.74555 0.71321 0.5004 0.92594 0.82584 0.93816 0.22721 0.89966 0.71882 0.44659 0.9099 0.59627 0.62636 0.2994 0.61338 0.59035 0.93658 0.25718 0.3206 0.79296 0.30667 0.84619 0.86596 0.86389 0.74352 0.06973 0.69264 0.05781 0.45152 0.17524 0.46274 0.51867 0.20559 0.83652 0.88552 0.87682 0.05015 0.28086 0.8704 0.17354 0.02183 0.98432 0.56093 0.12006 0.02823 0.79051 0.95532 0.30805 0.18688 0.21527 0.20524 0.95367 0.22045 0.92823 0.45145 0.23285 0.21196 0.9849 0.53711 0.22388 0.73437 0.94363 0.658 0.78223 0.0354 0.63463 0.59926 0.31694 0.57701 0.83108 0.53894 0.50898 0.81502 0.44591 0.33635 0.20385 0.56426 0.74151 0.72682 0.85317 0.17999 0.10099 0.52482 0.51569 0.07258 0.3323 0.9342 0.90452 0.25522 0.95705 0.21326 0.46957 0.18512 0.8123 0.34814 0.94311 0.22908 0.29645 0.30526 0.06756 0.0597 0.10117 0.01331 0.45466 0.42988 0.80719 0.7871 0.10394 0.56189 0.0694 0.92877 0.62527 0.24537 0.5294 0.1428 0.65348 0.69063 0.58454 0.95418 0.8874 0.61075 0.11272 0.25261 0.69279 0.0084 0.20988 0.21057 0.82206 0.92942 0.48863 0.83174 0.58977 0.91042 0.48578 0.97395 0.37486 0.38169 0.9555 0.10459 0.15085 0.29303 0.19013 0.09486 0.39935 0.93983 0.09817 0.60459 0.57142 0.48804 0.78989 0.08988 0.07444 0.23492 0.71106 0.98773 0.50993 0.26209 0.86464 0.11948 0.99739 0.01355 0.22947 0.02447 0.85055 0.65333 0.63991 0.90048 0.57609 0.8211 0.81282 0.05509 0.71195 0.81668 0.62812 0.91902 0.34387 0.0496 0.72862 0.78464 0.49137 0.23998 0.45129 0.7755 0.03143 0.7307 0.15922 0.83322 0.77748 0.60133 0.47943 0.13339 0.97994 0.41292 0.83143 0.08063 0.12105 0.07407 0.79221 0.7172 0.68558 0.65689 0.65964 0.84534 0.2396 0.53547 0.33581 0.74392 0.66718 0.36005 0.02332 0.83913 0.78883 0.34773 0.36947 0.63645 0.46911 0.31967 0.07374 0.1816 0.36433 0.92457 0.0354 0.57244 0.14224 0.03171 0.19148 0.28996 0.17837 0.4083 0.01082 0.6981 0.93123 0.24822 0.80593 0.04931 0.63637 0.52987 0.43751 0.82667 0.39691 0.05274 0.32988 0.33989 0.60549 0.97353 0.83274 0.30399 0.0269 0.28572 0.83812 0.81591 0.36716 0.11322 0.03467 0.94051 0.69317 0.71269 0.31144 0.32669 0.42553 0.58432 0.88539 0.13254 0.46855 0.99791 0.53775 0.72205 0.27502 0.24633 0.87193 0.43852 0.74066 0.51919 0.08085 0.23491 0.4572 0.39761 0.26585 0.42171 0.72698 0.12764 0.92688 0.51779 0.62986 0.45906 0.45553 0.40498 0.66549 0.39839 0.1059 0.29741 0.12798 0.46422 0.94088 0.21952 0.07667 0.27446 0.87957 0.36912 0.97168 0.06195 0.17073 0.51024 0.96192 0.98787 0.40249 0.50432 0.40979 0.20756 0.4289 0.17683 0.66348 0.25779 0.44305 0.37774 0.08913 0.70131 0.30467 0.09466 0.64616 0.09706 0.65225 0.54818 0.94501 0.57643 0.05966 0.60805 0.04826 0.97486 0.97662 0.57936 0.96493 0.35376 0.61488 0.78568 0.20034 0.00662 0.83295 0.05291 0.45079 0.50566 0.67414 0.72224 0.89468 0.07181 0.64574 0.70439 0.86255 0.18158 0.34111 0.55692 0.96359 0.36792 0.55985 0.74075 0.00576 0.02373 0.90274 0.54447 0.48549 0.23465 0.11909 0.95567 0.84477 0.00491 0.33923 0.13314 0.94747 0.7907 0.93489 0.66604 0.419 0.92062 0.86807 0.77987 0.61333 0.84646 0.39856 0.1171 0.22178 0.741 0.95691 0.30075 0.96161 0.03047 0.71056 0.26923 0.31391 0.12133 0.45808 0.85659 0.47503 0.21893 0.55303 0.3632 0.6076 0.49319 0.71962 0.15638 0.83191 0.43369 0.02772 0.16386 0.97486 0.15811 0.82435 0.11564 0.33925 0.65599 0.29185 0.09479 0.70598 0.01539 0.02091 0.34201 0.01834 0.98709 0.84783 0.26675 0.687 0.97283 0.58391 0.38895 0.33631 0.8728 0.78883 0.79094 0.17355 0.08486 0.72542 0.51069 0.3348 0.75436 0.54291 0.35646 0.66127 0.73362 0.90951 0.49335 0.33979 0.12303 0.60089 0.18941 0.53782 0.78913 0.19435 0.03641 0.04698 0.52645 0.51911 0.3966 0.32319 0.47429 0.20648 0.92006 0.27071 0.69329 0.4372 0.06902 0.92908 0.9426 0.30649 0.94053 0.95162 0.0883 0.30197 0.02397 0.28736 0.11264 0.79267 0.74029 0.36247 0.99375 0.88938 0.08295 0.72507 0.48995 0.76469 0.16505 0.07307 0.25388 0.20024 0.22838 0.7303 0.85652 0.99788 0.12231 0.16837 0.44533 0.40226 0.28718 0.08641
+0.16553 0.19546 0.73039 0.54599 0.56802 0.5229 0.59087 0.46415 0.07695 0.01437 0.76897 0.12085 0.38777 0.57199 0.10037 0.09822 0.52648 0.04719 0.39326 0.63756 0.50182 0.25078 0.49742 0.6977 0.03053 0.23202 0.87492 0.67385 0.16829 0.16858 0.40163 0.24261 0.50089 0.53358 0.77113 0.01276 0.51056 0.39691 0.32618 0.31806 0.10106 0.97524 0.12381 0.34975 0.20884 0.84144 0.07988 0.38945 0.15421 0.14938 0.18817 0.91158 0.65489 0.87384 0.45434 0.99011 0.11697 0.41131 0.6426 0.65123 0.49459 0.87973 0.74088 0.1618 0.77499 0.387 0.00573 0.05836 0.57994 0.27439 0.08308 0.87496 0.5127 0.96564 0.38093 0.15193 0.52188 0.61129 0.66036 0.84764 0.64242 0.59219 0.33879 0.74974 0.51873 0.11593 0.91516 0.77984 0.28292 0.54362 0.53733 0.37428 0.89332 0.62369 0.45046 0.23698 0.04042 0.07926 0.25049 0.84446 0.18204 0.25619 0.35082 0.14075 0.90732 0.58309 0.5936 0.73553 0.76175 0.30573 0.38614 0.79625 0.94581 0.49652 0.46788 0.38223 0.32861 0.59735 0.54942 0.62767 0.19351 0.35526 0.59135 0.00508 0.66978 0.98449 0.71662 0.2863 0.14405 0.73581 0.45761 0.01485 0.60806 0.89355 0.09567 0.40513 0.39118 0.2758 0.06471 0.36447 0.67096 0.58975 0.06725 0.83866 0.53315 0.2492 0.80244 0.5366 0.57119 0.98959 0.19071 0.22293 0.88757 0.27025 0.50748 0.43352 0.80225 0.20483 0.47093 0.55097 0.44324 0.73397 0.23306 0.95085 0.84203 0.25538 0.66189 0.90376 0.4158 0.43314 0.49303 0.99427 0.36204 0.87133 0.11722 0.58751 0.97148 0.50553 0.63419 0.3696 0.27773 0.29208 0.10387 0.80975 0.41084 0.40828 0.24502 0.15715 0.1955 0.48831 0.73445 0.6067 0.94492 0.09387 0.87565 0.80614 0.46575 0.38439 0.23207 0.67151 0.1726 0.21737 0.54091 0.16007 0.63784 0.28719 0.54712 0.37013 0.9893 0.85828 0.74356 0.24297 0.75685 0.97128 0.44414 0.31885 0.64653 0.70441 0.88119 0.80392 0.13761 0.03506 0.85255 0.9008 0.41719 0.89348 0.60333 0.54192 0.16112 0.01424 0.28765 0.54029 0.91478 0.87993 0.60156 0.78641 0.79819 0.87402 0.08607 0.72751 0.16094 0.76847 0.71539 0.24869 0.42119 0.69026 0.88186 0.22051 0.96465 0.70062 0.25839 0.60421 0.66758 0.2415 0.04084 0.96342 0.63789 0.84251 0.32091 0.34151 0.91996 0.37052 0.49753 0.64119 0.83654 0.55676 0.13925 0.4437 0.09548 0.09603 0.58221 0.44524 0.62114 0.77076 0.57131 0.30259 0.05824 0.63146 0.3641 0.65024 0.38006 0.58741 0.98369 0.2433 0.46013 0.46895 0.35656 0.82101 0.30862 0.89201 0.88929 0.50847 0.79961 0.15456 0.82621 0.98758 0.57828 0.15967 0.69691 0.226 0.0455 0.04186 0.72429 0.45162 0.6966 0.28265 0.79048 0.66431 0.89566 0.359 0.50459 0.38375 0.44845 0.18363 0.52704 0.1713 0.46155 0.88857 0.65962 0.84217 0.61705 0.90238 0.67815 0.58626 0.41587 0.0637 0.34314 0.57374 0.22918 0.56468 0.08441 0.61356 0.40088 0.28476 0.18359 0.92088 0.35165 0.9635 0.17008 0.01871 0.81199 0.59403 0.35698 0.70587 0.10697 0.81145 0.31158 0.82132 0.93853 0.23364 0.14425 0.50966 0.23644 0.55961 0.27457 0.21739 0.82659 0.47595 0.52967 0.00493 0.07125 0.49474 0.08854 0.10469 0.3208 0.34015 0.7754 0.94675 0.88883 0.53375 0.28981 0.58692 0.59529 0.3078 0.63581 0.6645 0.39134 0.52781 0.49313 0.26457 0.87656 0.93396 0.8037 0.49377 0.622 0.60199 0.94838 0.33276 0.30147 0.89188 0.67055 0.89915 0.28026 0.83473 0.41642 0.52815 0.35663 0.26198 0.29547 0.77161 0.61482 0.53806 0.55583 0.26035 0.17958 0.84649 0.57125 0.89954 0.09012 0.0563 0.92512 0.78318 0.22055 0.92511 0.72621 0.31868 0.79046 0.52692 0.14937 0.3645 0.13556 0.57181 0.40565 0.93909 0.20394 0.94779 0.41018 0.38323 0.29167 0.9111 0.91478 0.41297 0.13291 0.54129 0.1973 0.9621 0.78672 0.87815 0.85414 0.04314 0.98966 0.8065 0.60426 0.65436 0.32297 0.82724 0.07359 0.47411 0.5187 0.19477 0.96393 0.13455 0.89562 0.96917 0.20838 0.909 0.32929 0.46823 0.84693 0.24107 0.63703 0.56084 0.47761 0.92568 0.02468 0.11862 0.86782 0.07537 0.16997 0.69442 0.55354 0.04671 0.8094 0.94507 0.18116 0.6528 0.19142 0.07856 0.97277 0.96508 0.2367 0.34102 0.04407 0.2779 0.51135 0.09061 0.36957 0.01553 0.91855 0.48376 0.64986 0.07519 0.3038 0.52337 0.76558 0.85932 0.47644 0.23394 0.01827 0.17293 0.13643 0.55037 0.8571 0.93108 0.77124 0.35967 0.49338 0.22839 0.28914 0.06508 0.00397 0.80533
+0.0045 0.51306 0.67306 0.35759 0.76132 0.39129 0.16146 0.13042 0.20707 0.07138 0.56344 0.52668 0.65632 0.63694 0.60525 0.53394 0.82606 0.92165 0.7897 0.30315 0.68589 0.72467 0.97833 0.47375 0.90688 0.54148 0.25134 0.36346 0.33818 0.94493 0.32708 0.95233 0.25859 0.99977 0.80434 0.04064 0.08321 0.17712 0.2899 0.90824 0.74947 0.90492 0.40343 0.27135 0.70962 0.70046 0.84264 0.23603 0.15529 0.28087 0.90862 0.19276 0.03541 0.58923 0.31297 0.35864 0.33493 0.29859 0.5067 0.32499 0.79247 0.05126 0.07929 0.72052 0.64702 0.46833 0.55686 0.73552 0.11879 0.74335 0.64211 0.75065 0.26643 0.39667 0.16838 0.36012 0.17813 0.40591 0.01433 0.02698 0.69469 0.08881 0.64914 0.00756 0.9992 0.62716 0.49106 0.46662 0.02471 0.57958 0.19933 0.07595 0.7076 0.10781 0.24784 0.15976 0.74211 0.3275 0.40021 0.84292 0.38915 0.40171 0.98798 0.69769 0.21118 0.20391 0.6937 0.1924 0.69923 0.60935 0.90179 0.97193 0.76909 0.68581 0.63634 0.15694 0.84793 0.80724 0.4971 0.83855 0.99395 0.12421 0.81893 0.87713 0.36147 0.04911 0.56365 0.32688 0.87255 0.18543 0.89561 0.25349 0.85093 0.34569 0.08561 0.16462 0.29316 0.23308 0.21891 0.57237 0.03339 0.44533 0.3568 0.70488 0.33116 0.19426 0.69014 0.49505 0.0944 0.69308 0.0089 0.83089 0.30145 0.76702 0.89103 0.43334 0.11461 0.56944 0.45937 0.98405 0.87684 0.44456 0.74678 0.79548 0.54204 0.98446 0.01874 0.49601 0.43932 0.66286 0.72523 0.47729 0.25881 0.33633 0.37576 0.28418 0.45642 0.29215 0.63686 0.51344 0.97644 0.60126 0.56656 0.70293 0.67985 0.13661 0.20489 0.30664 0.55182 0.97686 0.63702 0.62884 0.96329 0.66997 0.50585 0.89572 0.58215 0.58509 0.06888 0.92282 0.63994 0.83803 0.1667 0.1079 0.00934 0.31946 0.3892 0.23197 0.21932 0.18331 0.97437 0.03862 0.54556 0.73562 0.52652 0.18318 0.9667 0.43426 0.4724 0.35054 0.20715 0.61112 0.51146 0.34992 0.56205 0.6856 0.78397 0.08227 0.54058 0.81626 0.21834 0.12887 0.60686 0.19702 0.64458 0.30824 0.33434 0.14063 0.45684 0.3465 0.43413 0.15127 0.76516 0.44364 0.40935 0.21662 0.05522 0.92537 0.07302 0.56606 0.05052 0.7416 0.16581 0.67792 0.03928 0.15458 0.27042 0.40623 0.77269 0.23446 0.34365 0.31085 0.53499 0.36185 0.22008 0.816 0.48868 0.09242 0.9756 0.71812 0.99468 0.73604 0.20966 0.03172 0.1481 0.5498 0.06554 0.55045 0.24587 0.42823 0.37914 0.43204 0.65481 0.10369 0.54534 0.11914 0.17446 0.36978 0.03369 0.1036 0.45624 0.34342 0.38988 0.87595 0.7843 0.67607 0.76909 0.93985 0.09727 0.47652 0.33093 0.62677 0.54038 0.5693 0.27112 0.98987 0.33705 0.49116 0.3496 0.77382 0.09069 0.95333 0.3585 0.59511 0.56839 0.81451 0.78958 0.74832 0.82022 0.54009 0.23518 0.67983 0.68681 0.53301 0.10682 0.81136 0.87145 0.64564 0.21692 0.21915 0.82699 0.85655 0.96775 0.42063 0.51836 0.9166 0.1956 0.55972 0.3878 0.11976 0.87893 0.85831 0.36578 0.43703 0.73678 0.15623 0.20823 0.23875 0.42307 0.45314 0.2937 0.40951 0.98925 0.70243 0.77765 0.85012 0.5902 0.03664 0.98991 0.75177 0.47182 0.64603 0.58574 0.64329 0.33208 0.18973 0.5848 0.6919 0.94434 0.41592 0.32545 0.23146 0.16416 0.3067 0.70206 0.46484 0.79139 0.90615 0.02302 0.74126 0.15918 0.92092 0.43682 0.52788 0.8414 0.26503 0.71886 0.51058 0.60322 0.26891 0.59511 0.99842 0.01015 0.65378 0.76786 0.19932 0.29746 0.575 0.07798 0.59463 0.93359 0.93869 0.09479 0.9322 0.25789 0.97401 0.97583 0.94065 0.20513 0.01549 0.35249 0.50965 0.59619 0.20956 0.46482 0.18493 0.56258 0.35987 0.52931 0.86451 0.20695 0.65933 0.58874 0.0086 0.01755 0.89307 0.51247 0.43201 0.81817 0.3179 0.43848 0.01732 0.8787 0.4032 0.01112 0.73953 0.64056 0.00755 0.85062 0.10338 0.18771 0.02249 0.72226 0.4321 0.73103 0.75024 0.43362 0.506 0.47483 0.34574 0.00267 0.03119 0.54462 0.79517 0.03281 0.56817 0.30372 0.69989 0.14487 0.01007 0.55523 0.92542 0.42737 0.77253 0.72656 0.0494 0.32359 0.98453 0.46108 0.63283 0.05822 0.01122 0.86417 0.74136 0.65887 0.42646 0.5665 0.39824 0.75331 0.64305 0.07226 0.90327 0.3638 0.06778 0.9559 0.5514 0.55221 0.12444 0.99605 0.91917 0.82691 0.93135 0.64771 0.59138 0.60943 0.92876 0.45195 0.61846 0.13373 0.45285 0.56009 0.96226 0.62123 0.12696 0.6729 0.6804 0.32809 0.96298 0.52933 0.29728 0.86689 0.21403
+0.22768 0.07024 0.7267 0.83723 0.14531 0.8457 0.38751 0.29486 0.33869 0.64233 0.08225 0.04749 0.24315 0.51131 0.49309 0.51592 0.61447 0.37116 0.48606 0.75537 0.94808 0.9037 0.16115 0.78246 0.76282 0.82717 0.10362 0.92695 0.77369 0.62683 0.1802 0.57578 0.84562 0.49542 0.12036 0.30265 0.0261 0.42024 0.55365 0.43022 0.60232 0.92329 0.81826 0.96437 0.36374 0.23975 0.70824 0.92194 0.50787 0.16347 0.99498 0.6825 0.6776 0.06924 0.04098 0.03806 0.19034 0.01447 0.74497 0.44962 0.8798 0.5617 0.29269 0.51068 0.95428 0.75468 0.3863 0.23489 0.50343 0.93992 0.39534 0.6247 0.83958 0.02659 0.19149 0.13301 0.35491 0.89708 0.02183 0.16274 0.03534 0.2471 0.34746 0.98863 0.77559 0.99715 0.93075 0.88192 0.45028 0.86163 0.58731 0.23569 0.36692 0.99494 0.09387 0.7904 0.9697 0.82284 0.20208 0.72815 0.02916 0.85763 0.28266 0.92886 0.4766 0.90636 0.50035 0.07012 0.27875 0.46872 0.52109 0.45497 0.85695 0.48778 0.22508 0.42221 0.13169 0.93747 0.9364 0.21865 0.06596 0.71745 0.8055 0.36254 0.64671 0.44406 0.58969 0.82408 0.9234 0.58392 0.15866 0.90606 0.56243 0.2719 0.02669 0.47929 0.33243 0.9221 0.97074 0.59168 0.9963 0.29945 0.6182 0.70587 0.55048 0.25647 0.58167 0.07412 0.87717 0.29027 0.39344 0.76865 0.97526 0.26673 0.00656 0.57458 0.02924 0.77926 0.28971 0.21955 0.7454 0.73854 0.01166 0.84741 0.38175 0.06953 0.84545 0.42647 0.33894 0.77759 0.93524 0.46077 0.19782 0.67892 0.22063 0.77149 0.3923 0.82165 0.73022 0.34344 0.39264 0.5496 0.56428 0.27612 0.75572 0.98228 0.79267 0.91327 0.37606 0.12625 0.07367 0.51349 0.26308 0.02692 0.12784 0.06193 0.32296 0.51097 0.11649 0.0383 0.01788 0.26156 0.85582 0.78735 0.0248 0.60333 0.7725 0.98423 0.06038 0.9324 0.01997 0.52409 0.62683 0.41335 0.09981 0.3699 0.65994 0.58215 0.2791 0.0201 0.51303 0.58901 0.67891 0.91792 0.75532 0.33352 0.56423 0.79346 0.75366 0.85977 0.98987 0.27357 0.9173 0.93475 0.98653 0.17734 0.41442 0.3579 0.35501 0.25119 0.8604 0.17982 0.00238 0.7497 0.79171 0.33285 0.9463 0.85268 0.90193 0.2014 0.91018 0.31455 0.53338 0.1288 0.30798 0.79607 0.00493 0.02415 0.36533 0.22991 0.85756 0.42812 0.00354 0.10055 0.2692 0.21222 0.52753 0.12343 0.68995 0.28264 0.00473 0.09681 0.81246 0.49622 0.84213 0.17849 0.27859 0.31081 0.31523 0.58491 0.97538 0.21777 0.78017 0.32795 0.21414 0.59787 0.24031 0.33365 0.02382 0.75511 0.00761 0.72662 0.25563 0.10525 0.23534 0.84724 0.68096 0.07041 0.90463 0.78364 0.42195 0.77966 0.20245 0.64629 0.79646 0.80275 0.12753 0.87082 0.19512 0.26537 0.87163 0.35309 0.00709 0.7449 0.73071 0.3124 0.38787 0.81416 0.85666 0.34333 0.86088 0.49401 0.69456 0.0002 0.83385 0.16373 0.19832 0.76191 0.13055 0.3328 0.95582 0.62493 0.69962 0.90411 0.80182 0.23103 0.1988 0.49114 0.18834 0.89488 0.44598 0.47471 0.18985 0.03532 0.35704 0.34816 0.69615 0.91777 0.59305 0.97821 0.41855 0.91993 0.49464 0.2375 0.78953 0.94149 0.40249 0.22304 0.50106 0.16059 0.34266 0.34788 0.87725 0.72884 0.2653 0.40426 0.73041 0.79024 0.81998 0.2849 0.86659 0.26215 0.73473 0.54576 0.06539 0.14488 0.51655 0.43641 0.15297 0.87847 0.02819 0.77287 0.23122 0.34279 0.52714 0.57584 0.62136 0.1136 0.20753 0.57441 0.58567 0.16791 0.67102 0.37947 0.27182 0.44841 0.34384 0.82425 0.042 0.63235 0.39532 0.10852 0.99054 0.887 0.78033 0.11048 0.91758 0.10588 0.30138 0.62316 0.62225 0.28118 0.4394 0.50828 0.61441 0.84809 0.55216 0.54653 0.32541 0.12259 0.63786 0.49862 0.13127 0.36957 0.15549 0.41345 0.97906 0.58722 0.22941 0.97295 0.89533 0.62242 0.42096 0.31389 0.72982 0.17899 0.79812 0.83048 0.65224 0.39757 0.64643 0.15087 0.98923 0.38133 0.80194 0.95017 0.39149 0.94448 0.57623 0.84511 0.78497 0.12402 0.1079 0.31114 0.66788 0.60721 0.35891 0.99655 0.78148 0.37824 0.99754 0.70942 0.57432 0.98047 0.98745 0.93835 0.27307 0.11379 0.54411 0.72263 0.69566 0.37514 0.82296 0.58322 0.82239 0.79135 0.49522 0.36005 0.00766 0.06256 0.99699 0.33663 0.18493 0.00337 0.3893 0.77989 0.86386 0.27381 0.18993 0.86405 0.58974 0.19087 0.16584 0.15732 0.38526 0.13432 0.74414 0.26758 0.61692 0.74265 0.71386 0.46171 0.56021 0.23948 0.39741 0.14141 0.68951 0.17179 0.44281 0.71664 0.94912 0.32
+0.88249 0.7778 0.75778 0.85714 0.80583 0.79577 0.12491 0.29246 0.86364 0.90242 0.46676 0.74591 0.04024 0.94442 0.29509 0.67836 0.06008 0.17677 0.89347 0.15665 0.69002 0.68946 0.73748 0.45391 0.4768 0.24533 0.11229 0.0692 0.8655 0.72902 0.30837 0.36086 0.42153 0.18529 0.79755 0.12711 0.82331 0.35927 0.67721 0.35771 0.78924 0.30713 0.22027 0.53531 0.61044 0.6524 0.8921 0.19547 0.80633 0.72772 0.83865 0.56991 0.17225 0.29016 0.35463 0.70911 0.04097 0.99305 0.70392 0.44617 0.49704 0.63092 0.81403 0.32147 0.71327 0.85081 0.44253 0.81269 0.78449 0.36557 0.04963 0.32375 0.77382 0.52615 0.22038 0.35745 0.76432 0.99533 0.93559 0.99549 0.56603 0.34095 0.10619 0.20351 0.32173 0.74161 0.28333 0.47324 0.91133 0.28142 0.65588 0.82824 0.90002 0.22641 0.01302 0.29921 0.7266 0.85941 0.52877 0.89283 0.82852 0.95076 0.62178 0.19807 0.44317 0.03603 0.87015 0.97625 0.89566 0.34363 0.33816 0.55557 0.58503 0.0294 0.53788 0.71203 0.33538 0.20973 0.83186 0.36516 0.32525 0.62533 0.92755 0.61669 0.47911 0.647 0.84114 0.27435 0.06436 0.26098 0.804 0.57958 0.44145 0.58883 0.19867 0.31851 0.91073 0.11142 0.93662 0.79862 0.70846 0.27465 0.72424 0.15099 0.21233 0.2389 0.55641 0.96894 0.26629 0.8524 0.50124 0.07339 0.52441 0.72725 0.94909 0.24535 0.26563 0.09976 0.26189 0.61045 0.09004 0.50652 0.51066 0.63617 0.04582 0.41247 0.5802 0.24874 0.30395 0.35117 0.11335 0.14945 0.00978 0.61247 0.00223 0.67248 0.04063 0.67827 0.43634 0.57117 0.8331 0.71122 0.10109 0.32653 0.32787 0.02366 0.89002 0.82487 0.91415 0.46243 0.87021 0.16605 0.93697 0.21608 0.8397 0.12999 0.11235 0.11916 0.78943 0.94724 0.57296 0.55325 0.47301 0.55772 0.69132 0.00776 0.11184 0.13124 0.98014 0.2151 0.41083 0.59192 0.63727 0.25862 0.91912 0.34331 0.19053 0.27955 0.36188 0.00464 0.99212 0.78498 0.14539 0.4865 0.26095 0.14896 0.01993 0.08232 0.29617 0.85832 0.35828 0.43944 0.9568 0.61127 0.6392 0.0775 0.69661 0.18424 0.40004 0.53612 0.98818 0.22737 0.63006 0.12369 0.67048 0.37457 0.11735 0.73972 0.01884 0.53689 0.37035 0.86714 0.06931 0.06031 0.01075 0.16059 0.78482 0.93394 0.47367 0.11899 0.64726 0.25653 0.19785 0.33628 0.28987 0.12238 0.04909 0.68574 0.51313 0.61036 0.10199 0.11748 0.41996 0.96102 0.80699 0.64554 0.83439 0.24034 0.90375 0.72353 0.64287 0.51086 0.66068 0.41574 0.20004 0.29148 0.4568 0.73747 0.21105 0.71139 0.26374 0.14114 0.37828 0.68435 0.76964 0.1619 0.79932 0.60642 0.83482 0.20469 0.93502 0.35763 0.15462 0.5842 0.7743 0.86502 0.0846 0.6067 0.61319 0.52489 0.51013 0.18674 0.87142 0.09206 0.07556 0.00873 0.91134 0.36962 0.35809 0.5512 0.15359 0.51639 0.28156 0.60431 0.23716 0.27232 0.42875 0.09422 0.20224 0.08983 0.22369 0.33102 0.20855 0.54247 0.01039 0.4508 0.19413 0.46284 0.56665 0.11061 0.52931 0.80575 0.54338 0.79089 0.80363 0.36515 0.35549 0.52428 0.89095 0.64764 0.63205 0.00244 0.47236 0.5607 0.45284 0.60565 0.94985 0.21471 0.4143 0.66023 0.72735 0.22549 0.21444 0.605 0.76865 0.28976 0.34668 0.44409 0.29187 0.30589 0.77722 0.07416 0.95033 0.19648 0.99378 0.36125 0.36736 0.61388 0.41638 0.96271 0.23686 0.27614 0.43564 0.7816 0.11797 0.51035 0.94259 0.14181 0.53201 0.43983 0.23438 0.03929 0.18577 0.17018 0.26787 0.24258 0.06124 0.37759 0.37106 0.67457 0.28636 0.93234 0.08996 0.78526 0.9501 0.98747 0.1045 0.83623 0.53587 0.19051 0.49425 0.59591 0.94442 0.46595 0.06123 0.11434 0.12604 0.77399 0.91819 0.55588 0.36042 0.72466 0.67026 0.63503 0.62701 0.72324 0.72582 0.96771 0.75279 0.3027 0.87633 0.40315 0.89865 0.46195 0.237 0.66808 0.9944 0.97251 0.50899 0.86245 0.82847 0.657 0.5163 0.17873 0.94336 0.68028 0.94883 0.61823 0.87115 0.37097 0.83351 0.63509 0.75616 0.12703 0.14533 0.75951 0.06308 0.79454 0.9597 0.32695 0.43479 0.66066 0.48917 0.95575 0.36215 0.90242 0.78335 0.87672 0.81619 0.45176 0.33121 0.33821 0.73892 0.37428 0.02824 0.1217 0.87222 0.89952 0.49365 0.65893 0.1576 0.03797 0.45189 0.96011 0.55507 0.76199 0.55531 0.08725 0.01539 0.23248 0.523 0.85965 0.11278 0.24828 0.47229 0.63704 0.62306 0.53099 0.62667 0.01082 0.06089 0.00391 0.86973 0.3155 0.83155 0.5155 0.37405 0.35312 0.31742 0.85946 0.46299 0.68403
+0.29674 0.71601 0.49947 0.74166 0.39792 0.26396 0.67945 0.17335 0.12449 0.38886 0.68147 0.60687 0.63589 0.68215 0.35981 0.60384 0.29459 0.36482 0.24216 0.07765 0.9686 0.04066 0.17082 0.66233 0.05109 0.34764 0.42103 0.88326 0.97885 0.18603 0.61727 0.84457 0.58404 0.87484 0.61448 0.81812 0.38567 0.39592 0.04009 0.17208 0.14317 0.98316 0.65844 0.28211 0.42273 0.4058 0.16827 0.14417 0.76128 0.6969 0.30561 0.45728 0.49562 0.42843 0.14522 0.72648 0.89522 0.55115 0.60758 0.14579 0.91814 0.72525 0.79715 0.4149 0.71667 0.99292 0.9336 0.52483 0.77004 0.51061 0.35385 0.33108 0.31833 0.87581 0.8103 0.14042 0.33372 0.40192 0.69622 0.51108 0.55441 0.76592 0.24763 0.6768 0.98786 0.9069 0.79266 0.07058 0.58072 0.05243 0.02232 0.79927 0.98463 0.75532 0.4552 0.18747 0.33979 0.3148 0.76214 0.64499 0.61477 0.02267 0.08918 0.56542 0.63542 0.22603 0.2493 0.78606 0.66264 0.27639 0.50748 0.6059 0.48044 0.04286 0.17283 0.15019 0.81125 0.88382 0.51452 0.46564 0.55459 0.67618 0.57279 0.31958 0.19471 0.00078 0.78942 0.09699 0.83054 0.27658 0.63927 0.31771 0.05078 0.584 0.82179 0.36213 0.88632 0.73515 0.11687 0.87747 0.71388 0.80677 0.96607 0.5366 0.8043 0.1783 0.03354 0.23189 0.91885 0.54337 0.50341 0.40847 0.74105 0.698 0.21175 0.08085 0.45455 0.92288 0.19488 0.17622 0.94242 0.43687 0.99531 0.71248 0.47389 0.16198 0.80689 0.03026 0.4289 0.22261 0.53636 0.70977 0.45522 0.5512 0.15739 0.09044 0.11303 0.06429 0.50888 0.82823 0.01094 0.89481 0.0262 0.64006 0.50794 0.61236 0.1018 0.28921 0.12692 0.09 0.34987 0.61282 0.66978 0.88303 0.62552 0.36842 0.91849 0.94971 0.35033 0.60896 0.89488 0.94982 0.11379 0.94547 0.56511 0.88203 0.60058 0.85612 0.88371 0.55184 0.2279 0.09815 0.02484 0.41353 0.73599 0.19277 0.54871 0.1298 0.41617 0.39452 0.69274 0.08279 0.4961 0.98518 0.54123 0.91388 0.09626 0.27757 0.52909 0.09141 0.68731 0.36622 0.31565 0.77975 0.5843 0.22525 0.63214 0.56253 0.30788 0.04631 0.05519 0.5206 0.70321 0.61175 0.15825 0.01358 0.31888 0.35686 0.12646 0.83678 0.13327 0.32455 0.23608 0.48572 0.28799 0.8039 0.48641 0.8731 0.3421 0.65399 0.44491 0.48111 0.00221 0.29943 0.2832 0.59005 0.22256 0.10634 0.92516 0.69173 0.70724 0.97545 0.75251 0.73615 0.79064 0.83061 0.68177 0.6233 0.52072 0.62168 0.82549 0.91209 0.67991 0.40154 0.51439 0.51004 0.73187 0.13133 0.89324 0.93188 0.28297 0.28825 0.12827 0.23537 0.65178 0.18963 0.36492 0.47364 0.75948 0.66007 0.84464 0.90825 0.62802 0.74193 0.60465 0.30474 0.39767 0.99373 0.7617 0.94127 0.34994 0.4219 0.97511 0.13448 0.88356 0.37775 0.38957 0.84784 0.0573 0.73703 0.41841 0.1532 0.67765 0.78299 0.21428 0.37394 0.5937 0.88203 0.61757 0.92103 0.05193 0.64727 0.55398 0.55347 0.00171 0.03133 0.89299 0.35235 0.88399 0.92724 0.91497 0.40453 0.4819 0.49165 0.88291 0.59854 0.01412 0.0693 0.0337 0.83737 0.29544 0.02017 0.57146 0.50711 0.45851 0.11617 0.9272 0.54383 0.90307 0.4762 0.41259 0.11325 0.26276 0.90241 0.59083 0.22191 0.49389 0.25733 0.67771 0.76275 0.62191 0.70411 0.79022 0.28971 0.22151 0.43859 0.20721 0.47483 0.63422 0.22597 0.87421 0.05824 0.8048 0.2185 0.78453 0.97214 0.99727 0.03595 0.96581 0.447 0.02632 0.92055 0.72308 0.03343 0.17715 0.42235 0.6704 0.5768 0.53605 0.9549 0.25925 0.12278 0.82227 0.03304 0.88086 0.48627 0.80532 0.6428 0.25825 0.3168 0.20361 0.37973 0.30194 0.55708 0.61931 0.94723 0.07687 0.8205 0.14682 0.818 0.97359 0.23322 0.53384 0.45739 0.6704 0.09435 0.91122 0.81229 0.03038 0.90328 0.03314 0.81829 0.334 0.7613 0.80635 0.54277 0.6744 0.40973 0.8487 0.75786 0.56194 0.63086 0.50956 0.06439 0.09588 0.29356 0.33401 0.66095 0.50005 0.41375 0.51829 0.69999 0.12767 0.56022 0.61326 0.35277 0.38442 0.81271 0.74569 0.95881 0.2765 0.08159 0.75038 0.61116 0.8996 0.10116 0.15541 0.59421 0.92008 0.69433 0.702 0.17954 0.28945 0.02783 0.16931 0.0588 0.44273 0.42739 0.46835 0.48322 0.73773 0.20373 0.48394 0.25983 0.82912 0.66449 0.62893 0.97891 0.75563 0.90544 0.01417 0.93469 0.91254 0.51596 0.88672 0.79767 0.07307 0.02094 0.52373 0.77461 0.05619 0.87255 0.18869 0.17526 0.30865 0.37155 0.57834 0.5554 0.19528 0.11039 0.50812 0.09285
+0.51915 0.16689 0.36141 0.37373 0.45717 0.80949 0.04399 0.2437 0.54526 0.89125 0.97886 0.53001 0.52938 0.99851 0.86461 0.65674 0.48049 0.98066 0.86792 0.55189 0.28758 0.09272 0.58169 0.46691 0.29765 0.73891 0.44288 0.80198 0.35152 0.78 0.28046 0.43644 0.20428 0.84553 0.48622 0.43702 0.70428 0.0176 0.03164 0.37868 0.07593 0.3604 0.18215 0.30726 0.8611 0.95863 0.5887 0.90253 0.06786 0.92097 0.81504 0.43613 0.52712 0.18842 0.43964 0.31311 0.91876 0.33131 0.20368 0.83731 0.61633 0.43852 0.26225 0.88525 0.7826 0.02959 0.25621 0.45316 0.88138 0.58013 0.5346 0.01453 0.04133 0.29781 0.14638 0.01814 0.39576 0.35893 0.5338 0.56719 0.20503 0.27161 0.95929 0.93958 0.88971 0.79675 0.8489 0.41754 0.13527 0.6442 0.1451 0.76514 0.0714 0.26516 0.65477 0.43836 0.97923 0.7184 0.13042 0.99508 0.69638 0.75239 0.95524 0.11145 0.53643 0.01266 0.01653 0.76916 0.46077 0.48108 0.56965 0.43554 0.22374 0.19364 0.57584 0.95663 0.923 0.87098 0.26497 0.46922 0.83289 0.06891 0.19595 0.63392 0.89171 0.48276 0.74275 0.00661 0.53093 0.85821 0.96512 0.60792 0.88967 0.07097 0.55146 0.56087 0.44893 0.32485 0.21157 0.86008 0.69585 0.38653 0.48525 0.78314 0.18524 0.88147 0.35029 0.87687 0.3501 0.26548 0.359 0.20771 0.47053 0.21487 0.43593 0.31884 0.70018 0.72738 0.0274 0.71463 0.5555 0.71061 0.91805 0.46364 0.85981 0.30578 0.65992 0.60115 0.74431 0.84506 0.92368 0.5278 0.83339 0.51495 0.94834 0.32797 0.49045 0.77349 0.85138 0.78555 0.84307 0.23316 0.01282 0.14486 0.04973 0.34677 0.90617 0.54975 0.01967 0.63037 0.99624 0.7791 0.76744 0.84014 0.81489 0.17193 0.6459 0.72168 0.54633 0.99351 0.01282 0.49021 0.59746 0.60914 0.59289 0.52193 0.73676 0.44653 0.59979 0.0443 0.74971 0.96288 0.27291 0.01101 0.7397 0.08848 0.93893 0.64879 0.67327 0.40767 0.67067 0.96696 0.3383 0.03844 0.17148 0.58561 0.28862 0.04385 0.10021 0.23493 0.24846 0.34809 0.19659 0.89968 0.80479 0.58441 0.06449 0.51078 0.07381 0.21591 0.56603 0.2685 0.38014 0.72914 0.34585 0.69704 0.2578 0.10904 0.75057 0.89994 0.45208 0.67599 0.6084 0.83443 0.10172 0.66784 0.29105 0.21546 0.25242 0.70248 0.94638 0.22783 0.81499 0.45602 0.85318 0.03197 0.5149 0.38544 0.5007 0.09302 0.13493 0.97913 0.29305 0.00805 0.46891 0.69155 0.03553 0.87814 0.93664 0.04963 0.21909 0.41596 0.90557 0.58969 0.83919 0.15834 0.44801 0.93276 0.08167 0.51958 0.02535 0.49936 0.55502 0.85703 0.35309 0.27074 0.46589 0.28786 0.43462 0.36187 0.4696 0.01251 0.961 0.25453 0.18053 0.68355 0.71667 0.24249 0.55282 0.90727 0.34051 0.94325 0.01394 0.94634 0.8104 0.57249 0.37377 0.06101 0.90908 0.27087 0.54486 0.07773 0.73054 0.00622 0.94677 0.97191 0.16359 0.78743 0.44992 0.65686 0.27465 0.50571 0.5499 0.56657 0.83767 0.78293 0.83903 0.70557 0.52103 0.63954 0.69472 0.33427 0.23971 0.42017 0.66097 0.59317 0.75582 0.15383 0.59712 0.26579 0.10285 0.70023 0.01378 0.7815 0.82366 0.23693 0.95189 0.57126 0.9569 0.98293 0.95666 0.51816 0.98172 0.90601 0.62598 0.27107 0.76855 0.21222 0.42785 0.95325 0.62158 0.2023 0.40366 0.62829 0.34738 0.6607 0.2796 0.57981 0.6296 0.65132 0.17342 0.24484 0.06615 0.4408 0.79702 0.18349 0.01551 0.77573 0.90186 0.0232 0.85078 0.45656 0.10818 0.50273 0.89943 0.93846 0.44877 0.40126 0.83274 0.01817 0.96061 0.48953 0.79511 0.1668 0.29164 0.7261 0.18574 0.7532 0.78327 0.5207 0.2415 0.41737 0.59553 0.56412 0.5949 0.98382 0.67285 0.6963 0.97066 0.39194 0.95086 0.61284 0.59471 0.62141 0.62097 0.82896 0.28872 0.14886 0.61949 0.09236 0.57956 0.91378 0.36796 0.66313 0.46008 0.29685 0.55158 0.51952 0.88344 0.5165 0.91059 0.18402 0.62459 0.88697 0.51217 0.37298 0.95716 0.26502 0.86064 0.57387 0.38559 0.83665 0.36302 0.18547 0.29855 0.51242 0.98454 0.2207 0.00405 0.20693 0.93477 0.44476 0.0323 0.92626 0.39601 0.97534 0.76174 0.88614 0.99862 0.1545 0.26081 0.88773 0.98886 0.48106 0.50854 0.21498 0.91769 0.46396 0.96858 0.27504 0.6793 0.10758 0.02582 0.34109 0.81053 0.77558 0.0905 0.13714 0.02583 0.52917 0.47496 0.94716 0.22855 0.32603 0.1211 0.97012 0.27585 0.04317 0.15027 0.05495 0.40164 0.98541 0.28479 0.71769 0.71155 0.54761 0.04854 0.32703 0.08455 0.56958 0.90155 0.91999
+0.46517 0.97023 0.42637 0.74573 0.68798 0.64234 0.2286 0.23226 0.15183 0.47505 0.82754 0.87865 0.79085 0.80721 0.47456 0.72992 0.15373 0.6568 0.97112 0.89722 0.4584 0.61581 0.64584 0.78551 0.85033 0.26024 0.28976 0.53767 0.73557 0.18602 0.16109 0.57354 0.32639 0.41542 0.88796 0.48987 0.92002 0.55582 0.57162 0.20491 0.63204 0.70797 0.1234 0.15767 0.80676 0.82525 0.91089 0.33151 0.56587 0.93836 0.69336 0.51561 0.78336 0.50198 0.45098 0.13527 0.19458 0.69766 0.13137 0.27702 0.0286 0.90973 0.6885 0.59739 0.41354 0.16957 0.15818 0.31326 0.10309 0.05804 0.60635 0.24495 0.45877 0.57826 0.47861 0.56206 0.00377 0.93705 0.80646 0.76568 0.67291 0.45815 0.56282 0.32741 0.82261 0.01961 0.54662 0.16615 0.5995 0.71171 0.94439 0.58079 0.03455 0.19969 0.50087 0.61242 0.86545 0.05261 0.85457 0.32561 0.50011 0.07731 0.6255 0.10093 0.2592 0.4186 0.47845 0.71728 0.60113 0.23177 0.66809 0.16583 0.49831 0.2173 0.20809 0.77424 0.52995 0.27472 0.10954 0.94467 0.70319 0.91738 0.03237 0.66513 0.33826 0.34506 0.25562 0.22611 0.48016 0.07268 0.03314 0.08534 0.25597 0.95412 0.86162 0.16986 0.32671 0.10065 0.08266 0.75903 0.67732 0.8149 0.21952 0.72414 0.55215 0.89654 0.74649 0.04515 0.98392 0.12962 0.76051 0.50158 0.60667 0.27173 0.10357 0.48519 0.70102 0.58641 0.61695 0.08687 0.92447 0.91502 0.96157 0.74985 0.44223 0.55298 0.1761 0.65912 0.63493 0.97689 0.92521 0.31491 0.90375 0.07085 0.17753 0.2383 0.84692 0.09169 0.17352 0.49095 0.28427 0.62817 0.48438 0.11105 0.71494 0.50426 0.61761 0.97144 0.60217 0.82911 0.87148 0.51081 0.85882 0.50348 0.21573 0.52891 0.0977 0.45543 0.26131 0.12927 0.74828 0.07546 0.52776 0.85661 0.75566 0.03729 0.74351 0.05807 0.30409 0.52936 0.48977 0.14955 0.63422 0.87402 0.26037 0.58765 0.35941 0.85658 0.3493 0.90167 0.235 0.20213 0.33457 0.10988 0.28459 0.28698 0.50211 0.61907 0.15308 0.34309 0.28156 0.74478 0.15308 0.94583 0.25177 0.27005 0.56339 0.59517 0.03 0.94984 0.33628 0.65842 0.94157 0.71555 0.44904 0.27312 0.66184 0.58209 0.4643 0.55161 0.26467 0.89175 0.58419 0.00802 0.14243 0.21644 0.89002 0.47439 0.76632 0.9375 0.02111 0.98848 0.131 0.30558 0.38532 0.15245 0.02816 0.35012 0.70217 0.5861 0.94032 0.29509 0.88847 0.60863 0.47787 0.36627 0.1129 0.96882 0.96875 0.83744 0.83164 0.8534 0.20464 0.56817 0.97863 0.96519 0.89613 0.81045 0.62408 0.15285 0.58055 0.7376 0.76525 0.17705 0.52899 0.10521 0.4988 0.21821 0.55984 0.35845 0.31124 0.87189 0.57611 0.77382 0.43115 0.91482 0.73314 0.90107 0.77618 0.46525 0.90495 0.09393 0.94235 0.26504 0.71332 0.61992 0.6833 0.57128 0.24474 0.65237 0.95504 0.91306 0.96069 0.88465 0.41822 0.07096 0.35507 0.58675 0.37983 0.60413 0.67254 0.62897 0.6895 0.649 0.41557 0.93694 0.59243 0.15165 0.08014 0.52742 0.51307 0.37226 0.36298 0.79515 0.16211 0.77726 0.61338 0.45284 0.51684 0.78975 0.47065 0.36917 0.94933 0.31706 0.02306 0.45208 0.20475 0.54525 0.03117 0.63543 0.79554 0.50913 0.45731 0.65653 0.13944 0.34693 0.01316 0.29346 0.65501 0.03046 0.36662 0.13802 0.79009 0.04783 0.77251 0.2558 0.22392 0.3881 0.28725 0.89099 0.53874 0.78318 0.44961 0.35216 0.75321 0.16077 0.89378 0.5587 0.52281 0.21081 0.20724 0.16737 0.32597 0.30676 0.03986 0.57788 0.39092 0.43432 0.2445 0.12306 0.1084 0.5221 0.32765 0.28771 0.8498 0.54366 0.07417 0.43336 0.87768 0.09042 0.67304 0.989 0.42783 0.5755 0.93339 0.49947 0.57651 0.21616 0.32612 0.91105 0.24483 0.13794 0.40871 0.35952 0.48713 0.9217 0.73899 0.26415 0.90601 0.32768 0.40259 0.75571 0.69265 0.84676 0.94308 0.0823 0.57318 0.3491 0.17323 0.14275 0.29257 0.55028 0.45095 0.63464 0.62024 0.67289 0.82789 0.21434 0.31189 0.34901 0.45429 0.35459 0.2648 0.92488 0.30493 0.22194 0.41753 0.3419 0.896 0.33235 0.60477 0.90464 0.71082 0.86836 0.27053 0.65049 0.15927 0.50801 0.50973 0.72919 0.38036 0.29637 0.03151 0.5274 0.5638 0.55508 0.05458 0.83257 0.24081 0.62269 0.8924 0.94381 0.62213 0.71395 0.32266 0.46598 0.10858 0.11646 0.69948 0.45349 0.72858 0.92104 0.7883 0.5977 0.162 0.94256 0.76986 0.37643 0.27573 0.67219 0.23115 0.4345 0.2795 0.33393 0.58496 0.6761 0.26893 0.58524 0.84364 0.3269 0.79549 0.48238
+0.4507 0.68583 0.58439 0.38476 0.58881 0.68581 0.91541 0.61412 0.35142 0.64889 0.28032 0.88585 0.65134 0.88256 0.16041 0.96343 0.29075 0.54717 0.00248 0.4105 0.55843 0.97272 0.14762 0.79173 0.65419 0.2371 0.72832 0.59428 0.40454 0.4235 0.98546 0.21413 0.72702 0.10285 0.12103 0.40626 0.51809 0.72325 0.60758 0.66086 0.26785 0.7476 0.33401 0.96628 0.4718 0.61324 0.51082 0.75013 0.81983 0.49014 0.68496 0.35936 0.36109 0.40208 0.37558 0.95773 0.87943 0.36625 0.33366 0.88611 0.81748 0.41953 0.06427 0.59817 0.87304 0.28885 0.59498 0.54102 0.08672 0.10059 0.22695 0.03536 0.03676 0.10809 0.46661 0.8894 0.39895 0.49755 0.53936 0.99886 0.83765 0.87596 0.99386 0.17605 0.80218 0.73959 0.98867 0.18077 0.1999 0.0219 0.62759 0.45746 0.10553 0.50228 0.15443 0.02485 0.51582 0.23127 0.85953 0.00016 0.6485 0.85633 0.63139 0.13294 0.43932 0.79139 0.95329 0.17728 0.82112 0.56768 0.51394 0.76437 0.93204 0.53105 0.94596 0.24178 0.92936 0.21419 0.39067 0.56458 0.722 0.93116 0.53238 0.00151 0.89572 0.27161 0.49113 0.15908 0.99831 0.35608 0.99319 0.13234 0.56104 0.17263 0.99505 0.55099 0.87369 0.66457 0.72025 0.34365 0.72811 0.26518 0.0612 0.5397 0.16168 0.02686 0.43404 0.36076 0.22909 0.21786 0.14266 0.91695 0.79459 0.87664 0.81072 0.68934 0.01291 0.95323 0.42942 0.90119 0.62442 0.03708 0.85025 0.75741 0.34 0.78467 0.26291 0.73835 0.82007 0.73124 0.34418 0.614 0.96675 0.71421 0.21081 0.56165 0.84953 0.75162 0.60568 0.57872 0.88252 0.80532 0.05909 0.23768 0.74765 0.35582 0.02741 0.49551 0.26397 0.02089 0.03744 0.68216 0.37169 0.55725 0.84493 0.62683 0.08529 0.64008 0.23589 0.16567 0.53237 0.97929 0.05018 0.46926 0.33129 0.86824 0.30819 0.84627 0.78339 0.43066 0.81894 0.49234 0.93088 0.57392 0.12964 0.83235 0.58202 0.29496 0.10006 0.89873 0.39537 0.32333 0.49151 0.83701 0.7124 0.30514 0.28307 0.22248 0.54962 0.34062 0.07689 0.29378 0.9776 0.02937 0.20751 0.54134 0.53568 0.25539 0.61822 0.53654 0.20076 0.46703 0.99003 0.15511 0.84062 0.37906 0.10658 0.2841 0.62273 0.3829 0.20798 0.76181 0.58414 0.78686 0.24692 0.66997 0.75944 0.65157 0.37084 0.87832 0.36888 0.6024 0.25562 0.88872 0.2873 0.41072 0.85291 0.72701 0.42585 0.55653 0.08033 0.06034 0.20351 0.04835 0.22426 0.4834 0.57003 0.07792 0.38459 0.33054 0.27568 0.09211 0.40001 0.38408 0.65642 0.34733 0.16647 0.04864 0.01701 0.12715 0.71922 0.24302 0.10845 0.58041 0.57756 0.47048 0.0274 0.64858 0.62501 0.08397 0.48979 0.89738 0.115 0.07283 0.01972 0.78668 0.21781 0.96452 0.90063 0.26982 0.31774 0.1011 0.25253 0.3021 0.53289 0.91841 0.16458 0.89887 0.58686 0.8677 0.33834 0.77468 0.68049 0.17885 0.5061 0.72092 0.35193 0.27254 0.24444 0.87347 0.90675 0.10247 0.82615 0.19112 0.55474 0.173 0.72364 0.89594 0.84894 0.75318 0.19409 0.38733 0.78505 0.43434 0.59665 0.66832 0.75552 0.06 0.92058 0.45945 0.82126 0.20075 0.69716 0.10552 0.68021 0.454 0.47957 0.6305 0.12347 0.37516 0.6815 0.15141 0.38093 0.27816 0.73505 0.01179 0.59644 0.35302 0.58094 0.06056 0.00445 0.53333 0.32363 0.05247 0.18917 0.93308 0.23298 0.50296 0.55111 0.54528 0.91014 0.10684 0.53574 0.20208 0.97602 0.06788 0.72043 0.5884 0.64985 0.37046 0.09942 0.06506 0.90825 0.61675 0.55638 0.06016 0.53725 0.88707 0.45094 0.39543 0.37566 0.06865 0.02989 0.96838 0.01644 0.95354 0.18449 0.78765 0.67904 0.38071 0.74315 0.16719 0.98566 0.4396 0.0754 0.9988 0.14561 0.62791 0.6576 0.32366 0.25937 0.30702 0.17097 0.37606 0.64578 0.43819 0.62695 0.51676 0.51038 0.88512 0.72939 0.35312 0.6205 0.36276 0.16629 0.75696 0.05993 0.03043 0.10548 0.28159 0.60772 0.30393 0.24266 0.76916 0.17021 0.80188 0.33665 0.21231 0.3188 0.64374 0.63303 0.49084 0.74996 0.24059 0.60768 0.21136 0.10848 0.08808 0.21807 0.53961 0.39505 0.18259 0.59456 0.01771 0.26857 0.85274 0.54614 0.63507 0.34101 0.63341 0.87572 0.62627 0.49392 0.68434 0.69167 0.0798 0.79521 0.11547 0.911 0.13214 0.15631 0.777 0.48338 0.3002 0.28412 0.06968 0.70542 0.48856 0.30238 0.89003 0.9812 0.83343 0.34524 0.86233 0.87961 0.33336 0.96713 0.49636 0.39711 0.53191 0.83106 0.74299 0.37149 0.48414 0.39589 0.20928 0.52712 0.39761 0.14458 0.72857 0.26595 0.60751
+0.45892 0.59052 0.29049 0.98159 0.59569 0.27689 0.11494 0.10002 0.98849 0.0705 0.59172 0.80246 0.4956 0.12736 0.53221 0.38175 0.82918 0.04535 0.92191 0.65566 0.12435 0.36776 0.5221 0.37121 0.62186 0.15039 0.01005 0.93279 0.3166 0.58561 0.07638 0.64719 0.79838 0.03462 0.32989 0.34355 0.08285 0.24382 0.20275 0.97065 0.37123 0.7674 0.37978 0.84747 0.82365 0.69083 0.0824 0.31869 0.56855 0.99707 0.85894 0.18516 0.14457 0.02934 0.81402 0.18336 0.52563 0.05039 0.77904 0.69241 0.34112 0.55534 0.82281 0.54941 0.67771 0.43002 0.23907 0.8493 0.84646 0.5919 0.00124 0.64382 0.55064 0.80269 0.19304 0.41941 0.88401 0.83735 0.63267 0.20812 0.12117 0.46253 0.82257 0.78232 0.92319 0.78982 0.42685 0.62948 0.89015 0.82515 0.42404 0.7811 0.53211 0.07121 0.20288 0.09502 0.57703 0.15687 0.92952 0.06282 0.51797 0.45046 0.26535 0.25241 0.08037 0.91738 0.1393 0.66131 0.06422 0.33789 0.28688 0.97599 0.84987 0.40981 0.69556 0.83911 0.39813 0.28245 0.25 0.89922 0.8409 0.00542 0.53638 0.71869 0.41384 0.94335 0.21448 0.05517 0.24262 0.67413 0.11884 0.4812 0.21411 0.06968 0.63454 0.63997 0.17824 0.35282 0.59003 0.49853 0.10461 0.39706 0.22827 0.66946 0.78622 0.20914 0.01437 0.43242 0.70781 0.74006 0.26694 0.29761 0.15162 0.38178 0.61831 0.82015 0.60997 0.9163 0.34229 0.10537 0.98288 0.01103 0.07064 0.38228 0.66235 0.21128 0.93866 0.2797 0.54621 0.54517 0.06045 0.27289 0.61092 0.89111 0.91916 0.94457 0.60443 0.57104 0.7056 0.80204 0.36624 0.04132 0.74668 0.2544 0.58067 0.36689 0.54676 0.53479 0.06118 0.36721 0.48098 0.22551 0.09416 0.69426 0.256 0.82157 0.2447 0.15025 0.38067 0.23638 0.76261 0.32438 0.23645 0.11628 0.84225 0.69256 0.16068 0.27819 0.19741 0.56662 0.10257 0.61322 0.62549 0.669 0.19534 0.78195 0.04382 0.0662 0.33377 0.94908 0.47221 0.16222 0.83368 0.54806 0.39235 0.75267 0.98192 0.50249 0.5185 0.75284 0.46236 0.07842 0.00041 0.8019 0.7618 0.61259 0.96203 0.73268 0.38399 0.0983 0.17699 0.1179 0.14768 0.49456 0.81208 0.00011 0.97072 0.99261 0.25158 0.0597 0.1612 0.37174 0.87556 0.61382 0.63713 0.84575 0.45316 0.96812 0.91776 0.51928 0.53074 0.8642 0.1072 0.46573 0.31263 0.84695 0.87366 0.55 0.36946 0.99782 0.30379 0.11835 0.26601 0.61686 0.2117 0.84701 0.1145 0.54361 0.46343 0.27462 0.62543 0.14812 0.21004 0.06732 0.7131 0.94027 0.02698 0.88084 0.9312 0.02317 0.12358 0.83777 0.52697 0.57537 0.03987 0.78195 0.39719 0.80717 0.09802 0.96909 0.48136 0.2057 0.96121 0.97401 0.52773 0.22727 0.75773 0.75337 0.99772 0.89753 0.14993 0.39658 0.36576 0.43988 0.28012 0.34198 0.05131 0.29216 0.81785 0.51873 0.27308 0.83873 0.40074 0.15399 0.87819 0.2114 0.08721 0.20943 0.88275 0.4507 0.08073 0.04051 0.97161 0.8167 0.27419 0.07383 0.34445 0.95705 0.57664 0.3371 0.36769 0.32777 0.69112 0.26355 0.44516 0.06218 0.12125 0.79042 0.91839 0.74263 0.76795 0.52824 0.38449 0.69479 0.75135 0.05116 0.24527 0.0057 0.46059 0.59648 0.64959 0.46744 0.81872 0.70827 0.62242 0.88508 0.32121 0.89097 0.7641 0.58443 0.40817 0.22724 0.99442 0.12245 0.41211 0.66019 0.36592 0.99669 0.47035 0.73032 0.41862 0.43412 0.61385 0.98669 0.69991 0.4099 0.9371 0.19691 0.05519 0.08305 0.17058 0.5022 0.9219 0.32258 0.32092 0.41425 0.9116 0.57859 0.54168 0.37364 0.98043 0.54908 0.72043 0.46253 0.65199 0.55027 0.52044 0.0921 0.45012 0.48826 0.87497 0.02279 0.2215 0.99843 0.70402 0.39599 0.90636 0.25308 0.4961 0.42056 0.77908 0.01191 0.78732 0.96824 0.75137 0.53972 0.24839 0.28508 0.41522 0.70796 0.73211 0.21996 0.86665 0.68966 0.55642 0.55499 0.14453 0.3782 0.32435 0.39543 0.81393 0.25872 0.22218 0.66247 0.52643 0.97232 0.54147 0.82037 0.66098 0.0541 0.83591 0.38882 0.96753 0.64845 0.80919 0.63599 0.54522 0.14974 0.88523 0.04621 0.15594 0.53457 0.48491 0.26153 0.22112 0.71726 0.83745 0.51909 0.5941 0.08987 0.87322 0.73144 0.78869 0.76223 0.82828 0.21576 0.38897 0.66424 0.76068 0.63676 0.59079 0.91414 0.01748 0.72976 0.58912 0.95603 0.71226 0.36753 0.12809 0.69696 0.09268 0.58056 0.92034 0.90614 0.34799 0.04544 0.75403 0.24161 0.105 0.83456 0.26404 0.70633 0.2953 0.68702 0.11536 0.20622 0.48375 0.82513 0.4249 0.7971 0.50246 0.32316
+0.94706 0.03496 0.51775 0.56066 0.15923 0.19642 0.89934 0.27335 0.9253 0.81424 0.4721 0.48164 0.91259 0.3376 0.66361 0.02778 0.1551 0.7841 0.73818 0.8208 0.80914 0.86765 0.54861 0.99793 0.3153 0.58829 0.89618 0.86483 0.84133 0.05744 0.35391 0.20535 0.60369 0.07227 0.63401 0.06039 0.85899 0.89055 0.32869 0.18562 0.27817 0.95085 0.17938 0.51768 0.51028 0.80741 0.89381 0.40203 0.903 0.21391 0.76297 0.22783 0.2788 0.81334 0.4584 0.01643 0.4043 0.23555 0.98296 0.62438 0.30359 0.28112 0.94438 0.53886 0.89174 0.18894 0.60928 0.20657 0.00265 0.01124 0.34975 0.35436 0.12134 0.78134 0.06349 0.21837 0.71292 0.754 0.8729 0.22415 0.38964 0.10936 0.41322 0.25757 0.11477 0.48294 0.94108 0.46698 0.68793 0.33549 0.89052 0.65792 0.96268 0.64217 0.22264 0.86359 0.07229 0.81323 0.61421 0.35183 0.52492 0.45747 0.64345 0.837 0.39883 0.77963 0.1214 0.19631 0.30107 0.07539 0.91182 0.57275 0.42698 0.32258 0.79096 0.5865 0.61912 0.86693 0.75996 0.98394 0.38391 0.14731 0.5179 0.7038 0.27197 0.42521 0.02893 0.43385 0.16451 0.84665 0.88095 0.80426 0.82006 0.13802 0.74535 0.85502 0.02227 0.16805 0.44877 0.76802 0.83871 0.22486 0.79595 0.44234 0.26018 0.8354 0.51007 0.03346 0.02487 0.7301 0.54253 0.07467 0.53977 0.77129 0.81976 0.23994 0.95664 0.14384 0.08263 0.64413 0.51092 0.75002 0.4653 0.73048 0.9085 0.30293 0.14487 0.27134 0.5398 0.02099 0.50739 0.11421 0.86915 0.55813 0.93905 0.28109 0.31688 0.48707 0.95148 0.10145 0.32898 0.96737 0.06436 0.30642 0.36667 0.05208 0.60157 0.90239 0.11313 0.37531 0.72198 0.03565 0.76677 0.98012 0.80496 0.46149 0.1483 0.42226 0.14042 0.90943 0.67254 0.38429 0.98627 0.42372 0.06238 0.03306 0.02733 0.61277 0.11608 0.01846 0.16066 0.80659 0.18177 0.62319 0.94585 0.0844 0.78741 0.91758 0.76284 0.89042 0.84612 0.68394 0.65704 0.07308 0.43588 0.29794 0.06165 0.56854 0.09559 0.41886 0.10001 0.72472 0.62654 0.60806 0.86948 0.72647 0.1663 0.29261 0.60619 0.85908 0.55575 0.32957 0.42427 0.98709 0.76481 0.42794 0.09661 0.86015 0.36163 0.98759 0.70145 0.01066 0.72938 0.84573 0.16442 0.54135 0.76121 0.49592 0.6285 0.43995 0.17883 0.75262 0.41842 0.20761 0.63106 0.19067 0.72233 0.03062 0.61635 0.46826 0.72008 0.05044 0.67321 0.97129 0.95057 0.15507 0.81671 0.24837 0.55069 0.01609 0.02672 0.8187 0.3439 0.17381 0.86849 0.11278 0.42633 0.94793 0.48705 0.86252 0.3916 0.58994 0.55082 0.71375 0.45179 0.04224 0.58596 0.46482 0.66041 0.40156 0.11938 0.81931 0.89491 0.87662 0.93473 0.73229 0.66817 0.6403 0.91477 0.82422 0.41887 0.11823 0.36534 0.68315 0.45186 0.53272 0.22329 0.49012 0.48688 0.87898 0.7164 0.19541 0.10337 0.58766 0.78784 0.7577 0.75693 0.47555 0.06589 0.21997 0.29455 0.90584 0.65449 0.01031 0.05548 0.71479 0.69832 0.69252 0.31007 0.94617 0.76057 0.55378 0.16351 0.53546 0.6578 0.33271 0.5092 0.57709 0.1421 0.47049 0.71835 0.63351 0.9871 0.0029 0.87358 0.11914 0.11901 0.73943 0.67082 0.97882 0.99097 0.42771 0.24236 0.65295 0.3677 0.09212 0.48994 0.58365 0.07549 0.20069 0.49567 0.59532 0.84925 0.02234 0.41862 0.01203 0.78418 0.18559 0.08672 0.82606 0.91257 0.96766 0.5233 0.82523 0.60127 0.83873 0.72246 0.96537 0.76536 0.66449 0.07692 0.23003 0.43694 0.19693 0.33776 0.67404 0.01679 0.93153 0.88071 0.24548 0.65607 0.91921 0.32068 0.07224 0.37184 0.40791 0.13298 0.79392 0.34617 0.90553 0.57262 0.87644 0.28818 0.70322 0.39538 0.82006 0.74412 0.82675 0.20882 0.43132 0.16341 0.44331 0.97628 0.81056 0.4263 0.97728 0.95179 0.58685 0.39362 0.83448 0.81447 0.04049 0.3627 0.64067 0.12413 0.89678 0.56495 0.44371 0.7349 0.32765 0.46545 0.96244 0.47755 0.89352 0.60408 0.45123 0.93608 0.64915 0.48783 0.97634 0.36097 0.93763 0.3353 0.44016 0.15058 0.1342 0.15895 0.16339 0.04645 0.24908 0.18642 0.41247 0.24067 0.01944 0.28606 0.30238 0.31392 0.79079 0.18431 0.23939 0.98956 0.90319 0.45087 0.02548 0.7857 0.99693 0.62084 0.86048 0.19245 0.95276 0.13697 0.79787 0.07454 0.76427 0.227 0.96726 0.10115 0.88067 0.56426 0.17845 0.91129 0.58147 0.81716 0.67486 0.94435 0.9075 0.20672 0.96289 0.00548 0.37045 0.06472 0.59343 0.36626 0.26579 0.53995 0.45135 0.61601 0.40705 0.28809 0.75091 0.31756 0.68032
+0.09203 0.47453 0.13032 0.57781 0.78569 0.00152 0.38692 0.07543 0.71459 0.19359 0.81702 0.8406 0.60138 0.26845 0.39635 0.90904 0.47094 0.48072 0.39299 0.03672 0.51342 0.14595 0.76646 0.39688 0.91546 0.61871 0.14381 0.85579 0.25451 0.72239 0.40209 0.52432 0.6086 0.33866 0.3027 0.47854 0.19619 0.61754 0.05694 0.33685 0.16367 0.75127 0.25779 0.51749 0.36315 0.1469 0.22445 0.50231 0.54966 0.67169 0.85381 0.59011 0.30579 0.10425 0.94583 0.11537 0.18751 0.87266 0.98575 0.72556 0.87449 0.0767 0.53527 0.04214 0.87276 0.38254 0.53835 0.30305 0.54116 0.71333 0.20491 0.39421 0.39921 0.82833 0.06815 0.54833 0.13656 0.20894 0.83098 0.09869 0.57438 0.90608 0.95874 0.70153 0.59268 0.03154 0.3994 0.09611 0.43437 0.77429 0.90122 0.03171 0.73288 0.954 0.54109 0.74642 0.99356 0.29745 0.15992 0.32258 0.43008 0.31662 0.60268 0.11709 0.15788 0.18407 0.38602 0.00328 0.34744 0.80346 0.40991 0.65023 0.76329 0.31346 0.0371 0.49306 0.90324 0.40577 0.87364 0.46236 0.53724 0.99179 0.22569 0.72668 0.47772 0.35575 0.41561 0.51777 0.05065 0.86064 0.47444 0.44095 0.45912 0.87933 0.4912 0.76471 0.11637 0.9735 0.16603 0.2398 0.52334 0.28085 0.02302 0.08351 0.74639 0.60467 0.06552 0.43902 0.31013 0.46179 0.51831 0.08902 0.35144 0.56711 0.54434 0.4415 0.20274 0.42478 0.70122 0.12384 0.52382 0.97523 0.25242 0.92256 0.9324 0.17955 0.99147 0.41348 0.8638 0.6951 0.04643 0.41336 0.14915 0.99351 0.50533 0.07898 0.40732 0.7169 0.12989 0.04136 0.38612 0.88801 0.30011 0.78516 0.516 0.48951 0.59057 0.25044 0.52359 0.22483 0.20402 0.69336 0.03335 0.16657 0.14128 0.66178 0.98031 0.83594 0.34031 0.76219 0.36488 0.35737 0.71695 0.75802 0.97439 0.16244 0.84876 0.98749 0.23693 0.84607 0.24458 0.24002 0.78754 0.47427 0.26619 0.44348 0.49313 0.5983 0.67501 0.53173 0.19688 0.77293 0.93819 0.03259 0.86389 0.0769 0.32838 0.03698 0.48525 0.56828 0.02716 0.6344 0.65211 0.1181 0.82063 0.63187 0.82797 0.6343 0.69352 0.15693 0.94908 0.76277 0.97002 0.15939 0.1328 0.48336 0.72664 0.1983 0.65818 0.42236 0.39047 0.47118 0.56856 0.21325 0.27469 0.8612 0.86963 0.07479 0.99132 0.57659 0.57679 0.64408 0.77422 0.62218 0.65385 0.7362 0.54227 0.46597 0.14127 0.4732 0.50261 0.63778 0.05668 0.9122 0.76774 0.30827 0.35346 0.74429 0.04447 0.80043 0.15324 0.23515 0.35083 0.63916 0.68988 0.75328 0.24511 0.90433 0.78191 0.70079 0.00679 0.48926 0.35021 0.21651 0.32619 0.82604 0.50677 0.3895 0.52664 0.21168 0.99236 0.21344 0.29343 0.71717 0.24701 0.9051 0.70027 0.74774 0.92919 0.67285 0.21145 0.38918 0.59371 0.27704 0.51023 1e-05 0.43973 0.18377 0.27688 0.72405 0.68382 0.90405 0.85776 0.48644 0.49427 0.71995 0.44812 0.39172 0.09965 0.55958 0.09634 0.23204 0.42587 0.4892 0.25577 0.77578 0.21077 0.50863 0.4422 0.91874 0.10968 0.54922 0.33283 0.08813 0.11957 0.43481 0.35138 0.95264 0.83095 0.96324 0.24715 0.59437 0.77417 0.52021 0.06386 0.45921 0.50137 0.685 0.06517 0.23821 0.96408 0.06866 0.19292 0.20033 0.95168 0.71682 0.50971 0.88453 0.60309 0.41517 0.16325 0.80816 0.46431 0.66945 0.19849 0.37052 0.67024 0.59585 0.69013 0.49101 0.48195 0.33831 0.76185 0.3802 0.66221 0.62314 0.98107 0.75324 0.27207 0.74181 0.89487 0.45423 0.47601 0.17946 0.27624 0.8619 0.43512 0.68769 0.97383 0.91121 0.76624 0.9615 0.58492 0.99723 0.20743 0.74276 0.24362 0.29107 0.91979 0.25908 0.86125 0.75814 0.35965 0.17432 0.4817 0.37305 0.79877 0.92078 0.37308 0.56458 0.19027 0.7354 0.25075 0.69729 0.51159 0.81566 0.55774 0.21442 0.6758 0.52342 0.35556 0.32177 0.15557 0.60617 0.72173 0.75781 0.74793 0.2575 0.53668 0.77069 0.20186 0.79631 0.86736 0.88212 0.70391 0.49622 0.33586 0.1337 0.27589 0.8743 0.71929 0.71672 0.07133 0.18405 0.73779 0.62918 0.44608 0.80625 0.78938 0.30068 0.50177 0.7658 0.65416 0.82874 0.69946 0.05597 0.98019 0.27235 0.59532 0.07511 0.32089 0.09894 0.25469 0.76719 0.55138 0.32151 0.67166 0.98083 0.92025 0.27317 0.72439 0.12513 0.2279 0.71753 0.79681 0.73274 0.27243 0.51144 0.27974 0.55677 0.9453 0.67251 0.01982 0.07532 0.34242 0.60145 0.13506 0.66423 0.1928 0.39441 0.56791 0.2988 0.72542 0.54709 0.81839 0.5721 0.64618 0.5607 0.60357 0.83025 0.68473 0.92896
+0.09468 0.65861 0.90098 0.83184 0.90029 0.96745 0.84127 0.32357 0.47082 0.88387 0.50992 0.69803 0.7164 0.83448 0.46183 0.41631 0.81605 0.79701 0.28607 0.20145 0.30709 0.82213 0.96091 0.66321 0.67343 0.53956 0.86697 0.32686 0.04963 0.99579 0.93199 0.43125 0.88527 0.62104 0.92296 0.83484 0.43221 0.38611 0.31444 0.61699 0.38627 0.99544 0.56275 0.2823 0.06267 0.33547 0.91502 0.41099 0.32111 0.61925 0.42463 0.21511 0.55355 0.01908 0.54952 0.26156 0.64201 0.73448 0.90036 0.09536 0.43532 0.51739 0.80408 0.09023 0.28566 0.84489 0.44997 0.7161 0.29693 0.81698 0.54417 0.40289 0.45223 0.32783 0.96365 0.48428 0.63899 0.71523 0.42356 0.17393 0.05761 0.79444 0.37456 0.5483 0.4262 0.16122 0.14905 0.35855 0.31092 0.08613 0.51864 0.48755 0.97245 0.47778 0.97809 0.38722 0.64412 0.20919 0.32853 0.18473 0.78245 0.62926 0.71217 0.03791 0.75735 0.72475 0.17827 0.03366 0.03173 0.34434 0.71915 0.03017 0.54987 0.19892 0.26697 0.70126 0.68193 0.75599 0.46806 0.35137 0.28407 0.36813 0.18881 0.92116 0.3411 0.3851 0.8298 0.54451 0.9475 0.73195 0.921 0.73278 0.75613 0.9427 0.92392 0.03895 0.06823 0.10873 0.83503 0.85707 0.65573 0.40398 0.74984 0.17383 0.79113 0.41956 0.51721 0.18646 0.76658 0.18675 0.37062 0.29156 0.03262 0.75042 0.98665 0.09702 0.18428 0.84799 0.5161 0.11924 0.25802 0.58101 0.99805 0.88199 0.08025 0.0109 0.29453 0.46239 0.54236 0.99416 0.08613 0.72533 0.91759 0.96055 0.38978 0.72387 0.36679 0.69425 0.0822 0.76281 0.66037 0.04233 0.96556 0.09554 0.88864 0.52505 0.83015 0.409 0.41213 0.11187 0.15055 0.02938 0.13554 0.95781 0.97677 0.27902 0.30222 0.70892 0.80489 0.98786 0.23047 0.30609 0.93492 0.05462 0.75157 0.46941 0.9243 0.24392 0.24406 0.08767 0.27645 0.43645 0.82846 0.296 0.57935 0.05378 0.23119 0.1302 0.54742 0.52841 0.46227 0.61638 0.47358 0.38221 0.75155 0.63551 0.08979 0.23642 0.41131 0.51087 0.82983 0.86622 0.96868 0.8898 0.92316 0.83705 0.10675 0.97859 0.16462 0.56357 0.68964 0.50414 0.64192 0.6724 0.01818 0.05325 0.54803 0.81361 0.84712 0.54915 0.52856 0.75319 0.80196 0.75293 0.55995 0.28767 0.06344 0.10442 0.10531 0.83608 0.54459 0.71178 0.50816 0.0943 0.78068 0.70694 0.18623 0.09129 0.34982 0.62524 0.22924 0.31702 0.90472 0.9231 0.46572 0.79345 0.09154 0.83492 0.5576 0.17311 0.37464 0.87162 0.33412 0.29188 0.00746 0.01545 0.21728 0.35706 0.99408 0.08593 0.91413 0.98276 0.18352 0.41168 0.89298 0.11296 0.16707 0.55863 0.96585 0.90055 0.25563 0.74585 0.97324 0.82368 0.5088 0.82627 0.18965 0.4343 0.49562 0.40015 0.36803 0.18901 0.75274 0.06879 0.74142 0.54553 0.40321 0.65394 0.26836 0.24759 0.15328 0.2585 0.66223 0.79242 0.96708 0.73101 0.76664 0.63829 0.03674 0.6775 0.63818 0.31073 0.76896 0.35788 0.86557 0.63298 0.0622 0.37524 0.44423 0.24503 0.50256 0.52435 0.28782 0.13753 0.99161 0.77682 0.46719 0.55014 0.42295 0.83985 0.52528 0.40188 0.69873 0.31527 0.21342 0.36283 0.76174 0.12754 0.5844 0.24212 0.12509 0.44978 0.69658 0.23449 0.51366 0.63729 0.61348 0.61156 0.11469 0.91115 0.82936 0.71657 0.53559 0.58106 0.73423 0.93434 0.28559 0.66273 0.10055 0.36448 0.67752 0.49153 0.26052 0.19269 0.93038 0.77177 0.73543 0.71506 0.80405 0.07907 0.00458 0.26362 0.77966 0.43067 0.67083 0.60458 0.45098 0.72222 0.18486 0.80536 0.79462 0.6199 0.33792 0.22911 0.96742 0.59406 0.65586 0.82174 0.8202 0.45129 0.86182 0.93013 0.08429 0.22705 0.29011 0.75443 0.14406 0.39256 0.92449 0.74311 0.33505 0.80447 0.13713 0.49694 0.15513 0.30424 0.43276 0.69026 0.74285 0.14183 0.90792 0.96715 0.08363 0.66142 0.05581 0.07664 0.15721 0.65567 0.13472 0.15782 0.19912 0.35364 0.50056 0.17967 0.46836 0.87216 0.34135 0.89807 0.89877 0.43232 0.01147 0.60873 0.61156 0.33098 0.46819 0.90327 0.91265 0.65153 0.60285 0.74282 0.68413 0.1365 0.21014 0.70861 0.77768 0.48587 0.89634 0.10331 0.97908 0.39927 0.62765 0.95355 0.24478 0.89846 0.0809 0.92692 0.48305 0.71256 0.17571 0.29849 0.29397 0.27712 0.97756 0.31136 0.68525 0.03338 0.61368 0.3429 0.90179 0.76911 0.71198 0.05165 0.54797 0.1047 0.61697 0.78559 0.19492 0.84453 0.63478 0.72285 0.61621 0.60052 0.03534 0.63563 0.22892 0.40009 0.59187 0.2324 0.56885 0.10559 0.7883 0.94742
+0.16345 0.40989 0.06644 0.81767 0.46849 0.01679 0.00987 0.07168 0.85225 0.86097 0.5586 0.23196 0.42653 0.77377 0.24202 0.07503 0.34262 0.40414 0.55051 0.36538 0.67969 0.71006 0.90895 0.05037 0.20878 0.22198 0.63521 0.40652 0.47711 0.98161 0.7644 0.52593 0.84945 0.38675 0.99914 0.3967 0.98092 0.92827 0.91013 0.34693 0.16511 0.19695 0.24233 0.96158 0.98003 0.81415 0.34009 0.42106 0.51922 0.42308 0.17103 0.01687 0.20789 0.73178 0.9492 0.37224 0.5397 0.71988 0.33523 0.64518 0.80428 0.59277 0.36066 0.88061 0.09337 0.11856 0.93356 0.50712 0.63849 0.86796 0.25421 0.34054 0.62099 0.37986 0.49444 0.05002 0.57254 0.39176 0.74911 0.74645 0.41074 0.86811 0.87956 0.2865 0.00945 0.78924 0.50758 0.00833 0.57293 0.73979 0.72623 0.24507 0.85031 0.00788 0.69811 0.08483 0.82796 0.75647 0.258 0.55091 0.30184 0.73486 0.10182 0.34604 0.77141 0.59323 0.41033 0.7083 0.19513 0.4986 0.53497 0.32694 0.11855 0.09719 0.87319 0.75016 0.78565 0.92281 0.92732 0.71928 0.19654 0.42515 0.96494 0.47206 0.66972 0.0197 0.55832 0.11537 0.04683 0.23932 0.67249 0.2324 0.41707 0.65917 0.10847 0.23007 0.71583 0.93325 0.70707 0.81342 0.64064 0.25305 0.50452 0.97097 0.10141 0.24307 0.76265 0.53921 0.9336 0.99429 0.20647 0.94432 0.9246 0.20498 0.22726 0.17921 0.30433 0.13425 0.41914 0.60186 0.12968 0.07744 0.99923 0.54697 0.7263 0.09037 0.94776 0.81048 0.35586 0.25216 0.40271 0.76433 0.89704 0.78794 0.56012 0.30913 0.53724 0.42586 0.46929 0.22032 0.42254 0.27766 0.44517 0.96553 0.73112 0.79691 0.12746 0.41054 0.71885 0.58167 0.37187 0.84588 0.13003 0.19541 0.30765 0.71747 0.76572 0.44439 0.26369 0.25321 0.1211 0.49852 0.18568 0.33263 0.37126 0.93026 0.25031 0.9984 0.53742 0.60334 0.73685 0.77705 0.36441 0.07841 0.97721 0.58673 0.27587 0.42285 0.03375 0.16589 0.68404 0.59392 0.69066 0.64954 0.16434 0.10993 0.80832 0.72478 0.38426 0.39773 0.48169 0.03255 0.27309 0.79305 0.55556 0.64918 0.7938 0.61645 0.31975 0.35125 0.88251 0.16414 0.95124 0.91718 0.67512 0.12253 0.61134 0.50386 0.89364 0.71165 0.53972 0.41697 0.55916 0.26719 0.71656 0.40872 0.74409 0.46859 0.65923 0.7717 0.44232 0.57557 0.93968 0.51173 0.16512 0.90931 0.11556 0.82131 0.55509 0.6672 0.5522 0.8411 0.99511 0.19228 0.86407 0.95862 0.8633 0.48206 0.94887 0.20942 0.52421 0.51639 0.08108 0.18339 0.40088 0.8161 0.8167 0.48063 0.89198 0.19782 0.34186 0.33104 0.46353 0.7098 0.39926 0.76622 0.22926 0.61428 0.50828 0.66715 0.00465 0.46233 0.33092 0.14755 0.9027 0.46954 0.49587 0.73606 0.59969 0.01175 0.45435 0.49421 0.49432 0.90712 0.24444 0.42116 0.19016 0.39893 0.29055 0.65997 0.0172 0.96532 0.62946 0.23258 0.50397 0.67264 0.91751 0.21539 0.32272 0.61619 0.58253 0.27939 0.83826 0.32083 0.92525 0.70342 0.16776 0.11371 0.10935 0.52276 0.59019 0.47712 0.71393 0.06804 0.17871 0.4287 0.59071 0.04834 0.18932 0.73309 0.29763 0.34473 0.71353 0.75149 0.163 0.67408 0.32985 0.87224 0.89568 0.05918 0.19845 0.20631 0.17001 0.38108 0.42404 0.61506 0.41898 0.18213 0.69485 0.56942 0.12193 0.17029 0.89492 0.2926 0.12375 0.02095 0.69156 0.84648 0.53714 0.48337 0.29288 0.08665 0.11485 0.86465 0.03809 0.84514 0.1189 0.83934 0.68841 0.1021 0.61898 0.97804 0.77542 0.43291 0.10008 0.17273 0.65438 0.79669 0.99495 0.26653 0.30447 0.13158 0.32983 0.25012 0.00854 0.83463 0.58935 0.67949 0.57323 0.46066 0.15724 0.37584 0.53205 0.10792 0.05614 0.20642 0.22004 0.69618 0.03501 0.41169 0.24272 0.70652 0.2447 0.72246 0.89519 0.83981 0.55714 0.60148 0.59588 0.73837 0.30665 0.38291 0.64775 0.38061 0.84103 0.18654 0.20689 0.10507 0.52662 0.7345 0.13887 0.85448 0.55092 0.82419 0.18908 0.13313 0.77725 0.69209 0.95622 0.09318 0.26207 0.82394 0.6493 0.36784 0.63252 0.67024 0.69042 0.36366 0.38549 0.46975 0.81631 0.84039 0.77211 0.11094 0.75091 0.04871 0.71074 0.07975 0.77299 0.09049 0.81662 0.60023 0.56683 0.05365 0.38205 0.39913 0.23155 0.90574 0.03944 0.16266 0.93925 0.00437 0.64566 0.51434 0.53337 0.46592 0.36919 0.95337 0.90354 0.31897 0.14522 0.86508 0.63742 0.38838 0.1154 0.36622 0.49765 0.58667 0.00316 0.93638 0.52926 0.40197 0.41094 0.19717 0.77264 0.59304 0.08193 0.86228 0.72011 0.26855 0.87382 0.83749
+0.54084 0.58575 0.10048 0.58301 0.53363 0.57956 0.19871 0.67913 0.69159 0.52088 0.89889 0.64956 0.77884 0.52771 0.00321 0.98464 0.51275 0.75363 0.18226 0.91322 0.50977 0.39838 0.18398 0.225 0.53032 0.7231 0.28985 0.4354 0.38814 0.12115 0.87373 0.29088 0.6036 0.18833 0.41236 0.31817 0.54863 0.69023 0.972 0.41569 0.14855 0.35063 0.19074 0.13155 0.2764 0.02319 0.89542 0.48319 0.94067 0.14914 0.66517 0.99932 0.61648 0.25026 0.19064 0.40997 0.14426 0.4784 0.04165 0.5976 0.17247 0.12801 0.81997 0.64297 0.85817 0.95828 0.8721 0.47666 0.5968 0.96169 0.96276 0.5801 0.68399 0.95956 0.3882 0.98541 0.80653 0.0584 0.33598 0.20539 0.20333 0.94296 0.95861 0.14144 0.32431 0.08321 0.15915 0.88058 0.50372 0.50162 0.4117 0.43591 0.35682 0.61253 0.41142 0.19573 0.21536 0.28264 0.26302 0.1855 0.99897 0.16045 0.05565 0.34007 0.07973 0.60187 0.55201 0.36566 0.09182 0.03214 0.32951 0.32366 0.917 0.24608 0.61693 0.62372 0.49103 0.87147 0.61942 0.86061 0.06092 0.2901 0.0431 0.83415 0.63383 0.58503 0.94607 0.62253 0.07767 0.28266 0.79951 0.49228 0.93484 0.62728 0.06327 0.39522 0.95461 0.95374 0.01882 0.17301 0.92311 0.80186 0.1747 0.21765 0.96553 0.00361 0.54104 0.19345 0.45833 0.89251 0.89586 0.72351 0.6786 0.15672 0.97101 0.78117 0.69001 0.35952 0.49067 0.48677 0.43579 0.86175 0.90048 0.63653 0.25543 0.60101 0.27985 0.85792 0.82152 0.96204 0.27576 0.5648 0.17131 0.51714 0.64866 0.7848 0.52445 0.66279 0.74921 0.52168 0.90586 0.75773 0.56892 0.9595 0.29054 0.00529 0.82647 0.36547 0.32659 0.10267 0.64642 0.29882 0.37837 0.46073 0.42743 0.80626 0.94125 0.39994 0.20038 0.66221 0.7223 0.0468 0.8961 0.9345 0.08368 0.3469 0.29617 0.28902 0.70074 0.40276 0.34585 0.01805 0.99057 0.36564 0.98806 0.19176 0.32442 0.24127 0.49353 0.21809 0.51861 0.36052 0.31183 0.68995 0.64341 0.08748 0.56945 0.63642 0.55835 0.41653 0.07263 0.45307 0.48074 0.04278 0.487 0.17447 0.55184 0.49825 0.18854 0.6614 0.70378 0.85963 0.99673 0.80923 0.07509 0.3358 0.52457 0.28532 0.57783 0.6813 0.22116 0.07125 0.33741 0.25898 0.32464 0.66562 0.59651 0.28474 0.61842 0.01036 0.96445 0.05188 0.81142 0.74186 0.51962 0.47973 0.39267 0.98483 0.52745 0.89233 0.95076 0.67062 0.04882 0.29093 0.19541 0.54295 0.05152 0.29783 0.17275 0.23219 0.26948 0.42795 0.62089 0.37362 0.22753 0.97868 0.77799 0.84321 0.4681 0.43078 0.75399 0.37927 0.62323 0.61121 0.86752 0.30273 0.90736 0.71011 0.73545 0.67651 0.28893 0.07734 0.25386 0.18521 0.29307 0.05317 0.71955 0.89947 0.52809 0.24364 0.77438 0.44699 0.12312 0.54945 0.58158 0.54407 0.54601 0.33478 0.25382 0.10546 0.61006 0.43135 0.42545 0.07675 0.05069 0.13723 0.80993 0.3166 0.68789 0.0595 0.55082 0.54982 0.17658 0.58925 0.33379 0.42782 0.93294 0.88768 0.51079 0.57823 0.38328 0.83461 0.44556 0.70277 0.63924 0.09563 0.91997 0.65058 0.26106 0.50529 0.60983 0.0392 0.15831 0.42848 0.84726 0.84264 0.37134 0.99878 0.16818 0.30191 0.07737 0.73839 0.82461 0.05064 0.97648 0.80059 0.98756 0.01689 0.59558 0.91171 0.9923 0.79107 0.96961 0.02846 0.27563 0.25747 0.73573 0.17251 0.08209 0.86126 0.73607 0.53788 0.78014 0.0805 0.51632 0.57327 0.23992 0.69198 0.44481 0.69264 0.89606 0.73658 0.93114 0.94727 0.41782 0.49079 0.67322 0.27636 0.49204 0.17053 0.2311 0.13678 0.64151 0.72225 0.6255 0.98092 0.38833 0.20498 0.75137 0.29763 0.27245 0.56866 0.01909 0.29466 0.17179 0.36408 0.11125 0.26613 0.23977 0.18562 0.10214 0.87522 0.7609 0.09232 0.0023 0.06296 0.57473 0.27806 0.02823 0.75267 0.06476 0.51283 0.25795 0.09175 0.26594 0.71292 0.19937 0.2454 0.58416 0.50934 0.35055 0.62892 0.00043 0.44592 0.73989 0.84734 0.83063 0.16509 0.58535 0.2456 0.29295 0.45196 0.65872 0.30002 0.38435 0.75433 0.99683 0.53719 0.38428 0.15562 0.80386 0.18165 0.31215 0.9654 0.24566 0.57701 0.26946 0.65158 0.24151 0.933 0.26941 0.24648 0.93535 0.71369 0.06946 0.41467 0.21368 0.97315 0.06302 0.22713 0.69403 0.07614 0.67024 0.04639 0.13806 0.13332 0.90186 0.3822 0.66087 0.62958 0.61353 0.72314 0.33632 0.05019 0.02787 0.49935 0.33695 0.16287 0.23696 0.7812 0.24895 0.27699 0.40084 0.61896 0.10507 0.87387 0.45587 0.66236 0.80146 0.51889 0.07893 0.73708
+0.15864 0.59954 0.37076 0.31216 0.57011 0.97165 0.83504 0.75719 0.85063 0.67292 0.04755 0.22269 0.93916 0.89588 0.58693 0.27723 0.75909 0.03176 0.69679 0.42427 0.89389 0.35714 0.25807 0.65994 0.30268 0.45932 0.65448 0.64843 0.16593 0.3283 0.96437 0.49296 0.65671 0.17698 0.56378 0.91645 0.11877 0.66674 0.28735 0.3605 0.71594 0.42114 0.14017 0.96057 0.25659 0.9549 0.89421 0.08638 0.97572 0.20693 0.38747 0.25622 0.86534 0.33376 0.4693 0.08226 0.69651 0.64603 0.79949 0.62847 0.87517 0.75859 0.58324 0.51199 0.02618 0.01015 0.93125 0.85405 0.89427 0.70065 0.01806 0.25406 0.70197 0.18104 0.05945 0.68367 0.56495 0.11591 0.85794 0.84109 0.17084 0.32508 0.63213 0.86865 0.54921 0.19031 0.64414 0.69515 0.42168 0.60323 0.31035 0.0628 0.74694 0.4424 0.50733 0.19895 0.27459 0.00469 0.71797 0.96729 0.73247 0.21017 0.60015 0.57743 0.37778 0.60923 0.03602 0.13031 0.9538 0.20465 0.85274 0.69252 0.28343 0.28845 0.83962 0.54258 0.07773 0.62951 0.32881 0.51111 0.73379 0.88371 0.86753 0.25339 0.75589 0.23507 0.21395 0.9861 0.83435 0.17594 0.67532 0.81661 0.55133 0.3089 0.51525 0.61247 0.21024 0.8801 0.29559 0.24012 0.70683 0.14458 0.09996 0.43974 0.8102 0.185 0.21553 0.27544 0.8579 0.69405 0.65309 0.58775 0.14229 0.99918 0.16861 0.31659 0.22894 0.09244 0.55045 0.57041 0.51439 0.99613 0.08352 0.96035 0.6785 0.42879 0.3169 0.24409 0.95332 0.01334 0.51197 0.96942 0.96655 0.25969 0.14756 0.8289 0.92723 0.63329 0.05236 0.63218 0.80703 0.20037 0.27556 0.31929 0.88314 0.83274 0.00478 0.90804 0.47666 0.23617 0.82771 0.84286 0.71291 0.62722 0.24008 0.36259 0.70099 0.74715 0.26577 0.33251 0.48124 0.78338 0.65917 0.89352 0.02886 0.06881 0.05623 0.46359 0.73225 0.11315 0.41861 0.67642 0.59671 0.60702 0.89256 0.3496 0.45376 0.00474 0.80263 0.17001 0.04492 0.57272 0.0585 0.52855 0.08122 0.20407 0.71645 0.94709 0.95565 0.39345 0.39691 0.31028 0.56133 0.68295 0.07014 0.98617 0.47283 0.81147 0.42825 0.59182 0.16079 0.8489 0.27556 0.16841 0.535 0.40808 0.89546 0.7288 0.27995 0.19917 0.35603 0.57497 0.67202 0.25528 0.8907 0.49376 0.59859 0.73711 0.95504 0.64986 0.04833 0.13237 0.42933 0.76666 0.28257 0.8379 0.06481 0.9122 0.58562 0.02376 0.04639 0.88791 0.33823 0.28721 0.42995 0.84027 0.78025 0.65215 0.25374 0.42632 0.561 0.28816 0.77707 0.1675 0.96492 0.55903 0.7205 0.34237 0.70609 0.44189 0.21136 0.1858 0.01739 0.2566 0.15503 0.00836 0.06029 0.56214 0.8661 0.1745 0.92138 0.55776 0.06276 0.38463 0.92999 0.61178 0.00975 0.12022 0.36909 0.92426 0.17636 0.50811 0.55227 0.5776 0.72199 0.69445 0.46559 0.42559 0.61867 0.18474 0.35322 0.13545 0.83029 0.37534 0.55381 0.81482 0.34636 0.94719 0.70456 0.47399 0.85878 0.76066 0.73757 0.98072 0.47291 0.33572 0.35192 0.92008 0.90411 0.57115 0.76657 0.62688 0.40492 0.08298 0.818 0.31772 0.50152 0.78462 0.62194 0.54015 0.08261 0.75757 0.99675 0.16465 0.95714 0.67011 0.01896 0.61285 0.06453 0.79611 0.2823 0.5313 0.31688 0.8098 0.74439 0.5106 0.58236 0.38667 0.71593 0.5374 0.58143 0.31093 0.33458 0.26232 0.13073 0.47547 0.74319 0.56357 0.77167 0.43602 0.11372 0.35142 0.78245 0.56939 0.52979 0.55787 0.24509 0.67523 0.09253 0.87111 0.97785 0.02007 0.62435 0.34036 0.9043 0.87457 0.56474 0.8438 0.63719 0.86394 0.68633 0.70482 0.095 0.03987 0.87636 0.71317 0.99133 0.20781 0.40123 0.84066 0.85201 0.95352 0.25597 0.83963 0.79847 0.76847 0.34811 0.4288 0.23934 0.89603 0.18404 0.94389 0.6492 0.11868 0.64338 0.72389 0.03686 0.9848 0.24177 0.33695 0.97072 0.06503 0.36662 0.38727 0.14365 0.42768 0.51058 0.64969 0.1598 0.95616 0.65524 0.24813 0.66647 0.13163 0.74379 0.32673 0.56461 0.39685 0.66433 0.1398 0.14752 0.45291 0.16997 0.80671 0.72307 0.22709 0.87925 0.07179 0.2254 0.24207 0.91631 0.29173 0.80459 0.81184 0.40085 0.30485 0.49114 0.33737 0.42942 0.30198 0.58367 0.27508 0.15017 0.50227 0.74015 0.48349 0.00529 0.1407 0.15556 0.69655 0.01277 0.79989 0.6556 0.09108 0.09554 0.54757 0.47082 0.01306 0.4693 0.4617 0.78851 0.01213 0.58746 0.2772 0.56011 0.21496 0.45052 0.41284 0.58236 0.10441 0.67709 0.21035 0.94741 0.9488 0.29096 0.29617 0.47167 0.85602 0.63085 0.79701 0.67315 0.855
+0.47674 0.21753 0.32174 0.34212 0.87891 0.85931 0.89534 0.90318 0.69276 0.63333 0.64606 0.30864 0.04556 0.01155 0.8348 0.43146 0.15608 0.73962 0.77417 0.6761 0.65375 0.51892 0.38613 0.68961 0.81148 0.62452 0.47804 0.49038 0.05049 0.48721 0.75606 0.64976 0.64663 0.19119 0.16878 0.42572 0.22954 0.38744 0.99274 0.94521 0.02169 0.9013 0.45869 0.34801 0.73331 0.9931 0.9731 0.15799 0.68781 0.70269 0.22551 0.39387 0.86971 0.9382 0.01006 0.84558 0.12407 0.08231 0.2149 0.15405 0.22635 0.82736 0.10271 0.13209 0.63133 0.90046 0.598 0.56848 0.64797 0.61567 0.61454 0.71111 0.43909 0.56357 0.65854 0.01186 0.24608 0.90684 0.7952 0.72903 0.40734 0.64665 0.10904 0.98165 0.21712 0.8409 0.56493 0.28964 0.86199 0.3102 0.21428 0.9437 0.92166 0.92075 0.7252 0.96555 0.94374 0.55451 0.30604 0.79651 0.22583 0.40357 0.04783 0.86528 0.83528 0.07995 0.33479 0.18355 0.29962 0.3185 0.75268 0.4243 0.19948 0.94319 0.92747 0.24395 0.22768 0.07096 0.74888 0.18275 0.77987 0.84541 0.61074 0.24303 0.99796 0.08793 0.43989 0.78218 0.88659 0.34191 0.21165 0.87642 0.37216 0.03881 0.45785 0.47557 0.18023 0.60335 0.51532 0.99538 0.73867 0.38345 0.6395 0.6901 0.82604 0.19965 0.35468 0.55604 0.53434 0.8016 0.02204 0.57819 0.52936 0.83267 0.3536 0.83833 0.82816 0.82465 0.94654 0.23806 0.12068 0.7732 0.10605 0.716 0.68651 0.44574 0.68894 0.82494 0.44642 0.25057 0.85086 0.61863 0.11318 0.60626 0.59008 0.30261 0.38128 0.73162 0.13837 0.7416 0.40337 0.29723 0.91332 0.1704 0.58157 0.42279 0.60702 0.85457 0.9849 0.5399 0.2838 0.52556 0.97601 0.59336 0.8047 0.04139 0.76576 0.26194 0.79908 0.07908 0.40785 0.49628 0.58102 0.18441 0.63103 0.33666 0.24497 0.80605 0.65602 0.52985 0.24661 0.51146 0.6599 0.64872 0.62556 0.64103 0.66176 0.3843 0.76754 0.40829 0.49863 0.52458 0.74304 0.37721 0.5169 0.20774 0.03423 0.11344 0.82631 0.0583 0.57607 0.67782 0.78144 0.07606 0.67049 0.8772 0.16309 0.47435 0.8986 0.09877 0.36306 0.15718 0.56503 0.27823 0.04233 0.17136 0.32334 0.25798 0.38241 0.89684 0.02924 0.38767 0.96828 0.77127 0.05939 0.07304 0.28714 0.58775 0.59572 0.84414 0.58025 0.74626 0.61797 0.05206 0.33005 0.40845 0.81056 0.4718 0.05291 0.51713 0.07387 0.876 0.73591 0.57495 0.80393 0.9276 0.04933 0.54093 0.20465 0.10389 0.18054 0.73296 0.32858 0.70864 0.16946 0.08475 0.40058 0.89346 0.36107 0.01587 0.27447 0.55666 0.19122 0.62511 0.6175 0.77048 0.1571 0.56643 0.15064 0.01944 0.60229 0.43308 0.61071 0.38908 0.73973 0.11296 0.34353 0.55403 0.64191 0.68796 0.06667 0.54333 0.82674 0.47198 0.85376 0.43021 0.34119 0.06622 0.54233 0.79697 0.73614 0.36808 0.26553 0.51738 0.9048 0.09024 0.24967 0.96235 0.35597 0.7353 0.07878 0.32012 0.4166 0.80149 0.32785 0.34091 0.4042 0.4845 0.02388 0.96968 0.87957 0.50609 0.61461 0.56821 0.69222 0.64567 0.43628 0.79553 0.47317 0.97624 0.06808 0.06384 0.88922 0.09307 0.32661 0.90726 0.02923 0.80196 0.68043 0.79446 0.90004 0.69129 0.77754 0.79432 0.472 0.04347 0.32312 0.66744 0.85401 0.28394 0.78584 0.92829 0.29094 0.46503 0.25051 0.31493 0.93531 0.99655 0.59969 0.88971 0.54378 0.44287 0.77301 0.95383 0.23928 0.07088 0.74065 0.13308 0.89964 0.65645 0.55627 0.63479 0.16802 0.61391 0.67447 0.78373 0.23374 0.80821 0.28078 0.29795 0.59171 0.3605 0.54701 0.68703 0.46521 0.17106 0.53168 0.88785 0.89667 0.34071 0.92973 0.06201 0.27558 0.50763 0.63792 0.25849 0.40186 0.14583 0.85725 0.80007 0.32258 0.01916 0.42521 0.12498 0.80991 0.78378 0.83555 0.58514 0.67461 0.70631 0.81715 0.96906 0.4234 0.90528 0.0591 0.23802 0.82833 0.93707 0.7937 0.22244 0.71784 0.79875 0.36303 0.02952 0.61874 0.69985 0.61388 0.69221 0.04072 0.64447 0.324 0.05775 0.15621 0.9639 0.50874 0.18743 0.13123 0.92787 0.22272 0.6105 0.57707 0.9963 0.85029 0.68592 0.79674 0.3367 0.3873 0.15434 0.91724 0.51762 0.61919 0.52736 0.84607 0.67473 0.7338 0.15878 0.7031 0.60795 0.74113 0.11877 0.48345 0.98612 0.11192 0.02808 0.55618 0.27067 0.23798 0.67825 0.35742 0.48528 0.7307 0.29611 0.58112 0.40558 0.63844 0.15924 0.96838 0.88671 0.85409 0.54206 0.1266 0.25402 0.71696 0.84023 0.45225 0.30101 0.53892 0.74804 0.16422 0.57134 0.50101 0.21305
+0.27997 0.05453 0.91022 0.35544 0.85866 0.30488 0.48073 0.46637 0.68551 0.63868 0.33254 0.81242 0.08752 0.52722 0.11641 0.93272 0.49331 0.88714 0.57879 0.4033 0.57823 0.56791 0.54816 0.26683 0.37051 0.42688 0.48888 0.73934 0.78045 0.88574 0.05827 0.71706 0.39179 0.59936 0.07592 0.6751 0.54691 0.94445 0.54285 0.19672 0.83301 0.42661 0.54733 0.54718 0.80156 0.8118 0.80663 0.34853 0.55321 0.77716 0.18313 0.52412 0.18875 0.12904 0.01105 0.02436 0.86946 0.24773 0.8709 0.20366 0.92127 0.43154 0.13811 0.92864 0.59879 0.85108 0.5324 0.17598 0.78776 0.45341 0.80189 0.12379 0.2487 0.84224 0.01824 0.02364 0.4936 0.86144 0.74223 0.81144 0.13605 0.81613 0.90854 0.42775 0.64562 0.33888 0.4195 0.6593 0.72171 0.28211 0.36585 0.4759 0.47407 0.93942 0.54855 0.27912 0.70716 0.2549 0.50455 0.63145 0.83039 0.7103 0.37298 0.16542 0.21184 0.54778 0.95422 0.15497 0.21137 0.70971 0.39595 0.69039 0.71506 0.01438 0.75514 0.3868 0.05098 0.79575 0.99214 0.90203 0.26177 0.43824 0.55309 0.10093 0.76698 0.90272 0.19204 0.38313 0.13627 0.44888 0.47288 0.38405 0.08765 0.43557 0.41272 0.66505 0.753 0.2385 0.1784 0.23807 0.35188 0.81755 0.76841 0.71322 0.72049 0.96156 0.26004 0.76758 0.64547 0.70422 0.10985 0.26075 0.60191 0.62191 0.09765 0.35363 0.43671 0.80057 0.27289 0.40766 0.12207 0.43587 0.30899 0.23048 0.36167 0.8362 0.03289 0.65978 0.81227 0.03407 0.0343 0.56054 0.31777 0.23207 0.07814 0.70873 0.24941 0.96611 0.94825 0.02076 0.83146 0.69736 0.97075 0.37826 0.528 0.71595 0.32146 0.13699 0.82021 0.25834 0.28414 0.62895 0.77247 0.11358 0.23768 0.32181 0.76615 0.59677 0.75535 0.63653 0.73775 0.29339 0.79432 0.04281 0.90465 0.90528 0.96798 0.95979 0.62475 0.86094 0.18377 0.32263 0.68684 0.9323 0.89243 0.18101 0.44683 0.40853 0.76535 0.24932 0.53783 0.98232 0.53668 0.91481 0.50431 0.14967 0.43233 0.19852 0.83226 0.68159 0.39286 0.64086 0.39283 0.15587 0.3541 0.70489 0.19443 0.64647 0.2804 0.8906 0.7232 0.7288 0.0615 0.37786 0.70104 0.73606 0.76382 0.78473 0.67032 0.17559 0.26266 0.86783 0.26662 0.06366 0.07245 0.56046 0.17949 0.88476 0.85307 0.22064 0.47661 0.79585 0.71847 0.82117 0.48042 0.93499 0.54174 0.60834 0.90143 0.05197 0.28243 0.03563 0.74108 0.64798 0.5756 0.01199 0.46539 0.75441 0.56808 0.80017 0.94933 0.1884 0.31482 0.06272 0.57311 0.69799 0.88392 0.47658 0.26746 0.16189 0.15229 0.54726 0.06433 0.80895 0.15442 0.04702 0.715 0.65612 0.75892 0.65849 0.55961 0.20913 0.65661 0.24808 0.86389 0.42796 0.59656 0.50869 0.3563 0.30018 0.49142 0.606 0.96527 0.32319 0.98324 0.89327 0.10091 0.80352 0.54032 0.85663 0.80139 0.03983 0.24905 0.11673 0.44625 0.20101 0.03425 0.00886 0.3461 0.1601 0.03239 0.49737 0.64409 0.50862 0.50234 0.50281 0.50974 0.62368 0.47726 0.1554 0.27659 0.76462 0.46473 0.57465 0.32132 0.37165 0.72566 0.93612 0.77256 0.32616 0.15668 0.58232 0.72601 0.84345 0.37368 0.80607 0.34022 0.54363 0.65841 0.94786 0.74213 0.84304 0.51419 0.73061 0.42105 0.78371 0.26476 0.0806 0.94828 0.43718 0.42892 0.14799 0.0602 0.018 0.30854 0.79647 0.8289 0.37552 0.98098 0.70235 0.08458 0.57967 0.45037 0.79812 0.68399 0.26588 0.0169 0.59113 0.63647 0.81425 0.10207 0.27676 0.55943 0.78877 0.0566 0.78861 0.02558 0.62249 0.82552 0.5071 0.2853 0.95331 0.71405 0.45896 0.86708 0.21103 0.45007 0.93763 0.51328 0.74789 0.81729 0.22949 0.76106 0.19196 0.96826 0.88195 0.94443 0.91725 0.48084 0.7069 0.34306 0.93444 0.9561 0.09233 0.92464 0.38601 0.7579 0.38926 0.29763 0.27794 0.38089 0.83564 0.43155 0.66104 0.47324 0.16056 0.82752 0.69535 0.11748 0.99652 0.25151 0.58296 0.55398 0.50524 0.78448 0.55595 0.7407 0.23821 0.62589 0.55 0.49565 0.43994 0.59178 0.08482 0.88908 0.68723 0.31542 0.27991 0.4024 0.24702 0.39841 0.82372 0.44125 0.05977 0.03016 0.69244 0.03888 0.51253 0.59609 0.83826 0.23784 0.12253 0.05712 0.55154 0.81781 0.64486 0.55154 0.63127 0.53695 0.34861 0.2816 0.2846 0.8067 0.09512 0.621 0.54508 0.60344 0.61816 0.92796 0.55653 0.59201 0.51615 0.74572 0.73604 0.12682 0.07986 0.65262 0.74927 0.9594 0.05385 0.7138 0.72561 0.61461 0.06778 0.65768 0.81737 0.20613 0.33397 0.53142 0.79754 0.97933 0.20543
+0.18359 0.50268 0.02658 0.5453 0.34878 0.75528 0.97659 0.15808 0.87947 0.0867 0.57023 0.51274 0.63424 0.90554 0.15239 0.96309 0.04303 0.8577 0.52919 0.61058 0.50484 0.0466 0.91085 0.47605 0.57234 0.49952 0.69081 0.34814 0.77741 0.58267 0.86724 0.44763 0.71463 0.18248 0.60917 0.63505 0.44268 0.25775 0.60971 0.10681 0.72091 0.76836 0.77749 0.93584 0.35663 0.15927 0.06781 0.67319 0.26085 0.28685 0.88213 0.1354 0.63138 0.3369 0.66994 0.4599 0.14272 0.64809 0.41811 0.70818 0.53736 0.51344 0.80509 0.31051 0.84916 0.92834 0.45899 0.12687 0.33109 0.48453 0.95674 0.74335 0.618 0.39163 0.64683 0.06175 0.02334 0.04542 0.8344 0.33761 0.19602 0.8312 0.18899 0.51535 0.73056 0.09744 0.2881 0.53149 0.06839 0.67298 0.10748 0.28633 0.91951 0.83943 0.53569 0.84924 0.59584 0.32229 0.96508 0.20354 0.01986 0.88446 0.58642 0.78958 0.74188 0.36054 0.38683 0.53294 0.92147 0.40579 0.20509 0.72834 0.35286 0.03695 0.06476 0.10714 0.0694 0.7133 0.41697 0.7542 0.8654 0.48891 0.98867 0.31803 0.51965 0.0135 0.71563 0.46917 0.72672 0.3254 0.54955 0.89713 0.26466 0.86599 0.3945 0.22564 0.01893 0.11047 0.46275 0.64657 0.33701 0.48387 0.24024 0.42392 0.72168 0.46442 0.08496 0.41347 0.5034 0.94465 0.55685 0.92242 0.17454 0.25503 0.79964 0.43444 0.41031 0.47109 0.97129 0.12382 0.97926 0.07558 0.34765 0.15579 0.22441 0.62527 0.26327 0.76067 0.89759 0.28385 0.36501 0.62999 0.91227 0.53374 0.18269 0.59912 0.46131 0.73363 0.66589 0.23649 0.31775 0.43007 0.91023 0.82255 0.67294 0.45311 0.06853 0.81626 0.37282 0.55988 0.88125 0.09441 0.48588 0.78822 0.64599 0.11383 0.12603 0.55361 0.30085 0.34174 0.40561 0.06449 0.19948 0.91842 0.54071 0.50646 0.43755 0.69241 0.62735 0.57453 0.09896 0.65518 0.85521 0.28003 0.87519 0.55023 0.72578 0.00123 0.51083 0.93972 0.36424 0.23508 0.4871 0.99838 0.63374 0.89553 0.64127 0.6146 0.90905 0.91426 0.03862 0.37869 0.70522 0.045 0.51086 0.59088 0.19781 0.32153 0.59374 0.68651 0.4421 0.83918 0.51898 0.29444 0.18712 0.79976 0.54868 0.57653 0.91245 0.03608 0.40456 0.72987 0.44949 0.18512 0.77975 0.56108 0.12926 0.40931 0.99516 0.20166 0.22333 0.85545 0.50038 0.94762 0.43894 0.87001 0.83016 0.88736 0.0149 0.81031 0.50221 0.64637 0.9561 0.11964 0.0208 0.57778 0.96318 0.40839 0.1759 0.10677 0.15681 0.45304 0.59217 0.77641 0.39842 0.00866 0.91464 0.85842 0.05269 0.81666 0.70424 0.61202 0.8814 0.94567 0.45482 0.53152 0.6984 0.64475 0.93594 0.46922 0.79827 0.60359 0.45911 0.23411 0.85959 0.51573 0.93542 0.02457 0.42131 0.62447 0.75904 0.16195 0.26625 0.40467 0.89832 0.59376 0.55544 0.85574 0.80173 0.85717 0.98772 0.47935 0.06493 0.33109 0.94956 0.81018 0.54372 0.60386 0.99229 0.4922 0.63101 0.61631 0.69586 0.87553 0.68353 0.9758 0.29838 0.28473 0.88603 0.36609 0.67144 0.30463 0.1572 0.36483 0.96966 0.40051 0.8995 0.66485 0.75747 0.28309 0.53829 0.89679 0.73967 0.53963 0.7147 0.01718 0.27809 0.84254 0.65961 0.97169 0.44517 0.73838 0.29252 0.67353 0.06021 0.40279 0.62427 0.14056 0.34205 0.79106 0.15579 0.42641 0.8031 0.78742 0.82773 0.2943 0.67228 0.28815 0.59262 0.79283 0.67868 0.31263 0.26474 0.09247 0.34173 0.05471 0.7915 0.59769 0.08624 0.41845 0.42072 0.43326 0.69594 0.24705 0.08297 0.16191 0.10004 0.13965 0.52333 0.37366 0.27165 0.20711 0.60471 0.89208 0.93527 0.45109 0.07464 0.63335 0.69414 0.96189 0.97637 0.19036 0.71605 0.68473 0.50888 0.75946 0.33137 0.86691 0.50859 0.32752 0.9021 0.38282 0.56055 0.87833 0.88585 0.08028 0.34452 0.91368 0.41391 0.76903 0.23128 0.58593 0.51227 0.62364 0.10046 0.25002 0.44592 0.34181 0.6681 0.92924 0.13192 0.65589 0.20495 0.27363 0.96727 0.74246 0.5591 0.59655 0.32561 0.38574 0.07995 0.03766 0.6694 0.21626 0.94681 0.14605 0.76651 0.89069 0.91733 0.15336 0.06078 0.11249 0.45082 0.48975 0.5395 0.73685 0.88158 0.3447 0.17548 0.44144 0.31984 0.77658 0.95526 0.45674 0.25011 0.87212 0.16787 0.60326 0.70676 0.38927 0.29427 0.39817 0.40811 0.63021 0.49814 0.95301 0.69142 0.45161 0.46226 0.13695 0.69008 0.69763 0.05954 0.32111 0.64804 0.49896 0.64023 0.74332 0.55323 0.56924 0.60358 0.9036 0.49414 0.23998 0.7868 0.4811 0.61609 0.55489 0.80045 0.92341 0.67279 0.27914
+0.45079 0.5905 0.52161 0.35497 0.82722 0.30005 0.53987 0.09612 0.73464 0.09281 0.27714 0.5036 0.27906 0.34926 0.56056 0.09546 0.21733 0.36337 0.30298 0.43604 0.55079 0.16038 0.2885 0.10668 0.52143 0.15066 0.06214 0.03883 0.51254 0.45188 0.3821 0.94998 0.47619 0.15117 0.91445 0.42172 0.42596 0.68172 0.98636 0.07647 0.61824 0.59337 0.86212 0.85714 0.96707 0.8802 0.16921 0.04408 0.4546 0.4539 0.45915 0.67599 0.17406 0.32869 0.83536 0.82217 0.1142 0.54593 0.15196 0.02572 0.64378 0.575 0.70416 0.67718 0.53372 0.88362 0.88178 0.78417 0.59379 0.10638 0.85817 0.93286 0.07997 0.07438 0.12093 0.0809 0.76671 0.15778 0.45002 0.43663 0.75471 0.39312 0.93974 0.19918 0.95553 0.37008 0.38114 0.90022 0.36856 0.47504 0.59711 0.11721 0.9048 0.85154 0.61941 0.90743 0.68723 0.08532 0.90008 0.19878 0.50109 0.89081 0.96287 0.66062 0.50561 0.83047 0.04152 0.33011 0.61552 0.62508 0.36629 0.07665 0.41183 0.39695 0.27522 0.61711 0.90004 0.71833 0.11554 0.24208 0.38466 0.65456 0.46841 0.26758 0.40901 0.32951 0.5098 0.33742 0.09768 0.19982 0.01095 0.84771 0.1812 0.57923 0.3652 0.9327 0.11342 0.04233 0.17781 0.64067 0.31891 0.11166 0.17069 0.83786 0.86181 0.29228 0.22505 0.97077 0.24829 0.75607 0.76096 0.76646 0.57297 0.38229 0.47546 0.9121 0.20345 0.92547 0.68529 0.98445 0.73287 0.59045 0.65028 0.71352 0.37457 0.41641 0.01482 0.08928 0.00259 0.14383 0.98896 0.45894 0.83074 0.60885 0.49553 0.31636 0.85247 0.12939 0.10641 0.908 0.87236 0.93428 0.30282 0.0529 0.55632 0.03489 0.8434 0.9794 0.41934 0.72929 0.83872 0.88899 0.37777 0.33725 0.17173 0.29012 0.92181 0.83806 0.89386 0.95589 0.44002 0.56145 0.03388 0.51722 0.10088 0.13052 0.50193 0.14961 0.23548 0.59029 0.50829 0.771 0.30852 0.91907 0.91945 0.69687 0.91519 0.00679 0.23117 0.02116 0.13188 0.77434 0.46632 0.26151 0.01069 0.53743 0.92921 0.1427 0.32998 0.15308 0.73331 0.09804 0.06308 0.98293 0.10731 0.72934 0.04863 0.7565 0.89636 0.40909 0.06444 0.97426 0.48379 0.96969 0.24132 0.96612 0.50699 0.20193 0.30374 0.46811 0.01817 0.40731 0.45659 0.16441 0.92647 0.05511 0.9802 0.58736 0.29724 0.93704 0.93204 0.21585 0.28979 0.0139 0.71334 0.9526 0.61118 0.8947 0.00525 0.77831 0.93081 0.53797 0.67779 0.16681 0.13645 0.1647 0.9048 0.56094 0.00237 0.19634 0.42803 0.50571 0.31845 0.84166 0.82412 0.6677 0.50778 0.45783 0.43641 0.17145 0.54357 0.15126 0.18259 0.27298 0.22589 0.38305 0.84435 0.11456 0.20164 0.38361 0.36408 0.8779 0.07078 0.45198 0.91186 0.72654 0.8906 0.59608 0.84279 0.42061 0.51457 0.72066 0.59341 0.24646 0.30009 0.58129 0.59904 0.98791 0.6486 0.14547 0.89222 0.54531 0.69985 0.09481 0.78912 0.56778 0.43585 0.90016 0.07874 0.89062 0.82759 0.46541 0.11277 0.69551 0.82412 0.636 0.4151 0.98034 0.14437 0.58945 0.59749 0.79018 0.14401 0.79944 0.50366 0.84035 0.57236 0.22252 0.95889 0.8632 0.39486 0.64435 0.82457 0.11764 0.4592 0.3775 0.80549 0.45917 0.61392 0.28904 0.49604 0.49321 0.47265 0.38739 0.87639 0.24083 0.70336 0.9477 0.9834 0.93925 0.70267 0.72134 0.70226 0.91635 0.50594 0.63242 0.10632 0.34608 0.49212 0.82668 0.16457 0.7751 0.53054 0.82239 0.49866 0.01005 0.84538 0.70741 0.3196 0.16057 0.11853 0.68049 0.05961 0.88822 0.58625 0.57663 0.49366 0.74539 0.76063 0.04625 0.71602 0.86392 0.31209 0.36987 0.51872 0.48607 0.06616 0.01441 0.64456 0.38391 0.64411 0.30049 0.55633 0.62119 0.0708 0.88741 0.31094 0.45962 0.27576 0.53591 0.93409 0.45423 0.04858 0.35595 0.10665 0.39119 0.27529 0.42898 0.61949 0.16224 0.334 0.40214 0.15116 0.9224 0.34602 0.95804 0.94703 0.34066 0.37564 0.71976 0.4091 0.50997 0.86178 0.30159 0.0157 0.34654 0.51707 0.28661 0.98113 0.61496 0.48389 0.90499 0.17214 0.64721 0.52251 0.35351 0.97537 0.61102 0.58347 0.82394 0.61919 0.57735 0.8427 0.40696 0.11358 0.9405 0.60187 0.07566 0.94075 0.68785 0.93271 0.67418 0.8332 0.37563 0.10879 0.2198 0.50606 0.66248 0.94789 0.83162 0.73416 0.55305 0.10165 0.77173 0.59576 0.68693 0.67504 0.53537 0.95806 0.06279 0.37618 0.48436 0.37226 0.75263 0.14513 0.08626 0.27421 0.96871 0.17558 0.83006 0.2842 0.55917 0.58205 0.78717 0.75623 0.16557 0.43331 0.37056 0.77255 0.33952 0.10503 0.09482
+0.0976 0.52195 0.44738 0.75091 0.42458 0.2117 0.97651 0.15514 0.20159 0.7621 0.18667 0.33504 0.32129 0.23493 0.56058 0.29041 0.59722 0.92 0.97529 0.19896 0.15631 0.99179 0.30674 0.07016 0.90468 0.7385 0.05871 0.13307 0.99838 0.98843 0.58551 0.85377 0.72089 0.48876 0.93705 0.02232 0.95226 0.41456 0.62756 0.39018 0.00313 0.72235 0.23054 0.03071 0.79922 0.1705 0.20802 0.95125 0.65831 0.96481 0.90472 0.70077 0.31118 0.61763 0.07663 0.13596 0.20667 0.276 0.41845 0.41791 0.53411 0.96932 0.70841 0.2434 0.6995 0.67127 0.69905 0.10397 0.40134 0.94695 0.82636 0.26689 0.3512 0.98943 0.05407 0.96658 0.58869 0.4709 0.32748 0.31736 0.3961 0.13078 0.66794 0.22556 0.13927 0.06686 0.62956 0.46577 0.77584 0.03671 0.91712 0.95671 0.01241 0.94854 0.0372 0.97752 0.32744 0.24813 0.70327 0.13166 0.6199 0.34299 0.02157 0.72367 0.05621 0.88538 0.09243 0.42735 0.9618 0.19259 0.51654 0.83401 0.8234 0.67005 0.02495 0.83839 0.32847 0.32257 0.2582 0.98017 0.29027 0.82915 0.75045 0.49459 0.73873 0.15599 0.28024 0.04859 0.4414 0.33091 0.1528 0.00219 0.74874 0.91702 0.54193 0.92143 0.37309 0.51473 0.37393 0.26611 0.37731 0.94842 0.31785 0.02718 0.25008 0.02617 0.39226 0.17706 0.89517 0.21722 0.97168 0.07603 0.30721 0.82689 0.96937 0.16025 0.32373 0.16116 0.28461 0.81871 0.96658 0.84051 0.37724 0.24703 0.88957 0.43375 0.17514 0.97356 0.29828 0.62219 0.86767 0.93518 0.30493 0.39416 0.90738 0.01311 0.32602 0.56033 0.01119 0.47786 0.54539 0.62656 0.95606 0.75766 0.59208 0.66815 0.26913 0.41586 0.46365 0.11301 0.95474 0.41827 0.13769 0.36432 0.25283 0.5786 0.40704 0.13922 0.45274 0.07745 0.82112 0.26443 0.93558 0.57952 0.08689 0.06244 0.77866 0.25879 0.80062 0.64062 0.11169 0.56787 0.76333 0.60352 0.87994 0.0383 0.6149 0.38879 0.11008 0.18082 0.67716 0.63027 0.59764 0.46926 0.50722 0.59817 0.35848 0.76072 0.11179 0.55497 0.77548 0.61839 0.17754 0.58977 0.64105 0.72504 0.12456 0.95048 0.29229 0.7107 0.88442 0.67736 0.81854 0.30268 0.11055 0.1783 0.01896 0.38131 0.82701 0.05951 0.60632 0.94711 0.2143 0.06941 0.49963 0.51381 0.57509 0.88014 0.15456 0.40112 0.53757 0.02874 0.09625 0.02689 0.55709 0.97026 0.75666 0.16808 0.35052 0.23136 0.51873 0.37013 0.75417 0.37131 0.51692 0.15697 0.05904 0.66183 0.26572 0.2084 0.63309 0.83698 0.1533 0.76271 0.23479 0.96767 0.42945 0.85056 0.77075 0.53761 0.16889 0.58727 0.56071 0.00819 0.071 0.41427 0.8514 0.86556 0.4882 0.31464 0.82779 0.11315 0.32924 0.86212 0.1841 0.68811 0.15117 0.16864 0.87939 0.85462 0.22705 0.95004 0.43571 0.95628 0.32849 0.33295 0.52217 0.27534 0.60707 0.81909 0.85559 0.6096 0.61259 0.59427 0.85485 0.95437 0.4291 0.47713 0.66103 0.53193 0.18328 0.88579 0.04628 0.69908 0.7468 0.3274 0.97784 0.08122 0.89835 0.66773 0.9101 0.77044 0.7444 0.59073 0.6555 0.87325 0.07198 0.66808 0.46735 0.69047 0.98593 0.17231 0.51594 0.71011 0.01948 0.67427 0.13636 0.07567 0.75515 0.55927 0.52102 0.82981 0.81601 0.58801 0.06583 0.87161 0.85791 0.27317 0.16874 0.35256 0.37949 0.20401 0.82281 0.35196 0.20135 0.09216 0.14425 0.99842 0.44346 0.75632 0.46652 0.61423 0.38902 0.55706 0.88441 0.12409 0.56939 0.07629 0.83025 0.49529 0.40777 0.1251 0.74192 0.00355 0.43861 0.02737 0.59202 0.89612 0.57926 0.01286 0.53723 0.59737 0.52514 0.4454 0.54188 0.9148 0.82546 0.8404 0.02693 0.27956 0.54767 0.90829 0.78498 0.15668 0.55679 0.23524 0.17038 0.59428 0.72541 0.55828 0.27556 0.69677 0.39086 0.34137 0.86231 0.42772 0.16421 0.72823 0.71781 0.12086 0.03453 0.93485 0.46291 0.81997 0.09957 0.76868 0.59719 0.59923 0.83504 0.09188 0.17663 0.56093 0.08062 0.31028 0.38311 0.05374 0.17769 0.81153 0.68772 0.43841 0.61637 0.0591 0.03959 0.73858 0.6326 0.26176 0.01373 0.17957 0.57438 0.56833 0.12173 0.93678 0.64586 0.80235 0.1943 0.24563 0.22648 0.01088 0.16535 0.87281 0.99455 0.90491 0.06467 0.19295 0.81904 0.3755 0.6593 0.86449 0.00508 0.21155 0.25531 0.65089 0.09932 0.34995 0.27513 0.61931 0.37257 0.64562 0.8803 0.02497 0.681 0.09572 0.93123 0.11726 0.48071 0.72094 0.88304 0.55413 0.51331 0.30931 0.43199 0.10956 0.37909 0.27939 0.23965 0.8316 0.47023 0.54733 0.294 0.01453 0.20668 0.03566
+0.82943 0.61654 0.00929 0.03172 0.81662 0.91774 0.25195 0.35201 0.65299 0.01397 0.38651 0.01815 0.81502 0.78304 0.08082 0.27835 0.43576 0.98674 0.47834 0.48319 0.91557 0.55492 0.52815 0.51017 0.35332 0.5998 0.30593 0.69511 0.44814 0.84075 0.91743 0.88463 0.23864 0.43378 0.22096 0.87402 0.80373 0.41613 0.85973 0.65515 0.26394 0.52025 0.52028 0.80793 0.04508 0.76403 0.53466 0.78007 0.57649 0.33702 0.85332 0.95736 0.3604 0.88664 0.56518 0.19459 0.43416 0.46392 0.17644 0.02407 0.31059 0.76779 0.95563 0.11377 0.62028 0.45994 0.22736 0.39233 0.54602 0.87343 0.71314 0.87567 0.67373 0.91477 0.20964 0.60675 0.32309 0.30434 0.43308 0.27109 0.39977 0.37216 0.67505 0.27354 0.98379 0.76688 0.43829 0.87584 0.2546 0.91909 0.15663 0.06838 0.27593 0.05237 0.39975 0.78359 0.13415 0.99263 0.08208 0.05698 0.59669 0.659 0.63918 0.74059 0.96491 0.67659 0.37254 0.44623 0.51425 0.08987 0.6437 0.6742 0.71303 0.75972 0.25746 0.58011 0.88917 0.50128 0.21674 0.44915 0.01438 0.17074 0.36271 0.28843 0.12285 0.43108 0.36446 0.75494 0.82405 0.55251 0.73262 0.54896 0.50072 0.01914 0.9062 0.23354 0.58305 0.68148 0.04317 0.09855 0.59528 0.71725 0.9304 0.59326 0.09314 0.01149 0.84615 0.11241 0.17252 0.58785 0.67335 0.23927 0.56663 0.35059 0.21401 0.51381 0.17001 0.0268 0.74494 0.62194 0.65092 0.94615 0.20239 0.04831 0.20295 0.43876 0.58271 0.38921 0.35786 0.29862 0.07807 0.61207 0.20898 0.47904 0.85674 0.43306 0.31172 0.82446 0.87986 0.36214 0.33452 0.50499 0.66244 0.36327 0.7503 0.70027 0.11389 0.56603 0.16819 0.7717 0.84099 0.78463 0.85538 0.48885 0.12978 0.16687 0.82569 0.73419 0.30781 0.63674 0.47269 0.78646 0.38866 0.66853 0.14631 0.12094 0.00157 0.57263 0.36168 0.17615 0.28258 0.84292 0.98026 0.18101 0.09813 0.5177 0.87766 0.60201 0.3372 0.28197 0.63023 0.68945 0.01954 0.35989 0.73865 0.39229 0.10353 0.16995 0.80744 0.27359 0.13364 0.80112 0.33174 0.37868 0.32409 0.84934 0.31362 0.84372 0.6471 0.82597 0.85779 0.79375 0.32181 0.30803 0.19123 0.60523 0.39978 0.73936 0.41954 0.05229 0.38085 0.25969 0.34053 0.84456 0.90683 0.44816 0.71863 0.90406 0.50365 0.58144 0.81806 0.90367 0.51471 0.93176 0.00827 0.3823 0.8239 0.71319 0.22418 0.59691 0.87233 0.19356 0.69774 0.42057 0.7246 0.02409 0.92061 0.47722 0.78905 0.31579 0.23834 0.35105 0.89524 0.90521 0.63573 0.15957 0.55564 0.88796 0.8771 0.6722 0.4047 0.63719 0.15912 0.60065 0.50586 0.35174 0.68877 0.48649 0.45644 0.26803 0.21374 0.15988 0.87973 0.67564 0.38567 0.92183 0.6123 0.31857 0.26681 0.69722 0.55704 0.55843 0.99718 0.60047 0.95002 0.03266 0.41717 0.41728 0.6738 0.2154 0.78416 0.82127 0.04582 0.86394 0.14699 0.84309 0.2225 0.59378 0.53529 0.77691 0.639 0.68567 0.46817 0.93298 0.4548 0.45626 0.46342 0.85983 0.45365 0.57723 0.18655 0.09418 0.45867 0.19217 0.25872 0.58322 0.12293 0.16982 0.66172 0.64963 0.90325 0.50814 0.51737 0.69024 0.24396 0.04211 0.52341 0.20495 0.26922 0.26967 0.73919 0.60176 0.28997 0.81883 0.99789 0.28504 0.56565 0.85319 0.34187 0.30309 0.99063 0.05872 0.69529 0.8302 0.73066 0.48065 0.875 0.87537 0.64407 0.24118 0.24707 0.34648 0.55896 0.35257 0.02078 0.22207 0.52124 0.78493 0.86555 0.39702 0.96674 0.85475 0.60452 0.16562 0.53219 0.12824 0.06024 0.24354 0.77025 0.20062 0.56216 0.77587 0.63185 0.53324 0.88841 0.14825 0.35031 0.60816 0.67037 0.28185 0.90249 0.02527 0.59699 0.56161 0.22497 0.87816 0.21937 0.94958 0.27621 0.41659 0.90772 0.59667 0.93327 0.03957 0.2814 0.65223 0.94541 0.4303 0.79972 0.84928 0.44615 0.28178 0.23123 0.00405 0.95051 0.71295 0.78198 0.81013 0.97567 0.68223 0.75072 0.1972 0.54205 0.31306 0.70339 0.07494 0.15629 0.38295 0.35797 0.40412 0.04623 0.35228 0.35692 0.95368 0.03714 0.05182 0.44681 0.68979 0.11286 0.85996 0.74166 0.74496 0.19399 0.23666 0.04861 0.89464 0.70041 0.6705 0.85977 0.39419 0.98665 0.20067 0.63868 0.66323 0.363 0.82567 0.36438 0.98297 0.20157 0.57653 0.43308 0.82867 0.67428 0.34978 0.5668 0.83638 0.80187 0.2737 0.52362 0.24274 0.62453 0.63577 0.3054 0.61573 0.3183 0.09754 0.95633 0.45802 0.35623 0.06323 0.31464 0.90428 0.33736 0.88236 0.7153 0.02565 0.76349 0.68137 0.46932 0.7294 0.89109 0.21471
+0.74734 0.24948 0.50543 0.2712 0.87022 0.48307 0.84829 0.3316 0.22218 0.94824 0.59906 0.10648 0.25351 0.11866 0.96303 0.34852 0.88355 0.32681 0.92119 0.42395 0.30968 0.296 0.16688 0.02492 0.10379 0.43226 0.14834 0.09714 0.68211 0.22239 0.29315 0.6604 0.86321 0.66445 0.02983 0.11012 0.85801 0.59041 0.22218 0.83135 0.18659 0.48047 0.79801 0.94926 0.42216 0.52899 0.48836 0.64374 0.22563 0.23274 0.3489 0.86945 0.50758 0.31815 0.24989 0.60716 0.04021 0.97934 0.6784 0.0509 0.36786 0.32071 0.40205 0.90861 0.06297 0.79143 0.02237 0.438 0.71618 0.92454 0.53319 0.84375 0.53444 0.13442 0.77905 0.76735 0.87076 0.88922 0.98422 0.05251 0.47963 0.70177 0.73292 0.88094 0.37378 0.16679 0.36891 0.73172 0.66942 0.79685 0.01456 0.02188 0.88324 0.70436 0.97661 0.67441 0.51732 0.44792 0.47816 0.54244 0.74203 0.9236 0.93456 0.5872 0.15383 0.5894 0.42377 0.18036 0.15178 0.38672 0.80869 0.50659 0.91343 0.59341 0.15892 0.67589 0.45964 0.1831 0.22874 0.60018 0.11545 0.21195 0.71701 0.63593 0.05817 0.3874 0.90648 0.38412 0.26483 0.8769 0.02872 0.12183 0.1411 0.24923 0.36983 0.09479 0.82774 0.2984 0.23283 0.95234 0.84782 0.9057 0.42039 0.2508 0.83016 0.37514 0.4402 0.34279 0.55487 0.97382 0.85317 0.14094 0.1951 0.22086 0.86495 0.65301 0.90471 0.15936 0.58806 0.42594 0.86026 0.6416 0.94477 0.14829 0.81146 0.73075 0.71257 0.47381 0.40632 0.65857 0.98934 0.77412 0.10898 0.38403 0.97473 0.53049 0.34726 0.1289 0.86381 0.75392 0.42359 0.46679 0.70706 0.61352 0.35126 0.16762 0.24565 0.02399 0.74467 0.877 0.87939 0.50347 0.37416 0.56948 0.10034 0.5228 0.13295 0.97462 0.82826 0.54074 0.22586 0.1196 0.52926 0.24642 0.5247 0.26386 0.73662 0.13966 0.00501 0.25484 0.95176 0.93421 0.81155 0.8689 0.8795 0.53819 0.08941 0.22336 0.1647 0.29992 0.11577 0.91842 0.06795 0.07395 0.12437 0.60374 0.34061 0.56076 0.81853 0.0203 0.02569 0.8139 0.21407 0.47332 0.10382 0.87128 0.23254 0.41147 0.33001 0.35573 0.30676 0.82709 0.30651 0.61922 0.34555 0.0582 0.97606 0.87221 0.69306 0.72018 0.15197 0.73128 0.77067 0.41985 0.21303 0.78601 0.69768 0.90086 0.95324 0.51937 0.56499 0.51248 0.62069 0.11922 0.70963 0.95754 0.44479 0.33355 0.80599 0.08063 0.25303 0.1468 0.332 0.35387 0.55836 0.82388 0.44466 0.84556 0.58432 0.72035 0.07756 0.39847 0.57317 0.52562 0.51297 0.33625 0.27056 0.92636 0.62769 0.449 0.90299 0.27975 0.05308 0.32588 0.83907 0.15374 0.6819 0.54626 0.56106 0.01658 0.32967 0.28194 0.82309 0.90272 0.96268 0.80379 0.52978 0.54201 0.09125 0.81681 0.17639 0.2306 0.52557 0.54746 0.13857 0.54175 0.72843 0.75231 0.97475 0.95157 0.94212 0.33628 0.08529 0.63661 0.46267 0.5185 0.78542 0.53186 0.87191 0.63437 0.92794 0.61493 0.55926 0.46487 0.70983 0.70865 0.54523 0.80931 0.11401 0.83748 0.37042 0.76236 0.33641 0.69239 0.76647 0.37677 0.73844 0.9312 0.9321 0.95058 0.27016 0.30276 0.44307 0.8737 0.85656 0.46472 0.68468 0.53743 0.08105 0.06096 0.84448 0.08256 0.93316 0.95479 0.9875 0.26995 0.46473 0.74004 0.0473 0.47731 0.83973 0.18768 0.10171 0.01893 0.56394 0.98438 0.52352 0.77475 0.54566 0.34803 0.61493 0.67636 0.22966 0.32228 0.87486 0.10453 0.85939 0.91023 0.83805 0.22776 0.29542 0.93573 0.80608 0.88761 0.71113 0.03364 0.40272 0.35945 0.12979 0.96597 0.98047 0.19189 0.99572 0.57193 0.00578 0.74875 0.57136 0.82751 0.70917 0.62789 0.85517 0.21 0.0153 0.30649 0.08398 0.30023 0.80133 0.89284 0.95092 0.06917 0.26513 0.80569 0.48535 0.48452 0.44861 0.30626 0.35018 0.67248 0.92731 0.51239 0.1184 0.22094 0.69203 0.86256 0.75641 0.73147 0.18233 0.47461 0.89052 0.99241 0.02876 0.95539 0.63877 0.38129 0.35046 0.35246 0.53854 0.62337 0.07146 0.19479 0.88833 0.0659 0.51022 0.47446 0.32292 0.90286 0.4554 0.06218 0.61568 0.52867 0.78752 0.67935 0.36009 0.7539 0.05737 0.58409 0.63594 0.11596 0.69288 0.48181 0.2606 0.27049 0.59923 0.54083 0.59072 0.67384 0.53563 0.43963 0.64168 0.75062 0.36472 0.48195 0.05509 0.61452 0.68884 0.37266 0.7092 0.28234 0.53897 0.94874 0.70966 0.72526 0.47801 0.19658 0.13729 0.64126 0.21268 0.58949 0.62416 0.06117 0.7258 0.67344 0.60676 0.87578 0.8338 0.45977 0.25885 0.08828 0.78774 0.37415 0.14199 0.41753
+0.48886 0.34494 0.01897 0.87607 0.90488 0.51566 0.69468 0.87456 0.82481 0.53663 0.23167 0.74206 0.16481 0.30062 0.42418 0.35362 0.5933 0.30676 0.06712 0.74885 0.62784 0.7642 0.01492 0.84586 0.51242 0.1072 0.55707 0.32331 0.24094 0.15043 0.1957 0.12277 0.26442 0.83163 0.04522 0.4405 0.13211 0.12655 0.85392 0.47179 0.54676 0.39555 0.78111 0.21369 0.05353 0.19213 0.93501 0.82597 0.75824 0.04151 0.17463 0.24543 0.09403 0.46147 0.38492 0.5779 0.51106 0.21316 0.78788 0.67083 0.90306 0.64664 0.07968 0.28695 0.63487 0.60463 0.08315 0.69244 0.84103 0.14899 0.26374 0.35526 0.64333 0.1455 0.19003 0.31378 0.58056 0.2343 0.52737 0.67752 0.88906 0.14905 0.30751 0.67554 0.92115 0.07897 0.58257 0.8552 0.08367 0.33086 0.66833 0.90143 0.13849 0.09842 0.00405 0.92329 0.91452 0.09174 0.6248 0.89426 0.34647 0.18513 0.29003 0.62159 0.84583 0.5382 0.47292 0.02343 0.11849 0.38648 0.94481 0.63053 0.19386 0.49376 0.76666 0.89252 0.79123 0.77482 0.15814 0.47007 0.09905 0.74062 0.12541 0.10593 0.22172 0.33757 0.17708 0.29172 0.04291 0.8264 0.7704 0.76072 0.77864 0.98605 0.52241 0.7787 0.82871 0.92087 0.68619 0.01029 0.40186 0.32508 0.84754 0.78881 0.84016 0.01394 0.96561 0.81664 0.02067 0.82845 0.53382 0.25839 0.3588 0.55664 0.16645 0.5807 0.87318 0.57497 0.92422 0.73786 0.45002 0.44877 0.12299 0.05215 0.21363 0.57952 0.68525 0.75027 0.87581 0.41359 0.64265 0.94416 0.56716 0.00084 0.67961 0.06854 0.21083 0.30133 0.19257 0.76633 0.27273 0.8887 0.4273 0.14963 0.71765 0.82893 0.18038 0.42696 0.57124 0.68949 0.2227 0.69851 0.11054 0.77271 0.03966 0.86603 0.17568 0.14362 0.82811 0.2618 0.11885 0.25979 0.30372 0.45501 0.50874 0.01899 0.46065 0.72198 0.7185 0.23791 0.63445 0.41386 0.24625 0.11703 0.61393 0.39416 0.89383 0.4963 0.55995 0.90451 0.40058 0.53933 0.40215 0.00842 0.86918 0.95126 0.99979 0.7701 0.16192 0.97889 0.64845 0.19544 0.33667 0.67164 0.28511 0.38842 0.78699 0.65656 0.51064 0.68456 0.92879 0.58905 0.83626 0.79015 0.81197 0.98711 0.97249 0.87182 0.54394 0.57969 0.17815 0.67116 0.01456 0.17163 0.00684 0.17337 0.79317 0.59645 0.70931 0.37888 0.02976 0.70723 0.80131 0.50701 0.05134 0.52556 0.28893 0.0606 0.33589 0.79857 0.52168 0.02737 0.94371 0.06204 0.32199 0.51007 0.14509 0.52573 0.15828 0.21024 0.55135 0.01198 0.39646 0.4414 0.02792 0.39596 0.86604 0.55494 0.09671 0.86259 0.97488 0.02826 0.06368 0.56959 0.14751 0.7741 0.42062 0.32216 0.65705 0.86999 0.0506 0.94995 0.03139 0.00916 0.27056 0.42316 0.38932 0.24294 0.59877 0.05658 0.34997 0.1468 0.67823 0.254 0.47596 0.45566 0.72321 0.64743 0.06531 0.54796 0.55121 0.25379 0.03763 0.89508 0.08445 0.62373 0.71691 0.88193 0.71655 0.94326 0.99176 0.41753 0.63056 0.12718 0.61676 0.49977 0.43528 0.01548 0.27295 0.40341 0.41764 0.42167 0.97289 0.41894 0.60183 0.78047 0.58509 0.21766 0.17932 0.03117 0.38734 0.61334 0.22201 0.87711 0.04802 0.80739 0.56901 0.88135 0.90468 0.00951 0.27694 0.30549 0.94398 0.41434 0.65571 0.72647 0.70034 0.29077 0.02202 0.19226 0.91327 0.44475 0.30383 0.11732 0.81956 0.54641 0.77121 0.4301 0.59757 0.17373 0.5387 0.97166 0.31386 0.49568 0.82157 0.07038 0.29652 0.06095 0.64858 0.6659 0.81878 0.9521 0.65339 0.52321 0.21168 0.27231 0.76944 0.38581 0.3967 0.4615 0.378 0.98736 0.59892 0.98991 0.72563 0.28174 0.75289 0.35934 0.48626 0.27978 0.81092 0.77076 0.48551 0.84391 0.24491 0.01327 0.29132 0.01757 0.13858 0.26998 0.87873 0.37766 0.28523 0.82668 0.95221 0.74203 0.02357 0.34191 0.65485 0.45922 0.86273 0.10527 0.48445 0.08654 0.9525 0.92441 0.94576 0.75068 0.80361 0.19624 0.85064 0.45267 0.47487 0.06106 0.32915 0.25761 0.57301 0.36222 0.30014 0.79799 0.65582 0.03875 0.55896 0.21357 0.36235 0.57475 0.85899 0.47473 0.94268 0.28415 0.58724 0.25598 0.67611 0.5893 0.55891 0.41411 0.86925 0.71069 0.11553 0.65087 0.57323 0.33276 0.51831 0.5698 0.43248 0.37533 0.09552 0.03426 0.50277 0.95197 0.31321 0.60878 0.01631 0.22623 0.0608 0.20493 0.88675 0.42921 0.39523 0.60711 0.56244 0.23454 0.85697 0.61395 0.08728 0.82028 0.35803 0.12282 0.23361 0.5906 0.87663 0.04128 0.70044 0.75538 0.51282 0.29435 0.32792 0.62477 0.82904 0.0984 0.43049 0.76838
+0.03693 0.45503 0.65762 0.58194 0.17735 0.47098 0.90118 0.75277 0.82102 0.8888 0.49088 0.16719 0.53815 0.572 0.587 0.17464 0.9837 0.74065 0.37985 0.53405 0.4065 0.84726 0.91077 0.54811 0.0356 0.92279 0.67084 0.86123 0.72878 0.13634 0.47331 0.69397 0.91815 0.54166 0.54864 0.66657 0.73131 0.34195 0.44267 0.03278 0.5619 0.65826 0.69818 0.44793 0.4229 0.09529 0.05767 0.96534 0.42245 0.03562 0.08692 0.72217 0.62439 0.58274 0.95215 0.28546 0.40918 0.66523 0.88887 0.10252 0.34302 0.11514 0.79298 0.33676 0.59424 0.58051 0.54069 0.14979 0.13366 0.76366 0.73876 0.23572 0.77221 0.94314 0.59108 0.42701 0.87871 0.51068 0.08949 0.91914 0.58867 0.66747 0.10209 0.00233 0.11821 0.08458 0.47279 0.27961 0.79142 0.32602 0.98968 0.57447 0.08725 0.92256 0.84117 0.91144 0.275 0.38407 0.57656 0.44679 0.41374 0.74334 0.61448 0.38001 0.23389 0.52823 0.79988 0.31095 0.49283 0.85933 0.34798 0.55559 0.46913 0.49453 0.79795 0.28066 0.92602 0.87772 0.93165 0.28876 0.95558 0.21107 0.6414 0.88183 0.71384 0.29849 0.63208 0.53229 0.41751 0.22849 0.15126 0.54448 0.59821 0.96932 0.96573 0.56974 0.59203 0.81438 0.53401 0.40883 0.55185 0.30136 0.17758 0.20189 0.90895 0.87254 0.95741 0.76392 0.97178 0.07992 0.19198 0.84733 0.03734 0.26965 0.82348 0.75811 0.96933 0.43323 0.57894 0.66629 0.16704 0.45281 0.24707 0.71588 0.66699 0.82066 0.07902 0.61365 0.06577 0.24962 0.75728 0.70081 0.39522 0.17255 0.79735 0.9641 0.00363 0.68697 0.53507 0.88107 0.08268 0.75423 0.67075 0.31924 0.13049 0.83069 0.88585 0.53509 0.33162 0.70808 0.03983 0.82593 0.01081 0.66359 0.02353 0.66464 0.73192 0.57585 0.78475 0.09104 0.56432 0.86689 0.18805 0.28126 0.99319 0.67465 0.0361 0.96501 0.88417 0.77381 0.74593 0.12165 0.20989 0.78469 0.79076 0.46544 0.00653 0.58345 0.42466 0.51924 0.33675 0.78155 0.7394 0.69545 0.40314 0.36565 0.32384 0.20708 0.31066 0.38081 0.73864 0.56389 0.4196 0.6387 0.21275 0.73829 0.86797 0.79963 0.95788 0.64892 0.97735 0.90059 0.58662 0.61374 0.68528 0.24173 0.50116 0.93699 0.99746 0.6315 0.04476 0.62689 0.716 0.25358 0.84666 0.88968 0.61659 0.20418 0.04435 0.70048 0.30818 0.05257 0.04005 0.27101 0.49607 0.89714 0.54802 0.51416 0.4244 0.17117 0.87177 0.79616 0.51047 0.7432 0.81566 0.22442 0.13823 0.94172 0.51458 0.80666 0.91613 0.13395 0.9761 0.45618 0.03532 0.19374 0.68157 0.89756 0.71457 0.39317 0.45213 0.55001 0.215 0.34863 0.43684 0.96399 0.47524 0.64295 0.64528 0.25837 0.52113 0.75986 0.4098 0.03333 0.22754 0.92576 0.3421 0.97508 0.77091 0.32255 0.40616 0.8836 0.635 0.81616 0.5467 0.2769 0.17301 0.88121 0.14755 0.124 0.79575 0.98474 0.7025 0.49764 0.00128 0.66528 0.77127 0.73033 0.09151 0.08738 0.44607 0.80744 0.13847 0.68347 0.29291 0.49225 0.94474 0.68715 0.15453 0.83095 0.35941 0.72148 0.89468 0.58584 0.7633 0.41615 0.55603 0.06597 0.57959 0.06833 0.93696 0.64316 0.68672 0.26884 0.9298 0.49181 0.78227 0.42464 0.21366 0.0077 0.6272 0.71019 0.60493 0.61224 0.67461 0.55742 0.90245 0.66527 0.40967 0.31582 0.54313 0.99896 0.47433 0.41953 0.193 0.9047 0.45846 0.50356 0.10959 0.06477 0.00547 0.15667 0.95506 0.59181 0.36737 0.26986 0.55513 0.78222 0.18387 0.74609 0.95995 0.7643 0.07842 0.19884 0.62361 0.12539 0.35185 0.55869 0.56901 0.02852 0.36187 0.32356 0.32293 0.49148 0.58267 0.01255 0.04487 0.32365 0.00178 0.7039 0.28237 0.37383 0.93368 0.3396 0.77834 0.99016 0.62271 0.04903 0.4111 0.12198 0.59927 0.25837 0.1 0.01593 0.16501 0.03691 0.62693 0.2686 0.08167 0.62392 0.856 0.39343 0.81743 0.95374 0.53777 0.57117 0.60259 0.26213 0.56236 0.27561 0.00214 0.08108 0.98301 0.33001 0.62809 0.93814 0.89636 0.39262 0.28214 0.89782 0.11592 0.82285 0.90777 0.70549 0.06014 0.14285 0.10504 0.53564 0.55494 0.58352 0.11326 0.76088 0.91804 0.5149 0.58045 0.85743 0.44132 0.32883 0.46574 0.54592 0.74647 0.21776 0.23829 0.2166 0.34127 0.57951 0.19868 0.4093 0.88807 0.87616 0.6037 0.8143 0.04981 0.92867 0.17119 0.01721 0.57305 0.31119 0.36097 0.06884 0.05037 0.40766 0.26412 0.47756 0.75272 0.8299 0.03949 0.23343 0.64808 0.01706 0.47782 0.90845 0.111 0.75334 0.28776 0.18754 0.64187 0.39739 0.70308 0.99053 0.5997 0.42271
+0.23714 0.93306 0.6036 0.80685 0.9852 0.9263 0.35271 0.23167 0.80613 0.56445 0.73903 0.45434 0.3601 0.60132 0.50854 0.37573 0.64613 0.10101 0.16028 0.62901 0.54598 0.16895 0.06234 0.62157 0.80653 0.69366 0.75081 0.23642 0.73809 0.66499 0.01819 0.57532 0.0121 0.49914 0.66182 0.59254 0.9639 0.91086 0.81506 0.75464 0.5206 0.13526 0.03163 0.30355 0.42839 0.77484 0.89113 0.36205 0.66787 0.88706 0.46656 0.82556 0.92129 0.15246 0.7568 0.98546 0.83336 0.29903 0.96717 0.50504 0.31932 0.15932 0.00749 0.05428 0.86813 0.01286 0.13028 0.96373 0.55695 0.47771 0.83445 0.18176 0.21598 0.77109 0.19729 0.25384 0.47011 0.92466 0.33924 0.08079 0.65699 0.41784 0.26282 0.60953 0.6009 0.43492 0.41652 0.24795 0.53713 0.17171 0.31744 0.36202 0.30754 0.09494 0.81676 0.07487 0.53305 0.08027 0.18293 0.3611 0.52424 0.84027 0.15967 0.47638 0.26777 0.31668 0.61259 0.50229 0.58127 0.17126 0.2266 0.52451 0.06991 0.77287 0.96066 0.1988 0.35102 0.58132 0.2894 0.04876 0.94014 0.55385 0.47698 0.51011 0.3945 0.00244 0.63179 0.16934 0.55429 0.50184 0.08666 0.28084 0.86983 0.97318 0.43906 0.16116 0.14148 0.53669 0.36051 0.71093 0.24075 0.52255 0.58425 0.36541 0.26531 0.05867 0.97108 0.52231 0.84652 0.3499 0.42872 0.63307 0.12815 0.66472 0.85791 0.55875 0.63149 0.91663 0.65287 0.28275 0.31098 0.35353 0.14157 0.03843 0.2181 0.2071 0.75884 0.02256 0.12816 0.22584 0.01509 0.87365 0.98911 0.17559 0.99939 0.30322 0.03608 0.10942 0.43601 0.79039 0.91563 0.66891 0.51842 0.73648 0.2628 0.58449 0.90142 0.73228 0.44957 0.37404 0.31321 0.78239 0.18961 0.66616 0.5415 0.0978 0.11441 0.32979 0.70483 0.60253 0.56547 0.80363 0.73254 0.67884 0.8056 0.33201 0.24756 0.362 0.03949 0.36733 0.58471 0.33389 0.42264 0.83116 0.36809 0.62577 0.27506 0.64101 0.30908 0.60784 0.00169 0.07509 0.66765 0.44796 0.19762 0.12984 0.61181 0.53434 0.29906 0.49995 0.37819 0.41114 0.00295 0.58802 0.38242 0.63714 0.29821 0.5393 0.17219 0.34465 0.42159 0.67008 0.53936 0.44831 0.09736 0.3534 0.45579 0.8139 0.01153 0.16391 0.16326 0.73521 0.70444 0.09747 0.19145 0.05135 0.90492 0.50389 0.25737 0.00305 0.22616 0.34658 0.34775 0.79834 0.43183 0.75256 0.76006 0.85373 0.98348 0.32098 0.16275 0.08026 0.53851 0.37261 0.62658 0.62123 0.58054 0.73697 0.85507 0.60693 0.34213 0.25513 0.92626 0.36419 0.02363 0.91268 0.03517 0.69672 0.5895 0.56797 0.37441 0.47343 0.23123 0.88398 0.14577 0.72083 0.73406 0.95118 0.71327 0.19116 0.07855 0.98876 0.13035 0.65356 0.16076 0.71137 0.0992 0.67922 0.79664 0.93106 0.96673 0.12989 0.64615 0.59295 0.46404 0.52786 0.13311 0.39559 0.84798 0.81176 0.23647 0.52197 0.83891 0.02973 0.52708 0.02118 0.50622 0.84226 0.92356 0.40332 0.46304 0.34806 0.11399 0.52573 0.99746 0.39791 0.97779 0.46128 0.55715 0.86124 0.25305 0.4934 0.86216 0.02289 0.4705 0.97818 0.1528 0.53799 0.00716 0.05137 0.92619 0.94893 0.55055 0.21997 0.43501 0.47356 0.31229 0.87606 0.86887 0.64572 0.93729 0.27931 0.06856 0.87794 0.59304 0.14337 0.57541 0.64578 0.07937 0.57698 0.13776 0.75413 0.22365 0.45628 0.42538 0.14731 0.42091 0.74092 0.9776 0.28224 0.7821 0.68029 0.32662 0.98925 0.01919 0.07883 0.42901 0.50626 0.13432 0.48107 0.37256 0.14555 0.06474 0.489 0.55859 0.65452 0.39677 0.35682 0.13982 0.58534 0.83049 0.79357 0.94747 0.25927 0.76653 0.02526 0.22422 0.92995 0.30764 0.98467 0.67301 0.8786 0.90489 0.54457 0.01663 0.40527 0.10153 0.74507 0.81139 0.83261 0.00479 0.2583 0.85198 0.4641 0.70176 0.85386 0.97835 0.62259 0.11381 0.27589 0.12175 0.18351 0.77064 0.08741 0.70916 0.78999 0.067 0.26906 0.21446 0.43092 0.12055 0.48444 0.30485 0.68135 0.09902 0.10604 0.99076 0.87273 0.4197 0.10639 0.28461 0.15738 0.78936 0.36002 0.66083 0.19369 0.26405 0.18706 0.31824 0.27789 0.58948 0.65513 0.45908 0.27379 0.16466 0.73012 0.41183 0.06219 0.55322 0.02927 0.35768 0.58216 0.04352 0.47166 0.16428 0.55362 0.567 0.85253 0.62167 0.95677 0.45126 0.62097 0.51568 0.20646 0.77696 0.62018 0.46326 0.22313 0.6077 0.53972 0.69143 0.94022 0.25272 0.18058 0.29989 0.18265 0.00653 0.66467 0.56453 0.9047 0.49755 0.48456 0.10413 0.0352 0.13007 0.48158 0.73797 0.08835 0.58915 0.56498 0.43603 0.12283
+0.95601 0.88907 0.4202 0.78599 0.45854 0.79095 0.87796 0.45865 0.18186 0.33251 0.69669 0.53363 0.8825 0.17155 0.57354 0.45641 0.14028 0.69495 0.78896 0.83086 0.63068 0.30828 0.76447 0.32171 0.83754 0.66404 0.49057 0.97646 0.74694 0.23959 0.32126 0.41464 0.64438 0.73822 0.17012 0.42289 0.16206 0.59616 0.79214 0.78947 0.66969 0.64663 0.33535 0.01087 0.26584 0.15561 0.78192 0.09887 0.26433 0.90106 0.93128 0.79942 0.1359 0.53771 0.63609 0.93774 0.94328 0.31761 0.29786 0.01531 0.30776 0.09602 0.68158 0.6202 0.71386 0.35511 0.9503 0.7267 0.84524 0.50766 0.23166 0.76211 0.54022 0.82216 0.82294 0.46237 0.09473 0.23017 0.59384 0.45534 0.20159 0.20182 0.6447 0.32287 0.79418 0.69305 0.24498 0.52188 0.02546 0.96937 0.69942 0.92942 0.6999 0.043 0.09625 0.5197 0.06703 0.53641 0.35156 0.3963 0.22569 0.13247 0.35028 0.85586 0.85772 0.03672 0.28142 0.09894 0.75313 0.4565 0.84577 0.06693 0.60755 0.84899 0.26544 0.72687 0.15914 0.04387 0.54583 0.95747 0.25759 0.79478 0.25627 0.62739 0.59347 0.08377 0.94517 0.78674 0.2443 0.2635 0.46072 0.61473 0.01067 0.92903 0.62242 0.31578 0.62499 0.15049 0.9642 0.04932 0.46383 0.03657 0.84575 0.17939 0.67742 0.24693 0.48267 0.98693 0.23106 0.68956 0.64372 0.34712 0.81335 0.39034 0.61793 0.47707 0.09625 0.31547 0.53735 0.45346 0.41444 0.05409 0.12889 0.41663 0.4619 0.41486 0.05311 0.81404 0.0117 0.48858 0.67877 0.42839 0.92081 0.01887 0.74799 0.1025 0.32259 0.64739 0.96967 0.30763 0.25349 0.51253 0.0637 0.99618 0.87721 0.80717 0.62443 0.64901 0.45927 0.55785 0.73707 0.81006 0.19415 0.71267 0.25456 0.54573 0.64052 0.93372 0.85623 0.47742 0.16537 0.21878 0.41694 0.01045 0.61401 0.59797 0.95535 0.63025 0.58212 0.40998 0.21315 0.87486 0.75079 0.84482 0.16194 0.39476 0.75969 0.46475 0.64492 0.44297 0.89066 0.14213 0.45833 0.10569 0.93193 0.51203 0.97383 0.72616 0.60228 0.95605 0.04386 0.92546 0.51617 0.73747 0.42819 0.60338 0.76407 0.37717 0.00906 0.72607 0.8396 0.73402 0.62535 0.46436 0.29887 0.29407 0.75392 0.47545 0.85944 0.84818 0.81099 0.045 0.72988 0.32521 0.73811 0.63873 0.60052 0.50214 0.84973 0.13564 0.90383 0.66006 0.86473 0.99614 0.70987 0.06293 0.76922 0.8895 0.5165 0.94311 0.13924 0.53934 0.86535 0.99404 0.49366 0.22816 0.04365 0.38062 0.6647 0.46411 0.5109 0.68466 0.85396 0.69643 0.39433 0.05744 0.48478 0.14479 0.54814 0.85215 0.52181 0.11359 0.69193 0.29196 0.61615 0.50571 0.91327 0.46583 0.61417 0.93297 0.12012 0.69063 0.66231 0.03446 0.36996 0.19168 0.54065 0.63414 0.24251 0.18312 0.76192 0.69703 0.79052 0.08975 0.00946 0.66779 0.97608 0.48837 0.47759 0.69826 0.83784 0.96282 0.28696 0.50191 0.11108 0.19261 0.24651 0.54203 0.37964 0.33687 0.5365 0.73125 0.48012 0.22649 0.86393 0.34638 0.27021 0.78324 0.97976 0.35646 0.0485 0.48377 0.8039 0.40344 0.92905 0.22278 0.52072 0.87586 0.61759 0.40804 0.78577 0.95879 0.05204 0.08277 0.78495 0.019 0.41717 0.5767 0.86081 0.31172 0.12835 0.86005 0.76959 0.68626 0.58255 0.77019 0.54841 0.10346 0.62007 0.38224 0.94514 0.04332 0.8308 0.73465 0.79639 0.48924 0.93755 0.75883 0.71784 0.63233 0.45757 0.99815 0.64393 0.7336 0.51912 0.50751 0.09127 0.02406 0.75236 0.46175 0.95159 0.64391 0.37451 0.57404 0.51124 0.89143 0.91029 0.21946 0.97346 0.20219 0.85563 0.56502 0.1851 0.94584 0.54727 0.37592 0.18541 0.72825 0.32153 0.81634 0.56407 0.2513 0.84246 0.58931 0.46424 0.19799 0.15535 0.81184 0.26488 0.20298 0.00501 0.48152 0.38703 0.2361 0.74273 0.06474 0.26525 0.75956 0.54732 0.42949 0.54587 0.79485 0.8859 0.78712 0.86914 0.19241 0.24209 0.95054 0.16872 0.32439 0.07582 0.23362 0.09891 0.22569 0.17446 0.54714 0.58145 0.95978 0.1804 0.36428 0.04946 0.90482 0.02157 0.03567 0.23508 0.11657 0.09541 0.33493 0.90161 0.33306 0.06539 0.7783 0.88607 0.28625 0.50172 0.59467 0.29662 0.63135 0.72117 0.99768 0.92679 0.91773 0.14986 0.45284 0.53811 0.41331 0.8957 0.97507 0.79833 0.52604 0.39271 0.54517 0.48035 0.73593 0.56345 0.58602 0.57831 0.14302 0.85218 0.04856 0.51364 0.30526 0.81143 0.95482 0.30209 0.43714 0.27743 0.60449 0.48826 0.92557 0.49432 0.69133 0.43587 0.39975 0.80114 0.30917 0.90548 0.57447 0.23295 0.78066 0.89656 0.99673
+0.5996 0.95549 0.11235 0.33453 0.46369 0.18302 0.93369 0.93913 0.19758 0.18939 0.50118 0.19202 0.50751 0.15239 0.63165 0.8042 0.95241 0.19076 0.00897 0.31302 0.66721 0.14108 0.78361 0.87773 0.92874 0.12578 0.049 0.001 0.83571 0.22942 0.20357 0.26702 0.61692 0.09408 0.72442 0.65874 0.04609 0.06373 0.74216 0.85334 0.84351 0.4077 0.88789 0.11243 0.18663 0.9914 0.06755 0.24785 0.34897 0.32014 0.77413 0.29861 0.61626 0.35861 0.5885 0.9643 0.50174 0.13563 0.99059 0.25307 0.70806 0.9186 0.50175 0.8703 0.00223 0.41976 0.98996 0.95525 0.77139 0.86711 0.57109 0.34426 0.46369 0.22917 0.30635 0.44433 0.66576 0.94786 0.88435 0.00768 0.67226 0.1797 0.52968 0.77013 0.91278 0.73876 0.20166 0.55164 0.26226 0.71019 0.66865 0.71913 0.40638 0.29714 0.67692 0.08988 0.0264 0.8673 0.59291 0.98732 0.21707 0.68473 0.83555 0.5581 0.40098 0.96354 0.36429 0.89817 0.42013 0.50432 0.01847 0.79517 0.9315 0.07745 0.04665 0.9902 0.28346 0.61807 0.62921 0.37362 0.66066 0.08934 0.08139 0.1169 0.87335 0.84508 0.52655 0.59872 0.53503 0.13226 0.71019 0.00568 0.64672 0.15201 0.03429 0.14323 0.64469 0.20809 0.85648 0.42217 0.03887 0.09937 0.93012 0.53864 0.39038 0.93926 0.85615 0.73399 0.51658 0.15882 0.90392 0.63084 0.80939 0.28746 0.9411 0.47296 0.52656 0.32101 0.85415 0.24814 0.51693 0.12201 0.41265 0.94651 0.85414 0.23821 0.78226 0.60753 0.37579 0.50193 0.5364 0.37328 0.03023 0.08667 0.55607 0.91399 0.66086 0.96291 0.94994 0.23049 0.58516 0.3749 0.75959 0.2565 0.83672 0.15184 0.80036 0.77245 0.35795 0.16869 0.56099 0.70402 0.24144 0.71881 0.62997 0.76423 0.85622 0.61146 0.83885 0.68281 0.46217 0.25237 0.66454 0.26382 0.93281 0.17404 0.73214 0.49931 0.81902 0.27551 0.2185 0.51151 0.81512 0.08126 0.30898 0.30341 0.8876 0.74001 0.2773 0.0153 0.23531 0.73951 0.83282 0.51998 0.45203 0.57528 0.68156 0.13018 0.89239 0.64877 0.90024 0.03335 0.78852 0.10508 0.95988 0.84267 0.0853 0.14435 0.99752 0.12475 0.52319 0.27834 0.28242 0.67875 0.48526 0.70321 0.06807 0.30248 0.86216 0.50918 0.03075 0.45415 0.16416 0.77194 0.07208 0.08165 0.66214 0.00993 0.72686 0.60936 0.34914 0.6011 0.49532 0.51686 0.56739 0.84715 0.13264 0.15233 0.26273 0.61167 0.89071 0.11518 0.17586 0.65171 0.39236 0.20447 0.12142 0.7845 0.40535 0.13669 0.54378 0.23732 0.98861 0.13921 0.10269 0.63706 0.3662 0.42706 0.61607 0.25987 0.38908 0.457 0.41432 0.46521 0.64139 0.3174 0.81692 0.37025 0.33504 0.8868 0.05977 0.0899 0.06058 0.36703 0.94958 0.70521 0.0794 0.31679 0.7903 0.43667 0.66132 0.07571 0.94178 0.81261 0.60967 0.66191 0.03173 0.59229 0.66029 0.15378 0.76314 0.32631 0.50895 0.31468 0.64685 0.88456 0.066 0.15567 0.82328 0.75517 0.96572 0.92336 0.58198 0.475 0.26678 0.81183 0.14579 0.73268 0.84876 0.53758 0.25782 0.34696 0.25959 0.19545 0.01205 0.24068 0.16084 0.32653 0.682 0.90613 0.15906 0.06503 0.73242 0.66421 0.45043 0.39038 0.50911 0.46063 0.71736 0.97587 0.11767 0.14446 0.36607 0.15979 0.06505 0.00446 0.43609 0.65489 0.2511 0.57391 0.86211 0.71489 0.43009 0.55687 0.44161 0.10535 0.93473 0.98075 0.73239 0.96921 0.35179 0.33237 0.40538 0.72198 0.54174 0.51136 0.4096 0.43083 0.64055 0.21001 0.84776 0.49715 0.31491 0.30472 0.89864 0.86765 0.96532 0.4186 0.67813 0.95985 0.35767 0.21096 0.73139 0.01712 0.69585 0.38057 0.76797 0.62067 0.01687 0.76268 0.89101 0.84313 0.44788 0.27297 0.29605 0.67258 0.37766 0.14511 0.40945 0.34229 0.07569 0.34946 0.48457 0.02069 0.28574 0.09881 0.28047 0.39167 0.33554 0.61005 0.4505 0.40688 0.74803 0.06822 0.7575 0.62763 0.04612 0.97173 0.70487 0.85256 0.22149 0.91336 0.30857 0.15244 0.03391 0.65844 0.11425 0.31605 0.20367 0.61905 0.11043 0.90086 0.06729 0.93397 0.10634 0.37704 0.72246 0.96169 0.85194 0.54783 0.11647 0.24578 0.19451 0.52669 0.30041 0.34326 0.76366 0.04104 0.99789 0.78485 0.44284 0.94815 0.11961 0.69978 0.64765 0.81837 0.18131 0.55469 0.45871 0.76658 0.06559 0.05746 0.42811 0.40982 0.78534 0.03153 0.53064 0.19457 0.64103 0.56128 0.15045 0.79312 0.47678 0.14316 0.72587 0.66735 0.32429 0.65152 0.35103 0.05428 0.88526 0.06411 0.75441 0.74396 0.49694 0.46485 0.85439 0.33536 0.43535 0.62027 0.66621 0.70687
+0.08041 0.88758 0.99427 0.72891 0.86435 0.69533 0.05553 0.1693 0.94285 0.38651 0.10985 0.37552 0.24916 0.26748 0.83584 0.80061 0.80059 0.57263 0.69187 0.66994 0.1274 0.84901 0.1989 0.92745 0.64987 0.73884 0.74984 0.80286 0.45842 0.41248 0.43447 0.80926 0.37664 0.13328 0.62507 0.59132 0.24727 0.3497 0.75395 0.59173 0.225 0.55108 0.14271 0.09526 0.34445 0.85412 0.17956 0.68483 0.02991 0.95564 0.85012 0.19529 0.39799 0.21596 0.51565 0.21307 0.66145 0.45336 0.82435 0.61774 0.44406 0.35349 0.04998 0.22009 0.28294 0.57137 0.4709 0.38549 0.10187 0.89058 0.87683 0.55365 0.1788 0.24402 0.26655 0.07064 0.52741 0.56945 0.34122 0.48791 0.78167 0.77688 0.34736 0.08072 0.22119 0.37483 0.45793 0.08901 0.75568 0.75446 0.74541 0.79267 0.10852 0.6295 0.28634 0.10366 0.73683 0.25175 0.38218 0.26762 0.75189 0.70888 0.25121 0.25629 0.1132 0.59053 0.52371 0.81995 0.57662 0.20539 0.02522 0.6803 0.58752 0.36988 0.02831 0.85323 0.73294 0.70241 0.38024 0.5263 0.34073 0.70498 0.59987 0.73014 0.49006 0.19013 0.03491 0.91955 0.51509 0.87983 0.953 0.48112 0.9767 0.60718 0.06006 0.75432 0.20459 0.94334 0.91106 0.6018 0.01376 0.11476 0.89699 0.04973 0.19428 0.68897 0.14265 0.55939 0.13075 0.80486 0.42859 0.39354 0.10097 0.60589 0.31484 0.00416 0.71996 0.71919 0.34777 0.89007 0.40027 0.33714 0.01084 0.56262 0.383 0.29355 0.97877 0.26072 0.04711 0.51357 0.32523 0.76599 0.9678 0.52062 0.73584 0.28553 0.88778 0.17882 0.34607 0.97318 0.13332 0.06125 0.60958 0.88721 0.48422 0.79597 0.22941 0.0087 0.52285 0.4068 0.78496 0.49209 0.83908 0.95677 0.11384 0.92582 0.40265 0.87426 0.0814 0.29786 0.27821 0.14769 0.21186 0.43442 0.00262 0.92007 0.75623 0.59475 0.38624 0.77026 0.68566 0.91116 0.0156 0.2407 0.64632 0.22708 0.38572 0.68305 0.09688 0.70104 0.49066 0.68554 0.66372 0.22079 0.33286 0.13167 0.27112 0.5195 0.1494 0.2996 0.85839 0.21999 0.26485 0.6446 0.55935 0.47222 0.2413 0.20531 0.25361 0.73257 0.84563 0.27403 0.80761 0.07562 0.37197 0.62462 0.67517 0.33705 0.47705 0.2436 0.54677 0.33287 0.81105 0.83785 0.21939 0.48483 0.00416 0.31943 0.10973 0.59035 0.21393 0.0908 0.25381 0.61537 0.28577 0.65876 0.32475 0.61909 0.51138 0.79959 0.69785 0.61883 0.34059 0.36889 0.87076 0.04036 0.42687 0.60947 0.55245 0.75673 0.17516 0.62135 0.63744 0.82043 0.50463 0.83204 0.16785 0.09485 0.52146 0.71635 0.65624 0.43837 0.2136 0.89387 0.41693 0.58223 0.41098 0.26641 0.36991 0.16477 0.71804 0.9849 0.09145 0.63475 0.5318 0.38581 0.49925 0.40244 0.45525 0.83964 0.46175 0.75516 0.17262 0.929 0.12669 0.21006 0.49968 0.3841 0.22198 0.64827 0.74846 0.13242 0.02577 0.05421 0.78227 0.93787 0.23031 0.08516 0.70958 0.97496 0.00338 0.26102 0.99026 0.44957 0.09155 0.53887 0.70684 0.38819 0.85485 0.16074 0.53223 0.00058 0.02281 0.00188 0.69525 0.70531 0.17878 0.5591 0.29382 0.06726 0.61301 0.35133 0.52838 0.35814 0.80652 0.13498 0.18915 0.60764 0.16215 0.89234 0.62999 0.6303 0.4679 0.99929 0.23051 0.47445 0.6981 0.03916 0.95391 0.95247 0.62446 0.93928 0.49799 0.74669 0.53083 0.26647 0.66414 0.54981 0.3534 0.21204 0.4396 0.84044 0.7118 0.06694 0.92209 0.46361 0.85915 0.06024 0.89517 0.54109 0.21086 0.86468 0.59183 0.53669 0.17478 0.65604 0.98816 0.41732 0.59419 0.2915 0.20091 0.3763 0.16379 0.79562 0.88303 0.63369 0.65327 0.84246 0.63622 0.67199 0.27736 0.16491 0.84125 0.71582 0.85517 0.7215 0.57471 0.13049 0.78267 0.80118 0.17344 0.47637 0.30005 0.43392 0.06442 0.85503 0.67031 0.42943 0.47251 0.21351 0.49087 0.14844 0.0628 0.36915 0.96187 0.47189 0.98159 0.89435 0.90092 0.62679 0.69889 0.42508 0.08468 0.90212 0.17392 0.62414 0.8584 0.36037 0.50583 0.28779 0.40989 0.97764 0.39108 0.76465 0.04087 0.32568 0.97179 0.08035 0.67669 0.34261 0.53735 0.50223 0.46224 0.65714 0.19622 0.45142 0.51876 0.61127 0.11577 0.33093 0.70668 0.85044 0.92276 0.21313 0.07322 0.68555 0.02853 0.61337 0.13526 0.99474 0.45296 0.04856 0.85815 0.33764 0.29391 0.20358 0.92515 0.45303 0.10983 0.27158 0.41974 0.12476 0.43023 0.00923 0.0939 0.28709 0.23024 0.31072 0.66891 0.63916 0.91351 0.38706 0.41364 0.74041 0.7956 0.64619 0.91963 0.85313 0.51413 0.59726 0.97755 0.2702
+0.25386 0.3482 0.87586 0.09698 0.06069 0.22579 0.26932 0.28157 0.88229 0.87272 0.80644 0.22958 0.13755 0.77852 0.11759 0.78316 0.88826 0.10319 0.97583 0.07021 0.35279 0.22 0.06355 0.72732 0.65066 0.7233 0.37794 0.13351 0.15765 0.1513 0.31476 0.81323 0.92836 0.34449 0.6383 0.41544 0.30776 0.61216 0.30976 0.81952 0.34191 0.74748 0.63511 0.24787 0.70975 0.68827 0.20053 0.78835 0.22559 0.0999 0.53436 0.92684 0.13846 0.97751 0.41788 0.76823 0.10259 0.81824 0.78626 0.56688 0.361 0.66537 0.03332 0.25687 0.63942 0.83879 0.29189 0.58886 0.84313 0.02929 0.30633 0.92564 0.75455 0.54248 0.24729 0.11918 0.06733 0.12925 0.62247 0.8227 0.59499 0.05028 0.11743 0.46186 0.04462 0.34994 0.43404 0.55783 0.37694 0.96625 0.17883 0.93693 0.86912 0.62074 0.14877 0.14273 0.71413 0.00126 0.99108 0.50456 0.11519 0.56739 0.06091 0.30431 0.63823 0.78875 0.78904 0.87017 0.33572 0.87469 0.79134 0.77795 0.80725 0.26393 0.21076 0.90053 0.87649 0.97131 0.51956 0.36487 0.10591 0.49573 0.65169 0.89227 0.19087 0.8156 0.88191 0.52048 0.50062 0.1369 0.39634 0.11527 0.02315 0.94517 0.54496 0.62236 0.53724 0.02054 0.42074 0.9774 0.88597 0.73438 0.75679 0.23018 0.04795 0.31987 0.2323 0.20867 0.88181 0.20388 0.5368 0.15909 0.01111 0.24708 0.34629 0.82818 0.08168 0.10118 0.70621 0.89008 0.67507 0.65825 0.37814 0.03078 0.60343 0.86299 0.45362 0.44396 0.95045 0.85203 0.33979 0.39168 0.80004 0.57977 0.91591 0.48006 0.92492 0.60918 0.28138 0.93607 0.25444 0.60506 0.77394 0.67577 0.35692 0.69197 0.3844 0.56937 0.42322 0.50661 0.23674 0.55999 0.91218 0.31039 0.35696 0.26614 0.73549 0.0331 0.9868 0.41871 0.23891 0.27959 0.74143 0.80466 0.81333 0.84459 0.7631 0.42068 0.49292 0.69925 0.67321 0.33903 0.70756 0.56753 0.60293 0.93964 0.35519 0.21945 0.01113 0.41619 0.2393 0.03287 0.53801 0.62271 0.92288 0.77 0.48571 0.98609 0.66592 0.10965 0.00599 0.56428 0.02207 0.19427 0.15725 0.53638 0.28264 0.56357 0.64365 0.40211 0.58141 0.17539 0.43611 0.24523 0.66418 0.38179 0.31729 0.37313 0.06862 0.01734 0.99063 0.76932 0.00384 0.31883 0.64856 0.04464 0.0655 0.97411 0.06505 0.7915 0.90943 0.89539 0.05274 0.49185 0.83315 0.59169 0.37751 0.49914 0.79122 0.71942 0.90614 0.85058 0.87306 0.9254 0.08324 0.22634 0.79339 0.15538 0.94423 0.7466 0.96968 0.30707 0.80949 0.63446 0.80829 0.91694 0.0601 0.14308 0.6346 0.4632 0.28241 0.05512 0.91083 0.97636 0.07529 0.50792 0.79933 0.79275 0.22096 0.43819 0.56018 0.44178 0.17994 0.66309 0.24796 0.16094 0.53259 0.14238 0.03035 0.67958 0.75766 0.27724 0.75241 0.0248 0.76929 0.99273 0.14183 0.75337 0.72997 0.83688 0.86299 0.8957 0.68411 0.21179 0.64999 0.01698 0.63257 0.77617 0.23452 0.04047 0.08468 0.89283 0.21652 0.63957 0.00934 0.51004 0.95314 0.88335 0.21497 0.80613 0.09639 0.46721 0.17043 0.2348 0.43897 0.92898 0.86084 0.56159 0.3864 0.0643 0.1661 0.01208 0.09007 0.77796 0.41021 0.10886 0.06662 0.23339 0.7955 0.72918 0.9673 0.66605 0.12051 0.09538 0.22881 0.92451 0.5692 0.96154 0.72217 0.0028 0.03861 0.08901 0.54518 0.72306 0.20558 0.64636 0.50886 0.9132 0.84414 0.50342 0.98312 0.63586 0.93677 0.33254 0.02539 0.47554 0.72044 0.59179 0.25472 0.39471 0.81696 0.95838 0.69132 0.10752 0.08951 0.90167 0.74049 0.70081 0.67948 0.24674 0.59935 0.78828 0.1811 0.10692 0.83912 0.82863 0.3044 0.47625 0.19418 0.17315 0.69284 0.04405 0.55727 0.08609 0.4747 0.06855 0.82228 0.50174 0.68574 0.11613 0.41497 0.66938 0.8293 0.27942 0.4304 0.9864 0.44617 0.34508 0.14522 0.23339 0.45407 0.305 0.18989 0.39971 0.67284 0.14529 0.74682 0.51261 0.11067 0.02471 0.98439 0.70434 0.66631 0.57093 0.70573 0.60515 0.31396 0.80989 0.73717 0.05167 0.18405 0.63706 0.63812 0.17658 0.28298 0.97767 0.37828 0.99286 0.76847 0.79528 0.85213 0.1646 0.56593 0.72601 0.55214 0.49754 0.86159 0.81937 0.64692 0.87052 0.39554 0.93503 0.57931 0.04099 0.20123 0.15332 0.89809 0.23115 0.93833 0.32039 0.22895 0.76372 0.72507 0.87924 0.10079 0.63635 0.15199 0.04223 0.08292 0.78519 0.5767 0.09473 0.56288 0.5518 0.00766 0.84506 0.6571 0.60894 0.19972 0.4896 0.44521 0.71369 0.41143 0.11511 0.46393 0.39995 0.70676 0.81211 0.22228 0.62245 0.51861 0.07297
+0.10423 0.26 0.66432 0.26582 0.63586 0.709 0.72656 0.58712 0.97229 0.71299 0.88862 0.09131 0.5421 0.62205 0.71282 0.92936 0.96687 0.41646 0.90513 0.33716 0.63373 0.55154 0.19679 0.49151 0.15147 0.53415 0.411 0.93097 0.47687 0.09271 0.04823 0.56594 0.98016 0.43511 0.25733 0.15598 0.17106 0.92075 0.86023 0.19118 0.52944 0.29804 0.13245 0.05216 0.76435 0.72057 0.70339 0.31001 0.76543 0.75627 0.90198 0.30093 0.08361 0.91536 0.14459 0.45386 0.07324 0.40578 0.7386 0.06761 0.17075 0.9555 0.65865 0.09386 0.36217 0.27176 0.31822 0.615 0.32001 0.38444 0.08421 0.14142 0.48741 0.48701 0.68534 0.15599 0.6401 0.97531 0.90433 0.7532 0.57464 0.71872 0.81615 0.03422 0.06899 0.37668 0.42155 0.11261 0.43391 0.92201 0.4128 0.80177 0.76457 0.51139 0.62637 0.58751 0.71594 0.67404 0.53149 0.14174 0.23636 0.67864 0.08506 0.04804 0.69176 0.53325 0.5292 0.13649 0.25878 0.15602 0.1458 0.04832 0.67715 0.68881 0.13853 0.15166 0.06272 0.09704 0.89184 0.97937 0.14115 0.36348 0.97936 0.38828 0.39136 0.44186 0.46088 0.68999 0.58121 0.06409 0.45124 0.34856 0.4715 0.18467 0.45682 0.25816 0.39005 0.85017 0.42731 0.52658 0.00548 0.9676 0.09745 0.6312 0.13831 0.1596 0.8905 0.1125 0.84981 0.00264 0.59593 0.83915 0.16195 0.31023 0.14112 0.87566 0.26317 0.03334 0.69779 0.14156 0.89919 0.14095 0.47805 0.50285 0.76251 0.59179 0.12369 0.58089 0.75441 0.27702 0.89824 0.36768 0.23042 0.88852 0.96251 0.87511 0.96616 0.49 0.82677 0.71631 0.0625 0.35338 0.69384 0.0435 0.91687 0.73832 0.42468 0.89071 0.36821 0.59091 0.39571 0.43808 0.90224 0.82163 0.48656 0.56249 0.36273 0.57403 0.43139 0.21831 0.6607 0.09126 0.0011 0.81766 0.21623 0.99425 0.51291 0.72404 0.62015 0.07391 0.226 0.1147 0.11768 0.99752 0.82004 0.65915 0.89238 0.56103 0.08422 0.38238 0.24399 0.31515 0.90519 0.6482 0.96196 0.46625 0.19905 0.42573 0.03121 0.71549 0.95227 0.46746 0.54165 0.76015 0.98977 0.76966 0.4204 0.34004 0.3003 0.61233 0.95096 0.82918 0.15622 0.22941 0.76882 0.16325 0.2098 0.35206 0.45068 0.11102 0.25532 0.31291 0.81618 0.33411 0.00562 0.02902 0.94123 0.95153 0.48202 0.32687 0.6737 0.79871 0.82801 0.42453 0.35111 0.69438 0.22528 0.57624 0.08479 0.49044 0.94514 0.24973 0.76656 0.3267 0.41681 0.57512 0.23603 0.82894 0.70426 0.36927 0.15241 0.18802 0.89987 0.7117 0.7206 0.31075 0.13033 0.34368 0.167 0.50051 0.07142 0.37154 0.47674 0.03282 0.51746 0.2771 0.98294 0.72236 0.55376 0.34998 0.29853 0.7138 0.58317 0.26762 0.90038 0.19016 0.80387 0.37429 0.11441 0.9796 0.5846 0.5936 0.69406 0.63344 0.04819 0.37564 0.14298 0.16945 0.92759 0.74151 0.10656 0.62154 0.81086 0.18317 0.14286 0.72852 0.51155 0.11296 0.77829 0.62282 0.23123 0.83357 0.83574 0.74924 0.49183 0.6423 0.63276 0.0424 0.52001 0.24039 0.91562 0.9362 0.38176 0.76381 0.75439 0.80342 0.82229 0.32733 0.92875 0.37354 0.96417 0.99056 0.10638 0.18401 0.44369 0.8407 0.43412 0.14169 0.10872 0.57783 0.02971 0.82982 0.50612 0.79662 0.57009 0.24548 0.23469 0.58311 0.51578 0.0395 0.28272 0.66364 0.0543 0.09627 0.79078 0.68565 0.62754 0.76424 0.19443 0.88678 0.55561 0.55233 0.70628 0.34446 0.15597 0.87382 0.28158 0.64298 0.64473 0.05463 0.1577 0.49511 0.13558 0.47658 0.90188 0.7411 0.61622 0.02958 0.00293 0.40788 0.59568 0.71546 0.02055 0.43248 0.27082 0.25646 0.85241 0.82634 0.70906 0.09702 0.73823 0.59938 0.92319 0.72561 0.76073 0.21737 0.27624 0.20169 0.42551 0.12169 0.95276 0.33691 0.98332 0.46289 0.78134 0.25422 0.36881 0.7793 0.10986 0.38705 0.20297 0.92781 0.05364 0.71989 0.94125 0.08713 0.09253 0.8121 0.84461 0.64425 0.20318 0.1195 0.64201 0.48876 0.92638 0.30118 0.37003 0.23486 0.95105 0.44054 0.97867 0.96158 0.99889 0.27066 0.43117 0.57134 0.74039 0.9734 0.82972 0.72738 0.93459 0.63049 0.8336 0.03895 0.78601 0.00803 0.77082 0.40376 0.25857 0.8038 0.60807 0.69681 0.04815 0.78006 0.54167 0.84824 0.65138 0.92491 0.41199 0.34552 0.99492 0.26602 0.28085 0.46665 0.79281 0.63499 0.11497 0.57391 0.39249 0.80864 0.40078 0.41687 0.0838 0.56647 0.35283 0.89545 0.18598 0.24784 0.46483 0.07693 0.91907 0.95415 0.48082 0.74845 0.22141 0.69054 0.16891 0.08237 0.35067 0.09794 0.19257 0.65089
+0.46378 0.0181 0.15181 0.53913 0.43454 0.18054 0.20838 0.91252 0.29344 0.62864 0.07775 0.08922 0.95407 0.40249 0.80217 0.48551 0.02089 0.15682 0.14957 0.52848 0.1289 0.65229 0.2056 0.66399 0.95914 0.19234 0.47336 0.71077 0.63165 0.92247 0.38334 0.57328 0.50742 0.17287 0.73746 0.46111 0.24491 0.88285 0.83433 0.7319 0.10431 0.90546 0.28022 0.15855 0.29092 0.32036 0.04972 0.25502 0.42783 0.85292 0.17553 0.1239 0.61231 0.79987 0.03707 0.97397 0.63681 0.4123 0.22645 0.99277 0.67269 0.74801 0.33482 0.36185 0.9121 0.86573 0.50206 0.49861 0.24654 0.68093 0.52952 0.72315 0.08616 0.16608 0.98735 0.09994 0.65563 0.71159 0.59734 0.89269 0.12999 0.10165 0.50572 0.88684 0.14782 0.52111 0.36093 0.25292 0.7331 0.56265 0.01258 0.91734 0.28364 0.09055 0.57492 0.75535 0.63721 0.96175 0.84713 0.76658 0.00829 0.825 0.75668 0.72286 0.89884 0.79993 0.92901 0.68437 0.76404 0.83017 0.2521 0.89595 0.55227 0.83197 0.37256 0.54455 0.3289 0.08137 0.72058 0.67856 0.0288 0.45497 0.53603 0.53097 0.0389 0.59112 0.27133 0.01396 0.44791 0.02642 0.14259 0.6761 0.96194 0.78418 0.24842 0.30967 0.93525 0.54413 0.46028 0.29276 0.98704 0.63992 0.92611 0.3879 0.67285 0.58427 0.57473 0.48389 0.20867 0.92094 0.94362 0.43254 0.23832 0.76554 0.53407 0.15819 0.70932 0.21145 0.19922 0.61869 0.52996 0.40687 0.32064 0.0592 0.01983 0.29048 0.98101 0.77855 0.20877 0.15959 0.44796 0.90709 0.66748 0.70946 0.8208 0.94804 0.71255 0.42518 0.7144 0.69399 0.92986 0.42007 0.21203 0.20086 0.92757 0.47253 0.27677 0.72025 0.31752 0.42572 0.11332 0.96408 0.17225 0.21632 0.44303 0.8066 0.72795 0.39774 0.5072 0.85956 0.14924 0.61704 0.65439 0.36392 0.51939 0.26184 0.20707 0.46733 0.89285 0.24783 0.09793 0.83773 0.86438 0.22143 0.34634 0.12246 0.49457 0.07483 0.59732 0.21373 0.31883 0.73597 0.10569 0.69737 0.27662 0.72371 0.36004 0.18133 0.95802 0.74641 0.48534 0.14794 0.40153 0.65353 0.11254 0.13796 0.96566 0.00177 0.88304 0.08631 0.49497 0.83738 0.18129 0.30836 0.65107 0.71232 0.99683 0.11521 0.96474 0.40793 0.32339 0.50803 0.24702 0.77288 0.99055 0.67263 0.59665 0.07368 0.43595 0.56711 0.93083 0.5281 0.64659 0.20485 0.529 0.58812 0.53134 0.54328 0.95676 0.15381 0.55615 0.04697 0.11042 0.2481 0.4488 0.21091 0.39908 0.90283 0.77852 0.08097 0.46227 0.90629 0.71504 0.50725 0.6077 0.05667 0.15659 0.30341 0.23781 0.05295 0.99696 0.25356 0.95745 0.27132 0.14631 0.89794 0.3324 0.73738 0.0527 0.73761 0.13037 0.23074 0.15232 0.78212 0.5251 0.11613 0.16742 0.79393 0.77971 0.63482 0.38563 0.34612 0.58596 0.06389 0.23114 0.22753 0.97817 0.89146 0.86286 0.6771 0.5981 0.88079 0.88505 0.34445 0.47596 0.85245 0.09098 0.85936 0.82596 0.73342 0.68443 0.53399 0.35412 0.3057 0.01782 0.53495 0.98151 0.25859 0.06447 0.31933 0.47212 0.09802 0.91743 0.57419 0.65163 0.66849 0.80753 0.20711 0.36006 0.1098 0.04665 0.32905 0.48594 0.23531 0.31137 0.59797 0.86776 0.74042 0.60243 0.49317 0.75108 0.94207 0.94919 0.06977 0.75287 0.05231 0.54816 0.57635 0.28982 0.703 0.77931 0.05967 0.89643 0.55022 0.29672 0.68812 0.84232 0.47196 0.48323 0.11838 0.1343 0.39191 0.87125 0.62018 0.85201 0.7605 0.64501 0.63407 0.20164 0.73423 0.92736 0.81751 0.92303 0.51229 0.86595 0.50846 0.79979 0.95887 0.98123 0.9822 0.03021 0.56845 0.22608 0.75095 0.445 0.31195 0.51674 0.83992 0.023 0.68999 0.76087 0.28296 0.11301 0.3797 0.7573 0.65882 0.44231 0.45939 0.19728 0.09471 0.70798 0.40699 0.71046 0.10863 0.21297 0.89537 0.75884 0.40095 0.99425 0.59391 0.13441 0.58531 0.61995 0.21912 0.33493 0.89958 0.98496 0.52313 0.57016 0.26904 0.86573 0.5374 0.27449 0.28256 0.4903 0.38827 0.99354 0.0438 0.64843 0.3439 0.76793 0.49783 0.64182 0.02212 0.39344 0.91941 0.81271 0.46346 0.97386 0.99536 0.89215 0.54866 0.4153 0.02631 0.46599 0.66719 0.91026 0.5617 0.22492 0.20343 0.7239 0.88449 0.55881 0.29528 0.66872 0.14544 0.45269 0.90887 0.84277 0.75942 0.15886 0.07228 0.79932 0.5196 0.14056 0.19501 0.51161 0.10351 0.89723 0.02873 0.13386 0.41103 0.21793 0.56606 0.03308 0.1691 0.23173 0.44383 0.05317 0.93631 0.44172 0.30875 0.96058 0.8638 0.76585 0.52371 0.6285 0.64735 0.28631 0.02563 0.38786 0.29285
+0.18698 0.91639 0.33454 0.63751 0.93655 0.9149 0.68759 0.06706 0.09776 0.10634 0.7897 0.9024 0.62333 0.9824 0.24225 0.62921 0.38518 0.74201 0.0842 0.41615 0.12134 0.6086 0.46272 0.0779 0.11369 0.3713 0.08643 0.92269 0.57572 0.8495 0.97175 0.04008 0.81597 0.39469 0.84003 0.88578 0.3629 0.93181 0.63878 0.33726 0.70411 0.56116 0.14545 0.55985 0.29514 0.33021 0.22191 0.90704 0.128 0.09805 0.61184 0.18309 0.26464 0.11487 0.07893 0.30679 0.43559 0.43254 0.96921 0.7944 0.02352 0.34277 0.79486 0.86585 0.26274 0.48534 0.16047 0.43882 0.87344 0.11705 0.30968 0.67141 0.5344 0.30498 0.99859 0.13027 0.11288 0.87303 0.6159 0.62143 0.41278 0.40957 0.5587 0.24609 0.37524 0.06791 0.94223 0.23676 0.50249 0.27132 0.17633 0.71681 0.34142 0.16395 0.53003 0.33476 0.95128 0.75996 0.93569 0.64922 0.20903 0.89554 0.92856 0.39663 0.60309 0.87605 0.46781 0.74416 0.84097 0.43013 0.13619 0.75518 0.39927 0.07365 0.68683 0.19934 0.78178 0.91402 0.85828 0.23514 0.79174 0.25259 0.8709 0.19119 0.05421 0.81561 0.47268 0.18188 0.12954 0.10386 0.02381 0.98914 0.18916 0.79417 0.95973 0.32144 0.75918 0.79218 0.57487 0.33982 0.0438 0.29298 0.40671 0.90693 0.6534 0.02908 0.69923 0.55128 0.75822 0.01641 0.23841 0.70983 0.48067 0.0042 0.08077 0.83095 0.02943 0.87712 0.10431 0.59181 0.88771 0.16556 0.85398 0.62827 0.1531 0.22088 0.21808 0.51509 0.59638 0.90669 0.54936 0.80568 0.91716 0.13279 0.61303 0.40922 0.44845 0.2904 0.17996 0.65645 0.6505 0.17695 0.59093 0.33025 0.40903 0.71657 0.18189 0.41439 0.95738 0.58551 0.94201 0.51415 0.73292 0.1266 0.69236 0.23437 0.91204 0.29163 0.32199 0.10243 0.76095 0.65519 0.30571 0.01735 0.0634 0.44488 0.95081 0.68165 0.47421 0.56047 0.93572 0.69401 0.25526 0.58174 0.37741 0.20132 0.93364 0.93089 0.00345 0.17527 0.4796 0.33123 0.10298 0.88131 0.22019 0.93652 0.11572 0.08598 0.82912 0.34588 0.17559 0.98597 0.72187 0.05215 0.9897 0.05773 0.45812 0.65679 0.85009 0.13607 0.12204 0.28705 0.98172 0.71253 0.72211 0.41917 0.7253 0.58036 0.7 0.62448 0.32664 0.03423 0.42964 0.81483 0.80294 0.69802 0.63723 0.9309 0.09468 0.1889 0.09625 0.37779 0.26794 0.74353 0.90179 0.24978 0.5764 0.98687 0.0345 0.88106 0.42625 0.82272 0.6774 0.01688 0.21778 0.77949 0.34285 0.2154 0.9004 0.80745 0.49554 0.8573 0.74208 0.69828 0.47473 0.30356 0.63563 0.97613 0.91266 0.64052 0.35137 0.70394 0.24766 0.80096 0.78443 0.79057 0.18373 0.72276 0.54822 0.7282 0.99757 0.49864 0.74738 0.62606 0.56978 0.20578 0.72344 0.40802 0.80877 0.77342 0.61954 0.00186 0.81946 0.38674 0.50994 0.88334 0.05093 0.22554 0.83721 0.55687 0.03289 0.98464 0.40744 0.09058 0.22707 0.81006 0.55394 0.06078 0.1703 0.52588 0.51408 0.1453 0.39062 0.97542 0.24693 0.86277 0.85179 0.74527 0.5738 0.39573 0.81982 0.64156 0.0988 0.12447 0.76306 0.92815 0.2138 0.46453 0.9385 0.75875 0.42537 0.49597 0.9473 0.21347 0.1197 0.20246 0.22581 0.32145 0.97363 0.1547 0.84854 0.71976 0.79293 0.16287 0.92153 0.01394 0.74003 0.0025 0.82079 0.61197 0.92839 0.27026 0.2461 0.66899 0.53001 0.7359 0.57156 0.78617 0.54904 0.30406 0.42562 0.6024 0.32399 0.77446 0.1846 0.74625 0.9594 0.80863 0.69796 0.11808 0.23586 0.4936 0.26037 0.86076 0.89592 0.36482 0.18303 0.05643 0.56438 0.03788 0.26745 0.69938 0.58675 0.67551 0.0346 0.16905 0.95424 0.27992 0.35478 0.99799 0.99816 0.05861 0.45518 0.70442 0.65007 0.20837 0.44153 0.91504 0.18617 0.74771 0.90424 0.59696 0.78548 0.57777 0.69813 0.19719 0.22619 0.40882 0.68801 0.99438 0.15813 0.47338 0.40323 0.38524 0.52128 0.38822 0.41833 0.34641 0.43801 0.3256 0.06015 0.61844 0.77839 0.97608 0.54655 0.7924 0.65481 0.41891 0.76809 0.53754 0.47465 0.43277 0.78407 0.35131 0.07837 0.92782 0.14131 0.46964 0.84503 0.51019 0.89474 0.63402 0.84126 0.24512 0.85724 0.54963 0.47235 0.80549 0.04841 0.72536 0.8098 0.40202 0.31598 0.75356 0.8217 0.76102 0.25344 0.98833 0.61049 0.82152 0.62513 0.01451 0.75527 0.35606 0.79655 0.75885 0.70767 0.42108 0.71405 0.58559 0.25561 0.05809 0.91019 0.95665 0.82701 0.13535 0.82737 0.40031 0.76782 0.58942 0.98716 0.02624 0.71248 0.85856 0.0699 0.37096 0.14367 0.2947 0.10756 0.53186 0.36547 0.38664
+0.57375 0.99162 0.91163 0.97403 0.1789 0.43153 0.82212 0.36594 0.0934 0.6565 0.01159 0.74817 0.99021 0.71059 0.93953 0.16051 0.33555 0.68073 0.69389 0.29471 0.76311 0.55084 0.75538 0.39995 0.39662 0.19788 0.3224 0.33298 0.70774 0.26756 0.73169 0.70102 0.3645 0.36476 0.9276 0.83225 0.28851 0.31373 0.42721 0.24561 0.14726 0.43567 0.85109 0.80831 0.13313 0.42078 0.75127 0.53413 0.64812 0.01388 0.95649 0.70715 0.77098 0.15605 0.93556 0.78041 0.20073 0.98812 0.39441 0.99784 0.6245 0.161 0.339 0.70792 0.5909 0.81043 0.48327 0.10165 0.02519 0.31249 0.95321 0.2896 0.89368 0.25758 0.06266 0.68892 0.23807 0.63596 0.57394 0.14943 0.40365 0.03799 0.35194 0.5971 0.09343 0.33492 0.7581 0.27059 0.39349 0.47527 0.50211 0.30984 0.17397 0.1953 0.90693 0.86135 0.26406 0.3983 0.89844 0.1305 0.70161 0.20627 0.60407 0.92907 0.20612 0.84418 0.97077 0.47159 0.77207 0.05071 0.04757 0.16216 0.14484 0.958 0.2253 0.58257 0.20311 0.19732 0.45407 0.72693 0.01302 0.59145 0.77419 0.46801 0.2193 0.96499 0.72692 0.2922 0.29871 0.18252 0.47749 0.32287 0.61833 0.62089 0.7296 0.99081 0.85249 0.0826 0.08476 0.27371 0.45591 0.67087 0.8833 0.21538 0.86751 0.48328 0.16531 0.89443 0.07816 0.19197 0.98614 0.47133 0.61009 0.24237 0.54417 0.97908 0.05303 0.16132 0.78656 0.02588 0.70852 0.98291 0.95391 0.63693 0.62089 0.5081 0.17688 0.44676 0.81986 0.28872 0.83673 0.52898 0.57586 0.36313 0.54462 0.17313 0.95874 0.77561 0.37232 0.93308 0.24789 0.75576 0.83338 0.09115 0.56641 0.72244 0.28775 0.29635 0.70569 0.99824 0.58971 0.46216 0.91732 0.27001 0.63475 0.24173 0.45502 0.68809 0.04145 0.46386 0.86793 0.48591 0.1844 0.68815 0.07741 0.8337 0.33991 0.87713 0.53039 0.27509 0.88765 0.0926 0.33374 0.96277 0.08494 0.66144 0.80358 0.57652 0.25935 0.36027 0.54985 0.52223 0.65664 0.13382 0.0706 0.59469 0.74409 0.77787 0.12121 0.18568 0.87982 0.05191 0.055 0.65631 0.84345 0.8283 0.7805 0.44248 0.55017 0.15027 0.35342 0.86112 0.74867 0.51365 0.68973 0.81972 0.17367 0.58626 0.79746 0.10587 0.63789 0.85347 0.48917 0.61234 0.06953 0.16177 0.24873 0.54072 0.20793 0.65829 0.52341 0.20448 0.26979 0.52194 0.79606 0.68912 0.10763 0.93826 0.08214 0.71289 0.99522 0.98324 0.82415 0.39432 0.13407 0.48694 0.79056 0.13395 0.12764 0.98604 0.81553 0.11583 0.10931 0.52135 0.83346 0.25287 0.47713 0.24863 0.13137 0.93324 0.90992 0.96071 0.25133 0.19163 0.41674 0.57086 0.6052 0.2912 0.05023 0.09982 0.67942 0.27173 0.83139 0.48354 0.3684 0.4757 0.0973 0.50832 0.49853 0.0458 0.76275 0.06849 0.16791 0.88606 0.66845 0.78124 0.64181 0.0597 0.34867 0.41632 0.90427 0.91058 0.02547 0.65503 0.97126 0.90801 0.48881 0.50501 0.45692 0.25861 0.95357 0.74513 0.28443 0.03385 0.93332 0.9113 0.9089 0.98931 0.35272 0.77378 0.85992 0.41064 0.87036 0.53944 0.82959 0.75998 0.74297 0.44631 0.01253 0.69188 0.09589 0.57163 0.21212 0.05541 0.59554 0.70436 0.33494 0.25428 0.06249 0.66724 0.27947 0.32909 0.76992 0.0786 0.30703 0.08483 0.50003 0.34991 0.91331 0.5687 0.76609 0.59288 0.51204 0.64522 0.81951 0.71509 0.42794 0.98281 0.99946 0.15727 0.15095 0.91736 0.99193 0.40824 0.29999 0.28775 0.52208 0.46259 0.79251 0.92039 0.21253 0.61144 0.81441 0.66631 0.47116 0.4172 0.84775 0.42865 0.93166 0.03286 0.9402 0.46723 0.48397 0.57541 0.16874 0.57391 0.08616 0.54941 0.98466 0.8096 0.21751 0.46577 0.94315 0.54296 0.45878 0.50898 0.70275 0.69799 0.29041 0.31185 0.74268 0.98448 0.95972 0.16867 0.2176 0.34417 0.88875 0.70368 0.91871 0.46448 0.4915 0.89497 0.90559 0.60465 0.26635 0.56441 0.78509 0.85264 0.9763 0.11243 0.0461 0.22706 0.37596 0.84837 0.92374 0.52081 0.00167 0.4012 0.10823 0.62146 0.3431 0.95887 0.94905 0.52063 0.12057 0.06491 0.00454 0.06041 0.50898 0.22279 0.08916 0.8413 0.96726 0.08589 0.81587 0.38889 0.97347 0.60172 0.10834 0.56887 0.66338 0.90259 0.89135 0.41824 0.76465 0.67122 0.15896 0.79643 0.974 0.35193 0.88114 0.87689 0.46579 0.28095 0.70119 0.47042 0.05265 0.37641 0.16905 0.95358 0.85555 0.67421 0.2319 0.97615 0.97518 0.37359 0.28204 0.00941 0.18398 0.14847 0.32603 0.63012 0.41731 0.1588 0.34457 0.24038 0.96707 0.13408 0.51005 0.26323 0.91754 0.38413
+0.1162 0.30716 0.41845 0.79633 0.07978 0.04999 0.24827 0.81061 0.43042 0.84798 0.49307 0.47949 0.39211 0.48878 0.35154 0.27406 0.40352 0.41581 0.79031 0.62049 0.49917 0.28056 0.85151 0.94364 0.83245 0.354 0.0769 0.14248 0.65061 0.55295 0.81811 0.74574 0.52692 0.1617 0.62831 0.98632 0.96048 0.17829 0.86985 0.16505 0.66244 0.78782 0.2641 0.33334 0.59973 0.25684 0.85295 0.98573 0.49971 0.52804 0.05068 0.54844 0.67926 0.22235 0.9989 0.45462 0.59212 0.99468 0.51973 0.95506 0.6498 0.97097 0.74184 0.07992 0.3357 0.9246 0.22564 0.59744 0.0366 0.31894 0.41304 0.40018 0.3147 0.48766 0.56659 0.09606 0.2875 0.0233 0.08488 0.20399 0.2969 0.69311 0.63824 0.96482 0.02577 0.53505 0.13908 0.84712 0.17317 0.81187 0.02616 0.0443 0.87363 0.1175 0.83498 0.10251 0.16668 0.47719 0.52289 0.05648 0.49812 0.34536 0.56649 0.33876 0.1939 0.9899 0.87541 0.29211 0.04859 0.63142 0.7278 0.8998 0.93226 0.80791 0.76568 0.22794 0.8864 0.22135 0.47881 0.63289 0.79054 0.00886 0.80608 0.09584 0.48825 0.64591 0.24167 0.2437 0.05766 0.83416 0.80515 0.14563 0.133 0.721 0.47287 0.38837 0.95122 0.41323 0.03667 0.61374 0.71832 0.68928 0.32461 0.05907 0.06902 0.34318 0.31201 0.91313 0.3867 0.38376 0.58895 0.95826 0.1718 0.82303 0.71665 0.58512 0.83611 0.33429 0.00858 0.73503 0.74428 0.64239 0.64672 0.21056 0.25332 0.71449 0.65413 0.05856 0.51407 0.81328 0.74558 0.21391 0.18513 0.75055 0.05077 0.1569 0.93331 0.57672 0.73457 0.85943 0.42324 0.50378 0.92643 0.64832 0.69931 0.10535 0.3446 0.19724 0.52095 0.56752 0.40613 0.41458 0.59587 0.34198 0.7396 0.6331 0.97907 0.62886 0.47752 0.97122 0.95807 0.46967 0.16183 0.36279 0.1824 0.14942 0.19793 0.47154 0.82639 0.48678 0.31133 0.78137 0.198 0.49449 0.91996 0.20662 0.61756 0.12527 0.63187 0.45752 0.5774 0.29709 0.66286 0.98908 0.21273 0.71696 0.29695 0.9967 0.84341 0.65121 0.59313 0.72065 0.65026 0.94184 0.94884 0.51915 0.82411 0.96041 0.32386 0.48177 0.55111 0.69031 0.25458 0.68581 0.15063 0.60074 0.93276 0.60598 0.62586 0.41341 0.78228 0.74315 0.34548 0.68014 0.10785 0.96008 0.2967 0.37256 0.02024 0.38339 0.58994 0.1384 0.90675 0.47108 0.45365 0.65033 0.66199 0.1034 0.50558 0.38357 0.50922 0.13298 0.72906 0.97287 0.78117 0.9815 0.25113 0.29017 0.75607 0.67649 0.35228 0.01281 0.24985 0.67341 0.55867 0.42899 0.01575 0.58617 0.34567 0.76497 0.92036 0.42359 0.27546 0.87451 0.82045 0.82444 0.85355 0.14756 0.09157 0.59565 0.58962 0.78547 0.16365 0.076 0.67594 0.96835 0.88926 0.09414 0.36683 0.90203 0.95659 0.16277 0.0412 0.02264 0.45113 0.9842 0.75121 0.55764 0.84916 0.24921 0.14122 0.04843 0.44685 0.73114 0.04869 0.49962 0.81202 0.35358 0.48003 0.43293 0.87121 0.05934 0.11734 0.72207 0.18348 0.70564 0.45076 0.17973 0.00221 0.41943 0.99873 0.04858 0.71004 0.83507 0.41108 0.14813 0.29033 0.8444 0.89837 0.14263 0.77315 0.7235 0.44215 0.37453 0.5268 0.80762 0.6275 0.91654 0.98969 0.82234 0.26619 0.70036 0.61793 0.45795 0.11292 0.77564 0.33381 0.75192 0.61475 0.94298 0.22856 0.42615 0.83456 0.55525 0.95638 0.28782 0.94094 0.49882 0.54279 0.4188 0.55556 0.36755 0.48212 0.84909 0.00406 0.17467 0.16388 0.33242 0.78081 0.87625 0.51117 0.88278 0.14225 0.81532 0.8543 0.20164 0.63264 0.61882 0.92352 0.49801 0.40635 0.34819 0.34144 0.94226 0.22035 0.80598 0.20589 0.05659 0.0691 0.99816 0.03479 0.93081 0.05888 0.73331 0.87344 0.59868 0.41358 0.15881 0.5386 0.26178 0.28001 0.2799 0.32056 0.0581 0.11999 0.45878 0.98977 0.97664 0.50504 0.32497 0.21671 0.96941 0.57252 0.62706 0.70017 0.56338 0.36246 0.42579 0.91565 0.58274 0.82617 0.11566 0.27245 0.22937 0.50191 0.19762 0.69721 0.30697 0.90913 0.86958 0.44486 0.13999 0.21481 0.59691 0.35163 0.13481 0.25464 0.62523 0.18121 0.33963 0.0676 0.87303 0.51388 0.37109 0.96881 0.04289 0.35472 0.18961 0.53572 0.56952 0.21569 0.48031 0.36283 0.11444 0.00145 0.08055 0.05689 0.48302 0.86598 0.9297 0.60335 0.86075 0.07833 0.29146 0.23384 0.34097 0.36588 0.91265 0.93787 0.65053 0.91753 0.4742 0.4721 0.48991 0.57274 0.76565 0.72139 0.03228 0.49239 0.26792 0.95477 0.88145 0.86975 0.6398 0.18538 0.52782 0.83301 0.63621 0.4234 0.06058 0.0887 0.77412
+0.98354 0.32057 0.7736 0.66767 0.67101 0.18692 0.7614 0.20345 0.44527 0.67924 0.61683 0.74745 0.7799 0.57276 0.68916 0.37305 0.31579 0.58139 0.42697 0.58418 0.28146 0.85074 0.18709 0.16971 0.31462 0.49438 0.50589 0.96649 0.71867 0.02349 0.37925 0.20303 0.53231 0.52872 0.11476 0.54924 0.39746 0.69031 0.07112 0.46831 0.71924 0.82632 0.11435 0.95083 0.91501 0.97814 0.43073 0.13847 0.24151 0.22002 0.3128 0.76541 0.67823 0.1735 0.53682 0.40683 0.56786 0.01856 0.94995 0.55855 0.29135 0.75662 0.7646 0.64969 0.76104 0.62677 0.76769 0.62822 0.68411 0.87654 0.7897 0.02086 0.40305 0.69882 0.51562 0.05762 0.87573 0.89924 0.80676 0.14118 0.84752 0.05205 0.09674 0.41942 0.01109 0.25145 0.76895 0.92785 0.77015 0.44179 0.81194 0.70488 0.02768 0.15919 0.11565 0.49265 0.66529 0.79879 0.52487 0.97248 0.17881 0.69557 0.37801 0.03997 0.72539 0.21653 0.93697 0.39504 0.70786 0.20838 0.03306 0.06815 0.03909 0.82427 0.69785 0.82215 0.56006 0.88359 0.20549 0.19595 0.91601 0.71683 0.00912 0.56317 0.50694 0.8601 0.96991 0.87467 0.96417 0.40659 0.95976 0.1796 0.74868 0.61885 0.29104 0.19494 0.5491 0.69913 0.24231 0.94086 0.46314 0.71326 0.28564 0.08954 0.12389 0.24986 0.99105 0.66982 0.36183 0.00193 0.17803 0.90399 0.11583 0.54361 0.43055 0.4856 0.20951 0.36242 0.59967 0.09414 0.20796 0.31769 0.32532 0.93785 0.89975 0.32507 0.92217 0.5597 0.55516 0.0391 0.34876 0.751 0.66765 0.46108 0.85502 0.79913 0.61203 0.7656 0.03638 0.62213 0.87744 0.84345 0.27863 0.08785 0.99221 0.29902 0.8863 0.17837 0.16119 0.0391 0.87945 0.86314 0.88636 0.84351 0.22401 0.60878 0.619 0.01395 0.71689 0.79055 0.3298 0.05567 0.1914 0.59976 0.37954 0.72961 0.42197 0.70116 0.50744 0.04367 0.5782 0.4011 0.73977 0.88313 0.17335 0.23791 0.92787 0.43056 0.83556 0.37433 0.60282 0.80583 0.78609 0.09902 0.43938 0.21621 0.09914 0.115 0.6845 0.1006 0.81415 0.27622 0.2784 0.34345 0.66087 0.66204 0.04132 0.73565 0.43031 0.08155 0.25411 0.66156 0.12826 0.71162 0.815 0.66252 0.7277 0.86522 0.87094 0.40786 0.18814 0.00575 0.19094 0.71587 0.25251 0.40474 0.44109 0.66672 0.99786 0.51713 0.34194 0.15456 0.72279 0.86264 0.71136 0.04281 0.49062 0.9779 0.46202 0.18843 0.54204 0.55441 0.98715 0.26088 0.85741 0.2817 0.91612 0.47505 0.64136 0.01298 0.09886 0.51041 0.10052 0.00415 0.32235 0.72705 0.37921 0.11782 0.67592 0.64067 0.7542 0.13528 0.03583 0.05329 0.24586 0.18536 0.33368 0.08682 0.999 0.25442 0.84457 0.03348 0.15958 0.09507 0.54307 0.8445 0.7176 0.39234 0.89535 0.20678 0.52336 0.2727 0.30174 0.29248 0.14626 0.46573 0.2294 0.86529 0.97165 0.04059 0.12389 0.67229 0.15254 0.02386 0.01929 0.27608 0.21941 0.64053 0.45416 0.26019 0.59353 0.04829 0.52198 0.26804 0.75336 0.44971 0.85149 0.41345 0.30499 0.19274 0.17012 0.95268 0.84708 0.28416 0.34297 0.08802 0.96699 0.86425 0.70066 0.48114 0.53328 0.25898 0.30059 0.0515 0.23435 0.8298 0.3257 0.98274 0.77641 0.85826 0.81001 0.64873 0.00874 0.40766 0.3341 0.98056 0.90348 0.67242 0.93177 0.22601 0.59273 0.89607 0.55821 0.84538 0.83966 0.54146 0.57639 0.50962 0.99214 0.57512 0.75492 0.36461 0.77045 0.22867 0.98813 0.79512 0.29317 0.24971 0.79055 0.53417 0.81321 0.35458 0.99482 0.58786 0.85395 0.3757 0.20028 0.59636 0.56653 0.39431 0.40247 0.681 0.25676 0.83544 0.10515 0.29039 0.52537 0.68918 0.04704 0.46516 0.51709 0.37425 0.5558 0.42841 0.21038 0.83697 0.56513 0.67736 0.63135 0.13293 0.48478 0.21673 0.31173 0.84055 0.61984 0.37671 0.14082 0.43643 0.26833 0.1696 0.21496 0.62465 0.55488 0.51524 0.63051 0.93905 0.21595 0.59898 0.16237 0.52905 0.38099 0.97041 0.37972 0.74727 0.71939 0.19723 0.18316 0.05734 0.47064 0.68639 0.22138 0.52112 0.68474 0.71242 0.62292 0.7326 0.32776 0.08117 0.23146 0.66701 0.96078 0.88573 0.26513 0.92345 0.98081 0.72122 0.54823 0.34489 0.68705 0.6834 0.42904 0.71361 0.53527 0.06475 0.53871 0.11023 0.4423 0.86997 0.10176 0.37998 0.4805 0.17013 0.89408 0.3465 0.18511 0.99921 0.72941 0.06437 0.94506 0.71139 0.8487 0.21938 0.98483 0.33192 0.97248 0.12233 0.50402 0.97161 0.92678 0.45711 0.29012 0.02017 0.49433 0.62566 0.69683 0.66122 0.47004 0.524 0.69679 0.2156 0.08337 0.29121
+0.50082 0.62987 0.84801 0.57781 0.71312 0.35044 0.56692 0.68885 0.75107 0.80655 0.05291 0.93855 0.05515 0.39965 0.44746 0.93024 0.1013 0.34249 0.03845 0.11437 0.99266 0.61639 0.11187 0.19415 0.3777 0.13787 0.37875 0.64852 0.82441 0.71438 0.7687 0.47697 0.64561 0.14054 0.83869 0.94586 0.85995 0.40459 0.95884 0.82419 0.41483 0.9333 0.9183 0.94702 0.83421 0.3927 0.573 0.56926 0.52516 0.50491 0.43412 0.30484 0.228 0.65949 0.03172 0.45929 0.57759 0.84624 0.50314 0.91494 0.46399 0.04669 0.49509 0.37145 0.68263 0.98802 0.1991 0.10377 0.13959 0.16017 0.21135 0.3142 0.75902 0.4382 0.15355 0.03599 0.02366 0.68313 0.49387 0.16295 0.07594 0.34805 0.71272 0.97693 0.36759 0.13181 0.24583 0.58117 0.15486 0.29831 0.33639 0.71082 0.61365 0.27463 0.62319 0.18468 0.00454 0.6787 0.87069 0.03859 0.27563 0.23015 0.91985 0.02169 0.51634 0.91241 0.00801 0.28037 0.79203 0.14276 0.99019 0.45685 0.28425 0.72146 0.01277 0.08488 0.55292 0.32158 0.68008 0.47637 0.3596 0.6656 0.20061 0.9895 0.85812 0.31956 0.31577 0.50868 0.63311 0.98042 0.89272 0.60107 0.1573 0.91504 0.1443 0.85936 0.70272 0.54708 0.1336 0.73474 0.80775 0.11042 0.32216 0.73748 0.38804 0.24987 0.21432 0.83663 0.94238 0.24736 0.73155 0.61771 0.30009 0.82886 0.61723 0.11435 0.85442 0.39746 0.79244 0.28938 0.90707 0.47324 0.35082 0.86884 0.75621 0.43883 0.62887 0.98148 0.78554 0.88367 0.60359 0.04099 0.92027 0.73295 0.70127 0.86496 0.71147 0.85752 0.79626 0.9013 0.59146 0.45091 0.58183 0.16158 0.78627 0.42714 0.56052 0.10054 0.41747 0.66169 0.546 0.267 0.72935 0.65643 0.78826 0.24667 0.61346 0.57286 0.45539 0.2161 0.02492 0.07672 0.03848 0.75309 0.82814 0.42891 0.5537 0.59932 0.266 0.82133 0.86388 0.06123 0.02126 0.27052 0.78493 0.12954 0.98145 0.73467 0.55525 0.29364 0.08114 0.06549 0.00999 0.74553 0.04857 0.16587 0.24127 0.1813 0.82726 0.89696 0.55188 0.11965 0.74283 0.89616 0.61084 0.94307 0.57725 0.45971 0.46786 0.96186 0.46513 0.89773 0.55593 0.49743 0.68902 0.44454 0.45559 0.40812 0.7323 0.93287 0.89229 0.47936 0.65874 0.21429 0.55069 0.05888 0.72318 0.90682 0.42944 0.5309 0.94774 0.48094 0.26853 0.34865 0.9758 0.73124 0.86614 0.21467 0.22478 0.43819 0.2406 0.19458 0.82969 0.30413 0.26971 0.49933 0.193 0.33417 0.88648 0.67675 0.61844 0.54518 0.0194 0.31411 0.93761 0.32733 0.37618 0.58174 0.93336 0.81935 0.50929 0.61913 0.34539 0.56209 0.79872 0.21729 0.31825 0.53174 0.20498 0.46371 0.70663 0.81435 0.48774 0.31975 0.45976 0.78264 0.15551 0.86378 0.7869 0.47406 0.56251 0.49064 0.0494 0.00688 0.63978 0.43067 0.26403 0.88832 0.20962 0.28998 0.74944 0.2625 0.68161 0.42601 0.8091 0.55495 0.18053 0.50041 0.78359 0.49115 0.77941 0.55174 0.35629 0.13432 0.84471 0.12564 0.01058 0.00447 0.85064 0.4868 0.94441 0.40061 0.69613 0.40428 0.18222 0.26409 0.97969 0.30478 0.69883 0.98227 0.77378 0.57358 0.4922 0.22049 0.14408 0.70343 0.48441 0.27978 0.12244 0.55085 0.24356 0.38683 0.40704 0.26069 0.97732 0.80475 0.26349 0.30987 0.00653 0.28094 0.04066 0.68979 0.81625 0.7505 0.03252 0.00652 0.10237 0.7362 0.23185 0.67894 0.03483 0.5393 0.00878 0.16949 0.28751 0.16734 0.33275 0.99534 0.42319 0.40587 0.40638 0.40085 0.21315 0.88621 0.78817 0.04919 0.47888 0.45273 0.76919 0.07214 0.32129 0.93056 0.602 0.07862 0.05674 0.43565 0.79878 0.87085 0.57187 0.43685 0.75785 0.44805 0.79918 0.48796 0.19402 0.36509 0.7252 0.69589 0.19163 0.64251 0.94097 0.70701 0.99777 0.5282 0.37238 0.16503 0.33568 0.53191 0.25402 0.59372 0.99586 0.64077 0.65914 0.31218 0.86379 0.27239 0.80453 0.30947 0.27407 0.77307 0.54725 0.55605 0.18968 0.23056 0.79192 0.17094 0.99261 0.43598 0.66863 0.89082 0.96225 0.32276 0.90031 0.8557 0.41172 0.2913 0.69477 0.04813 0.55182 0.9654 0.45203 0.47618 0.55116 0.3981 0.11373 0.51505 0.91956 0.68231 0.28795 0.91822 0.47701 0.74548 0.24622 0.97342 0.40018 0.08113 0.95241 0.69853 0.26934 0.73764 0.11402 0.20526 0.67296 0.03241 0.71673 0.0564 0.35789 0.70161 0.23436 0.80885 0.12675 0.42045 0.87294 0.18629 0.34282 0.30503 0.85233 0.74304 0.34551 0.34613 0.70216 0.10009 0.726 0.2408 0.83908 0.10515 0.25678 0.76406 0.70375 0.43932 0.41506 0.75488
+0.1599 0.87599 0.67166 0.16745 0.05562 0.57047 0.48053 0.47665 0.09907 0.59457 0.8394 0.05821 0.49663 0.85425 0.64489 0.24347 0.78297 0.04542 0.84714 0.93095 0.7024 0.6619 0.61477 0.13819 0.51687 0.37364 0.18459 0.50083 0.52977 0.11056 0.09494 0.12674 0.3037 0.62416 0.79548 0.23748 0.68563 0.04698 0.14886 0.42715 0.58626 0.19659 0.35156 0.61098 0.11448 0.20502 0.43292 0.14353 0.10451 0.94117 0.60684 0.55499 0.37173 0.29152 0.21806 0.13001 0.50258 0.11568 0.2092 0.92666 0.83808 0.14532 0.30941 0.45449 0.04407 0.85209 0.85264 0.71843 0.63271 0.01104 0.08753 0.72968 0.41849 0.41726 0.12425 0.33244 0.42171 0.50588 0.78564 0.52716 0.39031 0.19789 0.58568 0.77809 0.83577 0.46099 0.2424 0.06235 0.09311 0.352 0.51846 0.19322 0.59667 0.61986 0.05147 0.79444 0.9365 0.35734 0.78651 0.25559 0.9435 0.93232 0.59895 0.06114 0.54901 0.55786 0.21034 0.07093 0.91979 0.69132 0.20522 0.53886 0.9689 0.61406 0.7518 0.4323 0.54433 0.59791 0.51252 0.88719 0.61543 0.07533 0.89207 0.05563 0.60469 0.6894 0.53345 0.50205 0.58524 0.49409 0.29293 0.3928 0.40386 0.89953 0.80105 0.7927 0.71488 0.47556 0.38934 0.45969 0.04352 0.36843 0.0413 0.92449 0.63629 0.53695 0.66475 0.03649 0.241 0.42311 0.38551 0.03817 0.65723 0.17628 0.60371 0.98866 0.88799 0.61757 0.07351 0.53494 0.11235 0.39928 0.47888 0.79441 0.50332 0.01803 0.62126 0.81539 0.48112 0.58036 0.80532 0.83302 0.95364 0.32914 0.91928 0.0399 0.51681 0.39208 0.81184 0.9851 0.26921 0.30468 0.92388 0.16307 0.71032 0.1937 0.2027 0.93605 0.4768 0.62762 0.40125 0.65368 0.13024 0.77026 0.81833 0.49295 0.5363 0.15201 0.15276 0.74687 0.9428 0.70183 0.88086 0.22257 0.74209 0.47464 0.18535 0.80656 0.2132 0.63042 0.30026 0.20511 0.09356 0.52715 0.02016 0.41643 0.0122 0.717 0.4259 0.91641 0.34092 0.91599 0.8282 0.61516 0.12303 0.81959 0.50807 0.84979 0.92662 0.53527 0.88765 0.36213 0.53245 0.18537 0.78499 0.85328 0.25933 0.83903 0.17833 0.30469 0.13013 0.19637 0.24951 0.29808 0.44289 0.65613 0.17864 0.3745 0.30808 0.75705 0.40644 0.01756 0.38407 0.40426 0.25501 0.77102 0.78752 0.6233 0.6385 0.36584 0.59401 0.87451 0.94919 0.64981 0.81824 0.91709 0.34327 0.67238 0.90583 0.595 0.14285 0.68435 0.93094 0.62193 0.2214 0.40181 0.37701 0.61043 0.9807 0.70895 0.48387 0.57804 0.57882 0.01101 0.95143 0.97228 0.11703 0.30421 0.18895 0.09747 0.89701 0.91749 0.81052 0.04948 0.20972 0.43477 0.34997 0.13193 0.26352 0.5051 0.45684 0.79121 0.78719 0.90568 0.9351 0.209 0.48175 0.27462 0.4735 0.55779 0.37651 0.09207 0.24097 0.98067 0.91829 0.09073 0.60469 0.85701 0.89497 0.11168 0.61492 0.29461 0.40695 0.03351 0.98023 0.05023 0.90468 0.68706 0.94303 0.4754 0.3299 0.67486 0.68205 0.17552 0.93364 0.63925 0.50413 0.75584 0.38322 0.19864 0.42923 0.23202 0.39334 0.10412 0.34263 0.19041 0.45557 0.6883 0.59787 0.94239 0.75477 0.89809 0.76097 0.27747 0.29646 0.12556 0.92432 0.01806 0.66413 0.39249 0.51206 0.93525 0.40302 0.20307 0.09018 0.00697 0.257 0.7997 0.50672 0.1037 0.58724 0.28332 0.15472 0.66133 0.49843 0.03876 0.43989 0.41034 0.05808 0.48333 0.10937 0.22987 0.9865 0.69219 0.32819 0.91469 0.91462 0.58842 0.6159 0.48731 0.09428 0.17827 0.17554 0.24679 0.36383 0.40332 0.49429 0.59468 0.35478 0.88128 0.51144 0.01038 0.2869 0.5289 0.22915 0.46541 0.16887 0.58262 0.41779 0.21969 0.54024 0.67957 0.99096 0.3018 0.90619 0.155 0.58165 0.0806 0.65624 0.30089 0.59975 0.37212 0.11592 0.06636 0.77062 0.8709 0.05433 0.15842 0.46668 0.43942 0.75313 0.10407 0.92342 0.1302 0.98207 0.42492 0.80263 0.47533 0.55006 0.95059 0.9956 0.63734 0.40761 0.19818 0.63856 0.84325 0.7153 0.42213 0.39217 0.13678 0.10221 0.94673 0.62196 0.63926 0.67812 0.62634 0.64286 0.54284 0.68402 0.1082 0.12013 0.50606 0.16295 0.89919 0.58574 0.05502 0.57071 0.47844 0.32276 0.51574 0.50038 0.47561 0.2314 0.5489 0.6964 0.17879 0.28162 0.52128 0.2872 0.03145 0.67588 0.17508 0.52195 0.87758 0.1506 0.62835 0.34927 0.03048 0.42149 0.65671 0.13106 0.40932 0.84126 0.2594 0.27158 0.61843 0.36533 0.7853 0.87542 0.44219 0.11883 0.88487 0.58411 0.21811 0.28304 0.51844 0.03487 0.68459 0.67705 0.50937 0.53181 0.09025
+0.0279 0.01488 0.77917 0.60113 0.59213 0.77784 0.30971 0.00539 0.16538 0.35743 0.15447 0.97948 0.79454 0.07042 0.41932 0.1567 0.77596 0.93044 0.12155 0.19943 0.1933 0.08683 0.18306 0.3824 0.35629 0.01385 0.04499 0.39503 0.36724 0.44091 0.02415 0.77353 0.43611 0.78629 0.40148 0.64145 0.65468 0.05425 0.44929 0.99696 0.18206 0.11565 0.00848 0.96094 0.17676 0.50361 0.98321 0.55717 0.59449 0.8181 0.27346 0.94899 0.04021 0.54036 0.56027 0.15387 0.71857 0.65264 0.74197 0.86321 0.07522 0.16404 0.81554 0.56116 0.40353 0.60092 0.93312 0.44697 0.40364 0.28455 0.03236 0.8042 0.21969 0.24413 0.32271 0.45139 0.28504 0.78896 0.69786 0.54409 0.73832 0.2394 0.13729 0.89663 0.91802 0.20351 0.72927 0.59057 0.17648 0.4525 0.59616 0.88505 0.75461 0.51041 0.77992 0.71553 0.37417 0.13126 0.90229 0.87938 0.83105 0.06269 0.38257 0.79748 0.31298 0.55529 0.04258 0.43446 0.74103 0.82626 0.52994 0.52256 0.98991 0.93834 0.76534 0.57972 0.93848 0.40697 0.91858 0.2558 0.39993 0.29541 0.61552 0.41359 0.32395 0.66306 0.34442 0.06336 0.54752 0.06529 0.61583 0.15461 0.19132 0.49859 0.75883 0.26562 0.75814 0.63677 0.70045 0.79927 0.15339 0.36301 0.97209 0.95555 0.22138 0.51762 0.76828 0.87249 0.16331 0.68906 0.94878 0.42018 0.13874 0.10496 0.98501 0.76719 0.37822 0.64577 0.6886 0.37168 0.98956 0.61779 0.65097 0.18307 0.43916 0.99294 0.74206 0.4193 0.54772 0.01065 0.85679 0.37541 0.87641 0.7682 0.70208 0.73606 0.61504 0.28152 0.28444 0.02262 0.66689 0.66361 0.54267 0.85454 0.91602 0.47185 0.31624 0.17884 0.44765 0.4222 0.94087 0.58396 0.37914 0.53673 0.76557 0.72717 0.30923 0.89964 0.07442 0.51525 0.92114 0.01655 0.15637 0.67064 0.8495 0.30065 0.81223 0.10864 0.58707 0.48761 0.46916 0.95039 0.67807 0.19076 0.36151 0.4879 0.72344 0.01008 0.83768 0.97225 0.18104 0.49293 0.30038 0.1789 0.44848 0.99381 0.08946 0.70817 0.6025 0.60452 0.90145 0.90743 0.40762 0.77646 0.41984 0.10001 0.07526 0.83903 0.26322 0.4258 0.86288 0.79343 0.78019 0.62213 0.50034 0.19017 0.36171 0.54686 0.09595 0.27387 0.35751 0.0211 0.60639 0.55146 0.34733 0.18631 0.65645 0.91123 0.17024 0.82477 0.62718 0.87177 0.13849 0.06703 0.39904 0.17477 0.27684 0.02028 0.81184 0.56321 0.97942 0.76992 0.89543 0.18187 0.66813 0.25395 0.99833 0.14123 0.65576 0.70814 0.95519 0.42586 0.36519 0.40187 0.01197 0.70045 0.40011 0.24589 0.05785 0.66491 0.59714 0.49308 0.89766 0.60533 0.2247 0.24751 0.11885 0.01046 0.20786 0.43332 0.8712 0.20333 0.71626 0.79249 0.96115 0.40151 0.84693 0.45831 0.0142 0.79166 0.29991 0.21392 0.51172 0.29223 0.11093 0.61913 0.52019 0.48113 0.23209 0.07176 0.79542 0.3762 0.52719 0.63953 0.0776 0.32904 0.86257 0.76207 0.46558 0.98533 0.06938 0.32273 0.69452 0.61446 0.13485 0.47928 0.06419 0.69443 0.67712 0.95025 0.01512 0.72825 0.40388 0.17368 0.62204 0.66814 0.3684 0.93444 0.98424 0.83632 0.73605 0.30234 0.47241 0.81805 0.23195 0.96163 0.03834 0.01877 0.72318 0.19226 0.6557 0.86285 0.37987 0.09299 0.81731 0.88464 0.37105 0.35252 0.70841 0.03174 0.74863 0.46378 0.53605 0.48895 0.85762 0.64388 0.52782 0.54378 0.06529 0.27671 0.92322 0.55808 0.5469 0.88926 0.32895 0.1818 0.57238 0.44458 0.8206 0.81786 0.32811 0.58687 0.0827 0.37255 0.38529 0.43676 0.82142 0.30105 0.13263 0.11016 0.46116 0.00699 0.86027 0.9606 0.45957 0.02241 0.55816 0.99705 0.42133 0.89154 0.27726 0.07484 0.14637 0.35032 0.38285 0.41593 0.06125 0.88729 0.40185 0.32803 0.94424 0.88829 0.13064 0.44393 0.92925 0.95928 0.19642 0.03337 0.43882 0.21699 0.82371 0.97392 0.20967 0.1934 0.06452 0.01264 0.75684 0.03433 0.46859 0.29112 0.44455 0.96178 0.99394 0.64528 0.45369 0.5178 0.22105 0.55351 0.87894 0.20118 0.12604 0.10216 0.58959 0.91415 0.39038 0.40306 0.47936 0.56586 0.8918 0.86891 0.21269 0.83741 0.47917 0.7135 0.57777 0.47852 0.41254 0.16492 0.88984 0.06953 0.24984 0.17833 0.43985 0.7708 0.63652 0.89954 0.08278 0.27029 0.54826 0.7953 0.89499 0.45494 0.8864 0.19353 0.17654 0.54321 0.72447 0.92735 0.10004 0.30825 0.61777 0.2825 0.56533 0.42915 0.84792 0.38935 0.69125 0.36535 0.7137 0.97811 0.411 0.59825 0.76655 0.51947 0.53869 0.13715 0.4968 0.85857 0.4152 0.71144 0.66118 0.92338
+0.62733 0.5036 0.50703 0.20329 0.72474 0.68831 0.53168 0.77273 0.95393 0.02281 0.9787 0.63772 4e-05 0.25443 0.82422 0.3392 0.05459 0.4134 0.84928 0.00403 0.57816 0.67182 0.1169 0.90157 0.31729 0.99285 0.13355 0.81683 0.37517 0.73248 0.93211 0.0136 0.25552 0.52155 0.57685 0.13161 0.81577 0.95304 0.14516 0.41205 0.89756 0.91361 0.31462 0.24994 0.9049 0.0998 0.93757 0.43884 0.80411 0.76623 0.2573 0.9316 0.37924 0.81428 0.34586 0.18598 0.82412 0.10425 0.93298 0.26273 0.15976 0.76488 0.16509 0.03847 0.3164 0.13899 0.99506 0.41801 0.08758 0.79744 0.58732 0.62875 0.00462 0.88341 0.92134 0.30875 0.07016 0.44122 0.49254 0.14072 0.30068 0.35383 0.04516 0.62086 0.00986 0.2902 0.23304 0.14341 0.95082 0.82228 0.77356 0.55486 0.43389 0.20253 0.29853 0.46441 0.83559 0.02458 0.56726 0.86637 0.71835 0.58452 0.09243 0.36821 0.97121 0.84446 0.53456 0.9918 0.32766 0.43503 0.88181 0.13143 0.52753 0.24137 0.50687 0.05748 0.20817 0.22403 0.75511 0.23596 0.29935 0.46107 0.24631 0.23962 0.44375 0.94396 0.76401 0.45643 0.17621 0.20804 0.83688 0.20767 0.67724 0.57135 0.87657 0.84016 0.22014 0.48997 0.10549 0.58131 0.42516 0.978 0.13666 0.08795 0.98677 0.66498 0.69363 0.96531 0.80019 0.63669 0.92998 0.88313 0.22611 0.22036 0.27743 0.99905 0.86244 0.76019 0.00135 0.51321 0.6074 0.63977 0.60509 0.23028 0.81306 0.94591 0.31232 0.65823 0.30941 0.32219 0.98184 0.18439 0.10246 0.61657 0.47986 0.15151 0.88285 0.97259 0.02575 0.27137 0.82279 0.22008 0.62522 0.26943 0.53004 0.29227 0.94555 0.0514 0.84637 0.61507 0.27596 0.25985 0.60576 0.57161 0.76851 0.23974 0.30458 0.45452 0.27311 0.72615 0.54476 0.11068 0.94004 0.95672 0.94223 0.03529 0.8242 0.70827 0.53471 0.76594 0.78629 0.42747 0.22709 0.89609 0.59122 0.63435 0.64202 0.9062 0.7071 0.78943 0.50367 0.04068 0.35894 0.38436 0.96525 0.72778 0.04841 0.23524 0.37354 0.05828 0.22491 0.93155 0.19313 0.7706 0.24752 0.35404 0.37951 0.82749 0.19986 0.99114 0.52171 0.02937 0.96778 0.43019 0.54351 0.22369 0.90547 0.51536 0.71521 0.12433 0.71502 0.34957 0.23504 0.25441 0.93869 0.34671 0.39527 0.75015 0.55532 0.13132 0.63755 0.51556 0.38829 0.65395 0.43882 0.2872 0.36654 0.68988 0.50254 0.59225 0.4956 0.04662 0.02617 0.78144 0.92031 0.12885 0.93836 0.36895 0.47271 0.52668 0.71572 0.80134 0.13421 0.62293 0.88716 0.17436 0.081 0.46531 0.99799 0.5639 0.70801 0.13694 0.15138 0.99701 0.60598 0.2732 0.28842 0.89481 0.32934 0.0997 0.65166 0.9082 0.58582 0.48671 0.3833 0.38147 0.93136 0.8466 0.39981 0.95055 0.48317 0.06295 0.95409 0.78398 0.37898 0.20477 0.55895 0.37351 0.74663 0.32733 0.72643 0.16442 0.92053 0.42108 0.2098 0.30342 0.48469 0.43714 0.69298 0.86314 0.64466 0.63729 0.50105 0.38341 0.76233 0.20545 0.60458 0.47512 0.32314 0.66299 0.94281 0.12877 0.04697 0.02976 0.10396 0.54358 0.36089 0.55323 0.59859 0.33242 0.37881 0.63275 0.02014 0.08381 0.26297 0.70621 0.43025 0.90875 0.65198 0.55306 0.68772 0.66098 0.03629 0.09645 0.89539 0.21755 0.00293 0.77027 0.86729 0.83501 0.88628 0.17785 0.13597 0.91845 0.66084 0.39108 0.74342 0.97256 0.82077 0.18122 0.52378 0.00097 0.75828 0.90663 0.69386 0.79921 0.34986 0.38263 0.29057 0.12702 0.73931 0.00674 0.9341 0.97655 0.70575 0.89271 0.3296 0.13268 0.45595 0.91453 0.78333 0.2717 0.06395 0.86731 0.33217 0.11172 0.76137 0.94158 0.5845 0.28586 0.67314 0.5921 0.95732 0.70988 0.08051 0.77026 0.15233 0.22653 0.20887 0.2299 0.17196 0.00431 0.50275 0.17166 0.46676 0.26683 0.36349 0.24896 0.06213 0.64591 0.75687 0.09386 0.00353 0.46283 0.86654 0.16804 0.07985 0.2956 0.23897 0.01767 0.78576 0.59434 0.54686 0.35965 0.59032 0.92041 0.43333 0.00034 0.95806 0.04716 0.02032 0.23932 0.30649 0.92165 0.26004 0.56867 0.36898 0.34904 0.09079 0.85097 0.01285 0.71947 0.12541 0.30679 0.66359 0.53775 0.80441 0.42028 0.31258 0.36967 0.89313 0.29581 0.57176 0.04021 0.07523 0.91264 0.77242 0.32139 0.27979 0.81148 0.4081 0.11737 0.30363 0.90989 0.42582 0.91718 0.08607 0.75829 0.39679 0.25507 0.81004 0.99689 0.05336 0.58024 0.25509 0.89556 0.75596 0.85621 0.91639 0.44226 0.28956 0.04283 0.51025 0.72808 0.77165 0.94699 0.56142 0.80431 0.27919 0.1295 0.5615 0.84801
+0.84353 0.80229 0.54576 0.43613 0.57452 0.63158 0.11789 0.54356 0.0829 0.73303 0.8421 0.56823 0.6862 0.30959 0.45821 0.70941 0.77268 0.49894 0.58116 0.31246 0.06925 0.33747 0.41168 0.08904 0.476 0.9878 0.14338 0.45678 0.85556 0.04083 0.34883 0.81125 0.48215 0.93973 0.3858 0.49254 0.83227 0.25805 0.36328 0.24748 0.94645 0.63563 0.11863 0.85744 0.44047 0.26158 0.17616 0.41367 0.71171 0.63649 0.12937 0.86303 0.61017 0.22047 0.39442 0.66586 0.97826 0.43764 0.38319 0.61495 0.0639 0.39758 0.646 0.6077 0.89114 0.5196 0.86412 0.89842 0.21882 0.83121 0.2477 0.26325 0.09864 0.28831 0.19657 0.54139 0.97212 0.92295 0.94635 0.24399 0.38296 0.92404 0.82921 0.30062 0.23658 0.29802 0.56265 0.30398 0.28545 0.03662 0.56279 0.50205 0.09884 0.42152 0.24704 0.03046 0.07802 0.32295 0.34642 0.12531 0.80462 0.6688 0.78615 0.4624 0.55961 0.9773 0.76019 0.20175 0.45798 0.99286 0.92787 0.0334 0.22073 0.09679 0.14244 0.35538 0.56076 0.19665 0.83691 0.58833 0.51377 0.24174 0.23931 0.38236 0.35272 0.95526 0.62728 0.31784 0.90798 0.87935 0.32299 0.15622 0.90456 0.20308 0.87926 0.6951 0.84712 0.41795 0.70427 0.64856 0.71077 0.17331 0.08754 0.85909 0.95649 0.49445 0.19845 0.35621 0.78737 0.05394 0.73481 0.96999 0.24851 0.99032 0.72184 0.42714 0.76659 0.64189 0.97658 0.29257 0.55861 0.80373 0.92577 0.29302 0.34656 0.48001 0.98121 0.64893 0.09044 0.59202 0.86294 0.58678 0.40748 0.15544 0.79931 0.443 0.91204 0.85626 0.65154 0.88949 0.44412 0.75134 0.83867 0.84959 0.56194 0.68373 0.12768 0.68571 0.66112 0.32507 0.48774 0.82321 0.38492 0.22891 0.74453 0.24061 0.34164 0.82214 0.92218 0.0046 0.65281 0.14653 0.15222 0.85877 0.9482 0.75214 0.16526 0.84766 0.62107 0.85431 0.05594 0.19954 0.34464 0.59938 0.86447 0.84466 0.14073 0.40181 0.23719 0.86503 0.27089 0.87921 0.05159 0.92981 0.22804 0.08799 0.9843 0.50252 0.60881 0.78986 0.31516 0.88564 0.09256 0.12951 0.72404 0.91892 0.60183 0.02222 0.72067 0.04443 0.00642 0.50409 0.24995 0.04399 0.81887 0.96512 0.55992 0.63921 0.77127 0.54994 0.89559 0.04835 0.91188 0.07577 0.64472 0.80362 0.34542 0.63918 0.17559 0.6851 0.20961 0.80328 0.56373 0.19323 0.72559 0.84367 0.63669 0.71653 0.13465 0.68603 0.99776 0.43435 0.61277 0.66827 0.06348 0.12328 0.13596 0.67925 0.67375 0.86616 0.246 0.39958 0.17099 0.15977 0.85438 0.05365 0.16289 0.44592 0.03861 0.88235 0.01922 0.59797 0.7597 0.53146 0.0301 0.74045 0.08312 0.03803 0.18291 0.7099 0.38716 0.02615 0.76537 0.02805 0.21427 0.50348 0.78761 0.21293 0.00783 0.72899 0.47043 0.91824 0.89289 0.29069 0.75526 0.4607 0.4724 0.9564 0.37979 0.73391 0.63263 0.23661 0.52863 0.44937 0.84425 0.4928 0.51974 0.76848 0.01214 0.5531 0.49861 0.98165 0.61954 0.78819 0.61741 0.72939 0.90246 0.59769 0.96999 0.9593 0.73408 0.33265 0.06343 0.92415 0.96084 0.55162 0.77918 0.578 0.06535 0.94146 0.98246 0.87179 0.90532 0.6683 0.11421 0.65916 0.92865 0.59734 0.91706 0.1906 0.04563 0.73822 0.11883 0.34495 0.76631 0.51981 0.95184 0.97156 0.91793 0.33855 0.20817 0.25839 0.45474 0.12827 0.12886 0.80638 0.35907 0.62005 0.77673 0.89623 0.98684 0.89604 0.26222 0.62367 0.96753 0.89951 0.2639 0.53988 0.52423 0.63707 0.05673 0.33914 0.21421 0.62427 0.33567 0.71372 0.74565 0.50763 0.0183 0.2922 0.28759 0.03861 0.90031 0.10856 0.75973 0.72064 0.20445 0.03626 0.54032 0.90892 0.87148 0.49225 0.41354 0.51673 0.06177 0.05921 0.69742 0.73539 0.3067 0.97412 0.52037 0.56124 0.48525 0.91089 0.48933 0.83982 0.00083 0.10752 0.42381 0.96902 0.6103 0.80512 0.38754 0.94928 0.62794 0.40731 0.9439 0.96669 0.48035 0.34595 0.4405 0.90091 0.03483 0.12347 0.04244 0.72801 0.65692 0.44079 0.25259 0.11848 0.20718 0.58459 0.92829 0.99022 0.50697 0.48855 0.70238 0.12512 0.07996 0.97953 0.28694 0.23265 0.61531 0.62562 0.03223 0.36618 0.3565 0.924 0.57167 0.26848 0.07368 0.3112 0.73779 0.65446 0.04671 0.66103 0.23476 0.99149 0.22039 0.11565 0.69642 0.43604 0.58765 0.23239 0.85027 0.57323 0.01372 0.95646 0.22938 0.25088 0.14134 0.7839 0.00953 0.06475 0.62163 0.2512 0.22702 0.60114 0.70305 0.32963 0.44025 0.75577 0.03426 0.94567 0.45029 0.02678 0.16668 0.0289 0.14062 0.06235 0.74443 0.35931
+0.26777 0.97896 0.29383 0.64532 0.36991 0.35914 0.51393 0.47527 0.01343 0.29 0.45095 0.68027 0.90725 0.21488 0.54355 0.71004 0.8991 0.55338 0.46425 0.85487 0.0182 0.6322 0.28768 0.3703 0.09515 0.81863 0.1871 0.60364 0.06697 0.83867 0.92548 0.34206 0.50556 0.94573 0.132 0.67291 0.31641 0.84083 0.92172 0.67016 0.94803 0.05175 0.76357 0.54314 0.85168 0.02309 0.53274 0.05094 0.34833 0.9453 0.67775 0.39865 0.98726 0.65917 0.01359 0.79271 0.54775 0.84723 0.31247 0.08231 0.19021 0.20853 0.20206 0.03085 0.74456 0.61591 0.90047 0.88052 0.29833 0.14887 0.43101 0.43949 0.61038 0.82506 0.69726 0.51605 0.0315 0.43069 0.64922 0.82706 0.88078 0.53834 0.46473 0.5067 0.64794 0.84751 0.6023 0.66651 0.33046 0.16171 0.1792 0.76108 0.27743 0.41278 0.07746 0.68072 0.48482 0.3111 0.88977 0.79215 0.05761 0.70479 0.17735 0.3448 0.75737 0.07365 0.68627 0.31438 0.94505 0.34791 0.40776 0.96851 0.96566 0.11374 0.00152 0.28414 0.00655 0.22571 0.66376 0.16655 0.99714 0.82743 0.10903 0.29319 0.28142 0.43085 0.1519 0.36999 0.30035 0.22299 0.72127 0.41288 0.55078 0.06264 0.79269 0.05013 0.08748 0.25522 0.42882 0.34009 0.36987 0.79076 0.64247 0.84718 0.42492 0.39401 0.61282 0.03776 0.00887 0.83123 0.78704 0.76896 0.67371 0.74398 0.24427 0.24625 0.29378 0.79716 0.91906 0.85131 0.02131 0.61572 0.66332 0.15292 0.26838 0.17453 0.71284 0.09745 0.63702 0.57607 0.8026 0.81599 0.78716 0.10675 0.97903 0.5849 0.52926 0.58718 0.39388 0.19304 0.86862 0.0093 0.61821 0.89205 0.72471 0.84857 0.62979 0.75863 0.08786 0.87543 0.15628 0.27586 0.62164 0.30862 0.67518 0.04612 0.38166 0.8754 0.59142 0.75331 0.08096 0.40097 0.53867 0.06237 0.48333 0.50714 0.64004 0.46273 0.67641 0.7302 0.63849 0.39473 0.46063 0.78186 0.38464 0.3777 0.97643 0.92874 0.09596 0.89634 0.80408 0.27253 0.86607 0.67771 0.31952 0.68333 0.5448 0.0308 0.29755 0.16481 0.61967 0.58603 0.0954 0.14028 0.67264 0.37683 0.31979 0.23464 0.67651 0.0079 0.40134 0.29543 0.25763 0.09584 0.34188 0.5491 0.9996 0.33703 0.25943 0.03368 0.18205 0.88514 0.154 0.49561 0.62224 0.42988 0.14508 0.87392 0.93365 0.39064 0.34737 0.40424 0.69976 0.50612 0.18284 0.607 0.21539 0.90226 0.12837 0.342 0.22718 0.90224 0.47359 0.7071 0.39341 0.63361 0.33176 0.24054 0.94189 0.65189 0.75784 0.40083 0.85956 0.02331 0.59044 0.82276 0.95527 0.22262 0.6162 0.52835 0.65888 0.37266 0.45005 0.51612 0.35106 0.1097 0.73417 0.39583 0.95205 0.64473 0.32355 0.1428 0.29209 0.75757 0.74646 0.8843 0.94441 0.74824 0.34765 0.44582 0.54601 0.58121 0.0786 0.16721 0.04366 0.81273 0.57758 0.12545 0.87834 0.44067 0.72617 0.25432 0.60528 0.18817 0.81336 0.46555 0.33968 0.20592 0.2626 0.62349 0.51104 0.30888 0.81415 0.75863 0.40597 0.32794 0.80077 0.04428 0.64729 0.07652 0.68683 0.34861 0.67393 0.10923 0.1645 0.67429 0.04326 0.71031 0.57796 0.89171 0.94671 0.62132 0.12589 0.63656 0.20322 0.34643 0.74188 0.97762 0.11436 0.76945 0.76289 0.52987 0.06547 0.87544 0.15413 0.10929 0.52225 0.72661 0.27212 0.07397 0.17566 0.63627 0.75757 0.41722 0.24698 0.03237 0.94892 0.28924 0.96352 0.7306 0.98642 0.64329 0.70217 0.56456 0.81732 0.77028 0.04264 0.69054 0.56205 0.97693 0.46243 0.32393 0.10626 0.24942 0.11585 0.47964 0.9653 0.47706 0.98442 0.47708 0.97031 0.6657 0.35714 0.71128 0.32663 0.00284 0.88183 0.49849 0.0099 0.90091 0.89522 0.18093 0.5821 0.17531 0.09576 0.66927 0.74275 0.65574 0.67133 0.29692 0.49003 0.58538 0.66589 0.19392 0.76801 0.60446 0.99253 0.02787 0.76463 0.34037 0.52244 0.2419 0.74793 0.33 0.27935 0.94621 0.62445 0.61481 0.51954 0.724 0.90122 0.17326 0.15292 0.39851 0.15213 0.44311 0.83693 0.1399 0.62352 0.5193 0.5708 0.1656 0.18986 0.55496 0.64839 0.28264 0.9071 0.57848 0.36171 0.00621 0.64884 0.81688 0.14728 0.70957 0.13419 0.11585 0.26656 0.87897 0.40774 0.02898 0.72167 0.24839 0.30085 0.37321 0.62156 0.44798 0.33258 0.87362 0.79244 0.26855 0.23008 0.8342 0.82607 0.32213 0.1561 0.03953 0.25882 0.44382 0.24424 0.1645 0.06607 0.19052 0.05158 0.98373 0.54897 0.29909 0.56772 0.53014 0.71669 0.25262 0.71041 0.73754 0.78114 0.19129 0.23584 0.02285 0.16672 0.45791 0.28909 0.04955 0.53289 0.7131
+0.19356 0.54406 0.72494 0.82245 0.66526 0.55025 0.22174 0.40893 0.35324 0.7766 0.27341 0.74475 0.66896 0.37819 0.54616 0.67283 0.22471 0.20248 0.4365 0.79098 0.56145 0.85371 0.39803 0.56962 0.60638 0.74321 0.7793 0.05224 0.29478 0.85696 0.75348 0.79322 0.10476 0.12997 0.31689 0.83569 0.89068 0.19761 0.47391 0.19789 0.24329 0.90273 0.54793 0.90017 0.57359 0.32237 0.16162 0.99201 0.50778 0.69077 0.13749 0.55541 0.68508 0.17845 0.94052 0.96995 0.85518 0.27326 0.71514 0.69143 0.75583 0.03041 0.47504 0.5156 0.62094 0.55921 0.34705 0.97666 0.66814 0.6063 0.32596 0.49947 0.04578 0.54351 0.50895 0.44607 0.58035 0.14919 0.04501 0.04622 0.48935 0.70392 0.623 0.50147 0.46195 0.4956 0.43069 0.28515 0.01542 0.68524 0.82507 0.35822 0.00188 0.90094 0.77921 0.85201 0.98729 0.90601 0.38052 0.48484 0.77483 0.01783 0.25811 0.43872 0.59049 0.55915 0.25834 0.71276 0.09231 0.90532 0.66754 0.0959 0.54195 0.91135 0.15097 0.37687 0.73298 0.89547 0.15768 0.0218 0.36486 0.15719 0.83088 0.13355 0.62785 0.23866 0.00623 0.50433 0.75806 0.50349 0.44299 0.26008 0.96783 0.39556 0.30379 0.46603 0.14588 0.01849 0.93093 0.10697 0.99303 0.81108 0.77755 0.85461 0.3896 0.72292 0.71153 0.32735 0.82501 0.22516 0.99547 0.33346 0.85807 0.36079 0.48172 0.45838 0.7973 0.10933 0.48674 0.16125 0.06473 0.90625 0.76531 0.77034 0.08806 0.4957 0.738 0.28961 0.10827 0.02225 0.062 0.19512 0.82915 0.14823 0.06012 0.79485 0.52759 0.44409 0.44561 0.07366 0.565 0.83842 0.26987 0.20409 0.77394 0.9521 0.06611 0.29939 0.99603 0.76012 0.91192 0.81932 0.86058 0.07156 0.56727 0.41686 0.92521 0.01248 0.65432 0.77471 0.94861 0.70589 0.73655 0.97136 0.93032 0.60639 0.85267 0.49341 0.87796 0.44298 0.80799 0.03632 0.17655 0.16406 0.81649 0.10131 0.79401 0.60186 0.49974 0.7476 0.31071 0.89164 0.59095 0.52301 0.41849 0.83435 0.95428 0.84139 0.06421 0.50717 0.7534 0.69354 0.50849 0.95446 0.1404 0.36869 0.2534 0.74792 0.47283 0.79753 0.28659 0.5154 0.75732 0.41318 0.23064 0.24002 0.00201 0.18767 0.59635 0.4254 0.29123 0.87389 0.24079 0.56861 0.42703 0.80289 0.13344 0.26334 0.62059 0.10964 0.40578 0.66017 0.10533 0.62181 0.17912 0.59833 0.50731 0.33337 0.55185 0.78269 0.45636 0.37773 0.66597 0.59668 0.83329 0.46027 0.88977 0.69492 0.33915 0.72341 0.34442 0.09088 0.93219 0.83783 0.37888 0.75195 0.87206 0.3919 0.36656 0.61347 0.1142 0.48533 0.95341 0.15709 0.50013 0.6305 0.22683 0.70139 0.20823 0.00799 0.61158 0.24961 0.1628 0.89888 0.05338 0.23433 0.9755 0.36321 0.83697 0.63451 0.78306 0.66196 0.82398 0.11732 0.15592 0.28258 0.25727 0.65335 0.39821 0.2831 0.70975 0.72448 0.46983 0.32609 0.98117 0.26988 0.18263 0.98872 0.21387 0.8197 0.18273 0.41447 0.77928 0.06454 0.06418 0.37184 0.40634 0.04015 0.77089 0.3423 0.87297 0.64846 0.12783 0.44367 0.58325 0.90367 0.61167 0.91995 0.30966 0.74589 0.29254 0.3219 0.36854 0.19967 0.67695 0.92301 0.67813 0.7256 0.54175 0.6267 0.96296 0.96597 0.42748 0.037 0.66681 0.5807 0.39996 0.42488 0.60368 0.46857 0.45274 0.10667 0.46724 0.1499 0.20313 0.4503 0.56422 0.09171 0.9601 0.14177 0.37185 0.0853 0.83696 0.16751 0.44718 0.69086 0.80349 0.90873 0.58009 0.51786 0.10595 0.70863 0.07333 0.00236 0.90366 0.63835 0.82031 0.23652 0.45611 0.53515 0.23686 0.79052 0.66141 0.61842 0.32242 0.641 0.60207 0.52665 0.9302 0.42022 0.15496 0.18113 0.05494 0.74353 0.1832 0.98069 0.65007 0.51398 0.57484 0.2315 0.41204 0.6222 0.99302 0.73423 0.95532 0.22013 0.31441 0.55861 0.16058 0.0575 0.32912 0.13939 0.43386 0.52048 0.24064 0.60448 0.10815 0.30995 0.37187 0.43998 0.45224 0.83909 0.70495 0.27815 0.77362 0.03854 0.60711 0.91116 0.83314 0.22876 0.43456 0.61259 0.8062 0.40687 0.80305 0.98736 0.70234 0.62771 0.13024 0.69159 0.367 0.51028 0.802 0.34989 0.84923 0.66921 0.27816 0.88214 0.93682 0.0606 0.52229 0.95244 0.75451 0.76669 0.15828 0.41142 0.82992 0.10425 0.42383 0.03018 0.18556 0.39681 0.08838 0.12294 0.94859 0.85646 0.78206 0.5083 0.32508 0.79168 0.22697 0.38115 0.81312 0.59806 0.10013 0.3624 0.9873 0.33732 0.08794 0.53079 0.95056 0.62058 0.06114 0.52112 0.59824 0.13078 0.59836 0.99001 0.29416 0.46837 0.35192 0.70914
+0.3422 0.92069 0.65093 0.34999 0.55094 0.73309 0.33544 0.97722 0.4496 0.08623 0.56583 0.64073 0.17775 0.17561 0.38228 0.3728 0.12349 0.85742 0.27039 0.258 0.02506 0.59064 0.6991 0.11891 0.80746 0.59033 0.81495 0.51592 0.63953 0.94888 0.62308 0.83263 0.53261 0.49911 0.06169 0.15381 0.71637 0.81207 0.91289 0.80021 0.28903 0.14617 0.60131 0.94461 0.2431 0.56721 0.77868 0.32163 0.09048 0.23679 0.05568 0.37523 0.42103 0.81708 0.23285 0.35255 0.98614 0.7844 0.90932 0.80765 0.66802 0.62163 0.92752 0.52268 0.78315 0.03615 0.43279 0.89151 0.69218 0.85677 0.11957 0.4803 0.62678 0.68932 0.92893 0.69592 0.25885 0.54221 0.62558 0.94706 0.99116 0.64418 0.82993 0.47693 0.74465 0.10986 0.45706 0.80406 0.23188 0.45519 0.99905 0.14347 0.84103 0.86457 0.75835 0.26666 0.7839 0.26652 0.20485 0.55221 0.99255 0.46488 0.4192 0.51501 0.35708 0.12581 0.11728 0.8386 0.82154 0.12977 0.99318 0.57634 0.05427 0.63813 0.97048 0.97983 0.12155 0.72671 0.71773 0.59889 0.01394 0.35746 0.98271 0.63301 0.00677 0.61858 0.58233 0.48003 0.81977 0.47253 0.03285 0.97779 0.97529 0.25377 0.03712 0.26188 0.76968 0.10086 0.49054 0.07046 0.51482 0.31884 0.85514 0.17362 0.52042 0.70904 0.25893 0.6178 0.44702 0.57356 0.66659 0.60377 0.24435 0.02936 0.70148 0.51431 0.81515 0.25688 0.54715 0.62477 0.60668 0.80895 0.19766 0.77329 0.92606 0.6041 0.48454 0.16848 0.03387 0.30932 0.99265 0.10524 0.57367 0.39026 0.13686 0.26727 0.09595 0.46767 0.81568 0.1994 0.74314 0.08732 0.32251 0.57482 0.26002 0.59931 0.28904 0.58561 0.78959 0.64484 0.21913 0.52416 0.77457 0.66087 0.04102 0.32569 0.89225 0.84019 0.58207 0.8987 0.41826 0.54724 0.60608 0.80726 0.98719 0.46497 0.06814 0.19677 0.71332 0.48384 0.91057 0.47702 0.00767 0.32432 0.18424 0.70603 0.57813 0.73888 0.96994 0.51785 0.98086 0.20228 0.7149 0.31519 0.47759 0.16117 0.9704 0.37337 0.23101 0.0503 0.79677 0.82455 0.04528 0.13268 0.34411 0.37397 0.75946 0.92599 0.1325 0.38852 0.33462 0.09465 0.04263 0.08578 0.30677 0.49535 0.05968 0.21515 0.90126 0.63044 0.38249 0.02047 0.39728 0.63255 0.49283 0.30351 0.14192 0.89084 0.33303 0.78038 0.31004 0.67514 0.22767 0.24006 0.67337 0.05877 0.56029 0.87506 0.65392 0.53318 0.0226 0.48225 0.4045 0.81916 0.07745 0.14016 0.10748 0.52646 0.60042 0.79027 0.9563 0.18194 0.02115 0.59713 0.72299 0.28778 0.8861 0.75381 0.74998 0.0219 0.2657 0.18401 0.75626 0.93837 0.44542 0.21979 0.27768 0.06945 0.91049 0.92994 0.3886 0.0448 0.58029 0.02832 0.06591 0.74553 0.50316 0.24711 0.67315 0.61504 0.10527 0.68261 0.35303 0.77242 0.5077 0.97272 0.97598 0.10228 0.69873 0.41367 0.9617 0.33032 0.42187 0.72943 0.84045 0.56473 0.36074 0.40055 0.70761 0.7204 0.66334 0.80717 0.08214 0.54993 0.43957 0.14867 0.53732 0.97496 0.58172 0.9108 0.66459 0.56403 0.83739 0.027 0.60087 0.18771 0.72504 0.19026 0.35085 0.41315 0.58888 0.48697 0.08691 0.10219 0.22689 0.69784 0.62411 0.52385 0.8531 0.58767 0.125 0.34387 0.62962 0.6135 0.79581 0.18777 0.0861 0.58475 0.82759 0.01903 0.83508 0.997 0.46372 0.27358 0.77625 0.99317 0.4041 0.67343 0.39225 0.67383 0.37002 0.7063 0.59275 0.51611 0.3863 0.04034 0.57709 0.34232 0.43791 0.52417 0.8657 0.27608 0.82694 0.41142 0.24807 0.90258 0.94968 0.53883 0.12625 0.90179 0.00993 0.53514 0.67501 0.9991 0.89554 0.45746 0.39979 0.86968 0.63695 0.67092 0.94746 0.21333 0.45317 0.06443 0.56959 0.12785 0.69341 0.92543 0.56656 0.11268 0.47847 0.87587 0.71426 0.31151 0.51449 0.36155 0.82059 0.85689 0.05864 0.60086 0.67985 0.10662 0.98941 0.30172 0.43518 0.70413 0.38535 0.12078 0.34214 0.407 0.79726 0.90258 0.54179 0.40811 0.333 0.08041 0.02344 0.19704 0.98242 0.22737 0.03393 0.62314 0.99259 0.19442 0.33669 0.45548 0.44595 0.57373 0.22744 0.75358 0.71018 0.01665 0.72896 0.47501 0.09135 0.2496 0.89855 0.24176 0.8896 0.00633 0.08261 0.32773 0.53555 0.46911 0.98265 0.49302 0.37098 0.73442 0.59994 0.16749 0.72827 0.0748 0.20776 0.49503 0.26753 0.06975 0.0508 0.76483 0.94438 0.65699 0.03671 0.76786 0.79504 0.42982 0.37317 0.61139 0.96885 0.21058 0.59783 0.74636 0.59075 0.17163 0.21038 0.65615 0.9954 0.38501 0.33503 0.86862 0.2059 0.93924 0.48032 0.99526
+0.40369 0.29816 0.3274 0.48031 0.24022 0.11062 0.66112 0.21554 0.78788 0.11329 0.63978 0.0639 0.05294 0.74973 0.5135 0.58549 0.81144 0.11793 0.23997 0.58805 0.47066 0.24221 0.13578 0.05635 0.93313 0.66725 0.92561 0.85738 0.95736 0.94867 0.95959 0.54057 0.6066 0.38412 0.21024 0.3482 0.28658 0.12899 0.16466 0.10999 0.47571 0.39138 0.94841 0.95124 0.05374 0.55842 0.65192 0.47753 0.58905 0.46335 0.65385 0.89935 0.63216 0.00897 0.46638 0.8419 0.52873 0.15343 0.16945 0.67751 0.57571 0.00786 0.61285 0.59944 0.25557 0.21208 0.00167 0.82548 0.74322 0.86858 0.69869 0.35316 0.00475 0.17038 0.60095 0.41745 0.11972 0.05247 0.80722 0.97277 0.28984 0.84647 0.21137 0.78466 0.39987 0.99559 0.32727 0.17158 0.41843 0.71292 0.52019 0.83972 0.0184 0.75265 0.65428 0.58348 0.89174 0.9404 0.37261 0.90606 0.01475 0.5287 0.55558 0.31872 0.67963 0.98026 0.87071 0.94123 0.63906 0.60856 0.65679 0.44901 0.7163 0.23778 0.2151 0.10669 0.96225 0.21191 0.99741 0.02097 0.19042 0.60268 0.67126 0.7074 0.46312 0.05863 0.40603 0.75951 0.84635 0.41797 0.10746 0.54095 0.99529 0.4559 0.02507 0.34135 0.66271 0.04642 0.43738 0.56303 0.1417 0.76556 0.17849 0.24729 0.12819 0.0736 0.3529 0.83998 0.0409 0.17461 0.26614 0.82149 0.89228 0.86639 0.90127 0.55341 0.56099 0.54529 0.0385 0.81019 0.41249 0.68283 0.88289 0.10017 0.68357 0.40805 0.4884 0.29462 0.41249 0.80512 0.90467 0.04614 0.80559 0.16132 0.15382 0.30105 0.44833 0.67835 0.61578 0.05639 0.51312 0.60397 0.00883 0.00105 0.35447 0.0306 0.67354 0.6069 0.47504 0.55111 0.35116 0.4361 0.154 0.97308 0.07981 0.42856 0.00649 0.62646 0.01722 0.5321 0.76369 0.2667 0.41036 0.57391 0.08073 0.29268 0.3737 0.68832 0.55912 0.73186 0.37409 0.05545 0.99184 0.49884 0.70915 0.95777 0.69649 0.45299 0.79307 0.28991 0.39862 0.43663 0.34599 0.1091 0.98429 0.36925 0.68397 0.93516 0.96859 0.58168 0.08701 0.16094 0.28545 0.83046 0.93985 0.98431 0.06529 0.18353 0.33106 0.35421 0.93443 0.37363 0.49909 0.34363 0.43727 0.49807 0.44057 0.12288 0.79415 0.49026 0.3953 0.16135 0.00012 0.07684 0.76456 0.19626 0.56983 0.13045 0.0815 0.249 0.98217 0.47217 0.66038 0.4157 0.93731 0.19642 0.50039 0.49321 0.59074 0.86113 0.27107 0.48306 0.21688 0.60209 0.61661 0.41229 0.53724 0.18926 0.19253 0.52728 0.1881 0.15176 0.71211 0.0809 0.23446 0.37393 0.89128 0.80799 0.67828 0.78149 0.84727 0.4722 0.9621 0.09408 0.26463 0.11202 0.60241 0.31677 0.95114 0.7713 0.79466 0.34692 0.7483 0.71757 0.12245 0.66226 0.48881 0.11888 0.37202 0.40827 0.48739 0.64414 0.8199 0.76475 0.50438 0.1119 0.54062 0.87997 0.8858 0.76925 0.64301 0.84804 0.54342 0.32877 0.0921 0.35339 0.52513 0.08122 0.23336 0.21712 0.8677 0.44139 0.19964 0.68009 0.02145 0.29002 0.35337 0.69064 0.71578 0.42565 0.3155 0.5495 0.9669 0.53441 0.80756 0.06945 0.52228 0.63121 0.21296 0.42839 0.03612 0.74746 0.11818 0.42247 0.17665 0.21231 0.13835 0.00097 0.33039 0.19388 0.85921 0.50632 0.61218 0.93678 0.77509 0.81766 0.01763 0.54935 0.18096 0.29034 0.56638 0.00826 0.49356 0.50227 0.3343 0.73589 0.14263 0.71357 0.81816 0.6652 0.28776 0.14734 0.57782 0.75869 0.85627 0.93905 0.21017 0.58518 0.66577 0.57931 0.98444 0.34303 0.08008 0.02867 0.01896 0.44418 0.48674 0.00928 0.99079 0.86783 0.04364 0.19885 0.16812 0.59746 0.81895 0.47391 0.71784 0.0983 0.00492 0.56429 0.4948 0.44864 0.12018 0.56912 0.5453 0.92768 0.80978 0.91274 0.98239 0.63363 0.88784 0.81612 0.29983 0.40054 0.49484 0.41245 0.14293 0.44527 0.34041 0.86758 0.19477 0.14922 0.54689 0.52352 0.47782 0.59064 0.85091 0.95159 0.68279 0.96396 0.30186 0.38474 0.59915 0.27598 0.81486 0.28221 0.34726 0.00073 0.14016 0.99948 0.76527 0.18701 0.88519 0.66061 0.03626 0.74231 0.49621 0.75731 0.17551 0.70511 0.56364 0.68039 0.04401 0.34779 0.11614 0.24572 0.02502 0.48726 0.47123 0.10862 0.65279 0.43469 0.78767 0.46036 0.89215 0.83867 0.94356 0.93271 0.30392 0.3415 0.72929 0.25966 0.54771 0.12358 0.60686 0.30381 0.39674 0.88381 0.71319 0.62402 0.40337 0.19388 0.45739 0.48935 0.38858 0.70463 0.54475 0.83211 0.01512 0.58544 0.60748 0.94688 0.28626 0.47967 0.82833 0.40833 0.32151 0.2471 0.57421 0.38621 0.7211 0.3467
+0.43393 0.97323 0.06584 0.9639 0.56367 0.29825 0.17146 0.7068 0.80424 0.91012 0.27901 0.50235 0.84774 0.56914 0.58066 0.39995 0.48228 0.52695 0.19607 0.50819 0.0594 0.67328 0.08294 0.84618 0.77619 0.05475 0.0604 0.19748 0.65297 0.83906 0.26795 0.04335 0.07136 0.40231 0.48997 0.96451 0.94933 0.79684 0.81835 0.00671 0.57176 0.91797 0.70796 0.50492 0.34012 0.29255 0.13479 0.45126 0.16967 0.11184 0.33807 0.53666 0.76344 0.60259 0.56736 0.11592 0.05329 0.21371 0.7936 0.37547 0.38548 0.56256 0.80987 0.7053 0.66547 0.01602 0.62724 0.42118 0.83963 0.25939 0.67336 0.12698 0.46638 0.20659 0.62119 0.3952 0.04429 0.275 0.43312 0.6637 0.51495 0.48892 0.87344 0.66924 0.88304 0.83327 0.75341 0.12821 0.02784 0.25095 0.10262 0.61555 0.59867 0.77136 0.64294 0.16548 0.35984 0.68586 0.80855 0.10003 0.48394 0.00775 0.49375 0.38778 0.47917 0.48294 0.19871 0.42319 0.86066 0.8544 0.72349 0.06668 0.66245 0.60603 0.47304 0.45914 0.70183 0.45915 0.37324 0.75707 0.86173 0.71128 0.97964 0.09185 0.04226 0.29842 0.77129 0.08719 0.85414 0.43427 0.71493 0.61698 0.79382 0.41658 0.04017 0.49664 0.54408 0.89266 0.50259 0.248 0.85111 0.7754 0.17972 0.89135 0.87785 0.25453 0.81737 0.21232 0.70537 0.50758 0.66528 0.24478 0.02541 0.50348 0.07844 0.87594 0.64492 0.23084 0.73783 0.79756 0.03068 0.28171 0.46935 0.7694 0.21829 0.63077 0.56682 0.4952 0.88708 0.99164 0.94202 0.70211 0.61151 0.28424 0.24737 0.53953 0.3475 0.60464 0.66816 0.33136 0.35999 0.41428 0.64379 0.81969 0.08018 0.69265 0.11507 0.71324 0.39499 0.98481 0.15144 0.27453 0.09822 0.44299 0.4148 0.35206 0.8435 0.18002 0.87717 0.28817 0.65894 0.3784 0.82872 0.78128 0.46358 0.60897 0.51135 0.99217 0.70908 0.53071 0.86884 0.19583 0.82444 0.37873 0.51949 0.02595 0.16213 0.01003 0.59565 0.35792 0.62372 0.15323 0.2131 0.98133 0.80454 0.90682 0.59205 0.23731 0.94833 0.68001 0.7967 0.14401 0.03512 0.67999 0.07233 0.93816 0.41094 0.14984 0.11867 0.22532 0.54724 0.198 0.27592 0.39002 0.91567 0.84835 0.12405 0.88261 0.93648 0.78081 0.18959 0.95716 0.03432 0.98937 0.14681 0.85569 0.38686 0.09737 0.05369 0.99103 0.75748 0.01343 0.8771 0.33964 0.08939 0.37158 0.98508 0.95937 0.40053 0.04642 0.3972 0.47834 0.60869 0.22028 0.10544 0.27599 0.499 0.45293 0.18889 0.67577 0.39633 0.22886 0.77469 0.77525 0.10047 0.88743 0.94574 0.84776 0.58491 0.31599 0.01229 0.42524 0.67403 0.00877 0.05201 0.63709 0.56271 0.56242 0.79824 0.77322 0.26528 0.03064 0.04218 0.60615 0.46473 0.09766 0.05982 0.8448 0.39461 0.51196 0.07776 0.20273 0.00144 0.04096 0.78966 0.48874 0.32305 0.97628 0.25373 0.74906 0.94257 0.29299 0.18337 0.96039 0.13562 0.83875 0.47903 0.88966 0.55121 0.6817 0.21008 0.19648 0.08897 0.12121 0.67955 0.40504 0.58665 0.96138 0.70081 0.31438 0.71468 0.02556 0.56675 0.19161 0.50831 0.46842 0.14541 0.76663 0.50198 0.23993 0.56849 0.95832 0.23975 0.04829 0.76259 0.6732 0.61071 0.26498 0.71971 0.74405 0.16698 0.32391 0.96052 0.77288 0.92089 0.6717 0.1617 0.59932 0.09968 0.17823 0.29985 0.48511 0.72805 0.33464 0.51096 0.81858 0.23531 0.93982 0.37808 0.9358 0.00314 0.60651 0.99981 0.64375 0.40402 0.20729 0.72655 0.87371 0.78531 0.36942 0.57793 0.27668 0.13293 0.37434 0.95505 0.65208 0.28509 0.68223 0.3768 0.43441 0.25464 0.54422 0.07358 0.55531 0.17447 0.10468 0.80294 0.18476 0.61006 0.75137 0.98306 0.83895 0.08426 0.16219 0.39958 0.25029 0.04515 0.68725 0.02394 0.03438 0.18788 0.06347 0.06662 0.67332 0.73091 0.13882 0.14205 0.17859 0.45329 0.45154 0.83737 0.56017 0.19127 0.64602 0.17576 0.88538 0.77918 0.47679 0.83323 0.56624 0.0113 0.65553 0.18873 0.05155 0.04136 0.38579 0.30567 0.71943 0.14311 0.07167 0.41997 0.30887 0.06493 0.36315 0.70213 0.04873 0.61362 0.49204 0.28554 0.52098 0.01107 0.00788 0.22905 0.2998 0.94064 0.78936 0.73972 0.86544 0.83031 0.87094 0.79323 0.04115 0.95199 0.23413 0.22792 0.46795 0.46782 0.51095 0.9911 0.5 0.02231 0.99275 0.3659 0.22485 0.13132 0.72252 0.93183 0.29446 0.17517 0.89915 0.76781 0.73186 0.43665 0.93133 0.08964 0.3748 0.4419 0.51744 0.21583 0.48586 0.95243 0.64976 0.17333 0.35593 0.99954 0.90016 0.03536 0.42228 0.1358 0.88342 0.63074 0.94213
+0.42455 0.32487 0.17629 0.06627 0.73018 0.45682 0.61016 0.40229 0.77961 0.36739 0.60084 0.11517 0.33359 0.26916 0.02447 0.03003 0.30706 0.7179 0.13741 0.94548 0.53282 0.75512 0.3109 0.07008 0.51685 0.7749 0.54838 0.95751 0.33207 0.55644 0.54313 0.73975 0.6809 0.18149 0.14584 0.60102 0.72544 0.1342 0.45713 0.96136 0.43102 0.87062 0.01471 0.30165 0.04936 0.78839 0.12945 0.72726 0.0403 0.17369 0.66681 0.48002 0.79725 0.17515 0.36655 0.59762 0.12095 0.89126 0.67533 0.98026 0.16819 0.37407 0.11406 0.69308 0.43112 0.48565 0.52464 0.42724 0.49756 0.50831 0.77662 0.45529 0.4277 0.65601 0.75702 0.38413 0.92889 0.87804 0.88913 0.2122 0.76031 0.17393 0.00673 0.90083 0.4443 0.7861 0.33149 0.30702 0.91191 0.01838 0.56334 0.4932 0.87255 0.07071 0.10554 0.43636 0.40735 0.46583 0.19115 0.57336 0.23433 0.73826 0.58566 0.13324 0.19182 0.59536 0.52849 0.599 0.5779 0.16878 0.1834 0.92733 0.37653 0.22336 0.34206 0.96186 0.48915 0.06704 0.227 0.65163 0.85936 0.94317 0.66472 0.47917 0.24572 0.07353 0.26939 0.03465 0.41377 0.42842 0.32994 0.97706 0.2585 0.00797 0.23349 0.6578 0.76553 0.55365 0.56981 0.25237 0.52453 0.71824 0.45678 0.63545 0.77944 0.69248 0.99166 0.64454 0.17626 0.6516 0.15402 0.72772 0.25346 0.39738 0.88466 0.32227 0.68707 0.99733 0.8152 0.7287 0.12768 0.47951 0.85405 0.04522 0.58341 0.70545 0.24411 0.87824 0.04891 0.71288 0.01253 0.00375 0.82194 0.88966 0.71019 0.50887 0.04879 0.84607 0.59394 0.55803 0.36961 0.75635 0.34858 0.23348 0.60421 0.10839 0.1201 0.69612 0.74143 0.6478 0.7148 0.61304 0.56974 0.20467 0.19512 0.53855 0.36588 0.75828 0.72984 0.19566 0.18691 0.09164 0.00381 0.04097 0.00011 0.39794 0.01849 0.38902 0.24947 0.41126 0.50591 0.47863 0.79842 0.27133 0.37611 0.61369 0.32873 0.97923 0.71868 0.26546 0.98208 0.42221 0.34191 0.92932 0.31699 0.10106 0.08095 0.16931 0.61875 0.95067 0.02388 0.03814 0.31364 0.81016 0.27138 0.76003 0.90358 0.21547 0.14281 0.26337 0.94714 0.48804 0.00161 0.89504 0.15504 0.69099 0.77572 0.75269 0.2655 0.7879 0.69446 0.54885 0.94716 0.07719 0.40904 0.46086 0.62085 0.77722 0.20069 0.34095 0.11993 0.09138 0.53972 0.40287 0.15279 0.95803 0.02462 0.54103 0.86457 0.41856 0.27598 0.60502 0.63968 0.18579 0.0562 0.54506 0.2768 0.77005 0.78886 0.97823 0.26935 0.56917 0.86978 0.44338 0.68392 0.71157 0.69008 0.92303 0.60565 0.04596 0.29962 0.64173 0.51737 0.80087 0.77119 0.93774 0.78183 0.35259 0.83727 0.26794 0.09087 0.00969 0.34275 0.91165 0.09963 0.5215 0.72756 0.33795 0.01965 0.80565 0.98604 0.65673 0.60596 0.70096 0.38486 0.7782 0.09672 0.08671 0.6944 0.93572 0.99424 0.39098 0.55981 0.77039 0.3789 0.53351 0.9238 0.40163 0.84565 0.41774 0.63895 0.17553 0.72877 0.06294 0.20003 0.17542 0.17406 0.24462 0.01374 0.48587 0.54098 0.46484 0.54 0.03302 0.6802 0.27022 0.22798 0.27131 0.06796 0.17392 0.76228 0.6522 0.28944 0.15035 0.21418 0.8205 0.08677 0.02664 0.92965 0.81592 0.2909 0.44293 0.57924 0.75272 0.08672 0.83272 0.28914 0.23783 0.69758 0.68968 0.56787 0.87553 0.40404 0.78374 0.98377 0.86947 0.0051 0.3101 0.05943 0.86007 0.41382 0.25894 0.93785 0.95161 0.0964 0.35794 0.17288 0.25531 0.86564 0.30263 0.46631 0.65394 0.96693 0.23032 0.68076 0.62463 0.84656 0.65337 0.41704 0.92461 0.11669 0.68454 0.63801 0.78571 0.62612 0.60179 0.57366 0.84645 0.66865 0.40673 0.60113 0.48844 0.31662 0.32048 0.33786 0.56453 0.59864 0.05878 0.92284 0.94941 0.66097 0.11922 0.78191 0.76215 0.33927 0.79527 0.80126 0.7216 0.01915 0.75087 0.32155 0.95838 0.53959 0.58508 0.11463 0.97122 0.47236 0.96081 0.91972 0.08521 0.06712 0.67542 0.08928 0.39232 0.26839 0.1509 0.63734 0.80922 0.68657 0.07155 0.07804 0.47471 0.60281 0.64193 0.78296 0.07259 0.89323 0.69013 0.46527 0.72592 0.52647 0.12638 0.85233 0.43585 0.39028 0.66047 0.81289 0.01396 0.5296 0.57065 0.08771 0.35231 0.8108 0.20901 0.96134 0.60183 0.97671 0.3643 0.64979 0.99124 0.56966 0.26029 0.86462 0.49971 0.12118 0.7249 0.05852 0.98897 0.56024 0.77402 0.14192 0.75623 0.01677 0.46932 0.48092 0.60175 0.81088 0.18231 0.31158 0.37444 0.10454 0.29798 0.04501 0.79734 0.42136 0.80376 0.60052 0.22973 0.02551 0.57533 0.06626 0.10245
+0.8306 0.53205 0.46877 0.61123 0.83034 0.15748 0.45356 0.16914 0.29302 0.15322 0.67078 0.92351 0.25167 0.23079 0.0437 0.44736 0.31994 0.24479 0.2591 0.15045 0.80613 0.20594 0.3103 0.38514 0.95191 0.4223 0.10213 0.73437 0.28803 0.87669 0.26995 0.78904 0.29532 0.92261 0.65189 0.02085 0.97302 0.20582 0.71531 0.88015 0.4718 0.38899 0.94366 0.78267 0.87684 0.94948 0.1621 0.33575 0.47227 0.90955 0.00437 0.36921 0.56653 0.94468 0.46184 0.0718 0.83222 0.99976 0.43445 0.35521 0.50805 0.64185 0.08104 0.8614 0.73886 0.14578 0.1622 0.809 0.7878 0.56025 0.68097 0.48916 0.35669 0.46577 0.33791 0.3212 0.03551 0.24027 0.51577 0.30781 0.31341 0.90281 0.56939 0.29284 0.86725 0.52855 0.86657 0.47422 0.9949 0.54532 0.56969 0.90924 0.6998 0.30906 0.06072 0.70376 0.55984 0.43002 0.39911 0.69647 0.30711 0.40148 0.1264 0.77288 0.16228 0.32451 0.94363 0.07116 0.87686 0.59192 0.44784 0.42635 0.00398 0.60038 0.529 0.73996 0.58148 0.09179 0.8425 0.34151 0.97183 0.21722 0.99595 0.1357 0.35104 0.3304 0.26001 0.39414 0.60227 0.12344 0.82454 0.88027 0.48947 0.87483 0.4812 0.29537 0.05197 0.88661 0.83018 0.60714 0.01531 0.1477 0.96428 0.68664 0.75751 0.60681 0.1425 0.40501 0.68609 0.71169 0.65769 0.56349 0.57746 0.00557 0.95389 0.52983 0.50971 0.41349 0.98995 0.52131 0.59158 0.52816 0.4513 0.37162 0.4009 0.86151 0.30862 0.44682 0.26585 0.12961 0.91436 0.77685 0.05057 0.14695 0.51881 0.86146 0.04077 0.81898 0.34537 0.33035 0.19401 0.57852 0.76186 0.21256 0.22546 0.63556 0.35608 0.13522 0.3349 0.33262 0.57703 0.90121 0.32047 0.88705 0.08422 0.66724 0.28562 0.64853 0.15518 0.00833 0.01563 0.95472 0.85392 0.43475 0.24989 0.43188 0.82086 0.01799 0.17223 0.79498 0.79609 0.19526 0.25992 0.80923 0.57447 0.22697 0.34972 0.17305 0.19487 0.32097 0.35537 0.96515 0.55953 0.09062 0.701 0.05633 0.36625 0.47812 0.62432 0.11648 0.73655 0.24416 0.52097 0.02411 0.32776 0.0025 0.2782 0.27589 0.04154 0.82366 0.24026 0.56529 0.08282 0.82242 0.7557 0.25554 0.49905 0.93294 0.13134 0.59313 0.78069 0.77374 0.33099 0.40207 0.92651 0.87281 0.27534 0.82492 0.96081 0.58775 0.28755 0.44558 0.19883 0.39019 0.089 0.58059 0.57845 0.30792 0.5285 0.91513 0.86965 0.01763 0.30514 0.20518 0.26499 0.86679 0.11447 0.04541 0.57735 0.47878 0.5925 0.67244 0.5798 0.54686 0.48981 0.75866 0.02586 0.31885 0.24473 0.5027 0.52766 0.93128 0.33349 0.01544 0.64353 0.28223 0.22365 0.29768 0.88505 0.15418 0.1748 0.09266 0.99583 0.28357 0.1252 0.60255 0.39589 0.36685 0.48546 0.28056 0.62687 0.96633 0.61018 0.14709 0.89889 0.78645 0.26845 0.71873 0.09515 0.47132 0.18221 0.97923 0.9717 0.07724 0.182 0.10667 0.03345 0.88046 0.08385 0.38575 0.3157 0.2318 0.29177 0.98451 0.90157 0.57056 0.60787 0.66532 0.14368 0.35133 0.23602 0.7535 0.20728 0.81018 0.42404 0.89029 0.74151 0.91585 0.51762 0.69752 0.05625 0.32119 0.03988 0.45842 0.03525 0.27557 0.34162 0.09127 0.84071 0.10702 0.91247 0.87533 0.89327 0.13429 0.60853 0.77569 0.7918 0.9498 0.48617 0.77852 0.79599 0.37568 0.52054 0.28913 0.67679 0.6702 0.0162 0.90402 0.03796 0.4831 0.71234 0.72519 0.35972 0.99494 0.73934 0.86142 0.15891 0.09643 0.09124 0.78896 0.91941 0.89956 0.26949 0.40688 0.46868 0.72567 0.27531 0.10668 0.55168 0.76472 0.65035 0.91078 0.69828 0.82964 0.23279 0.1263 0.99786 0.35202 0.49662 0.75658 0.0308 0.14965 0.78292 0.49175 0.02166 0.76509 0.16834 0.27687 0.35717 0.6155 0.79804 0.85364 0.1613 0.6524 0.06124 0.96655 0.50362 0.782 0.16145 0.01074 0.19638 0.32253 0.14176 0.60038 0.53762 0.5135 0.45749 0.1122 0.23128 0.87801 0.82877 0.92771 0.10614 0.40338 0.7522 0.36484 0.67735 0.14187 0.34695 0.54924 0.54327 0.76216 0.61905 0.17538 0.32447 0.60507 0.7919 0.20969 0.30969 0.09432 0.45787 0.42804 0.87786 0.01851 0.28907 0.73143 0.32653 0.30476 0.85263 0.97592 0.75298 0.30729 0.85081 0.96862 0.74002 0.52235 0.25715 0.12544 0.90204 0.55367 0.2199 0.39103 0.83245 0.91304 0.56466 0.15721 0.5229 0.85677 0.06023 0.45914 0.15483 0.65131 0.68343 0.80945 0.78766 0.45762 0.4967 0.23189 0.31048 0.64765 0.35536 0.04092 0.23333 0.57031 0.64246 0.90693 0.64746 0.21154 0.01333 0.96082 0.02911 0.86188
+0.94102 0.78645 0.47633 0.14165 0.14774 0.46229 0.72138 0.34803 0.68205 0.96031 0.95776 0.52581 0.34754 0.77682 0.00677 0.90649 0.08154 0.0061 0.25533 0.63311 0.24773 0.63313 0.68137 0.72668 0.47281 0.12466 0.46624 0.59038 0.61274 0.71996 0.60221 0.49729 0.79299 0.84559 0.74594 0.8762 0.63823 0.31945 0.51236 0.42764 0.39065 0.74118 0.68986 0.55032 0.73887 0.36266 0.16685 0.93991 0.07105 0.69978 0.32529 0.77541 0.82714 0.22656 0.85832 0.80988 0.02922 0.37995 0.76523 0.06834 0.72229 0.20433 0.20156 0.77196 0.47252 0.24922 0.87414 0.09501 0.36924 0.31382 0.08371 0.10262 0.05651 0.63583 0.793 0.98504 0.02422 0.0063 0.86153 0.94476 0.54464 0.19493 0.38571 0.54195 0.56429 0.38554 0.07565 0.32739 0.01553 0.60446 0.2701 0.64016 0.92676 0.76753 0.61335 0.19906 0.25892 0.38694 0.59556 0.20207 0.69707 0.84624 0.64983 0.42426 0.38539 0.64377 0.35306 0.65505 0.15116 0.66949 0.67937 0.8517 0.94809 0.27187 0.17118 0.67394 0.07633 0.0081 0.86916 0.44779 0.51084 0.09632 0.03815 0.97187 0.17334 0.13676 0.04661 0.27146 0.64568 0.81944 0.34473 0.20363 0.57308 0.13704 0.95781 0.41937 0.09104 0.45005 0.82022 0.75916 0.14697 0.23775 0.88689 0.53598 0.23768 0.52616 0.0828 0.92694 0.79268 0.23968 0.8543 0.84562 0.92241 0.65971 0.40003 0.20888 0.89252 0.46648 0.1267 0.58554 0.99442 0.10212 0.84723 0.98974 0.11775 0.52685 0.5146 0.72892 0.16546 0.34695 0.25284 0.32329 0.44317 0.82902 0.06176 0.25015 0.19312 0.14072 0.61445 0.91514 0.68743 0.52448 0.68645 0.38508 0.95649 0.48758 0.78636 0.96029 0.95909 0.40817 0.83242 0.11444 0.44743 0.47098 0.58013 0.72619 0.67335 0.95583 0.84969 0.20349 0.73632 0.6626 0.48695 0.46062 0.69584 0.05739 0.71006 0.60292 0.51168 0.12393 0.26942 0.22631 0.26785 0.20307 0.15453 0.50821 0.64365 0.39746 0.16745 0.09465 0.14978 0.34069 0.30185 0.42815 0.72475 0.29499 0.87496 0.22198 0.94067 0.84944 0.48329 0.98383 0.77705 0.26481 0.75965 0.53495 0.40675 0.80415 0.04435 0.33178 0.47759 0.69606 0.22819 0.29242 0.28029 0.85043 0.86399 0.87841 0.21046 0.70939 0.33739 0.86 0.06367 0.17671 0.83826 0.8593 0.98444 0.05113 0.52841 0.36963 0.38998 0.35798 0.38299 0.58207 0.15298 0.48546 0.5675 0.18153 0.19523 0.56609 0.57208 0.19873 0.351 0.49388 0.04408 0.35738 0.74167 0.8213 0.90555 0.42347 0.99669 0.57809 0.54664 0.27244 0.47815 0.25743 0.04605 0.1284 0.95328 0.04941 0.68332 0.98106 0.61379 0.09077 0.34522 0.19 0.50202 0.49209 0.52848 0.33121 0.94296 0.92546 0.16733 0.96221 0.0424 0.96577 0.75594 0.13229 0.32789 0.35623 0.46202 0.5354 0.51143 0.5799 0.98218 0.19591 0.99766 0.85136 0.31891 0.89958 0.15727 0.7208 0.92325 0.29051 0.5366 0.19979 0.65698 0.62836 0.4484 0.42079 0.93866 0.73288 0.22119 0.61915 0.69817 0.05757 0.74517 0.68891 0.27414 0.74975 0.38118 0.9849 0.83852 0.02502 0.60843 0.65942 0.14356 0.35591 0.94999 0.47998 0.60171 0.56001 0.43541 0.84524 0.11968 0.09503 0.62751 0.05876 0.16903 0.71215 0.04752 0.91328 0.74645 0.37347 0.83374 0.70668 0.17386 0.25186 0.04479 0.40259 0.19994 0.35035 0.13545 0.32681 0.78849 0.72316 0.07882 0.51634 0.54568 0.2448 0.43348 0.81553 0.34322 0.47465 0.94426 0.98871 0.09408 0.73715 0.11732 0.60319 0.60661 0.10062 0.93761 0.41126 0.60919 0.0115 0.4621 0.02075 0.59554 0.58367 0.88215 0.32068 0.90269 0.51057 0.94601 0.40803 0.54556 0.50521 0.60928 0.06726 0.97539 0.07772 0.64671 0.26958 0.85958 0.71129 0.59088 0.48867 0.76756 0.52439 0.35448 0.15792 0.14164 0.06585 0.46113 0.28936 0.49823 0.86911 0.76431 0.14787 0.5382 0.96879 0.39793 0.9031 0.69148 0.72634 0.67326 0.92546 0.13939 0.23997 0.29335 0.26955 0.80354 0.02452 0.71598 0.25471 0.36306 0.1933 0.24207 0.30259 0.23862 0.12499 0.93653 0.56779 0.53857 0.5349 0.63227 0.14968 0.33154 0.72343 0.93702 0.80379 0.11372 0.94611 0.38408 0.17369 0.74549 0.20845 0.09675 0.48898 0.026 0.4637 0.16557 0.06317 0.59452 0.37043 0.14482 0.16771 0.86797 0.53471 0.40595 0.79933 0.76299 0.21531 0.12304 0.3798 0.65329 0.5426 0.06034 0.45674 0.63663 0.52816 0.88252 0.79276 0.90844 0.40209 0.71652 0.81316 0.02726 0.65802 0.58346 0.89607 0.98019 0.6015 0.82205 0.57377 0.73433 0.78475 0.35569 0.32236 0.40136 0.90009
+0.20634 0.36128 0.19802 0.92012 0.68112 0.89453 0.14445 0.37699 0.1332 0.0916 0.29607 0.17722 0.43081 0.05076 0.60435 0.32843 0.99384 0.78457 0.76932 0.58128 0.44075 0.31156 0.49977 0.55968 0.16866 0.0269 0.74428 0.18126 0.5622 0.79777 0.8563 0.20083 0.01191 0.40749 0.11229 0.4576 0.82516 0.13468 0.47664 0.29535 0.05431 0.12057 0.30019 0.4488 0.28844 0.27234 0.80333 0.13115 0.65694 0.96419 0.62439 0.10412 0.24348 0.98711 0.95935 0.61104 0.64366 0.54638 0.1339 0.189 0.73131 0.47757 0.53497 0.31632 0.83315 0.26392 0.00799 0.26781 0.79965 0.96658 0.89996 0.36947 0.9644 0.37518 0.32345 0.44327 0.59281 0.63769 0.85964 0.19856 0.05038 0.36484 0.17363 0.29127 0.62252 0.74932 0.25407 0.31146 0.56439 0.19125 0.73144 0.43214 0.47607 0.2759 0.66693 0.90556 0.24806 0.63572 0.53351 0.31328 0.86322 0.20581 0.74987 0.51963 0.01906 0.59991 0.56566 0.6403 0.69681 0.18967 0.42257 0.39596 0.60569 0.39684 0.59071 0.69684 0.66354 0.96409 0.82009 0.03189 0.80226 0.66101 0.42046 0.51187 0.26855 0.16354 0.82755 0.80888 0.47792 0.18265 0.90048 0.35172 0.34631 0.48521 0.27883 0.74096 0.84167 0.21237 0.84375 0.49981 0.86383 0.83586 0.18507 0.63194 0.32705 0.12748 0.37897 0.48331 0.57501 0.92179 0.43834 0.80377 0.46901 0.33395 0.40462 0.94227 0.2871 0.46521 0.94571 0.69849 0.11997 0.03042 0.33182 0.38829 0.73066 0.01385 0.92314 0.64733 0.80263 0.59403 0.46417 0.6377 0.56503 0.89813 0.52882 0.62007 0.66643 0.72688 0.29552 0.27961 0.15104 0.33401 0.26106 0.71189 0.09455 0.92417 0.28308 0.43567 0.61855 0.86469 0.6628 0.9304 0.05204 0.77325 0.77483 0.08657 0.77121 0.73544 0.15927 0.71633 0.88318 0.93276 0.58659 0.93327 0.87945 0.41372 0.65906 0.27067 0.22325 0.03779 0.84624 0.42894 0.00749 0.25537 0.12587 0.93208 0.9128 0.16022 0.75621 0.54637 0.4278 0.78274 0.33582 0.92038 0.4725 0.36616 0.37773 0.01791 0.84153 0.17238 0.5625 0.98658 0.95816 0.51597 0.795 0.48482 0.09696 0.61436 0.73125 0.72634 0.55169 0.82786 0.82671 0.58036 0.47266 0.08498 0.5878 0.03536 0.11718 0.78939 0.42065 0.02008 0.78147 0.7967 0.84367 0.00842 0.32144 0.09154 0.06539 0.05796 0.89486 0.47593 0.72411 0.88966 0.216 0.10739 0.30824 0.19587 0.80331 0.84829 0.60739 0.25322 0.08144 0.00174 0.94939 0.10059 0.86152 0.02902 0.02786 0.82993 0.98084 0.10715 0.34366 0.15162 0.55315 0.87143 0.4571 0.89062 0.60541 0.1751 0.70519 0.95537 0.43877 0.62257 0.91185 0.79221 0.82816 0.25756 0.73263 0.59486 0.28296 0.08363 0.28825 0.29662 0.60195 0.75056 0.4532 0.72848 0.82146 0.41356 0.6808 0.54747 0.13815 0.68776 0.86733 0.22731 0.08683 0.97272 0.01411 0.48086 0.31244 0.0984 0.32349 0.64595 0.9488 0.61286 0.31377 0.82203 0.55995 0.07359 0.40148 0.69812 0.67868 0.01962 0.31771 0.61302 0.31958 0.56775 0.69729 0.55596 0.38118 0.45805 0.24129 0.83323 0.77946 0.28869 0.90507 0.18683 0.6742 0.69802 0.80025 0.06241 0.47027 0.36372 0.70365 0.30273 0.3023 0.84456 0.67803 0.13042 0.13316 0.12504 0.69186 0.86822 0.24752 0.38034 0.00302 0.49153 0.92341 0.04709 0.03612 0.53166 0.29338 0.05588 0.05266 0.59294 0.30128 0.77077 0.07232 0.47705 0.03681 0.6017 0.15437 0.85293 0.3424 0.88911 0.9715 0.92591 0.45906 0.17655 0.31528 0.76516 0.96906 0.7981 0.34963 0.76158 0.48565 0.54458 0.79599 0.5703 0.35586 0.87314 0.54609 0.86413 0.15104 0.69621 0.66601 0.56093 0.99633 0.84587 0.96022 0.88808 0.34221 0.27818 0.77799 0.25204 0.75087 0.513 0.63042 0.81509 0.47768 0.98923 0.35086 0.01434 0.98949 0.05078 0.32889 0.57381 0.4568 0.91143 0.86795 0.32014 0.69192 0.17682 0.15909 0.85221 0.91012 0.90095 0.30204 0.26248 0.79162 0.16143 0.55385 0.99835 0.65619 0.91443 0.32667 0.95963 0.06 0.38618 0.81422 0.39829 0.38064 0.18569 0.98152 0.38833 0.0506 0.30828 0.52312 0.9632 0.02694 0.10116 0.01227 0.95889 0.16124 0.67283 0.76476 0.64339 0.37054 0.48935 0.17659 0.00044 0.20942 0.32623 0.93797 0.32151 0.84773 0.54032 0.23328 0.78142 0.66716 0.93771 0.62523 0.4102 0.28902 0.60121 0.04306 0.40378 0.81418 0.26094 0.75819 0.5058 0.02102 0.95442 0.15694 0.59996 0.68741 0.91923 0.8539 0.30246 0.76343 0.15007 0.52619 0.68731 0.50921 0.07918 0.63573 0.54073 0.94909 0.71425 0.40466 0.83389
+0.25115 0.91421 0.56525 0.20241 0.5019 0.00743 0.39533 0.64333 0.59365 0.81756 0.5573 0.0066 0.53947 0.32996 0.51226 0.86397 0.30389 0.29995 0.42876 0.11369 0.46768 0.77714 0.74936 0.46871 0.50299 0.12334 0.87721 0.94769 0.79186 0.89732 0.48055 0.55103 0.61074 0.59854 0.84378 0.53025 0.61101 0.62321 0.78076 0.32394 0.43525 0.31967 0.46268 0.67688 0.73901 0.38868 0.40812 0.11341 0.17214 0.17619 0.79408 0.14498 0.07517 0.80056 0.20564 0.79621 0.51888 0.63954 0.81391 0.9698 0.0804 0.98347 0.07996 0.6638 0.89901 0.35509 0.1051 0.07946 0.05382 0.46165 0.08977 0.86793 0.02005 0.96952 0.86763 0.25203 0.82616 0.1871 0.76348 0.59834 0.79314 0.92529 0.51544 0.08591 0.32777 0.49276 0.40104 0.89991 0.92077 0.9038 0.76486 0.51856 0.48884 0.99383 0.40342 0.81851 0.5125 0.07624 0.28134 0.63207 0.57911 0.25525 0.5198 0.66108 0.14472 0.75639 0.18903 0.70035 0.36911 0.48582 0.81273 0.63664 0.04169 0.77361 0.55076 0.52879 0.19016 0.81145 0.91218 0.48879 0.49627 0.83809 0.73453 0.05458 0.44813 0.16464 0.87451 0.72251 0.48209 0.7053 0.44941 0.67953 0.87874 0.49821 0.23367 0.89813 0.08713 0.34972 0.35316 0.08826 0.52256 0.05918 0.9938 0.73099 0.81288 0.79723 0.22064 0.57533 0.63836 0.06673 0.70889 0.05709 0.66834 0.13385 0.77121 0.58979 0.20427 0.23647 0.38505 0.08414 0.28276 0.7815 0.86946 0.47127 0.28464 0.39027 0.95635 0.8665 0.58863 0.03639 0.06422 0.77869 0.08794 0.10341 0.89153 0.85589 0.78245 0.01905 0.63552 0.48168 0.66177 0.1547 0.1145 0.64871 0.3645 0.76483 0.34937 0.13459 0.49761 0.03482 0.9068 0.80966 0.18738 0.67162 0.08284 0.16563 0.68086 0.61606 0.15462 0.63452 0.61272 0.63045 0.66773 0.36768 0.80349 0.39364 0.85094 0.91135 0.26663 0.81725 0.35985 0.58665 0.14057 0.29174 0.16952 0.51989 0.86114 0.3049 0.56587 0.10203 0.88956 0.51275 0.67181 0.62315 0.49312 0.03145 0.00161 0.21382 0.37091 0.83154 0.29151 0.57642 0.06176 0.3549 0.15883 0.2951 0.49574 0.45304 0.17254 0.97707 0.38679 0.42195 0.90877 0.70992 0.50556 0.44508 0.41997 0.06475 0.11022 0.94251 0.58663 0.75348 0.83716 0.27056 0.35881 0.9726 0.54718 0.37241 0.46569 0.69735 0.5071 0.59658 0.29662 0.97644 0.23166 0.23059 0.90525 0.01461 0.73828 0.57044 0.58452 0.44914 0.99059 0.42372 0.697 0.9766 0.58665 0.00391 0.5724 0.88312 0.00506 0.82599 0.19618 0.75241 0.56643 0.93623 0.76981 0.29432 0.84561 0.22329 0.19661 0.74339 0.82858 0.61382 0.87391 0.17553 0.52532 0.52431 0.44605 0.37187 0.94776 0.84068 0.56926 0.43233 0.05145 0.35752 0.51903 0.3147 0.68832 0.66299 0.07683 0.65971 0.05894 0.82033 0.25584 0.49386 0.8389 0.65423 0.93822 0.36452 0.23975 0.651 0.59631 0.83083 0.87618 0.18701 0.64441 0.32758 0.74945 0.17588 0.08177 0.51058 0.03358 0.64758 0.98454 0.7413 0.62911 0.12268 0.76796 0.37227 0.41663 0.2391 0.35339 0.21777 0.06419 0.93942 0.31609 0.46774 0.76075 0.36548 0.48984 0.66035 0.18019 0.4453 0.74541 0.60154 0.63826 0.95322 0.58166 0.40566 0.18222 0.57853 0.56401 0.00989 0.86333 0.00519 0.40084 0.95824 0.36693 0.90573 0.41863 0.93896 0.14588 0.4982 0.21383 0.70392 0.8527 0.924 0.72483 0.42217 0.79968 0.84906 0.15161 0.08654 0.02278 0.50258 0.25635 0.98487 0.1811 0.33993 0.76951 0.11489 0.97834 0.7655 0.21027 0.33045 0.03457 0.31352 0.3913 0.47305 0.54749 0.67166 0.34639 0.20272 0.91196 0.2082 0.68088 0.42836 0.17834 0.30603 0.23798 0.98525 0.63939 0.74052 0.32461 0.41509 0.56681 0.23188 0.19116 0.79085 0.46262 0.42265 0.06393 0.529 0.93664 0.44031 0.63165 0.68869 0.51608 0.36509 0.07343 0.83257 0.50007 0.244 0.04971 0.47872 0.51686 0.44503 0.05792 0.61142 0.43415 0.26711 0.55557 0.80824 0.81294 0.44428 0.37245 0.6149 0.32734 0.74721 0.92013 0.52327 0.32967 0.64789 0.33035 0.06846 0.64489 0.50782 0.17041 0.81304 0.17192 0.84687 0.36637 0.69067 0.19511 0.58176 0.48892 0.17322 0.69706 0.0094 0.39914 0.37176 0.51049 0.2963 0.45344 0.30442 0.427 0.63245 0.33965 0.68823 0.60692 0.47793 0.77357 0.19587 0.66586 0.81067 0.56808 0.77683 0.62915 0.58719 0.15076 0.70298 0.88366 0.74591 0.58632 0.45166 0.40067 0.12355 0.6073 0.91081 0.9996 0.89649 0.15408 0.41519 0.66927 0.64571 0.12642 0.21462 0.24767 0.39242 0.07312 0.61796
+0.01937 0.56968 0.66725 0.61301 0.36014 0.69489 0.26009 0.62243 0.48398 0.23108 0.73422 0.13261 0.93826 0.99468 0.53506 0.41142 0.62265 0.00741 0.58344 0.41678 0.96456 0.70491 0.69378 0.2774 0.33647 0.45915 0.9613 0.51202 0.07013 0.68234 0.93312 0.2783 0.83365 0.13502 0.16979 0.0866 0.35905 0.11282 0.95827 0.84335 0.47337 0.09972 0.65805 0.59078 0.97987 0.20704 0.99853 0.76232 0.93945 0.50584 0.00118 0.33668 0.60444 0.33463 0.25018 0.05733 0.56097 0.35397 0.12523 0.01721 0.69775 0.77492 0.62088 0.42832 0.10256 0.00286 0.459 0.14495 0.45558 0.43223 0.1751 0.56385 0.78045 0.65737 0.79462 0.62927 0.18555 0.18412 0.36557 0.06178 0.32182 0.65755 0.96422 0.37371 0.97041 0.61837 0.18232 0.39531 0.29556 0.9968 0.55523 0.13116 0.49651 0.04051 0.54474 0.41378 0.59077 0.92643 0.72784 0.95489 0.09877 0.84987 0.71964 0.62486 0.00252 0.533 0.63798 0.70793 0.9198 0.93096 0.52377 0.21743 0.20883 0.27794 0.70593 0.30618 0.06805 0.06316 0.49924 0.4866 0.62492 0.58927 0.88037 0.31815 0.27303 0.86232 0.44105 0.72983 0.69485 0.25391 0.17354 0.88721 0.83613 0.33726 0.26931 0.13934 0.27546 0.63401 0.16186 0.08193 0.18822 0.071 0.697 0.66416 0.56845 0.39221 0.07373 0.83107 0.96211 0.72051 0.53245 0.23086 0.43681 0.24188 0.91491 0.69354 0.95497 0.9525 0.89053 0.83552 0.75059 0.49948 0.56841 0.13484 0.29106 0.12427 0.81536 0.73479 0.73383 0.44037 0.84107 0.63618 0.8713 0.97054 0.30187 0.46643 0.05972 0.91185 0.28317 0.75871 0.3198 0.4918 0.28448 0.15876 0.80821 0.76434 0.68285 0.00782 0.58624 0.27129 0.84374 0.90411 0.56438 0.08688 0.98109 0.18308 0.6272 0.30037 0.97658 0.29899 0.3661 0.27447 0.96898 0.00194 0.5051 0.20461 0.93312 0.60856 0.6194 0.47914 0.57988 0.41235 0.49477 0.53659 0.86311 0.98188 0.01478 0.4101 0.51859 0.09154 0.58233 0.08434 0.15247 0.4268 0.12212 0.72126 0.92852 0.67464 0.60958 0.14734 0.05662 0.97075 0.91501 0.88581 0.64764 0.78992 0.93542 0.76766 0.19689 0.54675 0.10867 0.41028 0.98017 0.15966 0.733 0.01091 0.10082 0.82431 0.59635 0.13807 0.36669 0.89867 0.77604 0.03541 0.51001 0.35357 0.68123 0.38039 0.9737 0.02128 0.05149 0.10748 0.4819 0.87865 0.25007 0.04126 0.88346 0.56839 0.34251 0.4226 0.15116 0.90548 0.44926 0.14807 0.2295 0.76636 0.85773 0.1932 0.69862 0.8941 0.9105 0.85489 0.22126 0.4538 0.17912 0.52527 0.25607 0.28678 0.56643 0.27243 0.75556 0.68303 0.54566 0.09233 0.4517 0.39127 0.66917 0.5398 0.23468 0.34767 0.91912 0.20024 0.05339 0.98665 0.05989 0.70906 0.56781 0.06716 0.72395 0.59418 0.11356 0.28723 0.68109 0.3641 0.02808 0.99767 0.61307 0.11975 0.66244 0.98225 0.99491 0.22254 0.34974 0.08899 0.24963 0.29938 0.81685 0.41759 0.92906 0.28805 0.34043 0.91514 0.20185 0.57866 0.80128 0.81392 0.35927 0.54118 0.86434 0.29412 0.03602 0.43333 0.41861 0.8384 0.79337 0.72149 0.27208 0.64874 0.51678 0.10427 0.02156 0.91625 0.48856 0.00634 0.77635 0.3141 0.95403 0.53945 0.11858 0.13249 0.98479 0.09439 0.66187 0.22017 0.35693 0.41181 0.58958 0.22937 0.04187 0.10559 0.65544 0.22656 0.36662 0.83325 0.18323 0.35361 0.22713 0.30949 0.25508 0.55384 0.25678 0.2541 0.14347 0.91301 0.68602 0.66542 0.87063 0.62292 0.30511 0.80168 0.09969 0.63174 0.23181 0.07871 0.24592 0.30545 0.84086 0.54417 0.54449 0.05049 0.70254 0.01578 0.8373 0.98358 0.09934 0.52789 0.58361 0.79854 0.33867 0.14341 0.47422 0.40597 0.31903 0.03108 0.65567 0.68264 0.10841 0.46463 0.86006 0.2986 0.41596 0.46576 0.55295 0.42435 0.9196 0.42583 0.63196 0.6431 0.20298 0.13598 0.37016 0.89047 0.94119 0.34165 0.77184 0.11291 0.33504 0.4548 0.42928 0.44438 0.52432 0.34057 0.33504 0.48658 0.6292 0.57322 0.45204 0.08763 0.8383 0.71149 0.63166 0.53791 0.84893 0.5138 0.8891 0.06392 0.73418 0.19633 0.28643 0.6668 0.95526 0.80682 0.24973 0.55585 0.88942 0.8162 0.20027 0.59628 0.30263 0.20146 0.60803 0.49935 0.87571 0.18333 0.36695 0.0518 0.98071 0.99274 0.04937 0.52311 0.08689 0.71705 0.82931 0.80546 0.10841 0.12696 0.94878 0.48206 0.59138 0.91968 0.51197 0.72602 0.67792 0.69814 0.18434 0.08899 0.10717 0.44654 0.51703 0.85707 0.35926 0.88621 0.48536 0.72371 0.62176 0.43735 0.89021 0.67753 0.91259 0.47298 0.60558 0.40435
+0.19049 0.40346 0.91931 0.73401 0.17068 0.94918 0.78014 0.39304 0.06131 0.89237 0.1419 0.93213 0.64685 0.59057 0.83081 0.91166 0.22372 0.74258 0.9867 0.13419 0.89592 0.25141 0.16954 0.71825 0.96267 0.27436 0.23524 0.03589 0.9745 0.73588 0.26544 0.79826 0.2264 0.71968 0.07026 0.04683 0.25766 0.51638 0.74103 0.85925 0.93987 0.41758 0.11919 0.494 0.72336 0.29384 0.21089 0.68763 0.4651 0.81151 0.69665 0.25112 0.38399 0.00864 0.68128 0.65514 0.90463 0.86023 0.12145 0.35909 0.69699 0.45141 0.95814 0.53224 0.42702 0.16282 0.69404 0.22336 0.60561 0.12232 0.72402 0.95588 0.1954 0.53378 0.46113 0.7482 0.15403 0.73726 0.22757 0.08596 0.35524 0.96546 0.77615 0.24145 0.67189 0.48368 0.17998 0.91029 0.24161 0.0975 0.29961 0.60002 0.02516 0.38792 0.56445 0.21264 0.20384 0.87219 0.62829 0.57611 0.29708 0.57768 0.79891 0.35597 0.65834 0.56709 0.19159 0.98538 0.09815 0.90997 0.99049 0.98816 0.8633 0.34423 0.41276 0.62728 0.04269 0.19516 0.80762 0.90054 0.79104 0.47038 0.85232 0.13053 0.4115 0.36186 0.34737 0.50406 0.01155 0.13216 0.42174 0.95561 0.38431 0.20709 0.28543 0.49852 0.88152 0.12483 0.35696 0.99287 0.7831 0.14883 0.64319 0.3939 0.55051 0.34452 0.73395 0.27669 0.12828 0.26683 0.24967 0.51012 0.78315 0.65489 0.06084 0.26227 0.14208 0.98007 0.74109 0.12615 0.52188 0.39833 0.36128 0.54598 0.35724 0.89982 0.87764 0.50546 0.59762 0.83514 0.11343 0.52734 0.91694 0.30418 0.81166 0.41886 0.07987 0.13304 0.73956 0.25996 0.88875 0.28812 0.83829 0.83996 0.26139 0.26785 0.03915 0.92923 0.13888 0.7285 0.55137 0.36886 0.5764 0.46905 0.48973 0.11364 0.08484 0.85848 0.46383 0.89933 0.29688 0.1718 0.56613 0.48201 0.05627 0.18477 0.61487 0.05278 0.08311 0.22962 0.64634 0.0567 0.11871 0.78267 0.4904 0.67513 0.00631 0.95852 0.53031 0.04724 0.08385 0.74267 0.46036 0.31836 0.00494 0.25049 0.53353 0.31956 0.99398 0.22664 0.49559 0.56359 0.12307 0.96998 0.10798 0.91778 0.86103 0.30454 0.74133 0.06644 0.93204 0.91653 0.35688 0.85615 0.11368 0.4668 0.39317 0.22224 0.53251 0.50983 0.61837 0.17804 0.91033 0.46426 0.42776 0.06098 0.34044 0.94041 0.61507 0.49624 0.35032 0.82741 0.49469 0.49392 0.70041 0.62114 0.67353 0.89212 0.63244 0.15956 0.01178 0.90724 0.71617 0.11436 0.56535 0.36338 0.61898 0.70735 0.79117 0.80323 0.57195 0.40162 0.58663 0.8506 0.2747 0.51172 0.09286 0.19208 0.55734 0.56038 0.33687 0.18809 0.755 0.59418 0.26239 0.7532 0.39472 0.20493 0.03956 0.24161 0.63944 0.08061 0.23277 0.92769 0.7401 0.65207 0.24669 0.89742 0.66384 0.27113 0.9688 0.95943 0.98291 0.1561 0.4108 0.88971 0.53768 0.87374 0.80261 0.84533 0.6794 0.3686 0.78487 0.52279 0.61579 0.30826 0.35888 0.99428 0.50047 0.09373 0.0997 0.81206 0.37401 0.67833 0.33078 0.44427 0.17745 0.56114 0.66424 0.06213 0.42745 0.86339 0.77609 0.97309 0.09658 0.56506 0.84039 0.19057 0.05186 0.78626 0.27789 0.66871 0.80104 0.5525 0.54896 0.94114 0.67455 0.60877 0.47439 0.86472 0.77956 0.12699 0.23537 0.13158 0.41839 0.38415 0.21228 0.44967 0.35189 0.39592 0.77098 0.85364 0.99098 0.3035 0.64024 0.58293 0.35579 0.94206 0.90888 0.56905 0.68171 0.88412 0.28291 0.65671 0.33811 0.78387 0.1801 0.1952 0.78554 0.06912 0.40904 0.5747 0.03763 0.33871 0.03185 0.34228 0.39574 0.48936 0.38466 0.8127 0.08607 0.37819 0.64576 0.3112 0.60289 0.33635 0.47615 0.8091 0.26072 0.66107 0.92999 0.22583 0.44586 0.73889 0.91828 0.19359 0.35215 0.22268 0.96666 0.69755 0.04732 0.39408 0.35574 0.34948 0.2763 0.99582 0.58206 0.22461 0.19483 0.74771 0.56353 0.8065 0.64183 0.98996 0.98217 0.65826 0.78969 0.48063 0.95511 0.98335 0.1219 0.89062 0.69219 0.59891 0.28954 0.87047 0.14608 0.24094 0.25055 0.61391 0.77183 0.27611 0.59209 0.7956 0.35233 0.6969 0.64945 0.63549 0.31026 0.06022 0.34987 0.62537 0.82109 0.12198 0.47058 0.01394 0.0915 0.85695 0.1453 0.29484 0.62136 0.30489 0.92948 0.30762 0.98624 0.07485 0.17832 0.01156 0.72339 0.49317 0.60756 0.97932 0.87984 0.90339 0.0805 0.04067 0.71727 0.06811 0.76589 0.74579 0.82492 0.86366 0.32505 0.14704 0.50911 0.64251 0.34326 0.07879 0.6528 0.78194 0.06731 0.83145 0.11126 0.6792 0.63704 0.96294 0.06977 0.02502 0.17158 0.11863 0.11866 0.17311
+0.25448 0.97895 0.63806 0.09011 0.14263 0.23404 0.83499 0.99801 0.12361 0.68377 0.0162 0.21908 0.63232 0.02744 0.00712 0.05476 0.17632 0.67864 0.25902 0.01024 0.23747 0.0987 0.16496 0.33094 0.16116 0.53036 0.49899 0.77727 0.96545 0.28482 0.84474 0.98527 0.33735 0.08165 0.38704 0.87318 0.64576 0.19683 0.56803 0.65278 0.32803 0.51531 0.50792 0.90966 0.82846 0.54969 0.77079 0.38445 0.33657 0.52244 0.00031 0.61479 0.50953 0.52995 0.36253 0.16305 0.03217 0.69109 0.34731 0.33035 0.63675 0.55336 0.82822 0.54284 0.33835 0.12679 0.98856 0.58071 0.86384 0.44718 0.9172 0.2702 0.32556 0.1171 0.60494 0.94483 0.27369 0.09262 0.51536 0.78354 0.23387 0.57706 0.30037 0.61894 0.2923 0.43355 0.79126 0.65292 0.0936 0.35684 0.79628 0.20012 0.57406 0.82194 0.15352 0.44998 0.86365 0.77874 0.89601 0.65354 0.65802 0.15067 0.43164 0.46554 0.78259 0.57304 0.17419 0.243 0.1984 0.85356 0.46402 0.67681 0.17949 0.28078 0.5514 0.25173 0.00051 0.07657 0.78499 0.78559 0.95513 0.02795 0.67609 0.37011 0.19353 0.17999 0.3125 0.45745 0.86655 0.64724 0.38466 0.92947 0.17883 0.10328 0.75637 0.25272 0.06895 0.64381 0.91875 0.177 0.90669 0.8046 0.80676 0.07903 0.31086 0.99989 0.13876 0.27796 0.36249 0.3892 0.35859 0.35341 0.00463 0.00307 0.65361 0.50146 0.18939 0.09045 0.72664 0.70495 0.22197 0.16267 0.77181 0.90132 0.56225 0.0836 0.82058 0.59615 0.2153 0.85728 0.41503 0.01061 0.05228 0.29715 0.43368 0.05771 0.87428 0.59057 0.89484 0.10532 0.09741 0.97218 0.08222 0.00449 0.02695 0.38713 0.33749 0.36006 0.29294 0.15941 0.41598 0.04267 0.01188 0.81006 0.53613 0.6683 0.33473 0.96054 0.23783 0.0575 0.76932 0.09526 0.51224 0.26212 0.17374 0.22632 0.90683 0.04726 0.54674 0.30595 0.06429 0.39975 0.53167 0.04796 0.42433 0.73284 0.95728 0.5072 0.82965 0.7839 0.23901 0.45628 0.68878 0.5018 0.78662 0.78034 0.20339 0.88822 0.0348 0.93837 0.76437 0.72683 0.95519 0.70809 0.35794 0.64702 0.7295 0.65771 0.37951 0.82856 0.47804 0.32975 0.49603 0.46392 0.18071 0.53759 0.49547 0.7191 0.08866 0.87752 0.80202 0.40886 0.03429 0.0784 0.24839 0.99362 0.80784 0.78405 0.58598 0.88939 0.32573 0.26327 0.38859 0.96944 0.03436 0.57342 0.91806 0.04287 0.46382 0.97675 0.68987 0.75671 0.23636 0.52125 0.9364 0.94499 0.57933 0.27646 0.32887 0.44656 0.98226 0.21236 0.46636 0.24478 0.75558 0.84963 0.53607 0.31651 0.53606 0.0872 0.31132 0.58618 0.8443 0.09409 0.00315 0.10218 0.37411 0.74964 0.42779 0.1945 0.13424 0.18919 0.4764 0.80965 0.08463 0.58284 0.41139 0.86792 0.73449 0.58315 0.75094 0.16536 0.51456 0.6723 0.1561 0.51064 0.92596 0.7494 0.95994 0.87326 0.70555 0.84316 0.91185 0.86061 0.06012 0.11058 0.4008 0.91006 0.67273 0.08471 0.26876 0.34987 0.50651 0.43606 9e-05 0.27396 0.99761 0.06837 0.61643 0.02469 0.24764 0.84403 0.27567 0.63635 0.09901 0.45031 0.43237 0.47654 0.08957 0.19767 0.57002 0.84033 0.23899 0.9597 0.96462 0.23482 0.43095 0.35097 0.15362 0.1691 0.89747 0.9416 0.34413 0.45556 0.57975 0.93171 0.95123 0.04424 0.3354 0.1744 0.59862 0.07668 0.83843 0.69914 0.45681 0.07488 0.22542 0.73711 0.00521 0.20796 0.39057 0.27631 0.50458 0.29135 0.86761 0.41018 0.90129 0.17418 0.20871 0.67102 0.12265 0.92109 0.39304 0.76025 0.69733 0.45389 0.06177 0.94698 0.67819 0.47472 0.12105 0.23255 0.23192 0.45661 0.16972 0.76589 0.19243 0.52254 0.80006 0.48221 0.30621 0.3497 0.56525 0.6502 0.79379 0.05276 0.48574 0.45393 0.68054 0.52582 0.01737 0.76552 0.35891 0.71635 0.34928 0.65501 0.33691 0.80737 0.82858 0.95433 0.05717 0.01797 0.97408 0.80333 0.27314 0.46391 0.29918 0.66821 0.47739 0.14506 0.2093 0.15783 0.26678 0.13503 0.12197 0.93209 0.76319 0.36914 0.15529 0.46264 0.27082 0.5363 0.66055 0.5479 0.95441 0.29398 0.82958 0.55364 0.0741 0.68306 0.00343 0.42446 0.67497 0.72714 0.20818 0.93348 0.80214 0.54371 0.90865 0.23449 0.26174 0.07514 0.27229 0.02582 0.22514 0.07819 0.54743 0.90879 0.16536 0.36683 0.26181 0.80072 0.29385 0.05409 0.52465 0.2404 0.86699 0.28041 0.73927 0.85139 0.77323 0.44599 0.72806 0.89694 0.39974 0.35451 0.87325 0.17953 0.48563 0.10743 0.29154 0.21027 0.96195 0.79721 0.4184 0.87585 0.73503 0.2847 0.49053 0.10318 0.68042 0.34521
+0.68914 0.0978 0.05349 0.16943 0.43228 0.01313 0.0802 0.44769 0.76804 0.32451 0.25544 0.55992 0.91984 0.84498 0.62681 0.86583 0.66821 0.64923 0.19396 0.49851 0.44066 0.48376 0.17719 0.66758 0.54888 0.949 0.93883 0.71442 0.63411 0.52781 0.09446 0.02949 0.17058 0.67625 0.53158 0.59522 0.97303 0.50408 0.46568 0.79075 0.4058 0.20139 0.22066 0.97746 0.65594 0.21945 0.01793 0.75538 0.63466 0.52073 0.55747 0.43975 0.75511 0.33543 0.73814 0.50309 0.47524 0.36876 0.30356 0.56552 0.33046 0.60319 0.51906 0.97778 0.83738 0.87142 0.60806 0.10442 0.22941 0.54802 0.6825 0.53192 0.59333 0.07964 0.0523 0.75536 0.16398 0.09866 0.51285 0.7489 0.9431 0.32273 0.19865 0.2166 0.7548 0.22818 0.68048 0.97789 0.72877 0.29351 0.53453 0.32101 0.3338 0.57404 0.13593 0.32013 0.76692 0.69461 0.19882 0.35827 0.30722 0.83242 0.21978 0.64294 0.87995 0.3083 0.3212 0.81182 0.06061 0.74691 0.03984 0.29053 0.43566 0.21825 0.50926 0.45923 0.67181 0.21014 0.18704 0.95434 0.27152 0.1457 0.88761 0.12207 0.34466 0.55101 0.72122 0.65049 0.87301 0.95967 0.89839 0.39743 0.326 0.7621 0.08397 0.95624 0.64774 0.1271 0.49147 0.97256 0.76424 0.93614 0.10838 0.47382 0.16888 0.06134 0.71517 0.08673 0.87142 0.77444 0.77179 0.19385 0.59361 0.69253 0.31105 0.19373 0.1264 0.85201 0.32591 0.46556 0.7421 0.28645 0.92854 0.61163 0.60152 0.9496 0.70476 0.5439 0.53899 0.04207 0.62771 0.1777 0.55353 0.54153 0.74852 0.49408 0.61709 0.68543 0.26392 0.36598 0.30148 0.35471 0.83858 0.41103 0.16072 0.79184 0.59137 0.75918 0.45927 0.91712 0.31081 0.09423 0.9037 0.47242 0.64592 0.08323 0.13414 0.85198 0.62836 0.91629 0.83101 0.45675 0.06766 0.39399 0.13675 0.89021 0.01025 0.41175 0.48892 0.03048 0.22016 0.13733 0.86039 0.65308 0.43946 0.34439 0.93424 0.36144 0.95801 0.14491 0.88893 0.40336 0.95375 0.32274 0.94166 0.00437 0.86023 0.91895 0.70196 0.57918 0.68919 0.83404 0.06019 0.67697 0.46432 0.62562 0.02067 0.87333 0.44383 0.40583 0.36531 0.17281 0.03985 0.42361 0.09376 0.64463 0.02058 0.43492 0.14888 0.96822 0.50738 0.58805 0.37583 0.52241 0.91431 0.80244 0.92674 0.76868 0.53028 0.18215 0.16804 0.36461 0.56715 0.10193 0.56133 0.38331 0.67114 0.16083 0.2746 0.3909 0.21518 0.40172 0.63437 0.89104 0.51462 0.62063 0.1166 0.84859 0.09207 0.91023 0.40678 0.49774 0.73819 0.792 0.53529 0.47188 0.82626 0.41129 0.70406 0.9107 0.64777 0.36342 0.51943 0.53117 0.97995 0.84202 0.25351 0.60345 0.56876 0.58556 0.69772 0.32671 0.35759 0.76809 0.72581 0.87902 0.64237 0.12147 0.74754 0.38384 0.90521 0.58001 0.71432 0.09104 0.85586 0.12726 0.99003 0.33916 0.02103 0.08146 0.732 0.25643 0.01029 0.43169 0.05089 0.89346 0.51855 0.01514 0.89492 0.5896 0.08916 0.05343 0.84947 0.52756 0.99015 0.70587 0.33994 0.67354 0.54743 0.89242 0.84802 0.18218 0.92848 0.64831 0.25914 0.68471 0.5824 0.70926 0.42972 0.95368 0.3178 0.65879 0.21137 0.4775 0.05099 0.3139 0.98774 0.45322 0.47117 0.72483 0.98915 0.72334 0.41863 0.15163 0.56556 0.33968 0.57371 0.25503 0.63183 0.62092 0.75888 0.58254 0.01831 0.84033 0.17756 0.92036 0.69894 0.98573 0.66062 0.49888 0.79251 0.24998 0.84397 0.75061 0.744 0.0747 0.98754 0.68449 0.57634 0.08792 0.80081 0.45679 0.10584 0.27083 0.72765 0.71357 0.90838 0.40647 0.21961 0.596 0.10369 0.88283 0.89608 0.37138 0.39428 0.96124 0.67419 0.03441 0.62333 0.87693 0.92442 0.08899 0.35459 0.28283 0.07602 0.30688 0.57763 0.22714 0.73367 0.46786 0.04821 0.34532 0.09022 0.10167 0.02624 0.50648 0.54671 0.908 0.83526 0.02642 0.3077 0.16075 0.20459 0.48515 0.66657 0.98152 0.7869 0.00968 0.30966 0.97097 0.13311 0.42722 0.52569 0.40407 0.02601 0.60169 0.22125 0.87206 0.94893 0.53158 0.23441 0.55027 0.38078 0.36611 0.39772 0.12176 0.17695 0.37471 0.87122 0.64638 0.75705 0.64404 0.41922 0.33093 0.98694 0.64181 0.32356 0.85585 0.34897 0.31015 0.57025 0.4998 0.42992 0.95563 0.85856 0.91951 0.6421 0.95305 0.589 0.7778 0.65718 0.45802 0.33538 0.89818 0.21858 0.76308 0.67842 0.84757 0.21894 0.78776 0.25085 0.68431 0.73139 0.33339 0.70685 0.36655 0.29082 0.20766 0.84845 0.29897 0.50506 0.78377 0.49252 0.07851 0.81182 0.397 0.97753 0.5481 0.02257 0.60401 0.68157 0.78818
+0.94145 0.16089 0.18347 0.03984 0.90649 0.94892 0.74181 0.01259 0.94394 0.14908 0.44629 0.40354 0.39968 0.94962 0.03891 0.27022 0.39774 0.55465 0.19506 0.44666 0.48041 0.6541 0.3541 0.98568 0.37527 0.06432 0.1889 0.30668 0.56813 0.97263 0.79641 0.13502 0.34213 0.21208 0.5496 0.68316 0.49566 0.88178 0.40909 0.54034 0.97797 0.3633 0.2883 0.87673 0.34699 0.0302 0.3333 0.12276 0.58871 0.88686 0.88664 0.35564 0.51006 0.35195 0.83294 0.50161 0.61486 0.63722 0.47488 0.83935 0.75357 0.60633 0.2056 0.98472 0.02475 0.56716 0.44466 0.86416 0.75818 0.65417 0.75234 0.86423 0.31089 0.63814 0.81524 0.85347 0.05655 0.52247 0.57646 0.80468 0.6202 0.4554 0.90669 0.48838 0.61936 0.50785 0.55361 0.53189 0.05267 0.88535 0.22318 0.13706 0.71122 0.8402 0.03613 0.27868 0.26461 0.7554 0.21449 0.74452 0.13937 0.73076 0.27592 0.58444 0.44418 0.30646 0.03828 0.87266 0.05617 0.59955 0.81352 0.2749 0.77418 0.36953 0.29053 0.90862 0.06143 0.37493 0.52039 0.5143 0.81057 0.16941 0.26148 0.85256 0.79211 0.60825 0.65111 0.86961 0.25742 0.92421 0.18647 0.49649 0.07685 0.50292 0.8271 0.88391 0.77741 0.45676 0.26221 0.70958 0.27644 0.30008 0.0369 0.81034 0.44025 0.98447 0.6568 0.68117 0.70473 0.84663 0.29403 0.9337 0.9626 0.08518 0.60645 0.29337 0.71121 0.13077 0.41267 0.29102 0.42738 0.65641 0.88264 0.7173 0.69109 0.78396 0.90089 0.04828 0.04031 0.48589 0.65085 0.89726 0.61532 0.51022 0.00893 0.43189 0.05097 0.8549 0.90231 0.60235 0.56317 0.31993 0.41693 0.20224 0.27531 0.5343 0.24888 0.10731 0.16304 0.53776 0.22685 0.30133 0.30731 0.70392 0.38109 0.92178 0.38361 0.15337 0.91906 0.80255 0.95101 0.67203 0.67722 0.07604 0.7995 0.56851 0.3172 0.76125 0.39814 0.12153 0.76581 0.52347 0.95427 0.56676 0.4644 0.57457 0.81121 0.58364 0.6018 0.30563 0.82712 0.63627 0.15934 0.70005 0.88294 0.74784 0.91739 0.36869 0.19943 0.45204 0.2257 0.08732 0.24129 0.59286 0.63453 0.8347 0.53403 0.14151 0.65785 0.92436 0.07198 0.7452 0.0233 0.82749 0.05647 0.39912 0.65189 0.57896 0.55111 0.15993 0.14626 0.71285 0.25455 0.97475 0.03271 0.47013 0.91005 0.76239 0.41553 0.33007 0.656 0.80889 0.72457 0.1947 0.60301 0.33451 0.74956 0.67106 0.71234 0.02624 0.07251 0.31763 0.80684 0.0689 0.2566 0.19231 0.99908 0.2551 0.65693 0.1011 0.66294 0.22061 0.22081 0.06821 0.57199 0.49042 0.44937 0.17619 0.4336 0.87296 0.46439 0.33727 0.8343 0.86868 0.30428 0.0049 0.98007 0.09387 0.84761 0.84394 0.18487 0.0678 0.09141 0.82464 0.16175 0.87158 0.48671 0.50299 0.4307 0.83641 0.18745 0.85742 0.63605 0.03417 0.00803 0.82551 0.16422 0.70944 0.82971 0.72978 0.5334 0.66416 0.974 0.76316 0.36524 0.70302 0.17528 0.1223 0.18731 0.62026 0.92272 0.15948 0.64791 0.76133 0.49132 0.87989 0.89671 0.6949 0.14388 0.36759 0.24747 0.23139 0.29915 0.49699 0.94668 0.31854 0.15971 0.36381 0.71903 0.85729 0.72797 0.01736 0.69963 0.54726 0.36345 0.41094 0.29004 0.03298 0.83242 0.09672 0.43102 0.76304 0.82581 0.46236 0.06701 0.66371 0.44393 0.01317 0.20953 0.40721 0.45586 0.41241 0.6404 0.5219 0.23885 0.69601 0.58436 0.2903 0.00017 0.56696 0.60903 0.74311 0.92159 0.94731 0.49929 0.83973 0.69704 0.98246 0.90675 0.99417 0.42692 0.21728 0.52144 0.9693 0.75891 0.16352 0.00403 0.95157 0.28346 0.06143 0.60775 0.02132 0.55464 0.66851 0.42173 0.88239 0.33958 0.67575 0.14169 0.41584 0.3598 0.14467 0.26705 0.81035 0.18288 0.44134 0.63246 0.94418 0.39188 0.8864 0.10203 0.75669 0.8961 0.17317 0.84289 0.3402 0.25468 0.00295 0.11821 0.40944 0.25778 0.83317 0.79037 0.96075 0.6297 0.69208 0.40035 0.64656 0.95136 0.87456 0.99229 0.75951 0.87868 0.95297 0.89565 0.34501 0.08974 0.53878 0.49611 0.06332 0.26518 0.84667 0.50466 0.39539 0.08944 0.42911 0.93287 0.22616 0.07965 0.86177 0.54661 0.84373 0.05764 0.76014 0.15759 0.98845 0.29949 0.16125 0.82433 0.5632 0.36559 0.75969 0.55322 0.41811 0.93091 0.47498 0.93013 0.91917 0.75924 0.77293 0.20749 0.42176 0.11026 0.5623 0.43801 0.70337 0.96684 0.92788 0.56155 0.10355 0.87989 0.32327 0.90406 0.13818 0.9694 0.01242 0.38167 0.14774 0.04082 0.78425 0.38185 0.94966 0.02904 0.22759 0.69588 0.71587 0.91053 0.83093 0.3968 0.06265 0.0086 0.0928
+0.26967 0.44287 0.72891 0.50785 0.17111 0.35266 0.19418 0.45603 0.47788 0.6251 0.61705 0.03184 0.18653 0.90489 0.53382 0.8396 0.3864 0.18219 0.23084 0.67586 0.27367 0.74585 0.35231 0.64235 0.61289 0.50348 0.16822 0.62171 0.05654 0.42766 0.41542 0.33565 0.91675 0.12837 0.40781 0.26264 0.73252 0.32574 0.92019 0.70366 0.44787 0.30305 0.69748 0.61749 0.00778 0.65773 0.21405 0.40337 0.33314 0.86165 0.89409 0.53623 0.28795 0.35919 0.52208 0.20353 0.45704 0.74887 0.39347 0.47272 0.67002 0.18535 0.13815 0.27732 0.94287 0.95775 0.47365 0.23022 0.87572 0.7492 0.85128 0.59991 0.94919 0.79754 0.059 0.28385 0.50701 0.58694 0.54506 0.12115 0.00489 0.9164 0.49734 0.61089 0.39128 0.85626 0.4148 0.99053 0.65024 0.54514 0.29172 0.68355 0.48662 0.44283 0.45026 0.07795 0.82016 0.02776 0.3893 0.37059 0.49724 0.94438 0.77176 0.21276 0.56613 0.35351 0.44571 0.5396 0.53532 0.32762 0.38333 0.16813 0.51084 0.39697 0.16601 0.75808 0.48564 0.45296 0.44381 0.29173 0.49326 0.35602 0.73538 0.71716 0.38231 0.84417 0.52352 0.57345 0.61111 0.76009 0.33111 0.21077 0.7111 0.5779 0.55243 0.68472 0.84075 0.35227 0.90992 0.38526 0.91735 0.66512 0.02466 0.81225 0.91661 0.36486 0.20832 0.23451 0.08106 0.14466 0.51586 0.63011 0.21445 0.16199 0.70336 0.67139 0.17752 0.84473 0.47364 0.82492 0.81204 0.18701 0.77372 0.58866 0.63329 0.79286 0.4715 0.31781 0.95329 0.08049 0.49883 0.87564 0.5968 0.17629 0.43277 0.01148 0.6071 0.65386 0.49903 0.56243 0.00739 0.95733 0.89205 0.79235 0.44021 0.32182 0.18419 0.67483 0.98781 0.85196 0.52445 0.25022 0.14281 0.26478 0.66194 0.20701 0.09559 0.80989 0.87573 0.93296 0.28667 0.23784 0.27982 0.91499 0.59261 0.64221 0.05655 0.0993 0.50679 0.01828 0.40314 0.10494 0.15767 0.24158 0.0691 0.45647 0.20044 0.29029 0.25269 0.13342 0.89031 0.44293 0.79839 0.57754 0.79587 0.17335 0.90619 0.12816 0.5874 0.46353 0.72243 0.99322 0.39898 0.55816 0.00816 0.40991 0.00753 0.21034 0.17091 0.644 0.18378 0.57829 0.77669 0.94778 0.13072 0.51285 0.27461 0.96404 0.54758 0.74649 0.68689 0.08525 0.67953 0.91289 0.7223 0.76642 0.90265 0.02975 0.88319 0.98446 0.76707 0.67694 0.29765 0.58368 0.67658 0.52498 0.92378 0.89532 0.97662 0.31011 0.08608 0.45133 0.38871 0.73608 0.6793 0.25922 0.47634 0.10402 0.86098 0.30945 0.32124 0.98146 0.60788 0.91292 0.57822 0.79408 0.20123 0.61923 0.83463 0.40385 0.30964 0.63078 0.51245 0.94153 0.91677 0.20472 0.90973 0.7681 0.11208 0.85427 0.21373 0.24074 0.15117 0.25609 0.62325 0.36166 0.57389 0.5367 0.75175 0.10716 0.84969 0.58734 0.74808 0.64387 0.26719 0.17779 0.66316 0.66955 0.97001 0.75082 0.52384 0.50099 0.63913 0.16244 0.32111 0.87782 0.19991 0.19119 0.83994 0.00187 0.86874 0.12521 0.04547 0.65579 0.54141 0.28845 0.33265 0.74375 0.15822 0.99911 0.22504 0.57223 0.01799 0.03677 0.61497 0.96606 0.26064 0.58287 0.2485 0.32294 0.44975 0.06388 0.68615 0.36647 0.44745 0.99062 0.28541 0.45887 0.6779 0.72886 0.74157 0.77752 0.73921 0.737 0.09045 0.76289 0.02386 0.32849 0.85792 0.2598 0.04697 0.49949 0.0288 0.25002 0.443 0.34991 0.72165 0.6878 0.86149 0.80133 0.4019 0.90704 0.52093 0.04145 0.82504 0.10402 0.19714 0.30349 0.57819 0.42074 0.13959 0.5837 0.55422 0.5697 0.88423 0.82293 0.85533 0.51562 0.50376 0.93918 0.21721 0.38299 0.41674 0.45896 0.8675 0.84678 0.67468 0.82356 0.12965 0.9717 0.57444 0.60448 0.87045 0.55589 0.16166 0.26574 0.12665 0.23305 0.79097 0.25173 0.40539 0.72657 0.73112 0.6096 0.95655 0.98478 0.02789 0.78898 0.16111 0.74557 0.74278 0.38211 0.26265 0.97336 0.4909 0.55227 0.58432 0.90434 0.79089 0.87545 0.57141 0.42715 0.53214 0.84153 0.75901 0.83938 0.83978 0.94214 0.63036 0.32295 0.33832 0.10892 0.11504 0.37165 0.46126 0.25257 0.40488 0.09833 0.63904 0.51703 0.61337 0.23807 0.76145 0.81765 0.95308 0.56333 0.36988 0.74926 0.3892 0.66036 0.09807 0.00457 0.68395 0.96538 0.92149 0.48939 0.94417 0.57811 0.87368 0.97815 0.98016 0.02562 0.19067 0.88144 0.09164 0.04468 0.24304 0.97915 0.31616 0.37506 0.55595 0.36411 0.44084 0.48536 0.19977 0.9354 0.16656 0.84789 0.39137 0.62835 0.39759 0.86013 0.81507 0.23272 0.97749 0.31723 0.81879 0.2267 0.60628 0.15383 0.73385 0.45623
+0.76071 0.46108 0.26578 0.73396 0.09388 0.07461 0.57196 0.41606 0.3802 0.88402 0.00178 0.11233 0.33367 0.48985 0.67889 0.46063 0.65437 0.75459 0.73976 0.50221 0.6757 0.11348 0.52507 0.64435 0.70742 0.76311 0.10911 0.68777 0.07587 0.79189 0.97672 0.62161 0.65005 0.86186 0.70969 0.33955 0.93881 0.86711 0.25443 0.21406 0.70687 0.97825 0.40799 0.4094 0.0628 0.55375 0.11896 0.2324 0.38193 0.88928 0.71445 0.90148 0.10055 0.28874 0.09912 0.90172 0.96049 0.6277 0.32856 0.3463 0.72803 0.41651 0.10471 0.78137 0.78763 0.75156 0.09991 0.03322 0.81231 0.46212 0.99202 0.17419 0.76724 0.86078 0.75856 0.40563 0.19125 0.02647 0.05341 0.43833 0.09221 0.39292 0.71414 0.12653 0.7631 0.57785 0.75522 0.39249 0.78986 0.37977 0.45948 0.4447 0.43582 0.95283 0.98946 0.78124 0.44167 0.08136 0.3165 0.75505 0.17815 0.23748 0.58916 0.60712 0.47628 0.05551 0.6571 0.38386 0.07511 0.70533 0.89798 0.92321 0.6591 0.83747 0.64896 0.24546 0.31466 0.33799 0.85643 0.38178 0.97558 0.91109 0.93457 0.9808 0.28985 0.46731 0.50488 0.20979 0.21262 0.05705 0.86877 0.37804 0.30646 0.57229 0.21827 0.07881 0.65173 0.37806 0.45492 0.15993 0.07028 0.13902 0.37398 0.73888 0.45833 0.81236 0.97234 0.2977 0.85403 0.67994 0.40947 0.86211 0.64799 0.70877 0.05004 0.98518 0.93075 0.21894 0.69513 0.27643 0.46504 0.41775 0.01111 0.42541 0.95027 0.12159 0.42078 0.16812 0.93547 0.1712 0.09571 0.26553 0.67182 0.88107 0.10898 0.02416 0.46929 0.35362 0.01188 0.75804 0.07047 0.44256 0.88896 0.40613 0.86684 0.61216 0.47253 0.80456 0.41831 0.84276 0.52731 0.93417 0.38969 0.07722 0.18717 0.31034 0.56697 0.15775 0.19177 0.84469 0.28806 0.87522 0.61018 0.36566 0.69375 0.19226 0.65811 0.87547 0.19473 0.42433 0.56986 0.57196 0.0506 0.21897 0.37494 0.06254 0.95326 0.35901 0.4567 0.62499 0.46926 0.93493 0.57977 0.4562 0.82215 0.57317 0.1757 0.05252 0.48979 0.47034 0.68374 0.69831 0.65893 0.59772 0.86221 0.47437 0.2809 0.72177 0.94712 0.49488 0.70835 0.86837 0.93083 0.27432 0.60546 0.24951 0.71062 0.43456 0.70445 0.62414 0.52007 0.06131 0.51333 0.76658 0.8068 0.04217 0.73024 0.39504 0.2642 0.06242 0.43745 0.45863 0.31974 0.08353 0.98062 0.09533 0.62267 0.17903 0.59913 0.99775 0.55581 0.67449 0.62561 0.20658 0.47095 0.51845 0.31418 0.18361 0.82869 0.70875 0.11193 0.3575 0.22838 0.24993 0.66002 0.48419 0.58096 0.69881 0.83268 0.17702 0.03678 0.59778 0.60899 0.57607 0.97903 0.09209 0.73762 0.10905 0.8235 0.10166 0.52166 0.09627 0.09985 0.47697 0.37501 0.6882 0.31302 0.32205 0.32308 0.1368 0.16761 0.15374 0.79694 0.08392 0.08253 0.78267 0.2141 0.63138 0.28713 0.83558 0.60192 0.18006 0.76513 0.71647 0.80396 0.84145 0.10223 0.78126 0.67984 0.39776 0.38339 0.64603 0.67687 0.50939 0.5486 0.7665 0.83655 0.99624 0.32366 0.87249 0.7694 0.35554 0.24668 0.52623 0.68867 0.73661 0.9292 0.78697 0.89101 0.33692 0.8997 0.05089 0.10334 0.28259 0.9192 0.20592 0.0675 0.72366 0.18518 0.28151 0.84834 0.32845 0.7835 0.45607 0.17346 0.57324 0.09095 0.77849 0.8973 0.47171 0.87008 0.01605 0.77223 0.26651 0.36558 0.36563 0.51467 0.64923 0.34923 0.15026 0.89771 0.24436 0.42735 0.33705 0.32979 0.63247 0.70625 0.34927 0.52787 0.75579 0.06477 0.13878 0.51974 0.94592 0.02691 0.04663 0.63056 0.26184 0.64345 0.73957 0.71188 0.11634 0.09919 0.3718 0.26964 0.36683 0.19221 0.9461 0.12747 0.46803 0.58736 0.55055 0.4107 0.46045 0.13189 0.38292 0.71278 0.79541 0.798 0.03097 0.00106 0.95205 0.91875 0.09686 0.93307 0.81078 0.2878 0.19626 0.73898 0.23994 0.33216 0.93324 0.77778 0.07743 0.56512 0.37354 0.80514 0.41323 0.79891 0.82338 0.74094 0.82913 0.17058 0.56592 0.41734 0.00017 0.04773 0.75781 0.54028 0.99188 0.53281 0.06397 0.35465 0.26436 0.96915 0.31677 0.44986 0.35028 0.34909 0.56996 0.05423 0.09427 0.65209 0.2055 0.9361 0.3636 0.30433 0.81026 0.77259 0.20905 0.28794 0.98844 0.80279 0.58683 0.65268 0.20114 0.70642 0.10776 0.89409 0.17762 0.01834 0.4682 0.45092 0.28296 0.79088 0.94076 0.14761 0.07363 0.07271 0.06277 0.54964 0.58459 0.11756 0.17352 0.52652 0.03487 0.55726 0.80355 0.35618 0.10391 0.8093 0.38855 0.1483 0.58012 0.65181 0.47852 0.28467 0.14391 0.53071 0.83222 0.70206 0.56815
+0.72028 0.84336 0.73937 0.49645 0.43692 0.43341 0.34585 0.69974 0.98186 0.74814 0.60226 0.17187 0.16468 0.10104 0.44617 0.56127 0.68899 0.9254 0.04098 0.13085 0.06334 0.99809 0.93024 0.69588 0.79592 0.49515 0.53778 0.18552 0.02607 0.11137 0.21937 0.4425 0.75536 0.35089 0.68755 0.33561 0.42347 0.7718 0.8759 0.46056 0.75232 0.13808 0.19426 0.54515 0.00378 0.85935 0.33814 0.34404 0.11028 0.19191 0.15782 0.52496 0.11928 0.81256 0.00218 0.29492 0.83638 0.43451 0.62178 0.69549 0.1589 0.36567 0.63579 0.63196 0.43253 0.40119 0.27594 0.10646 0.92879 0.28759 0.393 0.8654 0.682 0.26526 0.45928 0.72551 0.96565 0.76033 0.35751 0.40108 0.84704 0.96035 0.47334 0.24871 0.08036 0.18885 0.55893 0.75421 0.63348 0.09897 0.55643 0.05871 0.22603 0.05217 0.92183 0.14768 0.0863 0.50255 0.14243 0.91079 0.20922 0.5989 0.20709 0.52516 0.25485 0.71883 0.08963 0.87814 0.75683 0.57453 0.0954 0.62858 0.47072 0.72862 0.82563 0.5722 0.5721 0.31166 0.3749 0.70361 0.21689 0.98901 0.49765 0.15502 0.17918 0.55367 0.15316 0.09598 0.53192 0.17691 0.61308 0.29816 0.17305 0.30337 0.7802 0.2187 0.99959 0.01905 0.80163 0.82392 0.77923 0.18543 0.47382 0.08889 0.93556 0.96323 0.82997 0.01195 0.89823 0.06353 0.20186 0.74221 0.13281 0.86262 0.61841 0.48841 0.72835 0.97999 0.12791 0.53239 0.82595 0.09979 0.93297 0.45392 0.25238 0.46033 0.55083 0.10729 0.20398 0.71847 0.81525 0.72714 0.27981 0.71698 0.09295 0.62024 0.15571 0.5085 0.08774 0.86921 0.66652 0.12954 0.37492 0.21779 0.14702 0.51283 0.5812 0.83662 0.90639 0.52229 0.00793 0.65113 0.96826 0.32469 0.15459 0.55053 0.05089 0.76669 0.24632 0.84703 0.74684 0.04514 0.84199 0.37398 0.31602 0.22807 0.63928 0.38747 0.0917 0.89526 0.63073 0.78848 0.85274 0.92002 0.07394 0.91686 0.90988 0.48675 0.99612 0.63564 0.50492 0.84659 0.98906 0.31312 0.71095 0.68741 0.36318 0.00816 0.97148 0.64156 0.45785 0.57655 0.58094 0.4369 0.28858 0.37696 0.32492 0.26155 0.63026 0.1874 0.73709 0.35766 0.7938 0.12748 0.4777 0.04606 0.35617 0.30157 0.48077 0.62552 0.67061 0.02174 0.3471 0.37261 0.83136 0.88755 0.59223 0.67071 0.71962 0.03114 0.59817 0.26741 0.01242 0.38686 0.79178 0.95644 0.76072 0.50707 0.32424 0.82919 0.03326 0.15538 0.18521 0.1523 0.29251 0.75815 0.24498 0.33695 0.31297 0.08065 0.5795 0.35298 0.36609 0.98373 0.12974 0.7497 0.79468 0.51176 0.74364 0.69776 0.93643 0.0526 0.19405 0.43085 0.54627 0.11677 0.83014 0.39174 0.22803 0.90123 0.93004 0.85171 0.83377 0.9071 0.54865 0.93492 0.95313 0.50844 0.17861 0.27059 0.34385 0.00876 0.7265 0.72654 0.97658 0.57661 0.58347 0.5101 0.38236 0.55192 0.95987 0.25734 0.56197 0.45786 0.28827 0.89939 0.54204 0.67872 0.46002 0.04604 0.56781 0.62476 0.80273 0.65885 0.63313 0.0271 0.55721 0.35039 0.43768 0.25648 0.65859 0.81991 0.10576 0.36229 0.58476 0.32438 0.32437 0.90501 0.19895 0.84247 0.47811 0.91799 0.94587 0.72983 0.40717 0.26161 0.98853 0.13357 0.5154 0.50981 0.99531 0.66086 0.1021 0.44623 0.41289 0.58206 0.22552 0.06465 0.96266 0.25964 0.29492 0.99609 0.11122 0.51169 0.52308 0.73286 0.19295 0.42371 0.27897 0.74706 0.11281 0.16376 0.82667 0.63661 0.54715 0.1082 0.34179 0.92452 0.18901 0.59604 0.79929 0.00616 0.86145 0.17996 0.01636 0.00706 0.92094 0.07217 0.57639 0.61325 0.41867 0.07932 0.7089 0.6008 0.14746 0.12554 0.53434 0.17819 0.53742 0.83124 0.9266 0.24749 0.60976 0.65813 0.6135 0.04394 0.75887 0.8108 0.28287 0.83874 0.71632 0.92334 0.72782 0.324 0.48573 0.87939 0.24352 0.09391 0.69253 0.04484 0.78088 0.34898 0.80016 0.56322 0.29246 0.81341 0.69062 0.15642 0.01922 0.63983 0.68055 0.14682 0.29456 0.52856 0.55449 0.63666 0.80339 0.80367 0.57074 0.96407 0.752 0.86023 0.71257 0.11976 0.89642 0.56106 0.68196 0.86416 0.33927 0.92902 0.067 0.75929 0.66434 0.70264 0.8133 0.65008 0.15969 0.33215 0.15009 0.5174 0.16533 0.89486 0.43608 0.951 0.24925 0.92649 0.78797 0.22767 0.29933 0.19627 0.56847 0.56024 0.13266 0.15968 0.42663 0.59902 0.30635 0.22966 0.11167 0.48143 0.82459 0.82702 0.88445 0.3745 0.53786 0.60776 0.57751 0.41055 0.13875 0.95701 0.54009 0.39744 0.69442 0.47447 0.22914 0.64058 0.41056 0.21695 0.37093 0.60745 0.24487 0.62951
+0.38996 0.77056 0.51045 0.27851 0.66578 0.80038 0.32658 0.10179 0.34859 0.90395 0.29353 0.66185 0.49291 0.63872 0.1349 0.58349 0.25039 0.35759 0.15046 0.42124 0.12063 0.21669 0.41499 0.18988 0.69987 0.71228 0.4119 0.05225 0.09678 0.62589 0.89164 0.63411 0.46616 0.17228 0.25663 0.28957 0.85754 0.11516 0.48829 0.76716 0.14981 0.55449 0.18569 0.47912 0.33426 0.14829 0.00945 0.4248 0.3956 0.59829 0.31632 0.76806 0.36083 0.00422 0.14759 0.4869 0.18583 0.40662 0.01926 0.85314 0.20459 0.53022 0.45435 0.8949 0.81551 0.6434 0.00432 0.63156 0.72909 0.32963 0.30802 0.85097 0.05344 0.29181 0.10076 0.03407 0.37682 0.50935 0.27837 0.77009 0.70503 0.44019 0.41684 0.04893 0.50845 0.15463 0.10574 0.97154 0.59962 0.39649 0.81984 0.80899 0.08046 0.42132 0.40668 0.35805 0.8098 0.64475 0.51208 0.13678 0.72521 0.70725 0.96081 0.67832 0.22176 0.68535 0.32489 0.81224 0.24697 0.49316 0.8042 0.71051 0.83239 0.74671 0.39793 0.83949 0.6463 0.83285 0.20814 0.57707 0.95834 0.11741 0.76072 0.31214 0.62396 0.06773 0.14312 0.9628 0.78867 0.14442 0.06484 0.94544 0.24189 0.07581 0.30786 0.75543 0.89053 0.93539 0.58754 0.84939 0.48266 0.33488 0.30203 0.15768 0.32038 0.65371 0.68684 0.58283 0.21297 0.75918 0.38794 0.59614 0.6619 0.37131 0.05551 0.20866 0.61686 0.28381 0.43652 0.2653 0.70918 0.65529 0.44496 0.09123 0.429 0.10294 0.04861 0.57529 0.30123 0.54932 0.62957 0.61678 0.43347 0.45532 0.2266 0.4022 0.54756 0.83309 0.68148 0.47151 0.42069 0.25985 0.08267 0.86248 0.47189 0.92202 0.87476 0.42762 0.99974 0.69757 0.70088 0.51239 0.09504 0.17381 0.03298 0.81039 0.53711 0.82804 0.03234 0.55928 0.23377 0.95398 0.237 0.73931 0.5404 0.45426 0.55117 0.5842 0.80652 0.34836 0.47136 0.3918 0.72253 0.26693 0.32156 0.14875 0.52852 0.14899 0.09353 0.64052 0.23242 0.10155 0.74385 0.67553 0.91681 0.0828 0.34658 0.60273 0.35002 0.41255 0.07935 0.07652 0.533 0.12861 0.90666 0.60322 0.23972 0.95901 0.08277 0.28294 0.45733 0.78462 0.42687 0.75795 0.37415 0.51132 0.43285 0.91448 0.89985 0.82572 0.09109 0.25846 0.11844 0.13167 0.60855 0.43203 0.09604 0.19601 0.12981 0.35827 0.13399 0.95319 0.92089 0.93309 0.83227 0.72377 0.0678 0.94349 0.93569 0.53593 0.14737 0.65218 0.42781 0.54651 0.11935 0.12335 0.59888 0.35418 0.84593 0.0378 0.48426 0.73969 0.03564 0.65402 0.57311 0.72554 0.8911 0.26701 0.8513 0.13767 0.5314 0.95601 0.44248 0.27714 0.9748 0.30555 0.72163 0.44494 0.64465 0.50247 0.3756 0.37229 0.45459 0.52268 0.26664 0.79172 0.95316 0.94187 0.79004 0.48895 0.72321 0.06389 0.43829 0.62856 0.78508 0.58737 0.96093 0.06915 0.29708 0.40123 0.46324 0.31435 0.26796 0.69275 0.73982 0.06785 0.90179 0.71448 0.6628 0.47685 0.50313 0.84635 0.45321 0.46805 0.42301 0.18654 0.89978 0.12345 0.40286 0.23576 0.72259 0.62502 0.15962 0.98797 0.22346 0.77449 0.64069 0.50145 0.30344 0.88205 0.42365 0.89487 0.96771 0.59454 0.78087 0.32435 0.94561 0.41956 0.55937 0.23804 0.87312 0.58768 0.93103 0.21993 0.4223 0.78258 0.59678 0.31328 0.39802 0.10469 0.91535 0.26242 0.30051 0.8695 0.55175 0.80058 0.1427 0.89522 0.25695 0.20757 0.09872 0.80612 0.07606 0.50737 0.84088 0.24951 0.27943 0.08917 0.964 0.38595 0.57517 0.01427 0.34196 0.16678 0.01933 0.55235 0.56461 0.46908 0.09629 0.6768 0.67484 0.59619 0.77343 0.36078 0.49718 0.40307 0.91545 0.50161 0.38311 0.35452 0.37865 0.69437 0.30766 0.64071 0.00727 0.95056 0.47351 0.37966 0.31753 0.78372 0.18694 0.88393 0.90385 0.17588 0.31052 0.01049 0.09684 0.57152 0.61098 0.75638 0.2113 0.60745 0.67226 0.39281 0.2138 0.30458 0.08803 0.28878 0.98749 0.67348 0.8418 0.91422 0.37456 0.2495 0.36138 0.41589 0.03231 0.75275 0.54034 0.23481 0.17776 0.30667 0.11692 0.07831 0.84974 0.228 0.11657 0.53174 0.13533 0.09881 0.01044 0.39346 0.10134 0.23706 0.078 0.431 0.76463 0.67122 0.23412 0.33541 0.75703 0.12907 0.38086 0.46434 0.35121 0.07247 0.37717 0.807 0.8889 0.49045 0.93221 0.87267 0.11875 0.00344 0.98076 0.48942 0.47125 0.33287 0.39825 0.44108 0.66374 0.86033 0.80464 0.61633 0.67503 0.45387 0.38155 0.54887 0.09754 0.28418 0.33477 0.04883 0.30597 0.43546 0.07228 0.60947 0.52582 0.95398 0.00938 0.54826 0.06701 0.87051
+0.92374 0.13038 0.54986 0.83224 0.34093 0.16621 0.34569 0.28512 0.70068 0.47112 0.86348 0.44602 0.2877 0.26581 0.6703 0.9695 0.40476 0.47814 0.94206 0.50146 0.5955 0.05634 0.88016 0.17624 0.46921 0.96921 0.21315 0.67652 0.91442 0.62382 0.32505 0.85414 0.49568 0.62577 0.69821 0.97193 0.40208 0.86055 0.38338 0.60042 0.50163 0.86107 0.7915 0.68923 0.62779 0.28318 0.99663 0.73514 0.91008 0.7965 0.25341 0.99756 0.6457 0.63425 0.93337 0.20019 0.35541 0.22593 0.6703 0.56606 0.34897 0.65869 0.68017 0.65988 0.93333 0.02916 0.84364 0.6155 0.25267 0.84379 0.97521 0.97784 0.11565 0.80958 0.88814 0.56521 0.99592 0.38104 0.37954 0.18699 0.36557 0.26231 0.2192 0.55047 0.16179 0.71734 0.27729 0.0898 0.6638 0.17622 0.42911 0.31493 0.28207 0.12342 0.41694 0.5071 0.34156 0.76772 0.99718 0.55559 0.58386 0.08087 0.5201 0.88896 0.43469 0.52902 0.43365 0.91826 0.20606 0.2092 0.11425 0.61288 0.0315 0.39404 0.38472 0.32089 0.93538 0.4952 0.52888 0.94372 0.35646 0.68851 0.47804 0.79865 0.73472 0.07018 0.74117 0.40694 0.25351 0.73414 0.48121 0.74104 0.1876 0.01545 0.56844 0.78063 0.13942 0.48059 0.02329 0.3981 0.12013 0.61813 0.31571 0.63737 0.55295 0.43926 0.43263 0.95619 0.96102 0.6845 0.17714 0.08379 0.06494 0.45621 0.9509 0.70387 0.20669 0.69621 0.53712 0.35189 0.97634 0.64629 0.53974 0.70477 0.60051 0.24837 0.51878 0.24684 0.41328 0.54466 0.90495 0.91603 0.13419 0.55241 0.34472 0.88155 0.34341 0.54053 0.59948 0.41347 0.65578 0.00809 0.26722 0.32219 0.94955 0.40052 0.24309 0.31837 0.50327 0.94615 0.1335 0.62261 0.08631 0.20887 0.37969 0.93074 0.96357 0.49288 0.30145 0.38683 0.84853 0.98744 0.12071 0.44856 0.16176 0.28933 0.99349 0.73867 0.32104 0.17884 0.91482 0.69952 0.43343 0.33088 0.89595 0.74648 0.89279 0.9726 0.19158 0.29314 0.6005 0.24171 0.53317 0.84852 0.69806 0.16816 0.99984 0.08042 0.71161 0.17809 0.27804 0.44529 0.85946 0.73528 0.79323 0.4899 0.26626 0.27012 0.73216 0.15522 0.15555 0.0123 0.38999 0.32629 0.4497 0.77898 0.887 0.43172 0.0506 0.23098 0.82765 0.92879 0.13333 0.76123 0.07797 0.69554 0.1259 0.94386 0.37305 0.14475 0.10028 0.58359 0.74847 0.6153 0.43374 0.09663 0.52519 0.38737 0.91906 0.88122 0.57994 0.5304 0.87115 0.10964 0.61518 0.66665 0.53577 0.67351 0.6285 0.84196 0.85847 0.33593 0.88801 0.09977 0.7036 0.21619 0.95065 0.84097 0.03529 0.95299 0.02933 0.5152 0.5107 0.75476 0.8301 0.18526 0.74057 0.41421 0.53337 0.87683 0.07434 0.63439 0.30972 0.9794 0.30137 0.45072 0.69533 0.72159 0.36668 0.83108 0.14434 0.93687 0.08047 0.62894 0.80107 0.97857 0.59369 0.54916 0.52192 0.44735 0.84252 0.88229 0.09617 0.54389 0.10005 0.95199 0.45586 0.70987 0.98279 0.49167 0.43206 0.95514 0.78852 0.19145 0.43564 0.3575 0.38526 0.94155 0.52224 0.89998 0.53895 0.17594 0.61276 0.34662 0.42133 0.8453 0.07909 0.16728 0.45443 0.45985 0.64697 0.57745 0.17793 0.94707 0.82701 0.59567 0.77112 0.43075 0.32009 0.55865 0.89631 0.09328 0.85357 0.69951 0.03787 0.3614 0.17597 0.75093 0.38513 0.96697 0.71586 0.39916 0.09959 0.56322 0.99188 0.61375 0.44123 0.56034 0.59951 0.91092 0.43297 0.38404 0.14017 0.37681 0.14632 0.87021 0.08986 0.08027 0.03425 0.02768 0.90148 0.02962 0.56015 0.50651 0.18615 0.27636 0.685 0.16326 0.61045 0.82107 0.44393 0.92573 0.81628 0.87583 0.39307 0.41327 0.93195 0.35509 0.09099 0.90644 0.06168 0.43488 0.00344 0.53383 0.42421 0.95847 0.90615 0.40727 0.36946 0.03534 0.16823 0.71696 0.69571 0.0136 0.90283 0.84118 0.92918 0.15464 0.94274 0.53672 0.35442 0.44548 0.41682 0.61604 0.06115 0.75484 0.25919 0.67153 0.41634 0.73203 0.00897 0.84493 0.48321 0.13653 0.04502 0.05483 0.71844 0.64884 0.36003 0.50955 0.16268 0.94408 0.91937 0.54612 0.82085 0.11098 0.1338 0.93662 0.75173 0.39245 0.91908 0.51503 0.53362 0.7359 0.01471 0.24277 0.66912 0.80413 0.67884 0.07064 0.95246 0.90281 0.84551 0.25782 0.154 0.35459 0.07222 0.6826 0.93364 0.23461 0.04711 0.73857 0.0614 0.63209 0.2392 0.12968 0.002 0.04176 0.39047 0.76684 0.7329 0.14242 0.53093 0.22713 0.65283 0.8043 0.20623 0.66514 0.15445 0.51767 0.33786 0.39658 0.21329 0.45067 0.61988 0.85676 0.19684 0.65622 0.66542 0.59121 0.31755 0.41935
+0.2079 0.03198 0.78808 0.22363 0.63446 0.17212 0.14358 0.52658 0.75724 0.11874 0.76294 0.58275 0.12191 0.80385 0.48676 0.08431 0.93654 0.58629 0.97699 0.24014 0.7824 0.59721 0.92638 0.72004 0.07474 0.53019 0.38822 0.58138 0.2822 0.08431 0.6425 0.90247 0.99229 0.35835 0.90715 0.12498 0.31539 0.30146 0.58483 0.88042 0.72557 0.71774 0.98676 0.45808 0.89738 0.19993 0.41692 0.79474 0.72387 0.20953 0.21513 0.00791 0.50704 0.93335 0.17878 0.14903 0.73103 0.69428 0.31856 0.38634 0.56807 0.17105 0.82645 0.69668 0.4435 0.79199 0.31304 0.61407 0.47232 0.71761 0.86295 0.19959 0.9267 0.43076 0.93271 0.44785 0.17122 0.75059 0.75169 0.28534 0.83186 0.68019 0.79745 0.04191 0.61475 0.78391 0.40008 0.50237 0.0686 0.50255 0.3952 0.08286 0.89609 0.18843 0.07907 0.17682 0.52227 0.19356 0.73509 0.6308 0.48788 0.94686 0.61923 0.76024 0.54993 0.00196 0.91838 0.89141 0.68248 0.35947 0.52764 0.09225 0.32238 0.16128 0.31527 0.39216 0.33668 0.5145 0.30476 0.16117 0.18858 0.49355 0.09602 0.02648 0.3552 0.53785 0.85112 0.24574 0.70721 0.91032 0.31533 0.87265 0.17692 0.18654 0.18868 0.23105 0.41312 0.65749 0.95628 0.24239 0.57613 0.42066 0.56173 0.18736 0.50065 0.81016 0.07645 0.99324 0.75752 0.88682 0.81027 0.58668 0.52281 0.98757 0.35051 0.42353 0.24285 0.67924 0.78736 0.47638 0.74268 0.5147 0.40659 0.07388 0.30982 0.61797 0.31075 0.29825 0.33072 0.91869 0.37968 0.22119 0.6559 0.50051 0.68799 0.71699 0.43175 0.48269 0.47374 0.15432 0.8982 0.63888 0.55373 0.52134 0.32117 0.28898 0.02881 0.36098 0.50094 0.43512 0.8127 0.96946 0.07442 0.86857 0.79211 0.95229 0.94468 0.23968 0.74972 0.05334 0.27844 0.74972 0.35047 0.39062 0.58936 0.60512 0.87371 0.79528 0.96227 0.81286 0.65893 0.12053 0.9663 0.40722 0.80286 0.71351 0.37286 0.68483 0.00149 0.79944 0.6221 0.41064 0.25335 0.89374 0.92473 0.16362 0.38881 0.4606 0.98813 0.79436 0.95348 0.33368 0.75051 0.98556 0.32145 0.08266 0.35657 0.94381 0.74129 0.22942 0.30347 0.84912 0.19829 0.69207 0.90379 0.20424 0.53944 0.73138 0.82437 0.66867 0.99079 0.16452 0.63551 0.20873 0.08603 0.5866 0.61815 0.30273 0.11774 0.04531 0.21867 0.52479 0.55463 0.1091 0.22545 0.70951 0.26686 0.07073 0.18603 0.63204 0.15962 0.93044 0.76355 0.83655 0.4624 0.99417 0.37583 0.96463 0.12274 0.86629 0.07939 0.07285 0.14049 0.88588 0.01352 0.29622 0.95458 0.06564 0.18413 0.77763 0.44292 0.98013 0.45616 0.61844 0.66504 0.29877 0.87437 0.76533 0.78628 0.99392 0.13839 0.79526 0.08161 0.33562 0.6037 0.63167 0.80798 0.17952 0.35672 0.02224 0.45209 0.84688 0.82976 0.37107 0.25408 0.68047 0.97797 0.25673 0.45714 0.37753 0.50147 0.50446 0.71839 0.7588 0.18551 0.18632 0.16825 0.93444 0.71992 0.71247 0.6066 0.37979 0.78481 0.72945 0.6793 0.58626 0.02742 0.11511 0.0552 0.14107 0.23961 0.21318 0.39939 0.53916 0.96451 0.22331 0.30998 0.26096 0.11277 0.23901 0.79592 0.14863 0.48046 0.78605 0.34788 0.34308 0.73148 0.74054 0.88287 0.67155 0.32638 0.86567 0.88303 0.37946 0.96 0.63436 0.07439 0.65153 0.52139 0.57693 0.61585 0.42132 0.72609 0.27897 0.56105 0.34815 0.80077 0.15629 0.80107 0.74011 0.19334 0.01196 0.87081 0.30228 0.51802 0.62332 0.36042 0.8982 0.09485 0.6744 0.03707 0.16992 0.61127 0.65714 0.05057 0.0328 0.46781 0.68355 0.70517 0.33065 0.07651 0.14525 0.67328 0.86239 0.31756 0.15824 0.14337 0.02254 0.00375 0.40119 0.12186 0.27674 0.06715 0.1612 0.52747 0.19214 0.2141 0.46282 0.23925 0.09656 0.88241 0.8046 0.11914 0.35022 0.48114 0.20207 0.13447 0.66975 0.21325 0.4355 0.00445 0.40093 0.53799 0.64539 0.92232 0.32756 0.14619 0.36708 0.82413 0.17072 0.15574 0.5443 0.72035 0.43435 0.51505 0.57453 0.31585 0.34056 0.92785 0.43796 0.3982 0.24597 0.7915 0.22988 0.2382 0.09264 0.73631 0.16652 0.60955 0.65133 0.1339 0.91114 0.53556 0.42524 0.73966 0.02097 0.72738 0.79283 0.93257 0.43538 0.50786 0.86158 0.70672 0.72687 0.59738 0.1157 0.60707 0.02053 0.2993 0.2226 0.64055 0.34868 0.95497 0.29094 0.30496 0.93907 0.20129 0.90257 0.7064 0.02945 0.51482 0.36088 0.37172 0.99111 0.08558 0.39446 0.66139 0.51294 0.55896 0.69775 0.25596 0.79325 0.41719 0.02439 0.3945 0.47196 0.38613 0.9207 0.75139 0.53733 0.39032 0.35495
+0.84316 0.65421 0.28228 0.03402 0.2561 0.08683 0.32218 0.86468 0.98195 0.56187 0.45151 0.50359 0.09007 0.02247 0.62783 0.62972 0.01318 0.66113 0.41894 0.67421 0.1077 0.47963 0.83707 0.47319 0.31819 0.30847 0.28944 0.6454 0.56511 0.47948 0.77516 0.52963 0.69139 0.56409 0.7993 0.1752 0.34382 0.9772 0.33381 0.90452 0.10916 0.56624 0.19813 0.08478 0.50265 0.67185 0.43537 0.9113 0.97794 0.21195 0.84599 0.23256 0.86815 0.20843 0.6918 0.91135 0.69847 0.83591 0.25591 0.8628 0.90128 0.46253 0.8478 0.80028 0.01634 0.56939 0.41445 0.96368 0.63195 0.41344 0.84283 0.45008 0.94846 0.53374 0.98898 0.00149 0.93429 0.79402 0.47562 0.20665 0.94166 0.69946 0.63263 0.08129 0.2682 0.57252 0.6334 0.38235 0.12668 0.22976 0.7954 0.84241 0.85767 0.63949 0.91148 0.21394 0.17251 0.33454 0.92107 0.46853 0.16072 0.63044 0.74058 0.37638 0.55148 0.95841 0.26996 0.92398 0.02167 0.96001 0.65706 0.75328 0.8621 0.52011 0.41262 0.56455 0.88467 0.36886 0.6598 0.48138 0.45409 0.22086 0.55212 0.77184 0.36287 0.83837 0.67629 0.19992 0.46668 0.36157 0.54003 0.49641 0.13609 0.36197 0.71863 0.38533 0.57869 0.37806 0.57843 0.66902 0.54506 0.94415 0.96719 0.4964 0.53789 0.87411 0.09008 0.77558 0.53677 0.54528 0.60922 0.72238 0.61296 0.07044 0.88176 0.07823 0.70927 0.15345 0.70901 0.74441 0.29283 0.4121 0.32865 0.12212 0.96737 0.97394 0.39093 0.56868 0.25177 0.62137 0.36561 0.71499 0.77757 0.9699 0.93145 0.24816 0.95019 0.20476 0.67812 0.35324 0.08076 0.7169 0.61482 0.77028 0.35315 0.55821 0.11575 0.41948 0.10479 0.23696 0.3548 0.05232 0.4206 0.98234 0.40494 0.61244 0.2796 0.19109 0.94634 0.55018 0.97603 0.34425 0.66287 0.10622 0.81625 0.9426 0.58692 0.07162 0.30684 0.99813 0.39366 0.65969 0.15611 0.92653 0.16318 0.91686 0.21303 0.5935 0.98609 0.59243 0.74832 0.39433 0.15651 0.37061 0.31847 0.33358 0.64345 0.12258 0.0329 0.44772 0.5243 0.36205 0.33464 0.62455 0.77797 0.55177 0.94351 0.32359 0.37314 0.23511 0.60463 0.14003 0.79311 0.95324 0.18985 0.04416 0.64598 0.36786 0.26377 0.22187 0.74852 0.81865 0.80101 0.62521 0.01829 0.68201 0.47117 0.61776 0.00849 0.28188 0.66651 0.5918 0.19306 0.11432 0.66253 0.12777 0.32316 0.11933 0.07138 0.31474 0.60251 0.94818 0.29238 0.29592 0.90776 0.66344 0.54183 0.52399 0.18567 0.09901 0.86713 0.50843 0.46701 0.21753 0.69092 0.42877 0.04132 0.15956 0.17052 0.27513 0.18429 0.04063 0.36778 0.07194 0.43571 0.44387 0.46839 0.85155 0.62744 0.72153 0.11228 0.6468 0.69564 0.87074 0.233 0.41895 0.74907 0.38095 0.95582 0.15302 0.42723 0.11028 0.92183 0.41351 0.41904 0.70178 0.25347 0.49155 0.84472 0.72336 0.05276 0.60456 0.12199 0.81037 0.37826 0.06434 0.37798 0.62972 0.40313 0.69731 0.45296 0.21974 0.67518 0.7341 0.77743 0.3503 0.0742 0.11157 0.25404 0.95192 0.18002 0.61514 0.95278 0.67395 0.83745 0.39002 0.40768 0.3226 0.55209 0.84073 0.35437 0.23397 0.29155 0.68917 0.74912 0.81001 0.24265 0.38396 0.84975 0.49435 0.40528 0.98867 0.57896 0.25563 0.44906 0.80523 0.26637 0.42589 0.3271 0.04351 0.62761 0.14061 0.46757 0.62811 0.21788 0.23027 0.577 0.64414 0.37919 0.9386 0.82317 0.52265 0.03428 0.5378 0.16642 0.28063 0.58232 0.78828 0.80875 0.76916 0.62461 0.16985 0.59695 0.12551 0.63628 0.70555 0.23173 0.4403 0.21787 0.97327 0.96858 0.13505 0.05657 0.21496 0.53591 0.43984 0.15833 0.99005 0.34055 0.72137 0.87851 0.21012 0.95698 0.15782 0.94967 0.71344 0.947 0.01907 0.24152 0.01953 0.16061 0.823 0.18717 0.12418 0.44394 0.24983 0.77913 0.86381 0.29023 0.93177 0.2737 0.8984 0.57231 0.77049 0.64487 0.43058 0.48241 0.75025 0.37345 0.80264 0.28385 0.83087 0.22862 0.68686 0.78672 0.95848 0.00349 0.87842 0.09112 0.80455 0.05409 0.86626 0.60597 0.21348 0.90212 0.18764 0.03209 0.17591 0.61294 0.19985 0.78199 0.65545 0.286 0.00241 0.82405 0.65364 0.73929 0.17426 0.97879 0.17132 0.66703 0.89779 0.92735 0.1136 0.18763 0.85804 0.8755 0.44747 0.14846 0.93381 0.45237 0.68404 0.86867 0.84825 0.88119 0.7545 0.74617 0.78142 0.01019 0.84455 0.46555 0.5607 0.89248 0.91814 0.3866 0.59617 0.00035 0.61941 0.69555 0.47104 0.01178 0.90376 0.26951 0.04194 0.3285 0.51655 0.91483 0.07355 0.31591 0.06376 0.8111 0.65475
+0.18602 0.17343 0.88253 0.983 0.8737 0.07686 0.40135 0.82413 0.69078 0.36534 0.39853 0.20032 0.63013 0.013 0.24466 0.11236 0.08119 0.50455 0.93225 0.00539 0.02572 0.08382 0.18208 0.86567 0.38914 0.18892 0.91424 0.01201 0.8275 0.49431 0.98015 0.05415 0.29122 0.96128 0.27095 0.92516 0.18653 0.96345 0.73301 0.8475 0.62362 0.85067 0.00168 0.29659 0.9277 0.98732 0.53142 0.06917 0.07099 0.70832 0.43252 0.0131 0.68306 0.32462 0.4647 0.15555 0.96712 0.21654 0.74254 0.35656 0.31241 0.21306 0.2822 0.44677 0.21074 0.59729 0.39091 0.08643 0.31877 0.6341 0.40209 0.9471 0.53109 0.86586 0.69176 0.03747 0.71731 0.11243 0.30307 0.49999 0.36235 0.02658 0.37115 0.04788 0.39562 0.18708 0.73466 0.8583 0.92612 0.75553 0.36308 0.45742 0.37723 0.54308 0.26265 0.96544 0.18853 0.04167 0.77789 0.83168 0.11535 0.23525 0.60743 0.21264 0.77724 0.79232 0.14821 0.98428 0.80944 0.2127 0.36528 0.69548 0.60156 0.23569 0.93311 0.69521 0.29055 0.19296 0.74741 0.32714 0.76543 0.48418 0.02252 0.71011 0.09112 0.3663 0.63556 0.32409 0.72595 0.1485 0.69804 0.09497 0.75235 0.45819 0.55499 0.70676 0.16166 0.50859 0.46254 0.60194 0.75611 0.73984 0.4137 0.12744 0.45353 0.28624 0.56248 0.0738 0.11557 0.14349 0.7138 0.06144 0.53195 0.54498 0.47885 0.40172 0.39613 0.93488 0.11382 0.94847 0.9266 0.48768 0.37791 0.69272 0.88857 0.22045 0.42231 0.15208 0.79378 0.88364 0.68163 0.96121 0.64073 0.29105 0.47049 0.98433 0.47157 0.45728 0.42567 0.37383 0.69358 0.485 0.03018 0.10566 0.44253 0.41969 0.0587 0.48773 0.251 0.206 0.57923 0.10597 0.85743 0.60315 0.2237 0.82573 0.23434 0.95614 0.20577 0.5618 0.21824 0.07549 0.93842 0.63859 0.37742 0.38698 0.99639 0.13681 0.85259 0.52397 0.62692 0.23953 0.73299 0.71174 0.65932 0.87998 0.22597 0.85988 0.44276 0.32662 0.80405 0.32027 0.91023 0.24709 0.75663 0.11112 0.16182 0.48104 0.83543 0.30047 0.10779 0.19492 0.08292 0.99583 0.46873 0.17295 0.77921 0.45342 0.72564 0.11163 0.14347 0.04005 0.21554 0.38519 0.18849 0.17525 0.2631 0.09266 0.86211 0.28261 0.43028 0.79857 0.54293 0.35533 0.57326 0.6236 0.61154 0.46467 0.31705 0.14334 0.79558 0.1443 0.79948 0.55326 0.94247 0.35349 0.38188 0.66062 0.93536 0.55582 0.32193 0.3749 0.20563 0.57358 0.26247 0.57594 0.33555 0.70538 0.36733 0.26683 0.93564 0.30225 0.90052 0.87324 0.7955 0.29502 0.32684 0.92388 0.6749 0.71362 0.15684 0.11097 0.8303 0.66329 0.99829 0.28276 0.9703 0.42656 0.42311 0.19524 0.59329 0.65789 0.05654 0.28663 0.59602 0.52001 0.68494 0.51645 0.17895 0.86459 0.43712 0.43779 0.1977 0.81171 0.14277 0.69399 0.65326 0.61129 0.23936 0.71037 0.76326 0.77948 0.41573 0.13327 0.71117 0.69659 0.56067 0.08889 0.31253 0.02157 0.7923 0.33852 0.29008 0.23918 0.98237 0.51229 0.58833 0.40297 0.03753 0.93814 0.1001 0.26832 0.58914 0.59325 0.96648 0.31399 0.15968 0.81247 0.64181 0.85781 0.22127 0.30395 0.63436 0.27034 0.85334 0.15411 0.55936 0.60632 0.27556 0.51512 0.41415 0.26164 0.08895 0.40162 0.71736 0.811 0.19475 0.18897 0.69378 0.82615 0.49881 0.06454 0.20545 0.64197 0.48191 0.23056 0.14217 0.18935 0.28944 0.48343 0.24238 0.30108 0.42265 0.9277 0.47605 0.13774 0.82515 0.5618 0.71304 0.53905 0.05085 0.71666 0.80043 0.52957 0.30383 0.82515 0.12203 0.38829 0.19744 0.55041 0.63558 0.43658 0.44848 0.5395 0.96977 0.27336 0.27869 0.44419 0.73692 0.64904 0.57881 0.92665 0.0354 0.98187 0.8613 0.18332 0.76964 0.53127 0.40207 0.10873 0.35291 0.04032 0.73584 0.15969 0.4398 0.26983 0.83779 0.37987 0.32435 0.57262 0.70904 0.01462 0.24424 0.13492 0.71972 0.79378 0.97063 0.33351 0.52978 0.78693 0.29621 0.61456 0.71899 0.33493 0.43156 0.80187 0.99526 0.26711 0.00273 0.09824 0.50017 0.39263 0.71799 0.01729 0.92663 0.607 0.6954 0.55576 0.65062 0.44122 0.01119 0.92191 0.95528 0.02032 0.7406 0.13392 0.70963 0.79344 0.22896 0.27903 0.35691 0.59275 0.30925 0.5539 0.3594 0.44713 0.82044 0.31297 0.71965 0.59278 0.64759 0.28024 0.09251 0.63437 0.82569 0.96085 0.57191 0.41032 0.75545 0.21301 0.83029 0.2629 0.0918 0.66934 0.5472 0.61965 0.42503 0.65383 0.66045 0.53705 0.64777 0.24724 0.74655 0.9155 0.35248 0.17089 0.36974 0.11942 0.54541 0.07354 0.43111 0.53884
+0.59039 0.09007 0.81193 0.83398 0.68147 0.646 0.51 0.24014 0.12706 0.0052 0.80751 0.03706 0.60717 0.36681 0.30517 0.98879 0.54789 0.37786 0.61304 0.92782 0.92582 0.78479 0.6125 0.19548 0.91361 0.98499 0.2487 0.70485 0.65245 0.41789 0.25916 0.59692 0.74834 0.95187 0.45957 0.07642 0.34942 0.53783 0.6556 0.29867 0.42258 0.27806 0.84384 0.3947 0.11192 0.71749 0.06862 0.44622 0.11366 0.8539 0.42417 0.77911 0.65086 0.36384 0.82559 0.35081 0.25161 0.31923 0.60736 0.93754 0.31636 0.6899 0.13873 0.03397 0.61679 0.98671 0.61178 0.8102 0.93438 0.75682 0.31239 0.57354 0.4731 0.61005 0.68072 0.36359 0.62232 0.56638 0.55313 0.12407 0.39496 0.5271 0.3001 0.61707 0.6308 0.86777 0.57396 0.46761 0.5859 0.74906 0.26269 0.3158 0.27398 0.85943 0.34276 0.36336 0.91927 0.93775 0.03191 0.81514 0.2122 0.8033 0.36357 0.37006 0.14996 0.36328 0.54028 0.71133 0.16561 0.90409 0.42521 0.45972 0.34225 0.79897 0.50928 0.90314 0.18837 0.25758 0.22453 0.84411 0.29741 0.58121 0.07569 0.94211 0.5336 0.00435 0.62649 0.92439 0.31243 0.78437 0.29599 0.83903 0.57496 0.47169 0.50263 0.65021 0.35616 0.91907 0.74774 0.87406 0.97057 0.80803 0.22478 0.55348 0.17609 0.79629 0.06038 0.94304 0.93825 0.70781 0.37401 0.83073 0.95032 0.1313 0.79967 0.1641 0.83873 0.17302 0.08491 0.99391 0.62865 0.99505 0.36369 0.99449 0.07272 0.1268 0.35696 0.97121 0.34263 0.16566 0.72923 0.29036 0.19391 0.14801 0.52592 0.53703 0.24616 0.76753 0.09014 0.58516 0.63517 0.60841 0.19756 0.79619 0.39024 0.35557 0.32846 0.52542 0.85949 0.05688 0.97207 0.5147 0.55811 0.56402 0.96498 0.88405 0.42021 0.0338 0.91737 0.68574 0.0559 0.2595 0.43768 0.16571 0.49151 0.58985 0.76551 0.52566 0.46164 0.59192 0.59275 0.48556 0.43827 0.1963 0.91665 0.87457 0.59523 0.62271 0.35025 0.42808 0.68038 0.84018 0.88573 0.88398 0.92019 0.44427 0.49815 0.41293 0.81173 0.26455 0.58915 0.91845 0.85122 0.95433 0.82947 0.804 0.54899 0.8993 0.7766 0.9566 0.06098 0.69915 0.06338 0.4253 0.97939 0.50532 0.24981 0.90722 0.98158 0.31691 0.9887 0.42598 0.24355 0.99393 0.7032 0.64977 0.45414 0.52179 0.92503 0.94692 0.47675 0.88329 0.04755 0.66699 0.11835 0.49117 0.72907 0.00591 0.46167 0.42645 0.07019 0.37107 0.13159 0.55985 0.25996 0.79546 0.78482 0.3899 0.38726 0.01297 0.99843 0.5822 0.69254 0.57557 0.17926 0.33577 0.82403 0.15056 0.56656 0.20507 0.54087 0.42625 0.45403 0.30615 0.458 0.43713 0.24596 0.48764 0.5187 0.91299 0.74147 0.40698 0.95725 0.50201 0.67192 0.45699 0.27371 0.77937 0.08997 0.05718 0.3208 0.92758 0.12536 0.69866 0.74154 0.13683 0.37653 0.44887 0.53151 0.40138 0.54165 0.89907 0.5226 0.66183 0.38938 0.87378 0.88715 0.39505 0.28574 0.24088 0.67754 0.38744 0.00511 0.47144 0.11659 0.13502 0.83824 0.75767 0.90048 0.06764 0.22724 0.06351 0.65535 0.79992 0.14944 0.91263 0.60569 0.82226 0.54348 0.49922 0.74892 0.46087 0.59361 0.68133 0.43 0.46512 0.22249 0.96381 0.23766 0.34863 0.93674 0.44656 0.39921 0.95493 0.51065 0.25075 0.5927 0.00734 0.68459 0.92697 0.73063 0.10087 0.76736 0.54966 0.85978 0.88598 0.33719 0.42843 0.56165 0.15824 0.94669 0.92066 0.96769 0.57083 0.5643 0.53926 0.9983 0.73465 0.63852 0.79001 0.35686 0.00392 0.71329 0.98511 0.0461 0.74091 0.65461 0.11782 0.58347 0.72174 0.99285 0.11729 0.03709 0.00766 0.68638 0.90005 0.4566 0.30855 0.55712 0.37285 0.6735 0.96197 0.81192 0.5135 0.99004 0.08289 0.76506 0.88698 0.47303 0.71017 0.58936 0.80148 0.3347 0.39973 0.67436 0.39772 0.3772 0.87566 0.14087 0.33669 0.35197 0.88484 0.94296 0.73827 0.25647 0.57936 0.05871 0.58776 0.85995 0.1172 0.2058 0.54986 0.52517 0.30226 0.94873 0.93907 0.23921 0.67878 0.96843 0.11877 0.7994 0.37553 0.26451 0.89786 0.94502 0.37764 0.21989 0.55788 0.19839 0.29385 0.3675 0.84905 0.22653 0.32914 0.70453 0.25559 0.80384 0.60728 0.29206 0.35562 0.03374 0.49383 0.6574 0.72785 0.61434 0.57049 0.1335 0.98787 0.32981 0.41213 0.46149 0.86482 0.53322 0.48831 0.1989 0.89556 0.07029 0.48327 0.57885 0.28135 0.12327 0.02157 0.08956 0.64568 0.14832 0.18496 0.75844 0.41862 0.20239 0.31708 0.47557 0.5674 0.75934 0.31332 0.70111 0.42862 0.23509 0.96063 0.51554 0.49333 0.78027 0.36206
+0.5001 0.04978 0.81857 0.85119 0.91906 0.22013 0.30682 0.41592 0.97675 0.38325 0.28087 0.18297 0.1247 0.3306 0.86047 0.41484 0.75387 0.25275 0.08414 0.19327 0.05633 0.2765 0.76649 0.9807 0.24224 0.72412 0.06225 0.4963 0.29162 0.06826 0.49111 0.1342 0.59887 0.37925 0.5989 0.5493 0.82179 0.72256 0.47562 0.03513 0.42125 0.75061 0.85009 0.902 0.77285 0.85359 0.24107 0.95082 0.72066 0.0507 0.56746 0.46244 0.6646 0.90621 0.58965 0.31274 0.58811 0.78197 0.97989 0.47018 0.07639 0.36305 0.31979 0.65534 0.73373 0.95061 0.78583 0.20862 0.1411 0.73924 0.18479 0.67269 0.02375 0.25743 0.81197 0.28674 0.70701 0.33324 0.53144 0.17706 0.92154 0.15931 0.26361 0.36963 0.57297 0.87216 0.51609 0.5621 0.76166 0.69597 0.77998 0.72046 0.51909 0.14979 0.77083 0.88428 0.04934 0.69146 0.47491 0.41503 0.40545 0.34115 0.69327 0.16368 0.11881 0.45776 0.46912 0.11149 0.66773 0.88692 0.00176 0.66125 0.1705 0.5559 0.05482 0.96645 0.92605 0.47504 0.56898 0.25033 0.13299 0.74003 0.82621 0.03981 0.31316 0.04644 0.60417 0.66545 0.04002 0.08514 0.90903 0.47693 0.52434 0.57966 0.41086 0.21128 0.01876 0.69567 0.20666 0.31757 0.05803 0.14125 0.01776 0.33436 0.07052 0.84968 0.80499 0.67031 0.42171 0.8663 0.00585 0.95139 0.16263 0.67096 0.76419 0.48337 0.74357 0.90314 0.60337 0.92233 0.92626 0.31283 0.8571 0.67598 0.33635 0.65926 0.67226 0.96271 0.57751 0.28081 0.92793 0.64729 0.87021 0.25717 0.24938 0.56596 0.13466 0.46646 0.03166 0.47445 0.51194 0.77636 0.79283 0.70948 0.97124 0.75931 0.31125 0.01998 0.33024 0.94667 0.82732 0.42841 0.82808 0.17512 0.41065 0.2675 0.01701 0.28242 0.73905 0.6697 0.85604 0.26843 0.88825 0.68096 0.89824 0.01257 0.05566 0.65524 0.25728 0.67554 0.43396 0.41086 0.94424 0.65578 0.36847 0.83035 0.55307 0.843 0.602 0.94551 0.40677 0.48173 0.13115 0.92635 0.09591 0.49665 0.08919 0.88125 0.45802 0.6928 0.43327 0.25773 0.60096 0.68274 0.87464 0.89967 0.91372 0.3982 0.98698 0.14777 0.98814 0.17438 0.46151 0.2902 0.65444 0.83156 0.48926 0.39152 0.62412 0.37618 0.38957 0.12663 0.28254 0.62136 0.87728 0.16298 0.97755 0.89805 0.65481 0.45239 0.04001 0.95669 0.65255 0.85801 0.15412 0.63756 0.69763 0.337 0.53067 0.98855 0.33835 0.22937 0.96014 0.15951 0.21131 0.68765 0.28225 0.48042 0.4747 0.3023 0.21497 0.69006 0.0952 0.01895 0.53262 0.45872 0.6191 0.36348 0.98924 0.78516 0.96951 0.69864 0.38318 0.05449 0.56993 0.23273 0.72243 0.32994 0.45238 0.91311 0.86806 0.97862 0.62269 0.58473 0.94353 0.61893 0.38751 0.04323 0.22073 0.41253 0.31054 0.6965 0.40456 0.76815 0.1412 0.72009 0.89072 0.59519 0.71561 0.16705 0.30231 0.9289 0.57952 0.95173 0.35469 0.80324 0.55839 0.34148 0.85668 0.08676 0.78939 0.17421 0.64765 0.30382 0.9203 0.40742 0.37073 0.73921 0.4567 0.48351 0.75625 0.0319 0.30277 0.68801 0.74624 0.35819 0.08533 0.04678 0.01509 0.99447 0.14889 0.43007 0.02315 0.94912 0.22222 0.88272 0.94893 0.41702 0.69726 0.41339 0.15542 0.6054 0.19053 0.04508 0.5275 0.89599 0.80375 0.63359 0.37044 0.37985 0.43205 0.62231 0.50802 0.10528 0.87023 0.8864 0.01614 0.43548 0.87099 0.53702 0.49262 0.59187 0.38983 0.42643 0.8674 0.83221 0.76563 0.97504 0.36123 0.17567 0.81582 0.83079 0.33782 0.82695 0.8522 0.76812 0.17039 0.574 0.46051 0.76742 0.07483 0.22393 0.26505 0.58156 0.21693 0.36774 0.15886 0.65777 0.04572 0.86469 0.01017 0.36176 0.4133 0.08856 0.51687 0.25036 0.51387 0.79675 0.17973 0.12471 0.05748 0.13655 0.05362 0.01419 0.89363 0.27719 0.43945 0.52902 0.81552 0.0739 0.43323 0.6396 0.27218 0.66339 0.86353 0.86209 0.41032 0.19092 0.02559 0.61537 0.91754 0.10799 0.98774 0.12853 0.27029 0.28854 0.15985 0.21089 0.38676 0.98238 0.08332 0.81889 0.19857 0.09419 0.58491 0.0755 0.64413 0.41803 0.77516 0.42463 0.51672 0.45809 0.66503 0.1158 0.80056 0.59091 0.73484 0.11966 0.29377 0.61937 0.54365 0.7452 0.98009 0.3154 0.50698 0.57545 0.46163 0.35708 0.16838 0.30782 0.26212 0.05615 0.71019 0.89531 0.93058 0.67864 0.14001 0.67706 0.171 0.60152 0.4882 0.02398 0.30074 0.18957 0.61075 0.51061 0.32829 0.32142 0.57023 0.17056 0.50798 0.43184 0.32582 0.79345 0.60599 0.26587 0.6659 0.75758 0.67173 0.97117 0.69441 0.50338
+0.90205 0.15246 0.3841 0.44915 0.01727 0.63711 0.51489 0.66022 0.00267 0.17103 0.09592 0.62949 0.33689 0.55134 0.10554 0.97742 0.79524 0.43547 0.90701 0.19352 0.5293 0.04319 0.83054 0.75022 0.08042 0.21222 0.45833 0.2574 0.18501 0.03742 0.24389 0.61538 0.13621 0.54351 0.88604 0.22383 0.57946 0.50337 0.7943 0.01821 0.02038 0.31469 0.27205 0.63234 0.47165 0.66129 0.81632 0.49918 0.83531 0.19351 0.63887 0.66964 0.10322 0.37373 0.85301 0.37753 0.5101 0.64516 0.33757 0.09971 0.08504 0.25738 0.49595 0.15899 0.21634 0.37546 0.41206 0.055 0.72326 0.97998 0.20771 0.13897 0.19047 0.92195 0.50503 0.28782 0.04158 0.55161 0.17719 0.57417 0.83523 0.19377 0.61225 0.80474 0.41095 0.07765 0.21643 0.87402 0.49929 0.73655 0.90001 0.81611 0.8769 0.15375 0.09643 0.86263 0.96948 0.57854 0.7306 0.59497 0.50492 0.81051 0.7451 0.60654 0.25091 0.24599 0.79458 0.07171 0.03406 0.81534 0.14309 0.98381 0.34268 0.2197 0.54353 0.36879 0.65069 0.00634 0.20933 0.25962 0.05941 0.32272 0.30356 0.04145 0.44733 0.49325 0.21758 0.06774 0.28842 0.26796 0.72298 0.15106 0.3795 0.1075 0.46788 0.85167 0.60772 0.62509 0.26835 0.41052 0.0938 0.06136 0.8703 0.02202 0.17297 0.39885 0.31964 0.12296 0.51949 0.77821 0.9572 0.76623 0.04152 0.96395 0.4194 0.5151 0.34319 0.08242 0.80089 0.34349 0.54536 0.0362 0.36716 0.32987 0.72527 0.36439 0.58986 0.37791 0.55012 0.59665 0.10967 0.68542 0.48801 0.78245 0.11686 0.90028 0.42929 0.03557 0.08564 0.28489 0.19219 0.18481 0.69875 0.09415 0.30828 0.69954 0.60957 0.27451 0.27469 0.35786 0.35638 0.3092 0.82379 0.03943 0.69136 0.36835 0.64209 0.61177 0.37073 0.90856 0.52339 0.08005 0.09786 0.71319 0.22527 0.51912 0.28424 0.65294 0.61968 0.48603 0.00594 0.51121 0.89721 0.20229 0.05549 0.23173 0.5369 0.64441 0.08661 0.873 0.56364 0.66063 0.0725 0.99566 0.47208 0.43112 0.35885 0.69466 0.89775 0.40329 0.19673 0.04445 0.3017 0.9099 0.90984 0.46602 0.83493 0.63015 0.20207 0.61142 0.29559 0.54966 0.62681 0.28045 0.74609 0.28818 0.52432 0.92324 0.09554 0.77121 0.61454 0.75817 0.41926 0.30871 0.43774 0.92763 0.82584 0.61398 0.64067 0.19896 0.79253 0.56667 0.88883 0.20626 0.70869 0.31563 0.50236 0.56299 0.5726 0.33948 0.16528 0.34266 0.45348 0.2882 0.00049 0.80389 0.4265 0.43993 0.09897 0.77388 0.93074 0.41518 0.65931 0.85024 0.35917 0.34777 0.63945 0.09439 0.45688 0.48416 0.99177 0.14519 0.27535 0.42321 0.16567 0.59193 0.07664 0.24981 0.72328 0.63481 0.17463 0.77996 0.97784 0.28227 0.738 0.52424 0.77515 0.99954 0.6807 0.05186 0.05789 0.69935 0.90995 0.72413 0.84823 0.26445 0.40729 0.39893 0.41855 0.32895 0.59297 0.67172 0.06736 0.89814 0.19786 0.93668 0.2502 0.84945 0.4644 0.8385 0.37495 0.87101 0.64789 0.7938 0.61274 0.20265 0.78464 0.79282 0.33787 0.69149 0.43662 0.60378 0.87366 0.22573 0.7347 0.69268 0.51133 0.4185 0.15451 0.66963 0.92882 0.8178 0.60001 0.00403 0.60756 0.36446 0.85012 0.35751 0.76168 0.60085 0.94144 0.8987 0.27756 0.5566 0.67956 0.40953 0.46569 0.04677 0.4307 0.88731 0.10903 0.05279 0.4785 0.78157 0.04667 0.0739 0.58315 0.95735 0.55894 0.35221 0.15678 0.24996 0.7574 0.26124 0.72508 0.3505 0.17637 0.40812 0.0856 0.35611 0.23499 0.63137 0.86657 0.4822 0.52051 0.90703 0.10907 0.73232 0.12486 0.91448 0.82405 0.43212 0.90063 0.228 0.05885 0.6442 0.3819 0.65863 0.40518 0.09865 0.95583 0.73545 0.08618 0.63602 0.43503 0.13379 0.50252 0.12123 0.74466 0.88314 0.52862 0.27572 0.2352 0.51396 0.41875 0.43726 0.28381 0.49249 0.23496 0.16006 0.84229 0.47229 0.49563 0.01848 0.97725 0.81114 0.10013 0.08271 0.35311 0.73176 0.20325 0.02937 0.32642 0.05923 0.72916 0.45537 0.22768 0.7804 0.51054 0.64306 0.0537 0.8041 0.06693 0.01518 0.4945 0.53034 0.36784 0.08438 0.28473 0.47592 0.19494 0.62861 0.21765 0.64139 0.77844 0.26826 0.29767 0.91054 0.22033 0.77409 0.82657 0.02185 0.35081 0.96046 0.52254 0.19198 0.07611 0.9345 0.18206 0.49739 0.27892 0.96821 0.51977 0.93 0.33337 0.35865 0.17554 0.02906 0.66236 0.05265 0.95769 0.50724 0.88154 0.79927 0.27711 0.26932 0.17868 0.668 0.83219 0.28388 0.77881 0.38256 0.73882 0.90974 0.11882 0.70657 0.5426 0.49298 0.39154 0.91333 0.64335 0.12489
+0.46147 0.90019 0.89829 0.21301 0.66433 0.69308 0.29506 0.90463 0.32327 0.12404 0.7493 0.08697 0.93536 0.64976 0.52642 0.75512 0.38295 0.8059 0.36249 0.17594 0.76235 0.65925 0.88328 0.26087 0.4056 0.1807 0.38331 0.22099 0.01406 0.09144 0.15951 0.19962 0.00971 0.81071 0.70786 0.85814 0.61631 0.89726 0.70277 0.72766 0.89644 0.96938 0.69072 0.76913 0.3495 0.47024 0.38034 0.48462 0.27235 0.87905 0.48958 0.26658 0.01334 0.07992 0.89755 0.0443 0.51743 0.65882 0.52736 0.45666 0.73908 0.64344 0.02957 0.08272 0.0795 0.40907 0.87885 0.14213 0.875 0.66272 0.39663 0.88743 0.89191 0.41332 0.01527 0.78198 0.17539 0.73885 0.42816 0.22795 0.96496 0.58644 0.42294 0.33155 0.76116 0.30347 0.92219 0.49861 0.62954 0.22528 0.49304 0.38302 0.0934 0.1611 0.82121 0.30298 0.49344 0.02249 0.31535 0.86357 0.07417 0.28615 0.4731 0.49657 0.75233 0.77019 0.35831 0.51831 0.04349 0.44054 0.04589 0.00993 0.90772 0.85079 0.6725 0.17628 0.90212 0.21046 0.21889 0.22983 0.70787 0.91246 0.46217 0.99319 0.15637 0.58821 0.4369 0.89911 0.81702 0.19804 0.52619 0.97258 0.76554 0.11526 0.7694 0.43973 0.22498 0.34262 0.33536 0.27585 0.08013 0.68812 0.59954 0.41044 0.04491 0.66077 0.53994 0.72432 0.97085 0.43992 0.83835 0.0233 0.12497 0.0878 0.18188 0.9961 0.73502 0.01549 0.89901 0.27277 0.38727 0.463 0.78877 0.77662 0.981 0.83659 0.28273 0.10347 0.6198 0.36957 0.54284 0.96077 0.99372 0.61988 0.24973 0.47921 0.06824 0.1895 0.21418 0.59767 0.12534 0.2951 0.23146 0.79003 0.09543 0.14252 0.14437 0.78573 0.13975 0.09734 0.47046 0.30044 0.74277 0.45708 0.91592 0.0731 0.45495 0.90636 0.65579 0.35281 0.86154 0.8951 0.69996 0.92287 0.28114 0.12047 0.96714 0.23391 0.72803 0.63236 0.55085 0.55591 0.09317 0.80003 0.07886 0.79908 0.66899 0.39937 0.68085 0.06723 0.14608 0.83459 0.13021 0.79309 0.4002 0.12275 0.73808 0.00927 0.38081 0.82587 0.80461 0.93995 0.80703 0.44085 0.91713 0.11008 0.72995 0.61544 0.57298 0.05648 0.3989 0.56767 0.24481 0.39294 0.37987 0.01241 0.546 0.55414 0.01912 0.13265 0.4642 0.27237 0.97286 0.72842 0.63256 0.10435 0.11574 0.58603 0.82808 0.53965 0.53332 0.90658 0.28966 0.80686 0.8022 0.74372 0.95654 0.8929 0.35168 0.3008 0.23331 0.13052 0.49466 0.65419 0.17183 0.18822 0.36365 0.43258 0.33471 0.3632 0.32059 0.14619 0.89772 0.04439 0.07027 0.52997 0.13908 0.49484 0.20045 0.95012 0.6103 0.01178 0.2674 0.29093 0.59342 0.88391 0.31256 0.34953 0.70716 0.34878 0.04699 0.81807 0.67252 0.79417 0.89631 0.16332 0.80553 0.47727 0.24694 0.268 0.44127 0.3153 0.06137 0.87707 0.09106 0.17889 0.88173 0.56944 0.49522 0.66872 0.64745 0.5022 0.53782 0.97913 0.00526 0.41269 0.74632 0.33918 0.90673 0.86356 0.99344 0.98978 0.57255 0.78951 0.53085 0.27885 0.70651 0.95565 0.74672 0.76862 0.10153 0.33552 0.9657 0.72617 0.34023 0.25163 0.76903 0.74573 0.2791 0.01961 0.40639 0.03529 0.12413 0.32366 0.525 0.51936 0.23051 0.69954 0.56534 0.19918 0.61877 0.51995 0.44558 0.0042 0.47716 0.82774 0.07669 0.51327 0.56803 0.94122 0.36283 0.4376 0.63023 0.86301 0.07578 0.08316 0.91039 0.35712 0.78137 0.42706 0.50075 0.61367 0.62073 0.98671 0.42294 0.82872 0.87315 0.99319 0.27909 0.91717 0.95742 0.30847 0.14967 0.24608 0.07375 0.46284 0.75012 0.13474 0.04256 0.97942 0.22136 0.119 0.89117 0.43075 0.98593 0.8853 0.68367 0.72127 0.71485 0.78003 0.18992 0.90848 0.10454 0.84049 0.70654 0.32646 0.59819 0.6834 0.90909 0.16979 0.63187 0.5284 0.42859 0.72307 0.30858 0.10826 0.39033 0.17072 0.24718 0.19681 0.86587 0.24535 0.48935 0.7253 0.13685 0.27189 0.31639 0.73444 0.7426 0.23908 0.8615 0.95142 0.96486 0.82915 0.73705 0.16801 0.9634 0.10573 0.19261 0.85425 0.09709 0.89574 0.6749 0.94291 0.99056 0.8022 0.87426 0.0104 0.14048 0.75759 0.79482 0.35058 0.86143 0.35626 0.57069 0.33466 0.09136 0.62889 0.73454 0.6593 0.80525 0.63187 0.94019 0.22366 0.27997 0.51552 0.81415 0.1239 0.06207 0.99051 0.8846 0.08361 0.60775 0.49261 0.71733 0.07274 0.17693 0.99569 0.5314 0.87777 0.55375 0.45501 0.93353 0.89399 0.15683 0.48181 0.54305 0.74972 0.32075 0.7862 0.11873 0.95889 0.26545 0.71606 0.71716 0.14664 0.3338 0.86298 0.39385 0.12267 0.30086 0.11981
+0.28665 0.4055 0.65671 0.24335 0.50992 0.39055 0.6938 0.77311 0.42017 0.12871 0.3552 0.21456 0.55244 0.77082 0.22306 0.2198 0.11179 0.96955 0.21846 0.54505 0.6478 0.37927 0.35559 0.3482 0.74309 0.51072 0.05652 0.98491 0.15685 0.91398 0.99838 0.30116 0.53212 0.48575 0.8365 0.49048 0.46624 0.86683 0.90346 0.21193 0.75232 0.5022 0.44996 0.40622 0.9742 0.27817 0.00564 0.22482 0.51072 0.43358 0.28988 0.9628 0.82633 0.8921 0.39953 0.14574 0.59406 0.64874 0.62809 0.7169 0.45604 0.57331 0.65591 0.15872 0.95815 0.45448 0.06452 0.35049 0.57019 0.01733 0.30685 0.16809 0.42658 0.15564 0.26047 0.91867 0.49938 0.49441 0.2764 0.56471 0.44578 0.4251 0.57123 0.22979 0.79205 0.74784 0.96051 0.51186 0.26497 0.38211 0.98046 0.6068 0.14535 0.55199 0.08701 0.68803 0.89449 0.00574 0.11709 0.24082 0.5825 0.29871 0.43867 0.35131 0.4246 0.55958 0.3117 0.6343 0.09489 0.6352 0.20788 0.76849 0.79229 0.90845 0.54788 0.41444 0.57214 0.08276 0.56241 0.29298 0.76336 0.09197 0.31819 0.36524 0.14977 0.56929 0.31509 0.53401 0.43903 0.10278 0.70823 0.55686 0.84571 0.9539 0.86707 0.03861 0.89203 0.97123 0.94658 0.71906 0.84717 0.57999 0.18128 0.75812 0.33847 0.03638 0.24135 0.83629 0.89607 0.8722 0.14466 0.04421 0.61608 0.04158 0.10054 0.39576 0.70763 0.92974 0.42334 0.91368 0.63055 0.11343 0.9463 0.11519 0.70638 0.39338 0.75691 0.61965 0.36486 0.15496 0.88748 0.40292 0.52175 0.83132 0.00334 0.2154 0.51198 0.69731 0.33722 0.46652 0.76101 0.32548 0.95573 0.71312 0.04919 0.96128 0.91922 0.31843 0.32033 0.9229 0.05364 0.64599 0.29089 0.66141 0.3868 0.80147 0.09033 0.07752 0.45601 0.95249 0.33169 0.81998 0.24448 0.89257 0.35787 0.30392 0.87919 0.36974 0.72182 0.22678 0.90756 0.29941 0.67837 0.35542 0.44634 0.71236 0.7336 0.44478 0.96752 0.10618 0.15066 0.14488 0.52192 0.59906 0.67244 0.7324 0.74552 0.77701 0.90314 0.82606 0.17024 0.02129 0.53757 0.37909 0.19328 0.37454 0.73151 0.84 0.82994 0.38813 0.01277 0.71739 0.93907 0.11467 0.97606 0.6877 0.4734 0.63495 0.00614 0.62742 0.53285 0.18804 0.1786 0.58986 0.35495 0.30783 0.07023 0.51418 0.12278 0.81885 0.53295 0.84565 0.12983 0.4967 0.79695 0.61196 0.10375 0.55114 0.77284 0.14605 0.21607 0.9188 0.48434 0.8667 0.49123 0.86807 0.50609 0.52065 0.43657 0.5811 0.5851 0.91145 0.34771 0.88756 0.71659 0.89968 0.09593 0.60316 0.28143 0.35356 0.62366 0.02627 0.29559 0.98736 0.80841 0.75271 0.86627 0.92802 0.23261 0.77085 0.18038 0.04405 0.65113 0.06215 0.08816 0.57553 0.89687 0.21493 0.00329 0.22216 0.08511 0.2432 0.35026 0.33638 0.04413 0.57593 0.03108 0.54689 0.88962 0.86067 0.96967 0.05596 0.66774 0.87916 0.97075 0.10046 0.987 0.58547 0.00683 0.99722 0.04172 0.63178 0.61188 0.70904 0.85387 0.9581 0.05182 0.72395 0.00517 0.72809 0.06986 0.35451 0.02521 0.76061 0.81921 0.79222 0.67828 0.43615 0.27701 0.16028 0.41998 0.94385 0.92054 0.71382 0.89099 0.44167 0.52769 0.60279 0.41069 0.8609 0.0104 0.83474 0.44724 0.35485 0.41248 0.83167 0.56517 0.63888 0.02525 0.50669 0.22236 0.87483 0.85169 0.96714 0.41508 0.83013 0.90238 0.33823 0.26064 0.35921 0.01011 0.77779 0.41796 0.18037 0.67758 0.17039 0.87432 0.52941 0.56696 0.3142 0.90452 0.34874 0.2023 0.74903 0.31878 0.1646 0.02948 0.88451 0.44469 0.75062 0.80907 0.38273 0.44837 0.33682 0.96106 0.4056 0.79357 0.07937 0.72854 0.07256 0.48241 0.50411 0.97613 0.36936 0.07237 0.85222 0.10592 0.55218 0.19876 0.03069 0.73336 0.70535 0.09424 0.26438 0.3839 0.25423 0.40857 0.0297 0.21742 0.52867 0.5254 0.07273 0.50772 0.69287 0.21636 0.73599 0.8647 0.16756 0.51014 0.48289 0.64032 0.02727 0.70139 0.0936 0.87409 0.77502 0.89352 0.5207 0.65916 0.70707 0.81244 0.55001 0.18249 0.87825 0.8619 0.72575 0.79745 0.71203 0.91398 0.82917 0.33558 0.01292 0.01555 0.72868 0.58314 0.83388 0.15161 0.70047 0.2729 0.57576 0.23004 0.65749 0.1214 0.90623 0.71584 0.72654 0.53961 0.92041 0.49354 0.99742 0.94221 0.24162 0.87338 0.57929 0.69642 0.00856 0.42589 0.66979 0.63091 0.09228 0.5325 0.53341 0.88816 0.19283 0.60451 0.75106 0.97055 0.18708 0.01003 0.67758 0.83454 0.72148 0.14511 0.39005 0.27092 0.25048 0.65973 0.96342 0.72865 0.45651 0.242 0.99116
+0.35066 0.7949 0.03589 0.71245 0.23868 0.34894 0.45996 0.67614 0.69622 0.54169 0.07146 0.02569 0.49741 0.8002 0.5746 0.71279 0.01227 0.96734 0.96251 0.33551 0.81918 0.4242 0.51707 0.24623 0.64022 0.454 0.41147 0.42366 0.98432 0.02474 0.02545 0.71204 0.98771 0.88234 0.13252 0.76088 0.48344 0.63959 0.36712 0.03237 0.49466 0.30905 0.80991 0.10092 0.1204 0.0166 0.4966 0.36213 0.38536 0.38477 0.20201 0.59602 0.57254 0.76782 0.25904 0.99011 0.37034 0.85107 0.07174 0.81216 0.50474 0.19072 0.39349 0.13587 0.58326 0.85957 0.30569 0.80744 0.88632 0.87836 0.01467 0.08847 0.49182 0.99912 0.63475 0.45516 0.53536 0.80386 0.15136 0.82856 0.36717 0.5442 0.62461 0.0564 0.35218 0.50198 0.93184 0.36625 0.15111 0.67736 0.45929 0.04795 0.90705 0.13155 0.88897 0.82023 0.19302 0.13396 0.74671 0.28465 0.63953 0.56563 0.28122 0.79656 0.71932 0.43969 0.92152 0.42924 0.62931 0.48354 0.62632 0.9306 0.26153 0.66356 0.018 0.73766 0.80805 0.90735 0.92774 0.93266 0.06934 0.34485 0.06614 0.6602 0.16766 0.69316 0.35408 0.05573 0.51809 0.89287 0.43033 0.49087 0.64971 0.60728 0.11527 0.5857 0.01645 0.15648 0.17845 0.8068 0.86328 0.50464 0.85943 0.92853 0.91984 0.88042 0.78496 0.4999 0.87065 0.56616 0.83953 0.81091 0.66604 0.20852 0.94077 0.33815 0.60763 0.83942 0.68206 0.55582 0.52038 0.86386 0.97335 0.47165 0.57851 0.28619 0.93999 0.25253 0.62571 0.23129 0.91978 0.39764 0.93771 0.20833 0.17743 0.67785 0.4913 0.28053 0.06827 0.46358 0.03108 0.66958 0.9071 0.3352 0.87676 0.71515 0.51706 0.81882 0.14909 0.17958 0.27208 0.29681 0.65847 0.38725 0.04222 0.68234 0.0524 0.92156 0.68745 0.05201 0.22247 0.28557 0.56659 0.43076 0.9069 0.64411 0.19991 0.96403 0.62421 0.39102 0.55473 0.61954 0.54905 0.74445 0.33307 0.20644 0.15444 0.33024 0.81189 0.20838 0.86662 0.45039 0.15338 0.26606 0.7449 0.18869 0.22722 0.59431 0.26772 0.37998 0.55837 0.20965 0.21848 0.43645 0.26829 0.99312 0.63506 0.4207 0.49776 0.21767 0.55159 0.06548 0.48244 0.85134 0.80586 0.81033 0.74116 0.16098 0.55084 0.03298 0.57048 0.4202 0.10503 0.78813 0.51624 0.94347 0.78435 0.35261 0.05806 0.60859 0.68066 0.14499 0.1441 0.13416 0.36475 0.98909 0.49205 0.07189 0.78011 0.65921 0.38183 0.2834 0.42164 0.71059 0.38691 0.19184 0.85162 0.5297 0.91638 0.97713 0.08535 0.56645 0.3328 0.57358 0.72833 0.69767 0.12432 0.46318 0.60826 0.96181 0.10753 0.11876 0.81736 0.30454 0.18624 0.49349 0.26291 0.72857 0.56495 0.35116 0.18251 0.9201 0.72531 0.17148 0.38284 0.78847 0.97192 0.75639 0.78989 0.77933 0.1479 0.97962 0.23864 0.34952 0.6616 0.31612 0.14979 0.46242 0.74221 0.84719 0.55089 0.81514 0.21945 0.42241 0.65854 0.18868 0.15608 0.86408 0.75176 0.3757 0.87368 0.50262 0.33738 0.42533 0.71122 0.62142 0.93764 0.34141 0.62552 0.82036 0.06312 0.3631 0.66923 0.22555 0.37615 0.56446 0.10172 0.79744 0.08627 0.01729 0.51683 0.91412 0.01905 0.34997 0.64102 0.42697 0.31844 0.51866 0.10643 0.17583 0.66233 0.0596 0.05103 0.84696 0.825 0.44137 0.70695 0.89278 0.21766 0.60994 0.11506 0.86943 0.05258 0.10027 0.86293 0.7388 0.18883 0.40852 0.53986 0.98349 0.51735 0.78835 0.53597 0.60534 0.62501 0.33977 0.65939 0.09259 0.59116 0.60285 0.04004 0.70244 0.76433 0.7707 0.27921 0.75569 0.7307 0.46406 0.43147 0.51526 0.76649 0.34692 0.52436 0.04152 0.33503 0.71626 0.24157 0.20241 0.50882 0.64339 0.74944 0.99003 0.82156 0.39555 0.8718 0.99304 0.64372 0.97675 0.95389 0.51335 0.35999 0.20541 0.31561 0.55235 0.29888 0.01534 0.82042 0.84467 0.91732 0.82115 0.13016 0.98906 0.79824 0.35756 0.37231 0.86617 0.33932 0.48219 0.0571 0.78137 0.55713 0.46098 0.65242 0.61604 0.52281 0.36716 0.83699 0.34409 0.3718 0.95661 0.03346 0.21452 0.14038 0.51548 0.24284 0.68443 0.66442 0.36055 0.37792 0.36414 0.56378 0.89004 0.66276 0.94209 0.98017 0.90307 0.48529 0.80607 0.78001 0.58754 0.37658 0.01117 0.58564 0.84687 0.82235 0.722 0.82427 0.38777 0.06968 0.59434 0.40984 0.01743 0.73671 0.91229 0.03882 0.99386 0.34582 0.28574 0.69412 0.1452 0.79514 0.21481 0.4463 0.40171 0.91466 0.84999 0.11765 0.91618 0.80685 0.84002 0.95515 0.39737 0.16723 0.52111 0.4679 0.84612 0.85297 0.97572 0.48119 0.89368 0.84352 0.6146
+0.72584 0.69966 0.3242 0.01801 0.4261 0.54745 0.39442 0.35588 0.33891 0.60247 0.69457 0.54297 0.51754 0.5801 0.99805 0.31567 0.34316 0.30175 0.81568 0.67151 0.82221 0.74923 0.33665 0.73942 0.95035 0.84349 0.93137 0.29653 0.57389 0.02951 0.91103 0.38071 0.68881 0.94603 0.05307 0.46377 0.71414 0.12531 0.54232 0.30823 0.64813 0.56313 0.72348 0.29156 0.10583 0.25643 0.2963 0.19161 0.12097 0.32023 0.35775 0.20945 0.5087 0.69828 0.27869 0.54041 0.47093 0.96368 0.74833 0.61911 0.78788 0.5277 0.83411 0.02908 0.63156 0.9176 0.55112 0.9257 0.92656 0.9735 0.28314 0.3752 0.01842 0.4614 0.37602 0.7877 0.06399 0.46179 0.62623 0.97297 0.75945 0.75668 0.88873 0.37598 0.79021 0.43939 0.78622 0.43844 0.47124 0.91265 0.11923 0.52455 0.8512 0.1431 0.9704 0.65852 0.43125 0.65158 0.91274 0.42861 0.3528 0.45462 0.73757 0.9753 0.41287 0.07601 0.65048 0.56633 0.26554 0.95727 0.4199 0.97176 0.48759 0.4852 0.58035 0.1049 0.51155 0.67235 0.3228 0.74904 0.57502 0.07277 0.88464 0.07691 0.07074 0.34328 0.78223 0.10326 0.36546 0.41055 0.99097 0.63479 0.24494 0.42155 0.14579 0.95851 0.48961 0.66184 0.52691 0.21997 0.40047 0.28645 0.62973 0.35948 0.96802 0.05807 0.68049 0.25467 0.67122 0.53104 0.94196 0.09006 0.18258 0.00987 0.04502 0.22565 0.37049 0.24084 0.65481 0.15964 0.23407 0.70163 0.05546 0.86922 0.69256 0.98471 0.39677 0.66919 0.80962 0.5292 0.74263 0.2479 0.85821 0.04199 0.96373 0.69872 0.8008 0.6556 0.50208 0.98417 0.7419 0.47607 0.40191 0.4353 0.4894 0.59489 0.91398 0.24785 0.26758 0.18626 0.2711 0.75067 0.70908 0.82062 0.55041 0.14061 0.13701 0.20697 0.40725 0.21463 0.25358 0.00897 0.05683 0.98468 0.89839 0.15049 0.08831 0.52723 0.35917 0.64853 0.76864 0.7167 0.64186 0.92109 0.056 0.57113 0.41741 0.89036 0.64399 0.05191 0.93717 0.64624 0.54773 0.69912 0.76733 0.81026 0.17455 0.86709 0.87395 0.96295 0.6224 0.96848 0.41333 0.94722 0.55383 0.42587 0.63262 0.47642 0.3678 0.87414 0.04466 0.50638 0.92923 0.18908 0.73903 0.15325 0.4079 0.18427 0.49949 0.13276 0.85306 0.77407 0.97941 0.47866 0.86367 0.90605 0.13717 0.67899 0.07446 0.07697 0.82384 0.17226 0.87119 0.3855 0.32917 0.36687 0.09396 0.91443 0.36652 0.02292 0.5475 0.70624 0.84803 0.93944 0.05626 0.38102 0.87409 0.1848 0.21334 0.95959 0.86924 0.54477 0.41577 0.90434 0.19881 0.47711 0.93458 0.96332 0.11036 0.81142 0.27266 0.12487 0.88786 0.86736 0.68811 0.37833 0.79647 0.78983 0.80495 0.27063 0.851 0.65963 0.1075 0.87776 0.27021 0.0524 0.12423 0.68443 0.02413 0.19027 0.10351 0.03806 0.75179 0.74045 0.76476 0.55259 0.59954 0.87157 0.93506 0.76267 0.57065 0.68373 0.67608 0.03237 0.36524 0.09637 0.44082 0.57268 0.46342 0.20225 0.39126 0.12755 0.83813 0.05437 0.71826 0.96788 0.91717 0.7272 0.41311 0.65961 0.80099 0.82663 0.65071 0.17714 0.17592 0.52745 0.19398 0.55354 0.31629 0.49412 0.84039 0.90644 0.79712 0.11354 0.99817 0.1788 0.75457 0.31071 0.15724 0.18968 0.83476 0.96191 0.64299 0.49365 0.3211 0.36405 0.609 0.22644 0.06935 0.26393 0.36734 0.31716 0.40677 0.55189 0.44781 0.26917 0.08207 0.62544 0.65246 0.08351 0.22125 0.09903 0.71616 0.96077 0.1766 0.99468 0.95353 0.35751 0.84176 0.78109 0.86178 0.51521 0.31266 0.07544 0.14717 0.24018 0.75061 0.31611 0.09448 0.91106 0.22431 0.65785 0.00042 0.47962 0.26055 0.07796 0.38226 0.87019 0.86592 0.42283 0.1546 0.15588 0.63632 0.98589 0.22963 0.39222 0.82076 0.35895 0.00061 0.55885 0.82838 0.13529 0.34861 0.67081 0.53484 0.30263 0.36733 0.86397 0.05622 0.35145 0.82181 0.81211 0.54584 0.14652 0.87436 0.55976 0.7558 0.07364 0.48605 0.77387 0.67754 0.787 0.21881 0.73432 0.04312 0.6742 0.35451 0.91299 0.89889 0.74964 0.68605 0.58522 0.44415 0.07492 0.69186 0.38996 0.68872 0.91645 0.39523 0.38704 0.61008 0.425 0.39602 0.65829 0.64328 0.45618 0.30759 0.94124 0.13381 0.83783 0.17843 0.53108 0.1081 0.45554 0.95553 0.53089 0.78808 0.58029 0.17845 0.92597 0.14587 0.22751 0.08442 0.88018 0.99255 0.77172 0.4155 0.84671 0.23102 0.39676 0.59206 0.22213 0.50186 0.09179 0.19407 0.34368 0.74083 0.0001 0.30067 0.20074 0.49828 0.56679 0.44469 0.2316 0.99472 0.64625 0.6033 0.4862 0.93876 0.90852 0.94895 0.72066
+0.06107 0.16803 0.24727 0.2276 0.48553 0.82856 0.00383 0.45091 0.65014 0.39534 0.56595 0.85599 0.69949 0.44001 0.17442 0.85125 0.11093 0.44985 0.22026 0.26576 0.67127 0.38803 0.52611 0.0627 0.05538 0.90445 0.07814 0.94207 0.80334 0.39538 0.24417 0.15306 0.81563 0.01941 0.6318 0.06585 0.93153 0.60096 0.30195 0.70149 0.97453 0.47397 0.14091 0.21398 0.29041 0.44837 0.49558 0.2013 0.60824 0.37771 0.05819 0.19385 0.60793 0.05408 0.21656 0.8297 0.68616 0.26041 0.5793 0.9037 0.27865 0.24367 0.89057 0.76135 0.98897 0.20744 0.48213 0.96634 0.28466 0.58013 0.95988 0.97353 0.17058 0.57759 0.15269 0.96981 0.45922 0.59674 0.93388 0.04084 0.25248 0.55353 0.80811 0.27554 0.50843 0.79653 0.97289 0.23027 0.58126 0.3021 0.09875 0.08285 0.83357 0.89343 0.36612 0.57709 0.81285 0.62594 0.24924 0.9986 0.31099 0.92467 0.80374 0.12191 0.18922 0.00588 0.97222 0.72906 0.00249 0.26136 0.03984 0.6912 0.76453 0.00969 0.58355 0.93057 0.69369 0.89571 0.2877 0.19175 0.80876 0.37498 0.46885 0.48099 0.3262 0.31604 0.33423 0.95415 0.47224 0.80721 0.64892 0.24535 0.29036 0.84052 0.41616 0.45467 0.17901 0.34779 0.29032 0.84626 0.69194 0.62908 0.34955 0.0167 0.15079 0.57574 0.21686 0.30763 0.93034 0.95951 0.60747 0.87897 0.43085 0.02709 0.53006 0.5787 0.50599 0.25669 0.71269 0.58048 0.68065 0.99812 0.1671 0.81161 0.63285 0.72665 0.6617 0.77398 0.98499 0.23854 0.51982 0.20518 0.63984 0.26465 0.45157 0.66054 0.99054 0.65092 0.84088 0.16231 0.71175 0.31599 0.29566 0.95039 0.67701 0.19843 0.91704 0.32077 0.45809 0.79767 0.84979 0.53835 0.84852 0.64708 0.99755 0.82944 0.11575 0.14627 0.09995 0.08961 0.34273 0.54522 0.19087 0.4651 0.2952 0.54869 0.51701 0.18681 0.4624 0.75862 0.56501 0.05481 0.47954 0.13355 0.19312 0.48777 0.47026 0.89847 0.53622 0.09726 0.62283 0.70096 0.31394 0.40797 0.95483 0.50408 0.26632 0.19031 0.12656 0.8673 0.85732 0.48252 0.88763 0.60102 0.50791 0.03651 0.78722 0.7314 0.94079 0.82466 0.57948 0.34894 0.44252 0.17382 0.55279 0.31811 0.27539 0.03108 0.01194 0.66303 0.54418 0.67612 0.51082 0.07369 0.80299 0.58699 0.30197 0.21108 0.94989 0.18429 0.67241 0.37503 0.04465 0.53776 0.18491 0.14193 0.82443 0.22741 0.44625 0.08324 0.70204 0.75723 0.22924 0.27198 0.06601 0.24569 0.10241 0.21312 0.23928 0.69674 0.66344 0.55646 0.81727 0.64286 0.81898 0.09887 0.90846 0.22281 0.82039 0.93414 0.8561 0.78597 0.0817 0.213 0.04887 0.46724 0.96305 0.7144 0.84367 0.77678 0.39134 0.49376 0.43319 0.4987 0.29655 0.46297 0.37412 0.92309 0.76849 0.25015 0.22523 0.51714 0.07354 0.93516 0.42593 0.8565 0.91079 0.03978 0.21665 0.20222 0.54483 0.04039 0.76956 0.55787 0.66684 0.9422 0.13609 0.09722 0.64821 0.00018 0.64796 0.56847 0.36299 0.09443 0.91451 0.27053 0.76922 0.07503 0.33284 0.15777 0.74495 0.69151 0.92242 0.49995 0.58737 0.10908 0.69598 0.80204 0.73555 0.38117 0.60502 0.83259 0.14846 0.11199 0.85939 0.52416 0.77495 0.77246 0.9999 0.45741 0.78393 0.51881 0.84794 0.74632 0.68903 0.37562 0.94983 0.32455 0.67063 0.54964 0.44923 0.09781 0.26685 0.21345 0.632 0.2162 0.41253 0.35322 0.44657 0.05337 0.84133 0.1168 0.22919 0.44444 0.50455 0.91851 0.84947 0.61661 0.63821 0.89652 0.88891 0.9769 0.68079 0.21496 0.71631 0.15547 0.99858 0.71017 0.69032 0.21248 0.63398 0.35063 0.41724 0.36674 0.34145 0.28813 0.64994 0.27239 0.06665 0.91598 0.17864 0.0636 0.63508 0.23983 0.42857 0.49604 0.73853 0.76604 0.00813 0.9897 0.29109 0.80761 0.22869 0.8439 0.04866 0.83213 0.52469 0.13614 0.52608 0.21451 0.66957 0.08595 0.91072 0.03698 0.5405 0.70615 0.25374 0.79403 0.08817 0.44652 0.12615 0.74594 0.6602 0.85714 0.85155 0.62389 0.2435 0.7137 0.57379 0.91205 0.69134 0.15325 0.3724 0.73207 0.72155 0.5849 0.3252 0.86771 0.56827 0.53912 0.53918 0.79147 0.37024 0.15844 0.57582 0.71304 0.84715 0.46891 0.10282 0.29786 0.3196 0.19383 0.60598 0.94604 0.21904 0.94541 0.85833 0.73062 0.61985 0.28505 0.82704 0.91594 0.58955 0.21253 0.03002 0.75037 0.62788 0.37839 0.4216 0.58567 0.68884 0.75633 0.30235 0.14188 0.27766 0.79578 0.35904 0.18308 0.93617 0.77438 0.06753 0.65719 0.78227 0.41928 0.40597 0.96158 0.13683 0.07979 0.87815 0.35958 0.5738 0.96418
+0.03312 0.0264 0.83226 0.49948 0.01998 0.96784 0.05417 0.70468 0.63904 0.11463 0.73924 0.31224 0.57213 0.71848 0.82291 0.42329 0.53566 0.54593 0.67239 0.88161 0.28054 0.88083 0.29965 0.50195 0.07484 0.32556 0.07376 0.99274 0.52245 0.25613 0.13224 0.90973 0.63337 0.16084 0.78561 0.54719 0.56509 0.45209 0.70657 0.38407 0.82359 0.32974 0.32571 0.90984 0.12026 0.18204 0.68038 0.433 0.3661 0.85473 0.08012 0.97818 0.71125 0.94146 0.28309 0.97188 0.57706 0.17068 0.69216 0.87927 0.28089 0.33521 0.93421 0.77002 0.48424 0.46189 0.4294 0.39969 0.64825 0.04029 0.12653 0.75687 0.32846 0.20151 0.68889 0.49044 0.9414 0.53571 0.79485 0.73103 0.64239 0.16455 0.3804 0.9561 0.82326 0.20782 0.57073 0.00462 0.97429 0.76628 0.96015 0.51875 0.5334 0.531 0.66666 0.64674 0.2472 0.28523 0.27193 0.11888 0.80372 0.9057 0.46896 0.53831 0.52434 0.84189 0.15689 0.88987 0.76598 0.66887 0.26355 0.51938 0.7916 0.21688 0.53585 0.23203 0.80577 0.67565 0.84097 0.9486 0.21495 0.52459 0.6011 0.894 0.36823 0.51994 0.64853 0.39529 0.97061 0.89283 0.45238 0.50377 0.25837 0.00226 0.62568 0.2552 0.87678 0.81929 0.72942 0.13686 0.1361 0.65402 0.81237 0.23024 0.69101 0.38925 0.47585 0.04036 0.16347 0.18582 0.52242 0.54427 0.06451 0.07484 0.63326 0.37647 0.04452 0.35741 0.28847 0.0904 0.93978 0.27787 0.63644 0.91405 0.52365 0.46014 0.28679 0.03978 0.45493 0.27941 0.25803 0.75421 0.97635 0.67993 0.19372 0.53594 0.19422 0.33498 0.76873 0.17425 0.83361 0.07021 0.59406 0.45896 0.93415 0.54587 0.87135 0.37294 0.92134 0.17111 0.50462 0.64373 0.24763 0.80375 0.7372 0.68936 0.18042 0.11433 0.31487 0.06503 0.25427 0.92197 0.86925 0.1587 0.06475 0.02675 0.94959 0.9258 0.35589 0.81463 0.66378 0.27908 0.05441 0.58924 0.88122 0.76797 0.34154 0.53082 0.51689 0.88055 0.7671 0.59457 0.90637 0.41251 0.04508 0.40481 0.86367 0.17543 0.03068 0.15752 0.49975 0.96926 0.05404 0.94219 0.13574 0.37072 0.04976 0.33031 0.18337 0.58456 0.36853 0.23071 0.82764 0.51784 0.84873 0.46391 0.57328 0.59758 0.47919 0.15007 0.64147 0.39349 0.41589 0.12747 0.74519 0.28503 0.9294 0.60233 0.76406 0.77716 0.59854 0.77213 0.70193 0.45993 0.76399 0.27217 0.5735 0.55617 0.81263 0.67733 0.4491 0.5227 0.26309 0.51822 0.68533 0.75292 0.46361 0.41565 0.64543 0.42857 0.66951 0.0975 0.94385 0.98974 0.67761 0.78451 0.89557 0.35942 0.59697 0.61693 0.19867 0.95015 0.00385 0.76903 0.70868 0.09084 0.72271 0.18893 0.95313 0.06607 0.33736 0.46314 0.42747 0.89143 0.64619 0.91561 0.34836 0.73889 0.80198 0.10241 0.49601 0.26284 0.09717 0.0487 0.62114 0.80426 0.86073 0.66206 0.11004 0.22785 0.154 0.72087 0.75611 0.88874 0.55312 0.38586 0.0304 0.72836 0.9155 0.21269 0.19024 0.03924 0.62029 0.6085 0.6593 0.45224 0.32004 0.48197 0.54434 0.72442 0.3466 0.78876 0.64021 0.92866 0.62856 0.53853 0.39433 0.16302 0.90825 0.6261 0.46859 0.47609 0.17432 0.99612 0.67808 0.75933 0.42148 0.18254 0.4782 0.00789 0.79927 0.0197 0.70612 0.5596 0.65698 0.20917 0.08616 0.29162 0.50176 0.26065 0.106 0.82401 0.80524 0.7216 0.55007 0.99368 0.13959 0.79021 0.78527 0.0698 0.89114 0.13987 0.30249 0.42182 0.28982 0.1136 0.14919 0.23685 0.8064 0.61146 0.70101 0.06812 0.99068 0.71931 0.77414 0.1647 0.54578 0.90216 0.49059 0.26097 0.82254 0.67288 0.93579 0.55767 0.79072 0.31248 0.1454 0.35999 0.31698 0.28739 0.31019 0.13879 0.53825 0.35555 0.94216 0.89368 0.42261 0.42663 0.11003 0.57398 0.80718 0.13405 0.84775 0.57718 0.61805 0.37566 0.20903 0.06093 0.83684 0.56849 0.31184 0.15474 0.57987 0.77277 0.28715 0.49922 0.8789 0.14798 0.6115 0.42272 0.95785 0.96447 0.79057 0.52644 0.2391 0.09704 0.46101 0.46198 0.0304 0.12029 0.20292 0.24147 0.93431 0.61741 0.27219 0.52822 0.23573 0.22055 0.31686 0.15525 0.6925 0.14638 0.97274 0.87017 0.99358 0.71801 0.47205 0.33357 0.3403 0.68732 0.86505 0.81115 0.63388 0.99504 0.68237 0.06148 0.513 0.31461 0.52576 0.93843 0.85671 0.57281 0.21445 0.85164 0.31764 0.87795 0.63482 0.77724 0.90664 0.07047 0.55972 0.29019 0.87812 0.02153 0.8456 0.69393 0.19794 0.82563 0.02026 0.55029 0.39387 0.18796 0.19599 0.37083 0.75602 0.98816 0.54064 0.65663 0.82105 0.82703 0.79457 0.35272
+0.73417 0.39826 0.03175 0.09349 0.11873 0.30401 0.78277 0.15778 0.12552 0.12214 0.97792 0.60094 0.98365 0.82463 0.82361 0.58757 0.14739 0.08593 0.69388 0.20119 0.06918 0.08506 0.69272 0.53107 0.35577 0.5842 0.09479 0.44518 0.31959 0.98081 0.50231 0.85462 0.89896 0.95393 0.97176 0.20524 0.07651 0.97368 0.3143 0.53958 0.3437 0.19807 0.78952 0.49444 0.4347 0.79682 0.50745 0.35406 0.88874 0.88935 0.08835 0.26975 0.12806 0.70931 0.08323 0.89063 0.79201 0.51179 0.99587 0.97699 0.02153 0.07567 0.04124 0.54753 0.49172 0.59865 0.16434 0.63566 0.94569 0.33501 0.68787 0.92877 0.74469 0.18539 0.03275 0.50847 0.63217 0.91689 0.40932 0.37593 0.96668 0.49345 0.13149 0.49183 0.58202 0.56467 0.91189 0.28736 0.21651 0.57401 0.95784 0.57302 0.90847 0.39404 0.90698 0.35985 0.83722 0.92014 0.68054 0.26726 0.74275 0.77683 0.10931 0.6243 0.74703 0.82133 0.66182 0.60453 0.3841 0.42018 0.40112 0.36895 0.09865 0.05113 0.66767 0.81348 0.28752 0.89765 0.15595 0.74262 0.3938 0.55999 0.83966 0.64721 0.04541 0.72367 0.20881 0.36445 0.30337 0.47152 0.63765 0.58271 0.06833 0.70342 0.19325 0.8708 0.60844 0.96513 0.08961 0.83694 0.64122 0.03679 0.76356 0.97441 0.22467 0.39662 0.17099 0.91036 0.1699 0.44927 0.78954 0.45194 0.38043 0.03532 0.62934 0.43608 0.26491 0.12106 0.93668 0.82386 0.78839 0.41145 0.61157 0.53017 0.38043 0.8861 0.7468 0.22385 0.57983 0.57987 0.26715 0.76172 0.38548 0.50462 0.33924 0.66232 0.56649 0.10337 0.53312 0.23404 0.90895 0.57746 0.37476 0.35111 0.65527 0.18367 0.11758 0.67982 0.06605 0.58969 0.4482 0.44932 0.68972 0.39214 0.64114 0.79479 0.69279 0.98368 0.54205 0.3156 0.41285 0.26604 0.15211 0.15943 0.4286 0.88096 0.17467 0.59316 0.85888 0.42853 0.2759 0.30942 0.81195 0.00388 0.55272 0.59686 0.6602 0.38704 0.97647 0.95815 0.58443 0.27183 0.25843 0.17832 0.70223 0.59915 0.59893 0.32436 0.89808 0.66364 0.55685 0.97537 0.06701 0.84023 0.02833 0.33558 0.3413 0.34643 0.25239 0.9742 0.57634 0.28692 0.80077 0.90316 0.64438 0.92195 0.55404 0.83309 0.9823 0.79773 0.62719 0.16317 0.6279 0.3493 0.25704 0.24065 0.09276 0.32679 0.52576 0.86143 0.84896 0.73359 0.16974 0.07851 0.78427 0.02795 0.73864 0.61087 0.38909 0.18008 0.92365 0.36162 0.31908 0.17847 0.42998 0.23622 0.15163 0.89881 0.30166 0.44756 0.49711 0.58059 0.13038 0.02903 0.81478 0.90563 0.27004 0.10166 0.55878 0.90639 0.28947 0.01598 0.47479 0.58157 0.24447 0.8947 0.94644 0.4404 0.67585 0.62901 0.62642 0.11679 0.09117 0.53513 0.11862 0.72156 0.05705 0.01482 0.96587 0.83462 0.81682 0.1803 0.25282 0.99846 0.6847 0.78452 0.17601 0.90812 0.78699 0.39804 0.38914 0.58078 0.26001 0.06281 0.31029 0.6627 0.64425 0.57421 0.45741 0.44402 0.15087 0.54237 0.56179 0.24151 0.57586 0.89891 0.96756 0.76626 0.05668 0.17924 0.01645 0.11957 0.53549 0.76077 0.56153 0.66361 0.24264 0.86646 0.50546 0.8927 0.07198 0.90127 0.45817 0.23789 0.26007 0.34671 0.49075 0.8154 0.41485 0.21313 0.72054 0.72404 0.99831 0.72204 0.84142 0.80298 0.33108 0.32404 0.95653 0.34483 0.57247 0.71418 0.47584 0.94601 0.35247 0.02785 0.13693 0.39714 0.03978 0.17607 0.1865 0.26234 0.64234 0.45296 0.46691 0.36177 0.75985 0.20446 0.10844 0.8234 0.48241 0.47082 0.72239 0.02494 0.27998 0.1468 0.50037 0.06818 0.68043 0.31092 0.65253 0.43679 0.44844 0.61609 0.73038 0.03055 0.58288 0.86382 0.0478 0.00048 0.68788 0.70945 0.37512 0.63258 0.95125 0.80471 0.77164 0.00341 0.29597 0.28817 0.96956 0.56727 0.74158 0.94314 0.92236 0.80429 0.02202 0.27882 0.94891 0.70044 0.46996 0.57556 0.64791 0.24012 0.6545 0.80516 0.17791 0.46312 0.62877 0.18889 0.60527 0.24135 0.5273 0.31278 0.99809 0.83787 0.64289 0.98002 0.5113 0.08215 0.3811 0.23326 0.03372 0.82742 0.85499 0.64969 0.72961 0.60779 0.0622 0.59679 0.9315 0.02083 0.87358 0.27347 0.22536 0.49932 0.86929 0.65506 0.67449 0.66082 0.43412 0.84884 0.16556 0.33828 0.68761 0.61684 0.74917 0.10341 0.9126 0.77974 0.55291 0.69198 0.37396 0.8043 0.06159 0.09268 0.69924 0.17042 0.03878 0.96255 0.54549 0.13723 0.23447 0.57241 0.82771 0.55964 0.4701 0.99774 0.79805 0.21554 0.88471 0.78057 0.67818 0.47299 0.91888 0.37342 0.79817 0.3469 0.19663 0.54994 0.05605 0.57711
+0.90487 0.59082 0.03111 0.87591 0.56277 0.37313 0.33139 0.04888 0.66404 0.29725 0.05832 0.8829 0.83442 0.44629 0.70387 0.39999 0.33562 0.64968 0.5162 0.93345 0.30279 0.51045 0.1239 0.17768 0.06482 0.07835 0.74527 0.40566 0.08614 0.67583 0.6193 0.97813 0.50016 0.19045 0.70736 0.79765 0.49326 0.86033 0.16488 0.7192 0.85155 0.91487 0.71946 0.89215 0.59459 0.18536 0.17489 0.7216 0.35094 0.94233 0.72099 0.72197 0.02512 0.3702 0.73637 0.52999 0.25526 0.89804 0.89736 0.01579 0.24019 0.39539 0.97895 0.9752 0.30198 0.9394 0.90939 0.77445 0.43758 0.25672 0.59389 0.9053 0.3809 0.66329 0.16887 0.54679 0.89562 0.68303 0.84493 0.77853 0.17269 0.90525 0.80584 0.21473 0.33021 0.04744 0.00381 0.08582 0.97838 0.2484 0.49556 0.48461 0.44506 0.61548 0.43798 0.09673 0.3104 0.35646 0.90275 0.94767 0.1538 0.67002 0.16317 0.02926 0.77178 0.11847 0.83319 0.81628 0.54245 0.27258 0.14927 0.79535 0.85487 0.80463 0.70659 0.18058 0.12559 0.88043 0.88751 0.00728 0.60705 0.18295 0.56328 0.1429 0.81719 0.68467 0.56119 0.8039 0.56436 0.29553 0.65396 0.76919 0.77036 0.57144 0.15232 0.04274 0.51946 0.84715 0.33617 0.95573 0.07543 0.41978 0.15898 0.87019 0.94702 0.48432 0.27018 0.12407 0.08634 0.40048 0.98134 0.19327 0.25032 0.67602 0.15899 0.37742 0.03104 0.72615 0.06968 0.03561 0.62479 0.3589 0.38616 0.00615 0.34324 0.79079 0.77474 0.36139 0.68578 0.89086 0.92507 0.6168 0.26341 0.5968 0.76544 0.09879 0.51312 0.92236 0.60453 0.63471 0.78844 0.1791 0.20997 0.27205 0.10824 0.72924 0.41525 0.4035 0.3706 0.95455 0.17652 0.49951 0.97916 0.278 0.15536 0.77138 0.38157 0.61591 0.62029 0.12806 0.74822 0.32414 0.52002 0.69877 0.073 0.03248 0.23241 0.18021 0.5397 0.26165 0.14382 0.32075 0.65888 0.79013 0.443 0.37768 0.69564 0.13032 0.2479 0.26611 0.24714 0.46575 0.54743 0.73687 0.4559 0.63505 0.76251 0.85284 0.29965 0.35345 0.81747 0.98527 0.10277 0.74286 0.80446 0.9115 0.75129 0.24396 0.70323 0.71624 0.78115 0.02936 0.60001 0.16158 0.36471 0.64351 0.94497 0.77625 0.6883 0.15343 0.9075 0.57001 0.4385 0.3018 0.35381 0.11977 0.65284 0.60337 0.68813 0.96935 0.75762 0.0039 0.59579 0.24302 0.49748 0.77663 0.23112 0.01717 0.80641 0.70577 0.60434 0.5743 0.15567 0.10618 0.38874 0.45597 0.79624 0.42932 0.14774 0.14653 0.94705 0.15422 0.23432 0.59911 0.03459 0.8885 0.17103 0.85335 0.38226 0.85935 0.32036 0.00642 0.06688 0.74918 0.4493 0.5121 0.14178 0.76492 0.46668 0.9868 0.64588 0.63375 0.39057 0.07448 0.2873 0.22892 0.68758 0.92294 0.41001 0.82209 0.76986 0.2428 0.15233 0.02413 0.69686 0.87322 0.732 0.94521 0.7586 0.74895 0.04099 0.176 0.38655 0.76031 0.3159 0.21235 0.68178 0.32103 0.6074 0.09232 0.98535 0.64003 0.66729 0.00305 0.95183 0.22952 0.12798 0.12974 0.30063 0.37164 0.62636 0.70132 0.15683 0.60279 0.28759 0.10028 0.72425 0.38949 0.7485 0.72365 0.8356 0.25968 0.00424 0.96994 0.27742 0.91249 0.05608 0.09287 0.47587 0.90147 0.9425 0.43735 0.57409 0.38488 0.41148 0.41597 0.82349 0.72946 0.04286 0.52023 0.62406 0.66387 0.11934 0.23151 0.38658 0.90277 0.66097 0.5062 0.52772 0.83124 0.21691 0.13268 0.45879 0.35357 0.33704 0.21214 0.87939 0.55721 0.35927 0.53637 0.84605 0.16928 0.83028 0.67665 0.4699 0.43229 0.45402 0.70178 0.92292 0.55512 0.95623 0.64493 0.00865 0.89952 0.58218 0.15389 0.85057 0.7762 0.59884 0.28057 0.29417 0.40035 0.78573 0.02472 0.1839 0.78835 0.13053 0.31705 0.3729 0.23582 0.24753 0.08997 0.99162 0.5093 0.83548 0.68766 0.26175 0.05221 0.23322 0.00373 0.01491 0.40196 0.27709 0.41734 0.80471 0.81126 0.714 0.98268 0.73732 0.88626 0.61452 0.05486 0.1141 0.97287 0.15915 0.48724 0.17071 0.60009 0.59382 0.19914 0.05546 0.13943 0.87966 0.84077 0.32052 0.92571 0.29993 0.01589 0.06355 0.2404 0.44052 0.50304 0.03225 0.10342 0.84017 0.39564 0.58145 0.10692 0.38346 0.2207 0.15635 0.67385 0.68296 0.20593 0.46353 0.00671 0.0646 0.42311 0.76971 0.53536 0.70062 0.26713 0.63155 0.03247 0.85652 0.4281 0.84164 0.41009 0.89852 0.98458 0.30475 0.80342 0.39095 0.28502 0.38865 0.66016 0.91293 0.44601 0.2383 0.96995 0.83573 0.7268 0.90847 0.9462 0.13114 0.91751 0.84873 0.70211 0.42839 0.94382 0.58957 0.86328
+0.12902 0.43728 0.19581 0.64022 0.7377 0.69354 0.06351 0.64342 0.4427 0.03534 0.72646 0.24903 0.71837 0.68745 0.2299 0.07448 0.46993 0.86281 0.32398 0.37243 0.95031 0.00808 0.16982 0.5469 0.9922 0.06578 0.65136 0.632 0.15171 0.57693 0.96266 0.24596 0.16788 0.79911 0.37441 0.12984 0.35965 0.57829 0.82206 0.3367 0.92164 0.41466 0.97047 0.15843 0.04048 0.55297 0.02851 0.78155 0.682 0.45938 0.37384 0.33118 0.3038 0.01086 0.06406 0.9277 0.84958 0.70599 0.06356 0.87131 0.44903 0.14298 0.14342 0.02906 0.02561 0.02201 0.17472 0.56954 0.871 0.78185 0.76632 0.85655 0.36218 0.59223 0.61598 0.11938 0.01959 0.50944 0.92511 0.14177 0.24242 0.07697 0.05125 0.04869 0.60447 0.68444 0.71187 0.68715 0.30713 0.09928 0.89506 0.51208 0.31427 0.15608 0.65156 0.55724 0.251 0.09319 0.40158 0.49383 0.90299 0.35524 0.35349 0.67737 0.13209 0.84651 0.48862 0.19271 0.95231 0.83149 0.9851 0.79128 0.00789 0.33239 0.95304 0.13626 0.66085 0.82167 0.31705 0.90478 0.62012 0.30605 0.96291 0.30774 0.18689 0.23572 0.39857 0.94569 0.47976 0.09908 0.08101 0.74501 0.7239 0.6206 0.77418 0.85003 0.44643 0.72519 0.61872 0.04913 0.34544 0.94742 0.28773 0.66341 0.93646 0.56306 0.69446 0.1318 0.20628 0.29426 0.68499 0.84335 0.50483 0.8715 0.49046 0.5856 0.78497 0.4681 0.71643 0.05559 0.96935 0.80482 0.26752 0.96269 0.65683 0.25373 0.50287 0.09915 0.42123 0.63719 0.55254 0.20579 0.57392 0.3054 0.44295 0.97877 0.57066 0.52491 0.8142 0.47583 0.24453 0.80822 0.18619 0.77076 0.62507 0.13624 0.46372 0.65424 0.75498 0.11411 0.68609 0.49814 0.8585 0.53562 0.74645 0.56771 0.32883 0.49932 0.9712 0.31703 0.33776 0.89706 0.19898 0.35599 0.05244 0.97701 0.31669 0.69433 0.31265 0.83598 0.79472 0.39977 0.45897 0.95462 0.11336 0.98208 0.26847 0.88782 0.00809 0.16899 0.53825 0.85052 0.93896 0.53573 0.66508 0.98166 0.32395 0.45098 0.34822 0.01947 0.78302 0.20968 0.71279 0.70915 0.46108 0.79398 0.46752 0.64032 0.63276 0.69258 0.50997 0.10272 0.2414 0.02718 0.60899 0.79829 0.75453 0.87943 0.59476 0.156 0.95315 0.31009 0.33406 0.59609 0.1112 0.15093 0.30354 0.25384 0.39895 0.41635 0.9441 0.90835 0.4067 0.44403 0.62313 0.00313 0.17182 0.81598 0.50103 0.67798 0.15325 0.8533 0.92641 0.97712 0.57339 0.6544 0.79596 0.92168 0.84498 0.96339 0.12257 0.37916 0.34293 0.99214 0.76887 0.12243 0.67397 0.66846 0.48372 0.10062 0.70955 0.60236 0.85693 0.136 0.23418 0.59598 0.13923 0.62978 0.08854 0.41501 0.61855 0.52627 0.31955 0.00423 0.42467 0.34073 0.34759 0.19252 0.69622 0.30499 0.30325 0.61529 0.8902 0.60082 0.35774 0.50655 0.03064 0.33537 0.10739 0.73645 0.25633 0.18118 0.65083 0.71381 0.2045 0.38128 0.3205 0.20589 0.56431 0.91029 0.29806 0.83367 0.55616 0.32634 0.45368 0.25856 0.93111 0.64774 0.13009 0.28934 0.2793 0.19126 0.52728 0.17628 0.03545 0.31194 0.00707 0.65722 0.45694 0.11641 0.95766 0.12505 0.38436 0.06759 0.62754 0.52496 0.74429 0.77637 0.59082 0.52569 0.79981 0.21065 0.04421 0.3875 0.28958 0.01546 0.9912 0.85242 0.66777 0.04488 0.74472 0.97357 0.01568 0.52934 0.72496 0.16029 0.96972 0.87591 0.04531 0.91123 0.73881 0.12783 0.65946 0.44265 0.92789 0.9898 0.35405 0.79269 0.17913 0.71646 0.02202 0.38049 0.62245 0.55174 0.66126 0.09151 0.18772 0.68027 0.86227 0.86987 0.52195 0.74591 0.91253 0.5253 0.46232 0.20702 0.90403 0.34917 0.3251 0.19647 0.36908 0.52628 0.05136 0.65672 0.59215 0.68257 0.23199 0.51375 0.89233 0.21357 0.67184 0.07589 0.24197 0.73204 0.56955 0.86949 0.0275 0.95467 0.73885 0.03877 0.84346 0.2486 0.52324 0.23914 0.01262 0.1683 0.44223 0.69576 0.53328 0.87965 0.32091 0.07086 0.54768 0.17852 0.34231 0.123 0.64281 0.43694 0.99138 0.72721 0.02086 0.50738 0.85868 0.98055 0.26458 0.69324 0.18132 0.75529 0.1089 0.82482 0.9417 0.7516 0.74221 0.60885 0.53636 0.17845 0.86937 0.31468 0.15604 0.90146 0.41871 0.15401 0.3403 0.88401 0.3788 0.25788 0.9097 0.88729 0.47794 0.99118 0.62389 0.69784 0.90683 0.2798 0.59151 0.3924 0.54854 0.18052 0.87084 0.86459 0.46057 0.13061 0.01366 0.71335 0.27954 0.51488 0.48541 0.19456 0.40847 0.2748 0.09886 0.28033 0.67782 0.50628 0.05871 0.49283 0.90506 0.18755 0.03803 0.81872 0.61374 0.08214
+0.58632 0.06926 0.41777 0.79482 0.49701 0.83501 0.42458 0.44858 0.50084 0.77895 0.13607 0.67522 0.15364 0.11476 0.44097 0.5125 0.3063 0.68632 0.44242 0.83094 0.6662 0.68616 0.05119 0.93137 0.4216 0.53676 0.20143 0.75385 0.51404 0.43194 0.24719 0.75906 0.42575 0.36804 0.46876 0.57093 0.47489 0.71347 0.43344 0.43424 0.11202 0.03558 0.05985 0.75105 0.32001 0.53936 0.81986 0.78184 0.09168 0.05597 0.25794 0.47038 0.86622 0.11165 0.02326 0.51359 0.61191 0.17732 0.28613 0.60422 0.8967 0.90141 0.04141 0.06107 0.28854 0.7652 0.49256 0.52288 0.0189 0.90218 0.95459 0.90484 0.96462 0.33725 0.39627 0.19417 0.18713 0.75162 0.46513 0.67378 0.62587 0.51595 0.95522 0.38283 0.43137 0.23686 0.59172 0.95058 0.38133 0.05118 0.8319 0.91263 0.68923 0.65232 0.68206 0.2416 0.16931 0.24525 0.94193 0.29693 0.30161 0.12156 0.87573 0.86147 0.05918 0.368 0.28054 0.16263 0.15463 0.76018 0.95319 0.15219 0.63645 0.79743 0.28996 0.28465 0.78296 0.08564 0.77688 0.3903 0.88949 0.58339 0.67604 0.73872 0.33689 0.49471 0.54448 0.12954 0.63478 0.54346 0.51282 0.07733 0.62478 0.9792 0.65952 0.73682 0.215 0.84825 0.14796 0.03234 0.24201 0.38893 0.17111 0.21841 0.79796 0.58306 0.33799 0.98634 0.87153 0.20588 0.01859 0.18161 0.66402 0.87946 0.26488 0.27784 0.02216 0.10741 0.9425 0.4308 0.12115 0.91445 0.93738 0.78968 0.52827 0.89982 0.28178 0.72931 0.18652 0.61087 0.93669 0.6195 0.47052 0.39522 0.61908 0.03276 0.4508 0.28942 0.83907 0.88319 0.72614 0.63327 0.21557 0.37368 0.08712 0.71013 0.71744 0.92151 0.81098 0.45817 0.69084 0.29425 0.88881 0.26387 0.93147 0.61167 0.47073 0.37401 0.00132 0.08958 0.21948 0.28253 0.36718 0.18509 0.95841 0.58877 0.21749 0.11476 0.0872 0.20311 0.65259 0.00798 0.53301 0.99635 0.41726 0.10643 0.66841 0.48623 0.37503 0.00991 0.27722 0.13633 0.71313 0.21005 0.60661 0.80782 0.06426 0.36951 0.71876 0.69207 0.49967 0.02367 0.80446 0.88991 0.03135 0.15479 0.85746 0.32082 0.89001 0.91743 0.70018 0.98185 0.92625 0.10188 0.37511 0.87565 0.2519 0.01928 0.29763 0.92173 0.17691 0.75972 0.0768 0.83526 0.76582 0.8573 0.12299 0.53254 0.29328 0.67795 0.78397 0.75786 0.5665 0.60969 0.00845 0.19805 0.09983 0.21661 0.77142 0.33383 0.05167 0.63314 0.61356 0.51925 0.27008 0.44934 0.6746 0.746 0.54858 0.49312 0.10899 0.86106 0.63141 0.67343 0.96463 0.40976 0.52119 0.50489 0.58173 0.03446 0.33219 0.35703 0.39656 0.82764 0.38811 0.53804 0.99638 0.62334 0.4855 0.88472 0.02197 0.6249 0.56033 0.75371 0.627 0.58647 0.72782 0.65171 0.64133 0.48248 0.23223 0.52181 0.54083 0.52057 0.09866 0.53587 0.36934 0.96624 0.0615 0.83397 0.2956 0.05508 0.92497 0.10743 0.73521 0.90904 0.41882 0.56398 0.42194 0.41773 0.76629 0.47381 0.09712 0.57526 0.46656 0.7746 0.75161 0.40945 0.00268 0.09198 0.13504 0.98922 0.64549 0.84957 0.16412 0.85224 0.8699 0.18949 0.0085 0.0874 0.10171 0.15726 0.00482 0.48525 0.05059 0.62663 0.44284 0.75852 0.78375 0.64368 0.64662 0.67107 0.89676 0.62606 0.86443 0.34944 0.45325 0.39812 0.26056 0.96144 0.30048 0.1417 0.33528 0.59378 0.80558 0.06799 0.1774 0.30439 0.82231 0.32482 0.4981 0.62162 0.75358 0.24283 0.1135 0.94848 0.85875 0.73852 0.32208 0.04625 0.75064 0.39393 0.57574 0.1599 0.54655 0.49051 0.57947 0.37038 0.93333 0.91819 0.02997 0.59832 0.16263 0.43553 0.26154 0.9245 0.97071 0.14553 0.31614 0.8268 0.39664 0.47455 0.37251 0.03164 0.97364 0.36728 0.37499 0.03863 0.91913 0.73786 0.93678 0.13294 0.03601 0.83128 0.58471 0.54206 0.92913 0.44764 0.57334 0.1874 0.90453 0.73699 0.50698 0.38229 0.16984 0.35644 0.46508 0.4888 0.47662 0.49896 0.10073 0.49991 0.31458 0.47738 0.36064 0.71326 0.17324 0.84045 0.58039 0.09476 0.92041 0.69335 0.20761 0.72523 0.76451 0.15975 0.20363 0.61042 0.50482 0.5647 0.74812 0.42233 0.76747 0.0054 0.24888 0.87716 0.90813 0.27452 0.21953 0.94884 0.11756 0.38444 0.04809 0.31431 0.70191 0.69587 0.686 0.44207 0.51685 0.32466 0.92259 0.22517 0.11055 0.01575 0.7493 0.88959 0.1023 0.40454 0.35209 0.75396 0.7571 0.1765 0.31953 0.4135 0.57007 0.914 0.02399 0.44006 0.1837 0.16911 0.80033 0.494 0.82713 0.13395 0.76619 0.99745 0.29771 0.58887 0.85925 0.4916 0.13698 0.00481
+0.94057 0.53228 0.42033 0.62314 0.36191 0.80724 0.68778 0.04763 0.21956 0.62111 0.43953 0.37087 0.72223 0.76457 0.47752 0.57814 0.51324 0.55723 0.98376 0.90927 0.36124 0.94671 0.97059 0.68683 0.73264 0.56246 0.16552 0.46526 0.13821 0.29123 0.22154 0.47169 0.73659 0.15198 0.51433 0.1834 0.78059 0.70447 0.05651 0.50604 0.35053 0.77066 0.69758 0.34688 0.21408 0.02671 0.12898 0.63519 0.07709 0.17208 0.16294 0.53946 0.34875 0.36652 0.58673 0.00302 0.20815 0.90267 0.48906 0.37003 0.43675 0.64003 0.06598 0.46299 0.06307 0.22819 0.76595 0.36229 0.6651 0.13132 0.92159 0.00855 0.206 0.06194 0.68813 0.27576 0.86327 0.75806 0.51163 0.32075 0.07945 0.00611 0.77444 0.29304 0.75128 0.99328 0.92201 0.89778 0.28328 0.14186 0.02189 0.25385 0.59283 0.96305 0.24607 0.65204 0.29922 0.61395 0.42826 0.40274 0.16386 0.04307 0.80044 0.55627 0.88355 0.16029 0.72442 0.07824 0.51157 0.18973 0.85084 0.26899 0.30894 0.97106 0.92196 0.39694 0.48057 0.83405 0.04986 0.37781 0.55191 0.98431 0.0786 0.61921 0.07685 0.39401 0.45238 0.34747 0.1904 0.94883 0.57211 0.34358 0.59912 0.78111 0.66682 0.99417 0.02847 0.63404 0.35535 0.74602 0.98671 0.9447 0.12377 0.26104 0.11607 0.83574 0.82648 0.03665 0.55418 0.62576 0.01299 0.56349 0.17303 0.11631 0.0429 0.24911 0.54911 0.95171 0.17769 0.41978 0.78532 0.35001 0.70212 0.28663 0.8323 0.98277 0.97462 0.34615 0.65253 0.60648 0.30965 0.28433 0.60141 0.50683 0.71125 0.14284 0.88486 0.27951 0.49105 0.966 0.90688 0.60262 0.25079 0.42446 0.47594 0.63357 0.69178 0.5046 0.97572 0.89176 0.78337 0.06976 0.15006 0.5694 0.97294 0.57047 0.78417 0.15176 0.64498 0.50906 0.45 0.17666 0.62959 0.26586 0.89332 0.82784 0.11845 0.9617 0.92688 0.89583 0.83756 0.06463 0.06151 0.83602 0.80146 0.93938 0.02198 0.4831 0.96676 0.37177 0.43292 0.51996 0.3222 0.27962 0.5182 0.34365 0.40931 0.40496 0.8501 0.95855 0.7874 0.67853 0.48243 0.11618 0.41672 0.43547 0.39512 0.01615 0.64625 0.60345 0.08087 0.74738 0.41536 0.2861 0.11221 0.11971 0.64659 0.11499 0.48199 0.52422 0.14714 0.129 0.03588 0.99369 0.33936 0.8218 0.44611 0.74848 0.49937 0.90811 0.62633 0.42907 0.14188 0.38626 0.72607 0.45956 0.00344 0.26863 0.83946 0.22265 0.67166 0.25595 0.05114 0.29755 0.78814 0.72665 0.50796 0.73517 0.30962 0.82191 0.48871 0.477 0.44635 0.49376 0.75404 0.27589 0.92525 0.08511 0.40279 0.82099 0.88223 0.68222 0.45717 0.3573 0.76573 0.88555 0.90996 0.1451 0.27106 0.82937 0.83326 0.93561 0.60809 0.02823 0.35775 0.43391 0.81778 0.51917 0.3648 0.63146 0.12365 0.93153 0.84741 0.52028 0.73122 0.01138 0.73933 0.40493 0.96893 0.77314 0.50871 0.56217 0.8689 0.08078 0.29732 0.64899 0.95397 0.46948 0.15147 0.58307 0.1932 0.26798 0.66052 0.03147 0.16852 0.26361 0.46611 0.30362 0.9486 0.10856 0.58629 0.49756 0.28014 0.37465 0.08438 0.69026 0.10144 0.50907 0.88688 0.2511 0.34598 0.53275 0.00199 0.5814 0.10725 0.13921 0.89159 0.86002 0.31821 0.70417 0.90817 0.98198 0.35358 0.06546 0.28004 0.91247 0.14134 0.47843 0.5161 0.23655 0.14514 0.62142 0.45834 0.64687 0.31275 0.03406 0.55946 0.18575 0.87828 0.44473 0.62019 0.58553 0.80111 0.29236 0.58799 0.49879 0.55925 0.37284 0.94661 0.15215 0.05256 0.57751 0.15963 0.72007 0.53375 0.95443 0.42424 0.45777 0.93219 0.30497 0.5188 0.13654 0.12425 0.19376 0.38435 0.51881 0.35884 0.16197 0.01801 0.10869 0.66979 0.58615 0.85172 0.2567 0.5961 0.18967 0.23472 0.42023 0.94397 0.59312 0.2466 0.8899 0.99117 0.61119 0.83378 0.6991 0.22963 0.20598 0.07457 0.94064 0.0899 0.84015 0.24312 0.38719 0.86967 0.82052 0.84138 0.25634 0.9444 0.769 0.27635 0.4604 0.8579 0.19341 0.99533 0.09501 0.03071 0.17457 0.4814 0.72908 0.51256 0.23833 0.49201 0.83078 0.91496 0.58449 0.55414 0.41636 0.48782 0.36294 0.54031 0.07554 0.46806 0.39666 0.34379 0.57205 0.28004 0.14121 0.09748 0.56353 0.58477 0.27534 0.67277 0.25042 0.04144 0.30677 0.66808 0.9362 0.47093 0.82206 0.776 0.06905 0.41708 0.38417 0.02258 0.10728 0.01534 0.46054 0.87148 0.05529 0.56748 0.97856 0.18861 0.49293 0.83974 0.85195 0.94118 0.74887 0.13426 0.13937 0.21757 0.60955 0.96148 0.99494 0.74186 0.1638 0.25729 0.24357 0.97694 0.15693 0.26387 0.808
+0.36843 0.12127 0.17699 0.40684 0.78487 0.70031 0.20519 0.45566 0.16106 0.42047 0.06506 0.0955 0.86368 0.59971 0.63019 0.31493 0.60959 0.47504 0.56605 0.24721 0.15522 0.26104 0.68146 0.3978 0.75513 0.20865 0.71325 0.767 0.1495 0.70497 0.89142 0.62073 0.52187 0.8254 0.25801 0.01822 0.18009 0.48784 0.1006 0.56236 0.09068 0.14777 0.91587 0.83031 0.58921 0.93863 0.08233 0.83851 0.60373 0.00998 0.36605 0.70422 0.1813 0.54116 0.52394 0.83551 0.7058 0.62736 0.21874 0.39373 0.56458 0.59472 0.29795 0.30241 0.1612 0.84874 0.15778 0.1661 0.80739 0.06454 0.39776 0.78289 0.75762 0.3724 0.21336 0.86084 0.83513 0.32202 0.33516 0.67661 0.17991 0.42906 0.88978 0.37522 0.13883 0.48617 0.67258 0.39346 0.59381 0.47119 0.43521 0.56703 0.55451 0.94462 0.11695 0.95292 0.52636 0.10274 0.44822 0.38634 0.75424 0.0794 0.24387 0.03179 0.29273 0.62614 0.65085 0.67915 0.55822 0.82479 0.59173 0.88748 0.67779 0.62052 0.75062 0.85897 0.8595 0.91336 0.69085 0.77244 0.44621 0.03768 0.90915 0.66738 0.60774 0.70994 0.86865 0.6228 0.04353 0.85905 0.87592 0.99502 0.198 0.10893 0.28404 0.56461 0.76985 0.96824 0.62976 0.67374 0.54258 0.10046 0.46006 0.7741 0.78625 0.21258 0.49207 0.88645 0.07569 0.97072 0.0971 0.57434 0.95653 0.37211 0.13599 0.65861 0.04802 0.44423 0.47432 0.91374 0.21574 0.40502 0.81746 0.99588 0.37467 0.5219 0.03321 0.87887 0.00389 0.96613 0.38432 0.89543 0.49535 0.26068 0.08028 0.11703 0.57135 0.21807 0.58711 0.27019 0.13583 0.17312 0.13629 0.09532 0.91336 0.71349 0.53421 0.33556 0.20729 0.43961 0.45834 0.36092 0.64245 0.55927 0.18924 0.78902 0.48849 0.3442 0.52151 0.81898 0.81439 0.25366 0.77356 0.62503 0.37095 0.53629 0.53407 0.1534 0.93996 0.156 0.13952 0.76292 0.50489 0.98833 0.1378 0.83519 0.86707 0.11058 0.43695 0.28818 0.38095 0.20158 0.37105 0.45721 0.45904 0.76999 0.72813 0.68715 0.83229 0.96607 0.39068 0.48886 0.15869 0.44985 0.32674 0.90894 0.62517 0.58439 0.68735 0.08484 0.95074 0.97381 0.91867 0.95494 0.20608 0.22331 0.93549 0.38908 0.77348 0.74195 0.29966 0.22284 0.75817 0.60122 0.46167 0.53512 0.05774 0.5567 0.13063 0.27373 0.32559 0.59503 0.73926 0.89144 0.20645 0.70648 0.74759 0.06821 0.52405 0.48265 0.21616 0.66218 0.69109 0.5694 0.42029 0.05882 0.07907 0.02927 0.87858 0.01961 0.93559 0.13038 0.01581 0.69211 0.47365 0.48428 0.85462 0.71727 0.42478 0.40015 0.03154 0.10574 0.98304 0.8164 0.92608 0.58051 0.48654 0.68735 0.27234 0.97686 0.92989 0.36573 0.53431 0.90567 0.80423 0.38556 0.2754 0.26756 0.17882 0.04602 0.35679 0.41952 0.76888 0.01331 0.79548 0.7598 0.74129 0.33243 0.02964 0.31974 0.71198 0.4174 0.08101 0.37112 0.42013 0.13369 0.88116 0.83231 0.26284 6e-05 0.31723 0.91563 0.95802 0.6297 0.56308 0.28928 0.14852 0.85937 0.41833 0.54353 0.05589 0.56002 0.20966 0.04578 0.34897 0.46843 0.53508 0.37807 0.5052 0.72619 0.43632 0.05933 0.02694 0.44865 0.40332 0.72122 0.32016 0.93952 0.9125 0.45666 0.65136 0.00372 0.38178 0.14934 0.24343 0.94315 0.90538 0.49065 0.02624 0.1086 0.33496 0.27842 0.32263 0.07549 0.951 0.80685 0.1869 0.77997 0.61798 0.47562 0.43245 0.05556 0.88238 0.71945 0.46517 0.46226 0.63438 0.18466 0.44955 0.54773 0.34613 0.37506 0.61178 0.9995 0.22351 0.25722 0.06784 0.0277 0.83683 0.72829 0.31821 0.97756 0.98548 0.59635 0.60942 0.03214 0.88943 0.47319 0.55429 0.31399 0.92791 0.83903 0.1569 0.10223 0.95188 0.08327 0.26299 0.49661 0.18838 0.00416 0.69191 0.31728 0.80835 0.46435 0.55252 0.41088 0.77493 0.50071 0.17796 0.19862 0.98431 0.07428 0.82665 0.51384 0.06054 0.74111 0.72576 0.20034 0.41908 0.32949 0.6022 0.93034 0.99752 0.14088 0.86098 0.99714 0.63512 0.13895 0.46316 0.47267 0.83995 0.3971 0.36469 0.37773 0.67627 0.81676 0.4886 0.45429 0.22072 0.15719 0.10628 0.28986 0.07969 0.15863 0.77819 0.99196 0.03544 0.50319 0.19189 0.12687 0.76223 0.39439 0.21388 0.12386 0.77473 0.4655 0.52466 0.1627 0.43004 0.19264 0.35967 0.67773 0.77696 0.5134 0.57229 0.52178 0.62119 0.55819 0.46189 0.69361 0.00219 0.40988 0.0469 0.17043 0.60276 0.01036 0.70853 0.74726 0.57705 0.84353 0.39046 0.04394 0.35319 0.68637 0.57341 0.06657 0.97387 0.16399 0.63846 0.56492 0.83067 0.59069
+0.2843 0.40837 0.76486 0.08329 0.74066 0.4959 0.1212 0.69529 0.28273 0.70262 0.20195 0.24773 0.246 0.49033 0.6198 0.04634 0.6669 0.34345 0.49769 0.73563 0.82835 0.10564 0.21134 0.71575 0.41633 0.28577 0.36158 0.62839 0.89679 0.64299 0.03998 0.78805 0.60391 0.04157 0.56066 0.06236 0.42955 0.21311 0.41903 0.25534 0.21392 0.8911 0.85574 0.17846 0.37335 0.2611 0.78696 0.62317 0.14818 0.62335 0.55211 0.04545 0.0493 0.53727 0.80682 0.49339 0.6828 0.39253 0.84341 0.32964 0.69602 0.09359 0.60011 0.41457 0.89967 0.25933 0.02178 0.76818 0.5239 0.20646 0.51841 0.15485 0.9155 0.64231 0.26519 0.87562 0.2899 0.21795 0.68315 0.68765 0.54692 0.77133 0.58493 0.26009 0.09371 0.40264 0.33429 0.79698 0.20395 0.46709 0.16048 0.10956 0.97826 0.73271 0.83136 0.94918 0.76057 0.16412 0.27151 0.39229 0.90224 0.86293 0.30077 0.26573 0.94823 0.70182 0.08141 0.42301 0.95633 0.26036 0.66569 0.00137 0.84221 0.18353 0.85516 0.19568 0.12901 0.09185 0.79778 0.87765 0.25436 0.52723 0.48247 0.54402 0.99006 0.74216 0.10351 0.33295 0.24636 0.48672 0.08996 0.25267 0.82156 0.47443 0.44982 0.60982 0.05505 0.69048 0.0921 0.60327 0.01239 0.69125 0.72633 0.7892 0.02859 0.62707 0.95279 0.52793 0.55931 0.42661 0.73231 0.23299 0.26594 0.48906 0.79737 0.97517 0.45863 0.08322 0.72617 0.42052 0.35422 0.90405 0.50346 0.36616 0.12964 0.67312 0.5439 0.91079 0.49754 0.84953 0.2009 0.33565 0.68398 0.70943 0.62154 0.21621 0.71832 0.95702 0.21996 0.63172 0.49002 0.36396 0.94334 0.34532 0.1007 0.74332 0.61579 0.74064 0.95627 0.98845 0.23452 0.9746 0.15046 0.68132 0.64559 0.03768 0.176 0.13024 0.62538 0.14905 0.08606 0.83713 0.44805 0.96608 0.20622 0.21147 0.59758 0.51495 0.28225 0.17621 0.34062 0.11451 0.98244 0.66539 0.78056 0.57407 0.80344 0.41888 0.39636 0.00016 0.52462 0.58919 0.82837 0.68096 0.91955 0.96533 0.0771 0.89531 0.22251 0.42982 0.87819 0.20596 0.36034 0.34419 0.49151 0.96471 0.43247 0.13508 0.61783 0.50555 0.75377 0.74164 0.99806 0.10841 0.07231 0.80535 0.62516 0.07931 0.88037 0.71297 0.67134 0.31551 0.68463 0.2232 0.92548 0.00923 0.09139 0.33051 0.29747 0.58663 0.42278 0.33198 0.64084 0.79123 0.25899 0.03996 0.58303 0.62445 0.00609 0.23407 0.05595 0.84683 0.38343 0.658 0.86271 0.09551 0.20083 0.19796 0.67871 0.21454 0.75 0.92505 0.5635 0.93768 0.46414 0.41746 0.75256 0.2952 0.60917 0.72436 0.64681 0.45077 0.31633 0.37288 0.32094 0.99048 0.9602 0.37841 0.78655 0.6962 0.96317 0.90468 0.55071 0.13995 0.98617 0.69387 0.34561 0.59842 0.19654 0.70782 0.41088 0.13173 0.06924 0.82661 0.33801 0.38759 0.70781 0.42029 0.01126 0.60684 0.34025 0.64076 0.47269 0.04988 0.2269 0.95307 0.09284 0.48545 0.50622 0.69764 0.97018 0.46051 0.74673 0.4656 0.47882 0.45181 0.71701 0.78313 0.87665 0.92054 0.24923 0.35294 0.10824 0.19654 0.80384 0.34101 0.45536 0.39715 0.22093 0.05021 0.87533 0.45832 0.29413 0.90772 0.01962 0.98835 0.2659 0.14772 0.24629 0.13021 0.30383 0.50696 0.68417 0.87242 0.38871 0.17028 0.98976 0.82489 0.26657 0.87416 0.40224 0.71618 0.97358 0.28809 0.63182 0.06902 0.72956 0.08427 0.32993 0.47424 0.98196 0.22052 0.16 0.11692 0.3441 0.72702 0.06872 0.22169 0.69624 0.36477 0.7174 0.82875 0.47923 0.29175 0.43051 0.02914 0.72857 0.59053 0.7931 0.10752 0.17566 0.29441 0.67747 0.33199 0.27233 0.34135 0.35601 0.34624 0.82233 0.18186 0.98236 0.33361 0.92596 0.58246 0.63069 0.06145 0.10784 0.81583 0.31147 0.60717 0.2659 0.47638 0.91732 0.94312 0.96862 0.92797 0.24781 0.90838 0.11165 0.22864 0.49478 0.43082 0.29852 0.99793 0.1396 0.18753 0.14386 0.84152 0.73478 0.51648 0.09707 0.47904 0.6906 0.59412 0.94126 0.26702 0.34233 0.36497 0.90032 0.15498 0.96833 0.44031 0.7004 0.099 0.74615 0.41252 0.0134 0.423 0.86658 0.378 0.51366 0.53833 0.96855 0.63101 0.71391 0.88199 0.7133 0.47186 0.42591 0.46302 0.03696 0.56568 0.26945 0.81765 0.17009 0.0078 0.28006 0.43368 0.92823 0.08234 0.53482 0.81491 0.77808 0.74489 0.3782 0.46595 0.25801 0.2124 0.3279 0.9049 0.61943 0.27868 0.49106 0.83033 0.52041 0.77027 0.42669 0.50239 0.64405 0.93375 0.80739 0.22113 0.03727 0.86604 0.51206 0.44225 0.11224 0.41048 0.31191 0.1998 0.73405 0.04997
+0.45397 0.49076 0.0999 0.88386 0.61241 0.79626 0.63275 0.67193 0.96149 0.14686 0.25249 0.10062 0.41022 0.56736 0.98213 0.5179 0.50509 0.78962 0.23491 0.01213 0.68499 0.20168 0.33771 0.07161 0.40337 0.85314 0.2491 0.23611 0.54148 0.57219 0.68627 0.98595 0.76227 0.09792 0.44216 0.70922 0.81021 0.07142 0.1018 0.89424 0.37653 0.04652 0.54518 0.48108 0.50994 0.05533 0.51699 0.05808 0.53459 0.74408 0.78684 0.20523 0.93421 0.88013 0.05591 0.41112 0.03059 0.44079 0.95323 0.82122 0.19694 0.52912 0.96564 0.77675 0.39061 0.1297 0.5543 0.8637 0.31597 0.11599 0.68851 0.84958 0.60744 0.29807 0.01034 0.87532 0.27129 0.5521 0.83635 0.11597 0.46272 0.95844 0.59618 0.24239 0.82935 0.96894 0.17634 0.28963 0.02114 0.99673 0.70943 0.97273 0.37392 0.55785 0.39 0.26048 0.34578 0.64263 0.70636 0.65986 0.401 0.01214 0.98337 0.11106 0.65694 0.44088 0.97709 0.28938 0.39224 0.07084 0.51356 0.27087 0.82463 0.71877 0.31587 0.15645 0.44333 0.48741 0.59201 0.02723 0.27141 0.88354 0.44405 0.68086 0.84146 0.50313 0.56789 0.96952 0.38269 0.11709 0.63231 0.54918 0.34767 0.97567 0.25412 0.97098 0.69012 0.48659 0.77884 0.99057 0.49457 0.51533 0.2251 0.82433 0.43285 0.2074 0.7669 0.52249 0.36966 0.83021 0.89525 0.52597 0.81521 0.00052 0.96535 0.24989 0.85895 0.61805 0.52169 0.12816 0.61583 0.35779 0.15024 0.04171 0.76175 0.51675 0.07283 0.47422 0.99774 0.79009 0.80951 0.50145 0.78336 0.36563 0.41771 0.63929 0.95052 0.55339 0.15539 0.63831 0.04557 0.09156 0.79616 0.01078 0.66479 0.42575 0.68206 0.59876 0.8051 0.55263 0.93551 0.43944 0.58874 0.73549 0.4186 0.03423 0.6251 0.97566 0.74655 0.65298 0.81375 0.0678 0.51492 0.90491 0.65311 0.03997 0.13638 0.95706 0.29683 0.80912 0.43249 0.57209 0.24182 0.81045 0.78872 0.11532 0.91069 0.81225 0.95881 0.30889 0.26252 0.66767 0.40008 0.97801 0.85275 0.3473 0.00604 0.00506 0.83094 0.58707 0.98358 0.61542 0.82095 0.2836 0.3324 0.03633 0.40963 0.23778 0.26803 0.73908 0.19698 0.51056 0.29013 0.19777 0.55414 0.6039 0.71774 0.14606 0.65638 0.64822 0.28422 0.9866 0.73073 0.2008 0.30662 0.5758 0.79277 0.38983 0.78529 0.59941 0.79073 0.09189 0.40833 0.67796 0.48989 0.03323 0.54447 0.93841 0.97665 0.09969 0.6572 0.10781 0.58994 0.0242 0.40656 0.86331 0.57109 0.17397 0.06154 0.95468 0.20338 0.88387 0.87957 0.38693 0.32385 0.47048 0.24497 0.67249 0.94838 0.87699 0.18701 0.60448 0.6003 0.87387 0.32432 0.15448 0.7378 0.6229 0.75323 0.4587 0.3991 0.0313 0.04631 0.28557 0.17925 0.17032 0.91649 0.08643 0.10977 0.84983 0.43951 0.05535 0.55385 0.13887 0.62232 0.23944 0.94581 0.02143 0.43887 0.06039 0.75411 0.2665 0.7067 0.08754 0.59967 0.54904 0.99421 0.90537 0.12479 0.30674 0.94071 0.34351 0.23747 0.07301 0.81963 0.0784 0.42785 0.77238 0.26042 0.25783 0.96394 0.94975 0.56658 0.08773 0.06074 0.72559 0.27606 0.11895 0.44675 0.06809 0.09674 0.87599 0.43466 0.52132 0.64806 0.57607 0.71592 0.77053 0.57336 0.30215 0.01381 0.00293 0.88975 0.17254 0.67092 0.95982 0.77854 0.58412 0.73855 0.1547 0.22363 0.65151 0.57259 0.85 0.29728 0.56835 0.53884 0.12249 0.81665 0.45988 0.64344 0.01193 0.71194 0.18346 0.39681 0.53648 0.88049 0.51046 0.50281 0.1766 0.65439 0.34469 0.74189 0.21733 0.44103 0.99937 0.284 0.28409 0.84686 0.60651 0.60207 0.9144 0.13162 0.62423 0.62675 0.30512 0.80583 0.52217 0.98969 0.24538 0.06783 0.52103 0.5602 0.51967 0.58806 0.199 0.18034 0.47491 0.91509 0.5531 0.62516 0.56141 0.68015 0.01288 0.45835 0.73093 0.0862 0.05749 0.95874 0.0205 0.33163 0.16958 0.57705 0.06291 0.68953 0.48249 0.30103 0.98777 0.43484 0.92188 0.03536 0.76188 0.51437 0.90484 0.74068 0.48039 0.67937 0.94148 0.80428 0.60327 0.48342 0.99248 0.62362 0.86409 0.78247 0.75485 0.00598 0.91971 0.45815 0.88559 0.79322 0.77495 0.64318 0.19691 0.34178 0.29123 0.44862 0.65895 0.00791 0.74299 0.09374 0.59281 0.2784 0.2269 0.50997 0.28798 0.67916 0.44552 0.26517 0.59861 0.40238 0.09432 0.4361 0.93705 0.37248 0.91005 0.54377 0.41492 0.67282 0.58634 0.65579 0.85935 0.81692 0.51781 0.97954 0.47219 0.72751 0.19206 0.66114 0.71179 0.29835 0.82403 0.57316 0.5413 0.97912 0.1233 0.84328 0.47065 0.2939 0.86947 0.74249 0.31473
+0.17904 0.36087 0.71314 0.24693 0.80411 0.88045 0.05462 0.66412 0.90162 0.29787 0.28844 0.94303 0.51516 0.69839 0.69153 0.25652 0.81667 0.58501 0.17996 0.96864 0.75711 0.13421 0.44315 0.91124 0.33304 0.65066 0.09148 0.54885 0.55371 0.7975 0.479 0.15847 0.22011 0.91142 0.51074 0.76211 0.17584 0.09081 0.83569 0.68421 0.21792 0.79432 0.0734 0.8087 0.4394 0.12463 0.82851 0.67567 0.34046 0.37845 0.13088 0.26287 0.51054 0.08674 0.28925 0.19359 0.77291 0.84143 0.77598 0.71081 0.91019 0.60994 0.52527 0.7642 0.02924 0.34619 0.53279 0.05117 0.16391 0.38257 0.11388 0.22785 0.16199 0.30824 0.77983 0.15479 0.84003 0.73886 0.78677 0.45553 0.9205 0.41725 0.33485 0.96578 0.19439 0.61028 0.21135 0.79463 0.28913 0.77504 0.71988 0.31785 0.22153 0.78651 0.49709 0.57082 0.33215 0.35072 0.84482 0.0313 0.43976 0.64603 0.9159 0.15933 0.03277 0.7195 0.22139 0.81721 0.72226 0.85177 0.28217 0.91621 0.80284 0.94678 0.95085 0.39304 0.82569 0.62103 0.34043 0.32236 0.47722 0.55523 0.42371 0.84822 0.9518 0.02513 0.70313 0.86725 0.42122 0.90893 0.69773 0.28402 0.45449 0.48685 0.98828 0.03137 0.06228 0.09962 0.84523 0.37277 0.32875 0.50253 0.00562 0.54331 0.72188 0.31584 0.70568 0.94419 0.56569 0.69894 0.43103 0.71338 0.72753 0.42514 0.5006 0.06823 0.86512 0.50739 0.3365 0.93867 0.90022 0.94574 0.3454 0.56906 0.14162 0.92683 0.80719 0.42984 0.23882 0.54127 0.37362 0.93786 0.30252 0.96893 0.46329 0.91332 0.20582 0.69886 0.45284 0.01931 0.60213 0.85773 0.96147 0.32527 0.93105 0.0352 0.00769 0.89754 0.1369 0.93403 0.71019 0.32942 0.75469 0.75854 0.33485 0.87157 0.84249 0.88583 0.99869 0.64761 0.19851 0.51204 0.53193 0.15954 0.12936 0.34785 0.46586 0.19935 0.11341 0.76095 0.85977 0.14687 0.97785 0.59939 0.71371 0.95718 0.87997 0.56556 0.77892 0.98712 0.40995 0.73136 0.2274 0.41453 0.70876 0.62197 0.26137 0.31542 0.60494 0.36769 0.94145 0.94971 0.06059 0.16507 0.79246 0.40412 0.0698 0.23965 0.18187 0.44419 0.84654 0.11772 0.9862 0.89255 0.46727 0.28698 0.58562 0.76187 0.73756 0.26844 0.8394 0.59732 0.30877 0.40779 0.03581 0.30608 0.68407 0.48072 0.7904 0.86423 0.23371 0.79095 0.09386 0.66903 0.56541 0.52614 0.36702 0.098 0.57474 0.3026 0.4374 0.29153 0.4883 0.53347 0.42751 0.44486 0.73818 0.22246 0.00808 0.82429 0.83486 0.68615 0.40097 0.10451 0.654 0.56916 0.80307 0.6816 0.85502 0.11472 0.72121 0.8047 0.15664 0.79549 0.95515 0.06822 0.13605 0.75685 0.36503 0.88792 0.98249 0.84258 0.39395 0.80991 0.98827 0.68752 0.83089 0.72105 0.22853 0.62802 0.72242 0.36117 0.39768 0.57843 0.35731 0.67281 0.00696 0.43407 0.26822 0.40243 0.91138 0.28211 0.72246 0.23692 0.13013 0.96139 0.32366 0.10791 0.52449 0.14984 0.36183 0.50867 0.99916 0.30552 0.92223 0.90695 0.16807 0.8927 0.40918 0.43229 0.36629 0.41034 0.19367 0.92994 0.5222 0.93505 0.54191 0.28949 0.68586 0.08258 0.11221 0.36351 0.51142 0.79915 0.23047 0.13883 0.45793 0.12989 0.60903 0.13344 0.68644 0.16927 0.08608 0.07559 0.30261 0.51007 0.47481 0.80306 0.19913 0.04069 0.32374 0.56834 0.11098 0.67445 0.97019 0.10447 0.52498 0.61075 0.74401 0.32509 0.41301 0.16656 0.08148 0.69836 0.69537 0.77486 0.77884 0.35257 0.20711 0.18478 0.36592 0.57129 0.90951 0.188 0.61364 0.79799 0.73603 0.2211 0.64218 0.16266 0.67572 0.12348 0.70584 0.5499 0.79769 0.34597 0.00506 0.88354 0.69141 0.66109 0.14239 0.45156 0.35175 0.68887 0.68494 0.3266 0.24871 0.83325 0.06734 0.41868 0.75698 0.79486 0.55692 0.5095 0.45748 0.21579 0.31346 0.18739 0.98356 0.56446 0.60348 0.86084 0.30862 0.0494 0.77834 0.99513 0.13732 0.29115 0.46998 0.87661 0.39514 0.96301 0.34794 0.81718 0.41988 0.98858 0.22205 0.40645 0.87352 0.06309 0.17956 0.0365 0.17774 0.0026 0.65989 0.3801 0.05112 0.00555 0.26679 0.96491 0.06123 0.65241 0.99927 0.09757 0.10497 0.44543 0.31174 0.25916 0.97857 0.78253 0.22918 0.22754 0.53271 0.71515 0.08739 0.55785 0.69695 0.59711 0.94479 0.70623 0.22704 0.92041 0.68711 0.1117 0.75845 0.74556 0.70801 0.73518 0.87752 0.71711 0.53601 0.78394 0.14684 0.05774 0.27977 0.11724 0.45864 0.81929 0.84884 0.90414 0.06159 0.45457 0.97828 0.7378 0.11483 0.08122 0.01993 0.35499 0.93559 0.9434 0.0469 0.25801
+0.95719 0.358 0.98418 0.77258 0.20518 0.95933 0.89383 0.02582 0.18402 0.56859 0.54845 0.3638 0.47206 0.28365 0.6425 0.72455 0.18152 0.08861 0.62433 0.22857 0.49684 0.58157 0.09102 0.43288 0.53925 0.15144 0.36212 0.04464 0.40217 0.55696 0.71806 0.08519 0.51127 0.43129 0.83336 0.62101 0.76113 0.16022 0.63449 0.46421 0.08039 0.12071 0.26121 0.89451 0.90284 0.62088 0.15546 0.23783 0.23027 0.62417 0.93906 0.04694 0.62572 0.61234 0.31166 0.9768 0.95616 0.23238 0.45601 0.26629 0.0636 0.03909 0.57797 0.33798 0.27357 0.83056 0.59502 0.64662 0.56586 0.14866 0.44631 0.63129 0.91213 0.72138 0.84661 0.64626 0.15881 0.93588 0.68415 0.73102 0.38319 0.47212 0.95059 0.1327 0.31602 0.20725 0.28711 0.28035 0.18512 0.47232 0.36944 0.67803 0.86455 0.08935 0.48175 0.46386 0.83322 0.46257 0.90575 0.69848 0.75916 0.04293 0.48745 0.09776 0.80474 0.31111 0.79473 0.88236 0.36032 0.82173 0.26198 0.60878 0.63045 0.39498 0.67031 0.70385 0.3798 0.98453 0.24462 0.50729 0.7446 0.79532 0.91751 0.84232 0.573 0.10588 0.44908 0.76102 0.57364 0.98197 0.43193 0.78864 0.18114 0.99063 0.72554 0.06452 0.46726 0.37241 0.61898 0.62536 0.99174 0.26857 0.82467 0.85579 0.86638 0.36403 0.94753 0.68729 0.07812 0.66391 0.66724 0.84012 0.78809 0.46207 0.99312 0.28733 0.80266 0.35491 0.72603 0.57248 0.0154 0.98194 0.80281 0.05942 0.71392 0.44838 0.22071 0.6533 0.82382 0.39202 0.20731 0.67743 0.03901 0.2134 0.81551 0.40626 0.83364 0.23182 0.54675 0.64002 0.07029 0.1159 0.30888 0.71362 0.93768 0.88943 0.05069 0.76725 0.96647 0.81816 0.38042 0.22076 0.13713 0.36241 0.42892 0.7233 0.59606 0.10687 0.84851 0.82539 0.14017 0.40642 0.81403 0.13075 0.60225 0.72772 0.47051 0.85373 0.3731 0.28067 0.89011 0.89305 0.78453 0.24899 0.89721 0.09928 0.64063 0.36926 0.92487 0.83448 0.98628 0.35402 0.13542 0.6138 0.90316 0.27172 0.74327 0.33846 0.25576 0.08107 0.86714 0.831 0.85256 0.86894 0.50811 0.57704 0.30892 0.00983 0.07076 0.03682 0.23198 0.7134 0.85151 0.76201 0.3072 0.59781 0.1178 0.39899 0.8238 0.32444 0.60634 0.01001 0.30269 0.57374 0.97863 0.94698 0.92993 0.34288 0.85371 0.50901 0.87699 0.99999 0.64452 0.20655 0.13001 0.65654 0.44606 0.47085 0.67191 0.75076 0.63195 0.052 0.03388 0.46785 0.54104 0.70543 0.7832 0.34753 0.25642 0.2383 0.63363 0.65777 0.31738 0.50559 0.25096 0.39504 0.78674 0.47952 0.08701 0.12007 0.1418 0.87812 0.85314 0.90893 0.25604 0.64866 0.99752 0.02264 0.0535 0.97168 0.12346 0.457 0.6799 0.09476 0.22547 0.89823 0.67553 0.21367 0.82321 0.5142 0.53757 0.39783 0.48624 0.11026 0.92988 0.38534 0.39794 0.44814 0.39393 0.8347 0.02486 0.29615 0.18813 0.05828 0.84809 0.09457 0.74139 0.80948 0.52171 0.56175 0.18499 0.79384 0.20567 0.44808 0.64588 0.02047 0.29271 0.00239 0.56458 0.854 0.67694 0.34311 0.91028 0.59578 0.09662 0.26858 0.33859 0.23288 0.73749 0.24732 0.81671 0.1552 0.2809 0.86422 0.41154 0.28746 0.50517 0.89848 0.41184 0.81826 0.3554 0.15537 0.12485 0.45386 0.99135 0.32378 0.93083 0.79472 0.10161 0.77392 0.13384 0.32966 0.04966 0.2123 0.95001 0.10216 0.7701 0.33305 0.7519 0.31873 0.52885 0.77435 0.8955 0.78247 0.93904 0.8038 0.67884 0.66791 0.72017 0.58349 0.93639 0.89269 0.43314 0.50106 0.57753 0.80929 0.53576 0.48004 0.22888 0.9945 0.66695 0.43605 0.48406 0.75875 0.12091 0.38906 0.3319 0.535 0.68662 0.93546 0.24974 0.20644 0.06295 0.49515 0.52359 0.90825 0.08519 0.11326 0.96105 0.06322 0.22827 0.31469 0.84982 0.4604 0.70131 0.43853 0.19515 0.7939 0.78595 0.48422 0.03987 0.1368 0.69284 0.22565 0.43102 0.26628 0.62057 0.46936 0.76588 0.37379 0.52272 0.13435 0.20592 0.51494 0.07947 0.9295 0.86382 0.28973 0.90918 0.46381 0.87106 0.53521 0.66375 0.22834 0.61247 0.74963 0.34583 0.30453 0.1909 0.83021 0.39703 0.83731 0.35596 0.25308 0.63333 0.6456 0.4426 0.64798 0.21768 0.37955 0.88772 0.36992 0.00697 0.50424 0.34422 0.56046 0.08746 0.43371 0.12064 0.13749 0.61273 0.01881 0.57916 0.16006 0.87019 0.85679 0.88832 0.40542 0.1113 0.18155 0.93387 0.46031 0.2999 0.94279 0.61708 0.16006 0.89775 0.78464 0.15113 0.32621 0.35073 0.67245 0.65829 0.04467 0.76354 0.11126 0.17293 0.21535 0.7441 0.45591 0.28875 0.32814
+0.15585 0.63058 0.2437 0.95028 0.24507 0.194 0.2098 0.08014 0.68995 0.66128 0.43716 0.06664 0.28441 0.98689 0.475 0.66772 0.53965 0.25388 0.37293 0.12487 0.70924 0.60374 0.49805 0.61229 0.59352 0.7687 0.03844 0.3599 0.59854 0.53975 0.04958 0.24275 0.6879 0.75235 0.99078 0.72003 0.77304 0.82354 0.71703 0.65609 0.28272 0.07607 0.9454 0.15622 0.9736 0.14583 0.62888 0.29879 0.98313 0.95285 0.58594 0.77351 0.38621 0.57908 0.4451 0.05916 0.23937 0.2844 0.69241 0.40203 0.82657 0.55541 0.9734 0.82904 0.03631 0.63512 0.59397 0.99433 0.71835 0.41513 0.71039 0.43226 0.5588 0.39578 0.75044 0.75574 0.65656 0.57268 0.96693 0.81151 0.60851 0.05745 0.61566 0.22267 0.55664 0.66961 0.75473 0.43517 0.9734 0.23748 0.96567 0.32997 0.77067 0.87023 0.65783 0.84393 0.36047 0.56331 0.88293 0.4868 0.43918 0.77154 0.24421 0.62333 0.82504 0.45129 0.31148 0.89373 0.75292 0.09876 0.33586 0.52984 0.12642 0.55469 0.66874 0.47777 0.8637 0.14846 0.77197 0.43422 0.34257 0.56438 0.65809 0.21904 0.86571 0.20471 0.1875 0.14813 0.99086 0.51776 0.49989 0.60704 0.80303 0.8257 0.46657 0.79277 0.35714 0.47624 0.92922 0.5648 0.55644 0.70578 0.29052 0.21499 0.4079 0.20807 0.38986 0.96854 0.0594 0.44122 0.01687 0.64269 0.75277 0.1579 0.85277 0.54921 0.68303 0.30071 0.05789 0.60239 0.81552 0.12611 0.60311 0.11628 0.33668 0.05839 0.55056 0.55601 0.31964 0.99642 0.3393 0.04445 0.18385 0.44276 0.77455 0.56238 0.62364 0.95939 0.27489 0.48318 0.84734 0.08132 0.41814 0.54346 0.94725 0.52067 0.28823 0.20206 0.04972 0.32509 0.25233 0.82655 0.02754 0.66842 0.77981 0.0816 0.61847 0.16138 0.18442 0.05844 0.40274 0.28942 0.68029 0.03938 0.32195 0.70109 0.70862 0.86935 0.29094 0.04509 0.08586 0.82742 0.48378 0.73716 0.1363 0.99576 0.65319 0.75865 0.47291 0.09821 0.80263 0.37377 0.28689 0.51119 0.0221 0.7207 0.57264 0.88115 0.45055 0.99646 0.18504 0.97476 0.44895 0.27742 0.75602 0.0031 0.28723 0.7249 0.37185 0.0436 0.59951 0.67353 0.29303 0.92528 0.80887 0.30476 0.36572 0.48616 0.69229 0.86138 0.01306 0.5517 0.94885 0.22987 0.88855 0.51977 0.27768 0.18128 0.05396 0.81289 0.51185 0.15857 0.49304 0.65386 0.89261 0.21678 0.79413 0.00584 0.07855 0.09212 0.40363 0.13835 0.12898 0.30091 0.4105 0.51905 0.65416 0.82931 0.8364 0.99714 0.84892 0.99603 0.7164 0.91818 0.43634 0.55175 0.37256 0.37769 0.56272 0.76724 0.2328 0.08923 0.24372 0.63914 0.2283 0.81063 0.25069 0.38226 0.43725 0.5128 0.12631 0.90484 0.19827 0.03926 0.4452 0.53066 0.47525 0.40039 0.30543 0.47209 0.71758 0.17051 0.47556 0.63034 0.86373 0.50903 0.21731 0.1944 0.04699 0.00409 0.60961 0.3104 0.30952 0.18704 0.3744 0.65631 0.63782 0.88463 0.24782 0.50202 0.68771 0.32181 0.9912 0.62211 0.74108 0.83747 0.23459 0.18065 0.17858 0.3678 0.76158 0.63871 0.08342 0.78357 0.14179 0.79852 0.53241 0.18879 0.8459 0.88248 0.1795 0.29855 0.57957 0.06799 0.285 0.88465 0.75881 0.68758 0.32381 0.67116 0.89476 0.68021 0.5207 0.84837 0.19412 0.15291 0.54687 0.14095 0.04081 0.77687 0.10525 0.52211 0.73852 0.43223 0.1108 0.40265 0.28612 0.49402 0.14055 0.31988 0.25682 0.91208 0.89992 0.16485 0.79705 0.73672 0.63963 0.57674 0.08645 0.65132 0.61753 0.98677 0.90118 0.95091 0.78257 0.66268 0.48695 0.28525 0.92652 0.71839 0.0091 0.42483 0.68082 0.6711 0.6015 0.12112 0.38315 0.89755 0.81289 0.41704 0.65315 0.41329 0.99273 0.84751 0.53116 0.39341 0.52315 0.94777 0.88492 0.71165 0.23777 0.39763 0.35806 0.17649 0.4311 0.75863 0.74175 0.45821 0.66269 0.36653 0.86402 0.83264 0.16468 0.37576 0.27911 0.48971 0.43896 0.60335 0.39401 0.95223 0.76715 0.15882 0.04801 0.30743 0.49304 0.53467 0.17797 0.12802 0.76795 0.41547 0.78237 0.33593 0.56953 0.13097 0.81105 0.0639 0.38396 0.21445 0.17711 0.54947 0.93975 0.93051 0.30577 0.61588 0.4458 0.33881 0.79643 0.37489 0.79863 0.48857 0.81853 0.91345 0.92854 0.88526 0.01948 0.45476 0.49777 0.03494 0.43807 0.98044 0.34657 0.19831 0.91881 0.14877 0.96844 0.38661 0.74717 0.20758 0.75903 0.20126 0.98923 0.92165 0.1808 0.19103 0.88712 0.68345 0.02677 0.05742 0.4177 0.31543 0.8648 0.70833 0.50715 0.95084 0.15047 0.641 0.62886 0.29622 0.27965 0.56119 0.26567 0.77912
+0.38315 0.67913 0.53914 0.75014 0.82357 0.57374 0.25815 0.01871 0.83953 0.74125 0.40142 0.089 0.62238 0.07511 0.61044 0.7089 0.48091 0.47965 0.93978 0.1267 0.86303 0.55437 0.06892 0.45537 0.4987 0.72896 0.16522 0.81743 0.16503 0.51176 0.59277 0.25869 0.20874 0.44015 0.60098 0.79446 0.7481 0.07299 0.61049 0.32151 0.14958 0.49138 0.91952 0.8375 0.29223 0.85348 0.14712 0.19264 0.40671 0.24496 0.01532 0.06842 0.7036 0.05059 0.553 0.31215 0.31948 0.97836 0.66111 0.3072 0.11056 0.26904 0.11772 0.77206 0.98363 0.42681 0.43799 0.34764 0.19523 0.85125 0.07692 0.23513 0.74054 0.33512 0.34153 0.81178 0.66061 0.93395 0.91155 0.08582 0.08897 0.69886 0.31995 0.27891 0.62611 0.88808 0.60125 0.06591 0.3559 0.88802 0.19745 0.73916 0.63667 0.37729 0.4453 0.48382 0.61173 0.70192 0.00843 0.95106 0.10912 0.53563 0.09094 0.47049 0.05974 0.14045 0.44233 0.93057 0.71039 0.25934 0.90893 0.53656 0.03559 0.63022 0.8938 0.37855 0.55417 0.17457 0.36446 0.1867 0.1249 0.54432 0.73432 0.00127 0.93681 0.96002 0.30844 0.33732 0.61894 0.28441 0.74972 0.03237 0.27994 0.03811 0.9124 0.73193 0.73383 0.80581 0.70257 0.39127 0.03061 0.04316 0.79118 0.56398 0.93101 0.61823 0.92191 0.64206 0.47826 0.09328 0.59218 0.07651 0.37289 0.17862 0.08433 0.86199 0.98289 0.98918 0.22843 0.1411 0.19164 0.46367 0.00102 0.51172 0.74734 0.63429 0.41034 0.56283 0.25795 0.42908 0.65945 0.69307 0.51523 0.59872 0.72132 0.7684 0.66085 0.73003 0.63577 0.82455 0.36911 0.94936 0.61743 0.54538 0.40745 0.89764 0.67271 0.70308 0.8587 0.80987 0.7627 0.89005 0.04723 0.04581 0.01411 0.4691 0.53004 0.13921 0.11013 0.51835 0.26677 0.91781 0.92667 0.97258 0.93959 0.64205 0.19883 0.4051 0.11229 0.36959 0.59534 0.29685 0.04472 0.01174 0.21032 0.64739 0.93823 0.68788 0.8703 0.27883 0.67683 0.69323 0.95074 0.42468 0.40166 0.8101 0.2183 0.10904 0.42049 0.80189 0.49145 0.78912 0.29631 0.92855 0.28006 0.74303 0.36304 0.08575 0.1951 0.79368 0.23111 0.98422 0.97235 0.06145 0.93522 0.21359 0.12653 0.91116 0.33403 0.09442 0.61693 0.90509 0.75189 0.52679 0.7739 0.01978 0.56476 0.41449 0.54421 0.94168 0.79901 0.90901 0.67131 0.76464 0.59077 0.92092 0.93906 0.02487 0.21224 0.15267 0.97363 0.17064 0.75562 0.48329 0.79251 0.90594 0.94435 0.42074 0.87564 0.2503 0.17392 0.22245 0.67973 0.12688 0.96326 0.85867 0.85796 0.70682 0.48329 0.23149 0.87024 0.66223 0.24226 0.97427 0.75016 0.41675 0.98891 0.75912 0.73298 0.5895 0.59604 0.63151 0.85915 0.06182 0.06818 0.25852 0.18027 0.79569 0.34213 0.35562 0.48193 0.69473 0.46476 0.50703 0.29702 0.42751 0.89667 0.07599 0.23825 0.53716 0.83836 0.00191 0.23667 0.35029 0.3376 0.59528 0.23631 0.61018 0.32187 0.10323 0.37755 0.40469 0.91216 0.88862 0.45086 0.37932 0.12454 0.32209 0.94232 0.90136 0.89129 0.53048 0.32552 0.39725 0.49306 0.75859 0.00284 0.94942 0.1913 0.2687 0.16863 0.20965 0.41807 0.52505 0.56238 0.86463 0.78278 0.49778 0.85868 0.50876 0.5667 0.7264 0.08117 0.98541 0.08657 0.93968 0.64405 0.64794 0.03355 0.88177 0.24781 0.34555 0.7574 0.62288 0.79679 0.79181 0.84766 0.06332 0.78011 0.68753 0.39267 0.06418 0.39075 0.58346 0.24208 0.75815 0.01406 0.76656 0.92924 0.31518 0.40874 0.97493 0.23455 0.0951 0.24538 0.82028 0.2559 0.81747 0.67782 0.66502 0.06725 0.00551 0.15792 0.8075 0.47797 0.68524 0.07593 0.01489 0.4162 0.11061 0.36076 0.47882 0.89293 0.9766 0.67886 0.32259 0.30701 0.9234 0.90201 0.1461 0.45985 0.3465 0.59821 0.12441 0.37731 0.09557 0.23558 0.23704 0.35748 0.64365 0.48437 0.5876 0.37929 0.7952 0.97296 0.91058 0.55535 0.15149 0.89391 0.93876 0.54685 0.57541 0.39297 0.38262 0.91027 0.72294 0.70185 0.5351 0.94095 0.03735 0.72058 0.00171 0.97204 0.75492 0.80043 0.40198 0.84537 0.70012 0.61795 0.91894 0.20142 0.82038 0.46502 0.56856 0.34681 0.40033 0.54042 0.0664 0.27867 0.44608 0.57219 0.58111 0.87674 0.04393 0.56619 0.05331 0.89657 0.16267 0.3161 0.26441 0.62214 0.52913 0.8813 0.79816 0.81826 0.88331 0.94686 0.84437 0.66072 0.37933 0.71759 0.48684 0.90699 0.07168 0.08012 0.5314 0.55062 0.35127 0.46559 0.33236 0.48796 0.25137 0.46363 0.35902 0.35557 0.17772 0.31593 0.04283 0.32726 0.61309 0.77848 0.94184
+0.10453 0.16936 0.6936 0.68113 0.64791 0.71902 0.26869 0.80673 0.65385 0.59678 0.2568 0.89671 0.17586 0.5505 0.23408 0.24502 0.74827 0.94029 0.26458 0.81144 0.611 0.01644 0.0578 0.54279 0.90027 0.82892 0.38684 0.39992 0.70661 0.3138 0.69001 0.93719 0.79924 0.11908 0.05121 0.55262 0.14629 0.95452 0.27415 0.72931 0.18899 0.85679 0.3229 0.97563 0.79056 0.35894 0.27452 0.70007 0.38242 0.18441 0.29596 0.15777 0.88187 0.00625 0.18828 0.89871 0.46763 0.41631 0.89147 0.5804 0.31452 0.03103 0.13583 0.00897 0.94306 0.97866 0.24683 0.79452 0.99417 0.33209 0.19327 0.95174 0.40765 0.26953 0.14027 0.05606 0.4199 0.18827 0.68588 0.41097 0.9461 0.51122 0.47892 0.5252 0.64654 0.24323 0.53919 0.67088 0.95345 0.50525 0.16381 0.7446 0.61747 0.22405 0.53014 0.1558 0.25887 0.76885 0.49093 0.00411 0.62667 0.82904 0.01075 0.59712 0.88766 0.24882 0.70818 0.31835 0.51974 0.99492 0.83574 0.35159 0.33475 0.96182 0.82671 0.7481 0.07147 0.93041 0.31648 0.8838 0.37941 0.51392 0.89026 0.33677 0.25406 4e-05 0.69613 0.74647 0.80072 0.91774 0.53805 0.68001 0.05377 0.00796 0.78118 0.45473 0.68415 0.98514 0.09409 0.92183 0.1585 0.35371 0.49031 0.94393 0.48302 0.67562 0.83995 0.69943 0.06994 0.58408 0.81546 0.05305 0.09833 0.80026 0.90136 0.60448 0.67962 0.30654 0.63345 0.41353 0.21319 0.19006 0.09942 0.49143 0.83191 0.52118 0.67011 0.78514 0.01737 0.45185 0.86652 0.47223 0.1474 0.28352 0.41159 0.34849 0.46762 0.81767 0.93444 0.24265 0.48199 0.23225 0.60631 0.40243 0.28026 0.59524 0.12043 0.48576 0.02374 0.75898 0.60912 0.14805 0.60935 0.58604 0.32167 0.33217 0.65811 0.2723 0.26381 0.3138 0.20894 0.91898 0.31513 0.70321 0.78201 0.77934 0.60679 0.56319 0.11267 0.85831 0.0454 0.88445 0.73838 0.38608 0.29289 0.95691 0.79435 0.89652 0.7908 0.47391 0.79343 0.17894 0.88203 0.28221 0.32704 0.26751 0.9582 0.81582 0.45307 0.39174 0.86531 0.30149 0.49159 0.35177 0.76588 0.07994 0.65765 0.66766 0.93406 0.99713 0.59448 0.24894 0.17701 0.31294 0.17835 0.59596 0.42338 0.20858 0.04835 0.85639 0.4875 0.88223 0.10163 0.27743 0.03657 0.51737 0.12631 0.60517 0.22058 0.98211 0.12142 0.49743 0.23467 0.21764 0.89817 0.92719 0.07283 0.33789 0.07059 0.27323 0.33208 0.81268 0.05205 0.22393 0.38379 0.96802 0.74561 0.87352 0.18431 0.48763 0.71835 0.65194 0.10438 0.27 0.31359 0.88934 0.20455 0.63117 0.53703 0.97282 0.83177 0.29526 0.10145 0.94491 0.0658 0.81496 0.76507 0.90766 0.38122 0.14948 0.08129 0.44485 0.07115 0.18097 0.35167 0.94685 0.02271 0.58378 0.55404 0.3691 0.35059 0.69253 0.52249 0.78444 0.86188 0.56403 0.56661 0.64609 0.98943 0.67374 0.55905 0.35617 0.89602 0.12333 0.63014 0.58513 0.60612 0.39789 0.48425 0.94458 0.90954 0.01534 0.4703 0.88756 0.94097 0.61106 0.74442 0.11322 0.80574 0.2793 0.82313 0.59487 0.82702 0.83275 0.96635 0.11403 0.3779 0.71396 0.60684 0.08233 0.70444 0.69319 0.16561 0.60379 0.84106 0.4663 0.07123 0.65636 0.74775 0.14642 0.02688 0.52927 0.56526 0.4289 0.11664 0.97787 0.10287 0.16387 0.06603 0.59492 0.06687 0.51739 0.7858 0.64821 0.12711 0.00051 0.49611 0.96667 0.96117 0.8922 0.28294 0.13449 0.91756 0.06322 0.5883 0.16287 0.03234 0.26092 0.05677 0.31823 0.46363 0.34991 0.2767 0.74402 0.30965 0.52994 0.8505 0.74062 0.66494 0.79342 0.03529 0.2702 0.65975 0.15236 0.85249 0.37797 0.22134 0.08663 0.09181 0.12459 0.41404 0.75727 0.90848 0.04386 0.92315 0.96169 0.48092 0.02255 0.86806 0.41044 0.07087 0.74841 0.53717 0.15684 0.7796 0.23025 0.64258 0.77805 0.64488 0.20751 0.8228 0.54772 0.47201 0.52664 0.92316 0.79226 0.73279 0.85809 0.42126 0.95738 0.90133 0.99903 0.20237 0.5066 0.23261 0.51554 0.40884 0.27894 0.53059 0.67394 0.34836 0.19599 0.39304 0.13596 0.68868 0.33695 0.81496 0.21371 0.85642 0.59125 0.04223 0.5379 0.88348 0.9303 0.02431 0.25885 0.56284 0.50175 0.9593 0.77511 0.19081 0.9307 0.23688 0.53573 0.2557 0.12066 0.1135 0.5335 0.90299 0.61341 0.60803 0.29026 0.18116 0.09365 0.24778 0.03052 0.04467 0.71491 0.32493 0.75503 0.84056 0.13749 0.51618 0.63866 0.86197 0.50538 0.54272 0.29762 0.29784 0.6316 0.73668 0.92799 0.30454 0.89423 0.52349 0.88194 0.23952 0.44254 0.86402 0.06079 0.56992 0.9537
+0.61175 0.86501 0.48598 0.42838 0.14474 0.4736 0.99892 0.73413 0.88832 0.78581 0.25146 0.33807 0.75172 0.6175 0.80462 0.38918 0.50536 0.90954 0.66902 0.47212 0.14368 0.47331 0.93175 0.64728 0.34137 0.61458 0.19138 0.85963 0.69361 0.72994 0.67521 0.71763 0.79434 0.42475 0.0602 0.33499 0.42264 0.87368 0.56283 0.13427 0.87558 0.51577 0.41746 0.7041 0.63164 0.79025 0.17847 0.10828 0.17394 0.12158 0.37824 0.9107 0.7692 0.86929 0.71366 0.96037 0.87202 0.91023 0.47279 0.60473 0.24547 0.84401 0.92574 0.93164 0.67417 0.31786 0.70062 0.9728 0.89678 0.18601 0.67059 0.43741 0.25764 0.5964 0.47953 0.10322 0.68651 0.28875 0.40309 0.95171 0.24342 0.81767 0.21683 0.73573 0.21535 0.86414 0.3693 0.12255 0.41247 0.40173 0.89493 0.224 0.51262 0.04297 0.37696 0.09575 0.05711 0.10156 0.92461 0.24791 0.00601 0.16188 0.51711 0.62456 0.11763 0.17156 0.04881 0.68182 0.75942 0.41282 0.9273 0.03937 0.24191 0.32268 0.29742 0.96112 0.69529 0.25821 0.51082 0.53666 0.87149 0.41122 0.09394 0.78131 0.18972 0.20496 0.76627 0.92013 0.60122 0.7057 0.6643 0.63588 0.76129 0.11554 0.70481 0.01198 0.49208 0.23432 0.56654 0.36326 0.74252 0.12164 0.1094 0.46032 0.01898 0.65285 0.04335 0.26265 0.90252 0.29622 0.59078 0.55963 0.67583 0.3975 0.87477 0.78971 0.61819 0.46443 0.4381 0.44491 0.43727 0.41369 0.45987 0.59609 0.68068 0.23028 0.85758 0.13101 0.51169 0.81628 0.8486 0.351 0.62404 0.6055 0.74722 0.69786 0.55529 0.73409 0.46221 0.42569 0.6418 0.78947 0.43489 0.45762 0.46506 0.05414 0.64631 0.05018 0.51816 0.15859 0.91252 0.16546 0.16334 0.86877 0.18411 0.2283 0.41089 0.30128 0.834 0.18649 0.37436 0.83653 0.95974 0.99342 0.36205 0.56836 0.15755 0.58449 0.14967 0.4178 0.65453 0.44494 0.16385 0.73334 0.54999 0.925 0.03273 0.56822 0.83843 0.54338 0.1386 0.23139 0.60681 0.64311 0.75742 0.45711 0.17531 0.83059 0.42289 0.32807 0.70185 0.4787 0.66062 0.87372 0.69563 0.92221 0.52174 0.37481 0.39193 0.43069 0.09112 0.63155 0.96896 0.37588 0.19873 0.46133 0.32457 0.25667 0.17514 0.24431 0.79378 0.19275 0.94586 0.48961 0.16602 0.39616 0.51496 0.51661 0.65701 0.50751 0.92763 0.27148 0.431 0.35817 0.77626 0.39611 0.29069 0.75386 0.15816 0.66233 0.22942 0.9965 0.0365 0.75543 0.62548 0.74035 0.52958 0.2502 0.34721 0.32133 0.17513 0.32643 0.21487 0.97903 0.93506 0.27554 0.25616 0.4414 0.67279 0.1395 0.38617 0.01561 0.78905 0.16082 0.01332 0.49778 0.94483 0.7251 0.07997 0.79848 0.44819 0.34837 0.40848 0.35341 0.11836 0.67733 0.24118 0.70549 0.93832 0.55347 0.22007 0.38747 0.48212 0.66126 0.84491 0.23173 0.7222 0.69724 0.76667 0.62832 0.25588 0.52073 0.57338 0.5982 0.38323 0.38673 0.85669 0.33708 0.63276 0.22059 0.98463 0.96165 0.98969 0.86102 0.9428 0.01866 0.70893 0.07919 0.35742 0.92805 0.94392 0.40214 0.53311 0.94388 0.24682 0.87291 0.57701 0.19127 0.10479 0.31132 0.02789 0.04062 0.10199 0.58187 0.72719 0.11652 0.84051 0.55025 0.26264 0.9499 0.26034 0.47183 0.79421 0.97167 0.75841 0.94212 0.0041 0.60942 0.21627 0.3071 0.58655 0.3905 0.76561 0.07404 0.3119 0.2763 0.69619 0.8518 0.67895 0.41709 0.46358 0.17521 0.09059 0.63064 0.71093 0.50681 0.61292 0.16233 0.95504 0.56465 0.41376 0.50448 0.5422 0.19819 0.10192 0.18021 0.24017 0.98497 0.63426 0.3516 0.9076 0.25128 0.86458 0.03227 0.72882 0.75765 0.64023 0.76631 0.31008 0.72413 0.97521 0.50063 0.51942 0.16524 0.72073 0.57082 0.62643 0.95128 0.67212 0.85192 0.6517 0.37585 0.62735 0.27708 0.30488 0.37234 0.7464 0.8066 0.47283 0.89073 0.54363 0.03423 0.7764 0.00129 0.45268 0.62942 0.23464 0.74067 0.18432 0.00285 0.12632 0.91871 0.39539 0.19052 0.7037 0.76453 0.72648 0.2338 0.22641 0.98422 0.02512 0.02199 0.10289 0.83334 0.53798 0.15811 0.78587 0.94463 0.88687 0.87446 0.01201 0.79779 0.04258 0.00443 0.87001 0.28483 0.49352 0.61379 0.14589 0.15663 0.089 0.14325 0.09269 0.15283 0.58849 0.06605 0.61952 0.93819 0.50743 0.32189 0.19162 0.5029 0.73078 0.29174 0.1174 0.56977 0.41098 0.6813 0.73424 0.6604 0.99759 0.85945 0.20305 0.58893 0.10896 0.22246 0.86606 0.57739 0.38206 0.3845 0.51664 0.59106 0.26302 0.93128 0.14152 0.73839 0.89698 0.79141 0.30411 0.73803 0.75223 0.41615
+0.93592 0.15858 0.26534 0.41442 0.54971 0.00119 0.89159 0.03904 0.24515 0.51606 0.16071 0.31425 0.95 0.94439 0.60578 0.76031 0.03283 0.79178 0.92057 0.96238 0.60587 0.34799 0.36558 0.73451 0.81203 0.31783 0.77624 0.56894 0.35684 0.79109 0.45955 0.19489 0.55047 0.77078 0.53057 0.39242 0.44105 0.3571 0.31239 0.66592 0.50078 0.74206 0.50455 0.97683 0.50073 0.1888 0.74692 0.57589 0.96205 0.68228 0.79659 0.66138 0.44367 0.32806 0.05746 0.96099 0.72444 0.11558 0.52784 0.93979 0.13339 0.71192 0.20772 0.11075 0.16089 0.32032 0.42794 0.28342 0.79271 0.0759 0.62972 0.03477 0.40102 0.5795 0.53445 0.84741 0.82709 0.64584 0.38241 0.60492 0.92911 0.45342 0.13071 0.61407 0.7405 0.46207 0.45374 0.88016 0.65428 0.57682 0.05598 0.30926 0.76913 0.4038 0.26985 0.21791 0.55659 0.76162 0.86454 0.73856 0.25063 0.48589 0.63779 0.70742 0.23792 0.21442 0.17288 0.88037 0.86585 0.70331 0.22459 0.27784 0.80815 0.10049 0.52847 0.09769 0.96797 0.24565 0.75989 0.96465 0.59585 0.07348 0.55906 0.33198 0.21939 0.79314 0.74917 0.29218 0.83125 0.98871 0.70436 0.59196 0.76212 0.8718 0.41331 0.86536 0.42842 0.75803 0.57442 0.11116 0.24665 0.81776 0.1487 0.8508 0.34315 0.50923 0.00823 0.16477 0.7424 0.23169 0.86579 0.4299 0.40061 0.72348 0.53688 0.33756 0.81647 0.4563 0.4391 0.19036 0.48164 0.28717 0.27238 0.91545 0.18733 0.46878 0.47971 0.45129 0.49004 0.70826 0.54866 0.32735 0.86546 0.8586 0.10802 0.28846 0.69945 0.7329 0.59818 0.49908 0.39036 0.43793 0.68689 0.1562 0.74294 0.32856 0.02295 0.6571 0.30045 0.56915 0.59731 0.92297 0.04769 0.61636 0.21825 0.92742 0.59634 0.21362 0.12838 0.95513 0.86129 0.19759 0.51241 0.25597 0.97095 0.42329 0.67586 0.80245 0.90673 0.29423 0.06537 0.62236 0.65922 0.80404 0.34138 0.35639 0.56527 0.95554 0.94347 0.99862 0.09552 0.18823 0.70174 0.24078 0.38573 0.97917 0.4334 0.36086 0.57929 0.96258 0.92608 0.77736 0.4628 0.20151 0.98777 0.94879 0.83066 0.82212 0.68809 0.64635 0.24924 0.15328 0.43792 0.04248 0.13452 0.90097 0.64891 0.17775 0.53149 0.91683 0.14137 0.80215 0.64834 0.96991 0.99467 0.67867 0.13686 0.6979 0.20222 0.194 0.85619 0.23208 0.18893 0.33582 0.82295 0.72021 0.33608 0.82154 0.31536 0.79795 0.95147 0.1538 0.54828 0.94953 0.74295 0.41026 0.8131 0.53876 0.95789 0.02728 0.61783 0.46959 0.31647 0.37438 0.14943 0.9283 0.64768 0.5566 0.68789 0.32615 0.5407 0.86194 0.58173 0.76275 0.17083 0.36216 0.78808 0.76919 0.09374 0.42702 0.78842 0.45551 0.85409 0.8025 0.39596 0.9147 0.03102 0.03139 0.64338 0.60304 0.10262 0.80836 0.85637 0.5898 0.42366 0.02422 0.46641 0.45358 0.6355 0.48005 0.25757 0.27543 0.51053 0.24612 0.63087 0.68195 0.24972 0.57641 0.15727 0.4715 0.55958 0.69888 0.13996 0.76658 0.7019 0.6843 0.80864 0.44723 0.81841 0.01194 0.35428 0.27825 0.99393 0.56873 0.87832 0.4565 0.54482 0.21706 0.96305 0.54302 0.04586 0.35608 0.51222 0.88339 0.31943 0.89299 0.12313 0.44967 0.43141 0.19045 0.93388 0.29941 0.35691 0.88546 0.22382 0.80879 0.54272 0.12735 0.97952 0.23776 0.36098 0.66532 0.58007 0.78167 0.0789 0.80718 0.75038 0.05863 0.06686 0.12172 0.00195 0.15829 0.50571 0.88721 0.17617 0.738 0.08762 0.84061 0.30767 0.65467 0.23031 0.17693 0.47921 0.65758 0.93024 0.41261 0.40877 0.97021 0.50617 0.997 0.46198 0.99199 0.11553 0.46544 0.44708 0.98403 0.99883 0.14536 0.17282 0.66089 0.57902 0.87779 0.92635 0.99572 0.46903 0.59362 0.03607 0.61073 0.57917 0.41459 0.07156 0.71645 0.50587 0.04881 0.28672 0.15174 0.85355 0.95211 0.34762 0.16013 0.21806 0.59722 0.24461 0.9333 0.87026 0.82275 0.58682 0.14876 0.99606 0.05646 0.75384 0.09209 0.48657 0.67021 0.3472 0.37694 0.64341 0.30581 0.07407 0.85038 0.60429 0.17431 0.35922 0.82583 0.3308 0.2615 0.48533 0.5886 0.3483 0.76798 0.17151 0.56544 0.71645 0.34988 0.96528 0.19663 0.79418 0.66657 0.54364 0.78968 0.59286 0.33955 0.23059 0.53665 0.41839 0.68321 0.14481 0.56767 0.67377 0.85292 0.64191 0.02428 0.32502 0.64323 0.96653 0.74941 0.6559 0.81421 0.66866 0.39515 0.54475 0.60611 0.32368 0.58617 0.02119 0.08715 0.66966 0.38072 0.23757 0.11982 0.63412 0.92876 0.46272 0.12941 0.51192 0.37316 0.39811 0.40039 0.85694 0.92529 0.99149 0.13953
+0.99132 0.28857 0.50883 0.95708 0.79805 0.93288 0.64921 0.40808 0.51897 0.62361 0.80749 0.27658 0.3591 0.19251 0.23239 0.50761 0.84202 0.07044 0.57867 0.68063 0.91578 0.0254 0.49573 0.52086 0.953 0.72797 0.2987 0.95299 0.82184 0.99706 0.07547 0.12797 0.7786 0.89121 0.43095 0.06345 0.06217 0.87521 0.76788 0.95841 0.97182 0.95332 0.06978 0.00112 0.69496 0.94845 0.1164 7e-05 0.84103 0.16827 0.46233 0.35664 0.60019 0.43399 0.29321 0.2948 0.27007 0.78337 0.81959 0.26593 0.47664 0.974 0.49077 0.58372 0.95924 0.20163 0.18272 0.61237 0.64527 0.01763 0.28854 0.7724 0.04184 0.27855 0.76576 0.34291 0.80857 0.36504 0.31703 0.47096 0.95587 0.22104 0.28636 0.31491 0.34147 0.80217 0.46237 0.40664 0.54741 0.41205 0.7646 0.78593 0.01318 0.05439 0.2505 0.36149 0.26943 0.33497 0.67207 0.76927 0.17735 0.07964 0.50589 0.48627 0.99354 0.98652 0.1323 0.94804 0.82741 0.26305 0.89084 0.10832 0.56424 0.58347 0.39197 0.43901 0.00169 0.12972 0.66404 0.87108 0.98204 0.87968 0.90225 0.82607 0.81673 0.01259 0.16811 0.81521 0.49811 0.96713 0.95758 0.30693 0.44065 0.08999 0.6707 0.81868 0.73722 0.42668 0.22154 0.24385 0.38506 0.73773 0.80156 0.28702 0.36855 0.79155 0.30462 0.81632 0.71558 0.29755 0.31358 0.79022 0.26234 0.23902 0.34832 0.68828 0.82828 0.85575 0.05748 0.71901 0.26386 0.24229 0.69892 0.13255 0.48231 0.88244 0.13313 0.76837 0.49938 0.2421 0.84183 0.33923 0.77533 0.07929 0.4166 0.14844 0.30461 0.86741 0.67524 0.07496 0.88217 0.66307 0.82799 0.06242 0.19332 0.39753 0.83175 0.04935 0.97694 0.20002 0.98704 0.91247 0.59404 0.24922 0.00512 0.3025 0.17563 0.02403 0.0174 0.89484 0.85196 0.08648 0.97164 0.31584 0.33293 0.0535 0.75888 0.52922 0.45852 0.11704 0.29842 0.35401 0.14504 0.38267 0.8834 0.41542 0.68433 0.35622 0.1986 0.04679 0.93239 0.92695 0.37249 0.16772 0.31018 0.91836 0.69475 0.66547 0.43377 0.9067 0.45927 0.66512 0.3883 0.05618 0.04438 0.09961 0.51364 0.86589 0.74491 0.55279 0.87012 0.31165 0.89735 0.10003 0.3496 0.7819 0.22456 0.11049 0.74558 0.95048 0.2227 0.87305 0.96696 0.9137 0.89834 0.59421 0.55596 0.76297 0.24226 0.37764 0.55626 0.43854 0.05356 0.99343 0.55623 0.85421 0.22271 0.11487 0.31378 0.33171 0.82498 0.46516 0.82825 0.35895 0.78815 0.17691 0.14883 0.63839 0.42966 0.94695 0.52429 0.32613 0.48564 0.51293 0.14722 0.29998 0.21035 0.11262 0.59166 0.89545 0.94562 0.43918 0.85252 0.36811 0.93109 0.26189 0.44602 0.07621 0.36714 0.78708 0.25884 0.40399 0.6444 0.87043 0.88285 0.43133 0.59816 0.98799 0.31436 0.37653 0.83949 0.503 0.79105 0.59739 0.35106 0.51177 0.75819 0.36161 0.1185 0.34606 0.00319 0.11028 0.12114 0.30553 0.26381 0.09871 0.86852 0.89141 0.02715 0.20796 0.86037 0.64326 0.22781 0.55157 0.2239 0.83215 0.24603 0.19957 0.60482 0.85364 0.41589 0.6826 0.02301 0.64252 0.24023 0.40068 0.53539 0.19372 0.65178 0.28708 0.99649 0.00152 0.32299 0.58166 0.81716 0.29345 0.49012 0.16126 0.3779 0.53352 0.42065 0.45505 0.36727 0.09825 0.75385 0.64639 0.77561 0.57728 0.20153 0.044 0.53862 0.17816 0.66138 0.94509 0.70582 0.18266 0.58214 0.02259 0.5262 0.81231 0.39993 0.83469 0.82145 0.5579 0.58201 0.48247 0.82565 0.75742 0.41363 0.30427 0.52802 0.66536 0.90787 0.60697 0.81822 0.1918 0.59127 0.70306 0.99277 0.25444 0.67425 0.49221 0.00211 0.41793 0.15989 0.1714 0.17496 0.98456 0.76905 0.51703 0.06834 0.76454 0.78675 0.30598 0.17195 0.27392 0.30409 0.76951 0.77405 0.70651 0.5799 0.6151 0.49023 0.70086 0.80898 0.43745 0.96184 0.31588 0.46287 0.19084 0.68961 0.48294 0.24161 0.68249 0.62385 0.82887 0.86573 0.60542 0.63513 0.61682 0.13148 0.62612 0.81201 0.58247 0.84037 0.64814 0.43984 0.59992 0.81416 0.772 0.60259 0.22133 0.55415 0.65207 0.78949 0.568 0.02369 0.56055 0.913 0.48446 0.06783 0.26524 0.15593 0.10962 0.05126 0.21834 0.87087 0.85705 0.81988 0.0762 0.95732 0.80149 0.09826 0.90494 0.83058 0.47671 0.79893 0.6568 0.08533 0.88259 0.33743 0.34776 0.78824 0.76829 0.45048 0.99911 0.86031 0.23791 0.29866 0.08565 0.37997 0.4535 0.59089 0.04104 0.0724 0.99312 0.10066 0.13357 0.79691 0.54973 0.6762 0.589 0.3607 0.05303 0.30627 0.35129 0.98306 0.52935 0.75067 0.45802 0.0237 0.60195
+0.19892 0.47128 0.41074 0.27699 0.0279 0.15146 0.43881 0.04942 0.28329 0.1243 0.91952 0.82364 0.23051 0.25667 0.17457 0.1549 0.3573 0.07762 0.57986 0.63342 0.51958 0.25878 0.82654 0.63573 0.49961 0.82332 0.15628 0.05973 0.79881 0.26268 0.71298 0.60541 0.90935 0.07039 0.33651 0.38115 0.04057 0.42666 0.98465 0.8641 0.78686 0.67239 0.82394 0.41038 0.70719 0.25158 0.95808 0.29328 0.69602 0.38789 0.69122 0.40063 0.77094 0.00647 0.11202 0.52971 0.42806 0.91299 0.18471 0.27972 0.61049 0.88302 0.43463 0.10237 0.14147 0.7327 0.49906 0.24158 0.51095 0.0562 0.14503 0.86385 0.08975 0.14364 0.38019 0.9741 0.33193 0.58414 0.53374 0.81238 0.00085 0.83467 0.17547 0.57673 0.30982 0.49984 0.34421 0.53527 0.46049 0.87273 0.98153 0.11067 0.4989 0.6474 0.8781 0.07466 0.23843 0.8143 0.65537 0.92327 0.51192 0.77898 0.35957 0.92237 0.13027 0.82068 0.45488 0.45144 0.59133 0.68107 0.92674 0.90302 0.73552 0.26602 0.63367 0.90439 0.94407 0.68791 0.18471 0.85229 0.12469 0.29507 0.3639 0.74991 0.78395 0.88481 0.89298 0.35952 0.86711 0.64775 0.28168 0.80673 0.62162 0.43333 0.12461 0.50058 0.26349 0.95998 0.61532 0.84891 0.62215 0.83875 0.32487 0.92792 0.69165 0.82352 0.71227 0.61034 0.89975 0.35816 0.2343 0.40546 0.29563 0.9497 0.4806 0.83537 0.80583 0.67403 0.96141 0.25255 0.95397 0.55312 0.04337 0.84942 0.91721 0.28013 0.1419 0.71158 0.63828 0.56314 0.716 0.75302 0.96543 0.94966 0.73844 0.45721 0.86927 0.28382 0.87474 0.09815 0.87383 0.99835 0.68937 0.82336 0.54765 0.65638 0.5253 0.98397 0.62649 0.43446 0.64328 0.1413 0.43502 0.46803 0.00048 0.37899 0.2213 0.18146 0.01547 0.52624 0.56793 0.09419 0.50091 0.26535 0.48627 0.33858 0.31527 0.88242 0.82561 0.38271 0.12156 0.87601 0.99338 0.42448 0.60942 0.33635 0.4051 0.73399 0.63851 0.27577 0.9408 0.12757 0.89225 0.52063 0.97253 0.29817 0.63128 0.33801 0.39965 0.23074 0.72305 0.70159 0.74728 0.45857 0.3212 0.4845 0.27409 0.81032 0.29704 0.25931 0.7066 0.11389 0.39819 0.47857 0.9934 0.86471 0.46109 0.88037 0.80214 0.52897 0.71547 0.94581 0.15695 0.42253 0.68793 0.49982 0.61043 0.97453 0.89766 0.61551 0.94448 0.03853 0.80666 0.99177 0.37231 0.66007 0.53625 0.22768 0.58976 0.98376 0.58065 0.53704 0.52727 0.19188 0.07354 0.14647 0.38664 0.96099 0.60299 0.78801 0.12111 0.83447 0.84308 0.73612 0.74657 0.09858 0.52161 0.75711 0.99407 0.43949 0.76027 0.2333 0.09442 0.65212 0.19505 0.39546 0.33014 0.13452 0.58865 0.12759 0.39236 0.19599 0.08875 0.19178 0.60556 0.1946 0.74454 0.05403 0.35279 0.52636 0.48304 0.54775 0.50794 0.76545 0.61391 0.91246 0.29463 0.20882 0.60595 0.60755 0.9609 0.06858 0.15831 0.82722 0.60048 0.3746 0.06298 0.14597 0.97993 0.6014 0.93432 0.49979 0.16288 0.01358 0.07725 0.62135 0.38211 0.05323 0.15317 0.57822 0.19457 0.59047 0.07985 0.55387 0.10116 0.5703 0.54839 0.16758 0.19478 0.38087 0.28599 0.27984 0.83471 0.17706 0.4414 0.10581 0.13669 0.73996 0.96036 0.97605 0.03312 0.36565 0.85879 0.85346 0.51502 0.89812 0.16007 0.82221 0.83875 0.2247 0.11943 0.39994 0.879 0.38072 0.00095 0.24038 0.80808 0.57258 0.38547 0.75713 0.87312 0.09492 0.27886 0.04007 0.08633 0.36872 0.26788 0.13884 0.88715 0.14393 0.61594 0.46169 0.68674 0.43341 0.60486 0.48751 0.77252 0.78175 0.4773 0.27885 0.91793 0.10443 0.52377 0.47856 0.88851 0.0162 0.58376 0.1086 0.24361 0.79606 0.21 0.77396 0.85784 0.16793 0.98009 0.85021 0.52124 0.90949 0.67731 0.92711 0.24048 0.24715 0.61262 0.36975 0.89219 0.30089 0.45117 0.87056 0.55315 0.02531 0.28304 0.87853 0.53591 0.34268 0.82094 0.53337 0.75819 0.77698 0.85029 0.43087 0.58849 0.2848 0.3481 0.1733 0.02472 0.56398 0.2693 0.08314 0.41621 0.9818 0.88937 0.40875 0.8828 0.02623 0.9667 0.96559 0.45057 0.73812 0.12285 0.46796 0.10202 0.10729 0.07841 0.35133 0.65659 0.86866 0.6609 0.65514 0.0579 0.15075 0.82753 0.79235 0.81333 0.62698 0.44518 0.27553 0.95111 0.20761 0.82635 0.76085 0.42678 0.02222 0.57789 0.06303 0.49865 0.80435 0.41619 0.46262 0.2356 0.92259 0.03635 0.84755 0.36994 0.60355 0.15176 0.85849 0.15889 0.51191 0.74264 0.35767 0.86879 0.15821 0.1486 0.55075 0.24244 0.79678 0.12212 0.00048 0.03888 0.60049 0.86668 0.44043
+0.96365 0.59295 0.13785 0.92679 0.52776 0.60405 0.55583 0.48455 0.24616 0.98968 0.32548 0.97839 0.22549 0.93765 0.64652 0.31591 0.05018 0.68218 0.16978 0.84535 0.07908 0.63992 0.06376 0.87061 0.1491 0.7192 0.51673 0.78009 0.88532 0.10434 0.02906 0.33317 0.68344 0.81593 0.16333 0.20591 0.39078 0.49848 0.45524 0.88229 0.88933 0.44179 0.45202 0.64615 0.172 0.57434 0.20559 0.59339 0.41074 0.34598 0.77177 0.28927 0.34401 0.04546 0.22302 0.77151 0.62865 0.53688 0.29669 0.54351 0.19328 0.30103 0.94085 0.01654 0.01512 0.71588 0.46827 0.85977 0.66977 0.38584 0.40153 0.70739 0.58169 0.74192 0.3787 0.95077 0.013 0.35819 0.27294 0.72679 0.38054 0.42993 0.09584 0.55503 0.31323 0.85625 0.1809 0.23463 0.49807 0.47355 0.26664 0.78313 0.20589 0.68696 0.98174 0.38419 0.7234 0.36117 0.34882 0.09803 0.80194 0.22222 0.56943 0.02087 0.20791 0.00846 0.19079 0.01071 0.34638 0.10038 0.48993 0.29252 0.24006 0.19674 0.75837 0.20476 0.78619 0.89324 0.27872 0.5311 0.47146 0.15763 0.15559 0.70256 0.95841 0.37818 0.60505 0.75503 0.30307 0.90024 0.55026 0.03879 0.07044 0.91859 0.95489 0.74231 0.15359 0.37423 0.52874 0.44308 0.4878 0.59451 0.91778 0.34865 0.4417 0.2077 0.93845 0.59761 0.16746 0.99145 0.04109 0.06393 0.38309 0.79395 0.32197 0.84639 0.35468 0.78676 0.76574 0.89118 0.55727 0.16158 0.3541 0.27864 0.17233 0.3849 0.19805 0.1309 0.88491 0.59203 0.14837 0.88078 0.40605 0.80094 0.83937 0.21657 0.17207 0.81554 0.95894 0.03002 0.77095 0.81171 0.09927 0.57248 0.80561 0.42071 0.21272 0.26978 0.49165 0.53239 0.24354 0.82757 0.51732 0.12544 0.49592 0.36333 0.46004 0.6484 0.56301 0.55557 0.35952 0.05064 0.79812 0.75526 0.69694 0.5522 0.56201 0.46125 0.9033 0.48675 0.86956 0.80371 0.01769 0.42854 0.53634 0.00355 0.08925 0.67395 0.33677 0.97455 0.4103 0.34744 0.85962 0.81961 0.2889 0.41478 0.45706 0.20225 0.4972 0.58435 0.79022 0.97874 0.93469 0.3895 0.32092 0.03768 0.89727 0.5889 0.1936 0.18899 0.35858 0.61597 0.94757 0.51829 0.48769 0.79826 0.61693 0.55872 0.97105 0.26151 0.2879 0.48186 0.46952 0.31349 0.61849 0.33342 0.01674 0.685 0.83074 0.05335 0.94584 0.61961 0.626 0.87292 0.29315 0.07073 0.01691 0.27898 0.82373 0.24354 0.04333 0.68772 0.33252 0.34132 0.39114 0.08261 0.67372 0.81049 0.69192 0.42196 0.34262 0.94223 0.50538 0.1642 0.34111 0.69559 0.70074 0.21281 0.94057 0.95302 0.23258 0.94473 0.49143 0.44416 0.30398 0.28855 0.00185 0.11558 0.11462 0.83346 0.68805 0.26813 0.23116 0.869 0.56388 0.85065 0.84651 0.17602 0.43269 0.10308 0.29911 0.71955 0.07976 0.33008 0.43765 0.89571 0.2264 0.96689 0.82544 0.74031 0.44314 0.87518 0.97304 0.06484 0.14289 0.8261 0.2909 0.95853 0.16535 0.97142 0.02037 0.69456 0.40406 0.78988 0.61968 0.63531 0.42565 0.18959 0.67003 0.53778 0.86794 0.40832 0.74433 0.97162 0.86288 0.70842 0.92124 0.46595 0.40042 0.95451 0.1626 0.8069 0.03122 0.45129 0.9632 0.07164 0.68381 0.52181 0.56698 0.14515 0.33641 0.50402 0.39328 0.90487 0.69144 0.19598 0.0342 0.51253 0.37929 0.43284 0.83195 0.38478 0.28167 0.01932 0.38167 0.99348 0.21782 0.84302 0.6432 0.69481 0.88239 0.96698 0.80298 0.57605 0.06906 0.55514 0.31931 0.74847 0.03181 0.00671 0.83435 0.32246 0.54627 0.54752 0.20602 0.49386 0.40204 0.26152 0.46468 0.17326 0.2318 0.04038 0.99302 0.10364 0.02824 0.85791 0.51658 0.02923 0.68049 0.04803 0.36986 0.80619 0.08671 0.87118 0.3976 0.448 0.42949 0.88573 0.3112 0.84344 0.58815 0.19659 0.736 0.56457 0.29366 0.78348 0.03196 0.59177 0.20891 0.91007 0.80771 0.14975 0.12139 0.53131 0.89835 0.59914 0.54925 0.61015 0.01732 0.37468 0.48971 0.52591 0.06392 0.86359 0.67454 0.42065 0.50939 0.00256 0.76278 0.75132 0.17829 0.93619 0.96377 0.51774 0.03651 0.9303 0.41122 0.86834 0.806 0.6782 0.76919 0.21786 0.17689 0.99763 0.9303 0.42889 0.0914 0.02642 0.33033 0.19553 0.65552 0.90954 0.19548 0.2956 0.76211 0.46786 0.00495 0.10506 0.16291 0.74296 0.18892 0.65248 0.05992 0.88999 0.51988 0.67169 0.45072 0.17121 0.66003 0.73596 0.29283 0.5165 0.9033 0.65616 0.63401 0.64946 0.78995 0.27795 0.35751 0.69872 0.71135 0.57932 0.94042 0.39581 0.5367 0.92359 0.42704 0.17488 0.64985 0.66859 0.36724 0.67805
+0.15605 0.33059 0.2952 0.03131 0.90631 0.59375 0.45584 0.89373 0.22331 0.8013 0.16015 0.83232 0.19668 0.28329 0.21615 0.05359 0.70551 0.914 0.73311 0.21486 0.55847 0.12799 0.76541 0.19301 0.79709 0.75244 0.91785 0.38888 0.69272 0.97702 0.01406 0.64845 0.37435 0.4476 0.64346 0.8653 0.86816 0.27887 0.45812 0.87069 0.44377 0.26965 0.37538 0.23436 0.5833 0.9476 0.95674 0.38868 0.74619 0.98471 0.41664 0.13309 0.34911 0.59714 0.99993 0.89194 0.82337 0.05813 0.07259 0.89985 0.00904 0.05837 0.57529 0.2935 0.48116 0.6829 0.97472 0.50091 0.34925 0.65468 0.94673 0.24484 0.47056 0.24974 0.56747 0.39213 0.17299 0.40256 0.99749 0.01498 0.69693 0.11292 0.45005 0.20032 0.89393 0.61218 0.84883 0.65625 0.2495 0.8 0.34146 0.84713 0.48413 0.02526 0.46869 0.28235 0.90546 0.0089 0.02956 0.1156 0.70605 0.05565 0.8641 0.14225 0.69027 0.28978 0.83848 0.96243 0.71031 0.93665 0.62038 0.13569 0.51498 0.06262 0.81291 0.87492 0.11407 0.558 0.69945 0.33948 0.87363 0.43783 0.53789 0.36246 0.00844 0.3113 0.59312 0.91177 0.60639 0.19042 0.16987 0.33069 0.30222 0.19129 0.73092 0.8297 0.9207 0.62881 0.17127 0.52209 0.65499 0.88856 0.96124 0.28087 0.75833 0.81999 0.93897 0.64495 0.08466 0.79619 0.41395 0.99373 0.10895 0.93834 0.74511 0.43476 0.32621 0.5986 0.00832 0.17524 0.27912 0.36259 0.6447 0.44389 0.1342 0.26274 0.96431 0.21437 0.94261 0.88288 0.58143 0.50072 0.56059 0.07165 0.94144 0.30418 0.35075 0.84149 0.23101 0.46697 0.05012 0.26447 0.61927 0.21216 0.21479 0.70473 0.16024 0.58315 0.09066 0.94328 0.74438 0.87778 0.44841 0.73525 0.10979 0.82799 0.32282 0.35259 0.77411 0.68258 0.88469 0.1668 0.90447 0.13672 0.5074 0.44238 0.49359 0.39699 0.53102 0.62564 0.45481 0.48627 0.82057 0.64154 0.68168 0.33128 0.95677 0.11943 0.7177 0.19725 0.83905 0.98639 0.29857 0.61223 0.74149 0.58137 0.78719 0.60852 0.56633 0.65492 0.74619 0.7022 0.86853 0.66192 0.25221 0.8496 0.63197 0.10156 0.47364 0.09219 0.84909 0.50425 0.57975 0.25337 0.46282 0.06696 0.35117 0.49576 0.38624 0.62978 0.70502 0.61162 0.88803 0.78486 0.94544 0.7628 0.4534 0.60096 0.89082 0.137 0.93966 0.77087 0.07511 0.43174 0.98173 0.62255 0.24221 0.62978 0.6255 0.55003 0.6889 0.6298 0.95517 0.83745 0.44886 0.22056 0.77977 0.87241 0.34813 0.33393 0.55064 0.09832 0.69097 0.76408 0.08277 0.76686 0.35969 0.23426 0.50444 0.18922 0.45947 0.37642 0.23473 0.66267 0.7214 0.78911 0.8936 0.32426 0.2801 0.34581 0.65027 0.94521 0.06802 0.11281 0.01102 0.23655 0.52383 0.26561 0.8385 0.41475 0.67263 0.29548 0.23566 0.61288 0.17933 0.80673 0.13406 0.17817 0.06866 0.01665 0.99155 0.82415 0.51303 0.75266 0.00269 0.2336 0.31 0.40177 0.15038 0.07783 0.64284 0.9517 0.31065 0.50197 0.31231 0.85809 0.77246 0.61881 0.49209 0.6325 0.65709 0.4171 0.60363 0.7232 0.98935 0.03755 0.43997 0.50024 0.15028 0.95294 0.94582 0.40666 0.31902 0.45715 0.24632 0.7437 0.87885 0.79779 0.38985 0.99234 0.42152 0.40713 0.59922 0.59831 0.10611 0.79195 0.00993 0.60242 0.87087 0.00318 0.43158 0.26787 0.85729 0.00868 0.0204 0.29762 0.78494 0.76419 0.41324 0.02538 0.87045 0.12184 0.56362 0.85056 0.0182 0.46478 0.00207 0.95421 0.5713 0.40282 0.92878 0.63031 0.82811 0.15938 0.11888 0.43346 0.25388 0.48725 0.95649 0.25881 0.94112 0.92749 0.81527 0.43206 0.57853 0.20246 0.10834 0.55202 0.96093 0.86446 0.91118 0.02071 0.7588 0.65721 0.16256 0.02713 0.37259 0.96522 0.11171 0.16416 0.86074 0.68163 0.11075 0.94449 0.11677 0.93979 0.05041 0.41257 0.91309 0.86551 0.70804 0.78388 0.9111 0.16163 0.93106 0.21601 0.06846 0.25649 0.32314 0.29438 0.11798 0.98983 0.16324 0.74242 0.31197 0.10762 0.61364 0.49827 0.28849 0.7047 0.38874 0.17808 0.32478 0.51381 0.40339 0.20697 0.22918 0.73522 0.28521 0.59255 0.92296 0.58899 0.92566 0.27554 0.71826 0.20772 0.48995 0.76499 0.84216 0.647 0.35392 0.12422 0.53047 0.05805 0.07104 0.13322 0.06179 0.24474 0.08468 0.58842 0.13824 0.39764 0.76266 0.62475 0.26627 0.85899 0.63791 0.24725 0.70737 0.81695 0.31129 0.73407 0.44561 0.93832 0.67196 0.54472 0.67938 0.18991 0.4144 0.78999 0.60396 0.95236 0.81416 0.75513 0.4591 0.61819 0.17226 0.60421 0.89486 0.14235 0.2501 0.03042
+0.78618 0.05922 0.60327 0.07238 0.18271 0.22377 0.0302 0.97764 0.54542 0.0567 0.00423 0.99248 0.69253 0.43803 0.16287 0.34804 0.43257 0.41735 0.48005 0.93662 0.95464 0.69554 0.95352 0.77395 0.27579 0.13738 0.01602 0.29549 0.18538 0.49143 0.31615 0.80482 0.02447 0.70765 0.96001 0.43905 0.1184 0.65174 0.00411 0.01865 0.69525 0.74072 0.28242 0.81421 0.04014 0.60323 0.25705 0.44904 0.71151 0.03979 0.34695 0.52093 0.78062 0.49118 0.97225 0.69703 0.07519 0.48998 0.45027 0.85571 0.81341 0.80536 0.59581 0.03445 0.08165 0.65654 0.1684 0.79827 0.94136 0.6964 0.47308 0.71153 0.58412 0.47841 0.45235 0.97959 0.30694 0.71792 0.61075 0.39465 0.72754 0.98225 0.88421 0.15807 0.98521 0.65085 0.84658 0.63999 0.87572 0.74568 0.50902 0.0805 0.71119 0.00488 0.18045 0.4901 0.03298 0.43693 0.52872 0.19086 0.98107 0.79839 0.17743 0.33256 0.52553 0.7604 0.59183 0.82687 0.82182 0.49666 0.1405 0.31138 0.213 0.98456 0.96918 0.84316 0.89237 0.65552 0.52081 0.62902 0.61287 0.01203 0.84796 0.5269 0.12406 0.23334 0.58701 0.02518 0.78518 0.81922 0.53095 0.08885 0.26517 0.12397 0.84142 0.20483 0.15583 0.10743 0.07838 0.75114 0.0137 0.41376 0.12182 0.17103 0.22074 0.73053 0.24291 0.47403 0.4924 0.68524 0.47894 0.93335 0.86218 0.04832 0.31486 0.78038 0.00782 0.83016 0.45069 0.67142 0.87652 0.75438 0.76286 0.09202 0.84566 0.23115 0.69187 0.937 0.70129 0.71358 0.29474 0.4565 0.98135 0.19764 0.53293 0.09896 0.02233 0.30486 0.81837 0.57468 0.10602 0.49793 0.52709 0.33374 0.50713 0.18999 0.8569 0.08773 0.98352 0.21026 0.95879 0.82604 0.1163 0.13412 0.23008 0.87831 0.68345 0.06538 0.09332 0.50281 0.59486 0.26433 0.30324 0.7412 0.20467 0.75415 0.23149 0.46901 0.17971 0.10942 0.17069 0.93543 0.25368 0.11551 0.64528 0.73754 0.1919 0.30747 0.09664 0.42198 0.88841 0.50834 0.08012 0.2422 0.48995 0.87143 0.97696 0.70733 0.51216 0.18921 0.63095 0.21624 0.30302 0.16218 0.54454 0.71986 0.70494 0.43366 0.77094 0.19495 0.29118 0.34642 0.39455 0.78611 0.41508 0.85009 0.2127 0.4057 0.33104 0.70772 0.73133 0.02793 0.83533 0.29133 0.74321 0.19488 0.66712 0.34325 0.41585 0.94153 0.64119 0.52825 0.39498 0.17689 0.08601 0.18236 0.12305 0.95696 0.30712 0.82502 0.12738 0.16961 0.78052 0.21277 0.06265 0.53185 0.41758 0.53276 0.51479 0.61132 0.98737 0.64149 0.89042 0.84065 0.26609 0.26556 0.56978 0.40463 0.64196 0.83209 0.53824 0.18859 0.25596 0.62446 0.52145 0.77756 0.91186 0.04063 0.46489 0.95808 0.93569 0.17287 0.57782 0.61789 0.11144 0.0051 0.32837 0.26463 0.14864 0.21565 0.30913 0.89637 0.12573 0.93035 0.32394 0.25981 0.18906 0.39399 0.70086 0.05323 0.69363 0.48206 0.4505 0.5542 0.69899 0.23861 0.71934 0.29724 0.66372 0.98966 0.83154 0.31598 0.58592 0.62562 0.73625 0.62729 0.65622 0.33738 0.98189 0.7991 0.58212 0.76356 0.29831 0.31381 0.4008 0.44509 0.08999 0.78561 0.23216 0.98829 0.00594 0.87927 0.05602 0.78206 0.38117 0.03607 0.88176 0.65811 0.45612 0.67505 0.20436 0.99622 0.23714 0.79413 0.59868 0.56231 0.72146 0.67308 0.82107 0.04534 0.95274 0.35058 0.24575 0.43507 0.01269 0.33024 0.90312 0.82812 0.08021 0.864 0.29664 0.9602 0.47424 0.95644 0.92557 0.8516 0.88544 0.16047 0.56342 0.50499 0.30982 0.71747 0.41221 0.37758 0.61715 0.70466 0.12494 0.84605 0.98281 0.28462 0.76776 0.93387 0.07275 0.59194 0.21202 0.1557 0.26069 0.00688 0.16 0.06098 0.21309 0.16394 0.13755 0.81317 0.07127 0.82789 0.89525 0.14158 0.7268 0.45828 0.60394 0.19358 0.481 0.35268 0.72227 0.75333 0.27928 0.28856 0.91034 0.23359 0.58712 0.42154 0.5776 0.14646 0.79237 0.04103 0.63775 0.73415 0.18665 0.55152 0.62437 0.02346 0.14573 0.26667 0.65296 0.96242 0.53631 0.10379 0.37745 0.90615 0.2304 0.34659 0.85498 0.57182 0.70723 0.80402 0.79497 0.65733 0.21426 0.17684 0.9071 0.34839 0.2603 0.74335 0.00022 0.88581 0.04397 0.97058 0.48309 0.65218 0.93507 0.51187 0.6223 0.05187 0.39591 0.64498 0.6201 0.90098 0.30696 0.07077 0.56512 0.30706 0.45531 0.83726 0.60842 0.79091 0.7512 0.44635 0.1528 0.32199 0.87354 0.086 0.36543 0.9289 0.75226 0.99297 0.93238 0.30242 0.00064 0.40416 0.22986 0.99713 0.77019 0.50959 0.3656 0.47291 0.78634 0.02524 0.69505 0.58659 0.14089 0.32972
+0.21492 0.77816 0.31662 0.7001 0.38564 0.83381 0.78936 0.56127 0.81604 0.29683 0.08515 0.11832 0.19043 0.15425 0.93959 0.37166 0.58309 0.86891 0.39123 0.88063 0.78626 0.05761 0.13686 0.2255 0.99064 0.78343 0.89754 0.32553 0.62729 0.87923 0.08743 0.10556 0.39603 0.62981 0.35919 0.41423 0.33384 0.50715 0.54929 0.32509 0.53858 0.06034 0.23392 0.60603 0.8825 0.0727 0.83052 0.23362 0.69215 0.02767 0.14476 0.90165 0.2006 0.84156 0.94822 0.32762 0.87561 0.20232 0.6527 0.42429 0.54448 0.87181 0.32391 0.33516 0.03095 0.65462 0.28332 0.00701 0.66279 0.63662 0.70532 0.47469 0.89893 0.36158 0.34329 0.49472 0.91839 0.52562 0.45099 0.8756 0.62426 0.45668 0.04466 0.20886 0.70721 0.36154 0.04697 0.04631 0.70594 0.54174 0.32895 0.17813 0.71781 0.65479 0.64202 0.44516 0.15477 0.9679 0.5766 0.52367 0.67365 0.73709 0.55555 0.50706 0.28444 0.44472 0.91106 0.31897 0.59876 0.94095 0.37448 0.80752 0.41547 0.63204 0.32818 0.51401 0.76513 0.67688 0.6976 0.46015 0.85216 0.3784 0.29601 0.72866 0.824 0.48851 0.04425 0.64181 0.20926 0.30121 0.53164 0.9622 0.3504 0.19701 0.44622 0.53173 0.64352 0.01403 0.78919 0.47605 0.76433 0.59123 0.73135 0.62211 0.71534 0.7819 0.81369 0.22803 0.76616 0.31608 0.83635 0.9362 0.1802 0.73146 0.71963 0.15237 0.17903 0.77157 0.93276 0.1995 0.20378 0.21575 0.46592 0.27835 0.6015 0.28178 0.53824 0.64676 0.17725 0.38612 0.12195 0.95947 0.23247 0.12723 0.99024 0.74586 0.18606 0.29055 0.81389 0.17397 0.57696 0.16196 0.77135 0.23307 0.95624 0.18406 0.99435 0.30962 0.93162 0.14879 0.8254 0.7099 0.48655 0.08182 0.7942 0.96278 0.62924 0.00946 0.00098 0.68583 0.22717 0.7357 0.16203 0.34136 0.00684 0.45476 0.36054 0.92893 0.48917 0.42774 0.22134 0.71891 0.02685 0.31774 0.41223 0.21703 0.29499 0.53608 0.4108 0.07828 0.52094 0.72754 0.40182 0.2689 0.63208 0.19145 0.82292 0.74172 0.91293 0.02406 0.91096 0.74535 0.23939 0.71844 0.55668 0.97144 0.59217 0.5245 0.77968 0.33752 0.31298 0.88535 0.37682 0.7784 0.08462 0.1742 0.81235 0.9208 0.84619 0.81693 0.752 0.87895 0.24071 0.65949 0.91641 0.57968 0.11425 0.07272 0.12044 0.37022 0.59986 0.51395 0.22195 0.02377 0.32892 0.00551 0.73449 0.21625 0.54192 0.69067 0.63433 0.13458 0.48164 0.9383 0.18379 0.94659 0.50308 0.02564 0.22403 0.03791 0.60204 0.2931 0.45818 0.66574 0.09886 0.01506 0.50607 0.19121 0.50669 0.48366 0.14895 0.11807 0.48965 0.2548 0.97503 0.47082 0.66884 0.20908 0.88227 0.46674 0.49869 0.84364 0.16769 0.79337 0.08446 0.27954 0.42882 0.95726 0.04676 0.39335 0.06576 0.09799 0.39434 0.15924 0.14919 0.13824 0.41771 0.81503 0.09637 0.30931 0.75665 0.99642 0.80448 0.44999 0.27205 0.6111 0.26267 0.30393 0.06398 0.49898 0.57106 0.68234 0.32939 0.48268 0.59161 0.42468 0.02547 0.84258 0.51249 0.43496 0.78382 0.34476 0.86015 0.86382 0.28701 0.33142 0.13459 0.37296 0.81181 0.34536 0.04233 0.06721 0.91519 0.86984 0.47111 0.66786 0.7293 0.0547 0.99842 0.56856 0.63174 0.55254 0.54926 0.51003 0.03916 0.21948 0.84537 0.00146 0.05717 0.90941 0.74754 0.84316 0.59478 0.67 0.26915 0.43201 0.96088 0.72824 0.76961 0.13893 0.56346 0.03925 0.23795 0.21651 0.70494 0.70696 0.94712 0.48492 0.33105 0.38587 0.48527 0.16523 0.56661 0.81497 0.16571 0.28819 0.36192 0.75695 0.1457 0.84503 0.62311 0.1847 0.3731 0.67351 0.67993 0.544 0.15085 0.40488 0.35155 0.37815 0.4518 0.26209 0.59634 0.37411 0.92544 0.27444 0.89635 0.16401 0.43846 0.74454 0.54081 0.41936 0.19015 0.70088 0.62875 0.33074 0.02255 0.48966 0.4245 0.57078 0.32276 0.72908 0.24238 0.5309 0.34262 0.70887 0.41831 0.25391 0.65891 0.63302 0.73873 0.90616 0.91396 0.62791 0.53185 0.99312 0.17981 0.29234 0.09746 0.72935 0.84365 0.66512 0.20579 0.47695 0.46073 0.60814 0.00764 0.73024 0.03108 0.21536 0.36048 0.86149 0.66654 0.94271 0.60378 0.98908 0.77885 0.38691 0.77587 0.97687 0.0456 0.1264 0.67162 0.60949 0.41645 0.27935 0.66985 0.48354 0.68571 0.49264 0.95525 0.09012 0.96393 0.04077 0.09855 0.46157 0.267 0.63611 0.01594 0.73326 0.8648 0.76295 0.05426 0.35964 0.50745 0.37576 0.71734 0.77524 0.9522 0.95252 0.99424 0.15226 0.84759 0.41517 0.2111 0.93768 0.46526 0.12951 0.98643 0.73997 0.43262 0.42682
+0.05755 0.05158 0.28781 0.97247 0.94529 0.58644 0.96638 0.82759 0.79562 0.83983 0.16188 0.19035 0.29341 0.00623 0.76541 0.97542 0.09204 0.78836 0.72424 0.03187 0.69285 0.39226 0.85785 0.34545 0.66212 0.53376 0.2633 0.4872 0.59549 0.32605 0.66526 0.66947 0.31338 0.62742 0.07125 0.76915 0.44561 0.45058 0.67245 0.02445 0.29582 0.08944 0.38649 0.55034 0.43986 0.63072 0.93365 0.88883 0.73791 0.69888 0.592 0.49023 0.00567 0.88334 0.81308 0.46122 0.22801 0.22518 0.56083 0.06479 0.90177 0.62421 0.34108 0.43603 0.24358 0.98679 0.15714 0.59417 0.56703 0.82556 0.55075 0.61224 0.28825 0.75721 0.00483 0.92645 0.26882 0.29384 0.80717 0.15826 0.66841 0.00984 0.68722 0.48798 0.32651 0.15992 0.13304 0.72739 0.04508 0.51664 0.25395 0.26066 0.06788 0.49604 0.18753 0.95966 0.31529 0.10556 0.89581 0.51225 0.86913 0.73544 0.50044 0.67969 0.83388 0.85186 0.94655 0.98754 0.22828 0.15101 0.33008 0.33225 0.41979 0.41927 0.1027 0.98467 0.80779 0.19136 0.84536 0.76746 0.67441 0.37321 0.61223 0.94821 0.17307 0.64686 0.85067 0.96567 0.56067 0.77018 0.60705 0.44374 0.28901 0.66145 0.67438 0.40741 0.80224 0.29949 0.156 0.10037 0.97329 0.504 0.71407 0.62663 0.38581 0.6712 0.99841 0.17397 0.25933 0.41713 0.4118 0.64806 0.16105 0.2717 0.40055 0.05379 0.55381 0.87993 0.06083 0.70461 0.53409 0.03298 0.23113 0.03193 0.11321 0.52075 0.35959 0.31022 0.83867 0.26582 0.05155 0.8668 0.08986 0.42693 0.27455 0.70408 0.74391 0.00025 0.32264 0.26844 0.04456 0.79452 0.46219 0.49497 0.20027 0.53567 0.8489 0.32145 0.03238 0.3974 0.18328 0.34243 0.76233 0.13698 0.23884 0.47188 0.15076 0.42023 0.73833 0.54608 0.69353 0.50037 0.41637 0.93737 0.58102 0.35833 0.46459 0.68392 0.70345 0.26831 0.64303 0.74634 0.32784 0.39083 0.03862 0.21183 0.30115 0.96994 0.26453 0.68956 0.60797 0.66859 0.86814 0.4266 0.97455 0.49328 0.69092 0.5564 0.10804 0.00691 0.67343 0.79804 0.83581 0.974 0.12845 0.86134 0.97552 0.64309 0.55312 0.62741 0.51297 0.67338 0.40311 0.39036 0.2108 0.10435 0.11633 0.98476 0.80017 0.23472 0.40756 0.38129 0.86966 0.88274 0.07007 0.00673 0.24579 0.43318 0.85182 0.55629 0.16953 0.15456 0.12984 0.60528 0.89467 0.09464 0.95932 0.12181 0.54322 0.32282 0.0438 0.0468 0.85684 0.44596 0.11217 0.19466 0.99647 0.10675 0.52374 0.45717 0.36733 0.75246 0.70432 0.0586 0.7736 0.67482 0.31185 0.05801 0.76592 0.70972 0.28147 0.6708 0.64394 0.17801 0.59686 0.3416 0.94928 0.92094 0.27356 0.89036 0.09201 0.94127 0.2668 0.02739 0.67226 0.59058 0.32235 0.08089 0.068 0.62979 0.32429 0.05417 0.8462 0.44273 0.5109 0.06217 0.34168 0.26535 0.59419 0.15264 0.41114 0.28669 0.56105 0.50141 0.24975 0.73418 0.88701 0.10097 0.7418 0.17322 0.12938 0.58531 0.53423 0.68204 0.72956 0.53485 0.6685 0.97619 0.48602 0.13217 0.47935 0.10822 0.0184 0.4339 0.34806 0.1942 0.65249 0.72235 0.5301 0.10181 0.76555 0.66804 0.75412 0.48185 0.13672 0.71724 0.95003 0.56333 0.07446 0.61031 0.25559 0.36344 0.09902 0.21863 0.68397 0.57907 0.51172 0.43562 0.34794 0.88581 0.97107 0.838 0.23181 0.0938 0.15556 0.46838 0.39921 0.51813 0.21032 0.60476 0.77533 0.6656 0.66942 0.21206 0.99335 0.35847 0.82646 0.27442 0.11894 0.72308 0.44276 0.73631 0.64655 0.20386 0.3308 0.69625 0.93696 0.56597 0.83026 0.90099 0.69984 0.87213 0.29017 0.41322 0.54552 0.65529 0.311 0.27444 0.78808 0.90962 0.27032 0.73934 0.82999 0.30635 0.29276 0.956 0.10359 0.0876 0.51025 0.32972 0.54733 0.2099 0.41117 0.66354 0.21474 0.83276 0.43483 0.82406 0.1862 0.99112 0.63345 0.0628 0.19134 0.02206 0.72957 0.96428 0.67901 0.90113 0.05192 0.03444 0.10307 0.8576 0.66353 0.1078 0.40435 0.90521 0.92786 0.02329 0.76216 0.53895 0.89831 0.73431 0.4328 0.53772 0.25009 0.99575 0.68014 0.02024 0.90636 0.93712 0.28849 0.8394 0.08044 0.11921 0.13255 0.90607 0.34899 0.24751 0.53016 0.36211 0.75358 0.46153 0.80946 0.89793 0.13039 0.73177 0.16613 0.14178 0.76218 0.97083 0.71248 0.61678 0.74227 0.12727 0.05698 0.9601 0.67675 0.59666 0.49097 0.452 0.11789 0.46968 0.94296 0.2406 0.15704 0.08441 0.73755 0.332 0.6203 0.76141 0.23594 0.25769 0.32536 0.77396 0.23318 0.60824 0.81713 0.89204 0.78643 0.38798 0.33038 0.68043
+0.56908 0.13792 0.05579 0.88723 0.94869 0.82631 0.87119 0.22519 0.76889 0.17568 0.14499 0.97993 0.57217 0.5057 0.28254 0.24224 0.77219 0.14779 0.15071 0.03082 0.50164 0.60325 0.3598 0.12924 0.41958 0.09291 0.28629 0.20283 0.3323 0.69639 0.89766 0.70177 0.66495 0.31904 0.85183 0.81031 0.31864 0.44825 0.43552 0.06692 0.55976 0.98951 0.69284 0.31277 0.13067 0.85144 0.28057 0.76112 0.77577 0.29891 0.94194 0.88341 0.33107 0.7809 0.79025 0.40195 0.20889 0.21713 0.46287 0.39376 0.76591 0.56971 0.64907 0.95892 0.56619 0.5062 0.43767 0.07387 0.62692 0.59073 0.19932 0.09034 0.24421 0.87737 0.6609 0.59783 0.81137 0.14447 0.25841 0.26441 0.4801 0.25581 0.8938 0.26193 0.3173 0.00555 0.68414 0.80794 0.39671 0.65418 0.77844 0.87579 0.61557 0.4442 0.67056 0.91601 0.59826 0.17744 0.64011 0.71095 0.02703 0.04108 0.64044 0.70159 0.9343 0.69297 0.44562 0.59588 0.06075 0.01168 0.95286 0.25246 0.16629 0.30268 0.03909 0.93656 0.98102 0.3119 0.67406 0.9884 0.77737 0.53809 0.15624 0.58801 0.16942 0.3091 0.70231 0.75856 0.50179 0.20508 0.88468 0.71341 0.69764 0.14009 0.23566 0.16364 0.96411 0.03183 0.54413 0.65283 0.73678 0.52625 0.6248 0.50908 0.82267 0.83992 0.15843 0.15149 0.04647 0.9566 0.70245 0.36016 0.76344 0.66923 0.35831 0.40146 0.41301 0.79104 0.60661 0.88307 0.72339 0.69421 0.32768 0.48656 0.02759 0.55831 0.1522 0.28443 0.61412 0.38403 0.05431 0.33288 0.49791 0.30817 0.51039 0.41185 0.80872 0.68549 0.4501 0.05901 0.57859 0.28851 0.95413 0.00726 0.50217 0.58509 0.61001 0.2474 0.8679 0.97982 0.80489 0.37381 0.35141 0.68644 0.52011 0.44094 0.0832 0.76767 0.96165 0.0409 0.98968 0.24108 0.15398 0.08353 0.428 0.73625 0.7665 0.03744 0.61703 0.68655 0.31909 0.85455 0.16502 0.62644 0.10474 0.95797 0.29205 0.90471 0.62826 0.31767 0.57706 0.64861 0.22766 0.45359 0.23577 0.63319 0.06621 0.17032 0.60276 0.86782 0.59989 0.10593 0.95477 0.93623 0.55906 0.98624 0.74517 0.25622 0.51053 0.14494 0.6904 0.32444 0.0413 0.00794 0.48952 0.90579 0.49143 0.49263 0.44138 0.56127 0.78731 0.18906 0.29046 0.1205 0.95598 0.76922 0.13903 0.64199 0.44128 0.33401 0.70939 0.9186 0.96611 0.64903 0.07926 0.5003 0.91633 0.85223 0.90275 0.00176 0.27464 0.04649 0.64474 0.40484 0.58197 0.81492 0.70785 0.71783 0.46013 0.25406 0.84549 0.39624 0.84807 0.8469 0.54324 0.42047 0.99765 0.18092 0.82796 0.71737 0.09873 0.45743 0.86055 0.74389 0.61819 0.23077 0.66087 0.02563 0.4266 0.42679 0.5123 0.33871 0.38079 0.43746 0.23631 0.18527 0.6077 0.84745 0.29728 0.1251 0.87746 0.14281 0.40305 0.94987 0.88028 0.00801 0.22424 0.67634 0.03206 0.76406 0.37741 0.40904 0.03235 0.3492 0.88044 0.81375 0.75622 0.94245 0.87451 0.20399 0.36567 0.86202 0.71382 0.99025 0.81647 0.12701 0.61327 0.91861 0.89033 0.11215 0.82482 0.51538 0.57712 0.82712 0.59782 0.74732 0.86684 0.75088 0.65334 0.2437 0.54173 0.08953 0.77934 0.53286 0.46213 0.23818 0.41506 0.04054 0.19189 0.80521 0.25052 0.60549 0.95626 0.22364 0.09347 0.11771 0.46086 0.87129 0.16015 0.45332 0.83189 0.02843 0.13273 0.89134 0.01275 0.36608 0.1516 0.6791 0.62503 0.28725 0.93253 0.11652 0.04377 0.42662 0.09036 0.38755 0.78938 0.73251 0.25385 0.77021 0.21455 0.73497 0.8421 0.11128 0.98809 0.48869 0.79057 0.96239 0.96985 0.91139 0.63546 0.70617 0.99738 0.61663 0.66862 0.56387 0.00898 0.24212 0.22091 0.65297 0.16157 0.51674 0.08193 0.17493 0.93446 0.35679 0.81398 0.96093 0.93502 0.97313 0.54755 0.71095 0.95863 0.45236 0.53818 0.98143 0.77246 0.63439 0.43906 0.30217 0.52956 0.29367 0.92224 0.6542 0.73269 0.25818 0.75541 0.44391 0.87025 0.48548 0.8844 0.98084 0.5003 0.61059 0.18748 0.88402 0.90027 0.03753 0.79854 0.44359 0.37911 0.24613 0.84912 0.32356 0.74918 0.10303 0.90239 0.79515 0.55728 0.70511 0.93933 0.70042 0.137 0.90941 0.55908 0.29234 0.89813 0.24348 0.2168 0.30123 0.0759 0.88393 0.56051 0.54936 0.70349 0.38834 0.26846 0.70359 0.92006 0.98466 0.4137 0.26378 0.14027 0.49684 0.42094 0.87107 0.29688 0.41008 0.2295 0.53412 0.8775 0.91306 0.10155 0.26758 0.36895 0.89608 0.17155 0.02123 0.87742 0.24106 0.36104 0.42516 0.75005 0.80903 0.63467 0.3705 0.54562 0.65923 0.57701 0.45037 0.07764 0.09981
+0.35514 0.15789 0.4624 0.99973 0.90114 0.96622 0.7656 0.16459 0.65864 0.64983 0.22364 0.25776 0.50121 0.84149 0.0946 0.55418 0.67452 0.79835 0.49699 0.07141 0.02011 0.72414 0.90325 0.27929 0.51128 0.92162 0.77314 0.07605 0.4844 0.53747 0.93762 0.36318 0.39919 0.53343 0.05983 0.80506 0.78927 0.05394 0.18971 0.43046 0.95602 0.41747 0.35156 0.47518 0.32918 0.35754 0.45449 0.32014 0.46043 0.38419 0.26509 0.37923 0.18465 0.62154 0.49043 0.15329 0.78034 0.84993 0.97643 0.95436 0.52456 0.2065 0.90746 0.76448 0.49987 0.85074 0.24138 0.63485 0.51246 0.62708 0.49565 0.63175 0.78756 0.12341 0.69736 0.53112 0.34791 0.14557 0.32478 0.65025 0.46028 0.88724 0.50199 0.83951 0.43183 0.92814 0.15094 0.32088 0.79895 0.46541 0.83179 0.98204 0.2888 0.74731 0.33445 0.62879 0.95426 0.04763 0.66734 0.1641 0.26301 0.38344 0.79222 0.83126 0.11709 0.09509 0.76923 0.82466 0.7971 0.2387 0.04272 0.68791 0.11949 0.69409 0.69138 0.6918 0.70481 0.62906 0.72619 0.86731 0.06547 0.44474 0.83578 0.01367 0.03409 0.23425 0.55336 0.98057 0.76683 0.64931 0.09293 0.16139 0.6972 0.01323 0.86537 0.66245 0.72488 0.2313 0.96984 0.2985 0.83884 0.93778 0.68379 0.11037 0.73617 0.93939 0.66607 0.19444 0.50405 0.74096 0.21882 0.24649 0.76121 0.39357 0.84722 0.14159 0.7179 0.02284 0.8468 0.42755 0.64663 0.82396 0.55439 0.49138 0.10969 0.68739 0.45915 0.80163 0.95514 0.00548 0.96 0.12796 0.76942 0.04242 0.60165 0.51998 0.35247 0.45911 0.63518 0.49721 0.78692 0.44119 0.18956 0.73007 0.44412 0.8531 0.50309 0.23866 0.71582 0.77665 0.62914 0.03953 0.07545 0.41482 0.15298 0.38268 0.55791 0.4372 0.27056 0.1854 0.49429 0.26562 0.53479 0.31396 0.48254 0.43165 0.72421 0.23273 0.4421 0.74092 0.59163 0.56324 0.39623 0.05314 0.16864 0.06141 0.95944 0.34919 0.18751 0.28925 0.87191 0.65812 0.14441 0.66598 0.03315 0.7401 0.25119 0.15088 0.78378 0.94394 0.28448 0.9171 0.53057 0.5835 0.98447 0.66504 0.46229 0.64763 0.13502 0.10397 0.43922 0.39539 0.9593 0.89667 0.90479 0.78926 0.99633 0.97957 0.25963 0.29647 0.7391 0.87111 0.69084 0.33938 0.79207 0.49774 0.99211 0.90921 0.71317 0.61194 0.80065 0.92597 0.00697 0.0513 0.78153 0.29503 0.1453 0.66207 0.89428 0.50895 0.46455 0.8034 0.76043 0.16409 0.01026 0.9516 0.06777 0.21831 0.52761 0.67143 0.98536 0.36054 0.34275 0.06294 0.60087 0.41647 0.94831 0.23808 0.68642 0.15447 0.66359 0.00555 0.1851 0.99636 0.57347 0.82075 0.58017 0.47723 0.37049 0.91741 0.58868 0.5351 0.13915 0.37091 0.48831 0.45468 0.67902 0.3408 0.16399 0.11595 0.42568 0.34857 0.70297 0.42778 0.66244 0.58456 0.65185 0.24438 0.30146 0.78372 0.13679 0.74779 0.64054 0.14294 0.30874 0.62384 0.75216 0.30149 0.5638 0.35524 0.83366 0.03607 0.208 0.85066 0.05309 0.78689 0.45985 0.43466 0.42506 0.26142 0.65526 0.04501 0.47771 0.21893 0.20535 0.89352 0.3254 0.89297 0.96461 0.12071 0.96306 0.02921 0.85532 0.83034 0.74512 0.30523 0.69689 0.27627 0.32741 0.78793 0.60623 0.12582 0.72143 0.26915 0.54574 0.61466 0.94035 0.32816 0.14509 0.33351 0.24714 0.07177 0.46001 0.66302 0.54602 0.55999 0.08837 0.36696 0.37798 0.40006 0.04224 0.71856 0.00824 0.74678 0.39801 0.75143 0.41922 0.01545 0.32958 0.09552 0.06395 0.25116 0.93029 0.18104 0.66242 0.80852 0.31927 0.82072 0.87972 0.30629 0.36977 0.91947 0.5994 0.13825 0.46577 0.98877 0.17563 0.44824 0.44431 0.55246 0.66647 0.16316 0.40987 0.7897 0.3718 0.47674 0.72698 0.78413 0.98714 0.14403 0.96477 0.16225 0.39471 0.7258 0.89086 0.5927 0.03591 0.83957 0.73193 0.32016 0.87691 0.52744 0.57787 0.86779 0.49754 0.66752 0.85558 0.43135 0.52702 0.81514 0.08331 0.64382 0.87143 0.82667 0.60039 0.61509 0.54528 0.09862 0.22474 0.03546 0.2391 0.44923 0.96584 0.9774 0.82036 0.39334 0.31927 0.07434 0.6749 0.20861 0.17795 0.7897 0.21984 0.96386 0.43161 0.17312 0.5756 0.10235 0.35606 0.76185 0.16694 0.651 0.53116 0.41886 0.14167 0.29403 0.88322 0.54954 0.20499 0.658 0.43833 0.10716 0.92739 0.18939 0.29834 0.71183 0.06624 0.9407 0.3115 0.20165 0.42253 0.73438 0.80576 0.67192 0.99121 0.67956 0.52342 0.62621 0.81269 0.03797 0.17256 0.01021 0.28202 0.99279 0.63191 0.18346 0.3352 0.78225 0.13296 0.61407 0.24655 0.57797
+0.76785 0.84438 0.46644 0.80128 0.97945 0.18883 0.41038 0.74641 0.49415 0.42648 0.8914 0.43959 0.06252 0.4821 0.0842 0.54645 0.61349 0.30458 0.68263 0.3788 0.9361 0.36738 0.24657 0.22946 0.7954 0.78447 0.0307 0.78993 0.62407 0.6476 0.33325 0.33661 0.67516 0.39269 0.29604 0.5797 0.54576 0.32693 0.72204 0.27855 0.30633 0.53883 0.63219 0.22929 0.35457 0.75232 0.55461 0.04305 0.48572 0.13507 0.62072 0.60862 0.02666 0.3886 0.79629 0.80754 0.64919 0.70888 0.16142 0.55797 0.11068 0.03712 0.13286 0.02344 0.57079 0.75909 0.02509 0.0804 0.71135 0.05487 0.86503 0.82233 0.46132 0.50595 0.49079 0.79189 0.03215 0.10292 0.82753 0.12887 0.02214 0.72695 0.46728 0.09823 0.83559 0.74224 0.71398 0.64186 0.5875 0.27012 0.92387 0.24708 0.63493 0.3213 0.60946 0.40873 0.57655 0.89504 0.32201 0.54225 0.79234 0.20721 0.59836 0.91448 0.42772 0.76756 0.7098 0.51991 0.37469 0.79246 0.80313 0.84259 0.25587 0.56417 0.56316 0.76566 0.67821 0.85232 0.43789 0.55259 0.99444 0.02374 0.63037 0.74718 0.19899 0.89232 0.06975 0.35156 0.44026 0.68002 0.7892 0.27405 0.44174 0.28075 0.46185 0.51884 0.01731 0.19147 0.21434 0.17296 0.00674 0.26113 0.91699 0.44415 0.67731 0.6434 0.08643 0.44839 0.39243 0.16804 0.2239 0.70669 0.57924 0.72795 0.66367 0.4658 0.78176 0.66463 0.33808 0.1846 0.52627 0.44254 0.50966 0.43684 0.32494 0.38812 0.88111 0.15111 0.75113 0.07508 0.686 0.78467 0.47223 0.64456 0.78213 0.95508 0.41858 0.46837 0.03248 0.54973 0.6279 0.45622 0.56164 0.4113 0.75895 0.34125 0.31316 0.26254 0.72321 0.29225 0.2727 0.37559 0.48368 0.61987 0.40295 0.48073 0.34656 0.88724 0.25874 0.85983 0.05641 0.70308 0.26762 0.78687 0.48478 0.46032 0.60828 0.63291 0.14742 0.81791 0.02582 0.60498 0.71511 0.18633 0.95712 0.75277 0.31574 0.32089 0.57409 0.88477 0.44173 0.31948 0.79957 0.25017 0.56055 0.22958 0.98815 0.86369 0.43098 0.53963 0.88422 0.74951 0.96353 0.71435 0.98132 0.12985 0.51082 0.04852 0.9851 0.37601 0.65497 0.91111 0.05063 0.69359 0.90582 0.31107 0.69599 0.39373 0.11112 0.42984 0.89901 0.4081 0.32515 0.12715 0.0758 0.83519 0.49621 0.69281 0.76006 0.61555 0.30287 0.5369 0.81491 0.49412 0.00164 0.52059 0.19818 0.17363 0.00986 0.54256 0.09591 0.34857 0.3402 0.71145 0.83061 0.41096 0.93758 0.96114 0.8741 0.48083 0.70982 0.72138 0.02193 0.04712 0.58723 0.70562 0.62241 0.66891 0.36712 0.00143 0.76422 0.99124 0.19585 0.00816 0.38293 0.19292 0.05818 0.70623 0.94771 0.29244 0.29144 0.47243 0.07733 0.99981 0.92874 0.32149 0.41693 0.48172 0.89681 0.85355 0.00993 0.90377 0.00668 0.29433 0.36039 0.14641 0.64448 0.52068 0.6122 0.88172 0.88813 0.02042 0.33772 0.24256 0.0769 0.84877 0.05114 0.99517 0.03405 0.96111 0.85051 0.56795 0.32911 0.17468 0.38477 0.24126 0.86242 0.55703 0.63531 0.64364 0.73606 0.72248 0.38899 0.57828 0.3327 0.22398 0.56675 0.82705 0.16969 0.68355 0.91918 0.41937 0.2693 0.35496 0.28149 0.40002 0.93004 0.86168 0.45588 0.71624 0.59444 0.75706 0.93622 0.74916 0.00901 0.95359 0.74258 0.78511 0.2231 0.12171 0.77827 0.04698 0.91437 0.77591 0.3312 0.3242 0.66768 0.45256 0.51794 0.06485 0.34649 0.92313 0.32607 0.48704 0.44435 0.08211 0.88037 0.89346 0.5912 0.42389 0.1682 0.09107 0.35889 0.78957 0.94496 0.53658 0.39029 0.84446 0.33802 0.28562 0.66605 0.82554 0.45824 0.31463 0.75866 0.96356 0.83107 0.19432 0.4792 0.20094 0.70611 0.5599 0.83912 0.35663 0.05911 0.42617 0.71467 0.8919 0.77896 0.19424 0.95342 0.09255 0.61668 0.03068 0.60608 0.21303 0.83265 0.90629 0.23027 0.92421 0.72104 0.84536 0.43597 0.4259 0.15986 0.77861 0.81794 0.77482 0.81523 0.71462 0.09799 0.12989 0.56684 0.65796 0.47048 0.04067 0.79636 0.54235 0.80385 0.34819 0.87667 0.39844 0.03567 0.59981 0.53668 0.64937 0.58842 0.17979 0.63769 0.70108 0.08728 0.0747 0.89491 0.85331 0.71871 0.85728 0.78454 0.05828 0.66292 0.40296 0.59233 0.06356 0.99886 0.36724 0.14375 0.89119 0.7548 0.36973 0.92721 0.38097 0.81567 0.5809 0.27215 0.54434 0.07295 0.90929 0.71599 0.30442 0.15294 0.70562 0.96986 0.93153 0.96435 0.3183 0.76744 0.15426 0.60913 0.00594 0.11745 0.42989 0.48127 0.74987 0.1529 0.70068 0.88457 0.58895 0.77689 0.52426 0.15164 0.35349 0.07802 0.89349
+0.7931 0.0113 0.28867 0.68624 0.34093 0.47239 0.79517 0.13766 0.42535 0.44237 0.90171 0.16581 0.79127 0.07121 0.19719 0.65421 0.91696 0.78142 0.22472 0.69252 0.61824 0.49725 0.91467 0.65863 0.86494 0.81193 0.87214 0.06405 0.28852 0.37564 0.71978 0.92338 0.05347 0.83296 0.64814 0.38662 0.47835 0.88664 0.45867 0.97592 0.71065 0.67422 0.70063 0.73584 0.10487 0.16823 0.01178 0.38864 0.04968 0.49722 0.56308 0.38931 0.50567 0.38097 0.49767 0.1066 0.4873 0.79383 0.60319 0.79837 0.7475 0.54044 0.15044 0.10321 0.91212 0.84631 0.28086 0.3377 0.8169 0.95672 0.63853 0.38435 0.5937 0.32245 0.38367 0.83411 0.69842 0.81759 0.29487 0.47276 0.2462 0.66086 0.06382 0.41452 0.89553 0.24125 0.97101 0.73026 0.62584 0.87218 0.39063 0.79019 0.55009 0.73969 0.97263 0.45726 0.7563 0.79898 0.70156 0.80291 0.56086 0.67706 0.47935 0.20276 0.97243 0.12269 0.08574 0.38491 0.47476 0.56385 0.14028 0.0561 0.37824 0.68993 0.72245 0.52201 0.64943 0.29114 0.76496 0.41406 0.40036 0.55198 0.53983 0.35505 0.64956 0.50361 0.86844 0.09921 0.85316 0.39329 0.48104 0.07731 0.8653 0.84965 0.75898 0.21469 0.2068 0.14617 0.73392 0.31934 0.49136 0.64611 0.25128 0.78276 0.53058 0.27351 0.27489 0.22112 0.54995 0.76825 0.60124 0.56454 0.11787 0.56664 0.14162 0.34088 0.33266 0.15174 0.61035 0.50271 0.79684 0.80249 0.38682 0.2181 0.49999 0.06498 0.77411 0.0642 0.75403 0.67034 0.47963 0.98511 0.17841 0.73777 0.58878 0.04317 0.11475 0.89092 0.1545 0.92666 0.01043 0.59406 0.74974 0.32118 0.35741 0.578 0.58743 0.74301 0.22873 0.73575 0.90557 0.78385 0.77597 0.12036 0.0753 0.63477 0.84057 0.21576 0.96075 0.91837 0.58631 0.47223 0.69436 0.95348 0.18954 0.39435 0.11692 0.0267 0.53756 0.81525 0.28764 0.45056 0.31869 0.86115 0.00219 0.06124 0.75099 0.03019 0.8989 0.35473 0.52839 0.15701 0.35903 0.64295 0.48465 0.83293 0.1094 0.00884 0.64661 0.8205 0.44562 0.04755 0.27134 0.75719 0.12242 0.6215 0.42221 0.1351 0.09284 0.18654 0.70372 0.60015 0.68431 0.8678 0.9733 0.04034 0.86951 0.99672 0.93206 0.30545 0.73389 0.35162 0.18771 0.66354 0.85799 0.60418 0.45685 0.71034 0.35685 0.81685 0.05357 0.14823 0.44109 0.64748 0.36069 0.68624 0.80729 0.17088 0.9167 0.7075 0.30481 0.11266 0.67391 0.01177 0.69784 0.02709 0.23666 0.45354 0.05133 0.25774 0.30201 0.72832 0.03917 0.84321 0.72572 0.6996 0.12612 0.24871 0.53618 0.45669 0.93218 0.92662 0.54579 0.36893 0.88736 0.80349 0.32325 0.29601 0.89214 0.72261 0.49736 0.94756 0.17486 0.70158 0.08217 0.56396 0.13052 0.95598 0.32245 0.31634 0.41978 0.53804 0.29812 0.21685 0.37655 0.85001 0.3748 0.98668 0.48319 0.64675 0.94438 0.09959 0.51048 0.22649 0.88486 0.74945 0.00418 0.25266 0.9736 0.99066 0.27425 0.29069 0.04996 0.49336 0.68814 0.01747 0.6233 0.22241 0.60475 0.60676 0.86243 0.22327 0.94775 0.79593 0.98679 0.02104 0.13525 0.02469 0.10938 0.09866 0.95426 0.5726 0.29789 0.59455 0.69062 0.76173 0.09349 0.90301 0.93618 0.07118 0.75072 0.72414 0.19434 0.10455 0.49964 0.57265 0.92579 0.4842 0.82706 0.91327 0.94968 0.3222 0.49354 0.7641 0.72757 0.9303 0.03695 0.88918 0.27779 0.12071 0.75307 0.80449 0.62249 0.86219 0.81936 0.73515 0.11159 0.04646 0.6843 0.23333 0.09423 0.96181 0.87589 0.41725 0.84289 0.46909 0.1853 0.049 0.8542 0.06384 0.55663 0.71088 0.37137 0.30745 0.87828 0.13603 0.24519 0.29776 0.90458 0.37845 0.05871 0.3036 0.45032 0.13874 0.78928 0.20268 0.92179 0.90993 0.13679 0.99862 0.50908 0.02802 0.70687 0.67967 0.12111 0.54263 0.7689 0.28256 0.14189 0.03946 0.67723 0.93469 0.72904 0.33386 0.335 0.90809 0.30444 0.13464 0.34853 0.5247 0.21987 0.36163 0.76114 0.29863 0.10734 0.76041 0.8657 0.70769 0.38683 0.24887 0.85098 0.09634 0.48374 0.11608 0.36308 0.04784 0.93134 0.29264 0.67247 0.88443 0.18301 0.21806 0.51933 0.12999 0.361 0.26521 0.37286 0.12725 0.16813 0.13778 0.68193 0.34871 0.81256 0.33574 0.43946 0.64714 0.06377 0.00756 0.65462 0.05439 0.06274 0.64236 0.05522 0.01567 0.35266 0.34155 0.71925 0.49229 0.3858 0.85686 0.80543 0.11305 0.24265 0.28668 0.71378 0.4784 0.84478 0.91259 0.65923 0.33628 0.93176 0.08299 0.78997 0.55212 0.85067 0.48525 0.20158 0.71038 0.13141 0.49905 0.14774 0.11614
+0.09268 0.31919 0.42928 0.44219 0.73255 0.55284 0.1062 0.93415 0.36004 0.24475 0.95664 0.42866 0.69947 0.45321 0.11199 0.78433 0.84959 0.61889 0.49592 0.59737 0.91133 0.77208 0.40227 0.79819 0.38937 0.4082 0.00474 0.08929 0.93322 0.96709 0.87714 0.5977 0.69181 0.76255 0.34534 0.30405 0.41497 0.49497 0.43606 0.01772 0.5083 0.04737 0.5794 0.31008 0.57052 0.15619 0.4859 0.92596 0.89637 0.11328 0.19944 0.88982 0.41366 0.02019 0.08474 0.16215 0.45951 0.47637 0.73622 0.60622 0.08711 0.45768 0.7393 0.06459 0.93264 0.42272 0.31715 0.79247 0.51018 0.07299 0.82782 0.02572 0.43048 0.5202 0.54568 0.70961 0.97578 0.67886 0.89507 0.83095 0.2882 0.0242 0.67078 0.73692 0.47161 0.72544 0.1888 0.91316 0.80655 0.34601 0.42871 0.67098 0.97947 0.06923 0.88302 0.48811 0.5365 0.21488 0.78062 0.53979 0.76887 0.14202 0.98082 0.11659 0.51725 0.28304 0.36986 0.62496 0.69945 0.01085 0.21628 0.35081 0.04644 0.45253 0.11554 0.04538 0.90096 0.22165 0.29448 0.87996 0.77366 0.40577 0.12549 0.24914 0.54833 0.877 0.93271 0.69714 0.86795 0.666 0.48804 0.80555 0.04564 0.06769 0.1708 0.21865 0.55446 0.65265 0.70966 0.82756 0.16734 0.99978 0.11527 0.796 0.92329 0.23446 0.39806 0.23662 0.71556 0.93561 0.13229 0.18589 0.95119 0.32175 0.46215 0.25132 0.6778 0.20111 0.43832 0.72784 0.85373 0.07969 0.99436 0.87806 0.19476 0.43028 0.4239 0.1953 0.72061 0.52005 0.06193 0.88888 0.89302 0.3489 0.41542 0.24619 0.90261 0.9398 0.68194 0.26895 0.33669 0.78664 0.87156 0.8147 0.98384 0.94172 0.49143 0.70881 0.61233 0.91782 0.77636 0.57038 0.83582 0.1599 0.89553 0.35071 0.62517 0.5095 0.13752 0.45763 0.23225 0.65001 0.41376 0.8229 0.02324 0.30246 0.61184 0.6437 0.61437 0.01818 0.8771 0.11622 0.32273 0.63581 0.09993 0.90956 0.46709 0.15452 0.61879 0.82279 0.42918 0.8105 0.03829 0.72281 0.68064 0.37337 0.27991 0.37601 0.27195 0.31576 0.80271 0.59565 0.50271 0.18518 0.65741 0.8055 0.14674 0.31743 0.43597 0.09179 0.78911 0.0264 0.11873 0.66436 0.64695 0.58155 0.54873 0.17513 0.39646 0.90811 0.04526 0.47082 0.58579 0.62078 0.13809 0.64744 0.1953 0.56005 0.99746 0.28667 0.95972 0.12673 0.80371 0.0802 0.67426 0.19678 0.72009 0.71418 0.65093 0.96974 0.60554 0.46258 0.25229 0.30565 0.83904 0.56599 0.57497 0.20521 0.55006 0.22284 0.86345 0.44113 0.88779 0.46759 0.84441 0.11667 0.87662 0.27218 0.33593 0.04031 0.84732 0.19133 0.6107 0.18483 0.10523 0.88424 0.68 0.14954 0.52886 0.60907 0.89341 0.46522 0.22245 0.78961 0.89332 0.09761 0.61554 0.26061 0.38587 0.61883 0.59183 0.66053 0.94812 0.47053 0.41578 0.51747 0.81639 0.86358 0.55102 0.01085 0.57011 0.74703 0.46979 0.75846 0.95522 0.18992 0.79641 0.8566 0.96039 0.14782 0.74067 0.05311 0.54349 0.13797 0.22079 0.53721 0.03833 0.88267 0.90362 0.65487 0.87877 0.12083 0.16886 0.53842 0.34606 0.03433 0.05857 0.2379 0.43172 0.64724 0.29774 0.48065 0.54277 0.33351 0.10812 0.07507 0.58072 0.1322 0.70017 0.76138 0.17982 0.9937 0.32695 0.99139 0.24938 0.99748 0.85214 0.6862 0.21899 0.97466 0.81212 0.27151 0.36015 0.5112 0.50714 0.87443 0.40446 0.78141 0.41818 0.83133 0.34892 0.08712 0.83179 0.74439 0.40688 0.06837 0.00107 0.37286 0.66474 0.16554 0.66922 0.01055 0.72691 0.86776 0.38316 0.29461 0.6803 0.74813 0.21183 0.83973 0.57855 0.55959 0.7605 0.12581 0.4689 0.20149 0.45392 0.87817 0.50771 0.07552 0.02153 0.21319 0.18915 0.92476 0.31804 0.09576 0.39472 0.11694 0.16801 0.44822 0.57272 0.32804 0.17742 0.2923 0.86088 0.58367 0.67265 0.8175 0.87465 0.11066 0.31632 0.56885 0.79513 0.97183 0.15633 0.68814 0.15505 0.95918 0.87742 0.77949 0.88766 0.34693 0.14525 0.10272 0.09256 0.6963 0.09995 0.84509 0.71925 0.81429 0.21385 0.94003 0.09259 0.90313 0.38039 0.60673 0.99091 0.0234 0.47654 0.48395 0.68669 0.78251 0.7627 0.15462 0.22 0.28523 0.55735 0.35111 0.12685 0.75704 0.37512 0.68234 0.80867 0.29013 0.17125 0.26282 0.30407 0.4486 0.38575 0.78783 0.43056 0.2585 0.57105 0.97353 0.52112 0.63361 0.6343 0.73297 0.23757 0.82541 0.8656 0.48864 0.06185 0.97015 0.32705 0.86744 0.54923 0.12628 0.18959 0.93153 0.95298 0.0626 0.62674 0.05446 0.1809 0.1039 0.84402 0.03163 0.82387 0.2343 0.19323 0.07449
+0.09323 0.29735 0.85722 0.45118 0.03066 0.86565 0.38515 0.61231 0.17492 0.55409 0.42249 0.03379 0.56863 0.67669 0.30028 0.00305 0.37606 0.51346 0.77799 0.80431 0.85295 0.02088 0.19342 0.43113 0.29747 0.46652 0.58839 0.29192 0.43744 0.06641 0.68295 0.86953 0.87252 0.82653 0.94176 0.07751 0.81063 0.05684 0.0984 0.94711 0.72861 0.52029 0.09387 0.18282 0.31223 0.41297 0.73243 0.65147 0.11757 0.75468 0.01789 0.02148 0.10842 0.65987 0.58405 0.89476 0.72615 0.84119 0.43928 0.66996 0.98531 0.87744 0.87653 0.03682 0.00418 0.77112 0.69638 0.4245 0.8364 0.32144 0.02529 0.66982 0.0993 0.50247 0.69479 0.0292 0.24177 0.86913 0.04894 0.03314 0.37597 0.05189 0.14639 0.04007 0.9269 0.3877 0.67244 0.91427 0.34119 0.40118 0.29229 0.8846 0.14632 0.99262 0.93541 0.50155 0.02863 0.21458 0.08893 0.67619 0.62298 0.68648 0.63966 0.58144 0.69046 0.46976 0.66824 0.50488 0.8622 0.23329 0.03632 0.95347 0.613 0.18198 0.81254 0.48026 0.7326 0.98129 0.26918 0.52098 0.42167 0.80542 0.09792 0.69452 0.96341 0.64906 0.63231 0.21785 0.82732 0.82012 0.80038 0.00725 0.13596 0.2859 0.06344 0.584 0.44629 0.24229 0.56692 0.36564 0.27618 0.5698 0.50794 0.41195 0.84187 0.04786 0.1151 0.12898 0.0618 0.26438 0.97945 0.43091 0.69835 0.05292 0.23139 0.09364 0.02241 0.5495 0.95626 0.24401 0.10039 0.99513 0.84772 0.68904 0.40512 0.09728 0.2578 0.82331 0.57493 0.10607 0.07872 0.18182 0.70903 0.03858 0.03006 0.61598 0.41065 0.67264 0.88269 0.63005 0.33445 0.22076 0.54111 0.88093 0.26677 0.45761 0.97202 0.23823 0.47349 0.28144 0.3848 0.16004 0.29368 0.84157 0.78639 0.96239 0.59062 0.15705 0.06868 0.62342 0.514 0.64049 0.73728 0.63797 0.85485 0.04707 0.58279 0.35591 0.65076 0.39197 0.23964 0.8311 0.57825 0.02969 0.11314 0.91232 0.13148 0.24473 0.23675 0.65962 0.18951 0.84385 0.90528 0.57283 0.89257 0.89693 0.80724 0.48269 0.67159 0.35427 0.92744 0.41625 0.30635 0.15651 0.56043 0.0476 0.04747 0.15437 0.08567 0.27384 0.06915 0.41428 0.968 0.69404 0.70009 0.6208 0.04133 0.14371 0.57678 0.15331 0.76905 0.22115 0.79986 0.71599 0.19163 0.5639 0.64322 0.76399 0.87215 0.11383 0.96297 0.73437 0.08599 0.03938 0.75536 0.8097 0.7828 0.76468 0.39951 0.38353 0.42803 0.03812 0.93596 0.85882 0.8881 0.70533 0.55889 0.1655 0.11653 0.24361 0.4393 0.27552 0.25331 0.66454 0.91952 0.8254 0.62756 0.23751 0.9092 0.72236 0.64008 0.16757 0.43688 0.9445 0.61487 0.79973 0.75287 0.93951 0.57749 0.28875 0.28827 0.92212 0.29251 0.19775 0.8363 0.43757 0.93246 0.64995 0.23897 0.4798 0.00307 0.94792 0.55195 0.36663 0.13718 0.62586 0.16283 0.75308 0.97262 0.49676 0.83116 0.38372 0.2983 0.08976 0.43568 0.78201 0.13812 0.69383 0.81125 0.56452 0.09584 0.97713 0.08969 0.77998 0.16335 0.94858 0.88144 0.65221 0.22252 0.49857 0.55705 0.57201 0.88787 0.11783 0.14783 0.66133 0.66761 0.5711 0.15157 0.2852 0.19212 0.09042 0.06897 0.09496 0.06393 0.31537 0.861 0.71679 0.00641 0.69849 0.71041 0.75862 0.82953 0.78448 0.75773 0.09363 0.66914 0.60294 0.4118 0.3266 0.74602 0.21563 0.46361 0.49396 0.85234 0.49583 0.8831 0.08094 0.50063 0.59319 0.11897 0.74021 0.39903 0.93666 0.73002 0.91292 0.34957 0.60185 0.71297 0.24972 0.71514 0.18185 0.43393 0.90014 0.7292 0.89717 0.20696 0.18419 0.18782 0.39317 0.71425 0.96378 0.26162 0.60027 0.60959 0.95192 0.39593 0.86907 0.9382 0.76345 0.25608 0.21231 0.65318 0.83287 0.66046 0.26639 0.12418 0.81261 0.36505 0.76435 0.40022 0.29192 0.37805 0.52705 0.03233 0.41929 0.12752 0.83633 0.25385 0.91502 0.36044 0.58564 0.80791 0.42518 0.00844 0.56802 0.1806 0.79389 0.74647 0.59737 0.23467 0.69134 0.89285 0.94644 0.45072 0.14137 0.83108 0.10141 0.70868 0.82655 0.83003 0.32721 0.65167 0.57242 0.32491 0.97814 0.15672 0.91766 0.81301 0.44344 0.29202 0.60671 0.62521 0.32799 0.6345 0.7506 0.36886 0.2242 0.70724 0.69804 0.88393 0.19738 0.47096 0.98957 0.10257 0.78516 0.3313 0.86695 0.70737 0.03979 0.11238 0.35927 0.64051 0.18447 0.45155 0.04103 0.15928 0.65918 0.084 0.42391 0.12699 0.44232 0.0658 0.85901 0.16851 0.03862 0.43114 0.13285 0.71073 0.58935 0.30723 0.04813 0.07468 0.50807 0.82131 0.65408 0.90911 0.20183 0.08573 0.49699 0.78842 0.03321
+0.13577 0.82877 0.66884 0.41529 0.70022 0.14213 0.936 0.55704 0.62384 0.04993 0.73984 0.76383 0.14446 0.58342 0.12371 0.20185 0.25518 0.2977 0.62856 0.17836 0.67172 0.80279 0.09996 0.96336 0.19837 0.79116 0.88477 0.56964 0.20576 0.87224 0.95455 0.08671 0.64934 0.53059 0.93969 0.75721 0.37714 0.1237 0.51351 0.5965 0.17869 0.20574 0.66184 0.7024 0.26248 0.71139 0.6391 0.70074 0.34518 0.18284 0.86267 0.82032 0.49309 0.00329 0.54701 0.06492 0.27987 0.1908 0.7356 0.75697 0.07072 0.391 0.6117 0.09444 0.62085 0.57284 0.82237 0.69709 0.03014 0.68651 0.44727 0.21815 0.76246 0.44706 0.98945 0.72906 0.20464 0.99698 0.72794 0.11813 0.22474 0.78055 0.25422 0.45894 0.78354 0.89386 0.26624 0.96614 0.14864 0.44343 0.29083 0.99521 0.49101 0.39665 0.08243 0.41104 0.21022 0.1952 0.26041 0.47607 0.06903 0.67109 0.20037 0.34174 0.4787 0.26944 0.14292 0.73269 0.63225 0.6575 0.55222 0.11251 0.60321 0.75919 0.15281 0.48938 0.63846 0.13192 0.57893 0.98182 0.66369 0.74841 0.21155 0.19941 0.97016 0.868 0.2767 0.46701 0.16067 0.99804 0.98212 0.27285 0.92656 0.64778 0.95451 0.35015 0.61352 0.1248 0.12352 0.60344 0.75366 0.49724 0.95974 0.45259 0.75361 0.57183 0.04619 0.10817 0.29437 0.30693 0.09071 0.98352 0.48524 0.37396 0.8252 0.39421 0.50365 0.74153 0.36478 0.71538 0.47757 0.07539 0.40435 0.12558 0.68852 0.71331 0.96286 0.77003 0.75408 0.83923 0.76767 0.51833 0.2376 0.62065 0.25691 0.7316 0.20431 0.0634 0.02653 0.8665 0.2769 0.70016 0.23765 0.81942 0.4108 0.65416 0.59005 0.76742 0.8578 0.46328 0.12123 0.09318 0.92954 0.649 0.56616 0.53221 0.8221 0.18053 0.927 0.76265 0.14323 0.79171 0.91292 0.5018 0.25851 0.84122 0.05667 0.1607 0.75121 0.47073 0.02992 0.89712 0.25027 0.77458 0.25857 0.53465 0.62409 0.10181 0.71216 0.89028 0.0284 0.50799 0.36104 0.49193 0.32519 0.91785 0.41927 0.55439 0.19089 0.714 0.68585 0.61191 0.74735 0.52757 0.91025 0.55967 0.4373 0.2958 0.85752 0.19873 0.66721 0.99386 0.44348 0.52806 0.3616 0.42861 0.04997 0.36481 0.7711 0.23336 0.25766 0.39065 0.75141 0.77985 0.51377 0.72784 0.70443 0.6557 0.89132 0.66802 0.79067 0.90126 0.43501 0.81817 0.01154 0.70141 0.45905 0.20031 0.61656 0.57378 0.62652 0.87737 0.43539 0.52862 0.36493 0.10565 0.70605 0.2304 0.3509 0.6732 0.60944 0.16949 0.44249 0.6923 0.33287 0.32389 0.48033 0.14358 0.79832 0.73445 0.24697 0.73892 0.24285 0.25551 0.95029 0.75621 0.67936 0.31377 0.59093 0.28984 0.38018 0.13287 0.91794 0.49606 0.43763 0.08065 0.63362 0.00958 0.28452 0.25337 0.81425 0.05212 0.66251 0.26598 0.24199 0.00053 0.59604 0.61952 0.92688 0.39694 0.35812 0.47549 0.10442 0.81675 0.86008 0.2175 0.38911 0.62676 0.66627 0.51309 0.31052 0.8263 0.50195 0.35914 0.38532 0.15538 0.12681 0.02602 0.36707 0.10829 0.8008 0.98171 0.59756 0.92106 0.28575 0.89775 0.26342 0.92893 0.55625 0.55026 0.89015 0.80742 0.89049 0.74792 0.14741 0.42121 0.61713 0.01498 0.31614 0.72508 0.67325 0.84446 0.27643 0.72918 0.07107 0.21121 0.62242 0.62774 0.68573 0.11835 0.74531 0.7341 0.77001 0.04957 0.27319 0.42281 0.89132 0.3847 0.68617 0.94425 0.0528 0.53684 0.8293 0.57938 0.33026 0.32424 0.70345 0.51025 0.24777 0.37292 0.12123 0.6154 0.44519 0.0292 0.3477 0.7187 0.93845 0.34173 0.97538 0.93137 0.90004 0.61449 0.50541 0.70995 0.26293 0.28252 0.82094 0.79471 0.46972 0.07536 0.14662 0.98459 0.9775 0.29524 0.79228 0.57102 0.1417 0.6831 0.07716 0.69866 0.26902 0.35088 0.96023 0.7829 0.28607 0.81808 0.29189 0.25572 0.28378 0.2251 0.34183 0.72642 0.54148 0.76753 0.69775 0.08096 0.92972 0.96516 0.66944 0.8285 0.28249 0.55634 0.28428 0.18118 0.32723 0.13527 0.8359 0.7098 0.21807 0.31408 0.28251 0.93377 0.00259 0.77533 0.32644 0.28755 0.45291 0.36108 0.62687 0.98021 0.83847 0.51718 0.03374 0.0545 0.25216 0.70349 0.23014 0.19431 0.03602 0.45337 0.40989 0.09781 0.99248 0.59172 0.92973 0.07918 0.1199 0.06148 0.09292 0.32346 0.74937 0.06007 0.39588 0.66534 0.95608 0.83321 0.02985 0.47101 0.40212 0.1379 0.83822 0.90739 0.09427 0.96672 0.5121 0.9767 0.76807 0.81499 0.74239 0.24927 0.99986 0.76046 0.96506 0.9989 0.53828 0.45409 0.68027 0.22302 0.19093 0.45294 0.18998 0.15581
+0.06328 0.17907 0.92421 0.77022 0.97831 0.4978 0.56476 0.81411 0.50846 0.79491 0.11549 0.16393 0.38609 0.30385 0.60633 0.80037 0.06512 0.32739 0.37055 0.38943 0.81228 0.93456 0.05665 0.47058 0.08854 0.59696 0.46842 0.57536 0.06697 0.99202 0.80502 0.60832 0.74569 0.60027 0.53237 0.54675 0.28416 0.26296 0.42385 0.54832 0.11639 0.13345 0.88778 0.73595 0.90957 0.87497 0.45221 0.02443 0.7077 0.26379 0.36899 0.08662 0.15444 0.05168 0.63076 0.48713 0.91817 0.08901 0.48826 0.64289 0.16164 0.01156 0.26653 0.79342 0.59856 0.85672 0.72617 0.26909 0.8901 0.28541 0.03734 0.50274 0.19165 0.78987 0.49393 0.49686 0.07358 0.7695 0.01053 0.78966 0.96186 0.29649 0.31934 0.74052 0.2529 0.37959 0.14227 0.28438 0.28327 0.42145 0.77629 0.42214 0.32997 0.61902 0.31011 0.68013 0.4896 0.74437 0.0908 0.10921 0.97108 0.12731 0.60556 0.45844 0.50081 0.30509 0.29277 0.12311 0.44505 0.12016 0.45988 0.72787 0.16233 0.91137 0.48962 0.81015 0.77417 0.24188 0.82122 0.8675 0.68691 0.75762 0.73578 0.27959 0.03889 0.27984 0.26825 0.20577 0.90765 0.64594 0.29509 0.60748 0.38255 0.40446 0.40907 0.08645 0.47014 0.50059 0.69317 0.70358 0.04521 0.47374 0.09741 0.89655 0.55087 0.10704 0.06321 0.6982 0.93022 0.11088 0.99967 0.16403 0.97061 0.55689 0.35575 0.15482 0.85242 0.2183 0.71241 0.39705 0.72037 0.54706 0.69822 0.81151 0.8456 0.06511 0.51018 0.43762 0.09855 0.04196 0.82679 0.79159 0.36856 0.00137 0.50194 0.50307 0.49755 0.59359 0.53116 0.44003 0.37392 0.24555 0.40852 0.72458 0.91418 0.3844 0.03503 0.17531 0.23124 0.27303 0.94294 0.66798 0.20477 0.60351 0.75574 0.57574 0.23082 0.13992 0.25816 0.93025 0.23263 0.05945 0.71274 0.4635 0.70452 0.29109 0.9828 0.9517 0.42081 0.83586 0.6079 0.52184 0.01395 0.00209 0.49916 0.31224 0.39317 0.74681 0.1938 0.21956 0.54911 0.2858 0.73614 0.58463 0.30149 0.82806 0.16327 0.03357 0.7199 0.7682 0.71674 0.59073 0.62449 0.34763 0.53491 0.75482 0.31237 0.76191 0.08346 0.65061 0.19923 0.47809 0.35272 0.38078 0.62175 0.69189 0.19508 0.031 0.4828 0.98739 0.88485 0.19012 0.76022 0.89137 0.96034 0.43751 0.59607 0.84566 0.2629 0.8702 0.32555 0.74726 0.52232 0.05722 0.91757 0.02099 0.93265 0.24389 0.69188 0.6083 0.84716 0.95825 0.54177 0.82697 0.97675 0.17642 0.89441 0.76943 0.2027 0.3332 0.26176 0.21423 0.64171 0.1548 0.41589 0.94435 0.40997 0.2077 0.00423 0.94922 0.66043 0.27216 0.10648 0.53361 0.24493 0.46954 0.62319 0.30525 0.05044 0.97252 0.04986 0.79675 0.40293 0.39609 0.16051 0.48054 0.06107 0.83431 0.9382 0.05621 0.7165 0.80993 0.7804 0.69174 0.0353 0.84838 0.10559 0.13766 0.3413 0.26593 0.16507 0.38654 0.98975 0.14134 0.94566 0.9333 0.14996 0.10916 0.72674 0.19937 0.4116 0.95586 0.91009 0.89765 0.73965 0.31313 0.15237 0.96395 0.49013 0.81743 0.67671 0.37066 0.51693 0.66668 0.71322 0.76571 0.64814 0.92353 0.53576 0.43815 0.46509 0.50033 0.10454 0.82512 0.54632 0.28354 0.46534 0.73343 0.95201 0.15345 0.65616 0.18692 0.15889 0.03083 0.90672 0.69363 0.45518 0.4388 0.56811 0.21253 0.23102 0.18978 0.85233 0.92106 0.7533 0.41275 0.02997 0.81148 0.79512 0.27701 0.27024 0.11626 0.53286 0.40573 0.9369 0.67956 0.76815 0.69066 0.04959 0.86741 0.24223 0.42757 0.07154 0.54571 0.92109 0.65852 0.89659 0.06719 0.08016 0.32673 0.4014 0.8933 0.38165 0.36095 0.66216 0.17373 0.24598 0.60705 0.28809 0.96967 0.36218 0.61757 0.77436 0.50144 0.56613 0.3147 0.44198 0.50963 0.79207 0.01039 0.23095 0.35458 0.08959 0.79992 0.95543 0.34547 0.96378 0.93279 0.61271 0.11274 0.14634 0.34539 0.71242 0.08173 0.90345 0.29876 0.52347 0.90423 0.56608 0.6103 0.74196 0.06203 0.43116 0.65596 0.37591 0.85823 0.67487 0.05239 0.88278 0.80213 0.75505 0.25429 0.1379 0.10607 0.15269 0.36934 0.41772 0.35949 0.04 0.48339 0.15858 0.26909 0.15378 0.57508 0.92741 0.40956 0.17447 0.35485 0.30688 0.84497 0.25986 0.13198 0.91811 0.96802 0.40633 0.72003 0.54736 0.2633 0.38032 0.69296 0.68705 0.41736 0.01346 0.27645 0.08897 0.49837 0.98323 0.20513 0.93482 0.83941 0.89083 0.455 0.60711 0.01317 0.26552 0.12589 0.65401 0.84922 0.12082 0.09355 0.89918 0.04786 0.16769 0.69598 0.59217 0.35886 0.77732 0.6675 0.99961 0.45454 0.32599 0.45117
+0.54667 0.70862 0.73112 0.03192 0.74035 0.35288 0.8606 0.60302 0.4827 0.62773 0.12536 0.69409 0.45735 0.68896 0.33408 0.32933 0.79059 0.32048 0.90634 0.22993 0.86686 0.56194 0.9888 0.83078 0.78344 0.33838 0.86793 0.01241 0.652 0.54363 0.18059 0.78637 0.92978 0.10433 0.1006 0.32531 0.53249 0.08109 0.32918 0.91317 0.0083 0.31608 0.86624 0.46222 0.1172 0.56254 0.01381 0.6455 0.03996 0.50357 0.50193 0.83416 0.30642 0.50455 0.89991 0.24135 0.77284 0.02939 0.45126 0.64096 0.96915 0.78752 0.90561 0.92204 0.44285 0.48831 0.31557 0.11249 0.55744 0.72284 0.53299 0.68036 0.3812 0.01826 0.23234 0.35316 0.17758 0.23259 0.43581 0.06379 0.72969 0.77385 0.09057 0.81421 0.898 0.27034 0.26375 0.44867 0.77198 0.50962 0.47893 0.72833 0.47367 0.87261 0.6551 0.4741 0.4308 0.60687 0.47995 0.97619 0.659 0.83784 0.57266 0.09049 0.2536 0.72307 0.55038 0.27269 0.9588 0.82094 0.22922 0.38001 0.23484 0.77875 0.82232 0.29302 0.62826 0.94123 0.31118 0.52187 0.03595 0.36865 0.32231 0.25184 0.56093 0.78404 0.89957 0.77323 0.13172 0.15105 0.92361 0.68388 0.4755 0.87225 0.0358 0.6548 0.45452 0.66611 0.04262 0.11346 0.66902 0.28872 0.70738 0.99535 0.79234 0.61185 0.70491 0.16194 0.30611 0.85571 0.81751 0.28347 0.94337 0.59018 0.84962 0.11094 0.58833 0.9887 0.93601 0.86905 0.2134 0.02229 0.14877 0.43744 0.94253 0.88866 0.54331 0.55823 0.29888 0.74933 0.6645 0.67702 0.31632 0.09402 0.80055 0.24353 0.79194 0.58803 0.61343 0.61997 0.07045 0.09869 0.44066 0.52318 0.81884 0.56057 0.01411 0.17096 0.02379 0.69265 0.06941 0.56295 0.06608 0.01025 0.16669 0.41169 0.63228 0.54773 0.35682 0.86168 0.46467 0.28213 0.40977 0.27266 0.64112 0.12441 0.29198 0.68751 0.99829 0.25908 0.86334 0.11919 0.83018 0.82604 0.5999 0.67745 0.12113 0.45685 0.23907 0.904 0.34401 0.33569 0.17463 0.09188 0.49213 0.69107 0.36498 0.08021 0.87533 0.97478 0.80619 0.61179 0.77025 0.79303 0.26615 0.18341 0.30529 0.98796 0.50878 0.39708 0.20275 0.14715 0.01771 0.56796 0.44265 0.72147 0.12505 0.82531 0.72786 0.65494 0.60315 0.38161 0.20165 0.05409 0.95978 0.2105 0.20741 0.62443 0.60686 0.94014 0.40814 0.92026 0.44025 0.74434 0.09236 0.30957 0.11516 0.51795 0.52809 0.01536 0.58755 0.682 0.65039 0.75681 0.58492 0.74007 0.369 0.52197 0.82301 0.36712 0.44534 0.65156 0.34068 0.2107 0.01727 0.91113 0.79297 0.32509 0.00216 0.89235 0.33747 0.96468 0.08507 0.78295 0.67913 0.76249 0.01274 0.18483 0.41634 0.54783 0.86607 0.59397 0.75983 0.42258 0.13814 0.81802 0.81275 0.11898 0.2885 0.13043 0.54393 0.67015 0.39402 0.95632 0.91492 0.86546 0.63859 0.84919 0.56972 0.41794 0.70895 0.57789 0.97941 0.72234 0.85587 0.08834 0.39889 0.48001 0.20858 0.60525 0.99373 0.87617 0.40551 0.79331 0.41735 0.03011 0.28302 0.64764 0.0842 0.78275 0.87129 0.11483 0.95206 0.74625 0.40171 0.89136 0.59686 0.03206 0.97021 0.73226 0.74804 0.62226 0.62623 0.67361 0.23075 0.68182 0.86833 0.01008 0.75442 0.43712 0.28747 0.78855 0.90183 0.9221 0.28084 0.81301 0.55887 0.19623 0.94726 0.07808 0.80928 0.3076 0.38484 0.86677 0.90845 0.46365 0.88991 0.30911 0.38113 0.49824 0.31591 0.38407 0.05744 0.237 0.81418 0.73939 0.07369 0.21324 0.31296 0.80106 0.34792 0.62481 0.26765 0.54354 0.74491 0.41144 0.45165 0.92634 0.70544 0.96137 0.43931 0.99517 0.5807 0.78003 0.41101 0.81054 0.89239 0.10724 0.59636 0.49342 0.94855 0.80539 0.48345 0.50365 0.13738 0.96849 0.33459 0.42132 0.96571 0.09207 0.32507 0.41484 0.56337 0.46571 0.93312 0.85301 0.32675 0.38906 0.81916 0.60414 0.21307 0.69516 0.37129 0.03762 0.55975 0.56922 0.70232 0.7521 0.08485 0.63409 0.31594 0.94621 0.58406 0.59714 0.31694 0.56382 0.20331 0.12728 0.14381 0.63221 0.41985 0.85852 0.18683 0.40316 0.27721 0.18687 0.55769 0.69983 0.05869 0.1291 0.50692 0.03246 0.58305 0.12111 0.89006 0.72028 0.61456 0.86586 0.89933 0.33932 0.92794 0.57918 0.58625 0.25922 0.77843 0.91117 0.59385 0.00744 0.90667 0.65561 0.56113 0.82738 0.60764 0.14729 0.89444 0.3952 0.59523 0.17128 0.43856 0.1381 0.93618 0.75446 0.72737 0.44582 0.9789 0.51472 0.63065 0.44161 0.6754 0.99303 0.79249 0.41542 0.42633 0.26421 0.13811 0.19881 0.15639 0.67295 0.38789 0.68469 0.1444 0.39441
+0.56624 0.88296 0.65427 0.06573 0.02221 0.61188 0.47416 0.06248 0.41678 0.67898 0.10891 0.19598 0.59889 0.78995 0.31314 0.2486 0.67789 0.41775 0.87693 0.8733 0.17123 0.63409 0.50497 0.38472 0.70433 0.36002 0.7475 0.39538 0.21416 0.35272 0.00615 0.15448 0.02873 0.17071 0.8409 0.42687 0.79142 0.60589 0.59399 0.95049 0.47277 0.82972 0.43206 0.73933 0.08315 0.14422 0.75294 0.8304 0.4411 0.68064 0.30764 0.03117 0.94497 0.39675 0.54991 0.80556 0.15789 0.90695 0.62284 0.74362 0.02095 0.67264 0.78547 0.37035 0.13568 0.04467 0.4618 0.08968 0.14021 0.81308 0.32639 0.07099 0.14519 0.48355 0.08595 0.18392 0.68192 0.48079 0.12812 0.24515 0.17793 0.17083 0.48359 0.77079 0.41481 0.92854 0.42146 0.87408 0.77523 0.98638 0.0684 0.37364 0.04119 0.87224 0.44304 0.30751 0.95006 0.03096 0.8143 0.43973 0.19124 0.95181 0.64024 0.78471 0.64566 0.12796 0.80236 0.83132 0.98924 0.55509 0.61888 0.56168 0.27012 0.7929 0.39207 0.71499 0.58247 0.67283 0.26274 0.02045 0.88745 0.88829 0.97965 0.38967 0.0582 0.91086 0.94711 0.27971 0.20362 0.67286 0.84916 0.41745 0.41734 0.49597 0.36199 0.394 0.71842 0.98354 0.10604 0.11959 0.10436 0.31676 0.47755 0.61016 0.09392 0.62199 0.27126 0.53862 0.4729 0.33484 0.10583 0.85774 0.76188 0.77231 0.40817 0.73728 0.90985 0.6162 0.04609 0.27854 0.89109 0.27689 0.19558 0.8122 0.35515 0.69763 0.13233 0.19263 0.60273 0.96406 0.73022 0.09008 0.0192 0.32104 0.84835 0.60604 0.32833 0.61061 0.54884 0.57301 0.70376 0.66096 0.4679 0.07142 0.23209 0.7249 0.18395 0.06992 0.93634 0.61524 0.46222 0.7959 0.78888 0.96966 0.19369 0.72112 0.29881 0.21712 0.98774 0.49826 0.05988 0.74754 0.69713 0.81628 0.55958 0.9111 0.49132 0.6361 0.27638 0.30537 0.23253 0.43441 0.26428 0.13517 0.73578 0.17884 0.33083 0.18716 0.03216 0.9295 0.64802 0.92268 0.55508 0.96314 0.47973 0.66575 0.89775 0.98432 0.26548 0.96285 0.81674 0.12249 0.82989 0.03765 0.94304 0.56853 0.18252 0.54965 0.53249 0.29467 0.75132 0.37261 0.86944 0.94256 0.90587 0.82254 0.90507 0.90017 0.64272 0.10927 0.49334 0.03375 0.73845 0.65174 0.76627 0.76853 0.36626 0.09569 0.81022 0.60958 0.6509 0.47557 0.29842 0.47771 0.31655 0.25527 0.60467 0.35214 0.70016 0.18039 0.83055 0.10321 0.27645 0.59208 0.19094 0.95402 0.14186 0.2674 0.87721 0.78308 0.10969 0.20916 0.6174 0.5573 0.45444 0.98817 0.33042 0.79359 0.14702 0.81144 0.95448 0.20052 0.55297 0.8079 0.0755 0.19142 0.38634 0.77884 0.15635 0.964 0.33502 0.84502 0.29236 0.47585 0.87859 0.85164 0.1858 0.67177 0.48966 0.98154 0.03373 0.82167 0.49796 0.84281 0.7034 0.78443 0.55567 0.97257 0.04666 0.40248 0.02816 0.26522 0.65449 0.08723 0.07242 0.45652 0.37136 0.55421 0.34884 0.87735 0.34608 0.38677 0.52253 0.67369 0.38455 0.75516 0.42301 0.45686 0.15374 0.24237 0.46168 0.0253 0.80014 0.00563 0.45079 0.78611 0.79776 0.23888 0.45845 0.19168 0.00437 0.96486 0.90404 0.36574 0.86249 0.19524 0.00393 0.77463 0.63288 0.48689 0.49227 0.95066 0.60099 0.12538 0.54658 0.83352 0.08288 0.24121 0.42488 0.83495 0.42691 0.0064 0.09831 0.19832 0.01238 0.33973 0.20447 0.11177 0.86405 0.95921 0.70831 0.66156 0.03121 0.46203 0.71698 0.68777 0.11332 0.17455 0.24796 0.0004 0.48506 0.55906 0.73484 0.86696 0.02196 0.80296 0.5505 0.73461 0.77832 0.21835 0.27672 0.94372 0.66874 0.79188 0.20802 0.17812 0.1272 0.6983 0.4899 0.22268 0.79777 0.77293 0.23038 0.80112 0.99758 0.59075 0.82559 0.61189 0.10099 0.62993 0.11103 0.52232 0.17737 0.00729 0.82346 0.38416 0.51254 0.60157 0.81351 0.7651 0.84407 0.52397 0.13393 0.73951 0.98609 0.15142 0.78003 0.33069 0.59434 0.70387 0.39253 0.82496 0.85086 0.304 0.69764 0.66568 0.18546 0.62391 0.80422 0.96252 0.10701 0.2268 0.6583 0.04726 0.04256 0.37386 0.76971 0.24828 0.244 0.27454 0.384 0.27588 0.30418 0.55342 0.89399 0.12774 0.18505 0.19719 0.85859 0.31989 0.09077 0.39664 0.29743 0.19972 0.42902 0.06984 0.08314 0.5262 0.41141 0.84201 0.69769 0.36163 0.34495 0.95087 0.27611 0.11766 0.37863 0.24724 0.04332 0.32391 0.56096 0.16986 0.38102 0.98243 0.88159 0.30331 0.02007 0.90016 0.12292 0.96459 0.05135 0.78297 0.9656 0.17158 0.39443 0.07187 0.29058 0.01072 0.08344 0.5202 0.97293 0.80497
+0.87591 0.10221 0.87641 0.15417 0.95623 0.13047 0.32699 0.38325 0.9162 0.57591 0.26667 0.40631 0.83021 0.00705 0.14534 0.56261 0.54102 0.62229 0.73093 0.76145 0.05255 0.77405 0.69569 0.57561 0.26951 0.37624 0.09329 0.18745 0.82443 0.64994 0.81437 0.82362 0.7342 0.59995 0.51524 0.7377 0.74152 0.00836 0.79669 0.95908 0.00064 0.38828 0.74577 0.90941 0.90628 0.95555 0.75778 0.32253 0.10069 0.69929 0.37675 0.75691 0.76128 0.84967 0.40001 0.56214 0.44347 0.54918 0.33956 0.15816 0.22199 0.91919 0.5549 0.9606 0.2986 0.47713 0.45676 0.14783 0.94862 0.93257 0.85213 0.11942 0.6663 0.84608 0.63786 0.3589 0.71185 0.59971 0.8849 0.89056 0.72397 0.84728 0.18957 0.71634 0.39212 0.59448 0.47082 0.69844 0.80234 0.43378 0.92533 0.1777 0.33245 0.40825 0.9135 0.07003 0.43071 0.93533 0.09624 0.34618 0.64023 0.34656 0.82657 0.00042 0.87293 0.35245 0.31127 0.79989 0.92451 0.69782 0.3135 0.15791 0.39417 0.51262 0.62609 0.51852 0.41616 0.45789 0.56658 0.88811 0.91518 0.98686 0.09212 0.50964 0.36497 0.37394 0.53399 0.83085 0.43607 0.43642 0.97672 0.20421 0.4246 0.72249 0.01364 0.75299 0.09224 0.74054 0.6591 0.15175 0.55373 0.69125 0.72213 0.63201 0.91055 0.25893 0.41752 0.53757 0.47009 0.92215 0.87593 0.15297 0.28159 0.21911 0.65002 0.31295 0.80414 0.53551 0.78551 0.21453 0.19829 0.32397 0.22447 0.36367 0.95161 0.23734 0.63612 0.51961 0.29207 0.46563 0.67891 0.78452 0.5666 0.47064 0.2657 0.23885 0.6493 0.99477 0.43232 0.58075 0.58576 0.72099 0.16131 0.0565 0.38358 0.67009 0.64582 0.32574 0.96025 0.1376 0.55127 0.91225 0.37479 0.45632 0.12302 0.39858 0.7771 0.34665 0.116 0.93455 0.27774 0.51433 0.75521 0.59329 0.50559 0.98207 0.50849 0.87127 0.57316 0.97995 0.78416 0.68321 0.90058 0.1178 0.155 0.63193 0.89188 0.24221 0.50269 0.86323 0.09654 0.72229 0.54745 0.26686 0.7215 0.89984 0.51366 0.69215 0.16337 0.63523 0.01251 0.70045 0.69426 0.77266 0.53597 0.29361 0.56123 0.70932 0.83038 0.87067 0.17047 0.18274 0.10017 0.54134 0.9248 0.89903 0.81395 0.13475 0.52763 0.8518 0.79167 0.89696 0.43564 0.2508 0.26029 0.16926 0.76226 0.28197 0.03732 0.66181 0.56053 0.76385 0.66491 0.75404 0.61405 0.7021 0.53287 0.12977 0.15097 0.08096 0.54064 0.02611 0.55723 0.65658 0.87685 0.53587 0.85267 0.70473 0.76218 0.50885 0.44688 0.12732 0.06006 0.33416 0.18587 0.91978 0.50303 0.42958 0.4979 0.23022 0.74753 0.10067 0.89715 0.26007 0.91767 0.89263 0.13799 0.7141 0.57621 0.59642 0.0546 0.31882 0.8721 0.74954 0.85528 0.2622 0.76033 0.57441 0.47111 0.21137 0.38701 0.29429 0.80857 0.22109 0.61913 0.01699 0.56406 0.29332 0.20151 0.34829 0.65687 0.40747 0.45597 0.68556 0.05682 0.56956 0.10013 0.70755 0.46076 0.37819 0.04927 0.70458 0.01264 0.84733 0.61258 0.47949 0.77666 0.34399 0.38192 0.7056 0.57182 0.06936 0.08033 0.07451 0.09125 0.76021 0.76412 0.48713 0.66176 0.28632 0.74534 0.85465 0.35344 0.93358 0.73375 0.86451 0.36943 0.44099 0.12423 0.05142 0.29622 0.75981 0.18493 0.05953 0.14929 0.71789 0.15928 0.60062 0.18894 0.88428 0.29145 0.03772 0.55736 0.80131 0.26735 0.87501 0.96241 0.16121 0.116 0.73312 0.60416 0.8272 0.28533 0.85676 0.74732 0.49615 0.84359 0.68216 0.34858 0.14394 0.45188 0.60951 0.63936 0.4328 0.53209 0.09959 0.42721 0.89285 0.86851 0.87722 0.87392 0.89107 0.49445 0.14336 0.04709 0.78722 0.83668 0.67805 0.02889 0.11803 0.07655 0.27439 0.34719 0.77339 0.17578 0.60004 0.1961 0.009 0.83841 0.21082 0.91631 0.92524 0.38984 0.25159 0.41397 0.68223 0.08598 0.69174 0.94023 0.84016 0.88955 0.2332 0.0663 0.10512 0.35324 0.08235 0.71864 0.91693 0.70936 0.87093 0.05608 0.69497 0.70019 0.1749 0.97303 0.21957 0.56744 0.96468 0.49101 0.01078 0.85448 0.017 0.43176 0.54496 0.64819 0.64984 0.15746 0.98167 0.815 0.50109 0.26155 0.78638 0.07131 0.09708 0.33202 0.68702 0.88878 0.01304 0.84732 0.07971 0.42439 0.62541 0.16508 0.31873 0.98675 0.12318 0.19378 0.0691 0.50746 0.32289 0.19169 0.98787 0.96344 0.6694 0.73176 0.64923 0.01953 0.86541 0.55252 0.02053 0.72135 0.32059 0.72557 0.00673 0.69886 0.62879 0.6147 0.26002 0.94614 0.45179 0.32576 0.00023 0.67064 0.63059 0.31853 0.13552 0.08066 0.31892 0.86857 0.8477 0.7814 0.80612
+0.96464 0.72912 0.35928 0.69708 0.66209 0.92396 0.43057 0.19178 0.73714 0.91516 0.38882 0.46957 0.7817 0.26207 0.47419 0.35742 0.02144 0.75817 0.30793 0.93728 0.34778 0.41326 0.40349 0.33462 0.00302 0.34221 0.86616 0.64906 0.31307 0.12805 0.1749 0.35508 0.11878 0.47882 0.49061 0.69218 0.45301 0.72238 0.49343 0.43766 0.17753 0.79688 0.72585 0.99735 0.52797 0.53469 0.77621 0.55427 0.70715 0.4072 0.27128 0.27988 0.78116 0.89211 0.38241 0.53168 0.35124 0.2441 0.13216 0.78034 0.42202 0.33817 0.4941 0.73486 0.28039 0.72298 0.24105 0.93694 0.78496 0.29967 0.17107 0.2549 0.9689 0.13141 0.23053 0.97498 0.52117 0.23021 0.26928 0.16243 0.78099 0.52341 0.63046 0.14871 0.81647 0.48051 0.03453 0.75773 0.76114 0.34927 0.59063 0.88665 0.30759 0.70699 0.70637 0.41317 0.24096 0.66667 0.4846 0.16989 0.4318 0.27353 0.31006 0.3521 0.44324 0.77441 0.19379 0.92282 0.93985 0.47673 0.51728 0.37376 0.11397 0.56668 0.11718 0.16848 0.75986 0.08157 0.22996 0.51811 0.31979 0.46678 0.43571 0.83793 0.31709 0.96696 0.70745 0.86877 0.0156 0.30066 0.62506 0.31477 0.21064 0.13365 0.79543 0.31091 0.76685 0.24315 0.03865 0.74788 0.29184 0.06514 0.80385 0.9411 0.62082 0.71869 0.87452 0.02252 0.28624 0.57155 0.22796 0.49043 0.2718 0.77197 0.58583 0.11059 0.86981 0.15773 0.36592 0.98619 0.85075 0.17644 0.14094 0.95119 0.00401 0.33864 0.35505 0.76956 0.54752 0.33242 0.8744 0.91631 0.29083 0.01476 0.72134 0.52672 0.40263 0.19513 0.42158 0.22604 0.15198 0.4906 0.69531 0.96751 0.34899 0.31349 0.76164 0.47585 0.13378 0.90179 0.55366 0.49794 0.04208 0.70011 0.49082 0.82051 0.7153 0.03119 0.58973 0.36763 0.71341 0.21067 0.96406 0.62999 0.48538 0.08812 0.4544 0.84668 0.37702 0.82378 0.75716 0.82754 0.45734 0.0949 0.31518 0.4045 0.4944 0.41371 0.70465 0.38183 0.74058 0.91197 0.05428 0.267 0.02473 0.13975 0.10481 0.88834 0.87056 0.4494 0.21062 0.7508 0.83081 0.94141 0.91134 0.05503 0.50633 0.87761 0.66435 0.75535 0.3699 0.73276 0.21461 0.58227 0.45955 0.62754 0.37007 0.48103 0.78303 0.14057 0.72863 0.6467 0.93536 0.22517 0.72657 0.20053 0.20916 0.23951 0.64793 0.90895 0.71804 0.23642 0.04427 0.92684 0.62549 0.68572 0.95224 0.07572 0.99329 0.70711 0.17502 0.57402 0.38125 0.5001 0.18938 0.61584 0.32312 0.25932 0.94393 0.44856 0.50623 0.91967 0.00305 0.44189 0.00726 0.886 0.1804 0.41382 0.24258 0.27135 0.75834 0.36267 0.41962 0.57659 0.55663 0.62173 0.1573 0.8244 0.95969 0.25159 0.96859 0.91712 0.02976 0.02755 0.92707 0.1 0.94509 0.78985 0.64347 0.80357 0.82815 0.23814 0.24236 0.18769 0.47073 0.41278 0.58406 0.39828 0.38502 0.84955 0.3243 0.53242 0.02405 0.98025 0.92488 0.05152 0.45264 0.10591 0.46657 0.92229 0.7481 0.41915 0.49475 0.76023 0.92032 0.43092 0.8461 0.56354 0.53206 0.77296 0.67618 0.33449 0.80263 0.72668 0.80207 0.0788 0.57472 0.94565 0.0216 0.9298 0.37443 0.26215 0.21886 0.13568 0.31335 0.27108 0.9972 0.9494 0.81227 0.16044 0.36924 0.01149 0.13328 0.74217 0.69251 0.57544 0.5441 0.48129 0.35967 0.87375 0.10509 0.85997 0.43218 0.67654 0.35543 0.60805 0.03758 0.01334 0.95715 0.81907 0.41155 0.2238 0.89043 0.11624 0.42911 0.75605 0.23808 0.21041 0.93902 0.29461 0.80252 0.28177 0.31092 0.68181 0.40797 0.21704 0.4915 0.95233 0.7039 0.43942 0.98208 0.33606 0.55623 0.92711 0.6022 0.66692 0.17993 0.6677 0.42975 0.76345 0.41734 0.35888 0.90403 0.31682 0.34738 0.40827 0.56331 0.33649 0.75055 0.56186 0.9616 0.11572 0.50596 0.97516 0.4373 0.59269 0.28094 0.22832 0.50101 0.85471 0.19059 0.54232 0.50372 0.36371 0.89273 0.94886 0.94016 0.05287 0.86451 0.3505 0.33558 0.34693 0.08922 0.56942 0.28137 0.69018 0.82436 0.72888 0.80106 0.48914 0.26779 0.62626 0.6858 0.90194 0.91935 0.16052 0.75693 0.02151 0.15767 0.21756 0.25746 0.69199 0.57934 0.44178 0.78829 0.31926 0.58343 0.29921 0.72875 0.43667 0.39365 0.76232 0.10838 0.3731 0.70347 0.60417 0.77792 0.80548 0.65482 0.19223 0.13986 0.85804 0.4408 0.44256 0.41298 0.0789 0.30959 0.13153 0.36617 0.44054 0.2619 0.42814 0.59671 0.67314 0.88346 0.72507 0.74958 0.23412 0.18731 0.73943 0.31153 0.84998 0.27672 0.43601 0.11298 0.33758 0.70261 0.33901 0.63041 0.80506 0.83804 0.27565
+0.41139 0.4785 0.65786 0.95512 0.5993 0.58179 0.30772 0.51159 0.35304 0.36763 0.71723 0.9908 0.13203 0.20583 0.84909 0.32813 0.62726 0.86047 0.92392 0.95985 0.55294 0.39991 0.20526 0.26683 0.16362 0.01025 0.38161 0.51963 0.27556 0.35003 0.46998 0.91252 0.57273 0.69327 0.93602 0.08529 0.68853 0.02519 0.55565 0.3609 0.53105 0.65669 0.11591 0.40094 0.92638 0.18619 0.32836 0.31506 0.40087 0.88048 0.64461 0.66603 0.69697 0.47578 0.15967 0.22914 0.68985 0.76864 0.94703 0.78698 0.12148 0.05546 0.07656 0.20958 0.16187 0.5125 0.73097 0.60989 0.47726 0.48659 0.03476 0.8882 0.45815 0.18084 0.81352 0.86069 0.01739 0.32176 0.96064 0.27132 0.6281 0.44489 0.66999 0.77192 0.17815 0.10461 0.97191 0.43791 0.59292 0.6599 0.87375 0.95929 0.29095 0.55394 0.81573 0.2229 0.61003 0.39422 0.21261 0.02787 0.39964 0.49426 0.95325 0.31361 0.10394 0.19053 0.83883 0.07917 0.51501 0.78349 0.5527 0.84831 0.38746 0.63569 0.87894 0.74737 0.56175 0.49785 0.73751 0.4227 0.52877 0.94343 0.77296 0.43792 0.38656 0.39491 0.92672 0.48711 0.2442 0.3133 0.87048 0.90504 0.74625 0.27812 0.26775 0.22399 0.35099 0.93434 0.36501 0.5636 0.47245 0.32022 0.53902 0.40104 0.54766 0.79172 0.97317 0.33106 0.13227 0.99777 0.04012 0.30032 0.33137 0.84494 0.11543 0.625 0.81655 0.86343 0.2091 0.58169 0.67435 0.67802 0.92331 0.11897 0.93973 0.19527 0.52531 0.60671 0.70449 0.48979 0.43343 0.90471 0.17673 0.59397 0.70609 0.73281 0.31326 0.78009 0.08269 0.98587 0.00124 0.61081 0.95865 0.11225 0.88339 0.06161 0.72912 0.36865 0.66092 0.75829 0.07969 0.1887 0.35476 0.1143 0.64956 0.70031 0.04631 0.66994 0.83462 0.27155 0.64744 0.82167 0.91423 0.29082 0.8122 0.65219 0.28282 0.13491 0.81472 0.86084 0.04659 0.67556 0.27333 0.65802 0.13374 0.44543 0.6251 0.97974 0.32753 0.18818 0.58976 0.53629 0.27159 0.99994 0.08753 0.32774 0.83253 0.54539 0.26432 0.69146 0.1506 0.54513 0.03812 0.45317 0.05279 0.80277 0.99856 0.35545 0.93231 0.26732 0.18877 0.37879 0.05306 0.7454 0.44554 0.55384 0.52571 0.49865 0.65824 0.8419 0.54901 0.46318 0.07865 0.45776 0.85078 0.92327 0.57752 0.05167 0.02849 0.70297 0.22485 0.12167 0.29083 0.90142 0.8774 0.85589 0.19467 0.56118 0.49562 0.08589 0.66719 0.90362 0.61618 0.72095 0.54169 0.93529 0.25349 0.0576 0.14202 0.0561 0.79935 0.75181 0.00355 0.74713 0.16824 0.13289 0.8258 0.87424 0.54253 0.83893 0.44083 0.63163 0.62753 0.78748 0.02408 0.34059 0.6219 0.29997 0.10016 0.10168 0.22837 0.20669 0.08278 0.33932 0.0836 0.86038 0.82614 0.05535 0.31762 0.67291 0.40776 0.03324 0.9054 0.74004 0.32491 0.96874 0.66371 0.50932 0.93172 0.2984 0.58734 0.0022 0.36262 0.72502 0.4949 0.76911 0.26504 0.61933 0.66874 0.57989 0.87683 0.87367 0.56224 0.19963 0.54422 0.99281 0.80917 0.04468 0.22541 0.11491 0.77884 0.55187 0.07333 0.20338 0.10175 0.80659 0.46549 0.66416 0.9865 0.70735 0.27419 0.86965 0.33063 0.96323 0.41338 0.19887 0.5956 0.70618 0.47828 0.42585 0.33859 0.01449 0.37595 0.66567 0.71715 0.96993 0.72869 0.71979 0.55797 0.60128 0.78966 0.18263 0.08323 0.90727 0.17936 0.20767 0.81045 0.12248 0.61299 0.93595 0.80259 0.6446 0.31647 0.76119 0.54444 0.00613 0.228 0.90615 0.76039 0.00126 0.66716 0.04458 0.20124 0.86866 0.3052 0.92792 0.44882 0.81282 0.96497 0.38376 0.38809 0.72496 0.69554 0.74938 0.79111 0.712 0.20687 0.25299 0.17754 0.39481 0.96648 0.64385 0.29585 0.55237 0.74988 0.55382 0.75237 0.9211 0.57883 0.34578 0.81529 0.99306 0.85696 0.51948 0.89064 0.39536 0.67298 0.48841 0.8641 0.39363 0.97695 0.64004 0.19674 0.53384 0.33771 0.98432 0.59311 0.98465 0.944 0.79628 0.581 0.55602 0.01491 0.00913 0.54338 0.66488 0.3107 0.90521 0.30374 0.75158 0.53315 0.47025 0.99897 0.91445 0.81527 0.45614 0.58951 0.1377 0.7343 0.10219 0.54055 0.91862 0.43786 0.47697 0.53768 0.13065 0.56086 0.57672 0.5999 0.68687 0.11351 0.07873 0.65019 0.88528 0.01466 0.41642 0.07384 0.20359 0.23474 0.89076 0.77083 0.49714 0.48519 0.37153 0.2189 0.88394 0.13704 0.72038 0.86103 0.10424 0.06794 0.92966 0.25826 0.50636 0.10947 0.18096 0.68795 0.68402 0.63875 0.62639 0.52631 0.23397 0.22918 0.68553 0.50039 0.30647 0.00275 0.16152 0.93059 0.56781 0.32624 0.90033
+0.29193 0.60689 0.90145 0.68031 0.43876 0.99202 0.96691 0.1833 0.68196 0.78531 0.50369 0.17676 0.39333 0.61685 0.56494 0.23622 0.18308 0.07451 0.91955 0.86429 0.68847 0.54264 0.01146 0.96522 0.42729 0.1489 0.00546 0.99994 0.05988 0.16411 0.30669 0.76936 0.82527 0.02264 0.14161 0.68591 0.052 0.91534 0.61795 0.83218 0.14649 0.00765 0.10517 0.61409 0.01127 0.41555 0.61415 0.08033 0.28693 0.82666 0.88788 0.87011 0.33727 0.96277 0.60739 0.66007 0.13274 0.83486 0.53986 0.84066 0.36539 0.14561 0.90895 0.41566 0.12683 0.33055 0.40733 0.98738 0.58812 0.02668 0.49501 0.0119 0.68865 0.53636 0.49767 0.51288 0.92644 0.22258 0.4911 0.22212 0.10081 0.47649 0.14572 0.2238 0.10945 0.59576 0.6887 0.63733 0.05514 0.04842 0.31766 0.23729 0.98067 0.03603 0.70889 0.11778 0.36383 0.8823 0.23333 0.81541 0.65027 0.43823 0.2081 0.95021 0.17781 0.12059 0.28328 0.94812 0.23843 0.582 0.2714 0.62578 0.72596 0.48266 0.27008 0.27471 0.93687 0.44108 0.78845 0.86043 0.81709 0.3965 0.96717 0.05436 0.34513 0.85524 0.56822 0.27531 0.8329 0.8426 0.61363 0.71411 0.70917 0.62937 0.24725 0.35881 0.60585 0.21505 0.05778 0.1819 0.08087 0.04345 0.57739 0.94299 0.61886 0.26403 0.52479 0.76958 0.50563 0.59271 0.69393 0.06346 0.69677 0.76807 0.0037 0.91432 0.76101 0.18885 0.46466 0.70113 0.16228 0.17965 0.29929 0.67127 0.84068 0.22577 0.81941 0.11637 0.30756 0.99737 0.42898 0.38725 0.93059 0.41239 0.24738 0.12667 0.29214 0.54966 0.42912 0.07001 0.02169 0.67183 0.31827 0.27038 0.30444 0.8934 0.95529 0.62402 0.026 0.28774 0.26341 0.63601 0.07738 0.0195 0.45125 0.058 0.19481 0.12731 0.32058 0.43365 0.92872 0.39824 0.335 0.72922 0.58833 0.06893 0.12329 0.06959 0.69566 0.34086 0.89218 0.84332 0.25961 0.81015 0.95493 0.47615 0.26032 0.22729 0.48281 0.45648 0.2745 0.2762 0.74299 0.27528 0.80799 0.96042 0.90706 0.20861 0.82469 0.12133 0.35873 0.74868 0.11916 0.74932 0.74158 0.73244 0.21312 0.19781 0.67662 0.33909 0.03371 0.92315 0.56964 0.23694 0.22274 0.05337 0.0399 0.60764 0.44545 0.70129 0.6608 0.77202 0.61672 0.2368 0.68362 0.94749 0.16765 0.63732 0.89296 0.65071 0.68556 0.93749 0.11132 0.60909 0.32735 0.89654 0.46403 0.90583 0.83636 0.44294 0.4426 0.40891 0.33358 0.95502 0.81639 0.43512 0.63706 0.03345 0.35931 0.54146 0.97557 0.1933 0.83981 0.97056 0.24779 0.02373 0.96012 0.55442 0.47634 0.20129 0.65195 0.86237 0.96942 0.66447 0.8865 0.49714 0.03017 0.84929 0.56885 0.55327 0.1867 0.91409 0.86254 0.10647 0.02605 0.01942 0.14631 0.95097 0.10709 0.69551 0.42247 0.21918 0.82022 0.70545 0.12915 0.65003 0.78901 0.03435 0.84313 0.81484 0.55853 0.29803 0.09795 0.48355 0.13779 0.04511 0.17459 0.63155 0.68073 0.63108 0.90926 0.60804 0.43489 0.57125 0.19535 0.12455 0.51708 0.76158 0.7578 0.37647 0.64858 0.79452 0.63208 0.27451 0.30087 0.56307 0.48735 0.01204 0.50886 0.62651 0.31723 0.7961 0.39487 0.69902 0.85538 0.67271 0.23155 0.45184 0.96198 0.56975 0.54063 0.54943 0.24859 0.67509 0.3625 0.18081 0.4593 0.38073 0.34416 0.49296 0.29256 0.713 0.92546 0.13171 0.174 0.46492 0.62866 0.08084 0.00614 0.03444 0.49597 0.34466 0.45603 0.73594 0.21263 0.24968 0.41791 0.87076 0.73921 0.4752 0.73867 0.0703 0.93882 0.59498 0.28367 0.79652 0.65974 0.96151 0.04233 0.72633 0.09506 0.26591 0.53817 0.33252 0.80602 0.88917 0.47537 0.21535 0.05213 0.28777 0.01709 0.06894 0.78252 0.97784 0.71234 0.57878 0.22219 0.90305 0.0741 0.65658 0.33371 0.6396 0.2202 0.67477 0.64707 0.87672 0.55748 0.02168 0.71323 0.14154 0.30338 0.82271 0.78654 0.50192 0.57685 0.37762 0.24459 0.73333 0.16688 0.89065 0.79452 0.03902 0.81477 0.80272 0.69834 0.69142 0.79827 0.01762 0.08001 0.5887 0.40078 0.29132 0.5948 0.07734 0.82226 0.52099 0.84226 0.70834 0.3389 0.40949 0.96316 0.54421 0.46418 0.54929 0.3382 0.86048 0.64584 0.5979 0.64145 0.40003 0.6751 0.38853 0.52142 0.48549 0.73173 0.21981 0.94121 0.4936 0.38892 0.19913 0.16725 0.53283 0.34318 0.94867 0.49045 0.40307 0.65096 0.35219 0.82129 0.78164 0.916 0.12037 0.71987 0.62446 0.34803 0.37077 0.58694 0.51737 0.5251 0.17474 0.01834 0.81467 0.73156 0.23029 0.3662 0.01275 0.02864 0.56431 0.48941 0.77209 0.02176 0.51916
+0.68603 0.81436 0.90528 0.43055 0.11038 0.84393 0.31372 0.8562 0.96427 0.69094 0.77111 0.55872 0.87116 0.51066 0.21579 0.76656 0.9586 0.27963 0.07612 0.66348 0.82824 0.37681 0.31077 0.32685 0.15623 0.39749 0.35648 0.12988 0.11257 0.01888 0.1972 0.28811 0.95801 0.37532 0.21696 0.82924 0.37942 0.13994 0.69752 0.62855 0.56332 0.79731 0.76579 0.10661 0.22517 0.35167 0.42852 0.71684 0.168 0.46537 0.90948 0.37383 0.23533 0.72089 0.73886 0.09658 0.44054 0.19211 0.93647 0.50967 0.26757 0.11863 0.15993 0.33695 0.92454 0.55437 0.11686 0.41232 0.17186 0.96595 0.76819 0.88922 0.06472 0.19003 0.53266 0.83918 0.25757 0.16543 0.94177 0.06537 0.2972 0.77254 0.88163 0.28127 0.30675 0.61618 0.61923 0.50236 0.7021 0.86827 0.8615 0.89542 0.41572 0.94966 0.20641 0.3968 0.03622 0.56794 0.81355 0.80649 0.39213 0.48364 0.46154 0.87252 0.83932 0.59616 0.50841 0.54127 0.77013 0.33999 0.75733 0.79949 0.80214 0.87415 0.10315 0.16813 0.01173 0.30172 0.73703 0.03819 0.61957 0.24492 0.57696 0.14977 0.19428 0.26592 0.01202 0.34324 0.30269 0.82921 0.74641 0.06507 0.56246 0.62025 0.81572 0.92677 0.85102 0.15502 0.41019 0.47896 0.77551 0.88922 0.80592 0.33054 0.84399 0.14375 0.75602 0.30954 0.80012 0.48228 0.88207 0.79747 0.36898 0.71443 0.59148 0.07799 0.51489 0.6134 0.06756 0.38529 0.86061 0.82645 0.81757 0.87778 0.89259 0.08522 0.59131 0.18805 0.33846 0.10316 0.32128 0.88904 0.44155 0.51148 0.59929 0.85825 0.14962 0.39611 0.24243 0.90566 0.44509 0.13254 0.69524 0.63965 0.32776 0.08912 0.7496 0.15285 0.99831 0.51023 0.26731 0.42487 0.92047 0.94686 0.658 0.92085 0.55243 0.36507 0.09644 0.57659 0.30357 0.3156 0.18801 0.0009 0.99604 0.18567 0.10787 0.72368 0.34424 0.7504 0.89355 0.10451 0.15143 0.43479 0.60313 0.97991 0.5861 0.4619 0.42928 0.19621 0.79923 0.08376 0.58985 0.63088 0.40789 0.91966 0.40011 0.04466 0.32194 0.04345 0.64464 0.57992 0.59417 0.73095 0.91584 0.5027 0.89416 0.27752 0.25234 0.50125 0.97622 0.84772 0.21841 0.48152 0.9126 0.32245 0.45478 0.36499 0.28658 0.34481 0.96533 0.60858 0.03562 0.91651 0.98717 0.13341 0.96928 0.49728 0.1415 0.80822 0.49616 0.45258 0.35156 0.89103 0.79453 0.36103 0.61442 0.87774 0.07811 0.73341 0.02756 0.14455 0.87606 0.87613 0.77324 0.20339 0.16673 0.72736 0.47798 0.54529 0.02498 0.90194 0.62308 0.84934 0.65876 0.8736 0.76631 0.33441 0.22069 0.1445 0.9349 0.73841 0.53264 0.76497 0.53529 0.05298 0.16419 0.54024 0.10392 0.79695 0.40501 0.33272 0.64761 0.94696 0.9241 0.62353 0.56023 0.46277 0.88717 0.92487 0.28149 0.35236 0.79155 0.4938 0.15797 0.69567 0.10603 0.05929 0.71039 0.66825 0.39874 0.88042 0.26074 0.87535 0.03204 0.58341 0.28958 0.11458 0.92318 0.24855 0.2925 0.67885 0.48708 0.80528 0.30797 0.2169 0.84302 0.0617 0.46487 0.13677 0.97853 0.01498 0.59899 0.03738 0.8678 0.75694 0.99702 0.50823 0.42541 0.96398 0.95789 0.17883 0.28318 0.44411 0.47352 0.21567 0.36404 0.15955 0.88057 0.05871 0.59202 0.85642 0.05282 0.62151 0.61581 0.57426 0.97918 0.25187 0.6823 0.24325 0.76477 0.55648 0.24078 0.27843 0.56841 0.36272 0.07554 0.8062 0.93291 0.553 0.86831 0.86623 0.66979 0.65359 0.63486 0.99552 0.52425 0.6253 0.92532 0.55803 0.43981 0.20995 0.97797 0.99906 0.53224 0.78025 0.10374 0.28249 0.88467 0.84208 0.04813 0.2149 0.10094 0.4968 0.70298 0.87842 0.41941 0.16124 0.20169 0.71803 0.64279 0.7153 0.23429 0.75034 0.96362 0.74745 0.47769 0.19705 0.43678 0.69869 0.32601 0.33539 0.53391 0.45392 0.22474 0.20835 0.19403 0.62565 0.91872 0.61808 0.62971 0.27366 0.58588 0.50493 0.65544 0.84341 0.5702 0.46835 0.53853 0.41212 0.50544 0.68632 0.73478 0.95346 0.09977 0.92474 0.59124 0.37089 0.10603 0.29179 0.80929 0.16824 0.16574 0.89435 0.52043 0.40862 0.69933 0.05102 0.85219 0.75995 0.17203 0.74651 0.32615 0.34828 0.17683 0.3235 0.35817 0.54435 0.48416 0.35564 0.84431 0.38448 0.60578 0.50028 0.60501 0.96844 0.59556 0.65806 0.57003 0.17813 0.51485 0.20524 0.21426 0.35865 0.81186 0.04431 0.35185 0.09754 0.91966 0.80309 0.18269 0.64867 0.21807 0.95286 0.64475 0.30452 0.8189 0.13856 0.13056 0.22729 0.79412 0.0389 0.69186 0.53757 0.05609 0.39711 0.31456 0.30031 0.1682 0.85696 0.5836 0.05881
+0.89481 0.59708 0.53973 0.58128 0.81239 0.4971 0.35872 0.4916 0.63958 0.98453 0.49199 0.97221 0.99315 0.70113 0.11789 0.43067 0.61636 0.96101 0.02664 0.42807 0.45345 0.61804 0.53158 0.78652 0.853 0.74844 0.38966 0.64957 0.89281 0.15111 0.40694 0.68779 0.09929 0.14731 0.19333 0.59411 0.24623 0.6393 0.716 0.25118 0.74867 0.58521 0.2904 0.28735 0.88926 0.32206 0.30146 0.25402 0.37116 0.4348 0.13928 0.94811 0.93135 0.18296 0.77947 0.53323 0.27344 0.25644 0.18829 0.66733 0.0158 0.36395 0.48451 0.5979 0.45383 0.01523 0.06684 0.32742 0.89957 0.0091 0.02607 0.67409 0.38656 0.88864 0.7183 0.93218 0.34226 0.33081 0.39011 0.23621 0.28 0.7921 0.79053 0.71743 0.73905 0.08923 0.77543 0.07021 0.51337 0.45932 0.03646 0.69408 0.45827 0.896 0.32735 0.79948 0.52468 0.92381 0.37434 0.08222 0.02449 0.0728 0.81758 0.41574 0.91981 0.28574 0.88845 0.8211 0.52281 0.15121 0.89381 0.82929 0.16894 0.38208 0.29474 0.56562 0.58457 0.39717 0.17201 0.39906 0.78633 0.31193 0.2297 0.8425 0.50905 0.21607 0.70732 0.42197 0.98489 0.96967 0.73398 0.31492 0.4119 0.70383 0.72716 0.34695 0.03514 0.00633 0.52943 0.12623 0.48979 0.57311 0.06321 0.5281 0.35704 0.40708 0.17761 0.46736 0.89396 0.89493 0.64431 0.95688 0.09812 0.25782 0.69228 0.92599 0.4055 0.96087 0.34616 0.31642 0.86675 0.01027 0.64672 0.40951 0.23107 0.10636 0.46454 0.01174 0.8699 0.72546 0.99988 0.54327 0.22282 0.97586 0.93143 0.40298 0.61747 0.88405 0.9111 0.42714 0.36451 0.04577 0.31445 0.47798 0.34813 0.99233 0.41402 0.77691 0.64574 0.99445 0.81713 0.06402 0.95417 0.79054 0.48235 0.52075 0.30902 0.41571 0.89804 0.85796 0.09342 0.01232 0.25619 0.11464 0.49192 0.45708 0.30828 0.09929 0.5138 0.71923 0.10629 0.9229 0.56085 0.36981 0.92092 0.95978 0.10236 0.90565 0.0694 0.09804 0.19779 0.49697 0.4607 0.54654 0.6381 0.65046 0.02892 0.07318 0.31319 0.76229 0.77106 0.47306 0.24896 0.52952 0.99859 0.43401 0.29885 0.86912 0.07122 0.84707 0.76832 0.52026 0.25046 0.63709 0.5134 0.24529 0.0029 0.95153 0.36823 0.65167 0.86687 0.87565 0.6017 0.8671 0.93771 0.19093 0.9313 0.92385 0.32984 0.80473 0.08263 0.32445 0.80122 0.08924 0.06923 0.61259 0.81517 0.13794 0.90024 0.35349 0.92116 0.68808 0.29008 0.71622 0.60668 0.95921 0.09581 0.44148 0.4745 0.76498 0.1388 0.15241 0.88242 0.94528 0.31455 0.66115 0.37183 0.57013 0.9911 0.14084 0.6683 0.30053 0.5922 0.12003 0.29371 0.95773 0.99026 0.66575 0.27878 0.76776 0.33828 0.962 0.49165 0.9804 0.46228 0.99983 0.03323 0.44293 0.26893 0.82721 0.92227 0.79295 0.44039 0.60206 0.53133 0.51264 0.97263 0.49602 0.56288 0.01211 0.65719 0.48595 0.61002 0.31593 0.76105 0.06405 0.51849 0.85734 0.00679 0.95546 0.42901 0.44247 0.03876 0.99469 0.31234 0.09043 0.47162 0.64715 0.34814 0.1345 0.64909 0.38355 0.00747 0.91685 0.36497 0.62204 0.27753 0.98724 0.62655 0.47664 0.20757 0.01376 0.10618 0.3151 0.16791 0.51515 0.46052 0.08497 0.33577 0.45865 0.44249 0.32485 0.81089 0.65013 0.65284 0.4008 0.83264 0.25342 0.7741 0.97471 0.30082 0.28846 0.71325 0.44142 0.19509 0.7073 0.64294 0.33089 0.92133 0.87598 0.04314 0.05045 0.07276 0.07703 0.69009 0.07141 0.81884 0.87191 0.38474 0.99487 0.30076 0.08388 0.12674 0.06152 0.69063 0.48787 0.90808 0.41091 0.25879 0.56699 0.59495 0.14091 0.93234 0.26515 0.21754 0.99293 0.65298 0.50173 0.276 0.93784 0.58503 0.50581 0.11239 0.18264 0.89298 0.83864 0.26925 0.10626 0.45498 0.02471 0.5832 0.53791 0.60237 0.22586 0.24744 0.13698 0.08598 0.29247 0.08514 0.93292 0.99767 0.89038 0.34968 0.20392 0.94744 0.59148 0.5221 0.02791 0.58329 0.7189 0.29976 0.05479 0.04775 0.15282 0.22127 0.62188 0.31172 0.60132 0.86602 0.7017 0.71446 0.21164 0.29146 0.95951 0.58982 0.34041 0.88008 0.76685 0.64752 0.52467 0.98699 0.82384 0.94708 0.1094 0.05101 0.58897 0.76404 0.90283 0.44131 0.07442 0.82017 0.80122 0.55916 0.53193 0.26215 0.82701 0.69758 0.57729 0.83795 0.33993 0.40833 0.94943 0.87653 0.69727 0.30862 0.63942 0.66669 0.41306 0.57588 0.46755 0.38475 0.77425 0.34517 0.92405 0.39477 0.13477 0.20784 0.37747 0.41371 0.73232 0.67534 0.14173 0.43713 0.17521 0.13417 0.85983 0.05129 0.18494 0.76868 0.81684 0.47121 0.62952
+0.8308 0.4277 0.68869 0.59172 0.81373 0.19625 0.42915 0.71397 0.61694 0.0154 0.18321 0.66984 0.91611 0.52253 0.29941 0.13489 0.42063 0.22128 0.11478 0.48648 0.70335 0.36484 0.05926 0.26563 0.80533 0.24431 0.79167 0.25978 0.12021 0.79224 0.91467 0.26139 0.497 0.41634 0.47905 0.25649 0.77457 0.2104 0.48206 0.61831 0.69753 0.04774 0.75271 0.61345 0.63677 0.86223 0.50687 0.25533 0.20883 0.84699 0.40031 0.85117 0.00919 0.98858 0.00371 0.05344 0.81966 0.9072 0.08939 0.42128 0.80769 0.64566 0.72116 0.07697 0.34622 0.02605 0.68012 0.31199 0.10524 0.98963 0.72532 0.63645 0.67527 0.88418 0.74776 0.965 0.325 0.86372 0.43877 0.17967 0.79917 0.47766 0.30835 0.22544 0.57796 0.64585 0.47498 0.47551 0.57005 0.32734 0.74786 0.71437 0.99895 0.60548 0.68726 0.36681 0.02248 0.49874 0.78091 0.30793 0.55166 0.55411 0.02589 0.44119 0.14408 0.48964 0.42491 0.52165 0.46302 0.74586 0.64202 0.864 0.0137 0.93915 0.81944 0.8188 0.5956 0.88132 0.97481 0.38339 0.25959 0.12065 0.21849 0.29454 0.64993 0.59339 0.01378 0.54987 0.16774 0.39843 0.08905 0.7355 0.64816 0.00966 0.75472 0.65894 0.78715 0.21995 0.95056 0.47716 0.67115 0.15688 0.14736 0.19731 0.55005 0.36173 0.86854 0.22555 0.65248 0.24323 0.8666 0.5412 0.80595 0.85128 0.23253 0.41282 0.57617 0.97688 0.47318 0.47416 0.92395 0.42949 0.32844 0.25955 0.34489 0.09613 0.18152 0.69048 0.12794 0.98819 0.99418 0.2923 0.92351 0.55281 0.32178 0.98033 0.15748 0.06932 0.35913 0.03695 0.3729 0.71023 0.71688 0.06091 0.3279 0.90916 0.64339 0.81018 0.12925 0.67897 0.58605 0.69911 0.34854 0.64574 0.26117 0.84855 0.69877 0.38533 0.44776 0.24477 0.67236 0.89842 0.67192 0.14694 0.39664 0.06767 0.60809 0.66047 0.70964 0.91735 0.44587 0.25287 0.11598 0.13573 0.87374 0.29275 0.52058 0.35055 0.37498 0.03148 0.89735 0.48858 0.90531 0.30542 0.44595 0.7297 0.18852 0.19935 0.09528 0.22772 0.70431 0.26257 0.1641 0.31057 0.8853 0.22614 0.50249 0.16638 0.62374 0.79443 0.80828 0.80855 0.92266 0.56408 0.08902 0.46059 0.8382 0.93198 0.51347 0.32265 0.9777 0.20133 0.48593 0.16949 0.60231 0.40989 0.66947 0.41434 0.88812 0.15083 0.89921 0.31194 0.30288 0.872 0.21774 0.02544 0.36658 0.92136 0.70537 0.89531 0.82013 0.23365 0.89307 0.78723 0.18109 0.2735 0.20434 0.09343 0.8028 0.2212 0.31865 0.49454 0.73003 0.55468 0.7514 0.26904 0.96482 0.60404 0.79395 0.3203 0.6825 0.66509 0.87962 0.89219 0.93136 0.52246 0.98782 0.10093 0.31937 0.17492 0.53085 0.8753 0.20365 0.98484 0.29679 0.116 0.64358 0.58261 0.56192 0.79739 0.89505 0.19704 0.23539 0.18293 0.23619 0.23936 0.45203 0.79097 0.32182 0.20368 0.72798 0.01959 0.02742 0.73911 0.19234 0.09824 0.79611 0.71243 0.70541 0.95039 0.80088 0.05488 0.79364 0.7531 0.14622 0.82663 0.02182 0.3097 0.5038 0.33713 0.58707 0.90666 0.95566 0.5209 0.93374 0.21605 0.33238 0.19328 0.45644 0.60623 0.76154 0.32916 0.04519 0.12202 0.52022 0.29522 0.21701 0.69927 0.72097 0.70419 0.70218 0.86438 0.5786 0.91413 0.44958 0.54126 0.48669 0.10449 0.76663 0.7739 0.88928 0.87784 0.54519 0.30075 0.27025 0.40849 0.05245 0.97644 0.62896 0.95651 0.15331 0.95327 0.95271 0.62175 0.06915 0.32957 0.42967 0.62406 0.25618 0.00655 0.10905 0.44047 0.28073 0.10745 0.7762 0.50653 0.53956 0.49533 0.30799 0.37502 0.05076 0.86465 0.0235 0.348 0.15414 0.61099 0.24864 0.66083 0.63157 0.84198 0.21594 0.06395 0.65273 0.39122 0.28408 0.41734 0.47521 0.50122 0.28509 0.72991 0.65548 0.30606 0.98369 0.19711 0.65386 0.19924 0.85501 0.50823 0.80253 0.27389 0.52487 0.0296 0.61457 0.38364 0.34758 0.58129 0.72895 0.32397 0.32905 0.71494 0.61226 0.35777 0.61524 0.24545 0.59966 0.06997 0.64149 0.5225 0.89251 0.22105 0.54276 0.45358 0.41528 0.92613 0.89093 0.48651 0.27382 0.58418 0.40653 0.44154 0.95317 0.48456 0.71385 0.11315 0.4905 0.67369 0.90948 0.15337 0.311 0.72786 0.63669 0.12838 0.78459 0.90878 0.84741 0.85777 0.29439 0.12216 0.82092 0.67973 0.36033 0.50978 0.26252 0.71105 0.50126 0.55321 0.97734 0.72054 0.44351 0.83692 0.28928 0.92047 0.43737 0.78612 0.70374 0.32329 0.69229 0.04319 0.40152 0.09178 0.30609 0.06303 0.74304 0.98056 0.18812 0.75502 0.25893 0.5631 0.16363 0.30784 0.80662 0.42294
+0.80259 0.69261 0.2108 0.90149 0.59249 0.9511 0.0372 0.16 0.94137 0.98006 0.38599 0.43318 0.59307 0.96182 0.62225 0.14551 0.76636 0.5736 0.17423 0.1422 0.34613 0.56949 0.80615 0.44378 0.08712 0.83316 0.99415 0.34673 0.44566 0.08634 0.28552 0.01888 0.96323 0.95586 0.68286 0.81413 0.7992 0.82376 0.46221 0.28424 0.38572 0.62305 0.64885 0.80408 0.13135 0.89479 0.72806 0.30385 0.65317 0.75912 0.56233 0.32255 0.51467 0.6914 0.35184 0.03237 0.65719 0.74188 0.83229 0.5835 0.961 0.16824 0.58981 0.53076 0.63338 0.54846 0.98507 0.38084 0.58841 0.70138 0.17322 0.66991 0.33893 0.73226 0.40806 0.86101 0.66362 0.12274 0.78323 0.80352 0.68776 0.09689 0.79324 0.32921 0.67578 0.67739 0.25658 0.76568 0.7724 0.1735 0.6544 0.6445 0.82897 0.95643 0.1782 0.43684 0.73405 0.96122 0.12704 0.95412 0.70853 0.24827 0.17458 0.18911 0.99695 0.62773 0.42543 0.42043 0.84081 0.04421 0.40562 0.295 0.49152 0.32168 0.50196 0.8238 0.02726 0.84121 0.73056 0.49482 0.56219 0.61865 0.00941 0.2927 0.78258 0.59418 0.54001 0.19214 0.36102 0.62497 0.95748 0.81503 0.75995 0.42626 0.63793 0.59616 0.68167 0.14851 0.11383 0.86516 0.8621 0.88302 0.26102 0.95596 0.19296 0.428 0.99866 0.57826 0.28755 0.38753 0.26126 0.72418 0.2687 0.73548 0.50262 0.39985 0.71917 0.02082 0.10152 0.33319 0.11553 0.20377 0.02502 0.88513 0.66277 0.1601 0.45924 0.63155 0.49279 0.71035 0.88889 0.5639 0.67547 0.68025 0.6723 0.85203 0.48071 0.93746 0.25978 0.41387 0.33814 0.45839 0.64735 0.64782 0.208 0.67372 0.44603 0.60247 0.33931 0.14809 0.67013 0.25294 0.68504 0.67772 0.42215 0.31094 0.16321 0.99897 0.78719 0.67203 0.57867 0.80431 0.65987 0.26448 0.47404 0.8681 0.23057 0.89078 0.90554 0.97787 0.69837 0.26842 0.05179 0.91208 0.04133 0.74729 0.02819 0.63995 0.55914 0.94855 0.72387 0.98602 0.30072 0.70162 0.83118 0.41693 0.73552 0.15866 0.00773 0.89568 0.16606 0.30007 0.36628 0.15856 0.47849 0.67215 0.51447 0.30563 0.97774 0.44392 0.19555 0.04756 0.74287 0.08791 0.92685 0.83302 0.60012 0.17331 0.46034 0.95189 0.30452 0.57842 0.4686 0.931 0.23707 0.20106 0.59545 0.81754 0.59811 0.74062 0.8887 0.90699 0.17408 0.27345 0.68683 0.97066 0.1723 0.12841 0.27803 0.45756 0.05581 0.29645 0.03692 0.60598 0.99437 0.38755 0.23163 0.78374 0.49065 0.14971 0.08759 0.32406 0.4336 0.01892 0.5218 0.92788 0.5916 0.38755 0.23668 0.26204 0.6837 0.51635 0.84131 0.28745 0.35468 0.52262 0.62032 0.67342 0.61411 0.34692 0.16612 0.61808 0.09898 0.15377 0.83605 0.24962 0.9329 0.89313 0.05501 0.66171 0.67633 0.28225 0.31417 0.37265 0.65116 0.7657 0.59167 0.73709 0.04186 0.98625 0.34518 0.67892 0.59036 0.86531 0.55949 0.51369 0.83742 0.38527 0.97854 0.61218 0.60094 0.23438 0.72498 0.35495 0.95995 0.08749 0.70635 0.29336 0.979 0.53504 0.02705 0.73691 0.0173 0.89414 0.53972 0.43247 0.82197 0.29542 0.42143 0.62205 0.08096 0.81458 0.43052 0.35121 0.98475 0.88719 0.46924 0.42738 0.06423 0.44845 0.85587 0.94754 0.47708 0.67187 0.23148 0.06775 0.7385 0.01153 0.03468 0.16439 0.05749 0.48886 0.58121 0.10317 0.22053 0.58245 0.35275 0.1645 0.33356 0.43477 0.67623 0.68917 0.0574 0.36235 0.91623 0.03572 0.18499 0.11138 0.13041 0.04911 0.27455 0.7049 0.02908 0.80262 0.24002 0.47809 0.1086 0.87266 0.83332 0.41234 0.61244 0.18236 0.23996 0.68241 0.98392 0.27196 0.33322 0.30456 0.25927 0.03185 0.70187 0.64627 0.36443 0.55679 0.68376 0.82986 0.32967 0.23419 0.35 0.8739 0.15452 0.3159 0.82464 0.91385 0.47074 0.89413 0.95022 0.57217 0.85843 0.4815 0.47493 0.81722 0.61278 0.61383 0.26745 0.7421 0.42953 0.34456 0.77597 0.60339 0.33925 0.88966 0.04596 0.11873 0.38182 0.61561 0.1326 0.45402 0.60164 0.40105 0.1599 0.90539 0.12546 0.81301 0.52052 0.71751 0.41606 0.93465 0.21027 0.78593 0.01521 0.53508 0.22345 0.67546 0.77502 0.1288 0.40203 0.81161 0.27352 0.5025 0.51649 0.03096 0.92184 0.22613 0.11434 0.19015 0.91406 0.03433 0.59364 0.47959 0.51434 0.56282 0.46585 0.1223 0.88923 0.46594 0.46043 0.17179 0.07171 0.17977 0.50866 0.73404 0.62025 0.11086 0.03123 0.19387 0.62702 0.6049 0.17052 0.24599 0.73022 0.98694 0.76224 0.48345 0.108 0.50121 0.40924 0.4508 0.20031 0.34979 0.73274 0.15724
+0.14152 0.33625 0.72862 0.66658 0.38809 0.57978 0.52665 0.53384 0.1815 0.27611 0.00549 0.32571 0.11163 0.89573 0.99541 0.97796 0.41827 0.17911 0.43996 0.43123 0.75479 0.295 0.63024 0.69462 0.32192 0.59824 0.97582 0.48912 0.32801 0.81579 0.06655 0.06173 0.10221 0.99406 0.70768 0.62306 0.60658 0.3253 0.46971 0.7475 0.8917 0.69694 0.32362 0.25131 0.39719 0.46772 0.5818 0.49716 0.0175 0.91671 0.9118 0.6648 0.68378 0.2867 0.64149 0.79568 0.77473 0.76795 0.75279 0.60251 0.39448 0.96171 0.1956 0.10791 0.37771 0.30153 0.94519 0.86208 0.09812 0.59927 0.97687 0.69607 0.21403 0.15262 0.2627 0.66733 0.24522 0.79118 0.27377 0.75581 0.68366 0.87415 0.3706 0.9541 0.52443 0.53328 0.6698 0.10607 0.2887 0.53464 0.00597 0.84747 0.57687 0.20553 0.20012 0.19853 0.67331 0.49564 0.39038 0.85308 0.14774 0.2166 0.7019 0.01155 0.62247 0.60248 0.32363 0.91497 0.63061 0.26144 0.63632 0.43892 0.93112 0.8027 0.05273 0.7021 0.16825 0.54559 0.09682 0.64162 0.34097 0.26591 0.91518 0.35408 0.73966 0.99644 0.85492 0.2877 0.01659 0.28698 0.96642 0.45858 0.7225 0.84946 0.70506 0.44016 0.44719 0.5965 0.44599 0.44731 0.11307 0.52207 0.23066 0.83604 0.34281 0.07644 0.97089 0.76027 0.39729 0.24838 0.70382 0.67148 0.36548 0.4351 0.35103 0.32479 0.35225 0.89408 0.81216 0.25991 0.89407 0.37582 0.50572 0.60073 0.87172 0.55199 0.41111 0.62146 0.74758 0.27201 0.1116 0.66452 0.46152 0.89253 0.81753 0.53423 0.45804 0.59159 0.58906 0.87524 0.56192 0.75807 0.8957 0.07178 0.46819 0.95921 0.43686 0.43888 0.16556 0.77732 0.89699 0.08884 0.38368 0.79955 0.32515 0.27716 0.56358 0.499 0.66956 0.43689 0.82604 0.11712 0.6154 0.69811 0.40712 0.66888 0.30317 0.63885 0.56606 0.28161 0.22678 0.88176 0.15648 0.66972 0.36285 0.38492 0.6412 0.46315 0.65956 0.30637 0.53447 0.57437 0.31645 0.23585 0.98307 0.29034 0.79543 0.49951 0.56127 0.48769 0.4502 0.41624 0.28759 0.10606 0.83203 0.64947 0.53452 0.98081 0.69556 0.88982 0.49102 0.04662 0.66195 0.94158 0.78133 0.11823 0.0597 0.08903 0.53316 0.3092 0.96574 0.81755 0.60922 0.93284 0.08376 0.06694 0.16631 0.41229 0.58492 0.13416 0.88609 0.99156 0.69256 0.47669 0.00426 0.54371 0.1622 0.38902 0.1606 0.12211 0.72862 0.79003 0.16923 0.99041 0.48046 0.49739 0.02749 0.65481 0.26263 0.61607 0.03002 0.09199 0.57826 0.61747 0.90869 0.4571 0.96913 0.10344 0.76088 0.22177 0.49176 0.62407 0.26643 0.36947 0.21029 0.63767 0.4321 0.30966 0.26311 0.98619 0.84056 0.56288 0.97791 0.66193 0.05501 0.47107 0.36428 0.89649 0.09599 0.98073 0.6461 0.00835 0.79691 0.62528 0.64401 0.08517 0.03416 0.96946 0.0283 0.78425 0.10886 0.75157 0.65357 0.49001 0.01283 0.85899 0.93535 0.55048 0.78043 0.30412 0.17321 0.92247 0.4342 0.43464 0.49284 0.00441 0.52324 0.70875 0.21793 0.07144 0.79608 0.94081 0.5489 0.23812 0.0326 0.8602 0.75612 0.96783 0.28577 0.76389 0.45379 0.5066 0.20818 0.10806 0.21975 0.93203 0.18238 0.76223 0.138 0.23021 0.17058 0.30784 0.95764 0.49735 0.86039 0.59777 0.31521 0.45954 0.47208 0.50815 0.05518 0.24193 0.39467 0.18287 0.09203 0.44926 0.52909 0.66715 0.92413 0.56087 0.99097 0.70273 0.55006 0.97277 0.77013 0.94795 0.68509 0.30829 0.75384 0.77507 0.1427 0.36152 0.70589 0.76997 0.29276 0.94949 0.29745 0.67952 0.07854 0.92401 0.14493 0.96854 0.54748 0.13346 0.02368 0.18867 0.70167 0.47555 0.55513 0.41047 0.62993 0.59041 0.85481 0.00794 0.99784 0.19573 0.28597 0.54355 0.02056 0.09632 0.21095 0.85881 0.4825 0.15498 0.33155 0.21298 0.71402 0.4676 0.34075 0.41358 0.54035 0.38835 0.64289 0.16499 0.46649 0.42422 0.93738 0.71973 0.08356 0.10864 0.99056 0.17591 0.88134 0.23053 0.13913 0.96574 0.30193 0.45059 0.29139 0.02537 0.30631 0.63166 0.99874 0.32273 0.70031 0.53979 0.80527 0.6975 0.67941 0.93887 0.59586 0.65226 0.30804 0.14289 0.1467 0.32977 0.17299 0.23936 0.97252 0.01533 0.43984 0.67586 0.69591 0.49351 0.79558 0.07462 0.39004 0.10233 0.68392 0.45524 0.61319 0.21266 0.20358 0.11063 0.29467 0.84744 0.69755 0.52475 0.65467 0.66156 0.86807 0.46587 0.28007 0.76754 0.0829 0.89696 0.65694 0.86747 0.50252 0.90843 0.16818 0.30613 0.60212 0.96313 0.4675 0.79334 0.36286 0.30005 0.84791 0.37504 0.31588 0.19735
+0.73211 0.37922 0.73888 0.97232 0.139 0.6631 0.76503 0.73351 0.75403 0.50024 0.8181 0.00603 0.63368 0.73422 0.32586 0.14564 0.38939 0.57433 0.36891 0.02342 0.6137 0.9225 0.99428 0.97035 0.66234 0.66331 0.34517 0.19718 0.18999 0.14172 0.65994 0.03048 0.67729 0.75567 0.58805 0.99572 0.83374 0.9452 0.58791 0.30942 0.29687 0.58032 0.07742 0.64923 0.42905 0.76801 0.20718 0.57111 0.5945 0.13241 0.95648 0.76633 0.46425 0.96104 0.5076 0.60181 0.39862 0.46969 0.10087 0.26666 0.74164 0.87617 0.41615 0.66719 0.7079 0.03865 0.2114 0.72299 0.45929 0.17875 0.16391 0.3803 0.98065 0.16812 0.91833 0.52995 0.05831 0.2275 0.27965 0.28419 0.53725 0.17773 0.39709 0.6837 0.03153 0.28598 0.91387 0.33009 0.16414 0.61277 0.62309 0.48839 0.23898 0.42563 0.04749 0.06873 0.90717 0.96938 0.59403 0.34769 0.00086 0.99125 0.43246 0.39989 0.51961 0.21221 0.91304 0.64672 0.34921 0.65476 0.32971 0.33453 0.52363 0.87109 0.77395 0.15599 0.76206 0.99909 0.43051 0.90439 0.14849 0.4946 0.86856 0.03847 0.14892 0.78524 0.96086 0.49335 0.32077 0.24762 0.08512 0.67223 0.16849 0.42986 0.14132 0.82141 0.93336 0.37961 0.1468 0.18859 0.64868 0.11325 0.87034 0.38799 0.9121 0.82644 0.17084 0.0141 0.04435 0.68606 0.61881 0.18039 0.64565 0.43958 0.48089 0.15175 0.97643 0.40566 0.99784 0.22868 0.91841 0.97251 0.2716 0.15067 0.57513 0.94973 0.32806 0.42104 0.21727 0.14371 0.71233 0.74847 0.6232 0.40813 0.6579 0.47461 0.00235 0.1016 0.82406 0.87716 0.10287 0.82963 0.58415 0.88751 0.21235 0.48146 0.39562 0.59817 0.58258 0.39061 0.44575 0.05076 0.78855 0.47496 0.89582 0.54674 0.28522 0.62386 0.17772 0.74096 0.97398 0.94187 0.50124 0.09163 0.11677 0.52336 0.98936 0.18056 0.61423 0.42229 0.60422 0.38143 0.68837 0.9909 0.58923 0.92748 0.08311 0.23401 0.35212 0.15427 0.25453 0.4129 0.93626 0.55779 0.18494 0.0037 0.83732 0.82277 0.63801 0.16309 0.57036 0.13717 0.97972 0.62903 0.81576 0.77522 0.27875 0.58951 0.93692 0.03183 0.20816 0.32372 0.34831 0.37738 0.27807 0.97462 0.49105 0.59436 0.18718 0.68289 0.02019 0.70211 0.85912 0.75613 0.6172 0.23432 0.1023 0.39543 0.42752 0.19504 0.06464 0.81435 0.01328 0.24102 0.11962 0.59057 0.83267 0.84661 0.86916 0.97806 0.11834 0.71069 0.58017 0.74051 0.14436 0.18504 0.20032 0.02062 0.32297 0.72846 0.21112 0.51442 0.83388 0.10655 0.22469 0.73134 0.42169 0.87525 0.6374 0.45392 0.47536 0.58826 0.25092 0.50462 0.65285 0.69101 0.31049 0.63522 0.26035 0.63193 0.82565 0.40121 0.55791 0.79584 0.00749 0.3581 0.75628 0.5853 0.56587 0.35953 0.76091 0.33999 0.29472 0.60396 0.2583 0.85382 0.25328 0.32985 0.06802 0.6783 0.80361 0.2973 0.50799 0.10033 0.63147 0.63693 0.81252 0.11164 0.08079 0.30182 0.66621 0.47928 0.60059 0.33452 0.763 0.65008 0.6769 0.7949 0.94614 0.18854 0.86239 0.61285 0.81571 0.02536 0.6105 0.48762 0.21985 0.55058 0.54806 0.71369 0.40794 0.50356 0.89694 0.44057 0.11456 0.49337 0.17599 0.80941 0.90237 0.97031 0.54122 0.44268 0.51828 0.83516 0.15886 0.38609 0.37201 0.16859 0.39192 0.87326 0.74592 0.41279 0.49392 0.52186 0.70809 0.37392 0.18522 0.2716 0.43238 0.77669 0.31005 0.22239 0.87422 0.19376 0.23374 0.41964 0.61654 0.97508 0.85117 0.59903 0.2143 0.34721 0.89909 0.98298 0.02716 0.01381 0.73254 0.49311 0.41581 0.96239 0.0692 0.7312 0.5409 0.93382 0.19514 0.08954 0.81013 0.13565 0.93849 0.49538 0.323 0.14239 0.60122 0.61187 0.96647 0.81244 0.67605 0.68563 0.87216 0.01032 0.8954 0.40589 0.12648 0.2847 0.51746 0.87016 0.66816 0.90701 0.83547 0.58771 0.04298 0.69475 0.55637 0.12808 0.54886 0.91385 0.16382 0.37447 0.76133 0.71085 0.98496 0.02202 0.52983 0.32901 0.25659 0.15105 0.36134 0.44309 0.48209 0.2095 0.078 0.66785 0.48756 0.41955 0.06427 0.39344 0.87592 0.75356 0.69011 0.04759 0.49943 0.10001 0.42678 0.98093 0.47994 0.6188 0.74308 0.25466 0.80091 0.1251 0.25353 0.11244 0.96946 0.69862 0.12006 0.11732 0.03348 0.2559 0.21693 0.84855 0.5313 0.68524 0.36279 0.67741 0.09049 0.962 0.8904 0.99999 0.76482 0.92106 0.59151 0.25319 0.60131 0.64905 0.20887 0.27766 0.29677 0.04279 0.99818 0.28839 0.08504 0.60544 0.0176 0.45206 0.81036 0.53505 0.89486 0.04615 0.78317 0.03769 0.30218 0.67521
+0.15422 0.22438 0.12747 0.83998 0.60976 0.13615 0.59092 0.82987 0.39385 0.39189 0.31504 0.55358 0.19899 0.70102 0.3387 0.28918 0.29851 0.09553 0.38696 0.61644 0.20393 0.45117 0.06263 0.54548 0.16887 0.18469 0.35356 0.56949 0.24037 0.97575 0.89925 0.65209 0.03841 0.05539 0.03506 0.49864 0.63893 0.99355 0.86391 0.64499 0.43614 0.4767 0.06209 0.28431 0.94258 0.82987 0.46072 0.28521 0.70166 0.09723 0.34921 0.38349 0.79033 0.93951 0.55251 0.96518 0.77156 0.72361 0.02834 0.14629 0.26358 0.83299 0.23635 0.75361 0.39494 0.02996 0.27134 0.38005 0.65491 0.66821 0.9764 0.822 0.82943 0.06189 0.93555 0.13429 0.23593 0.9279 0.2026 0.61872 0.14713 0.91465 0.42251 0.55529 0.17583 0.62226 0.88958 0.02282 0.47355 0.22699 0.34011 0.50723 0.52248 0.66599 0.85338 0.7513 0.51543 0.90278 0.64263 0.03879 0.42342 0.29087 0.03134 0.61898 0.86164 0.67876 0.83982 0.52638 0.93554 0.453 0.59277 0.12041 0.33916 0.1018 0.69593 0.83217 0.50965 0.23429 0.28741 0.9967 0.13233 0.22024 0.73981 0.79027 0.40212 0.44547 0.49299 0.07579 0.39835 0.87485 0.66796 0.24949 0.06004 0.98921 0.13942 0.6983 0.45259 0.2764 0.1116 0.81251 0.79279 0.73925 0.24315 0.53914 0.17452 0.20252 0.79867 0.41751 0.05474 0.60656 0.95043 0.07199 0.28642 0.0069 0.72539 0.61759 0.19438 0.06636 0.19085 0.77646 0.22999 0.93308 0.22834 0.18813 0.16902 0.22184 0.26433 0.7656 0.42282 0.56159 0.66863 0.14408 0.80133 0.55325 0.129 0.05093 0.71828 0.63102 0.72075 0.76659 0.43871 0.35068 0.27884 0.2314 0.0954 0.02767 0.05325 0.62967 0.21441 0.73135 0.54788 0.69829 0.68556 0.20585 0.01217 0.74759 0.3411 0.84034 0.91311 0.44218 0.18499 0.93937 0.6105 0.41561 0.65665 0.48772 0.66177 0.14557 0.14283 0.12915 0.38308 0.46644 0.46977 0.70371 0.94088 0.06232 0.53057 0.19898 0.74167 0.61849 0.33927 0.40725 0.10393 0.30412 0.39643 0.84942 0.41766 0.09126 0.82597 0.71277 0.92399 0.67646 0.82682 0.49065 0.73696 0.14601 0.80372 0.83787 0.62357 0.26785 0.9499 0.20684 0.79127 0.19546 0.73684 0.03291 0.08338 0.0739 0.12264 0.15569 0.32293 0.71419 0.45157 0.84773 0.68571 0.99395 0.298 0.8785 0.94938 0.50117 0.25451 0.60438 0.74789 0.28367 0.78669 0.1747 0.62439 0.04337 0.97018 0.92623 0.38923 0.68377 0.37048 0.70684 0.45121 0.19387 0.85589 0.6148 0.47812 0.15778 0.43894 0.20898 0.64558 0.71801 0.82417 0.38072 0.82814 0.03068 0.35897 0.53431 0.71566 0.45311 0.65049 0.70199 0.2335 0.29545 0.53207 0.63015 0.83124 0.38469 0.68432 0.32136 0.47454 0.2886 0.52933 0.20661 0.75768 0.51426 0.54564 0.69639 0.35093 0.23915 0.59094 0.87306 0.71139 0.97942 0.69897 0.98873 0.97341 0.63682 0.96375 0.70606 0.19144 0.75453 0.28448 0.41724 0.44149 0.5912 0.65989 0.57213 0.25825 0.36163 0.84087 0.31303 0.04137 0.74524 0.02678 0.15178 0.25799 0.14468 0.75979 0.97308 0.48541 0.52452 0.07888 0.98321 0.31383 0.59342 0.98104 0.59846 0.3092 0.30503 0.24784 0.55202 0.70312 0.25029 0.11965 0.85694 0.11219 0.80373 0.30431 0.16613 0.39589 0.51935 0.64955 0.49213 0.57804 0.22976 0.15741 0.62646 0.32636 0.32313 0.74966 0.6931 0.40254 0.79166 0.71532 0.31133 0.9267 0.60348 0.12625 0.57585 0.05585 0.99548 0.87286 0.80654 0.33868 0.57477 0.9212 0.00743 0.02333 0.05265 0.10801 0.08609 0.48587 0.96374 0.65652 0.17263 0.42404 0.80988 0.49156 0.74718 0.51408 0.94044 0.86407 0.80172 0.82576 0.54637 0.18697 0.24459 0.20409 0.82456 0.83998 0.53821 0.36348 0.37757 0.60189 0.42636 0.81551 0.63081 0.41474 0.87419 0.45392 0.23929 0.97641 0.33202 0.21974 0.65964 0.29553 0.10705 0.83653 0.47452 0.52899 0.61984 0.61278 0.24395 0.13788 0.74434 0.45329 0.46333 0.03702 0.39719 0.22367 0.31343 0.09078 0.83027 0.30688 0.59 0.0267 0.23258 0.72776 0.17011 0.45171 0.49567 0.07216 0.53293 0.38255 0.01975 0.58475 0.06613 0.7631 0.69203 0.13887 0.67467 0.76427 0.50526 0.35732 0.61971 0.11965 0.13661 0.81681 0.93662 0.67418 0.76702 0.31319 0.58564 0.55115 0.60577 0.79823 0.53952 0.67734 0.70525 0.21044 0.30549 0.50315 0.8401 0.49118 0.23694 0.32719 0.22177 0.36552 0.26748 0.8482 0.90716 0.63912 0.0272 0.19721 0.8031 0.88582 0.05949 0.50584 0.37886 0.11355 0.77048 0.93773 0.69512 0.19223 0.96162 0.55888 0.59963 0.70018 0.72367
+0.27594 0.90433 0.93058 0.44926 0.8474 0.46314 0.30505 0.69426 0.63921 0.31863 0.39134 0.66737 0.95782 0.05345 0.831 0.19928 0.48685 0.69696 0.20486 0.46944 0.21626 0.22308 0.47265 0.74867 0.93101 0.47088 0.04119 0.98284 0.96621 0.84067 0.46378 0.76613 0.67634 0.60671 0.65183 0.03555 0.77351 0.31455 0.65576 0.31379 0.88968 0.37036 0.46036 0.69482 0.87503 0.00135 0.07909 0.97177 0.51855 0.11471 0.7929 0.15488 0.87844 0.02896 0.3315 0.97772 0.93915 0.01771 0.63352 0.63148 0.93652 0.88188 0.23799 0.93633 0.11759 0.14361 0.88624 0.10446 0.08984 0.51159 0.69283 0.41099 0.01572 0.78607 0.419 0.42798 0.89194 0.46595 0.17294 0.66841 0.66513 0.27773 0.07995 0.95304 0.55111 0.03927 0.79965 0.34784 0.70897 0.31954 0.36146 0.66282 0.42307 0.7075 0.24244 0.28722 0.39082 0.29335 0.84509 0.36703 0.50452 0.17012 0.86889 0.54974 0.31986 0.01325 0.94497 0.32421 0.66676 0.20003 0.48036 0.51849 0.24513 0.96356 0.59563 0.32232 0.55171 0.51994 0.99357 0.88418 0.15777 0.25792 0.94599 0.7508 0.25221 0.52369 0.94765 0.33746 0.97237 0.354 0.4945 0.83284 0.79132 0.80255 0.6047 0.63786 0.72101 0.86587 0.09581 0.66374 0.46835 0.92958 0.72907 0.04122 0.60841 0.98661 0.14679 0.73244 0.45775 0.74946 0.11441 0.02031 0.86468 0.40302 0.24825 0.09369 0.93902 0.15528 0.05931 0.47009 0.90485 0.04809 0.25339 0.99333 0.345 0.51401 0.68996 0.42803 0.04813 0.74319 0.67229 0.37952 0.27982 0.51823 0.48086 0.38835 0.03252 0.74751 0.85899 0.111 0.49749 0.50727 0.35274 0.20051 0.95113 0.2454 0.87193 0.90774 0.17701 0.32166 0.69987 0.51458 0.56021 0.29805 0.6067 0.34331 0.78788 0.2769 0.98524 0.18426 0.63053 0.68347 0.61145 0.16694 0.06362 0.46543 0.547 0.36923 0.90033 0.16013 0.58782 0.26917 0.77544 0.33596 0.09853 0.52233 0.72444 0.99119 0.72187 0.62965 0.55298 0.22608 0.04049 0.93153 0.18022 0.20469 0.66951 0.98271 0.73395 0.10038 0.25383 0.24601 0.13887 0.51452 0.81879 0.77664 0.73609 0.07263 0.71734 0.32479 0.49682 0.68153 0.6119 0.11575 0.2453 0.56304 0.14993 0.62845 0.42652 0.43101 0.38509 0.12243 0.09329 0.8724 0.43905 0.96209 0.41739 0.99577 0.27974 0.34936 0.40665 0.77931 0.66725 0.46117 0.02799 0.80114 0.93023 0.04058 0.95564 0.63496 0.06676 0.46088 0.49751 0.01322 0.60632 0.66338 0.91066 0.00749 0.17767 0.86186 0.88012 0.33848 0.02544 0.16204 0.71903 0.36056 0.05398 0.39481 0.5959 0.27198 0.54581 0.06472 0.38884 0.73725 0.25173 0.14433 0.46478 0.52869 0.8855 0.03386 0.39983 0.2403 0.22411 0.03855 0.60567 0.89088 0.82356 0.90566 0.10715 0.23321 0.40381 0.73536 0.2905 0.27653 0.59412 0.95282 0.23406 0.73075 0.38682 0.43583 0.91399 0.61302 0.93407 0.17641 0.45068 0.9332 0.0315 0.68958 0.64426 0.03835 0.99396 0.93867 0.38122 0.38431 0.18666 0.76806 0.20406 0.13717 0.13697 0.19121 0.16408 0.19463 0.15734 0.71913 0.40294 0.54315 0.77787 0.52872 0.11209 0.58694 0.59822 0.40189 0.78205 0.04027 0.66768 0.99159 0.11905 0.22011 0.47906 0.95629 0.42052 0.01102 0.27371 0.00723 0.18039 0.00512 0.95473 0.17329 0.39586 0.40799 0.98206 0.68513 0.78048 0.88723 0.07753 0.40898 0.80098 0.91667 0.27719 0.66613 0.97969 0.6868 0.41285 0.3606 0.35161 0.3912 0.3851 0.83509 0.87973 0.79087 0.05301 0.19567 0.34741 0.50092 0.18182 0.00977 0.10294 0.08901 0.33602 0.48818 0.42516 0.1253 0.38077 0.68843 0.96513 0.31251 0.39333 0.21843 0.69551 0.47968 0.43385 0.57081 0.81001 0.47907 0.36047 0.88337 0.90654 0.17947 0.23442 0.45938 0.20659 0.99893 0.13131 0.21242 0.85289 0.25032 0.99982 0.65112 0.70943 0.01727 0.87644 0.51159 0.79021 0.28349 0.11329 0.16126 0.9446 0.9731 0.93596 0.856 0.27161 0.34553 0.39736 0.88987 0.11857 0.21089 0.74881 0.14715 0.72145 0.92911 0.90524 0.11391 0.13847 0.23615 0.39405 0.58235 0.16378 0.10072 0.57193 0.33967 0.89733 0.8473 0.0853 0.74378 0.27244 0.94427 0.80564 0.33082 0.73963 0.42552 0.1198 0.28918 0.5323 0.3624 0.27758 0.83536 0.32401 0.28181 0.1018 0.98 0.93088 0.47945 0.81742 0.02537 0.61474 0.13548 0.27478 0.08964 0.3283 0.76116 0.71909 0.74379 0.95217 0.9102 0.48387 0.72792 0.86015 0.42842 0.53777 0.10551 0.17268 0.95913 0.25997 0.72999 0.40236 0.00664 0.77498 0.76462 0.88276 0.74709 0.37557 0.39882
+0.72844 0.84714 0.00068 0.93268 0.87353 0.99405 0.66165 0.29269 0.8633 0.93739 0.54159 0.16798 0.33042 0.18654 0.78365 0.62368 0.39656 0.03394 0.39395 0.82878 0.62537 0.00261 0.10973 0.96959 0.51629 0.78774 0.01667 0.52462 0.74995 0.16938 0.83189 0.64061 0.82486 0.38443 0.66311 0.88215 0.2904 0.62272 0.08067 0.0432 0.115 0.11732 0.20726 0.89176 0.47256 0.58752 0.49357 0.72121 0.06542 0.40713 0.73626 0.14756 0.84294 0.53005 0.00717 0.23758 0.99095 0.96519 0.1988 0.75549 0.84471 0.04159 0.22401 0.98567 0.13092 0.77 0.66188 0.89228 0.97786 0.12538 0.5913 0.06378 0.61418 0.09065 0.57348 0.4633 0.28136 0.32063 0.23642 0.37342 0.22759 0.26354 0.2613 0.18887 0.17724 0.99995 0.72602 0.88544 0.19118 0.51071 0.12989 0.34965 0.63929 0.29583 0.58098 0.8283 0.65758 0.69378 0.74344 0.12932 0.20305 0.44822 0.93632 0.80071 0.84177 0.98006 0.04911 0.56902 0.5967 0.14359 0.87067 0.53465 0.87032 0.97236 0.21657 0.49945 0.78599 0.07503 0.23338 0.77596 0.8065 0.74589 0.46803 0.54836 0.92191 0.58175 0.32559 0.32613 0.29393 0.13489 0.05535 0.24729 0.64967 0.30904 0.20035 0.0673 0.23745 0.92923 0.87646 0.35418 0.48169 0.97322 0.6827 0.60035 0.69439 0.02943 0.12365 0.18625 0.29833 0.30886 0.78491 0.6296 0.86175 0.11779 0.43962 0.04015 0.11999 0.87547 0.45651 0.28662 0.46936 0.17858 0.13615 0.03539 0.2832 0.22511 0.14068 0.05553 0.75362 0.47812 0.5725 0.14174 0.80308 0.17111 0.67675 0.92774 0.62489 0.22888 0.92844 0.9846 0.3318 0.64241 0.47099 0.77902 0.74619 0.88983 0.86262 0.78416 0.82379 0.55928 0.08214 0.27212 0.4657 0.08691 0.33022 0.74729 0.64946 0.69209 0.73787 0.55144 0.74449 0.76511 0.8345 0.7171 0.91102 0.69132 0.93375 0.32408 0.01014 0.1814 0.8176 0.91971 0.71357 0.94906 0.6193 0.64377 0.09454 0.60599 0.98243 0.21893 0.14747 0.07161 0.53282 0.37517 0.31143 0.6235 0.22227 0.15996 0.55798 0.70147 0.96348 0.43184 0.75978 0.47998 0.68778 0.51258 0.84243 0.596 0.55439 0.37093 0.46623 0.53102 0.8872 0.07965 0.96408 0.19286 0.09124 0.92264 0.44493 0.02347 0.12016 0.29593 0.1829 0.56816 0.20509 0.7488 0.79885 0.03398 0.85641 0.14191 0.82512 0.75671 0.73652 0.09449 0.8926 0.41517 0.79254 0.03832 0.91205 0.5045 0.00924 0.40215 0.74363 0.85328 0.2662 0.40472 0.00999 0.07008 0.34983 0.75902 0.77021 0.81255 0.80332 0.48461 0.41479 0.80243 0.136 0.83223 0.32083 0.33257 0.49062 0.26981 0.10648 0.89031 0.67289 0.37278 0.65551 0.44029 0.75753 0.08395 0.40427 0.51853 0.23684 0.51947 0.26838 0.89531 0.68112 0.39434 0.76206 0.67432 0.85041 0.52388 0.20877 0.43536 0.41605 0.49711 0.35581 0.94164 0.23487 0.69969 0.90891 0.9274 0.976 0.39768 0.75474 0.27344 0.23344 0.30104 0.36664 0.55235 0.75711 0.32358 0.84038 0.52805 0.52433 0.36853 0.76512 0.61602 0.94907 0.79003 0.70353 0.41568 0.54899 0.09273 0.45947 0.34617 0.70382 0.04319 0.4518 0.08715 0.29398 0.28602 0.22966 0.72183 0.81078 0.01458 0.96339 0.50492 0.30364 0.54621 0.39288 0.83529 0.53572 0.03719 0.05829 0.24588 0.71343 0.94015 0.61459 0.29787 0.34995 0.92628 0.76917 0.21459 0.52889 0.22252 0.55127 0.38056 0.69049 0.06959 0.8176 0.60594 0.7012 0.48842 0.28115 0.5805 0.57709 0.06506 0.39412 0.81308 0.02928 0.96899 0.12988 0.12665 0.50813 0.83686 0.13163 0.84907 0.15607 0.2175 0.53281 0.62144 0.95353 0.25131 0.92145 0.37225 0.29043 0.69448 0.21074 0.5514 0.72985 0.09653 0.68664 0.38572 0.06742 0.2647 0.8352 0.03646 0.02181 0.72628 0.68532 0.96025 0.08664 0.89324 0.01968 0.37529 0.35969 0.29655 0.50539 0.02515 0.41677 0.1453 0.77674 0.8292 0.65895 0.9843 0.84399 0.51975 0.70686 0.99761 0.86283 0.86021 0.17578 0.53292 0.50751 0.62046 0.82694 0.06295 0.19193 0.61746 0.93335 0.65272 0.03565 0.02417 0.66523 0.03198 0.47959 0.47682 0.07502 0.04049 0.50168 0.72371 0.99978 0.96969 0.42418 0.74843 0.08202 0.97521 0.729 0.65951 0.57166 0.58578 0.0838 0.02225 0.29085 0.56442 0.81551 0.38585 0.21846 0.95485 0.32542 0.47725 0.2147 0.75176 0.41314 0.93399 0.72978 0.30577 0.36598 0.48114 0.56772 0.79986 0.24691 0.27114 0.79546 0.50509 0.5319 0.35379 0.69409 0.3949 0.18288 0.47932 0.87134 0.44105 0.28133 0.48521 0.35302 0.52361 0.99501 0.3778 0.61267 0.34957
+0.90913 0.07878 0.56665 0.93722 0.29194 0.79613 0.89706 0.14067 0.80772 0.23094 0.51249 0.63137 0.79002 0.13432 0.99702 0.37451 0.94501 0.8441 0.31269 0.45462 0.18764 0.47191 0.53833 0.00419 0.53469 0.49867 0.02882 0.00015 0.91339 0.54178 0.56575 0.87353 0.31901 0.70931 0.28689 0.00162 0.44929 0.17494 0.6166 0.11251 0.72509 0.9 0.63166 0.83264 0.30548 0.04531 0.10351 0.81445 0.24085 0.45182 0.46536 0.63988 0.32747 0.90666 0.88771 0.74977 0.01464 0.14397 0.96323 0.14272 0.13296 0.38428 0.51812 0.98483 0.58342 0.82562 0.59793 0.19877 0.5618 0.0913 0.09584 0.3441 0.33989 0.04971 0.53509 0.10319 0.47286 0.38767 0.59056 0.12477 0.29202 0.25836 0.52603 0.31787 0.44254 0.73713 0.08571 0.54437 0.58661 0.00666 0.17335 0.22727 0.71073 0.62133 0.18965 0.84895 0.96661 0.31088 0.55047 0.27607 0.21242 0.52226 0.53108 0.00432 0.58699 0.20054 0.6691 0.53598 0.57322 0.41983 0.63493 0.89178 0.34995 0.34024 0.71941 0.14142 0.4103 0.71849 0.96707 0.06379 0.58658 0.70025 0.48981 0.15823 0.35197 0.46006 0.14518 0.45273 0.34398 0.22274 0.10246 0.48244 0.80396 0.79268 0.17945 0.9789 0.53673 0.57578 0.11319 0.48947 0.69874 0.57081 0.63785 0.48329 0.3099 0.42847 0.45727 0.40621 0.1731 0.03252 0.85293 0.37167 0.44052 0.78212 0.5449 0.09148 0.02013 0.19991 0.26028 0.3662 0.25383 0.76041 0.18292 0.59152 0.25408 0.25173 0.50797 0.45073 0.1533 0.49634 0.42497 0.56445 0.19554 0.12809 0.96217 0.4383 0.22422 0.69227 0.83772 0.99232 0.11427 0.22806 0.60848 0.09091 0.77162 0.96582 0.19938 0.84919 0.33044 0.36426 0.29448 0.03013 0.04001 0.05712 0.04181 0.47807 0.26085 0.49734 0.18544 0.27786 0.40905 0.42822 0.61916 0.25221 0.15378 0.27778 0.8319 0.97812 0.51172 0.33757 0.95004 0.24901 0.84873 0.27212 0.41222 0.7983 0.44185 0.77062 0.37621 0.23348 0.54503 0.14014 0.77395 0.48674 0.49098 0.88862 0.79105 0.17721 0.63973 0.44839 0.43933 0.64183 0.40848 0.87642 0.82482 0.34105 0.52016 0.56685 0.19894 0.68354 0.10561 0.41892 0.20893 0.51543 0.55906 0.05381 0.06397 0.80033 0.24012 0.80911 0.07122 0.20379 0.29326 0.79364 0.92087 0.45977 0.33109 0.5028 0.02435 0.35048 0.39591 0.29185 0.45192 0.13547 0.30421 0.7457 0.99866 0.89721 0.12408 0.34793 0.34753 0.68458 0.63658 0.49271 0.27031 0.2054 0.20206 0.70847 0.18206 0.19629 0.87593 0.71449 0.80469 0.92503 0.14374 0.3455 0.48548 0.87298 0.63063 0.15728 0.73742 0.48157 0.6275 0.88812 0.05411 0.83627 0.98957 0.0693 0.19688 0.99789 0.24451 0.23382 0.47125 0.3046 0.36302 0.23825 0.77425 0.69241 0.79752 0.79948 0.73193 0.39044 0.5636 0.4619 0.4724 0.91459 0.65652 0.30903 0.37077 0.97084 0.38428 0.49116 0.88667 0.68641 0.11383 0.89446 0.11924 0.88976 0.27333 0.98614 0.89476 0.30392 0.47042 0.80241 0.63713 0.23257 0.91975 0.0107 0.22192 0.23074 0.80992 0.90045 0.0981 0.3536 0.78236 0.78954 0.16267 0.11663 0.47685 0.5013 0.67872 0.9991 0.64083 0.27719 0.1891 0.98429 0.39514 0.2159 0.70913 0.37426 0.03177 0.30367 0.16053 0.62709 0.24443 0.79269 0.12142 0.5021 0.81354 0.26683 0.16949 0.58057 0.3207 0.63363 0.89136 0.26264 0.8393 0.27396 0.76116 0.53288 0.28692 0.08362 0.09639 0.96754 0.1969 0.28028 0.60366 0.20878 0.92074 0.14454 0.27752 0.32879 0.96673 0.35828 0.56977 0.45966 0.39068 0.57291 0.41174 0.53754 0.12394 0.96001 0.6573 0.38409 0.44389 0.45229 0.87418 0.18347 0.03078 0.19909 0.7816 0.09126 0.49765 0.22628 0.16511 0.06737 0.61566 0.60379 0.83371 0.94159 0.07127 0.035 0.30585 0.43023 0.62937 0.02439 0.52974 0.57723 0.22455 0.24799 0.88628 0.12513 0.42284 0.33174 0.11658 0.48451 0.22212 0.85537 0.006 0.03859 0.91887 0.27435 0.29569 0.76659 0.90242 0.1117 0.74369 0.1395 0.98128 0.21045 0.75886 0.3919 0.3771 0.68323 0.29872 0.56018 0.73176 0.63632 0.40481 0.18327 0.94764 0.25691 0.99063 0.80176 0.60925 0.58361 0.84667 0.80299 0.34503 0.02868 0.79695 0.18932 0.92304 0.41792 0.20779 0.04539 0.54677 0.62252 0.9103 0.36707 0.35706 0.26037 0.43638 0.5855 0.71487 0.48158 0.80131 0.82652 0.68188 0.04087 0.49996 0.04703 0.99671 0.50205 0.03102 0.79015 0.73853 0.04288 0.24415 0.08843 0.74617 0.93088 0.00073 0.31759 0.74559 0.79578 0.389 0.29675 0.86794 0.70239 0.01822 0.82587
+0.47948 0.41253 0.25798 0.6388 0.20198 0.42632 0.75312 0.39402 0.71076 0.53637 0.07901 0.69029 0.92772 0.13729 0.11273 0.96504 0.25257 0.55829 0.80831 0.05257 0.36397 0.43263 0.93371 0.79688 0.88089 0.51971 0.72186 0.54625 0.87212 0.64172 0.69162 0.96697 0.31234 0.34596 0.78935 0.99406 0.01528 0.02837 0.24768 0.12176 0.58345 0.99059 0.24007 0.95739 0.36031 0.40197 0.23556 0.12649 0.1768 0.16095 0.59245 0.64224 0.3422 0.36558 0.48905 0.8305 0.22315 0.86256 0.21663 0.47818 0.25904 0.64372 0.12937 0.21385 0.45281 0.54021 0.56501 0.43576 0.31229 0.02546 0.74147 0.72003 0.31753 0.22151 0.69326 0.82007 0.25974 0.86682 0.42246 0.72294 0.09283 0.1632 0.84456 0.97615 0.68235 0.41939 0.54528 0.6298 0.7725 0.50093 0.62215 0.50703 0.52501 0.78634 0.36787 0.00507 0.72497 0.86501 0.94055 0.50515 0.90775 0.76949 0.20275 0.72841 0.6784 0.69164 0.80604 0.01416 0.68717 0.51267 0.68149 0.91999 0.98853 0.68413 0.82507 0.03564 0.79973 0.19838 0.81226 0.38879 0.45349 0.66224 0.18785 0.75939 0.65399 0.23536 0.08472 0.08649 0.48928 0.50825 0.94352 0.30929 0.50727 0.22069 0.78041 0.57074 0.88813 0.07351 0.22469 0.18951 0.5559 0.51311 0.7023 0.64624 0.44471 0.95706 0.61717 0.13621 0.20703 0.2475 0.9378 0.00631 0.36252 0.2496 0.48062 0.29239 0.13367 0.57232 0.0393 0.94277 0.47123 0.57051 0.0256 0.67654 0.78941 0.87986 0.94932 0.58602 0.10831 0.29106 0.87337 0.72868 0.70109 0.56547 0.28039 0.54107 0.29332 0.41152 0.37097 0.8977 0.29913 0.19484 0.31409 0.22363 0.57116 0.53106 0.25187 0.30641 0.4529 0.47171 0.10587 0.24099 0.90202 0.33149 0.53802 0.70167 0.66519 0.50606 0.16357 0.65703 0.8468 0.15917 0.99498 0.93201 0.47643 0.80183 0.05769 0.68735 0.76728 0.86233 0.98163 0.58672 0.41786 0.52772 0.82335 0.72962 0.56564 0.65267 0.87805 0.14034 0.30688 0.80054 0.6569 0.7444 0.01097 0.28062 0.39194 0.15465 0.6982 0.40934 0.72051 0.52517 0.51817 0.04594 0.14653 0.8438 0.61034 0.70041 0.49294 0.62754 0.33829 0.1034 0.05478 0.22443 0.45204 0.09521 0.43572 0.36936 0.62122 0.20831 0.74249 0.29067 0.32344 0.11502 0.02577 0.09487 0.7539 0.37628 0.05619 0.80957 0.49657 0.82474 0.84051 0.33968 0.29037 0.91381 0.38951 0.70499 0.11771 0.9005 0.41946 0.26286 0.26709 0.7569 0.83563 0.86918 0.622 0.38873 0.31107 0.00998 0.31065 0.4205 0.39539 0.51326 0.53683 0.29384 0.31742 0.13635 0.08384 0.24331 0.412 0.23514 0.91007 0.11409 0.03287 0.245 0.54737 0.16328 0.41986 0.62661 0.76912 0.85998 0.09839 0.58377 0.64234 0.35206 0.4379 0.54882 0.70712 0.14006 0.6769 0.37479 0.41426 0.04429 0.88219 0.66027 0.24464 0.07849 0.12061 0.12479 0.80343 0.42953 0.6371 0.00803 0.8617 0.92111 0.61537 0.32348 0.24194 0.87937 0.18481 0.69121 0.9869 0.84003 0.93886 0.12054 0.7028 0.63638 0.71961 0.0859 0.12518 0.43 0.27825 0.77767 0.92591 0.65548 0.597 0.70349 0.94765 0.29532 0.44125 0.19214 0.58421 0.30162 0.90206 0.63469 0.82853 0.99785 0.25387 0.288 0.52061 0.70563 0.54373 0.28971 0.06292 0.86118 0.99714 0.37579 0.34741 0.82185 0.19551 0.11257 0.83071 0.0029 0.24786 0.11341 0.76746 0.16009 0.47829 0.06373 0.83034 0.01302 0.78955 0.74257 0.09523 0.35891 0.55066 0.35134 0.43794 0.27923 0.79026 0.76247 0.73124 0.2475 0.30909 0.19768 0.36978 0.18085 0.28334 0.36744 0.53178 0.99855 0.91531 0.48792 0.828 0.38596 0.5371 0.93719 0.28564 0.09575 0.79885 0.03835 0.66636 0.77364 0.66248 0.18982 0.851 0.33955 0.60118 0.98123 0.22418 0.93087 0.41652 0.07008 0.39532 0.16562 0.42114 0.33744 0.63097 0.29678 0.80723 0.52768 0.71059 0.97506 0.48846 0.93393 0.96258 0.06176 0.10636 0.13446 0.63533 0.80666 0.56115 0.12772 0.43676 0.39538 0.23781 0.14358 0.88292 0.47116 0.46314 0.65109 0.60683 0.51688 0.45308 0.33881 0.03672 0.29907 0.44579 0.41366 0.08292 0.9117 0.83617 0.08291 0.31889 0.69423 0.39298 0.08652 0.05969 0.61901 0.66543 0.74615 0.42425 0.52835 0.20718 0.58226 0.10607 0.04036 0.61984 0.43968 0.00951 0.43203 0.07559 0.41771 0.70029 0.11361 0.11581 0.74053 0.08909 0.79735 0.89531 0.67077 0.18331 0.6513 0.04633 0.61959 0.33254 0.04359 0.39401 0.26002 0.66525 0.85239 0.07557 0.98443 0.6339 0.68776 0.01699 0.70318 0.51208 0.60741 0.05451 0.14096
+0.07072 0.36827 0.07995 0.03804 0.43818 0.09659 0.9362 0.75552 0.30715 0.3357 0.19679 0.02742 0.33012 0.80732 0.92663 0.80593 0.7577 0.32513 0.17126 0.45542 0.88517 0.35366 0.14254 0.76201 0.94849 0.86092 0.92317 0.09703 0.44563 0.31799 0.16499 0.00171 0.55981 0.29057 0.72337 0.002 0.05652 0.36101 0.50106 0.60989 0.05481 0.77473 0.22206 0.938 0.23204 0.14719 0.39084 0.81303 0.08618 0.51651 0.99731 0.50291 0.91477 0.43303 0.15312 0.30098 0.04837 0.14132 0.16697 0.29144 0.64224 0.58034 0.54018 0.7466 0.00147 0.71941 0.82198 0.04439 0.63879 0.91581 0.0831 0.81365 0.31059 0.4984 0.19933 0.55887 0.38391 0.0953 0.57994 0.82412 0.1069 0.59101 0.02375 0.45092 0.66967 0.01143 0.50409 0.36981 0.15625 0.69028 0.27194 0.02691 0.57641 0.19141 0.9564 0.51961 0.5932 0.2387 0.49984 0.9483 0.88188 0.76518 0.72159 0.86911 0.4438 0.70908 0.67939 0.94104 0.01106 0.86686 0.44715 0.61902 0.36415 0.19967 0.80878 0.81805 0.49101 0.287 0.07926 0.16406 0.28552 0.77503 0.91335 0.45939 0.89721 0.12112 0.05764 0.28836 0.85334 0.21209 0.77177 0.44355 0.72767 0.06316 0.87855 0.96253 0.76985 0.65753 0.49573 0.21564 0.05417 0.43753 0.63167 0.90999 0.06103 0.99272 0.75302 0.8815 0.03557 0.35396 0.78462 0.4436 0.75836 0.93562 0.84426 0.74455 0.69399 0.19507 0.79283 0.05847 0.54678 0.48114 0.17096 0.87854 0.19014 0.78644 0.43687 0.51158 0.90522 0.72739 0.76382 0.77731 0.1692 0.80753 0.0261 0.06129 0.94855 0.76224 0.57543 0.87857 0.73412 0.1885 0.79807 0.18562 0.41514 0.34317 0.73495 0.3066 0.86473 0.59257 0.71658 0.13964 0.75571 0.35121 0.61195 0.40684 0.5291 0.39062 0.67623 0.30897 0.59605 0.91412 0.30261 0.86308 0.29094 0.28977 0.05112 0.69827 0.65553 0.18922 0.9862 0.62733 0.08287 0.16334 0.77415 0.90005 0.54952 0.64348 0.97463 0.0937 0.63356 0.39617 0.30668 0.46842 0.60757 0.44162 0.98749 0.95163 0.04863 0.62782 0.37829 0.5353 0.79398 0.20754 0.56496 0.17524 0.36891 0.50454 0.5763 0.63124 0.31774 0.4515 0.67766 0.72902 0.31905 0.84406 0.68834 0.93293 0.20213 0.7051 0.96966 0.89111 0.30227 0.05589 0.54346 0.84347 0.65025 0.41871 0.07497 0.41397 0.29285 0.19681 0.76864 0.51871 0.83106 0.90737 0.77873 0.09195 0.52241 0.57877 0.59477 0.75152 0.93446 0.36315 0.57419 0.05835 0.08568 0.35252 0.73735 0.22827 0.03608 0.74957 0.66341 0.33273 0.9082 0.93396 0.94402 0.43407 0.91893 0.6046 0.61961 0.65479 0.58953 0.10487 0.21892 0.54779 0.39955 0.11907 0.3124 0.08413 0.02189 0.87054 0.80436 0.23793 0.63027 0.24177 0.96344 0.39012 0.98535 0.16926 0.84157 0.26206 0.70208 0.05003 0.0341 0.45168 0.54249 0.50486 0.06286 0.89121 0.67995 0.59087 0.89955 0.86942 0.1098 0.5095 0.72999 0.40944 0.95342 0.07011 0.64932 0.21229 0.63108 0.5017 0.94668 0.6264 0.96883 0.26809 0.35114 0.54555 0.64169 0.49489 0.38351 0.22976 0.22057 0.82079 0.97255 0.35041 0.89887 0.31275 0.35439 0.42662 0.14527 0.0242 0.12403 0.68625 0.32926 0.07582 0.03498 0.74037 0.05673 0.00973 0.08317 0.08931 0.38297 0.33002 0.64933 0.07045 0.05274 0.32993 0.78257 0.31918 0.16749 0.67605 0.04278 0.14329 0.51492 0.00906 0.58149 0.99883 0.60286 0.19197 0.16146 0.5472 0.22692 0.33701 0.66738 0.75992 0.03265 0.07415 0.96099 0.37618 0.56929 0.53106 0.60131 0.05136 0.54774 0.40543 0.48029 0.59422 0.05959 0.15985 0.35791 0.27894 0.36506 0.1505 0.17303 0.78103 0.53426 0.29341 0.68912 0.667 0.01405 0.38027 0.04378 0.57803 0.16807 0.73046 0.00234 0.44338 0.00945 0.93344 0.58526 0.81031 0.76702 0.84266 0.38606 0.30031 0.17846 0.19486 0.37906 0.72556 0.76184 0.28422 0.12942 0.87541 0.65442 0.61758 0.05187 0.89913 0.98885 0.07219 0.28115 0.67707 0.82307 0.27513 0.02681 0.501 0.94268 0.631 0.595 0.06362 0.60174 0.39006 0.78521 0.08098 0.92815 0.76355 0.34615 0.31985 0.66392 0.34868 0.25625 0.59596 0.28851 0.0105 0.79534 0.02419 0.59327 0.08743 0.8469 0.42218 0.105 0.82653 0.46243 0.8477 0.94873 0.00035 0.75493 0.8393 0.32308 0.94392 0.5488 0.72283 0.73088 0.24404 0.10346 0.68651 0.51509 0.72375 0.93261 0.9978 0.86495 0.48938 0.53247 0.59063 0.10332 0.56635 0.02149 0.5199 0.62795 0.12639 0.03295 0.76013 0.57402 0.96937 0.96348 0.57339 0.3981 0.72212 0.54584 0.04443
+0.68078 0.55487 0.45891 0.91489 0.00805 0.08811 0.89154 0.17961 0.11021 0.23802 0.03037 0.49474 0.29871 0.88914 0.35063 0.72379 0.27883 0.09623 0.0346 0.76928 0.42665 0.77529 0.1797 0.30285 0.29073 0.08654 0.77825 0.04978 0.61934 0.7081 0.84293 0.53594 0.44398 0.16695 0.47368 0.84209 0.15055 0.40431 0.48201 0.34975 0.09569 0.60663 0.10172 0.46911 0.07178 0.60641 0.55854 0.36827 0.61822 0.36319 0.05366 0.72582 0.33307 0.59152 0.14888 0.55509 0.86409 0.64679 0.23785 0.33545 0.37842 0.81495 0.50249 0.01606 0.94054 0.56387 0.26333 0.37426 0.92453 0.83594 0.21304 0.08051 0.29095 0.40834 0.13113 0.60415 0.46223 0.78044 0.93537 0.86421 0.02455 0.93171 0.84717 0.23278 0.69957 0.54635 0.09048 0.02333 0.03082 0.55097 0.57643 0.76143 0.6895 0.70197 0.70514 0.76628 0.06005 0.41809 0.80597 0.58685 0.11013 0.63478 0.87227 0.44721 0.89806 0.87041 0.36498 0.99033 0.28277 0.68628 0.885 0.97253 0.62992 0.90811 0.55739 0.92212 0.27294 0.0336 0.41111 0.92621 0.55025 0.526 0.36242 0.11677 0.34705 0.72677 0.00341 0.44471 0.74429 0.27537 0.43857 0.78367 0.87799 0.54432 0.00147 0.68116 0.53162 0.84137 0.38095 0.45282 0.15687 0.10874 0.27913 0.82655 0.36214 0.62273 0.34905 0.05218 0.64292 0.03199 0.08544 0.22012 0.73528 0.8528 0.54748 0.2397 0.53169 0.8932 0.5365 0.85178 0.97926 0.45265 0.07341 0.11809 0.09387 0.30179 0.34892 0.24961 0.57589 0.38535 0.01852 0.41068 0.12823 0.16386 0.83836 0.41933 0.31852 0.3407 0.20038 0.31765 0.39806 0.56255 0.92143 0.25977 0.36643 0.15192 0.76176 0.52998 0.04642 0.39116 0.12783 0.55842 0.31117 0.84906 0.33106 0.5444 0.68015 0.73956 0.73252 0.57694 0.01658 0.40536 0.55698 0.45435 0.21107 0.47827 0.50113 0.19466 0.19776 0.838 0.21147 0.46528 0.49527 0.51013 0.23843 0.44031 0.9828 0.62334 0.69537 0.72474 0.09643 0.43993 0.22491 0.28466 0.90425 0.14657 0.64662 0.45377 0.34531 0.34024 0.03331 0.58761 0.02984 0.84714 0.00877 0.98166 0.38131 0.12189 0.89724 0.51049 0.49704 0.91276 0.70168 0.70691 0.05916 0.01941 0.87627 0.80505 0.90239 0.78793 0.6383 0.85649 0.70488 0.78844 0.61741 0.15116 0.7857 0.20559 0.45307 0.69044 0.44156 0.93613 0.84002 0.81303 0.37623 0.68022 0.68538 0.20155 0.02505 0.34935 0.11275 0.65769 0.61547 0.0701 0.88043 0.10579 0.32922 0.28588 0.89187 0.87532 0.71184 0.52276 0.09655 0.50418 0.7256 0.66553 0.80318 0.73505 0.43647 0.02257 0.38048 0.93123 0.58942 0.44824 0.51874 0.30223 0.09988 0.88417 0.98734 0.12247 0.30573 0.38252 0.29533 0.64335 0.40658 0.39426 0.5329 0.31198 0.24744 0.64124 0.69107 0.32842 0.23314 0.20671 0.74337 0.33455 0.89646 0.95829 0.01301 0.09768 0.7919 0.80821 0.99483 0.23713 0.04523 0.33988 0.73186 0.75789 0.71284 0.92284 0.68931 0.69569 0.49561 0.79114 0.00602 0.99044 0.35591 0.24672 0.58228 0.41881 0.15271 0.08725 0.65751 0.04019 0.02082 0.36714 0.58964 0.53888 0.57963 0.56423 0.68765 0.95275 0.40245 0.01383 0.41582 0.07406 0.11535 0.34208 0.49619 0.9422 0.61 0.37625 0.85449 0.18532 0.55154 0.33412 0.87964 0.87087 0.09112 0.51707 0.09418 0.56807 0.30121 0.23192 0.76147 0.85114 0.17685 0.48461 0.71101 0.06652 0.25098 0.66962 0.70281 0.84302 0.71493 0.62402 0.90636 0.22597 0.00306 0.18464 0.50907 0.17404 0.99849 0.57606 0.75672 0.45689 0.61918 0.82928 0.68913 0.57394 0.38284 0.23054 0.39388 0.89419 0.47922 0.99926 0.50482 0.94432 0.58078 0.59978 0.08907 0.76299 0.49753 0.31302 0.70537 0.2131 0.05765 0.13625 0.75175 0.98083 0.7742 0.086 0.17668 0.06734 0.14456 0.24823 0.20665 0.1274 0.97442 0.8385 0.43099 0.91523 0.94411 0.79551 0.61092 0.64126 0.15347 0.74577 0.54297 0.369 0.30526 0.88061 0.8136 0.98019 0.51273 0.27734 0.30498 0.39904 0.0825 0.13156 0.25541 0.437 0.7553 0.22237 0.46177 0.62058 0.33132 0.77556 0.59898 0.08686 0.98319 0.36932 0.32837 0.11564 0.81641 0.82461 0.1104 0.22692 0.69707 0.81713 0.84351 0.25762 0.8994 0.52874 0.74644 0.68974 0.03886 0.17742 0.00096 0.99289 0.78694 0.82255 0.52469 0.35779 0.02076 0.8497 0.80528 0.19342 0.5998 0.91789 0.15068 0.79418 0.74602 0.35989 0.87471 0.71669 0.05428 0.136 0.27173 0.07905 0.04415 0.23803 0.92823 0.99787 0.59724 0.49564 0.06068 0.06623 0.29813 0.60953 0.24624 0.12589
+0.75742 0.99054 0.4525 0.20666 0.05376 0.42737 0.08153 0.14715 0.77659 0.0567 0.43214 0.15898 0.65538 0.44607 0.56895 0.26874 0.85208 0.99998 0.39764 0.8342 0.20695 0.295 0.16647 0.44358 0.13436 0.93122 0.6293 0.86076 0.52915 0.28697 0.42199 0.25631 0.71891 0.7275 0.63984 0.59433 0.41867 0.18876 0.70792 0.25719 0.90711 0.02887 0.95535 0.35757 0.07151 0.49338 0.32564 0.16541 0.646 0.89064 0.83865 0.82346 0.47159 0.95436 0.37389 0.99118 0.04987 0.2628 0.85765 0.20122 0.5808 0.11825 0.4272 0.78214 0.75231 0.05112 0.49263 0.1481 0.92656 0.26779 0.86171 0.81217 0.04856 0.27996 0.10906 0.95656 0.60902 0.08704 0.88496 0.45772 0.27574 0.40699 0.54018 0.62297 0.85445 0.66923 0.9997 0.16974 0.04988 0.33535 0.87053 0.67985 0.65961 0.67913 0.82632 0.04728 0.49571 0.42706 0.83773 0.66526 0.26297 0.27099 0.84708 0.90955 0.83604 0.30264 0.39489 0.39138 0.79716 0.63794 0.49912 0.43695 0.98433 0.02536 0.67746 0.91193 0.69376 0.07375 0.22821 0.73886 0.23903 0.49806 0.34339 0.06141 0.558 0.94741 0.29386 0.58566 0.15394 0.14726 0.05117 0.45921 0.42896 0.4395 0.38922 0.76799 0.93962 0.13353 0.71581 0.49936 0.89369 0.62944 0.20143 0.98405 0.42742 0.84571 0.89297 0.50103 0.63683 0.29774 0.45954 0.00198 0.03965 0.00198 0.03116 0.59399 0.38057 0.75845 0.87176 0.84201 0.49564 0.05269 0.51783 0.27048 0.86555 0.37689 0.83164 0.61349 0.31085 0.24736 0.14037 0.97651 0.92177 0.79237 0.47235 0.63767 0.44071 0.73769 0.61613 0.90134 0.09174 0.47017 0.58608 0.91664 0.7026 0.67779 0.18832 0.11271 0.85108 0.66912 0.95359 0.90445 0.17023 0.86738 0.3489 0.1057 0.44665 0.77732 0.11218 0.09668 0.42774 0.89433 0.12766 0.72167 0.92306 0.53094 0.10999 0.9478 0.75884 0.69139 0.51198 0.81377 0.01275 0.99064 0.50354 0.51828 0.68232 0.24518 0.08326 0.97191 0.92278 0.45085 0.33949 0.10799 0.2905 0.02276 0.89174 0.42952 0.89575 0.01905 0.63459 0.34078 0.7344 0.09918 0.71836 0.21059 0.76226 0.61774 0.91226 0.24269 0.28391 0.47133 0.54931 0.85427 0.58026 0.37905 0.05086 0.81534 0.98893 0.41332 0.10376 0.78141 0.07514 0.31063 0.76814 0.79451 0.59657 0.46373 0.08097 0.22603 0.5098 0.23431 0.8611 0.9819 0.39292 0.63366 0.57287 0.01123 0.69462 0.05816 0.78615 0.236 0.97158 0.59377 0.27699 0.52155 0.42033 0.10859 0.09827 0.33992 0.07782 0.42997 0.80532 0.26861 0.94226 0.43416 0.87358 0.72644 0.33148 0.94182 0.3675 0.70521 0.2933 0.98536 0.90157 0.45072 0.66166 0.07425 0.23749 0.8789 0.00272 0.50836 0.04731 0.16516 0.44944 0.49786 0.47346 0.01273 0.45486 0.89462 0.92469 0.38146 0.31726 0.40424 0.50565 0.9571 0.81644 0.9983 0.88484 0.60662 0.09843 0.38899 0.48438 0.30362 0.54376 0.27498 0.69886 0.26863 0.331 0.58621 0.39636 0.83949 0.82109 0.47167 0.38034 0.8222 0.16483 0.02951 0.55374 0.76634 0.01257 0.3427 0.91729 0.02324 0.24735 0.00369 0.74739 0.11823 0.84257 0.75954 0.39178 0.62033 0.81105 0.62547 0.96324 0.17408 0.27677 0.28279 0.13437 0.03469 0.7411 0.87984 0.0003 0.31493 0.66736 0.18025 0.42938 0.90543 0.4366 0.14026 0.80545 0.87652 0.29977 0.65781 0.54723 0.15516 0.52089 0.31522 0.73393 0.43791 0.53257 0.9408 0.07727 0.63871 0.18728 0.72002 0.75455 0.24471 0.75445 0.26134 0.84755 0.96992 0.7956 0.65353 0.42833 0.67741 0.59311 0.19829 0.04416 0.50818 0.36211 0.3795 0.62438 0.23301 0.34866 0.8843 0.67986 0.71139 0.76114 0.21677 0.58538 0.46319 0.87803 0.27472 0.79354 0.06498 0.23228 0.85216 0.15194 0.97224 0.86908 0.39684 0.85225 0.70227 0.79827 0.28721 0.64051 0.26822 0.7515 0.50834 0.32569 0.43789 0.89123 0.19014 0.36106 0.71165 0.51688 0.59756 0.39826 0.66904 0.26298 0.32897 0.58391 0.45464 0.48803 0.84169 0.27948 0.80798 0.84967 0.09513 0.21839 0.77532 0.06393 0.86928 0.37617 0.29616 0.24301 0.08233 0.86821 0.5402 0.53188 0.77192 0.07164 0.34881 0.99618 0.60436 0.29403 0.72235 0.08768 0.18607 0.83682 0.64281 0.37122 0.15565 0.52205 0.59276 0.82449 0.81267 0.60358 0.107 0.10902 0.60881 0.07899 0.93812 0.99539 0.03762 0.07282 0.61968 0.19335 0.35793 0.86325 0.75193 0.72293 0.7744 0.59092 0.90436 0.99124 0.6074 0.2456 0.51133 0.32875 0.2444 0.18665 0.15359 0.03323 0.62015 0.79844 0.60592 0.59518 0.75544 0.11988 0.84847
+0.64861 0.10927 0.94905 0.1762 0.16538 0.45866 0.55284 0.2197 0.66674 0.02945 0.82863 0.64566 0.38682 0.87511 0.33065 0.77178 0.23944 0.63839 0.35205 0.65283 0.54128 0.88795 0.37663 0.58649 0.20355 0.58292 0.59487 0.34904 0.09395 0.77749 0.60126 0.98982 0.43291 0.83791 0.40996 0.76101 0.22742 0.08918 0.63873 0.45324 0.48748 0.36079 0.03286 0.42149 0.47867 0.52661 0.50928 0.28962 0.29789 0.62475 0.23318 0.32004 0.74903 0.51779 0.74541 0.25043 0.79404 0.41876 0.28871 0.31021 0.54366 0.43695 0.65617 0.46039 0.80438 0.82038 0.43339 0.39331 0.51648 0.77763 0.62139 0.50447 0.72576 0.92394 0.44782 0.88303 0.79032 0.11141 0.62903 0.19011 0.44431 0.76604 0.74113 0.02326 0.76181 0.07641 0.02127 0.56802 0.31192 0.33826 0.02432 0.35044 0.9113 0.19042 0.06268 0.43963 0.31905 0.69449 0.12296 0.85735 0.5112 0.20302 0.40194 0.1747 0.96375 0.94988 0.4647 0.69313 0.59952 0.52404 0.9005 0.02625 0.79006 0.97984 0.79872 0.97409 0.481 0.11854 0.35675 0.81373 0.56846 0.53995 0.87286 0.40699 0.95227 0.58541 0.50727 0.68066 0.54443 0.61368 0.5341 0.14539 0.77961 0.18313 0.80156 0.3463 0.64127 0.38968 0.95581 0.22297 0.21979 0.50502 0.35086 0.72962 0.56071 0.69372 0.43274 0.54643 0.57548 0.49247 0.46343 0.20955 0.54198 0.71105 0.61578 0.66232 0.3535 0.23258 0.84173 0.90846 0.76173 0.63681 0.10977 0.59647 0.28686 0.9683 0.04913 0.19316 0.82258 0.10007 0.2276 0.61953 0.18798 0.56806 0.34364 0.90262 0.31071 0.34856 0.64954 0.30693 0.56243 0.45294 0.25776 0.83443 0.957 0.56912 0.59936 0.14646 0.22712 0.90509 0.22833 0.46414 0.83585 0.31764 0.77918 0.26399 0.19024 0.43192 0.54515 0.78604 0.67741 0.45079 0.55555 0.36265 0.30951 0.09955 0.94137 0.54117 0.55506 0.71547 0.09485 0.99775 0.36714 0.13874 0.4103 0.77301 0.3564 0.53756 0.33643 0.56158 0.54881 0.97992 0.48683 0.64589 0.83993 0.91282 0.71365 0.33862 0.35085 0.59034 0.14048 0.44036 0.41211 0.54937 0.83313 0.67743 0.68432 0.70329 0.72212 0.41768 0.91039 0.30321 0.98475 0.43015 0.67447 0.61969 0.55555 0.95165 0.65193 0.14489 0.57469 0.02845 0.63983 0.13145 0.46708 0.09646 0.93045 0.7141 0.5179 0.295 0.05171 0.59732 0.4255 0.58258 0.50826 0.60147 0.47115 0.27496 0.49112 0.78632 0.77818 0.51229 0.16749 0.63452 0.45458 0.26465 0.96904 0.34555 0.68545 0.08737 0.95105 0.43615 0.25215 0.16055 0.25354 0.13672 0.72801 0.73082 0.35603 0.79694 0.57921 0.3492 0.62773 0.17817 0.4667 0.17071 0.20565 0.42589 0.95168 0.2829 0.75113 0.10605 0.9841 0.45791 0.18615 0.26877 0.06085 0.96742 0.19817 0.6791 0.59022 0.52971 0.70393 0.54339 0.4441 0.31523 0.20308 0.51945 0.65876 0.01806 0.3145 0.72391 0.23922 0.28457 0.00286 0.68451 0.58791 0.84801 0.68916 0.15202 0.29945 0.31353 0.30442 0.40623 0.5383 0.21307 0.91776 0.79222 0.76975 0.36904 0.64117 0.58575 0.95655 0.57964 0.30891 0.46419 0.52123 0.82621 0.73625 0.2099 0.70488 0.7681 0.9095 0.68467 0.78505 0.16345 0.88807 0.28904 0.94562 0.45317 0.76147 0.2322 0.90259 0.48192 0.71654 0.46302 0.29281 0.71771 0.66514 0.3785 0.78888 0.49086 0.99062 0.78135 0.16547 0.36407 0.29659 0.49707 0.10093 0.2428 0.80509 0.92161 0.80791 0.98065 0.33545 0.50378 0.38284 0.65178 0.06249 0.64813 0.98627 0.16117 0.88608 0.34618 0.36295 0.72692 0.52917 0.53142 0.13525 0.05328 0.63513 0.95401 0.27904 0.59358 0.45105 0.63615 0.26505 0.08727 0.7823 0.79729 0.60101 0.39728 0.85504 0.49777 0.36717 0.6825 0.22011 0.21415 0.50033 0.19044 0.38739 0.80217 0.58313 0.7868 0.5913 0.67646 0.5776 0.19462 0.25631 0.70397 0.60674 0.80305 0.66511 0.46841 0.54563 0.68447 0.71214 0.39279 0.07892 0.76676 0.05512 0.64077 0.79141 0.02247 0.8826 0.92687 0.55679 0.39678 0.49306 0.6981 0.80619 0.38431 0.11044 0.94545 0.02274 0.43659 0.09807 0.86267 0.72819 0.73205 0.61525 0.33726 0.62416 0.6259 0.69081 0.73698 0.31313 0.33915 0.23854 0.58492 0.91639 0.84994 0.30692 0.9926 0.33046 0.74145 0.85578 0.58995 0.67016 0.51442 0.45061 0.64298 0.67644 0.53891 0.62231 0.96516 0.46506 0.26518 0.06977 0.31655 0.91866 0.07268 0.07696 0.12142 0.07466 0.86885 0.2004 0.4141 0.2049 0.85268 0.92246 0.11788 0.68733 0.21063 0.42149 0.33929 0.91941 0.69082 0.91198 0.94699 0.09457 0.70125
+0.83203 0.05555 0.98936 0.05049 0.81238 0.68037 0.81641 0.24861 0.32371 0.94562 0.29901 0.08776 0.41081 0.14328 0.60499 0.2811 0.71875 0.17674 0.76582 0.56387 0.64055 0.74491 0.83138 0.62068 0.58558 0.25509 0.65316 0.47383 0.41151 0.9409 0.24899 0.79091 0.98372 0.6739 0.23376 0.62666 0.1171 0.31022 0.14627 0.79398 0.24986 0.75208 0.40311 0.8285 0.34662 0.32705 0.15148 0.231 0.81171 0.67271 0.63932 0.39525 0.919 0.38946 0.97096 0.9471 0.26598 0.71349 0.30312 0.88445 0.74971 0.72688 0.28985 0.98456 0.88073 0.5381 0.14582 0.65894 0.53251 0.96362 0.53819 0.27734 0.36865 0.09733 0.45665 0.1689 0.73028 0.1036 0.17021 0.04762 0.48534 0.74799 0.04923 0.11406 0.26432 0.03163 0.70396 0.53912 0.65796 0.99687 0.42766 0.05006 0.16383 0.5241 0.18901 0.26837 0.90119 0.27173 0.95001 0.84586 0.30903 0.65612 0.93484 0.02161 0.86899 0.89025 0.12729 0.28023 0.39468 0.38614 0.76048 0.4489 0.55144 0.48955 0.96165 0.99495 0.94591 0.02951 0.50835 0.56464 0.3373 0.51651 0.56937 0.52026 0.43932 0.52017 0.99673 0.59292 0.50994 0.73079 0.75515 0.46487 0.23467 0.26382 0.82583 0.00872 0.696 0.85784 0.44759 0.77331 0.14291 0.84532 0.97054 0.91791 0.53181 0.24526 0.16535 0.82719 0.69247 0.78401 0.95258 0.18379 0.56307 0.76799 0.09385 0.16361 0.52359 0.6525 0.97342 0.45838 0.77294 0.32042 0.29651 0.36986 0.89287 0.07283 0.99989 0.22821 0.78379 0.23694 0.53824 0.40595 0.71577 0.8424 0.20952 0.4398 0.0314 0.95968 0.84233 0.07999 0.16994 0.59146 0.01205 0.65637 0.03543 0.5376 0.6641 0.06566 0.28046 0.43808 0.38631 0.2538 0.1635 0.04717 0.09377 0.24385 0.92336 0.24074 0.01226 0.02344 0.34577 0.16481 0.57787 0.71787 0.87314 0.92057 0.39551 0.95695 0.54802 0.30777 0.73266 0.14819 0.38251 0.5408 0.34455 0.54566 0.01958 0.19854 0.26543 0.54895 0.17881 0.57125 0.4487 0.50903 0.04998 0.7146 0.44032 0.78415 0.72743 0.48751 0.87578 0.52024 0.86642 0.51175 0.51613 0.12714 0.80286 0.41032 0.3548 0.24974 0.19883 0.54503 0.68015 0.34776 0.60118 0.63771 0.30372 0.8535 0.81823 0.35966 0.69406 0.80392 0.51877 0.7395 0.7159 0.67232 0.40062 0.4036 0.87615 0.3931 0.83418 0.82265 0.60704 0.18741 0.65108 0.5982 0.69208 0.99304 0.51352 0.47431 0.38189 0.69487 0.05358 0.62345 0.72081 0.07942 0.0601 0.1147 0.82707 0.01943 0.40415 0.63274 0.31153 0.80696 0.40305 0.0836 0.96619 0.49189 0.06663 0.11292 0.24912 0.19471 0.60282 0.59582 0.11412 0.68925 0.08519 0.62646 0.12911 0.75006 0.92763 0.19271 0.3159 0.73917 0.86689 0.69686 0.70756 0.33141 0.2113 0.42085 0.70619 0.20154 0.68413 0.02732 0.36927 0.17738 0.08206 0.36525 0.18407 0.94833 0.74036 0.36944 0.75463 0.61298 0.46346 0.4295 0.58582 0.10343 0.5503 0.21959 0.68751 0.59901 0.07989 0.87334 0.02061 0.16942 0.06906 0.22824 0.43745 0.21217 0.55217 0.31375 0.74627 0.04853 0.00207 0.43901 0.4608 0.53982 0.48291 0.51993 0.79253 0.2082 0.06453 0.77638 0.1961 0.1627 0.3136 0.87531 0.10609 0.03475 0.38325 0.8662 0.36576 0.68879 0.86732 0.17847 0.86107 0.46633 0.45853 0.94825 0.5637 0.21933 0.52235 0.2509 0.80957 0.00393 0.21004 0.49602 0.99139 0.39105 0.37415 0.37691 0.66998 0.93471 0.40229 0.94236 0.58395 0.2644 0.69645 0.53454 0.71933 0.66532 0.80237 0.05417 0.72487 0.47825 0.87858 0.35582 0.39208 0.2917 0.70089 0.25149 0.333 0.67319 0.2256 0.90359 0.61276 0.90097 0.05586 0.84083 0.11582 0.80016 0.03342 0.54535 0.70201 0.70307 0.03215 0.14915 0.96508 0.80236 0.82545 0.18572 0.66088 0.74454 0.74664 0.03284 0.05047 0.91439 0.72163 0.68221 0.71491 0.53056 0.17078 0.39186 0.53232 0.64204 0.03349 0.76503 0.08553 0.7093 0.20109 0.01663 0.16436 0.1252 0.04923 0.04553 0.22848 0.72942 0.59436 0.30731 0.62553 0.38977 0.79051 0.07389 0.75854 0.28316 0.29523 0.02679 0.78987 0.45385 0.48452 0.58879 0.61167 0.81795 0.48872 0.28991 0.82669 0.3237 0.02871 0.05973 0.07877 0.6193 0.93605 0.30126 0.09204 0.92273 0.70402 0.12289 0.64315 0.09394 0.50892 0.21834 0.96892 0.47334 0.68379 0.79891 0.21844 0.76194 0.0497 0.59473 0.87884 0.16347 0.96636 0.94305 0.30439 0.08424 0.62425 0.33251 0.47474 0.32143 0.09433 0.56514 0.72047 0.12796 0.57 0.13311 0.88107 0.09307 0.10274 0.75988 0.77405 0.06396
+0.36384 0.06636 0.8196 0.1434 0.13447 0.82501 0.24466 0.43728 0.74026 0.5486 0.26033 0.79098 0.88819 0.43489 0.88365 0.84496 0.0669 0.94564 0.73844 0.67861 0.04811 0.49463 0.9366 0.54503 0.30587 0.29437 0.95718 0.18137 0.352 0.75432 0.8909 0.64345 0.14665 0.5865 0.44218 0.48043 0.15408 0.1772 0.16076 0.31941 0.17197 0.2093 0.02006 0.34699 0.03921 0.96201 0.36196 0.44096 0.70734 0.81949 0.07713 0.33421 0.41971 0.12951 0.60781 0.04813 0.83381 0.7735 0.43402 0.21311 0.22883 0.19419 0.51847 0.96364 0.43956 0.98292 0.57428 0.31865 0.63352 0.93729 0.77521 0.19154 0.76133 0.81481 0.42567 0.68893 0.87348 0.27996 0.43991 0.20962 0.71172 0.37516 0.76038 0.81791 0.20491 0.44819 0.0459 0.76705 0.1247 0.88619 0.32681 0.61955 0.25845 0.79847 0.2586 0.10094 0.14808 0.54637 0.01503 0.68948 0.20592 0.21634 0.88171 0.83333 0.37378 0.85593 0.96268 0.77659 0.33686 0.0822 0.38631 0.88136 0.76621 0.003 0.94709 0.1441 0.7157 0.25665 0.76164 0.12918 0.23715 0.53889 0.45167 0.92907 0.2471 0.02869 0.92913 0.70824 0.26796 0.92248 0.04211 0.32016 0.63172 0.16835 0.67439 0.89043 0.69718 0.4243 0.77278 0.84942 0.24061 0.63737 0.3218 0.73448 0.3534 0.13032 0.87942 0.2254 0.40989 0.78839 0.28812 0.88554 0.15132 0.47716 0.84767 0.04643 0.84144 0.73781 0.85113 0.01291 0.52494 0.34968 0.97859 0.77122 0.31512 0.8231 0.90024 0.2115 0.264 0.18339 0.08723 0.73699 0.32631 0.25551 0.60209 0.6787 0.65365 0.72621 0.82316 0.14308 0.99625 0.72784 0.99474 0.60606 0.64541 0.15637 0.21308 0.60975 0.64897 0.4075 0.69397 0.81983 0.66373 0.75744 0.09009 0.47893 0.49804 0.25692 0.29809 0.92703 0.48328 0.25191 0.3602 0.69237 0.918 0.03078 0.56504 0.17157 0.787 0.63295 0.44275 0.33326 0.7061 0.95867 0.03755 0.66318 0.89644 0.19708 0.03461 0.0145 0.35628 0.97016 0.35785 0.04593 0.61829 0.30867 0.6156 0.91634 0.92437 0.04457 0.01064 0.89903 0.72034 0.68775 0.88822 0.72838 0.51137 0.32461 0.0632 0.33942 0.60305 0.77239 0.32728 0.94237 0.21892 0.89677 0.94311 0.6026 0.81509 0.38046 0.85952 0.44507 0.98611 0.35656 0.81402 0.68848 0.16053 0.50738 0.08633 0.1284 0.0408 0.32765 0.12886 0.45582 0.35339 0.03338 0.11201 0.54061 0.33862 0.56716 0.19333 0.51636 0.42858 0.17835 0.46489 0.5305 0.73279 0.7746 0.68431 0.27837 0.87628 0.2071 0.65726 0.63336 0.43543 0.60715 0.92237 0.43822 0.92285 0.02374 0.58688 0.87127 0.04599 0.34282 0.22407 0.80163 0.69876 0.16539 0.22357 0.93353 0.2526 0.84216 0.85112 0.10945 0.50022 0.65976 0.31914 0.87862 0.43711 0.20776 0.43648 0.31922 0.23416 0.98586 0.34851 0.07254 0.99979 0.50032 0.52222 0.20362 0.40571 0.18008 0.89283 0.35063 0.17854 0.1838 0.95666 0.34826 0.13421 0.02032 0.27635 0.21881 0.20608 0.54623 0.6113 0.25093 0.94675 0.44021 0.02496 0.81686 0.85319 0.02855 0.12995 0.25563 0.5732 0.21511 0.93106 0.68486 0.43712 0.24736 0.71566 0.54517 0.3503 0.90877 0.52073 0.19804 0.66285 0.25674 0.18018 0.6579 0.40205 0.16351 0.80198 0.8526 0.61292 0.60383 0.65277 0.9681 0.45486 0.74334 0.59859 0.76133 0.03818 0.0093 0.70533 0.40593 0.23081 0.89895 0.66982 0.0495 0.95323 0.71192 0.05649 0.69001 0.65329 0.56738 0.91987 0.9257 0.45144 0.51451 0.09146 0.58186 0.91889 0.9758 0.48223 0.35816 0.03262 0.21304 0.47841 0.15454 0.85828 0.28601 0.59636 0.81967 0.85017 0.85701 0.0077 0.4492 0.48688 0.14846 0.14988 0.06985 0.77705 0.28315 0.25422 0.78884 0.64052 0.42941 0.19975 0.55167 0.05323 0.7958 0.66526 0.792 0.78051 0.87475 0.01556 0.49493 0.72136 0.99576 0.52853 0.34667 0.63628 0.34033 0.7277 0.52911 0.39542 0.49769 0.91072 0.18347 0.50616 0.20799 0.92597 0.67686 0.70553 0.15718 0.88187 0.29288 0.92543 0.40469 0.11618 0.68938 0.56293 0.77142 0.65762 0.96379 0.81709 0.51773 0.75055 0.5986 0.26885 0.87151 0.25388 0.20129 0.47466 0.54751 0.11737 0.79466 0.25798 0.61462 0.72813 0.08703 0.46133 0.73902 0.45873 0.06713 0.91965 0.15629 0.20491 0.57019 0.36555 0.66394 0.20354 0.95118 0.66594 0.25522 0.22668 0.63949 0.38806 0.95999 0.8538 0.35524 0.75165 0.27444 0.24459 0.11042 0.5899 0.20114 0.53127 0.19752 0.57301 0.05926 0.70797 0.77264 0.13526 0.52936 0.90746 0.62652 0.33065 0.77396 0.01582 0.40316
+0.34254 0.45199 0.15272 0.69713 0.32373 0.79306 0.47196 0.55918 0.90713 0.67317 0.67708 0.52173 0.90894 0.81486 0.6652 0.68582 0.06129 0.73269 0.07991 0.29426 0.65859 0.02202 0.7365 0.76331 0.8795 0.76574 0.63775 0.43078 0.86656 0.48341 0.9255 0.19757 0.77835 0.30686 0.71519 0.22669 0.07766 0.51599 0.87804 0.31726 0.19521 0.84527 0.75007 0.51394 0.78821 0.19347 0.89708 0.79284 0.79432 0.50634 0.77691 0.05281 0.77768 0.79 0.69666 0.52275 0.24018 0.06956 0.56993 0.58156 0.52131 0.17222 0.50854 0.42899 0.76569 0.74773 0.96046 0.39432 0.19274 0.16832 0.30099 0.80137 0.87012 0.03384 0.90906 0.14836 0.53205 0.98324 0.79904 0.99416 0.28239 0.12995 0.15109 0.77595 0.08922 0.38849 0.39904 0.13412 0.10622 0.93495 0.24665 0.25728 0.66674 0.90042 0.83922 0.89621 0.57717 0.15517 0.68646 0.44805 0.07445 0.05093 0.0547 0.69329 0.4988 0.55331 0.57499 0.17959 0.23209 0.26531 0.66981 0.26879 0.12342 0.58939 0.82861 0.57513 0.13352 0.80273 0.55106 0.70655 0.56591 0.7974 0.97435 0.14712 0.30226 0.73072 0.95464 0.07975 0.76403 0.35338 0.10423 0.36331 0.46586 0.21938 0.28897 0.4397 0.80891 0.88342 0.82574 0.63011 0.04596 0.28365 0.09384 0.98729 0.00817 0.14335 0.47914 0.26589 0.81971 0.99201 0.3698 0.88092 0.79518 0.33774 0.51282 0.1406 0.80792 0.62921 0.11402 0.17075 0.74977 0.20717 0.25747 0.66551 0.6034 0.49244 0.65822 0.44999 0.11926 0.62977 0.77805 0.5931 0.70534 0.75705 0.23703 0.85426 0.41528 0.78861 0.77266 0.5752 0.46011 0.61785 0.58157 0.16051 0.98271 0.71258 0.72366 0.40698 0.41252 0.97525 0.80081 0.35347 0.17408 0.41229 0.88427 0.14736 0.7457 0.45581 0.41347 0.70031 0.87011 0.50237 0.22328 0.6095 0.32914 0.28942 0.55161 0.69914 0.81467 0.75411 0.40139 0.11199 0.20471 0.63156 0.35498 0.75187 0.95294 0.27204 0.25753 0.03609 0.71198 0.65498 0.606 0.25498 0.7515 0.798 0.73187 0.05006 0.19227 0.70888 0.47393 0.70158 0.19965 0.677 0.69831 0.97423 0.31369 0.30524 0.57467 0.95806 0.49753 0.03879 0.51467 0.47373 0.7243 0.04487 0.86045 0.63512 0.01071 0.84073 0.87647 0.44871 0.6557 0.27942 0.308 0.83701 0.80457 0.81365 0.87393 0.33539 0.49664 0.73254 0.24735 0.69576 0.43287 0.68062 0.21876 0.4889 0.29049 0.00207 0.52028 0.46628 0.45377 0.25091 0.69537 0.99786 0.15118 0.50438 0.16743 0.3329 0.95993 0.88022 0.06945 0.83125 0.50798 0.91924 0.82206 0.97409 0.35499 0.29574 0.88569 0.05092 0.17813 0.0644 0.99477 0.76717 0.34364 0.27172 0.36335 0.95124 0.70374 0.92394 0.73943 0.5959 0.27703 0.20389 0.61756 0.89311 0.37339 0.27951 0.00808 0.78047 0.58671 0.74304 0.66335 0.84877 0.07528 0.34018 0.48274 0.89387 0.76744 0.62994 0.10239 0.57154 0.88446 0.1639 0.42755 0.72565 0.01222 0.2286 0.57223 0.72344 0.0618 0.05964 0.74313 0.22763 0.88186 0.16239 0.60552 0.22429 0.81446 0.58639 0.36714 0.9961 0.98298 0.10499 0.14538 0.64746 0.68134 0.39193 0.62349 0.62723 0.56643 0.59805 0.67595 0.22849 0.71868 0.55598 0.46631 0.17029 0.53452 0.7678 0.21646 0.82516 0.21116 0.01569 0.20983 0.93754 0.43387 0.77027 0.53912 0.85109 0.63845 0.5989 0.62993 0.71381 0.28354 0.33199 0.99649 0.21406 0.11489 0.45946 0.27089 0.19313 0.4735 0.90165 0.59798 0.14737 0.48135 0.76009 0.67375 0.31964 0.25389 0.4468 0.89424 0.66598 0.30469 0.67539 0.34563 0.41784 0.0626 0.1608 0.77167 0.74184 0.61155 0.13035 0.25792 0.07202 0.10921 0.52727 0.91859 0.17562 0.82492 0.43792 0.34578 0.95086 0.97683 0.87586 0.21981 0.06772 0.63351 0.51762 0.32909 0.03706 0.31645 0.13443 0.88386 0.94706 0.71467 0.77485 0.62036 0.84921 0.12776 0.18219 0.63476 0.50471 0.67196 0.35322 0.83249 0.22039 0.04334 0.18672 0.31272 0.85525 0.36561 0.96406 0.37893 0.03663 0.54798 0.00826 0.83555 0.19682 0.74031 0.87678 0.2629 0.44519 0.42897 0.9472 0.09301 0.54132 0.25885 0.33474 0.21289 0.83216 0.32227 0.03223 0.88317 0.5653 0.61965 0.889 0.27353 0.81949 0.4766 0.90028 0.49855 0.46678 0.62821 0.70781 0.36375 0.48135 0.34921 0.83846 0.17456 0.57479 0.00253 0.51704 0.22689 0.52513 0.14427 0.88361 0.68576 0.84376 0.99333 0.1036 0.15483 0.37576 0.64026 0.65894 0.65547 0.25095 0.32743 0.22441 0.65486 0.13531 0.87044 0.08383 0.83927 0.77377 0.29128 0.91572 0.62917 0.90092
+0.86466 0.53275 0.61746 0.78418 0.71688 0.72377 0.47263 0.4378 0.51612 0.60643 0.70139 0.61671 0.8946 0.53392 0.45121 0.31383 0.81469 0.52115 0.19869 0.53258 0.70293 0.14301 0.92668 0.22117 0.14176 0.08723 0.38651 0.88774 0.59593 0.83906 0.56835 0.66225 0.02774 0.69079 0.72335 0.88974 0.74024 0.2975 0.26472 0.51868 0.22814 0.84064 0.19492 0.66132 0.92861 0.94209 0.81414 0.93366 0.29687 0.07099 0.66295 0.39769 0.05886 0.74988 0.09904 0.22552 0.68895 0.5718 0.50615 0.34081 0.38231 0.77769 0.58064 0.30109 0.93361 0.96311 0.61541 0.06148 0.37451 0.49457 0.7313 0.88832 0.65324 0.61157 0.75491 0.45605 0.56876 0.37731 0.66506 0.0182 0.77274 0.04859 0.80633 0.78764 0.22562 0.61324 0.14854 0.65296 0.11246 0.14126 0.83389 0.56414 0.98008 0.19812 0.41442 0.88223 0.12301 0.28232 0.65193 0.29342 0.5377 0.4952 0.96709 0.81293 0.76022 0.64059 0.14954 0.82856 0.20566 0.69156 0.73554 0.72171 0.86856 0.86492 0.11725 0.55369 0.6463 0.03975 0.67846 0.30257 0.1215 0.95695 0.63817 0.90826 0.76934 0.54335 0.57602 0.36843 0.47208 0.33484 0.81302 0.33385 0.12528 0.96739 0.12356 0.22868 0.11759 0.88207 0.7026 0.83546 0.96331 0.38515 0.45966 0.96378 0.77822 0.84866 0.32376 0.88757 0.33526 0.22547 0.55675 0.58904 0.81488 0.24027 0.76246 0.82083 0.98432 0.6769 0.49607 0.90897 0.64698 0.87515 0.43704 0.70698 0.24425 0.65263 0.21156 0.53313 0.73509 0.41827 0.61446 0.62849 0.0914 0.06259 0.67188 0.38549 0.93692 0.05361 0.98055 0.36536 0.51322 0.6105 0.15734 0.59929 0.29307 0.8732 0.98588 0.33638 0.26576 0.28574 0.09148 0.85316 0.73756 0.99139 0.71069 0.86781 0.78575 0.00562 0.17059 0.62094 0.50152 0.40971 0.60825 0.96287 0.028 0.08817 0.67128 0.13806 0.77709 0.85652 0.51635 0.14421 0.756 0.77854 0.9691 0.1265 0.24588 0.31903 0.27916 0.53977 0.58579 0.98673 0.65932 0.34798 0.17642 0.62229 0.34757 0.88022 0.53386 0.16648 0.82379 0.7139 0.29107 0.29158 0.60543 0.19351 0.07107 0.26838 0.00622 0.65096 0.65411 0.35088 0.28958 0.1148 0.48461 0.24863 0.42597 0.17049 0.53996 0.2322 0.82109 0.35934 0.83976 0.92736 0.85161 0.90271 0.98402 0.76174 0.78228 0.30635 0.79914 0.28714 0.46679 0.24036 0.87742 0.20678 0.84384 0.71523 0.245 0.65235 0.39031 0.95404 0.25421 0.73316 0.70182 0.81651 0.82365 0.8454 0.95938 0.89077 0.12212 0.88681 0.04638 0.26079 0.60139 0.21751 0.35753 0.1514 0.74575 0.59696 0.82482 0.5178 0.01977 0.29835 0.51116 0.21628 0.54311 0.80929 0.19474 0.18047 0.67288 0.86747 0.72562 0.47018 0.541 0.2324 0.83376 0.13585 0.2316 0.38058 0.05843 0.7557 0.50986 0.87594 0.3907 0.5058 0.99934 0.91897 0.07399 0.76266 0.97335 0.24515 0.40607 0.829 0.26906 0.97691 0.60776 0.00785 0.86382 0.93364 0.09968 0.18307 0.60733 0.03505 0.07253 0.8751 0.98484 0.38939 0.99242 0.72282 0.04471 0.18539 0.59177 0.41051 0.42955 0.19017 0.61234 0.0404 0.93039 0.78375 0.10478 0.81954 0.33118 0.33686 0.90161 0.59226 0.85122 0.92995 0.46447 0.08038 0.09699 0.89415 0.71001 0.60948 0.33502 0.39836 0.08747 0.90878 0.56297 0.504 0.90517 0.04876 0.91001 0.72081 0.39503 0.49948 0.90228 0.01431 0.59769 0.50145 0.28144 0.05289 0.50575 0.91898 0.88359 0.11876 0.73355 0.27237 0.85346 0.77646 0.30815 0.47558 0.70415 0.9576 0.05024 0.67972 0.08049 0.28428 0.94615 0.00444 0.61892 0.38234 0.0915 0.95583 0.59695 0.70673 0.30538 0.60341 0.76261 0.90133 0.70129 0.86714 0.36793 0.4915 0.91769 0.47407 0.19291 0.12805 0.77561 0.19603 0.70157 0.10536 0.34679 0.40679 0.14307 0.16634 0.79638 0.46053 0.18266 0.24826 0.89422 0.99944 0.39807 0.83704 0.10013 0.75878 0.45949 0.16361 0.09934 0.90943 0.72421 0.57282 0.32029 0.22589 0.33223 0.17573 0.98666 0.13088 0.51511 0.18515 0.65794 0.90217 0.88807 0.50598 0.01759 0.31546 0.41302 0.73793 0.46083 0.34893 0.97206 0.99889 0.75043 0.78723 0.54602 0.29045 0.9298 0.50217 0.14266 0.93856 0.03319 0.59112 0.2783 0.92319 0.28117 0.84438 0.34182 0.1969 0.46367 0.70658 0.40477 0.7137 0.97872 0.11061 0.62713 0.6954 0.32041 0.26617 0.24417 0.02209 0.13291 0.70553 0.06583 0.53913 0.2174 0.9476 0.97332 0.213 0.15293 0.27752 0.88451 0.64686 0.70174 0.78663 0.19788 0.67313 0.61883 0.86186 0.87308 0.64074 0.6985 0.18692
+0.60912 0.11829 0.21982 0.27534 0.1538 0.27303 0.02551 0.68308 0.10071 0.50003 0.34293 0.48401 0.81937 0.31154 0.69509 0.02398 0.59882 0.08399 0.25699 0.76444 0.89379 0.03176 0.16046 0.9367 0.47818 0.21877 0.24502 0.28024 0.50368 0.13732 0.03726 0.9763 0.9979 0.34507 0.33575 0.54048 0.13994 0.23788 0.20133 0.27117 0.84363 0.5109 0.39079 0.22676 0.51188 0.37044 0.75743 0.10973 0.52591 0.49191 0.92294 0.00031 0.11437 0.66816 0.4876 0.19274 0.31223 0.43609 0.08267 0.77903 0.79095 0.31361 0.91042 0.47081 0.92151 0.99076 0.86761 0.11372 0.76194 0.20061 0.56775 0.25782 0.20923 0.75093 0.29229 0.70651 0.40128 0.74104 0.30609 0.41153 0.18511 0.09914 0.47871 0.32648 0.00071 0.47704 0.35242 0.06067 0.37189 0.77467 0.14467 0.36766 0.66195 0.34421 0.68343 0.3622 0.66405 0.78789 0.62977 0.34835 0.89962 0.53839 0.87752 0.57299 0.21163 0.26653 0.15917 0.56857 0.87456 0.06917 0.32622 0.29837 0.63228 0.59116 0.10003 0.12276 0.39059 0.03329 0.80856 0.03509 0.67378 0.80849 0.43903 0.98759 0.80047 0.6046 0.58069 0.72607 0.02603 0.62441 0.24068 0.18981 0.77954 0.73243 0.50914 0.49598 0.35138 0.79435 0.65762 0.80842 0.15046 0.28789 0.81816 0.38181 0.85288 0.54688 0.78829 0.93332 0.3853 0.95889 0.52086 0.52241 0.20696 0.63825 0.6878 0.79341 0.70114 0.65358 0.37263 0.34747 0.7185 0.30488 0.33681 0.4438 0.74017 0.18131 0.21545 0.53497 0.83027 0.2246 0.43534 0.66218 0.37874 0.99381 0.70853 0.17841 0.75094 0.07593 0.52478 0.24854 0.65324 0.42956 0.18525 0.26214 0.64947 0.33812 0.83021 0.12277 0.15694 0.78512 0.87692 0.60643 0.0995 0.89742 0.56179 0.51142 0.76689 0.80273 0.45728 0.19739 0.83247 0.9567 0.68533 0.49311 0.96269 0.27976 0.22989 0.85356 0.65136 0.04805 0.06963 0.74273 0.22673 0.79508 0.1525 0.41582 0.33986 0.18284 0.07856 0.11095 0.58426 0.63054 0.52801 0.08483 0.88545 0.68476 0.20717 0.57681 0.26352 0.15385 0.95546 0.39434 0.43363 0.41137 0.50769 0.01263 0.64209 0.51142 0.51269 0.74143 0.64137 0.59691 0.23668 0.17368 0.519 0.65709 0.23952 0.11455 0.69922 0.06118 0.71221 0.19011 0.94003 0.14887 0.35916 0.13327 0.26525 0.98356 0.35347 0.39859 0.57751 0.18929 0.09858 0.047 0.84199 0.19291 0.46647 0.25302 0.76901 0.27292 0.59498 0.75043 0.95983 0.23899 0.06203 0.22464 0.71485 0.6978 0.27434 0.10771 0.32133 0.68055 0.08371 0.5027 0.61103 0.24572 0.14691 0.32078 0.317 0.10117 0.51805 0.7581 0.53678 0.23197 0.29686 0.16386 0.37368 0.25401 0.90661 0.65788 0.71518 0.90142 0.6429 0.36604 0.46875 0.33486 0.08113 0.24384 0.5938 0.68865 0.4699 0.81469 0.18557 0.434 0.56355 0.81748 0.73988 0.02627 0.26295 0.58167 0.3932 0.22987 0.7849 0.883 0.43639 0.87707 0.43726 0.51561 0.69843 0.53356 0.35824 0.68386 0.27021 0.17739 0.62205 0.02013 0.56475 0.65208 0.38401 0.17749 0.88195 0.60534 0.21294 0.50481 0.69135 0.24879 0.24415 0.44161 0.20675 0.46404 0.18522 0.59002 0.11729 0.12243 0.97018 0.18174 0.39877 0.67203 0.00108 0.72143 0.58605 0.88173 0.38099 0.88339 0.02919 0.45313 0.91133 0.5003 0.17614 0.99627 0.84675 0.86355 0.07997 0.81507 0.67662 0.73012 0.65383 0.95604 0.372 0.32636 0.98205 0.14369 0.3905 0.64156 0.0256 0.82689 0.36954 0.84807 0.53421 0.13678 0.16726 0.88532 0.96916 0.17416 0.53808 0.44287 0.84828 0.32241 0.43765 0.7347 0.44715 0.44396 0.10027 0.31393 0.04505 0.05581 0.18638 0.69908 0.13287 0.60826 0.62004 0.62361 0.16306 0.54403 0.9595 0.60618 0.20751 0.34395 0.1409 0.86285 0.98804 0.22692 0.56103 0.72809 0.71369 0.06742 0.75844 0.41396 0.7655 0.18455 0.92019 0.11844 0.92135 0.25716 0.39578 0.7527 0.61324 0.33825 0.64003 0.2959 0.35534 0.26139 0.09974 0.79818 0.90114 0.48979 0.11941 0.19388 0.01498 0.92824 0.35572 0.59291 0.99931 0.25946 0.69869 0.7332 0.06176 0.55371 0.48735 0.78758 0.16318 0.31542 0.27858 0.77833 0.75707 0.38385 0.30091 0.48146 0.21017 0.78247 0.45812 0.5775 0.34933 0.21533 0.88977 0.8631 0.07145 0.80491 0.60709 0.11548 0.92893 0.46177 0.23893 0.58684 0.72506 0.81108 0.63378 0.7865 0.58292 0.71055 0.07356 0.37251 0.75003 0.21407 0.36545 0.80752 0.12872 0.23503 0.24219 0.13117 0.36338 0.20341 0.79179 0.92065 0.96991 0.86253 0.00476 0.8114 0.04576 0.70894 0.70927 0.99867
+0.75653 0.22369 0.22157 0.84706 0.42664 0.62869 0.93469 0.95008 0.05651 0.71893 0.651 0.48159 0.56521 0.10902 0.28705 0.32243 0.61241 0.54172 0.30588 0.56751 0.16655 0.5951 0.75882 0.31301 0.4703 0.14637 0.31959 0.50752 0.73653 0.16373 0.75533 0.92425 0.59228 0.13115 0.13931 0.22811 0.34442 0.08771 0.95692 0.34314 0.7201 0.68208 0.83597 0.02069 0.31212 0.2089 0.38949 0.36946 0.22684 0.69568 0.10761 0.96104 0.55152 0.62012 0.87273 0.59111 0.06125 0.60812 0.73753 0.86649 0.19757 0.16508 0.76031 0.07489 0.17466 0.60673 0.751 0.04518 0.58477 0.55707 0.90272 0.22287 0.83128 0.64705 0.93574 0.22754 0.94141 0.83874 0.86927 0.11452 0.77229 0.03546 0.52096 0.48586 0.34598 0.22234 0.20181 0.33061 0.88188 0.41765 0.39406 0.3627 0.84971 0.45926 0.4898 0.86068 0.07468 0.01583 0.93169 0.70493 0.24087 0.04261 0.06849 0.25497 0.30819 0.21696 0.51517 0.36454 0.88665 0.00339 0.73102 0.04603 0.1999 0.07757 0.9824 0.89554 0.64901 0.3416 0.26872 0.49039 0.73899 0.29186 0.33611 0.72144 0.83703 0.68084 0.87678 0.70415 0.52051 0.83792 0.9658 0.82055 0.31764 0.86891 0.14658 0.67302 0.17828 0.6411 0.28431 0.38112 0.81915 0.08594 0.34593 0.75883 0.50755 0.24149 0.98078 0.14673 0.00248 0.91923 0.86929 0.49701 0.96073 0.58352 0.46534 0.2309 0.53787 0.85814 0.1712 0.97806 0.30415 0.88013 0.70726 0.19281 0.00413 0.01951 0.05374 0.51522 0.82468 0.01653 0.6035 0.10756 0.39973 0.08498 0.09011 0.24263 0.74248 0.59831 0.64424 0.87758 0.67048 0.36879 0.40325 0.77615 0.45847 0.50052 0.14664 0.75452 0.3582 0.29636 0.00096 0.86238 0.41855 0.01135 0.26666 0.88022 0.71107 0.90463 0.94123 0.49012 0.21279 0.60777 0.6377 0.89419 0.86954 0.65721 0.76381 0.05288 0.04183 0.99458 0.41257 0.24597 0.52976 0.223 0.4762 0.40591 0.86926 0.49082 0.3281 0.1178 0.68374 0.76499 0.8848 0.30762 0.54402 0.6779 0.19131 0.93462 0.31174 0.40866 0.81901 0.36826 0.29659 0.51323 0.69979 0.94405 0.73838 0.34045 0.76722 0.56491 0.76887 0.49526 0.22079 0.72662 0.55352 0.33681 0.39887 0.17338 0.49979 0.31863 0.89756 0.48079 0.60077 0.52965 0.28715 0.45738 0.87023 0.97323 0.99336 0.25057 0.10302 0.89562 0.15427 0.95858 0.7805 0.36619 0.51641 0.84883 0.67985 0.63442 0.1805 0.32327 0.13181 0.37078 0.61823 0.12828 0.97248 0.39851 0.10435 0.73518 0.89585 0.29049 0.31468 0.46847 0.14374 0.41145 0.61286 0.18791 0.16359 0.43865 0.5964 0.11091 0.18123 0.1178 0.41089 0.88486 0.79296 0.78112 0.08039 0.96039 0.44875 0.27408 0.47312 0.29469 0.51232 0.05392 0.90045 0.09888 0.71306 0.384 0.2048 0.49458 0.41448 0.59963 0.61293 0.50028 0.51639 0.62831 0.00255 0.28084 0.76741 0.46075 0.96974 0.26324 0.17945 0.37511 0.56652 0.79111 0.78642 0.80501 0.36111 0.96527 0.91607 0.34417 0.61119 0.99591 0.80206 0.35538 0.60164 0.50063 0.34514 0.96986 0.39435 0.50097 0.72884 0.87135 0.72485 0.54534 0.48971 0.2735 0.99048 0.87831 0.28812 0.43386 0.08144 0.95485 0.58976 0.93504 0.11557 0.56594 0.23464 0.03148 0.98665 0.84248 0.88871 0.07258 0.75413 0.75194 0.53423 0.30923 0.37407 0.57332 0.89892 0.92864 0.91212 0.58163 0.83393 0.80511 0.57961 0.68279 0.31231 0.16099 0.07433 0.33005 0.70184 0.79191 0.3031 0.3459 0.99732 0.43091 0.44479 0.24251 0.7627 0.26348 0.07005 0.97315 0.14747 0.06345 0.18331 0.7892 0.61513 0.7625 0.5836 0.84341 0.90753 0.98486 0.24428 0.1292 0.57649 0.61613 0.33225 0.50098 0.53873 0.03682 0.23925 0.84376 0.10741 0.40364 0.27351 0.53966 0.48408 0.92586 0.30185 0.11333 0.86471 0.44318 0.89085 0.72144 0.52163 0.02492 0.83266 0.47816 0.0319 0.45218 0.1392 0.42394 0.53232 0.21333 0.41687 0.59197 0.92028 0.1129 0.64633 0.96077 0.9739 0.29158 0.01704 0.24967 0.90089 0.31772 0.51465 0.81415 0.91084 0.91876 0.29549 0.2702 0.18776 0.30728 0.58516 0.99849 0.25717 0.78393 0.19016 0.3392 0.99695 0.99366 0.96606 0.51582 0.43646 0.34728 0.96634 0.00847 0.59713 0.06446 0.36508 0.29931 0.51287 0.05088 0.3957 0.97206 0.7632 0.09025 0.13269 0.47275 0.79308 0.96491 0.5668 0.3508 0.04455 0.55231 0.92266 0.83484 0.83623 0.98667 0.48711 0.10019 0.99893 0.49536 0.8927 0.14647 0.35099 0.83756 0.85087 0.4018 0.32991 0.26612 0.58424 0.03393 0.41299 0.39384 0.8954 0.86925
+0.54369 0.78385 0.42452 0.14872 0.81319 0.78739 0.54732 0.79814 0.60411 0.64764 0.42416 0.76167 0.39087 0.79329 0.89196 0.1976 0.57721 0.83474 0.05856 0.07349 0.03088 0.81418 0.72155 0.40463 0.30991 0.48176 0.05666 0.64421 0.43766 0.72635 0.00527 0.82 0.93797 0.91274 0.49539 0.14821 0.44335 0.75793 0.59703 0.93438 0.07296 0.39032 0.77726 0.29066 0.24916 0.93898 0.86555 0.05194 0.54418 0.38447 0.23026 0.1512 0.8229 0.63135 0.64429 0.74206 0.92635 0.91494 0.42727 0.83883 0.23371 0.14627 0.45027 0.39476 0.19659 0.27479 0.27996 0.84328 0.53688 0.9644 0.00907 0.33189 0.94995 0.92942 0.63688 0.29778 0.11055 0.65392 0.3892 0.9487 0.11227 0.96273 0.19373 0.22265 0.86202 0.98668 0.30843 0.52145 0.8643 0.29103 0.43742 0.50964 0.89784 0.15715 0.39153 0.16413 0.2296 0.57744 0.54632 0.08569 0.6207 0.12808 0.27802 0.54602 0.49155 0.13161 0.95135 0.97216 0.94971 0.93982 0.76096 0.98284 0.9606 0.7658 0.80686 0.62411 0.72265 0.33877 0.54839 0.26573 0.90675 0.8046 0.07577 0.58135 0.2337 0.3347 0.62186 0.6589 0.28124 0.80801 0.30723 0.73651 0.22029 0.13088 0.3604 0.71304 0.6785 0.45487 0.86478 0.77732 0.57347 0.42232 0.89775 0.06194 0.6706 0.31927 0.2246 0.03122 0.21599 0.30487 0.11202 0.30984 0.39409 0.31855 0.15094 0.91404 0.53704 0.04918 0.91956 0.78337 0.93013 0.01646 0.04328 0.11021 0.99909 0.39462 0.74065 0.71566 0.90145 0.06245 0.12798 0.35483 0.52069 0.76194 0.15551 0.81233 0.73217 0.28356 0.00581 0.24158 0.60519 0.32225 0.68023 0.32522 0.35877 0.23985 0.23651 0.63014 0.28641 0.24748 0.57884 0.29639 0.27179 0.28461 0.86049 0.98086 0.61811 0.86907 0.42646 0.13402 0.32561 0.66043 0.95292 0.80866 0.91208 0.00665 0.58055 0.70203 0.62522 0.50331 0.40288 0.37306 0.50259 0.77065 0.21568 0.13878 0.47327 0.69254 0.01253 0.3757 0.573 0.1674 0.3973 0.01587 0.61107 0.03465 0.28206 0.18701 0.81206 0.5702 0.12759 0.77829 0.1741 0.21793 0.04068 0.68604 0.63068 0.53196 0.74351 0.84834 0.53457 0.40764 0.176 0.49158 0.25039 0.97534 0.3835 0.42389 0.92729 0.82136 0.83112 0.478 0.67897 0.199 0.89521 0.28092 0.61103 0.61173 0.54157 0.36827 0.87348 0.34659 0.69583 0.41874 0.73282 0.88281 0.55382 0.70625 0.35243 0.37745 0.00706 0.68896 0.5372 0.5464 0.39271 0.51457 0.39713 0.8132 0.35844 0.5492 0.69306 0.45634 0.84194 0.04393 0.08176 0.15017 0.85676 0.9544 0.19217 0.38892 0.24925 0.00344 0.06437 0.0019 0.57921 0.40084 0.91636 0.05933 0.67699 0.81384 0.53831 0.51574 0.81039 0.97011 0.07787 0.94494 0.14761 0.39047 0.69729 0.82251 0.01794 0.74057 0.73828 0.01758 0.70657 0.32905 0.92041 0.63396 0.58329 0.84981 0.14388 0.56401 0.39468 0.24623 0.66592 0.81491 0.79494 0.46419 0.83429 0.8466 0.60938 0.66508 0.84257 0.36303 0.41253 0.45997 0.94923 0.0073 0.16522 0.79917 0.21037 0.10167 0.30285 0.31811 0.04704 0.53751 0.7222 0.51373 0.7903 0.13589 0.11686 0.00902 0.56535 0.69129 0.8486 0.06829 0.68447 0.53695 0.77805 0.98573 0.15341 0.87703 0.10117 0.70512 0.48364 0.77873 0.84339 0.47839 0.10116 0.19238 0.35381 0.08425 0.945 0.44815 0.38742 0.35883 0.84223 0.3857 0.67554 0.43313 0.66082 0.18074 0.36716 0.70437 0.53153 0.79699 0.6 0.93021 0.36699 0.93358 0.38648 0.94062 0.80109 0.61309 0.18158 0.11004 0.19521 0.10976 0.59887 0.09719 0.02682 0.01026 0.04685 0.44252 0.52103 0.35294 0.58285 0.53635 0.12168 0.65985 0.24469 0.26064 0.24288 0.63253 0.6725 0.29432 0.67866 0.11243 0.98077 0.36359 0.70484 0.97007 0.79595 0.85957 0.75899 0.28918 0.93693 0.42979 0.21898 0.49389 0.14284 0.09291 0.58706 0.0945 0.04118 0.05867 0.09137 0.9655 0.66611 0.75651 0.01289 0.75372 0.27973 0.49637 0.53002 0.18067 0.72331 0.95864 0.92906 0.75629 0.73596 0.94233 0.91671 0.72863 0.12341 0.02022 0.54543 0.04111 0.47821 0.32703 0.63792 0.36761 0.22495 0.44859 0.61161 0.94944 0.07044 0.66005 0.28425 0.77271 0.1954 0.18488 0.49134 0.11007 0.82888 0.58551 0.52416 0.12759 0.74019 0.64942 0.40162 0.29818 0.70625 0.82101 0.27967 0.03165 0.9234 0.89515 0.86175 0.09004 0.88601 0.12044 0.33368 0.02228 0.74735 0.63308 0.69144 0.08359 0.01688 0.02903 0.87604 0.55282 0.68737 0.37901 0.50989 0.86636 0.83678 0.20886 0.38066 0.99715 0.39377 0.1354
+0.20301 0.79 0.01979 0.24845 0.31199 0.27103 0.0208 0.74035 0.4254 0.05839 0.44706 0.04333 0.08751 0.59134 0.14105 0.14337 0.2039 0.52211 0.56081 0.74671 0.74718 0.16355 0.97269 0.14311 0.82501 0.44494 0.87211 0.49651 0.88608 0.28465 0.17959 0.96107 0.11531 0.14554 0.23187 0.56282 0.6883 0.38909 0.9747 0.07949 0.52868 0.64406 0.43743 0.84346 0.66979 0.11432 0.99266 0.34758 0.56425 0.67507 0.62759 0.09984 0.24786 0.43717 0.85523 0.48778 0.26022 0.77732 0.71087 0.34273 0.45709 0.83845 0.02601 0.32958 0.15779 0.86365 0.60048 0.93208 0.71666 0.73755 0.7107 0.98959 0.57426 0.85445 0.34959 0.68437 0.9902 0.32678 0.46624 0.56014 0.35707 0.95208 0.76252 0.08526 0.66671 0.20473 0.30422 0.75786 0.2979 0.53056 0.59814 0.19812 0.85837 0.21884 0.5038 0.68444 0.72655 0.40323 0.21743 0.66486 0.27683 0.97197 0.61178 0.08009 0.17273 0.52871 0.37353 0.62868 0.44995 0.33822 0.61495 0.65375 0.46699 0.9359 0.0467 0.69329 0.45122 0.93483 0.19787 0.46583 0.75335 0.89964 0.34215 0.80456 0.03065 0.62205 0.69497 0.14774 0.43867 0.29494 0.54379 0.98085 0.81218 0.60858 0.94665 0.56162 0.21825 0.0943 0.8572 0.95833 0.51815 0.43693 0.71927 0.0245 0.94882 0.25901 0.74432 0.38508 0.68872 0.33055 0.15051 0.15991 0.15234 0.34624 0.50556 0.30733 0.67675 0.76315 0.02952 0.23332 0.8136 0.74704 0.74526 0.27201 0.58857 0.65664 0.89131 0.43504 0.31081 0.06716 0.0536 0.12087 0.41743 0.92603 0.19596 0.0936 0.47196 0.83357 0.84429 0.0012 0.55818 0.39178 0.33219 0.13284 0.30949 0.02908 0.83314 0.59682 0.47348 0.24496 0.61143 0.28357 0.06922 0.76513 0.72776 0.19719 0.76445 0.32633 0.92363 0.98303 0.89078 0.18735 0.49793 0.9279 0.41556 0.85329 0.01054 0.77618 0.25974 0.3258 0.90832 0.07873 0.8198 0.50916 0.58223 0.8271 0.98709 0.44713 0.09723 0.6109 0.00159 0.02915 0.35985 0.39329 0.08868 0.62042 0.95326 0.45123 0.26476 0.05959 0.19986 0.88502 0.61757 0.65839 0.16456 0.47261 0.13933 0.47383 0.21982 0.09508 0.3799 0.00327 0.05203 0.95237 0.33334 0.64513 0.69501 0.60972 0.35217 0.06006 0.16049 0.39099 0.62174 0.92608 0.0752 0.35632 0.07717 0.27874 0.0075 0.67668 0.81604 0.63986 0.21321 0.5589 0.71275 0.24783 0.94776 0.59537 0.23383 0.47872 0.35967 0.13845 0.27917 0.24844 0.64268 0.59461 0.10124 0.79988 0.31897 0.42154 0.72427 0.72332 0.59549 0.14644 0.95933 0.29002 0.21706 0.49124 0.14699 0.58029 0.38244 0.72474 0.68696 0.00562 0.02068 0.38033 0.56241 0.93744 0.90693 0.06645 0.47374 0.79979 0.87302 0.28203 0.17085 0.7932 0.20083 0.5358 0.85357 0.97831 0.96197 0.97087 0.81784 0.52351 0.71747 0.81273 0.49514 0.53902 0.67513 0.94903 0.84157 0.72939 0.20573 0.72736 0.7768 0.38378 0.84671 0.95076 0.39789 0.66453 0.76412 0.08122 0.70724 0.37735 0.36726 0.45884 0.0397 0.47724 0.28166 0.84036 0.22355 0.9888 0.3594 0.04249 0.23834 0.86122 0.68939 0.42234 0.83655 0.47641 0.98659 0.75033 0.73994 0.70535 0.28218 0.53266 0.91502 0.15824 0.37079 0.13926 0.94471 0.72089 0.6596 0.66931 0.50594 0.74856 0.24288 0.82728 0.73181 0.80527 0.1098 0.83956 0.9917 0.58305 0.86755 0.75388 0.48374 0.68113 0.71569 0.40038 0.21436 0.92088 0.55956 0.01096 0.45543 0.13031 0.89652 0.09398 0.72589 0.82022 0.54371 0.96568 0.54313 0.80268 0.47194 0.89376 0.04965 0.45038 0.51309 0.08326 0.96188 0.81066 0.56221 0.91791 0.78357 0.94473 0.54162 0.91873 0.29822 0.42256 0.14905 0.17864 0.39058 0.34289 0.25733 0.40138 0.5232 0.03988 0.51014 0.58907 0.69521 0.45446 0.01243 0.22111 0.2012 0.70061 0.68984 0.31441 0.37356 0.29734 0.89387 0.20029 0.32677 0.44402 0.2884 0.98031 0.94537 0.0367 0.51797 0.66909 0.02284 0.91148 0.14759 0.06893 0.64492 0.80009 0.15957 0.43708 0.39158 0.51393 0.01726 0.54821 0.78736 0.86061 0.47798 0.0733 0.65312 0.40569 0.82203 0.76378 0.491 0.54123 0.37861 0.66538 0.95476 0.92549 0.2993 0.76744 0.40517 0.31606 0.04513 0.03602 0.36038 0.88146 0.84719 0.91248 0.96671 0.29867 0.15945 0.26463 0.89495 0.37336 0.60913 0.92003 0.01573 0.88703 0.40246 0.14698 0.23302 0.64905 0.70057 0.75994 0.21816 0.2697 0.80559 0.86658 0.04121 0.47997 0.08701 0.16523 0.56534 0.78123 0.05976 0.85564 0.70834 0.24618 0.55051 0.75995 0.33688 0.69293 0.37594 0.26992
+0.47643 0.82706 0.31149 0.119 0.57534 0.40055 0.18924 0.63388 0.7608 0.04598 0.09317 0.8625 0.10125 0.33502 0.9039 0.41431 0.76081 0.48995 0.54534 0.82993 0.0409 0.397 0.4885 0.65629 0.39126 0.99046 0.35529 0.19392 0.28239 0.51246 0.68545 0.81284 0.16138 0.57328 0.97914 0.04546 0.67784 0.52284 0.21535 0.17402 0.63945 0.60227 0.70785 0.87414 0.27866 0.67959 0.09116 0.47032 0.43411 0.12047 0.19978 0.80011 0.4566 0.07231 0.18208 0.52112 0.26562 0.05807 0.12871 0.55857 0.83451 0.89574 0.45781 0.04278 0.3773 0.68638 0.58178 0.81393 0.2586 0.82174 0.06106 0.1298 0.39241 0.03574 0.40502 0.4541 0.53079 0.98849 0.9347 0.04068 0.68173 0.8523 0.51912 0.5075 0.77531 0.63706 0.97819 0.04636 0.18805 0.84307 0.88162 0.92468 0.0093 0.61517 0.18299 0.46529 0.74645 0.20999 0.0807 0.76928 0.68426 0.01057 0.82544 0.94 0.98988 0.64467 0.21296 0.17862 0.54984 0.21191 0.24676 0.13707 0.61311 0.64546 0.24393 0.08473 0.22629 0.98691 0.25923 0.25919 0.95638 0.09863 0.23486 0.78801 0.31926 0.21867 0.07564 0.05466 0.58902 0.86128 0.36 0.62954 0.82256 0.03082 0.56162 0.83583 0.67266 0.32626 0.02225 0.98735 0.8645 0.97152 0.98134 0.45547 0.84361 0.31606 0.12799 0.06204 0.38899 0.59572 0.54423 0.93249 0.70471 0.94788 0.85845 0.9679 0.90551 0.22673 0.02303 0.27824 0.18707 0.66174 0.24729 0.82343 0.75495 0.31361 0.51002 0.03793 0.61021 0.77831 0.79228 0.5753 0.66457 0.70338 0.56469 0.29808 0.71512 0.00495 0.87544 0.95942 0.08808 0.64305 0.65798 0.71616 0.48323 0.14396 0.61096 0.09951 0.58794 0.61404 0.88779 0.85459 0.93039 0.31319 0.94029 0.44049 0.70492 0.69164 0.95551 0.58112 0.31964 0.97451 0.75041 0.2461 0.0673 0.14922 0.18875 0.87807 0.57691 0.29936 0.66472 0.69916 0.61683 0.16049 0.81164 0.72705 0.03244 0.71085 0.55546 0.08179 0.41276 0.08439 0.85124 0.66352 0.40065 0.50271 0.50789 0.0591 0.72892 0.78539 0.46768 0.66928 0.32555 0.3407 0.65769 0.24407 0.43329 0.22846 0.56314 0.58608 0.3569 0.00257 0.26945 0.08011 0.33236 0.76023 0.77621 0.38959 0.85444 0.01105 0.86794 0.41295 0.2727 0.97381 0.19989 0.33549 0.35998 0.53379 0.24015 0.14433 0.02396 0.68501 0.03199 0.52415 0.71803 0.26 0.34733 0.7564 0.54363 0.23212 0.62247 0.57067 0.43798 0.7179 0.64341 0.53282 0.97288 0.29112 0.60959 0.69542 0.7479 0.44403 0.94345 0.61511 0.3393 0.29926 0.04671 0.62472 0.80154 0.21899 0.56098 0.77029 0.40601 0.37011 0.50415 0.11931 0.9839 0.01757 0.74629 0.98961 0.17564 0.45285 0.52722 0.34094 0.02027 0.59503 0.10774 0.39824 0.74249 0.34672 0.48393 0.32236 0.99341 0.42999 0.2698 0.54015 0.2781 0.24729 0.16103 0.41485 0.58123 0.58767 0.89355 0.18639 0.32038 0.36703 0.61276 0.16787 0.21544 0.7929 0.22357 0.13166 0.47444 0.53045 0.1783 0.51247 0.85277 0.29442 0.55269 0.55417 0.74662 0.79497 0.11802 0.15881 0.48378 0.67089 0.61748 0.66008 0.68875 0.64137 0.3061 0.22502 0.7375 0.31342 0.31326 0.15543 0.06535 0.17965 0.19736 0.26358 0.81697 0.75168 0.18483 0.9715 0.42828 0.73353 0.36477 0.05922 0.87854 0.65711 0.38986 0.69217 0.18827 0.95399 0.87071 0.84466 0.92758 0.62075 0.29523 0.54504 0.78812 0.33543 0.72169 0.40194 0.05605 0.24175 0.10013 0.70115 0.22961 0.77334 0.8339 0.65624 0.29609 0.22433 0.65622 0.24025 0.87934 0.92785 0.96558 0.7506 0.66862 0.69715 0.52979 0.0187 0.28213 0.86641 0.96646 0.0637 0.90967 0.67291 0.21895 0.39492 0.71289 0.52928 0.81096 0.14236 0.04765 0.90634 0.28427 0.37166 0.25146 0.17026 0.34304 0.66798 0.09237 0.87961 0.92174 0.16486 0.62766 0.43907 0.59188 0.86727 0.97987 0.70619 0.17057 0.73196 0.2057 0.01452 0.7343 0.31604 0.78724 0.05585 0.04876 0.51777 0.58604 0.40802 0.54112 0.16948 0.87697 0.3984 0.57977 0.18643 0.14273 0.96998 0.26349 0.55923 0.90471 0.5555 0.18231 0.09353 0.68348 0.46474 0.82039 0.44395 0.85361 0.20269 0.01868 0.38962 0.13329 0.83231 0.03763 0.73485 0.95655 0.15654 0.77173 0.84894 0.72004 0.06587 0.71193 0.87738 0.35226 0.20185 0.56849 0.95085 0.84072 0.18151 0.05639 0.09541 0.06769 0.72853 0.50332 0.33568 0.94708 0.27828 0.14125 0.13789 0.96359 0.28279 0.78385 0.14753 0.14769 0.78388 0.97161 0.32105 0.96237 0.75198 0.38416 0.68549 0.83885 0.79274 0.67805 0.33416
+0.45418 0.84087 0.18736 0.40496 0.89177 0.02948 0.30645 0.22821 0.63552 0.82457 0.91334 0.5676 0.50811 0.06775 0.90567 0.90151 0.26234 0.56878 0.51144 0.16255 0.29458 0.31454 0.64428 0.18264 0.8686 0.16151 0.74097 0.13968 0.25409 0.50637 0.70812 0.37468 0.24886 0.30884 0.3837 0.02283 0.02759 0.4826 0.64053 0.70434 0.70688 0.88171 0.94942 0.24087 0.67463 0.85892 0.01635 0.59378 0.95184 0.57505 0.08733 0.27522 0.99832 0.89158 0.8435 0.34469 0.61516 0.28038 0.31008 0.95196 0.095 0.50187 0.07354 0.06308 0.83116 0.67566 0.66787 0.47541 0.84882 0.21484 0.80641 0.83739 0.65131 0.81034 0.61455 0.50223 0.61277 0.99336 0.26231 0.27309 0.85412 0.60261 0.26293 0.69584 0.68611 0.15841 0.51381 0.948 0.0966 0.60137 0.64566 0.85059 0.11787 0.21492 0.36967 0.11626 0.92213 0.15638 0.06825 0.16792 0.21613 0.06211 0.26343 0.0768 0.69531 0.40602 0.06376 0.55246 0.60589 0.73914 0.7645 0.3917 0.99621 0.39389 0.81549 0.11539 0.68347 0.90083 0.49089 0.14858 0.44628 0.2583 0.25253 0.25412 0.09825 0.44941 0.53951 0.91422 0.95773 0.71362 0.70254 0.19404 0.54779 0.6709 0.06599 0.95466 0.07606 0.21612 0.55612 0.28611 0.60734 0.60745 0.14709 0.04364 0.42557 0.10469 0.1641 0.17696 0.07186 0.99744 0.85635 0.84475 0.64827 0.30722 0.63581 0.22076 0.29911 0.5055 0.73243 0.30785 0.83794 0.81897 0.58235 0.9933 0.63309 0.49727 0.86861 0.63008 0.16049 0.89377 0.30388 0.41023 0.33094 0.77998 0.39648 0.61186 0.74313 0.98717 0.29574 0.25173 0.64212 0.55801 0.36415 0.40544 0.5175 0.01682 0.9681 0.13301 0.71925 0.64338 0.52836 0.81029 0.22422 0.00982 0.9797 0.79124 0.4981 0.00234 0.84142 0.53601 0.19873 0.83311 0.21539 0.34923 0.01249 0.5856 0.68672 0.56457 0.78887 0.89601 0.80254 0.4432 0.9637 0.99026 0.43133 0.34963 0.50102 0.17383 0.92667 0.91328 0.66225 0.66978 0.9772 0.10369 0.82306 0.0882 0.67815 0.55291 0.03229 0.90052 0.79492 0.2238 0.68297 0.28566 0.26267 0.93561 0.82932 0.27463 0.39957 0.15836 0.62311 0.53878 0.59623 0.29377 0.48119 0.40002 0.21247 0.66873 0.51076 0.83369 0.15596 0.58126 0.06114 0.65559 0.41617 0.53046 0.59611 0.65459 0.9948 0.78438 0.73673 0.91119 0.60496 0.34744 0.02555 0.75386 0.06491 0.04029 0.01728 0.6195 0.78281 0.39638 0.68488 0.45209 0.93325 0.49889 0.80278 0.78475 0.55091 0.43397 0.26346 0.12147 0.92714 0.81217 0.06631 0.08326 0.43787 0.55525 0.68476 0.24947 0.08684 0.8651 0.89789 0.02182 0.17971 0.18108 0.47928 0.11913 0.20642 0.01637 0.95565 0.33241 0.57811 0.94319 0.36732 0.57073 0.30047 0.29287 0.20421 0.37726 0.95869 0.30278 0.39618 0.52596 0.53908 0.22829 0.23932 0.2615 0.45771 0.71518 0.55891 0.22948 0.35832 0.38187 0.94647 0.86088 0.07448 0.66036 0.64409 0.37934 0.17318 0.83781 0.59531 0.41768 0.74889 0.24471 0.84566 0.35112 0.94879 0.56368 0.11379 0.16651 0.31081 0.0986 0.40029 0.94209 0.96617 0.96019 0.0204 0.63545 0.36177 0.62028 0.92561 0.37565 0.46617 0.86261 0.44504 0.90604 0.98161 0.77942 0.21687 0.19596 0.99811 0.67059 0.68685 0.64158 0.06252 0.0468 0.17535 0.70788 0.64225 0.51977 0.06451 0.32258 0.27825 0.61935 0.39134 0.01372 0.14098 0.56205 0.92164 0.37808 0.96615 0.54851 0.79397 0.29196 0.9097 0.37869 0.24735 0.1798 0.559 0.96165 0.04283 0.35311 0.58662 0.36845 0.50545 0.75964 0.42256 0.33784 0.72079 0.91084 0.61154 0.41557 0.32144 0.84713 0.68989 0.38949 0.4193 0.66625 0.85265 0.12103 0.02916 0.67407 0.91588 0.77825 0.08145 0.30069 0.3762 0.61912 0.47046 0.88582 0.41379 0.07494 0.43999 0.31094 0.94339 0.07086 0.17237 0.46219 0.34135 0.67004 0.65296 0.7445 0.32457 0.85692 0.82229 0.72207 0.67514 0.98722 0.30976 0.37714 0.0661 0.17976 0.49235 0.98146 0.33526 0.32177 0.98143 0.27722 0.20689 0.80306 0.76406 0.56453 0.15719 0.75547 0.46464 0.51431 0.89702 0.59214 0.91406 0.28626 0.94 0.99731 0.34238 0.20272 0.44732 0.82659 0.72097 0.96689 0.99304 0.77517 0.14309 0.95894 0.90231 0.62273 0.25618 0.02267 0.82928 0.11211 0.16197 0.85004 0.7089 0.05639 0.85447 0.02956 0.39543 0.65317 0.41079 0.71502 0.37995 0.12555 0.53341 0.90396 0.00126 0.59512 0.36967 0.09834 0.30445 0.49191 0.41723 0.54705 0.00367 0.0649 0.58953 0.13633 0.15696 0.27119 0.9973 0.01836 0.80884 0.58159
+0.3253 0.9971 0.90603 0.08194 0.9034 0.19253 0.12203 0.631 0.35779 0.41393 0.10165 0.95688 0.34609 0.47764 0.30858 0.38446 0.1311 0.63519 0.89342 0.46518 0.32445 0.6603 0.2828 0.84518 0.43445 0.14983 0.54391 0.59579 0.94378 0.36916 0.81647 0.90495 0.49165 0.53344 0.23364 0.35953 0.63732 0.88323 0.82333 0.03405 0.0814 0.0659 0.78331 0.36712 0.14324 0.64946 0.35446 0.88547 0.47491 0.40672 0.65863 0.2079 0.975 0.00056 0.13597 0.79861 0.06433 0.70703 0.33306 0.22802 0.3412 0.31072 0.96523 0.54399 0.32455 0.15901 0.12668 0.37638 0.61213 0.77244 0.46672 0.05924 0.14801 0.31011 0.18818 0.073 0.20089 0.98813 0.21535 0.17809 0.36169 0.48629 0.03468 0.10995 0.49649 0.73973 0.71207 0.20135 0.24063 0.23888 0.83333 0.55928 0.48385 0.87234 0.95077 0.19959 0.57476 0.42496 0.08957 0.15303 0.25932 0.63833 0.50417 0.82843 0.52762 0.3236 0.44135 0.86219 0.68829 0.09392 0.86178 0.73506 0.44268 0.65191 0.57045 0.38589 0.06024 0.23343 0.04777 0.56475 0.26086 0.15502 0.76949 0.66204 0.61689 0.20285 0.41323 0.74719 0.89642 0.60202 0.32543 0.07757 0.55996 0.88948 0.69169 0.71448 0.44756 0.59811 0.81279 0.9827 0.93861 0.43847 0.52066 0.19109 0.08398 0.03913 0.36828 0.65382 0.00517 0.64084 0.42209 0.06067 0.8753 0.88361 0.5362 0.18388 0.10188 0.25114 0.73835 0.28548 0.76208 0.923 0.93324 0.16561 0.66593 0.16797 0.77702 0.62977 0.93006 0.82083 0.28179 0.32748 0.9339 0.08751 0.63518 0.10491 0.84554 0.2247 0.00053 0.65704 0.22679 0.997 0.34868 0.40069 0.32343 0.89127 0.85401 0.97303 0.94207 0.58148 0.74132 0.74271 0.09943 0.73707 0.57986 0.67748 0.64191 0.27907 0.59989 0.5012 0.57558 0.99843 0.61234 0.65221 0.86244 0.54336 0.39672 0.44639 0.01694 0.71927 0.94898 0.46485 0.90034 0.2516 0.35309 0.87801 0.633 0.72273 0.38707 0.48676 0.59314 0.44616 0.15885 0.14999 0.80555 0.04952 0.58848 0.34015 0.10399 0.90711 0.26487 0.91674 0.24153 0.47787 0.51683 0.2667 0.03663 0.19674 0.25597 0.16564 0.54191 0.85166 0.72277 0.99603 0.9669 0.96373 0.11912 0.0689 0.26471 0.75131 0.72793 0.87044 0.24816 0.94915 0.77185 0.17316 0.96462 0.15874 0.14189 0.43494 0.6426 0.3303 0.1124 0.10263 0.12426 0.61882 0.89342 0.64303 0.83051 0.6433 0.77346 0.99537 0.09714 0.27998 0.01148 0.15628 0.76509 0.63644 0.24592 0.60602 0.60695 0.70384 0.7518 0.65526 0.26318 0.69666 0.84338 0.26564 0.54669 0.27831 0.01304 0.0822 0.13976 0.90799 0.22788 0.2898 0.99863 0.09515 0.63933 0.7152 0.98718 0.3234 0.87821 0.5198 0.52493 0.87467 0.59155 0.28106 0.98073 0.65929 0.09625 0.14044 0.4601 0.66919 0.26768 0.43435 0.32806 0.19197 0.40465 0.04142 0.26066 0.46829 0.51862 0.37644 0.85727 0.89137 0.96106 0.14331 0.97224 0.23627 0.49703 0.22998 0.11112 0.89019 0.33851 0.73599 0.10506 0.98794 0.36254 0.25771 0.37591 0.90799 0.61187 0.71342 0.24272 0.15248 0.38673 0.6699 0.37569 0.91394 0.23103 0.28958 0.37759 0.65686 0.01071 0.04192 0.55035 0.93185 0.07032 0.76919 0.46373 0.50637 0.96794 0.40358 0.4976 0.55753 0.42216 0.77014 0.6712 0.44753 0.33667 0.27512 0.3375 0.51651 0.98966 0.51886 0.86404 0.74769 0.00469 0.22675 0.05325 0.51552 0.29707 0.41084 0.74292 0.94247 0.54751 0.9347 0.75611 0.84719 0.08417 0.08748 0.36477 0.96093 0.67192 0.29875 0.53151 0.21163 0.81667 0.90688 0.67111 0.71465 0.27888 0.17298 0.41282 0.63258 0.99863 0.12658 0.23858 0.96197 0.3716 0.79559 0.26772 0.73648 0.17787 0.27071 0.94333 0.22334 0.17239 0.59371 0.52922 0.91783 0.96512 0.28544 0.50665 0.1882 0.77668 0.76726 0.60434 0.42765 0.61765 0.26693 0.36576 0.95091 0.63718 0.81497 0.09272 0.71825 0.7448 0.16148 0.8454 0.39657 0.51767 0.6078 0.04198 0.9276 0.76511 0.37774 0.17343 0.49296 0.1722 0.87963 0.44457 0.15962 0.90316 0.57894 0.29103 0.66262 0.19684 0.21592 0.73598 0.94645 0.9543 0.39476 0.74097 0.606 0.24084 0.32416 0.11262 0.64069 0.19212 0.77773 0.70855 0.21483 0.05146 0.82413 0.79049 0.06243 0.31843 0.53052 0.37394 0.08407 0.53088 0.64687 0.95008 0.36348 0.31612 0.24222 0.48282 0.55018 0.92689 0.07915 0.73955 0.97014 0.80485 0.59489 0.46344 0.80102 0.04948 0.70261 0.30825 0.93126 0.96748 0.3852 0.42373 0.08647 0.31777 0.96753 0.10818 0.62008 0.7728 0.29914
+0.73626 0.16735 0.03966 0.17419 0.07014 0.08549 0.73693 0.29996 0.93426 0.68545 0.83364 0.96612 0.93625 0.99026 0.98981 0.47312 0.42163 0.00254 0.00715 0.64876 0.77106 0.93224 0.28021 0.79508 0.37829 0.52253 0.71867 0.13182 0.95422 0.03414 0.00137 0.12207 0.26509 0.31625 0.24996 0.11291 0.27516 0.43432 0.77404 0.5103 0.7761 0.93863 0.3373 0.93865 0.36623 0.45222 0.66013 0.26791 0.48858 0.34928 0.72532 0.64794 0.26709 0.58664 0.51939 0.97505 0.24595 0.77463 0.10431 0.85834 0.15583 0.3945 0.70936 0.4194 0.61037 0.96504 0.64529 0.79905 0.17415 0.06047 0.92673 0.15142 0.25403 0.69756 0.40719 0.49331 0.91584 0.34747 0.82995 0.31811 0.73814 0.07164 0.1718 0.29084 0.21985 0.65791 0.69609 0.29789 0.50852 0.60075 0.61359 0.14183 0.75993 0.41427 0.44721 0.61379 0.76249 0.04403 0.84763 0.57087 0.71968 0.27526 0.03586 0.44802 0.48573 0.41027 0.30939 0.62669 0.75528 0.80637 0.7963 0.70381 0.99611 0.19116 0.24475 0.20274 0.74199 0.4096 0.72995 0.96417 0.41975 0.38035 0.25472 0.63051 0.9337 0.62825 0.14374 0.34734 0.53198 0.18585 0.87916 0.27677 0.01716 0.91765 0.08935 0.74296 0.33738 0.75177 0.58204 0.86315 0.19108 0.23686 0.72179 0.6213 0.35536 0.79555 0.64157 0.70088 0.24618 0.36242 0.0085 0.22967 0.38621 0.17645 0.81958 0.02804 0.49903 0.52251 0.12822 0.24969 0.89876 0.30995 0.83797 0.32618 0.43099 0.53372 0.9998 0.69203 0.03321 0.19032 0.96003 0.15607 0.79551 0.96322 0.41147 0.35166 0.95019 0.98842 0.81014 0.55123 0.04367 0.75636 0.15268 0.7829 0.81755 0.50721 0.02819 0.39534 0.03847 0.00978 0.44063 0.28406 0.1957 0.55697 0.14165 0.86538 0.59634 0.15936 0.84551 0.70274 0.69929 0.28263 0.97906 0.47083 0.41886 0.06133 0.79937 0.01861 0.46624 0.22268 0.53263 0.18191 0.34463 0.76303 0.54641 0.29305 0.98409 0.32399 0.64091 0.66608 0.81657 0.86133 0.24851 0.57011 0.50181 0.39746 0.79639 0.21101 0.10941 0.29614 0.84089 0.8024 0.1899 0.18469 0.76815 0.50035 0.6512 0.19512 0.19932 0.87658 0.48197 0.82706 0.60594 0.05027 0.18841 0.25247 0.17577 0.76463 0.49324 0.30475 0.46154 0.4262 0.97518 0.96896 0.3239 0.47647 0.59088 0.9883 0.66863 0.41038 0.07821 0.3098 0.68364 0.67803 0.495 0.6491 0.97029 0.43751 0.20037 0.57295 0.65501 0.98452 0.71266 0.25488 0.04178 0.19964 0.62849 0.40456 0.89765 0.22203 0.98659 0.68522 0.15964 0.514 0.49053 0.89496 0.01975 0.30595 0.1165 0.02294 0.21975 0.6796 0.80537 0.40649 0.43913 0.75062 0.07597 0.43 0.41751 0.56862 0.829 0.02223 0.9125 0.12997 0.55428 0.36682 0.63768 0.39429 0.09836 0.89551 0.47301 0.32899 0.83747 0.53832 0.45997 0.77413 0.32075 0.82745 0.69139 0.80249 0.45816 0.51469 0.15479 0.6067 0.32073 0.96113 0.7767 0.75666 0.79915 0.71922 0.1235 0.03801 0.82575 0.29951 0.37061 0.70154 0.79464 0.72992 0.08305 0.5907 0.83339 0.93517 0.93874 0.88018 0.15071 0.92767 0.33543 0.62951 0.51926 0.35359 0.44037 0.08445 0.93215 0.76845 0.563 0.61678 0.58821 0.99174 0.61389 0.34147 0.71941 0.08227 0.65284 0.34471 0.12094 0.54393 0.36965 0.14446 0.67081 0.73337 0.47889 0.27484 0.75469 0.33487 0.40483 0.18846 0.86203 0.03564 0.59401 0.37267 0.65767 0.83511 0.85409 0.57105 0.78202 0.51937 0.56888 0.27573 0.82597 0.40738 0.34411 0.04386 0.92724 0.74413 0.16821 0.8367 0.71638 0.96051 0.85117 0.66949 0.53474 0.97108 0.80444 0.40236 0.63282 0.93343 0.89904 0.29536 0.06665 0.50344 0.26964 0.79461 0.1076 0.01082 0.0307 0.65669 0.33547 0.78459 0.85531 0.70035 0.08884 0.92371 0.61797 0.29734 0.32483 0.23468 0.52381 0.06563 0.84816 0.26715 0.26356 0.05008 0.81205 0.04953 0.45886 0.90922 0.49441 0.6178 0.61493 0.90783 0.34151 0.38342 0.98526 0.77178 0.77841 0.34973 0.35446 0.47926 0.57041 0.73241 0.04639 0.79033 0.53698 0.74471 0.35271 0.7765 0.5294 0.46289 0.62912 0.78408 0.87185 0.56008 0.52293 0.09909 0.93726 0.52789 0.34459 0.00237 0.60831 0.14948 0.23388 0.51335 0.0723 0.81725 0.47014 0.61808 0.47464 0.06384 0.22064 0.77401 0.95424 0.06054 0.83557 0.48669 0.9971 0.185 0.48491 0.64178 0.60139 0.46119 0.98748 0.94053 0.73616 0.19233 0.78812 0.01692 0.92147 0.49605 0.77656 0.05078 0.19618 0.03747 0.13664 0.42906 0.61181 0.14096 0.76145 0.98285 0.45725 0.3215 0.32439 0.2198
+0.26721 0.8647 0.53379 0.7045 0.40296 0.91794 0.48002 0.39524 0.3179 0.67663 0.14362 0.89107 0.99824 0.58114 0.87923 0.84992 0.01626 0.97329 0.70477 0.33866 0.25356 0.24647 0.35423 0.83577 0.48257 0.96047 0.83638 0.03201 0.00939 0.78808 0.84506 0.56438 0.25508 0.67653 0.1925 0.97252 0.55327 0.75535 0.19669 0.95339 0.57659 0.13667 0.72266 0.8887 0.01399 0.18948 0.72966 0.71937 0.60686 0.23526 0.74902 0.04238 0.41859 0.08544 0.4337 0.74719 0.55982 0.72441 0.86277 0.44877 0.96774 0.31694 0.04409 0.80633 0.87259 0.94596 0.12306 0.33572 0.26232 0.69569 0.47873 0.87288 0.46007 0.6725 0.88723 0.53579 0.65543 0.70863 0.98857 0.49638 0.11853 0.6493 0.70622 0.04161 0.05516 0.41391 0.93533 0.62096 0.37422 0.15171 0.14051 0.33407 0.64464 0.65755 0.93797 0.25829 0.29191 0.50227 0.51669 0.23475 0.1206 0.44032 0.83608 0.34946 0.50143 0.06797 0.34358 0.83656 0.71504 0.86485 0.97826 0.67595 0.29658 0.74376 0.85573 0.31492 0.1605 0.33176 0.42218 0.76251 0.03074 0.26288 0.19607 0.32617 0.46087 0.99614 0.98621 0.93356 0.18357 0.21675 0.96899 0.06953 0.67153 0.81044 0.64086 0.39707 0.86618 0.86915 0.25867 0.57075 0.98969 0.92938 0.46347 0.44081 0.30612 0.34101 0.74636 0.58629 0.60034 0.24229 0.74475 0.98516 0.98721 0.54415 0.60866 0.60481 0.76306 0.97814 0.16669 0.22515 0.57408 0.20454 0.08882 0.10107 0.10964 0.10656 0.40261 0.63797 0.54157 0.47514 0.7766 0.88802 0.08695 0.27232 0.05475 0.42324 0.66105 0.71849 0.39511 0.29362 0.96639 0.97078 0.91284 0.12194 0.10268 0.21423 0.4961 0.98296 0.44514 0.71487 0.80012 0.77103 0.3904 0.66617 0.70922 0.21528 0.9215 0.4461 0.72098 0.17833 0.91155 0.33527 0.2976 0.28033 0.5783 0.36405 0.06663 0.48535 0.34691 0.43977 0.52029 0.01435 0.9692 0.13923 0.41302 0.0576 0.86543 0.13213 0.32351 0.03303 0.85706 0.32933 0.34259 0.72806 0.06344 0.25379 0.94347 0.25318 0.06875 0.96494 0.57043 0.2297 0.79793 0.59485 0.67199 0.32303 0.51197 0.98307 0.85164 0.24235 0.07323 0.06246 0.93699 0.84504 0.87571 0.89228 0.88007 0.18998 0.18253 0.83733 0.62819 0.52414 0.83489 0.43591 0.2822 0.17561 0.62186 0.14839 0.10395 0.07856 0.80018 0.95809 0.70261 0.45476 0.49011 0.11979 0.58491 0.02363 0.85522 0.99938 0.3784 0.58362 0.18104 0.46775 0.8943 0.77468 0.48464 0.31109 0.63701 0.25182 0.52357 0.10431 0.41394 0.15799 0.01898 0.45493 0.19005 0.08371 0.32029 0.49276 0.97874 0.67993 0.11366 0.9639 0.9652 0.92269 0.9136 0.78861 0.76059 0.64083 0.65226 0.29353 0.21726 0.50956 0.93505 0.40555 0.68684 0.78455 0.54045 0.77012 0.52596 0.94475 0.34944 0.34778 0.67837 0.94045 0.98648 0.85423 0.90534 0.0639 0.42775 0.87229 0.78599 0.22745 0.55964 0.81598 0.3636 0.8759 0.74026 0.70214 0.90627 0.67932 0.66401 0.74313 0.47588 0.50167 0.11795 0.89681 0.54818 0.34963 0.38073 0.59948 0.11395 0.1115 0.61588 0.0284 0.3561 0.44987 0.51696 0.83791 0.94196 0.68452 0.01056 0.08854 0.94644 0.23011 0.1357 0.82492 0.36849 0.66883 0.17674 0.32252 0.86963 0.0296 0.43487 0.1622 0.78806 0.31794 0.66596 0.49324 0.75938 0.29924 0.5241 0.61091 0.48275 0.20942 0.85771 0.94307 0.28027 0.77865 0.13411 0.63912 0.9971 0.95029 0.08143 0.66915 0.96914 0.81498 0.24267 0.30019 0.24829 0.6081 0.0797 0.73463 0.45795 0.50697 0.9951 0.33655 0.72084 0.88936 0.07989 0.64223 0.96852 0.84903 0.32498 0.60079 0.10997 0.35298 0.01377 0.94416 0.56902 0.10952 0.88026 0.62844 0.70576 0.01735 0.79732 0.0339 0.03977 0.6804 0.2919 0.05129 0.7896 0.85066 0.61378 0.46187 0.60512 0.88835 0.76997 0.14232 0.82383 0.4718 0.2202 0.7162 0.46546 0.92483 0.31092 0.66602 0.23618 0.51758 0.86533 0.0137 0.13249 0.78067 0.3841 0.05293 0.9138 0.71284 0.1401 0.44482 0.67295 0.71758 0.74897 0.71219 0.03314 0.45276 0.34914 0.28394 0.46555 0.23207 0.40084 0.5758 0.5982 0.56043 0.37171 0.59872 0.5476 0.93827 0.33386 0.45136 0.27024 0.24711 0.10395 0.4299 0.99021 0.65749 0.02027 0.65122 0.24563 0.55466 0.48901 0.53681 0.02689 0.71837 0.39889 0.25125 0.2715 0.03648 0.37009 0.82207 0.19682 0.14731 0.7365 0.29595 0.31507 0.29595 0.91538 0.88279 0.40576 0.48672 0.58697 0.2842 0.29647 0.21575 0.47703 0.04928 0.77278 0.70392 0.88328 0.29329 0.18422 0.68895
+0.00205 0.91578 0.91266 0.72687 0.07475 0.86415 0.69266 0.50011 0.62892 0.45729 0.01466 0.28341 0.85267 0.86204 0.06428 0.36296 0.51598 0.51398 0.77751 0.44094 0.09458 0.84511 0.86707 0.48414 0.18175 0.14375 0.69316 0.31039 0.97611 0.75625 0.62206 0.5967 0.01511 0.66022 0.58162 0.97895 0.3226 0.46491 0.60695 0.40035 0.7345 0.56277 0.75976 0.30574 0.91125 0.61635 0.26778 0.77547 0.6153 0.99214 0.96793 0.28738 0.12389 0.98036 0.5863 0.72527 0.87268 0.816 0.35748 0.35993 0.41015 0.1646 0.86063 0.1408 0.3845 0.304 0.02347 0.06376 0.97221 0.19267 0.65568 0.02382 0.05264 0.02683 0.60001 0.65778 0.35422 0.78953 0.61781 0.87177 0.02663 0.36752 0.22865 0.55717 0.03208 0.24039 0.76508 0.07527 0.78496 0.05101 0.18445 0.20491 0.48165 0.99906 0.94374 0.71924 0.27414 0.62929 0.01184 0.49072 0.86631 0.48456 0.20538 0.18598 0.12775 0.33004 0.62302 0.81106 0.39751 0.95095 0.92245 0.07926 0.50169 0.6274 0.45834 0.5975 0.86143 0.59665 0.19427 0.99091 0.57495 0.03349 0.84354 0.03148 0.89202 0.6302 0.49854 0.6913 0.58583 0.52286 0.70487 0.56 0.0851 0.12922 0.87061 0.91331 0.819 0.71822 0.91809 0.82119 0.58375 0.20555 0.29969 0.37972 0.68379 0.31029 0.06661 0.39704 0.3625 0.33384 0.30847 0.31092 0.38977 0.17046 0.984 0.48347 0.8792 0.25726 0.68013 0.98889 0.18202 0.69007 0.26214 0.3848 0.86683 0.62106 0.57969 0.53049 0.3675 0.62039 0.8959 0.95755 0.87232 0.79469 0.15065 0.00184 0.21481 0.61252 0.06561 0.65692 0.99552 0.44445 0.30928 0.94146 0.45213 0.64094 0.63867 0.61539 0.85525 0.28616 0.83095 0.76604 0.12049 0.60786 0.52498 0.43614 0.37517 0.01753 0.27605 0.1967 0.83063 0.96318 0.24461 0.7976 0.82578 0.60961 0.63182 0.05536 0.13035 0.81988 0.17811 0.0054 0.65948 0.92913 0.81653 0.48823 0.58429 0.35513 0.37264 0.99778 0.18641 0.71067 0.37249 0.21571 0.48935 0.48113 0.29395 0.73986 0.74593 0.09893 0.30445 0.70657 0.06464 0.6998 0.91403 0.3284 0.32243 0.02685 0.01376 0.35439 0.2308 0.98039 0.0324 0.82334 0.20197 0.30731 0.21335 0.21116 0.20024 0.95273 0.45859 0.24314 0.38602 0.6886 0.04803 0.43669 0.82948 0.43461 0.84368 0.08103 0.45024 0.39937 0.56206 0.11505 0.33643 0.1242 0.61735 0.05428 0.7451 0.95661 0.30064 0.62777 0.35871 0.84811 0.14718 0.25368 0.08954 0.29347 0.63019 0.51577 0.43178 0.83086 0.12844 0.77626 0.79772 0.99824 0.26076 0.84773 0.47098 0.49923 0.492 0.16323 0.34571 0.11778 0.45785 0.29939 0.54873 0.81039 0.78659 0.56115 0.52269 0.42858 0.6861 0.655 0.00774 0.07236 0.38777 0.03251 0.9898 0.70903 0.79043 0.35129 0.64491 0.99419 0.97703 0.41636 0.72564 0.68094 0.33414 0.85654 0.46292 0.4776 0.00212 0.11626 0.5537 0.65514 0.47293 0.39439 0.5812 0.37321 0.7293 0.44618 0.97759 0.36855 0.3961 0.49293 0.60412 0.83271 0.41204 0.38535 0.07634 0.90973 0.94037 0.26251 0.47799 0.70763 0.88661 0.55711 0.12545 0.99917 0.23365 0.34687 0.19429 0.05456 0.45353 0.7643 0.92722 0.13888 0.20588 0.13865 0.71173 0.57579 0.21034 0.05451 0.1344 0.31169 0.59289 0.10717 0.82536 0.37952 0.78068 0.88258 0.27608 0.91821 0.74762 0.56704 0.65281 0.60288 0.05201 0.21299 0.39416 0.98722 0.2522 0.65865 0.03743 0.28776 0.90516 0.11048 0.82783 0.80072 0.45723 0.27669 0.23709 0.37018 0.67441 0.30466 0.55762 0.70874 0.79474 0.73911 0.43428 0.73973 0.75206 0.33327 0.07331 0.29073 0.30937 0.90128 0.82377 0.2596 0.71174 0.0254 0.83886 0.00152 0.60712 0.83485 0.5031 0.07428 0.90974 0.2517 0.22098 0.76043 0.83503 0.10043 0.02339 0.72631 0.62146 0.85753 0.83298 0.3678 0.05099 0.4171 0.22864 0.77291 0.65091 0.89496 0.87697 0.95918 0.69914 0.52424 0.13805 0.98202 0.89346 0.7691 0.76962 0.79525 0.17599 0.8583 0.78341 0.95415 0.02672 0.89868 0.23894 0.97714 0.30637 0.42263 0.82198 0.31565 0.52133 0.96216 0.49543 0.11346 0.03166 0.92374 0.61493 0.30685 0.07652 0.69911 0.48675 0.51062 0.69863 0.64606 0.79108 0.40838 0.33758 0.03586 0.5213 0.79521 0.97795 0.28096 0.88767 0.46885 0.5553 0.45195 0.70311 0.99056 0.35721 0.69107 0.60435 0.82202 0.75402 0.03586 0.49588 0.57577 0.04828 0.44792 0.67008 0.20892 0.73461 0.58529 0.34552 0.85017 0.97917 0.51563 0.29322 0.73778 0.83986 0.93857 0.05386 0.97133 0.34707 0.68747
+0.77511 0.79609 0.00184 0.01523 0.59735 0.61846 0.46027 0.7749 0.45238 0.24535 0.80289 0.66024 0.67348 0.77923 0.24775 0.13207 0.57733 0.58984 0.43173 0.26698 0.62854 0.99392 0.40056 0.77336 0.29266 0.60039 0.45949 0.84353 0.35107 0.0216 0.2778 0.92412 0.97861 0.94667 0.50316 0.42608 0.6785 0.92341 0.78575 0.44874 0.49973 0.9903 0.48411 0.88111 0.35808 0.17496 0.16878 0.05886 0.95992 0.85762 0.09872 0.82816 0.56765 0.88528 0.9676 0.05699 0.71817 0.413 0.59412 0.31632 0.40992 0.90323 0.14856 0.67007 0.95882 0.745 0.47543 0.6739 0.99815 0.25968 0.11729 0.88971 0.69511 0.90864 0.40392 0.45744 0.49337 0.96405 0.47743 0.80285 0.0391 0.14748 0.13393 0.26984 0.74409 0.21521 0.53281 0.14759 0.96767 0.4906 0.87119 0.75117 0.44982 0.48719 0.68307 0.77369 0.5893 0.69295 0.54895 0.18455 0.74425 0.9816 0.32725 0.00469 0.93804 0.33904 0.76614 0.6066 0.72867 0.99097 0.41965 0.12888 0.06428 0.55043 0.22189 0.62679 0.75457 0.62077 0.80382 0.29318 0.92234 0.28592 0.68886 0.11215 0.82405 0.17206 0.26623 0.02632 0.25889 0.95747 0.5526 0.03755 0.3485 0.60655 0.48258 0.03774 0.84162 0.25468 0.5289 0.80411 0.74031 0.20374 0.91128 0.48362 0.06854 0.05928 0.66546 0.19029 0.56505 0.0952 0.40917 0.76247 0.25747 0.09915 0.54165 0.54918 0.17928 0.26693 0.35142 0.24412 0.90375 0.85576 0.83909 0.97286 0.13183 0.18361 0.171 0.6903 0.65624 0.4797 0.94884 0.22335 0.65027 0.42778 0.96363 0.2186 0.00723 0.74498 0.22144 0.7865 0.34242 0.78203 0.80429 0.46051 0.70005 0.25924 0.89092 0.49086 0.86046 0.96922 0.05962 0.7694 0.91744 0.47321 0.17804 0.60609 0.23277 0.52771 0.85082 0.6217 0.89699 0.3443 0.35604 0.91212 0.81446 0.11001 0.64796 0.33464 0.82457 0.85595 0.36093 0.15128 0.08162 0.27455 0.28364 0.74522 0.57114 0.79598 0.81235 0.33635 0.32842 0.70739 0.39359 0.20797 0.21969 0.90079 0.42859 0.89503 0.34732 0.59039 0.93273 0.81688 0.62239 0.3427 0.68609 0.88462 0.30467 0.99735 0.7899 0.80686 0.01641 0.9116 0.94108 0.52996 0.42323 0.27328 0.50783 0.40996 0.38032 0.05526 0.37329 0.74423 0.07992 0.28804 0.99448 0.82154 0.05886 0.39055 0.0381 0.93377 0.70636 0.33059 0.11076 0.4657 0.71003 0.01326 0.04839 0.85772 0.87065 0.88726 0.14173 0.48577 0.39945 0.69092 0.31588 0.66169 0.51837 0.03133 0.66972 0.12592 0.19114 0.35822 0.1302 0.20732 0.8307 0.00144 0.96728 0.10314 0.11444 0.47637 0.07336 0.4956 0.58045 0.04536 0.38974 0.01774 0.43009 0.10967 0.30299 0.26366 0.91298 0.05317 0.03197 0.32503 0.45431 0.08167 0.08657 0.13105 0.20128 0.85583 0.84095 0.87134 0.092 0.71792 0.45176 0.23362 0.27904 0.79085 0.83743 0.22273 0.05221 0.56207 0.54993 0.06358 0.27187 0.88555 0.9658 0.168 0.36775 0.37103 0.21838 0.36108 0.5406 0.87602 0.57243 0.79049 0.41765 0.38897 0.5899 0.09906 0.69377 0.99036 0.98674 0.16235 0.51419 0.59046 0.3768 0.51081 0.87105 0.14244 0.97348 0.18728 0.66538 0.41871 0.89103 0.09628 0.77039 0.67061 0.32072 0.45742 0.35689 0.51337 0.84099 0.70026 0.30951 0.38205 0.69428 0.39404 0.4219 0.76846 0.16269 0.10371 0.55349 0.02114 0.62261 0.00685 0.22452 0.4721 0.20142 0.19223 0.55026 0.77341 0.82252 0.81298 0.74471 0.51547 0.80223 0.75273 0.03099 0.3955 0.40624 0.09279 0.08736 0.79883 0.43524 0.05088 0.97992 0.99787 0.94411 0.11425 0.47596 0.07686 0.23229 0.6016 0.53883 0.3707 0.09454 0.46451 0.15395 0.47673 0.75051 0.20697 7e-05 0.11958 0.93153 0.69238 0.09138 0.37856 0.75865 0.57063 0.67462 0.15898 0.16851 0.94664 0.35644 0.62904 0.71908 0.64738 0.93956 0.10067 0.62077 0.5838 0.37568 0.6194 0.76375 0.52229 0.20048 0.24752 0.94405 0.84988 0.91141 0.55979 0.29126 0.69638 0.44324 0.89146 0.66688 0.72366 0.30631 0.92646 0.44731 0.14769 0.45707 0.48408 0.51128 0.77151 0.7123 0.67622 0.49125 0.29453 0.76682 0.45961 0.9893 0.01985 0.82776 0.18675 0.69267 0.64078 0.90512 0.99242 0.0081 0.0071 0.59386 0.40982 0.77303 0.82587 0.62827 0.44182 0.7922 0.00084 0.57469 0.62856 0.25608 0.71784 0.3228 0.02198 0.09524 0.93682 0.69894 0.43457 0.63449 0.60508 0.51804 0.1903 0.64936 0.96873 0.42858 0.79645 0.23911 0.59943 0.69504 0.6892 0.56072 0.97546 0.40215 0.48499 0.70683 0.14903 0.49122 0.38573 0.38194 0.63316
+0.4411 0.04955 0.56909 0.18825 0.4213 0.8089 0.91609 0.87166 0.27303 0.74769 0.22055 0.24361 0.42464 0.83756 0.4704 0.14708 0.63302 0.79618 0.86499 0.42505 0.92573 0.70715 0.33452 0.39031 0.24925 0.64281 0.61464 0.28658 0.04488 0.73775 0.36421 0.44175 0.73377 0.1284 0.71909 0.6158 0.56655 0.58514 0.07345 0.57861 0.40895 0.2149 0.08082 0.43941 0.19408 0.10321 0.89393 0.82513 0.62212 0.56934 0.12884 0.22055 0.46301 0.68191 0.7036 0.50079 0.52226 0.94874 0.64096 0.44578 0.51766 0.51837 0.43701 0.50456 0.4064 0.36809 0.01985 0.61255 0.45574 0.27361 0.55642 0.85764 0.3704 0.11732 0.7428 0.66986 0.63633 0.80034 0.05512 0.13953 0.14283 0.68923 0.63208 0.18345 0.56553 0.40835 0.24599 0.06314 0.75155 0.08052 0.02013 0.17688 0.0305 0.68983 0.08077 0.13117 0.49293 0.26877 0.17142 0.06725 0.76986 0.40411 0.16807 0.44095 0.51187 0.74771 0.53769 0.42015 0.35014 0.546 0.47117 0.19159 0.81649 0.3096 0.71655 0.58024 0.0571 0.36002 0.25573 0.38175 0.62206 0.48766 0.59276 0.62679 0.37876 0.16903 0.26958 0.84204 0.63059 0.33831 0.55331 0.8323 0.69415 0.06809 0.91957 0.62668 0.10641 0.84656 0.42844 0.35982 0.3757 0.02206 0.62304 0.37742 0.65061 0.82596 0.1983 0.08774 0.75191 0.67815 0.61257 0.78739 0.44967 0.27863 0.2198 0.0704 0.15147 0.17348 0.34994 0.43901 0.0765 0.35184 0.5873 0.13031 0.13337 0.69672 0.72889 0.12116 0.57486 0.75603 0.55887 0.79862 0.31338 0.93104 0.74744 0.26307 0.91327 0.50312 0.07286 0.1938 0.8599 0.93991 0.03567 0.53365 0.69493 0.01143 0.39707 0.68495 0.01781 0.30621 0.0914 0.48891 0.88009 0.67572 0.96561 0.81649 0.91769 0.97884 0.61428 0.06425 0.13512 0.80677 0.17473 0.37972 0.03715 0.75228 0.32839 0.73202 0.69387 0.90272 0.14949 0.38813 0.98861 0.87428 0.26579 0.66114 0.80745 0.39148 0.52544 0.31746 0.02494 0.70627 0.84305 0.14978 0.86866 0.82751 0.19786 0.64128 0.35764 0.87829 0.00671 0.15603 0.24158 0.27747 0.05638 0.31515 0.7973 0.51048 0.32247 0.158 0.27282 0.20067 0.69894 0.4824 0.96107 0.97153 0.74483 0.93112 0.7779 0.41005 0.152 0.31805 0.24138 0.23198 0.51611 0.1621 0.25639 0.50271 0.01712 0.72535 0.22581 0.49372 0.07366 0.72157 0.28595 0.7052 0.16348 0.39774 0.67521 0.21412 0.49062 0.53121 0.06724 0.09721 0.04687 0.61612 0.98882 0.66052 0.06736 0.73891 0.83332 0.02832 0.97096 0.52799 0.32214 0.56233 0.59251 0.94297 0.41649 0.64656 0.68014 0.5678 0.72292 0.35997 0.21164 0.69508 0.74649 0.83539 0.60398 0.77056 0.9429 0.46582 0.90531 0.46426 0.54726 0.43701 0.7423 0.25503 0.05973 0.14994 0.26043 0.4796 0.64598 0.5173 0.60413 0.4405 0.04261 0.9889 0.1021 0.47068 0.48054 0.79582 0.03552 0.93811 0.83458 0.8697 0.54638 0.98991 0.04026 0.38959 0.16108 0.92414 0.87617 0.82586 0.89671 0.69301 0.92035 0.57463 0.56224 0.48221 0.82746 0.12915 0.71003 0.71735 0.72616 0.11116 0.70078 0.21827 0.41017 0.53725 0.82692 0.88264 0.91588 0.87632 0.88199 0.33978 0.21218 0.36046 0.33553 0.58519 0.20754 0.20544 0.49514 0.05272 0.32682 0.42708 0.33325 0.62059 0.12738 0.60138 0.25415 0.83585 0.95605 0.38841 0.6142 0.43813 0.8258 0.92088 0.49609 0.05187 0.76083 0.66306 0.75827 0.53178 0.56195 0.66971 0.11279 0.54021 0.021 0.18198 0.10107 0.59112 0.37124 0.47171 0.92462 0.37891 0.64474 0.67335 0.38924 0.89101 0.33244 0.57538 0.85693 0.80345 0.12055 0.23198 0.26697 0.13985 0.8987 0.13899 0.44439 0.42388 0.6534 0.81183 0.69062 0.78768 0.81111 0.7512 0.09349 0.93722 0.45368 0.95888 0.67263 0.07808 0.50478 0.36844 0.13396 0.62982 0.22473 0.14913 0.58025 0.37527 0.95353 0.07075 0.85471 0.1275 0.94596 0.64545 0.27706 0.99099 0.19944 0.31817 0.75821 0.35134 0.95756 0.47495 0.60964 0.17692 0.01896 0.52392 0.89677 0.97754 0.69698 0.22278 0.30102 0.5373 0.30666 0.95998 0.97859 0.86462 0.8517 0.03891 0.50228 0.83141 0.6681 0.77421 0.65718 0.98071 0.60107 0.18143 0.03019 0.66838 0.36355 0.53228 0.47718 0.04724 0.67098 0.14446 0.53246 0.75362 0.27877 0.18289 0.86079 0.92379 0.47711 0.5758 0.30411 0.85542 0.83998 0.67859 0.39873 0.03162 0.4774 0.71254 0.50086 0.78729 0.7553 0.63049 0.13861 0.28224 0.47312 0.29752 0.96597 0.66133 0.2657 0.02803 0.28521 0.91487 0.56328 0.81766 0.47687 0.41682
+0.91253 0.46278 0.98622 0.18773 0.50448 0.67477 0.37394 0.8673 0.0511 0.89376 0.87439 0.61469 0.75135 0.48069 0.11967 0.70624 0.42948 0.6663 0.70146 0.32939 0.54421 0.03312 0.63852 0.74042 0.09208 0.28284 0.29978 0.75151 0.10443 0.67339 0.5555 0.05358 0.55329 0.78579 0.56258 0.16498 0.30974 0.50955 0.79185 0.6997 0.48252 0.0816 0.1244 0.34508 0.96017 0.72922 0.1416 0.34515 0.58438 0.20784 0.94772 0.86971 0.45187 0.94118 0.87051 0.2702 0.36163 0.83032 0.25301 0.47727 0.36633 0.33045 0.57241 0.50481 0.26433 0.63347 0.31551 0.58963 0.78513 0.11605 0.61578 0.18412 0.13143 0.7002 0.37341 0.78489 0.50506 0.7098 0.49635 0.257 0.97042 0.39171 0.76311 0.34484 0.21293 0.68596 0.93005 0.92717 0.13991 0.93798 0.69393 0.25494 0.55094 0.14673 0.47595 0.01357 0.98237 0.78787 0.0456 0.98 0.73412 0.13699 0.48821 0.07173 0.40785 0.86475 0.6142 0.37669 0.82425 0.80865 0.31427 0.00476 0.47039 0.96741 0.2805 0.29963 0.66296 0.98494 0.39337 0.15238 0.8007 0.38869 0.32656 0.22928 0.25174 0.58195 0.94109 0.95405 0.82396 0.50342 0.06363 0.17749 0.56118 0.73564 0.58887 0.42828 0.02165 0.49742 0.94179 0.78016 0.86786 0.82097 0.34906 0.53688 0.84375 0.27146 0.0349 0.49136 0.06426 0.4216 0.10826 0.37595 0.25301 0.68603 0.87061 0.58587 0.8982 0.07051 0.83175 0.75891 0.45765 0.22428 0.62339 0.49406 0.87303 0.91437 0.67476 0.39356 0.72296 0.89943 0.19641 0.3555 0.87517 0.86659 0.33667 0.0093 0.69945 0.46565 0.48946 0.55805 0.36923 0.94847 0.72143 0.84036 0.70528 0.07334 0.54512 0.14479 0.78679 0.96613 0.40631 0.30845 0.65959 0.20657 0.34839 0.1133 0.68214 0.32849 0.38157 0.85415 0.57836 0.70422 0.04993 0.96596 0.61487 0.82515 0.03075 0.43426 0.97975 0.54225 0.04949 0.43888 0.67632 0.79142 0.34253 0.06746 0.22113 0.31806 0.73667 0.52123 0.30449 0.73525 0.55529 0.26546 0.0815 0.35412 0.63344 0.60483 0.34257 0.52198 0.71989 0.56304 0.64495 0.73462 0.56144 0.57079 0.05518 0.69833 0.77209 0.41976 0.24372 0.88945 0.14944 0.1904 0.75753 0.96914 0.24363 0.66347 0.97748 0.60136 0.50626 0.13627 0.79117 0.05947 0.43459 0.29156 0.4648 0.76458 0.22155 0.24719 0.82099 0.98562 0.43398 0.39958 0.57788 0.31071 0.33678 0.80313 0.41419 0.31199 0.67736 0.86756 0.01018 0.50578 0.0347 0.20708 0.97457 0.92913 0.7625 0.79086 0.53468 0.85278 0.17233 0.68494 0.79912 0.3443 0.62415 0.58471 0.85069 0.37746 0.6819 0.64959 0.71759 0.69203 0.74827 0.05824 0.03169 0.1092 0.65533 0.77026 0.95804 0.59056 0.34668 0.62231 0.40581 0.09642 0.6955 0.2455 0.03873 0.74961 0.26554 0.72039 0.99734 0.38027 0.20209 0.39826 0.05472 0.17712 0.81126 0.9798 0.2294 0.52385 0.06266 0.75331 0.05986 0.12923 0.9329 0.64451 0.54867 0.60139 0.92591 0.58349 0.84232 0.92326 0.25811 0.65708 0.0687 0.15007 0.24994 0.28176 0.71182 0.99737 0.39492 0.13502 0.27537 0.73739 0.9436 0.00543 0.29672 0.20143 0.15282 0.24673 0.60782 0.13523 0.00935 0.5795 0.20888 0.48703 0.11347 0.45263 0.44072 0.9371 0.08495 0.49477 0.51415 0.89932 0.06937 0.38953 0.47746 0.13629 0.08437 0.16053 0.2445 0.28237 0.44293 0.26982 0.4868 0.58773 0.91139 0.25762 0.73253 0.00591 0.86685 0.13019 0.8967 0.74245 0.92772 0.98606 0.19359 0.19678 0.01801 0.04769 0.65756 0.89734 0.8025 0.4994 0.41884 0.00697 0.0275 0.37269 0.09734 0.30965 0.51189 0.0063 0.81297 0.53702 0.22123 0.35681 0.96729 0.79446 0.99986 0.67345 0.72329 0.73815 0.971 0.40822 0.37495 0.53161 0.56416 0.79636 0.03379 0.18672 0.57427 0.2483 0.22714 0.5584 0.25884 0.48912 0.5533 0.85706 0.52245 0.80801 0.81714 0.90267 0.65063 0.09949 0.87137 0.79073 0.30015 0.39639 0.9042 0.11197 0.17788 0.96718 0.53214 0.59533 0.81223 0.12931 0.05406 0.73255 0.6505 0.72629 0.08178 0.40829 0.90918 0.32725 0.29913 0.22343 0.40566 0.8244 0.93247 0.56855 0.95471 0.82282 0.51513 0.25709 0.11906 0.02593 0.15883 0.17119 0.21464 0.38376 0.97074 0.46368 0.14569 0.22502 0.88896 0.78225 0.18204 0.81907 0.81941 0.23606 0.0857 0.10397 0.99017 0.27598 0.00293 0.34598 0.41164 0.4958 0.26576 0.76936 0.59419 0.95208 0.4188 0.50143 0.31433 0.49136 0.40157 0.32608 0.92947 0.47173 0.5152 0.02652 0.07512 0.02934 0.93984 0.79438 0.43661 0.54024 0.64206 0.43595
+0.09072 0.38503 0.51129 0.79303 0.63649 0.09004 0.38513 0.52151 0.72172 0.1049 0.19257 0.07751 0.38245 0.15409 0.30901 0.28357 0.71065 0.05155 0.78296 0.26688 0.73422 0.99818 0.76095 0.14819 0.73069 0.03457 0.17313 0.17845 0.37995 0.25562 0.42031 0.56146 0.58365 0.11253 0.1598 0.47267 0.66627 0.37991 0.75004 0.5029 0.17688 0.53506 0.54997 0.99908 0.08913 0.56123 0.2841 0.57626 0.52495 0.74937 0.37321 0.60006 0.8585 0.04286 0.98148 0.15513 0.72079 0.1567 0.43332 0.83724 0.892 0.33017 0.41595 0.58926 0.65887 0.97145 0.25072 0.79762 0.62298 0.99394 0.12915 0.50284 0.59176 0.85789 0.78478 0.5951 0.8176 0.63849 0.22515 0.24957 0.44506 0.96951 0.68006 0.65781 0.59986 0.34678 0.08807 0.29486 0.96912 0.23301 0.86817 0.733 0.17363 0.07686 0.93991 0.68983 0.27869 0.34749 0.48456 0.28136 0.05202 0.33251 0.59889 0.03649 0.31052 0.2863 0.19861 0.49314 0.73537 0.40623 0.96932 0.99619 0.45603 0.61835 0.36508 0.97861 0.13381 0.56417 0.00416 0.81786 0.32114 0.86787 0.90595 0.89422 0.03804 0.39619 0.27892 0.17903 0.01805 0.08868 0.09623 0.24793 0.26722 0.41268 0.00533 0.34838 0.33876 0.64263 0.0669 0.79711 0.21385 0.79568 0.42374 0.31588 0.77089 0.4258 0.86781 0.68721 0.39775 0.36554 0.65692 0.94466 0.73898 0.91013 0.10601 0.68194 0.96247 0.95559 0.89727 0.48854 0.03507 0.33455 0.24779 0.80274 0.39954 0.84085 0.70053 0.10445 0.12321 0.93717 0.7508 0.53835 0.96443 0.03821 0.98917 0.95727 0.5209 0.7475 0.65854 0.42533 0.73259 0.41385 0.07274 0.25167 0.30128 0.74575 0.38114 0.96177 0.9551 0.2291 0.80498 0.24307 0.4339 0.23223 0.97948 0.6264 0.30596 0.27602 0.62547 0.99236 0.83092 0.66573 0.36648 0.25431 0.84102 0.49186 0.73541 0.22414 0.63667 0.69648 0.94355 0.67955 0.60058 0.06766 0.49568 0.23832 0.58979 0.85296 0.25485 0.76833 0.27259 0.53137 0.61652 0.06934 0.56265 0.39833 0.38399 0.42751 0.53542 0.64883 0.69248 0.23053 0.99672 0.71721 0.28484 0.45338 0.16682 0.94521 0.25069 0.94778 0.44131 0.24444 0.5484 0.59101 0.75971 0.07977 0.4204 0.34651 0.52697 0.50028 0.59032 0.1468 0.89307 0.82916 0.85308 0.37147 0.23841 0.95824 0.49278 0.88876 0.87895 0.20699 0.90766 0.39317 0.73736 0.0788 0.69619 0.19302 0.96965 0.69951 0.81978 0.49551 0.9567 0.88002 0.36969 0.32482 0.51258 0.9873 0.08933 0.63385 0.29802 0.19164 0.22373 0.77023 0.19874 0.28684 0.28141 0.41548 0.77234 0.1719 0.73706 0.74868 0.37683 0.59384 0.20461 0.2123 0.94832 0.73073 0.51031 0.48899 0.88032 0.79766 0.18636 0.64922 0.7387 0.80002 0.6759 0.48204 0.90008 0.91762 0.48266 0.39561 0.23818 0.30559 0.06623 0.97197 0.18971 0.56822 0.42816 0.04212 0.805 0.3324 0.99992 0.54293 0.39361 0.7307 0.05137 0.07416 0.65323 0.65837 0.81809 0.85536 0.57982 0.66909 0.47049 0.72469 0.88864 0.77051 0.68978 0.46572 0.51744 0.85131 0.85174 0.62776 0.74322 0.4328 0.68187 0.14592 0.73727 0.40756 0.52372 0.94906 0.04746 0.26149 0.54467 0.59916 0.74147 0.98872 0.99417 0.15823 0.2744 0.28477 0.9006 0.09076 0.79239 0.59022 0.68616 0.38451 0.71408 0.00872 0.42119 0.98846 0.32251 0.99067 0.05209 0.04791 0.87614 0.02682 0.40745 0.40441 0.55298 0.39602 0.11656 0.00512 0.26966 0.54263 0.1095 0.84594 0.1936 0.13567 0.6857 0.2317 0.80268 0.99405 0.392 0.36241 0.76059 0.1463 0.66103 0.58605 0.85914 0.16377 0.06827 0.15754 0.64539 0.35166 0.6493 0.86089 0.68729 0.89704 0.92411 0.28645 0.78637 0.19478 0.97664 0.14153 0.38854 0.03485 0.66668 0.67132 0.2849 0.21197 0.43768 0.43989 0.3383 0.4626 0.38923 0.06912 0.8147 0.57827 0.96971 0.75621 0.72674 0.96574 0.11097 0.00225 0.76348 0.34215 0.91182 0.51618 0.48945 0.23187 0.23548 0.82705 0.06866 0.64012 0.87805 0.95625 0.81451 0.71024 0.73072 0.13269 0.62 0.56119 0.60216 0.66099 0.11647 0.80233 0.96719 0.84769 0.09569 0.80115 0.32233 0.04874 0.12555 0.38734 0.72253 0.40236 0.1532 0.81832 0.54154 0.9291 0.42543 0.82287 0.86742 0.18093 0.17119 0.26747 0.61501 0.73314 0.23896 0.02729 0.54642 0.42519 0.27109 0.56697 0.13745 0.72285 0.61583 0.74183 0.37138 0.24255 0.61898 0.49634 0.90645 0.47037 0.97646 0.06043 0.52515 0.62528 0.12831 0.04711 0.72595 0.87386 0.78483 0.76548 0.93313 0.44742 0.308 0.10848 0.21967 0.07865
+0.76155 0.16123 0.21778 0.88464 0.41223 0.09616 0.88604 0.11311 0.09525 0.94277 0.2269 0.21719 0.95192 0.83389 0.56937 0.13809 0.57919 0.54585 0.53766 0.86952 0.7299 0.26786 0.48476 0.05047 0.93466 0.29938 0.20049 0.08753 0.8744 0.33102 0.9949 0.26983 0.31614 0.40922 0.63067 0.45675 0.23693 0.21907 0.18458 0.17154 0.49096 0.63203 0.64472 0.67682 0.63215 0.5595 0.84677 0.00744 0.61066 0.044 0.76045 0.43713 0.73738 0.75848 0.70783 0.75531 0.96306 0.30025 0.86784 0.35727 0.90824 0.42765 0.32022 0.61426 0.86655 0.64393 0.96898 0.92315 0.49444 0.14561 0.30163 0.63076 0.97332 0.53412 0.37552 0.94001 0.48111 0.40327 0.42048 0.43593 0.84101 0.76952 0.03403 0.99954 0.12594 0.5947 0.16027 0.77683 0.5973 0.89181 0.95344 0.17176 0.2584 0.06134 0.82046 0.43044 0.99534 0.75776 0.85244 0.85464 0.42423 0.49966 0.11142 0.9883 0.29311 0.08466 0.85243 0.61536 0.40002 0.79923 0.09104 0.57702 0.57689 0.26713 0.33813 0.70748 0.26843 0.33657 0.32628 0.30494 0.34122 0.52735 0.4599 0.36203 0.72674 0.29483 0.93852 0.1137 0.81172 0.40218 0.17442 0.44192 0.05753 0.74318 0.78275 0.61418 0.72339 0.06831 0.57202 0.62042 0.36666 0.25279 0.98503 0.01807 0.69447 0.49176 0.60929 0.90354 0.97934 0.7166 0.12019 0.35476 0.18843 0.06118 0.06976 0.54359 0.40352 0.073 0.40223 0.73654 0.71498 0.1945 0.38392 0.31756 0.37361 0.49954 0.46347 0.18989 0.0584 0.31448 0.62566 0.16263 0.47569 0.77393 0.01158 0.85113 0.93326 0.8529 0.28542 0.96214 0.48014 0.25673 0.59516 0.45604 0.70499 0.87583 0.91587 0.54645 0.97387 0.31405 0.41624 0.28384 0.0447 0.45535 0.97585 0.22045 0.68228 0.14882 0.73876 0.3182 0.3309 0.26682 0.616 0.303 0.46284 0.92015 0.66616 0.19345 0.85465 0.7677 0.0291 0.3108 0.22312 0.38329 0.37409 0.63166 0.50174 0.31019 0.40991 0.87384 0.03351 0.21495 0.08783 0.91415 0.3687 0.37344 0.39044 0.16787 0.19372 0.85293 0.269 0.10262 0.50834 0.62602 0.89542 0.72134 0.50299 0.07542 0.82528 0.2088 0.65264 0.17026 0.94497 0.439 0.71704 0.41661 0.93812 0.99596 0.85594 0.80171 0.67105 0.14027 0.4485 0.32685 0.32592 0.02562 0.49751 0.76973 0.39606 0.19463 0.05913 0.41042 0.65972 0.45867 0.10709 0.03194 0.48137 0.28 0.93572 0.98099 0.32919 0.43333 0.3733 0.63783 0.45816 0.58297 0.77294 0.58493 0.37742 0.09066 0.21186 0.06391 0.95632 0.88357 0.27554 0.27071 0.82944 0.0932 0.70244 0.97344 0.45345 0.51985 0.24587 0.82947 0.13158 0.48716 0.66283 0.7379 0.71302 0.43001 0.85012 0.81837 0.34828 0.57332 0.45317 0.89311 0.31493 0.12665 0.8963 0.0156 0.24105 0.36103 0.59209 0.38844 0.39002 0.10275 0.17195 0.51467 0.37309 0.27957 0.80769 0.27685 0.20925 0.88125 0.75387 0.15427 0.61083 0.50365 0.47135 0.60206 0.89049 0.90834 0.96495 0.34291 0.41809 0.3567 0.88232 0.46043 0.68385 0.87952 0.59443 0.01415 0.85643 0.11413 0.58385 0.82337 0.09127 0.41894 0.32108 0.15114 0.29719 0.11127 0.27762 0.95082 0.10198 0.5087 0.66867 0.4631 0.31082 0.29765 0.57806 0.17696 0.12083 0.1003 0.92207 0.02848 0.14715 0.85807 0.55458 0.64063 0.16802 0.85365 0.77163 0.59012 0.13181 0.1711 0.59522 0.68093 0.27334 0.97502 0.66781 0.84264 0.91543 0.74041 0.22147 0.32368 0.48201 0.54322 0.53191 0.2871 0.26897 0.239 0.83357 0.00619 0.457 0.39786 0.22493 0.65382 0.03155 0.52274 0.51452 0.17164 0.34757 0.55269 0.7711 0.89737 0.28185 0.5256 0.6544 0.17479 0.09413 0.58748 0.11984 0.64581 0.60637 0.17853 0.22053 0.1157 0.74942 0.34538 0.49163 0.57791 0.42089 0.77649 0.71672 0.41241 0.03319 0.79179 0.40548 0.88406 0.41983 0.2842 0.62422 0.22645 0.65093 0.25406 0.34162 0.60712 0.47054 0.64732 0.67773 0.37258 0.47269 0.48781 0.28613 0.96151 0.22042 0.16919 0.30548 0.01732 0.15095 0.11923 0.00502 0.35402 0.50808 0.54779 0.99433 0.53401 0.19109 0.00025 0.79688 0.86791 0.8224 0.21686 0.24156 0.09196 0.57163 0.88792 0.01453 0.97771 0.20146 0.0649 0.32057 0.48587 0.59054 0.59667 0.61667 0.68762 0.49336 0.27361 0.9631 0.07607 0.5234 0.9736 0.94418 0.88201 0.39383 0.68812 0.86118 0.80205 0.80865 0.4652 0.634 0.96735 0.23821 0.06915 0.40422 0.11614 0.28294 0.67054 0.9614 0.86136 0.7371 0.92589 0.3228 0.97018 0.70584 0.69216 0.91356 0.73034 0.32695 0.81954
+0.44757 0.84581 0.58413 0.11267 0.1815 0.79393 0.80861 0.09823 0.35197 0.0794 0.69739 0.07654 0.14165 0.65641 0.66814 0.68148 0.13841 0.4335 0.60954 0.85718 0.53616 0.35 0.96037 0.6879 0.74657 0.75923 0.45143 0.95349 0.34274 0.67476 0.30626 0.40904 0.25473 0.20343 0.62542 0.26249 0.61106 0.00346 0.00432 0.06663 0.74263 0.60554 0.20235 0.68579 0.46313 0.39656 0.96455 0.29526 0.39354 0.79584 0.06332 0.2847 0.72721 0.53259 0.98988 0.41079 0.50485 0.81389 0.84301 0.29612 0.72928 0.47326 0.25294 0.33518 0.56905 0.63994 0.12984 0.61261 0.67674 0.02798 0.38965 0.02264 0.45281 0.99352 0.25662 0.40748 0.67785 0.86976 0.18641 0.29192 0.36278 0.63776 0.90898 0.85631 0.63302 0.73722 0.901 0.6855 0.21778 0.62175 0.17127 0.14092 0.06159 0.95283 0.12015 0.35361 0.15133 0.84615 0.5813 0.07365 0.10802 0.46922 0.66149 0.04023 0.0467 0.24882 0.27997 0.43445 0.32065 0.03992 0.28816 0.16697 0.84443 0.00438 0.30152 0.25444 0.38105 0.7839 0.57968 0.28755 0.91054 0.45131 0.88551 0.08836 0.57001 0.09332 0.17188 0.57078 0.66315 0.81098 0.42075 0.45735 0.78493 0.21516 0.77781 0.66363 0.79067 0.75189 0.75068 0.84168 0.99214 0.12363 0.23626 0.05806 0.31507 0.37324 0.38004 0.56265 0.26312 0.71982 0.41896 0.20077 0.05508 0.67455 0.04875 0.11872 0.57937 0.94668 0.95547 0.50553 0.08701 0.72084 0.24846 0.32023 0.19839 0.24672 0.18616 0.65017 0.6521 0.61727 0.37398 0.31991 0.53109 0.82864 0.75523 0.53103 0.08399 0.15821 0.16517 0.1003 0.01991 0.03132 0.46858 0.55455 0.01009 0.82389 0.16688 0.12603 0.35678 0.9647 0.28958 0.86403 0.42069 0.71229 0.45358 0.60554 0.41523 0.06692 0.47212 0.03392 0.76302 0.36073 0.47627 0.31101 0.66043 0.74715 0.73236 0.4515 0.1069 0.3641 0.53429 0.22836 0.77767 0.35069 0.96684 0.27782 0.98685 0.43949 0.97267 0.27635 0.32439 0.3997 0.03668 0.25311 0.2939 0.33054 0.35453 0.66565 0.13655 0.15305 0.43142 0.57817 0.60476 0.74881 0.68975 0.03018 0.70358 0.86672 0.96872 0.97948 0.11258 0.45611 0.65601 0.52999 0.52612 0.40794 0.01826 0.84051 0.88435 0.4026 0.23846 0.96358 0.94272 0.16922 0.59381 0.09559 0.2941 0.23293 0.13117 0.13776 0.3951 0.96288 0.97617 0.2623 0.08804 0.93942 0.7207 0.68926 0.54159 0.11096 0.53496 0.86426 0.93665 0.17884 0.68767 0.04301 0.98983 0.72503 0.84654 0.92628 0.44114 0.24399 0.62102 0.83512 0.4536 0.17917 0.62424 0.41749 0.13124 0.4415 0.13467 0.7167 0.70988 0.71628 0.9647 0.83481 0.06441 0.0494 0.13394 0.0445 0.02798 0.46917 0.16536 0.57159 0.89406 0.34074 0.61923 0.28762 0.67837 0.08429 0.25512 0.6256 0.34606 0.25164 0.18487 0.04997 0.07927 0.22037 0.69931 0.93232 0.33959 0.53187 0.46041 0.62244 0.95924 0.57933 0.5192 0.28565 0.1162 0.47186 0.5518 0.65808 0.26362 0.34605 0.99627 0.13659 0.10537 0.81092 0.2148 0.14177 0.19562 0.27898 0.92282 0.91538 0.73336 0.29109 0.75573 0.33496 0.44531 0.87457 0.65396 0.05136 0.3028 0.34998 0.79081 0.34411 0.58523 0.57017 0.37795 0.26476 0.51396 0.34796 0.30411 0.38298 0.40217 0.50366 0.79986 0.89549 0.14139 0.38508 0.01844 0.57394 0.35735 0.22372 0.30192 0.79697 0.90281 0.75199 0.60786 0.58433 0.82629 0.54721 0.10969 0.84778 0.57676 0.97151 0.42166 0.90207 0.44189 0.8411 0.4698 0.13708 0.42551 0.59911 0.27218 0.53295 0.31964 0.00313 0.29126 0.36801 0.9751 0.08643 0.84448 0.46092 0.78327 0.40109 0.82086 0.03658 0.12479 0.30794 0.83001 0.89157 0.54375 0.88631 0.1112 0.77389 0.3296 0.30441 0.65407 0.62078 0.04748 0.20711 0.34732 0.03053 0.50293 0.4812 0.84679 0.85495 0.16886 0.95649 0.4039 0.76924 0.8068 0.29319 0.73172 0.61951 0.68616 0.16964 0.26958 0.6446 0.53872 0.38563 0.29322 0.37101 0.83032 0.03216 0.29075 0.86187 0.35395 0.5119 0.11341 0.94944 0.33777 0.07858 0.70055 0.26457 0.68142 0.84839 0.37311 0.57327 0.72528 0.87541 0.55584 0.18718 0.03037 0.40462 0.49981 0.93328 0.3201 0.27177 0.20775 0.61976 0.25502 0.51417 0.73229 0.50874 0.66915 0.4272 0.63348 0.21033 0.1365 0.33605 0.45362 0.43894 0.88716 0.45824 0.28339 0.60626 0.47442 0.27585 0.78723 0.90136 0.47826 0.68656 0.98464 0.23965 0.49121 0.84978 0.9338 0.18654 0.96172 0.91872 0.4242 0.5528 0.80512 0.68561 0.00065 0.92788 0.6187 0.84996 0.02938 0.29688
+0.93133 0.75329 0.23217 0.74721 0.94385 0.81717 0.34729 0.84809 0.94646 0.03015 0.11056 0.31876 0.35053 0.57729 0.40599 0.18564 0.26811 0.42304 0.01755 0.19323 0.57706 0.89915 0.6981 0.43302 0.81807 0.49409 0.22359 0.93136 0.5087 0.80097 0.44421 0.52311 0.81711 0.54208 0.41234 0.43209 0.11741 0.02805 0.56972 0.87284 0.18108 0.75513 0.44108 0.30947 0.02492 0.87006 0.95638 0.91419 0.23336 0.39477 0.93834 0.53903 0.43731 0.21877 0.47107 0.62433 0.98221 0.01394 0.4213 0.09037 0.9356 0.16945 0.72569 0.75379 0.39988 0.78362 0.39016 0.28731 0.4924 0.6593 0.1314 0.30913 0.73761 0.20031 0.69496 0.18041 0.04547 0.51783 0.27647 0.33121 0.47941 0.19377 0.67962 0.75162 0.80642 0.70031 0.59355 0.60299 0.4909 0.61597 0.19165 0.25635 0.78922 0.15458 0.83683 0.31284 0.08171 0.57249 0.08792 0.50271 0.48077 0.32456 0.9967 0.70356 0.72167 0.52309 0.04425 0.16012 0.02768 0.89811 0.00176 0.65351 0.06704 0.30417 0.69876 0.48131 0.35589 0.11296 0.23744 0.22664 0.08404 0.95143 0.11321 0.35604 0.9057 0.85039 0.33409 0.17792 0.9568 0.56452 0.04073 0.50451 0.9628 0.17606 0.07297 0.58546 0.1118 0.20575 0.38386 0.92252 0.47442 0.13328 0.26415 0.00461 0.60198 0.9461 0.48919 0.63218 0.6213 0.62619 0.92187 0.71749 0.70837 0.62529 0.56589 0.14425 0.60101 0.30003 0.1816 0.71663 0.73476 0.5647 0.98198 0.84573 0.02264 0.79435 0.74624 0.47671 0.59267 0.6007 0.67651 0.33426 0.50337 0.92108 0.62716 0.11627 0.95092 0.02065 0.92824 0.02232 0.11929 0.27569 0.50432 0.15305 0.50492 0.6585 0.72831 0.86875 0.65807 0.17738 0.10356 0.31972 0.70209 0.79013 0.88507 0.21201 0.61146 0.43284 0.7274 0.7546 0.45087 0.1384 0.01406 0.41438 0.26869 0.62409 0.85067 0.79432 0.8886 0.08305 0.6649 0.48009 0.11215 0.22536 0.98346 0.34779 0.14292 0.97253 0.03903 0.50991 0.36679 0.87006 0.75056 0.05443 0.63103 0.81103 0.18837 0.15353 0.93879 0.69131 0.29654 0.7915 0.63886 0.49463 0.08421 0.51466 0.18224 0.78661 0.56568 0.41031 0.52498 0.79795 0.96787 0.15249 0.42918 0.82014 0.86561 0.67063 0.77497 0.07895 0.06274 0.7113 0.14215 0.98212 0.5683 0.89538 0.01545 0.35883 0.31554 0.43439 0.01526 0.8845 0.74621 0.75094 0.73061 0.44702 0.44988 0.47352 0.92856 0.31678 0.25001 0.76421 0.5164 0.73476 0.54256 0.20925 0.0287 0.69066 0.07595 0.95098 0.26942 0.5624 0.07292 0.77983 0.9347 0.89714 0.04278 0.71669 0.2483 0.17263 0.87354 0.40727 0.54859 0.52342 0.00424 0.54997 0.62922 0.15317 0.97308 0.11956 0.80724 0.16011 0.38699 0.75597 0.3414 0.92294 0.0537 0.0528 0.95346 0.52978 0.89815 0.91353 0.79325 0.85097 0.7013 0.31452 0.72197 0.79207 0.64929 0.56677 0.15918 0.05438 0.11354 0.43001 0.15454 0.99463 0.34828 0.75861 0.68251 0.16583 0.8562 0.25684 0.23928 0.05847 0.99555 0.20826 0.94487 0.93367 0.43887 0.23214 0.57499 0.87016 0.64175 0.13594 0.4295 0.20082 0.36349 0.40015 0.48069 0.53014 0.29189 0.86593 0.10407 0.45307 0.21076 0.13913 0.89238 0.54692 0.22099 0.30021 0.89696 0.84874 0.79899 0.28483 0.62579 0.93629 0.91134 0.91687 0.47891 0.63598 0.9412 0.01989 0.01763 0.20305 0.88961 0.09227 0.79214 0.84682 0.98212 0.38329 0.83669 0.45893 0.95336 0.07951 0.28154 0.96274 0.20643 0.72679 0.86955 0.6134 0.07187 0.10857 0.1749 0.60473 0.87031 0.55115 0.74894 0.68797 0.89312 0.26719 0.04779 0.24527 0.76781 0.32268 0.6031 0.89116 0.9732 0.35115 0.38893 0.53609 0.34954 0.30222 0.22472 0.38063 0.04173 0.39926 0.11478 0.18429 0.16758 0.82685 0.86339 0.74415 0.59782 0.62786 0.29167 0.43874 0.24156 0.52264 0.33638 0.08022 0.78536 0.32884 0.34204 0.59133 0.13336 0.90006 0.42714 0.74459 0.07515 0.66013 0.66912 0.58292 0.49256 0.59869 0.94239 0.39243 0.96518 0.42006 0.77107 0.04109 0.42176 0.79458 0.59036 0.54189 0.91375 0.92361 0.06931 0.34227 0.00751 0.6594 0.90948 0.64239 0.34802 0.32748 0.26666 0.21466 0.86432 0.97505 0.97471 0.45889 0.72683 0.9415 0.30128 0.12054 0.57333 0.24131 0.06773 0.28555 0.36225 0.40023 0.32055 0.60172 0.0931 0.8886 0.57022 0.99061 0.71401 0.4327 0.23223 0.07751 0.48652 0.15033 0.70302 0.70922 0.3384 0.96903 0.26619 0.21169 0.36535 0.36503 0.76129 0.88496 0.37302 0.68738 0.17861 0.02587 0.00488 0.17484 0.51337 0.92019 0.49057 0.74639
+0.42463 0.98236 0.84898 0.77463 0.54981 0.03819 0.33914 0.63044 0.08231 0.0544 0.58067 0.71222 0.11411 0.22851 0.11368 0.97724 0.22358 0.83452 0.62759 0.76431 0.35095 0.64467 0.48212 0.28184 0.63645 0.15061 0.48964 0.17198 0.77573 0.08202 0.4049 0.91932 0.84359 0.319 0.82452 0.10781 0.76386 0.27844 0.49829 0.37863 0.6738 0.78927 0.99184 0.83843 0.14719 0.43569 0.06888 0.13016 0.10873 0.31348 0.77301 0.66974 0.17727 0.6655 0.51701 0.89282 0.77474 0.28988 0.06788 0.97181 0.0397 0.20253 0.74316 0.86628 0.66391 0.74728 0.30258 0.10454 0.65416 0.182 0.03243 0.14921 0.17192 0.15872 0.53755 0.32279 0.47487 0.2692 0.33404 0.17089 0.12949 0.23966 0.23017 0.96417 0.2572 0.5867 0.48016 0.64637 0.29983 0.04104 0.23819 0.92234 0.06137 0.62282 0.51678 0.99606 0.71512 0.43673 0.04716 0.05869 0.14414 0.89716 0.16512 0.05403 0.26286 0.46779 0.65862 0.81476 0.56862 0.41675 0.18918 0.6149 0.40181 0.27133 0.95837 0.99514 0.30918 0.6955 0.12636 0.54538 0.88403 0.52181 0.2713 0.88504 0.83647 0.65226 0.68214 0.07758 0.70853 0.88504 0.80159 0.58478 0.13877 0.67851 0.63551 0.32314 0.24256 0.50893 0.60489 0.26268 0.49383 0.36287 0.27297 0.97037 0.3094 0.67918 0.22384 0.28105 0.5371 0.38009 0.20027 0.37969 0.27247 0.58154 0.7817 0.45595 0.30141 0.64489 0.32885 0.75239 0.97097 0.52647 0.10408 0.37788 0.62234 0.73348 0.77181 0.2011 0.7706 0.44294 0.16689 0.26134 0.95575 0.95142 0.51752 0.03229 0.74779 0.07752 0.28632 0.32159 0.10776 0.89408 0.10735 0.06242 0.09646 0.02086 0.01451 0.92792 0.11852 0.89515 0.2242 0.3554 0.07656 0.97614 0.91418 0.78757 0.45821 0.81125 0.80291 0.33257 0.98031 0.4841 0.7743 0.39504 0.40435 0.49338 0.18463 0.60705 0.81897 0.20265 0.38434 0.27323 0.15032 0.51925 0.6159 0.23687 0.7185 0.66305 0.42838 0.34327 0.24735 0.18715 0.79187 0.86079 0.6392 0.10122 0.26987 0.42312 0.57243 0.45299 0.67846 0.61183 0.68441 0.52634 0.30944 0.02693 0.46675 0.92036 0.81083 0.11052 0.91921 0.89765 0.36447 0.76459 0.93563 0.10727 0.5424 0.72844 0.77958 0.65054 0.86609 0.2912 0.20635 0.33325 0.99584 0.37937 0.02151 0.75485 0.31063 0.48641 0.0474 0.92619 0.48897 0.86576 0.68383 0.54453 0.82505 0.04781 0.16951 0.07439 0.36105 0.7143 0.38946 0.18129 0.42108 0.06086 0.5699 0.15553 0.2035 0.90065 0.65948 0.66548 0.31082 0.84179 0.66673 0.19954 0.59016 0.71394 0.19082 0.63064 0.30881 0.95035 0.51156 0.8171 0.40542 0.02871 0.45205 0.52988 0.52194 0.66937 0.76525 0.47588 0.62011 0.78534 0.69261 0.69225 0.68889 0.0581 0.85567 0.12503 0.51937 0.6067 0.62607 0.94465 0.63828 0.47415 0.63902 0.03314 0.15399 0.12457 0.61859 0.01254 0.91283 0.23634 0.41739 0.36728 0.16909 0.42288 0.64745 0.16565 0.6859 0.44112 0.77056 0.9024 0.78197 0.80788 0.26851 0.13563 0.40057 0.10343 0.61666 0.84377 0.22861 0.57423 0.92535 0.10363 0.66741 0.88471 0.09389 0.07701 0.71906 0.42809 0.28076 0.18012 0.4566 0.09935 0.25532 0.88157 0.852 0.67914 0.447 0.0878 0.94435 0.77227 0.27084 0.32672 0.61556 0.48396 0.56176 0.9634 0.93446 0.90797 0.12736 0.89962 0.67254 0.81216 0.08729 0.81025 0.49781 0.32617 0.06943 0.03788 0.68315 0.36429 0.64174 0.33604 0.4542 0.81611 0.16135 0.22462 0.36164 0.57866 0.11685 0.5549 0.21369 0.64934 0.72578 0.0835 0.29106 0.81324 0.94112 0.86694 0.85242 0.59266 0.79103 0.38959 0.77761 0.13218 0.60799 0.50278 0.19401 0.39796 0.02444 0.58556 0.3562 0.99409 0.41557 0.84272 0.93764 0.04976 0.65282 0.45961 0.14235 0.89474 0.45445 0.77265 0.75937 0.47323 0.27286 0.19093 0.45079 0.93268 0.12877 0.44325 0.75458 0.489 0.52434 0.47167 0.34017 0.66161 0.08629 0.72034 0.45651 0.06336 0.70427 0.2439 0.91332 0.45748 0.99306 0.75619 0.30672 0.45663 0.71946 0.68499 0.33624 0.59877 0.11998 0.42437 0.79677 0.22227 0.01201 0.6805 0.97101 0.30289 0.10654 0.07945 0.31199 0.71977 0.59595 0.51087 0.6287 0.724 0.5733 0.47051 0.22504 0.74101 0.05773 0.145 0.61164 0.32524 0.67677 0.23904 0.60262 0.08262 0.52505 0.44391 0.98491 0.39289 0.85485 0.46393 0.25789 0.60949 0.15284 0.13585 0.38876 0.51547 0.87826 0.64702 0.54623 0.84781 0.01317 0.72861 0.90586 0.47327 0.32022 0.61981 0.92306 0.17336 0.41123 0.5319 0.43512 0.83395
+0.31242 0.0901 0.11451 0.76399 0.50204 0.08558 0.48023 0.18012 0.82589 0.26826 0.82253 0.52792 0.60175 0.57809 0.86634 0.01816 0.62626 0.17989 0.53329 0.01962 0.68384 0.94609 0.96094 0.71714 0.04221 0.56754 0.71296 0.80251 0.47612 0.13819 0.07856 0.96991 0.21746 0.66373 0.54292 0.70498 0.55115 0.37879 0.48337 0.45108 0.14382 0.62963 0.70782 0.99755 0.15898 0.83339 0.57565 0.95235 0.21538 0.3434 0.62432 0.77623 0.52572 0.56863 0.4549 0.68245 0.66319 0.04553 0.20982 0.65902 0.76042 0.41992 0.89692 0.84926 0.36123 0.23856 0.33739 0.55796 0.37068 0.48926 0.04374 0.13457 0.51563 0.87483 0.81876 0.95803 0.69087 0.06243 0.64663 0.17894 0.27116 0.35574 0.58454 0.13716 0.84222 0.9442 0.37691 0.31261 0.98437 0.01517 0.42186 0.97878 0.01421 0.57102 0.6059 0.70024 0.3609 0.21184 0.83934 0.38627 0.80579 0.58515 0.86252 0.84893 0.40875 0.02944 0.6263 0.8241 0.48034 0.01925 0.49458 0.7205 0.64105 0.84112 0.10069 0.55459 0.91709 0.84564 0.08452 0.37625 0.10842 0.57501 0.30499 0.29691 0.67759 0.92311 0.2666 0.80979 0.51972 0.1338 0.19745 0.53571 0.93587 0.11005 0.13158 0.80554 0.49471 0.37301 0.2901 0.03231 0.84253 0.42092 0.38042 0.00421 0.75116 0.13988 0.80724 0.26199 0.39497 0.22869 0.98716 0.78993 0.40653 0.94061 0.53989 0.97982 0.63576 0.25529 0.73276 0.81226 0.40906 0.65071 0.42367 0.43931 0.9616 0.53817 0.24321 0.41171 0.81906 0.55821 0.91293 0.17562 0.64956 0.96133 0.14742 0.38693 0.5706 0.98629 0.64389 0.55544 0.99851 0.57877 0.86848 0.67002 0.45163 0.58193 0.56936 0.14872 0.20416 0.94014 0.45406 0.24309 0.878 0.56676 0.1936 0.53233 0.60096 0.73087 0.10662 0.27904 0.65342 0.50644 0.8337 0.69787 0.31752 0.97585 0.71686 0.58573 0.32803 0.86648 0.69133 0.41499 0.57515 0.94819 0.72971 0.37164 0.58128 0.64773 0.23892 0.53422 0.16502 0.41144 0.39695 0.44743 0.12069 0.24362 0.54142 0.69542 0.8341 0.82691 0.1725 0.78474 0.9024 0.9188 0.27035 0.72847 0.02143 0.77982 0.67752 0.09195 0.18095 0.94366 0.757 0.84181 0.79371 0.28643 0.81604 0.88954 0.97329 0.04839 0.61638 0.68898 0.30693 0.04976 0.82984 0.63844 0.7857 0.42767 0.17544 0.10333 0.02256 0.35715 0.56507 0.24787 0.0647 0.28457 0.20022 0.37738 0.40603 0.8284 0.02105 0.25673 0.14741 0.02483 0.63848 0.0623 0.15524 0.54038 0.15917 0.01842 0.43395 0.61377 0.76779 0.80738 0.03756 0.98927 0.44943 0.25479 0.77248 0.78116 0.01351 0.2968 0.17728 0.56474 0.30055 0.27049 0.86001 0.53795 0.61714 0.40398 0.14191 0.46498 0.33812 0.887 0.99814 0.55488 0.05908 0.29711 0.80982 0.86621 0.16564 0.51878 0.43582 0.52281 0.10412 0.49759 0.70604 0.77424 0.91586 0.95369 0.65981 0.58141 0.82096 0.37446 0.16361 0.5086 0.19507 0.44243 0.11449 0.13055 0.91 0.34191 0.99026 0.55391 0.97659 0.29893 0.36209 0.69495 0.76151 0.43782 0.91148 0.7889 0.32828 0.4426 0.12499 0.56892 0.54301 0.06658 0.59198 0.36273 0.99424 0.9196 0.03274 0.79614 0.65029 0.91219 0.66345 0.73908 0.49305 0.73822 0.0251 0.45514 0.89904 0.73615 0.96505 0.17508 0.9198 0.34937 0.31727 0.40753 0.95073 0.16305 0.26607 0.51822 0.72826 0.10633 0.52725 0.55263 0.19057 0.80176 0.78693 0.69245 0.57554 0.486 0.07967 0.28717 0.54876 0.85879 0.52936 0.93781 0.31036 0.63421 0.14666 0.60023 0.00378 0.45111 0.06256 0.24439 0.06029 0.08838 0.64229 0.52573 0.11686 0.93271 0.62146 0.99885 0.91495 0.0432 0.34994 0.27755 0.66784 0.46269 0.46704 0.30255 0.37012 0.29408 0.97317 0.17315 0.3384 0.46342 0.90718 0.43725 0.84782 0.01296 0.71659 0.19359 0.88767 0.37867 0.03454 0.76643 0.42946 0.81496 0.88146 0.59354 0.41306 0.35583 0.21264 0.35734 0.14403 0.44105 0.08791 0.95092 0.65351 0.59185 0.33164 0.8062 0.99487 0.76486 0.26443 0.90436 0.73415 0.1469 0.97445 0.09591 0.13692 0.29799 0.54992 0.66388 0.91601 0.81418 0.94604 0.38632 0.88902 0.12216 0.02967 0.73311 0.04046 0.70712 0.52743 0.53302 0.20744 0.26406 0.55261 0.25869 0.58233 0.71928 0.75905 0.35015 0.48735 0.49606 0.0302 0.52843 0.66599 0.4823 0.36978 0.83958 0.06409 0.10673 0.96133 0.54785 0.92213 0.5514 0.66196 0.3813 0.54893 0.57195 0.26343 0.09316 0.87731 0.01576 0.93399 0.91852 0.53173 0.88515 0.3317 0.5998 0.33554 0.64531 0.81565 0.9916 0.6092 0.27771
+0.78683 0.85538 0.33476 0.41245 0.17817 0.76401 0.53136 0.64832 0.49662 0.15136 0.23668 0.55816 0.11711 0.17711 0.68323 0.73233 0.08693 0.99428 0.48837 0.61326 0.00555 0.12517 0.03304 0.90687 0.72993 0.76104 0.22768 0.86942 0.31742 0.5183 0.6382 0.72986 0.80844 0.90052 0.86485 0.21657 0.8307 0.58108 0.90747 0.47029 0.18051 0.13496 0.23714 0.35139 0.31715 0.1502 0.46128 0.66049 0.94189 0.21978 0.77217 0.25141 0.2301 0.78234 0.19517 0.89378 0.28965 0.02697 0.97917 0.62387 0.37459 0.78703 0.20527 0.24546 0.8932 0.04151 0.68348 0.52045 0.08036 0.50457 0.80127 0.59088 0.21763 0.90889 0.76851 0.17323 0.16358 0.70475 0.16646 0.05522 0.95387 0.11163 0.8908 0.44712 0.94383 0.86192 0.47523 0.04396 0.09479 0.10715 0.80154 0.72357 0.54938 0.82398 0.52765 0.06295 0.68607 0.80574 0.70493 0.28856 0.97931 0.11386 0.67842 0.60637 0.89883 0.59771 0.24062 0.69515 0.64387 0.34042 0.79893 0.93909 0.02397 0.30093 0.32984 0.20671 0.99371 0.76281 0.16787 0.25359 0.15045 0.9305 0.2693 0.61761 0.58516 0.09001 0.52583 0.33186 0.33913 0.06589 0.8167 0.91736 0.28571 0.59124 0.16025 0.83212 0.02675 0.35381 0.74866 0.81809 0.0105 0.54511 0.56897 0.12625 0.15657 0.80512 0.19667 0.67809 0.49879 0.16426 0.85845 0.96982 0.81531 0.88202 0.48216 0.68038 0.8273 0.428 0.49812 0.41961 0.69074 0.12217 0.53549 0.04155 0.6654 0.17699 0.49693 0.93839 0.30336 0.72665 0.27904 0.90421 0.87779 0.89007 0.33411 0.71698 0.04508 0.07308 0.65739 0.42209 0.79488 0.71046 0.1812 0.17229 0.2469 0.45499 0.00937 0.49032 0.85563 0.82974 0.1431 0.91709 0.7468 0.00953 0.10998 0.63847 0.30958 0.89403 0.28259 0.60008 0.5241 0.79311 0.77368 0.42006 0.55927 0.68603 0.80173 0.98824 0.41484 0.14107 0.64678 0.82808 0.95142 0.9898 0.83106 0.78827 0.11036 0.20094 0.46719 0.74193 0.6763 0.6297 0.90107 0.92728 0.61181 0.3021 0.06667 0.83597 0.02658 0.04952 0.82105 0.01828 0.74227 0.64257 0.74964 0.31983 0.37522 0.05108 0.82008 0.87088 0.4235 0.85328 0.31312 0.07803 0.13015 0.3839 0.1161 0.28907 0.10767 0.18294 0.05141 0.96701 0.75006 0.0035 0.91599 0.24218 0.66706 0.6466 0.58413 0.12978 0.12175 0.77406 0.19556 0.78277 0.79205 0.52343 0.26426 0.43518 0.17117 0.84935 0.39758 0.97506 0.60297 0.04684 0.15631 0.30752 0.5737 0.80627 0.15652 0.99731 0.21808 0.99784 0.44918 0.73629 0.85221 0.02834 0.33491 0.51407 0.25678 0.77136 0.72354 0.37725 0.32652 0.42518 0.40061 0.46145 0.43293 0.874 0.22903 0.63917 0.89262 0.02446 0.9122 0.10693 0.99837 0.53972 0.10815 0.15601 0.44085 0.76233 0.86058 0.82638 0.97876 0.3822 0.28895 0.94511 0.0359 0.05434 0.86069 0.76757 0.93993 0.2058 0.49303 0.63914 0.02166 0.68998 0.52317 0.81404 0.83845 0.52114 0.42611 0.39957 0.4571 0.33043 0.5955 0.78375 0.61252 0.20112 0.28429 0.73176 0.54153 0.6064 0.92948 0.75688 0.46333 0.06038 0.28773 0.06564 0.58372 0.05219 0.12599 0.22435 0.27619 0.92149 0.15773 0.45729 0.27146 0.91165 0.31716 0.02156 0.64634 0.6909 0.82309 0.71558 0.82186 0.44376 0.63803 0.11823 0.98678 0.14062 0.85408 0.50691 0.14948 0.81026 0.68938 0.05505 0.76562 0.27459 0.48219 0.12497 0.783 0.13567 0.97434 0.47675 0.65529 0.99394 0.85355 0.81405 0.11819 0.62734 0.56627 0.34434 0.55825 0.23668 0.72422 0.73937 0.2445 0.83343 0.17153 0.40183 0.4839 0.95273 0.74595 0.7815 0.88619 0.97182 0.44707 0.89955 0.29194 0.77186 0.28236 0.50381 0.76911 0.76087 0.75993 0.33813 0.33159 0.9419 0.26686 0.57497 0.47338 0.06031 0.15872 0.21162 0.63556 0.67853 0.25715 0.02089 0.11773 0.58754 0.80255 0.69599 0.228 0.6516 0.33274 0.78713 0.07015 0.14666 0.4834 0.69859 0.7303 0.06482 0.71419 0.16679 0.43022 0.60097 0.25026 0.25135 0.17029 0.67865 0.06352 0.76061 0.78162 0.20499 0.67395 0.79389 0.19424 0.47179 0.09796 0.12974 0.40838 0.30653 0.6217 0.18257 0.60102 0.53032 0.53115 0.8494 0.38082 0.34932 0.64913 0.7773 0.86644 0.8157 0.30222 0.98592 0.92339 0.834 0.34242 0.85688 0.54077 0.41224 0.68977 0.58924 0.93679 0.68363 0.32313 0.15684 0.21842 0.60184 0.74521 0.4796 0.11071 0.6097 0.63236 0.31803 0.23019 0.60819 0.93485 0.83645 0.42001 0.92251 0.63991 0.19834 0.99173 0.72892 0.60436 0.9046 0.74727 0.55102 0.37665 0.77017
+0.86364 0.56338 0.83615 0.17155 0.51926 0.54365 0.88794 0.98344 0.15491 0.91412 0.76306 0.54259 0.45321 0.64486 0.60298 0.25322 0.32806 0.41232 0.88313 0.16721 0.09504 0.58913 0.30674 0.04475 0.93227 0.07006 0.84276 0.38405 0.99271 0.70833 0.45504 0.43675 0.18277 0.32758 0.76935 0.09557 0.57731 0.15267 0.24796 0.33997 0.91226 0.35175 0.6422 0.29712 0.6693 0.44959 0.32529 0.17122 0.10634 0.16967 0.29581 0.81318 0.88309 0.0294 0.60292 0.92921 0.62971 0.19236 0.83611 0.76376 0.25419 0.95579 0.78173 0.02449 0.59979 0.20771 0.52167 0.53115 0.45687 0.78854 0.57308 0.87971 0.31336 0.55973 0.40841 0.05532 0.79883 0.42573 0.76175 0.94493 0.12418 0.81613 0.03742 0.19746 0.45752 0.22226 0.37389 0.61543 0.42008 0.04532 0.05798 0.72749 0.44315 0.50794 0.31135 0.21347 0.44558 0.38488 0.37695 0.08532 0.42288 0.78068 0.75913 0.74172 0.03774 0.28242 0.004 0.69715 0.19869 0.54502 0.80326 0.04877 0.72188 0.43676 0.49902 0.77219 0.41241 0.64277 0.55569 0.81237 0.87486 0.95181 0.63549 0.47155 0.5487 0.20237 0.08892 0.58399 0.65922 0.14391 0.94848 0.81005 0.26896 0.31124 0.25403 0.28303 0.03255 0.9993 0.08213 0.26695 0.13731 0.28938 0.82089 0.09426 0.49237 0.5561 0.3769 0.95615 0.13831 0.45587 0.90537 0.28804 0.51853 0.5795 0.96668 0.04324 0.61946 0.48221 0.19628 0.30658 0.43423 0.72901 0.69326 0.11784 0.57188 0.27683 0.8267 0.35186 0.97809 0.23566 0.18111 0.13805 0.21579 0.87316 0.01241 0.04972 0.03351 0.59083 0.93649 0.91499 0.56506 0.27528 0.55496 0.79819 0.95225 0.83753 0.53902 0.52417 0.94792 0.29309 0.12368 0.79632 0.1634 0.04659 0.36628 0.30592 0.88893 0.07885 0.75272 0.99252 0.37868 0.49075 0.84808 0.32436 0.151 0.38696 0.92685 0.92336 0.61071 0.3096 0.16207 0.56499 0.11961 0.02663 0.70069 0.08903 0.27428 0.76962 0.79008 0.22118 0.30994 0.36562 0.01624 0.79113 0.10953 0.66389 0.98205 0.73363 0.9753 0.63994 0.78619 0.78073 0.47653 0.45208 0.56377 0.95759 0.51998 0.07606 0.07508 0.43246 0.52963 0.16875 0.79434 0.5878 0.31486 0.49359 0.04121 0.92278 0.17009 0.87432 0.75692 0.14871 0.75409 0.55522 0.34468 0.46541 0.80932 0.5556 0.26766 0.22642 0.34511 0.76929 0.38892 0.46588 0.96843 0.36345 0.65693 0.82597 0.9369 0.52489 0.71851 0.10753 0.57558 0.30693 0.29927 0.43794 0.30302 0.23011 0.73941 0.59317 0.80639 0.05504 0.14027 0.47054 0.11905 0.37565 0.26949 0.95777 0.71834 0.29054 0.14237 0.42057 0.85128 0.73501 0.37438 0.92232 0.62549 0.11737 0.75935 0.99094 0.38806 0.80651 0.03212 0.39467 0.49012 0.84189 0.13667 0.31328 0.81216 0.8094 0.81644 0.21434 0.18725 0.92914 0.91347 0.21809 0.10029 0.71909 0.27343 0.11855 0.19753 0.89158 0.66209 0.53653 0.84031 0.12033 0.77779 0.36685 0.33512 0.85104 0.50206 0.03347 0.33497 0.11399 0.61081 0.8797 0.57469 0.90471 0.35771 0.49665 0.26507 0.81364 0.44302 0.16127 0.38409 0.48368 0.3225 0.96378 0.94205 0.93682 0.70868 0.6231 0.37187 0.45073 0.71801 0.22735 0.53694 0.0477 0.80907 0.5712 0.4077 0.8921 0.26015 0.68042 0.6335 0.21714 0.66886 0.0083 0.53535 0.40101 0.10347 0.45876 0.43774 0.67763 0.00311 0.16046 0.85472 0.92575 0.04074 0.86651 0.79403 0.11454 0.39239 0.59852 0.8814 0.5929 0.41405 0.43413 0.06174 0.90914 0.27707 0.01697 0.66246 0.90726 0.7508 0.19314 0.70363 0.41794 0.91417 0.10359 0.95393 0.03979 0.21575 0.07773 0.93222 0.87688 0.94182 0.42482 0.36047 0.42197 0.71877 0.03614 0.11955 0.69174 0.27643 0.73391 0.78185 0.37839 0.90525 0.66069 0.8422 0.38415 0.06035 0.95865 0.74975 0.19125 0.64771 0.04167 0.78146 0.25268 0.38245 0.55276 0.56517 0.44939 0.99449 0.1931 0.36994 0.81135 0.51182 0.12716 0.6017 0.10554 0.81831 0.67231 0.54429 0.88366 0.47986 0.35283 0.39142 0.67117 0.46118 0.10754 0.48472 0.59895 0.40116 0.49734 0.31818 0.22031 0.08829 0.8042 0.69766 0.30077 0.27378 0.3289 0.42815 0.53845 0.06673 0.34208 0.57025 0.81611 0.25126 0.53893 0.73645 0.06716 0.50319 0.43832 0.46042 0.86588 0.92259 0.54311 0.9454 0.95856 0.77798 0.19398 0.76241 0.21029 0.91397 0.97356 0.56528 0.33708 0.76381 0.29715 0.35573 0.45522 0.8026 0.39596 0.5705 0.56532 0.39626 0.58152 0.75418 0.45462 0.86239 0.43541 0.41406 0.68193 0.22731 0.9213 0.51137 0.19366 0.01061 0.68186
+0.76361 0.40999 0.3594 0.54955 0.35825 0.25928 0.62519 0.26441 0.01847 0.64616 0.34469 0.48454 0.7496 0.77073 0.21183 0.97624 0.15919 0.54082 0.38206 0.09766 0.88645 0.51228 0.19055 0.65769 0.89586 0.36559 0.93888 0.83008 0.83072 0.90852 0.95226 0.84951 0.64683 0.94907 0.3099 0.26395 0.90062 0.4166 0.58333 0.29732 0.57359 0.2159 0.75411 0.17258 0.41108 0.183 0.87429 0.01991 0.85641 0.0801 0.79639 0.70397 0.10234 0.1893 0.97225 0.61996 0.61141 0.76174 0.42519 0.75498 0.99447 0.12556 0.73094 0.73428 0.22216 0.22846 0.38275 0.88963 0.01732 0.1099 0.39905 0.30416 0.8156 0.93349 0.53662 0.90679 0.89229 0.86383 0.03079 0.1004 0.22556 0.10746 0.99571 0.44895 0.14984 0.68115 0.23969 0.4588 0.56754 0.73245 0.52322 0.55434 0.30299 0.30844 0.12501 0.40446 0.28659 0.44687 0.57104 0.87924 0.89592 0.47073 0.35986 0.03271 0.04639 0.11414 0.42944 0.76932 0.69767 0.40352 0.06878 0.80302 0.78807 0.56385 0.15187 0.23801 0.40933 0.48671 0.4733 0.95807 0.24789 0.76886 0.72038 0.54579 0.52593 0.80473 0.43089 0.11421 0.86315 0.7312 0.00491 0.20747 0.60992 0.22759 0.57515 0.64796 0.94627 0.87047 0.38313 0.8456 0.06944 0.92613 0.64307 0.52657 0.19342 0.97068 0.75187 0.35828 0.85422 0.80094 0.60493 0.86285 0.3385 0.74024 0.45078 0.48717 0.8937 0.50781 0.81875 0.20957 0.71006 0.3632 0.1369 0.68757 0.70035 0.71912 0.37566 0.14441 0.33863 0.89696 0.11473 0.63761 0.0094 0.45435 0.682 0.59738 0.91895 0.10357 0.52228 0.17689 0.41353 0.37827 0.89185 0.00664 0.79431 0.23185 0.4625 0.69411 0.14854 0.08007 0.12337 0.16461 0.8403 0.02955 0.61517 0.68834 0.59384 0.72308 0.12183 0.88717 0.41808 0.50457 0.13062 0.59549 0.66842 0.98776 0.21422 0.58289 0.85324 0.2491 0.02041 0.13472 0.58731 0.81476 0.85673 0.70208 0.09615 0.75577 0.79445 0.95827 0.03215 0.16284 0.42326 0.59158 0.81945 0.5394 0.32648 0.23724 0.98701 0.0877 0.29808 0.35054 0.43318 0.08969 0.197 0.72626 0.07367 0.33307 0.12035 0.25202 0.81487 0.33949 0.22185 0.30422 0.51826 0.86027 0.6416 0.5729 0.2645 0.41454 0.6535 0.00011 0.10232 0.1622 0.82665 0.08926 0.47596 0.23733 0.2404 0.67615 0.46911 0.13845 0.83571 0.37204 0.4118 0.62698 0.38139 0.12265 0.56072 0.09219 0.28866 0.91616 0.22423 0.54805 0.50286 0.2623 0.53407 0.9327 0.13955 0.10407 0.59943 0.09649 0.39205 0.59096 0.87054 0.59463 0.4602 0.67657 0.31845 0.90179 0.42651 0.38822 0.39503 0.90473 0.82847 0.32069 0.8812 0.87284 0.1576 0.21615 0.04833 0.64753 0.77373 0.99668 0.15357 0.43393 0.0215 0.36782 0.09546 0.20748 0.48211 0.40197 0.22517 0.77199 0.18175 0.76983 0.17279 0.29471 0.70483 0.45821 0.76729 0.43219 0.25786 0.37047 0.81048 0.73752 0.69761 0.69177 0.2781 0.48712 0.43616 0.24383 0.33301 0.47597 0.56028 0.97957 0.41851 0.25739 0.18481 0.76355 0.93355 0.20866 0.28275 0.03302 0.92545 0.97864 0.44039 0.72496 0.66713 0.31473 0.03918 0.23952 0.82785 0.40331 0.55453 0.42373 0.15701 0.12088 0.46151 0.26481 0.63359 0.59397 0.51258 0.82451 0.01421 0.38796 0.93939 0.98951 0.32482 0.05761 0.06175 0.90439 0.60192 0.02512 0.94662 0.97453 0.20009 0.24621 0.34435 0.47533 0.38522 0.52669 0.50951 0.0389 0.88857 0.57022 0.09485 0.27301 0.4289 0.58081 0.59336 0.94991 0.27406 0.86392 0.81751 0.14539 0.09702 0.84658 0.28905 0.81432 0.42729 0.82157 0.63397 0.43612 0.99706 0.44574 0.14458 0.81057 0.5863 0.10338 0.04049 0.88375 0.49448 0.37055 0.40493 0.27771 0.67837 0.17685 0.61393 0.51754 0.8359 0.82327 0.02251 0.92523 0.17199 0.41037 0.30564 0.11093 0.82126 0.16955 0.67625 0.62786 0.93779 0.4769 0.65517 0.86201 0.29358 0.77974 0.72181 0.71853 0.75522 0.7511 0.49773 0.42369 0.05574 0.90417 0.90588 0.50264 0.51153 0.79783 0.757 0.90944 0.84139 0.77356 0.13212 0.5109 0.49106 0.79444 0.65325 0.02786 0.01289 0.82353 0.29611 0.56171 0.16025 0.41439 0.45603 0.7661 0.39702 0.82025 0.43367 0.57066 0.81866 0.94915 0.7422 0.71206 0.60906 0.28926 0.37756 0.65351 0.76185 0.08774 0.94928 0.26068 0.38498 0.34433 0.78434 0.33758 0.49982 0.26003 0.94246 0.36052 0.28033 0.09374 0.75287 0.30888 0.18331 0.46537 0.26147 0.15122 0.74403 0.0022 0.07966 0.59543 0.4183 0.56435 0.97733 0.83737 0.62168 0.94442 0.4344 0.93136
+0.78348 0.38471 0.73472 0.9402 0.50051 0.94157 0.22723 0.52197 0.45122 0.85384 0.68984 0.98687 0.46183 0.58517 0.23814 0.11842 0.87539 0.09745 0.28077 0.08004 0.3644 0.78692 0.39023 0.64362 0.20916 0.37561 0.42763 0.85841 0.09986 0.07877 0.60744 0.08703 0.79467 0.31959 0.97954 0.25216 0.13122 0.37479 0.45537 0.72642 0.31484 0.98352 0.63104 0.00763 0.93972 0.49495 0.16414 0.67056 0.26744 0.51912 0.48644 0.72407 0.88348 0.79872 0.14615 0.66483 0.41798 0.26219 0.15659 0.59953 0.73262 0.33914 0.23908 0.56756 0.6283 0.34162 0.01771 0.88821 0.80423 0.00402 0.57042 0.3984 0.21101 0.21794 0.48363 0.70769 0.96559 0.97356 0.31338 0.36688 0.00266 0.35695 0.23068 0.84612 0.87987 0.15803 0.30723 0.68161 0.79532 0.08594 0.69541 0.13941 0.25163 0.95507 0.5459 0.96767 0.13655 0.3836 0.44735 0.21614 0.98474 0.38306 0.14791 0.26388 0.80614 0.77517 0.84171 0.0661 0.60783 0.10007 0.20189 0.20904 0.24614 0.92508 0.00183 0.2732 0.63367 0.34817 0.83913 0.08706 0.89316 0.79712 0.90304 0.26829 0.75799 0.419 0.2071 0.58242 0.90539 0.44382 0.3309 0.17575 0.2137 0.27498 0.93697 0.9192 0.09331 0.88899 0.59748 0.80247 0.44439 0.16424 0.77774 0.13149 0.30614 0.82738 0.72523 0.71411 0.13369 0.70242 0.0707 0.11441 0.38588 0.92305 0.21246 0.47197 0.84876 0.48351 0.95469 0.01024 0.15508 0.89131 0.60112 0.4448 0.11105 0.36247 0.23723 0.41989 0.44595 0.01091 0.40356 0.29697 0.46843 0.94992 0.04945 0.18666 0.8032 0.37399 0.91199 0.70492 0.40862 0.83857 0.02478 0.73869 0.53998 0.22528 0.31103 0.5404 0.01931 0.08786 0.26569 0.11315 0.93233 0.1797 0.25632 0.27426 0.20367 0.49484 0.43855 0.6266 0.14758 0.16378 0.01292 0.10787 0.99435 0.638 0.99 0.12095 0.59458 0.60033 0.88666 0.42325 0.4903 0.37051 0.77974 0.36947 0.67143 0.95888 0.50671 0.16173 0.73481 0.26174 0.93431 0.74524 0.91294 0.51735 0.02359 0.52662 0.06643 0.28626 0.99745 0.66268 0.50017 0.92668 0.04426 0.28036 0.98141 0.17332 0.02379 0.40373 0.7176 0.4561 0.93921 0.98209 0.68237 0.37653 0.39754 0.06317 0.55306 0.46714 0.58694 0.82535 0.11195 0.29111 0.09012 0.61041 0.56982 0.27824 0.90721 0.78533 0.20161 0.8449 0.96545 0.33194 0.76541 0.49346 0.29358 0.78798 0.11042 0.1199 0.83559 0.84612 0.33399 0.51764 0.51123 0.54928 0.2771 0.07295 0.39011 0.13591 0.68674 0.24642 0.31424 0.31827 0.119 0.76117 0.22539 0.34666 0.1357 0.36841 0.23401 0.95321 0.43849 0.40364 0.91144 0.89092 0.97325 0.00959 0.15956 0.77291 0.16254 0.89789 0.40221 0.57957 0.83498 0.54168 0.69101 0.25068 0.68869 0.82417 0.99964 0.2794 0.58266 0.38005 0.45086 0.91459 0.33713 0.21227 0.12456 0.67507 0.28078 0.39767 0.97535 0.99767 0.74812 0.09853 0.16933 0.28319 0.76707 0.81159 0.12674 0.22841 0.37707 0.32478 0.96018 0.40497 0.78543 0.57325 0.94169 0.21261 0.98917 0.63126 0.04211 0.72104 0.74613 0.11471 0.27329 0.33106 0.70216 0.49067 0.00197 0.04535 0.45148 0.61233 0.83484 0.72456 0.91863 0.7332 0.54821 0.71468 0.10028 0.82406 0.9726 0.1882 0.20706 0.34706 0.05532 0.28244 0.89506 0.43058 0.57212 0.56206 0.19464 0.4026 0.14216 0.57541 0.76424 0.62558 0.32744 0.25105 0.4781 0.65597 0.62416 0.44097 0.89059 0.68446 0.66663 0.43027 0.85614 0.72497 0.18476 0.83783 0.81106 0.6897 0.10537 0.92119 0.33271 0.52486 0.84049 0.28461 0.25572 0.53266 0.97451 0.78536 0.63216 0.19401 0.49662 0.06634 0.35443 0.19977 0.95779 0.10585 0.49249 0.67216 0.67796 0.15437 0.61517 0.05601 0.89992 0.35416 0.5767 0.80156 0.36276 0.23021 0.49914 0.74123 0.30064 0.27282 0.04118 0.54885 0.44328 0.14251 0.004 0.33706 0.39034 0.4484 0.56692 0.19241 0.11537 0.43674 0.30729 0.97202 0.44567 0.2813 0.37442 0.78484 0.48871 0.35069 0.74852 0.26237 0.36285 0.52233 0.21923 0.51618 0.20398 0.18891 0.15335 0.83442 0.56739 0.0087 0.28081 0.37241 0.13114 0.47451 0.44664 0.03908 0.9502 0.33756 0.32004 0.35442 0.35804 0.963 0.01537 0.23523 0.48513 0.02416 0.52066 0.14197 0.15506 0.08976 0.5063 0.41948 0.80611 0.04594 0.77572 0.65514 0.83109 0.96632 0.34136 0.70902 0.66894 0.92869 0.71436 0.75586 0.70426 0.23171 0.65699 0.37716 0.21552 0.71939 0.72411 0.01274 0.98947 0.90072 0.47151 0.31153 0.82993 0.35851 0.98082 0.46517 0.58132 0.16276
+0.30049 0.5282 0.82265 0.3105 0.95988 0.6364 0.29227 0.8361 0.8604 0.25106 0.47261 0.0666 0.92255 0.80725 0.51685 0.64205 0.59345 0.10815 0.53921 0.8007 0.45797 0.00995 0.70455 0.75825 0.15764 0.72032 0.72254 0.24251 0.15516 0.93708 0.97798 0.8634 0.81055 0.93762 0.29194 0.73772 0.2126 0.30229 0.45911 0.56028 0.62713 0.43614 0.36588 0.35465 0.70369 0.94391 0.59597 0.65907 0.48223 0.23716 0.11965 0.91353 0.39362 0.45824 0.77646 0.93173 0.67938 0.31035 0.25262 0.85159 0.17315 0.71573 0.46913 0.97618 0.60504 0.78428 0.79343 0.04624 0.49806 0.12811 0.41973 0.18284 0.71875 0.75971 0.99444 0.01947 0.2208 0.6158 0.94953 0.42768 0.9101 0.12445 0.32704 0.19673 0.52256 0.42099 0.91955 0.9373 0.22567 0.94381 0.58889 0.39504 0.12993 0.85218 0.2255 0.88745 0.65978 0.90975 0.29024 0.94195 0.74449 0.07984 0.78142 0.9915 0.20815 0.82671 0.08104 0.42988 0.27318 0.34228 0.09258 0.30999 0.64524 0.17343 0.39453 0.68715 0.73985 0.14438 0.49531 0.79047 0.10237 0.36405 0.79925 0.79994 0.0147 0.13635 0.42557 0.41813 0.32972 0.04982 0.75315 0.55791 0.98046 0.77226 0.71846 0.35156 0.90121 0.68719 0.2378 0.63769 0.80039 0.63052 0.03571 0.6546 0.82762 0.31132 0.74518 0.39987 0.53707 0.8934 0.66709 0.53497 0.7806 0.43588 0.51937 0.75349 0.77147 0.88095 0.7283 0.48188 0.81062 0.22705 0.57391 0.47324 0.87963 0.71353 0.87705 0.31203 0.30696 0.96639 0.01301 0.27322 0.5358 0.98488 0.12357 0.65941 0.57764 0.90065 0.60119 0.14843 0.69964 0.27158 0.37321 0.07174 0.76316 0.20609 0.50416 0.51497 0.3857 0.33608 0.82927 0.29722 0.09388 0.21735 0.3861 0.96208 0.62152 0.09334 0.06083 0.37974 0.3717 0.48216 0.40427 0.63353 0.09819 0.0256 0.99625 0.3527 0.40854 0.68624 0.48354 0.46518 0.0552 0.58482 0.6739 0.0093 0.45916 0.57549 0.49819 0.82618 0.64479 0.39216 0.58255 0.66467 0.99404 0.82212 0.4367 0.1049 0.65884 0.74715 0.68336 0.26429 0.60985 0.41869 0.14569 0.24768 0.86426 0.59031 0.50744 0.69584 0.92555 0.95536 0.45629 0.46581 0.7832 0.27693 0.95996 0.28068 0.36237 0.19274 0.43608 0.59259 0.68292 0.23668 0.49954 0.19216 0.13569 0.28717 0.02015 0.19477 0.34226 0.80493 0.92363 0.73982 0.34605 0.53959 0.14959 0.77414 0.95333 0.39456 0.14693 0.31284 0.61056 0.666 0.3144 0.62449 0.83373 0.97935 0.44278 0.69378 0.93651 0.26364 0.56577 0.50256 0.71981 0.97448 0.83157 0.06456 0.85551 0.36153 0.98324 0.84037 0.03334 0.55711 0.22229 0.05372 0.79445 0.39558 0.49681 0.13316 0.53176 0.15702 0.96423 0.02998 0.23528 0.61688 0.15242 0.80178 0.74419 0.87205 0.83991 0.41517 0.00364 0.96512 0.8199 0.89965 0.92426 0.40271 0.42994 0.39553 0.22871 0.88767 0.71476 0.67668 0.55384 0.59621 0.16053 0.31427 0.70715 0.26987 0.84385 0.15322 0.24839 0.76535 0.25107 0.19316 0.22711 0.09583 0.60929 0.85777 0.36137 0.65451 0.85495 0.18521 0.66936 0.79639 0.02847 0.97572 0.51847 0.33208 0.44454 0.6027 0.66946 0.99227 0.74158 0.71626 0.18758 0.58338 0.71843 0.25749 0.8579 0.60486 0.59445 0.74712 0.78469 0.9162 0.13617 0.71222 0.68302 0.81227 0.72859 0.18866 0.0807 0.9912 0.13373 0.96911 0.54322 0.67841 0.85584 0.00585 0.17897 0.69512 0.98082 0.08145 0.2871 0.03942 0.29131 0.60416 0.958 0.73407 0.26621 0.54932 0.87972 0.18961 0.35956 0.59701 0.18289 0.93241 0.20067 0.3775 0.33087 0.48323 0.73422 0.03373 0.54833 0.9375 0.02651 0.07965 0.56992 0.90659 0.50757 0.1005 0.70554 0.4035 0.37063 0.59304 0.77368 0.78478 0.21704 0.76614 0.59809 0.41832 0.17018 0.23282 0.90741 0.27342 0.40054 0.69657 0.56988 0.18984 0.23885 0.16554 0.13306 0.48024 0.65753 0.8304 0.85118 0.82866 0.46853 0.83739 0.74961 0.44155 0.8158 0.94613 0.35519 0.6462 0.21416 0.77969 0.48235 0.54739 0.44989 0.5426 0.49845 0.17728 0.22963 0.56128 0.62788 0.99592 0.08351 0.86037 0.25219 0.92996 0.87126 0.81988 0.55342 0.42822 0.50626 0.07985 0.93648 0.81891 0.88578 0.10124 0.48416 0.08224 0.58715 0.53612 0.30138 0.6089 0.70651 0.09079 0.87635 0.67883 0.3828 0.80253 0.65916 0.9221 0.59316 0.29695 0.14547 0.59195 0.81639 0.33193 0.24837 0.84327 0.19855 0.54466 0.23585 0.65589 0.61033 0.81386 0.37785 0.95188 0.30104 0.66045 0.04755 0.31373 0.09092 0.29879 0.13219 0.43934 3e-05 0.73489
+0.24395 0.75812 0.52152 0.40861 0.34889 0.74915 0.74017 0.52914 0.47027 0.19505 0.96076 0.09506 0.66901 0.31036 0.33839 0.59361 0.97885 0.97048 0.83791 0.20532 0.4185 0.11066 0.87293 0.68749 0.64634 0.37859 0.51593 0.88743 0.97436 0.38166 0.67826 0.62952 0.32504 0.70212 0.21461 0.72267 0.68206 0.73507 0.57807 0.70052 0.7817 0.3731 0.74969 0.64956 0.63309 0.60395 0.78665 0.27378 0.88399 0.03853 0.33098 0.62759 0.45146 0.83631 0.01443 0.03946 0.96796 0.3181 0.74722 0.914 0.84173 0.15643 0.01092 0.86065 0.06506 0.77241 0.66215 0.20537 0.99826 0.62654 0.24601 0.00559 0.13479 0.51071 0.70518 0.70219 0.47137 0.91345 0.29702 0.74193 0.48187 0.73451 0.49095 0.522 0.02096 0.22479 0.3245 0.19777 0.94166 0.07335 0.88277 0.95309 0.54695 0.11281 0.42271 0.79791 0.68053 0.12881 0.05075 0.90032 0.51186 0.5102 0.80075 0.99019 0.59213 0.50021 0.51896 0.09796 0.34274 0.58671 0.28578 0.66097 0.46546 0.89741 0.99456 0.87449 0.6551 0.99447 0.28665 0.67944 0.60728 0.96937 0.76093 0.75904 0.87239 0.4651 0.74821 0.76945 0.18897 0.47135 0.09257 0.71382 0.57514 0.64546 0.39796 0.61046 0.27485 0.55136 0.57748 0.66588 0.73521 0.00975 0.25374 0.54566 0.85971 0.61242 0.6709 0.90291 0.3675 0.7208 0.70696 0.35623 0.00525 0.94919 0.84313 0.09462 0.1536 0.1836 0.80754 0.67909 0.61971 0.4728 0.6733 0.54449 0.92332 0.46197 0.75402 0.80721 0.58867 0.2529 0.64571 0.44147 0.18461 0.67596 0.65489 0.33468 0.62708 0.82944 0.99397 0.41247 0.17054 0.40852 0.19306 0.40462 0.07277 0.08489 0.47713 0.7601 0.87604 0.57649 0.28284 0.47551 0.73539 0.01881 0.44104 0.81625 0.98905 0.80257 0.76936 0.48004 0.03513 0.67793 0.42724 0.14913 0.30739 0.76679 0.53612 0.11547 0.4501 0.36107 0.53554 0.89504 0.41097 0.98531 0.96649 0.26927 0.29189 0.92766 0.89528 0.56877 0.07407 0.68433 0.60198 0.34402 0.78855 0.87789 0.25851 0.36636 0.785 0.84691 0.34745 0.21494 0.90631 0.31322 0.50089 0.99565 0.49873 0.36463 0.46467 0.72859 0.42279 0.84419 0.20496 0.25381 0.84284 0.34633 0.62813 0.14465 0.0703 0.17438 0.5494 0.40937 0.99909 0.32125 0.80241 0.97466 0.64549 0.51367 0.89686 0.53183 0.39607 0.76927 0.12026 0.75692 0.80008 0.68989 0.08103 0.01527 0.74605 0.21837 0.74138 0.05032 0.92207 0.3082 0.19585 0.94754 0.48256 0.09142 0.91742 0.26199 0.36556 0.96996 0.851 0.06983 0.04608 0.9472 0.86392 0.92786 0.1189 0.03504 0.61768 0.85516 0.87839 0.17746 0.79643 0.25281 0.07505 0.45141 0.23708 0.97082 0.4893 0.74845 0.65306 0.48198 0.87682 0.48823 0.78256 0.83748 0.71868 0.12735 0.28975 0.02958 0.45579 0.62909 0.6769 0.43793 0.39902 0.96443 0.01656 0.56092 0.07815 0.42307 0.52409 0.10497 0.03964 0.98683 0.35645 0.98991 0.73643 0.31479 0.12397 0.0808 0.49581 0.01455 0.40639 0.26093 0.28489 0.26863 0.58659 0.66908 0.26339 0.7487 0.90673 0.82398 0.46412 0.05054 0.2548 0.46048 0.17742 0.93548 0.3475 0.08592 0.06986 0.01438 0.57245 0.86995 0.93703 0.12202 0.04053 0.57936 0.83891 0.95734 0.3939 0.31052 0.68255 0.29538 0.08493 0.24319 0.52613 0.01299 0.4398 0.73761 0.34929 0.91075 0.51452 0.05594 0.50877 0.21789 0.09856 0.54876 0.0375 0.92465 0.08177 0.05912 0.10678 0.60686 0.02599 0.35265 0.78032 0.21376 0.31601 0.99719 0.68257 0.25544 0.09673 0.93193 0.06692 0.07425 0.65157 0.9607 0.76933 0.32408 0.52637 0.42512 0.81292 0.82951 0.19242 0.42581 0.78777 0.80968 0.23728 0.9192 0.25021 0.00841 0.59156 0.02624 0.11048 0.49992 0.98044 0.18866 0.23702 0.33303 0.42175 0.24399 0.91965 0.20018 0.08707 0.60081 0.65595 0.54757 0.67162 0.206 0.90697 0.49139 0.98667 0.17641 0.73788 0.72071 0.46591 0.83982 0.75068 0.24497 0.6897 0.80032 0.47893 0.85893 0.7002 0.65257 0.81004 0.9597 0.75892 0.29138 0.94992 0.148 0.06803 0.01604 0.82755 0.31503 0.7743 0.83827 0.10009 0.3113 0.41465 0.60789 0.19627 0.88442 0.63392 0.10563 0.01571 0.28688 0.78375 0.07979 0.04404 0.25785 0.30143 0.65331 0.21293 0.27608 0.30362 0.30103 0.66572 0.19826 0.51373 0.73948 0.96572 0.81747 0.48071 0.50832 0.59771 0.73108 0.75753 0.96376 0.08567 0.17125 0.04233 0.88002 0.98564 0.0058 0.93623 0.13724 0.01195 0.45803 0.12375 0.34464 0.6468 0.53986 0.39578 0.51059 0.28844 0.36182 0.11976 0.28019
+0.76718 0.98043 0.92049 0.28094 0.2084 0.35261 0.03114 0.04419 0.35342 0.88553 0.76708 0.37608 0.37114 0.44488 0.01366 0.27192 0.99411 0.66723 0.68973 0.89785 0.47327 0.05094 0.50189 0.50853 0.39298 0.2444 0.8461 0.46054 0.86006 0.88781 0.07524 0.44654 0.05818 0.39183 0.42167 0.02211 0.98295 0.674 0.4853 0.59054 0.09715 0.55004 0.39065 0.82907 0.22204 0.81164 0.6265 0.22069 0.26933 0.63343 0.93631 0.41338 0.24857 0.58932 0.49908 0.16371 0.94193 0.28495 0.5377 0.8994 0.73897 0.83138 0.7968 0.44417 0.82845 0.49011 0.71222 0.96225 0.59197 0.40232 0.71451 0.03223 0.20283 0.49583 0.02681 0.46595 0.55814 0.29587 0.56045 0.88378 0.09529 0.12896 0.58424 0.77738 0.54576 0.70679 0.35685 0.38987 0.71085 0.99961 0.60289 0.8666 0.65249 0.36973 0.62913 0.3334 0.30965 0.13917 0.63033 0.30338 0.61286 0.29727 0.38532 0.23562 0.37326 0.60776 0.044 0.29796 0.31737 0.59583 0.55053 0.86336 0.4784 0.30062 0.07444 0.09259 0.8613 0.57844 0.49739 0.46841 0.65434 0.81341 0.64302 0.13549 0.14003 0.22095 0.38673 0.8338 0.82106 0.42837 0.24116 0.07874 0.19108 0.97685 0.62832 0.77852 0.39837 0.51514 0.74232 0.54327 0.46439 0.67434 0.67079 0.83757 0.00939 0.80566 0.5304 0.99683 0.42086 0.83847 0.62447 0.82552 0.82421 0.33336 0.78985 0.89198 0.70381 0.43383 0.1753 0.04412 0.73794 0.04538 0.84736 0.53524 0.36901 0.694 0.17607 0.29797 0.25799 0.86342 0.72164 0.89838 0.4934 0.21512 0.81479 0.91055 0.30023 0.29137 0.85461 0.43853 0.76217 0.74074 0.52518 0.04205 0.19794 0.78707 0.64629 0.70267 0.50764 0.96462 0.69209 0.95876 0.69286 0.35226 0.81259 0.04954 0.01703 0.52457 0.13593 0.3786 0.18203 0.26747 0.26553 0.51167 0.27723 0.48536 0.88866 0.41223 0.32939 0.13874 0.59061 0.72876 0.6817 0.17744 0.37172 0.33311 0.55067 0.16721 0.37157 0.51054 0.2368 0.53339 0.94797 0.66022 0.57187 0.57374 0.72756 0.4895 0.92336 0.21623 0.6031 0.90314 0.65348 0.12225 0.40263 0.52356 0.00561 0.99897 0.60674 0.43646 0.51152 0.36774 0.314 0.87429 0.5075 0.83648 0.88703 0.64868 0.1273 0.48159 0.35619 0.6698 0.7308 0.10523 0.93434 0.31168 0.3273 0.54936 0.81504 0.59381 0.6903 0.54346 0.6824 0.8402 0.8613 0.23334 0.17279 0.39735 0.69394 0.32191 0.92768 0.27009 0.74066 0.15028 0.27752 0.28257 0.81378 0.08305 0.77847 0.36247 0.3517 0.46729 0.51713 0.50329 0.28198 0.74014 0.63707 0.08312 0.26101 0.30049 0.51817 0.64427 0.92836 0.74587 0.69352 0.6688 0.32265 0.41666 0.19687 0.2615 0.88815 0.54076 0.9652 0.00941 0.26376 0.63651 0.50816 0.02901 0.07873 0.53712 0.87984 0.44837 0.25642 0.5844 0.8925 0.72614 0.33721 0.1339 0.43297 0.3454 0.9176 0.52601 0.69349 0.96548 0.67005 0.29094 0.12792 0.36878 0.76444 0.19516 0.54726 0.45053 0.89937 0.66949 0.66816 0.9052 0.30751 0.04753 0.92435 0.19018 0.28994 0.22885 0.54088 0.56208 0.48445 0.54685 0.7757 0.13322 0.82897 0.39073 0.67252 0.92956 0.87714 0.59934 0.25327 0.35844 0.3182 0.01254 0.70299 0.30027 0.18657 0.71532 0.96326 0.40454 0.71303 0.63366 0.61729 0.50273 0.2587 0.28066 0.01566 0.58091 0.59328 0.2805 0.89943 0.9974 0.55827 0.54977 0.61342 0.74754 0.23512 0.69026 0.19078 0.35666 0.41702 0.97794 0.99248 0.79519 0.56092 0.3169 0.18571 0.92509 0.30287 0.68159 0.52038 0.9706 0.0787 0.26098 0.22203 0.7857 0.62371 0.24173 0.07295 0.24233 0.68478 0.3609 0.61127 0.27378 0.33657 0.30953 0.91969 0.36595 0.75717 0.68385 0.80194 0.94689 0.10868 0.79469 0.71561 0.94741 0.63056 0.14162 0.76269 0.72194 0.55279 0.62357 0.29945 0.8929 0.67216 0.89989 0.42112 0.29702 0.71655 0.14868 0.49078 0.0357 0.10956 0.91617 0.01069 0.73963 0.84542 0.198 0.63879 0.1744 0.17246 0.6971 0.35765 0.67073 0.63468 0.24928 0.85089 0.50254 0.52759 0.47395 0.88712 0.06266 0.00527 0.52133 0.23625 0.01978 0.29878 0.85459 0.99153 0.71362 0.88492 0.4936 0.07248 0.79031 0.5653 0.12482 0.76583 0.721 0.58961 0.17672 0.2203 0.13045 0.21708 0.02715 0.64294 0.45323 0.8505 0.86978 0.2498 0.19488 0.33855 0.31468 0.18467 0.99965 0.14226 0.21409 0.18525 0.70137 0.75079 0.72402 0.55667 0.08266 0.80414 0.39281 0.68761 0.51319 0.71147 0.22294 0.65277 0.80902 0.55254 0.30359 0.64365 0.62671 0.30028 0.6401 0.46595 0.15079
+0.33911 0.06728 0.61091 0.92972 0.81291 0.9937 0.2326 0.50916 0.12148 0.32854 0.51793 0.48946 0.88614 0.73959 0.00522 0.89089 0.68241 0.25511 0.0411 0.98295 0.23696 0.92371 0.78727 0.03138 0.04127 0.20541 0.45805 0.27905 0.02674 0.93763 0.34841 0.26877 0.70208 0.30323 0.72894 0.38242 0.28056 0.56675 0.72508 0.18612 0.92006 0.00202 0.6361 0.56309 0.73598 0.10458 0.25348 0.41719 0.14369 0.49334 0.66763 0.19183 0.09189 0.44907 0.80942 0.569 0.10481 0.98918 0.74966 0.35064 0.08647 0.49195 0.35901 0.07474 0.47561 0.60683 0.33503 0.4945 0.22432 0.72814 0.58541 0.39742 0.62355 0.1424 0.32105 0.29043 0.56927 0.9417 0.52444 0.68653 0.92382 0.40844 0.73779 0.95768 0.18415 0.80441 0.10167 0.29294 0.5052 0.57828 0.58821 0.46666 0.6714 0.44329 0.90926 0.59932 0.60159 0.01568 0.33359 0.00231 0.20355 0.31615 0.58793 0.24476 0.54146 0.73225 0.26087 0.23059 0.53605 0.59886 0.61474 0.6835 0.90125 0.52976 0.81629 0.78885 0.34438 0.87702 0.84719 0.66709 0.59193 0.69701 0.39844 0.40763 0.18985 0.32035 0.86585 0.19288 0.61106 0.31248 0.68839 0.24041 0.974 0.94282 0.88871 0.82128 0.21318 0.66086 0.02928 0.86776 0.29814 0.51851 0.50994 0.25744 0.52843 0.77404 0.69968 0.48158 0.12556 0.97243 0.04848 0.65638 0.52432 0.59563 0.3109 0.53172 0.60709 0.67149 0.33999 0.04059 0.54135 0.65013 0.38862 0.30256 0.4349 0.65524 0.98343 0.05063 0.24294 0.8604 0.21824 0.32932 0.46125 0.44163 0.30103 0.10965 0.41696 0.89257 0.02082 0.69632 0.87362 0.27906 0.3355 0.01573 0.99811 0.98366 0.00243 0.8299 0.12495 0.63698 0.71234 0.24808 0.62192 0.44759 0.00636 0.05984 0.03691 0.98463 0.36203 0.52636 0.1411 0.90064 0.44132 0.20837 0.95514 0.73905 0.69688 0.46879 0.22917 0.39465 0.22295 0.76765 0.93741 0.11725 0.32752 0.59105 0.64899 0.69364 0.0801 0.19593 0.75688 0.08357 0.48944 0.06069 0.30716 0.41883 0.8354 0.85675 0.69029 0.69833 0.98132 0.35099 0.17534 0.2942 0.9857 0.15273 0.17912 0.0827 0.73112 0.83054 0.54058 0.99978 0.60307 0.71385 0.19958 0.60671 0.63123 0.04341 0.34906 0.27947 0.2307 0.38513 0.49304 0.07409 0.51022 0.61331 0.70719 0.49599 0.35131 0.98036 0.57025 0.41243 0.16581 0.58337 0.27243 0.02209 0.79971 0.07137 0.56438 0.06141 0.00588 0.72409 0.03338 0.8186 0.60704 0.40771 0.33648 0.9213 0.1289 0.44116 0.64151 0.99145 0.9643 0.97462 0.47767 0.98016 0.12566 0.2895 0.95852 0.59073 0.84029 0.20981 0.67097 0.65491 0.28505 0.60432 0.25976 0.87009 0.27543 0.43021 0.8263 0.41675 0.77581 0.1515 0.55142 0.61018 0.10019 0.68149 0.48058 0.62068 0.25189 0.40387 0.95847 0.20339 0.60193 0.42553 0.25131 0.0909 0.04734 0.48995 0.82395 0.55519 0.84612 0.11162 0.52615 0.63984 0.57614 0.95006 0.40888 0.48955 0.31019 0.03973 0.2588 0.17044 0.36353 0.061 0.61879 0.8702 0.75534 0.89369 0.5719 0.5606 0.65778 0.77359 0.4834 0.48074 0.56477 0.30653 0.36691 0.66741 0.16912 0.42145 0.12157 0.14876 0.39162 0.1909 0.97645 0.96584 0.43193 0.16185 0.15346 0.17754 0.47543 0.09711 0.05489 0.70656 0.74232 0.17818 0.3876 0.58111 0.8428 0.80675 0.01036 0.23618 0.99045 0.29916 0.93988 0.43335 0.34042 0.20908 0.26466 0.53829 0.59413 0.74537 0.60838 0.37446 0.59962 0.45174 0.3347 0.31778 0.31803 0.02259 0.87106 0.26112 0.75547 0.97896 0.63494 0.09099 0.26624 0.76697 0.46448 0.11523 0.48348 0.55968 0.53261 0.62287 0.74133 0.22852 0.30458 0.30932 0.71066 0.73284 0.79673 0.98511 0.17786 0.30401 0.19008 0.29654 0.55291 0.45468 0.51069 0.27524 0.96937 0.69838 0.70173 0.04033 0.78269 0.6898 0.86426 0.81261 0.55144 0.99325 0.02296 0.49633 0.22055 0.10729 0.19797 0.67247 0.27693 0.80791 0.01319 0.16468 0.86297 0.84424 0.55701 0.62923 0.41474 0.01139 0.29089 0.09342 0.79423 0.86825 0.93124 0.84586 0.0812 0.54527 0.37757 0.78902 0.10848 0.47679 0.33484 0.2576 0.05713 0.6687 0.83021 0.28284 0.19775 0.78686 0.6407 0.22308 0.91603 0.28155 0.37467 0.65247 0.02002 0.54788 0.95737 0.88603 0.04516 0.57765 0.48849 0.82307 0.78283 0.8233 0.35785 0.13922 0.06056 0.80298 0.51044 0.22947 0.59558 0.32488 0.85166 0.168 0.29859 0.55121 0.25925 0.74242 0.37244 0.20588 0.11895 0.25262 0.63017 0.00803 0.87264 0.25618 0.13908 0.6626 0.16316 0.9465 0.40371 0.19186
+0.12842 0.78044 0.74677 0.89306 0.30376 0.00528 0.43071 0.10853 0.10525 0.07258 0.68257 0.46077 0.13852 0.46215 0.27265 0.98617 0.7765 0.2889 0.01312 0.27689 0.00961 0.14243 0.10303 0.69823 0.66853 0.76213 0.06519 0.49848 0.71738 0.56212 0.9535 0.961 0.40366 0.62072 0.49339 0.23319 0.81358 0.13632 0.82518 0.96769 0.21976 0.21067 0.41737 0.7595 0.96559 0.19475 0.39797 0.16234 0.93246 0.75785 0.69402 0.66414 0.58451 0.00293 0.55659 0.34548 0.47714 0.12236 0.934 0.28259 0.39812 0.5405 0.57363 0.05608 0.39933 0.75229 0.42097 0.68687 0.68614 0.77934 0.02199 0.61369 0.34624 0.07891 0.99495 0.0838 0.68822 0.49611 0.61577 0.69657 0.10976 0.76481 0.93617 0.66072 0.38253 0.91184 0.94346 0.52099 0.92354 0.57879 0.44068 0.66262 0.63031 0.21258 0.35136 0.63687 0.44777 0.30534 0.8833 0.99825 0.02733 0.33909 0.3515 0.90394 0.50683 0.61204 0.19474 0.00797 0.90488 0.77824 0.97373 0.53347 0.35433 0.46849 0.58803 0.09106 0.04601 0.66681 0.86734 0.55319 0.46388 0.17683 0.36127 0.63115 0.1301 0.42229 0.74619 0.01944 0.86071 0.32944 0.96083 0.27391 0.88686 0.31279 0.98912 0.51785 0.03709 0.76872 0.65194 0.49943 0.68778 0.99595 0.29841 0.13615 0.09094 0.83663 0.61648 0.47454 0.6564 0.15085 0.2458 0.16332 0.32754 0.6149 0.34888 0.55088 0.90214 0.78673 0.06845 0.54467 0.43738 0.86217 0.34271 0.3069 0.86682 0.80754 0.50375 0.58327 0.17123 0.58336 0.68697 0.51974 0.93317 0.48746 0.1183 0.75442 0.68931 0.62385 0.00641 0.88998 0.24361 0.31533 0.11962 0.97404 0.40327 0.21665 0.48423 0.27969 0.50337 0.6972 0.0109 0.4115 0.20132 0.05461 0.6598 0.16248 0.40016 0.34816 0.0971 0.87553 0.44114 0.47827 0.85837 0.72179 0.85655 0.55671 0.06452 0.62671 0.53907 0.3811 0.03039 0.03648 0.68327 0.45871 0.63354 0.0488 0.57209 0.02811 0.99772 0.22414 0.39933 0.98549 0.58995 0.29913 0.80856 0.02179 0.36985 0.90443 0.68268 0.00231 0.90585 0.00623 0.33895 0.41005 0.09609 0.0853 0.05675 0.50784 0.34293 0.96675 0.26822 0.38368 0.06584 0.56572 0.37317 0.16694 0.47107 0.82568 0.14708 0.88114 0.31062 0.1282 0.39043 0.76796 0.00952 0.34658 0.65176 0.66698 0.75973 0.11512 0.18047 0.7306 0.09489 0.17856 0.61372 0.63912 0.35222 0.20242 0.20745 0.53562 0.08322 0.80916 0.54631 0.74769 0.1503 0.91178 0.27772 0.99681 0.86833 0.41759 0.77654 0.21678 0.0837 0.27072 0.51882 0.81601 0.44698 0.44761 0.87888 0.11009 0.66996 0.26365 0.68573 0.61536 0.93548 0.58075 0.89534 0.80839 0.42271 0.98151 0.92706 0.73702 0.89509 0.19052 0.44389 0.45351 0.41557 0.48513 0.7403 0.49025 0.59769 0.76208 0.59912 0.62268 0.83166 0.35284 0.80283 0.53369 0.1504 0.13433 0.87586 0.79798 0.77021 0.72916 0.81624 0.86028 0.52468 0.79576 0.20206 0.55552 0.72528 0.92296 0.39681 0.03658 0.3127 0.16294 0.7464 0.22624 0.08753 0.69818 0.8507 0.67631 0.90668 0.07044 0.0192 0.83455 0.63757 0.27615 0.16912 0.18372 0.24667 0.46962 0.82609 0.01742 0.65192 0.23835 0.53781 0.39456 0.3963 0.89669 0.63027 0.63699 0.8282 0.32839 0.20581 0.75794 0.28173 0.20233 0.06117 0.60213 0.0777 0.38771 0.9268 0.01016 0.31886 0.93843 0.96941 0.18118 0.37549 0.2463 0.8935 0.7028 0.78739 0.78138 0.6367 0.85524 0.81101 0.18762 0.52137 0.90491 0.35947 0.47705 0.19916 0.93195 0.39863 0.419 0.37243 0.26939 0.06904 0.48853 0.57322 0.23254 0.53053 0.22439 0.21706 0.17951 0.55531 0.90534 0.20552 0.63429 0.23298 0.87624 0.56988 0.56751 0.93726 0.94966 0.85798 0.39472 0.67397 0.98502 0.18446 0.32168 0.17453 0.27002 0.68913 0.42279 0.06541 0.05652 0.93461 0.02785 0.5284 0.19329 0.79997 0.57435 0.9409 0.22968 0.37529 0.65599 0.34835 0.24944 0.4216 0.06266 0.40598 0.00779 0.92175 0.71866 0.13854 0.75085 0.49382 0.84051 0.22416 0.02023 0.1057 0.51824 0.57621 0.1166 0.66341 0.16237 0.30226 0.35627 0.78436 0.74527 0.07486 0.03873 0.17833 0.69531 0.21688 0.70642 0.70668 0.23415 0.69058 0.84715 0.96284 0.90942 0.16872 0.94601 0.51807 0.20773 0.21697 0.16587 0.66375 0.67718 0.08221 0.48926 0.49478 0.51049 0.00938 0.03127 0.34251 0.67188 0.09921 0.16644 0.11143 0.39884 0.29375 0.38269 0.21114 0.23858 0.37607 0.77612 0.12073 0.83593 0.71135 0.13112 0.52138 0.03182 0.17073 0.83929 0.76738 0.27698 0.36421 0.80738
+0.12504 0.68066 0.08153 0.32898 0.61436 0.53892 0.67028 0.07849 0.88899 0.33778 0.81535 0.50767 0.62688 0.85263 0.48785 0.64773 0.6948 0.83895 0.16379 0.28742 0.60702 0.41012 0.17044 0.28222 0.28239 0.84015 0.57148 0.59459 0.03472 0.12493 0.28777 0.61542 0.72334 0.68042 0.65819 0.06655 0.34712 0.12499 0.79758 0.49221 0.97714 0.98166 0.96686 0.50416 0.08778 0.64415 0.64434 0.45992 0.29631 0.65484 0.42032 0.26898 0.03008 0.51717 0.16416 0.94599 0.11493 0.29812 0.06537 0.28996 0.85232 0.65776 0.04483 0.83349 0.34173 0.37054 0.50689 0.57247 0.56502 0.95245 0.71332 0.54639 0.50136 0.39391 0.71349 0.6204 0.51281 0.16491 0.0427 0.52874 0.22842 0.03505 0.58413 0.15724 0.51379 0.97248 0.12803 0.35698 0.51906 0.05757 0.07886 0.35021 0.22147 0.78489 0.57411 0.91565 0.86726 0.32588 0.43774 0.83294 0.65 0.43317 0.74654 0.65568 0.69588 0.12144 0.18187 0.79532 0.63084 0.41072 0.85868 0.76453 0.28826 0.49095 0.30141 0.50426 0.26706 0.81185 0.50211 0.45879 0.52361 0.26811 0.8129 0.29686 0.25679 0.65559 0.99169 0.83944 0.23471 0.22204 0.93883 0.08234 0.0683 0.97955 0.72544 0.6661 0.17392 0.01741 0.07958 0.14832 0.41287 0.77786 0.16616 0.74447 0.0719 0.92697 0.15765 0.36186 0.60707 0.96168 0.57099 0.53905 0.78926 0.78041 0.95717 0.24888 0.94476 0.30528 0.5769 0.78321 0.1041 0.17172 0.2579 0.78586 0.22735 0.62577 0.89795 0.66782 0.47735 0.13796 0.86111 0.41667 0.45171 0.88413 0.01617 0.28784 0.84325 0.33781 0.00609 0.03254 0.47922 0.66676 0.65269 0.58509 0.58606 0.48117 0.8695 0.86121 0.84004 0.09136 0.52288 0.16883 0.98318 0.3343 0.67678 0.91003 0.2257 0.72191 0.95641 0.76612 0.78264 0.67878 0.72498 0.97316 0.95704 0.87574 0.70832 0.76722 0.18471 0.39286 0.60239 0.05021 0.72347 0.62549 0.32797 0.99045 0.1095 0.61354 0.35556 0.36417 0.41663 0.32796 0.12583 0.06578 0.42391 0.21065 0.63286 0.09566 0.34843 0.85618 0.50534 0.13872 0.62824 0.38107 0.21838 0.14963 0.86947 0.08752 0.06063 0.54514 0.29749 0.4494 0.35272 0.40577 0.45288 0.98038 0.85083 0.5377 0.4917 0.93962 0.26101 0.07002 0.83174 0.11864 0.24172 0.36484 0.6566 0.38163 0.7676 0.5909 0.73872 0.20341 0.08186 0.83612 0.66354 0.3082 0.82755 0.86651 0.22414 0.66933 0.89096 0.92657 0.13687 0.30865 0.92686 0.96015 0.88107 0.63333 0.888 0.66839 0.52743 0.02803 0.82738 0.58802 0.1326 0.88069 0.83253 0.17775 0.98255 0.24296 0.6869 0.3219 0.78607 0.38305 0.32401 0.67293 0.37098 0.99793 0.7801 0.05096 0.06231 0.06852 0.35654 0.90628 0.30222 0.54523 0.12487 0.45582 0.62298 0.78593 0.52611 0.79838 0.79027 0.96107 0.12484 0.56555 0.99265 0.45631 0.76001 0.25249 0.23333 0.3129 0.87783 0.65142 0.06665 0.25424 0.45245 0.24015 0.4003 0.85765 0.88441 0.47241 0.29835 0.86449 0.78202 0.87457 0.14235 0.99929 0.997 0.7159 0.6991 0.88401 0.96434 0.87841 0.1202 0.62449 0.35108 0.80706 0.27604 0.74332 0.48346 0.72564 0.53589 0.00202 0.24545 0.94534 0.92209 0.95997 0.4472 0.37339 0.52699 0.48318 0.33109 0.05612 0.62773 0.50758 0.02729 0.21327 0.01163 0.35064 0.20607 0.49421 0.44311 0.40059 0.10231 0.73311 0.68758 0.47877 0.00963 0.62099 0.73035 0.6142 0.83411 0.59964 0.70914 0.42725 0.25023 0.29449 0.32357 0.9105 0.17383 0.9798 0.03752 0.58569 0.91638 0.96498 0.16849 0.31832 0.92507 0.73119 0.44818 0.37873 0.62238 0.01875 0.4687 0.75723 0.83708 0.4396 0.47591 0.09712 0.25128 0.78179 0.69291 0.85353 0.59365 0.17 0.0262 0.2817 0.21173 0.99614 0.16795 0.55039 0.76906 0.30583 0.45013 0.83235 0.00691 0.82817 0.88991 0.25579 0.21958 0.35176 0.11185 0.17258 0.85128 0.33426 0.0311 0.759 0.508 0.43423 0.78311 0.60336 0.39914 0.50609 0.4261 0.10315 0.0766 0.86861 0.14262 0.78919 0.33061 0.38961 0.2112 0.54025 0.12089 0.62857 0.67293 0.97216 0.74001 0.73322 0.67146 0.31782 0.76203 0.73764 0.65392 0.56608 0.72259 0.95098 0.41519 0.16055 0.24956 0.78732 0.12407 0.06803 0.17487 0.56982 0.14463 0.86338 0.58678 0.84421 0.5569 0.52192 0.67281 0.47133 0.18067 0.25359 0.6134 0.78569 0.10106 0.01514 0.80682 0.43128 0.65243 0.92016 0.5183 0.47012 0.80938 0.0789 0.27476 0.64802 0.76286 0.57695 0.97276 0.37985 0.61232 0.8894 0.1883 0.38727 0.60398 0.91881 0.31521 0.31829
+0.53309 0.68635 0.44734 0.02588 0.63266 0.94545 0.65689 0.39403 0.72672 0.45038 0.47357 0.06695 0.27203 0.83032 0.76522 0.61754 0.53437 0.08998 0.45517 0.43623 0.59763 0.66474 0.22027 0.33629 0.0911 0.70023 0.7359 0.05985 0.07348 0.94255 0.78815 0.5905 0.00815 0.18227 0.95351 0.79595 0.61847 0.12426 0.15234 0.65994 0.35762 0.43956 0.80902 0.27251 0.60145 0.94284 0.01396 0.41932 0.36827 0.61578 0.44821 0.87582 0.32621 0.69596 0.01633 0.37648 0.09718 0.28766 0.13126 0.38118 0.63168 0.71862 0.93585 0.78781 0.51957 0.87519 0.65849 0.54114 0.78812 0.7307 0.7905 0.19592 0.57108 0.08369 0.60955 0.2614 0.75918 0.73845 0.74913 0.15997 0.76536 0.67777 0.78985 0.50547 0.51994 0.46409 0.78134 0.07738 0.94616 0.18493 0.37848 0.76564 0.68604 0.46366 0.70845 0.76548 0.19858 0.97565 0.14738 0.53753 0.00283 0.61543 0.86464 0.74875 0.93645 0.42791 0.09451 0.87946 0.8709 0.47017 0.82668 0.40148 0.2836 0.24752 0.00828 0.66118 0.86281 0.20996 0.00838 0.14173 0.95895 0.14118 0.5317 0.30146 0.18769 0.9043 0.77069 0.49566 0.40124 0.14766 0.65788 0.90893 0.70794 0.86367 0.80923 0.06836 0.76987 0.62149 0.19467 0.19608 0.22224 0.66532 0.18766 0.35887 0.50895 0.06108 0.64246 0.78336 0.73018 0.37584 0.6665 0.20952 0.65129 0.21764 0.04493 0.54687 0.57653 0.15689 0.19664 0.23464 0.61128 0.31693 0.22557 0.4169 0.93669 0.85355 0.85494 0.36236 0.87409 0.06693 0.06316 0.67054 0.77917 0.72361 0.94938 0.39143 0.36532 0.37459 0.69404 0.72928 0.28335 0.72563 0.16262 0.46185 0.86724 0.4406 0.74905 0.74579 0.10957 0.56678 0.42337 0.66311 0.34123 0.29215 0.12354 0.09901 0.31131 0.59718 0.46858 0.50518 0.73632 0.10647 0.47334 0.14105 0.3853 0.07899 0.62857 0.03082 0.74387 0.9041 0.89416 0.6449 0.3384 0.62558 0.79593 0.25333 0.46033 0.31798 0.38999 0.24782 0.44999 0.71234 0.91585 0.69633 0.16608 0.8969 0.28712 0.35728 0.63206 0.13497 0.20978 0.83145 0.29373 0.32558 0.47516 0.75225 0.6385 0.71518 0.89658 0.57855 0.37469 0.24757 0.87488 0.67204 0.52618 0.00091 0.28217 0.74225 0.30665 0.60846 0.96112 0.12399 0.09403 0.16008 0.13409 0.64068 0.17253 0.4256 0.77169 0.28421 0.62046 0.61921 0.57988 0.49023 0.60266 0.35775 0.33042 0.54572 0.63674 0.37197 0.96199 0.6314 0.38577 0.63473 0.12799 0.68145 0.67029 0.42329 0.34472 0.69669 0.3122 0.78296 0.61645 0.25642 0.0991 0.30785 0.07303 0.68425 0.65563 0.36599 0.10567 0.32985 0.35266 0.16563 0.99731 0.03676 0.13978 0.63885 0.62515 0.92596 0.29639 0.03536 0.64787 0.54002 0.99821 0.74167 0.11938 0.85277 0.46158 0.92143 0.3859 0.61204 0.14289 0.73224 0.02089 0.91891 0.68187 0.47904 0.57132 0.84846 0.97599 0.7959 0.90327 0.49445 0.1199 0.88748 0.8128 0.37538 0.41233 0.78033 0.38948 0.08525 0.34881 0.08238 0.48325 0.05872 0.37366 0.01646 0.23139 0.94243 0.28933 0.3768 0.28798 0.95216 0.90759 0.71868 0.79107 0.38456 0.39112 0.94148 0.93085 0.21599 0.46582 0.2283 0.87155 0.34508 0.59923 0.74132 0.54985 0.91741 0.48735 0.59881 0.95169 0.20586 0.05108 0.41297 0.97032 0.70463 0.88602 0.39375 0.67864 0.25566 0.69825 0.43365 0.19223 0.31942 0.55972 0.32336 0.78461 0.64661 0.55408 0.11016 0.75828 0.15899 0.93042 0.2358 0.86683 0.56926 0.34477 0.71815 0.46512 0.08138 0.12879 0.86516 0.27245 0.47008 0.71125 0.52701 0.51563 0.85921 0.8286 0.52864 0.67298 0.83232 0.59041 0.64604 0.58003 0.36532 0.94831 0.96419 0.65457 0.97364 0.32912 0.38314 0.90592 0.85956 0.31423 0.38614 0.85636 0.24427 0.43419 0.80633 0.27651 0.60887 0.85923 0.29167 0.65564 0.62536 0.63446 0.27484 0.52626 0.62016 0.63029 0.20935 0.16182 0.87769 0.54112 0.33729 0.37863 0.8177 0.40671 0.58862 0.04781 0.17354 0.18337 0.63848 0.77357 0.31706 0.73413 0.33388 0.92188 0.02705 0.98619 0.71836 0.76511 0.29387 0.86761 0.70068 0.53588 0.2293 0.0651 0.54488 0.63244 0.21575 0.9554 0.03731 0.1359 0.69785 0.68109 0.30926 0.37673 0.41369 0.55116 0.74928 0.93069 0.94436 0.0081 0.27688 0.18364 0.44439 0.72831 0.66884 0.48794 0.10192 0.55086 0.65907 0.20092 0.32107 0.27953 0.14547 0.58263 0.97984 0.38481 0.55246 0.23081 0.45489 0.17636 0.58798 0.66989 0.4144 0.25215 0.27527 0.60898 0.04432 0.00403 0.35358 0.93552 0.94548 0.47836 0.39661 0.42732 0.06835
+0.87999 0.51412 0.47279 0.17224 0.56657 0.18118 0.2337 0.99249 0.72428 0.73458 0.91917 0.09363 0.79088 0.86502 0.62428 0.52643 0.2734 0.37598 0.40183 0.16845 0.37568 0.41561 0.36495 0.11684 0.48886 0.39808 0.15027 0.11463 0.19693 0.81092 0.50393 0.76252 0.30121 0.08222 0.4173 0.69597 0.98063 0.63863 0.35507 0.80252 0.37019 0.64074 0.08573 0.52394 0.42527 0.80232 0.67157 0.07394 0.45653 0.54523 0.34754 0.85343 0.05523 0.93396 0.00676 0.78872 0.10921 0.45885 0.17929 0.00767 0.51798 0.55385 0.17068 0.61343 0.94897 0.77113 0.77234 0.31746 0.71889 0.71935 0.31515 0.5882 0.4289 0.10478 0.7929 0.01863 0.79834 0.93389 0.98985 0.90235 0.01518 0.84407 0.66315 0.14114 0.74783 0.03882 0.2123 0.67899 0.94377 0.60902 0.13765 0.57494 0.96676 0.70316 0.9312 0.89472 0.51876 0.1405 0.96122 0.09357 0.03935 0.82374 0.95718 0.50807 0.33013 0.61215 0.75391 0.07705 0.20681 0.99811 0.88382 0.64285 0.49027 0.82251 0.05598 0.12184 0.93304 0.90487 0.42507 0.96558 0.01268 0.69598 0.97317 0.45508 0.2945 0.13752 0.23795 0.459 0.36386 0.41769 0.6257 0.6321 0.8947 0.86105 0.92298 0.97778 0.88249 0.20047 0.30057 0.67472 0.50007 0.42895 0.49773 0.10332 0.52797 0.13402 0.83102 0.10611 0.76609 0.65146 0.57982 0.92189 0.11549 0.7642 0.11963 0.69452 0.92978 0.70334 0.70417 0.38051 0.64576 0.98196 0.20344 0.28788 0.90287 0.59774 0.26445 0.67175 0.45956 0.14915 0.41666 0.13757 0.22787 0.2869 0.73175 0.31705 0.03385 0.15929 0.07252 0.87834 0.34403 0.30759 0.62692 0.53753 0.73211 0.13064 0.71175 0.5841 0.62406 0.36716 0.31155 0.4903 0.4156 0.47567 0.95656 0.74928 0.5042 0.82362 0.64178 0.02603 0.81027 0.37738 0.05189 0.68426 0.07624 0.05044 0.68909 0.1463 0.07494 0.90073 0.01999 0.17828 0.32531 0.86421 0.77912 0.40261 0.23662 0.9175 0.75279 0.24267 0.97004 0.77396 0.61155 0.18697 0.82403 0.06176 0.17912 0.38637 0.58905 0.83238 0.90221 0.07462 0.14167 0.90483 0.55695 0.8273 0.98081 0.79513 0.60536 0.11724 0.67397 0.90686 0.85401 0.91824 0.96557 0.37453 0.29431 0.08178 0.39742 0.28591 0.6919 0.47983 0.86869 0.93446 0.80984 0.84456 0.49881 0.5834 0.77335 0.0023 0.41217 0.30532 0.43878 0.38496 0.18482 0.60068 0.45961 0.75878 0.35901 0.07768 0.52083 0.73973 0.35796 0.40248 0.48169 0.18763 0.58065 0.23873 0.80412 0.8789 0.79225 0.85061 0.32921 0.47106 0.20515 0.76971 0.501 0.77718 0.06343 0.58669 0.7019 0.477 0.0598 0.98137 0.84373 0.06915 0.1097 0.56158 0.21653 0.03112 0.04539 0.78918 0.74613 0.08144 0.27117 0.92985 0.86958 0.44153 0.77646 0.75265 0.48535 0.28175 0.99977 0.78642 0.69327 0.63184 0.21081 0.99348 0.26292 0.41299 0.83039 0.42076 0.90893 0.54924 0.43755 0.57602 0.00367 0.89399 0.25697 0.03634 0.95472 0.81062 0.76835 0.76795 0.48617 0.5403 0.53201 0.86161 0.95679 0.04877 0.23575 0.16761 0.90236 0.16734 0.29817 0.2926 0.42095 0.29913 0.34067 0.77851 0.57445 0.24235 0.2159 0.36479 0.72035 0.99631 0.87365 0.78303 0.54282 0.34403 0.22658 0.7488 0.77918 0.18191 0.36014 0.43075 0.89834 0.53763 0.94652 0.25185 0.50901 0.06305 0.61167 0.5357 0.22834 0.25464 0.69445 0.4916 0.79202 0.45097 0.76974 0.70168 0.44715 0.63736 0.39398 0.67337 0.58725 0.9827 0.25997 0.50438 0.9042 0.90447 0.15779 0.04648 0.02692 0.4484 0.216 0.7341 0.27951 0.09542 0.55301 0.92018 0.73772 0.14837 0.67077 0.61316 0.17885 0.79547 0.33821 0.53514 0.04753 0.50575 0.10558 0.00839 0.2942 0.31662 0.35659 0.15941 0.10843 0.49689 0.49453 0.60846 0.43813 0.85097 0.50505 0.34099 0.96128 0.86014 0.0483 0.87169 0.70924 0.76507 0.31112 0.75028 0.6969 0.53843 0.23531 0.93087 0.63587 0.02331 0.76327 0.41335 0.84209 0.82874 0.77031 0.31847 0.35982 0.09555 0.241 0.6161 0.96716 0.51315 0.3781 0.8308 0.30244 0.62357 0.28687 0.86776 0.86562 0.76206 0.53734 0.13409 0.80322 0.39201 0.37497 0.83839 0.68139 0.10617 0.71066 0.19566 0.50028 0.9662 0.45014 0.21171 0.1253 0.65505 0.4017 0.5897 0.60506 0.64221 0.9899 0.79799 0.41112 0.78476 0.08891 0.56697 0.31445 0.64012 0.44959 0.03516 0.6332 0.6516 0.34833 0.879 0.95376 0.99836 0.67991 0.34674 0.65209 0.8266 0.83914 0.23087 0.94161 0.50082 0.84842 0.75157 0.20999 0.96984 0.64246 0.4484 0.40815 0.74003
+0.82537 0.86886 0.26753 0.08578 0.16594 0.58511 0.73874 0.81757 0.87419 0.15901 0.62435 0.09954 0.2169 0.72861 0.36874 0.37192 0.31147 0.72093 0.61696 0.46319 0.20596 0.95814 0.60433 0.82928 0.59411 0.80719 0.27901 0.6018 0.13983 0.51842 0.059 0.04979 0.29201 0.8275 0.3111 0.70974 0.25056 0.74796 0.1767 0.77469 0.27667 0.10306 0.66432 0.92156 0.6111 0.37437 0.81618 0.20038 0.33346 0.53859 0.11264 0.62169 0.15225 0.41519 0.40439 0.24785 0.10545 0.20172 0.35813 0.50159 0.0248 0.94446 0.61535 0.10295 0.3738 0.00824 0.05697 0.47616 0.80538 0.15809 0.99245 0.38273 0.09389 0.56424 0.20047 0.76735 0.28089 0.0941 0.39821 0.44379 0.31415 0.52936 0.3697 0.83604 0.39414 0.60517 0.32341 0.2357 0.64471 0.72899 0.39509 0.82122 0.25105 0.77741 0.40656 0.4259 0.89374 0.61321 0.29495 0.35507 0.60911 0.79689 0.17185 0.16242 0.91078 0.8001 0.86527 0.46155 0.22692 0.47517 0.99209 0.87361 0.74619 0.92986 0.76863 0.14754 0.82167 0.15513 0.01433 0.45598 0.54996 0.41788 0.2508 0.05236 0.61523 0.9084 0.94674 0.30778 0.28522 0.86779 0.03728 0.60778 0.0245 0.0319 0.93916 0.19368 0.64069 0.80339 0.24596 0.24388 0.76474 0.23105 0.58512 0.18395 0.44086 0.27217 0.57829 0.00558 0.8466 0.81504 0.43295 0.21742 0.0064 0.06151 0.28009 0.06879 0.83167 0.2769 0.79911 0.04196 0.37715 0.99107 0.76533 0.28603 0.49172 0.49434 0.07838 0.21346 0.50921 0.38916 0.90976 0.99652 0.24717 0.37271 0.84475 0.05794 0.86151 0.30188 0.1936 0.45542 0.2862 0.97365 0.05375 0.79462 0.18134 0.1109 0.3684 0.02684 0.77699 0.75593 0.44239 0.59828 0.54317 0.65817 0.18019 0.09422 0.66459 0.28056 0.51222 0.77575 0.94111 0.47004 0.51561 0.71697 0.4295 0.86698 0.26447 0.94073 0.94117 0.74415 0.42716 0.70838 0.09587 0.39989 0.19909 0.88275 0.27067 0.46252 0.7466 0.0518 0.39875 0.76594 0.6252 0.26275 0.94343 0.22197 0.91041 0.59969 0.00504 0.70963 0.87387 0.11758 0.71977 0.92883 0.37071 0.575 0.66518 0.14337 0.04456 0.2106 0.86079 0.66093 0.23 0.9388 0.73698 0.36155 0.3115 0.07727 0.86865 0.95617 0.93174 0.71251 0.92565 0.74773 0.90739 0.96389 0.66009 0.23087 0.75744 0.107 0.98715 0.53419 0.53603 0.57933 0.78593 0.82333 0.95172 0.74541 0.19938 0.38412 0.85425 0.34308 0.47615 0.89707 0.25206 0.21216 0.20445 0.98921 0.06089 0.39952 0.92608 0.84015 0.37071 0.62678 0.82973 0.32676 0.19535 0.61239 0.43931 0.60214 0.08832 0.68651 0.81392 0.83033 0.72333 0.13013 0.86572 0.78586 0.93362 0.72479 0.81591 0.95261 0.76338 0.00913 0.5513 0.97787 0.28998 0.67026 0.20678 0.65534 0.43259 0.52742 0.58806 0.67714 0.05731 0.62288 0.58943 0.77128 0.67525 0.17269 0.46089 0.8627 0.45617 0.42275 0.8292 0.69272 0.04487 0.17313 0.48768 0.39071 0.90227 0.709 0.97457 0.58034 0.97187 0.05552 0.74667 0.79701 0.92656 0.19426 0.45783 0.7153 0.1151 0.80854 0.80566 0.00889 0.02245 0.91695 0.35827 0.67009 0.18263 0.62825 0.99439 0.09879 0.02853 0.45266 0.8682 0.78146 0.77848 0.46581 0.99286 0.12789 0.14945 0.78044 0.28089 0.69691 0.99417 0.5276 0.25613 0.78308 0.72946 0.79031 0.42131 0.53684 0.46081 0.8513 0.01485 0.63616 0.12943 0.62599 0.30251 0.46022 0.13002 0.54037 0.02625 0.76838 0.27567 0.38583 0.44755 0.91357 0.05044 0.82014 0.3121 0.48249 0.0024 0.95483 0.69646 0.20396 0.6639 0.39002 0.6508 0.68682 0.57655 0.72275 0.30604 0.75136 0.23834 0.83187 0.97284 0.09471 0.06065 0.57947 0.73689 0.42137 0.74232 0.28365 0.28233 0.5817 0.38784 0.48408 0.18897 0.44434 0.46781 0.99892 0.93665 0.7188 0.43603 0.72762 0.94184 0.33381 0.45359 0.66677 0.83873 0.80997 0.74671 0.87911 0.84364 0.74604 0.43403 0.71723 0.19713 0.73327 0.49874 0.43648 0.21247 0.24544 0.81126 0.19999 0.90556 0.6228 0.66151 0.53279 0.89444 0.31619 0.24462 0.86562 0.11991 0.90263 0.41194 0.14249 0.27969 0.73266 0.07492 0.19006 0.43622 0.13102 0.78428 0.73664 0.34959 0.81204 0.64136 0.42902 0.68405 0.22016 0.69666 0.71037 0.05583 0.92963 0.09745 0.37417 0.93941 0.93827 0.72258 0.62344 0.31804 0.59872 0.32895 0.06971 0.40235 0.2279 0.25273 0.00057 0.17053 0.82413 0.38418 0.93319 0.37396 0.617 0.16578 0.63997 0.05691 0.85117 0.55273 0.71689 0.02936 0.19065 0.9052 0.26113 0.70091 0.21929 0.10668 0.73463
+0.59587 0.48344 0.50997 0.48534 0.37632 0.70668 0.76678 0.59351 0.5234 0.6395 0.03041 0.99486 0.5518 0.55379 0.57792 0.15925 0.15915 0.42905 0.45805 0.4344 0.31695 0.57122 0.8254 0.86268 0.64609 0.92687 0.62817 0.61163 0.33169 0.18688 0.46494 0.32491 0.72657 0.56774 0.23958 0.43153 0.10699 0.96943 0.24599 0.59333 0.35732 0.61035 0.67169 0.13053 0.8606 0.85318 0.713 0.1661 0.58286 0.04137 0.65797 0.62852 0.59371 0.55651 0.34129 0.83203 0.09432 0.21394 0.93746 0.81362 0.74576 0.25623 0.39241 0.45725 0.4482 0.15257 0.60758 0.98101 0.47256 0.22786 0.38278 0.75108 0.77546 0.06969 0.20559 0.0483 0.23018 0.40863 0.38225 0.81327 0.7195 0.93353 0.4351 0.69567 0.0197 0.6382 0.08935 0.24375 0.10609 0.25004 0.22313 0.05077 0.87295 0.14235 0.11986 0.70149 0.7291 0.72226 0.41196 0.04984 0.50997 0.379 0.77412 0.54311 0.03318 0.38549 0.26732 0.10885 0.21436 0.97109 0.29888 0.41988 0.12179 0.50785 0.82349 0.41095 0.60006 0.97698 0.19433 0.72652 0.92364 0.67681 0.27674 0.25852 0.69655 0.74925 0.262 0.8886 0.31592 0.46981 0.36106 0.19876 0.04308 0.74644 0.12887 0.53256 0.56644 0.93255 0.9319 0.67274 0.30288 0.17808 0.25825 0.29402 0.39349 0.83971 0.16327 0.84735 0.19658 0.74588 0.52746 0.32547 0.15666 0.12229 0.76961 0.97719 0.14502 0.95451 0.20535 0.82677 0.79872 0.27664 0.97912 0.46699 0.5777 0.48598 0.2046 0.03686 0.34188 0.62336 0.73756 0.22977 0.46252 0.79322 0.15676 0.96185 0.15418 0.31138 0.35808 0.33632 0.6827 0.7082 0.38853 0.64428 0.13261 0.36112 0.40041 0.68947 0.11125 0.0511 0.83303 0.28733 0.80607 0.23614 0.57839 0.09046 0.82404 0.28835 0.48461 0.8464 0.1392 0.94638 0.05535 0.9984 0.44984 0.01293 0.15563 0.16942 0.36686 0.24319 0.3396 0.41145 0.64173 0.68264 0.17666 0.02096 0.60423 0.55772 0.64452 0.7124 0.34967 0.55017 0.35083 0.88228 0.7692 0.48444 0.5858 0.56206 0.87057 0.32423 0.76508 0.72033 0.84881 0.59147 0.02374 0.95995 0.62612 0.50336 0.05084 0.17488 0.50097 0.57118 0.65564 0.41692 0.48036 0.75534 0.3555 0.08619 0.69674 0.39842 0.03536 0.17857 0.61751 0.20915 0.86142 0.31538 0.0351 0.62432 0.67816 0.97972 0.74238 0.55335 0.44752 0.01299 0.11244 0.95234 0.40551 0.94057 0.17769 0.61468 0.78318 0.30671 0.74541 0.23728 0.85943 0.07536 0.54697 0.16582 0.29016 0.36351 0.68937 0.61814 0.61607 0.39517 0.13837 0.73765 0.89065 0.64534 0.28194 0.74313 0.59314 0.0972 0.55731 0.96561 0.68137 0.67343 0.80549 0.45002 0.63239 0.08992 0.36289 0.01802 0.63785 0.4712 0.77474 0.9411 0.30567 0.65525 0.70427 0.50373 0.7281 0.1902 0.82415 0.76318 0.32531 0.77659 0.9 0.53459 0.16171 0.44669 0.34232 0.11177 0.70169 0.5539 0.41938 0.89741 0.78798 0.82297 0.15936 0.25131 0.46943 0.26149 0.15498 0.91625 0.49496 0.40794 0.85317 0.31319 0.64016 0.49672 0.49323 0.27232 0.49702 0.68115 0.66038 0.70593 0.87951 0.56735 0.74304 0.39537 0.44573 0.2267 0.72635 0.99599 0.82687 0.94603 0.72533 0.21228 0.79225 0.34773 0.42634 0.64034 0.26165 0.38111 0.4722 0.88367 0.49757 0.25696 0.39892 0.45892 0.3672 0.05606 0.81064 0.49728 0.53282 0.18233 0.81054 0.17108 0.34645 0.86675 0.8796 0.5571 0.40217 0.60518 0.80161 0.7345 0.16709 0.17548 0.72498 0.80283 0.94707 0.55629 0.37126 0.71844 0.29321 0.86121 0.8414 0.3438 0.90247 0.21716 0.3569 0.1691 0.91495 0.91807 0.46508 0.31314 0.31602 0.76899 0.36322 0.11119 0.34679 0.76197 0.33863 0.94641 0.90905 0.59693 0.99383 0.57584 0.74794 0.75145 0.8406 0.83997 0.9902 0.92246 0.85705 0.96232 0.4012 0.49109 0.47051 0.01078 0.81526 0.22275 0.16387 0.59844 0.82564 0.23012 0.79046 0.1135 0.58535 0.31172 0.02552 0.22025 0.93203 0.62044 0.85945 0.77006 0.78123 0.04964 0.75687 0.01773 0.72292 0.50382 0.66144 0.32897 0.59924 0.46833 0.95278 0.706 0.14422 0.48342 0.24859 0.52262 0.53807 0.63081 0.94189 0.58131 0.53096 0.85901 0.99719 0.71176 0.13764 0.31294 0.95021 0.06896 0.18825 0.37403 0.27542 0.88291 0.27979 0.22681 0.15104 0.09405 0.52177 0.58131 0.70233 0.74142 0.53473 0.19079 0.00934 0.39077 0.65897 0.20735 0.18569 0.29064 0.00297 0.58323 0.55216 0.9824 0.84656 0.12938 0.31679 0.84227 0.77699 0.06821 0.88216 0.85696 0.3195 0.10681 0.61303 0.13327 0.16425 0.32858
+0.54592 0.86515 0.50935 0.39388 0.94799 0.42655 0.89526 0.83028 0.70878 0.21824 0.31618 0.86152 0.11315 0.92293 0.20415 0.42298 0.92686 0.99722 0.93857 0.32478 0.37597 0.95123 0.06955 0.74192 0.16349 0.93092 0.30355 0.96965 0.15316 0.0412 0.04753 0.19249 0.98373 0.85771 0.714 0.51423 0.0432 0.82607 0.60782 0.31376 0.27544 0.91758 0.08625 0.0822 0.69884 0.80053 0.25542 0.24027 0.54202 0.66361 0.39291 0.72264 0.27021 0.86004 0.28073 0.5771 0.60937 0.88269 0.15661 0.16961 0.28203 0.2827 0.66732 0.05967 0.68593 0.02038 0.36646 0.81802 0.38695 0.06484 0.54648 0.49062 0.21298 0.47528 0.67665 0.04319 0.5323 0.32126 0.03965 0.26034 0.69586 0.84042 0.9035 0.63621 0.235 0.37934 0.89618 0.18299 0.15001 0.84542 0.45458 0.09128 0.54984 0.50666 0.53787 0.4331 0.22497 0.50747 0.78702 0.52109 0.4496 0.83531 0.23234 0.36613 0.74834 0.3391 0.29349 0.94344 0.44133 0.26713 0.53338 0.82918 0.50733 0.18554 0.31939 0.1657 0.3105 0.82977 0.59372 0.68207 0.02567 0.81693 0.90296 0.67423 0.59704 0.08485 0.83019 0.83455 0.37403 0.70447 0.14242 0.71774 0.75754 0.48191 0.68087 0.87601 0.89205 0.91268 0.18023 0.29346 0.49257 0.10627 0.56178 0.76748 0.99993 0.80608 0.94503 0.83605 0.84444 0.30459 0.79253 0.92176 0.15079 0.18063 0.72536 0.20315 0.2778 0.26453 0.95929 0.52334 0.68961 0.21688 0.13425 0.6954 0.97361 0.31593 0.44077 0.19439 0.96196 0.85783 0.32866 0.31344 0.07263 0.31342 0.50363 0.81646 0.88996 0.32095 0.53308 0.81306 0.61365 0.26994 0.62209 0.51991 0.74174 0.58707 0.1046 0.5416 0.46825 0.31316 0.85704 0.07177 0.41866 0.75475 0.55567 0.14277 0.52177 0.10113 0.54681 0.18456 0.29602 0.27456 0.93787 0.39365 0.33927 0.22302 0.12897 0.90356 0.14282 0.26303 0.05204 0.56844 0.67449 0.50343 0.86987 0.88609 0.49601 0.88147 0.05087 0.34338 0.90533 0.43384 0.70849 0.28284 0.90374 0.9895 0.90756 0.49479 0.11199 0.0391 0.31398 0.75048 0.4849 0.8826 0.64757 0.78446 0.64476 0.20452 0.84242 0.62614 0.38386 0.64964 0.86461 0.79418 0.5876 0.43836 0.16089 0.43037 0.15969 0.14096 0.63677 0.08062 0.06016 0.52157 0.48867 0.03799 0.12375 0.5536 0.50211 0.96671 0.87831 0.81 0.43686 0.85683 0.17829 0.1965 0.77547 0.69713 0.14376 0.61402 0.40904 0.15668 0.35855 0.96938 0.11256 0.15023 0.50901 0.78247 0.59468 0.05258 0.57311 0.01921 0.89801 0.55385 0.46474 0.27328 0.5822 0.62061 0.70525 0.52019 0.49817 0.09172 0.51582 0.38318 0.2045 0.69135 0.78623 0.75152 0.83784 0.42811 0.59584 0.91308 0.15274 0.32165 0.02998 0.00574 0.34422 0.39952 0.70229 0.18672 0.50368 0.96015 0.19341 0.22313 0.49728 0.97902 0.5727 0.59743 0.95611 0.63961 0.56089 0.46916 0.66765 0.84923 0.97511 0.64111 0.73957 0.01936 0.59015 0.66768 0.09127 0.76041 0.22704 0.57204 0.28294 0.15518 0.81077 0.00621 0.08754 0.75638 0.83793 0.81272 0.17473 0.13344 0.69733 0.89546 0.73452 0.36954 0.3429 0.38539 0.70159 0.7145 0.93073 0.78101 0.07026 0.68912 0.79607 0.21517 0.94091 0.25712 0.16567 0.97626 0.84636 0.51203 0.87909 0.21041 0.01266 0.30996 0.42066 0.63953 0.85577 0.24816 0.0279 0.24903 0.20869 0.10354 0.49087 0.90752 0.95633 0.66241 0.85787 0.19164 0.27119 0.00298 0.38727 0.04809 0.7074 0.1845 0.41963 0.78869 0.80558 0.90784 0.82633 0.81727 0.49437 0.29562 0.71706 0.02329 0.13878 0.71564 0.9582 0.94697 0.17625 0.15694 0.53765 0.79804 0.26153 0.33219 0.5935 0.30127 0.96569 0.84823 0.12698 0.32248 0.92117 0.2806 0.34081 0.01792 0.78748 0.61948 0.67922 0.60788 0.25425 0.14536 0.53616 0.40004 0.59089 0.26759 0.50588 0.95218 0.40018 0.58476 0.71638 0.85956 0.33647 0.01148 0.00999 0.77611 0.83128 0.32344 0.65062 0.65354 0.51845 0.68374 0.55732 0.96309 0.50183 0.30711 0.89113 0.11072 0.0099 0.32293 0.67781 0.36974 0.41356 0.17565 0.15597 0.56719 0.23016 0.38243 0.6432 0.28815 0.39837 0.21942 0.54296 0.32819 0.50374 0.35355 0.86832 0.24346 0.95987 0.99225 0.7541 0.31907 0.31096 0.32526 0.38332 0.90116 0.15669 0.95509 0.69716 0.98581 0.10937 0.33333 0.65429 0.66787 0.15342 0.83637 0.36043 0.65771 0.07193 0.5565 0.84844 0.95547 0.23344 0.65655 0.03195 0.49668 0.90079 0.06239 0.46277 0.40023 0.48843 0.58763 0.58722 0.30614 0.62432 0.56763 0.25802 0.09438 0.69681 0.79254
+0.52843 0.02977 0.75658 0.54365 0.35135 0.13415 0.72232 0.13351 0.53873 0.58926 0.50031 0.61498 0.5612 0.23378 0.16009 0.61862 0.66582 0.78412 0.6556 0.92212 0.61094 0.93087 0.40212 0.88043 0.27219 0.43347 0.30967 0.137 0.58074 0.68938 0.87845 0.55904 0.66882 0.57006 0.45719 0.64405 0.9538 0.60024 0.03576 0.06336 0.68819 0.07458 0.34433 0.1563 0.15422 0.60646 0.10591 0.8022 0.98059 0.18347 0.7153 0.62901 0.67829 0.51564 0.83474 0.6675 0.61936 0.73009 0.93022 0.06785 0.32405 0.44627 0.80714 0.77681 0.66971 0.73153 0.14864 0.41295 0.63877 0.67668 0.43602 0.29829 0.95892 0.11502 0.02824 0.80539 0.13484 0.30775 0.43252 0.15725 0.11295 0.9172 0.83121 0.24859 0.43254 0.85817 0.97644 0.05077 0.22497 0.2611 0.97496 0.40207 0.9251 0.75918 0.78403 0.87188 0.65423 0.67461 0.60026 0.23421 0.11826 0.01789 0.44632 0.18533 0.80568 0.01471 0.60799 0.8249 0.15005 0.82592 0.54557 0.41219 0.798 0.65708 0.7206 0.30335 0.64441 0.88944 0.43835 0.21682 0.14754 0.16038 0.93953 0.31985 0.98639 0.69987 0.26819 0.39107 0.56171 0.35808 0.69954 0.11304 0.3572 0.3621 0.77962 0.5 0.37166 0.00682 0.62845 0.00502 0.96951 0.76231 0.72432 0.57447 0.71241 0.39177 0.18831 0.81738 0.90273 0.25644 0.65843 0.47932 0.20444 0.74849 0.01482 0.4642 0.72242 0.7985 0.62478 0.93934 0.28423 0.29434 0.63961 0.1485 0.0527 0.34945 0.08751 0.28143 0.14748 0.60521 0.58637 0.5132 0.80098 0.36554 0.20755 0.79304 0.38378 0.37034 0.21477 0.4939 0.36459 0.54508 0.16991 0.51519 0.41813 0.62048 0.89741 0.44873 0.21197 0.46305 0.12699 0.29509 0.7443 0.71885 0.08395 0.29833 0.93571 0.08494 0.70869 0.55263 0.697 0.31784 0.41511 0.72772 0.9765 0.07669 0.65125 0.68117 0.97906 0.41609 0.59517 0.21216 0.73686 0.17512 0.7632 0.54096 0.45534 0.73649 0.51453 0.94973 0.76386 0.93648 0.39728 0.446 0.76725 0.42084 0.694 0.7062 0.29507 0.57337 0.19828 0.84198 0.80826 0.63694 0.8503 0.95936 0.78341 0.10562 0.99806 0.01546 0.12019 0.72122 0.24187 0.99449 0.97128 0.36023 0.2547 0.28416 0.65203 0.92408 0.80645 0.4026 0.24688 0.57273 0.46662 0.53192 0.92202 0.71224 0.49206 0.0054 0.93582 0.17521 0.8857 0.40744 0.22745 0.8108 0.04099 0.80791 0.48294 0.53357 0.29601 0.50733 0.49256 0.9394 0.63816 0.33958 0.30268 0.2488 0.89093 0.63295 0.05504 0.4342 0.25674 0.20439 0.2355 0.07858 0.39286 0.79146 0.36975 0.15224 0.84159 0.81949 0.38209 0.17808 0.29383 0.94116 0.56458 0.21698 0.39232 0.24641 0.79682 0.02926 0.73115 0.32166 0.3885 0.06955 0.43811 0.17828 0.90986 0.39229 0.22994 0.71795 0.24899 0.52236 0.10218 0.09181 0.90486 0.76398 0.51881 0.72874 0.86199 0.91491 0.33408 0.09421 0.76193 0.73103 0.99028 0.1659 0.50197 0.98091 0.56642 0.25837 0.33875 0.64029 0.69239 0.25275 0.95408 0.07491 0.06664 0.33347 0.22204 0.20606 0.31474 0.43043 0.56939 0.93901 0.55318 0.19703 0.29185 0.07147 0.98511 0.88828 0.42535 0.68741 0.24958 0.12371 0.99652 0.54733 0.28824 0.55293 0.78233 0.41845 0.05895 0.09129 0.5593 0.25809 0.84745 0.40671 0.81241 0.24876 0.6514 0.01937 0.69689 0.3456 0.41152 0.9281 0.04709 0.11046 0.6579 0.06663 0.24458 0.27325 0.12715 0.72846 0.31453 0.1248 0.76682 0.63274 0.06149 0.62117 0.29429 0.51041 0.24688 0.21273 0.03872 0.578 0.57797 0.7596 0.18864 0.97793 0.12719 0.02779 0.49374 0.42989 0.68904 0.18207 0.51387 0.34859 0.29747 0.85399 0.4723 0.50146 0.19081 0.1495 0.21018 0.34144 0.29434 0.01467 0.02103 0.15244 0.91932 0.3138 0.56445 0.78045 0.41056 0.98584 0.68266 0.14459 0.86915 0.35248 0.95335 0.80315 0.84353 0.35183 0.38965 0.03165 0.86843 0.44714 0.53981 0.85117 0.0249 0.54783 0.4416 0.56 0.88322 0.6942 0.40134 0.78853 0.79479 0.05533 0.49706 0.31503 0.558 0.29708 0.09315 0.18496 0.31339 0.81526 0.82328 0.72172 0.92548 0.58405 0.91354 0.18906 0.36052 0.67677 0.57913 0.81931 0.77785 0.62607 0.78452 0.96509 0.83867 0.50711 0.92754 0.34169 0.61721 0.59761 0.22281 0.16173 0.66197 0.0111 0.12607 0.43081 0.59057 0.95403 0.71742 0.56541 0.72756 0.27933 0.96208 0.73813 0.61586 0.46586 0.08503 0.95089 0.53346 0.55009 0.91753 0.60949 0.14097 0.77766 0.55727 0.01565 0.91258 0.31603 0.17133 0.90933 0.43271 0.45266 0.72656 0.88196
+0.89955 0.15702 0.9433 0.10162 0.94468 0.02725 0.59511 0.40175 0.19972 0.83386 0.3721 0.51688 0.61169 0.65087 0.42801 0.12442 0.91998 0.63318 0.08346 0.10779 0.09463 0.53417 0.19891 0.89532 0.15081 0.5201 0.43091 0.06134 0.65386 0.63489 0.95091 0.36148 0.01313 0.55817 0.34594 0.87743 0.31033 0.56459 0.16881 0.65375 0.60245 0.74574 0.63072 0.40806 0.36298 0.1678 0.62949 0.0289 0.14166 0.78356 0.38172 0.39896 0.85351 0.36632 0.65958 0.65732 0.44355 0.19926 0.96435 0.30866 0.08937 0.82371 0.51616 0.53612 0.78462 0.95545 0.73222 0.8741 0.60953 0.10683 0.97411 0.57816 0.50947 0.94188 0.39746 0.53361 0.30128 0.10318 0.57388 0.41828 0.11511 0.34608 0.08617 0.72368 0.75554 0.76946 0.63272 0.17996 0.33235 0.19742 0.30599 0.84623 0.6772 0.26628 0.03343 0.71643 0.65246 0.51896 0.33255 0.67793 0.59113 0.09015 0.12629 0.13446 0.52423 0.12093 0.97363 0.40894 0.69772 0.9635 0.86528 0.76102 0.25954 0.82971 0.47828 0.39698 0.79232 0.51665 0.65849 0.69878 0.73757 0.12765 0.45822 0.46939 0.5667 0.75462 0.06978 0.27075 0.87205 0.98595 0.81112 0.92672 0.34268 0.91216 0.22613 0.33948 0.01026 0.87112 0.07605 0.03755 0.37647 0.91838 0.09419 0.53997 0.69649 0.58051 0.1557 0.11602 0.3381 0.50416 0.41725 0.13412 0.18018 0.23877 0.84954 0.42026 0.70971 0.33125 0.35133 0.8337 0.8957 0.60182 0.38022 0.88505 0.47609 0.58612 0.64636 0.9605 0.73031 0.26871 0.59852 0.61189 0.01912 0.16878 0.98461 0.98904 0.63574 0.7956 0.39833 0.08063 0.96954 0.81628 0.72436 0.23104 0.22635 0.54576 0.53803 0.33466 0.14538 0.64985 0.44259 0.5863 0.98746 0.31527 0.41676 0.98504 0.44375 0.14495 0.56575 0.33585 0.88564 0.40684 0.58011 0.10041 0.41779 0.00985 0.51291 0.57289 0.30148 0.57813 0.33375 0.95225 0.99551 0.99703 0.67909 0.60168 0.32076 0.39142 0.74348 0.19383 0.48079 0.66014 0.40387 0.44997 0.34396 0.81333 0.58743 0.39689 0.41175 0.0482 0.42279 0.12996 0.59036 0.27277 0.04123 0.88664 0.10782 0.07996 0.52998 0.07725 0.18282 0.34155 0.55795 0.54565 0.09266 0.07664 0.37571 0.68949 0.39027 0.14534 0.61821 0.08644 0.4067 0.4302 0.7134 0.59215 0.53286 0.02223 0.96036 0.82293 0.03683 0.88781 0.60139 0.57551 0.90834 0.12901 0.52498 0.01658 0.26099 0.07065 0.7193 0.7801 0.63149 0.86936 0.21573 0.39659 0.31251 0.46461 0.95224 0.42199 0.34981 0.39181 0.32463 0.35687 0.27247 0.40712 0.38213 0.6484 0.95647 0.12842 0.99034 0.67577 0.57025 0.17237 0.75192 0.63186 0.15756 0.1513 0.58191 0.11348 0.34666 0.29736 0.91781 0.12893 0.35538 0.55789 0.98524 0.18894 0.28659 0.23001 0.87013 0.70848 0.05471 0.00738 0.31926 0.25887 0.02493 0.97672 0.22164 0.68124 0.65572 0.72337 0.33815 0.83539 0.78989 0.71646 0.58684 0.87805 0.07862 0.76694 0.57311 0.37305 0.25925 0.73462 0.88017 0.82847 0.63127 0.12135 0.52456 0.36528 0.681 0.81635 0.97995 0.67951 0.03922 0.83215 0.50778 0.72655 0.53558 0.93508 0.37778 0.58929 0.89986 0.41784 0.39144 0.05481 0.78828 0.97624 0.85839 0.9861 0.68248 0.36399 0.74082 0.66962 0.21825 0.9109 0.47067 0.1584 0.03129 0.17641 0.47881 0.01547 0.92409 0.35286 0.82749 0.47774 0.23504 0.23827 0.13564 0.34693 0.27802 0.0517 0.91788 0.24917 0.73048 0.91915 0.19824 0.41241 0.37722 0.60144 0.56181 0.20251 0.15179 0.37938 0.8758 0.80729 0.25894 0.90923 0.41117 0.7023 0.39593 0.66655 0.79442 0.38683 0.95462 0.09122 0.34479 0.41238 0.04131 0.22639 0.58363 0.19926 0.6358 0.90067 0.32635 0.96165 0.78916 0.46619 0.16641 0.53936 0.95331 0.50826 0.15951 0.37563 0.83298 0.72527 0.26446 0.15348 0.79554 0.36272 0.23647 0.07878 0.77921 0.05267 0.40346 0.10323 0.13426 0.60674 0.64535 0.88292 0.79656 0.83565 0.95311 0.37887 0.52026 0.15181 0.54415 0.56161 0.33556 0.8734 0.76502 0.0821 0.88387 0.96745 0.54245 0.77319 0.28071 0.67621 0.83238 0.43433 0.09962 0.27061 0.82081 0.33874 0.81596 0.92237 0.91449 0.02602 0.58336 0.85767 0.47823 0.02238 0.41154 0.75882 0.40953 0.06713 0.68276 0.07642 0.355 0.1335 0.12648 0.36876 0.45048 0.17622 0.79746 0.63002 0.46874 0.16273 0.36652 0.54786 0.97121 0.51086 0.97296 0.94375 0.91064 0.42302 0.09527 0.0593 0.01423 0.42524 0.79599 0.65175 0.55599 0.76149 0.48773 0.26716 0.48981 0.11343 0.85524 0.63988 0.87878 0.10943
+0.98925 0.76091 0.83615 0.83801 0.30504 0.87356 0.04912 0.05052 0.19223 0.39223 0.93441 0.03525 0.93819 0.23864 0.79174 0.87508 0.1245 0.8748 0.22281 0.24576 0.23235 0.79291 0.16998 0.01262 0.55901 0.93051 0.19444 0.26361 0.33027 0.43701 0.92317 0.5605 0.18675 0.01904 0.98594 0.30729 0.92326 0.62227 0.24523 0.49263 0.7298 0.47453 0.02838 0.34536 0.33704 0.96584 0.55628 0.51986 0.77866 0.55107 0.41369 0.19462 0.86649 0.12993 0.46264 0.17468 0.02966 0.79375 0.53022 0.52315 0.79976 0.85045 0.57557 0.46967 0.99347 0.60062 0.05199 0.90033 0.4394 0.48945 0.18915 0.84071 0.0944 0.86097 0.56137 0.62947 0.04071 0.54825 0.31506 0.4979 0.57864 0.75582 0.67798 0.68179 0.77209 0.393 0.69627 0.53376 0.00852 0.79227 0.61171 0.34831 0.5407 0.03862 0.07031 0.82336 0.72848 0.42407 0.63167 0.7683 0.05192 0.92757 0.02702 0.8307 0.63891 0.81911 0.96697 0.8884 0.01281 0.38383 0.47441 0.30521 0.48767 0.56462 0.06614 0.23321 0.37635 0.7725 0.83043 0.67587 0.84641 0.10309 0.57097 0.51719 0.92334 0.07109 0.9626 0.67014 0.56713 0.91494 0.09796 0.24806 0.95215 0.82666 0.26885 0.33003 0.44068 0.53962 0.39855 0.14704 0.04138 0.18095 0.07053 0.99322 0.16145 0.68656 0.94869 0.6996 0.35381 0.64092 0.02302 0.56442 0.74137 0.14856 0.34485 0.47856 0.46817 0.45575 0.62791 0.41471 0.03234 0.10868 0.2701 0.12764 0.07823 0.15302 0.96777 0.67094 0.70589 0.6982 0.87162 0.80688 0.52753 0.734 0.10594 0.11185 0.34352 0.53439 0.38215 0.41099 0.84123 0.72436 0.20621 0.45116 0.22276 0.88433 0.05097 0.85737 0.7058 0.31998 0.55617 0.48341 0.5898 0.87645 0.40419 0.77363 0.47625 0.19547 0.49763 0.39444 0.90694 0.90889 0.16369 0.72227 0.60806 0.72873 0.32654 0.35208 0.20437 0.01683 0.09614 0.42094 0.32452 0.13224 0.13459 0.14582 0.49576 0.96758 0.93967 0.85749 0.64499 0.21184 0.37472 0.50408 0.66776 0.70771 0.73139 0.51517 0.33305 0.84302 0.39201 0.27421 0.48909 0.10361 0.35631 0.80823 0.55173 0.06496 0.92495 0.5787 0.73156 0.34253 0.87325 0.00315 0.35456 0.66643 0.42106 0.49441 0.94156 0.31733 0.84927 0.13814 0.22475 0.82006 0.02621 0.04404 0.88493 0.70652 0.71399 0.45647 0.82061 0.69555 0.69063 0.81387 0.30942 0.57545 0.0703 0.20694 0.46192 0.59847 0.16605 0.14883 0.59658 0.01828 0.2096 0.12047 0.90916 0.72583 0.59294 0.6454 0.35098 0.51925 0.49011 0.63914 0.173 0.39112 0.92485 0.59963 0.64018 0.16774 0.6421 0.66704 0.67344 0.17674 0.18386 0.5797 0.79397 0.65452 0.74528 0.68595 0.91591 0.76006 0.54099 0.681 0.26967 0.95506 0.52369 0.04565 0.43406 0.85965 0.25611 0.26495 0.67463 0.25514 0.19372 0.04408 0.42219 0.39902 0.04605 0.37787 0.06684 0.26464 0.4671 0.03584 0.11597 0.69484 0.75754 0.3929 0.04935 0.35373 0.77567 0.30569 0.45811 0.9017 0.5136 0.08021 0.59557 0.89263 0.67805 0.33188 0.588 0.9209 0.74519 0.09483 0.93152 0.0533 0.78806 0.03817 0.88754 0.59089 0.35239 0.15198 0.83675 0.35881 0.84681 0.56567 0.01146 0.48203 0.19051 0.75392 0.25403 0.67205 0.26604 0.74736 0.28738 0.23509 0.8714 0.42034 0.21056 0.79552 0.09623 0.54343 0.60234 0.29262 0.54166 0.54754 0.14671 0.81661 0.8536 0.0373 0.34749 0.48421 0.67931 0.88155 0.43754 0.21779 0.23373 0.19382 0.53103 0.75045 0.65169 0.59048 0.38466 0.17452 0.86491 0.02042 0.45959 0.69 0.66785 0.67683 0.20119 0.18976 0.02594 0.30824 0.42361 0.71464 0.95061 0.88154 0.47194 0.16582 0.43931 0.40329 0.01137 0.93814 0.24813 0.07327 0.04859 0.49261 0.4533 0.89576 0.37195 0.90684 0.99078 0.02469 0.00162 0.39297 0.41864 0.37835 0.4556 0.24537 0.91245 0.36945 0.30307 0.26407 0.59115 0.26806 0.03326 0.29716 0.1447 0.59209 0.95591 0.82216 0.95651 0.43078 0.77749 0.57075 0.8411 0.07429 0.3644 0.89626 0.25798 0.65609 0.2185 0.44919 0.98593 0.0095 0.895 0.96867 0.65453 0.655 0.5802 0.11183 0.67788 0.92731 0.57448 0.67822 0.6311 0.81764 0.03416 0.41217 0.08865 0.70032 0.40761 0.95371 0.65977 0.63767 0.67087 0.492 0.61962 0.69333 0.10942 0.67137 0.4937 0.3112 0.71614 0.35874 0.31197 0.76369 0.57994 0.32612 0.84774 0.64864 0.54444 0.25008 0.13771 0.58624 0.44951 0.24751 0.23921 0.05437 0.68053 0.12391 0.48505 0.38525 0.10361 0.95392 0.65921 0.71651 0.16284 0.87469 0.3496 0.81597
+0.11435 0.86734 0.91209 0.09632 0.07521 0.7037 0.81178 0.51451 0.8493 0.26614 0.08278 0.41726 0.18137 0.80861 0.71322 0.59617 0.15897 0.01933 0.16777 0.56784 0.11052 0.67951 0.42663 0.61846 0.23643 0.90378 0.04036 0.33943 0.08089 0.24992 0.86231 0.76635 0.87245 0.81859 0.62585 0.06416 0.01541 0.94988 0.54238 0.84141 0.61416 0.28818 0.00101 0.13855 0.68649 0.75482 0.56216 0.09949 0.31173 0.88369 0.28212 0.87318 0.60159 0.43 0.53231 0.76075 0.35774 0.61575 0.6978 0.40759 0.57061 0.75746 0.60665 0.63174 0.86625 0.53675 0.03706 0.73349 0.68749 0.86554 0.72929 0.10949 0.52567 0.55092 0.28945 0.44902 0.59979 0.1541 0.27907 0.03058 0.51171 0.53768 0.94459 0.03695 0.79421 0.4886 0.94816 0.81047 0.51402 0.53953 0.85459 0.56071 0.75486 0.99455 0.46292 0.16236 0.44592 0.73702 0.04172 0.58075 0.55868 0.03353 0.89252 0.96795 0.35646 0.01233 0.34891 0.57112 0.09957 0.5526 0.68783 0.78179 0.7071 0.6171 0.86528 0.78152 0.00562 0.50736 0.16377 0.31522 0.44633 0.89128 0.6865 0.02241 0.14498 0.72426 0.15868 0.62553 0.51279 0.96779 0.42256 0.83231 0.98044 0.59686 0.53143 0.51235 0.49297 0.02751 0.28481 0.5231 0.88136 0.73325 0.11971 0.55186 0.97948 0.86979 0.60038 0.66169 0.25271 0.32681 0.44892 0.7018 0.07988 0.99149 0.93377 0.00434 0.89705 0.44419 0.49135 0.70657 0.16913 0.29434 0.01393 0.31684 0.8578 0.46238 0.54093 0.4946 0.99468 0.59728 0.75449 0.61201 0.51023 0.69548 0.88455 0.05327 0.58766 0.80769 0.43108 0.68115 0.66966 0.66135 0.57111 0.00158 0.17969 0.8678 0.23639 0.32975 0.43799 0.50224 0.04226 0.89759 0.73567 0.36096 0.01287 0.70844 0.0993 0.20378 0.81629 0.43659 0.76812 0.52749 0.21341 0.45786 0.21977 0.14197 0.07526 0.99697 0.074 0.41945 0.66017 0.75683 0.99375 0.11272 0.40275 0.37164 0.40255 0.08849 0.085 0.74908 0.93685 0.05553 0.11997 0.52353 0.32221 0.64377 0.02289 0.02557 0.73343 0.75792 0.35968 0.69836 0.95861 0.7183 0.58632 0.00793 0.62912 0.44878 0.22973 0.12735 0.38137 0.48461 0.97727 0.58974 0.12084 0.97456 0.78069 0.0796 0.71687 0.41184 0.42053 0.50078 0.89716 0.39713 0.87083 0.90301 0.52616 0.97106 0.84828 0.1044 0.94369 0.95886 0.16588 0.60642 0.87368 0.61083 0.71329 0.26643 0.15479 0.88372 0.2459 0.31559 0.36055 0.923 0.3482 0.8881 0.90853 0.76022 0.72888 0.6107 0.7984 0.79457 0.61268 0.20282 0.34407 0.9867 0.22015 0.9172 0.87246 0.21006 0.74748 0.27193 0.9439 0.27879 0.07032 0.84576 0.65877 0.18904 0.19087 0.98815 0.82024 0.59752 0.40535 0.42432 0.09701 0.45461 0.89985 0.65496 0.75065 0.48579 0.11543 0.10908 0.98444 0.14119 0.93414 0.46236 0.26697 0.84492 0.80186 0.12804 0.89379 0.34547 0.27242 0.29973 0.29958 0.63391 0.45972 0.14521 0.65838 0.91843 0.54085 0.04523 0.75777 0.6504 0.06473 0.19676 0.5193 0.12942 0.38405 0.28262 0.4716 0.0408 0.27843 0.60985 0.63629 0.07546 0.35366 0.43211 0.42723 0.11346 0.12924 0.18238 0.91703 0.71843 0.91877 0.1333 0.09322 0.8391 0.27067 0.28978 0.05634 0.60568 0.30188 0.08193 0.845 0.35809 0.56999 0.85565 0.57157 0.66983 0.4856 0.17213 0.77556 0.99044 0.07549 0.53625 0.80987 0.72991 0.28113 0.6296 0.6974 0.2841 0.94242 0.39559 0.9185 0.42849 0.75169 0.46648 0.98552 0.76605 0.47155 0.61608 0.76155 0.96423 0.30964 0.20092 0.15336 0.47709 0.1696 0.54823 0.72479 0.27939 0.01627 0.20518 0.69161 0.90322 0.36801 0.35844 0.27313 0.95234 0.76992 0.30657 0.33386 0.54607 0.12423 0.98045 0.902 0.66941 0.63629 0.38183 0.37582 0.69975 0.82993 0.12757 0.98143 0.88494 0.86054 0.60321 0.84937 0.22558 0.39765 0.84377 0.50976 0.22679 0.05268 0.89696 0.92573 0.3459 0.8301 0.24086 0.85585 0.91317 0.99183 0.07511 0.7312 0.48564 0.46075 0.24461 0.5169 0.43985 0.33175 0.89772 0.5019 0.71998 0.18444 0.12805 0.69442 0.01632 0.07187 0.03625 0.32764 0.61434 0.22122 0.11257 0.70267 0.4753 0.53117 0.60106 0.6257 0.04522 0.72517 0.52525 0.70008 0.74807 0.31624 0.94238 0.02163 0.37322 0.02898 0.63906 0.36893 0.85061 0.49005 0.0621 0.48094 0.42002 0.27703 0.19689 0.38029 0.3858 0.4139 0.74763 0.45147 0.92222 0.61453 0.47323 0.15296 0.37452 0.24616 0.96978 0.47287 0.56843 0.53761 0.64924 0.58497 0.90917 0.42134 0.44786 0.75315 0.56733 0.05833 0.20157
+0.75724 0.94341 0.15986 0.37325 0.00682 0.91474 0.9335 0.03912 0.19695 0.2901 0.36995 0.59869 0.96977 0.04916 0.99639 0.09382 0.51991 0.68874 0.81502 0.53982 0.82173 0.33009 0.14214 0.81757 0.05128 0.30365 0.34812 0.26037 0.70052 0.18506 0.61526 0.82645 0.81331 0.02146 0.82427 0.13491 0.84147 0.87812 0.83651 0.83768 0.96912 0.02551 0.52231 0.90781 0.849 0.97445 0.64454 0.63559 0.52437 0.00725 0.14565 0.05211 0.33049 0.97832 0.12485 0.60367 0.54021 0.09167 0.11345 0.40157 0.09775 0.61424 0.95554 0.47148 0.33793 0.76764 0.73918 0.64537 0.32747 0.07723 0.63456 0.39419 0.59317 0.30004 0.21827 0.6319 0.22546 0.48585 0.848 0.51333 0.49446 0.15525 0.44863 0.4459 0.87803 0.95516 0.93203 0.27559 0.29508 0.67498 0.24796 0.26172 0.40958 0.83692 0.42131 0.39002 0.40785 0.26445 0.61501 0.47645 0.652 0.4462 0.61094 0.09223 0.19305 0.31296 0.88816 0.68758 0.48984 0.75383 0.16452 0.00597 0.42386 0.10084 0.43306 0.92682 0.31329 0.69878 0.49312 0.79818 0.57406 0.59462 0.15993 0.4215 0.86499 0.43255 0.35629 0.7575 0.36785 0.87189 0.99356 0.97978 0.37966 0.05736 0.16477 0.34418 0.33235 0.57359 0.3283 0.87291 0.39882 0.3595 0.68076 0.70978 0.93821 0.67044 0.05576 0.35855 0.03462 0.19115 0.86009 0.92216 0.58201 0.23327 0.78934 0.98493 0.01656 0.68312 0.548 0.68512 0.35859 0.00864 0.1078 0.28537 0.84237 0.15386 0.20207 0.8396 0.38293 0.72763 0.05038 0.186 0.564 0.15105 0.40044 0.01575 0.83571 0.3831 0.7108 0.18579 0.15834 0.62861 0.87011 0.09601 0.07542 0.85467 0.62288 0.25977 0.69797 0.20825 0.47047 0.25306 0.27129 0.16459 0.26996 0.7032 0.31701 0.93413 0.88555 0.8573 0.13606 0.43603 0.98532 0.88363 0.71231 0.22756 0.65242 0.86718 0.76305 0.28791 0.88942 0.30365 0.88849 0.25854 0.78901 0.62919 0.85091 0.27437 0.63858 0.46008 0.69389 0.69275 0.90009 0.74289 0.95205 0.79118 0.4737 0.54745 0.5561 0.66383 0.89338 0.86353 0.72779 0.8958 0.27428 0.17399 0.44925 0.25515 0.79487 0.82402 0.07303 0.06012 0.03059 0.44585 0.67895 0.35002 0.44679 0.73814 0.70516 0.83059 0.866 0.66348 0.20889 0.78564 0.55161 0.23077 0.94681 0.06393 0.5191 0.96723 0.10564 0.86985 0.35743 0.0889 0.97864 0.37631 0.05717 0.07888 0.45694 0.13387 0.77407 0.64256 0.47019 0.55461 0.74779 0.88111 0.69008 0.63841 0.91511 0.32201 0.9285 0.97554 0.77076 0.5897 0.09843 0.10778 0.12656 0.52718 0.18957 0.87379 0.763 0.03139 0.99288 0.60339 0.28111 0.06141 0.82622 0.55995 0.12156 0.62044 0.95438 0.26584 0.84215 0.26685 0.37417 0.06305 0.80385 0.51094 0.5855 0.8506 0.47171 0.00899 0.12811 0.61489 0.71765 0.15847 0.47011 0.47443 0.11932 0.73184 0.86836 0.1706 0.81524 0.24997 0.72521 0.03068 0.26537 0.96895 0.58679 0.61938 0.26858 0.87454 0.87967 0.53113 0.58013 0.58043 0.05259 0.99884 0.08373 0.88882 0.22849 0.49152 0.73289 0.32134 0.84389 0.08892 0.68731 0.88743 0.85119 0.97863 0.53662 0.98245 0.50584 0.89547 0.56745 0.9496 0.53025 0.97793 0.06651 0.58661 0.15945 0.57228 0.5866 0.2028 0.33074 0.57579 0.74975 0.15571 0.55517 0.92548 0.03232 0.14646 0.94649 0.48285 0.41171 0.20916 0.88878 0.3897 0.5167 0.15582 0.3816 0.73216 0.88085 0.05199 0.8525 0.44022 0.89959 0.30607 0.0859 0.81174 0.85597 0.10153 0.75112 0.68123 0.05699 0.82345 0.54827 0.852 0.02135 0.87333 0.00433 0.54946 0.84841 0.96733 0.40512 0.5887 0.80733 0.90187 0.51648 0.39685 0.70483 0.0031 0.87525 0.54465 0.70363 0.44295 0.4557 0.56375 0.07411 0.61011 0.87811 0.51107 0.0526 0.61059 0.86406 0.30023 0.59222 0.19673 0.18144 0.16842 0.87998 0.79226 0.70146 0.53404 0.06231 0.98984 0.29853 0.84566 0.83934 0.18014 0.13414 0.48613 0.58326 0.39073 0.93289 0.42341 0.87537 0.35544 0.66552 0.95845 0.86884 0.92702 0.60308 0.88222 0.81105 0.66864 0.42763 0.95068 0.06959 0.21031 0.57794 0.7421 0.11849 0.6351 0.07491 0.93994 0.83024 0.54018 0.71997 0.93034 0.1078 0.59306 0.11279 0.40583 0.38053 0.97115 0.7755 0.49594 0.2202 0.32119 0.36629 0.02968 0.99905 0.0822 0.5051 0.80114 0.83591 0.85177 0.02509 0.11347 0.16323 0.28306 0.78571 0.40541 0.90387 0.4969 0.6153 0.56948 0.72149 0.99811 0.33322 0.11083 0.97425 0.21095 0.6794 0.35015 0.24757 0.03978 0.67188 0.18191 0.54809 0.99816
+0.97888 0.42821 0.86801 0.5048 0.69468 0.43213 0.42985 0.72414 0.90616 0.71232 0.5545 0.77833 0.06987 0.12155 0.64921 0.40961 0.58296 0.26674 0.51671 0.9149 0.44512 0.83202 0.10618 0.89207 0.18862 0.16461 0.43103 0.88298 0.80368 0.42327 0.06398 0.158 0.50281 0.59266 0.42147 0.80565 0.45728 0.58529 0.74431 0.5268 0.24202 0.12633 0.73295 0.92088 0.7245 0.93704 0.65723 0.32563 0.19636 0.54041 0.65957 0.19205 0.12133 0.78427 0.93234 0.91608 0.23613 0.30955 0.12654 0.62528 0.40721 0.09776 0.95181 0.0119 0.47788 0.61509 0.71426 0.6131 0.86933 0.82803 0.65732 0.25252 0.35714 0.91942 0.33687 0.46544 0.83746 0.65851 0.22088 0.75444 0.32537 0.08022 0.95115 0.37645 0.9916 0.05198 0.94142 0.42877 0.3674 0.31319 0.06977 0.01455 0.38075 0.56303 0.04757 0.0413 0.57074 0.77689 0.35729 0.01197 0.25131 0.65914 0.09681 0.97755 0.554 0.82288 0.99427 0.01033 0.9074 0.50459 0.04556 0.28221 0.47474 0.52164 0.24782 0.90429 0.22738 0.14639 0.20577 0.92913 0.7666 0.08831 0.72557 0.79096 0.56012 0.92277 0.86014 0.67212 0.10633 0.85727 0.64321 0.43101 0.13894 0.40952 0.69225 0.28409 0.72386 0.39319 0.11485 0.45842 0.16472 0.15785 0.47631 0.64992 0.79471 0.30837 0.78054 0.7567 0.53968 0.80754 0.69275 0.80902 0.28793 0.54946 0.85167 0.2497 0.73203 0.06954 0.29201 0.92262 0.86 0.27262 0.40254 0.0661 0.67766 0.72275 0.10828 0.03813 0.49122 0.83442 0.09765 0.0438 0.51217 0.26427 0.67724 0.77724 0.60196 0.44461 0.18917 0.5851 0.89675 0.18425 0.96489 0.4268 0.68507 0.2414 0.62843 0.25917 0.28576 0.45415 0.84612 0.90265 0.8439 0.04706 0.65248 0.88445 0.66355 0.60583 0.33804 0.7067 0.92682 0.875 0.9352 0.8857 0.46524 0.30796 0.97093 0.47891 0.66983 0.53169 0.7651 0.64715 0.33579 0.19799 0.10847 0.27968 0.4165 0.9431 0.89282 0.01231 0.96217 0.00159 0.52676 0.63289 0.51808 0.0408 0.54529 0.56952 0.4496 0.75576 0.87778 0.78484 0.08522 0.44348 0.85621 0.88423 0.9174 0.46117 0.76816 0.58079 6e-05 0.615 0.42438 0.1189 0.45324 0.20253 0.97501 0.89928 0.09073 0.69025 0.91177 0.35609 0.90455 0.51952 0.59539 0.76749 0.62412 0.74315 0.99395 0.91328 0.90302 0.99568 0.31873 0.4008 0.59301 0.6532 0.83261 0.63331 0.86472 0.0678 0.21878 0.08204 0.39337 0.54224 0.22034 0.13774 0.95498 0.48802 0.13449 0.55409 0.72882 0.76351 0.66822 0.74646 0.45992 0.51848 0.85111 0.36767 0.52849 0.66331 0.37073 0.93472 0.89436 0.56391 0.82 0.21991 0.13025 0.11437 0.92122 0.48465 0.35026 0.90594 0.62755 0.20824 0.98545 0.84687 0.4762 0.89326 0.75919 0.60643 0.41704 0.39778 0.25931 0.76403 0.78981 0.63053 0.45297 0.20177 0.50868 0.75581 0.52075 0.58664 0.55253 0.44689 0.60786 0.55944 0.41005 0.95395 0.53213 0.87195 0.25944 0.66168 0.33717 0.21588 0.4815 0.18096 0.24652 0.48318 0.35142 0.46475 0.61343 0.98361 0.56931 0.33583 0.25019 0.0448 0.90929 0.6529 0.99131 0.62651 0.9374 0.82067 0.54238 0.05123 0.37759 0.05199 0.96151 0.79606 0.63521 0.75749 0.94686 0.16674 0.80487 0.10825 0.65043 0.89288 0.73857 0.15405 0.37888 0.19082 0.801 0.12333 0.64036 0.64429 0.74177 0.6529 0.22729 0.92976 0.68744 0.8377 0.11503 0.03582 0.2707 0.99999 0.16352 0.88673 0.22178 0.02551 0.35804 0.85352 0.36074 0.32649 0.89169 0.51667 0.06287 0.94864 0.05676 0.65261 0.46701 0.34504 0.4282 0.59953 0.8891 0.55283 0.55629 0.82245 0.6446 0.44946 0.15458 0.74152 0.29955 0.00902 0.78338 0.711 0.26746 0.08379 0.05696 0.13976 0.16219 0.3478 0.62548 0.42985 0.72647 0.91853 0.48758 0.76208 0.47279 0.78801 0.23592 0.35563 0.94203 0.49095 0.17987 0.03026 0.94629 0.5544 0.00024 0.64786 0.40616 0.64731 0.70468 0.51266 0.1803 0.85274 0.09848 0.13807 0.01956 0.97233 0.08921 0.29649 0.80528 0.83035 0.92298 0.19676 0.98486 0.90644 0.37175 0.58604 0.41924 0.91282 0.96578 0.66145 0.61757 0.10731 0.11981 0.35983 0.19382 0.76236 0.02771 0.34263 0.78898 0.1055 0.16467 0.50655 0.86795 0.61588 0.51408 0.20904 0.79617 0.48585 0.09561 0.1148 0.79373 0.73139 0.86106 0.7268 0.98814 0.40727 0.24347 0.52881 0.99849 0.96705 0.18435 0.89548 0.7313 0.23856 0.03208 0.36422 0.51194 0.07209 0.032 0.93266 0.98535 0.8852 0.12952 0.06138 0.61405 0.04683 0.38912 0.98925 0.09467 0.7408
+0.6603 0.21813 0.20881 0.64292 0.71931 0.69083 0.33213 0.92687 0.35378 0.55589 0.17544 0.83498 0.83528 0.47567 0.98638 0.7216 0.07532 0.73283 0.26087 0.31511 0.3552 0.66459 0.37501 0.86971 0.40662 0.83829 0.91162 0.64592 0.06746 0.10362 0.52499 0.73756 0.03161 0.82503 0.75942 0.77402 0.38882 0.61016 0.33582 0.57898 0.47858 0.20805 0.58503 0.94529 0.16462 0.66166 0.58544 0.64896 0.23004 0.23165 0.49075 0.27784 0.17987 0.352 0.90448 0.72248 0.66841 0.13307 0.92574 0.11256 0.35258 0.72081 0.50575 0.22812 0.24567 0.69388 0.03004 0.26165 0.80492 0.33455 0.25678 0.27739 0.5665 0.92705 0.97806 0.18307 0.24948 0.12446 0.81564 0.35924 0.07111 0.5376 0.94652 0.44226 0.80194 0.67595 0.60043 0.83031 0.95886 0.36899 0.17088 0.61633 0.13681 0.42391 0.51976 0.36515 0.12973 0.03824 0.59032 0.42574 0.61317 0.74158 0.28491 0.81744 0.79858 0.19224 0.7181 0.20442 0.76979 0.44423 0.04386 0.62141 0.38638 0.54623 0.12904 0.41226 0.70251 0.25951 0.31419 0.20368 0.42258 0.02359 0.04846 0.14779 0.57488 0.96054 0.20831 0.09584 0.24796 0.612 0.9363 0.04693 0.66157 0.81591 0.68589 0.2081 0.82821 0.15558 0.55074 0.08752 0.56502 0.59867 0.02237 0.20116 0.0082 0.26348 0.78635 0.25071 0.9112 0.38337 0.76789 0.78875 0.50295 0.87005 0.42615 0.0407 0.01972 0.49016 0.38616 0.94321 0.46386 0.07462 0.25114 0.09825 0.85113 0.38989 0.66502 0.95326 0.5018 0.95163 0.36597 0.63823 0.10094 0.22087 0.11836 0.58986 0.60628 0.45536 0.07248 0.71233 0.7879 0.59134 0.55113 0.00723 0.64272 0.92614 0.603 0.84586 0.69558 0.64494 0.32663 0.00763 0.57633 0.73197 0.45762 0.54153 0.65123 0.13697 0.91522 0.32993 0.30619 0.61895 0.95051 0.76149 0.23067 0.51176 0.63464 0.3612 0.38372 0.23276 0.82533 0.81559 0.47722 0.60977 0.74148 0.77065 0.02388 0.47036 0.99123 0.98251 0.17751 0.55548 0.77023 0.9891 0.31446 0.42007 0.334 0.31749 0.70666 0.60967 0.09852 0.61444 0.43322 0.65574 0.16808 0.03499 0.55347 0.41667 0.39044 0.71717 0.25817 0.8199 0.26071 0.1773 0.6099 0.92309 0.42854 0.73717 0.90664 0.42627 0.76147 0.82506 0.38625 0.56387 0.01716 0.08598 0.75429 0.07102 0.4944 0.62894 0.43178 0.6602 0.43101 0.65752 0.0976 0.62884 0.18257 0.48466 0.52798 0.7574 0.97848 0.9176 0.96028 0.86847 0.96455 0.39807 0.30408 0.95204 0.29434 0.06999 0.95423 0.83758 0.75935 0.5725 0.59678 0.34124 0.08161 0.99075 0.35937 0.66739 0.05422 0.61761 0.33584 0.72346 0.39359 0.32149 0.00437 0.68552 0.73962 0.76193 0.98984 0.19757 0.08246 0.68291 0.04967 0.97902 0.14202 0.13891 0.30924 0.29329 0.47543 0.27602 0.45025 0.03862 0.06916 0.22203 0.65715 0.45051 0.10298 0.63472 0.39648 0.59741 0.97426 0.52685 0.12145 0.1046 0.42331 0.78622 0.11792 0.08126 0.44533 0.74842 0.11038 0.55227 0.21486 0.42053 0.59529 0.16489 0.04083 0.26891 0.86466 0.50433 0.39383 0.3305 0.95161 0.53808 0.98309 0.30009 0.73691 0.07595 0.67299 0.7485 0.80804 0.43295 0.94235 0.22228 0.92571 0.42581 0.76232 0.1413 0.70036 0.45057 0.05217 0.82079 0.39632 0.44352 0.19002 0.73628 0.13435 0.47681 0.94633 0.31353 0.68103 0.66123 0.92058 0.5435 0.04266 0.57015 0.95326 0.40914 0.17557 0.20744 0.53524 0.24972 0.80897 0.58009 0.87697 0.39807 0.15306 0.22726 0.8508 0.75299 0.43591 0.22289 0.52922 0.68055 0.114 0.7002 0.98276 0.49195 0.35477 0.2684 0.78568 0.45785 0.46823 0.46792 0.0565 0.06688 0.77163 0.73899 0.9804 0.61362 0.30486 0.49531 0.83699 0.31133 0.85511 0.51321 0.88335 0.12516 0.36431 0.11826 0.96782 0.82607 0.08526 0.1212 0.02064 0.91197 0.84837 0.73894 0.54516 0.86332 0.34856 0.29222 0.95052 0.84173 0.15997 0.59256 0.29507 0.2768 0.16635 0.8174 0.71336 0.43032 0.217 0.83219 0.33069 0.23682 0.07411 0.43852 0.55179 0.65666 0.32575 0.72544 0.72111 0.98223 0.79923 0.72081 0.57047 0.34847 0.34749 0.1088 0.42509 0.8927 0.20782 0.52361 0.77728 0.86608 0.66353 0.71784 0.76947 0.60089 0.28455 0.165 0.84419 0.74819 0.35424 0.56057 0.68683 0.34541 0.00607 0.50738 0.44403 0.05416 0.65625 0.60267 0.46318 0.22194 0.85587 0.6972 0.56987 0.39213 0.72563 0.89765 0.86331 0.0165 0.65641 0.70552 0.74584 0.89597 0.38872 0.13774 0.91881 0.72087 0.5343 0.04322 0.62876 0.88486 0.67143 0.62457 0.12284 0.65763
+0.19858 0.21566 0.95502 0.09455 0.98857 0.68868 0.31214 0.45141 0.45044 0.44734 0.48039 0.17628 0.63259 0.77358 0.8804 0.13318 0.14266 0.63195 0.92312 0.3407 0.43007 0.37187 0.98692 0.70417 0.27164 0.51602 0.95815 0.30334 0.04788 0.61022 0.23942 0.60992 0.42254 0.91223 0.78233 0.99322 0.18563 0.17855 0.86114 0.44917 0.11087 0.40677 0.02617 0.94465 0.34364 0.23317 0.59377 0.79954 0.44185 0.78947 0.64055 0.92371 0.21774 0.88814 0.86159 0.97506 0.69862 0.04676 0.22118 0.62196 0.79068 0.20984 0.88642 0.09025 0.2263 0.84506 0.72455 0.97553 0.34944 0.86674 0.60749 0.7389 0.58299 0.9415 0.04962 0.22796 0.33751 0.63728 0.99984 0.46996 0.71143 0.10202 0.63909 0.97591 0.95296 0.46669 0.02 0.73105 0.84075 0.25609 0.00149 0.09855 0.96408 0.03975 0.5857 0.23629 0.33199 0.62935 0.8828 0.46205 0.50675 0.82175 0.65126 0.11868 0.7295 0.17208 0.03205 0.31677 0.31227 0.26997 0.77226 0.64124 0.50423 0.74668 0.43318 0.60961 0.53028 0.18824 0.34792 0.80144 0.58904 0.40839 0.46889 0.7317 0.4778 0.63619 0.66956 0.51062 0.74202 0.28264 0.15483 0.40695 0.44226 0.73554 0.95511 0.39904 0.514 0.74717 0.35186 0.41575 0.96891 0.0636 0.7796 0.87589 0.71573 0.51688 0.69409 0.87884 0.4772 0.61936 0.35606 0.32372 0.46259 0.96173 0.44339 0.63703 0.6691 0.63165 0.53265 0.26889 0.38359 0.64871 0.34437 0.28612 0.49002 0.57525 0.03875 0.02632 0.8872 0.45485 0.40699 0.86893 0.16194 0.87003 0.53535 0.77567 0.512 0.10383 0.1224 0.59017 0.43497 0.80734 0.30008 0.11567 0.97073 0.9576 0.23705 0.98846 0.32932 0.30934 0.47769 0.2124 0.98295 0.4423 0.64951 0.22003 0.48447 0.63578 0.43698 0.74558 0.28967 0.59245 0.03645 0.17298 0.28257 0.15111 0.49686 0.23517 0.60238 0.25389 0.68863 0.21276 0.61763 0.08622 0.95107 0.78412 0.18418 0.39492 0.15584 0.58289 0.3736 0.1836 0.57083 0.81418 0.8053 0.02961 0.57713 0.62664 0.08002 0.17008 0.06539 0.64736 0.93852 0.11106 0.7872 0.81332 0.30716 0.89776 0.85021 0.26564 0.20521 0.23391 0.25025 0.14586 0.25599 0.68789 0.09515 0.58303 0.12773 0.13079 0.21353 0.10578 0.09392 0.96257 0.31898 0.10895 0.14748 0.33487 0.14245 0.79127 0.25542 0.65505 0.48844 0.46417 0.38547 0.1623 0.60704 0.81064 0.21054 0.32396 0.31753 0.45961 0.38548 0.46677 0.72662 0.32594 0.90037 0.42617 0.83487 0.26121 0.3577 0.74205 0.17588 0.63376 0.09581 0.01814 0.94394 0.0505 0.06453 0.07927 0.52218 0.5648 0.68149 0.22162 0.66845 0.41716 0.99789 0.47622 0.70294 0.66497 0.57651 0.77652 0.65198 0.38236 0.34527 0.71023 0.75079 0.64879 0.9841 0.81226 0.36176 0.77722 0.8266 0.37155 0.05786 0.16992 0.16483 0.4206 0.15112 0.18888 0.26466 0.92969 0.78216 0.46501 0.23936 0.80603 0.55404 0.61977 0.94154 0.26661 0.98124 0.81549 0.70293 0.56809 0.19786 0.90585 0.53081 0.3511 0.24458 0.10087 0.15266 0.80489 0.88078 0.52439 0.14425 0.52375 0.11485 0.29961 0.76143 0.51908 0.72385 0.47686 0.34541 0.57111 0.47065 0.26618 0.37983 0.33234 0.20656 0.93543 0.4315 0.78366 0.41443 0.92132 0.24582 0.03839 0.94997 0.10129 0.7019 0.43003 0.21003 0.5497 0.26725 0.33753 0.93751 0.27571 0.66099 0.21204 0.73172 0.48233 0.02145 0.31289 0.42855 0.11799 0.00469 0.44851 0.60279 0.44133 0.57717 0.88963 0.56998 0.52584 0.15993 0.01394 0.99921 0.97334 0.91233 0.44246 0.34635 0.48577 0.33536 0.9333 0.43882 0.20698 0.13512 0.7834 0.771 0.78887 0.26276 0.37067 0.80652 0.81323 0.21226 0.68518 0.38679 0.1654 0.60991 0.51481 0.47247 0.49287 0.32664 0.22325 0.63626 0.46098 0.28505 0.47986 0.76543 0.71964 0.83575 0.71207 0.60145 0.62872 0.11799 0.85649 0.88938 0.03461 0.82856 0.99778 0.96081 0.32339 0.26219 0.82965 0.64879 0.51701 0.17973 0.83344 0.33795 0.67386 0.38451 0.62396 0.66494 0.73751 0.60272 0.01859 0.46741 0.36862 0.21386 0.87299 0.36489 0.04114 0.09478 0.7869 0.2987 0.28013 0.59652 0.1605 0.71706 0.513 0.73632 0.13809 0.31908 0.68408 0.4025 0.53984 0.13824 0.60932 0.15206 0.27036 0.23119 0.02413 0.78577 0.55432 0.47532 0.13361 0.39555 0.19988 0.70237 0.78751 0.46715 0.52313 0.84608 0.36776 0.2638 0.0755 0.10495 0.10248 0.24341 0.36788 0.18571 0.14823 0.54284 0.28129 0.36873 0.84201 0.09119 0.56968 0.41051 0.9266 0.84867 0.18963 0.468 0.84915
+0.1446 0.0477 0.07193 0.41767 0.29557 0.20909 0.6232 0.04378 0.06482 0.04107 0.65263 0.17658 0.0841 0.07896 0.46045 0.3057 0.80057 0.7969 0.94043 0.10993 0.63713 0.98192 0.46622 0.30524 0.60054 0.60772 0.04629 0.59313 0.68512 0.24722 0.99019 0.58022 0.40892 0.49466 0.95504 0.75525 0.5476 0.20135 0.7027 0.33373 0.99342 0.48302 0.27301 0.30132 0.67134 0.21486 0.51306 0.26392 0.6012 0.85202 0.65507 0.50642 0.91739 0.9973 0.91215 0.88083 0.1295 0.8212 0.74911 0.83615 0.53978 0.12963 0.35174 0.61154 0.5177 0.65824 0.03994 0.50934 0.49115 0.68503 0.40291 0.27047 0.13146 0.87048 0.01305 0.73435 0.99354 0.60229 0.93762 0.68622 0.01369 0.03999 0.64576 0.81438 0.03643 0.35862 0.79995 0.29685 0.09965 0.61115 0.04481 0.09115 0.87873 0.49406 0.33704 0.29471 0.8855 0.91749 0.1617 0.87044 0.25738 0.00872 0.0379 0.21603 0.88555 0.79495 0.2485 0.82856 0.24828 0.82941 0.29636 0.724 0.29743 0.52498 0.11554 0.71957 0.29101 0.03963 0.22551 0.41893 0.83307 0.08406 0.86735 0.43528 0.84108 0.30776 0.70791 0.1335 0.14229 0.333 0.29919 0.70628 0.8814 0.7296 0.22506 0.74952 0.7198 0.08575 0.72588 0.03954 0.83106 0.2236 0.20922 0.63251 0.16407 0.10577 0.30251 0.00976 0.84083 0.64651 0.05881 0.96318 0.41254 0.27531 0.79158 0.08543 0.21666 0.15413 0.1164 0.5492 0.82071 0.43576 0.43488 0.16319 0.76504 0.04341 0.84849 0.07924 0.2057 0.25528 0.65146 0.22273 0.70353 0.83604 0.17825 0.11165 0.15388 0.53482 0.04958 0.20902 0.22158 0.07222 0.63284 0.42126 0.14308 0.04373 0.78944 0.0143 0.95505 0.39739 0.85069 0.65519 0.0867 0.93306 0.43507 0.25591 0.33064 0.54509 0.55712 0.5961 0.1194 0.43194 0.18998 0.05788 0.23136 0.24198 0.88584 0.15548 0.9867 0.03829 0.38616 0.6195 0.95308 0.77702 0.03908 0.4963 0.80311 0.65276 0.17312 0.70049 0.34886 0.7022 0.99854 0.02832 0.02917 0.60809 0.1817 0.21213 0.16478 0.2328 0.05092 0.88571 0.21482 0.3224 0.45309 0.4739 0.45121 0.62703 0.17603 0.62267 0.85276 0.52228 0.375 0.06732 0.86568 0.28808 0.87857 0.22232 0.48167 0.03637 0.60782 0.93841 0.84135 0.88382 0.75301 0.79957 0.91273 0.5244 0.63807 0.29973 0.05178 0.60501 0.40168 0.50994 0.34206 0.80532 0.3904 0.10272 0.08759 0.85622 0.18663 0.02322 0.54203 0.89771 0.93878 0.72067 0.86461 0.13085 0.96538 0.16669 0.13542 0.34548 0.28333 0.39386 0.45359 0.35066 0.3132 0.65357 0.01422 0.68236 0.23781 0.11985 0.06392 0.31003 0.31454 0.73507 0.87839 0.10173 0.73823 0.4853 0.20716 0.58073 0.52176 0.28241 0.46696 0.26255 0.1876 0.04399 0.26601 0.78891 0.86269 0.71493 0.70842 0.00424 0.77859 0.38809 0.65832 0.97074 0.9829 0.60792 0.61513 0.43523 0.08526 0.00685 0.6862 0.35008 0.53028 0.59584 0.94888 0.84482 0.42315 0.09871 0.25984 0.51293 0.26344 0.98547 0.18712 0.77494 0.63464 0.43777 0.25759 0.59799 0.59827 0.58884 0.00514 0.6024 0.45675 0.83265 0.30669 0.56529 0.8333 0.37554 0.13335 0.30913 0.83485 0.6074 0.0304 0.90491 0.08705 0.30616 0.28401 0.10848 0.23295 0.82988 0.66207 0.62608 0.49706 0.16576 0.22297 0.17258 0.21744 0.90935 0.35709 0.29986 0.10785 0.05438 0.90892 0.51201 0.80231 0.21185 0.88847 0.68332 0.37186 0.0783 0.76046 0.63393 0.4975 0.74941 0.65495 0.77595 0.39006 0.33285 0.4953 0.43118 0.78724 0.17123 0.11337 0.68577 0.92735 0.86099 0.6815 0.30832 0.84133 0.93424 0.30413 0.71943 0.17295 0.56571 0.80449 0.93982 0.01153 0.55264 0.79872 0.49228 0.63111 0.8861 0.44693 0.57604 0.49048 0.35546 0.43384 0.09985 0.00734 0.64329 0.43377 0.04491 0.92391 0.88902 0.27914 0.77587 0.58299 0.85039 0.11818 0.30059 0.76316 0.97712 0.7881 0.39096 0.54379 0.44688 0.45611 0.71404 0.94577 0.49818 0.40503 0.94265 0.83154 0.70358 0.79957 0.20956 0.07111 0.46408 0.84543 0.45462 0.34055 0.59301 0.77449 0.31927 0.62013 0.16065 0.99879 0.23093 0.58537 0.56649 0.08409 0.90367 0.88117 0.84337 0.40835 0.20164 0.61561 0.92636 0.03002 0.64106 0.87436 0.08128 0.53778 0.92358 0.145 0.25427 0.67842 0.96529 0.44298 0.29647 0.55784 0.06246 0.55064 0.85194 0.91057 0.12946 0.27623 0.71626 0.00337 0.46503 0.2177 0.11606 0.35225 0.6352 0.46353 0.60161 0.58021 0.8779 0.52463 0.61485 0.5997 0.82361 0.62386 0.2927 0.82954 0.93087 0.15307 0.97131
+0.93348 0.75732 0.82235 0.76358 0.79362 0.04947 0.55536 0.20261 0.06037 0.8913 0.58718 0.9533 0.02349 0.14502 0.38173 0.56738 0.59909 0.74157 0.9464 0.36325 0.26869 0.08738 0.33845 0.50097 0.86005 0.44247 0.90459 0.47672 0.12808 0.63316 0.02752 0.46886 0.28925 0.30084 0.1836 0.87396 0.06051 0.6733 0.27153 0.19819 0.50064 0.71707 0.28868 0.74178 0.26888 0.00207 0.52801 0.94475 0.02936 0.64916 0.27157 0.03113 0.35485 0.40953 0.16608 0.55511 0.22404 0.75717 0.79204 0.85954 0.14665 0.40243 0.86364 0.32213 0.18163 0.78885 0.09552 0.3111 0.27702 0.80177 0.74818 0.33385 0.6581 0.37579 0.44364 0.93324 0.52483 0.22655 0.53233 0.38058 0.13694 0.03627 0.07082 0.03234 0.83519 0.15418 0.24824 0.92954 0.64788 0.94445 0.23832 0.74133 0.65033 0.10762 0.03191 0.37398 0.01199 0.60079 0.52673 0.56103 0.56101 0.34694 0.28748 0.23086 0.44359 0.60434 0.25594 0.20702 0.5627 0.98368 0.31701 0.50214 0.68924 0.71125 0.03046 0.19982 0.22851 0.79879 0.18331 0.09713 0.40512 0.48373 0.06319 0.84139 0.06283 0.35693 0.83319 0.93114 0.27672 0.79776 0.97869 0.84786 0.70606 0.27669 0.9912 0.80206 0.59545 0.89611 0.42807 0.3785 0.77471 0.88304 0.18624 0.36523 0.45474 0.36075 0.86668 0.23261 0.43834 0.66734 0.9146 0.8489 0.90205 0.499 0.86509 0.43706 0.70701 0.40739 0.85122 0.42237 0.66758 0.02135 0.12364 0.4545 0.77613 0.28708 0.76262 0.43685 0.91104 0.68333 0.43593 0.45514 0.07773 0.2108 0.47187 0.1113 0.26902 0.06532 0.77316 0.1914 0.82475 0.92848 0.42816 0.56414 0.31422 0.499 0.8539 0.24868 0.64498 0.17535 0.94219 0.85861 0.9515 0.68765 0.79942 0.07554 0.12226 0.07196 0.27387 0.38369 0.80165 0.154 0.59151 0.60227 0.79205 0.00584 0.81776 0.11372 0.35652 0.51097 0.59327 0.09584 0.56861 0.23185 0.87992 0.79742 0.72955 0.67783 0.27484 0.36618 0.95782 0.55845 0.49015 0.21476 0.33881 0.69583 0.47212 0.17279 0.18846 0.12024 0.17809 0.14836 0.87632 0.79889 0.32585 0.71786 0.51715 0.51026 0.27441 0.94562 0.6902 0.81107 0.2573 0.17934 0.94567 0.48929 0.91962 0.08142 0.41233 0.26456 0.23591 0.65323 0.41171 0.70335 0.94447 0.9834 0.94867 0.61365 0.27712 0.41964 0.47997 0.14243 0.1434 0.89491 0.38786 0.53167 0.55931 0.71988 0.05162 0.13075 0.28628 0.08735 0.48361 0.51999 0.71295 0.11027 0.00694 0.24832 0.07858 0.16668 0.78613 0.4386 0.57406 0.17253 0.87161 0.81516 0.81429 0.9855 0.33218 0.97165 0.24846 0.44801 0.99754 0.98151 0.53644 0.44969 0.98742 0.11183 0.05569 0.68458 0.0006 0.07172 0.94448 0.99715 0.93416 0.77106 0.51524 0.37754 0.24138 0.07038 0.53773 0.34192 0.90103 0.89316 0.94978 0.47247 0.81969 0.90943 0.75738 0.49348 0.36627 0.53266 0.84716 0.51523 0.69957 0.52424 0.68971 0.12108 0.64538 0.23001 0.51104 0.28894 0.06205 0.6328 0.80139 0.18144 0.34663 0.62881 0.24417 0.96201 0.30493 0.24754 0.33085 0.5912 0.15346 0.11319 0.59788 0.56543 0.47463 0.77534 0.66356 0.19723 0.98511 0.90214 0.9979 0.00668 0.18258 0.85632 0.8623 0.37879 0.12276 0.31497 0.41956 0.34835 0.60697 0.02793 0.69048 0.08564 0.21214 0.55594 0.38235 0.83745 0.02455 0.20777 0.49229 0.86296 0.64856 0.93447 0.28953 0.77559 0.26466 0.04208 0.80777 0.63475 0.39512 0.40748 0.34186 0.89 0.99995 0.10348 0.68738 0.10134 0.50059 0.72674 0.48105 0.08249 0.98743 0.49112 0.99031 0.07488 0.14965 0.39761 0.69006 0.00142 0.70009 0.67906 0.30402 0.60411 0.82037 0.10958 0.17403 0.79345 0.99798 0.03558 0.80054 0.25489 0.71381 0.45219 0.70648 0.56774 0.67026 0.99191 0.17283 0.29339 0.81566 0.59874 0.69357 0.9976 0.55198 0.62841 0.13015 0.31072 0.45872 0.64874 0.77354 0.6876 0.43854 0.31502 0.66324 0.54041 0.44487 0.78281 0.44959 0.87472 0.74124 0.8679 0.02622 0.75258 0.41452 0.24473 0.94641 0.44075 0.61761 0.97798 0.9376 0.77862 0.70441 0.52765 0.59275 0.48313 0.13416 0.09252 0.6562 0.26008 0.26671 0.7238 0.23831 0.98109 0.41255 0.99233 0.25567 0.84273 0.32855 0.70813 0.01349 0.04226 0.58221 0.29626 0.70513 0.04434 0.74533 0.52077 0.93549 0.78023 0.91734 0.44668 0.36584 0.895 0.58493 0.4815 0.23283 0.51561 0.80726 0.84726 0.23603 0.41539 0.84181 0.74585 0.16726 0.92752 0.90783 0.41268 0.05987 0.28389 0.82212 0.97869 0.37753 0.80059 0.00176 0.74999 0.11234 0.87949
+0.88441 0.91362 0.19341 0.83454 0.9388 0.5867 0.80004 0.39162 0.92506 0.17756 0.7833 0.42385 0.99217 0.00704 0.81262 0.92055 0.44568 0.28907 0.4476 0.79278 0.56999 0.25265 0.42159 0.01622 0.58504 0.22834 0.97266 0.93821 0.17175 0.05008 0.67041 0.63267 0.17675 0.67577 0.85015 0.59352 0.16715 0.60191 0.45926 0.66548 0.2544 0.32291 0.37181 0.04819 0.61666 0.79807 0.60216 0.45448 0.82477 0.52426 0.86475 0.32477 0.97941 0.25872 0.21953 0.50402 0.63543 0.07404 0.71784 0.43784 0.12084 0.1657 0.37253 0.85061 0.39844 0.26996 0.00762 0.47339 0.17869 0.84417 0.5083 0.33714 0.3354 0.73476 0.79117 0.68657 0.91557 0.4091 0.26937 0.68194 0.29255 0.58525 0.35594 0.58808 0.68644 0.03412 0.31102 0.96873 0.17847 0.20102 0.10572 0.45313 0.09577 0.37735 0.02791 0.31182 0.3957 0.14797 0.01491 0.71496 0.45147 0.26972 0.10648 0.33306 0.79287 0.55544 0.97946 0.02349 0.54736 0.69825 0.666 0.26375 0.92871 0.29253 0.23867 0.14422 0.67358 0.82478 0.58697 0.11386 0.91913 0.68547 0.77317 0.58805 0.5255 0.52891 0.29243 0.05655 0.2024 0.80651 0.04571 0.86005 0.26146 0.88462 0.33083 0.64275 0.53268 0.75729 0.84874 0.73593 0.57871 0.09287 0.70367 0.49678 0.0568 0.57479 0.19861 0.8504 0.05503 0.87549 0.23497 0.69728 0.07854 0.91666 0.40508 0.84198 0.17095 0.01551 0.85235 0.45554 0.54961 0.71582 0.38389 0.86123 0.52395 0.49825 0.26996 0.79894 0.64942 0.28248 0.28671 0.47997 0.33419 0.80129 0.75536 0.49006 0.67566 0.36087 0.73159 0.24363 0.28531 0.69446 0.64728 0.55722 0.79234 0.83985 0.16489 0.83827 0.05672 0.41377 0.99341 0.44666 0.67425 0.58108 0.88038 0.95633 0.05982 0.71804 0.3169 0.60904 0.12513 0.26674 0.02268 0.33363 0.33148 0.31789 0.36108 0.85223 0.46229 0.98195 0.55154 0.09704 0.31458 0.59291 0.58528 0.80155 0.58771 0.66146 0.55409 0.16576 0.50116 0.93485 0.72744 0.49048 0.91164 0.4717 0.90826 0.00321 0.50286 0.7448 0.27834 0.78707 0.34497 0.42484 0.0777 0.32294 0.44154 0.65517 0.21096 0.68258 0.16484 0.40616 0.99234 0.08612 0.15617 0.17329 0.53078 0.67609 0.33975 0.95222 0.40271 0.11844 0.37875 0.58744 0.79183 0.80328 0.64525 0.67184 0.72885 0.13366 0.02825 0.73377 0.21122 0.19105 0.49027 0.60405 0.63278 0.74043 0.05391 0.47775 0.20835 0.12069 0.59111 0.92396 0.90805 0.62037 0.17111 0.01806 0.88915 0.73738 0.80464 0.5514 0.01982 0.98377 0.67708 0.9681 0.6414 0.36004 0.44474 0.57767 0.71245 0.06237 0.43112 0.66694 0.55675 0.67133 0.93327 0.91052 0.17257 0.2368 0.08141 0.52359 0.63026 0.07092 0.85793 0.36342 0.17514 0.09531 0.66512 0.34855 0.99924 0.47991 0.7203 0.23233 0.89871 0.44146 0.89451 0.26473 0.82588 0.7524 0.83983 0.17506 0.0138 0.74804 0.6237 0.93256 0.77115 0.76815 0.91769 0.20105 0.96601 0.00242 0.19985 0.37317 0.82605 0.17315 0.65784 0.06058 0.30881 0.15557 0.07072 0.94667 0.2649 0.02975 0.21849 0.4517 0.24558 0.70252 0.18541 0.54979 0.55375 0.43461 0.85527 0.51515 0.05571 0.38827 0.69031 0.81065 0.05288 0.48788 0.73309 0.69585 0.27762 0.34934 0.57625 0.42121 0.48823 0.52819 0.24442 0.36864 0.80664 0.86612 0.73592 0.84797 0.85128 0.40227 0.10624 0.66966 0.02913 0.19614 0.34341 0.0834 0.6821 0.28554 0.88522 0.93716 0.03731 0.01174 0.29826 0.68211 0.27972 0.33606 0.52402 0.60223 0.11938 0.28317 0.18049 0.60567 0.00714 0.22306 0.95039 0.55792 0.11819 0.65882 0.19386 0.8421 0.40871 0.45219 0.15897 0.69121 0.58843 0.34038 0.13784 0.6627 0.48418 0.94924 0.44215 0.03627 0.12135 0.60213 0.92036 0.47298 0.1531 0.6888 0.65916 0.92094 0.65894 0.63529 0.48755 0.56954 0.15889 0.17044 0.06844 0.0224 0.21679 0.68147 0.01362 0.30575 0.94691 0.66762 0.8929 0.87587 0.00458 0.86732 0.40772 0.08753 0.74986 0.74499 0.40467 0.48394 0.94571 0.79955 0.33807 0.60069 0.1347 0.04188 0.64194 0.77264 0.43058 0.41235 0.12881 0.32846 0.8159 0.19666 0.09054 0.14057 0.50461 0.25571 0.01295 0.41275 0.49584 0.92602 0.15292 0.78137 0.95951 0.89535 0.62053 0.56939 0.52496 0.54535 0.12816 0.7586 0.88123 0.20768 0.83931 0.64643 0.01318 0.71393 0.21025 0.97071 0.0889 0.052 0.98297 0.67451 0.30708 0.49405 0.63255 0.55875 0.12012 0.76907 0.1938 0.07356 0.81131 0.96513 0.56999 0.32147 0.87639 0.18184 0.69581 0.51682 0.36507 0.82655
+0.98377 0.26381 0.32402 0.51045 0.20302 0.05553 0.5031 0.61019 0.46108 0.49062 0.20274 0.60388 0.58511 0.72821 0.83464 0.93149 0.95736 0.43734 0.75508 0.10486 0.64855 0.55244 0.47088 0.00337 0.72695 0.52051 0.34352 0.0342 0.94513 0.58804 0.70572 0.70464 0.33333 0.76866 0.35346 0.2671 0.14623 0.56159 0.98092 0.04724 0.35721 0.95696 0.56754 0.39801 0.06616 0.69148 0.31295 0.11783 0.27995 0.32005 0.23343 0.00681 0.86519 0.08355 0.55687 0.7425 0.04848 0.21377 0.64272 0.96568 0.74456 0.15527 0.61443 0.34747 0.26636 0.62498 0.66347 0.69022 0.34771 0.10954 0.60917 0.54515 0.0803 0.68512 0.09623 0.31444 0.40045 0.51959 0.64886 0.36725 0.4606 0.22025 0.8624 0.46337 0.16123 0.68162 0.70695 0.31577 0.54844 0.31713 0.3369 0.86218 0.05341 0.24851 0.94397 0.40107 0.08954 0.30425 0.65556 0.21735 0.70856 0.81288 0.03648 0.75391 0.33876 0.89079 0.69262 0.46902 0.5139 0.31401 0.08668 0.07214 0.47411 0.90348 0.26085 0.65115 0.11168 0.08334 0.0788 0.69082 0.13087 0.4379 0.82301 0.08148 0.45554 0.44836 0.81668 0.35715 0.56165 0.51951 0.24801 0.04796 0.28637 0.74326 0.79552 0.2451 0.78811 0.8806 0.72893 0.88161 0.92697 0.92548 0.83326 0.06901 0.34691 0.37585 0.65478 0.96044 0.56576 0.95868 0.47825 0.61631 0.95741 0.28597 0.28236 0.68976 0.15374 0.46068 0.76377 0.9694 0.97097 0.23764 0.62768 0.69498 0.54753 0.45805 0.18724 0.51789 0.20409 0.80407 0.50128 0.91069 0.78969 0.11216 0.24477 0.92815 0.86824 0.27374 0.38645 0.96945 0.45926 0.07635 0.59032 0.20536 0.75842 0.20446 0.45965 0.31827 0.26578 0.49695 0.4513 0.41736 0.51284 0.65595 0.7056 0.28812 0.46656 0.92497 0.32644 0.73828 0.08309 0.06162 0.22626 0.27923 0.48614 0.10154 0.42099 0.01781 0.11264 0.71653 0.68165 0.73834 0.86191 0.49994 0.16491 0.19902 0.05296 0.35224 0.99414 0.81707 0.54798 0.02638 0.90468 0.27868 0.06229 0.46422 0.30806 0.00321 0.32099 0.79993 0.32928 0.86126 0.50172 0.82734 0.61841 0.33259 0.40435 0.89899 0.72552 0.40232 0.06641 0.66834 0.18901 0.4356 0.42016 0.63451 0.66518 0.10579 0.03112 0.91771 0.32619 0.85041 0.35888 0.43858 0.21902 0.85761 0.86111 0.29304 0.86276 0.89586 0.7162 0.99808 0.29265 0.80903 0.12281 0.32261 0.38205 0.35454 0.76741 0.5896 0.16762 0.68513 0.38806 0.29044 0.83725 0.35429 0.56383 0.17196 0.23008 0.90675 0.55742 0.67789 0.0323 0.16284 0.27672 0.06319 0.10779 0.97188 0.9341 0.29813 0.81062 0.47125 0.33382 0.64548 0.08832 0.42151 0.61981 0.04754 0.07507 0.43437 0.98771 0.52548 0.57443 0.01492 0.86797 0.98681 0.6921 0.20821 0.56601 0.86671 0.06913 0.01333 0.41537 0.22608 0.61338 0.84175 0.88836 0.1908 0.97976 0.52358 0.73739 0.3897 0.89507 0.00267 0.77233 0.25713 0.45908 0.99501 0.12442 0.36461 0.81213 0.26941 0.15372 0.8436 0.55081 0.28235 0.3953 0.7454 0.79397 0.25169 0.26357 0.30126 0.81865 0.28043 0.89893 0.33698 0.88225 0.30813 0.34568 0.04279 0.90452 0.8918 0.65164 0.45285 0.46621 0.78759 0.23669 0.37554 0.44405 0.10706 0.64082 0.82671 0.50448 0.29485 0.17805 0.94594 0.48938 0.35252 0.99343 0.09281 0.81068 0.42836 0.86759 0.69048 0.45237 0.94199 0.04775 0.63289 0.5955 0.50422 0.82168 0.57432 0.85206 0.76951 0.91724 0.65733 0.07408 0.54606 0.1585 0.89936 0.77472 0.84733 0.46447 0.14825 0.6835 0.07132 0.47904 0.99457 0.37925 0.05659 0.74695 0.20767 0.60149 0.04813 0.22314 0.69642 0.34956 0.1674 0.11541 0.10475 0.90152 0.52791 0.77145 0.09776 0.63854 0.89259 0.98663 0.91221 0.88884 0.87789 0.20123 0.54597 0.86944 0.19843 0.52461 0.8559 0.7492 0.07608 0.43319 0.60943 0.86448 0.71108 0.00664 0.40316 0.32028 0.91985 0.72323 0.62871 0.6463 0.40297 0.79361 0.61135 0.98265 0.88089 0.5572 0.84309 0.65321 0.16839 0.90438 0.68526 0.74115 0.69409 0.68757 0.67764 0.02677 0.50624 0.94943 0.53772 0.34888 0.12146 0.99399 0.67378 0.91327 0.27885 0.46299 0.1039 0.80065 0.59599 0.56447 0.99736 0.79092 0.88101 0.58427 0.60606 0.43589 0.76306 0.42576 0.2872 0.38335 0.85906 0.86858 0.21997 0.95649 0.11244 0.91508 0.62622 0.57442 0.49829 0.80019 0.41069 0.44412 0.24842 0.22319 0.69037 0.19854 0.15048 0.2592 0.84689 0.4458 0.68214 0.91607 0.49824 0.57681 0.78232 0.41848 0.47825 0.02092 0.09631 0.45055 0.84933 0.57139 0.57979
+0.19926 0.85726 0.20126 0.94399 0.45803 0.31323 0.83113 0.63526 0.04183 0.71368 0.39399 0.34955 0.49878 0.19535 0.78969 0.98738 0.73485 0.81895 0.48978 0.36873 0.20937 0.97768 0.90942 0.01843 0.38482 0.476 0.09079 0.18623 0.81343 0.21162 0.73189 0.62994 0.24328 0.1547 0.23985 0.65791 0.37602 0.85113 0.37882 0.10584 0.46918 0.24155 0.28358 0.51806 0.33015 0.60235 0.11316 0.32632 0.03 0.0816 0.7409 0.97271 0.27991 0.23186 0.55467 0.32437 0.09183 0.45972 0.89153 0.90038 0.20619 0.48296 0.50312 0.30599 0.44413 0.16441 0.48477 0.1803 0.28637 0.79638 0.93365 0.96366 0.31745 0.45065 0.05646 0.10931 0.33458 0.64279 0.58414 0.02033 0.01142 0.37911 0.42442 0.97845 0.44218 0.32029 0.85487 0.2852 0.69414 0.05906 0.88545 0.79113 0.57644 0.20285 0.27003 0.68447 0.07825 0.18608 0.81875 0.06506 0.33242 0.2463 0.69103 0.498 0.59389 0.99634 0.78499 0.49085 0.39839 0.09239 0.74743 0.85673 0.04224 0.53419 0.25101 0.8545 0.33076 0.42758 0.61597 0.87172 0.10257 0.55976 0.01283 0.14972 0.74289 0.77852 0.34476 0.95373 0.97688 0.55776 0.11119 0.59677 0.48651 0.70983 0.80736 0.04067 0.15923 0.87703 0.07129 0.07403 0.63332 0.98758 0.97441 0.03538 0.39583 0.08915 0.93148 0.86799 0.79409 0.41303 0.7289 0.28913 0.96398 0.65832 0.15968 0.8741 0.32818 0.18179 0.38489 0.92691 0.7088 0.8752 0.48286 0.41257 0.68409 0.80007 0.94859 0.67165 0.39305 0.74744 0.05701 0.7877 0.04385 0.99326 0.34607 0.31456 0.19003 0.68863 0.67789 0.83904 0.05257 0.86998 0.95384 0.66208 0.98735 0.11132 0.31713 0.84807 0.4569 0.55864 0.5533 0.94571 0.67898 0.43729 0.00607 0.5203 0.85718 0.64795 0.71873 0.93318 0.37331 0.25458 0.46319 0.21955 0.10721 0.3902 0.15974 0.01059 0.47335 0.63439 0.8436 0.35577 0.9131 0.2443 0.74328 0.56871 0.22593 0.1438 0.22752 0.34581 0.87686 0.2724 0.97853 0.08888 0.25216 0.61659 0.38506 0.12719 0.86124 0.41199 0.89481 0.08526 0.34777 0.61813 0.71638 0.80376 0.85097 0.09059 0.32043 0.93584 0.13534 0.62303 0.42741 0.84646 0.47483 0.8275 0.34663 0.92304 0.32919 0.08764 0.213 0.3596 0.68415 0.82223 0.87679 0.59586 0.06632 0.43464 0.52277 0.21287 0.05845 0.87092 0.21772 0.09109 0.11782 0.01407 0.50125 0.77927 0.98311 0.60828 0.19249 0.61036 0.09973 0.32953 0.64585 0.25454 0.31218 0.81084 0.71729 0.81173 0.8796 0.5074 0.04562 0.29088 0.44641 0.26332 0.63636 0.35331 0.49759 0.71318 0.75778 0.62794 0.75062 0.50163 0.98714 0.37271 0.36244 0.24981 0.15834 0.68759 0.72018 0.53272 0.53282 0.93696 0.57643 0.56919 0.66419 0.89985 0.08487 0.43178 0.21709 0.04934 0.88163 0.73407 0.50582 0.38141 0.05601 0.47467 0.07704 0.1947 0.51122 0.1866 0.61246 0.79197 0.52015 0.76235 0.06633 0.27725 0.60372 0.01299 0.16203 0.99917 0.85293 0.3944 0.06016 0.83967 0.51754 0.50058 0.46839 0.44942 0.57545 0.3215 0.68514 0.91831 0.46901 0.58015 0.81155 0.72632 0.81546 0.71119 0.88102 0.72434 0.2466 0.86846 0.57223 0.25966 0.68292 0.88476 0.05816 0.33429 0.46737 0.10564 0.50568 0.06725 0.65624 0.51747 0.95303 0.7876 0.32392 0.5564 0.78596 0.0576 0.14707 0.97213 0.61256 0.22578 0.37622 0.60558 0.64692 0.00656 0.28721 0.50345 0.63251 0.95838 0.70248 0.33026 0.83054 0.91576 0.54496 0.25529 0.58005 0.49859 0.61975 0.43787 0.79885 0.46527 0.11277 0.02931 0.09202 0.11838 0.51355 0.1605 0.3994 0.85726 0.39883 0.73152 0.93831 0.27119 0.54877 0.6702 0.35957 0.43961 0.14176 0.11653 0.02405 0.53672 0.71045 0.90668 0.95726 0.27162 0.66044 0.7526 0.0702 0.11074 0.44802 0.07643 0.30236 0.43028 0.0013 0.26229 0.3853 0.54542 0.11247 0.28651 0.13275 0.363 0.52363 0.3132 0.86818 0.96137 0.96265 0.33474 0.47821 0.60518 0.90924 0.10442 0.51953 0.05024 0.53459 0.83673 0.09614 0.73766 0.80308 0.08962 0.43242 0.11297 0.09202 0.56554 0.80282 0.8412 0.65665 0.69079 0.40913 0.17302 0.45561 0.19712 0.35791 0.30731 0.297 0.28995 0.54283 0.36695 0.36333 0.75695 0.34536 0.11345 0.32566 0.60513 0.04223 0.52454 0.32354 0.11142 0.94008 0.21379 0.24636 0.59449 0.48663 0.02015 0.19265 0.80965 0.18982 0.25731 0.10717 0.58336 0.27729 0.99556 0.56827 0.82922 0.85615 0.12955 0.07618 0.83777 0.07576 0.57197 0.09836 0.23435 0.10075 0.39496 0.86387 0.63197 0.69544 0.32555
+0.70846 0.8181 0.85392 0.42422 0.22738 0.07936 0.63072 0.4382 0.65532 0.37409 0.00142 0.50665 0.59006 0.50589 0.97417 0.82307 0.42163 0.432 0.09277 0.24848 0.12881 0.54062 0.1605 0.33043 0.20537 0.29081 0.74968 0.92322 0.79759 0.98848 0.3198 0.71652 0.33761 0.84424 0.83315 0.52993 0.18539 0.57878 0.0145 0.64764 0.90289 0.87055 0.15674 0.85321 0.37269 0.77342 0.17514 0.11006 0.82183 0.04768 0.85723 0.55555 0.95876 0.82687 0.38007 0.60192 0.56654 0.17581 0.2356 0.94068 0.02685 0.92573 0.54136 0.18623 0.38163 0.62853 0.50334 0.63748 0.61183 0.57028 0.18746 0.01186 0.55833 0.64209 0.24664 0.16915 0.17309 0.80656 0.25469 0.70067 0.43437 0.39808 0.98139 0.72971 0.03433 0.14947 0.36005 0.84143 0.76736 0.32987 0.33691 0.6656 0.00269 0.86696 0.57642 0.82612 0.34701 0.96853 0.76435 0.83008 0.9342 0.71804 0.25226 0.93962 0.34453 0.38755 0.67005 0.51677 0.12586 0.03674 0.18125 0.39334 0.49461 0.42189 0.73812 0.9444 0.66879 0.37645 0.45936 0.69813 0.31049 0.49157 0.77356 0.28725 0.14149 0.63768 0.13416 0.50466 0.44257 0.53065 0.70686 0.05181 0.15978 0.81162 0.27983 0.89301 0.2497 0.20545 0.26591 0.57848 0.39606 0.11695 0.99349 0.53466 0.65129 0.92008 0.44991 0.9912 0.57574 0.79295 0.56477 0.39987 0.30683 0.3392 0.06972 0.92589 0.73195 0.21318 0.20448 0.24073 0.27491 0.617 0.87682 0.93307 0.07733 0.36665 0.28497 0.30894 0.87713 0.79711 0.13343 0.85515 0.4511 0.3989 0.87936 0.96873 0.2816 0.03572 0.73417 0.25357 0.76066 0.40627 0.46953 0.78712 0.37412 0.30754 0.28042 0.74172 0.34913 0.13607 0.31287 0.00429 0.0866 0.43755 0.63909 0.03736 0.78441 0.46798 0.11055 0.74284 0.43291 0.55132 0.8975 0.75828 0.39992 0.41224 0.79079 0.26749 0.96999 0.14794 0.33894 0.34326 0.86782 0.63541 0.66772 0.6892 0.48715 0.03047 0.16223 0.62948 0.60496 0.37243 0.0944 0.668 0.26081 0.69258 0.81738 0.04542 0.15619 0.05854 0.06939 0.75018 0.97999 0.82415 0.56223 0.82305 0.32058 0.25471 0.2058 0.15825 0.93648 0.14055 0.73294 0.79017 0.01013 0.82563 0.86562 0.44153 0.653 0.86505 0.94166 0.37511 0.20257 0.96203 0.17507 0.28093 0.55227 0.83956 0.73084 0.91599 0.02507 0.03535 0.02979 0.74033 0.28533 0.62054 0.62289 0.77598 0.96877 0.9133 0.24791 0.70721 0.41494 0.55769 0.08741 0.29351 0.75018 0.34447 0.75677 0.8715 0.99174 0.01537 0.316 0.28394 0.28996 0.59741 0.07153 0.42511 0.27631 0.94959 0.49383 0.63506 0.31004 0.60735 0.7904 0.59421 0.45848 0.5975 0.50947 0.2401 0.76432 0.15676 0.08317 0.48222 0.95791 0.70338 0.98899 0.28515 0.18843 0.72433 0.79422 0.34684 0.11708 0.11375 0.35646 0.15606 0.47642 0.73537 0.58775 0.0223 0.64108 0.53714 0.68167 0.04115 0.10245 0.32803 0.51287 0.54974 0.97598 0.20324 0.67711 0.35071 0.78635 0.32239 0.94241 0.82998 0.362 0.29087 0.84569 0.10149 0.8902 0.47273 0.9465 0.1162 0.44565 0.05841 0.65931 0.80067 0.51824 0.91405 0.27063 0.4774 0.55327 0.49147 0.63218 0.47037 0.30196 0.27484 0.11211 0.18327 0.26449 0.1862 0.91625 0.42275 0.25872 0.57277 0.86246 0.0565 0.90557 0.89943 0.22082 0.44477 0.67387 0.79792 0.23176 0.78885 0.98957 0.55782 0.6808 0.62943 0.34624 0.04239 0.3988 0.29786 0.83486 0.50801 0.38509 0.01809 0.30007 0.92186 0.89086 0.39284 0.38744 0.4419 0.53984 0.61145 0.86677 0.87173 0.06625 0.71408 0.93154 0.40822 0.0395 0.41542 0.17732 0.89887 0.60787 0.30913 0.9567 0.33335 0.65356 0.88197 0.08075 0.65705 0.82882 0.013 0.20683 0.9053 0.80117 0.16393 0.38214 0.08939 0.8494 0.29292 0.23541 0.32888 0.03659 0.91045 0.03264 0.62757 0.26243 0.5753 0.07766 0.65383 0.52092 0.64567 0.65677 0.07675 0.17553 0.22466 0.56093 0.74299 0.73341 0.19483 0.6542 0.20884 0.51391 0.24685 0.9857 0.89417 0.68057 0.44387 0.84702 0.08462 0.26821 0.59299 0.2716 0.86019 0.75433 0.42628 0.56852 0.69152 0.83661 0.15005 0.3518 0.09235 0.28772 0.56567 0.65754 0.37922 0.2693 0.94688 0.0198 0.85439 0.36266 0.40552 0.58126 0.85003 0.17722 0.25673 0.66206 0.99018 0.90444 0.10236 0.94564 0.77248 0.4407 0.69466 0.03623 0.61673 0.60229 0.71768 0.27547 0.00666 0.81108 0.57778 0.97765 0.00489 0.67593 0.74296 0.98509 0.59336 0.89946 0.8037 0.34133 0.23506 0.04074 0.74713 0.74258 0.36519 0.11901 0.43544
+0.54064 0.27056 0.60781 0.00805 0.34139 0.70619 0.53392 0.67616 0.48359 0.24898 0.2478 0.99743 0.56366 0.91002 0.03357 0.45785 0.82347 0.13561 0.43001 0.51665 0.66714 0.12112 0.12497 0.44108 0.44315 0.34188 0.32525 0.6315 0.8076 0.83031 0.73646 0.13444 0.59581 0.19535 0.10845 0.61204 0.70941 0.35326 0.9837 0.66949 0.78919 0.47924 0.49399 0.9461 0.91535 0.25507 0.03143 0.21229 0.97451 0.05509 0.39911 0.91323 0.33255 0.91963 0.58945 0.70189 0.07503 0.66972 0.93151 0.46002 0.57753 0.65401 0.97029 0.70931 0.53338 0.18953 0.39524 0.93034 0.99459 0.56011 0.83961 0.0484 0.40168 0.48187 0.71026 0.1812 0.67191 0.22472 0.37446 0.46676 0.87993 0.12899 0.89243 0.70216 0.84472 0.42707 0.08981 0.00997 0.54401 0.80883 0.55956 0.58956 0.59529 0.56289 0.33296 0.19903 0.01827 0.84536 0.62485 0.37462 0.05838 0.16328 0.5069 0.90445 0.94424 0.14571 0.71255 0.34889 0.27126 0.64979 0.13168 0.71832 0.35509 0.87534 0.49625 0.52371 0.50869 0.2695 0.75028 0.73474 0.72777 0.51182 0.85645 0.59849 0.62168 0.56638 0.45027 0.9505 0.24186 0.52937 0.27071 0.89568 0.16251 0.16995 0.1343 0.02707 0.526 0.68476 0.36395 0.48557 0.59466 0.59405 0.6564 0.39621 0.7174 0.90439 0.00994 0.36626 0.94935 0.46134 0.55143 0.20813 0.87002 0.29821 0.44464 0.38253 0.0231 0.01386 0.21262 0.79988 0.51983 0.42185 0.0453 0.14824 0.22554 0.63179 0.62448 0.67065 0.43424 0.82447 0.11692 0.80322 0.58007 0.18124 0.70224 0.65084 0.74854 0.74214 0.78966 0.20828 0.32482 0.57136 0.62582 0.33258 0.70319 0.67234 0.48996 0.85205 0.68915 0.91013 0.25505 0.73266 0.97657 0.37786 0.40962 0.55451 0.60803 0.98287 0.99933 0.31424 0.13005 0.94185 0.81607 0.89871 0.54656 0.51636 0.33346 0.90236 0.24203 0.16955 0.58415 0.29052 0.80927 0.15077 0.56218 0.58824 0.18471 0.55528 0.93002 0.01361 0.62452 0.88054 0.42508 0.6637 0.54741 0.16363 0.45535 0.17762 0.7985 0.00467 0.87466 0.05065 0.86492 0.94769 0.23756 0.14173 0.31585 0.65849 0.05215 0.44134 0.21958 0.52671 0.52127 0.5337 0.45979 0.25213 0.77956 0.80012 0.43104 0.63545 0.94531 0.76174 0.89163 0.92829 0.80702 0.21315 0.29356 0.05212 0.18556 0.89004 0.46795 0.0515 0.77849 0.43797 0.17482 0.68159 0.51567 0.20901 0.30605 0.55819 0.89456 0.9896 0.83859 0.80272 0.39374 0.34347 0.70121 0.33552 0.85957 0.17341 0.04789 0.78484 0.07629 0.03265 0.6051 0.92009 0.22178 0.10026 0.59288 0.86911 0.49823 0.44331 0.56876 0.03477 0.46521 0.08499 0.64581 0.53516 0.81712 0.74073 0.98496 0.08428 0.71613 0.10323 0.00706 0.29658 0.85177 0.13531 0.47315 0.86645 0.29459 0.06629 0.56794 0.6215 0.64361 0.28905 0.47601 0.9882 0.1762 0.14407 0.39906 0.02782 0.4977 0.97652 0.9804 0.24287 0.34809 0.52729 0.34542 0.16567 0.96886 0.74905 0.05857 0.0255 0.70653 0.61789 0.86258 0.33093 0.44791 0.18919 0.9922 0.96889 0.36528 0.53747 0.52963 0.20839 0.09281 0.84393 0.94353 0.25541 0.34935 0.87704 0.11613 0.55081 0.74283 0.93469 0.1668 0.30054 0.1056 0.98683 0.80619 0.77485 0.3019 0.95296 0.995 0.91635 0.82407 0.41825 0.61219 0.21394 0.11294 0.42474 0.8135 0.88677 0.17967 0.99347 0.45011 0.7103 0.5836 0.74187 0.51099 0.91195 0.60021 0.1356 0.74939 0.48565 0.13754 0.08593 0.67962 0.90761 0.24913 0.72951 0.60665 0.88341 0.26033 0.13162 0.47961 0.73358 0.93524 0.93724 0.04623 0.65023 0.76044 0.22277 0.14514 0.37929 0.57366 0.68783 0.02704 0.28177 0.63215 0.56842 0.81212 0.01209 0.69951 0.75231 0.43214 0.98977 0.13508 0.72833 0.83563 0.98131 0.2294 0.9362 0.89083 0.93727 0.20378 0.55391 0.02904 0.93342 0.35655 0.87717 0.52472 0.79292 0.00738 0.24102 0.47275 0.19799 0.7299 0.47549 0.91383 0.11895 0.37017 0.30679 0.77586 0.3172 0.15072 0.18073 0.49121 0.79384 0.41606 0.0055 0.99501 0.52163 0.31091 0.396 0.44215 0.02301 0.67961 0.22237 0.78595 0.74054 0.00044 0.79157 0.45392 0.57404 0.40818 0.84611 0.50171 0.28336 0.00995 0.74135 0.93037 0.19015 0.87318 0.60875 0.65432 0.03801 0.53882 0.40372 0.16822 0.68976 0.70335 0.32053 0.13087 0.25349 0.79846 0.72566 0.63849 0.84773 0.2913 0.0825 0.79877 0.42581 0.07885 0.79276 0.3467 0.77919 0.72441 0.87432 0.29592 0.3649 0.97232 0.49825 0.67983 0.55291 0.45605 0.68179 0.04258 0.58255 0.72677 0.52951
+0.09053 0.88604 0.07621 0.0052 0.49633 0.22923 0.90261 0.43384 0.34162 0.10719 0.95741 0.23995 0.95901 0.80512 0.06781 0.11415 0.86711 0.1729 0.70654 0.91122 0.62355 0.48996 0.17327 0.86027 0.54905 0.22219 0.23677 0.67067 0.0819 0.31757 0.58317 0.70523 0.63751 0.28994 0.47175 0.96934 0.56162 0.2056 0.30137 0.62605 0.08358 0.5513 0.75882 0.76175 0.88042 0.00534 0.64376 0.42015 0.58828 0.99651 0.29491 0.07054 0.92697 0.25102 0.61224 0.46716 0.81395 0.60606 0.30079 0.62841 0.40701 0.56005 0.21602 0.08416 0.15965 0.77086 0.51613 0.39731 0.35378 0.75046 0.30168 0.94593 0.83059 0.26997 0.15719 0.43373 0.87689 0.42185 0.40614 0.21625 0.07154 0.47051 0.1795 0.30834 0.60985 0.5418 0.09384 0.73864 0.44744 0.69105 0.18373 0.77718 0.0505 0.63245 0.50467 0.04245 0.04481 0.65898 0.58205 0.2297 0.82275 0.14357 0.45112 0.76181 0.48886 0.13411 0.82625 0.23181 0.02749 0.08032 0.59759 0.85655 0.92051 0.32513 0.44805 0.37517 0.9793 0.53043 0.76048 0.53522 0.23372 0.03347 0.98856 0.40809 0.40091 0.49876 0.90085 0.25874 0.83838 0.8446 0.01504 0.5855 0.68516 0.2083 0.73645 0.42732 0.99512 0.81615 0.10818 0.73129 0.54329 0.78121 0.0498 0.25737 0.01649 0.79396 0.66501 0.53356 0.0817 0.63604 0.29693 0.09497 0.88898 0.86768 0.72627 0.66217 0.31642 0.03638 0.89357 0.40193 0.81162 0.20428 0.81908 0.80746 0.48253 0.90358 0.21725 0.2706 0.4436 0.1143 0.48395 0.73452 0.61085 0.60226 0.06305 0.99988 0.30975 0.57339 0.49198 0.89514 0.56873 0.46904 0.35626 0.8884 0.08996 0.49663 0.7337 0.132 0.20827 0.71582 0.78377 0.20543 0.26885 0.82129 0.06597 0.47056 0.27007 0.59746 0.31756 0.85775 0.90399 0.06585 0.63408 0.60017 0.83571 0.82296 0.45029 0.69003 0.9534 0.62136 0.40994 0.03392 0.51185 0.00889 0.60948 0.681 0.56301 0.31661 0.45989 0.08447 0.90158 0.12956 0.94352 0.53573 0.25424 0.1539 0.02735 0.80407 0.23785 0.59765 0.43405 0.16243 0.86789 0.91465 0.42506 0.1758 0.11708 0.37154 0.54235 0.43844 0.3288 0.47727 0.68621 0.79988 0.88439 0.52827 0.81825 0.30861 0.3583 0.58761 0.65504 0.5727 0.85414 0.41652 0.37836 0.12647 0.14595 0.18532 0.77446 0.5051 0.40311 0.62272 0.37961 0.64383 0.75154 0.7608 0.5937 0.70861 0.98746 0.38177 0.15868 0.23419 0.85008 0.20334 0.71831 0.61559 0.55239 0.55447 0.34724 0.33604 0.18007 0.83079 0.42794 0.38764 0.96746 0.17224 0.87942 0.26507 0.6852 0.25246 0.78627 0.70031 0.61784 0.1656 0.94025 0.80826 0.50703 0.13747 0.87893 0.28809 0.962 0.44098 0.81646 0.6286 0.91853 0.49555 0.52809 0.48753 0.14492 0.18517 0.77197 0.67936 0.58247 0.60515 0.83429 0.83417 0.19306 0.37537 0.02756 0.54623 0.31482 0.48199 0.04243 0.94591 0.50128 0.58849 0.32215 0.12219 0.45134 0.33956 0.82248 0.9761 0.16357 0.68511 0.25435 0.84144 0.31024 0.98343 0.71655 0.70584 0.42735 0.36578 0.60491 0.76383 0.07123 0.3512 0.3859 0.45513 0.55873 0.17122 0.72136 0.57169 0.4264 0.26441 0.02965 0.15422 0.13291 0.49232 0.25931 0.03083 0.87298 0.15437 0.65184 0.92695 0.81626 0.02211 0.79709 0.77454 0.18168 0.65571 0.61247 0.48076 0.46561 0.11863 0.64354 0.84425 0.67995 0.02683 0.05494 0.24566 0.98985 0.63986 0.08024 0.47738 0.8731 0.56669 0.72437 0.49636 0.14766 0.8079 0.66179 0.47632 0.43176 0.33768 0.75978 0.07608 0.81692 0.65144 0.44802 0.62179 0.36048 0.88949 0.30535 0.48843 0.18773 0.7616 0.66532 0.80949 0.29824 0.64074 0.41072 0.33688 0.38667 0.60367 0.1873 0.65415 0.26352 0.85464 0.03801 0.44749 0.79117 0.60966 0.8657 0.05698 0.48121 0.70638 0.44008 0.02042 0.57039 0.01336 0.5065 0.25746 0.33121 0.15476 0.63601 0.66448 0.79554 0.48225 0.6716 0.83652 0.46936 0.1615 0.0239 0.11453 0.78749 0.08651 0.48691 0.13006 0.89818 0.96041 0.55446 0.82343 0.94285 0.79391 0.08421 0.93039 0.60565 0.60638 0.32522 0.00197 0.69526 0.40336 0.87255 0.93301 0.42575 0.15026 0.11716 0.20881 0.02334 0.81026 0.54874 0.18358 0.22529 0.61729 0.24206 0.25809 0.42436 0.78439 0.55057 0.29357 0.70669 0.04349 0.56981 0.58478 0.75964 0.10319 0.92485 0.57339 0.0452 0.86369 0.50206 0.71147 0.17444 0.82853 0.4362 0.64912 0.74846 0.72081 0.08902 0.72465 0.82264 0.92925 0.73503 0.2349 0.79152 0.73406 0.20197 0.97869 0.01151 0.83945 0.27021 0.91939
+0.8439 0.50312 0.95379 0.379 0.1822 0.0425 0.04219 0.25662 0.4388 0.51293 0.82163 0.73726 0.65262 0.18215 0.6401 0.32269 0.45018 0.07552 0.56963 0.57546 0.4961 0.65196 0.64614 0.52981 0.28934 0.2662 0.18125 0.71707 0.97439 0.58383 0.17142 0.75308 0.91474 0.87137 0.68462 0.8131 0.51475 0.11349 0.52972 0.41699 0.98431 0.41617 0.88229 0.91552 0.748 0.28387 0.72594 0.34324 0.52332 0.71644 0.75842 0.20121 0.65603 0.53035 0.54764 0.21457 0.08101 0.38655 0.09668 0.95356 0.80552 0.55009 0.82182 0.45968 0.94013 0.42903 0.14627 0.18119 0.30959 0.49141 0.78348 0.10323 0.94587 0.09291 0.00301 0.65844 0.82097 0.72225 0.47018 0.53451 0.15081 0.04273 0.75022 0.37494 0.75858 0.13653 0.67775 0.92465 0.32726 0.72334 0.0987 0.68059 0.05696 0.80007 0.10555 0.14585 0.02207 0.42349 0.09344 0.18075 0.58978 0.32549 0.05484 0.66852 0.29672 0.26973 0.08009 0.79849 0.03118 0.16174 0.6724 0.34083 0.63902 0.04072 0.45409 0.10544 0.2451 0.71846 0.56859 0.04341 0.60417 0.4753 0.82561 0.13964 0.13251 0.0219 0.02374 0.30631 0.414 0.11678 0.16921 0.10762 0.39911 0.10792 0.23474 0.74568 0.61382 0.61104 0.42441 0.17041 0.03288 0.93602 0.68958 0.2911 0.26481 0.17014 0.62028 0.74152 0.30301 0.04221 0.79983 0.11348 0.06649 0.61096 0.86807 0.04534 0.70914 0.8045 0.61884 0.16253 0.45058 0.2887 0.32201 0.05868 0.32315 0.16778 0.61249 0.7292 0.2164 0.83064 0.16577 0.14605 0.59942 0.08341 0.86807 0.73328 0.89113 0.60136 0.28242 0.85966 0.90518 0.92423 0.28697 0.54659 0.1272 0.96575 0.30387 0.58993 0.11112 0.95303 0.31267 0.55048 0.66293 0.30282 0.81933 0.30256 0.77429 0.3493 0.78747 0.74448 0.80362 0.89133 0.58302 0.75551 0.46673 0.78708 0.44987 0.4151 0.02162 0.47141 0.03473 0.005 0.10449 0.51106 0.6177 0.79924 0.06859 0.86002 0.86158 0.57615 0.48351 0.00821 0.62079 0.99343 0.48073 0.2961 0.47483 0.40902 0.21921 0.99547 0.48286 0.09844 0.07266 0.12233 0.9813 0.14844 0.17092 0.11013 0.62847 0.92292 0.45145 0.93659 0.73928 0.44048 0.40398 0.15391 0.74304 0.94636 0.8976 0.49245 0.06021 0.29279 0.78984 0.15695 0.72364 0.28561 0.93829 0.0183 0.34051 0.7961 0.97671 0.14697 0.12755 0.40465 0.63018 0.71147 0.89642 0.91539 0.10859 0.60541 0.65842 0.93457 0.98812 0.54774 0.51851 0.74342 0.80276 0.98788 0.84293 0.4533 0.32231 0.83962 0.70582 0.37172 0.11633 0.63915 0.04422 0.65257 0.65945 0.3678 0.62014 0.93899 0.70396 0.03187 0.55411 0.8034 0.64943 0.6352 0.52365 0.54401 0.06162 0.04676 0.215 0.27899 0.93892 0.20955 0.18182 0.51706 0.03452 0.68554 0.30991 0.42818 0.35616 0.78507 0.7196 0.76535 0.53676 0.45378 0.47234 0.4284 0.8145 0.99245 0.04218 0.17559 0.59724 0.75744 0.819 0.54006 0.39108 0.07473 0.60745 0.51883 0.83442 0.708 0.89234 0.60213 0.67816 0.59324 0.88832 0.16058 0.95742 0.68968 0.72382 0.9804 0.23052 0.96472 0.3294 0.42449 0.29446 0.01699 0.77503 0.80414 0.31837 0.04283 0.51392 0.06833 0.36432 0.77197 0.05617 0.30411 0.18834 0.24418 0.4727 0.97417 0.50254 0.78933 0.0726 0.44534 0.36977 0.71601 0.67449 0.33473 0.7844 0.11506 0.75234 0.15258 0.74771 0.99827 0.35476 0.20886 0.72542 0.73049 0.70044 0.47846 0.18572 0.62568 0.9784 0.44569 0.08677 0.21111 0.08492 0.24248 0.15434 0.08567 0.40002 0.16618 0.06968 0.21036 0.56401 0.02383 0.75953 0.79479 0.53475 0.12447 0.14497 0.69974 0.65005 0.13961 0.53122 0.91813 0.13212 0.44738 0.35349 0.79218 0.15406 0.20294 0.32916 0.68355 0.8352 0.78011 0.47194 0.2122 0.07806 0.83104 0.49624 0.22844 0.6738 0.36597 0.48755 0.46291 0.62428 0.05099 0.8507 0.03042 0.57379 0.02952 0.95699 0.82272 0.95076 0.28684 0.16455 0.31006 0.31392 0.26314 0.23271 0.22733 0.02921 0.15791 0.52261 0.7285 0.81828 0.42306 0.00087 0.03877 0.68598 0.40058 0.1004 0.73407 0.02093 0.34216 0.49142 0.74284 0.7294 0.77799 0.53604 0.15669 0.58274 0.81469 0.98047 0.64089 0.80116 0.13389 0.97866 0.75126 0.01994 0.96498 0.23095 0.06639 0.22437 0.98438 0.83854 0.38267 0.0495 0.14428 0.92122 0.35891 0.86622 0.98289 0.21089 0.98122 0.70324 0.72404 0.65078 0.0193 0.40124 0.69077 0.5079 0.78953 0.8915 0.56535 0.64551 0.92564 0.03007 0.26628 0.18318 0.24653 0.09662 0.15769 0.74794 0.85382 0.61492 0.8963
+0.31651 0.46153 0.01709 0.59257 0.4138 0.25156 0.24506 0.70736 0.1505 0.06429 0.56274 0.21469 0.94906 0.50581 0.07146 0.20109 0.57375 0.81049 0.59435 0.75812 0.34151 0.6041 0.53436 0.37583 0.77127 0.95605 0.22353 0.66369 0.01371 0.30125 0.03596 0.91568 0.32062 0.22541 0.78937 0.10099 0.21219 0.75494 0.8292 0.51291 0.95585 0.77207 0.43077 0.64297 0.46346 0.27448 0.90915 0.65812 0.10685 0.32809 0.04955 0.9448 0.75873 0.50257 0.19716 0.38178 0.30067 0.81079 0.75295 0.78649 0.04964 0.4063 0.25788 0.62283 0.74783 0.85343 0.0033 0.69882 0.16675 0.6769 0.30647 0.98227 0.98672 0.56555 0.00852 0.98563 0.63379 0.68943 0.26346 0.91473 0.2192 0.28381 0.43006 0.4573 0.10877 0.45231 0.5068 0.38263 0.96601 0.06921 0.34819 0.05858 0.81057 0.40224 0.7938 0.57648 0.15336 0.43131 0.00185 0.2128 0.66667 0.99919 0.00015 0.5657 0.20401 0.62347 0.48593 0.83692 0.05121 0.78354 0.95899 0.19658 0.81377 0.38476 0.96551 0.06938 0.05317 0.33332 0.34301 0.41188 0.93958 0.98917 0.6063 0.25591 0.81232 0.01338 0.87435 0.37324 0.25123 0.21384 0.62066 0.32304 0.9771 0.60798 0.27813 0.06145 0.10961 0.7516 0.94535 0.37008 0.40041 0.7492 0.46367 0.17134 0.3966 0.67936 0.48364 0.74917 0.76614 0.71911 0.90086 0.15045 0.72405 0.37721 0.38053 0.94602 0.28328 0.1738 0.89353 0.89076 0.80878 0.48243 0.65483 0.38997 0.35979 0.28011 0.27934 0.14826 0.29092 0.94984 0.42927 0.38886 0.54269 0.62026 0.42134 0.40051 0.81184 0.08523 0.81438 0.42034 0.20633 0.9715 0.55268 0.76158 0.92826 0.5866 0.42497 0.46172 0.53787 0.07618 0.2444 0.69559 0.31865 0.8715 0.50286 0.33129 0.40153 0.09555 0.96269 0.98316 0.88983 0.6405 0.55926 0.41366 0.58123 0.04479 0.04995 0.46675 0.56939 0.09928 0.57927 0.29919 0.20377 0.86784 0.31265 0.27643 0.12451 0.47191 0.30311 0.20938 0.21894 0.11352 0.47301 0.03729 0.32396 0.01923 0.47076 0.92725 0.78585 0.62627 0.34125 0.84825 0.03672 0.54831 0.90389 0.64539 0.88457 0.4929 0.75674 0.27158 0.29015 0.9777 0.80728 0.68788 0.0608 0.34503 0.69791 0.69483 0.44329 0.11355 0.69684 0.61581 0.42801 0.8682 0.58044 0.73518 0.11106 0.5846 0.94825 0.73733 0.02985 0.1074 0.46917 0.95338 0.871 0.52902 0.37563 0.80453 0.99105 0.96082 0.61667 0.03491 0.32734 0.8496 0.95812 0.61913 0.7895 0.47619 0.50156 0.95906 0.77458 0.43543 0.19387 0.60825 0.00125 0.65152 0.40692 0.56019 0.19756 0.81843 0.51963 0.45011 0.69363 0.74633 0.68768 0.4909 0.3539 0.63725 0.3219 0.02254 0.88082 0.85928 0.77551 0.8699 0.69964 0.83785 0.26746 0.33211 0.13411 0.77463 0.99314 0.62804 0.16278 0.02866 0.12643 0.03727 0.12975 0.08848 0.74074 0.28442 0.20622 0.45861 0.56441 0.93752 0.34735 0.29026 0.00378 0.26074 0.68623 0.42765 0.72919 0.12298 0.94309 0.04203 0.55667 0.58388 0.42372 0.96664 0.2225 0.52608 0.05304 0.77076 0.78309 0.43502 0.46925 0.73835 0.73496 0.41846 0.9116 0.67886 0.1031 0.71477 0.2074 0.49239 0.35244 0.35382 0.12856 0.79386 0.68597 0.52216 0.55058 0.05338 0.84989 0.59628 0.94664 0.38557 0.14177 0.42489 0.5243 0.0751 0.69842 0.57265 0.68141 0.40535 0.96703 0.93835 0.13423 0.48914 0.79515 0.67331 0.07124 0.95303 0.81583 0.65764 0.66823 0.49132 0.93019 0.64053 0.33471 0.58615 0.86605 0.49692 0.90892 0.09303 0.46076 0.03395 0.84266 0.82214 0.31171 0.18496 0.39589 0.63922 0.07903 0.39451 0.67927 0.73633 0.87141 0.84958 0.95059 0.8665 0.13361 0.94363 0.37049 0.13201 0.28581 0.39592 0.6104 0.27489 0.16264 0.97762 0.8309 0.6763 0.47226 0.89862 0.33416 0.83266 0.3879 0.04051 0.56138 0.66533 0.46445 0.1256 0.93792 0.07858 0.27445 0.79915 0.95107 0.09605 0.44018 0.15281 0.606 0.83269 0.05901 0.52022 0.24261 0.68042 0.20546 0.5946 0.3241 0.70305 0.92278 0.44911 0.13407 0.67127 0.24245 0.08896 0.74364 0.47865 0.77443 0.59627 0.9735 0.45178 0.53243 0.66372 0.09733 0.54063 0.27933 0.64151 0.06278 0.01687 0.20157 0.66602 0.87258 0.35273 0.38017 0.01789 0.75215 0.52746 0.43964 0.00264 0.00994 0.36062 0.11947 0.66232 0.78596 0.52948 0.37803 0.92928 0.9471 0.52064 0.62901 0.99582 0.45983 0.61133 0.01365 0.3073 0.10831 0.29809 0.91041 0.73515 0.37329 0.30067 0.30392 0.53978 0.43409 0.63601 0.54013 0.4305 0.17938 0.55056 0.04339 0.58494
+0.49053 0.93086 0.25096 0.36764 0.24272 0.46577 0.96965 0.03667 0.15768 0.81868 0.0777 0.25347 0.94206 0.5643 0.74825 0.0105 0.11773 0.75751 0.67953 0.19256 0.03557 0.79155 0.44299 0.4705 0.7659 0.08042 0.98919 0.17658 0.47054 0.9724 0.74093 0.29414 0.52611 0.0224 0.38065 0.80141 0.87001 0.63735 0.8661 0.33898 0.62029 0.84441 0.58873 0.42164 0.62581 0.7423 0.82743 0.27258 0.85876 0.77727 0.64552 0.04443 0.25856 0.14535 0.62684 0.68406 0.75588 0.20035 0.31661 0.22312 0.22697 0.7988 0.07119 0.25164 0.77019 0.86348 0.89087 0.504 0.91942 0.1772 0.50666 0.08976 0.3385 0.48182 0.10615 0.94374 0.20941 0.61768 0.36557 0.39108 0.12649 0.28454 0.18189 0.69049 0.89637 0.38887 0.17821 0.46615 0.07301 0.57416 0.03151 0.18207 0.47801 0.1736 0.57693 0.61191 0.62726 0.85194 0.89612 0.18267 0.83459 0.5844 0.03236 0.85404 0.70361 0.99002 0.88508 0.33653 0.53184 0.67157 0.98487 0.13165 0.8661 0.18088 0.18251 0.9744 0.96604 0.12004 0.45622 0.11997 0.90509 0.62708 0.62781 0.64615 0.81147 0.7964 0.43359 0.18505 0.06448 0.28816 0.22463 0.80963 0.34786 0.53729 0.24689 0.05245 0.93003 0.67772 0.51706 0.96903 0.00987 0.91739 0.6386 0.56955 0.52666 0.30754 0.81609 0.20175 0.53288 0.85474 0.34666 0.89522 0.98278 0.39251 0.34851 0.26662 0.28942 0.27631 0.25291 0.15721 0.99077 0.83044 0.35658 0.6095 0.55137 0.29026 0.73618 0.25223 0.96552 0.03364 0.59036 0.49441 0.14369 0.99018 0.46629 0.64738 0.18111 0.25027 0.57911 0.54571 0.21389 0.58954 0.19971 0.90346 0.71628 0.93776 0.81646 0.0512 0.06042 0.42497 0.77589 0.36836 0.89703 0.55763 0.9224 0.93802 0.02817 0.62157 0.61163 0.73744 0.57674 0.37745 0.26218 0.4713 0.23832 0.2275 0.83871 0.37908 0.92428 0.11007 0.55168 0.60013 0.48521 0.25199 0.22687 0.41199 0.06456 0.12141 0.01463 0.80432 0.70013 0.27406 0.35654 0.95048 0.13702 0.42456 0.33189 0.40483 0.20593 0.42062 0.9137 0.00653 0.86663 0.50054 0.07129 0.18951 0.02076 0.63445 0.42506 0.03943 0.72886 0.15083 0.70881 0.85721 0.02367 0.1864 0.27979 0.14809 0.96803 0.38716 0.62295 0.70921 0.98922 0.87469 0.75821 0.84023 0.17528 0.1555 0.61811 0.97749 0.39307 0.93009 0.23712 0.47418 0.88609 0.84437 0.56972 0.13715 0.78037 0.93914 0.14346 0.47776 0.3767 0.55316 0.04998 0.61946 0.98493 0.62201 0.42398 0.74668 0.78259 0.16433 0.10862 0.85479 0.62697 0.17402 0.63068 0.88428 0.6886 0.44042 0.65409 0.96216 0.93809 0.36532 0.73466 0.54298 0.50103 0.02162 0.25796 0.85579 0.38737 0.11403 0.61939 0.57809 0.81025 0.56592 0.40067 0.01366 0.11365 0.97918 0.24535 0.39033 0.4637 0.82423 0.58741 0.19373 0.66456 0.16943 0.00172 0.57728 0.24348 0.93271 0.6099 0.87483 0.16627 0.66688 0.58343 0.24702 0.90398 0.52371 0.91197 0.29859 0.30657 0.89225 0.66973 0.98205 0.30972 0.48919 0.28853 0.68701 0.58363 0.07381 0.52055 0.6175 0.99491 0.49428 0.22958 0.61465 0.14195 0.6164 0.74299 0.82738 0.60195 0.18734 0.31219 0.89309 0.0451 0.17623 0.37352 0.789 0.5146 0.40462 0.33886 0.5785 0.91094 0.66415 0.69478 0.59238 0.18683 0.93446 0.72662 0.66666 0.34957 0.27585 0.28868 0.16283 0.20655 0.39252 0.73578 0.98299 0.27062 0.08514 0.22598 0.53561 0.99914 0.36764 0.52643 0.99675 0.29484 0.24535 0.95125 0.62577 0.86947 0.04109 0.56483 0.07103 0.76213 0.93232 0.65801 0.70992 0.13096 0.20943 0.69546 0.8279 0.83804 0.21568 0.40426 0.90796 0.84882 0.56189 0.53168 0.24788 0.28128 0.20092 0.78362 0.30676 0.88907 0.27112 0.11773 0.82556 0.59356 0.98951 0.26497 0.77461 0.05598 0.53122 0.79456 0.09885 0.16579 0.7397 0.66425 0.66499 0.74431 0.39188 0.25487 0.43817 0.47033 0.56398 0.62171 0.26996 0.97954 0.08243 0.27116 0.29657 0.11129 0.49482 0.97564 0.8647 0.07894 0.92863 0.21185 0.62016 0.07511 0.09721 0.81527 0.54965 0.58605 0.97788 0.76202 0.56868 0.47032 0.63607 0.55195 0.2308 0.58885 0.3806 0.46558 0.18458 0.36776 0.09762 0.54931 0.35719 0.74645 0.78848 0.06836 0.2124 0.37041 0.53278 0.63573 0.65956 0.76101 0.65438 0.53485 0.80678 0.65869 0.34072 0.73402 0.72235 0.38367 0.56308 0.96007 0.7297 0.65952 0.12074 0.70475 0.04256 0.50126 0.15045 0.58843 0.88775 0.63916 0.27238 0.90934 0.48414 0.62233 0.21971 0.94312 0.38742 0.88058 0.27587 0.85402 0.90624
+0.9518 0.65375 0.87577 0.74819 0.90053 0.70488 0.09632 0.45292 0.47861 0.2882 0.09299 0.9926 0.3555 0.56649 0.89923 0.10964 0.40052 0.8586 0.30543 0.4481 0.81965 0.9049 0.28906 0.3873 0.19676 0.0665 0.54193 0.23636 0.29702 0.0597 0.56756 0.81269 0.96842 0.30815 0.3002 0.87208 0.18931 0.70523 0.79165 0.87248 0.46792 0.37919 0.85295 0.50914 0.88938 0.16174 0.3592 0.12812 0.64334 0.85501 0.92409 0.26468 0.70441 0.50759 0.52845 0.27186 0.0276 0.29913 0.49266 0.42109 0.56852 0.79252 0.91756 0.58868 0.70097 0.84413 0.42649 0.08499 0.89944 0.87848 0.08231 0.96472 0.00052 0.81442 0.16352 0.85318 0.28825 0.2381 0.96562 0.8263 0.46382 0.76119 0.51853 0.49067 0.13388 0.6334 0.6756 0.11487 0.34921 0.6699 0.19701 0.2147 0.77372 0.3666 0.78339 0.59408 0.20921 0.84769 0.76011 0.12274 0.7691 0.76775 0.76344 0.49866 0.36453 0.75704 0.1447 0.64437 0.77683 0.11789 0.01624 0.21159 0.58065 0.04181 0.97721 0.35071 0.70022 0.19801 0.60128 0.18023 0.81787 0.2238 0.25006 0.18155 0.0332 0.85614 0.11074 0.72823 0.41454 0.61582 0.9537 0.03722 0.47167 0.60298 0.72802 0.59063 0.72644 0.61696 0.15219 0.84166 0.04296 0.90452 0.05735 0.10735 0.42957 0.3613 0.75056 0.48391 0.2574 0.55 0.58896 0.99032 0.19701 0.64677 0.4421 0.08276 0.32082 0.79883 0.38085 0.26619 0.42884 0.61949 0.59192 0.00962 0.99869 0.71017 0.77449 0.58331 0.06041 0.11298 0.69723 0.16125 0.53591 0.64534 0.94764 0.58642 0.48848 0.10932 0.38187 0.87291 0.46318 0.45608 0.38318 0.34111 0.86582 0.73969 0.06727 0.03662 0.79083 0.80071 0.22568 0.05438 0.45892 0.77742 0.88748 0.58612 0.64733 0.24447 0.8743 0.33135 0.30323 0.70066 0.47792 0.98219 0.62935 0.06659 0.09213 0.63801 0.67335 0.34314 0.44827 0.84432 0.55123 0.0535 0.22926 0.29954 0.95966 0.43109 0.38732 0.38046 0.02968 0.72697 0.96129 0.18355 0.35628 0.94451 0.52265 0.18935 0.49579 0.01829 0.49914 0.47907 0.3471 0.31844 0.81895 0.54314 0.46767 0.73448 0.81773 0.75863 0.96 0.87492 0.87247 0.67181 0.46754 0.90072 0.89481 0.74654 0.45358 0.16048 0.37782 0.84351 0.48018 0.83826 0.99073 0.91067 0.21573 0.95362 0.68893 0.62343 0.56533 0.48759 0.54181 0.04143 0.71864 0.30921 0.55359 0.19679 0.11397 0.73906 0.39019 0.94124 0.55442 0.3137 0.20853 0.66367 0.26442 0.85511 0.19546 0.15009 0.63217 0.24835 0.73628 0.21999 0.83392 0.88521 0.71972 0.6322 0.09225 0.08297 0.21072 0.57862 0.48334 0.83361 0.28116 0.46716 0.71423 0.45052 0.15025 0.59286 0.56895 0.02591 0.52083 0.86759 0.05463 0.4465 0.71766 0.48739 0.82706 0.81861 0.94813 0.12397 0.44433 0.46785 0.33208 0.97682 0.10701 0.29428 0.51223 0.79778 0.7701 0.52138 0.85037 0.66017 0.64152 0.04824 0.93678 0.99295 0.00657 0.70777 0.05004 0.01881 0.09599 0.46502 0.48972 0.12864 0.96652 0.82383 0.19575 0.76797 0.37984 0.90751 0.09114 0.15238 0.82994 0.55388 0.9066 0.85508 0.54817 0.37727 0.39462 0.24717 0.3745 0.23452 0.75729 0.04817 0.92817 0.71681 0.78447 0.85117 0.69869 0.01227 0.0999 0.23787 0.86174 0.90612 0.7709 0.50918 0.86007 0.97379 0.94231 0.85904 0.38995 0.58637 0.34501 0.27967 0.96171 0.02557 0.14718 0.69679 0.01282 0.23494 0.91854 0.99872 0.46346 0.42875 0.51145 0.25167 0.03044 0.45583 0.52512 0.77822 0.03324 0.63588 0.98449 0.47706 0.73278 0.2175 0.34291 0.6667 0.94155 0.61759 0.11698 0.41452 0.87345 0.79102 0.16628 0.87473 0.03301 0.1133 0.09268 0.05251 0.6772 0.26703 0.50725 0.65956 0.96732 0.6374 0.67844 0.63074 0.86883 0.59186 0.75476 0.64814 0.41826 0.78303 0.87382 0.42033 0.96792 0.80203 0.88442 0.84705 0.78811 0.83637 0.9356 0.56048 0.34448 0.08416 0.15399 0.65625 0.41349 0.40023 0.73502 0.05317 0.17044 0.79946 0.24666 0.48593 0.35117 0.40681 0.11683 0.47048 0.86072 0.36668 0.98732 0.50414 0.40181 0.70225 0.07109 0.78419 0.33703 0.9506 0.21873 0.90829 0.02747 0.43708 0.83699 0.60479 0.26704 0.34986 0.64956 0.06577 0.82542 0.18281 0.07581 0.70822 0.42553 0.14117 0.57058 0.7544 0.44304 0.90431 0.6038 0.65602 0.69192 0.88717 0.3721 0.09082 0.45311 0.64241 0.63312 0.22077 0.85026 0.0518 0.55693 0.66874 0.17332 0.27359 0.14476 0.57887 0.49087 0.31687 0.05937 0.02436 0.86136 0.80215 0.10644 0.18221 0.65181 0.35812 0.29707 0.13353
+0.626 0.33278 0.56068 0.02858 0.77745 0.33955 0.7124 0.07341 0.33518 0.44754 0.68904 0.44507 0.30347 0.81964 0.40104 0.50465 0.90962 0.5765 0.7983 0.20284 0.56485 0.5311 0.4317 0.73541 0.51455 0.66556 0.35686 0.64134 0.6508 0.1866 0.72329 0.54288 0.65467 0.2318 0.0567 0.94026 0.07991 0.55556 0.56529 0.17033 0.95721 0.64853 0.10538 0.7234 0.77706 0.27455 0.09376 0.59793 0.83003 0.11731 0.99393 0.93398 0.53691 0.41518 0.79311 0.73948 0.67783 0.87028 0.22115 0.49999 0.46834 0.14281 0.81654 0.50653 0.26185 0.03478 0.62234 0.86426 0.34205 0.99373 0.83516 0.91944 0.40351 0.79274 0.75443 0.95343 0.34281 0.19362 0.62513 0.28035 0.31593 0.74472 0.4845 0.82147 0.09572 0.65756 0.91487 0.02356 0.3158 0.12931 0.25153 0.19638 0.32968 0.99662 0.58701 0.51927 0.03395 0.24968 0.66236 0.60179 0.85218 0.38467 0.7583 0.79431 0.60637 0.32851 0.16629 0.9577 0.68055 0.05039 0.72051 0.28127 0.09731 0.95062 0.81 0.25375 0.57897 0.91247 0.37544 0.47769 0.85059 0.25655 0.71508 0.88827 0.45502 0.53706 0.70769 0.24232 0.44625 0.23646 0.65274 0.2549 0.0406 0.47575 0.78358 0.30509 0.39514 0.50917 0.38516 0.05205 0.2366 0.41247 0.27492 0.56829 0.30317 0.70822 0.85329 0.77742 0.58849 0.7757 0.62232 0.32643 0.21322 0.2914 0.41125 0.17845 0.14369 0.88368 0.63474 0.29276 0.78475 0.26191 0.74468 0.9631 0.0337 0.16918 0.46539 0.61022 0.95677 0.90203 0.49136 0.65926 0.2249 0.2716 0.58886 0.11634 0.71036 0.32284 0.89239 0.28065 0.34506 0.65756 0.85468 0.84391 0.60932 0.53871 0.90821 0.88878 0.99606 0.65939 0.74246 0.20858 0.75999 0.29688 0.07952 0.50966 0.26988 0.06982 0.00123 0.79874 0.0041 0.64659 0.54594 0.07563 0.3575 0.21083 0.62261 0.87154 0.92987 0.31551 0.28302 0.18045 0.97978 0.72695 0.23957 0.47131 0.71715 0.48211 0.18407 0.92208 0.14714 0.50842 0.96652 0.86624 0.2693 0.46594 0.62206 0.02584 0.14719 0.63218 0.30854 0.6919 0.38128 0.30623 0.8487 0.49746 0.67841 0.36669 0.89605 0.2253 0.7679 0.78813 0.49421 0.56971 0.0833 0.28683 0.94354 0.04931 0.46982 0.45169 0.64643 0.55785 0.56663 0.27743 0.5574 0.53543 0.74226 0.72808 0.15989 0.02968 0.93404 0.58136 0.19647 0.72781 0.29307 0.2474 0.41487 0.73922 0.78255 0.13082 0.48713 0.35162 0.14949 0.927 0.76033 0.93591 0.66646 0.32577 0.51771 0.2205 0.79352 0.92803 0.74646 0.54941 0.77604 0.9026 0.68156 0.02677 0.67068 0.88768 0.34598 0.1579 0.28594 0.1542 0.02752 0.76149 0.53354 0.7106 0.43213 0.03688 0.04531 0.11426 0.57461 0.5344 0.2797 0.64676 0.30761 0.21568 0.40964 0.8284 0.66106 0.65029 0.44627 0.21991 0.44767 0.6944 0.16903 0.54033 0.73146 0.53876 0.28581 0.45305 0.10334 0.17312 0.91619 0.74578 0.7471 0.08843 0.9465 0.39912 0.62529 0.56752 0.7014 0.98106 0.03114 0.46691 0.59092 0.54966 0.28077 0.29973 0.77826 0.64448 0.04001 0.84172 0.81044 0.54015 0.32412 0.54974 0.20635 0.06182 0.17812 0.94351 0.01764 0.05078 0.35624 0.9853 0.60678 0.72654 0.32746 0.40763 0.08803 0.94671 0.93581 0.327 0.77568 0.99495 0.51903 0.06489 0.27527 0.6327 0.03533 0.07685 0.56477 0.3761 0.90479 0.67581 0.47755 0.47878 0.86269 0.44911 0.76497 0.75601 0.51867 0.9507 0.04898 0.60132 0.75376 0.59317 0.84193 0.09181 0.34128 0.77933 0.9983 0.95506 0.27271 0.55597 0.96882 0.37053 0.81757 0.96647 0.91112 0.83366 0.67104 0.49004 0.99598 0.38028 0.09563 0.47952 0.29601 0.19393 0.10862 0.45619 0.75874 0.95583 0.45127 0.87098 0.85183 0.41517 0.70592 0.85382 0.21754 0.30201 0.24121 0.95042 0.08761 0.29707 0.57695 0.8725 0.50214 0.93884 0.41224 0.54125 0.59012 0.57205 0.82125 0.87291 0.25452 0.62819 0.51074 0.96166 0.2772 0.34149 0.15937 0.83348 0.4431 0.77435 0.22203 0.40367 0.73622 0.65118 0.82404 0.62854 0.70047 0.98183 0.03688 0.66675 0.52374 0.2223 0.61665 0.4012 0.11718 0.30599 0.02382 0.13115 0.89302 0.22898 0.89538 0.91628 0.99015 0.61183 0.88221 0.99834 0.18611 0.56468 0.01884 0.66471 0.93263 0.53026 0.63904 0.48659 0.81428 0.02392 0.21214 0.2624 0.61396 0.27572 0.59739 0.5602 0.86292 0.49077 0.46225 0.15267 0.31421 0.63942 0.85604 0.03869 0.71062 0.62289 0.45928 0.25451 0.47976 0.31802 0.77067 0.74838 0.37409 0.50664 0.09019 0.0842 0.34732 0.14476 0.78098 0.01704
+0.00822 0.30949 0.20235 0.95579 0.50576 0.31207 0.70153 0.52411 0.05524 0.75932 0.95164 0.44959 0.88881 0.25283 0.2325 0.8672 0.95905 0.42271 0.07429 0.08336 0.42689 0.53999 0.44827 0.34722 0.67092 0.37754 0.23371 0.84183 0.73096 0.36503 0.87945 0.35361 0.74245 0.28807 0.63715 0.41508 0.48395 0.4972 0.08887 0.86071 0.52742 0.27595 0.06252 0.12677 0.03803 0.45024 0.87983 0.93735 0.67414 0.88355 0.18029 0.66921 0.85155 0.55568 0.20801 0.17523 0.91199 0.8996 0.98439 0.49802 0.34187 0.71493 0.38756 0.32499 0.84311 0.96113 0.71016 0.33692 0.03941 0.70098 0.19093 0.77112 0.17882 0.62979 0.97617 0.97972 0.20802 0.62298 0.54562 0.24846 0.5765 0.98849 0.80368 0.12704 0.4139 0.83538 0.74879 0.79878 0.26318 0.52877 0.96164 0.57119 0.43745 0.18585 0.47638 0.97016 0.498 0.12407 0.78401 0.88724 0.17278 0.36832 0.70263 0.76632 0.14993 0.22229 0.33731 0.90832 0.63377 0.50677 0.15838 0.96443 0.97212 0.03254 0.70619 0.00602 0.34149 0.28252 0.42906 0.91535 0.37797 0.66457 0.32536 0.30004 0.26627 0.09411 0.12287 0.92612 0.69273 0.84035 0.94608 0.15437 0.20437 0.529 0.82273 0.68626 0.24866 0.36681 0.68138 0.44425 0.19939 0.92128 0.78513 0.90367 0.24802 0.35565 0.712 0.65623 0.83473 0.06959 0.08081 0.73048 0.9266 0.9458 0.95497 0.66262 0.08367 0.08054 0.17777 0.00098 0.15368 0.48702 0.92422 0.64514 0.40285 0.28675 0.49767 0.42425 0.6965 0.15574 0.11918 0.7815 0.68533 0.68764 0.31879 0.7575 0.51717 0.62984 0.87028 0.62579 0.04316 0.69137 0.95734 0.48409 0.4413 0.45927 0.60792 0.67942 0.85263 0.09034 0.15271 0.99533 0.86263 0.27317 0.99265 0.79938 0.93112 0.99096 0.07912 0.7025 0.12399 0.51557 0.98574 0.50425 0.64378 0.62622 0.63515 0.32545 0.6078 0.81151 0.52136 0.56895 0.82991 0.74192 0.61216 0.41888 0.98727 0.81777 0.5776 0.57872 0.6399 0.89803 0.98804 0.09872 0.38655 0.40393 0.32565 0.79609 0.33049 0.22719 0.90082 0.26992 0.30331 0.10156 0.91036 0.3937 0.49655 0.12187 0.42366 0.23738 0.0574 0.81701 0.63864 0.71452 0.04353 0.33406 0.16573 0.42325 0.92567 0.79412 0.89527 0.96149 0.66663 0.28508 0.72637 0.04007 0.81435 0.18533 0.41512 0.34613 0.98087 0.94214 0.55292 0.85139 0.54643 0.84661 0.21975 0.2956 0.09493 0.17696 0.36009 0.05609 0.2667 0.22061 0.32706 0.55299 0.0579 0.57202 0.65864 0.48052 0.0398 0.63307 0.16603 0.15162 0.96165 0.98114 0.58063 0.48406 0.47593 0.9001 0.02176 0.46577 0.35842 0.25504 0.20948 0.90528 0.49282 0.60508 0.20731 0.8971 0.82673 0.01436 0.41794 0.2512 0.70949 0.53139 0.9168 0.27584 0.96678 0.06194 0.7866 0.87002 0.08742 0.66637 0.05891 0.40072 0.95915 0.97587 0.36103 0.28135 0.61452 0.29832 0.08431 0.33494 0.73513 0.84642 0.5014 0.83285 0.07036 0.38486 0.69274 0.96129 0.95455 0.81273 0.50635 0.54598 0.92667 0.79367 0.4861 0.83683 0.04263 0.16932 0.97326 0.94074 0.08659 0.60789 0.21885 0.83088 0.54123 0.41802 0.16645 0.44148 0.38927 0.84818 0.94686 0.42546 0.46747 0.19592 0.99212 0.35929 0.88761 0.68762 0.90417 0.6483 0.91213 0.42255 0.96662 0.61095 0.85901 0.78636 0.43506 0.35796 0.13912 0.68891 0.8504 0.35988 0.97991 0.64125 0.60691 0.25749 0.69548 0.14319 0.95214 0.11877 0.74293 0.61395 0.20249 0.29727 0.98656 0.66931 0.60469 0.2441 0.34658 0.0875 0.71249 0.45081 0.69842 0.42226 0.16499 0.48052 0.31168 0.32646 0.44663 0.45626 0.84804 0.16613 0.12264 0.36287 0.9999 0.44878 0.71932 0.58922 0.29121 0.50634 0.1518 0.17687 0.37176 0.99727 0.54373 0.12409 0.24646 0.87691 0.09096 0.82173 0.52061 0.51791 0.84007 0.99578 0.43432 0.0503 0.60522 0.19248 0.96969 0.84732 0.214 0.53147 0.10516 0.54536 0.00782 0.10195 0.13532 0.16766 0.41598 0.50855 0.35691 0.55487 0.68168 0.42742 0.50214 0.71118 0.60944 0.55274 0.56287 0.38084 0.17114 0.20839 0.8284 0.0543 0.90988 0.81469 0.2531 0.48907 0.50956 0.03934 0.76911 0.12504 0.95662 0.22488 0.46035 0.15727 0.87585 0.07456 0.5897 0.77503 0.94785 0.33219 0.40501 0.33292 0.93755 0.07316 0.51785 0.55366 0.47529 0.46821 0.35793 0.20332 0.24366 0.46173 0.88582 0.59779 0.50033 0.90067 0.86363 0.77037 0.11179 0.76266 0.17385 0.17193 0.63875 0.75849 0.67557 0.58138 0.67749 0.75269 0.08248 0.78792 0.47033 0.77875 0.64389 0.90838 0.47243 0.39447
+0.24277 0.80183 0.30739 0.69431 0.94459 0.45887 0.91825 0.36935 0.5606 0.74166 0.88847 0.49235 0.24014 0.97205 0.10543 0.48866 0.51939 0.50612 0.03249 0.88407 0.78386 0.63759 0.32195 0.19954 0.74892 0.26862 0.50639 0.31357 0.35957 0.69947 0.40131 0.80749 0.17167 0.4118 0.28479 0.46955 0.0244 0.92485 0.15714 0.96536 0.50954 0.30795 0.25419 0.92355 0.75546 0.85728 0.84658 0.9377 0.72809 0.36244 0.84648 0.66895 0.14014 0.68341 0.87489 0.00667 0.26899 0.0121 0.87956 0.23853 0.5472 0.19233 0.91203 0.59696 0.3864 0.92355 0.55835 0.2292 0.41509 0.46616 0.57441 0.60014 0.97703 0.90664 0.40773 0.83903 0.19842 0.79584 0.37485 0.85611 0.50487 0.99648 0.44771 0.6401 0.4816 0.93266 0.423 0.65561 0.07083 0.31878 0.58957 0.65109 0.63278 0.72702 0.63583 0.37278 0.35976 0.13593 0.60759 0.11196 0.01603 0.14383 0.77778 0.41916 0.08023 0.63183 0.8342 0.16647 0.29741 0.54832 0.99548 0.1067 0.37103 0.90219 0.82329 0.93941 0.41815 0.65909 0.92755 0.94207 0.48785 0.19798 0.07328 0.89885 0.09415 0.5152 0.80328 0.93355 0.05646 0.37314 0.75387 0.14475 0.54607 0.88995 0.44181 0.08877 0.37521 0.12329 0.81481 0.84674 0.83179 0.16568 0.00096 0.04127 0.08491 0.67625 0.44183 0.31075 0.69979 0.62292 0.44569 0.38214 0.38582 0.88583 0.67299 0.66003 0.19986 0.77576 0.43998 0.22763 0.10097 0.52302 0.31272 0.6731 0.0293 0.24294 0.19111 0.60536 0.34988 0.72294 0.271 0.45435 0.04963 0.96403 0.48817 0.09292 0.28712 0.29872 0.11503 0.14172 0.09323 0.85948 0.01075 0.72201 0.97391 0.25979 0.28043 0.60051 0.89518 0.47649 0.77822 0.84758 0.93499 0.45706 0.86657 0.06615 0.84458 0.52797 0.51257 0.54993 0.08556 0.7914 0.7688 0.05382 0.82346 0.3967 0.36991 0.91178 0.95584 0.66582 0.76731 0.63587 0.55825 0.39727 0.63884 0.04116 0.63831 0.28043 0.43307 0.52346 0.53706 0.66343 0.7736 0.58029 0.90697 0.41911 0.39634 0.74968 0.50575 0.57694 0.21998 0.46049 0.73042 0.51488 0.7916 0.64 0.30499 0.86101 0.72154 0.07204 0.86474 0.2925 0.26707 0.13061 0.07897 0.63693 0.07132 0.26678 0.34965 0.31298 0.78562 0.3139 0.55525 0.9905 0.57837 0.47167 0.56569 0.53409 0.68881 0.8912 0.35017 0.28979 0.68529 0.36305 0.04177 0.6632 0.31979 0.3906 0.05953 0.38003 0.94765 0.08234 0.02321 0.96025 0.31767 0.23824 0.54995 0.8963 0.74215 0.59886 0.39158 0.42331 0.85557 0.11615 0.57572 0.33161 0.34417 0.39697 0.22407 0.90718 0.88453 0.00449 0.62494 0.07914 0.45557 0.07836 0.56245 0.46108 0.61452 0.88187 0.03593 0.45167 0.22421 0.43484 0.06551 0.43573 0.40561 0.99208 0.71184 0.06821 0.29772 0.83242 0.98649 0.2096 0.4265 0.44822 0.85336 0.86093 0.73773 0.31077 0.8303 0.66146 0.08833 0.35579 0.13167 0.44528 0.86602 0.45038 0.34681 0.88565 0.37965 0.33538 0.17018 0.16033 0.72339 0.59099 0.04114 0.18634 0.627 0.62385 0.02897 0.87316 0.61588 0.96872 0.66193 0.91418 0.51101 0.92457 0.12202 0.4079 0.58999 0.49559 0.2546 0.80934 0.57419 0.26675 0.70002 0.13646 0.06626 0.44155 0.9162 0.47213 0.12449 0.36778 0.49032 0.44594 0.25465 0.95885 0.15356 0.17039 0.16873 0.03513 0.84019 0.81578 0.46276 0.74703 0.70947 0.03744 0.29601 0.27057 0.31116 0.16559 0.88888 0.77017 0.78416 0.68147 0.59639 0.09597 0.839 0.60373 0.52192 0.97116 0.8787 0.96418 0.66324 0.76803 0.95243 0.82524 0.73267 0.09065 0.90215 0.09191 0.8779 0.02724 0.2007 0.90023 0.00238 0.93597 0.24861 0.70788 0.67731 0.95801 0.74168 0.01656 0.62797 0.52828 0.67526 0.72146 0.05077 0.49767 0.45376 0.36275 0.14559 0.34608 0.03716 0.5456 0.51378 0.96231 0.83925 0.50663 0.89107 0.072 0.26173 0.65139 0.65085 0.69305 0.81002 0.10788 0.29442 0.98391 0.00299 0.63795 0.22115 0.74628 0.89749 0.88441 0.86272 0.08641 0.09902 0.96365 0.15393 0.07516 0.42853 0.21004 0.78805 0.02576 0.02234 0.78812 0.39214 0.89847 0.64012 0.2377 0.93487 0.64257 0.23069 0.90626 0.59568 0.21435 0.09715 0.9741 0.13775 0.47778 0.42047 0.66604 0.0908 0.47105 0.09712 0.6992 0.72963 0.17016 0.34242 0.14127 0.09467 0.72554 0.25089 0.21817 0.14856 0.10298 0.85182 0.00662 0.76283 0.37694 0.40993 0.36181 0.10897 0.05233 0.47312 0.78659 0.41079 0.69112 0.5783 0.8227 0.58623 0.61341 0.60412 0.62117 0.88591 0.49408 0.28063 0.39512 0.32211 0.21165
+0.90599 0.82317 0.37534 0.16302 0.21763 0.83822 0.80501 0.58379 0.18232 0.7566 0.85387 0.67807 0.6118 0.81822 0.46481 0.65597 0.54369 0.84075 0.15438 0.26938 0.98287 0.96176 0.79441 0.33238 0.79222 0.34854 0.83029 0.98095 0.98418 0.33377 0.20319 0.14588 0.87422 0.22622 0.31682 0.37656 0.02637 0.09927 0.2521 0.73185 0.13682 0.6065 0.45658 0.95486 0.01978 0.41942 0.55154 0.32978 0.88381 0.90847 0.06352 0.53429 0.01218 0.53633 0.9452 0.47357 0.70111 0.95704 0.77084 0.41394 0.88594 0.20104 0.3814 0.33897 0.04292 0.17113 0.5253 0.95261 0.07411 0.9169 0.56899 0.25536 0.24894 0.33993 0.59891 0.36897 0.60045 0.54106 0.18975 0.2428 0.55115 0.67268 0.6553 0.64465 0.23877 0.46855 0.37782 0.51472 0.08775 0.3004 0.59263 0.11455 0.56549 0.51934 0.74303 0.40662 0.00413 0.5164 0.99656 0.53581 0.96313 0.252 0.19991 0.9669 0.94035 0.27843 0.68603 0.66198 0.76369 0.41006 0.037 0.03254 0.12381 0.82825 0.05651 0.00495 0.01751 0.10056 0.83243 0.21703 0.75984 0.17918 0.70593 0.02938 0.55409 0.13655 0.51803 0.72456 0.03777 0.46903 0.24252 0.26029 0.73408 0.56595 0.45026 0.76561 0.20854 0.08704 0.55754 0.03232 0.71748 0.95502 0.11775 0.51466 0.15483 0.29108 0.58588 0.45971 0.10469 0.69491 0.15556 0.28359 0.23373 0.13819 0.1225 0.43149 0.78586 0.08939 0.87193 0.30867 0.74496 0.47637 0.98613 0.91723 0.43799 0.71646 0.88324 0.84506 0.96114 0.16024 0.1267 0.42645 0.79283 0.34018 0.55514 0.34855 0.27871 0.80267 0.29333 0.70813 0.62446 0.34801 0.49278 0.75289 0.12597 0.74033 0.48418 0.29727 0.95702 0.48648 0.03205 0.58841 0.02311 0.36261 0.43152 0.45977 0.46816 0.73445 0.61836 0.79013 0.84272 0.72489 0.21472 0.91899 0.18059 0.46284 0.40072 0.50317 0.12732 0.98929 0.86782 0.0975 0.75518 0.54889 0.54745 0.31231 0.12206 0.90833 0.66386 0.4486 0.4713 0.69908 0.90815 0.83331 0.50975 0.84686 0.11186 0.61499 0.18343 0.76125 0.19872 0.61031 0.38206 0.29435 0.65304 0.92296 0.01442 0.10541 0.99427 0.70629 0.0612 0.59627 0.97819 0.77076 0.39506 0.12624 0.14087 0.63178 0.04253 0.56993 0.63795 0.98894 0.6862 0.82231 0.03695 0.68868 0.19357 0.35323 0.65987 0.00884 0.97827 0.9025 0.21414 0.37073 0.55897 0.14236 0.32615 0.09257 0.78771 0.36827 0.99509 0.91218 0.99754 0.24263 0.71229 0.94727 0.95257 0.21332 0.65417 0.69036 0.05609 0.41128 0.98111 0.56285 0.96461 0.41354 0.85383 0.94156 0.46717 0.36275 0.55102 0.64133 0.70155 0.57801 0.06501 0.44017 0.44594 0.21752 0.15724 0.20292 0.23495 0.90006 0.88478 0.7143 0.95771 0.18847 0.60667 0.34154 0.51732 0.08078 0.4695 0.46819 0.91135 0.74535 0.12901 0.01544 0.67279 0.32648 0.77128 0.9598 0.32337 0.27216 0.4568 0.17365 0.25994 0.69657 0.24523 0.31636 0.22491 0.40844 0.89671 0.5033 0.75629 0.65054 0.46497 0.93983 0.8769 0.89646 0.91572 0.57434 0.68053 0.58338 0.47432 0.04185 0.95918 0.23832 0.49132 0.99499 0.3936 0.82185 0.33563 0.37661 0.28387 0.54258 0.79837 0.00808 0.55434 0.36844 0.41935 0.79063 0.72486 0.51878 0.30047 0.89866 0.29162 0.63049 0.05113 0.03893 0.66178 0.13001 0.54267 0.13539 0.29901 0.94457 0.92322 0.30587 0.5232 0.30719 0.92391 0.27101 0.34968 0.04745 0.51036 0.61239 0.00612 0.5496 0.49597 0.39518 0.89978 0.03052 0.58719 0.38521 0.13468 0.3904 0.34188 0.98623 0.20598 0.67033 0.08511 0.7823 0.67751 0.39692 0.99439 0.48845 0.47339 0.58671 0.37239 0.60933 0.37212 0.52677 0.38011 0.48449 0.19792 0.0247 0.37642 0.61923 0.42511 0.01943 0.59642 0.65328 0.87434 0.76731 0.27525 0.95322 0.87445 0.58694 0.62497 0.89985 0.75981 0.7642 0.79855 0.70022 0.52981 0.51734 0.9391 0.69443 0.15155 0.19229 0.24516 0.77233 0.68647 0.42663 0.29825 0.31787 0.18492 0.22709 0.82759 0.32907 0.2056 0.15833 0.31729 0.79858 0.18559 0.78183 0.55115 0.09683 0.66619 0.15276 0.19524 0.15244 0.35063 0.5041 0.71243 0.9323 0.26879 0.8271 0.97876 0.49058 0.59742 0.29019 0.62145 0.58085 0.84196 0.35452 0.09125 0.22601 0.6445 0.35266 0.79088 0.15801 0.48754 0.05337 0.42613 0.94065 0.70263 0.51761 0.59309 0.99197 0.16692 0.44667 0.36048 0.445 0.80559 0.12336 0.40792 0.16667 0.32283 0.15291 0.83726 0.97161 0.64078 0.99873 0.06474 0.35882 0.42762 0.23713 0.06674 0.06681 0.01785 0.06498 0.68788 0.54377
+0.32833 0.5974 0.15496 0.96903 0.04415 0.4379 0.21615 0.20773 0.74547 0.58677 0.88799 0.1289 0.50355 0.51368 0.44774 0.4458 0.18168 0.62302 0.73965 0.36498 0.57753 0.15709 0.57187 0.56095 0.34144 0.72898 0.3257 0.07847 0.51296 0.36192 0.42149 0.78251 0.29729 0.30566 0.71208 0.74686 0.4552 0.47121 0.9617 0.3471 0.91742 0.60243 0.85589 0.18523 0.02167 0.22535 0.35224 0.26593 0.54055 0.98309 0.9987 0.76617 0.7446 0.89148 0.65802 0.23281 0.11781 0.15963 0.95983 0.47482 0.55353 0.38006 0.65987 0.89185 0.50659 0.25299 0.86438 0.33977 0.44389 0.56788 0.26871 0.61454 0.86675 0.20418 0.79535 0.27459 0.28724 0.86507 0.51551 0.35359 0.20013 0.88977 0.86251 0.14941 0.33934 0.82821 0.48954 0.51709 0.17457 0.74978 0.35135 0.29185 0.31426 0.19653 0.85481 0.00314 0.75729 0.44921 0.83417 0.38474 0.82334 0.29376 0.68737 0.86688 0.51262 0.32191 0.70069 0.95455 0.18903 0.96404 0.05729 0.97299 0.46205 0.04152 0.77056 0.673 0.03528 0.14944 0.24091 0.23253 0.17144 0.93061 0.12585 0.88519 0.28623 0.88963 0.352 0.02852 0.41557 0.47794 0.66228 0.46045 0.04626 0.71771 0.62525 0.90747 0.48085 0.33585 0.55876 0.68073 0.74488 0.90016 0.37248 0.04234 0.79746 0.04953 0.73021 0.79672 0.88355 0.85917 0.88316 0.51014 0.13474 0.47897 0.00988 0.04536 0.37872 0.99782 0.35165 0.65788 0.24246 0.36437 0.30624 0.39962 0.94479 0.39867 0.38821 0.02949 0.72838 0.13235 0.81941 0.22788 0.02514 0.52411 0.05889 0.19666 0.91896 0.74651 0.24603 0.41202 0.8175 0.56505 0.48818 0.71758 0.36639 0.94785 0.92589 0.75005 0.15738 0.43741 0.24138 0.95093 0.68445 0.7636 0.40836 0.28174 0.97502 0.23928 0.30202 0.46413 0.61405 0.07562 0.40387 0.16502 0.57897 0.63541 0.02927 0.47877 0.09892 0.21633 0.86384 0.42003 0.90584 0.88384 0.11282 0.90628 0.33621 0.47541 0.95837 0.57524 0.00714 0.00423 0.66465 0.38127 0.33796 0.7432 0.66845 0.21551 0.10843 0.84704 0.49129 0.20683 0.99052 0.9424 0.70825 0.90819 0.44108 0.02434 0.26635 0.9257 0.38223 0.71999 0.30266 0.08564 0.90999 0.60026 0.3426 0.14329 0.64948 0.00352 0.57588 0.39386 0.71216 0.58552 0.40414 0.60635 0.39345 0.63959 0.10763 0.2531 0.79065 0.74271 0.06195 0.29306 0.1146 0.36103 0.71809 0.97404 0.17315 0.48771 0.04498 0.19656 0.44912 0.72061 0.1136 0.52897 0.90258 0.7579 0.59144 0.9229 0.33602 0.60944 0.85022 0.6287 0.5385 0.03917 0.18885 0.21303 0.92858 0.19562 0.11454 0.86143 0.62252 0.61602 0.98937 0.04068 0.82841 0.09834 0.39015 0.63743 0.42532 0.47635 0.67231 0.09381 0.72213 0.70368 0.12764 0.53996 0.11052 0.51297 0.48263 0.70988 0.57264 0.77877 0.73909 0.27912 0.87877 0.1279 0.80545 0.46247 0.76419 0.8145 0.13287 0.86108 0.98308 0.00592 0.28071 0.56794 0.41702 0.69217 0.11404 0.12037 0.85717 0.81444 0.72031 0.1225 0.61939 0.29026 0.00933 0.92886 0.41276 0.83921 0.53812 0.23176 0.05399 0.07828 0.68346 0.10906 0.81355 0.99537 0.71685 0.88368 0.73789 0.01694 0.09853 0.40451 0.79594 0.63632 0.76378 0.4009 0.68424 0.61604 0.24777 0.52337 0.06026 0.89353 0.88484 0.21658 0.83588 0.19767 0.51765 0.93405 0.5215 0.50361 0.54727 0.95292 0.96139 0.19954 0.37065 0.51545 0.63822 0.67885 0.26611 0.78347 0.83474 0.88389 0.29574 0.80279 0.61941 0.23626 0.92845 0.44629 0.5998 0.08432 0.68439 0.5135 0.86916 0.22694 0.92351 0.5193 0.86565 0.25801 0.97688 0.3161 0.66636 0.57092 0.96128 0.00292 0.79551 0.51834 0.86695 0.83509 0.20361 0.03298 0.87116 0.94535 0.26399 0.42794 0.9094 0.70916 0.01696 0.50343 0.35793 0.85903 0.06809 0.6981 0.17195 0.51361 0.18481 0.24261 0.40168 0.31931 0.12158 0.6505 0.29006 0.92173 0.64111 0.1738 0.16664 0.91284 0.98706 0.62435 0.84391 0.28115 0.92985 0.8035 0.52566 0.27154 0.06273 0.76615 0.80128 0.20145 0.96816 0.61719 0.14028 0.11035 0.3078 0.81458 0.3582 0.22088 0.81642 0.77355 0.81812 0.42719 0.49228 0.29522 0.7944 0.22039 0.91498 0.34315 0.97635 0.94859 0.63421 0.50193 0.30486 0.63546 0.45588 0.64123 0.97908 0.71842 0.42345 0.94176 0.08243 0.82265 0.79714 0.32476 0.99062 0.64842 0.58095 0.04009 0.15875 0.48462 0.45848 0.80681 0.8757 0.64325 0.64233 0.42997 0.51234 0.55398 0.92423 0.3137 0.42041 0.15223 0.22287 0.43547 0.62601 0.37791 0.02246 0.06591 0.78223 0.27277
+0.82489 0.47003 0.8285 0.19121 0.44764 0.40199 0.27178 0.73326 0.09293 0.69015 0.76228 0.06185 0.1851 0.28339 0.02511 0.12479 0.78647 0.01294 0.38501 0.60001 0.58988 0.02982 0.52861 0.6932 0.56919 0.486 0.99835 0.43836 0.90069 0.37515 0.66014 0.52515 0.12355 0.89528 0.42788 0.91768 0.35664 0.76937 0.18973 0.06796 0.60015 0.40841 0.53892 0.31349 0.91341 0.8848 0.37654 0.76322 0.54763 0.51462 0.5846 0.09177 0.1827 0.24801 0.69221 0.01336 0.12056 0.67614 0.65029 0.80649 0.76966 0.85265 0.78396 0.91486 0.38528 0.39538 0.30548 0.28196 0.90884 0.46048 0.25171 0.47608 0.61063 0.42753 0.73848 0.33165 0.39995 0.95742 0.93492 0.23966 0.17927 0.18415 0.62146 0.50018 0.69328 0.35237 0.99957 0.61392 0.39641 0.05946 0.2415 0.92787 0.35913 0.7285 0.11959 0.59296 0.25832 0.13552 0.84211 0.93644 0.10258 0.33258 0.99231 0.6036 0.25578 0.34318 0.4448 0.96126 0.68363 0.66813 0.23112 0.67493 0.37763 0.33513 0.70661 0.92273 0.55931 0.54163 0.63267 0.3508 0.29926 0.99248 0.26132 0.49237 0.08095 0.83039 0.12013 0.66688 0.10049 0.81305 0.19246 0.80673 0.00411 0.86008 0.43858 0.65888 0.68527 0.38952 0.94823 0.06237 0.80239 0.35156 0.85703 0.82894 0.7205 0.34568 0.60281 0.12376 0.62544 0.60487 0.63922 0.50651 0.44682 0.66358 0.57877 0.52487 0.3813 0.85659 0.73297 0.86742 0.04644 0.64622 0.341 0.53731 0.37579 0.95091 0.2095 0.68568 0.20528 0.50872 0.34577 0.452 0.97724 0.27326 0.05462 0.9335 0.71634 0.68425 0.07087 0.74402 0.83223 0.29868 0.2063 0.38535 0.05415 0.9406 0.24269 0.23784 0.84442 0.50732 0.11617 0.03747 0.34226 0.27713 0.50477 0.55718 0.02048 0.31239 0.04639 0.45447 0.62325 0.78361 0.40792 0.31527 0.8306 0.03062 0.24295 0.68612 0.01633 0.34455 0.18135 0.91547 0.1796 0.11189 0.63743 0.25363 0.64614 0.61403 0.12146 0.90012 0.54054 0.92762 0.68904 0.54901 0.18421 0.30573 0.83178 0.56133 0.59822 0.19845 0.41735 0.86457 0.77436 0.70326 0.01646 0.45817 0.8401 0.83845 0.84198 0.62699 0.72064 0.4259 0.75857 0.84002 0.82009 0.47531 0.66572 0.64597 0.5236 0.53921 0.62396 0.17017 0.25253 0.94791 0.67383 0.97528 0.48961 0.61874 0.70693 0.0109 0.59976 0.34601 0.06055 0.80884 0.14174 0.95446 0.09512 0.85006 0.81082 0.54281 0.24282 0.84131 0.57817 0.55983 0.18367 0.17197 0.8194 0.74181 0.6759 0.38826 0.43034 0.69235 0.35569 0.42867 0.38692 0.0751 0.52858 0.90616 0.23172 0.54058 0.5903 0.82923 0.36676 0.16808 0.21453 0.67984 0.05869 0.91895 0.19522 0.90123 0.0033 0.10238 0.27284 0.29885 0.18085 0.08838 0.87105 0.79678 0.60488 0.75167 0.3779 0.44921 0.52496 0.76875 0.32669 0.36524 0.42356 0.30801 0.92476 0.0257 0.72218 0.25 0.78285 0.15561 0.08026 0.06396 0.86341 0.51844 0.61486 0.61709 0.23392 0.10112 0.36 0.62844 0.91057 0.6918 0.06792 0.37892 0.35977 0.65247 0.97899 0.44814 0.73204 0.369 0.6111 0.31407 0.66449 0.28329 0.28048 0.91787 0.30455 0.01581 0.88829 0.90564 0.02883 0.02967 0.09054 0.90288 0.04636 0.04106 0.66961 0.10587 0.23659 0.96054 0.52858 0.61405 0.46049 0.35398 0.64091 0.77971 0.72853 0.96751 0.03122 0.13925 0.74623 0.69366 0.92268 0.67641 0.96483 0.73162 0.26324 0.47295 0.13822 0.13632 0.9 0.58772 0.03274 0.80302 0.4295 0.96342 0.49951 0.4255 0.17997 0.16985 0.06562 0.5308 0.14579 0.89467 0.68201 0.35335 0.45868 0.38092 0.63873 0.08555 0.07459 0.72283 0.77397 0.70768 0.79918 0.03217 0.62406 0.9549 0.1247 0.62187 0.58594 0.06566 0.08556 0.77564 0.90903 0.29307 0.2467 0.36322 0.84698 0.24428 0.40198 0.59563 0.73455 0.70185 0.31539 0.37734 0.25497 0.85635 0.67495 0.80568 0.10469 0.74631 0.10531 0.9497 0.04672 0.08052 0.47789 0.09137 0.01909 0.32384 0.6892 0.04444 0.31607 0.98212 0.02069 0.47 0.74244 0.93483 0.85859 0.2939 0.26004 0.84224 0.52251 0.37789 0.71489 0.34579 0.14686 0.97021 0.99872 0.75154 0.9154 0.26 0.84226 0.88109 0.60484 0.2167 0.19861 0.95567 0.79905 0.52608 0.87722 0.22245 0.56557 0.99969 0.32615 0.96844 0.82946 0.68183 0.86762 0.6535 0.06812 0.73884 0.71413 0.26143 0.78682 0.71288 0.08597 0.17739 0.46259 0.89224 0.82671 0.2239 0.73556 0.62686 0.37224 0.26092 0.33723 0.77511 0.88283 0.77024 0.80963 0.11325 0.39172 0.27536 0.59341 0.67236 0.31053 0.32676
+0.81108 0.04529 0.35891 0.60367 0.44084 0.72118 0.07143 0.89339 0.80729 0.19588 0.26297 0.07632 0.7306 0.22466 0.09705 0.91654 0.42055 0.01126 0.22262 0.74565 0.38121 0.49594 0.11453 0.37749 0.17108 0.78855 0.10032 0.8318 0.59257 0.1592 0.02477 0.71189 0.68323 0.67948 0.41244 0.4459 0.7098 0.9679 0.08155 0.28873 0.89939 0.1677 0.31116 0.47008 0.33911 0.45694 0.04005 0.08538 0.24104 0.65665 0.40253 0.57691 0.94211 0.84062 0.82292 0.88286 0.25611 0.41518 0.13574 0.5089 0.42666 0.92651 0.01928 0.13895 0.45077 0.52792 0.8542 0.39441 0.98702 0.82107 0.22842 0.19042 0.22895 0.36455 0.75303 0.79471 0.3227 0.33384 0.33383 0.93108 0.84588 0.54766 0.42183 0.13278 0.9171 0.13548 0.87544 0.58333 0.69942 0.56184 0.03786 0.06384 0.59026 0.49162 0.56451 0.57709 0.21712 0.48616 0.52503 0.57418 0.00227 0.55215 0.35227 0.91272 0.95829 0.14094 0.59617 0.60441 0.94929 0.93448 0.32922 0.23014 0.72189 0.57922 0.70109 0.38215 0.34726 0.85244 0.20679 0.24274 0.70957 0.48236 0.3146 0.28011 0.00745 0.00281 0.47222 0.1759 0.26222 0.0447 0.35676 0.84147 0.72432 0.09696 0.07434 0.39689 0.75277 0.35701 0.72653 0.60552 0.38071 0.53852 0.49252 0.74036 0.63599 0.70935 0.06488 0.42295 0.83279 0.37905 0.78955 0.70332 0.05702 0.57095 0.34966 0.25181 0.84366 0.76605 0.9691 0.71403 0.61236 0.96362 0.35223 0.72533 0.32259 0.28344 0.99455 0.26691 0.17778 0.88098 0.85712 0.65335 0.31638 0.04962 0.42178 0.76865 0.7166 0.45879 0.40099 0.67203 0.99135 0.28581 0.73103 0.06506 0.60879 0.19877 0.9533 0.61453 0.6755 0.76827 0.01748 0.43781 0.73184 0.8221 0.35342 0.67564 0.17592 0.67145 0.44209 0.67332 0.58689 0.78845 0.52518 0.31684 0.02943 0.64515 0.58821 0.85037 0.91951 0.73286 0.24814 0.23696 0.57895 0.49017 0.43862 0.22512 0.31849 0.04251 0.70308 0.33997 0.37984 0.67929 0.47786 0.15474 0.39273 0.8783 0.6817 0.91474 0.75067 0.17374 0.56587 0.28632 0.01505 0.63932 0.63939 0.31124 0.14511 0.7699 0.08571 0.30669 0.69672 0.81123 0.52675 0.55822 0.10584 0.34059 0.24895 0.77213 0.95989 0.21374 0.3496 0.01541 0.7495 0.07212 0.2268 0.09989 0.60654 0.29303 0.17681 0.51031 0.49848 0.35755 0.91598 0.2041 0.66556 0.85542 0.07028 0.066 0.07643 0.61065 0.52213 0.58795 0.55805 0.02615 0.15609 0.58084 0.75826 0.17046 0.76917 0.01021 0.75089 0.48674 0.79692 0.84198 0.0649 0.22189 0.23056 0.32455 0.86545 0.56598 0.08659 0.45166 0.07634 0.37099 0.77951 0.9052 0.28417 0.08493 0.74635 0.82286 0.48183 0.99359 0.01187 0.23456 0.3727 0.11148 0.04915 0.64155 0.60529 0.27203 0.25588 0.42777 0.79488 0.36171 0.09789 0.79587 0.20712 0.3625 0.27984 0.10909 0.5584 0.99535 0.90399 0.80416 0.93906 0.17341 0.07461 0.49359 0.1801 0.86722 0.00833 0.96179 0.02755 0.61781 0.33259 0.51606 0.54674 0.37345 0.90362 0.80326 0.51007 0.27308 0.48885 0.03183 0.58627 0.08675 0.1582 0.76526 0.43488 0.96156 0.01956 0.09011 0.57386 0.2452 0.43659 0.77639 0.44627 0.38374 0.95192 0.61187 0.8733 0.19103 0.96786 0.50074 0.77211 0.17257 0.55602 0.16935 0.28169 0.18231 0.18561 0.46958 0.38126 0.63665 0.83964 0.47697 0.14109 0.82012 0.09139 0.01232 0.56993 0.29959 0.30638 0.94381 0.80239 0.66417 0.00617 0.01015 0.05929 0.32324 0.36319 0.52944 0.65999 0.53368 0.341 0.03041 0.91496 0.24236 0.10857 0.8834 0.91188 0.21752 0.88721 0.18925 0.744 0.15779 0.93353 0.01396 0.37569 0.56141 0.13224 0.47049 0.7627 0.10787 0.89476 0.63592 0.04975 0.19514 0.02243 0.01225 0.46285 0.24676 0.27906 0.46479 0.68423 0.53851 0.619 0.64765 0.33852 0.9345 0.23845 0.37624 0.3953 0.16798 0.64392 0.71428 0.94388 0.44766 0.34583 0.20302 0.61698 0.38807 0.21706 0.31938 0.22591 0.49004 0.06735 0.9689 0.88983 0.06598 0.92763 0.4913 0.67899 0.60586 0.9353 0.98579 0.4519 0.88637 0.34446 0.21418 0.0232 0.68008 0.87323 0.65831 0.03081 0.91213 0.81429 0.31785 0.258 0.03288 0.83483 0.8216 0.0756 0.3731 0.88856 0.6651 0.69996 0.7758 0.28784 0.96562 0.00427 0.14325 0.36483 0.06378 0.60282 0.06511 0.7626 0.76448 0.86745 0.92974 0.74806 0.111 0.91136 0.13743 0.35207 0.91191 0.97789 0.55933 0.63778 0.45248 0.86462 0.50945 0.72494 0.54521 0.38579 0.7368 0.59308 0.60833 0.82788 0.34409 0.1752 0.07624
+0.76927 0.35001 0.6174 0.66072 0.74037 0.73615 0.00381 0.87245 0.73037 0.91006 0.00899 0.40445 0.94141 0.27054 0.90796 0.47587 0.17704 0.48833 0.24222 0.17956 0.69713 0.90712 0.0415 0.01113 0.69338 0.97614 0.65008 0.66928 0.42099 0.60617 0.08311 0.96421 0.15636 0.75559 0.30077 0.47982 0.67608 0.35085 0.79481 0.08832 0.8614 0.68481 0.18772 0.79853 0.982 0.4311 0.8636 0.8451 0.33553 0.78873 0.29781 0.2195 0.16196 0.34831 0.59168 0.35108 0.9462 0.322 0.4864 0.02933 0.39019 0.05041 0.09188 0.96083 0.77642 0.06457 0.72897 0.88348 0.77838 0.89665 0.16425 0.62776 0.21533 0.52902 0.28548 0.3036 0.50961 0.46151 0.54959 0.14327 0.1645 0.12704 0.33048 0.36124 0.7756 0.32882 0.00011 0.03198 0.33059 0.19513 0.20289 0.17857 0.39573 0.67908 0.92162 0.49865 0.45158 0.48248 0.96075 0.26695 0.77326 0.74894 0.05438 0.81772 0.68645 0.42587 0.0491 0.446 0.40989 0.18592 0.69214 0.38591 0.79171 0.47524 0.50786 0.8989 0.10697 0.86113 0.3926 0.80205 0.33841 0.11078 0.82108 0.66133 0.45308 0.8398 0.59306 0.85911 0.60088 0.41755 0.57261 0.46423 0.22542 0.7665 0.24766 0.99197 0.64919 0.36198 0.81683 0.85809 0.66526 0.93061 0.52176 0.3513 0.56769 0.63094 0.32577 0.67604 0.48475 0.41116 0.6045 0.19233 0.72644 0.90617 0.13239 0.40496 0.78303 0.607 0.27019 0.48947 0.81425 0.64655 0.49186 0.65931 0.13002 0.12504 0.01329 0.32721 0.52537 0.47503 0.86073 0.70494 0.31771 0.72284 0.15195 0.77695 0.68012 0.09779 0.90046 0.9717 0.97075 0.99735 0.13186 0.92584 0.57367 0.9578 0.53421 0.09733 0.39044 0.1498 0.79438 0.36005 0.23439 0.0713 0.12389 0.40336 0.01643 0.10583 0.36527 0.88605 0.49255 0.1381 0.38031 0.95377 0.70805 0.95649 0.30391 0.37749 0.3764 0.58296 0.85232 0.23576 0.74786 0.56148 0.18489 0.01706 0.62413 0.52604 0.10437 0.4846 0.89399 0.31821 0.25972 0.51086 0.34004 0.10601 0.81008 0.70804 0.85149 0.16454 0.28097 0.20531 0.57947 0.07204 0.01669 0.1291 0.28596 0.453 0.36644 0.85175 0.21352 0.00459 0.7076 0.45879 0.52424 0.6396 0.79321 0.36879 0.40905 0.19622 0.07696 0.38768 0.19757 0.47873 0.82939 0.09812 0.89475 0.64573 0.97682 0.04219 0.65557 0.42269 0.53533 0.90094 0.90254 0.74311 0.31534 0.67691 0.46669 0.20062 0.10351 0.53376 0.04107 0.43144 0.30142 0.26428 0.67501 0.35206 0.43343 0.84163 0.67702 0.07463 0.07346 0.10555 0.88687 0.24447 0.27123 0.17749 0.63198 0.83931 0.69057 0.3383 0.60489 0.72768 0.6229 0.74267 0.87019 0.92813 0.20056 0.58367 0.41001 0.91839 0.58675 0.91449 0.20672 0.11064 0.10561 0.37631 0.96037 0.19876 0.78925 0.61943 0.1413 0.73857 0.34579 0.69792 0.6069 0.13619 0.14016 0.01702 0.95299 0.73854 0.41146 0.62542 0.78688 0.9824 0.977 0.70935 0.59954 0.38625 0.35657 0.28968 0.66401 0.35467 0.21627 0.86896 0.5978 0.4279 0.07744 0.60848 0.3533 0.57242 0.79065 0.17392 0.72275 0.11832 0.8855 0.33333 0.08743 0.42306 0.92634 0.29624 0.3576 0.22413 0.54994 0.47158 0.09378 0.78948 0.56773 0.84375 0.26282 0.08044 0.17758 0.69828 0.03245 0.9576 0.61193 0.66037 0.3306 0.75069 0.92592 0.66699 0.60874 0.79265 0.94264 0.13957 0.49951 0.26757 0.22511 0.00842 0.91763 0.43735 0.47452 0.80119 0.65826 0.12681 0.32509 0.80811 0.24386 0.8333 0.37405 0.36229 0.12071 0.60496 0.63773 0.87269 0.99961 0.82597 0.91261 0.74624 0.8193 0.85197 0.84622 0.16481 0.55566 0.07585 0.24069 0.95938 0.835 0.21131 0.14045 0.5758 0.59506 0.92044 0.95627 0.41958 0.74903 0.79822 0.9881 0.23159 0.25215 0.18446 0.04607 0.49179 0.19209 0.22533 0.16312 0.42099 0.4594 0.88222 0.04822 0.45574 0.90091 0.95135 0.90401 0.27903 0.31701 0.09289 0.35471 0.29755 0.67134 0.14273 0.8308 0.78977 0.78982 0.01919 0.53338 0.10065 0.58932 0.47928 0.62521 0.4086 0.47471 0.33754 0.06314 0.59139 0.33155 0.67338 0.39816 0.16241 0.5356 0.27103 0.59695 0.14617 0.25539 0.13722 0.34117 0.51755 0.42631 0.41516 0.74073 0.15367 0.9978 0.37106 0.65635 0.83058 0.7333 0.3364 0.64074 0.88458 0.46952 0.28841 0.78015 0.84392 0.08688 0.01922 0.23671 0.92219 0.41876 0.26648 0.42076 0.27151 0.19784 0.02094 0.42952 0.95592 0.25742 0.81692 0.60522 0.44566 0.09502 0.15727 0.13006 0.01905 0.73552 0.29921 0.29347 0.28282 0.59814 0.01225 0.61361 0.50095
+0.79117 0.32024 0.4533 0.45458 0.74345 0.02872 0.45241 0.08087 0.13706 0.74878 0.51686 0.46288 0.06243 0.53201 0.5628 0.8065 0.00584 0.37467 0.81889 0.8439 0.83295 0.20114 0.92754 0.05707 0.0473 0.0712 0.16133 0.12863 0.65745 0.12804 0.19956 0.35512 0.48226 0.09442 0.13979 0.14721 0.40935 0.94825 0.28044 0.72898 0.70783 0.95296 0.75123 0.60662 0.1129 0.56778 0.9059 0.81472 0.30813 0.69531 0.86244 0.84938 0.89448 0.21006 0.23963 0.28064 0.44664 0.79014 0.5537 0.13904 0.79831 0.08557 0.47144 0.6645 0.61024 0.48832 0.37393 0.56685 0.60557 0.85891 0.70521 0.36964 0.10428 0.47929 0.21308 0.11832 0.11585 0.37058 0.53421 0.72124 0.91523 0.36386 0.61976 0.92035 0.13101 0.99824 0.96554 0.74893 0.12049 0.46651 0.17889 0.01821 0.48817 0.27327 0.97267 0.46686 0.67022 0.17776 0.09732 0.9529 0.93926 0.45036 0.42491 0.77557 0.42952 0.83969 0.54625 0.20309 0.79081 0.22468 0.71945 0.17389 0.10364 0.48704 0.87815 0.0428 0.17195 0.28713 0.79246 0.47607 0.28066 0.77443 0.78514 0.60763 0.92347 0.18821 0.94968 0.14887 0.52952 0.08586 0.07638 0.9911 0.73787 0.29924 0.75569 0.76351 0.28686 0.48082 0.74299 0.77719 0.41527 0.6647 0.46645 0.1131 0.59254 0.81272 0.39493 0.97513 0.48268 0.0641 0.46015 0.727 0.33531 0.80543 0.32806 0.73749 0.45533 0.80791 0.01012 0.66588 0.81228 0.64678 0.69001 0.00792 0.50737 0.23142 0.27207 0.69543 0.10052 0.24903 0.68902 0.01408 0.90411 0.1127 0.71898 0.66104 0.1854 0.13818 0.53422 0.61033 0.02527 0.76531 0.63539 0.8429 0.0906 0.6154 0.72076 0.30597 0.58819 0.93619 0.08836 0.0612 0.76389 0.67361 0.60893 0.07914 0.45814 0.33528 0.79222 0.7113 0.80281 0.86087 0.60317 0.98496 0.63005 0.59215 0.70165 0.39088 0.52644 0.52572 0.4166 0.33404 0.71239 0.04363 0.95253 0.66083 0.46448 0.11845 0.31877 0.86225 0.19676 0.74648 0.01432 0.06791 0.89052 0.03596 0.22899 0.89577 0.576 0.33737 0.74519 0.25003 0.68224 0.96034 0.05299 0.53949 0.15833 0.48883 0.98991 0.59242 0.80628 0.16918 0.73491 0.35236 0.17936 0.69362 0.35985 0.69006 0.77284 0.78933 0.49734 0.64283 0.5487 0.1715 0.39225 0.44321 0.79109 0.47039 0.185 0.15692 0.64213 0.15338 0.6258 0.60828 0.94183 0.20982 0.84921 0.49138 0.59775 0.65633 0.51665 0.37775 0.94794 0.08729 0.72895 0.62752 0.81443 0.34879 0.35523 0.01689 0.71382 0.56804 0.97654 0.51887 0.35194 0.76803 0.98927 0.70308 0.68199 0.88036 0.01738 0.5938 0.01621 0.31067 0.27648 0.63372 0.6534 0.80311 0.28119 0.10619 0.83918 0.55252 0.64781 0.73289 0.08936 0.10598 0.54779 0.80183 0.32059 0.78869 0.05084 0.35502 0.25643 0.43831 0.29317 0.3944 0.91705 0.0795 0.84216 0.4103 0.49756 0.13461 0.6759 0.61197 0.00136 0.02736 0.75923 0.13761 0.65288 0.71627 0.8683 0.21874 0.87628 0.05788 0.87582 0.55347 0.0287 0.48402 0.05934 0.90648 0.816 0.22388 0.22274 0.63357 0.67258 0.56253 0.0042 0.84525 0.4132 0.92462 0.30482 0.64654 0.14854 0.97747 0.8213 0.24261 0.77408 0.90293 0.54824 0.21164 0.43137 0.94823 0.77014 0.55565 0.90468 0.55108 0.52333 0.71002 0.81893 0.42102 0.05511 0.43066 0.01932 0.15136 0.60244 0.84384 0.97919 0.10631 0.9874 0.9291 0.15023 0.36334 0.52711 0.43225 0.98295 0.61329 0.26486 0.1464 0.85515 0.74536 0.74987 0.3401 0.76227 0.13917 0.61311 0.57275 0.64861 0.74944 0.21918 0.75659 0.47543 0.9691 0.29042 0.08559 0.61901 0.40023 0.04497 0.62876 0.82953 0.48546 0.59499 0.04479 0.15582 0.78189 0.23848 0.90208 0.59441 0.69849 0.64171 0.27174 0.33251 0.46468 0.45823 0.24428 0.21208 0.47951 0.84187 0.55678 0.53693 0.78853 0.07352 0.92889 0.07637 0.08796 0.70075 0.40751 0.43598 0.94048 0.80196 0.62932 0.01909 0.0508 0.54493 0.25383 0.40651 0.36796 0.17131 0.36445 0.1579 0.4759 0.03938 0.54702 0.1895 0.58175 0.35834 0.76584 0.71323 0.55254 0.78506 0.74912 0.07249 0.7336 0.1239 0.05927 0.24738 0.57703 0.49025 0.7439 0.17399 0.47819 0.54862 0.70989 0.71288 0.33529 0.98051 0.97282 0.19624 0.15668 0.78492 0.39526 0.87692 0.71569 0.55742 0.79805 0.6222 0.74278 0.28211 0.2287 0.07578 0.10487 0.86509 0.62288 0.77701 0.78991 0.96558 0.34451 0.92674 0.22258 0.94417 0.33632 0.98798 0.33841 0.78398 0.58786 0.07302 0.33051 0.8939 0.41348 0.60383 0.56162 0.62566 0.6039
+0.74191 0.19326 0.01725 0.16238 0.65177 0.9641 0.27347 0.81456 0.04972 0.8329 0.5963 0.31707 0.88221 0.92322 0.30711 0.96638 0.11034 0.16777 0.08285 0.70184 0.88094 0.35102 0.4212 0.70909 0.50658 0.2333 0.50496 0.30437 0.2483 0.07215 0.14717 0.36948 0.4611 0.02004 0.46521 0.39442 0.67921 0.82602 0.49625 0.58644 0.41027 0.05778 0.24292 0.63576 0.09681 0.44709 0.29164 0.3857 0.45459 0.80068 0.78586 0.246 0.08182 0.81546 0.56824 0.41774 0.92389 0.64503 0.60781 0.0962 0.2139 0.47778 0.95803 0.45 0.70993 0.3702 0.09517 0.7911 0.73263 0.98364 0.60899 0.72367 0.18393 0.08873 0.47893 0.29922 0.82008 0.60504 0.74136 0.59842 0.50406 0.47727 0.83958 0.59896 0.53342 0.13796 0.5805 0.62573 0.79305 0.29749 0.2685 0.27942 0.39376 0.25949 0.40524 0.40688 0.09481 0.23444 0.84713 0.69363 0.81449 0.00044 0.82703 0.24251 0.75187 0.33321 0.61135 0.06905 0.51911 0.24102 0.69968 0.78205 0.83644 0.67883 0.22289 0.09254 0.53836 0.4117 0.34415 0.12967 0.94692 0.38218 0.35592 0.55425 0.92064 0.60675 0.35864 0.92411 0.62115 0.5292 0.65491 0.89687 0.50021 0.04152 0.80931 0.93025 0.0953 0.46579 0.5153 0.03176 0.74356 0.57997 0.86236 0.77968 0.50603 0.19157 0.0986 0.42299 0.37218 0.94104 0.77373 0.65326 0.32596 0.07468 0.44277 0.27117 0.64485 0.55255 0.83251 0.33942 0.77621 0.31267 0.53073 0.48567 0.81281 0.42839 0.49435 0.80811 0.2555 0.3888 0.41275 0.14873 0.47067 0.40119 0.26973 0.82441 0.7269 0.20086 0.1662 0.82201 0.74046 0.15095 0.24379 0.60611 0.5129 0.3758 0.11296 0.41311 0.99528 0.85814 0.98317 0.70117 0.30942 0.28446 0.45845 0.13584 0.38345 0.70007 0.24943 0.25877 0.74998 0.23203 0.95698 0.34353 0.60914 0.69655 0.71676 0.69513 0.48593 0.29955 0.69523 0.8856 0.0032 0.9183 0.5587 0.93447 0.27211 0.73514 0.03465 0.94119 0.99063 0.19885 0.92601 0.63054 0.22948 0.48449 0.94634 0.68047 0.59118 0.75983 0.68881 0.81781 0.05262 0.7854 0.60576 0.51741 0.00737 0.03466 0.41863 0.64335 0.00789 0.48038 0.79367 0.2305 0.21193 0.99283 0.49931 0.22068 0.43843 0.04057 0.58616 0.48107 0.57399 0.76897 0.83446 0.08569 0.86781 0.62673 0.15182 0.69138 0.38886 0.44059 0.21452 0.52924 0.17303 0.1448 0.46317 0.11519 0.38564 0.37638 0.61237 0.70348 0.37351 0.49802 0.22969 0.02124 0.84772 0.09382 0.47764 0.70883 0.96863 0.24252 0.35963 0.28804 0.20758 0.07702 0.93113 0.71182 0.84102 0.87393 0.23851 0.33879 0.37318 0.92774 0.1861 0.53335 0.86481 0.86897 0.42891 0.76629 0.72345 0.18757 0.87092 0.71029 0.02937 0.43707 0.43496 0.11193 0.72657 0.34705 0.46478 0.51446 0.48896 0.68527 0.71433 0.95561 0.27922 0.37854 0.21761 0.91773 0.66383 0.76195 0.50183 0.64947 0.10663 0.30325 0.01666 0.44805 0.20994 0.1612 0.09047 0.68209 0.71928 0.06636 0.55208 0.66271 0.819 0.14866 0.48307 0.85917 0.73265 0.01188 0.37535 0.68835 0.66698 0.71258 0.3536 0.66911 0.05062 0.85023 0.15184 0.98495 0.75123 0.67591 0.51193 0.60153 0.32295 0.15911 0.04924 0.0847 0.99429 0.85004 0.54782 0.81294 0.47684 0.36774 0.48717 0.50204 0.76628 0.19092 0.24993 0.43022 0.05 0.22817 0.10469 0.96951 0.30521 0.16115 0.17088 0.05825 0.95567 0.69918 0.96224 0.68764 0.49114 0.40399 0.93787 0.57894 0.28884 0.97224 0.23755 0.83167 0.12837 0.06408 0.34255 0.39222 0.31653 0.39472 0.09762 0.89044 0.06039 0.32827 0.93859 0.4044 0.99391 0.14972 0.85108 0.26716 0.96348 0.68039 0.90368 0.71557 0.33281 0.45122 0.73804 0.15967 0.14097 0.15545 0.8883 0.63332 0.2356 0.39728 0.29327 0.60545 0.32053 0.2977 0.3621 0.81288 0.56489 0.62074 0.97145 0.20065 0.97506 0.39652 0.30042 0.59974 0.29801 0.02725 0.71097 0.67514 0.07744 0.11382 0.36085 0.34376 0.53504 0.0297 0.2315 0.38835 0.21317 0.68939 0.22619 0.24833 0.71752 0.76587 0.85808 0.87995 0.51928 0.33279 0.41018 0.79111 0.61139 0.3026 0.91141 0.18019 0.8469 0.58982 0.11659 0.09801 0.16869 0.01007 0.45386 0.27081 0.80221 0.75245 0.19155 0.01474 0.88848 0.84002 0.96305 0.93412 0.30706 0.16072 0.11342 0.77626 0.4507 0.76309 0.25732 0.32951 0.12293 0.55046 0.29137 0.84182 0.43837 0.24909 0.84447 0.14465 0.14439 0.19421 0.93911 0.63793 0.87885 0.49852 0.80276 0.72364 0.31908 0.57467 0.91651 0.60671 0.73493 0.31287 0.54912 0.3954
+0.22841 0.2799 0.89012 0.87 0.78327 0.01693 0.89263 0.82108 0.07681 0.25731 0.02241 0.41197 0.78901 0.04575 0.78969 0.25984 0.49568 0.0583 0.27578 0.45822 0.44942 0.30436 0.40341 0.09291 0.92003 0.75913 0.71615 0.99125 0.2601 0.40314 0.48066 0.67734 0.52497 0.60541 0.17969 0.47478 0.52881 0.05181 0.70784 0.23555 0.27775 0.2638 0.72726 0.00018 0.48166 0.23358 0.51325 0.49357 0.35443 0.93006 0.58672 0.68778 0.73233 0.97728 0.94884 0.39374 0.19637 0.8188 0.04379 0.6338 0.77585 0.8058 0.51413 0.66429 0.24584 0.0966 0.95129 0.05059 0.04293 0.94598 0.94655 0.34075 0.40587 0.23412 0.38221 0.30842 0.71719 0.89366 0.63351 0.09682 0.43539 0.17803 0.27948 0.87337 0.65233 0.09958 0.00496 0.40839 0.45052 0.54785 0.06857 0.50624 0.05962 0.36143 0.81426 0.26416 0.05111 0.13253 0.52802 0.27568 0.99786 0.25271 0.79161 0.37106 0.90559 0.56585 0.65023 0.70291 0.53844 0.15549 0.17018 0.18931 0.81521 0.22688 0.60528 0.65777 0.30861 0.3864 0.34614 0.8898 0.37577 0.32419 0.3105 0.98213 0.31853 0.03618 0.29702 0.81766 0.43316 0.18144 0.31504 0.08798 0.95859 0.78533 0.15522 0.35335 0.45908 0.25747 0.87761 0.3628 0.86466 0.57652 0.21038 0.24072 0.84107 0.547 0.01146 0.05335 0.37055 0.4463 0.63959 0.14135 0.40117 0.52675 0.83342 0.55529 0.72704 0.84484 0.49307 0.54156 0.22288 0.09364 0.15927 0.10904 0.5692 0.40574 0.79152 0.14239 0.14027 0.44272 0.23466 0.78579 0.184 0.4458 0.0792 0.1373 0.19161 0.49146 0.85668 0.65043 0.39259 0.0666 0.81816 0.19044 0.27584 0.3382 0.47283 0.66976 0.38052 0.72857 0.92469 0.23352 0.35697 0.15652 0.53074 0.11212 0.86116 0.80869 0.61158 0.63594 0.46072 0.96034 0.90843 0.56293 0.24779 0.10167 0.32167 0.03666 0.28265 0.76314 0.46866 0.74042 0.58331 0.93811 0.54712 0.78489 0.69393 0.7349 0.69321 0.30305 0.83792 0.65962 0.17859 0.10548 0.97148 0.85596 0.24133 0.38392 0.17872 0.01645 0.30373 0.5909 0.33206 0.66646 0.29998 0.78327 0.33521 0.81967 0.19526 0.88777 0.404 0.41775 0.96896 0.95337 0.48997 0.50031 0.3088 0.48771 0.27941 0.64804 0.93289 0.51243 0.07812 0.36785 0.63169 0.14737 0.41092 0.83832 0.66979 0.87797 0.34398 0.75866 0.80838 0.44071 0.25905 0.11602 0.99613 0.07674 0.03694 0.58481 0.996 0.37868 0.79736 0.49297 0.6579 0.43197 0.68776 0.80116 0.89917 0.78356 0.10838 0.95063 0.5513 0.48997 0.08612 0.5335 0.95024 0.19017 0.73175 0.68503 0.41556 0.54046 0.34593 0.64578 0.1374 0.51923 0.49431 0.91946 0.90583 0.1952 0.62455 0.92377 0.63801 0.29792 0.38039 0.7853 0.17416 0.50333 0.58247 0.36837 0.7754 0.04134 0.09448 0.03964 0.19717 0.84963 0.73512 0.78589 0.64183 0.20625 0.14981 0.97344 0.07835 0.16062 0.42588 0.12351 0.23284 0.55999 0.62661 0.23002 0.7708 0.7722 0.00454 0.85686 0.84145 0.93413 0.35268 0.24421 0.81986 0.38761 0.30153 0.39648 0.59124 0.0659 0.752 0.34004 0.74546 0.66805 0.26852 0.02876 0.10593 0.42821 0.37441 0.48946 0.07292 0.62651 0.87415 0.61383 0.30526 0.26802 0.83378 0.03628 0.46288 0.36016 0.50449 0.74739 0.48852 0.81996 0.37699 0.72195 0.99763 0.70029 0.05938 0.422 0.1656 0.4346 0.55716 0.04433 0.36129 0.04198 0.05702 0.76801 0.85578 0.9209 0.01722 0.38073 0.10075 0.06815 0.4069 0.64513 0.66971 0.34287 0.29286 0.26443 0.79398 0.12228 0.01737 0.52222 0.59514 0.62766 0.50928 0.24176 0.00735 0.62449 0.35118 0.39948 0.40672 0.58067 0.58171 0.41145 0.14701 0.98707 0.81044 0.04456 0.81922 0.16246 0.37849 0.88571 0.16074 0.01623 0.75411 0.40818 0.8728 0.9414 0.74689 0.31124 0.40183 0.5756 0.61317 0.32689 0.31269 0.34713 0.94227 0.60258 0.01664 0.14524 0.47326 0.10842 0.77119 0.26973 0.35026 0.00714 0.14319 0.74029 0.47969 0.73689 0.85903 0.122 0.57353 0.89387 0.11197 0.87219 0.65457 0.11552 0.09777 0.91482 0.34649 0.6129 0.47224 0.23415 0.47888 0.2386 0.95904 0.1247 0.62041 0.8753 0.52932 0.78353 0.46516 0.27818 0.49433 0.25064 0.91946 0.17199 0.91875 0.47034 0.61305 0.01108 0.04916 0.86476 0.50638 0.03547 0.00211 0.56801 0.98291 0.61503 0.92243 0.45941 0.95037 0.21232 0.5771 0.69829 0.22429 0.30308 0.94967 0.75666 0.51958 0.54983 0.80428 0.27294 0.4254 0.77984 0.00785 0.35866 0.06245 0.15729 0.57207 0.80753 0.06984 0.14499 0.71387 0.88282
+0.48529 0.84929 0.92258 0.89448 0.15681 0.7349 0.44694 0.86661 0.42408 0.45881 0.49726 0.01951 0.07568 0.11295 0.08694 0.02931 0.36917 0.03541 0.25592 0.44605 0.49266 0.27796 0.16462 0.61039 0.66715 0.61748 0.36752 0.07075 0.5249 0.91628 0.08503 0.39681 0.29424 0.71195 0.43301 0.91604 0.99738 0.2797 0.55182 0.01166 0.47293 0.82201 0.57721 0.92219 0.70592 0.90756 0.33375 0.09387 0.26935 0.28017 0.91396 0.8606 0.45441 0.67513 0.9635 0.69302 0.76451 0.17899 0.62316 0.44925 0.63154 0.26021 0.88348 0.96804 0.98 0.51862 0.62248 0.02538 0.90923 0.79939 0.34452 0.00096 0.50567 0.83068 0.1411 0.75359 0.30684 0.50753 0.45144 0.32344 0.20404 0.54317 0.20329 0.88516 0.28404 0.64435 0.9576 0.73569 0.56007 0.33489 0.48053 0.4917 0.85938 0.10301 0.86582 0.63954 0.2165 0.88716 0.24632 0.53633 0.97985 0.81339 0.56193 0.0562 0.84466 0.06013 0.82581 0.91605 0.80391 0.70439 0.33713 0.78449 0.57357 0.82647 0.41982 0.54443 0.42593 0.61095 0.52791 0.14832 0.97351 0.58547 0.89825 0.43246 0.87907 0.53544 0.5876 0.18072 0.18279 0.63173 0.24279 0.76697 0.67988 0.05311 0.57962 0.30346 0.89713 0.09368 0.39428 0.50171 0.68211 0.56807 0.57686 0.31096 0.03736 0.69722 0.69462 0.94508 0.78735 0.24515 0.50528 0.6734 0.39892 0.15834 0.79182 0.74106 0.77408 0.3937 0.75684 0.67839 0.80403 0.34915 0.67732 0.62756 0.30857 0.99634 0.93061 0.83939 0.4533 0.90116 0.1533 0.69501 0.20248 0.31824 0.24334 0.39836 0.90454 0.65742 0.51786 0.02019 0.66695 0.67055 0.65661 0.55357 0.55252 0.09346 0.47943 0.51036 0.25833 0.7806 0.3556 0.32074 0.53696 0.45189 0.39646 0.95745 0.0623 0.43635 0.53468 0.08572 0.0326 0.01296 0.53634 0.10635 0.5883 0.82364 0.59561 0.74333 0.63467 0.4658 0.0184 0.1182 0.05829 0.4753 0.13718 0.80615 0.41974 0.43032 0.82992 0.1084 0.22788 0.34656 0.92191 0.74556 0.83176 0.69015 0.06833 0.17525 0.4759 0.28963 0.8514 0.13493 0.42537 0.85087 0.95151 0.40864 0.364 0.61914 0.34675 0.8555 0.306 0.77115 0.7668 0.4424 0.02841 0.17245 0.80929 0.38466 0.46309 0.17165 0.73295 0.54258 0.2308 0.13031 0.61458 0.33434 0.15799 0.93958 0.33131 0.50154 0.76443 0.07064 0.37659 0.30686 0.015 0.81582 0.0937 0.80879 0.83171 0.46463 0.63148 0.87654 0.2052 0.24947 0.81331 0.13362 0.15712 0.73722 0.35712 0.14262 0.54155 0.44724 0.53303 0.66195 0.81339 0.06379 0.51594 0.26506 0.55563 0.67814 0.81608 0.67027 0.57569 0.93047 0.70416 0.4307 0.31022 0.01606 0.70665 0.80516 0.62724 0.62557 0.08245 0.15279 0.8406 0.22037 0.80984 0.9742 0.59545 0.59419 0.79825 0.03573 0.11511 0.0159 0.04582 0.44881 0.3746 0.08243 0.30118 0.09527 0.41049 0.62198 0.82739 0.81187 0.06147 0.21477 0.52143 0.71071 0.72745 0.38504 0.97577 0.25452 0.58617 0.35715 0.61099 0.28251 0.86596 0.87978 0.39575 0.64122 0.49425 0.09086 0.49794 0.52615 0.20383 0.10253 0.01396 0.29342 0.17368 0.91922 0.31007 0.05395 0.56883 0.07794 0.39417 0.00447 0.01596 0.34932 0.80414 0.49291 0.64687 0.70795 0.74483 0.20284 0.91623 0.70645 0.07456 0.59687 0.84988 0.05089 0.51696 0.63835 0.48879 0.8325 0.59292 0.5219 0.52864 0.4517 0.48344 0.44522 0.83133 0.67452 0.62525 0.04246 0.55128 0.74623 0.75795 0.66163 0.861 0.0305 0.94208 0.72752 0.53826 0.01815 0.32652 0.04871 0.14343 0.57433 0.92989 0.86074 0.16483 0.17281 0.44967 0.17084 0.77299 0.69555 0.20822 0.32268 0.36358 0.52431 0.45541 0.54536 0.91911 0.16035 0.21352 0.94864 0.97511 0.52707 0.99414 0.81645 0.99011 0.61479 0.21532 0.24051 0.61359 0.19207 0.88227 0.8411 0.91947 0.27932 0.56391 0.80263 0.72645 0.39475 0.20763 0.38932 0.5352 0.63918 0.37644 0.93164 0.49795 0.69475 0.89135 0.23675 0.04642 0.86009 0.56684 0.20033 0.8004 0.65069 0.34726 0.7808 0.71766 0.9273 0.69845 0.59279 0.78763 0.61301 0.91518 0.29154 0.78885 0.33083 0.0354 0.0503 0.92169 0.52573 0.47458 0.27153 0.85772 0.23679 0.12058 0.10823 0.80909 0.92526 0.56374 0.83261 0.40931 0.08554 0.11492 0.54705 0.9386 0.39547 0.1147 0.20167 0.53429 0.43741 0.5901 0.59627 0.69525 0.42816 0.20248 0.50225 0.32114 0.41413 0.87666 0.87105 0.64068 0.21652 0.94995 0.93073 0.53228 0.66433 0.58472 0.5991 0.18946 0.69414 0.51762 0.53859 0.71866 0.86468 0.65271 0.4688
+0.34943 0.93277 0.08821 0.98467 0.44573 0.10059 0.65251 0.95184 0.79167 0.34156 0.92869 0.64889 0.28533 0.69107 0.67542 0.70328 0.33049 0.09958 0.10404 0.76159 0.66142 0.00015 0.75539 0.60836 0.23376 0.01596 0.1051 0.37846 0.38808 0.55566 0.76241 0.12614 0.26806 0.07375 0.09891 0.64043 0.30446 0.10102 0.16093 0.25111 0.90467 0.84903 0.46111 0.49484 0.18457 0.76562 0.12045 0.34458 0.50786 0.05238 0.96539 0.04675 0.61095 0.55572 0.53139 0.96927 0.56409 0.44429 0.88744 0.42248 0.76793 0.78645 0.96801 0.12513 0.19617 0.64481 0.53439 0.49892 0.44711 0.83873 0.16195 0.32051 0.82959 0.512 0.83607 0.43479 0.43222 0.93218 0.22653 0.39934 0.10026 0.03427 0.09277 0.13718 0.37735 0.92415 0.98068 0.25148 0.52061 0.91787 0.35595 0.30217 0.82978 0.78507 0.35793 0.32741 0.0652 0.03228 0.28312 0.16921 0.23881 0.09037 0.54057 0.26588 0.17741 0.86651 0.05891 0.95144 0.18032 0.38237 0.74765 0.43453 0.51325 0.26125 0.67872 0.67297 0.62673 0.14016 0.33748 0.83933 0.75334 0.26254 0.40275 0.85531 0.73605 0.44857 0.75365 0.93653 0.71221 0.42088 0.71747 0.21536 0.36659 0.84938 0.07635 0.63895 0.05474 0.97908 0.6698 0.50542 0.83877 0.20052 0.88052 0.56867 0.98843 0.77014 0.11186 0.06877 0.12043 0.52559 0.9706 0.34712 0.36862 0.96977 0.05769 0.70104 0.59516 0.08026 0.05651 0.40694 0.12822 0.91578 0.73527 0.66139 0.22049 0.73043 0.84885 0.02131 0.18504 0.98853 0.9032 0.42379 0.74269 0.39454 0.35141 0.11386 0.27093 0.76355 0.25956 0.72917 0.18844 0.25978 0.37348 0.65951 0.57683 0.70842 0.88397 0.1908 0.10293 0.337 0.34707 0.30108 0.33896 0.55592 0.47639 0.61179 0.39605 0.43277 0.13667 0.51301 0.10297 0.24793 0.01036 0.74129 0.67038 0.4807 0.69213 0.92561 0.29687 0.61627 0.43629 0.87272 0.1606 0.57188 0.38112 0.15564 0.04284 0.09361 0.77578 0.52833 0.44544 0.82145 0.75533 0.20244 0.48465 0.00852 0.09117 0.67146 0.93716 0.09723 0.44958 0.72399 0.97521 0.20308 0.92973 0.38838 0.60225 0.14959 0.30509 0.11618 0.10521 0.94542 0.25894 0.9085 0.36362 0.17827 0.98983 0.40474 0.72298 0.09122 0.19538 0.63082 0.47226 0.75968 0.62515 0.67537 0.59167 0.21515 0.78675 0.37871 0.96181 0.90053 0.37563 0.54786 0.52539 0.55944 0.21865 0.99333 0.06736 0.66097 0.00994 0.14896 0.65734 0.51004 0.1284 0.08946 0.69847 0.62681 0.71407 0.79535 0.44095 0.20022 0.75011 0.10758 0.29397 0.28424 0.23776 0.70139 0.36983 0.28268 0.85533 0.06359 0.66148 0.51922 0.10886 0.97516 0.91084 0.92207 0.25022 0.35525 0.30533 0.99595 0.38853 0.71663 0.70132 0.37323 0.92805 0.0518 0.74447 0.49472 0.49956 0.49526 0.54868 0.04603 0.01238 0.0036 0.14715 0.9853 0.85471 0.43895 0.84525 0.88861 0.67691 0.34171 0.38392 0.22282 0.12895 0.58939 0.9201 0.88619 0.02081 0.4319 0.32494 0.86041 0.93358 0.48887 0.31834 0.79846 0.71818 0.96043 0.26868 0.89883 0.76724 0.89512 0.09742 0.91624 0.4001 0.83189 0.54609 0.44462 0.13683 0.26059 0.73292 0.39311 0.245 0.84269 0.5117 0.27603 0.68928 0.22088 0.72673 0.79118 0.84116 0.69141 0.14229 0.63207 0.49019 0.45229 0.13198 0.83991 0.66662 0.44578 0.67902 0.13147 0.56124 0.31265 0.20467 0.23422 0.9066 0.08756 0.16841 0.28217 0.43755 0.76606 0.43223 0.50888 0.22256 0.65442 0.71661 0.80203 0.62168 0.80594 0.17456 0.83096 0.48333 0.44597 0.01083 0.55542 0.59851 0.62212 0.16066 0.38693 0.93801 0.02616 0.42034 0.43652 0.84049 0.08968 0.39616 0.82987 0.51478 0.97869 0.43736 0.90542 0.50979 0.5541 0.95783 0.57093 0.02091 0.12956 0.17857 0.54959 0.55649 0.77935 0.60658 0.61242 0.68434 0.69107 0.02164 0.17566 0.07016 0.11677 0.88453 0.67522 0.99163 0.21553 0.24002 0.10181 0.71407 0.86969 0.51513 0.21106 0.98695 0.19143 0.06568 0.05861 0.01682 0.00886 0.5125 0.91099 0.6855 0.75368 0.74551 0.0099 0.51647 0.05891 0.01499 0.04168 0.4711 0.04001 0.35085 0.4707 0.85547 0.58393 0.79567 0.34374 0.035 0.76693 0.77116 0.49209 0.60159 0.8545 0.11803 0.38482 0.30591 0.95015 0.86501 0.57389 0.74386 0.20067 0.67742 0.18097 0.43205 0.00103 0.25468 0.21137 0.79408 0.57695 0.39891 0.87978 0.51281 0.23942 0.4294 0.58615 0.44672 0.55194 0.56631 0.40236 0.16674 0.00283 0.28013 0.70226 0.78878 0.4053 0.60122 0.32055 0.17965 0.09933 0.31651 0.70214 0.18318 0.85827
+0.99346 0.49047 0.34369 0.87644 0.70258 0.84389 0.89749 0.87099 0.53953 0.11491 0.28862 0.91307 0.07524 0.41187 0.98215 0.94934 0.7637 0.74702 0.92505 0.32939 0.49533 0.63948 0.42425 0.44018 0.93046 0.11314 0.45491 0.31873 0.28118 0.12795 0.93387 0.18481 0.11834 0.98531 0.01371 0.96943 0.37136 0.75643 0.15092 0.96234 0.17948 0.49953 0.33335 0.20649 0.56524 0.7123 0.06377 0.30159 0.95905 0.86112 0.10113 0.40284 0.14861 0.42603 0.86883 0.53598 0.10907 0.55928 0.53454 0.3465 0.04704 0.77025 0.3763 0.20613 0.69312 0.95887 0.39442 0.63717 0.05429 0.00205 0.04754 0.00964 0.95105 0.62023 0.81119 0.48715 0.52816 0.63407 0.09347 0.69525 0.68522 0.38043 0.10072 0.45369 0.07404 0.73292 0.41371 0.4748 0.84632 0.12808 0.98415 0.88006 0.34166 0.03371 0.45919 0.62374 0.15217 0.23897 0.89184 0.17788 0.25628 0.23183 0.87432 0.45375 0.29064 0.22819 0.09606 0.69063 0.08673 0.31391 0.80671 0.18493 0.15202 0.03078 0.16051 0.8849 0.66881 0.40458 0.89233 0.05119 0.36913 0.92299 0.72884 0.83999 0.6554 0.72902 0.0137 0.63546 0.88445 0.35828 0.67122 0.82231 0.64856 0.68826 0.01377 0.49681 0.21005 0.68648 0.31471 0.20422 0.74134 0.79194 0.13993 0.10972 0.77311 0.74565 0.16049 0.32318 0.63787 0.78573 0.8223 0.66369 0.35575 0.73022 0.8125 0.70333 0.40437 0.45984 0.8425 0.30248 0.65524 0.89831 0.38676 0.91022 0.9435 0.64999 0.80691 0.32885 0.47325 0.74547 0.05978 0.76306 0.50436 0.66318 0.03433 0.8654 0.72997 0.22879 0.40907 0.82177 0.0908 0.30921 0.61642 0.59954 0.63103 0.62276 0.09102 0.68362 0.98507 0.2572 0.20606 0.48658 0.38783 0.90465 0.5167 0.3433 0.17552 0.27971 0.75098 0.09074 0.10689 0.69316 0.13805 0.94758 0.81009 0.99705 0.79217 0.07364 0.47014 0.70405 0.66259 0.75316 0.34854 0.7089 0.91407 0.51428 0.10685 0.31575 0.53146 0.73134 0.39784 0.1139 0.53037 0.47889 0.44417 0.94971 0.56823 0.14743 0.19146 0.20875 0.26441 0.27574 0.13018 0.51501 0.73815 0.60849 0.89617 0.48345 0.66473 0.81475 0.10184 0.9731 0.8818 0.38825 0.68909 0.18572 0.51921 0.92057 0.95907 0.44674 0.62613 0.68404 0.21081 0.94209 0.43137 0.30363 0.34846 0.52561 0.02422 0.87374 0.1892 0.99663 0.70397 0.06843 0.12732 0.88289 0.41157 0.47603 0.14306 0.4795 0.94696 0.49587 0.78561 0.39557 0.33729 0.67985 0.00488 0.05834 0.30156 0.1463 0.89433 0.73326 0.44221 0.75507 0.37862 0.2639 0.92667 0.75035 0.34519 0.2768 0.25826 0.83861 0.10798 0.10847 0.53079 0.17492 0.4805 0.37666 0.8205 0.47955 0.33814 0.2503 0.17766 0.95045 0.27193 0.81672 0.34982 0.95957 0.14543 0.78697 0.06992 0.88702 0.32773 0.72954 0.03736 0.35043 0.52468 0.21713 0.33251 0.54702 0.94183 0.17694 0.86738 0.33057 0.18038 0.33192 0.26188 0.37366 0.64573 0.44409 0.36847 0.26574 0.21429 0.34095 0.27484 0.30757 0.27 0.30229 0.44219 0.98411 0.07003 0.72873 0.67055 0.09929 0.0608 0.15027 0.65735 0.84034 0.02397 0.57425 0.98624 0.49455 0.08651 0.29965 0.33976 0.05607 0.48458 0.47806 0.18273 0.6163 0.00278 0.40784 0.35624 0.55298 0.47849 0.74358 0.00924 0.52567 0.30139 0.63264 0.23804 0.33037 0.14812 0.71032 0.36395 0.84851 0.14634 0.6951 0.12198 0.32378 0.82527 0.19151 0.93931 0.8197 0.03123 0.50911 0.75096 0.41053 0.39331 0.25632 0.88706 0.94663 0.77099 0.00703 0.00251 0.71869 0.7855 0.77309 0.94046 0.35219 0.1768 0.96225 0.82763 0.81873 0.05107 0.9993 0.03843 0.00412 0.604 0.16321 0.13588 0.76187 0.34501 0.69473 0.30009 0.823 0.34887 0.84128 0.98224 0.57999 0.1664 0.95191 0.79215 0.78521 0.46042 0.34856 0.80043 0.90871 0.17039 0.13426 0.57196 0.73852 0.54695 0.64916 0.67101 0.78921 0.86208 0.9062 0.32826 0.09032 0.2934 0.33096 0.4708 0.93396 0.13133 0.80996 0.78062 0.95361 0.44815 0.24186 0.69264 0.72174 0.51601 0.7193 0.08795 0.49395 0.92814 0.70579 0.22514 0.40631 0.86027 0.24033 0.50467 0.38816 0.92284 0.41451 0.23197 0.38008 0.65199 0.30012 0.88474 0.47513 0.28521 0.82728 0.48719 0.22517 0.51671 0.85603 0.63892 0.09404 0.72164 0.55988 0.59484 0.44948 0.55244 0.7384 0.85649 0.0814 0.25549 0.08513 0.00209 0.42656 0.46557 0.64878 0.71307 0.49843 0.92785 0.06104 0.81058 0.61205 0.89814 0.22901 0.72671 0.29619 0.50918 0.09254 0.70362 0.08586 0.17898 0.35076 0.29384 0.79703
+0.23116 0.57757 0.76647 0.97824 0.57685 0.29361 0.31178 0.20663 0.09271 0.12102 0.06368 0.15851 0.25808 0.17954 0.0698 0.04577 0.24568 0.93848 0.91292 0.70219 0.6991 0.77293 0.06093 0.12166 0.37477 0.24816 0.11798 0.33549 0.69153 0.4537 0.90589 0.95119 0.7058 0.87751 0.43341 0.13497 0.50336 0.63535 0.93016 0.29991 0.91842 0.14054 0.36451 0.94112 0.39271 0.20128 0.29622 0.51588 0.61246 0.05218 0.24755 0.47114 0.19766 0.38271 0.62116 0.16289 0.37825 0.7454 0.97756 0.34556 0.18395 0.23992 0.19889 0.22799 0.82876 0.88101 0.88879 0.02938 0.64235 0.61922 0.59515 0.18325 0.07584 0.19417 0.20368 0.81022 0.62377 0.548 0.13289 0.5262 0.61206 0.45321 0.59122 0.12694 0.17718 0.72466 0.10944 0.86865 0.661 0.6542 0.72174 0.9256 0.90603 0.57448 0.32972 0.16829 0.13562 0.47997 0.32509 0.1081 0.39705 0.79934 0.64052 0.32823 0.4942 0.81269 0.07745 0.50465 0.66653 0.87423 0.40934 0.80044 0.6189 0.7736 0.73972 0.18767 0.12265 0.53884 0.31972 0.12196 0.24734 0.80699 0.34277 0.17178 0.20288 0.61296 0.48538 0.84652 0.11554 0.58138 0.05214 0.8879 0.97831 0.49875 0.38627 0.00091 0.45048 0.10678 0.01117 0.38264 0.675 0.43393 0.28457 0.78079 0.40005 0.70324 0.16306 0.3989 0.36754 0.77365 0.65192 0.35994 0.1398 0.27349 0.43727 0.7996 0.58653 0.28234 0.66591 0.51566 0.53211 0.25179 0.67118 0.79281 0.23379 0.8093 0.94629 0.97141 0.39941 0.51182 0.87105 0.43008 0.30223 0.57733 0.69013 0.54408 0.45825 0.6974 0.66536 0.45672 0.39568 0.67629 0.97211 0.33863 0.77893 0.10025 0.40996 0.06914 0.3328 0.41636 0.27494 0.65085 0.4331 0.26219 0.5902 0.63678 0.03341 0.56804 0.62615 0.71615 0.88291 0.82441 0.04624 0.5473 0.9988 0.74188 0.79923 0.19181 0.06889 0.34639 0.88033 0.35303 0.40543 0.32742 0.92753 0.58303 0.80219 0.73109 0.71759 0.15515 0.08686 0.20237 0.07921 0.20589 0.77635 0.86486 0.22835 0.74305 0.10692 0.50007 0.16168 0.54374 0.21555 0.54497 0.6048 0.91774 0.27185 0.15589 0.35698 0.13234 0.87041 0.64518 0.48854 0.53514 0.69901 0.49609 0.18083 0.70615 0.87745 0.5532 0.95956 0.60413 0.02717 0.47763 0.66535 0.57088 0.58818 0.06624 0.78098 0.97662 0.6698 0.45867 0.6172 0.80081 0.52729 0.09896 0.09651 0.05567 0.97314 0.76143 0.39902 0.54987 0.25861 0.26118 0.08693 0.66336 0.90516 0.49789 0.08306 0.05853 0.21794 0.31006 0.62808 0.45068 0.60651 0.89495 0.61157 0.44482 0.17032 0.31568 0.42281 0.84286 0.66434 0.18205 0.90108 0.36743 0.23687 0.21484 0.87553 0.07175 0.88017 0.00877 0.06646 0.02211 0.60586 0.29917 0.57018 0.57092 0.51145 0.83539 0.41132 0.31299 0.67898 0.21109 0.40866 0.21845 0.48336 0.89381 0.91838 0.51974 0.01578 0.92842 0.91534 0.57762 0.39204 0.402 0.05875 0.79323 0.55566 0.79155 0.27632 0.75892 0.25256 0.87408 0.72404 0.81263 0.05847 0.6971 0.69685 0.87957 0.8717 0.70411 0.68253 0.82826 0.19541 0.57003 0.38531 0.16129 0.29613 0.19644 0.04273 0.29283 0.38733 0.13534 0.59021 0.30393 0.59937 0.48855 0.74661 0.06724 0.9546 0.33585 0.46 0.02363 0.79954 0.3337 0.68786 0.37596 0.62239 0.67233 0.427 0.28872 0.00131 0.18673 0.45827 0.47681 0.10209 0.74466 0.27252 0.61183 0.96465 0.55765 0.19664 0.27459 0.40495 0.88792 0.18844 0.69453 0.82109 0.27052 0.67091 0.79856 0.41724 0.92359 0.46089 0.60671 0.90246 0.72511 0.81714 0.75394 0.65386 0.85048 0.46024 0.06556 0.53657 0.85055 0.86967 0.40606 0.25502 0.88001 0.80152 0.76584 0.81818 0.44862 0.16201 0.93576 0.99247 0.34905 0.41146 0.65888 0.98498 0.87575 0.66038 0.45098 0.54545 0.91783 0.07551 0.24879 0.95347 0.14378 0.6624 0.84398 0.02609 0.30758 0.23005 0.00076 0.59381 0.73006 0.0464 0.49372 0.3356 0.45379 0.23186 0.54011 0.81203 0.43412 0.56284 0.00084 0.99201 0.41123 0.04576 0.83691 0.78265 0.33838 0.42376 0.92072 0.93841 0.8307 0.69157 0.45139 0.0533 0.76347 0.64497 0.22623 0.23031 0.57503 0.54095 0.48697 0.93118 0.01493 0.77254 0.60129 0.71725 0.68222 0.60935 0.94232 0.36733 0.11901 0.31113 0.31433 0.97995 0.49726 0.32776 0.25159 0.06315 0.21348 0.24868 0.6041 0.91852 0.33916 0.62777 0.7814 0.85267 0.29308 0.45554 0.71254 0.85286 0.90293 0.40866 0.76319 0.03244 0.98981 0.47417 0.2481 0.10973 0.16246 0.09936 0.23514 0.29171 0.96756 0.97373 0.95859
+0.25643 0.97252 0.72571 0.47701 0.41236 0.72441 0.0832 0.41199 0.32612 0.36339 0.01535 0.82908 0.45779 0.99103 0.91364 0.07118 0.04168 0.03024 0.12144 0.74486 0.46764 0.70534 0.47897 0.08438 0.22415 0.47866 0.16661 0.19136 0.67487 0.95073 0.02617 0.10588 0.78153 0.61585 0.46794 0.04085 0.83313 0.06787 0.60068 0.18373 0.88729 0.21494 0.46613 0.57045 0.55035 0.98642 0.77722 0.4099 0.44728 0.74959 0.51168 0.28654 0.09992 0.47738 0.21177 0.39465 0.85667 0.14546 0.59833 0.24537 0.48402 0.45568 0.29567 0.88889 0.48634 0.78486 0.09113 0.11817 0.15289 0.7662 0.36228 0.56595 0.67967 0.49602 0.14797 0.52806 0.96706 0.76451 0.95853 0.40959 0.16012 0.68715 0.99834 0.8942 0.42696 0.0216 0.84632 0.84732 0.20048 0.39295 0.73187 0.74799 0.96963 0.20843 0.52597 0.46591 0.46142 0.86539 0.18758 0.5391 0.09492 0.73335 0.67175 0.64061 0.68299 0.76868 0.93873 0.18981 0.22265 0.40021 0.20332 0.20409 0.29759 0.71631 0.86385 0.08121 0.82247 0.82074 0.4713 0.34795 0.20776 0.49813 0.21917 0.08562 0.89447 0.17232 0.08809 0.93743 0.04879 0.13034 0.43247 0.73635 0.39268 0.01667 0.54804 0.46415 0.67562 0.24291 0.8324 0.9004 0.26653 0.6733 0.58434 0.40806 0.0342 0.81869 0.49883 0.54777 0.69421 0.64425 0.50632 0.34953 0.75554 0.82398 0.17417 0.60747 0.10748 0.50007 0.88227 0.57078 0.02813 0.67863 0.93853 0.71823 0.96957 0.52255 0.45434 0.55883 0.53173 0.37735 0.58079 0.26384 0.08333 0.7084 0.56063 0.69721 0.18688 0.93395 0.77477 0.37416 0.62646 0.92263 0.67519 0.74861 0.07431 0.70551 0.39891 0.27915 0.33299 0.72287 0.13996 0.38318 0.96559 0.94074 0.50982 0.21945 0.43353 0.8676 0.7436 0.28436 0.78674 0.57589 0.02691 0.50542 0.90363 0.93068 0.55065 0.29683 0.12284 0.41757 0.13967 0.97956 0.58744 0.65969 0.05885 0.96311 0.2212 0.81822 0.2935 0.10021 0.78808 0.36158 0.97687 0.12279 0.39492 0.04817 0.87473 0.18093 0.05907 0.89591 0.61032 0.08542 0.07342 0.18638 0.68414 0.02361 0.32655 0.93277 0.15178 0.20698 0.01619 0.03819 0.96956 0.90444 0.22048 0.74572 0.27872 0.4955 0.2434 0.36263 0.07528 0.93958 0.55845 0.47761 0.13851 0.2435 0.83201 0.81094 0.25081 0.00787 0.82072 0.3501 0.678 0.53928 0.47784 0.93341 0.60908 0.99401 0.39664 0.2062 0.81464 0.54516 0.72094 0.84418 0.43021 0.25954 0.47323 0.68358 0.03958 0.89549 0.05495 0.04601 0.86579 0.09632 0.51784 0.62287 0.50398 0.98776 0.93374 0.89349 0.98253 0.34339 0.90236 0.3691 0.26887 0.41586 0.15302 0.59668 0.77544 0.53169 0.47767 0.38647 0.0598 0.93247 0.06718 0.31089 0.65369 0.96394 0.49678 0.8731 0.84218 0.75553 0.07673 0.91619 0.29558 0.50448 0.71688 0.38777 0.57557 0.4174 0.63763 0.33083 0.9965 0.82541 0.62728 0.29662 0.22071 0.8148 0.55476 0.04318 0.53263 0.3136 0.32176 0.98895 0.20707 0.86616 0.45254 0.54449 0.88108 0.42096 0.7139 0.69794 0.75068 0.0761 0.06066 0.92093 0.38126 0.92031 0.447 0.79489 0.27734 0.61879 0.64695 0.19073 0.1093 0.80289 0.31886 0.55665 0.71553 0.93481 0.01615 0.48122 0.23789 0.30269 0.72165 0.35193 0.29 0.85172 0.13972 0.16069 0.35126 0.15294 0.73321 0.34911 0.25011 0.21131 0.02462 0.35118 0.78256 0.4031 0.12268 0.65698 0.60263 0.75612 0.38495 0.45345 0.64717 0.28838 0.05286 0.70421 0.91169 0.78427 0.49071 0.62786 0.16778 0.75552 0.45286 0.69046 0.09175 0.75157 0.89597 0.45124 0.2326 0.11377 0.35465 0.44154 0.05198 0.48242 0.85954 0.36497 0.64286 0.74573 0.81071 0.42688 0.05919 0.87686 0.36302 0.91376 0.29156 0.09639 0.56671 0.1222 0.19714 0.49958 0.51201 0.55639 0.74292 0.78169 0.7636 0.19677 0.46448 0.66769 0.34467 0.64545 0.23517 0.16368 0.95526 0.81743 0.43566 0.88883 0.89637 0.64717 0.97697 0.69915 0.05569 0.24831 0.88501 0.74405 0.81915 0.35759 0.0923 0.30577 0.43982 0.83204 0.21954 0.019 0.19126 0.14889 0.90864 0.47541 0.43509 0.46477 0.72682 0.18384 0.11172 0.83879 0.28528 0.09958 0.62006 0.01497 0.24167 0.67307 0.00368 0.76383 0.35772 0.17921 0.71307 0.11087 0.52226 0.31763 0.194 0.72007 0.29334 0.22182 0.96377 0.02395 0.65358 0.56177 0.93754 0.37892 0.08828 0.53147 0.35189 0.09403 0.72157 0.0267 0.44963 0.69172 0.56938 0.20259 0.06549 0.37381 0.8049 0.87094 0.37735 0.68953 0.90016 0.04851 0.36763 0.68564 0.6599 0.37187
+0.43965 0.98698 0.34801 0.19708 0.95252 0.79463 0.39339 0.57737 0.43702 0.39985 0.06043 0.55493 0.74891 0.99126 0.27334 0.20268 0.28739 0.1565 0.18942 0.26668 0.11688 0.69063 0.41966 0.70247 0.18001 0.40366 0.30819 0.87738 0.09155 0.55308 0.72162 0.39524 0.58253 0.17425 0.06998 0.1192 0.99511 0.19689 0.78728 0.05539 0.76962 0.63841 0.98106 0.0445 0.75993 0.39263 0.07919 0.57133 0.71392 0.09566 0.99606 0.32172 0.72609 0.85125 0.32679 0.74568 0.31503 0.28565 0.77984 0.69859 0.30031 0.45569 0.37682 0.25032 0.01711 0.12742 0.97784 0.68546 0.12167 0.43498 0.42552 0.40134 0.06935 0.00507 0.21921 0.87558 0.83609 0.48167 0.47645 0.99629 0.58673 0.22585 0.54208 0.18437 0.61219 0.26333 0.43737 0.1246 0.80063 0.96136 0.21824 0.33021 0.92151 0.03424 0.89464 0.09435 0.30837 0.00505 0.39048 0.61325 0.83107 0.30776 0.88425 0.30766 0.12453 0.62739 0.58549 0.23663 0.21447 0.27812 0.8979 0.13385 0.66556 0.76084 0.45743 0.66502 0.08428 0.44902 0.97591 0.83427 0.33953 0.99724 0.41795 0.2789 0.43531 0.27801 0.82206 0.68566 0.22484 0.11244 0.81691 0.65333 0.2735 0.6402 0.15922 0.88829 0.53705 0.82919 0.82813 0.26143 0.43146 0.9314 0.3533 0.58766 0.22046 0.56288 0.59276 0.42656 0.11478 0.54532 0.84802 0.68463 0.03333 0.60529 0.41015 0.69188 0.77488 0.99505 0.95477 0.24352 0.54363 0.96285 0.89084 0.27726 0.54142 0.47235 0.24784 0.87683 0.65872 0.04523 0.91059 0.2303 0.58414 0.5507 0.49811 0.865 0.9141 0.70466 0.28692 0.79562 0.77049 0.42831 0.80308 0.6651 0.65589 0.21083 0.79844 0.14277 0.7386 0.19621 0.96354 0.73301 0.11709 0.16747 0.52581 0.79748 0.84554 0.79088 0.31295 0.43141 0.28666 0.06941 0.38205 0.4412 0.4107 0.94215 0.33955 0.93939 0.7333 0.17734 0.96133 0.44666 0.14017 0.38115 0.9788 0.7538 0.61361 0.70483 0.66181 0.70129 0.33581 0.15998 0.996 0.58468 0.53606 0.00041 0.05153 0.31992 0.9244 0.82211 0.43234 0.25544 0.1394 0.30075 0.38936 0.64128 0.51522 0.65098 0.91213 0.13103 0.00805 0.51245 0.18168 0.08135 0.21107 0.31978 0.84074 0.30347 0.39578 0.54514 0.37959 0.08072 0.26526 0.92988 0.41884 0.05077 0.98807 0.98795 0.68437 0.89931 0.59769 0.63256 0.51003 0.99541 0.5531 0.71704 0.97328 0.20858 0.52026 0.52363 0.78714 0.10151 0.28284 0.18525 0.27427 0.33475 0.15546 0.13954 0.23195 0.96216 0.47842 0.48813 0.73502 0.9406 0.63481 0.85583 0.11849 0.43678 0.53532 0.74965 0.95242 0.862 0.48482 0.06684 0.28909 0.54597 0.66124 0.09561 0.56012 0.93353 0.87939 0.80627 0.2935 0.81884 0.88825 0.3213 0.44063 0.3848 0.47985 0.58317 0.63689 0.58402 0.51437 0.52832 0.04689 0.97172 0.8535 0.45197 0.32088 0.60993 0.03407 0.66618 0.61457 0.55347 0.89432 0.58392 0.89782 0.11331 0.7641 0.35417 0.61741 0.62771 0.87726 0.59871 0.9789 0.42643 0.06435 0.41167 0.7084 0.26409 0.77863 0.20115 0.61128 0.9427 0.44449 0.95732 0.30814 0.18539 0.06664 0.55826 0.46532 0.93769 0.0158 0.44048 0.02415 0.56095 0.43348 0.62843 0.78585 0.9083 0.747 0.64888 0.46182 0.79579 0.20793 0.85861 0.67303 0.77449 0.25894 0.22197 0.81824 0.11546 0.79543 0.44793 0.97548 0.58073 0.581 0.10445 0.93095 0.23365 0.82986 0.71106 0.45158 0.99588 0.6103 0.07559 0.27218 0.29877 0.80957 0.00505 0.11993 0.0351 0.17789 0.04248 0.39396 0.52086 0.52349 0.92262 0.38553 0.70639 0.65607 0.07489 0.26096 0.98094 0.32672 0.0585 0.4645 0.40859 0.06335 0.091 0.22072 0.81299 0.69204 0.06286 0.20644 0.44944 0.62784 0.94361 0.21102 0.72142 0.67137 0.46282 0.71081 0.68446 0.69362 0.93828 0.88052 0.45224 0.38125 0.30517 0.28497 0.62554 0.44529 0.3899 0.74185 0.10547 0.57842 0.41054 0.23594 0.02985 0.29688 0.90347 0.35179 0.09099 0.22022 0.39069 0.06199 0.77548 0.41687 0.78522 0.12316 0.51929 0.11408 0.68393 0.28271 0.45246 0.21644 0.89951 0.37637 0.32516 0.41778 0.71736 0.31845 0.09534 0.01157 0.83483 0.45314 0.99362 0.9726 0.08995 0.9222 0.58956 0.08753 0.71841 0.78316 0.66741 0.96891 0.99787 0.44159 0.81063 0.99062 0.13004 0.67694 0.38749 0.86196 0.42462 0.86565 0.65364 0.78589 0.58983 0.37418 0.99939 0.64892 0.72859 0.37146 0.704 0.5334 0.32819 0.28 0.80764 0.90768 0.35834 0.5712 0.2208 0.464 0.71795 0.09215 0.59307 0.39779 0.56479 0.89136 0.9413
+0.37527 0.56781 0.41595 0.97143 0.25099 0.35308 0.85236 0.83171 0.86086 0.33373 0.31547 0.83642 0.5239 0.41758 0.94752 0.20783 0.91339 0.9966 0.5432 0.83451 0.67712 0.63511 0.67727 0.34049 0.34293 0.886 0.25458 0.9261 0.65073 0.97542 0.62942 0.01661 0.02511 0.10666 0.08112 0.2321 0.35702 0.6828 0.19676 0.74798 0.9626 0.63687 0.68059 0.05578 0.74934 0.75207 0.42911 0.24766 0.56576 0.41836 0.20151 0.18585 0.87917 0.54729 0.59303 0.79422 0.58561 0.65829 0.98278 0.37224 0.92804 0.88381 0.61089 0.34794 0.86339 0.77862 0.18207 0.67212 0.66583 0.61587 0.62594 0.07329 0.13931 0.98066 0.83471 0.68576 0.72192 0.07029 0.41794 0.56544 0.52888 0.50624 0.54309 0.63522 0.90345 0.92673 0.57691 0.05163 0.05568 0.03097 0.19197 0.45892 0.83798 0.63031 0.09342 0.19056 0.37831 0.60841 0.6779 0.14716 0.90561 0.81306 0.1301 0.08538 0.34834 0.48391 0.21011 0.84162 0.13131 0.62139 0.1458 0.99515 0.43033 0.11001 0.44303 0.5821 0.18813 0.30518 0.67332 0.35897 0.2207 0.75098 0.43162 0.75694 0.70996 0.13425 0.94403 0.17656 0.50315 0.70714 0.92851 0.69133 0.06555 0.06473 0.74151 0.40607 0.03353 0.62027 0.94082 0.34784 0.92786 0.39584 0.90933 0.39304 0.88657 0.41489 0.12913 0.01467 0.27937 0.9777 0.41506 0.03586 0.24875 0.81402 0.50307 0.28831 0.81926 0.0563 0.15236 0.191 0.07871 0.97412 0.25846 0.37406 0.76444 0.61485 0.47899 0.83319 0.84548 0.5094 0.52318 0.21451 0.39189 0.95137 0.01595 0.52117 0.26505 0.37458 0.55107 0.27577 0.51927 0.24465 0.13027 0.98565 0.35936 0.2271 0.21419 0.09753 0.73506 0.88711 0.87171 0.8643 0.6473 0.50212 0.58407 0.06995 0.15493 0.82541 0.86051 0.90163 0.64832 0.20692 0.01074 0.74626 0.71335 0.63107 0.89458 0.2107 0.77871 0.67546 0.93278 0.83923 0.38643 0.47477 0.4205 0.32828 0.39826 0.21086 0.53512 0.29893 0.88154 0.25007 0.17271 0.38879 0.14974 0.51258 0.47555 0.98061 0.31079 0.40684 0.4753 0.08301 0.55494 0.49563 0.53253 0.31351 0.84253 0.33165 0.50023 0.98078 0.7312 0.18895 0.56987 0.01233 0.22453 0.54972 0.06578 0.9387 0.87637 0.41137 0.8524 0.14539 0.09994 0.78269 0.35337 0.26963 0.95608 0.10001 0.97431 0.26089 0.11334 0.847 0.67127 0.04851 0.1647 0.93307 0.02814 0.55554 0.12268 0.65266 0.09987 0.05613 0.14736 0.53116 0.10891 0.3368 0.65729 0.87898 0.66526 0.77446 0.0645 0.41042 0.63514 0.76196 0.45338 0.03108 0.87365 0.34668 0.35412 0.73503 0.29566 0.39823 0.29175 0.02509 0.67205 0.87826 0.82668 0.95585 0.88706 0.94364 0.39906 0.80878 0.96399 0.82764 0.37759 0.81651 0.91041 0.69692 0.37034 0.4521 0.35839 0.14802 0.07041 0.47446 0.86438 0.15868 0.24433 0.541 0.06901 0.72956 0.77637 0.74766 0.14744 0.02547 0.45379 0.31648 0.11651 0.50222 0.26556 0.42633 0.49595 0.0503 0.66691 0.7876 0.85218 0.24224 0.52122 0.05096 0.27917 0.92081 0.80139 0.53477 0.82345 0.44029 0.65783 0.62368 0.28089 0.35599 0.26834 0.17352 0.69717 0.33688 0.62979 0.95447 0.11373 0.43527 0.94586 0.97929 0.95351 0.93313 0.66074 0.64385 0.08587 0.92904 0.06151 0.40197 0.68174 0.12101 0.78986 0.21998 0.22541 0.74809 0.47716 0.10635 0.79493 0.16989 0.2977 0.17529 0.39699 0.35409 0.8396 0.94645 0.66968 0.27196 0.92666 0.11572 0.61022 0.50926 0.43207 0.58478 0.89279 0.72389 0.64913 0.59669 0.79511 0.25094 0.15102 0.60248 0.49974 0.85472 0.35067 0.74019 0.14614 0.51818 0.91378 0.45217 0.05723 0.36835 0.75812 0.11281 0.84575 0.20053 0.08737 0.56426 0.52103 0.13639 0.85996 0.01337 0.53651 0.71009 0.64071 0.80815 0.65533 0.74396 0.23384 0.7078 0.43503 0.3309 0.61793 0.49283 0.07793 0.39596 0.78391 0.16007 0.53665 0.31984 0.58381 0.05113 0.27581 0.70707 0.26844 0.12624 0.0329 0.05168 0.41573 0.62216 0.32666 0.36616 0.98893 0.34127 0.67376 0.39687 0.49697 0.95478 0.47607 0.32512 0.90853 0.62368 0.00128 0.92761 0.15174 0.6802 0.44564 0.04096 0.50826 0.00206 0.7425 0.6421 0.40189 0.24988 0.44219 0.09272 0.18626 0.38055 0.09693 0.68535 0.51512 0.78523 0.09677 0.41984 0.70748 0.02688 0.25006 0.06597 0.12258 0.22355 0.10006 0.71382 0.76813 0.59974 0.04329 0.19335 0.46984 0.56407 0.7788 0.00472 0.72528 0.41338 0.47736 0.47129 0.69618 0.9093 0.98933 0.64474 0.07786 0.24508 0.48664 0.83605 0.24716 0.17721 0.30714 0.75951
+0.54697 0.15741 0.82484 0.28071 0.55241 0.17001 0.42561 0.69829 0.18801 0.00059 0.32459 0.45984 0.70206 0.05653 0.87187 0.32349 0.6831 0.65068 0.01237 0.46137 0.42738 0.08426 0.16959 0.35983 0.32133 0.7538 0.11388 0.43431 0.41542 0.2729 0.73491 0.30702 0.1435 0.83984 0.04313 0.56234 0.0123 0.11459 0.50946 0.38691 0.07028 0.74588 0.31587 0.81317 0.30104 0.77791 0.46266 0.35221 0.78929 0.75274 0.09484 0.59901 0.40754 0.80924 0.05587 0.13877 0.6591 0.97378 0.22924 0.68009 0.9615 0.59152 0.3798 0.97127 0.53912 0.81752 0.17819 0.30895 0.47413 0.85757 0.22373 0.93491 0.30098 0.77781 0.54566 0.40959 0.47019 0.38388 0.00589 0.66233 0.53104 0.63101 0.27125 0.50505 0.95107 0.67277 0.64603 0.99615 0.43746 0.89151 0.0648 0.46626 0.14546 0.90236 0.26374 0.60002 0.8972 0.18471 0.14539 0.44433 0.33214 0.76906 0.45125 0.39206 0.01907 0.98072 0.75591 0.56722 0.18934 0.60678 0.89755 0.78379 0.91822 0.50304 0.12148 0.6051 0.49117 0.46199 0.21261 0.72133 0.07582 0.23294 0.81668 0.0362 0.24407 0.53851 0.25939 0.40598 0.5695 0.04376 0.98819 0.4585 0.48021 0.39046 0.82347 0.68499 0.05842 0.48814 0.97513 0.84314 0.07522 0.61732 0.92885 0.42136 0.83151 0.78343 0.24212 0.68332 0.70547 0.02997 0.93138 0.89029 0.17971 0.53747 0.55857 0.93017 0.21073 0.08905 0.50612 0.14303 0.43799 0.1449 0.89481 0.98721 0.65165 0.8932 0.85457 0.16939 0.64336 0.68829 0.12279 0.84258 0.30407 0.3634 0.84202 0.85177 0.453 0.92511 0.61889 0.26815 0.78551 0.46658 0.04285 0.31973 0.11867 0.42894 0.40158 0.41237 0.33757 0.52148 0.8864 0.60706 0.21892 0.58629 0.35505 0.5056 0.38416 0.2526 0.0418 0.4768 0.10736 0.05141 0.9906 0.87807 0.49315 0.31226 0.97996 0.29004 0.30463 0.85771 0.58119 0.10777 0.37865 0.22418 0.36385 0.56728 0.63092 0.70278 0.8519 0.86107 0.10926 0.56061 0.00478 0.77162 0.86063 0.46651 0.54246 0.20529 0.51062 0.2734 0.53198 0.50156 0.4294 0.60862 0.06515 0.93321 0.43509 0.81844 0.11327 0.78586 0.43525 0.56012 0.24007 0.11613 0.69821 0.73585 0.28362 0.52769 0.99628 0.60442 0.34893 0.56964 0.27309 0.68109 0.70425 0.80148 0.71014 0.3636 0.80746 0.46429 0.08792 0.09889 0.68554 0.12966 0.27598 0.91006 0.19735 0.62543 0.19555 0.51514 0.56925 0.74059 0.80687 0.25976 0.28175 0.85597 0.44383 0.67668 0.23915 0.86552 0.29073 0.67593 0.1017 0.77534 0.2683 0.59325 0.87993 0.50307 0.01382 0.7877 0.92295 0.6174 0.89333 0.0024 0.08148 0.45191 0.80796 0.36218 0.26145 0.90718 0.75928 0.20472 0.29198 0.54644 0.77889 0.49596 0.00917 0.72347 0.06647 0.83228 0.99708 0.75252 0.72531 0.06053 0.06031 0.62356 0.35834 0.711 0.84903 0.97919 0.31225 0.17845 0.64465 0.19995 0.53563 0.28611 0.15467 0.20701 0.78326 0.47946 0.33824 0.85996 0.42131 0.66707 0.50659 0.18498 0.34568 0.57841 0.51087 0.64078 0.25269 0.44175 0.2965 0.07715 0.3388 0.85871 0.18131 0.76874 0.26513 0.03906 0.10527 0.79348 0.97949 0.73479 0.59246 0.35714 0.39472 0.64065 0.62212 0.03415 0.92608 0.35831 0.73886 0.64322 0.83118 0.99613 0.88162 0.32992 0.86819 0.13973 0.59758 0.8817 0.73557 0.5726 0.06105 0.2501 0.60505 0.04069 0.28601 0.39625 0.49619 0.51732 0.04573 0.98535 0.65492 0.88908 0.12029 0.58394 0.63186 0.80456 0.75148 0.35664 0.3789 0.39672 0.74699 0.40658 0.94475 0.5464 0.1573 0.98867 0.07081 0.54441 0.50642 0.77377 0.0646 0.70025 0.5393 0.5103 0.7866 0.0867 0.58275 0.59693 0.6632 0.72724 0.30789 0.23591 0.42393 0.12159 0.80364 0.14094 0.46263 0.20352 0.11982 0.64941 0.5023 0.45216 0.12516 0.60452 0.60127 0.6795 0.42931 0.21924 0.56396 0.15725 0.04177 0.79462 0.60978 0.68901 0.78649 0.20713 0.36311 0.39357 0.30963 0.61591 0.9202 0.99362 0.53944 0.32103 0.27137 0.62726 0.57603 0.53497 0.61404 0.32047 0.75139 0.06847 0.51405 0.19382 0.38981 0.0629 0.05935 0.72422 0.38658 0.36615 0.60367 0.83013 0.58353 0.70034 0.68189 0.99227 0.22284 0.25251 0.99151 0.83695 0.745 0.95736 0.07115 0.6216 0.93334 0.76224 0.28108 0.05198 0.45769 0.53483 0.57626 0.53151 0.03746 0.34804 0.60467 0.09781 0.17698 0.17815 0.10471 0.35465 0.19612 0.43717 0.59999 0.77086 0.40703 0.24061 0.35564 0.33313 0.26575 0.24066 0.78558 0.46552 0.96198 0.80017 0.3325 0.77202 0.30484 0.26969
+0.96779 0.95442 0.35478 0.14625 0.85385 0.00415 0.80486 0.08285 0.34888 0.02421 0.27699 0.12747 0.34899 0.87568 0.60669 0.32577 0.49195 0.74104 0.38007 0.12982 0.68496 0.28613 0.39842 0.4137 0.04724 0.30857 0.52015 0.30039 0.58098 0.81036 0.48911 0.61061 0.06725 0.33986 0.82404 0.4693 0.58278 0.84759 0.01673 0.77312 0.22169 0.39387 0.34064 0.96113 0.99985 0.71217 0.11152 0.98748 0.00278 0.16261 0.07302 0.18844 0.33741 0.04309 0.08511 0.4411 0.84447 0.75285 0.94069 0.60289 0.61282 0.36178 0.83156 0.35015 0.35079 0.98542 0.51781 0.76827 0.22668 0.50326 0.52428 0.89794 0.0426 0.94038 0.36986 0.09184 0.81497 0.76637 0.16033 0.61573 0.21372 0.48996 0.55146 0.2568 0.47862 0.14471 0.02463 0.31438 0.83389 0.41315 0.36588 0.85197 0.55053 0.26623 0.97628 0.318 0.87267 0.49724 0.5348 0.16213 0.6426 0.45264 0.85724 0.2168 0.99824 0.51067 0.13083 0.48774 0.96665 0.32429 0.82087 0.95402 0.49504 0.74339 0.87252 0.19453 0.03733 0.46986 0.65585 0.19902 0.15399 0.32994 0.45596 0.16331 0.91573 0.29966 0.07104 0.88968 0.20966 0.61499 0.40998 0.45168 0.43375 0.72415 0.38134 0.97553 0.20358 0.28636 0.71348 0.75103 0.22841 0.514 0.55128 0.99606 0.1157 0.33866 0.54291 0.69283 0.41408 0.56141 0.34598 0.42946 0.75093 0.07834 0.20383 0.29344 0.67657 0.65006 0.60752 0.87665 0.38785 0.7115 0.65256 0.91729 0.52281 0.91616 0.24568 0.9681 0.67249 0.43056 0.26058 0.7832 0.7374 0.31586 0.78465 0.2125 0.36237 0.65198 0.20914 0.97747 0.96161 0.47811 0.36045 0.79145 0.79709 0.83482 0.40988 0.27418 0.25144 0.95273 0.95367 0.96815 0.19301 0.67201 0.81564 0.60676 0.10626 0.93983 0.74894 0.26837 0.7428 0.48902 0.55532 0.16153 0.04393 0.81279 0.20131 0.61113 0.3179 0.18863 0.28311 0.51189 0.30568 0.84873 0.74083 0.4909 0.94958 0.00556 0.64268 0.54739 0.97311 0.91846 0.24488 0.52893 0.64279 0.05577 0.90863 0.55714 0.43587 0.64885 0.14167 0.63388 0.18739 0.35413 0.04006 0.14116 0.11739 0.07833 0.43721 0.87242 0.77788 0.00991 0.50857 0.00145 0.40212 0.07431 0.12284 0.0321 0.70107 0.49004 0.53197 0.22639 0.97214 0.70257 0.47897 0.45493 0.36181 0.20306 0.50047 0.12101 0.46401 0.44682 0.48583 0.78155 0.86255 0.09301 0.2607 0.61324 0.90724 0.3901 0.54561 0.59079 0.51677 0.61064 0.72651 0.98575 0.82981 0.44232 0.72986 0.45244 0.79635 0.23762 0.11768 0.11238 0.144 0.83716 0.13832 0.89555 0.42344 0.87797 0.47087 0.62573 0.35836 0.50507 0.20264 0.52678 0.67135 0.25306 0.16154 0.74862 0.12271 0.95283 0.2019 0.43372 0.39634 0.33277 0.3648 0.50642 0.11186 0.2243 0.24409 0.8847 0.40431 0.53288 0.72168 0.35986 0.54933 0.70269 0.76909 0.02477 0.63434 0.30044 0.89903 0.504 0.93142 0.08249 0.77146 0.35371 0.97473 0.31558 0.53648 0.0125 0.75919 0.82164 0.6931 0.58729 0.03679 0.93243 0.28937 0.0094 0.42797 0.70621 0.78205 0.04956 0.69042 0.61175 0.22155 0.09165 0.27386 0.88714 0.95892 0.83665 0.70564 0.47225 0.13105 0.47267 0.79601 0.4331 0.57044 0.81952 0.67239 0.75914 0.30894 0.92693 0.21145 0.90415 0.85398 0.17697 0.86345 0.32271 0.3812 0.99012 0.82894 0.96467 0.85875 0.49953 0.27577 0.87775 0.19322 0.21593 0.19892 0.51472 0.28619 0.68351 0.85532 0.09388 0.46686 0.04799 0.33348 0.00142 0.49991 0.27473 0.54573 0.36097 0.94857 0.92732 0.19537 0.73726 0.36899 0.18127 0.83621 0.49418 0.3394 0.51616 0.47209 0.42511 0.63229 0.70285 0.60652 0.03613 0.90228 0.15619 0.7836 0.52668 0.24854 0.46384 0.2247 0.75349 0.14819 0.42171 0.60028 0.97803 0.72991 0.29835 0.1289 0.53505 0.22276 0.22578 0.44655 0.40875 0.93022 0.80302 0.86853 0.56576 0.7005 0.03611 0.19063 0.95777 0.93845 0.76361 0.80108 0.9919 0.42395 0.51489 0.31393 0.87517 0.50294 0.21731 0.92629 0.89951 0.88759 0.6978 0.36754 0.5167 0.87078 0.58368 0.7261 0.3808 0.32342 0.34131 0.12262 0.4422 0.79384 0.22007 0.40735 0.98595 0.09712 0.99563 0.33105 0.31787 0.02809 0.45998 0.39616 0.89971 0.60708 0.22331 0.51022 0.45852 0.5532 0.33222 0.39278 0.01234 0.12384 0.28762 0.89879 0.1479 0.85281 0.79811 0.64413 0.17947 0.47965 0.801 0.75156 0.58625 0.04308 0.9114 0.3355 0.81439 0.47044 0.86823 0.85676 0.96639 0.80027 0.91135 0.36363 0.07711 0.27072 0.75975 0.30117 0.78431 0.07336 0.27826
+0.40693 0.57229 0.38433 0.51843 0.53005 0.70689 0.5926 0.24395 0.81266 0.95174 0.20058 0.41267 0.43713 0.51818 0.43257 0.29866 0.28601 0.73709 0.36667 0.946 0.05163 0.37978 0.42288 0.91504 0.5934 0.33234 0.36739 0.71256 0.22492 0.05688 0.44952 0.90685 0.94901 0.33368 0.65263 0.83075 0.89328 0.02458 0.98831 0.3204 0.25996 0.19263 0.25123 0.32232 0.51933 0.72593 0.37169 0.49426 0.3505 0.15483 0.50956 0.78468 0.94483 0.22307 0.18102 0.40648 0.53132 0.30094 0.73529 0.39001 0.25563 0.60845 0.75525 0.18825 0.75873 0.03812 0.09356 0.14726 0.89571 0.26788 0.21468 0.05505 0.76771 0.71176 0.64157 0.70501 0.82904 0.6933 0.1716 0.51381 0.19809 0.28828 0.04065 0.15456 0.91754 0.68779 0.10397 0.04314 0.59315 0.10521 0.70028 0.32311 0.58538 0.12331 0.15029 0.12155 0.25492 0.154 0.78381 0.18195 0.6744 0.48806 0.48284 0.39243 0.68456 0.98696 0.1228 0.73563 0.36057 0.61573 0.7497 0.06716 0.46171 0.49741 0.13918 0.73645 0.2213 0.73911 0.2815 0.65293 0.07298 0.41946 0.13075 0.67346 0.3845 0.63458 0.85947 0.5698 0.50754 0.42316 0.46602 0.37865 0.68757 0.56773 0.68188 0.81675 0.76054 0.64034 0.46281 0.14202 0.98231 0.68917 0.41958 0.73838 0.43611 0.83242 0.27583 0.77889 0.93878 0.23394 0.56599 0.80189 0.30806 0.67644 0.09402 0.64821 0.97555 0.34816 0.25925 0.85261 0.40324 0.11025 0.69072 0.57594 0.03752 0.21132 0.84014 0.43347 0.2483 0.75594 0.36026 0.92242 0.94705 0.89513 0.49408 0.02578 0.157 0.0183 0.18204 0.4114 0.18167 0.19109 0.76526 0.68885 0.29226 0.07697 0.9368 0.66351 0.18171 0.02458 0.54169 0.81263 0.60712 0.20627 0.55175 0.68129 0.22476 0.02856 0.31396 0.3062 0.5729 0.17918 0.78042 0.82379 0.83031 0.36361 0.55275 0.00266 0.92458 0.00487 0.24028 0.40566 0.45511 0.38459 0.31789 0.76298 0.77205 0.53132 0.33203 0.76058 0.76951 0.54474 0.65256 0.13216 0.35238 0.51632 0.80546 0.03876 0.04806 0.1424 0.66045 0.89761 0.03122 0.25844 0.27536 0.76934 0.50212 0.70539 0.87993 0.383 0.11323 0.40226 0.65469 0.66611 0.12361 0.25527 0.704 0.26155 0.68428 0.03297 0.58825 0.12644 0.95457 0.18508 0.02232 0.43099 0.84393 0.2189 0.88294 0.56697 0.39122 0.58248 0.5082 0.96099 0.00156 0.73907 0.02052 0.56167 0.93546 0.63649 0.15728 0.22981 0.50827 0.9386 0.47144 0.8577 0.20739 0.81988 0.31195 0.92537 0.24681 0.42371 0.73652 0.32298 0.61194 0.21973 0.92956 0.69034 0.88545 0.40813 0.40336 0.40858 0.9468 0.93659 0.38355 0.05652 0.80177 0.46448 0.12808 0.77835 0.71651 0.42235 0.27164 0.68532 0.99351 0.21941 0.47646 0.35073 0.86453 0.97934 0.67845 0.33214 0.1394 0.13889 0.50149 0.27779 0.90035 0.19373 0.01605 0.07461 0.28715 0.54123 0.5375 0.98028 0.60692 0.00021 0.76444 0.01683 0.34414 0.91371 0.44237 0.69429 0.41203 0.42225 0.68435 0.80155 0.02536 0.58601 0.95058 0.43688 0.86156 0.78919 0.3523 0.81319 0.90545 0.74737 0.49768 0.81955 0.13472 0.91011 0.2975 0.49606 0.97287 0.84496 0.7063 0.62726 0.75245 0.88479 0.50449 0.87889 0.38882 0.82457 0.55121 0.37802 0.80876 0.82877 0.59283 0.27353 0.34352 0.16803 0.06964 0.88238 0.70962 0.91647 0.53164 0.10229 0.20751 0.33606 0.85209 0.62227 0.85329 0.14273 0.55393 0.78366 0.75914 0.50932 0.88436 0.17985 0.18177 0.03893 0.53704 0.42017 0.15532 0.2452 0.72309 0.15331 0.3873 0.54591 0.51918 0.65199 0.7365 0.79555 0.63089 0.63201 0.38592 0.95597 0.21 0.62893 0.04336 0.61929 0.10821 0.15187 0.97604 0.65465 0.81174 0.66399 0.9049 0.61094 0.03207 0.40933 0.16996 0.36286 0.0904 0.54872 0.48374 0.21837 0.97269 0.25649 0.48543 0.62989 0.70182 0.35013 0.74608 0.41042 0.00929 0.80721 0.55091 0.10599 0.84625 0.04947 0.84776 0.01034 0.19031 0.66733 0.9378 0.59124 0.35013 0.11137 0.69117 0.404 0.77536 0.38126 0.56108 0.37353 0.45095 0.44701 0.02188 0.35995 0.5051 0.08879 0.32274 0.73956 0.08984 0.60504 0.13938 0.05378 0.33474 0.35084 0.14999 0.39777 0.47665 0.84284 0.88665 0.98844 0.00345 0.4556 0.26163 0.49242 0.77512 0.73054 0.11727 0.33903 0.79122 0.27276 0.38744 0.00751 0.67152 0.52748 0.52544 0.47101 0.6143 0.46477 0.76082 0.30898 0.02114 0.6195 0.17922 0.9424 0.27563 0.76738 0.69305 0.77915 0.72848 0.31487 0.03395 0.55784 0.38143 0.09961 0.56023 0.25764 0.41328 0.20924
+0.60562 0.12801 0.2509 0.16565 0.59364 0.00483 0.2557 0.03989 0.41373 0.58893 0.6419 0.56782 0.81615 0.92546 0.89484 0.71716 0.50263 0.58727 0.41319 0.72539 0.14751 0.17253 0.15075 0.02715 0.16386 0.36411 0.70116 0.15072 0.65627 0.94218 0.60613 0.95106 0.06391 0.40442 0.40234 0.82094 0.35482 0.67047 0.21059 0.98234 0.68659 0.91579 0.28796 0.0294 0.20464 0.58007 0.73426 0.04404 0.7118 0.17746 0.86145 0.59669 0.35148 0.22761 0.26187 0.84411 0.14455 0.59653 0.06949 0.89702 0.77433 0.48703 0.99877 0.48567 0.48754 0.24137 0.94863 0.59357 0.05528 0.51017 0.81185 0.00291 0.96089 0.589 0.39408 0.14947 0.27017 0.61715 0.39815 0.77748 0.03036 0.66395 0.32379 0.31265 0.93754 0.85989 0.60399 0.45794 0.14008 0.77326 0.53329 0.02832 0.09005 0.84213 0.61407 0.27644 0.16635 0.06947 0.58794 0.87829 0.2552 0.91353 0.8534 0.33144 0.9799 0.7348 0.75898 0.15754 0.85645 0.00304 0.55718 0.84722 0.00671 0.87526 0.85676 0.16468 0.66301 0.13041 0.45929 0.72537 0.70568 0.56924 0.54411 0.83282 0.24421 0.50466 0.71097 0.06941 0.50401 0.09258 0.02816 0.06307 0.36745 0.49516 0.08399 0.87729 0.8086 0.88396 0.95012 0.50528 0.65749 0.87745 0.69662 0.64863 0.50066 0.85904 0.83874 0.36281 0.98817 0.60423 0.47773 0.30921 0.09499 0.78123 0.3191 0.59019 0.5412 0.39732 0.67206 0.49135 0.17666 0.22287 0.50341 0.05886 0.32072 0.05755 0.42382 0.24373 0.12952 0.48475 0.05765 0.68226 0.62121 0.73909 0.18396 0.17874 0.17317 0.45741 0.56248 0.10466 0.90624 0.54371 0.25157 0.92755 0.28751 0.00749 0.90982 0.5943 0.71734 0.52914 0.97589 0.57823 0.33828 0.31355 0.25397 0.1767 0.11778 0.30481 0.91315 0.49168 0.67966 0.74977 0.88918 0.52784 0.68209 0.33009 0.26839 0.74395 0.93037 0.54478 0.58778 0.88775 0.6612 0.5692 0.93628 0.7597 0.32385 0.25838 0.16694 0.77608 0.90644 0.78619 0.13984 0.04733 0.01823 0.27886 0.96163 0.48377 0.17874 0.77877 0.70461 0.73745 0.22489 0.48826 0.39484 0.29375 0.12775 0.61182 0.71533 0.37008 0.56129 0.86703 0.26428 0.2684 0.48786 0.65397 0.17373 0.73868 0.81701 0.63594 0.14896 0.89398 0.11692 0.54149 0.45275 0.29874 0.55524 0.64544 0.84394 0.64849 0.13714 0.61626 0.82245 0.58996 0.86999 0.00752 0.07223 0.092 0.5991 0.23906 0.35181 0.19371 0.09594 0.41662 0.28683 0.29172 0.5265 0.35665 0.09403 0.73063 0.96995 0.82735 0.66224 0.27622 0.15469 0.16172 0.35193 0.25156 0.08677 0.76386 0.0249 0.74699 0.17019 0.84531 0.92221 0.19074 0.27467 0.13327 0.92178 0.3598 0.1743 0.40246 0.32966 0.77887 0.36724 0.1496 0.46617 0.48846 0.75934 0.98923 0.56605 0.79183 0.56847 0.95321 0.32841 0.14191 0.71435 0.52098 0.01606 0.24042 0.34936 0.59167 0.15568 0.38371 0.63276 0.10434 0.94615 0.69221 0.64994 0.03418 0.3488 0.38047 0.87746 0.81477 0.43886 0.4245 0.2898 0.34315 0.70147 0.64304 0.47489 0.87785 0.87611 0.35495 0.25657 0.37918 0.93105 0.50933 0.02065 0.29866 0.99932 0.08594 0.71827 0.44174 0.39781 0.85448 0.44174 0.78398 0.85425 0.00375 0.42489 0.62804 0.64024 0.1611 0.52327 0.04593 0.50704 0.48564 0.55964 0.13207 0.64071 0.51705 0.63409 0.02675 0.26179 0.98568 0.23339 0.4318 0.43034 0.15511 0.06232 0.61814 0.36122 0.35506 0.89807 0.24792 0.16421 0.23461 0.38955 0.44962 0.94476 0.78249 0.86578 0.46863 0.56343 0.04816 0.46996 0.8273 0.07575 0.82033 0.00241 0.9436 0.98366 0.39245 0.56807 0.70683 0.90113 0.33869 0.74034 0.34784 0.99706 0.59432 0.3955 0.65825 0.69549 0.45932 0.41598 0.32753 0.68404 0.28387 0.6853 0.75859 0.65444 0.1252 0.08898 0.03727 0.79428 0.1903 0.13997 0.01226 0.3568 0.2691 0.00939 0.53326 0.5043 0.92489 0.24984 0.6513 0.19896 0.95644 0.23806 0.56346 0.42713 0.57557 0.16425 0.2839 0.38254 0.90621 0.67435 0.13756 0.20841 0.60728 0.40405 0.91389 0.20459 0.62088 0.45314 0.6941 0.46886 0.47827 0.61339 0.34886 0.58529 0.19594 0.23899 0.10088 0.03285 0.25014 0.71851 0.34292 0.69929 0.15946 0.01369 0.50219 0.37686 0.59467 0.62486 0.70678 0.23096 0.25526 0.64642 0.99399 0.79203 0.39917 0.52459 0.33047 0.38094 0.45723 0.59522 0.47948 0.64036 0.21348 0.85411 0.27468 0.9199 0.65943 0.01096 0.54354 0.73475 0.20364 0.42208 0.44136 0.71703 0.48986 0.46747 0.95248 0.07198 0.56739 0.32825 0.33532 0.8616 0.18196
+0.65635 0.28324 0.89592 0.36602 0.16961 0.39716 0.82711 0.46155 0.5086 0.94552 0.05217 0.70322 0.18729 0.59512 0.51541 0.89596 0.23094 0.0585 0.96279 0.92624 0.13979 0.47513 0.9573 0.32306 0.75171 0.17691 0.50443 0.85804 0.35749 0.18905 0.53971 0.22831 0.26387 0.86236 0.02817 0.37839 0.64917 0.29595 0.72716 0.85952 0.54587 0.59952 0.29973 0.0068 0.88295 0.04314 0.96588 0.07414 0.28854 0.00814 0.58058 0.03359 0.98109 0.41433 0.16727 0.74491 0.15788 0.06946 0.08126 0.05614 0.51468 0.89031 0.10154 0.62533 0.16015 0.55712 0.5292 0.44965 0.94553 0.73267 0.62893 0.58762 0.65076 0.8238 0.68014 0.1361 0.2429 0.49102 0.75035 0.07658 0.66329 0.46393 0.33498 0.94441 0.54479 0.46767 0.61046 0.16211 0.41969 0.93848 0.79551 0.6305 0.32695 0.0825 0.26544 0.37969 0.97428 0.74403 0.55664 0.75137 0.86892 0.91045 0.37365 0.76357 0.73996 0.28658 0.75539 0.90372 0.74665 0.16481 0.14869 0.57259 0.51705 0.66452 0.61692 0.94425 0.17092 0.30212 0.54986 0.81071 0.05036 0.6606 0.41657 0.92993 0.90405 0.85017 0.74705 0.55781 0.66114 0.65018 0.78599 0.59176 0.78091 0.32713 0.63169 0.618 0.84129 0.33041 0.93669 0.72335 0.7342 0.06559 0.66061 0.88801 0.55334 0.66456 0.28084 0.02748 0.57471 0.92171 0.64464 0.60762 0.43493 0.53366 0.93839 0.63321 0.31787 0.60206 0.76299 0.8509 0.31036 0.60038 0.51687 0.94424 0.02608 0.855 0.81131 0.75828 0.52395 0.57816 0.45354 0.88387 0.39034 0.31516 0.3429 0.51909 0.27491 0.03079 0.24883 0.5296 0.41054 0.26749 0.94488 0.55943 0.60248 0.37423 0.21893 0.366 0.32575 0.82332 0.02367 0.65862 0.6588 0.21885 0.43617 0.82386 0.969 0.77516 0.33291 0.00517 0.02622 0.84148 0.77405 0.15552 0.85913 0.96788 0.09501 0.88985 0.79353 0.94298 0.05818 0.76242 0.64183 0.17328 0.61864 0.57245 0.60887 0.8661 0.42075 0.66938 0.93662 0.66593 0.37558 0.38492 0.84514 0.60865 0.23791 0.64612 0.49852 0.49981 0.486 0.30212 0.64957 0.21939 0.30262 0.09253 0.86417 0.82302 0.36404 0.72803 0.54431 0.28572 0.69176 0.58694 0.45638 0.3133 0.06115 0.22936 0.51672 0.80399 0.7021 0.338 0.78403 0.01649 0.40188 0.85312 0.64313 0.95144 0.52074 0.19908 0.54056 0.69877 0.22624 0.21764 0.98741 0.8029 0.18656 0.50147 0.03735 0.08782 0.5197 0.35849 0.39218 0.01386 0.56777 0.53455 0.52579 0.25144 0.38037 0.16187 0.90072 0.0182 0.47628 0.56913 0.19767 0.09368 0.49145 0.23884 0.44759 0.66242 0.02196 0.55101 0.14509 0.03571 0.67072 0.87906 0.54573 0.63085 0.02853 0.49019 0.12552 0.04657 0.30034 0.12588 0.50109 0.26394 0.11762 0.05047 0.97842 0.39634 0.8678 0.34919 0.54485 0.21964 0.59576 0.60119 0.10836 0.86887 0.47322 0.28215 0.67044 0.65922 0.80697 0.58411 0.23974 0.14667 0.75829 0.55073 0.21636 0.98173 0.68088 0.07276 0.24994 0.24768 0.83294 0.5577 0.2368 0.07976 0.18751 0.02408 0.53394 0.09752 0.93252 0.07831 0.31919 0.67423 0.5964 0.2436 0.96064 0.97742 0.4728 0.68342 0.40132 0.61764 0.75617 0.81502 0.72455 0.14888 0.30316 0.95531 0.95187 0.32871 0.49469 0.9505 0.51995 0.33712 0.33732 0.45809 0.65616 0.41055 0.07583 0.69679 0.45501 0.34194 0.37556 0.93588 0.53797 0.79863 0.4274 0.8155 0.13559 0.46821 0.91982 0.39627 0.00652 0.63232 0.24265 0.48226 0.15301 0.7137 0.46347 0.41373 0.18032 0.4341 0.06689 0.87728 0.65919 0.18033 0.07932 0.3884 0.61992 0.91208 0.46662 0.51838 0.31708 0.24047 0.69255 0.71146 0.10448 0.77722 0.2488 0.33375 0.38736 0.24709 0.70609 0.11598 0.94813 0.67496 0.92988 0.59591 0.1983 0.86005 0.76874 0.04764 0.67424 0.26156 0.38723 0.69829 0.91189 0.86904 0.64511 0.78172 0.06259 0.11341 0.40508 0.505 0.4321 0.19257 0.03135 0.39932 0.89459 0.43862 0.9191 0.01103 0.87618 0.32713 0.15075 0.11498 0.67317 0.01202 0.98244 0.34588 0.87116 0.37204 0.96403 0.40853 0.53531 0.50789 0.06601 0.04277 0.50585 0.95402 0.8457 0.03977 0.72458 0.30085 0.89712 0.75475 0.75291 0.47722 0.70675 0.30158 0.68353 0.21208 0.97803 0.74928 0.01233 0.8148 0.41462 0.49104 0.06759 0.00435 0.65825 0.1342 0.34771 0.40659 0.49147 0.06803 0.26983 0.29977 0.25689 0.69579 0.31971 0.45585 0.97409 0.50541 0.76429 0.69521 0.43856 0.34682 0.25096 0.57813 0.42862 0.05675 0.49836 0.51611 0.48025 0.36552 0.09006 0.01602 0.96866 0.70063
+0.06796 0.59404 0.27849 0.31113 0.59884 0.61308 0.43627 0.48015 0.11734 0.1705 0.10105 0.91457 0.17997 0.47677 0.08817 0.64346 0.90018 0.10494 0.44653 0.48538 0.50224 0.75386 0.64706 0.18951 0.85108 0.04853 0.01573 0.80959 0.03888 0.61436 0.97479 0.71257 0.35264 0.5161 0.42689 0.64559 0.509 0.79451 0.96081 0.45388 0.31032 0.28939 0.56999 0.07067 0.76001 0.33752 0.54893 0.74333 0.68143 0.11895 0.39351 0.62169 0.70981 0.13557 0.01636 0.81299 0.2728 0.04204 0.54222 0.94621 0.63479 0.2917 0.21812 0.97668 0.2173 0.18886 0.69549 0.9824 0.44939 0.65588 0.40942 0.83455 0.26002 0.05874 0.50103 0.81229 0.04359 0.95476 0.4471 0.9498 0.30128 0.34311 0.6444 0.55476 0.89513 0.34021 0.68987 0.41816 0.88025 0.99432 0.28832 0.85441 0.75851 0.91042 0.53722 0.37013 0.70066 0.24373 0.13532 0.88123 0.53461 0.68474 0.86721 0.45198 0.08502 0.93257 0.76316 0.9356 0.41964 0.26952 0.42041 0.92129 0.88653 0.30035 0.32337 0.1898 0.60596 0.34316 0.93678 0.60245 0.20335 0.78854 0.93268 0.20014 0.69772 0.23033 0.89801 0.97826 0.94712 0.01005 0.35125 0.60786 0.84243 0.90854 0.79168 0.72411 0.76778 0.91093 0.8647 0.82529 0.32236 0.57384 0.96607 0.19483 0.05803 0.72352 0.48495 0.16515 0.37021 0.70824 0.81085 0.71534 0.25893 0.49283 0.23837 0.31869 0.11754 0.23276 0.1823 0.0256 0.11051 0.66817 0.54555 0.39004 0.5947 0.16006 0.75704 0.60674 0.70515 0.88728 0.55886 0.63767 0.70106 0.33264 0.42501 0.27994 0.98361 0.27457 0.01918 0.97368 0.73769 0.19264 0.19816 0.35839 0.14089 0.31061 0.10988 0.3837 0.24526 0.94867 0.16975 0.67011 0.17702 0.92553 0.39381 0.44354 0.69201 0.27782 0.9325 0.08597 0.44569 0.74556 0.3527 0.93284 0.68601 0.60496 0.4184 0.52367 0.0152 0.79517 0.21389 0.5326 0.34453 0.38738 0.05395 0.16187 0.99704 0.70558 0.26623 0.31634 0.49609 0.66868 0.90912 0.37701 0.60769 0.65971 0.31707 0.19271 0.26043 0.42663 0.11938 0.23006 0.48163 0.69435 0.91648 0.12487 0.20536 0.95691 0.89723 0.66799 0.589 0.5978 0.5451 0.63423 0.19877 0.00509 0.39931 0.54886 0.72757 0.18888 0.66766 0.58448 0.03767 0.10215 0.57196 0.81938 0.51488 0.61817 0.46963 0.71474 0.91728 0.6378 0.00838 0.05042 0.60207 0.563 0.48925 0.11563 0.96486 0.12001 0.80288 0.278 0.0197 0.89486 0.79382 0.41535 0.29093 0.00873 0.94466 0.21435 0.60321 0.06862 0.84346 0.35577 0.80882 0.96234 0.45631 0.74108 0.81827 0.4396 0.10612 0.29657 0.39301 0.80777 0.76905 0.66396 0.20315 0.1335 0.76619 0.86633 0.5868 0.91206 0.40326 0.73583 0.04121 0.57813 0.27004 0.94254 0.23253 0.84205 0.83091 0.87207 0.92404 0.07658 0.97407 0.13168 0.21109 0.68416 0.56069 0.91142 0.99678 0.06587 0.11431 0.55168 0.24654 0.92172 0.02389 0.05365 0.29558 0.08319 0.6461 0.17678 0.78957 0.41498 0.16921 0.88361 0.00905 0.47428 0.32857 0.38877 0.85937 0.41566 0.84307 0.84006 0.99798 0.86208 0.55643 0.50406 0.50733 0.55628 0.14506 0.78523 0.10094 0.69771 0.95946 0.7056 0.83238 0.64039 0.11235 0.66987 0.45038 0.81899 0.83764 0.75056 0.28998 0.61822 0.25169 0.22423 0.97612 0.80869 0.92547 0.99653 0.26745 0.27794 0.61702 0.12292 0.8706 0.68703 0.57132 0.96005 0.14546 0.79446 0.3053 0.73111 0.34745 0.29068 0.22536 0.53145 0.58383 0.01383 0.67612 0.62635 0.69291 0.67891 0.49791 0.48599 0.66676 0.4849 0.45227 0.13629 0.73343 0.57986 0.9886 0.27986 0.59506 0.2612 0.92522 0.28798 0.73338 0.32789 0.40325 0.84713 0.62623 0.14484 0.4445 0.4318 0.23196 0.63003 0.34526 0.54885 0.18953 0.69169 0.77688 0.65498 0.49638 0.36905 0.21362 0.74469 0.87041 0.69693 0.50925 0.3581 0.03975 0.78155 0.79714 0.15689 0.90163 0.15671 0.46907 0.16848 0.48097 0.65859 0.896 0.21713 0.03272 0.43164 0.69814 0.48407 0.92192 0.21771 0.71832 0.52364 0.04998 0.69323 0.68415 0.94837 0.64986 0.67244 0.81464 0.50506 0.12534 0.85616 0.1657 0.78211 0.7878 0.11547 0.1936 0.09126 0.66208 0.37695 0.50098 0.67742 0.66685 0.23925 0.36646 0.85352 0.16221 0.15612 0.72532 0.0796 0.28496 0.71999 0.38718 0.01306 0.63125 0.64433 0.81137 0.7977 0.51973 0.7529 0.45604 0.87817 0.9889 0.24825 0.05387 0.70479 0.13522 0.62432 0.04071 0.35991 0.63339 0.59726 0.31967 0.60949 0.91005 0.49386 0.64623 0.51192 0.116 0.91148 0.16758 0.51105
+0.30614 0.68691 0.21436 0.91269 0.17191 0.84709 0.20658 0.32464 0.55198 0.38507 0.71143 0.86773 0.59968 0.73895 0.48734 0.22837 0.78865 0.27022 0.13336 0.28797 0.21743 0.32377 0.16004 0.93912 0.86887 0.40906 0.58623 0.88646 0.7203 0.86255 0.22039 0.42135 0.99478 0.21912 0.17564 0.8882 0.79 0.49774 0.72852 0.35078 0.61831 0.28215 0.94927 0.58846 0.75511 0.3217 0.01158 0.11805 0.36602 0.09155 0.08489 0.59351 0.66523 0.12941 0.93795 0.25298 0.54643 0.93176 0.28222 0.18693 0.90078 0.63676 0.39656 0.74528 0.40879 0.58585 0.13277 0.75116 0.32735 0.20415 0.52201 0.38288 0.17652 0.94748 0.17355 0.04618 0.68818 0.89926 0.76708 0.09951 0.37735 0.21925 0.89166 0.35315 0.46922 0.75655 0.18581 0.15676 0.49353 0.14314 0.86825 0.71393 0.77706 0.99366 0.80884 0.62272 0.0782 0.94638 0.52954 0.33312 0.9481 0.46288 0.05247 0.88784 0.22311 0.7763 0.3304 0.83419 0.79405 0.45116 0.84004 0.95477 0.29012 0.3804 0.22791 0.58913 0.27371 0.89819 0.76315 0.96449 0.62709 0.89523 0.86926 0.15025 0.11405 0.59624 0.93379 0.81651 0.20161 0.39576 0.7333 0.43889 0.47634 0.35543 0.34497 0.91089 0.06286 0.9636 0.51875 0.51275 0.21907 0.48656 0.09656 0.08059 0.05903 0.2494 0.97558 0.0494 0.26974 0.83788 0.51712 0.47434 0.80348 0.57196 0.44519 0.94312 0.81661 0.67369 0.24462 0.54583 0.96696 0.2938 0.22371 0.02637 0.98723 0.98466 0.31608 0.83669 0.9643 0.10307 0.0962 0.27114 0.30583 0.73755 0.12221 0.56452 0.43047 0.44595 0.7999 0.72992 0.58991 0.41889 0.53386 0.6728 0.93656 0.86953 0.96896 0.20141 0.42979 0.37077 0.40665 0.68129 0.71141 0.27601 0.12854 0.53235 0.56274 0.5801 0.5448 0.7613 0.67041 0.93156 0.60523 0.91789 0.7173 0.15681 0.5956 0.38591 0.93774 0.30221 0.67832 0.35668 0.79749 0.49472 0.80499 0.38049 0.44399 0.83623 0.93503 0.18424 0.23635 0.57367 0.47429 0.61141 0.21111 0.38667 0.30561 0.05608 0.7789 0.0844 0.40028 0.36703 0.67272 0.14488 0.99947 0.17472 0.27648 0.081 0.34414 0.74455 0.87678 0.03579 0.98582 0.58971 0.97665 0.99843 0.00712 0.26222 0.24094 0.10574 0.01519 0.95114 0.90293 0.08215 0.09733 0.74533 0.45136 0.6423 0.02136 0.31382 0.66622 0.12091 0.10061 0.91891 0.07977 0.10143 0.27181 0.73934 0.70635 0.52522 0.84517 0.88288 0.10675 0.20631 0.31729 0.08702 0.04923 0.64097 0.37324 0.53842 0.38859 0.62077 0.53012 0.42086 0.98452 0.98265 0.15207 0.22441 0.77603 0.7421 0.50299 0.33859 0.59654 0.17125 0.08163 0.50239 0.04138 0.99298 0.51351 0.92388 0.77078 0.34806 0.40839 0.11379 0.33306 0.90755 0.28974 0.82969 0.4608 0.11152 0.48018 0.90989 0.34526 0.72343 0.90388 0.70889 0.91552 0.31138 0.35001 0.40438 0.26315 0.76998 0.45044 0.72594 0.32204 0.37375 0.18071 0.3916 0.50609 0.03726 0.40235 0.71574 0.20706 0.90207 0.70099 0.38663 0.68014 0.35834 0.68721 0.51892 0.43519 0.89214 0.84859 0.84039 0.00833 0.15895 0.9955 0.16325 0.52139 0.446 0.33949 0.13931 0.364 0.96084 0.92446 0.2991 0.85309 0.02475 0.6391 0.19466 0.56731 0.52975 0.34083 0.2194 0.54293 0.1205 0.53559 0.9518 0.05977 0.14578 0.61977 0.46945 0.00774 0.99347 0.40039 0.49695 0.99369 0.04899 0.87078 0.96891 0.21447 0.83531 0.99334 0.51904 0.66606 0.86374 0.85796 0.71507 0.91142 0.20386 0.08327 0.31984 0.92607 0.53172 0.15116 0.4031 0.64845 0.69976 0.12981 0.33277 0.22749 0.31542 0.33899 0.75422 0.55266 0.3595 0.55832 0.28921 0.00722 0.75369 0.16343 0.74664 0.30873 0.41584 0.94948 0.74471 0.07706 0.74733 0.14024 0.35055 0.54573 0.26972 0.10501 0.13606 0.60392 0.73945 0.8401 0.19663 0.61004 0.00845 0.08294 0.87678 0.36579 0.65583 0.853 0.67043 0.07758 0.18418 0.17016 0.47719 0.25825 0.78624 0.26652 0.30258 0.80841 0.5998 0.68062 0.07801 0.62285 0.75922 0.69486 0.47634 0.52807 0.69886 0.11013 0.36692 0.99918 0.76949 0.63786 0.63492 0.07893 0.95882 0.79963 0.46264 0.39959 0.0877 0.545 0.41995 0.33154 0.74789 0.71012 0.35334 0.20918 0.47371 0.54726 0.83487 0.56805 0.86548 0.2288 0.17453 0.57231 0.73717 0.58698 0.52548 0.63346 0.28824 0.94917 0.82008 0.22907 0.72968 0.71886 0.45008 0.33707 0.77431 0.71157 0.12965 0.89302 0.27721 0.63842 0.66435 0.7661 0.16546 0.16613 0.72612 0.83417 0.81103 0.02538 0.50103 0.68549 0.67089 0.10123 0.92674
+0.15619 0.21381 0.56353 0.14168 0.46018 0.90743 0.28314 0.72914 0.80839 0.0198 0.87124 0.11137 0.40423 0.97458 0.61522 0.07587 0.98397 0.63992 0.81586 0.90426 0.78334 0.68033 0.26307 0.80987 0.97855 0.76809 0.9591 0.80973 0.92006 0.79566 0.112 0.88639 0.94487 0.12663 0.25291 0.86549 0.15307 0.99316 0.70247 0.1752 0.4325 0.96211 0.42839 0.47015 0.26528 0.93026 0.42716 0.11399 0.12735 0.37802 0.15982 0.43014 0.96517 0.77512 0.09955 0.84606 0.80472 0.22653 0.02652 0.07323 0.62441 0.87931 0.8585 0.08815 0.22445 0.27927 0.69946 0.85578 0.65663 0.55931 0.89434 0.64232 0.14563 0.14692 0.06634 0.28739 0.30103 0.83675 0.79905 0.44737 0.57801 0.09676 0.43152 0.87901 0.13482 0.96819 0.46135 0.88027 0.61415 0.96971 0.1794 0.64762 0.09231 0.10991 0.45267 0.78136 0.48311 0.40732 0.72877 0.01612 0.71504 0.86485 0.02055 0.39794 0.5697 0.01179 0.71488 0.99394 0.71219 0.96247 0.67873 0.06742 0.09965 0.34472 0.4668 0.86986 0.37594 0.29898 0.1129 0.62552 0.55601 0.72461 0.41072 0.93604 0.44684 0.25238 0.54225 0.13963 0.84521 0.27946 0.84361 0.23772 0.99892 0.12315 0.44409 0.69977 0.71822 0.34877 0.70383 0.99097 0.12468 0.21395 0.2954 0.84092 0.80034 0.06647 0.12039 0.96032 0.42351 0.61 0.66035 0.91769 0.78124 0.47601 0.28529 0.75806 0.47869 0.25864 0.40142 0.11367 0.76307 0.09549 0.95194 0.86581 0.80603 0.49859 0.022 0.22111 0.01836 0.09896 0.51188 0.75803 0.81511 0.20296 0.20356 0.7949 0.84108 0.49776 0.34508 0.70772 0.75832 0.03278 0.92224 0.17629 0.6322 0.66753 0.19344 0.75323 0.38 0.48761 0.7966 0.90991 0.01994 0.65259 0.48878 0.84573 0.36795 0.54355 0.1923 0.28727 0.55992 0.9457 0.55983 0.64096 0.91014 0.71316 0.0824 0.09515 0.42715 0.03308 0.10167 0.39362 0.09343 0.28256 0.16707 0.71401 0.97346 0.61055 0.43882 0.96535 0.9942 0.84392 0.59628 0.22343 0.63562 0.58017 0.57538 0.5087 0.72392 0.49929 0.64404 0.80137 0.31144 0.53897 0.44591 0.05737 0.3162 0.85643 0.6242 0.40664 0.70638 0.9279 0.61742 0.72798 0.35989 0.56111 0.98765 0.84026 0.88973 0.79701 0.33028 0.1665 0.73343 0.32142 0.64691 0.3091 0.05581 0.06664 0.60199 0.41776 0.92369 0.82031 0.25282 0.61328 0.93543 0.38433 0.25617 0.07 0.80535 0.64371 0.65092 0.04793 0.16757 0.70939 0.60512 0.35572 0.16327 0.96183 0.22887 0.66874 0.44897 0.86457 0.73674 0.06542 0.44901 0.28466 0.08289 0.92793 0.2264 0.43326 0.11064 0.62951 0.46971 0.55266 0.30193 0.8687 0.98456 0.27892 0.7567 0.17486 0.9559 0.03544 0.90125 0.66906 0.2514 0.94254 0.19398 0.21707 0.6773 0.21688 0.35496 0.52527 0.1954 0.28728 0.14261 0.64005 0.72274 0.79512 0.28958 0.6721 0.03665 0.14486 0.20494 0.92013 0.73973 0.68583 0.91608 0.45192 0.73158 0.93019 0.76481 0.44974 0.67856 0.93221 0.66689 0.26174 0.08496 0.33331 0.89953 0.7001 0.3593 0.88509 0.88908 0.81037 0.56257 0.54833 0.55186 0.08698 0.22297 0.84378 0.22779 0.69678 0.65694 0.62535 0.12727 0.83249 0.47031 0.84821 0.16727 0.92103 0.47657 0.49431 0.04208 0.63394 0.90119 0.25311 0.04921 0.91486 0.29005 0.19874 0.5088 0.26132 0.00609 0.01243 0.75018 0.20449 0.31282 0.79597 0.99944 0.66882 0.59749 0.14041 0.14457 0.18663 0.02543 0.70619 0.79081 0.95256 0.47815 0.34388 0.2186 0.16418 0.17782 0.68047 0.2925 0.9601 0.67487 0.66809 0.19033 0.90105 0.0705 0.7806 0.63188 0.13222 0.47104 0.9863 0.07003 0.67374 0.52151 0.77408 0.27947 0.84634 0.10745 0.45212 0.95247 0.39807 0.52387 0.54595 0.73498 0.68098 0.26249 0.37195 0.27209 0.4024 0.73128 0.78995 0.69245 0.44231 0.55176 0.35193 0.19097 0.48134 0.81006 0.87059 0.85894 0.3965 0.78702 0.82348 0.68893 0.94537 0.72487 0.36469 0.46822 0.13111 0.36275 0.95074 0.3043 0.58254 0.25864 0.21054 0.26043 0.41288 0.0548 0.37432 0.10611 0.60484 0.17307 0.38588 0.96911 0.17224 0.59473 0.08356 0.84071 0.1298 0.87275 0.78264 0.91632 0.52958 0.69181 0.69551 0.17836 0.61871 0.62876 0.33851 0.23478 0.96545 0.53676 0.04482 0.62831 0.64647 0.57891 0.75423 0.91985 0.01344 0.93616 0.30476 0.2462 0.88022 0.79758 0.42972 0.15465 0.54607 0.31253 0.78167 0.3951 0.31052 0.58157 0.69636 0.84298 0.74252 0.1887 0.55139 0.31045 0.01179 0.23507 0.63316 0.83933 0.5149 0.49336 0.88899 0.65675 0.04621
+0.77802 0.03064 0.93986 0.63537 0.39967 0.12958 0.53411 0.44398 0.74461 0.92712 0.34555 0.2572 0.5872 0.92652 0.78458 0.38558 0.16413 0.8071 0.31298 0.67687 0.44213 0.48779 0.20077 0.54493 0.13127 0.87845 0.12049 0.88431 0.99521 0.7707 0.41443 0.4787 0.68741 0.74482 0.12612 0.33387 0.16601 0.17752 0.84194 0.69402 0.65149 0.97972 0.31966 0.38418 0.00728 0.4318 0.46114 0.1654 0.0037 0.97709 0.71267 0.65772 0.64899 0.36799 0.40741 0.61781 0.86344 0.3606 0.40562 0.92281 0.42992 0.92874 0.24175 0.89925 0.03229 0.64183 0.65663 0.58287 0.44011 0.66485 0.35375 0.74156 0.96827 0.17171 0.61204 0.8987 0.05128 0.55306 0.94476 0.98596 0.00279 0.64075 0.36908 0.096 0.62748 0.7419 0.35625 0.40826 0.80622 0.68128 0.15041 0.49186 0.24277 0.01251 0.69028 0.93927 0.96873 0.90374 0.58808 0.46151 0.71083 0.75521 0.85922 0.62226 0.8289 0.8048 0.63357 0.69507 0.03534 0.64723 0.21716 0.96924 0.35328 0.75828 0.55034 0.78523 0.60637 0.63297 0.78845 0.38108 0.43204 0.17521 0.6743 0.33193 0.12541 0.01863 0.2689 0.05841 0.68308 0.74572 0.48738 0.21562 0.21112 0.23438 0.48095 0.46905 0.10789 0.10072 0.59655 0.98883 0.10934 0.49845 0.16387 0.4353 0.85114 0.65808 0.6845 0.95623 0.37774 0.39953 0.8207 0.05281 0.19898 0.35246 0.52577 0.56147 0.73984 0.87202 0.97274 0.61789 0.46666 0.9912 0.03823 0.50315 0.40438 0.4552 0.35445 0.5911 0.33771 0.00427 0.12746 0.55519 0.05617 0.43996 0.16432 0.20721 0.74102 0.27461 0.08768 0.59794 0.12807 0.57794 0.99838 0.75267 0.53634 0.86339 0.05635 0.47708 0.14034 0.63095 0.04847 0.74225 0.38241 0.05662 0.11259 0.20706 0.79956 0.96996 0.47157 0.03116 0.3366 0.80886 0.89653 0.50583 0.83185 0.61863 0.02387 0.13714 0.03116 0.48115 0.2652 0.80979 0.22354 0.87703 0.79005 0.99496 0.23753 0.50523 0.48502 0.57334 0.56231 0.64809 0.7848 0.0784 0.45291 0.84194 0.32388 0.65975 0.2892 0.17784 0.6638 0.65729 0.65174 0.6278 0.19559 0.92779 0.02253 0.87341 0.26131 0.53061 0.08861 0.54278 0.15658 0.72637 0.5177 0.16938 0.99314 0.4297 0.77803 0.05382 0.15897 0.3886 0.52828 0.63056 0.93765 0.86388 0.335 0.126 0.66742 0.29646 0.41032 0.28673 0.92114 0.43745 0.24434 0.07877 0.56998 0.81815 0.78619 0.68295 0.5391 0.54011 0.30184 0.67239 0.7544 0.824 0.39461 0.98849 0.81762 0.15437 0.94342 0.79265 0.7661 0.78719 0.79557 0.57051 0.96146 0.17729 0.18817 0.57452 0.86221 0.27877 0.68594 0.24774 0.88201 0.04447 0.17445 0.57773 0.20032 0.23199 0.84719 0.02778 0.7929 0.07468 0.0432 0.36855 0.79311 0.94175 0.53464 0.41819 0.49638 0.42223 0.99396 0.94001 0.74707 0.55027 0.65955 0.38626 0.43934 0.54834 0.47608 0.8093 0.15534 0.86045 0.40648 0.20151 0.30861 0.13304 0.01996 0.28192 0.38086 0.58457 0.59786 0.96581 0.28138 0.222 0.0297 0.86396 0.3588 0.14145 0.73822 0.97159 0.75861 0.84301 0.40595 0.80617 0.8578 0.61744 0.58063 0.03751 0.81701 0.99358 0.04755 0.50517 0.59226 0.00403 0.38461 0.22644 0.41704 0.29006 0.5785 0.4395 0.72907 0.71887 0.21422 0.48248 0.43284 0.02993 0.104 0.48367 0.29982 0.47894 0.47047 0.00362 0.58403 0.58797 0.93276 0.62732 0.22867 0.18465 0.47192 0.04978 0.55938 0.79469 0.5634 0.79506 0.04797 0.04179 0.90427 0.12346 0.03971 0.32355 0.18491 0.63212 0.53525 0.85584 0.24326 0.33747 0.89707 0.15187 0.31471 0.78317 0.44774 0.5939 0.29573 0.50723 0.72891 0.44655 0.91173 0.27067 0.41706 0.8259 0.12694 0.09291 0.43849 0.8985 0.51848 0.17657 0.38975 0.25664 0.93326 0.55117 0.67919 0.39199 0.36535 0.19901 0.94058 0.45543 0.52942 0.74204 0.82486 0.65223 0.21477 0.2909 0.06455 0.39756 0.29678 0.1182 0.19589 0.08336 0.58574 0.44463 0.92969 0.57868 0.42468 0.26236 0.43864 0.25355 0.05993 0.47891 0.08073 0.65572 0.98452 0.68704 0.18928 0.89683 0.63566 0.81814 0.90321 0.69192 0.89644 0.1668 0.44642 0.91381 0.65314 0.23352 0.97217 0.02138 0.21915 0.90885 0.61972 0.81764 0.02717 0.77454 0.74505 0.66568 0.94087 0.67079 0.16875 0.6518 0.63259 0.91686 0.76507 0.89654 0.30559 0.79277 0.02414 0.57907 0.22039 0.39237 0.83331 0.17102 0.39352 0.79858 0.29134 0.14198 0.47419 0.85033 0.44292 0.20217 0.56625 0.40506 0.43582 0.05295 0.0734 0.22508 0.52865 0.48783 0.95082 0.57097 0.41546 0.41753
+0.24169 0.25664 0.41398 0.8599 0.80397 0.61757 0.62522 0.56268 0.09156 0.12509 0.41364 0.89785 0.28523 0.50079 0.6266 0.93311 0.19362 0.76317 0.40482 0.20116 0.50447 0.50628 0.73138 0.24139 0.25323 0.61631 0.45792 0.21793 0.08422 0.17487 0.46029 0.95476 0.59153 0.87361 0.72775 0.28773 0.29893 0.87407 0.34509 0.98288 0.45445 0.51438 0.30339 0.01447 0.288 0.7278 0.51521 0.98752 0.41295 0.01998 0.55829 0.5101 0.02133 0.53412 0.57664 0.46722 0.91765 0.46839 0.25717 0.3123 0.04946 0.2683 0.10171 0.91203 0.04683 0.54025 0.89848 0.36268 0.42331 0.3579 0.03752 0.98662 0.44111 0.8559 0.88245 0.03575 0.66788 0.22838 0.18356 0.01155 0.51305 0.52842 0.75249 0.46272 0.13969 0.92475 0.34776 0.64224 0.41024 0.55763 0.90537 0.18896 0.18929 0.38986 0.67384 0.24321 0.24864 0.12002 0.21124 0.52304 0.1198 0.14107 0.68736 0.27103 0.10599 0.00812 0.09872 0.48488 0.26429 0.73025 0.63304 0.45886 0.34512 0.6371 0.31977 0.44101 0.30135 0.86036 0.25502 0.68463 0.89226 0.25939 0.39141 0.85616 0.53664 0.95457 0.90576 0.42608 0.31148 0.63835 0.13036 0.58505 0.77723 0.82124 0.71708 0.98321 0.9495 0.81397 0.97447 0.17847 0.62277 0.89481 0.9231 0.95003 0.47514 0.85304 0.21228 0.22015 0.79794 0.93398 0.8038 0.65472 0.16189 0.411 0.03594 0.36098 0.64855 0.80407 0.16332 0.29085 0.84111 0.76021 0.51508 0.7481 0.64943 0.59024 0.34361 0.83179 0.42484 0.91891 0.50449 0.7077 0.80126 0.94738 0.99172 0.93411 0.48152 0.91569 0.16424 0.50256 0.56657 0.14831 0.28656 0.71316 0.49554 0.46035 0.38439 0.94965 0.37089 0.35411 0.31954 0.32791 0.38172 0.61133 0.09365 0.74931 0.97181 0.03293 0.80374 0.625 0.06879 0.69477 0.41874 0.02495 0.15779 0.91001 0.90769 0.68357 0.87427 0.48477 0.89948 0.0884 0.07658 0.55151 0.40551 0.66033 0.25191 0.18979 0.16141 0.40498 0.7258 0.31749 0.17658 0.30951 0.28709 0.99887 0.36733 0.05218 0.84328 0.64259 0.0006 0.92489 0.51706 0.82887 0.12995 0.48706 0.92129 0.19373 0.17096 0.83209 0.85935 0.99869 0.74933 0.12234 0.00101 0.1557 0.28084 0.30983 0.58622 0.98512 0.45509 0.57661 0.1335 0.25267 0.22823 0.21557 0.67771 0.94297 0.75276 0.58331 0.15815 0.58836 0.79018 0.75252 0.7753 0.7962 0.1063 0.96203 0.35581 0.4684 0.60667 0.05719 0.80831 0.27251 0.64829 0.92679 0.74609 0.54248 0.2209 0.06966 0.72551 0.1038 0.84767 0.31379 0.08383 0.04197 0.19472 0.05695 0.41988 0.03632 0.21551 0.63209 0.44868 0.9477 0.21548 0.59548 0.14803 0.14081 0.50928 0.96268 0.79549 0.51291 0.38549 0.44479 0.60735 0.18441 0.47067 0.01852 0.01933 0.74624 0.13224 0.44751 0.92724 0.25735 0.92525 0.87636 0.53769 0.67116 0.2804 0.08534 0.49289 0.55244 0.0647 0.26675 0.94515 0.68233 0.44612 0.31094 0.39089 0.48655 0.61601 0.81581 0.35532 0.97581 0.34638 0.58347 0.30457 0.97339 0.31851 0.38334 0.12946 0.05022 0.43068 0.4597 0.95332 0.32262 0.27463 0.93589 0.13303 0.2084 0.31386 0.00876 0.05961 0.41384 0.05867 0.13639 0.05242 0.77562 0.87272 0.77722 0.44022 0.906 0.0237 0.86524 0.72725 0.59305 0.00211 0.04563 0.75799 0.65678 0.35759 0.52597 0.25928 0.57629 0.82811 0.36075 0.16356 0.06387 0.96985 0.77357 0.86493 0.92086 0.81817 0.97704 0.0022 0.32056 0.87289 0.39853 0.66441 0.0195 0.91683 0.62278 0.74708 0.86238 0.81623 0.71891 0.83324 0.81982 0.24135 0.21324 0.97008 0.57811 0.16074 0.76033 0.33657 0.65943 0.24497 0.73401 0.59874 0.50331 0.8151 0.23469 0.48348 0.28802 0.34022 0.0594 0.55196 0.30225 0.91404 0.45633 0.90419 0.21203 0.07954 0.47879 0.43952 0.64379 0.72552 0.0254 0.99052 0.44509 0.90235 0.68757 0.69358 0.98409 0.22154 0.69902 0.35902 0.31237 0.19322 0.83577 0.14262 0.18139 0.99718 0.39287 0.71487 0.91545 0.67152 0.68622 0.2455 0.5449 0.20305 0.49384 0.44709 0.56382 0.04867 0.46883 0.57823 0.41293 0.89305 0.89335 0.86629 0.37287 0.64877 0.13826 0.25417 0.94466 0.24505 0.91036 0.93096 0.73165 0.20082 0.46005 0.93062 0.16086 0.08349 0.75693 0.12229 0.70155 0.84474 0.35691 0.14058 0.70539 0.3014 0.40129 0.70577 0.70541 0.4087 0.34778 0.22352 0.5418 0.14583 0.92575 0.45804 0.44741 0.47493 0.38106 0.75984 0.32225 0.69657 0.06934 0.73275 0.18476 0.43889 0.00418 0.05106 0.12271 0.15739 0.23557 0.8199 0.87353 0.54866 0.2694
+0.55121 0.33939 0.04764 0.44536 0.08769 0.5406 0.24982 0.57342 0.21808 0.50858 0.87087 0.93568 0.84497 0.6949 0.75998 0.69362 0.09587 0.64674 0.08539 0.80729 0.42558 0.25682 0.25653 0.57754 0.01381 0.49 0.64246 0.28211 0.23886 0.95368 0.19402 0.04963 0.66792 0.30173 0.2745 0.06489 0.20112 0.19438 0.0942 0.23166 0.51732 0.58226 0.08887 0.8074 0.42975 0.3217 0.43411 0.29048 0.02058 0.45205 0.838 0.96758 0.82501 0.9717 0.92396 0.64648 0.73524 0.57569 0.24078 0.19075 0.46352 0.74237 0.52274 0.64988 0.39749 0.25646 0.36249 0.04339 0.96472 0.33483 0.07669 0.58341 0.30462 0.99453 0.66153 0.9458 0.37159 0.64326 0.77932 0.76383 0.15009 0.52549 0.61171 0.89473 0.75536 0.71223 0.14075 0.84941 0.33833 0.83179 0.8644 0.34321 0.21927 0.65265 0.36038 0.8223 0.59902 0.47003 0.30672 0.39541 0.56091 0.31169 0.95375 0.81759 0.57915 0.62003 0.75445 0.94897 0.85072 0.70139 0.21405 0.37111 0.98357 0.79374 0.6872 0.48856 0.85171 0.2245 0.97735 0.13388 0.26941 0.58233 0.70281 0.84582 0.49096 0.32071 0.71421 0.22934 0.09004 0.77261 0.27534 0.97482 0.10136 0.87263 0.2766 0.89091 0.91592 0.12995 0.1912 0.08365 0.01119 0.34534 0.37426 0.15345 0.7266 0.65781 0.76282 0.13685 0.1917 0.96912 0.27692 0.15993 0.18355 0.93921 0.23735 0.3012 0.05655 0.63473 0.52757 0.98798 0.67855 0.3449 0.20148 0.74541 0.17465 0.21176 0.89903 0.47947 0.21001 0.26524 0.9598 0.85241 0.97933 0.94857 0.87749 0.70648 0.50395 0.47063 0.07819 0.12853 0.08778 0.82239 0.28213 0.76005 0.87871 0.53149 0.30077 0.3703 0.04918 0.90769 0.03511 0.15774 0.48067 0.80878 0.2287 0.72401 0.63191 0.19902 0.1829 0.45591 0.50922 0.3108 0.75989 0.08101 0.15218 0.8534 0.90116 0.22134 0.48726 0.15408 0.75299 0.32474 0.43404 0.51957 0.45479 0.08566 0.47613 0.44025 0.51524 0.37109 0.52751 0.07722 0.75932 0.09244 0.71029 0.58839 0.9349 0.8385 0.93767 0.20616 0.20736 0.67236 0.88961 0.07892 0.51879 0.04348 0.08169 0.60362 0.48926 0.79183 0.15973 0.38163 0.25876 0.35228 0.68652 0.73574 0.5294 0.81624 0.99285 0.14287 0.30983 0.98223 0.96815 0.98875 0.99906 0.54975 0.1271 0.55279 0.34978 0.51523 0.89599 0.22881 0.62488 0.872 0.72657 0.35633 0.13858 0.10312 0.08564 0.80338 0.48965 0.27812 0.3817 0.03722 0.01833 0.95734 0.94362 0.14758 0.43324 0.45223 0.27894 0.87987 0.52155 0.81853 0.8915 0.30355 0.28173 0.42061 0.07867 0.368 0.77734 0.94748 0.13281 0.4379 0.16461 0.19109 0.81496 0.26805 0.46533 0.66043 0.97648 0.58753 0.63039 0.29834 0.13693 0.24148 0.20695 0.62776 0.26233 0.67224 0.29378 0.40135 0.57129 0.86741 0.42374 0.37816 0.05405 0.21343 0.47206 0.02767 0.33614 0.65389 0.93596 0.57487 0.88595 0.02216 0.18447 0.35915 0.95566 0.14004 0.03539 0.66319 0.94603 0.01513 0.93635 0.71435 0.31812 0.06997 0.28638 0.48734 0.95995 0.92399 0.20249 0.09426 0.08256 0.96617 0.58527 0.99008 0.28093 0.27438 0.76736 0.72672 0.81467 0.00018 0.05791 0.74547 0.94621 0.44956 0.08135 0.8884 0.18007 0.23389 0.27035 0.14061 0.22535 0.43206 0.07405 0.14169 0.35829 0.24136 0.84795 0.76092 0.52228 0.02068 0.7368 0.28074 0.29146 0.43144 0.68615 0.12351 0.88195 0.59216 0.66285 0.8515 0.26166 0.82554 0.79146 0.63662 0.22965 0.60198 0.91104 0.70214 0.05831 0.96922 0.45851 0.87915 0.56305 0.13837 0.56497 0.00953 0.70688 0.24769 0.02749 0.22374 0.72045 0.15747 0.53794 0.70329 0.16038 0.75451 0.56556 0.92055 0.00473 0.83493 0.24791 0.93051 0.04159 0.48349 0.986 0.62309 0.54433 0.22946 0.38669 0.93219 0.70015 0.0203 0.31992 0.93926 0.72612 0.52402 0.21982 0.59201 0.53842 0.85645 0.87576 0.68408 0.84508 0.65637 0.68445 0.4481 0.49522 0.68042 0.93287 0.57645 0.02988 0.04228 0.40591 0.32284 0.21466 0.59655 0.85305 0.85866 0.53302 0.65824 0.9961 0.22427 0.08855 0.89014 0.14342 0.68815 0.47792 0.37092 0.83635 0.18872 0.48865 0.86224 0.75819 0.15469 0.01448 0.46029 0.24659 0.57719 0.85746 0.44044 0.75672 0.98144 0.15363 0.58649 0.72154 0.11644 0.96871 0.06111 0.83421 0.59193 0.99517 0.6217 0.398 0.16009 0.17805 0.30724 0.97404 0.79113 0.41267 0.63404 0.32425 0.16194 0.38649 0.96164 0.26528 0.48853 0.59313 0.84091 0.48293 0.11064 0.05755 0.0562 0.8586 0.34452 0.48781 0.98051 0.98005 0.00395
+0.54624 0.00514 0.27921 0.50948 0.39874 0.7816 0.83867 0.37464 0.60522 0.94567 0.19774 0.45783 0.76358 0.78752 0.57866 0.49265 0.03747 0.61149 0.38309 0.60952 0.42637 0.35458 0.40356 0.48449 0.01119 0.9728 0.49483 0.62354 0.50356 0.92399 0.79509 0.69089 0.48254 0.92931 0.84328 0.5025 0.40752 0.24076 0.08166 0.62883 0.7256 0.92052 0.9694 0.70016 0.75754 0.5946 0.96002 0.97671 0.13668 0.6632 0.14407 0.37963 0.81233 0.75678 0.64034 0.90774 0.88045 0.96242 0.57133 0.8985 0.40563 0.17911 0.36628 0.24212 0.38257 0.26081 0.04387 0.26741 0.24969 0.12461 0.03908 0.41147 0.42328 0.30248 0.51628 0.93698 0.91303 0.3158 0.00611 0.63258 0.68071 0.54021 0.51799 0.93334 0.49346 0.06058 0.49297 0.33072 0.36841 0.88957 0.80075 0.55238 0.83343 0.91308 0.10322 0.67327 0.94216 0.24582 0.62703 0.60142 0.38249 0.38619 0.99904 0.51495 0.19407 0.06932 0.00898 0.6646 0.40658 0.75447 0.89555 0.48372 0.02262 0.91205 0.53154 0.40215 0.92238 0.90034 0.79169 0.00059 0.89579 0.09552 0.55778 0.25618 0.59172 0.67966 0.23241 0.02961 0.14072 0.55839 0.58616 0.5088 0.77618 0.0296 0.51692 0.04139 0.90464 0.18092 0.63751 0.40703 0.30844 0.7153 0.84492 0.50934 0.08306 0.0882 0.28591 0.50082 0.80396 0.8783 0.17275 0.37813 0.00718 0.16345 0.21715 0.05511 0.11167 0.19909 0.5696 0.2002 0.32275 0.45093 0.65728 0.78284 0.52879 0.69641 0.36284 0.61187 0.54455 0.63986 0.26925 0.33479 0.57831 0.90774 0.47484 0.73012 0.69591 0.80372 0.43998 0.17788 0.16138 0.06623 0.53627 0.88606 0.66976 0.17213 0.77183 0.02282 0.25579 0.94964 0.19599 0.0197 0.25698 0.08614 0.64079 0.34868 0.68345 0.66324 0.4009 0.00671 0.07215 0.95282 0.54674 0.81687 0.06645 0.45459 0.24825 0.80912 0.19151 0.58906 0.93018 0.04894 0.86759 0.37066 0.55512 0.12024 0.83705 0.03975 0.09219 0.03654 0.86015 0.01272 0.14467 0.66203 0.54249 0.46732 0.9763 0.38695 0.8252 0.31308 0.7772 0.7572 0.37157 0.45607 0.84625 0.16645 0.32275 0.31102 0.20215 0.58096 0.30353 0.49244 0.15843 0.47688 0.14679 0.94512 0.43114 0.08655 0.74208 0.86483 0.73303 0.03372 0.44463 0.80274 0.86503 0.60357 0.06957 0.04857 0.22509 0.73581 0.42514 0.30497 0.11146 0.02189 0.04768 0.84587 0.47954 0.44182 0.03785 0.80617 0.53704 0.58436 0.30154 0.87928 0.80903 0.96998 0.75554 0.76556 0.27384 0.39151 0.59383 0.58886 0.50566 0.87126 0.95683 0.59918 0.49035 0.87028 0.63181 0.08344 0.09168 0.95676 0.82775 0.93687 0.29563 0.43804 0.58376 0.21578 0.53496 0.10578 0.81701 0.96296 0.65785 0.7504 0.07077 0.87234 0.56145 0.98854 0.76811 0.57482 0.09764 0.20184 0.24712 0.36859 0.17604 0.62632 0.5062 0.60469 0.34292 0.21117 0.60405 0.69516 0.69194 0.73178 0.49578 0.87263 0.56461 0.71725 0.00118 0.29893 0.45644 0.36267 0.68782 0.67524 0.06428 0.71025 0.89476 0.04072 0.00313 0.1647 0.45982 0.87874 0.75202 0.70029 0.07264 0.27032 0.96166 0.11719 0.36307 0.88205 0.13226 0.93863 0.24966 0.02985 0.98306 0.88504 0.75288 0.56663 0.24782 0.8975 0.0595 0.9492 0.36727 0.75734 0.38601 0.50158 0.40402 0.87926 0.52466 0.58675 0.16501 0.06879 0.51971 0.02465 0.13522 0.88085 0.67256 0.29544 0.14747 0.82603 0.97445 0.54958 0.36899 0.88769 0.12411 0.26945 0.0107 0.03562 0.77781 0.6117 0.80499 0.71715 0.78105 0.61542 0.12783 0.89718 0.91534 0.24248 0.36621 0.3355 0.12083 0.76937 0.97702 0.6376 0.78208 0.55144 0.63501 0.85882 0.48243 0.80254 0.51769 0.3318 0.42803 0.27067 0.92012 0.85491 0.28835 0.44867 0.01444 0.61026 0.96981 0.99011 0.05792 0.10966 0.89482 0.17979 0.51677 0.46674 0.08581 0.13405 0.45883 0.88924 0.3536 0.33701 0.42971 0.25574 0.10578 0.91593 0.70338 0.24141 0.50839 0.62042 0.78696 0.73842 0.93792 0.9819 0.41812 0.62087 0.71556 0.03259 0.17491 0.40854 0.53015 0.16393 0.88098 0.59232 0.51656 0.70068 0.11892 0.06664 0.72457 0.8644 0.93236 0.2931 0.16675 0.59798 0.95618 0.78016 0.39693 0.82498 0.70847 0.35768 0.15545 0.66788 0.56293 0.76314 0.21248 0.56483 0.16243 0.95875 0.6747 0.89572 0.58492 0.33059 0.2937 0.57174 0.81906 0.04962 0.16462 0.17662 0.98584 0.17647 0.03678 0.52941 0.02913 0.81706 0.29592 0.7027 0.35914 0.42205 0.39499 0.74859 0.46608 0.74121 0.63549 0.20806 0.25591 0.97764 0.63386 0.45834 0.48116 0.71304
+0.25066 0.81298 0.66348 0.09294 0.20278 0.42309 0.72714 0.1899 0.56189 0.36144 0.29791 0.79351 0.37968 0.13556 0.10844 0.09697 0.86969 0.98872 0.06128 0.08623 0.30724 0.0436 0.0205 0.19856 0.19396 0.24391 0.91993 0.12384 0.13872 0.73215 0.43787 0.50044 0.90873 0.30229 0.12357 0.37175 0.23279 0.39057 0.32642 0.75357 0.27353 0.75534 0.24136 0.78981 0.02274 0.53498 0.5309 0.99556 0.26874 0.58249 0.57349 0.22883 0.68401 0.11383 0.13099 0.38257 0.34803 0.47813 0.84877 0.0289 0.52088 0.12291 0.23477 0.24777 0.27708 0.11624 0.1498 0.99614 0.47081 0.64176 0.61837 0.13515 0.67051 0.88933 0.15525 0.99095 0.46135 0.31845 0.48812 0.20753 0.31796 0.32928 0.45407 0.80949 0.41457 0.95939 0.02069 0.40838 0.46592 0.28082 0.61299 0.63092 0.52305 0.66889 0.60821 0.27241 0.89637 0.1043 0.5143 0.15984 0.22577 0.80956 0.80992 0.62068 0.65436 0.8119 0.30184 0.51232 0.55806 0.43737 0.4077 0.37248 0.66878 0.23678 0.81608 0.65813 0.02629 0.20766 0.66958 0.85592 0.17034 0.29646 0.07113 0.21483 0.18105 0.87008 0.17223 0.56889 0.32963 0.01812 0.30706 0.23405 0.27974 0.74392 0.6568 0.95508 0.77091 0.39305 0.27209 0.59969 0.74267 0.26489 0.63109 0.99396 0.51331 0.83384 0.83253 0.76913 0.6292 0.48001 0.64065 0.45288 0.66463 0.24315 0.84958 0.47492 0.16392 0.38957 0.33225 0.41541 0.2113 0.8967 0.62578 0.86706 0.57862 0.03563 0.53283 0.82131 0.37225 0.1422 0.08579 0.69848 0.97937 0.49404 0.51557 0.2867 0.7015 0.40684 0.38795 0.50616 0.13835 0.74307 0.27937 0.20823 0.26305 0.71432 0.66089 0.50092 0.27246 0.20359 0.42909 0.57447 0.87223 0.40147 0.83652 0.78062 0.07427 0.51388 0.13097 0.06729 0.33504 0.39858 0.74414 0.44714 0.85115 0.54203 0.8485 0.35968 0.61722 0.49156 0.29861 0.2146 0.59397 0.2503 0.26604 0.54142 0.65026 0.53733 0.50319 0.30525 0.3578 0.3867 0.2546 0.02651 0.00207 0.72287 0.67102 0.3992 0.11126 0.25345 0.77254 0.73459 0.44672 0.07848 0.95972 0.89474 0.29284 0.75493 0.45632 0.21649 0.6332 0.21573 0.40444 0.94562 0.26144 0.65228 0.614 0.85823 0.2278 0.73032 0.27259 0.98779 0.30033 0.80926 0.56951 0.47693 0.72321 0.65637 0.02683 0.68422 0.62247 0.72786 0.26818 0.195 0.10433 0.02151 0.11258 0.63006 0.54181 0.92405 0.29994 0.0229 0.19424 0.17198 0.42998 0.67616 0.31366 0.20739 0.68743 0.41444 0.05937 0.00252 0.01513 0.06762 0.92214 0.02983 0.27726 0.70612 0.21583 0.82611 0.53046 0.03142 0.72479 0.04153 0.54924 0.08984 0.8856 0.89039 0.65986 0.91808 0.60666 0.4096 0.54895 0.90689 0.82867 0.99815 0.45531 0.27969 0.77382 0.10824 0.68728 0.93214 0.87336 0.51683 0.0544 0.5005 0.36889 0.44445 0.77155 0.27768 0.72831 0.24131 0.86583 0.83541 0.22242 0.8355 0.90163 0.93213 0.10188 0.85443 0.22334 0.50253 0.86664 0.59898 0.45842 0.98176 0.41759 0.30425 0.50323 0.35621 0.76375 0.08547 0.69057 0.50818 0.12306 0.2945 0.76295 0.97216 0.25373 0.20707 0.10796 0.24363 0.5937 0.93465 0.75813 0.32855 0.62624 0.57645 0.65272 0.34839 0.61064 0.20417 0.59319 0.9582 0.09966 0.27647 0.20941 0.24834 0.02116 0.91461 0.31153 0.76984 0.96075 0.68597 0.75498 0.17602 0.34786 0.9545 0.22794 0.34777 0.99007 0.54931 0.80459 0.0762 0.56311 0.36604 0.63605 0.33533 0.97703 0.68529 0.83815 0.89317 0.20662 0.17502 0.42126 0.74396 0.0817 0.37398 0.14112 0.56028 0.51471 0.60656 0.18633 0.24414 0.60964 0.72766 0.74497 0.16779 0.77577 0.7657 0.59852 0.54308 0.22359 0.26185 0.4958 0.24638 0.85798 0.02509 0.89718 0.20885 0.49306 0.6291 0.08595 0.0339 0.76823 0.18722 0.45776 0.05408 0.28452 0.62152 0.47453 0.01641 0.21739 0.42942 0.20643 0.83891 0.67819 0.14113 0.78137 0.52187 0.60844 0.80985 0.15894 0.44252 0.94681 0.64302 0.01131 0.8712 0.91028 0.0408 0.29444 0.88961 0.3181 0.99419 0.08417 0.45222 0.91578 0.64634 0.78232 0.0334 0.33615 0.10142 0.71043 0.57355 0.26582 0.00941 0.15086 0.98737 0.04603 0.86937 0.39379 0.49112 0.47254 0.97664 0.98132 0.1177 0.2551 0.46663 0.60555 0.41269 0.53818 0.68883 0.91542 0.16358 0.56471 0.21746 0.04297 0.38077 0.39065 0.28343 0.22692 0.27145 0.90252 0.32428 0.32158 0.01975 0.8978 0.23499 0.50092 0.11832 0.2882 0.68751 0.52427 0.13583 0.53772 0.11007 0.71871 0.72364 0.37876 0.00681 0.14268 0.65991
+0.97899 0.88192 0.23645 0.02793 0.62166 0.83885 0.52295 0.99896 0.93229 0.78083 0.00899 0.469 0.58773 0.93812 0.3596 0.22514 0.34253 0.04403 0.51394 0.15792 0.77847 0.89603 0.16314 0.67179 0.81685 0.44436 0.09807 0.69288 0.44621 0.2373 0.39111 0.03191 0.83949 0.17011 0.49286 0.43755 0.067 0.72839 0.80027 0.65586 0.78934 0.14108 0.13583 0.38864 0.51545 0.23434 0.84716 0.31445 0.06989 0.71305 0.12277 0.00578 0.36616 0.06694 0.79528 0.561 0.84228 0.5142 0.39501 0.29193 0.21174 0.31188 0.01182 0.11462 0.93344 0.02514 0.64022 0.76048 0.91719 0.55798 0.09789 0.16694 0.58261 0.92386 0.42849 0.09222 0.07532 0.24782 0.86722 0.18388 0.87077 0.85957 0.20135 0.29078 0.59261 0.86106 0.46474 0.12947 0.59735 0.99729 0.07634 0.2893 0.05437 0.33601 0.04955 0.82729 0.92542 0.93805 0.9506 0.7447 0.94922 0.03795 0.32833 0.94802 0.55075 0.71316 0.84866 0.54263 0.93544 0.38418 0.04016 0.40533 0.93386 0.35364 0.49047 0.64442 0.43488 0.06432 0.22752 0.1694 0.46532 0.33958 0.33011 0.55264 0.67793 0.68744 0.12592 0.99847 0.9756 0.97764 0.59599 0.57798 0.6733 0.95755 0.64222 0.73897 0.3402 0.72473 0.22178 0.99238 0.39897 0.6095 0.53554 0.05284 0.08352 0.59755 0.56108 0.96178 0.50114 0.60765 0.3868 0.8689 0.95969 0.22879 0.63454 0.83093 0.42277 0.32874 0.92741 0.79958 0.96988 0.74601 0.75264 0.51289 0.41241 0.95716 0.67262 0.73854 0.95966 0.24638 0.67564 0.20173 0.46181 0.25903 0.74392 0.81048 0.12497 0.88386 0.2541 0.86337 0.10267 0.51392 0.905 0.94092 0.80836 0.34921 0.03862 0.44556 0.40362 0.85617 0.27691 0.62442 0.27385 0.4115 0.4033 0.57628 0.0981 0.44201 0.6407 0.08949 0.34231 0.12385 0.52696 0.70082 0.32912 0.1742 0.43557 0.26172 0.6195 0.04897 0.63855 0.90858 0.03472 0.73 0.63671 0.14327 0.55116 0.075 0.97558 0.30149 0.30709 0.75854 0.90113 0.44434 0.74887 0.51529 0.105 0.36211 0.26551 0.88774 0.26176 0.11852 0.28004 0.05334 0.33722 0.91928 0.81354 0.83481 0.56407 0.12987 0.30507 0.31924 0.97106 0.20586 0.31957 0.98818 0.51923 0.54429 0.03777 0.63553 0.1117 0.76827 0.34954 0.92407 0.39056 0.47669 0.21955 0.69362 0.61135 0.81347 0.4469 0.37512 0.13452 0.57266 0.8857 0.89654 0.02372 0.91807 0.73468 0.9916 0.40348 0.71916 0.4023 0.36743 0.31276 0.15705 0.71209 0.61722 0.38942 0.82195 0.29062 0.96063 0.36538 0.50589 0.97658 0.73208 0.07864 0.33612 0.27829 0.04265 0.07964 0.57698 0.59623 0.02217 0.96314 0.67242 0.6331 0.88393 0.43392 0.63917 0.1377 0.1405 0.43793 0.40722 0.06639 0.1666 0.38693 0.00807 0.84492 0.86786 0.15501 0.42875 0.11227 0.73806 0.07078 0.52197 0.41816 0.08404 0.3953 0.73501 0.64303 0.68944 0.67881 0.79659 0.01467 0.01796 0.11242 0.10642 0.04962 0.09045 0.18268 0.85833 0.88968 0.24905 0.1492 0.70626 0.56892 0.18341 0.61879 0.4582 0.32363 0.91559 0.63732 0.74628 0.67547 0.8501 0.43612 0.65556 0.90193 0.83576 0.65076 0.45803 0.43139 0.19993 0.45835 0.3203 0.8632 0.60542 0.00029 0.35461 0.4062 0.76928 0.55552 0.69019 0.31882 0.24328 0.99162 0.80567 0.57184 0.18206 0.04778 0.19547 0.07514 0.72629 0.6999 0.90956 0.23454 0.07815 0.88472 0.2469 0.50383 0.99671 0.13328 0.48487 0.00523 0.73866 0.52094 0.73901 0.02538 0.6594 0.84117 0.59702 0.37429 0.52492 0.22352 0.07077 0.26081 0.5895 0.07647 0.31249 0.83064 0.27496 0.31807 0.55292 0.92333 0.0584 0.02474 0.23435 0.48043 0.85761 0.58091 0.32436 0.69199 0.7267 0.62703 0.69226 0.29967 0.66764 0.61507 0.29077 0.47899 0.83211 0.11835 0.35181 0.56084 0.82104 0.26222 0.81266 0.07998 0.23528 0.29673 0.27232 0.56922 0.70836 0.36829 0.67936 0.33344 0.95238 0.18974 0.66517 0.28929 0.83645 0.1738 0.39164 0.75923 0.40033 0.49395 0.23982 0.84937 0.74535 0.7526 0.47506 0.85637 0.50507 0.51959 0.65942 0.55463 0.28252 0.80143 0.01111 0.86901 0.03329 0.70407 0.26078 0.42918 0.93631 0.42796 0.99335 0.82568 0.84376 0.52666 0.57623 0.13182 0.747 0.47577 0.69232 0.57908 0.25137 0.87726 0.74748 0.34701 0.35658 0.54214 0.61622 0.29427 0.51995 0.43962 0.72148 0.37424 0.87709 0.49469 0.52897 0.78206 0.32658 0.5805 0.0265 0.6521 0.0296 0.12797 0.66151 0.23658 0.78421 0.01121 0.16669 0.74311 0.79624 0.11398 0.11685 0.87901 0.27069 0.79229 0.05383
+0.03918 0.64886 0.67888 0.79368 0.07241 0.90724 0.98241 0.62165 0.30711 0.27769 0.39542 0.09351 0.41296 0.93838 0.70538 0.1559 0.47184 0.81898 0.08132 0.32866 0.85291 0.01479 0.00923 0.88807 0.12508 0.92163 0.06293 0.84329 0.93544 0.54665 0.92355 0.63153 0.21864 0.20318 0.76405 0.24547 0.7407 0.17348 0.70591 0.876 0.50336 0.52842 0.94765 0.95581 0.77723 0.05714 0.58996 0.5347 0.51207 0.67434 0.02196 0.44728 0.49952 0.49923 0.56158 0.14551 0.26481 0.54615 0.77386 0.2847 0.61675 0.43552 0.35452 0.77643 0.24334 0.65808 0.96082 0.31773 0.88738 0.61815 0.71649 0.55817 0.71337 0.23769 0.1365 0.62682 0.92157 0.35288 0.79142 0.95548 0.72164 0.40823 0.99745 0.89619 0.7504 0.65247 0.5347 0.21064 0.8368 0.46366 0.88786 0.92623 0.72685 0.00867 0.37386 0.97986 0.09616 0.64289 0.59822 0.93067 0.31675 0.46168 0.04567 0.91408 0.8727 0.9149 0.89889 0.75141 0.29619 0.97631 0.93597 0.85022 0.50581 0.10831 0.54531 0.17762 0.26048 0.42383 0.75444 0.65035 0.96492 0.32113 0.89091 0.6596 0.63823 0.76343 0.73265 0.07087 0.00083 0.76863 0.01388 0.96338 0.00061 0.26459 0.15106 0.65346 0.55687 0.66865 0.88508 0.28486 0.71527 0.87836 0.64994 0.18335 0.63355 0.95245 0.63154 0.03006 0.93585 0.59768 0.18059 0.1254 0.30623 0.84231 0.28258 0.68268 0.02225 0.31661 0.98674 0.40641 0.33653 0.28359 0.11296 0.5996 0.22825 0.46958 0.2376 0.18689 0.06447 0.58881 0.49437 0.48297 0.50842 0.76015 0.10028 0.00332 0.40172 0.3636 0.11165 0.1602 0.02611 0.017 0.2505 0.17199 0.72451 0.21352 0.911 0.22038 0.36282 0.75488 0.24019 0.07756 0.91568 0.0104 0.1251 0.61365 0.64973 0.45958 0.4121 0.8352 0.67899 0.19692 0.6737 0.38956 0.92322 0.18888 0.32279 0.8005 0.62482 0.04634 0.51734 0.97813 0.79016 0.83262 0.63961 0.79227 0.6485 0.41669 0.4928 0.79159 0.31765 0.86587 0.19923 0.1778 0.34808 0.96996 0.43202 0.22837 0.43284 0.67905 0.71013 0.4348 0.44019 0.81458 0.12789 0.67455 0.45809 0.00597 0.26442 0.51739 0.91097 0.01158 0.59248 0.81231 0.80714 0.0984 0.68975 0.64069 0.30004 0.28492 0.26431 0.3764 0.85255 0.83484 0.89511 0.5641 0.03835 0.6001 0.92829 0.85647 0.60099 0.86992 0.09753 0.62744 0.2924 0.2421 0.63736 0.86083 0.62194 0.717 0.56722 0.93344 0.07329 0.72983 0.87537 0.31513 0.8767 0.30056 0.13753 0.18307 0.53892 0.44788 0.61887 0.56011 0.88725 0.59134 0.22919 0.16467 0.46521 0.29653 0.44339 0.01642 0.71687 0.58025 0.00348 0.68398 0.05201 0.3637 0.46446 0.50004 0.36853 0.69374 0.55534 0.49241 0.72763 0.99044 0.12735 0.74459 0.2613 0.58837 0.75014 0.64593 0.08064 0.93477 0.83973 0.92146 0.68752 0.84177 0.47681 0.73272 0.43985 0.73019 0.02713 0.95823 0.45129 0.7279 0.3657 0.07792 0.51167 0.22475 0.00864 0.8333 0.20717 0.65203 0.73513 0.03729 0.40515 0.04492 0.80675 0.24721 0.86105 0.45222 0.89414 0.63086 0.79978 0.9804 0.85095 0.42019 0.96382 0.99616 0.61235 0.63889 0.04317 0.95921 0.3039 0.25081 0.18793 0.73725 0.63873 0.03462 0.59468 0.46096 0.49115 0.40891 0.79002 0.19208 0.80656 0.46109 0.73327 0.39378 0.35304 0.25737 0.93261 0.91621 0.45744 0.20498 0.88965 0.26383 0.54577 0.17709 0.71428 0.27712 0.56949 0.65447 0.63916 0.25553 0.49105 0.68887 0.54631 0.54683 0.9828 0.18081 0.76596 0.20577 0.88872 0.94089 0.1074 0.65991 0.14283 0.22653 0.90329 0.79156 0.12363 0.53908 0.61651 0.50172 0.05755 0.98309 0.02014 0.66473 0.90404 0.04897 0.62791 0.42725 0.4798 0.03517 0.94203 0.42739 0.27615 0.10116 0.63492 0.58287 0.94361 0.6676 0.96316 0.07927 0.44795 0.32843 0.52447 0.64783 0.83212 0.2852 0.75154 0.06202 0.87678 0.96548 0.44206 0.02184 0.82159 0.07509 0.50499 0.91498 0.66388 0.23347 0.55693 0.49247 0.8017 0.76689 0.60631 0.08117 0.12337 0.09414 0.77607 0.70403 0.16134 0.70864 0.42562 0.2527 0.27051 0.33308 0.08225 0.98122 0.03741 0.87869 0.6686 0.36992 0.27619 0.36222 0.45933 0.11312 0.06888 0.10053 0.5708 0.80625 0.64786 0.48115 0.6918 0.05819 0.79608 0.07025 0.44586 0.44053 0.93129 0.28047 0.66738 0.18444 0.32179 0.92059 0.86621 0.61543 0.62135 0.15958 0.29995 0.95923 0.67453 0.26722 0.3054 0.98503 0.18464 0.85823 0.21756 0.35209 0.67962 0.32914 0.18819 0.0433 0.86368 0.74994 0.8637 0.55372 0.90124 0.78354
+0.34791 0.92786 0.26543 0.13685 0.16956 0.20221 0.12901 0.12731 0.48715 0.4595 0.95371 0.42194 0.80085 0.16166 0.62875 0.30454 0.03609 0.95596 0.86685 0.71398 0.26458 0.3595 0.06804 0.48872 0.73297 0.58364 0.09272 0.07241 0.4798 0.17629 0.04643 0.50263 0.76231 0.25936 0.01494 0.01404 0.30998 0.83897 0.89635 0.73924 0.66486 0.77973 0.8598 0.47968 0.28311 0.60784 0.191 0.9373 0.24952 0.36268 0.82833 0.92689 0.72347 0.32886 0.52005 0.71284 0.08271 0.3123 0.34605 0.033 0.56266 0.73198 0.80654 0.95807 0.18101 0.67311 0.58668 0.46325 0.82242 0.61732 0.66565 0.5359 0.72173 0.93701 0.59265 0.56517 0.78945 0.14632 0.60191 0.56906 0.97837 0.48965 0.43752 0.12096 0.29825 0.49258 0.17482 0.96907 0.366 0.23084 0.47139 0.09706 0.19778 0.71502 0.57475 0.37907 0.19229 0.79267 0.90742 0.49283 0.906 0.13295 0.94205 0.51069 0.92709 0.39555 0.14042 0.657 0.56954 0.8975 0.19916 0.82828 0.0666 0.41297 0.7046 0.6217 0.49935 0.36894 0.11386 0.77311 0.91813 0.65311 0.03334 0.13519 0.95333 0.1557 0.85916 0.03661 0.50619 0.5462 0.87259 0.90151 0.01794 0.75721 0.4391 0.03567 0.64278 0.80587 0.1745 0.00117 0.36259 0.71762 0.73041 0.14238 0.58666 0.58952 0.98466 0.30878 0.77701 0.05308 0.71128 0.85098 0.22089 0.43193 0.78045 0.45863 0.84958 0.76228 0.35911 0.78704 0.94955 0.31469 0.95326 0.08969 0.16568 0.3709 0.68574 0.92512 0.33446 0.34626 0.27505 0.44936 0.1117 0.15043 0.8956 0.98589 0.52618 0.28568 0.38264 0.36025 0.77308 0.67914 0.19638 0.78687 0.82509 0.01642 0.32744 0.71383 0.66798 0.78076 0.87051 0.45852 0.31642 0.91012 0.07769 0.49462 0.21671 0.19088 0.4656 0.08423 0.90825 0.74717 0.61207 0.53235 0.67926 0.77638 0.17242 0.95894 0.55157 0.05737 0.91911 0.4409 0.84557 0.25041 0.10359 0.79655 0.22686 0.76594 0.29 0.44443 0.42045 0.11484 0.43741 0.27893 0.8644 0.20596 0.17969 0.69256 0.63393 0.26344 0.17548 0.21957 0.89134 0.22083 0.15699 0.26706 0.03355 0.13069 0.91856 0.6101 0.60409 0.96317 0.44966 0.55417 0.24268 0.35738 0.5224 0.05238 0.65149 0.29891 0.88988 0.53258 0.12981 0.45472 0.47479 0.06345 0.35925 0.785 0.63931 0.60278 0.10689 0.64663 0.07387 0.63494 0.77005 0.2907 0.97613 0.42285 0.52717 0.11339 0.20377 0.15896 0.62897 0.50495 0.19702 0.69499 0.74523 0.98364 0.67417 0.12345 0.44421 0.30395 0.6698 0.70955 0.89221 0.08997 0.91746 0.29988 0.32029 0.32921 0.39582 0.38438 0.23425 0.31018 0.27442 0.79444 0.34706 0.43106 0.70046 0.95241 0.00914 0.49845 0.25699 0.20057 0.00661 0.06822 0.90093 0.9904 0.25232 0.8905 0.23437 0.6182 0.80233 0.60589 0.11931 0.97188 0.68788 0.57221 0.60253 0.33665 0.93149 0.69101 0.95255 0.94266 0.736 0.26223 0.11832 0.72763 0.31289 0.6327 0.11302 0.54033 0.40812 0.90145 0.32456 0.49108 0.20986 0.95316 0.17688 0.72383 0.70153 0.87025 0.85592 0.35306 0.73957 0.20316 0.12364 0.6915 0.32222 0.17099 0.23059 0.87734 0.54025 0.63046 0.9335 0.90181 0.58207 0.61317 0.74143 0.42387 0.80582 0.69695 0.09344 0.91308 0.19811 0.65149 0.6742 0.28544 0.23641 0.97029 0.36052 0.97455 0.68342 0.85378 0.97009 0.6243 0.38313 0.73044 0.3814 0.74865 0.02873 0.08801 0.95831 0.53836 0.42789 0.76325 0.99198 0.32869 0.36406 0.03538 0.71441 0.10604 0.489 0.24682 0.62995 0.84551 0.13808 0.91116 0.9383 0.051 0.78749 0.8929 0.32652 0.24308 0.82556 0.32745 0.03226 0.93962 0.689 0.66908 0.20873 0.61722 0.59192 0.46419 0.42039 0.04224 0.32425 0.64189 0.01212 0.91489 0.61765 0.81545 0.6212 0.67832 0.35427 0.33622 0.91282 0.08077 0.66088 0.09303 0.00414 0.59654 0.16272 0.67392 0.71009 0.51396 0.69556 0.64062 0.18712 0.32088 0.31263 0.11483 0.34529 0.66752 0.78358 0.67891 0.86508 0.48517 0.20984 0.52853 0.43703 0.1923 0.98079 0.95718 0.2404 0.99362 0.4424 0.84815 0.20945 0.22044 0.533 0.95424 0.10588 0.43698 0.45579 0.44949 0.54704 0.40992 0.15049 0.52446 0.48919 0.22468 0.00222 0.82248 0.30171 0.2328 0.47208 0.34251 0.34876 0.02736 0.59672 0.55384 0.27137 0.28241 0.3653 0.94316 0.01977 0.72678 0.62892 0.0743 0.50925 0.70388 0.52094 0.10953 0.66807 0.45573 0.32646 0.65968 0.57019 0.2274 0.21596 0.0639 0.45244 0.62231 0.17557 0.03532 0.48 0.84078 0.37483 0.60657 0.84211 0.57647
+0.69546 0.74992 0.66571 0.86486 0.26536 0.92493 0.87418 0.32427 0.37192 0.43229 0.29985 0.64108 0.59678 0.33711 0.6956 0.06893 0.82942 0.81505 0.25172 0.0261 0.60698 0.22763 0.70515 0.54428 0.1128 0.21664 0.88849 0.50661 0.49916 0.60799 0.1128 0.38067 0.42492 0.23447 0.37837 0.83687 0.86951 0.7253 0.01441 0.95586 0.39257 0.55496 0.91196 0.8895 0.69684 0.06913 0.79672 0.28707 0.3597 0.93571 0.68904 0.74515 0.01393 0.26565 0.54717 0.88236 0.98976 0.32279 0.80589 0.24546 0.33974 0.37588 0.00185 0.89909 0.11086 0.25375 0.1173 0.04487 0.36453 0.91552 0.26607 0.74449 0.76172 0.39666 0.63059 0.94161 0.03503 0.81957 0.73877 0.80495 0.9332 0.61094 0.74341 0.39555 0.56302 0.22872 0.09025 0.48924 0.02112 0.43734 0.92794 0.53226 0.14157 0.17346 0.0573 0.19188 0.77035 0.58008 0.25168 0.02256 0.44836 0.26511 0.85477 0.79153 0.46757 0.98964 0.71544 0.44573 0.75718 0.78112 0.97641 0.9284 0.25898 0.19818 0.08806 0.02426 0.17855 0.26962 0.73927 0.36862 0.04681 0.96729 0.31125 0.24887 0.53318 0.71995 0.35759 0.66403 0.42525 0.92558 0.80828 0.89952 0.47972 0.67057 0.45014 0.52331 0.7634 0.48695 0.13568 0.58826 0.36021 0.86737 0.40748 0.59635 0.02819 0.69438 0.60396 0.07274 0.11058 0.73165 0.21209 0.1492 0.75379 0.11386 0.54025 0.02019 0.11302 0.04436 0.09907 0.6797 0.76396 0.32423 0.62418 0.88299 0.59187 0.84383 0.12378 0.04675 0.07094 0.04108 0.78786 0.82196 0.06761 0.14138 0.80556 0.55177 0.6395 0.25067 0.40025 0.48235 0.26215 0.12439 0.92071 0.92203 0.40746 0.11256 0.42629 0.72917 0.13801 0.79974 0.77304 0.21277 0.75239 0.11368 0.7071 0.66082 0.58898 0.43348 0.05934 0.06027 0.837 0.17837 0.34717 0.28432 0.44227 0.43233 0.27642 0.45482 0.69671 0.75893 0.65411 0.31348 0.96302 0.01144 0.13788 0.83444 0.7216 0.0355 0.31398 0.55596 0.45039 0.09667 0.18665 0.67332 0.278 0.83167 0.20449 0.90793 0.65305 0.61822 0.0286 0.24241 0.38525 0.10268 0.13664 0.65331 0.91777 0.54806 0.10258 0.98005 0.92085 0.74623 0.89235 0.1492 0.47646 0.11062 0.42528 0.00251 0.10999 0.01159 0.75062 0.86871 0.48093 0.92362 0.67332 0.23021 0.5735 0.28314 0.42931 0.04944 0.99522 0.26338 0.06778 0.83738 0.67471 0.90178 0.94682 0.18137 0.99109 0.9034 0.72518 0.92686 0.5943 0.21122 0.68243 0.59476 0.65739 0.74182 0.4072 0.44414 0.28355 0.15009 0.1981 0.66815 0.2568 0.54575 0.3196 0.83242 0.26708 0.7923 0.30749 0.41672 0.83122 0.71349 0.3685 0.05851 0.99645 0.20781 0.07562 0.75631 0.18201 0.62393 0.87036 0.03158 0.12776 0.31095 0.60367 0.251 0.45231 0.38914 0.55252 0.30727 0.84503 0.22138 0.10932 0.1173 0.24793 0.56897 0.50935 0.91214 0.98117 0.74588 0.70559 0.55763 0.39505 0.40432 0.92899 0.82209 0.61632 0.85624 0.13148 0.44004 0.25655 0.59394 0.07066 0.24564 0.20332 0.48634 0.30947 0.68779 0.2824 0.86677 0.12662 0.96609 0.63411 0.51237 0.30309 0.77795 0.93122 0.72648 0.14754 0.79488 0.40054 0.8806 0.29534 0.27338 0.52123 0.25662 0.23623 0.68401 0.29166 0.48127 0.95593 0.30443 0.60621 0.43163 0.44125 0.72115 0.05926 0.47972 0.43723 0.73685 0.21083 0.44936 0.48617 0.06327 0.56774 0.45359 0.13012 0.22861 0.18381 0.97443 0.47374 0.47696 0.42233 0.14781 0.59507 0.19442 0.50909 0.50151 0.06616 0.58087 0.66604 0.83719 0.72866 0.38373 0.05765 0.63753 0.90531 0.92086 0.30718 0.39833 0.98076 0.34796 0.07039 0.27831 0.89071 0.30819 0.82953 0.94677 0.30805 0.04798 0.33443 0.62207 0.93964 0.12223 0.23077 0.5874 0.93543 0.83088 0.75283 0.06868 0.85663 0.71839 0.27837 0.653 0.18343 0.60128 0.65316 0.44413 0.77241 0.94747 0.09519 0.9888 0.44225 0.98415 0.64506 0.49429 0.23694 0.59797 0.89185 0.21605 0.66017 0.71768 0.56155 0.08453 0.01594 0.76946 0.69039 0.86815 0.41174 0.0559 0.91138 0.6617 0.37061 0.03615 0.9355 0.53119 0.44744 0.50511 0.14081 0.81183 0.81644 0.76775 0.8481 0.88354 0.81908 0.13198 0.7818 0.91737 0.94895 0.28564 0.70702 0.21144 0.71217 0.81096 0.11278 0.17012 0.03377 0.37421 0.86539 0.76271 0.70665 0.78593 0.07195 0.09709 0.36036 0.73628 0.73546 0.73227 0.15198 0.20332 0.10568 0.84876 0.32762 0.19426 0.39764 0.93385 0.47516 0.83051 0.20443 0.81487 0.15468 0.64664 0.8719 0.5312 0.9093 0.52872 0.31829 0.03553 0.50615 0.72083
+0.26245 0.72191 0.25392 0.66999 0.23388 0.36128 0.49308 0.47966 0.04985 0.56543 0.81706 0.15992 0.91013 0.79571 0.65331 0.06352 0.02419 0.391 0.38764 0.98985 0.22687 0.75242 0.08492 0.20571 0.95252 0.3349 0.16332 0.68221 0.6641 0.68148 0.42345 0.30225 0.74174 0.02621 0.1438 0.01859 0.25419 0.63815 0.41711 0.03091 0.16549 0.52608 0.2216 0.08975 0.8413 0.61611 0.43933 0.1872 0.60505 0.23856 0.37755 0.63274 0.03352 0.22089 0.6653 0.80451 0.56877 0.61439 0.1285 0.39095 0.59304 0.46455 0.68891 0.08409 0.6724 0.69991 0.76107 0.99868 0.7362 0.87211 0.79624 0.8425 0.20358 0.37337 0.71716 0.21538 0.67215 0.05664 0.92642 0.11273 0.45857 0.07252 0.89524 0.98543 0.35396 0.22281 0.23814 0.08116 0.27111 0.13836 0.98572 0.92145 0.44329 0.93668 0.427 0.71385 0.4234 0.86533 0.2787 0.85221 0.71423 0.79204 0.4158 0.65234 0.89567 0.40066 0.94526 0.25228 0.9428 0.45349 0.58487 0.04823 0.68161 0.26838 0.34999 0.45632 0.15584 0.60334 0.72835 0.79763 0.03752 0.41676 0.23715 0.00956 0.92842 0.10746 0.60366 0.30928 0.57505 0.87252 0.33824 0.58746 0.79436 0.93791 0.81884 0.45149 0.74496 0.30419 0.41687 0.57412 0.36463 0.50891 0.67948 0.72405 0.10965 0.11366 0.21851 0.57525 0.9319 0.94123 0.05669 0.6941 0.6652 0.22307 0.3899 0.04928 0.10833 0.0644 0.69529 0.19861 0.24522 0.76433 0.71017 0.91511 0.4985 0.8129 0.31182 0.62166 0.05081 0.56158 0.28706 0.45657 0.58412 0.44826 0.40991 0.98669 0.8269 0.63547 0.28694 0.59237 0.06427 0.26762 0.29458 0.79987 0.26348 0.99171 0.73501 0.2203 0.29775 0.40306 0.0754 0.9958 0.48892 0.64813 0.38498 0.65319 0.51648 0.27201 0.69427 0.15947 0.44078 0.33647 0.65436 0.51635 0.80148 0.05259 0.82273 0.28973 0.5987 0.40417 0.94762 0.5378 0.96489 0.63425 0.33245 0.93159 0.34514 0.40152 0.22813 0.80934 0.72864 0.53402 0.07723 0.50325 0.00091 0.58423 0.07256 0.17116 0.59122 0.21315 0.81588 0.79918 0.98495 0.10534 0.26369 0.91914 0.24652 0.71695 0.7321 0.8443 0.10901 0.51219 0.41869 0.88442 0.86275 0.39219 0.77036 0.59346 0.06614 0.71211 0.40865 0.1139 0.43228 0.04471 0.66165 0.40426 0.1518 0.60258 0.8216 0.17741 0.95713 0.38204 0.98635 0.30333 0.21725 0.37828 0.86808 0.19895 0.9212 0.05019 0.59956 0.29021 0.95999 0.1031 0.80018 0.4772 0.28357 0.23867 0.96079 0.41724 0.43844 0.97108 0.13879 0.54799 0.55645 0.56262 0.88516 0.17278 0.74692 0.96343 0.01099 0.07889 0.91693 0.50742 0.30363 0.53061 0.15509 0.94761 0.35222 0.51489 0.77366 0.6394 0.22172 0.5021 0.39105 0.92663 0.96334 0.97197 0.99889 0.19991 0.24581 0.4695 0.98952 0.31141 0.20476 0.16457 0.21475 0.10399 0.51466 0.35975 0.86775 0.98686 0.13711 0.84895 0.68426 0.10686 0.64499 0.28357 0.18031 0.2202 0.32979 0.37356 0.2533 0.25557 0.93141 0.71624 0.72856 0.78163 0.13765 0.27181 0.17242 0.83416 0.029 0.66034 0.86897 0.1018 0.55531 0.01753 0.33516 0.42965 0.584 0.27258 0.85593 0.91795 0.37148 0.65209 0.24256 0.91104 0.73076 0.17122 0.10949 0.56765 0.50226 0.99531 0.64939 0.11185 0.62958 0.03657 0.5002 0.97329 0.70223 0.37375 0.61563 0.59613 0.59498 0.87209 0.56315 0.10098 0.61812 0.75202 0.95946 0.63055 0.09317 0.22213 0.68628 0.60302 0.79173 0.7588 0.3601 0.5913 0.03944 0.51972 0.97941 0.15883 0.47942 0.53187 0.74876 0.0457 0.61403 0.93545 0.22682 0.30422 0.88713 0.07782 0.91711 0.19505 0.06092 0.51186 0.1942 0.70156 0.44724 0.14359 0.0412 0.6057 0.49952 0.01896 0.14568 0.39804 0.70697 0.60297 0.75629 0.3326 0.76213 0.86728 0.01448 0.23363 0.04197 0.01621 0.05902 0.32343 0.69997 0.41931 0.09823 0.37914 0.3004 0.46582 0.44248 0.98173 0.10748 0.3593 0.27097 0.66011 0.82595 0.2647 0.89026 0.55033 0.41717 0.93774 0.14104 0.92956 0.99203 0.52094 0.58294 0.92564 0.98301 0.74537 0.77631 0.98894 0.4837 0.47265 0.18977 0.53003 0.17779 0.17101 0.79944 0.74762 0.78074 0.18719 0.74122 0.01615 0.57015 0.07825 0.45631 0.66787 0.81943 0.52117 0.87168 0.38898 0.79282 0.65875 0.86825 0.0744 0.68681 0.51235 0.85864 0.78803 0.55959 0.65947 0.13272 0.20132 0.1581 0.27295 0.52695 0.32841 0.51011 0.26157 0.75179 0.79052 0.79962 0.866 0.63617 0.20434 0.47869 0.26452 0.70762 0.83211 0.20195 0.14192 0.47378 0.85114 0.12476 0.12483
+0.05431 0.80363 0.18484 0.34203 0.60302 0.06496 0.97279 0.11165 0.61382 0.02696 0.8679 0.78482 0.66758 0.62051 0.79588 0.40839 0.74673 0.89071 0.18583 0.29272 0.85397 0.58241 0.67783 0.90111 0.62576 0.91685 0.26782 0.26547 0.25678 0.32685 0.2077 0.89335 0.68025 0.25662 0.25632 0.35091 0.70423 0.14314 0.37554 0.14845 0.19475 0.80711 0.5432 0.82901 0.08807 0.78759 0.44754 0.5635 0.2202 0.4333 0.70052 0.02951 0.89537 0.39822 0.61671 0.69547 0.43013 0.53274 0.65564 0.46666 0.30128 0.08141 0.02582 0.88047 0.6714 0.40013 0.65032 0.47939 0.23003 0.04446 0.96401 0.10169 0.38318 0.96707 0.82377 0.61643 0.02938 0.48596 0.544 0.17933 0.29209 0.44313 0.06036 0.8574 0.40618 0.00018 0.91197 0.32946 0.96813 0.5291 0.25506 0.78948 0.9774 0.09334 0.33332 0.20412 0.19126 0.30173 0.06314 0.72268 0.23856 0.03099 0.59225 0.50278 0.35027 0.34385 0.3504 0.71956 0.06776 0.0536 0.09046 0.32322 0.23949 0.80704 0.12123 0.38261 0.4831 0.6669 0.95641 0.42646 0.31053 0.49157 0.54212 0.43251 0.28233 0.48713 0.4257 0.17553 0.82775 0.33647 0.09661 0.85707 0.8966 0.73213 0.13455 0.06143 0.3725 0.80906 0.94044 0.08313 0.66047 0.68885 0.7915 0.15645 0.25739 0.75215 0.43948 0.87119 0.49577 0.56241 0.23125 0.79609 0.97881 0.53506 0.80313 0.10552 0.73028 0.01138 0.28868 0.45368 0.5885 0.45183 0.15926 0.37637 0.92199 0.57662 0.72035 0.83006 0.5453 0.41403 0.29174 0.60596 0.46586 0.73391 0.06557 0.07925 0.01577 0.02533 0.26045 0.71154 0.45938 0.32354 0.94137 0.08749 0.64717 0.78457 0.83918 0.27016 0.96601 0.55633 0.09653 0.63825 0.43786 0.17726 0.01865 0.03393 0.62578 0.98601 0.14807 0.15003 0.73304 0.23224 0.605 0.24747 0.26012 0.96381 0.14257 0.79459 0.13021 0.28636 0.25029 0.597 0.57832 0.94999 0.91964 0.30493 0.20547 0.11962 0.30927 0.23599 0.20011 0.86092 0.95047 0.8772 0.62263 0.63833 0.46083 0.42605 0.32972 0.22024 0.02882 0.20215 0.14439 0.73724 0.29179 0.76518 0.00888 0.24374 0.70008 0.38762 0.69639 0.91936 0.68219 0.2447 0.98108 0.44795 0.22541 0.56911 0.24571 0.97211 0.43869 0.30086 0.60478 0.67245 0.27106 0.85751 0.32584 0.68787 0.56629 0.39566 0.32326 0.94708 0.81671 0.80139 0.22862 0.3753 0.80467 0.1292 0.99102 0.37045 0.60735 0.20264 0.93502 0.2696 0.81062 0.92502 0.7148 0.56771 0.0041 0.60267 0.35598 0.75338 0.77779 0.97801 0.49452 0.89957 0.22735 0.62537 0.6033 0.88258 0.22693 0.6807 0.84854 0.97222 0.71305 0.51608 0.93862 0.03111 0.46489 0.57745 0.11765 0.90287 0.88532 0.64332 0.12155 0.46689 0.26381 0.80929 0.36094 0.30727 0.3357 0.01371 0.475 0.91896 0.90933 0.50469 0.3242 0.09569 0.37751 0.97166 0.28057 0.91837 0.45996 0.50248 0.25342 0.84093 0.23673 0.19144 0.8255 0.91002 0.55766 0.29666 0.71524 0.00889 0.96789 0.00275 0.1831 0.62145 0.14506 0.50417 0.07708 0.15376 0.94958 0.7914 0.12572 0.01166 0.741 0.52484 0.14771 0.61809 0.14894 0.71282 0.65438 0.44763 0.45669 0.95323 0.49365 0.06416 0.15473 0.70707 0.73277 0.45378 0.69539 0.15365 0.00214 0.77972 0.26699 0.19033 0.455 0.62814 0.22021 0.24388 0.25732 0.35277 0.38378 0.62292 0.52914 0.2653 0.30757 0.71762 0.95042 0.18007 0.61099 0.0586 0.35095 0.06826 0.16366 0.98677 0.60756 0.39212 0.09298 0.68193 0.17965 0.07391 0.95936 0.77117 0.58111 0.09249 0.70134 0.66997 0.12052 0.3995 0.8757 0.6138 0.95298 0.59149 0.39378 0.48228 0.67519 0.14236 0.48096 0.66249 0.51025 0.8481 0.9887 0.39734 0.83518 0.81672 0.00337 0.27605 0.17025 0.54021 0.05794 0.18045 0.97806 0.46721 0.87018 0.96204 0.98184 0.44571 0.38434 0.28342 0.0792 0.64071 0.13177 0.87654 0.3052 0.60737 0.04572 0.72375 0.99998 0.34542 0.38549 0.89744 0.05457 0.3657 0.94731 0.3794 0.99129 0.26714 0.86258 0.39217 0.26778 0.00174 0.63359 0.72497 0.84317 0.19596 0.77939 0.29467 0.22178 0.7726 0.45039 0.16942 0.51782 0.19565 0.41794 0.81625 0.10313 0.20189 0.18645 0.56432 0.29001 0.36841 0.47939 0.95717 0.15404 0.79257 0.43988 0.6849 0.0619 0.99677 0.88377 0.96751 0.4758 0.87934 0.55806 0.2317 0.35111 0.62691 0.52962 0.09503 0.56138 0.52904 0.93114 0.31123 0.25504 0.15294 0.85565 0.76537 0.16142 0.15473 0.14342 0.36031 0.96948 0.01101 0.26789 0.59949 0.96572 0.64346 0.27538 0.82544
+0.11417 0.52875 0.50623 0.03113 0.35935 0.11615 0.84973 0.90368 0.20862 0.02587 0.02351 0.93859 0.72234 0.16276 0.10468 0.21321 0.27275 0.34636 0.02032 0.99118 0.71548 0.33174 0.64334 0.43232 0.72851 0.99035 0.97733 0.4602 0.99763 0.71019 0.75057 0.07255 0.63472 0.63155 0.38606 0.2071 0.06437 0.68298 0.44734 0.36191 0.21138 0.94647 0.96583 0.25999 0.99997 0.20325 0.44279 0.34761 0.49533 0.78633 0.93673 0.98923 0.12125 0.11838 0.968 0.88017 0.86616 0.34195 0.36199 0.61933 0.63566 0.14202 0.64661 0.97234 0.87922 0.19243 0.39164 0.56682 0.25726 0.82146 0.21969 0.40345 0.9409 0.00922 0.28499 0.77939 0.70736 0.57715 0.50308 0.76225 0.05486 0.73777 0.45848 0.65828 0.18397 0.82676 0.08955 0.26775 0.18908 0.72061 0.34461 0.80873 0.92172 0.85049 0.90219 0.50448 0.55557 0.86743 0.46987 0.75037 0.21901 0.05415 0.53697 0.25073 0.29619 0.44185 0.24476 0.79268 0.96539 0.90457 0.92772 0.54141 0.66587 0.45892 0.90886 0.42271 0.4621 0.42407 0.06787 0.79265 0.90807 0.04484 0.39065 0.91849 0.49674 0.04784 0.5568 0.18695 0.84832 0.00757 0.96527 0.85279 0.98555 0.27299 0.95745 0.17535 0.34292 0.4465 0.75897 0.02515 0.43226 0.90577 0.08829 0.4027 0.25324 0.24114 0.71239 0.10473 0.60466 0.33417 0.93876 0.54535 0.52353 0.69737 0.99572 0.79092 0.72759 0.76402 0.54803 0.26658 0.72954 0.21531 0.53948 0.09811 0.37124 0.31457 0.75523 0.45883 0.69423 0.05359 0.79889 0.61094 0.42957 0.40254 0.89751 0.80943 0.9756 0.41412 0.46561 0.70491 0.1883 0.20737 0.38083 0.48717 0.31428 0.54099 0.20641 0.81194 0.28764 0.90299 0.84629 0.43701 0.79375 0.36396 0.57527 0.22188 0.95702 0.25051 0.78556 0.89419 0.98745 0.45655 0.06308 0.7545 0.82116 0.64352 0.78324 0.42737 0.24403 0.27752 0.90902 0.24715 0.17709 0.89206 0.81001 0.06557 0.17734 0.99533 0.47187 0.94678 0.96713 0.92356 0.43258 0.44002 0.99627 0.66946 0.96403 0.1889 0.7889 0.55602 0.0354 0.12549 0.54846 0.13167 0.15443 0.17664 0.72438 0.88311 0.88268 0.07794 0.63033 0.01834 0.07742 0.59557 0.07971 0.26223 0.78302 0.18241 0.46545 0.86421 0.27278 0.10072 0.3475 0.54144 0.07742 0.04658 0.80942 0.17676 0.35566 0.78457 0.91049 0.57623 0.55514 0.46691 0.92568 0.81802 0.60064 0.49453 0.01031 0.86996 0.04396 0.48089 0.35697 0.02692 0.46621 0.53218 0.72777 0.65904 0.06411 0.30241 0.12497 0.19497 0.23781 0.57854 0.58768 0.08913 0.88612 0.94123 0.55004 0.00845 0.536 0.49398 0.11411 0.79785 0.05279 0.494 0.00851 0.39326 0.71108 0.15062 0.69564 0.77992 0.25757 0.13785 0.22327 0.12429 0.04224 0.83708 0.77125 0.1619 0.45372 0.84544 0.4288 0.57618 0.45539 0.67334 0.88219 0.05771 0.66068 0.74809 0.53032 0.92592 0.82875 0.19151 0.87719 0.94887 0.55876 0.50759 0.97008 0.94015 0.36585 0.27729 0.23689 0.44103 0.8505 0.37857 0.31245 0.55883 0.19039 0.66785 0.76729 0.4123 0.99419 0.78075 0.88255 0.23408 0.67008 0.8554 0.15174 0.05879 0.93601 0.96832 0.76695 0.40201 0.22219 0.89121 0.38291 0.17865 0.79867 0.12606 0.33055 0.93048 0.50177 0.51273 0.48786 0.73027 0.30632 0.00435 0.74629 0.29504 0.51661 0.33335 0.1139 0.18718 0.52333 0.64071 0.28872 0.54122 0.16863 0.07499 0.47344 0.51993 0.27874 0.53799 0.25536 0.75378 0.33805 0.99606 0.66556 0.37896 0.66099 0.2344 0.82537 0.15216 0.19396 0.24949 0.62268 0.79629 0.64867 0.13097 0.75322 0.99273 0.28527 0.68886 0.89032 0.4621 0.39738 0.57866 0.72903 0.84898 0.34252 0.13716 0.27632 0.44404 0.27673 0.32945 0.8802 0.46288 0.31955 0.23968 0.61976 0.09095 0.17877 0.82392 0.04458 0.12165 0.21241 0.87533 0.02301 0.71435 0.19572 0.58635 0.39608 0.96646 0.16023 0.60677 0.57721 0.31128 0.04322 0.22499 0.15708 0.0679 0.46494 0.62799 0.56524 0.78942 0.2239 0.6752 0.19368 0.02374 0.93808 0.40978 0.70872 0.8226 0.44918 0.328 0.6629 0.80908 0.48474 0.37653 0.88328 0.89046 0.37067 0.43879 0.95908 0.557 0.02122 0.93395 0.08668 0.36264 0.97906 0.96564 0.45292 0.47667 0.1822 0.05216 0.71636 0.12739 0.26479 0.9694 0.10989 0.39471 0.17136 0.52755 0.76696 0.61067 0.62566 0.55509 0.35924 0.5646 0.59394 0.28674 0.31278 0.51996 0.30076 0.81984 0.10301 0.35097 0.46328 0.82357 0.01886 0.25772 0.60557 0.12301 0.53639 0.45445 0.89047 0.71729 0.13497 0.82728 0.15489 0.60075
+0.53658 0.52298 0.1797 0.3176 0.93853 0.54556 0.15372 0.78115 0.10634 0.08359 0.02173 0.63536 0.98172 0.27719 0.27909 0.78726 0.81801 0.86987 0.34616 0.91389 0.86018 0.33411 0.97515 0.84663 0.11671 0.3637 0.53691 0.91977 0.93129 0.34416 0.27367 0.61442 0.50644 0.94389 0.65764 0.84752 0.39586 0.68011 0.90975 0.09159 0.93238 0.46782 0.60246 0.13577 0.24442 0.48433 0.89135 0.41302 0.61171 0.435 0.56481 0.57765 0.0116 0.11949 0.53017 0.69441 0.18768 0.27142 0.82791 0.11499 0.34865 0.98464 0.46855 0.62167 0.41287 0.14883 0.41979 0.50468 0.17786 0.82975 0.17703 0.0481 0.92223 0.58975 0.99584 0.24104 0.10527 0.87492 0.85255 0.68168 0.44026 0.76582 0.87501 0.53711 0.97395 0.63241 0.45864 0.33733 0.4993 0.47179 0.22021 0.10352 0.65985 0.38677 0.54505 0.89034 0.72845 0.73111 0.11451 0.83113 0.15959 0.39478 0.2928 0.82978 0.79819 0.85969 0.62122 0.28293 0.6261 0.57094 0.09343 0.99477 0.87716 0.0147 0.52705 0.4904 0.96125 0.47036 0.86262 0.65604 0.26272 0.83576 0.11444 0.86513 0.85612 0.7993 0.00065 0.58528 0.41934 0.65377 0.08019 0.83838 0.2389 0.89283 0.77537 0.26917 0.28019 0.57869 0.01685 0.77658 0.79931 0.78153 0.92105 0.70056 0.97896 0.53803 0.16198 0.30939 0.72511 0.14115 0.50702 0.08136 0.85972 0.1517 0.89762 0.79219 0.27295 0.23877 0.02947 0.06399 0.40486 0.10958 0.36768 0.55333 0.15282 0.09739 0.00706 0.51732 0.46992 0.52778 0.00825 0.97774 0.77406 0.89821 0.58396 0.22509 0.1185 0.45427 0.20392 0.05611 0.92413 0.63216 0.29406 0.3055 0.01177 0.37529 0.06619 0.33661 0.04302 0.33876 0.84239 0.94876 0.69294 0.75716 0.27501 0.71734 0.57933 0.3404 0.64616 0.59998 0.33866 0.44729 0.00801 0.71871 0.10191 0.03937 0.20894 0.21613 0.75319 0.74562 0.57476 0.57261 0.93156 0.32788 0.84718 0.38898 0.20531 0.66302 0.43261 0.44525 0.11719 0.88492 0.04245 0.87319 0.45692 0.46765 0.69778 0.66506 0.41225 0.74415 0.13292 0.02762 0.77379 0.42658 0.58359 0.64776 0.24654 0.16309 0.74709 0.45126 0.2448 0.55498 0.12462 0.18625 0.45974 0.87422 0.35115 0.32193 0.69655 0.32209 0.73969 0.37748 0.58912 0.82961 0.51511 0.14384 0.52662 0.06833 0.85217 0.40055 0.73138 0.95695 0.57338 0.52782 0.95942 0.16837 0.73299 0.2478 0.2009 0.72642 0.12086 0.69335 0.14675 0.06254 0.33455 0.12389 0.19793 0.16754 0.11241 0.54868 0.76272 0.89934 0.14845 0.83148 0.44844 0.79676 0.68889 0.91684 0.78391 0.26094 0.73815 0.46573 0.28301 0.28614 0.99344 0.52229 0.83464 0.97657 0.67041 0.48677 0.30753 0.78579 0.4312 0.50442 0.07193 0.90027 0.83108 0.64471 0.51481 0.70621 0.23401 0.40362 0.46168 0.21359 0.7025 0.68898 0.68057 0.6559 0.26287 0.72997 0.73871 0.38745 0.42882 0.94178 0.89225 0.07445 0.16688 0.176 0.35 0.78579 0.97618 0.06521 0.67454 0.80299 0.44934 0.32861 0.15426 0.38518 0.04147 0.22607 0.21955 0.02311 0.385 0.10124 0.17462 0.83881 0.93582 0.42437 0.65091 0.38831 0.66583 0.48972 0.5332 0.88626 0.88176 0.34986 0.26409 0.59466 0.59323 0.08302 0.61346 0.24632 0.37352 0.42679 0.66446 0.80128 0.3229 0.12349 0.98393 0.02908 0.76904 0.92598 0.85741 0.79586 0.32749 0.80349 0.02414 0.02645 0.05455 0.35386 0.46379 0.68629 0.98033 0.52099 0.62986 0.52028 0.86173 0.1918 0.94541 0.77778 0.81869 0.43528 0.56641 0.01062 0.12802 0.23099 0.53074 0.29078 0.28165 0.8811 0.43571 0.34439 0.14284 0.33989 0.39125 0.28858 0.62061 0.28492 0.73774 0.00021 0.31962 0.46029 0.09058 0.88423 0.11733 0.74792 0.78073 0.67574 0.48969 0.43001 0.81317 0.4234 0.15431 0.8098 0.76763 0.13756 0.23538 0.87514 0.29916 0.0475 0.97781 0.67378 0.33089 0.28715 0.94109 0.30116 0.22505 0.75244 0.76855 0.16075 0.72894 0.36249 0.83526 0.51605 0.37314 0.6069 0.47446 0.42616 0.1245 0.09977 0.95034 0.24562 0.26244 0.96128 0.08723 0.11661 0.11081 0.85763 0.20504 0.94255 0.05398 0.3532 0.80107 0.30898 0.31054 0.45035 0.89399 0.69689 0.62359 0.77439 0.72896 0.76603 0.20461 0.54116 0.71406 0.11078 0.72262 0.0188 0.53892 0.94492 0.60447 0.81442 0.01798 0.91948 0.42719 0.25479 0.83279 0.28548 0.22191 0.38068 0.99237 0.30007 0.85291 0.50239 0.9496 0.04375 0.50257 0.16239 0.81032 0.64993 0.5726 0.21704 0.16126 0.69582 0.32968 0.26961 0.61446 0.06891 0.7496 0.44131 0.53898 0.4562
+0.34064 0.65173 0.13175 0.87304 0.15357 0.89004 0.86678 0.83576 0.98946 0.48907 0.21302 0.71112 0.98955 0.88577 0.44301 0.2214 0.692 0.65935 0.98342 0.69929 0.07311 0.09692 0.99302 0.72016 0.01137 0.45331 0.72897 0.7728 0.35849 0.47942 0.11955 0.29413 0.73845 0.16023 0.87905 0.23822 0.70711 0.40077 0.68959 0.87931 0.93196 0.73217 0.48912 0.94399 0.08962 0.94994 0.61894 0.83665 0.99882 0.94025 0.27014 0.32764 0.18459 0.72517 0.71597 0.10617 0.27806 0.79369 0.58352 0.81725 0.87567 0.20674 0.33304 0.77763 0.19786 0.08172 0.86432 0.03033 0.01372 0.15815 0.52717 0.48127 0.70244 0.2392 0.73288 0.71103 0.97975 0.81461 0.03513 0.868 0.34184 0.28015 0.74686 0.53713 0.15474 0.61074 0.47083 0.2579 0.66742 0.77819 0.89162 0.42799 0.69448 0.19151 0.87647 0.89398 0.36175 0.71616 0.6474 0.80184 0.24133 0.84557 0.83285 0.16943 0.68256 0.91054 0.73963 0.99729 0.28683 0.65617 0.17205 0.63075 0.53798 0.94365 0.4285 0.19701 0.79511 0.04578 0.13793 0.34859 0.64681 0.37311 0.00855 0.45893 0.04776 0.12589 0.60645 0.89478 0.80094 0.03105 0.79991 0.93466 0.76193 0.39988 0.48579 0.13 0.28881 0.21681 0.22753 0.25953 0.97814 0.04109 0.8124 0.7042 0.22308 0.83389 0.13533 0.68047 0.0375 0.42943 0.26244 0.72385 0.88503 0.86334 0.15258 0.542 0.56085 0.83566 0.78155 0.8963 0.9564 0.61904 0.73179 0.69485 0.39726 0.11903 0.8564 0.22218 0.3653 0.89246 0.96245 0.52197 0.75999 0.06051 0.61758 0.45738 0.52351 0.62931 0.82675 0.28577 0.07153 0.29782 0.34038 0.44109 0.97723 0.87677 0.27661 0.80259 0.60508 0.63827 0.27038 0.03718 0.84661 0.97433 0.51768 0.7413 0.79914 0.42663 0.97365 0.17553 0.42969 0.0225 0.5956 0.69875 0.9014 0.33722 0.75816 0.89723 0.71108 0.10255 0.59895 0.95017 0.9722 0.51879 0.46312 0.59446 0.52479 0.01498 0.19102 0.37419 0.87716 0.85513 0.83386 0.83026 0.12328 0.46498 0.38161 0.56264 0.16888 0.03194 0.36247 0.62829 0.00567 0.22317 0.24486 0.01982 0.36268 0.40849 0.2342 0.99083 0.1867 0.05173 0.77928 0.01656 0.36011 0.35129 0.82043 0.25855 0.31153 0.21148 0.73628 0.77687 0.74658 0.36545 0.48271 0.96957 0.58351 0.1221 0.52821 0.31855 0.08464 0.87196 0.46066 0.59757 0.52646 0.5272 0.54543 0.49804 0.37143 0.95412 0.59191 0.32036 0.57631 0.76529 0.69152 0.96319 0.18724 0.38741 0.62669 0.5561 0.00771 0.05304 0.45434 0.90239 0.3631 0.5889 0.816 0.21396 0.60987 0.50531 0.15875 0.63903 0.20052 0.43604 0.78747 0.64269 0.19068 0.92874 0.0167 0.65218 0.30513 0.18261 0.1022 0.04991 0.07329 0.95618 0.4889 0.74056 0.93714 0.9107 0.98638 0.21472 0.68075 0.85958 0.58576 0.6586 0.08197 0.98887 0.56486 0.02298 0.18933 0.33715 0.90124 0.83689 0.80189 0.21125 0.2546 0.0884 0.76249 0.1791 0.56325 0.75943 0.11329 0.93395 0.80146 0.74749 0.54822 0.57136 0.56988 0.62675 0.30451 0.60518 0.91004 0.19524 0.94265 0.35671 0.89584 0.98621 0.72945 0.45185 0.59288 0.41426 0.47952 0.1503 0.81313 0.14611 0.04061 0.30877 0.88316 0.80675 0.53292 0.17246 0.42256 0.75865 0.70763 0.19307 0.10196 0.73438 0.66954 0.89165 0.97271 0.54153 0.13535 0.13535 0.50831 0.35265 0.06039 0.38178 0.33852 0.91335 0.29717 0.42572 0.91639 0.27907 0.27412 0.10088 0.33625 0.43017 0.49871 0.7381 0.40543 0.98167 0.3279 0.44627 0.41604 0.93297 0.44526 0.17355 0.72715 0.72001 0.39947 0.33277 0.40285 0.86614 0.79209 0.70458 0.74976 0.34843 0.92944 0.30238 0.5466 0.4588 0.14633 0.09689 0.1752 0.86304 0.32451 0.25723 0.92764 0.92165 0.34518 0.87926 0.01856 0.21888 0.0412 0.73913 0.10937 0.71338 0.85949 0.48289 0.94382 0.68664 0.30757 0.95172 0.73324 0.83829 0.90527 0.47478 0.37146 0.31978 0.74121 0.00725 0.3861 0.31097 0.44855 0.9986 0.46807 0.40135 0.61857 0.24718 0.83831 0.26962 0.94828 0.43949 0.57529 0.26454 0.90525 0.3612 0.23327 0.02844 0.15141 0.79876 0.15245 0.94841 0.94181 0.24573 0.11734 0.01114 0.17661 0.55131 0.90122 0.62493 0.17868 0.28541 0.02359 0.23272 0.5856 0.27694 0.71639 0.96582 0.16993 0.35247 0.88119 0.02933 0.02391 0.82107 0.50245 0.13056 0.28345 0.52784 0.65656 0.59356 0.01127 0.4009 0.22599 0.17538 0.28157 0.25164 0.01597 0.98545 0.27463 0.64223 0.87347 0.66904 0.1433 0.79755 0.85032 0.28735 0.06792 0.03802 0.31477 0.06471
+0.43697 0.96571 0.60191 0.28078 0.66413 0.9652 0.85352 0.58019 0.66373 0.95369 0.31814 0.3712 0.14133 0.42671 0.80174 0.42527 0.12792 0.91974 0.25883 0.77695 0.65031 0.37002 0.9615 0.22191 0.73142 0.73582 0.22262 0.9225 0.15556 0.57197 0.82653 0.35212 0.73897 0.26585 0.87186 0.06314 0.005 0.15823 0.27985 0.02102 0.03437 0.44838 0.74346 0.98102 0.76471 0.9895 0.65777 0.91378 0.46839 0.49211 0.91504 0.39893 0.50757 0.25604 0.52781 0.31239 0.27976 0.14438 0.24498 0.06336 0.67134 0.16039 0.04967 0.09136 0.0383 0.0987 0.70907 0.06977 0.07944 0.96565 0.3622 0.22848 0.78273 0.40589 0.45114 0.97695 0.49776 0.4229 0.7755 0.02052 0.09515 0.55847 0.99266 0.18353 0.28036 0.79983 0.45598 0.02028 0.75327 0.56676 0.919 0.03705 0.00093 0.07702 0.26577 0.82627 0.16321 0.43293 0.27213 0.17613 0.14345 0.27939 0.10081 0.94947 0.14072 0.65338 0.84172 0.83551 0.88439 0.78426 0.52811 0.95634 0.29143 0.34412 0.42806 0.93323 0.85153 0.03884 0.7593 0.34512 0.53706 0.48669 0.43895 0.91139 0.6142 0.54183 0.82236 0.37618 0.10888 0.05278 0.09459 0.86969 0.87168 0.99271 0.62081 0.88729 0.36709 0.73362 0.79453 0.00574 0.03732 0.20085 0.75634 0.06317 0.78825 0.52019 0.85594 0.264 0.8994 0.02421 0.50903 0.74011 0.38976 0.40558 0.47895 0.51037 0.6791 0.14288 0.37961 0.83939 0.97438 0.5731 0.78179 0.53075 0.20043 0.47116 0.4015 0.22548 0.61161 0.1248 0.52036 0.30171 0.48196 0.62807 0.91141 0.93571 0.89412 0.4387 0.83557 0.39971 0.7686 0.38671 0.31229 0.09271 0.02749 0.25002 0.16993 0.07254 0.39571 0.23678 0.91487 0.53695 0.3489 0.94867 0.52964 0.313 0.93206 0.07187 0.649 0.5793 0.98796 0.94951 0.71288 0.98586 0.58831 0.82552 0.78788 0.74788 0.78966 0.61047 0.06962 0.48548 0.32962 0.01207 0.29189 0.2088 0.24379 0.92793 0.11896 0.91343 0.10926 0.00742 0.71292 0.87855 0.2286 0.8051 0.10298 0.06096 0.86106 0.59219 0.03989 0.33255 0.82458 0.70892 0.52875 0.29165 0.2703 0.50829 0.46919 0.98335 0.02395 0.62914 0.47316 0.70012 0.89011 0.90412 0.18617 0.67349 0.39009 0.37778 0.31965 0.04321 0.96389 0.93902 0.16449 0.73677 0.56645 0.47145 0.3249 0.68377 0.20631 0.07821 0.04797 0.83984 0.39305 0.85609 0.51477 0.79996 0.05468 0.46094 0.03696 0.88755 0.75932 0.44243 0.69535 0.8255 0.91486 0.07856 0.00578 0.87927 0.78908 0.7053 0.30062 0.32459 0.31829 0.0536 0.58069 0.60058 0.25597 0.7546 0.96061 0.40507 0.17742 0.86948 0.33262 0.11752 0.58699 0.44539 0.03297 0.96978 0.82756 0.67922 0.63986 0.66369 0.33362 0.7978 0.07615 0.65251 0.51206 0.00717 0.62426 0.42886 0.80925 0.51697 0.07538 0.13581 0.78104 0.93133 0.3232 0.27407 0.01903 0.94639 0.82464 0.65304 0.3064 0.92294 0.35349 0.38261 0.73133 0.06357 0.15517 0.04444 0.81508 0.5125 0.77543 0.30984 0.3428 0.74345 0.66136 0.43979 0.12901 0.91938 0.91251 0.12287 0.83677 0.08624 0.86411 0.40095 0.43427 0.06903 0.48604 0.1518 0.55699 0.72448 0.44146 0.79092 0.87926 0.27022 0.81346 0.18884 0.56942 0.8355 0.71839 0.38132 0.672 0.30858 0.27451 0.41477 0.02505 0.0921 0.98076 0.58447 0.13534 0.19425 0.79169 0.78769 0.75528 0.06848 0.84819 0.66207 0.33807 0.11358 0.92767 0.34004 0.64404 0.22967 0.20781 0.57061 0.39651 0.01726 0.12681 0.79868 0.65345 0.63606 0.86038 0.13149 0.05901 0.24382 0.81875 0.23896 0.03543 0.71188 0.93093 0.86486 0.15473 0.06456 0.99508 0.43832 0.16396 0.69349 0.83312 0.11019 0.99922 0.6542 0.52669 0.34332 0.91904 0.45294 0.51987 0.28675 0.96115 0.11659 0.54214 0.96818 0.06088 0.15453 0.33824 0.4849 0.16248 0.8444 0.70732 0.57776 0.89933 0.22219 0.48609 0.06834 0.20953 0.27827 0.9317 0.26476 0.96005 0.01485 0.26558 0.81631 0.25058 0.64216 0.32125 0.42328 0.47102 0.8937 0.58572 0.76156 0.63283 0.48738 0.69422 0.03306 0.31584 0.20064 0.36671 0.54491 0.52012 0.06674 0.37952 0.67409 0.2451 0.61499 0.54352 0.7716 0.72883 0.34184 0.12162 0.93416 0.58846 0.43901 0.72867 0.54346 0.88353 0.3754 0.3471 0.84914 0.0577 0.21464 0.2259 0.74228 0.88071 0.87761 0.44172 0.66358 0.30485 0.15212 0.65865 0.66504 0.40671 0.61825 0.52432 0.94746 0.38822 0.78936 0.26089 0.98294 0.79202 0.05878 0.86072 0.81305 0.257 0.63284 0.69406 0.45867 0.81079 0.10899 0.06469 0.03494
+0.84504 0.05142 0.20999 0.7735 0.70359 0.23197 0.80834 0.30984 0.29833 0.51186 0.84398 0.90281 0.50353 0.42355 0.07157 0.90729 0.37779 0.43626 0.68354 0.5797 0.53025 0.9914 0.16519 0.05617 0.1191 0.38853 0.60638 0.889 0.77793 0.69804 0.41233 0.88066 0.43584 0.26131 0.84348 0.81953 0.43973 0.35406 0.1338 0.61147 0.64725 0.97914 0.54355 0.17451 0.90836 0.26091 0.15391 0.26819 0.74993 0.08111 0.51674 0.28679 0.83732 0.65976 0.28274 0.68724 0.37147 0.68236 0.70576 0.12439 0.70646 0.31727 0.52093 0.24293 0.27975 0.29502 0.43165 0.85011 0.86942 0.52957 0.14701 0.93448 0.18772 0.79103 0.03894 0.93916 0.71292 0.12672 0.71045 0.09297 0.81998 0.30246 0.47133 0.76231 0.32949 0.14322 0.89064 0.70656 0.99368 0.17479 0.87475 0.0431 0.74419 0.03271 0.8157 0.60631 0.64271 0.12348 0.24435 0.18709 0.08253 0.91514 0.28515 0.46429 0.82532 0.02975 0.26669 0.30467 0.85519 0.03005 0.36566 0.8816 0.31089 0.14249 0.88274 0.92832 0.99882 0.77788 0.47717 0.82928 0.06425 0.83421 0.52273 0.28179 0.27976 0.93552 0.23688 0.89322 0.03448 0.8324 0.47247 0.22396 0.84725 0.22359 0.42506 0.15263 0.73996 0.16345 0.97501 0.43378 0.18109 0.92839 0.64009 0.02148 0.87075 0.05045 0.41535 0.13716 0.04226 0.7798 0.32763 0.93998 0.18302 0.57439 0.84324 0.72252 0.86964 0.54283 0.71157 0.48643 0.65887 0.48676 0.97531 0.65111 0.96971 0.00375 0.72816 0.43542 0.31908 0.38338 0.89819 0.66355 0.61572 0.12121 0.2803 0.37386 0.20297 0.94655 0.18145 0.18629 0.19021 0.06116 0.22131 0.59888 0.96675 0.77351 0.65852 0.27762 0.56686 0.58717 0.01538 0.7264 0.51116 0.62979 0.52588 0.4884 0.73737 0.9505 0.84669 0.01508 0.02994 0.48626 0.78874 0.37414 0.91377 0.67283 0.86638 0.14646 0.34946 0.1316 0.23941 0.19183 0.64797 0.21352 0.08253 0.8263 0.52941 0.42701 0.08117 0.82067 0.41828 0.028 0.41568 0.79209 0.9978 0.1739 0.50091 0.66698 0.45846 0.94244 0.62561 0.71321 0.14657 0.90962 0.82614 0.23126 0.48467 0.41609 0.71297 0.229 0.18522 0.51555 0.16382 0.33444 0.50344 0.37239 0.79934 0.99333 0.8321 0.01495 0.66415 0.72506 0.69296 0.52694 0.00322 0.07636 0.0013 0.80922 0.45743 0.90119 0.99257 0.84151 0.48488 0.31348 0.17378 0.21093 0.52629 0.51286 0.74108 0.76681 0.64046 0.70274 0.57292 0.13252 0.69302 0.49335 0.06165 0.9089 0.25997 0.44715 0.2534 0.65123 0.7582 0.28272 0.14706 0.0936 0.43525 0.78268 0.03738 0.15878 0.4051 0.12277 0.42622 0.30832 0.56332 0.76385 0.99963 0.59824 0.3415 0.84533 0.60248 0.81578 0.14898 0.36988 0.17909 0.48031 0.9155 0.54218 0.88701 0.10056 0.17036 0.46397 0.6987 0.12228 0.13261 0.04854 0.09939 0.40378 0.69308 0.68838 0.69297 0.61333 0.02714 0.30607 0.40911 0.04222 0.3433 0.98212 0.73761 0.64764 0.4798 0.97731 0.43361 0.44031 0.33618 0.7348 0.3953 0.67959 0.94186 0.04384 0.23347 0.14883 0.30132 0.29632 0.48004 0.9879 0.25112 0.30969 0.59661 0.59805 0.9611 0.62531 0.12274 0.38354 0.21758 0.28431 0.74684 0.91016 0.15843 0.28216 0.30687 0.61952 0.76545 0.64503 0.55519 0.02672 0.60887 0.37963 0.16544 0.95982 0.16051 0.41453 0.62328 0.31788 0.23071 0.17792 0.77443 0.23901 0.73769 0.72394 0.22275 0.47373 0.85112 0.6416 0.66858 0.16468 0.47758 0.12004 0.80515 0.30533 0.19574 0.04528 0.36891 0.62377 0.99853 0.65349 0.33502 0.09131 0.5379 0.82968 0.27633 0.15835 0.2763 0.45363 0.5188 0.42623 0.84559 0.88024 0.82671 0.53275 0.52626 0.49536 0.42391 0.77672 0.38059 0.42347 0.05031 0.20481 0.72127 0.61344 0.43428 0.98709 0.63987 0.17306 0.63758 0.11729 0.311 0.77314 0.67404 0.14924 0.52865 0.40232 0.90747 0.2113 0.00255 0.67365 0.3548 0.63816 0.98925 0.41558 0.99683 0.99434 0.92067 0.12483 0.24837 0.00609 0.44175 0.60427 0.81574 0.97882 0.10246 0.60981 0.28993 0.31604 0.68536 0.78824 0.22686 0.88642 0.96802 0.04411 0.63536 0.16926 0.0067 0.85969 0.61018 0.2272 0.5517 0.33698 0.6981 0.19968 0.48031 0.21784 0.61613 0.58901 0.04715 0.56583 0.62078 0.8203 0.53147 0.01955 0.63544 0.24059 0.18761 0.84235 0.43856 0.59581 0.12082 0.01478 0.72588 0.47568 0.03681 0.17215 0.28969 0.11895 0.40206 0.60267 0.13954 0.064 0.9548 0.76789 0.46638 0.61638 0.23301 0.42759 0.01417 0.16888 0.54427 0.69628 0.13876 0.58529 0.50216 0.58842
+0.66293 0.99751 0.25944 0.50585 0.77811 0.67021 0.39613 0.4816 0.93688 0.90171 0.80937 0.19782 0.62105 0.4691 0.28382 0.48539 0.33018 0.5482 0.68589 0.4225 0.43435 0.36209 0.1554 0.09922 0.35519 0.09613 0.08244 0.38107 0.33587 0.21262 0.46178 0.87406 0.98618 0.20941 0.19025 0.37409 0.42443 0.51231 0.93091 0.96776 0.98363 0.53037 0.19476 0.7603 0.92941 0.14798 0.34873 0.31048 0.93962 0.3949 0.85791 0.47544 0.40215 0.93957 0.88692 0.73891 0.14944 0.48454 0.79728 0.72175 0.48014 0.9013 0.37449 0.90038 0.27067 0.93001 0.8203 0.78465 0.04392 0.09027 0.77053 0.86802 0.20873 0.96057 0.02102 0.67577 0.46806 0.75819 0.40577 0.11058 0.04586 0.83977 0.09478 0.67055 0.90239 0.55394 0.98499 0.76414 0.21809 0.33655 0.68297 0.71128 0.95691 0.80063 0.26264 0.0749 0.01894 0.10997 0.63092 0.45682 0.07712 0.72223 0.1805 0.21447 0.70335 0.36456 0.75961 0.29226 0.51055 0.44066 0.01927 0.79822 0.73917 0.05673 0.50057 0.50363 0.45969 0.23894 0.27219 0.62026 0.81234 0.63304 0.14018 0.07202 0.57192 0.08575 0.46439 0.18106 0.964 0.28013 0.37683 0.7979 0.89149 0.30107 0.16031 0.79794 0.90426 0.18816 0.37446 0.68514 0.16299 0.47513 0.13963 0.11412 0.58913 0.99124 0.43656 0.0758 0.73927 0.01109 0.58946 0.86679 0.56401 0.27115 0.76676 0.61288 0.97516 0.21861 0.48174 0.48392 0.51428 0.20312 0.59284 0.05716 0.11577 0.3342 0.82255 0.78693 0.2307 0.52484 0.09771 0.70299 0.04488 0.80938 0.19261 0.35829 0.89082 0.75395 0.60447 0.93309 0.07071 0.01649 0.00171 0.26279 0.54158 0.83566 0.88762 0.44767 0.22859 0.68423 0.66117 0.47621 0.00829 0.38689 0.67657 0.29033 0.8561 0.38063 0.69611 0.60461 0.26132 0.96477 0.71997 0.24518 0.5683 0.54349 0.17762 0.40585 0.49021 0.49762 0.40044 0.83577 0.38421 0.48231 0.5303 0.40668 0.30183 0.54298 0.93904 0.93997 0.14552 0.89024 0.14274 0.70186 0.07671 0.38128 0.39012 0.0751 0.92622 0.638 0.72866 0.53242 0.78251 0.73619 0.43283 0.89016 0.12713 0.80784 0.45835 0.85918 0.8825 0.50298 0.14075 0.0942 0.19461 0.77524 0.15145 0.90635 0.73151 0.58043 0.67312 0.17724 0.3654 0.45024 0.53758 0.3517 0.65285 0.47795 0.1239 0.14762 0.46661 0.04007 0.8509 0.03639 0.18254 0.06197 0.23574 0.11937 0.21151 0.34001 0.19609 0.68739 0.78824 0.12245 0.04652 0.63269 0.84927 0.97722 0.99292 0.25827 0.96869 0.21173 0.95968 0.13402 0.99668 0.52991 0.8788 0.44144 0.04038 0.2152 0.43633 0.12036 0.47645 0.52591 0.843 0.4747 0.7133 0.4568 0.28751 0.0483 0.23319 0.66676 0.73148 0.93791 0.39219 0.62747 0.2439 0.68222 0.93811 0.67391 0.17098 0.50057 0.08756 0.04262 0.56023 0.97351 0.33194 0.7265 0.3455 0.1552 0.73894 0.26869 0.6292 0.935 0.03942 0.14316 0.68668 0.79118 0.36455 0.70174 0.18545 0.30179 0.30404 0.40138 0.14813 0.4183 0.34789 0.54962 0.75669 0.1435 0.21397 0.05831 0.63065 0.83279 0.8229 0.12846 0.94881 0.67881 0.19077 0.50472 0.83339 0.23111 0.9031 0.05086 0.46311 0.4734 0.42354 0.99923 0.70528 0.2703 0.93536 0.14463 0.45952 0.41551 0.76716 0.4325 0.30924 0.34191 0.54557 0.44099 0.06472 0.99002 0.91466 0.31446 0.1915 0.66284 0.10497 0.0226 0.70404 0.24225 0.6544 0.09736 0.92573 0.26551 0.57485 0.64438 0.90041 0.55548 0.99058 0.28842 0.79036 0.72282 0.04996 0.98311 0.53598 0.2056 0.37744 0.36014 0.35958 0.26488 0.57513 0.40788 0.09794 0.91475 0.37001 0.36755 0.20173 0.62144 0.66705 0.72328 0.63292 0.96124 0.21163 0.30407 0.19526 0.52311 0.23234 0.05494 0.60844 0.88391 0.19892 0.64772 0.90871 0.17218 0.50669 0.22539 0.06668 0.94684 0.70429 0.35012 0.39559 0.65052 0.47431 0.40153 0.71409 0.88811 0.44126 0.93109 0.7149 0.09203 0.54982 0.65988 0.72905 0.95998 0.79339 0.90454 0.33642 0.75476 0.10961 0.76267 0.56506 0.52724 0.01584 0.45453 0.4928 0.44719 0.17918 0.50419 0.87315 0.41204 0.81316 0.83221 0.49774 0.50591 0.98666 0.85154 0.99831 0.13707 0.06577 0.21861 0.70426 0.43028 0.39839 0.96011 0.08762 0.94459 0.55469 0.51722 0.26993 0.97008 0.19326 0.00269 0.17905 0.81557 0.11958 0.35368 0.08586 0.53232 0.80791 0.09111 0.19851 0.48408 0.88965 0.20722 0.28256 0.16378 0.39257 0.93637 0.61073 0.81974 0.00067 0.76173 0.34922 0.89353 0.01101 0.02358 0.61017 0.22335 0.02323 0.37607 0.83497 0.97135
+0.8963 0.07986 0.31924 0.97259 0.02951 0.87198 0.85284 0.57276 0.99507 0.77705 0.71443 0.73275 0.03534 0.37276 0.34677 0.19246 0.24569 0.69945 0.74235 0.24334 0.40083 0.9963 0.93497 0.27672 0.71566 0.16919 0.10592 0.69129 0.25204 0.2649 0.39043 0.02493 0.4312 0.23436 0.00018 0.04548 0.4884 0.804 0.82065 0.37265 0.63863 0.84198 0.83192 0.76159 0.30121 0.88565 0.8561 0.68773 0.74384 0.42323 0.29775 0.30239 0.66195 0.9837 0.06729 0.03127 0.45374 0.37447 0.12474 0.93022 0.08834 0.78799 0.77633 0.41801 0.48321 0.76154 0.5549 0.59201 0.57378 0.08283 0.11643 0.11833 0.25627 0.61618 0.01545 0.79149 0.02983 0.18141 0.93735 0.51355 0.35117 0.41008 0.12481 0.72606 0.99788 0.91084 0.85917 0.85524 0.75232 0.90193 0.38181 0.7647 0.48373 0.93049 0.44761 0.54745 0.24379 0.41517 0.95456 0.14888 0.99571 0.39286 0.4614 0.67668 0.99273 0.88919 0.73958 0.75197 0.78832 0.7018 0.93682 0.04144 0.72765 0.85506 0.29673 0.63262 0.30994 0.65087 0.39511 0.85956 0.27667 0.03298 0.83785 0.65926 0.79959 0.17029 0.08648 0.32671 0.19873 0.17131 0.76197 0.28762 0.84461 0.7436 0.51335 0.68765 0.38405 0.06222 0.92933 0.23503 0.55426 0.23861 0.48291 0.10409 0.94878 0.06721 0.95228 0.52163 0.13775 0.26898 0.85918 0.33161 0.39809 0.77145 0.88353 0.49794 0.32882 0.96935 0.91487 0.28375 0.85843 0.29456 0.1305 0.189 0.29875 0.78285 0.37762 0.76782 0.98082 0.96222 0.50897 0.1062 0.79977 0.90825 0.9855 0.82494 0.25181 0.72821 0.02555 0.7009 0.72307 0.33558 0.38669 0.76927 0.07137 0.51684 0.754 0.69208 0.83714 0.94622 0.5081 0.18084 0.24701 0.88075 0.30576 0.28151 0.29989 0.41262 0.9257 0.35071 0.67498 0.7371 0.14425 0.61391 0.03123 0.37404 0.48935 0.98982 0.26809 0.92143 0.92819 0.85711 0.17497 0.792 0.48188 0.52918 0.74442 0.08632 0.65017 0.21607 0.94383 0.38885 0.3463 0.18766 0.56263 0.42175 0.61096 0.39467 0.73518 0.74957 0.98615 0.84423 0.30769 0.20436 0.98617 0.68255 0.81752 0.76268 0.86491 0.04975 0.75907 0.69745 0.51726 0.63137 0.74996 0.03785 0.86476 0.08064 0.68682 0.53563 0.6945 0.09613 0.77854 0.29555 0.83442 0.61322 0.45868 0.53259 0.38158 0.6103 0.00597 0.44094 0.98697 0.77487 0.87296 0.61531 0.17969 0.78097 0.7922 0.83499 0.09796 0.14183 0.88403 0.50729 0.78208 0.74141 0.85738 0.9985 0.23591 0.97436 0.90012 0.91859 0.59234 0.9159 0.04919 0.09195 0.32812 0.81469 0.69158 0.41654 0.17715 0.05065 0.59315 0.75631 0.59292 0.29186 0.27614 0.72876 0.50596 0.96061 0.2616 0.4248 0.69417 0.74055 0.80489 0.87923 0.11005 0.58739 0.55432 0.21574 0.36661 0.39893 0.55561 0.69272 0.88423 0.34723 0.81851 0.83074 0.04704 0.46662 0.94474 0.19937 0.61155 0.41 0.45123 0.80093 0.13351 0.83879 0.94655 0.72209 0.47223 0.91532 0.74034 0.2282 0.29402 0.90878 0.89635 0.56812 0.36076 0.25444 0.32814 0.53296 0.58773 0.23332 0.44251 0.42 0.46151 0.216 0.45663 0.24851 0.33346 0.15232 0.10432 0.42145 0.87189 0.358 0.96907 0.22778 0.81787 0.6221 0.59247 0.23544 0.77961 0.32998 0.71155 0.1246 0.35063 0.92169 0.16178 0.62304 0.37562 0.91282 0.52127 0.51831 0.00508 0.00631 0.96282 0.24621 0.12796 0.24184 0.32107 0.70549 0.69084 0.59954 0.28229 0.12442 0.39668 0.94227 0.19547 0.89239 0.32622 0.61103 0.42721 0.81773 0.03211 0.18224 0.29692 0.34628 0.44883 0.72652 0.09035 0.06314 0.08563 0.28645 0.50075 0.25556 0.08572 0.35521 0.22568 0.11349 0.51369 0.2787 0.36182 0.89292 0.98215 0.27826 0.4679 0.69057 0.60776 0.76349 0.80653 0.98419 0.153 0.27822 0.20262 0.87301 0.87139 0.452 0.22673 0.1775 0.04225 0.32287 0.72142 0.87145 0.56708 0.83856 0.46098 0.54644 0.10403 0.20356 0.34286 0.94947 0.81976 0.25546 0.01326 0.83156 0.19053 0.60255 0.14759 0.38863 0.53231 0.35892 0.07964 0.80168 0.02255 0.77561 0.37149 0.68276 0.14396 0.51048 0.55624 0.0665 0.61389 0.97707 0.04904 0.15751 0.77093 0.16679 0.8659 0.90514 0.08838 0.82319 0.67736 0.92315 0.70455 0.7211 0.75918 0.94345 0.65706 0.8525 0.21638 0.42939 0.83295 0.90477 0.08411 0.89099 0.41867 0.1402 0.67131 0.6738 0.92168 0.35126 0.37168 0.72598 0.28199 0.06973 0.0286 0.28812 0.39508 0.38408 0.27439 0.69044 0.73032 0.31567 0.06716 0.11194 0.47732 0.58379 0.13369 0.52608 0.61746 0.17132
+0.32115 0.75533 0.02339 0.52942 0.66952 0.23601 0.56419 0.14569 0.99548 0.03958 0.53386 0.2959 0.55902 0.69433 0.83459 0.741 0.89038 0.89874 0.764 0.6305 0.83998 0.23719 0.26271 0.22219 0.49692 0.37234 0.42785 0.84125 0.59573 0.52704 0.59902 0.45295 0.6399 0.01974 0.9445 0.42323 0.33578 0.07718 0.98972 0.63594 0.5689 0.63964 0.96293 0.22077 0.71077 0.14392 0.65449 0.57011 0.05616 0.18467 0.57008 0.5329 0.6039 0.42739 0.6918 0.87074 0.89687 0.04449 0.67302 0.86024 0.69949 0.95096 0.06611 0.06634 0.05105 0.45574 0.05933 0.50011 0.45576 0.82061 0.75453 0.66129 0.0786 0.96066 0.80806 0.08274 0.51214 0.77817 0.46785 0.23849 0.50829 0.38575 0.36766 0.6317 0.31461 0.6639 0.56377 0.9712 0.31999 0.3625 0.32837 0.78794 0.22017 0.35248 0.68774 0.37296 0.28319 0.01546 0.492 0.15844 0.15661 0.79882 0.18403 0.47752 0.41114 0.85153 0.48715 0.34552 0.04279 0.54277 0.31097 0.39956 0.78239 0.66586 0.79565 0.88978 0.97754 0.12196 0.97694 0.39702 0.15576 0.20763 0.68588 0.48312 0.69576 0.09516 0.98085 0.4204 0.83503 0.03358 0.51725 0.42775 0.66865 0.49339 0.54561 0.98992 0.74536 0.69783 0.64476 0.17489 0.94248 0.0799 0.20005 0.65763 0.48886 0.93581 0.0635 0.23755 0.99052 0.70321 0.00797 0.29802 0.2709 0.0382 0.21941 0.16204 0.28693 0.38469 0.96816 0.97022 0.8437 0.60155 0.02046 0.47707 0.71999 0.68655 0.15327 0.74073 0.9871 0.17265 0.04501 0.74168 0.05869 0.32697 0.41915 0.71591 0.60282 0.42295 0.02279 0.22576 0.01516 0.89975 0.64181 0.86351 0.33572 0.77783 0.36378 0.68612 0.2709 0.98476 0.32282 0.19078 0.54406 0.39037 0.14727 0.82939 0.05026 0.9682 0.94668 0.42131 0.62747 0.59516 0.59154 0.74134 0.01994 0.92253 0.06929 0.45773 0.13747 0.58198 0.69016 0.63888 0.34992 0.95398 0.62304 0.11906 0.1104 0.68844 0.32569 0.52469 0.19971 0.18881 0.86979 0.72114 0.74014 0.97786 0.56677 0.62629 0.01869 0.88048 0.67279 0.31125 0.68607 0.41437 0.39294 0.36224 0.67609 0.63082 0.13447 0.93317 0.6394 0.14669 0.936 0.73766 0.41741 0.7586 0.08725 0.67825 0.76031 0.26367 0.77491 0.6702 0.06068 0.6377 0.69528 0.02704 0.47929 0.25779 0.51015 0.53411 0.01196 0.03492 0.22599 0.0177 0.56709 0.79792 0.74329 0.11178 0.05467 0.30577 0.48296 0.03664 0.24476 0.0329 0.26034 0.84356 0.33782 0.36063 0.40517 0.59482 0.25544 0.85418 0.39204 0.1972 0.50657 0.16636 0.26335 0.13021 0.60777 0.52944 0.49882 0.71365 0.76819 0.24125 0.57875 0.96999 0.41652 0.71842 0.35623 0.31016 0.11964 0.33168 0.82692 0.14811 0.45369 0.35384 0.77865 0.0552 0.71878 0.75965 0.97904 0.99678 0.25284 0.67418 0.47532 0.05306 0.52273 0.17146 0.42642 0.83259 0.62635 0.84011 0.7129 0.6277 0.47045 0.86817 0.97712 0.53179 0.92177 0.65871 0.12081 0.34615 0.26561 0.01425 0.13845 0.22258 0.94558 0.51864 0.1853 0.8921 0.18089 0.96545 0.09845 0.24733 0.75075 0.20348 0.6671 0.24748 0.35873 0.31659 0.60019 0.28238 0.23345 0.36656 0.70253 0.38132 0.93344 0.80023 0.4791 0.73082 0.74092 0.12295 0.99319 0.58723 0.5241 0.37854 0.66858 0.72757 0.19462 0.64467 0.28657 0.88811 0.49073 0.20874 0.01517 0.0492 0.86646 0.76262 0.14346 0.04942 0.93085 0.7243 0.20982 0.62208 0.16946 0.96191 0.31993 0.76936 0.39675 0.28345 0.61426 0.66178 0.0966 0.62773 0.23231 0.1024 0.91923 0.64971 0.51131 0.85301 0.9949 0.16147 0.02935 0.93814 0.68127 0.91088 0.5662 0.32536 0.40194 0.45026 0.82737 0.00225 0.04662 0.39087 0.52068 0.25674 0.57158 0.56641 0.89586 0.41331 0.53776 0.32355 0.5163 0.88205 0.44299 0.57833 0.53345 0.4391 0.63589 0.54712 0.47015 0.66339 0.51781 0.04564 0.1036 0.55355 0.08633 0.21661 0.633 0.96978 0.29921 0.73502 0.17677 0.35045 0.88305 0.6683 0.31053 0.5755 0.06919 0.61475 0.66488 0.4586 0.47789 0.28232 0.93062 0.05585 0.99583 0.81823 0.47802 0.71829 0.27777 0.69179 0.51587 0.06357 0.71798 0.46115 0.66618 0.69172 0.55034 0.74151 0.6743 0.07773 0.27556 0.15558 0.52672 0.20831 0.06169 0.36014 0.66465 0.63448 0.64908 0.49507 0.82067 0.75203 0.34672 0.75867 0.47743 0.66428 0.75869 0.8038 0.43076 0.37437 0.52107 0.14455 0.21144 0.95712 0.31484 0.22358 0.16007 0.93434 0.17171 0.32816 0.22855 0.08952 0.92133 0.35558 0.51858 0.90342 0.74468 0.86798 0.71732 0.35966
+0.45278 0.03457 0.79791 0.57192 0.08899 0.21792 0.50806 0.14049 0.98259 0.87447 0.87852 0.68184 0.82418 0.68367 0.34917 0.24305 0.07303 0.9008 0.33516 0.74098 0.4791 0.05212 0.96944 0.70759 0.88419 0.55341 0.33025 0.44341 0.07124 0.49775 0.24009 0.00265 0.81071 0.20929 0.16695 0.80007 0.03777 0.89426 0.44633 0.32644 0.2274 0.42684 0.2383 0.66535 0.4914 0.51661 0.95871 0.6595 0.00475 0.88713 0.60001 0.72971 0.82871 0.31428 0.19743 0.96566 0.05236 0.26209 0.79429 0.37215 0.13311 0.42013 0.7729 0.80175 0.63075 0.8492 0.8273 0.34621 0.39722 0.53489 0.37075 0.57073 0.33637 0.21605 0.00927 0.44384 0.90929 0.3523 0.54215 0.62773 0.36197 0.50627 0.99601 0.20784 0.74193 0.20387 0.27458 0.78298 0.97501 0.80583 0.98917 0.26389 0.56697 0.71726 0.46483 0.91915 0.86094 0.22786 0.56656 0.66811 0.17235 0.70635 0.19625 0.43474 0.20721 0.76316 0.89146 0.61348 0.12819 0.91052 0.55571 0.85869 0.4579 0.71493 0.53253 0.15973 0.15733 0.62501 0.23215 0.10866 0.36342 0.51695 0.4247 0.81941 0.95199 0.43582 0.45727 0.45511 0.63863 0.77793 0.85292 0.12228 0.25278 0.31473 0.46358 0.98965 0.2732 0.85312 0.02023 0.7677 0.42468 0.73761 0.47971 0.67972 0.27797 0.38468 0.08935 0.24596 0.17291 0.15845 0.57657 0.175 0.59037 0.43925 0.96778 0.46182 0.27508 0.09241 0.84549 0.77115 0.59872 0.23388 0.48928 0.34442 0.67082 0.04301 0.56643 0.18473 0.37975 0.21724 0.43079 0.07097 0.48229 0.0103 0.48914 0.87821 0.45658 0.56471 0.35644 0.30296 0.32536 0.42928 0.06094 0.8826 0.41818 0.2236 0.79633 0.19693 0.31862 0.00457 0.70859 0.95405 0.47872 0.90942 0.19367 0.52198 0.90942 0.8284 0.66119 0.64588 0.14536 0.34649 0.12835 0.61258 0.27432 0.79337 0.43642 0.59198 0.39024 0.03274 0.8949 0.73581 0.40484 0.40084 0.16994 0.1812 0.68906 0.27109 0.91054 0.84715 0.95894 0.26825 0.51685 0.66184 0.83835 0.40869 0.91232 0.92781 0.03851 0.32828 0.24574 0.34678 0.61837 0.16694 0.36082 0.86745 0.57242 0.10801 0.18247 0.58133 0.08982 0.24969 0.28274 0.44355 0.46212 0.57689 0.25335 0.56945 0.56826 0.95131 0.85376 0.53754 0.89532 0.18369 0.77625 0.76873 0.02545 0.52299 0.47718 0.94585 0.85238 0.37255 0.04926 0.42148 0.29143 0.84157 0.07866 0.52507 0.44408 0.96536 0.23114 0.37164 0.97834 0.463 0.56878 0.35186 0.11067 0.10806 0.26821 0.58773 0.84194 0.88917 0.44502 0.99514 0.10761 0.75579 0.3303 0.77174 0.6684 0.84424 0.57323 0.68179 0.58653 0.8586 0.13755 0.2181 0.02472 0.26899 0.29618 0.92746 0.24972 0.41116 0.39461 0.42873 0.13082 0.24461 0.99145 0.38864 0.94985 0.28105 0.31455 0.55802 0.42402 0.51079 0.37359 0.9207 0.79573 0.90966 0.86387 0.26752 0.59486 0.24295 0.48421 0.28715 0.05682 0.73381 0.98396 0.52944 0.85203 0.41762 0.92776 0.66316 0.36279 0.64918 0.16481 0.03987 0.22532 0.3177 0.65941 0.05239 0.59261 0.1207 0.47911 0.71499 0.43369 0.31545 0.27806 0.84602 0.21437 0.65515 0.77622 0.24098 0.16407 0.80961 0.96877 0.78657 0.88284 0.04572 0.00844 0.32263 0.6783 0.21911 0.84975 0.89344 0.83595 0.56078 0.63207 0.84884 0.05349 0.95924 0.71326 0.41873 0.0602 0.93856 0.49147 0.35608 0.06901 0.83325 0.56975 0.61374 0.98395 0.84261 0.43795 0.41365 0.96794 0.26046 0.61364 0.58825 0.46838 0.9391 0.95779 0.47117 0.20546 0.80438 0.85339 0.22364 0.51468 0.1922 0.59117 0.16893 0.07484 0.89632 0.29863 0.54517 0.84548 0.03739 0.62749 0.25373 0.66211 0.70559 0.13264 0.50624 0.12343 0.14329 0.55665 0.27854 0.27367 0.0153 0.28578 0.47305 0.23503 0.74542 0.65511 0.17871 0.45434 0.90544 0.83968 0.57321 0.92601 0.67313 0.28549 0.38452 0.59894 0.69958 0.15359 0.60025 0.00776 0.69454 0.99943 0.77002 0.98669 0.60163 0.72872 0.23577 0.79483 0.50233 0.2971 0.75744 0.86801 0.33413 0.48279 0.3085 0.84915 0.86235 0.8574 0.89903 0.69808 0.83901 0.80028 0.28587 0.71923 0.51928 0.67231 0.65612 0.83814 0.56966 0.18585 0.36063 0.61626 0.37845 0.53141 0.60276 0.63009 0.67085 0.15197 0.48263 0.75768 0.47362 0.73314 0.19048 0.19056 0.39922 0.00325 0.95748 0.84593 0.62355 0.8514 0.89178 0.56132 0.04984 0.23047 0.32458 0.64998 0.16036 0.05804 0.76408 0.41958 0.30972 0.88614 0.95733 0.98188 0.68138 0.88656 0.51043 0.31983 0.99424 0.81913 0.7881 0.12937 0.11212 0.72821 0.53042
+0.86113 0.51224 0.33711 0.30095 0.22347 0.609 0.63217 0.61877 0.75253 0.13518 0.06493 0.78235 0.07337 0.3311 0.02033 0.29898 0.51256 0.56486 0.3588 0.80878 0.94343 0.08083 0.63342 0.25584 0.42247 0.95024 0.67895 0.75988 0.98871 0.90593 0.03478 0.49118 0.92228 0.25236 0.72221 0.21483 0.39634 0.36818 0.55103 0.1221 0.28527 0.81754 0.91635 0.09726 0.82184 0.66086 0.66467 0.23134 0.44913 0.63371 0.00524 0.95027 0.18563 0.52939 0.94571 0.15043 0.24534 0.4199 0.72576 0.07518 0.98216 0.94788 0.01147 0.47436 0.12851 0.35253 0.67832 0.03274 0.66012 0.42378 0.97096 0.69632 0.17649 0.27995 0.25603 0.18625 0.56517 0.07054 0.7652 0.58789 0.04678 0.17469 0.89204 0.52018 0.1259 0.77269 0.64922 0.04954 0.01322 0.94278 0.97218 0.5015 0.1843 0.97645 0.33981 0.82448 0.41542 0.70092 0.59764 0.82937 0.64751 0.5208 0.09075 0.09386 0.09414 0.71631 0.53537 0.16991 0.7782 0.67924 0.20301 0.23061 0.09021 0.69949 0.10682 0.90209 0.68004 0.19848 0.06279 0.83931 0.00602 0.65033 0.63874 0.8055 0.7749 0.49535 0.83951 0.56367 0.10415 0.17698 0.20341 0.56424 0.26368 0.82737 0.88757 0.02412 0.95558 0.62077 0.14064 0.30756 0.10025 0.75754 0.78524 0.72915 0.42093 0.56333 0.59707 0.3396 0.33555 0.06691 0.00178 0.63529 0.11135 0.90648 0.98319 0.72092 0.4787 0.97445 0.57031 0.30843 0.79826 0.59781 0.74416 0.96588 0.33166 0.70748 0.2266 0.15121 0.93139 0.23759 0.7485 0.29136 0.79156 0.09236 0.36884 0.01755 0.11305 0.59521 0.02098 0.36707 0.95449 0.19977 0.15944 0.23939 0.56115 0.58395 0.59745 0.03732 0.57881 0.32817 0.46357 0.82899 0.01875 0.19584 0.04557 0.15124 0.09409 0.23536 0.73353 0.24552 0.5485 0.25095 0.06809 0.0191 0.98176 0.73074 0.54669 0.4262 0.87946 0.04001 0.90701 0.39899 0.35449 0.78252 0.0079 0.94849 0.49962 0.24001 0.49247 0.00484 0.64555 0.5938 0.68884 0.48484 0.52961 0.26791 0.59317 0.5382 0.82405 0.95398 0.38718 0.72892 0.74659 0.87844 0.03075 0.50776 0.03936 0.75062 0.87552 0.06586 0.03038 0.82908 0.53372 0.94817 0.53438 0.49183 0.7549 0.05836 0.42534 0.63529 0.53391 0.27985 0.51397 0.65755 0.3984 0.72981 0.36349 0.76655 0.40683 0.16523 0.30663 0.82664 0.09279 0.68628 0.23327 0.98145 0.65814 0.42733 0.21918 0.20571 0.42433 0.19978 0.48762 0.86559 0.48436 0.68811 0.25522 0.54596 0.26109 0.90483 0.73891 0.11658 0.1389 0.51908 0.06797 0.00254 0.95754 0.85149 0.56942 0.23485 0.48153 0.9155 0.77616 0.22278 0.9725 0.3344 0.12119 0.53271 0.47318 0.89042 0.99013 0.12781 0.17217 0.92289 0.23536 0.4061 0.01508 0.67553 0.78981 0.11703 0.14929 0.23964 0.18294 0.00884 0.6784 0.58609 0.09487 0.59992 0.82627 0.89965 0.74559 0.78884 0.1727 0.62881 0.01642 0.30582 0.07135 0.35667 0.52684 0.52786 0.47909 0.24823 0.89384 0.34021 0.8305 0.82888 0.87557 0.93484 0.9751 0.21624 0.28296 0.30089 0.54821 0.21788 0.6012 0.5067 0.53634 0.11461 0.10997 0.45358 0.99987 0.91858 0.79475 0.42616 0.94027 0.10633 0.95199 0.39592 0.01946 0.99313 0.77088 0.92776 0.40108 0.1246 0.59703 0.97049 0.0069 0.52564 0.66392 0.78741 0.84839 0.23748 0.25082 0.36255 0.96386 0.51807 0.8991 0.02433 0.38039 0.65576 0.83547 0.68987 0.7694 0.35233 0.65637 0.69815 0.21008 0.11743 0.86479 0.73109 0.08797 0.32636 0.72204 0.07426 0.80659 0.49043 0.61521 0.11514 0.59086 0.7731 0.3597 0.88416 0.06945 0.50752 0.91489 0.06136 0.16407 0.48737 0.05753 0.17324 0.29875 0.16093 0.27254 0.02386 0.8136 0.65628 0.98752 0.82203 0.08901 0.57956 0.77903 0.63029 0.66607 0.00326 0.93185 0.25758 0.94568 0.98051 0.27546 0.43949 0.39508 0.86422 0.36671 0.90567 0.47445 0.25793 0.43832 0.15881 0.25641 0.22886 0.98934 0.29887 0.76047 0.36495 0.44284 0.14058 0.42001 0.9393 0.55574 0.23369 0.23918 0.71992 0.40525 0.21215 0.15444 0.03699 0.42348 0.94329 0.74853 0.40347 0.5887 0.69616 0.63352 0.95594 0.7002 0.36774 0.44813 0.68572 0.12888 0.60272 0.43279 0.03698 0.75939 0.10399 0.50137 0.32501 0.90446 0.39323 0.4168 0.87214 0.00284 0.13546 0.92732 0.97579 0.24207 0.47637 0.51752 0.81273 0.89245 0.85346 0.66806 0.55248 0.70929 0.02188 0.23527 0.91957 0.44359 0.77769 0.83165 0.58721 0.30372 0.09316 0.87738 0.73812 0.48634 0.75516 0.25371 0.9423 0.45785 0.82587 0.05914 0.30841
+0.90745 0.23023 0.86174 0.77398 0.42907 0.10918 0.13247 0.81198 0.88831 0.04105 0.24561 0.54398 0.43576 0.01462 0.6626 0.0279 0.26443 0.83459 0.32139 0.41696 0.54482 0.62696 0.41297 0.42159 0.23995 0.61043 0.98131 0.3363 0.88708 0.21884 0.90875 0.85939 0.45792 0.53126 0.69975 0.73707 0.61151 0.76415 0.41125 0.32582 0.55871 0.97384 0.7986 0.37021 0.80659 0.7194 0.84215 0.25418 0.12355 0.99018 0.60014 0.22453 0.97507 0.51677 0.80848 0.30162 0.57562 0.82485 0.97096 0.92899 0.3633 0.92709 0.14394 0.60409 0.28273 0.31115 0.56716 0.4411 0.28135 0.26449 0.12144 0.73437 0.93804 0.67616 0.77712 0.70054 0.74989 0.33241 0.36794 0.54157 0.37784 0.10203 0.93343 0.79635 0.88244 0.35448 0.28212 0.05826 0.94828 0.19483 0.65657 0.07597 0.02116 0.08256 0.25154 0.28321 0.26154 0.57339 0.40967 0.77642 0.74546 0.19424 0.23863 0.59928 0.87241 0.50395 0.60685 0.07507 0.22648 0.72676 0.76897 0.88198 0.4382 0.899 0.32 0.14689 0.50926 0.78238 0.47446 0.05127 0.7878 0.87785 0.52331 0.47989 0.83753 0.27256 0.57781 0.6416 0.7466 0.44887 0.18896 0.09992 0.32519 0.37592 0.70006 0.14934 0.75595 0.0924 0.3777 0.89086 0.05017 0.06959 0.75654 0.1675 0.11764 0.0634 0.61976 0.49344 0.75904 0.38781 0.16926 0.3148 0.14773 0.9471 0.98463 0.00092 0.68648 0.44527 0.00791 0.3613 0.40149 0.26318 0.36021 0.37139 0.85148 0.98215 0.22703 0.0595 0.69511 0.42979 0.56651 0.40998 0.89557 0.45322 0.62466 0.41987 0.02515 0.92388 0.14258 0.8925 0.92528 0.3381 0.68599 0.39909 0.25877 0.20791 0.32372 0.9773 0.36422 0.43278 0.69529 0.76566 0.20752 0.50817 0.84825 0.88144 0.35723 0.57686 0.31714 0.57767 0.7685 0.57186 0.1901 0.29338 0.26806 0.643 0.52626 0.34039 0.10492 0.12287 0.95206 0.72609 0.15275 0.7185 0.96609 0.95601 0.19977 0.5592 0.97515 0.31879 0.93647 0.494 0.42469 0.83721 0.99581 0.48301 0.04167 0.45513 0.93665 0.70414 0.9655 0.02931 0.2307 0.1424 0.67319 0.9483 0.42667 0.53731 0.05574 0.25669 0.81087 0.11702 0.8409 0.5219 0.92995 0.99575 0.34188 0.23348 0.75737 0.23195 0.67155 0.35501 0.3377 0.62342 0.55955 0.16725 0.47279 0.71669 0.82607 0.11107 0.39438 0.07234 0.05834 0.37626 0.73716 0.43154 0.10409 0.82876 0.60621 0.78902 0.03682 0.08565 0.59915 0.05315 0.13542 0.28617 0.34312 0.03168 0.4353 0.76657 0.92924 0.48634 0.3755 0.65887 0.46959 0.28541 0.56502 0.93132 0.85299 0.83299 0.5174 0.36166 0.13575 0.18102 0.19672 0.84131 0.74974 0.58374 0.61024 0.90918 0.80213 0.79861 0.56331 0.96949 0.56402 0.88202 0.87343 0.67886 0.99569 0.49868 0.19815 0.86798 0.72584 0.40758 0.72037 0.13844 0.30383 0.64657 0.33254 0.93715 0.30163 0.89836 0.62045 0.41523 0.91539 0.83523 0.98354 0.64307 0.08417 0.87364 0.89939 0.87929 0.03756 0.96622 0.30897 0.2805 0.00129 0.35459 0.84986 0.72216 0.41712 0.66278 0.11796 0.97638 0.91982 0.19631 0.601 0.68375 0.63855 0.6653 0.77115 0.54519 0.40667 0.31451 0.59214 0.48217 0.54837 0.75389 0.14955 0.19651 0.8874 0.84736 0.97972 0.05253 0.57175 0.57096 0.50911 0.76865 0.31119 0.93276 0.67431 0.23867 0.74226 0.92494 0.76402 0.94638 0.11153 0.16223 0.59405 0.58275 0.03198 0.00711 0.07393 0.88697 0.90315 0.42306 0.68068 0.03885 0.3615 0.18288 0.06861 0.18031 0.40737 0.66235 0.49218 0.38171 0.4122 0.75292 0.46453 0.42417 0.33202 0.04785 0.79611 0.93471 0.71599 0.35917 0.1932 0.37944 0.99649 0.90025 0.5184 0.7643 0.18302 0.28252 0.02927 0.54602 0.54486 0.10611 0.3512 0.28862 0.73167 0.91159 0.7395 0.80964 0.79093 0.57378 0.02416 0.24854 0.44498 0.56186 0.24663 0.80889 0.08131 0.55257 0.29656 0.78954 0.80598 0.10599 0.52369 0.48746 0.84458 0.28703 0.90759 0.37826 0.71611 0.24905 0.19619 0.49621 0.70052 0.07757 0.88391 0.9412 0.7543 0.85716 0.2232 0.10709 0.56142 0.76472 0.8612 0.12687 0.06995 0.05226 0.36625 0.57532 0.58324 0.52074 0.16231 0.99961 0.63426 0.88254 0.50801 0.99991 0.74256 0.46612 0.96617 0.16492 0.52219 0.84528 0.77479 0.73319 0.68635 0.12667 0.32266 0.54564 0.69918 0.14567 0.29059 0.75114 0.2639 0.31897 0.60394 0.92818 0.23791 0.05972 0.1877 0.49468 0.00971 0.14609 0.27905 0.60509 0.10303 0.65699 0.82712 0.39761 0.01962 0.39039 0.40907 0.27728 0.47384 0.11015 0.85505 0.94252
+0.33495 0.80904 0.10695 0.53382 0.06068 0.04881 0.06635 0.47648 0.25672 0.56834 0.8434 0.30915 0.25197 0.82102 0.06114 0.17892 0.82917 0.04848 0.78093 0.77647 0.88165 0.56629 0.13866 0.71699 0.48543 0.6024 0.67194 0.58116 0.6996 0.32964 0.45495 0.34576 0.1144 0.36246 0.34974 0.01804 0.34091 0.24931 0.7526 0.98401 0.55098 0.17448 0.9583 0.82957 0.43868 0.96741 0.37388 0.88042 0.02053 0.20549 0.00919 0.14864 0.66391 0.51546 0.49751 0.14912 0.72602 0.13843 0.53614 0.50004 0.37073 0.50563 0.92704 0.76634 0.98563 0.98115 0.77226 0.10569 0.91139 0.47996 0.73798 0.97142 0.74811 0.44892 0.70909 0.27965 0.04589 0.19697 0.07879 0.61836 0.4453 0.2077 0.82757 0.42466 0.42129 0.752 0.63646 0.22052 0.98848 0.7352 0.59951 0.28744 0.75776 0.73058 0.79457 0.78128 0.03189 0.66731 0.04982 0.06275 0.60315 0.68969 0.20848 0.62999 0.00638 0.12174 0.00655 0.23418 0.42095 0.63303 0.51412 0.07976 0.6606 0.11015 0.74308 0.58744 0.10828 0.97195 0.7413 0.23101 0.38397 0.39503 0.05607 0.23207 0.58878 0.38781 0.89022 0.54617 0.58606 0.56773 0.95035 0.56045 0.10836 0.18639 0.54246 0.37294 0.13489 0.3283 0.64291 0.74325 0.51609 0.93843 0.48358 0.61105 0.36718 0.82927 0.68475 0.29105 0.41405 0.54394 0.18855 0.23045 0.02989 0.18466 0.70008 0.86746 0.69181 0.23221 0.73119 0.43233 0.6477 0.9433 0.58454 0.76468 0.51658 0.33462 0.86397 0.04312 0.95256 0.7845 0.22255 0.45337 0.91714 0.2675 0.39108 0.06419 0.95947 0.25141 0.3885 0.36403 0.44446 0.1352 0.28352 0.32348 0.07272 0.59902 0.67198 0.236 0.62422 0.29602 0.42669 0.05973 0.50269 0.48667 0.51187 0.21866 0.79031 0.53436 0.85023 0.13921 0.80579 0.76436 0.79821 0.80513 0.34001 0.04681 0.39319 0.70547 0.17536 0.17488 0.2078 0.80946 0.42732 0.92826 0.5257 0.28055 0.00981 0.49089 0.81191 0.48787 0.88158 0.73486 0.95133 0.908 0.8033 0.09067 0.7811 0.71325 0.07492 0.24216 0.15636 0.21283 0.34975 0.46765 0.25871 0.55781 0.43233 0.37912 0.66042 0.29107 0.07312 0.23219 0.20601 0.60141 0.54536 0.86686 0.38372 0.77536 0.19223 0.86402 0.12182 0.73155 0.76522 0.00584 0.07855 0.94948 0.07443 0.9689 0.7046 0.51402 0.54422 0.3728 0.519 0.62033 0.87588 0.6759 0.15691 0.31095 0.79821 0.28426 0.36147 0.04102 0.09665 0.66304 0.94686 0.17868 0.80057 0.41976 0.72019 0.19521 0.0206 0.70862 0.66369 0.03148 0.66724 0.89539 0.58682 0.19771 0.71908 0.69772 0.46755 0.78582 0.48877 0.38837 0.47216 0.39406 0.73841 0.85373 0.18762 0.47082 0.6419 0.55636 0.66703 0.20892 0.74701 0.68337 0.59143 0.44904 0.37002 0.53196 0.35681 0.30057 0.16012 0.77237 0.42821 0.12026 0.63468 0.36461 0.40299 0.67004 0.96273 0.2943 0.4572 0.60826 0.91959 0.02101 0.05595 0.09812 0.8379 0.25699 0.90767 0.17827 0.9721 0.83133 0.48135 0.43255 0.80442 0.33183 0.16711 0.46381 0.96708 0.67833 0.31103 0.32704 0.52388 0.93592 0.33703 0.25286 0.10497 0.67467 0.23749 0.62676 0.41236 0.57572 0.34862 0.91714 0.42381 0.38006 0.61342 0.51873 0.56074 0.64638 0.12811 0.83222 0.20176 0.92401 0.35624 0.24554 0.70721 0.68931 0.99275 0.28717 0.02595 0.30966 0.23122 0.58192 0.60857 0.14212 0.73172 0.86549 0.16948 0.33346 0.73418 0.93985 0.46642 0.03302 0.18715 0.75261 0.53667 0.83283 0.48224 0.27849 0.25145 0.25364 0.51684 0.658 0.20609 0.57193 0.85326 0.10416 0.81338 0.46758 0.69835 0.12155 0.25847 0.29684 0.89258 0.82695 0.81059 0.72017 0.25468 0.37968 0.79717 0.36587 0.24687 0.7651 0.6285 0.12137 0.41581 0.57188 0.67578 0.13517 0.09685 0.16211 0.88482 0.49249 0.93413 0.13956 0.01791 0.46407 0.14833 0.54043 0.89008 0.92374 0.91629 0.36552 0.44712 0.99442 0.49805 0.89091 0.6464 0.4659 0.72388 0.44728 0.38986 0.48965 0.90408 0.495 0.30369 0.86371 0.31112 0.12284 0.51617 0.70976 0.82333 0.65084 0.23645 0.04896 0.23614 0.43337 0.74829 0.49026 0.26994 0.51175 0.97549 0.55836 0.99842 0.27568 0.7139 0.20327 0.00759 0.65136 0.60406 0.59844 0.20535 0.47126 0.47156 0.58984 0.53767 0.12749 0.72503 0.96594 0.86407 0.65372 0.10772 0.21967 0.02214 0.5646 0.63129 0.52866 0.56927 0.19511 0.32856 0.88863 0.9894 0.56736 0.0322 0.24251 0.39342 0.44837 0.17002 0.76617 0.64742 0.68612 0.0232 0.97227 0.32443 0.1584 0.84992 0.32586 0.32003 0.68867
+0.71178 0.36233 0.28833 0.57217 0.15084 0.36164 0.661 0.63824 0.39985 0.76918 0.80449 0.30215 0.89042 0.01926 0.38514 0.67793 0.15082 0.65119 0.67406 0.89928 0.10059 0.85944 0.13899 0.65302 0.70447 0.52315 0.31279 0.06635 0.15772 0.16662 0.40572 0.77771 0.00305 0.0733 0.58973 0.60666 0.94892 0.48862 0.53683 0.38119 0.1441 0.46372 0.38504 0.6941 0.86186 0.4957 0.1969 0.9068 0.78956 0.67538 0.46656 0.63023 0.36789 0.1368 0.7625 0.60177 0.62589 0.95038 0.31565 0.68188 0.11353 0.1554 0.16118 0.78494 0.11265 0.99988 0.64118 0.90031 0.04693 0.8204 0.20561 0.30331 0.15425 0.4475 0.19718 0.79756 0.21995 0.45513 0.766 0.76498 0.35973 0.48714 0.76906 0.59633 0.19061 0.47286 0.49186 0.65579 0.12227 0.29037 0.49313 0.90053 0.69972 0.42044 0.37577 0.43566 0.22245 0.27307 0.57321 0.1157 0.23263 0.34396 0.73103 0.53825 0.43899 0.44183 0.67662 0.72546 0.22653 0.9187 0.25815 0.45524 0.19742 0.09919 0.46078 0.97775 0.984 0.13204 0.84324 0.12893 0.491 0.91454 0.00573 0.21574 0.87755 0.26795 0.1151 0.81305 0.44864 0.82771 0.28673 0.03323 0.74608 0.44265 0.19378 0.63682 0.79745 0.32814 0.12064 0.95994 0.05015 0.9444 0.31981 0.12839 0.42217 0.44866 0.57637 0.32461 0.53822 0.67706 0.15613 0.22903 0.92979 0.78097 0.6138 0.3267 0.44661 0.19054 0.19713 0.35101 0.92402 0.82937 0.3364 0.85471 0.28355 0.09811 0.64982 0.92892 0.41732 0.89225 0.3043 0.87422 0.11641 0.98253 0.19141 0.43935 0.57527 0.96529 0.531 0.85898 0.77926 0.59015 0.61658 0.16514 0.26686 0.97313 0.49615 0.25907 0.50327 0.63065 0.33098 0.94621 0.80158 0.83787 0.39208 0.41911 0.60742 0.08236 0.31404 0.65727 0.38416 0.63042 0.65188 0.86156 0.9541 0.35517 0.20046 0.90842 0.6053 0.09681 0.55244 0.79762 0.85648 0.59181 0.15036 0.40875 0.2997 0.33287 0.12109 0.45905 0.73622 0.29766 0.12881 0.66133 0.3578 0.67441 0.68394 0.9762 0.21247 0.78585 0.08516 0.65138 0.80627 0.89846 0.14108 0.6179 0.50338 0.40689 0.7265 0.45164 0.02642 0.94892 0.91759 0.74366 0.85476 0.05832 0.79981 0.02015 0.78711 0.49995 0.88231 0.12676 0.34255 0.66677 0.97909 0.73585 0.70635 0.53955 0.48881 0.69413 0.28808 0.58358 0.56605 0.22069 0.98755 0.27501 0.65459 0.98689 0.57637 0.76235 0.30503 0.9857 0.90048 0.43581 0.39388 0.15632 0.04661 0.29456 0.93466 0.0923 0.8257 0.67182 0.69876 0.69798 0.49951 0.87935 0.48497 0.37976 0.07771 0.27702 0.75103 0.15984 0.34687 0.58699 0.46821 0.16659 0.05744 0.80624 0.73525 0.68921 0.47021 0.18435 0.25096 0.14646 0.74422 0.84689 0.0866 0.84515 0.61716 0.82435 0.2988 0.68506 0.23641 0.36144 0.62856 0.83486 0.4066 0.37823 0.67358 0.72662 0.56708 0.73665 0.6952 0.16479 0.46142 0.03583 0.93682 0.19417 0.06788 0.77195 0.61355 0.1089 0.68737 0.68673 0.55923 0.33517 0.52222 0.44216 0.04499 0.78167 0.27013 0.69648 0.37767 0.09838 0.56814 0.3338 0.80761 0.42938 0.55135 0.25834 0.97571 0.81646 0.77937 0.8247 0.10055 0.3746 0.36177 0.64502 0.6396 0.54697 0.73997 0.422 0.84928 0.16965 0.54235 0.74577 0.10833 0.28613 0.2921 0.33799 0.5872 0.0681 0.90975 0.13921 0.02915 0.52991 0.58442 0.68202 0.83676 0.92203 0.45907 0.32402 0.57624 0.50622 0.98996 0.72593 0.70601 0.65226 0.01329 0.28203 0.52296 0.25837 0.70495 0.62612 0.3654 0.88599 0.63994 0.78538 0.22394 0.20266 0.8389 0.31074 0.41912 0.76706 0.30951 0.34582 0.74261 0.62042 0.29467 0.98358 0.36167 0.68633 0.4144 0.4508 0.8952 0.63922 0.36265 0.98734 0.3621 0.69448 0.58396 0.75516 0.9963 0.25233 0.92007 0.81071 0.18777 0.1048 0.12666 0.19763 0.09985 0.62639 0.31331 0.55316 0.88944 0.62426 0.6579 0.06396 0.94927 0.45499 0.17609 0.09752 0.52834 0.78619 0.05686 0.41186 0.98537 0.43762 0.21689 0.77893 0.68915 0.02376 0.30468 0.66288 0.80631 0.62109 0.87204 0.22458 0.51954 0.27829 0.00813 0.60868 0.25944 0.54437 0.46568 0.9581 0.46484 0.87536 0.62587 0.16283 0.54454 0.33889 0.81514 0.69835 0.37711 0.87287 0.91422 0.17289 0.73951 0.1916 0.63814 0.55647 0.42546 0.12134 0.05306 0.63528 0.90261 0.98271 0.99812 0.64688 0.55259 0.75105 0.31755 0.09102 0.9832 0.30143 0.90236 0.95209 0.67315 0.21213 0.47983 0.99148 0.61778 0.9038 0.65639 0.59669 0.46754 0.32119 0.2226 0.35004 0.54825 0.03084
+0.52987 0.35782 0.3832 0.64405 0.53508 0.10507 0.19429 0.7542 0.21991 0.44519 0.36458 0.42607 0.21187 0.30439 0.4811 0.87628 0.25981 0.42119 0.4274 0.25938 0.3519 0.63292 0.33035 0.80521 0.47727 0.21717 0.31344 0.6798 0.44454 0.33484 0.96434 0.83192 0.63597 0.12553 0.27922 0.77633 0.81176 0.94244 0.86217 0.61816 0.79288 0.45192 0.04035 0.74513 0.84192 0.59592 0.44114 0.8922 0.28342 0.89338 0.34841 0.26332 0.98039 0.73734 0.99623 0.03489 0.59709 0.23412 0.28839 0.0448 0.16202 0.37241 0.4909 0.0346 0.59704 0.726 0.55353 0.03054 0.41015 0.77701 0.21207 0.47997 0.52997 0.4392 0.62009 0.40654 0.70891 0.31878 0.30455 0.59913 0.20184 0.1853 0.72724 0.15169 0.85218 0.10021 0.23966 0.20313 0.57471 0.19615 0.2257 0.34173 0.58248 0.33312 0.05292 0.836 0.88006 0.04213 0.81596 0.94797 0.18141 0.90397 0.6029 0.17365 0.12734 0.4585 0.59369 0.39626 0.10924 0.92791 0.6063 0.30941 0.61832 0.86175 0.91336 0.03573 0.57256 0.29725 0.45871 0.30666 0.5707 0.31053 0.03749 0.718 0.00716 0.49465 0.16772 0.95009 0.08972 0.05383 0.13128 0.52308 0.01881 0.66358 0.16324 0.92218 0.17632 0.85909 0.72271 0.73532 0.87236 0.4626 0.01519 0.61022 0.3362 0.19936 0.24818 0.08616 0.98587 0.83238 0.74249 0.03833 0.44839 0.05342 0.45721 0.22943 0.3416 0.48558 0.14018 0.66068 0.597 0.562 0.59923 0.14034 0.36678 0.18581 0.79066 0.19183 0.67876 0.36587 0.04596 0.82194 0.23737 0.45946 0.03329 0.5199 0.1982 0.75183 0.97316 0.06374 0.26341 0.7533 0.71186 0.91258 0.1162 0.66586 0.32491 0.36247 0.26161 0.44793 0.07738 0.68792 0.77511 0.02756 0.19729 0.87287 0.08147 0.63497 0.19788 0.69393 0.78544 0.14608 0.67308 0.51958 0.40858 0.51852 0.13229 0.90454 0.04783 0.43164 0.90742 0.8856 0.70047 0.2853 0.7058 0.88617 0.61059 0.19054 0.20872 0.36163 0.95267 0.28685 0.06788 0.23887 0.14605 0.29452 0.71478 0.49779 0.08535 0.54113 0.47772 0.49916 0.16503 0.45598 0.39128 0.14519 0.7858 0.60441 0.49885 0.34796 0.77381 0.38751 0.64305 0.9195 0.94335 0.09147 0.58686 0.68864 0.68899 0.59017 0.51229 0.9844 0.84992 0.54885 0.54087 0.33584 0.79972 0.30282 0.08491 0.95424 0.34024 0.44115 0.2313 0.89418 0.46736 0.05161 0.95414 0.27089 0.65251 0.7331 0.75535 0.27087 0.97281 0.41108 0.42918 0.26882 0.92687 0.69028 0.24763 0.92487 0.2102 0.74483 0.76687 0.09056 0.54134 0.07172 0.55 0.44683 0.67044 0.36923 0.36554 0.00512 0.01922 0.00295 0.51374 0.50696 0.39294 0.26753 0.15915 0.81143 0.76318 0.0143 0.84493 0.87738 0.83581 0.07566 0.96833 0.7191 0.28503 0.02812 0.25314 0.45467 0.61852 0.06534 0.84996 0.921 0.15974 0.74002 0.02258 0.43331 0.76325 0.10265 0.4011 0.52735 0.66669 0.66183 0.18527 0.98574 0.98861 0.40709 0.02139 0.70905 0.51916 0.40334 0.78641 0.04683 0.38186 0.57603 0.41821 0.90801 0.65344 0.08949 0.52642 0.22855 0.30777 0.85957 0.04639 0.0597 0.97032 0.99137 0.94617 0.74859 0.24635 0.64559 0.93911 0.5396 0.76267 0.01544 0.72699 0.71822 0.15595 0.55795 0.73301 0.73057 0.91015 0.06368 0.72415 0.88073 0.61272 0.11597 0.40828 0.93847 0.12891 0.28968 0.94471 0.7939 0.86676 0.95892 0.23655 0.37154 0.29802 0.8248 0.00873 0.95224 0.51001 0.42058 0.55397 0.06649 0.2454 0.07786 0.26326 0.71656 0.62112 0.47211 0.81047 0.94358 0.32339 0.10336 0.53071 0.13506 0.74806 0.49276 0.60733 0.93426 0.71979 0.50061 0.17617 0.87556 0.06431 0.44453 0.27281 0.79253 0.58423 0.86353 0.684 0.10932 0.11553 0.74207 0.41895 0.91063 0.96197 0.12621 0.83443 0.96558 0.15246 0.81775 0.32774 0.326 0.08152 0.21908 0.39974 0.26426 0.28652 0.66873 0.28608 0.65219 0.51332 0.60594 0.51913 0.67191 0.17012 0.16838 0.6006 0.03198 0.98693 0.38489 0.82587 0.17282 0.64759 0.69975 0.04064 0.02505 0.43808 0.5241 0.802 0.0125 0.22129 0.5382 0.24204 0.10296 0.53724 0.9623 0.66978 0.39092 0.69554 0.74313 0.71833 0.72709 0.1891 0.85816 0.80335 0.8089 0.25766 0.92142 0.69566 0.88304 0.28789 0.57238 0.84966 0.95378 0.45145 0.05124 0.24336 0.0573 0.95314 0.0014 0.58958 0.65181 0.28873 0.48465 0.30036 0.46614 0.99155 0.90851 0.5781 0.66457 0.38967 0.85197 0.95717 0.6681 0.28271 0.17757 0.78292 0.57635 0.09451 0.51638 0.8926 0.35158 0.93789 0.56793 0.93667 0.11945
+0.45245 0.69794 0.42902 0.02481 0.03004 0.2083 0.26292 0.79823 0.68415 0.39708 0.9942 0.42655 0.94003 0.48203 0.09474 0.84481 0.27093 0.22762 0.16829 0.55526 0.14107 0.1487 0.10985 0.77677 0.50238 0.10422 0.18455 0.81777 0.13821 0.85823 0.46258 0.29697 0.29179 0.82454 0.36094 0.38567 0.25339 0.02822 0.43184 0.88252 0.09671 0.91462 0.08274 0.70623 0.71088 0.99936 0.12531 0.65163 0.87204 0.67259 0.3971 0.26666 0.12352 0.24225 0.72305 0.77951 0.90357 0.39224 0.86004 0.00571 0.26792 0.24526 0.5848 0.16638 0.27345 0.18063 0.91491 0.08095 0.10609 0.60779 0.44622 0.52827 0.91548 0.69287 0.59131 0.72758 0.82897 0.68868 0.75499 0.3295 0.1935 0.5259 0.03877 0.28266 0.28934 0.11657 0.86466 0.06157 0.55258 0.62423 0.38583 0.95166 0.26931 0.01335 0.91148 0.55263 0.16367 0.48814 0.82213 0.72811 0.14318 0.27748 0.31621 0.1336 0.95033 0.99268 0.98587 0.45774 0.6325 0.07769 0.54234 0.1407 0.36521 0.66011 0.55459 0.55968 0.1434 0.34129 0.04221 0.37056 0.8654 0.91193 0.51637 0.43645 0.20671 0.75 0.54138 0.12925 0.56778 0.19999 0.75979 0.68597 0.53762 0.10564 0.74501 0.02811 0.85326 0.24028 0.79414 0.9245 0.62536 0.36546 0.00634 0.09137 0.74619 0.02916 0.99201 0.17998 0.76451 0.24117 0.38277 0.41197 0.93779 0.27608 0.20232 0.94172 0.24836 0.60871 0.6518 0.05133 0.87373 0.26911 0.5846 0.33534 0.02472 0.79567 0.26134 0.24295 0.79561 0.31106 0.59529 0.99293 0.62126 0.92261 0.37147 0.72484 0.69539 0.46648 0.15968 0.43317 0.44686 0.03826 0.64668 0.61215 0.77826 0.12466 0.85272 0.18043 0.41322 0.84774 0.90355 0.01649 0.87208 0.18579 0.68139 0.76738 0.92431 0.34507 0.64867 0.7293 0.17175 0.79646 0.61526 0.36378 0.43302 0.19276 0.95498 0.15773 0.60679 0.58281 0.51274 0.5306 0.30626 0.42075 0.32634 0.27877 0.89592 0.74285 0.2519 0.61851 0.66041 0.81042 0.22426 0.07648 0.36407 0.65098 0.07972 0.89631 0.81655 0.51107 0.8448 0.90779 0.17788 0.05124 0.4728 0.4182 0.75914 0.04957 0.37117 0.47016 0.77633 0.66382 0.11439 0.64939 0.83942 0.04266 0.22802 0.75013 0.91029 0.68797 0.77803 0.80183 0.24364 0.188 0.56121 0.33124 0.31865 0.08582 0.80441 0.65686 0.50186 0.02204 0.02587 0.90388 0.44712 0.76484 0.92877 0.15601 0.91893 0.78638 0.57995 0.79898 0.25741 0.25186 0.24216 0.62284 0.49836 0.19446 0.08203 0.93675 0.64039 0.58227 0.92315 0.11083 0.07605 0.4963 0.9441 0.7244 0.17158 0.63868 0.86262 0.91628 0.5715 0.98928 0.8262 0.08767 0.17602 0.0711 0.06168 0.18916 0.10054 0.48985 0.469 0.49611 0.06788 0.95874 0.36927 0.29574 0.52814 0.83214 0.20882 0.32925 0.00486 0.52772 0.22028 0.82024 0.76412 0.71871 0.6392 0.88031 0.833 0.03475 0.00145 0.72499 0.57181 0.87496 0.30513 0.41775 0.39147 0.15818 0.7758 0.30336 0.92937 0.37547 0.79507 0.94717 0.99939 0.28075 0.21374 0.58159 0.07082 0.02922 0.73708 0.74443 0.06498 0.58319 0.59219 0.4318 0.80898 0.65701 0.68682 0.31609 0.98694 0.3581 0.54328 0.54238 0.19754 0.11321 0.38817 0.40143 0.89437 0.82477 0.9004 0.97039 0.71939 0.65039 0.02045 0.66771 0.55725 0.12886 0.95795 0.01994 0.51907 0.36769 0.25571 0.64023 0.00832 0.47153 0.07185 0.89716 0.68372 0.6501 0.81396 0.43622 0.18893 0.0346 0.75669 0.73873 0.79706 0.87278 0.73032 0.60092 0.12021 0.95335 0.07276 0.97078 0.1546 0.71184 0.15969 0.58705 0.09316 0.07718 0.02777 0.49882 0.7683 0.17054 0.35796 0.37547 0.03567 0.68265 0.73091 0.46088 0.18282 0.30484 0.5352 0.97862 0.25953 0.10364 0.22194 0.25811 0.32287 0.13072 0.12193 0.44245 0.84339 0.54179 0.68027 0.0121 0.19399 0.56772 0.24195 0.67526 0.51392 0.52199 0.16814 0.88618 0.61111 0.04609 0.02608 0.10638 0.43032 0.48324 0.23763 0.74366 0.55809 0.2074 0.09989 0.01313 0.83603 0.70366 0.54871 0.13121 0.76866 0.00501 0.75447 0.39622 0.35375 0.26352 0.01708 0.34288 0.92192 0.76668 0.93633 0.04231 0.46276 0.47944 0.521 0.69767 0.16004 0.69057 0.78938 0.93568 0.27292 0.23304 0.23444 0.65669 0.51362 0.19287 0.67314 0.16785 0.24109 0.10491 0.0657 0.13002 0.02717 0.15441 0.78821 0.33428 0.56542 0.1501 0.11662 0.55089 0.07241 0.67745 0.21204 0.57877 0.06253 0.27539 0.66229 0.6327 0.96267 0.01085 0.27519 0.0886 0.22916 0.44033 0.85589 0.82362 0.56449 0.11083 0.04309 0.15401
+0.55547 0.31079 0.77372 0.56416 9e-05 0.23538 0.04077 0.30273 0.99704 0.90912 0.18383 0.14243 0.91918 0.51763 0.23084 0.4091 0.07929 0.73935 0.77122 0.21322 0.16776 0.42395 0.94614 0.91111 0.26761 0.0106 0.26827 0.95639 0.98075 0.07983 0.87967 0.37587 0.02016 0.63193 0.60434 0.48056 0.01406 0.72863 0.55333 0.91995 0.02041 0.44876 0.30175 0.47942 0.89432 0.03069 0.31698 0.87247 0.41828 0.05675 0.44217 0.17009 0.4147 0.18529 0.50752 0.81436 0.39207 0.57712 0.91774 0.74932 0.80485 0.48382 0.6147 0.29561 0.98947 0.2301 0.74577 0.63399 0.83394 0.4538 0.94011 0.65982 0.75036 0.28039 0.33543 0.48703 0.76378 0.5511 0.4577 0.01915 0.65172 0.16007 0.37974 0.06453 0.57452 0.56022 0.81516 0.17215 0.19141 0.0664 0.74826 0.90927 0.46612 0.78699 0.2971 0.54097 0.03359 0.43764 0.05941 0.36628 0.17826 0.17872 0.03596 0.91075 0.24137 0.107 0.06454 0.93542 0.71787 0.27284 0.83484 0.1441 0.00541 0.66498 0.24315 0.3754 0.79551 0.52235 0.94976 0.04898 0.59141 0.41773 0.74847 0.49351 0.11256 0.76 0.3955 0.04358 0.66537 0.27695 0.04886 0.91063 0.84411 0.31615 0.07447 0.93732 0.04547 0.11481 0.26582 0.45789 0.63393 0.94403 0.07495 0.23708 0.3473 0.05547 0.46368 0.8754 0.99987 0.50981 0.83713 0.06763 0.41646 0.30314 0.90773 0.84503 0.70749 0.15411 0.19694 0.15995 0.02205 0.76939 0.95049 0.68238 0.32603 0.50925 0.41814 0.07153 0.30735 0.86667 0.81901 0.18068 0.36856 0.21672 0.92745 0.35762 0.55422 0.60907 0.88643 0.35277 0.37103 0.11779 0.12027 0.92541 0.10849 0.75098 0.53204 0.40366 0.97688 0.11595 0.10096 0.84702 0.57175 0.7229 0.30993 0.2464 0.46919 0.37733 0.00053 0.86542 0.45324 0.73965 0.59038 0.81913 0.19974 0.8959 0.71854 0.03278 0.47293 0.49401 0.05636 0.28923 0.46884 0.3082 0.51477 0.26292 0.55921 0.93102 0.10228 0.20558 0.72811 0.73671 0.30615 0.44541 0.94475 0.78433 0.71535 0.79642 0.26783 0.91024 0.09841 0.94298 0.20522 0.26298 0.2503 0.88017 0.61513 0.04014 0.71146 0.58281 0.579 0.68687 0.1677 0.88089 0.03194 0.06212 0.21994 0.36996 0.18857 0.64637 0.95993 0.56974 0.15427 0.26672 0.56118 0.66812 0.85787 0.76927 0.25539 0.96845 0.86821 0.33438 0.62093 0.16878 0.90696 0.98858 0.89474 0.00503 0.03947 0.90271 0.75494 0.89591 0.22045 0.52211 0.11164 0.2097 0.59483 0.23836 0.77367 0.0425 0.72723 0.84349 0.2195 0.27143 0.25982 0.10788 0.62579 0.68197 0.65365 0.13719 0.20176 0.13972 0.09072 0.33651 0.41189 0.32802 0.45135 0.58791 0.39942 0.4954 0.35101 0.38243 0.2819 0.1309 0.49316 0.46025 0.36318 0.68204 0.33307 0.31031 0.49963 0.37043 0.27371 0.76579 0.13833 0.88507 0.28308 0.96216 0.83763 0.25096 0.27854 0.73162 0.21007 0.28661 0.99419 0.12807 0.21273 0.40717 0.76732 0.10727 0.48149 0.1874 0.18422 0.74229 0.25748 0.65341 0.95228 0.4265 0.96892 0.73824 0.34459 0.73726 0.6969 0.59249 0.83582 0.49126 0.39072 0.79224 0.57685 0.07813 0.49288 0.96959 0.0504 0.9703 0.31151 0.7831 0.77693 0.48081 0.58511 0.89198 0.07797 0.06423 0.80646 0.12303 0.43043 0.64136 0.18184 0.49456 0.29196 0.72756 0.06396 0.46769 0.09891 0.62424 0.19554 0.7611 0.60399 0.99341 0.59834 0.92783 0.6155 0.10171 0.15717 0.53149 0.53571 0.36782 0.37042 0.61147 0.17067 0.54603 0.52769 0.44697 0.75972 0.30907 0.05959 0.62322 0.36635 0.75914 0.80254 0.73594 0.50757 0.88028 0.98963 0.9929 0.8893 0.91444 0.00419 0.72952 0.22858 0.45928 0.27068 0.27534 0.20007 0.2452 0.57968 0.11472 0.27465 0.79833 0.11892 0.70096 0.82923 0.7891 0.38008 0.45568 0.24485 0.68077 0.09323 0.88296 0.1797 0.0166 0.43058 0.91339 0.94525 0.64107 0.33905 0.58519 0.53694 0.66034 0.11317 0.88433 0.89754 0.64216 0.26812 0.29877 0.5958 0.96477 0.69851 0.88824 0.88889 0.43334 0.5842 0.48538 0.75093 0.43079 0.22547 0.32567 0.16322 0.70425 0.97191 0.69308 0.48267 0.51132 0.76904 0.41913 0.46181 0.68752 0.86194 0.6397 0.51427 0.88965 0.4525 0.89117 0.75918 0.02359 0.2753 0.80926 0.73283 0.12977 0.51928 0.1401 0.10992 0.31804 0.6922 0.97887 0.95872 0.00452 0.60257 0.14095 0.51176 0.25645 0.3304 0.67803 0.19474 0.93341 0.67873 0.48554 0.80004 0.44106 0.14706 0.47231 0.18482 0.4033 0.21118 0.35718 0.62621 0.33763 0.92568 0.64463 0.20644 0.2301 0.72218 0.92478
+0.1162 0.81767 0.75194 0.07701 0.4494 0.50755 0.81073 0.32211 0.45053 0.69911 0.04296 0.89771 0.72747 0.99657 0.3448 0.16435 0.5871 0.56837 0.13103 0.09877 0.14272 0.50068 0.44965 0.89752 0.34558 0.21797 0.63676 0.22207 0.0099 0.35806 0.26098 0.99255 0.24398 0.5732 0.82294 0.5142 0.81077 0.39523 0.12338 0.24852 0.36727 0.70031 0.70737 0.60928 0.91359 0.96938 0.57239 0.02472 0.18734 0.616 0.2601 0.78648 0.30817 0.05822 0.89873 0.90043 0.69311 0.9659 0.01333 0.71848 0.46619 0.37457 0.88541 0.2669 0.88651 0.41128 0.38178 0.89558 0.60041 0.15545 0.82073 0.70237 0.36052 0.18025 0.92526 0.30086 0.74409 0.63269 0.54748 0.46713 0.80164 0.34491 0.66817 0.06897 0.04182 0.91569 0.06678 0.68496 0.54143 0.11796 0.23741 0.89519 0.35104 0.12144 0.42645 0.49989 0.26252 0.32845 0.10153 0.40047 0.24335 0.03406 0.44238 0.91702 0.13785 0.84258 0.24064 0.42001 0.80411 0.31029 0.82151 0.33187 0.89441 0.73679 0.68421 0.18057 0.51807 0.84517 0.16713 0.61428 0.9123 0.88047 0.66448 0.87755 0.18933 0.28425 0.04627 0.99565 0.63207 0.12803 0.28183 0.13948 0.37316 0.14335 0.29813 0.10052 0.23152 0.40947 0.03175 0.35832 0.55231 0.77217 0.81475 0.48008 0.22209 0.2686 0.06784 0.88989 0.19554 0.0924 0.86919 0.48187 0.70426 0.19386 0.20732 0.12842 0.38632 0.24553 0.71787 0.2184 0.08328 0.96397 0.49715 0.06533 0.65541 0.258 0.43132 0.23534 0.70687 0.05394 0.33215 0.19801 0.82117 0.16749 0.60193 0.08285 0.31292 0.32488 0.01725 0.35158 0.62471 0.37667 0.55537 0.77699 0.22486 0.76298 0.77295 0.95535 0.06712 0.14233 0.79026 0.24616 0.44786 0.89722 0.34432 0.1541 0.87442 0.83397 0.22036 0.57406 0.66002 0.63137 0.70042 0.67452 0.72591 0.63844 0.66488 0.77918 0.93124 0.36637 0.18717 0.63057 0.20944 0.32673 0.31406 0.02295 0.05959 0.86941 0.52995 0.76346 0.66928 0.61464 0.64636 0.82226 0.77155 0.47843 0.8068 0.14263 0.48833 0.82135 0.50418 0.8991 0.93981 0.46652 0.18774 0.98549 0.01061 0.52631 0.44519 0.63964 0.49888 0.12168 0.16619 0.86552 0.50742 0.19786 0.47243 0.58947 0.32281 0.62116 0.45845 0.81106 0.8797 0.55017 0.4453 0.27979 0.14595 0.50662 0.47678 0.25923 0.00033 0.84459 0.03317 0.42653 0.82003 0.75417 0.41108 0.97586 0.82789 0.243 0.45885 0.7369 0.40074 0.2863 0.4053 0.47265 0.90148 0.71837 0.7855 0.56225 0.03624 0.6804 0.66613 0.59248 0.8988 0.48102 0.0685 0.95448 0.80142 0.55922 0.74329 0.2223 0.57365 0.17405 0.65787 0.98921 0.78204 0.29412 0.74417 0.51907 0.29106 0.61891 0.33691 0.73291 0.4764 0.52276 0.91972 0.85891 0.79436 0.23455 0.41775 0.19919 0.90193 0.52765 0.96682 0.734 0.08735 0.10876 0.98954 0.32506 0.26316 0.31341 0.24299 0.21407 0.63814 0.42164 0.84563 0.72628 0.23298 0.14527 0.67167 0.78017 0.31054 0.01778 0.90597 0.30686 0.85375 0.71087 0.62932 0.53063 0.37132 0.33785 0.63609 0.69419 0.5336 0.34123 0.69695 0.73344 0.52171 0.58328 0.06609 0.16761 0.8065 0.27972 0.65105 0.15532 0.94351 0.91628 0.75323 0.40863 0.69894 0.59394 0.4081 0.15949 0.81657 0.33691 0.357 0.42002 0.08023 0.0794 0.0624 0.4479 0.17525 0.23352 0.29146 0.83139 0.59628 0.41894 0.65543 0.16783 0.87356 0.44711 0.52803 0.33639 0.25591 0.0645 0.49957 0.94911 0.44627 0.5057 0.86104 0.1967 0.98623 0.14611 0.7431 0.41127 0.00627 0.54903 0.89864 0.86516 0.37522 0.24916 0.37157 0.45693 0.77515 0.68514 0.99081 0.90952 0.12658 0.36366 0.87307 0.25306 0.89569 0.44654 0.09517 0.92489 0.42052 0.69998 0.36663 0.99504 0.38656 0.97397 0.75437 0.37402 0.81126 0.80402 0.04677 0.32739 0.71183 0.87759 0.75272 0.44439 0.73907 0.04005 0.14741 0.42903 0.58795 0.52589 0.28186 0.46372 0.69311 0.23945 0.54537 0.3553 0.30082 0.95082 0.69504 0.18171 0.92099 0.0404 0.11865 0.50247 0.62932 0.67164 0.508 0.3241 0.41663 0.8738 0.70234 0.66997 0.12748 0.43657 0.53898 0.8556 0.95573 0.21895 0.10064 0.67229 0.97635 0.86933 0.2188 0.94212 0.61304 0.91287 0.23967 0.9815 0.89804 0.69106 0.06453 0.2301 0.26294 0.69409 0.10212 0.87918 0.32851 0.84711 0.32078 0.99336 0.69573 0.21968 0.09392 0.12704 0.05275 0.16365 0.59505 0.46515 0.0719 0.7025 0.15269 0.22945 0.28436 0.08221 0.36149 0.62713 0.51339 0.93602 0.36294 0.12867 0.76949 0.03858 0.13765 0.65214
+0.35581 0.33298 0.52108 0.73828 0.91388 0.03427 0.02215 0.37338 0.82774 0.70601 0.0187 0.32504 0.48717 0.12967 0.42312 0.77729 0.47688 0.61524 0.03426 0.41546 0.49859 0.89923 0.85007 0.5691 0.36996 0.77645 0.51584 0.47658 0.73167 0.16662 0.5375 0.50993 0.02048 0.09411 0.21426 0.47087 0.48129 0.44847 0.10755 0.43589 0.68073 0.62041 0.83537 0.32373 0.26528 0.39972 0.6151 0.49487 0.69762 0.00546 0.447 0.8462 0.99305 0.45673 0.14087 0.81564 0.5173 0.28031 0.55265 0.98654 0.81867 0.83708 0.75943 0.48399 0.80838 0.78984 0.93441 0.51222 0.88838 0.11731 0.15979 0.51373 0.32338 0.28778 0.8471 0.28192 0.39669 0.69303 0.28761 0.82286 0.49327 0.97683 0.14573 0.35226 0.67202 0.07865 0.99614 0.16063 0.62597 0.97445 0.39463 0.6692 0.65522 0.08815 0.583 0.5151 0.26581 0.48937 0.65201 0.07706 0.5838 0.5049 0.32706 0.89268 0.57549 0.76421 0.57868 0.6125 0.27429 0.09487 0.25156 0.23544 0.29807 0.81643 0.6251 0.70594 0.36874 0.58498 0.47467 0.37357 0.52558 0.93988 0.80827 0.15934 0.92099 0.24178 0.96659 0.55455 0.60498 0.97229 0.77674 0.64116 0.4093 0.30432 0.91967 0.05532 0.43709 0.56994 0.48685 0.18526 0.01091 0.52218 0.32606 0.81409 0.44008 0.6169 0.92901 0.35384 0.12093 0.81534 0.18277 0.97244 0.90778 0.44791 0.27234 0.24415 0.06954 0.18342 0.28098 0.6456 0.63299 0.024 0.99176 0.49767 0.51234 0.97706 0.48101 0.96018 0.25661 0.91435 0.29811 0.52394 0.83805 0.01985 0.30637 0.83186 0.74949 0.63894 0.09045 0.80612 0.66971 0.41312 0.71044 0.18195 0.28031 0.41443 0.37186 0.64091 0.05196 0.84701 0.66144 0.88832 0.72639 0.64339 0.87878 0.82615 6e-05 0.10549 0.69506 0.57749 0.50991 0.25785 0.75489 0.70637 0.73823 0.3933 0.6277 0.93226 0.87307 0.02212 0.10788 0.04008 0.97673 0.9774 0.58295 0.81193 0.25098 0.63102 0.58096 0.17375 0.48036 0.50522 0.33236 0.55661 0.72166 0.61451 0.342 0.6345 0.40969 0.92677 0.78253 0.33443 0.9158 0.36575 0.21819 0.00326 0.9737 0.31953 0.80118 0.08084 0.98234 0.00704 0.47895 0.84292 0.86699 0.73536 0.38927 0.8001 0.32083 0.01039 0.99046 0.31181 0.8883 0.77988 0.89278 0.20175 0.36495 0.21347 0.34016 0.46582 0.29784 0.32497 0.60185 0.68115 0.30525 0.45768 0.62355 0.15012 0.60562 0.05113 0.96537 0.48875 0.57478 0.85417 0.40476 0.3695 0.94825 0.42601 0.01766 0.91469 0.77501 0.73104 0.7698 0.32236 0.30131 0.13627 0.53908 0.91806 0.54282 0.32818 0.73836 0.59202 0.40983 0.14025 0.84298 0.35698 0.9966 0.08492 0.88423 0.66696 0.76874 0.64503 0.06149 0.12933 0.61967 0.59178 0.72132 0.57956 0.72304 0.97852 0.07992 0.76777 0.83578 0.45315 0.08815 0.99298 0.51399 0.81927 0.35828 0.84666 0.81121 0.99943 0.70035 0.42406 0.87464 0.307 0.22434 0.13511 0.98091 0.02325 0.33021 0.85723 0.53941 0.18128 0.36094 0.83619 0.43486 0.19929 0.84458 0.98467 0.59414 0.368 0.00197 0.52885 0.82349 0.66298 0.32637 0.07575 0.1588 0.36553 0.45222 0.65662 0.39105 0.44442 0.96149 0.95882 0.31749 0.18814 0.43017 0.17395 0.11626 0.51194 0.87779 0.35738 0.93451 0.04279 0.02872 0.40281 0.0462 0.4527 0.61276 0.13591 0.29643 0.70466 0.62458 0.195 0.32498 0.74413 0.75575 0.97034 0.00138 0.4882 0.64466 0.59475 0.69386 0.33283 0.41807 0.97416 0.47522 0.51358 0.86674 0.56761 0.35574 0.16248 0.01142 0.4799 0.9442 0.02506 0.47132 0.13935 0.2698 0.17232 0.60253 0.40486 0.85934 0.29753 0.15172 0.07033 0.7975 0.73805 0.96094 0.28643 0.47979 0.78048 0.78595 0.48674 0.84102 0.58381 0.34334 0.1684 0.99648 0.23876 0.70274 0.50518 0.23055 0.83962 0.78346 0.56708 0.06984 0.80687 0.74622 0.32237 0.88878 0.11857 0.01534 0.59139 0.26263 0.0153 0.38819 0.76911 0.0602 0.32044 0.37621 0.06367 0.11615 0.15284 0.46697 0.92174 0.52942 0.12598 0.90307 0.52057 0.19408 0.89919 0.17495 0.55493 0.86884 0.33832 0.02308 0.83847 0.68215 0.2078 0.96751 0.11672 0.06249 0.61539 0.73276 0.174 0.99224 0.58399 0.27125 0.58186 0.21532 0.57113 0.18657 0.48093 0.34186 0.80818 0.0791 0.80554 0.93401 0.67613 0.55731 0.91785 0.76704 0.87034 0.61806 0.39079 0.66893 0.44948 0.37487 0.31396 0.77871 0.17004 0.10448 0.42981 0.5894 0.07805 0.01022 0.98831 0.59538 0.42095 0.05291 0.88704 0.61814 0.69039 0.75797 0.33702 0.25042 0.63038 0.24594 0.27209
+0.52719 0.65518 0.70567 0.10486 0.96984 0.67322 0.35269 0.96215 0.6732 0.73665 0.43895 0.27805 0.30739 0.69906 0.90983 0.0703 0.77975 0.5743 0.92179 0.95369 0.68059 0.51882 0.56277 0.31796 0.61836 0.12077 0.47832 0.24929 0.59882 0.11728 0.94031 0.61221 0.29256 0.60701 0.29444 0.83685 0.42916 0.1554 0.39557 0.9827 0.37733 0.02532 0.3052 0.47644 0.95706 0.74521 0.07123 0.82657 0.92144 0.38307 0.50182 0.56962 0.49438 0.91642 0.70964 0.71715 0.02601 0.71709 0.26649 0.86611 0.0547 0.89622 0.12508 0.08598 0.32802 0.97457 0.35171 0.41386 0.42919 0.83231 0.32192 0.61704 0.7872 0.30977 0.60929 0.15095 0.66361 0.68877 0.20785 0.17667 0.41134 0.80932 0.95026 0.10001 0.7126 0.40811 0.32412 0.98076 0.87682 0.41181 0.65523 0.68038 0.98363 0.23291 0.7085 0.03123 0.74278 0.40283 0.17166 0.05253 0.7814 0.26746 0.93543 0.95297 0.93112 0.75038 0.82802 0.71387 0.89855 0.5042 0.45354 0.95687 0.37912 0.60416 0.42436 0.13792 0.18597 0.48233 0.23676 0.11279 0.81356 0.30295 0.89079 0.96959 0.36045 0.9185 0.36071 0.22772 0.99604 0.38722 0.33295 0.29698 0.9292 0.93159 0.97214 0.45037 0.94107 0.99693 0.10394 0.75159 0.3889 0.91251 0.57229 0.6294 0.85415 0.74839 0.15569 0.88421 0.71319 0.83399 0.38075 0.09518 0.70998 0.62142 0.42327 0.79397 0.41853 0.31645 0.26317 0.29504 0.5919 0.39234 0.07201 0.51691 0.70694 0.15079 0.13449 0.37852 0.62785 0.86036 0.55397 0.42294 0.70259 0.26382 0.28326 0.68786 0.44618 0.19563 0.20401 0.00811 0.36537 0.00122 0.87939 0.85028 0.09746 0.54257 0.69666 0.67476 0.29912 0.61722 0.62393 0.47233 0.67814 0.40292 0.54377 0.93332 0.75444 0.79175 0.43087 0.17074 0.627 0.67643 0.27576 0.53343 0.05095 0.06844 0.97521 0.57598 0.20327 0.29114 0.94041 0.2769 0.60176 0.1129 0.784 0.65325 0.5917 0.43874 0.8392 0.16294 0.14594 0.88447 0.53683 0.60858 0.04618 0.54251 0.62029 0.40175 0.2936 0.56787 0.39804 0.03106 0.57406 0.02976 0.89443 0.86304 0.86535 0.93157 0.33515 0.24586 0.78646 0.51589 0.28319 0.90906 0.67331 0.09529 0.0361 0.85176 0.03819 0.05161 0.35422 0.80324 0.03966 0.68871 0.82973 0.57193 0.53323 0.77457 0.09611 0.88355 0.30335 0.45122 0.11408 0.45788 0.57847 0.88687 0.42005 0.3945 0.20226 0.25095 0.76685 0.56766 0.50476 0.98084 0.22402 0.74778 0.53309 0.50447 0.25072 0.25717 0.41331 0.36413 0.25976 0.85343 0.68788 0.68422 0.19451 0.09329 0.5717 0.66495 0.26929 0.76417 0.71714 0.34093 0.03524 0.71905 0.56243 0.75461 0.95305 0.37967 0.85952 0.16703 0.09067 0.28263 0.49159 0.97926 0.378 0.62792 0.39136 0.84735 0.41161 0.91588 0.69492 0.75912 0.08789 0.82098 0.11522 0.89281 0.39216 0.91849 0.03066 0.67714 0.88865 0.11897 0.15142 0.73917 0.91675 0.5229 0.68921 0.72061 0.74587 0.16764 0.73 0.09777 0.13841 0.42393 0.45983 0.08047 0.16593 0.4293 0.86424 0.57649 0.09415 0.5572 0.49655 0.35374 0.57592 0.9131 0.63665 0.93995 0.89312 0.05349 0.25226 0.23118 0.33672 0.39027 0.57702 0.79046 0.31388 0.38646 0.45129 0.97678 0.52102 0.07059 0.0428 0.105 0.28517 0.49751 0.24726 0.65721 0.88802 0.36157 0.44488 0.46719 0.60531 0.5874 0.00627 0.06278 0.40358 0.98135 0.84464 0.65234 0.21836 0.00031 0.97013 0.84466 0.48536 0.43777 0.97798 0.25801 0.28083 0.60713 0.79192 0.76917 0.91874 0.57211 0.48225 0.56186 0.60968 0.88751 0.32637 0.57281 0.63669 0.2551 0.7269 0.71383 0.27379 0.39181 0.80176 0.03454 0.5304 0.15092 0.76663 0.92544 0.72771 0.14848 0.24765 0.66667 0.93284 0.80587 0.25777 0.023 0.71266 0.85778 0.7157 0.45982 0.13463 0.87523 0.08691 0.94855 0.19906 0.3503 0.80922 0.10532 0.41202 0.51328 0.39094 0.88545 0.19968 0.00547 0.66623 0.11621 0.49621 0.94418 0.36907 0.82158 0.28394 0.30511 0.2345 0.02961 0.71258 0.1363 0.57413 0.84625 0.70849 0.26248 0.68201 0.75119 0.02338 0.60918 0.63308 0.50446 0.80113 0.56803 0.41756 0.53479 0.23212 0.39569 0.09229 0.15973 0.75668 0.70561 0.40836 0.15067 0.37208 0.22245 0.91245 0.80883 0.94993 0.71381 0.56722 0.30457 0.08297 0.28294 0.69384 0.7043 0.30941 0.8 0.05102 0.75054 0.53256 0.11973 0.1012 0.27787 0.78918 0.35216 0.56535 0.10676 0.09796 0.80449 0.72105 0.5046 0.41912 0.93148 0.87065 0.95519 0.95468 0.35769 0.72939 0.33307 0.92258 0.73107
+0.3928 0.48818 0.97522 0.74042 0.129 0.40888 0.65966 0.1458 0.90731 0.10531 0.05934 0.8698 0.13879 0.64793 0.47742 0.31716 0.47669 0.73499 0.46236 0.30382 0.39197 0.09026 0.53663 0.59753 0.78113 0.55454 0.78311 0.74071 0.86149 0.24636 0.87204 0.03008 0.30453 0.14312 0.74426 0.34015 0.72154 0.25892 0.43687 0.71401 0.08226 0.10258 0.2429 0.54192 0.31569 0.21069 0.21736 0.25272 0.67376 0.21561 0.40179 0.49704 0.14715 0.35212 0.96463 0.09287 0.28074 0.31949 0.00615 0.04954 0.40346 0.66764 0.13667 0.11285 0.77686 0.01065 0.74575 0.55703 0.0547 0.57652 0.87499 0.32972 0.69396 0.06551 0.8732 0.03153 0.91753 0.39422 0.83577 0.08823 0.83176 0.67536 0.00714 0.2122 0.53316 0.51455 0.85879 0.26689 0.27841 0.21109 0.35514 0.72962 0.62041 0.01065 0.71881 0.60935 0.04164 0.83322 0.96597 0.08601 0.53975 0.99666 0.32716 0.59421 0.68609 0.58602 0.99026 0.71117 0.98391 0.44287 0.25095 0.07432 0.69122 0.7346 0.39389 0.701 0.28882 0.12328 0.50568 0.65841 0.29865 0.89858 0.38384 0.88655 0.48063 0.66229 0.78834 0.37605 0.2656 0.6206 0.80977 0.59946 0.70262 0.78056 0.21422 0.07513 0.07586 0.13238 0.87923 0.62122 0.67495 0.90244 0.58021 0.7665 0.37629 0.38372 0.91276 0.07974 0.57908 0.60759 0.03425 0.24463 0.02939 0.73198 0.85375 0.55799 0.9918 0.01636 0.1861 0.12221 0.40714 0.53367 0.65803 0.65333 0.65403 0.27176 0.88019 0.20533 0.62997 0.40928 0.25629 0.5265 0.51806 0.48274 0.4843 0.45146 0.29223 0.02641 0.4337 0.53896 0.43024 0.08192 0.76077 0.54812 0.08485 0.21759 0.67335 0.48964 0.78166 0.868 0.68878 0.69607 0.32988 0.3875 0.05381 0.93259 0.63453 0.28135 0.14705 0.13871 0.86049 0.36866 0.53218 0.43486 0.51949 0.30196 0.46121 0.47798 0.36344 0.60723 0.67389 0.8901 0.87845 0.96231 0.29449 0.98017 0.95812 0.3581 0.31075 0.37038 0.32189 0.33583 0.59685 0.49756 0.274 0.6189 0.45172 0.46044 0.81016 0.86112 0.84118 0.03651 0.92251 0.36396 0.65187 0.68281 0.82464 0.24497 0.99068 0.88183 0.39752 0.37522 0.59357 0.30059 0.87999 0.16099 0.42917 0.34552 0.85682 0.19384 0.62667 0.56645 0.99662 0.6416 0.91949 0.91602 0.73684 0.54993 0.04588 0.32545 0.40811 0.82932 0.44862 0.38721 0.07483 0.22029 0.14271 0.37231 0.4762 0.73346 0.61325 0.07902 0.52513 0.09195 0.73886 0.35163 0.6757 0.33608 0.1579 0.61974 0.41946 0.59682 0.38376 0.84704 0.12436 0.33396 0.39748 0.19132 0.28808 0.69164 0.42044 0.09185 0.44966 0.1384 0.50941 0.93167 0.49823 0.39727 0.18889 0.16397 0.67268 0.33827 0.13409 0.77903 0.71985 0.76939 0.19055 0.08108 0.60229 0.37496 0.28249 0.12459 0.01092 0.91046 0.93184 0.52258 0.00492 0.14672 0.63656 0.08725 0.74534 0.62556 0.51471 0.89648 0.49168 0.09945 0.38176 0.89527 0.53689 0.23667 0.761 0.42381 0.66815 0.72469 0.75499 0.11825 0.03229 0.68021 0.36147 0.13164 0.9573 0.30807 0.81676 0.87638 0.75124 0.56264 0.00123 0.95915 0.80379 0.76227 0.74013 0.24484 0.9361 0.50108 0.13017 0.12393 0.8258 0.1637 0.70752 0.17875 0.78104 0.12258 0.2951 0.75121 0.92744 0.54168 0.80735 0.10064 0.48123 0.3099 0.81897 0.86143 0.00163 0.13452 0.46041 0.16507 0.94057 0.84054 0.31216 0.09823 0.33738 0.3782 0.87505 0.41182 0.44348 0.75654 0.71751 0.63983 0.43066 0.09604 0.58257 0.77861 0.08379 0.80183 0.96858 0.36237 0.09185 0.40768 0.30271 0.73393 0.13508 0.22056 0.26559 0.19985 0.18 0.38182 0.67828 0.15736 0.55086 0.75516 0.013 0.06865 0.25684 0.6046 0.41295 0.29452 0.28136 0.47607 0.58416 0.17607 0.24142 0.51759 0.73205 0.35632 0.13458 0.94436 0.54913 0.02042 0.37038 0.53523 0.77759 0.52287 0.15343 0.8366 0.20334 0.20868 0.16479 0.02543 0.03636 0.16914 0.85397 0.89134 0.03851 0.93329 0.76063 0.75847 0.9196 0.17773 0.98303 0.11797 0.39802 0.43502 0.57002 0.14766 0.55828 0.75489 0.28795 0.6592 0.23315 0.51476 0.97214 0.68276 0.5071 0.38807 0.58722 0.22458 0.97993 0.00211 0.70481 0.81833 0.81203 0.90739 0.13181 0.23436 0.59853 0.10877 0.89833 0.13498 0.19605 0.62154 0.69173 0.58031 0.96468 0.13938 0.82861 0.48471 0.09075 0.26924 0.81313 0.88793 0.85242 0.59337 0.84247 0.97429 0.59672 0.84453 0.49368 0.56819 0.63379 0.84275 0.47195 0.47416 0.7596 0.0919 0.76782 0.3868 0.63808 0.45184 0.83338 0.96088 0.75722 0.70378
+0.61736 0.3688 0.84929 0.95399 0.81333 0.57253 0.74042 0.49144 0.24801 0.74048 0.4721 0.57174 0.47098 0.44994 0.03136 0.4259 0.73234 0.06459 0.97348 0.37467 0.80151 0.84767 0.84468 0.48329 0.51363 0.11819 0.84749 0.01781 0.09539 0.86712 0.75071 0.65386 0.22696 0.09279 0.12927 0.57872 0.06818 0.50617 0.45102 0.36084 0.49315 0.23573 0.69299 0.24589 0.51587 0.22073 0.27122 0.90767 0.16218 0.51738 0.80904 0.0515 0.61729 0.4862 0.61001 0.35441 0.86906 0.55281 0.92306 0.11949 0.24201 0.40185 0.99449 0.48876 0.939 0.02768 0.85585 0.20693 0.14006 0.02578 0.01551 0.66902 0.59945 0.60786 0.14949 0.87056 0.84592 0.5405 0.07808 0.63762 0.3222 0.31682 0.59059 0.4878 0.5097 0.02605 0.87736 0.72534 0.46037 0.12935 0.08637 0.33471 0.38885 0.82663 0.60648 0.22323 0.95738 0.34998 0.48448 0.4032 0.61403 0.84214 0.69327 0.28851 0.30526 0.63219 0.34828 0.71703 0.20631 0.76683 0.36851 0.7577 0.74372 0.30864 0.45413 0.43193 0.80727 0.00052 0.23305 0.28776 0.72908 0.0214 0.45599 0.32768 0.45129 0.65719 0.69958 0.04504 0.13255 0.40259 0.04986 0.87524 0.69592 0.17117 0.95077 0.18558 0.0012 0.29444 0.94903 0.38273 0.53814 0.23421 0.33821 0.26514 0.88248 0.69541 0.27273 0.46328 0.76808 0.89922 0.12171 0.88372 0.55266 0.8611 0.61048 0.53347 0.67922 0.48696 0.7685 0.47108 0.89306 0.50151 0.13546 0.90747 0.60385 0.4656 0.69353 0.26822 0.06397 0.81719 0.55956 0.89986 0.946 0.53207 0.87715 0.87565 0.89971 0.89862 0.63271 0.94576 0.60534 0.88839 0.15138 0.75758 0.86302 0.83545 0.6188 0.46163 0.61331 0.90907 0.76335 0.49771 0.53102 0.80541 0.59011 0.20487 0.29092 0.73551 0.99536 0.73863 0.63897 0.85907 0.03137 0.9469 0.04088 0.88471 0.41344 0.20036 0.00661 0.90438 0.2038 0.68326 0.33464 0.59702 0.32999 0.60752 0.26403 0.1874 0.25879 0.35897 0.71885 0.32463 0.46646 0.93651 0.17609 0.70021 0.89187 0.38998 0.01303 0.22954 0.02165 0.48787 0.99893 0.21848 0.8533 0.22715 0.75487 0.74305 0.38579 0.97117 0.53558 0.30522 0.63419 0.66083 0.32681 0.92481 0.12737 0.88701 0.93099 0.7471 0.35865 0.89468 0.1496 0.59404 0.77157 0.03253 0.54215 0.52081 0.8016 0.28933 0.74732 0.97272 0.05683 0.42733 0.91968 0.44756 0.97772 0.39384 0.24843 0.03143 0.74537 0.2814 0.29108 0.72241 0.21992 0.33111 0.15778 0.33877 0.0604 0.49551 0.07012 0.53192 0.04044 0.4381 0.72549 0.20727 0.09445 0.51724 0.88266 0.28664 0.16205 0.33138 0.16172 0.25504 0.81492 0.24905 0.28854 0.95179 0.20857 0.48972 0.05497 0.3784 0.51462 0.28538 0.17781 0.58931 0.78999 0.97935 0.59834 0.71729 0.78082 0.71525 0.33507 0.74125 0.90016 0.74421 0.69236 0.11457 0.27811 0.00404 0.53193 0.26475 0.00805 0.24591 0.90938 0.87363 0.33856 0.04657 0.047 0.32368 0.06134 0.43568 0.16625 0.20886 0.34816 0.74823 0.30363 0.55144 0.17316 0.02872 0.27177 0.72699 0.31093 0.57143 0.32682 0.30904 0.42119 0.19605 0.80025 0.34569 0.43842 0.53578 0.83879 0.32009 0.953 0.08789 0.2751 0.099 0.08848 0.56042 0.75045 0.59579 0.84784 0.3584 0.19213 0.23966 0.91382 0.39943 0.18444 0.81483 0.10088 0.06863 0.5492 0.86354 0.99097 0.42459 0.25497 0.11901 0.58046 0.24919 0.18937 0.68932 0.93764 0.18382 0.96719 0.02983 0.53758 0.31448 0.24155 0.98157 0.92422 0.54116 0.50172 0.19611 0.20754 0.51473 0.14889 0.3474 0.82147 0.4376 0.21028 0.14155 0.73868 0.10004 0.59175 0.94217 0.18017 0.16473 0.97718 0.93422 0.27165 0.12619 0.24564 0.88107 0.57086 0.21292 0.78931 0.13523 0.53061 0.46897 0.23455 0.27664 0.70104 0.29101 0.23126 0.61788 0.58114 0.06519 0.31363 0.32151 0.88885 0.48745 0.63643 0.51028 0.97661 0.73182 0.57442 0.62725 0.28046 0.26336 0.72371 0.6769 0.26711 0.84296 0.49959 0.93221 0.68432 0.31474 0.88087 0.76569 0.61786 0.50952 0.75792 0.90693 0.08618 0.65724 0.42598 0.54717 0.84287 0.83698 0.00835 0.2528 0.45074 0.31844 0.93301 0.22336 0.19983 0.06244 0.11614 0.3213 0.10294 0.29296 0.76213 0.63134 0.66515 0.94513 0.14256 0.33666 0.7686 0.20312 0.65945 0.71046 0.89904 0.77928 0.81615 0.43891 0.2675 0.36627 0.87017 0.71713 0.76107 0.14815 0.53222 0.05954 0.2323 0.95728 0.81825 0.19854 0.82187 0.62058 0.19409 0.89541 0.38149 0.80338 0.85942 0.31829 0.54862 0.46763 0.64221 0.18857 0.08339 0.29102
+0.17987 0.00223 0.13801 0.61897 0.79032 0.11773 0.80563 0.94131 0.94682 0.48698 0.8659 0.93505 0.82874 0.51367 0.17221 0.81549 0.97004 0.27226 0.25002 0.33902 0.8964 0.78007 0.19392 0.82379 0.16513 0.50108 0.14869 0.16395 0.78967 0.04954 0.45294 0.01474 0.32429 0.13391 0.26062 0.47404 0.3893 0.14173 0.87168 0.39598 0.50103 0.9876 0.00268 0.51991 0.53534 0.89871 0.80221 0.58952 0.53762 0.11511 0.62098 0.55308 0.24395 0.74445 0.88315 0.78101 0.82799 0.21141 0.23578 0.43267 0.65636 0.17283 0.89181 0.33848 0.47428 0.55103 0.95887 0.95332 0.02187 0.35173 0.70431 0.2758 0.9216 0.7647 0.43057 0.88381 0.26578 0.19637 0.08483 0.45924 0.20323 0.67352 0.08297 0.55114 0.19306 0.49945 0.5887 0.03996 0.107 0.18292 0.07912 0.95523 0.84623 0.84836 0.00583 0.72782 0.83494 0.58914 0.71032 0.93339 0.65605 0.68905 0.08314 0.47065 0.89071 0.54405 0.12667 0.28374 0.20674 0.18603 0.29855 0.20796 0.32121 0.69932 0.76462 0.17601 0.18571 0.93662 0.32272 0.15201 0.94239 0.58688 0.74617 0.54333 0.79385 0.50598 0.6232 0.42313 0.45768 0.53227 0.49839 0.48178 0.46515 0.60326 0.54278 0.27768 0.40317 0.82844 0.15057 0.6648 0.19967 0.52117 0.065 0.06932 0.70609 0.9924 0.45351 0.18754 0.44396 0.75198 0.76764 0.58337 0.22407 0.95603 0.38269 0.06346 0.95218 0.46343 0.43611 0.35279 0.06828 0.14771 0.69655 0.36994 0.26246 0.70923 0.25139 0.30708 0.3349 0.23295 0.69861 0.59848 0.82266 0.9844 0.43025 0.45985 0.71177 0.88682 0.42981 0.16468 0.98504 0.81254 0.47275 0.55604 0.16398 0.3537 0.3829 0.72953 0.31442 0.9437 0.56246 0.3723 0.90587 0.37046 0.55318 0.32689 0.09848 0.77714 0.66839 0.25915 0.18742 0.66073 0.40617 0.52832 0.94821 0.6526 0.11834 0.86644 0.32926 0.84067 0.94202 0.17596 0.05385 0.78468 0.86109 0.86969 0.77059 0.06402 0.02024 0.071 0.2389 0.8835 0.94899 0.82663 0.12848 0.13745 0.67765 0.76057 0.21128 0.83806 0.13841 0.66855 0.07959 0.42351 0.84115 0.14682 0.95708 0.08519 0.80545 0.96893 0.47745 0.09468 0.99129 0.7117 0.39526 0.40879 0.23153 0.46411 0.27035 0.58387 0.66952 0.10021 0.86936 0.05571 0.70822 0.86317 0.81309 0.53964 0.60512 0.60823 0.15161 0.91723 0.06774 0.97404 0.91584 0.39888 0.11037 0.83979 0.34119 0.16937 0.88775 0.31129 0.23355 0.53518 0.37883 0.73151 0.55773 0.29412 0.33566 0.54248 0.49118 0.31029 0.83906 0.04422 0.71172 0.36237 0.05413 0.75888 0.2055 0.26853 0.27625 0.91605 0.66754 0.56547 0.99699 0.11478 0.81665 0.74451 0.91303 0.76738 0.20928 0.17181 0.99813 0.69889 0.16503 0.74426 0.64469 0.02355 0.81253 0.397 0.9239 0.74763 0.97295 0.44382 0.77475 0.35072 0.0258 0.67589 0.64384 0.43521 0.93017 0.90706 0.26559 0.18981 0.11937 0.37366 0.80157 0.96948 0.76646 0.40946 0.94888 0.02178 0.30033 0.33096 0.9053 0.78327 0.7752 0.39558 0.12492 0.34933 0.02173 0.85316 0.31955 0.26037 0.97294 0.98011 0.33963 0.41397 0.22737 0.23327 0.13664 0.04831 0.24607 0.61452 0.1163 0.46143 0.86062 0.00428 0.80568 0.7658 0.87551 0.56935 0.89314 0.408 0.49288 0.64752 0.71205 0.69916 0.05464 0.84096 0.13704 0.59495 0.15202 0.34112 0.77718 0.78968 0.89157 0.6878 0.59651 0.82511 0.45891 0.88826 0.7471 0.99251 0.521 0.35045 0.83889 0.51928 0.97952 0.24031 0.60764 0.90742 0.29839 0.95096 0.26936 0.72349 0.18213 0.22707 0.00903 0.85 0.67544 0.1338 0.51888 0.02884 0.50744 0.96714 0.98608 0.21892 0.63425 0.06654 0.71615 0.1801 0.09655 0.40707 0.18119 0.92574 0.96072 0.43348 0.37898 0.51873 0.56533 0.78954 0.23364 0.65953 0.26044 0.5027 0.17918 0.02037 0.29053 0.03582 0.91539 0.12083 0.8643 0.50096 0.95128 0.11786 0.02077 0.86846 0.54602 0.71022 0.19233 0.85622 0.3706 0.83966 0.56393 0.68759 0.9599 0.63068 0.84661 0.29197 0.97184 0.16107 0.11819 0.70963 0.82643 0.5717 0.73366 0.30714 0.20083 0.46873 0.78196 0.52791 0.0378 0.9765 0.99743 0.40023 0.50585 0.96056 0.51676 0.9398 0.51247 0.50688 0.98051 0.20693 0.33202 0.31038 0.80956 0.59606 0.19391 0.05691 0.79798 0.27066 0.98141 0.84512 0.56585 0.08422 0.64637 0.79057 0.99288 0.79656 0.81282 0.05148 0.93257 0.17225 0.10529 0.96055 0.66304 0.96684 0.66284 0.68141 0.05273 0.77992 0.31973 0.54171 0.75651 0.84117 0.59646 0.40629 0.35113 0.51049 0.04064 0.81306
+0.681 0.78829 0.45125 0.87786 0.10136 0.27802 0.99252 0.92421 0.16332 0.67457 0.37751 0.52345 0.65263 0.60686 0.24982 0.59031 0.48459 0.93415 0.40924 0.66088 0.47383 0.70161 0.5059 0.96093 0.32245 0.10274 0.80635 0.54377 0.95203 0.51386 0.32968 0.99347 0.27098 0.39894 0.37284 0.55843 0.39548 0.77099 0.55878 0.51612 0.81891 0.28892 0.40078 0.28413 0.30585 0.43884 0.75725 0.66482 0.87781 0.83177 0.37582 0.40789 0.03059 0.3269 0.55468 0.90992 0.57847 0.74257 0.06951 0.13196 0.28869 0.7908 0.89359 0.24093 0.29758 0.56192 0.78612 0.39067 0.00659 0.58097 0.06794 0.7195 0.17369 0.49602 0.21942 0.984 0.73085 0.86518 0.15182 0.65869 0.12593 0.28617 0.73597 0.29963 0.07415 0.95974 0.36348 0.92761 0.67869 0.30102 0.61568 0.15318 0.54591 0.69084 0.14164 0.34527 0.16751 0.87324 0.97388 0.25402 0.04452 0.74581 0.82137 0.41966 0.92776 0.89783 0.13088 0.63159 0.38544 0.11443 0.46749 0.28381 0.62831 0.71981 0.05201 0.3604 0.76582 0.57663 0.18713 0.1017 0.16101 0.07918 0.25107 0.69663 0.63928 0.57928 0.23633 0.88172 0.07251 0.90835 0.49018 0.68304 0.56195 0.93978 0.2469 0.68533 0.32245 0.90912 0.63903 0.6702 0.88423 0.94664 0.35017 0.09572 0.12301 0.10984 0.27988 0.86571 0.88689 0.3539 0.2226 0.48636 0.90077 0.26643 0.5213 0.49476 0.52673 0.4192 0.77325 0.85705 0.24586 0.09594 0.01463 0.25529 0.47316 0.75942 0.64949 0.81333 0.90887 0.12616 0.51518 0.85998 0.89024 0.5358 0.01994 0.11027 0.253 0.55076 0.28026 0.29615 0.20241 0.05161 0.90392 0.97621 0.71133 0.29482 0.11831 0.28122 0.32342 0.62318 0.44364 0.043 0.45942 0.06856 0.75895 0.05446 0.0593 0.24062 0.42954 0.51007 0.93974 0.85793 0.76673 0.05382 0.33006 0.21379 0.30411 0.8928 0.729 0.56581 0.75143 0.80672 0.15639 0.68552 0.81524 0.10419 0.13836 0.39524 0.27723 0.18524 0.49685 0.47876 0.83275 0.57466 0.82471 0.6163 0.8096 0.97902 0.61949 0.68161 0.80648 0.60017 0.50408 0.58043 0.94593 0.03685 0.523 0.10496 0.22022 0.41203 0.2454 0.5597 0.38776 0.60643 0.66704 0.36377 0.21076 0.91638 0.52923 0.56119 0.42948 0.25722 0.99032 0.54652 0.12614 0.98617 0.05424 0.38078 0.16085 0.86121 0.7101 0.00902 0.85 0.29915 0.35526 0.23918 0.53507 0.48459 0.56539 0.62487 0.24015 0.07418 0.91733 0.87249 0.635 0.02532 0.84075 0.77048 0.40276 0.6705 0.50029 0.45544 0.93244 0.2064 0.32891 0.90227 0.9409 0.57865 0.51903 0.26405 0.10303 0.09091 0.13534 0.12453 0.4415 0.99955 0.6198 0.70633 0.21705 0.02545 0.14932 0.75418 0.19238 0.11818 0.41204 0.47663 0.2483 0.00627 0.06077 0.411 0.23827 0.34281 0.35236 0.73722 0.16191 0.60061 0.04187 0.16837 0.54074 0.14593 0.31331 0.5407 0.50702 0.17987 0.33537 0.521 0.70853 0.04896 0.98019 0.02658 0.02575 0.17413 0.3166 0.02332 0.64518 0.29153 0.18683 0.70829 0.78519 0.96304 0.13022 0.06346 0.29714 0.91639 0.50703 0.32989 0.25103 0.98553 0.24785 0.8233 0.38052 0.07254 0.00023 0.58237 0.74502 0.41958 0.45176 0.29312 0.2292 0.05459 0.84722 0.4103 0.93209 0.13343 0.74198 0.33413 0.58324 0.24529 0.90603 0.80736 0.95884 0.35519 0.78281 0.71438 0.37124 0.89925 0.22625 0.7551 0.15624 0.07852 0.49153 0.0669 0.75666 0.64324 0.20092 0.53743 0.2564 0.51227 0.54983 0.68506 0.4118 0.82 0.10183 0.18807 0.58963 0.05067 0.00404 0.40846 0.0281 0.27373 0.25228 0.18794 0.08039 0.82812 0.02363 0.3767 0.86069 0.77683 0.85468 0.39041 0.8565 0.27931 0.80288 0.08955 0.7604 0.19118 0.02935 0.32586 0.82799 0.25488 0.78372 0.66719 0.82108 0.50791 0.90828 0.67506 0.67923 0.8643 0.40097 0.56278 0.37991 0.99847 0.08956 0.98128 0.5572 0.71732 0.28442 0.6006 0.48805 0.00708 0.23509 0.92314 0.48505 0.43729 0.08174 0.67138 0.5102 0.11516 0.3746 0.99639 0.16283 0.69073 0.27294 0.7181 0.86524 0.91462 0.88281 0.33128 0.58751 0.21616 0.66503 0.89639 0.04453 0.28674 0.70224 0.97961 0.18425 0.31744 0.05145 0.67376 0.21837 0.40762 0.28384 0.79431 0.20745 0.90856 0.99853 0.89825 0.51343 0.44285 0.51842 0.99722 0.37892 0.37099 0.36634 0.21122 0.32438 0.2039 0.58881 0.48662 0.5793 0.60461 0.69031 0.61734 0.29442 0.34963 0.36988 0.77741 0.57508 0.71227 0.85717 0.19196 0.08178 0.73213 0.31177 0.03907 0.07031 0.25944 0.55653 0.89409 0.28618 0.03494
+0.90236 0.46283 0.68645 0.5146 0.62602 0.57162 0.93704 0.27529 0.44275 0.26751 0.52854 0.15572 0.75209 0.9926 0.15632 0.42915 0.06756 0.80739 0.40834 0.38881 0.49729 0.97677 0.1403 0.97436 0.37392 0.34965 0.70031 0.36033 0.1757 0.86985 0.69234 0.30501 0.58938 0.6108 0.8754 0.49238 0.71673 0.21192 0.66694 0.5113 0.72986 0.78267 0.22962 0.84961 0.72971 0.71394 0.79251 0.86557 0.58376 0.37268 0.93304 0.11857 0.57786 0.37584 0.56614 0.36373 0.12312 0.25471 0.70928 0.02406 0.33334 0.60085 0.36892 0.94224 0.05377 0.61513 0.13782 0.09937 0.49935 0.77608 0.33146 0.21861 0.60535 0.34673 0.26716 0.11824 0.83982 0.52281 0.84895 0.15578 0.2361 0.53717 0.90321 0.79702 0.19773 0.18898 0.30631 0.14258 0.82773 0.80725 0.07696 0.07147 0.01247 0.11191 0.40187 0.12405 0.63892 0.67669 0.62404 0.8739 0.85291 0.30077 0.88146 0.74384 0.75916 0.06434 0.52718 0.82087 0.7517 0.08827 0.89701 0.90408 0.26732 0.98873 0.12241 0.13621 0.34623 0.72217 0.98808 0.76363 0.46623 0.9294 0.86155 0.63772 0.24427 0.8465 0.54621 0.68549 0.0938 0.97568 0.55707 0.49475 0.08826 0.91767 0.19164 0.75728 0.7394 0.99275 0.56942 0.87766 0.27743 0.94312 0.91942 0.06699 0.03689 0.41333 0.24935 0.39693 0.29326 0.38373 0.54089 0.38915 0.59015 0.52564 0.12219 0.93219 0.51939 0.9031 0.05531 0.41082 0.58259 0.4043 0.51787 0.16278 0.31194 0.95582 0.96296 0.28113 0.76537 0.07554 0.09807 0.67496 0.99008 0.07161 0.10583 0.68916 0.99416 0.59774 0.58459 0.7226 0.69268 0.69129 0.23982 0.78164 0.04016 0.20699 0.24951 0.58421 0.6772 0.45527 0.35647 0.26943 0.41613 0.56422 0.25097 0.94508 0.06939 0.08988 0.38671 0.58957 0.30192 0.17663 0.49846 0.32698 0.45191 0.12017 0.34069 0.51422 0.43132 0.06292 0.70208 0.92175 0.12462 0.68071 0.55314 0.15703 0.8467 0.03073 0.69786 0.13569 0.83773 0.79443 0.46735 0.76686 0.8183 0.39935 0.96214 0.3074 0.86475 0.18994 0.37779 0.24917 0.70159 0.94333 0.22993 0.96362 0.08927 0.79655 0.58853 0.91486 0.2344 0.14762 0.15227 0.96306 0.83727 0.03657 0.11431 0.06118 0.49645 0.61629 0.64817 0.25519 0.54963 0.49739 0.44789 0.70951 0.07457 0.6247 0.81752 0.53009 0.91986 0.93401 0.67408 0.43854 0.70569 0.87037 0.53485 0.08512 0.84447 0.2147 0.74027 0.46056 0.54488 0.19477 0.23815 0.64373 0.19038 0.20206 0.21408 0.60606 0.77881 0.16926 0.18339 0.3184 0.95115 0.41464 0.20858 0.48012 0.05108 0.0793 0.86483 0.31226 0.97553 0.9263 0.59384 0.28528 0.02111 0.73442 0.07365 0.62601 0.52136 0.10369 0.98584 0.63051 0.70538 0.20959 0.65255 0.10644 0.06197 0.49213 0.92639 0.94552 0.50843 0.17776 0.14906 0.0172 0.49116 0.46565 0.82741 0.81309 0.96806 0.19632 0.6435 0.31266 0.17924 0.25568 0.23761 0.79661 0.94527 0.51714 0.24537 0.00935 0.99555 0.89431 0.4054 0.83407 0.57602 0.37754 0.94305 0.13194 0.96139 0.34901 0.50871 0.52381 0.36469 0.97954 0.16993 0.71529 0.69317 0.92017 0.74135 0.49205 0.56902 0.70631 0.78743 0.24198 0.68719 0.93119 0.84989 0.30684 0.52079 0.81629 0.1646 0.54084 0.96094 0.88766 0.40741 0.6751 0.82528 0.6677 0.85865 0.79347 0.06701 0.78158 0.94669 0.81558 0.29089 0.87146 0.73029 0.25619 0.05432 0.57575 0.49126 0.45704 0.18165 0.94164 0.4456 0.28261 0.95364 0.77403 0.10037 0.17362 0.18957 0.40932 0.23806 0.71786 0.30549 0.04309 0.15773 0.02503 0.67099 0.39942 0.2445 0.67668 0.36186 0.85758 0.14062 0.61037 0.31311 0.44937 0.79049 0.93806 0.97817 0.2564 0.67917 0.90069 0.81586 0.61951 0.30004 0.05324 0.0341 0.28846 0.33347 0.77463 0.67149 0.69632 0.27883 0.14098 0.28376 0.99852 0.10395 0.39103 0.49807 0.88796 0.99915 0.94458 0.82399 0.19749 0.6305 0.28758 0.38423 0.83467 0.70166 0.44088 0.76656 0.5534 0.63406 0.04143 0.58501 0.71058 0.98426 0.28795 0.03223 0.05073 0.52175 0.74574 0.50087 0.46269 0.90671 0.77014 0.47571 0.63182 0.23972 0.39784 0.73398 0.80732 0.54843 0.3725 0.69941 0.15599 0.19356 0.67844 0.27681 0.25308 0.08503 0.37168 0.08388 0.07969 0.40255 0.67446 0.04635 0.36728 0.00751 0.137 0.48532 0.04779 0.2255 0.8585 0.23706 0.53476 0.73435 0.0043 0.88196 0.85072 0.84027 0.15447 0.36822 0.27428 0.51475 0.46406 0.59694 0.17778 0.35774 0.70488 0.06943 0.2613 0.78382 0.0946 0.24563 0.27844 0.86423 0.60026
+0.26429 0.47109 0.76349 0.13624 0.87773 0.50535 0.80542 0.70173 0.89364 0.61252 0.30198 0.14893 0.23164 0.15832 0.35015 0.60271 0.5149 0.98944 0.79586 0.08232 0.66457 0.51563 0.84301 0.42157 0.81526 0.80172 0.07341 0.17843 0.81668 0.46575 0.60848 0.8504 0.29438 0.72172 0.33428 0.95937 0.32428 0.79633 0.93902 0.82929 0.68288 0.76789 0.93958 0.31289 0.51159 0.81187 0.19258 0.25559 0.73035 0.38115 0.77485 0.63034 0.36527 0.39267 0.86643 0.24647 0.49261 0.77471 0.74457 0.84728 0.54419 0.43924 0.826 0.9425 0.27139 0.90382 0.28356 0.96998 0.39797 0.49761 0.05148 0.70302 0.48979 0.94471 0.85525 0.50395 0.13249 0.0953 0.47284 0.61398 0.00259 0.02452 0.78214 0.09299 0.26831 0.65816 0.24543 0.10595 0.68668 0.79112 0.60251 0.25275 0.1499 0.8352 0.60706 0.84633 0.94745 0.34309 0.31343 0.53284 0.45194 0.46271 0.37471 0.24938 0.68189 0.776 0.33418 0.31226 0.0826 0.12333 0.07282 0.72711 0.57187 0.12759 0.47197 0.22978 0.12754 0.5691 0.02456 0.18192 0.44022 0.49575 0.38938 0.33009 0.78969 0.13904 0.42405 0.83971 0.37057 0.72227 0.06902 0.17475 0.53732 0.60732 0.97097 0.84139 0.78087 0.6693 0.10492 0.50685 0.37515 0.11381 0.55927 0.06276 0.77491 0.72141 0.25589 0.55446 0.32049 0.86608 0.24173 0.71798 0.35242 0.30819 0.15658 0.27747 0.85665 0.90646 0.14597 0.36531 0.2295 0.9149 0.94161 0.72934 0.95107 0.22303 0.7386 0.45584 0.44456 0.64231 0.46867 0.4529 0.61328 0.99702 0.09727 0.4752 0.54611 0.63952 0.39597 0.73042 0.70782 0.03136 0.08131 0.26132 0.40547 0.26905 0.42877 0.3168 0.07731 0.76583 0.05218 0.86363 0.0585 0.30151 0.64489 0.9313 0.82493 0.96794 0.53162 0.56409 0.19007 0.58659 0.7523 0.87749 0.28628 0.69824 0.32744 0.87412 0.26876 0.37175 0.42128 0.25338 0.98887 0.35167 0.63414 0.68063 0.16671 0.08938 0.72876 0.34863 0.47585 0.18998 0.54657 0.89885 0.04121 0.81887 0.14659 0.63785 0.67199 0.98272 0.78896 0.43734 0.98519 0.40503 0.29024 0.09586 0.92742 0.84262 0.7472 0.88902 0.31089 0.81828 0.84649 0.30872 0.18738 0.41992 0.03686 0.98572 0.31736 0.13594 0.29588 0.60019 0.90557 0.9628 0.74037 0.34303 0.6363 0.11258 0.50683 0.95513 0.82725 0.28196 0.49153 0.40753 0.25058 0.80995 0.49188 0.16644 0.64618 0.44783 0.9779 0.55198 0.62922 0.16545 0.38265 0.33274 0.6117 0.26173 0.55381 0.68133 0.22357 0.79302 0.20302 0.24619 0.78615 0.4354 0.96448 0.82514 0.90833 0.82401 0.77665 0.55006 0.21233 0.68887 0.22607 0.53221 0.46954 0.09991 0.85553 0.49397 0.07152 0.32291 0.41678 0.64875 0.82888 0.02627 0.36997 0.08167 0.2544 0.30871 0.70481 0.92186 0.10898 0.22031 0.52594 0.42513 0.49025 0.02508 0.16456 0.4226 0.13199 0.33309 0.34102 0.68593 0.78454 0.94822 0.26961 0.35509 0.46041 0.79089 0.85462 0.778 0.88206 0.90038 0.22264 0.98471 0.99676 0.40792 0.50421 0.22691 0.22719 0.58428 0.06284 0.93175 0.78847 0.86976 0.38355 0.2586 0.11432 0.5304 0.61684 0.39954 0.88835 0.50881 0.27695 0.71795 0.29022 0.63151 0.46008 0.16237 0.83317 0.30334 0.86276 0.29779 0.07907 0.45116 0.9428 0.79731 0.10798 0.19117 0.00325 0.9113 0.67851 0.76353 0.47955 0.48731 0.95757 0.01051 0.98274 0.39801 0.73954 0.58093 0.64501 0.91528 0.10828 0.39307 0.85872 0.29287 0.0873 0.86397 0.16156 0.20848 0.92842 0.22134 0.80423 0.73443 0.24076 0.20078 0.23039 0.77722 0.74879 0.11136 0.76348 0.68299 0.00057 0.55283 0.02168 0.76889 0.22166 0.66471 0.44907 0.63448 0.09555 0.25062 0.91785 0.80102 0.08478 0.86183 0.91496 0.42313 0.39219 0.13188 0.20474 0.563 0.52473 0.10944 0.12191 0.69812 0.07169 0.81435 0.59644 0.92212 0.45464 0.65405 0.36577 0.92684 0.49964 0.53244 0.06725 0.44537 0.52133 0.71593 0.7588 0.17269 0.61737 0.47538 0.3258 0.29617 0.2217 0.4153 0.38049 0.90707 0.53037 0.53261 0.94895 0.46527 0.26591 0.00628 0.80735 0.20344 0.41919 0.36906 0.31842 0.02481 0.76818 0.63763 0.88642 0.75874 0.95907 0.21107 0.25095 0.08762 0.85607 0.7155 0.78749 0.03171 0.38504 0.04739 0.78406 0.20391 0.49802 0.42728 0.4313 0.02361 0.70726 0.20866 0.49982 0.86417 0.26543 0.62743 0.19944 0.01768 0.19742 0.78944 0.50172 0.09475 0.0902 0.91603 0.49268 0.88886 0.23178 0.57068 0.31917 0.4056 0.3449 0.75495 0.52558 0.36219 0.73605 0.07582 0.57711 0.94054
+0.89682 0.62979 0.71534 0.77271 0.27038 0.28838 0.32341 0.6862 0.47496 0.88286 0.45639 0.07801 0.17524 0.81261 0.21879 0.58205 0.14958 0.07085 0.8097 0.59776 0.83284 0.33352 0.02835 0.68567 0.00643 0.04718 0.03474 0.80669 0.62043 0.68302 0.3953 0.66301 0.16652 0.06944 0.81359 0.82041 0.48502 0.25433 0.73041 0.63062 0.18665 0.49875 0.46094 0.3422 0.70675 0.20766 0.28084 0.40948 0.70822 0.41226 0.0356 0.6774 0.53678 0.12063 0.57993 0.40569 0.17214 0.47635 0.34437 0.04077 0.06309 0.05612 0.71552 0.42234 0.44699 0.13273 0.0506 0.01742 0.177 0.67441 0.74371 0.41949 0.21449 0.39373 0.06315 0.49062 0.94811 0.65128 0.21272 0.52096 0.91555 0.02132 0.57461 0.97588 0.72757 0.80787 0.1135 0.98311 0.54221 0.02743 0.2414 0.88259 0.27832 0.3273 0.61351 0.9194 0.07666 0.06396 0.14508 0.09798 0.03476 0.17908 0.33494 0.99855 0.63867 0.59957 0.98942 0.08856 0.4889 0.2612 0.71716 0.70888 0.62069 0.61322 0.61759 0.72667 0.89546 0.23994 0.82513 0.96123 0.28484 0.95074 0.0537 0.08297 0.31999 0.01453 0.16774 0.76564 0.36834 0.53404 0.50906 0.74791 0.96929 0.9861 0.70258 0.8623 0.71055 0.21636 0.25466 0.90465 0.05885 0.03042 0.68327 0.76937 0.74656 0.44487 0.83082 0.27315 0.9242 0.54273 0.18653 0.85736 0.58252 0.219 0.23962 0.55186 0.39651 0.0663 0.35685 0.89621 0.40939 0.95228 0.03475 0.89481 0.53004 0.74699 0.45598 0.59772 0.54727 0.30719 0.38232 0.55387 0.89454 0.89305 0.36354 0.09728 0.39583 0.0437 0.85839 0.38572 0.67421 0.87558 0.36174 0.76164 0.79548 0.80623 0.22059 0.87601 0.55951 0.16471 0.95236 0.56338 0.23554 0.89453 0.08983 0.1186 0.55009 0.20705 0.89942 0.05346 0.05369 0.30208 0.42283 0.73856 0.16069 0.42912 0.66968 0.73554 0.38058 0.47266 0.98487 0.15195 0.50597 0.32077 0.41653 0.24522 0.80136 0.2509 0.44134 0.60315 0.58654 0.25645 0.87307 0.13071 0.91283 0.99204 0.42685 0.98041 0.88309 0.4746 0.22101 0.61864 0.95153 0.70781 0.98297 0.39907 0.92253 0.59617 0.82598 0.13887 0.98204 0.62527 0.11484 0.19979 0.79141 0.26529 0.90923 0.60662 0.52423 0.11607 0.40793 0.61576 0.22504 0.38697 0.45348 0.68388 0.54542 0.6671 0.41291 0.61833 0.65945 0.34118 0.80684 0.63073 0.16711 0.31978 0.36484 0.05423 0.09711 0.13453 0.35226 0.10168 0.35357 0.03977 0.55225 0.89976 0.15153 0.67778 0.35141 0.89227 0.12989 0.77932 0.60141 0.13931 0.171 0.47482 0.05756 0.2498 0.80665 0.56156 0.4982 0.93942 0.45019 0.69451 0.00772 0.90846 0.59919 0.90541 0.66228 0.33308 0.2517 0.94778 0.41199 0.47322 0.15181 0.03319 0.52357 0.85453 0.16453 0.99129 0.15201 0.86511 0.33791 0.53102 0.88916 0.0112 0.35654 0.11137 0.91606 0.82464 0.29143 0.86704 0.90537 0.34953 0.33343 0.12539 0.61729 0.10001 0.08995 0.4034 0.50032 0.0127 0.09168 0.80588 0.83194 0.45212 0.39235 0.05222 0.60733 0.16139 0.78761 0.52446 0.72926 0.99209 0.80402 0.52522 0.76593 0.0261 0.08897 0.62629 0.96833 0.08453 0.09587 0.96588 0.32297 0.76824 0.15134 0.99717 0.20847 0.85799 0.61194 0.73928 0.28905 0.83687 0.12918 0.75202 0.99777 0.88314 0.95314 0.28146 0.42429 0.35291 0.32666 0.70321 0.74966 0.23433 0.82685 0.96439 0.03681 0.94994 0.47122 0.94081 0.81784 0.48645 0.31748 0.4693 0.74793 0.16232 0.71399 0.65231 0.68002 0.78743 0.37493 0.4197 0.44981 0.92222 0.35193 0.98278 0.34386 0.99616 0.35411 0.23421 0.73981 0.17314 0.91166 0.37159 0.82304 0.45196 0.56152 0.15764 0.0594 0.93797 0.3265 0.46273 0.37529 0.29635 0.75434 0.92851 0.62322 0.43221 0.93957 0.51568 0.62876 0.36753 0.15558 0.20709 0.8715 0.28767 0.70233 0.54997 0.78781 0.17705 0.95377 0.74488 0.12448 0.10682 0.14036 0.58718 0.45912 0.99419 0.50187 0.41026 0.20207 0.39758 0.4004 0.94047 0.9931 0.49772 0.99875 0.82645 0.74694 0.39215 0.85731 0.83395 0.03344 0.3438 0.40388 0.04122 0.66336 0.64092 0.89725 0.46994 0.6228 0.56804 0.53299 0.21228 0.17251 0.54454 0.74703 0.47399 0.63404 0.1378 0.59183 0.89696 0.79955 0.29802 0.3876 0.56943 0.97825 0.8916 0.26342 0.86234 0.80132 0.20177 0.51562 0.13767 0.7804 0.90018 0.39842 0.85192 0.11701 0.25308 0.02277 0.93904 0.14231 0.73621 0.28596 0.05053 0.86291 0.9079 0.15646 0.80996 0.6019 0.0164 0.91594 0.75852 0.71993 0.80827 0.08423 0.70214 0.10253 0.01382
+0.56176 0.28315 0.02232 0.57649 0.39985 0.36401 0.00525 0.93692 0.03126 0.96401 0.75677 0.13959 0.96833 0.53515 0.25947 0.01474 0.75941 0.34326 0.8597 0.70181 0.32269 0.97522 0.8507 0.4475 0.10553 0.22392 0.97235 0.93593 0.52662 0.53553 0.79872 0.99362 0.83951 0.5917 0.68821 0.29024 0.557 0.95659 0.44628 0.56587 0.10252 0.11728 0.17636 0.37144 0.31531 0.8357 0.03174 0.82959 0.24458 0.77757 0.92951 0.90517 0.05904 0.00221 0.29005 0.48356 0.44699 0.2449 0.27819 0.14977 0.58384 0.9487 0.83745 0.91152 0.15061 0.07127 0.64572 0.75413 0.27185 0.31184 0.69162 0.42189 0.21846 0.32508 0.5892 0.64031 0.95245 0.76782 0.72932 0.6865 0.48161 0.46489 0.59769 0.27958 0.54283 0.44428 0.71006 0.22201 0.16315 0.62701 0.54927 0.74809 0.38386 0.5703 0.13201 0.2791 0.93906 0.76525 0.4067 0.69038 0.86724 0.72065 0.45564 0.4271 0.21992 0.3894 0.26912 0.89194 0.50298 0.52301 0.08095 0.86202 0.92248 0.65756 0.89746 0.41555 0.93059 0.68277 0.72269 0.57348 0.23144 0.77317 0.2771 0.70341 0.02206 0.61929 0.96885 0.39076 0.6317 0.89247 0.4773 0.19718 0.22392 0.56678 0.23862 0.98709 0.67763 0.10269 0.3366 0.4854 0.03877 0.97417 0.42915 0.80278 0.76153 0.17497 0.66638 0.2839 0.34401 0.79983 0.48292 0.10753 0.6877 0.70787 0.15832 0.35044 0.77443 0.46316 0.03058 0.52087 0.00613 0.84098 0.95367 0.14048 0.72123 0.7141 0.78579 0.59382 0.07233 0.53225 0.51208 0.85296 0.74718 0.96862 0.95418 0.41055 0.15189 0.53056 0.24511 0.30726 0.12556 0.98371 0.86664 0.21621 0.57847 0.72482 0.73654 0.92013 0.75659 0.32479 0.53724 0.36129 0.03788 0.65632 0.1247 0.39258 0.89053 0.75074 0.5039 0.03063 0.27336 0.01501 0.27351 0.8747 0.26619 0.96742 0.86199 0.20254 0.25707 0.62015 0.20038 0.00024 0.82093 0.07852 0.58943 0.15055 0.57866 0.41756 0.48115 0.88373 0.04232 0.34232 0.66198 0.45117 0.37014 0.46688 0.09869 0.77167 0.28811 0.45586 0.06609 0.76552 0.68448 0.85716 0.25846 0.27566 0.46785 0.14468 0.21859 0.20819 0.69487 0.48666 0.97416 0.73691 0.84137 0.28527 0.6329 0.33746 0.04096 0.36534 0.4919 0.92678 0.07179 0.61425 0.97986 0.39819 0.68026 0.07228 0.47505 0.00659 0.07665 0.7321 0.92844 0.26517 0.4927 0.40944 0.27488 0.06579 0.44172 0.43516 0.09275 0.93505 0.33062 0.58226 0.92975 0.57965 0.94029 0.79797 0.51557 0.56256 0.49091 0.69733 0.50611 0.16957 0.98547 0.90824 0.13372 0.36849 0.9942 0.41199 0.16226 0.6812 0.94066 0.15145 0.05901 0.03242 0.14752 0.37471 0.56239 0.47704 0.98228 0.02709 0.89423 0.23465 0.57066 0.2831 0.28844 0.12266 0.90358 0.04582 0.16033 0.91682 0.90675 0.58534 0.91568 0.17418 0.8068 0.74969 0.53654 0.63261 0.62202 0.65275 0.25065 0.93688 0.97352 0.39586 0.69256 0.21279 0.35778 0.51931 0.84044 0.96533 0.03407 0.13736 0.0778 0.82614 0.63903 0.00831 0.07629 0.83501 0.0382 0.40484 0.25271 0.85263 0.29328 0.95269 0.11292 0.59218 0.74118 0.38557 0.04324 0.74816 0.04093 0.44042 0.54259 0.1627 0.23019 0.47758 0.80001 0.2632 0.91327 0.68938 0.02405 0.80137 0.02167 0.24827 0.49545 0.70883 0.27416 0.16802 0.27815 0.81561 0.39004 0.33309 0.57731 0.44763 0.01754 0.65892 0.55197 0.10824 0.13634 0.74284 0.24215 0.8908 0.552 0.90745 0.57867 0.12393 0.35357 0.44743 0.17509 0.74414 0.65538 0.94863 0.28991 0.23402 0.25755 0.48364 0.86231 0.14879 0.7271 0.87308 0.90842 0.64541 0.83124 0.5114 0.86361 0.86896 0.29712 0.08327 0.00779 0.17642 0.759 0.48581 0.40489 0.2242 0.08793 0.50289 0.84231 0.54942 0.81792 0.48277 0.11093 0.00145 0.63716 0.86862 0.15692 0.53963 0.44282 0.58437 0.42835 0.37048 0.28898 0.68238 0.96807 0.82329 0.10293 0.5623 0.64814 0.6854 0.12812 0.15945 0.4406 0.83015 0.57163 0.4875 0.91057 0.14794 0.80602 0.20033 0.15914 0.92334 0.39964 0.2521 0.90419 0.8159 0.18931 0.96201 0.60031 0.55836 0.79578 0.74535 0.34263 0.07486 0.21924 0.2026 0.15915 0.38567 0.75222 0.2546 0.97038 0.59292 0.37505 0.55996 0.76383 0.62464 0.99869 0.61356 0.72447 0.34123 0.67214 0.43624 0.17623 0.13616 0.47763 0.05721 0.56185 0.67944 0.58618 0.54112 0.92943 0.87297 0.94818 0.82172 0.32092 0.55537 0.47104 0.38188 0.96622 0.96084 0.49377 0.76029 0.50364 0.14629 0.27166 0.5046 0.41857 0.94999 0.18826 0.98 0.69103 0.89056
+0.16873 0.00069 0.07167 0.04323 0.50848 0.37965 0.90768 0.89513 0.42052 0.70273 0.78395 0.48142 0.98124 0.93173 0.35234 0.54436 0.92748 0.66741 0.56914 0.15241 0.25167 0.98049 0.77871 0.13588 0.32317 0.28727 0.37003 0.69639 0.31585 0.9686 0.00765 0.93587 0.74013 0.40443 0.93164 0.06286 0.35945 0.97672 0.02636 0.69941 0.50557 0.92149 0.77655 0.18568 0.42799 0.43786 0.23367 0.30713 0.90482 0.35617 0.1009 0.60274 0.071 0.15101 0.10926 0.33947 0.40895 0.89855 0.43546 0.63944 0.5735 0.83142 0.60254 0.43739 0.94303 0.51511 0.13601 0.18993 0.31957 0.28545 0.9321 0.31021 0.23482 0.92942 0.85886 0.22781 0.21892 0.95302 0.03046 0.72592 0.84826 0.16886 0.76041 0.25344 0.03316 0.77772 0.62279 0.86218 0.53902 0.73757 0.46754 0.6971 0.38396 0.24118 0.60568 0.80654 0.23636 0.75657 0.86238 0.89809 0.82015 0.53395 0.1926 0.93754 0.01815 0.66864 0.44113 0.99609 0.06656 0.81696 0.05928 0.27946 0.10357 0.45448 0.49078 0.82341 0.22139 0.37674 0.92819 0.77932 0.72473 0.08853 0.08433 0.46343 0.72876 0.70484 0.41313 0.15909 0.17179 0.86425 0.79766 0.4697 0.61208 0.15966 0.28843 0.93855 0.90937 0.16003 0.02513 0.31116 0.10541 0.1522 0.66935 0.25171 0.47286 0.29764 0.9454 0.91695 0.98164 0.62565 0.83224 0.27708 0.29342 0.72179 0.15599 0.91932 0.7402 0.00343 0.90487 0.0275 0.84058 0.75855 0.77199 0.43554 6e-05 0.2333 0.27251 0.38993 0.85805 0.97315 0.08516 0.7537 0.6593 0.85511 0.27387 0.60718 0.83722 0.09896 0.6024 0.77325 0.28282 0.90064 0.92421 0.57231 0.04635 0.27126 0.29166 0.84076 0.48087 0.9023 0.79672 0.14661 0.80681 0.98971 0.84064 0.93399 0.99295 0.32564 0.12301 0.34516 0.28319 0.33108 0.26339 0.62643 0.67432 0.23828 0.10881 0.88729 0.96753 0.60415 0.95471 0.31657 0.38377 0.61261 0.28299 0.51955 0.74145 0.63398 0.59049 0.48385 0.7885 0.07892 0.69021 0.56754 0.88249 0.96178 0.57924 0.59434 0.14484 0.03043 0.94835 0.77674 0.97472 0.84511 0.17782 0.65322 0.60133 0.3624 0.69464 0.39591 0.24056 0.5249 0.25474 0.12391 0.97944 0.36849 0.15633 0.15229 0.28831 0.42992 0.81169 0.78588 0.22925 0.38667 0.60447 0.97581 0.78359 0.73379 0.44887 0.57052 0.36906 0.87432 0.93561 0.21735 0.30661 0.45516 0.16732 0.03029 0.91785 0.67034 0.23744 0.84053 0.266 0.47728 0.87437 0.29019 0.95025 0.56506 0.67587 0.78304 0.83011 0.57287 0.09238 0.52725 0.08385 0.07206 0.96456 0.60003 0.52375 0.42372 0.98429 0.15271 0.35182 0.60405 0.10574 0.52883 0.46728 0.03974 0.29481 0.13529 0.18275 0.66048 0.11174 0.11094 0.52455 0.58569 0.17971 0.31551 0.13346 0.39318 0.54344 0.33608 0.06882 0.69433 0.40748 0.06546 0.0072 0.63804 0.12288 0.93059 0.90208 0.18159 0.23144 0.68991 0.40709 0.76299 0.14354 0.48111 0.98303 0.52926 0.13063 0.52688 0.46978 0.24727 0.37176 0.51815 0.25708 0.87823 0.77933 0.01058 0.7058 0.97659 0.53838 0.14753 0.86743 0.44146 0.05453 0.79434 0.80434 0.41094 0.01115 0.65442 0.05608 0.84458 0.53729 0.74115 0.20563 0.82892 0.24641 0.47452 0.95613 0.49432 0.59378 0.19908 0.77802 0.37062 0.42126 0.21761 0.73443 0.01838 0.09632 0.44868 0.79407 0.97472 0.17564 0.7206 0.79313 0.4606 0.23126 0.72225 0.3243 0.08204 0.88514 0.94546 0.79778 0.79644 0.86011 0.29735 0.6128 0.93247 0.594 0.84825 0.61735 0.69306 0.79517 0.79676 0.21742 0.9259 0.48654 0.53889 0.74789 0.4204 0.05745 0.11375 0.41947 0.37569 0.51447 0.55122 0.10602 0.50001 0.12674 0.5495 0.06166 0.84502 0.18352 0.2938 0.31477 0.41109 0.09248 0.06744 0.63526 0.098 0.53061 0.81171 0.54798 0.31634 0.12231 0.2397 0.8202 0.97299 0.83369 0.23795 0.82421 0.1684 0.12733 0.91681 0.32286 0.85224 0.38857 0.81215 0.1428 0.03742 0.04175 0.63176 0.11878 0.60641 0.17559 0.33831 0.17883 0.53197 0.94638 0.01377 0.74928 0.66531 0.52966 0.35365 0.67341 0.68112 0.49806 0.02542 0.34824 0.06575 0.49951 0.42027 0.36996 0.99959 0.02693 0.65874 0.99692 0.14247 0.52358 0.84487 0.25382 0.45735 0.65796 0.62063 0.41784 0.13931 0.72878 0.70434 0.07443 0.1315 0.38602 0.08479 0.96651 0.80896 0.57803 0.96839 0.75025 0.11296 0.03171 0.67871 0.43382 0.90616 0.96517 0.94436 0.22333 0.83237 0.63159 0.77775 0.55453 0.85946 0.39507 0.47529 0.24862 0.56819 0.81829 0.1639 0.69181 0.45608 0.18296 0.97019
+0.24478 0.12465 0.16672 0.45537 0.18261 0.50836 0.67206 0.4951 0.13063 0.02639 0.23251 0.52872 0.50053 0.54369 0.46032 0.68793 0.16345 0.09857 0.7393 0.68352 0.93786 0.22856 0.57228 0.96365 0.61508 0.75285 0.57433 0.09808 0.76296 0.45588 0.98229 0.52372 0.64274 0.42256 0.27259 0.08514 0.286 0.03112 0.27445 0.13553 0.70723 0.95557 0.49622 0.86824 0.68288 0.00204 0.00387 0.21272 0.86749 0.46003 0.89186 0.43693 0.28468 0.60059 0.65553 0.81206 0.27903 0.68913 0.77942 0.28823 0.55576 0.25784 0.54956 0.37006 0.45692 0.78891 0.06862 0.5714 0.9735 0.42658 0.35983 0.47027 0.50957 0.60525 0.3514 0.82025 0.96076 0.38646 0.0519 0.51932 0.63007 0.07554 0.367 0.23377 0.31626 0.85862 0.61618 0.0962 0.2651 0.1145 0.99988 0.60056 0.25842 0.75691 0.07902 0.76602 0.01688 0.01224 0.5702 0.43087 0.49171 0.22066 0.68983 0.54321 0.92366 0.51392 0.06955 0.74541 0.46029 0.49872 0.02079 0.79413 0.41376 0.42697 0.39477 0.35103 0.96287 0.57943 0.71937 0.51388 0.95874 0.5736 0.11241 0.70727 0.53229 0.02225 0.38666 0.19504 0.33927 0.5001 0.72567 0.93027 0.68078 0.58804 0.21705 0.90186 0.54534 0.88404 0.5295 0.02681 0.00749 0.39344 0.45295 0.22593 0.10612 0.95594 0.35568 0.39939 0.59528 0.73782 0.1355 0.73414 0.99753 0.62327 0.96348 0.48363 0.08331 0.37616 0.12932 0.60498 0.44548 0.44044 0.28144 0.40641 0.1717 0.24303 0.15967 0.68086 0.66381 0.57837 0.93438 0.45253 0.38679 0.06028 0.44851 0.83519 0.62083 0.45166 0.2277 0.10822 0.9909 0.6323 0.20789 0.45255 0.07284 0.45947 0.78658 0.40759 0.19347 0.36137 0.94686 0.15535 0.16951 0.43849 0.55122 0.5365 0.75112 0.01415 0.92829 0.87496 0.8905 0.8824 0.04367 0.92164 0.88528 0.70234 0.14832 0.59007 0.60509 0.30002 0.11788 0.74912 0.77487 0.20346 0.84279 0.5201 0.9558 0.01157 0.38582 0.25241 0.78574 0.95996 0.38238 0.78774 0.56383 0.28924 0.68245 0.26227 0.70336 0.0773 0.34719 0.17933 0.78494 0.06541 0.76255 0.09407 0.34069 0.30992 0.97737 0.52393 0.64254 0.7849 0.77709 0.26477 0.72476 0.64937 0.91564 0.68641 0.44211 0.26226 0.02726 0.47693 0.32474 0.2301 0.13107 0.75001 0.7335 0.94331 0.49157 0.88658 0.33745 0.58368 0.28548 0.11123 0.40765 0.4747 0.80058 0.03232 0.33714 0.70971 0.80909 0.21212 0.84555 0.80909 0.6377 0.63004 0.7891 0.9274 0.89632 0.58136 0.79574 0.91376 0.65967 0.50281 0.5546 0.27953 0.29017 0.87414 0.08467 0.76925 0.94297 0.67974 0.8832 0.98726 0.8037 0.48378 0.39604 0.20075 0.45536 0.57087 0.52637 0.7082 0.5017 0.42695 0.15843 0.56291 0.34349 0.97072 0.31577 0.51132 0.99842 0.09019 0.9947 0.62145 0.32377 0.97249 0.29663 0.39176 0.35608 0.90939 0.30123 0.02121 0.30043 0.35337 0.1122 0.07364 0.87582 0.34812 0.07998 0.26899 0.87097 0.61802 0.3359 0.18077 0.65093 0.26865 0.98419 0.39336 0.20972 0.29038 0.25376 0.51073 0.76911 0.14177 0.58337 0.14672 0.97127 0.22673 0.46571 0.13986 0.09438 0.31054 0.16082 0.32078 0.32538 0.38096 0.28805 0.82912 0.0753 0.35363 0.41184 0.66365 0.27251 0.79453 0.80301 0.69934 0.20461 0.60034 0.08166 0.80936 0.71048 0.46777 0.53122 0.16825 0.00299 0.4599 0.86555 0.47265 0.43808 0.85949 0.45429 0.49082 0.0746 0.81766 0.41505 0.49122 0.96917 0.22924 0.09102 0.70703 0.17793 0.28646 0.26717 0.82193 0.5853 0.05633 0.81179 0.27181 0.34436 0.47212 0.06303 0.81952 0.65226 0.46927 0.14013 0.55627 0.38389 0.61072 0.93222 0.69518 0.87001 0.88756 0.57399 0.87398 0.525 0.13491 0.81779 0.62638 0.15138 0.07348 0.26701 0.21498 0.29224 0.67425 0.52707 0.37343 0.69342 0.2932 0.97484 0.47483 0.70592 0.02275 0.43879 0.39898 0.66802 0.35526 0.92347 0.52155 0.09231 0.47939 0.82119 0.51946 0.2412 0.80925 0.84852 0.35186 0.2229 0.23789 0.32251 0.54436 0.96483 0.27504 0.21302 0.02069 0.14387 0.66351 0.60262 0.52183 0.63858 0.07832 0.0178 0.98448 0.62937 0.33444 0.43113 0.42364 0.37338 0.12251 0.66614 0.5603 0.62546 0.9189 0.24555 0.68069 0.48056 0.49883 0.30694 0.96344 0.6976 0.67921 0.18314 0.54484 0.48591 0.09024 0.43489 0.87966 0.07332 0.66548 0.85753 0.10024 0.67146 0.76827 0.80289 0.86636 0.58422 0.62708 0.58694 0.84277 0.32104 0.25944 0.10298 0.91297 0.27801 0.12596 0.72007 0.8594 0.57993 0.5612 0.22505 0.15188 0.74574 0.27761
+0.06977 0.40937 0.75676 0.48657 0.07952 0.47783 0.72918 0.95991 0.18403 0.31539 0.17467 0.01675 0.35777 0.30321 0.22844 0.36735 0.32254 0.94099 0.37818 0.07764 0.85461 0.35985 0.72288 0.73785 0.57249 0.52506 0.49832 0.48886 0.85108 0.54296 0.08339 0.00896 0.56725 0.57576 0.22144 0.94452 0.99406 0.71351 0.2309 0.65373 0.47529 0.61395 0.30968 0.81055 0.18606 0.87734 0.95175 0.31361 0.06786 0.5978 0.49902 0.39194 0.93687 0.50722 0.24544 0.69149 0.37057 0.28279 0.48431 0.54806 0.72296 0.24851 0.01332 0.04508 0.97136 0.28384 0.3768 0.55315 0.55396 0.51385 0.28943 0.17163 0.00195 0.76798 0.19473 0.07104 0.16436 0.65172 0.56547 0.96733 0.22474 0.21227 0.3528 0.97181 0.78268 0.77247 0.72882 0.22871 0.23918 0.72633 0.33842 0.02421 0.36001 0.86101 0.80117 0.6283 0.88037 0.73332 0.07741 0.83001 0.93462 0.77879 0.55014 0.80423 0.6984 0.96516 0.97176 0.94041 0.13077 0.39698 0.68501 0.67451 0.33528 0.47782 0.3393 0.68089 0.86914 0.9843 0.46008 0.48721 0.2896 0.32596 0.75267 0.26213 0.75123 0.42937 0.65991 0.1699 0.00602 0.77734 0.20116 0.31401 0.57592 0.73627 0.1612 0.57802 0.8395 0.09909 0.69989 0.74831 0.16715 0.63279 0.46892 0.03354 0.91141 0.15234 0.25176 0.95153 0.8224 0.65638 0.02819 0.83761 0.47519 0.83203 0.39671 0.71292 0.15472 0.84905 0.91161 0.59402 0.28241 0.28759 0.49885 0.96442 0.65545 0.6635 0.74887 0.84153 0.6211 0.75431 0.99355 0.32655 0.45876 0.93564 0.08944 0.60714 0.06023 0.54073 0.18077 0.33488 0.54856 0.90435 0.68564 0.75471 0.25863 0.38231 0.32831 0.59878 0.35923 0.08969 0.13549 0.04067 0.11272 0.09829 0.40917 0.73108 0.43255 0.30579 0.42979 0.62768 0.04749 0.19222 0.47899 0.73102 0.6675 0.86591 0.96166 0.42983 0.6075 0.81596 0.89742 0.5602 0.05078 0.66671 0.14863 0.05383 0.78049 0.26489 0.43533 0.05292 0.88841 0.60061 0.33289 0.28234 0.92532 0.67383 0.13357 0.64269 0.24765 0.27344 0.39047 0.3874 0.40802 0.91425 0.85593 0.28746 0.27859 0.02969 0.01067 0.39024 0.96206 0.51695 0.21606 0.65753 0.91055 0.75351 0.9573 0.70004 0.40467 0.18896 0.65823 0.44351 0.30324 0.35218 0.88588 0.03119 0.07611 0.39155 0.30488 0.46234 0.02719 0.79834 0.72564 0.67878 0.68407 0.85175 0.20529 0.66669 0.61423 0.06941 0.45799 0.91693 0.59452 0.40257 0.95605 0.03709 0.41191 0.29802 0.22926 0.04259 0.01787 0.38218 0.57407 0.67452 0.67535 0.48394 0.07943 0.308 0.77051 0.50821 0.16218 0.02597 0.66241 0.78038 0.17052 0.99439 0.51015 0.897 0.6399 0.94987 0.76987 0.92263 0.56291 0.29844 0.51567 0.58615 0.71729 0.4398 0.99726 0.16673 0.34886 0.15612 0.89917 0.69885 0.91486 0.37313 0.11243 0.95203 0.12456 0.20348 0.4446 0.55163 0.14116 0.37938 0.37638 0.10029 0.18845 0.25689 0.15332 0.68923 0.15565 0.44243 0.803 0.36703 0.29887 0.86294 0.56611 0.60844 0.53149 0.20136 0.99254 0.21618 0.71557 0.7928 0.777 0.905 0.13303 0.61833 0.23606 0.951 0.19899 0.08941 0.2041 0.57636 0.63142 0.52039 0.28357 0.04774 0.61867 0.90634 0.60595 0.0213 0.01373 0.33606 0.81493 0.70439 0.98138 0.24304 0.68 0.15994 0.54937 0.34085 0.84739 0.23585 0.85567 0.35371 0.97147 0.48702 0.34709 0.72092 0.4829 0.09147 0.80535 0.92823 0.83605 0.34325 0.66852 0.29306 0.66171 0.0296 0.08693 0.90581 0.65462 0.02322 0.22339 0.92196 0.33688 0.18191 0.34541 0.74139 0.34631 0.67442 0.95123 0.35057 0.33551 0.61573 0.04726 0.88684 0.35799 0.35537 0.09825 0.07405 0.00506 0.00157 0.90751 0.01154 0.77148 0.70315 0.34499 0.69093 0.13031 0.98693 0.67581 0.08787 0.1091 0.1538 0.80184 0.41821 0.06896 0.16288 0.21156 0.91625 0.90118 0.81303 0.8382 0.19368 0.20922 0.81354 0.81878 0.70906 0.44524 0.27497 0.83428 0.59611 0.16918 0.12366 0.93628 0.49043 0.12049 0.27643 0.41568 0.1026 0.60837 0.1794 0.15823 0.92535 0.93938 0.20665 0.86681 0.46884 0.90759 0.62803 0.92959 0.90047 0.42824 0.17797 0.95194 0.36905 0.97631 0.03209 0.20755 0.86984 0.94411 0.49728 0.8305 0.42925 0.97065 0.08956 0.49835 0.80337 0.10857 0.65561 0.7076 0.82365 0.76681 0.23454 0.72303 0.88029 0.16248 0.81349 0.58534 0.38218 0.57046 0.80651 0.58544 0.67305 0.61149 0.18144 0.13812 0.09747 0.64838 0.58012 0.32052 0.59034 0.39241 0.93485 0.78673 0.52612 0.13913 0.74317 0.14135 0.11732
+0.37541 0.95367 0.00616 0.47931 0.17148 0.92067 0.8465 0.06666 0.37875 0.6561 0.27031 0.9018 0.1742 0.3057 0.06877 0.77229 0.53185 0.05496 0.55927 0.53647 0.63612 0.78039 0.3748 0.69461 0.84161 0.87848 0.00779 0.62621 0.08636 0.9007 0.88013 0.37941 0.16728 0.33906 0.76108 0.64909 0.64325 0.7822 0.13153 0.75873 0.75339 0.47459 0.08841 0.25375 0.72223 0.04325 0.5736 0.35679 0.4025 0.60683 0.43473 0.36632 0.50676 0.62621 0.35653 0.40248 0.97222 0.5682 0.64468 0.52154 0.6902 0.79024 0.89337 0.4542 0.10974 0.17107 0.65544 0.59595 0.51088 0.29932 0.37395 0.4084 0.15934 0.86989 0.89424 0.12205 0.12089 0.47855 0.64879 0.65058 0.65121 0.53198 0.81445 0.29409 0.79502 0.68572 0.72412 0.06219 0.38021 0.93859 0.64536 0.71254 0.53831 0.57489 0.02213 0.69405 0.34999 0.46939 0.1883 0.40674 0.83507 0.03423 0.74538 0.38296 0.35468 0.07579 0.039 0.11324 0.53031 0.89186 0.22665 0.89722 0.45059 0.15789 0.7775 0.32261 0.0551 0.87269 0.52279 0.9259 0.45 0.32305 0.64417 0.30736 0.21254 0.52547 0.2124 0.75992 0.74951 0.63018 0.05821 0.10841 0.84416 0.35957 0.47515 0.79022 0.83046 0.73476 0.22017 0.42163 0.71883 0.48244 0.09374 0.67317 0.94096 0.03196 0.08856 0.6901 0.0804 0.65717 0.37562 0.74756 0.1285 0.35207 0.15853 0.37187 0.30715 0.83118 0.34597 0.66037 0.03684 0.23268 0.84515 0.08473 0.91538 0.78302 0.70033 0.50938 0.7916 0.21553 0.34265 0.34697 0.40774 0.87074 0.2123 0.13659 0.04434 0.76301 0.88011 0.40174 0.0344 0.29358 0.39234 0.24465 0.77843 0.34325 0.9535 0.54572 0.04633 0.52285 0.69594 0.88326 0.60566 0.31196 0.65011 0.16613 0.99765 0.31295 0.3027 0.01803 0.58359 0.42994 0.29698 0.36896 0.03847 0.05297 0.52053 0.09964 0.10797 0.5593 0.97912 0.1984 0.73973 0.39977 0.5985 0.93815 0.41273 0.3998 0.3993 0.69972 0.61427 0.77643 0.40896 0.62926 0.54674 0.51195 0.11264 0.0204 0.10955 0.4238 0.05721 0.83298 0.05205 0.40487 0.42797 0.04465 0.04811 0.5556 0.73085 0.04908 0.75907 0.84614 0.38861 0.34783 0.28279 0.81748 0.65581 0.73206 0.24209 0.77383 0.36508 0.02007 0.46326 0.13532 0.13585 0.61902 0.44886 0.79898 0.71373 0.51727 0.73893 0.32807 0.94145 0.85794 0.56036 0.0431 0.82578 0.36213 0.28941 0.5324 0.14888 0.79607 0.01046 0.85985 0.19707 0.72377 0.07512 0.99002 0.51107 0.75874 0.75493 0.57669 0.47944 0.79664 0.44944 0.58897 0.19925 0.36531 0.84319 0.30311 0.10487 0.14997 0.33106 0.09128 0.47454 0.94308 0.79824 0.56516 0.65361 0.01211 0.40918 0.86288 0.60963 0.13823 0.93235 0.81507 0.16036 0.49555 0.59815 0.37983 0.43684 0.06434 0.45324 0.89315 0.42557 0.68649 0.72249 0.32244 0.2403 0.20643 0.28905 0.21995 0.64947 0.75593 0.64653 0.71307 0.59598 0.7412 0.0107 0.8261 0.72361 0.21497 0.12486 0.33122 0.5831 0.74437 0.33456 0.61618 0.95187 0.33812 0.53294 0.03682 0.07717 0.3227 0.3298 0.66756 0.54315 0.64143 0.35111 0.00165 0.76729 0.09064 0.06226 0.58609 0.00625 0.99306 0.51785 0.14113 0.44262 0.3708 0.85334 0.507 0.479 0.30136 0.32444 0.56073 0.32957 0.74279 0.283 0.00533 0.18463 0.18059 0.97623 0.49225 0.8979 0.40301 0.66785 0.74134 0.8489 0.58309 0.03008 0.8852 0.59447 0.52763 0.28074 0.77828 0.02919 0.72538 0.05758 0.77877 0.23497 0.592 0.09737 0.79235 0.51302 0.217 0.99238 0.29024 0.95532 0.1279 0.78635 0.63042 0.56344 0.19028 0.00417 0.10765 0.57435 0.99076 0.5192 0.008 0.02707 0.12963 0.45473 0.95499 0.93594 0.54244 0.98782 0.58003 0.99294 0.11714 0.04854 0.41926 0.38486 0.42415 0.26878 0.89196 0.43422 0.57494 0.91218 0.51989 0.52392 0.87316 0.71672 0.55196 0.8898 0.40005 0.84877 0.73279 0.36942 0.79054 0.96787 0.95744 0.43077 0.54067 0.88756 0.50077 0.46638 0.20541 0.07089 0.7206 0.42808 0.55248 0.76687 0.29595 0.6996 0.81533 0.3275 0.22801 0.51685 0.35178 0.38413 0.5556 0.83246 0.46189 0.43646 0.94469 0.04438 0.89197 0.4847 0.87981 0.10234 0.43071 0.82048 0.15799 0.54803 0.24062 0.99689 0.84119 0.00329 0.39421 0.54851 0.79735 0.82388 0.84895 0.99748 0.34308 0.1238 0.45126 0.17084 0.83744 0.90198 0.47579 0.79752 0.3176 0.26198 0.86459 0.797 0.93296 0.95882 0.01941 0.19743 0.53236 0.34747 0.79332 0.4595 0.69832 0.98234 0.37519 0.03336 0.58755 0.33724 0.98417
+0.04359 0.65324 0.13755 0.67699 0.74997 0.04482 0.74223 0.28315 0.66268 0.48121 0.77835 0.85433 0.77854 0.84044 0.67148 0.80219 0.96687 0.77539 0.57695 0.58799 0.75855 0.78154 0.3292 0.02923 0.40869 0.18698 0.03542 0.55319 0.44417 0.15418 0.13611 0.02918 0.83655 0.36534 0.32885 0.66506 0.47615 0.20028 0.78869 0.78977 0.10295 0.24892 0.53167 0.86694 0.81721 0.59219 0.03823 0.4988 0.40849 0.22706 0.72817 0.09747 0.08193 0.60012 0.44176 0.4223 0.70421 0.15479 0.12 0.93464 0.19344 0.00939 0.31239 0.40447 0.99386 0.55005 0.63221 0.43834 0.8249 0.21643 0.17075 0.20661 0.36095 0.4473 0.26809 0.9423 0.35338 0.74911 0.73149 0.48373 0.68008 0.04866 0.45631 0.899 0.13526 0.33748 0.17981 0.73903 0.68511 0.85303 0.91472 0.68738 0.84534 0.84501 0.32109 0.64043 0.43047 0.62602 0.80913 0.49545 0.44366 0.98745 0.39272 0.6744 0.778 0.68881 0.76633 0.33597 0.9487 0.07676 0.08595 0.54081 0.29828 0.19688 0.19453 0.56999 0.30683 0.43928 0.30383 0.51819 0.87754 0.38826 0.86181 0.46705 0.88498 0.71791 0.01193 0.90901 0.51884 0.29922 0.85348 0.23565 0.75666 0.80173 0.46515 0.22415 0.80977 0.47783 0.65122 0.33715 0.69292 0.64661 0.23393 0.97489 0.35205 0.4751 0.91584 0.02646 0.58486 0.30427 0.66352 0.40262 0.08007 0.68815 0.67971 0.98801 0.13468 0.14093 0.37791 0.72055 0.19714 0.6096 0.65164 0.53083 0.63719 0.24363 0.35096 0.20817 0.30421 0.02164 0.66456 0.05061 0.22019 0.33013 0.03886 0.22089 0.18075 0.79587 0.986 0.09656 0.12366 0.02599 0.58701 0.1957 0.98449 0.15788 0.89936 0.16889 0.5033 0.49848 0.96044 0.67746 0.2733 0.73896 0.28515 0.22875 0.5908 0.52879 0.6501 0.8688 0.38818 0.74962 0.56058 0.02562 0.79533 0.48709 0.77149 0.90563 0.96728 0.08399 0.91847 0.53861 0.58407 0.87717 0.99853 0.74001 0.19421 0.66094 0.99783 0.01572 0.89285 0.92505 0.59263 0.79664 0.71029 0.51751 0.74167 0.67144 0.85417 0.33922 0.39163 0.96231 0.98776 0.37799 0.19589 0.53608 0.05217 0.12918 0.44241 0.68173 0.46032 0.45063 0.2972 0.71742 0.1195 0.25839 0.1738 0.15728 0.85847 0.41806 0.04588 0.57221 0.35459 0.69488 0.04358 0.33461 0.58929 0.46169 0.38241 0.53611 0.57494 0.60116 0.45184 0.90254 0.84421 0.41259 0.39042 0.8195 0.37103 0.54138 0.63711 0.68315 0.28651 0.73552 0.89178 0.0602 0.83976 0.61516 0.90547 0.00578 0.09087 0.14482 0.26146 0.77583 0.8608 0.44334 0.76684 0.67902 0.59052 0.70881 0.90027 0.87578 0.68932 0.6083 0.89223 0.07046 0.15595 0.65608 0.33607 0.13357 0.84045 0.29077 0.41534 0.06005 0.77582 0.04727 0.88464 0.1947 0.95091 0.46867 0.46909 0.57534 0.64871 0.14876 0.15097 0.21129 0.35988 0.25718 0.39753 0.6928 0.01663 0.93306 0.32195 0.9888 0.93676 0.10263 0.59687 0.37106 0.39798 0.49534 0.70364 0.48136 0.29555 0.30928 0.50875 0.81769 0.49195 0.31955 0.75305 0.45918 0.043 0.41338 0.46057 0.56974 0.03514 0.33414 0.81448 0.51229 0.89607 0.61837 0.09379 0.28798 0.90192 0.87182 0.03445 0.16959 0.84713 0.27928 0.07466 0.49741 0.51421 0.6724 0.54073 0.88432 0.56919 0.90305 0.43805 0.42687 0.73859 0.03353 0.99066 0.43807 0.57319 0.82945 0.55058 0.13704 0.77872 0.0856 0.44907 0.93616 0.22256 0.3675 0.54842 0.63406 0.1928 0.28217 0.63665 0.42252 0.30106 0.06026 0.11402 0.89968 0.98771 0.73883 0.539 0.86354 0.57737 0.04037 0.48336 0.28982 0.16243 0.88745 0.25609 0.30179 0.56089 0.48857 0.23937 0.7142 0.43054 0.10453 0.80721 0.72837 0.91964 0.73106 0.16134 0.04235 0.34609 0.25883 0.381 0.58873 0.08744 0.58538 0.44953 0.3844 0.91738 0.73204 0.13054 0.01262 0.30234 0.8405 0.63707 0.35282 0.80981 0.18332 0.4191 0.441 0.01984 0.31818 0.9222 0.95971 0.60689 0.63177 0.09683 0.80829 0.66051 0.7191 0.09726 0.15179 0.31863 0.99789 0.5532 0.17726 0.76708 0.49461 0.2797 0.17358 0.94001 0.97166 0.45168 0.46598 0.96399 0.2899 0.87295 0.8267 0.18188 0.45612 0.01876 0.93709 0.09891 0.09878 0.01876 0.74542 0.65667 0.4771 0.75371 0.54801 0.50465 0.42801 0.14608 0.34397 0.05064 0.18045 0.80762 0.27221 0.32572 0.66862 0.83718 0.52323 0.44746 0.30663 0.16293 0.04575 0.24038 0.235 0.34457 0.53739 0.7426 0.51198 0.5604 0.84702 0.37873 0.22369 0.27484 0.71666 0.44587 0.23578 0.17479 0.14108 0.70262 0.88417 0.13449 0.0561
+0.03165 0.54728 0.4658 0.13827 0.45501 0.58377 0.3066 0.09624 0.74316 0.88878 0.55814 0.75568 0.60641 0.46172 0.45053 0.94726 0.32761 0.16705 0.07041 0.91174 0.42686 0.90438 0.55937 0.48914 0.76041 0.05331 0.34958 0.34654 0.66527 0.80503 0.3397 0.57446 0.81374 0.85653 0.37865 0.16333 0.48394 0.92069 0.44574 0.33747 0.9857 0.69891 0.97052 0.78061 0.64535 0.76167 0.96364 0.64536 0.30799 0.84647 0.31076 0.51142 0.68044 0.72223 0.18804 0.56735 0.55432 0.72536 0.32403 0.33041 0.72444 0.96116 0.71706 0.96234 0.00107 0.67836 0.56626 0.10863 0.98189 0.83308 0.06557 0.18249 0.10056 0.96461 0.13033 0.72963 0.46669 0.80785 0.4733 0.25762 0.1535 0.82148 0.05865 0.78235 0.37382 0.57492 0.25764 0.87804 0.02479 0.31765 0.60429 0.46427 0.11267 0.22712 0.98492 0.88007 0.58479 0.0669 0.96374 0.80259 0.52056 0.44517 0.72716 0.30874 0.54239 0.60013 0.93446 0.25601 0.81162 0.11566 0.42777 0.49198 0.41375 0.07461 0.6804 0.73203 0.14805 0.30882 0.41373 0.39694 0.21893 0.65785 0.26947 0.9045 0.21612 0.61071 0.70858 0.54972 0.34166 0.79444 0.55837 0.10392 0.73192 0.16048 0.96865 0.54565 0.09414 0.65456 0.34654 0.09212 0.71966 0.83284 0.90824 0.37321 0.57834 0.74562 0.3472 0.44392 0.68919 0.39292 0.40242 0.59971 0.26221 0.22395 0.42071 0.78749 0.33914 0.68068 0.85879 0.12373 0.95876 0.18355 0.15524 0.98691 0.21789 0.04503 0.57344 0.71595 0.27525 0.38947 0.32781 0.70848 0.16789 0.0618 0.03423 0.61591 0.02354 0.956 0.7177 0.03328 0.50874 0.799 0.10279 0.8762 0.60835 0.87903 0.1032 0.80313 0.24791 0.75985 0.15152 0.06895 0.0448 0.17348 0.52026 0.56675 0.39607 0.74697 0.40613 0.6675 0.27328 0.06193 0.06991 0.40896 0.5689 0.30058 0.4108 0.66689 0.73755 0.8631 0.06125 0.28015 0.20139 0.67352 0.12831 0.80869 0.47119 0.60407 0.6517 0.4835 0.81084 0.4109 0.53132 0.4976 0.30843 0.94921 0.73674 0.88534 0.97677 0.82948 0.73722 0.97052 0.73189 0.03085 0.88874 0.79462 0.80444 0.43976 0.67475 0.64551 0.66711 0.84635 0.47935 0.33201 0.38311 0.68224 0.14462 0.22181 0.9451 0.30196 0.54626 0.67395 0.05361 0.72623 0.613 0.31781 0.27717 0.96534 0.54337 0.97676 0.28622 0.2748 0.53467 0.21668 0.96381 0.31938 0.75142 0.56827 0.80092 0.54598 0.65061 0.07972 0.75908 0.54245 0.49386 0.06919 0.38319 0.93418 0.69771 0.50449 0.41575 0.20162 0.97135 0.92017 0.64909 0.76215 0.72067 0.01072 0.18243 0.21964 0.52869 0.38395 0.97668 0.2558 0.88647 0.73699 0.98102 0.57518 0.57904 0.26717 0.26419 0.77105 0.83899 0.33002 0.76435 0.26902 0.76923 0.6834 0.24841 0.05303 0.8077 0.91602 0.29888 0.6346 0.89525 0.3924 0.05172 0.75687 0.29575 0.34489 0.40234 0.57438 0.64951 0.84359 0.27816 0.60387 0.38866 0.59778 0.81132 0.97599 0.53911 0.94997 0.71841 0.46407 0.91828 0.59554 0.08155 0.00165 0.53918 0.29889 0.73451 0.16922 0.42569 0.93978 0.83941 0.43005 0.50423 0.97528 0.48767 0.25265 0.52175 0.43766 0.01256 0.81236 0.59674 0.88085 0.36195 0.78927 0.37327 0.0225 0.52523 0.85321 0.9728 0.38591 0.24549 0.24706 0.48311 0.09245 0.41496 0.17752 0.01559 0.75306 0.41555 0.41548 0.97025 0.50505 0.21306 0.85503 0.64689 0.49891 0.41776 0.14886 0.47906 0.34592 0.74557 0.00668 0.53273 0.72125 0.39514 0.13835 0.28477 0.98519 0.71264 0.07686 0.55309 0.73736 0.68433 0.76144 0.95673 0.6111 0.25073 0.4096 0.99058 0.25612 0.25048 0.53162 0.77762 0.23465 0.43251 0.07333 0.33883 0.759 0.95221 0.44196 0.60883 0.98282 0.0744 0.13065 0.8333 0.30717 0.06263 0.32707 0.32893 0.54544 0.88989 0.42858 0.38976 0.44757 0.86209 0.55733 0.83587 0.95717 0.72724 0.29253 0.31918 0.91669 0.61797 0.57215 0.016 0.23065 0.56906 0.83255 0.98765 0.92715 0.08004 0.55931 0.71707 0.67694 0.00852 0.25562 0.49641 0.3724 0.11066 0.38275 0.27596 0.40228 0.142 0.18387 0.6968 0.89289 0.9639 0.00838 0.87221 0.1891 0.11872 0.74836 0.15025 0.6405 0.89795 0.87385 0.72495 0.04505 0.4765 0.96731 0.3533 0.04604 0.23233 0.75964 0.46498 0.84728 0.70103 0.00598 0.57873 0.33393 0.98518 0.96778 0.1077 0.69851 0.27678 0.11508 0.31048 0.29627 0.80696 0.01882 0.51906 0.87915 0.40981 0.95876 0.24319 0.57128 0.63342 0.51494 0.44057 0.73476 0.60347 0.22461 0.36552 0.21511 0.5417 0.78804 0.79873 0.15418
+0.97698 0.57625 0.48506 0.67219 0.01497 0.69048 0.39251 0.74406 0.72622 0.74981 0.25017 0.43103 0.87197 0.66298 0.48924 0.82588 0.08751 0.60602 0.48112 0.05753 0.48492 0.87685 0.87967 0.40972 0.26981 0.6252 0.85647 0.28232 0.11337 0.14197 0.64247 0.28593 0.95751 0.95941 0.0933 0.67699 0.47214 0.17102 0.70727 0.28762 0.10949 0.31633 0.44754 0.57901 0.41071 0.90212 0.97604 0.2919 0.93475 0.78403 0.54647 0.69447 0.91367 0.29645 0.06859 0.02315 0.37412 0.35368 0.36119 0.56377 0.82384 0.08432 0.28724 0.93777 0.22036 0.05618 0.76492 0.58431 0.56321 0.80541 0.84406 0.38284 0.84711 0.44172 0.86861 0.56773 0.21486 0.57813 0.58652 0.98073 0.03624 0.54257 0.55601 0.17751 0.27959 0.29412 0.93969 0.90138 0.92173 0.92274 0.64947 0.67096 0.97011 0.66218 0.47793 0.72862 0.85662 0.48503 0.16814 0.72561 0.47243 0.12778 0.40057 0.90504 0.12825 0.13793 0.3478 0.76898 0.67337 0.76592 0.26987 0.73758 0.11016 0.46484 0.06299 0.45903 0.68735 0.77903 0.41419 0.69157 0.41312 0.81023 0.9611 0.01538 0.44459 0.96552 0.13032 0.12059 0.8479 0.92573 0.88555 0.79947 0.2653 0.04451 0.88831 0.62394 0.56122 0.51505 0.21987 0.58373 0.415 0.83371 0.00677 0.05419 0.94805 0.44895 0.04268 0.36523 0.06941 0.73628 0.80866 0.81913 0.77652 0.6792 0.91916 0.23498 0.70384 0.06673 0.12463 0.03438 0.77033 0.26405 0.04493 0.39638 0.81705 0.36634 0.66201 0.83306 0.3446 0.44212 0.2611 0.48041 0.53343 0.88942 0.28448 0.61704 0.67937 0.65169 0.93163 0.58275 0.46145 0.98983 0.10187 0.05142 0.15218 0.05533 0.86474 0.11979 0.59463 0.02825 0.69282 0.57023 0.92387 0.50743 0.09175 0.78146 0.02302 0.09499 0.84001 0.65445 0.81701 0.01241 0.45475 0.87119 0.16767 0.91282 0.05187 0.97209 0.08247 0.91019 0.35486 0.88508 0.31306 0.49948 0.73201 0.05839 0.32751 0.18928 0.62748 0.04524 0.73457 0.49563 0.27686 0.21053 0.76976 0.43825 0.70824 0.16847 0.96065 0.74606 0.37633 0.06249 0.45841 0.44365 0.40882 0.16452 0.68261 0.20207 0.78931 0.221 0.5132 0.18241 0.45855 0.67683 0.43191 0.7106 0.62952 0.16517 0.14363 0.58483 0.80181 0.39848 0.77935 0.01242 0.79903 0.79547 0.35487 0.94185 0.24619 0.3839 0.04243 0.95778 0.66671 0.00489 0.48855 0.26836 0.0977 0.07166 0.05952 0.13892 0.87932 0.5006 0.84861 0.43985 0.35176 0.95024 0.94006 0.73312 0.12026 0.83492 0.24733 0.12719 0.67941 0.34097 0.75862 0.69294 0.36241 0.75845 0.31514 0.79339 0.43878 0.5357 0.74527 0.96856 0.15704 0.63869 0.52992 0.5394 0.40147 0.29122 0.35811 0.55921 0.3009 0.27261 0.08195 0.12341 0.26858 0.12523 0.60284 0.30773 0.66767 0.5353 0.61594 0.66698 0.53871 0.50462 0.43679 0.51744 0.29832 0.40821 0.53908 0.7284 0.93674 0.16249 0.02012 0.17424 0.10318 0.84532 0.14206 0.64201 0.11354 0.42837 0.70202 0.09915 0.87516 0.92534 0.58986 0.086 0.26929 0.16315 0.78763 0.50746 0.33131 0.70441 0.95035 0.75412 0.62011 0.56219 0.18698 0.7147 0.51539 0.81754 0.679 0.20092 0.53368 0.4562 0.2985 0.00893 0.05396 0.54985 0.12725 0.65155 0.04546 0.18078 0.28051 0.41416 0.71583 0.14796 0.53196 0.85515 0.51509 0.4977 0.76517 0.87171 0.68889 0.8669 0.09896 0.25534 0.23828 0.95376 0.08168 0.54145 0.9982 0.82434 0.50907 0.70757 0.99622 0.30995 0.72095 0.13347 0.01251 0.0843 0.04568 0.13226 0.62675 0.92402 0.71116 0.62393 0.57096 0.5423 0.16677 0.24209 0.44773 0.82441 0.79563 0.14009 0.86101 0.73738 0.85701 0.10182 0.95445 0.37466 0.78233 0.69846 0.86834 0.1767 0.16276 0.61889 0.12799 0.10397 0.75461 0.65476 0.90001 0.30853 0.78332 0.76788 0.18117 0.19159 0.286 0.43995 0.57448 0.284 0.39794 0.87433 0.9705 0.29502 0.80247 0.22415 0.59825 0.08902 0.65379 0.43828 0.62828 0.93203 0.31037 0.69758 0.42132 0.57594 0.34985 0.03457 0.03032 0.45053 0.21399 0.71283 0.0875 0.30547 0.78876 0.86393 0.75676 0.91539 0.76931 0.06276 0.92681 0.59949 0.44614 0.86317 0.65233 0.50398 0.26718 0.80174 0.15681 0.53544 0.04469 0.95095 0.58904 0.46662 0.92749 0.69533 0.40485 0.75278 0.40921 0.16409 0.24183 0.84206 0.46148 0.09703 0.51381 0.68167 0.40983 0.11759 0.79455 0.46565 0.02502 0.785 0.41849 0.52182 0.23113 0.25291 0.64447 0.45262 0.54877 0.66309 0.62257 0.02431 0.92682 0.42048 0.64214 0.6045 0.58167 0.56601 0.19589 0.55726
+0.22778 0.16747 0.19007 0.70961 0.81179 0.02144 0.59843 0.73034 0.49139 0.42023 0.53837 0.18992 0.91065 0.36571 0.10867 0.08349 0.60768 0.92237 0.29341 0.62452 0.97688 0.90008 0.82874 0.68574 0.50538 0.54763 0.14952 0.51647 0.88105 0.49906 0.66268 0.92893 0.1918 0.33502 0.53601 0.86084 0.70809 0.68135 0.92699 0.6185 0.02296 0.45131 0.50496 0.64041 0.42013 0.03975 0.56417 0.49972 0.00467 0.74772 0.34932 0.00841 0.03134 0.35016 0.83748 0.00196 0.24809 0.88886 0.42369 0.53483 0.60732 0.68864 0.47194 0.1151 0.22641 0.98524 0.20973 0.53958 0.9858 0.5789 0.15908 0.44257 0.2703 0.34608 0.50976 0.02412 0.05398 0.24701 0.29546 0.72221 0.37833 0.90819 0.66239 0.72215 0.61313 0.17936 0.97339 0.28688 0.06115 0.15329 0.22125 0.53606 0.32811 0.52322 0.16571 0.76012 0.50812 0.02363 0.87852 0.39911 0.54918 0.60383 0.40115 0.88882 0.47139 0.04064 0.27254 0.42214 0.67743 0.79797 0.19048 0.11247 0.99737 0.11059 0.38708 0.29874 0.51949 0.98577 0.69082 0.23374 0.28544 0.93569 0.26184 0.3164 0.84164 0.75219 0.6494 0.48153 0.64421 0.73073 0.94589 0.53845 0.55012 0.14832 0.36231 0.47243 0.08263 0.45958 0.40764 0.60752 0.24159 0.3776 0.82872 0.90938 0.75029 0.39197 0.18277 0.94191 0.65515 0.03227 0.56423 0.87314 0.52764 0.20421 0.81497 0.9174 0.03499 0.8695 0.70904 0.5818 0.25968 0.6901 0.73617 0.02167 0.11907 0.4439 0.45205 0.9275 0.85353 0.14212 0.93017 0.88862 0.79269 0.47857 0.85474 0.85682 0.16666 0.96239 0.65915 0.64694 0.88198 0.53075 0.59778 0.37053 0.57658 0.83731 0.61468 0.16993 0.37072 0.52992 0.27591 0.82425 0.52168 0.12662 0.35964 0.40689 0.03958 0.46494 0.75415 0.54699 0.67197 0.28426 0.19923 0.99341 0.26685 0.06937 0.28657 0.89523 0.89926 0.00502 0.38834 0.47346 0.71445 0.63303 0.26038 0.30044 0.70518 0.4613 0.55665 0.89366 0.09782 0.4721 0.56366 0.92036 0.60472 0.53743 0.48517 0.87004 0.98471 0.09304 0.59115 0.47804 0.82892 0.51641 0.02832 0.89455 0.20734 0.61632 0.8068 0.69513 0.57221 0.98592 0.1226 0.01862 0.25322 0.6326 0.02969 0.76046 0.53038 0.07251 0.74519 0.5392 0.64502 0.91453 0.7458 0.13797 0.33649 0.03373 0.15968 0.8472 0.56539 0.39864 0.54266 0.74195 0.72209 0.23532 0.27487 0.85548 0.31232 0.91491 0.53004 0.893 0.68077 0.7019 0.80712 0.22722 0.32712 0.98289 0.20825 0.25083 0.7716 0.91792 0.8463 0.76359 0.63412 0.49608 0.45358 0.46559 0.89832 0.25083 0.6885 0.90121 0.00967 0.04122 0.14793 0.34486 0.08969 0.36795 0.01578 0.78341 0.7387 0.41443 0.69532 0.11787 0.59286 0.84355 0.03378 0.54992 0.80647 0.79033 0.33288 0.32441 0.46672 0.56871 0.68913 0.6452 0.57034 0.5406 0.60511 0.7916 0.10084 0.94472 0.30555 0.09352 0.20747 0.44479 0.87719 0.71593 0.34572 0.71729 0.60779 0.35399 0.18644 0.89018 0.23781 0.51248 0.4755 0.43474 0.44194 0.67455 0.63049 0.98291 0.34134 0.05213 0.07364 0.36029 0.89496 0.9563 0.13969 0.30308 0.51091 0.75575 0.57561 0.93109 0.70336 0.36479 0.27637 0.00721 0.90783 0.3914 0.59525 0.39779 0.38509 0.34453 0.34568 0.0152 0.09629 0.6176 0.96976 0.18796 0.71647 0.59835 0.28807 0.02302 0.3132 0.27059 0.40163 0.77029 0.27184 0.95205 0.04066 0.7523 0.73675 0.39951 0.33344 0.35836 0.35187 0.50685 0.51219 0.12392 0.89609 0.88066 0.6976 0.68917 0.01479 0.43675 0.85806 0.18493 0.10864 0.09324 0.07453 0.15245 0.61699 0.44794 0.94193 0.06668 0.20429 0.19701 0.20354 0.67527 0.0935 0.45207 0.59478 0.3873 0.99527 0.91421 0.61658 0.47936 0.30786 0.18631 0.57034 0.79121 0.21219 0.85665 0.79737 0.1146 0.66137 0.8485 0.56867 0.93011 0.95152 0.27228 0.94461 0.36246 0.51257 0.57553 0.96824 0.92753 0.58847 0.95699 0.94021 0.09004 0.07768 0.68878 0.46093 0.81756 0.58395 0.69139 0.32688 0.96965 0.51255 0.91712 0.75063 0.34854 0.21576 0.57661 0.0504 0.38847 0.77 0.42956 0.68999 0.43751 0.71905 0.24149 0.74552 0.31124 0.08654 0.90273 0.28224 0.53123 0.16496 0.27444 0.321 0.7171 0.14397 0.34002 0.53846 0.11025 0.98316 0.4769 0.39224 0.71278 0.54924 0.52012 0.54307 0.24538 0.826 0.99769 0.95511 0.30505 0.08917 0.24295 0.88542 0.94483 0.78325 0.03353 0.05969 0.59231 0.34077 0.02991 0.83235 0.66395 0.95255 0.80821 0.6779 0.89922 0.48432 0.10713 0.12093 0.27809 0.50476 0.24559
+0.67693 0.39072 0.98118 0.84675 0.24745 0.9468 0.18906 0.54597 0.65326 0.8451 0.36917 0.06817 0.2157 0.46143 0.52501 0.10458 0.71151 0.31872 0.16176 0.30203 0.82136 0.4053 0.69131 0.98614 0.8297 0.95754 0.68655 0.16671 0.48621 0.48327 0.46297 0.96616 0.35892 0.23581 0.86036 0.98484 0.14377 0.97447 0.75712 0.586 0.69893 0.9619 0.13519 0.46717 0.93028 0.85257 0.16837 0.55796 0.26516 0.98926 0.82865 0.24288 0.37609 0.59705 0.01904 0.54476 0.17529 0.98081 0.84641 0.90822 0.05613 0.07384 0.85748 0.18068 0.619 0.3221 0.92685 0.35317 0.87515 0.083 0.75036 0.33196 0.35202 0.40311 0.16291 0.6384 0.24211 0.3928 0.32291 0.89824 0.53385 0.59752 0.96047 0.89463 0.59829 0.17333 0.54586 0.70104 0.71844 0.87748 0.35813 0.34524 0.99526 0.23088 0.93377 0.66052 0.18025 0.57986 0.83689 0.23308 0.18323 0.08903 0.33804 0.47735 0.18085 0.01318 0.15122 0.46172 0.43757 0.63654 0.78783 0.93848 0.4717 0.98269 0.18633 0.03294 0.06847 0.72882 0.2999 0.33085 0.79529 0.98373 0.56202 0.02205 0.85243 0.39166 0.34383 0.12127 0.45749 0.00718 0.53058 0.99873 0.71706 0.02077 0.87534 0.27205 0.23261 0.45123 0.70975 0.59762 0.77629 0.65008 0.06685 0.21637 0.06418 0.9651 0.08626 0.21051 0.10136 0.05453 0.63224 0.10425 0.37258 0.9106 0.78806 0.36955 0.8603 0.85726 0.05461 0.82988 0.63167 0.95533 0.01399 0.97996 0.38973 0.31065 0.79707 0.20241 0.86051 0.29909 0.3358 0.74087 0.02022 0.66008 0.21393 0.38173 0.51491 0.43067 0.15951 0.92693 0.4598 0.85118 0.23332 0.82997 0.35996 0.22695 0.97591 0.69495 0.41889 0.12425 0.60558 0.17003 0.85162 0.10276 0.66479 0.85818 0.52206 0.54655 0.33753 0.99087 0.24806 0.34517 0.21853 0.98427 0.37647 0.00645 0.52692 0.3262 0.44494 0.78559 0.60859 0.37473 0.43651 0.77443 0.35123 0.9734 0.74168 0.73212 0.36766 0.48129 0.09398 0.96425 0.0616 0.2964 0.3159 0.28454 0.67717 0.8958 0.94665 0.40202 0.57735 0.53651 0.43934 0.85182 0.83977 0.99958 0.96749 0.7595 0.5129 0.634 0.48548 0.35756 0.70146 0.86665 0.71744 0.96618 0.54993 0.23914 0.66114 0.57335 0.58703 0.29451 0.69569 0.74969 0.12301 0.75304 0.13811 0.60471 0.5153 0.43303 0.67664 0.77733 0.60924 0.90348 0.14404 0.65614 0.47424 0.93505 0.2932 0.73278 0.64389 0.18038 0.61899 0.6907 0.10054 0.46603 0.39125 0.99856 0.96214 0.52513 0.09207 0.9941 0.11156 0.23658 0.13903 0.78632 0.72075 0.37526 0.68555 0.38687 0.55267 0.53117 0.21873 0.7452 0.53377 0.47159 0.21468 0.01344 0.41731 0.56468 0.72726 0.42029 0.69005 0.14561 0.41212 0.95512 0.66834 0.7434 0.06832 0.18693 0.56955 0.78689 0.63293 0.39098 0.7358 0.95336 0.61073 0.30177 0.77785 0.48429 0.10347 0.94833 0.8003 0.92022 0.56194 0.13085 0.80429 0.25052 0.86829 0.38925 0.92256 0.8994 0.26923 0.28442 0.00211 0.68287 0.29744 0.60292 0.63441 0.55798 0.74161 0.33861 0.84703 0.04615 0.69729 0.10027 0.70074 0.80443 0.49901 0.96766 0.93313 0.097 0.00379 0.11142 0.25517 0.62227 0.83596 0.17441 0.32254 0.30481 0.16504 0.97117 0.85684 0.23094 0.14091 0.9725 0.67494 0.12972 0.428 0.46949 0.02413 0.55265 0.2215 0.63023 0.1483 0.06057 0.67775 0.73657 0.45832 0.33239 0.04076 0.77843 0.8201 0.68332 0.28925 0.56699 0.31001 0.60119 0.57983 0.00506 0.3661 0.2303 0.26045 0.04252 0.58629 0.74161 0.93331 0.46833 0.07976 0.06325 0.88673 0.11636 0.39719 0.26167 0.62405 0.92992 0.52916 0.1438 0.44816 0.27111 0.30346 0.33645 0.44375 0.72321 0.78443 0.72947 0.88553 0.52684 0.86096 0.35618 0.6406 0.16851 0.32003 0.63178 0.33916 0.69461 0.0777 0.77467 0.52699 0.56529 0.00305 0.1413 0.43023 0.15012 0.51373 0.35955 0.91568 0.8351 0.76572 0.04578 0.51798 0.18938 0.23036 0.46631 0.52251 0.98151 0.99219 0.28699 0.34742 0.11957 0.68819 0.60083 0.04076 0.38782 0.9052 0.78477 0.38387 0.68129 0.28371 0.06412 0.96591 0.30478 0.70694 0.14754 0.95827 0.14352 0.38242 0.74415 0.57566 0.66739 0.44712 0.1136 0.20575 0.74897 0.74502 0.37596 0.18337 0.9528 0.31587 0.73238 0.90291 0.06685 0.63638 0.00518 0.2786 0.02603 0.156 0.0648 0.92782 0.07382 0.16995 0.47902 0.61583 0.61913 0.23345 0.5257 0.3814 0.94525 0.22657 0.57816 0.01694 0.97573 0.07699 0.89001 0.80022 0.82439 0.07066 0.21768 0.31675 0.13423 0.53904 0.00043
+0.2595 0.74563 0.56846 0.27073 0.92039 0.11737 0.10484 0.01429 0.63695 0.83625 0.63866 0.76301 0.73472 0.19217 0.38063 0.32841 0.77235 0.10935 0.01738 0.89287 0.376 0.37023 0.10555 0.4031 0.36453 0.69572 0.99202 0.04179 0.49395 0.22233 0.00149 0.84321 0.42939 0.92763 0.71393 0.32894 0.94328 0.98553 0.13171 0.97867 0.85015 0.90503 0.1794 0.40454 0.95424 0.24921 0.80021 0.06507 0.96261 0.05467 0.44282 0.20159 0.47018 0.14333 0.82085 0.47362 0.55088 0.02311 0.15744 0.53379 0.1782 0.8552 0.82585 0.27867 0.96371 0.87981 0.99242 0.13553 0.17677 0.50297 0.18172 0.9639 0.61807 0.92219 0.9485 0.59064 0.88053 0.13165 0.88611 0.41845 0.68655 0.1269 0.67054 0.28084 0.50292 0.7105 0.90983 0.60223 0.18415 0.84443 0.7082 0.66338 0.7338 0.07224 0.23981 0.99673 0.37863 0.87779 0.9312 0.17041 0.13453 0.50961 0.90213 0.24187 0.64097 0.6026 0.34141 0.49062 0.60795 0.00827 0.75524 0.3185 0.04498 0.58784 0.17493 0.61146 0.89017 0.28823 0.53243 0.37559 0.8057 0.61831 0.81814 0.75211 0.19228 0.73895 0.88773 0.38087 0.91281 0.13894 0.89993 0.73491 0.78218 0.88679 0.22146 0.91456 0.46501 0.69723 0.31145 0.44238 0.07341 0.39743 0.07778 0.34694 0.09252 0.24683 0.9304 0.30008 0.33828 0.62911 0.25182 0.79423 0.73051 0.2792 0.41662 0.42613 0.72566 0.39877 0.82557 0.37476 0.52931 0.0104 0.46382 0.21771 0.75735 0.2294 0.70123 0.71345 0.06541 0.40015 0.06269 0.33945 0.0963 0.53672 0.28183 0.26484 0.73263 0.82582 0.72683 0.56304 0.52824 0.17019 0.10658 0.76832 0.23558 0.40299 0.33581 0.43626 0.02286 0.29961 0.32104 0.81313 0.66881 0.81844 0.27918 0.52107 0.83204 0.90054 0.57183 0.11863 0.28922 0.25609 0.31298 0.05219 0.64987 0.08312 0.53883 0.7822 0.02112 0.91466 0.20024 0.5105 0.48342 0.72569 0.45981 0.8588 0.80687 0.346 0.83745 0.92092 0.43116 0.60309 0.95655 0.00556 0.80007 0.25763 0.88117 0.52295 0.9363 0.88745 0.25503 0.18294 0.85104 0.3888 0.02638 0.11572 0.2131 0.48536 0.40085 0.40891 0.15605 0.82853 0.29323 0.18594 0.02395 0.45526 0.328 0.6094 0.60333 0.82199 0.1362 0.82394 0.87663 0.85819 0.21476 0.48526 0.10839 0.72154 0.24932 0.44629 0.55212 0.00913 0.04952 0.36194 0.50402 0.88212 0.81591 0.03108 0.33624 0.41365 0.9121 0.48355 0.76912 0.10004 0.95848 0.84821 0.16695 0.88179 0.50362 0.83798 0.76556 0.11415 0.40325 0.46021 0.61005 0.35541 0.43338 0.49596 0.05499 0.56206 0.11907 0.06353 0.24378 0.15909 0.22967 0.04839 0.61231 0.10334 0.88324 0.01637 0.89818 0.57413 0.38939 0.96048 0.1143 0.30498 0.27073 0.77675 0.46664 0.03334 0.81432 0.33806 0.15757 0.29822 0.63935 0.14947 0.74874 0.93066 0.16404 0.15645 0.11246 0.43824 0.45605 0.89337 0.44664 0.79468 0.27801 0.52172 0.08988 0.01359 0.53708 0.20938 0.8484 0.62567 0.91777 0.91117 0.33673 0.87815 0.9131 0.2771 0.78368 0.84983 0.63027 0.61232 0.72859 0.24289 0.03127 0.43996 0.3217 0.18023 0.5958 0.48766 0.09869 0.78827 0.33075 0.24935 0.12994 0.20368 0.85817 0.07953 0.17808 0.54539 0.96986 0.96122 0.45856 0.69401 0.51242 0.84077 0.43783 0.3844 0.33975 0.38209 0.24749 0.12735 0.52574 0.35132 0.41039 0.31809 0.38468 0.34539 0.14524 0.06945 0.48257 0.9161 0.43251 0.57518 0.37114 0.00955 0.1593 0.84712 0.83771 0.59082 0.5939 0.57055 0.28377 0.60048 0.95703 0.07952 0.5078 0.61841 0.70869 0.04754 0.11178 0.04734 0.17643 0.05886 0.81329 0.24264 0.71116 0.92569 0.32408 0.4955 0.4535 0.0197 0.55651 0.95521 0.56427 0.11298 0.24332 0.82668 0.38211 0.44022 0.98336 0.93889 0.62684 0.98849 0.4534 0.39941 0.69111 0.7039 0.93715 0.54312 0.11282 0.53252 0.16609 0.96344 0.54685 0.30419 0.5907 0.92534 0.34843 0.74303 0.8703 0.2839 0.67518 0.46557 0.22935 0.53345 0.51296 0.01611 0.039 0.35314 0.85259 0.90982 0.28611 0.74031 0.80124 0.15509 0.06791 0.90739 0.02916 0.0877 0.87861 0.02606 0.15891 0.63859 0.1671 0.57798 0.72696 0.78906 0.86847 0.97222 0.0229 0.17352 0.83014 0.8368 0.91333 0.43813 0.6362 0.45059 0.00626 0.12966 0.5714 0.75828 0.57712 0.5334 0.24464 0.68791 0.62602 0.0137 0.38423 0.35235 0.91868 0.81678 0.44777 0.98066 0.63077 0.29484 0.15319 0.59041 0.86751 0.23538 0.5695 0.70416 0.06117 0.71793 0.13892 0.35191 0.68787 0.17199 0.49584 0.94692
+0.28894 0.12164 0.80839 0.65398 0.19886 0.18733 0.39635 0.14214 0.86327 0.02831 0.59539 0.52656 0.12464 0.14438 0.58707 0.36493 0.35405 0.78319 0.49653 0.66835 0.39725 0.8219 0.86122 0.74874 0.02791 0.74765 0.39328 0.90294 0.28836 0.85979 0.16282 0.04002 0.8004 0.11417 0.65126 0.48046 0.98652 0.59629 0.72083 0.59684 0.53545 0.91114 0.04272 0.51476 0.38305 0.9293 0.46721 0.79137 0.26617 0.76993 0.65037 0.51543 0.0028 0.72883 0.19252 0.28782 0.35982 0.61055 0.97285 0.66834 0.31078 0.77851 0.53925 0.87713 0.00304 0.73367 0.78179 0.48802 0.50063 0.20544 0.59897 0.53681 0.38895 0.13126 0.52064 0.7824 0.0664 0.2161 0.935 0.41173 0.48622 0.01887 0.84267 0.03726 0.23373 0.40205 0.45206 0.33591 0.24078 0.40106 0.9092 0.75337 0.05076 0.18208 0.85363 0.61396 0.56117 0.88983 0.31568 0.74504 0.7063 0.0857 0.38787 0.14148 0.23173 0.92879 0.97871 0.98489 0.04786 0.38407 0.60154 0.19474 0.56305 0.89598 0.56706 0.42353 0.96757 0.38775 0.35247 0.91543 0.41343 0.16357 0.08856 0.94865 0.93417 0.23418 0.40141 0.72142 0.01823 0.74977 0.71621 0.8756 0.1976 0.48397 0.37178 0.79055 0.4382 0.24378 0.32011 0.30354 0.48126 0.54935 0.78685 0.11593 0.5289 0.30009 0.07601 0.93814 0.36476 0.44735 0.16084 0.48078 0.90224 0.02299 0.18438 0.11677 0.3594 0.21326 0.72173 0.10166 0.54296 0.45983 0.01336 0.85429 0.87483 0.78347 0.20809 0.09527 0.512 0.68561 0.78967 0.58131 0.88112 0.80982 0.63952 0.42474 0.32384 0.63037 0.23063 0.26387 0.99872 0.43102 0.02415 0.78514 0.29884 0.05726 0.99078 0.45721 0.69438 0.25478 0.87793 0.23681 0.33386 0.54917 0.97965 0.69236 0.34614 0.69167 0.6395 0.25358 0.32508 0.6825 0.54876 0.41315 0.53444 0.14466 0.84578 0.2196 0.88725 0.32905 0.20265 0.89029 0.14766 0.11028 0.56478 0.23017 0.23797 0.5984 0.86343 0.09921 0.26421 0.2194 0.16063 0.43032 0.46709 0.10773 0.66827 0.68187 0.22962 0.5453 0.3575 0.56227 0.52743 0.8789 0.4071 0.66381 0.75501 0.43296 0.51413 0.16697 0.6824 0.86479 0.56935 0.50626 0.56527 0.26004 0.93282 0.95413 0.44628 0.09813 0.67426 0.1747 0.09041 0.82625 0.64943 0.71781 0.48022 0.66108 0.24453 0.42192 0.54207 0.99123 0.80221 0.50881 0.29011 0.73237 0.6296 0.66895 0.98178 0.09976 0.2206 0.85295 0.57761 0.49977 0.28292 0.57086 0.852 0.97842 0.80307 0.81684 0.87967 0.88101 0.21429 0.02314 0.63614 0.74875 0.83618 0.39856 0.75653 0.49199 0.50952 0.39965 0.40607 0.99432 0.42744 0.67631 0.05711 0.80364 0.50297 0.87166 0.96976 0.51368 0.06583 0.57934 0.94482 0.69586 0.37733 0.69058 0.35676 0.55199 0.48645 0.83172 0.11033 0.34372 0.69531 0.12519 0.79867 0.1783 0.11823 0.6654 0.06444 0.07618 0.98196 0.2382 0.96322 0.45483 0.60887 0.19242 0.32949 0.37481 0.50263 0.03177 0.18885 0.22828 0.87917 0.9869 0.48402 0.47375 0.15678 0.27271 0.90249 0.36366 0.01823 0.68557 0.54363 0.58362 0.11218 0.41967 0.03811 0.62629 0.26138 0.57339 0.79226 0.37339 0.86414 0.24262 0.23154 0.90422 0.91545 0.53057 0.62015 0.38483 0.57791 0.91754 0.32601 0.18401 0.24877 0.29635 0.26923 0.9684 0.71645 0.62907 0.58654 0.21808 0.11766 0.39335 0.77918 0.20248 0.103 0.16717 0.86351 0.19238 0.10049 0.00818 0.85987 0.81101 0.33781 0.00476 0.03511 0.79635 0.04032 0.70217 0.62567 0.18321 0.14414 0.55828 0.00876 0.28465 0.7144 0.39676 0.01807 0.24714 0.89852 0.33193 0.9798 0.24119 0.71151 0.92973 0.32621 0.88797 0.79392 0.48911 0.10844 0.06791 0.37311 0.87436 0.10172 0.97976 0.64425 0.29957 0.89117 0.19286 0.21888 0.64479 0.51593 0.5924 0.97271 0.96449 0.573 0.61338 0.41498 0.24705 0.69038 0.21999 0.03374 0.64686 0.91212 0.26137 0.32682 0.00065 0.37144 0.37034 0.3321 0.8575 0.3585 0.4749 0.5109 0.7091 0.10684 0.10522 0.42482 0.54848 0.37089 0.03623 0.63425 0.94645 0.40919 0.63064 0.75576 0.69452 0.03259 0.43852 0.02358 0.34758 0.7126 0.4627 0.80921 0.62181 0.99054 0.39023 0.68616 0.47068 0.04551 0.22448 0.29055 0.59805 0.16125 0.64559 0.48475 0.19171 0.41178 0.22944 0.12836 0.12498 0.53713 0.24298 0.07413 0.38592 0.02181 0.50131 0.37953 0.02698 0.64857 0.93236 0.7827 0.04937 0.07355 0.62893 0.98869 0.46537 0.76962 0.88271 0.6525 0.99689 0.52951 0.97344 0.79301 0.72801 0.00295 0.88815 0.4043 0.91159
+0.18316 0.69408 0.94544 0.08874 0.48031 0.33745 0.93479 0.81257 0.80545 0.86529 0.4808 0.21764 0.96193 0.40859 0.86313 0.21469 0.33256 0.04522 0.45234 0.6901 0.53728 0.51812 0.7802 0.19226 0.90234 0.21586 0.03189 0.18313 0.05152 0.82446 0.26878 0.8155 0.4777 0.47889 0.82157 0.00146 0.68056 0.3059 0.07211 0.73194 0.19901 0.79679 0.01663 0.73428 0.90411 0.34729 0.6537 0.65129 0.07728 0.40406 0.67595 0.6578 0.74213 0.04558 0.79862 0.77252 0.35563 0.6787 0.28301 0.97865 0.28899 0.39305 0.39599 0.48419 0.18919 0.84969 0.09331 0.01161 0.66503 0.51623 0.66065 0.46816 0.97591 0.79782 0.31489 0.99751 0.97429 0.60006 0.59143 0.76896 0.25382 0.81022 0.00543 0.62196 0.9527 0.45582 0.13963 0.29405 0.78931 0.45457 0.93408 0.04372 0.3855 0.49526 0.10377 0.07675 0.57067 0.47364 0.99171 0.2959 0.08689 0.94215 0.75263 0.05502 0.67053 0.23067 0.89321 0.85115 0.77887 0.51362 0.29136 0.14393 0.66012 0.58498 0.35594 0.54501 0.80698 0.92834 0.82343 0.11959 0.99408 0.30955 0.10226 0.08548 0.59661 0.86959 0.46965 0.28966 0.56037 0.79387 0.23941 0.39264 0.18641 0.29384 0.35115 0.22638 0.08421 0.73374 0.77301 0.21823 0.39702 0.37053 0.38779 0.45734 0.60019 0.96656 0.21939 0.73706 0.53695 0.42086 0.74082 0.12966 0.00083 0.68743 0.77507 0.73265 0.54482 0.49188 0.05088 0.3708 0.70335 0.89293 0.32484 0.40965 0.98425 0.12448 0.75667 0.15435 0.56395 0.80298 0.06729 0.93722 0.2724 0.4825 0.77808 0.47067 0.18795 0.03031 0.97869 0.70271 0.33758 0.5014 0.39675 0.5514 0.36294 0.44479 0.89845 0.27822 0.78328 0.3695 0.13797 0.59952 0.34461 0.34993 0.61689 0.67325 0.65232 0.70471 0.63492 0.64807 0.96675 0.81594 0.53362 0.44282 0.67665 0.10732 0.54477 0.80418 0.12752 0.23582 0.46635 0.28221 0.93289 0.77184 0.11105 0.81571 0.63192 0.52966 0.10422 0.43996 0.38213 0.19767 0.06027 0.67572 0.9541 0.21778 0.13901 0.02306 0.36919 0.61319 0.44682 0.03288 0.05284 0.84737 0.65611 0.13021 0.04862 0.03436 0.25358 0.28213 0.98058 0.07797 0.94115 0.10176 0.70045 0.0279 0.74363 0.78099 0.69471 0.77423 0.24863 0.11333 0.20425 0.57323 0.73249 0.57814 0.70126 0.7363 0.65423 0.4413 0.41708 0.85629 0.43291 0.81027 0.88175 0.52066 0.09583 0.04606 0.47377 0.63709 0.30006 0.26314 0.30897 0.74227 0.7156 0.48371 0.15033 0.4711 0.88455 0.70225 0.53896 0.15146 0.0686 0.78999 0.99685 0.94963 0.39895 0.56845 0.22699 0.88345 0.11406 0.10324 0.61911 0.40658 0.9152 0.60386 0.74398 0.76964 0.73809 0.56875 0.18551 0.76223 0.90428 0.47905 0.17515 0.53375 0.75978 0.3436 0.42948 0.38616 0.89513 0.20319 0.68149 0.87182 0.65866 0.55422 0.83599 0.82157 0.58589 0.68208 0.06275 0.85808 0.47273 0.75453 0.00917 0.97379 0.3219 0.39327 0.78293 0.12009 0.56231 0.81388 0.56187 0.32209 0.71957 0.03425 0.205 0.83147 0.54484 0.23049 0.74258 0.5891 0.77141 0.00692 0.92036 0.14151 0.29737 0.1702 0.8638 0.8987 0.6744 0.54639 0.6911 0.91292 0.61828 0.4533 0.68804 0.87286 0.35756 0.57268 0.40945 0.12752 0.45063 0.73429 0.9803 0.71926 0.16043 0.90079 0.82559 0.83915 0.83303 0.17595 0.70717 0.87674 0.77211 0.13001 0.95208 0.40286 0.92667 0.69206 0.3877 0.07698 0.74186 0.3889 0.43683 0.51023 0.10356 0.82629 0.09954 0.98876 0.05403 0.19091 0.64445 0.07095 0.2284 0.903 0.83531 0.09924 0.6712 0.39873 0.01134 0.53119 0.75575 0.02449 0.61432 0.99069 0.87575 0.78216 0.88062 0.65312 0.82453 0.54386 0.32617 0.53834 0.89941 0.4502 0.88803 0.48421 0.63799 0.75442 0.39312 0.687 0.96305 0.18708 0.37572 0.70144 0.57755 0.82655 0.2767 0.06182 0.33614 0.78652 0.00355 0.80731 0.61139 0.55469 0.42991 0.755 0.34882 0.46967 0.8044 0.60024 0.43921 0.88213 0.63202 0.06562 0.0932 0.61703 0.20558 0.75588 0.21305 0.99143 0.50261 0.91233 0.30817 0.49567 0.09202 0.12394 0.2904 0.2768 0.7634 0.47462 0.98009 0.13451 0.73404 0.40494 0.68235 0.48564 0.3268 0.8934 0.10889 0.21512 0.77176 0.58209 0.41908 0.89252 0.79139 0.44209 0.47813 0.96393 0.57054 0.02346 0.5499 0.87997 0.638 0.16032 0.33942 0.86541 0.41658 0.75803 0.72108 0.65744 0.25963 0.09393 0.82809 0.65839 0.13669 0.23904 0.48061 0.24262 0.68828 0.4143 0.46128 0.70179 0.24319 0.02698 0.52883 0.40599 0.37994 0.90228 0.08328 0.40769
+0.44457 0.54171 0.86171 0.71093 0.29892 0.96532 0.94239 0.78089 0.47674 0.05334 0.5979 0.46734 0.30755 0.79083 0.979 0.04871 0.81214 0.12953 0.75184 0.32804 0.54232 0.2621 0.90813 0.27563 0.73997 0.7912 0.31525 0.58514 0.81395 0.58339 0.63678 0.75571 0.82097 0.66265 0.84255 0.46145 0.13415 0.48061 0.39181 0.21616 0.38699 0.22291 0.63248 0.66281 0.71716 0.07972 0.56505 0.84991 0.12594 0.09065 0.9176 0.79857 0.4244 0.70696 0.80107 0.87122 0.37595 0.00776 0.53922 0.67185 0.52395 0.43568 0.98958 0.14997 0.21908 0.45291 0.40164 0.04788 0.62159 0.38541 0.76073 0.78743 0.41075 0.07217 0.24421 0.2029 0.54902 0.04187 0.62463 0.14336 0.99938 0.74228 0.52131 0.56324 0.05643 0.54477 0.31958 0.72929 0.6302 0.54643 0.38346 0.1586 0.81537 0.12754 0.96156 0.39666 0.74702 0.60734 0.94138 0.40673 0.85918 0.49744 0.36442 0.16248 0.07322 0.75557 0.79373 0.81288 0.40886 0.37588 0.25675 0.64913 0.52507 0.77683 0.48848 0.05177 0.78276 0.88735 0.91104 0.92972 0.25738 0.00842 0.05586 0.69633 0.09041 0.27907 0.02866 0.13846 0.06804 0.55348 0.01786 0.94961 0.94157 0.46771 0.92484 0.16215 0.82939 0.91581 0.33106 0.05598 0.74566 0.01009 0.93941 0.23338 0.39979 0.46255 0.44012 0.05342 0.13455 0.31884 0.95331 0.71917 0.38292 0.64826 0.35324 0.91987 0.31587 0.13741 0.36425 0.93344 0.17252 0.75845 0.9987 0.07545 0.93967 0.81997 0.03433 0.43098 0.52012 0.57949 0.71437 0.03902 0.46657 0.78488 0.4592 0.17875 0.53418 0.49438 0.04483 0.49449 0.22146 0.82048 0.34211 0.28588 0.68033 0.88711 0.55298 0.82879 0.06085 0.83436 0.92878 0.16989 0.75595 0.04787 0.49051 0.40642 0.6259 0.21497 0.84186 0.83143 0.79041 0.01016 0.41314 0.27588 0.05246 0.309 0.18234 0.27922 0.74989 0.72802 0.12792 0.12032 0.40213 0.34919 0.18407 0.83511 0.95679 0.87703 0.15008 0.54559 0.19048 0.74501 0.07457 0.50766 0.48636 0.14644 0.49647 0.89464 0.02394 0.03598 0.95403 0.68144 0.52417 0.76093 0.43435 0.56443 0.6489 0.77933 0.2637 0.78903 0.47406 0.84298 0.74956 0.81404 0.69846 0.78539 0.80404 0.33208 0.93303 0.34289 0.83537 0.33028 0.7447 0.44295 0.23803 0.31817 0.68857 0.20642 0.10824 0.197 0.51567 0.29533 0.93237 0.9177 0.44637 0.70518 0.02415 0.50721 0.39403 0.26662 0.16854 0.53222 0.93116 0.85387 0.58184 0.08268 0.20537 0.11933 0.14178 0.42043 0.23504 0.0113 0.59791 0.40982 0.97932 0.34768 0.26656 0.35116 0.46826 0.15836 0.11931 0.41049 0.47906 0.03248 0.2927 0.51169 0.38229 0.64849 0.80745 0.02291 0.72908 0.57347 0.25861 0.53322 0.36843 0.02099 0.53209 0.06372 0.64703 0.86162 0.70031 0.97957 0.73763 0.05997 0.29941 0.76466 0.08281 0.02017 0.34471 0.22997 0.47169 0.13069 0.5361 0.44996 0.54442 0.04309 0.26817 0.96324 0.20711 0.47923 0.95989 0.71439 0.55681 0.65396 0.28662 0.45466 0.72053 0.12092 0.35626 0.43964 0.4924 0.56794 0.96617 0.68971 0.08501 0.35897 0.85682 0.14601 0.2121 0.44118 0.50021 0.03419 0.68071 0.65548 0.91955 0.38901 0.88478 0.3834 0.15178 0.15169 0.35761 0.82723 0.57703 0.01327 0.03749 0.62688 0.55952 0.37552 0.89903 0.4465 0.6464 0.01181 0.16399 0.36918 0.89771 0.89374 0.32354 0.16054 0.1403 0.31298 0.82973 0.01985 0.88597 0.92797 0.46659 0.51852 0.37083 0.3528 0.35653 0.56742 0.32436 0.15307 0.94658 0.0125 0.02756 0.83667 0.02493 0.73453 0.70658 0.39949 0.66015 0.03035 0.30733 0.3281 0.24685 0.50084 0.82831 0.98603 0.47986 0.95817 0.08716 0.25403 0.11345 0.99674 0.33672 0.27967 0.56722 0.62973 0.10201 0.17203 0.32477 0.7068 0.77214 0.05645 0.82924 0.27042 0.27191 0.4282 0.45694 0.90989 0.80675 0.03117 0.85937 0.81466 0.01269 0.3379 0.31917 0.41519 0.11207 0.90741 0.11009 0.04719 0.00637 0.58998 0.45322 0.28818 0.23162 0.69568 0.45629 0.77177 0.66106 0.46445 0.64401 0.03401 0.36989 0.6898 0.42403 0.40423 0.06923 0.6952 0.09533 0.29268 0.26457 0.23238 0.5195 0.12999 0.34357 0.17195 0.63501 0.41993 0.90761 0.03073 0.35289 0.39687 0.10158 0.68369 0.58444 0.4769 0.88323 0.07567 0.42604 0.7467 0.72154 0.55968 0.90052 0.75358 0.21083 0.72659 0.76344 0.47066 0.96682 0.02223 0.92762 0.95542 0.32493 0.08175 0.71257 0.52227 0.16585 0.25957 0.88908 0.56825 0.69088 0.51475 0.55861 0.00124 0.2347 0.7635 0.36327 0.48389 0.81857 0.73561
+0.73145 0.34225 0.63517 0.69774 0.17224 0.51275 0.86616 0.99741 0.23061 0.85749 0.96529 0.17692 0.82589 0.57209 0.25121 0.38012 0.58382 0.7279 0.30915 0.00421 0.03169 0.97086 0.54469 0.82351 0.74866 0.75459 0.64298 0.66204 0.79373 0.09065 0.78806 0.15645 0.58507 0.72994 0.3228 0.6311 0.73256 0.28846 0.48522 0.17219 0.59683 0.4063 0.96264 0.20309 0.52623 0.9753 0.7164 0.91843 0.83226 0.47238 0.54513 0.85574 0.50423 0.23581 0.56778 0.5179 0.79003 0.5603 0.43426 0.94116 0.71537 0.33485 0.59887 0.03016 0.20956 0.40218 0.65662 0.61139 0.17293 0.68704 0.85142 0.44299 0.27494 0.37511 0.12291 0.85311 0.95158 0.3037 0.61449 0.18582 0.15795 0.83214 0.91467 0.70932 0.3818 0.95159 0.36465 0.93419 0.64597 0.00311 0.87272 0.60117 0.55562 0.19836 0.88546 0.87727 0.3975 0.19177 0.16968 0.36278 0.51928 0.40248 0.62224 0.9912 0.04766 0.74197 0.93674 0.44247 0.99457 0.7196 0.30257 0.18987 0.70194 0.2047 0.10226 0.42224 0.76991 0.55215 0.11439 0.8886 0.71283 0.0119 0.61992 0.72592 0.07484 0.70816 0.63186 0.7524 0.23431 0.01785 0.10656 0.72725 0.93673 0.28246 0.74172 0.03859 0.90733 0.35005 0.86207 0.29047 0.69225 0.52657 0.80029 0.74326 0.06803 0.4826 0.05555 0.16806 0.04601 0.12438 0.47484 0.87808 0.27454 0.55492 0.40395 0.3287 0.15094 0.66389 0.54726 0.84314 0.34487 0.00406 0.84356 0.30677 0.81565 0.93162 0.28796 0.62613 0.80028 0.29588 0.26629 0.36301 0.17612 0.73225 0.43809 0.50459 0.83458 0.84466 0.17273 0.17208 0.2496 0.11043 0.50865 0.61594 0.87876 0.1289 0.16244 0.67115 0.71363 0.46073 0.91834 0.96454 0.08736 0.48849 0.95539 0.54424 0.60716 0.5285 0.26955 0.04266 0.45808 0.85145 0.15395 0.13615 0.16955 0.76794 0.57618 0.55778 0.02675 0.3152 0.27725 0.22932 0.99352 0.65709 0.51766 0.98831 0.15326 0.94868 0.12563 0.09504 0.35045 0.41207 0.48915 0.47501 0.40568 0.9078 0.93147 0.03331 0.07788 0.60478 0.24997 0.44488 0.505 0.68437 0.88408 0.3821 0.97472 0.72483 0.45027 0.08806 0.86925 0.65845 0.88274 0.22699 0.56874 0.93687 0.1585 0.45765 0.88008 0.68736 0.99822 0.07914 0.12102 0.20724 0.01783 0.53868 0.37603 0.38166 0.58389 0.50375 0.3169 0.93613 0.71372 0.72949 0.79461 0.87669 0.87313 0.94903 0.4129 0.3824 0.32962 0.81842 0.99187 0.36107 0.93641 0.18379 0.41072 0.17049 0.56668 0.02143 0.74646 0.27747 0.01348 0.15979 0.55383 0.96647 0.28929 0.52116 0.81366 0.28864 0.03906 0.91907 0.52766 0.05849 0.30576 0.05887 0.44101 0.00154 0.02512 0.63546 0.67178 0.7787 0.8095 0.28429 0.7236 0.60541 0.42733 0.27786 0.13119 0.16167 0.44817 0.44762 0.61786 0.99035 0.87927 0.73247 0.68103 0.20565 0.05003 0.83925 0.05328 0.8797 0.59887 0.37083 0.51171 0.76071 0.47112 0.80569 0.26597 0.63253 0.44114 0.52773 0.27429 0.67833 0.97704 0.47715 0.11915 0.71513 0.94782 0.89302 0.30596 0.11364 0.8318 0.67585 0.10098 0.78759 0.54933 0.9808 0.60625 0.61851 0.36901 0.13617 0.78403 0.61338 0.43944 0.63182 0.11643 0.55722 0.97323 0.99301 0.94611 0.65227 0.86381 0.45236 0.5644 0.98601 0.89564 0.59243 0.9632 0.40901 0.27997 0.05106 0.04746 0.08884 0.49312 0.58563 0.49047 0.64687 0.50686 0.82304 0.33785 0.74415 0.45915 0.42015 0.68849 0.19298 0.57363 0.85296 0.87568 0.13153 0.42367 0.72479 0.57731 0.54389 0.99856 0.57516 0.29036 0.63303 0.11532 0.8362 0.68883 0.79931 0.18382 0.24389 0.88874 0.92184 0.0742 0.215 0.27263 0.43528 0.63126 0.1558 0.15077 0.54422 0.25706 0.5076 0.85029 0.10876 0.05614 0.79913 0.06582 0.37914 0.29932 0.87288 0.28806 0.65012 0.80227 0.25395 0.00899 0.78455 0.79274 0.85101 0.1451 0.59238 0.45719 0.21522 0.70487 0.92697 0.63909 0.18263 0.15939 0.36529 0.24511 0.8364 0.51196 0.52997 0.83624 0.30335 0.34341 0.56847 0.3387 0.04441 0.34721 0.52676 0.21489 0.09757 0.40258 0.43965 0.6464 0.75186 0.17882 0.79318 0.06884 0.43107 0.36802 0.34639 0.01835 0.84191 0.65264 0.03854 0.18363 0.0825 0.81985 0.23188 0.59282 0.12503 0.61693 0.01845 0.58425 0.2491 0.81827 0.55605 0.60261 0.04856 0.98646 0.05419 0.73923 0.40907 0.68441 0.56985 0.11426 0.71478 0.16787 0.91306 0.06706 0.63844 0.32875 0.15 0.56082 0.2985 0.3373 0.28301 0.56612 0.63581 0.34012 0.7621 0.3949 0.75149 0.34021 0.26127 0.52265 0.31196
+0.94552 0.34111 0.89572 0.26904 0.46888 0.85093 0.98473 0.15803 0.56666 0.93475 0.50999 0.7002 0.73069 0.51091 0.14812 0.55023 0.19781 0.50738 0.58956 0.86163 0.34378 0.16265 0.63484 0.36007 0.84121 0.0857 0.50688 0.81551 0.93684 0.84633 0.35269 0.19973 0.60828 0.61484 0.66946 0.37323 0.07445 0.07944 0.03698 0.94173 0.55379 0.35982 0.42403 0.46357 0.98181 0.29404 0.5561 0.01044 0.97086 0.60801 0.69895 0.76664 0.67636 0.49782 0.93012 0.15162 0.51398 0.53724 0.38206 0.10783 0.38678 0.01247 0.23261 0.23523 0.71234 0.47681 0.08564 0.14387 0.55704 0.17074 0.1562 0.47713 0.96552 0.82939 0.4575 0.86966 0.89183 0.5909 0.63388 0.76957 0.65815 0.73199 0.9989 0.36696 0.57183 0.95679 0.78523 0.64055 0.15159 0.81165 0.62141 0.98233 0.17457 0.88826 0.37721 0.92918 0.99971 0.97035 0.27914 0.8789 0.37571 0.09651 0.54292 0.47311 0.82032 0.7186 0.42923 0.13438 0.91371 0.55473 0.03262 0.45348 0.77653 0.41976 0.06851 0.34136 0.19484 0.45442 0.33166 0.14452 0.36707 0.96588 0.69662 0.48965 0.58198 0.56342 0.42628 0.83483 0.93521 0.44349 0.09064 0.84723 0.91129 0.89995 0.83604 0.04731 0.69453 0.00799 0.56021 0.91686 0.23907 0.8566 0.53238 0.98479 0.5557 0.63379 0.16017 0.02667 0.00251 0.59869 0.27461 0.46435 0.96964 0.58552 0.79668 0.46314 0.26029 0.14141 0.41059 0.20277 0.12922 0.83619 0.37064 0.58998 0.3329 0.75817 0.08613 0.95728 0.71612 0.0489 0.27178 0.10754 0.41532 0.18228 0.62171 0.79721 0.61456 0.43055 0.24358 0.8595 0.12248 0.04168 0.47709 0.70543 0.75925 0.53625 0.09123 0.29269 0.80301 0.24983 0.26703 0.70272 0.01981 0.48956 0.71064 0.61658 0.07702 0.54223 0.58416 0.24653 0.47053 0.40865 0.19403 0.61279 0.89248 0.99916 0.57579 0.23493 0.07515 0.50716 0.56832 0.80795 0.41863 0.24991 0.15401 0.98392 0.4676 0.38465 0.69461 0.77705 0.09709 0.0247 0.76894 0.54127 0.85607 0.14268 0.80183 0.90447 0.00614 0.03252 0.33417 0.95861 0.85339 0.58366 0.14788 0.37421 0.03557 0.25729 0.98974 0.00246 0.88637 0.19262 0.04447 0.65234 0.15053 0.76889 0.08058 0.50885 0.30878 0.5729 0.01407 0.82815 0.79453 0.00021 0.54109 0.75442 0.34234 0.10549 0.64771 0.522 0.86881 0.0618 0.30907 0.62346 0.10365 0.25467 0.8196 0.57441 0.72035 0.14096 0.96388 0.29475 0.12526 0.23464 0.35972 0.94319 0.38724 0.84085 0.87082 0.02433 0.84841 0.84663 0.87163 0.68735 0.03845 0.96373 0.77786 0.01762 0.93846 0.61855 0.1278 0.25403 0.14213 0.90012 0.75378 0.45197 0.06569 0.69552 0.21153 0.80392 0.43864 0.03167 0.66677 0.40091 0.17982 0.65455 0.0738 0.11175 0.04841 0.72554 0.44591 0.49823 0.08968 0.55934 0.53031 0.42874 0.90016 0.37388 0.26132 0.18587 0.40453 0.29205 0.03872 0.27465 0.47734 0.32118 0.10928 0.62821 0.45504 0.50913 0.00745 0.77853 0.85189 0.51613 0.74807 0.57677 0.85719 0.70002 0.53111 0.37099 0.63241 0.85415 0.45048 0.40949 0.02646 0.38916 0.15061 0.48294 0.04458 0.30946 0.45219 0.29593 0.95369 0.26711 0.65551 0.60992 0.62274 0.85834 0.66157 0.72607 0.3073 0.70892 0.56903 0.74603 0.79446 0.22759 0.10819 0.57796 0.57233 0.82214 0.22745 0.17894 0.45846 0.49362 0.2441 0.64081 0.71063 0.63887 0.85889 0.83872 0.20635 0.19198 0.24622 0.44771 0.81177 0.74517 0.74418 0.11792 0.67515 0.36684 0.99394 0.62141 0.24471 0.76477 0.12518 0.41466 0.46347 0.27878 0.20599 0.34563 0.46724 0.37933 0.56923 0.1555 0.86991 0.38978 0.69904 0.18941 0.10956 0.07411 0.64361 0.084 0.7107 0.8013 0.83582 0.76901 0.16984 0.81463 0.0434 0.69742 0.54407 0.44564 0.35939 0.85509 0.1058 0.69558 0.81623 0.21927 0.22568 0.53205 0.07729 0.26736 0.1165 0.68206 0.34532 0.87426 0.66457 0.59515 0.90712 0.02714 0.50129 0.37272 0.46338 0.89633 0.21207 0.39373 0.17064 0.65801 0.45804 0.64762 0.83789 0.80034 0.10927 0.49126 0.65072 0.44129 0.68448 0.45168 0.24046 0.48092 0.43152 0.14919 0.86083 0.81134 0.97519 0.04217 0.18018 0.67461 0.5793 0.06945 0.47548 0.94715 0.02006 0.80262 0.29446 0.44023 0.29992 0.18748 0.6142 0.39321 0.16945 0.17791 0.52449 0.82785 0.41948 0.17769 0.43772 0.94929 0.14092 0.91298 0.08892 0.14047 0.0579 0.68156 0.80518 0.01189 0.93823 0.27353 0.58079 0.31179 0.03237 0.23688 0.02002 0.3445 0.97646 0.87343 0.88563 0.70334 0.14971 0.44718 0.87438 0.35552
+0.90639 0.64936 0.97615 0.91839 0.22222 0.31617 0.67288 0.45119 0.63313 0.08122 0.86799 0.07932 0.02299 0.57973 0.81619 0.96738 0.87958 0.30599 0.88341 0.05715 0.96296 0.07007 0.84909 0.08489 0.84443 0.7072 0.16028 0.2601 0.5783 0.96586 0.83482 0.87202 0.6251 0.78337 0.18129 0.28969 0.52596 0.91486 0.0307 0.36185 0.93124 0.5716 0.02384 0.57849 0.35748 0.50403 0.66598 0.71499 0.83253 0.3323 0.05262 0.34457 0.87629 0.51586 0.80557 0.83981 0.48914 0.55706 0.80699 0.03371 0.99136 0.71949 0.2595 0.10366 0.9979 0.83407 0.45354 0.07642 0.57385 0.41375 0.54884 0.50514 0.00723 0.07586 0.62409 0.71925 0.21414 0.73043 0.66123 0.18891 0.62731 0.06839 0.47375 0.68784 0.87307 0.47366 0.03413 0.99346 0.51238 0.82771 0.79942 0.42784 0.44233 0.36172 0.21146 0.29022 0.74859 0.03375 0.1362 0.31913 0.66807 0.9273 0.00479 0.01665 0.95297 0.25425 0.9774 0.12464 0.29866 0.46799 0.76456 0.46239 0.57316 0.57138 0.09761 0.52407 0.49076 0.38005 0.59071 0.60389 0.38948 0.49577 0.14719 0.09556 0.51891 0.95206 0.91254 0.05466 0.1313 0.00337 0.16765 0.98478 0.80537 0.04059 0.30608 0.90791 0.50807 0.32858 0.00235 0.58088 0.9693 0.03674 0.71114 0.42194 0.0094 0.74432 0.82411 0.49118 0.45629 0.79067 0.12621 0.40019 0.55947 0.00176 0.25171 0.23376 0.43521 0.48688 0.80274 0.66905 0.01923 0.258 0.2046 0.01009 0.59113 0.23515 0.93017 0.4479 0.71996 0.83649 0.09432 0.42241 0.73615 0.70914 0.31817 0.16226 0.09613 0.38888 0.27341 0.49717 0.02172 0.26633 0.69283 0.0596 0.65577 0.95148 0.83867 0.85401 0.29526 0.8814 0.42161 0.63234 0.12881 0.8221 0.23222 0.00807 0.56082 0.06257 0.0833 0.98574 0.70818 0.34519 0.57896 0.51576 0.73445 0.77635 0.12055 0.4622 0.21474 0.93621 0.97088 0.87215 0.11648 0.6801 0.41172 0.71985 0.32679 0.26492 0.91283 0.34374 0.52317 0.98548 0.30422 0.85665 0.84182 0.16584 0.46023 0.22946 0.1413 0.29943 0.59018 0.14382 0.61177 0.97252 0.09485 0.05187 0.56255 0.24275 0.81838 0.93669 0.32464 0.91372 0.98681 0.36283 0.34324 0.39322 0.79996 0.73848 0.98322 0.30548 0.65248 0.16728 0.52704 0.73157 0.41435 0.38926 0.04838 0.73681 0.44155 0.42407 0.31959 0.04844 0.26669 0.96177 0.94208 0.9312 0.7333 0.86628 0.95609 0.09038 0.26096 0.51682 0.64614 0.19923 0.3627 0.54275 0.13322 0.7493 0.85016 0.8776 0.65493 0.41005 0.35059 0.24528 0.9112 0.67229 0.5834 0.71925 0.39452 0.03926 0.28719 0.70134 0.89456 0.54828 0.39214 0.65762 0.61771 0.69021 0.40636 0.12982 0.59922 0.34628 0.19798 0.1656 0.87792 0.31561 0.25026 0.33146 0.87806 0.05721 0.99786 0.76326 0.41793 0.48497 0.10542 0.38214 0.87728 0.59366 0.97651 0.01891 0.60289 0.07863 0.12129 0.36263 0.28306 0.73925 0.34291 0.62152 0.24349 0.26124 0.04149 0.85076 0.87312 0.90845 0.91072 0.22007 0.41115 0.731 0.76674 0.24874 0.95462 0.37394 0.67188 0.13657 0.97829 0.11277 0.97446 0.76587 0.98785 0.35352 0.14572 0.75107 0.71156 0.18585 0.80295 0.04098 0.45692 0.44605 0.96409 0.31714 0.5052 0.64615 0.21814 0.54853 0.40462 0.6149 0.45442 0.64344 0.60717 0.74763 0.11047 0.35834 0.31911 0.60659 0.38883 0.5245 0.6148 0.82536 0.70241 0.33492 0.07721 0.07369 0.73965 0.53749 0.51229 0.91618 0.42268 0.93841 0.65296 0.05742 0.14243 0.26688 0.01909 0.83497 0.16603 0.53778 0.36727 0.28867 0.97275 0.71895 0.55892 0.44297 0.20848 0.62918 0.77489 0.65575 0.11411 0.16693 0.24234 0.366 0.24084 0.80424 0.03132 0.118 0.96586 0.90516 0.49241 0.2156 0.00208 0.74822 0.07198 0.83287 0.95819 0.928 0.18734 0.5083 0.03139 0.65163 0.78001 0.58292 0.84789 0.19983 0.40837 0.57324 0.74917 0.22784 0.85766 0.29837 0.4629 0.45647 0.97407 0.91809 0.2872 0.47599 0.51297 0.99499 0.2705 0.53403 0.4134 0.08624 0.22086 0.29357 0.97203 0.5359 0.68117 0.47751 0.61996 0.97495 0.09756 0.05787 0.15502 0.66777 0.08104 0.3565 0.87938 0.30093 0.28144 0.34584 0.03383 0.41131 0.34093 0.64249 0.51736 0.54076 0.82478 0.24888 0.05824 0.06887 0.31754 0.4778 0.33087 0.56218 0.46129 0.11035 0.86139 0.14194 0.581 0.96049 0.30165 0.48968 0.75971 0.80765 0.02783 0.25428 0.52219 0.31554 0.49331 0.26899 0.20802 0.11782 0.39466 0.88469 0.42079 0.23366 0.06938 0.35251 0.24628 0.23013 0.70377 0.28412 0.47658 0.00355
+0.84683 0.64879 0.84139 0.39985 0.9364 0.77687 0.89299 0.14811 0.02268 0.10756 0.52102 0.25686 0.79562 0.53875 0.00778 0.18158 0.48199 0.61457 0.8686 0.91956 0.96177 0.17495 0.85258 0.47447 0.8179 0.53251 0.04495 0.87929 0.21412 0.2798 0.05324 0.7158 0.62715 0.36892 0.6184 0.33572 0.85884 0.37705 0.33759 0.81843 0.6255 0.35652 0.26979 0.88422 0.43658 0.87885 0.30259 0.39263 0.39878 0.62426 0.04811 0.71037 0.68812 0.58389 0.54079 0.79981 0.29746 0.53702 0.43534 0.47706 0.43988 0.41631 0.54223 0.35526 0.6259 0.54998 0.85704 0.96493 0.82669 0.84948 0.05376 0.91896 0.28426 0.93213 0.49696 0.80912 0.81763 0.87879 0.54733 0.12523 0.73175 0.7801 0.7806 0.14697 0.33713 0.08025 0.21612 0.70473 0.56091 0.89706 0.00563 0.48644 0.26109 0.07318 0.65838 0.52878 0.72618 0.04975 0.08213 0.75294 0.62654 0.31652 0.4686 0.92729 0.2206 0.61854 0.30059 0.41166 0.16223 0.95252 0.30001 0.70335 0.12093 0.73622 0.90949 0.77088 0.30115 0.15091 0.79626 0.35097 0.37368 0.08956 0.98869 0.53296 0.30168 0.66667 0.95922 0.20823 0.89952 0.46764 0.28571 0.06741 0.15647 0.16453 0.50182 0.51372 0.66014 0.21515 0.90596 0.39805 0.47099 0.01107 0.36624 0.86383 0.06631 0.91877 0.51174 0.00488 0.53138 0.1178 0.67804 0.94685 0.18839 0.48133 0.01593 0.70808 0.29996 0.33801 0.8998 0.51706 0.80854 0.39054 0.31363 0.78634 0.4428 0.9782 0.45063 0.73491 0.59759 0.49967 0.86846 0.55717 0.58144 0.01968 0.71211 0.1076 0.85282 0.54617 0.45779 0.89401 0.31031 0.81861 0.60508 0.63424 0.74382 0.03605 0.06558 0.40592 0.70519 0.07029 0.29157 0.44158 0.91357 0.27716 0.87277 0.5237 0.83855 0.63259 0.00286 0.81631 0.14688 0.95894 0.13715 0.75033 0.46782 0.10979 0.20542 0.26889 0.20388 0.40643 0.32718 0.98185 0.96102 0.5458 0.02522 0.81825 0.3003 0.9733 0.03042 0.64368 0.10502 0.24382 0.45229 0.49733 0.3331 0.81723 0.24604 0.0738 0.28042 0.62895 0.30522 0.40034 0.65316 0.02952 0.70724 0.26574 0.24947 0.76362 0.91335 0.53691 0.17651 0.99065 0.3784 0.38758 0.51181 0.13057 0.20958 0.77663 0.65886 0.1479 0.93851 0.55538 0.86414 0.40297 0.15913 0.88655 0.66849 0.29111 0.47009 0.4022 0.75365 0.10778 0.7056 0.69746 0.27835 0.69649 0.7776 0.75224 0.11561 0.73934 0.8535 0.39302 0.59018 0.4704 0.90236 0.28586 0.16643 0.28174 0.06739 0.68071 0.81202 0.406 0.61411 0.22653 0.61235 0.48562 0.25262 0.42003 0.47376 0.69703 0.1336 0.41234 0.91017 0.61698 0.18008 0.68619 0.49727 0.79007 0.27178 0.42936 0.61681 0.91231 0.40803 0.10334 0.31636 0.60412 0.67724 0.65865 0.15789 0.78574 0.19285 0.2767 0.97486 0.06586 0.28836 0.47033 0.00407 0.9083 0.15959 0.8613 0.07202 0.80401 0.22413 0.09819 0.22668 0.77288 0.4883 0.03941 0.34246 0.65535 0.17594 0.48762 0.96866 0.94745 0.5664 0.94129 0.27008 0.33257 0.7133 0.92774 0.28802 0.08457 0.25833 0.36906 0.5027 0.99067 0.73428 0.20493 0.44859 0.69298 0.10205 0.64913 0.17671 0.70892 0.90754 0.74492 0.95265 0.88366 0.79807 0.10387 0.49396 0.77591 0.9036 0.82048 0.60004 0.77615 0.82806 0.68301 0.55649 0.3667 0.50403 0.97177 0.5031 0.4325 0.85923 0.99847 0.32522 0.26114 0.49783 0.54638 0.59102 0.21994 0.728 0.50788 0.72532 0.90233 0.2242 0.72331 0.43492 0.0491 0.07522 0.03888 0.19786 0.86882 0.67507 0.40429 0.32477 0.88296 0.89815 0.0772 0.92066 0.63237 0.44679 0.23884 0.71014 0.9044 0.79079 0.19244 0.36216 0.38821 0.41433 0.98246 0.19844 0.69078 0.79212 0.5387 0.21271 0.34682 0.83808 0.71031 0.50757 0.17212 0.48693 0.68517 0.39503 0.94722 0.84992 0.23173 0.48053 0.92479 0.52977 0.96106 0.24347 0.87679 0.15603 0.58821 0.39322 0.56255 0.58761 0.95115 0.47495 0.98506 0.21946 0.1258 0.64995 0.17248 0.55384 0.04334 0.95801 0.83548 0.89926 0.07698 0.62937 0.36836 0.67636 0.32547 0.12951 0.76824 0.36103 0.53937 0.49401 0.75236 0.36951 0.02476 0.45951 0.57862 0.73778 0.04437 0.66263 0.17318 0.7388 0.89024 0.87878 0.7219 0.78714 0.29033 0.7818 0.61427 0.45284 0.20422 0.62833 0.55106 0.75135 0.81219 0.39299 0.35764 0.21279 0.47441 0.98567 0.49915 0.38626 0.51272 0.22256 0.31363 0.47371 0.33454 0.41793 0.51208 0.39899 0.46159 0.1997 0.87545 0.38031 0.7639 0.69774 0.71771 0.02417 0.40422 0.2826 0.96765 0.44171 0.33818
+0.62262 0.56872 0.9009 0.69167 0.10194 0.34224 0.72252 0.39661 0.90534 0.98687 0.73293 0.73975 0.11383 0.87497 0.3815 0.75787 0.52705 0.65583 0.32561 0.86431 0.05053 0.62364 0.69131 0.72784 0.23947 0.52049 0.18488 0.93342 0.91814 0.56144 0.14709 0.9689 0.58526 0.19286 0.90793 0.28155 0.367 0.3007 0.73525 0.42282 0.76674 0.24094 0.4549 0.07737 0.38655 0.27762 0.66344 0.94257 0.18537 0.22397 0.22923 0.03005 0.56794 0.30613 0.15498 0.03095 0.9883 0.15999 0.25152 0.68679 0.74805 0.17224 0.23891 0.83664 0.94945 0.47752 0.6392 0.55117 0.41872 0.08302 0.35755 0.04294 0.09116 0.16086 0.27144 0.85144 0.26341 0.6193 0.62548 0.26728 0.90743 0.64719 0.09247 0.61799 0.9078 0.10301 0.17522 0.56411 0.54453 0.15045 0.52118 0.32101 0.76013 0.44593 0.14898 0.35601 0.13864 0.16221 0.53808 0.00111 0.27246 0.69051 0.66888 0.28981 0.78653 0.8382 0.54456 0.78672 0.67252 0.0809 0.38403 0.0497 0.98296 0.15715 0.52 0.94374 0.45612 0.6755 0.51681 0.51776 0.22407 0.28954 0.90479 0.68801 0.44699 0.04184 0.24839 0.64677 0.66374 0.83244 0.47779 0.62854 0.75216 0.92479 0.85437 0.57613 0.3921 0.17161 0.03345 0.7548 0.09225 0.65444 0.43077 0.04825 0.93298 0.10513 0.30315 0.23757 0.35772 0.00318 0.48104 0.68332 0.93961 0.27209 0.26574 0.81323 0.54226 0.45251 0.50168 0.18923 0.79017 0.8982 0.10699 0.27472 0.98631 0.68222 0.85904 0.72963 0.65527 0.1363 0.05497 0.61043 0.68272 0.71863 0.22262 0.17395 0.07306 0.33417 0.98287 0.03564 0.99493 0.36748 0.41705 0.72663 0.97623 0.32827 0.22744 0.13516 0.7672 0.25419 0.4565 0.55515 0.87792 0.91825 0.72228 0.47713 0.36991 0.92915 0.94788 0.4835 0.4277 0.9205 0.15266 0.82629 0.81769 0.58229 0.773 0.2527 0.96007 0.61886 0.73958 0.56108 0.44123 0.52958 0.50027 0.10631 0.70499 0.8294 0.41038 0.38292 0.48233 0.31685 0.13005 0.9242 0.00545 0.33124 0.9492 0.18924 0.30987 0.3652 0.28128 0.98289 0.01219 0.61255 0.83216 0.04725 0.30513 0.12806 0.27221 0.25988 0.2163 0.57735 0.26236 0.91358 0.6986 0.07353 0.51998 0.88055 0.15048 0.39168 0.19857 0.66349 0.12778 0.37338 0.56183 0.72367 0.98098 0.87047 0.84575 0.66756 0.49386 0.38682 0.80781 0.00612 0.37971 0.58944 0.93118 0.28642 0.50926 0.58022 0.9912 0.41519 0.80159 0.66061 0.20665 0.28663 0.5435 0.30739 0.07386 0.2101 0.81016 0.18752 0.79541 0.42678 0.02944 0.45403 0.95091 0.15643 0.35822 0.96972 0.81025 0.86549 0.08463 0.90444 0.23946 0.48097 0.12145 0.64348 0.59392 0.07136 0.51596 0.70151 0.16949 0.08103 0.39875 0.65633 0.86171 0.33331 0.77674 0.19389 0.11453 0.13939 0.92839 0.64288 0.63185 0.20856 0.94793 0.46337 0.84103 0.32286 0.57268 0.04394 0.41049 0.82137 0.32454 0.07432 0.97411 0.93393 0.42109 0.15801 0.262 0.22987 0.90401 0.21444 0.95132 0.44033 0.77636 0.74696 0.89606 0.25081 0.67144 0.86388 0.34499 0.73541 0.68555 0.68557 0.88693 0.857 0.78558 0.59827 0.9838 0.64385 0.71089 0.89632 0.12853 0.08979 0.63745 0.93834 0.37481 0.87073 0.2339 0.99822 0.26013 0.78837 0.27207 0.30734 0.22454 0.73121 0.7662 0.95364 0.48987 0.45123 0.25974 0.86143 0.93775 0.07541 0.64331 0.32559 0.84326 0.69777 0.81912 0.28609 0.73974 0.37713 0.10981 0.10472 0.32301 0.74592 0.21383 0.64828 0.76526 0.18143 0.7859 0.57319 0.48906 0.13815 0.28278 0.11845 0.60346 0.75979 0.68482 0.0459 0.76957 0.59035 0.47644 0.66855 0.0247 0.97281 0.28205 0.30814 0.8961 0.31175 0.23061 0.67592 0.42781 0.75986 0.10515 0.30169 0.38263 0.45332 0.9285 0.75889 0.54543 0.07993 0.31741 0.65768 0.01975 0.24785 0.21291 0.81179 0.70141 0.94221 0.90474 0.2641 0.30101 0.94362 0.68417 0.0558 0.52136 0.81569 0.08453 0.02453 0.99029 0.77267 0.33111 0.26891 0.1119 0.59138 0.7612 0.69921 0.47091 0.04517 0.07737 0.40987 0.23489 0.82933 0.8935 0.63106 0.92991 0.8225 0.31002 0.64618 0.4583 0.15567 0.18922 0.7532 0.12539 0.8405 0.99075 0.89606 0.00028 0.3597 0.1597 0.06553 0.90343 0.91103 0.92019 0.19381 0.84784 0.17485 0.84997 0.25552 0.74653 0.93526 0.01104 0.17346 0.4563 0.10549 0.5148 0.91548 0.46269 0.29494 0.23249 0.04859 0.82428 0.58858 0.63016 0.01404 0.0589 0.38613 0.943 0.84418 0.67442 0.19194 0.06997 0.30813 0.63946 0.41902 0.65279 0.20633 0.86059 0.9191
+0.66285 0.65838 0.64994 0.98345 0.17286 0.06689 0.31347 0.91258 0.02371 0.30362 0.90672 0.05913 0.31599 0.37545 0.56323 0.6873 0.7089 0.9491 0.26928 0.20835 0.19499 0.57267 0.91779 0.87451 0.53288 0.61609 0.1842 0.73469 0.86081 0.26321 0.88461 0.43225 0.54481 0.81971 0.60824 0.00462 0.0631 0.14953 0.63758 0.36207 0.86381 0.31981 0.02143 0.69493 0.99756 0.39544 0.94541 0.66854 0.83157 0.33831 0.41757 0.11308 0.26039 0.9806 0.16718 0.7987 0.84257 0.62898 0.33768 0.77171 0.00338 0.07964 0.2513 0.23988 0.41849 0.12926 0.1153 0.24364 0.84468 0.89742 0.61499 0.45986 0.1397 0.86217 0.64534 0.14257 0.36056 0.8457 0.61876 0.06971 0.97413 0.17236 0.47731 0.99045 0.41971 0.49751 0.41319 0.74268 0.31234 0.26421 0.01271 0.07154 0.14335 0.79931 0.13478 0.93962 0.20819 0.86687 0.30688 0.50523 0.20216 0.58401 0.25845 0.38744 0.40481 0.38729 0.15639 0.61705 0.82186 0.94417 0.28274 0.40795 0.84502 0.71269 0.7021 0.22492 0.95496 0.17386 0.37875 0.83288 0.28267 0.77885 0.21536 0.32737 0.68673 0.07154 0.04807 0.17728 0.55853 0.71979 0.54871 0.7508 0.65242 0.85233 0.53575 0.84627 0.8199 0.53547 0.56095 0.47767 0.72151 0.97722 0.45299 0.5183 0.47469 0.96565 0.04108 0.80001 0.13122 0.36952 0.37561 0.3808 0.81083 0.89268 0.21022 0.12891 0.43348 0.10588 0.26013 0.20787 0.16439 0.58017 0.07425 0.54592 0.88163 0.34938 0.29723 0.19605 0.85189 0.24421 0.86393 0.32788 0.18334 0.00939 0.66838 0.99145 0.53335 0.48678 0.12369 0.99021 0.67043 0.98441 0.76532 0.70939 0.06819 0.78056 0.66942 0.65075 0.97056 0.53683 0.79476 0.23705 0.57227 0.98401 0.18125 0.29688 0.53942 0.60645 0.33765 0.41946 0.2895 0.14801 0.17306 0.97049 0.1254 0.68404 0.04651 0.66089 0.98197 0.97555 0.48805 0.47665 0.65544 0.97382 0.64306 0.1394 0.12845 0.19318 0.2928 0.23498 0.79055 0.77397 0.67833 0.55365 0.57637 0.6096 0.32584 0.0974 0.89914 0.31798 0.9219 0.79732 0.94324 0.57486 0.12166 0.58564 0.24302 0.46334 0.72163 0.58291 0.01833 0.05297 0.69953 0.42681 0.52549 0.57768 0.47823 0.39251 0.19154 0.70665 0.49588 0.49856 0.22658 0.89135 0.18678 0.88374 0.43868 0.62536 0.92605 0.16402 0.77616 0.27127 0.70604 0.44031 0.8952 0.12062 0.88499 0.90128 0.44199 0.31205 0.31674 0.91916 0.65591 0.68106 0.24027 0.18716 0.02218 0.28779 0.54118 0.64096 0.4311 0.83919 0.82824 0.20282 0.15619 0.86697 0.82405 0.23066 0.05753 0.43949 0.34384 0.10884 0.3201 0.37612 0.54854 0.96766 0.42103 0.91714 0.55258 0.52111 0.18743 0.97145 0.96076 0.14124 0.82362 0.22152 0.25072 0.96381 0.56017 0.45584 0.51476 0.05185 0.74531 0.95085 0.75162 0.32329 0.38641 0.91109 0.79303 0.09609 0.23424 0.94466 0.64556 0.59379 0.81153 0.65087 0.36936 0.87934 0.45424 0.81867 0.84382 0.63804 0.40662 0.20948 0.55145 0.27991 0.21714 0.98809 0.52794 0.38344 0.20051 0.62358 0.70874 0.0047 0.0717 0.90162 0.52134 0.16384 0.40131 0.74642 0.15581 0.21342 0.58864 0.48012 0.36027 0.59962 0.14532 0.19149 0.51775 0.94572 0.3727 0.8428 0.6624 0.36837 0.01094 0.50109 0.85297 0.56967 0.06618 0.49585 0.02001 0.28204 0.93398 0.89873 0.3449 0.39504 0.0192 0.59817 0.3157 0.04044 0.78902 0.43055 0.35837 0.76088 0.96881 0.86208 0.77091 0.14369 0.54522 0.49495 0.98824 0.52627 0.20098 0.63827 0.96501 0.20915 0.86814 0.3262 0.90323 0.139 0.62227 0.63291 0.18824 0.96137 0.0402 0.18533 0.35205 0.1018 0.94394 0.5074 0.14055 0.20976 0.11609 0.31683 0.19997 0.08978 0.10186 0.86357 0.02534 0.24461 0.80938 0.3594 0.73612 0.44516 0.06899 0.63544 0.03451 0.64284 0.24372 0.19869 0.23327 0.28192 0.3228 0.25493 0.81993 0.0288 0.24836 0.06732 0.56935 0.09388 0.35628 0.66768 0.9934 0.46528 0.89415 0.71609 0.98957 0.76458 0.30908 0.27741 0.79667 0.81721 0.71857 0.59448 0.2764 0.87172 0.88062 0.09991 0.84333 0.62916 0.53564 0.09645 0.80284 0.99534 0.27349 0.17439 0.49517 0.12042 0.35244 0.28237 0.79155 0.38951 0.48653 0.71824 0.78272 0.15663 0.50688 0.79691 0.39801 0.28385 0.54462 0.38573 0.95173 0.85437 0.32164 0.80041 0.81894 0.97596 0.37415 0.79174 0.89908 0.4164 0.16751 0.53111 0.64326 0.58846 0.11686 0.9888 0.38586 0.40524 0.21611 0.09115 0.48431 0.31559 0.68893 0.56894 0.97841 0.14261 0.86494 0.15248 0.08903 0.37136
+0.70624 0.62775 0.68373 0.06326 0.55247 0.88132 0.83277 0.52617 0.56593 0.6727 0.65377 0.82394 0.08851 0.96271 0.91013 0.35245 0.81419 0.39864 0.37261 0.69386 0.23584 0.44063 0.78485 0.5558 0.2943 0.55321 0.17619 0.63591 0.65599 0.50875 0.23064 0.58088 0.03078 0.7733 0.6217 0.90127 0.88223 0.95282 0.05587 0.62465 0.68469 0.64035 0.69274 0.46244 0.33934 0.8979 0.97526 0.10932 0.46712 0.07864 0.75064 0.81215 0.9947 0.69751 0.92713 0.87759 0.24985 0.84854 0.78274 0.33678 0.80309 0.74608 0.6828 0.61173 0.44693 0.12733 0.34794 0.0599 0.06306 0.81611 0.01014 0.83111 0.79136 0.82812 0.78514 0.86707 0.44132 0.79481 0.30515 0.10722 0.65949 0.95162 0.95171 0.0027 0.11403 0.38773 0.23434 0.19746 0.67656 0.49506 0.37009 0.86395 0.53233 0.56877 0.25945 0.15843 0.57142 0.8151 0.41223 0.00542 0.5285 0.8445 0.5577 0.56791 0.40868 0.32757 0.29328 0.55358 0.03188 0.30169 0.16722 0.98832 0.26752 0.51133 0.95676 0.22698 0.52167 0.99773 0.80806 0.56334 0.92615 0.92023 0.28631 0.98234 0.54312 0.09081 0.38049 0.63323 0.24105 0.95436 0.80516 0.62633 0.71252 0.87246 0.24197 0.41109 0.24384 0.82446 0.49112 0.70287 0.24017 0.6483 0.25499 0.21925 0.71567 0.05656 0.05048 0.52594 0.46867 0.12829 0.40428 0.41142 0.21178 0.37656 0.19842 0.85424 0.65062 0.5124 0.24313 0.66435 0.15919 0.35157 0.92533 0.90825 0.21411 0.39349 0.6719 0.13427 0.67403 0.41048 0.56637 0.09867 0.2948 0.15494 0.26925 0.78817 0.15362 0.25476 0.71905 0.48172 0.17869 0.702 0.89443 0.82112 0.86591 0.51826 0.33305 0.05518 0.73001 0.22865 0.60084 0.82899 0.71487 0.58926 0.76342 0.22502 0.35926 0.95944 0.01886 0.85083 0.24135 0.67418 0.1545 0.14112 0.97042 0.923 0.23506 0.81416 0.45394 0.8933 0.81653 0.82686 0.18622 0.88731 0.61861 0.74504 0.94353 0.33921 0.48034 0.34224 0.85805 0.03547 0.18568 0.54493 0.96515 0.00529 0.37217 0.64001 0.4735 0.21249 0.02002 0.65415 0.79267 0.12989 0.39054 0.9672 0.25316 0.4927 0.13503 0.80266 0.95721 0.89167 0.31953 0.0302 0.80315 0.81381 0.60438 0.98082 0.10671 0.06076 0.18453 0.19713 0.67205 0.78583 0.95382 0.73356 0.36132 0.22024 0.10517 0.36002 0.71721 0.47399 0.36855 0.81292 0.49919 0.61071 0.21734 0.36805 0.67718 0.67697 0.48213 0.51618 0.79453 0.22026 0.56 0.31838 0.80251 0.502 0.86613 0.00781 0.72538 0.68688 0.65769 0.55578 0.78709 0.30305 0.08214 0.57097 0.67734 0.99276 0.51059 0.52955 0.51049 0.72935 0.77051 0.57391 0.72194 0.7085 0.35258 0.70306 0.40024 0.48137 0.70484 0.92388 0.81156 0.98604 0.53306 0.02026 0.59178 0.66092 0.17508 0.66348 0.56483 0.94323 0.41213 0.31863 0.90506 0.5308 0.45764 0.68871 0.30648 0.95347 0.83031 0.5828 0.60314 0.47688 0.3039 0.12645 0.17013 0.73456 0.39836 0.94486 0.81633 0.20058 0.40405 0.00427 0.1324 0.73058 0.09213 0.12486 0.4054 0.00957 0.09646 0.96756 0.48057 0.35838 0.24138 0.00486 0.71078 0.63629 0.92848 0.95791 0.12071 0.70897 0.78988 0.44244 0.75515 0.12315 0.92772 0.4957 0.43826 0.31874 0.48263 0.70479 0.26963 0.03068 0.6356 0.49384 0.51 0.26792 0.6243 0.24854 0.68016 0.15253 0.49325 0.29045 0.2049 0.06093 0.59932 0.56799 0.32099 0.19786 0.97745 0.86291 0.41805 0.09382 0.34674 0.7974 0.8542 0.57907 0.01467 0.71164 0.47377 0.74911 0.68501 0.33905 0.37158 0.54846 0.52303 0.79628 0.92684 0.73085 0.41898 0.69872 0.15235 0.79682 0.75236 0.61834 0.41788 0.51884 0.56211 0.54431 0.675 0.41021 0.4626 0.51803 0.65346 0.89028 0.36066 0.34418 0.46782 0.13041 0.07034 0.22173 0.28801 0.79907 0.99284 0.4644 0.17188 0.73661 0.59329 0.4158 0.11118 0.13693 0.73336 0.92434 0.86337 0.37563 0.99719 0.55842 0.14699 0.61661 0.50273 0.73148 0.17505 0.73288 0.30683 0.89118 0.40739 0.52866 0.67853 0.12664 0.18613 0.22752 0.8827 0.46541 0.84733 0.49814 0.33115 0.45171 0.82416 0.26224 0.13352 0.83121 0.86697 0.31493 0.47745 0.49826 0.70746 0.6811 0.69732 0.0694 0.68991 0.47959 0.90705 0.61318 0.73597 0.57715 0.04318 0.3513 0.23374 0.1235 0.33247 0.52581 0.8607 0.1391 0.45119 0.14108 0.94256 0.45141 0.95436 0.71721 0.61827 0.08307 0.33013 0.11916 0.66661 0.89636 0.77241 0.07074 0.63144 0.90035 0.50688 0.87777 0.92534 0.29941 0.0613 0.84058 0.90148 0.86102 0.07821 0.72007
+0.47722 0.25967 0.22902 0.55732 0.66968 0.00678 0.20499 0.98296 0.53934 0.36757 0.66671 0.3156 0.82923 0.96916 0.89791 0.18994 0.4941 0.93469 0.15355 0.66228 0.62721 0.56284 0.86776 0.97384 0.64581 0.68044 0.85367 0.41398 0.04679 0.05312 0.4056 0.06815 0.14554 0.85884 0.89361 0.67436 0.8015 0.10181 0.42553 0.08278 0.43022 0.19993 0.36988 0.10688 0.1663 0.92907 0.91043 0.60616 0.22276 0.22596 0.72032 0.30383 0.11877 0.88034 0.6863 0.8388 0.60861 0.22497 0.52007 0.49821 0.2507 0.12132 0.51278 0.55091 0.76934 0.25435 0.50027 0.75867 0.56166 0.16921 0.5578 0.5172 0.42037 0.37487 0.19643 0.68653 0.09316 0.9169 0.60194 0.12395 0.46107 0.92719 0.52727 0.23273 0.71236 0.57818 0.80548 0.80885 0.43389 0.83849 0.47131 0.3912 0.92224 0.34248 0.52832 0.25267 0.89435 0.39967 0.36958 0.9163 0.66515 0.40006 0.21129 0.86939 0.67209 0.86292 0.96519 0.31933 0.03091 0.38144 0.75551 0.84228 0.19797 0.80082 0.14813 0.0874 0.84672 0.57953 0.15638 0.75459 0.7863 0.55648 0.66563 0.21296 0.15241 0.81612 0.13537 0.54503 0.66187 0.50985 0.5624 0.73696 0.10458 0.96644 0.80641 0.30008 0.16699 0.69132 0.29337 0.21187 0.75761 0.47835 0.11114 0.91604 0.06273 0.61259 0.30735 0.74861 0.04642 0.38585 0.0247 0.24198 0.00821 0.64355 0.63894 0.84795 0.25927 0.99163 0.23306 0.34312 0.01145 0.68383 0.31788 0.88057 0.5186 0.34272 0.59918 0.82293 0.24733 0.43311 0.47201 0.82993 0.78789 0.59062 0.18999 0.87476 0.80821 0.60181 0.13053 0.15797 0.30285 0.11012 0.25722 0.56618 0.07632 0.60395 0.73533 0.15992 0.1321 0.77123 0.88397 0.59143 0.113 0.46648 0.43463 0.37105 0.78058 0.31053 0.60722 0.86539 0.85966 0.1659 0.19578 0.93638 0.33513 0.4447 0.92213 0.61866 0.3006 0.42588 0.03118 0.43921 0.04417 0.49568 0.93518 0.31817 0.52233 0.87909 0.53476 0.11337 0.4033 0.74289 0.17488 0.32522 0.19336 0.09632 0.31865 0.55734 0.8781 0.60557 0.12219 0.67156 0.70704 0.96629 0.17082 0.72505 0.90751 0.52992 0.28588 0.21818 0.34546 0.04162 0.32676 0.11674 0.22317 0.91514 0.21055 0.66641 0.15527 0.30318 0.43445 0.03493 0.75175 0.47967 0.54542 0.29837 0.77024 0.06175 0.21337 0.31679 0.33232 0.02272 0.62852 0.34349 0.71093 0.23081 0.54994 0.70222 0.8175 0.21873 0.62032 0.57709 0.01971 0.51199 0.22987 0.51419 0.5214 0.82283 0.46744 0.37234 0.70183 0.45026 0.22217 0.4195 0.34833 0.54864 0.10359 0.01014 0.60352 0.37626 0.72945 0.25219 0.10536 0.1915 0.78133 0.64249 0.32684 0.27534 0.5054 0.34816 0.16755 0.56695 0.29988 0.85986 0.01921 0.62664 0.05977 0.44547 0.99903 0.64535 0.70665 0.91347 0.69659 0.89641 0.43937 0.79495 0.14831 0.25152 0.62085 0.63671 0.21931 0.38932 0.18096 0.66681 0.62334 0.27259 0.57857 0.66298 0.81845 0.3524 0.25684 0.37931 0.32217 0.68146 0.64203 0.49824 0.39948 0.04921 0.54042 0.57465 0.94923 0.1693 0.34346 0.92839 0.5797 0.94294 0.92254 0.67875 0.40175 0.52942 0.65951 0.61817 0.19179 0.98756 0.70448 0.48962 0.67612 0.54829 0.98951 0.69762 0.2779 0.01009 0.95942 0.04102 0.23103 0.30034 0.0852 0.98691 0.65454 0.30464 0.75571 0.26348 0.57655 0.79809 0.52913 0.71702 0.93762 0.20029 0.52009 0.70612 0.76708 0.11316 0.93243 0.7035 0.7156 0.72478 0.89103 0.69644 0.98898 0.79727 0.33073 0.35223 0.03993 0.9655 0.11207 0.52609 0.89012 0.17075 0.09478 0.68786 0.66064 0.20178 0.63102 0.69481 0.93989 0.75754 0.41339 0.93342 0.71879 0.93989 0.69987 0.57119 0.70844 0.41467 0.58427 0.16411 0.67292 0.86208 0.26967 0.54791 0.06582 0.27688 0.19269 0.48299 0.67688 0.46427 0.00868 0.70205 0.3728 0.6092 0.62721 0.16288 0.72983 0.71686 0.18931 0.23336 0.31651 0.64781 0.49015 0.885 0.66404 0.5429 0.35054 0.17441 0.11191 0.74642 0.32607 0.03606 0.13965 0.37323 0.07343 0.49842 0.2189 0.03437 0.74684 0.94473 0.4776 0.03654 0.73147 0.83638 0.81365 0.15941 0.41797 0.19993 0.22963 0.33281 0.76092 0.44967 0.35265 0.04166 0.73082 0.90349 0.04261 0.34934 0.41665 0.18991 0.75103 0.26984 0.88805 0.22678 0.38517 0.16559 0.32377 0.11446 0.00055 0.13528 0.79796 0.59106 0.93609 0.43002 0.16097 0.324 0.54312 0.79232 0.68643 0.65415 0.3086 0.9423 0.54688 0.62244 0.7379 0.18535 0.59579 0.93505 0.00225 0.60453 0.35195 0.09852 0.24798 0.81716 0.75928 0.58562
+0.72672 0.99658 0.30419 0.14017 0.29501 0.92217 0.0375 0.81959 0.00947 0.72183 0.37731 0.18833 0.7603 0.26254 0.31531 0.33694 0.85164 0.25567 0.78417 0.95244 0.85071 0.12869 0.30344 0.46377 0.14384 0.94528 0.27613 0.62146 0.22243 0.58326 0.12334 0.08691 0.42502 0.39352 0.11856 0.53566 0.17297 0.24082 0.31245 0.65976 0.62698 0.7237 0.82846 0.02375 0.73739 0.27412 0.99049 0.74994 0.74647 0.05954 0.45335 0.32653 0.61743 0.53324 0.19058 0.26866 0.37468 0.83217 0.98237 0.63291 0.25546 0.06517 0.38758 0.5736 0.77852 0.74475 0.17721 0.51631 0.41962 0.2382 0.39309 0.01006 0.84159 0.81869 0.87868 0.60415 0.44865 0.89774 0.42651 0.39605 0.28686 0.3657 0.7873 0.71171 0.66997 0.01529 0.63298 0.01976 0.6388 0.91642 0.38133 0.88872 0.17702 0.54585 0.35186 0.18438 0.47514 0.73959 0.70649 0.70965 0.95865 0.86643 0.3914 0.97447 0.27854 0.34509 0.84305 0.98845 0.42035 0.27736 0.25976 0.8424 0.67133 0.2555 0.13458 0.90475 0.29147 0.84027 0.3361 0.2315 0.49304 0.10505 0.33015 0.80374 0.52843 0.84633 0.1461 0.21485 0.16683 0.57834 0.78205 0.85382 0.01124 0.0719 0.08949 0.20026 0.85068 0.48247 0.21109 0.86583 0.00177 0.56894 0.46335 0.22958 0.7544 0.53746 0.89302 0.89176 0.58714 0.37856 0.52511 0.47806 0.59699 0.77019 0.92623 0.05736 0.99127 0.83082 0.22531 0.4669 0.5053 0.17965 0.75507 0.8174 0.66345 0.04754 0.94795 0.2218 0.53047 0.91497 0.4543 0.33823 0.88106 0.38991 0.6888 0.80757 0.52336 0.0032 0.23279 0.06628 0.996 0.31697 0.82943 0.4335 0.09359 0.87377 0.7966 0.2083 0.12892 0.90079 0.71174 0.80342 0.89466 0.26835 0.16142 0.19336 0.60994 0.9005 0.53281 0.0902 0.57249 0.80552 0.05926 0.11123 0.78833 0.25166 0.48021 0.14863 0.32803 0.64508 0.39212 0.00458 0.45518 0.0895 0.0486 0.46007 0.56846 0.75305 0.74692 0.18827 0.89414 0.01092 0.52746 0.9923 0.90478 0.97687 0.5399 0.32715 0.68482 0.51347 0.78171 0.95352 0.07242 0.65072 0.0631 0.23448 0.61536 0.31656 0.50575 0.34323 0.6647 0.58972 0.40738 0.1483 0.70519 0.33858 0.80486 0.55896 0.54682 0.78238 0.77553 0.72579 0.06042 0.66169 0.9687 0.73613 0.64237 0.76319 0.7145 0.82301 0.07242 0.4994 0.83759 0.23542 0.97441 0.13806 0.08039 0.38249 0.54671 0.54533 0.7325 0.38019 0.45843 0.89269 0.06221 0.01758 0.65803 0.47747 0.17846 0.14168 0.20559 0.05965 0.62152 0.48985 0.55936 0.40558 0.76041 0.53084 0.2105 0.56545 0.73951 0.15846 0.36932 0.43434 0.65287 0.90328 0.80258 0.24568 0.65302 0.69054 0.59447 0.8278 0.27126 0.36427 0.24107 0.82966 0.80018 0.29448 0.35545 0.58033 0.32404 0.51009 0.01754 0.23783 0.15507 0.12568 0.16361 0.53792 0.904 0.04037 0.6682 0.06798 0.02079 0.44525 0.37174 0.55999 0.24019 0.54829 0.33163 0.73157 0.62707 0.49292 0.32907 0.59654 0.6853 0.43278 0.40009 0.32217 0.58806 0.00432 0.62658 0.34918 0.8089 0.20348 0.50214 0.99765 0.89504 0.88715 0.59355 0.64952 0.09564 0.76418 0.9037 0.06552 0.4223 0.57208 0.93613 0.20751 0.88071 0.55236 0.03358 0.05093 0.1864 0.3944 0.73479 0.49057 0.79937 0.62119 0.12614 0.44845 0.26053 0.56193 0.74981 0.93997 0.41581 0.94315 0.88066 0.81793 0.69834 0.92071 0.57608 0.33403 0.50683 0.31784 0.11291 0.39812 0.67371 0.98683 0.61415 0.53666 0.95677 0.81127 0.72461 0.11971 0.78496 0.65451 0.40239 0.2465 0.57937 0.63635 0.18445 0.59849 0.67623 0.14746 0.52412 0.64963 0.278 0.71703 0.93407 0.51903 0.95478 0.33355 0.19426 0.98794 0.02418 0.39423 0.97047 0.33724 0.84946 0.11977 0.49551 0.61246 0.31917 0.40442 0.16114 0.09555 0.3726 0.00567 0.30411 0.37574 0.38559 0.5077 0.67249 0.6388 0.47382 0.00486 0.39377 0.91292 0.23843 0.03906 0.06181 0.5088 0.85071 0.58513 0.46463 0.88614 0.96729 0.46712 0.6077 0.26435 0.84985 0.43495 0.735 0.56548 0.50746 0.57425 0.74647 0.83729 0.09708 0.46183 0.67781 0.11333 0.01393 0.53988 0.17775 0.14601 0.74887 0.06943 0.16474 0.5689 0.3185 0.56366 0.92273 0.93201 0.47252 0.04693 0.06539 0.45081 0.90015 0.87743 0.77384 0.31119 0.90436 0.6976 0.11022 0.84802 0.9829 0.00272 0.14238 0.1092 0.51669 0.2967 0.90875 0.95079 0.08882 0.99759 0.38667 0.92368 0.69391 0.17467 0.74745 0.62172 0.41745 0.36229 0.50919 0.66472 0.68948 0.38864 0.72781 0.73869 0.54635 0.88553
+0.61619 0.62921 0.6593 0.0549 0.73956 0.43844 0.89597 0.85184 0.83966 0.34965 0.50039 0.74288 0.00247 0.77171 0.73489 0.00116 0.7361 0.77579 0.62417 0.06319 0.82771 0.52428 0.60449 0.28065 0.02846 0.81395 0.50697 0.29602 0.98553 0.34188 0.73848 0.06272 0.60462 0.29024 0.00614 0.09314 0.05472 0.97103 0.23184 0.55201 0.00115 0.48277 0.43176 0.89746 0.87494 0.40528 0.83632 0.72112 0.59401 0.42243 0.39704 0.98448 0.5071 0.03881 0.55318 0.56586 0.24919 0.4423 0.13065 0.16981 0.67771 0.60666 0.18249 0.2832 0.00792 0.74213 0.04995 0.59526 0.50345 0.00368 0.81607 0.06209 0.62217 0.98615 0.07976 0.50303 0.82019 0.54992 0.23811 0.77811 0.77382 0.00341 0.55518 0.80987 0.83635 0.41862 0.749 0.71475 0.71231 0.74666 0.77483 0.68573 0.49887 0.47176 0.64302 0.99911 0.25438 0.75328 0.58433 0.78396 0.92145 0.00491 0.39563 0.40486 0.95986 0.01026 0.38805 0.70297 0.87743 0.63447 0.77597 0.23453 0.33277 0.67828 0.06058 0.61557 0.33618 0.22889 0.32664 0.03164 0.26889 0.72727 0.18235 0.9843 0.89725 0.11173 0.15054 0.02224 0.07118 0.33141 0.72714 0.35538 0.31188 0.67561 0.24543 0.43619 0.63403 0.81981 0.73581 0.08015 0.7745 0.43985 0.87582 0.51636 0.5636 0.84527 0.83766 0.20715 0.21565 0.55094 0.08654 0.80532 0.54462 0.75566 0.62296 0.21874 0.85781 0.27359 0.56673 0.17662 0.39061 0.09304 0.46619 0.67852 0.45418 0.71108 0.3771 0.61302 0.26342 0.00576 0.64002 0.93579 0.35812 0.55915 0.7738 0.15178 0.49606 0.63632 0.39758 0.64468 0.79414 0.79842 0.95572 0.79739 0.81937 0.90923 0.35582 0.11203 0.69385 0.23978 0.73334 0.66951 0.58841 0.7507 0.46737 0.83564 0.09866 0.25675 0.84216 0.7985 0.41851 0.66769 0.73278 0.61211 0.07298 0.26614 0.23054 0.80202 0.10016 0.63733 0.50067 0.77551 0.66891 0.57892 0.25861 0.2124 0.79468 0.67416 0.71992 0.13967 0.85941 0.67261 0.50028 0.27284 0.42266 0.0342 0.05347 0.38093 0.05765 0.03238 0.06753 0.76054 0.14966 0.34624 0.14564 0.24624 0.44031 0.94939 0.34329 0.46655 0.2402 0.75076 0.50444 0.20225 0.48249 0.88509 0.87466 0.5123 0.47291 0.42209 0.67926 0.54439 0.96523 0.46932 0.9115 0.46769 0.30897 0.90239 0.10602 0.53816 0.20228 0.53959 0.69702 0.84021 0.23758 0.10309 0.68748 0.05133 0.47593 0.01665 0.46665 0.16927 0.98255 0.00726 0.96344 0.79006 0.29556 0.76802 0.34942 0.40882 0.5345 0.71946 0.86191 0.68537 0.00804 0.20907 0.51568 0.91206 0.31105 0.57024 0.32101 0.42969 0.01074 0.73301 0.07529 0.6791 0.44912 0.42557 0.63737 0.27749 0.82459 0.03525 0.4983 0.74207 0.71435 0.96424 0.6916 0.42238 0.8554 0.35313 0.93911 0.4976 0.89822 0.43733 0.25428 0.18316 0.70532 0.64314 0.79371 0.4828 0.1248 0.40012 0.59873 0.70713 0.20355 0.99239 0.26447 0.76444 0.79964 0.81813 0.08196 0.06546 0.10299 0.58341 0.06545 0.57249 0.04542 0.96702 0.02469 0.12153 0.31671 0.24661 0.84736 0.95444 0.39209 0.52584 0.52095 0.34019 0.9924 0.69562 0.50645 0.88936 0.70574 0.52527 0.49654 0.67381 0.89794 0.26011 0.30353 0.30709 0.49198 0.05153 0.58159 0.17819 0.93104 0.66409 0.21483 0.46884 0.63083 0.90479 0.78958 0.85035 0.75394 0.19905 0.24776 0.40249 0.71846 0.93503 0.651 0.51934 0.95162 0.61037 0.21682 0.18883 0.84313 0.90831 0.45573 0.92963 0.24882 0.48905 0.61054 0.29444 0.53948 0.60883 0.23951 0.37914 0.75689 0.9777 0.9679 0.43912 0.94967 0.60629 0.09889 0.70329 0.39059 0.71042 0.57705 0.23832 0.89327 0.60946 0.63788 0.60788 0.75326 0.42261 0.02533 0.19534 0.47817 0.26178 0.13561 0.0952 0.73124 0.46256 0.02688 0.63558 0.33653 0.12714 0.16091 0.67512 0.41701 0.94335 0.4925 0.14597 0.18193 0.11433 0.33722 0.33482 0.61216 0.69274 0.62507 0.18812 0.16645 0.94353 0.28117 0.78275 0.3533 0.5934 0.41818 0.18538 0.64656 0.51748 0.19919 0.76055 0.48358 0.27153 0.87935 0.5111 0.03696 0.36483 0.20869 0.34625 0.59608 0.29003 0.36725 0.59105 0.64518 0.84023 0.89836 0.34361 0.73916 0.49286 0.92116 0.07401 0.03062 0.93772 0.235 0.36738 0.59943 0.5277 0.86319 0.16746 0.22049 0.48968 0.01346 0.3436 0.45652 0.82238 0.73335 0.6866 0.86295 0.76062 0.51532 0.29101 0.97385 0.60103 0.06159 0.29921 0.33591 0.1777 0.33927 0.53474 0.21895 0.77917 0.64977 0.09857 0.27245 0.15292 0.27005 0.25806 0.70956 0.71335 0.52377 0.61526
+0.7759 0.31394 0.56672 0.60115 0.27247 0.22548 0.03445 0.17872 0.45994 0.66567 0.37764 0.84052 0.5306 0.82427 0.01949 0.97246 0.15692 0.92871 0.26773 0.02905 0.97378 0.53944 0.80063 0.48403 0.22188 0.56103 0.00955 0.76596 0.28021 0.1382 0.98743 0.73219 0.4688 0.53824 0.72698 0.66075 0.48161 0.13989 3e-05 0.44666 0.66315 0.05482 0.53274 0.7291 0.69697 0.7968 0.86443 0.72748 0.91766 0.88011 0.06215 0.4659 0.65012 0.25625 0.69653 0.95726 0.51345 0.36144 0.68449 0.33613 0.01211 0.26993 0.10068 0.4406 0.41395 0.76208 0.91384 0.54461 0.32507 0.474 0.01925 0.79129 0.30891 0.86918 0.85688 0.67805 0.36037 0.49088 0.64599 0.02982 0.20164 0.48528 0.44406 0.22331 0.36273 0.85104 0.8835 0.86986 0.13227 0.66166 0.72503 0.57257 0.82062 0.82442 0.11213 0.85591 0.16497 0.27097 0.46296 0.11358 0.3552 0.60502 0.88647 0.45918 0.81478 0.77249 0.29735 0.13085 0.61533 0.68094 0.66668 0.24588 0.17911 0.30334 0.58941 0.44693 0.74387 0.44525 0.22302 0.54595 0.28114 0.0913 0.73621 0.5251 0.85368 0.71818 0.04723 0.42606 0.17773 0.31072 0.85932 0.67822 0.30806 0.0263 0.01049 0.60198 0.81895 0.72556 0.30328 0.0654 0.52888 0.46121 0.12138 0.56388 0.21417 0.13742 0.4928 0.86462 0.79536 0.37385 0.00911 0.53267 0.06036 0.42699 0.66271 0.75154 0.96185 0.12672 0.6539 0.65551 0.3343 0.20617 0.27332 0.36945 0.0032 0.0053 0.01885 0.50507 0.34642 0.24644 0.67799 0.73297 0.11054 0.59257 0.8329 0.39573 0.93372 0.94222 0.59698 0.45521 0.37067 0.33299 0.59683 0.0636 0.64073 0.6571 0.10609 0.16078 0.34758 0.33646 0.60988 0.21393 0.86631 0.33323 0.30657 0.85347 0.54512 0.59654 0.94262 0.74657 0.6293 0.29619 0.27019 0.32823 0.42665 0.3406 0.28275 0.43785 0.42085 0.43791 0.1359 0.38878 0.00609 0.62304 0.58156 0.3239 0.9885 0.50203 0.78429 0.82486 0.31491 0.46294 0.94197 0.78346 0.93689 0.75471 0.06686 0.35334 0.06467 0.6502 0.79509 0.59422 0.06431 0.67531 0.55066 0.1441 0.57017 0.73004 0.12487 0.4404 0.13485 0.74983 0.92416 0.15939 0.65032 0.57265 0.27726 0.11748 0.74541 0.79499 0.91517 0.03825 0.84774 0.57138 0.89974 0.78125 0.07185 0.94569 0.14501 0.90994 0.62644 0.50542 0.31221 0.0781 0.21106 0.10643 0.61564 0.69703 0.01594 0.02239 0.99017 0.52524 0.65854 0.35393 0.18373 0.38587 0.14007 0.89808 0.91005 0.41246 0.34735 0.83918 0.45015 0.19128 0.47912 0.58117 0.34129 0.70613 0.55659 0.04476 0.09777 0.26382 0.90177 0.34737 0.96992 0.27326 0.2325 0.20468 0.04476 0.27565 0.62245 0.78915 0.22909 0.79403 0.2917 0.82678 0.87705 0.97418 0.63836 0.09562 0.61834 0.32906 0.19753 0.14445 0.14639 0.58382 0.91366 0.61629 0.94316 0.62474 0.38996 0.50104 0.1989 0.0019 0.97723 0.08513 0.03119 0.47729 0.53545 0.58625 0.07697 0.80378 0.97512 0.40811 0.80293 0.89074 0.67471 0.43525 0.42008 0.27492 0.58194 0.82248 0.19884 0.53738 0.43039 0.94759 0.21699 0.33957 0.13437 0.68994 0.56328 0.09858 0.77516 0.36613 0.72378 0.17779 0.05791 0.41836 0.82009 0.20751 0.742 0.79256 0.82289 0.30683 0.93888 0.31659 0.08404 0.35922 0.77268 0.95917 0.41038 0.61453 0.28692 0.93953 0.54279 0.77826 0.83554 0.41189 0.18555 0.52131 0.72419 0.91352 0.61773 0.19787 0.89977 0.79641 0.02317 0.7147 0.93741 0.2534 0.95691 0.63865 0.20267 0.84302 0.80297 0.79945 0.53764 0.84814 0.01143 0.6381 0.86975 0.66171 0.136 0.53282 0.69261 0.24399 0.28018 0.53499 0.72192 0.92908 0.53319 7e-05 0.36695 0.10691 0.06352 0.73006 0.84631 0.43146 0.88952 0.80874 0.75996 0.78377 0.55099 0.32681 0.65674 0.75934 0.83823 0.43003 0.28065 0.68342 0.44272 0.7333 0.6989 0.10375 0.34191 0.91848 0.67023 0.56643 0.13048 0.85933 0.6873 0.55011 0.35237 0.26696 0.78648 0.3793 0.18697 0.9082 0.15269 0.19833 0.09287 0.18003 0.57129 0.92983 0.78386 0.30915 0.34023 0.1075 0.50147 0.72145 0.97167 0.30842 0.71519 0.19005 0.9986 0.65734 0.18 0.24864 0.51631 0.1379 0.23257 0.20422 0.13275 0.52564 0.79108 0.82906 0.69896 0.67528 0.87394 0.8223 0.85657 0.74221 0.00367 0.04246 0.49597 0.15654 0.44576 0.14064 0.80145 0.85438 0.0587 0.87354 0.54242 0.18425 0.44602 0.81821 0.22298 0.61497 0.34946 0.70735 0.67288 0.88603 0.47099 0.3 0.78605 0.14791 0.50085 0.97134 0.76867 0.46097 0.20623 0.21752
+0.95899 0.80046 0.10216 0.63112 0.17692 0.81286 0.33474 0.87197 0.75172 0.77395 0.89206 0.51793 0.20505 0.27252 0.35089 0.00972 0.73592 0.7145 0.37884 0.24151 0.65619 0.98075 0.91549 0.82784 0.48207 0.24491 0.45614 0.37295 0.75361 0.55514 0.12647 0.30445 0.15648 0.60596 0.40698 0.42731 0.41017 0.08243 0.08839 0.80517 0.38855 0.19769 0.14429 0.54092 0.47954 0.20287 0.34152 0.42225 0.06507 0.96408 0.89509 0.53426 0.53869 0.72687 0.61208 0.55819 0.10198 0.1221 0.26713 0.70748 0.87263 0.48662 0.23193 0.45153 0.76912 0.98469 0.16394 0.68691 0.01951 0.49307 0.49529 0.60201 0.26346 0.46913 0.45742 0.60739 0.02136 0.18732 0.9266 0.712 0.04017 0.93293 0.82581 0.34065 0.09193 0.57489 0.24178 0.50206 0.38391 0.25215 0.20449 0.56974 0.29829 0.9655 0.72657 0.96235 0.94366 0.32057 0.7939 0.80125 0.96288 0.29446 0.11253 0.2353 0.63044 0.26929 0.41604 0.16906 0.4458 0.35897 0.42726 0.52271 0.15859 0.8253 0.13608 0.91704 0.15235 0.35707 0.53835 0.27665 0.65328 0.04032 0.59803 0.2105 0.69017 0.31597 0.17106 0.15129 0.82025 0.84708 0.20242 0.37438 0.44306 0.95933 0.11267 0.97474 0.55049 0.14543 0.38924 0.7385 0.01931 0.37893 0.9972 0.75802 0.85546 0.69876 0.52762 0.3784 0.94687 0.26581 0.90249 0.40471 0.16595 0.74998 0.81873 0.16967 0.05613 0.51567 0.76277 0.89437 0.50893 0.88185 0.33353 0.03029 0.13586 0.89498 0.50272 0.53048 0.67391 0.43047 0.35109 0.87261 0.26952 0.79383 0.28959 0.89006 0.76471 0.21257 0.01141 0.99034 0.96492 0.67409 0.09671 0.60476 0.53788 0.77231 0.7979 0.3133 0.61354 0.78363 0.18077 0.53273 0.03585 0.83681 0.68164 0.51296 0.58833 0.14564 0.12189 0.8585 0.41865 0.41388 0.34087 0.6492 0.98617 0.95746 0.5932 0.08971 0.03327 0.76405 0.81973 0.85495 0.0337 0.44175 0.99216 0.73752 0.65628 0.86405 0.70712 0.19003 0.15577 0.2584 0.56552 0.89645 0.95319 0.75555 0.51656 0.51398 0.54615 0.15137 0.27533 0.56537 0.04839 0.98075 0.57719 0.38171 0.10898 0.85764 0.18198 0.72489 0.73224 0.05556 0.69258 0.04024 0.22052 0.93218 0.80019 0.54613 0.64341 0.68434 0.13733 0.48159 0.46814 0.63874 0.89766 0.1593 0.63961 0.19432 0.00257 0.94562 0.23547 0.55676 0.25522 0.54416 0.59039 0.22235 0.27167 0.67477 0.77462 0.3602 0.11928 0.93379 0.84493 0.65589 0.22833 0.43114 0.06696 0.40288 0.90038 0.14688 0.74953 0.91271 0.90958 0.25554 0.45925 0.38298 0.80173 0.70855 0.82223 0.93731 0.06837 0.92868 0.13091 0.4639 0.34199 0.99363 0.4322 0.26262 0.46774 0.97227 0.37242 0.90882 0.73889 0.63943 0.50659 0.08175 0.05697 0.25273 0.54234 0.33194 0.8452 0.09029 0.91975 0.96852 0.02362 0.87576 0.7846 0.96975 0.35724 0.59391 0.22232 0.9532 0.2211 0.58875 0.06124 0.45042 0.11461 0.9029 0.24124 0.28104 0.55311 0.26028 0.08121 0.28751 0.36775 0.08532 0.86883 0.8684 0.60264 0.64672 0.54065 0.8875 0.15614 0.48291 0.55904 0.75838 0.50049 0.3993 0.10452 0.11315 0.91896 0.50518 0.5736 0.53255 0.1572 0.55316 0.70817 0.3688 0.30263 0.40824 0.16966 0.17978 0.1681 0.01258 0.6597 0.16575 0.43029 0.55385 0.54367 0.07052 0.72321 0.36642 0.47587 0.91914 0.38512 0.60119 0.12195 0.24168 0.83203 0.70483 0.0945 0.12434 0.59399 0.21279 0.63826 0.32266 0.79679 0.73461 0.56591 0.11351 0.22087 0.1892 0.09525 0.1743 0.38028 0.13207 0.06894 0.96896 0.50542 0.11532 0.70575 0.13649 0.50676 0.98164 0.0788 0.14094 0.80032 0.36672 0.24425 0.1487 0.33947 0.13869 0.77325 0.35883 0.37686 0.35877 0.69984 0.4597 0.4984 0.67621 0.89924 0.24027 0.21336 0.22794 0.12581 0.06629 0.31214 0.45775 0.09996 0.98891 0.98012 0.95875 0.81542 0.29734 0.98501 0.42475 0.14977 0.3648 0.59534 0.88914 0.77566 0.33497 0.01893 0.86326 0.68178 0.19197 0.07844 0.88606 0.64062 0.26105 0.60803 0.57425 0.80267 0.93857 0.24764 0.40116 0.62785 0.59415 0.08827 0.08813 0.34968 0.67223 0.80573 0.02912 0.96528 0.4422 0.37589 0.25947 0.53907 0.35156 0.10767 0.64584 0.36775 0.83268 0.43929 0.76759 0.74461 0.66591 0.49087 0.50436 0.32752 0.45396 0.41469 0.22672 0.74558 0.6029 0.03529 0.78627 0.38933 0.91333 0.48302 0.39187 0.20923 0.97842 0.09966 0.12681 0.95238 0.03289 0.73323 0.19483 0.56148 0.17353 0.35648 0.56471 0.56236 0.82653 0.50323 0.48947 0.17392 0.07865 0.84544 0.9708
+0.97138 0.07938 0.0413 0.05321 0.87269 0.0118 0.9886 0.75172 0.20454 0.70079 0.72452 0.62772 0.24761 0.0682 0.78415 0.4345 0.75643 0.75785 0.61391 0.92457 0.365 0.33214 0.93662 0.71134 0.92882 0.42421 0.73143 0.71683 0.17723 0.67744 0.02856 0.66221 0.96267 0.89715 0.61806 0.80557 0.47199 0.96275 0.56529 0.56845 0.70478 0.94846 0.77453 0.99971 0.05804 0.38812 0.17294 0.88662 0.5557 0.80089 0.21495 0.16815 0.98661 0.35795 0.28759 0.61878 0.52037 0.79836 0.61734 0.16963 0.47596 0.04798 0.31712 0.27159 0.79754 0.75884 0.99637 0.97075 0.13659 0.27585 0.01365 0.97037 0.94132 0.5579 0.9156 0.89361 0.32683 0.26992 0.99967 0.38086 0.40953 0.82454 0.00193 0.17282 0.67886 0.90138 0.00655 0.7149 0.13503 0.61584 0.19281 0.9444 0.84536 0.8029 0.23327 0.19269 0.08711 0.87926 0.10058 0.83591 0.43194 0.29349 0.88418 0.93875 0.22926 0.56533 0.38698 0.15425 0.53668 0.10431 0.05731 0.1612 0.46431 0.06404 0.18456 0.91066 0.84385 0.06439 0.7617 0.69971 0.96927 0.72928 0.64053 0.34454 0.82852 0.35095 0.94751 0.46732 0.45101 0.06555 0.79594 0.64825 0.53006 0.87732 0.81365 0.69846 0.07152 0.42274 0.16678 0.18085 0.79297 0.40852 0.33158 0.85179 0.3275 0.53599 0.26516 0.60787 0.0346 0.44168 0.6344 0.93807 0.0635 0.79682 0.80471 0.37703 0.26403 0.87987 0.69725 0.57503 0.33139 0.66094 0.67986 0.89011 0.11179 0.03724 0.01145 0.03604 0.58017 0.60065 0.7759 0.9051 0.47187 0.62518 0.86434 0.44872 0.63796 0.05368 0.65399 0.17453 0.05754 0.95907 0.53847 0.89823 0.54843 0.50047 0.49956 0.25387 0.50878 0.60869 0.17045 0.02652 0.07985 0.30634 0.5425 0.63867 0.4855 0.00507 0.46279 0.60316 0.90943 0.66498 0.23928 0.24748 0.36622 0.21339 0.8839 0.54066 0.16297 0.74377 0.80339 0.87472 0.24474 0.6615 0.10949 0.40506 0.01599 0.67521 0.86616 0.78061 0.85021 0.07719 0.73787 0.09651 0.06267 0.70758 0.93546 0.41734 0.71529 0.52601 0.73906 0.54248 0.67951 0.31043 0.06841 0.58032 0.9272 0.71575 0.88332 0.86936 0.73163 0.37165 0.24463 0.78879 0.30339 0.21825 0.00373 0.2406 0.12366 0.12609 0.17962 0.28528 0.91376 0.7699 0.67998 0.27075 0.18859 0.29386 0.45027 0.7913 0.73375 0.09068 0.76698 0.64626 0.02854 0.96822 0.87455 0.15337 0.62391 0.83956 0.00357 0.83313 0.08272 0.15263 0.99867 0.32279 0.80347 0.71261 0.30817 0.67633 0.13684 0.18239 0.22765 0.18383 0.90641 0.30102 0.06518 0.02611 0.06739 0.36474 0.61592 0.45133 0.16565 0.49705 0.61396 0.2315 0.78667 0.96713 0.64243 0.34584 0.2933 0.51673 0.867 0.29781 0.51062 0.25504 0.53621 0.66304 0.61179 0.76654 0.6408 0.53609 0.99191 0.92951 0.30242 0.01041 0.60286 0.45789 0.7755 0.87226 0.46763 0.14165 0.94363 0.9897 0.61802 0.09368 0.37852 0.32547 0.70213 0.04485 0.5487 0.09262 0.62318 0.52224 0.45326 0.3655 0.96362 0.71664 0.54658 0.95696 0.87178 0.91789 0.79938 0.79171 0.81758 0.09445 0.78138 0.53487 0.04484 0.45429 0.83103 0.38037 0.76 0.55197 0.10979 0.913 0.51603 0.54984 0.64348 0.41202 0.39852 0.64921 0.27716 0.28767 0.39935 0.3974 0.56254 0.0842 0.00819 0.77998 0.49065 0.38239 0.83205 0.75207 0.40807 0.11661 0.99207 0.42798 0.32558 0.29583 0.95708 0.93074 0.01657 0.77095 0.25599 0.26143 0.64518 0.38551 0.69473 0.42619 0.89667 0.01698 0.20274 0.77717 0.12845 0.57597 0.35967 0.88531 0.09987 0.38407 0.88717 0.82408 0.86374 0.67758 0.98547 0.78501 0.27405 0.02173 0.92996 0.64188 0.67078 0.23113 0.497 0.9528 0.7721 0.16218 0.38059 0.66993 0.36758 0.90086 0.30294 0.55333 0.12079 0.39704 0.0592 0.24764 0.25937 0.50114 0.18079 0.74086 0.84615 0.55515 0.59065 0.76897 0.18608 0.96644 0.34602 0.9929 0.81507 0.30106 0.83059 0.90131 0.09119 0.44033 0.90139 0.2221 0.25334 0.04102 0.78399 0.8004 0.24334 0.03638 0.58293 0.71232 0.62684 0.58055 0.49706 0.97895 0.24093 0.04826 0.27444 0.67829 0.32104 0.55354 0.03516 0.2937 0.1871 0.56651 0.3226 0.94291 0.45175 0.94452 0.14763 0.59813 0.68047 0.1243 0.49284 0.30033 0.52783 0.4123 0.59027 0.64248 0.00461 0.45254 0.17051 0.52627 0.66433 0.8538 0.62011 0.83739 0.17719 0.79293 0.37062 0.92257 0.23879 0.20974 0.06317 0.56701 0.06126 0.24101 0.71868 0.10149 0.24415 0.22399 0.81324 0.90903 0.29767 0.7168 0.48935 0.97336 0.71771 0.3938
+0.75066 0.28695 0.84864 0.12044 0.44423 0.40414 0.76631 0.42516 0.84974 0.43172 0.66253 0.40825 0.1705 0.65917 0.90685 0.82986 0.03768 0.8279 0.2112 0.88331 0.38379 0.94434 0.85648 0.98115 0.99095 0.88446 0.81435 0.87626 0.50718 0.97095 0.23164 0.84895 0.56444 0.21994 0.58996 0.52896 0.22746 0.52527 0.25527 0.44294 0.32172 0.41584 0.70973 0.64415 0.36492 0.22458 0.74018 0.2512 0.33431 0.8809 0.18012 0.01372 0.22753 0.69683 0.8071 0.56352 0.91631 0.94377 0.45778 0.915 0.61313 0.80931 0.50329 0.74613 0.07556 0.56448 0.62451 0.59949 0.07349 0.50398 0.364 0.2182 0.05344 0.81368 0.3795 0.25479 0.62697 0.07866 0.72912 0.70409 0.38102 0.23117 0.58483 0.25736 0.01662 0.25492 0.42673 0.54702 0.16127 0.49624 0.04409 0.82608 0.89242 0.5943 0.40604 0.26055 0.24336 0.67276 0.18856 0.35349 0.44238 0.53098 0.93622 0.33443 0.17271 0.92218 0.77543 0.11677 0.69335 0.81697 0.43951 0.35219 0.82571 0.71633 0.4938 0.21037 0.88307 0.2897 0.08159 0.91744 0.68126 0.41263 0.30653 0.87839 0.78867 0.72733 0.78893 0.80706 0.54429 0.87703 0.86554 0.89906 0.16759 0.02538 0.33503 0.07769 0.72655 0.29386 0.04209 0.85822 0.24551 0.62093 0.27966 0.43865 0.86218 0.4745 0.34765 0.34849 0.2192 0.90474 0.07677 0.64249 0.38779 0.38451 0.65364 0.11613 0.81645 0.34941 0.24107 0.91786 0.97003 0.00112 0.07396 0.52564 0.35698 0.25923 0.24244 0.18187 0.92358 0.51396 0.72458 0.11059 0.89846 0.30436 0.83694 0.15912 0.84675 0.28583 0.39293 0.00989 0.95259 0.9181 0.81297 0.15336 0.05028 0.94469 0.82323 0.19942 0.35833 0.62463 0.67875 0.65241 0.73597 0.02668 0.66628 0.81799 0.74257 0.93152 0.98467 0.20901 0.15511 0.74815 0.60548 0.44786 0.29613 0.64089 0.03522 0.5967 0.71352 0.04311 0.74812 0.67254 0.1427 0.5035 0.97432 0.86459 0.11273 0.07737 0.1948 0.41768 0.96739 0.89944 0.81329 0.98517 0.43274 0.75153 0.17302 0.03835 0.71018 0.73883 0.60893 0.52552 0.76577 0.31117 0.89998 0.63014 0.12867 0.61726 0.18631 0.14856 0.96249 0.71823 0.34558 0.2379 0.15335 0.95393 0.63769 0.42939 0.36105 0.94537 0.36418 0.5377 0.59306 0.91769 0.7137 0.75475 0.13676 0.17538 0.02019 0.65165 0.98242 0.82019 0.97562 0.6152 0.3964 0.93283 0.11826 0.0505 0.47664 0.42945 0.48325 0.66821 0.55617 0.4952 0.36382 0.44901 0.59814 0.50739 0.51423 0.36855 0.0335 0.58568 0.25519 0.41026 0.73774 0.47756 0.08587 0.73651 0.11626 0.23671 0.43066 0.88412 0.30332 0.65381 0.54108 0.57462 0.69583 0.21214 0.78521 0.58181 0.85183 0.53974 0.9092 0.13968 0.10965 0.73015 0.78648 0.30812 0.96925 0.31855 0.55517 0.52324 0.37842 0.09269 0.59597 0.50464 0.99296 0.08987 0.35549 0.63198 0.11018 0.84635 0.52535 0.62657 0.07027 0.21698 0.30625 0.00631 0.48994 0.74425 0.71727 0.20723 0.65387 0.37932 0.03715 0.83673 0.36302 0.90989 0.94794 0.78879 0.2736 0.98814 0.91913 0.25947 0.35758 0.32833 0.85692 0.47017 0.17807 0.09319 0.42593 0.52553 0.66778 0.64678 0.48723 0.55806 0.14774 0.43537 0.72672 0.03537 0.46591 0.77819 0.90755 0.30812 0.51825 0.29182 0.39653 0.90874 0.57092 0.59851 0.16932 0.68514 0.20071 0.79523 0.77808 0.45175 0.41728 0.53034 0.35723 0.2545 0.24117 0.1853 0.92626 0.35718 0.70534 0.51601 0.51343 0.79862 0.65925 0.74492 0.77304 0.89604 0.44338 0.52335 0.04232 0.3686 0.22168 0.33059 0.42746 0.63338 0.5774 0.67166 0.40921 0.34149 0.52307 0.39352 0.94666 0.55715 0.59748 0.44651 0.05847 0.18348 0.96367 0.59067 0.23534 0.25168 0.57646 0.86577 0.49075 0.84476 0.93839 0.08735 0.85545 0.36447 0.84491 0.93005 0.93862 0.88999 0.0546 0.56874 0.24987 0.27757 0.35381 0.47197 0.84806 0.54731 0.50091 0.54275 0.3469 0.00721 0.91582 0.26881 0.49217 0.4004 0.00845 0.2226 0.89528 0.33426 0.7471 0.53829 0.93977 0.34522 0.57505 0.87672 0.88934 0.03366 0.44721 0.60902 0.18092 0.29181 0.69408 0.91493 0.31613 0.13132 0.78523 0.12843 0.48358 0.33957 0.22519 0.23401 0.90386 0.03926 0.72883 0.32562 0.41806 0.44829 0.07008 0.04194 0.21679 0.29454 0.77321 0.26586 0.54975 0.04233 0.01799 0.24187 0.07653 0.50036 0.33014 0.43137 0.64065 0.34665 0.17861 0.53185 0.81958 0.20143 0.37949 0.99126 0.2889 0.83604 0.08214 0.07864 0.73341 0.82404 0.23925 0.0338 0.26085 0.62205 0.57943 0.13941 0.34145 0.62178
+0.52683 0.40169 0.98024 0.67721 0.66012 0.80655 0.00324 0.9419 0.88658 0.31096 0.66549 0.45933 0.6542 0.51935 0.55369 0.75482 0.14318 0.76253 0.22142 0.83843 0.31025 0.51191 0.64416 0.2532 0.8964 0.15293 0.25528 0.79048 0.00265 0.87293 0.38474 0.88138 0.52366 0.90143 0.12525 0.10673 0.87497 0.54698 0.07641 0.38227 0.26121 0.36143 0.77951 0.73081 0.74113 0.70827 0.5045 0.27074 0.92846 0.81756 0.40878 0.72577 0.07444 0.00038 0.59497 0.19608 0.3367 0.27448 0.52947 0.31781 0.90165 0.33455 0.96244 0.64418 0.89773 0.31234 0.94452 0.877 0.14457 0.72923 0.4293 0.16207 0.30944 0.70654 0.50464 0.62165 0.03179 0.40007 0.48425 0.77843 0.96475 0.98174 0.75753 0.17791 0.77364 0.38517 0.46021 0.13445 0.37755 0.29082 0.37088 0.28701 0.58539 0.53567 0.77426 0.20823 0.67153 0.57476 0.73897 0.7696 0.3216 0.9253 0.00713 0.24856 0.56392 0.58764 0.99516 0.3044 0.17509 0.7389 0.01748 0.50667 0.90344 0.90087 0.2835 0.17752 0.2346 0.87528 0.52384 0.01273 0.27444 0.73485 0.91394 0.73314 0.42893 0.26257 0.68584 0.16416 0.39006 0.93789 0.48647 0.89375 0.85002 0.47076 0.56546 0.28897 0.61809 0.82589 0.63625 0.88714 0.0146 0.88164 0.94674 0.62704 0.42562 0.48471 0.55893 0.99193 0.79976 0.44728 0.47723 0.34474 0.08289 0.54389 0.16258 0.37341 0.69252 0.96416 0.95176 0.26532 0.0052 0.54326 0.48254 0.18192 0.53694 0.91867 0.3018 0.7808 0.4276 0.60757 0.47816 0.70059 0.0306 0.97264 0.06869 0.5206 0.01975 0.85429 0.25774 0.22464 0.67458 0.26497 0.80869 0.4209 0.53333 0.79744 0.18329 0.06925 0.65617 0.65658 0.76639 0.94043 0.80873 0.82611 0.10317 0.15685 0.80709 0.06063 0.62904 0.51284 0.36035 0.06928 0.19322 0.68481 0.66506 0.17642 0.21166 0.68776 0.52744 0.43695 0.84586 0.04557 0.7728 0.16411 0.26374 0.71757 0.56677 0.4978 0.0348 0.70894 0.73637 0.73734 0.46487 0.24722 0.99348 0.05763 0.77794 0.38526 0.90215 0.44445 0.36091 0.03879 0.19229 0.45059 0.22036 0.94265 0.54199 0.56351 0.47379 0.03715 0.00212 0.85934 0.73866 0.84869 0.48536 0.89298 0.7794 0.55794 0.24103 0.0439 0.32943 0.09239 0.83948 0.90076 0.00185 0.26419 0.59689 0.50172 0.91208 0.41652 0.38369 0.93674 0.19176 0.42782 0.36216 0.60898 0.30817 0.99482 0.5018 0.1623 0.24824 0.58494 0.91955 0.44252 0.33419 0.99078 0.66012 0.11863 0.68309 0.93987 0.10856 0.35687 0.46867 0.49793 0.20512 0.21902 0.46454 0.99862 0.02075 0.57515 0.42176 0.56562 0.30389 0.39131 0.60849 0.39559 0.06037 0.51979 0.05424 0.19305 0.68596 0.45969 0.99149 0.50009 0.94789 0.71474 0.53983 0.73521 0.59926 0.92693 0.3607 0.44873 0.63875 0.44616 0.9728 0.08072 0.59356 0.04575 0.75216 0.09415 0.17352 0.38727 0.37733 0.21601 0.55273 0.02945 0.64117 0.33685 0.14827 0.98667 0.19645 0.3081 0.04495 0.23108 0.1975 0.89772 0.02825 0.41206 0.93887 0.83629 0.95725 0.04913 0.29761 0.7266 0.1583 0.09106 0.66706 0.21708 0.86865 0.60615 0.59601 0.24216 0.19094 0.74846 0.75054 0.8806 0.14858 0.90342 0.42735 0.21584 0.40252 0.20661 0.43003 0.17115 0.97861 0.51412 0.26111 0.69699 0.19096 0.44917 0.55183 0.18383 0.46456 0.41666 0.96328 0.92347 0.57606 0.08638 0.63604 0.71827 0.30587 0.18983 0.95598 0.1692 0.71203 0.76437 0.46629 0.16565 0.64131 0.16859 0.7633 0.58843 0.79515 0.94263 0.24048 0.04849 0.75012 0.81116 0.09402 0.62326 0.63475 0.59298 0.12407 0.89666 0.3245 0.02828 0.03285 0.70195 0.89224 0.7238 0.75418 0.65618 0.89792 0.61321 0.8307 0.64628 0.30291 0.25487 0.02552 0.4507 0.99762 0.2897 0.18477 0.01111 0.16266 0.61792 0.7658 0.79125 0.6941 0.68611 0.45609 0.24583 0.50289 0.34181 0.24794 0.7062 0.43785 0.64255 0.68382 0.8016 0.62817 0.82305 0.0738 0.08123 0.34097 0.25172 0.24906 0.48702 0.56461 0.92247 0.13036 0.85672 0.04178 0.1908 0.29428 0.63818 0.89165 0.06823 0.48079 0.88397 0.50085 0.68144 0.55132 0.87285 0.71279 0.9021 0.93276 0.52421 0.81769 0.10702 0.72674 0.90901 0.76159 0.86727 0.2446 0.06401 0.95704 0.14795 0.22571 0.26872 0.41263 0.31185 0.86827 0.03157 0.11828 0.67724 0.05224 0.156 0.15979 0.28812 0.12681 0.37015 0.40501 0.13207 0.54795 0.03789 0.4938 0.50829 0.99474 0.02749 0.43219 0.13824 0.71846 0.13023 0.68645 0.30114 0.02781 0.85433 0.33126 0.86664 0.93978 0.45461
+0.94316 0.33037 0.82167 0.7071 0.5724 0.29646 0.03515 0.38611 0.84448 0.44902 0.11881 0.9084 0.49566 0.2183 0.81756 0.7426 0.79907 0.85309 0.34335 0.65691 0.98928 0.19797 0.53658 0.91818 0.2324 0.61056 0.84417 0.74002 0.27189 0.77744 0.39028 0.62403 0.74579 0.53406 0.4395 0.66901 0.31233 0.17295 0.9519 0.36791 0.14165 0.95198 0.63486 0.87679 0.72805 0.86915 0.70675 0.1748 0.90787 0.20353 0.56016 0.86489 0.1734 0.51226 0.80038 0.13463 0.25702 0.23545 0.23743 0.39472 0.63804 0.01112 0.05554 0.39364 0.3893 0.82169 0.09614 0.7694 0.85696 0.88797 0.67216 0.7193 0.16982 0.72009 0.82412 0.45616 0.3761 0.30326 0.41975 0.70311 0.56911 0.36527 0.60093 0.4179 0.69924 0.09633 0.37535 0.5976 0.46639 0.77695 0.75324 0.30263 0.75436 0.41992 0.07025 0.84896 0.26321 0.04358 0.92182 0.35875 0.01963 0.74207 0.38356 0.76263 0.21462 0.6978 0.28405 0.41278 0.40582 0.9776 0.20986 0.4784 0.86907 0.35611 0.01478 0.16007 0.05263 0.67881 0.42972 0.72341 0.97125 0.96145 0.36897 0.17689 0.04057 0.3416 0.34208 0.34423 0.35925 0.48736 0.52387 0.51165 0.9087 0.04066 0.36227 0.49115 0.52211 0.30682 0.97417 0.19458 0.9257 0.00671 0.58754 0.00028 0.50649 0.51166 0.70697 0.33534 0.36519 0.81859 0.08832 0.17393 0.5233 0.04221 0.04935 0.55047 0.54718 0.4223 0.75451 0.61343 0.61434 0.67603 0.84612 0.1338 0.22916 0.68982 0.73296 0.03089 0.1308 0.25454 0.80815 0.01059 0.16517 0.68788 0.15967 0.87134 0.63011 0.2205 0.08522 0.70217 0.39831 0.32871 0.39867 0.88943 0.45629 0.22283 0.89471 0.83968 0.67673 0.91412 0.91682 0.28176 0.59114 0.24465 0.11595 0.44903 0.36046 0.11369 0.37528 0.63334 0.81889 0.53409 0.02542 0.13616 0.88712 0.18923 0.80201 0.19279 0.13772 0.98318 0.72445 0.4417 0.60865 0.57998 0.02372 0.11881 0.71045 0.91723 0.15879 0.50878 0.93131 0.15125 0.306 0.23118 0.57159 0.33343 0.22379 0.06047 0.7358 0.07252 0.66787 0.18096 0.53174 0.55282 0.49892 0.38156 0.68571 0.27985 0.33692 0.4494 0.63309 0.03629 0.26995 0.58368 0.20668 0.18436 0.95296 0.56344 0.39758 0.49767 0.42721 0.00637 0.97255 0.70304 0.53116 0.05745 0.19324 0.15004 0.76135 0.81174 0.1362 0.94853 0.35265 0.23974 0.08136 0.40513 0.53059 0.12638 0.05011 0.36054 0.32057 0.08431 0.47074 0.49535 0.38461 0.37461 0.34103 0.67438 0.02371 0.26622 0.34518 0.60281 0.37134 0.50498 0.21745 0.92649 0.65397 0.66465 0.9632 0.37708 0.31628 0.00731 0.63854 0.26959 0.05797 0.66898 0.60319 0.64536 0.57257 0.67495 0.14001 0.81216 0.171 0.47201 0.56472 0.68437 0.15908 0.06122 0.48444 0.38704 0.44343 0.99637 0.35909 0.2265 0.95799 0.94951 0.38746 0.98577 0.04208 0.19032 0.56315 0.90612 0.65405 0.89763 0.73077 0.98773 0.79017 0.74547 0.24926 0.79355 0.223 0.04435 0.60016 0.02035 0.33161 0.63182 0.60369 0.77436 0.41328 0.70243 0.1558 0.94604 0.5304 0.51886 0.45188 0.10149 0.99338 0.68077 0.26908 0.03911 0.48295 0.55531 0.69315 0.80761 0.48477 0.99415 0.49161 0.86868 0.12674 0.84084 0.46773 0.3268 0.15499 0.4512 0.62345 0.04395 0.91708 0.64463 0.92976 0.8454 0.0059 0.00762 0.39511 0.41058 0.34282 0.03702 0.89946 0.37824 0.27102 0.13024 0.60299 0.41438 0.8178 0.71324 0.93076 0.03901 0.10679 0.73668 0.4823 0.28276 0.9864 0.53175 0.50137 0.27788 0.3994 0.822 0.15468 0.47688 0.46792 0.39013 0.76658 0.50349 0.90549 0.5637 0.29786 0.10798 0.09321 0.2713 0.4866 0.52644 0.74101 0.86543 0.32772 0.02873 0.84926 0.21468 0.26777 0.67283 0.40802 0.29517 0.62804 0.29799 0.50802 0.36325 0.18988 0.00693 0.75835 0.75695 0.08911 0.51337 0.36938 0.59039 0.43949 0.87179 0.09751 0.253 0.47207 0.1866 0.6482 0.5552 0.86415 0.93102 0.0411 0.9779 0.24404 0.9585 0.6821 0.7893 0.96448 0.08429 0.77232 0.72882 0.1956 0.36303 0.56474 0.91756 0.3648 0.7819 0.20974 0.40657 0.94021 0.4085 0.45881 0.27316 0.98255 0.62485 0.10905 0.0625 0.69848 0.64034 0.32848 0.19912 0.66426 0.53609 0.45416 0.794 0.22778 0.30456 0.35366 0.2999 0.18501 0.2257 0.86737 0.34991 0.19519 0.46365 0.97445 0.43224 0.68579 0.35936 0.36282 0.41125 0.86852 0.7048 0.64522 0.51603 0.39838 0.48611 0.2541 0.9861 0.33855 0.98116 0.5735 0.94838 0.94582 0.06131 0.85044 0.31227 0.22884 0.29733 0.49544 0.34779
+0.95166 0.65859 0.04473 0.04511 0.95669 0.62684 0.41207 0.68853 0.93893 0.28934 0.44881 0.17427 0.11674 0.53524 0.03938 0.74234 0.35499 0.63227 0.38815 0.5655 0.82873 0.56537 0.96803 0.37849 0.29808 0.16333 0.19786 0.51483 0.96576 0.58803 0.05705 0.4782 0.54588 0.52493 0.58605 0.06916 0.46359 0.47811 0.84842 0.23596 0.83563 0.45848 0.0147 0.65273 0.48781 0.29213 0.76346 0.42346 0.73226 0.47413 0.86291 0.43316 0.15497 0.28279 0.87384 0.07079 0.29048 0.73551 0.5836 0.63793 0.14923 0.4768 0.83296 0.96983 0.74983 0.30216 0.41576 0.26707 0.2682 0.9565 0.20767 0.56906 0.47526 0.79192 0.16046 0.16733 0.8343 0.32644 0.90431 0.98068 0.00088 0.90883 0.1815 0.22706 0.34745 0.14281 0.07087 0.83538 0.9654 0.18923 0.85595 0.43322 0.94301 0.97458 0.31635 0.29359 0.01027 0.71688 0.80335 0.50101 0.35472 0.40461 0.61822 0.34779 0.51803 0.67336 0.45012 0.54405 0.05122 0.05155 0.16966 0.93141 0.96549 0.06544 0.53098 0.50956 0.86754 0.05322 0.37724 0.36037 0.76928 0.03814 0.93446 0.86979 0.17775 0.98174 0.9305 0.1348 0.86184 0.9545 0.76971 0.38552 0.04401 0.6858 0.61702 0.79565 0.14832 0.40911 0.28525 0.47041 0.56891 0.06442 0.01241 0.25615 0.79178 0.51861 0.26405 0.16932 0.4679 0.25585 0.66406 0.62165 0.40053 0.34094 0.67814 0.85852 0.14259 0.56953 0.17496 0.31392 0.10118 0.62105 0.22276 0.71088 0.74962 0.56291 0.85561 0.55242 0.17467 0.52856 0.17959 0.26096 0.27716 0.6564 0.82265 0.93956 0.26483 0.56335 0.76083 0.23754 0.46434 0.02018 0.8589 0.65176 0.06571 0.40872 0.25644 0.46543 0.11553 0.30631 0.10098 0.75678 0.78091 0.41857 0.45871 0.45545 0.41329 0.56033 0.45526 0.52026 0.57945 0.67135 0.81627 0.25632 0.77084 0.65977 0.05833 0.11611 0.79769 0.31827 0.95355 0.24194 0.30096 0.9893 0.69017 0.4147 0.56802 0.27828 0.09586 0.80374 0.46509 0.37633 0.39988 0.63884 0.18348 0.59709 0.79426 0.51855 0.99761 0.19074 0.92071 0.7049 0.97456 0.749 0.02041 0.82314 0.74198 0.06399 0.64961 0.4133 0.48372 0.72261 0.49378 0.93867 0.1627 0.1527 0.29737 0.20087 0.199 0.15845 0.99418 0.13694 0.18484 0.04281 0.27599 0.83433 0.52563 0.9245 0.64642 0.69348 0.54381 0.04872 0.152 0.02268 0.18887 0.55741 0.11963 0.32864 0.18113 0.52074 0.35318 0.51148 0.22361 0.55101 0.77455 0.89354 0.79284 0.92612 0.68665 0.33035 0.53371 0.13545 0.73005 0.53866 0.27498 0.22416 0.91828 0.47841 0.26137 0.11489 0.54776 0.55974 0.75692 0.60334 0.79243 0.20338 0.32446 0.52382 0.1863 0.7377 0.5091 0.39139 0.02553 0.93971 0.04875 0.02701 0.03698 0.42337 0.20485 0.69078 0.43053 0.91686 0.07492 0.54676 0.72977 0.71657 0.23322 0.26332 0.86608 0.55275 0.91325 0.22051 0.34086 0.28445 0.024 0.99237 0.91494 0.2541 0.22112 0.87852 0.40575 0.21399 0.78349 0.14244 0.81033 0.6064 0.92226 0.58107 0.68244 0.03234 0.17032 0.40369 0.60248 0.00637 0.15991 0.99847 0.44015 0.41752 0.98833 0.36018 0.13694 0.58216 0.06273 0.0006 0.2639 0.90405 0.27072 0.22819 0.64339 0.23038 0.51495 0.48012 0.76903 0.79198 0.83005 0.70053 0.07467 0.17259 0.94255 0.49781 0.47124 0.69805 0.04254 0.32559 0.96713 0.24301 0.46293 0.30201 0.27989 0.32681 0.85541 0.49833 0.07664 0.86981 0.6438 0.7663 0.9012 0.30675 0.79054 0.11629 0.01855 0.15677 0.58925 0.55443 0.35651 0.01492 0.70396 0.10805 0.40972 0.08017 0.52787 0.93069 0.49848 0.31327 0.07108 0.17129 0.46999 0.56861 0.15219 0.07269 0.68254 0.47779 0.99531 0.54705 0.1894 0.06517 0.33755 0.37325 0.24272 0.91181 0.30608 0.8043 0.54928 0.52038 0.30834 0.13751 0.68921 0.83026 0.78378 0.06295 0.93357 0.13814 0.66693 0.77409 0.77872 0.3374 0.06852 0.28104 0.00646 0.72344 0.65504 0.09221 0.76254 0.69159 0.61737 0.49379 0.75698 0.50857 0.31879 0.89559 0.67825 0.05289 0.09978 0.13304 0.08537 0.68499 0.28927 0.21763 0.64768 0.09203 0.43542 0.60042 0.67679 0.50534 0.99996 0.51207 0.85492 0.07663 0.94246 0.79136 0.42626 0.48339 0.03138 0.77949 0.00582 0.17297 0.07636 0.54865 0.73739 0.03282 0.61081 0.16481 0.02523 0.24078 0.56935 0.43176 0.95765 0.86982 0.38036 0.48375 0.59382 0.76007 0.21826 0.42302 0.34437 0.97717 0.62344 0.68926 0.32678 0.21941 0.66961 0.96186 0.6207 0.91552 0.03934 0.80106 0.38707 0.77659 0.9909 0.24643 0.01667 0.01287
+0.14209 0.49628 0.07485 0.35588 0.80042 0.93253 0.23065 0.38362 0.17125 0.57749 0.73636 0.06794 0.32226 0.95421 0.33868 0.99416 0.56647 0.94481 0.99377 0.00279 0.72604 0.2154 0.37132 0.84153 0.7713 0.15799 0.47607 0.776 0.16436 0.11657 0.08636 0.52243 0.84794 0.1393 0.75922 0.67665 0.76023 0.53054 0.68491 0.99895 0.85145 0.60676 0.91273 0.58776 0.03565 0.95577 0.67167 0.55238 0.60401 0.6266 0.12129 0.12676 0.12301 0.45419 0.67672 0.97456 0.35749 0.33835 0.85162 0.13855 0.92009 0.83884 0.34161 0.95954 0.41052 0.99159 0.54634 0.22862 0.07069 0.81705 0.17353 0.20586 0.73103 0.09409 0.57152 0.00836 0.082 0.17013 0.741 0.84147 0.3166 0.1972 0.33785 0.13075 0.93779 0.91534 0.53941 0.62504 0.09536 0.34388 0.3397 0.23032 0.58868 0.14258 0.92275 0.1443 0.53579 0.16993 0.94846 0.66472 0.0426 0.67453 0.07821 0.48957 0.34925 0.08526 0.515 0.98856 0.67935 0.46836 0.46021 0.78496 0.14865 0.81294 0.46645 0.21419 0.48417 0.77342 0.54681 0.82286 0.50743 0.89726 0.12944 0.76345 0.71766 0.56226 0.66558 0.75243 0.44261 0.62705 0.66434 0.44495 0.42982 0.77493 0.15963 0.89267 0.56907 0.51547 0.75025 0.97147 0.20252 0.0092 0.9221 0.27633 0.78959 0.39554 0.11642 0.09523 0.17974 0.81933 0.29439 0.87149 0.79233 0.73234 0.40777 0.59863 0.17842 0.75227 0.23357 0.78095 0.7958 0.65205 0.3293 0.18445 0.99798 0.47026 0.9526 0.46525 0.08976 0.18318 0.70102 0.41924 0.45334 0.39069 0.16364 0.17345 0.10181 0.15551 0.92188 0.18849 0.46449 0.80474 0.70103 0.94819 0.95473 0.08137 0.30762 0.82126 0.936 0.93753 0.63785 0.91102 0.82118 0.64021 0.35479 0.62794 0.77967 0.39257 0.95197 0.5722 0.77118 0.50941 0.84597 0.37007 0.33922 0.78235 0.3112 0.98585 0.57869 0.60862 0.82755 0.40141 0.30556 0.33177 0.2863 0.22573 0.59505 0.33665 0.1785 0.94784 0.80835 0.76042 0.92991 0.95665 0.54735 0.32326 0.54182 0.13231 0.29263 0.61587 0.86571 0.98734 0.41893 0.56953 0.54514 0.64253 0.13638 0.2092 0.95894 0.51101 0.11145 0.06771 0.79052 0.87056 0.66092 0.90416 0.82846 0.24975 0.39742 0.50432 0.00877 0.72874 0.2501 0.32716 0.26176 0.22899 0.6897 0.95145 0.16162 0.89245 0.83127 0.14511 0.51383 0.53942 0.08981 0.62872 0.35596 0.88167 0.92036 0.07345 0.6546 0.47037 0.34406 0.12771 0.27006 0.75343 0.5137 0.06282 0.50227 0.34719 0.29336 0.38963 0.29626 0.88423 0.5088 0.88162 0.63643 0.67828 0.8945 0.2171 0.96714 0.63516 0.67027 0.58692 0.04623 0.12031 0.47224 0.35156 0.52884 0.33291 0.22649 0.54721 0.5522 0.36538 0.18905 0.09931 0.17796 0.45789 0.6503 0.30495 0.72377 0.1018 0.65216 0.64554 0.46969 0.49776 0.49745 0.58381 0.82827 0.57122 0.28055 0.58626 0.61556 0.40469 0.10778 0.63024 0.95727 0.61279 0.82859 0.27072 0.19447 0.08795 0.25295 0.06983 0.73798 0.15549 0.31448 0.19128 0.61598 0.89049 0.98716 0.32457 0.45382 0.02963 0.94884 0.76091 0.22839 0.49376 0.74036 0.14884 0.01369 0.65716 0.88851 0.34044 0.79733 0.76249 0.06283 0.93212 0.08056 0.15044 0.2872 0.75619 0.24284 0.14967 0.84024 0.09627 0.3225 0.55096 0.51137 0.37157 0.46143 0.04011 0.66635 0.92607 0.16373 0.18594 0.53665 0.41626 0.89604 0.63555 0.28414 0.7243 0.89019 0.1742 0.83587 0.59677 0.72431 0.07002 0.74238 0.35808 0.39572 0.66013 0.78543 0.26965 0.65083 0.17893 0.20807 0.98028 0.95685 0.22202 0.17165 0.11192 0.04412 0.38637 0.7465 0.49238 0.41276 0.94938 0.89593 0.92318 0.95677 0.03551 0.6485 0.25083 0.31266 0.71013 0.88192 0.78791 0.56323 0.13916 0.6745 0.64834 0.69419 0.92097 0.06822 0.88832 0.50697 0.67539 0.07141 0.08464 0.5478 0.90702 0.97834 0.86007 0.90457 0.58031 0.48871 0.53694 0.86902 0.72416 0.41457 0.30845 0.29484 0.31147 0.26747 0.29179 0.35878 0.55422 0.883 0.68737 0.62719 0.1536 0.14822 0.52643 0.1198 0.83608 0.87518 0.06029 0.00755 0.19042 0.00267 0.52252 0.58377 0.74994 0.06233 0.46128 0.54828 0.1385 0.50213 0.80343 0.33195 0.06801 0.67477 0.83484 0.82256 0.24956 0.01093 0.35606 0.06145 0.34591 0.53115 0.16751 0.4379 0.72047 0.59926 0.03371 0.6249 0.32357 0.62143 0.82874 0.71653 0.59821 0.64762 0.96354 0.54786 0.50425 0.12703 0.34052 0.55196 0.32325 0.28863 0.84712 0.4317 0.63694 0.28637 0.54311 0.70448 0.70193 0.01699 0.87636 0.80672 0.34659
+0.27165 0.33619 0.53435 0.25662 0.30448 0.55222 0.58537 0.35313 0.78356 0.36635 0.87903 0.08276 0.46191 0.81297 0.11545 0.09863 0.93359 0.90925 0.69013 0.17701 0.63065 0.9928 0.78972 0.89256 0.30274 0.72215 0.27534 0.64048 0.5236 0.23936 0.11811 0.25422 0.9722 0.53156 0.61721 0.98216 0.03434 0.28411 0.24409 0.23445 0.33765 0.88887 0.33903 0.73053 0.32119 0.61111 0.04565 0.10871 0.87931 0.58274 0.87508 0.56991 0.68152 0.9983 0.89895 0.00358 0.62439 0.29647 0.4536 0.25915 0.38109 0.29161 0.35458 0.12153 0.23263 0.05316 0.67667 0.32275 0.3631 0.51161 0.49992 0.68089 0.42276 0.08233 0.90224 0.76739 0.0667 0.42032 0.05765 0.29454 0.42214 0.40582 0.69506 0.28492 0.29073 0.48503 0.4042 0.13066 0.98586 0.78125 0.31036 0.06663 0.62165 0.23914 0.44544 0.17621 0.76416 0.06937 0.35899 0.93857 0.62714 0.65936 0.74485 0.21809 0.23151 0.21287 0.56843 0.72581 0.36249 0.48207 0.06335 0.90375 0.90024 0.63514 0.23179 0.81198 0.67186 0.14853 0.46284 0.5427 0.88523 0.67751 0.27158 0.85805 0.98015 0.02401 0.82117 0.75021 0.47654 0.78614 0.55985 0.13365 0.72666 0.80919 0.39654 0.15563 0.92856 0.50155 0.76441 0.07914 0.91844 0.94991 0.95196 0.73864 0.69031 0.54771 0.91899 0.212 0.55323 0.37559 0.2539 0.15385 0.61361 0.38454 0.26785 0.93943 0.88267 0.32803 0.69001 0.51317 0.35176 0.38239 0.54567 0.04322 0.61379 0.53121 0.09992 0.2123 0.74803 0.70202 0.14444 0.80518 0.74425 0.21734 0.96393 0.95202 0.05615 0.75131 0.56976 0.93288 0.35325 0.4737 0.11811 0.95743 0.54698 0.43233 0.13334 0.70575 0.308 0.12399 0.05814 0.18918 0.42616 0.12702 0.31845 0.07439 0.77894 0.02342 0.30044 0.31618 0.04075 0.53212 0.9059 0.66876 0.96239 0.24563 0.58612 0.52983 0.70789 0.99741 0.42555 0.50637 0.28491 0.8684 0.90377 0.05151 0.35836 0.79754 0.67159 0.93692 0.77512 0.06499 0.61334 0.27464 0.44039 0.86458 0.70686 0.59774 0.22905 0.89004 0.10846 0.89172 0.09637 0.11598 0.59386 0.95878 0.28716 0.92698 0.47204 0.21692 0.62088 0.0855 0.6411 0.80442 0.25873 0.50858 0.01059 0.7758 0.57158 0.50195 0.33462 0.00943 0.95672 0.41444 0.76695 0.13967 0.36222 0.2207 0.34535 0.66334 0.53643 0.07845 0.20633 0.20449 0.68973 0.30811 0.26604 0.41745 0.69797 0.37732 0.59783 0.48997 0.34976 0.66387 0.95144 0.88597 0.11838 0.76791 0.9686 0.87009 0.40643 0.33537 0.71888 0.84825 0.523 0.62647 0.98665 0.82922 0.15486 0.35144 0.87417 0.7085 0.00701 0.75712 0.27419 0.04306 0.51065 0.19885 0.01196 0.5657 0.6305 0.51713 0.06614 0.46893 0.87832 0.18934 0.68763 0.49538 0.50484 0.45203 0.6185 0.49424 0.45498 0.06014 0.95939 0.20935 0.99525 0.31321 0.33838 0.07744 0.49206 0.13045 0.14829 0.29142 0.45326 0.80131 0.71184 0.09415 0.2321 0.54772 0.19841 0.34885 0.34827 0.54758 0.01227 0.73544 0.32221 0.03768 0.399 0.56104 0.61434 0.11567 0.48835 0.8973 0.91988 0.83327 0.45714 0.65848 0.96758 0.42482 0.29993 0.70597 0.21737 0.87528 0.78411 0.66281 0.17019 0.10428 0.98188 0.00507 0.04512 0.94192 0.66871 0.06796 0.64812 0.87579 0.39793 0.27027 0.10112 0.73756 0.05771 0.94134 0.952 0.67698 0.9528 0.68229 0.78023 0.58038 0.9299 0.31013 0.33716 0.27074 0.85147 0.58004 0.71303 0.47004 0.25286 0.46564 0.02737 0.55597 0.81609 0.05668 0.13141 0.45221 0.78306 0.60084 0.37299 0.72199 0.16874 0.36893 0.18608 0.19615 0.18588 0.77408 0.62534 0.84352 0.18538 0.73281 0.84963 0.01565 0.99026 0.95858 0.38452 0.61363 0.66981 0.28927 0.03613 0.68251 0.0606 0.62124 0.37519 0.61001 0.16594 0.91918 0.73561 0.19004 0.28995 0.44095 0.0138 0.23513 0.75255 0.70249 0.95046 0.30603 0.08297 0.12781 0.63216 0.44579 0.48919 0.99725 0.67537 0.08021 0.22412 0.73568 0.91113 0.5035 0.9826 0.755 0.43416 0.11192 0.78719 0.01914 0.65247 0.84659 0.69412 0.73578 0.64446 0.62961 0.98102 0.2662 0.41068 0.30326 0.37011 0.40718 0.89599 0.69746 0.20279 0.86808 0.57696 0.7281 0.93066 0.45452 0.52271 0.92271 0.24981 0.10847 0.22468 0.74929 0.71054 0.58562 0.69337 0.43995 0.69648 0.44916 0.48879 0.12005 0.38612 0.70953 0.53998 0.39761 0.96682 0.89249 0.07631 0.90245 0.38757 0.16629 0.24578 0.61328 0.62791 0.72992 0.97929 0.12571 0.31915 0.73551 0.96235 0.402 0.84926 0.77317 0.38926 0.50407 0.42268 0.17212
+0.53698 0.06903 0.99237 0.31373 0.90987 0.80954 0.7823 0.51269 0.36908 0.42218 0.7995 0.82201 0.69045 0.22417 0.35239 0.10799 0.74406 0.65334 0.968 0.34089 0.13284 0.36719 0.64687 0.05088 0.99705 0.5153 0.2598 0.84277 0.66379 0.44324 0.35234 0.31951 0.46453 0.42762 0.34322 0.22479 0.23721 0.53518 0.09625 0.69475 0.32311 0.53288 0.38091 0.5248 0.5221 0.02644 0.10016 0.21198 0.50544 0.02724 0.76676 0.73951 0.39348 0.77301 0.7844 0.69052 0.96739 0.18138 0.27885 0.31256 0.72094 0.27787 0.61385 0.56012 0.29081 0.5766 0.96 0.58764 0.43922 0.34856 0.30877 0.54314 0.46205 0.95872 0.65262 0.2927 0.00115 0.75004 0.53597 0.09554 0.26566 0.18336 0.36371 0.66819 0.86815 0.66672 0.47474 0.34358 0.55823 0.67353 0.05034 0.97303 0.16433 0.21924 0.81279 0.65045 0.22585 0.34901 0.72272 0.12339 0.1092 0.02853 0.26722 0.20285 0.88333 0.14138 0.40159 0.96502 0.09579 0.86128 0.57978 0.7293 0.59644 0.25303 0.36421 0.29938 0.14595 0.85967 0.25587 0.40883 0.66909 0.26789 0.09412 0.19397 0.86082 0.60713 0.88589 0.12039 0.50573 0.04445 0.81319 0.79949 0.95885 0.43372 0.80504 0.67608 0.61311 0.08217 0.88496 0.54976 0.2896 0.46052 0.07871 0.81569 0.19543 0.6412 0.24253 0.67145 0.62813 0.13498 0.97296 0.85074 0.59791 0.51928 0.13435 0.74089 0.19056 0.03073 0.22402 0.96408 0.62382 0.08757 0.51682 0.79039 0.47068 0.80853 0.72451 0.14524 0.18849 0.74496 0.36474 0.44936 0.8762 0.6386 0.81546 0.41536 0.68319 0.90563 0.23571 0.48844 0.00115 0.01554 0.50911 0.37573 0.46126 0.89674 0.22221 0.07804 0.35901 0.97298 0.32545 0.7672 0.41608 0.11587 0.82717 0.76231 0.13858 0.76114 0.73437 0.77209 0.77944 0.29758 0.04928 0.19102 0.30928 0.05623 0.93198 0.07924 0.35726 0.33479 0.48998 0.62571 0.77233 0.77695 0.97181 0.96511 0.65068 0.177 0.52011 0.00567 0.61011 0.24424 0.50711 0.31292 0.71579 0.41173 0.2181 0.52814 0.46662 0.99509 0.55324 0.73029 0.17536 0.37019 0.97917 0.75486 0.73174 0.03714 0.15145 0.09019 0.78331 0.78545 0.70378 0.24234 0.71915 0.55181 0.06961 0.20991 0.54903 0.92973 0.4328 0.56832 0.60604 0.00326 0.00753 0.26907 0.19362 0.364 0.59009 0.73191 0.87869 0.68627 0.19895 0.04771 0.50551 0.2974 0.09794 0.02599 0.84972 0.69774 0.42778 0.157 0.23149 0.85518 0.7908 0.87105 0.97142 0.27021 0.3387 0.38233 0.93179 0.6107 0.96954 0.6603 0.31033 0.59593 0.30184 0.78718 0.79469 0.9859 0.97846 0.43912 0.82152 0.98517 0.35077 0.89337 0.41361 0.10525 0.2441 0.94589 0.04678 0.32704 0.16873 0.48947 0.80811 0.22848 0.678 0.64895 0.61861 0.51049 0.81176 0.32326 0.33881 0.76822 0.50354 0.69457 0.32425 0.98067 0.84745 0.37629 0.56268 0.78493 0.60238 0.96834 0.00309 0.94156 0.74398 0.86616 0.1969 0.58917 0.07315 0.05891 0.9924 0.36306 0.65432 0.76538 0.08019 0.15518 0.50743 0.06778 0.39878 0.37713 0.81307 0.16328 0.65715 0.33708 0.35098 0.87688 0.85676 0.84787 0.30227 0.347 0.43229 0.24039 0.14412 0.94705 0.83332 0.47361 0.83392 0.62228 0.96085 0.52954 0.7135 0.53573 0.8183 0.77596 0.78009 0.16964 0.5979 0.41107 0.01027 0.47298 0.17476 0.81488 0.20722 0.44419 0.48485 0.72486 0.50149 0.44664 0.91512 0.50162 0.33023 0.56606 0.9066 0.15362 0.50577 0.57385 0.42859 0.75821 0.13294 0.08539 0.20753 0.20143 0.30996 0.23381 0.82647 0.77668 0.76131 0.18928 0.18081 0.52364 0.09179 0.69565 0.40631 0.19092 0.70243 0.91492 0.37851 0.33864 0.52856 0.51041 0.12727 0.91853 0.3509 0.49899 0.42777 0.6863 0.89101 0.33284 0.69994 0.089 0.92196 0.46311 0.80578 0.95295 0.2567 0.89436 0.88375 0.7973 0.91011 0.96356 0.14947 0.94711 0.26718 0.69864 0.58827 0.77153 0.10234 0.01817 0.65144 0.54929 0.48983 0.68185 0.72875 0.57325 0.64911 0.49826 0.70093 0.94399 0.21977 0.45408 0.65175 0.15335 0.44155 0.04328 0.11263 0.81649 0.61144 0.50256 0.87717 0.08147 0.77305 0.59688 0.3441 0.84201 0.24978 0.19114 0.13742 0.21882 0.31445 0.14221 0.7264 0.65158 0.55866 0.37347 0.32625 0.55556 0.27136 0.56203 0.08595 0.15433 0.78776 0.21682 0.84694 0.87046 0.53668 0.77098 0.82272 0.92924 0.20082 0.66826 0.69617 0.37656 0.74839 0.05545 0.94242 0.37973 0.31714 0.38655 0.14208 0.27056 0.33321 0.08568 0.59719 0.00374 0.45313 0.74921 0.61151 0.77146 0.65683 0.4942
+0.61744 0.34602 0.58538 0.33242 0.79745 0.09969 0.15674 0.97445 0.11652 0.31036 0.81416 0.01041 0.46834 0.89256 0.29665 0.24752 0.68149 0.8131 0.59325 0.87158 0.3613 0.34115 0.54304 0.08788 0.63359 0.05474 0.38066 0.24634 0.52328 0.43749 0.05536 0.39782 0.25874 0.35834 0.52641 0.14186 0.52128 0.68798 0.44623 0.7927 0.20318 0.03475 0.12412 0.25231 0.96525 0.47635 0.9262 0.96684 0.81983 0.43729 0.69488 0.01843 0.61917 0.58634 0.89854 0.83075 0.74568 0.8464 0.42833 0.87467 0.55696 0.81993 0.18297 0.42629 0.13143 0.73033 0.27199 0.58961 0.2411 0.51302 0.91485 0.45631 0.99286 0.57536 0.27223 0.21601 0.86866 0.88408 0.07398 0.43749 0.01888 0.41141 0.87503 0.64369 0.50148 0.57704 0.94626 0.53999 0.3767 0.07886 0.63486 0.11425 0.83641 0.43836 0.40847 0.70773 0.82725 0.06474 0.4023 0.35711 0.34244 0.0785 0.04271 0.44623 0.10337 0.91696 0.82647 0.30635 0.53243 0.77174 0.90073 0.2204 0.16526 0.91799 0.04455 0.49511 0.37141 0.22755 0.90616 0.03133 0.0825 0.78116 0.1353 0.08838 0.87488 0.72497 0.75928 0.77011 0.05689 0.53913 0.47802 0.79431 0.40544 0.31942 0.86332 0.82854 0.57622 0.2965 0.87144 0.50118 0.53656 0.28387 0.8741 0.9473 0.20978 0.88547 0.4074 0.73456 0.47954 0.8204 0.83702 0.32857 0.5754 0.44801 0.53752 0.64319 0.06653 0.19715 0.11514 0.23002 0.89476 0.45461 0.3006 0.034 0.64769 0.39492 0.99797 0.79913 0.59494 0.85089 0.56797 0.69091 0.20808 0.80487 0.15156 0.5413 0.96823 0.26752 0.58441 0.73244 0.25445 0.07046 0.64233 0.52773 0.368 0.179 0.66746 0.92577 0.63875 0.88767 0.51075 0.69254 0.84536 0.88943 0.76536 0.57133 0.60467 0.53316 0.62621 0.54537 0.23899 0.36533 0.04277 0.88543 0.23328 0.19147 0.269 0.93683 0.89571 0.35763 0.14762 0.98429 0.77574 0.56014 0.9014 0.09808 0.18709 0.32848 0.88404 0.63659 0.88062 0.90484 0.09756 0.44674 0.24231 0.17587 0.13112 0.86981 0.15203 0.83879 0.27852 0.6776 0.50091 0.0582 0.56975 0.27208 0.3442 0.62354 0.46485 0.1708 0.07214 0.09708 0.24001 0.0323 0.53339 0.41618 0.9927 0.83411 0.47821 0.08799 0.00424 0.73212 0.48421 0.21168 0.9839 0.77885 0.41673 0.05563 0.10622 0.89307 0.8964 0.28771 0.11595 0.13956 0.42204 0.48961 0.20765 0.78581 0.82511 0.89856 0.5497 0.14053 0.99737 0.90866 0.87057 0.41186 0.99247 0.15038 0.0589 0.25796 0.83744 0.42379 0.9244 0.87995 0.36708 0.69072 0.96258 0.19718 0.80522 0.60261 0.35035 0.63056 0.37949 0.89408 0.26921 0.99924 0.08061 0.41232 0.93269 0.50723 0.98587 0.7011 0.37248 0.56228 0.78733 0.70145 0.18207 0.61522 0.71289 0.97233 0.39357 0.48272 0.71386 0.70006 0.22612 0.12234 0.31342 0.93383 0.97102 0.64006 0.30241 0.06716 0.55923 0.24978 0.94625 0.55359 0.30895 0.64444 0.93542 0.55037 0.46559 0.33078 0.10124 0.29662 0.13699 0.81607 0.3523 0.05467 0.10156 0.28221 0.64038 0.81831 0.5451 0.80424 0.97425 0.70814 0.47914 0.33712 0.75922 0.97578 0.95301 0.14073 0.28744 0.3378 0.0988 0.37375 0.33773 0.03028 0.87034 0.20286 0.63615 0.87996 0.63417 0.83596 0.00027 0.92276 0.61703 0.41273 0.61202 0.05186 0.30816 0.42363 0.68889 0.15577 0.98215 0.83286 0.3347 0.17408 0.62113 0.3476 0.86951 0.76787 0.78678 0.7171 0.71815 0.43286 0.61677 0.04211 0.02262 0.66782 0.90177 0.28713 0.18775 0.36784 0.17456 0.80915 0.8131 0.65863 0.39877 0.401 0.11751 0.24758 0.54891 0.62212 0.30658 0.91863 0.74069 0.80287 0.03303 0.78321 0.31956 0.26178 0.80806 0.93705 0.45779 0.95267 0.59848 0.76982 0.50239 0.96411 0.55972 0.54148 0.91796 0.00326 0.10625 0.03887 0.62467 0.96874 0.53095 0.14551 0.32447 0.74543 0.82098 0.60648 0.92062 0.81562 0.4736 0.00182 0.27303 0.25844 0.53114 0.53252 0.24454 0.07473 0.07661 0.70623 0.07351 0.76735 0.85227 0.9547 0.41118 0.99494 0.17959 0.37638 0.95957 0.51843 0.96528 0.912 0.2542 0.16946 0.83294 0.03425 0.41687 0.35168 0.12442 0.96183 0.82448 0.33293 0.83443 0.89954 0.66311 0.48274 0.68458 0.54324 0.71739 0.9013 0.56565 0.12541 0.17267 0.31564 0.78082 0.04406 0.09882 0.63633 0.06313 0.19964 0.23887 0.11906 0.77218 0.89353 0.80068 0.0791 0.02942 0.12564 0.07057 0.45319 0.21945 0.24933 0.79157 0.00087 0.85483 0.92597 0.53908 0.6026 0.05367 0.28165 0.86231 0.15397 0.34501 0.92538 0.55815 0.56975
+0.7714 0.17998 0.43548 0.50654 0.67427 0.11036 0.98798 0.37634 0.32426 0.28298 0.39598 0.49434 0.93289 0.13222 0.39358 0.06809 0.46747 0.09388 0.18047 0.3424 0.3784 0.8049 0.85745 0.09993 0.07098 0.58713 0.88361 0.95419 0.575 0.75831 0.21819 0.96916 0.99782 0.54334 0.08175 0.44751 0.68281 0.61045 0.59187 0.3942 0.14755 0.35762 0.39116 0.04053 0.34537 0.05063 0.84209 0.14219 0.1926 0.0604 0.98559 0.31666 0.03427 0.92232 0.0581 0.60299 0.59969 0.00436 0.76351 0.12765 0.51378 0.74093 0.45365 0.7738 0.62919 0.70824 0.29558 0.42347 0.86519 0.61732 0.44162 0.52305 0.07655 0.97142 0.10154 0.5456 0.87094 0.79153 0.62254 0.09352 0.56728 0.65493 0.08761 0.7646 0.77673 0.48099 0.18734 0.9403 0.92777 0.04967 0.18537 0.03634 0.62542 0.62344 0.43108 0.58154 0.04144 0.57548 0.76047 0.73136 0.30662 0.68069 0.7971 0.54191 0.14994 0.40042 0.44253 0.23245 0.19285 0.86718 0.85531 0.32243 0.45075 0.81057 0.42911 0.2588 0.47964 0.00204 0.36855 0.91286 0.45451 0.51234 0.68081 0.7438 0.06942 0.80303 0.66034 0.89599 0.91655 0.92785 0.72297 0.45365 0.90524 0.76984 0.00287 0.39179 0.20035 0.91944 0.81093 0.33302 0.2418 0.94705 0.16735 0.12137 0.06088 0.98358 0.84817 0.46048 0.59349 0.66193 0.43996 0.96232 0.67156 0.38726 0.07001 0.00897 0.68279 0.53861 0.95689 0.29902 0.17775 0.60727 0.35409 0.89694 0.37811 0.48526 0.04819 0.83863 0.33682 0.63996 0.81632 0.00233 0.57541 0.36952 0.58797 0.21906 0.77212 0.9277 0.84018 0.78287 0.18472 0.99213 0.9817 0.15307 0.00689 0.60076 0.78719 0.51747 0.59971 0.95274 0.50982 0.83129 0.82785 0.28625 0.20795 0.28413 0.10662 0.05708 0.19011 0.11059 0.5485 0.61955 0.31691 0.5855 0.63775 0.58817 0.15506 0.84235 0.20477 0.71922 0.03269 0.68139 0.37395 0.2251 0.86363 0.69684 0.82976 0.20262 0.80297 0.90859 0.84609 0.74997 0.04418 0.86825 0.12231 0.17483 0.53047 0.06017 0.87984 0.07938 0.90952 0.27008 0.73114 0.5787 0.58136 0.2722 0.67928 0.52173 0.35998 0.65355 0.35697 0.24479 0.8321 0.44801 0.53285 0.08114 0.95479 0.16815 0.12693 0.78019 0.03314 0.54049 0.15433 0.7807 0.13328 0.43763 0.87775 0.21501 0.13556 0.70543 0.5241 0.25489 0.59062 0.91317 0.16111 0.82729 0.78624 0.03087 0.83128 0.93256 0.23033 0.63745 0.7301 0.55093 0.02612 0.56573 0.01294 0.71799 0.64989 0.14934 0.50901 0.39262 0.30782 0.81501 0.29709 0.6433 0.0871 0.04496 0.90472 0.6655 0.26376 0.47774 0.13741 0.7317 0.83971 0.62506 0.43645 0.36721 0.33778 0.15486 0.67135 0.88102 0.10378 0.26763 0.50692 0.6674 0.69824 0.46763 0.46501 0.09982 0.61582 0.43196 0.69083 0.36406 0.07189 0.89378 0.57108 0.59153 0.64964 0.46049 0.45416 0.8649 0.80447 0.93646 0.17875 0.80002 0.91295 0.79853 0.17686 0.18963 0.0179 0.46038 0.96481 0.36176 0.89027 0.65747 0.37835 0.94969 0.33569 0.26053 0.10501 0.07823 0.19071 0.83056 0.0749 0.05409 0.36715 0.14385 0.54292 0.93385 0.07728 0.47458 0.66592 0.59852 0.54064 0.62307 0.40284 0.76248 0.04473 0.20666 0.3207 0.33044 0.33978 0.50813 0.78513 0.39686 0.46685 0.88343 0.16946 0.06038 0.52519 0.27273 0.72666 0.97328 0.48265 0.85661 0.45636 0.1808 0.05527 0.7153 0.96236 0.48419 0.52911 0.85536 0.45759 0.28862 0.37199 0.84667 0.10564 0.41702 0.6574 0.96739 0.16772 0.54841 0.31811 0.78375 0.89574 0.26631 0.09187 0.58756 0.99357 0.03306 0.42598 0.3818 0.61383 0.87066 0.62515 0.93081 0.13067 0.89053 0.35302 0.35314 0.7821 0.7669 0.73878 0.05762 0.48069 0.62782 0.56316 0.9836 0.07438 0.16686 0.6745 0.63333 0.82838 0.23312 0.67404 0.47618 0.43414 0.54018 0.451 0.61062 0.77079 0.62258 0.88469 0.3672 0.86551 0.88348 0.54734 0.59213 0.26315 0.14644 0.24244 0.28358 0.25369 0.80315 0.52171 0.33694 0.75313 0.56916 0.87631 0.92882 0.9662 0.0197 0.62739 0.87043 0.89416 0.11874 0.00785 0.12028 0.88901 0.71014 0.26799 0.86475 0.29023 0.27518 0.91829 0.36097 0.4646 0.50594 0.07689 0.52403 0.17354 0.66135 0.86924 0.76785 0.87499 0.52405 0.2301 0.94749 0.20691 0.14445 0.82512 0.82145 0.77819 0.21698 0.92693 0.07868 0.5229 0.49622 0.90021 0.80948 0.9479 0.63755 0.49037 0.16965 0.78522 0.44743 0.46194 0.30679 0.69798 0.61629 0.66911 0.93447 0.18194 0.31099 0.98991 0.24158 0.91624 0.98826 0.00332 0.68184
+0.83443 0.13143 0.19428 0.63714 0.24234 0.13698 0.23638 0.82097 0.93098 0.28072 0.13287 0.87348 0.77115 0.63985 0.18167 0.50099 0.76581 0.30258 0.92975 0.17426 0.85336 0.82446 0.96927 0.59181 0.21288 0.08734 0.59523 0.4293 0.89776 0.32882 0.52724 0.87034 0.35962 0.22385 0.57101 0.84979 0.70741 0.39365 0.60245 0.63276 0.46852 0.2228 0.26218 0.10266 0.68128 0.99081 0.63701 0.65796 0.65027 0.81965 0.01453 0.87434 0.93197 0.76898 0.53244 0.37799 0.17302 0.11233 0.5468 0.88094 0.20776 0.61791 0.85278 0.12699 0.09303 0.56904 0.13298 0.99786 0.2302 0.72152 0.68057 0.38855 0.80768 0.32691 0.40408 0.81635 0.4804 0.65292 0.82467 0.29824 0.54014 0.90433 0.40265 0.18275 0.83296 0.79342 0.3872 0.56764 0.85884 0.39929 0.59218 0.56338 0.67213 0.13845 0.66203 0.29811 0.94565 0.08426 0.53077 0.74943 0.6431 0.70362 0.64415 0.57471 0.81981 0.07988 0.0329 0.87927 0.73568 0.79284 0.02373 0.41383 0.69418 0.04347 0.26277 0.1085 0.45853 0.60676 0.14217 0.03861 0.51453 0.48438 0.91292 0.98283 0.13738 0.09362 0.77148 0.1115 0.96221 0.63832 0.01644 0.20031 0.49131 0.16678 0.0829 0.45561 0.84955 0.48223 0.93379 0.37873 0.11345 0.75508 0.16152 0.20075 0.67829 0.51952 0.14587 0.6984 0.73206 0.62167 0.37558 0.49227 0.84903 0.53674 0.2917 0.87032 0.9013 0.40902 0.01799 0.15671 0.80405 0.35024 0.33857 0.50502 0.81053 0.30038 0.31421 0.8536 0.25882 0.23002 0.89382 0.60929 0.07618 0.33623 0.1903 0.37762 0.00095 0.46375 0.70425 0.66561 0.53329 0.38916 0.82888 0.75909 0.00774 0.47395 0.7229 0.28325 0.54893 0.4289 0.35857 0.88089 0.90181 0.81283 0.42133 0.41749 0.81098 0.77497 0.41959 0.45571 0.07782 0.71401 0.01922 0.19694 0.89496 0.40499 0.51046 0.86757 0.14355 0.08862 0.69488 0.84532 0.0087 0.70819 0.75323 0.61351 0.25805 0.60637 0.02818 0.85458 0.86669 0.81628 0.19599 0.02216 0.0309 0.46507 0.08004 0.07779 0.66285 0.2168 0.2111 0.31421 0.28826 0.28201 0.59981 0.64705 0.21563 0.30683 0.62273 0.89404 0.48194 0.64953 0.95837 0.80444 0.05419 0.02096 0.00243 0.25476 0.83824 0.94321 0.49557 0.24508 0.50782 0.10575 0.84573 0.10168 0.26315 0.8969 0.03467 0.10233 0.0332 0.01599 0.39649 0.3384 0.96476 0.14375 0.83674 0.25405 0.7699 0.63237 0.35158 0.30555 0.23052 0.1188 0.98867 0.47753 0.94502 0.62687 0.33743 0.82278 0.77552 0.74083 0.4882 0.95701 0.64776 0.03167 0.50238 0.19298 0.31942 0.04696 0.91742 0.69597 0.80541 0.95733 0.77719 0.71811 0.18734 0.32678 0.23798 0.72962 0.04716 0.012 0.17593 0.9236 0.16982 0.42561 0.65298 0.2661 0.92621 0.86511 0.70156 0.34019 0.77691 0.13818 0.92988 0.70146 0.78289 0.74497 0.6492 0.9318 0.28845 0.3336 0.38418 0.04694 0.43861 0.18357 0.50777 0.11307 0.33521 0.14328 0.99638 0.14544 0.43946 0.62919 0.42113 0.98428 0.42677 0.58082 0.73231 0.78738 0.37633 0.7423 0.63651 0.01009 0.1529 0.53904 0.7467 0.15711 0.8013 0.29036 0.28867 0.59234 0.56801 0.97133 0.34003 0.34486 0.47409 0.1238 0.21989 0.46965 0.67968 0.79297 0.34054 0.59628 0.55168 0.01438 0.27504 0.22794 0.46429 0.9797 0.31829 0.06113 0.46581 0.80276 0.84572 0.05893 0.7084 0.57671 0.59375 0.72849 0.46498 0.98678 0.8582 0.28153 0.34961 0.50276 0.93495 0.37962 0.06706 0.29019 0.71928 0.33496 0.32877 0.30042 0.30435 0.58009 0.64411 0.78074 0.03407 0.46612 0.35983 0.2931 0.5711 0.91583 0.83417 0.49745 0.73027 0.41189 0.93522 0.15734 0.15439 0.37158 0.67835 0.57814 0.16846 0.07177 0.0792 0.60924 0.38218 0.35476 0.68525 0.07426 0.05698 0.60306 0.98775 0.61351 0.40688 0.21 0.34705 0.9342 0.56023 0.04392 0.93964 0.59131 0.78486 0.64083 0.91116 0.05344 0.61936 0.49071 0.03179 0.55032 0.93914 0.20632 0.25023 0.84568 0.03937 0.89353 0.94007 0.58698 0.12057 0.0309 0.40817 0.61865 0.3108 0.37378 0.517 0.79924 0.92043 0.72386 0.41961 0.8242 0.22872 0.30318 0.47511 0.06624 0.66174 0.22311 0.27209 0.7728 0.97554 0.41351 0.74389 0.57648 0.25908 0.01169 0.36754 0.86295 0.80577 0.32763 0.45072 0.96618 0.34622 0.76679 0.49789 0.5544 0.57033 0.59169 0.54623 0.06049 0.07125 0.91286 0.12268 0.07852 0.01488 0.39326 0.99408 0.04365 0.80858 0.21899 0.05111 0.52565 0.31213 0.29015 0.94271 0.92849 0.97109 0.80345 0.22617 0.20823 0.24328 0.52024
+0.57637 0.6924 0.55539 0.8195 0.98889 0.72678 0.96419 0.84895 0.368 0.20435 0.62211 0.27014 0.28741 0.47009 0.83246 0.93328 0.47487 0.49669 0.88623 0.26719 0.60604 0.05437 0.29534 0.33518 0.70848 0.11611 0.19692 0.50953 0.15877 0.18292 0.69916 0.88228 0.7397 0.52161 0.33384 0.87154 0.26066 0.53179 0.68979 0.46743 0.87221 0.84038 0.17862 0.74877 0.77541 0.17019 0.4206 0.4291 0.00288 0.64129 0.37315 0.69789 0.79597 0.35961 0.73766 0.81604 0.83476 0.60223 0.73559 0.3198 0.6612 0.9152 0.68538 0.0218 0.21687 0.59234 0.42798 0.6241 0.9516 0.19054 0.65741 0.56876 0.30766 0.46142 0.72798 0.9363 0.62085 0.65772 0.69744 0.95342 0.87025 0.23871 0.94194 0.84267 0.71253 0.06358 0.03879 0.66569 0.56517 0.82001 0.65749 0.74154 0.28192 0.92813 0.6536 0.79773 0.99659 0.13456 0.08568 0.11144 0.05929 0.86917 0.83292 0.02126 0.85129 0.66113 0.53382 0.55431 0.48382 0.9617 0.50045 0.35102 0.0472 0.44378 0.50541 0.70987 0.32868 0.2869 0.7366 0.45551 0.72651 0.41994 0.88093 0.00136 0.78417 0.62917 0.08414 0.45393 0.99199 0.56144 0.50069 0.55945 0.22997 0.87103 0.54918 0.27947 0.53513 0.19891 0.90298 0.03147 0.53376 0.45639 7e-05 0.9779 0.20629 0.68784 0.06645 0.68465 0.65986 0.2375 0.86965 0.10302 0.07737 0.62841 0.04442 0.42757 0.4547 0.16411 0.80028 0.86882 0.73756 0.18212 0.00635 0.45792 0.1776 0.81131 0.07647 0.36148 0.47053 0.53347 0.97726 0.32422 0.98187 0.11633 0.91297 0.56331 0.78911 0.98183 0.66706 0.79624 0.42952 0.35135 0.52582 0.72979 0.50127 0.80763 0.28352 0.31242 0.52903 0.73784 0.40635 0.54329 0.25894 0.35523 0.82444 0.26972 0.42456 0.84452 0.2632 0.33753 0.92023 0.86608 0.27583 0.67833 0.85911 0.36998 0.04735 0.30989 0.89402 0.37285 0.35312 0.37886 0.06936 0.10207 0.21942 0.07439 0.27864 0.54846 0.35041 0.89416 0.1821 0.10005 0.0132 0.04424 0.3414 0.61432 0.84712 0.95881 0.0346 0.64132 0.57291 0.92746 0.32382 0.1694 0.89675 0.48785 0.6903 0.96223 0.9861 0.65872 0.48835 0.63957 0.40701 0.74669 0.11906 0.45209 0.88323 0.42549 0.04767 0.19565 0.81479 0.86966 0.61018 0.06913 0.33073 0.41534 0.67461 0.57483 0.38884 0.58496 0.05155 0.80843 0.63719 0.701 0.99073 0.78957 0.79677 0.16406 0.68021 0.47876 0.01475 0.43759 0.61758 0.0027 0.6209 0.80435 0.68554 0.19474 0.11652 0.18224 0.32148 0.79501 0.66824 0.94946 0.20259 0.47555 0.18913 0.1798 0.78803 0.56529 0.03589 0.88637 0.74047 0.0225 0.50517 0.04848 0.76934 0.69532 0.68373 0.2158 0.20524 0.49981 0.2857 0.99489 0.67387 0.34818 0.54295 0.59066 0.71789 0.55199 0.34041 0.66827 0.3542 0.98308 0.57817 0.92248 0.79115 0.47881 0.38087 0.75947 0.58854 0.44441 0.275 0.66068 0.70377 0.19491 0.73794 0.05493 0.10077 0.22711 0.59351 0.00613 0.17901 0.49115 0.7534 0.23094 0.34136 0.32401 0.88687 0.44675 0.23072 0.84166 0.20589 0.37349 0.26764 0.1255 0.43109 0.55867 0.50182 0.98566 0.86899 0.34385 0.20905 0.13864 0.15628 0.10775 0.31789 0.30858 0.29342 0.76097 0.37122 0.93329 0.10456 0.89029 0.89664 0.0681 0.47964 0.69967 0.48671 0.3399 0.72102 0.91842 0.10322 0.76546 0.32357 0.07139 0.49247 0.44317 0.50502 0.02709 0.70677 0.14258 0.83204 0.06329 0.27719 0.54446 0.09037 0.00918 0.23636 0.19712 0.34814 0.51033 0.51393 0.78603 0.90756 0.97473 0.67218 0.80524 0.25808 0.96546 0.24187 0.19364 0.79228 0.46621 0.75713 0.8639 0.16768 0.7509 0.12288 0.59961 0.85171 0.76103 0.43624 0.06874 0.79312 0.38523 0.33844 0.44553 0.05562 0.50623 0.49506 0.25822 0.37653 0.95455 0.6765 0.76315 0.79502 0.71955 0.23258 0.49213 0.3938 0.38167 0.04624 0.16373 0.46047 0.75309 0.97087 0.07844 0.34372 0.0589 0.76227 0.6306 0.53147 0.67183 0.47985 0.30285 0.62127 0.26363 0.34707 0.16426 0.53098 0.28393 0.23026 0.84273 0.13622 0.47134 0.97012 0.91326 0.1895 0.6059 0.65154 0.07322 0.03566 0.27423 0.1863 0.94825 0.30051 0.25739 0.11441 0.71524 0.21359 0.80685 0.06927 0.92008 0.04067 0.571 0.573 0.13161 0.10148 0.39207 0.71 0.91724 0.47584 0.75028 0.6252 0.30857 0.79542 0.95685 0.09548 0.51562 0.24884 0.70669 0.86795 0.53403 0.36799 0.25191 0.4674 0.92698 0.23541 0.69339 0.61537 0.95108 0.58397 0.81708 0.84633 0.63624 0.24417 0.54264 0.16675 0.71016 0.31315 0.8315
+0.03655 0.7371 0.52007 0.60978 0.67813 0.04027 0.98791 0.26379 0.55875 0.73176 0.18929 0.48023 0.90852 0.02023 0.56967 0.70726 0.15346 0.62253 0.97798 0.43064 0.61247 0.92604 0.79171 0.98982 0.24233 0.70898 0.08004 0.64152 0.47931 0.85966 0.86108 0.16197 0.87255 0.18047 0.22383 0.53971 0.11939 0.54187 0.06942 0.77266 0.77748 0.24744 0.33363 0.49613 0.02231 0.04013 0.22645 0.42252 0.79376 0.36385 0.26668 0.79604 0.95393 0.8146 0.7262 0.82146 0.78432 0.64796 0.58493 0.96706 0.01685 0.64298 0.47473 0.65382 0.44581 0.49666 0.9048 0.32088 0.73303 0.37844 0.39196 0.57462 0.47883 0.32235 0.18948 0.09395 0.02865 0.7602 0.43198 0.38266 0.89355 0.53878 0.84984 0.96316 0.12566 0.62612 0.39472 0.08592 0.18673 0.84968 0.64203 0.63285 0.5238 0.9837 0.42921 0.84736 0.65486 0.54771 0.05803 0.38707 0.75075 0.96301 0.35554 0.54193 0.25978 0.39943 0.43691 0.30259 0.69671 0.08734 0.15477 0.07737 0.48973 0.32307 0.44043 0.12338 0.07471 0.29355 0.6298 0.26106 0.62796 0.95692 0.72123 0.55061 0.18075 0.05031 0.20774 0.5355 0.24019 0.43499 0.97139 0.92371 0.09 0.16298 0.69087 0.10714 0.421 0.15427 0.91669 0.8471 0.34183 0.71556 0.12216 0.78953 0.17459 0.84552 0.13036 0.58252 0.01015 0.78128 0.96661 0.00385 0.1017 0.0941 0.53054 0.2229 0.7163 0.97994 0.23007 0.05011 0.97734 0.07548 0.30797 0.26768 0.04419 0.49756 0.26266 0.99658 0.2461 0.49603 0.83295 0.6177 0.16394 0.98454 0.71546 0.45146 0.65981 0.19487 0.73744 0.89138 0.90523 0.06847 0.4597 0.41816 0.52702 0.52137 0.96114 0.75876 0.44116 0.69358 0.62679 0.54805 0.08224 0.95309 0.25428 0.25478 0.33511 0.29088 0.98666 0.47693 0.56889 0.33764 0.12853 0.17179 0.90911 0.78106 0.05999 0.83043 0.28072 0.1295 0.38503 0.07432 0.34364 0.69019 0.42272 0.25041 0.25069 0.54258 0.79614 0.32099 0.45944 0.3003 0.88857 0.26312 0.25479 0.19884 0.95039 0.23922 0.14462 0.3736 0.98787 0.11152 0.02403 0.05496 0.66675 0.0391 0.42835 0.96624 0.37262 0.68168 0.83698 0.51062 0.98026 0.57753 0.66348 0.74506 0.96054 0.0693 0.90779 0.57673 0.26644 0.08483 0.40845 0.14889 0.0924 0.27923 0.95115 0.36199 0.18332 0.15881 0.30148 0.45833 0.96123 0.13631 0.18418 0.83114 0.91512 0.54748 0.7212 0.29335 0.9782 0.62945 0.55462 0.2101 0.65348 0.03926 0.7302 0.72985 0.87328 0.34696 0.3819 0.10523 0.17274 0.31003 0.05496 0.44678 0.76013 0.33169 0.0331 0.59893 0.7469 0.79023 0.58283 0.22389 0.011 0.02908 0.94745 0.92048 0.77001 0.74169 0.96676 0.68609 0.93876 0.21186 0.36965 0.0899 0.85501 0.0576 0.50376 0.07468 0.89046 0.172 0.79137 0.26438 0.63922 0.36043 0.54008 0.17092 0.74647 0.0216 0.65396 0.91123 0.43731 0.11127 0.98124 0.89971 0.08975 0.20746 0.45962 0.34069 0.75424 0.05728 0.76479 0.18955 0.77156 0.33228 0.86136 0.94128 0.69482 0.22794 0.93488 0.25402 0.66752 0.77795 0.62961 0.086 0.05056 0.17109 0.04031 0.50903 0.73104 0.34146 0.51126 0.80476 0.15838 0.60009 0.93377 0.82178 0.93125 0.19489 0.82418 0.98835 0.93074 0.48695 0.55967 0.54201 0.76642 0.57908 0.33991 0.11067 0.14865 0.48615 0.11174 0.03078 0.24965 0.23871 0.32798 0.81476 0.82592 0.73224 0.66553 0.87262 0.75965 0.87068 0.55214 0.18327 0.18687 0.8711 0.24265 0.9174 0.93078 0.5257 0.55911 0.80738 0.98553 0.21494 0.55617 0.06596 0.09051 0.34609 0.06385 0.5764 0.32101 0.8543 0.89211 0.82116 0.07008 0.47754 0.89491 0.89927 0.94925 0.98311 0.39218 0.87388 0.91148 0.09358 0.51045 0.06635 0.46877 0.85912 0.83249 0.25289 0.26959 0.07625 0.55624 0.50947 0.27815 0.47012 0.36397 0.62217 0.07056 0.42724 0.90438 0.19302 0.30174 0.79039 0.00331 0.63496 0.60723 0.20458 0.02607 0.91551 0.14599 0.13426 0.2363 0.96488 0.33621 0.75855 0.86284 0.15748 0.47946 0.88932 0.99106 0.0348 0.75787 0.59708 0.25363 0.58122 0.84379 0.17187 0.56823 0.05508 0.64399 0.04436 0.28208 0.95727 0.64098 0.40187 0.10522 0.44591 0.68798 0.20023 0.05045 0.57191 0.00602 0.49504 0.71153 0.53794 0.87844 0.41325 0.30199 0.08824 0.33854 0.73746 0.4244 0.10993 0.39235 0.13739 0.38199 0.65623 0.75845 0.31049 0.03711 0.40845 0.01984 0.57742 0.89523 0.67737 0.14362 0.62271 0.21579 0.98436 0.2743 0.35366 0.20075 0.67562 0.00959 0.85356 0.20862 0.58609 0.5888 0.03491
+0.91953 0.5297 0.46138 0.07136 0.05946 0.93829 0.92729 0.12833 0.77207 0.43268 0.21626 0.61978 0.3571 0.00269 0.13417 0.66082 0.40445 0.59021 0.04255 0.78155 0.84413 0.5945 0.94472 0.62895 0.30428 0.6725 0.67954 0.7369 0.45054 0.86106 0.03611 0.7723 0.42662 0.44563 0.65656 0.1479 0.674 0.17858 0.23718 0.48527 0.533 0.44911 0.41774 0.06277 0.16067 0.92244 0.68214 0.1791 0.87968 0.57037 0.09478 0.60339 0.45593 0.11029 0.47186 0.67596 0.79164 0.59329 0.89177 0.86488 0.8986 0.1605 0.69462 0.0746 0.91947 0.39209 0.53269 0.8223 0.91943 0.60865 0.29042 0.51294 0.29935 0.733 0.71313 0.03179 0.97554 0.1492 0.6718 0.54242 0.67653 0.78884 0.43884 0.22867 0.41256 0.25802 0.81965 0.12087 0.10083 0.877 0.1264 0.29355 0.14791 0.11568 0.16978 0.66012 0.66635 0.15807 0.54335 0.41301 0.49411 0.84284 0.73606 0.54087 0.76294 0.26097 0.46723 0.74749 0.26704 0.33105 0.46459 0.27384 0.08043 0.36505 0.15301 0.80268 0.66482 0.1784 0.13783 0.55218 0.35829 0.6005 0.73633 0.59715 0.65171 0.19678 0.25839 0.08671 0.02054 0.36003 0.53841 0.00456 0.02738 0.70885 0.53642 0.94066 0.27492 0.58022 0.07991 0.53095 0.52257 0.39013 0.94368 0.73102 0.64717 0.9757 0.57777 0.44246 0.43601 0.49216 0.71742 0.45842 0.45163 0.69631 0.54581 0.04434 0.79724 0.13891 0.53417 0.66097 0.43295 0.68888 0.29948 0.05599 0.12648 0.88894 0.52936 0.60725 0.83467 0.14363 0.1986 0.50948 0.72967 0.5935 0.00918 0.08448 0.38407 0.5752 0.55982 0.80097 0.70108 0.90449 0.66826 0.29585 0.94779 0.95264 0.94882 0.78223 0.13494 0.2117 0.38671 0.49035 0.06348 0.14808 0.79521 0.70819 0.59102 0.61866 0.24336 0.78949 0.98107 0.60494 0.3635 0.97246 0.3292 0.51549 0.91193 0.32669 0.70885 0.96756 0.26661 0.58887 0.45034 0.5748 0.99276 0.69021 0.22123 0.36266 0.43511 0.81154 0.44213 0.83463 0.82318 0.23593 0.50747 0.61552 0.36048 0.99957 0.3159 0.16836 0.67561 0.11449 0.49547 0.61891 0.54157 0.98102 0.38567 0.27003 0.79853 0.83302 0.69443 0.19359 0.9295 0.49247 0.85334 0.49587 0.36452 0.77684 0.08821 0.54245 0.80205 0.0649 0.58462 0.77602 0.4352 0.08209 0.96367 0.40019 0.25616 0.20561 0.17837 0.85128 0.60619 0.43925 0.0933 0.33008 0.33151 0.62032 0.20955 0.78978 0.77241 0.4567 0.58189 0.40166 0.85495 0.72176 0.99581 0.55334 0.54262 0.58421 0.79356 0.40511 0.8133 0.57278 0.94287 0.23652 0.45182 0.67797 0.52028 0.89561 0.65247 0.04537 0.34833 0.04857 0.29983 0.41585 0.38935 0.70386 0.97528 0.00508 0.65112 0.89689 0.84827 0.18433 0.56181 0.69582 0.08059 0.45269 0.20803 0.0157 0.84746 0.95282 0.07129 0.34606 0.37231 0.68569 0.68258 0.35078 0.02084 0.33332 0.73104 0.22966 0.3056 0.94933 0.97039 0.67446 0.33366 0.96067 0.78848 0.36489 0.36668 0.28263 0.68952 0.25491 0.8652 0.76511 0.70527 0.81584 0.28708 0.83516 0.10887 0.08033 0.32278 0.14119 0.17155 0.66322 0.59703 0.28223 0.37129 0.36014 0.76588 0.04601 0.28409 0.12743 0.70938 0.19617 0.78853 0.52195 0.38099 0.96035 0.73735 0.8775 0.41881 0.61915 0.75437 0.48603 0.8025 0.82015 0.17391 0.96904 0.43346 0.74017 0.37136 0.4176 0.06969 0.36391 0.029 0.78977 0.67346 0.11113 0.63477 0.64481 0.09126 0.98769 0.423 0.42258 0.13242 0.07989 0.14617 0.6449 0.51433 0.09386 0.30768 0.48901 0.92461 0.5088 0.61108 0.00377 0.68535 0.52034 0.94838 0.73813 0.73127 0.97414 0.27714 0.31563 0.33086 0.04629 0.73888 0.65286 0.08584 0.31073 0.11491 0.13711 0.04385 0.64994 0.39061 0.3552 0.39057 0.73812 0.60042 0.5277 0.56064 0.995 0.67627 0.94307 0.58657 0.6223 0.50487 0.5647 0.81259 0.18125 0.12152 0.21138 0.98825 0.98365 0.47105 0.71835 0.00278 0.29611 0.43636 0.10413 0.03244 0.56494 0.56978 0.69168 0.74044 0.13157 0.51596 0.63979 0.40702 0.0534 0.19208 0.61859 0.58335 0.11862 0.16047 0.1132 0.69392 0.78027 0.44972 0.21111 0.22123 0.13111 0.06805 0.20369 0.83557 0.79448 0.03543 0.2355 0.0027 0.36551 0.12735 0.2508 0.96209 0.39249 0.65536 0.59204 0.50864 0.55458 0.31845 0.07049 0.8812 0.32447 0.69869 0.94782 0.74809 0.11534 0.23108 0.51159 0.97447 0.21656 0.72653 0.24219 0.01891 0.60492 0.09896 0.31752 0.43533 0.44994 0.20381 0.12987 0.95146 0.04112 0.90413 0.57976 0.28074 0.24435 0.84158 0.88116 0.80271 0.32941
+0.46228 0.38928 0.74292 0.1771 0.31132 0.35203 0.41947 0.93848 0.74262 0.25642 0.76443 0.63404 0.73195 0.58275 0.23271 0.76126 0.44802 0.06997 0.72788 0.95666 0.87291 0.99932 0.80693 0.2947 0.83403 0.77318 0.75807 0.21409 0.403 0.11732 0.45565 0.16163 0.70613 0.34963 0.4953 0.95496 0.43055 0.93867 0.64159 0.59268 0.96305 0.1657 0.39104 0.84531 0.37654 0.38918 0.75 0.49492 0.02719 0.64783 0.0676 0.09398 0.10462 0.15549 0.85284 0.532 0.64641 0.11366 0.79988 0.85552 0.66673 0.27076 0.90021 0.799 0.80629 0.73091 0.02505 0.32628 0.76864 0.08316 0.9272 0.9066 0.93165 0.06264 0.29637 0.72645 0.19399 0.25229 0.31645 0.83188 0.0082 0.73679 0.93063 0.84999 0.663 0.2734 0.16665 0.6247 0.08595 0.57518 0.26745 0.4208 0.30321 0.67639 0.80415 0.62121 0.66542 0.697 0.90402 0.78168 0.45664 0.70178 0.50878 0.87361 0.2484 0.38335 0.07643 0.39264 0.94429 0.84004 0.85142 0.80515 0.29249 0.45347 0.21615 0.77461 0.95783 0.63168 0.33126 0.01599 0.61441 0.43212 0.92606 0.70491 0.61423 0.94346 0.3623 0.20167 0.99728 0.85543 0.89746 0.24957 0.41419 0.80494 0.09541 0.39014 0.85923 0.73483 0.16517 0.11402 0.29534 0.28555 0.44802 0.51097 0.70055 0.70263 0.77166 0.359 0.28165 0.52476 0.95359 0.37851 0.79797 0.18158 0.84312 0.04657 0.2371 0.929 0.57576 0.09412 0.50529 0.11103 0.44975 0.20762 0.99838 0.58541 0.13049 0.37704 0.92716 0.86767 0.86998 0.53323 0.66997 0.77874 0.77801 0.34276 0.96131 0.23491 0.81423 0.25769 0.47015 0.59153 0.73934 0.75062 0.19099 0.59715 0.11989 0.49013 0.42908 0.84131 0.68412 0.0376 0.54675 0.24541 0.59782 0.95548 0.1868 0.67109 0.4098 0.30226 0.88753 0.48681 0.39731 0.90288 0.56109 0.18123 0.12801 0.76742 0.84549 0.76161 0.10657 0.7114 0.30999 0.93431 0.49361 0.52795 0.26982 0.99638 0.58459 0.48702 0.55069 0.0506 0.22776 0.0397 0.06427 0.49514 0.55242 0.45629 0.59593 0.81951 0.67216 0.03657 0.67427 0.66207 0.04334 0.42062 0.27196 0.43825 0.62529 0.78637 0.23682 0.25947 0.36218 0.25869 0.95845 0.39993 0.84398 0.56457 0.19532 0.59907 0.83511 0.08453 0.95496 0.05076 0.80585 0.83886 0.18542 0.66054 0.03995 0.31874 0.88891 0.47735 0.80317 0.42347 0.28922 0.47267 0.80045 0.87902 0.92673 0.21363 0.33548 0.48586 0.87326 0.33011 0.31987 0.68046 0.85571 0.15157 0.64101 0.59059 0.70792 0.56976 0.03554 0.2149 0.57043 0.42504 0.85465 0.40187 0.15645 0.21084 0.26992 0.86712 0.05291 0.96323 0.2116 0.83392 0.73345 0.98847 0.60718 0.40284 0.66967 0.2491 0.03976 0.92524 0.33607 0.95084 0.33999 0.7655 0.63789 0.61192 0.83792 0.2529 0.21515 0.41315 0.84939 0.03936 0.09919 0.74656 0.86165 0.54504 0.54915 0.93538 0.15313 0.33375 0.697 0.05279 0.33521 0.78775 0.26384 0.51625 0.8487 0.0169 0.92617 0.09446 0.82467 0.03765 0.81898 0.10822 0.7548 0.85797 0.05409 0.92528 0.99005 0.55939 0.24621 0.81262 0.13345 0.51387 0.1157 0.05165 0.63229 0.72426 0.70923 0.64598 0.52726 0.17844 0.56346 0.30214 0.70349 0.05576 0.42902 0.88959 0.93439 0.56898 0.26824 0.37305 0.77071 0.4068 0.41315 0.44464 0.14481 0.75119 0.44755 0.4828 0.38775 0.98673 0.99172 0.42195 0.62498 0.78754 0.286 0.32566 0.24316 0.62553 0.76109 0.13095 0.71934 0.82197 0.80079 0.20482 0.93257 0.79231 0.72437 0.68243 0.55907 0.8702 0.57406 0.49922 0.05349 0.78065 0.63588 0.85271 0.78776 0.9123 0.81296 0.14386 0.3185 0.85414 0.85121 0.19342 0.84193 0.80665 0.91462 0.6338 0.41509 0.0604 0.28904 0.41575 0.47008 0.3408 0.62746 0.70544 0.54281 0.60524 0.55774 0.19566 0.35693 0.506 0.02747 0.35893 0.93241 0.68685 0.59349 0.60286 0.37157 0.41313 0.88918 0.81437 0.28833 0.22791 0.04512 0.7821 0.14611 0.82189 0.93646 0.06894 0.42162 0.41763 0.34043 0.48794 0.35172 0.09622 0.87872 0.09317 0.95107 0.83305 0.81326 0.21157 0.98287 0.77266 0.99707 0.08957 0.88799 0.55237 0.20362 0.95917 0.57276 0.20482 0.0055 0.04937 0.56191 0.62756 0.23205 0.40346 0.41535 0.77756 0.76249 0.254 0.6509 0.71304 0.53059 0.77491 0.69288 0.26818 0.09836 0.85629 0.15227 0.25794 0.95855 0.22122 0.40072 0.50106 0.64895 0.1938 0.573 0.70404 0.08165 0.15413 0.07316 0.00733 0.41262 0.75603 0.6727 0.62799 0.30776 0.04388 0.24925 0.70942 0.29606 0.25469 0.02121 0.98389
+0.50504 0.78893 0.16023 0.42305 0.41116 0.37588 0.38792 0.00707 0.49879 0.75395 0.68845 0.74468 0.03201 0.97996 0.73097 0.42513 0.80979 0.0299 0.3881 0.07424 0.87765 0.09237 0.28501 0.34176 0.58513 0.11505 0.77874 0.30583 0.84588 0.47195 0.85815 0.96074 0.69759 0.4216 0.85381 0.86087 0.88606 0.34309 0.7448 0.30931 0.41083 0.6177 0.89048 0.86849 0.8449 0.98806 0.21999 0.63646 0.66404 0.68201 0.87369 0.84447 0.38498 0.75565 0.3367 0.08296 0.33644 0.59221 0.8626 0.7146 0.4224 0.54117 0.30093 0.83666 0.65361 0.8836 0.0722 0.12733 0.44633 0.05668 0.25478 0.25696 0.08596 0.20285 0.11892 0.62306 0.11636 6e-05 0.27319 0.93735 0.51189 0.82892 0.3973 0.17181 0.42383 0.16889 0.61561 0.12522 0.60181 0.84429 0.90874 0.2235 0.62696 0.85184 0.42817 0.9856 0.99191 0.83733 0.66024 0.69748 0.93374 0.48278 0.2149 0.31592 0.14894 0.76955 0.73068 0.54345 0.05225 0.60675 0.56392 0.78997 0.90484 0.42972 0.39707 0.69093 0.72511 0.02253 0.30207 0.27166 0.71432 0.8205 0.85579 0.496 0.50504 0.19656 0.52479 0.58315 0.81195 0.05365 0.04267 0.1387 0.65804 0.45968 0.58381 0.9129 0.55239 0.82486 0.19775 0.42716 0.78473 0.35457 0.90842 0.93614 0.25953 0.83681 0.40688 0.59433 0.43279 0.38713 0.96467 0.31172 0.38246 0.99622 0.28034 0.23072 0.11776 0.46275 0.53101 0.47491 0.27242 0.55288 0.51246 0.85635 0.13887 0.30967 0.72331 0.18771 0.62722 0.98201 0.31902 0.16191 0.73657 0.2345 0.94358 0.53893 0.21988 0.01831 0.00779 0.59195 0.27948 0.09164 0.42979 0.74381 0.10807 0.65109 0.32306 0.59004 0.2285 0.24984 0.70998 0.16173 0.24379 0.4418 0.20662 0.68259 0.30168 0.01507 0.34853 0.72172 0.99986 0.49194 0.26071 0.26187 0.07786 0.23402 0.34195 0.48635 0.24979 0.50984 0.95342 0.37676 0.95086 0.25926 0.39277 0.33306 0.25905 0.69991 0.80395 0.275 0.21496 0.71619 0.11831 0.58143 0.91986 0.57847 0.07556 0.75224 0.22482 0.33868 0.82224 0.41603 0.684 0.89832 0.5445 0.75023 0.96762 0.93559 0.63672 0.85325 0.79771 0.57294 0.96607 0.37558 0.36896 0.99222 0.40215 0.82432 0.8674 0.29365 0.62218 0.80463 0.58861 0.62745 0.59436 0.18538 0.46474 0.58919 0.56113 0.43654 0.49518 0.42775 0.43956 0.68034 0.29381 0.98047 0.55441 0.48331 0.19827 0.91557 0.64719 0.89978 0.57817 0.792 0.18931 0.0538 0.87519 0.16549 0.92026 0.03288 0.60258 0.62416 0.75429 0.60702 0.06208 0.20183 0.28688 0.76137 0.53404 0.74372 0.40291 0.11894 0.11931 0.06469 0.01899 0.40926 0.76757 0.60164 0.76056 0.97608 0.95677 0.13177 0.58875 0.81105 0.32901 0.22203 0.76172 0.29883 0.88438 0.73036 0.33793 0.56778 0.2728 0.68233 0.42442 0.02259 0.02021 0.33206 0.32967 0.67018 0.81351 0.55949 0.70062 0.51749 0.84762 0.36864 0.17967 0.99867 0.30044 0.42324 0.96239 0.11758 0.01619 0.23807 0.33905 0.3377 0.58931 0.20312 0.45654 0.24002 0.15183 0.03915 0.27549 0.36258 0.89137 0.47652 0.7079 0.41513 0.75909 0.76154 0.31401 0.80639 0.17344 0.98458 0.27591 0.24235 0.72511 0.06918 0.87511 0.41478 0.6324 0.55284 0.07036 0.4106 0.83071 0.9263 0.60771 0.93104 0.87708 0.0188 0.80975 0.61523 0.42066 0.3914 0.99067 0.89044 0.54185 0.39401 0.84243 0.50322 0.77687 0.86556 0.792 0.14878 0.9013 0.31488 0.85071 0.34358 0.62521 0.83799 0.17525 0.39783 0.22374 0.12881 0.14974 0.74137 0.916 0.33513 0.4297 0.38227 0.07715 0.35143 0.78394 0.60761 0.9754 0.93541 0.07876 0.09787 0.51875 0.21267 0.1718 0.9502 0.05875 0.04207 0.53921 0.62383 0.1846 0.22598 0.79465 0.6684 0.22953 0.46158 0.19447 0.39539 0.42613 0.54829 0.27712 0.5991 0.04826 0.81325 0.8065 0.5394 0.29579 0.47171 0.2227 0.82892 0.06516 0.24182 0.54844 0.53366 0.37131 0.7875 0.41452 0.22015 0.02209 0.62537 0.25899 0.6035 0.07111 0.32447 0.40166 0.79876 0.29326 0.36023 0.07309 0.15208 0.1769 0.20286 0.88905 0.55253 0.58821 0.25893 0.76101 0.70949 0.43443 0.54285 0.57229 0.79035 0.09615 0.06411 0.93583 0.24135 0.70469 0.39265 0.70179 0.24375 0.29743 0.27781 0.71022 0.34364 0.36094 0.0351 0.47006 0.07676 0.29233 0.39031 0.4445 0.39893 0.59949 0.45676 0.75867 0.01187 0.94265 0.05208 0.75672 0.8986 0.19344 0.25613 0.03715 0.73574 0.38635 0.84898 0.07856 0.95829 0.98538 0.22798 0.84926 0.84364 0.00653 0.01462 0.69089 0.96204
+0.21148 0.15945 0.71988 0.89765 0.49791 0.2545 0.0665 0.38757 0.58916 0.07899 0.75584 0.32136 0.60488 0.29877 0.35474 0.37195 0.51376 0.73286 0.49374 0.74833 0.29655 0.6884 0.49042 0.58255 0.43874 0.92663 0.03006 0.91177 0.00564 0.95128 0.98346 0.3446 0.67128 0.76328 0.61593 0.69903 0.14769 0.27279 0.27023 0.37476 0.50463 0.56123 0.47667 0.80984 0.17469 0.2871 0.71529 0.92279 0.15929 0.48772 0.91069 0.56601 0.53012 0.26914 0.82786 0.25777 0.09139 0.02617 0.8897 0.69701 0.5928 0.80109 0.21386 0.22407 0.03849 0.8499 0.34197 0.34033 0.30472 0.63526 0.27358 0.24154 0.84606 0.73739 0.1246 0.16777 0.14626 0.74678 0.05139 0.7363 0.37119 0.04266 0.48179 0.93097 0.42825 0.71591 0.33547 0.90638 0.82377 0.63267 0.71514 0.1429 0.5532 0.24153 0.55175 0.3001 0.60178 0.49903 0.86644 0.68287 0.77975 0.81644 0.61032 0.67329 0.51477 0.26995 0.86469 0.55098 0.34886 0.57712 0.39568 0.90339 0.29419 0.76482 0.99885 0.83493 0.67887 0.09269 0.5165 0.40745 0.16502 0.71483 0.09097 0.64845 0.46682 0.38468 0.79646 0.7728 0.2295 0.53352 0.09287 0.48179 0.79381 0.51609 0.6122 0.75232 0.49847 0.12485 0.66852 0.4725 0.21665 0.0263 0.93569 0.79368 0.96792 0.22399 0.80025 0.11383 0.77533 0.88732 0.05 0.68702 0.14238 0.69113 0.41648 0.3935 0.98597 0.84114 0.09256 0.40316 0.95822 0.9411 0.97458 0.29235 0.33005 0.33837 0.50393 0.13443 0.73325 0.40879 0.80583 0.9581 0.2377 0.47812 0.2071 0.57676 0.47414 0.68879 0.89937 0.5639 0.74209 0.95577 0.58121 0.58759 0.63768 0.43287 0.86434 0.57235 0.38389 0.52798 0.86621 0.14282 0.81589 0.49748 0.74504 0.19728 0.11577 0.77259 0.61834 0.66143 0.41748 0.99283 0.36921 0.58143 0.39864 0.39272 0.95114 0.48031 0.86509 0.13626 0.1793 0.73263 0.37955 0.70328 0.73562 0.56109 0.09345 0.3446 0.08447 0.76902 0.35189 0.418 0.62419 0.47621 0.10133 0.65111 0.80436 0.58682 0.30938 0.60599 0.00591 0.58887 0.69974 0.07089 0.63006 0.39783 0.14813 0.97227 0.57183 4e-05 0.98707 0.51108 0.97859 0.35908 0.05279 0.8162 0.38566 0.08096 0.07413 0.53367 0.59395 0.06326 0.9311 0.96964 0.59842 0.64185 0.1703 0.9616 0.28993 0.83778 0.07702 0.75398 0.65628 0.63221 0.3379 0.93688 0.77191 0.68816 0.48075 0.05288 0.21809 0.10593 0.21301 0.11925 0.28046 0.67715 0.98513 0.47884 0.74618 0.50007 0.05634 0.47439 0.34338 0.70161 0.05222 0.50424 0.45561 0.549 0.87345 0.0151 0.39508 0.63048 0.17968 0.67239 0.04492 0.00482 0.75437 0.37291 0.38644 0.85168 0.0134 0.12451 0.42241 0.86523 0.2056 0.54685 0.15427 0.17391 0.67258 0.49651 0.93089 0.22593 0.98305 0.06556 0.17686 0.07826 0.12347 0.91798 0.12797 0.77286 0.01481 0.21521 0.09031 0.86181 0.14487 0.58117 0.62192 0.13166 0.72908 0.07088 0.48625 0.72826 0.96051 0.82971 0.69285 0.08706 0.82125 0.73923 0.72655 0.50855 0.97881 0.17611 0.1452 0.74951 0.71103 0.92346 0.55725 0.97872 0.45513 0.72273 0.07778 0.12521 0.28871 0.55693 0.33015 0.61777 0.45016 0.95148 0.47201 0.33694 0.40123 0.82139 0.85077 0.91393 0.56425 0.06297 0.33296 0.95081 0.3827 0.41655 0.65992 0.61285 0.24426 0.15648 0.30498 0.74477 0.95546 0.69317 0.23715 0.09813 0.38507 0.89047 0.19485 0.16568 0.24137 0.32927 0.56913 0.04112 0.65315 0.84673 0.44109 0.32758 0.8769 0.69108 0.05796 0.71903 0.42852 0.03771 0.90137 0.5994 0.13396 0.92401 0.84045 0.54304 0.74386 0.44677 0.10572 0.14369 0.86606 0.74505 0.93088 0.98973 0.30228 0.52832 0.80695 0.59185 0.73633 0.70568 0.22375 0.18603 0.49141 0.30804 0.20772 0.87871 0.04949 0.09106 0.39034 0.93765 0.05923 0.40467 0.10058 0.07396 0.44971 0.02638 0.9375 0.59038 0.2507 0.37705 0.24068 0.86945 0.95645 0.17347 0.78247 0.01438 0.02973 0.83881 0.68987 0.01779 0.0482 0.3081 0.20082 0.66268 0.2042 0.50132 0.90514 0.60842 0.41011 0.28104 0.95764 0.23975 0.8735 0.23323 0.32204 0.00142 0.75511 0.19491 0.73252 0.03824 0.73166 0.33311 0.48566 0.87297 0.30148 0.40735 0.56255 0.52857 0.78005 0.47616 0.61019 0.95067 0.56398 0.39554 0.19752 0.45744 0.26636 0.58433 0.23809 0.7572 0.76309 0.86633 0.27228 0.80903 0.7541 0.25334 0.05968 0.92162 0.76112 0.48459 0.63675 0.31717 0.8477 0.67942 0.63654 0.00713 0.49275 0.87298 0.70699 0.35239 0.8965 0.36005 0.93637 0.56131
+0.87829 0.29925 0.11291 0.93421 0.84994 0.40347 0.01175 0.20713 0.36507 0.05672 0.48126 0.3261 0.44701 0.86849 0.76743 0.55431 0.51985 0.29413 0.59227 0.55296 0.76165 0.46799 0.0002 0.1654 0.54325 0.73887 0.94781 0.85613 0.09561 0.60503 0.72157 0.34038 0.07386 0.89482 0.50717 0.25694 0.20811 0.61684 0.47926 0.24137 0.58701 0.84107 0.06761 0.51443 0.2902 0.97067 0.85318 0.94733 0.6665 0.57228 0.26527 0.42252 0.66842 0.15301 0.04714 0.10992 0.22078 0.69717 0.8685 0.70138 0.55578 0.09825 0.21452 0.05713 0.50625 0.28793 0.32241 0.90412 0.45658 0.65636 0.95901 0.98526 0.67577 0.83532 0.83687 0.83378 0.14555 0.87002 0.01661 0.18476 0.63911 0.85773 0.58895 0.82124 0.50851 0.42407 0.32202 0.09669 0.22059 0.09794 0.1424 0.29091 0.19022 0.14217 0.28919 0.35782 0.3841 0.81032 0.49657 0.63675 0.45123 0.85704 0.5492 0.91832 0.19142 0.68011 0.42936 0.14688 0.36474 0.95206 0.01707 0.65475 0.67915 0.67011 0.65602 0.20492 0.91918 0.38547 0.57862 0.82807 0.18512 0.23227 0.58317 0.95427 0.83609 0.66574 0.81184 0.67106 0.7908 0.18621 0.8668 0.27386 0.56921 0.93811 0.94493 0.01436 0.23949 0.74215 0.87283 0.37465 0.50469 0.92732 0.27563 0.01777 0.17875 0.7474 0.52481 0.56225 0.32623 0.76 0.69484 0.90807 0.35434 0.72234 0.00984 0.10964 0.0286 0.16488 0.26295 0.1265 0.33898 0.39718 0.13345 0.0985 0.91296 0.15754 0.38572 0.65911 0.37257 0.31417 0.38778 0.65655 0.21137 0.95692 0.36686 0.966 0.41339 0.65631 0.23994 0.96258 0.57595 0.29395 0.79199 0.21822 0.59668 0.08651 0.11545 0.41202 0.95524 0.98659 0.98138 0.16906 0.00341 0.56536 0.51573 0.50028 0.1981 0.32019 0.3499 0.58003 0.91893 0.65373 0.11914 0.33006 0.97602 0.32353 0.95761 0.27801 0.85485 0.53379 0.46209 0.03175 0.35613 0.50056 0.39949 0.13369 0.20976 0.07115 0.39528 0.71571 0.05853 0.96398 0.89978 0.14111 0.85011 0.83935 0.22606 0.46098 0.93593 0.66317 0.4478 0.389 0.31962 0.99071 0.82613 0.04606 0.22989 0.97152 0.93277 0.74811 0.62961 0.0515 0.13825 0.94116 0.3044 0.82553 0.58083 0.25203 0.08614 0.43877 0.17289 0.57714 0.25288 0.26853 0.23114 0.85616 0.44631 0.70665 0.36466 0.84334 0.08704 0.38172 0.18611 0.50037 0.78855 0.63116 0.06419 0.40976 0.35609 0.04526 0.96998 0.928 0.46285 0.15502 0.48726 0.25605 0.28648 0.39504 0.42614 0.19284 0.90121 0.81228 0.19049 0.07052 0.67029 0.63122 0.82082 0.69976 0.65808 0.86733 0.11188 0.50099 0.84015 0.59657 0.62527 0.18412 0.90483 0.57677 0.04196 0.03246 0.67498 0.36931 0.0305 0.61165 0.19219 0.20507 0.62451 0.96328 0.757 0.56792 0.12196 0.97089 0.54388 0.19648 0.08913 0.89437 0.33521 0.30012 0.2783 0.79956 0.52289 0.35299 0.13947 0.70862 0.30968 0.68367 0.10591 0.59754 0.25177 0.70857 0.47059 0.2949 0.74756 0.28571 0.40911 0.51628 0.98319 0.26794 0.62833 0.50447 0.40358 0.8678 0.64298 0.33106 0.48866 0.2921 0.54081 0.20955 0.18457 0.65667 0.81309 0.80289 0.18123 0.94567 0.47179 0.18241 0.7247 0.58175 0.79745 0.05812 0.88771 0.25512 0.82081 0.94581 0.21277 0.08462 0.12185 0.16056 0.40534 0.00991 0.83178 0.46365 0.02348 0.40158 0.73572 0.16971 0.00426 0.286 0.88653 0.4068 0.42052 0.77141 0.81235 0.20754 0.81005 0.25524 0.67939 0.34633 0.20345 0.94125 0.02886 0.55807 0.95845 0.56681 0.91182 0.21421 0.51777 0.39434 0.3476 0.67883 0.25576 0.49168 0.36775 0.62125 0.58066 0.50033 0.42615 0.06329 0.75615 0.89869 0.55616 0.32466 0.39213 0.0512 0.36668 0.65843 0.75164 0.98851 0.94066 0.87523 0.27054 0.15122 0.43289 0.24984 0.16609 0.31825 0.01598 0.74508 0.96241 0.56624 0.36496 0.03267 0.15756 0.68154 0.42167 0.48948 0.0431 0.57487 0.76923 0.84991 0.64525 0.83441 0.62151 0.17654 0.24674 0.49548 0.30475 0.22733 0.40823 0.9833 0.18753 0.71917 0.71298 0.51785 0.52622 0.30966 0.49264 0.52405 0.13042 0.64995 0.17059 0.62688 0.64795 0.93637 0.16991 0.64734 0.60599 0.26939 0.85036 0.32901 0.08142 0.47097 0.88907 0.29113 0.21314 0.97992 0.5722 0.3358 0.26027 0.55653 0.24215 0.67861 0.76352 0.64967 0.03927 0.47097 0.55178 0.34522 0.2179 0.5216 0.93715 0.62016 0.654 0.22582 0.98805 0.46952 0.28031 0.73612 0.54915 0.54096 0.77493 0.03011 0.89958 0.32176 0.85906 0.4479 0.3975 0.7686 0.1558 0.64101 0.4881 0.54112
+0.48659 0.96598 0.74839 0.15312 0.31515 0.62548 0.47266 0.95987 0.48056 0.96828 0.75018 0.80906 0.41143 0.08656 0.58575 0.73999 0.15898 0.87073 0.59478 0.19635 0.52232 0.91898 0.20177 0.39569 0.8947 0.02435 0.8228 0.69161 0.29746 0.08681 0.10271 0.48385 0.66923 0.30307 0.94956 0.43892 0.80098 0.76629 0.06137 0.37804 0.71687 0.091 0.21582 0.35167 0.15589 0.99087 0.1349 0.90462 0.10792 0.70214 0.28387 0.22814 0.9816 0.70966 0.67327 0.95328 0.95199 0.67701 0.02134 0.83944 0.72448 0.45963 0.04726 0.07568 0.30328 0.88801 0.45114 0.62941 0.31971 0.01381 0.54566 0.61001 0.12548 0.48557 0.69215 0.273 0.57118 0.9537 0.66219 0.84061 0.51839 0.22185 0.7458 0.11424 0.37759 0.01701 0.85522 0.34244 0.81467 0.60786 0.434 0.99714 0.17216 0.76415 0.43637 0.78968 0.25103 0.73492 0.20129 0.52453 0.99211 0.11472 0.62372 0.49601 0.50777 0.66178 0.42277 0.23333 0.36101 0.17233 0.93333 0.92487 0.61135 0.65241 0.29521 0.68383 0.65022 0.89283 0.35921 0.7155 0.10604 0.24965 0.32795 0.23575 0.89782 0.76936 0.38619 0.34853 0.72252 0.62247 0.2453 0.69848 0.34333 0.1447 0.70506 0.74692 0.2565 0.22041 0.22165 0.34264 0.75032 0.73327 0.68685 0.91192 0.12054 0.16852 0.38829 0.38316 0.58323 0.11294 0.85145 0.07398 0.60248 0.26528 0.31248 0.42019 0.46442 0.24395 0.40462 0.08806 0.47154 0.19969 0.94857 0.7279 0.87527 0.01389 0.48095 0.2529 0.89211 0.50856 0.64183 0.04762 0.10377 0.06781 0.11519 0.08089 0.70896 0.23276 0.7346 0.9748 0.74832 0.68289 0.13987 0.30094 0.74377 0.09307 0.26143 0.71066 0.78573 0.60318 0.4841 0.33209 0.42241 0.21633 0.80566 0.8548 0.47032 0.0859 0.09828 0.71999 0.68208 0.10881 0.41666 0.80617 0.74341 0.35229 0.5833 0.16268 0.59274 0.1967 0.03126 0.41721 0.66045 0.88733 0.7199 0.83492 0.92333 0.76405 0.39722 0.89208 0.1105 0.67312 0.18974 0.35423 0.43806 0.50566 0.79716 0.63707 0.37018 0.77548 0.31573 0.59389 0.50022 0.80715 0.0419 0.78912 0.50927 0.71051 0.9812 0.55253 0.37885 0.60757 0.61131 0.26277 0.68867 0.08506 0.37852 0.85925 0.216 0.11752 0.85055 0.8951 0.73923 0.80208 0.7096 0.03697 0.93918 0.11928 0.85643 0.42858 0.48665 0.34232 0.7574 0.20684 0.71033 0.12516 0.64818 0.08074 0.95601 0.42818 0.75244 0.80756 0.31898 0.3005 0.96238 0.70576 0.00254 0.49207 0.66307 0.34072 0.0861 0.8872 0.84473 0.53697 0.67929 0.22323 0.01295 0.7204 0.94365 0.00476 0.41551 0.40968 0.40368 0.93571 0.5562 0.06075 0.05859 0.3755 0.53555 0.8597 0.31889 0.03085 0.39102 0.51318 0.86273 0.99583 0.28568 0.3811 0.9732 0.18943 0.91727 0.66617 0.17465 0.62278 0.63733 0.93775 0.83661 0.58977 0.49369 0.02696 0.58249 0.21614 0.02873 0.61503 0.7011 0.13129 0.84525 0.31926 0.98127 0.07969 0.66172 0.08485 0.04831 0.87373 0.52683 0.70392 0.67847 0.73675 0.5802 0.56467 0.0578 0.08627 0.98042 0.38262 0.81 0.24542 0.03593 0.98856 0.3415 0.95376 0.25922 0.71251 0.59019 0.32541 0.77126 0.2658 0.96704 0.81472 0.08996 0.752 0.13455 0.03938 0.61955 0.09143 0.79417 0.33179 0.66761 0.04481 0.36592 0.42847 0.02998 0.53407 0.62859 0.14143 0.47473 0.2319 0.18652 0.96921 0.96452 0.25316 0.52396 0.65081 0.19068 0.89403 0.09535 0.76474 0.43403 0.79571 0.18344 0.36697 0.07462 0.91578 0.20131 0.35619 0.76395 0.23539 0.59557 0.7285 0.5982 0.3601 0.50328 0.94646 0.73151 0.76611 0.99638 0.75793 0.14719 0.31395 0.61273 0.05793 0.33689 0.94599 0.02814 0.90819 0.44047 0.93897 0.34649 0.03333 0.07743 0.05932 0.80692 0.37037 0.01698 0.7133 0.71242 0.41524 0.03812 0.29379 0.80899 0.93167 0.85418 0.15649 0.16767 0.24592 0.56845 0.28388 0.17871 0.47722 0.20252 0.46099 0.52662 0.0609 0.40312 0.21269 0.64399 0.93884 0.71337 0.61319 0.88184 0.19982 0.02194 0.65505 0.76016 0.57461 0.76788 0.17167 0.82574 0.07223 0.11654 0.13023 0.60965 0.81947 0.98651 0.44791 0.00083 0.66887 0.26735 0.51229 0.12306 0.88282 0.2046 0.45978 0.97116 0.18309 0.87526 0.71757 0.86814 0.67659 0.74282 0.58236 0.94838 0.42675 0.87452 0.35332 0.05264 0.36328 0.13072 0.86517 0.16782 0.45149 0.62844 0.90769 0.35091 0.94093 0.35173 0.88121 0.53739 0.93841 0.46203 0.1016 0.13918 0.09382 0.97491 0.5426 0.64178 0.58035 0.84548 0.37059 0.68164 0.77722 0.53118 0.34642
+0.80647 0.76656 0.56785 0.21044 0.95932 0.20001 0.58347 0.04708 0.29331 0.61981 0.88069 0.40781 0.35578 0.81703 0.91804 0.429 0.88661 0.13774 0.97888 0.74169 0.97548 0.66489 0.88902 0.37712 0.07363 0.94205 0.71605 0.99367 0.71815 0.12281 0.98148 0.19462 0.71753 0.43254 0.25235 0.76594 0.34255 0.10413 0.33996 0.79763 0.00524 0.57697 0.132 0.31982 0.76787 0.49806 0.62437 0.57614 0.29343 0.40965 0.33026 0.71862 0.39082 0.12204 0.02167 0.0271 0.73449 0.16819 0.71839 0.5411 0.85352 0.30529 0.08927 0.55687 0.83683 0.89791 0.64429 0.0583 0.41109 0.90555 0.79297 0.57454 0.54848 0.36432 0.75725 0.07889 0.69635 0.85592 0.11375 0.30401 0.00993 0.2563 0.09079 0.91219 0.09168 0.59086 0.95566 0.61391 0.98804 0.15442 0.76858 0.88947 0.86202 0.31671 0.48783 0.18102 0.38005 0.20938 0.9146 0.78876 0.88291 0.36336 0.31457 0.72685 0.12084 0.00496 0.56315 0.19416 0.06498 0.6175 0.28472 0.05665 0.90317 0.25749 0.5754 0.73836 0.24419 0.4324 0.48823 0.08725 0.93798 0.40445 0.92644 0.40473 0.3176 0.46031 0.84736 0.4856 0.80108 0.03493 0.87789 0.86459 0.00687 0.50246 0.7149 0.96989 0.9345 0.62274 0.15091 0.76182 0.7537 0.82701 0.18927 0.59967 0.88377 0.34409 0.59801 0.60212 0.41095 0.50931 0.51328 0.64204 0.0549 0.54029 0.1516 0.72496 0.18661 0.52994 0.71499 0.20836 0.55512 0.92201 0.04452 0.62637 0.01397 0.34843 0.87156 0.59134 0.59302 0.61584 0.32245 0.40794 0.33607 0.25996 0.67874 0.96157 0.37884 0.1591 0.41328 0.03381 0.69102 0.11788 0.55851 0.50365 0.03274 0.4841 0.89443 0.0676 0.90227 0.99587 0.60505 0.55397 0.13665 0.64465 0.75179 0.76593 0.25705 0.65638 0.95315 0.1698 0.62927 0.72061 0.90747 0.21859 0.83532 0.9647 0.67018 0.03895 0.60375 0.30446 0.55382 0.30336 0.3309 0.88532 0.00844 0.25109 0.61024 0.85275 0.09521 0.71008 0.33848 0.99125 0.82406 0.20026 0.31854 0.3855 0.71787 0.6636 0.59659 0.06975 0.92506 0.99768 0.71011 0.45735 0.3854 0.83975 0.58912 0.942 0.27239 0.52427 0.08157 0.62762 0.32304 0.78967 0.58733 0.1538 0.91918 0.37145 0.14541 0.38346 0.62913 0.48986 0.88128 0.01071 0.79428 0.4647 0.96269 0.18163 0.77747 0.97599 0.47754 0.3261 0.61157 0.35224 0.57552 0.40295 0.85405 0.97445 0.78094 0.14138 0.89793 0.68995 0.12092 0.77714 0.37549 0.28225 0.69191 0.79554 0.21423 0.24728 0.73416 0.94857 0.82671 0.52821 0.90514 0.84512 0.84887 0.01628 0.4494 0.75457 0.12618 0.17213 0.69932 0.79697 0.52482 0.92212 0.61093 0.60602 0.43806 0.10062 0.47414 0.37959 0.16766 0.76163 0.10031 0.12944 0.89127 0.16419 0.90678 0.59474 0.90303 0.23616 0.20168 0.41475 0.67158 0.46603 0.27055 0.50249 0.32725 0.42738 0.37718 0.07166 0.63612 0.86831 0.4611 0.65154 0.63845 0.85324 0.46525 0.65073 0.76445 0.0203 0.01553 0.27126 0.5155 0.67734 0.20753 0.01703 0.26244 0.37695 0.44685 0.49746 0.62586 0.23895 0.91597 0.20431 0.87923 0.50818 0.77913 0.73571 0.83348 0.68131 0.0432 0.08278 0.28037 0.70546 0.25984 0.84993 0.84548 0.16616 0.97007 0.61174 0.09416 0.69806 0.34325 0.30766 0.62698 0.86961 0.6027 0.46931 0.78754 0.01373 0.50072 0.82728 0.75638 0.78871 0.28669 0.98158 0.22284 0.94203 0.6657 0.18913 0.08554 0.58231 0.2246 0.72477 0.63577 0.6859 0.00932 0.68338 0.5426 0.0622 0.24474 0.02069 0.96535 0.2388 0.14897 0.66251 0.09466 0.16466 0.99246 0.71912 0.1128 0.77639 0.25583 0.64244 0.60893 0.86505 0.45905 0.09843 0.18446 0.84687 0.42204 0.4907 0.5366 0.98845 0.43429 0.50966 0.52035 0.00638 0.28147 0.8574 0.61319 0.99331 0.24672 0.51119 0.57111 0.15429 0.32431 0.62652 0.33592 0.49225 0.12912 0.47647 0.92821 0.7179 0.66626 0.03425 0.56732 0.51143 0.94744 0.73506 0.02507 0.23182 0.26298 0.17479 0.65282 0.22581 0.10283 0.14737 0.03352 0.47263 0.70751 0.38453 0.62006 0.81507 0.0458 0.45089 0.73724 0.03541 0.39894 0.85487 0.81887 0.013 0.64623 0.52039 0.14388 0.12966 0.91432 0.06539 0.94996 0.95188 0.07168 0.60307 0.28807 0.85942 0.99695 0.13423 0.91604 0.1488 0.53401 0.90579 0.55082 0.10286 0.64745 0.33386 0.05677 0.42348 0.47692 0.12088 0.93425 0.98744 0.93891 0.4562 0.98347 0.6919 0.88603 0.92956 0.21162 0.98834 0.59253 0.14029 0.47062 0.21947 0.0179 0.4451 0.84747 0.21149 0.01042 0.84991 0.13953 0.47875
+0.70944 0.20617 0.83109 0.73644 0.61271 0.71572 0.53752 0.14668 0.00133 0.99868 0.97408 0.81023 0.42868 0.69921 0.66774 0.31069 0.37037 0.19605 0.64056 0.35261 0.6825 0.39856 0.91242 0.3239 0.2618 0.41401 0.70915 0.92899 0.59758 0.42298 0.9323 0.9569 0.21622 0.81264 0.85989 0.33333 0.79667 0.38388 0.07181 0.34668 0.48475 0.20283 0.2014 0.58208 0.29133 0.37353 0.70438 0.25656 0.40295 0.78912 0.0093 0.10776 0.45257 0.69795 0.06083 0.11375 0.86939 0.55569 0.16442 0.80207 0.10233 0.28216 0.06256 0.16083 0.80047 0.4919 0.15696 0.21659 0.86176 0.78915 0.88979 0.9934 0.39684 0.86645 0.60736 0.44393 0.64745 0.66358 0.57302 0.68447 0.88584 0.58845 0.93004 0.18136 0.97241 0.37638 0.79429 0.65329 0.33495 0.59885 0.5424 0.21668 0.45959 0.05574 0.92977 0.35661 0.29614 0.47765 0.77471 0.98301 0.70103 0.72338 0.78159 0.89868 0.26767 0.16476 0.43944 0.8819 0.39525 0.40142 0.06974 0.21906 0.65288 0.08265 0.04867 0.50775 0.17983 0.81836 0.88533 0.0988 0.72337 0.5444 0.35068 0.66694 0.6519 0.41917 0.51924 0.78756 0.81328 0.75283 0.14407 0.81642 0.62284 0.51571 0.03629 0.06028 0.76122 0.81276 0.97056 0.70822 0.23356 0.11222 0.37045 0.15628 0.37782 0.17443 0.26106 0.84097 0.18301 0.48135 0.79819 0.95639 0.94812 0.35884 0.84906 0.62352 0.15153 0.7265 0.46539 0.79707 0.81078 0.65788 0.03092 0.09768 0.49962 0.83212 0.62237 0.93545 0.44689 0.86205 0.61061 0.73233 0.14369 0.18491 0.36411 0.50751 0.65785 0.4766 0.62526 0.63114 0.62714 0.93227 0.43361 0.80738 0.91615 0.95875 0.77412 0.30511 0.56287 0.20288 0.15126 0.79963 0.82706 0.97377 0.40699 0.06713 0.05711 0.62565 0.25249 0.66104 0.17708 0.90776 0.071 0.19604 0.616 0.70178 0.72501 0.93239 0.95291 0.05403 0.21692 0.95318 0.29816 0.47885 0.93532 0.07017 0.73225 0.01279 0.27854 0.12082 0.88662 0.26584 0.27394 0.37173 0.20081 0.05974 0.67473 0.37099 0.18469 0.05971 0.04496 0.64579 0.72305 0.51415 0.95897 0.37309 0.23759 0.49314 0.75294 0.6038 0.28665 0.75812 0.56975 0.82191 0.69664 0.6305 0.0856 0.79902 0.46004 0.49177 0.98622 0.42512 0.46458 0.42822 0.91736 0.93079 0.21671 0.58432 0.35403 0.18965 0.37232 0.8164 0.70578 0.14421 0.47751 0.72815 0.40677 0.15795 0.12569 0.12422 0.64096 0.68733 0.94429 0.85905 0.14241 0.37989 0.16668 0.00652 0.53638 0.29207 0.71848 0.34905 0.47131 0.73468 0.28967 0.1904 0.23021 0.67835 0.3274 0.0333 0.80535 0.42425 0.77292 0.9579 0.44361 0.49204 0.10184 0.72428 0.79174 0.13038 0.40992 0.93651 0.29236 0.93056 0.73422 0.1217 0.49058 0.75408 0.56155 0.38013 0.58359 0.40337 0.87104 0.19138 0.54489 0.45939 0.29178 0.62967 0.15972 0.40442 0.8851 0.37672 0.28678 0.00578 0.07725 0.9313 0.30343 0.07059 0.90621 0.72198 0.89178 0.66152 0.18446 0.32355 0.3633 0.62718 0.0288 0.99106 0.63808 0.95571 0.73612 0.88604 0.53449 0.32383 0.28455 0.94277 0.76205 0.06437 0.78488 0.7743 0.60193 0.27495 0.46786 0.47399 0.26866 0.56667 0.26485 0.34025 0.14761 0.33772 0.69715 0.73925 0.52607 0.29489 0.04457 0.06139 0.73881 0.14796 0.69525 0.57983 0.14606 0.2324 0.08926 0.03877 0.78932 0.92088 0.80245 0.6514 0.7507 0.47773 0.94999 0.79444 0.34119 0.80362 0.65813 0.4255 0.08981 0.74488 0.05782 0.45198 0.82087 0.15436 0.36041 0.67608 0.53697 0.59313 0.8506 0.34136 0.35292 0.45291 0.81984 0.76587 0.58967 0.9386 0.83006 0.81915 0.11753 0.69891 0.05733 0.10773 0.4955 0.16205 0.43198 0.16915 0.53491 0.35411 0.71706 0.82818 0.17741 0.85038 0.75625 0.35946 0.03721 0.15078 0.42434 0.97667 0.32646 0.32584 0.10658 0.28462 0.84935 0.81729 0.4168 0.65521 0.68161 0.8608 0.40281 0.07593 0.39565 0.09732 0.56626 0.11896 0.00871 0.66938 0.49345 0.58549 0.81905 0.04721 0.00692 0.57001 0.31839 0.64393 0.62285 0.70446 0.02685 0.82569 0.73759 0.52215 0.53177 0.10593 0.27706 0.26901 0.2022 0.33457 0.48921 0.41495 0.60179 0.42787 0.73731 0.37725 0.75028 0.9925 0.56414 0.82238 0.22695 0.25024 0.75034 0.56688 0.52366 0.2445 0.63726 0.48661 0.07989 0.49229 0.48392 0.20738 0.17328 0.9429 0.19487 0.55094 0.4756 0.38654 0.7185 0.23457 0.62692 0.29999 0.14896 0.6934 0.21559 0.04028 0.91923 0.25384 0.0129 0.78222 0.69748 0.48118 0.97686 0.17349 0.40507 0.68828 0.16821 0.40051
+0.73924 0.8271 0.31867 0.1933 0.90208 0.21217 0.95858 0.44288 0.87119 0.5651 0.30957 0.02859 0.85394 0.8722 0.41946 0.59447 0.84599 0.45566 0.06399 0.17224 0.18329 0.72492 0.70057 0.28201 0.04355 0.83252 0.28674 0.71295 0.27802 0.06034 0.57826 0.33718 0.07724 0.0999 0.73895 0.66188 0.55424 0.61581 0.47241 0.06777 0.97444 0.26151 0.75297 0.00334 0.33293 0.34933 0.40181 0.74894 0.06092 0.96132 0.77956 0.89911 0.47624 0.65023 0.1925 0.53562 0.04979 0.15555 0.02886 0.95681 0.02329 0.68237 0.2792 0.70719 0.8731 0.30819 0.29796 0.3885 0.88923 0.60745 0.60972 0.69442 0.47916 0.69061 0.96286 0.60294 0.1409 0.63666 0.70941 0.78725 0.63469 0.57747 0.85039 0.31037 0.36277 0.57187 0.20262 0.29274 0.5156 0.14742 0.60305 0.37853 0.30829 0.51353 0.59281 0.61026 0.42575 0.92813 0.35793 0.73268 0.19782 0.72455 0.70684 0.29785 0.1035 0.84249 0.36923 0.20404 0.74406 0.48843 0.25797 0.51817 0.63817 0.50846 0.68861 0.34298 0.88831 0.22527 0.42534 0.38124 0.55787 0.04313 0.57926 0.01764 0.86488 0.93713 0.91596 0.86903 0.4993 0.485 0.16366 0.50698 0.72332 0.66677 0.37379 0.34687 0.30591 0.30158 0.54634 0.13453 0.53498 0.76418 0.24959 0.22641 0.04179 0.6848 0.48364 0.7725 0.53354 0.39517 0.21302 0.95141 0.09245 0.35069 0.22561 0.63809 0.86212 0.21544 0.86359 0.8934 0.25978 0.39114 0.52162 0.44959 0.95051 0.28639 0.9107 0.03943 0.30521 0.23075 0.82584 0.22454 0.65903 0.25325 0.45499 0.64915 0.16089 0.84726 0.65874 0.96453 0.9035 0.96742 0.13339 0.97828 0.98641 0.87265 0.78618 0.29317 0.56578 0.0105 0.71658 0.00498 0.78342 0.20204 0.86378 0.21072 0.01546 0.09385 0.99985 0.52664 0.56586 0.73031 0.08294 0.0328 0.33926 0.46445 0.60715 0.35641 0.14942 0.88907 0.25499 0.41169 0.42637 0.22084 0.85298 0.99016 0.66257 0.08335 0.08675 0.66328 0.86269 0.44054 0.95529 0.09092 0.21274 0.48802 0.01488 0.3717 0.93474 0.85546 0.97707 0.97955 0.56422 0.18144 0.07902 0.14273 0.37685 0.61848 0.7925 0.09748 0.67013 0.66892 0.71187 0.87397 0.88431 0.57035 0.40802 0.00425 0.18633 0.75344 0.81879 0.37617 0.60194 0.58885 0.89345 0.41426 0.1642 0.55105 0.41719 0.13564 0.51348 0.55475 0.45484 0.10883 0.98398 0.14785 0.9914 0.32938 0.52933 0.91919 0.65177 0.4714 0.41891 0.39302 0.14316 0.42638 0.40776 0.67736 0.24857 0.15709 0.15675 0.34456 0.62824 0.42299 0.98715 0.90548 0.88131 0.8568 0.39617 0.27263 0.43422 0.73903 0.85681 0.71906 0.6237 0.51801 0.28603 0.42215 0.59346 0.77487 0.69965 0.53856 0.8657 0.46189 0.07918 0.56371 0.85027 0.0435 0.02109 0.02554 0.21824 0.51303 0.8103 0.02141 0.56715 0.28055 0.85866 0.50065 0.79515 0.23121 0.96579 0.01248 0.42582 0.3189 0.17501 0.59403 0.34611 0.21943 0.69927 0.74368 0.2212 0.27092 0.50834 0.77831 0.96898 0.80245 0.88613 0.75863 0.16989 0.42857 0.84808 0.85377 0.78907 0.14304 0.27433 0.14082 0.31572 0.15023 0.87037 0.7363 0.77107 0.03185 0.64041 0.81905 0.4169 0.18828 0.27463 0.71712 0.71919 0.99885 0.27528 0.70063 0.85334 0.97088 0.51497 0.66962 0.29037 0.1094 0.8481 0.92541 0.5948 0.95605 0.6375 0.77694 0.22338 0.48801 0.9981 0.99859 0.7739 0.50679 0.19279 0.04274 0.44253 0.1017 0.35181 0.68876 0.1616 0.66752 0.84799 0.69795 0.0485 0.57621 0.67316 0.85283 0.94608 0.25095 0.58529 0.65414 0.4957 0.34703 0.07754 0.90079 0.17308 0.9887 0.33363 0.46098 0.54122 0.43813 0.27535 0.77999 0.74915 0.29175 0.09472 0.24025 0.99745 0.56798 0.58595 0.22557 0.05594 0.56481 0.17465 0.16283 0.96652 0.39937 0.5641 0.2105 0.19876 0.30483 0.35258 0.24497 0.63882 0.29077 0.24974 0.98649 0.10485 0.14474 0.37438 0.46307 0.40982 0.74166 0.83509 0.99176 0.17982 0.27583 0.42599 0.02277 0.58014 0.06902 0.72234 0.50772 0.17111 0.42117 0.45609 0.36131 0.80004 0.12179 0.64089 0.91847 0.43032 0.99908 0.25791 0.19515 0.58065 0.21203 0.57059 0.80729 0.83212 0.4525 0.49951 0.86898 0.88819 0.77433 0.98449 0.928 0.35407 0.01083 0.61208 0.41781 0.0381 0.79894 0.28567 0.03998 0.87438 0.73507 0.07827 0.59227 0.41545 0.34818 0.57967 0.77906 0.55327 0.73973 0.72663 0.76647 0.6237 0.98457 0.00057 0.72022 0.76194 0.47552 0.45866 0.92085 0.01524 0.174 0.2623 0.64501 0.83597 0.01702 0.89865 0.09786 0.15814 0.48338
+0.82724 0.32653 0.48643 0.07912 0.63932 0.61831 0.22528 0.52398 0.25845 0.86451 0.9602 0.88902 0.78718 0.04713 0.74561 0.723 0.79288 0.1274 0.54107 0.44745 0.18961 0.62183 0.48131 0.46927 0.5515 0.57222 0.90839 0.23394 0.53291 0.81777 0.03636 0.17242 0.42345 0.86261 0.08272 0.65431 0.34399 0.17717 0.24833 0.27879 0.20917 0.07133 0.00451 0.80957 0.00723 0.2287 0.37693 0.10676 0.45295 0.81824 0.50165 0.57549 0.34606 0.38337 0.11425 0.22755 0.49754 0.01639 0.02777 0.60614 0.34752 0.24796 0.97534 0.89788 0.21623 0.61939 0.06235 0.29675 0.83235 0.0139 0.1028 0.27198 0.48265 0.26495 0.02203 0.05228 0.62116 0.92852 0.30121 0.52496 0.22887 0.526 0.90532 0.78021 0.44846 0.11653 0.02173 0.7273 0.62303 0.16386 0.38737 0.61277 0.36275 0.04735 0.15135 0.7274 0.46185 0.20451 0.53425 0.64153 0.38991 0.76386 0.76463 0.77776 0.03187 0.82914 0.82469 0.69765 0.4704 0.87298 0.84861 0.08025 0.00673 0.03913 0.47034 0.32672 0.38682 0.12486 0.70897 0.84411 0.29384 0.81114 0.60727 0.11927 0.75398 0.00637 0.67851 0.38936 0.21606 0.75595 0.97131 0.96851 0.47227 0.07028 0.24467 0.25552 0.676 0.16385 0.85785 0.36942 0.12444 0.60586 0.60451 0.15983 0.38639 0.41271 0.10323 0.72766 0.8266 0.70542 0.0444 0.07451 0.53982 0.01366 0.36953 0.69601 0.05722 0.9562 0.47743 0.25617 0.90245 0.84501 0.96126 0.90256 0.87335 0.59908 0.09907 0.99703 0.62118 0.1841 0.95659 0.01851 0.87523 0.62575 0.28981 0.9305 0.07257 0.1245 0.88085 0.73037 0.66121 0.68356 0.11607 0.70895 0.87776 0.81981 0.42145 0.91626 0.74669 0.82834 0.21192 0.8807 0.65711 0.14149 0.16913 0.26983 0.69651 0.13209 0.99091 0.6389 0.69485 0.47878 0.92559 0.74499 0.89775 0.39882 0.55552 0.07377 0.02199 0.72476 0.5734 0.8192 0.08905 0.3876 0.13446 0.04089 0.60347 0.21921 0.03296 0.27338 0.10629 0.29441 0.82028 0.45393 0.72037 0.14397 0.64456 0.99766 0.09039 0.5699 0.01558 0.56503 0.98684 0.78575 0.977 0.27465 0.89294 0.21377 0.42093 0.33546 0.92004 0.95761 0.9882 0.01257 0.90912 0.97721 0.30371 0.96547 0.76163 0.08108 0.86658 0.70976 0.38081 0.04783 0.03906 0.99076 0.57918 0.53308 0.81836 0.9492 0.39429 0.26903 0.90505 0.32301 0.70813 0.99569 0.7759 0.19448 0.83929 0.36469 0.54867 0.90834 0.56551 0.45006 0.95066 0.66343 0.1182 0.88603 0.4506 0.08756 0.54611 0.98023 0.625 0.35415 0.78527 0.93247 0.43862 0.2966 0.44348 0.77895 0.70676 0.59654 0.28828 0.95889 0.00725 0.55956 0.62244 0.09954 0.25749 0.40265 0.6744 0.78293 0.30783 0.40505 0.03762 0.39464 0.4332 0.48232 0.02953 0.79887 0.84719 0.61259 0.26252 0.01888 0.00692 0.98528 0.14643 0.24215 0.20511 0.07007 0.74775 0.89099 0.60651 0.72097 0.72007 0.8438 0.90962 0.46597 0.79036 0.1036 0.91843 0.22903 0.81875 0.16789 0.27825 0.67185 0.92592 0.23193 0.32426 0.75886 0.77234 0.11913 0.16565 0.58205 0.38997 0.11689 0.14736 0.29406 0.45447 0.44206 0.34546 0.04023 0.54118 0.95002 0.43092 0.59689 0.36851 0.0725 0.89677 0.24454 0.90822 0.73851 0.22173 0.19272 0.5981 0.72617 0.28133 0.95796 0.68742 0.76133 0.53512 0.67226 0.92975 0.54728 0.17932 0.48481 0.17378 0.62114 0.66505 0.11667 0.76615 0.98696 0.55962 0.10683 0.49775 0.32411 0.26487 0.99859 0.62033 0.08846 0.51638 0.4884 0.95273 0.51453 0.12725 0.03261 0.51328 0.71578 0.47484 0.61692 0.8792 0.7064 0.56118 0.74483 0.39882 0.49583 0.4912 0.26499 0.4948 0.62858 0.5499 0.83745 0.12922 0.09815 0.84786 0.07056 0.48876 0.76387 0.56062 0.97206 0.36866 0.93869 0.54706 0.44922 0.25132 0.70306 0.36029 0.85576 0.64665 0.16098 0.91214 0.95866 0.01151 0.69177 0.46539 0.51061 0.98888 0.67316 0.67622 0.18888 0.84289 0.1734 0.6664 0.26773 0.81987 0.8552 0.34642 0.38704 0.8061 0.24793 0.42086 0.72089 0.80638 0.04978 0.01679 0.47491 0.35415 0.65516 0.91806 0.1401 0.03509 0.03693 0.03513 0.7702 0.05487 0.40722 0.77537 0.37825 0.96582 0.15032 0.19209 0.80853 0.50941 0.72734 0.99275 0.55482 0.81882 0.54328 0.68719 0.96235 0.9929 0.81695 0.6422 0.59022 0.28352 0.45126 0.63501 0.15299 0.29978 0.70597 0.90086 0.82503 0.51019 0.93976 0.87621 0.04597 0.21768 0.24073 0.80852 0.94483 0.84708 0.08837 0.58316 0.06098 0.24578 0.28807 0.84056 0.6538 0.06827 0.22511 0.44019 0.64149
+0.9524 0.92 0.19973 0.36717 0.26248 0.02057 0.67794 0.19122 0.57754 0.42556 0.50212 0.93051 0.68515 0.45255 0.24874 0.86969 0.25207 0.35028 0.1302 0.72691 0.12178 0.903 0.32643 0.32863 0.53985 0.56706 0.5226 0.99631 0.1945 0.99085 0.40771 0.19102 0.53187 0.15392 0.59842 0.62642 0.81041 0.06607 0.93378 0.75344 0.10973 0.19223 0.03981 0.78683 0.86868 0.94598 0.32318 0.24738 0.08664 0.28735 0.04171 0.63779 0.67035 0.68155 0.77396 0.31695 0.04799 0.03299 0.17392 0.67004 0.76733 0.28863 0.59239 0.08132 0.49117 0.43362 0.11066 0.65759 0.83535 0.47235 0.21728 0.87734 0.66609 0.75612 0.08693 0.75714 0.81942 0.6852 0.97286 0.63891 0.48736 0.97855 0.76827 0.47348 0.59813 0.46815 0.03897 0.35705 0.5941 0.78341 0.1236 0.06576 0.63949 0.89486 0.99243 0.28758 0.06697 0.71318 0.2413 0.52406 0.2691 0.40198 0.84411 0.4884 0.17453 0.58231 0.42143 0.7876 0.08982 0.73918 0.43027 0.57624 0.09077 0.5836 0.64206 0.28458 0.40698 0.67478 0.48201 0.0513 0.44816 0.18836 0.42573 0.4413 0.09903 0.95566 0.47609 0.67483 0.43292 0.96717 0.28896 0.77528 0.83353 0.65945 0.24777 0.64288 0.59041 0.82959 0.01051 0.71726 0.42831 0.16931 0.03825 0.96216 0.93546 0.44967 0.58433 0.47811 0.16731 0.21509 0.07457 0.63429 0.6082 0.80108 0.88174 0.96156 0.79326 0.96316 0.84561 0.2176 0.38568 0.64054 0.20925 0.3475 0.90124 0.48463 0.58453 0.28851 0.72202 0.73817 0.59134 0.1908 0.28364 0.64408 0.183 0.26358 0.60346 0.27056 0.71783 0.75571 0.43485 0.15518 0.62533 0.2854 0.43776 0.06322 0.23868 0.58603 0.60905 0.6593 0.98943 0.79863 0.57484 0.74348 0.72821 0.53255 0.27595 0.91242 0.32436 0.43679 0.35748 0.54855 0.30204 0.79133 0.66607 0.25119 0.94745 0.20763 0.28836 0.93821 0.34998 0.77544 0.6562 0.61648 0.83647 0.09041 0.45354 0.93042 0.24778 0.38888 0.1228 0.04635 0.34115 0.41814 0.52044 0.21493 0.49027 0.50447 0.62326 0.97618 0.43203 0.04013 0.78884 0.13356 0.799 0.51302 0.07721 0.87171 0.4128 0.83752 0.52762 0.62616 0.33514 0.43268 0.94285 0.53502 0.11306 0.63882 0.94625 0.58132 0.49706 0.45465 0.18602 0.6421 0.89378 0.1003 0.41734 0.5015 0.26937 0.86934 0.51445 0.67898 0.82701 0.4498 0.83751 0.60111 0.67677 0.6204 0.54029 0.86095 0.57562 0.51621 0.7726 0.73135 0.80284 0.01426 0.6684 0.97233 0.75717 0.18803 0.98505 0.61484 0.88971 0.24935 0.0948 0.24529 0.46143 0.93112 0.99765 0.35601 0.78444 0.04201 0.79827 0.27115 0.41031 0.61029 0.55864 0.23079 0.76173 0.85632 0.54223 0.50525 0.10541 0.77778 0.26817 0.80694 0.02006 0.04138 0.82153 0.02872 0.37632 0.83883 0.07103 0.13311 0.37848 0.64976 0.34994 0.30524 0.92398 0.36295 0.11225 0.72333 0.74147 0.06261 0.19597 0.06556 0.33997 0.15798 0.4492 0.19992 0.90375 0.88326 0.08622 0.19084 0.2211 0.06082 0.46825 0.20232 0.08879 0.52577 0.30983 0.53273 0.57569 0.42312 0.87999 0.97787 0.64682 0.61846 0.04488 0.61722 0.54749 0.05485 0.46039 0.46787 0.75765 0.09778 0.19291 0.81699 0.51517 0.60916 0.86016 0.43286 0.39463 0.50475 0.65667 0.73157 0.33938 0.3934 0.00073 0.92386 0.60089 0.36433 0.69902 0.91979 0.91019 0.49877 0.49462 0.39692 0.11344 0.67765 0.78493 0.7041 0.22128 0.58895 0.70284 0.18173 0.42866 0.88066 0.49246 0.16582 0.95815 0.35208 0.3402 0.07712 0.10685 0.07585 0.85757 0.55878 0.29122 0.00291 0.79717 0.047 0.07944 0.91207 0.68927 0.94203 0.73487 0.74461 0.49128 0.3886 0.02918 0.06851 0.92038 0.25894 0.38417 0.17392 0.76224 0.14359 0.92843 0.40106 0.18907 0.60323 0.56898 0.05319 0.66587 0.20266 0.23688 0.87045 0.74256 0.83984 0.96061 0.27543 0.24188 0.42613 0.93666 0.14147 0.85833 0.66378 0.19513 0.40328 0.13577 0.8232 0.97431 0.20781 0.75339 0.70889 0.13748 0.37029 0.6583 0.5352 0.07938 0.57203 0.16396 0.589 0.80103 0.9004 0.10664 0.6278 0.50276 0.57985 0.31179 0.87736 0.54981 0.7396 0.0113 0.29778 0.34854 0.7248 0.00851 0.91862 0.16189 0.4067 0.28438 0.52225 0.87929 0.97968 0.00112 0.19307 0.90024 0.76848 0.63052 0.00592 0.3356 0.24877 0.40108 0.16144 0.41293 0.84099 0.32932 0.35477 0.46783 0.32231 0.71213 0.85311 0.60492 0.02725 0.38421 0.55189 0.56297 0.71398 0.42719 0.35021 0.36188 0.46671 0.07599 0.1924 0.82621 0.91608 0.72748 0.51317 0.26322 0.45514
+0.13547 0.79763 0.47372 0.96148 0.73221 0.34019 0.43882 0.32892 0.20348 0.21424 0.06701 0.65201 0.71789 0.02365 0.81951 0.66646 0.23054 0.80983 0.7545 0.03605 0.17938 0.94679 0.15511 0.70038 0.41055 0.01208 0.20292 0.79748 0.43948 0.17442 0.41992 0.3123 0.90004 0.64456 0.04752 0.86393 0.42612 0.62965 0.26062 0.62566 0.71887 0.19378 0.19441 0.30099 0.0458 0.26445 0.39612 0.49024 0.998 0.68836 0.95686 0.06017 0.13202 0.29348 0.56663 0.1655 0.4557 0.32224 0.68178 0.84715 0.65237 0.33718 0.03345 0.25023 0.9424 0.02767 0.95515 0.23027 0.26836 0.49685 0.42392 0.45416 0.44273 0.71274 0.27641 0.8602 0.73585 0.79301 0.02705 0.94217 0.62988 0.50585 0.2176 0.39865 0.38283 0.02733 0.59988 0.12598 0.65928 0.55841 0.07512 0.55157 0.09859 0.97704 0.47202 0.29206 0.57104 0.58929 0.04203 0.42614 0.98246 0.95625 0.92743 0.23118 0.75951 0.4514 0.22837 0.47571 0.4071 0.86979 0.48797 0.16738 0.11357 0.45908 0.88272 0.35433 0.18666 0.27758 0.95017 0.24466 0.43775 0.44805 0.1893 0.20126 0.77589 0.89517 0.17182 0.24446 0.42714 0.69503 0.73466 0.01424 0.24813 0.73949 0.83546 0.67038 0.76979 0.88527 0.07654 0.31716 0.80616 0.28642 0.06211 0.85882 0.34899 0.79717 0.88715 0.99123 0.83106 0.81312 0.84022 0.02056 0.7608 0.8604 0.14143 0.0928 0.29287 0.04711 0.99892 0.71876 0.60068 0.20146 0.69971 0.08596 0.50071 0.75768 0.6002 0.8156 0.66922 0.45484 0.7606 0.21879 0.66314 0.52832 0.05198 0.06114 0.91305 0.54159 0.17334 0.9286 0.93665 0.42161 0.08752 0.58332 0.74277 0.20998 0.72783 0.50189 0.86812 0.60244 0.92656 0.46038 0.21977 0.34526 0.01526 0.41237 0.54647 0.38142 0.60353 0.61066 0.57379 0.7067 0.07826 0.60562 0.82406 0.57406 0.97779 0.81142 0.77653 0.3203 0.26935 0.01315 0.57732 0.44333 0.20166 0.97517 0.02958 0.17462 0.7422 0.7384 0.57059 0.98738 0.66118 0.84132 0.36987 0.16375 0.52255 0.47175 0.06669 0.94751 0.97983 0.5508 0.14566 0.6364 0.914 0.89044 0.29097 0.92935 0.39346 0.31422 0.34485 0.4222 0.49748 0.92061 0.3993 0.21185 0.51209 0.12065 0.72293 0.35373 0.15459 0.20995 0.85351 0.47822 0.95087 0.77287 0.11804 0.65766 0.38906 0.78234 0.04006 0.38964 0.4184 0.03939 0.79368 4e-05 0.34442 0.93374 0.18947 0.58452 0.45906 0.40427 0.04285 0.31441 0.49096 0.21414 0.56855 0.37791 0.98747 0.14839 0.96012 0.92171 0.07597 0.04532 0.87899 0.8399 0.88049 0.60444 0.44915 0.20485 0.83944 0.71123 0.83706 0.01594 0.56937 0.55701 0.7815 0.17604 0.87711 0.66408 0.37611 0.25771 0.49993 0.6779 0.7333 0.75332 0.21316 0.32908 0.81558 0.72377 0.22671 0.70222 0.60407 0.89652 0.45693 0.21305 0.8514 0.71584 0.20978 0.07006 0.85158 0.7077 0.33034 0.07495 0.13648 0.39786 0.57969 0.08461 0.95743 0.97683 0.73121 0.10146 0.55221 0.75219 0.24799 0.19739 0.66043 0.88685 0.59808 0.66396 0.27726 0.31416 0.89512 0.07105 0.54606 0.07656 0.63063 0.3173 0.00971 0.10719 0.76668 0.88396 0.83976 0.38835 0.84727 0.38568 0.84049 0.40059 0.34979 0.84242 0.1788 0.44564 0.09633 0.12864 0.6488 0.42115 0.73444 0.70717 0.48169 0.66906 0.97744 0.88499 0.65745 0.35407 0.49245 0.45362 0.57544 0.16939 0.44062 0.61992 0.1602 0.98168 0.48584 0.75355 0.4721 0.63869 0.21804 0.47164 0.63789 0.05118 0.97716 0.37463 0.0208 0.41726 0.28115 0.50541 0.39017 0.76957 0.94046 0.26664 0.42144 0.95 0.96121 0.16972 0.13465 0.63872 0.90105 0.81488 0.39649 0.81893 0.03581 0.08875 0.63287 0.74303 0.6528 0.24343 0.27738 0.81567 0.38513 0.12739 0.4628 0.48488 0.47145 0.22221 0.80587 0.48524 0.66815 0.98028 0.30696 0.95485 0.93526 0.87732 0.16437 0.00225 0.95471 0.5799 0.81008 0.24855 0.17417 0.3232 0.98777 0.39804 0.51042 0.08769 0.32745 0.43399 0.41423 0.30844 0.70811 0.32518 0.37058 0.05241 0.97226 0.66188 0.54967 0.31611 0.87133 0.5219 0.17549 0.17411 0.74311 0.37811 0.28671 0.73494 0.78804 0.85989 0.77368 0.54081 0.99894 0.94897 0.29125 0.59024 0.59041 0.79665 0.72137 0.44183 0.83852 0.39345 0.01183 0.81227 0.90342 0.83859 0.44707 0.31484 0.59935 0.42419 0.80457 0.89081 0.71682 0.16548 0.53959 0.61299 0.37422 0.38531 0.05779 0.53878 0.35022 0.92099 0.88739 0.02127 0.4773 0.38974 0.67246 0.25166 0.92545 0.33379 0.68886 0.40102 0.44684 0.26302 0.58807 0.01661
+0.04293 0.28512 0.41528 0.82787 0.57238 0.4762 0.09148 0.26309 0.21643 0.62811 0.27757 0.59934 0.7952 0.28632 0.66047 0.05887 0.23616 0.08671 0.34557 0.39044 0.48995 0.76214 0.32207 0.29842 0.10922 0.91594 0.62619 0.77556 0.12603 0.15355 0.3105 0.27668 0.24177 0.61712 0.57398 0.63328 0.47524 0.70074 0.13972 0.16287 0.61395 0.64334 0.2334 0.29405 0.83288 0.94718 0.09184 0.04906 0.24938 0.78043 0.01767 0.09028 0.8951 0.17856 0.77616 0.82946 0.4762 0.63722 0.48067 0.14789 0.82136 0.67386 0.87902 0.2424 0.63448 0.60591 0.92155 0.6254 0.70406 0.13493 0.99391 0.6015 0.21635 0.27939 0.34393 0.61153 0.02198 0.42655 0.95721 0.89995 0.11551 0.31727 0.27677 0.94319 0.16631 0.98399 0.95912 0.0692 0.9934 0.25232 0.13835 0.53011 0.34333 0.03444 0.84957 0.67476 0.19853 0.13381 0.63941 0.68579 0.53347 0.64641 0.99678 0.50999 0.76205 0.08298 0.04671 0.28605 0.64076 0.23201 0.00816 0.99965 0.99363 0.02286 0.2523 0.60573 0.53019 0.02168 0.63304 0.4106 0.1207 0.1214 0.42962 0.35658 0.7784 0.82854 0.53993 0.67639 0.7283 0.79838 0.52796 0.83722 0.3697 0.65905 0.28757 0.04097 0.89976 0.03372 0.11592 0.14428 0.71531 0.73334 0.37861 0.69808 0.07829 0.00142 0.58136 0.16185 0.71214 0.6103 0.17331 0.22779 0.02742 0.65645 0.55037 0.45423 0.68193 0.69576 0.14121 0.99707 0.58385 0.59937 0.43043 0.64247 0.03967 0.19399 0.03311 0.34959 0.88252 0.96419 0.10621 0.3208 0.97862 0.10082 0.50931 0.59589 0.47607 0.68803 0.34903 0.75404 0.49049 0.18855 0.04166 0.96135 0.74241 0.2566 0.89725 0.61633 0.30566 0.32855 0.36607 0.09737 0.17532 0.14934 0.83586 0.77912 0.69288 0.00728 0.37801 0.12441 0.60333 0.93904 0.53952 0.22002 0.59122 0.93683 0.97864 0.77978 0.73722 0.23993 0.07337 0.05659 0.29419 0.93368 0.59248 0.813 0.87473 0.43538 0.08573 0.80692 0.76737 0.0507 0.08241 0.56566 0.24312 0.10606 0.63967 0.73975 0.47009 0.73184 0.80825 0.45638 0.86891 0.86929 0.11116 0.45422 0.08536 0.62469 0.97801 0.92543 0.88379 0.74567 0.29338 0.14346 0.69589 0.95038 0.58666 0.46987 0.55982 0.95454 0.31279 0.28364 0.50894 0.21922 0.64621 0.92135 0.64076 0.45749 0.85837 0.40933 0.20087 0.75131 0.19233 0.19961 0.62055 0.31728 0.02901 0.68779 0.40321 0.20274 0.06095 0.05145 0.95617 0.10404 0.38566 0.33662 0.88199 0.92415 0.7524 0.72385 0.90918 0.83787 0.00695 0.08307 0.29571 0.42442 0.1802 0.00174 0.05276 0.01056 0.41592 0.14012 0.20485 0.10063 0.52535 0.51419 0.7253 0.98747 0.226 0.98417 0.52402 0.90149 0.14215 0.64988 0.01819 0.48124 0.83821 0.57733 0.82434 0.29849 0.64049 0.92359 0.29864 0.78835 0.97088 0.00273 0.90478 0.94275 0.33773 0.86718 0.19148 0.23676 0.25936 0.68219 0.2209 0.88006 0.86901 0.68541 0.03611 0.83219 0.94425 0.69429 0.44651 0.64596 0.52996 0.53887 0.49936 0.15411 0.63157 0.43191 0.73574 0.88343 0.92658 0.5375 0.52583 0.19898 0.50481 0.3606 0.0554 0.06058 0.32214 0.60202 0.1078 0.45582 0.73171 0.13796 0.63828 0.91739 0.67447 0.6157 0.98823 0.44762 0.02182 0.28072 0.1286 0.8894 0.08607 0.39882 0.51753 0.45163 0.21765 0.35686 0.6126 0.72106 0.31774 0.80889 0.00262 0.80502 0.40228 0.34575 0.59593 0.89965 0.70158 0.30454 0.5663 0.49824 0.41768 0.23597 0.45701 0.71032 0.93397 0.57833 0.89842 0.38581 0.75148 0.91367 0.16867 0.82947 0.26195 0.1097 0.20714 0.117 0.44971 0.77008 0.68967 0.06892 0.76174 0.67074 0.85854 0.31551 0.38834 0.67529 0.73753 0.23922 0.10931 0.44283 0.51558 0.4487 0.3983 0.30327 0.7678 0.86993 0.93749 0.72802 0.12799 0.39821 0.66967 0.67524 0.17113 0.23105 0.11505 0.33981 0.51805 0.63405 0.33181 0.9686 0.9615 0.27213 0.37427 0.51313 0.85489 0.07024 0.66742 0.01253 0.73436 0.16308 0.22918 0.20128 0.09014 0.01303 0.90971 0.525 0.80477 0.14732 0.79404 0.45522 0.77945 0.5398 0.96858 0.86474 0.87326 0.72306 0.66906 0.2504 0.03941 0.65767 0.84002 0.09149 0.6968 0.806 0.69612 0.00573 0.49715 0.83801 0.62045 0.72169 0.19386 0.65855 0.38171 0.32307 0.50766 0.58446 0.77418 0.63759 0.37227 0.23049 0.01612 0.27847 0.96203 0.35251 0.27033 0.33636 0.4819 0.09526 0.32265 0.407 0.93979 0.8487 0.835 0.30087 0.72865 0.8301 0.15531 0.58465 0.22766 0.26698 0.26393 0.99799 0.25665 0.09372 0.00986 0.51743
+0.66644 0.94244 0.42269 0.12485 0.31086 0.30733 0.26308 0.52264 0.47809 0.35119 0.18633 0.46704 0.73375 0.58041 0.92056 0.70225 0.28212 0.85603 0.52409 0.10164 0.02038 0.22556 0.13813 0.41449 0.58999 0.07249 0.77517 0.04429 0.96946 0.83939 0.44791 0.61115 0.97087 0.73862 0.05548 0.96634 0.65211 0.94026 0.78484 0.13397 0.14826 0.36261 0.59049 0.82136 0.2872 0.82871 0.78587 0.50859 0.82843 0.20365 0.50852 0.07752 0.567 0.678 0.08602 0.4785 0.37897 0.73547 0.72821 0.5452 0.02014 0.64838 0.2821 0.4112 0.45397 0.89335 0.32972 0.04311 0.51519 0.96747 0.12173 0.29175 0.33503 0.3962 0.00916 0.26291 0.31855 0.19118 0.63959 0.84272 0.85881 0.34063 0.65604 0.53476 0.22994 0.5667 0.87362 0.84978 0.49474 0.16321 0.62946 0.61656 0.59641 0.05478 0.74631 0.18623 0.57275 0.67164 0.77064 0.64903 0.78248 0.04589 0.32596 0.74446 0.40269 0.64684 0.30421 0.2697 0.98424 0.82087 0.49228 0.56932 0.12328 0.79073 0.61083 0.37955 0.83825 0.37189 0.5054 0.96571 0.73262 0.81031 0.42138 0.48071 0.69 0.64111 0.00063 0.789 0.71005 0.7003 0.16502 0.71241 0.08427 0.70094 0.55639 0.12663 0.24965 0.44917 0.43151 0.58626 0.46201 0.35414 0.8219 0.76037 0.52815 0.2657 0.66596 0.8985 0.50365 0.23041 0.14085 0.67868 0.58387 0.01739 0.47922 0.65044 0.16845 0.18862 0.22123 0.41229 0.86508 0.5388 0.50348 0.37755 0.91935 0.48786 0.26875 0.64525 0.08564 0.87087 0.43876 0.54733 0.31764 0.87339 0.6671 0.02362 0.96258 0.78314 0.04489 0.39488 0.38259 0.98649 0.436 0.38817 0.76582 0.77192 0.78065 0.65969 0.65415 0.62226 0.89125 0.13293 0.43095 0.06076 0.47488 0.09692 0.9634 0.16064 0.64355 0.30304 0.67938 0.9093 0.31141 0.61755 0.96953 0.61974 0.04532 0.75824 0.56402 0.27296 0.61923 0.19999 0.00982 0.32794 0.7802 0.78388 0.27984 0.84297 0.24556 0.25928 0.34744 0.73737 0.79164 0.64367 0.27976 0.68399 0.17308 0.334 0.62447 0.71434 0.83282 0.43348 0.46373 0.72655 0.54875 0.43329 0.23055 0.34805 0.41523 0.67109 0.18659 0.35459 0.82871 0.91786 0.21684 0.10351 0.54847 0.68003 0.63289 0.58722 0.75373 0.09226 0.82694 0.90946 0.69278 0.44669 0.95235 0.90801 0.29107 0.62705 0.13186 0.46421 0.73848 0.35367 0.43765 0.04902 0.08738 0.17954 0.46186 0.61155 0.4929 0.83179 0.95909 0.5686 0.84459 0.41175 0.08478 0.89311 0.6236 0.28865 0.90283 0.19012 0.26814 0.46475 0.15377 0.53715 0.13973 0.20547 0.72054 0.00551 0.50764 0.55904 0.77603 0.85829 0.43454 0.94216 0.02942 0.57678 0.37184 0.86409 0.48389 0.10956 0.67324 0.58287 0.76081 0.97952 0.24633 0.74234 0.44949 0.65657 0.2601 0.26719 0.83065 0.51984 0.36456 0.69363 0.09505 0.9991 0.17671 0.18291 0.10971 0.67197 0.46378 0.22083 0.65476 0.15664 0.90543 0.11648 0.97285 0.12531 0.5581 0.18935 0.08981 0.98783 0.93434 0.9393 0.82768 0.48286 0.50205 0.72493 0.29031 0.47934 0.86107 0.14189 0.74839 0.82913 0.26964 0.29901 0.36416 0.05728 0.02652 0.68936 0.48468 0.23825 0.51362 0.93477 0.25468 0.3559 0.74086 0.15778 0.1296 0.1695 0.8908 0.96086 0.20515 0.85421 0.27515 0.21509 0.3597 0.84759 0.84115 0.93294 0.06031 0.53879 0.86426 0.89609 0.63248 0.23378 0.29407 0.95426 0.11367 0.19773 0.81945 0.31775 0.04873 0.59645 0.74973 0.29397 0.38103 0.23626 0.56968 0.90527 0.85069 0.59707 0.63633 0.86753 0.35015 0.02009 0.97829 0.97484 0.64176 0.48137 0.63655 0.0577 0.14846 0.75705 0.80677 0.55654 0.3345 0.99919 0.6708 0.05166 0.59141 0.49647 0.36942 0.22778 0.98583 0.87862 0.23329 0.05703 0.45195 0.71663 0.68184 0.34602 0.65704 0.24501 0.42167 0.12096 0.42668 0.0846 0.16627 0.3067 0.56712 0.03258 0.77647 0.64333 0.50046 0.03054 0.4066 0.11258 0.91365 0.97552 0.92381 0.35115 0.59494 0.32007 0.43592 0.01603 0.01326 0.59748 0.24808 0.55369 0.35695 0.33795 0.32731 0.0821 0.71735 0.72763 0.46633 0.88706 0.92703 0.3331 0.15278 0.25095 0.67494 0.87091 0.26761 0.85047 0.39025 0.93711 0.9828 0.77 0.08338 0.53484 0.29139 0.55536 0.6826 0.29549 0.06793 0.37875 0.96898 0.4488 0.29748 0.10721 0.42926 0.61984 0.57625 0.04765 0.8638 0.81447 0.99221 0.428 0.1034 0.27156 0.77689 0.72175 0.89425 0.92527 0.99489 0.89931 0.40676 0.4337 0.78053 0.11257 0.17642 0.79349 0.10627 0.91342 0.97741 0.85046 0.98649 0.94894
+0.36838 0.06332 0.8741 0.78675 0.85136 0.88817 0.05326 0.93339 0.22937 0.55145 0.66142 0.72853 0.71435 0.46147 0.9413 0.12764 0.54476 0.22027 0.29367 0.96157 0.77623 0.37053 0.88184 0.00442 0.10278 0.08157 0.32856 0.40937 0.7017 0.25155 0.40038 0.77979 0.2697 0.15006 0.83389 0.1302 0.61138 0.96897 0.52076 0.85111 0.97446 0.06161 0.20023 0.68057 0.01386 0.99033 0.65801 0.99479 0.89829 0.43478 0.12356 0.7215 0.17689 0.95416 0.42345 0.37246 0.62514 0.83714 0.43796 0.43096 0.94818 0.82894 0.06924 0.54334 0.51722 0.86996 0.77374 0.0047 0.95805 0.04867 0.76415 0.38098 0.47832 0.85421 0.75492 0.41507 0.12857 0.10209 0.32323 0.50212 0.05669 0.99354 0.1886 0.01586 0.68567 0.21224 0.68211 0.45835 0.86134 0.0499 0.28264 0.20486 0.36358 0.92439 0.69703 0.55873 0.82559 0.04974 0.0297 0.84926 0.21158 0.41389 0.52281 0.18792 0.61997 0.26947 0.29078 0.37536 0.03555 0.92178 0.49988 0.10425 0.23653 0.4802 0.61189 0.7895 0.24685 0.44384 0.65973 0.29363 0.43853 0.13638 0.63272 0.17058 0.23299 0.86692 0.66946 0.00492 0.05103 0.7908 0.86731 0.71749 0.49027 0.37823 0.52437 0.32789 0.55769 0.29067 0.596 0.72804 0.14086 0.18382 0.69733 0.92151 0.7177 0.04664 0.51521 0.53192 0.63501 0.71338 0.073 0.32581 0.89735 0.40809 0.56406 0.88663 0.39456 0.82233 0.54639 0.72817 0.35071 0.39326 0.51649 0.64261 0.78909 0.34691 0.17775 0.0395 0.9869 0.54554 0.05886 0.53502 0.12338 0.19635 0.28296 0.89691 0.09927 0.30875 0.24634 0.84065 0.15514 0.7561 0.11803 0.62896 0.09469 0.24506 0.7818 0.7194 0.95569 0.84678 0.81827 0.46743 0.67155 0.26512 0.93559 0.9095 0.70917 0.84914 0.08512 0.78095 0.82476 0.4255 0.34133 0.79558 0.78169 0.58128 0.8595 0.43903 0.92829 0.82427 0.60478 0.94499 0.76439 0.03886 0.81413 0.32867 0.87246 0.68515 0.45167 0.4135 0.14157 0.81216 0.76612 0.62806 0.43195 0.27271 0.61634 0.58491 0.74623 0.13748 0.1733 0.63372 0.67552 0.84457 0.1951 0.08277 0.95087 0.23908 0.21755 0.55107 0.4762 0.6083 0.18077 0.68292 0.8705 0.7528 0.08237 0.49314 0.4249 0.64107 0.15048 0.71791 0.49058 0.97868 0.15982 0.77503 0.65766 0.20659 0.73397 0.97789 0.35908 0.52253 0.24795 0.30052 0.51753 0.76038 0.88789 0.76747 0.61766 0.68785 0.5318 0.10153 0.52287 0.18752 0.43581 0.56403 0.82964 0.59532 0.9583 0.50875 0.76192 0.14965 0.68868 0.2808 0.14714 0.87288 0.62599 0.62048 0.41409 0.15072 0.24516 0.48833 0.00179 0.98337 0.51726 0.43299 0.38252 0.1449 0.94165 0.24374 0.93467 0.3271 0.68433 0.8242 0.74172 0.20959 0.96908 0.16202 0.34352 0.90505 0.21785 0.65701 0.4571 0.30659 0.82112 0.41823 0.33716 0.7485 0.94912 0.64942 0.7346 0.16911 0.19101 0.21226 0.52833 0.43423 0.49623 0.24935 0.07539 0.37815 0.82567 0.8864 0.48231 0.0206 0.2624 0.27754 0.48198 0.32742 0.25348 0.47568 0.95704 0.1259 0.27486 0.10465 0.38672 0.42455 0.72929 0.19814 0.29044 0.02654 0.07294 0.4238 0.32011 0.40785 0.50142 0.42016 0.57328 0.91519 0.95747 0.36275 0.28722 0.88013 0.57113 0.77289 0.79093 0.78339 0.58594 0.76994 0.09154 0.04003 0.84949 0.56512 0.88955 0.58277 0.06629 0.34286 0.67416 0.35043 0.13461 0.99831 0.71747 0.84383 0.70019 0.20898 0.59668 0.2989 0.7283 0.26788 0.57757 0.86009 0.08601 0.27352 0.85299 0.36938 0.96371 0.54184 0.5577 0.90233 0.95595 0.8299 0.49694 0.93535 0.08864 0.24769 0.48002 0.98609 0.29721 0.17005 0.80699 0.49263 0.08454 0.57156 0.40854 0.61174 0.94556 0.85734 0.16795 0.56549 0.47965 0.28592 0.39319 0.27526 0.03449 0.78214 0.40376 0.59184 0.671 0.99406 0.4373 0.29124 0.88436 0.97195 0.06214 0.2451 0.92552 0.78353 0.669 0.31527 0.23662 0.25905 0.08283 0.12797 0.64491 0.37494 0.48043 0.02092 0.84929 0.30238 0.90849 0.54376 0.48148 0.07636 0.75645 0.36974 0.11659 0.79919 0.33882 0.75316 0.32604 0.88257 0.89996 0.79809 0.12487 0.94185 0.13019 0.48096 0.61441 0.64531 0.33658 0.35642 0.8566 0.94999 0.5626 0.12087 0.09436 0.57296 0.59211 0.01384 0.85503 0.34992 0.50825 0.86348 0.12642 0.61465 0.63387 0.53637 0.24044 0.5749 0.06015 0.75313 0.83569 0.06215 0.33141 0.30564 0.77441 0.20717 0.65649 0.56401 0.11277 0.53365 0.97755 0.9949 0.35358 0.993 0.42637 0.61568 0.8575 0.80743 0.84451 0.7189 0.97868 0.57171
+0.58928 0.24044 0.56899 0.96654 0.32902 0.35897 0.36282 0.19752 0.38953 0.79212 0.76665 0.32435 0.23712 0.26066 0.96306 0.65236 0.8505 0.78054 0.26169 0.88674 0.50182 0.73641 0.59195 0.77785 0.46362 0.02627 0.61256 0.69671 0.07095 0.29436 0.21799 0.02767 0.83714 0.45874 0.41763 0.78614 0.43654 0.48487 0.14403 0.47231 0.66338 0.94207 0.78201 0.66097 0.11507 0.88885 0.87509 0.50638 0.63931 0.43936 0.26568 0.7518 0.8458 0.66739 0.74425 0.09981 0.52158 0.26776 0.214 0.4094 0.28328 0.03339 0.47901 0.52279 0.55462 0.95466 0.85787 0.95726 0.629 0.69008 0.28181 0.82583 0.80342 0.02628 0.75796 0.79732 0.0791 0.36875 0.91203 0.93572 0.61026 0.00218 0.43088 0.08474 0.57634 0.99644 0.44649 0.81541 0.93473 0.65095 0.67394 0.84562 0.08063 0.5813 0.39791 0.23404 0.05691 0.07784 0.28212 0.35504 0.6112 0.25608 0.29395 0.50699 0.07114 0.02053 0.74332 0.417 0.76896 0.02458 0.81381 0.40019 0.15743 0.21666 0.41327 0.41741 0.81912 0.33579 0.15659 0.35381 0.14711 0.04312 0.311 0.32273 0.20849 0.39781 0.50978 0.98087 0.54221 0.07611 0.73297 0.45707 0.50415 0.08959 0.60343 0.5041 0.9132 0.59406 0.00864 0.65809 0.41436 0.65769 0.58512 0.92236 0.04225 0.87252 0.38552 0.1085 0.20826 0.71864 0.26423 0.87713 0.16576 0.3674 0.75987 0.0097 0.66613 0.45327 0.14481 0.48833 0.78833 0.75481 0.81654 0.85755 0.78134 0.23377 0.42662 0.08569 0.34836 0.16846 0.36928 0.48861 0.28463 0.49043 0.86987 0.05599 0.05329 0.45824 0.17207 0.09655 0.44166 0.12726 0.26039 0.18462 0.79422 0.7214 0.82243 0.17207 0.37449 0.43131 0.62282 0.97286 0.07519 0.30264 0.46635 0.28554 0.74118 0.46691 0.03878 0.55451 0.56822 0.06027 0.15634 0.09832 0.18362 0.44572 0.07807 0.57598 0.06567 0.03615 0.01185 0.46649 0.01359 0.23862 0.37824 0.0828 0.43354 0.38025 0.54983 0.33863 0.15223 0.92945 0.44388 0.55879 0.93806 0.6463 0.93381 0.74297 0.8386 0.42887 0.20529 0.55077 0.72495 0.29667 0.27983 0.17964 0.26985 0.63942 0.60483 0.52108 0.06077 0.82153 0.62631 0.59686 0.25781 0.79704 0.09146 0.88264 0.58923 0.84184 0.40921 0.25426 0.86423 0.55143 0.43189 0.01652 0.68211 0.46252 0.07849 0.41819 0.21152 0.66996 0.59271 0.70863 0.9247 0.363 0.436 0.55278 0.91597 0.25104 0.90381 0.75309 0.85165 0.8805 0.60991 0.41922 0.15082 0.22614 0.94122 0.12843 0.52267 0.22231 0.07597 0.3027 0.73004 0.63138 0.60929 0.86483 0.53961 0.56306 0.2177 0.8808 0.47975 0.31131 0.73011 0.55115 0.36671 0.51688 0.70102 0.12138 0.28927 0.54081 0.99331 0.95575 0.09124 0.10212 0.25256 0.2777 0.03078 0.65035 0.93612 0.23663 0.53329 0.01471 0.37174 0.91417 0.35592 0.0591 0.12015 0.48682 0.28821 0.96807 0.14164 0.08986 0.83857 0.61944 0.99663 0.31795 0.31435 0.15801 0.93778 0.61613 0.16241 0.4249 0.35839 0.80948 0.99852 0.03442 0.00425 0.87571 0.48028 0.42714 0.51295 0.0865 0.22367 0.40026 0.61063 0.56431 0.58123 0.16618 0.21139 0.44149 0.62024 0.25623 0.9137 0.44086 0.11918 0.18128 0.40972 0.29548 0.4229 0.32661 0.55813 0.73429 0.99285 0.7908 0.28705 0.92974 0.72169 0.02922 0.19335 0.85531 0.45512 0.45724 0.2878 0.78769 0.03827 0.15505 0.97057 0.04608 0.2275 0.51622 0.44626 0.2209 0.84171 0.48824 0.76741 0.67557 0.80429 0.47611 0.51555 0.67494 0.00719 0.58925 0.82948 0.55899 0.01119 0.89818 0.59232 0.47815 0.26042 0.80249 0.42788 0.88465 0.40826 0.79022 0.41369 0.96952 0.26867 0.90878 0.20949 0.48995 0.78532 0.43122 0.03191 0.03384 0.63546 0.34831 0.96545 0.42502 0.4379 0.5066 0.58189 0.05003 0.94946 0.31568 0.66426 0.12452 0.82541 0.29438 0.3137 0.51086 0.56247 0.75066 0.31649 0.51576 0.50848 0.40624 0.17977 0.40035 0.10614 0.72039 0.42115 0.02915 0.80226 0.42353 0.8368 0.35826 0.99835 0.78416 0.63382 0.75812 0.3312 0.68315 0.36792 0.22574 0.06407 0.8338 0.99815 0.38923 0.01864 0.52457 0.78521 0.83179 0.17907 0.728 0.15926 0.09076 0.09677 0.95562 0.93364 0.63137 0.78799 0.08906 0.60174 0.39968 0.25011 0.24955 0.20686 0.31272 0.77966 0.50993 0.6977 0.54844 0.87184 0.30686 0.77373 0.74926 0.19238 0.37847 0.78821 0.21418 0.74427 0.5747 0.01536 0.13158 0.72589 0.91208 0.09047 0.33821 0.68357 0.64725 0.27453 0.27676 0.72951 0.06845 0.55415 0.3433 0.38832 0.32671 0.98853 0.51677
+0.27769 0.64366 0.97942 0.80991 0.60863 0.33675 0.29477 0.28791 0.49727 0.1725 0.86657 0.2667 0.49828 0.09863 0.22851 0.00755 0.30884 0.18046 0.96448 0.16349 0.11621 0.48285 0.69121 0.91077 0.62069 0.85682 0.93428 0.91384 0.66435 0.81742 0.41796 0.26632 0.78931 0.42624 0.78628 0.93385 0.89839 0.1927 0.51516 0.97202 0.04071 0.37849 0.0127 0.62096 0.82767 0.65127 0.68532 0.97022 0.65744 0.70547 0.02844 0.48628 0.979 0.65619 0.08066 0.11568 0.10771 0.92392 0.02627 0.39601 0.74033 0.42378 0.84136 0.12068 0.58648 0.94074 0.50472 0.8989 0.7024 0.32274 0.01049 0.35845 0.74027 0.43085 0.45054 0.94914 0.91993 0.98054 0.51382 0.32558 0.45869 0.06918 0.96926 0.83607 0.07017 0.70705 0.19692 0.09564 0.14262 0.28534 0.45946 0.16911 0.64049 0.25344 0.35004 0.38232 0.00491 0.04271 0.47622 0.53933 0.30288 0.93075 0.20054 0.95906 0.07259 0.66363 0.68607 0.65083 0.34546 0.12242 0.10926 0.98455 0.56216 0.53495 0.08206 0.87863 0.50409 0.14146 0.04044 0.13004 0.3542 0.32112 0.50505 0.23297 0.04073 0.32649 0.2235 0.8906 0.44818 0.53818 0.87194 0.51675 0.32181 0.09043 0.33826 0.54813 0.66514 0.9677 0.71649 0.58851 0.35561 0.82185 0.21806 0.12238 0.16566 0.82027 0.52156 0.55477 0.17936 0.76656 0.82275 0.51401 0.17219 0.81487 0.56042 0.30145 0.16338 0.85846 0.41234 0.00998 0.77602 0.46328 0.72291 0.95906 0.00426 0.94086 0.51351 0.91391 0.5377 0.09885 0.16306 0.87519 0.90414 0.05993 0.47389 0.19786 0.76309 0.46234 0.70038 0.40265 0.87542 0.88271 0.84399 0.38364 0.01416 0.32167 0.02839 0.76775 0.50685 0.51816 0.2827 0.7952 0.89495 0.24049 0.39181 0.60552 0.79934 0.30061 0.06628 0.38268 0.18871 0.035 0.85959 0.31812 0.11262 0.35485 0.35245 0.4947 0.22764 0.86999 0.40532 0.79779 0.83801 0.66404 0.07605 0.89464 0.10999 0.2355 0.95477 0.9524 0.53355 0.49595 0.39482 0.4762 0.5785 0.73702 0.22583 0.14828 0.00994 0.65369 0.17997 0.34087 0.6985 0.90861 0.02072 0.0119 0.56992 0.80057 0.63306 0.09224 0.70266 0.03181 0.39973 0.7726 0.95167 0.91047 0.44824 0.56245 0.21969 0.24037 0.77004 0.07979 0.6671 0.63322 0.19906 0.4631 0.06543 0.54199 0.30888 0.87117 0.05376 0.02808 0.54892 0.2826 0.75971 0.60447 0.2235 0.74896 0.93137 0.60986 0.9491 0.805 0.88524 0.1311 0.69479 0.42349 0.55752 0.26445 0.85579 0.92065 0.99639 0.28203 0.98935 0.79824 0.89315 0.06974 0.72752 0.09866 0.44234 0.87733 0.13817 0.80002 0.63337 0.22817 0.16343 0.82894 0.69536 0.93387 0.93823 0.60793 0.76666 0.20311 0.73708 0.73302 0.9225 0.88945 0.68841 0.54947 0.94799 0.49662 0.08267 0.19283 0.3613 0.10454 0.00605 0.51219 0.76927 0.90409 0.69333 0.46622 0.44096 0.84708 0.428 0.85094 0.23169 0.19985 0.22649 0.73873 0.39906 0.4627 0.34797 0.88887 0.86805 0.85145 0.91801 0.8885 0.14987 0.82791 0.13591 0.35278 0.02278 0.91037 0.73218 0.29415 0.30094 0.1782 0.66068 0.59259 0.54483 0.66495 0.23291 0.97316 0.52469 0.64436 0.7 0.53578 0.52386 0.3297 0.76638 0.43504 0.16641 0.37193 0.28038 0.54448 0.46938 0.04549 0.33838 0.2632 0.85909 0.98145 0.34865 0.45608 0.66877 0.51427 0.22398 0.69491 0.09386 0.37142 0.08814 0.26499 0.5184 0.88503 0.42922 0.78493 0.24606 0.83096 0.54797 0.5911 0.245 0.24138 0.5469 0.84824 0.9916 0.15226 0.50364 0.94583 0.64178 0.72159 0.10183 0.56218 0.25401 0.46531 0.30039 0.83792 0.71803 0.88222 0.43228 0.6482 0.43991 0.78508 0.0307 0.92757 0.91751 0.48006 0.77032 0.10691 0.95277 0.33274 0.99404 0.36672 0.67743 0.15738 0.80955 0.11574 0.83743 0.46625 0.68552 0.14664 0.96054 0.72662 0.42861 0.69011 0.52044 0.21979 0.27973 0.30727 0.90199 0.6057 0.31741 0.6382 0.83193 0.23228 0.12759 0.19881 0.49309 0.42417 0.85265 0.7162 0.38236 0.89637 0.42907 0.26032 0.22704 0.68893 0.76557 0.83325 0.59186 0.001 0.51831 0.94515 0.41023 0.04606 0.50525 0.31794 0.44398 0.91675 0.28313 0.28854 0.06947 0.09893 0.51726 0.72028 0.66149 0.14847 0.95298 0.77635 0.78618 0.3986 0.07116 0.26572 0.05232 0.18549 0.96103 0.07499 0.11796 0.28463 0.1848 0.57692 0.91832 0.52659 0.39229 0.04527 0.31496 0.04555 0.91669 0.64734 0.84285 0.52711 0.27774 0.32563 0.2122 0.08619 0.8219 0.59329 0.80387 0.79036 0.91363 0.67667 0.98064 0.04166 0.73246 0.85241
+0.45746 0.96762 0.24201 0.22448 0.33032 0.19939 0.88732 0.09346 0.34713 0.46188 0.99147 0.84564 0.57399 0.58129 0.70436 0.85218 0.79551 0.96319 0.80935 0.69155 0.98886 0.94277 0.58034 0.29108 0.89141 0.4603 0.28378 0.50051 0.55721 0.44545 0.06275 0.53643 0.7118 0.2434 0.44561 0.36758 0.0338 0.60421 0.98097 0.05447 0.67583 0.26747 0.22701 0.53998 0.83059 0.26875 0.25753 0.68429 0.43052 0.26092 0.32561 0.48599 0.62302 0.25353 0.70949 0.2941 0.68922 0.85031 0.29527 0.76308 0.29589 0.62259 0.79689 0.66862 0.51989 0.51241 0.91029 0.8865 0.77219 0.42964 0.67955 0.80721 0.01195 0.19773 0.02196 0.3815 0.64779 0.90821 0.68465 0.44722 0.02085 0.07995 0.21449 0.87629 0.28781 0.2989 0.10809 0.81772 0.15022 0.61511 0.13029 0.09657 0.67262 0.7462 0.64273 0.05317 0.89472 0.0291 0.16631 0.48893 0.45074 0.56222 0.91814 0.58096 0.54302 0.10403 0.65116 0.85461 0.4844 0.31155 0.42947 0.35692 0.21755 0.80863 0.14935 0.08027 0.66414 0.0854 0.15582 0.16586 0.81641 0.98706 0.41212 0.77348 0.86078 0.42187 0.10779 0.62328 0.227 0.86311 0.97228 0.07293 0.84223 0.36885 0.88545 0.55136 0.22369 0.68508 0.30254 0.54464 0.82597 0.74957 0.38234 0.73089 0.04088 0.79099 0.887 0.30116 0.73959 0.20355 0.67514 0.94101 0.63444 0.86956 0.48709 0.44968 0.72516 0.86533 0.90259 0.14287 0.52036 0.71088 0.6645 0.08199 0.42707 0.71207 0.42912 0.56943 0.58312 0.49973 0.47499 0.40131 0.25683 0.43602 0.96176 0.45398 0.90673 0.48021 0.21232 0.90116 0.1 0.40672 0.6984 0.99036 0.37871 0.15603 0.18637 0.56422 0.25085 0.67013 0.40272 0.20568 0.86751 0.03089 0.01481 0.11377 0.1643 0.68417 0.43174 0.95838 0.05364 0.10693 0.23815 0.20148 0.64313 0.98319 0.72032 0.58515 0.26854 0.76665 0.96087 0.5699 0.40959 0.41042 0.43641 0.15035 0.61361 0.64743 0.67105 0.20245 0.60479 0.72723 0.34011 0.67587 0.91271 0.56726 0.33153 0.1411 0.98721 0.49849 0.70458 0.17251 0.26916 0.99344 0.34977 0.35924 0.11036 0.79272 0.16065 0.96402 0.89712 0.82665 0.52677 0.13704 0.46481 0.39612 0.2928 0.28096 0.33791 0.74931 0.77859 0.72177 0.61483 0.82633 0.32574 0.75561 0.7899 0.15455 0.89134 0.64748 0.75621 0.14584 0.00543 0.302 0.91619 0.44229 0.16838 0.06047 0.2011 0.0091 0.28888 0.8179 0.37168 0.56865 0.95476 0.3509 0.65923 0.33774 0.42418 0.89851 0.64231 0.00618 0.3705 0.40441 0.12986 0.24859 0.3636 0.69841 0.17074 0.97166 0.22214 0.89377 0.08443 0.39593 0.65093 0.90089 0.75897 0.81402 0.39429 0.46501 0.56291 0.2714 0.42964 0.05168 0.65142 0.29773 0.76941 0.1177 0.78578 0.50947 0.84053 0.90243 0.76844 0.33533 0.18519 0.25094 0.20471 0.27233 0.91071 0.0165 0.21877 0.70501 0.68492 0.00311 0.55648 0.38535 0.98141 0.11858 0.12553 0.92667 0.74496 0.91261 0.98044 0.21543 0.11898 0.52291 0.23805 0.04942 0.11202 0.33726 0.70668 0.6615 0.04342 0.913 0.73708 0.72005 0.27202 0.20722 0.83232 0.02122 0.0168 0.10117 0.47986 0.86577 0.50371 0.20015 0.39332 0.54825 0.15343 0.41103 0.47796 0.85482 0.08868 0.18298 0.87755 0.45408 0.9837 0.87971 0.12737 0.42659 0.49639 0.46735 0.37505 0.53869 0.12862 0.00022 0.40843 0.22174 0.08148 0.25908 0.80107 0.56579 0.41863 0.17896 0.15577 0.55603 0.15704 0.54651 0.04499 0.87703 0.20382 0.59982 0.49689 0.05628 0.61647 0.88357 0.1714 0.75082 0.08136 0.66442 0.54401 0.37909 0.54468 0.1608 0.64766 0.45766 0.55816 0.89935 0.12878 0.68077 0.41134 0.40372 0.34084 0.68262 0.49793 0.09234 0.26389 0.88304 0.73176 0.21078 0.98212 0.49352 0.10729 0.26834 0.21187 0.84031 0.59528 0.72208 0.69898 0.364 0.10932 0.919 0.40004 0.25413 0.39422 0.14956 0.11488 0.22987 0.21463 0.49473 0.69316 0.1228 0.71951 0.64959 0.00921 0.21914 0.08904 0.71873 0.41867 0.14315 0.49288 0.01849 0.38869 0.33896 0.50288 0.85235 0.91574 0.31453 0.00418 0.95332 0.36542 0.70775 0.30185 0.57403 0.8967 0.49897 0.47943 0.40769 0.97532 0.24089 0.8927 0.05598 0.92459 0.35235 0.0537 0.26743 0.12443 0.1468 0.76013 0.28583 0.60664 0.00895 0.6852 0.32698 0.5662 0.5578 0.63899 0.21376 0.87269 0.84186 0.7623 0.14392 0.96838 0.3364 0.54193 0.66926 0.53565 0.77071 0.69788 0.65486 0.65298 0.62043 0.03889 0.59764 0.14519 0.86945 0.82461 0.77956 0.3298 0.35926 0.69209 0.29416
+0.64075 0.33662 0.39453 0.12161 0.0135 0.49528 0.7773 0.69992 0.57267 0.57914 0.3498 0.17781 0.95688 0.2718 0.41548 0.79539 0.37317 0.09932 0.85426 0.82263 0.07305 0.73258 0.54454 0.5617 0.46182 0.13356 0.20631 0.38787 0.3175 0.60297 0.43681 0.60394 0.8303 0.72854 0.07447 0.9197 0.74875 0.6984 0.86479 0.82532 0.45601 0.73 0.02386 0.6163 0.11249 0.90861 0.02456 0.68569 0.41166 0.88081 0.05785 0.79121 0.35443 0.26199 0.19805 0.80846 0.47931 0.35871 0.82517 0.08348 0.00784 0.34797 0.15592 0.81361 0.63613 0.38777 0.04688 0.67905 0.66373 0.45827 0.87903 0.81082 0.8924 0.99681 0.9072 0.91382 0.67599 0.04152 0.18336 0.00246 0.91248 0.07754 0.33734 0.18377 0.491 0.26505 0.05936 0.99224 0.3964 0.67402 0.1983 0.61879 0.16556 0.86618 0.94047 0.68862 0.52531 0.19383 0.10886 0.59265 0.01098 0.87813 0.59637 0.5479 0.08991 0.39189 0.94504 0.41769 0.11924 0.54457 0.48549 0.33712 0.62487 0.87399 0.81825 0.77336 0.96665 0.23728 0.08385 0.20621 0.34064 0.33456 0.09933 0.79999 0.2153 0.57094 0.11142 0.27345 0.18352 0.27654 0.19765 0.8541 0.64437 0.61414 0.5577 0.64811 0.43619 0.75944 0.11582 0.61694 0.23377 0.91169 0.36473 0.68446 0.36896 0.82369 0.63316 0.41596 0.25342 0.72273 0.8071 0.24509 0.68239 0.64308 0.38374 0.29019 0.4232 0.77707 0.81377 0.62662 0.23804 0.64084 0.20374 0.28184 0.63109 0.47211 0.50857 0.54939 0.00597 0.89739 0.97119 0.87313 0.56892 0.27663 0.82406 0.40565 0.35193 0.81599 0.57376 0.07574 0.59393 0.26352 0.51293 0.46994 0.35432 0.55111 0.3949 0.86982 0.37639 0.51737 0.84608 0.71729 0.77244 0.6358 0.12573 0.78815 0.28842 0.63958 0.99177 0.60429 0.48196 0.88582 0.0819 0.67819 0.04362 0.97176 0.62061 0.6253 0.09686 0.52475 0.6435 0.16649 0.9553 0.93608 0.02256 0.32346 0.57769 0.27433 0.12443 0.72518 0.81658 0.50347 0.8049 0.60654 0.79685 0.66853 0.20923 0.69908 0.02855 0.02271 0.32279 0.36822 0.22151 0.39897 0.21835 0.92732 0.4151 0.93625 0.56863 0.04915 0.62635 0.81688 0.0108 0.6159 0.5474 0.97678 0.42396 0.70228 0.18858 0.14933 0.27766 0.53378 0.94848 0.11856 0.88461 0.14126 0.84938 0.02729 0.97598 0.34733 0.02154 0.94794 0.2616 0.17818 0.91497 0.00344 0.53974 0.8858 0.85796 0.25895 0.84753 0.07697 0.22768 0.18135 0.04122 0.41449 0.98974 0.53 0.3684 0.71751 0.64328 0.03995 0.12305 0.46638 0.58479 0.06087 0.69942 0.4578 0.67876 0.93925 0.40167 0.81374 0.69615 0.87049 0.02077 0.10532 0.06907 0.08634 0.10594 0.08387 0.71595 0.18458 0.82703 0.53781 0.67539 0.81144 0.03362 0.1003 0.72649 0.77415 0.96971 0.0405 0.69998 0.37357 0.02802 0.64575 0.91051 0.90692 0.23263 0.58279 0.0821 0.14298 0.79179 0.87857 0.14419 0.12823 0.93093 0.25492 0.28223 0.76728 0.19241 0.86853 0.92226 0.78904 0.94648 0.06501 0.3134 0.32755 0.19432 0.05141 0.83731 0.60286 0.84244 0.03874 0.12313 0.32517 0.0 0.49572 0.58072 0.07676 0.04525 0.09084 0.32197 0.36248 0.11579 0.33641 0.37589 0.35758 0.7223 0.75821 0.99128 0.88808 0.76838 0.22866 0.74206 0.18317 0.81429 0.76861 0.12701 0.19821 0.41072 0.28153 0.02689 0.42585 0.17229 0.86784 0.49461 0.54258 0.35088 0.51642 0.16338 0.41212 0.71615 0.31188 0.75303 0.42032 0.70238 0.25518 0.20768 0.08493 0.41973 0.70536 0.5369 0.6003 0.17514 0.57605 0.19778 0.5831 0.08174 0.6202 0.32433 0.12049 0.84187 0.1688 0.46756 0.53194 0.16958 0.26754 0.66473 0.87177 0.70022 0.04042 0.19154 0.12147 0.58377 0.08361 0.97413 0.21244 0.21536 0.43618 0.38089 0.80794 0.5904 0.56306 0.14093 0.10773 0.51713 0.22701 0.94693 0.13303 0.80902 0.29421 0.57726 0.83889 0.44614 0.04794 0.22547 0.2343 0.02315 0.08818 0.85241 0.03522 0.43428 0.24269 0.6165 0.12346 0.7208 0.94281 0.58269 0.37582 0.96189 0.10405 0.94923 0.33287 0.4256 0.95108 0.58221 0.7963 0.47507 0.68953 0.55945 0.87495 0.87886 0.99734 0.61643 0.1502 0.00171 0.29329 0.56077 0.6828 0.74747 0.35002 0.82213 0.57707 0.64493 0.55569 0.93357 0.92613 0.19044 0.42832 0.5786 0.2479 0.33087 0.76887 0.69275 0.18518 0.24861 0.27777 0.87029 0.01605 0.28043 0.35581 0.32231 0.46351 0.95938 0.89406 0.99114 0.22476 0.47663 0.98065 0.566 0.85444 0.4468 0.46093 0.35436 0.55471 0.99045 0.87672 0.93814 0.9613 0.50923 0.10309
+0.61251 0.09751 0.98721 0.29179 0.76233 0.76549 0.04881 0.33459 0.17209 0.76383 0.47091 0.10727 0.45431 0.44236 0.16558 0.80498 0.49557 0.35344 0.76225 0.63627 0.87778 0.43059 0.76944 0.83142 0.45819 0.9331 0.39142 0.47603 0.54541 0.13203 0.13991 0.82257 0.95928 0.25882 0.59246 0.14167 0.57779 0.12636 0.51844 0.0475 0.5347 0.17986 0.38356 0.0208 0.67649 0.80945 0.46281 0.99674 0.51495 0.11732 0.62664 0.88694 0.76257 0.64495 0.90727 0.17567 0.31134 0.06463 0.14264 0.38413 0.79429 0.59798 0.20148 0.6017 0.14825 0.53629 0.68184 0.78679 0.05351 0.71063 0.73051 0.4277 0.18979 0.52584 0.77857 0.50766 0.04346 0.79501 0.22901 0.08156 0.17936 0.42966 0.76678 0.96097 0.07449 0.20913 0.46037 0.43297 0.01984 0.38091 0.79294 0.45098 0.66459 0.53446 0.64084 0.124 0.07655 0.83175 0.47872 0.65281 0.87292 0.9518 0.04309 0.00172 0.86691 0.20173 0.98843 0.92708 0.26413 0.74122 0.78968 0.19459 0.77937 0.38122 0.46531 0.53259 0.10646 0.82478 0.70941 0.00676 0.38368 0.51255 0.6863 0.81941 0.81121 0.47617 0.47056 0.52212 0.35445 0.38257 0.31793 0.16184 0.73831 0.31507 0.22569 0.79645 0.26498 0.58538 0.79398 0.60325 0.90333 0.39632 0.4091 0.0856 0.47956 0.04437 0.9534 0.22616 0.58873 0.6912 0.19768 0.06681 0.59476 0.90578 0.14986 0.04486 0.91255 0.96411 0.94065 0.15469 0.78437 0.40634 0.58388 0.87914 0.34308 0.58839 0.73194 0.72909 0.76012 0.66056 0.20779 0.14611 0.38686 0.69655 0.53153 0.39972 0.83594 0.62582 0.03285 0.57042 0.18647 0.47055 0.69097 0.77706 0.19552 0.17191 0.86399 0.55168 0.81488 0.37103 0.17679 0.54603 0.84402 0.17917 0.00689 0.72352 0.55218 0.22279 0.97892 0.18504 0.83123 0.97103 0.14981 0.96537 0.24809 0.89303 0.05489 0.76033 0.73249 0.21519 0.47291 0.08936 0.36411 0.2665 0.09824 0.6785 0.08589 0.39935 0.76875 0.60691 0.63281 0.57669 0.4694 0.49804 0.04055 0.05815 0.56815 0.12905 0.6799 0.81694 0.32568 0.90656 0.45344 0.61747 0.98388 0.55807 0.99007 0.53724 0.60202 0.13368 0.33131 0.39657 0.43963 0.55482 0.1301 0.93404 0.84171 0.48565 0.8267 0.16265 0.98202 0.06777 0.75874 0.01353 0.45539 0.93721 0.89264 0.62759 0.26327 0.10072 0.3152 0.03549 0.73743 0.60941 0.24795 0.91101 0.89829 0.16827 0.62542 0.89535 0.00697 0.32623 0.27771 0.08714 0.75473 0.93732 0.96057 0.44249 0.14603 0.82845 0.50757 0.86462 0.64566 0.45327 0.36259 0.56505 0.03836 0.01096 0.96009 0.65872 0.23559 0.81735 0.61878 0.58623 0.9055 0.58164 0.88438 0.63641 0.64521 0.19017 0.01016 0.83035 0.12991 0.80983 0.96597 0.9429 0.01375 0.35128 0.18381 0.93472 0.25451 0.88676 0.72769 0.09833 0.6627 0.29061 0.35032 0.60389 0.62476 0.40844 0.66289 0.69322 0.79155 0.15248 0.17304 0.81379 0.14197 0.98573 0.0614 0.10223 0.96798 0.6552 0.00887 0.72657 0.26484 0.85013 0.85429 0.33568 0.79384 0.24839 0.0092 0.38661 0.52806 0.96196 0.39447 0.15805 0.2876 0.74394 0.97397 0.98718 0.70624 0.44435 0.19129 0.34044 0.40545 0.71918 0.82526 0.73295 0.32818 0.8845 0.96762 0.17208 0.19911 0.87817 0.21803 0.55209 0.90046 0.87485 0.0445 0.73245 0.32192 0.01747 0.69282 0.6051 0.86461 0.99888 0.58588 0.39927 0.63979 0.52468 0.00065 0.66265 0.75737 0.92697 0.46252 0.30173 0.72598 0.23221 0.67532 0.99828 0.59819 0.05024 0.82618 0.58154 0.77883 0.48943 0.1267 0.21404 0.58832 0.35015 0.86616 0.7036 0.44862 0.25115 0.42044 0.08886 0.37795 0.25345 0.28902 0.83307 0.21595 0.42195 0.11132 0.02764 0.70872 0.17967 0.7397 0.46332 0.47023 0.90627 0.08548 0.32611 0.11616 0.30127 0.66756 0.17667 0.31343 0.47337 0.36186 0.43484 0.80216 0.827 0.95431 0.47129 0.21899 0.30745 0.30313 0.24085 0.50781 0.55271 0.54654 0.16681 0.16292 0.84608 0.90741 0.8005 0.87513 0.76555 0.45425 0.44884 0.10682 0.53965 0.017 0.17255 0.0507 0.25626 0.36223 0.86543 0.81865 0.26562 0.93404 0.17072 0.62005 0.23239 0.75862 0.28402 0.54074 0.58608 0.14469 0.70503 0.47036 0.6913 0.11719 0.66375 0.08729 0.67944 0.45281 0.12632 0.68458 0.17366 0.14761 0.598 0.72267 0.84471 0.26265 0.09869 0.61938 0.94304 0.78645 0.28441 0.77485 0.03824 0.79939 0.58013 0.44837 0.76754 0.19506 0.65121 0.53511 0.62302 0.29286 0.67359 0.29308 0.59908 0.57779 0.3522 0.61977 0.33885 0.92769 0.69104 0.33174 0.22851
+0.60638 0.18101 0.90477 0.97369 0.71852 0.19649 0.36281 0.20381 0.78474 0.15623 0.32924 0.3242 0.96917 0.33794 0.18437 0.14084 0.32587 0.61476 0.37313 0.59787 0.21747 0.63445 0.38893 0.99653 0.6254 0.87193 0.76996 0.41188 0.21254 0.06619 0.99724 0.09634 0.95808 0.08394 0.24573 0.96079 0.35963 0.09767 0.87747 0.55784 0.40183 0.30755 0.63704 0.29101 0.70602 0.0165 0.71249 0.29248 0.08307 0.57023 0.11543 0.47724 0.77548 0.39344 0.98732 0.52431 0.88222 0.57857 0.19752 0.01654 0.96308 0.80188 0.71319 0.20951 0.84692 0.93855 0.39458 0.17243 0.95786 0.87068 0.70623 0.05801 0.43605 0.73645 0.62493 0.20331 0.54001 0.13722 0.34983 0.82658 0.86636 0.98485 0.45656 0.43396 0.24927 0.17837 0.73989 0.37177 0.05923 0.64084 0.57583 0.13226 0.78737 0.66609 0.61071 0.86332 0.4739 0.76988 0.54816 0.09514 0.91924 0.41328 0.35997 0.60305 0.92407 0.22828 0.04744 0.06737 0.52257 0.8365 0.26415 0.37857 0.54723 0.31262 0.53137 0.5661 0.75624 0.27341 0.51776 0.87482 0.06537 0.92693 0.35772 0.41555 0.97277 0.06176 0.79736 0.80187 0.05683 0.83358 0.83393 0.34326 0.33471 0.16868 0.89056 0.75286 0.85879 0.74277 0.03847 0.04356 0.11101 0.92183 0.53196 0.83938 0.17422 0.38885 0.06498 0.90902 0.91342 0.45787 0.79432 0.30209 0.59601 0.10359 0.56262 0.01683 0.46744 0.55969 0.39532 0.07995 0.84483 0.66651 0.20964 0.9276 0.06373 0.56164 0.75219 0.01544 0.90827 0.6372 0.16687 0.9946 0.01162 0.78793 0.95346 0.12688 0.07041 0.39727 0.84746 0.95197 0.28431 0.89912 0.97024 0.15364 0.794 0.07301 0.0953 0.13805 0.98851 0.82295 0.15066 0.28827 0.29919 0.82259 0.8266 0.55412 0.04548 0.64617 0.76882 0.78875 0.81005 0.68412 0.35465 0.91605 0.68283 0.28172 0.41087 0.32708 0.04321 0.09448 0.3676 0.99153 0.91779 0.18728 0.44748 0.07386 0.18167 0.00444 0.30333 0.93342 0.79536 0.9637 0.88828 0.54832 0.46331 0.83144 0.85971 0.05267 0.60532 0.99265 0.8959 0.12817 0.52695 0.01812 0.49492 0.31674 0.26333 0.59314 0.88359 0.62954 0.76218 0.49456 0.47657 0.87537 0.93875 0.83461 0.88466 0.90208 0.73916 0.40456 0.18392 0.29047 0.50972 0.35832 0.61404 0.6642 0.59308 0.90052 0.59006 0.44487 0.79633 0.45376 0.6221 0.16699 0.71828 0.21093 0.2654 0.25116 0.36282 0.10295 0.62367 0.62371 0.30125 0.66628 0.69177 0.11368 0.59836 0.81993 0.77805 0.57777 0.15239 0.34194 0.95853 0.57687 0.79434 0.84578 0.07641 0.43738 0.247 0.75915 0.28753 0.65205 0.46856 0.91606 0.88805 0.66436 0.79776 0.65861 0.50022 0.16082 0.20927 0.40633 0.47261 0.53996 0.45938 0.9304 0.19007 0.57845 0.56387 0.17057 0.25085 0.9774 0.76768 0.71151 0.57234 0.86417 0.53239 0.62241 0.36144 0.66234 0.05405 0.72761 0.73008 0.87989 0.02085 0.5056 0.19332 0.31711 0.94251 0.03531 0.34777 0.38695 0.61847 0.45119 0.37612 0.09813 0.89277 0.36679 0.49468 0.45501 0.85924 0.10502 0.62687 0.78853 0.09982 0.3305 0.84521 0.67712 0.14581 0.3135 0.47605 0.36672 0.87451 0.34846 0.10668 0.73279 0.95735 0.00223 0.76418 0.36696 0.96156 0.76381 0.84063 0.23414 0.38262 0.31079 0.55955 0.62707 0.39971 0.49913 0.07627 0.09667 0.0952 0.68366 0.95812 0.92158 0.31955 0.76344 0.63317 0.06765 0.79525 0.81147 0.46112 0.90147 0.73938 0.64206 0.93058 0.629 0.72696 0.91514 0.28202 0.76544 0.9723 0.18278 0.85572 0.46041 0.39726 0.37109 0.0294 0.38527 0.22968 0.70324 0.97765 0.02111 0.46513 0.72289 0.68987 0.04622 0.61529 0.33647 0.49018 0.12833 0.85708 0.12153 0.42348 0.05552 0.06168 0.70451 0.15172 0.73789 0.45119 0.24777 0.36329 0.9876 0.93736 0.22441 0.93622 0.26818 0.14052 0.68625 0.10296 0.97779 0.93078 0.27926 0.34416 0.43171 0.511 0.09774 0.66329 0.06507 0.59655 0.14968 0.43674 0.88601 0.8812 0.47664 0.08943 0.14912 0.78727 0.28263 0.03012 0.50611 0.05119 0.92612 0.20104 0.94236 0.68623 0.81542 0.82157 0.44481 0.14237 0.8779 0.72207 0.89586 0.76607 0.30409 0.89452 0.27761 0.41115 0.58201 0.36014 0.2501 0.63815 0.74342 0.76444 0.01203 0.26834 0.19675 0.70139 0.83979 0.7679 0.99504 0.2375 0.59408 0.79189 0.61367 0.06782 0.94396 0.35113 0.92416 0.12303 0.9939 0.89225 0.81781 0.81204 0.51537 0.08028 0.58266 0.49641 0.81873 0.68018 0.19619 0.63928 0.18885 0.05403 0.78704 0.90826 0.43325 0.39043 0.58793 0.51822 0.6152
+0.68147 0.25771 0.61959 0.31586 0.84539 0.45303 0.43546 0.22659 0.04026 0.39278 0.87987 0.50148 0.33174 0.6841 0.2236 0.73676 0.41746 0.62875 0.40557 0.12578 0.13078 0.59509 0.83923 0.90942 0.21166 0.90026 0.97081 0.69649 0.51149 0.25743 0.86163 0.88791 0.03685 0.05645 0.9092 0.13489 0.58025 0.69327 0.90393 0.21326 0.23103 0.65894 0.65063 0.956 0.56377 0.02853 0.09846 0.85113 0.88649 0.33077 0.93097 0.43486 0.3956 0.94169 0.60956 0.78648 0.76167 0.3129 0.89558 0.39471 0.83414 0.64457 0.3753 0.3718 0.39702 0.90386 0.35404 0.32748 0.89252 0.90819 0.34071 0.54405 0.20118 0.49544 0.28828 0.2389 0.98407 0.38526 0.58381 0.01579 0.42537 0.72436 0.94143 0.3802 0.48682 0.67613 0.21564 0.30516 0.44377 0.86813 0.43882 0.20857 0.63508 0.60885 0.86448 0.14888 0.81158 0.67267 0.84797 0.52241 0.23231 0.3161 0.98466 0.80503 0.92892 0.28993 0.62984 0.05659 0.90993 0.72193 0.59651 0.76541 0.09537 0.11146 0.55003 0.86065 0.03019 0.51887 0.1013 0.69091 0.84415 0.09448 0.49943 0.52011 0.97391 0.72478 0.93818 0.26603 0.83124 0.71172 0.68852 0.33748 0.68848 0.74932 0.74309 0.53339 0.11 0.93041 0.92162 0.65559 0.4445 0.48371 0.77609 0.08937 0.92983 0.86051 0.25708 0.83726 0.38757 0.07802 0.23654 0.90338 0.10657 0.88481 0.80498 0.64402 0.01843 0.30155 0.39398 0.28223 0.58669 0.15656 0.8003 0.17393 0.67001 0.65383 0.74243 0.20834 0.66161 0.80156 0.44423 0.10198 0.36725 0.82589 0.93257 0.5843 0.52265 0.72571 0.72745 0.91455 0.73182 0.39703 0.47657 0.3951 0.30898 0.2516 0.20353 0.11577 0.35559 0.32105 0.71568 0.93514 0.4644 0.44854 0.06944 0.16092 0.16065 0.18583 0.23766 0.40723 0.36817 0.98695 0.03723 0.96578 0.24713 0.07782 0.44878 0.7364 0.78287 0.04351 0.15044 0.13372 0.49376 0.84044 0.45254 0.24104 0.9153 0.96548 0.13858 0.0108 0.53507 0.65918 0.617 0.26461 0.32293 0.06557 0.80356 0.84813 0.75808 0.24932 0.80241 0.53533 0.73816 0.63834 0.28209 0.01529 0.4669 0.19628 0.15289 0.1339 0.29365 0.688 0.39571 0.25305 0.34501 0.80894 0.63846 0.18722 0.60665 0.82221 0.78459 0.12157 0.58075 0.53189 0.80613 0.18864 0.44334 0.26035 0.42244 0.39258 0.04613 0.44166 0.12757 0.51226 0.38078 0.17417 0.44076 0.77451 0.78648 0.32403 0.75513 0.38613 0.01051 0.40455 0.91628 0.34836 0.39525 0.04051 0.81709 0.75909 0.82379 0.95285 0.58719 0.26443 0.72466 0.33876 0.29105 0.1079 0.38648 0.85752 0.64316 0.32671 0.50192 0.56454 0.43252 0.29314 0.03647 0.59447 0.63626 0.73655 0.09906 0.49009 0.81586 0.46898 0.09938 0.87967 0.82043 0.2802 0.91989 0.35001 0.15977 0.02515 0.08242 0.20898 0.98976 0.49938 0.61505 0.11366 0.16357 0.11531 0.36767 0.65697 0.89066 0.49066 0.62574 0.73976 0.02863 0.52438 0.62052 0.23912 0.66038 0.88501 0.49629 0.19489 0.4701 0.65313 0.07636 0.70135 0.08048 0.6406 0.2168 0.67464 0.83437 0.25135 0.26686 0.18114 0.22072 0.09597 0.10407 0.47826 0.85213 0.19153 0.75311 0.71824 0.5694 0.42251 0.75389 0.12828 0.56079 0.82213 0.6827 0.82793 0.75726 0.57651 0.78482 0.7098 0.82636 0.21964 0.11351 0.92274 0.87356 0.42255 0.25791 0.4131 0.50118 0.95661 0.43739 0.89155 0.81183 0.34773 0.87246 0.27891 0.48607 0.95931 0.08332 0.26131 0.4113 0.99811 0.45528 0.88893 0.87674 0.82912 0.38353 0.14763 0.07107 0.81419 0.56101 0.19466 0.56717 0.1486 0.82187 0.19685 0.00065 0.33007 0.12037 0.69908 0.51744 0.34557 0.58438 0.63164 0.06436 0.35508 0.23755 0.09289 0.79447 0.4401 0.37649 0.57242 0.58533 0.88284 0.26771 0.36464 0.38406 0.05132 0.06275 0.44985 0.02606 0.78915 0.67211 0.75629 0.61947 0.21887 0.46892 0.03732 0.33019 0.99484 0.45016 0.09577 0.21884 0.31659 0.69107 0.37084 0.54222 0.24841 0.90512 0.07786 0.3931 0.8552 0.06277 0.5125 0.64086 0.58709 0.30543 0.96806 0.6787 0.47962 0.85672 0.62082 0.3424 0.42882 0.51913 0.86281 0.25538 0.23526 0.61742 0.25008 0.08436 0.94551 0.37148 0.4479 0.21444 0.75138 0.05166 0.50427 0.83205 0.16503 0.4922 0.58031 0.29353 0.11141 0.25797 0.12059 0.06985 0.9686 0.09825 0.56301 0.16816 0.91275 0.16619 0.83376 0.3104 0.47482 0.36747 0.17332 0.04499 0.33678 0.73907 0.60887 0.98668 0.47101 0.15235 0.00831 0.11731 0.0111 0.51025 0.07238 0.31365 0.23835 0.18051 0.34225 0.60985 0.09423
+0.25558 0.43293 0.97162 0.73528 0.20669 0.51993 0.154 0.32642 0.50648 0.89647 0.76231 0.93309 0.37314 0.80865 0.36837 0.35186 0.84685 0.44439 0.49356 0.61053 0.70709 0.01612 0.91356 0.47663 0.22316 0.6829 0.48686 0.45037 0.12995 0.93874 0.14584 0.49335 0.63199 0.50248 0.92175 0.69506 0.20436 0.20357 0.84091 0.31674 0.82431 0.80008 0.03496 0.41185 0.56373 0.26255 0.19244 0.2538 0.79143 0.03899 0.52762 0.00948 0.44089 0.83305 0.12619 0.06639 0.05945 0.50716 0.68587 0.36699 0.45244 0.11763 0.3793 0.73877 0.6666 0.70869 0.58173 0.23537 0.58051 0.48238 0.98852 0.54815 0.55553 0.11045 0.018 0.61731 0.4055 0.48476 0.89339 0.1599 0.03219 0.00279 0.33616 0.87828 0.88203 0.89625 0.98962 0.38886 0.33799 0.35625 0.36578 0.52242 0.36914 0.21439 0.57653 0.43968 0.97147 0.01049 0.39791 0.04241 0.21371 0.03496 0.62135 0.56467 0.64888 0.55405 0.30226 0.77323 0.21396 0.00525 0.16991 0.63124 0.27678 0.3014 0.91698 0.90448 0.94224 0.69606 0.2051 0.25708 0.32389 0.69749 0.79762 0.64937 0.70084 0.28449 0.54184 0.62236 0.19217 0.99455 0.58875 0.24133 0.92621 0.53233 0.21663 0.3934 0.46221 0.03505 0.10203 0.57741 0.48366 0.35346 0.8071 0.8639 0.07305 0.76171 0.08508 0.62969 0.27059 0.97325 0.21904 0.14565 0.5822 0.25258 0.95061 0.50104 0.34032 0.80571 0.03994 0.54876 0.09791 0.66848 0.87617 0.60055 0.24149 0.76483 0.7798 0.93 0.7862 0.56213 0.58502 0.25214 0.62698 0.81387 0.86733 0.14587 0.91678 0.74592 0.95954 0.2435 0.88904 0.13277 0.7866 0.06673 0.78289 0.3089 0.40863 0.68573 0.1275 0.34348 0.31663 0.14226 0.80868 0.67072 0.87389 0.59169 0.05921 0.99864 0.11231 0.89803 0.73562 0.67821 0.55991 0.91048 0.64986 0.89317 0.88305 0.96649 0.84355 0.90888 0.75187 0.88554 0.29566 0.51742 0.00608 0.56686 0.38674 0.12282 0.85765 0.03935 0.05784 0.76335 0.14303 0.87549 0.5911 0.41149 0.37391 0.75733 0.45914 0.14521 0.54361 0.70369 0.54899 0.97024 0.08827 0.65741 0.30904 0.91508 0.25596 0.06585 0.59908 0.80365 0.70092 0.67021 0.74337 0.64583 0.16465 0.0226 0.44235 0.33249 0.99688 0.9306 0.46878 0.36724 0.34245 0.43334 0.34961 0.70987 0.63699 0.21629 0.66197 0.82906 0.40417 0.99289 0.00738 0.23813 0.73515 0.75349 0.11214 0.77196 0.67009 0.69614 0.58168 0.16736 0.86755 0.11775 0.21656 0.94293 0.77291 0.5665 0.4111 0.04305 0.63909 0.46557 0.88413 0.07894 0.44889 0.53972 0.52289 0.93141 0.94785 0.84498 0.15357 0.82316 0.92662 0.05625 0.04529 0.88773 0.91684 0.03934 0.23732 0.12511 0.6 0.7844 0.69464 0.82412 0.31317 0.92842 0.74364 0.00807 0.58469 0.52006 0.96999 0.31856 0.58886 0.64884 0.33846 0.53739 0.73906 0.45746 0.89807 0.98714 0.75719 0.66164 0.3186 0.15012 0.28106 0.08506 0.00126 0.2166 0.31179 0.80728 0.41715 0.67352 0.59015 0.82688 0.24905 0.57963 0.47616 0.42432 0.94798 0.53 0.56087 0.17164 0.59941 0.58597 0.73041 0.11588 0.91714 0.14634 0.24592 0.98476 0.86104 0.51295 0.82228 0.58718 0.34856 0.3386 0.25155 0.46345 0.7925 0.03374 0.4308 0.6662 0.17856 0.39561 0.48044 0.92541 0.37284 0.21887 0.4645 0.34485 0.87192 0.67589 0.14138 0.66653 0.75699 0.66527 0.89754 0.03201 0.69147 0.48059 0.49665 0.32789 0.10001 0.95408 0.64272 0.43879 0.32353 0.4291 0.57332 0.31137 0.52384 0.22499 0.48374 0.42756 0.5993 0.06415 0.95948 0.14834 0.4047 0.02999 0.07946 0.00597 0.11018 0.08722 0.60198 0.59365 0.11493 0.93168 0.85104 0.13077 0.81115 0.73326 0.02105 0.30363 0.26304 0.51379 0.71597 0.0064 0.58459 0.02288 0.35755 0.0616 0.04382 0.94406 0.63946 0.15355 0.25299 0.56875 0.55802 0.76895 0.41071 0.48683 0.32319 0.94191 0.28899 0.67161 0.16948 0.85692 0.54782 0.15461 0.8887 0.63277 0.78273 0.63644 0.04559 0.40373 0.41325 0.52137 0.18375 0.16796 0.37319 0.37902 0.33177 0.98973 0.00917 0.81229 0.00699 0.99627 0.90154 0.35275 0.13526 0.27802 0.39945 0.34811 0.24652 0.8523 0.99075 0.24755 0.02347 0.90435 0.04852 0.85764 0.69632 0.71617 0.32093 0.09855 0.04513 0.67969 0.16933 0.24649 0.14066 0.95288 0.43533 0.96927 0.2371 0.44708 0.657 0.09929 0.46807 0.24988 0.09461 0.91524 0.7719 0.63305 0.86447 0.65259 0.72881 0.02286 0.7422 0.1489 0.63507 0.81413 0.46663 0.74808 0.43537 0.86846 0.28515 0.04836 0.84268 0.15524
+0.04632 0.31146 0.80293 0.70011 0.15839 0.33551 0.01332 0.43612 0.84234 0.0521 0.44557 0.67777 0.37245 0.07784 0.79216 0.31128 0.43813 0.01829 0.49165 0.4806 0.5407 0.60516 0.31724 0.3819 0.82574 0.1068 0.99163 0.12783 0.71787 0.97219 0.08311 0.72178 0.67416 0.68253 0.14508 0.08044 0.76967 0.70608 0.28866 0.28717 0.32051 0.82067 0.1218 0.11473 0.40262 0.55438 0.14387 0.76459 0.55633 0.03163 0.54573 0.52811 0.57166 0.24743 0.871 0.49558 0.86949 0.87862 0.59114 0.2289 0.52735 0.60003 0.23089 0.24173 0.48497 0.33464 0.02432 0.00963 0.83205 0.15565 0.22334 0.11851 0.58909 0.24944 0.9269 0.14375 0.50418 0.42782 0.69312 0.17374 0.09204 0.90945 0.16248 0.22021 0.67777 0.82851 0.63741 0.43778 0.98348 0.5062 0.01626 0.60731 0.96905 0.7459 0.68064 0.49269 0.72853 0.5005 0.81098 0.49043 0.41214 0.06232 0.45097 0.51646 0.48905 0.02886 0.82987 0.70918 0.67227 0.36843 0.98323 0.61134 0.40376 0.96027 0.77365 0.53905 0.93246 0.96016 0.19992 0.43047 0.69445 0.45964 0.98175 0.30183 0.95001 0.28093 0.40783 0.23411 0.41771 0.90934 0.9014 0.53002 0.50156 0.19023 0.24085 0.61036 0.38101 0.17952 0.99548 0.03175 0.78522 0.4828 0.91576 0.3474 0.51301 0.21762 0.14901 0.44399 0.31246 0.17699 0.26236 0.91249 0.04983 0.38847 0.87064 0.74104 0.17823 0.75613 0.56672 0.38667 0.41495 0.23886 0.19562 0.05111 0.27584 0.45657 0.2619 0.46333 0.96501 0.34782 0.28747 0.26135 0.63486 0.17009 0.34744 0.71861 0.9048 0.59253 0.06478 0.57973 0.39237 0.47965 0.3254 0.28384 0.83359 0.31709 0.05364 0.29625 0.93065 0.94609 0.65105 0.22652 0.72995 0.04398 0.47877 0.63913 0.09632 0.77138 0.20071 0.64077 0.90873 0.16748 0.58921 0.318 0.5399 0.78285 0.56157 0.99047 0.42935 0.54664 0.91059 0.45904 0.50652 0.64945 0.85028 0.24013 0.25331 0.76393 0.65334 0.36467 0.20059 0.3232 0.12269 0.23332 0.73548 0.83595 0.65751 0.05874 0.49282 0.17333 0.3599 0.58632 0.44071 0.55418 0.76292 0.69574 0.60234 0.22477 0.93374 0.57013 0.24817 0.47666 0.41613 0.9269 0.717 0.85519 0.06265 0.80854 0.91284 0.92587 0.83113 0.00269 0.85246 0.24751 0.25517 0.55564 0.75623 0.08364 0.06811 0.09804 0.6828 0.00225 0.44261 0.28656 0.90093 0.08011 0.1562 0.51856 0.96334 0.30621 0.25992 0.22659 0.55547 0.24197 0.74721 0.74788 0.08656 0.76957 0.50342 0.75621 0.78029 0.58798 0.91052 0.10229 0.20366 0.01851 0.90455 0.78578 0.70735 0.58766 0.53089 0.73618 0.08046 0.57609 0.98897 0.47457 0.21219 0.65949 0.77539 0.07076 0.26523 0.01348 0.82996 0.5568 0.35917 0.79253 0.21846 0.45424 0.52925 0.59911 0.40689 0.44586 0.76049 0.27448 0.89413 0.253 0.25196 0.14185 0.01059 0.61849 0.27814 0.01673 0.75841 0.79313 0.0119 0.0227 0.8201 0.17377 0.21059 0.83393 0.64205 0.72838 0.80012 0.15243 0.92002 0.3671 0.65277 0.63204 0.66953 0.36767 0.92024 0.49839 0.12225 0.70531 0.85571 0.1329 0.06019 0.91597 0.55782 0.35087 0.95976 0.72827 0.34339 0.57104 0.79044 0.87559 0.53756 0.60469 0.87239 0.78281 0.43836 0.80355 0.8174 0.64928 0.29924 0.99739 0.47791 0.42196 0.38705 0.1727 0.65401 0.87108 0.73696 0.0922 0.02783 0.78942 0.42121 0.29706 0.71344 0.71772 0.5249 0.85107 0.44947 0.50281 0.535 0.37538 0.29465 0.03109 0.09998 0.73019 0.31455 0.55404 0.76967 0.76704 0.64715 0.81427 0.41712 0.2034 0.0492 0.72734 0.28652 0.53967 0.62328 0.05618 0.37906 0.08316 0.67036 0.82888 0.26439 0.07068 0.84393 0.81581 0.78908 0.74316 0.48681 0.55338 0.96028 0.99506 0.17922 0.81782 0.23354 0.90483 0.9073 0.36208 0.19902 0.12752 0.07603 0.63083 0.43588 0.17529 0.93577 0.1927 0.36265 0.92163 0.33205 0.90772 0.26543 0.84278 0.80896 0.84301 0.49139 0.00563 0.10148 0.13887 0.30738 0.08661 0.57777 0.55257 0.31535 0.27651 0.66669 0.22879 0.22537 0.83022 0.61894 0.99377 0.15002 0.7554 0.43237 0.90251 0.07564 0.11773 0.3714 0.038 0.6167 0.40627 0.47484 0.88319 0.53915 0.13067 0.89713 0.71747 0.8723 0.84371 0.3517 0.46404 0.5757 0.11629 0.8105 0.61263 0.63796 0.07784 0.24795 0.63077 0.4308 0.51946 0.37071 0.32761 0.06315 0.73196 0.6462 0.0583 0.92453 0.55704 0.22746 0.07655 0.10191 0.70439 0.39955 0.27896 0.12216 0.80249 0.65139 0.18553 0.84375 0.8467 0.66485 0.47888 0.80165 0.3138 0.11172 0.28474
+0.64927 0.77389 0.31825 0.39038 0.11091 0.51175 0.60107 0.8604 0.60479 0.75476 0.99619 0.43941 0.76346 0.95064 0.11385 0.33252 0.73697 0.28692 0.45877 0.47538 0.51511 0.52705 0.2033 0.26541 0.50337 0.88139 0.97629 0.6353 0.30752 0.58889 0.09186 0.28384 0.32723 0.75031 0.89382 0.21091 0.26708 0.46581 0.78426 0.56789 0.24073 0.55698 0.77288 0.86796 0.62091 0.50927 0.86236 0.26737 0.17333 0.29525 0.1193 0.0214 0.79253 0.51355 0.62216 0.31953 0.84294 0.65563 0.70146 0.6707 0.66585 0.63383 0.40954 0.04865 0.56322 0.91877 0.56976 0.2868 0.29123 0.91339 0.73997 0.91687 0.28631 0.55723 0.94839 0.15184 0.34705 0.5477 0.87654 0.59524 0.44128 0.35744 0.70959 0.9139 0.26848 0.07162 0.08087 0.4125 0.23408 0.935 0.21667 0.32667 0.87154 0.86548 0.64911 0.77971 0.29409 0.17856 0.40871 0.73001 0.59102 0.92518 0.33639 0.49189 0.54923 0.14496 0.06356 0.00839 0.10358 0.37964 0.63336 0.0293 0.07467 0.34134 0.20204 0.60694 0.63361 0.90735 0.45132 0.03593 0.62136 0.10358 0.03417 0.13745 0.31676 0.28132 0.85893 0.56321 0.47705 0.23504 0.29873 0.15679 0.72741 0.52517 0.0055 0.02421 0.89063 0.21797 0.27527 0.68771 0.7728 0.96933 0.68638 0.59225 0.45055 0.92854 0.63457 0.57039 0.52307 0.6097 0.47969 0.04458 0.05073 0.17421 0.52015 0.53557 0.4379 0.96932 0.81757 0.2095 0.91991 0.71497 0.73666 0.57107 0.75906 0.03343 0.62365 0.76146 0.46086 0.93586 0.02508 0.53756 0.94104 0.83596 0.90574 0.07235 0.89883 0.10833 0.97014 0.82906 0.30023 0.11999 0.56112 0.3044 0.54714 0.54451 0.31624 0.64285 0.69833 0.25462 0.72522 0.19587 0.60736 0.72028 0.9604 0.80741 0.3466 0.9638 0.83862 0.66399 0.46237 0.15938 0.37471 0.83589 0.74113 0.39483 0.44311 0.6639 0.99017 0.30022 0.01194 0.14153 0.9457 0.00096 0.19306 0.37848 0.637 0.10104 0.55084 0.43444 0.59968 0.78871 0.1252 0.96944 0.84508 0.19241 0.37269 0.27213 0.35583 0.53217 0.5264 0.83353 0.6189 0.15461 0.67893 0.02675 0.81017 0.98186 0.54538 0.8496 0.05496 0.14815 0.7469 0.03184 0.39103 0.5975 0.81357 0.76088 0.59021 0.32075 0.75575 0.3324 0.34177 0.15992 0.62296 0.65395 0.40742 0.15631 0.75601 0.39911 0.37559 0.4854 0.20461 0.91277 0.94776 0.93605 0.2622 0.97215 0.42411 0.70941 0.40731 0.78527 0.6039 0.98137 0.36103 0.83694 0.07168 0.68079 0.70806 0.30887 0.61476 0.39835 0.90943 0.81487 0.45471 0.52475 0.12122 0.2307 0.83462 0.09747 0.35737 0.42633 0.53587 0.28174 0.47724 0.83971 0.97583 0.36681 0.17332 0.04383 0.3123 0.29738 0.6924 0.64636 0.90869 0.48301 0.69094 0.1084 0.26594 0.48896 0.96558 0.61217 0.99691 0.72024 0.29865 0.78859 0.8489 0.93558 0.59881 0.5432 0.78897 0.21899 0.53268 0.80475 0.59489 0.75374 0.39076 0.23218 0.01227 0.97587 0.67383 0.09719 0.45934 0.37569 0.01606 0.77025 0.94837 0.0617 0.65071 0.44888 0.08134 0.42788 0.25379 0.41187 0.33285 0.59987 0.93941 0.85927 0.47742 0.78295 0.40386 0.11458 0.2535 0.5965 0.61679 0.35958 0.01362 0.59037 0.21325 0.19276 0.77979 0.81246 0.13615 0.56419 0.8015 0.1154 0.98954 0.93878 0.02676 0.62103 0.91947 0.81313 0.91549 0.19893 0.39555 0.86693 0.46488 0.25639 0.66034 0.1006 0.52791 0.18194 0.93027 0.12623 0.05858 0.96091 0.60368 0.10138 0.79242 0.82299 0.73977 0.51541 0.581 0.2909 0.78937 0.21748 0.59604 0.68877 0.59515 0.76404 0.09133 0.4535 0.87165 0.32908 0.94551 0.48593 0.24316 0.07838 0.30004 0.31637 0.29951 0.79727 0.55337 0.17553 0.76902 0.95806 0.48042 0.69048 0.46858 0.48922 0.28076 0.18046 0.60214 0.18391 0.91619 0.85116 0.12397 0.27191 0.05398 0.07595 0.88914 0.08742 0.26494 0.24352 0.19352 0.11076 0.36793 0.88091 0.68407 0.17226 0.8855 0.56168 0.54272 0.36686 0.34819 0.81899 0.14865 0.01195 0.95086 0.66376 0.64142 0.49025 0.67239 0.41576 0.51355 0.11467 0.96878 0.26391 0.44903 0.32218 0.47278 0.46549 0.87665 0.93621 0.52014 0.17614 0.52973 0.31655 0.351 0.27551 0.41912 0.54623 0.69052 0.62338 0.56637 0.27633 0.25018 0.08557 0.34705 0.03744 0.97527 0.49764 0.89555 0.19049 0.0077 0.97736 0.62499 0.98246 0.73458 0.04399 0.47102 0.77311 0.40135 0.81251 0.01866 0.95967 0.49836 0.61395 0.14 0.03248 0.60217 0.46858 0.29239 0.74628 0.03105 0.50969 0.05949 0.33468 0.12349 0.11407 0.521 0.02167
+0.35658 0.59492 0.51064 0.5722 0.92471 0.95734 0.98683 0.94966 0.79544 0.47908 0.62779 0.85924 0.02544 0.83575 0.03602 0.72774 0.75838 0.49221 0.12163 0.15987 0.03993 0.66752 0.1603 0.20282 0.67135 0.61087 0.95646 0.14745 0.64515 0.08007 0.44354 0.88833 0.88248 0.60659 0.18093 0.60781 0.87034 0.87148 0.41186 0.98765 0.65922 0.19449 0.34306 0.84546 0.67711 0.27924 0.85806 0.58138 0.43356 0.86019 0.91163 0.11644 0.94903 0.97912 0.45359 0.88038 0.41609 0.95366 0.03013 0.42189 0.44648 0.13279 0.58017 0.38983 0.3259 0.61882 0.10891 0.24411 0.48154 0.2865 0.18686 0.64438 0.64953 0.487 0.94013 0.16089 0.31511 0.65978 0.33644 0.90006 0.66604 0.61299 0.74155 0.94353 0.2701 0.76156 0.68804 0.24255 0.01071 0.12688 0.61199 0.28783 0.89564 0.93749 0.78371 0.69213 0.33135 0.04823 0.39528 0.64894 0.43365 0.48959 0.85615 0.93757 0.28222 0.30551 0.3434 0.99438 0.17751 0.20709 0.30369 0.09351 0.13374 0.52656 0.21836 0.09959 0.18876 0.30542 0.71713 0.7866 0.95981 0.4526 0.43435 0.40315 0.36168 0.40022 0.00646 0.71144 0.25038 0.84888 0.98656 0.83276 0.54583 0.61914 0.82774 0.37967 0.80622 0.43444 0.06472 0.22755 0.77684 0.03937 0.8373 0.64122 0.57457 0.26332 0.29449 0.52823 0.18613 0.85621 0.32389 0.67206 0.93809 0.35686 0.30936 0.3348 0.69816 0.82935 0.99323 0.48287 0.76769 0.56706 0.67907 0.53462 0.88958 0.43668 0.77428 0.27913 0.68343 0.376 0.75758 0.7303 0.4529 0.46388 0.86524 0.40831 0.01443 0.63867 0.36437 0.48755 0.28979 0.36895 0.48493 0.125 0.94732 0.72829 0.69122 0.4822 0.42563 0.06245 0.86187 0.16753 0.003 0.79883 0.78124 0.55678 0.93716 0.29575 0.09266 0.81954 0.42742 0.51349 0.89296 0.26056 0.79855 0.79708 0.88743 0.4453 0.25956 0.97764 0.04362 0.12144 0.01533 0.66459 0.38427 0.35262 0.56938 0.60101 0.83424 0.30195 0.13589 0.3289 0.36355 0.86566 0.73219 0.0102 0.53152 0.52446 0.18442 0.2624 0.6415 0.53943 0.87673 0.10613 0.45815 0.95744 0.72824 0.74384 0.60528 0.61284 0.33022 0.01677 0.24252 0.88718 0.50962 0.57007 0.52859 0.85115 0.10379 0.22531 0.0248 0.55543 0.29917 0.87858 0.26105 0.30389 0.00798 0.14283 0.26177 0.30224 0.72225 0.2901 0.40297 0.64013 0.21816 0.80537 0.53164 0.4596 0.26848 0.03516 0.54254 0.97319 0.89952 0.1614 0.64633 0.23535 0.87803 0.8576 0.82514 0.1338 0.68111 0.70988 0.91645 0.88779 0.94826 0.48138 0.45159 0.65893 0.09691 0.00822 0.1868 0.27164 0.96937 0.56531 0.24932 0.66604 0.93199 0.97799 0.58862 0.69219 0.08474 0.02727 0.08524 0.44239 0.23529 0.35606 0.65431 0.91525 0.81994 0.433 0.32307 0.06434 0.57923 0.84003 0.00753 0.50356 0.09139 0.98904 0.17806 0.76148 0.94349 0.04744 0.38035 0.46017 0.17261 0.97152 0.86484 0.25499 0.79957 0.51848 0.11482 0.70027 0.03991 0.86094 0.11912 0.03983 0.04753 0.72446 0.76693 0.03664 0.46454 0.749 0.76231 0.37326 0.9411 0.42324 0.4331 0.97028 0.08023 0.06663 0.43555 0.74883 0.62989 0.95059 0.36549 0.91696 0.82864 0.41574 0.95283 0.73965 0.34192 0.12618 0.58786 0.96029 0.96383 0.23691 0.30663 0.09183 0.86237 0.60162 0.11157 0.24503 0.0151 0.45119 0.09943 0.23574 0.83827 0.32194 0.59499 0.94475 0.45056 0.49368 0.61878 0.26745 0.25297 0.48754 0.35876 0.08941 0.14676 0.55195 0.42172 0.41087 0.42762 0.91058 0.16324 0.1124 0.25755 0.65612 0.95302 0.29591 0.38106 0.49033 0.43855 0.64834 0.89019 0.41433 0.76635 0.92665 0.63295 0.32928 0.58715 0.85242 0.8916 0.98566 0.98251 0.46669 0.1583 0.85682 0.16626 0.94483 0.31663 0.60493 0.26258 0.03652 0.50278 0.20935 0.59404 0.51985 0.44442 0.62173 0.28188 0.63698 0.63533 0.23677 0.97083 0.63275 0.28771 0.45468 0.6932 0.93203 0.82739 0.32818 0.44527 0.34227 0.25664 0.71931 0.56532 0.40981 0.48883 0.6346 0.97919 0.26083 0.55511 0.55789 0.16899 0.79238 0.56957 0.36661 0.54091 0.28954 0.67101 0.82952 0.19034 0.1769 0.12375 0.2489 0.90774 0.90109 0.71701 0.85599 0.96585 0.02719 0.62629 0.06357 0.37179 0.74019 0.23891 0.31994 0.3083 0.39217 0.80493 0.36609 0.84588 0.63517 0.775 0.70744 0.67715 0.73966 0.37214 0.15837 0.08491 0.0731 0.37621 0.66763 0.4524 0.71167 0.73035 0.75829 0.14437 0.78208 0.02414 0.6176 0.95581 0.74585 0.50227 0.43312 0.84017 0.53502 0.28986 0.04049 0.98818 0.53041
+0.02228 0.07267 0.80534 0.39554 0.79325 0.88651 0.89504 0.97673 0.01203 0.8061 0.31636 0.43061 0.71665 0.20775 0.48228 0.62759 0.00897 0.67526 0.72955 0.7638 0.58069 0.3441 0.97017 0.15971 0.24745 0.89547 0.71932 0.45137 0.41301 0.00613 0.72204 0.95852 0.292 0.21974 0.73505 0.32097 0.41243 0.45996 0.7209 0.24322 0.7412 0.89185 0.34241 0.99683 0.22823 0.75697 0.1485 0.07366 0.27603 0.16082 0.34884 0.0836 0.14298 0.75779 0.44605 0.94335 0.2676 0.82617 0.07062 0.86533 0.25083 0.96266 0.09809 0.366 0.60365 0.31964 0.27591 0.92018 0.98159 0.76597 0.47636 0.10715 0.03225 0.86944 0.98611 0.30261 0.02992 0.40215 0.11156 0.42625 0.3977 0.16719 0.31777 0.66768 0.77986 0.15618 0.21771 0.82534 0.87301 0.74613 0.24939 0.36604 0.30807 0.98862 0.05122 0.78463 0.95258 0.31414 0.05387 0.46604 0.52116 0.66743 0.73683 0.97241 0.20731 0.94593 0.05483 0.8752 0.32828 0.89013 0.85717 0.61941 0.38524 0.08084 0.63557 0.89937 0.62604 0.49227 0.62344 0.06494 0.9284 0.50955 0.87338 0.68342 0.58807 0.49983 0.1867 0.0555 0.18479 0.92139 0.18489 0.68674 0.98357 0.35982 0.6429 0.67152 0.19298 0.88286 0.11972 0.64952 0.30769 0.47435 0.63248 0.35707 0.91364 0.54588 0.75134 0.63351 0.55214 0.73813 0.13975 0.40717 0.33969 0.30965 0.79094 0.74527 0.16042 0.85558 0.05081 0.81263 0.2876 0.96602 0.93706 0.01424 0.43505 0.85047 0.4963 0.13748 0.60745 0.53814 0.82316 0.1278 0.33978 0.53934 0.2084 0.42445 0.67111 0.40979 0.82294 0.64508 0.57136 0.57282 0.08492 0.81382 0.14175 0.40927 0.58609 0.97522 0.57904 0.06525 0.28682 0.9596 0.92514 0.54322 0.37407 0.4242 0.52445 0.98629 0.18454 0.09897 0.40658 0.73469 0.69783 0.3845 0.33447 0.75341 0.10239 0.88979 0.10862 0.46263 0.21743 0.05429 0.6826 0.77617 0.34378 0.33171 0.45565 0.99602 0.17486 0.78493 0.3025 0.23495 0.10533 0.44231 0.11029 0.80245 0.599 0.24362 0.8677 0.65245 0.54974 0.73057 0.64855 0.95931 0.49254 0.37645 0.95406 0.39789 0.01296 0.67533 0.46842 0.88503 0.97404 0.00147 0.77697 0.42337 0.25564 0.65862 0.77476 0.95722 0.68997 0.86697 0.44666 0.43785 0.47853 0.54672 0.58035 0.39134 0.0585 0.96289 0.43835 0.68433 0.47611 0.54121 0.08652 0.36692 0.44084 0.48495 0.14543 0.42643 0.28524 0.69376 0.11063 0.88671 0.0912 0.37938 0.44502 0.02729 0.6654 0.23519 0.82492 0.67259 0.64172 0.81541 0.9355 0.33965 0.05515 0.3313 0.44841 0.7632 0.3172 0.61107 0.54755 0.70214 0.12002 0.31797 0.3853 0.08882 0.81559 0.80656 0.036 0.67035 0.84718 0.3985 0.14641 0.0329 0.32246 0.57158 0.18985 0.7902 0.74289 0.01206 0.21189 0.77648 0.29491 0.52314 0.28479 0.49859 0.00232 0.40668 0.52913 0.6825 0.50708 0.95795 0.82551 0.67127 0.31235 0.13918 0.16201 0.49378 0.95165 0.94397 0.17513 0.3053 0.25503 0.05878 0.54902 0.20542 0.66434 0.75853 0.57462 0.98577 0.70197 0.99826 0.56177 0.58673 0.47368 0.98808 0.31355 0.78037 0.7062 0.21906 0.60882 0.97256 0.0386 0.35567 0.99573 0.0366 0.56206 0.06275 0.01693 0.85422 0.25564 0.67312 0.61149 0.91807 0.59842 0.4378 0.93494 0.54635 0.09323 0.50641 0.32716 0.47165 0.98356 0.56825 0.04331 0.21783 0.07594 0.93188 0.8054 0.65852 0.14014 0.79213 0.98515 0.02218 0.10326 0.39073 0.02362 0.54698 0.19181 0.46899 0.73167 0.6524 0.41545 0.62711 0.75884 0.90057 0.13247 0.09447 0.17652 0.94797 0.05346 0.57628 0.39238 0.27049 0.94966 0.5494 0.12466 0.95151 0.90188 0.42121 0.71218 0.5423 0.19444 0.0516 0.85376 0.9416 0.6828 0.695 0.71075 0.388 0.6963 0.36312 0.32039 0.7565 0.27982 0.97751 0.50272 0.15682 0.34036 0.76654 0.25144 0.51164 0.36051 0.22896 0.36583 0.37157 0.25479 0.65672 0.03722 0.7762 0.22813 0.43243 0.24394 0.91319 0.63596 0.77986 0.25689 0.66634 0.26784 0.59269 0.25057 0.06407 0.70283 0.38545 0.99674 0.30687 0.18495 0.6009 0.42539 0.77536 0.35586 0.72047 0.13397 0.14192 0.17325 0.72351 0.0681 0.9622 0.4874 0.29243 0.34551 0.41417 0.70936 0.88001 0.66667 0.94685 0.85589 0.03277 0.00585 0.97037 0.12819 0.48781 0.3159 0.93912 0.32168 0.7749 0.38368 0.66896 0.94842 0.84486 0.57621 0.20201 0.9924 0.93237 0.32182 0.64286 0.12267 0.87918 0.88554 0.25747 0.1088 0.93977 0.63579 0.85025 0.43681 0.20771 0.27402 0.33033 0.88703 0.55719
+0.18249 0.87275 0.91979 0.89774 0.47578 0.15281 0.81266 0.21105 0.24867 0.16889 0.77691 0.62209 0.99111 0.09394 0.02275 0.68217 0.26727 0.74298 0.73443 0.24424 0.11938 0.96796 0.82079 0.25026 0.25897 0.28279 0.01006 0.27444 0.67603 0.56647 0.87311 0.36279 0.55161 0.87755 0.42742 0.46802 0.03392 0.45249 0.72789 0.76996 0.31305 0.53103 0.42166 0.0767 0.06148 0.69377 0.73749 0.61736 0.55362 0.18213 0.85743 0.68874 0.91761 0.7316 0.13396 0.18412 0.6829 0.96515 0.74467 0.32923 0.33621 0.36704 0.98015 0.3321 0.01055 0.04117 0.2838 0.28389 0.10095 0.39221 0.54158 0.8976 0.94978 0.26896 0.93356 0.1451 0.70986 0.02774 0.70453 0.45731 0.81382 0.19643 0.18914 0.88384 0.07902 0.33022 0.72709 0.76874 0.88374 0.98685 0.35362 0.57016 0.06829 0.01192 0.27156 0.2805 0.7803 0.57352 0.19513 0.86033 0.84518 0.32434 0.25432 0.61368 0.58692 0.39449 0.32551 0.57847 0.0163 0.24526 0.33984 0.39807 0.34698 0.75018 0.1571 0.35676 0.37214 0.2769 0.23989 0.3097 0.4322 0.6841 0.58106 0.77219 0.62487 0.64192 0.76935 0.92397 0.62453 0.23346 0.60822 0.81433 0.35088 0.70286 0.04252 0.97549 0.86654 0.73441 0.5583 0.15023 0.06887 0.92051 0.69717 0.16368 0.65488 0.75515 0.81013 0.24502 0.6369 0.09907 0.2739 0.03093 0.7024 0.04744 0.63501 0.16153 0.43654 0.07434 0.51174 0.18739 0.94825 0.96752 0.14618 0.41945 0.6712 0.3809 0.73477 0.64751 0.94015 0.6582 0.65486 0.49182 0.63727 0.44406 0.28699 0.74971 0.95489 0.05067 0.19367 0.9781 0.98058 0.22427 0.39413 0.55658 0.63948 0.98143 0.64706 0.5571 0.6446 0.14484 0.4825 0.61024 0.50584 0.55691 0.69976 0.86631 0.22344 0.68594 0.769 0.35758 0.43944 0.30301 0.75369 0.50378 0.27116 0.26387 0.54351 0.44622 0.31873 0.13132 0.05216 0.33564 0.82477 0.6829 0.14898 0.51474 0.35608 0.38721 0.64469 0.04225 0.51319 0.42899 0.74798 0.32271 0.3876 0.19497 0.17869 0.67153 0.84762 0.47732 0.31121 0.84549 0.27616 0.01483 0.75239 0.39779 0.38503 0.87219 0.36439 0.74873 0.31602 0.78842 0.03414 0.90675 0.93535 0.37502 0.42363 0.31935 0.77681 0.97077 0.07918 0.11501 0.11368 0.07347 0.82228 0.33091 0.12402 0.60108 0.6361 0.03758 0.76055 0.13739 0.53203 0.23977 0.02616 0.1515 0.7096 0.59309 0.69409 0.14327 0.64472 0.27067 0.91054 0.30788 0.95986 0.66703 0.86108 0.68482 0.0753 0.14683 0.68089 0.82631 0.72692 0.46406 0.41459 0.10741 0.58816 0.27655 0.77279 0.79995 0.78769 0.91514 0.76014 0.69571 0.93072 0.69623 0.8096 0.13316 0.15359 0.01388 0.83427 0.477 0.15789 0.41927 0.04654 0.65021 0.72002 0.84367 0.1715 0.6857 0.9043 0.27066 0.17498 0.48384 0.91766 0.69669 0.57954 0.39331 0.22261 0.30912 0.88375 0.49626 0.63103 0.11336 0.9771 0.31427 0.36852 0.96513 0.39977 0.25556 0.16151 0.95335 0.57962 0.29702 0.7627 0.86571 0.98786 0.08601 0.25681 0.6653 0.82518 0.47205 0.38406 0.62952 0.95448 0.00748 0.2356 0.14378 0.31255 0.23525 0.94758 0.66382 0.53467 0.41692 0.25957 0.39287 0.72828 0.95459 0.44735 0.46698 0.9317 0.1674 0.30319 0.1302 0.75794 0.3917 0.13659 0.65543 0.69582 0.42529 0.0375 0.86493 0.80597 0.78695 0.78398 0.15663 0.22396 0.63827 0.94964 0.23044 0.03757 0.84164 0.85864 0.72608 0.35465 0.95076 0.98116 0.07564 0.06083 0.36768 0.99489 0.08258 0.13949 0.38459 0.5961 0.61528 0.86862 0.68243 0.27771 0.55635 0.94586 0.46053 0.79742 0.96125 0.41262 0.89087 0.80247 0.23761 0.79952 0.06141 0.30361 0.66117 0.62066 0.62698 0.35716 0.6021 0.2093 0.13325 0.84899 0.99983 0.66044 0.59923 0.12972 0.29308 0.98039 0.43317 0.5189 0.66281 0.39783 0.71324 0.64272 0.04142 0.96866 0.60505 0.13199 0.78477 0.79437 0.73366 0.84541 0.83189 0.46426 0.76699 0.41966 0.79863 0.71398 0.88155 0.10287 0.31555 0.112 0.08933 0.74762 0.37371 0.69366 0.40316 0.38351 0.10489 0.35425 0.81187 0.87461 0.3018 0.53159 0.89271 0.87388 0.00429 0.77985 0.65979 0.21772 0.38661 0.98028 0.42864 0.70541 0.42944 0.01827 0.50208 0.07846 0.95295 0.69434 0.24363 0.21041 0.63797 0.08891 0.47245 0.99241 0.4989 0.98129 0.77353 0.86699 0.14543 0.55342 0.65398 0.59602 0.87536 0.4182 0.30541 0.45293 0.76957 0.61373 0.27648 0.33685 0.66578 0.94094 0.98077 0.90894 0.96017 0.79448 0.79223 0.6295 0.66415 0.83086 0.74815 0.55597 0.54276
+0.33676 0.7823 0.51628 0.86911 0.05052 0.7681 0.20946 0.59631 0.25898 0.39168 0.48086 0.56892 0.48152 0.81998 0.27589 0.89872 0.24476 0.52161 0.01161 0.80655 0.41106 0.32324 0.85226 0.93523 0.02145 0.60869 0.6724 0.86969 0.19136 0.28578 0.0219 0.40876 0.03005 0.45707 0.48378 0.23399 0.5184 0.19499 0.77353 0.03626 0.60311 0.01254 0.4842 0.1553 0.60906 0.08682 0.35621 0.03268 0.40594 0.18645 0.63158 0.90213 0.03947 0.34506 0.0373 0.71162 0.51281 0.60837 0.27654 0.69585 0.11549 0.39087 0.73843 0.44814 0.95403 0.43499 0.90722 0.95571 0.38505 0.5733 0.46657 0.24951 0.66571 0.2491 0.25093 0.10969 0.19275 0.89183 0.36575 0.59194 0.06387 0.81896 0.62278 0.36804 0.65917 0.46106 0.97329 0.10553 0.9279 0.21123 0.336 0.79928 0.86979 0.02647 0.89393 0.56951 0.1224 0.81672 0.32931 0.21904 0.38052 0.88261 0.52692 0.30436 0.77585 0.73731 0.61868 0.31292 0.15983 0.56768 0.41846 0.59206 0.3765 0.49119 0.66255 0.17436 0.42536 0.95456 0.55846 0.11357 0.41585 0.99773 0.01826 0.43054 0.24155 0.5656 0.45136 0.18558 0.49625 0.17898 0.19059 0.96034 0.83664 0.89992 0.61708 0.46454 0.11545 0.75611 0.16185 0.75146 0.42252 0.98195 0.96928 0.16944 0.89133 0.94461 0.2606 0.21383 0.5458 0.11186 0.06973 0.07197 0.33857 0.69446 0.84531 0.23603 0.07917 0.61462 0.30301 0.50645 0.59426 0.13207 0.14977 0.19407 0.2874 0.38193 0.77937 0.67378 0.07439 0.1666 0.88576 0.12055 0.6165 0.12059 0.06111 0.30451 0.35784 0.65856 0.71944 0.82137 0.54774 0.09772 0.80412 0.57616 0.0065 0.2444 0.5612 0.89196 0.20659 0.51142 0.57622 0.93162 0.57755 0.27888 0.38041 0.87571 0.06754 0.24749 0.41291 0.96431 0.54255 0.72555 0.45554 0.41767 0.37521 0.37482 0.55816 0.28774 0.81734 0.82347 0.40345 0.278 0.13052 0.26148 0.58416 0.28694 0.62174 0.23044 0.09997 0.04125 0.74443 0.95511 0.09694 0.16276 0.54788 0.45983 0.5532 0.86596 0.09263 0.71993 0.01044 0.40591 0.88363 0.39251 0.12062 0.95617 0.53862 0.26521 0.29744 0.42735 0.37581 0.33118 0.57459 0.27038 0.75876 0.29172 0.16268 0.82485 0.86992 0.43785 0.63826 0.83814 0.7325 0.17214 0.05054 0.1286 0.33524 0.40617 0.35006 0.97888 0.47642 0.03219 0.52286 0.84233 0.57814 0.25666 0.6403 0.99687 0.75327 0.40749 0.88812 0.3075 0.44531 0.53876 0.61677 0.44027 0.77176 0.62168 0.53356 0.90478 0.71898 0.79616 0.94528 0.9536 0.43715 0.66242 0.95353 0.9097 0.57284 0.66194 0.08645 0.76824 0.51611 0.06684 0.78349 0.56659 0.80339 0.78896 0.39228 0.37609 0.33996 0.2755 0.13878 0.96774 0.95561 0.20175 0.78639 0.60392 0.72919 0.34482 0.58898 0.86634 0.80215 0.59575 0.37126 0.25439 0.56871 0.82325 0.02978 0.69726 0.62171 0.46818 0.96451 0.1757 0.67904 0.03479 0.6433 0.69196 0.55307 0.89092 0.24036 0.22366 0.26971 0.54831 0.60516 0.2211 0.40055 0.68806 0.08751 0.22736 0.27907 0.93441 0.03858 0.57843 0.63221 0.56909 0.62326 0.7292 0.95799 0.20418 0.75184 0.96655 0.36272 0.30059 0.71215 0.38198 0.77287 0.71815 0.31222 0.22061 0.50826 0.08399 0.11549 0.50722 0.13941 0.77816 0.99868 0.58194 0.49727 0.72896 0.06625 0.73628 0.56257 0.12787 0.21151 0.79524 0.9504 0.94403 0.52057 0.51458 0.73343 0.26616 0.12315 0.48098 0.02459 0.45408 0.32595 0.0209 0.92012 0.05428 0.91212 0.48901 0.78746 0.96678 0.63162 0.11108 0.13261 0.78502 0.21999 0.04636 0.68808 0.22237 0.59729 0.94246 0.81008 0.39412 0.16235 0.26956 0.24558 0.68478 0.87985 0.02051 0.94173 0.81992 0.82579 0.12666 0.52536 0.42357 0.58987 0.25836 0.67103 0.11237 0.36072 0.76101 0.20777 0.92889 0.42216 0.58293 0.72713 0.0723 0.84076 0.42532 0.99963 0.90819 0.09689 0.67084 0.29572 0.51568 0.09131 0.13856 0.61677 0.21615 0.58921 0.74425 0.39211 0.9729 0.79124 0.35702 0.98474 0.32668 0.53221 0.73118 0.84793 0.34727 0.54584 0.73024 0.32017 0.62881 0.47964 0.12724 0.84553 0.4866 0.88568 0.84163 0.76503 0.65233 0.03758 0.84698 0.40216 0.74507 0.05711 0.87499 0.44259 0.77525 0.70885 0.11471 0.57916 0.92254 0.3287 0.71836 0.93139 0.40439 0.67314 0.53242 0.13455 0.12654 0.59082 0.31827 0.67446 0.20957 0.42585 0.90063 0.22514 0.83855 0.70684 0.20936 0.45311 0.73042 0.11414 0.19978 0.50531 0.81465 0.73056 0.26862 0.65041 0.96215 0.32887 0.3682 0.43791 0.08386 0.7902 0.77454
+0.44806 0.69626 0.81413 0.01456 0.8527 0.4755 0.72582 0.07067 0.35617 0.27557 0.84887 0.38618 0.14577 0.87768 0.32034 0.22121 0.38796 0.09839 0.17017 0.95486 0.09056 0.96329 0.73469 0.94791 0.27167 0.09503 0.1945 0.63063 0.05496 0.10824 0.55734 0.31804 0.82632 0.65354 0.42433 0.75905 0.07618 0.22784 0.14222 0.10805 0.5959 0.91715 0.77363 0.61055 0.44986 0.80926 0.10267 0.93437 0.63338 0.28163 0.59092 0.84353 0.13474 0.46276 0.47298 0.3654 0.32983 0.47863 0.87934 0.0451 0.70361 0.38815 0.95403 0.88809 0.11726 0.69396 0.89782 0.37417 0.56864 0.67009 0.59526 0.18786 0.74276 0.10317 0.72332 0.53693 0.35598 0.22325 0.9873 0.42776 0.65014 0.43902 0.10869 0.15059 0.60719 0.57253 0.84572 0.62388 0.42575 0.83614 0.2857 0.83334 0.66203 0.02147 0.87208 0.10712 0.73183 0.18673 0.19643 0.21413 0.06091 0.00315 0.04237 0.26362 0.54451 0.46118 0.24444 0.80106 0.48915 0.95641 0.87638 0.72176 0.29537 0.47879 0.75544 0.95329 0.80199 0.94067 0.3582 0.5673 0.08341 0.36703 0.41014 0.69606 0.01403 0.94286 0.5664 0.37402 0.34647 0.90385 0.32771 0.06597 0.03617 0.2046 0.67402 0.57076 0.27327 0.9855 0.30088 0.0642 0.51296 0.16058 0.54527 0.6902 0.06981 0.50057 0.63638 0.08865 0.50482 0.00776 0.80065 0.39796 0.17314 0.98967 0.4581 0.31339 0.28423 0.60013 0.87457 0.60018 0.63317 0.54685 0.33999 0.05747 0.62947 0.4706 0.81419 0.34858 0.31627 0.07051 0.4732 0.96664 0.22948 0.15444 0.33413 0.94873 0.8047 0.65336 0.03906 0.04099 0.14381 0.90921 0.20741 0.9735 0.92599 0.77988 0.65528 0.04104 0.59502 0.32851 0.67314 0.78496 0.0658 0.51612 0.58647 0.47644 0.61387 0.07076 0.18462 0.15904 0.44678 0.90572 0.32956 0.02808 0.07129 0.47989 0.37962 0.2573 0.75198 0.03338 0.19046 0.71954 0.795 0.10971 0.7478 0.66607 0.21324 0.88803 0.52981 0.6254 0.10641 0.40046 0.77388 0.6319 0.91781 0.18903 0.90408 0.80164 0.97294 0.32228 0.12219 0.29424 0.13269 0.33034 0.79821 0.32286 0.16739 0.9029 0.90155 0.58081 0.54757 0.40427 0.46256 0.35359 0.77184 0.04929 0.1924 0.62666 0.61429 0.63864 0.97886 0.04013 0.73008 0.08347 0.36115 0.85795 0.30434 0.61535 0.90125 0.00016 0.23046 0.05583 0.45442 0.42279 0.74584 0.76183 0.74396 0.73164 0.66797 0.94982 0.47901 0.22362 0.37572 0.845 0.38512 0.92229 0.32209 0.89314 0.27214 0.44431 0.96017 0.77287 0.40074 0.76223 0.92252 0.46037 0.89353 0.73747 0.6176 0.49642 0.28419 0.4229 0.7056 0.52921 0.38463 0.41528 0.44924 0.85716 0.07878 0.98528 0.91604 0.9288 0.67494 0.02477 0.33577 0.48057 0.98875 0.871 0.52616 0.63851 0.33346 0.79629 0.66432 0.21252 0.40085 0.98747 0.79623 0.29849 0.20631 0.08351 0.8294 0.44047 0.45453 0.80325 0.68526 0.04766 0.22516 0.80888 0.70832 0.5104 0.89096 0.68296 0.98941 0.08704 0.01156 0.8258 0.35442 0.40509 0.36969 0.25069 0.15694 0.67236 0.20895 0.90527 0.58818 0.42026 0.92085 0.47575 0.7459 0.5986 0.47505 0.90106 0.9448 0.15982 0.68063 0.55453 0.37478 0.0406 0.65047 0.62179 0.07596 0.23431 0.40742 0.59843 0.26472 0.55278 0.85648 0.96983 0.00915 0.73624 0.96403 0.00165 0.9281 0.72641 0.7912 0.10518 0.86737 0.85514 0.60457 0.74166 0.08532 0.63965 0.47512 0.57241 0.77519 0.81107 0.65582 0.2659 0.25261 0.02932 0.52679 0.48393 0.04079 0.08882 0.36693 0.03501 0.55295 0.64511 0.32813 0.96015 0.34787 0.97938 0.26264 0.27583 0.30892 0.58665 0.56504 0.94431 0.47862 0.97794 0.1355 0.15972 0.95919 0.82654 0.32231 0.86195 0.66157 0.81351 0.30259 0.23711 0.23958 0.93652 0.29671 0.41182 0.17343 0.95261 0.04002 0.27001 0.88613 0.99431 0.48582 0.05699 0.71044 0.32211 0.05599 0.86204 0.88845 0.1561 0.99272 0.29174 0.13357 0.28859 0.94152 0.80234 0.37265 0.55364 0.82681 0.27921 0.33587 0.54994 0.17829 0.88832 0.63751 0.92336 0.31845 0.54411 0.8626 0.40361 0.61768 0.43587 0.83015 0.28365 0.7886 0.2392 0.80947 0.84668 0.52823 0.16119 0.553 0.77889 0.85672 0.79214 0.77216 0.46649 0.91188 0.15337 0.99579 0.76942 0.29705 0.22829 0.1281 0.10254 0.15243 0.45837 0.4975 0.49946 0.29442 0.23206 0.55852 0.55094 0.12496 0.29822 0.86513 0.38729 0.70513 0.33541 0.46365 0.15616 0.55064 0.69086 0.86663 0.92368 0.83007 0.43139 0.89383 0.5844 0.46762 0.24907 0.65682 0.25488 0.9993 0.77997
+0.11457 0.46865 0.75251 0.23569 0.0543 0.05798 0.22972 0.80868 0.66299 0.053 0.27148 0.84787 0.76999 0.82869 0.52427 0.15131 0.29176 0.22285 0.18176 0.44838 0.40282 0.03903 0.19445 0.49749 0.06893 0.08224 0.41241 0.39837 0.25342 0.45351 0.87048 0.82218 0.39558 0.48781 0.5515 0.16706 0.60835 0.67209 0.28042 0.23306 0.72868 0.41473 0.91267 0.32276 0.84158 0.61293 0.22156 0.19896 0.71799 0.21567 0.84177 0.91063 0.88312 0.35912 0.46527 0.56329 0.86684 0.65402 0.79457 0.72325 0.60756 0.34537 0.69214 0.97887 0.69036 0.39456 0.41532 0.87036 0.16788 0.7275 0.0871 0.60563 0.22956 0.99612 0.98443 0.44316 0.9201 0.34262 0.80639 0.24463 0.44825 0.87669 0.97043 0.49009 0.56573 0.10092 0.28705 0.12421 0.15725 0.31756 0.09192 0.76179 0.89136 0.71247 0.3305 0.94698 0.09695 0.90361 0.1207 0.65643 0.5652 0.55531 0.83092 0.01221 0.54992 0.71758 0.58435 0.58495 0.7937 0.48057 0.54042 0.99695 0.20849 0.26661 0.35741 0.74219 0.72666 0.32821 0.53978 0.87439 0.38043 0.80553 0.71046 0.66157 0.68084 0.05581 0.1131 0.81109 0.16907 0.66463 0.21164 0.42997 0.95102 0.91651 0.60797 0.35544 0.02296 0.87735 0.93587 0.09919 0.26504 0.40992 0.95441 0.41815 0.84189 0.37063 0.09405 0.29404 0.6639 0.13614 0.09835 0.51746 0.29958 0.6045 0.62328 0.79827 0.95583 0.84805 0.01563 0.40098 0.99933 0.69791 0.03819 0.64081 0.72602 0.73765 0.07768 0.38423 0.84094 0.45206 0.81011 0.43271 0.40254 0.4326 0.24318 0.10781 0.96169 0.09903 0.11746 0.44682 0.119 0.99534 0.18531 0.50663 0.58359 0.19852 0.07516 0.08216 0.13867 0.79894 0.36628 0.58706 0.95284 0.99282 0.55084 0.20181 0.00952 0.70628 0.64187 0.05338 0.98128 0.60884 0.71933 0.60473 0.74677 0.64032 0.86863 0.72865 0.67985 0.43875 0.21202 0.19751 0.56109 0.34561 0.25873 0.09902 0.07888 0.57043 0.15072 0.21305 0.77221 0.28515 0.07228 0.25078 0.78733 0.97408 0.74424 0.43212 0.38043 0.93756 0.11515 0.81777 0.69198 0.90945 0.50704 0.38741 0.31922 0.61541 0.07272 0.22617 0.56377 0.61206 0.21888 0.98273 0.11806 0.90089 0.26954 0.82308 0.96616 0.48033 0.39568 0.98564 0.40726 0.97506 0.22548 0.31992 0.14625 0.3867 0.70737 0.4624 0.52426 0.08347 0.49883 0.83095 0.46408 0.35414 0.06158 0.77821 0.89873 0.28784 0.69296 0.48679 0.0639 0.60921 0.58011 0.34823 0.76537 0.02729 0.96205 0.78966 0.33737 0.7051 0.74412 0.29129 0.08683 0.47078 0.39618 0.44287 0.17804 0.12024 0.35103 0.6525 0.71878 0.32023 0.7848 0.46463 0.66399 0.60015 0.00573 0.98703 0.49326 0.96786 0.92357 0.58007 0.01054 0.27827 0.30988 0.81003 0.54828 0.58155 0.95388 0.64654 0.9214 0.81043 0.81379 0.98992 0.82321 0.56428 0.19679 0.28683 0.01864 0.12039 0.4094 0.83747 0.80764 0.38532 0.02075 0.7624 0.21391 0.73646 0.87342 0.87328 0.72053 0.64929 0.38188 0.3719 0.32442 0.43472 0.23726 0.79915 0.45336 0.00598 0.88857 0.62707 0.57869 0.75183 0.80849 0.59684 0.88125 0.1192 0.38351 0.8463 0.26427 0.43172 0.65379 0.77227 0.92352 0.83775 0.94369 0.25526 0.7441 0.74357 0.2668 0.49486 0.45495 0.56397 0.12369 0.15419 0.36114 0.64654 0.41751 0.79933 0.39499 0.7261 0.18211 0.5301 0.83139 0.8519 0.39518 0.1584 0.14504 0.07977 0.67207 0.18866 0.00114 0.8669 0.29161 0.88632 0.28431 0.0288 0.44802 0.33589 0.61855 0.00239 0.6953 0.11967 0.76469 0.35144 0.60643 0.72885 0.61532 0.50126 0.00864 0.06983 0.02738 0.67446 0.55324 0.66914 0.51113 0.13833 0.73811 0.34718 0.87055 0.99261 0.26089 0.51407 0.56136 0.321 0.82344 0.69992 0.03082 0.58091 0.04679 0.23898 0.79207 0.77899 0.24502 0.14473 0.81505 0.6863 0.61918 0.24661 0.10275 0.48833 0.77336 0.71791 0.49962 0.03475 0.32807 0.28857 0.01616 0.44407 0.64933 0.87244 0.24841 0.05668 0.33793 0.86122 0.54558 0.86012 0.38669 0.86114 0.32029 0.29489 0.24326 0.44882 0.78428 0.16329 0.88885 0.12463 0.62747 0.28285 0.70389 0.37341 0.64749 0.18694 0.43935 0.07994 0.70116 0.80954 0.33011 0.35637 0.61692 0.97709 0.79706 0.04016 0.26046 0.87198 0.15262 0.17879 0.17789 0.59319 0.09041 0.82349 0.48382 0.44475 0.50653 0.49612 0.94613 0.89567 0.20964 0.58404 0.21356 0.96951 0.71173 0.99925 0.59175 0.9963 0.85389 0.39482 0.88298 0.33065 0.12285 0.48573 0.4658 0.71206 0.09066 0.34263 0.05881 0.56403 0.84225 0.68568
+0.23289 0.47841 0.53577 0.12605 0.58678 0.15585 0.88804 0.23187 0.74644 0.74832 0.60926 0.02371 0.57024 0.49716 0.43169 0.23854 0.05892 0.92353 0.36277 0.74657 0.18051 0.65431 0.76219 0.2383 0.61921 0.31926 0.61404 0.42947 0.73899 0.31984 0.58335 0.59947 0.24581 0.99496 0.53278 0.04642 0.15375 0.80357 0.47942 0.27807 0.36892 0.03234 0.76866 0.19095 0.43515 0.59145 0.71222 0.90546 0.20891 0.23059 0.18036 0.68181 0.94645 0.35771 0.87004 0.26772 0.62462 0.56531 0.70683 0.59839 0.00528 0.40253 0.85051 0.90123 0.45637 0.59793 0.18163 0.6417 0.40175 0.63514 0.29899 0.19466 0.03802 0.70381 0.4202 0.40084 0.72201 0.26484 0.71194 0.56299 0.57332 0.21102 0.69157 0.59326 0.99875 0.09686 0.88334 0.95537 0.07447 0.5861 0.06492 0.75572 0.09485 0.78196 0.45651 0.14141 0.94628 0.16478 0.71875 0.88626 0.30935 0.64789 0.12469 0.85686 0.17843 0.03214 0.32376 0.02427 0.55878 0.4419 0.09835 0.56806 0.97364 0.08554 0.03386 0.52926 0.53275 0.82582 0.16108 0.47874 0.93714 0.75272 0.79848 0.94472 0.35985 0.26807 0.25977 0.09101 0.38605 0.84486 0.46002 0.36134 0.24951 0.74475 0.05476 0.38838 0.11883 0.52719 0.48924 0.5988 0.12596 0.05028 0.85253 0.05199 0.85647 0.86546 0.50852 0.28683 0.74896 0.28197 0.55681 0.07182 0.23125 0.18773 0.74014 0.88432 0.51429 0.56791 0.80384 0.61378 0.68685 0.42806 0.89745 0.55663 0.35053 0.30739 0.14503 0.03181 0.29794 0.6066 0.99095 0.07898 0.75179 0.21461 0.50154 0.981 0.65104 0.23578 0.96536 0.14675 0.34721 0.22423 0.55229 0.39165 0.35899 0.53112 0.20206 0.27705 0.94278 0.21987 0.70132 0.59722 0.29547 0.63287 0.2559 0.52524 0.51706 0.13044 0.34345 0.0543 0.29106 0.06755 0.43178 0.61765 0.18265 0.42866 0.51006 0.03209 0.37126 0.33387 0.76683 0.38801 0.08376 0.90103 0.05586 0.24542 0.78964 0.02064 0.23857 0.62646 0.11392 0.71238 0.13935 0.38843 0.40448 0.70355 0.88201 0.14152 0.59995 0.01951 0.46848 0.17234 0.10435 0.04867 0.92446 0.05045 0.40663 0.02444 0.44517 0.07528 0.04685 0.80076 0.4249 0.68508 0.00107 0.91302 0.52461 0.38431 0.19331 0.52562 0.95344 0.31527 0.92963 0.21025 0.80909 0.07739 0.87101 0.57651 0.80705 0.87503 0.08525 0.48849 0.99337 0.65322 0.43347 0.54492 0.25851 0.76151 0.69362 0.69689 0.4555 0.31194 0.08424 0.30673 0.49721 0.37348 0.0481 0.18459 0.75008 0.81506 0.07901 0.81244 0.70827 0.28738 0.65796 0.02997 0.30018 0.54469 0.16014 0.07486 0.36318 0.22822 0.04071 0.77527 0.33644 0.50382 0.63982 0.21317 0.17443 0.40572 0.23903 0.74217 0.53731 0.30571 0.95106 0.12554 0.79981 0.63876 0.29364 0.67502 0.83872 0.71048 0.42436 0.56671 0.9407 0.60584 0.08233 0.67592 0.07238 0.03453 0.65441 0.17821 0.55211 0.86834 0.66114 0.53577 0.59245 0.58665 0.58196 0.75407 0.88903 0.71982 0.63092 0.81613 0.90604 0.89193 0.12975 0.46339 0.5175 0.31132 0.99083 0.05916 0.05665 0.83802 0.10219 0.80123 0.8724 0.70443 0.39648 0.136 0.66046 0.26517 0.78031 0.0004 0.57126 0.95602 0.47849 0.15198 0.33152 0.06383 0.42423 0.26773 0.67199 0.62503 0.40448 0.30825 0.97091 0.91746 0.66867 0.67879 0.98134 0.64583 0.09356 0.07272 0.174 0.91113 0.79955 0.98056 0.60539 0.87822 0.0753 0.82986 0.52733 0.03834 0.95622 0.41819 0.91954 0.42861 0.66384 0.08939 0.78463 0.95187 0.19628 0.52133 0.4652 0.27965 0.92428 0.91145 0.65958 0.51864 0.63617 0.78603 0.94742 0.82552 0.12573 0.94099 0.14946 0.47993 0.91658 0.88215 0.73685 0.18761 0.22551 0.40399 0.21584 0.20944 0.2478 0.61619 0.29355 0.16671 0.38477 0.91559 0.14163 0.55116 0.2815 0.83511 0.29285 0.98505 0.47801 0.42956 0.02936 0.1327 0.05906 0.52758 0.45427 0.41283 0.55223 0.06503 0.97267 0.71545 0.99126 0.46424 0.95521 0.77801 0.31421 0.21281 0.67942 0.45402 0.37398 0.44023 0.81709 0.18215 0.35207 0.50527 0.742 0.57474 0.01462 0.25644 0.22832 0.92053 0.53744 0.63393 0.21813 0.46341 0.9138 0.51733 0.37235 0.68278 0.50299 0.47989 0.4388 0.61742 0.90695 0.91725 0.53918 0.49837 0.67815 0.74629 0.6301 0.75793 0.89166 0.04623 0.10499 0.55326 0.03793 0.70253 0.93104 0.54404 0.36631 0.09993 0.58312 0.05966 0.70222 0.51014 0.3839 0.88697 0.32934 0.37782 0.57168 0.21482 0.95259 0.20956 0.39411 0.69887 0.91863 0.0868 0.8051 0.57545 0.07689 0.19911 0.88456 0.22311
+0.18196 0.58216 0.12242 0.00831 0.15024 0.45659 0.28996 0.39005 0.71731 0.5416 0.53022 0.52253 0.04526 0.02431 0.88551 0.61011 0.24834 0.77148 0.04434 0.37732 0.88679 0.26115 0.30148 0.75235 0.79955 0.47069 0.18467 0.7581 0.55985 0.52957 0.74721 0.22663 0.47779 0.40594 0.55534 0.12919 0.94596 0.42516 0.04352 0.20703 0.63452 0.85951 0.64955 0.47347 0.75449 0.23642 0.86092 0.01095 0.67571 0.48084 0.62227 0.0242 0.00358 0.00455 0.21866 0.45195 0.53222 0.22497 0.63691 0.39368 0.6801 0.89285 0.61983 0.92507 0.21002 0.37592 0.61458 0.2463 0.14111 0.2631 0.75567 0.30988 0.22142 0.21932 0.35066 0.54246 0.42429 0.26859 0.10619 0.1336 0.13029 0.41412 0.22604 0.57347 0.76617 0.92263 0.63531 0.08859 0.40808 0.85196 0.18614 0.72737 0.10091 0.26269 0.77305 0.32684 0.29521 0.1837 0.40745 0.36187 0.30096 0.45507 0.96317 0.34975 0.53018 0.74539 0.30737 0.99618 0.70976 0.95303 0.97353 0.51603 0.06173 0.47207 0.33344 0.02619 0.78728 0.01511 0.36503 0.2039 0.77977 0.52602 0.16112 0.68224 0.32827 0.28079 0.53144 0.20509 0.00082 0.61163 0.17572 0.72065 0.52439 0.6656 0.02887 0.26472 0.65412 0.29762 0.35938 0.19169 0.72397 0.36308 0.829 0.66622 0.85259 0.562 0.25871 0.58092 0.09285 0.70928 0.14256 0.8794 0.448 0.14297 0.97768 0.84004 0.1328 0.33962 0.74717 0.66626 0.63445 0.96998 0.97263 0.89449 0.41523 0.62136 0.01655 0.89676 0.69365 0.49372 0.44143 0.19475 0.02029 0.61849 0.5822 0.57942 0.0636 0.27416 0.86729 0.48481 0.46884 0.99753 0.81888 0.83206 0.9496 0.95189 0.43686 0.82192 0.88233 0.64715 0.62649 0.88776 0.61405 0.89884 0.4819 0.41706 0.2731 0.23804 0.33514 0.48278 0.01208 0.35838 0.83093 0.67481 0.31984 0.0911 0.11805 0.76057 0.93437 0.56586 0.69587 0.67751 0.51872 0.94119 0.35801 0.63683 0.84411 0.45474 0.08985 0.05292 0.36304 0.12552 0.01896 0.88179 0.67251 0.66851 0.33031 0.10003 0.24156 0.72624 0.9297 0.53639 0.69825 0.39182 0.32032 0.02739 0.45405 0.07513 0.26183 0.06785 0.01507 0.6958 0.93341 0.39236 0.7803 0.95775 0.81706 0.18492 0.47474 0.24593 0.47336 0.87955 0.99542 0.73654 0.73883 0.83508 0.30733 0.68264 0.22324 0.36298 0.14766 0.86332 0.24269 0.0602 0.67891 0.837 0.47835 0.10773 0.07891 0.4818 0.69301 0.37818 0.33855 0.46445 0.7614 0.2875 0.98037 0.75747 0.12424 0.70657 0.32185 0.161 0.23346 0.94457 0.83979 0.05261 0.73748 0.51559 0.12651 0.14814 0.10504 0.23271 0.68901 0.00994 0.46999 0.32495 0.47872 0.43594 0.76857 0.70812 0.29958 0.76184 0.19841 0.00608 0.97031 0.0112 0.20445 0.05527 0.45521 0.4251 0.78937 0.50936 0.32482 0.03127 0.27979 0.46868 0.33339 0.10222 0.83797 0.93803 0.93364 0.36065 0.00132 0.70082 0.30554 0.70735 0.08416 0.14098 0.59968 0.70125 0.77999 0.79312 0.27173 0.45597 0.48038 0.92085 0.08113 0.97959 0.83852 0.62577 0.99586 0.02023 0.47898 0.13863 0.29067 0.89185 0.36241 0.72585 0.4155 0.07516 0.33732 0.14071 0.83421 0.29733 0.78483 0.35213 0.17635 0.81908 0.1991 0.1559 0.99269 0.94473 0.81565 0.02072 0.64349 0.55079 0.41958 0.375 0.30653 0.52515 0.60918 0.14586 0.42544 0.87564 0.57393 0.89535 0.32302 0.74525 0.74637 0.32744 0.4988 0.00608 0.82237 0.77879 0.2186 0.99498 0.95616 0.77639 0.36973 0.5728 0.40835 0.16858 0.29345 0.20921 0.3299 0.90148 0.08187 0.26568 0.8067 0.45818 0.723 0.80255 0.04686 0.93043 0.75445 0.02079 0.7889 0.37564 0.2203 0.68524 0.97581 0.64081 0.19514 0.31457 0.14958 0.3846 0.02908 0.50202 0.23548 0.63725 0.17524 0.37795 0.94394 0.1808 0.99053 0.91361 0.25307 0.43126 0.35848 0.44709 0.94279 0.50043 0.90451 0.73385 0.13702 0.76805 0.59064 0.74439 0.67912 0.38638 0.97677 0.21063 0.60311 0.99855 0.25652 0.49172 0.82424 0.5814 0.93702 0.85029 0.71039 0.61813 0.30183 0.45188 0.28267 0.47069 0.26304 0.6726 0.23947 0.9713 0.66818 0.11233 0.37502 0.10207 0.09981 0.23332 0.49557 0.36454 0.95599 0.36504 0.91134 0.23929 0.70562 0.5518 0.60766 0.11567 0.49303 0.69785 0.29301 0.49971 0.70611 0.85298 0.42687 0.95686 0.14102 0.1324 0.33616 0.98873 0.33208 0.88858 0.20427 0.5343 0.43591 0.43017 0.22839 0.90442 0.13752 0.99434 0.81791 0.18128 0.34942 0.1426 0.42107 0.55967 0.43158 0.28745 0.67185 0.11429 0.15889 0.14908 0.89868 0.50265
+0.00346 0.79683 0.66315 0.21884 0.81387 0.24788 0.1016 0.2684 0.55929 0.38943 0.76333 0.68767 0.81529 0.73356 0.96883 0.71611 0.09812 0.3262 0.24865 0.18006 0.94593 0.61747 0.38131 0.48187 0.13673 0.403 0.88264 0.75629 0.03351 0.57627 0.61988 0.67741 0.97676 0.17141 0.05137 0.04794 0.4034 0.59895 0.97812 0.36281 0.80075 0.50235 0.61643 0.29662 0.17735 0.79843 0.14801 0.86336 0.11124 0.09954 0.79884 0.34135 0.52236 0.23788 0.79407 0.87387 0.43735 0.55489 0.78089 0.45344 0.21787 0.54475 0.5348 0.24332 0.33426 0.94022 0.13066 0.55646 0.28007 0.24218 0.08337 0.60197 0.60568 0.8851 0.82007 0.06318 0.29421 0.44042 0.7905 0.86075 0.76072 0.79795 0.80028 0.18909 0.19261 0.11982 0.63612 0.25668 0.52015 0.12039 0.2698 0.99392 0.44313 0.78634 0.79579 0.54472 0.06026 0.04101 0.14184 0.87187 0.56524 0.84223 0.07666 0.89267 0.61571 0.71329 0.82609 0.3681 0.17685 0.02694 0.5678 0.95901 0.57435 0.59129 0.05993 0.8129 0.97727 0.65816 0.70049 0.11537 0.37922 0.68773 0.45181 0.06828 0.97811 0.76676 0.95417 0.64575 0.12438 0.68059 0.91937 0.11375 0.74609 0.67592 0.1256 0.42067 0.92097 0.7481 0.04852 0.38841 0.79271 0.2649 0.33651 0.91644 0.30216 0.84964 0.9076 0.96237 0.90988 0.92451 0.087 0.19943 0.78088 0.11058 0.98649 0.82839 0.22419 0.71667 0.45598 0.56542 0.21095 0.47842 0.03909 0.20654 0.59732 0.99169 0.26708 0.97961 0.54556 0.92647 0.02237 0.43336 0.31316 0.69623 0.11371 0.76673 0.62956 0.00308 0.19291 0.96293 0.54622 0.58419 0.72157 0.06302 0.05325 0.67402 0.15039 0.37876 0.63896 0.93467 0.77177 0.5843 0.16021 0.36169 0.61635 0.5645 0.0391 0.64475 0.93889 0.89844 0.62963 0.87622 0.68798 0.78212 0.34772 0.15192 0.141 0.46961 0.30766 0.49074 0.51189 0.57417 0.94146 0.21484 0.65613 0.10621 0.37074 0.41375 0.28806 0.37414 0.22181 0.93576 0.41993 0.87837 0.3944 0.01374 0.02017 0.76877 0.98815 0.34688 0.55517 0.59527 0.9746 0.33568 0.52351 0.39059 0.97657 0.98579 0.1444 0.44476 0.74526 0.65001 0.67133 0.39993 0.39239 0.78126 0.47894 0.27768 0.02562 0.6424 0.36289 0.70206 0.20821 0.3106 0.94056 0.98176 0.52307 0.52989 0.22867 0.362 0.00364 0.92751 0.42036 0.66376 0.85327 0.56694 0.63856 0.43987 0.7069 0.26479 0.52995 0.60587 0.79684 0.32504 0.4798 0.90552 0.11227 0.02379 0.89837 0.87152 0.07621 0.33453 0.90038 0.195 0.41963 0.71001 0.24242 0.35738 0.26244 0.29203 0.06858 0.41061 0.3455 0.01446 0.90249 0.01129 0.94422 0.46733 0.88056 0.50847 0.12003 0.32383 0.08283 0.66054 0.86354 0.67205 0.21857 0.83886 0.12183 0.556 0.15113 0.21313 0.08881 0.11547 0.07001 0.47837 0.49063 0.40774 0.99049 0.72942 0.12126 0.81882 0.04115 0.51257 0.25466 0.19776 0.52127 0.21884 0.79524 0.41905 0.3696 0.96293 0.57238 0.94367 0.11868 0.79478 0.90745 0.70584 0.58372 0.33145 0.25609 0.72614 0.49184 0.02024 0.75966 0.06202 0.44762 0.23484 0.87715 0.47883 0.85405 0.03531 0.70786 0.0378 0.4097 0.87659 0.86397 0.09004 0.66019 0.16462 0.8505 0.82467 0.1089 0.46549 0.26912 0.97947 0.21963 0.23639 0.39134 0.26708 0.89858 0.39582 0.11671 0.33145 0.59323 0.95364 0.29786 0.36739 0.64712 0.31901 0.86554 0.466 0.5327 0.14539 0.03501 0.03119 0.63914 0.48705 0.92949 0.36444 0.89992 0.57225 0.5688 0.85339 0.73716 0.25486 0.40429 0.57818 0.03319 0.66525 0.4716 0.27364 0.84447 0.55734 0.14953 0.18607 0.67475 0.80813 0.21383 0.62709 0.45339 0.06289 0.96371 0.74002 0.88649 0.17622 0.56634 0.7391 0.58228 0.64233 0.47958 0.55535 0.758 0.46033 0.51568 0.40368 0.9976 0.07092 0.08543 0.42442 0.56773 0.65241 0.04918 0.46286 0.59156 0.82564 0.28458 0.06313 0.77104 0.08106 0.08698 0.11043 0.16594 0.45553 0.11419 0.12226 0.18544 0.20101 0.85877 0.07307 0.5074 0.1291 0.24295 0.44617 0.30971 0.24212 0.83163 0.72733 0.13346 0.98549 0.13891 0.42275 0.49794 0.38713 0.18298 0.57935 0.68672 0.31551 0.13348 0.94328 0.67001 0.4424 0.94105 0.39269 0.65566 0.21228 0.50855 0.49165 0.58431 0.94389 0.87819 0.14552 0.46887 0.96368 0.44607 0.80874 0.75551 0.75982 0.72816 0.79989 0.5286 0.04476 0.40537 0.06483 0.54593 0.73365 0.65512 0.47968 0.00505 0.2706 0.58984 0.57213 0.95722 0.65383 0.00801 0.97272 0.80393 0.99256 0.46502 0.49187 0.31285 0.45557
+0.61903 0.52721 0.32746 0.29881 0.65179 0.33998 0.84376 0.05623 0.5642 0.99829 0.33326 0.43865 0.68145 0.10317 0.54321 0.78661 0.8253 0.88379 0.84581 0.84534 0.99705 0.20764 0.85387 0.99923 0.96532 0.20148 0.09108 0.60073 0.2028 0.28812 0.14615 0.55091 0.86268 0.22712 0.29421 0.54662 0.75896 0.93914 0.76339 0.98242 0.57803 0.59264 0.31096 0.5303 0.6553 0.94536 0.3115 0.98052 0.53436 0.68339 0.19194 0.12026 0.04334 0.62391 0.068 0.85379 0.21847 0.55166 0.48489 0.40004 0.36137 0.71065 0.93397 0.5269 0.28467 0.25599 0.93473 0.73179 0.43664 0.99989 0.08251 0.9664 0.25694 0.6468 0.0023 0.82517 0.16288 0.98931 0.65417 0.84832 0.64601 0.6041 0.60727 0.32121 0.61904 0.46394 0.04865 0.23838 0.90868 0.45221 0.08615 0.42464 0.41092 0.84867 0.03777 0.81221 0.29649 0.71391 0.7265 0.14523 0.25308 0.75895 0.24034 0.7346 0.74428 0.74971 0.27858 0.9034 0.58482 0.59494 0.06382 0.73296 0.68685 0.23836 0.47108 0.28505 0.04657 0.98119 0.69856 0.6485 0.65103 0.2033 0.04485 0.91806 0.59206 0.7549 0.99897 0.83394 0.64309 0.53905 0.6007 0.17509 0.29185 0.59762 0.2128 0.46688 0.1266 0.15215 0.14771 0.4086 0.21719 0.85065 0.87872 0.20375 0.37051 0.4953 0.62344 0.07763 0.4303 0.22788 0.00032 0.18683 0.83116 0.71698 0.94094 0.72229 0.07562 0.85313 0.77428 0.98758 0.45896 0.92185 0.88753 0.05256 0.44788 0.88384 0.60773 0.26148 0.82306 0.2984 0.91075 0.60159 0.00294 0.4964 0.08561 0.37652 0.18124 0.34112 0.78071 0.32429 0.92609 0.02809 0.69063 0.1983 0.26487 0.09572 0.76956 0.94775 0.85014 0.11677 0.03133 0.31581 0.75066 0.90696 0.74516 0.59661 0.75314 0.7779 0.5219 0.89187 0.81715 0.66141 0.85945 0.90952 0.75319 0.60696 0.1915 0.7799 0.57319 0.42704 0.32674 0.16521 0.7025 0.48046 0.15936 0.86042 0.92612 0.97983 0.08643 0.1866 0.32849 0.66359 0.9211 0.49643 0.70303 0.99273 0.19501 0.9357 0.85252 0.94114 0.73485 0.10732 0.15268 0.96356 0.03008 0.22669 0.33198 0.37649 0.55 0.20663 0.54914 0.4921 0.94581 0.49178 0.83423 0.44355 0.96306 0.79935 0.05621 0.06641 0.91339 0.77625 0.49285 0.04158 0.2111 0.17965 0.03678 0.96765 0.80368 0.43421 0.4203 0.45273 0.13541 0.58167 0.56419 0.16167 0.58023 0.06701 0.19796 0.20828 0.51472 0.2369 0.30276 0.93103 0.87856 0.69853 0.59388 0.29917 0.90863 0.07284 0.58785 0.78035 0.99869 0.12199 0.19561 0.34669 0.50201 0.99504 0.37052 0.78637 0.66701 0.29803 0.78744 0.70916 0.6954 0.22431 0.47037 0.246 0.85422 0.14534 0.68913 0.76451 0.24859 0.1464 0.30101 0.92336 0.7941 0.87565 0.55954 0.29312 0.03408 0.4849 0.16016 0.89979 0.07258 0.25257 0.56725 0.28712 0.95196 0.95999 0.32485 0.08689 0.50341 0.57717 0.05128 0.99487 0.30309 0.39703 0.2577 0.19362 0.84027 0.50602 0.82727 0.33264 0.93923 0.157 0.03663 0.70003 0.77474 0.51601 0.28764 0.83418 0.17902 0.96248 0.73591 0.27879 0.59774 0.05829 0.58136 0.3462 0.215 0.44096 0.58533 0.04933 0.396 0.21525 0.46061 0.38972 0.45427 0.25257 0.01062 0.67286 0.82948 0.64735 0.53237 0.22931 0.26489 0.16072 0.60229 0.68743 0.49343 0.71485 0.83905 0.65694 0.75902 0.72218 0.8631 0.55406 0.01799 0.04697 0.4121 0.89661 0.49123 0.292 0.02332 0.33952 0.45485 0.86839 0.1234 0.32768 0.88159 0.10921 0.09501 0.54107 0.8084 0.02709 0.97409 0.14656 0.97675 0.53882 0.61989 0.96827 0.98635 0.45055 0.43279 0.09659 0.1123 0.4515 0.98416 0.12134 0.39175 0.68763 0.26462 0.83465 0.64772 0.20497 0.86024 0.00406 0.09982 0.03905 0.89918 0.07929 0.14238 0.82248 0.77742 0.65223 0.66055 0.34036 0.52125 0.02943 0.06571 0.00333 0.8716 0.78514 0.03941 0.55374 0.73506 0.49702 0.02068 0.88036 0.57655 0.90696 0.65299 0.01097 0.85082 0.99931 0.71142 0.23231 0.09499 0.7878 0.50297 0.20694 0.52348 0.01743 0.31634 0.00209 0.00244 0.76395 0.59976 0.71459 0.62421 0.45099 0.71133 0.78254 0.24744 0.4533 0.60451 0.04632 0.3219 0.73942 0.18534 0.99714 0.50309 0.40592 0.83009 0.69321 0.43273 0.64584 0.5284 0.19878 0.25517 0.30835 0.17059 0.93577 0.18283 0.63549 0.09801 0.74542 0.37192 0.69522 0.4355 0.45316 0.55989 0.07144 0.66235 0.31255 0.39241 0.15607 0.07005 0.69583 0.45334 0.63456 0.65363 0.77385 0.67375 0.34384 0.40711 0.49645 0.64033 0.84718 0.97072 0.36175
+0.6637 0.86417 0.97405 0.5648 0.20365 0.10937 0.12824 0.27669 0.75465 0.77085 0.85943 0.9426 0.76303 0.31237 0.99898 0.75414 0.67761 0.81475 0.01712 0.44601 0.38417 0.14452 0.70739 0.99304 0.34334 0.45005 0.76805 0.13075 0.6876 0.75958 0.52428 0.72575 0.20716 0.58142 0.21058 0.61172 0.40737 0.89391 0.42186 0.30675 0.17243 0.74564 0.29459 0.86292 0.83104 0.37485 0.76197 0.36461 0.22194 0.83328 0.23737 0.17034 0.222 0.01113 0.83509 0.71885 0.0105 0.85107 0.85862 0.81659 0.89223 0.27661 0.02061 0.69404 0.03526 0.77191 0.94018 0.00202 0.27804 0.24963 0.44143 0.70978 0.83033 0.51693 0.45696 0.38747 0.78442 0.8758 0.69485 0.09899 0.14403 0.40487 0.87143 0.75791 0.22928 0.86018 0.60547 0.25972 0.24952 0.74315 0.99035 0.65927 0.51475 0.50126 0.47945 0.24766 0.62676 0.48886 0.93022 0.80633 0.57185 0.24362 0.10789 0.00154 0.99682 0.93958 0.74194 0.58087 0.62195 0.36117 0.02516 0.87448 0.89359 0.03614 0.02008 0.57837 0.61011 0.8448 0.70309 0.68716 0.76943 0.75592 0.06556 0.87733 0.73439 0.23126 0.91109 0.76001 0.64675 0.33489 0.84722 0.58004 0.02482 0.57016 0.10421 0.8021 0.78777 0.49958 0.24115 0.28775 0.9378 0.72531 0.14703 0.02192 0.28725 0.99223 0.6557 0.52782 0.76694 0.30457 0.13235 0.32458 0.59793 0.39115 0.43138 0.93009 0.76339 0.84657 0.33915 0.21415 0.64139 0.10328 0.54615 0.99641 0.70887 0.61314 0.82995 0.64299 0.52925 0.49102 0.74144 0.58162 0.75608 0.7804 0.47051 0.33427 0.43021 0.34998 0.00627 0.34817 0.63763 0.54312 0.59483 0.80991 0.76222 0.99544 0.72514 0.88071 0.41656 0.72866 0.64887 0.33861 0.32468 0.59332 0.73819 0.41333 0.62558 0.86579 0.10736 0.83121 0.62423 0.49551 0.87263 0.97227 0.78228 0.07916 0.73137 0.27692 0.22972 0.12341 0.71892 0.11302 0.13223 0.53519 0.27243 0.75956 0.67068 0.06396 0.77547 0.6162 0.94318 0.54821 0.0677 0.62458 0.77352 0.03834 0.50983 0.27827 0.26258 0.33251 0.28611 0.47573 0.8 0.73244 0.69536 0.03144 0.85759 0.04731 0.92076 0.71832 0.98375 0.48718 0.57708 0.57081 0.9191 0.88993 0.56207 0.44793 0.76633 0.73285 0.46285 0.35425 0.00577 0.6275 0.94689 0.46348 0.97396 0.49086 0.35118 0.26708 0.06514 0.16878 0.63027 0.72228 0.54572 0.96881 0.62092 0.31221 0.33574 0.88621 0.50743 0.05201 0.05721 0.61651 0.02611 0.69901 0.22064 0.69414 0.1354 0.53213 0.12417 0.84369 0.80189 0.41557 0.30602 0.6497 0.91428 0.33429 0.47879 0.1863 0.10479 0.79082 0.56484 0.81968 0.46365 0.16731 0.34966 0.60639 0.9828 0.95942 0.76734 0.31961 0.84427 0.98329 0.37484 0.019 0.42565 0.97418 0.75068 0.52691 0.55339 0.01722 0.32172 0.46541 0.01319 0.69804 0.26616 0.32921 0.15121 0.41879 0.42817 0.90191 0.45514 0.96301 0.17724 0.57879 0.859 0.16917 0.06765 0.57781 0.71315 0.5425 0.93713 0.0138 0.6311 0.5737 0.27243 0.155 0.95192 0.43914 0.35487 0.36392 0.35272 0.59359 0.88965 0.39686 0.15298 0.07755 0.55198 0.2239 0.2803 0.30336 0.89402 0.04983 0.01671 0.67544 0.79723 0.42752 0.82944 0.56383 0.36155 0.57914 0.87057 0.9021 0.72905 0.55144 0.00591 0.76741 0.17854 0.22351 0.71833 0.22302 0.89562 0.20518 0.76023 0.78675 0.93923 0.87235 0.44237 0.23933 0.63622 0.55629 0.82073 0.15815 0.99172 0.66236 0.95874 0.62624 0.25793 0.01983 0.53254 0.71806 0.12478 0.21148 0.32128 0.97363 0.29101 0.67054 0.26797 0.75985 0.5889 0.32519 0.29218 0.56065 0.88324 0.82053 0.29634 0.88047 0.27073 0.44168 0.84393 0.62358 0.39082 0.65864 0.34607 0.57892 0.86699 0.02338 0.40184 0.3279 0.94242 0.70609 0.87856 0.28068 0.06365 0.65578 0.15654 0.97774 0.78805 0.27165 0.7327 0.71775 0.01976 0.82717 0.54383 0.60177 0.88521 0.90464 0.11413 0.44575 0.92752 0.37231 0.28149 0.61762 0.59311 0.39929 0.41962 0.00813 0.3063 0.30715 0.81072 0.45515 0.47352 0.97964 0.00931 0.10234 0.82498 0.41675 0.82264 0.62579 0.12985 0.84366 0.06997 0.66712 0.97698 0.97424 0.81738 0.29592 0.41714 0.26097 0.84292 0.88472 0.07774 0.81631 0.86433 0.50945 0.24422 0.34477 0.6868 0.52666 0.28734 0.92784 0.44477 0.7202 0.56454 0.80862 0.74295 0.35578 0.721 0.97191 0.24873 0.09719 0.66355 0.43028 0.52538 0.00672 0.99955 0.26757 0.28051 0.08683 0.4842 0.75563 0.99807 0.12814 0.38846 0.99543 0.46211 0.41872 0.57624 0.10193 0.85226 0.20814
+0.02261 0.30854 0.21846 0.65308 0.07865 0.35784 0.11289 0.36324 0.3802 0.8228 0.3217 0.49579 0.18402 0.76842 0.38401 0.53672 0.36381 0.51657 0.96357 0.40822 0.31767 0.4384 0.66754 0.56051 0.96821 0.8873 0.35056 0.15222 0.38431 0.32298 0.95441 0.17166 0.2604 0.03421 0.62196 0.6002 0.17871 0.31795 0.9727 0.57293 0.10518 0.61855 0.30924 0.2503 0.71472 0.07641 0.79242 0.29748 0.71733 0.89374 0.3123 0.87475 0.1585 0.90377 0.9065 0.97786 0.31932 0.49337 0.98632 0.98661 0.49928 0.64987 0.00761 0.2545 0.09836 0.12348 0.58135 0.73798 0.93677 0.36785 0.57528 0.15712 0.8154 0.19658 0.35133 0.7495 0.00566 0.72312 0.58931 0.37637 0.11839 0.40828 0.10965 0.5097 0.92827 0.98827 0.57419 0.64567 0.58252 0.49502 0.87554 0.83233 0.01096 0.87709 0.68788 0.1334 0.31507 0.8 0.75778 0.16532 0.67638 0.13024 0.48541 0.07253 0.51888 0.73351 0.95076 0.64047 0.74296 0.16445 0.47552 0.26598 0.83872 0.03365 0.51338 0.3979 0.08778 0.20962 0.3285 0.98096 0.44544 0.67178 0.23591 0.117 0.94285 0.77258 0.78424 0.69083 0.30203 0.98915 0.07281 0.06219 0.7856 0.35693 0.60246 0.79979 0.4934 0.03592 0.14523 0.94117 0.68689 0.6457 0.00597 0.33887 0.29585 0.77091 0.94869 0.61339 0.67092 0.01701 0.23244 0.16482 0.84549 0.8104 0.22968 0.2952 0.22803 0.21224 0.08557 0.80661 0.39918 0.81178 0.45524 0.93821 0.2064 0.79553 0.8615 0.66401 0.25082 0.98561 0.053 0.98511 0.08745 0.20505 0.82587 0.44474 0.42152 0.23052 0.45974 0.83563 0.60979 0.38773 0.71351 0.85307 0.23434 0.63323 0.16141 0.81134 0.75448 0.55154 0.79436 0.09653 0.95381 0.69489 0.87875 0.81951 0.67546 0.47529 0.21642 0.48637 0.53648 0.71477 0.92307 0.94392 0.8575 0.10299 0.54477 0.42153 0.28737 0.94497 0.41622 0.14486 0.07593 0.89654 0.05344 0.8201 0.71904 0.72557 0.35582 0.51058 0.17529 0.81749 0.71051 0.54412 0.11412 0.88518 0.80704 0.25803 0.95755 0.8609 0.72705 0.24099 0.63489 0.06375 0.2172 0.37146 0.38701 0.47303 0.27097 0.36242 0.76366 0.44648 0.28873 0.82754 0.65941 0.3277 0.73837 0.51995 0.99652 0.25601 0.07102 0.74641 0.91868 0.7114 0.16311 0.53602 0.67984 0.69826 0.00504 0.03267 0.92634 0.50619 0.95548 0.49332 0.71975 0.78657 0.51589 0.05181 0.78843 0.44511 0.54714 0.86025 0.44499 0.42856 0.55306 0.54369 0.53459 0.64844 0.14848 0.0134 0.32088 0.36636 0.33224 0.64239 0.53665 0.43928 0.10433 0.63178 0.13037 0.96719 0.20902 0.4533 0.93441 0.08965 0.39136 0.47649 0.79909 0.33535 0.14398 0.09328 0.34246 0.25725 0.04537 0.87262 0.15039 0.3155 0.66113 0.31598 0.18786 0.314 0.86574 0.45777 0.12081 0.25239 0.89771 0.64139 0.67234 0.73501 0.75094 0.97665 0.90197 0.98479 0.11424 0.80375 0.27035 0.22077 0.8554 0.82834 0.70888 0.2748 0.93628 0.67164 0.51268 0.22508 0.04268 0.48466 0.87618 0.85181 0.31114 0.47076 0.34409 0.92121 0.77692 0.98157 0.39198 0.41943 0.90083 0.41289 0.34335 0.04638 0.06219 0.44288 0.10214 0.80617 0.70985 0.33734 0.67097 0.4912 0.48564 0.53563 0.64062 0.29792 0.92128 0.55151 0.1802 0.76507 0.11315 0.88769 0.95924 0.09509 0.56778 0.4449 0.97148 0.83161 0.18733 0.27379 0.8533 0.03053 0.55073 0.74402 0.94267 0.01443 0.14848 0.56437 0.29007 0.46101 0.00026 0.60981 0.30146 0.94819 0.54442 0.70408 0.11545 0.49179 0.21225 0.41424 0.26497 0.97678 0.60929 0.48107 0.92509 0.30552 0.42336 0.97466 0.5693 0.26963 0.55721 0.17906 0.177 0.56491 0.53368 0.66337 0.05485 0.86326 0.97475 0.08312 0.19777 0.2587 0.69719 0.15152 0.54197 0.26497 0.37056 0.19953 0.10197 0.72546 0.08987 0.27789 0.49904 0.67075 0.89679 0.53164 0.32447 0.62969 0.82542 0.09884 0.43442 0.18375 0.96606 0.05806 0.20229 0.49354 0.39054 0.70743 0.26334 0.7921 0.11254 0.9571 0.12916 0.35403 0.29322 0.11355 0.47414 0.90546 0.07771 0.03524 0.29333 0.76852 0.10043 0.61466 0.35345 0.22175 0.03856 0.22389 0.94457 0.65459 0.72099 0.7843 0.87784 0.28783 0.34885 0.05974 0.19653 0.04446 0.85302 0.99478 0.57278 0.25853 0.25701 0.23384 0.23511 0.87237 0.78011 0.4754 0.87733 0.24798 0.2769 0.54687 0.66457 0.44799 0.36611 0.30403 0.02217 0.75341 0.41486 0.10473 0.63445 0.11975 0.05229 0.90898 0.81261 0.81514 0.27465 0.47883 0.67775 0.0686 0.04346 0.40448 0.25986 0.84562 0.40625 0.12423
+0.36788 0.32617 0.1095 0.79384 0.03391 0.26084 0.87541 0.10134 0.28805 0.55765 0.135 0.5602 0.04375 0.65612 0.52197 0.03935 0.51409 0.76984 0.85463 0.72583 0.19174 0.81627 0.86701 0.16759 0.79988 0.09809 0.1673 0.9743 0.66364 0.82137 0.96016 0.6558 0.23837 0.20157 0.73295 0.9026 0.83528 0.89698 0.931 0.24989 0.14679 0.69051 0.79491 0.3978 0.84803 0.56372 0.62293 0.73634 0.41047 0.92988 0.3797 0.02726 0.4758 0.02727 0.32993 0.96914 0.18511 0.35348 0.62477 0.7018 0.91889 0.22335 0.59355 0.45344 0.13271 0.86595 0.94103 0.90863 0.67158 0.02092 0.16453 0.53975 0.64068 0.80498 0.03592 0.01327 0.55782 0.35811 0.07023 0.57646 0.38488 0.50132 0.06599 0.62314 0.05258 0.28266 0.21449 0.43938 0.36828 0.68528 0.22231 0.91123 0.44784 0.69745 0.49754 0.35526 0.54709 0.48877 0.20646 0.05313 0.81958 0.03543 0.85425 0.68969 0.50656 0.66414 0.62654 0.45488 0.71926 0.72874 0.14463 0.1429 0.89149 0.62987 0.77073 0.75847 0.35835 0.80289 0.04994 0.6736 0.17604 0.34365 0.85217 0.94716 0.88998 0.87919 0.98131 0.94819 0.24448 0.48286 0.09358 0.10767 0.89068 0.04432 0.06511 0.29271 0.18158 0.78093 0.51905 0.64636 0.20127 0.53322 0.71217 0.49415 0.53204 0.65226 0.6275 0.5656 0.07128 0.17199 0.97384 0.61898 0.91661 0.69692 0.25102 0.42497 0.80645 0.32505 0.52049 0.81029 0.69399 0.33927 0.77216 0.47687 0.86175 0.32171 0.81344 0.17158 0.4996 0.90828 0.50592 0.1792 0.631 0.02215 0.82776 0.61306 0.17544 0.43538 0.52537 0.69471 0.82843 0.92656 0.82979 0.08005 0.28945 0.36303 0.13695 0.20271 0.03759 0.04577 0.97197 0.77021 0.53523 0.44251 0.89173 0.91754 0.75864 0.5633 0.64338 0.4859 0.67549 0.20779 0.21535 0.24171 0.52237 0.61771 0.61829 0.85381 0.26055 0.93256 0.17712 0.80713 0.60643 0.4048 0.10828 0.26283 0.50184 0.5508 0.46611 0.00304 0.53778 0.82051 0.24392 0.49793 0.29422 0.83829 0.2092 0.05519 0.8697 0.86585 0.00671 0.15348 0.5849 0.2721 0.06318 0.08391 0.54989 0.12488 0.54916 0.94055 0.27856 0.62849 0.7283 0.5603 0.26735 0.08628 0.16572 0.0279 0.31425 0.83581 0.03946 0.0361 0.0387 0.36519 0.59779 0.65644 0.28078 0.34445 0.42278 0.78554 0.6032 0.97209 0.15014 0.4686 0.7061 0.00469 0.29528 0.59707 0.15828 0.27544 0.64056 0.65609 0.56855 0.96988 0.86557 0.93171 0.20734 0.28577 0.0405 0.00237 0.01635 0.32895 0.80486 0.86383 0.65406 0.62855 0.37416 0.73554 0.0748 0.98337 0.32075 0.02439 0.69049 0.97376 0.51384 0.6023 0.60735 0.82318 0.89059 0.79679 0.15251 0.13392 0.83013 0.49795 0.65355 0.76667 0.52093 0.31571 0.83952 0.07221 0.01573 0.07134 0.02129 0.93277 0.59701 0.33088 0.52419 0.96668 0.28 0.02935 0.45144 0.9371 0.24039 0.96042 0.18275 0.01314 0.35929 0.93785 0.19481 0.1838 0.62794 0.58488 0.21043 0.70799 0.24762 0.45059 0.53981 0.38488 0.92923 0.87137 0.34156 0.88227 0.4534 0.86584 0.86581 0.70629 0.62237 0.07742 0.72933 0.93032 0.47866 0.47177 0.91046 0.93454 0.42007 0.72042 0.8701 0.59252 0.67284 0.69813 0.26632 0.10876 0.26925 0.52782 0.39001 0.10466 0.89676 0.6997 0.76976 0.01445 0.4447 0.08871 0.09437 0.77586 0.90164 0.65483 0.36636 0.58776 0.42475 0.52272 0.70701 0.60669 0.08287 0.79063 0.12616 0.68888 0.81531 0.33945 0.64819 0.70729 0.28981 0.3951 0.34915 0.52922 0.60431 0.09022 0.04294 0.03845 0.68339 0.84356 0.45929 0.37414 0.84729 0.67606 0.33214 0.99791 0.76489 0.09724 0.68043 0.9821 0.56833 0.43869 0.46857 0.88735 0.29428 0.48644 0.8252 0.75971 0.55886 0.87205 0.35181 0.8396 0.89902 0.50615 0.8653 0.20626 0.68482 0.27938 0.59278 0.41455 0.43309 0.62239 0.39708 0.25337 0.21446 0.26461 0.52662 0.26231 0.07949 0.49516 0.4863 0.40612 0.13805 0.09587 0.70617 0.16087 0.58243 0.78954 0.32334 0.54381 0.99032 0.52016 0.76973 0.30889 0.08309 0.21045 0.82381 0.89504 0.09724 0.44899 0.94345 0.99559 0.57244 0.95652 0.36469 0.95694 0.04128 0.13464 0.06769 0.8575 0.22127 0.5384 0.93674 0.44782 0.55557 0.57325 0.92048 0.94066 0.41413 0.18007 0.61112 0.30196 0.24998 0.84018 0.9094 0.47089 0.05605 0.79417 0.08463 0.22455 0.11896 0.26107 0.81436 0.66559 0.88336 0.18925 0.2315 0.72576 0.23389 0.5152 0.28207 0.55457 0.64069 0.51216 0.3189 0.00145 0.85297 0.93148 0.05162 0.42095 0.54273 0.8603
+0.03362 0.77213 0.63633 0.73906 0.83413 0.38964 0.30597 0.50617 0.38178 0.65112 0.34642 0.04039 0.94808 0.44738 0.39568 0.29064 0.6698 0.00091 0.63078 0.34413 0.33467 0.73202 0.51812 0.07525 0.98222 0.24635 0.39552 0.68505 0.8538 0.11838 0.82121 0.5862 0.89813 0.49749 0.34654 0.85682 0.50344 0.75106 0.10522 0.26224 0.31802 0.40985 0.23806 0.32224 0.76989 0.31603 0.08065 0.14312 0.77386 0.14013 0.26946 0.69285 0.1932 0.09079 0.08254 0.49531 0.16116 0.11916 0.53565 0.95359 0.5781 0.6707 0.10583 0.18508 0.64893 0.1515 0.61198 0.09636 0.77704 0.96805 0.40269 0.49569 0.81802 0.98817 0.65767 0.29826 0.40538 0.65816 0.03562 0.92477 0.04014 0.60612 0.10398 0.57505 0.16543 0.15113 0.55979 0.7392 0.51953 0.48947 0.31989 0.01441 0.55908 0.46336 0.14138 0.691 0.82882 0.8605 0.70715 0.34292 0.19234 0.15422 0.50292 0.67394 0.25037 0.00214 0.37114 0.41656 0.43985 0.45741 0.00615 0.44501 0.63823 0.62605 0.44707 0.05344 0.27174 0.10279 0.77212 0.40812 0.41877 0.86006 0.65364 0.95268 0.86472 0.11145 0.1191 0.57812 0.57538 0.96342 0.35917 0.61964 0.19627 0.06904 0.14008 0.34997 0.90304 0.20843 0.86278 0.99247 0.36505 0.44771 0.75768 0.31065 0.17788 0.05376 0.85658 0.76762 0.18499 0.38898 0.4789 0.22983 0.052 0.2326 0.58359 0.71497 0.10798 0.79066 0.0173 0.92205 0.43767 0.70623 0.72447 0.49186 0.38496 0.83348 0.25879 0.52325 0.74744 0.03098 0.34384 0.5037 0.08727 0.55541 0.05107 0.40839 0.94451 0.17252 0.51291 0.30637 0.21177 0.37636 0.60993 0.15354 0.42482 0.28065 0.2412 0.76493 0.38205 0.56743 0.22654 0.6919 0.87563 0.04794 0.19345 0.78465 0.03429 0.15876 0.87495 0.45684 0.4189 0.80043 0.21783 0.54601 0.74481 0.09389 0.15214 0.9978 0.14469 0.61428 0.08198 0.77233 0.36143 0.58638 0.70048 0.84763 0.46985 0.26748 0.76374 0.45053 0.41533 0.82794 0.75813 0.15747 0.88338 0.46744 0.37002 0.42849 0.43504 0.24687 0.86821 0.8183 0.59773 0.19841 0.38243 0.97441 0.71141 0.32781 0.74024 0.84504 0.79117 0.53546 0.21886 0.70798 0.97611 0.09526 0.22835 0.0268 0.45113 0.91588 0.76297 0.68067 0.36119 0.34731 0.4632 0.57088 0.8446 0.64866 0.90331 0.81188 0.50131 0.02134 0.8795 0.24778 0.02321 0.20834 0.42741 0.07821 0.75124 0.0995 0.10214 0.02214 0.76731 0.14861 0.37624 0.92355 0.11192 0.30491 0.75502 0.93555 0.30352 0.44826 0.37347 0.53399 0.02488 0.7098 0.41076 0.4395 0.75419 0.57591 0.18947 0.18448 0.21078 0.28193 0.27576 0.95765 0.47038 0.89317 0.77951 0.47877 0.38004 0.73308 0.78741 0.91201 0.71558 0.36684 0.9265 0.65942 0.09164 0.57399 0.58301 0.68171 0.64224 0.02659 0.11496 0.54679 0.34688 0.10688 0.31778 0.90329 0.49551 0.8145 0.60985 0.78989 0.49103 0.96299 0.78203 0.78293 0.69116 0.84198 0.55488 0.72514 0.65198 0.26768 0.79092 0.00861 0.82593 0.16057 0.78738 0.94403 0.03551 0.07887 0.10525 0.51014 0.93848 0.96241 0.27348 0.06662 0.06331 0.35209 0.26155 0.9856 0.44945 0.90726 0.72803 0.60687 0.1805 0.4453 0.59369 0.79657 0.91941 0.66801 0.62378 0.35772 0.95603 0.36899 0.14194 0.49944 0.50433 0.32095 0.26841 0.62169 0.64958 0.10824 0.54211 0.54905 0.99077 0.52841 0.25349 0.36604 0.96173 0.02094 0.19078 0.51303 0.68392 0.08764 0.66871 0.47286 0.4058 0.55404 0.42877 0.27462 0.91376 0.14402 0.53524 0.11379 0.29607 0.06482 0.00355 0.75318 0.92761 0.33862 0.57068 0.58778 0.74802 0.16926 0.075 0.83769 0.10109 0.58106 0.17667 0.37481 0.82433 0.36712 0.11695 0.14443 0.73038 0.74211 0.15999 0.85672 0.5013 0.01682 0.5739 0.86965 0.2687 0.75013 0.43988 0.67363 0.78359 0.17268 0.6367 0.68144 0.14708 0.57493 0.73222 0.0102 0.64106 0.36198 0.96543 0.65993 0.86865 0.57724 0.07726 0.00304 0.95717 0.4589 0.82981 0.12751 0.57153 0.19492 0.76783 0.41396 0.37642 0.59777 0.86565 0.94455 0.91953 0.63996 0.30394 0.12915 0.0248 0.33723 0.08619 0.57233 0.92111 0.95854 0.00145 0.57749 0.62502 0.24297 0.41239 0.61882 0.40775 0.86559 0.3101 0.77506 0.4994 0.88824 0.18298 0.94792 0.80585 0.34342 0.30557 0.61462 0.50071 0.84236 0.66115 0.23979 0.5518 0.22813 0.71513 0.31457 0.26938 0.43675 0.11016 0.96731 0.16225 0.4182 0.75262 0.26298 0.28334 0.75907 0.34518 0.54984 0.89923 0.05798 0.67763 0.63545 0.23328 0.16021 0.25004 0.80415
+0.37076 0.42007 0.487 0.57273 0.42823 0.14515 0.5801 0.58405 0.60978 0.69962 0.71579 0.54431 0.01736 0.59278 0.04551 0.87605 0.89781 0.73912 0.67315 0.83964 0.38751 0.42912 0.41806 0.5014 0.05113 0.74961 0.71925 0.3621 0.13306 0.58665 0.72939 0.85723 0.64911 0.40292 0.00772 0.23952 0.74489 0.08747 0.74038 0.53631 0.09534 0.97192 0.59377 0.21294 0.48251 0.25367 0.38502 0.95069 0.64664 0.63912 0.43834 0.49087 0.42072 0.7479 0.06666 0.67133 0.56607 0.6975 0.14418 0.49715 0.20599 0.46459 0.44759 0.84631 0.50554 0.90626 0.66705 0.46448 0.90837 0.96972 0.02311 0.8513 0.86419 0.95004 0.28582 0.04357 0.12764 0.43982 0.62372 0.09585 0.56238 0.67667 0.62809 0.27589 0.40121 0.28676 0.0558 0.34003 0.14874 0.56114 0.58923 0.94473 0.47135 0.67537 0.30484 0.78043 0.41306 0.76778 0.73943 0.32227 0.27797 0.58735 0.27966 0.23956 0.79051 0.36722 0.7635 0.48999 0.11896 0.49432 0.00866 0.55877 0.88656 0.84536 0.59007 0.29767 0.54885 0.38426 0.08329 0.45202 0.63214 0.71868 0.66848 0.24294 0.99711 0.53293 0.77074 0.24028 0.2455 0.62532 0.72081 0.35153 0.46859 0.34658 0.05906 0.26964 0.65457 0.94811 0.29192 0.68109 0.80648 0.54808 0.85768 0.48508 0.34683 0.43799 0.63785 0.54481 0.70369 0.93115 0.1937 0.57936 0.77161 0.43039 0.69102 0.27108 0.13535 0.70769 0.12375 0.5251 0.05549 0.22644 0.03377 0.44312 0.805 0.71562 0.24033 0.06086 0.3334 0.43092 0.54594 0.41606 0.11518 0.59928 0.42107 0.28218 0.78504 0.68217 0.8756 0.21511 0.76119 0.75737 0.33797 0.39602 0.01021 0.35078 0.77181 0.0109 0.56585 0.86776 0.92303 0.05453 0.68141 0.10147 0.71546 0.16351 0.32062 0.41094 0.83538 0.59595 0.3974 0.52808 0.93715 0.39102 0.06196 0.14845 0.02777 0.15511 0.48443 0.8172 0.05604 0.39076 0.12898 0.32032 0.96596 0.55971 0.19187 0.77951 0.45481 0.4019 0.5184 0.64617 0.57206 0.05571 0.86941 0.60863 0.81461 0.5087 0.07856 0.12574 0.05254 0.24489 0.15666 0.59269 0.35276 0.01086 0.55871 0.55782 0.81886 0.38179 0.73295 0.7151 0.61276 0.28938 0.16242 0.23648 0.62263 0.23717 0.01058 0.99279 0.99744 0.79243 0.18435 0.47043 0.59746 0.37902 0.93908 0.63977 0.53259 0.27915 0.31618 0.41788 0.53339 0.37485 0.82363 0.56167 0.50986 0.46323 0.47182 0.07497 0.51709 0.75983 0.95129 0.04717 0.06868 0.59724 0.64841 0.1492 0.06686 0.18088 0.23471 0.06679 0.33513 0.88204 0.82882 0.08217 0.66886 0.41443 0.82455 0.54709 0.77909 0.40686 0.29971 0.71582 0.42924 0.64219 0.01811 0.10128 0.95648 0.71319 0.13813 0.51185 0.06599 0.52631 0.8989 0.96313 0.79449 0.10389 0.00563 0.38682 0.02588 0.45376 0.13365 0.5332 0.47018 0.52168 0.01786 0.66776 0.83071 0.97407 0.68924 0.47231 0.50791 0.76869 0.1238 0.72411 0.82684 0.77571 0.25575 0.55347 0.55523 0.73156 0.10166 0.26734 0.7435 0.55582 0.90055 0.87468 0.70909 0.20131 0.73131 0.87696 0.33026 0.09879 0.1892 0.1315 0.53652 0.20959 0.52329 0.31608 0.66193 0.20206 0.20634 0.45191 0.44987 0.78809 0.92446 0.65953 0.56605 0.44436 0.30277 0.64379 0.32454 0.85116 0.12728 0.13993 0.19194 0.57096 0.46046 0.95158 0.66165 0.0432 0.65514 0.488 0.44948 0.29667 0.01986 0.787 0.60798 0.9434 0.86987 0.79278 0.88147 0.29237 0.65428 0.75249 0.93378 0.91098 0.56841 0.02083 0.19878 0.42423 0.99215 0.64741 0.31274 0.67745 0.81689 0.62712 0.71498 0.11018 0.18517 0.89172 0.44998 0.03872 0.24863 0.12863 0.88052 0.73468 0.06539 0.68302 0.83982 0.18741 0.95965 0.36884 0.86254 0.12297 0.91322 0.75351 0.65522 0.06085 0.02414 0.83702 0.85457 0.70853 0.78589 0.54885 0.94585 0.02759 0.34397 0.12837 0.96835 0.89399 0.29339 0.21769 0.86916 0.60144 0.73957 0.28938 0.1506 0.31966 0.49215 0.13148 0.92426 0.80058 0.95763 0.14624 0.4809 0.41372 0.55584 0.37066 0.74214 0.80957 0.11889 0.28038 0.48114 0.04322 0.42037 0.11312 0.62085 0.28943 0.83822 0.6479 0.84635 0.32827 0.91678 0.53618 0.38411 0.53032 0.50402 0.96695 0.62564 0.0887 0.21213 0.99535 0.53611 0.9783 0.68082 0.12466 0.69125 0.19894 0.52585 0.20969 0.23908 0.85168 0.08258 0.05562 0.72952 0.8095 0.79533 0.13034 0.99312 0.53508 0.58674 0.5916 0.90173 0.42994 0.65017 0.22744 0.34068 0.35114 0.19583 0.5085 0.06115 0.30071 0.98922 0.18985 0.11533 0.98125 0.88559 0.162 0.03544 0.83444
+0.18871 0.70852 0.70517 0.07325 0.74591 0.24189 0.91234 0.68962 0.63374 0.49198 0.13876 0.58465 0.70048 0.43706 0.87863 0.43194 0.67437 0.49532 0.24415 0.66211 0.06047 0.02144 0.18807 0.29505 0.38443 0.3425 0.00128 0.9033 0.80047 0.13865 0.04689 0.52883 0.57248 0.94609 0.86995 0.28301 0.59123 0.68842 0.79704 0.01177 0.02549 0.52415 0.75514 0.90799 0.16698 0.81575 0.74201 0.83631 0.73907 0.0482 0.50688 0.47776 0.8516 0.18239 0.65228 0.67496 0.28059 0.16882 0.5118 0.22439 0.32393 0.166 0.56892 0.05054 0.77868 0.59008 0.86436 0.03797 0.53443 0.66178 0.98056 0.8026 0.70815 0.01909 0.56857 0.75656 0.3421 0.54086 0.69008 0.09919 0.81874 0.72448 0.38346 0.92964 0.37411 0.26188 0.80219 0.72413 0.11796 0.46347 0.20378 0.16511 0.52422 0.03871 0.52728 0.64561 0.8422 0.83214 0.50394 0.95639 0.42134 0.65979 0.70517 0.84593 0.31387 0.35961 0.14193 0.61197 0.78796 0.43692 0.00132 0.1971 0.73451 0.37538 0.72796 0.07913 0.09221 0.13324 0.17203 0.37412 0.69168 0.75568 0.34004 0.56384 0.54582 0.80627 0.59258 0.73111 0.02882 0.28036 0.11854 0.53945 0.89148 0.45415 0.74978 0.9238 0.01303 0.21104 0.8327 0.80722 0.50918 0.32665 0.68469 0.33748 0.16979 0.74054 0.11767 0.30145 0.25667 0.71066 0.18908 0.16491 0.26757 0.12601 0.45608 0.94089 0.68961 0.25529 0.39496 0.85109 0.58877 0.86335 0.46261 0.40536 0.1475 0.49446 0.71466 0.94228 0.41861 0.77589 0.4883 0.9366 0.49096 0.74778 0.36212 0.85161 0.94106 0.19438 0.7063 0.86193 0.99205 0.39099 0.29825 0.71498 0.12327 0.36989 0.4714 0.65165 0.90302 0.50704 0.71639 0.34685 0.54293 0.59182 0.05073 0.01621 0.09245 0.37241 0.33481 0.27294 0.1219 0.18991 0.68794 0.11923 0.65814 0.24267 0.71488 0.63403 0.20777 0.40235 0.05298 0.20396 0.52307 0.22234 0.43862 0.22314 0.95074 0.3807 0.29213 0.43759 0.6868 0.9337 0.75257 0.38682 0.72254 0.67816 0.79739 0.34953 0.64095 0.59053 0.78331 0.74188 0.06043 0.61065 0.98695 0.34555 0.12482 0.49153 0.72777 0.26966 0.41191 0.59692 0.69257 0.65049 0.42094 0.69524 0.82266 0.5939 0.73904 0.72987 0.24878 0.80601 0.46046 0.32167 0.97649 0.17095 0.71244 0.90192 0.61758 0.10028 0.31739 0.82177 0.41285 0.25038 0.83898 0.1811 0.02596 0.57546 0.74429 0.04844 0.80114 0.48285 0.77853 0.78953 0.73668 0.4396 0.42789 0.32749 0.09831 0.5014 0.03468 0.92982 0.11909 0.79934 0.67311 0.45011 0.57578 0.02651 0.2917 0.07114 0.64151 0.21464 0.60287 0.00418 0.06621 0.06757 0.95106 0.82503 0.48919 0.86604 0.22116 0.34637 0.60789 0.81187 0.86457 0.28438 0.67912 0.6836 0.87408 0.16108 0.4193 0.08655 0.81849 0.40229 0.69796 0.19337 0.06015 0.97012 0.30267 0.41191 0.14579 0.17047 0.46884 0.87565 0.55006 0.4269 0.71041 0.82941 0.84868 0.12307 0.33618 0.87256 0.12427 0.99823 0.52095 0.77199 0.58694 0.58183 0.82943 0.5338 0.47311 0.03173 0.7828 0.78089 0.88608 0.83136 0.92198 0.14887 0.17046 0.25159 0.59714 0.31716 0.40492 0.30487 0.76318 0.46416 0.69327 0.50706 0.30044 0.87841 0.83094 0.08179 0.70173 0.62705 0.35505 0.61793 0.03603 0.42906 0.61518 0.05582 0.13885 0.70559 0.21825 0.93102 0.12884 0.02146 0.38927 0.50945 0.03136 0.7682 0.38794 0.48468 0.56066 0.24319 0.54017 0.21862 0.39158 0.86714 0.11224 0.09906 0.73007 0.58333 0.99068 0.46881 0.63873 0.38175 0.14806 0.0478 0.84563 0.53674 0.09114 0.64623 0.89358 0.17083 0.41087 0.31317 0.82916 0.00741 0.24478 0.88558 0.77338 0.7574 0.999 0.4501 0.47619 0.40424 0.03715 0.21687 0.88407 0.81465 0.59032 0.80109 0.82072 0.86086 0.07375 0.78267 0.46708 0.14371 0.68341 0.32697 0.50007 0.38021 0.83244 0.92851 0.11178 0.69568 0.3764 0.65705 0.76462 0.93307 0.42388 0.93492 0.65645 0.18014 0.6002 0.78939 0.9716 0.78114 0.14821 0.66364 0.67398 0.22042 0.42504 0.2534 0.2494 0.03094 0.07604 0.99527 0.25147 0.2502 0.15445 0.49601 0.14542 0.17594 0.7926 0.64515 0.59712 0.99618 0.1697 0.32139 0.29304 0.6531 0.45464 0.25527 0.74285 0.65781 0.87969 0.91616 0.25098 0.45201 0.56361 0.05278 0.91125 0.81333 0.18668 0.30631 0.82401 0.60288 0.0962 0.86308 0.8701 0.06909 0.50202 0.26209 0.27043 0.01426 0.14678 0.18563 0.69804 0.41971 0.17868 0.85263 0.14486 0.45459 0.91387 0.20068 0.64357 0.11045 0.91535 0.45401 0.86964 0.59579
+0.34599 0.35844 0.81349 0.21248 0.96732 0.15808 0.88241 0.22747 0.69687 0.90218 0.96127 0.00169 0.95602 0.49017 0.08546 0.9239 0.24385 0.70445 0.04908 0.18246 0.04946 0.73615 0.49935 0.95974 0.78694 0.73154 0.29566 0.42714 0.35098 0.03764 0.96772 0.34968 0.12535 0.52885 0.30172 0.1868 0.70637 0.48472 0.72656 0.82893 0.09465 0.37762 0.90786 0.38485 0.882 0.93991 0.1377 0.09181 0.94964 0.81512 0.87436 0.22829 0.34675 0.67474 0.56819 0.95208 0.26334 0.47035 0.09248 0.49273 0.96687 0.5224 0.19221 0.74648 0.9291 0.20791 0.69661 0.18341 0.35824 0.11563 0.61009 0.09959 0.05525 0.25074 0.2963 0.97828 0.65677 0.01057 0.1386 0.42846 0.71023 0.12876 0.48511 0.50057 0.87928 0.76213 0.31359 0.56669 0.66909 0.97069 0.64103 0.01727 0.1152 0.25204 0.21526 0.90174 0.35407 0.65171 0.25622 0.33849 0.33087 0.2218 0.51438 0.17044 0.17045 0.97284 0.28542 0.72719 0.95957 0.14116 0.6179 0.31972 0.51802 0.87773 0.58635 0.4775 0.96419 0.86146 0.73606 0.92479 0.27923 0.46933 0.28088 0.5366 0.25005 0.65251 0.08726 0.20936 0.00886 0.04683 0.07866 0.56629 0.45522 0.55592 0.39475 0.30018 0.8981 0.90977 0.92224 0.70623 0.43844 0.90407 0.58512 0.27345 0.4159 0.69406 0.13664 0.30828 0.12588 0.08017 0.7626 0.94819 0.33126 0.72336 0.89198 0.80747 0.2007 0.58358 0.49983 0.90487 0.71788 0.76276 0.78952 0.18973 0.5604 0.72162 0.44995 0.60216 0.26236 0.68751 0.52083 0.44655 0.81954 0.40752 0.00655 0.0976 0.385 0.44336 0.22088 0.10664 0.69286 0.26658 0.28533 0.54025 0.20362 0.64922 0.95888 0.89663 0.48898 0.82189 0.68467 0.25425 0.64751 0.14053 0.35236 0.36911 0.92308 0.69179 0.99882 0.28858 0.4415 0.41736 0.94818 0.6862 0.50546 0.61314 0.36006 0.12431 0.11385 0.01161 0.85322 0.66792 0.53212 0.20528 0.28689 0.41987 0.38903 0.62498 0.96684 0.1698 0.29135 0.14865 0.8079 0.68973 0.24065 0.33468 0.78234 0.02658 0.6539 0.19508 0.94098 0.55386 0.7164 0.32 0.30896 0.55076 0.57261 0.05337 0.60657 0.12181 0.28501 0.9829 0.46858 0.96159 0.63242 0.42874 0.06069 0.82797 0.73405 0.13672 0.9524 0.317 0.09736 0.51542 0.11554 0.50479 0.86317 0.1716 0.17544 0.59789 0.98103 0.29599 0.09012 0.17643 0.58104 0.02712 0.83993 0.67879 0.01574 0.64956 0.32525 0.38539 0.83241 0.1852 0.39196 0.27596 0.18075 0.58578 0.95734 0.94547 1e-05 0.7285 0.16064 0.46607 0.12808 0.21147 0.74384 0.25388 0.88644 0.69738 0.11762 0.14827 0.07976 0.41718 0.17338 0.7421 0.99635 0.72587 0.19078 0.09186 0.92405 0.14592 0.94973 0.36189 0.94918 0.18572 0.8746 0.54711 0.76395 0.49004 0.83079 0.10814 0.38285 0.39045 0.47463 0.98568 0.87838 0.80546 0.78586 0.51116 0.01836 0.47236 0.76419 0.45791 0.44933 0.99703 0.73502 0.51908 0.86705 0.95561 0.05499 0.83419 0.92953 0.05303 0.62051 0.99048 0.41668 0.50621 0.26951 0.37339 0.33921 0.63266 0.07124 0.72224 0.47609 0.87142 0.07086 0.78965 0.65581 0.70448 0.4639 0.39889 0.87663 0.64798 0.54098 0.3467 0.76888 0.91503 0.06383 0.06872 0.90032 0.07662 0.34404 0.88907 0.46267 0.27906 0.08229 0.36844 0.44842 0.29297 0.46907 0.00689 0.82142 0.08952 0.77628 0.7123 0.9511 0.16133 0.0622 0.16559 0.89138 0.46076 0.1313 0.17753 0.08546 0.95012 0.91282 0.26396 0.45369 0.77171 0.95339 0.88239 0.03326 0.55511 0.24973 0.14105 0.20685 0.49073 0.72659 0.82816 0.64863 0.17105 0.58279 0.17508 0.57496 0.24417 0.97561 0.27611 0.59638 0.38149 0.86743 0.69412 0.14304 0.8998 0.78397 0.74174 0.85047 0.33399 0.26675 0.5222 0.74885 0.44576 0.88203 0.48164 0.00743 0.24583 0.05738 0.29138 0.35168 0.62422 0.28892 0.38376 0.68974 0.41695 0.02042 0.30675 0.55065 0.08999 0.72832 0.05807 0.09853 0.34699 0.14331 0.27294 0.65888 0.17038 0.33027 0.3691 0.34296 0.71585 0.43085 0.12574 0.29131 0.1862 0.08357 0.76151 0.65828 0.7959 0.4419 0.5867 0.51518 0.62599 0.48424 0.99022 0.96126 0.36339 0.01635 0.91471 0.09004 0.83033 0.23885 0.6864 0.05195 0.35088 0.6736 0.43178 0.5119 0.95975 0.26311 0.60014 0.34964 0.17836 0.83988 0.14824 0.59853 0.55705 0.72765 0.28167 0.91658 0.17385 0.53567 0.48727 0.53078 0.05564 0.32434 0.29084 0.52231 0.82846 0.04976 0.23584 0.81681 0.98076 0.22603 0.08505 0.91872 0.87802 0.07895 0.86881 0.49745 0.01192 0.54938 0.25493
+0.8463 0.75598 0.62961 0.02189 0.68055 0.88291 0.13471 0.95358 0.98566 0.88258 0.55224 0.38757 0.89381 0.39797 0.51599 0.17189 0.93297 0.72373 0.56111 0.26649 0.74463 0.48356 0.85852 0.87012 0.28986 0.79901 0.4493 0.12987 0.79983 0.2654 0.20102 0.69863 0.54202 0.80912 0.20276 0.49257 0.99558 0.96501 0.10044 0.42244 0.78424 0.31706 0.95299 0.8205 0.48575 0.79548 0.45517 0.74228 0.73648 0.17308 0.07974 0.07383 0.23978 0.32433 0.43635 0.62369 0.24399 0.99024 0.68838 0.17815 0.58575 0.15634 0.09764 0.45531 0.65389 0.44603 0.54184 0.93228 0.85916 0.9746 0.7269 0.5061 0.98087 0.14363 0.67578 0.93291 0.98715 0.57282 0.50798 0.64005 0.84886 0.6442 0.57738 0.90513 0.2614 0.53687 0.62956 0.66725 0.20181 0.15477 0.31582 0.16813 0.06328 0.93716 0.12317 0.34648 0.53357 0.19887 0.87641 0.0862 0.94566 0.60644 0.36658 0.92093 0.02475 0.95315 0.5915 0.62151 0.92396 0.8828 0.3182 0.19265 0.56347 0.09917 0.63028 0.69327 0.34618 0.17034 0.94271 0.67718 0.45069 0.50022 0.14808 0.34289 0.78191 0.26702 0.81837 0.82863 0.4803 0.81499 0.69106 0.10678 0.91174 0.1174 0.67692 0.40765 0.28901 0.28355 0.53759 0.84413 0.78228 0.53442 0.91932 0.28267 0.08099 0.05843 0.39663 0.46555 0.85565 0.11749 0.63327 0.18729 0.4593 0.16952 0.59322 0.4062 0.17346 0.34316 0.96821 0.79722 0.54487 0.67811 0.97232 0.57731 0.4383 0.83152 0.65591 0.25979 0.54281 0.1674 0.8142 0.8027 0.49581 0.37788 0.10107 0.33639 0.57205 0.2491 0.93276 0.87034 0.85552 0.95905 0.26945 0.34896 0.47229 0.70438 0.90027 0.88925 0.9095 0.92407 0.81316 0.17825 0.43909 0.9121 0.04466 0.05058 0.11432 0.89084 0.25659 0.01741 0.03962 0.51035 0.38738 0.3325 0.25481 0.21902 0.07112 0.14993 0.71621 0.85683 0.21198 0.77771 0.31988 0.24948 0.3824 0.53564 0.23264 0.21999 0.71317 0.77872 0.16722 0.80825 0.8478 0.43251 0.18466 0.20061 0.20351 0.49255 0.24341 0.94905 0.58512 0.02061 0.23946 0.03121 0.324 0.08743 0.45905 0.84997 0.60914 0.41653 0.5467 0.83542 0.09688 0.10276 0.30769 0.96486 0.513 0.5468 0.33227 0.28546 0.39314 0.35601 0.77802 0.46066 0.26893 0.18103 0.99216 0.67959 0.5523 0.73138 0.63036 0.86849 0.92054 0.81241 0.55729 0.68167 0.99723 0.508 0.48806 0.25113 0.12877 0.70925 0.76152 0.66197 0.64615 0.03735 0.32333 0.61739 0.28991 0.01121 0.16221 0.6181 0.50949 0.71261 0.98579 0.18985 0.93554 0.61258 0.3441 0.39645 0.74265 0.12133 0.14031 0.39184 0.33384 0.96625 0.28101 0.11389 0.15555 0.47709 0.69824 0.91661 0.8352 0.91173 0.06286 0.80983 0.85904 0.31198 0.64255 0.38028 0.49328 0.99319 0.8422 0.65507 0.2171 0.35826 0.14382 0.15177 0.08576 0.89482 0.51018 0.37592 0.04122 0.1049 0.40023 0.21484 0.97596 0.21066 0.81048 0.51593 0.91294 0.61387 0.85419 0.07195 0.28437 0.92037 0.6526 0.57417 0.83883 0.37479 0.15769 0.99401 0.47087 0.57274 0.68007 0.43316 0.08031 0.43692 0.50118 0.53402 0.0689 0.27824 0.09195 0.50379 0.02664 0.10853 0.99675 0.01818 0.96546 0.81032 0.25749 0.56754 0.1844 0.92414 0.47399 0.68593 0.02167 0.4888 0.62517 0.10806 0.36278 0.26861 0.03849 0.42132 0.08239 0.01359 0.79672 0.04753 0.00622 0.19673 0.63093 0.01461 0.88972 0.67789 0.00609 0.22549 0.41987 0.04996 0.14075 0.6747 0.13702 0.51796 0.61713 0.96365 0.61577 0.20584 0.62639 0.31388 0.35283 0.47896 0.89667 0.7697 0.24978 0.13016 0.72052 0.87103 0.33469 0.62717 0.8138 0.28171 0.93143 0.48484 0.69888 0.79483 0.19304 0.82852 0.54389 0.34595 0.64539 0.12804 0.19227 0.56981 0.12241 0.17757 0.88904 0.41089 0.24301 0.18142 0.11764 0.52416 0.06961 0.0067 0.52182 0.98343 0.89883 0.88449 0.10255 0.63081 0.87722 0.07632 0.56332 0.98615 0.05465 0.07243 0.40483 0.70356 0.5059 0.44593 0.2296 0.40066 0.09654 0.27908 0.39558 0.4008 0.6114 0.53727 0.61786 0.14901 0.64611 0.92073 0.68007 0.57962 0.79561 0.57118 0.92778 0.02735 0.72709 0.76574 0.34034 0.3454 0.80882 0.21296 0.17915 0.23555 0.30731 0.27724 0.6766 0.86131 0.71717 0.69756 0.67085 0.89116 0.55984 0.56714 0.51037 0.90521 0.95934 0.0989 0.77027 0.30289 0.81214 0.34804 0.18484 0.09909 0.82908 0.79095 0.28908 0.73095 0.21884 0.31859 0.42816 0.44091 0.4847 0.28171 0.0628 0.49625 0.92557 0.75604 0.51165 0.69414 0.74646 0.62981
+0.19102 0.58906 0.84111 0.51124 0.6712 0.00279 0.3741 0.44144 0.48559 0.26413 0.02656 0.1147 0.57039 0.39453 0.38584 0.25023 0.47758 0.03934 0.64733 0.84042 0.32806 0.42908 0.76844 0.78817 0.97106 0.76167 0.40321 0.98547 0.34936 0.5461 0.11637 0.43003 0.70708 0.14881 0.31874 0.89941 0.50093 0.29723 0.24197 0.64187 0.9022 0.21856 0.98082 0.67496 0.16936 0.23478 0.0213 0.39436 0.96564 0.34946 0.96727 0.37069 0.55071 0.18881 0.04322 0.50765 0.31605 0.6665 0.67895 0.91878 0.60776 0.19912 0.85356 0.08298 0.62619 0.42766 0.17066 0.75643 0.80385 0.37001 0.84759 0.3443 0.36167 0.84635 0.94274 0.97993 0.43941 0.64715 0.07444 0.80697 0.5378 0.72746 0.45336 0.78271 0.38357 0.45832 0.45665 0.87595 0.20828 0.15122 0.29439 0.06139 0.97417 0.86935 0.67442 0.84288 0.58864 0.65588 0.56045 0.12963 0.31489 0.73931 0.59721 0.2395 0.80004 0.96665 0.93944 0.50714 0.51687 0.06124 0.34266 0.33436 0.51109 0.77173 0.62846 0.29516 0.69526 0.66025 0.64504 0.14436 0.63813 0.59102 0.42921 0.87897 0.30667 0.71064 0.64011 0.33236 0.73556 0.49019 0.4607 0.12459 0.73585 0.15512 0.21065 0.06723 0.29362 0.14925 0.75673 0.21337 0.06098 0.64883 0.20547 0.82484 0.70998 0.21794 0.12486 0.37493 0.44696 0.8054 0.70212 0.99192 0.47824 0.50752 0.43856 0.68483 0.92802 0.87784 0.62224 0.72528 0.12393 0.68774 0.86229 0.83563 0.94172 0.25974 0.64485 0.26352 0.22632 0.05264 0.87496 0.65506 0.87081 0.9287 0.24281 0.0903 0.05876 0.51158 0.50393 0.20947 0.04308 0.50977 0.32782 0.91816 0.21405 0.85192 0.29174 0.26986 0.45891 0.28636 0.19879 0.88876 0.75374 0.71678 0.00551 0.92033 0.13636 0.61929 0.15039 0.93042 0.79664 0.79551 0.97579 0.75025 0.97485 0.1701 0.59854 0.25688 0.10743 0.86318 0.71799 0.24555 0.49744 0.39045 0.00959 0.58597 0.17232 0.31954 0.62989 0.11504 0.98128 0.67949 0.76653 0.25578 0.17338 0.76063 0.16538 0.30215 0.46078 0.82052 0.32957 0.86002 0.62216 0.04682 0.78938 0.56576 0.21812 0.29047 0.57917 0.20847 0.35904 0.34173 0.21204 0.10831 0.79044 0.20668 0.33934 0.10501 0.34998 0.7539 0.08483 0.633 0.84741 0.04715 0.87587 0.20107 0.76559 0.59946 0.97371 0.59995 0.29788 0.53446 0.9503 0.68354 0.57952 0.61697 0.01614 0.61855 0.77617 0.39985 0.98499 0.30309 0.30226 0.2038 0.16909 0.76916 0.3269 0.31096 0.89536 0.40585 0.6544 0.28414 0.67295 0.67109 0.59118 0.11196 0.56544 0.32446 0.38092 0.2387 0.2448 0.97352 0.69328 0.20239 0.3898 0.62708 0.92534 0.7301 0.01339 0.92588 0.0065 0.67112 0.84488 0.82199 0.60864 0.60769 0.88827 0.73982 0.8683 0.35838 0.2475 0.13221 0.96089 0.67442 0.8067 0.50874 0.74298 0.87245 0.20783 0.40437 0.04594 0.73819 0.76876 0.19756 0.80812 0.03188 0.08693 0.94295 0.3312 0.14121 0.86547 0.43384 0.62077 0.69565 0.44897 0.99983 0.87513 0.77215 0.75601 0.97995 0.69933 0.44486 0.78959 0.56411 0.37646 0.84472 0.97664 0.46913 0.78688 0.01268 0.71175 0.51749 0.97505 0.79759 0.90776 0.0643 0.71857 0.96891 0.21861 0.91235 0.93993 0.20144 0.30048 0.28919 0.99504 0.86331 0.07002 0.6739 0.86657 0.67005 0.81527 0.28059 0.01096 0.77177 0.71166 0.79438 0.10867 0.09562 0.84165 0.49215 0.96154 0.50869 0.76652 0.70808 0.05216 0.57624 0.51203 0.50998 0.94212 0.36159 0.23666 0.36809 0.22366 0.29359 0.81511 0.65259 0.5829 0.77039 0.09263 0.46889 0.34029 0.02648 0.58774 0.09451 0.23776 0.73047 0.36847 0.18315 0.83355 0.18889 0.68348 0.14978 0.82111 0.50187 0.18802 0.21992 0.72866 0.29273 0.19844 0.18862 0.05943 0.52485 0.98789 0.87292 0.04676 0.29078 0.91429 0.92533 0.29537 0.90064 0.60436 0.04148 0.64419 0.72828 0.49494 0.3141 0.29506 0.11685 0.52377 0.23904 0.03882 0.18955 0.76907 0.90106 0.74586 0.43741 0.4893 0.11299 0.17067 0.75858 0.32655 0.41504 0.57862 0.68614 0.0442 0.51769 0.93977 0.79748 0.64217 0.07515 0.19789 0.09795 0.81961 0.83201 0.26425 0.40354 0.93328 0.27122 0.79407 0.41755 0.05303 0.78889 0.50739 0.91987 0.23773 0.74316 0.88683 0.23158 0.85995 0.00657 0.94746 0.22074 0.4428 0.83278 0.11875 0.82945 0.43644 0.22575 0.12049 0.12562 0.72465 0.57151 0.89408 0.29199 0.7282 0.54907 0.01874 0.77056 0.82668 0.60045 0.89825 0.84764 0.33401 0.51916 0.20605 0.9802 0.4485 0.30916 0.98138 0.36645 0.69443 0.80905
+0.23989 0.04904 0.08103 0.09381 0.84704 0.36966 0.7335 0.38367 0.93015 0.0987 0.74229 0.03367 0.50628 0.99959 0.34729 0.57787 0.57015 0.65532 0.32421 0.42951 0.81808 0.00011 0.44458 0.83753 0.61239 0.46708 0.19539 0.06433 0.65175 0.73687 0.68665 0.07426 0.01306 0.1924 0.16369 0.77916 0.91616 0.79153 0.52714 0.4244 0.69634 0.63429 0.30809 0.47186 0.02419 0.18172 0.3707 0.07765 0.88334 0.1586 0.49445 0.00974 0.52733 0.91972 0.01038 0.48084 0.60747 0.89357 0.25175 0.87157 0.38889 0.26592 0.89715 0.40974 0.73849 0.10385 0.8754 0.34034 0.65477 0.1046 0.28854 0.04381 0.29274 0.68515 0.86775 0.06996 0.47424 0.44391 0.8031 0.2734 0.11809 0.01418 0.85748 0.30511 0.27638 0.81256 0.66755 0.78799 0.31016 0.81259 0.603 0.76023 0.28736 0.91754 0.01245 0.89377 0.03607 0.63244 0.9009 0.20681 0.78335 0.5398 0.68254 0.87483 0.63172 0.95395 0.26416 0.35704 0.67914 0.65978 0.53208 0.099 0.37543 0.09524 0.2467 0.1083 0.47731 0.73449 0.24124 0.85652 0.24803 0.0942 0.68176 0.58658 0.00312 0.94959 0.15309 0.62758 0.03919 0.18606 0.87788 0.61198 0.32251 0.94596 0.30253 0.79938 0.69507 0.20415 0.56825 0.32476 0.20812 0.13259 0.74654 0.58085 0.86163 0.29585 0.41847 0.45082 0.6295 0.69818 0.79757 0.89315 0.89173 0.97442 0.18477 0.5723 0.74282 0.17023 0.87131 0.43319 0.85887 0.11661 0.53722 0.57491 0.42963 0.074 0.24165 0.96582 0.50985 0.88616 0.8193 0.47336 0.84086 0.62346 0.89888 0.21386 0.38359 0.70313 0.27576 0.68451 0.92381 0.15694 0.90894 0.12229 0.0362 0.53719 0.9575 0.64928 0.12318 0.01172 0.72181 0.38246 0.04277 0.00835 0.35524 0.43031 0.6645 0.98807 0.93593 0.08371 0.54034 0.49148 0.3688 0.12018 0.34298 0.08456 0.33224 0.3429 0.75251 0.10555 0.2285 0.07237 0.95826 0.76582 0.01215 0.78519 0.15078 0.63702 0.51092 0.83386 0.66039 0.31681 0.65556 0.31907 0.41701 0.26198 0.57389 0.43098 0.71685 0.68499 0.01245 0.71186 0.23253 0.21485 0.65661 0.58405 0.49016 0.05996 0.42268 0.33553 0.71099 0.69398 0.38921 0.01142 0.79172 0.72347 0.9468 0.27792 0.55243 0.82828 0.53959 0.47289 0.78541 0.15683 0.21973 0.42468 0.82248 0.18415 0.67907 0.72306 0.2264 0.23023 0.70957 0.45188 0.52292 0.83413 0.63381 0.27089 0.79657 0.67529 0.04147 0.8073 0.29339 0.48541 0.24167 0.09571 0.76564 0.01209 0.40313 0.47208 0.21003 0.19151 0.39242 0.18171 0.76052 0.70628 0.50896 0.99706 0.70444 0.25358 0.28358 0.50629 0.59094 0.10262 0.32366 0.72058 0.43984 0.01968 0.69158 0.36768 0.25329 0.33853 0.40735 0.37986 0.3982 0.46001 0.91599 0.75726 0.44437 0.89852 0.07987 0.146 0.09848 0.22152 0.12962 0.33216 0.20309 0.32494 0.64837 0.57148 0.6587 0.8542 0.04155 0.35792 0.11824 0.05905 0.12317 0.51871 0.14905 0.19078 0.18638 0.65592 0.99788 0.94737 0.6933 0.05052 0.71288 0.23109 0.39502 0.66741 0.97669 0.91799 0.37648 0.84155 0.81735 0.73453 0.25681 0.4137 0.34793 0.30127 0.54445 0.78033 0.32994 0.23811 0.16387 0.64679 0.18535 0.08182 0.50322 0.24385 0.907 0.59805 0.86847 0.62931 0.98172 0.98431 0.51117 0.02364 0.77821 0.85864 0.016 0.98039 0.58498 0.17812 0.20407 0.33944 0.9253 0.67794 0.7599 0.13677 0.60669 0.95368 0.08008 0.27145 0.59379 0.55453 0.02343 0.47887 0.60341 0.87621 0.21216 0.23599 0.42826 0.4768 0.49908 0.57835 0.62637 0.03054 0.58532 0.70246 0.1381 0.02934 0.82589 0.80076 0.42142 0.69455 0.65877 0.02534 0.98583 0.47018 0.37235 0.14744 0.376 0.20399 0.24082 0.95061 0.90668 0.5359 0.47339 0.57276 0.80597 0.27272 0.48139 0.8236 0.30234 0.26867 0.2653 0.26265 0.94262 0.37242 0.7308 0.06698 0.74805 0.97792 0.2611 0.84051 0.67341 0.73127 0.57173 0.05535 0.80882 0.01149 0.88335 0.31731 0.7595 0.70784 0.23472 0.16942 0.92288 0.22904 0.08772 0.27851 0.89553 0.414 0.87106 0.20459 0.36501 0.12791 0.64762 0.83638 0.15061 0.95556 0.48482 0.24874 0.42663 0.93885 0.84339 0.93604 0.63163 0.73457 0.25728 0.16533 0.67895 0.78207 0.16932 0.41931 0.49451 0.00624 0.74251 0.3657 0.67517 0.61153 0.53034 0.95222 0.02125 0.49974 0.52157 0.28933 0.52789 0.9257 0.29554 0.55698 0.79371 0.16782 0.98318 0.01393 0.31842 0.76143 0.8198 0.83481 0.12408 0.3117 0.40412 0.96217 0.31868 0.05722 0.87836 0.19501 0.46507 0.22618 0.7993 0.73149
+0.30858 0.21487 0.36945 0.95628 0.83874 0.5295 0.29623 0.70374 0.67313 0.31231 0.2538 0.74324 0.98364 0.70647 0.80347 0.26278 0.15498 0.13878 0.47884 0.04312 0.15401 0.94127 0.22218 0.98762 0.37559 0.13354 0.74731 0.66552 0.53429 0.90945 0.0138 0.02318 0.75324 0.37816 0.44886 0.65738 0.67146 0.98738 0.56609 0.45845 0.11788 0.70018 0.26262 0.62162 0.62295 0.11231 0.86413 0.58673 0.46256 0.97863 0.6162 0.79025 0.95315 0.5419 0.38206 0.97199 0.42797 0.16029 0.22842 0.97015 0.99965 0.22429 0.00037 0.8381 0.78882 0.9086 0.92085 0.49666 0.33287 0.49559 0.90113 0.42902 0.81754 0.22389 0.41992 0.31381 0.73014 0.77641 0.2203 0.62629 0.34934 0.59297 0.48772 0.73455 0.62074 0.49844 0.68705 0.4306 0.7576 0.46199 0.06598 0.91698 0.62635 0.31776 0.341 0.21761 0.61121 0.498 0.05472 0.40962 0.90998 0.55673 0.45363 0.10907 0.15455 0.92087 0.46226 0.3252 0.36054 0.36263 0.66579 0.35962 0.69182 0.69755 0.74924 0.46615 0.87554 0.24241 0.70063 0.67075 0.83948 0.79226 0.35458 0.5808 0.68268 0.50945 0.13307 0.83363 0.14374 0.77874 0.3631 0.53992 0.98231 0.70034 0.9755 0.83909 0.68399 0.06578 0.48797 0.20037 0.7966 0.98509 0.13115 0.0788 0.60694 0.85958 0.02459 0.19391 0.17717 0.72853 0.62936 0.05891 0.98292 0.34582 0.2372 0.33342 0.63443 0.34234 0.74714 0.45496 0.91487 0.67831 0.62608 0.04125 0.78354 0.78826 0.84581 0.47932 0.90829 0.16155 0.25222 0.65466 0.37162 0.49038 0.09041 0.63999 0.62068 0.78685 0.67194 0.7492 0.55816 0.21008 0.46286 0.88563 0.58058 0.2562 0.21552 0.88694 0.637 0.38877 0.53895 0.84134 0.21628 0.17069 0.95608 0.38787 0.11671 0.53175 0.82446 0.25093 0.67442 0.61666 0.45949 0.28749 0.60114 0.45211 0.54071 0.28413 0.89877 0.42191 0.97828 0.7938 0.50497 0.91002 0.57457 0.28707 0.73372 0.79745 0.05387 0.87852 0.49057 0.19325 0.74118 0.895 0.67677 0.19429 0.0337 0.98391 0.98408 0.55281 0.30947 0.66289 0.33903 0.97169 0.51387 0.786 0.72175 0.94929 0.50348 0.56604 0.59855 0.07304 0.07778 0.56602 0.11781 0.70131 0.02147 0.74757 0.63495 0.29152 0.21641 0.97768 0.66458 0.88677 0.02062 0.39249 0.18058 0.69752 0.11634 0.64573 0.19034 0.2125 0.58758 0.02204 0.23512 0.4423 0.05529 0.61604 0.63283 0.62631 0.15158 0.88184 0.17146 0.4212 0.95054 0.67826 0.02524 0.48646 0.82824 0.96752 0.80566 0.10526 0.58524 0.41185 0.77078 0.73883 0.5204 0.06567 0.38528 0.30719 0.49757 0.25662 0.34584 0.18512 0.14284 0.0249 0.25602 0.23658 0.0721 0.39225 0.24789 0.30734 0.55267 0.26851 0.40097 0.39346 0.92766 0.48226 0.88513 0.77191 0.64581 0.78288 0.26852 0.2218 0.19634 0.37327 0.57087 0.60481 0.14653 0.49026 0.92695 0.00973 0.61289 0.66905 0.18347 0.70986 0.93148 0.70995 0.337 0.41357 0.53321 0.27114 0.33069 0.73763 0.02399 0.4183 0.06414 0.27364 0.20355 0.47113 0.38237 0.78435 0.53748 0.79063 0.56349 0.0594 0.86909 0.41849 0.72977 0.55114 0.64558 0.99988 0.72228 0.98229 0.03513 0.25217 0.25458 0.19868 0.49407 0.57337 0.17368 0.71911 0.74288 0.80073 0.58113 0.2352 0.93275 0.13905 0.00539 0.20853 0.16896 0.72695 0.43064 0.11046 0.69086 0.37803 0.25767 0.57739 0.06137 0.48993 0.86217 0.70171 0.92005 0.88923 0.34769 0.75312 0.69133 0.49002 0.25175 0.61693 0.6534 0.08149 0.89555 0.32004 0.8339 0.0386 0.42677 0.14692 0.35244 0.52217 0.55585 0.67671 0.91908 0.44629 0.97084 0.96617 0.59992 0.13242 0.82738 0.58465 0.91479 0.55313 0.5377 0.27523 0.48894 0.97196 0.42394 0.4214 0.80592 0.70873 0.35314 0.53158 0.50721 0.33 0.45071 0.52871 0.10958 0.08312 0.85542 0.98011 0.05162 0.21491 0.08055 0.73362 0.718 0.36185 0.27083 0.34793 0.73853 0.59825 0.68368 0.83016 0.19718 0.11143 0.30598 0.86664 0.4773 0.72816 0.76279 0.81008 0.94156 0.66444 0.80073 0.74447 0.114 0.81635 0.89376 0.79042 0.05425 0.43487 0.0032 0.29911 0.6068 0.32077 0.31781 0.70301 0.53686 0.1268 0.91468 0.41878 0.08788 0.57473 0.86552 0.53481 0.15334 0.13217 0.70906 0.8386 0.96671 0.22467 0.47439 0.06888 0.14514 0.84564 0.54426 0.4759 0.38579 0.79871 0.28006 0.72793 0.13424 0.62195 0.71099 0.46268 0.06795 0.94299 0.95449 0.33904 0.21267 0.2739 0.78322 0.73709 0.65588 0.64753 0.55123 0.35419 0.41975 0.34551 0.91546 0.47318 0.08792 0.9405
+0.55777 0.15426 0.82769 0.54797 0.04376 0.1718 0.51995 0.29681 0.37565 0.7321 0.50246 0.78965 0.64332 0.56311 0.18605 0.93994 0.1652 0.4274 0.04219 0.37601 0.00334 0.95338 0.98675 0.7806 0.06122 0.46461 0.27813 0.14037 0.7844 0.59786 0.24274 0.62361 0.70209 0.45763 0.63614 0.4212 0.52548 0.89051 0.34917 0.66349 0.73785 0.14888 0.68939 0.73291 0.51021 0.90544 0.80781 0.54998 0.33725 0.00408 0.09808 0.64501 0.2297 0.67785 0.13468 0.59993 0.15004 0.03825 0.73312 0.6657 0.32564 0.44607 0.22549 0.04166 0.30081 0.41728 0.18323 0.53155 0.14728 0.94209 0.10696 0.47084 0.37825 0.06538 0.8663 0.58135 0.02207 0.15051 0.12089 0.04109 0.21653 0.82999 0.40056 0.74511 0.61784 0.15457 0.29443 0.93065 0.63299 0.59828 0.06235 0.90074 0.59485 0.20406 0.48314 0.57641 0.85343 0.79933 0.36363 0.00567 0.33998 0.7885 0.16956 0.21225 0.56205 0.57806 0.83412 0.51401 0.97024 0.32665 0.54975 0.68323 0.13003 0.77882 0.31275 0.02727 0.11356 0.45927 0.83958 0.68755 0.15177 0.48611 0.23556 0.00327 0.76511 0.2209 0.7234 0.28991 0.66448 0.55158 0.4605 0.0935 0.45711 0.35656 0.1012 0.22978 0.09786 0.381 0.94495 0.44694 0.5904 0.34717 0.8743 0.24885 0.33545 0.83424 0.26558 0.88285 0.8804 0.77246 0.3966 0.45554 0.9211 0.63338 0.56342 0.94822 0.09799 0.09178 0.43218 0.62776 0.52342 0.95168 0.03288 0.02481 0.64096 0.51117 0.84127 0.7956 0.20406 0.04233 0.7681 0.84527 0.32273 0.90457 0.28083 0.95585 0.64918 0.32418 0.52558 0.74676 0.1639 0.82201 0.28844 0.14838 0.17004 0.39952 0.41387 0.97756 0.84058 0.35326 0.38674 0.60085 0.55593 0.09137 0.81141 0.9523 0.65268 0.13704 0.12576 0.94142 0.23116 0.75347 0.61056 0.51626 0.00988 0.6218 0.72966 0.7095 0.91201 0.47682 0.67013 0.10832 0.88629 0.93201 0.95679 0.15236 0.26506 0.94969 0.9649 0.88338 0.02239 0.95358 0.82539 0.08691 0.9059 0.0262 0.06521 0.37959 0.30055 0.85618 0.53305 0.68761 0.19731 0.81812 0.81615 0.64297 0.38219 0.40478 0.22425 0.07716 0.12385 0.90122 0.7404 0.77493 0.00889 0.06854 0.38283 0.87091 0.96479 0.73684 0.77246 0.21374 0.59608 0.3395 0.40751 0.34207 0.60699 0.96995 0.74406 0.04128 0.85157 0.59617 0.9804 0.47906 0.40076 0.22584 0.21635 0.65494 0.0352 0.75404 0.91462 0.42463 0.5314 0.18207 0.53341 0.25911 0.8118 0.64564 0.14072 0.64178 0.85673 0.99808 0.89633 0.09798 0.38838 0.51159 0.08707 0.18703 0.73743 0.97369 0.58121 0.35452 0.71336 0.94796 0.23685 0.66464 0.05077 0.94046 0.50835 0.839 0.58013 0.51588 0.79505 0.74027 0.98451 0.39689 0.68595 0.94933 0.18677 0.75792 0.30015 0.07771 0.70888 0.43719 0.19339 0.90652 0.38724 0.64563 0.69949 0.22313 0.71167 0.37139 0.65705 0.25512 0.22894 0.5501 0.01011 0.18271 0.42662 0.09632 0.64756 0.04132 0.36454 0.69165 0.04566 0.8032 0.68762 0.6555 0.33114 0.2113 0.5627 0.61881 0.4329 0.49498 0.6892 0.69445 0.8288 0.74853 0.94166 0.21025 0.2258 0.26745 0.41325 0.98327 0.77559 0.37566 0.94416 0.09608 0.08423 0.24806 0.74665 0.04341 0.95897 0.47835 0.04839 0.43434 0.09539 0.02182 0.2357 0.62716 0.83823 0.33246 0.6895 0.42934 0.34618 0.35848 0.38376 0.09419 0.48249 0.10675 0.96026 0.49398 0.18595 0.04552 0.85191 0.74212 0.04178 0.45444 0.27722 0.95114 0.29875 0.74971 0.18705 0.79155 0.52005 0.5688 0.17924 0.28797 0.0122 0.34034 0.37868 0.73146 0.05003 0.41283 0.93645 0.14628 0.46266 0.07726 0.71142 0.35732 0.85287 0.59938 0.54577 0.23143 0.19615 0.03838 0.78564 0.99088 0.62592 0.46526 0.21632 0.26068 0.17854 0.9033 0.49695 0.932 0.24995 0.58823 0.05514 0.08506 0.77293 0.09985 0.40427 0.45213 0.77077 0.32647 0.59021 0.375 0.61151 0.72592 0.91034 0.4957 0.23188 0.56773 0.73674 0.13233 0.93976 0.42875 0.44673 0.33963 0.70754 0.47029 0.16862 0.23648 0.056 0.4159 0.48264 0.61083 0.47757 0.6564 0.12114 0.00776 0.30791 0.84035 0.9115 0.17108 0.0326 0.53174 0.55009 0.77054 0.1461 0.57607 0.56061 0.78282 0.37491 0.64527 0.33615 0.34572 0.73474 0.32247 0.69086 0.8106 0.50114 0.96392 0.09969 0.4938 0.00971 0.81722 0.95088 0.40094 0.50453 0.36046 0.71072 0.18118 0.39385 0.88559 0.11601 0.31407 0.54022 0.51696 0.83568 0.74457 0.54058 0.33675 0.36745 0.78547 0.58764 0.64349 0.43773 0.70634 0.64122 0.97459
+0.0453 0.31282 0.38839 0.15296 0.54199 0.71796 0.56749 0.55863 0.35873 0.20815 0.24912 0.70422 0.04667 0.85557 0.2166 0.84108 0.36842 0.63556 0.82144 0.02828 0.99621 0.45573 0.8419 0.15806 0.29864 0.5413 0.54375 0.2844 0.36903 0.53036 0.9023 0.28083 0.17689 0.07716 0.7531 0.54767 0.51332 0.42542 0.36646 0.73449 0.65209 0.66441 0.44174 0.52215 0.0247 0.86006 0.37729 0.54821 0.60852 0.58636 0.31765 0.59547 0.88078 0.3084 0.32663 0.01685 0.70494 0.34698 0.13309 0.87706 0.83321 0.06903 0.02853 0.34539 0.31087 0.15426 0.69935 0.09805 0.70696 0.49213 0.59906 0.44319 0.01179 0.95189 0.87661 0.28936 0.36405 0.47195 0.25032 0.17868 0.99498 0.22216 0.83199 0.5925 0.65019 0.30369 0.78237 0.73674 0.13338 0.37529 0.37376 0.52589 0.05523 0.89431 0.8122 0.27951 0.97496 0.98167 0.12324 0.25007 0.64104 0.61671 0.89454 0.17441 0.63464 0.81391 0.93528 0.779 0.23241 0.03204 0.35529 0.07316 0.15117 0.37742 0.06271 0.72671 0.01233 0.65326 0.04208 0.111 0.22492 0.75378 0.09712 0.29812 0.4306 0.79838 0.13079 0.32168 0.67158 0.84635 0.03957 0.79429 0.47941 0.76476 0.72906 0.77365 0.20234 0.69539 0.67283 0.94309 0.24393 0.35078 0.21181 0.04545 0.31583 0.62698 0.54671 0.20451 0.45331 0.88601 0.225 0.03258 0.61192 0.60541 0.15633 0.0416 0.00938 0.15584 0.17442 0.63549 0.44489 0.1857 0.34748 0.22245 0.47538 0.64683 0.86191 0.35671 0.95291 0.0932 0.54799 0.52814 0.81382 0.18156 0.22331 0.51881 0.74586 0.64151 0.24737 0.97972 0.95517 0.92333 0.77428 0.46629 0.75549 0.86892 0.58688 0.61595 0.83462 0.01856 0.63131 0.15647 0.84925 0.74426 0.92158 0.60303 0.04832 0.07833 0.64594 0.32883 0.06628 0.20601 0.67662 0.63867 0.65081 0.57466 0.38454 0.52911 0.20974 0.3584 0.83283 0.40058 0.76184 0.40044 0.72937 0.55419 0.24302 0.5043 0.08539 0.74367 0.45558 0.67381 0.92606 0.81275 0.40025 0.69727 0.59189 0.01911 0.0098 0.64134 0.51268 0.44471 0.12061 0.60694 0.21134 0.746 0.42191 0.33792 0.91189 0.68506 0.84169 0.34339 0.69516 0.0271 0.63947 0.62794 0.73425 0.61489 0.93653 0.11298 0.53633 0.74451 0.95313 0.35631 0.19436 0.50249 0.89965 0.85699 0.22777 0.59455 0.83566 0.96025 0.86742 0.00438 0.53786 0.90548 0.89855 0.79236 0.57137 0.74065 0.34432 0.84821 0.70958 0.35016 0.23178 0.05107 0.43071 0.9717 0.41626 0.80793 0.85523 0.49043 0.79593 0.92974 0.24292 0.204 0.2802 0.5282 0.70809 0.06195 0.56843 0.89986 0.35277 0.872 0.56434 0.56453 0.35458 0.36007 0.03493 0.70264 0.17423 0.91802 0.69781 0.72641 0.03455 0.11838 0.22272 0.04553 0.82301 0.36847 0.66767 0.26045 0.18907 0.93083 0.68338 0.4053 0.41522 0.74503 0.91069 0.39372 0.61467 0.70432 0.61033 0.44958 0.47007 0.97051 0.84789 0.41755 0.99102 0.48505 0.29967 0.2863 0.40667 0.96037 0.42075 0.54216 0.94649 0.20091 0.67918 0.29271 0.91377 0.38793 0.75543 0.72074 0.63941 0.01887 0.16483 0.90571 0.58861 0.49677 0.87896 0.56515 0.2136 0.38446 0.60859 0.94617 0.93936 0.5103 0.61132 0.66282 0.24969 0.59025 0.55775 0.61266 0.33994 0.56769 0.63872 0.38061 0.87607 0.87861 0.21435 0.56286 0.87513 0.34303 0.45807 0.64876 0.4941 0.90526 0.55098 0.56161 0.74341 0.30251 0.5133 0.47296 0.21725 0.3033 0.81235 0.05742 0.62758 0.57355 0.01402 0.18059 0.57975 0.64573 0.43741 0.82093 0.35499 0.89346 0.83764 0.64279 0.23167 0.1124 0.24433 0.69118 0.96997 0.95826 0.87142 0.75489 0.11242 0.5731 0.35353 0.18534 0.06311 0.23837 0.35149 0.72026 0.71073 0.32229 0.57379 0.0646 0.57697 0.90886 0.54254 0.12424 0.79906 0.98366 0.82612 0.52162 0.71015 0.62019 0.07952 0.12054 0.20262 0.87338 0.81325 0.6964 0.30966 0.00622 0.6715 0.67591 0.48611 0.37407 0.98045 0.20364 0.34245 0.07795 0.2418 0.46877 0.98262 0.4 0.65387 0.25223 0.95676 0.53668 0.58776 0.26052 0.56073 0.50674 0.45999 0.0564 0.89474 0.99553 0.74804 0.41211 0.00876 0.1481 0.08422 0.82972 0.6048 0.6454 0.03848 0.05712 0.82237 0.91516 0.4252 0.02246 0.87296 0.89826 0.67373 0.47269 0.89987 0.18995 0.14865 0.39303 0.15337 0.15455 0.49839 0.61768 0.17982 0.92919 0.27039 0.60309 0.67104 0.15773 0.06713 0.62808 0.27907 0.68942 0.9819 0.03263 0.97637 0.77997 0.05092 0.81079 0.19968 0.01124 0.86162 0.8242 0.51948 0.06961 0.36772 0.94214
+0.72731 0.4456 0.38292 0.00235 0.0505 0.09384 0.8772 0.83214 0.0409 0.32908 0.01391 0.0037 0.09757 0.34432 0.63786 0.90236 0.51426 0.60466 0.54654 0.51019 0.22171 0.82429 0.02984 0.62901 0.94132 0.44631 0.21398 0.48135 0.14005 0.84034 0.17477 0.64847 0.76407 0.80488 0.98818 0.30849 0.11583 0.42667 0.52346 0.92794 0.35273 0.37947 0.67403 0.35373 0.23706 0.26687 0.42374 0.58292 0.8633 0.75626 0.411 0.6172 0.02091 0.40997 0.40451 0.26277 0.26179 0.46581 0.23237 0.49073 0.90114 0.14412 0.85023 0.28719 0.62989 0.66389 0.92801 0.88642 0.18696 0.15201 0.80339 0.8925 0.11864 0.74585 0.44649 0.70831 0.62316 0.08849 0.58024 0.39637 0.27711 0.13675 0.4864 0.78166 0.37918 0.63465 0.2481 0.04167 0.97692 0.19829 0.4698 0.74468 0.58073 0.35143 0.43588 0.68449 0.37195 0.13336 0.35575 0.82567 0.13918 0.68439 0.23381 0.73722 0.6822 0.02827 0.52469 0.87426 0.65428 0.64869 0.37722 0.62213 0.15731 0.81822 0.84162 0.69959 0.219 0.92693 0.07559 0.12336 0.94455 0.68067 0.84065 0.83583 0.79015 0.54179 0.60783 0.02602 0.16443 0.01032 0.48977 0.11114 0.0422 0.9246 0.40921 0.76116 0.55567 0.18467 0.56781 0.80686 0.06237 0.73175 0.45316 0.80377 0.95589 0.98103 0.95237 0.68724 0.7781 0.76204 0.29647 0.1854 0.92225 0.52608 0.25908 0.07386 0.06224 0.78722 0.52314 0.82328 0.40821 0.78681 0.78006 0.8611 0.33549 0.83605 0.54012 0.8891 0.90275 0.1467 0.02319 0.0484 0.79367 0.2244 0.93192 0.95024 0.18328 0.52036 0.23084 0.07005 0.06723 0.3804 0.06015 0.07879 0.08075 0.76268 0.9054 0.78839 0.36763 0.7717 0.23962 0.68087 0.25903 0.98232 0.76985 0.13198 0.27851 0.50609 0.8611 0.00434 0.05273 0.40259 0.45685 0.53381 0.03339 0.49478 0.77233 0.43049 0.58111 0.3189 0.69555 0.0303 0.01254 0.90936 0.85167 0.15938 0.68061 0.87651 0.40012 0.24845 0.12443 0.67262 0.91457 0.18336 0.13771 0.39109 0.0052 0.10058 0.30599 0.59546 0.65423 0.06596 0.93221 0.92058 0.38782 0.50663 0.50869 0.54843 0.68235 0.25526 0.16662 0.54374 0.77645 0.90028 0.0854 0.38824 0.08397 0.80446 0.09491 0.33978 0.01698 0.67961 0.33126 0.39352 0.66497 0.97137 0.29945 0.86713 0.22233 0.08116 0.58315 0.14934 0.59048 0.98784 0.78737 0.69816 0.44267 0.95733 0.94225 0.43806 0.90716 0.78735 0.66978 0.49117 0.81994 0.49454 0.76287 0.45623 0.39381 0.08355 0.79812 0.32191 0.97005 0.26045 0.12234 0.68269 0.16869 0.44151 0.01003 0.02894 0.47936 0.33878 0.83192 0.10426 0.33739 0.1118 0.86751 0.66377 0.88867 0.85679 0.781 0.66944 0.74012 0.11736 0.47223 0.71935 0.30624 0.25418 0.93599 0.2499 0.85638 0.25074 0.25797 0.17023 0.27994 0.23983 0.46207 0.39407 0.99426 0.3072 0.60252 0.03494 0.12889 0.10045 0.80964 0.83542 0.72522 0.87735 0.61751 0.43644 0.86334 0.8892 0.62335 0.24205 0.81527 0.16827 0.98972 0.82811 0.07607 0.5205 0.86014 0.33055 0.51386 0.21246 0.35112 0.52843 0.20345 0.02666 0.81578 0.55349 0.75541 0.44915 0.0679 0.67737 0.98269 0.59918 0.4441 0.94399 0.58656 0.27693 0.30307 0.26001 0.80805 0.8864 0.03178 0.87046 0.25816 0.30295 0.68192 0.43836 0.75135 0.2478 0.46645 0.54246 0.95244 0.10368 0.88826 0.16437 0.54387 0.83462 0.25779 0.21668 0.24988 0.64281 0.14678 0.16656 0.61812 0.70818 0.77463 0.43852 0.04392 0.74359 0.64094 0.82649 0.38597 0.10009 0.83917 0.16942 0.38812 0.82433 0.54033 0.179 0.04505 0.39771 0.05438 0.40666 0.28368 0.29888 0.96453 0.42006 0.8584 0.82847 0.83615 0.59982 0.0804 0.97351 0.25004 0.6055 0.40886 0.50363 0.8928 0.89704 0.10886 0.42302 0.36235 0.06815 0.81196 0.20744 0.78421 0.92374 0.14022 0.63915 0.56793 0.37168 0.56717 0.01693 0.96944 0.78698 0.12328 0.41208 0.49844 0.95846 0.95594 0.57268 0.58636 0.99916 0.2327 0.49672 0.63608 0.60092 0.3204 0.73168 0.64365 0.86828 0.85751 0.13604 0.22984 0.56838 0.82797 0.76596 0.53546 0.1687 0.80052 0.6074 0.97994 0.73109 0.76325 0.55315 0.06149 0.39328 0.61862 0.43595 0.7871 0.17836 0.47801 0.42384 0.84522 0.98668 0.67776 0.67339 0.20855 0.82842 0.86574 0.03455 0.83407 0.45185 0.97031 0.27284 0.47948 0.5241 0.32059 0.14101 0.83441 0.76743 0.77856 0.61656 0.89406 0.4944 0.74271 0.48801 0.97696 0.07445 0.84119 0.74497 0.32566 0.68733 0.94491 0.80941 0.99423 0.36021 0.13817 0.30424
+0.59176 0.64362 0.00971 0.78549 0.19119 0.7072 0.96973 0.38264 0.52218 0.01686 0.88995 0.72245 0.49607 0.8717 0.97275 0.0475 0.71273 0.041 0.26402 0.16771 0.70899 0.37404 0.2587 0.44158 0.93671 0.71692 0.46621 0.49854 0.88392 0.08125 0.57852 0.3014 0.38934 0.10454 0.6426 0.05897 0.19493 0.90384 0.8983 0.16735 0.5228 0.85092 0.95313 0.44631 0.17169 0.45857 0.08932 0.93432 0.40073 0.64753 0.9374 0.2335 0.12978 0.19756 0.23353 0.97751 0.70261 0.61918 0.53983 0.72798 0.32754 0.57488 0.753 0.63718 0.74284 0.1882 0.53386 0.64561 0.2201 0.17431 0.30325 0.40525 0.23049 0.0958 0.79326 0.08902 0.19165 0.7558 0.22078 0.25309 0.28013 0.24394 0.92721 0.81965 0.1108 0.28167 0.87264 0.75466 0.09435 0.60076 0.24322 0.03469 0.55668 0.09135 0.68508 0.34391 0.37659 0.79556 0.19847 0.12151 0.5693 0.00551 0.55998 0.56921 0.90535 0.65382 0.23322 0.68934 0.79837 0.94892 0.77517 0.16584 0.95556 0.49007 0.66937 0.36304 0.61846 0.44005 0.95337 0.35763 0.08017 0.81256 0.22906 0.79037 0.53427 0.33076 0.307 0.96243 0.80782 0.51505 0.0187 0.05274 0.7262 0.47328 0.01797 0.36043 0.82549 0.98008 0.97096 0.42673 0.06222 0.09399 0.54812 0.79301 0.13888 0.5407 0.85619 0.61018 0.98238 0.36196 0.44061 0.05528 0.66017 0.27645 0.39213 0.29221 0.55921 0.82865 0.40324 0.0958 0.62833 0.73543 0.31225 0.01842 0.60617 0.70065 0.85208 0.36415 0.22747 0.07813 0.20325 0.78231 0.03386 0.32756 0.79445 0.4441 0.52647 0.58256 0.47374 0.36693 0.86758 0.04769 0.49625 0.38044 0.20746 0.66368 0.16909 0.68967 0.23399 0.93696 0.59088 0.05001 0.24624 0.22248 0.81478 0.56577 0.73191 0.65401 0.4282 0.49027 0.15569 0.30262 0.50491 0.49113 0.23331 0.93013 0.52109 0.67348 0.50599 0.24879 0.2874 0.76307 0.65221 0.12396 0.50844 0.35755 0.88435 0.67257 0.01233 0.35918 0.1652 0.21818 0.43962 0.33011 0.44239 0.27724 0.88876 0.96356 0.17254 0.75531 0.13631 0.74744 0.19962 0.37839 0.00288 0.70073 0.94802 0.80178 0.09987 0.62689 0.22528 0.75017 0.88811 0.20552 0.33435 0.33174 0.57794 0.51032 0.91644 0.47276 0.58599 0.67056 0.35418 0.62399 0.30102 0.18619 0.1027 0.65102 0.96062 0.14513 0.74717 0.80898 0.30775 0.13622 0.74015 0.49628 0.23609 0.89826 0.92998 0.24363 0.87806 0.55146 0.59035 0.82106 0.54313 0.8716 0.67818 0.71842 0.48437 0.49785 0.90721 0.76986 0.17621 0.18427 0.61034 0.54843 0.95798 0.69831 0.77649 0.83478 0.12217 0.6148 0.84621 0.60082 0.77161 0.15911 0.37336 0.88445 0.98053 0.34771 0.74341 0.04795 0.99659 0.01144 0.494 0.28956 0.86726 0.07941 0.8041 0.1704 0.58827 0.45084 0.14195 0.07232 0.87017 0.48605 0.73582 0.67845 0.71505 0.66235 0.86261 0.17917 0.71864 0.16972 0.86564 0.38785 0.25527 0.53896 0.05871 0.71988 0.49589 0.58018 0.20797 0.64501 0.72009 0.05934 0.33587 0.18719 0.03199 0.24325 0.09805 0.89878 0.0356 0.16895 0.58 0.22104 0.29464 0.12892 0.73235 0.1239 0.87396 0.89857 0.01872 0.62945 0.94418 0.56972 0.47938 0.41201 0.35469 0.94775 0.92642 0.22512 0.14995 0.61392 0.04858 0.92651 0.9972 0.99034 0.76949 0.73502 0.5311 0.33253 0.68349 0.40088 0.06632 0.71344 0.35057 0.18931 0.05747 0.5409 0.69664 0.04265 0.08433 0.28498 0.33235 0.32079 0.08693 0.12545 0.16104 0.7444 0.49769 0.09496 0.46475 0.7303 0.22736 0.8553 0.60029 0.98097 0.23435 0.27926 0.36589 0.02407 0.34691 0.17912 0.35289 0.71128 0.94774 0.60984 0.54903 0.88918 0.67758 0.94177 0.24851 0.88492 0.01082 0.36991 0.05132 0.43159 0.90927 0.96778 0.15576 0.98447 0.9554 0.40895 0.82368 0.68492 0.9596 0.58164 0.78959 0.31216 0.27589 0.98658 0.45578 0.53224 0.9361 0.85099 0.44346 0.09354 0.7988 0.31428 0.90072 0.53995 0.62905 0.53545 0.18856 0.62449 0.40643 0.85772 0.29417 0.26957 0.15143 0.6959 0.08788 0.95315 0.32219 0.62411 0.38312 0.92786 0.04487 0.75824 0.1852 0.87575 0.82215 0.4612 0.37353 0.84819 0.58873 0.35386 0.96125 0.27472 0.03179 0.30333 0.92817 0.02232 0.41274 0.1668 0.2277 0.47686 0.13569 0.80593 0.51588 0.7156 0.1973 0.69046 0.03701 0.69757 0.31893 0.686 0.14381 0.9766 0.94961 0.7954 0.09251 0.37533 0.34619 0.70246 0.60798 0.63208 0.62703 0.88006 0.42817 0.46511 0.01766 0.07518 0.18633 0.14446 0.87991 0.39018 0.47117 0.5742 0.48313 0.97603
+0.02118 0.30779 0.74819 0.40435 0.89065 0.16701 0.98016 0.64809 0.21948 0.11408 0.18059 0.05513 0.38392 0.88116 0.59506 0.61834 0.5912 0.29972 0.89359 0.00089 0.91141 0.74221 0.0477 0.4459 0.78551 0.98066 0.6149 0.53376 0.30093 0.91692 0.92172 0.46843 0.2045 0.8966 0.16621 0.10704 0.35931 0.13181 0.14247 0.79695 0.65361 0.3965 0.71686 0.86677 0.34941 0.60453 0.04017 0.10283 0.15742 0.89998 0.91946 0.57425 0.48696 0.1059 0.55064 0.78713 0.52428 0.00797 0.91132 0.42988 0.91754 0.46022 0.13929 0.19754 0.05726 0.59413 0.30317 0.52312 0.16659 0.51208 0.53695 0.90814 0.59964 0.16394 0.51873 0.6198 0.35878 0.65873 0.05319 0.76784 0.26981 0.72767 0.56111 0.90772 0.83742 0.40668 0.54921 0.77816 0.67438 0.1036 0.7138 0.31269 0.63661 0.89274 0.53655 0.59419 0.88965 0.51438 0.72434 0.49104 0.02578 0.65254 0.67858 0.47645 0.89838 0.20673 0.91714 0.32867 0.1024 0.61045 0.29638 0.61141 0.13299 0.90446 0.13069 0.06805 0.2359 0.35093 0.12929 0.37614 0.03019 0.16787 0.93285 0.13777 0.85204 0.37887 0.08436 0.19364 0.07522 0.40906 0.81174 0.53498 0.41679 0.51547 0.87928 0.7017 0.71115 0.43918 0.88022 0.93001 0.74852 0.8022 0.55308 0.41436 0.24174 0.22324 0.71017 0.64343 0.93456 0.91443 0.13317 0.12447 0.72858 0.64583 0.64705 0.50746 0.32607 0.65298 0.37406 0.79791 0.43274 0.82033 0.68037 0.46063 0.93798 0.9407 0.44427 0.78592 0.66645 0.36057 0.6116 0.30176 0.92355 0.21144 0.95266 0.59748 0.34941 0.38942 0.68352 0.18922 0.71729 0.64839 0.57419 0.65852 0.8673 0.64877 0.69234 0.24667 0.0819 0.2449 0.65156 0.58004 0.35804 0.41696 0.36468 0.44918 0.37722 0.55555 0.88923 0.74395 0.8396 0.63799 0.93771 0.73692 0.02668 0.74845 0.40954 0.43826 0.56588 0.10365 0.75878 0.0121 0.12659 0.32131 0.37842 0.86645 0.61079 0.74875 0.96599 0.1364 0.47264 0.69389 0.38315 0.52956 0.33897 0.64709 0.3032 0.79679 0.97207 0.29036 0.07439 0.30948 0.66667 0.26774 0.21199 0.50658 0.95264 0.03514 0.67726 0.90192 0.71372 0.2977 0.14771 0.1301 0.8526 0.09667 0.62642 0.07821 0.17995 0.1341 0.41407 0.38528 0.5751 0.31773 0.23638 0.58166 0.13987 0.29676 0.01819 0.74055 0.76082 0.95087 0.19766 0.11987 0.35304 0.87899 0.18464 0.17112 0.76772 0.82607 0.22532 0.29995 0.91404 0.32937 0.57685 0.14388 0.83691 0.32269 0.97401 0.6387 0.24842 0.40741 0.81293 0.62306 0.82279 0.62965 0.05459 0.76158 0.21993 0.67504 0.05138 0.91316 0.80944 0.48592 0.44721 0.74552 0.37563 0.77469 0.5427 0.72591 0.70551 0.95025 0.22281 0.44234 0.25555 0.96798 0.49382 0.63689 0.04923 0.59599 0.34751 0.53189 0.43697 0.56957 0.13966 0.721 0.62193 0.56474 0.47855 0.01348 0.77573 0.62134 0.93956 0.46579 0.02832 0.66568 0.33407 0.00455 0.55199 0.92751 0.95424 0.35292 0.49096 0.52408 0.00658 0.27129 0.11587 0.8783 0.0279 0.07469 0.65801 0.77296 0.38568 0.15943 0.6313 0.35304 0.90685 0.54537 0.03809 0.93186 0.864 0.99123 0.0959 0.28032 0.36661 0.1495 0.17998 0.7578 0.61267 0.77535 0.47203 0.06017 0.33735 0.5488 0.99311 0.04449 0.67451 0.08652 0.30586 0.50732 0.49338 0.31838 0.74574 0.27119 0.99982 0.52683 0.47377 0.97642 0.90773 0.56907 0.33938 0.29106 0.20234 0.45254 0.53465 0.32544 0.7655 0.37003 0.73746 0.44653 0.39836 0.18902 0.87312 0.13331 0.13765 0.68959 0.78021 0.14349 0.0984 0.02533 0.16206 0.23479 0.79243 0.7765 0.59624 0.82426 0.7144 0.63743 0.97497 0.53696 0.36227 0.93534 0.26161 0.25456 0.64883 0.60673 0.01283 0.54 0.17252 0.20699 0.08192 0.01383 0.21958 0.4247 0.51278 0.67557 0.99128 0.64215 0.00414 0.50523 0.22146 0.23266 0.06929 0.52047 0.97342 0.01203 0.3326 0.6837 0.43613 0.58014 0.72917 0.61201 0.33434 0.12164 0.2909 0.63851 0.73378 0.73419 0.57698 0.51121 0.02609 0.64655 0.85989 0.61944 0.61826 0.88253 0.67346 0.08599 0.04452 0.43966 0.41298 0.68804 0.03735 0.64671 0.68707 0.72205 0.03306 0.08368 0.39249 0.35901 0.12789 0.86421 0.66262 0.51671 0.2012 0.07873 0.08602 0.02801 0.6724 0.75817 0.28891 0.88408 0.99537 0.38942 0.26896 0.74119 0.69461 0.41345 0.17094 0.53228 0.47461 0.82346 0.06001 0.08238 0.64784 0.26782 0.88954 0.17535 0.12559 0.208 0.3335 0.59124 0.00731 0.31561 0.58515 0.80826 0.16156 0.20921 0.56449 0.88987 0.2704 0.41012
+0.33199 0.80711 0.90999 0.13228 0.36328 0.44595 0.64201 0.90853 0.30698 0.6181 0.94529 0.71759 0.28397 0.98946 0.47253 0.09111 0.42047 0.84502 0.82334 0.20007 0.83393 0.59237 0.68026 0.43352 0.46617 0.97768 0.5828 0.916 0.38007 0.5555 0.53132 0.12915 0.83087 0.93212 0.47045 0.39258 0.55463 0.10678 0.80819 0.86821 0.74963 0.78821 0.75016 0.19144 0.40809 0.1838 0.39223 0.73684 0.74793 0.65072 0.50892 0.83918 0.32382 0.37395 0.33141 0.28114 0.53176 0.62229 0.30612 0.2459 0.69295 0.08103 0.65642 0.65304 0.27769 0.93931 0.83528 0.25793 0.78558 0.2259 0.31369 0.5644 0.16866 0.06968 0.20804 0.92432 0.34469 0.18729 0.66493 0.5408 0.874 0.14714 0.88571 0.98542 0.73812 0.84447 0.52867 0.1931 0.58398 0.4362 0.77195 0.26709 0.08189 0.34011 0.03586 0.50995 0.40959 0.84626 0.49743 0.42825 0.15204 0.63266 0.49008 0.08802 0.79074 0.88987 0.73896 0.6669 0.7146 0.52459 0.76059 0.58814 0.24629 0.95057 0.57629 0.295 0.10564 0.24711 0.98214 0.5299 0.74851 0.42586 0.95379 0.20403 0.81867 0.41339 0.3626 0.16075 0.80954 0.7774 0.1466 0.83047 0.45292 0.32804 0.60621 0.3537 0.10129 0.86763 0.26145 0.8335 0.64136 0.10046 0.641 0.56126 0.16532 0.06428 0.51363 0.35022 0.0139 0.27439 0.27958 0.31209 0.44784 0.26323 0.90964 0.10227 0.77084 0.43136 0.06295 0.33192 0.8351 0.71929 0.11503 0.74111 0.39924 0.98223 0.45327 0.30768 0.57587 0.09057 0.68376 0.36556 0.21032 0.70472 0.45211 0.02694 0.14063 0.58089 0.88002 0.38044 0.18678 0.87241 0.62464 0.79646 0.85055 0.20946 0.82342 0.44175 0.16461 0.24981 0.74063 0.52938 0.58379 0.09829 0.01235 0.30354 0.92528 0.65015 0.57501 0.37903 0.9067 0.41241 0.63871 0.08611 0.20082 0.59225 0.80689 0.83055 0.05541 0.31234 0.54451 0.97285 0.42861 0.68231 0.20719 0.09206 0.53399 0.41492 0.79095 0.43061 0.37457 0.77561 0.31321 0.71265 0.14772 0.89261 0.26467 0.10683 0.58808 0.06865 0.0051 0.48386 0.57353 0.26616 0.04207 0.10249 0.27322 0.41898 0.83696 0.25014 0.03466 0.75457 0.01197 0.63723 0.22007 0.94284 0.31566 0.6723 0.33928 0.06084 0.74189 0.619 0.21625 0.42151 0.56674 0.61976 0.43331 0.80597 0.90592 0.5981 0.39443 0.88725 0.16096 0.59921 0.43607 0.10628 0.88764 0.24419 0.47353 0.91592 0.08605 0.95679 0.22377 0.76704 0.72981 0.38306 0.65191 0.52822 0.37777 0.59172 0.37563 0.26853 0.91518 0.9339 0.10866 0.15127 0.36716 0.21493 0.35629 0.53793 0.93167 0.98273 0.74646 0.97533 0.23197 0.61264 0.29951 0.59115 0.99976 0.50582 0.3151 0.75586 0.67593 0.22112 0.67924 0.29588 0.0848 0.53177 0.34238 0.59808 0.00951 0.89701 0.79186 0.59708 0.40512 0.07557 0.68151 0.76865 0.72438 0.63719 0.21481 0.06536 0.58262 0.05572 0.82467 0.64334 0.30678 0.18695 0.36421 0.5165 0.20834 0.90386 0.59073 0.08008 0.30056 0.45948 0.56625 0.82323 0.93265 0.4911 0.40733 0.41246 0.81733 0.60205 0.37983 0.60336 0.34004 0.01951 0.99329 0.12548 0.82286 0.48864 0.18554 0.31299 0.78736 0.32968 0.27648 0.24276 0.87931 0.10086 0.94109 0.21772 0.87719 0.64107 0.7874 0.1167 0.40257 0.53558 0.52004 0.13761 0.13049 0.25015 0.81646 0.35008 0.32839 0.29051 0.86511 0.226 0.02063 0.21584 0.6382 0.07999 0.51736 0.70901 0.89139 0.72176 0.3665 0.34448 0.29889 0.96026 0.51453 0.42262 0.47527 0.38547 0.8216 0.04823 0.37413 0.19812 0.66552 0.09712 0.19722 0.34363 0.57704 0.92666 0.41552 0.05232 0.34445 0.91897 0.61843 0.66768 0.85494 0.96664 0.23858 0.55433 0.45177 0.12029 0.61433 0.3737 0.53106 0.83834 0.80812 0.27158 0.7681 0.56077 0.59797 0.38792 0.61476 0.10533 0.14655 0.48051 0.59235 0.29683 0.16029 0.50663 0.30645 0.09392 0.22526 0.56024 0.78142 0.27705 0.9711 0.72287 0.7994 0.72093 0.74163 0.04588 0.43638 0.05925 0.62069 0.98128 0.26744 0.90045 0.90767 0.24609 0.15843 0.70051 0.57356 0.96235 0.99344 0.79504 0.67889 0.76706 0.78578 0.51448 0.39772 0.38596 0.81734 0.97172 0.03646 0.90876 0.25559 0.29562 0.33438 0.34238 0.19257 0.56 0.06505 0.84863 0.27758 0.50671 0.55834 0.72392 0.83728 0.53464 0.15485 0.52716 0.66397 0.0375 0.49922 0.25322 0.87128 0.80683 0.23218 0.04284 0.55252 0.03708 0.42997 0.82534 0.37372 0.32435 0.91242 0.67926 0.39022 0.21594 0.94638 0.21955 0.19404 0.4325 0.28251 0.63603 0.03268 0.39107
+0.98865 0.52058 0.12336 0.7574 0.44066 0.29584 0.50581 0.80033 0.24761 0.6745 0.52086 0.9042 0.56323 0.1479 0.49824 0.20043 0.7886 0.85591 0.14502 0.52539 0.78298 0.80991 0.91091 0.98854 0.84479 0.13173 0.55877 0.22352 0.89518 0.37896 0.23185 0.20612 0.54126 0.86102 0.76932 0.08334 0.29914 0.86189 0.01155 0.99166 0.70739 0.52048 0.33026 0.12803 0.80007 0.27105 0.54899 0.33585 0.8312 0.41528 0.00527 0.23168 0.53724 0.0058 0.60759 0.74056 0.6973 0.04652 0.68425 0.74981 0.72969 0.63283 0.48136 0.11371 0.10051 0.66628 0.34595 0.6362 0.18363 0.35074 0.435 0.34524 0.35608 0.44604 0.0752 0.34514 0.71272 0.02147 0.30862 0.09614 0.14267 0.55827 0.70389 0.25929 0.13059 0.33963 0.36136 0.72022 0.98174 0.72196 0.66405 0.19588 0.49199 0.1274 0.6438 0.9417 0.88726 0.95037 0.4666 0.91861 0.05039 0.04423 0.17025 0.3747 0.24624 0.46589 0.79069 0.28665 0.00224 0.63079 0.82709 0.95895 0.44188 0.32936 0.87475 0.80381 0.22398 0.37348 0.06332 0.54579 0.18074 0.74199 0.37135 0.17431 0.0438 0.03124 0.14387 0.00243 0.4922 0.5556 0.85297 0.9317 0.50046 0.24316 0.93773 0.05064 0.70647 0.8574 0.60185 0.13172 0.50415 0.33142 0.0727 0.22106 0.33107 0.96218 0.48243 0.95539 0.0717 0.90195 0.17246 0.46842 0.15619 0.35658 0.87639 0.35808 0.70171 0.89954 0.48463 0.02868 0.16765 0.83553 0.98389 0.87975 0.39217 0.77181 0.36081 0.34561 0.66465 0.35645 0.6117 0.15452 0.89987 0.3672 0.00998 0.42972 0.38498 0.30637 0.2417 0.42775 0.76492 0.66135 0.59541 0.18464 0.83879 0.71804 0.9395 0.33923 0.77685 0.89255 0.68063 0.42565 0.07353 0.7112 0.33209 0.51959 0.45476 0.03225 0.38948 0.57097 0.21838 0.1402 0.95858 0.79304 0.05728 0.83485 0.45933 0.4254 0.51046 0.81682 0.34573 0.13124 0.36874 0.40585 0.25887 0.21802 0.75216 0.49972 0.68418 0.85744 0.14763 0.49547 0.19201 0.57268 0.35139 0.60626 0.03288 0.35139 0.91325 0.24956 0.20031 0.04557 0.21631 0.44005 0.85934 0.26447 0.94702 0.30437 0.43455 0.64729 0.9672 0.92561 0.27168 0.64716 0.44534 0.4688 0.89002 0.31098 0.45953 0.35235 0.65202 0.01729 0.96769 0.15913 0.9711 0.56976 0.8715 0.4692 0.12478 0.25296 0.54109 0.83252 0.21932 0.10262 0.08933 0.18678 0.65952 0.48589 0.63833 0.25204 0.10877 0.62759 0.97819 0.87462 0.51587 0.13175 0.51249 0.27652 0.92111 0.765 0.68319 0.93439 0.41889 0.67102 0.51277 0.17701 0.5589 0.18438 0.52219 0.06334 0.6543 0.05492 0.01281 0.16097 0.93787 0.25425 0.56553 0.54149 0.12281 0.73041 0.34031 0.27978 0.76282 0.6047 0.22971 0.28867 0.97489 0.28072 0.56454 0.38604 0.25376 0.30032 0.80252 0.85376 0.3905 0.94626 0.99927 0.99247 0.66015 0.77898 0.56535 0.09469 0.59233 0.06833 0.94675 0.1582 0.86136 0.88363 0.14106 0.66886 0.43947 0.12032 0.02212 0.7404 0.75148 0.27849 0.71837 0.17304 0.32945 0.00189 0.27922 0.50485 0.10133 0.47446 0.52994 0.38221 0.98969 0.91177 0.94283 0.30062 0.88092 0.58077 0.80194 0.17296 0.558 0.88536 0.92152 0.61013 0.48043 0.06282 0.55366 0.95534 0.16235 0.57382 0.78436 0.78654 0.4604 0.37173 0.60125 0.13295 0.57621 0.8078 0.22847 0.1053 0.62645 0.32277 0.38542 0.25402 0.10666 0.39181 0.90582 0.56223 0.42409 0.1318 0.62602 0.45973 0.09339 0.36652 0.59612 0.34905 0.71327 0.07852 0.26901 0.26444 0.63326 0.60015 0.98903 0.15863 0.69178 0.61932 0.57597 0.45838 0.80222 0.71187 0.2624 0.57772 0.75026 0.64153 0.16951 0.17087 0.49184 0.47288 0.58326 0.56727 0.31228 0.26133 0.81153 0.60341 0.9873 0.86343 0.26798 0.53401 0.39153 0.12504 0.00293 0.05892 0.35428 0.11335 0.86257 0.35354 0.62393 0.873 0.96121 0.48314 0.90022 0.6028 0.57981 0.70972 0.53028 0.17107 0.16943 0.26072 0.19232 0.78549 0.42289 0.20733 0.29817 0.97118 0.60008 0.41472 0.66207 0.35759 0.66869 0.8474 0.50245 0.13246 0.56679 0.04517 0.68274 0.90401 0.95066 0.84248 0.91577 0.90842 0.94073 0.00312 0.47278 0.43272 0.01103 0.11582 0.22145 0.77173 0.99251 0.62754 0.21131 0.2774 0.89023 0.69769 0.87292 0.11088 0.60764 0.62263 0.99219 0.54035 0.87093 0.63676 0.41548 0.13813 0.1989 0.83541 0.10235 0.10776 0.22976 0.54725 0.55397 0.75819 0.95943 0.66238 0.22788 0.50762 0.07919 0.02951 0.19944 0.37298 0.57496 0.63067 0.85939 0.76559 0.40461 0.10746 0.32267 0.76881
+0.08862 0.11805 0.67001 0.74426 0.07364 0.68168 0.67918 0.83471 0.06207 0.4337 0.69448 0.64247 0.24072 0.67357 0.2982 0.88914 0.10609 0.35534 0.61535 0.38855 0.10408 0.6201 0.20503 0.76438 0.75791 0.43939 0.63469 0.55031 0.68621 0.70686 0.97922 0.07506 0.64899 0.34986 0.74556 0.94493 0.02417 0.73466 0.51652 0.05509 0.36195 0.50176 0.99699 0.04617 0.65955 0.51939 0.69656 0.26522 0.40247 0.00114 0.89831 0.67303 0.93049 0.63292 0.72753 0.89787 0.09995 0.21482 0.59139 0.23264 0.92924 0.45522 0.74429 0.98906 0.26447 0.59848 0.65632 0.82806 0.90138 0.38432 0.43647 0.71991 0.72535 0.62623 0.53579 0.30885 0.57449 0.86848 0.74147 0.63184 0.29839 0.96314 0.72614 0.1757 0.33359 0.82128 0.59978 0.63707 0.89379 0.78344 0.90194 0.48883 0.77014 0.01741 0.5526 0.97806 0.21271 0.44248 0.60018 0.69085 0.62396 0.57992 0.61238 0.74383 0.66428 0.24209 0.67718 0.90823 0.51714 0.69665 0.54043 0.3532 0.08208 0.20898 0.41114 0.89803 0.30243 0.58324 0.89187 0.54506 0.72953 0.51736 0.91548 0.1046 0.04009 0.07288 0.71655 0.17777 0.45256 0.735 0.6674 0.23117 0.74978 0.38505 0.12448 0.8746 0.44275 0.39159 0.25434 0.538 0.90269 0.67845 0.09567 0.62353 0.55004 0.60969 0.26145 0.82694 0.79808 0.84078 0.708 0.29905 0.05979 0.56565 0.85669 0.96497 0.47316 0.58915 0.08892 0.61048 0.78799 0.5423 0.57324 0.18697 0.59266 0.34183 0.40864 0.6389 0.95879 0.20941 0.98411 0.68405 0.7478 0.59653 0.70091 0.89189 0.64878 0.62517 0.19047 0.92898 0.13253 0.53205 0.68558 0.26708 0.95622 0.72158 0.4573 0.97529 0.931 0.54944 0.64418 0.15687 0.47825 0.29858 0.44324 0.6426 0.97221 0.34683 0.98295 0.4225 0.44855 0.72376 0.72744 0.40603 0.34664 0.48491 0.38572 0.05815 0.72268 0.48733 0.28298 0.89773 0.14471 0.06923 0.69083 0.1652 0.96934 0.71783 0.87477 0.35065 0.51001 0.29215 0.77359 0.86025 0.13659 0.5712 0.26312 0.09784 0.22936 0.6268 0.77092 0.66152 0.04128 0.72877 0.62636 0.34438 0.59371 0.20403 0.59128 0.06159 0.21564 0.84696 0.96997 0.07614 0.09357 0.30742 0.01897 0.74734 0.69063 0.40271 0.08004 0.53095 0.69369 0.77081 0.83128 0.19619 0.57379 0.60383 0.40597 0.31658 0.31293 0.77914 0.4663 0.18609 0.66697 0.59764 0.55449 0.02996 0.18105 0.94654 0.81742 0.54852 0.67157 0.64719 0.61098 0.59881 0.35823 0.81374 0.423 0.11102 0.2851 0.71246 0.18335 0.44024 0.0716 0.14619 0.8869 0.89357 0.3699 0.21207 0.96859 0.05736 0.92797 0.89581 0.3921 0.89179 0.37636 0.51654 0.57215 0.10683 0.59036 0.51815 0.98881 0.27419 0.16185 0.18057 0.87787 0.83324 0.70596 0.13086 0.66062 0.14732 0.60981 0.22847 0.80626 0.82375 0.12468 0.87778 0.65295 0.21148 0.62226 0.50054 0.7376 0.63272 0.06829 0.87742 0.64755 0.18751 0.31744 0.30659 0.04352 0.67946 0.85552 0.9372 0.4978 0.05207 0.92649 0.6379 0.78617 0.37114 0.92222 0.74496 0.87234 0.06905 0.34382 0.69138 0.64635 0.2086 0.62318 0.2419 0.23386 0.41743 0.14087 0.52316 0.1988 0.20032 0.14699 0.27524 0.23102 0.69703 0.31586 0.69223 0.37279 0.9873 0.57081 0.51131 0.1387 0.16517 0.3345 0.2091 0.14182 0.38083 0.21311 0.27419 0.1542 0.27879 0.26095 0.35639 0.6757 0.6501 0.94933 0.70626 0.84367 0.36464 0.82072 0.06506 0.42607 0.18438 0.76182 0.596 0.0836 0.58264 0.02222 0.97087 0.1312 0.16765 0.33355 0.23051 0.59731 0.60517 0.60678 0.22918 0.48993 0.58432 0.27673 0.93674 0.51125 0.97851 0.38834 0.03475 0.19395 0.43484 0.57831 0.99731 0.72663 0.30295 0.32353 0.85461 0.49373 0.14835 0.94016 0.15737 0.19457 0.72036 0.33834 0.00685 0.70817 0.07336 0.56811 0.40933 0.04955 0.18066 0.93985 0.81395 0.80725 0.92371 0.69288 0.77887 0.01075 0.57597 0.92167 0.28937 0.82901 0.56538 0.73685 0.41988 0.75778 0.56477 0.09099 0.81197 0.82339 0.5583 0.00292 0.07313 0.13487 0.27833 0.85449 0.50557 0.25867 0.16166 0.93816 0.07829 0.83636 0.69425 0.57098 0.78378 0.8282 0.97305 0.66792 0.75662 0.97137 0.65411 0.56764 0.84142 0.19492 0.9507 0.47122 0.86657 0.92899 0.83923 0.56145 0.40242 0.02131 0.90684 0.26037 0.56688 0.96011 0.08027 0.0544 0.12581 0.74302 0.73493 0.8515 0.24816 0.85416 0.91949 0.49002 0.71242 0.2611 0.86059 0.42819 0.51481 0.20113 0.92577 0.59473 0.88679 0.99027 0.11391 0.47423 0.86005 0.80146 0.67399
+0.27372 0.26424 0.53488 0.30254 0.89178 0.41571 0.75603 0.27837 0.69454 0.29691 0.33192 0.72423 0.84528 0.31913 0.08401 0.35334 0.65012 0.36115 0.1045 0.39255 0.00261 0.7337 0.39595 0.56538 0.59187 0.72834 0.41122 0.60689 0.62198 0.53284 0.6751 0.47253 0.27989 0.59673 0.67947 0.02433 0.88569 0.24216 0.42557 0.00842 0.18576 0.32994 0.61229 0.31444 0.00272 0.8625 0.34885 0.28715 0.39519 0.73659 0.88971 0.13153 0.33694 0.59473 0.42364 0.46502 0.11766 0.05727 0.78433 0.34799 0.15021 0.63882 0.4689 0.87748 0.20933 0.00973 0.02618 0.84545 0.32101 0.33726 0.47391 0.66626 0.33705 0.45466 0.75224 0.69043 0.08796 0.05623 0.99747 0.88384 0.2058 0.71664 0.28925 0.45969 0.47387 0.01023 0.21405 0.78287 0.62013 0.47336 0.67736 0.15171 0.38778 0.8351 0.32092 0.83778 0.141 0.48275 0.64183 0.22561 0.84755 0.27767 0.40059 0.74404 0.54795 0.71116 0.18963 0.39078 0.02715 0.02623 0.27271 0.85201 0.6651 0.75786 0.56606 0.61749 0.90387 0.65112 0.16323 0.43557 0.06947 0.3614 0.03285 0.91814 0.0719 0.91138 0.22618 0.4016 0.37732 0.13705 0.91695 0.80387 0.67441 0.34797 0.75124 0.86424 0.71548 0.18116 0.07888 0.98762 0.46607 0.37539 0.04817 0.95781 0.94266 0.44634 0.96516 0.11833 0.12852 0.75146 0.8011 0.88885 0.98173 0.71882 0.65174 0.12466 0.30401 0.86714 0.47271 0.83659 0.30497 0.95998 0.51866 0.88017 0.64147 0.57306 0.50065 0.51988 0.65856 0.01147 0.8953 0.41606 0.173 0.74648 0.07235 0.48776 0.99305 0.5168 0.16217 0.43132 0.8179 0.09069 0.63127 0.28431 0.52203 0.8979 0.35612 0.71984 0.58597 0.24633 0.48737 0.34022 0.65616 0.18164 0.62752 0.24704 0.73416 0.96416 0.30353 0.48705 0.08831 0.39295 0.07837 0.05813 0.01543 0.95216 0.18147 0.45927 0.49114 0.4729 0.84298 0.53904 0.02123 0.81967 0.73569 0.18086 0.64821 0.19386 0.73939 0.64252 0.23845 0.04264 0.95896 0.57853 0.51027 0.58999 0.39458 0.07858 0.02348 0.58952 0.4856 0.32067 0.2581 0.34832 0.5584 0.16597 0.67698 0.32494 0.54137 0.66239 0.52305 0.72913 0.4423 0.77292 0.88113 0.64432 0.51546 0.46224 0.6484 0.75426 0.44766 0.30623 0.1347 0.23297 0.6539 0.52984 0.52279 0.69261 0.8937 0.16682 0.72078 0.56867 0.90276 0.2797 0.81793 0.26077 0.73399 0.7855 0.36737 0.87477 0.8149 0.32607 0.16174 0.84269 0.80854 0.08419 0.75696 0.83088 0.20346 0.69481 0.13639 0.12274 0.93676 0.66803 0.18279 0.04681 0.61135 0.44454 0.02291 0.6717 0.07162 0.48759 0.18127 0.13684 0.21579 0.02189 0.41933 0.90512 0.18589 0.62778 0.77937 0.76371 0.30772 0.67974 0.66663 0.28287 0.08621 0.83634 0.60552 0.73668 0.82987 0.0941 0.64233 0.12414 0.00932 0.13855 0.99607 0.18638 0.03715 0.35016 0.06973 0.95957 0.85135 0.85773 0.18435 0.98059 0.32472 0.73654 0.49509 0.26086 0.62447 0.30542 0.41777 0.43918 0.08754 0.70186 0.91372 0.55193 0.36083 0.90498 0.66025 0.91485 0.91275 0.91734 0.87219 0.20413 0.74904 0.7086 0.63243 0.52386 0.13361 0.89195 0.42903 0.51909 0.70091 0.46677 0.15332 0.61843 0.45613 0.77402 0.91127 0.49585 0.07772 0.00903 0.23794 0.3058 0.30972 0.04748 0.73799 0.03479 0.61871 0.17483 0.59004 0.19681 0.52555 0.31823 0.29983 0.73621 0.21536 0.22911 0.5191 0.57997 0.91269 0.70253 0.27036 0.39683 0.94635 0.13777 0.20282 0.76694 0.18893 0.2709 0.10284 0.64839 0.29636 0.88547 0.19675 0.59958 0.09756 0.61779 0.61787 0.19282 0.35833 0.50368 0.17691 0.00787 0.70362 0.76453 0.19722 0.75187 0.02866 0.94777 0.94031 0.55462 0.03075 0.82644 0.01371 0.83418 0.89439 0.15094 0.19343 0.01744 0.53149 0.15186 0.24544 0.45141 0.76457 0.07809 0.6248 0.29867 0.4917 0.41163 0.60286 0.25762 0.46602 0.66985 0.88344 0.4707 0.88128 0.64406 0.14695 0.40598 0.78157 0.18876 0.81121 0.97836 0.49284 0.83309 0.85184 0.98156 0.78571 0.63014 0.57992 0.11558 0.11287 0.51676 0.61045 0.49763 0.36112 0.09777 0.72732 0.17794 0.43703 0.29087 0.77066 0.38895 0.61595 0.08438 0.71132 0.92033 0.03798 0.31339 0.18532 0.29646 0.41062 0.46034 0.10504 0.43587 0.76377 0.61342 0.25694 0.97822 0.99416 0.81811 0.91744 0.42731 0.75642 0.07077 0.36094 0.77903 0.47247 0.65843 0.28027 0.59726 0.37518 0.28341 0.20864 0.38004 0.51235 0.80918 0.5638 0.44892 0.90058 0.28649 0.0216 0.18151 0.06182 0.9178 0.01488 0.2403 0.20443 0.61828
+0.28823 0.45424 0.14038 0.71869 0.88503 0.87176 0.32272 0.63884 0.89657 0.01677 0.70815 0.91788 0.84501 0.28469 0.6202 0.00653 0.26761 0.11508 0.63349 0.33407 0.55602 0.31707 0.51139 0.20161 0.10545 0.49502 0.9528 0.1204 0.45904 0.41484 0.75301 0.08291 0.3135 0.144 0.49356 0.73365 0.64721 0.39716 0.27639 0.51363 0.89832 0.95039 0.72617 0.98553 0.65515 0.219 0.12177 0.63386 0.67572 0.36362 0.9984 0.86048 0.18271 0.38767 0.13058 0.01936 0.43348 0.77087 0.10762 0.52935 0.31233 0.88074 0.71385 0.85622 0.42725 0.2286 0.68104 0.09915 0.35049 0.28379 0.87481 0.1783 0.58805 0.39298 0.60698 0.35729 0.07702 0.4402 0.52573 0.58681 0.29084 0.26352 0.54625 0.55629 0.96803 0.00609 0.54222 0.86412 0.67391 0.61589 0.10965 0.17542 0.96924 0.07424 0.41934 0.02573 0.86158 0.63112 0.46895 0.29327 0.0042 0.31022 0.24854 0.22214 0.82045 0.0196 0.29956 0.32947 0.54798 0.13336 0.92973 0.58427 0.17771 0.33953 0.64056 0.93105 0.74398 0.74934 0.83293 0.80023 0.43104 0.52449 0.94014 0.12988 0.895 0.267 0.33206 0.73185 0.28944 0.93018 0.10247 0.06701 0.43656 0.29242 0.62184 0.72687 0.31137 0.25443 0.16737 0.66497 0.44 0.43012 0.32235 0.02121 0.1516 0.82893 0.01978 0.18971 0.00364 0.71367 0.93814 0.72374 0.22225 0.92582 0.59229 0.08098 0.0259 0.66333 0.95055 0.064 0.59674 0.90863 0.31383 0.38292 0.39389 0.59989 0.13578 0.76063 0.73662 0.89774 0.54685 0.11903 0.22606 0.91898 0.03983 0.13857 0.43833 0.83826 0.18812 0.09084 0.64686 0.92815 0.12291 0.91226 0.51948 0.15054 0.38681 0.32194 0.29008 0.38565 0.46018 0.38253 0.21669 0.8636 0.82633 0.55676 0.54843 0.39959 0.3755 0.48854 0.5487 0.20894 0.98171 0.38387 0.30794 0.66 0.30389 0.18093 0.86031 0.60076 0.97397 0.58986 0.82376 0.4432 0.66878 0.91909 0.2656 0.44327 0.5377 0.97314 0.22606 0.51956 0.99216 0.81066 0.13913 0.64485 0.92678 0.62709 0.56445 0.31067 0.17749 0.19716 0.81221 0.99514 0.46947 0.59902 0.18134 0.16914 0.42642 0.42094 0.09564 0.59301 0.45477 0.11393 0.18057 0.44989 0.57235 0.7504 0.52777 0.25794 0.18753 0.96034 0.33669 0.7018 0.95933 0.85309 0.88553 0.23879 0.31106 0.37971 0.65507 0.7269 0.01399 0.42403 0.83082 0.19904 0.88266 0.50031 0.47633 0.21791 0.43418 0.23104 0.10658 0.50279 0.76933 0.60993 0.25882 0.71258 0.10316 0.14511 0.30093 0.62735 0.86803 0.6047 0.97406 0.59541 0.75466 0.65738 0.24175 0.16532 0.24239 0.06672 0.97171 0.45248 0.89872 0.54001 0.56081 0.23334 0.78597 0.70678 0.55565 0.77011 0.60135 0.07049 0.96213 0.86797 0.93111 0.18519 0.16008 0.47643 0.94196 0.24241 0.74761 0.82694 0.66113 0.49963 0.30937 0.96386 0.75411 0.2687 0.0857 0.31699 0.02918 0.73722 0.33243 0.90863 0.94773 0.15714 0.38647 0.84995 0.59927 0.67455 0.58371 0.0054 0.15516 0.20441 0.6886 0.76614 0.55779 0.90797 0.41236 0.89866 0.62251 0.86559 0.57041 0.99767 0.15283 0.93922 0.78406 0.38922 0.95765 0.15674 0.65438 0.38705 0.27501 0.41477 0.70628 0.67625 0.33143 0.23025 0.66976 0.16898 0.93341 0.20392 0.68468 0.35944 0.57244 0.4514 0.80297 0.63033 0.98942 0.40122 0.95841 0.01429 0.89874 0.31002 0.47719 0.77334 0.37167 0.42113 0.87583 0.84188 0.52342 0.01099 0.93191 0.4628 0.80942 0.98362 0.34472 0.13158 0.28223 0.78944 0.562 0.23352 0.2348 0.46087 0.62919 0.14766 0.41232 0.27703 0.56351 0.33644 0.15754 0.68192 0.57814 0.67144 0.7347 0.6635 0.51742 0.11968 0.50998 0.68475 0.7126 0.90258 0.35457 0.72636 0.74386 0.3423 0.46795 0.50563 0.35619 0.3269 0.41847 0.8662 0.46736 0.77902 0.30469 0.07349 0.10107 0.94456 0.2683 0.58715 0.00127 0.31915 0.73128 0.86919 0.24653 0.80807 0.21857 0.50384 0.41409 0.6712 0.50616 0.80224 0.71162 0.0362 0.14484 0.18843 0.89327 0.7149 0.55156 0.75018 0.65954 0.49107 0.85613 0.50472 0.90582 0.04265 0.93339 0.22785 0.71875 0.00116 0.12623 0.21837 0.96373 0.16536 0.46103 0.69912 0.78595 0.73407 0.21807 0.98647 0.30927 0.60536 0.51658 0.81595 0.2672 0.32876 0.36528 0.24541 0.0806 0.07613 0.91793 0.47431 0.37087 0.40622 0.31426 0.94556 0.60127 0.02514 0.4911 0.46473 0.66135 0.31691 0.73579 0.37901 0.20403 0.86653 0.20314 0.03406 0.78638 0.28319 0.65473 0.46638 0.39831 0.01219 0.77137 0.23759 0.5076 0.19588 0.92494 0.23958
+0.39127 0.89094 0.32699 0.35725 0.42756 0.58599 0.7162 0.36913 0.67402 0.28811 0.32842 0.54076 0.83116 0.50903 0.42368 0.03101 0.23818 0.92197 0.14102 0.22778 0.97633 0.6299 0.75684 0.60081 0.11342 0.05837 0.74616 0.20643 0.46925 0.22763 0.09707 0.18753 0.38665 0.41509 0.64195 0.90947 0.93022 0.87232 0.88215 0.78612 0.29944 0.32797 0.77961 0.2231 0.00579 0.82881 0.42285 0.71241 0.63705 0.03227 0.02543 0.37849 0.95035 0.35507 0.60971 0.23225 0.21333 0.90284 0.57535 0.33134 0.47981 0.66785 0.00677 0.27006 0.53833 0.9778 0.99974 0.21333 0.35243 0.10977 0.68838 0.17939 0.17269 0.24105 0.06396 0.6248 0.05012 0.28497 0.92152 0.46887 0.08755 0.68793 0.51908 0.54029 0.62999 0.18921 0.93271 0.64501 0.55071 0.58605 0.72906 0.64207 0.27672 0.04083 0.0145 0.98818 0.00487 0.0067 0.40933 0.30561 0.39574 0.57074 0.9707 0.38889 0.01109 0.14625 0.42923 0.18679 0.07054 0.44559 0.54697 0.87546 0.95148 0.63737 0.59868 0.44188 0.27064 0.07637 0.57459 0.95098 0.98104 0.37366 0.73252 0.40821 0.84266 0.00493 0.23508 0.25641 0.72851 0.84699 0.92559 0.99318 0.00447 0.53043 0.60489 0.05926 0.32561 0.63253 0.3166 0.68518 0.87217 0.93286 0.9433 0.90718 0.42928 0.98296 0.46123 0.54863 0.37402 0.55116 0.88513 0.39682 0.96417 0.87288 0.10738 0.56244 0.99464 0.8984 0.54261 0.61483 0.29212 0.47898 0.14685 0.71818 0.64593 0.75483 0.212 0.76317 0.99158 0.89137 0.11231 0.03799 0.57976 0.63705 0.63007 0.68396 0.63753 0.64755 0.26616 0.6459 0.03395 0.94354 0.15957 0.21457 0.74593 0.71175 0.59884 0.81021 0.40873 0.81115 0.6678 0.91883 0.37096 0.3998 0.69145 0.1977 0.19529 0.9886 0.86293 0.11441 0.7641 0.55627 0.57684 0.59333 0.00391 0.2901 0.81528 0.12771 0.96092 0.97573 0.7937 0.53277 0.72691 0.92694 0.07936 0.07416 0.5952 0.22271 0.97447 0.40358 0.39911 0.20824 0.04041 0.76868 0.72742 0.6945 0.65265 0.91323 0.60284 0.1956 0.86124 0.31731 0.78152 0.67769 0.86872 0.12098 0.39596 0.05882 0.39329 0.41824 0.46859 0.91247 0.45559 0.89693 0.91469 0.45449 0.79617 0.58557 0.01333 0.8826 0.4917 0.57289 0.56871 0.40214 0.79758 0.62186 0.75131 0.42425 0.83719 0.90523 0.42613 0.89719 0.45066 0.79779 0.86693 0.57408 0.72538 0.9063 0.81516 0.1511 0.1845 0.54214 0.01157 0.43622 0.26562 0.92028 0.48057 0.03589 0.34045 0.485 0.34598 0.4912 0.2895 0.87894 0.99969 0.5371 0.22635 0.83637 0.81792 0.01962 0.16159 0.14764 0.35023 0.84369 0.72598 0.33173 0.34304 0.19678 0.45156 0.82129 0.86719 0.63788 0.23882 0.9682 0.7943 0.64736 0.35907 0.63871 0.45081 0.73685 0.74174 0.72451 0.61849 0.39521 0.84287 0.66396 0.66071 0.44137 0.49886 0.5949 0.72784 0.80125 0.31408 0.86438 0.37393 0.39762 0.79312 0.10644 0.40847 0.01945 0.88023 0.19776 0.07517 0.32039 0.94239 0.87364 0.2095 0.89031 0.6235 0.91456 0.90246 0.88055 0.43164 0.29636 0.41561 0.1766 0.39156 0.26221 0.98521 0.87607 0.2488 0.94567 0.47306 0.30408 0.62149 0.17388 0.51156 0.184 0.3103 0.81192 0.20121 0.14876 0.73416 0.3954 0.82699 0.08587 0.95456 0.51972 0.1098 0.49176 0.87637 0.42849 0.3228 0.73489 0.68186 0.26765 0.72566 0.65766 0.28334 0.24199 0.63566 0.24367 0.25965 0.5223 0.38911 0.01561 0.34964 0.35033 0.58917 0.97711 0.52986 0.76652 0.65091 0.77888 0.18412 0.07122 0.61772 0.25864 0.66468 0.98834 0.82816 0.56731 0.70378 0.81268 0.31528 0.30587 0.31835 0.78994 0.92043 0.68921 0.91965 0.92411 0.826 0.34783 0.96512 0.54441 0.57223 0.08771 0.79757 0.93724 0.21589 0.28231 0.00411 0.67076 0.80123 0.44748 0.04375 0.41817 0.8691 0.54777 0.26971 0.79144 0.54543 0.30865 0.55657 0.56767 0.67423 0.98065 0.98317 0.03633 0.47822 0.16181 0.15754 0.60481 0.7867 0.41271 0.4808 0.38227 0.7643 0.9774 0.51646 0.38999 0.66022 0.52974 0.35166 0.86511 0.43308 0.53014 0.79377 0.34341 0.56207 0.23321 0.10068 0.17575 0.10969 0.47147 0.24432 0.31842 0.45301 0.10924 0.51965 0.62522 0.03452 0.97477 0.1552 0.4258 0.41951 0.09463 0.33916 0.50576 0.35867 0.63252 0.87835 0.29097 0.30207 0.3656 0.21861 0.03538 0.08223 0.96224 0.74187 0.83701 0.34686 0.69583 0.73878 0.19138 0.09572 0.77853 0.0305 0.06542 0.93451 0.7472 0.05898 0.29639 0.71968 0.83375 0.19438 0.31282 0.05914 0.35015 0.29237 0.93089
+0.16056 0.75418 0.10768 0.68097 0.5972 0.28344 0.96141 0.81926 0.46871 0.18097 0.68838 0.00802 0.95738 0.8992 0.05522 0.22977 0.6421 0.80457 0.28441 0.73464 0.03141 0.92529 0.40899 0.61586 0.15876 0.00382 0.43644 0.85962 0.73653 0.31404 0.78692 0.83347 0.86771 0.75178 0.96611 0.74617 0.81198 0.55587 0.17774 0.57553 0.33671 0.02621 0.58303 0.47279 0.44428 0.76583 0.04415 0.67136 0.42891 0.30655 0.95438 0.63515 0.6008 0.72051 0.66967 0.07709 0.55254 0.5257 0.32811 0.90666 0.7446 0.88735 0.06835 0.85504 0.03827 0.21428 0.97119 0.20481 0.39675 0.16332 0.09803 0.38648 0.7115 0.35606 0.00544 0.91304 0.113 0.42815 0.83644 0.39246 0.83544 0.74742 0.90776 0.59651 0.22307 0.56727 0.46122 0.79583 0.15185 0.32151 0.98556 0.43809 0.51193 0.52405 0.92881 0.99549 0.25908 0.5752 0.41619 0.38034 0.00868 0.593 0.88672 0.25561 0.22629 0.79285 0.17522 0.78096 0.33187 0.05224 0.61863 0.0359 0.01975 0.00683 0.43569 0.89096 0.33768 0.41378 0.74797 0.71441 0.23554 0.41086 0.15951 0.38892 0.34505 0.52296 0.56855 0.03203 0.69493 0.04675 0.04252 0.75356 0.12709 0.92057 0.08637 0.85886 0.42309 0.60799 0.06126 0.77326 0.97768 0.23922 0.68772 0.92041 0.57124 0.96582 0.83145 0.905 0.96852 0.35502 0.5563 0.72636 0.74878 0.5236 0.93261 0.00284 0.13697 0.95111 0.91513 0.46841 0.45435 0.82229 0.63496 0.77681 0.93691 0.93171 0.61745 0.83559 0.28306 0.25662 0.50072 0.95356 0.79734 0.66637 0.46598 0.22676 0.85011 0.81317 0.73647 0.29234 0.96959 0.74463 0.3503 0.16742 0.05682 0.45418 0.68639 0.13869 0.73019 0.9951 0.42513 0.51785 0.13798 0.00774 0.2118 0.0234 0.73256 0.2686 0.97858 0.41207 0.56419 0.75459 0.46999 0.26662 0.27376 0.39145 0.05819 0.02907 0.47885 0.69435 0.68882 0.40194 0.31361 0.97566 0.12393 0.72339 0.69253 0.52919 0.37105 0.24836 0.566 0.41308 0.21696 0.39907 0.08553 0.54336 0.53787 0.814 0.94868 0.75637 0.23051 0.85088 0.67882 0.62054 0.05699 0.94091 0.86162 0.15945 0.51078 0.88335 0.94754 0.01276 0.16722 0.17862 0.23284 0.96808 0.34403 0.2989 0.14155 0.53846 0.02414 0.57746 0.53691 0.54694 0.63768 0.10726 0.55383 0.37319 0.56435 0.36351 0.49824 0.2309 0.7516 0.47626 0.55097 0.51707 0.35901 0.57383 0.08857 0.02792 0.25473 0.00926 0.55132 0.82186 0.15625 0.11854 0.34251 0.40753 0.42201 0.40145 0.09317 0.31763 0.66131 0.83554 0.84847 0.95629 0.83836 0.78241 0.91917 0.19508 0.52932 0.78178 0.6412 0.58584 0.9496 0.96736 0.78493 0.9116 0.9245 0.43315 0.04551 0.32903 0.62836 0.33229 0.63017 0.69033 0.61362 0.28804 0.1282 0.2971 0.53002 0.9702 0.44908 0.50142 0.52162 0.07518 0.67028 0.29061 0.04906 0.88229 0.80228 0.2428 0.76862 0.39377 0.17439 0.10266 0.75724 0.40731 0.0863 0.13078 0.88806 0.88741 0.66162 0.90797 0.12949 0.27558 0.22716 0.50329 0.80785 0.79032 0.04915 0.26116 0.1602 0.51251 0.74359 0.76761 0.85394 0.55992 0.69331 0.7733 0.72881 0.36053 0.36486 0.68125 0.03721 0.47572 0.32646 0.0606 0.54821 0.51029 0.09757 0.20774 0.6353 0.54707 0.22504 0.99468 0.61135 0.60515 0.85567 0.01564 0.84336 0.37392 0.42519 0.48514 0.25946 0.37594 0.40633 0.88301 0.14589 0.33833 0.52129 0.16517 0.18974 0.03276 0.56194 0.36837 0.14876 0.64313 0.69843 0.7765 0.26088 0.21554 0.08745 0.32333 0.56126 0.61834 0.71285 0.18795 0.89643 0.0615 0.75012 0.08105 0.06465 0.16755 0.55747 0.64948 0.20873 0.56268 0.6893 0.18729 0.48335 0.51009 0.06726 0.88019 0.60596 0.80582 0.0973 0.91698 0.36466 0.02884 0.44158 0.99505 0.3719 0.01982 0.96023 0.19462 0.50481 0.9681 0.29992 0.0135 0.69591 0.24695 0.19525 0.99569 0.81384 0.76536 0.73555 0.37172 0.34449 0.69922 0.94871 0.03678 0.64587 0.23534 0.19228 0.82118 0.53346 0.50283 0.49223 0.0457 0.16276 0.10647 0.96896 0.22168 0.1199 0.02889 0.59019 0.05809 0.49687 0.1015 0.77526 0.51611 0.32781 0.98979 0.27705 0.23812 0.15032 0.49666 0.33346 0.76006 0.13584 0.36782 0.52886 0.4002 0.30065 0.51064 0.51225 0.11721 0.71231 0.11311 0.97495 0.74067 0.9279 0.82219 0.99018 0.09941 0.99574 0.65754 0.03927 0.72898 0.83947 0.95215 0.69456 0.52582 0.03882 0.42592 0.74739 0.545 0.60369 0.01398 0.3493 0.50484 0.67995 0.06588 0.50928 0.37558 0.42175 0.0844 0.4131 0.45656 0.43282 0.16383
+0.28984 0.92513 0.47669 0.26356 0.70645 0.79728 0.1513 0.63668 0.49022 0.37846 0.44273 0.20037 0.27686 0.88399 0.30725 0.99189 0.27378 0.40891 0.05107 0.79925 0.41117 0.92714 0.36544 0.02976 0.79526 0.33226 0.58821 0.80825 0.7117 0.93048 0.24284 0.41307 0.37966 0.75487 0.5427 0.52693 0.54146 0.50335 0.40855 0.49002 0.946 0.62605 0.34671 0.70539 0.4882 0.1181 0.70444 0.33632 0.59918 0.54773 0.61236 0.55698 0.44571 0.13706 0.84458 0.19325 0.00974 0.77078 0.40368 0.12621 0.63467 0.08794 0.13069 0.54057 0.47839 0.31621 0.26687 0.374 0.71992 0.62277 0.59806 0.3492 0.58707 0.09624 0.59119 0.9501 0.86853 0.55987 0.77478 0.66244 0.09051 0.72995 0.49471 0.5508 0.91783 0.21571 0.68301 0.50441 0.65609 0.41895 0.79947 0.55625 0.03833 0.20239 0.77697 0.44868 0.68707 0.65572 0.35571 0.81971 0.51957 0.39108 0.08301 0.16068 0.95218 0.44904 0.03698 0.75586 0.80941 0.04318 0.1275 0.63935 0.32598 0.16948 0.85663 0.5227 0.45605 0.56287 0.23244 0.70244 0.18125 0.42297 0.01971 0.40894 0.33246 0.59857 0.37944 0.76136 0.18465 0.01461 0.78162 0.29208 0.46421 0.51708 0.72443 0.51832 0.06406 0.38356 0.20339 0.46157 0.24321 0.93572 0.44336 0.78818 0.06632 0.63699 0.19371 0.96265 0.43281 0.10919 0.17576 0.09219 0.90675 0.89899 0.20522 0.43915 0.50033 0.69952 0.48361 0.83178 0.55087 0.72902 0.31799 0.24284 0.4555 0.5128 0.40933 0.87221 0.21376 0.52946 0.68122 0.92569 0.87366 0.0356 0.57494 0.10322 0.62199 0.73351 0.71095 0.65519 0.67643 0.08424 0.76672 0.89328 0.59215 0.55103 0.79278 0.51466 0.26373 0.84003 0.9862 0.87477 0.4862 0.98854 0.40206 0.49389 0.76292 0.8002 0.64683 0.28663 0.34653 0.67753 0.44995 0.47316 0.73919 0.83587 0.42197 0.70414 0.80816 0.97965 0.78883 0.14761 0.3727 0.817 0.81074 0.7924 0.86723 0.00763 0.72727 0.89895 0.98073 0.716 0.5455 0.16084 0.74118 0.44403 0.0445 0.47992 0.54307 0.0675 0.87197 0.87481 0.18524 0.36509 0.57276 0.41247 0.41106 0.99908 0.07873 0.27137 0.04283 0.22757 0.17544 0.3415 0.34054 0.58268 0.74835 0.11261 0.67372 0.50715 0.11671 0.16808 0.26999 0.27007 0.50154 0.70007 0.61726 0.27523 0.38014 0.04228 0.0464 0.32508 0.30834 0.23542 0.33529 0.42928 0.12614 0.14299 0.44719 0.38009 0.45086 0.79899 0.61362 0.18635 0.30671 0.24701 0.86105 0.65884 0.8499 0.65875 0.81532 0.55161 0.33811 0.88371 0.37384 0.9454 0.65927 0.19174 0.49298 0.87601 0.1366 0.35267 0.58806 0.33589 0.05584 0.14244 0.19887 0.76952 0.68552 0.86189 0.41098 0.96744 0.93129 0.79215 0.03308 0.42997 0.20529 0.46277 0.95133 0.32715 0.72009 0.4237 0.2669 0.00857 0.34942 0.34274 0.11864 0.94719 0.84776 0.16406 0.48054 0.65939 0.54379 0.28149 0.90528 0.11431 0.86128 0.56485 0.82407 0.0984 0.12515 0.3859 0.34094 0.35909 0.16564 0.56364 0.15919 0.38154 0.22843 0.95228 0.71726 0.81942 0.94347 0.23771 0.94725 0.12355 0.34279 0.54447 0.59959 0.33662 0.32612 0.88694 0.28365 0.10303 0.31483 0.77645 0.55558 0.48959 0.91999 0.84004 0.21233 0.76778 0.16475 0.21847 0.59319 0.5759 0.98906 0.12531 0.4772 0.93312 0.83131 0.30013 0.89131 0.97673 0.81354 0.37364 0.37747 0.31095 0.74858 0.17199 0.1349 0.9856 0.0946 0.5978 0.12123 0.40762 0.82439 0.22867 0.58903 0.85507 0.15387 0.03182 0.52007 0.7012 0.268 0.64832 0.43214 0.00485 0.50936 0.64282 0.57897 0.79912 0.44417 0.16772 0.47125 0.18836 0.38156 0.65526 0.34847 0.28074 0.5252 0.71187 0.64017 0.64974 0.58889 0.95831 0.96139 0.11566 0.11565 0.44418 0.21704 0.55641 0.24842 0.0388 0.72899 0.29563 0.09678 0.73347 0.11913 0.7622 0.27641 0.64017 0.66795 0.21625 0.33836 0.56943 0.43461 0.53201 0.64501 0.98067 0.96285 0.79383 0.18465 0.19441 0.32917 0.49999 0.03405 0.53919 0.2019 0.86046 0.91024 0.73427 0.01372 0.75945 0.35147 0.72932 0.07832 0.47013 0.6815 0.56801 0.40538 0.48401 0.41828 0.77757 0.5251 0.01917 0.94395 0.79133 0.97778 0.32497 0.91204 0.21166 0.81866 0.05493 0.50446 0.88602 0.50463 0.26061 0.87407 0.25811 0.50546 0.74944 0.86641 0.34196 0.32347 0.59374 0.67892 0.18049 0.82926 0.1525 0.65521 0.70691 0.04773 0.22178 0.84886 0.17205 0.34504 0.74772 0.39265 0.00621 0.85913 0.61054 0.70346 0.54168 0.01114 0.46096 0.26899 0.6067 0.73406 0.02179 0.11238 0.55413
+0.00889 0.30488 0.77981 0.58075 0.94032 0.76664 0.78916 0.99276 0.24558 0.49506 0.3357 0.82153 0.41498 0.59333 0.80628 0.74407 0.5747 0.32157 0.89347 0.78911 0.01004 0.1049 0.66553 0.07983 0.34113 0.67277 0.48741 0.61922 0.14833 0.48315 0.56359 0.47609 0.30312 0.02389 0.3113 0.00456 0.66115 0.58167 0.46801 0.58153 0.33575 0.8227 0.51918 0.63385 0.03084 0.25938 0.91985 0.67941 0.83929 0.80266 0.32042 0.64575 0.9181 0.88401 0.62478 0.77132 0.91334 0.67287 0.32153 0.81216 0.36239 0.03696 0.76439 0.91395 0.68186 0.85342 0.13604 0.42621 0.98645 0.8868 0.21845 0.22208 0.7204 0.15263 0.91093 0.10661 0.87668 0.80946 0.74218 0.18801 0.1763 0.24171 0.98106 0.01626 0.12114 0.95522 0.24031 0.22506 0.29616 0.50403 0.61111 0.06434 0.31993 0.72772 0.95036 0.00086 0.17522 0.72634 0.04953 0.35305 0.35184 0.29647 0.77097 0.94348 0.72694 0.62644 0.86623 0.7572 0.27958 0.50605 0.30693 0.08381 0.33696 0.39971 0.09991 0.67274 0.07087 0.48661 0.05058 0.57425 0.53651 0.35267 0.16738 0.90043 0.10097 0.91169 0.19356 0.20812 0.63349 0.33748 0.43716 0.72447 0.40647 0.39068 0.35841 0.00952 0.70122 0.58415 0.45632 0.41847 0.34148 0.15868 0.96213 0.86543 0.40891 0.18631 0.4479 0.55165 0.13455 0.82298 0.70748 0.13633 0.24431 0.65023 0.17271 0.60927 0.73472 0.59507 0.65342 0.44743 0.68114 0.49977 0.26996 0.69469 0.29376 0.3586 0.42731 0.92915 0.54914 0.24861 0.88034 0.09258 0.59149 0.18723 0.36696 0.2823 0.71021 0.84003 0.75794 0.25431 0.15152 0.87904 0.51576 0.16026 0.79749 0.76046 0.0238 0.43894 0.55671 0.95667 0.86223 0.77842 0.14701 0.27887 0.80909 0.6957 0.823 0.14359 0.81365 0.4414 0.74556 0.36543 0.42462 0.12796 0.70939 0.27588 0.59906 0.78004 0.13153 0.59211 0.40604 0.47216 0.44979 0.10251 0.85872 0.78731 0.2825 0.29105 0.44369 0.20634 0.95174 0.56504 0.76444 0.00827 0.08706 0.88523 0.77645 0.43668 0.31291 0.70506 0.40987 0.23971 0.66857 0.58923 0.82686 0.33517 0.04867 0.51516 0.59106 0.46578 0.61173 0.52096 0.46054 0.62443 0.90777 0.86119 0.73114 0.95994 0.58184 0.35828 0.39134 0.81408 0.30813 0.67863 0.96927 0.25089 0.97654 0.29508 0.02204 0.36102 0.73344 0.35567 0.55936 0.29914 0.21564 0.35518 0.45678 0.92065 0.77749 0.09766 0.96354 0.42421 0.91016 0.1934 0.55952 0.66149 0.31458 0.46274 0.54763 0.62191 0.74113 0.82013 0.84596 0.88382 0.63453 0.56234 0.90426 0.074 0.53392 0.66807 0.05049 0.10492 0.66835 0.48932 0.82549 0.43576 0.92916 0.41744 0.4513 0.88572 0.28071 0.84977 0.85991 0.4878 0.23751 0.54983 0.68885 0.17106 0.93425 0.43543 0.1845 0.73312 0.60569 0.53221 0.96944 0.27387 0.45916 0.89005 0.58806 0.44043 0.22339 0.68535 0.64117 0.49586 0.4209 0.71822 0.66612 0.71403 0.32987 0.10578 0.54356 0.01796 0.96351 0.8462 0.12605 0.45773 0.52955 0.57784 0.08022 0.13677 0.78917 0.46961 0.52981 0.35271 0.72049 0.94016 0.62639 0.57958 0.12664 0.81941 0.75311 0.56738 0.04133 0.20359 0.32869 0.06188 0.62998 0.872 0.10144 0.55259 0.09937 0.93555 0.59726 0.74948 0.00654 0.16916 0.7061 0.19838 0.6864 0.43409 0.65686 0.18131 0.78837 0.24408 0.12882 0.61579 0.58234 0.55321 0.23656 0.76916 0.1165 0.06786 0.24977 0.70375 0.05292 0.74599 0.69122 0.61646 0.85175 0.57945 0.9306 0.62397 0.72917 0.73116 0.78527 0.5162 0.93064 0.82591 0.43915 0.83179 0.74406 0.41721 0.42144 0.56062 0.44154 0.15706 0.74982 0.35793 0.6141 0.42988 0.73836 0.87793 0.61476 0.36895 0.75811 0.05045 0.70398 0.66752 0.79554 0.24728 0.54334 0.95332 0.30309 0.19514 0.84135 0.57584 0.9643 0.44829 0.11667 0.60934 0.11477 0.93915 0.47637 0.20076 0.82203 0.9722 0.56874 0.11252 0.28754 0.15442 0.0036 0.36684 0.87305 0.68698 0.86825 0.40196 0.97923 0.13948 0.81222 0.22639 0.26565 0.94619 0.92255 0.23486 0.00996 0.18058 0.03772 0.8717 0.3499 0.05973 0.13404 0.38592 0.93926 0.72398 0.77215 0.34181 0.9176 0.72144 0.04296 0.08767 0.34744 0.93593 0.29519 0.65707 0.90951 0.267 0.2149 0.09687 0.77866 0.5394 0.80773 0.03972 0.7073 0.57272 0.31044 0.88195 0.99922 0.09811 0.55137 0.79301 0.85469 0.39942 0.03031 0.86503 0.578 0.68857 0.34105 0.15342 0.96461 0.55423 0.45087 0.85517 0.00737 0.4275 0.8859 0.82244 0.84485 0.50767 0.85127 0.46795 0.81982 0.59073
+0.18405 0.0847 0.05262 0.46116 0.57875 0.15766 0.62644 0.52412 0.97023 0.60112 0.46507 0.61009 0.54546 0.94884 0.84337 0.22553 0.95534 0.93797 0.33614 0.43995 0.8285 0.943 0.16951 0.35585 0.85288 0.80347 0.94892 0.15121 0.15598 0.04935 0.65485 0.88794 0.88787 0.46014 0.0098 0.74764 0.8027 0.73799 0.6313 0.71763 0.4849 0.89019 0.53181 0.61981 0.92191 0.03634 0.78231 0.96226 0.8149 0.55635 0.2616 0.50962 0.42276 0.6835 0.93607 0.62577 0.07158 0.52389 0.95495 0.44377 0.42886 0.04486 0.80966 0.34902 0.80708 0.51937 0.34994 0.99925 0.81873 0.55178 0.38112 0.0609 0.12342 0.81309 0.62888 0.49458 0.09118 0.75224 0.81318 0.08414 0.99496 0.82053 0.08748 0.02981 0.29939 0.61892 0.36222 0.05557 0.07954 0.04817 0.86648 0.46327 0.77528 0.32272 0.35899 0.19695 0.81146 0.6878 0.80701 0.48304 0.66638 0.77902 0.9415 0.31115 0.96167 0.23034 0.44396 0.84652 0.15471 0.47531 0.71918 0.78792 0.27003 0.31041 0.40933 0.50966 0.61976 0.85463 0.00495 0.92002 0.8562 0.75641 0.53181 0.72611 0.8973 0.9938 0.66359 0.80813 0.35296 0.41384 0.34826 0.91173 0.64203 0.80592 0.39793 0.70426 0.26591 0.39631 0.15276 0.28775 0.51644 0.22191 0.86886 0.60984 0.64263 0.01933 0.73815 0.49471 0.48133 0.05559 0.13661 0.75281 0.49284 0.50902 0.25927 0.88839 0.06971 0.70095 0.44315 0.18706 0.37811 0.38035 0.41435 0.84938 0.69922 0.00783 0.28809 0.95513 0.70418 0.41938 0.87206 0.53287 0.68775 0.01974 0.28456 0.66393 0.5098 0.78651 0.72515 0.14873 0.26599 0.44146 0.99277 0.14438 0.25208 0.84176 0.51713 0.37918 0.79187 0.85598 0.88107 0.15521 0.00944 0.401 0.59328 0.39136 0.65196 0.73174 0.5172 0.72801 0.96012 0.6848 0.10378 0.12927 0.64364 0.58501 0.38137 0.57358 0.69219 0.77867 0.08078 0.69499 0.30266 0.82073 0.66688 0.99338 0.69048 0.40334 0.19396 0.55844 0.18345 0.39871 0.49918 0.55291 0.98606 0.32067 0.94457 0.77113 0.54152 0.63927 0.43739 0.37989 0.77119 0.91634 0.38214 0.85844 0.34752 0.60129 0.46731 0.5599 0.53944 0.56834 0.28023 0.97681 0.98132 0.32981 0.08121 0.53937 0.91598 0.45477 0.86196 0.43145 0.66369 0.74322 0.13752 0.5643 0.96296 0.6532 0.83769 0.37082 0.26336 0.5435 0.77315 0.76005 0.16296 0.34191 0.59062 0.75052 0.9902 0.95517 0.32147 0.0879 0.63936 0.49465 0.5501 0.29155 0.12677 0.33017 0.05503 0.65336 0.5027 0.93854 0.44369 0.60364 0.14516 0.85031 0.73844 0.93918 0.29094 0.77524 0.61306 0.58438 0.92024 0.72594 0.75346 0.65134 0.68424 0.45488 0.38812 0.70172 0.34593 0.23928 0.11127 0.212 0.91562 0.33126 0.57214 0.09452 0.44172 0.75951 0.48886 0.31502 0.31941 0.93322 0.88062 0.04535 0.36911 0.76435 0.36677 0.03895 0.83232 0.41939 0.42358 0.83879 0.50324 0.97633 0.07908 0.93814 0.86953 0.43432 0.81811 0.68527 0.13721 0.02801 0.91599 0.70214 0.6296 0.12298 0.5328 0.9533 0.61478 0.66984 0.5656 0.25704 0.23245 0.86019 0.65974 0.71462 0.67321 0.54843 0.46056 0.91904 0.7193 0.40058 0.7258 0.38812 0.79581 0.66357 0.92083 0.5175 0.62955 0.65493 0.72245 0.66168 0.96454 0.693 0.47962 0.68678 0.39692 0.73839 0.54813 0.46032 0.55861 0.52016 0.53177 0.72872 0.71197 0.71583 0.04566 0.36884 0.87856 0.69845 0.90513 0.58263 0.43541 0.51984 0.41405 0.38549 0.623 0.60143 0.61963 0.43863 0.99255 0.28809 0.48548 0.19519 0.35085 0.59581 0.96569 0.47027 0.80536 0.92039 0.81892 0.2138 0.13811 0.31961 0.24601 0.35192 0.57167 0.17315 0.82439 0.51381 0.03381 0.16796 0.08266 0.32071 0.46994 0.77182 0.45917 0.65938 0.0344 0.95751 0.07179 0.43002 0.05894 0.36876 0.36115 0.30144 0.18434 0.86279 0.05272 0.00093 0.10032 0.14142 0.69652 0.42228 0.32817 0.93279 0.05815 0.71794 0.36924 0.84286 0.98198 0.86546 0.95273 0.33529 0.00622 0.17272 0.99224 0.53764 0.116 0.80861 0.41453 0.10231 0.66974 0.35187 0.79162 0.11778 0.51582 0.88893 0.59609 0.31931 0.76254 0.72205 0.06138 0.74879 0.86362 0.97385 0.80382 0.17594 0.16776 0.69505 0.83969 0.00936 0.12835 0.22787 0.49482 0.8864 0.80728 0.70851 0.94986 0.21209 0.36267 0.23922 0.09937 0.9729 0.05719 0.64996 0.87828 0.7781 0.5696 0.75 0.03792 0.71258 0.91772 0.79394 0.94673 0.39777 0.27056 0.72635 0.07695 0.93604 0.05327 0.60574 0.05533 0.10192 0.60086 0.96013 0.31794 0.26629 0.47223 0.48254
+0.88583 0.80614 0.0463 0.71176 0.09406 0.59781 0.52637 0.12662 0.75866 0.70537 0.87716 0.68023 0.87374 0.66993 0.55855 0.3538 0.70913 0.17316 0.77082 0.3357 0.15972 0.37926 0.99433 0.21172 0.1079 0.8534 0.95846 0.95028 0.23405 0.08332 0.22529 0.23148 0.88906 0.60082 0.09735 0.78571 0.14855 0.33778 0.51879 0.84528 0.33317 0.64929 0.42832 0.95091 0.01566 0.47462 0.18209 0.41637 0.0357 0.95573 0.61554 0.52076 0.6726 0.19464 0.71826 0.37277 0.55465 0.97705 0.8838 0.45808 0.17643 0.3079 0.55322 0.252 0.43675 0.79602 0.73172 0.61341 0.78208 0.97465 0.82095 0.65386 0.97325 0.48693 0.45784 0.9361 0.29962 0.5581 0.8077 0.32097 0.27218 0.9774 0.97703 0.3413 0.97835 0.52189 0.00488 0.26931 0.93149 0.28442 0.26488 0.18196 0.2439 0.5236 0.82083 0.45811 0.73838 0.43304 0.56546 0.25145 0.98501 0.9735 0.84226 0.20484 0.84848 0.60293 0.21702 0.81887 0.53098 0.11545 0.36727 0.56726 0.97084 0.74564 0.09278 0.19083 0.67483 0.43217 0.17976 0.0171 0.3024 0.22521 0.0965 0.43565 0.24516 0.14076 0.36046 0.80266 0.08235 0.18302 0.34702 0.91608 0.82579 0.2418 0.91321 0.86281 0.43328 0.97623 0.41659 0.63216 0.02622 0.64093 0.74313 0.14207 0.62257 0.61362 0.62667 0.39044 0.96682 0.28925 0.66319 0.16521 0.66842 0.24082 0.64037 0.40531 0.93099 0.5198 0.16054 0.23334 0.40697 0.90182 0.51955 0.31757 0.98086 0.5711 0.26866 0.46849 0.16687 0.34209 0.96755 0.96005 0.45653 0.17811 0.3359 0.23429 0.91081 0.49433 0.90039 0.28456 0.71801 0.85763 0.90569 0.05424 0.91172 0.25373 0.88213 0.55918 0.56653 0.21127 0.42271 0.72345 0.65337 0.94718 0.16826 0.21681 0.39127 0.48959 0.56753 0.06034 0.79763 0.299 0.87723 0.34584 0.59778 0.64888 0.23644 0.00051 0.57848 0.0621 0.13569 0.55905 0.76651 0.27437 0.63828 0.70025 0.99698 0.58404 0.86856 0.85683 0.04848 0.83234 0.66254 0.1519 0.91937 0.84511 0.35401 0.19044 0.49978 0.53546 0.38302 0.85916 0.73456 0.04164 0.46418 0.85916 0.80664 0.51806 0.48341 0.40134 0.89907 0.39852 0.3812 0.18661 0.45626 0.58212 0.62948 0.18568 0.43501 0.02599 0.019 0.835 0.21027 0.94218 0.6978 0.0375 0.33877 0.24897 0.70564 0.01287 0.12225 0.67717 0.30087 0.52813 0.46072 0.22166 0.9029 0.43297 0.01079 0.06561 0.50373 0.47094 0.55693 0.36776 0.45614 0.4424 0.61667 0.4887 0.90765 0.61315 0.13781 0.31118 0.73309 0.18669 0.23864 0.71212 0.1468 0.10112 0.69447 0.99421 0.21808 0.41756 0.88743 0.64645 0.33062 0.67899 0.96239 0.77745 0.54601 0.98212 0.0892 0.48277 0.16335 0.31005 0.29608 0.449 0.97951 0.81472 0.91673 0.08406 0.91873 0.97413 0.87699 0.4255 0.94843 0.45017 0.10371 0.96711 0.95721 0.03144 0.21016 0.05319 0.42157 0.24681 0.2874 0.52285 0.09402 0.27106 0.391 0.91886 0.22813 0.56013 0.72583 0.30861 0.53041 0.739 0.33382 0.89862 0.81521 0.98546 0.11548 0.7916 0.82983 0.00814 0.07178 0.95619 0.73804 0.22679 0.78381 0.76556 0.49758 0.23888 0.54479 0.91379 0.27222 0.10285 0.91387 0.3199 0.00029 0.50416 0.32585 0.90165 0.20606 0.92765 0.4547 0.60431 0.46665 0.66683 0.50892 0.06567 0.46763 0.22951 0.9695 0.46339 0.9816 0.07711 0.39154 0.12408 0.91999 0.47568 0.87137 0.34903 0.11372 0.94962 0.85291 0.56091 0.31795 0.2014 0.15936 0.16645 0.26452 0.42577 0.26468 0.1643 0.21455 0.31579 0.11833 0.43505 0.80079 0.72722 0.94881 0.54211 0.13787 0.88055 0.8593 0.10799 0.54072 0.93132 0.58418 0.65141 0.63444 0.85079 0.15539 0.50045 0.61904 0.86821 0.64004 0.72588 0.5704 0.37986 0.15118 0.83925 0.29973 0.0915 0.88314 0.76836 0.11905 0.29382 0.48207 0.90773 0.55383 0.19607 0.06247 0.83911 0.51468 0.5228 0.5335 0.77928 0.49431 0.28191 0.81315 0.22828 0.27343 0.31636 0.51187 0.71629 0.7336 0.97307 0.59059 0.95764 0.81924 0.36549 0.58444 0.45884 0.61132 0.52533 0.29189 0.41617 0.86688 0.06554 0.09424 0.73037 0.70354 0.22674 0.42037 0.47403 0.2769 0.77453 0.13365 0.66486 0.84179 0.81325 0.70648 0.92894 0.26873 0.59371 0.78291 0.29832 0.29061 0.52462 0.65402 0.30298 0.45243 0.41267 0.34039 0.14066 0.89745 0.7948 0.5277 0.38119 0.12782 0.57588 0.30386 0.26793 0.17226 0.37224 0.20368 0.94553 0.12104 0.53844 0.46874 0.31852 0.09933 0.96231 0.90954 0.2842 0.0815 0.17756 0.23305 0.42261 0.87551 0.66538
+0.1484 0.701 0.73562 0.16862 0.15084 0.15004 0.06965 0.36511 0.13825 0.196 0.93108 0.99659 0.74277 0.18181 0.39931 0.36598 0.95092 0.32853 0.3431 0.73162 0.01631 0.83984 0.18107 0.62837 0.64815 0.13342 0.13466 0.2031 0.76268 0.09006 0.44824 0.94704 0.84858 0.32416 0.35042 0.38637 0.49175 0.39983 0.09554 0.16726 0.43573 0.4289 0.25107 0.02952 0.00895 0.00075 0.29385 0.53801 0.25332 0.13156 0.41905 0.74023 0.4159 0.71401 0.13601 0.41831 0.55248 0.61461 0.869 0.06841 0.63824 0.65496 0.86859 0.08051 0.54143 0.46026 0.94294 0.03742 0.9532 0.07816 0.17582 0.54147 0.88934 0.04732 0.63744 0.92726 0.05262 0.59348 0.75662 0.9922 0.88231 0.73011 0.16652 0.65153 0.99959 0.42445 0.34459 0.61685 0.54727 0.30338 0.3596 0.77569 0.62334 0.5645 0.1405 0.3334 0.05785 0.25982 0.65202 0.31651 0.2685 0.43532 0.43641 0.61299 0.49357 0.95097 0.0746 0.12716 0.72218 0.67255 0.88449 0.07228 0.96491 0.81429 0.02995 0.15598 0.42445 0.49164 0.46234 0.01964 0.59651 0.51223 0.79288 0.36266 0.40071 0.15662 0.90515 0.40612 0.19972 0.77758 0.16671 0.36667 0.69228 0.19275 0.82619 0.31818 0.19997 0.52473 0.36624 0.91776 0.78133 0.05134 0.64286 0.89714 0.18067 0.84721 0.63029 0.88962 0.15453 0.64262 0.85509 0.505 0.99839 0.83269 0.65531 0.73371 0.95301 0.85153 0.43013 0.75196 0.07188 0.19217 0.25106 0.36758 0.95209 0.70136 0.02319 0.24811 0.21164 0.76855 0.14458 0.9874 0.0722 0.58194 0.39118 0.68999 0.35044 0.70948 0.84973 0.33115 0.84772 0.85884 0.48755 0.51041 0.07252 0.3161 0.79042 0.4812 0.80043 0.34663 0.37034 0.62114 0.76798 0.50213 0.18851 0.63656 0.03302 0.4656 0.53815 0.68724 0.90341 0.27972 0.13612 0.39751 0.17645 0.83052 0.22233 0.72991 0.98374 0.02547 0.57497 0.82694 0.2374 0.92267 0.50672 0.62257 0.93582 0.87815 0.25629 0.67268 0.08543 0.55289 0.33987 0.66146 0.54845 0.37136 0.9894 0.12997 0.23223 0.14483 0.19865 0.98548 0.88857 0.0445 0.59228 0.40879 0.84917 0.09153 0.06672 0.66765 0.99205 0.65028 0.84367 0.31898 0.36805 0.78542 0.42981 0.71671 0.18629 0.03469 0.15388 0.21637 0.8763 0.2178 0.6152 0.57512 0.99508 0.05702 0.55261 0.21518 0.6483 0.69871 0.58053 0.00658 0.10139 0.39444 0.72369 0.2638 0.25826 0.13622 0.66861 0.65124 0.18739 0.0011 0.03346 0.26971 0.22392 0.14106 0.19275 0.4724 0.30705 0.02169 0.72863 0.76877 0.48701 0.83654 0.31294 0.21679 0.46883 0.18894 0.20192 0.9658 0.74626 0.16214 0.497 0.29845 0.41936 0.67663 0.02901 0.1382 0.47617 0.66768 0.93048 0.13476 0.31328 0.5332 0.88347 0.94691 0.76974 0.30527 0.95364 0.67062 0.31861 0.8901 0.27339 0.90767 0.07961 0.81257 0.65118 0.80656 0.60052 0.25017 0.32854 0.48693 0.11121 0.48753 0.64043 0.81854 0.87566 0.90344 0.7261 0.45657 0.52616 0.91781 0.17299 0.64316 0.48828 0.13829 0.25908 0.29026 0.76106 0.68937 0.33459 0.34001 0.57034 0.00739 0.91677 0.81807 0.60523 0.74678 0.57839 0.40847 0.7177 0.12293 0.07541 0.38848 0.76143 0.88782 0.47869 0.20907 0.22414 0.14802 0.48746 0.78659 0.34908 0.53804 0.31989 0.16572 0.02359 0.79621 0.05894 0.01598 0.3079 0.58398 0.41032 0.24276 0.75671 0.36555 0.15124 0.88288 0.46687 0.82423 0.76539 0.91915 0.87483 0.39791 0.23604 0.67515 0.88539 0.71133 0.64233 0.31855 0.77691 0.29053 0.99652 0.45698 0.08015 0.17637 0.86528 0.0139 0.80463 0.58334 0.54561 0.14492 0.91815 0.09639 0.13703 0.42184 0.33936 0.66766 0.96658 0.95793 0.24133 0.60034 0.25862 0.34819 0.4226 0.11854 0.3092 0.09843 0.61762 0.50095 0.2169 0.6836 0.0985 0.17617 0.88332 0.39275 0.42574 0.25735 0.26079 0.54578 0.20594 0.62843 0.83671 0.83908 0.6137 0.66651 0.01148 0.29783 0.88116 0.87091 0.18331 0.51978 0.04137 0.6987 0.79395 0.58783 0.34604 0.05074 0.01062 0.39106 0.8424 0.75173 0.52993 0.07229 0.14422 0.24164 0.69877 0.27622 0.56931 0.6844 0.43495 0.71461 0.9367 0.44279 0.71074 0.7655 0.60801 0.07109 0.44846 0.86268 0.73119 0.08224 0.64467 0.48894 0.17147 0.89246 0.53339 0.40977 0.04188 0.57696 0.06132 0.73 0.07013 0.24435 0.38661 0.8597 0.46664 0.3957 0.97075 0.47352 0.68074 0.61329 0.98489 0.19268 0.00875 0.55485 0.83649 0.84063 0.49037 0.02161 0.84581 0.74345 0.96214 0.48824 0.8122 0.12204 0.41364 0.84629 0.25277 0.75883
+0.49097 0.92718 0.06054 0.27967 0.15576 0.59477 0.89905 0.78132 0.03269 0.15942 0.75177 0.2068 0.11651 0.22207 0.67068 0.51471 0.19631 0.31908 0.993 0.46904 0.60436 0.81742 0.8219 0.93514 0.38267 0.36561 0.64334 0.33796 0.36571 0.8669 0.48641 0.27445 0.42325 0.73109 0.23854 0.79228 0.533 0.54183 0.47874 0.83892 0.85302 0.65071 0.77102 0.84089 0.96726 0.17704 0.36737 0.46764 0.70143 0.68927 0.98714 0.28628 0.72559 0.98791 0.47092 0.55482 0.5021 0.16047 0.58157 0.45815 0.38135 0.4398 0.78663 0.6021 0.25887 0.78296 0.93065 0.29867 0.07158 0.68408 0.51053 0.85704 0.73062 0.40636 0.4354 0.71887 0.23621 0.98794 0.53839 0.79642 0.80546 0.02664 0.34106 0.29725 0.79858 0.60992 0.96371 0.28399 0.40092 0.97253 0.13015 0.32161 0.49691 0.93735 0.02952 0.22529 0.20395 0.51355 0.62978 0.28664 0.93369 0.04109 0.13804 0.10409 0.35455 0.89614 0.5072 0.33337 0.85771 0.08234 0.21293 0.2675 0.83564 0.07731 0.74773 0.56672 0.74733 0.61337 0.76592 0.72844 0.77706 0.55118 0.69918 0.50678 0.1343 0.56249 0.27039 0.23771 0.32172 0.6493 0.71655 0.8152 0.28156 0.17168 0.82117 0.52385 0.62622 0.12672 0.83471 0.8214 0.74587 0.15216 0.45877 0.92272 0.22945 0.80351 0.34274 0.03852 0.95749 0.60961 0.0958 0.54788 0.22439 0.04934 0.84406 0.06926 0.42609 0.37324 0.07793 0.73421 0.72009 0.47651 0.84763 0.63914 0.43331 0.43911 0.93871 0.90501 0.77909 0.64272 0.61083 0.67393 0.44515 0.61963 0.63556 0.89646 0.62314 0.56128 0.69957 0.82778 0.08979 0.64958 0.09269 0.85103 0.74775 0.5058 0.49806 0.83817 0.64167 0.04197 0.97211 0.00934 0.26727 0.18307 0.6349 0.549 0.59292 0.98814 0.24616 0.89043 0.05098 0.07066 0.08807 0.00227 0.17428 0.2159 0.62613 0.59728 0.09495 0.51682 0.77877 0.56528 0.3147 0.30345 0.54857 0.30938 0.75521 0.62473 0.89626 0.59545 0.01317 0.00218 0.02366 0.70808 0.59326 0.27576 0.83882 0.13418 0.31218 0.3768 0.16371 0.8382 0.66653 0.89036 0.35259 0.79054 0.39516 0.34412 0.69946 0.34576 0.24204 0.25773 0.63448 0.78764 0.4893 0.84954 0.67126 0.81104 0.1901 0.72753 0.32918 0.90132 0.8189 0.6379 0.6763 0.49233 0.20256 0.20459 0.05197 0.53373 0.4615 0.96792 0.82831 0.36883 0.58032 0.11072 0.15991 0.50437 0.95099 0.8177 0.20963 0.01104 0.31029 0.42189 0.1341 0.29519 0.41876 0.44742 0.93726 0.193 0.27929 0.9902 0.39947 0.99929 0.74595 0.05877 0.71141 0.89051 0.6742 0.66663 0.90987 0.01713 0.13765 0.66663 0.97752 0.86528 0.64271 0.79805 0.53593 0.53974 0.73599 0.82389 0.58331 0.55261 0.28243 0.98304 0.00303 0.54732 0.61027 0.32668 0.88715 0.65148 0.17629 0.00497 0.1153 0.50758 0.94795 0.76437 0.34332 0.54419 0.76319 0.66679 0.97569 0.626 0.50983 0.76999 0.03669 0.13787 0.6319 0.62582 0.9015 0.27581 0.34989 0.79645 0.09938 0.82916 0.43935 0.55344 0.10397 0.90981 0.73508 0.93581 0.18387 0.38026 0.57985 0.7703 0.11721 0.06549 0.257 0.63024 0.76675 0.93611 0.78767 0.94904 0.95852 0.55526 0.9796 0.37275 0.62948 0.82947 0.82151 0.32979 0.16499 0.84628 0.31992 0.96795 0.74399 0.1797 0.08775 0.76888 0.77477 0.07411 0.19282 0.94807 0.84897 0.75766 0.31179 0.22147 0.90266 0.67117 0.91492 0.19815 0.30112 0.07503 0.40745 0.95747 0.86812 0.51153 0.55618 0.71431 0.09278 0.0377 0.66394 0.01539 0.14903 0.0457 0.09558 0.24296 0.58548 0.82578 0.77437 0.76625 0.13884 0.8735 0.97058 0.06852 0.64455 0.52643 0.5756 0.81878 0.2863 0.73422 0.83071 0.77003 0.80855 0.07234 0.01137 0.85597 0.00925 0.29128 0.30026 0.3271 0.9111 0.39709 0.1385 0.33104 0.76733 0.10651 0.2473 0.09822 0.38958 0.97981 0.72601 0.82103 0.10292 0.28329 0.67791 0.0172 0.21074 0.87971 0.57153 0.24246 0.96728 0.25488 0.61951 0.5405 0.49509 0.53695 0.21627 0.22197 0.09754 0.78147 0.6106 0.74041 0.08727 0.8138 0.00379 0.41893 0.42792 0.74959 0.93944 0.99579 0.61305 0.76982 0.66345 0.36358 0.88531 0.30448 0.03086 0.05685 0.99992 0.55552 0.07362 0.65775 0.71516 0.5147 0.9005 0.12504 0.8244 0.27311 0.11811 0.67254 0.86044 0.05147 0.81992 0.79247 0.46256 0.61754 0.81307 0.06978 0.52555 0.52392 0.13538 0.1163 0.48667 0.41617 0.87053 0.90832 0.10482 0.93013 0.76291 0.51294 0.1118 0.10052 0.72312 0.8688 0.91964 0.02338 0.8003 0.96832 0.62341 0.73627
+0.18033 0.79168 0.42996 0.57363 0.15933 0.63101 0.3403 0.70145 0.64658 0.10262 0.84145 0.41222 0.69765 0.89559 0.6347 0.52805 0.93962 0.65411 0.35048 0.53729 0.85756 0.35109 0.72609 0.86766 0.95292 0.64122 0.84676 0.3882 0.41158 0.57315 0.87266 0.43233 0.5014 0.5266 0.20801 0.33996 0.33636 0.76172 0.67164 0.55176 0.86639 0.25754 0.33566 0.14899 0.05554 0.25546 0.42246 0.45871 0.20508 0.18636 0.34621 0.60861 0.95738 0.87049 0.33235 0.81001 0.51992 0.12122 0.33232 0.30099 0.62914 0.00117 0.23247 0.49676 0.66796 0.81625 0.55424 0.38065 0.62545 0.3906 0.15838 0.07051 0.99869 0.43077 0.39471 0.84682 0.16414 0.17816 0.45224 0.60734 0.6839 0.86257 0.27071 0.09527 0.61563 0.51576 0.1091 0.32522 0.04101 0.3784 0.72493 0.85514 0.2502 0.0462 0.37632 0.46354 0.70599 0.69341 0.24963 0.6663 0.32121 0.34611 0.07044 0.67567 0.29773 0.42322 0.58085 0.54262 0.06334 0.63868 0.67516 0.88355 0.40458 0.86076 0.33448 0.48969 0.15915 0.77865 0.14371 0.07291 0.75431 0.17577 0.64936 0.74824 0.80887 0.43756 0.24642 0.78123 0.36125 0.96035 0.20937 0.63782 0.35569 0.7738 0.33638 0.61191 0.24188 0.18031 0.74747 0.59868 0.32846 0.95253 0.54361 0.71918 0.42857 0.90049 0.44681 0.8022 0.36656 0.88133 0.39452 0.79167 0.4347 0.26832 0.00279 0.2615 0.32112 0.80339 0.43055 0.97661 0.62166 0.20847 0.90762 0.26238 0.79641 0.59169 0.59178 0.64469 0.65959 0.30819 0.25502 0.60251 0.89928 0.85504 0.1701 0.26014 0.90724 0.53825 0.85471 0.15187 0.78579 0.35294 0.41695 0.53632 0.26191 0.58398 0.66555 0.88727 0.62563 0.40888 0.31141 0.73681 0.94875 0.25346 0.0961 0.99685 0.13024 0.42819 0.16953 0.80733 0.4041 0.37548 0.60532 0.69127 0.25547 0.30649 0.9 0.1293 0.07598 0.01068 0.02629 0.68319 0.39434 0.68627 0.89229 0.11647 0.68671 0.17616 0.88097 0.20274 0.83325 0.07375 0.64784 0.87587 0.80014 0.01601 0.65959 0.71839 0.02759 0.45315 0.90355 0.87061 0.50847 0.48141 0.66378 0.66847 0.83492 0.91048 0.55403 0.10029 0.85322 0.47062 0.38835 0.3745 0.38531 0.32092 0.3314 0.35723 0.19003 0.06422 0.24355 0.26529 0.18781 0.38738 0.47525 0.46174 0.67698 0.69177 0.07788 0.37103 0.25498 0.69214 0.5566 0.45713 0.3802 0.28753 0.39058 0.09762 0.5935 0.53849 0.95586 0.95215 0.04009 0.93129 0.79893 0.07483 0.37627 0.22111 0.85678 0.19473 0.84209 0.44084 0.76258 0.76291 0.53675 0.50261 0.45187 0.02658 0.26731 0.64605 0.2519 0.46507 0.63137 0.68117 0.66913 0.06101 0.77662 0.96556 0.46555 0.40651 0.59965 0.00774 0.42492 0.16128 0.4351 0.44624 0.45971 0.63743 0.44853 0.72168 0.30653 0.96638 0.7774 0.23986 0.35772 0.2422 0.35688 0.0809 0.56526 0.47216 0.31994 0.14482 0.78655 0.07169 0.24794 0.87356 0.03173 0.48796 0.9173 0.8948 0.58403 0.38645 0.07148 0.08236 0.68091 0.63953 0.09653 0.47494 0.56509 0.53011 0.80195 0.51343 0.75738 0.78186 0.35287 0.76677 0.31323 0.12435 0.23626 0.32634 0.29801 0.0931 0.908 0.08726 0.02327 0.29402 0.21234 0.4228 0.89709 0.64505 0.91352 0.78059 0.12706 0.29711 0.3031 0.2999 0.72897 0.25397 0.18301 0.87741 0.97152 0.23062 0.18217 0.64563 0.26044 0.9024 0.55569 0.19537 0.69184 0.95868 0.26784 0.48807 0.24568 0.78873 0.1348 0.69569 0.01687 0.3564 0.9716 0.6091 0.4763 0.21087 0.05656 0.96908 0.50581 0.77439 0.73738 0.34982 0.26892 0.34297 0.20527 0.38155 0.83872 0.80018 0.92757 0.77313 0.23222 0.92228 0.74064 0.31497 0.41524 0.9346 0.16527 0.8196 0.35001 0.33501 0.82864 0.01483 0.6674 0.09901 0.5556 0.19181 0.61869 0.16974 0.61697 0.55322 0.78578 0.35768 0.47774 0.30365 0.90467 0.15306 0.56835 0.64693 0.51088 0.58882 0.2147 0.28488 0.37617 0.11909 0.04827 0.16082 0.71508 0.80716 0.05836 0.93147 0.76026 0.05419 0.07043 0.30719 0.76178 0.62727 0.17912 0.07224 0.78324 0.13309 0.97054 0.27012 0.31582 0.11178 0.37062 0.68178 0.83069 0.65618 0.66087 0.05724 0.53138 0.8471 0.60156 0.07744 0.54974 0.89416 0.01423 0.66109 0.96751 0.03315 0.61122 0.04852 0.34629 0.29105 0.3642 0.35945 0.11329 0.76421 0.07719 0.89594 0.70334 0.61863 0.08713 0.54074 0.26248 0.2536 0.41407 0.37371 0.67554 0.61828 0.01107 0.53686 0.43321 0.75233 0.28705 0.06674 0.5271 0.36257 0.09455 0.08913 0.01154 0.15379 0.63821 0.76215 0.28093 0.50026
+0.56947 0.78782 0.75658 0.86153 0.77706 0.36908 0.40703 0.05508 0.15603 0.97321 0.74139 0.86883 0.65547 0.31544 0.77209 0.81978 0.70405 0.37265 0.49122 0.93462 0.06584 0.65468 0.53105 0.88598 0.02087 0.87751 0.97403 0.04596 0.60082 0.2917 0.42714 0.05633 0.88407 0.81681 0.15382 0.44614 0.34381 0.46123 0.67038 0.57537 0.99066 0.05185 0.66949 0.32931 0.91271 0.05527 0.19991 0.66457 0.135 0.97827 0.85124 0.05602 0.2964 0.7279 0.0019 0.77907 0.80015 0.5313 0.66238 0.66714 0.29939 0.13189 0.09048 0.79169 0.04966 0.05793 0.58479 0.83904 0.57562 0.48093 0.91612 0.69658 0.54404 0.90556 0.87477 0.0867 0.92572 0.72735 0.61056 0.96214 0.26287 0.73239 0.00056 0.74152 0.7339 0.22267 0.40422 0.33436 0.50019 0.28085 0.48581 0.96068 0.24745 0.22353 0.41365 0.39087 0.17929 0.19225 0.40002 0.68145 0.19559 0.10667 0.85395 0.1236 0.95533 0.30612 0.1802 0.77952 0.12167 0.87884 0.38871 0.09746 0.44566 0.76808 0.83942 0.49817 0.83835 0.67746 0.12671 0.42629 0.09562 0.66535 0.26314 0.87113 0.55137 0.9629 0.02624 0.32688 0.2953 0.18871 0.73336 0.75052 0.84548 0.84522 0.78448 0.09212 0.10446 0.0131 0.15791 0.37474 0.55193 0.03867 0.57321 0.20357 0.60253 0.84147 0.23805 0.46617 0.26754 0.89597 0.04451 0.78616 0.74338 0.36711 0.84673 0.2441 0.54456 0.86626 0.68533 0.764 0.52683 0.29127 0.47355 0.92191 0.04163 0.72497 0.39536 0.93902 0.40078 0.78295 0.82509 0.28521 0.63789 0.79967 0.32801 0.14759 0.25628 0.14607 0.04913 0.48325 0.44653 0.97991 0.94826 0.20555 0.40769 0.35159 0.526 0.21655 0.14647 0.78534 0.71638 0.63475 0.00526 0.60615 0.67635 0.57145 0.34738 0.9008 0.12497 0.91046 0.05306 0.38701 0.33064 0.57478 0.93673 0.93488 0.48982 0.75894 0.44733 0.26059 0.7751 0.14198 0.53877 0.2442 0.72845 0.09793 0.30697 0.93912 0.96047 0.43582 0.12186 0.09193 0.24114 0.76057 0.62166 0.74978 0.23807 0.01452 0.90891 0.54006 0.94961 0.96538 0.39208 0.35758 0.40426 0.14434 0.89226 0.20861 0.85805 0.76098 0.84719 0.92094 0.8105 0.20942 0.71138 0.71426 0.63622 0.88431 0.09337 0.97062 0.64463 0.70933 0.5603 0.91147 0.39368 0.89218 0.0457 0.52474 0.32904 0.57789 0.08212 0.05683 0.76249 0.68898 0.01839 0.27589 0.86667 0.12395 0.98592 0.19739 0.89987 0.14392 0.685 0.07079 0.48836 0.64212 0.56183 0.49176 0.06774 0.68741 0.90944 0.61919 0.95691 0.63273 0.19964 0.89108 0.41611 0.00754 0.64163 0.85831 0.5909 0.74642 0.27793 0.57671 0.75256 0.81421 0.32922 0.75101 0.05906 0.52705 0.48774 0.56405 0.63985 0.82495 0.09951 0.34391 0.9942 0.65555 0.94076 0.27635 0.26723 0.3761 0.77415 0.11349 0.71636 0.86718 0.68999 0.40734 0.41617 0.84147 0.3126 0.05726 0.80596 0.51339 0.97104 0.32064 0.49256 0.177 0.56498 0.03768 0.76617 0.55335 0.14272 0.48859 0.5471 0.44907 0.45003 0.06978 0.27969 0.47282 0.91703 0.66701 0.0102 0.27417 0.69108 0.5295 0.7683 0.66434 0.50286 0.89832 0.63949 0.10127 0.68478 0.25636 0.17772 0.33521 0.38742 0.77695 0.37043 0.83718 0.70692 0.74083 0.34879 0.60603 0.59809 0.80905 0.68957 0.85296 0.66001 0.03138 0.29457 0.16383 0.92064 0.25458 0.17661 0.63283 0.71881 0.54527 0.73159 0.14828 0.69547 0.05952 0.75675 0.12323 0.21442 0.30263 0.06522 0.89604 0.55284 0.87236 0.26621 0.12405 0.35455 0.93284 0.35477 0.04645 0.78735 0.73954 0.3033 0.53319 0.96883 0.10756 0.91325 0.02949 0.77625 0.41121 0.45137 0.96911 0.39349 0.89096 0.41774 0.27314 0.20992 0.73303 0.22894 0.89563 0.66529 0.07264 0.16386 0.24885 0.01095 0.05585 0.5165 0.27624 0.11273 0.08173 0.61135 0.23924 0.71813 0.77609 0.59262 0.77421 0.62416 0.68089 0.87861 0.30674 0.74665 0.02071 0.82386 0.21694 0.70574 0.94779 0.39041 0.72977 0.56349 0.37821 0.85226 0.0168 0.05426 0.3761 0.54795 0.17532 0.37238 0.40138 0.77431 0.33052 0.05619 0.71802 0.06663 0.76426 0.00277 0.22528 0.79564 0.02632 0.54918 0.35555 0.75262 0.86405 0.27353 0.80723 0.7512 0.74691 0.71435 0.77197 0.07494 0.90958 0.8706 0.21525 0.86134 0.4071 0.28247 0.42689 0.35071 0.84732 0.23671 0.64383 0.35922 0.44308 0.33069 0.44535 0.36098 0.62627 0.61546 0.68928 0.83456 0.07102 0.39245 0.57361 0.79462 0.5141 0.00436 0.33704 0.01416 0.54093 0.3074 0.41959 0.42613 0.06422 0.3474 0.11042 0.08493 0.39854
+0.00249 0.3314 0.34233 0.33143 0.32184 0.91857 0.84542 0.49718 0.58067 0.12783 0.4736 0.88517 0.36034 0.72933 0.70071 0.89802 0.34863 0.70549 0.48071 0.13106 0.25655 0.11977 0.15 0.96079 0.14397 0.79932 0.53515 0.99047 0.17677 0.81931 0.7824 0.36554 0.32914 0.45344 0.76221 0.08055 0.29076 0.85943 0.89409 0.23959 0.30115 0.98505 0.54859 0.08709 0.84278 0.43546 0.13956 0.83368 0.33373 0.05532 0.42671 0.17473 0.65359 0.11871 0.25938 0.16843 0.15085 0.30246 0.76449 0.36909 0.29115 0.46398 0.71377 0.03264 0.32713 0.59485 0.49974 0.51653 0.05063 0.70773 0.17018 0.08989 0.32462 0.95295 0.9367 0.26704 0.81027 0.09587 0.05239 0.34088 0.65388 0.9862 0.84858 0.84229 0.41046 0.24542 0.57735 0.52002 0.2337 0.34133 0.06845 0.99461 0.19191 0.05555 0.09309 0.20775 0.46547 0.81665 0.75421 0.92473 0.3263 0.01441 0.87768 0.08621 0.97503 0.25112 0.9975 0.1234 0.52098 0.36955 0.73652 0.37725 0.79378 0.78126 0.09899 0.5907 0.99959 0.8908 0.13432 0.02449 0.383 0.57254 0.87855 0.3257 0.59976 0.71603 0.28082 0.45478 0.9107 0.84363 0.1841 0.21688 0.36996 0.51673 0.20004 0.23477 0.60589 0.11324 0.28422 0.43156 0.81358 0.00354 0.15712 0.92577 0.37281 0.6379 0.80165 0.71812 0.81664 0.31737 0.93569 0.65335 0.66454 0.80439 0.35975 0.41084 0.55708 0.74109 0.79074 0.57613 0.97214 0.58086 0.22065 0.46875 0.03833 0.13945 0.14485 0.12255 0.94355 0.68063 0.58116 0.30372 0.55859 0.05012 0.27101 0.4118 0.47274 0.50468 0.35553 0.2711 0.38305 0.02875 0.80378 0.19885 0.52443 0.93293 0.42966 0.24211 0.45884 0.86468 0.5004 0.63788 0.88675 0.38866 0.32898 0.63693 0.63447 0.23613 0.74575 0.40903 0.18927 0.87372 0.11676 0.28526 0.32501 0.33715 0.53662 0.70515 0.51131 0.55331 0.52194 0.87479 0.53066 0.43839 0.98798 0.31138 0.18953 0.03552 0.95282 0.14078 0.23144 0.24676 0.96864 0.31741 0.15634 0.82017 0.80522 0.54973 0.7727 0.1843 0.78253 0.37523 0.53741 0.66278 0.55969 0.02544 0.53251 0.84501 0.44223 0.98817 0.8614 0.41078 0.14407 0.0486 0.24389 0.04493 0.3332 0.34132 0.58191 0.10653 0.48396 0.33778 0.69727 0.30253 0.62387 0.53491 0.19576 0.67272 0.02725 0.76288 0.99597 0.54289 0.91896 0.41839 0.91327 0.96199 0.12126 0.3109 0.19574 0.50564 0.52103 0.95281 0.50392 0.74263 0.60949 0.02212 0.02353 0.22664 0.09028 0.53099 0.4456 0.2759 0.94732 0.49458 0.28531 0.87266 0.25958 0.69676 0.67403 0.4084 0.62018 0.8977 0.58009 0.0889 0.92701 0.36337 0.48429 0.5615 0.26207 0.71016 0.55826 0.51873 0.89426 0.12413 0.03827 0.52168 0.27361 0.16536 0.74805 0.19827 0.18883 0.70905 0.92736 0.86511 0.34357 0.30628 0.17831 0.5992 0.50842 0.96239 0.36181 0.8789 0.39437 0.73714 0.52125 0.83155 0.07885 0.96437 0.93162 0.69522 0.31548 0.52314 0.7416 0.43024 0.13238 0.98312 0.11914 0.79296 0.22472 0.67237 0.30634 0.99718 0.77598 0.62812 0.24783 0.55342 0.6709 0.96939 0.28076 0.01965 0.3366 0.89529 0.53476 0.40706 0.55091 0.06457 0.7367 0.60041 0.45441 0.23623 0.14388 0.67332 0.44029 0.90109 0.50484 0.42899 0.22768 0.13139 0.39899 0.53248 0.36697 0.27108 0.21582 0.27496 0.84457 0.97506 0.88117 0.7568 0.90347 0.85956 0.82813 0.18136 0.91355 0.01205 0.44103 0.8505 0.84036 0.12435 0.397 0.73335 0.51569 0.39956 0.19577 0.50848 0.2292 0.90176 0.09481 0.18262 0.69085 0.42775 0.06468 0.77206 0.61463 0.09069 0.6429 0.39932 0.1525 0.50741 0.21824 0.83231 0.46911 0.48738 0.80606 0.1144 0.09466 0.14 0.83163 0.44926 0.38954 0.82126 0.53061 0.04075 0.71813 0.4984 0.36131 0.6668 0.42604 0.43396 0.50306 0.23375 0.45735 0.11937 0.99403 0.28168 0.55419 0.08912 0.45648 0.87046 0.02587 0.28138 0.62269 0.90428 0.42122 0.89439 0.44578 0.00108 0.29737 0.3984 0.45001 0.40773 0.90697 0.88881 0.62715 0.40791 0.21452 0.60565 0.70549 0.11028 0.74909 0.14073 0.48999 0.02124 0.58014 0.75076 0.45996 0.83215 0.21295 0.56655 0.99826 0.9601 0.46098 0.68348 0.60097 0.33665 0.55078 0.30537 0.50917 0.89905 0.78621 0.21615 0.00216 0.22487 0.45386 0.71916 0.04387 0.37045 0.83627 0.36477 0.004 0.82726 0.05568 0.08903 0.15996 0.27141 0.4597 0.84086 0.21974 0.57434 0.68825 0.43639 0.78267 0.39973 0.93491 0.02261 0.79777 0.41233 0.08019 0.80177 0.81825 0.93733 0.2489 0.02894
+0.33882 0.23561 0.19131 0.62787 0.62433 0.4794 0.3274 0.46628 0.63901 0.93663 0.61478 0.8861 0.58135 0.06947 0.18129 0.80357 0.48034 0.63666 0.35628 0.38466 0.87658 0.57785 0.19392 0.34534 0.22303 0.28478 0.18577 0.54345 0.38737 0.19023 0.5751 0.87936 0.23331 0.58192 0.31912 0.18327 0.27614 0.83536 0.28566 0.09655 0.51403 0.18569 0.41471 0.65002 0.20524 0.35238 0.09048 0.09748 0.7663 0.48813 0.51709 0.9632 0.0058 0.77277 0.27473 0.34067 0.68766 0.33561 0.00247 0.81244 0.31601 0.75877 0.28144 0.55496 0.40431 0.62697 0.19321 0.33964 0.58418 0.9002 0.40617 0.20451 0.90861 0.06481 0.51496 0.37645 0.25976 0.25809 0.05386 0.31772 0.51944 0.55862 0.66649 0.46823 0.94956 0.50443 0.11056 0.8084 0.44086 0.45075 0.44821 0.7852 0.46254 0.09408 0.05628 0.68558 0.38669 0.01279 0.59127 0.9649 0.99069 0.13299 0.16682 0.80125 0.51442 0.13311 0.38101 0.42493 0.55168 0.90795 0.84041 0.76255 0.11722 0.06014 0.37542 0.07288 0.63853 0.10288 0.07875 0.20066 0.88096 0.11388 0.31574 0.12687 0.11404 0.67844 0.24315 0.6397 0.21968 0.41212 0.87555 0.40045 0.16049 0.57189 0.94591 0.64563 0.8436 0.99905 0.55127 0.01693 0.00593 0.66924 0.17869 0.81005 0.9263 0.18609 0.29368 0.54588 0.26761 0.67446 0.62852 0.79701 0.42781 0.92583 0.39632 0.30976 0.04 0.57601 0.80781 0.69127 0.58597 0.69979 0.2116 0.10787 0.23555 0.10912 0.35597 0.62173 0.41769 0.6015 0.94768 0.57313 0.15969 0.20076 0.81313 0.68042 0.08471 0.11284 0.26699 0.57832 0.38916 0.08194 0.42315 0.04018 0.77763 0.68568 0.27107 0.86158 0.45125 0.15543 0.51949 0.00412 0.84915 0.64597 0.31058 0.86771 0.35558 0.79674 0.76521 0.85655 0.46443 0.89205 0.11325 0.97905 0.07049 0.48104 0.43072 0.79559 0.0721 0.70274 0.40038 0.69369 0.27508 0.14211 0.44453 0.24873 0.63475 0.44514 0.08466 0.09715 0.4265 0.04352 0.56791 0.58446 0.16046 0.62302 0.47634 0.53736 0.17156 0.41496 0.82275 0.78014 0.93855 0.42555 0.25969 0.05421 0.33469 0.51056 0.22694 0.86374 0.49346 0.88334 0.39433 0.23822 0.26068 0.9312 0.79577 0.30302 0.59711 0.92033 0.32585 0.91498 0.55638 0.97097 0.48689 0.2017 0.27447 0.12213 0.63095 0.43293 0.07418 0.23764 0.15298 0.42365 0.22572 0.0367 0.44573 0.95738 0.16241 0.8202 0.36466 0.55777 0.48809 0.0529 0.04395 0.45609 0.99326 0.1666 0.96667 0.18749 0.25596 0.5657 0.43844 0.23668 0.80798 0.00256 0.93227 0.38421 0.43614 0.21726 0.50835 0.4846 0.8509 0.36144 0.1201 0.2972 0.20808 0.60789 0.99441 0.59127 0.72084 0.1066 0.65581 0.62295 0.50072 0.79956 0.46696 0.8578 0.122 0.36882 0.85834 0.69875 0.31235 0.33918 0.51178 0.54174 0.98229 0.42103 0.87243 0.23077 0.275 0.18279 0.17286 0.98893 0.95996 0.93729 0.29244 0.26203 0.68552 0.33585 0.3294 0.48717 0.37564 0.12988 0.85125 0.11688 0.4388 0.95331 0.76016 0.61826 0.34248 0.22575 0.67149 0.23055 0.09122 0.42527 0.43781 0.10425 0.75234 0.04381 0.43207 0.25306 0.79094 0.47128 0.86852 0.79057 0.3653 0.20561 0.05645 0.47441 0.95571 0.50628 0.8065 0.27199 0.76262 0.84172 0.29249 0.70436 0.02814 0.30414 0.37945 0.8215 0.10704 0.55059 0.96661 0.83433 0.46016 0.47069 0.43515 0.95614 0.26561 0.42796 0.5599 0.08163 0.45043 0.04112 0.24814 0.67676 0.17748 0.53348 0.95334 0.12301 0.9782 0.20323 0.23824 0.21853 0.00652 0.63507 0.12444 0.8606 0.03118 0.78204 0.41413 0.51027 0.06534 0.32876 0.21349 0.64037 0.32367 0.20069 0.63689 0.0653 0.92845 0.87319 0.72802 0.82919 0.87847 0.91798 0.10746 0.3307 0.07724 0.42374 0.98136 0.82768 0.83946 0.39852 0.54953 0.15211 0.17634 0.67867 0.03259 0.88728 0.95175 0.42655 0.50706 0.61287 0.66064 0.47513 0.16938 0.58531 0.52339 0.03606 0.04256 0.57972 0.45607 0.59064 0.28763 0.79504 0.25571 0.91509 0.22396 0.27853 0.34223 0.72593 0.73601 0.63107 0.04873 0.18054 0.91597 0.19108 0.92036 0.38326 0.5162 0.39079 0.21111 0.37914 0.57931 0.19918 0.09246 0.15483 0.42247 0.10828 0.903 0.0949 0.87986 0.72997 0.5195 0.91748 0.84687 0.67467 0.72503 0.14243 0.58274 0.96567 0.29651 0.4822 0.12721 0.86126 0.66151 0.53068 0.0183 0.37116 0.086 0.66291 0.79447 0.19429 0.48256 0.96387 0.54998 0.45935 0.55606 0.41277 0.24874 0.86706 0.8467 0.19933 0.93668 0.06563 0.43197 0.10885 0.10509 0.94255
+0.36993 0.97222 0.25911 0.31096 0.50929 0.77082 0.4923 0.73348 0.86492 0.29606 0.14482 0.33258 0.10586 0.89766 0.82488 0.66321 0.09401 0.23292 0.66598 0.94337 0.30977 0.15727 0.51491 0.86553 0.31304 0.80295 0.86574 0.62708 0.85883 0.46769 0.97036 0.8673 0.43669 0.40486 0.45278 0.17495 0.33633 0.10656 0.79254 0.05422 0.33782 0.99819 0.86113 0.98788 0.05474 0.85069 0.57155 0.65116 0.71406 0.64466 0.05744 0.5472 0.47174 0.9634 0.31931 0.72078 0.47232 0.56036 0.18045 0.15907 0.76565 0.44771 0.16058 0.55944 0.69197 0.3687 0.14613 0.65172 0.24104 0.84386 0.36995 0.03127 0.72552 0.009 0.42954 0.35284 0.54764 0.10884 0.07693 0.23695 0.05995 0.4024 0.85918 0.65571 0.91348 0.83165 0.11311 0.34305 0.0725 0.27421 0.08132 0.12124 0.79096 0.12381 0.58847 0.01666 0.83343 0.80339 0.26645 0.99988 0.56178 0.21551 0.51817 0.71976 0.38749 0.95092 0.29142 0.5902 0.70244 0.4947 0.29303 0.52979 0.97652 0.18985 0.59028 0.7172 0.51643 0.91914 0.14347 0.73379 0.14285 0.69636 0.90648 0.52278 0.14281 0.77479 0.04055 0.35592 0.67186 0.80354 0.67146 0.34156 0.18509 0.01139 0.0798 0.79506 0.48903 0.43431 0.38868 0.57992 0.52915 0.56124 0.93304 0.27792 0.49459 0.58806 0.77871 0.54672 0.43996 0.16825 0.66424 0.19434 0.07231 0.25877 0.45919 0.85433 0.51437 0.1897 0.3233 0.99022 0.81899 0.6763 0.73768 0.17405 0.41949 0.12148 0.93862 0.30467 0.06943 0.06487 0.3076 0.0792 0.25935 0.65208 0.03699 0.62377 0.33255 0.13812 0.3887 0.98029 0.65876 0.20111 0.69941 0.02439 0.34998 0.62472 0.48835 0.25196 0.40747 0.23265 0.88138 0.53487 0.73159 0.60932 0.56478 0.28519 0.00096 0.98073 0.32948 0.59279 0.36333 0.64763 0.26466 0.75661 0.25136 0.38819 0.18256 0.15116 0.78742 0.34359 0.09134 0.8219 0.45786 0.2357 0.50859 0.87761 0.61646 0.94596 0.59833 0.80979 0.98949 0.68265 0.99019 0.69439 0.63345 0.5222 0.5128 0.43178 0.63227 0.14931 0.6836 0.4378 0.40126 0.88224 0.59201 0.99032 0.33888 0.59694 0.64791 0.45506 0.21123 0.02033 0.99005 0.35648 0.86093 0.37827 0.44268 0.22966 0.57195 0.60272 0.54425 0.3384 0.80896 0.79765 0.35091 0.79366 0.74707 0.15555 0.42599 0.31688 0.22914 0.01205 0.07605 0.77204 0.08888 0.54387 0.46085 0.07607 0.79348 0.31806 0.53264 0.60864 0.68485 0.74997 0.06862 0.26846 0.66008 0.04428 0.54051 0.33503 0.49114 0.5084 0.75485 0.75361 0.20093 0.58808 0.23194 0.97261 0.7132 0.76486 0.37009 0.02665 0.31581 0.20102 0.06288 0.91253 0.70469 0.22899 0.12455 0.53926 0.34836 0.4316 0.30943 0.91838 0.92693 0.9505 0.78132 0.69355 0.86425 0.92324 0.05097 0.08278 0.45839 0.53547 0.99013 0.805 0.89261 0.08452 0.72817 0.99203 0.32266 0.25536 0.93458 0.65553 0.26475 0.48681 0.93934 0.57121 0.32354 0.36696 0.77977 0.11027 0.71154 0.60931 0.5937 0.093 0.31924 0.9999 0.46492 0.10305 0.56697 0.62632 0.71982 0.64115 0.20528 0.09125 0.93968 0.02292 0.63346 0.07681 0.43924 0.11476 0.08162 0.70265 0.12687 0.99315 0.48794 0.24242 0.5601 0.28668 0.35518 0.94733 0.11709 0.31145 0.27114 0.54165 0.22119 0.63117 0.53109 0.09871 0.11144 0.50647 0.89872 0.94246 0.15313 0.38716 0.02003 0.39621 0.84729 0.23442 0.53719 0.95515 0.6319 0.32466 0.31816 0.61034 0.12311 0.55381 0.28501 0.70634 0.1088 0.80784 0.16679 0.15177 0.91667 0.43011 0.43672 0.28676 0.18509 0.40568 0.09012 0.55998 0.15004 0.39366 0.97964 0.3169 0.47782 0.58356 0.39387 0.10899 0.34212 0.2591 0.49024 0.44339 0.37087 0.93845 0.05965 0.92156 0.42834 0.32792 0.67284 0.11194 0.24781 0.59643 0.73532 0.79757 0.43104 0.09807 0.83579 0.72839 0.29775 0.74138 0.69026 0.6546 0.34806 0.30629 0.09554 0.06751 0.87798 0.47537 0.75458 0.8014 0.68931 0.84213 0.78124 0.41912 0.11429 0.7875 0.49838 0.1087 0.31902 0.73144 0.2433 0.80331 0.97059 0.59162 0.12808 0.76718 0.82945 0.78617 0.22135 0.53764 0.01931 0.96338 0.97805 0.93222 0.53337 0.20064 0.80217 0.5183 0.59948 0.69783 0.96316 0.85177 0.46772 0.48865 0.34834 0.25647 0.71764 0.04833 0.69111 0.34257 0.14746 0.54323 0.26945 0.28788 0.2247 0.43921 0.12241 0.34658 0.56427 0.88684 0.00076 0.70979 0.14333 0.51288 0.58119 0.77876 0.97694 0.16309 0.51581 0.2798 0.44921 0.91908 0.49268 0.58971 0.83034 0.51877 0.81625 0.09213 0.61457 0.95055
+0.17907 0.48335 0.26858 0.25468 0.67427 0.34676 0.54188 0.54453 0.52799 0.83111 0.61132 0.9097 0.68203 0.70366 0.02137 0.14524 0.76562 0.78799 0.7755 0.27733 0.87563 0.73129 0.57081 0.37096 0.87576 0.75611 0.65144 0.73966 0.47864 0.00065 0.00778 0.85071 0.26745 0.28727 0.89209 0.04772 0.69639 0.53544 0.06283 0.96341 0.97509 0.07171 0.60403 0.77947 0.64667 0.82562 0.01629 0.19685 0.72757 0.73712 0.62201 0.81768 0.77229 0.89432 0.32104 0.02396 0.97 0.96964 0.62824 0.03715 0.24342 0.84762 0.54084 0.54556 0.18789 0.47912 0.23272 0.70717 0.52147 0.22291 0.14711 0.4746 0.42389 0.61264 0.33599 0.58884 0.16667 0.42909 0.01071 0.68035 0.61474 0.63722 0.0084 0.47669 0.36516 0.53296 0.27855 0.64518 0.4984 0.1045 0.74271 0.31269 0.89394 0.79468 0.95479 0.90284 0.52277 0.7751 0.91009 0.62834 0.36153 0.81359 0.83472 0.05545 0.31052 0.52727 0.20889 0.3364 0.97222 0.88407 0.3716 0.25962 0.58595 0.75818 0.22712 0.01301 0.29626 0.93878 0.66615 0.93237 0.80704 0.91818 0.33362 0.16799 0.25397 0.29707 0.64844 0.7843 0.86349 0.76208 0.8704 0.72184 0.03299 0.47079 0.23949 0.65299 0.80091 0.18193 0.51668 0.35083 0.21452 0.35795 0.28499 0.64225 0.58721 0.16507 0.20963 0.5479 0.31012 0.7352 0.35693 0.46351 0.24718 0.06939 0.69721 0.3099 0.33049 0.66419 0.97926 0.1703 0.84338 0.49613 0.82396 0.29313 0.01398 0.76193 0.92691 0.19592 0.83724 0.13167 0.5822 0.12045 0.78246 0.0961 0.91459 0.72314 0.7223 0.99351 0.20984 0.72442 0.9107 0.27817 0.42976 0.01651 0.32825 0.06681 0.11856 0.78713 0.18072 0.6385 0.90643 0.70828 0.20747 0.20831 0.1371 0.66276 0.71518 0.40929 0.87438 0.7527 0.19698 0.0334 0.68306 0.03407 0.84098 0.91361 0.0021 0.37626 0.33348 0.53761 0.63417 0.17362 0.54532 0.25839 0.24168 0.2819 0.52229 0.94956 0.68889 0.94542 0.24509 0.26899 0.48679 0.98071 0.7798 0.18902 0.48975 0.45626 0.9883 0.08347 0.16451 0.21612 0.35008 0.83589 0.52515 0.03103 0.34799 0.67271 0.41376 0.08235 0.15492 0.70167 0.55593 0.87748 0.1199 0.46911 0.86291 0.78581 0.88809 0.25813 0.87896 0.77567 0.53825 0.66668 0.33215 0.80065 0.40538 0.40182 0.90792 0.4863 0.38772 0.62538 0.1177 0.20676 0.1629 0.98574 0.78155 0.19825 0.8936 0.50329 0.8633 0.42125 0.6456 0.41183 0.57117 0.63292 0.3485 0.59578 0.01265 0.46288 0.80489 0.27784 0.00736 0.55998 0.25619 0.83688 0.94859 0.42996 0.95541 0.61037 0.22398 0.84243 0.35279 0.77622 0.11172 0.06884 0.50453 0.50807 0.97605 0.60331 0.81436 0.25765 0.21571 0.88831 0.12711 0.59789 0.6414 0.18684 0.99536 0.16399 0.35603 0.24692 0.08229 0.73915 0.61756 0.99166 0.71389 0.99413 0.1517 0.80429 0.05587 0.66591 0.98467 0.30699 0.99719 0.11064 0.95027 0.34876 0.0362 0.65527 0.93734 0.7114 0.48524 0.43582 0.33072 0.82636 0.58866 0.0781 0.24896 0.38649 0.53089 0.88735 0.82682 0.84964 0.87382 0.90131 0.05661 0.49015 0.41864 0.518 0.46782 0.50279 0.48801 0.97757 0.71897 0.36772 0.40904 0.15379 0.53416 0.72974 0.91168 0.4176 0.28898 0.3334 0.72981 0.07485 0.70288 0.43569 0.7082 0.97141 0.8873 0.68404 0.97534 0.5016 0.10157 0.46094 0.61357 0.81467 0.23667 0.25189 0.98904 0.94482 0.68386 0.27756 0.4271 0.72407 0.33985 0.93843 0.95848 0.47361 0.97864 0.84842 0.75894 0.6682 0.78889 0.74217 0.74232 0.29904 0.91816 0.9091 0.28306 0.89253 0.80009 0.9094 0.87083 0.95799 0.92795 0.62009 0.72943 0.78325 0.23488 0.44358 0.62893 0.0947 0.71747 0.76034 0.69499 0.05909 0.30853 0.40077 0.80109 0.96562 0.61525 0.66 0.13554 0.8009 0.35229 0.08444 0.39685 0.29884 0.98946 0.65432 0.52629 0.71973 0.48077 0.78869 0.00359 0.37751 0.79588 0.30027 0.34502 0.05023 0.1802 0.24831 0.51458 0.31715 0.01036 0.44 0.74491 0.48643 0.39799 0.84898 0.38562 0.56981 0.7911 0.46748 0.18977 0.21082 0.85464 0.44177 0.44029 0.95088 0.3721 0.17806 0.1264 0.05852 0.93252 0.23833 0.70538 0.29824 0.02415 0.39425 0.93458 0.65607 0.47228 0.17092 0.70447 0.99762 0.6044 0.32598 0.83778 0.76383 0.224 0.70587 0.94339 0.00357 0.64874 0.63986 0.52393 0.15576 0.06166 0.0507 0.33541 0.56079 0.76831 0.03644 0.90312 0.6809 0.97261 0.70323 0.35089 0.37586 0.49196 0.87592 0.94791 0.70759 0.56763 0.14164 0.52398 0.30471 0.58376 0.1242
+0.83577 0.58262 0.9399 0.40401 0.67728 0.35374 0.21595 0.55052 0.87883 0.09617 0.2114 0.77392 0.74305 0.41188 0.65989 0.04158 0.3579 0.46244 0.11795 0.26997 0.1055 0.8631 0.36305 0.70961 0.89328 0.46603 0.3481 0.81281 0.76559 0.45221 0.28434 0.22763 0.64481 0.67153 0.49132 0.69277 0.25064 0.38717 0.67394 0.6966 0.74849 0.61241 0.62868 0.09542 0.78213 0.83565 0.82515 0.18331 0.95763 0.57054 0.90524 0.33504 0.49919 0.57947 0.34677 0.75337 0.8612 0.46007 0.98266 0.31423 0.25765 0.3946 0.26803 0.71491 0.56659 0.10916 0.50162 0.56981 0.06331 0.46928 0.89117 0.27729 0.51832 0.10764 0.98153 0.70548 0.21983 0.29793 0.05971 0.20604 0.58416 0.29493 0.24134 0.96963 0.51101 0.44231 0.53281 0.69425 0.7145 0.75959 0.89721 0.28368 0.0484 0.05243 0.53522 0.75843 0.27467 0.3979 0.47958 0.89274 0.74451 0.07208 0.4673 0.23484 0.06141 0.73302 0.91151 0.17567 0.90724 0.19591 0.54935 0.88142 0.46537 0.73405 0.02736 0.48411 0.0658 0.67284 0.49775 0.77326 0.36003 0.0249 0.19019 0.63804 0.28222 0.7519 0.39392 0.45181 0.58795 0.02552 0.56556 0.69723 0.35146 0.71292 0.09886 0.82358 0.00576 0.48804 0.61692 0.28303 0.25971 0.77535 0.42093 0.53186 0.07806 0.78885 0.99154 0.48525 0.89989 0.40584 0.7962 0.33539 0.916 0.94595 0.17381 0.97679 0.09053 0.26316 0.41855 0.83564 0.16397 0.28896 0.60378 0.89085 0.23813 0.92467 0.48668 0.95417 0.64326 0.07727 0.79958 0.1407 0.54077 0.66088 0.79652 0.60041 0.44669 0.31407 0.94081 0.09363 0.47287 0.31478 0.41482 0.3332 0.42375 0.8892 0.65757 0.94502 0.61755 0.05 0.92811 0.52923 0.99738 0.52897 0.60043 0.09079 0.08457 0.48223 0.74978 0.40777 0.41239 0.60088 0.86895 0.94459 0.96674 0.46257 0.18779 0.47319 0.57368 0.16967 0.54445 0.25619 0.76461 0.03849 0.81803 0.41877 0.73879 0.50975 0.69116 0.17838 0.32791 0.10979 0.95025 0.32767 0.51799 0.08711 0.63421 0.53015 0.49074 0.9891 0.24437 0.6192 0.17473 0.35197 0.05592 0.42873 0.70073 0.74987 0.02441 0.0777 0.46535 0.91851 0.01676 0.2702 0.31109 0.00813 0.18149 0.73975 0.22623 0.92554 0.46605 0.67838 0.50654 0.2627 0.26091 0.4215 0.34325 0.67664 0.59122 0.86384 0.15653 0.67405 0.0723 0.02823 0.70535 0.95091 0.98553 0.51288 0.44359 0.88334 0.80843 0.7754 0.14059 0.02176 0.28719 0.19891 0.19246 0.26467 0.00237 0.14823 0.16044 0.49324 0.74921 0.27204 0.93744 0.12447 0.72204 0.90292 0.33836 0.39065 0.37726 0.15021 0.95433 0.46526 0.02178 0.22671 0.33281 0.14845 0.25325 0.53166 0.6835 0.75544 0.52503 0.95184 0.29777 0.0773 0.48678 0.66761 0.834 0.38569 0.4198 0.35155 0.65512 0.05362 0.99621 0.79443 0.51326 0.86698 0.97577 0.3861 0.03965 0.22798 0.8867 0.74761 0.24708 0.34656 0.2309 0.6461 0.88791 0.41946 0.55149 0.85126 0.14643 0.26109 0.91421 0.26513 0.33056 0.02296 0.1016 0.14404 0.06877 0.7622 0.67264 0.48753 0.57574 0.97706 0.44816 0.84683 0.69109 0.87436 0.88424 0.03971 0.56272 0.58472 0.05484 0.56756 0.22237 0.85686 0.25916 0.34361 0.13931 0.44989 0.82224 0.14197 0.45108 0.47041 0.27118 0.22682 0.39944 0.22118 0.46961 0.08459 0.34386 0.47798 0.13314 0.80944 0.75665 0.61068 0.78029 0.3639 0.88191 0.67375 0.4597 0.74616 0.76878 0.40774 0.17338 0.5584 0.57131 0.67265 0.25924 0.23419 0.35969 0.63187 0.01228 0.23078 0.58953 0.70251 0.8401 0.41831 0.2419 0.59856 0.319 0.94424 0.35239 0.53142 0.39936 0.29412 0.39825 0.97803 0.29129 0.61997 0.00948 0.59497 0.38601 0.31285 0.07654 0.70649 0.04587 0.88133 0.37692 0.97146 0.88869 0.11013 0.3508 0.8694 0.85046 0.74669 0.78065 0.68786 0.82356 0.51359 0.88759 0.25103 0.6589 0.03357 0.54749 0.23427 0.80051 0.68612 0.07367 0.53138 0.31393 0.62758 0.07526 0.21986 0.90645 0.05293 0.98186 0.1302 0.453 0.38568 0.29937 0.44771 0.83587 0.35082 0.27344 0.27867 0.73185 0.58921 0.63204 0.31121 0.36679 0.99089 0.98196 0.08992 0.17805 0.03143 0.89964 0.89182 0.24145 0.6062 0.38826 0.87524 0.61587 0.42517 0.7116 0.52439 0.68248 0.34592 0.74474 0.87939 0.31597 0.75244 0.29679 0.19959 0.09196 0.72355 0.24525 0.75671 0.47281 0.08013 0.41909 0.44488 0.00059 0.58047 0.85947 0.47555 0.62884 0.69356 0.44694 0.4148 0.44739 0.691 0.72224 0.95891 0.71648 0.96085 0.52632 0.0134 0.09276 0.06404
+0.43834 0.71962 0.60957 0.56028 0.55884 0.97946 0.48557 0.48104 0.50188 0.72211 0.32489 0.31743 0.73665 0.78697 0.03508 0.40826 0.13235 0.13585 0.23199 0.29476 0.69371 0.19194 0.20315 0.32401 0.07558 0.34556 0.09664 0.3621 0.11756 0.12196 0.13513 0.22014 0.35619 0.40911 0.9531 0.90067 0.56074 0.98053 0.97136 0.28012 0.31594 0.84532 0.73939 0.41841 0.67101 0.91411 0.94097 0.50737 0.6692 0.53358 0.61436 0.79371 0.92381 0.24873 0.19596 0.9218 0.75949 0.31607 0.91012 0.52437 0.87799 0.23502 0.12157 0.02615 0.56696 0.02794 0.60925 0.26059 0.75629 0.91944 0.82889 0.31514 0.55723 0.82234 0.4877 0.34355 0.06835 0.37779 0.39452 0.08033 0.90687 0.55241 0.00182 0.23305 0.39853 0.37325 0.18561 0.67629 0.91802 0.49761 0.30565 0.42301 0.8225 0.08402 0.99024 0.73049 0.94335 0.26458 0.24838 0.23289 0.25949 0.36077 0.5432 0.42988 0.09112 0.42776 0.88941 0.77465 0.35048 0.44581 0.23073 0.28218 0.92795 0.71148 0.64884 0.06515 0.86862 0.22225 0.07662 0.10655 0.17289 0.76533 0.6764 0.65758 0.72305 0.75515 0.37391 0.48755 0.70769 0.41029 0.28721 0.77087 0.6538 0.78657 0.38402 0.56499 0.07601 0.10768 0.78457 0.78818 0.69668 0.08946 0.7799 0.60197 0.79826 0.13189 0.99017 0.36926 0.26052 0.60194 0.19369 0.30494 0.46261 0.25248 0.70996 0.68778 0.67731 0.97419 0.01852 0.83133 0.63273 0.71255 0.36196 0.8901 0.43419 0.20648 0.19815 0.78393 0.51871 0.56355 0.18615 0.74191 0.55955 0.21353 0.49981 0.02247 0.2877 0.37835 0.01259 0.4366 0.40558 0.75275 0.08671 0.66041 0.22881 0.63387 0.22435 0.66554 0.91642 0.4807 0.74325 0.90253 0.52584 0.73018 0.89913 0.60015 0.006 0.80748 0.57351 0.98833 0.02468 0.2468 0.70921 0.75531 0.80863 0.23312 0.98518 0.97868 0.02517 0.73897 0.03805 0.877 0.46348 0.03349 0.70007 0.853 0.07495 0.13161 0.32417 0.05219 0.16452 0.69404 0.0497 0.12896 0.71227 0.12819 0.5557 0.27731 0.22235 0.8695 0.91517 0.02516 0.12816 0.67999 0.09514 0.792 0.44978 0.59117 0.07796 0.29186 0.97 0.28983 0.70277 0.58988 0.16706 0.28142 0.08804 0.99677 0.3144 0.61942 0.64528 0.43469 0.21387 0.56113 0.53936 0.53754 0.30613 0.62286 0.89247 0.89607 0.47716 0.01685 0.35954 0.12562 0.73919 0.79672 0.72048 0.3489 0.66136 0.84904 0.14516 0.00393 0.17384 0.18095 0.64585 0.11676 0.12175 0.6238 0.34374 0.23392 0.13501 0.28207 0.28816 0.55759 0.68938 0.31712 0.53679 0.06375 0.12461 0.13946 0.15024 0.97226 0.59005 0.46376 0.09672 0.87204 0.01631 0.4252 0.43276 0.46613 0.70912 0.49526 0.6372 0.77757 0.14346 0.29453 0.47722 0.1284 0.44017 0.77153 0.46539 0.33478 0.44919 0.68896 0.3815 0.6334 0.72292 0.71468 0.17656 0.98237 0.51802 0.53822 0.11433 0.05492 0.45745 0.46197 0.89584 0.29402 0.76239 0.51872 0.67165 0.03775 0.3537 0.26566 0.71743 0.67868 0.18341 0.67389 0.5007 0.36206 0.88997 0.99705 0.04284 0.7921 0.76639 0.88126 0.10203 0.97104 0.82063 0.70444 0.43092 0.11884 0.28151 0.20802 0.09521 3e-05 0.61288 0.52308 0.66742 0.05762 0.26505 0.09479 0.43381 0.41235 0.51759 0.16487 0.90965 0.5741 0.31569 0.64017 0.42458 0.58246 0.20845 0.77884 0.32402 0.34142 0.19628 0.74248 0.8529 0.82596 0.31382 0.58285 0.09378 0.08699 0.47279 0.86055 0.79715 0.15245 0.21593 0.34029 0.37509 0.52983 0.27649 0.55644 0.41316 0.67432 0.71396 0.98581 0.79237 0.66111 0.12178 0.57554 0.9908 0.77647 0.0171 0.83184 0.57374 0.6022 0.4749 0.0066 0.84149 0.17885 0.24596 0.0765 0.95039 0.53951 0.83866 0.79101 0.03389 0.19031 0.46781 0.66768 0.28778 0.79954 0.96001 0.3921 0.19654 0.29754 0.8398 0.37177 0.87297 0.18623 0.73289 0.21177 0.91882 0.42283 0.36285 0.07357 0.13073 0.45048 0.59129 0.23259 0.81237 0.15296 0.37374 0.79834 0.8347 0.38096 0.48658 0.35187 0.39445 0.48932 0.23844 0.15286 0.12568 0.91281 0.61445 0.2317 0.12228 0.1972 0.01679 0.62417 0.67786 0.07523 0.77146 0.62744 0.87283 0.78663 0.54925 0.28754 0.47396 0.79294 0.18291 0.1853 0.66697 0.77856 0.6879 0.8387 0.97151 0.87112 0.2154 0.83182 0.28357 0.57347 0.04508 0.69743 0.84508 0.38372 0.26405 0.72527 0.41739 0.95789 0.66331 0.32713 0.9909 0.39548 0.75144 0.90517 0.37394 0.57791 0.95584 0.9623 0.75394 0.59159 0.64449 0.72676 0.42272 0.13025 0.44366 0.98539 0.80488 0.37755
+0.9523 0.12535 0.40004 0.79697 0.07022 0.39474 0.8552 0.68715 0.15549 0.63318 0.91249 0.47118 0.70188 0.00901 0.97768 0.57737 0.27367 0.47092 0.88517 0.1456 0.54667 0.94485 0.91906 0.99756 0.91582 0.525 0.73226 0.14726 0.56238 0.15291 0.87568 0.55717 0.50963 0.46824 0.95579 0.2578 0.74262 0.42495 0.69536 0.55589 0.80258 0.97582 0.48615 0.35382 0.01162 0.70994 0.59319 0.584 0.43777 0.10471 0.93068 0.38287 0.89508 0.60593 0.4494 0.36724 0.33364 0.23584 0.7911 0.05599 0.83 0.13395 0.74242 0.66109 0.67938 0.57555 0.53633 0.45974 0.15509 0.49861 0.20954 0.8131 0.45194 0.336 0.31024 0.35636 0.49909 0.78639 0.87833 0.82805 0.0972 0.02493 0.01749 0.32447 0.8736 0.3757 0.11865 0.29424 0.14462 0.26612 0.4082 0.1418 0.10316 0.75216 0.32995 0.62871 0.67606 0.29571 0.28057 0.22555 0.85816 0.85612 0.31108 0.24231 0.14654 0.637 0.76551 0.96113 0.84095 0.82399 0.60904 0.45446 0.85462 0.49461 0.96737 0.63605 0.63039 0.21557 0.59109 0.74945 0.09716 0.20957 0.14349 0.64152 0.57664 0.54443 0.17947 0.71806 0.65662 0.36384 0.7178 0.24056 0.33867 0.87395 0.95504 0.1146 0.34981 0.2833 0.80433 0.78169 0.96004 0.27996 0.42562 0.59211 0.86649 0.9672 0.59146 0.41938 0.57735 0.98459 0.49789 0.75332 0.99807 0.3233 0.80689 0.33315 0.45319 0.82225 0.62696 0.82535 0.20775 0.86564 0.77837 0.44188 0.57993 0.18091 0.28251 0.44122 0.96401 0.20778 0.06475 0.06179 0.06825 0.17057 0.07611 0.14456 0.53814 0.6537 0.85182 0.14191 0.32039 0.49314 0.60276 0.76815 0.19825 0.70842 0.81995 0.54128 0.66072 0.90505 0.53417 0.29029 0.83716 0.97648 0.01484 0.03014 0.08473 0.37637 0.1574 0.42897 0.68224 0.06985 0.99441 0.59474 0.77046 0.85164 0.81196 0.07035 0.95636 0.54969 0.04292 0.60131 0.03532 0.16795 0.09851 0.18221 0.82876 0.51896 0.31732 0.51024 0.33364 0.70644 0.1817 0.47491 0.14516 0.7609 0.61212 0.99754 0.23178 0.83114 0.01005 0.46949 0.755 0.69206 0.3715 0.74868 0.55519 0.68291 0.6522 0.24145 0.71973 0.95945 0.74998 0.43377 0.61431 0.94107 0.6534 0.57148 0.09666 0.56171 0.17608 0.34171 0.42918 0.08167 0.08398 0.05261 0.53022 0.35552 0.90424 0.33779 0.987 0.82986 0.97465 0.26989 0.25718 0.62527 0.4669 0.98549 0.45412 0.58692 0.86405 0.31661 0.66583 0.2863 0.47022 0.51615 0.85583 0.36894 0.1692 0.38629 0.40239 0.91028 0.90338 0.54932 0.3554 0.92907 0.03414 0.03767 0.53928 0.29061 0.11674 0.89356 0.93925 0.544 0.13305 0.41041 0.00589 0.2393 0.63892 0.36752 0.14489 0.63397 0.0258 0.0329 0.07598 0.34859 0.75615 0.41036 0.0715 0.94857 0.02357 0.43661 0.32462 0.68577 0.3351 0.51574 0.94568 0.95877 0.89092 0.37771 0.66566 0.89498 0.96395 0.86574 0.86227 0.45716 0.69492 0.43808 0.37566 0.5159 0.74277 0.55248 0.20765 0.74385 0.46473 0.87023 0.67265 0.89545 0.18176 0.03513 0.46832 0.56172 0.73489 0.70941 0.89434 0.83378 0.18679 0.6937 0.2794 0.69083 0.37424 0.52888 0.5472 0.73895 0.61775 0.47178 0.49172 0.73225 0.67681 0.68885 0.4464 0.63736 0.82271 0.12342 0.16555 0.02759 0.89114 0.18259 0.92169 0.06828 0.23957 0.10256 0.03133 0.07187 0.96525 0.32073 0.47366 0.58476 0.6966 0.06151 0.34098 0.4515 0.64618 0.7326 0.68491 0.89492 0.82383 0.77848 0.21445 0.56809 0.99396 0.77903 0.18968 0.15703 0.69757 0.3521 0.75806 0.69752 0.6175 0.59063 0.87391 0.80595 0.21422 0.06861 0.66485 0.12139 0.13812 0.49315 0.04612 0.56033 0.29693 0.31385 0.57581 0.11149 0.64859 0.70218 0.11476 0.54102 0.66699 0.34037 0.19633 0.04952 0.12576 0.2003 0.31402 0.95912 0.37839 0.70626 0.48442 0.09883 0.02052 0.60953 0.14644 0.77509 0.6423 0.60964 0.0219 0.75385 0.93084 0.33587 0.55119 0.95241 0.09073 0.59895 0.60892 0.2459 0.8745 0.88701 0.9775 0.98011 0.60103 0.30875 0.43171 0.15997 0.21145 0.43433 0.04699 0.68214 0.25146 0.26762 0.20583 0.61145 0.53877 0.39482 0.70797 0.01067 0.39745 0.15184 0.36198 0.49482 0.88216 0.54261 0.35929 0.55238 0.66034 0.25111 0.35541 0.27954 0.7419 0.59094 0.38125 0.86757 0.90449 0.66729 0.47415 0.41464 0.0916 0.71061 0.28891 0.56383 0.38813 0.10208 0.8732 0.46557 0.61724 0.8787 0.43602 0.44058 0.77526 0.59642 0.27776 0.0006 0.27899 0.42952 0.45964 0.48535 0.72817 0.95635 0.44288 0.11943 0.98751 0.66746
+0.28808 0.69658 0.48852 0.01887 0.26698 0.50532 0.01929 0.16437 0.09371 0.19342 0.33042 0.23547 0.74863 0.95765 0.27219 0.8856 0.20705 0.96867 0.17334 0.51035 0.26556 0.89234 0.28115 0.12693 0.58702 0.37918 0.75385 0.10215 0.45249 0.75587 0.93119 0.81565 0.18598 0.01977 0.22098 0.91322 0.97727 0.9865 0.38822 0.75656 0.30585 0.26523 0.17646 0.04175 0.72473 0.02244 0.36893 0.8518 0.31481 0.9281 0.96066 0.68621 0.53591 0.39509 0.42631 0.08909 0.46254 0.22674 0.1811 0.0974 0.96364 0.67434 0.54464 0.03754 0.29423 0.71463 0.26125 0.53509 0.50416 0.50316 0.92745 0.96692 0.70845 0.50366 0.60216 0.24633 0.35003 0.67458 0.69065 0.78044 0.59781 0.49705 0.09285 0.11501 0.3391 0.43998 0.20138 0.29298 0.88117 0.47297 0.63742 0.58213 0.78763 0.41156 0.77909 0.61995 0.1175 0.68541 0.26784 0.67504 0.47644 0.52643 0.73805 0.36146 0.80538 0.81287 0.35709 0.09013 0.88846 0.23341 0.90497 0.40661 0.02691 0.68373 0.33529 0.44407 0.57403 0.1547 0.26927 0.0146 0.29299 0.17171 0.98687 0.46065 0.75739 0.3607 0.70288 0.35477 0.80501 0.21026 0.62077 0.19718 0.53297 0.29044 0.00863 0.67399 0.69966 0.98762 0.7582 0.33598 0.79353 0.40674 0.04391 0.08142 0.43239 0.25125 0.14641 0.44736 0.41674 0.99812 0.62195 0.79851 0.65597 0.01631 0.53392 0.26437 0.04384 0.22574 0.90004 0.48718 0.56937 0.50758 0.04345 0.09318 0.99679 0.61429 0.54801 0.85207 0.80002 0.0719 0.60728 0.75967 0.1611 0.56846 0.43322 0.61703 0.16851 0.52669 0.65255 0.31903 0.2939 0.21838 0.82859 0.53365 0.95933 0.11839 0.92984 0.70339 0.02235 0.60925 0.09336 0.11465 0.78919 0.16212 0.27218 0.21371 0.66556 0.69737 0.53302 0.06246 0.74973 0.24255 0.37305 0.46919 0.39973 0.87676 0.93534 0.76976 0.65949 0.05477 0.9673 0.10495 0.82588 0.25476 0.50165 0.5985 0.25429 0.44389 0.0607 0.58471 0.54257 0.24757 0.54571 0.86514 0.21976 0.67023 0.10083 0.95886 0.33499 0.13167 0.80364 0.31438 0.54477 0.69579 0.9094 0.30874 0.47898 0.52985 0.00788 0.45909 0.24636 0.1537 0.15397 0.81711 0.80919 0.66213 0.4736 0.24476 0.19516 0.70495 0.90461 0.92357 0.05373 0.01516 0.16566 0.11977 0.55713 0.68329 0.0639 0.80072 0.37081 0.78727 0.70296 0.2362 0.1202 0.43682 0.7192 0.65659 0.16742 0.5675 0.42426 0.67772 0.67749 0.19259 0.92212 0.26462 0.70102 0.4715 0.69 0.8866 0.45549 0.66897 0.45039 0.65541 0.86552 0.69828 0.98666 0.12774 0.59761 0.46461 0.20049 0.92606 0.48709 0.07186 0.60182 0.25296 0.58878 0.2385 0.49197 0.78999 0.99328 0.5073 0.86775 0.94393 0.02524 0.086 0.28268 0.89051 0.38856 0.24338 0.20692 0.53137 0.24643 0.65467 0.8585 0.15677 0.08808 0.01341 0.06646 0.50007 0.26369 0.15562 0.69989 0.69493 0.36736 0.61922 0.99558 0.26715 0.13442 0.13888 0.70005 0.70686 0.31802 0.65949 0.69146 0.1069 0.41963 0.69634 0.989 0.83152 0.33252 0.11537 0.65689 0.73103 0.04823 0.16247 0.21048 0.53482 0.91413 0.51578 0.53009 0.03967 0.35798 0.30697 0.66038 0.9359 0.961 0.89412 0.71024 0.16498 0.03395 0.61216 0.73399 0.38253 0.25703 0.67091 0.28801 0.10324 0.13634 0.55186 0.04022 0.96231 0.36477 0.54232 0.28981 0.21427 0.00603 0.45877 0.11016 0.1173 0.43253 0.10606 0.4382 0.614 0.92254 0.70848 0.49494 0.42431 0.35603 0.19269 0.67087 0.27791 0.40189 0.30991 0.99129 0.4962 0.49317 0.76038 0.90787 0.26139 0.50884 0.41806 0.53916 0.53754 0.46984 0.26201 0.39597 0.2498 0.78539 0.06305 0.82717 0.19406 0.8567 0.22766 0.88264 0.98932 0.7249 0.88483 0.14887 0.05426 0.74116 0.91546 0.12515 0.6278 0.41468 0.94349 0.52022 0.65105 0.31619 0.23044 0.30097 0.99165 0.65957 0.4919 0.36555 0.60671 0.21743 0.76356 0.52226 0.79737 0.60908 0.93169 0.12796 0.24934 0.33768 0.45331 0.58209 0.99547 0.7784 0.68372 0.66698 0.03939 0.41405 0.21164 0.76969 0.51108 0.28633 0.57985 0.81836 0.16882 0.40145 0.22375 0.97073 0.30415 0.72276 0.71094 0.32615 0.24034 0.76622 0.41663 0.97324 0.91547 0.37498 0.31608 0.9598 0.98779 0.43076 0.16191 0.9072 0.71051 0.69208 0.32881 0.42015 0.52439 0.34589 0.58017 0.47592 0.28365 0.50714 0.72447 0.78031 0.11281 0.64349 0.76946 0.01548 0.03826 0.12822 0.80643 0.03698 0.93293 0.26575 0.14044 0.46418 0.22894 0.78816 0.18613 0.24136 0.56878 0.74641 0.42946 0.38286 0.97982
+0.3273 0.74567 0.44921 0.41751 0.50384 0.41986 0.89827 0.61027 0.35535 0.45469 0.97942 0.56434 0.71656 0.14091 0.62921 0.45311 0.86738 0.37617 0.43489 0.08371 0.13108 0.68725 0.44495 0.49765 0.86171 0.14665 0.63094 0.2842 0.203 0.89439 0.12308 0.88798 0.67915 0.96382 0.42757 0.38485 0.44128 0.66272 0.76025 0.61447 0.10625 0.26525 0.42918 0.50394 0.19802 0.21776 0.63284 0.70735 0.63356 0.79876 0.99785 0.38779 0.83007 0.99542 0.57397 0.58674 0.41347 0.4687 0.66571 0.87226 0.38137 0.87057 0.93967 0.11062 0.89819 0.90238 0.72101 0.9404 0.4293 0.18194 0.49805 0.51567 0.24838 0.30348 0.10524 0.87902 0.80167 0.55317 0.53903 0.39202 0.04554 0.32598 0.03408 0.7877 0.86132 0.3813 0.58666 0.08431 0.03413 0.87738 0.11625 0.20521 0.27255 0.959 0.90109 0.55492 0.33854 0.41941 0.20354 0.23445 0.7497 0.40481 0.82652 0.4887 0.9581 0.06782 0.92505 0.19611 0.29145 0.55312 0.69455 0.99319 0.72042 0.93007 0.99739 0.08902 0.96671 0.12642 0.10466 0.96772 0.48515 0.41603 0.07614 0.9734 0.53378 0.83178 0.20445 0.89386 0.35917 0.74313 0.26495 0.69982 0.70507 0.14697 0.24363 0.99537 0.8421 0.43729 0.68272 0.22639 0.51632 0.1912 0.16355 0.9817 0.78643 0.01567 0.86053 0.62927 0.58399 0.05178 0.66246 0.18818 0.72235 0.11222 0.5771 0.88201 0.52084 0.62806 0.10186 0.48734 0.33826 0.79161 0.77575 0.84565 0.93738 0.67787 0.98828 0.37587 0.87777 0.04315 0.0425 0.85391 0.60297 0.42564 0.33221 0.71697 0.19734 0.25713 0.64453 0.35115 0.09937 0.05502 0.44792 0.9098 0.11739 0.59592 0.46284 0.70172 0.19526 0.17861 0.59328 0.69869 0.23699 0.42379 0.61025 0.2264 0.80239 0.78307 0.29467 0.34185 0.18366 0.44069 0.5325 0.74712 0.66018 0.37658 0.34639 0.06766 0.08358 0.27522 0.91454 0.44339 0.57834 0.96673 0.90239 0.74695 0.31584 0.71804 0.08862 0.64667 0.9198 0.01816 0.52792 0.94779 0.80097 0.26487 0.9486 0.4054 0.72697 0.49433 0.9676 0.51099 0.18424 0.23718 0.41216 0.41342 0.29931 0.89003 0.14445 0.93021 0.02834 0.85217 0.95379 0.10421 0.5506 0.83611 0.4422 0.20406 0.01782 0.86227 0.35461 0.75644 0.07812 0.58618 0.28968 0.89657 0.84775 0.39277 0.74245 0.98596 0.27601 0.94048 0.54533 0.97681 0.33298 0.96263 0.00529 0.54776 0.645 0.00778 0.58734 0.21521 0.48557 0.54672 0.54851 0.46095 0.59553 0.04388 0.79231 0.44559 0.74058 0.79586 0.16409 0.41376 0.46381 0.92122 0.11929 0.09305 0.02211 0.05629 0.20468 0.25199 0.98935 0.79225 0.88698 0.47684 0.52891 0.92437 0.81282 0.00854 0.53561 0.7435 0.58702 0.6748 0.38515 0.85091 0.13789 0.58069 0.98911 0.43305 0.84495 0.71664 0.01272 0.50938 0.41745 0.91662 0.26628 0.69583 0.3611 0.8018 0.02309 0.13703 0.6056 0.62647 0.64327 0.06723 0.64833 0.14744 0.64489 0.64144 0.63142 0.06693 0.5148 0.88114 0.71179 0.00085 0.87786 0.22894 0.08456 0.06377 0.32804 0.28319 0.76131 0.33328 0.88055 0.48871 0.9529 0.84115 0.33244 0.40989 0.69664 0.90657 0.50372 0.17472 0.21776 0.77295 0.60263 0.39425 0.5563 0.30752 0.37241 0.99821 0.14582 0.37541 0.14031 0.19788 0.63924 0.94632 0.4006 0.651 0.83024 0.8932 0.2957 0.83361 0.63188 0.1151 0.73664 0.03017 0.46385 0.17614 0.73133 0.16245 0.61485 0.96798 0.33237 0.41075 0.77333 0.79521 0.17508 0.49256 0.12121 0.15116 0.51914 0.26201 0.82295 0.15612 0.63428 0.11318 0.57414 0.58701 0.48302 0.51022 0.46463 0.23315 0.81441 0.83165 0.37588 0.0065 0.00134 0.13942 0.70539 0.96958 0.84426 0.50417 0.51162 0.5053 0.63107 0.28258 0.186 0.5173 0.03295 0.68175 0.51923 0.69993 0.55537 0.82759 0.40642 0.91863 0.7344 0.8429 0.49811 0.31209 0.84528 0.19457 0.95902 0.94248 0.85521 0.79445 0.31551 0.90508 0.46753 0.92939 0.37464 0.41701 0.02563 0.92934 0.08853 0.0755 0.89778 0.4481 0.55851 0.40175 0.10587 0.13678 0.25191 0.07005 0.04832 0.13006 0.91276 0.84008 0.28605 0.62887 0.23177 0.11614 0.03373 0.1465 0.55552 0.74623 0.29002 0.0513 0.45821 0.13144 0.50756 0.15301 0.79913 0.79236 0.16019 0.2108 0.23482 0.90486 0.77649 0.05573 0.87737 0.05569 0.74266 0.16247 0.61745 0.46998 0.99028 0.3277 0.97259 0.14758 0.02743 0.67131 0.12238 0.21264 0.80748 0.50391 0.99684 0.98595 0.0911 0.36697 0.78805 0.40223 0.42519 0.32024 0.11519 0.0224 0.77895 0.1606 0.71187 0.54158
+0.73705 0.40411 0.13809 0.02476 0.91323 0.09871 0.91184 0.09686 0.94208 0.40785 0.51018 0.97541 0.1301 0.28757 0.49387 0.67543 0.1134 0.54351 0.336 0.45132 0.10694 0.54223 0.76357 0.95393 0.18923 0.20594 0.37197 0.64229 0.4133 0.01329 0.1863 0.10311 0.92641 0.47211 0.05583 0.43604 0.48985 0.3737 0.15236 0.75494 0.88056 0.66395 0.03262 0.15931 0.33993 0.14356 0.10898 0.39356 0.27841 0.60838 0.80916 0.75603 0.30437 0.615 0.07664 0.85118 0.60691 0.3119 0.11467 0.69422 0.03487 0.01918 0.48048 0.10475 0.08995 0.47672 0.2112 0.26735 0.05378 0.96398 0.04449 0.14837 0.52157 0.0104 0.89892 0.45991 0.83407 0.35048 0.67526 0.46273 0.68584 0.0587 0.48132 0.57639 0.76613 0.78921 0.62289 0.3114 0.09625 0.20179 0.48137 0.7335 0.6017 0.83446 0.13499 0.76024 0.93449 0.42387 0.46425 0.05374 0.3543 0.21506 0.36484 0.85922 0.66333 0.94593 0.87688 0.66756 0.95769 0.93466 0.88447 0.18153 0.03291 0.37004 0.34393 0.42532 0.34944 0.19678 0.3679 0.08684 0.73108 0.40702 0.14131 0.52453 0.96409 0.76028 0.16128 0.13119 0.87804 0.95524 0.08725 0.07315 0.7758 0.39491 0.86104 0.42252 0.44729 0.57653 0.87665 0.7525 0.61608 0.78225 0.64606 0.72396 0.59076 0.2289 0.00294 0.75736 0.35178 0.15305 0.39321 0.78193 0.09724 0.22775 0.92986 0.6007 0.43699 0.55844 0.96019 0.83931 0.18888 0.02863 0.28591 0.2625 0.40712 0.51808 0.87468 0.11477 0.3727 0.70662 0.27514 0.69965 0.95043 0.00843 0.99841 0.42597 0.07886 0.856 0.4693 0.44789 0.52577 0.48443 0.90316 0.8507 0.00189 0.61806 0.77469 0.49833 0.37754 0.91157 0.87838 0.01166 0.58966 0.47198 0.58501 0.78906 0.77168 0.87533 0.99814 0.15552 0.17042 0.35828 0.94717 0.72949 0.09225 0.16864 0.80316 0.11756 0.68179 0.20679 0.56154 0.72561 0.11738 0.19684 0.13104 0.91041 0.25069 0.35015 0.23523 0.21735 0.52291 0.72133 0.32732 0.86401 0.36099 0.77413 0.50861 0.18753 0.52075 0.91282 0.93644 0.39608 0.70069 0.08777 0.1442 0.54387 0.3324 0.80845 0.50723 0.39034 0.69373 0.32368 0.25455 0.32731 0.83698 0.34067 0.16124 0.00381 0.54237 0.08498 0.14803 0.30668 0.00841 0.19661 0.1749 0.95107 0.7221 0.29527 0.73858 0.0586 0.90105 0.06956 0.73242 0.00197 0.65685 0.25215 0.44223 0.42126 0.50426 0.27515 0.47537 0.86318 0.18197 0.54954 0.96192 0.42139 0.70096 0.55747 0.2935 0.30268 0.40053 0.92253 0.00825 0.3141 0.25476 0.29081 0.37136 0.83797 0.97588 0.1786 0.43017 0.28034 0.27524 0.6015 0.52686 0.22961 0.43742 0.64377 0.95176 0.20114 0.08585 0.25668 0.92418 0.80815 0.1326 0.29421 0.41244 0.38098 0.1952 0.88233 0.02735 0.63615 0.56505 0.57483 0.67629 0.77982 0.77336 0.19358 0.81339 0.15017 0.25096 0.26796 0.99299 0.58305 0.90438 0.96838 0.12049 0.54048 0.63367 0.9718 0.03977 0.40867 0.36943 0.12981 0.11265 0.61363 0.84012 0.84361 0.02093 0.63143 0.18831 0.98468 0.56577 0.73054 0.03581 0.10775 0.43055 0.56966 0.38169 0.6531 0.95937 0.62106 0.46533 0.43091 0.65627 0.88006 0.10917 0.87809 0.1814 0.15696 0.44967 0.62689 0.49273 0.43733 0.8359 0.20965 0.16664 0.84292 0.70864 0.45729 0.53116 0.76412 0.59224 0.31749 0.46482 0.05676 0.27776 0.01877 0.85851 0.9406 0.56438 0.83928 0.52015 0.9122 0.29732 0.26042 0.43307 0.77868 0.85325 0.03934 0.17751 0.91267 0.73855 0.70376 0.27741 0.42869 0.49338 0.89652 0.30471 0.00366 0.44202 0.32373 0.1207 0.71178 0.13523 0.5095 0.33198 0.71334 0.39017 0.68872 0.48693 0.52132 0.89301 0.84737 0.5273 0.23686 0.26974 0.46341 0.07517 0.54084 0.1675 0.00641 0.9157 0.658 0.12368 0.80065 0.79058 0.96895 0.40695 0.61039 0.5883 0.14098 0.63548 0.64812 0.57258 0.99699 0.97333 0.32578 0.50697 0.53464 0.8886 0.16802 0.57619 0.21605 0.55315 0.99331 0.61374 0.7091 0.81755 0.72596 0.63269 0.03685 0.0295 0.48017 0.9784 0.76853 0.06711 0.32987 0.32194 0.09204 0.25014 0.08825 0.15128 0.44508 0.06474 0.66737 0.99999 0.22866 0.00157 0.74548 0.01031 0.23621 0.79237 0.92852 0.08545 0.58247 0.94187 0.63866 0.32875 0.91469 0.42171 0.12074 0.03688 0.26709 0.84412 0.4462 0.8984 0.47039 0.3195 0.41134 0.42144 0.61278 0.49875 0.15629 0.67544 0.02383 0.45701 0.09561 0.43906 0.73982 0.87619 0.21972 0.39227 0.80249 0.55316 0.53472 0.78335 0.80149 0.90937 0.83379 0.95957 0.9049
+0.4581 0.99127 0.15772 0.95857 0.36119 0.32896 0.44877 0.25291 0.11436 0.21126 0.61651 0.06303 0.5996 0.93818 0.1976 0.02051 0.26453 0.70848 0.29609 0.9417 0.2971 0.59331 0.85792 0.62884 0.86655 0.29659 0.0565 0.84074 0.991 0.89667 0.70607 0.76544 0.27619 0.87554 0.93407 0.9089 0.78132 0.90047 0.76511 0.1453 0.26318 0.08062 0.57275 0.03823 0.91981 0.66575 0.40201 0.57129 0.85253 0.14022 0.35129 0.08181 0.40713 0.54252 0.26378 0.86779 0.69626 0.17268 0.71812 0.52369 0.78928 0.58475 0.28716 0.91374 0.22942 0.33544 0.957 0.52739 0.09959 0.58754 0.45014 0.11712 0.43892 0.79679 0.04268 0.21648 0.44502 0.30164 0.43272 0.89528 0.02366 0.79966 0.34448 0.87417 0.18454 0.63214 0.24117 0.77457 0.55026 0.24797 0.58165 0.79068 0.09726 0.08588 0.36341 0.16168 0.29452 0.92354 0.38005 0.25547 0.16541 0.07329 0.5041 0.73219 0.58608 0.62799 0.5859 0.67412 0.00665 0.15323 0.44244 0.90672 0.18934 0.06227 0.28652 0.16266 0.17198 0.36669 0.25045 0.1491 0.06174 0.51836 0.21702 0.12266 0.57154 0.90904 0.83213 0.04996 0.14048 0.63667 0.17615 0.57388 0.23915 0.33 0.20697 0.13201 0.82858 0.14446 0.20508 0.50511 0.22256 0.88824 0.5815 0.82688 0.4364 0.53071 0.77609 0.80134 0.55859 0.25897 0.08061 0.93396 0.78761 0.15104 0.45731 0.07419 0.18823 0.37906 0.4539 0.36646 0.25764 0.00752 0.75059 0.53741 0.60437 0.79565 0.70254 0.66824 0.52427 0.7324 0.67671 0.63588 0.9496 0.77189 0.36502 0.84198 0.83652 0.17364 0.34207 0.72466 0.00374 0.43865 0.47649 0.89129 0.04736 0.08282 0.87017 0.13981 0.94061 0.73364 0.80076 0.06604 0.02618 0.4927 0.4254 0.46915 0.24822 0.51223 0.28093 0.24049 0.14166 0.98365 0.96447 0.76865 0.29398 0.41013 0.89369 0.09236 0.30649 0.00735 0.64881 0.01838 0.56342 0.66793 0.09324 0.03014 0.91919 0.27772 0.78547 0.69958 0.17186 0.29034 0.41051 0.64738 0.30812 0.51385 0.46365 0.85436 0.13983 0.35656 0.24587 0.78376 0.96998 0.38751 0.53969 0.39808 0.58199 0.7852 0.1823 0.12258 0.21618 0.52859 0.53556 0.72723 0.42472 0.10504 0.37152 0.24537 0.77979 0.3184 0.22138 0.47303 0.11005 0.75565 0.15105 0.70362 0.10995 0.23926 0.8183 0.97123 0.91176 0.9568 0.21856 0.79738 0.73508 0.42326 0.96671 0.38542 0.48779 0.23125 0.70633 0.04613 0.76406 0.25896 0.35569 0.52865 0.19894 0.54316 0.51455 0.06855 0.68158 0.75253 0.09606 0.71007 0.02655 0.53639 0.35284 0.84125 0.58049 0.65051 0.68596 0.01973 0.91794 0.9465 0.71729 0.25215 0.55157 0.77481 0.35995 0.98237 0.80623 0.89215 0.34401 0.23426 0.99087 0.25814 0.48441 0.34135 0.88419 0.79165 0.64893 0.93231 0.79368 0.31436 0.64694 0.09705 0.23304 0.85688 0.33931 0.7352 0.62206 0.82943 0.77451 0.03921 0.47398 0.17012 0.1967 0.08695 0.01282 0.77043 0.39824 0.62393 0.45053 0.28331 0.70574 0.99973 0.41674 0.3124 0.4583 0.49077 0.49193 0.44764 0.99118 0.11816 0.6299 0.43688 0.95375 0.69318 0.83239 0.35189 0.73907 0.02605 0.57716 0.32872 0.46217 0.80629 0.93667 0.33879 0.71404 0.98089 0.15366 0.02649 0.13188 0.12362 0.44148 0.2475 0.10471 0.90369 0.54029 0.13451 0.0739 0.37426 0.01407 0.39588 0.37412 0.28877 0.8199 0.3797 0.14628 0.71715 0.54571 0.48132 0.64148 0.83584 0.91872 0.25199 0.40634 0.38053 0.26439 0.31554 0.61121 0.92152 0.53097 0.30475 0.16046 0.04883 0.39601 0.04834 0.57917 0.21356 0.19311 0.1445 0.43904 0.63775 0.08076 0.96037 0.16252 0.42965 0.9263 0.77142 0.67973 0.14426 0.05977 0.00651 0.18434 0.35355 0.09228 0.9526 0.75434 0.24738 0.553 0.53778 0.46574 0.36385 0.55551 0.08933 0.76136 0.85778 0.22756 0.91925 0.62061 0.02812 0.72896 0.83668 0.7981 0.41124 0.99144 0.98054 0.66665 0.49985 0.58199 0.46332 0.6106 0.53062 0.32915 0.14413 0.2557 0.01976 0.41386 0.01336 0.45959 0.57142 0.14677 0.11916 0.54508 0.64424 0.80523 0.63131 0.09011 0.54787 0.08359 0.29375 0.40754 0.53038 0.9906 0.57729 0.53893 0.57268 0.12042 0.15985 0.66052 0.27077 0.42998 0.54897 0.63026 0.78787 0.61241 0.61858 0.77413 0.63398 0.06995 0.31604 0.40947 0.09219 0.81712 0.48864 0.42685 0.03422 0.08008 0.09027 0.0788 0.37971 0.75457 0.45599 0.58384 0.14751 0.35983 0.27836 0.20989 0.69955 0.98327 0.83405 0.07538 0.94078 0.21143 0.30733 0.54355 0.96075 0.98243 0.96307 0.74345 0.32154
+0.06949 0.92909 0.67772 0.90403 0.28648 0.43304 0.48706 0.63085 0.48744 0.78974 0.97259 0.40937 0.31487 0.48799 0.3831 0.44037 0.03621 0.62001 0.55272 0.98955 0.14681 0.47606 0.18943 0.59924 0.78728 0.85039 0.28304 0.81363 0.9356 0.15415 0.74667 0.02985 0.60258 0.9052 0.41847 0.34773 0.83622 0.57489 0.21462 0.40787 0.00597 0.33978 0.23413 0.97304 0.48626 0.50683 0.36058 0.03015 0.58608 0.01214 0.86448 0.31619 0.73391 0.25055 0.79169 0.38515 0.48197 0.39995 0.10383 0.40496 0.24017 0.61636 0.18094 0.62181 0.14451 0.46229 0.86935 0.52164 0.06061 0.70347 0.03452 0.57997 0.44143 0.10819 0.10544 0.42816 0.77972 0.08946 0.59234 0.47471 0.79421 0.68221 0.00319 0.44784 0.71753 0.93519 0.43308 0.46337 0.38934 0.72606 0.63266 0.75954 0.0527 0.17176 0.09224 0.45341 0.50356 0.35834 0.54088 0.02857 0.92341 0.29636 0.60533 0.65344 0.7817 0.49647 0.62115 0.66133 0.01742 0.22577 0.0806 0.61004 0.1894 0.96667 0.00728 0.46586 0.98931 0.34031 0.19058 0.79422 0.68397 0.25789 0.95808 0.33001 0.26028 0.46967 0.34053 0.58483 0.05037 0.47449 0.67086 0.6793 0.24192 0.58101 0.56121 0.67135 0.54934 0.79305 0.71376 0.83235 0.71556 0.21573 0.48769 0.25759 0.11582 0.15355 0.43643 0.07837 0.30546 0.55905 0.94876 0.18839 0.4255 0.58327 0.73268 0.10528 0.97254 0.66018 0.92537 0.24688 0.49564 0.22564 0.17707 0.99521 0.98627 0.8913 0.94683 0.42231 0.59456 0.71555 0.19894 0.2852 0.76361 0.71426 0.57766 0.87469 0.42701 0.2762 0.94253 0.44876 0.81133 0.78344 0.44266 0.57361 0.55627 0.96681 0.46104 0.27047 0.95246 0.40141 0.62686 0.78242 0.18336 0.86909 0.80068 0.91567 0.40602 0.67885 0.05386 0.96055 0.18529 0.46468 0.95396 0.23155 0.38084 0.60816 0.0645 0.12185 0.70865 0.40012 0.64135 0.34399 0.97978 0.70927 0.08901 0.44399 0.5818 0.89217 0.22254 0.4668 0.22646 0.5127 0.56145 0.05992 0.95028 0.21845 0.11016 0.41127 0.13626 0.65755 0.94771 0.40589 0.60398 0.12499 0.91862 0.1241 0.64816 0.09408 0.0393 0.38381 0.97779 0.03643 0.99143 0.95424 0.85545 0.96127 0.77858 0.01059 0.2182 0.89554 0.0155 0.96743 0.73978 0.39372 0.47754 0.70619 0.38611 0.73145 0.80252 0.37832 0.1362 0.2385 0.79236 0.85218 0.0189 0.67261 0.66231 0.44285 0.08904 0.63587 0.83125 1.0 0.51402 0.29842 0.3049 0.43296 0.65028 0.87809 0.79337 0.3793 0.15969 0.4499 0.81561 0.23131 0.49216 0.89307 0.46209 0.47213 0.69048 0.83957 0.27399 0.1164 0.02944 0.32864 0.03486 0.87924 0.49282 0.33845 0.13982 0.863 0.80248 0.95288 0.31954 0.23212 0.96071 0.62673 0.04921 0.33033 0.86932 0.57561 0.19509 0.91099 0.55319 0.64386 0.52191 0.99895 0.64495 0.86019 0.49762 0.95899 0.39368 0.65483 0.55829 0.76092 0.77619 0.6235 0.2117 0.322 0.90093 0.25122 0.49813 0.8206 0.99937 0.3447 0.10238 0.67252 0.0435 0.01453 0.46474 0.05933 0.54221 0.25557 0.34596 0.48763 0.10147 0.23462 0.46336 0.27793 0.3379 0.30825 0.73264 0.02969 0.39957 0.11122 0.58561 0.16006 0.93538 0.80467 0.56791 0.68317 0.47475 0.38038 0.22123 0.50773 0.08493 0.26045 0.15701 0.6968 0.68535 0.64944 0.69003 0.90902 0.16907 0.39546 0.96904 0.05486 0.57119 0.89234 0.1181 0.55494 0.36166 0.27424 0.82396 0.86324 0.96517 0.35026 0.13049 0.93898 0.70947 0.29976 0.83874 0.9308 0.12382 0.20574 0.92008 0.26425 0.82934 0.38349 0.40606 0.52875 0.63042 0.1351 0.17156 0.5292 0.14459 0.80762 0.43735 0.03318 0.88796 0.85515 0.78995 0.88899 0.03961 0.08566 0.98185 0.19062 0.616 0.98713 0.87727 0.28823 0.95802 0.51951 0.64905 0.17551 0.05386 0.32343 0.10397 0.34154 0.35753 0.48731 0.35439 0.3039 0.21395 0.88867 0.2382 0.1071 0.29026 0.28008 0.72383 0.64069 0.6355 0.64675 0.11954 0.69018 0.2795 0.79257 0.23656 0.28388 0.05347 0.67586 0.54222 0.20729 0.34531 0.24822 0.59819 0.64153 0.28577 0.99296 0.01313 0.87714 0.81227 0.08025 0.90523 0.85193 0.40845 0.36467 0.39265 0.1749 0.24003 0.52463 0.35402 0.74032 0.68431 0.37253 0.28339 0.56457 0.23295 0.01653 0.44478 0.96036 0.61688 0.16349 0.04428 0.15321 0.38334 0.48483 0.38671 0.07642 0.89126 0.19803 0.29192 0.58385 0.95142 0.66878 0.06672 0.26542 0.34334 0.55087 0.2263 0.97813 0.62919 0.72436 0.64452 0.46615 0.25406 0.61331 0.92193 0.89758 0.81096 0.70383 0.28146 0.59256
+0.14185 0.80965 0.95789 0.47589 0.1372 0.51799 0.23026 0.8216 0.07635 0.97705 0.15342 0.83395 0.74504 0.54547 0.64147 0.76347 0.34126 0.38971 0.52885 0.12739 0.4288 0.84874 0.1744 0.05005 0.12832 0.78779 0.7794 0.13228 0.21198 0.96533 0.84861 0.31558 0.08952 0.27142 0.17646 0.08669 0.67592 0.67479 0.15131 0.93615 0.27585 0.36694 0.76339 0.54386 0.97525 0.33344 0.40219 0.22218 0.19386 0.55178 0.00627 0.5762 0.90626 0.09377 0.18075 0.60554 0.85946 0.51229 0.07194 0.83603 0.84855 0.50072 0.83324 0.12466 0.03475 0.15211 0.23355 0.64952 0.86672 0.84542 0.54915 0.8732 0.12477 0.54155 0.34374 0.42985 0.44887 0.80538 0.81004 0.74862 0.97739 0.31929 0.44592 0.92021 0.64828 0.70703 0.53552 0.57643 0.85797 0.87247 0.28947 0.1917 0.87379 0.68697 0.99423 0.50107 0.82958 0.5515 0.58377 0.91627 0.24525 0.98126 0.67336 0.77785 0.98727 0.38369 0.49589 0.37262 0.75908 0.25751 0.08031 0.23862 0.40034 0.16054 0.57194 0.22493 0.66826 0.2954 0.54188 0.9738 0.17201 0.74232 0.75529 0.59352 0.32387 0.23069 0.0226 0.77034 0.43345 0.55463 0.87692 0.65415 0.36342 0.22685 0.39586 0.75106 0.67437 0.17755 0.51702 0.0439 0.07854 0.88654 0.41543 0.25336 0.24499 0.53919 0.76219 0.5438 0.47312 0.7742 0.75363 0.02245 0.88181 0.62606 0.55721 0.88477 0.828 0.69491 0.00794 0.52745 0.13183 0.97072 0.86726 0.94173 0.92358 0.61778 0.17994 0.95135 0.20803 0.90686 0.46786 0.04081 0.47795 0.66544 0.13682 0.94275 0.93473 0.55873 0.86793 0.68635 0.64097 0.27947 0.42943 0.29663 0.50216 0.52426 0.58845 0.36476 0.25121 0.81491 0.43169 0.40034 0.21346 0.44228 0.64818 0.44682 0.4815 0.89348 0.34094 0.03711 0.58386 0.23572 0.43972 0.84501 0.54286 0.73316 0.78256 0.53426 0.48466 0.33544 0.34269 0.89537 0.96719 0.6608 0.16006 0.56012 0.18769 0.95358 0.14161 0.54724 0.78649 0.96713 0.87156 0.67257 0.77809 0.62838 0.55903 0.10237 0.67444 0.44978 0.56269 0.63283 0.77907 0.08734 0.87684 0.24797 0.47281 0.89217 0.37424 0.58059 0.32383 0.39365 0.65448 0.11906 0.66307 0.70228 0.17852 0.67628 0.3067 0.86375 0.96983 0.79238 0.81894 0.1671 0.32898 0.81308 0.20424 0.63224 0.67815 0.68594 0.3842 0.89127 0.383 0.08467 0.04972 0.65089 0.13266 0.63096 0.92653 0.74757 0.31927 0.59049 0.58471 0.04579 0.72297 0.82551 0.1777 0.35385 0.92101 0.49974 0.69257 0.789 0.05825 0.31485 0.41464 0.92168 0.02544 0.82466 0.85721 0.03627 0.25353 0.51367 0.66606 0.93679 0.26041 0.21812 0.97397 0.59767 0.3555 0.19573 0.04492 0.50316 0.97169 0.72087 0.07894 0.03502 0.63535 0.03477 0.62037 0.5603 0.61931 0.32393 0.64659 0.02715 0.66335 0.06708 0.8404 0.45077 0.61055 0.94229 0.03823 0.9197 0.10253 0.35922 0.28896 0.5967 0.26398 0.35704 0.3077 0.58938 0.69227 0.18662 0.85205 0.66147 0.14446 0.34663 0.52082 0.76029 0.33737 0.61177 0.94277 0.57655 0.70338 0.1655 0.92036 0.69918 0.98639 0.16307 0.76446 0.43133 0.97397 0.53373 0.38033 0.72039 0.85637 0.77845 0.6449 0.89093 0.00731 0.37138 0.12257 0.80678 0.762 0.27694 0.6946 0.54572 0.08195 0.77783 0.38138 0.09051 0.0365 0.29109 0.61552 0.45297 0.524 0.98909 0.28997 0.08292 0.95761 0.04448 0.95535 0.04297 0.05326 0.49025 0.80896 0.44152 0.5476 0.62912 0.62137 0.67491 0.57195 0.74557 0.81096 0.89316 0.7863 0.18836 0.49106 0.70111 0.14969 0.49415 0.35052 0.74458 0.85618 0.72963 0.52536 0.07184 0.68665 0.39848 0.6796 0.36748 0.1385 0.13297 0.81185 0.81662 0.6175 0.07026 0.04621 0.55958 0.71121 0.99118 0.87679 0.45583 0.41674 0.15605 0.91778 0.07739 0.81554 0.3666 0.28211 0.8297 0.72033 0.51995 0.10268 0.755 0.49137 0.33889 0.9662 0.99658 0.3103 0.18915 0.78101 0.86196 0.45537 0.10415 0.20746 0.53899 0.36281 0.42264 0.57013 0.39397 0.28236 0.07059 0.55813 0.55701 0.38656 0.59204 0.80345 0.78341 0.19776 0.84817 0.55339 0.93099 0.39121 0.82041 0.16984 0.58591 0.90276 0.64188 0.998 0.86564 0.42993 0.16283 0.19231 0.49223 0.59838 0.91217 0.42605 0.82816 0.67295 0.64919 0.62947 0.21202 0.95259 0.8728 0.44604 0.2528 0.61705 0.34168 0.93166 0.88588 0.80559 0.48516 0.37439 0.28007 0.08759 0.76343 0.92496 0.86999 0.10958 0.76899 0.24109 0.58515 0.65581 0.22209 0.38716 0.35835 0.58771 0.50588 0.66809 0.50361 0.48253 0.85049
+0.35518 0.23634 0.51988 0.87165 0.78379 0.97665 0.69089 0.70422 0.20238 0.16454 0.53464 0.10919 0.54806 0.95369 0.24597 0.19896 0.66525 0.26277 0.94625 0.57922 0.19491 0.1081 0.21105 0.29287 0.2924 0.86427 0.41872 0.51729 0.6874 0.92617 0.13393 0.05882 0.75286 0.50414 0.43271 0.77527 0.13255 0.79754 0.35259 0.5902 0.0449 0.89382 0.71834 0.17355 0.50114 0.92283 0.90919 0.67351 0.82318 0.55588 0.13113 0.88229 0.24031 0.9516 0.85566 0.86624 0.14851 0.37791 0.49193 0.63 0.23545 0.3219 0.99313 0.3706 0.21669 0.58433 0.75799 0.25936 0.34522 0.88773 0.24632 0.01959 0.15608 0.19812 0.24509 0.31756 0.45585 0.61463 0.92547 0.78614 0.66953 0.58045 0.49522 0.78006 0.77617 0.67989 0.25623 0.60275 0.42807 0.68066 0.06892 0.25913 0.46632 0.02022 0.25336 0.86329 0.18139 0.50902 0.95868 0.33194 0.94721 0.59609 0.79321 0.10197 0.90552 0.23752 0.5066 0.02554 0.3988 0.40269 0.62181 0.485 0.3323 0.11696 0.42463 0.14204 0.43956 0.40042 0.30672 0.795 0.01346 0.32083 0.41449 0.26706 0.83315 0.89358 0.85828 0.79667 0.06617 0.30907 0.14076 0.65169 0.59307 0.71966 0.59743 0.41286 0.86151 0.21039 0.74984 0.30577 0.32354 0.22293 0.16982 0.057 0.67705 0.87909 0.09256 0.58651 0.30274 0.53171 0.60221 0.35898 0.17411 0.55728 0.48184 0.59287 0.89781 0.86759 0.22455 0.5177 0.54713 0.19658 0.3179 0.74098 0.16626 0.20031 0.7481 0.61672 0.12614 0.13027 0.54843 0.78662 0.14194 0.78045 0.43138 0.83082 0.60797 0.88415 0.77613 0.50503 0.12131 0.1817 0.91322 0.05071 0.87192 0.8072 0.4035 0.43241 0.94072 0.74567 0.22299 0.73495 0.85238 0.42758 0.70901 0.31916 0.53288 0.8144 0.88424 0.76233 0.24083 0.43013 0.27503 0.47338 0.10026 0.2224 0.13397 0.95607 0.23363 0.57444 0.38736 0.95378 0.93081 0.52063 0.34272 0.97135 0.92207 0.82896 0.88348 0.08036 0.41448 0.27872 0.35993 0.19067 0.20106 0.33193 0.31674 0.28504 0.67336 0.7758 0.57046 0.77022 0.16483 0.80581 0.44398 0.45035 0.28232 0.01858 0.3529 0.44551 0.06043 0.02521 0.92683 0.5262 0.27585 0.67868 0.3042 0.99908 0.90152 0.14865 0.7215 0.77611 0.60437 0.86963 0.92332 0.99096 0.91239 0.54627 0.78668 0.3317 0.20378 0.90314 0.4717 0.92503 0.05557 0.83146 0.06048 0.04426 0.7735 0.05755 0.62873 0.89097 0.33688 0.20001 0.76777 0.43287 0.54704 0.8845 0.9848 0.04328 0.58461 0.10334 0.99325 0.13504 0.9243 0.89667 0.89636 0.60005 0.525 0.32674 0.111 0.01076 0.46611 0.20839 0.91747 0.00194 0.17284 0.31208 0.95215 0.7946 0.68625 0.10161 0.78679 0.78988 0.17345 0.5015 0.00783 0.83651 0.33896 0.82307 0.09619 0.49376 0.23034 0.93957 0.66723 0.13581 0.24376 0.42562 0.91035 0.21315 0.64663 0.53105 0.46262 0.18818 0.17394 0.64839 0.99778 0.49205 0.91573 0.68049 0.845 0.45882 0.32148 0.14103 0.08196 0.32666 0.90053 0.09873 0.32998 0.83369 0.51738 0.93013 0.33077 0.11212 0.22509 0.91055 0.62153 0.71059 0.61037 0.2687 0.47817 0.86172 0.20982 0.489 0.34342 0.90493 0.11249 0.62977 0.90709 0.85896 0.3908 0.24906 0.62563 0.32992 0.38825 0.71014 0.52141 0.51584 0.97968 0.85317 0.11828 0.78624 0.13618 0.26074 0.21149 0.06586 0.44037 0.05401 0.94436 0.10814 0.2284 0.58648 0.02802 0.57706 0.98372 0.89284 0.22396 0.71133 0.63657 0.41654 0.01736 0.00407 0.71192 0.12312 0.68384 0.94178 0.25494 0.31866 0.70647 0.51604 0.79869 0.79849 0.87227 0.86371 0.51521 0.09672 0.93561 0.91727 0.46807 0.55529 0.11585 0.90992 0.00535 0.59778 0.23215 0.17887 0.99573 0.78128 0.31064 0.56152 0.01764 0.27208 0.45554 0.26276 0.67112 0.54784 0.59457 0.53286 0.61969 0.39423 0.22194 0.76023 0.84617 0.57242 0.02994 0.78131 0.27011 0.666 0.05606 0.59119 0.0139 0.3069 0.61811 0.02473 0.70225 0.76105 0.04264 0.45471 0.20304 0.67347 0.97392 0.59611 0.28974 0.50589 0.8364 0.46792 0.45902 0.41904 0.37083 0.26174 0.86991 0.13362 0.82238 0.79521 0.52678 0.18546 0.54192 0.549 0.4775 0.88669 0.26555 0.55682 0.03513 0.54135 0.22425 0.26502 0.19301 0.71497 0.66678 0.17579 0.18179 0.80171 0.24779 0.24987 0.80911 0.45342 0.78324 0.87386 0.99286 0.05558 0.34638 0.92061 0.56879 0.18066 0.57122 0.81802 0.91869 0.49629 0.18212 0.13648 0.54281 0.53943 0.96266 0.07202 0.28379 0.49154 0.50437 0.60669 0.41214 0.23471 0.12007 0.0826
+0.83386 0.76883 0.56479 0.15958 0.99461 0.64179 0.60128 0.25754 0.48499 0.21477 0.21203 0.99834 0.67542 0.09469 0.38606 0.48155 0.72611 0.55157 0.44468 0.47292 0.09262 0.30873 0.13902 0.54851 0.10404 0.12214 0.98402 0.78711 0.65491 0.0178 0.5089 0.45249 0.87553 0.20475 0.54219 0.97123 0.28076 0.62848 0.69662 0.24122 0.27243 0.81608 0.56259 0.52747 0.2914 0.86312 0.98578 0.48771 0.53078 0.32469 0.67192 0.94633 0.22773 0.83938 0.001 0.13085 0.96293 0.01736 0.58079 0.24314 0.78074 0.59171 0.9243 0.37865 0.57296 0.93812 0.73301 0.4386 0.90738 0.01399 0.25237 0.67673 0.82342 0.47159 0.36158 0.12083 0.09383 0.14677 0.69191 0.075 0.96368 0.39282 0.61812 0.06858 0.7552 0.17308 0.53188 0.28164 0.31588 0.13347 0.22313 0.59679 0.39805 0.56201 0.18566 0.83579 0.03153 0.18763 0.5048 0.34362 0.08773 0.23208 0.04873 0.937 0.57551 0.52079 0.91189 0.91413 0.26111 0.23419 0.1138 0.07817 0.46644 0.06286 0.02436 0.10833 0.92477 0.6392 0.79306 0.42885 0.88387 0.23993 0.26469 0.36151 0.6451 0.18287 0.15229 0.42761 0.02906 0.8795 0.06634 0.84764 0.64255 0.66502 0.69889 0.00205 0.85447 0.8815 0.13692 0.94989 0.65828 0.11387 0.1258 0.66857 0.19632 0.74138 0.72524 0.80865 0.15577 0.66833 0.02274 0.98338 0.98695 0.52565 0.53754 0.03399 0.63065 0.71281 0.93691 0.66237 0.96757 0.36815 0.43071 0.55748 0.63967 0.60394 0.7673 0.53799 0.52913 0.45085 0.26549 0.70892 0.07654 0.91926 0.04195 0.50048 0.48397 0.30501 0.82333 0.06679 0.88472 0.55874 0.85605 0.5078 0.10723 0.95514 0.58628 0.89874 0.76032 0.17853 0.42004 0.15887 0.42168 0.66373 0.17678 0.46819 0.88656 0.13178 0.34707 0.54043 0.60035 0.38655 0.21536 0.48282 0.31054 0.12867 0.5979 0.27841 0.39849 0.23625 0.39992 0.64035 0.69952 0.61164 0.17779 0.35599 0.09572 0.39985 0.27322 0.25108 0.87073 0.0854 0.17363 0.24865 0.06756 0.92064 0.86104 0.56232 0.18207 0.30727 0.18098 0.70669 0.14855 0.91187 0.39272 0.03588 0.36269 0.78891 0.50196 0.08285 0.79566 0.33997 0.82544 0.77862 0.55373 0.82665 0.045 0.36724 0.85791 0.70384 0.20438 0.95443 0.89905 0.37904 0.04519 0.31633 0.40572 0.69735 0.84977 0.38007 0.14865 0.33475 0.1982 0.36494 0.87706 0.70286 0.42844 0.18807 0.41154 0.72315 0.86864 0.45269 0.31584 0.8252 0.14929 0.88962 0.25216 0.19304 0.00745 0.29198 0.92438 0.70329 0.10902 0.03583 0.75763 0.82789 0.13824 0.64436 0.51046 0.20264 0.03702 0.83308 0.84269 0.71459 0.7332 0.10353 0.74854 0.93644 0.20648 0.61437 0.60646 0.12061 0.4513 0.0741 0.06652 0.78975 0.01707 0.27623 0.80545 0.7365 0.9315 0.7761 0.00054 0.17546 0.4259 0.39685 0.35061 0.59592 0.86363 0.41125 0.75791 0.91503 0.87505 0.06221 0.39163 0.63714 0.50785 0.72055 0.27633 0.39534 0.76387 0.51815 0.3274 0.27506 0.69549 0.91091 0.46848 0.76202 0.72244 0.72319 0.38519 0.11978 0.30653 0.35562 0.51525 0.85351 0.45723 0.08373 0.83868 0.48974 0.62428 0.304 0.0491 0.60583 0.35252 0.08977 0.16032 0.89452 0.80957 0.50165 0.10081 0.02775 0.17137 0.22827 0.17464 0.84445 0.11247 0.85398 0.92306 0.25423 0.09114 0.44287 0.27842 0.8113 0.50946 0.14796 0.49409 0.28872 0.87913 0.05043 0.64838 0.73501 0.11585 0.36928 0.43815 0.45772 0.6323 0.67205 0.60076 0.87945 0.26338 0.88834 0.82523 0.88611 0.21996 0.36375 0.00291 0.30014 0.0979 0.60208 0.91242 0.07975 0.64154 0.53984 0.39349 0.05031 0.86789 0.4951 0.07941 0.07391 0.75145 0.52568 0.85009 0.89776 0.41753 0.38357 0.01288 0.54451 0.17588 0.70922 0.65791 0.7404 0.50554 0.75739 0.85197 0.4461 0.17342 0.57747 0.59252 0.66118 0.41517 0.64386 0.53527 0.10287 0.12217 0.77517 0.47238 0.66419 0.71567 0.22165 0.04157 0.05618 0.65285 0.60893 0.53445 0.66902 0.25549 0.18532 0.62453 0.54491 0.37776 0.73139 0.9291 0.3992 0.01779 0.0248 0.53999 0.4527 0.17584 0.04424 0.87953 0.95836 0.62417 0.4447 0.66798 0.37186 0.884 0.19094 0.10418 0.16611 0.0658 0.15807 0.2231 0.5331 0.3138 0.46085 0.45885 0.70507 0.52588 0.92113 0.43634 0.98273 0.05971 0.74941 0.65158 0.30112 0.79627 0.23997 0.48892 0.24683 0.59225 0.92591 0.12481 0.24823 0.07628 0.5911 0.72883 0.43935 0.56722 0.99586 0.61157 0.34495 0.14141 0.71087 0.75835 0.3654 0.42774 0.09824 0.28397 0.814 0.33182 0.66278
+0.86448 0.10481 0.65164 0.6374 0.68247 0.74084 0.92292 0.80298 0.48521 0.49883 0.9316 0.87583 0.36716 0.8584 0.04285 0.93958 0.43937 0.33895 0.48548 0.82152 0.63747 0.9998 0.52727 0.90071 0.01841 0.7421 0.84905 0.66886 0.49842 0.31449 0.77664 0.97709 0.08925 0.08546 0.03662 0.13005 0.01456 0.45565 0.28135 0.30221 0.48502 0.66969 0.63493 0.79819 0.55578 0.85202 0.25878 0.90484 0.34013 0.81779 0.17367 0.61364 0.37063 0.02366 0.53171 0.82229 0.60964 0.18956 0.55043 0.37346 0.17583 0.08805 0.97147 0.11429 0.95014 0.77121 0.62052 0.54028 0.65465 0.90009 0.62694 0.56121 0.72288 0.42231 0.05308 0.64994 0.58218 0.63965 0.54404 0.60665 0.94557 0.38828 0.98197 0.80909 0.17466 0.44705 0.16528 0.10216 0.7464 0.18701 0.86148 0.72011 0.45658 0.13344 0.77374 0.63334 0.59416 0.86602 0.87621 0.0364 0.35057 0.02841 0.6212 0.74909 0.05089 0.54234 0.96968 0.67973 0.21836 0.35303 0.80174 0.20701 0.38353 0.40637 0.81607 0.66412 0.32116 0.05731 0.97101 0.07764 0.64323 0.76384 0.34981 0.93806 0.61214 0.99744 0.29425 0.35416 0.08539 0.50414 0.28079 0.55076 0.88025 0.84463 0.00832 0.60222 0.36493 0.48118 0.46732 0.7044 0.95683 0.66408 0.38726 0.22973 0.99994 0.55376 0.88967 0.12216 0.74727 0.97607 0.82523 0.72318 0.54797 0.1861 0.03594 0.60714 0.01444 0.72134 0.48317 0.91971 0.56443 0.28632 0.53326 0.04969 0.76372 0.76458 0.83282 0.70066 0.67583 0.68686 0.87647 0.21959 0.65656 0.4498 0.65839 0.08987 0.13187 0.03547 0.48917 0.59135 0.63929 0.61856 0.17251 0.11935 0.16728 0.76197 0.3991 0.24013 0.66176 0.50592 0.1561 0.08209 0.40943 0.03865 0.82847 0.11361 0.91953 0.3753 0.51146 0.95856 0.21725 0.15566 0.9176 0.91108 0.27706 0.3017 0.08293 0.72489 0.56758 0.3686 0.66997 0.20524 0.34999 0.81826 0.39869 0.2203 0.68667 0.6064 0.59096 0.40449 0.18291 0.57514 0.56017 0.18842 0.16383 0.08232 0.51505 0.07527 0.47169 0.92204 0.82419 0.76355 0.57277 0.26904 0.25106 0.33084 0.03247 0.17895 0.80706 0.77021 0.80079 0.6885 0.39116 0.9871 0.29462 0.95087 0.80116 0.48843 0.73783 0.961 0.90479 0.14964 0.11066 0.58184 0.70834 0.92192 0.89044 0.21302 0.83294 0.48373 0.25481 0.16608 0.87983 0.57051 0.23659 0.44911 0.89753 0.05854 0.72276 0.96466 0.10797 0.35873 0.18912 0.70433 0.90811 0.648 0.01506 0.79575 0.81851 0.32853 0.03323 0.75267 0.43312 0.52122 0.3422 0.03959 0.79633 0.87949 0.31543 0.30713 0.50625 0.36895 0.78901 0.62347 0.05237 0.91868 0.15677 0.41024 0.72049 0.51108 0.62322 0.68376 0.63848 0.02957 0.77886 0.53398 0.4591 0.38332 0.63605 0.06965 0.42595 0.44585 0.75244 0.11256 0.51768 0.37554 0.2763 0.2524 0.68005 0.10418 0.98494 0.663 0.86525 0.47957 0.51626 0.81584 0.71498 0.2343 0.82163 0.15828 0.55435 0.95941 0.82198 0.17403 0.73144 0.82933 0.47204 0.80118 0.71666 0.40681 0.02582 0.84734 0.64181 0.24542 0.46254 0.10114 0.38967 0.65012 0.1702 0.36042 0.35624 0.92904 0.89225 0.63253 0.92243 0.72123 0.99849 0.08115 0.01286 0.70262 0.97187 0.98596 0.06508 0.84299 0.69788 0.53256 0.83919 0.30547 0.29469 0.12707 0.16502 0.65414 0.09933 0.2901 0.71569 0.32863 0.38457 0.23069 0.13049 0.08938 0.89085 0.11122 0.04781 0.64784 0.82899 0.83933 0.24519 0.1878 0.93863 0.37162 0.83412 0.14788 0.54867 0.39981 0.06074 0.18671 0.12952 0.15989 0.17983 0.41978 0.81382 0.03014 0.07872 0.78607 0.25905 0.84783 0.10974 0.77232 0.91134 0.36999 0.18935 0.61474 0.58397 0.85747 0.82423 0.08139 0.73857 0.10666 0.30063 0.92566 0.40756 0.12154 0.47655 0.2395 0.06194 0.75669 0.32261 0.96324 0.5042 0.74762 0.77188 0.34295 0.3392 0.23675 0.76193 0.60458 0.38177 0.33479 0.22874 0.5909 0.59278 0.21284 0.50335 0.45165 0.03564 0.47629 0.25227 0.90458 0.78392 0.90444 0.06889 0.63318 0.77683 0.06204 0.11953 0.80867 0.36187 0.30419 0.54027 0.6093 0.22977 0.55059 0.2776 0.87116 0.38279 0.18452 0.86119 0.14672 0.64501 0.6082 0.48524 0.89057 0.00882 0.58441 0.96551 0.37388 0.0782 0.73326 0.4325 0.34216 0.22863 0.70353 0.96593 0.34872 0.18683 0.98693 0.15733 0.47945 0.15276 0.00949 0.69747 0.8546 0.11164 0.13593 0.88681 0.44632 0.43096 0.98421 0.27724 0.46002 0.26361 0.84332 0.88221 0.43326 0.23788 0.31437 0.31212 0.59741 0.67414 0.80532 0.56645 0.09515
+0.47332 0.85032 0.6262 0.94723 0.45314 0.96216 0.06723 0.78984 0.0148 0.60108 0.20294 0.49822 0.32869 0.11349 0.55409 0.48389 0.51853 0.31799 0.15581 0.76593 0.28866 0.50414 0.45032 0.49725 0.67862 0.72695 0.5945 0.62912 0.2341 0.16464 0.20891 0.32208 0.95436 0.81894 0.80781 0.43541 0.58278 0.26577 0.75792 0.09418 0.57943 0.27001 0.56092 0.86448 0.59755 0.49223 0.53348 0.45429 0.63698 0.00661 0.56106 0.87368 0.3134 0.95744 0.30976 0.62676 0.19052 0.02661 0.21846 0.7016 0.52054 0.58986 0.62118 0.67844 0.95987 0.81923 0.75915 0.30904 0.13358 0.91313 0.52738 0.33866 0.99643 0.25411 0.09197 0.59569 0.49634 0.77787 0.3362 0.55435 0.84064 0.21121 0.10557 0.1972 0.75746 0.714 0.60737 0.36515 0.7643 0.03122 0.16567 0.18672 0.4915 0.06366 0.37956 0.12526 0.00144 0.81794 0.60776 0.55472 0.56876 0.96346 0.53695 0.31848 0.32172 0.16321 0.66467 0.91634 0.86449 0.58477 0.90597 0.01485 0.79982 0.76763 0.14979 0.54566 0.40096 0.18333 0.11112 0.07864 0.99689 0.89109 0.12605 0.46804 0.01623 0.03782 0.0078 0.87607 0.55811 0.9831 0.55971 0.18223 0.71261 0.44697 0.69657 0.72344 0.10457 0.82737 0.70227 0.54596 0.47436 0.01208 0.49253 0.83828 0.07958 0.36788 0.13476 0.25429 0.8299 0.94653 0.58436 0.71903 0.0309 0.11761 0.39037 0.69534 0.67106 0.21524 0.75402 0.5098 0.84739 0.63492 0.6419 0.27133 0.62379 0.24308 0.75044 0.01904 0.67173 0.87518 0.4175 0.52248 0.31645 0.30013 0.53089 0.37456 0.78353 0.20203 0.21756 0.7115 0.44622 0.53024 0.30122 0.56043 0.50769 0.75397 0.09345 0.99585 0.01574 0.54576 0.49151 0.80435 0.34488 0.08539 0.45293 0.40014 0.70084 0.21531 0.76797 0.76415 0.37996 0.83247 0.9457 0.29827 0.00075 0.53605 0.27221 0.00363 0.80066 0.24565 0.62002 0.54811 0.30205 0.35321 0.02097 0.04595 0.14665 0.88103 0.22637 0.9325 0.13424 0.98801 0.19742 0.54711 0.195 0.90102 0.86735 0.98506 0.9337 0.5577 0.06915 0.74524 0.37422 0.07998 0.25956 0.57521 0.9793 0.54498 0.56104 0.36707 0.26404 0.69347 0.31288 0.52902 0.63284 0.47262 0.99626 0.05823 0.00272 0.94429 0.94153 0.71762 0.45586 0.11055 0.82361 0.6509 0.4186 0.55447 0.72774 0.31713 0.34014 0.21179 0.88014 0.5682 0.58521 0.12349 0.20025 0.37472 0.14015 0.77483 0.14518 0.90864 0.16946 0.07089 0.96205 0.98929 0.74385 0.16071 0.73955 0.40045 0.13868 0.09856 0.3365 0.5873 0.62096 0.67349 0.33391 0.11928 0.6738 0.36668 0.14153 0.32911 0.7468 0.19356 0.62044 0.20084 0.75806 0.20934 0.8623 0.02479 0.22683 0.97921 0.38353 0.4874 0.49734 0.65465 0.68286 0.58601 0.47589 0.84387 0.63643 0.86687 0.93225 0.04102 0.96222 0.21744 0.5233 0.28779 0.20273 0.81094 0.26782 0.45548 0.9275 0.52483 0.98711 0.79493 0.21008 0.60181 0.59764 0.43738 0.54946 0.3549 0.14296 0.53921 0.54255 0.89704 0.16333 0.96971 0.83955 0.64796 0.15364 0.85013 0.77111 0.15801 0.95492 0.69846 0.53785 0.73916 0.19795 0.75553 0.78293 0.88535 0.06134 0.32377 0.21425 0.36575 0.26076 0.36547 0.9376 0.6406 0.62921 0.38334 0.22238 0.42531 0.42359 0.18116 0.05253 0.74108 0.37147 0.89379 0.00754 0.39538 0.33553 0.11851 0.95992 0.05263 0.66423 0.06567 0.5899 0.25532 0.54651 0.45905 0.58017 0.28492 0.15057 0.36434 0.355 0.00675 0.43856 0.49122 0.43271 0.38531 0.62493 0.59287 0.54937 0.74159 0.15442 0.74675 0.51845 0.19052 0.37107 0.91773 0.6862 0.9741 0.74862 0.04454 0.74031 0.39812 0.90356 0.84487 0.56563 0.59369 0.61771 0.69416 0.53803 0.10104 0.96685 0.52244 0.5875 0.14655 0.72755 0.86714 0.03814 0.35193 0.95351 0.10225 0.54426 0.84192 0.82318 0.84335 0.33205 0.84859 0.89199 0.80747 0.74774 0.88646 0.46862 0.60112 0.68793 0.46014 0.47451 0.20301 0.62666 0.7711 0.4099 0.857 0.86353 0.92658 0.16327 0.53963 0.76677 0.60582 0.30273 0.2361 0.48274 0.51428 0.03585 0.88379 0.47155 0.58761 0.56376 0.73294 0.31671 0.25275 0.17559 0.12451 0.99714 0.67477 0.61327 0.25818 0.1011 0.85599 0.31521 0.13656 0.34015 0.66931 0.16749 0.62946 0.20538 0.99629 0.70076 0.02299 0.21468 0.58426 0.16242 0.83164 0.70765 0.63388 0.53748 0.65109 0.20583 0.22591 0.7023 0.51534 0.58066 0.6772 0.34383 0.56434 0.33682 0.15383 0.94891 0.27266 0.06841 0.11489 0.71146 0.48172 0.43087 0.79695 0.00865 0.69323 0.33262 0.22
+0.40631 0.75171 0.23446 0.0961 0.44503 0.61151 0.0796 0.83414 0.71958 0.73884 0.46454 0.95698 0.69621 0.50838 0.73796 0.89779 0.4496 0.84665 0.94346 0.40685 0.03517 0.47894 0.0882 0.12651 0.60162 0.44489 0.48872 0.41749 0.91595 0.93569 0.61864 0.92285 0.44157 0.44593 0.94046 0.11095 0.75671 0.5092 0.95064 0.19548 0.16578 0.6437 0.41217 0.8805 0.18716 0.18831 0.96756 0.94086 0.58957 0.06116 0.81338 0.44327 0.93642 0.69002 0.88436 0.47767 0.52576 0.30022 0.05453 0.77932 0.62615 0.80404 0.7368 0.12363 0.53472 0.02634 0.77224 0.81778 0.67233 0.36753 0.32476 0.63722 0.23393 0.51358 0.54948 0.32059 0.04451 0.50696 0.76395 0.91137 0.74559 0.11295 0.30169 0.31107 0.34817 0.42496 0.80659 0.9216 0.36845 0.11207 0.37196 0.53833 0.86631 0.99126 0.811 0.95329 0.55469 0.13824 0.59836 0.76281 0.30865 0.39454 0.66595 0.50221 0.76111 0.32987 0.11897 0.01204 0.62707 0.34964 0.4615 0.26495 0.12358 0.39183 0.15178 0.69578 0.04512 0.47187 0.3845 0.31678 0.49622 0.44252 0.13183 0.31952 0.07365 0.27361 0.28803 0.90521 0.24371 0.47125 0.32242 0.85964 0.84373 0.2162 0.74678 0.19688 0.96133 0.97422 0.75184 0.80899 0.57824 0.35899 0.02602 0.00992 0.79039 0.27246 0.49531 0.95114 0.98527 0.10326 0.45278 0.13648 0.92989 0.2862 0.20383 0.1171 0.30013 0.75647 0.85213 0.588 0.43084 0.79434 0.32788 0.45635 0.85524 0.2588 0.20495 0.7413 0.08454 0.69664 0.23977 0.4353 0.39671 0.06401 0.8426 0.46923 0.26198 0.65787 0.06917 0.86818 0.65623 0.58682 0.40101 0.8227 0.31822 0.3596 0.00762 0.95607 0.97525 0.70545 0.20872 0.60321 0.39977 0.19705 0.74197 0.76223 0.09372 0.15736 0.62411 0.94777 0.63792 0.45645 0.38698 0.52291 0.33986 0.3283 0.21612 0.13689 0.13597 0.00303 0.16545 0.95294 0.87042 0.53861 0.46753 0.43446 0.31872 0.23686 0.3744 0.97646 0.86567 0.74097 0.09772 0.93985 0.97723 0.21221 0.92614 0.82586 0.92314 0.00717 0.53346 0.06165 0.25689 0.93973 0.93845 0.97596 0.90137 0.22307 0.41494 0.8924 0.39051 0.46366 0.79785 0.27109 0.51059 0.45635 0.27121 0.93187 0.06036 0.60672 0.75249 0.48316 0.01869 0.10613 0.40268 0.06005 0.06764 0.46269 0.60311 0.40237 0.60116 0.32583 0.45217 0.7156 0.20304 0.64112 0.69579 0.5982 0.93666 0.62267 0.151 0.49872 0.87854 0.49215 0.89586 0.11462 0.42661 0.60409 0.14728 0.22608 0.46231 0.96218 0.30883 0.20006 0.29393 0.05207 0.18694 0.09007 0.5901 0.76561 0.90432 0.65013 0.94908 0.67777 0.53783 0.52555 0.3918 0.50998 0.72515 0.58474 0.86193 0.84506 0.10516 0.56488 0.70857 0.26081 0.3262 0.02528 0.51327 0.69924 0.25521 0.99251 0.60663 0.11044 0.14 0.28794 0.14015 0.77494 0.56218 0.76782 0.38192 0.30749 0.77108 0.44122 0.13199 0.53859 0.41647 0.03697 0.53971 0.99707 0.44797 0.76622 0.81942 0.49228 0.87632 0.25718 0.24896 0.94004 0.29872 0.3578 0.41633 0.34722 0.97491 0.89632 0.4762 0.69001 0.19561 0.60253 0.84604 0.9152 0.85283 0.0696 0.96888 0.94881 0.28129 0.02799 0.49072 0.67837 0.02598 0.57161 0.2106 0.88146 0.9414 0.36669 0.67106 0.80292 0.46237 0.91133 0.52047 0.36489 0.07188 0.68113 0.71274 0.47885 0.88225 0.56451 0.14247 0.68528 0.23539 0.31148 0.70751 0.94411 0.40638 0.34161 0.62711 0.48528 0.65779 0.17574 0.48066 0.67204 0.40755 0.06387 0.66334 0.33934 0.02183 0.87948 0.27301 0.53178 0.09322 0.94968 0.53265 0.81798 0.24595 0.8287 0.92122 0.63804 0.22199 0.50578 0.70908 0.23514 0.61828 0.29047 0.7298 0.35231 0.27632 0.67128 0.22445 0.62316 0.77578 0.88837 0.17534 0.24238 0.5734 0.91047 0.45896 0.29961 0.98251 0.91876 0.82507 0.58743 0.03538 0.36508 0.2486 0.47008 0.03357 0.76932 0.58422 0.98019 0.75277 0.1306 0.7061 0.51289 0.22501 0.76585 0.80622 0.63543 0.01995 0.22473 0.98994 0.29315 0.33273 0.06405 0.17483 0.26617 0.96859 0.75862 0.09898 0.60199 0.20335 0.28016 0.38992 0.48405 0.65133 0.85225 0.65054 0.05963 0.60411 0.01494 0.64342 0.8629 0.34925 0.69294 0.70121 0.56627 0.17129 0.71674 0.51591 0.89568 0.76201 0.08992 0.28936 0.45832 0.73147 0.93316 0.10278 0.74748 0.85816 0.73219 0.18678 0.68055 0.74926 0.74073 0.95349 0.15133 0.88711 0.88784 0.28124 0.70326 0.79797 0.8969 0.51648 0.14359 0.19082 0.55453 0.22467 0.67196 0.46047 0.33859 0.71061 0.50762 0.41154 0.27905
+0.675 0.83928 0.99319 0.9597 0.63701 0.27487 0.45838 0.25019 0.69465 0.86684 0.58956 0.20176 0.94578 0.32057 0.78721 0.23967 0.76187 0.75488 0.71693 0.45401 0.11421 0.80115 0.4516 0.56029 0.976 0.87179 0.81647 0.95251 0.79856 0.38564 0.44392 0.90131 0.10595 0.52075 0.86367 0.19872 0.40186 0.95393 0.73951 0.4131 0.12435 0.8697 0.04629 0.9493 0.67303 0.2102 0.67878 0.93523 0.47563 0.12377 0.99622 0.42869 0.73196 0.2814 0.56663 0.8499 0.07298 0.59776 0.52282 0.40839 0.84161 0.4584 0.96915 0.86399 0.59121 0.64876 0.65966 0.29798 0.11408 0.52341 0.65916 0.79042 0.21296 0.29145 0.44258 0.37736 0.09835 0.42674 0.85655 0.9611 0.24076 0.51042 0.23454 0.10828 0.73001 0.04643 0.84961 0.17253 0.46858 0.87346 0.78109 0.4951 0.45647 0.1552 0.74368 0.40888 0.57693 0.44514 0.11913 0.74287 0.23759 0.18123 0.45906 0.60474 0.44691 0.89977 0.0572 0.58713 0.2372 0.61529 0.514 0.73461 0.03131 0.59283 0.50862 0.14835 0.64084 0.29767 0.08458 0.53823 0.73718 0.72074 0.22546 0.0691 0.23082 0.3311 0.49275 0.43795 0.96448 0.56253 0.07219 0.57148 0.61794 0.53968 0.57607 0.4104 0.40242 0.47612 0.50522 0.99745 0.64824 0.37829 0.46524 0.3889 0.14051 0.97606 0.27346 0.44608 0.20167 0.48 0.56957 0.73882 0.97879 0.17314 0.41767 0.30676 0.60167 0.53436 0.95652 0.61447 0.62572 0.84879 0.80649 0.82096 0.00799 0.48348 0.00419 0.49425 0.56993 0.76464 0.56959 0.7422 0.44456 0.96179 0.12412 0.24086 0.65985 0.50862 0.65315 0.92452 0.47906 0.02245 0.35089 0.41239 0.139 0.37061 0.2289 0.45123 0.83188 0.91969 0.20469 0.87103 0.58266 0.57402 0.46215 0.67946 0.53982 0.69672 0.32144 0.7534 0.9478 0.7805 0.12942 0.73375 0.34013 0.55818 0.35739 0.28391 0.43199 0.39825 0.0561 0.55818 0.55247 0.34086 0.5037 0.86971 0.47977 0.29253 0.90655 0.0851 0.99812 0.40357 0.70969 0.52709 0.88734 0.40032 0.32593 0.79793 0.47596 0.38191 0.19686 0.75882 0.09041 0.87604 0.60742 0.24325 0.95288 0.38196 0.27043 0.72884 0.65492 0.30393 0.51041 0.73033 0.42617 0.11202 0.35672 0.7078 0.39088 0.2778 0.50769 0.98091 0.66133 0.53947 0.48556 0.24128 0.21991 0.13231 0.92999 0.94628 0.92024 0.80527 0.88054 0.1541 0.28722 0.94671 0.53969 0.12662 0.03764 0.46387 0.1466 0.91979 0.57542 0.60326 0.31305 0.04788 0.50274 0.43146 0.32938 0.81764 0.61609 0.58089 0.32371 0.93894 0.40793 0.67496 0.96653 0.44812 0.05941 0.76382 0.68844 0.36617 0.65319 0.28373 0.78194 0.3076 0.68079 0.57927 0.73306 0.04891 0.66212 0.76943 0.29354 0.47927 0.26451 0.16635 0.73534 0.15688 0.05297 0.15066 0.7806 0.11062 0.90187 0.51143 0.0188 0.83133 0.51538 0.54296 0.00531 0.62518 0.70841 0.3771 0.27696 0.65373 0.43067 0.03726 0.28555 0.06749 0.94974 0.14813 0.84679 0.68636 0.97018 0.91217 0.01462 0.39039 0.07344 0.7998 0.16361 0.18007 0.30655 0.72225 0.90617 0.97848 0.85163 0.77484 0.59665 0.42581 0.90959 0.39934 0.08456 0.75921 0.01703 0.01204 0.40427 0.04241 0.09874 0.74383 0.31623 0.73681 0.0253 0.72579 0.15851 0.03552 0.58678 0.37286 0.1165 0.87376 0.57927 0.49032 0.51952 0.69175 0.27807 0.9486 0.41397 0.39984 0.47047 0.42691 0.26989 0.70503 0.19794 0.11309 0.86213 0.95772 0.41063 0.94935 0.58385 0.38325 0.72484 0.20159 0.46763 0.44023 0.06558 0.28149 0.37232 0.07424 0.49532 0.63586 0.12013 0.73482 0.61381 0.87814 0.56414 0.6025 0.79673 0.93029 0.63963 0.90288 0.68992 0.65884 0.1689 0.19069 0.08328 0.71162 0.69206 0.96103 0.57282 0.94358 0.96102 0.73923 0.08464 0.65812 0.86742 0.67076 0.78866 0.27273 0.23542 0.84438 0.6319 0.19785 0.74552 0.83313 0.78441 0.063 0.99801 0.23648 0.82267 0.40558 0.71934 0.39924 0.35757 0.95239 0.4428 0.70265 0.43307 0.04014 0.17371 0.90711 0.31465 0.23133 0.18255 0.42895 0.63514 0.6698 0.74061 0.93131 0.5673 0.50329 0.5841 0.38098 0.47077 0.17135 0.26885 0.19307 0.39494 0.85263 0.64171 0.04492 0.07054 0.71688 0.9081 0.69361 0.91894 0.7068 0.70143 0.64664 0.34492 0.30298 0.28919 0.09437 0.1655 0.91412 0.44598 0.88782 0.68596 0.73112 0.32359 0.5854 0.8504 0.75435 0.24626 0.99789 0.39114 0.10986 0.69241 0.68909 0.34475 0.39386 0.82985 0.43124 0.00637 0.65834 0.69525 0.928 0.22105 0.74628 0.43554 0.56047 0.42398 0.07998 0.12329 0.0786
+0.5348 0.17492 0.25712 0.25125 0.8518 0.55494 0.86328 0.30611 0.89033 0.51887 0.33169 0.61068 0.79582 0.01597 0.72594 0.5905 0.19068 0.58524 0.95833 0.87766 0.69521 0.18901 0.85981 0.44974 0.07072 0.48137 0.14631 0.44734 0.34892 0.97579 0.39925 0.60814 0.18081 0.41847 0.02598 0.43457 0.0708 0.13236 0.71645 0.29235 0.9221 0.5849 0.36471 0.12697 0.33827 0.18319 0.14927 0.69659 0.08869 0.24563 0.09162 0.38467 0.12055 0.40206 0.45854 0.48291 0.79125 0.00559 0.00786 0.14463 0.06053 0.74095 0.59778 0.8431 0.13753 0.47057 0.07275 0.12866 0.08871 0.75726 0.13945 0.52416 0.35075 0.56129 0.11097 0.52967 0.84084 0.6979 0.70764 0.45585 0.55825 0.69918 0.11262 0.41047 0.7937 0.6536 0.12432 0.13377 0.77463 0.62227 0.6233 0.72366 0.28515 0.48177 0.60435 0.95512 0.90878 0.06033 0.35315 0.70362 0.56768 0.98433 0.7654 0.80072 0.34139 0.11665 0.78425 0.1744 0.82029 0.40644 0.95179 0.29715 0.19978 0.09894 0.56771 0.31196 0.80605 0.76205 0.15536 0.11341 0.91511 0.52768 0.42288 0.04825 0.48543 0.33311 0.89209 0.98169 0.89613 0.66222 0.39634 0.14661 0.94112 0.54365 0.78884 0.21336 0.24836 0.75922 0.48556 0.53285 0.94155 0.36126 0.64916 0.11466 0.98951 0.01878 0.59574 0.17373 0.10079 0.98314 0.11912 0.23801 0.52879 0.03142 0.04518 0.72985 0.33474 0.79472 0.26596 0.39987 0.52378 0.54591 0.89058 0.2163 0.80595 0.4039 0.82943 0.37451 0.47501 0.08989 0.66248 0.19859 0.69045 0.26052 0.08568 0.77662 0.73682 0.37495 0.75843 0.80429 0.98783 0.88173 0.11401 0.16556 0.49057 0.48206 0.09697 0.86423 0.32638 0.27473 0.86641 0.36801 0.11163 0.46962 0.43315 0.76103 0.82315 0.13281 0.59573 0.84384 0.22972 0.69324 0.75889 0.04175 0.08466 0.30407 0.00434 0.13202 0.1046 0.11765 0.88261 0.54191 0.99152 0.99058 0.06488 0.71559 0.28639 0.39005 0.65866 0.57451 0.66126 0.25457 0.27674 0.69118 0.72473 0.47059 0.72067 0.64915 0.0513 0.09115 0.86037 0.0176 0.81108 0.77035 0.83891 0.58137 0.77028 0.35264 0.62214 0.82612 0.3712 0.95078 0.00199 0.77324 0.2714 0.9767 0.20103 0.29276 0.86885 0.67412 0.05342 0.08959 0.30972 0.10095 0.09473 0.45929 0.3395 0.57205 0.25657 0.58904 0.95807 0.74342 0.39851 0.83713 0.46379 0.00481 0.44243 0.38076 0.97132 0.79305 0.43901 0.67767 0.8281 0.6656 0.7325 0.20601 0.98673 0.39004 0.92165 0.78848 0.43804 0.25296 0.43525 0.61162 0.08535 0.96697 0.29208 0.41261 0.30285 0.08563 0.79278 0.25117 0.51624 0.3546 0.74773 0.0049 0.08629 0.1373 0.14306 0.1086 0.62829 0.25011 0.86301 0.66111 0.17968 0.17449 0.27012 0.17008 0.47193 0.2192 0.81083 0.83388 0.01686 0.86391 0.12492 0.49886 0.16714 0.37661 0.24817 0.05228 0.82367 0.60547 0.12852 0.90975 0.03844 0.52671 0.78307 0.05453 0.12045 0.11747 0.66009 0.22858 0.63719 0.27653 0.17253 0.67712 0.91548 0.75343 0.93815 0.58687 0.57997 0.43349 0.36989 0.60865 0.8662 0.89755 0.37339 0.97159 0.42428 0.74575 0.61329 0.79133 0.48387 0.30566 0.45363 0.83779 0.7651 0.75821 0.34589 0.04598 0.74818 0.57347 0.61425 0.60999 0.7828 0.42365 0.37329 0.34732 0.15379 0.1695 0.01461 0.051 0.16733 0.74394 0.77342 0.24821 0.96491 0.20664 0.58995 0.08285 0.10826 0.46283 0.22081 0.62918 0.782 0.01637 0.00485 0.15688 0.60934 0.45104 0.04213 0.32722 0.42088 0.88524 0.09241 0.18936 0.78197 0.68325 0.42907 0.92762 0.77339 0.68712 0.42589 0.23383 0.44436 0.97205 0.84114 0.69843 0.26007 0.14179 0.26352 0.89724 0.58287 0.64996 0.56823 0.43495 0.38689 0.7594 0.45751 0.92812 0.84766 0.5794 0.33582 0.63299 0.43851 0.88654 0.27923 0.70635 0.81286 0.40256 0.26863 0.47917 0.16711 0.53182 0.544 0.45428 0.86749 0.57311 0.26043 0.08148 0.67641 0.51538 0.20964 0.40694 0.00646 0.66445 0.85623 0.61099 0.8795 0.8257 0.91885 0.84316 0.88411 0.41866 0.3925 0.81156 0.02135 0.61919 0.41956 0.45229 0.4556 0.4842 0.13852 0.6017 0.00676 0.20615 0.84372 0.57799 0.62416 0.33986 0.04579 0.45047 0.31838 0.2502 0.93358 0.0022 0.31133 0.80291 0.77021 0.97668 0.30962 0.66967 0.84951 0.17569 0.71256 0.42874 0.41772 0.66917 0.83622 0.6064 0.59021 0.10636 0.87313 0.52941 0.13153 0.50155 0.0468 0.99214 0.33584 0.21741 0.28941 0.57634 0.01829 0.41336 0.51555 0.32734 0.5245 0.29788 0.06637 0.18987 0.85559 0.95213
+0.1672 0.19216 0.81105 0.00126 0.39191 0.80236 0.86634 0.63801 0.88579 0.41532 0.14679 0.94706 0.95442 0.11068 0.28084 0.74434 0.42787 0.40257 0.57456 0.09002 0.26822 0.18678 0.28806 0.44499 0.88739 0.39487 0.76593 0.53265 0.99312 0.29367 0.07088 0.34832 0.67078 0.69205 0.4509 0.23696 0.8594 0.92385 0.25349 0.40104 0.85333 0.59685 0.22025 0.21931 0.69146 0.94134 0.73623 0.57599 0.29354 0.66973 0.29697 0.3183 0.00585 0.7654 0.2235 0.84579 0.53892 0.23533 0.50093 0.11916 0.73986 0.29907 0.5383 0.63374 0.21271 0.04479 0.83225 0.07684 0.95938 0.1898 0.22653 0.62398 0.04099 0.7246 0.88389 0.65373 0.81661 0.89328 0.26264 0.34146 0.92986 0.85849 0.47164 0.62856 0.81098 0.5765 0.68931 0.07976 0.60396 0.42657 0.58662 0.31667 0.71405 0.58481 0.73321 0.53315 0.63842 0.96078 0.50752 0.96695 0.09895 0.37339 0.74503 0.69753 0.07621 0.3351 0.54325 0.17893 0.7466 0.77201 0.33582 0.47658 0.94585 0.9287 0.93356 0.99972 0.24433 0.06783 0.67028 0.21226 0.41787 0.11645 0.67822 0.27489 0.01661 0.34614 0.63702 0.24883 0.47447 0.87754 0.33338 0.07313 0.77336 0.9947 0.73938 0.16622 0.36403 0.09046 0.75708 0.63987 0.1559 0.12815 0.63998 0.78808 0.37161 0.25887 0.97453 0.61885 0.86616 0.78936 0.47648 0.15727 0.09485 0.86909 0.84666 0.0297 0.25651 0.89973 0.5492 0.17615 0.45884 0.65718 0.65307 0.15009 0.65561 0.93507 0.85201 0.4608 0.66799 0.96463 0.16841 0.79406 0.31049 0.55811 0.3524 0.71468 0.96892 0.50037 0.403 0.88412 0.39015 0.97978 0.93319 0.87257 0.40589 0.83848 0.5151 0.64914 0.79594 0.45937 0.2337 0.06949 0.35624 0.69604 0.19017 0.34962 0.9266 0.85048 0.28383 0.90381 0.36157 0.34739 0.02739 0.44812 0.48635 0.13561 0.84722 0.20141 0.06711 0.42328 0.44031 0.93096 0.94959 0.13118 0.21349 0.9358 0.76195 0.084 0.90693 0.91658 0.96609 0.22231 0.07514 0.49442 0.52227 0.41768 0.65271 0.50087 0.76609 0.54043 0.08926 0.87755 0.97369 0.47884 0.61192 0.89435 0.06142 0.01373 0.76467 0.6281 0.61003 0.2267 0.47212 0.45909 0.70557 0.82951 0.86529 0.01198 0.06797 0.53427 0.46584 0.57272 0.95635 0.46206 0.39379 0.40121 0.88762 0.66735 0.55123 0.08666 0.66896 0.62449 0.69016 0.44471 0.53686 0.1591 0.43117 0.36656 0.48899 0.45795 0.73041 0.17137 0.6628 0.06295 0.65653 0.68271 0.63326 0.98984 0.24827 0.94452 0.46481 0.85841 0.75735 0.28718 0.90254 0.49428 0.65081 0.85442 0.74152 0.28063 0.66086 0.89905 0.12117 0.62491 0.91717 0.62134 0.11026 0.91297 0.07871 0.8791 0.96305 0.55886 0.59573 0.12701 0.10356 0.90251 0.714 0.57557 0.40197 0.64899 0.16192 0.5896 0.48234 0.61347 0.92708 0.37098 0.18006 0.52443 0.09606 0.62392 0.09113 0.38669 0.98229 0.93989 0.11309 0.70578 0.64482 0.93435 0.71527 0.28615 0.03071 0.92015 0.9891 0.3834 0.66207 0.68393 0.73608 0.50559 0.03687 0.49647 0.46151 0.99891 0.04798 0.44132 0.56966 0.36277 0.35562 0.56268 0.79941 0.36518 0.61921 0.96251 0.61144 0.70633 0.57861 0.91153 0.57714 0.1059 0.90626 0.33631 0.1738 0.01203 0.4485 0.2009 0.59999 0.78976 0.94369 0.84895 0.68809 0.63515 0.24461 0.99015 0.87688 0.55583 0.3159 0.31431 0.10732 0.30673 0.27741 0.76143 0.72061 0.19378 0.02367 0.49987 0.31757 0.41324 0.23 0.31469 0.66957 0.1031 0.21067 0.89766 0.80089 0.31483 0.37308 0.1298 0.03511 0.07474 0.66775 0.89552 0.95106 0.20173 0.08834 0.61476 0.57117 0.17549 0.65553 0.51684 0.80246 0.42868 0.62626 0.03955 0.02801 0.38112 0.0977 0.53695 0.35428 0.70874 0.33863 0.67822 0.76883 0.55903 0.36917 0.82394 0.01481 0.78784 0.51606 0.37002 0.6355 0.36634 0.62527 0.5747 0.90426 0.07826 0.94563 0.7944 0.35056 0.09368 0.97649 0.05827 0.70389 0.55533 0.19236 0.41619 0.95812 0.06754 0.75055 0.16748 0.41183 0.75116 0.02116 0.3058 0.79384 0.2965 0.40837 0.56077 0.20241 0.60424 0.85276 0.76976 0.06439 0.42686 0.35911 0.05344 0.1806 0.37792 0.51184 0.87889 0.41475 0.41432 0.48663 0.83621 0.40327 0.46039 0.88843 0.96954 0.20863 0.66452 0.91114 0.33956 0.51399 0.24542 0.7524 0.01093 0.94855 0.96841 0.45993 0.91647 0.67098 0.79577 0.25708 0.29609 0.733 0.59558 0.87312 0.19122 0.83675 0.86804 0.20068 0.676 0.82086 0.35676 0.488 0.01958 0.12569 0.10218 0.52327 0.70449 0.50539 0.39252 0.0694 0.1073
+0.07244 0.49068 0.54505 0.24867 0.35718 0.93226 0.2941 0.90117 0.26698 0.50926 0.00618 0.65902 0.46861 0.21145 0.69316 0.31684 0.13438 0.77593 0.75771 0.17045 0.19879 0.26662 0.4204 0.75668 0.47183 0.84749 0.713 0.34195 0.66012 0.132 0.35403 0.02483 0.22106 0.06361 0.18513 0.81108 0.37078 0.96734 0.60364 0.64483 0.80013 0.17464 0.79456 0.86672 0.61897 0.01655 0.32708 0.45784 0.86797 0.50273 0.53358 0.07199 0.93036 0.17535 0.81605 0.66828 0.75073 0.16388 0.41055 0.75785 0.43071 0.46301 0.87387 0.62634 0.32894 0.86481 0.70952 0.80428 0.20839 0.09757 0.86742 0.96034 0.98126 0.1358 0.11691 0.35426 0.21706 0.08868 0.91605 0.62563 0.84185 0.89335 0.50966 0.15733 0.07972 0.55821 0.72707 0.05485 0.71232 0.46326 0.74874 0.56249 0.2026 0.57163 0.42039 0.85496 0.59853 0.10434 0.9792 0.82489 0.07163 0.7365 0.16037 0.36038 0.01651 0.74853 0.75783 0.01165 0.13286 0.52289 0.99744 0.54602 0.46869 0.63722 0.13159 0.23807 0.95659 0.27239 0.00947 0.39557 0.41822 0.56955 0.02038 0.51474 0.68205 0.1628 0.5631 0.69531 0.69545 0.92342 0.88589 0.80265 0.19321 0.11868 0.92898 0.18338 0.40642 0.84426 0.41258 0.47608 0.99032 0.6846 0.61894 0.37627 0.5704 0.91064 0.98961 0.77178 0.54062 0.53338 0.31863 0.16343 0.85999 0.78687 0.93403 0.24947 0.17083 0.2382 0.15605 0.25395 0.70786 0.98125 0.85547 0.40177 0.97114 0.84726 0.77976 0.18189 0.76825 0.54698 0.25076 0.13793 0.75521 0.59928 0.17583 0.2056 0.32059 0.54218 0.38413 0.38815 0.17028 0.33814 0.92144 0.9729 0.84322 0.64541 0.30854 0.68126 0.33758 0.89491 0.08021 0.40018 0.42557 0.17025 0.60717 0.36586 0.29183 0.89961 0.70024 0.43321 0.63904 0.82795 0.06849 0.35777 0.00744 0.56237 0.328 0.27008 0.08382 0.52906 0.42814 0.28567 0.48173 0.15531 0.36373 0.02651 0.76368 0.35864 0.99534 0.61732 0.93923 0.26602 0.70725 0.54359 0.01368 0.10939 0.17044 0.61041 0.58258 0.0609 0.31565 0.27426 0.74865 0.16334 0.09526 0.049 0.92834 0.74348 0.37934 0.62341 0.9526 0.01601 0.22316 0.5002 0.34398 0.19653 0.97691 0.36262 0.23421 0.85437 0.10399 0.04128 0.7922 0.52869 0.72444 0.0129 0.62894 0.13354 0.59727 0.84704 0.57049 0.56502 0.87752 0.1424 0.6625 0.18188 0.22629 0.71777 0.07449 0.34632 0.40531 0.01657 0.50166 0.22202 0.92474 0.65474 0.59999 0.86669 0.37872 0.11418 0.32527 0.58142 0.30022 0.16925 0.27124 0.70912 0.40175 0.47989 0.19054 0.61938 0.13402 0.49256 0.00448 0.70298 0.38367 0.58322 0.17705 0.65422 0.47928 0.84898 0.36091 0.88497 0.24445 0.75664 0.94053 0.81417 0.18245 0.36042 0.77286 0.40631 0.68958 0.02105 0.58481 0.02825 0.69799 0.67463 0.50014 0.69812 0.36588 0.51207 0.12864 0.19264 0.83973 0.35128 0.5706 0.53267 0.70934 0.4835 0.11583 0.51773 0.036 0.47497 0.78861 0.01906 0.20331 0.23776 0.39277 0.22918 0.73895 0.97669 0.10689 0.16097 0.03436 0.60566 0.21503 0.71097 0.95351 0.75351 0.84765 0.26942 0.63274 0.21905 0.32788 0.98157 0.49843 0.49482 0.85418 0.48483 0.23725 0.63814 0.04154 0.28324 0.23676 0.08268 0.2338 0.55196 0.99363 0.38159 0.6873 0.72998 0.70106 0.00758 0.41498 0.84539 0.30991 0.82164 0.04388 0.64601 0.91791 0.6687 0.74787 0.38556 0.67748 0.69613 0.77842 0.0971 0.31876 0.80017 0.6172 0.29796 0.34949 0.53521 0.90724 0.8369 0.27638 0.88078 0.05447 0.47201 0.05272 0.28949 0.97333 0.33612 0.09216 0.81066 0.50768 0.07332 0.64823 0.27852 0.15495 0.01754 0.25311 0.78612 0.99618 0.38887 0.31601 0.28405 0.23478 0.13668 0.55229 0.90746 0.51407 0.5671 0.72046 0.09619 0.28696 0.64628 0.76122 0.02311 0.20439 0.69734 0.13001 0.51913 0.17986 0.05934 0.1933 0.57948 0.27066 0.91277 0.92117 0.02324 0.4585 0.3606 0.08374 0.33185 0.36957 0.18289 0.79584 0.97925 0.66748 0.6103 0.50405 0.42488 0.4469 0.95147 0.96394 0.25836 0.26043 0.39179 0.59117 0.54409 0.71054 0.59579 0.83602 0.03631 0.62792 0.55149 0.93089 0.75578 0.87362 0.49902 0.08513 0.2731 0.7789 0.22175 0.42536 0.70806 0.44496 0.72122 0.68646 0.44832 0.90803 0.61045 0.94372 0.75761 0.67756 0.07512 0.6377 0.88283 0.51668 0.8505 0.46826 0.43555 0.86365 0.58832 0.19898 0.01352 0.28092 0.75525 0.68283 0.11588 0.98417 0.96814 0.72247 0.12652 0.50166 0.08429 0.47334 0.02562 0.91274 0.38757 0.4088 0.38468
+0.50758 0.02679 0.78952 0.92415 0.77021 0.03145 0.44748 0.41894 0.06652 0.65057 0.26427 0.2205 0.52547 0.57771 0.01958 0.99434 0.67924 0.74832 0.03028 0.81502 0.76822 0.22017 0.11622 0.9717 0.90377 0.43961 0.44976 0.43294 0.99615 0.49034 0.8745 0.02527 0.36398 0.05125 0.11984 0.0928 0.62526 0.41685 0.99761 0.89992 0.16096 0.18856 0.66157 0.22198 0.33948 0.66487 0.59368 0.89864 0.38687 0.36474 0.93338 0.00049 0.82957 0.4029 0.92093 0.12167 0.92863 0.35123 0.81865 0.79925 0.76216 0.81637 0.06746 0.75516 0.80266 0.08446 0.4825 0.85548 0.30608 0.67928 0.37593 0.62239 0.85801 0.34781 0.03659 0.91587 0.4479 0.98497 0.60393 0.73563 0.3645 0.14035 0.88101 0.03188 0.99568 0.49637 0.90654 0.94026 0.88164 0.24203 0.83081 0.69919 0.14457 0.00441 0.12829 0.18998 0.69379 0.37449 0.22994 0.74347 0.41733 0.31593 0.62201 0.21199 0.18378 0.66532 0.91494 0.7208 0.56855 0.27305 0.23298 0.64898 0.42774 0.46456 0.01158 0.3261 0.90128 0.9831 0.54584 0.34322 0.33321 0.25141 0.78286 0.46378 0.40301 0.91272 0.02695 0.81561 0.75018 0.23486 0.3855 0.69371 0.72714 0.20627 0.36586 0.81034 0.31987 0.42947 0.58984 0.23099 0.2397 0.65609 0.19649 0.61854 0.89618 0.27146 0.69877 0.66553 0.16808 0.94327 0.4716 0.65435 0.0686 0.99554 0.86727 0.88089 0.38106 0.823 0.89915 0.68207 0.63781 0.75312 0.78207 0.40917 0.82275 0.16639 0.60771 0.29232 0.53652 0.52091 0.22785 0.38623 0.09367 0.46123 0.4853 0.23125 0.60269 0.91808 0.863 0.17279 0.63455 0.50046 0.15347 0.02502 0.73157 0.10496 0.16452 0.15264 0.80578 0.21966 0.78781 0.3461 0.34806 0.36421 0.82499 0.284 0.25028 0.95619 0.04496 0.22511 0.52546 0.39451 0.39475 0.32406 0.42568 0.29274 0.71812 0.27736 0.97041 0.44976 0.4978 0.31447 0.39807 0.46778 0.01148 0.45949 0.32683 0.46245 0.19208 0.87355 0.59622 0.3269 0.84041 0.81954 0.72211 0.34092 0.31763 0.5192 0.80031 0.98385 0.59227 0.2214 0.44463 0.807 0.01043 0.04507 0.12026 0.213 0.43556 0.45652 0.11144 0.53972 0.19921 0.93198 0.0743 0.90359 0.27622 0.09784 0.65053 0.73092 0.17555 0.00245 0.6089 0.459 0.56833 0.49122 0.15959 0.57505 0.42482 0.2796 0.10046 0.59381 0.72856 0.70651 0.05808 0.55067 0.13764 0.49612 0.48542 0.89394 0.45376 0.05188 0.93178 0.05932 0.4352 0.34935 0.08987 0.84193 0.76799 0.18579 0.39566 0.77177 0.4194 0.02115 0.3439 0.05062 0.79063 0.83378 0.83869 0.20652 0.10532 0.77328 0.92484 0.44882 0.29441 0.09907 0.58409 0.25955 0.97966 0.59478 0.5327 0.47107 0.51314 0.21225 0.67802 0.86515 0.81794 0.91503 0.4235 0.31213 0.18581 0.68583 0.50743 0.19146 0.71465 0.78241 0.63591 0.54249 0.97078 0.6896 0.12714 0.00589 0.50896 0.30452 0.93317 0.82428 0.717 0.72944 0.01728 0.21704 0.24603 0.76177 0.70383 0.3938 0.9289 0.94353 0.60293 0.49252 0.37563 0.78678 0.49207 0.64285 0.84584 0.78164 0.88399 0.37797 0.2417 0.9797 0.40705 0.13188 0.98587 0.34277 0.85948 0.16956 0.72009 0.01663 0.07944 0.98618 0.07155 0.64033 0.46112 0.61825 0.79829 0.16057 0.86114 0.67367 0.74561 0.81632 0.82873 0.68197 0.44451 0.03305 0.15631 0.74616 0.49253 0.12892 0.09047 0.29446 0.51213 0.34596 0.87055 0.85726 0.69729 0.78895 0.5212 0.72921 0.21033 0.65437 0.09706 0.94217 0.81601 0.86836 0.7174 0.6993 0.33576 0.97498 0.27893 0.14303 0.56303 0.44599 0.38803 0.17239 0.1216 0.55181 0.05748 0.09548 0.91743 0.2293 0.7139 0.59221 0.71346 0.28572 0.77524 0.60011 0.76207 0.25506 0.65765 0.81183 0.64897 0.62699 0.95018 0.67116 0.61424 0.05876 0.43106 0.91438 0.26574 0.81257 0.45756 0.02702 0.66522 0.37622 0.47378 0.08144 0.55999 0.74374 0.00996 0.38923 0.24043 0.90817 0.36269 0.56006 0.62128 0.54966 0.44055 0.03725 0.23178 0.98875 0.15838 0.68018 0.89693 0.46252 0.83829 0.09241 0.14761 0.63478 0.68711 0.76617 0.70778 0.9156 0.81248 0.512 0.37387 0.55469 0.04419 0.44683 0.09551 0.96679 0.65962 0.89027 0.65557 0.05318 0.99125 0.43299 0.43036 0.6351 0.31945 0.87178 0.98403 0.04424 0.15724 0.69102 0.551 0.90553 0.21677 0.2378 0.45103 0.86064 0.12747 0.77786 0.41549 0.20444 0.29267 0.77005 0.25653 0.66114 0.5907 0.34809 0.51881 0.27133 0.83684 0.2999 0.43704 0.28071 0.46695 0.1352 0.19976 0.1447 0.2042 0.80367 0.17175 0.39319
+0.46695 0.56532 0.63519 0.86252 0.38508 0.47233 0.09364 0.03032 0.72585 0.02891 0.85141 0.04592 0.07182 0.61915 0.37279 0.50077 0.2424 0.10016 0.84006 0.31554 0.76127 0.21726 0.97095 0.73896 0.84149 0.51727 0.27562 0.65407 0.74911 0.68821 0.20496 0.96712 0.66863 0.79575 0.25101 0.80064 0.73055 0.5067 0.85525 0.467 0.9067 0.05118 0.88643 0.94288 0.98279 0.29085 0.21235 0.1347 0.05427 0.84643 0.417 0.19413 0.45006 0.63959 0.48405 0.11355 0.69446 0.58392 0.76976 0.10021 0.55203 0.63355 0.17346 0.28485 0.4358 0.12493 0.36588 0.69899 0.29532 0.28501 0.46949 0.51363 0.70877 0.55899 0.00611 0.54981 0.89469 0.60267 0.07984 0.28488 0.69553 0.84343 0.80778 0.06064 0.87964 0.12918 0.01007 0.02284 0.47077 0.86086 0.5239 0.56939 0.0747 0.72211 0.68007 0.64863 0.24991 0.1903 0.31089 0.95152 0.068 0.5797 0.46128 0.42521 0.93433 0.01308 0.90178 0.582 0.24291 0.80894 0.3774 0.47851 0.20019 0.33986 0.6307 0.47276 0.96094 0.06989 0.82001 0.00512 0.98748 0.99641 0.53719 0.20273 0.59741 0.71639 0.40862 0.73366 0.07628 0.48553 0.09645 0.6112 0.96532 0.7412 0.45293 0.10631 0.81814 0.95692 0.99635 0.58965 0.63573 0.80016 0.55859 0.54029 0.08895 0.57413 0.98062 0.99114 0.86129 0.84125 0.11703 0.94272 0.58193 0.03504 0.20487 0.99251 0.18043 0.51112 0.91224 0.31479 0.62257 0.70059 0.1989 0.84068 0.33367 0.64767 0.14066 0.56267 0.02247 0.92023 0.88691 0.4347 0.00648 0.69238 0.43124 0.62755 0.78716 0.42485 0.7325 0.4747 0.06325 0.8133 0.0515 0.81997 0.97992 0.59254 0.5823 0.70122 0.30293 0.48389 0.1713 0.70615 0.19209 0.43295 0.81136 0.49842 0.59165 0.05895 0.07473 0.98485 0.20853 0.18922 0.87221 0.03382 0.14425 0.68471 0.13207 0.56098 0.16696 0.16427 0.32771 0.47944 0.2575 0.45161 0.02444 0.62106 0.89562 0.98318 0.21344 0.20275 0.83184 0.91234 0.954 0.82843 0.47385 0.04766 0.47307 0.03273 0.08519 0.89389 0.31591 0.88464 0.96672 0.98065 0.61487 0.19273 0.03731 0.80308 0.79984 0.26914 0.3381 0.93054 0.40345 0.68949 0.03462 0.3376 0.23582 0.02935 0.0625 0.69542 0.13382 0.9182 0.21679 0.72339 0.69476 0.89406 0.16725 0.27757 0.75066 0.5971 0.63554 0.14158 0.50288 0.16138 0.73864 0.81272 0.58091 0.12876 0.98375 0.08525 0.29157 0.48735 0.00408 0.10122 0.01275 0.19577 0.4335 0.74134 0.06586 0.06765 0.29704 0.4665 0.01693 0.40769 0.21211 0.78329 0.63435 0.51041 0.85676 0.17939 0.1785 0.06471 0.05752 0.34716 0.79895 0.39286 0.44728 0.00046 0.71795 0.823 0.22707 0.35845 0.42395 0.29472 0.15642 0.75235 0.7334 0.51225 0.70249 0.89295 0.78894 0.26967 0.49061 0.48483 0.11336 0.30061 0.71753 0.6665 0.85737 0.81403 0.34719 0.51932 0.17663 0.12225 0.56247 0.59596 0.09459 0.44776 0.36727 0.14503 0.90098 0.11596 0.92832 0.57848 0.43655 0.69495 0.49695 0.00672 0.16198 0.44036 0.07309 0.81007 0.98969 0.99208 0.98816 0.6113 0.9755 0.49808 0.77234 0.20759 0.43782 0.1086 0.48958 0.9037 0.32564 0.12147 0.17426 0.17915 0.69097 0.9426 0.06675 0.26026 0.52755 0.21976 0.44971 0.41452 0.14948 0.53269 0.30953 0.25809 0.79331 0.75787 0.62267 0.229 0.00432 0.58078 0.67452 0.90371 0.74158 0.63726 0.86534 0.70368 0.85773 0.81688 0.40229 0.48853 0.31167 0.13316 0.28342 0.95385 0.9861 0.4007 0.18336 0.21032 0.31694 0.47359 0.27204 0.12493 0.09021 0.07669 0.18063 0.06154 0.89071 0.24656 0.68631 0.56784 0.36094 0.83877 0.03669 0.96647 0.24781 0.75743 0.73571 0.47327 0.22387 0.67421 0.10356 0.42809 0.36398 0.91326 0.6964 0.54153 0.05923 0.43335 0.93089 0.77178 0.62651 0.02132 0.59322 0.64796 0.49108 0.58923 0.10805 0.13778 0.13349 0.22953 0.21978 0.63607 0.09741 0.84104 0.72203 0.66283 0.65299 0.75083 0.45692 0.02733 0.79174 0.83934 0.42953 0.49504 0.41367 0.93398 0.09264 0.50067 0.41138 0.59384 0.16041 0.85433 0.91482 0.58079 0.67123 0.77296 0.98585 0.91723 0.06867 0.15904 0.41872 0.67327 0.15842 0.75122 0.57399 0.2902 0.96113 0.81189 0.90123 0.16057 0.6642 0.01703 0.0873 0.99529 0.48173 0.5255 0.42171 0.3019 0.77178 0.45828 0.76069 0.07507 0.61639 0.16914 0.80185 0.7416 0.26026 0.32627 0.82598 0.03611 0.43066 0.53205 0.13527 0.02791 0.15397 0.94592 0.56967 0.19899 0.49595 0.7969 0.83116 0.57207 0.20304 0.03519 0.8448 0.05867
+0.9519 0.60984 0.80801 0.02844 0.17682 0.34397 0.97539 0.06919 0.94143 0.99888 0.23549 0.04037 0.55684 0.90659 0.11476 0.91533 0.95684 0.3563 0.64102 0.32832 0.14079 0.02829 0.09555 0.16976 0.26173 0.14658 0.04668 0.6332 0.0285 0.57147 0.04503 0.41098 0.23433 0.9906 0.23997 0.94122 0.98711 0.41797 0.24988 0.56043 0.58072 0.66785 0.20963 0.587 0.69106 0.07251 0.18752 0.46096 0.97848 0.22731 0.27335 0.49999 0.95094 0.06163 0.99599 0.37765 0.59078 0.86345 0.25388 0.0478 0.3651 0.66349 0.2527 0.79705 0.38801 0.49927 0.76139 0.15935 0.45333 0.11322 0.60055 0.78488 0.0397 0.50522 0.88472 0.09254 0.29277 0.33585 0.86198 0.97241 0.15212 0.85139 0.27724 0.84982 0.29329 0.71818 0.42864 0.5035 0.11073 0.1549 0.19617 0.4486 0.32415 0.17764 0.19075 0.54169 0.99167 0.65946 0.15505 0.99174 0.31939 0.30017 0.77519 0.058 0.73978 0.35319 0.85534 0.66218 0.5193 0.2472 0.32319 0.91958 0.20092 0.07525 0.82388 0.62682 0.07719 0.23902 0.4154 0.54062 0.72955 0.03482 0.70442 0.3955 0.99929 0.13332 0.96919 0.88365 0.32746 0.12111 0.60819 0.11641 0.60553 0.33507 0.90479 0.60098 0.69281 0.51104 0.07285 0.44485 0.00196 0.33192 0.45709 0.25415 0.62712 0.12794 0.37644 0.32582 0.25853 0.99349 0.63879 0.5525 0.84631 0.95318 0.06524 0.75096 0.77726 0.03389 0.27415 0.05489 0.99673 0.69791 0.40811 0.66719 0.18513 0.0723 0.66779 0.59761 0.4989 0.79022 0.01997 0.78784 0.72956 0.42105 0.11174 0.2336 0.91138 0.204 0.52064 0.36644 0.43339 0.89588 0.5069 0.39851 0.84294 0.45603 0.8044 0.7509 0.17705 0.49424 0.18158 0.70265 0.10501 0.7847 0.74764 0.05866 0.79738 0.94406 0.48345 0.78981 0.66621 0.79652 0.95599 0.84014 0.44389 0.66502 0.05815 0.06582 0.77762 0.36236 0.64629 0.54678 0.05174 0.02033 0.66858 0.84371 0.5624 0.37299 0.04799 0.81982 0.91418 0.31673 0.01477 0.36944 0.35943 0.71794 0.06856 0.10082 0.38627 0.70215 0.09191 0.09194 0.66982 0.27833 0.06642 0.20461 0.62834 0.99007 0.48833 0.15264 0.5252 0.06477 0.97682 0.70903 0.9617 0.83226 0.37767 0.37961 0.78751 0.11731 0.63001 0.1288 0.1476 0.08546 0.9456 0.36077 0.9474 0.92857 0.48641 0.54671 0.36163 0.65984 0.9517 0.93727 0.41178 0.24317 0.77631 0.14792 0.83059 0.5818 0.61651 0.35332 0.05311 0.94849 0.56739 0.52492 0.06787 0.96246 0.30015 0.69851 0.63925 0.16721 0.11686 0.33926 0.10931 0.41005 0.3954 0.49687 0.18134 0.49214 0.91687 0.3271 0.92683 0.81697 0.4977 0.34869 0.72935 0.47945 0.12511 0.95004 0.82036 0.6257 0.83174 0.25914 0.80353 0.59879 0.29328 0.33878 0.33861 0.57159 0.89757 0.97286 0.76084 0.57682 0.94067 0.08131 0.64584 0.86758 0.76799 0.80601 0.02194 0.93627 0.99314 0.56661 0.25729 0.80326 0.80925 0.45543 0.54703 0.89713 0.20153 0.90088 0.35739 0.08241 0.87318 0.25051 0.38318 0.35301 0.44461 0.54387 0.14782 0.3405 0.31226 0.86639 0.27084 0.7101 0.40749 0.08424 0.69615 0.40465 0.8792 0.38055 0.89307 0.55185 0.37445 0.2703 0.72632 0.46276 0.7393 0.41562 0.61742 0.8821 0.78421 0.60497 0.10133 0.20305 0.04546 0.95149 0.17943 0.55992 0.42625 0.90878 0.39794 0.53918 0.17015 0.24826 0.60771 0.06086 0.83339 0.08363 0.48143 0.0774 0.4071 0.92493 0.86238 0.93107 0.86354 0.00704 0.89778 0.10831 0.1573 0.32548 0.02484 0.27112 0.42204 0.14336 0.65891 0.57977 0.61323 0.73214 0.52982 0.03587 0.13601 0.31261 0.32274 0.78994 0.01811 0.74474 0.0034 0.06591 0.95962 0.45309 0.92481 0.87098 0.46814 0.44031 0.82848 0.82847 0.92624 0.7579 0.5054 0.01297 0.67192 0.3045 0.99529 0.69674 0.14327 0.03048 0.44839 0.65879 0.48605 0.00018 0.33412 0.13885 0.59424 0.1807 0.16515 0.17395 0.40643 0.89031 0.39715 0.40235 0.12469 0.00668 0.17754 0.95331 0.50657 0.68204 0.83375 0.39137 0.21275 0.09058 0.22693 0.1714 0.55563 0.69657 0.47545 0.75531 0.76444 0.75342 0.87973 0.35423 0.17316 0.58267 0.49969 0.77032 0.10314 0.22011 0.2216 0.9255 0.99072 0.88616 0.16341 0.554 0.85616 0.68776 0.70763 0.2295 0.0195 0.05644 0.11161 0.33433 0.66053 0.05841 0.32547 0.3816 0.12603 0.0591 0.67126 0.27524 0.37451 0.32358 0.06743 0.0027 0.97859 0.40474 0.06498 0.25705 0.84531 0.0769 0.87187 0.8677 0.34075 0.52649 0.43236 0.69198 0.51244 0.06905 0.7346 0.10701 0.15683 0.97336
+0.46953 0.32387 0.25954 0.16628 0.88343 0.91543 0.92008 0.75423 0.8979 0.04277 0.26171 0.56769 0.987 0.28475 0.50805 0.84253 0.68236 0.47585 0.25795 0.51058 0.19275 0.66252 0.9281 0.63572 0.97972 0.59366 0.91862 0.65996 0.46175 0.61396 0.78425 0.0903 0.16327 0.99543 0.92929 0.43505 0.86305 0.96633 0.57494 0.1811 0.80655 0.62796 0.15515 0.19785 0.03312 0.38411 0.90617 0.53063 0.47692 0.53155 0.69851 0.43517 0.3647 0.68804 0.71545 0.34043 0.28646 0.8197 0.14333 0.96065 0.45085 0.13608 0.38888 0.03777 0.32981 0.7943 0.74917 0.26814 0.23646 0.87804 0.73886 0.99687 0.17434 0.4469 0.19115 0.72247 0.1419 0.25579 0.28732 0.70096 0.92439 0.81413 0.44313 0.68229 0.19223 0.42994 0.21528 0.7844 0.20861 0.9563 0.68589 0.88598 0.76781 0.16514 0.24788 0.56725 0.83084 0.46432 0.16659 0.93163 0.44577 0.87946 0.02518 0.07885 0.14898 0.91179 0.09321 0.87252 0.93092 0.38405 0.86921 0.45475 0.58313 0.44241 0.54312 0.00864 0.55624 0.71958 0.58316 0.11716 0.99481 0.33545 0.7291 0.10902 0.09762 0.5235 0.18596 0.74936 0.82881 0.60986 0.78476 0.37668 0.71082 0.89865 0.46715 0.66495 0.12911 0.7878 0.20743 0.20742 0.92388 0.69153 0.97229 0.13084 0.7988 0.42321 0.10605 0.75826 0.23345 0.64568 0.89149 0.76455 0.2464 0.60671 0.93849 0.09531 0.23924 0.73045 0.0088 0.27086 0.72964 0.83504 0.82645 0.77406 0.77433 0.51143 0.96405 0.71145 0.56913 0.92186 0.39043 0.52543 0.66208 0.05534 0.20528 0.24445 0.77949 0.48956 0.94273 0.14266 0.12885 0.46428 0.53512 0.53165 0.22135 0.78747 0.36634 0.76331 0.97442 0.63069 0.23904 0.7878 0.63413 0.53294 0.09518 0.68304 0.44347 0.29166 0.86167 0.83723 0.06985 0.03283 0.50007 0.04828 0.01532 0.88341 0.97871 0.28234 0.59005 0.37348 0.76779 0.37667 0.21848 0.96677 0.44046 0.46138 0.7267 0.48977 0.65644 0.47325 0.51018 0.73667 0.99424 0.70169 0.11923 0.139 0.76532 0.95724 0.80423 0.41004 0.45626 0.64201 0.95279 0.90243 0.06645 0.04388 0.34733 0.86705 0.87504 0.01843 0.2496 0.87249 0.70468 0.69524 0.01587 0.7015 0.64729 0.27785 0.93247 0.99603 0.08257 0.24672 0.63317 0.44011 0.37051 0.92952 0.35339 0.37666 0.1627 0.58675 0.70001 0.74303 0.02691 0.69742 0.37535 0.95856 0.97486 0.64865 0.04518 0.22807 0.84748 0.24861 0.56179 0.23318 0.55889 0.01359 0.82622 0.29874 0.37167 0.27866 0.29675 0.66827 0.07377 0.68473 0.60643 0.50618 0.45158 0.93831 0.53395 0.18007 0.43939 0.07657 0.88606 0.97331 0.72227 0.26001 0.80829 0.76943 0.07632 0.35154 0.73693 0.50236 0.27283 0.74044 0.47072 0.4513 0.37744 0.99191 0.29742 0.56037 0.80199 0.30566 0.04332 0.40485 0.13943 0.66716 0.99589 0.26237 0.16146 0.30852 0.17839 0.5422 0.77962 0.64186 0.62676 0.06841 0.90896 0.94813 0.32484 0.3207 0.52111 0.58232 0.51168 0.38131 0.29923 0.97547 0.11816 0.18607 0.97543 0.85609 0.45592 0.2257 0.42789 0.85825 0.71146 0.02172 0.58049 0.66208 0.41581 0.32631 0.59999 0.94651 0.02445 0.11644 0.23546 0.33446 0.49748 0.3869 0.61092 0.82954 0.9626 0.9376 0.87084 0.71572 0.15987 0.37566 0.34223 0.37699 0.94132 0.50707 0.96317 0.26083 0.71037 0.3118 0.37814 0.73042 0.08186 0.50387 0.60008 0.56611 0.25978 0.0876 0.2854 0.71068 0.91607 0.91203 0.26347 0.89591 0.49032 0.58239 0.20503 0.09945 0.93225 0.72244 0.08894 0.8014 0.38082 0.23286 0.8246 0.3329 0.36698 0.11377 0.63011 0.25667 0.34044 0.53755 0.61316 0.56468 0.5836 0.93411 0.3197 0.87214 0.52976 0.31484 0.7239 0.69797 0.36534 0.38586 0.41961 0.40215 0.12822 0.51648 0.9413 0.42374 0.89675 0.78321 0.61303 0.89249 0.92007 0.66637 0.31191 0.04629 0.9323 0.04199 0.5362 0.03652 0.52944 0.65668 0.21571 0.01237 0.78698 0.28586 0.18753 0.20973 0.6724 0.96986 0.40639 0.41979 0.33303 0.88788 0.77996 0.83068 0.35229 0.17608 0.79974 0.76318 0.88259 0.16918 0.71269 0.91722 0.08092 0.38512 0.01593 0.61276 0.23662 0.1678 0.33228 0.6403 0.50611 0.72089 0.26671 0.63256 0.45482 0.39934 0.22753 0.66729 0.35071 0.34003 0.23522 0.50798 0.9439 0.43784 0.55964 0.05529 0.7746 0.38284 0.39949 0.27965 0.95413 0.68869 0.34745 0.13159 0.47886 0.52974 0.24096 0.08313 0.86029 0.81696 0.0184 0.70055 0.70035 0.59218 0.27144 0.76133 0.06082 0.87659 0.47837 0.27525 0.67909 0.99307 0.33843 0.55756
+0.40213 0.88236 0.80623 0.35045 0.26191 0.98543 0.67521 0.3087 0.26784 0.66062 0.94497 0.26877 0.69362 0.59072 0.06627 0.82318 0.77615 0.67806 0.3207 0.13423 0.58026 0.66383 0.5799 0.48726 0.33969 0.94051 0.9188 0.71755 0.56867 0.47539 0.68409 0.60286 0.19329 0.44145 0.57614 0.34344 0.14571 0.52508 0.7923 0.33665 0.20064 0.57051 0.48695 0.16603 0.23563 0.6456 0.20315 0.28479 0.2076 0.44269 0.86515 0.78817 0.03158 0.67916 0.61161 0.25757 0.45156 0.90936 0.5754 0.19705 0.11865 0.07431 0.91342 0.13117 0.17219 0.24751 0.45361 0.83632 0.60868 0.66443 0.75165 0.62633 0.89276 0.72267 0.11127 0.96365 0.32852 0.05726 0.75418 0.94608 0.9504 0.39844 0.37191 0.93263 0.63365 0.34189 0.12756 0.33061 0.53934 0.53662 0.19344 0.53434 0.28862 0.55199 0.08344 0.59339 0.06842 0.33624 0.39409 0.05436 0.79187 0.81294 0.55225 0.78465 0.59996 0.92203 0.06595 0.99936 0.2997 0.04065 0.22195 0.76529 0.63284 0.37729 0.97792 0.38851 0.48183 0.45192 0.75465 0.86431 0.86451 0.32877 0.65909 0.94027 0.06629 0.57793 0.49325 0.09003 0.50734 0.7826 0.91142 0.80957 0.55959 0.4173 0.566 0.21556 0.76599 0.50756 0.80915 0.94197 0.95446 0.20596 0.98838 0.12491 0.77184 0.81781 0.40728 0.20294 0.4667 0.93123 0.16476 0.11374 0.75193 0.99401 0.42784 0.67947 0.46954 0.77431 0.22465 0.17854 0.22906 0.88586 0.0993 0.38777 0.35991 0.58522 0.46439 0.41277 0.38636 0.86674 0.49151 0.73664 0.7845 0.73072 0.66364 0.16967 0.98693 0.06418 0.9173 0.06877 0.72674 0.39845 0.95459 0.29978 0.00443 0.7194 0.27142 0.8378 0.44716 0.96349 0.76262 0.25804 0.13245 0.56172 0.01405 0.02148 0.56137 0.8179 0.07601 0.52028 0.89206 0.37084 0.25543 0.54229 0.8778 0.06121 0.11322 0.12002 0.92855 0.7977 0.26103 0.22852 0.95703 0.95596 0.59727 0.97336 0.70121 0.84353 0.47928 0.78437 0.98411 0.87388 0.09282 0.51223 0.51347 0.73623 0.85885 0.08049 0.00918 0.85716 0.34903 0.79053 0.8697 0.60804 0.02878 0.68425 0.08712 0.56519 0.44609 0.93977 0.89109 0.6779 0.13538 0.01289 0.81929 0.40657 0.31712 0.92877 0.78168 0.33121 0.8344 0.44488 0.28719 0.00526 0.28797 0.42015 0.1523 0.92592 0.74116 0.96292 0.91961 0.60885 0.24684 0.09442 0.27594 0.37412 0.28039 0.58653 0.85261 0.94557 0.25333 0.09274 0.3744 0.51809 0.54348 0.03461 0.20487 0.18798 0.07337 0.32006 0.50032 0.49137 0.24557 0.89949 0.54835 0.91175 0.63684 0.79485 0.75921 0.63276 0.59601 0.56074 0.57023 0.72855 0.68797 0.23006 0.32045 0.49351 0.55294 0.4185 0.34045 0.2529 0.22286 0.90581 0.90572 0.98943 0.40804 0.69956 0.34851 0.46489 0.43368 0.40415 0.87849 0.36304 0.14209 0.52935 0.87455 0.19313 0.50438 0.71077 0.1401 0.63611 0.20582 0.22238 0.94305 0.71994 0.63333 0.61736 0.86609 0.04584 0.1099 0.06405 0.92947 0.76933 0.65924 0.47753 0.09333 0.92964 0.54411 0.54582 0.04965 0.62919 0.18946 0.40232 0.14411 0.0648 0.59115 0.46403 0.20227 0.30769 0.28711 0.564 0.86331 0.23972 0.09365 0.21689 0.53663 0.68282 0.22552 0.81037 0.54998 0.69093 0.53116 0.89015 0.29122 0.52027 0.34971 0.48259 0.97439 0.09902 0.22594 0.47302 0.39666 0.92303 0.51817 0.09618 0.72793 0.22995 0.98108 0.83822 0.22905 0.58633 0.95595 0.18531 0.73037 0.24858 0.81889 0.15026 0.97997 0.50481 0.7411 0.63065 0.3303 0.41435 0.57813 0.79778 0.5348 0.73605 0.13795 0.80264 0.2049 0.93147 0.13663 0.08938 0.59475 0.53965 0.18569 0.95747 0.54881 0.77241 0.96147 0.15879 0.62834 0.92435 0.02803 0.49055 0.14159 0.54826 0.03878 0.3327 0.77975 0.05194 0.70198 0.63002 0.12257 0.6668 0.33617 0.30124 0.35214 0.55179 0.04092 0.56612 0.66658 0.06652 0.37972 0.3369 0.84235 0.19062 0.10886 0.39723 0.59978 0.44083 0.98403 0.72558 0.90256 0.47361 0.12564 0.98446 0.93311 0.37077 0.42865 0.72606 0.37682 0.23257 0.17874 0.08019 0.20593 0.9881 0.77951 0.34288 0.39682 0.5014 0.04224 0.44634 0.80291 0.96829 0.63553 0.40853 0.29525 0.61082 0.63781 0.71848 0.49823 0.08561 0.70235 0.768 0.07157 0.91521 0.79613 0.38386 0.50174 0.54107 0.40604 0.32046 0.16716 0.77634 0.84224 0.28075 0.818 0.93897 0.42342 0.33903 0.34175 0.05738 0.91709 0.49944 0.09138 0.36393 0.34467 0.07203 0.36796 0.14671 0.34096 0.95952 0.24741 0.96307 0.30856 0.85042 0.80496 0.06264 0.91938 0.94526
+0.90687 0.40077 0.75645 0.48786 0.82323 0.44878 0.9879 0.42482 0.16447 0.77143 0.91309 0.18003 0.67909 0.01617 0.47544 0.94834 0.28697 0.18061 0.70635 0.76082 0.67297 0.23792 0.82347 0.80668 0.03212 0.55774 0.90385 0.13711 0.48786 0.33994 0.69836 0.52539 0.11379 0.57701 0.90309 0.43021 0.22263 0.63989 0.04885 0.33703 0.3707 0.99566 0.37087 0.36182 0.76345 0.79035 0.16411 0.45366 0.47013 0.26983 0.71497 0.79096 0.89389 0.2891 0.27302 0.21123 0.73138 0.32217 0.67862 0.43491 0.18199 0.25085 0.07047 0.46979 0.56698 0.90633 0.97326 0.0902 0.09781 0.47277 0.21891 0.70513 0.3321 0.34675 0.65968 0.48016 0.79325 0.57178 0.01369 0.49738 0.78202 0.0972 0.1375 0.21635 0.29346 0.44136 0.39329 0.81767 0.18042 0.03608 0.51854 0.94775 0.05065 0.09515 0.91472 0.70501 0.98163 0.09432 0.20012 0.47523 0.84737 0.02693 0.0063 0.57343 0.80855 0.49269 0.23697 0.83234 0.4534 0.68768 0.67949 0.72836 0.86906 0.16325 0.67185 0.47523 0.11104 0.32928 0.43588 0.05958 0.31313 0.34043 0.92649 0.44866 0.07808 0.71701 0.94516 0.17384 0.56148 0.0178 0.31058 0.96377 0.448 0.00339 0.64003 0.50858 0.11467 0.40382 0.32314 0.01643 0.06537 0.95947 0.46296 0.16684 0.9067 0.05511 0.55272 0.1906 0.74604 0.38711 0.49617 0.48731 0.55595 0.93707 0.55753 0.54969 0.35291 0.76146 0.08987 0.47513 0.95993 0.46633 0.29054 0.77911 0.83742 0.06606 0.6678 0.99881 0.31456 0.81883 0.04015 0.6951 0.3548 0.81167 0.60608 0.08653 0.42383 0.25032 0.13685 0.23014 0.89137 0.2301 0.30518 0.99725 0.89628 0.95021 0.77031 0.99088 0.79046 0.36268 0.40098 0.8825 0.74511 0.95057 0.94237 0.01856 0.6144 0.8509 0.00059 0.64436 0.92156 0.16693 0.52079 0.1446 0.4489 0.02821 0.19303 0.99569 0.93637 0.54881 0.28263 0.95189 0.15692 0.71098 0.0775 0.03752 0.82106 0.1058 0.88755 0.60976 0.34327 0.34263 0.90819 0.57024 0.36724 0.21805 0.21117 0.60292 0.49605 0.08741 0.40182 0.63454 0.50504 0.17671 0.64268 0.53786 0.83575 0.50687 0.22405 0.73622 0.26224 0.72512 0.17478 0.46601 0.2557 0.01794 0.43383 0.39304 0.48584 0.08952 0.69345 0.13565 0.03745 0.14772 0.26688 0.6289 0.16236 0.26839 0.48161 0.80216 0.62378 0.99747 0.80242 0.31705 0.69657 0.3081 0.61282 0.12815 0.46332 0.40684 0.75842 0.45029 0.08732 0.93559 0.55959 0.01824 0.57015 0.00171 0.72566 0.68908 0.29319 0.58096 0.43648 0.13001 0.81758 0.63374 0.08202 0.38082 0.27086 0.22464 0.21421 0.92983 0.991 0.32537 0.56783 0.67796 0.63989 0.13372 0.79925 0.61155 0.29141 0.81726 0.73341 0.87271 0.22606 0.67431 0.08449 0.63675 0.05915 0.63459 0.34203 0.73376 0.29941 0.77257 0.7733 0.08291 0.38398 0.65637 0.97567 0.93233 0.33406 0.59109 0.41159 0.78805 0.30201 0.95793 0.35247 0.54342 0.82579 0.63383 0.92998 0.64058 0.27535 0.03632 0.60031 0.00466 0.24715 0.46739 0.79088 0.31185 0.99759 0.52408 0.26556 0.99091 0.29567 0.15302 0.84458 0.46155 0.60867 0.93495 0.01029 0.88928 0.48586 0.61508 0.98153 0.71847 0.9598 0.75176 0.37232 0.89578 0.0247 0.86297 0.0054 0.5852 0.95901 0.57168 0.26232 0.96499 0.84503 0.59221 0.69068 0.62309 0.3676 0.3401 0.53947 0.20427 0.38034 0.41185 0.65174 0.69983 0.64422 0.57472 0.07495 0.03841 0.06318 0.40243 0.5649 0.18062 0.64679 0.43627 0.57812 0.44097 0.53875 0.39632 0.26206 0.0274 0.14079 0.75697 0.58573 0.25694 0.24248 0.11678 0.4145 0.92315 0.82542 0.52534 0.96951 0.2734 0.73825 0.14529 0.04491 0.55687 0.73278 0.50903 0.45043 0.20009 0.06485 0.20837 0.35262 0.68863 0.34566 0.02116 0.21413 0.24885 0.36711 0.8576 0.67065 0.03863 0.08245 0.89723 0.99961 0.31822 0.48221 0.52625 0.17319 0.67779 0.20685 0.72804 0.58399 0.87265 0.36664 0.88863 0.43743 0.77738 0.97294 0.07535 0.27274 0.37616 0.07934 0.18503 0.32451 0.01553 0.26423 0.41231 0.57368 0.75273 0.03499 0.00331 0.62092 0.02812 0.05459 0.9983 0.26048 0.22868 0.15416 0.15151 0.30925 0.50947 0.597 0.69512 0.51275 0.78021 0.74065 0.08886 0.53076 0.04548 0.85386 0.32879 0.01439 0.11107 0.68267 0.79956 0.33451 0.54068 0.58118 0.78184 0.4154 0.59445 0.21812 0.34104 0.90652 0.91443 0.50413 0.54774 0.70737 0.54193 0.62866 0.29912 0.85257 0.45429 0.01687 0.35773 0.16176 0.62985 0.30907 0.38763 0.63936 0.85618 0.90444 0.98943 0.27346 0.65969
+0.40332 0.16834 0.73607 0.23733 0.37983 0.73463 0.977 0.88285 0.33749 0.40111 0.66541 0.6114 0.52157 0.49069 0.65111 0.28975 0.59884 0.11091 0.29302 0.18399 0.33409 0.08625 0.94463 0.78578 0.52247 0.91843 0.779 0.39644 0.87604 0.95972 0.0746 0.07664 0.95737 0.16832 0.43429 0.36708 0.63544 0.16645 0.66574 0.12611 0.96502 0.41089 0.49422 0.39148 0.29157 0.55521 0.34462 0.12747 0.40372 0.37669 0.15719 0.87304 0.26999 0.63069 0.71409 0.69776 0.76752 0.27434 0.71076 0.90315 0.84513 0.33861 0.57357 0.75456 0.4624 0.27096 0.81296 0.69039 0.29387 0.02493 0.0391 0.84847 0.04799 0.13271 0.95019 0.72169 0.02891 0.18849 0.28912 0.47746 0.13765 0.33633 0.52654 0.14491 0.11935 0.60596 0.78677 0.4847 0.10976 0.61684 0.75405 0.33243 0.40782 0.76672 0.24766 0.08204 0.31792 0.84901 0.08497 0.28759 0.65119 0.91528 0.58146 0.27838 0.803 0.08339 0.02318 0.0582 0.34914 0.47064 0.78966 0.02081 0.0238 0.80576 0.64088 0.04921 0.79052 0.19805 0.20438 0.08832 0.64529 0.20988 0.71682 0.62112 0.05829 0.35844 0.88449 0.95218 0.83135 0.46573 0.20052 0.34814 0.77447 0.59875 0.13155 0.33219 0.38689 0.69989 0.97429 0.06623 0.38013 0.36619 0.77383 0.34591 0.33678 0.76631 0.92948 0.90613 0.50951 0.25153 0.4472 0.77434 0.99064 0.76918 0.32398 0.49889 0.02908 0.20062 0.05229 0.69272 0.69202 0.603 0.48916 0.50522 0.81794 0.92839 0.09249 0.15984 0.87036 0.5778 0.45038 0.85126 0.9913 0.48919 0.00937 0.67798 0.3436 0.02342 0.11386 0.48742 0.13022 0.39476 0.17681 0.59565 0.69774 0.80421 0.6824 0.25214 0.42554 0.65441 0.21741 0.34655 0.84658 0.69469 0.44978 0.04408 0.28375 0.10179 0.28881 0.37374 0.07939 0.2815 0.08177 0.66659 0.38481 0.20199 0.74874 0.54704 0.11651 0.14219 0.01995 0.10922 0.71551 0.8565 0.68 0.88356 0.77191 0.70559 0.61768 0.18379 0.85838 0.88621 0.56302 0.26293 0.4365 0.90568 0.17172 0.69154 0.17963 0.14518 0.74043 0.15035 0.73226 0.76013 0.88795 0.62003 0.04203 0.67241 0.62907 0.28406 0.52807 0.32282 0.68004 0.24845 0.69619 0.80941 0.07521 0.58703 0.97014 0.34176 0.95444 0.79233 0.72031 0.32305 0.91113 0.16809 0.20837 0.07068 0.23141 0.71167 0.74464 0.98717 0.44463 0.0604 0.60909 0.94459 0.68194 0.78397 0.38765 0.72374 0.63049 0.30224 0.08072 0.51128 0.77687 0.91016 0.52637 0.9563 0.6316 0.09117 0.11242 0.44358 0.84393 0.5151 0.81526 0.22958 0.46526 0.08477 0.66889 0.02219 0.48702 0.56947 0.41236 0.84448 0.46067 0.30638 0.65461 0.52142 0.32458 0.99665 0.0554 0.89166 0.85866 0.21231 0.95838 0.57835 0.44748 0.40374 0.56445 0.90242 0.76518 0.03248 0.43693 0.97678 0.3688 0.56719 0.92697 0.83621 0.90916 0.84505 0.12059 0.42212 0.46126 0.08827 0.82749 0.01098 0.78207 0.89043 0.06488 0.97292 0.6896 0.69014 0.48943 0.39681 0.00678 0.07507 0.6991 0.04721 0.68082 0.80758 0.88472 0.44393 0.0072 0.26078 0.18299 0.94449 0.06832 0.63668 0.47031 0.02093 0.00639 0.2282 0.81748 0.15318 0.40037 0.46384 0.51791 0.95233 0.08782 0.08142 0.92258 0.55539 0.14941 0.48523 0.22042 0.2612 0.04138 0.03451 0.84143 0.23271 0.9002 0.28577 0.50282 0.46699 0.05133 0.12403 0.93744 0.72872 0.86015 0.02239 0.04546 0.2133 0.01805 0.64634 0.5158 0.63818 0.88815 0.60156 0.62192 0.34834 0.75065 0.42278 0.84869 0.06438 0.79721 0.30737 0.292 0.75061 0.96963 0.27125 0.47333 0.66314 0.40165 0.26768 0.22901 0.26451 0.49413 0.6083 0.71421 0.37068 0.81567 0.83822 0.57802 0.25581 0.98218 0.81313 0.45008 0.22255 0.28066 0.06137 0.63452 0.71792 0.02697 0.28057 0.1503 0.72076 0.82223 0.85282 0.44266 0.99578 0.2715 0.12498 0.34224 0.82097 0.13356 0.14768 0.61244 0.09032 0.33211 0.83358 0.50654 0.24661 0.70918 0.31687 0.44018 0.09356 0.64006 0.57645 0.72655 0.67863 0.96701 0.0848 0.45212 0.56851 0.44614 0.79978 0.24128 0.51986 0.97584 0.13594 0.7871 0.59882 0.31026 0.63145 0.97331 0.28972 0.80341 0.63214 0.85192 0.56956 0.39782 0.24719 0.02366 0.05156 0.74554 0.00335 0.62781 0.05732 0.54057 0.94025 0.6838 0.72083 0.72812 0.09477 0.73401 0.30545 0.99036 0.23725 0.94465 0.80793 0.31818 0.88189 0.56778 0.90063 0.73466 0.38021 0.65904 0.28752 0.41602 0.72523 0.24771 0.81654 0.8481 0.99541 0.8446 0.47827 0.6438 0.37895 0.49164 0.62277 0.72239 0.42714
+0.88122 0.79476 0.62086 0.83609 0.06513 0.50149 0.31641 0.12016 0.46549 0.08501 0.92387 0.8675 0.13411 0.61746 0.54571 0.45694 0.59491 0.21551 0.44308 0.37471 0.98095 0.84321 0.85779 0.80297 0.16838 0.71331 0.56411 0.28646 0.85883 0.28261 0.08334 0.58549 0.23067 0.67242 0.5164 0.95049 0.9528 0.3388 0.68167 0.40459 0.15742 0.50435 0.36399 0.46841 0.82196 0.02739 0.32708 0.34081 0.07688 0.68224 0.90624 0.15696 0.90418 0.99922 0.92609 0.37971 0.95467 0.02974 0.08066 0.44392 0.15877 0.44711 0.8311 0.77069 0.44781 0.5808 0.3448 0.10331 0.1363 0.11203 0.74185 0.07827 0.50121 0.39794 0.96028 0.89057 0.57497 0.34868 0.16161 0.70042 0.41137 0.05747 0.92914 0.05957 0.73434 0.3341 0.44558 0.28511 0.67329 0.75694 0.40866 0.75852 0.927 0.11622 0.57546 0.26177 0.94758 0.25919 0.3918 0.89126 0.34215 0.48906 0.10162 0.10966 0.04869 0.7927 0.26763 0.29583 0.04764 0.5171 0.99984 0.26091 0.29942 0.19569 0.97984 0.33892 0.10349 0.22438 0.89483 0.07953 0.93261 0.80182 0.61256 0.38164 0.45772 0.06976 0.45604 0.89936 0.72178 0.07032 0.19514 0.93476 0.15094 0.67376 0.64227 0.24651 0.83241 0.06453 0.1895 0.6965 0.315 0.28781 0.46196 0.81992 0.14518 0.85553 0.52789 0.34697 0.48883 0.22995 0.03626 0.76276 0.73238 0.68702 0.12373 0.58302 0.79694 0.46212 0.79431 0.68124 0.50212 0.37568 0.28064 0.961 0.22319 0.15375 0.43292 0.24575 0.06272 0.82723 0.62928 0.40162 0.00518 0.71729 0.02105 0.36351 0.6913 0.9712 0.80141 0.90421 0.14881 0.84307 0.02418 0.86022 0.63124 0.38491 0.45771 0.22099 0.87278 0.51128 0.21494 0.30999 0.02379 0.6656 0.74245 0.22141 0.3448 0.06432 0.2192 0.98705 0.45269 0.09316 0.17997 0.01516 0.7745 0.37706 0.34246 0.40231 0.70758 0.94143 0.00629 0.0223 0.09643 0.66033 0.88131 0.09972 0.78889 0.13007 0.14722 0.39085 0.20418 0.81979 0.98418 0.96215 0.41658 0.47411 0.67509 0.69383 0.74121 0.65735 0.18649 0.75089 0.71927 0.3479 0.8432 0.42769 0.88204 0.77218 0.06298 0.8309 0.43797 0.96611 0.4689 0.97178 0.9944 0.29847 0.30969 0.27567 0.58371 0.7123 0.96979 0.46178 0.29073 0.00831 0.17672 0.63143 0.54764 0.75256 0.7927 0.43127 0.73657 0.59907 0.44279 0.5972 0.73795 0.80331 0.14025 0.7418 0.77415 0.78106 0.82899 0.24523 0.2499 0.84707 0.9346 0.92565 0.4983 0.5034 0.75122 0.98685 0.74079 0.29462 0.3149 0.83821 0.19544 0.41098 0.50146 0.68671 0.36769 0.25503 0.8586 0.37983 0.11049 0.12435 0.87086 0.5523 0.81061 0.02021 0.38694 0.01981 0.7889 0.51129 0.25139 0.90646 0.60644 0.90776 0.33399 0.03732 0.98323 0.47879 0.2627 0.47439 0.33015 0.0373 0.65775 0.29954 0.20359 0.78715 0.19555 0.7645 0.63245 0.31487 0.68735 0.96538 0.70049 0.90603 0.00576 0.03973 0.88672 0.81723 0.2792 0.69048 0.33811 0.20141 0.57715 0.69531 0.73656 0.96666 0.89591 0.14407 0.721 0.95452 0.94088 0.80567 0.64072 0.30985 0.70263 0.72606 0.59404 0.96863 0.05326 0.30543 0.07257 0.8447 0.08806 0.75883 0.50834 0.60616 0.92981 0.90468 0.3756 0.85657 0.54761 0.95119 0.99801 0.69857 0.82317 0.46035 0.77468 0.83082 0.2359 0.57058 0.15347 0.61672 0.91986 0.84725 0.28721 0.25351 0.25893 0.27871 0.35085 0.49445 0.22449 0.94671 0.61119 0.06371 0.59005 0.10621 0.7132 0.97884 0.02009 0.86534 0.61076 0.33648 0.21983 0.61173 0.24479 0.07629 0.56213 0.74798 0.63049 0.18675 0.39729 0.34912 0.12878 0.16584 0.0149 0.89606 0.38862 0.14735 0.17499 0.84381 0.26644 0.21793 0.57306 0.96407 0.08205 0.41709 0.1346 0.24726 0.14747 0.93446 0.11839 0.27362 0.74057 0.90955 0.31125 0.67209 0.18031 0.31214 0.53598 0.53214 0.63169 0.27082 0.07109 0.52749 0.14612 0.41959 0.45757 0.08475 0.52314 0.72294 0.51974 0.06971 0.00905 0.77402 0.05739 0.87886 0.87583 0.41519 0.51582 0.76138 0.22133 0.26758 0.32662 0.31033 0.58892 0.52168 0.90948 0.56842 0.94911 0.80976 0.80052 0.13054 0.06815 0.47981 0.10007 0.81126 0.64317 0.47289 0.58924 0.79456 0.20825 0.28262 0.14665 0.75042 0.47713 0.86631 0.76396 0.3439 0.5209 0.79164 0.49458 0.02452 0.28469 0.18128 0.44225 0.26516 0.18086 0.23887 0.49171 0.77669 0.03511 0.22112 0.23291 0.17948 0.36959 0.47987 0.93561 0.12441 0.66499 0.15515 0.59368 0.56957 0.74323 0.77609 0.11152 0.92444 0.22562 0.2197 0.27384 0.56343
+0.42884 0.44146 0.91379 0.58062 0.04584 0.11654 0.20243 0.09615 0.01124 0.30844 0.02826 0.93377 0.76717 0.03858 0.21364 0.2872 0.44479 0.68084 0.50913 0.39253 0.34846 0.00636 0.332 0.52286 0.69557 0.83067 0.44485 0.32712 0.51417 0.50775 0.62837 0.9448 0.08001 0.48457 0.15803 0.2531 0.63958 0.02513 0.98474 0.59624 0.06566 0.22505 0.61535 0.07921 0.33862 0.5196 0.75451 0.60266 0.71934 0.01245 0.41138 0.47693 0.10899 0.44598 0.17916 0.44673 0.60404 0.31941 0.43445 0.64422 0.68633 0.67198 0.93985 0.03122 0.22191 0.64305 0.07271 0.81862 0.47983 0.49386 0.06112 0.3016 0.48051 0.56952 0.53491 0.71625 0.40015 0.12698 0.24139 0.82614 0.24599 0.97406 0.58534 0.07335 0.56912 0.68391 0.66098 0.58626 0.62537 0.94306 0.08714 0.42347 0.79947 0.23497 0.65491 0.78575 0.70722 0.73012 0.33017 0.06724 0.03306 0.95863 0.11148 0.5593 0.47283 0.08251 0.33497 0.95203 0.05652 0.73239 0.47707 0.24263 0.21406 0.69462 0.58599 0.61083 0.13034 0.72671 0.40599 0.5444 0.43061 0.44555 0.26283 0.24065 0.97672 0.83975 0.33127 0.73006 0.47431 0.56548 0.9576 0.93824 0.91758 0.85765 0.66613 0.64396 0.75236 0.03379 0.60394 0.49021 0.1515 0.36056 0.45212 0.59001 0.49753 0.04283 0.05716 0.34235 0.70207 0.69632 0.69416 0.4352 0.85066 0.44054 0.67373 0.58069 0.1441 0.08318 0.47268 0.5969 0.91028 0.18828 0.75754 0.94581 0.17661 0.22675 0.5979 0.70957 0.91735 0.13521 0.65038 0.06977 0.83964 0.41302 0.8071 0.35725 0.41322 0.1755 0.65598 0.80407 0.14366 0.57203 0.87729 0.79091 0.88282 0.61313 0.82982 0.53767 0.76619 0.56871 0.18298 0.58456 0.06875 0.55606 0.75856 0.57385 0.61865 0.66176 0.04927 0.45129 0.7258 0.07033 0.88728 0.09811 0.6985 0.07955 0.99331 0.1254 0.55993 0.94949 0.3969 0.33409 0.02292 0.94907 0.94788 0.79533 0.21333 0.32409 0.1854 0.93376 0.24505 0.03753 0.36683 0.11039 0.26011 0.33178 0.74046 0.28617 0.41901 0.00412 0.8748 0.98257 0.0413 0.97816 0.20931 0.15081 0.60006 0.07863 0.65483 0.76642 0.35257 0.85581 0.83211 0.69111 0.79093 0.55663 0.38843 0.42656 0.26627 0.43402 0.12507 0.03434 0.76027 0.49965 0.60801 0.12877 0.10941 0.72269 0.54652 0.66147 0.84182 0.72161 0.025 0.31088 0.28076 0.97409 0.03818 0.54633 0.75622 0.09373 0.09727 0.60755 0.13473 0.13877 0.31699 0.21452 0.25166 0.82641 0.31059 0.80039 0.13932 0.73748 0.50787 0.5205 0.04851 0.43799 0.51565 0.4855 0.0201 0.22775 0.89076 0.63919 0.93072 0.28581 0.04936 0.02134 0.83755 0.99546 0.12597 0.88805 0.68441 0.26386 0.03183 0.96174 0.97278 0.85237 0.48388 0.77903 0.1348 0.02013 0.25768 0.16447 0.30792 0.41086 0.21622 0.72424 0.12362 0.18738 0.34603 0.28414 0.79667 0.6305 0.07154 0.57592 0.12998 0.20261 0.82221 0.78701 0.61338 0.40848 0.06036 0.59653 0.7959 0.68464 0.62601 0.29893 0.28118 0.90543 0.84727 0.12626 0.7809 0.70255 0.87713 0.02003 0.16861 0.56262 0.4201 0.37588 0.23186 0.42416 0.51583 0.32535 0.26975 0.1898 0.27443 0.96113 0.2657 0.43457 0.13989 0.35459 0.41825 0.0379 0.18532 0.25523 0.56928 0.54846 0.73986 0.56365 0.17737 0.46929 0.14733 0.43512 0.69295 0.19583 0.66727 0.12281 0.3559 0.72831 0.27151 0.65779 0.64277 0.45962 0.47026 0.86934 0.35732 0.84202 0.66102 0.82978 0.46469 0.56663 0.6445 0.34028 0.79006 0.57466 0.04041 0.56493 0.28253 0.5828 0.00929 0.98684 0.99845 0.79233 0.25567 0.22273 0.6814 0.65307 0.41246 0.87438 0.70502 0.92425 0.62859 0.88292 0.00595 0.76624 0.34008 0.87509 0.83304 0.82736 0.39517 0.79283 0.68607 0.65113 0.10938 0.68459 0.29551 0.14926 0.26908 0.28206 0.99454 0.97962 0.9994 0.86454 0.35171 0.82591 0.86321 0.48097 0.0429 0.5471 0.1732 0.5971 0.29841 0.76711 0.45096 0.22461 0.33273 0.10819 0.36611 0.83883 0.59434 0.84759 0.46049 0.10779 0.03571 0.38186 0.12227 0.28463 0.74451 0.01245 0.80319 0.88389 0.08845 0.28677 0.49484 0.96542 0.61948 0.36852 0.07455 0.32557 0.45517 0.07074 0.61535 0.63467 0.8499 0.99401 0.51154 0.76246 0.84012 0.11123 0.18291 0.68005 0.48785 0.26188 0.34838 0.99305 0.86533 0.44058 0.2299 0.00642 0.88333 0.97931 0.61816 0.40936 0.53333 0.82641 0.76361 0.12529 0.21278 0.78861 0.6686 0.58174 0.98492 0.24245 0.97896 0.8809 0.56845 0.82723 0.78917 0.81684 0.8674 0.35488 0.47017 0.15855
+0.30876 0.82845 0.24825 0.07156 0.35377 0.48866 0.95212 0.02008 0.34563 0.81036 0.94321 0.251 0.28227 0.49372 0.24635 0.65857 0.38668 0.2159 0.77935 0.21256 0.59928 0.28208 0.82342 0.96983 0.48456 0.93321 0.20639 0.45734 0.25957 0.239 0.24952 0.88832 0.32178 0.3709 0.92035 0.98831 0.29889 0.90292 0.25941 0.92916 0.48127 0.96992 0.89114 0.16464 0.23717 0.65866 0.54317 0.14525 0.27841 0.28269 0.50279 0.20179 0.46681 0.74958 0.38964 0.74536 0.71186 0.26743 0.43254 0.16446 0.02442 0.41508 0.83071 0.19386 0.67344 0.29489 0.69581 0.7477 0.84555 0.8303 0.37183 0.13865 0.97295 0.88772 0.31773 0.34262 0.52115 0.32282 0.68089 0.0268 0.71608 0.79539 0.22155 0.59544 0.37344 0.26568 0.91669 0.74563 0.05816 0.85078 0.82633 0.12615 0.97368 0.37268 0.83324 0.83569 0.28585 0.61717 0.85159 0.13612 0.42598 0.51467 0.7949 0.60915 0.03994 0.67688 0.68964 0.907 0.47747 0.33549 0.68837 0.37475 0.28993 0.94712 0.79984 0.95509 0.79679 0.84044 0.15412 0.03242 0.86764 0.57291 0.06222 0.68563 0.42577 0.78144 0.3335 0.90614 0.40876 0.86457 0.78182 0.94934 0.85009 0.86117 0.76469 0.30803 0.21469 0.38101 0.17979 0.19709 0.10841 0.76102 0.30811 0.54685 0.12103 0.59873 0.35428 0.17914 0.76127 0.1817 0.86537 0.97495 0.38836 0.71492 0.86944 0.71611 0.379 0.38851 0.04756 0.12374 0.82674 0.95746 0.04629 0.04466 0.36035 0.09726 0.70403 0.3353 0.98288 0.32138 0.1317 0.08719 0.10924 0.52574 0.17417 0.54061 0.61412 0.11936 0.17373 0.26839 0.74857 0.38706 0.13572 0.04755 0.11722 0.01792 0.81148 0.2222 0.07759 0.1506 0.95541 0.656 0.74384 0.25543 0.77686 0.36494 0.33868 0.65253 0.40051 0.87332 0.7438 0.63153 0.6018 0.78249 0.83871 0.6081 0.99779 0.88184 0.02956 0.63078 0.66657 0.72126 0.75214 0.91868 0.02456 0.63871 0.94635 0.05991 0.19368 0.22444 0.54543 0.33645 0.18867 0.00742 0.52864 0.17024 0.92226 0.78853 0.99147 0.78367 0.55971 0.22223 0.09272 0.97372 0.31972 0.9161 0.47938 0.45201 0.26059 0.77362 0.77779 0.68559 0.59885 0.55266 0.33712 0.91619 0.31345 0.0578 0.66491 0.14184 0.12477 0.35001 0.55682 0.13627 0.22185 0.88158 0.84014 0.81815 0.60785 0.89989 0.49869 0.89053 0.06144 0.70825 0.87027 0.39678 0.55596 0.74528 0.61735 0.59371 0.13567 0.25326 0.10901 0.88866 0.36232 0.31634 0.70499 0.94672 0.75712 0.16821 0.41649 0.27691 0.2102 0.1941 0.54039 0.04048 0.04534 0.39741 0.36209 0.23067 0.34135 0.32717 0.29285 0.47288 0.49124 0.5877 0.49852 0.95763 0.14139 0.8146 0.89706 0.31544 0.70454 0.61075 0.35775 0.45342 0.09227 0.92161 0.16818 0.53593 0.32973 0.87021 0.58988 0.24064 0.38999 0.65096 0.73202 0.17096 0.21479 0.73587 0.06305 0.59392 0.83956 0.12319 0.97141 0.91016 0.28229 0.88201 0.45464 0.53717 0.57469 0.61626 0.64145 0.32836 0.99645 0.05792 0.93289 0.58418 0.13369 0.82896 0.9451 0.42344 0.17532 0.54959 0.49532 0.50005 0.12444 0.96344 0.47784 0.55803 0.81439 0.05899 0.28973 0.67701 0.15093 0.49176 0.72799 0.9543 0.03132 0.06517 0.53114 0.33085 0.89571 0.30624 0.95844 0.28474 0.91437 0.4826 0.0251 0.80785 0.82371 0.81944 0.88047 0.92168 0.64964 0.27153 0.59711 0.41318 0.05299 0.32666 0.1576 0.03031 0.62637 0.0334 0.03508 0.9371 0.68959 0.88383 0.72658 0.14606 0.43237 0.5371 0.68202 0.65618 0.74037 0.1855 0.95435 0.60562 0.42962 0.73967 0.07045 0.80587 0.07724 0.49867 0.69754 0.8466 0.64042 0.58637 0.17659 0.96685 0.16001 0.84083 0.13474 0.97145 0.95267 0.39071 0.12912 0.03459 0.52167 0.79231 0.28986 0.2196 0.22004 0.67585 0.57503 0.03101 0.98154 0.76001 0.46863 0.98021 0.21154 0.07594 0.32479 0.06171 0.05025 0.71636 0.45727 0.76299 0.3193 0.3215 0.68505 0.40586 0.48766 0.35835 0.26308 0.18681 0.60876 0.82693 0.74972 0.96488 0.26741 0.7491 0.32745 0.53435 0.89865 0.26709 0.85142 0.92262 0.50353 0.90307 0.39713 0.96777 0.42196 0.39557 0.87752 0.49865 0.46387 0.986 0.61174 0.22752 0.98373 0.21369 0.65834 0.07442 0.29446 0.09515 0.37105 0.25422 0.39514 0.93604 0.92483 0.21264 0.29742 0.22103 0.02248 0.42255 0.45399 0.33136 0.4082 0.55699 0.99392 0.11841 0.5803 0.30588 0.91913 0.17148 0.26053 0.4512 0.29848 0.93054 0.73978 0.31702 0.78441 0.00855 0.91115 0.18833 0.07802 0.93806 0.09655 0.83856 0.44588 0.61349
+0.97263 0.56083 0.72605 0.79696 0.65958 0.47283 0.41549 0.34839 0.59908 0.43955 0.67124 0.50363 0.05841 0.14546 0.12261 0.84412 0.88969 0.39219 0.72051 0.21427 0.7145 0.28523 0.31247 0.35942 0.25123 0.61954 0.56067 0.46809 0.7922 0.41942 0.44977 0.5968 0.41771 0.38017 0.23143 0.96548 0.01644 0.29608 0.78859 0.97415 0.45804 0.15547 0.74616 0.29328 0.49182 0.14 0.8679 0.07464 0.35245 0.54699 0.6954 0.71503 0.46285 0.27321 0.20633 0.63583 0.88907 0.92343 0.60843 0.99479 0.11261 0.22335 0.89386 0.44 0.19159 0.77477 0.71909 0.42263 0.70021 0.64958 0.75458 0.45232 0.76932 0.65358 0.01432 0.79367 0.82311 0.51606 0.80756 0.28347 0.36526 0.68961 0.29777 0.09509 0.15145 0.95526 0.74213 0.38464 0.98931 0.86454 0.25487 0.86899 0.83203 0.73527 0.96037 0.25714 0.85869 0.40588 0.55617 0.96566 0.84409 0.21023 0.07795 0.8684 0.88723 0.53102 0.56947 0.967 0.06379 0.62441 0.47425 0.51842 0.22658 0.10409 0.87347 0.29286 0.86757 0.03581 0.38804 0.64636 0.65106 0.52512 0.81727 0.99503 0.5267 0.27765 0.49075 0.05454 0.77238 0.57335 0.34364 0.08258 0.34513 0.43596 0.02437 0.14245 0.31107 0.86726 0.56366 0.13893 0.13392 0.47641 0.88919 0.32987 0.64305 0.38209 0.61074 0.49791 0.24255 0.05886 0.29885 0.38666 0.28803 0.38685 0.53126 0.83056 0.21119 0.82428 0.56884 0.27662 0.04472 0.25898 0.62858 0.30997 0.97239 0.85205 0.32285 0.45188 0.97778 0.65361 0.24448 0.1294 0.30232 0.58207 0.06114 0.3231 0.30436 0.20323 0.26262 0.76716 0.83739 0.37643 0.4016 0.13996 0.6318 0.68308 0.9265 0.99082 0.53413 0.0941 0.92333 0.00418 0.69898 0.63473 0.38628 0.98394 0.53493 0.663 0.50421 0.04099 0.5291 0.79056 0.30059 0.32026 0.75264 0.52151 0.85775 0.99296 0.5297 0.74464 0.79079 0.24261 0.35719 0.27174 0.64167 0.15476 0.84067 0.44454 0.19938 0.83697 0.71855 0.47891 0.88732 0.46113 0.16456 0.33943 0.40194 0.88931 0.2628 0.78373 0.23447 0.70705 0.62822 0.68198 0.77541 0.96861 0.45658 0.60593 0.74919 0.68781 0.87933 0.44715 0.53231 0.5354 0.6505 0.54967 0.89789 0.40125 0.80548 0.3687 0.5409 0.97714 0.7643 0.02577 0.70602 0.01202 0.97883 0.29003 0.71352 0.2069 0.83891 0.12749 0.5943 0.13936 0.10085 0.513 0.84301 0.97043 0.6312 0.36384 0.75113 0.69169 0.66923 0.40688 0.09121 0.04619 0.21039 0.93572 0.53747 0.10928 0.34838 0.27897 0.00409 0.27145 0.86868 0.45915 0.95926 0.79277 0.32362 0.62499 0.25206 0.06164 0.74199 0.67058 0.47488 0.13189 0.99117 0.07569 0.11487 0.05727 0.87912 0.8309 0.13042 0.82627 0.18019 0.90208 0.34803 0.40323 0.94315 0.82411 0.7924 0.49123 0.60459 0.05064 0.55092 0.10121 0.13644 0.58226 0.89873 0.44166 0.65471 0.76614 0.87796 0.50064 0.52664 0.47285 0.0405 0.6593 0.01637 0.83164 0.46732 0.84709 0.53189 0.67193 0.17563 0.43568 0.34319 0.91242 0.8247 0.99833 0.21823 0.95678 0.73151 0.598 0.47017 0.03725 0.37697 0.2981 0.40066 0.638 0.41451 0.23559 0.21786 0.51888 0.69011 0.94913 0.98389 0.73066 0.95476 0.57026 0.61729 0.84366 0.68941 0.38648 0.00409 0.50573 0.12513 0.73765 0.7958 0.44636 0.93913 0.78448 0.77444 0.26028 0.73786 0.19682 0.19184 0.1211 0.8838 0.45568 0.47195 0.07529 0.33543 0.11444 0.079 0.83822 0.10662 0.94125 0.65259 0.98726 0.62126 0.81144 0.33987 0.7763 0.38615 0.75571 0.20786 0.96051 0.68138 0.3828 0.82174 0.75909 0.40604 0.8459 0.19531 0.55659 0.95721 0.26387 0.86217 0.21383 0.7399 0.58351 0.13402 0.58646 0.88274 0.66693 0.88404 0.90502 0.44302 0.72345 0.90936 0.94018 0.02711 0.3423 0.89981 0.4955 0.33435 0.66063 0.69439 0.29987 0.99781 0.72054 0.85483 0.99511 0.16728 0.04538 0.48078 0.11078 0.7558 0.21334 0.08865 0.28784 0.54887 0.83709 0.5585 0.07216 0.10344 0.11902 0.60337 0.33737 0.27491 0.2317 0.0273 0.78931 0.40483 0.28391 0.25906 0.20801 0.62597 0.11569 0.3016 0.36647 0.9379 0.06808 0.58577 0.13497 0.57629 0.60644 0.57094 0.39688 0.26431 0.86751 0.1605 0.12284 0.70356 0.80917 0.11833 0.06063 0.6645 0.87496 0.84734 0.38944 0.03239 0.12122 0.73096 0.96473 0.16479 0.74365 0.71386 0.16526 0.92756 0.47075 0.41469 0.04843 0.51783 0.6842 0.09288 0.3726 0.59705 0.80767 0.45276 0.82102 0.82037 0.65814 0.69452 0.98412 0.33089 0.70524 0.13302 0.12473 0.73912 0.32203
+0.03162 0.73444 0.36038 0.51714 0.76337 0.25623 0.33229 0.30538 0.59938 0.39006 0.81054 0.53764 0.62626 0.07187 0.20031 0.23985 0.0249 0.90285 0.45922 0.21858 0.84576 0.91801 0.87291 0.97275 0.69324 0.68269 0.42546 0.14129 0.62025 0.24055 0.61885 0.10086 0.35831 0.02174 0.66795 0.6329 0.79824 0.89817 0.94106 0.79336 0.52645 0.97036 0.28432 0.89382 0.07257 0.5704 0.62282 0.26227 0.03252 0.73036 0.88207 0.76052 0.53311 0.35337 0.18198 0.93833 0.76993 0.7418 0.99866 0.4826 0.13695 0.53526 0.34666 0.56091 0.57426 0.7912 0.67917 0.20023 0.49009 0.69218 0.78991 0.40807 0.82019 0.07868 0.01299 0.55732 0.14885 0.38158 0.6658 0.04163 0.791 0.68584 0.35263 0.41786 0.62167 0.98345 0.10054 0.88619 0.33605 0.23173 0.3376 0.15836 0.65563 0.97036 0.8866 0.18006 0.66456 0.48153 0.34599 0.07771 0.76735 0.29753 0.77368 0.31892 0.93877 0.28293 0.85909 0.93288 0.69218 0.86162 0.1218 0.3104 0.10689 0.05224 0.67638 0.58747 0.35282 0.17472 0.20257 0.71429 0.92196 0.73412 0.89135 0.18288 0.36327 0.47079 0.09862 0.3459 0.40514 0.20708 0.88904 0.59842 0.44252 0.73959 0.31605 0.55003 0.69791 0.95552 0.56445 0.81781 0.77145 0.31239 0.59851 0.27429 0.3175 0.03728 0.22531 0.36018 0.29279 0.19047 0.9346 0.64871 0.03818 0.70418 0.44966 0.37052 0.07608 0.12576 0.88107 0.32788 0.19854 0.13123 0.62592 0.93847 0.9505 0.53295 0.69419 0.81951 0.24997 0.1116 0.92135 0.74807 0.86171 0.32431 0.23555 0.48596 0.22551 0.84751 0.25731 0.53701 0.49585 0.31886 0.03121 0.6553 0.78834 0.48907 0.20236 0.18093 0.71454 0.46284 0.61828 0.52965 0.64965 0.27887 0.32347 0.52652 0.25212 0.05305 0.87961 0.49507 0.18085 0.19269 0.19111 0.70735 0.07004 0.42487 0.31332 0.03056 0.21152 0.199 0.24264 0.03748 0.08031 0.93336 0.10897 0.96947 0.67608 0.23563 0.45582 0.02299 0.26064 0.7717 0.69436 0.84109 0.58525 0.63102 0.78584 0.25508 0.79168 0.90241 0.82065 0.29058 0.21237 0.50417 0.05299 0.93631 0.34169 0.53187 0.81293 0.0003 0.83953 0.26523 0.06483 0.80393 0.12226 0.42233 0.4311 0.24193 0.70752 0.45899 0.40001 0.71964 0.71904 0.36517 0.52504 0.11082 0.57844 0.98799 0.49435 0.27588 0.3899 0.18641 0.79996 0.87435 0.56213 0.48868 0.79292 0.62791 0.72864 0.12789 0.72138 0.46616 0.87242 0.33234 0.43915 0.96728 0.16439 0.66535 0.94212 0.06021 0.63949 0.97727 0.60238 0.80959 0.25437 0.71325 0.95841 0.46109 0.55706 0.05886 0.24538 0.88783 0.74979 0.44187 0.53765 0.19911 0.24504 0.35263 0.91376 0.79541 0.0415 0.61082 0.72231 0.32581 0.32059 0.951 0.46505 0.82485 0.33144 0.69236 0.41346 0.55047 0.11347 0.24451 0.20252 0.36323 0.36764 0.56596 0.41637 0.55241 0.4639 0.51932 0.98696 0.25868 0.05036 0.02818 0.19578 0.4496 0.24067 0.30907 0.39454 0.00606 0.82978 0.38593 0.55716 0.50704 0.84294 0.06598 0.2945 0.20022 0.48811 0.65482 0.95205 0.05772 0.66721 0.71364 0.84814 0.57484 0.83981 0.13563 0.41508 0.40626 0.33365 0.40482 0.46224 0.31743 0.93646 0.88389 0.13375 0.91598 0.03641 0.82829 0.10585 0.34421 0.08442 0.67612 0.07224 0.99596 0.09423 0.70596 0.34792 0.1437 0.57485 0.06733 0.38601 0.71193 0.28551 0.44189 0.69205 0.60489 0.3025 0.28717 0.59731 0.6761 0.37256 0.03949 0.97061 0.4941 0.11567 0.66374 0.57126 0.37472 0.76734 0.83642 0.97394 0.91051 0.07114 0.26359 0.80293 0.9261 0.38868 0.11687 0.26892 0.73544 0.50672 0.91339 0.66654 0.14428 0.82528 0.75132 0.92366 0.49183 0.98855 0.98556 0.14212 0.58099 0.85037 0.65646 0.15661 0.63373 0.32727 0.86999 0.08097 0.86079 0.01177 0.05836 0.96004 0.97159 0.24029 0.84961 0.9134 0.37418 0.41419 0.37486 0.97873 0.70508 0.15302 0.36071 0.57309 0.78997 0.31193 0.51766 0.50036 0.39161 0.32811 0.05114 0.32953 0.55526 0.59915 0.65907 0.00799 0.44347 0.12211 0.14709 0.6635 0.2517 0.30941 0.94584 0.26204 0.66778 0.9995 0.13162 0.29562 0.08654 0.16263 0.74997 0.39473 0.36253 0.79851 0.36861 0.13648 0.45546 0.21099 0.6599 0.37058 0.58339 0.44931 0.05529 0.95094 0.89415 0.1918 0.92929 0.57104 0.40574 0.3668 0.96362 0.96055 0.67136 0.7754 0.29189 0.68936 0.29435 0.22683 0.56947 0.18216 0.19855 0.27328 0.82519 0.62804 0.21281 0.41191 0.81032 0.28521 0.95126 0.59088 0.9167 0.97528 0.8714 0.61028 0.89977 0.61474 0.66963
+0.32496 0.02405 0.37798 0.56727 0.27853 0.71671 0.26244 0.69242 0.79522 0.65592 0.84165 0.56079 0.20164 0.4685 0.54292 0.36535 0.26001 0.98322 0.7463 0.64171 0.43195 0.99737 0.63682 0.11519 0.94993 0.81412 0.73075 0.12745 0.52904 0.32434 0.75626 0.19359 0.19476 0.18034 0.67736 0.35112 0.23741 0.21937 0.19109 0.57811 0.74925 0.02485 0.80819 0.33071 0.90705 0.82835 0.97305 0.21107 0.00545 0.89546 0.11431 0.92955 0.83308 0.39653 0.37136 0.54292 0.45404 0.69981 0.71519 0.735 0.00275 0.64381 0.8996 0.4214 0.8662 0.01543 0.22368 0.96254 0.82368 0.34427 0.78639 0.64683 0.9707 0.62293 0.5221 0.42708 0.83468 0.24957 0.04716 0.73012 0.85896 0.79899 0.77008 0.05239 0.16593 0.30282 0.71862 0.46675 0.37389 0.20662 0.69614 0.38415 0.64887 0.93771 0.92846 0.17364 0.07845 0.15326 0.33454 0.38065 0.95676 0.375 0.98835 0.02034 0.2575 0.90317 0.71303 0.22212 0.87472 0.16332 0.92466 0.84387 0.07281 0.49756 0.2279 0.16356 0.07545 0.73307 0.22529 0.8482 0.3168 0.7325 0.14515 0.12414 0.84118 0.06568 0.1806 0.14231 0.00146 0.30041 0.26971 0.55067 0.75587 0.54533 0.53403 0.16815 0.44767 0.115 0.03245 0.15653 0.4638 0.45232 0.28998 0.39107 0.4895 0.55288 0.22974 0.75229 0.40979 0.08997 0.58074 0.81992 0.86919 0.70499 0.99779 0.50217 0.95125 0.48403 0.99948 0.19028 0.84684 0.63968 0.26458 0.12064 0.23581 0.11642 0.1976 0.01951 0.49319 0.87969 0.982 0.12679 0.90482 0.05722 0.51578 0.3748 0.49428 0.84852 0.80639 0.25786 0.65015 0.88197 0.6875 0.21218 0.15592 0.11441 0.22239 0.05132 0.88332 0.22566 0.97713 0.61656 0.53711 0.25716 0.112 0.11302 0.94246 0.47878 0.9169 0.59935 0.70094 0.63925 0.40778 0.70011 0.27824 0.744 0.86396 0.86821 0.46021 0.88564 0.37418 0.15937 0.37175 0.73822 0.24578 0.84928 0.93687 0.84017 0.99387 0.3899 0.19605 0.35843 0.52603 0.47589 0.3117 0.30084 0.53379 0.26447 0.01502 0.16818 0.24937 0.78974 0.88105 0.15278 0.52077 0.58161 0.36237 0.60664 0.14689 0.66632 0.38564 0.37879 0.66577 0.52855 0.54159 0.51995 0.36803 0.8178 0.75096 0.68857 0.53078 0.30552 0.374 0.00264 0.57248 0.63883 0.16342 0.1485 0.51194 0.18223 0.74211 0.08705 0.31364 0.08788 0.77645 0.02967 0.64696 0.90464 0.75198 0.39132 0.93904 0.68268 0.44756 0.02906 0.02185 0.22137 0.93364 0.52689 0.69443 0.39349 0.47748 0.18028 0.26749 0.37077 0.12551 0.51924 0.26758 0.89959 0.60265 0.84189 0.73499 0.90458 0.67493 0.59158 0.66522 0.20439 0.65479 0.80043 0.31853 0.28625 0.68841 0.1849 0.68492 0.605 0.84397 0.78361 0.26593 0.34382 0.53782 0.91076 0.34284 0.11691 0.36519 0.4837 0.18484 0.99363 0.20645 0.75184 0.03731 0.55742 0.4226 0.42951 0.49297 0.11534 0.69158 0.62148 0.98565 0.46429 0.23704 0.22936 0.70344 0.39074 0.32948 0.53223 0.17415 0.92107 0.76959 0.0303 0.14097 0.52055 0.24852 0.90849 0.13201 0.44259 0.60309 0.5804 0.33895 0.45247 0.68992 0.93107 0.43426 0.65279 0.92496 0.69592 0.58509 0.45433 0.05508 0.13715 0.66277 0.70879 0.72368 0.83915 0.15484 0.09748 0.79767 0.71513 0.87651 0.41165 0.55735 0.93665 0.12464 0.54376 0.21213 0.27838 0.86155 0.21882 0.05721 0.84294 0.00721 0.17472 0.87193 0.75072 0.9422 0.84056 0.93787 0.72223 0.1645 0.00349 0.71466 0.30213 0.01803 0.80199 0.47394 0.81219 0.55968 0.1612 0.39519 0.76473 0.20468 0.18343 0.3851 0.58979 0.24626 0.10181 0.42601 0.15071 0.86147 0.46785 0.74109 0.43038 0.32662 0.29878 0.94507 0.17224 0.35556 0.44193 0.61466 0.31645 0.03842 0.92382 0.7211 0.08128 0.47774 0.10917 0.08916 0.28522 0.31474 0.47224 0.66151 0.69598 0.15183 0.28356 0.29052 0.01382 0.32069 0.8157 0.85669 0.72741 0.12236 0.0733 0.08303 0.36571 0.8604 0.07522 0.30013 0.06122 0.70777 0.42155 0.1857 0.61175 0.13702 0.2761 0.272 0.70467 0.7679 0.83953 0.19876 0.64753 0.62358 0.41786 0.1514 0.04668 0.42446 0.03321 0.31561 0.26663 0.43505 0.81096 0.46586 0.06602 0.12729 0.46755 0.62546 0.41288 0.38563 0.02771 0.48502 0.78749 0.49241 0.87895 0.83923 0.86414 0.75864 0.07622 0.17576 0.1822 0.52937 0.26517 0.98146 0.76588 0.57937 0.0345 0.67582 0.04105 0.19442 0.09196 0.85878 0.39535 0.38145 0.41621 0.68156 0.52145 0.70051 0.37869 0.48286 0.9131 0.352 0.72001 0.74818 0.20444 0.96507 0.87724
+0.39022 0.89748 0.28633 0.67883 0.80621 0.3883 0.35245 0.62983 0.59982 0.85934 0.68213 0.94516 0.12437 0.9924 0.24818 0.51005 0.46572 0.64286 0.65337 0.14879 0.37615 0.70835 0.75273 0.28961 0.40309 0.53136 0.79195 0.42829 0.8564 0.29646 0.36991 0.29386 0.48831 0.28306 0.27774 0.64951 0.23142 0.73218 0.96087 0.36061 0.87187 0.24599 0.31902 0.93028 0.91873 0.82553 0.92604 0.4038 0.73339 0.98922 0.3863 0.06598 0.78233 0.23323 0.37136 0.353 0.1928 0.49202 0.59737 0.93491 0.21839 0.4867 0.96566 0.75454 0.90569 0.1506 0.9441 0.0643 0.41089 0.4506 0.80377 0.03483 0.64769 0.3458 0.87722 0.93591 0.30197 0.8639 0.96373 0.22768 0.77053 0.05885 0.97193 0.96996 0.38348 0.3293 0.05137 0.60377 0.12282 0.44893 0.8542 0.63155 0.23274 0.34552 0.23149 0.88499 0.1795 0.70721 0.87318 0.67801 0.0745 0.46918 0.75809 0.78877 0.16466 0.46452 0.65635 0.69729 0.2815 0.32468 0.29489 0.21801 0.19552 0.26024 0.20283 0.1749 0.97312 0.35514 0.17356 0.29645 0.99587 0.10853 0.53214 0.23198 0.08904 0.38062 0.25511 0.14781 0.70923 0.20562 0.74526 0.67933 0.61532 0.09774 0.90381 0.2528 0.71683 0.72165 0.0347 0.87586 0.71765 0.73536 0.29469 0.75673 0.84534 0.35824 0.51564 0.72711 0.33097 0.9654 0.923 0.84499 0.47119 0.25735 0.39915 0.06119 0.54284 0.0811 0.32371 0.72256 0.16104 0.13163 0.18099 0.47764 0.71662 0.90462 0.96603 0.07364 0.93041 0.38627 0.69857 0.81401 0.33671 0.30906 0.73409 0.37488 0.22356 0.58655 0.7047 0.6382 0.69991 0.18902 0.35453 0.27614 0.31563 0.82853 0.25991 0.68528 0.74427 0.95203 0.41342 0.04786 0.74941 0.23976 0.13538 0.36029 0.19538 0.19095 0.24138 0.98611 0.52451 0.40411 0.59111 0.5327 0.99012 0.40857 0.19859 0.55095 0.57526 0.93258 0.77631 0.82314 0.86169 0.99567 0.19621 0.66828 0.1929 0.91984 0.72949 0.14952 0.26913 0.75133 0.46844 0.3315 0.6621 0.69125 0.49062 0.13868 0.22285 0.71009 0.5223 0.67158 0.27038 0.47192 0.3216 0.99625 0.78737 0.12415 0.39075 0.18742 0.40361 0.64241 0.28337 0.45937 0.31528 0.62961 0.91689 0.17944 0.12223 0.88217 0.26633 0.50355 0.48824 0.4597 0.74785 0.72028 0.74613 0.72583 0.81984 0.07393 0.19583 0.4093 0.78753 0.78515 0.29612 0.91633 0.78797 0.79006 0.87936 0.6512 0.29734 0.85832 0.41746 0.17716 0.16819 0.29613 0.75789 0.84394 0.37349 0.33937 0.28858 0.07752 0.37363 0.72697 0.48763 0.50954 0.27158 0.98164 0.94886 0.96622 0.23466 0.74851 0.09368 0.84801 0.80942 0.36105 0.48214 0.3089 0.31864 0.56924 0.09418 0.91498 0.272 0.56969 0.76797 0.75758 0.57941 0.46085 0.11153 0.09913 0.33623 0.15521 0.42102 0.87952 0.27047 0.62303 0.17921 0.19907 0.8752 0.69425 0.32224 0.86037 0.51018 0.65586 0.2941 0.51334 0.14562 0.24792 0.27353 0.08372 0.79384 0.48827 0.8921 0.51691 0.88706 0.34758 0.71714 0.73032 0.27898 0.05508 0.89503 0.48927 0.11397 0.53234 0.60484 0.88751 0.43029 0.8308 0.26107 0.37134 0.53267 0.11482 0.27705 0.15783 0.03108 0.40689 0.49249 0.48539 0.08195 0.4689 0.72892 0.6805 0.43668 0.87861 0.9144 0.44085 0.32374 0.3465 0.60497 0.85093 0.44893 0.43307 0.74934 0.13779 0.65843 0.81885 0.09284 0.01184 0.53021 0.25684 0.43786 0.28234 0.11801 0.16173 0.62698 0.18896 0.32945 0.94361 0.03192 0.43121 0.2105 0.67626 0.007 0.59997 0.92697 0.2549 0.09794 0.21718 0.89055 0.70634 0.03789 0.83697 0.1221 0.79297 0.18897 0.43519 0.44024 0.39874 0.51139 0.02432 0.24285 0.10511 0.82721 0.0214 0.80686 0.71826 0.08864 0.42959 0.9889 0.64504 0.33602 0.75312 0.68384 0.27607 0.15522 0.3844 0.89052 0.82025 0.48882 0.64208 0.85923 0.20683 0.25817 0.54491 0.40136 0.92777 0.54086 0.88431 0.04228 0.17838 0.1777 0.29231 0.15929 0.9282 0.04491 0.14202 0.47332 0.14358 0.76409 0.47269 0.37121 0.84777 0.98138 0.92893 0.85119 0.76151 0.50833 0.91798 0.57733 0.336 0.85724 0.52639 0.23679 0.13329 0.69942 0.65586 0.74279 0.114 0.91535 0.26727 0.00657 0.05604 0.08173 0.7562 0.50232 0.13374 0.67378 0.44859 0.81211 0.1009 0.6497 0.28792 0.09325 0.06133 0.72337 0.023 0.18664 0.62847 0.4028 0.14418 0.30227 0.61781 0.11609 0.64101 0.06875 0.45131 0.36668 0.63758 0.74737 0.85468 0.0531 0.64771 0.00135 0.24126 0.66854 0.38976 0.11205 0.05757 0.36484 0.97294 0.42826 0.04407
+0.03323 0.56542 0.74239 0.54998 0.95022 0.29141 0.83829 0.88087 0.64626 0.24348 0.64971 0.3079 0.77924 0.08788 0.39015 0.12239 0.71396 0.79859 0.06698 0.85693 0.79989 0.36424 0.3377 0.60945 0.67649 0.7492 0.56998 0.23338 0.1526 0.68438 0.61032 0.15645 0.52961 0.97344 0.53439 0.42395 0.62914 0.99827 0.14021 0.01802 0.85349 0.20322 0.06192 0.28163 0.71262 0.33142 0.1134 0.48016 0.10908 0.11715 0.70364 0.27468 0.36189 0.59619 0.68159 0.04056 0.97898 0.89544 0.39219 0.16024 0.8417 0.79925 0.99978 0.38086 0.86442 0.32848 0.15213 0.70746 0.04936 0.4691 0.68159 0.09866 0.57247 0.40484 0.01152 0.43481 0.94408 0.63871 0.41609 0.40255 0.33631 0.23564 0.56895 0.4264 0.4293 0.02111 0.94016 0.57031 0.64085 0.30639 0.00269 0.77574 0.2515 0.52649 0.62961 0.17693 0.40528 0.23501 0.60145 0.81283 0.81119 0.7798 0.80951 0.59513 0.32051 0.11028 0.45346 0.20246 0.49188 0.40049 0.59261 0.13415 0.57337 0.94122 0.24409 0.19348 0.31284 0.3328 0.71486 0.44747 0.90734 0.05614 0.96446 0.21789 0.44942 0.30689 0.8916 0.08585 0.05543 0.76488 0.0556 0.69931 0.40832 0.59581 0.7175 0.25906 0.43244 0.09333 0.1187 0.43334 0.82387 0.07016 0.44617 0.00491 0.72566 0.22162 0.96441 0.64706 0.32469 0.77658 0.96224 0.50747 0.46674 0.86504 0.94149 0.22185 0.26522 0.45658 0.82696 0.75185 0.27465 0.57785 0.96409 0.99817 0.94994 0.93122 0.48606 0.87215 0.58599 0.64786 0.01039 0.94482 0.91743 0.00777 0.4553 0.66366 0.46477 0.9226 0.41318 0.66478 0.32114 0.77869 0.4996 0.23149 0.64512 0.62369 0.67149 0.1004 0.14787 0.97453 0.93909 0.73724 0.15682 0.42163 0.86239 0.7681 0.86162 0.29788 0.88433 0.69382 0.29795 0.61493 0.10802 0.03591 0.42372 0.92618 0.45659 0.03858 0.84102 0.13557 0.39295 0.83665 0.46492 0.66302 0.23504 0.47755 0.33546 0.11907 0.61065 0.04838 0.01374 0.09216 0.51359 0.87099 0.4538 0.66594 0.03791 0.98335 0.35123 0.07773 0.7321 0.23108 0.04867 0.10761 0.86722 0.24269 0.86984 0.50682 0.89398 0.79289 0.67078 0.13327 0.24095 0.23373 0.07638 0.99922 0.43046 0.20124 0.90934 0.03382 0.99295 0.81549 0.88193 0.0152 0.89229 0.30685 0.15013 0.64609 0.95907 0.92775 0.37836 0.78542 0.13274 0.61725 0.50714 0.70751 0.09309 0.39709 0.31655 0.61713 0.74275 0.0838 0.08076 0.0956 0.04372 0.35731 0.40921 0.70301 0.67932 0.08547 0.75324 0.5267 0.79596 0.74946 0.34876 0.7453 0.81684 0.05591 0.84008 0.2448 0.42524 0.68246 0.16537 0.50132 0.07994 0.92686 0.74256 0.47145 0.85927 0.64193 0.54903 0.09554 0.08378 0.44968 0.02099 0.15994 0.60329 0.77005 0.39539 0.19909 0.39907 0.59425 0.22319 0.82229 0.29495 0.52811 0.76342 0.70277 0.82224 0.55012 0.01837 0.01774 0.59111 0.35288 0.20422 0.65219 0.72832 0.15801 0.36231 0.05083 0.64793 0.79137 0.30942 0.65479 0.07168 0.66682 0.92163 0.66098 0.53497 0.17795 0.7332 0.97691 0.43886 0.80523 0.85885 0.19795 0.2887 0.66164 0.05367 0.5857 0.81822 0.82209 0.18711 0.0937 0.0403 0.75363 0.35161 0.10033 0.58148 0.13174 0.7195 0.47156 0.25683 0.09676 0.20591 0.82235 0.7642 0.3867 0.28035 0.73157 0.38289 0.86066 0.95114 0.16533 0.47749 0.19567 0.02334 0.92827 0.76926 0.45529 0.1001 0.89621 0.26365 0.03009 0.32208 0.15052 0.92737 0.04721 0.96489 0.10048 0.79852 0.71117 0.42588 0.27187 0.55407 0.38085 0.77282 0.32976 0.38937 0.31971 0.25019 0.93173 0.04718 0.39252 0.82467 0.49335 0.39153 0.79616 0.65021 0.15259 0.85014 0.3913 0.44106 0.91039 0.90095 0.5277 0.85379 0.41343 0.37538 0.9278 0.24502 0.39093 0.92104 0.1754 0.05027 0.51723 0.16528 0.28082 0.37105 0.06136 0.81637 0.08309 0.34994 0.27496 0.57537 0.56151 0.68789 0.13047 0.18335 0.04769 0.71048 0.01602 0.13247 0.01356 0.9915 0.93578 0.68777 0.81981 0.85189 0.22091 0.76862 0.72763 0.66456 0.27157 0.35433 0.64743 0.2492 0.37614 0.46988 0.93898 0.20044 0.28958 0.91571 0.37543 0.06001 0.46674 0.1563 0.48303 0.26475 0.4304 0.62976 0.41366 0.29334 0.23599 0.9418 0.01973 0.31002 0.97974 0.57475 0.62349 0.46251 0.37783 0.67616 0.20455 0.89236 0.11329 0.52565 0.73837 0.98185 0.55526 0.02228 0.8006 0.45489 0.42688 0.09267 0.79212 0.54607 0.18663 0.54437 0.22354 0.36485 0.21475 0.3526 0.13894 0.71988 0.34699 0.72021 0.3784 0.08855 0.69337 0.61742 0.23895
+0.44324 0.70651 0.62043 0.83673 0.83803 0.16527 0.11819 0.61305 0.14241 0.91287 0.16222 0.98145 0.39032 0.69839 0.63046 0.25778 0.72768 0.37997 0.06196 0.0562 0.37858 0.07254 0.70513 0.01828 0.31751 0.32172 0.57644 0.20857 0.08581 0.74563 0.63452 0.93757 0.70469 0.57378 0.53965 0.85017 0.29266 0.40691 0.66754 0.38995 0.84974 0.43943 0.63609 0.65605 0.07783 0.24298 0.59573 0.16784 0.82357 0.26303 0.54577 0.87332 0.83984 0.78937 0.29361 0.76777 0.31962 0.13962 0.06163 0.17324 0.65103 0.21006 0.42506 0.9038 0.2851 0.92994 0.09028 0.16243 0.36973 0.27515 0.99305 0.1307 0.50235 0.38518 0.50455 0.54982 0.31341 0.38803 0.83975 0.35971 0.53789 0.91439 0.38897 0.74913 0.59868 0.36197 0.60854 0.61519 0.05151 0.63929 0.88034 0.19572 0.10782 0.50461 0.43567 0.87062 0.86085 0.79474 0.08201 0.16136 0.26797 0.85326 0.11528 0.80921 0.23998 0.90522 0.31606 0.48301 0.8729 0.05197 0.01008 0.18524 0.37704 0.28125 0.83097 0.58739 0.17981 0.97016 0.39798 0.34549 0.40285 0.27407 0.47341 0.20495 0.68471 0.03214 0.44598 0.46574 0.97184 0.4155 0.70728 0.65003 0.88102 0.0278 0.71138 0.64876 0.53412 0.12129 0.94063 0.83524 0.22728 0.05328 0.80676 0.25837 0.23402 0.6986 0.66954 0.86036 0.21074 0.49907 0.50648 0.30147 0.46464 0.57704 0.83076 0.61337 0.90379 0.93241 0.5899 0.86664 0.05035 0.15907 0.73831 0.20873 0.11007 0.19128 0.06669 0.06851 0.12325 0.71979 0.9373 0.04799 0.15154 0.79142 0.01248 0.53685 0.16168 0.86503 0.0365 0.70529 0.64915 0.17025 0.53057 0.38779 0.30261 0.23053 0.76088 0.48441 0.97099 0.8666 0.17894 0.46196 0.74925 0.66111 0.34435 0.02338 0.85908 0.72519 0.99517 0.98719 0.96946 0.67158 0.76459 0.25117 0.74333 0.3234 0.54362 0.10344 0.73563 0.5667 0.24387 0.40177 0.62413 0.01227 0.65869 0.37081 0.82753 0.88872 0.66598 0.54488 0.61827 0.1954 0.80064 0.9862 0.04446 0.22799 0.97008 0.84831 0.51511 0.13667 0.73416 0.37976 0.80568 0.36962 0.19363 0.08665 0.30458 0.82477 0.87605 0.78351 0.24059 0.56455 0.76528 0.92284 0.90445 0.23733 0.63261 0.8318 0.65616 0.63297 0.06969 0.10525 0.61438 0.60492 0.59994 0.17562 0.79882 0.29984 0.17114 0.6993 0.30252 0.7008 0.14303 0.87236 0.48892 0.1771 0.31993 0.41036 0.94585 0.56763 0.47223 0.56595 0.07883 0.06251 0.44863 0.9169 0.39942 0.46665 0.86753 0.89826 0.60459 0.50665 0.61058 0.39845 0.63073 0.81662 0.11723 0.18376 0.02763 0.60843 0.00701 0.51029 0.92945 0.42912 0.87928 0.26425 0.07339 0.38062 0.62118 0.39759 0.12059 0.66218 0.09599 0.95666 0.62049 0.54844 0.65147 0.57934 0.03168 0.76318 0.8327 0.88419 0.67251 0.80975 0.10725 0.31248 0.04109 0.15452 0.67209 0.15355 0.81274 0.79568 0.88263 0.24946 0.42547 0.42283 0.76189 0.97337 0.98113 0.0628 0.80774 0.77824 0.16917 0.70867 0.23926 0.79834 0.56197 0.47432 0.27312 0.80858 0.1599 0.35526 0.04827 0.59448 0.11261 0.57283 0.96561 0.77698 0.00592 0.18886 0.24624 0.89456 0.93024 0.03292 0.35928 0.42536 0.84011 0.00743 0.42645 0.25078 0.69226 0.15004 0.31162 0.58152 0.76012 0.83629 0.57447 0.34511 0.48078 0.49977 0.28224 0.80552 0.95104 0.19094 0.89146 0.23021 0.16339 0.13831 0.78499 0.43026 0.33488 0.88508 0.0563 0.81212 0.94252 0.87863 0.34795 0.78692 0.66422 0.61026 0.18735 0.04395 0.25768 0.00135 0.0229 0.32701 0.94098 0.7121 0.41571 0.95231 0.73595 0.06461 0.09695 0.59292 0.14327 0.22345 0.83918 0.90974 0.19167 0.37593 0.01705 0.94776 0.65681 0.52052 0.16002 0.34 0.90646 0.4485 0.99929 0.82729 0.72862 0.22349 0.4594 0.24448 0.01107 0.46332 0.09144 0.46129 0.62999 0.86339 0.70968 0.31389 0.42899 0.65165 0.98173 0.55294 0.30691 0.59335 0.21096 0.06058 0.27011 0.24805 0.40624 0.14 0.92679 0.54031 0.39387 0.7716 0.67727 0.76083 0.36971 0.96152 0.76703 0.17403 0.9923 0.18229 0.25064 0.11257 0.14854 0.84885 0.17722 0.89588 0.14074 0.99527 0.70414 0.43436 0.7973 0.81306 0.13398 0.46359 0.83635 0.93525 0.95277 0.90118 0.77475 0.5022 0.73863 0.00809 0.29493 0.50076 0.74725 0.38892 0.92909 0.04168 0.66725 0.09843 0.42105 0.64036 0.55373 0.73002 0.78381 0.54605 0.34571 0.33129 0.86135 0.74593 0.05998 0.7647 0.01223 0.87935 0.26577 0.47817 0.27344 0.18982 0.87319 0.2677 0.96063 0.1308 0.56485 0.01724 0.89212 0.02374
+0.10407 0.21321 0.53995 0.84074 0.89572 0.06121 0.49115 0.86627 0.19809 0.54102 0.87216 0.90423 0.10674 0.0017 0.57534 0.86464 0.533 0.11727 0.0267 0.6799 0.11901 0.90926 0.60424 0.88934 0.83907 0.64918 0.20975 0.96866 0.94381 0.18488 0.20528 0.13281 0.5473 0.39493 0.69892 0.98082 0.55684 0.23024 0.3288 0.74198 0.68546 0.34362 0.12869 0.70078 0.35977 0.35292 0.46805 0.46086 0.39535 0.18414 0.95324 0.7404 0.26113 0.25453 0.90559 0.40242 0.8669 0.40562 0.45918 0.69464 0.60573 0.39125 0.57756 0.03753 0.92124 0.40385 0.69851 0.56172 0.37989 0.77665 0.19205 0.54705 0.69956 0.57688 0.5936 0.78824 0.2233 0.71825 0.46267 0.31451 0.03654 0.46598 0.68888 0.94071 0.63675 0.00709 0.98586 0.01084 0.52102 0.02439 0.86435 0.30436 0.25582 0.08031 0.08779 0.07603 0.79047 0.65079 0.42604 0.05982 0.6976 0.16097 0.43882 0.70971 0.08073 0.25281 0.25854 0.12986 0.18905 0.52373 0.63639 0.47271 0.3935 0.96071 0.86853 0.5874 0.03322 0.37103 0.1534 0.56223 0.2281 0.10088 0.24986 0.59846 0.10479 0.02836 0.62251 0.61653 0.15222 0.75989 0.88388 0.40771 0.62217 0.92777 0.03806 0.05577 0.04091 0.59575 0.3474 0.70192 0.48579 0.50269 0.27509 0.24961 0.26166 0.58952 0.2383 0.14613 0.12436 0.60162 0.04294 0.20025 0.88669 0.22727 0.9465 0.75937 0.81199 0.58732 0.82927 0.24274 0.67917 0.25972 0.13495 0.11433 0.77561 0.02193 0.44971 0.56616 0.68056 0.32306 0.60676 0.33427 0.11929 0.8823 0.31756 0.36206 0.50984 0.91548 0.30023 0.27262 0.93491 0.81127 0.87275 0.30737 0.89985 0.17159 0.77388 0.78748 0.93306 0.61633 0.67278 0.66449 0.85972 0.64808 0.14568 0.30243 0.31428 0.91015 0.4766 0.31557 0.63118 0.3892 0.09683 0.72726 0.57658 0.36848 0.22094 0.95728 0.14553 0.66717 0.33132 0.77256 0.42262 0.77068 0.20986 0.9796 0.14561 0.05002 0.99798 0.41019 0.4197 0.47446 0.92801 0.98139 0.90054 0.061 0.10655 0.60829 0.95624 0.88361 0.19815 0.85842 0.08786 0.61136 0.24265 0.14515 0.50469 0.31271 0.29144 0.81667 0.38014 0.20937 0.13367 0.58426 0.49764 0.9391 0.73437 0.05406 0.04592 0.90435 0.16598 0.78529 0.97776 0.57171 0.45047 0.82776 0.8687 0.39354 0.63512 0.25711 0.119 0.46904 0.72309 0.99998 0.18763 0.9863 0.07345 0.96777 0.32089 0.84591 0.02902 0.57055 0.78026 0.53163 0.44061 0.94626 0.03249 0.64526 0.88665 0.92003 0.09205 0.73121 0.30954 0.83947 0.90132 0.92566 0.13909 0.13851 0.45806 0.34392 0.83916 0.3378 0.8154 0.14636 0.77792 0.38392 0.74642 0.98824 0.67964 0.77648 0.37483 0.26782 0.66746 0.18303 0.6034 0.30442 0.42138 0.86845 0.39255 0.34287 0.19049 0.64008 0.755 0.76648 0.5001 0.06718 0.83245 0.61627 0.42288 0.86953 0.0955 0.64554 0.057 0.57443 0.60892 0.88122 0.02209 0.25825 0.85804 0.26238 0.30566 0.64995 0.87569 0.97251 0.71065 0.95801 0.93152 0.28766 0.30864 0.10414 0.66011 0.66563 0.98618 0.26497 0.72458 0.93608 0.13519 0.41171 0.92082 0.45685 0.4155 0.94654 0.17169 0.14896 0.12525 0.52107 0.88162 0.27428 0.5666 0.86667 0.46742 0.83323 0.74527 0.7096 0.53239 0.3935 0.8661 0.45422 0.5893 0.05957 0.27953 0.89052 0.31213 0.66191 0.21291 0.38227 0.00636 0.63337 0.53181 0.58648 0.78732 0.25681 0.1039 0.40958 0.02487 0.91035 0.38784 0.19899 0.83363 0.68403 0.68454 0.06613 0.66865 0.58107 0.41692 0.28112 0.92188 0.94789 0.1521 0.2881 0.66801 0.4425 0.73227 0.89248 0.98989 0.71474 0.60975 0.1315 0.10145 0.34389 0.13474 0.00726 0.6586 0.10518 0.88653 0.6604 0.92579 0.34028 0.61359 0.83314 0.11321 0.69744 0.25152 0.25072 0.58556 0.11295 0.77314 0.93655 0.11537 0.95562 0.86015 0.52881 0.7564 0.94439 0.44248 0.49191 0.18054 0.30578 0.54106 0.01988 0.02415 0.63851 0.27564 0.01503 0.83497 0.78865 0.07938 0.33312 0.73738 0.84949 0.53207 0.06962 0.09418 0.03766 0.19788 0.69584 0.6976 0.12649 0.62973 0.6278 0.65595 0.88898 0.66186 0.02601 0.46602 0.57425 0.57837 0.356 0.361 0.15719 0.02517 0.45466 0.96713 0.93487 0.89802 0.5959 0.86082 0.28155 0.89195 0.71913 0.00835 0.84317 0.92557 0.03704 0.29965 0.97607 0.82781 0.0959 0.24926 0.29178 0.56286 0.56616 0.91717 0.07042 0.63121 0.4036 0.77552 0.44044 0.98532 0.52006 0.12946 0.33238 0.19811 0.21781 0.78808 0.9802 0.71941 0.98388 0.43457 0.16853 0.73839 0.31413
+0.35337 0.85751 0.69514 0.00563 0.67804 0.07268 0.55464 0.40712 0.80689 0.73132 0.78107 0.31863 0.07437 0.69558 0.95417 0.12366 0.12274 0.66951 0.32388 0.73489 0.33703 0.62063 0.00089 0.13914 0.38014 0.63919 0.75068 0.95699 0.2124 0.52858 0.20826 0.32764 0.1495 0.56856 0.24064 0.2928 0.77893 0.47914 0.54004 0.78192 0.60231 0.04306 0.48623 0.15396 0.87941 0.16702 0.39861 0.92145 0.41542 0.4385 0.40408 0.93392 0.66891 0.52393 0.7755 0.12513 0.22514 0.31881 0.83875 0.47949 0.53589 0.03151 0.72995 0.23781 0.74059 0.961 0.32567 0.62367 0.22674 0.68985 0.29704 0.30645 0.30119 0.62864 0.62798 0.88664 0.49946 0.11343 0.11117 0.85188 0.33216 0.79254 0.15336 0.89769 0.30377 0.54704 0.77454 0.11239 0.55234 0.08546 0.73697 0.4387 0.69018 0.83765 0.94186 0.84972 0.63749 0.45612 0.74725 0.34821 0.30548 0.59345 0.98425 0.19356 0.16647 0.70499 0.55527 0.7679 0.09196 0.01706 0.44559 0.83433 0.09777 0.2048 0.11536 0.36744 0.65721 0.34207 0.7562 0.88246 0.8412 0.3748 0.31625 0.78785 0.07562 0.32648 0.69957 0.93543 0.62178 0.95003 0.04023 0.51355 0.79435 0.44009 0.7112 0.48524 0.55487 0.84545 0.24668 0.98989 0.6472 0.21759 0.61667 0.77525 0.47183 0.61439 0.25299 0.05796 0.82127 0.74011 0.66543 0.11138 0.77564 0.2696 0.82734 0.09961 0.8586 0.44436 0.70821 0.76754 0.09232 0.96586 0.58042 0.76935 0.1131 0.13275 0.80204 0.26661 0.33467 0.88165 0.6879 0.74368 0.65789 0.64722 0.71714 0.14049 0.51234 0.94303 0.48187 0.57802 0.86653 0.3737 0.85803 0.27638 0.32575 0.46189 0.77349 0.95076 0.83533 0.6169 0.46227 0.7363 0.51213 0.4292 0.68784 0.8906 0.22071 0.71989 0.04872 0.10132 0.6649 0.15847 0.24671 0.06583 0.39795 0.0393 0.46118 0.19573 0.79658 0.94346 0.93523 0.41411 0.10994 0.67534 0.03483 0.20416 0.34076 0.79299 0.33397 0.66713 0.2203 0.57868 0.16866 0.38006 0.10194 0.73988 0.63549 0.31131 0.95392 0.4736 0.74712 0.27282 0.05979 0.92251 0.52068 0.13734 0.04826 0.84912 0.08882 0.47857 0.17288 0.12211 0.65196 0.83146 0.59848 0.03701 0.31127 0.30856 0.00093 0.7615 0.33937 0.22537 0.99056 0.52707 0.28364 0.43122 0.14634 0.79199 0.63815 0.9192 0.65138 0.76137 0.55248 0.05586 0.32004 0.44952 0.90878 0.28452 0.73944 0.97785 0.61046 0.96078 0.77875 0.00484 0.3687 0.10327 0.88045 0.66391 0.23972 0.32405 0.88581 0.8937 0.22683 0.40552 0.17418 0.55684 0.50194 0.68455 0.74188 0.03687 0.89542 0.9074 0.45675 0.30243 0.24419 0.79589 0.09841 0.24172 0.85539 0.11785 0.25742 0.95744 0.06897 0.93739 0.86123 0.90566 0.36163 0.72945 0.52751 0.06165 0.37 0.95576 0.08645 0.48422 0.98707 0.39441 0.74798 0.78553 0.33398 0.00724 0.52499 0.98008 0.0815 0.88044 0.86714 0.81133 0.76368 0.16163 0.62663 0.83477 0.35564 0.68572 0.13737 0.37647 0.19012 0.74079 0.6573 0.3938 0.90405 0.84741 0.85906 0.20609 0.98121 0.35485 0.19956 0.84997 0.35423 0.02564 0.86072 0.04168 0.757 0.86811 0.08666 0.97497 0.0752 0.60883 0.89706 0.48825 0.82892 0.29287 0.74275 0.11466 0.91491 0.35327 0.04804 0.38689 0.87831 0.56943 0.92517 0.96035 0.95289 0.29546 0.02687 0.23161 0.9961 0.01528 0.20044 0.95517 0.40451 0.73742 0.2909 3e-05 0.21588 0.23162 0.41683 0.01014 0.54296 0.98419 0.58578 0.22491 0.13051 0.27645 0.41188 0.09404 0.72243 0.51065 0.42813 0.43399 0.27607 0.68104 0.14304 0.06159 0.98981 0.47792 0.04249 9e-05 0.08755 0.7049 0.03951 0.65046 0.43594 0.79142 0.73651 0.54649 0.67877 0.5164 0.29405 0.74976 0.51384 0.5579 0.72405 0.19147 0.87708 0.26154 0.48011 0.95616 0.06098 0.52016 0.75013 0.24753 0.0703 0.77844 0.743 0.78029 0.60362 0.8397 0.29998 0.71333 0.85646 0.02043 0.72562 0.04413 0.3053 0.95663 0.23481 0.31692 0.34552 0.78602 0.95187 0.99915 0.42213 0.85563 0.44974 0.52926 0.84464 0.95624 0.80733 0.77892 0.79533 0.89226 0.31131 0.49662 0.03588 0.90976 0.32531 0.38249 0.00192 0.4793 0.84919 0.06466 0.63369 0.4191 0.5655 0.48566 0.4451 0.20643 0.95566 0.02303 0.80713 0.31313 0.08021 0.0356 0.71547 0.15939 0.78431 0.77691 0.23105 0.4005 0.48496 0.84474 0.86776 0.35644 0.66521 0.10404 0.03242 0.36985 0.21238 0.94973 0.96645 0.00622 0.47008 0.80072 0.80075 0.24664 0.45271 0.48557 0.83049 0.78664 0.2021 0.29023 0.52575 0.00777
+0.82046 0.24932 0.9026 0.88437 0.79737 0.51897 0.83807 0.54638 0.64646 0.40965 0.83851 0.63599 0.58865 0.88465 0.33703 0.63368 0.54999 0.64847 0.30644 0.71498 0.1785 0.29924 0.9917 0.15583 0.20634 0.72687 0.46431 0.2835 0.08339 0.48326 0.78573 0.27834 0.41323 0.68956 0.36608 0.70879 0.20161 0.33235 0.43189 0.20909 0.17681 0.17619 0.58815 0.00983 0.97478 0.0102 0.16762 0.63071 0.99602 0.32037 0.77568 0.05341 0.36641 0.32195 0.26267 0.00268 0.79658 0.30567 0.03909 0.51378 0.59444 0.19253 0.6789 0.50529 0.78523 0.19732 0.51616 0.88286 0.44233 0.99609 0.24078 0.57643 0.86925 0.76189 0.66637 0.34118 0.3379 0.27781 0.31629 0.91951 0.80271 0.16927 0.27116 0.14016 0.30445 0.81473 0.72659 0.2258 0.23487 0.32556 0.3384 0.85673 0.56081 0.19557 0.02854 0.75652 0.03763 0.29118 0.64056 0.55045 0.72039 0.03734 0.54058 0.02731 0.55482 0.63852 0.69081 0.46025 0.37775 0.26463 0.71765 0.68391 0.87396 0.14681 0.74648 0.91259 0.75027 0.9136 0.07167 0.00616 0.47617 0.87764 0.88274 0.81751 0.41993 0.62988 0.80165 0.01064 0.06397 0.23156 0.12552 0.86685 0.54957 0.95469 0.77957 0.2142 0.13564 0.6131 0.57391 0.29914 0.0889 0.03484 0.74203 0.16066 0.67769 0.9635 0.14173 0.64084 0.731 0.44268 0.12423 0.94043 0.01149 0.10642 0.35636 0.80151 0.07239 0.20371 0.12873 0.44222 0.28287 0.97191 0.92832 0.04214 0.60862 0.81846 0.36079 0.18085 0.92151 0.47054 0.44916 0.97081 0.28793 0.92194 0.27432 0.22331 0.62283 0.4323 0.4167 0.3862 0.11877 0.00768 0.47215 0.2148 0.1453 0.08127 0.69304 0.15682 0.62479 0.174 0.00465 0.5315 0.35448 0.62488 0.64298 0.48279 0.54198 0.66777 0.58787 0.47559 0.75589 0.52014 0.41527 0.01675 0.48105 0.3776 0.74147 0.34421 0.22844 0.65063 0.30478 0.48928 0.73623 0.11494 0.64272 0.65872 0.86105 0.42035 0.58151 0.61607 0.25769 0.60537 0.87305 0.73686 0.30758 0.36694 0.83926 0.13605 0.49689 0.47141 0.86821 0.17839 0.71464 0.06984 0.72005 0.51841 0.48286 0.68328 0.77652 0.69907 0.51779 0.47358 0.21939 0.13663 0.25284 0.57703 0.3096 0.11988 0.84038 0.01899 0.09437 0.29832 0.4938 0.27775 0.21688 0.06705 0.39215 0.18083 0.83948 0.91515 0.26741 0.14007 0.17985 0.45983 0.46558 0.47412 0.3971 0.69127 0.06392 0.27024 0.11988 0.85023 0.64802 0.92925 0.1172 0.6233 0.24125 0.45449 0.19948 0.75617 0.07937 0.13197 0.62082 0.24014 0.62478 0.93253 0.33329 0.08926 0.70926 0.89817 0.35763 0.01838 0.4784 0.36277 0.9784 0.38126 0.5612 0.55328 0.52052 0.61742 0.6426 0.22624 0.49068 0.7658 0.87139 0.55022 0.72206 0.38172 0.95504 0.83951 0.28308 0.06064 0.68764 0.92073 0.19187 0.00643 0.83438 0.90318 0.14785 0.47635 0.78498 0.28191 0.30572 0.35211 0.29823 0.6435 0.35926 0.49073 0.6184 0.84378 0.06416 0.03594 0.30682 0.17947 0.32765 0.37971 0.8209 0.8288 0.19208 0.60549 0.0245 0.41463 0.29439 0.80196 0.87959 0.58727 0.40149 0.65076 0.93753 0.8545 0.02142 0.42033 0.44366 0.77177 0.46421 0.97831 0.70449 0.12097 0.13032 0.79131 0.93546 0.18789 0.02156 0.36276 0.38157 0.82095 0.25232 0.50574 0.85998 0.09475 0.66392 0.60258 0.94531 0.0294 0.06036 0.2964 0.01571 0.58906 0.00771 0.07725 0.33778 0.96256 0.44609 0.39363 0.81559 0.48008 0.66216 0.82873 0.57285 0.69344 0.4618 0.90538 0.82953 0.60663 0.42908 0.49539 0.91015 0.89925 0.7831 0.1687 0.89 0.12289 0.74936 0.82154 0.32558 0.30607 0.45193 0.58432 0.17716 0.97994 0.28876 0.55385 0.09539 0.29529 0.14992 0.81039 0.01913 0.21465 0.82595 0.44405 0.41646 0.20593 0.0869 0.01175 0.41963 0.1975 0.9075 0.58576 0.30175 0.63559 0.72746 0.67335 0.5872 0.23229 0.56521 0.12843 0.49007 0.6139 0.94631 0.77779 0.02966 0.0767 0.46343 0.31954 0.32699 0.94641 0.17112 0.61696 0.5022 0.17077 0.31439 0.98614 0.20228 0.99112 0.823 0.71664 0.95649 0.11007 0.62968 0.28811 0.34329 0.14258 0.11476 0.93494 0.85739 0.64409 0.6168 0.16602 0.34426 0.59264 0.30673 0.55163 0.80767 0.89747 0.20675 0.52795 0.8476 0.65256 0.34855 0.74593 0.22203 0.07123 0.09337 0.88828 0.55449 0.39647 0.54547 0.19881 0.46743 0.57191 0.33217 0.88795 0.11503 0.65573 0.96246 0.41688 0.68692 0.10042 0.61895 0.30743 0.45566 0.47496 0.36013 0.4707 0.14777 0.58854 0.72172 0.12748 0.82553 0.79653 0.1521 0.92385
+0.30418 0.21796 0.39115 0.42882 0.0079 0.01216 0.11126 0.06228 0.63898 0.44968 0.30582 0.84 0.79206 0.75467 0.66072 0.04386 0.84699 0.08027 0.37715 0.51502 0.85219 0.9372 0.03295 0.74943 0.82937 0.7319 0.63866 0.95825 0.59531 0.2243 0.41347 0.52251 0.59017 0.10275 0.33116 0.07829 0.87349 0.05972 0.81331 0.51309 0.704 0.57131 0.55224 0.90342 0.56065 0.60739 0.87849 0.29875 0.11719 0.71121 0.25387 0.33299 0.32813 0.26782 0.42219 0.35294 0.04691 0.41529 0.92869 0.60103 0.6549 0.0685 0.01566 0.30999 0.23614 0.2287 0.97853 0.17193 0.11237 0.066 0.62161 0.53055 0.67595 0.09555 0.21325 0.51315 0.34379 0.35382 0.44691 0.93161 0.41544 0.10136 0.83797 0.71854 0.39776 0.39195 0.69875 0.81931 0.94592 0.58211 0.09669 0.87323 0.1614 0.48315 0.07131 0.88737 0.79499 0.19944 0.41791 0.85254 0.56975 0.92891 0.09888 0.28822 0.87773 0.78342 0.60194 0.48233 0.50731 0.85736 0.79977 0.93913 0.21451 0.28628 0.88976 0.78771 0.03608 0.18452 0.74367 0.2934 0.67933 0.98884 0.81957 0.03205 0.25807 0.88996 0.93347 0.13751 0.64892 0.50789 0.55127 0.51931 0.99044 0.16889 0.67247 0.66809 0.2087 0.80558 0.55613 0.85664 0.47611 0.79961 0.49815 0.11687 0.10004 0.22154 0.3829 0.0676 0.63685 0.28047 0.39549 0.2891 0.12859 0.7003 0.86389 0.0865 0.78942 0.61498 0.08147 0.63159 0.49791 0.96428 0.79328 0.32756 0.75098 0.43607 0.2273 0.75942 0.47494 0.33886 0.3584 0.94332 0.14312 0.94888 0.28226 0.10935 0.28428 0.44426 0.51949 0.7282 0.2428 0.78748 0.18408 0.18467 0.82907 0.4586 0.86649 0.19605 0.3535 0.74742 0.53244 0.84992 0.70549 0.1911 0.99227 0.07043 0.37526 0.34576 0.25027 0.16771 0.93422 0.55082 0.94452 0.75342 0.12692 0.15801 0.94417 0.01815 0.71337 0.38706 0.54776 0.8638 0.83795 0.03318 0.9331 0.841 0.99181 0.76246 0.81208 0.63 0.47207 0.01681 0.20549 0.11203 0.16045 0.96752 0.65389 0.12401 0.16556 0.41794 0.96026 0.05048 0.39702 0.55865 0.25059 0.97292 0.80855 0.04122 0.46357 0.2576 0.23271 0.73324 0.32725 0.9158 0.77819 0.71202 0.68911 0.08414 0.65974 0.69178 0.24111 0.67627 0.9445 0.02511 0.19712 0.10546 0.06352 0.14155 0.5654 0.24019 0.72108 0.05221 0.67843 0.46445 0.5913 0.99479 0.54702 0.23537 0.59257 0.91082 0.81346 0.35126 0.68272 0.87584 0.73369 0.87638 0.6846 0.68363 0.757 0.31927 0.33686 0.16283 0.3561 0.12641 0.5318 0.43544 0.24381 0.76623 0.14241 0.05325 0.06374 0.74835 0.06821 0.17855 0.48956 0.57 0.69407 0.23324 0.07972 0.25915 0.41276 0.51948 0.08675 0.72276 0.90953 0.75379 0.14989 0.93755 0.53018 0.55215 0.24538 0.57362 0.64337 0.81396 0.30637 0.46142 0.13211 0.85881 0.95537 0.98738 0.08763 0.13192 0.59257 0.16593 0.20803 0.35743 0.15914 0.3173 0.33028 0.19862 0.6287 0.79899 0.01398 0.9188 0.76206 0.28374 0.90904 0.58463 0.21721 0.1478 0.68963 0.33114 0.88987 0.71429 0.90486 0.74782 0.41009 0.99544 0.99168 0.77644 0.12966 0.77624 0.44301 0.82759 0.63234 0.71929 0.71954 0.8856 0.21851 0.37742 0.93212 0.34447 0.07077 0.23602 0.79141 0.50586 0.12066 0.26472 0.17542 0.4895 0.99656 0.55807 0.07996 0.20685 0.19374 0.60167 0.83432 0.71354 0.54083 0.61452 0.87717 0.58035 0.2683 0.25919 0.87485 0.75534 0.49802 0.52819 0.697 0.87359 0.62072 0.84519 0.74355 0.51182 0.0019 0.803 0.48074 0.29121 0.79467 0.19524 0.06639 0.7065 0.05204 0.50069 0.28387 0.05362 0.08599 0.17048 0.45622 0.91456 0.09209 0.65444 0.35125 0.40552 0.95215 0.63643 0.51079 0.40354 0.80382 0.45029 0.79718 0.90557 0.27263 0.87237 0.20419 0.18904 0.43429 0.42196 0.02162 0.79011 0.14254 0.63475 0.87041 0.98705 0.99445 0.94612 0.90717 0.78658 0.28447 0.80511 0.30703 0.91015 0.33713 0.82352 0.59401 0.83238 0.27957 0.133 0.27005 0.89068 0.88076 0.098 0.50769 0.72843 0.95335 0.47554 0.89115 0.47887 0.98716 0.55286 0.33443 0.61962 0.97287 0.49617 0.44318 0.01261 0.20968 0.76444 0.02689 0.10957 0.43918 0.95237 0.64871 0.00414 0.12996 0.08157 0.03185 0.12507 0.07254 0.75251 0.90547 0.2459 0.93813 0.10462 0.49177 0.05295 0.56898 0.96552 0.52749 0.82414 0.75104 0.44411 0.19148 0.00209 0.95511 0.60209 0.23709 0.0374 0.96826 0.02272 0.68594 0.36003 0.95084 0.78063 0.8392 0.65987 0.17124 0.12043 0.71212 0.32806 0.00265 0.68648
+0.2595 0.10925 0.90806 0.16309 0.86282 0.58512 0.09103 0.41142 0.52721 0.10492 0.99793 0.22164 0.35009 0.13816 0.4327 0.74274 0.42516 0.43175 0.09958 0.43714 0.00896 0.78973 0.14232 0.20771 0.86924 0.35518 0.39344 0.05131 0.29086 0.1863 0.10775 0.81927 0.07408 0.24526 0.15012 0.30814 0.32348 0.37864 0.53797 0.71543 0.04359 0.25631 0.31921 0.45714 0.0831 0.08846 0.0663 0.0107 0.82989 0.52148 0.37853 0.76115 0.98792 0.54507 0.33109 0.51258 0.51957 0.74619 0.73245 0.72945 0.77766 0.57002 0.57211 0.58267 0.02136 0.08381 0.22362 0.2826 0.00812 0.29725 0.04596 0.84049 0.79198 0.26518 0.80225 0.43965 0.90761 0.19629 0.55253 0.12358 0.88622 0.77809 0.48685 0.64451 0.74897 0.11016 0.53442 0.69603 0.11738 0.72188 0.05742 0.90324 0.20651 0.95652 0.21718 0.53783 0.18431 0.57429 0.9126 0.13025 0.6697 0.26683 0.07378 0.79452 0.82704 0.31452 0.17443 0.7061 0.63428 0.7386 0.83047 0.88353 0.95768 0.21047 0.90669 0.1985 0.94464 0.47876 0.286 0.38037 0.13017 0.59458 0.97904 0.04282 0.63897 0.66398 0.88156 0.43458 0.25723 0.64671 0.54638 0.4561 0.72224 0.09431 0.13656 0.48237 0.03597 0.58279 0.19135 0.49395 0.5943 0.84237 0.30035 0.69978 0.69286 0.14256 0.10027 0.49407 0.92922 0.00551 0.76557 0.19412 0.19099 0.51711 0.63413 0.74752 0.52396 0.1052 0.24709 0.26135 0.77784 0.54942 0.10297 0.3263 0.05321 0.40577 0.72459 0.50476 0.45542 0.80776 0.22051 0.92584 0.86412 0.84648 0.48096 0.99051 0.92388 0.42851 0.56548 0.12465 0.32838 0.35425 0.02095 0.04312 0.47972 0.57358 0.27737 0.38812 0.70377 0.65738 0.58238 0.6717 0.36423 0.52277 0.97285 0.81534 0.82211 0.24421 0.20892 0.55603 0.46368 0.93394 0.76281 0.03073 0.70962 0.61603 0.37344 0.69504 0.78145 0.88749 0.94912 0.00999 0.32617 0.94509 0.11426 0.86829 0.34738 0.58893 0.24744 0.67837 0.08541 0.70997 0.97867 0.22322 0.48167 0.51301 0.7499 0.70275 0.57316 0.16671 0.95494 0.04974 0.75725 0.7683 0.65235 0.95104 0.76749 0.66362 0.12534 0.11887 0.81585 0.54941 0.82956 0.96815 0.66781 0.52233 0.31659 0.27776 0.77765 0.06497 0.79958 0.40443 0.955 0.53592 0.08132 0.69832 0.90839 0.53965 0.69669 0.59236 0.83867 0.99971 0.86725 0.46384 0.44725 0.84039 0.50247 0.7636 0.34361 0.052 0.01605 0.53964 0.39493 0.4899 0.08201 0.61292 0.96831 0.82213 0.65229 0.04191 0.44674 0.29726 0.71147 0.49904 0.52887 0.35954 0.97735 0.58486 0.24865 0.0368 0.74856 0.55566 0.33289 0.46874 0.28875 0.67251 0.01547 0.34161 0.47464 0.06308 0.16815 0.52812 0.70277 0.33738 0.11864 0.98786 0.47325 0.34 0.31442 0.58682 0.2779 0.85655 0.88874 0.5561 0.27801 0.32144 0.75391 0.20581 0.92728 0.26963 0.63923 0.55631 0.63851 0.07791 0.50391 0.69485 0.88321 0.59837 0.72215 0.45314 0.15657 0.34455 0.91536 0.13535 0.60578 0.65234 0.64141 0.05163 0.15043 0.30865 0.00383 0.78147 0.31025 0.28407 0.81513 0.56415 0.25575 0.21932 0.72555 0.78351 0.43066 0.92183 0.54167 0.69244 0.32916 0.28004 0.00235 0.53056 0.2017 0.99013 0.102 0.83794 0.62939 0.89403 0.39395 0.37563 0.76527 0.92202 0.1473 0.94312 0.14156 0.6692 0.30725 0.52637 0.94962 0.19707 0.04856 0.18797 0.00899 0.5089 0.02578 0.00906 0.14068 0.42343 0.27112 0.25843 0.88016 0.37355 0.33422 0.06254 0.48918 0.18634 0.16948 0.86467 0.96201 0.09209 0.99205 0.26214 0.02287 0.48263 0.00402 0.72223 0.95748 0.61827 0.89882 0.35668 0.33388 0.2097 0.46028 0.20117 0.0745 0.26082 0.81618 0.94922 0.06806 0.02377 0.56634 0.54178 0.46943 0.0904 0.34981 0.40806 0.88167 0.68161 0.27374 0.32216 0.43672 0.92133 0.00943 0.14045 0.74165 0.58944 0.88369 0.26376 0.4255 0.14516 0.15162 0.05496 0.68738 0.52089 0.18105 0.757 0.50625 0.65421 0.88807 0.82183 0.71228 0.62056 0.38628 0.72303 0.73629 0.59759 0.15736 0.96623 0.46658 0.45859 0.78935 0.29341 0.83082 0.21778 0.25102 0.78333 0.44852 0.55546 0.43661 0.73627 0.06046 0.20427 0.92428 0.72016 0.65439 0.85707 0.36882 0.29273 0.94458 0.90261 0.20236 0.40102 0.45773 0.14722 0.53438 0.25986 0.85191 0.14334 0.22312 0.99102 0.85234 0.65553 0.82864 0.49953 0.84593 0.03596 0.84001 0.27493 0.87366 0.83591 0.2127 0.22115 0.09925 0.0299 0.7098 0.85408 0.54593 0.68021 0.01024 0.73697 0.09943 0.71451 0.00151 0.27403 0.37798 0.34044
+0.7866 0.25591 0.81771 0.09061 0.09962 0.8876 0.56812 0.74048 0.52886 0.09067 0.47307 0.54605 0.83658 0.91792 0.94654 0.10369 0.74542 0.83451 0.7707 0.93997 0.30065 0.59924 0.80748 0.97939 0.06546 0.3416 0.09599 0.71797 0.63736 0.46573 0.4037 0.48138 0.90918 0.48535 0.87692 0.89549 0.40031 0.22669 0.1971 0.44532 0.23068 0.62362 0.389 0.94162 0.65487 0.29379 0.47277 0.57922 0.30768 0.38073 0.09926 0.44085 0.43031 0.17045 0.13012 0.41774 0.42819 0.99895 0.70079 0.37294 0.60677 0.8165 0.19192 0.60258 0.95808 0.99828 0.8441 0.96041 0.20759 0.67295 0.82183 0.96211 0.42059 0.84643 0.73963 0.72344 0.20212 0.1638 0.80835 0.34151 0.4098 0.71821 0.96382 0.45713 0.73945 0.8255 0.57508 0.90424 0.19986 0.76894 0.93601 0.9227 0.68879 0.16656 0.80015 0.76243 0.54153 0.97026 0.95257 0.98982 0.19543 0.58405 0.26057 0.81453 0.97418 0.60709 0.73614 0.47731 0.73374 0.68057 0.49896 0.44683 0.77032 0.69289 0.74007 0.70866 0.27417 0.08973 0.01968 0.86689 0.96322 0.99504 0.58278 0.20006 0.52351 0.03315 0.70492 0.77026 0.60406 0.72835 0.28089 0.50616 0.94749 0.1291 0.57308 0.22478 0.08374 0.57625 0.08169 0.68085 0.3661 0.62357 0.12524 0.61793 0.95824 0.18845 0.15576 0.47578 0.89091 0.41133 0.27233 0.41671 0.97455 0.82541 0.08416 0.43239 0.50796 0.97625 0.3295 0.01069 0.97165 0.624 0.3549 0.89966 0.33615 0.90917 0.5822 0.40824 0.84554 0.1649 0.12785 0.42021 0.71345 0.41618 0.45123 0.26674 0.63948 0.71458 0.61702 0.9481 0.0359 0.20088 0.31468 0.44833 0.06645 0.82478 0.4853 0.79572 0.32029 0.79623 0.17647 0.34443 0.73581 0.56914 0.1802 0.0459 0.06407 0.38738 0.58955 0.55559 0.15363 0.64081 0.55007 0.16475 0.46341 0.03506 0.19155 0.94128 0.06185 0.67663 0.45903 0.30013 0.10086 0.09727 0.00246 0.92824 0.77819 0.01874 0.24154 0.88542 0.6229 0.52269 0.32067 0.1951 0.89627 0.2995 0.95454 0.27034 0.98744 0.27377 0.56461 0.09906 0.87415 0.38538 0.88254 0.60225 0.26924 0.73693 0.81365 0.7105 0.05149 0.76744 0.45277 0.21613 0.68853 0.77908 0.1764 0.48478 0.97185 0.56864 0.0859 0.53942 0.66913 0.22979 0.0857 0.14881 0.73382 0.79007 0.86594 0.21077 0.29568 0.70934 0.32134 0.50463 0.19957 0.14958 0.7857 0.63065 0.12784 0.88728 0.99259 0.17133 0.76183 0.41478 0.54667 0.47963 0.13966 0.29732 0.59216 0.77935 0.31169 0.46381 0.69464 0.85492 0.11215 0.36523 0.53064 0.81826 0.99075 0.60839 0.65033 0.79341 0.40309 0.47294 0.93783 0.37888 0.15877 0.62237 0.15982 0.41594 0.20374 0.12748 0.50141 0.52387 0.52342 0.11359 0.79101 0.41701 0.47115 0.42896 0.89064 0.94437 0.12038 0.74381 0.6026 0.29022 0.87062 0.60038 0.82399 0.91117 0.95083 0.99919 0.53554 0.81376 0.3326 0.73148 0.76894 0.54381 0.77705 0.84133 0.58348 0.60011 0.223 0.98217 0.28016 0.77921 0.0143 0.921 0.67732 0.43074 0.33235 0.54951 0.52024 0.09934 0.96715 0.79271 0.98192 0.04799 0.40461 0.5975 0.7094 0.52946 0.58124 0.3728 0.8924 0.74541 0.95366 0.35103 0.32605 0.60001 0.33903 0.25125 0.34234 0.16862 0.31457 0.23816 0.87814 0.71484 0.79119 0.56078 0.56402 0.54182 0.81464 0.08224 0.91968 0.66932 0.54457 0.67015 0.00878 0.53738 0.32473 0.2303 0.36311 0.97369 0.61017 0.9403 0.95556 0.36587 0.98763 0.51701 0.29945 0.40888 0.78749 0.89987 0.58792 0.85383 0.27549 0.93749 0.05502 0.88812 0.51788 0.48064 0.11017 0.91309 0.08972 0.25733 0.57182 0.62489 0.5637 0.07556 0.03855 0.8357 0.74598 0.70051 0.11799 0.55862 0.15229 0.33601 0.4206 0.20028 0.18777 0.09779 0.99557 0.07952 0.26 0.81042 0.71507 0.07301 0.67051 0.69029 0.7892 0.96432 0.00245 0.82855 0.09365 0.28313 0.05925 0.90031 0.68244 0.04604 0.95816 0.75483 0.41279 0.52114 0.66309 0.95377 0.81638 0.46671 0.50594 0.14819 0.23212 0.63168 0.20303 0.29786 0.69028 0.81174 0.27718 0.26331 0.76199 0.02499 0.28403 0.701 0.77252 0.47102 0.30649 0.20617 0.68756 0.43926 0.93925 0.20448 0.38672 0.0197 0.73051 0.60425 0.50522 0.23284 0.4606 0.69527 0.63799 0.65966 0.46136 0.03556 0.07912 0.30025 0.03967 0.31656 0.95619 0.31515 0.83805 0.24637 0.66982 0.94182 0.75302 0.62796 0.91883 0.7833 0.34648 0.66613 0.92817 0.04634 0.55176 0.0286 0.15813 0.09634 0.40848 0.86221 0.57571 0.83839 0.83394 0.80198 0.86926 0.33129
+0.51909 0.54682 0.07267 0.76577 0.90758 0.30589 0.84972 0.54915 0.91231 0.07568 0.78321 0.99724 0.34767 0.69029 0.77116 0.92801 0.42918 0.59139 0.01344 0.39989 0.09069 0.61429 0.82586 0.47254 0.35 0.75145 0.6861 0.6824 0.58656 0.18241 0.34358 0.59504 0.09468 0.48819 0.42672 0.72777 0.17775 0.52328 0.27484 0.70252 0.02242 0.01359 0.25757 0.50579 0.71912 0.63485 0.75811 0.29319 0.02163 0.51876 0.01404 0.02674 0.97403 0.58563 0.1413 0.23457 0.7223 0.85397 0.65592 0.61982 0.55671 0.02328 0.74665 0.70072 0.31383 0.67448 0.18659 0.89055 0.17322 0.415 0.46303 0.22925 0.08458 0.02903 0.29743 0.73056 0.98414 0.20784 0.9179 0.16447 0.98371 0.92163 0.23764 0.31796 0.04828 0.4021 0.57755 0.00406 0.53434 0.46688 0.32326 0.42053 0.79055 0.60743 0.06359 0.25858 0.09773 0.71846 0.95684 0.01449 0.15459 0.46286 0.04336 0.35393 0.79126 0.49727 0.42915 0.55997 0.17539 0.27908 0.22342 0.13921 0.78703 0.35644 0.32838 0.19576 0.73084 0.85203 0.41579 0.40725 0.77123 0.50092 0.77885 0.02102 0.9431 0.77668 0.24533 0.61009 0.23002 0.30609 0.73777 0.69578 0.1615 0.18573 0.88372 0.25672 0.45989 0.9044 0.74303 0.28922 0.18831 0.32257 0.77638 0.92074 0.22505 0.82524 0.97216 0.04505 0.93142 0.88344 0.22963 0.32881 0.93179 0.44478 0.05271 0.50095 0.16021 0.52442 0.0725 0.28339 0.71673 0.14938 0.3621 0.69899 0.01116 0.34856 0.80755 0.37854 0.09055 0.82876 0.72078 0.3319 0.15294 0.78496 0.562 0.00341 0.36109 0.98919 0.84164 0.45339 0.3018 0.71457 0.54919 0.50745 0.36086 0.44961 0.58295 0.02562 0.85325 0.39839 0.34191 0.15728 0.23134 0.23854 0.52962 0.01373 0.2353 0.97992 0.26938 0.93731 0.30269 0.43844 0.33085 0.33677 0.67683 0.75052 0.24873 0.9086 0.41671 0.72024 0.06147 0.6797 0.70051 0.5138 0.24839 0.89031 0.93459 0.35169 0.19739 0.96279 0.56578 0.11338 0.37975 0.30636 0.74254 0.36942 0.61878 0.69053 0.68309 0.40821 0.38967 0.62363 0.12904 0.4399 0.8009 0.61338 0.50732 0.09183 0.80474 0.88167 0.21205 0.32641 0.71349 0.73592 0.61197 0.14202 0.63629 0.78968 0.41518 0.07196 0.8344 0.05509 0.5593 0.06048 0.52119 0.38719 0.10405 0.34993 0.61484 0.24951 0.1356 0.47779 0.44598 0.99067 0.97368 0.72416 0.89281 0.99283 0.34554 0.93981 0.70934 0.1188 0.19296 0.78956 0.51681 0.2736 0.21514 0.21806 0.24347 0.97443 0.87921 0.02277 0.92424 0.71921 0.05535 0.83244 0.48021 0.17213 0.58945 0.10603 0.06479 0.5034 0.75939 0.74903 0.29868 0.2361 0.21791 0.37169 0.12606 0.94393 0.98924 0.06361 0.34309 0.01552 0.95838 0.84533 0.94785 0.27301 0.40216 0.5945 0.45028 0.31729 0.49966 0.31912 0.01999 0.99012 0.56356 0.6574 0.44207 0.59112 0.67276 0.55194 0.09688 0.01311 0.43483 0.83287 0.32151 0.09769 0.76055 0.06346 0.19286 0.86062 0.44702 0.19836 0.16428 0.037 0.40525 0.99629 0.45332 0.19659 0.64614 0.69123 0.3364 0.10787 0.05003 0.23506 0.66557 0.27168 0.74111 0.65715 0.84427 0.00203 0.56373 0.31095 0.92118 0.83552 0.49049 0.48351 0.67411 0.00868 0.46432 0.00912 0.36672 0.58168 0.84675 0.53204 0.64021 0.77951 0.13359 0.15955 0.11671 0.72047 0.05715 0.26076 0.69174 0.07909 0.52809 0.69218 0.50679 0.9882 0.13837 0.8667 0.10034 0.16467 0.68891 0.61325 0.52588 0.37991 0.83926 0.60884 0.61546 0.50623 0.68621 0.03067 0.33411 0.03692 0.05464 0.08776 0.29995 0.46674 0.49694 0.78768 0.78131 0.32844 0.11426 0.34466 0.32578 0.95724 0.72539 0.28625 0.63084 0.56266 0.45611 0.94312 0.07473 0.68879 0.45744 0.89906 0.14863 0.76805 0.36981 0.83898 0.49919 0.74747 0.31823 0.32031 0.12347 0.94067 0.8747 0.08578 0.87185 0.07921 0.63177 0.36931 0.46107 0.74728 0.7244 0.61177 0.80679 0.53117 0.6349 0.95428 0.9434 0.78802 0.69552 0.92919 0.68026 0.35414 0.18755 0.16641 0.80648 0.32297 0.55564 0.0829 0.20434 0.26546 0.05632 0.67986 0.86147 0.87266 0.14441 0.7967 0.13258 0.87167 0.41827 0.16733 0.24496 0.41764 0.10836 0.06948 0.18623 0.41469 0.53908 0.34941 0.60674 0.98354 0.60452 0.13696 0.43933 0.01452 0.37811 0.01426 0.96677 0.19079 0.99005 0.66687 0.88052 0.93137 0.76067 0.78087 0.5299 0.33141 0.00164 0.82298 0.60143 0.20036 0.82923 0.19241 0.09887 0.76157 0.15511 0.92814 0.19466 0.71855 0.92218 0.80455 0.73334 0.48605 0.287 0.27509 0.71622 0.13315
+0.67269 0.61202 0.7708 0.35496 0.28436 0.93118 0.43021 0.80414 0.95058 0.61178 0.69984 0.20245 0.07139 0.91486 0.4783 0.65523 0.27018 0.17856 0.50402 0.08656 0.18118 0.84212 0.06792 0.53538 0.03462 0.71385 0.59111 0.71649 0.00838 0.03675 0.93022 0.29381 0.8488 0.32726 0.60473 0.36456 0.56251 0.98913 0.29645 0.97971 0.29025 0.96086 0.34021 0.60634 0.16041 0.05879 0.04789 0.78578 0.69964 0.74066 0.11776 0.25902 0.00476 0.88021 0.7504 0.84461 0.48118 0.09873 0.00156 0.68028 0.58887 0.71565 0.58635 0.40043 0.10207 0.67565 0.95252 0.65246 0.90459 0.17692 0.34137 0.07804 0.20588 0.28445 0.88436 0.50355 0.56051 0.50059 0.98164 0.08756 0.07234 0.40488 0.6244 0.89247 0.39564 0.97146 0.37654 0.38272 0.20541 0.05468 0.7367 0.52274 0.37139 0.4252 0.06497 0.27216 0.69161 0.77906 0.01643 0.94117 0.69636 0.1089 0.6829 0.9674 0.28416 0.15648 0.66751 0.09063 0.39142 0.20091 0.97452 0.14083 0.92296 0.85067 0.99047 0.31342 0.02911 0.90323 0.65309 0.82382 0.1481 0.75061 0.6198 0.7663 0.89523 0.0736 0.8242 0.09129 0.57268 0.66152 0.10838 0.66365 0.75587 0.45531 0.6748 0.91033 0.57243 0.27885 0.2074 0.25583 0.27247 0.26134 0.22794 0.23209 0.54142 0.95005 0.46889 0.38249 0.09027 0.31084 0.697 0.52994 0.56563 0.5528 0.09684 0.91409 0.41617 0.33648 0.35822 0.75845 0.30466 0.40016 0.10126 0.78127 0.58205 0.9309 0.82696 0.67737 0.34621 0.96712 0.77438 0.74024 0.9346 0.62136 0.55403 0.4607 0.39888 0.35679 0.8451 0.20203 0.92499 0.51554 0.72439 0.61469 0.39747 0.24478 0.67422 0.49706 0.72279 0.42936 0.78749 0.59856 0.18514 0.80121 0.26018 0.14084 0.93671 0.99039 0.2847 0.73434 0.55729 0.33561 0.58988 0.35695 0.02787 0.29582 0.33252 0.34701 0.81438 0.77976 0.87378 0.47126 0.24808 0.98838 0.69954 0.49913 0.39159 0.08252 0.92383 0.53724 0.85038 0.41855 0.80224 0.15673 0.36948 0.59631 0.95419 0.5824 0.0662 0.22547 0.85459 0.30931 0.58524 0.51644 0.89913 0.26914 0.56415 0.66966 0.54253 0.51784 0.31464 0.92302 0.99734 0.01851 0.13653 0.39352 0.44688 0.91648 0.02656 0.58923 0.35321 0.96517 0.76945 0.97143 0.2253 0.0533 0.794 0.99939 0.93244 0.61082 0.84169 0.73971 0.19727 0.30622 0.40468 0.64344 0.58686 0.60526 0.82349 0.72758 0.41495 0.1438 0.17169 0.7326 0.89412 0.28106 0.55609 0.87307 0.65973 0.96563 0.96131 0.84245 0.22749 0.78744 0.56438 0.83467 0.27082 0.5627 0.64469 0.31634 0.96415 0.84823 0.68974 0.85068 0.527 0.69481 0.13776 0.92818 0.63418 0.90034 0.90791 0.45239 0.577 0.44083 0.87688 0.63524 0.46348 0.50585 0.61194 0.24364 0.00541 0.17945 0.95397 0.95461 0.76461 0.43193 0.79535 0.2133 0.59858 0.93334 0.80921 0.24849 0.97677 0.24965 0.94382 0.24298 0.21193 0.96977 0.84381 0.5678 0.21416 0.67562 0.2659 0.8729 0.84883 0.91238 0.71545 0.038 0.25471 0.20511 0.17621 0.4551 0.9485 0.01829 0.65534 0.66125 0.31227 0.53659 0.4014 0.19269 0.48389 0.52092 0.33081 0.87664 0.00458 0.79756 0.22822 0.68604 0.81917 0.39197 0.71597 0.03691 0.90925 0.13044 0.44596 0.74906 0.88008 0.54964 0.90349 0.41871 0.67329 0.75518 0.44094 0.44148 0.63032 0.68211 0.25532 0.08141 0.59114 0.2146 0.77156 0.63693 0.43165 0.37663 0.3618 0.00052 0.60975 0.01888 0.82435 0.01812 0.22691 0.53295 0.46668 0.60332 0.48275 0.71714 0.30376 0.40853 0.06607 0.78665 0.508 0.7746 0.67001 0.35267 0.24096 0.77931 0.07779 0.95964 0.56154 0.96418 0.5509 0.14726 0.05773 0.99592 0.91872 0.34514 0.98115 0.07995 0.6954 0.58664 0.56593 0.01726 0.31515 0.43151 0.21129 0.17389 0.92309 0.50279 0.07713 0.09475 0.56376 0.36923 0.02022 0.72327 0.9832 0.6926 0.96179 0.47506 0.10215 0.75528 0.75583 0.79031 0.16123 0.60391 0.6681 0.34663 0.22525 0.01354 0.34607 0.75422 0.91032 0.76205 0.35984 0.87198 0.56636 0.22123 0.59068 0.35097 0.91407 0.15749 0.50943 0.20086 0.83466 0.43729 0.8742 0.33891 0.28622 0.64771 0.15915 0.01697 0.94574 0.5444 0.92744 0.08562 0.15767 0.31137 0.63219 0.1868 0.88161 0.76764 0.61666 0.50907 0.24411 0.11915 0.66539 0.51698 0.58405 0.5396 0.08824 0.2101 0.86368 0.04327 0.35275 0.68654 0.28728 0.07242 0.87072 0.76532 0.11324 0.24831 0.45457 0.02265 0.00477 0.60015 0.22239 0.80672 0.12968 0.29884 0.86718 0.12382 0.64732 0.58369
+0.57474 0.28574 0.94241 0.20855 0.33864 0.79448 0.99247 0.87761 0.95492 0.74673 0.38023 0.41964 0.59719 0.00971 0.01228 0.47453 0.65118 0.9325 0.72868 0.87529 0.2814 0.22918 0.44393 0.35761 0.97051 0.8971 0.89838 0.38423 0.16307 0.48149 0.4827 0.59225 0.37772 0.76983 0.50394 0.63921 0.31799 0.60176 0.15023 0.10674 0.98941 0.61916 0.87868 0.35477 0.41243 0.02606 0.86812 0.4527 0.76951 0.07892 0.6581 0.00111 0.437 0.29145 0.99351 0.83854 0.08142 0.32448 0.19148 0.38508 0.58629 0.72121 0.95872 0.78729 0.40387 0.69789 0.04721 0.04904 0.85624 0.70887 0.55027 0.4293 0.6589 0.17237 0.61472 0.2342 0.74634 0.27895 8e-05 0.05782 0.5469 0.19775 0.29365 0.76449 0.63261 0.6303 0.44979 0.25071 0.79224 0.20498 0.3559 0.78195 0.27079 0.33182 0.55615 0.96201 0.97236 0.59489 0.32295 0.35261 0.02081 0.20259 0.67716 0.49235 0.78409 0.71435 0.57249 0.59379 0.94453 0.77377 0.60972 0.39071 0.82718 0.33764 0.86544 0.18851 0.10762 0.08312 0.86382 0.0783 0.19111 0.81525 0.94611 0.56396 0.30749 0.4817 0.92271 0.68126 0.04985 0.65011 0.92814 0.04676 0.03342 0.09615 0.87952 0.8889 0.03929 0.16041 0.63178 0.68575 0.57757 0.88349 0.6996 0.79074 0.59737 0.12885 0.06735 0.4527 0.09502 0.6186 0.12363 0.21071 0.15263 0.0776 0.20257 0.96961 0.63397 0.52661 0.81501 0.83313 0.17444 0.10953 0.20049 0.54924 0.52344 0.77916 0.92144 0.79995 0.9587 0.85899 0.85882 0.00633 0.10257 0.75826 0.5257 0.342 0.71469 0.31489 0.44122 0.00399 0.0475 0.50671 0.47133 0.58136 0.41271 0.91786 0.23176 0.14694 0.06269 0.61976 0.23046 0.03779 0.0916 0.92733 0.94481 0.31396 0.44307 0.73195 0.89604 0.86297 0.64283 0.71612 0.8929 0.58971 0.16183 0.05117 0.07422 0.11646 0.2703 0.05279 0.20215 0.58793 0.56544 0.68271 0.34224 0.11145 0.68841 0.16788 0.21764 0.0768 0.06179 0.30739 0.18238 0.6346 0.88579 0.46408 0.52556 0.79869 0.80368 0.46266 0.27303 0.61082 0.80176 0.02493 0.03503 0.01039 0.39722 0.05816 0.39695 0.9348 0.94434 0.19776 0.32991 0.13279 0.87174 0.31808 0.03754 0.30148 0.54939 0.98443 0.33976 0.22447 0.18389 0.46546 0.78356 0.31415 0.86798 0.44419 0.57383 0.14352 0.83627 0.99428 0.03797 0.42128 0.82172 0.27583 0.19432 0.21203 0.98892 0.98983 0.45374 0.27999 0.44562 0.17527 0.41675 0.64785 0.80222 0.06551 0.56772 0.49602 0.91185 0.70235 0.27916 0.26821 0.2359 0.43452 0.55613 0.0956 0.26595 0.67472 0.16631 0.29711 0.84993 0.97173 0.15077 0.4099 0.33791 0.60993 0.99067 0.28348 0.88383 0.30992 0.61952 0.28352 0.35399 0.23924 0.15203 0.51473 0.97797 0.80541 0.34344 0.26264 0.34314 0.3046 0.25749 0.9636 0.11337 0.67073 0.64794 0.59826 0.84175 0.11335 0.67878 0.47698 0.49549 0.94174 0.59237 0.2269 0.98692 0.66961 0.5693 0.35008 0.74981 0.92723 0.1196 0.01526 0.93787 0.72621 0.08799 0.9866 0.41848 0.68025 0.50509 0.6133 0.70227 0.1955 0.65769 0.88828 0.89329 0.07954 0.5805 0.01812 0.15981 0.31029 0.56157 0.07277 0.09209 0.47081 0.61671 0.49518 0.54664 0.35088 0.86246 0.24479 0.26005 0.30316 0.21178 0.19178 0.06721 0.12763 0.8464 0.02566 0.48084 0.05549 0.64165 0.60109 0.10356 0.21939 0.84917 0.49813 0.23859 0.28451 0.62225 0.58187 0.50449 0.83378 0.33519 0.81281 0.57422 0.37654 0.78816 0.56714 0.71077 0.91873 0.77079 0.08601 0.06066 0.92675 0.74529 0.70333 0.69374 0.83029 0.9581 0.98974 0.31491 0.90556 0.14793 0.38396 0.80078 0.11902 0.26518 0.89229 0.3832 0.27498 0.58998 0.37577 0.9828 0.43333 0.60416 0.69472 0.90051 0.07253 0.04332 0.92442 0.53943 0.05799 0.58356 0.06172 0.65951 0.71889 0.73629 0.17835 0.79948 0.41856 0.5388 0.75843 0.75597 0.34297 0.72764 0.42021 0.63563 0.91298 0.58032 0.47569 0.7846 0.00709 0.6705 0.68831 0.29681 0.59404 0.9163 0.93612 0.1922 0.07985 0.66678 0.70402 0.62606 0.96594 0.89574 0.14816 0.86233 0.11193 0.39607 0.31068 0.26043 0.09735 0.0697 0.8983 0.43669 0.96338 0.93016 0.12243 0.51971 0.55957 0.67223 0.27842 0.77209 0.44006 0.305 0.46365 0.9693 0.52126 0.89317 0.79693 0.00697 0.39151 0.44797 0.79651 0.97173 0.28739 0.1879 0.59445 0.21906 0.40488 0.63182 0.54317 0.24421 0.49691 0.78943 0.66799 0.29626 0.07792 0.78581 0.12972 0.6669 0.05993 0.94951 0.93512 0.92934 0.01018 0.72681 0.36108
+0.92212 0.87924 0.95509 0.8534 0.32234 0.72159 0.34188 0.87287 0.50744 0.31682 0.93764 0.50786 0.15863 0.88308 0.94825 0.88219 0.8877 0.93275 0.66045 0.78804 0.51244 0.88488 0.01513 0.54955 0.66047 0.43832 0.27907 0.06775 0.11556 0.99405 0.25263 0.85163 0.42924 0.93441 0.08985 0.34947 0.89307 0.2393 0.88304 0.40652 0.04104 0.95398 0.15479 0.93751 0.27084 0.79568 0.28398 0.42018 0.89994 0.19363 0.42465 0.76659 0.49658 0.69838 0.79559 0.30001 0.1018 0.43457 0.42897 0.29333 0.14095 0.86375 0.34303 0.57635 0.57997 0.84777 0.72036 0.16829 0.91179 0.87487 0.00798 0.9331 0.25426 0.98138 0.16226 0.8098 0.87373 0.98679 0.84789 0.25232 0.09694 0.75543 0.59071 0.59559 0.61362 0.54652 0.43077 0.86502 0.52773 0.19638 0.06592 0.53675 0.91497 0.14048 0.11736 0.55846 0.40993 0.43333 0.80447 0.45728 0.99136 0.9621 0.86287 0.74293 0.73189 0.81759 0.73246 0.03342 0.85625 0.10575 0.89225 0.0076 0.18853 0.96647 0.17042 0.37728 0.13108 0.91363 0.62124 0.98121 0.97505 0.31944 0.231 0.30515 0.14408 0.83322 0.56174 0.2662 0.77377 0.702 0.18404 0.68539 0.88988 0.86368 0.2922 0.05034 0.14324 0.76742 0.63257 0.98347 0.44629 0.88468 0.17492 0.18983 0.34733 0.83062 0.43146 0.26798 0.60552 0.09243 0.31322 0.92354 0.59189 0.11364 0.61407 0.60934 0.14474 0.05704 0.94436 0.51668 0.06731 0.31267 0.08886 0.57505 0.99362 0.60021 0.74857 0.27721 0.14821 0.13376 0.56187 0.03792 0.79216 0.63356 0.11891 0.96459 0.36662 0.98563 0.14284 0.02508 0.20169 0.2669 0.35197 0.59002 0.05544 0.55713 0.1095 0.47041 0.43409 0.53949 0.8032 0.50746 0.09379 0.67624 0.38226 0.33762 0.75891 0.18558 0.64724 0.21446 0.27551 0.10448 0.58084 0.47523 0.07202 0.94905 0.29423 0.63518 0.18434 0.76443 0.3989 0.54605 0.51302 0.65371 0.58702 0.18602 0.19444 0.58913 0.0213 0.3304 0.84644 0.22918 0.69398 0.19857 0.49523 0.61657 0.8181 0.41646 0.55089 0.49361 0.96404 0.02567 0.12956 0.37358 0.60146 0.74392 0.48142 0.84309 0.00236 0.49998 0.7464 0.02975 0.00827 0.37608 0.84829 0.79464 0.58298 0.00899 0.1006 0.46258 0.17752 0.13581 0.97997 0.84403 0.37175 0.49634 0.15163 0.78086 0.92023 0.41164 0.30207 0.97202 0.07758 0.24224 0.77386 0.25909 0.76166 0.76917 0.84316 0.32479 0.32386 0.72648 0.70572 0.90087 0.82731 0.3942 0.13133 0.00342 0.02769 0.24705 0.38041 0.96984 0.10207 0.57216 0.65791 0.88353 0.71291 0.54769 0.99647 0.05316 0.44633 0.77873 0.31381 0.69797 0.18542 0.37765 0.17436 0.69956 0.17143 0.78972 0.55399 0.29102 0.95582 0.37468 0.13361 0.56761 0.46874 0.90331 0.30242 0.35736 0.71779 0.6657 0.81309 0.73514 0.36905 0.24404 0.19206 0.3473 0.23452 0.28563 0.83782 0.01139 0.30005 0.80403 0.57432 0.35343 0.37465 0.06747 0.41758 0.50686 0.41047 0.77794 0.94399 0.76912 0.69845 0.41966 0.77632 0.10878 0.0607 0.04811 0.98455 0.53814 0.67838 0.3161 0.52878 0.83394 0.36517 0.11401 0.90592 0.78598 0.74129 0.90648 0.17191 0.71287 0.59544 0.02876 0.51558 0.1073 0.02393 0.87492 0.19567 0.8998 0.41734 0.57072 0.20274 0.1881 0.70388 0.84124 0.30791 0.82016 0.436 0.57508 0.38176 0.34135 0.99733 0.82014 0.54783 0.58379 0.04092 0.92043 0.9346 0.44909 0.62763 0.79985 0.53059 0.83544 0.63363 0.16559 0.97001 0.67885 0.56032 0.28923 0.74113 0.43409 0.95356 0.73808 0.99244 0.8127 0.38059 0.85503 0.94288 0.43836 0.67665 0.02496 0.35418 0.51632 0.18276 0.8218 0.60073 0.41113 0.94697 0.43077 0.13396 0.15133 0.32748 0.67351 0.24869 0.65624 0.191 0.33471 0.52161 0.11833 0.79384 0.5444 0.31631 0.63229 0.15615 0.67718 0.6532 0.53899 0.93655 0.87956 0.40473 0.83391 0.17166 0.75341 0.61269 0.27826 0.60047 0.79378 0.37304 0.37393 0.18546 0.07557 0.73484 0.44857 0.25273 0.91318 0.38544 0.55447 0.32677 0.3166 0.76793 0.38335 0.15438 0.80418 0.26695 0.91082 0.19487 0.96709 0.31779 0.95215 0.01488 0.1197 0.35473 0.87325 0.42604 0.49268 0.18635 0.16767 0.94165 0.39743 0.90824 0.90454 0.72708 0.63275 0.89226 0.53815 0.90369 0.17997 0.18896 0.90407 0.28953 0.55059 0.31191 0.86434 0.68985 0.28596 0.3615 0.80177 0.86272 0.01681 0.59316 0.86197 0.15954 0.5087 0.37478 0.62253 0.79477 0.24833 0.27599 0.12398 0.16839 0.36421 0.69194 0.0086 0.03706 0.49252 0.98382 0.43765 0.79829 0.99946
+0.04327 0.70887 0.27712 0.32431 0.68479 0.62547 0.37103 0.50176 0.26759 0.00933 0.50235 0.30516 0.72071 0.38273 0.29003 0.30525 0.27812 0.88275 0.15962 0.65489 0.8755 0.29171 0.0767 0.19035 0.58058 0.29734 0.42552 0.77631 0.27917 0.71708 0.71934 0.10299 0.25734 0.47222 0.98669 0.39728 0.82961 0.05094 0.5937 0.13858 0.61446 0.22622 0.65622 0.72369 0.46202 0.0282 0.48105 0.51274 0.52112 0.51737 0.37487 0.43701 0.49852 0.39454 0.93662 0.69873 0.29443 0.95236 0.4752 0.55395 0.62927 0.8545 0.02001 0.66592 0.98855 0.07986 0.22927 0.63299 0.45087 0.0192 0.26007 0.78783 0.49537 0.58579 0.41157 0.12223 0.23385 0.75401 0.63734 0.14725 0.70235 0.0994 0.12028 0.64574 0.97307 0.46564 0.9593 0.31362 0.70275 0.96899 0.55769 0.01056 0.90446 0.61736 0.84127 0.38875 0.53098 0.82001 0.23172 0.55871 0.83524 0.48653 0.67071 0.139 0.86338 0.50341 0.12203 0.61827 0.02422 0.88596 0.58841 0.5062 0.66859 0.38605 0.12181 0.96295 0.44688 0.26135 0.44404 0.84167 0.32331 0.9675 0.48221 0.46208 0.84842 0.2532 0.12962 0.72124 0.40762 0.42228 0.17239 0.46122 0.43808 0.64852 0.67854 0.03827 0.13484 0.31402 0.83128 0.82901 0.18348 0.24828 0.73041 0.86166 0.91852 0.68508 0.32731 0.42313 0.00153 0.75865 0.30907 0.7097 0.48141 0.8678 0.17054 0.84295 0.18631 0.18213 0.11841 0.65606 0.28314 0.12554 0.00826 0.90975 0.38275 0.52896 0.40143 0.96815 0.54698 0.64199 0.79239 0.28851 0.07301 0.00981 0.80489 0.93466 0.3728 0.62671 0.29323 0.00019 0.92391 0.75501 0.64633 0.52984 0.09811 0.59095 0.14884 0.77678 0.45378 0.518 0.93655 0.9354 0.53389 0.80685 0.83358 0.2132 0.02586 0.81423 0.18588 0.79293 0.92869 0.88616 0.4744 0.54293 0.0947 0.48428 0.84519 0.43904 0.59518 0.37282 0.41545 0.14191 0.47376 0.13783 0.10649 0.27975 0.20461 0.47562 0.62957 0.30447 0.46679 0.24663 0.10092 0.28663 0.29985 0.11987 0.90602 0.68975 0.30024 0.45648 0.28225 0.95721 0.38182 0.0144 0.2718 0.82645 0.56856 0.00713 0.99951 0.92632 0.91392 0.8856 0.72099 0.39265 0.25173 0.72192 0.71349 0.55325 0.2477 0.7248 0.12303 0.18515 0.14967 0.71155 0.74658 0.70493 0.23003 0.54097 0.35427 0.49834 0.11874 0.4218 0.21152 0.66986 0.33625 0.61287 0.1976 0.43212 0.62575 0.68446 0.69068 0.44487 0.72762 0.09379 0.05454 0.46425 0.77324 0.17304 0.59281 0.41409 0.01002 0.95262 0.85775 0.97018 0.9549 0.59577 0.05854 0.36086 0.71297 0.53847 0.93814 0.80249 0.78344 0.06702 0.71737 0.08904 0.68485 0.66523 0.96097 0.12329 0.0166 0.2957 0.94412 0.4139 0.53177 0.04255 0.79399 0.67134 0.67109 0.39124 0.18926 0.4421 0.92631 0.16519 0.73998 0.63782 0.35232 0.11436 0.69688 0.77782 0.5068 0.41695 0.0379 0.36517 0.40674 0.91678 0.61273 0.49657 0.60326 0.16244 0.34021 0.09428 0.50317 0.78072 0.65759 0.31509 0.98717 0.36715 0.3185 0.45875 0.6195 0.80364 0.37201 0.99566 0.73725 0.27901 0.1553 0.53119 0.8597 0.01723 0.01747 0.18713 0.69702 0.31402 0.75891 0.75786 0.09418 0.93893 0.34208 0.56594 0.09117 0.96288 0.51084 0.02925 0.2614 0.78051 0.90383 0.50029 0.24821 0.29464 0.91033 0.5287 0.12753 0.71116 0.4772 0.67334 0.97519 0.49705 0.82348 0.55888 0.32467 0.29596 0.73747 0.86095 0.18838 0.58903 0.97294 0.57611 0.46777 0.90969 0.70908 0.254 0.18886 0.36606 0.9728 0.3593 0.50457 0.69855 0.54622 0.32584 0.66049 0.66743 0.48113 0.67519 0.55795 0.71853 0.88752 0.87147 0.13128 0.48531 0.20772 0.34556 0.80805 0.64463 0.28055 0.21462 0.24024 0.83654 0.11494 0.95442 0.32545 0.38274 0.58076 0.92982 0.21143 0.66095 0.26063 0.9962 0.29951 0.75721 0.31849 0.45753 0.25803 0.80647 0.35281 0.71601 0.67915 0.54684 0.71877 0.30837 0.35234 0.56661 0.40214 0.89339 0.48489 0.24613 0.58864 0.02978 0.49771 0.29334 0.20102 0.22797 0.3779 0.65452 0.19184 0.38298 0.51455 0.32067 0.04137 0.63823 0.14304 0.95668 0.80702 0.94557 0.85781 0.54002 0.75417 0.44684 0.7295 0.50986 0.02055 0.61266 0.17503 0.2481 0.60353 0.44345 0.43812 0.83771 0.23947 0.30294 0.46702 0.18872 0.75095 0.63684 0.1191 0.76265 0.34714 0.1646 0.44113 0.13634 0.67095 0.0108 0.28789 0.26225 0.00847 0.04311 0.4523 0.29338 0.00777 0.55154 0.11953 0.5842 0.76901 0.84609 0.1315 0.18924 0.03838 0.64168 0.35912 0.3092 0.87045 0.25738
+0.55596 0.28057 0.96332 0.77157 0.88435 0.23057 0.2674 0.94519 0.92013 0.68118 0.93135 0.21139 0.45755 0.90284 0.47 0.6678 0.8454 0.79332 0.44052 0.70747 0.78919 0.17151 0.00853 0.70107 0.28775 0.17035 0.33006 0.0852 0.56293 0.74309 0.84738 0.86539 0.20096 0.27573 0.51405 0.59209 0.95573 0.84747 0.21998 0.19465 0.71698 0.83298 0.1732 0.18109 0.84879 0.58632 0.03203 0.14051 0.12461 0.46554 0.52059 0.83901 0.87228 0.13024 0.51882 0.9994 0.65573 0.0043 0.20034 0.02395 0.12421 0.65096 0.8454 0.09511 0.48316 0.80105 0.15139 0.0738 0.29552 0.11251 0.34032 0.72435 0.30073 0.89086 0.38126 0.69646 0.9549 0.25809 0.35038 0.00096 0.52279 0.11566 0.37968 0.86981 0.07321 0.45026 0.67531 0.40062 0.62393 0.37838 0.22977 0.84025 0.40255 0.31213 0.5555 0.46885 0.91912 0.85319 0.51088 0.51593 0.58651 0.96892 0.55914 0.96615 0.46077 0.10779 0.47075 0.29144 0.37218 0.34677 0.21122 0.36861 0.44393 0.90758 0.1364 0.20977 0.23945 0.97336 0.37953 0.65139 0.77146 0.66992 0.83456 0.27465 0.06771 0.51523 0.95044 0.27406 0.53818 0.17996 0.40434 0.7304 0.30847 0.92345 0.54424 0.39383 0.67451 0.44899 0.73011 0.63294 0.89389 0.52932 0.53769 0.6909 0.61417 0.25319 0.95689 0.88923 0.40764 0.71549 0.18377 0.88107 0.43983 0.75308 0.70202 0.60619 0.77848 0.42227 0.90725 0.72328 0.45339 0.37831 0.8002 0.50833 0.42202 0.42275 0.84786 0.49377 0.66798 0.31906 0.04684 0.73135 0.25822 0.31697 0.11727 0.33647 0.84842 0.78915 0.07816 0.50767 0.14756 0.64674 0.49753 0.55068 0.91188 0.23938 0.03559 0.47343 0.17944 0.53222 0.67582 0.45497 0.42631 0.87642 0.32093 0.24764 0.17577 0.80502 0.61219 0.54022 0.74937 0.73662 0.20878 0.28865 0.81891 0.99426 0.8246 0.96444 0.95127 0.82599 0.74872 0.75301 0.50223 0.30699 0.15937 0.02006 0.44973 0.79062 0.23083 0.53406 0.65045 0.80117 0.93446 0.4315 0.71101 0.47314 0.59966 0.43515 0.51748 0.19244 0.54234 0.90765 0.58845 0.88727 0.62481 0.43422 0.10909 0.97734 0.11549 0.85694 0.92595 0.37165 0.73986 0.97799 0.74431 0.43023 0.74384 0.70661 0.31431 0.64994 0.58673 0.29283 0.2292 0.82197 0.00593 0.95578 0.51932 0.02222 0.04001 0.70746 0.82258 0.84494 0.2536 0.87473 0.7765 0.71853 0.92595 0.75567 0.14813 0.57191 0.79759 0.85664 0.65541 0.71729 0.53299 0.15433 0.18199 0.75026 0.53576 0.71124 0.61012 0.46417 0.00061 0.14297 0.11202 0.42477 0.84111 0.2069 0.12587 0.49338 0.7405 0.34538 0.2052 0.04954 0.43822 0.96663 0.25421 0.33952 0.89206 0.55959 0.16943 0.532 0.5268 0.32223 0.02244 0.08791 0.77258 0.07601 0.6805 0.44356 0.24325 0.25454 0.06833 0.37283 0.12891 0.29717 0.754 0.80166 0.28689 0.29385 0.84364 0.23105 0.23174 0.34552 0.10092 0.91724 0.95879 0.98896 0.75547 0.4121 0.94707 0.08161 0.85313 0.76847 0.60328 0.13715 0.22722 0.255 0.53729 0.34792 0.57503 0.5777 0.01233 0.09748 0.72532 0.59197 0.70141 0.13994 0.53773 0.56717 0.72776 0.27367 0.16897 0.91566 0.26787 0.35453 0.71173 0.16571 0.07093 0.81074 0.49556 0.67463 0.02793 0.61268 0.74543 0.42562 0.56009 0.63541 0.10445 0.50043 0.53688 0.26084 0.05021 0.71646 0.74632 0.11217 0.12092 0.05361 0.35749 0.8124 0.45392 0.93505 0.38292 0.9162 0.65013 0.9348 0.14908 0.82907 0.16159 0.50643 0.60564 0.08189 0.487 0.29644 0.4891 0.25054 0.92219 0.20424 0.66586 0.85835 0.98183 0.27905 0.16197 0.60035 0.3106 0.44673 0.18278 0.0042 0.73953 0.9836 0.8588 0.929 0.7312 0.60303 0.24773 0.19091 0.06514 0.7891 0.96971 0.8414 0.80126 0.42353 0.25016 0.51608 0.7573 0.78276 0.50392 0.33997 0.25784 0.77654 0.49276 0.4679 0.6869 0.53809 0.14954 0.69372 0.59087 0.50874 0.05335 0.8555 0.56297 0.52916 0.69108 0.2771 0.92699 0.96181 0.59057 0.69174 0.83709 0.44644 0.65131 0.9193 0.7062 0.09493 0.02511 0.18812 0.54779 0.43827 0.68482 0.65294 0.88828 0.69798 0.24657 0.03937 0.02511 0.01244 0.16526 0.09157 0.91098 0.00095 0.48471 0.82614 0.25489 0.31972 0.35547 0.0396 0.23077 0.07729 0.70508 0.97594 0.04777 0.45409 0.50113 0.447 0.57007 0.09628 0.81152 0.19408 0.97458 0.91693 0.78714 0.90208 0.42045 0.16299 0.59885 0.49525 0.11571 0.58793 0.29997 0.03136 0.90077 0.58148 0.89416 0.13758 0.21072 0.747 0.15731 0.93239 0.99361 0.8657 0.94326 0.98612
+0.53111 0.74893 0.74552 0.21564 0.67363 0.57859 0.43838 0.32566 0.77507 0.67441 0.19023 0.70066 0.9943 0.76842 0.24349 0.65734 0.40847 0.3672 0.44111 0.05227 0.87474 0.03364 0.24684 0.04259 0.89633 0.82696 0.49091 0.95987 0.40342 0.97404 0.6987 0.00219 0.75558 0.28883 0.40974 0.50605 0.49437 0.05095 0.06194 0.05957 0.16046 0.26825 0.95277 0.02719 0.52237 0.42779 0.34053 0.68909 0.46992 0.83883 0.72144 0.45034 0.01451 0.00944 0.76986 0.32419 0.23916 0.28658 0.1321 0.76534 0.60665 0.85877 0.66636 0.99806 0.33971 0.63269 0.78963 0.1245 0.13036 0.05812 0.99033 0.8036 0.47831 0.46784 0.19457 0.33281 0.04471 0.48635 0.50003 0.54219 0.53813 0.51539 0.20056 0.8729 0.48104 0.72244 0.89341 0.75772 0.68429 0.28942 0.21157 0.37141 0.05501 0.32743 0.62349 0.30807 0.06939 0.00548 0.53232 0.25697 0.63066 0.56988 0.08084 0.6134 0.62218 0.17398 0.43683 0.55783 0.00772 0.7855 0.3441 0.55544 0.83557 0.13865 0.27597 0.47671 0.30866 0.84409 0.90741 0.20669 0.247 0.68243 0.91836 0.79314 0.31351 0.12374 0.69762 0.0247 0.96803 0.26474 0.41334 0.03651 0.82325 0.61029 0.60266 0.62054 0.69141 0.68337 0.00137 0.43523 0.76729 0.91796 0.82047 0.07859 0.7332 0.51457 0.31993 0.96032 0.21772 0.21864 0.55795 0.80437 0.35845 0.08996 0.75951 0.80199 0.53863 0.48625 0.2738 0.36035 0.69842 0.69212 0.76198 0.17964 0.44461 0.88911 0.84216 0.6719 0.91359 0.16562 0.43048 0.05202 0.91001 0.81271 0.61751 0.12161 0.08713 0.63523 0.99202 0.38679 0.65909 0.80533 0.85638 0.00362 0.2632 0.17789 0.83301 0.47285 0.70645 0.13089 0.73646 0.97406 0.84296 0.4371 0.20703 0.95322 0.86218 0.28282 0.71217 0.51768 0.40958 0.25584 0.89421 0.73255 0.71067 0.89052 0.47269 0.31001 0.84762 0.30977 0.51511 0.99356 0.44556 0.70456 0.507 0.38158 0.17881 0.61886 0.57508 0.6597 0.59424 0.43114 0.10966 0.41408 0.7078 0.63575 0.39881 0.36063 0.68473 0.54903 0.48577 0.02693 0.90062 0.53332 0.71726 0.14913 0.51455 0.41884 0.47816 0.72133 0.81185 0.12112 0.19307 0.7278 0.22829 0.46918 0.10592 0.50051 0.92829 0.34486 0.59762 0.89616 0.36525 0.03773 0.96355 0.76675 0.18998 0.91286 0.23937 0.4485 0.06438 0.6121 0.67198 0.79186 0.91754 0.01647 0.7903 0.32439 0.66664 0.60857 0.99023 0.05759 0.01439 0.65671 0.63647 0.30314 0.82278 0.12148 0.50822 0.35153 0.63833 0.39978 0.35376 0.12158 0.18903 0.00076 0.07914 0.97766 0.83942 0.77604 0.01118 0.5584 0.10539 0.34196 0.58127 0.8829 0.70871 0.08197 0.82702 0.63274 0.04384 0.02859 0.11944 0.27912 0.63297 0.4778 0.10252 0.77109 0.43844 0.736 0.99989 0.07147 0.01689 0.29569 0.7768 0.56525 0.42242 0.98072 0.59979 0.40378 0.83522 0.21708 0.21248 0.03744 0.90847 0.71438 0.60816 0.16436 0.45864 0.53941 0.68615 0.26373 0.54013 0.73408 0.49799 0.6108 0.29027 0.81233 0.95063 0.9861 0.59655 0.81312 0.96389 0.86487 0.09175 0.64245 0.41905 0.13043 0.13369 0.14652 0.79549 0.90974 0.46876 0.10438 0.43848 0.70215 0.86638 0.74763 0.69558 0.06901 0.06069 0.09163 0.47357 0.95683 0.17362 0.643 0.01775 0.88695 0.24995 0.96291 0.20969 0.74398 0.9414 0.02353 0.74575 0.26995 0.33904 0.67892 0.62376 0.47458 0.53159 0.10039 0.3477 0.62865 0.35229 0.21415 0.48372 0.5193 0.87958 0.03613 0.77672 0.67534 0.11709 0.03863 0.39765 0.62456 0.86599 0.68911 0.30926 0.70784 0.92248 0.18514 0.52241 0.67341 0.16665 0.34691 0.0455 0.68959 0.49574 0.64967 0.30605 0.35067 0.35904 0.20964 0.23398 0.38794 0.2043 0.46477 0.74347 0.28567 0.54425 0.39049 0.76767 0.87804 0.21529 0.01581 0.8395 0.00054 0.07497 0.58548 0.18574 0.76765 0.8681 0.12292 0.2392 0.36171 0.22348 0.40284 0.02624 0.51157 0.64069 0.21807 0.07875 0.26148 0.93831 0.65179 0.7449 0.54494 0.17178 0.36746 0.57258 0.25274 0.33903 0.31203 0.49586 0.03001 0.04504 0.22232 0.02392 0.39961 0.71025 0.26878 0.45337 0.7139 0.70061 0.02674 0.96372 0.90685 0.50687 0.89708 0.12039 0.09434 0.17683 0.24054 0.08812 0.33211 0.26375 0.21298 0.57031 0.12576 0.07026 0.0685 0.69784 0.19597 0.22338 0.2764 0.21725 0.84431 0.48763 0.21042 0.53791 0.04138 0.88971 0.53196 0.55767 0.48282 0.14854 0.76394 0.92075 0.39835 0.74684 0.82872 0.71203 0.37633 0.01481 0.33225 0.61208 0.53195 0.96747 0.0819 0.99745 0.62372
+0.21886 0.88524 0.93268 0.5153 0.93614 0.03896 0.12813 0.79028 0.3589 0.80603 0.83435 0.12075 0.03016 0.13875 0.39505 0.67705 0.54017 0.44268 0.58495 0.71411 0.28721 0.61812 0.43755 0.33437 0.71275 0.84762 0.16005 0.46089 0.01815 0.41989 0.21255 0.18688 0.07718 0.76762 0.39954 0.34114 0.15461 0.67617 0.93389 0.27784 0.62145 0.32176 0.41064 0.40323 0.14874 0.63946 0.27086 0.76001 0.45673 0.88703 0.59593 0.12754 0.21584 0.60753 0.10799 0.83808 0.49858 0.89154 0.34904 0.98282 0.51616 0.64173 0.5865 0.72172 0.9843 0.87204 0.41866 0.85641 0.89757 0.22805 0.59753 0.01897 0.85709 0.6908 0.61229 0.03043 0.31335 0.9737 0.83211 0.36121 0.21797 0.8352 0.27766 0.59857 0.69116 0.04492 0.94187 0.07091 0.86539 0.2626 0.96311 0.13757 0.63196 0.96515 0.34973 0.94991 0.6369 0.69084 0.1387 0.23031 0.59728 0.62404 0.71951 0.06727 0.75312 0.83307 0.48869 0.8245 0.24182 0.76687 0.42969 0.90595 0.03331 0.14361 0.00544 0.54536 0.87971 0.92967 0.57643 0.95584 0.35098 0.50109 0.17209 0.88091 0.69482 0.53236 0.02991 0.64264 0.39557 0.89616 0.42488 0.54678 0.0417 0.6928 0.07607 0.03068 0.6953 0.84019 0.81335 0.866 0.53186 0.58247 0.78412 0.78712 0.74202 0.00398 0.45724 0.91114 0.90287 0.89749 0.38237 0.55781 0.95763 0.82179 0.09265 0.49538 0.43394 0.74558 0.87911 0.5289 0.66081 0.62879 0.75601 0.43196 0.27364 0.71128 0.69122 0.80235 0.13909 0.4263 0.43307 0.75235 0.90744 0.72339 0.88815 0.64826 0.65332 0.38724 0.35963 0.789 0.33913 0.01385 0.41562 0.21464 0.18039 0.70309 0.42546 0.54549 0.36051 0.32395 0.44978 0.37299 0.36702 0.19193 0.05728 0.61423 0.50826 0.18924 0.87865 0.75791 0.74201 0.05505 0.50872 0.95417 0.96021 0.96589 0.84905 0.98917 0.87019 0.3808 0.62809 0.34778 0.27621 0.59568 0.19952 0.70717 0.49621 0.00133 0.43981 0.36225 0.37348 0.34236 0.50531 0.86271 0.48678 0.10492 0.88439 0.84785 0.6263 0.47358 0.95749 0.251 0.16084 0.2156 0.3459 0.76595 0.14574 0.79433 0.36393 0.25981 0.20373 0.36537 0.20864 0.57008 0.98939 0.32909 0.59499 0.71195 0.80275 0.24931 0.95704 0.85082 0.06675 0.339 0.21722 0.50874 0.39914 0.95509 0.83735 0.56381 0.30148 0.28041 0.95257 0.41072 0.68149 0.85193 0.75071 0.65652 0.2061 0.68909 0.48894 0.65403 0.30751 0.00419 0.59136 0.7591 0.81986 0.85897 0.21169 0.4957 0.72115 0.53704 0.73171 0.96781 0.51788 0.49593 0.73902 0.99695 0.05478 0.19227 0.98122 0.26462 0.75704 0.57937 0.13583 0.82583 0.34697 0.31351 0.8622 0.035 0.83205 0.77245 0.12375 0.11737 0.54816 0.62645 0.06911 0.2642 0.912 0.16982 0.02164 0.94268 0.73419 0.69047 0.01253 0.36452 0.68732 0.75619 0.64482 0.19435 0.38807 0.64886 0.04785 0.79692 0.87152 0.65108 0.06395 0.36159 0.33132 0.92801 0.60086 0.37235 0.96031 0.25062 0.08992 0.33946 0.12437 0.94863 0.77101 0.9374 0.08264 0.45507 0.25991 0.46788 0.32677 0.07971 0.04035 0.05948 0.08242 0.42802 0.28329 0.2723 0.42592 0.43568 0.66181 0.80618 0.59479 0.70745 0.6407 0.57543 0.50478 0.60173 0.11697 0.53062 0.45211 0.45336 0.30416 0.05397 0.11229 0.27808 0.37795 0.9655 0.17954 0.96221 0.68285 0.25572 0.31656 0.68492 0.84315 0.02624 0.10433 0.25984 0.76913 0.32884 0.26105 0.91373 0.04524 0.97822 0.25139 0.62142 0.32729 0.2811 0.32043 0.7068 0.92389 0.16678 0.17286 0.30211 0.71493 0.07595 0.60975 0.52819 0.31379 0.26784 0.88389 0.21494 0.93576 0.58117 0.58408 0.93669 0.62495 0.33495 0.52274 0.42198 0.60844 0.27945 0.98977 0.19047 0.9231 0.42448 0.09167 0.63827 0.79344 0.4402 0.01735 0.79526 0.62238 0.16657 0.67195 0.2414 0.05439 0.55049 0.01318 0.13602 0.84797 0.59102 0.13824 0.58203 0.76285 8e-05 0.97443 0.02068 0.75949 0.94475 0.82142 0.00304 0.69451 0.66886 0.54469 0.84891 0.08637 0.09504 0.44488 0.68136 0.7523 0.55394 0.87424 0.72778 0.68622 0.72548 0.79486 0.61768 0.08989 0.29368 0.75999 0.23092 0.87535 0.54037 0.90108 0.31387 0.67842 0.48748 0.75338 0.74575 0.35706 0.48528 0.23209 0.49851 0.80803 0.80172 0.58086 0.06842 0.52654 0.01403 0.73377 0.37141 0.81153 0.57268 0.39869 0.51509 0.0935 0.57776 0.306 0.47009 0.21364 0.75933 0.42879 0.16792 0.94199 0.4437 0.54064 0.07837 0.16942 0.09715 0.5554 0.73817 0.91461 0.99929 0.8057 0.07089 0.58685 0.93764
+0.20785 0.58222 0.81022 0.22794 0.87631 0.42088 0.30563 0.6956 0.83646 0.87105 0.66694 0.39311 0.86832 0.49432 0.08136 0.66957 0.47052 0.31706 0.0052 0.05077 0.287 0.51501 0.91033 0.99876 0.78656 0.22405 0.01399 0.02106 0.79419 0.37484 0.54771 0.87748 0.65574 0.79287 0.40304 0.01615 0.3996 0.41904 0.29454 0.92357 0.33729 0.35941 0.46399 0.07178 0.8987 0.5843 0.0947 0.03203 0.96052 0.11316 0.88694 0.10593 0.48601 0.1729 0.51765 0.67918 0.9066 0.64457 0.82209 0.4495 0.936 0.10893 0.83529 0.52784 0.72105 0.36844 0.83939 0.59531 0.87484 0.68318 0.44286 0.87855 0.39366 0.68602 0.11667 0.49421 0.0995 0.2686 0.00111 0.77876 0.03171 0.07351 0.03293 0.84632 0.18461 0.28224 0.09351 0.43039 0.62141 0.10113 0.92297 0.96218 0.47202 0.27392 0.50202 0.55518 0.97195 0.00191 0.77336 0.48134 0.31574 0.9589 0.77491 0.34974 0.04538 0.15244 0.59315 0.1479 0.15032 0.99295 0.73668 0.76628 0.35501 0.17245 0.26609 0.19813 0.27392 0.11209 0.66507 0.81314 0.39122 0.58867 0.21151 0.03991 0.27311 0.73101 0.3685 0.34017 0.58994 0.35261 0.93073 0.99862 0.8908 0.64839 0.30477 0.37293 0.51857 0.08721 0.36499 0.01948 0.15133 0.66565 0.97731 0.74228 0.46516 0.60198 0.50143 0.91843 0.34057 0.58004 0.33123 0.55402 0.84091 0.50763 0.56763 0.56621 0.50569 0.90048 0.79156 0.58485 0.97232 0.67623 0.081 0.68877 0.7014 0.61728 0.61029 0.59066 0.4203 0.74484 0.74405 0.78717 0.25292 0.72089 0.38131 0.92406 0.17447 0.72431 0.44662 0.17356 0.12177 0.22383 0.83659 0.90242 0.8607 0.51986 0.56868 0.45498 0.09742 0.49515 0.79665 0.50443 0.50249 0.90006 0.82623 0.88743 0.97735 0.50478 0.24482 0.3312 0.52745 0.23569 0.342 0.95905 0.32873 0.01906 0.72723 0.06981 0.96384 0.02806 0.85023 0.26204 0.28595 0.67774 0.91606 0.36005 0.15581 0.46755 0.40797 0.22548 0.62804 0.30746 0.26149 0.56639 0.2462 0.39353 0.035 0.67947 0.21073 0.70534 0.7936 0.71287 0.36961 0.25814 0.04236 0.68312 0.30559 0.58121 0.26548 0.4325 0.20042 0.46259 0.08105 0.98808 0.11493 0.82412 0.29044 0.7896 0.01642 0.35855 0.16567 0.16439 0.02798 0.83927 0.73432 0.95246 0.49004 0.87461 0.15971 0.39808 0.65419 0.71476 0.17669 0.10812 0.65876 0.58642 0.58652 0.34284 0.7145 0.82988 0.95233 0.66676 0.35048 0.50167 0.14937 0.96406 0.31325 0.21893 0.81038 0.28943 0.01081 0.38813 0.76319 0.13648 0.06017 0.3079 0.65543 0.41716 0.17458 0.59028 0.21255 0.80701 0.52797 0.6211 0.80601 0.48443 0.25883 0.37942 0.62351 0.76186 0.52399 0.48298 0.78734 0.61075 0.26506 0.6963 0.1076 0.83222 0.16893 0.16064 0.32497 0.68007 0.66181 0.16148 0.90108 0.28767 0.03796 0.59178 0.59748 0.05888 0.22829 0.71471 0.41617 0.78051 0.36134 0.53221 0.70203 0.6577 0.28383 0.15744 0.85846 0.46552 0.38388 0.71939 0.14886 0.63479 0.32034 0.53476 0.19066 0.87247 0.56947 0.31599 0.38904 0.83989 0.62111 0.42935 0.49258 0.98455 0.48503 0.80364 0.10299 0.38556 0.38168 0.85016 0.04703 0.08447 0.76416 0.22373 0.36064 0.66581 0.70084 0.59151 0.75538 0.65801 0.36775 0.60315 0.10566 0.4121 0.71348 0.68589 0.27759 0.1091 0.81183 0.58695 0.69901 0.10082 0.36536 0.85572 0.6109 0.78684 0.02115 0.40161 0.59891 0.44867 0.70481 0.89741 0.04935 0.48794 0.49008 0.4169 0.09811 0.06122 0.85848 0.17013 0.92475 0.42069 0.73561 0.97721 0.93293 0.28327 0.23768 0.83653 0.66523 0.07517 0.84228 0.22193 0.44073 0.20344 0.54895 0.65966 0.65758 0.5773 0.88605 0.05341 0.94607 0.07086 0.22893 0.42018 0.84297 0.80095 0.82216 0.6225 0.21033 0.71087 0.92967 0.84077 0.55027 0.7763 0.27308 0.31324 0.55045 0.40636 0.03322 0.9875 0.40744 0.14531 0.00373 0.0603 0.48705 0.14115 0.30023 0.31863 0.6021 0.78579 0.0745 0.9513 0.73178 0.59331 0.81286 0.07762 0.97396 0.66857 0.80611 0.21457 0.09303 0.98833 0.2209 0.35123 0.42387 0.38931 0.97645 0.98828 0.92346 0.15124 0.0658 0.27705 0.28737 0.46347 0.99468 0.98863 0.74248 0.3148 0.28525 0.83602 0.52517 0.27152 0.82032 0.53926 0.2196 0.03939 0.9529 0.62682 0.15665 0.67637 0.49748 0.05647 0.6358 0.08284 0.44653 0.75306 0.12461 0.07111 0.2552 0.73287 0.24399 0.16006 0.30356 0.928 0.76752 0.4993 0.30215 0.74856 0.48221 0.95155 0.47748 0.80723 0.15211 0.23842 0.5165 0.08039 0.77089 0.51836
+0.56184 0.08747 0.8812 0.38314 0.58992 0.81122 0.60183 0.88436 0.53841 0.25121 0.47863 0.09811 0.58035 0.48763 0.32874 0.1681 0.70819 0.28249 0.02094 0.68527 0.26654 0.47326 0.88697 0.15387 0.53596 0.90558 0.38893 0.35034 0.047 0.73827 0.20492 0.34463 0.9788 0.37997 0.02844 0.25488 0.65421 0.66667 0.99245 0.16742 0.12896 0.99819 0.53631 0.7388 0.03322 0.31746 0.57811 0.20718 0.08544 0.53386 0.27314 0.53922 0.19485 0.80908 0.01918 0.3199 0.22269 0.96548 0.03719 0.59871 0.66715 0.7136 0.00514 0.26744 0.49141 0.95356 0.06158 0.02498 0.2268 0.56363 0.31089 0.19903 0.72304 0.06741 0.27289 0.02228 0.34484 0.6678 0.03412 0.54369 0.99518 0.9703 0.41492 0.88944 0.55223 0.15358 0.12526 0.6735 0.50447 0.67054 0.15827 0.86884 0.17394 0.07149 0.3382 0.70505 0.99913 0.96469 0.29332 0.49989 0.56921 0.48025 0.54609 0.69198 0.73494 0.95931 0.51339 0.79709 0.56965 0.53541 0.39299 0.56162 0.57842 0.04472 0.85195 0.96183 0.65941 0.25284 0.35973 0.05194 0.33423 0.67322 0.13838 0.74415 0.5307 0.57721 0.43139 0.94212 0.21817 0.57317 0.55464 0.30803 0.40953 0.32616 0.1509 0.60953 0.32304 0.16418 0.77 0.85376 0.76409 0.65944 0.1988 0.14545 0.19221 0.94103 0.58146 0.85817 0.62521 0.48014 0.80699 0.44384 0.31168 0.98676 0.66747 0.86881 0.9378 0.41575 0.43776 0.87399 0.94288 0.38758 0.79668 0.29478 0.89525 0.75464 0.62557 0.04118 0.14482 0.70506 0.1886 0.2717 0.69571 0.77515 0.90705 0.8116 0.81611 0.20344 0.08777 0.69279 0.99333 0.17449 0.14106 0.52151 0.9456 0.03953 0.37758 0.98146 0.25268 0.64936 0.37943 0.78751 0.99432 1.0 0.90764 0.69296 0.66477 0.01341 0.24986 0.64802 0.04632 0.84111 0.24748 0.40122 0.44241 0.33334 0.4151 0.60252 0.98426 0.27498 0.57462 0.47249 0.76013 0.39239 0.75707 0.10781 0.36179 0.00219 0.29002 0.80969 0.74835 0.81271 0.72074 0.18284 0.83225 0.66954 0.1147 0.88968 0.14405 0.82618 0.54791 0.14403 0.10326 0.8003 0.05841 0.79917 0.60701 0.51548 0.07876 0.07458 0.44339 0.09255 0.76767 0.11782 0.65695 0.92061 0.50175 0.43609 0.71331 0.4253 0.38285 0.86538 0.99698 0.54332 0.0377 0.61316 0.95384 0.8197 0.8909 0.00852 0.85975 0.98611 0.81473 0.33189 0.13952 0.80016 0.37097 0.18197 0.49345 0.73194 0.98393 0.74169 0.2936 0.69562 0.03103 0.82333 0.74082 0.03399 0.36381 0.77876 0.51855 0.77967 0.11277 0.05966 0.3201 0.69141 0.78892 0.76046 0.05372 0.07135 0.67081 0.42532 0.3365 0.33345 0.97958 0.73196 0.8535 0.40756 0.68057 0.11816 0.24523 0.8068 0.01216 0.66577 0.69426 0.1558 0.12619 0.80658 0.07652 0.59827 0.74329 0.30592 0.32783 0.2621 0.23484 0.21655 0.48116 0.29097 0.98243 0.17713 0.82097 0.04107 0.89439 0.74388 0.27002 0.03727 0.08514 0.37187 0.87782 0.87187 0.53683 0.21832 0.61333 0.83893 0.2219 0.78857 0.17892 0.22219 0.61474 0.91925 0.75189 0.31043 0.12451 0.60608 0.68361 0.2769 0.17965 0.47452 0.64558 0.31274 0.07295 0.132 0.23248 0.50533 0.50178 0.8541 0.00388 0.72778 0.60102 0.02115 0.44382 0.61829 0.11703 0.07349 0.1278 0.38923 0.23108 0.51583 0.59047 0.32365 0.63047 0.77266 0.35358 0.21198 0.13535 0.18019 0.27625 0.82329 0.10206 0.93094 0.42756 0.0949 0.04052 0.50972 0.01398 0.32045 0.87267 0.10392 0.64421 0.54867 0.97828 0.40438 0.78812 0.75657 0.36905 0.99876 0.16619 0.57156 0.01206 0.26187 0.26893 0.97971 0.95972 0.67232 0.29661 0.4437 0.82187 0.24569 0.45315 0.52292 0.44338 0.1636 0.98494 0.05556 0.00134 0.90591 0.88587 0.48973 0.36168 0.35151 0.90601 0.14025 0.56342 0.47103 0.67895 0.37013 0.91335 0.19161 0.93879 0.70073 0.40832 0.12586 0.95655 0.75108 0.69483 0.44144 0.52406 0.88974 0.7252 0.18786 0.73477 0.79716 0.15015 0.49721 0.67287 0.70341 0.01375 0.38094 0.1645 0.25409 0.12975 0.09104 0.41132 0.35065 0.71748 0.36559 0.99908 0.01488 0.2716 0.48862 0.04365 0.94841 0.70996 0.54127 0.71511 0.15764 0.35649 0.26194 0.07667 0.58847 0.49697 0.9837 0.30763 0.78968 0.98969 0.60266 0.33925 0.52408 0.25261 0.29901 0.3498 0.68119 0.86619 0.72936 0.94675 0.71411 0.07973 0.50551 0.33937 0.79207 0.90636 0.52417 0.19415 0.0995 0.61867 0.09267 0.803 0.41896 0.01407 0.37505 0.24587 0.24924 0.11602 0.57406 0.15136 0.1388 0.90481 0.03988 0.02901 0.66868 0.4414 0.21361
+0.13878 0.09984 0.85577 0.09442 0.15934 0.00086 0.43591 0.75315 0.97293 0.09548 0.66363 0.46384 0.93677 0.8349 0.38579 0.5365 0.58013 0.67452 0.28528 0.57643 0.80713 0.01022 0.5422 0.30303 0.27769 0.34258 0.67861 0.44731 0.60747 0.92271 0.32413 0.69083 0.59444 0.02105 0.82511 0.90103 0.1213 0.43901 0.94102 0.05662 0.61547 0.74266 0.89266 0.82506 0.00043 0.10684 0.64175 0.99877 0.84001 0.51093 0.7728 0.54938 0.6999 0.50995 0.10657 0.16237 0.67945 0.00471 0.44584 0.74744 0.54167 0.97662 0.40822 0.7235 0.34957 0.77114 0.92991 0.95272 0.01669 0.93948 0.42058 0.49777 0.83027 0.22345 0.24115 0.45305 0.46169 0.34913 0.22812 0.42118 0.64451 0.16291 0.42152 0.65782 0.12589 0.08252 0.80125 0.04198 0.6875 0.52405 0.46803 0.45897 0.49612 0.56504 0.39627 0.34549 0.70572 0.50098 0.31943 0.10015 0.60647 0.4203 0.72757 0.62224 0.62516 0.90788 0.05923 0.26653 0.29539 0.1132 0.03194 0.71875 0.94969 0.40703 0.7524 0.81682 0.50045 0.33913 0.21181 0.1254 0.40556 0.58833 0.60463 0.70474 0.52953 0.18256 0.48967 0.21157 0.58122 0.19666 0.05178 0.33705 0.95109 0.58867 0.5972 0.49033 0.91797 0.24947 0.36166 0.99513 0.68208 0.32365 0.14614 0.33411 0.55523 0.93674 0.22319 0.62634 0.74959 0.35614 0.00712 0.2107 0.65567 0.39824 0.85479 0.18916 0.37331 0.8019 0.22795 0.95929 0.10565 0.30948 0.09606 0.65826 0.3249 0.8068 0.14162 0.95509 0.50315 0.15766 0.354 0.45965 0.51267 0.56401 0.54631 0.2933 0.68555 0.14234 0.26627 0.25354 0.44977 0.93028 0.29692 0.14534 0.16096 0.09339 0.27053 0.31115 0.87331 0.96542 0.90216 0.00022 0.84867 0.03383 0.23272 0.21629 0.49115 0.23983 0.40523 0.72955 0.65553 0.94575 0.55946 0.36915 0.41468 0.39632 0.36605 0.41987 0.50614 0.15064 0.38831 0.4684 0.74697 0.09537 0.98197 0.99854 0.31693 0.8941 0.42581 0.14975 0.17907 0.43234 0.59037 0.86424 0.92161 0.15263 0.27727 0.35602 0.4332 0.64505 0.0276 0.75913 0.22359 0.75578 0.84375 0.78741 0.07443 0.12793 0.33066 0.98633 0.45113 0.44065 0.20074 0.71989 0.06476 0.52694 0.88897 0.1707 0.21797 0.60166 0.48709 0.55578 0.70078 0.93928 0.00627 0.84191 0.33297 0.9996 0.98694 0.72193 0.3474 0.17794 0.12415 0.99331 0.0691 0.27039 0.47149 0.06692 0.78781 0.62576 0.88176 0.81363 0.29102 0.33715 0.62829 0.14297 0.30836 0.76925 0.35019 0.92159 0.01899 0.67473 0.11177 0.22323 0.80783 0.53391 0.77154 0.57613 0.55886 0.1503 0.0864 0.87475 0.10033 0.81463 0.54766 0.8629 0.54523 0.86745 0.24703 0.07192 0.31766 0.02378 0.37775 0.84844 0.1262 0.88591 0.06484 0.73904 0.12437 0.85935 0.80465 0.25519 0.95982 0.42057 0.30672 0.94411 0.32393 0.76486 0.20536 0.09094 0.44829 0.14974 0.50765 0.17219 0.52084 0.65944 0.77088 0.37593 0.09096 0.28769 0.30771 0.04883 0.79601 0.69585 0.95951 0.84463 0.21562 0.03239 0.27742 0.46802 0.04824 0.39048 0.16054 0.79807 0.36051 0.92096 0.24272 0.14393 0.81722 0.47966 0.60287 0.99284 0.36851 0.02931 0.6746 0.75679 0.54283 0.76986 0.9627 0.69539 0.3064 0.47834 0.33827 0.93908 0.43554 0.44927 0.48214 0.65782 0.11582 0.75825 0.8022 0.44282 0.56315 0.18474 0.62597 0.36083 0.99433 0.26694 0.92414 0.79475 0.52459 0.82105 0.90413 0.29192 0.2206 0.31855 0.7577 0.46157 0.24788 0.8041 0.56155 0.25058 0.22615 0.6219 0.8608 0.69445 0.8187 0.15484 0.48768 0.79836 0.0885 0.56763 0.48696 0.89925 0.44218 0.28569 0.95013 0.4778 0.80164 0.62482 0.99872 0.80532 0.97308 0.77848 0.72149 0.43123 0.55239 0.35787 0.07379 0.82221 0.9032 0.06776 0.99634 0.12284 0.57806 0.41975 0.4213 0.17555 0.4648 0.00662 0.71838 0.45491 0.0932 0.10325 0.52911 0.53683 0.40016 0.56079 0.79927 0.98787 0.62021 0.35864 0.38684 0.0704 0.74698 0.64119 0.2055 0.59017 0.44005 0.25103 0.1753 0.21662 0.85942 0.59524 0.98203 0.67422 0.18442 0.25589 0.20277 0.57407 0.58094 0.7107 0.96569 0.73885 0.83373 0.01977 0.53385 0.89632 0.9762 0.07882 0.97823 0.50853 0.41406 0.00184 0.73227 0.71668 0.31955 0.36915 0.94512 0.23776 0.66082 0.84995 0.83409 0.31123 0.69644 0.24196 0.35893 0.77185 0.07254 0.00768 0.27454 0.33106 0.56339 0.70087 0.14953 0.96369 0.95149 0.08377 0.46389 0.41099 0.12567 0.56304 0.21019 0.89112 0.54526 0.06286 0.52026 0.30153 0.18296 0.65665 0.72413 0.66122
+0.4876 0.90038 0.68631 0.03458 0.81837 0.03916 0.88675 0.47894 0.51679 0.32072 0.07738 0.11915 0.14515 0.30273 0.78681 0.32088 0.84616 0.09914 0.93733 0.1853 0.51755 0.98549 0.90619 0.42878 0.3002 0.12689 0.37005 0.10145 0.03561 0.70084 0.70857 0.90134 0.67658 0.92561 0.51554 0.06836 0.94309 0.07578 0.01355 0.72841 0.87669 0.79337 0.54623 0.54849 0.78359 0.47775 0.80352 0.89814 0.8267 0.25928 0.75311 0.70962 0.60078 0.13795 0.76879 0.94265 0.77726 0.89899 0.5909 0.89243 0.83253 0.28304 0.38318 0.91351 0.8535 0.94351 0.636 0.73435 0.70513 0.47964 0.28703 0.00212 0.6268 0.30545 0.21163 0.27653 0.21497 0.62268 0.3681 0.62814 0.31732 0.71931 0.0556 0.47838 0.07628 0.77898 0.73013 0.1939 0.20244 0.6457 0.40535 0.11129 0.53525 0.50022 0.08118 0.98569 0.26174 0.22775 0.93179 0.51506 0.20589 0.02124 0.88782 0.84839 0.81531 0.43438 0.09402 0.07259 0.14137 0.75473 0.09313 0.17418 0.19585 0.36803 0.60697 0.44266 0.87532 0.58643 0.03245 0.95804 0.81769 0.53949 0.92983 0.03908 0.2915 0.05361 0.54123 0.91981 0.0417 0.45969 0.23168 0.32942 0.57487 0.7517 0.23098 0.56668 0.94168 0.58707 0.18824 0.05374 0.85862 0.65055 0.43614 0.83872 0.2728 0.56556 0.37898 0.36741 0.96972 0.88056 0.90601 0.94418 0.21516 0.37591 0.94224 0.23212 0.10268 0.09972 0.18183 0.06741 0.42068 0.94081 0.38122 0.28235 0.86418 0.63661 0.0942 0.10683 0.70157 0.8569 0.09268 0.39268 0.50909 0.0795 0.6281 0.87835 0.89785 0.36842 0.22009 0.55116 0.15723 0.76174 0.2239 0.29008 0.4156 0.83072 0.52681 0.42636 0.3397 0.5135 0.73035 0.1101 0.8026 0.56004 0.54115 0.09814 0.08902 0.58121 0.45993 0.02421 0.24265 0.50454 0.12 0.60628 0.07312 0.46414 0.39016 0.47391 0.12563 0.08224 0.01799 0.68944 0.97509 0.67193 0.64214 0.04844 0.98049 0.40956 0.26131 0.2229 0.89729 0.75358 0.19478 0.73311 0.95834 0.16754 0.45838 0.39759 0.00319 0.61475 0.29258 0.94472 0.82303 0.89068 0.1517 0.95757 0.99 0.39185 0.14658 0.47655 0.84985 0.10743 0.36857 0.13708 0.76547 0.65006 0.4198 0.48239 0.7048 0.29502 0.52899 0.74042 0.54614 0.857 0.13925 0.91925 0.29203 0.24952 0.07486 0.87778 0.18248 0.16366 0.28921 0.38461 0.12426 0.8865 0.79899 0.316 0.71298 0.07511 0.45124 0.84148 0.47711 0.14035 0.63033 0.66244 0.67591 0.31975 0.22619 0.16211 0.52841 0.83936 0.27508 0.69381 0.89991 0.4552 0.15639 0.46814 0.93362 0.02532 0.26031 0.41417 0.70848 0.50089 0.89354 0.03718 0.89548 0.00587 0.29634 0.56719 0.32301 0.93795 0.77551 0.07495 0.52905 0.56919 0.611 0.28307 0.98581 0.10466 0.09109 0.16651 0.77912 0.04305 0.45223 0.15707 0.52371 0.37287 0.9574 0.83825 0.23643 0.12213 0.5175 0.91224 0.25272 0.79781 0.82283 0.89983 0.54477 0.47187 0.01583 0.59463 0.09113 0.25837 0.36182 0.50218 0.86667 0.14337 0.56663 0.35423 0.53323 0.93557 0.48449 0.03556 0.56096 0.60472 0.35035 0.91899 0.11938 0.9648 0.03397 0.34368 0.11682 0.335 0.42196 0.92247 0.58987 0.52901 0.96843 0.74772 0.21249 0.26332 0.09924 0.33321 0.60553 0.15683 0.25761 0.12547 0.85567 0.41193 0.73816 0.54559 0.67633 0.19582 0.06953 0.53799 0.63348 0.37143 0.40788 0.53517 0.45034 0.30057 0.06379 0.65412 0.79109 0.60742 0.80969 0.39868 0.55763 0.27369 0.37801 0.12337 0.55349 0.88624 0.59544 0.61836 0.72782 0.58133 0.60831 0.9573 0.46597 0.25854 0.68381 0.13658 0.32248 0.56545 0.85787 0.3678 0.08371 0.49517 0.01832 0.96666 0.73755 0.91643 0.69609 0.66439 0.73335 0.59949 0.77066 0.22156 0.89368 0.39693 0.56461 0.93286 0.10473 0.63506 0.89609 0.17229 0.18537 0.25338 0.39319 0.71552 0.35928 0.20265 0.01071 0.06743 0.83234 0.88963 0.33552 0.44056 0.11043 0.07244 0.00529 0.09826 0.64145 0.38717 0.03173 0.16098 0.88486 0.98112 0.38137 0.86094 0.4285 0.09995 0.41822 0.81346 0.46246 0.55205 0.25686 0.07057 0.23266 0.75672 0.77289 0.29931 0.11633 0.90674 0.61766 0.58935 0.43512 0.4841 0.35399 0.75514 0.14139 0.96147 0.85653 0.33574 0.01145 0.84324 0.85338 0.76396 0.75233 0.83991 0.1007 0.48596 0.48316 0.16946 0.03672 0.99466 0.96898 0.20862 0.6631 0.60408 0.92442 0.25051 0.6131 0.05573 0.32998 0.42174 0.04843 0.77023 0.63437 0.4104 0.19591 0.90045 0.7055 0.48445 0.59546 0.06808 0.95889 0.88865 0.23295 0.36857
+0.77151 0.34006 0.39376 0.56515 0.99721 0.64927 0.64458 0.18229 0.7994 0.00349 0.88505 0.44057 0.75703 0.39249 0.14506 0.34689 0.66231 0.38773 0.54386 0.49214 0.86622 0.85684 0.32831 0.1446 0.19045 0.75635 0.93901 0.29967 0.58391 0.20944 0.95599 0.05872 0.89263 0.67874 0.7068 0.97848 0.23402 0.20209 0.88926 0.34864 0.34149 0.91615 0.65874 0.34924 0.76369 0.34171 0.22447 0.93289 0.62239 0.38198 0.77131 0.10837 0.68459 0.99965 0.32865 0.93389 0.84766 0.94253 0.36896 0.88592 0.01381 0.03825 0.51465 0.93673 0.21478 0.08315 0.99897 0.12747 0.83176 0.9116 0.48789 0.86101 0.02784 0.98457 0.24893 0.13839 0.85099 0.24791 0.9171 0.58808 0.58625 0.68846 0.28006 0.65354 0.4568 0.41345 0.94422 0.7 0.85053 0.07723 0.79763 0.97998 0.60012 0.58993 0.30455 0.34978 0.43259 0.17709 0.38292 0.53935 0.37057 0.76281 0.28966 0.04162 0.35424 0.12008 0.81949 0.63717 0.07373 0.81892 0.52307 0.57212 0.33666 0.13161 0.91214 0.59415 0.67468 0.10733 0.80654 0.46302 0.8829 0.20364 0.65116 0.64596 0.65919 0.02419 0.4341 0.51378 0.27166 0.69888 0.92788 0.1534 0.91415 0.25967 0.28921 0.01865 0.13498 0.27542 0.23194 0.63799 0.81561 0.44758 0.79857 0.80181 0.22697 0.62099 0.67022 0.51018 0.19346 0.90526 0.3575 0.19387 0.51986 0.22931 0.646 0.04663 0.24863 0.6283 0.01919 0.18268 0.50667 0.42171 0.26603 0.28833 0.12601 0.07922 0.54763 0.72004 0.9094 0.05607 0.89164 0.87095 0.05984 0.66767 0.75692 0.10857 0.90255 0.5147 0.0311 0.33203 0.50554 0.51321 0.61719 0.47102 0.32957 0.04012 0.95405 0.40144 0.01093 0.77681 0.32786 0.98183 0.59046 0.20188 0.80301 0.60471 0.48239 0.38744 0.4626 0.05567 0.55744 0.52364 0.79745 0.32114 0.26682 0.05231 0.16384 0.33443 0.66185 0.76845 0.12832 0.84652 0.54145 0.75061 0.94944 0.42508 0.24218 0.42908 0.56469 0.69648 0.76605 0.10239 0.89194 0.01472 0.79055 0.38366 0.32012 0.63029 0.4119 0.43242 0.36235 0.86481 0.10752 0.42987 0.33966 0.41021 0.25059 0.03073 0.90636 0.42082 0.57237 0.20894 0.22923 0.35844 0.46651 0.89441 0.96751 0.1394 0.40719 0.62263 0.08511 0.83741 0.3335 0.52959 0.20329 0.59307 0.40364 0.35642 0.11098 0.85954 0.2343 0.20819 0.95889 0.12334 0.28503 0.88656 0.63441 0.52659 0.07753 0.68153 0.84737 0.93082 0.77949 0.42306 0.9857 0.86696 0.31977 0.52907 0.89456 0.97247 0.34624 0.78612 0.35119 0.99277 0.01322 0.19432 0.46137 0.25714 0.50385 0.54175 0.59124 0.94541 0.04051 0.83736 0.36212 0.51247 0.93003 0.88229 0.82082 0.06323 0.62782 0.47815 0.94883 0.12995 0.13107 0.60502 0.97013 0.3595 0.59315 0.3287 0.59858 0.85574 0.29714 0.22668 0.94166 0.18726 0.31201 0.45504 0.71515 0.56271 0.69742 0.01489 0.97796 0.32695 0.17354 0.11772 0.39653 0.14725 0.47234 0.75582 0.05642 0.32727 0.68959 0.60114 0.33177 0.67425 0.86107 0.65418 0.39423 0.20476 0.48994 0.18137 0.99513 0.74309 0.91859 0.93658 0.27469 0.42448 0.56018 0.04827 0.51926 0.13364 0.52539 0.92533 0.55981 0.54291 0.31379 0.63247 0.07465 0.09551 0.29026 0.90684 0.02321 0.88037 0.49706 0.84549 0.09814 0.63389 0.87899 0.04108 0.52887 0.88652 0.69966 0.68868 0.36501 0.58658 0.467 0.77472 0.7274 0.838 0.50115 0.19579 0.42744 0.23429 0.04146 0.59691 0.71101 0.60533 0.96903 0.89995 0.26739 0.96056 0.86256 0.91405 0.22665 0.26032 0.48489 0.07693 0.44214 0.98056 0.67735 0.9946 0.00246 0.09123 0.88918 0.27982 0.80464 0.74463 0.87437 0.03871 0.559 0.88601 0.65717 0.14534 0.28854 0.33111 0.77664 0.50635 0.62253 0.80037 0.45184 0.71733 0.63732 0.91046 0.18769 0.40415 0.35205 0.95967 0.07978 0.61903 0.94706 0.46866 0.47574 0.13597 0.78991 0.98982 0.75661 0.07452 0.8677 0.57719 0.95889 0.51089 0.11066 0.54826 0.20561 0.41043 0.02707 0.29406 0.13212 0.82516 0.49636 0.7694 0.56147 0.67367 0.42636 0.86328 0.36708 0.69332 0.49748 0.75321 0.85483 0.9667 0.11827 0.5139 0.36195 0.07294 0.89039 0.80505 0.07203 0.16919 0.8434 0.31121 0.33921 0.45175 0.11501 0.22937 0.69256 0.10692 0.7084 0.37128 0.94836 0.16906 0.8984 0.48239 0.57268 0.27474 0.29408 0.83377 0.27803 0.28547 0.95561 0.46042 0.38127 0.69798 0.54396 0.1941 0.58794 0.53579 0.48614 0.94532 0.55533 0.67059 0.509 0.89792 0.55006 0.45476 0.24203 0.1668 0.55544 0.95547 0.195 0.70495
+0.65736 0.12803 0.40548 0.53104 0.19092 0.80182 0.73033 0.61024 0.09035 0.98177 0.14463 0.50613 0.79424 0.29843 0.7572 0.24641 0.16608 0.97644 0.21934 0.20193 0.5576 0.28594 0.16919 0.67149 0.8237 0.69042 0.51543 0.78832 0.69855 0.29176 0.53112 0.83637 0.85284 0.61916 0.6281 0.83026 0.8842 0.32228 0.22106 0.64343 0.88029 0.21152 0.6551 0.59347 0.28546 0.04718 0.17631 0.55233 0.41306 0.99077 0.04633 0.34401 0.10814 0.96939 0.02414 0.7479 0.8333 0.50871 0.13842 0.60576 0.42455 0.17921 0.45547 0.89342 0.42787 0.60788 0.54164 0.98481 0.95481 0.29596 0.10886 0.50506 0.13952 0.61789 0.48561 0.51166 0.36249 0.99046 0.14651 0.51731 0.85595 0.19291 0.40969 0.43895 0.16351 0.94067 0.2855 0.23269 0.38503 0.14398 0.1314 0.45735 0.5616 0.31193 0.63287 0.4247 0.20187 0.16992 0.71295 0.59397 0.82229 0.11382 0.3329 0.45309 0.90695 0.53478 0.15529 0.65731 0.54367 0.44156 0.33643 0.22077 0.28867 0.96396 0.60863 0.43594 0.53865 0.05183 0.4153 0.89166 0.00695 0.34476 0.73319 0.6571 0.77545 0.27925 0.7258 0.24095 0.26277 0.78896 0.65131 0.18325 0.38253 0.74255 0.48515 0.23157 0.81885 0.69026 0.04669 0.17086 0.72 0.43312 0.884 0.51461 0.99184 0.6165 0.9706 0.25154 0.44515 0.39497 0.94918 0.52187 0.18253 0.74544 0.62767 0.08279 0.97555 0.0461 0.29416 0.86409 0.17776 0.09989 0.75661 0.74489 0.9538 0.32724 0.97062 0.92675 0.7975 0.13998 0.35414 0.62433 0.1283 0.67428 0.12556 0.33543 0.43037 0.41443 0.67601 0.38716 0.1797 0.94994 0.54193 0.50271 0.91067 0.69765 0.32102 0.89984 0.75431 0.81876 0.72402 0.66307 0.60747 0.4201 0.6301 0.01442 0.75162 0.92127 0.76103 0.27813 0.57208 0.93511 0.61161 0.30612 0.08807 0.52109 0.23247 0.34841 0.04222 0.40431 0.94724 0.01632 0.81531 0.36569 0.26778 0.15521 0.85421 0.71246 0.83367 0.3725 0.04242 0.41693 0.65992 0.87491 0.32 0.43323 0.08048 0.21596 0.86853 0.57777 0.23523 0.11958 0.99163 0.62125 0.43518 0.63844 0.87667 0.55339 0.38846 0.29176 0.10232 0.57425 0.59682 0.77739 0.62429 0.88569 0.51552 0.34168 0.83565 0.86819 0.78555 0.16136 0.54233 0.18383 0.59789 0.85132 0.96167 0.75595 0.06128 0.04737 0.21015 0.52319 0.82496 0.97228 0.34275 0.8591 0.0459 0.35048 0.30472 0.4472 0.73634 0.97926 0.28815 0.41955 0.36394 0.42258 0.48343 0.24899 0.12121 0.76615 0.70207 0.82942 0.81562 0.59261 0.45997 0.73336 0.07283 0.02591 0.99421 0.36684 0.72462 0.738 0.20714 0.43702 0.82752 0.55797 0.68831 0.43703 0.52971 0.19275 0.50634 0.83755 0.90755 0.46661 0.90051 0.98659 0.21495 0.91126 0.07455 0.29083 0.6675 0.62717 0.04241 0.10882 0.96552 0.33983 0.204 0.80916 0.37836 0.13839 0.1703 0.37736 0.82715 0.85436 0.27369 0.30383 0.74996 0.45484 0.89511 0.12215 0.39404 0.84538 0.80781 0.12542 0.77427 0.98358 0.50614 0.24746 0.36612 0.2717 0.33983 0.2843 0.8804 0.14928 0.98756 0.99734 0.19137 0.73143 0.97025 0.20342 0.57265 0.17768 0.58849 0.25542 0.68133 0.75825 0.57222 0.42314 0.44255 0.79841 0.37908 0.32828 0.93415 0.73271 0.05325 0.70844 0.44697 0.16576 0.68878 0.1201 0.52129 0.74747 0.07211 0.00771 0.07476 0.8989 0.80808 0.91693 0.08096 0.76538 0.01805 0.46742 0.69239 0.29387 0.09754 0.21753 0.8484 0.4535 0.87086 0.64513 0.10842 0.22209 0.42375 0.50551 0.56439 0.96319 0.62387 0.3032 0.41598 0.86679 0.59102 0.34034 0.6272 0.26023 0.86129 0.0485 0.24672 0.53883 0.43372 0.25197 0.51008 0.53842 0.91059 0.9986 0.48368 0.38198 0.72757 0.6246 0.56445 0.21429 0.56867 0.09052 0.12918 0.65048 0.32847 0.69977 0.45615 0.47916 0.0767 0.65211 0.59278 0.29553 0.23621 0.80108 0.24983 0.55805 0.41983 0.65285 0.28142 0.70707 0.16822 0.28545 0.96804 0.34284 0.20337 0.47506 0.79751 0.65672 0.66513 0.44069 0.08492 0.54257 0.42177 0.56232 0.50776 0.85713 0.71278 0.85591 0.54014 0.04281 0.77875 0.95792 0.5546 0.86811 0.34403 0.90559 0.96396 0.02009 0.93517 0.9234 0.69974 0.1348 0.98825 0.18383 0.1491 0.73893 0.35863 0.34953 0.73853 0.3551 0.10404 0.78822 0.78967 0.12358 0.60468 0.82261 0.81007 0.49024 0.40708 0.83566 0.0755 0.47812 0.46397 0.45216 0.42049 0.4927 0.85848 0.62747 0.99209 0.47399 0.88876 0.65738 0.70482 0.98005 0.02827 0.46053 0.40668 0.51129 0.80392 0.23119 0.00609 0.61596
+0.13718 0.76864 0.17187 0.05983 0.27637 0.20647 0.58315 0.14415 0.22428 0.14438 0.6726 0.87941 0.61474 0.57416 0.07009 0.24075 0.42233 0.71295 0.48447 0.81966 0.19075 0.04844 0.42558 0.21917 0.14199 0.27963 0.33881 0.75942 0.25545 0.34968 0.35965 0.56743 0.40671 0.98413 0.22381 0.63682 0.08147 0.63677 0.81892 0.74007 0.99329 0.7736 0.79413 0.64208 0.31952 0.64525 0.767 0.52493 0.37595 0.85637 0.50962 0.43477 0.96973 0.03014 0.90578 0.04561 0.63841 0.31832 0.89735 0.08325 0.37592 0.56771 0.04972 0.68942 0.95164 0.53649 0.1457 0.96779 0.66519 0.54308 0.96513 0.40262 0.01498 0.19054 0.26319 0.6951 0.53496 0.15109 0.0035 0.49446 0.85192 0.06885 0.10432 0.30521 0.47486 0.67978 0.71632 0.73751 0.90077 0.36146 0.87863 0.22625 0.42836 0.72963 0.90517 0.78026 0.27784 0.78065 0.60514 0.30014 0.07502 0.83608 0.58369 0.01713 0.72338 0.78842 0.03621 0.96459 0.90631 0.95468 0.13247 0.15604 0.44862 0.19607 0.96376 0.6018 0.45088 0.90923 0.20098 0.78265 0.69485 0.52458 0.78264 0.83786 0.09346 0.27627 0.26931 0.99281 0.44641 0.06823 0.50271 0.82205 0.50773 0.86684 0.84943 0.92005 0.61438 0.81864 0.04091 0.01472 0.09089 0.43593 0.06584 0.42272 0.5358 0.71929 0.65828 0.95239 0.36129 0.4018 0.91668 0.21335 0.01782 0.94631 0.41548 0.09652 0.10237 0.76712 0.28938 0.48004 0.72144 0.0072 0.16149 0.04408 0.37846 0.05959 0.27456 0.28416 0.72256 0.23902 0.71865 0.95078 0.72521 0.58844 0.68425 0.14812 0.1803 0.73577 0.41753 0.81568 0.05716 0.56844 0.86816 0.06421 0.5154 0.58524 0.75314 0.40003 0.60669 0.80189 0.35706 0.48941 0.01452 0.17737 0.23768 0.55564 0.81641 0.82518 0.23709 0.46255 0.56043 0.33811 0.1219 0.94389 0.05701 0.45127 0.35191 0.49718 0.33198 0.35181 0.64688 0.87723 0.10008 0.41298 0.79014 0.56075 0.24193 0.82313 0.29821 0.70435 0.32357 0.32864 0.52956 0.98851 0.97247 0.68965 0.6616 0.87064 0.871 0.30086 0.09775 0.75319 0.21982 0.1966 0.50224 0.82166 0.44801 0.44602 0.61052 0.44592 0.93833 0.51976 0.15298 0.8363 0.06771 0.11327 0.75148 0.39478 0.12332 0.63692 0.18365 0.4546 0.65388 0.15488 0.81842 0.89645 0.08582 0.12916 0.23573 0.97035 0.8262 0.4075 0.3878 0.40961 0.46136 0.08203 0.57925 0.42871 0.95372 0.5135 0.30979 0.31582 0.7968 0.50226 0.76897 0.2517 0.01241 0.36813 0.2027 0.77812 0.26474 0.16601 0.76707 0.16475 0.80712 0.57667 0.50446 0.67272 0.50495 0.84025 0.38341 0.95918 0.27337 0.45227 0.8351 0.40711 0.12148 0.00377 0.26918 0.26685 0.52403 0.87466 0.62097 0.44192 0.23637 0.22076 0.28261 0.40584 0.64178 0.28362 0.28483 0.2939 0.87051 0.37652 0.94186 0.39939 0.0223 0.07691 0.21472 0.17398 0.24592 0.02509 0.77485 0.14907 0.67156 0.91945 0.20554 0.26498 0.12132 0.42668 0.81406 0.6773 0.53393 0.10484 0.67917 0.3068 0.01988 0.33059 0.81995 0.32452 0.23651 0.0806 0.21337 0.95533 0.91412 0.56322 0.8052 0.14786 0.75065 0.95151 0.86583 0.99409 0.88018 0.20194 0.5412 0.03642 0.22304 0.63864 0.56635 0.21612 0.83484 0.89461 0.94791 0.48049 0.63484 0.4011 0.96491 0.91863 0.17771 0.70356 0.70965 0.86256 0.59685 0.54758 0.48226 0.34472 0.36825 0.95396 0.50911 0.61086 0.85261 0.07364 0.40127 0.67761 0.19869 0.89455 0.20769 0.70417 0.53503 0.06551 0.38316 0.62825 0.37686 0.42675 0.37097 0.62119 0.55198 0.92838 0.11464 0.69047 0.01919 0.59517 0.42344 0.01193 0.81334 0.82265 0.57401 0.93346 0.20006 0.38385 0.69368 0.04165 0.95682 0.41951 0.61925 0.94187 0.94302 0.79141 0.17513 0.75537 0.50674 0.22623 0.79611 0.19895 0.74625 0.94038 0.1196 0.55668 0.18738 0.20504 0.5761 0.94966 0.83281 0.44798 0.12182 0.44956 0.39757 0.04294 0.41454 0.33146 0.24168 0.67526 0.25238 0.18362 0.1344 0.19683 0.84844 0.42091 0.90732 0.92542 0.37061 0.99449 0.58205 0.63521 0.74152 0.43789 0.45524 0.22487 0.03031 0.16342 0.22197 0.34165 0.69262 0.35308 0.43204 0.47005 0.33311 0.71363 0.10551 0.55581 0.93613 0.93899 0.68006 0.70876 0.98527 0.79628 0.85795 0.61715 0.45553 0.23213 0.72254 0.43855 0.45809 0.60507 0.32272 0.5866 0.6462 0.41342 0.34115 0.66943 0.69651 0.36917 0.29178 0.857 0.63058 0.18681 0.23817 0.77186 0.10098 0.60817 0.33704 0.11879 0.86253 0.42348 0.26954 0.0541 0.98767 0.84516 0.35934 0.65847 0.14695 0.43494
+0.73962 0.64205 0.92371 0.62007 0.09261 0.46994 0.11892 0.16388 0.44262 0.50993 0.36015 0.75666 0.31552 0.34017 0.99213 0.39102 0.58739 0.42121 0.76934 0.1284 0.45992 0.31528 0.08818 0.48778 0.52917 0.63105 0.86824 0.46052 0.73315 0.9826 0.69361 0.82681 0.23801 0.16287 0.10404 0.24762 0.5471 0.76464 0.6531 0.69106 0.8506 0.71204 0.30424 0.80056 0.50173 0.25459 0.3071 0.30744 0.46376 0.97944 0.69383 0.39219 0.04435 0.86377 0.93619 0.25746 0.08846 0.12987 0.48501 0.24516 0.05044 0.07312 0.37262 0.09338 0.46971 0.83322 0.44649 0.10004 0.7676 0.95851 0.22773 0.95149 0.80304 0.95069 0.27007 0.82808 0.54381 0.74632 0.92541 0.11706 0.28848 0.17804 0.34209 0.92608 0.33621 0.48681 0.43079 0.61999 0.13126 0.70379 0.48499 0.04246 0.21162 0.38429 0.04927 0.2926 0.02066 0.40905 0.82648 0.26229 0.57021 0.77869 0.37883 0.66207 0.78179 0.72646 0.3654 0.3251 0.74381 0.21195 0.34263 0.27597 0.10703 0.83864 0.45917 0.08611 0.40831 0.80191 0.72092 0.69597 0.67817 0.67218 0.73933 0.32937 0.93102 0.72708 0.17427 0.63207 0.45627 0.31003 0.26122 0.15989 0.98413 0.79304 0.17316 0.60835 0.81969 0.8813 0.39469 0.01984 0.32115 0.85879 0.53375 0.08393 0.7556 0.42961 0.81512 0.78196 0.92344 0.49721 0.19303 0.35842 0.2368 0.62912 0.87844 0.22585 0.23202 0.73292 0.1341 0.86147 0.8346 0.29384 0.35151 0.87811 0.99383 0.27113 0.0015 0.70779 0.58523 0.76998 0.41127 0.59542 0.26138 0.75164 0.04663 0.21678 0.41357 0.10752 0.38836 0.09629 0.38447 0.64395 0.18437 0.10906 0.60384 0.87271 0.40873 0.36709 0.23289 0.88891 0.5549 0.68707 0.60339 0.91267 0.67404 0.23297 0.97513 0.69703 0.89063 0.23141 0.84513 0.70485 0.326 0.39671 0.28912 0.94035 0.26592 0.62045 0.98006 0.19195 0.82588 0.13099 0.4961 0.77301 0.85741 0.32655 0.31767 0.69268 0.34668 0.53106 0.41381 0.99874 0.6333 0.35848 0.12927 0.71264 0.12572 0.37646 0.35095 0.42259 0.50745 0.02454 0.39331 0.7754 0.72445 0.00105 0.24845 0.8389 0.21056 0.56637 0.78627 0.12337 0.42105 0.87273 0.96604 0.99661 0.70816 0.31482 0.14013 0.46283 0.06805 0.72477 0.91083 0.11781 0.16228 0.22028 0.97701 0.23763 0.07175 0.1951 0.41376 0.75443 0.4129 0.25634 0.95704 0.2299 0.8942 0.69948 0.38788 0.0698 0.19655 0.54522 0.42314 0.80584 0.38147 0.78252 0.6146 0.54794 0.40651 0.08591 0.78008 0.26528 0.5219 0.30288 0.44178 0.87236 0.82152 0.30319 0.84155 0.94062 0.47488 0.23523 0.16499 0.16103 0.51563 0.04919 0.80887 0.0208 0.27697 0.1621 0.32682 0.20622 0.78217 0.49755 0.88346 0.87098 0.60253 0.45579 0.94344 0.48469 0.02632 0.36349 0.98242 0.31962 0.48308 0.70199 0.88356 0.41418 0.73977 0.17802 0.37944 0.40127 0.07002 0.12337 0.23505 0.89404 0.96103 0.32873 0.60313 0.59975 0.90327 0.74482 0.66822 0.29542 0.2323 0.76428 0.00662 0.24692 0.34998 0.34575 0.12966 0.06561 0.44258 0.62392 0.0439 0.81775 0.31759 0.7466 0.51121 0.16813 0.49698 0.21891 0.08886 0.23053 0.13678 0.95271 0.06245 0.15505 0.84942 0.2018 0.00789 0.95781 0.81582 0.85979 0.11355 0.54126 0.85834 0.76063 0.70344 0.26716 0.34862 0.26379 0.30043 0.65569 0.97499 0.39649 0.46944 0.47639 0.51665 0.45061 0.70077 0.17519 0.6438 0.62527 0.1352 0.763 0.80819 0.53996 0.55838 0.02871 0.31316 0.42777 0.72035 0.31795 0.25491 0.3024 0.35961 0.10403 0.12994 0.08155 0.96826 0.75986 0.54345 0.06818 0.51766 0.98773 0.84459 0.49048 0.33571 0.64705 0.5357 0.32618 0.31206 0.70697 0.22369 0.6129 0.50576 0.97532 0.62087 0.98013 0.11831 0.99871 0.84973 0.50633 0.34565 0.74471 0.85511 0.30361 0.59777 0.29084 0.67157 0.39995 0.18605 0.41848 0.94665 0.30852 0.02428 0.12676 0.48373 0.26797 0.0692 0.24608 0.42225 0.38614 0.33542 0.15882 0.54104 0.14388 0.74566 0.79546 0.43885 0.66303 0.39713 0.31824 0.40007 0.76795 0.35364 0.27738 0.44281 0.1409 0.68517 0.35975 0.65607 0.9992 0.95797 0.05602 0.89642 0.02416 0.61495 0.22315 0.02748 0.41406 0.16638 0.07699 0.31944 0.90585 0.26565 0.71428 0.6684 0.19001 0.29724 0.59696 0.88658 0.51236 0.06988 0.90654 0.91658 0.59356 0.45887 0.05506 0.00191 0.16837 0.94924 0.56965 0.46504 0.74085 0.61569 0.13146 0.03959 0.04725 0.46626 0.32709 0.94968 0.62819 0.53979 0.67078 0.07551 0.63515 0.97624 0.26884 0.59652 0.84969
+0.20571 0.50033 0.33751 0.97357 0.60478 0.70806 0.5882 0.32314 0.28239 0.48403 0.18603 0.13913 0.16728 0.10832 0.1637 0.08671 0.04031 0.23061 0.4881 0.12154 0.53121 0.95801 0.54265 0.81206 0.52957 0.12455 0.57559 0.81216 0.79685 0.4662 0.86123 0.84487 0.91735 0.11331 0.36395 0.3098 0.47031 0.59358 0.37846 0.68289 0.26722 0.28351 0.54022 0.70285 0.70565 0.90217 0.53901 0.44804 0.4119 0.7865 0.90515 0.59326 0.38812 0.19558 0.30942 0.68252 0.84428 0.69391 0.09865 0.78783 0.52725 0.76936 0.25029 0.54522 0.19876 0.74256 0.41043 0.90314 0.10645 0.20786 0.24513 0.0378 0.75066 0.11288 0.16106 0.19552 0.7926 0.07101 0.42982 0.93421 0.87722 0.84721 0.11429 0.15645 0.61261 0.68458 0.40685 0.69234 0.34748 0.21767 0.43898 0.82947 0.63106 0.77091 0.81697 0.80765 0.72213 0.66546 0.58389 0.66324 0.03145 0.83139 0.04739 0.5049 0.90968 0.43134 0.6711 0.23064 0.89734 0.92045 0.60478 0.41208 0.22702 0.12532 0.80886 0.45914 0.7117 0.37808 0.93603 0.12225 0.57475 0.71635 0.23773 0.55275 0.78937 0.32197 0.07761 0.97715 0.97147 0.82596 0.64865 0.24889 0.07509 0.1472 0.79325 0.71659 0.3514 0.71925 0.65237 0.09433 0.31502 0.03711 0.3171 0.87141 0.45452 0.77143 0.51025 0.23256 0.83961 0.35346 0.21277 0.73706 0.27206 0.27546 0.54901 0.41089 0.75245 0.62615 0.10358 0.01827 0.598 0.83367 0.98678 0.80276 0.03479 0.32882 0.3931 0.4124 0.69649 0.06581 0.85328 0.63904 0.99412 0.63766 0.96758 0.775 0.00651 0.57438 0.79692 0.83982 0.2306 0.06451 0.33494 0.7253 0.39211 0.75495 0.82232 0.9779 0.75596 0.76358 0.77558 0.09006 0.62668 0.79629 0.6856 0.21748 0.87534 0.90992 0.69404 0.09174 0.2708 0.57138 0.68934 0.19451 0.26015 0.01784 0.55153 0.81417 0.07684 0.88497 0.18883 0.81907 0.09279 0.95321 0.65037 0.08971 0.62136 0.58672 0.92481 0.22568 0.83245 0.00097 0.1538 0.32018 0.8507 0.06625 0.1032 0.80633 0.93335 0.30143 0.78325 0.94175 0.24268 0.43542 0.28421 0.79872 0.76377 0.7843 0.59948 0.01705 0.8735 0.96813 0.7239 0.74139 0.01641 0.98164 0.45664 0.20004 0.72077 0.50993 0.97521 0.34118 0.73297 0.4875 0.29361 0.73665 0.22065 0.4945 0.47918 0.28872 0.5454 0.3395 0.54848 0.23776 0.77638 0.69999 0.18562 0.30141 0.81342 0.06457 0.92368 0.3475 0.97321 0.88725 0.14425 0.77426 0.70278 0.25912 0.5584 0.73888 0.3192 0.03063 0.99364 0.5848 0.42963 0.28622 0.11119 0.4621 0.77422 0.00896 0.41405 0.25334 0.44215 0.16998 0.32748 0.57402 0.25964 0.3081 0.84074 0.12938 0.28939 0.43774 0.48071 0.95797 0.62416 0.83024 0.68915 0.78044 0.16445 0.24751 0.34986 0.86211 0.95169 0.00915 0.36942 0.0792 0.49005 0.25794 0.40166 0.05824 0.7815 0.66257 0.50805 0.96229 0.60692 0.01345 0.35559 0.89447 0.65659 0.57067 0.11072 0.73762 0.06463 0.15056 0.02098 0.63736 0.81257 0.42242 0.02634 0.74198 0.01469 0.46254 0.04588 0.37893 0.76281 0.99627 0.91561 0.15789 0.27856 0.20839 0.29301 0.14768 0.351 0.02211 0.97678 0.14147 0.73219 0.82595 0.61664 0.14075 0.72137 0.15811 0.55075 0.41946 0.42212 0.97874 0.25067 0.73698 0.14684 0.27445 0.65776 0.36312 0.35809 0.75455 0.59356 0.81139 0.25124 0.88234 0.9779 0.04565 0.87658 0.12664 0.60403 0.2723 0.61263 0.94339 0.9349 0.32189 0.45969 0.08231 0.94559 0.44041 0.43 0.04929 0.89067 0.95044 0.37262 0.54519 0.12635 0.93763 0.21359 0.58906 0.61377 0.84722 0.09077 0.6899 0.92594 0.16524 0.51809 0.97727 0.41724 0.41109 0.83181 0.89118 0.36145 0.74135 0.14586 0.73967 0.30532 0.32706 0.87309 0.85654 0.41434 0.59615 0.61815 0.97969 0.10441 0.86944 0.23454 0.34402 0.26538 0.65857 0.1209 0.82826 0.82423 0.16261 0.69521 0.05896 0.18698 0.0423 0.04095 0.47741 0.4049 0.74766 0.64294 0.41482 0.90553 0.49328 0.97897 0.59964 0.96044 0.56403 0.72172 0.87796 0.60948 0.68266 0.30972 0.12641 0.62863 0.86008 0.8392 0.19394 0.95493 0.00938 0.78689 0.66325 0.45775 0.54373 0.36793 0.63834 0.97048 0.96233 0.40699 0.99981 0.39886 0.3827 0.13695 0.18559 0.04072 0.97499 0.89875 0.00807 0.82766 0.16839 0.09496 0.40486 0.19108 0.71381 0.15686 0.17738 0.93082 0.19033 0.39269 0.6005 0.89762 0.22048 0.24932 0.62508 0.27499 0.41077 0.72497 0.94597 0.15492 0.2582 0.20106 0.91288 0.14923 0.13961 0.5834 0.45694 0.32797 0.89971
+0.7369 0.07579 0.53606 0.5582 0.86299 0.36802 0.96453 0.61637 0.7185 0.97657 0.61431 0.86396 0.73836 0.65237 0.55431 0.75253 0.33033 0.94558 0.17467 0.31067 0.40087 0.58665 0.74099 0.47149 0.98887 0.15869 0.64965 0.77855 0.21668 0.97073 0.22516 0.1342 0.20209 0.51573 0.90569 0.31836 0.03003 0.79163 0.41427 0.96344 0.63978 0.59988 0.48076 0.17771 0.07146 0.77202 0.74676 0.61829 0.8839 0.1969 0.31924 0.9727 0.59739 0.21453 0.6275 0.55551 0.90386 0.0736 0.30474 0.25369 0.67259 0.02112 0.82676 0.81829 0.92793 0.75992 0.23129 0.77024 0.11447 0.89781 0.32739 0.23798 0.44566 0.89072 0.27324 0.4402 0.11043 0.5786 0.92704 0.61788 0.10746 0.20392 0.68475 0.09309 0.39598 0.90139 0.26242 0.60283 0.68996 0.60457 0.59482 0.57278 0.80847 0.36769 0.47702 0.25307 0.31965 0.55426 0.22561 0.22421 0.86374 0.89528 0.55493 0.80026 0.37338 0.19657 0.16545 0.27148 0.99751 0.53903 0.12789 0.74658 0.94842 0.03118 0.65604 0.37445 0.89151 0.21864 0.53106 0.10273 0.28254 0.05315 0.69932 0.77809 0.51312 0.61498 0.02944 0.35607 0.96269 0.13723 0.98345 0.36011 0.48492 0.36739 0.45879 0.79268 0.13915 0.1102 0.87516 0.32618 0.83647 0.75746 0.80348 0.83171 0.18 0.22468 0.34995 0.46317 0.4474 0.34167 0.12745 0.08247 0.742 0.50933 0.68469 0.13959 0.76167 0.24341 0.73659 0.4072 0.86127 0.25022 0.20797 0.42188 0.79878 0.23785 0.60617 0.67338 0.76446 0.39492 0.2113 0.54118 0.58149 0.03248 0.92884 0.55901 0.35854 0.3559 0.83154 0.96972 0.93205 0.08385 0.16689 0.70811 0.73719 0.25676 0.59331 0.06273 0.50255 0.38478 0.86502 0.10108 0.0024 0.8929 0.98201 0.69577 0.51908 0.68671 0.24173 0.00565 0.63474 0.64057 0.59787 0.33853 0.71664 0.76361 0.95556 0.46989 0.29055 0.42507 0.96039 0.67907 0.32724 0.45948 0.71178 0.60813 0.92938 0.48097 0.63678 0.50553 0.51538 0.31011 0.93582 0.61157 0.95237 0.7054 0.99414 0.49117 0.01103 0.67589 0.03922 0.04411 0.77814 0.53825 0.85215 0.74118 0.82519 0.63818 0.56251 0.22633 0.31515 0.51905 0.67682 0.53977 0.27298 0.58715 0.3877 0.49369 0.97476 0.35314 0.06855 0.39822 0.84647 0.3655 0.0831 0.33028 0.40064 0.74087 0.5719 0.58197 0.08497 0.37763 0.03581 0.70259 0.68027 0.94557 0.00285 0.27939 0.8974 0.34131 0.71346 0.72832 0.23128 0.88099 0.47122 0.53503 0.14767 0.82004 0.38282 0.25653 0.17089 0.41726 0.15882 0.94757 0.36515 0.52258 0.46092 0.54604 0.915 0.60489 0.48999 0.49404 0.28848 0.30013 0.32023 0.36763 0.01199 0.97739 0.62437 0.82893 0.37141 0.05438 0.43136 0.35541 0.25562 0.67639 0.03545 0.40544 0.46505 0.15951 0.67529 0.25417 0.8115 0.65312 0.88797 0.428 0.97229 0.91868 0.86856 0.26377 0.77161 0.8667 0.91357 0.23847 0.82336 0.2415 0.09213 0.31096 0.84731 0.05941 0.48195 0.74736 0.3635 0.66914 0.15018 0.853 0.53158 0.86047 0.53699 0.93028 0.29609 0.67398 0.36238 0.81596 0.63106 0.87775 0.18835 0.70802 0.13002 0.31806 0.8153 0.26848 0.82666 0.13181 0.0681 0.64631 0.86927 0.79246 0.96446 0.14022 0.07061 0.8981 0.21932 0.14958 0.25533 0.15909 0.24483 0.25389 0.39643 0.32274 0.07864 0.76137 0.20631 0.70086 0.38184 0.65946 0.365 0.38509 0.38427 0.1461 0.6235 0.49597 0.97275 0.19203 0.84315 0.70202 0.76375 0.77517 0.05059 0.98653 0.44542 0.74538 0.59677 0.9473 0.99331 0.94289 0.27131 0.25476 0.93195 0.65795 0.57628 0.61176 0.02352 0.97261 0.04655 0.72768 0.9188 0.20571 0.85224 0.08225 0.36819 0.98515 0.80997 0.0363 0.48502 0.23172 0.1423 0.94225 0.56918 0.66258 0.57823 0.671 0.74668 0.99712 0.67825 0.39682 0.63903 0.17369 0.67872 0.72095 0.52591 0.36586 0.20852 0.47027 0.71901 0.85911 0.31807 0.04303 0.79853 0.3852 0.23474 0.88514 0.75657 0.51998 0.02158 0.70231 0.02469 0.05488 0.28792 0.3917 0.57548 0.85393 0.24753 0.79287 0.11157 0.48602 0.73376 0.76865 0.36129 0.34821 0.85732 0.7896 0.7748 0.82909 0.25531 0.20878 0.05971 0.03635 0.1658 0.77087 0.76232 0.51269 0.09074 0.23138 0.44586 0.25997 0.30612 0.92235 0.42129 0.75964 0.43212 0.34731 0.34912 0.79205 0.05869 0.02415 0.25521 0.50636 0.40572 0.4058 0.07549 0.16044 0.15094 0.16116 0.79833 0.63375 0.68124 0.58911 0.7338 0.17844 0.79333 0.94096 0.79744 0.57741 0.7165 0.51787 0.95406 0.70232 0.11898 0.06558 0.73281 0.109
+0.03448 0.48938 0.46086 0.06261 0.52665 0.5675 0.20405 0.58567 0.88702 0.82531 0.43466 0.98744 0.61726 0.57591 0.19434 0.79897 0.35038 0.77762 0.80898 0.38756 0.18263 0.78336 0.76338 0.87522 0.28583 0.76446 0.49476 0.48404 0.45504 0.68427 0.4088 0.09496 0.76546 0.656 0.02734 0.31282 0.26701 0.71091 0.16083 0.71505 0.39782 0.70284 0.29839 0.64619 0.31346 0.28953 0.07902 0.28834 0.47678 0.22264 0.51664 0.77182 0.03752 0.70336 0.02544 0.52584 0.81906 0.97261 0.466 0.03546 0.67076 0.68688 0.62813 0.3418 0.23053 0.48333 0.35799 0.08301 0.27747 0.19806 0.43743 0.3785 0.16668 0.7777 0.6597 0.82432 0.98396 0.21575 0.11249 0.21352 0.41551 0.59692 0.73171 0.18518 0.69491 0.28629 0.82372 0.38823 0.50226 0.4792 0.78714 0.76398 0.01217 0.77152 0.47668 0.63209 0.82791 0.73636 0.94232 0.60006 0.86365 0.0997 0.38208 0.1568 0.90009 0.57402 0.61682 0.67049 0.46863 0.73214 0.35078 0.70431 0.05932 0.58319 0.62461 0.43953 0.41785 0.41125 0.67896 0.38353 0.8288 0.66695 0.59133 0.48333 0.64646 0.12687 0.29484 0.54731 0.8962 0.60684 0.18531 0.70356 0.19571 0.01573 0.05192 0.04262 0.61083 0.81226 0.94271 0.24156 0.82825 0.47842 0.87167 0.40014 0.97586 0.31282 0.85306 0.48865 0.89304 0.35899 0.28787 0.66512 0.99467 0.57717 0.73183 0.89321 0.35762 0.18879 0.51158 0.93836 0.71852 0.58522 0.13691 0.21104 0.15261 0.12189 0.91431 0.96385 0.35283 0.62644 0.24129 0.05771 0.08805 0.07234 0.1528 0.57321 0.44868 0.1261 0.94515 0.15837 0.126 0.55243 0.0971 0.31444 0.23368 0.80758 0.83024 0.51452 0.04868 0.00437 0.97486 0.09049 0.49093 0.26603 0.66319 0.88031 0.56358 0.51904 0.53223 0.00751 0.30308 0.27033 0.25799 0.38758 0.65432 0.72099 0.97637 0.95224 0.4249 0.90831 0.90963 0.47876 0.90343 0.14615 0.32593 0.13589 0.95393 0.40138 0.92061 0.74433 0.37931 0.2051 0.06519 0.05081 0.46789 0.20992 0.3469 0.08496 0.38137 0.7262 0.69247 0.0272 0.56187 0.02607 0.80712 0.79796 0.26781 0.14092 0.95406 0.26242 0.85071 0.18614 0.0252 0.40357 0.45647 0.3196 0.89627 0.3248 0.49237 0.09434 0.30159 0.5314 0.08389 0.60362 0.56484 0.19695 0.29048 0.42642 0.43093 0.81252 0.54424 0.62809 0.6696 0.97646 0.70884 0.8587 0.45847 0.84255 0.84377 0.70715 0.21821 0.30274 0.163 0.62706 0.34622 0.49474 0.23396 0.47841 0.27756 0.50504 0.24088 0.49178 0.17598 0.77415 0.91406 0.39692 0.44 0.39074 0.38207 0.60985 0.1745 0.65096 0.10445 0.27557 0.04311 0.84478 0.41276 0.91743 0.41736 0.36339 0.18093 0.2458 0.23614 0.68574 0.91581 0.44798 0.93625 0.11377 0.747 0.16167 0.42496 0.21819 0.85134 0.80383 0.14867 0.6049 0.99473 0.57095 0.13482 0.42973 0.74176 0.19602 0.11279 0.99176 0.73708 0.65581 0.88645 0.10165 0.9905 0.76472 0.9805 0.98965 0.94768 0.51233 0.13705 0.62562 0.63969 0.32627 0.8134 0.74381 0.13227 0.72331 0.08602 0.65198 0.70448 0.99053 0.60904 0.46586 0.17892 0.78643 0.27228 0.22902 0.58578 0.93023 0.69976 0.79029 0.25254 0.85995 0.70231 0.44442 0.81593 0.10717 0.89076 0.39995 0.03743 0.93662 0.16257 0.36692 0.79999 0.88517 0.46737 0.14407 0.1519 0.4337 0.90921 0.26221 0.74019 0.76468 0.84817 0.71295 0.04227 0.7563 0.7461 0.92418 0.54956 0.04832 0.86583 0.21845 0.73353 0.356 0.86519 0.07736 0.6661 0.68777 0.51961 0.08707 0.06539 0.49796 0.66867 0.6946 0.58714 0.84644 0.35525 0.99633 0.16529 0.74614 0.47467 0.86165 0.56514 0.8131 0.88118 0.72311 0.4449 0.58537 0.6022 0.08129 0.68995 0.08512 0.5461 0.61656 0.4856 0.41974 0.49673 0.70125 0.7223 0.20415 0.15264 0.45243 0.12085 0.54782 0.28911 0.38638 0.62657 0.64821 0.45095 0.77956 0.47395 0.90101 0.87169 0.58758 0.14767 0.63689 0.63515 0.85944 0.84356 0.17075 0.11738 0.42725 0.03496 0.9729 0.47201 0.12102 0.66155 0.88126 0.20691 0.04405 0.30852 0.9206 0.45951 0.3289 0.5045 0.12907 0.59692 0.3574 0.94795 0.30149 0.36236 0.18972 0.25076 0.13989 0.33264 0.82107 0.92017 0.20568 0.37166 0.23103 0.62332 0.0693 0.1551 0.43486 0.18314 0.34476 0.47551 0.63561 0.74218 0.71221 0.73789 0.87192 0.69076 0.93748 0.42239 0.40069 0.46716 0.31409 0.04768 0.64148 0.29397 0.77241 0.40525 0.00508 0.34572 0.49018 0.99878 0.27381 0.92597 0.75976 0.75629 0.80829 0.29592 0.54089 0.93427 0.41934
+0.13171 0.80273 0.78004 0.33272 0.67053 0.19979 0.67195 0.13139 0.76332 0.16417 0.45183 0.35227 0.50361 0.12325 0.88721 0.10862 0.06997 0.74782 0.51089 0.16593 0.10712 0.76097 0.70254 0.79887 0.73757 0.13447 0.87854 0.09355 0.01384 0.18816 0.35816 0.03546 0.13911 0.24915 0.47376 0.38959 0.87246 0.34294 0.04683 0.64722 0.48397 0.76138 0.05232 0.99607 0.50191 0.49236 0.39273 0.4214 0.8916 0.57946 0.48973 0.63618 0.38779 0.18282 0.02303 0.15748 0.87579 0.10289 0.59457 0.73829 0.45567 0.66516 0.41006 0.43218 0.73407 0.01254 0.30965 0.71307 0.32808 0.84848 0.77457 0.4832 0.78347 0.02332 0.57579 0.46799 0.62844 0.00969 0.7726 0.01588 0.39892 0.25453 0.64 0.50859 0.10173 0.92274 0.82862 0.89437 0.31517 0.3836 0.68847 0.57699 0.09729 0.64496 0.06028 0.15078 0.1617 0.04873 0.989 0.82384 0.38763 0.7675 0.83659 0.79875 0.91754 0.10713 0.43562 0.92835 0.71414 0.82949 0.99412 0.88803 0.61872 0.12099 0.36742 0.73226 0.09908 0.58382 0.9398 0.73005 0.85033 0.72547 0.8958 0.95719 0.30415 0.67322 0.78093 0.78695 0.85715 0.73053 0.45203 0.44285 0.22851 0.71323 0.9307 0.98621 0.55107 0.73527 0.82221 0.70187 0.11188 0.61652 0.91717 0.0094 0.77148 0.49774 0.47098 0.91871 0.08939 0.38286 0.39622 0.20501 0.61085 0.24626 0.88226 0.90403 0.63001 0.6328 0.38865 0.3303 0.28384 0.30525 0.83576 0.43544 0.59602 0.0925 0.42023 0.34301 0.1112 0.96699 0.42778 0.47285 0.80406 0.28491 0.30286 0.06781 0.8167 0.25619 0.67811 0.6545 0.71554 0.11165 0.41397 0.58271 0.64902 0.735 0.81715 0.47676 0.64188 0.32703 0.54232 0.49625 0.01344 0.29923 0.69767 0.3288 0.65983 0.66592 0.7789 0.42721 0.74313 0.22094 0.9382 0.57309 0.38202 0.9194 0.86311 0.1526 0.64 0.66654 0.32984 0.08474 0.43877 0.99538 0.83183 0.22827 0.77952 0.82636 0.92863 0.77562 0.62489 0.47708 0.816 0.54561 0.84151 0.10501 0.94323 0.6606 0.74973 0.11701 0.81442 0.71167 0.3162 0.54994 0.31066 0.89041 0.49264 0.16252 0.28371 0.25682 0.08055 0.33054 0.06607 0.88566 0.73227 0.44448 0.09189 0.73056 0.34557 0.40388 0.16774 0.93006 0.89583 0.75509 0.98576 0.81438 0.94537 0.88782 0.92141 0.26924 0.98021 0.03913 0.22651 0.03054 0.60629 0.64038 0.99401 0.66083 0.61038 0.82205 0.26251 0.9527 0.63129 0.24467 0.52597 0.53652 0.26069 0.42832 0.06516 0.8762 0.73908 0.68989 0.47996 0.74463 0.61762 0.89243 0.4821 0.37873 0.57821 0.65874 0.79424 0.37749 0.66505 0.10604 0.08752 0.43337 0.65192 0.68342 0.60432 0.49499 0.40224 0.7413 0.57327 0.33789 0.00222 0.18557 0.42129 0.62425 0.98912 0.97273 0.71625 0.05586 0.29724 0.67228 0.72681 0.67157 0.45237 0.61112 0.93044 0.53699 0.40404 0.36765 0.13487 0.07131 0.38503 0.68139 0.8773 0.65947 0.08643 0.862 0.78618 0.00742 0.2855 0.4977 0.20848 0.47784 0.66287 0.65995 0.11739 0.58607 0.01496 0.43902 0.08214 0.58986 0.97218 0.40602 0.74858 0.74484 0.90462 0.39133 0.69739 0.82182 0.93118 0.47738 0.16424 0.77552 0.14873 0.66048 0.19565 0.50725 0.94371 0.20799 0.93357 0.30301 0.83311 0.82892 0.4924 0.5703 0.42836 0.96601 0.61109 0.0107 0.16892 0.10994 0.55391 0.26297 0.86355 0.97238 0.87527 0.39773 0.31615 0.17427 0.46149 0.55821 0.31593 0.67059 0.27197 0.22801 0.4306 0.19462 0.45901 0.9963 0.11585 0.42404 0.50403 0.8139 0.4061 0.279 0.64308 0.89532 0.83642 0.7754 0.50404 0.37078 0.08099 0.2499 0.19781 0.34685 0.57947 0.24335 0.69093 0.66463 0.95367 0.00995 0.53359 0.5241 0.70134 0.2301 0.98101 0.9015 0.67928 0.43912 0.29954 0.8357 0.5797 0.41906 0.48777 0.77871 0.46481 0.78341 0.32835 0.6997 0.97435 0.77792 0.44159 0.64957 0.97604 0.30603 0.82547 0.97486 0.80689 0.99746 0.31209 0.45876 0.90501 0.14637 0.87416 0.02634 0.71826 0.0733 0.87763 0.37422 0.6959 0.15281 0.02714 0.80165 0.3521 0.91224 0.89561 0.59141 0.59919 0.57609 0.80945 0.22015 0.47425 0.85834 0.19024 0.5577 0.93473 0.98833 0.18142 0.30989 0.19799 0.12539 0.72749 0.14367 0.56342 0.41071 0.63633 0.31014 0.13562 0.16714 0.8061 0.80197 0.16266 0.94297 0.16736 0.90488 0.93167 0.46192 0.55152 0.82298 0.41718 0.17452 0.65866 0.924 0.61149 0.50758 0.47762 0.48521 0.21223 0.43201 0.46015 0.72011 0.89515 0.41343 0.28595 0.02074 0.14472 0.39682 0.54248 0.18861
+0.98606 0.46572 0.30936 0.7388 0.808 0.14493 0.97017 0.91507 0.53125 0.38809 0.70591 0.96765 0.85625 0.77797 0.61126 0.43531 0.89631 0.45658 0.85451 0.74104 0.08227 0.00683 0.62002 0.25074 0.44794 0.33008 0.68047 0.59562 0.63389 0.84896 0.79048 0.32401 0.64197 0.63308 0.62619 0.57105 0.80151 0.20868 0.37705 0.10583 0.12662 0.16691 0.48806 0.29097 0.94045 0.62869 0.95679 0.9892 0.32282 0.98925 0.8617 0.35262 0.16089 0.45232 0.9744 0.27173 0.29165 0.77329 0.44254 0.26393 0.25987 0.53056 0.94429 0.11801 0.06353 0.8095 0.94951 0.99237 0.31478 0.15979 0.41006 0.61605 0.31921 0.85359 0.71914 0.5087 0.31627 0.61592 0.98987 0.87594 0.08583 0.81754 0.67916 0.79482 0.70405 0.48261 0.0859 0.33476 0.33219 0.46644 0.35774 0.68844 0.1928 0.98402 0.06501 0.14853 0.64513 0.08672 0.98888 0.86469 0.07051 0.404 0.80609 0.41903 0.2423 0.05319 0.95453 0.14628 0.92742 0.20838 0.66009 0.9739 0.30605 0.00648 0.4677 0.70189 0.00034 0.28532 0.67607 0.16164 0.54807 0.43514 0.73705 0.88659 0.88803 0.01393 0.59479 0.71798 0.55241 0.45557 0.73461 0.28599 0.06065 0.15704 0.02508 0.87749 0.61054 0.8345 0.96182 0.6196 0.26485 0.46551 0.58191 0.28692 0.31906 0.27078 0.7072 0.03684 0.40533 0.37193 0.19175 0.6095 0.55458 0.44032 0.4308 0.70076 0.37687 0.2456 0.97698 0.09836 0.25034 0.01141 0.86662 0.42426 0.56726 0.2008 0.96962 0.04786 0.55323 0.77909 0.27679 0.20723 0.4121 0.09872 0.71423 0.34229 0.18511 0.91537 0.71332 0.58632 0.62185 0.0524 0.97936 0.76557 0.31735 0.41306 0.05684 0.61881 0.83682 0.47099 0.1645 0.31905 0.84072 0.3276 0.39336 0.13698 0.13389 0.3587 0.03562 0.20601 0.26802 0.77437 0.05397 0.77963 0.28871 0.21681 0.14724 0.76188 0.72434 0.71882 0.66767 0.79972 0.18521 0.67629 0.92365 0.40202 0.15386 0.76063 0.89099 0.51688 0.90655 0.0897 0.29272 0.84057 0.28669 0.41985 0.28959 0.70586 0.46619 0.33479 0.88926 0.79425 0.22993 0.52874 0.89281 0.65234 0.92505 0.39549 0.62071 0.98291 0.58489 0.36683 0.33588 0.39767 0.27581 0.87252 0.13623 0.47934 0.40758 0.62807 0.2145 0.23914 0.35626 0.00622 0.15098 0.23957 0.61397 0.8421 0.80514 0.97237 0.1206 0.28121 0.44945 0.28392 0.76659 0.45104 0.01937 0.10061 0.94028 0.03122 0.62704 0.71787 0.29639 0.42825 0.1513 0.93585 0.60391 0.65377 0.73555 0.35516 0.44218 0.6541 0.16003 0.68625 0.59223 0.64477 0.15273 0.55351 0.9146 0.44507 0.45549 0.61544 0.85145 0.02199 0.59129 0.27461 0.698 0.94889 0.94703 0.87903 0.91809 0.30359 0.35142 0.92542 0.45838 0.11366 0.92777 0.49064 0.23597 0.6926 0.29894 0.45043 0.90442 0.35449 0.95838 0.81154 0.05862 0.00298 0.03359 0.51476 0.63008 0.21631 0.22013 0.37015 0.78267 0.54839 0.67014 0.76278 0.2244 0.53054 0.26456 0.42246 0.9142 0.169 0.387 0.57943 0.20156 0.31827 0.92063 0.81477 0.93597 0.1765 0.21766 0.80381 0.29454 0.4271 0.13089 0.46683 0.66886 0.52132 0.47474 0.49969 0.33326 0.16512 0.37208 0.63052 0.49731 0.30715 0.31833 0.9782 0.3363 0.64934 0.64744 0.56253 0.45525 0.69924 0.58656 0.11383 0.49973 0.65059 0.89316 0.56639 0.11547 0.26903 0.1789 0.67277 0.9727 0.82488 0.80755 0.72359 0.45495 0.62365 0.43837 0.76081 0.39401 0.80396 0.13848 0.76411 0.09883 0.42233 0.14833 0.6024 0.44173 0.87679 0.24635 0.14047 0.83861 0.02544 0.87207 0.93252 0.96778 0.26024 0.99477 0.21924 0.43049 0.79174 0.42218 0.0554 0.64031 0.54379 0.05856 0.30886 0.05002 0.33241 0.53066 0.58876 0.03864 0.58984 0.51619 0.79079 0.71197 0.5767 0.36197 0.38677 0.30084 0.85694 0.20029 0.45761 0.09691 0.66135 0.58148 0.30305 0.0831 0.53403 0.71848 0.36316 0.40489 0.5752 0.82114 0.31491 0.6051 0.88397 0.71398 0.97899 0.13696 0.29081 0.59888 0.7926 0.34193 0.75416 0.61175 0.39006 0.03474 0.38992 0.38408 0.94784 0.8505 0.79164 0.5654 0.09442 0.33908 0.07078 0.73308 0.13161 0.71653 0.40192 0.56353 0.7215 0.88191 0.92674 0.41006 0.52354 0.14491 0.28097 0.40445 0.52401 0.77455 0.4904 0.39954 0.42199 0.57788 0.79046 0.57082 0.50892 0.19022 0.04527 0.2887 0.9558 0.9231 0.38503 0.98043 0.5706 0.57081 0.02364 0.68089 0.49915 0.27213 0.13142 0.87315 0.02553 0.39565 0.06407 0.86926 0.41921 0.03851 0.44531 0.95459 0.83411 0.22124 0.8919 0.12443 0.16409
+0.39268 0.97382 0.86699 0.72923 0.33914 0.80649 0.71725 0.27296 0.36874 0.51759 0.92876 0.06289 0.48074 0.61341 0.46439 0.5006 0.03277 0.00319 0.84511 0.755 0.85208 0.65184 0.2939 0.50293 0.18832 0.59553 0.90047 0.70289 0.76483 0.25953 0.03757 0.68536 0.26468 0.37118 0.63905 0.74092 0.01958 0.19142 0.30891 0.28507 0.6616 0.60742 0.09885 0.4195 0.76038 0.17111 0.84965 0.53889 0.25865 0.61226 0.0386 0.62853 0.663 0.70255 0.06428 0.87945 0.52062 0.57877 0.79549 0.79949 0.68308 0.38783 0.58638 0.90128 0.24777 0.16693 0.6488 0.79811 0.97738 0.31246 0.46158 0.23269 0.24609 0.69873 0.17656 0.0126 0.41728 0.52556 0.65202 0.74137 0.20588 0.42185 0.61529 0.9783 0.05764 0.89676 0.94651 0.53513 0.95182 0.84063 0.63302 0.9788 0.16957 0.32274 0.13609 0.72863 0.68237 0.47403 0.21722 0.21546 0.30034 0.34085 0.07425 0.91002 0.17106 0.51543 0.74168 0.80893 0.05023 0.98632 0.75104 0.89882 0.80584 0.0722 0.05191 0.36661 0.75361 0.09546 0.03826 0.19694 0.38687 0.57368 0.23873 0.7988 0.15353 0.97243 0.28115 0.28458 0.97939 0.02037 0.10389 0.18384 0.58235 0.68739 0.35486 0.54905 0.82239 0.27558 0.58949 0.29003 0.30673 0.00879 0.64753 0.71213 0.16592 0.54281 0.65806 0.54879 0.31487 0.74861 0.41747 0.81279 0.73361 0.48474 0.12278 0.04669 0.97661 0.32105 0.94029 0.62599 0.0622 0.67814 0.05682 0.93525 0.49748 0.00089 0.22316 0.32842 0.88018 0.62663 0.50696 0.79736 0.57258 0.78687 0.27238 0.28892 0.58431 0.98962 0.79198 0.75215 0.7542 0.34016 0.82388 0.17427 0.61367 0.28875 0.07231 0.04844 0.34055 0.84204 0.42151 0.74296 0.22817 0.07015 0.79011 0.21031 0.15786 0.08516 0.94356 0.32888 0.74223 0.57322 0.24566 0.20497 0.43097 0.17866 0.49057 0.9032 0.46792 0.93905 0.86135 0.6166 0.23599 0.23799 0.70251 0.11332 0.88441 0.29585 0.16024 0.22568 0.72798 0.50638 0.68022 0.40776 0.60811 0.40459 0.49511 0.64991 0.21865 0.09119 0.31041 0.97823 0.17349 0.18288 0.44805 0.70576 0.92236 0.99027 0.87101 0.77451 0.36424 0.95985 0.56039 0.38908 0.14459 0.42759 0.57942 0.61234 0.51652 0.02237 0.97276 0.25956 0.43664 0.40209 0.65988 0.20021 0.4787 0.60702 0.98136 0.11101 0.02384 0.17418 0.61104 0.4228 0.75233 0.85898 0.17681 0.19714 0.41237 0.71503 0.11191 0.03263 0.72233 0.31168 0.32264 0.8816 0.49567 0.15899 0.68761 0.58011 0.15415 0.13458 0.25519 0.38079 0.41645 0.75507 0.85661 0.13084 0.01149 0.88737 0.26611 0.15727 0.13396 0.85432 0.38135 0.00734 0.56017 0.30504 0.87901 0.33698 0.9309 0.44237 0.13658 0.10828 0.16158 0.03004 0.37847 0.48075 0.30795 0.6716 0.46225 0.86379 0.63556 0.57035 0.68062 0.4509 0.02258 0.97124 0.48517 0.28841 0.97047 0.2347 0.82697 0.52214 0.58773 0.9173 0.14059 0.10243 0.25248 0.54891 0.35043 0.9053 0.18071 0.13738 0.93738 0.0167 0.85121 0.0527 0.22113 0.36263 0.70541 0.80117 0.06896 0.99143 0.72503 0.18483 0.72821 0.89289 0.60397 0.94191 0.03679 0.36062 0.16146 0.39533 0.36346 0.45858 0.54758 0.46879 0.94796 0.78882 0.93659 0.85465 0.98662 0.48229 0.41589 0.61098 0.84593 0.36248 0.70711 0.67861 0.75334 0.81948 0.42854 0.69617 0.95998 0.87984 0.46845 0.34943 0.83341 0.50538 0.19876 0.42773 0.98792 0.71071 0.53359 0.73183 0.39771 0.12872 0.79695 0.5394 0.1288 0.34486 0.37146 0.59805 0.16836 0.98454 0.78485 0.37633 0.01673 0.14521 0.37675 0.95759 0.35051 0.71419 0.31136 0.03498 0.84466 0.95573 0.19487 0.16476 0.61574 0.85569 0.11035 0.05552 0.85781 0.41329 0.13662 0.52539 0.37307 0.2376 0.50366 0.79355 0.50703 0.36893 0.0811 0.76123 0.93425 0.6976 0.83181 0.30518 0.02278 0.06124 0.1091 0.61972 0.75131 0.73137 0.24401 0.78309 0.88938 0.17175 0.83924 0.81835 0.98535 0.65976 0.70794 0.14564 0.48649 0.39398 0.44147 0.74546 0.72223 0.26323 0.14604 0.68777 0.12232 0.2276 0.74166 0.68975 0.50601 0.79134 0.87561 0.61015 0.09308 0.64616 0.11124 0.02953 0.5402 0.37627 0.7975 0.49511 0.20461 0.42573 0.70289 0.50358 0.14737 0.84705 0.93155 0.57517 0.31384 0.21155 0.46278 0.09803 0.40158 0.32545 0.12875 0.99481 0.57671 0.05598 0.73085 0.66078 0.91081 0.25068 0.3464 0.03364 0.33141 0.60569 0.08352 0.12388 0.46401 0.09627 0.84145 0.89747 0.16667 0.25168 0.59274 0.38712 0.68988 0.89042 0.40183 0.10016 0.41336 0.73834
+0.69389 0.65958 0.12089 0.15096 0.26429 0.21743 0.97323 0.59373 0.49884 0.27894 0.41632 0.66605 0.74654 0.65488 0.96017 0.11088 0.3313 0.93068 0.99256 0.13995 0.68792 0.2894 0.09011 0.74499 0.08965 0.4429 0.19539 0.39387 0.77578 0.7953 0.50692 0.22944 0.66016 0.10356 0.77563 0.48461 0.93256 0.75037 0.34342 0.70208 0.86826 0.53564 0.80582 0.20652 0.86524 0.43048 0.08951 0.05176 0.32621 0.17963 0.38652 0.60327 0.09351 0.00227 0.86573 0.53376 0.75736 0.43001 0.1828 0.48339 0.45759 0.87252 0.47929 0.21667 0.88512 0.30528 0.95503 0.08542 0.60181 0.76 0.30998 0.34091 0.97517 0.18121 0.26816 0.39725 0.0626 0.75472 0.77531 0.20805 0.94762 0.65177 0.37326 0.06668 0.40993 0.93877 0.08092 0.9437 0.43286 0.99483 0.63556 0.70173 0.25538 0.90437 0.17601 0.75302 0.87323 0.82886 0.2277 0.49037 0.55755 0.34117 0.68058 0.93323 0.85713 0.76872 0.37938 0.44274 0.32304 0.87085 0.58799 0.1098 0.10594 0.85775 0.30922 0.69315 0.53402 0.82643 0.59307 0.05756 0.76571 0.24954 0.65665 0.15735 0.66134 0.01781 0.47904 0.00568 0.99794 0.52017 0.11141 0.2256 0.58922 0.24765 0.92414 0.28382 0.58485 0.67781 0.75971 0.64069 0.9536 0.66179 0.78945 0.33477 0.58774 0.7269 0.71602 0.79837 0.89037 0.30285 0.56129 0.21433 0.13482 0.40852 0.19186 0.18669 0.67814 0.59566 0.82399 0.94167 0.48417 0.71431 0.85621 0.47273 0.63405 0.4206 0.85258 0.97449 0.39486 0.93405 0.74629 0.23149 0.22801 0.86414 0.48547 0.12176 0.80198 0.2372 0.25837 0.82514 0.12617 0.17663 0.58502 0.96165 0.42974 0.13266 0.74346 0.59709 0.61843 0.06095 0.25188 0.78119 0.32343 0.59495 0.53584 0.08242 0.27385 0.65979 0.1714 0.28406 0.48705 0.12682 0.19417 0.03579 0.21133 0.29233 0.75135 0.88337 0.0014 0.09512 0.89561 0.66486 0.62 0.58312 0.9109 0.16618 0.9105 0.14415 0.63936 0.60938 0.45286 0.72092 0.06184 0.44326 0.91911 0.53204 0.11728 0.02304 0.80598 0.28219 0.83245 0.76251 0.09348 0.26285 0.64478 0.71518 0.19079 0.31556 0.50923 0.84571 0.74509 0.45709 0.45561 0.66185 0.14465 0.69161 0.04986 0.01392 0.69061 0.31733 0.36023 0.70827 0.89282 0.95633 0.3179 0.11162 0.44839 0.75632 0.36661 0.54755 0.95036 0.17685 0.64303 0.55178 0.75694 0.01292 0.73306 0.47248 0.09888 0.32149 0.23663 0.03635 0.63176 0.709 0.35739 0.51655 0.0675 0.98083 0.60368 0.87058 0.83407 0.61253 0.15366 0.46113 0.36065 0.52579 0.91044 0.47262 0.66368 0.69535 0.53573 0.8048 0.3098 0.32455 0.96005 0.28756 0.79094 0.55215 0.71652 0.92631 0.92047 0.77239 0.72495 0.26888 0.95006 0.1765 0.95397 0.22489 0.1448 0.69258 0.0795 0.97036 0.37875 0.2159 0.17758 0.10751 0.57232 0.24928 0.79549 0.82155 0.45055 0.79663 0.87478 0.99349 0.64604 0.23081 0.82302 0.35374 0.42983 0.08884 0.18535 0.96685 0.34906 0.50935 0.8278 0.7011 0.39836 0.20697 0.13026 0.94219 0.78172 0.63894 0.49459 0.28334 0.76143 0.5031 0.04498 0.18566 0.29101 0.07044 0.09963 0.75178 0.31531 0.45401 0.63149 0.73103 0.18521 0.44816 0.27479 0.09823 0.00043 0.03423 0.06396 0.5079 0.7327 0.9179 0.077 0.41696 0.86687 0.77773 0.13704 0.69812 0.81275 0.54292 0.31996 0.91534 0.17582 0.14876 0.26927 0.59819 0.09883 0.88457 0.44287 0.49959 0.71832 0.70044 0.9213 0.04611 0.29736 0.80777 0.27185 0.58504 0.72004 0.36097 0.54989 0.86598 0.64514 0.19476 0.61803 0.74755 0.88366 0.70352 0.08313 0.64609 0.83164 0.93362 0.30931 0.28788 0.03785 0.60174 0.66938 0.17514 0.06644 0.92396 0.6826 0.39394 0.27637 0.3563 0.26872 0.3419 0.75553 0.11214 0.86095 0.94745 0.68886 0.01287 0.03186 0.87841 0.60057 0.64719 0.32942 0.98863 0.93571 0.87417 0.36701 0.13602 0.65171 0.83483 0.08699 0.26573 0.78644 0.7401 0.68853 0.63329 0.46989 0.99611 0.16515 0.56659 0.76491 0.43362 0.93236 0.51285 0.64133 0.894 0.66714 0.48459 0.35763 0.03154 0.80104 0.09239 0.87871 0.44326 0.86641 0.21391 0.39188 0.40561 0.30592 0.06563 0.90724 0.32942 0.97961 0.47275 0.59989 0.98467 0.99733 0.82264 0.28533 0.75054 0.0038 0.57693 0.16646 0.26571 0.22849 0.83486 0.63381 0.92979 0.65333 0.09576 0.89287 0.87532 0.27477 0.50519 0.86441 0.68998 0.74274 0.97258 0.10554 0.45601 0.26966 0.86924 0.86024 0.76848 0.95686 0.55848 0.94987 0.70233 0.89138 0.04923 0.51662 0.70497 0.37833 0.29408
+0.51962 0.34458 0.25174 0.40133 0.48386 0.35227 0.6126 0.00246 0.81269 0.61861 0.65 0.75885 0.50216 0.45466 0.61424 0.92364 0.10804 0.60485 0.01925 0.68022 0.52717 0.34591 0.66597 0.86344 0.90302 0.53752 0.43963 0.82754 0.30118 0.03639 0.8426 0.96215 0.86508 0.20828 0.41199 0.45575 0.21073 0.10209 0.76789 0.66773 0.26822 0.26039 0.19358 0.10439 0.13834 0.9244 0.42059 0.43985 0.48506 0.21276 0.91423 0.34996 0.3298 0.4032 0.20221 0.96089 0.45037 0.72455 0.96027 0.39941 0.83324 0.07809 0.1106 0.79036 0.66939 0.28971 0.87814 0.84259 0.86211 0.67638 0.48043 0.55021 0.03016 0.43204 0.63077 0.22983 0.94675 0.1861 0.28003 0.53479 0.84958 0.57624 0.94603 0.88881 0.68047 0.50765 0.60666 0.68919 0.71661 0.1922 0.43505 0.21419 0.58046 0.68951 0.85112 0.62177 0.64155 0.77995 0.2709 0.59085 0.11948 0.70159 0.12641 0.30904 0.44586 0.78642 0.29215 0.31881 0.22577 0.90799 0.61349 0.80866 0.25258 0.56234 0.47093 0.40843 0.88002 0.41956 0.85184 0.33247 0.63524 0.44826 0.18944 0.92098 0.32877 0.14042 0.12142 0.64718 0.27603 0.58002 0.00497 0.00953 0.0408 0.53308 0.92147 0.24006 0.31532 0.50551 0.6626 0.69423 0.52262 0.82501 0.3833 0.62026 0.3928 0.59736 0.81343 0.09141 0.08375 0.39364 0.59188 0.28876 0.90575 0.88389 0.34978 0.32423 0.51109 0.77254 0.18572 0.18427 0.72456 0.95378 0.00654 0.36728 0.8315 0.22804 0.01907 0.12185 0.2216 0.57381 0.36117 0.40808 0.27444 0.66428 0.0888 0.95029 0.55338 0.16187 0.37335 0.99271 0.80082 0.8607 0.70998 0.88574 0.61763 0.31674 0.62668 0.10729 0.40089 0.91287 0.86939 0.54377 0.96475 0.0121 0.8488 0.73589 0.62643 0.45562 0.46459 0.97374 0.02259 0.8982 0.88682 0.87068 0.55984 0.64406 0.36099 0.27334 0.50502 0.94353 0.54703 0.26013 0.74627 0.54215 0.96005 0.26524 0.91467 0.10585 0.73735 0.60496 0.56098 0.67004 0.03932 0.05263 0.59367 0.40175 0.95708 0.51484 0.96158 0.40694 0.57205 0.05754 0.1596 0.11974 0.82153 0.33179 0.03843 0.41715 0.01272 0.10791 0.08068 0.28171 0.92047 0.81011 0.68028 0.53016 0.83433 0.96469 0.97925 0.656 0.09197 0.45685 0.11818 0.43359 0.32518 0.25073 0.77333 0.02349 0.16495 0.26446 0.64919 0.15797 0.18215 0.81563 0.17369 0.22307 0.80866 0.68409 0.83462 0.39619 0.95437 0.97472 0.09601 0.92149 0.93438 0.23567 0.73918 0.00275 0.37207 0.03914 0.83077 0.4412 0.80156 0.06827 0.40861 0.56133 0.418 0.28461 0.6999 0.20949 0.61599 0.1016 0.5811 0.84549 0.284 0.29113 0.04864 0.04995 0.41195 0.22729 0.92181 0.02821 0.30991 0.97855 0.04809 0.25465 0.24973 0.21949 0.22966 0.38019 0.07179 0.45055 0.44191 0.90715 0.80224 0.68243 0.71035 0.42175 0.26879 0.50617 0.07641 0.61754 0.11991 0.85717 0.78491 0.29079 0.09064 0.55394 0.13233 0.76627 0.61554 0.94318 0.07112 0.84734 0.15398 0.05108 0.40707 0.66515 0.90183 0.37958 0.90339 0.49661 0.15836 0.64523 0.08673 0.94039 0.10725 0.01426 0.0468 0.44134 0.83385 0.42011 0.29918 0.35166 0.26392 0.95827 0.87242 0.00752 0.20541 0.12458 0.00444 0.17933 0.53963 0.77463 0.09787 0.52584 0.46132 0.71932 0.74079 0.74991 0.42499 0.81528 0.54338 0.36764 0.067 0.81878 0.20923 0.16669 0.44886 0.82953 0.84912 0.21361 0.00311 0.73807 0.04265 0.12882 0.69704 0.83896 0.56488 0.42705 0.78384 0.28468 0.14297 0.64494 0.55182 0.78848 0.30357 0.19567 0.67697 0.20736 0.51876 0.16722 0.9067 0.43624 0.0589 0.5161 0.13756 0.49222 0.64129 0.4224 0.26741 0.19998 0.97771 0.37068 0.61369 0.70985 0.08537 0.69329 0.94127 0.67033 0.07081 0.53131 0.68494 0.47002 0.47288 0.78195 0.87169 0.61074 0.64963 0.49217 0.34725 0.49129 0.21069 0.64242 0.96784 0.82107 0.05861 0.80616 0.08576 0.78462 0.95694 0.0707 0.39696 0.9008 0.82981 0.93181 0.31772 0.60666 0.76955 0.15459 0.43979 0.3474 0.36988 0.94368 0.13147 0.81749 0.74035 0.42111 0.15167 0.00304 0.59316 0.79395 0.82302 0.81146 0.00748 0.77734 0.5886 0.23502 0.08148 0.86791 0.97177 0.52291 0.12627 0.45351 0.09922 0.05343 0.77955 0.06246 0.20572 0.65615 0.79323 0.84404 0.36881 0.51593 0.93629 0.14814 0.39282 0.08994 0.72519 0.29066 0.77658 0.01424 0.02133 0.60288 0.29724 0.00274 0.32842 0.2444 0.3595 0.62242 0.17439 0.43634 0.45379 0.09264 0.3015 0.75626 0.5238 0.18888 0.65586 0.49837 0.38973 0.12529
+0.10421 0.21712 0.01313 0.10184 0.10849 0.11424 0.6247 0.45181 0.59045 0.12968 0.89134 0.15896 0.20176 0.57849 0.13536 0.74216 0.0988 0.77067 0.89972 0.70395 0.5795 0.29696 0.67384 0.7997 0.64871 0.09653 0.95465 0.83893 0.49924 0.86862 0.92114 0.57718 0.31181 0.92854 0.91639 0.50327 0.336 0.44744 0.30716 0.24744 0.11001 0.97786 0.78708 0.52822 0.38264 0.01996 0.49878 0.69513 0.20124 0.38563 0.97604 0.42445 0.05208 0.24605 0.30567 0.88435 0.86006 0.5078 0.03691 0.75312 0.52018 0.02602 0.45053 0.60077 0.99159 0.45064 0.16459 0.55046 0.49829 0.00351 0.28558 0.69687 0.25709 0.97214 0.09984 0.65137 0.28063 0.13622 0.47894 0.61461 0.82861 0.59912 0.65374 0.26094 0.79981 0.8155 0.24628 0.99291 0.58287 0.08114 0.41858 0.30756 0.89425 0.52093 0.54039 0.80599 0.57213 0.40052 0.16688 0.59355 0.21137 0.32826 0.51927 0.08794 0.34304 0.4705 0.18467 0.9409 0.70914 0.43738 0.5235 0.10397 0.37278 0.47968 0.39755 0.23655 0.99868 0.72889 0.5368 0.18859 0.18567 0.96258 0.50824 0.30795 0.70753 0.00904 0.81935 0.35889 0.35077 0.05707 0.12187 0.99269 0.08526 0.08551 0.86746 0.21673 0.15567 0.40016 0.76971 0.99145 0.26495 0.75274 0.81494 0.22503 0.34769 0.43442 0.00024 0.67252 0.94141 0.52752 0.74794 0.78906 0.02973 0.86509 0.53654 0.25561 0.88679 0.37669 0.97398 0.80189 0.49108 0.76049 0.16267 0.84805 0.14622 0.84609 0.82542 0.92892 0.24801 0.46821 0.22572 0.29117 0.00976 0.07159 0.96829 0.40866 0.99561 0.12667 0.93046 0.82329 0.05175 0.34023 0.359 0.95094 0.17811 0.99647 0.9553 0.98872 0.17129 0.63768 0.54111 0.52863 0.66447 0.23683 0.07981 0.88959 0.55159 0.39498 0.57781 0.18838 0.58383 0.66524 0.58586 0.81328 0.23288 0.06984 0.84345 0.90148 0.09716 0.60197 0.22089 0.29313 0.33584 0.67261 0.32769 0.5719 0.38577 0.79427 0.55099 0.99997 0.80598 0.01557 0.05084 0.58648 0.69065 0.31062 0.14666 0.10732 0.14066 0.88514 0.52401 0.49842 0.76495 0.98665 0.85458 0.83908 0.78795 0.82137 0.14287 0.04236 0.206 0.74018 0.67414 0.13947 0.20519 0.28613 0.4774 0.83572 0.21867 0.60138 0.10716 0.4347 0.49312 0.17045 0.13742 0.695 0.00929 0.0823 0.54038 0.86795 0.41895 0.19389 0.27081 0.78198 0.1183 0.30094 0.01 0.13224 0.51468 0.23898 0.24068 0.45802 0.24057 0.69954 0.54362 0.56418 0.62717 0.39672 0.11524 0.99414 0.11167 0.98244 0.21041 0.81884 0.748 0.52794 0.23346 0.43305 0.51598 0.48695 0.7663 0.85966 0.53126 0.46297 0.25547 0.95933 0.60494 0.68873 0.41391 0.2701 0.76404 0.0205 0.25101 0.87477 0.69379 0.20172 0.59256 0.92524 0.39479 0.67968 0.41418 0.44621 0.48835 0.92462 0.89643 0.5024 0.10375 0.96563 0.19679 0.24782 0.97017 0.26476 0.98568 0.11667 0.76145 0.72826 0.40967 0.06701 0.65917 0.68473 0.0619 0.13523 0.24672 0.19621 0.17532 0.13143 0.43659 0.68568 0.33256 0.75441 0.55647 0.33462 0.26739 0.51773 0.30398 0.97919 0.98366 0.10703 0.48828 0.15565 0.8288 0.2821 0.91611 0.2217 0.92004 0.15541 0.56323 0.61117 0.35292 0.03082 0.74271 0.47207 0.35534 0.94951 0.91248 0.21534 0.80781 0.36341 0.11833 0.82824 0.25109 0.98713 0.82208 0.14436 0.56817 0.96539 0.98148 0.38821 0.16335 0.07846 0.95359 0.77781 0.43423 0.17034 0.88513 0.13408 0.75248 0.34769 0.97744 0.2251 0.4227 0.94059 0.17391 0.06652 0.6332 0.81519 0.74904 0.34467 0.82409 0.74994 0.44929 0.20725 0.76436 0.46179 0.30218 0.93152 0.51926 0.81247 0.80142 0.09039 0.45319 0.87172 0.60205 0.844 0.89644 0.23582 0.20638 0.67807 0.82576 0.2351 0.95526 0.5655 0.3446 0.04122 0.04778 0.02501 0.79575 0.98773 0.96391 0.14484 0.70408 0.17619 0.11116 0.32927 0.12899 0.69539 0.39994 0.75287 0.29252 0.12105 0.22888 0.11758 0.53245 0.84048 0.33264 0.77267 0.22118 0.28227 0.45381 0.51034 0.72617 0.48551 0.95947 0.44757 0.22526 0.02552 0.05405 0.81042 0.88094 0.42588 0.61 0.69081 0.0047 0.43455 0.05302 0.23117 0.64841 0.13026 0.85623 0.92937 0.19029 0.39408 0.61399 0.09055 0.18784 0.74329 0.60477 0.23665 0.03465 0.58535 0.05314 0.14928 0.66846 0.7304 0.38665 0.48272 0.29293 0.70226 0.64793 0.27692 0.90822 0.35061 0.15201 0.16493 0.13238 0.32144 0.31361 0.55724 0.21161 0.93486 0.46008 0.90064 0.15539 0.1671 0.18934 0.75375 0.89833 0.91339 0.01485 0.41255 0.8223 0.60818
+0.6085 0.21586 0.73018 0.84494 0.55714 0.16768 0.7946 0.13282 0.16504 0.7386 0.37051 0.65989 0.52921 0.87396 0.99917 0.02246 0.44587 0.12453 0.94071 0.64485 0.21588 0.54768 0.59122 0.25005 0.94437 0.84426 0.50632 0.50014 0.76259 0.33281 0.64752 0.42754 0.63823 0.64634 0.75065 0.89223 0.62765 0.73072 0.90542 0.0033 0.37929 0.77403 0.67453 0.3114 0.5535 0.24553 0.95679 0.13858 0.06306 0.80607 0.62155 0.15217 0.45081 0.22612 0.9969 0.61823 0.43846 0.4373 0.85833 0.64942 0.28295 0.24839 0.12127 0.72094 0.87405 0.79588 0.2893 0.01205 0.13557 0.27118 0.42326 0.68626 0.76055 0.63636 0.60629 0.8191 0.12331 0.5854 0.10888 0.04932 0.70662 0.41412 0.11965 0.13243 0.27523 0.26198 0.29973 0.90916 0.48197 0.26497 0.08516 0.55393 0.24635 0.1368 0.87306 0.10668 0.53648 0.00081 0.42767 0.98619 0.90915 0.47224 0.31218 0.90098 0.83104 0.63545 0.18372 0.39665 0.6236 0.45822 0.27549 0.49468 0.83571 0.6192 0.8918 0.08362 0.1296 0.63142 0.28954 0.64558 0.38552 0.60268 0.22172 0.93771 0.07098 0.53018 0.3136 0.72983 0.84806 0.61319 0.11981 0.40976 0.08465 0.28583 0.35157 0.08874 0.21784 0.96561 0.59375 0.76592 0.39273 0.29103 0.72144 0.42752 0.1692 0.02981 0.82915 0.83854 0.69805 0.58559 0.51898 0.1723 0.28754 0.34427 0.33075 0.09731 0.09716 0.08157 0.27568 0.8628 0.70604 0.16468 0.5925 0.5743 0.16757 0.015 0.57374 0.1472 0.66169 0.29454 0.08698 0.31454 0.5856 0.99634 0.32886 0.37186 0.82532 0.33643 0.03098 0.51073 0.81584 0.45929 0.39702 0.8765 0.34286 0.96822 0.05196 0.9723 0.03137 0.6155 0.41572 0.31457 0.89812 0.87677 0.23633 0.0089 0.32023 0.17432 0.00375 0.91944 0.95238 0.27183 0.25251 0.81251 0.35388 0.7036 0.07551 0.10346 0.63953 0.33781 0.00982 0.0082 0.1531 0.99304 0.98518 0.77403 0.01713 0.30471 0.07591 0.30509 0.87244 0.53533 0.67462 0.94589 0.75223 0.99622 0.90234 0.56743 0.72922 0.66474 0.18106 0.33121 0.8569 0.84377 0.47014 0.74266 0.94939 0.28552 0.91751 0.07308 0.80846 0.88753 0.01036 0.125 0.2733 0.13563 0.07678 0.09276 0.71335 0.6556 0.29202 0.05793 0.48152 0.70588 0.24823 0.95977 0.3433 0.68349 0.69772 0.7212 0.85522 0.95829 0.21067 0.13918 0.9445 0.81183 0.38427 0.82325 0.45537 0.67529 0.20908 0.6494 0.09793 0.35525 0.74765 0.77762 0.17763 0.48662 0.78089 0.45003 0.48332 0.2089 0.4758 0.14648 0.58209 0.61837 0.97375 0.17073 0.92155 0.73274 0.98642 0.31284 0.93806 0.13804 0.04385 0.58946 0.4157 0.61476 0.20461 0.94874 0.94951 0.74346 0.02682 0.51503 0.36749 0.66975 0.15087 0.09237 0.81195 0.37325 0.23013 0.79299 0.73561 0.17906 0.96459 0.86945 0.44135 0.7485 0.70482 0.6748 0.32819 0.4798 0.48389 0.98273 0.09239 0.79225 0.258 0.23151 0.68172 0.15476 0.90782 0.12133 0.17706 0.65078 0.42081 0.02059 0.88889 0.84936 0.6312 0.99413 0.39278 0.61322 0.79507 0.63526 0.93169 0.55157 0.80712 0.00222 0.37463 0.33842 0.65296 0.45201 0.57979 0.44414 0.24779 0.89691 0.12942 0.57284 0.3403 0.44265 0.77193 0.92888 0.57235 0.41617 0.48337 0.01923 0.82765 0.66248 0.04454 0.09844 0.78209 0.21467 0.04947 0.49991 0.10543 0.08683 0.468 0.1709 0.35646 0.86129 0.69106 0.27915 0.46905 0.59921 0.78129 0.01508 0.14584 0.37707 0.71687 0.91389 0.07841 0.69575 0.95765 0.98538 0.94109 0.19018 0.89597 0.05687 0.95456 0.3583 0.65719 0.61332 0.33905 0.06742 0.4132 0.50686 0.91432 0.51117 0.40715 0.66722 0.48868 0.58157 0.33202 0.03874 0.85451 0.11511 0.47371 0.05176 0.82265 0.62075 0.4912 0.94451 0.56284 0.08027 0.85644 0.78302 0.90694 0.14753 0.5565 0.04888 0.77137 0.10322 0.25371 0.76976 0.91054 0.37634 0.10836 0.27668 0.11304 0.00849 0.59914 0.10837 0.35178 0.36231 0.67412 0.35016 0.50378 0.35603 0.75249 0.74265 0.00991 0.12971 0.51805 0.66422 0.79194 0.50478 0.46972 0.68568 0.13003 0.58236 0.23479 0.21116 0.17075 0.15326 0.22044 0.11914 0.99301 0.05642 0.73462 0.67184 0.97446 0.95287 0.01922 0.37656 0.73904 0.43803 0.09056 0.73989 0.36799 0.11498 0.1871 0.45604 0.94442 0.6543 0.07106 0.16527 0.32483 0.52757 0.46455 0.26942 0.90749 0.86595 0.1054 0.58162 0.81222 0.00755 0.62939 0.92118 0.95259 0.9041 0.67502 0.01483 0.12504 0.05864 0.94398 0.13946 0.7487 0.53189 0.32407 0.21569 0.78172 0.24968
+0.81554 0.36433 0.4258 0.62741 0.62066 0.85409 0.36737 0.38149 0.94313 0.43527 0.68821 0.55278 0.96928 0.59075 0.09395 0.7633 0.94575 0.03816 0.91004 0.9427 0.0875 0.07224 0.84616 0.52105 0.38506 0.43034 0.1766 0.51317 0.7558 0.22271 0.20142 0.99181 0.20321 0.85945 0.80619 0.62367 0.80986 0.97727 0.18503 0.10278 0.92857 0.34188 0.44605 0.07755 0.7577 0.79632 0.09677 0.65026 0.17204 0.48784 0.95741 0.00478 0.89715 0.99393 0.21358 0.95264 0.07531 0.60782 0.95051 0.25681 0.59919 0.41255 0.37757 0.85793 0.36442 0.98838 0.85936 0.81401 0.14766 0.95569 0.36364 0.29965 0.03931 0.68145 0.5478 0.41963 0.25448 0.19542 0.70685 0.30885 0.96427 0.41798 0.63525 0.70628 0.60912 0.85984 0.02405 0.56463 0.83459 0.32902 0.31061 0.03537 0.6195 0.31032 0.08599 0.26173 0.86929 0.99087 0.35688 0.17962 0.50007 0.398 0.31771 0.84826 0.82477 0.75114 0.12497 0.37345 0.13148 0.821 0.97537 0.52764 0.75059 0.58848 0.92761 0.15998 0.74342 0.91534 0.79206 0.15908 0.72726 0.20222 0.59948 0.24072 0.46992 0.83528 0.37904 0.79242 0.63476 0.50252 0.55147 0.82813 0.49611 0.52378 0.35563 0.89204 0.99261 0.89578 0.96388 0.33954 0.86842 0.14034 0.90021 0.89196 0.96642 0.15278 0.27932 0.88142 0.19232 0.53007 0.01072 0.53721 0.61824 0.82835 0.82152 0.89098 0.95065 0.41727 0.14899 0.11228 0.53477 0.54649 0.95325 0.17002 0.37171 0.55195 0.57452 0.62442 0.96299 0.35641 0.0065 0.64071 0.59549 0.93496 0.66635 0.4639 0.39031 0.83986 0.62217 0.97051 0.35637 0.00904 0.99905 0.88032 0.4594 0.54667 0.23765 0.10816 0.17529 0.28086 0.70414 0.74527 0.38208 0.6064 0.30502 0.09879 0.11381 0.91244 0.84439 0.6412 0.66223 0.7821 0.93967 0.4453 0.46688 0.17524 0.23004 0.24345 0.85154 0.37134 0.5301 0.37051 0.98108 0.10216 0.2697 0.33866 0.50143 0.25325 0.97355 0.52738 0.96097 0.3683 0.39705 0.41854 0.67944 0.18659 0.46041 0.05003 0.66894 0.97813 0.9454 0.70668 0.79443 0.18997 0.07796 0.06347 0.83536 0.63641 0.16292 0.35905 0.66572 0.11917 0.30683 0.60027 0.72326 0.45525 0.75285 0.00243 0.3404 0.04927 0.82147 0.0928 0.67439 0.54701 0.64327 0.25212 0.72679 0.99624 0.28832 0.91276 0.15968 0.54514 0.08664 0.72541 0.53419 0.64418 0.08926 0.28353 0.6433 0.8687 0.69559 0.47068 0.10618 0.05824 0.04704 0.68044 0.20977 0.04653 0.03247 0.41178 0.54827 0.58656 0.46698 0.87962 0.90311 0.56023 0.93026 0.80591 0.22243 0.57642 0.4628 0.09626 0.74446 0.46982 0.65455 0.56988 0.86107 0.69092 0.49709 0.19603 0.42037 0.74276 0.14484 0.50088 0.50858 0.00314 0.32587 0.30246 0.32666 0.38501 0.92741 0.47352 0.65104 0.33989 0.66552 0.61461 0.73925 0.02031 0.47084 0.85854 0.51141 0.49892 0.69927 0.5841 0.809 0.61593 0.53884 0.91774 0.78901 0.22755 0.73293 0.74001 0.93295 0.62257 0.53627 0.2511 0.88651 0.28025 0.69908 0.65886 0.6268 0.32606 0.95899 0.48417 0.8447 0.0398 0.6184 0.3476 0.78083 0.67595 0.93098 0.49967 0.45431 0.4153 0.72521 0.35404 0.55044 0.80623 0.04879 0.10341 0.78154 0.28584 0.46804 0.30323 0.48809 0.90411 0.42139 0.8882 0.91994 0.44444 0.84808 0.60493 0.45277 0.13654 0.2542 0.37908 0.2557 0.42083 0.09816 0.20922 0.25284 0.23246 0.66683 0.6222 0.17855 0.67696 0.27798 0.85586 0.08259 0.21303 0.93693 0.47254 0.49982 0.35251 0.39003 0.30597 0.72412 0.76494 0.09026 0.10499 0.71364 0.60255 0.57725 0.26707 0.25328 0.67697 0.45628 0.91185 0.82117 0.59135 0.38977 0.99643 0.87548 0.07487 0.0876 0.47009 0.95241 0.71987 0.6236 0.72213 0.79784 0.13076 0.72471 0.31131 0.29407 0.63149 0.11362 0.55696 0.21382 0.27286 0.12402 0.5308 0.69528 0.96396 0.53229 0.02459 0.25986 0.33286 0.99178 0.03459 0.31698 0.1583 0.94468 0.19013 0.88052 0.82017 0.16698 0.20686 0.82128 0.07108 0.61502 0.20958 0.6355 0.26414 0.56512 0.80568 0.17157 0.45418 0.66106 0.3072 0.00409 0.04587 0.49112 0.75864 0.31539 0.56929 0.74351 0.38825 0.85602 0.33767 0.80027 0.21768 0.84636 0.42489 0.59561 0.2429 0.32911 0.07632 0.83912 0.14869 0.36106 0.8254 0.57355 0.49087 0.06604 0.52334 0.0126 0.38103 0.82196 0.78252 0.06596 0.72947 0.52301 0.25801 0.28645 0.61164 0.01804 0.25307 0.88848 0.06047 0.8986 0.46078 0.7571 0.62945 0.322 0.58637 0.02499 0.01101 0.68633 0.28621 0.93821 0.2097
+0.80965 0.57955 0.73105 0.05519 0.44348 0.59956 0.78241 0.17943 0.31369 0.04873 0.9605 0.5844 0.82583 0.93524 0.74733 0.22713 0.08093 0.38912 0.99956 0.17859 0.13021 0.18301 0.12275 0.02555 0.82706 0.49546 0.72027 0.48573 0.13105 0.63145 0.52543 0.84094 0.63066 0.85288 0.27562 0.63446 0.70372 0.39318 0.11746 0.25349 0.0558 0.62151 0.76586 0.66962 0.27094 0.49956 0.48385 0.29437 0.69554 0.67934 0.73246 0.20849 0.23628 0.64238 0.78275 0.57687 0.56309 0.15878 0.80956 0.7375 0.7124 0.23915 0.04884 0.60516 0.93476 0.95005 0.83967 0.89632 0.76704 0.45463 0.17912 0.47186 0.31788 0.86154 0.20161 0.03942 0.17624 0.49779 0.66751 0.35656 0.30466 0.21949 0.27087 0.49722 0.48605 0.32626 0.22262 0.79509 0.41573 0.61658 0.13043 0.14928 0.37656 0.1749 0.2599 0.75895 0.69682 0.94768 0.38684 0.28379 0.7567 0.17455 0.99207 0.02143 0.86106 0.74722 0.75701 0.24067 0.37978 0.91084 0.17493 0.14513 0.34076 0.69106 0.64278 0.96084 0.55812 0.28467 0.34247 0.74992 0.76815 0.22582 0.62114 0.59807 0.01229 0.23761 0.27744 0.19209 0.9375 0.06471 0.82857 0.97857 0.92105 0.90125 0.79042 0.09982 0.49156 0.78296 0.98388 0.05291 0.16232 0.45068 0.07024 0.31246 0.93844 0.54882 0.14852 0.08932 0.60412 0.1815 0.41343 0.59351 0.68829 0.14707 0.44892 0.40207 0.1096 0.38915 0.82957 0.47332 0.17123 0.15991 0.90733 0.05456 0.52755 0.92153 0.59116 0.82117 0.04117 0.48636 0.5968 0.76853 0.27033 0.1971 0.22962 0.40766 0.70699 0.38287 0.41707 0.98366 0.18096 0.04438 0.0957 0.79751 0.67374 0.84895 0.80563 0.87361 0.46143 0.48654 0.30048 0.81975 0.65633 0.16971 0.61225 0.72316 0.30807 0.14383 0.89346 0.54638 0.329 0.72271 0.58666 0.49298 0.31708 0.7285 0.31093 0.17032 0.60996 0.10342 0.17829 0.4224 0.69869 0.12032 0.01128 0.15347 0.19712 0.02143 0.77065 0.39106 0.1652 0.6371 0.66821 0.28303 0.99476 0.9656 0.58632 0.51479 0.21252 0.9348 0.94702 0.93574 0.86866 0.8474 0.38883 0.78389 0.20069 0.84539 0.87774 0.93364 0.33387 0.43542 0.77434 0.72393 0.36401 0.4269 0.48699 0.10542 0.8469 0.93151 0.60777 0.30813 0.88324 0.16832 0.78114 0.29798 0.94126 0.60144 0.41666 0.41545 0.5625 0.82186 0.13155 0.04441 0.02395 0.20914 0.33481 0.95081 0.35521 0.9534 0.5931 0.66272 0.05876 0.47177 0.7161 0.61694 0.28784 0.66039 0.07012 0.78669 0.01118 0.0431 0.94669 0.06511 0.39616 0.58676 0.23819 0.06547 0.16244 0.45255 0.97793 0.50276 0.59719 0.03603 0.73144 0.89313 0.80405 0.69081 0.34429 0.23493 0.28668 0.75691 0.8987 0.2704 0.30979 0.31682 0.95582 0.00164 0.76211 0.65744 0.78398 0.18049 0.48283 0.24906 0.36063 0.71487 0.61536 0.69755 0.12904 0.5801 0.80667 0.99407 0.83307 0.22657 0.15226 0.99899 0.00629 0.17353 0.14203 0.76216 0.69229 0.27262 0.3935 0.1721 0.43412 0.44636 0.86228 0.91873 0.83118 0.12905 0.99042 0.10403 0.77704 0.64633 0.95637 0.83705 0.42761 0.09423 0.69974 0.76958 0.25833 0.23408 0.0777 0.33372 0.01729 0.7539 0.80254 0.81729 0.79449 0.73306 0.80875 0.28368 0.61636 0.89234 0.10187 0.83434 0.83086 0.23142 0.42562 0.13953 0.56733 0.17909 0.12011 0.54334 0.1107 0.37929 0.02241 0.33125 0.81681 0.63596 0.21249 0.85375 0.94472 0.53437 0.02538 0.04692 0.22737 0.75665 0.3232 0.8261 0.18232 0.18062 0.24576 0.0773 0.18801 0.33321 0.54746 0.60252 0.22173 0.29574 0.95694 0.13981 0.15353 0.19254 0.16123 0.06468 0.82494 0.93358 0.36881 0.31426 0.18744 0.58376 0.91411 0.8236 0.36588 0.55899 0.3717 0.2937 0.27277 0.90691 0.13209 0.96621 0.71693 0.44901 0.10845 0.36652 0.67659 0.25455 0.82352 0.76073 0.73027 0.08653 0.98442 0.70932 0.51628 0.92589 0.30888 0.71423 0.41254 0.59131 0.4654 0.22478 0.39794 0.52407 0.98259 0.66823 0.74025 0.3269 0.10403 0.36943 0.24432 0.32819 0.03228 0.69781 0.4156 0.13045 0.60747 0.05398 0.8038 0.29508 0.3471 0.52616 0.05396 0.9729 0.44799 0.05705 0.83131 0.99487 0.42218 0.64206 0.82482 0.68123 0.5577 0.77987 0.91105 0.27856 0.0397 0.18784 0.64661 0.01285 0.52466 0.94327 0.39935 0.12231 0.39736 0.0887 0.10659 0.45759 0.72423 0.91683 0.28075 0.85866 0.91176 0.58325 0.58847 0.84805 0.57735 0.60178 0.72623 0.13168 0.14463 0.25928 0.61877 0.28493 0.39052 0.41978 0.61788 0.82781 0.31289 0.82496 0.21152 0.6217
+0.2597 0.49161 0.41056 0.54441 0.82916 0.10014 0.11702 0.32466 0.79833 0.83086 0.54211 0.84925 0.57996 0.24486 0.15189 0.97791 0.14585 0.67685 0.85347 0.07565 0.42763 0.35043 0.4155 0.85172 0.65108 0.58947 0.15003 0.68929 0.25369 0.4386 0.2942 0.18093 0.96905 0.49635 0.14177 0.62129 0.38773 0.47517 0.78176 0.09324 0.43277 0.68443 0.36081 0.47447 0.03022 0.63966 0.52966 0.97904 0.014 0.61876 0.16847 0.69521 0.98479 0.55268 0.89796 0.13877 0.57344 0.07796 0.10409 0.05141 0.46407 0.85851 0.694 0.58217 0.66502 0.32221 0.99055 0.49652 0.99791 0.21306 0.27855 0.19152 0.30265 0.46122 0.63246 0.43466 0.20414 0.67449 0.49053 0.0452 0.26607 0.29502 0.79203 0.54572 0.73848 0.7334 0.7985 0.96117 0.29325 0.11764 0.89573 0.69509 0.02703 0.76072 0.61794 0.75705 0.36526 0.58127 0.93674 0.30358 0.82775 0.33889 0.63481 0.52466 0.38959 0.77917 0.90192 0.74878 0.60057 0.8153 0.51744 0.42109 0.24836 0.28444 0.24842 0.8657 0.11651 0.78168 0.45009 0.49676 0.17767 0.96385 0.30054 0.32859 0.74943 0.06283 0.80558 0.84527 0.92123 0.58468 0.01757 0.23473 0.93954 0.07944 0.74285 0.88561 0.17714 0.31215 0.4203 0.44745 0.96895 0.54878 0.68114 0.07251 0.90524 0.52498 0.52775 0.10828 0.81229 0.19295 0.73069 0.58073 0.70829 0.65001 0.92028 0.91796 0.35884 0.85935 0.38829 0.21204 0.17444 0.48379 0.66078 0.55954 0.03112 0.62022 0.61419 0.22462 0.02681 0.97764 0.27046 0.17716 0.49562 0.39723 0.71236 0.42495 0.49552 0.62384 0.09471 0.36746 0.18081 0.98713 0.99606 0.28661 0.89788 0.64042 0.03236 0.9624 0.5673 0.45746 0.82829 0.88062 0.04326 0.99399 0.1498 0.56556 0.34481 0.96405 0.52449 0.88184 0.89187 0.85251 0.54067 0.6335 0.66231 0.46368 0.93595 0.95326 0.57984 0.22873 0.32234 0.37192 0.41832 0.64859 0.31912 0.60916 0.42191 0.19426 0.41428 0.866 0.70498 0.16194 0.75719 0.10107 0.33615 0.363 0.29779 0.34867 0.77997 0.55508 0.76587 0.16794 0.3908 0.72791 0.47963 0.54092 0.15096 0.14923 0.62654 0.67662 0.81671 0.63287 0.45045 0.98963 0.36082 0.7175 0.69265 0.88892 0.70432 0.4083 0.46136 0.93615 0.66903 0.8391 0.58865 0.0075 0.88781 0.26501 0.44387 0.57278 0.84378 0.52567 0.49192 0.63418 0.7376 0.61554 0.64016 0.10522 0.71976 0.45764 0.91507 0.49651 0.8407 0.92187 0.37596 0.32062 0.22162 0.03282 0.26113 0.5619 0.48449 0.02404 0.90763 0.19629 0.62047 0.56891 0.67184 0.71093 0.22992 0.13998 0.46024 0.09735 0.92238 0.94648 0.54044 0.56471 0.30459 0.403 0.96064 0.07795 0.26083 0.27551 0.59209 0.52098 0.85786 0.71361 0.13033 0.89696 0.48174 0.59746 0.00451 0.46465 0.59245 0.99576 0.06669 0.12502 0.48156 0.94013 0.66529 0.02543 0.0073 0.24483 0.29996 0.82825 0.60347 0.79313 0.42922 0.96991 0.18397 0.65109 0.81496 0.2465 0.72194 0.98447 0.92186 0.92738 0.97202 0.46029 0.59179 0.00192 0.50959 0.27635 0.797 0.95188 0.6801 0.55021 0.02371 0.12924 0.72614 0.20454 0.04277 0.78886 0.76176 0.84653 0.86214 0.06801 0.94364 0.46734 0.24885 0.78986 0.29635 0.20109 0.14198 0.10411 0.54685 0.66007 0.65142 0.63771 0.28165 0.72289 0.00661 0.58383 0.45866 0.48563 0.70419 0.85878 0.19971 0.77829 0.69323 0.79513 0.06486 0.46914 0.25614 0.53742 0.29399 0.13312 0.10292 0.01649 0.03371 0.72239 0.40061 0.7107 0.54506 0.67243 0.34157 0.58075 0.35307 0.40703 0.24591 0.25539 0.0444 0.10089 0.53075 0.79862 0.31234 0.41066 0.60711 0.42342 0.58392 0.04534 0.79592 0.21186 0.10549 0.28702 0.81516 0.96717 0.7557 0.69084 0.90275 0.07783 0.59734 0.00615 0.40217 0.99023 0.26509 0.8956 0.08142 0.83295 0.34473 0.92278 0.845 0.63462 0.12649 0.74651 0.54355 0.7096 0.85183 0.21161 0.54205 0.35171 0.48125 0.94158 0.06132 0.71046 0.33078 0.51236 0.40681 0.69116 0.1526 0.15792 0.96964 0.16524 0.00287 0.82491 0.64325 0.82166 0.01196 0.16984 0.11173 0.07593 0.3705 0.92243 0.90688 0.88828 0.11631 0.97799 0.27898 0.83199 0.98425 0.65608 0.47716 0.61181 0.28254 0.05786 0.44889 0.30493 0.68841 0.45539 0.10973 0.63919 0.38322 0.40648 0.54706 0.8155 0.91657 0.24552 0.06737 0.21183 0.67734 0.26989 0.06798 0.45637 0.94945 0.01214 0.60174 0.75187 0.48972 0.59793 0.17771 0.31617 0.59041 0.45383 0.39659 0.81724 0.49469 0.49587 0.10037 0.65506 0.86064 0.27819 0.78984 0.18785
+0.10266 0.42485 0.81415 0.59262 0.51941 0.08971 0.35338 0.41753 0.33464 0.86987 0.86641 0.21812 0.63743 0.74928 0.47721 0.91933 0.37816 0.63024 0.63098 0.74864 0.45063 0.42577 0.60787 0.92269 0.29133 0.01708 0.64006 0.38549 0.94757 0.46507 0.72839 0.96411 0.91409 0.13983 0.22664 0.43506 0.41893 0.09087 0.09082 0.17484 0.93956 0.68211 0.44117 0.29353 0.82213 0.75226 0.28252 0.34567 0.82466 0.21672 0.14062 0.39617 0.07617 0.55738 0.97353 0.32258 0.9352 0.20288 0.84003 0.16531 0.97583 0.32693 0.97252 0.58067 0.05043 0.3912 0.97609 0.45259 0.293 0.93057 0.19712 0.97367 0.32388 0.68879 0.33893 0.93347 0.67529 0.75557 0.78621 0.01725 0.66523 0.09424 0.40137 0.27283 0.83143 0.23556 0.83559 0.46288 0.23168 0.75393 0.91008 0.09468 0.89105 0.49221 0.61582 0.85751 0.30597 0.80997 0.60912 0.0945 0.40836 0.75644 0.29077 0.38822 0.98809 0.6238 0.8925 0.75383 0.22281 0.22604 0.97506 0.02044 0.18978 0.00716 0.82719 0.344 0.7485 0.53467 0.59849 0.98969 0.70988 0.18424 0.40016 0.48655 0.13714 0.69796 0.94589 0.42167 0.83035 0.28084 0.1307 0.95852 0.5568 0.88633 0.86795 0.65351 0.69947 0.98071 0.36384 0.78073 0.56436 0.10177 0.12553 0.2799 0.98943 0.7281 0.13957 0.32168 0.95099 0.67043 0.32248 0.16278 0.3547 0.70647 0.02354 0.6038 0.76262 0.79275 0.47754 0.09202 0.86754 0.04533 0.54968 0.41534 0.52663 0.95408 0.90669 0.23702 0.68092 0.43997 0.2473 0.25287 0.65673 0.73462 0.90361 0.01452 0.92434 0.69437 0.38424 0.11307 0.86437 0.26877 0.54002 0.72457 0.54815 0.68408 0.36736 0.1352 0.79 0.49319 0.10006 0.6031 0.0208 0.80463 0.99792 0.09299 0.36794 0.14735 0.85268 0.98205 0.72686 0.72411 0.24205 0.22429 0.59258 0.98272 0.92777 0.38824 0.32495 0.93195 0.9619 0.91246 0.56041 0.90695 0.19606 0.74823 0.90538 0.04211 0.30649 0.37361 0.96785 0.83312 0.37896 0.36144 0.56719 0.24334 0.15843 0.68577 0.83134 0.58971 0.62812 0.59001 0.45806 0.24103 0.19475 0.26301 0.29701 0.76121 0.7537 0.58984 0.66501 0.66464 0.55135 0.53224 0.46821 0.16859 0.2401 0.78209 0.7706 0.57411 0.5009 0.47915 0.77831 0.72391 0.90446 0.36959 0.17654 0.58357 0.96456 0.59732 0.31153 0.34758 0.47969 0.72613 0.03915 0.68882 0.03 0.49948 0.68296 0.29289 0.13138 0.72166 0.70821 0.00128 0.98279 0.75238 0.12122 0.0572 0.83237 0.42317 0.20897 0.75934 0.24489 0.78169 0.9965 0.80725 0.8732 0.21469 0.95748 0.81759 0.42233 0.10685 0.01895 0.94745 0.13901 0.21503 0.43023 0.41948 0.38253 0.07341 0.57911 0.22932 0.81582 0.41202 0.57075 0.63682 0.56996 0.90616 0.68677 0.36322 0.55073 0.2048 0.91949 0.03752 0.21149 0.17072 0.87966 0.44268 0.12024 0.81534 0.95712 0.33329 0.85111 0.19129 0.08434 0.77419 0.23902 0.44751 0.19087 0.77012 0.38254 0.08478 0.41071 0.43506 0.29261 0.76842 0.37768 0.73961 0.98948 0.95636 0.20996 0.26371 0.14483 0.24025 0.64854 0.44474 0.45856 0.73285 0.65446 0.3327 0.92022 0.02143 0.96324 0.95197 0.7685 0.02324 0.24175 0.60293 0.26396 0.13348 0.32502 0.61394 0.62318 0.99976 0.84899 0.8561 0.49382 0.63642 0.34673 0.81486 0.28153 0.34924 0.26989 0.65288 0.61568 0.03099 0.45746 0.50571 0.67787 0.58604 0.44934 0.3982 0.4687 0.0868 0.2591 0.39993 0.04181 0.79746 0.86699 0.49106 0.32083 0.51338 0.1564 0.32859 0.03612 0.30884 0.48173 0.61993 0.27697 0.51846 0.07674 0.78551 0.2325 0.48964 0.00522 0.60761 0.15808 0.15796 0.99823 0.8728 0.47947 0.4395 0.58369 0.07061 0.83181 0.22838 0.40799 0.65782 0.76029 0.22892 0.2071 0.68638 0.15838 0.61811 0.04373 0.2552 0.24747 0.40213 0.10031 0.22092 0.95993 0.7729 0.32308 0.9393 0.89506 0.11002 0.90431 0.5453 0.84728 0.34773 0.56905 0.04647 0.22797 0.89247 0.37663 0.59779 0.34959 0.19039 0.70897 0.24595 0.06494 0.52581 0.90785 0.1823 0.41432 0.63579 0.25045 0.6373 0.21334 0.97465 0.80388 0.26588 0.60666 0.46857 0.31831 0.34818 0.83346 0.05246 0.54133 0.1275 0.15788 0.09531 0.5079 0.32753 0.76878 0.44535 0.9906 0.69972 0.27709 0.27384 0.30087 0.85008 0.39849 0.22671 0.34377 0.07751 0.74779 0.59464 0.64916 0.13831 0.12542 0.84315 0.44254 0.25453 0.36893 0.78601 0.95777 0.9054 0.28037 0.35385 0.11654 0.44218 0.80982 0.35862 0.92524 0.73691 0.98177 0.83094 0.0445 0.48899 0.47359 0.48609
+0.7738 0.61731 0.46662 0.35464 0.25239 0.00979 0.43625 0.61281 0.88677 0.28057 0.13368 0.6647 0.57109 0.05556 0.01605 0.08743 0.42404 0.31755 0.37007 0.88503 0.31562 0.91911 0.50111 0.09278 0.83444 0.33018 0.73388 0.09967 0.90458 0.06318 0.88375 0.14946 0.5919 0.74286 0.84664 0.99852 0.50951 0.69722 0.03622 0.75295 0.61257 0.17174 0.56107 0.57608 0.68859 0.16571 0.27505 0.86017 0.76135 0.46165 0.42712 0.37718 0.17228 0.07571 0.65463 0.10943 0.84636 0.09928 0.5737 0.49782 0.24603 0.48544 0.85119 0.30364 0.31572 0.66452 0.68374 0.21161 0.3465 0.24597 0.97045 0.48307 0.60641 0.54725 0.40394 0.07439 0.04394 0.4384 0.87839 0.54105 0.68403 0.22854 0.32483 0.89957 0.81988 0.98673 0.09288 0.90914 0.12654 0.62138 0.41086 0.67898 0.36292 0.67306 0.21683 0.06958 0.26834 0.56888 0.16327 0.47671 0.53634 0.6288 0.48098 0.28333 0.38365 0.25264 0.6588 0.61095 0.49481 0.91629 0.5106 0.4895 0.01071 0.85092 0.31297 0.45226 0.05614 0.46866 0.93177 0.48603 0.09219 0.01681 0.57926 0.53886 0.1019 0.52185 0.84015 0.02337 0.3269 0.26134 0.59128 0.31344 0.88186 0.78263 0.21321 0.09596 0.41387 0.36473 0.21281 0.95993 0.80509 0.11867 0.30709 0.93045 0.29734 0.81034 0.99833 0.71249 0.52929 0.97637 0.66354 0.87311 0.85406 0.85985 0.85599 0.62101 0.3649 0.94633 0.09156 0.16629 0.8045 0.41283 0.38002 0.26642 0.83663 0.42461 0.18605 0.32142 0.6509 0.23721 0.52634 0.15088 0.89954 0.15865 0.94121 0.10111 0.50112 0.31601 0.04287 0.28022 0.36571 0.39993 0.98126 0.05558 0.65068 0.95829 0.32967 0.97192 0.65523 0.10979 0.92804 0.40077 0.2715 0.8672 0.24811 0.9544 0.32664 0.12705 0.97594 0.77366 0.62354 0.02149 0.7421 0.04112 0.84171 0.56584 0.53878 0.01227 0.21541 0.41054 0.52107 0.32884 0.39757 0.02745 0.95638 0.38017 0.36294 0.44177 0.81176 0.13512 0.32135 0.12068 0.40171 0.74836 0.96176 0.35439 0.04475 0.83549 0.87211 0.20795 0.46827 0.374 0.207 0.18773 0.55948 0.97278 0.36504 0.94984 0.91058 0.53517 0.56948 0.3686 0.43925 0.26789 0.26313 0.37332 0.53218 0.54661 0.96437 0.91237 0.17661 0.89737 0.17603 0.46175 0.605 0.13778 0.78876 0.25346 0.50983 0.30183 0.66248 0.37906 0.64199 0.60786 0.06098 0.95652 0.20025 0.95767 0.69299 0.40806 0.43478 0.87343 0.42602 0.87151 0.99438 0.09198 0.33769 0.78918 0.07078 0.25827 0.14148 0.50544 0.39499 0.88242 0.75446 0.91579 0.15385 0.47813 0.7608 0.24355 0.30073 0.91461 0.62 0.74464 0.7296 0.16301 0.79599 0.98053 0.88043 0.40764 0.02436 0.30105 0.80012 0.85574 0.13845 0.38781 0.80777 0.01709 0.23903 0.94982 0.23248 0.87878 0.67203 0.75925 0.16518 0.91789 0.19853 0.67418 0.74923 0.33102 0.43392 0.88415 0.70021 0.15843 0.16946 0.0089 0.59858 0.53357 0.91471 0.96996 0.08331 0.45569 0.28903 0.973 0.7375 0.60652 0.1139 0.61015 0.0239 0.19613 0.70372 0.7804 0.92897 0.66555 0.03709 0.47011 0.0307 0.449 0.41245 0.27345 0.7145 0.34583 0.06201 0.48553 0.44708 0.49572 0.56668 0.75312 0.70436 0.97743 0.96194 0.91075 0.5417 0.17811 0.3319 0.78368 0.38892 0.81008 0.11826 0.68567 0.3208 0.27393 0.10253 0.40078 0.48305 0.53112 0.50973 0.43906 0.14852 0.84503 0.53211 0.55563 0.7689 0.56608 0.93551 0.90192 0.42139 0.47357 0.31738 0.68386 0.4959 0.74143 0.92995 0.53589 0.77795 0.02911 0.16939 0.65941 0.44529 0.65282 0.6892 0.36503 0.08473 0.84007 0.7873 0.48448 0.42671 0.10704 0.98851 0.2768 0.87099 0.73588 0.15201 0.8766 0.89459 0.43031 0.57846 0.11755 0.78561 0.33868 0.65613 0.52437 0.35477 0.74164 0.42168 0.11673 0.48995 0.28493 0.28913 0.3184 0.0688 0.6379 0.03878 0.50682 0.64434 0.0163 0.67908 0.48992 0.61139 0.88957 0.59804 0.7952 0.99523 0.22784 0.57044 0.14788 0.47425 0.29308 0.46445 0.07285 0.50191 0.93913 0.13296 0.64532 0.97524 0.0007 0.64601 0.29938 0.65523 0.82048 0.34951 0.56175 0.62824 0.22525 0.67746 0.74097 0.86685 0.43621 0.5637 0.42925 0.73333 0.15572 0.84051 0.5457 0.91972 0.20677 0.1792 0.07996 0.77892 0.40701 0.28713 0.56475 0.15156 0.04988 0.34014 0.01874 0.63795 0.6976 0.16112 0.41823 0.82542 0.91185 0.72292 0.6154 0.26663 0.07247 0.02723 0.67106 0.3471 0.1618 0.34821 0.75921 0.19641 0.2809 0.13894 0.17199 0.89548 0.19834 0.53505 0.73159 0.51571 0.69897
+0.34292 0.01108 0.99156 0.56993 0.63978 0.68705 0.95469 0.71884 0.48846 0.78702 0.50629 0.88853 0.00285 0.86903 0.95105 0.64328 0.02046 0.72986 0.50075 0.78314 0.27094 0.82129 0.34548 0.38443 0.13492 0.77699 0.34098 0.40316 0.47653 0.15957 0.21245 0.38809 0.31532 0.93399 0.16867 0.5208 0.37931 0.16844 0.04104 0.85856 0.82331 0.23206 0.04308 0.10915 0.06296 0.23849 0.53777 0.27869 0.38134 0.11285 0.83196 0.80307 0.57124 0.26773 0.2914 0.37002 0.81925 0.77177 0.1477 0.67174 0.4498 0.58824 0.76829 0.58559 0.99399 0.03693 0.52958 0.4822 0.98435 0.36353 0.77717 0.98157 0.09293 0.1313 0.80726 0.61053 0.74747 0.35649 0.01191 0.15934 0.18003 0.15855 0.51614 0.93318 0.32012 0.66122 0.40896 0.43573 0.75997 0.1418 0.38505 0.06237 0.70955 0.29817 0.81048 0.18656 0.9657 0.82708 0.45963 0.65479 0.88948 0.19848 0.91823 0.90439 0.70262 0.11249 0.86205 0.79831 0.16804 0.04938 0.43686 0.67031 0.6918 0.17718 0.35371 0.98853 0.34748 0.14606 0.59611 0.26926 0.86875 0.15744 0.84747 0.16704 0.30924 0.52701 0.0082 0.92287 0.94651 0.55983 0.44842 0.94613 0.2703 0.41794 0.41664 0.19616 0.30375 0.20248 0.36744 0.68333 0.89152 0.02348 0.62639 0.35424 0.09013 0.98406 0.71332 0.45542 0.40576 0.36733 0.7441 0.57139 0.05447 0.87375 0.75625 0.75824 0.16621 0.67698 0.73873 0.44495 0.92462 0.53857 0.68093 0.40788 0.6122 0.22459 0.63939 0.92422 0.76109 0.82029 0.00181 0.35358 0.82543 0.87132 0.39503 0.71905 0.63788 0.10084 0.36112 0.79366 0.91562 0.29914 0.61962 0.69884 0.46871 0.58686 0.89352 0.66881 0.65456 0.31628 0.4595 0.46337 0.29879 0.68897 0.64299 0.19616 0.41187 0.50393 0.89749 0.82631 0.42261 0.95022 0.39362 0.32445 0.83475 0.50329 0.61973 0.14182 0.72176 0.31823 0.00671 0.71032 0.35332 0.97484 0.859 0.41588 0.4068 0.18979 0.93584 0.45267 0.60148 0.48295 0.88963 0.43816 0.23399 0.8553 0.46023 0.70709 0.04328 0.66077 0.36386 0.65799 0.60507 0.00698 0.63027 0.49659 0.74841 0.92543 0.27244 0.10746 0.66487 0.69171 0.08952 0.8719 0.90333 0.74886 0.27499 0.84709 0.51185 0.35464 0.95289 0.72746 0.54225 0.70715 0.18303 0.75114 0.85539 0.77291 0.29475 0.67646 0.35229 0.77151 0.06771 0.07998 0.60399 0.53485 0.46528 0.47926 0.43449 0.43721 0.33865 0.87732 0.13296 0.4276 0.32362 0.13751 0.38484 0.60036 0.287 0.17426 0.10749 0.32249 0.91609 0.07495 0.53218 0.92733 0.70571 0.58703 0.24281 0.17318 0.48029 0.444 0.4879 0.65156 0.8524 0.28321 0.00438 0.27533 0.63674 0.52475 0.17645 0.25023 0.45867 0.46103 0.94608 0.1346 0.8496 0.82776 0.92928 0.0983 0.99289 0.27721 0.30528 0.88322 0.91958 0.80119 0.31371 0.62073 0.57445 0.21579 0.70258 0.25546 0.71668 0.32917 0.31062 0.4068 0.5617 0.74963 0.41948 0.01083 0.18668 0.3454 0.09164 0.93809 0.09429 0.31501 0.27627 0.23477 0.78306 0.68983 0.08865 0.89512 0.48463 0.60807 0.92628 0.81141 0.71676 0.52725 0.77504 0.19865 0.14538 0.32644 0.7588 0.23966 0.84686 0.59797 0.33509 0.88695 0.90742 0.40202 0.35766 0.95022 0.93634 0.58417 0.28255 0.90402 0.27942 0.42883 0.49247 0.4791 0.72821 0.23861 0.00102 0.49739 0.35319 0.41747 0.69066 0.82812 0.21422 0.72143 0.22704 0.99493 0.12069 0.96917 0.36736 0.50668 0.77784 0.46909 0.99653 0.98369 0.3673 0.58055 0.35434 0.62068 0.1966 0.34773 0.79816 0.16829 0.8695 0.90598 0.07543 0.2805 0.8226 0.71445 0.44906 0.198 0.45814 0.9658 0.65459 0.16564 0.74323 0.4031 0.3784 0.14291 0.67119 0.22939 0.6921 0.75947 0.89495 0.11677 0.92553 0.81614 0.30649 0.3191 0.11949 0.55183 0.55383 0.43795 0.57807 0.95553 0.66297 0.39803 0.16773 0.7377 0.91371 0.7207 0.61184 0.85421 0.36574 0.32893 0.39952 0.32163 0.79297 0.61206 0.79913 0.09915 0.18907 0.30075 0.00567 0.30181 0.99965 0.4655 0.56308 0.63786 0.02777 0.80709 0.95514 0.88228 0.78329 0.84195 0.40397 0.4455 0.12225 0.42368 0.69496 0.95419 0.90537 0.70459 0.40312 0.23991 0.15222 0.96386 0.736 0.84278 0.19475 0.81248 0.59221 0.75202 0.40771 0.48912 0.09577 0.29861 0.05462 0.84335 0.67578 0.76165 0.98851 0.87124 0.76551 0.80787 0.75427 0.52661 0.70637 0.73749 0.62447 0.03233 0.15356 0.88775 0.65442 0.24686 0.00429 0.26727 0.66303 0.10805 0.64808 0.10498 0.26969 0.23516 0.90112 0.79588 0.26511 0.09929
+0.53323 0.72147 0.562 0.30628 0.66183 0.81119 0.32724 0.60873 0.10104 0.3761 0.55501 0.52608 0.96588 0.30719 0.68295 0.95193 0.58887 0.44848 0.25107 0.66191 0.43717 0.67673 0.55081 0.96654 0.08593 0.2598 0.36046 0.54607 0.48588 0.64288 0.5586 0.93812 0.9347 0.4791 0.35173 0.24165 0.49715 0.76888 0.18214 0.15429 0.60368 0.05707 0.72837 0.56029 0.41851 0.77112 0.77229 0.34604 0.24982 0.52669 0.43985 0.10142 0.12066 0.24378 0.48016 0.02514 0.9165 0.93988 0.13035 0.16224 0.19589 0.42024 0.79634 0.36248 0.38743 0.60409 0.13979 0.27113 0.45976 0.21997 0.8684 0.5246 0.44599 0.28947 0.24926 0.2898 0.66789 0.96596 0.66213 0.0152 0.06404 0.70844 0.44752 0.97056 0.9229 0.1663 0.13613 0.95976 0.22954 0.73168 0.08929 0.01997 0.92876 0.38416 0.36733 0.54907 0.16818 0.85317 0.39881 0.96561 0.3812 0.30345 0.01338 0.81206 0.90694 0.58022 0.10007 0.15403 0.539 0.14838 0.86425 0.40531 0.6389 0.6867 0.66451 0.52089 0.57012 0.6191 0.1173 0.21538 0.93709 0.94602 0.80405 0.11586 0.19518 0.69781 0.37244 0.64203 0.73658 0.11759 0.10687 0.48331 0.05215 0.91074 0.60832 0.09094 0.77931 0.62864 0.29729 0.37173 0.41008 0.96305 0.55308 0.14429 0.79196 0.54369 0.49007 0.36675 0.08977 0.03481 0.11761 0.14093 0.50207 0.75618 0.3411 0.29632 0.10975 0.67597 0.40608 0.17925 0.05288 0.52985 0.08702 0.30772 0.86146 0.99422 0.72458 0.14715 0.33804 0.36896 0.27635 0.58138 0.42596 0.09353 0.92662 0.92588 0.86608 0.72086 0.39011 0.85409 0.21922 0.32097 0.30048 0.38993 0.87058 0.6282 0.65132 0.67131 0.97894 0.10608 0.17735 0.88479 0.02237 0.72348 0.54991 0.22659 0.22122 0.89337 0.86534 0.00935 0.55644 0.66986 0.08524 0.6999 0.99792 0.90065 0.20752 0.92019 0.75336 0.2492 0.17859 0.1453 0.70638 0.85026 0.14332 0.31756 0.47057 0.18389 0.8759 0.99855 0.8224 0.43072 0.89535 0.95329 0.51345 0.80812 0.33617 0.37368 0.53626 0.59293 0.05862 0.78781 0.89477 0.96604 0.58495 0.74879 0.32474 0.2337 0.48991 0.19719 0.37214 0.22035 0.34742 0.80597 0.84769 0.86281 0.32837 0.03238 0.74128 0.21083 0.59935 0.95377 0.25015 0.43011 0.98752 0.7922 0.82569 0.6915 0.17048 0.18488 0.45785 0.44054 0.27658 0.5592 0.99765 0.78181 0.06673 0.2885 0.88133 0.76262 0.07424 0.47152 0.14604 0.02212 0.40079 0.18583 0.08565 0.98766 0.99326 0.02538 0.41517 0.14333 0.91 0.20275 0.90263 0.12945 0.43145 0.20054 0.134 0.25056 0.39825 0.42986 0.6435 0.99988 0.31029 0.98486 0.00987 0.2175 0.66033 0.44852 0.69787 0.21105 0.86639 0.46403 0.80683 0.59699 0.85798 0.01003 0.65835 0.13154 0.84449 0.37437 0.82012 0.15158 0.92646 0.93971 0.90311 0.98442 0.01337 0.90851 0.97622 0.8464 0.99473 0.82845 0.9912 0.97816 0.57829 0.84993 0.33567 0.93132 0.69644 0.61929 0.49222 0.78964 0.85401 0.33541 0.7937 0.00611 0.81347 0.83014 0.56845 0.94636 0.16737 0.81205 0.84502 0.86072 0.16947 0.01571 0.92432 0.63241 0.75954 0.4824 0.12357 0.99071 0.83052 0.42241 0.32369 0.52367 0.75937 0.37 0.70788 0.68878 0.85462 0.18013 0.06965 0.98099 0.19995 0.0713 0.95711 0.7377 0.17078 0.10929 0.96223 0.73227 0.55042 0.9987 0.72921 0.27677 0.07592 0.0008 0.9416 0.03382 0.32889 0.92143 0.87204 0.14684 0.22291 0.91152 0.54041 0.74589 0.3214 0.91359 0.1803 0.84825 0.33892 0.12902 0.50527 0.46459 0.23213 0.66005 0.7918 0.16751 0.99506 0.93943 0.33174 0.21237 0.93569 0.73875 0.16792 0.04196 0.95597 0.13941 0.80192 0.86314 0.76156 0.78101 0.64963 0.45296 0.03592 0.42469 0.30157 0.58911 0.83429 0.99277 0.5656 0.65387 0.12489 0.87801 0.79877 0.99969 0.18928 0.18173 0.82414 0.61083 0.12397 0.61724 0.92909 0.8016 0.21454 0.61213 0.54172 0.35429 0.73131 0.54436 0.29463 0.5755 0.57559 0.70579 0.50537 0.6985 0.25194 0.58881 0.5206 0.80327 0.83379 0.3957 0.20664 0.08059 0.51416 0.60741 0.87452 0.73823 0.83568 0.01769 0.95735 0.93171 0.48453 0.11253 0.29274 0.40986 0.58392 0.9618 0.83214 0.10137 0.91947 0.11778 0.74509 0.19812 0.66565 0.70585 0.96925 0.44989 0.47697 0.27071 0.75958 0.52242 0.91162 0.60183 0.19443 0.52621 0.6835 0.51977 0.87843 0.52831 0.57067 0.75275 0.15942 0.90448 0.13208 0.51108 0.6076 0.30666 0.534 0.5532 0.69396 0.13303 0.0101 0.65558 0.2085 0.92671 0.7349 0.15644
+0.57483 0.07684 0.71534 0.09257 0.08972 0.97981 0.6382 0.82772 0.31861 0.75707 0.91326 0.99422 0.29455 0.32876 0.58452 0.63366 0.4876 0.51775 0.34193 0.31697 0.17035 0.30051 0.45749 0.9943 0.83749 0.66935 0.16025 0.68132 0.19021 0.27784 0.45675 0.32631 0.76815 0.05931 0.39871 0.36689 0.57272 0.20741 0.98116 0.06834 0.57302 0.13286 0.20764 0.11367 0.10999 0.54057 0.69607 0.07801 0.60018 0.41839 0.95511 0.05278 0.32982 0.88181 0.8287 0.78731 0.26951 0.16968 0.22468 0.51704 0.52321 0.13603 0.75333 0.2077 0.61627 0.43905 0.7887 0.90295 0.4433 0.79247 0.87855 0.4478 0.80512 0.88113 0.23435 0.46569 0.15371 0.39965 0.32898 0.92403 0.16997 0.54018 0.62507 0.22071 0.92666 0.90617 0.26922 0.86398 0.65499 0.26801 0.18926 0.89574 0.541 0.7135 0.17878 0.06064 0.47987 0.57052 0.30702 0.0986 0.66039 0.79758 0.92667 0.72478 0.74736 0.93198 0.14672 0.11319 0.425 0.42418 0.1586 0.50866 0.7912 0.37933 0.64659 0.74669 0.02485 0.31316 0.52094 0.15002 0.4391 0.19375 0.37103 0.29709 0.83156 0.45663 0.80259 0.07364 0.66515 0.11401 0.45425 0.04889 0.31457 0.84154 0.93986 0.83416 0.28949 0.60938 0.95113 0.82416 0.01399 0.64082 0.28972 0.85694 0.88195 0.99779 0.87445 0.99605 0.48912 0.55486 0.55796 0.34423 0.08165 0.29066 0.41978 0.66437 0.77214 0.67719 0.55552 0.39166 0.85613 0.57823 0.19205 0.83014 0.77705 0.89617 0.67594 0.69864 0.86647 0.5289 0.81437 0.65173 0.06105 0.68084 0.07927 0.92961 0.48485 0.85555 0.48728 0.11124 0.72703 0.59392 0.34254 0.77195 0.65512 0.93249 0.11866 0.96947 0.14933 0.8356 0.30965 0.06268 0.53051 0.55064 0.01624 0.44591 0.16808 0.46874 0.30293 0.98273 0.8321 0.5765 0.71054 0.88804 0.664 0.68407 0.20858 0.75766 0.80432 0.83419 0.92664 0.19682 0.68651 0.51998 0.66522 0.40003 0.06917 0.57826 0.6168 0.62092 0.48991 0.88521 0.33459 0.00029 0.36966 0.57298 0.16077 0.88928 0.03608 0.0236 0.61309 0.89519 0.50827 0.56508 0.27299 0.63097 0.24288 0.37987 0.58793 0.038 0.55703 0.33692 0.33264 0.53603 0.57844 0.71097 0.3961 0.45707 0.63489 0.12319 0.33732 0.47821 0.67602 0.62228 0.87554 0.52 0.46446 0.85305 0.17854 0.02254 0.7961 0.55283 0.72605 0.83819 0.87207 0.65261 0.01996 0.38769 0.63672 0.62837 0.86725 0.71668 0.11643 0.35702 0.29409 0.73732 0.89345 0.74772 0.74051 0.21208 0.48994 0.35338 0.74969 0.12331 0.87342 0.82676 0.19678 0.73547 0.11376 0.27495 0.94067 0.15806 0.47892 0.55911 0.07799 0.23546 0.59318 0.70492 0.0912 0.70635 0.44043 0.03636 0.23468 0.8667 0.87025 0.12269 0.43687 0.93448 0.914 0.09086 0.89538 0.55738 0.27986 0.65755 0.84187 0.0363 0.14806 0.95314 0.21083 0.60635 0.55535 0.2908 0.69788 0.23783 0.44601 0.21284 0.08702 0.58364 0.1921 0.50184 0.61354 0.44247 0.49713 0.16018 0.39578 0.67016 0.91642 0.62185 0.99924 0.92501 0.69315 0.3194 0.6971 0.68206 0.5717 0.02136 0.44312 0.79763 0.53317 0.48998 0.55559 0.48812 0.41909 0.49018 0.58929 0.32991 0.60461 0.32348 0.37218 0.57311 0.46723 0.54613 0.98449 0.42917 0.93741 0.95907 0.04215 0.31013 0.66326 0.78883 0.54232 0.58868 0.34292 0.42866 0.97458 0.65167 0.60852 0.5952 0.4571 0.78682 0.96375 0.27399 0.34634 0.17632 0.85001 0.10944 0.88076 0.37324 0.78118 0.40375 0.73483 0.29406 0.01004 0.47988 0.4325 0.82115 0.1957 0.57815 0.17216 0.40147 0.42787 0.83631 0.53772 0.21667 0.80848 0.32046 0.0199 0.96449 0.93915 0.99995 0.1456 0.31404 0.49274 0.86008 0.79093 0.43116 0.84333 0.01017 0.29574 0.48246 0.92053 0.76671 0.83315 0.20245 0.70373 0.30898 0.37693 0.40623 0.82091 0.11912 0.37553 0.11888 0.53999 0.44627 0.12274 0.74593 0.62019 0.93498 0.45074 0.82674 0.60816 0.71298 0.55017 0.52659 0.43488 0.1597 0.24305 0.06782 0.53071 0.56937 0.92644 0.08446 0.66673 0.79149 0.09037 0.25993 0.6577 0.8374 0.90099 0.03151 0.11089 0.14016 0.93333 0.01171 0.26683 0.36611 0.60854 0.68199 0.45558 0.83351 0.22451 0.52698 0.04643 0.11222 0.14306 0.30943 0.93643 0.41208 0.70299 0.06032 0.64896 0.45347 0.76017 0.58229 0.08419 0.21198 0.19706 0.85975 0.6666 0.19 0.45002 0.24852 0.53382 0.90331 0.0143 0.56433 0.84181 0.49023 0.25789 0.94511 0.72217 0.7927 0.36035 0.10876 0.63225 0.32194 0.37083 0.63949 0.03822 0.89559 0.63844 0.13971
+0.27481 0.73981 0.7488 0.25893 0.19774 0.73852 0.37275 0.5982 0.93409 0.17079 0.41259 0.63466 0.04688 0.65377 0.53718 0.86909 0.18158 0.60393 0.83944 0.95992 0.66314 0.70167 0.99193 0.15246 0.42449 0.51501 0.22709 0.25697 0.79842 0.58632 0.78737 0.86167 0.21448 0.55538 0.501 0.58648 0.24603 0.97376 0.91526 0.43688 0.43083 0.37315 0.79225 0.25407 0.65988 0.63201 0.0722 0.35126 0.32178 0.52145 0.65602 0.96999 0.33498 0.58446 0.85092 0.04675 0.94306 0.13369 0.1722 0.67885 0.47551 0.89153 0.15551 0.16426 0.61326 0.1032 0.86277 0.56873 0.87889 0.79793 0.70373 0.21662 0.09248 0.09141 0.25825 0.70369 0.74693 0.92916 0.06108 0.75919 0.6109 0.8176 0.84922 0.293 0.39122 0.51653 0.25415 0.2852 0.38732 0.81923 0.07858 0.22354 0.65663 0.74511 0.89449 0.97988 0.3914 0.76635 0.32403 0.90404 0.14009 0.92836 0.71934 0.58661 0.71109 0.17039 0.85485 0.79584 0.63372 0.19811 0.74201 0.71275 0.89216 0.80717 0.76831 0.15478 0.646 0.98567 0.62209 0.63743 0.9242 0.87334 0.35845 0.32728 0.58555 0.4659 0.88366 0.3215 0.43842 0.59155 0.44336 0.55328 0.43841 0.03245 0.37815 0.01837 0.25621 0.28972 0.95336 0.6675 0.2885 0.45854 0.34495 0.05362 0.7322 0.27078 0.45883 0.51487 0.5635 0.85985 0.83455 0.10941 0.84783 0.41758 0.61313 0.31255 0.02222 0.9259 0.18016 0.93104 0.4232 0.4802 0.89196 0.8285 0.89989 0.11729 0.2321 0.12457 0.11919 0.85314 0.31246 0.75008 0.93652 0.60233 0.91519 0.30872 0.06108 0.08297 0.3022 0.66069 0.13692 0.41435 0.37875 0.8559 0.12374 0.4103 0.78277 0.62854 0.75084 0.79738 0.44166 0.09918 0.69302 0.36377 0.15926 0.51995 0.45086 0.03491 0.87212 0.48688 0.26187 0.60783 0.79934 0.09029 0.34075 0.61607 0.54968 0.14032 0.30486 0.85143 0.99322 0.59877 0.5336 0.29754 0.64816 0.19615 0.19261 0.84272 0.3065 0.17185 0.22128 0.36752 0.41066 0.28323 0.44376 0.0915 0.60859 0.2729 0.51595 0.17676 0.1177 0.83374 0.17186 0.25276 0.07312 0.00964 0.13897 0.60154 0.66869 0.91452 0.24486 0.98037 0.48372 0.40707 0.41149 0.89052 0.76946 0.89645 0.23137 0.16451 0.42603 0.04251 0.74448 0.27435 0.45033 0.07785 0.53882 0.86503 0.19173 0.36107 0.99953 0.54528 0.21643 0.15538 0.86781 0.82781 0.42503 0.86675 0.98712 0.79329 0.13119 0.89256 0.94734 0.62959 0.98833 0.10156 0.5442 0.61211 0.49867 0.3298 0.89392 0.45177 0.9646 0.45169 0.70083 0.70758 0.66581 0.04601 0.32507 0.84523 0.36301 0.49094 0.59582 0.97554 0.85121 0.87961 0.91396 0.17853 0.73714 0.97901 0.58559 0.84076 0.73219 0.14759 0.40711 0.8919 0.82241 0.80418 0.77191 0.67016 0.37863 0.88487 0.2011 0.58501 0.21797 0.02173 0.2859 0.40902 0.36119 0.05068 0.90256 0.40856 0.8082 0.50985 0.41786 0.13439 0.18328 0.30723 0.20736 0.6848 0.21455 0.67482 0.96469 0.48578 0.86461 0.11873 0.06714 0.34214 0.66346 0.219 0.88508 0.09853 0.38644 0.78748 0.4208 0.07209 0.56682 0.98165 0.71076 0.56175 0.28097 0.37392 0.91162 0.40924 0.9473 0.20683 0.08867 0.80701 0.84056 0.2869 0.31619 0.70265 0.22534 0.02394 0.40823 0.64545 0.74762 0.84121 0.18489 0.26817 0.99489 0.08324 0.10311 0.93203 0.48959 0.43734 0.71331 0.96251 0.30072 0.76629 0.28937 0.98532 0.91366 0.12385 0.60014 0.72401 0.49193 0.0338 0.1467 0.16682 0.1059 0.88093 0.81376 0.65388 0.15074 0.36923 0.53231 0.52486 0.8503 0.5832 0.89278 0.1204 0.32285 0.47649 0.41613 0.75609 0.77748 0.03157 0.45599 0.13602 0.19967 0.22347 0.17542 0.30549 0.84046 0.04854 0.23635 0.4275 0.79235 0.58152 0.54866 0.84702 0.03685 0.81792 0.31938 0.36155 0.81126 0.48549 0.61684 0.72602 0.93216 0.20633 0.05202 0.64196 0.4672 0.19833 0.61984 0.56774 0.70894 0.63017 0.544 0.67069 0.53598 0.12133 0.79147 0.41511 0.74618 0.622 0.26909 0.68691 0.01077 0.66258 0.3563 0.83171 0.87286 0.97571 0.11217 0.60478 0.76174 0.82042 0.83032 0.59075 0.90003 0.14168 0.49269 0.05337 0.03552 0.12306 0.408 0.12655 0.07279 0.57593 0.51156 0.40094 0.35774 0.5908 0.3348 0.398 0.7257 0.74862 0.65228 0.29861 0.1151 0.51809 0.15934 0.24894 0.60477 0.18611 0.63677 0.37866 0.61177 0.09097 0.66145 0.63619 0.19839 0.42868 0.57729 0.44055 0.72374 0.36213 0.39723 0.25704 0.98813 0.56984 0.52969 0.95035 0.30706 0.50597 0.95383 0.50061 0.42788 0.27032
+0.38826 0.14172 0.23324 0.82076 0.96317 0.12162 0.74498 0.22887 0.98053 0.67326 0.37011 0.95345 0.70481 0.21404 0.81001 0.2164 0.97419 0.31908 0.41226 0.47721 0.63377 0.42822 0.71024 0.09746 0.91326 0.40128 0.44569 0.97826 0.16496 0.01214 0.16618 0.3297 0.894 0.74691 0.44618 0.27933 0.44666 0.62049 0.38349 0.92753 0.96368 0.08191 0.09927 0.89175 0.02258 0.33579 0.68284 0.07606 0.43353 0.40557 0.58037 0.61269 0.06009 0.62009 0.60783 0.41593 0.31 0.26014 0.54873 0.92611 0.31348 0.6811 0.45556 0.58976 0.51892 0.02153 0.31582 0.7563 0.19418 0.37032 0.21853 0.43371 0.79774 0.60125 0.4377 0.81401 0.03371 0.67486 0.60183 0.92665 0.90354 0.74228 0.65219 0.24646 0.54603 0.56916 0.73089 0.58321 0.70448 0.04794 0.70592 0.00868 0.73197 0.51027 0.28361 0.69927 0.25328 0.09689 0.49969 0.1525 0.4615 0.42052 0.01601 0.14983 0.99549 0.25258 0.30667 0.20651 0.46035 0.08896 0.03884 0.3717 0.64421 0.45524 0.05219 0.07908 0.01492 0.73379 0.92947 0.45266 0.57265 0.78143 0.44126 0.38114 0.34041 0.62259 0.26134 0.38629 0.37907 0.69195 0.00015 0.49302 0.41311 0.62211 0.96308 0.47125 0.41747 0.08937 0.35972 0.8971 0.33203 0.19767 0.74666 0.92852 0.03742 0.14289 0.24961 0.36198 0.54925 0.99411 0.27174 0.37009 0.35852 0.68233 0.91575 0.02446 0.05395 0.77989 0.80433 0.04761 0.08923 0.10781 0.53969 0.7304 0.98969 0.66796 0.58904 0.12018 0.73699 0.99367 0.77805 0.99729 0.79414 0.46043 0.86583 0.73039 0.60849 0.47644 0.57833 0.47244 0.01951 0.63374 0.81796 0.06098 0.53561 0.81938 0.92526 0.95581 0.98886 0.81561 0.56292 0.20795 0.346 0.57706 0.72619 0.37331 0.62432 0.21489 0.88837 0.06188 0.21649 0.07194 0.62104 0.09064 0.66143 0.41019 0.68566 0.66575 0.0667 0.20337 0.88022 0.41374 0.31766 0.86516 0.75901 0.48473 0.69129 0.93357 0.85474 0.96689 0.72232 0.80687 0.56212 0.66799 0.14027 0.3614 0.5846 0.51739 0.76838 0.51581 0.81562 0.91486 0.18078 0.51096 0.78688 0.14832 0.63867 0.68558 0.69422 0.86095 0.84449 0.10113 0.95137 0.62866 0.96203 0.38236 0.86048 0.51785 0.52603 0.86167 0.1021 0.04999 0.23719 0.55325 0.10705 0.19619 0.76163 0.11699 0.81699 0.56375 0.842 0.72032 0.07281 0.54507 0.22424 0.32876 0.23174 0.43883 0.6936 0.61211 0.10409 0.44133 0.14175 0.75108 0.89242 0.21473 0.75171 0.36015 0.98222 0.3556 0.16782 0.21063 0.57862 0.96892 0.37466 0.94708 0.86404 0.50687 0.03156 0.87129 0.21549 0.56145 0.58478 0.36554 0.73584 0.70263 0.18487 0.25292 0.45186 0.28603 0.42797 0.46519 0.52399 0.62288 0.78115 0.06828 0.04773 0.36039 0.22091 0.77189 0.48605 0.89499 0.08331 0.75599 0.7944 0.62625 0.36298 0.59525 0.48187 0.42939 0.79538 0.0396 0.60141 0.18776 0.1045 0.74049 0.34722 0.25026 0.15455 0.71725 0.76135 0.0683 0.75655 0.09292 0.32071 0.8269 0.48957 0.80565 0.30344 0.99459 0.06443 0.96456 0.21426 0.26091 0.12906 0.89965 0.5171 0.97047 0.52339 0.43262 0.76326 0.3654 0.1142 0.83444 0.23007 0.59522 0.95206 0.63335 0.36683 0.67957 0.42903 0.54063 0.47124 0.14679 0.96737 0.57125 0.63253 0.87728 0.41461 0.1475 0.33448 0.21029 0.73931 0.6224 0.8084 0.30301 0.69834 0.58693 0.04139 0.14567 0.70835 0.98232 0.28781 0.67039 0.06204 0.89178 0.95963 0.85842 0.90903 0.13101 0.11208 0.73202 0.51503 0.32265 0.69634 0.51855 0.78033 0.05237 0.97907 0.78054 0.63616 0.40742 0.35913 0.99076 0.35403 0.46732 0.52909 0.51129 0.20136 0.61838 0.96315 0.03212 0.25167 0.27673 0.33083 0.43004 0.01645 0.54751 0.68118 0.33509 0.75786 0.03589 0.09882 0.8009 0.1761 0.41672 0.36706 0.55849 0.35861 0.59055 0.87542 0.92113 0.46014 0.85177 0.87122 0.68197 0.54359 0.38983 0.21819 0.53944 0.52528 0.3449 0.96892 0.90947 0.3506 0.50053 0.93158 0.0314 0.25905 0.45426 0.34562 0.60941 0.96377 0.44178 0.87873 0.30755 0.79716 0.31612 0.62463 0.65044 0.23044 0.4139 0.68184 0.64224 0.55509 0.36549 0.133 0.72159 0.53419 0.07582 0.28693 0.96507 0.86775 0.3161 0.42582 0.66772 0.671 0.93386 0.75374 0.55434 0.37925 0.24549 0.38709 0.81578 0.73842 0.05874 0.47896 0.44036 0.66837 0.97307 0.22615 0.66573 0.50927 0.64686 0.83679 0.12005 0.42499 0.39366 0.57945 0.35898 0.20794 0.58629 0.4465 0.50318 0.735 0.81572 0.3919 0.4993 0.52794 0.1344 0.0009 0.59562
+0.63361 0.26028 0.59476 0.55909 0.51067 0.65349 0.68292 0.79135 0.74518 0.0942 0.344 0.72806 0.94908 0.59614 0.34466 0.17429 0.26342 0.74643 0.32298 0.99716 0.27957 0.66056 0.34253 0.35404 0.79013 0.96973 0.197 0.61302 0.88327 0.25632 0.07381 0.31733 0.04419 0.10897 0.54729 0.70853 0.20357 0.54256 0.24977 0.42534 0.8487 0.74708 0.69236 0.01256 0.69357 0.57943 0.25861 0.59145 0.60562 0.69567 0.54561 0.44643 0.29627 0.20103 0.60712 0.59725 0.64424 0.65785 0.21592 0.83212 0.86362 0.8286 0.10372 0.39798 0.17662 0.99943 0.39243 0.70898 0.61657 0.10322 0.03968 0.78433 0.29755 0.46619 0.36121 0.00219 0.30743 0.0341 0.32719 0.04121 0.91381 0.46214 0.43789 0.9508 0.71032 0.33657 0.11848 0.35048 0.4007 0.4518 0.13094 0.99715 0.94225 0.09877 0.5562 0.7713 0.93366 0.87109 0.82765 0.37241 0.74508 0.10278 0.11431 0.2628 0.40783 0.57772 0.97127 0.80806 0.8402 0.59434 0.35058 0.09397 0.56556 0.50642 0.76446 0.04383 0.48698 0.80753 0.55014 0.19397 0.38315 0.46878 0.43459 0.04151 0.58951 0.29884 0.38851 0.10651 0.00481 0.32183 0.54454 0.74017 0.03088 0.58254 0.84509 0.61058 0.43562 0.68355 0.41688 0.46881 0.96527 0.44482 0.08207 0.1329 0.94313 0.09711 0.63892 0.06279 0.50327 0.86653 0.42349 0.95176 0.20868 0.05735 0.26849 0.47484 0.64598 0.75161 0.5129 0.44989 0.327 0.61415 0.86293 0.53374 0.90149 0.85774 0.97832 0.15222 0.33284 0.06427 0.26505 0.09667 0.65508 0.52404 0.91844 0.34858 0.25698 0.67685 0.71901 0.48552 0.65253 0.81589 0.81826 0.35803 0.94349 0.89583 0.20708 0.13326 0.54562 0.35132 0.66307 0.86406 0.74584 0.10242 0.39022 0.23102 0.73414 0.50637 0.65124 0.92131 0.80966 0.35172 0.44995 0.22852 0.03164 0.57859 0.05598 0.5577 0.33138 0.36323 0.52534 0.21642 0.51057 0.82654 0.34415 0.05856 0.6085 0.60681 0.55899 0.66748 0.60765 0.31685 0.33839 0.0244 0.60548 0.51411 0.48073 0.07258 0.11835 0.43289 0.80797 0.55381 0.13388 0.86835 0.02578 0.03481 0.55068 0.83071 0.2236 0.78646 0.9343 0.81906 0.97767 0.94377 0.66385 0.58931 0.45949 0.49301 0.57724 0.82303 0.79521 0.53341 0.64563 0.96023 0.34472 0.84263 0.53804 0.25277 0.95741 0.24902 0.97602 0.30303 0.24217 0.68171 0.53796 0.62452 0.9898 0.35752 0.35117 0.79461 0.89438 0.65534 0.82113 0.22951 0.44677 0.4639 0.25342 0.20697 0.07669 0.81933 0.07579 0.63014 0.12304 0.92071 0.35926 0.0871 0.55129 0.67864 0.12662 0.4612 0.32797 0.81048 0.52672 0.57553 0.49138 0.40348 0.699 0.53746 0.24262 0.57971 0.23194 0.92898 0.53434 0.71787 0.63301 0.54455 0.30773 0.35715 0.15776 0.26581 0.36425 0.1329 0.26715 0.59547 0.90966 0.40658 0.09875 0.78392 0.07387 0.37014 0.82088 0.81791 0.56791 0.19177 0.37388 0.99741 0.82162 0.03372 0.12945 0.73158 0.83099 0.82779 0.42376 0.8281 0.11244 0.51963 0.18719 0.44247 0.59979 0.10098 0.49445 0.85465 0.93785 0.26135 0.43396 0.17366 0.13815 0.01092 0.16829 0.91342 0.88412 0.97164 0.36587 0.37246 0.60974 0.38884 0.1492 0.60518 0.90654 0.66106 0.55355 0.47926 0.49325 0.50069 0.24587 0.62951 0.36816 0.93268 0.28969 0.43851 0.12509 0.90931 0.75132 0.79214 0.58426 0.29089 0.91975 0.51042 0.59673 0.38648 0.43518 0.20103 0.92905 0.06228 0.55316 0.78331 0.48744 0.96981 0.09281 0.3701 0.67993 0.10362 0.12575 0.27015 0.70722 0.26887 0.66438 0.15078 0.9484 0.10512 0.97983 0.5475 0.35737 0.65532 0.93791 0.98697 0.23189 0.581 0.4206 0.46444 0.01699 0.84439 0.70561 0.228 0.21995 0.30921 0.52636 0.85296 0.58205 0.67857 0.28046 0.43575 0.35245 0.43353 0.08643 0.65085 0.99866 0.48998 0.3841 0.10093 0.47356 0.7845 0.59977 0.34898 0.45818 0.61724 0.59536 0.92298 0.42965 0.93916 0.32621 0.1663 0.37101 0.82106 0.12288 0.35474 0.44447 0.87048 0.51198 0.87899 0.19339 0.37131 0.78036 0.28236 0.19467 0.55707 0.29515 0.30607 0.90294 0.55854 0.38969 0.33135 0.2592 0.9248 0.49148 0.61094 0.28602 0.5768 0.31205 0.69806 0.59798 0.79607 0.21889 0.86869 0.0795 0.32558 0.34068 0.51348 0.13826 0.9653 0.92125 0.59765 0.31407 0.94415 0.59271 0.47875 0.38347 0.44766 0.91091 0.34695 0.2746 0.61578 0.57819 0.43973 0.13342 0.60517 0.86033 0.78612 0.95808 0.57534 0.10689 0.31725 0.99418 0.79323 0.81973 0.53119 0.70887 0.65099 0.1966 0.06493 0.26368 0.49566
+0.80187 0.32318 0.02586 0.69059 0.18446 0.13573 0.05887 0.77312 0.62742 0.73771 0.87508 0.5009 0.17813 0.99692 0.01799 0.43325 0.89608 0.08174 0.81504 0.64318 0.40464 0.18876 0.14096 0.77936 0.99618 0.18213 0.437 0.37565 0.36897 0.78584 0.37458 0.54385 0.24973 0.903 0.38199 0.59937 0.72529 0.04068 0.65326 0.93247 0.53033 0.93113 0.63434 0.52074 0.78667 0.93649 0.98141 0.5757 0.14613 0.81591 0.40906 0.07539 0.31373 0.27362 0.54135 0.11468 0.76841 0.09381 0.88027 0.26849 0.3812 0.20185 0.00953 0.05495 0.75852 0.01774 0.39935 0.98638 0.02949 0.18748 0.74143 0.62366 0.38174 0.77582 0.83591 0.83383 0.10745 0.30736 0.00159 0.84397 0.33973 0.01402 0.53435 0.66788 0.67613 0.03712 0.31689 0.51711 0.9926 0.97602 0.21381 0.43113 0.94615 0.85424 0.16024 0.25151 0.66206 0.4701 0.58761 0.55088 0.01407 0.25061 0.90473 0.14973 0.35432 0.96192 0.42758 0.6017 0.59173 0.22242 0.9362 0.64307 0.23786 0.88581 0.09307 0.08605 0.63208 0.38181 0.00934 0.28548 0.93837 0.91152 0.27888 0.43201 0.6234 0.04905 0.96964 0.29633 0.76256 0.64687 0.54322 0.30421 0.27629 0.17811 0.38293 0.77756 0.40754 0.65467 0.60097 0.15743 0.7331 0.40458 0.16069 0.2224 0.02756 0.19984 0.47771 0.07434 0.26635 0.56687 0.91499 0.99927 0.74635 0.52581 0.05757 0.96189 0.15109 0.48234 0.41113 0.27054 0.09074 0.50166 0.15732 0.24708 0.83527 0.30945 0.69669 0.38362 0.29345 0.94012 0.01373 0.6001 0.21967 0.92613 0.09254 0.73704 0.76469 0.89465 0.92933 0.68854 0.78635 0.97313 0.8233 0.32356 0.55498 0.68958 0.0376 0.97778 0.99863 0.59126 0.1981 0.26568 0.80859 0.24467 0.68104 0.4013 0.82865 0.35143 0.66233 0.29872 0.34401 0.65562 0.97648 0.40222 0.9504 0.19944 0.16527 0.74481 0.13718 0.45184 0.78858 0.89968 0.23724 0.8573 0.20863 0.04835 0.57609 0.52065 0.16092 0.54412 0.80433 0.67884 0.61084 0.72461 0.20594 0.9301 0.86439 0.09084 0.6769 0.66506 0.06918 0.95653 0.82572 0.66032 0.14803 0.59537 0.48469 0.42201 0.0301 0.22017 0.55996 0.05488 0.33078 0.05355 0.05707 0.89707 0.21144 0.40906 0.2215 0.82489 0.24465 0.69834 0.1942 0.6756 0.20929 0.42051 0.17436 0.04042 0.64037 0.85405 0.87906 0.51008 0.66966 0.52503 0.94655 0.24427 0.49776 0.59934 0.59144 0.19727 0.2773 0.84578 0.82378 0.68192 0.94493 0.21191 0.41457 0.07746 0.51799 0.34686 0.43209 0.19493 0.83122 0.74015 0.83684 0.43197 0.24318 0.52434 0.69526 0.06254 0.78868 0.83733 0.9557 0.84867 0.19472 0.28329 0.60962 0.26234 0.56228 0.66089 0.39008 0.47021 0.86231 0.58847 0.25129 0.57407 0.35866 0.9868 0.39971 0.29094 0.98543 0.85058 0.84435 0.93924 0.74672 0.78311 0.0689 0.42535 0.12995 0.49374 0.92106 0.2093 0.92155 0.86315 0.46313 0.7149 0.51561 0.28669 0.55561 0.79899 0.63497 0.10675 0.28742 0.98227 0.01404 0.72335 0.47833 0.14173 0.11303 0.91034 0.42546 0.23694 0.97297 0.38903 0.3235 0.14412 0.76676 0.72367 0.78172 0.60469 0.1945 0.50277 0.99629 0.03138 0.13795 0.79047 0.80525 0.26267 0.82335 0.10763 0.68158 0.11903 0.99494 0.37458 0.36705 0.96392 0.80247 0.66372 0.7669 0.45335 0.36222 0.38904 0.02458 0.35496 0.25387 0.87489 0.58196 0.33933 0.80141 0.32427 0.28762 0.52177 0.10872 0.34299 0.22083 0.95958 0.70498 0.64385 0.14637 0.31633 0.57223 0.32643 0.26943 0.4402 0.45171 0.45519 0.11208 0.94783 0.58215 0.97483 0.44232 0.01898 0.98601 0.69545 0.93741 0.38053 0.93279 0.16591 0.63194 0.20686 0.67144 0.16705 0.16952 0.80248 0.62499 0.2609 0.99862 0.74959 0.34948 0.29608 0.72526 0.88577 0.36268 0.39799 0.383 0.58648 0.97075 0.96012 0.66422 0.99795 0.73058 0.26809 0.68058 0.80615 0.35486 0.27377 0.77128 0.172 0.26839 0.08249 0.75678 0.66239 0.14547 0.61518 0.89018 0.17515 0.43169 0.40354 0.41284 0.30401 0.26304 0.96303 0.2771 0.01272 0.16738 0.39069 0.33063 0.50934 0.24389 0.86231 0.5516 0.81823 0.00941 0.6486 0.35373 0.5043 0.72907 0.33345 0.90973 0.75634 0.90262 0.11664 0.70096 0.42449 0.51477 0.95011 0.47873 0.48938 0.31123 0.7792 0.02531 0.03653 0.04922 0.53621 0.19113 0.71101 0.29554 0.80472 0.71266 0.91963 0.79691 0.43192 0.85964 0.7216 0.91028 0.83166 0.63779 0.29337 0.62207 0.25693 0.03792 0.89886 0.04412 0.72456 0.78538 0.12754 0.63657 0.4903 0.37168 0.66806 0.27987 0.96357
+0.63433 0.82014 0.51719 0.59044 0.64331 0.46836 0.15987 0.76753 0.50951 0.60029 0.55231 0.91832 0.63063 0.20064 0.61254 0.54202 0.9745 0.18716 0.54985 0.47432 0.35577 0.56648 0.14635 0.59221 0.22904 0.59185 0.30725 0.51525 0.07943 0.0763 0.56987 0.61354 0.04113 0.96625 0.60566 0.86886 0.67669 0.70821 0.82162 0.29527 0.15379 0.03928 0.1714 0.17269 0.98841 0.28565 0.94298 0.06271 0.85159 0.57622 0.89536 0.80802 0.01139 0.45237 0.07799 0.35368 0.73832 0.97868 0.85262 0.63086 0.79441 0.5044 0.17657 0.55375 0.78971 0.23969 0.69023 0.97909 0.36842 0.28681 0.97595 0.22353 0.6725 0.87599 0.3058 0.10243 0.59654 0.59629 0.65758 0.26455 0.44044 0.53876 0.03503 0.27333 0.17973 0.6636 0.62394 0.44363 0.27702 0.37182 0.2827 0.36344 0.85045 0.77752 0.71643 0.71854 0.3459 0.71562 0.10236 0.53375 0.30447 0.3321 0.10016 0.12574 0.09486 0.94694 0.48173 0.57638 0.73152 0.81416 0.78633 0.22544 0.41678 0.72003 0.44778 0.37189 0.01195 0.40262 0.9188 0.59368 0.88319 0.78497 0.77603 0.80869 0.34596 0.75867 0.44643 0.31853 0.74078 0.27989 0.97867 0.77743 0.02599 0.56568 0.94714 0.25995 0.77333 0.87081 0.97122 0.36794 0.4592 0.01303 0.66335 0.37895 0.30292 0.60044 0.78785 0.42139 0.30878 0.48196 0.29536 0.23741 0.09184 0.81002 0.7776 0.76497 0.99922 0.15801 0.039 0.43237 0.2309 0.32576 0.58846 0.80695 0.4243 0.60747 0.98278 0.74056 0.21403 0.31865 0.69846 0.96722 0.12837 0.43626 0.46435 0.4034 0.57078 0.23539 0.12587 0.14837 0.03694 0.40661 0.41088 0.57152 0.76107 0.30964 0.74444 0.48099 0.22426 0.10968 0.6051 0.12084 0.75671 0.69909 0.10688 0.06255 0.90712 0.27069 0.9342 0.46179 0.68372 0.19782 0.31704 0.81711 0.33628 0.19542 0.37505 0.6139 0.32512 0.99481 0.29294 0.67264 0.21695 0.27045 0.72366 0.7456 0.91239 0.21405 0.05211 0.42982 0.18283 0.26879 0.41931 0.59139 0.12845 0.42073 0.95514 0.98994 0.68115 0.57764 0.16924 0.46454 0.77282 0.58542 0.45822 0.6596 0.41319 0.94895 0.48417 0.69085 0.58993 0.82069 0.8159 0.99052 0.11078 0.69586 0.27325 0.75126 0.05728 0.75095 0.97294 0.27397 0.72023 0.77939 0.34534 0.73792 0.04594 0.83382 0.94337 0.68569 0.4728 0.24995 0.5181 0.26314 0.44452 0.21467 0.71932 0.04425 0.164 0.26575 0.02508 0.31868 0.80526 0.15888 0.59014 0.83874 0.60575 0.429 0.94514 0.39844 0.65269 0.78286 0.59167 0.2185 0.68202 0.13648 0.92974 0.61181 0.01885 0.91817 0.10381 0.18333 0.67536 0.15409 0.95778 0.98963 0.39913 0.24353 0.8313 0.79782 0.9668 0.77903 0.03745 0.33656 0.33156 0.01164 0.05456 0.08421 0.15017 0.59128 0.5146 0.44622 0.97254 0.02516 0.53891 0.98755 0.84946 0.86428 0.40285 0.47376 0.17493 0.34327 0.20174 0.89065 0.84114 0.97872 0.57555 0.6387 0.33071 0.46097 0.91463 0.19462 0.08044 0.76814 0.98208 0.94094 0.57415 0.84769 0.85915 0.15791 0.04122 0.70085 0.49183 0.44403 0.27465 0.91575 0.85947 0.84993 0.04984 0.93433 0.90912 0.63633 0.4515 0.01142 0.25786 0.39053 0.17385 0.82582 0.90414 0.93218 0.39589 0.19008 0.15776 0.95969 0.61452 0.66439 0.35987 0.71581 0.67237 0.24916 0.16105 0.05311 0.64847 0.73263 0.15936 0.54386 0.81663 0.7651 0.31768 0.46441 0.97612 0.41467 0.86237 0.16662 0.37919 0.60811 0.19349 0.32761 0.81411 0.27349 0.04432 0.70342 0.2942 0.86996 0.12175 0.60006 0.86899 0.59769 0.11046 0.9076 0.71325 0.13942 0.30744 0.0532 0.86184 0.003 0.78374 0.39846 0.8352 0.49614 0.7873 0.52344 0.47546 0.00313 0.03383 0.42191 0.79438 0.71472 0.09814 0.9431 0.46417 0.32171 0.18059 0.5866 0.85459 0.50981 0.98639 0.11637 0.51314 0.71983 0.9284 0.85386 0.59323 0.15607 0.34323 0.00343 0.14613 0.93296 0.60388 0.78347 0.75336 0.44195 0.27213 0.26627 0.88411 0.93346 0.48479 0.11324 0.58668 0.40013 0.02096 0.10515 0.06439 0.03519 0.83667 0.15659 0.62317 0.77024 0.19621 0.82224 0.8053 0.77077 0.66773 0.85387 0.0876 0.04105 0.00669 0.82525 0.05623 0.06029 0.2559 0.62867 0.19548 0.49504 0.49239 0.85167 0.21248 0.46688 0.96383 0.48741 0.80177 0.05828 0.19003 0.83099 0.03243 0.58073 0.71327 0.203 0.19874 0.03361 0.06926 0.39845 0.56119 0.25912 0.74692 0.9968 0.08536 0.36444 0.51039 0.35727 0.33588 0.45649 0.20052 0.76767 0.29306 0.16842 0.86094 0.83095 0.61413 0.08872 0.77636 0.95981
+0.23654 0.73514 0.53334 0.4212 0.92373 0.32946 0.79048 0.38842 0.43112 0.33276 0.57848 0.99578 0.62817 0.19705 0.14998 0.99569 0.86977 0.34899 0.85099 0.42354 0.42462 0.37243 0.43894 0.56308 0.07125 0.9601 0.49152 0.34831 0.43052 0.31479 0.61792 0.65122 0.23554 0.6654 0.17985 0.37229 0.87224 0.99894 0.69886 0.35033 0.72944 0.55999 0.75201 0.83051 0.58726 0.40898 0.23517 0.6582 0.82625 0.11103 0.44032 0.51459 0.57957 0.37916 0.02841 0.03066 0.91601 0.10498 0.54286 0.99746 0.71868 0.70731 0.16761 0.38175 0.53084 0.87224 0.51387 0.33793 0.76188 0.24291 0.40555 0.94745 0.21722 0.17749 0.03805 0.73626 0.31671 0.01541 0.84994 0.66788 0.6431 0.68926 0.28533 0.22795 0.53212 0.71307 0.85686 0.28628 0.87747 0.54785 0.32221 0.34501 0.2017 0.59283 0.47684 0.30408 0.28377 0.65628 0.25816 0.17444 0.83204 0.68851 0.74647 0.06134 0.2427 0.21025 0.11356 0.13936 0.30829 0.82695 0.96515 0.51758 0.36526 0.33822 0.12255 0.01035 0.8485 0.08725 0.04524 0.32702 0.72348 0.74765 0.66464 0.54894 0.5012 0.47038 0.73775 0.38405 0.21624 0.42535 0.18487 0.30112 0.62639 0.58682 0.74882 0.54577 0.29748 0.28889 0.82036 0.78425 0.72099 0.88076 0.49565 0.10264 0.48466 0.45493 0.95041 0.81415 0.51827 0.34936 0.85931 0.39694 0.77514 0.67689 0.85713 0.74414 0.47302 0.15328 0.88037 0.40979 0.61899 0.76408 0.97051 0.14485 0.69464 0.15316 0.26802 0.89474 0.49106 0.64613 0.38654 0.79027 0.70569 0.52448 0.14489 0.92778 0.11621 0.35469 0.10804 0.2983 0.68701 0.02217 0.99819 0.38106 0.98416 0.59801 0.95401 0.90532 0.97982 0.48862 0.75333 0.96316 0.43338 0.14446 0.62876 0.60984 0.62893 0.7981 0.475 0.95734 0.51514 0.41916 0.60616 0.10244 0.89518 0.71914 0.0558 0.67053 0.99949 0.18097 0.97759 0.32644 0.96373 0.69097 0.92146 0.62321 0.17718 0.88626 0.63144 0.98721 0.716 0.22758 0.91738 0.58984 0.47784 0.01236 0.20877 0.31619 0.53375 0.23042 0.43388 0.0149 0.94712 0.08113 0.40088 0.13736 0.51273 0.27252 0.16767 0.45165 0.84321 0.26459 0.56725 0.62975 0.90848 0.38658 0.28974 0.47682 0.97064 0.07084 0.93593 0.16872 0.60094 0.64578 0.97298 0.37448 0.20642 0.54562 0.78252 0.06981 0.8669 0.44368 0.03836 0.90984 0.54226 0.33514 0.8098 0.56472 0.57549 0.98085 0.31992 0.7624 0.59657 0.42465 0.62616 0.59771 0.05194 0.78037 0.78549 0.71949 0.2492 0.78066 0.48626 0.5998 0.68779 0.98732 0.65725 0.63279 0.01419 0.38294 0.83862 0.34148 0.79973 0.12829 0.15493 0.49244 0.10509 0.05057 0.98208 0.9233 0.41803 0.30985 0.28357 0.34587 0.46792 0.13829 0.3156 0.44714 0.47334 0.90451 0.92637 0.42248 0.57304 0.85008 0.34313 0.58212 0.35147 0.28363 0.61999 0.70132 0.96288 0.96067 0.64535 0.94358 0.06536 0.95381 0.7644 0.09582 0.72657 0.90308 0.21133 0.21436 0.01401 0.40167 0.85888 0.26565 0.56301 0.93584 0.08313 0.16056 0.94461 0.63458 0.87231 0.94195 0.1778 0.58837 0.82829 0.13077 0.7947 0.66542 0.85199 0.69975 0.62265 0.16737 0.80065 0.97189 0.61703 0.91973 0.67413 0.98454 0.14599 0.39782 0.76291 0.9277 0.92568 0.10971 0.30997 0.14991 0.39013 0.28443 0.10332 0.15266 0.99302 0.75445 0.99215 0.32312 0.36962 0.80427 0.16415 0.07846 0.8668 0.68363 0.66112 0.64654 0.87604 0.0749 0.09823 0.8022 0.84233 0.66802 0.22939 0.3592 0.04945 0.55974 0.61693 0.6847 0.28865 0.45234 0.72431 0.07833 0.01102 0.02672 0.19539 0.87372 0.91892 0.95224 0.09485 0.166 0.04459 0.27811 0.44455 0.62174 0.59844 0.84766 0.15296 0.97884 0.97014 0.72714 0.36871 0.90678 0.30525 0.77873 0.19614 0.06681 0.89469 0.57527 0.22649 0.45167 0.33291 0.4896 0.3333 0.4269 0.65588 0.72253 0.86277 0.94697 0.73504 0.46191 0.55501 0.20685 0.38036 0.62443 0.61558 0.3559 0.58124 0.51197 0.18224 0.27647 0.36232 0.62897 0.4411 0.09338 0.31959 0.25099 0.13346 0.82113 0.07261 0.07836 0.86577 0.18578 0.87695 0.31978 0.55714 0.13232 0.40498 0.99518 0.08616 0.93149 0.10271 0.61618 0.58696 0.7302 0.60282 0.17904 0.91409 0.20189 0.0814 0.73121 0.823 0.92306 0.55406 0.47131 0.82005 0.70529 0.94648 0.03197 0.24135 0.64203 0.71231 0.42613 0.2817 0.27519 0.08182 0.57987 0.72104 0.0012 0.291 0.43266 0.01027 0.79326 0.88388 0.96059 0.11117 0.29941 0.21247 0.01522 0.8352 0.4624 0.69133 0.31661 0.77075 0.00066
+0.27155 0.47611 0.39393 0.9502 0.68504 0.12961 0.45986 0.64559 0.50209 0.9335 0.09406 0.89602 0.05994 0.88128 0.35277 0.50242 0.16235 0.50257 0.49686 0.2646 0.62051 0.51148 0.69023 0.7906 0.99657 0.69941 0.72026 0.07608 0.76019 0.43586 0.46258 0.09813 0.80283 0.31414 0.78078 0.33994 0.67345 0.21226 0.62291 0.23153 0.24868 0.69212 0.49242 0.3917 0.86769 0.96098 0.6069 0.81673 0.8466 0.7201 0.12301 0.65337 0.42075 0.16094 0.38906 0.18508 0.90112 0.20676 0.91405 0.15364 0.40511 0.32554 0.77087 0.06497 0.98191 0.5351 0.7986 0.96679 0.09991 0.82862 0.14033 0.95982 0.83054 0.04991 0.13312 0.47016 0.91154 0.32908 0.61582 0.03687 0.33848 0.06534 0.56141 0.00323 0.40197 0.02965 0.60147 0.99194 0.26435 0.44837 0.11599 0.71308 0.45646 0.02172 0.54332 0.3677 0.0893 0.61843 0.20948 0.60001 0.01933 0.32828 0.12906 0.89673 0.72297 0.34805 0.95862 0.06922 0.09445 0.03438 0.30493 0.22925 0.65688 0.54464 0.45255 0.2832 0.30773 0.17313 0.05322 0.77388 0.1422 0.43973 0.50429 0.11309 0.82738 0.71082 0.95122 0.64951 0.98411 0.89309 0.4253 0.09685 0.63565 0.91796 0.46705 0.63115 0.3942 0.86461 0.06396 0.99678 0.56748 0.5133 0.51944 0.83128 0.30429 0.25058 0.01163 0.25364 0.89334 0.22757 0.41237 0.43441 0.82694 0.29667 0.8983 0.54998 0.92106 0.93382 0.76938 0.03692 0.68837 0.50024 0.89164 0.46086 0.72428 0.73328 0.29818 0.15292 0.4213 0.90107 0.54861 0.53308 0.21676 0.852 0.03641 0.85311 0.75188 0.38866 0.59621 0.94439 0.88579 0.43282 0.40609 0.66796 0.77419 0.72496 0.66776 0.58374 0.36266 0.89044 0.33144 0.67714 0.27826 0.41719 0.82446 0.09245 0.86319 0.26771 0.67363 0.33582 0.479 0.73802 0.7636 0.55251 0.04622 0.65934 0.34916 0.52618 0.0995 0.34203 0.62887 0.37859 0.49511 0.20013 0.06695 0.05041 0.01112 0.93042 0.71454 0.98193 0.69886 0.04795 0.50825 0.3018 0.36218 0.35298 0.6678 0.51283 0.05039 0.11936 0.11605 0.43945 0.66814 0.78611 0.59908 0.96442 0.38748 0.62177 0.15695 0.82555 0.38104 0.58505 0.92153 0.42624 0.694 0.5306 0.11342 0.19983 0.51355 0.83524 0.46974 0.84735 0.15978 0.5134 0.87782 0.11173 0.88857 0.90827 0.78407 0.24632 0.68103 0.64752 0.79701 0.4771 0.62153 0.94453 0.88543 0.61652 0.39982 0.59804 0.48932 0.75781 0.8395 0.37354 0.65154 0.96817 0.08926 0.19065 0.30624 0.17054 0.46566 0.60193 0.04549 0.72002 0.8956 0.202 0.23281 0.34727 0.81534 0.0786 0.36025 0.6666 0.53592 0.5539 0.70333 0.44323 0.24782 0.01197 0.07385 0.67909 0.01435 0.53517 0.7955 0.74573 0.02832 0.64074 0.47259 0.21564 0.46418 0.74276 0.38089 0.18897 0.12517 0.83512 0.52142 0.63945 0.20542 0.66392 0.76791 0.48759 0.72284 0.60699 0.90508 0.18105 0.46468 0.57558 0.48091 0.92513 0.75728 0.3871 0.54112 0.57752 0.73454 0.61395 0.43425 0.942 0.35166 0.84688 0.60821 0.16525 0.22648 0.41405 0.31255 0.42082 0.85397 0.93528 0.20764 0.6338 0.81024 0.1663 0.76588 0.68093 0.68364 0.56656 0.54835 0.15813 0.91707 0.6081 0.37054 0.32571 0.55504 0.60933 0.51679 0.3174 0.72762 0.96779 0.16023 0.3149 0.02739 0.89239 0.54236 0.17794 0.57303 0.19024 0.36643 0.49717 0.46382 0.17816 0.03359 0.01791 0.02713 0.53324 0.67059 0.57117 0.56188 0.06414 0.86548 0.70883 0.29488 0.91696 0.28406 0.21748 0.94092 0.54652 0.84595 0.63264 0.76653 0.29836 0.68366 0.85611 0.11237 0.135 0.11196 0.93797 0.15403 0.55463 0.3688 0.47835 0.05975 0.90489 0.05295 0.14071 0.39564 0.36425 0.85873 0.12929 0.55318 0.1416 0.17501 0.32276 0.60431 0.13168 0.75132 0.146 0.41291 0.86597 0.10081 0.64448 0.13037 0.35018 0.29789 0.8487 0.34498 0.43288 0.5817 0.30211 0.49473 0.51645 0.70371 0.35411 0.60677 0.3324 0.50309 0.45347 0.89533 0.24509 0.44434 0.1772 0.57772 0.30875 0.01093 0.82893 0.36091 0.09516 0.93776 0.1199 0.82662 0.65963 0.01039 0.38465 0.49864 0.44104 0.41865 0.24418 0.1064 0.5997 0.75837 0.9705 0.75465 0.39124 0.03149 0.15891 0.50796 0.46671 0.52046 0.50608 0.4185 0.61622 0.34236 0.55402 0.22447 0.62026 0.52566 0.95955 0.3837 0.55964 0.31021 0.19742 0.39473 0.19973 0.6124 0.90538 0.17209 0.93262 0.27329 0.29376 0.84645 0.58975 0.25564 0.84852 0.69825 0.1857 0.53321 0.68331 0.06252 0.88257 0.10202 0.23103 0.98542 0.466 0.47255 0.24753
+0.78273 0.42049 0.6817 0.72947 0.85931 0.10495 0.18915 0.79146 0.30079 0.63525 0.35506 0.20369 0.22485 0.10421 0.43562 0.53132 0.23033 0.65823 0.74902 0.84552 0.40393 0.36336 0.01057 0.37134 0.65789 0.56486 0.06733 0.5316 0.56441 0.19329 0.12906 0.46458 0.44314 0.35022 0.66856 0.96019 0.03993 0.37278 0.16366 0.32577 0.09361 0.53659 0.30897 0.49714 0.70687 0.55698 0.04026 0.97281 0.80252 0.32779 0.03689 0.84326 0.67254 0.25432 0.94331 0.87198 0.41724 0.80997 0.51113 0.70308 0.34873 0.4863 0.83935 0.99947 0.08683 0.1228 0.46877 0.75434 0.48464 0.8408 0.11691 0.11917 0.73035 0.19519 0.39599 0.25216 0.99243 0.1229 0.78823 0.70114 0.55178 0.43525 0.6968 0.06684 0.30972 0.87646 0.19593 0.94044 0.65952 0.10706 0.41265 0.10273 0.9145 0.79592 0.36204 0.27629 0.84518 0.70115 0.37679 0.09883 0.18576 0.223 0.40562 0.65269 0.4794 0.83941 0.71229 0.8206 0.31619 0.96914 0.0616 0.58789 0.05808 0.96002 0.33716 0.41109 0.74713 0.339 0.51379 0.63679 0.15838 0.35108 0.43834 0.22382 0.45689 0.87826 0.76573 0.63551 0.63646 0.06433 0.28187 0.45519 0.52273 0.83502 0.19345 0.34923 0.46497 0.6067 0.1945 0.54622 0.9298 0.60491 0.3073 0.67191 0.96623 0.46517 0.77226 0.48296 0.42288 0.13548 0.36966 0.31497 0.43587 0.88321 0.67719 0.48131 0.83399 0.57196 0.58789 0.72719 0.35117 0.40953 0.48686 0.48697 0.97061 0.45164 0.58703 0.98379 0.67533 0.75555 0.14437 0.74938 0.37146 0.08857 0.62792 0.60818 0.80709 0.2922 0.87522 0.6359 0.79452 0.12723 0.0538 0.55482 0.36664 0.79519 0.4551 0.10802 0.0078 0.44073 0.51905 0.09668 0.8929 0.24788 0.35141 0.02577 0.32706 0.94171 0.91768 0.36792 0.23628 0.69363 0.39918 0.90609 0.54139 0.39432 0.61511 0.60618 0.38958 0.66968 0.04636 0.78955 0.74776 0.25929 0.84775 0.20641 0.92348 0.20568 0.34319 0.79443 0.802 0.54877 0.3429 0.11665 0.06248 0.62785 0.15852 0.1923 0.16047 0.52527 0.28352 0.16032 0.02907 0.05417 0.06564 0.09274 0.00296 0.51524 0.33869 0.43589 0.26563 0.65061 0.8 0.25369 0.15352 0.10842 0.85316 0.35451 0.32306 0.53432 0.17846 0.05176 0.19722 0.3463 0.36221 0.99329 0.59641 0.65237 0.51671 0.99602 0.84747 0.4769 0.50288 0.58355 0.22512 0.38 0.32082 0.71904 0.669 0.75507 0.33092 0.50261 0.66339 0.59182 0.91577 0.51357 0.99275 0.63331 0.25066 0.62485 0.88501 0.51262 0.13246 0.86678 0.90289 0.19326 0.92058 0.91416 0.35208 0.45006 0.34826 0.15449 0.81197 0.03456 0.90583 0.005 0.48534 0.3258 0.22824 0.21046 0.91064 0.71376 0.69042 0.73988 0.2659 0.40564 0.50476 0.1789 0.42208 0.77342 0.76164 0.77986 0.73317 0.35914 0.35055 0.77901 0.20903 0.16179 0.75333 0.09295 0.66215 0.88876 0.23774 0.86429 0.98671 0.9878 0.86431 0.8664 0.10852 0.18338 0.79868 0.38661 0.12001 0.75086 0.88554 0.96997 0.42421 0.95478 0.79467 0.8317 0.35593 0.81604 0.91118 0.82082 0.68688 0.47844 0.60458 0.47803 0.80383 0.65291 0.84779 0.46908 0.09124 0.61691 0.7751 0.88165 0.15977 0.22924 0.02421 0.45437 0.21163 0.43572 0.48017 0.76102 0.81269 0.69174 0.65342 0.70659 0.38359 0.32254 0.24106 0.20369 0.32001 0.04884 0.42224 0.65979 0.24666 0.45268 0.49833 0.24812 0.71805 0.97174 0.14893 0.14268 0.79817 0.61992 0.11667 0.76343 0.66074 0.43073 0.74355 0.68188 0.27175 0.41501 0.19713 0.16724 0.8716 0.094 0.38393 0.29867 0.95755 0.04055 0.65031 0.01375 0.97335 0.29155 0.64794 0.29145 0.43616 0.54597 0.92859 0.37232 0.33551 0.1525 0.63641 0.77096 0.45085 0.71471 0.31943 0.84548 0.0949 0.53536 0.22878 0.41013 0.6862 0.12219 0.21553 0.43711 0.18063 0.59438 0.56082 0.82987 0.09873 0.21217 0.63053 0.33699 0.61279 0.89109 0.14629 0.80438 0.3128 0.7045 0.60716 0.45413 0.8976 0.39703 0.58474 0.78579 0.54819 0.41391 0.14746 0.08578 0.80513 0.18809 0.73561 0.58937 0.1748 0.55782 0.42604 0.17926 0.32762 0.81304 0.07815 0.02039 0.70121 0.45062 0.63307 0.62407 0.37813 0.43377 0.68123 0.22046 0.59021 0.72183 0.44614 0.86555 0.92378 0.20576 0.38898 0.22511 0.71264 0.1704 0.77453 0.83832 0.01801 0.20776 0.23836 0.48407 0.43228 0.50324 0.20136 0.21383 0.35534 0.13893 0.45663 0.7829 0.58941 0.47282 0.20691 0.42663 0.31219 0.89086 0.77008 0.37155 0.65902 0.34153 0.60217 0.09852 0.76805 0.76315 0.20494 0.16551
+0.01767 0.18173 0.94795 0.86176 0.99772 0.97232 0.71315 0.55023 0.41966 0.73385 0.53013 0.40165 0.04527 0.50389 0.28825 0.40002 0.72603 0.36112 0.10406 0.97086 0.66384 0.16508 0.79868 0.54912 0.50855 0.30831 0.61058 0.88997 0.13627 0.02053 0.09798 0.88451 0.54385 0.29896 0.77211 0.17652 0.89602 0.00631 0.86202 0.30162 0.35029 0.78809 0.31402 0.69152 0.8614 0.70354 0.08108 0.86256 0.17697 0.08876 0.80961 0.13051 0.68745 0.30948 0.29865 0.41161 0.02391 0.73462 0.27427 0.24129 0.99369 0.9754 0.47325 0.53225 0.02744 0.33044 0.05813 0.80981 0.55853 0.99546 0.90195 0.98943 0.48767 0.38469 0.91184 0.41702 0.68874 0.38614 0.68514 0.89381 0.75194 0.29146 0.71622 0.56896 0.44918 0.60488 0.21853 0.24475 0.2037 0.126 0.65053 0.52695 0.30229 0.50108 0.35699 0.9908 0.09824 0.84155 0.56759 0.38468 0.83005 0.29234 0.29469 0.0888 0.03656 0.3743 0.34459 0.25648 0.32312 0.07428 0.25474 0.05053 0.07908 0.50858 0.93425 0.14276 0.82851 0.4901 0.08308 0.29752 0.95951 0.31618 0.60419 0.21548 0.94757 0.02039 0.0439 0.26646 0.08187 0.74087 0.41462 0.27134 0.46288 0.7076 0.35391 0.33499 0.56971 0.28698 0.78001 0.67436 0.30123 0.50047 0.34752 0.36525 0.84168 0.75321 0.89372 0.79027 0.70987 0.90279 0.71258 0.97941 0.22864 0.15678 0.85244 0.82725 0.77955 0.80428 0.38212 0.02258 0.49168 0.20209 0.17634 0.06876 0.625 0.81511 0.55185 0.92188 0.79424 0.70629 0.43892 0.7874 0.12239 0.56496 0.32732 0.63989 0.9911 0.09829 0.08826 0.51939 0.18478 0.96513 0.18877 0.03442 0.78936 0.47692 0.66388 0.73479 0.69622 0.76161 0.55127 0.66549 0.78907 0.47838 0.93082 0.36806 0.96532 0.301 0.4463 0.58076 0.78559 0.97948 0.50859 0.54864 0.50325 0.82583 0.75562 0.28737 0.49942 0.85548 0.47324 0.45742 0.74684 0.74548 0.95206 0.1501 0.44307 0.39387 0.42626 0.21446 0.40117 0.75775 0.16677 0.76363 0.79718 0.67294 0.44769 0.12066 0.48945 0.88879 0.03617 0.57195 0.59486 0.83998 0.01221 0.14068 0.04208 0.45737 0.48908 0.0115 0.02673 0.36927 0.76156 0.00594 0.149 0.47989 0.34353 0.9393 0.86869 0.43078 0.22056 0.34146 0.1851 0.37276 0.46459 0.6812 0.52818 0.70803 0.68282 0.20633 0.44599 0.20712 0.85868 0.80197 0.25069 0.04333 0.237 0.6872 0.12357 0.67414 0.97609 0.94611 0.47784 0.3144 0.81375 0.43947 0.55565 0.42986 0.55346 0.36058 0.30897 0.64338 0.17638 0.59585 0.99811 0.21009 0.02194 0.40684 0.91544 0.69097 0.18961 0.14423 0.94892 0.11935 0.1912 0.4788 0.69745 0.51399 0.55135 0.5264 0.53611 0.40074 0.9043 0.33843 0.74264 0.95359 0.28528 0.81345 0.83967 0.46194 0.29734 0.97148 0.53119 0.63089 0.06245 0.47244 0.88084 0.99 0.76762 0.28514 0.15379 0.91853 0.07057 0.25757 0.89765 0.38593 0.00733 0.17702 0.40033 0.91783 0.27829 0.46536 0.17269 0.10289 0.35828 0.64838 0.13471 0.02707 0.05743 0.44893 0.89393 0.24173 0.66661 0.26949 0.93805 0.63787 0.80277 0.12804 0.68628 0.66375 0.64243 0.66135 0.78902 0.7009 0.53121 0.63891 0.47955 0.93724 0.47952 0.25568 0.56554 0.49465 0.46545 0.17657 0.23284 0.23768 0.31947 0.1152 0.72946 0.15111 0.2751 0.22768 0.06496 0.82489 0.91849 0.51619 0.75837 0.28164 0.69673 0.38089 0.95977 0.9272 0.47194 0.62566 0.19669 0.77201 0.09334 0.92689 0.19542 0.31783 0.72661 0.70544 0.57423 0.91496 0.45001 0.67734 0.72371 0.73775 0.90836 0.13686 0.50329 0.29474 0.94348 0.44302 0.36185 0.66739 0.15478 0.37844 0.13909 0.01088 0.38642 0.54155 0.80148 0.60707 0.39492 0.34268 0.82194 0.73056 0.01308 0.47016 0.0769 0.86147 0.33608 0.35393 0.88617 0.93097 0.98854 0.53004 0.79607 0.63318 0.10285 0.68047 0.51197 0.57436 0.39912 0.0039 0.45725 0.44173 0.66614 0.27843 0.70598 0.38257 0.54158 0.73903 0.38016 0.57747 0.65929 0.05508 0.14943 0.95413 0.62271 0.23474 0.6002 0.67074 0.55975 0.83032 0.71434 0.93923 0.44767 0.13607 0.92437 0.42455 0.90839 0.83102 0.42288 0.08206 0.67811 0.11471 0.79619 0.70406 0.28437 0.9136 0.39494 0.10827 0.34354 0.79858 0.14359 0.12836 0.80965 0.09596 0.52275 0.25864 0.37551 0.66278 0.00849 0.70617 0.50411 0.10995 0.72044 0.43675 0.2564 0.25524 0.97968 0.47887 0.58221 0.93707 0.95562 0.94087 0.06874 0.03676 0.07487 0.9174 0.51159 0.65104 0.51682 0.67755 0.51967 0.70264 0.40979 0.20373 0.22079 0.02838
+0.36648 0.18773 0.69028 0.76408 0.3213 0.74812 0.86262 0.97188 0.96022 0.23871 0.32527 0.07251 0.40044 0.63917 0.40356 0.3372 0.36647 0.26303 0.92214 0.92916 0.37588 0.77602 0.75998 0.101 0.62141 0.95992 0.90775 0.63774 0.66648 0.28254 0.46794 0.96136 0.05916 0.68362 0.69534 0.82957 0.10004 0.41112 0.38731 0.18058 0.00288 0.96298 0.2562 0.3264 0.13865 0.33444 0.72843 0.413 0.92682 0.36625 0.58493 0.09915 0.74958 0.95099 0.06944 0.54033 0.21812 0.60448 0.26374 0.67623 0.97108 0.98552 0.46006 0.55694 0.08515 0.06301 0.11936 0.58102 0.73977 0.26677 0.99327 0.46378 0.59182 0.19204 0.1458 0.76361 0.12059 0.94756 0.84738 0.90608 0.54306 0.86551 0.75879 0.60343 0.69816 0.01412 0.04587 0.77194 0.34857 0.33124 0.68703 0.30355 0.75319 0.32196 0.06548 0.48461 0.65377 0.8987 0.42091 0.62885 0.76543 0.35181 0.79417 0.7335 0.83768 0.89644 0.77428 0.87294 0.67024 0.27023 0.31842 0.56958 0.50378 0.94194 0.54039 0.21398 0.51008 0.81926 0.15998 0.35089 0.6278 0.69806 0.11682 0.21516 0.651 0.19877 0.14766 0.01773 0.19704 0.80867 0.0502 0.81627 0.40757 0.8393 0.21448 0.54916 0.10367 0.79328 0.0105 0.88578 0.09605 0.51679 0.4044 0.19138 0.31068 0.83305 0.86105 0.14807 0.92813 0.70418 0.44425 0.58266 0.79173 0.86187 0.43796 0.06076 0.40104 0.62979 0.31897 0.29781 0.60997 0.70991 0.10373 0.03287 0.16694 0.58393 0.95698 0.56543 0.46715 0.71518 0.31382 0.21963 0.40991 0.94162 0.53779 0.80631 0.83393 0.30976 0.07022 0.51205 0.21929 0.5214 0.18423 0.68324 0.37484 0.54762 0.31412 0.83066 0.50079 0.78991 0.43198 0.77991 0.41613 0.95021 0.65901 0.73729 0.98783 0.71132 0.31299 0.10602 0.1386 0.69466 0.30621 0.12978 0.27041 0.3045 0.32774 0.21677 0.54032 0.32672 0.04814 0.54371 0.79885 0.01116 0.03573 0.03493 0.20173 0.74582 0.39604 0.31593 0.14226 0.10962 0.48961 0.15935 0.76775 0.22304 0.65079 0.70334 0.2561 0.58823 0.05665 0.57449 0.94706 0.89365 0.29149 0.84908 0.57439 0.71687 0.09755 0.25989 0.0082 0.28116 0.55483 0.29466 0.92115 0.12563 0.93811 0.29216 0.02989 0.87551 0.42406 0.94202 0.91702 0.08978 0.71201 0.23962 0.43007 0.48505 0.73689 0.56451 0.50024 0.88129 0.80402 0.11636 0.43877 0.40897 0.46203 0.10661 0.39232 0.39069 0.94838 0.79736 0.04813 0.31539 0.0541 0.71637 0.03072 0.47322 0.7278 0.79651 0.85638 0.88259 0.51174 0.78632 0.12647 0.48177 0.01254 0.16755 0.71523 0.11753 0.02465 0.76001 0.17824 0.00896 0.83668 0.59916 0.20688 0.1118 0.09614 0.15118 0.07734 0.21929 0.33073 0.8956 0.12568 0.10836 0.9549 0.4611 0.41504 0.22618 0.83753 0.56627 0.06048 0.81249 0.84382 0.81887 0.82716 0.33688 0.18011 0.24829 0.01725 0.86396 0.80123 0.09183 0.68406 0.43579 0.76322 0.80648 0.43037 0.86659 0.28319 0.90333 0.20395 0.04526 0.35252 0.80076 0.67105 0.03831 0.88916 0.3701 0.77614 0.12283 0.84405 0.31622 0.87582 0.41503 0.70012 0.11916 0.09502 0.67184 0.74813 0.98477 0.118 0.8404 0.23778 0.0739 0.50247 0.9058 0.58516 0.444 0.59472 0.07407 0.97048 0.48969 0.34399 0.78097 0.40792 0.21688 0.0312 0.84312 0.89866 0.39516 0.01247 0.38126 0.351 0.23722 0.7574 0.19831 0.93416 0.83933 0.94638 0.90053 0.52011 0.44767 0.54464 0.02542 0.00191 0.16571 0.96643 0.6355 0.40366 0.37704 0.96404 0.86225 0.25715 0.22292 0.41386 0.56207 0.70834 0.61529 0.02929 0.7185 0.2588 0.26824 0.30771 0.33709 0.77998 0.41597 0.99668 0.58046 0.96611 0.57087 0.08183 0.71717 0.39132 0.12865 0.25911 0.77347 0.96445 0.24821 0.5622 0.67854 0.07354 0.31529 0.98909 0.92122 0.49118 0.39411 0.27114 0.36103 0.25242 0.07294 0.48351 0.2889 0.36928 0.18131 0.86238 0.06079 0.22719 0.89571 0.78936 0.56686 0.07654 0.58835 0.92986 0.20902 0.69911 0.77528 0.2988 0.0361 0.59938 0.17053 0.44507 0.31461 0.91885 0.94206 0.71064 0.87533 0.90335 0.02495 0.55037 0.58673 0.54465 0.46254 0.04545 0.60052 0.60276 0.69052 0.37554 0.57834 0.50925 0.57833 0.94772 0.34786 0.74166 0.62461 0.30135 0.66229 0.39326 0.51762 0.66013 0.32251 0.85855 0.00756 0.8802 0.32327 0.50788 0.36747 0.83622 0.88846 0.20912 0.1123 0.29111 0.48797 0.69991 0.50032 0.45818 0.43249 0.91274 0.83776 0.19619 0.71815 0.03277 0.76443 0.58364 0.16804 0.36064 0.80568 0.1339 0.85033 0.02943 0.83793
+0.5865 0.32884 0.58855 0.37586 0.5499 0.47077 0.64958 0.47933 0.84331 0.79669 0.31582 0.61387 0.66096 0.6932 0.51597 0.68407 0.74059 0.61132 0.02176 0.70329 0.45362 0.63368 0.84131 0.80861 0.02503 0.65233 0.54847 0.84802 0.52489 0.78241 0.06523 0.54778 0.89745 0.20604 0.55554 0.74268 0.03847 0.3164 0.49604 0.09688 0.19266 0.41578 0.75082 0.03755 0.87862 0.49583 0.05656 0.74927 0.75671 0.22704 0.65069 0.69287 0.26906 0.07902 0.22204 0.69588 0.49424 0.3357 0.14899 0.90494 0.3377 0.50545 0.6932 0.52517 0.67801 0.45417 0.68822 0.05702 0.20785 0.63242 0.07793 0.91963 0.56707 0.80217 0.40943 0.36338 0.5197 0.78498 0.33806 0.82521 0.61356 0.84236 0.07594 0.03682 0.81042 0.60046 0.22695 0.40186 0.2938 0.96955 0.6543 0.98689 0.16897 0.41862 0.4783 0.46875 0.77483 0.05019 0.29654 0.24612 0.26295 0.41912 0.9435 0.36858 0.15045 0.3182 0.81667 0.60453 0.05919 0.06462 0.49699 0.96588 0.17462 0.72008 0.34679 0.06922 0.38458 0.24247 0.45299 0.61859 0.86055 0.60285 0.16205 0.21952 0.07538 0.19005 0.58562 0.3924 0.56205 0.61932 0.50818 0.0879 0.50744 0.99396 0.74669 0.45443 0.59673 0.0031 0.00509 0.9633 0.59891 0.43659 0.32273 0.92994 0.48858 0.26527 0.51098 0.74866 0.07205 0.7357 0.96733 0.60256 0.57695 0.43528 0.42274 0.37889 0.03421 0.16406 0.53457 0.40582 0.83028 0.63965 0.01659 0.84924 0.21925 0.87907 0.64685 0.14997 0.33695 0.79244 0.63355 0.50474 0.15101 0.42259 0.38787 0.57398 0.49965 0.23635 0.71387 0.15585 0.01088 0.9941 0.91509 0.22488 0.72861 0.33666 0.32921 0.48258 0.95874 0.34656 0.56655 0.45455 0.50534 0.81272 0.06051 0.79904 0.88091 0.71723 0.32962 0.69966 0.08417 0.53061 0.58263 0.56883 0.38019 0.72592 0.49866 0.42669 0.99638 0.28783 0.00928 0.57686 0.94696 0.23687 0.86601 0.23118 0.99554 0.47241 0.08633 0.44218 0.74423 0.77198 0.26352 0.75351 0.63881 0.36506 0.84976 0.19791 0.21795 0.43036 0.49522 0.8755 0.37037 0.46006 0.45116 0.4802 0.51902 0.14911 0.91366 0.52342 0.0382 0.43171 0.17373 0.40689 0.71213 0.06322 0.52658 0.03261 0.42941 0.7216 0.35936 0.92913 0.73845 0.77643 0.7931 0.25029 0.67059 0.44867 0.71481 0.68586 0.58355 0.53239 0.62787 0.71064 0.39092 0.13476 0.78867 0.3543 0.68273 0.90173 0.80497 0.38087 0.38548 0.33506 0.88595 0.6892 0.72195 0.30463 0.75291 0.42336 0.30416 0.59411 0.91034 0.99704 0.02708 0.78446 0.39457 0.39743 0.52512 0.10225 0.25429 0.30724 0.30796 0.78616 0.57517 0.59825 0.80172 0.23207 0.19182 0.34005 0.27106 0.14443 0.98833 0.16754 0.17152 0.31966 0.68653 0.82853 0.99767 0.18414 0.77587 0.30632 0.1637 0.7623 0.97524 0.04859 0.68393 0.09149 0.17217 0.43279 0.24273 0.16191 0.69813 0.56297 0.33458 0.57452 0.54169 0.79149 0.28247 0.80582 0.3584 0.81873 0.29307 0.75734 0.51916 0.31015 0.46029 0.0804 0.28718 0.43247 0.61123 0.66763 0.58377 0.16736 0.50243 0.88998 0.3025 0.32763 0.49284 0.43056 0.05643 0.52409 0.63918 0.6165 0.66718 0.30273 0.84452 0.56887 0.94587 0.93761 0.49172 0.77545 0.77165 0.72348 0.4558 0.00029 0.30543 0.36055 0.93595 0.37003 0.73034 0.1978 0.70044 0.23474 0.73439 0.44984 0.31287 0.91309 0.63611 0.34891 0.93581 0.26689 0.10363 0.5598 0.06099 0.20962 0.20107 0.93741 0.74883 0.39916 0.01057 0.1002 0.84878 0.9526 0.91435 0.13162 0.29639 0.32642 0.69142 0.38752 0.65471 0.31192 0.37776 0.31097 0.09739 0.58262 0.5158 0.76263 0.45167 0.9397 0.85712 0.79065 0.37016 0.91285 0.88532 0.93876 0.76089 0.34108 0.3751 0.22988 0.69866 0.31246 0.53977 0.82327 0.3018 0.412 0.95554 0.55351 0.65413 0.93839 0.0763 0.12117 0.48524 0.91952 0.28787 0.38118 0.19354 0.45721 0.02545 0.36146 0.09208 0.54768 0.34794 0.81728 0.50525 0.01553 0.82942 0.58031 0.71147 0.52746 0.37093 0.62477 0.55357 0.63517 0.99206 0.22228 0.50394 0.23904 0.22545 0.93341 0.43931 0.85692 0.46599 0.85498 0.35689 0.33797 0.62877 0.98049 0.15251 0.33805 0.11023 0.76827 0.912 0.62976 0.12274 0.77824 0.56664 0.11982 0.63905 0.40731 0.57397 0.53804 0.78659 0.34272 0.54385 0.91849 0.61733 0.99211 0.57531 0.3996 0.77942 0.61228 0.49264 0.35212 0.73587 0.2649 0.09321 0.35691 0.06736 0.65503 0.61104 0.42454 0.47818 0.4521 0.6407 0.09578 0.04678 0.41563 0.74645 0.09647 0.72732 0.70366
+0.88474 0.14322 0.47319 0.24937 0.21268 0.96021 0.19209 0.23445 0.04161 0.69744 0.63557 0.82738 0.52598 0.93053 0.25089 0.07532 0.34783 0.76775 0.08123 0.52667 0.56652 0.92743 0.04064 0.65007 0.35931 0.43457 0.6214 0.42601 0.83763 0.33966 0.27743 0.18221 0.54776 0.5961 0.37446 0.82168 0.29044 0.18684 0.10729 0.89425 0.40563 0.36202 0.99746 0.06225 0.7983 0.23013 0.02968 0.25081 0.65957 0.383 0.19066 0.85145 0.33045 0.62253 0.53132 0.27079 0.52604 0.79528 0.55982 0.36637 0.55718 0.5918 0.38822 0.78006 0.88687 0.78658 0.67635 0.62403 0.76768 0.24321 0.56243 0.21575 0.89031 0.33637 0.70906 0.45972 0.54937 0.74809 0.50853 0.07693 0.58584 0.56039 0.73253 0.45451 0.20659 0.09054 0.72879 0.68788 0.26455 0.52542 0.79182 0.68416 0.99491 0.63003 0.65665 0.40358 0.73236 0.68146 0.20883 0.50776 0.76646 0.33586 0.92412 0.64282 0.6523 0.02877 0.26541 0.84754 0.94656 0.26769 0.8924 0.68234 0.86251 0.86598 0.85495 0.24384 0.58865 0.50538 0.43139 0.79904 0.73628 0.91628 0.15163 0.53432 0.62855 0.97183 0.46553 0.29631 0.69104 0.41594 0.84811 0.84928 0.54492 0.12493 0.72688 0.41994 0.87633 0.08589 0.5564 0.89336 0.20759 0.0607 0.95136 0.21798 0.34661 0.16189 0.35439 0.97827 0.39141 0.79353 0.3722 0.35303 0.19118 0.85335 0.24087 0.36902 0.04599 0.89081 0.37856 0.97128 0.39708 0.19539 0.54836 0.10781 0.15048 0.42501 0.1091 0.52234 0.23696 0.01506 0.00459 0.51081 0.32532 0.5156 0.10343 0.0671 0.66615 0.14495 0.93779 0.85177 0.6297 0.07124 0.26192 0.56505 0.58401 0.98846 0.50794 0.17081 0.28126 0.67288 0.62919 0.81712 0.95876 0.58138 0.10463 0.49214 0.33895 0.47387 0.01185 0.8447 0.06985 0.70727 0.02872 0.32701 0.44767 0.0073 0.97415 0.53592 0.95556 0.71468 0.36215 0.37694 0.10224 0.21589 0.65887 0.30502 0.56617 0.12369 0.43605 0.23477 0.57657 0.32464 0.50355 0.02664 0.48161 0.65583 0.4765 0.42948 0.82789 0.72452 0.90011 0.5125 0.5229 0.27181 0.428 0.67543 0.6395 0.39291 0.34531 0.92235 0.99167 0.16281 0.98511 0.52976 0.86254 0.04265 0.03693 0.11109 0.37021 0.95732 0.76059 0.20721 0.66415 0.91439 0.37338 0.49683 0.43269 0.34619 0.77788 0.287 0.40274 0.64589 0.30685 0.17127 0.12588 0.62939 0.59448 0.41035 0.7406 0.63686 0.76475 0.18243 0.31136 0.48014 0.24826 0.85511 0.62969 0.56591 0.27125 0.28117 0.85783 0.63489 0.70445 0.02954 0.13996 0.86979 0.01801 0.70023 0.86241 0.68019 0.3331 0.11796 0.17892 0.39651 0.82052 0.4157 0.24036 0.91357 0.24019 0.45441 0.21878 0.34279 0.28494 0.3717 0.97466 0.66236 0.8836 0.97788 0.38747 0.21616 0.17227 0.64073 0.5676 0.84131 0.85765 0.82492 0.83185 0.69761 0.311 0.1128 0.68581 0.97159 0.37839 0.89107 0.05081 0.88608 0.27954 0.15043 0.81996 0.3119 0.74719 0.24055 0.01602 0.32651 0.07178 0.6053 0.89223 0.24821 0.88202 0.92131 0.93188 0.08335 0.91491 0.15507 0.95603 0.66303 0.99601 0.42216 0.51207 0.08023 0.80623 0.50447 0.98953 0.02908 0.97524 0.14341 0.65954 0.57679 0.57559 0.73204 0.04316 0.40059 0.81457 0.93851 0.82312 0.664 0.66264 0.64385 0.66599 0.5887 0.82651 0.86745 0.38921 0.91327 0.29013 0.6462 0.28564 0.77184 0.89739 0.80889 0.73147 0.26108 0.54655 0.77843 0.20282 0.48606 0.5787 0.67835 0.59182 0.38032 0.77274 0.75491 0.27147 0.67476 0.36016 0.37677 0.66613 0.09027 0.76105 0.07538 0.40213 0.61223 0.26964 0.09031 0.67535 0.61247 0.16378 0.59731 0.89765 0.99283 0.83661 0.15296 0.01958 0.88617 0.66748 0.81054 0.88076 0.2746 0.38135 0.30263 0.37716 0.64724 0.19729 0.15022 0.00178 0.92149 0.77206 0.30151 0.80984 0.57431 0.62961 0.1043 0.17603 0.29526 0.04736 0.2792 0.94719 0.38003 0.12818 0.09311 0.84007 0.50716 0.28449 0.39835 0.97284 0.73107 0.20475 0.19799 0.31297 0.9287 0.56406 0.8275 0.39828 0.87851 0.42052 0.61688 0.4245 0.70365 0.33681 0.82589 0.91677 0.63624 0.7447 0.62517 0.27375 0.72996 0.15585 0.82201 0.85565 0.4608 0.01193 0.89521 0.27441 0.59141 0.09391 0.54626 0.31067 0.09325 0.03459 0.93158 0.91968 0.81121 0.87911 0.32768 0.04254 0.35169 0.48495 0.79456 0.48805 0.64426 0.40547 0.41343 0.65678 0.53632 0.38813 0.80111 0.21858 0.50388 0.65121 0.04062 0.97215 0.97819 0.77712 0.66065 0.10246 0.21787 0.56463 0.98231 0.30405 0.1354 0.31397 0.8936
+0.86723 0.34514 0.91926 0.23447 0.56922 0.48483 0.59001 0.67963 0.48298 0.60036 0.4491 0.80093 0.5466 0.54657 0.96584 0.81968 0.01373 0.24192 0.35976 0.47795 0.51082 0.20841 0.35394 0.16221 0.00361 0.81679 0.31317 0.08864 0.50924 0.29414 0.20765 0.883 0.3155 0.7134 0.08759 0.43412 0.35502 0.80728 0.8614 0.30345 0.71611 0.68755 0.1029 0.91097 0.70727 0.96094 0.47001 0.57333 0.15268 0.62057 0.5556 0.65202 0.7559 0.13867 0.68577 0.22678 0.28088 0.1701 0.03396 0.32433 0.00935 0.07699 0.09743 0.60217 0.06404 0.9135 0.03025 0.56817 0.41035 0.10999 0.1071 0.31783 0.10956 0.26165 0.91018 0.31824 0.971 0.69273 0.74658 0.80882 0.42954 0.34351 0.97965 0.03942 0.77353 0.45645 0.63912 0.23481 0.88973 0.24877 0.69214 0.40064 0.88415 0.2076 0.01074 0.73946 0.67188 0.12694 0.35861 0.30409 0.16681 0.45439 0.52207 0.83203 0.46125 0.27812 0.83815 0.96606 0.39275 0.42687 0.9721 0.14955 0.39944 0.48814 0.32563 0.18435 0.83965 0.1454 0.13238 0.73926 0.13088 0.32735 0.72334 0.61277 0.18254 0.62303 0.13791 0.14375 0.56479 0.80341 0.28848 0.57163 0.64779 0.59746 0.34831 0.62697 0.05109 0.04587 0.41431 0.80344 0.52965 0.87335 0.94049 0.01682 0.89571 0.89901 0.16446 0.56847 0.95295 0.91639 0.97486 0.25735 0.43407 0.66648 0.20401 0.10823 0.00537 0.80806 0.64691 0.09516 0.56704 0.52468 0.19389 0.47428 0.12851 0.15586 0.42891 0.4206 0.9754 0.91615 0.36969 0.75626 0.89268 0.03213 0.90452 0.11839 0.29034 0.83948 0.26193 0.52916 0.19219 0.23375 0.03119 0.86168 0.58934 0.39975 0.09322 0.6537 0.23344 0.22426 0.21606 0.90218 0.87579 0.62974 0.97322 0.30914 0.04217 0.70897 0.53488 0.71176 0.06494 0.09535 0.38004 0.35458 0.92692 0.82763 0.42976 0.16162 0.00215 0.16339 0.6777 0.48932 0.72139 0.77013 0.03589 0.59447 0.1789 0.02033 0.75959 0.66855 0.83653 0.80813 0.19477 0.99894 0.58126 0.65769 0.71612 0.94864 0.02396 0.9068 0.83634 0.38446 0.86629 0.28243 0.83698 0.80023 0.54603 0.10586 0.37577 0.41198 0.11549 0.54079 0.70406 0.446 0.9757 0.89492 0.75288 0.99759 0.31867 0.58128 0.4044 0.22808 0.7927 0.85461 0.05794 0.39298 0.30451 0.81351 0.40833 0.05082 0.40046 0.86894 0.20508 0.8079 0.7839 0.98611 0.69922 0.31927 0.7204 0.21172 0.83143 0.3033 0.23525 0.22598 0.88823 0.679 0.542 0.80349 0.7905 0.26978 0.16574 0.62687 0.66672 0.60669 0.09212 0.06512 0.31656 0.21174 0.86763 0.8459 0.2994 0.71579 0.07425 0.86183 0.98015 0.40679 0.75888 0.48445 0.16111 0.62925 0.88549 0.77644 0.45543 0.70926 0.94121 0.65328 0.51289 0.65855 0.03645 0.0461 0.60102 0.81856 0.61316 0.9337 0.44202 0.52831 0.50269 0.78283 0.65129 0.64809 0.301 0.68244 0.07682 0.6671 0.53168 0.43628 0.48134 0.82578 0.8556 0.00518 0.01287 0.86155 0.79299 0.61478 0.61453 0.06156 0.52262 0.24089 0.09827 0.87852 0.85267 0.01625 0.46052 0.24612 0.9017 0.52148 0.22439 0.94766 0.02046 0.28872 0.3527 0.4167 0.26162 0.89241 0.83463 0.26411 0.33295 0.35964 0.51512 0.00769 0.73738 0.35954 0.25619 0.45544 0.42157 0.12802 0.42032 0.32278 0.36798 0.05951 0.34851 0.68413 0.56591 0.53602 0.54842 0.78996 0.53724 0.38737 0.92159 0.30473 0.67454 0.54692 0.15215 0.01906 0.3802 0.29763 0.28369 0.32111 0.51249 0.84563 0.42454 0.79133 0.89628 0.43582 0.08046 0.51364 0.3718 0.87377 0.68164 0.66589 0.68877 0.62753 0.23304 0.20944 0.7442 0.94828 0.85088 0.56695 0.40521 0.67363 0.18654 0.39607 0.2408 0.5126 0.99126 0.41306 0.79667 0.52615 0.16592 0.52563 0.78933 0.61658 0.69002 0.38699 0.98354 0.30101 0.54612 0.29886 0.81561 0.83704 0.45785 0.63254 0.06054 0.57732 0.21289 0.83369 0.40572 0.36018 0.32621 0.13951 0.59002 0.25437 0.5036 0.40635 0.8552 0.89773 0.20163 0.66317 0.45902 0.02018 0.55049 0.94084 0.87143 0.89423 0.51338 0.61037 0.06358 0.09986 0.92253 0.12456 0.24278 0.08272 0.29968 0.08215 0.06314 0.71313 0.29463 0.85464 0.09403 0.70311 0.61384 0.63322 0.57045 0.12887 0.30948 0.28968 0.23342 0.7345 0.24989 0.68104 0.33002 0.43309 0.55678 0.40035 0.82108 0.21178 0.0676 0.60191 0.29579 0.59147 0.5956 0.1777 0.78083 0.6114 0.1381 0.65105 0.46442 0.67143 0.71388 0.305 0.48648 0.90053 0.21505 0.1203 0.19657 0.52942 0.07037 0.47205 0.27918 0.77524 0.00688 0.00652
+0.62697 0.80301 0.80822 0.76106 0.98943 0.41394 0.34867 0.72072 0.95908 0.0918 0.62516 0.50395 0.10101 0.58095 0.31734 0.73692 0.20999 0.05994 0.41569 0.90099 0.87751 0.66661 0.68784 0.35534 0.27542 0.91386 0.41357 0.07914 0.23736 0.86201 0.26024 0.91586 0.65566 0.03763 0.06858 0.30547 0.62527 0.50122 0.22675 0.32476 0.056 0.82925 0.26991 0.21845 0.30611 0.06833 0.82526 0.68132 0.63978 0.76781 0.7581 0.28527 0.07774 0.79633 0.63638 0.72067 0.62319 0.47876 0.72618 0.13937 0.19297 0.30137 0.94199 0.65277 0.34337 0.09849 0.46973 0.65985 0.20663 0.9508 0.79586 0.76449 0.11802 0.26395 0.06493 0.93039 0.72809 0.74577 0.71702 0.07298 0.42907 0.09222 0.35008 0.17522 0.89225 0.02381 0.17774 0.8306 0.80972 0.16499 0.09934 0.56351 0.47257 0.59052 0.29993 0.90951 0.18705 0.65895 0.47746 0.43904 0.00516 0.17724 0.83124 0.53685 0.25632 0.32448 0.24828 0.83591 0.38368 0.33819 0.07963 0.66068 0.77977 0.75237 0.92829 0.19082 0.19817 0.71081 0.9353 0.51049 0.70168 0.13994 0.1865 0.32811 0.39902 0.87398 0.95726 0.34268 0.94596 0.98105 0.12328 0.66551 0.07234 0.83851 0.96284 0.06401 0.17229 0.25589 0.03134 0.79743 0.17988 0.59617 0.04127 0.26276 0.17489 0.28908 0.55917 0.48093 0.32572 0.74238 0.70271 0.67722 0.49477 0.127 0.99988 0.00562 0.7789 0.24075 0.90934 0.53315 0.92162 0.89642 0.69833 0.36507 0.79458 0.30448 0.88836 0.83156 0.58291 0.50852 0.96288 0.34183 0.5468 0.87966 0.15364 0.21994 0.23347 0.48324 0.43594 0.87638 0.20951 0.3493 0.07999 0.51829 0.38455 0.48479 0.65976 0.21269 0.90953 0.29839 0.81155 0.65902 0.80978 0.12886 0.20574 0.92237 0.96272 0.22981 0.25266 0.46113 0.43765 0.62971 0.98741 0.52233 0.20444 0.39603 0.06482 0.5727 0.74596 0.78627 0.95509 0.7463 0.30112 0.31663 0.70568 0.32817 0.56505 0.64853 0.5769 0.08371 0.01801 0.05909 0.57799 0.1152 0.78647 0.27012 0.86335 0.39712 0.91911 0.1062 0.21913 0.87051 0.52699 0.49309 0.30178 0.73398 0.46471 0.03287 0.92846 0.97147 0.80673 0.0131 0.34962 0.87172 0.48042 0.73895 0.00274 0.69554 0.36056 0.9843 0.30201 0.08693 0.93862 0.69803 0.47602 0.71703 0.69245 0.8118 0.53594 0.06453 0.63435 0.90923 0.91189 0.79829 0.89995 0.04828 0.7794 0.44786 0.14028 0.67608 0.72113 0.67799 0.40165 0.08375 0.68211 0.3261 0.54358 0.4295 0.62043 0.60453 0.89257 0.97342 0.27463 0.41748 0.06657 0.55303 0.32051 0.70081 0.59072 0.87514 0.40988 0.07402 0.37258 0.15727 0.81683 0.99603 0.01545 0.21204 0.16203 0.87777 0.80596 0.52411 0.63875 0.57869 0.5017 0.3274 0.24244 0.22114 0.8926 0.89281 0.28782 0.21583 0.10179 0.08466 0.49247 0.71958 0.15108 0.02899 0.16704 0.28506 0.56424 0.64845 0.00231 0.8017 0.19253 0.11117 0.97057 0.74553 0.74838 0.09189 0.95136 0.92062 0.66376 0.4194 0.86954 0.35652 0.70703 0.27714 0.4208 0.98933 0.41249 0.60849 0.49901 0.15022 0.27765 0.63986 0.57982 0.43687 0.82663 0.95263 0.62288 0.84601 0.70865 0.5544 0.33268 0.17733 0.2549 0.34524 0.10705 0.24148 0.11747 0.34139 0.07373 0.02254 0.35778 0.26649 0.44212 0.51102 0.67021 0.04555 0.50019 0.34091 0.15689 0.00105 0.45873 0.18044 0.44254 0.66895 0.90536 0.40967 0.87732 0.16395 0.09964 0.7166 0.08643 0.86359 0.63124 0.02764 0.07756 0.15454 0.45524 0.13933 0.60219 0.67392 0.813 0.90935 0.9406 0.74271 0.06435 0.89766 0.83446 0.20292 0.40187 0.02621 0.7634 0.6492 0.45814 0.24256 0.38637 0.53855 0.5257 0.14907 0.69943 0.76535 0.27108 0.19959 0.57879 0.92339 0.96938 0.04346 0.01106 0.08059 0.48166 0.59272 0.88265 0.02827 0.92128 0.39795 0.11685 0.61852 0.80364 0.62672 0.0292 0.51456 0.58595 0.30888 0.33941 0.61673 0.55535 0.02055 0.17719 0.29534 0.4635 0.75943 0.14307 0.88538 0.88039 0.4221 0.59082 0.04298 0.46134 0.23387 0.49642 0.93758 0.88361 0.12602 0.28361 0.79167 0.26703 0.44841 0.04431 0.74525 0.03846 0.88568 0.65442 0.03485 0.08312 0.89728 0.60358 0.34816 0.36289 0.19316 0.68122 0.7496 0.06172 0.178 0.46625 0.79118 0.62496 0.95285 0.31154 0.13981 0.46667 0.42817 0.189 0.29814 0.59744 0.33507 0.01927 0.0987 0.44445 0.20407 0.42802 0.87736 0.38739 0.32746 0.60731 0.90186 0.52648 0.20242 0.49807 0.80828 0.79794 0.83662 0.40611 0.75849 0.32352 0.45747 0.40758 0.76017 0.37887 0.22954
+0.94522 0.87625 0.0818 0.21692 0.25708 0.78394 0.26935 0.09136 0.40354 0.20753 0.62067 0.92915 0.08892 0.68579 0.27203 0.68629 0.64762 0.93282 0.17166 0.83955 0.34257 0.87084 0.70001 0.73021 0.27014 0.71618 0.38578 0.16266 0.61653 0.46862 0.08344 0.05107 0.14868 0.22016 0.43957 0.34513 0.77163 0.47805 0.56116 0.30896 0.98473 0.37202 0.20786 0.62056 0.08522 0.46719 0.61171 0.61226 0.06565 0.93289 0.83992 0.8504 0.7446 0.50691 0.28135 0.11848 0.92189 0.21629 0.65723 0.398 0.61227 0.57042 0.91736 0.82252 0.03028 0.08846 0.73816 0.77941 0.93869 0.0142 0.04339 0.49146 0.46215 0.19091 0.61423 0.35694 0.3487 0.90307 0.39202 0.41103 0.9824 0.37486 0.32144 0.80594 0.87602 0.27657 0.44456 0.21568 0.09346 0.57872 0.00816 0.25056 0.62939 0.11542 0.1556 0.65715 0.91374 0.39169 0.28137 0.62965 0.19123 0.27701 0.91173 0.75065 0.19097 0.34236 0.90513 0.17787 0.06912 0.33216 0.44363 0.57225 0.64975 0.23608 0.90397 0.5472 0.11359 0.08501 0.80011 0.15882 0.21664 0.39098 0.54129 0.18393 0.91002 0.04398 0.76935 0.95243 0.10291 0.65217 0.46302 0.86289 0.89801 0.03046 0.4885 0.59107 0.98936 0.66682 0.82175 0.89178 0.89782 0.16992 0.3707 0.94359 0.21487 0.21495 0.96672 0.24162 0.62541 0.58153 0.11405 0.62294 0.37458 0.57315 0.2553 0.91143 0.60593 0.46192 0.44804 0.49623 0.62495 0.94347 0.90259 0.88638 0.42405 0.14454 0.45199 0.98378 0.72032 0.00268 0.7553 0.49916 0.01753 0.2017 0.73694 0.55566 0.44175 0.38804 0.47256 0.36644 0.70904 0.59238 0.31432 0.37113 0.73657 0.15724 0.24609 0.28048 0.88102 0.6895 0.94792 0.37811 0.65889 0.70715 0.04171 0.31192 0.39361 0.76133 0.94835 0.97345 0.10599 0.79327 0.25942 0.54459 0.68084 0.84451 0.22987 0.94373 0.84849 0.36778 0.3012 0.69015 0.17992 0.73176 0.08524 0.04561 0.04849 0.00931 0.36912 0.54976 0.59458 0.24759 0.27313 0.53353 0.28198 0.28893 0.40856 0.4439 0.84004 0.7313 0.6092 0.9228 0.29184 0.89555 0.46949 0.05185 0.5315 0.55171 0.28042 0.56347 0.78034 0.82297 0.18133 0.8124 0.87261 0.63651 0.18768 0.68093 0.53813 0.97281 0.75028 0.97465 0.85906 0.92164 0.10666 0.80672 0.97327 0.95588 0.7675 0.53081 0.3546 0.6764 0.09383 0.59362 0.10342 0.92087 0.31859 0.83562 0.11867 0.47693 0.80007 0.74704 0.33421 0.87022 0.28548 0.46631 0.92523 0.24184 0.1581 0.10984 0.96486 0.28031 0.94793 0.88517 0.86367 0.56135 0.31723 0.3198 0.96274 0.58729 0.86717 0.03632 0.82786 0.82086 0.99342 0.0381 0.51248 0.71462 0.25709 0.70973 0.12579 0.10425 0.88149 0.2262 0.65375 0.57521 0.72867 0.19774 0.40934 0.31189 0.58787 0.72581 0.64987 0.84838 0.28072 0.03826 0.4583 0.05923 0.52007 0.54619 0.37015 0.99834 0.36872 0.74963 0.57581 0.95948 0.95308 0.63369 0.44076 0.6217 0.89667 0.69939 0.55119 0.81118 0.24615 0.99191 0.13143 0.74919 0.786 0.72492 0.79988 0.43409 0.31268 0.45901 0.65938 0.96144 0.17772 0.24893 0.0257 0.38071 0.80834 0.22312 0.36481 0.5397 0.8798 0.0834 0.86608 0.76526 0.85083 0.97264 0.03917 0.6884 0.38862 0.17376 0.53014 0.27412 0.92296 0.85389 0.97445 0.59392 0.94893 0.52139 0.06778 0.93697 0.21388 0.91675 0.70539 0.43017 0.7122 0.33129 0.81447 0.372 0.84888 0.83686 0.03201 0.62509 0.33864 0.80887 0.12421 0.72807 0.66106 0.23974 0.27528 0.92978 0.67441 0.32901 0.03309 0.23299 0.15531 0.12219 0.41129 0.93299 0.49411 0.32612 0.41197 0.46745 0.95285 0.1398 0.81977 0.44539 0.77542 0.13022 0.3851 0.72511 0.73866 0.26196 0.60591 0.79395 0.794 0.07234 0.62267 0.96852 0.62084 0.21655 0.94061 0.05579 0.60765 0.49001 0.24109 0.73501 0.26444 0.47041 0.15777 0.96922 0.20782 0.81928 0.57557 0.05723 0.51198 0.67506 0.86851 0.85936 0.04925 0.70177 0.72026 0.88239 0.1742 0.07306 0.98358 0.64354 0.15562 0.7545 0.8347 0.26065 0.77516 0.70035 0.23068 0.0517 0.93933 0.45918 0.17298 0.14754 0.36254 0.23993 0.20276 0.92668 0.15762 0.71392 0.75166 0.58583 0.14688 0.11771 0.34974 0.99802 0.71486 0.55135 0.00033 0.60184 0.73608 0.04817 0.49298 0.00483 0.36738 0.37385 0.1603 0.88939 0.06732 0.42133 0.42521 0.46436 0.4774 0.89541 0.93887 0.31193 0.3818 0.07696 0.10332 0.50828 0.80849 0.55983 0.2347 0.97318 0.82213 0.56312 0.75844 0.22844 0.234 0.54516 0.29365 0.82821 0.74696 0.49068
+0.74185 0.22789 0.5072 0.9987 0.19777 0.90234 0.5443 0.25962 0.96155 0.37516 0.44587 0.94697 0.09488 0.14888 0.12861 0.49958 0.66124 0.08726 0.57904 0.52661 0.50945 0.24305 0.26217 0.23666 0.0806 0.37252 0.89671 0.45743 0.79986 0.77043 0.99609 0.19423 0.57215 0.80401 0.38432 0.3038 0.97457 0.19511 0.11391 0.67783 0.68401 0.80507 0.37776 0.71104 0.60883 0.22267 0.86978 0.18801 0.28112 0.63053 0.23136 0.62787 0.344 0.69723 0.07704 0.29497 0.24427 0.9664 0.112 0.43072 0.01161 0.44634 0.29214 0.32198 0.33925 0.35082 0.25718 0.16609 0.47321 0.78588 0.37007 0.108 0.65739 0.49439 0.49668 0.95478 0.24563 0.27566 0.36232 0.26641 0.02229 0.63834 0.98739 0.27441 0.18669 0.869 0.10902 0.82399 0.64991 0.49138 0.34677 0.44992 0.95405 0.09715 0.11171 0.42966 0.48013 0.52621 0.691 0.72471 0.14817 0.41027 0.25989 0.77459 0.41618 0.14652 0.30522 0.60674 0.30086 0.59847 0.19018 0.91563 0.03262 0.74847 0.56186 0.33593 0.65051 0.57521 0.12831 0.92944 0.55785 0.64808 0.3629 0.4929 0.17553 0.27542 0.39419 0.17431 0.7445 0.61394 0.1826 0.56796 0.10065 0.80892 0.61678 0.60705 0.03689 0.16739 0.67304 0.12748 0.36994 0.78279 0.89173 0.71576 0.09808 0.17165 0.72476 0.5329 0.13565 0.23058 0.74131 0.16062 0.52483 0.14943 0.37155 0.14217 0.94911 0.41884 0.36023 0.95251 0.78232 0.44897 0.3679 0.50553 0.99669 0.359 0.83998 0.04982 0.71256 0.78692 0.98148 0.08045 0.8597 0.24445 0.41454 0.60511 0.05075 0.87488 0.41868 0.43135 0.47053 0.31042 0.54944 0.58671 0.05122 0.22965 0.08346 0.25236 0.74436 0.83785 0.12816 0.19875 0.728 0.10618 0.76921 0.00666 0.74382 0.54724 0.20405 0.08574 0.24021 0.36722 0.22739 0.76831 0.34655 0.41568 0.91451 0.81986 0.24029 0.89198 0.30363 0.93086 0.52874 0.76343 0.12385 0.77783 0.67978 0.30311 0.89249 0.43388 0.78641 0.68252 0.66023 0.30654 0.43075 0.33104 0.66347 0.65425 0.69439 0.02328 0.60436 0.23447 0.7231 0.00507 0.88786 0.46229 0.31407 0.65493 0.5582 0.24622 0.87658 0.75127 0.26538 0.77885 0.6007 0.66942 0.63993 0.38714 0.67155 0.30722 0.12213 0.03927 0.66625 0.53786 0.38012 0.01033 0.21008 0.96218 0.58409 0.25546 0.62254 0.46351 0.33929 0.90151 0.99136 0.75959 0.07583 0.1392 0.61624 0.2381 0.5068 0.67813 0.55652 0.84645 0.5893 0.56753 0.5441 0.66849 0.45385 0.8589 0.36878 0.93332 0.24939 0.61535 0.21765 0.31233 0.67352 0.19543 0.73165 0.29233 0.2746 0.41647 0.5378 0.31925 0.96469 0.4021 0.06195 0.28194 0.78959 0.61855 0.94674 0.61794 0.96085 0.28248 0.1659 0.30096 0.68778 0.02008 0.36027 0.64702 0.34057 0.2153 0.37719 0.65603 0.33982 0.20195 0.36837 0.01517 0.40166 0.46282 0.57096 0.12397 0.43408 0.9998 0.01677 0.32438 0.05582 0.46154 0.94863 0.14617 0.91043 0.24672 0.6912 0.36426 0.25265 0.62271 0.58062 0.00126 0.62853 0.62139 0.20777 0.33792 0.30063 0.55362 0.28681 0.13153 0.12466 0.56022 0.64569 0.86301 0.98606 0.5756 0.29037 0.8649 0.80704 0.40869 0.69888 0.90773 0.16465 0.70682 0.05084 0.856 0.21699 0.59993 0.3454 0.86239 0.46392 0.77772 0.47116 0.32332 0.05386 0.9044 0.78102 0.10696 0.59979 0.64779 0.13676 0.64488 0.46308 0.37324 0.34373 0.81147 0.91815 0.06177 0.5681 0.14171 0.072 0.86416 0.84687 0.63627 0.83903 0.64796 0.73638 0.87355 0.05019 0.22152 0.12558 0.18319 0.1012 0.52197 0.88645 0.35398 0.64347 0.31357 0.89378 0.5202 0.38257 0.42465 0.18527 0.89248 0.59907 0.70308 0.81292 0.47305 0.04971 0.47203 0.15781 0.89837 0.06022 0.95486 0.69561 0.39463 0.95035 0.31657 0.90769 0.46466 0.37068 0.17694 0.16283 0.44393 0.1574 0.41871 0.26728 0.39913 0.58054 0.89918 0.07538 0.82156 0.47053 0.92228 0.11931 0.41275 0.16692 0.85211 0.98516 0.54184 0.26645 0.5349 0.77572 0.36625 0.28489 0.09495 0.03555 0.30311 0.18863 0.58477 0.53709 0.46803 0.06259 0.5124 0.07754 0.26827 0.183 0.05501 0.01673 0.96395 0.8432 0.21446 0.26607 0.47563 0.53521 0.23878 0.15833 0.38347 0.28366 0.42687 0.66309 0.18856 0.63992 0.5016 0.10007 0.26736 0.57641 0.39512 0.11413 0.59625 0.3953 0.32498 0.58817 0.82096 0.74101 0.63748 0.61839 0.6472 0.23726 0.74074 0.91182 0.46331 0.36743 0.59938 0.18526 0.25645 0.04659 0.35418 0.36744 0.86887 0.18081 0.17158 0.45318 0.54347 0.5789 0.02592
+0.55475 0.81956 0.05512 0.37756 0.41704 0.41463 0.43218 0.00435 0.31268 0.72092 0.33241 0.46871 0.10381 0.2499 0.7406 0.57697 0.10302 0.79808 0.8399 0.67032 0.50108 0.30586 0.7941 0.56676 0.69154 0.51771 0.85436 0.2853 0.81089 0.60325 0.82934 0.01319 0.32457 0.16726 0.31206 0.89414 0.45333 0.04997 0.78111 0.22834 0.60384 0.62116 0.93983 0.79862 0.48014 0.7473 0.56386 0.02108 0.68454 0.08391 0.7374 0.16533 0.58383 0.20328 0.97903 0.22837 0.48613 0.30833 0.74874 0.32875 0.86879 0.56775 0.51923 0.80826 0.04136 0.85679 0.05605 0.31984 0.18707 0.25389 0.80809 0.58798 0.79521 0.96843 0.24282 0.73504 0.74708 0.91916 0.13632 0.07335 0.52425 0.27302 0.39249 0.7039 0.23587 0.7233 0.29801 0.32103 0.44258 0.99354 0.87795 0.8688 0.66517 0.04695 0.53285 0.01443 0.08259 0.40727 0.14284 0.88263 0.18658 0.22165 0.72681 0.49467 0.57254 0.51403 0.90707 0.65234 0.8635 0.73441 0.77581 0.18469 0.80124 0.46582 0.27514 0.05914 0.63362 0.93787 0.1116 0.92152 0.14773 0.597 0.31169 0.41577 0.19831 0.85263 0.04392 0.4504 0.43735 0.81098 0.85286 0.57517 0.06447 0.59483 0.53158 0.13959 0.43392 0.14111 0.77877 0.19064 0.23061 0.52263 0.47349 0.63073 0.88922 0.28466 0.97589 0.04466 0.10415 0.24427 0.43898 0.53323 0.63023 0.37545 0.12967 0.66799 0.25538 0.31086 0.66785 0.61218 0.09874 0.78155 0.16782 0.81573 0.22351 0.27966 0.0663 0.56781 0.48936 0.09459 0.6496 0.03951 0.33803 0.20727 0.41098 0.28468 0.19793 0.07345 0.24322 0.42985 0.84899 0.14746 0.95371 0.95949 0.45611 0.28308 0.91973 0.82184 0.00207 0.59939 0.78342 0.28281 0.24127 0.09806 0.98318 0.45299 0.00179 0.05448 0.26571 0.46094 0.59141 0.40371 0.15451 0.44682 0.02297 0.18251 0.54186 0.8298 0.72442 0.09738 0.61473 0.04246 0.62383 0.62284 0.39942 0.89515 0.47613 0.41373 0.46676 0.98035 0.22672 0.51048 0.09295 0.08555 0.30695 0.96094 0.63092 0.97214 0.97314 0.27391 0.56582 0.076 0.71389 0.98018 0.92035 0.90424 0.24388 0.83372 0.9295 0.25583 0.02116 0.87317 0.46854 0.89115 0.42337 0.30758 0.30648 0.40388 0.97738 0.91838 0.04136 0.70318 0.88542 0.62219 0.225 0.45476 0.17021 0.67113 0.63633 0.94844 0.86591 0.47492 0.14687 0.03256 0.26029 0.97415 0.7325 0.67841 0.81143 0.91327 0.73992 0.72474 0.11364 0.2437 0.05061 0.86781 0.0944 0.66669 0.49109 0.86991 0.06908 0.10194 0.83373 0.73768 0.47683 0.15768 0.92018 0.69428 0.53436 0.45501 0.44492 0.25865 0.10434 0.69402 0.35936 0.41669 0.02748 0.49642 0.23473 0.71814 0.40396 0.5516 0.57183 0.01572 0.73849 0.47833 0.06745 0.16057 0.304 0.51181 0.55868 0.3696 0.04993 0.05308 0.89223 0.62003 0.31024 0.26404 0.89695 0.23427 0.45674 0.02628 0.17269 0.14858 0.34116 0.08972 0.96819 0.9502 0.71907 0.40415 0.38205 0.62376 0.36259 0.6927 0.73259 0.81365 0.51899 0.01277 0.62153 0.10857 0.21611 0.16737 0.15258 0.90593 0.71673 0.22903 0.1088 0.78724 0.85765 0.84017 0.2037 0.54496 0.02906 0.76769 0.46845 0.39113 0.22325 0.36636 0.67222 0.95337 0.64433 0.17607 0.69605 0.46611 0.02617 0.51864 0.05369 0.31496 0.02273 0.19064 0.20793 0.45519 0.54059 0.06516 0.535 0.37995 0.73152 0.39806 0.11552 0.8741 0.96838 0.77388 0.07336 0.34407 0.0934 0.0434 0.98907 0.30089 0.99379 0.7117 0.3473 0.04002 0.28838 0.01031 0.05002 0.89018 0.91191 0.95344 0.21666 0.83833 0.4829 0.10088 0.31315 0.36756 0.20952 0.81799 0.73229 0.36216 0.14344 0.67864 0.53442 0.90604 0.40093 0.48404 0.24064 0.81127 0.3064 0.87942 0.90726 0.38213 0.04608 0.9369 0.30846 0.31232 0.63229 0.43649 0.18493 0.53889 0.29017 0.24423 0.01693 0.89035 0.95921 0.25858 0.93118 0.24445 0.66231 0.22008 0.33982 0.50469 0.99812 0.05618 0.65234 0.13777 0.06113 0.4815 0.95071 0.23931 0.84759 0.30865 0.82237 0.33681 0.70749 0.15434 0.68162 0.82188 0.34197 0.16571 0.60661 0.10029 0.12452 0.6041 0.65744 0.79398 0.49832 0.50697 0.30843 0.22618 0.04382 0.42655 0.93429 0.87024 0.63541 0.89191 0.06446 0.26137 0.85342 0.13216 0.06181 0.08383 0.46281 0.31041 0.15283 0.34612 0.20054 0.63692 0.69218 0.41587 0.76461 0.36521 0.39176 0.91729 0.57715 0.68586 0.13951 0.92716 0.02108 0.34271 0.07173 0.82573 0.13869 0.89566 0.70277 0.90092 0.50327 0.87201 0.10207 0.24563 0.93883 0.62949 0.71694 0.19462
+0.92555 0.37029 0.78488 0.83075 0.11537 0.20106 0.46786 0.5234 0.40603 0.3838 0.71953 0.31364 0.13257 0.59184 0.69592 0.61781 0.00239 0.21652 0.89774 0.56839 0.42641 0.88134 0.93816 0.84255 0.20403 0.04906 0.00434 0.2716 0.32014 0.35548 0.95749 0.84488 0.44502 0.85755 0.07305 0.58855 0.66125 0.63704 0.19908 0.56869 0.91405 0.92272 0.19007 0.3271 0.89872 0.78319 0.28863 0.56516 0.41133 0.24759 0.3021 0.41616 0.05847 0.91526 0.58197 0.63658 0.63943 0.72948 0.55298 0.52622 0.90928 0.5475 0.18033 0.50377 0.99992 0.66529 0.59714 0.96266 0.40358 0.35772 0.40035 0.57781 0.40158 0.34229 0.84567 0.74881 0.05489 0.1504 0.61191 0.96169 0.00839 0.2363 0.83917 0.39257 0.29973 0.94543 0.39029 0.58442 0.059 0.88573 0.34352 0.21479 0.99474 0.04606 0.37337 0.31624 0.26781 0.56691 0.54043 0.20732 0.02363 0.51078 0.73983 0.62642 0.32353 0.39601 0.07366 0.73644 0.52946 0.67349 0.27847 0.63787 0.10078 0.82503 0.12902 0.7724 0.57698 0.43524 0.44793 0.85621 0.91268 0.78691 0.41912 0.38843 0.65064 0.90971 0.6755 0.33595 0.61724 0.29571 0.45523 0.31499 0.23768 0.78587 0.63758 0.61359 0.10638 0.69303 0.90853 0.43511 0.65758 0.29182 0.65093 0.3629 0.56243 0.92396 0.6086 0.52223 0.71178 0.55491 0.59271 0.15619 0.24488 0.70167 0.50431 0.85693 0.55411 0.27281 0.77105 0.67277 0.56012 0.30225 0.97216 0.5925 0.34808 0.68182 0.91149 0.9493 0.18773 0.8552 0.08512 0.19205 0.11237 0.05437 0.29396 0.88065 0.51642 0.61053 0.03811 0.02566 0.1919 0.18856 0.74858 0.23376 0.30767 0.0896 0.58699 0.6897 0.57722 0.93513 0.90098 0.52414 0.77475 0.13574 0.11947 0.42128 0.53714 0.42892 0.45622 0.25165 0.60422 0.70424 0.74245 0.14114 0.65448 0.20961 0.65343 0.44238 0.44228 0.51438 0.44567 0.05147 0.57385 0.54568 0.19751 0.78698 0.28512 0.34018 0.81766 0.58049 0.98547 0.62178 0.79326 0.22862 0.42101 0.82293 0.50389 0.34834 0.81698 0.04502 0.06534 0.70769 0.76746 0.62103 0.21116 0.90335 0.04714 0.59569 0.11142 0.85335 0.09194 0.79668 0.01399 0.85174 0.71955 0.89692 0.18847 0.11366 0.68741 0.93053 0.77588 0.85284 0.59774 0.86276 0.41414 0.11765 0.91527 0.07592 0.16705 0.39312 0.60249 0.36026 0.40576 0.26814 0.40049 0.87284 0.28492 0.22639 0.33079 0.8353 0.97033 0.22274 0.28 0.51144 0.78449 0.51183 0.56863 0.47389 0.56538 0.67258 0.09869 0.07383 0.71042 0.92639 0.02376 0.81347 0.89591 0.64474 0.50516 0.65241 0.37447 0.49986 0.94576 0.50923 0.25883 0.93804 0.01715 0.71692 0.41932 0.5477 0.84462 0.07093 0.18962 0.57334 0.73095 0.04877 0.77258 0.69163 0.1102 0.75273 0.35692 0.28448 0.78424 0.06736 0.71242 0.79527 0.00393 0.01354 0.58398 0.38105 0.55432 0.08554 0.73639 0.47937 0.35094 0.68084 0.52118 0.47381 0.64299 0.27215 0.13048 0.56369 0.75939 0.51103 0.28279 0.81349 0.96118 0.70406 0.17789 0.67946 0.30923 0.80709 0.35129 0.30214 0.64453 0.56119 0.40936 0.00793 0.08943 0.23089 0.24032 0.73296 0.56006 0.34992 0.82073 0.71403 0.30837 0.9014 0.17687 0.35075 0.39262 0.29112 0.82306 0.36189 0.8917 0.24957 0.30164 0.04313 0.96764 0.7212 0.2799 0.35231 0.03836 0.46592 0.62584 0.32607 0.35837 0.23092 0.70622 0.87147 0.0921 0.34151 0.26012 0.46391 0.77894 0.51912 0.1161 0.5465 0.97058 0.5907 0.197 0.41304 0.00821 0.79566 0.35411 0.48393 0.75842 0.81154 0.69138 0.31873 0.10868 0.21489 0.40575 0.04985 0.46214 0.8945 0.35918 0.36217 0.56716 0.16678 0.06638 0.80599 0.00219 0.85388 0.25183 0.26252 0.92756 0.05165 0.2163 0.84679 0.26987 0.59296 0.64456 0.58384 0.34211 0.34265 0.02801 0.03226 0.83959 0.61726 0.39008 0.26263 0.49267 0.48492 0.14265 0.96678 0.47447 0.26661 0.90541 0.66327 0.82117 0.84103 0.22547 0.37199 0.76782 0.30802 0.31974 0.86692 0.11089 0.52345 0.06339 0.43482 0.22484 0.501 0.97997 0.33678 0.56408 0.27811 0.11455 0.15644 0.84762 0.26459 0.62513 0.63488 0.94782 0.53662 0.015 0.29117 0.22639 0.03643 0.93772 0.3319 0.07914 0.92799 0.20488 0.29335 0.90541 0.72599 0.15448 0.11643 0.35891 0.86409 0.93275 0.985 0.52647 0.927 0.53635 0.4757 0.74817 0.08568 0.64319 0.92595 0.38646 0.79438 0.29909 0.9262 0.34313 0.56841 0.95398 0.75827 0.74178 0.75836 0.02755 0.01395 0.35839 0.71809 0.1271 0.8046 0.74921 0.29148 0.73996 0.14864
+0.41699 0.99726 0.29036 0.47696 0.70663 0.93361 0.36649 0.92168 0.18904 0.31038 0.82421 0.86678 0.99431 0.37919 0.5685 0.62059 0.65934 0.47414 0.77129 0.19991 0.29399 0.52996 0.06508 0.22236 0.01484 0.29641 0.41984 0.3508 0.96105 0.39464 0.76685 0.3474 0.43847 0.02153 0.51981 0.63537 0.71619 0.16897 0.31229 0.87305 0.71479 0.09434 0.67519 0.11578 0.2258 0.74659 0.59972 0.85004 0.75374 0.12406 0.78563 0.09019 0.69506 0.19878 0.89853 0.38268 0.37212 0.77711 0.28932 0.50257 0.32936 0.85379 0.93594 0.09314 0.3394 0.15031 0.65101 0.22077 0.61201 0.03508 0.83352 0.92843 0.88756 0.25579 0.87464 0.51131 0.01273 0.80131 0.65076 0.14043 0.27724 0.45262 0.95492 0.13826 0.89769 0.07364 0.71124 0.90672 0.85866 0.63302 0.88784 0.32835 0.45015 0.80051 0.19768 0.93188 0.12764 0.46134 0.85865 0.67641 0.1012 0.1802 0.22685 0.76568 0.72855 0.60431 0.53763 0.30153 0.06715 0.33322 0.06599 0.22532 0.41997 0.16559 0.96994 0.43766 0.82606 0.13286 0.07844 0.77973 0.2575 0.60757 0.51225 0.64076 0.65496 0.78658 0.97742 0.51874 0.05636 0.88923 0.99904 0.52958 0.43463 0.86703 0.90984 0.29539 0.40665 0.02689 0.07159 0.35992 0.05138 0.44069 0.73001 0.82613 0.38607 0.96076 0.65878 0.88762 0.80704 0.12406 0.56285 0.9333 0.61971 0.70749 0.60855 0.82097 0.72638 0.88479 0.0757 0.04172 0.1612 0.01636 0.26867 0.23998 0.99533 0.10547 0.3315 0.05154 0.65628 0.54977 0.59825 0.83935 0.59579 0.6711 0.71679 0.18983 0.1944 0.51912 0.38376 0.63322 0.91199 0.86652 0.88714 0.27912 0.60537 0.18045 0.92187 0.83107 0.53384 0.61086 0.91948 0.35784 0.5553 0.68549 0.3481 0.88897 0.46183 0.32736 0.16373 0.0646 0.95819 0.85694 0.13299 0.55349 0.87445 0.7864 0.60695 0.53269 0.03512 0.45141 0.73112 0.95692 0.97796 0.99056 0.45083 0.51148 0.90267 0.84007 0.18144 0.1539 0.94211 0.32385 0.4185 0.46093 0.99686 0.25448 0.98033 0.75236 0.35443 0.66176 0.9591 0.64201 0.78195 0.01646 0.84318 0.90317 0.17159 0.19262 0.03183 0.42973 0.45539 0.30482 0.78364 0.3061 0.85759 0.27203 0.29029 0.04981 0.23196 0.00926 0.92663 0.5862 0.67353 0.69922 0.668 0.88187 0.92788 0.54857 0.59355 0.26093 0.79614 0.37405 0.83673 0.44441 0.95083 0.37558 0.65691 0.10618 0.88617 0.30548 0.80262 0.37017 0.10127 0.40289 0.87293 0.66082 0.66826 0.15971 0.86224 0.97475 0.58009 0.87036 0.66099 0.53877 0.6308 0.33842 0.81681 0.91604 0.38822 0.81948 0.26886 0.27629 0.98218 0.64242 0.16795 0.55623 0.81501 0.32732 0.13292 0.09318 0.32482 0.78402 0.38548 0.73131 0.14604 0.87629 0.72166 0.35119 0.35976 0.13823 0.99099 0.7484 0.54378 0.70336 0.92689 0.87595 0.75813 0.3502 0.66082 0.6558 0.96181 0.45819 0.69624 0.69311 0.36825 0.56327 0.3861 0.64922 0.73694 0.4576 0.87449 0.59847 0.99003 0.80246 0.68187 0.57244 0.39957 0.89761 0.31814 0.51015 0.47905 0.7321 0.80914 0.55537 0.96349 0.12394 0.74159 0.64518 0.76953 0.72893 0.30942 0.81697 0.55503 0.37097 0.63984 0.69002 0.43844 0.32862 0.17501 0.35337 0.07221 0.98244 0.24988 0.4469 0.35887 0.30261 0.24424 0.71258 0.17544 0.8854 0.38586 0.06779 0.90832 0.04958 0.00576 0.60743 0.22669 0.22826 0.18403 0.8265 0.28026 0.68635 0.9357 0.8332 0.58078 0.33645 0.88328 0.01001 0.07344 0.29239 0.37333 0.20979 0.87113 0.89379 0.99031 0.60749 0.91245 0.63494 0.00349 0.47665 0.92428 0.65325 0.48631 0.48786 0.30749 0.69561 0.35199 0.03705 0.66079 0.61012 0.4942 0.44531 0.57573 0.77043 0.41148 0.33653 0.1681 0.54507 0.45995 0.705 0.7895 0.91695 0.95829 0.49614 0.51913 0.36952 0.94585 0.52004 0.6541 0.25159 0.39337 0.19402 0.47841 0.39112 0.35815 0.5364 0.88472 0.98706 0.64169 0.97039 0.29765 0.39539 0.56203 0.52187 0.95767 0.78843 0.88533 0.5451 0.56872 0.37103 0.84905 0.92036 0.54974 0.52207 0.21169 0.94954 0.74384 0.40571 0.35801 0.39938 0.91443 0.15894 0.93865 0.68507 0.782 0.70631 0.72061 0.11136 0.89948 0.91654 0.18805 0.97938 0.12487 0.81615 0.5029 0.11899 0.36749 0.39571 0.92303 0.87813 0.60629 0.05098 0.3405 0.97914 0.15805 0.56188 0.25166 0.75012 0.14067 0.71633 0.59661 0.88639 0.14956 0.77129 0.14703 0.66133 0.35864 0.71792 0.62777 0.28589 0.59423 0.80881 0.89022 0.61402 0.40129 0.4324 0.3268 0.11369 0.77259 0.97332 0.02435 0.29404
+0.72526 0.53898 0.3737 0.42695 0.392 0.90378 0.36537 0.90751 0.13055 0.39768 0.58965 0.60929 0.60671 0.79585 0.64087 0.21142 0.93253 0.61348 0.85087 0.74006 0.9982 0.61524 0.51452 0.3074 0.62102 0.02248 0.84701 0.82881 0.29815 0.70574 0.59477 0.45665 0.45757 0.12498 0.63859 0.72802 0.06132 0.64162 0.01213 0.81395 0.69564 0.83261 0.85374 0.81079 0.61458 0.42945 0.77065 0.77166 0.59178 0.82412 0.52129 0.78538 0.3465 0.1814 0.46826 0.08529 0.55136 0.09718 0.25207 0.55656 0.83666 0.40427 0.68924 0.36751 0.83893 0.31713 0.12706 0.35695 0.96542 0.51933 0.8292 0.52139 0.31573 0.99245 0.34229 0.06839 0.5947 0.82992 0.1604 0.86807 0.53839 0.20904 0.44416 0.59543 0.91514 0.76614 0.98432 0.2293 0.26144 0.39116 0.80108 0.77307 0.82063 0.97846 0.89819 0.43273 0.25147 0.04379 0.79371 0.52518 0.95223 0.83182 0.45251 0.2308 0.51409 0.24673 0.58395 0.25903 0.05013 0.32591 0.00493 0.99418 0.83528 0.19648 0.37599 0.39682 0.8796 0.61211 0.50119 0.00925 0.90477 0.85973 0.80946 0.82038 0.69816 0.71515 0.01616 0.27522 0.30348 0.6461 0.27484 0.50621 0.31297 0.39937 0.96144 0.19386 0.53151 0.67115 0.41121 0.09119 0.27371 0.23238 0.98235 0.69198 0.90808 0.4433 0.22676 0.81768 0.81284 0.93974 0.39914 0.70756 0.11932 0.2974 0.56326 0.45735 0.8118 0.3106 0.47968 0.81246 0.79628 0.36809 0.46123 0.25103 0.30615 0.18414 0.93877 0.65353 0.71694 0.40556 0.54614 0.10422 0.8911 0.7154 0.58522 0.16778 0.5469 0.19275 0.48715 0.93445 0.76309 0.89746 0.95952 0.70299 0.38913 0.57196 0.53704 0.43298 0.373 0.89276 0.19267 0.73515 0.33833 0.19647 0.02564 0.80376 0.70536 0.06437 0.43252 0.29327 0.50141 0.3014 0.3233 0.16316 0.77741 0.8023 0.74466 0.54054 0.46068 0.23432 0.58949 0.76858 0.19036 0.47792 0.23811 0.05139 0.40617 0.24841 0.38721 0.52467 0.18387 0.02953 0.22517 0.798 0.83274 0.14746 0.22552 0.05541 0.29897 0.90888 0.11542 0.98394 0.30374 0.79792 0.12067 0.65611 0.03081 0.32131 0.35333 0.51523 0.65918 0.58256 0.61788 0.61972 0.34878 0.16373 0.653 0.84756 0.66456 0.78421 0.60038 0.90202 0.72517 0.77481 0.45224 0.29892 0.21772 0.09413 0.15886 0.93149 0.40531 0.62728 0.67295 0.0896 0.86381 0.61332 0.81375 0.50458 0.48803 0.01999 0.11429 0.13863 0.9577 0.80645 0.00624 0.77348 0.68372 0.64676 0.03565 0.71575 0.26193 0.41262 0.3256 0.81777 0.34253 0.51415 0.28586 0.40037 0.64978 0.586 0.38998 0.81386 0.62799 0.16026 0.64197 0.83513 0.34467 0.27869 0.15942 0.96509 0.93439 0.12423 0.73189 0.97488 0.05158 0.38004 0.1336 0.79505 0.19095 0.11464 0.28732 0.00748 0.34154 0.95436 0.53453 0.69972 0.83221 0.19457 0.21485 0.61036 0.59531 0.96368 0.55999 0.95549 0.24824 0.18184 0.12578 0.16122 0.21427 0.69388 0.62873 0.01816 0.64989 0.88739 0.61727 0.73353 0.17717 0.37167 0.99877 0.73547 0.84447 0.62166 0.55413 0.50122 0.26097 0.84944 0.02066 0.11404 0.27726 0.99207 0.02128 0.4306 0.91958 0.13686 0.11087 0.79773 0.87943 0.33626 0.28135 0.0274 0.26246 0.38181 0.52936 0.28119 0.26249 0.09086 0.00797 0.31083 0.74115 0.65239 0.60391 0.03049 0.91563 0.64047 0.33617 0.09186 0.81592 0.96141 0.17675 0.73612 0.86835 0.22042 0.97609 0.84185 0.49156 0.39824 0.87729 0.12541 0.31976 0.73051 0.15084 0.70255 0.54016 0.5371 0.26586 0.27626 0.47176 0.51367 0.97782 0.91987 0.56652 0.98899 0.68645 0.99149 0.24057 0.23798 0.06941 0.71819 0.69737 0.00237 0.94422 0.50439 0.06413 0.61585 0.88759 0.20536 0.44136 0.91987 0.69531 0.54355 0.19426 0.55748 0.73039 0.93676 0.44537 0.70352 0.16504 0.77909 0.85851 0.42456 0.59294 0.82993 0.90581 0.50295 0.0637 0.29244 0.52896 0.60503 0.95679 0.61026 0.37225 0.40993 0.86543 0.52119 0.85333 0.06619 0.59684 0.01007 0.93235 0.28238 0.99525 0.86628 0.09776 0.43905 0.24959 0.10583 0.41995 0.87254 0.93344 0.40569 0.26221 0.08827 0.26649 0.66839 0.37952 0.01747 0.58099 0.59341 0.9483 0.14475 0.15784 0.49075 0.94434 0.23945 0.32759 0.96712 0.31378 0.12739 0.3909 0.96343 0.815 0.67153 0.40082 0.80988 0.07814 0.81485 0.76564 0.83824 0.968 0.78939 0.1093 0.34388 0.35692 0.28498 0.75684 0.15524 0.93026 0.50991 0.06386 0.10393 0.75399 0.90071 0.25581 0.37867 0.31269 0.12855 0.21929 0.43369 0.05251 0.10657 0.31654 0.44081
+0.42029 0.08712 0.13777 0.59165 0.45689 0.91422 0.40879 0.78671 0.43035 0.27994 0.28677 0.48719 0.07643 0.13792 0.94029 0.56325 0.2758 0.85748 0.59865 0.05955 0.23494 0.50836 0.02162 0.48475 0.41635 0.40248 0.95606 0.42358 0.32077 0.11672 0.93658 0.8644 0.92933 0.05411 0.07513 0.15159 0.86178 0.55479 0.9739 0.57905 0.30507 0.13134 0.14543 0.34957 0.0942 0.26137 0.004 0.01207 0.4319 0.23997 0.33418 0.13149 0.14485 0.76277 0.75366 0.99364 0.71598 0.55366 0.36341 0.74717 0.36689 0.91364 0.26547 0.55824 0.07025 0.09245 0.51044 0.3975 0.19336 0.23031 0.23263 0.42609 0.33349 0.36865 0.79686 0.37313 0.76682 0.66429 0.25262 0.18616 0.83166 0.93048 0.52517 0.72386 0.39524 0.63286 0.3775 0.46067 0.94092 0.49439 0.48047 0.22582 0.72238 0.49627 0.93316 0.28108 0.55849 0.11158 0.60874 0.40351 0.33294 0.62451 0.82595 0.90658 0.6389 0.38511 0.78337 0.88555 0.94482 0.38338 0.55094 0.67906 0.95389 0.09086 0.32946 0.77436 0.12196 0.12394 0.92791 0.22576 0.50158 0.74831 0.53275 0.3523 0.10024 0.74884 0.77709 0.29737 0.78055 0.54937 0.98961 0.0409 0.79628 0.42228 0.53105 0.56913 0.91789 0.53756 0.18994 0.68008 0.60831 0.99874 0.72838 0.56089 0.79896 0.96621 0.28172 0.50258 0.46226 0.51391 0.24549 0.2024 0.84065 0.60665 0.83694 0.77289 0.34322 0.63753 0.41773 0.3956 0.38659 0.26101 0.22171 0.14887 0.26488 0.85818 0.32451 0.1211 0.95859 0.68826 0.3913 0.70878 0.4351 0.78321 0.50221 0.87842 0.31166 0.40438 0.39224 0.31383 0.14533 0.39043 0.73773 0.52649 0.66039 0.61743 0.91912 0.71102 0.5417 0.61307 0.05526 0.40829 0.44093 0.96407 0.92475 0.5938 0.62126 0.81189 0.97966 0.81371 0.52398 0.59796 0.25631 0.95427 0.63948 0.94764 0.78037 0.44793 0.18486 0.72341 0.75124 0.45678 0.0089 0.89365 0.0052 0.71096 0.36471 0.7616 0.40918 0.75014 0.44538 0.55971 0.04635 0.61939 0.10086 0.81115 0.68747 0.50923 0.50002 0.61326 0.81912 0.59133 0.47577 0.27829 0.21189 0.41836 0.56062 0.92405 0.71069 0.25911 0.45456 0.54893 0.47769 0.26163 0.31313 0.02121 0.6613 0.30293 0.42454 0.87133 0.4319 0.74354 0.59585 0.08587 0.6679 0.0851 0.36563 0.31598 0.55151 0.17936 0.68473 0.24252 0.54546 0.66054 0.27176 0.12429 0.36464 0.88238 0.48396 0.68689 0.78742 0.99302 0.38689 0.98684 0.56535 0.95521 0.81421 0.89969 0.29656 0.53554 0.55666 0.25997 0.244 0.56871 0.83774 0.84584 0.55361 0.72915 0.98528 0.56701 0.20237 0.18225 0.23214 0.61579 0.75724 0.90395 0.12104 0.02438 0.71564 0.3769 0.12609 0.48846 0.85437 0.38785 0.14458 0.33318 0.11976 0.79648 0.74976 0.03752 0.75664 0.33666 0.13624 0.76618 0.9919 0.31693 0.92801 0.05511 0.71807 0.48046 0.36463 0.74189 0.97081 0.78101 0.37677 0.05672 0.38938 0.34246 0.90919 0.02105 0.29382 0.86825 0.92144 0.82103 0.30531 0.36141 0.80539 0.10497 0.5493 0.13954 0.03826 0.54602 0.54716 0.20316 0.03217 0.26004 0.80269 0.40252 0.49018 0.12323 0.88722 0.06452 0.4834 0.24107 0.33144 0.96181 0.43015 0.73198 0.98277 0.22919 0.06083 0.36594 0.2816 0.38277 0.48873 0.80315 0.54441 0.61232 0.37122 0.32504 0.55192 0.80651 0.60935 0.08295 0.95471 0.16617 0.50116 0.28887 0.56637 0.10478 0.70794 0.00788 0.64944 0.67173 0.25377 0.42458 0.53458 0.58275 0.62994 0.51836 0.69734 0.26523 0.80276 0.8004 0.06383 0.53792 0.88129 0.32726 0.58156 0.73973 0.15315 0.89209 0.16 0.83505 0.58343 0.69025 0.41126 0.13173 0.43427 0.00368 0.33622 0.68693 0.50034 0.07966 0.36345 0.10012 0.15683 0.19359 0.30079 0.16313 0.38824 0.84744 0.96561 0.50188 0.65475 0.31064 0.98685 0.873 0.70639 0.94116 0.42279 0.60026 0.43212 0.5275 0.24962 0.97134 0.61284 0.90716 0.04606 0.56619 0.0283 0.71257 0.92626 0.18515 0.50998 0.16956 0.41235 0.89404 0.9097 0.01343 0.29659 0.7042 0.17532 0.00362 0.62365 0.31315 0.53898 0.97474 0.83468 0.99824 0.08271 0.9201 0.74476 0.18538 0.37556 0.6722 0.79025 0.83204 0.417 0.71516 0.97426 0.50453 0.29856 0.13615 0.55096 0.62168 0.23389 0.80174 0.62755 0.49103 0.52351 0.15721 0.16877 0.47329 0.73585 0.50919 0.91616 0.58971 0.55483 0.70471 0.22518 0.0549 0.33188 0.2513 0.35154 0.9799 0.58625 0.04591 0.80574 0.03212 0.36218 0.02802 0.22381 0.04274 0.23247 0.58397 0.52016 0.70361 0.77167 0.10842 0.50503 0.3325
+0.06657 0.41946 0.34405 0.97075 0.62208 0.08608 0.41297 0.3874 0.1734 0.03659 0.71746 0.23024 0.61722 0.92311 0.96406 0.34265 0.7454 0.08099 0.23617 0.26025 0.12002 0.14029 0.69534 0.19968 0.7334 0.93629 0.85496 0.18536 0.55911 0.30429 0.45513 0.92689 0.62151 0.3314 0.35734 0.65993 0.0892 0.46357 0.59309 0.6018 0.15582 0.42856 0.83745 0.31328 0.55174 0.30946 0.94724 0.67421 0.39324 0.36704 0.4539 0.85614 0.87681 0.94184 0.9743 0.8562 0.4618 0.35073 0.36975 0.91533 0.15642 0.20471 0.58543 0.25779 0.48499 0.84803 0.16236 0.6721 0.07856 0.82245 0.57768 0.45986 0.64369 0.41148 0.81798 0.10148 0.50494 0.68937 0.02444 0.37291 0.74862 0.53771 0.20016 0.27182 0.16361 0.67142 0.03399 0.46678 0.17531 0.85054 0.24332 0.6238 0.73039 0.11151 0.57649 0.2259 0.82132 0.14516 0.37056 0.56287 0.27242 0.27837 0.09065 0.53049 0.17863 0.94969 0.85694 0.49082 0.37078 0.42403 0.29451 0.72305 0.34331 0.66667 0.09412 0.73039 0.43785 0.44968 0.32529 0.50644 0.69332 0.4128 0.63382 0.79597 0.95811 0.34553 0.99737 0.69613 0.72108 0.90773 0.16478 0.99494 0.21831 0.13566 0.40576 0.9017 0.04844 0.9799 0.91631 0.13672 0.67791 0.51426 0.42508 0.37517 0.20904 0.17505 0.3844 0.41781 0.51583 0.89417 0.34208 0.56491 0.37032 0.1442 0.97727 0.4613 0.963 0.01094 0.28335 0.84176 0.87651 0.83199 0.57233 0.45919 0.72855 0.28491 0.23895 0.86368 0.0423 0.90213 0.97218 0.65202 0.35244 0.22246 0.35079 0.98079 0.09672 0.43833 0.54897 0.50465 0.2573 0.6072 0.99177 0.35946 0.27917 0.58383 0.7444 0.30578 0.12616 0.6832 0.91684 0.91177 0.32163 0.79818 0.44814 0.40129 0.35764 0.0982 0.55269 0.01683 0.42854 0.21488 0.17039 0.05113 0.15928 0.43113 0.92832 0.38227 0.2674 0.89897 0.44814 0.41367 0.9118 0.71804 0.45648 0.51751 0.32796 0.7542 0.41272 0.86471 0.85389 0.92528 0.08139 0.47172 0.50239 0.3205 0.63462 0.17821 0.29598 0.38602 0.14275 0.03815 0.45843 0.98189 0.04664 0.00422 0.48511 0.05896 0.88479 0.54073 0.31517 0.87687 0.85605 0.01375 0.90148 0.01923 0.8998 0.7833 0.50202 0.11496 0.40594 0.27768 0.62025 0.2767 0.08712 0.17149 0.15381 0.74745 0.40731 0.31436 0.04906 0.90462 0.08926 0.01806 0.98623 0.75124 0.39059 0.12237 0.13996 0.57126 0.89214 0.80277 0.30404 0.46832 0.72728 0.06906 0.18483 0.46532 0.81207 0.64909 0.61018 0.30009 0.27977 0.229 0.92455 0.97273 0.68887 0.12548 0.35605 0.13291 0.22465 0.86317 0.31476 0.24569 0.26898 0.46499 0.14619 0.85863 0.27057 0.10287 0.29712 0.57523 0.61204 0.23305 0.74012 0.90329 0.30807 0.80773 0.47435 0.65011 0.15115 0.79018 0.23461 0.04421 0.23281 0.41335 0.45893 0.21375 0.47611 0.25368 0.97101 0.21466 0.49663 0.52511 0.50042 0.55847 0.81562 0.97122 0.30412 0.07044 0.88386 0.80003 0.24223 0.71039 0.17788 0.87841 0.6492 0.1441 0.82084 0.98706 0.15225 0.49646 0.26243 0.20577 0.17699 0.02371 0.43711 0.4279 0.01377 0.76357 0.01305 0.11769 0.48863 0.1292 0.06059 0.60448 0.44753 0.45521 0.17216 0.9603 0.28232 0.78431 0.03983 0.35067 0.16252 0.52682 0.12324 0.17551 0.66094 0.5182 0.19374 0.73007 0.16716 0.41107 0.26053 0.22506 0.65587 0.36492 0.48283 0.65442 0.10324 0.97619 0.95904 0.21521 0.6841 0.19139 0.59716 0.2564 0.61806 0.79243 0.05319 0.80226 0.61008 0.18344 0.27986 0.49559 0.86921 0.44996 0.18614 0.28913 0.35919 0.46296 0.5509 0.69108 0.4663 0.31981 0.55899 0.63852 0.24704 0.41774 0.98582 0.69439 0.58166 0.48526 0.69145 0.80622 0.46416 0.56147 0.00336 0.64274 0.8743 0.35608 0.1517 0.08211 0.26267 0.08932 0.76377 0.55395 0.89308 0.11187 0.63707 0.27729 0.85613 0.25498 0.43561 0.56502 0.74115 0.84334 0.48296 0.46914 0.15407 0.80677 0.93183 0.56187 0.91798 0.61106 0.00884 0.80705 0.11621 0.06483 0.76276 0.38327 0.46013 0.66074 0.1564 0.17016 0.87626 0.86852 0.56363 0.29392 0.73288 0.8087 0.91802 0.31704 0.20885 0.19541 0.06319 0.0363 0.8665 0.67621 0.36875 0.13881 0.89998 0.88503 0.70671 0.04705 0.87839 0.67475 0.52732 0.6347 0.50727 0.49056 0.48637 0.18397 0.30363 0.76391 0.35435 0.45245 0.55686 0.22711 0.21433 0.80629 0.85597 0.11599 0.8915 0.49971 0.72308 0.60916 0.83727 0.83679 0.54774 0.35932 0.40143 0.58405 0.72523 0.17432 0.78695 0.33934 0.26812 0.00026 0.65967 0.5364
+0.0056 0.06271 0.06326 0.33486 0.26749 0.01081 0.0195 0.28365 0.42844 0.7617 0.29845 0.5569 0.36875 0.50254 0.66259 0.21979 0.43786 0.10024 0.57046 0.14639 0.48742 0.99572 0.02417 0.14034 0.26188 0.30076 0.6226 0.42182 0.71866 0.07451 0.70525 0.35638 0.27225 0.77113 0.3336 0.29716 0.70961 0.32221 0.4602 0.73886 0.99514 0.85462 0.28754 0.27202 0.06298 0.58867 0.69455 0.31453 0.98109 0.46863 0.17186 0.21144 0.76717 0.33887 0.52263 0.99289 0.04395 0.27494 0.51006 0.73887 0.76724 0.67869 0.75015 0.57594 0.17612 0.30764 0.60173 0.67301 0.43546 0.53039 0.09842 0.68888 0.2806 0.49883 0.3726 0.58959 0.76793 0.39437 0.75492 0.17072 0.39796 0.02003 0.39259 0.83095 0.46346 0.00058 0.84363 0.06913 0.18841 0.40705 0.31945 0.78691 0.2177 0.71848 0.99481 0.3595 0.88357 0.0821 0.76113 0.94921 0.21035 0.69821 0.54078 0.61298 0.6062 0.21536 0.54735 0.26115 0.09988 0.24748 0.73627 0.74532 0.41293 0.3542 0.26674 0.54438 0.8074 0.73291 0.19709 0.89603 0.51104 0.7147 0.06405 0.62764 0.15181 0.42304 0.59143 0.68556 0.13823 0.13065 0.40116 0.91363 0.89779 0.60532 0.88373 0.88908 0.67804 0.23348 0.10987 0.68466 0.65362 0.14968 0.41685 0.95129 0.96138 0.14057 0.55164 0.207 0.73926 0.23794 0.17955 0.6406 0.65459 0.73648 0.86996 0.81336 0.09868 0.68153 0.21667 0.562 0.49047 0.91083 0.07095 0.60271 0.18553 0.3014 0.7538 0.89489 0.81617 0.15224 0.80124 0.97452 0.17093 0.90711 0.27745 0.69175 0.43466 0.44256 0.45927 0.07021 0.22002 0.7668 0.8041 0.40622 0.22077 0.56959 0.82472 0.40235 0.21832 0.33797 0.97516 0.47927 0.87608 0.80655 0.54151 0.01229 0.15026 0.03978 0.8232 0.27724 0.21919 0.27226 0.33087 0.81499 0.7592 0.07169 0.12601 0.45311 0.12686 0.88024 0.76648 0.40089 0.04627 0.84014 0.86545 0.20252 0.83093 0.52752 0.2806 0.43779 0.15757 0.22681 0.18111 0.61423 0.27216 0.04656 0.91847 0.18838 0.78372 0.46221 0.15166 0.79293 0.4002 0.19881 0.8307 0.43539 0.40981 0.154 0.17835 0.533 0.73749 0.67485 0.18689 0.63288 0.66597 0.0834 0.24357 0.04367 0.37622 0.67947 0.26785 0.07992 0.53759 0.35886 0.38064 0.94243 0.44943 0.99277 0.41518 0.24417 0.47087 0.30697 0.70948 0.24782 0.66196 0.94324 0.03169 0.37898 0.13278 0.32976 0.6834 0.47799 0.30569 0.76575 0.11689 0.89747 0.36625 0.58877 0.68343 0.85053 0.38464 0.87314 0.62343 0.68993 0.46369 0.66277 0.28264 0.31794 0.46931 0.99305 0.85654 0.94692 0.64685 0.19583 0.6837 0.90536 0.69348 0.16862 0.20553 0.821 0.20895 0.69115 0.74321 0.23394 0.70056 0.34322 0.90478 0.853 0.67816 0.4548 0.26393 0.65606 0.02732 0.69093 0.53275 0.55602 0.72138 0.15835 0.24717 0.20504 0.44121 0.52905 0.78464 0.12802 0.31735 0.39176 0.94565 0.63124 0.85402 0.26495 0.29597 0.45275 0.94473 0.13203 0.71348 0.08497 0.59148 0.08635 0.99497 0.18358 0.25686 0.40736 0.10231 0.3018 0.49231 0.00956 0.15813 0.84693 0.91511 0.41901 0.87198 0.01894 0.48854 0.54487 0.3716 0.37826 0.59774 0.19101 0.64009 0.43021 0.15041 0.0364 0.46184 0.01143 0.03195 0.78283 0.6432 0.43503 0.48423 0.97517 0.72898 0.82499 0.50738 0.74699 0.73584 0.95384 0.26022 0.1583 0.42257 0.96911 0.40213 0.11682 0.92924 0.86236 0.76944 0.27546 0.79914 0.7816 0.80548 0.75798 0.92073 0.71306 0.02517 0.70555 0.90958 0.5085 0.28902 0.07559 0.09817 0.21325 0.88814 0.72077 0.51655 0.47564 0.06729 0.736 0.57677 0.48315 0.44683 0.29785 0.6317 0.47768 0.19138 0.77163 0.78376 0.66675 0.48988 0.37017 0.51529 0.71374 0.19763 0.7681 0.96006 0.66592 0.13134 0.40242 0.69582 0.82615 0.1157 0.94847 0.82094 0.28501 0.29828 0.8992 0.28714 0.53189 0.80089 0.08525 0.08035 0.71703 0.40461 0.16453 0.64791 0.38741 0.7448 0.33207 0.46293 0.85173 0.52223 0.42136 0.67436 0.53053 0.83308 0.87592 0.78798 0.27648 0.65079 0.36326 0.20973 0.64044 0.81752 0.33466 0.07091 0.51127 0.85227 0.05287 0.1389 0.3056 0.40197 0.23881 0.22901 0.5579 0.7291 0.3665 0.35712 0.46325 0.12478 0.0125 0.96069 0.02869 0.67229 0.38291 0.90697 0.23682 0.5099 0.42732 0.56151 0.55949 0.52168 0.12469 0.18844 0.58753 0.99645 0.76163 0.12938 0.8567 0.34075 0.05985 0.314 0.09082 0.12344 0.39046 0.39175 0.25095 0.48032 0.74214 0.86203 0.96282 0.17283 0.0745 0.96567 0.30523
+0.62844 0.79668 0.77778 0.53098 0.30349 0.62376 0.3388 0.65718 0.23066 0.3189 0.16897 0.28642 0.99847 0.33106 0.49546 0.91093 0.49638 0.2015 0.94241 0.97186 0.54412 0.45039 0.15352 0.11355 0.80168 0.08824 0.79157 0.39165 0.52167 0.24692 0.71549 0.60454 0.17239 0.44586 0.35998 0.95723 0.81692 0.84982 0.39092 0.42573 0.97796 0.08839 0.13081 0.73966 0.2015 0.10912 0.73724 0.69999 0.7639 0.03084 0.61441 0.54556 0.98514 0.08094 0.39484 0.75468 0.40477 0.80458 0.59688 0.39026 0.88668 0.43847 0.81858 0.66648 0.11257 0.62236 0.11303 0.86647 0.66821 0.29795 0.19482 0.78353 0.08591 0.69063 0.12738 0.47088 0.17583 0.14774 0.57106 0.01994 0.52403 0.44226 0.39287 0.48865 0.9972 0.3748 0.24453 0.67033 0.36915 0.23418 0.71557 0.42835 0.39543 0.30896 0.20452 0.9218 0.33085 0.38405 0.49331 0.35552 0.13354 0.45053 0.80367 0.36687 0.88171 0.50451 0.38973 0.31394 0.10849 0.86787 0.34715 0.09236 0.66721 0.97364 0.39099 0.51757 0.87783 0.13749 0.64201 0.92619 0.71228 0.77068 0.40937 0.23804 0.0501 0.54434 0.77068 0.81371 0.52986 0.33631 0.74011 0.93163 0.81091 0.92083 0.90493 0.1552 0.95092 0.53443 0.90021 0.62949 0.2697 0.39675 0.3935 0.63091 0.28099 0.55994 0.63007 0.06344 0.31114 0.51563 0.14943 0.26635 0.65413 0.03817 0.89965 0.07457 0.82884 0.11454 0.11566 0.90853 0.51944 0.97608 0.71828 0.09636 0.81045 0.85415 0.15534 0.08942 0.26209 0.97009 0.51022 0.46768 0.40362 0.48986 0.57223 0.92155 0.65206 0.14574 0.10521 0.28787 0.59877 0.85008 0.53829 0.34 0.39962 0.91961 0.88823 0.01754 0.28234 0.24664 0.54004 0.19767 0.03818 0.32545 0.11396 0.28424 0.05061 0.15774 0.55098 0.44954 0.87199 0.74755 0.13142 0.00221 0.42521 0.79227 0.72208 0.53288 0.73986 0.05198 0.64188 0.21399 0.62024 0.88379 0.91659 0.29679 0.07227 0.21598 0.99482 0.77018 0.298 0.05447 0.65756 0.31828 0.40786 0.75627 0.51694 0.88147 0.72673 0.26327 0.87835 0.74849 0.88675 0.14087 0.37876 0.98226 0.70095 0.50905 0.9836 0.12316 0.80573 0.65644 0.41769 0.2532 0.0553 0.54397 0.27752 0.28304 0.41085 0.47015 0.87625 0.64784 0.16972 0.51178 0.41869 0.9652 0.41575 0.10102 0.58254 0.59329 0.16513 0.38061 0.66602 0.85654 0.64469 0.47482 0.71206 0.34348 0.60078 0.75708 0.3957 0.19092 0.9853 0.76181 0.22574 0.37971 0.5041 0.3697 0.53076 0.52026 0.32982 0.07704 0.22731 0.84997 0.1662 0.52131 0.60759 0.86368 0.46636 0.9157 0.74357 0.47719 0.4054 0.06344 0.01734 0.35144 0.58235 0.87479 0.64087 0.42945 0.81795 0.33549 0.89373 0.89416 0.97083 0.78633 0.03581 0.45345 0.43874 0.75384 0.86319 0.11123 0.12484 0.66098 0.86894 0.44217 0.14125 0.5747 0.3735 0.48921 0.53325 0.14039 0.33641 0.25917 0.32316 0.04007 0.35877 0.39602 0.05925 0.78695 0.15531 0.62333 0.99219 0.98109 0.92982 0.08835 0.13795 0.45491 0.83482 0.33232 0.09294 0.42854 0.86644 0.44096 0.92898 0.10796 0.78916 0.27845 0.92388 0.18482 0.86173 0.54313 0.37785 0.07462 0.67049 0.78585 0.10023 0.11399 0.80215 0.25277 0.17647 0.28553 0.90074 0.48473 0.41828 0.55564 0.77141 0.74917 0.54685 0.10492 0.79554 0.51402 0.1816 0.17149 0.70967 0.04765 0.95839 0.45461 0.30137 0.22799 0.3162 0.95645 0.71487 0.95366 0.22549 0.65532 0.26854 0.73488 0.28146 0.41944 0.13214 0.85207 0.68605 0.07737 0.70827 0.84196 0.77617 0.05616 0.7261 0.95182 0.43493 0.98343 0.79963 0.53121 0.15068 0.442 0.6312 0.40582 0.68612 0.48174 0.47878 0.47754 0.13835 0.19658 0.75557 0.3223 0.16284 0.15985 0.49806 0.25404 0.74021 0.24668 0.31761 0.1234 0.87298 0.71178 0.52088 0.92887 0.41086 0.03873 0.80941 0.51883 0.59473 0.40014 0.65496 0.43369 0.95764 0.92902 0.44167 0.38468 0.11799 0.7024 0.36234 0.93421 0.43607 0.33644 0.20169 0.73655 0.85293 0.0014 0.3346 0.64485 0.7449 0.21887 0.51959 0.98085 0.70463 0.35498 0.4444 0.10666 0.10145 0.24188 0.02694 0.51861 0.89499 0.4441 0.53084 0.38963 0.06843 0.76576 0.53704 0.223 0.14381 0.53909 0.75253 0.02225 0.1117 0.58651 0.60377 0.01751 0.91171 0.96696 0.34157 0.13999 0.32113 0.77489 0.85178 0.18989 0.47029 0.91533 0.57278 0.20747 0.75611 0.30375 0.02856 0.77377 0.80754 0.23567 0.36606 0.00263 0.92752 0.19115 0.44065 0.88387 0.30838 0.19368 0.00705 0.93338 0.27569 0.44156 0.66068 0.21696
+0.9043 0.6134 0.88807 0.77982 0.91825 0.32686 0.37712 0.63422 0.93923 0.26773 0.25715 0.05216 0.98524 0.75179 0.07703 0.31776 0.69095 0.71537 0.50663 0.28505 0.8034 0.40153 0.09332 0.80741 0.11322 0.93524 0.4749 0.33263 0.25088 0.11605 0.38064 0.01779 0.58612 0.37667 0.41981 0.68184 0.65516 0.70387 0.98669 0.3224 0.95574 0.18272 0.01214 0.74587 0.25256 0.6602 0.42512 0.36439 0.4615 0.71047 0.5644 0.75907 0.23777 0.86059 0.0407 0.15735 0.04282 0.92232 0.99877 0.55366 0.94371 0.32204 0.72585 0.42886 0.77846 0.40215 0.28321 0.38624 0.23437 0.55549 0.75172 0.26323 0.91461 0.46652 0.05223 0.51398 0.81763 0.00641 0.71968 0.1996 0.91718 0.32638 0.13684 0.93457 0.36154 0.3973 0.26062 0.21497 0.21889 0.87637 0.01625 0.53796 0.50795 0.95185 0.24781 0.30619 0.7247 0.31741 0.6868 0.70706 0.07218 0.89412 0.67014 0.29339 0.75449 0.90076 0.5941 0.25024 0.95564 0.40992 0.38776 0.17952 0.20212 0.74814 0.96444 0.15437 0.47825 0.41885 0.76779 0.92917 0.30786 0.41677 0.74256 0.36114 0.52297 0.50422 0.41151 0.47964 0.01048 0.83381 0.95214 0.80004 0.35592 0.77314 0.45958 0.04431 0.50381 0.14406 0.8896 0.88087 0.94304 0.49638 0.2399 0.96293 0.34 0.50255 0.87905 0.37087 0.24781 0.94281 0.73486 0.78226 0.54574 0.94892 0.77203 0.01357 0.59588 0.7652 0.63004 0.16174 0.69263 0.72846 0.91603 0.38463 0.5077 0.4962 0.0204 0.8948 0.0508 0.79827 0.44627 0.42893 0.11577 0.10824 0.60086 0.53706 0.72219 0.6171 0.36799 0.35575 0.18515 0.04846 0.87967 0.95563 0.45358 0.71981 0.02127 0.34139 0.31151 0.50987 0.09107 0.62507 0.86282 0.57402 0.6373 0.03511 0.56359 0.72361 0.63395 0.25869 0.10396 0.66145 0.33268 0.25557 0.5556 0.46363 0.06271 0.84573 0.46747 0.68227 0.61577 0.12573 0.24807 0.74948 0.30885 0.67533 0.03657 0.4782 0.52491 0.28707 0.71993 0.24056 0.93865 0.48662 0.16134 0.72842 0.12345 0.49221 0.21847 0.87433 0.78832 0.68409 0.28751 0.34221 0.59707 0.83491 0.29337 0.20639 0.12747 0.6891 0.65686 0.48237 0.10398 0.49752 0.21323 0.97198 0.94752 0.23857 0.70134 0.27759 0.6042 0.75119 0.36567 0.72226 0.36235 0.32898 0.0345 0.50695 0.55367 0.74196 0.66635 0.62414 0.63894 0.39225 0.41169 0.64438 0.35393 0.72552 0.77392 0.49028 0.56202 0.7871 0.32103 0.36401 0.17112 0.02417 0.83802 0.94789 0.65632 0.23663 0.1088 0.73264 0.64551 0.20777 0.02679 0.44412 0.90976 0.47739 0.73328 0.75059 0.49622 0.1181 0.01983 0.08734 0.79575 0.60355 0.08037 0.49117 0.64959 0.33584 0.01119 0.58761 0.97929 0.7775 0.82228 0.58366 0.73789 0.61878 0.145 0.5084 0.55831 0.93876 0.8574 0.506 0.83857 0.04135 0.46932 0.20745 0.29041 0.42388 0.97261 0.48257 0.13647 0.84966 0.39005 0.91917 0.17663 0.46934 0.98 0.12817 0.40062 0.09245 0.6406 0.13327 0.73571 0.81867 0.77108 0.68343 0.7497 0.27451 0.14544 0.28816 0.93361 0.2908 0.47712 0.45686 0.99318 0.46173 0.78903 0.1971 0.01125 0.2841 0.73618 0.76789 0.08675 0.68066 0.16178 0.98161 0.92446 0.99417 0.91701 0.16218 0.55327 0.09997 0.59331 0.94591 0.0711 0.38083 0.19888 0.88506 0.09756 0.35556 0.07266 0.29739 0.24994 0.76354 0.68823 0.78923 0.7689 0.71409 0.87697 0.68374 0.19193 0.07522 0.37999 0.3763 0.40006 0.23038 0.8923 0.82372 0.32957 0.21874 0.02814 0.73474 0.23117 0.77266 0.75788 0.35017 0.52978 0.53085 0.81863 0.75417 0.37228 0.36799 0.28411 0.45088 0.79488 0.70779 0.33053 0.97929 0.66229 0.74434 0.49958 0.46398 0.15361 0.85856 0.96952 0.36818 0.53774 0.33809 0.83437 0.08801 0.51909 0.78992 0.6726 0.43158 0.02997 0.48603 0.96388 0.97605 0.47763 0.83855 0.99595 0.62949 0.91765 0.33063 0.90633 0.68928 0.99802 0.71657 0.41396 0.55976 0.329 0.07215 0.77113 0.11346 0.90481 0.83547 0.17884 0.95421 0.69398 0.84166 0.30966 0.50246 0.04327 0.28579 0.1906 0.38422 0.74078 0.95347 0.6581 0.03947 0.07022 0.89478 0.81388 0.45455 0.30796 0.86145 0.58416 0.44252 0.33115 0.20711 0.77199 0.29194 0.73259 0.7477 0.65511 0.34543 0.28369 0.54771 0.66457 0.62169 0.16421 0.36196 0.73259 0.79205 0.27395 0.99283 0.9631 0.78728 0.33006 0.26933 0.93768 0.56864 0.45752 0.53367 0.63822 0.48593 0.02079 0.98564 0.87003 0.60134 0.1926 0.95064 0.30747 0.1865 0.477 0.01661 0.97086 0.41968 0.94494 0.19595
+0.7415 0.79933 0.30901 0.75732 0.7534 0.93728 0.31377 0.56132 0.16926 0.57124 0.33707 0.4421 0.40478 0.27446 0.36246 0.87331 0.92884 0.79839 0.85431 0.71989 0.0597 0.6283 0.02662 0.92749 0.94709 0.25081 0.79324 0.26544 0.91189 0.88969 0.1868 0.29657 0.7623 0.70886 0.30152 0.87879 0.32036 0.33968 0.68241 0.37263 0.96145 0.22352 0.47194 0.75549 0.6093 0.22968 0.46419 0.85612 0.87882 0.50831 0.22688 0.64821 0.57059 0.07409 0.04748 0.09407 0.60756 0.885 0.45823 0.5746 0.92574 0.96712 0.76658 0.98945 0.254 0.10676 0.61041 0.94584 0.34962 0.30768 0.40634 0.72204 0.2256 0.86448 0.1375 0.33886 0.05631 0.93283 0.37847 0.15927 0.18329 0.75317 0.86851 0.39022 0.18475 0.67067 0.01094 0.47684 0.11904 0.98813 0.66107 0.81558 0.91556 0.72479 0.0458 0.04916 0.13631 0.49149 0.78793 0.79791 0.04043 0.05085 0.58102 0.7091 0.58569 0.89868 0.0999 0.45494 0.31979 0.5797 0.4273 0.80922 0.75139 0.9955 0.34656 0.92426 0.99287 0.35384 0.31639 0.8398 0.75107 0.1092 0.49828 0.42031 0.53078 0.29269 0.00613 0.94101 0.95535 0.083 0.98349 0.74938 0.44881 0.56689 0.52316 0.24092 0.58578 0.10256 0.0655 0.48552 0.41 0.31437 0.02487 0.06909 0.64489 0.66634 0.67774 0.73988 0.27321 0.53403 0.12098 0.17653 0.71833 0.54148 0.98706 0.41104 0.07393 0.63013 0.46469 0.92679 0.83066 0.11413 0.95823 0.64181 0.93533 0.40964 0.34104 0.89587 0.65414 0.60082 0.04894 0.20843 0.13767 0.96355 0.45868 0.40706 0.48783 0.98879 0.89408 0.59189 0.77624 0.22555 0.36624 0.08179 0.43322 0.77602 0.98081 0.09407 0.60927 0.98822 0.61611 0.33551 0.27871 0.40864 0.46282 0.84392 0.58612 0.58967 0.05655 0.41773 0.26485 0.91583 0.77474 0.54245 0.62703 0.15094 0.17746 0.67098 0.86986 0.04778 0.30629 0.81545 0.96016 0.30302 0.19731 0.35921 0.98452 0.12662 0.44321 0.43934 0.56927 0.72044 0.4036 0.00951 0.21309 0.13173 0.12274 0.55479 0.21008 0.80212 0.97843 0.76833 0.77564 0.88243 0.54828 0.52269 0.63517 0.54467 0.76302 0.32309 0.96688 0.47363 0.29721 0.64675 0.65737 0.08721 0.31331 0.60469 0.93918 0.19409 0.66046 0.4204 0.71701 0.39834 0.80106 0.10742 0.18737 0.13064 0.94364 0.73693 0.19065 0.41748 0.24372 0.11322 0.32278 0.16635 0.02526 0.5919 0.43405 0.99327 0.83392 0.37031 0.33306 0.41633 0.52901 0.66325 0.87068 0.98377 0.78354 0.06572 0.78189 0.88979 0.97824 0.29209 0.3621 0.50306 0.45987 0.95292 0.05966 0.16853 0.64834 0.51786 0.59801 0.11658 0.05337 0.86905 0.37108 0.10949 0.52545 0.26903 0.91186 0.25379 0.81228 0.79208 0.38422 0.23797 0.17829 0.39967 0.04958 0.44089 0.10051 0.18088 0.70694 0.78739 0.347 0.90547 0.02285 0.05699 0.91438 0.8689 0.84451 0.12767 0.5747 0.7024 0.36141 0.79628 0.96147 0.18058 0.46606 0.2669 0.62943 0.78016 0.9794 0.9718 0.69256 0.76281 0.18661 0.00713 0.12476 0.66059 0.73042 0.43767 0.76782 0.41798 0.89472 0.5237 0.71943 0.90816 0.23355 0.09598 0.02973 0.1099 0.24048 0.91169 0.45097 0.0006 0.36953 0.60284 0.60745 0.6337 0.71123 0.94015 0.18371 0.01589 0.14906 0.30689 0.96465 0.47167 0.26445 0.19236 0.12632 0.56893 0.48425 0.74207 0.14216 0.38692 0.6532 0.39944 0.72578 0.01292 0.8521 0.88785 0.32344 0.74978 0.29914 0.70376 0.33643 0.25886 0.23739 0.99969 0.09772 0.97203 0.01162 0.26491 0.77562 0.64636 0.31558 0.69835 0.38623 0.39416 0.37608 0.2068 0.71781 0.09768 0.62259 0.64947 0.66004 0.26492 0.54413 0.53034 0.86542 0.09961 0.67521 0.82514 0.12651 0.67186 0.55061 0.23292 0.66539 0.84044 0.55205 0.07322 0.21791 0.78689 0.4389 0.41002 0.48169 0.4663 0.45732 0.29053 0.02336 0.44617 0.6183 0.26723 0.08002 0.63646 0.41377 0.55072 0.12129 0.99677 0.29316 0.96855 0.42173 0.51773 0.84539 0.09086 0.23734 0.43976 0.8696 0.40909 0.43208 0.14437 0.75526 0.8156 0.41653 0.04503 0.71368 0.71714 0.37556 0.24756 0.46368 0.30951 0.02649 0.84758 0.01595 0.43033 0.29761 0.34619 0.23802 0.53965 0.58797 0.27884 0.88442 0.5053 0.03872 0.4277 0.80908 0.37488 0.5313 0.40358 0.62042 0.45771 0.2081 0.71798 0.03538 0.4039 0.40357 0.61001 0.53832 0.18846 0.54124 0.83928 0.13131 0.76826 0.81703 0.52342 0.29043 0.67375 0.93144 0.33151 0.98668 0.41059 0.70286 0.50871 0.22046 0.03184 0.66707 0.53769 0.78597 0.48589 0.75613 0.92522
+0.78303 0.73838 0.52223 0.05102 0.76573 0.60758 0.27198 0.59855 0.71626 0.55011 0.22226 0.49715 0.22648 0.31723 0.70594 0.03505 0.37548 0.01522 0.28682 0.49574 0.01304 0.45732 0.45105 0.69085 0.75601 0.9582 0.73917 0.07521 0.91608 0.4924 0.29191 0.65099 0.78378 0.73683 0.28938 0.32506 0.63176 0.5295 0.97977 0.75056 0.26719 0.04534 0.24457 0.72698 0.25522 0.9108 0.93972 0.05971 0.05948 0.60174 0.66724 0.50139 0.33186 0.02941 0.92276 0.11203 0.20106 0.98609 0.31498 0.83537 0.06926 0.68704 0.99867 0.41278 0.98118 0.5691 0.62271 0.38626 0.6005 0.69804 0.21566 0.06749 0.88975 0.37041 0.5762 0.51472 0.41142 0.41514 0.54835 0.40697 0.30512 0.25062 0.09514 0.36066 0.59965 0.04595 0.33927 0.91469 0.46455 0.89418 0.26431 0.29971 0.39456 0.69447 0.96905 0.43391 0.06638 0.4512 0.63076 0.54197 0.81694 0.47508 0.7341 0.61926 0.30543 0.91822 0.24058 0.66345 0.35345 0.30136 0.67079 0.37472 0.01189 0.14425 0.78363 0.35397 0.05261 0.92654 0.16328 0.31142 0.65845 0.96257 0.19242 0.13729 0.77162 0.60597 0.21624 0.73828 0.02273 0.37386 0.42113 0.85727 0.76425 0.3476 0.72412 0.98205 0.45826 0.88442 0.19053 0.99852 0.832 0.27881 0.84303 0.27173 0.33653 0.50872 0.06985 0.84226 0.99544 0.70328 0.37601 0.66841 0.91283 0.00804 0.01799 0.80274 0.73279 0.91915 0.80495 0.76729 0.19097 0.9045 0.31241 0.78171 0.71832 0.07152 0.90787 0.6274 0.93707 0.6694 0.83483 0.89804 0.91846 0.62336 0.27989 0.19237 0.98921 0.12038 0.48356 0.86005 0.37026 0.69027 0.24636 0.35183 0.56428 0.32987 0.69238 0.68204 0.82681 0.08907 0.6686 0.39361 0.03751 0.77929 0.35591 0.95796 0.04886 0.53216 0.38076 0.25861 0.17587 0.06599 0.33917 0.29861 0.17469 0.96509 0.77001 0.61464 0.97918 0.0207 0.32468 0.16928 0.19004 0.97536 0.66698 0.38382 0.31872 0.12205 0.97995 0.01495 0.05583 0.98413 0.13135 0.17463 0.70558 0.78732 0.74724 0.09226 0.36203 0.18068 0.56775 0.53804 0.25569 0.78712 0.44752 0.36387 0.89864 0.68606 0.34043 0.81631 0.78775 0.26522 0.03233 0.46247 0.93054 0.75146 0.06312 0.25028 0.38016 0.63909 0.84841 0.99431 0.01141 0.19553 0.70899 0.60198 0.54241 0.02273 0.68121 0.95793 0.70885 0.1859 0.66589 0.23808 0.74843 0.33578 0.90563 0.02258 0.80572 0.92491 0.94228 0.97571 0.43791 0.88678 0.68812 0.09218 0.10104 0.62915 0.35776 0.13791 0.94258 0.77415 0.58267 0.67522 0.06681 0.90407 0.90796 0.05657 0.73807 0.5093 0.4294 0.20007 0.98193 0.64186 0.16685 0.98195 0.59108 0.4669 0.81251 0.56046 0.15564 0.97067 0.53351 0.48232 0.38007 0.78954 0.69872 0.01822 0.13696 0.44255 0.36249 0.5858 0.79421 0.91906 0.96132 0.69961 0.49666 0.19019 0.96175 0.79189 0.16935 0.46252 0.91936 0.85254 0.49262 0.0661 0.10592 0.82758 0.08532 0.15059 0.25494 0.94506 0.40184 0.75045 0.27999 0.04059 0.11658 0.93402 0.06224 0.06289 0.36961 0.79318 0.5929 0.61899 0.62366 0.26851 0.58452 0.46925 0.06748 0.75365 0.1659 0.56024 0.42576 0.70198 0.36998 0.97046 0.41351 0.20695 0.13966 0.01559 0.99909 0.70508 0.42753 0.29393 0.17297 0.124 0.98338 0.08601 0.63109 0.79968 0.10495 0.61982 0.73085 0.26067 0.6278 0.44018 0.44627 0.73033 0.74147 0.64272 0.59011 0.41368 0.62131 0.29468 0.44204 0.30017 0.54837 0.36215 0.14393 0.33422 0.81362 0.95575 0.89873 0.60191 0.20499 0.47973 0.33861 0.63624 0.71122 0.1702 0.71185 0.75666 0.32616 0.15542 0.78788 0.2291 0.51795 0.28025 0.55783 0.63337 0.67076 0.1834 0.69216 0.05257 0.52104 0.50829 0.5518 0.52296 0.23213 0.32733 0.53694 0.76725 0.47543 0.52884 0.13933 0.89889 0.64854 0.29992 0.28549 0.18443 0.34058 0.14569 0.16057 0.13227 0.37986 0.62176 0.38777 0.06804 0.37723 0.63664 0.36702 0.95988 0.45805 0.75832 0.79643 0.01691 0.46265 0.83746 0.54488 0.73933 0.83593 0.68169 0.70077 0.05395 0.09289 0.72683 0.8121 0.10582 0.44077 0.26968 0.87884 0.84323 0.67287 0.33245 0.55557 0.92101 0.70448 0.57597 0.25854 0.59325 0.02325 0.8369 0.37253 0.27139 0.78915 0.66339 0.10946 0.7346 0.31549 0.06957 0.75622 0.66166 0.53402 0.26787 0.96441 0.37401 0.03695 0.52066 0.04989 0.82942 0.26095 0.23367 0.09549 0.59836 0.06619 0.40792 0.65096 0.37066 0.98446 0.21294 0.36535 0.04729 0.1015 0.7549 0.30308 0.94731 0.76559 0.81502 0.76698 0.79986 0.63363 0.81038
+0.77806 0.23938 0.53218 0.81936 0.29073 0.54666 0.04988 0.18684 0.93923 0.36013 0.48399 0.83986 0.35154 0.30232 0.38915 0.61435 0.84783 0.16756 0.29972 0.83269 0.89857 0.44402 0.68855 0.71324 0.89156 0.21638 0.67817 0.61477 0.56574 0.90731 0.14709 0.06577 0.93626 0.43365 0.19711 0.85401 0.78453 0.59988 0.5014 0.27206 0.34932 0.6957 0.27422 0.37213 0.87093 0.50171 0.02224 0.86486 0.06054 0.27667 0.55069 0.63771 0.63391 0.35475 0.1677 0.84023 0.91577 0.60018 0.43935 0.50268 0.4361 0.61894 0.13413 0.16291 0.13212 0.44691 0.67975 0.42698 0.95847 0.59757 0.1616 0.15985 0.51154 0.4877 0.40341 0.11741 0.10442 0.67479 0.4752 0.13266 0.83049 0.36888 0.98789 0.47258 0.47383 0.35851 0.04452 0.44779 0.17621 0.62223 0.38391 0.48779 0.25163 0.09238 0.49154 0.5829 0.61418 0.38051 0.25791 0.76208 0.05722 0.68552 0.65286 0.38647 0.8125 0.31375 0.04781 0.57741 0.51846 0.70642 0.69831 0.49951 0.99973 0.46282 0.91237 0.47287 0.10666 0.02868 0.61111 0.37373 0.34026 0.08652 0.65291 0.2028 0.72785 0.04498 0.72361 0.86668 0.36324 0.86864 0.59992 0.87886 0.5849 0.6466 0.57856 0.57637 0.10618 0.30489 0.92086 0.59782 0.34043 0.75688 0.09745 0.60974 0.30679 0.90503 0.88541 0.00665 0.52481 0.22021 0.77181 0.18948 0.33176 0.8608 0.41729 0.66886 0.11746 0.59636 0.32151 0.73168 0.74327 0.87091 0.07718 0.75058 0.73743 0.65195 0.30535 0.66418 0.3825 0.57082 0.79189 0.90695 0.29113 0.00262 0.41419 0.37184 0.08336 0.47528 0.52253 0.67858 0.61375 0.46245 0.31673 0.67301 0.46987 0.33529 0.47413 0.8758 0.7391 0.30477 0.37837 0.12258 0.65515 0.9716 0.76911 0.60109 0.21946 0.02982 0.07227 0.89189 0.75627 0.44202 0.41294 0.59992 0.80897 0.79306 0.06768 0.84512 0.14952 0.1092 0.37931 0.43684 0.00588 0.18342 0.43765 0.85404 0.07314 0.83281 0.97583 0.30398 0.04292 0.46729 0.05303 0.48978 0.46908 0.62877 0.9325 0.04333 0.92574 0.0737 0.84701 0.54226 0.85995 0.64379 0.37783 0.24331 0.56562 0.04052 0.10421 0.85335 0.55487 0.68582 0.99142 0.10129 0.27388 0.72028 0.10801 0.58979 0.55226 0.97804 0.90751 0.05967 0.10477 0.73814 0.91671 0.66904 0.0949 0.6339 0.58493 0.82102 0.79094 0.55354 0.70033 0.62938 0.03741 0.52129 0.03981 0.93357 0.45857 0.39774 0.05687 0.64722 0.75069 0.78866 0.14647 0.16412 0.6749 0.78014 0.21816 0.99331 0.48734 0.08586 0.07622 0.85207 0.08382 0.8 0.85114 0.92227 0.6868 0.91431 0.14953 0.21612 0.86672 0.45042 0.70986 0.45505 0.69142 0.81973 0.28647 0.70458 0.49652 0.86195 0.03738 0.33065 0.36655 0.92255 0.23283 0.7824 0.04496 0.21915 0.91538 0.7484 0.77482 0.28174 0.30111 0.94911 0.70576 0.49315 0.93247 0.96328 0.26625 0.00936 0.89172 0.2153 0.61437 0.04544 0.35056 0.05785 0.13099 0.16573 0.84346 0.48514 0.55951 0.20106 0.91007 0.13735 0.11295 0.68072 0.05798 0.18833 0.5525 0.34521 0.29074 0.82412 0.77485 0.6812 0.0736 0.43092 0.89437 0.49257 0.28898 0.93343 0.17484 0.04876 0.73636 0.69626 0.20168 0.7086 0.52391 0.44143 0.1862 0.29505 0.79448 0.7228 0.27268 0.76738 0.18171 0.27055 0.26485 0.59483 0.20244 0.06837 0.78138 0.66758 0.27318 0.58374 0.27408 0.76188 0.09149 0.87056 0.45494 0.80231 0.02034 0.02038 0.80498 0.73107 0.92055 0.95734 0.01073 0.73951 0.00423 0.23317 0.03162 0.44626 0.65996 0.61256 0.2762 0.66622 0.55671 0.33015 0.81051 0.95813 0.98886 0.82777 0.57434 0.97776 0.67345 0.39913 0.61692 0.91896 0.8226 0.56248 0.45477 0.70013 0.71348 0.20748 0.07024 0.85693 0.10462 0.27693 0.94572 0.52022 0.28149 0.97032 0.0765 0.34366 0.73714 0.29474 0.76211 0.88905 0.72588 0.83675 0.06714 0.4054 0.60036 0.23605 0.2928 0.94661 0.40053 0.12149 0.41797 0.62388 0.47738 0.87668 0.84367 0.44856 0.84607 0.17089 0.66566 0.35042 0.68477 0.68698 0.05638 0.83077 0.01437 0.56101 0.94628 0.88647 0.9938 0.95199 0.64362 0.2475 0.0755 0.24777 0.01159 0.43775 0.24328 0.54812 0.38414 0.61355 0.49377 0.69046 0.15153 0.54862 0.13063 0.43898 0.9666 0.62916 0.48547 0.96422 0.27253 0.3899 0.31876 0.43453 0.77295 0.69011 0.31687 0.5198 0.85653 0.10509 0.68633 0.45384 0.779 0.60188 0.07099 0.35859 0.86286 0.01544 0.65733 0.5558 0.89257 0.32858 0.3569 0.32584 0.9356 0.26959 0.12573 0.26755 0.61264 0.44912 0.97542 0.63878
+0.95199 0.30873 0.70991 0.68296 0.22071 0.80905 0.40881 0.95396 0.15733 0.00264 0.03996 0.62082 0.96191 0.78605 0.20551 0.66739 0.34126 0.54956 0.05558 0.04234 0.61629 0.37119 0.38962 0.436 0.02781 0.01503 0.80609 0.92542 0.38583 0.87038 0.47753 0.82993 0.78137 0.46141 0.78394 0.37067 0.0128 0.39207 0.86698 0.82359 0.72011 0.96876 0.5291 0.35488 0.90069 0.71416 0.66776 0.3331 0.8893 0.17037 0.05666 0.45129 0.42971 0.25749 0.9159 0.2798 0.01043 0.56243 0.58133 0.20703 0.35905 0.001 0.91586 0.16162 0.19609 0.65795 0.02004 0.03568 0.10198 0.08626 0.50028 0.59844 0.45997 0.36138 0.27869 0.21177 0.74344 0.45927 0.12458 0.51378 0.89615 0.14479 0.8894 0.48313 0.92011 0.66809 0.24636 0.92749 0.1287 0.48581 0.3178 0.34231 0.76424 0.96583 0.30425 0.93602 0.74319 0.69734 0.90918 0.61326 0.94623 0.74465 0.15076 0.13945 0.22767 0.62541 0.54388 0.80174 0.03328 0.37525 0.53366 0.27621 0.23413 0.04565 0.60669 0.0951 0.96972 0.0621 0.9521 0.74615 0.06734 0.30201 0.53351 0.31167 0.82943 0.87843 0.39865 0.5482 0.96406 0.89363 0.84928 0.56495 0.93176 0.29083 0.56724 0.79762 0.90787 0.82101 0.85989 0.77926 0.35245 0.58582 0.91677 0.38335 0.55056 0.08139 0.78383 0.84757 0.8755 0.34283 0.96321 0.77394 0.85058 0.23078 0.48619 0.20942 0.3181 0.01908 0.625 0.53636 0.489 0.48777 0.10711 0.40196 0.17709 0.27367 0.05319 0.21311 0.4349 0.58915 0.52107 0.59405 0.79532 0.65544 0.76034 0.61204 0.99864 0.10137 0.24295 0.03352 0.48656 0.1954 0.23301 0.67002 0.93528 0.83844 0.86307 0.03704 0.90687 0.36421 0.07651 0.89306 0.22232 0.93584 0.16693 0.50331 0.91898 0.57649 0.67015 0.69076 0.27604 0.27019 0.81798 0.4933 0.89928 0.35402 0.48779 0.72492 0.67488 0.52946 0.16323 0.41613 0.66924 0.40105 0.14996 0.31835 0.52327 0.42847 0.19347 0.63275 0.51107 0.34359 0.7725 0.55132 0.6881 0.98407 0.668 0.28614 0.87068 0.95837 0.55058 0.9456 0.75547 0.22504 0.54686 0.6707 0.82978 0.32064 0.41956 0.84528 0.01917 0.63961 0.03064 0.11547 0.73859 0.33696 0.9695 0.76011 0.23543 0.81506 0.98286 0.08966 0.70924 0.19933 0.86141 0.47685 0.0634 0.48216 0.83092 0.02031 0.45958 0.52519 0.44393 0.79579 0.30533 0.37632 0.003 0.86992 0.48888 0.42052 0.14443 0.97889 0.50328 0.15436 0.3548 0.08477 0.36824 0.58248 0.98259 0.76179 0.22153 0.42086 0.50425 0.85447 0.46096 0.35009 0.20906 0.58393 0.47279 0.97736 0.99018 0.0652 0.93868 0.49002 0.49211 0.40986 0.20438 0.66248 0.68893 0.49854 0.68982 0.83254 0.15411 0.93573 0.96541 0.12588 0.70079 0.47077 0.7853 0.90259 0.42949 0.50926 0.45462 0.98265 0.17442 0.26312 0.41732 0.65314 0.61081 0.18783 0.48825 0.76715 0.93564 0.46135 0.73489 0.39987 0.62092 0.62984 0.2432 0.76423 0.15941 0.51021 0.9803 0.78036 0.84882 0.38839 0.1345 0.93472 0.75819 0.57216 0.77472 0.63493 0.54275 0.38839 0.27163 0.9325 0.26227 0.16718 0.9716 0.39606 0.61671 0.91866 0.26648 0.95733 0.33417 0.78746 0.3847 0.43139 0.67855 0.20301 0.3846 0.25545 0.0585 0.8039 0.94323 0.47065 0.67171 0.82086 0.5094 0.61174 0.99212 0.84184 0.61196 0.30899 0.21514 0.75648 0.46965 0.06381 0.37888 0.99574 0.31872 0.69439 0.88784 0.65446 0.05702 0.34116 0.19692 0.60742 0.69984 0.67181 0.76692 0.78281 0.46847 0.90157 0.84747 0.04673 0.6872 0.32581 0.89498 0.37931 0.03139 0.86538 0.27493 0.66282 0.99471 0.43214 0.24237 0.32815 0.30601 0.2448 0.00851 0.47487 0.84861 0.70666 0.59696 0.93237 0.50611 0.29096 0.56491 0.00575 0.38015 0.00426 0.41154 0.27043 0.51561 0.87459 0.82773 0.23343 0.12785 0.82122 0.74556 0.87375 0.10906 0.87729 0.08282 0.68219 0.59946 0.94429 0.296 0.60558 0.13215 0.87651 0.21389 0.29448 0.81028 0.98315 0.67088 0.47283 0.09596 0.10719 0.28844 0.49951 0.17058 0.97669 0.13603 0.02435 0.81468 0.37761 0.57046 0.57459 0.64774 0.07285 0.56442 0.67633 0.40607 0.43684 0.19252 0.06633 0.29136 0.91164 0.62864 0.69612 0.53251 0.66502 0.60151 0.78587 0.28317 0.67496 0.90625 0.65979 0.24741 0.65288 0.82818 0.81489 0.55591 0.82025 0.72429 0.64177 0.75028 0.94342 0.32575 0.98521 0.89891 0.9425 0.16384 0.08187 0.48329 0.42382 0.41704 0.11241 0.75866 0.16793 0.75837 0.86303 0.33748 0.73419 0.27394 0.49198 0.27049 0.58978 0.96584 0.80855
+0.37691 0.79011 0.69663 0.91707 0.92309 0.51055 0.11064 0.45999 0.00533 0.98275 0.45457 0.45612 0.70497 0.76879 0.70956 0.15625 0.20182 0.3339 0.65631 0.34689 0.96881 0.54091 0.55498 0.57515 0.60781 0.04219 0.31779 0.27895 0.48626 0.66141 0.60948 0.0783 0.13974 0.33224 0.56453 0.31703 0.26212 0.73818 0.4313 0.39405 0.98742 0.09068 0.81664 0.39138 0.52869 0.53833 0.79051 0.78176 0.70727 0.36661 0.38956 0.78509 0.1652 0.9442 0.99774 0.43597 0.26903 0.67984 0.47183 0.25325 0.94467 0.49641 0.26719 0.2817 0.54711 0.05348 0.77978 0.9469 0.2448 0.3226 0.8147 0.90234 0.08529 0.68797 0.37102 0.30405 0.644 0.91607 0.11358 0.36933 0.82598 0.42556 0.37416 0.60104 0.96429 0.51912 0.6939 0.38905 0.33447 0.40581 0.20255 0.9344 0.83592 0.82057 0.09929 0.34359 0.02883 0.93831 0.89229 0.60948 0.5252 0.66726 0.87239 0.96715 0.27014 0.25443 0.73688 0.66247 0.95684 0.91605 0.74664 0.15148 0.77905 0.9582 0.43434 0.20078 0.12978 0.27832 0.28545 0.31365 0.42056 0.7503 0.02939 0.72479 0.28534 0.55632 0.93185 0.15108 0.7726 0.49746 0.2113 0.98165 0.21064 0.60245 0.56898 0.89577 0.89158 0.70574 0.81849 0.9595 0.88168 0.83933 0.66134 0.42836 0.74699 0.44257 0.03145 0.48649 0.02691 0.91457 0.11577 0.96089 0.78943 0.28429 0.81127 0.97503 0.25135 0.16085 0.58885 0.06261 0.59607 0.55849 0.58075 0.07056 0.11413 0.3576 0.90435 0.09018 0.27287 0.53384 0.29083 0.96638 0.05157 0.30441 0.872 0.79032 0.59208 0.33441 0.51112 0.57107 0.86999 0.52166 0.68461 0.43116 0.22091 0.99112 0.87502 0.6458 0.14451 0.89997 0.03006 0.44706 0.27736 0.83448 0.37143 0.19411 0.23783 0.67582 0.69983 0.57312 0.3937 0.58633 0.82201 0.82156 0.67196 0.429 0.105 0.98271 0.2272 0.90844 0.53329 0.76784 0.24174 0.33909 0.5952 0.45515 0.6273 0.13736 0.48802 0.09596 0.37723 0.68338 0.7479 0.19546 0.12317 0.67523 0.20427 0.18405 0.75631 0.5955 0.56987 0.15414 0.90271 0.40586 0.65193 0.28572 0.48637 0.26189 0.01272 0.42557 0.48116 0.68153 0.7193 0.2433 0.79953 0.85456 0.89299 0.7712 0.50644 0.9818 0.79641 0.75394 0.27535 0.27746 0.03006 0.20371 0.4716 0.15173 0.19302 0.54113 0.93954 0.17846 0.83363 0.97465 0.86141 0.53308 0.60222 0.92536 0.40975 0.51904 0.30684 0.7111 0.2417 0.89916 0.68337 0.20587 0.93753 0.36588 0.65617 0.25835 0.79351 0.7104 0.29188 0.79414 0.45219 0.04809 0.5318 0.98583 0.3519 0.4417 0.629 0.0104 0.51641 0.79627 0.90224 0.22197 0.71366 0.97089 0.14865 0.42961 0.63468 0.63577 0.4013 0.19458 0.19931 0.04985 0.08915 0.44393 0.05788 0.64905 0.93657 0.20491 0.39371 0.3215 0.84301 0.4433 0.70971 0.12058 0.92982 0.14174 0.67004 0.7002 0.42675 0.58865 0.90912 0.92599 0.17002 0.22478 0.18272 0.76605 0.09703 0.27608 0.95961 0.83884 0.73276 0.41841 0.61904 0.0594 0.7766 0.10673 0.85619 0.4173 0.76105 0.52131 0.16447 0.20331 0.10712 0.831 0.27418 0.73604 0.48997 0.83431 0.99293 0.0677 0.09287 0.31737 0.83418 0.40285 0.16915 0.332 0.65949 0.26888 0.54995 0.83081 0.92156 0.24113 0.40626 0.6904 0.90189 0.92104 0.56344 0.68886 0.64661 0.46555 0.80336 0.466 0.09095 0.09777 0.27428 0.34788 0.33699 0.88144 0.63801 0.74903 0.48563 0.71885 0.66881 0.10092 0.48335 0.64745 0.5107 0.39966 0.87397 0.91829 0.80632 0.87399 0.03626 0.19963 0.32537 0.7419 0.57241 0.65573 0.04291 0.04775 0.83654 0.83454 0.52788 0.57991 0.66381 0.26384 0.76584 0.05845 0.304 0.03126 0.07885 0.89411 0.98796 0.71406 0.29867 0.15896 0.60702 0.87739 0.26597 0.25541 0.95804 0.05672 0.58004 0.98944 0.45951 0.10205 0.9925 0.12333 0.79767 0.78803 0.40467 0.44733 0.37902 0.23932 0.10145 0.87494 0.76288 0.07855 0.59521 0.8724 0.01526 0.29056 0.96023 0.32629 0.01415 0.45022 0.64908 0.64874 0.48462 0.00649 0.81875 0.53918 0.21574 0.26049 0.16253 0.51911 0.19605 0.52505 0.20672 0.10061 0.51448 0.41642 0.25991 0.34647 0.62741 0.09644 0.46653 0.65453 0.86528 0.24919 0.47403 0.51116 0.27039 0.17675 0.83308 0.09484 0.70133 0.66823 0.41496 0.74781 0.79362 0.76734 0.36975 0.20052 0.06284 0.69468 0.85638 0.608 0.0344 0.25559 0.6751 0.60169 0.38699 0.81713 0.93439 0.58142 0.65975 0.02166 0.24025 0.73785 0.65815 0.82558 0.25409 0.55204 0.15408 0.09789 0.40241 0.44492
+0.02772 0.96724 0.48165 0.8004 0.10378 0.84224 0.48877 0.52714 0.8867 0.43709 0.45111 0.35368 0.19402 0.96542 0.34115 0.62626 0.62954 0.61449 0.15543 0.94522 0.76592 0.3405 0.0351 0.66442 0.41692 0.95293 0.42331 0.20066 0.27462 0.4038 0.87735 0.31657 0.51149 0.39431 0.21932 0.98491 0.91701 0.16398 0.12937 0.55195 0.15402 0.50019 0.85905 0.41212 0.41241 0.31435 0.32742 0.94591 0.44577 0.2235 0.01945 0.60461 0.82808 0.00921 0.15962 0.21519 0.80863 0.64781 0.81919 0.76934 0.04336 0.46985 0.24296 0.24496 0.15547 0.20708 0.38227 0.94644 0.27982 0.98692 0.75149 0.29927 0.4806 0.08328 0.38065 0.0571 0.00792 0.45755 0.11694 0.5685 0.06108 0.45739 0.19772 0.55659 0.86333 0.34697 0.50256 0.70131 0.4986 0.70897 0.24919 0.86629 0.03047 0.98427 0.9709 0.99517 0.53442 0.32378 0.03118 0.78097 0.54524 0.53658 0.92116 0.10334 0.3337 0.89731 0.65869 0.82141 0.26423 0.64086 0.56605 0.8961 0.0917 0.08676 0.9745 0.25911 0.97764 0.47974 0.48451 0.16979 0.4432 0.47141 0.35633 0.96493 0.44253 0.9714 0.33432 0.55489 0.39098 0.25042 0.00606 0.54534 0.07483 0.83798 0.54043 0.9269 0.6803 0.67845 0.71701 0.10906 0.46256 0.22133 0.84157 0.73151 0.20236 0.86617 0.31237 0.4387 0.41813 0.60543 0.84971 0.73946 0.1125 0.60826 0.69618 0.64174 0.19379 0.69878 0.39318 0.72045 0.18885 0.6965 0.55209 0.16824 0.59882 0.37454 0.92665 0.27908 0.72581 0.89308 0.86543 0.28222 0.50661 0.49249 0.28746 0.00269 0.54683 0.23175 0.46604 0.45182 0.79821 0.68342 0.21138 0.25527 0.68669 0.55172 0.54821 0.97249 0.61213 0.07134 0.30142 0.70357 0.15476 0.68803 0.37418 0.73293 0.5886 0.39679 0.79953 0.71175 0.13938 0.19647 0.2595 0.48389 0.18126 0.88155 0.19775 0.79841 0.01854 0.6114 0.53419 0.32694 0.65789 0.77881 0.92431 0.70066 0.10058 0.9021 0.16394 0.55245 0.46446 0.39833 0.41813 0.58681 0.38108 0.9651 0.66621 0.23566 0.64404 0.65835 0.05821 0.71132 0.86044 0.48289 0.73775 0.88309 0.31674 0.48707 0.56947 0.19993 0.7698 0.38156 0.42962 0.59722 0.32079 0.10344 0.82289 0.66195 0.25478 0.44551 0.69753 0.32167 0.60223 0.06375 0.05708 0.24236 0.60292 0.89338 0.58578 0.68286 0.76282 0.44026 0.22945 0.07307 0.60055 0.39985 0.01709 0.86755 0.13122 0.38317 0.37213 0.31301 0.34584 0.32565 0.59097 0.6779 0.58014 0.29037 0.29106 0.24681 0.676 0.25397 0.33562 0.31343 0.01981 0.10744 0.46896 0.97636 0.3783 0.92871 0.55208 0.41941 0.49099 0.27366 0.96871 0.53467 0.13333 0.86881 0.01148 0.53688 0.14991 0.03859 0.26557 0.57577 0.13638 0.33199 0.19226 0.8564 0.68589 0.23973 0.38094 0.65198 0.28207 0.47539 0.11703 0.7835 0.84715 0.13131 0.25117 0.80928 0.25584 0.08671 0.78965 0.89811 0.48421 0.57257 0.71183 0.50671 0.38858 0.33691 0.31902 0.34125 0.56103 0.59368 0.64786 0.00549 0.37775 0.14792 0.95208 0.5416 0.26691 0.44825 0.36508 0.86519 0.36689 0.25642 0.11028 0.17564 0.76837 0.78804 0.11728 0.06162 0.06266 0.49217 0.85394 0.19178 0.33719 0.15473 0.32471 0.31986 0.37535 0.43764 0.7147 0.7818 0.75373 0.94343 0.49114 0.27391 0.03702 0.07914 0.56491 0.70631 0.04705 0.46584 0.98348 0.81628 0.74842 0.31725 0.78413 0.2278 0.17115 0.41555 0.55968 0.22456 0.79645 0.97368 0.66203 0.3001 0.60967 0.6997 0.45999 0.55031 0.26435 0.99208 0.82951 0.36409 0.60637 0.73488 0.81539 0.86917 0.85548 0.4662 0.98002 0.31184 0.82292 0.73548 0.62683 0.52517 0.69274 0.2997 0.92262 0.84764 0.72661 0.18324 0.43835 0.46728 0.07287 0.63557 0.9321 0.54121 0.14159 0.90152 0.10492 0.57518 0.33429 0.61429 0.86063 0.72806 0.39514 0.77231 0.42526 0.65811 0.78721 0.43639 0.64286 0.42906 0.6229 0.36125 0.69145 0.42912 0.06237 0.21838 0.17503 0.2036 0.73423 0.66369 0.35204 0.04195 0.16316 0.52619 0.39887 0.55209 0.34742 0.85617 0.41188 0.62158 0.15356 0.06373 0.97774 0.3437 0.58572 0.30197 0.41411 0.97055 0.72733 0.63595 0.67282 0.36769 0.58435 0.50973 0.22132 0.36362 0.47741 0.87651 0.12042 0.98025 0.41017 0.79518 0.87143 0.17907 0.60632 0.3132 0.61174 0.8464 0.63038 0.26995 0.32626 0.32288 0.14541 0.96296 0.04152 0.49657 0.43588 0.87642 0.79841 0.92473 0.48662 0.27751 0.80996 0.94586 0.32188 0.75794 0.92561 0.57773 0.85517 0.45353 0.18659 0.15419 0.70685 0.16581 0.66054 0.45007
+0.72846 0.33202 0.32332 0.02868 0.9155 0.97215 0.08699 0.06784 0.86561 0.4737 0.55575 0.1204 0.39674 0.12119 0.97481 0.71886 0.59186 0.5794 0.33716 0.03846 0.7697 0.1011 0.26322 0.37312 0.05544 0.494 0.81202 0.88961 0.06738 0.74424 0.8519 0.81938 0.48395 0.01053 0.58166 0.15584 0.3946 0.58883 0.40763 0.93639 0.68892 0.60889 0.95887 0.31628 0.07758 0.46171 0.64631 0.84038 0.07247 0.34137 0.00234 0.07531 0.33739 0.88076 0.21803 0.35145 0.23425 0.2434 0.62756 0.82135 0.49356 0.605 0.24199 0.35549 0.86539 0.51202 0.0101 0.66477 0.408 0.71024 0.99888 0.51933 0.18865 0.76263 0.63154 0.87225 0.99573 0.22617 0.04738 0.59469 0.41574 0.59255 0.52588 0.07344 0.57784 0.19373 0.32982 0.89438 0.0606 0.22477 0.00679 0.29822 0.2168 0.4733 0.04518 0.00575 0.09474 0.10331 0.66833 0.86756 0.35998 0.59578 0.48211 0.14008 0.26853 0.8897 0.31729 0.45882 0.78594 0.37056 0.30045 0.74398 0.53318 0.94442 0.38818 0.30286 0.78624 0.73856 0.00656 0.78878 0.29824 0.59089 0.6569 0.31759 0.65934 0.76517 0.06013 0.49059 0.27098 0.98867 0.93692 0.10036 0.07812 0.79681 0.39027 0.60596 0.16964 0.60906 0.06801 0.9397 0.05368 0.53007 0.53731 0.81556 0.62251 0.71473 0.8974 0.72408 0.32302 0.66781 0.82234 0.51018 0.80902 0.7269 0.35645 0.7897 0.51392 0.69619 0.56615 0.95391 0.40393 0.40104 0.37476 0.93417 0.62264 0.30108 0.2675 0.82539 0.00013 0.12996 0.96402 0.54193 0.17566 0.48626 0.24411 0.40284 0.79675 0.57579 0.73803 0.50497 0.76981 0.12613 0.83334 0.19446 0.30049 0.99886 0.03215 0.04961 0.67628 0.51095 0.3342 0.27487 0.72045 0.13509 0.49121 0.49218 0.01817 0.48723 0.63334 0.07896 0.47295 0.67503 0.67554 0.72234 0.23108 0.17521 0.31378 0.31805 0.53567 0.90557 0.44731 0.21499 0.78885 0.59391 0.30109 0.73961 0.32416 0.02824 0.44162 0.75243 0.63773 0.08296 0.08793 0.32608 0.97849 0.10068 0.30084 0.76308 0.96787 0.1193 0.97308 0.75723 0.07505 0.77106 0.86559 0.15781 0.35008 0.2471 0.79772 0.10971 0.58963 0.21128 0.03528 0.11705 0.15113 0.17051 0.53027 0.61643 0.83844 0.70447 0.10033 0.69413 0.3797 0.40972 0.17469 0.44755 0.61155 0.79926 0.59028 0.8491 0.3988 0.46114 0.00869 0.29239 0.29306 0.51555 0.5533 0.24596 0.05743 0.83219 0.35689 0.18648 0.84037 0.97086 0.83826 0.9223 0.66973 0.4129 0.51421 0.32961 0.08938 0.35471 0.22948 0.61307 0.69931 0.71049 0.96109 0.81855 0.1496 0.34262 0.62008 0.76686 0.11012 0.53086 0.62133 0.53491 0.21946 0.59563 0.0875 0.02547 0.57453 0.51522 0.37866 0.81795 0.5599 0.15084 0.45945 0.60551 0.56995 0.99103 0.46224 0.00327 0.19012 0.64655 0.26682 0.43997 0.70463 0.76339 0.61262 0.71078 0.01052 0.66355 0.83774 0.23081 0.97049 0.24662 0.73543 0.20749 0.10982 0.38443 0.97029 0.6162 0.42602 0.75495 0.7186 0.25377 0.91283 0.28555 0.99088 0.34029 0.98199 0.71803 0.00262 0.10908 0.3812 0.69761 0.22781 0.74157 0.61972 0.94605 0.60714 0.50663 0.67541 0.84853 0.43338 0.20097 0.52247 0.15089 0.90459 0.55246 0.35206 0.3284 0.41159 0.61 0.58723 0.61363 0.85291 0.32525 0.7009 0.62216 0.67588 0.32284 0.92459 0.20286 0.30368 0.48244 0.42144 0.87238 0.74373 0.15174 0.60846 0.03424 0.90833 0.58358 0.26604 0.26075 0.01779 0.61261 0.4217 0.55157 0.53365 0.57641 0.2973 0.03115 0.77254 0.20661 0.19352 0.86442 0.18832 0.04757 0.04786 0.53078 0.26456 0.86675 0.00884 0.41402 0.17277 0.23171 0.08862 0.97533 0.93303 0.44157 0.86473 0.15538 0.91636 0.7726 0.32001 0.21628 0.78336 0.49845 0.56258 0.72571 0.59496 0.82182 0.4992 0.84951 0.70294 0.50266 0.51271 0.20124 0.3865 0.57988 0.67333 0.8604 0.21825 0.86801 0.4898 0.88703 0.44387 0.88031 0.7103 0.6123 0.89455 0.21709 0.54749 0.47173 0.00226 0.87682 0.3386 0.31216 0.13998 0.3428 0.8965 0.59975 0.1153 0.20673 0.83933 0.29388 0.38527 0.69075 0.68682 0.15444 0.23013 0.89161 0.33155 0.97017 0.27331 0.17534 0.66198 0.7217 0.54288 0.5995 0.62756 0.12154 0.52175 0.20954 0.97943 0.66626 0.47875 0.6189 0.12179 0.88722 0.79772 0.06916 0.03227 0.96 0.43598 0.7356 0.3166 0.95539 0.51215 0.51777 0.60931 0.98456 0.18313 0.46542 0.86288 0.30185 0.20031 0.21387 0.15248 0.33264 0.2178 0.23025 0.84486 0.61668 0.95997 0.17272 0.78172 0.79924 0.36258 0.6009
+0.79803 0.31284 0.89317 0.82228 0.31252 0.28192 0.53763 0.3138 0.63107 0.92652 0.82655 0.19994 0.45152 0.32114 0.50242 0.85116 0.16376 0.49185 0.75364 0.81767 0.45328 0.62582 0.54694 0.39378 0.63038 0.58869 0.58754 0.93375 0.26078 0.93074 0.19421 0.96743 0.48646 0.87116 0.151 0.52046 0.36658 0.27215 0.64334 0.24218 0.64084 0.25151 0.46264 0.77381 0.07062 0.31165 0.82197 0.2131 0.95332 0.53807 0.44365 0.51935 0.07145 0.04878 0.79107 0.7155 0.33005 0.93222 0.01896 0.69818 0.88602 0.89538 0.90309 0.57871 0.46793 0.508 0.72071 0.44474 0.4484 0.2783 0.19752 0.05284 0.61732 0.87789 0.82486 0.68407 0.79301 0.61463 0.03405 0.68265 0.49016 0.73028 0.06353 0.64385 0.33135 0.60028 0.29227 0.60848 0.72091 0.88721 0.45316 0.19152 0.21223 0.43325 0.20517 0.84154 0.17142 0.81435 0.48546 0.09718 0.9532 0.17196 0.61951 0.74007 0.38377 0.68329 0.78872 0.2581 0.56613 0.50045 0.68116 0.95794 0.96082 0.79357 0.21434 0.14082 0.5338 0.17873 0.19022 0.12051 0.63069 0.40483 0.46151 0.77814 0.34123 0.53763 0.68847 0.02112 0.19697 0.29589 0.36801 0.19749 0.60454 0.75436 0.87501 0.35098 0.42423 0.26463 0.00964 0.30005 0.07958 0.0698 0.73289 0.19235 0.53368 0.62691 0.99057 0.16723 0.07268 0.16299 0.21721 0.90845 0.80434 0.39632 0.78833 0.90633 0.23732 0.41768 0.25779 0.67399 0.61059 0.94168 0.70446 0.77216 0.14367 0.66927 0.1034 0.03586 0.24309 0.61615 0.94052 0.55465 0.11745 0.23399 0.42637 0.94587 0.03543 0.53106 0.93217 0.0858 0.24769 0.86996 0.84542 0.39444 0.64929 0.06823 0.29377 0.82703 0.60668 0.02525 0.75747 0.09124 0.13744 0.87626 0.63178 0.69623 0.20158 0.61412 0.36504 0.12121 0.46863 0.11811 0.3843 0.17052 0.42703 0.11237 0.21398 0.8887 0.96806 0.3409 0.65446 0.95749 0.01051 0.80734 0.28064 0.11018 0.32846 0.12519 0.32465 0.48157 0.98186 0.50115 0.30284 0.76964 0.05868 0.02223 0.57836 0.9899 0.71443 0.74754 0.97833 0.2934 0.95504 0.65336 0.65112 0.45196 0.42567 0.93519 0.84619 0.00031 0.96958 0.69749 0.55727 0.25871 0.71127 0.10024 0.78678 0.49477 0.64391 0.58961 0.54164 0.85247 0.67933 0.97649 0.51117 0.82151 0.67561 0.70964 0.43791 0.67776 0.45712 0.17169 0.93985 0.36034 0.94381 0.93173 0.53742 0.39715 0.25368 0.29623 0.33569 0.3213 0.08118 0.22695 0.40166 0.61219 0.35777 0.98947 0.1327 0.95517 0.09254 0.71554 0.13725 0.77254 0.82104 0.15798 0.98126 0.66805 0.31202 0.36112 0.41973 0.3917 0.34974 0.67694 0.20372 0.77548 0.70122 0.52826 0.7466 0.94943 0.7001 0.68144 0.46192 0.69253 0.31716 0.82109 0.44842 0.23281 0.27864 0.35211 0.53732 0.57734 0.66588 0.6917 0.32348 0.86997 0.69418 0.18759 0.45032 0.62231 0.38047 0.50721 0.7767 0.10081 0.50077 0.45293 0.19876 0.91843 0.36301 0.95937 0.7623 0.19257 0.16427 0.91862 0.04546 0.77342 0.16116 0.19617 0.5368 0.2864 0.64871 0.08519 0.45705 0.52618 0.33964 0.01689 0.22903 0.4802 0.68067 0.03604 0.24317 0.10998 0.14406 0.96775 0.52612 0.2926 0.99809 0.99347 0.25949 0.54792 0.18635 0.5764 0.83485 0.24472 0.63721 0.51092 0.52362 0.17924 0.44036 0.496 0.88172 0.54172 0.99557 0.84459 0.46135 0.23493 0.62898 0.05473 0.01836 0.43789 0.35016 0.47476 0.84605 0.91555 0.81251 0.58391 0.34706 0.20625 0.96362 0.88119 0.37437 0.83653 0.97346 0.87876 0.90181 0.06224 0.16917 0.77425 0.81418 0.57853 0.52767 0.58229 0.37205 0.83704 0.77808 0.55247 0.30134 0.41161 0.05851 0.72123 0.64107 0.86777 0.79254 0.0446 0.73405 0.79018 0.20284 0.35891 0.99369 0.76286 0.28988 0.40754 0.48754 0.22446 0.7582 0.84546 0.8745 0.7174 0.44013 0.20177 0.22976 0.91601 0.56802 0.24049 0.63312 0.82733 0.35708 0.71473 0.76485 0.86978 0.11767 0.82786 0.68758 0.34005 0.63576 0.07637 0.17734 0.29123 0.12799 0.68057 0.70125 0.99405 0.89672 0.36228 0.03247 0.99582 0.16215 0.1943 0.9797 0.0805 0.3615 0.78277 0.12083 0.35564 0.22274 0.66641 0.10427 0.90858 0.66964 0.42362 0.7114 0.09392 0.21811 0.33417 0.03777 0.68827 0.95397 0.34367 0.81908 0.31592 0.81762 0.86712 0.3027 0.64645 0.07014 0.88268 0.22146 0.26394 0.86213 0.46604 0.8797 0.4412 0.70833 0.05151 0.69252 0.36978 0.5918 0.93593 0.68358 0.99762 0.87099 0.93617 0.87385 0.97843 0.57597 0.59832 0.01898 0.80125 0.28985 0.47079 0.79329 0.67078
+0.15913 0.80458 0.63116 0.1055 0.76605 0.17739 0.86101 0.73737 0.11618 0.77768 0.63945 0.42185 0.32641 0.44 0.63778 0.75046 0.00272 0.60107 0.3221 0.40163 0.80498 0.86073 0.59464 0.02984 0.69817 0.92432 0.86609 0.01915 0.06939 0.56669 0.95658 0.99553 0.623 0.5664 0.90456 0.61479 0.05416 0.34194 0.2751 0.49643 0.34371 0.74779 0.08734 0.27383 0.9664 0.8301 0.64402 0.59975 0.82752 0.39857 0.40727 0.98674 0.27079 0.07025 0.57501 0.41961 0.71743 0.33864 0.57926 0.75892 0.47795 0.02019 0.74847 0.0268 0.39682 0.6293 0.82148 0.46988 0.6113 0.48774 0.16807 0.35837 0.97731 0.35085 0.12339 0.16818 0.22815 0.51375 0.37881 0.43742 0.05099 0.34006 0.65934 0.99758 0.39892 0.08302 0.8418 0.35529 0.17392 0.18608 0.51149 0.68342 0.93502 0.71586 0.7746 0.14301 0.74373 0.01072 0.08471 0.73829 0.27873 0.55537 0.92579 0.9355 0.22275 0.29212 0.81075 0.39503 0.35268 0.31339 0.12537 0.55574 0.12592 0.77731 0.29807 0.6444 0.9341 0.66048 0.79092 0.2673 0.1669 0.96277 0.24231 0.79368 0.22041 0.55621 0.17796 0.05019 0.26667 0.8122 0.5126 0.79317 0.03799 0.04995 0.41573 0.23884 0.66293 0.07409 0.05525 0.91749 0.81637 0.25821 0.14585 0.09528 0.23804 0.97865 0.14405 0.57969 0.64266 0.73326 0.55135 0.28845 0.88697 0.98492 0.97708 0.02298 0.29676 0.20469 0.54466 0.73599 0.96342 0.79723 0.19041 0.39819 0.04735 0.12809 0.19625 0.22597 0.12125 0.09168 0.26092 0.30985 0.07182 0.39455 0.62171 0.02053 0.64637 0.50592 0.22735 0.52609 0.94637 0.89925 0.46103 0.77044 0.25288 0.30232 0.70139 0.56977 0.06714 0.82938 0.70468 0.56986 0.34712 0.76772 0.45299 0.38154 0.31518 0.58271 0.45066 0.82032 0.68683 0.88809 0.74065 0.83628 0.73833 0.11308 0.74571 0.97798 0.3896 0.0878 0.67928 0.09123 0.06482 0.65098 0.41844 0.042 0.33891 0.965 0.91236 0.66658 0.43839 0.09603 0.89835 0.43461 0.23604 0.58669 0.80373 0.10087 0.38521 0.92367 0.29598 0.17704 0.18538 0.46843 0.23693 0.86552 0.27292 0.28657 0.89806 0.90262 0.05056 0.49896 0.37957 0.48693 0.87138 0.63479 0.75676 0.42599 0.11714 0.60976 0.87496 0.51796 0.36257 0.83043 0.80297 0.64136 0.4804 0.91617 0.18219 0.13823 0.52795 0.62663 0.14713 0.13979 0.78194 0.28609 0.6932 0.27123 0.13336 0.82699 0.58613 0.43854 0.65922 0.58597 0.93705 0.71442 0.84474 0.85123 0.76081 0.98574 0.36965 0.97646 0.52094 0.21587 0.95908 0.01649 0.2838 0.72009 0.74706 0.40732 0.92258 0.99364 0.21886 0.98274 0.65242 0.70156 0.02448 0.10028 0.59606 0.99992 0.906 0.60188 0.28274 0.27355 0.65785 0.46144 0.35551 0.42858 0.77121 0.35853 0.05782 0.48476 0.39221 0.24419 0.79504 0.06989 0.57161 0.78366 0.57642 0.83336 0.54573 0.83036 0.07733 0.33622 0.7601 0.13289 0.15504 0.18875 0.06233 0.54954 0.19812 0.10381 0.43608 0.12314 0.19448 0.32556 0.89041 0.54742 0.19294 0.37567 0.61259 0.73367 0.10998 0.35293 0.55341 0.61387 0.01022 0.06932 0.85493 0.14111 0.18576 0.05251 0.91932 0.99678 0.08561 0.83397 0.34683 0.74337 0.775 0.64978 0.53373 0.16814 0.90276 0.04608 0.01574 0.57793 0.95214 0.5089 0.56905 0.34694 0.69583 0.13413 0.68635 0.82172 0.33754 0.03568 0.91312 0.32748 0.65605 0.08091 0.20496 0.54012 0.8233 0.60201 0.16847 0.34941 0.93074 0.96304 0.0711 0.0618 0.54542 0.83225 0.41466 0.26419 0.43864 0.61486 0.49889 0.60989 0.5237 0.87812 0.11892 0.43434 0.75526 0.45553 0.64938 0.09354 0.86457 0.82804 0.51553 0.93425 0.23479 0.86216 0.56988 0.37425 0.11262 0.94886 0.03519 0.28626 0.20053 0.91839 0.80447 0.16603 0.72007 0.03587 0.9693 0.72814 0.7585 0.35416 0.50555 0.36968 0.21855 0.79629 0.88771 0.16961 0.73028 0.55913 0.73137 0.9857 0.3607 0.64973 0.70837 0.84287 0.8608 0.26654 0.05049 0.93584 0.05735 0.41148 0.06203 0.79907 0.30431 0.59803 0.05773 0.90531 0.67752 0.78321 0.41287 0.10008 0.80811 0.36975 0.45121 0.89564 0.12293 0.92479 0.32108 0.11308 0.95836 0.27137 0.34544 0.22504 0.38856 0.58088 0.68686 0.61156 0.50551 0.32216 0.27308 0.23828 0.12156 0.15363 0.20471 0.08357 0.18958 0.59936 0.85754 0.78648 0.18075 0.7872 0.313 0.12521 0.74868 0.40824 0.83819 0.68788 0.64058 0.11372 0.59258 0.28296 0.86678 0.81405 0.98446 0.24682 0.83859 0.36264 0.5429 0.61938 0.40804 0.47508 0.33564 0.53778 0.73268 0.41975
+0.38603 0.12026 0.7943 0.95704 0.46132 0.8674 0.64697 0.68606 0.17055 0.06478 0.49046 0.7653 0.65736 0.81072 0.55854 0.51543 0.07814 0.63301 0.30351 0.25194 0.57746 0.71346 0.82518 0.90723 0.47574 0.52524 0.47288 0.59062 0.02592 0.29577 0.29069 0.98161 0.73783 0.91303 0.13558 0.31467 0.09037 0.93588 0.52382 0.86769 0.44794 0.11755 0.29466 0.19819 0.13568 0.52543 0.03901 0.51813 0.21698 0.29558 0.77116 0.23515 0.49137 0.12483 0.2186 0.16365 0.4151 0.16626 0.90386 0.41082 0.35355 0.40924 0.24268 0.93368 0.44788 0.37016 0.9403 0.35758 0.5866 0.75826 0.13409 0.4 0.26936 0.99293 0.70483 0.40665 0.17846 0.08095 0.14 0.47018 0.77613 0.89836 0.1842 0.48671 0.71072 0.36045 0.63453 0.1545 0.00654 0.56734 0.09997 0.77511 0.90892 0.50541 0.56866 0.99328 0.57881 0.00585 0.79061 0.5588 0.7888 0.39087 0.90885 0.85113 0.26879 0.4356 0.38202 0.36384 0.17256 0.97926 0.45478 0.7802 0.69132 0.82972 0.29762 0.40849 0.1603 0.79557 0.24945 0.87828 0.21226 0.30051 0.0458 0.6902 0.80016 0.41605 0.29043 0.46192 0.85809 0.97605 0.08975 0.1404 0.63475 0.08094 0.89622 0.34442 0.17321 0.41889 0.60696 0.93527 0.95748 0.3895 0.76133 0.61408 0.47708 0.68803 0.38052 0.35976 0.37625 0.22554 0.7717 0.47696 0.34161 0.04375 0.36498 0.3205 0.85837 0.20341 0.59769 0.55626 0.94468 0.0026 0.47474 0.02717 0.78246 0.9219 0.78734 0.81787 0.84408 0.42917 0.88654 0.4948 0.14327 0.03896 0.27879 0.51268 0.23216 0.57083 0.82663 0.90365 0.67249 0.0366 0.6749 0.90044 0.80851 0.01315 0.05957 0.93716 0.35318 0.08923 0.70908 0.95137 0.03798 0.56172 0.78746 0.81393 0.64514 0.78096 0.18218 0.98369 0.29933 0.25966 0.40915 0.66906 0.07323 0.68616 0.73583 0.0212 0.76831 0.23892 0.76304 0.72482 0.92232 0.38099 0.20894 0.57535 0.67004 0.87393 0.00026 0.56806 0.78665 0.88163 0.772 0.35843 0.81782 0.91832 0.71871 0.16537 0.2342 0.69061 0.57769 0.7254 0.03646 0.38925 0.35522 0.90551 0.59307 0.46839 0.41061 0.98361 0.87984 0.46965 0.76317 0.941 0.58466 0.87133 0.13887 0.5724 0.74294 0.39684 0.92593 0.36686 0.88905 0.35493 0.88518 0.89544 0.02566 0.78549 0.09129 0.88205 0.80527 0.03379 0.23081 0.45894 0.69166 0.62511 0.6574 0.49015 0.33934 0.21316 0.42863 0.36523 0.45909 0.79843 0.77241 0.79331 0.97781 0.92739 0.60907 0.64106 0.42222 0.8983 0.46567 0.72435 0.70098 0.747 0.04708 0.38002 0.34359 0.15334 0.59923 0.96803 0.22592 0.81843 0.46942 0.04724 0.82167 0.82579 0.68303 0.19898 0.60936 0.98489 0.25657 0.09324 0.83541 0.63789 0.47631 0.29935 0.81979 0.02852 0.88187 0.47393 0.13349 0.55889 0.90961 0.02275 0.93087 0.22517 0.74325 0.74609 0.78398 0.86608 0.50809 0.03595 0.31189 0.39322 0.14626 0.07644 0.44486 0.46502 0.13627 0.64544 0.8285 0.62532 0.02455 0.80993 0.62949 0.75255 0.33102 0.96106 0.96871 0.93651 0.62687 0.63989 0.18962 0.46219 0.53725 0.00871 0.55677 0.0126 0.45325 0.91402 0.2637 0.56979 0.97815 0.0352 0.01443 0.9032 0.76222 0.2577 0.53067 0.88931 0.26599 0.80651 0.59085 0.9682 0.28946 0.43455 0.14168 0.46462 0.16753 0.64535 0.32073 0.39447 0.62276 0.17546 0.04042 0.38328 0.83253 0.25461 0.73372 0.52768 0.22858 0.30774 0.72961 0.48229 0.98621 0.1386 0.22449 0.77812 0.58174 0.612 0.54487 0.33576 0.74173 0.78064 0.78746 0.63365 0.29083 0.75419 0.86936 0.77658 0.53657 0.77541 0.53968 0.41305 0.06906 0.89138 0.74752 0.4929 0.68457 0.06867 0.24664 0.00752 0.02176 0.78308 0.7879 0.66977 0.58739 0.01183 0.96879 0.59511 0.88498 0.95056 0.03116 0.42014 0.46546 0.80864 0.12576 0.18956 0.20538 0.32938 0.12634 0.41009 0.28746 0.54695 0.29392 0.92707 0.02639 0.50167 0.83645 0.44538 0.80213 0.2722 0.84289 0.12388 0.51683 0.52933 0.68519 0.82551 0.33595 0.72176 0.79116 0.86493 0.99151 0.34902 0.29908 0.19098 0.93148 0.66683 0.9052 0.86451 0.19797 0.38013 0.57215 0.11602 0.51172 0.16606 0.85699 0.05715 0.5602 0.44005 0.6839 0.37547 0.1777 0.38145 0.39918 0.79195 0.4413 0.79804 0.81988 0.96097 0.6505 0.33261 0.33022 0.92451 0.58938 0.27894 0.88132 0.12831 0.60664 0.13388 0.99537 0.93608 0.13878 0.96956 0.89251 0.99682 0.93317 0.20334 0.49486 0.67342 0.91779 0.8033 0.83429 0.69164 0.19623 0.63217 0.48927 0.82212 0.11405 0.85615
+0.28958 0.39039 0.31818 0.15441 0.28399 0.2078 0.89346 0.37491 0.34533 0.87191 0.86209 0.77957 0.63988 0.04778 0.28597 0.13334 0.09868 0.23637 0.69152 0.31329 0.36196 0.31946 0.24284 0.80557 0.72827 0.03248 0.26179 0.75744 0.4779 0.14934 0.01458 0.51487 0.72058 0.36409 0.16971 0.19568 0.03669 0.44132 0.26594 0.54982 0.43957 0.5106 0.34543 0.92509 0.52177 0.35825 0.20677 0.43889 0.31076 0.11166 0.9016 0.68768 0.46363 0.44897 0.25784 0.73516 0.53161 0.68117 0.78515 0.87939 0.51728 0.67685 0.12842 0.7109 0.01996 0.99039 0.13632 0.79979 0.42856 0.439 0.39821 0.47689 0.69562 0.94101 0.78245 0.26539 0.49808 0.52284 0.44967 0.83234 0.02392 0.86378 0.17524 0.17514 0.97288 0.65906 0.5747 0.77684 0.317 0.09452 0.86123 0.35008 0.15529 0.48168 0.49894 0.20466 0.2984 0.22914 0.19265 0.95073 0.424 0.32729 0.17454 0.67822 0.87263 0.30049 0.4043 0.1 0.18559 0.93548 0.71062 0.57205 0.87269 0.62344 0.90668 0.24899 0.71293 0.38211 0.46225 0.57837 0.08985 0.92749 0.16172 0.40971 0.87887 0.30085 0.0548 0.23734 0.89689 0.46708 0.35184 0.3843 0.25822 0.88176 0.18459 0.69727 0.51281 0.59973 0.61386 0.62731 0.6899 0.07144 0.05835 0.41196 0.52907 0.69201 0.32226 0.15729 0.89004 0.65194 0.58542 0.28195 0.97641 0.94681 0.16186 0.29298 0.51725 0.72362 0.19157 0.36238 0.8771 0.21745 0.85862 0.88498 0.28376 0.46468 0.11407 0.07446 0.34603 0.21216 0.90069 0.72099 0.96941 0.87535 0.64238 0.90208 0.252 0.81965 0.85595 0.47412 0.07043 0.54538 0.31909 0.06343 0.52835 0.50886 0.67205 0.42921 0.35957 0.49037 0.36097 0.10423 0.03055 0.45999 0.01778 0.90321 0.21915 0.90986 0.67636 0.93504 0.52732 0.45628 0.72051 0.26713 0.13906 0.1946 0.30132 0.17083 0.07013 0.31454 0.69642 0.2807 0.57718 0.47977 0.65112 0.55675 0.56707 0.63031 0.27679 0.97698 0.01699 0.68767 0.25324 0.58663 0.32166 0.2356 0.40384 0.0757 0.32995 0.4562 0.39154 0.17629 0.87783 0.61103 0.48293 0.76997 0.10268 0.17907 0.61605 0.42864 0.35951 0.64556 0.29986 0.66058 0.08284 0.95117 0.13261 0.44893 0.66276 0.29689 0.6396 0.64902 0.142 0.82722 0.65766 0.13174 0.54975 0.00315 0.43914 0.30869 0.1342 0.07397 0.00658 0.98102 0.07172 0.19138 0.28684 0.02248 0.62009 0.89683 0.74977 0.04768 0.8689 0.60456 0.52818 0.16324 0.42394 0.48765 0.15483 0.47279 0.06923 0.11579 0.00272 0.0902 0.28966 0.77065 0.05916 0.8589 0.62456 0.64713 0.40402 0.88825 0.06297 0.45051 0.82221 0.69497 0.54392 0.37468 0.43701 0.24526 0.46387 0.69795 0.02753 0.19528 0.88811 0.13799 0.04888 0.19687 0.74221 0.86722 0.2597 0.23605 0.61033 0.16308 0.97357 0.31502 0.87526 0.16913 0.12748 0.33901 0.4406 0.84959 0.34356 0.33161 0.53172 0.2541 0.27542 0.69503 0.71827 0.3875 0.51824 0.23645 0.48042 0.2215 0.81648 0.46608 0.83144 0.23099 0.90004 0.09286 0.71086 0.82192 0.12323 0.38985 0.13298 0.34622 0.66819 0.02397 0.5608 0.10785 0.97441 0.11273 0.00802 0.28975 0.1446 0.74142 0.86005 0.10166 0.72199 0.12156 0.81938 0.28357 0.11896 0.62325 0.10743 0.18299 0.65807 0.05389 0.50702 0.95531 0.17533 0.77769 0.5925 0.13 0.96 0.36028 0.93088 0.54868 0.74461 0.74556 0.48785 0.35574 0.0639 0.18168 0.52355 0.15588 0.32596 0.66866 0.51553 0.17876 0.91567 0.65094 0.9072 0.30536 0.5538 0.71577 0.68754 0.46528 0.85121 0.64434 0.58401 0.65079 0.68424 0.99278 0.34376 0.83473 0.78668 0.74927 0.59194 0.01903 0.35339 0.43629 0.29609 0.03578 0.06159 0.84526 0.68692 0.12147 0.88949 0.72466 0.66055 0.60646 0.04715 0.90923 0.43169 0.77109 0.99606 0.9344 0.13328 0.60122 0.27094 0.94857 0.24615 0.33528 0.5945 0.70782 0.71771 0.99465 0.3895 0.40648 0.59312 0.96528 0.11806 0.53084 0.90191 0.08148 0.37708 0.50444 0.35434 0.06159 0.20105 0.11261 0.03188 0.90173 0.5219 0.94584 0.98506 0.23204 0.80527 0.3545 0.59635 0.21502 0.34098 0.23007 0.18691 0.65981 0.50796 0.08925 0.09226 0.51548 0.01327 0.32988 0.12752 0.78478 0.34758 0.83869 0.45425 0.30675 0.7031 0.84043 0.86057 0.55275 0.4248 0.55761 0.60889 0.48721 0.98762 0.57652 0.96167 0.09888 0.95401 0.96961 0.77723 0.55415 0.92476 0.15181 0.56994 0.77973 0.22559 0.88326 0.94526 0.4308 0.48102 0.61341 0.07882 0.4279 0.20248 0.24625 0.52316 0.98265 0.14921 0.73253
+0.69045 0.72241 0.8183 0.99228 0.58134 0.48477 0.47914 0.72697 0.17749 0.31546 0.69201 0.28238 0.35711 0.78022 0.71035 0.85922 0.42642 0.23925 0.65503 0.03443 0.19332 0.69104 0.37473 0.02908 0.78844 0.21061 0.18657 0.52086 0.98261 0.19187 0.29052 0.56305 0.15898 0.56314 0.70801 0.33517 0.83376 0.09129 0.08951 0.1635 0.70158 0.3084 0.71741 0.70614 0.69225 0.27314 0.34497 0.51448 0.44695 0.07389 0.31201 0.17144 0.60372 0.54459 0.2745 0.20343 0.81526 0.18743 0.71979 0.12827 0.22131 0.94938 0.18235 0.3249 0.34658 0.73659 0.8093 0.33369 0.94959 0.14515 0.10432 0.24439 0.57046 0.93457 0.79272 0.13276 0.5399 0.21575 0.19677 0.05231 0.15834 0.37062 0.06976 0.37303 0.06775 0.03523 0.42345 0.42254 0.68041 0.96794 0.95147 0.02561 0.54561 0.22093 0.57848 0.35975 0.74864 0.67218 0.53167 0.32892 0.14642 0.31747 0.48262 0.08137 0.13974 0.52266 0.30728 0.57792 0.97471 0.71824 0.0591 0.70266 0.14995 0.49812 0.12484 0.79383 0.6461 0.16888 0.46974 0.5185 0.22856 0.73404 0.0909 0.32837 0.16609 0.74062 0.50861 0.02332 0.662 0.78396 0.87219 0.65435 0.80309 0.74743 0.73932 0.4661 0.19575 0.88883 0.12642 0.0705 0.4922 0.52541 0.86212 0.40847 0.98934 0.3579 0.75342 0.10755 0.50804 0.56748 0.59212 0.48961 0.79845 0.79459 0.30165 0.73449 0.78684 0.83475 0.739 0.57587 0.21661 0.56473 0.44914 0.83577 0.69357 0.09312 0.82854 0.26839 0.77071 0.34482 0.42591 0.72175 0.33414 0.64748 0.77932 0.89678 0.36622 0.80392 0.24724 0.37012 0.85248 0.22658 0.33215 0.19008 0.46548 0.44873 0.21672 0.3571 0.46283 0.45296 0.40461 0.80995 0.4724 0.69731 0.8091 0.81696 0.90651 0.90594 0.36552 0.20838 0.12335 0.8022 0.13515 0.31446 0.89092 0.91683 0.33426 0.05 0.13959 0.74234 0.50499 0.5678 0.67008 0.58908 0.03078 0.07745 0.40124 0.50263 0.55883 0.86583 0.82542 0.68016 0.42732 0.00899 0.18777 0.6864 0.76962 0.66568 0.35084 0.25302 0.18619 0.99467 0.94024 0.0933 0.73062 0.2611 0.94889 0.64955 0.91685 0.07325 0.52739 0.04997 0.44762 0.05668 0.28913 0.6023 0.86378 0.85074 0.83268 0.83681 0.3465 0.70259 0.42997 0.87173 0.55857 0.6277 0.36762 0.16201 0.0043 0.43559 0.65082 0.76 0.85106 0.20481 0.9075 0.21276 0.82084 0.01201 0.20436 0.09389 0.71163 0.90345 0.39683 0.94136 0.94992 0.85182 0.25723 0.93303 0.52878 0.30236 0.22595 0.27276 0.74785 0.40056 0.17393 0.05204 0.2371 0.1187 0.18969 0.76301 0.70782 0.116 0.59292 0.86927 0.06086 0.22075 0.67181 0.72234 0.48595 0.65999 0.40586 0.7213 0.09965 0.71643 0.27202 0.73252 0.38836 0.67359 0.80213 0.75511 0.23245 0.29786 0.14026 0.93689 0.09018 0.73906 0.08961 0.53192 0.56472 0.85364 0.91706 0.88722 0.08255 0.51978 0.52772 0.74872 0.64597 0.59773 0.32644 0.55762 0.18157 0.83611 0.41407 0.17299 0.79515 0.91031 0.25162 0.43996 0.25737 0.98866 0.59053 0.56163 0.64937 0.63269 0.5575 0.32577 0.14873 0.17198 0.38282 0.40399 0.58155 0.52175 0.5839 0.90723 0.01908 0.92714 0.1399 0.78455 0.5678 0.53922 0.80988 0.87338 0.72596 0.31236 0.365 0.63053 0.92307 0.72334 0.71729 0.68663 0.60292 0.2923 0.40869 0.83907 0.75849 0.48776 0.84623 0.73608 0.76043 0.85992 0.90596 0.6508 0.97074 0.69215 0.23636 0.84317 0.23452 0.12448 0.13541 0.05793 0.71311 0.10146 0.54654 0.93677 0.3658 0.92082 0.13943 0.54356 0.94922 0.04626 0.43618 0.5774 0.37094 0.00566 0.98223 0.42239 0.53407 0.11697 0.89544 0.46621 0.54799 0.31443 0.41174 0.02525 0.80218 0.55351 0.11565 0.1488 0.0643 0.80747 0.14996 0.70448 0.3501 0.28368 0.26693 0.38805 0.77293 0.4515 0.6593 0.55405 0.69975 0.60298 0.34862 0.68573 0.30873 0.45794 0.38569 0.91091 0.39563 0.4435 0.03977 0.85916 0.78738 0.85483 0.61144 0.60858 0.6648 0.38144 0.20995 0.47938 0.86454 0.82327 0.94932 0.31453 0.42072 0.11987 0.6108 0.4114 0.58105 0.97911 0.69895 0.87445 0.80384 0.93504 0.04678 0.66226 0.5459 0.0007 0.37024 0.21783 0.92052 0.30931 0.0002 0.71082 0.59207 0.33794 0.30219 0.0897 0.81068 0.11422 0.07919 0.00918 0.66946 0.80596 0.05589 0.73715 0.6259 0.5762 0.33506 0.3088 0.30339 0.06973 0.77284 0.23567 0.67657 0.17405 0.32489 0.23233 0.97625 0.39059 0.29665 0.12876 0.01797 0.14425 0.40668 0.32743 0.64661 0.90233 0.04041 0.25597 0.80085 0.26947
+0.86281 0.9269 0.78648 0.4148 0.33673 0.25028 0.00927 0.74159 0.50876 0.39758 0.16536 0.31607 0.54106 0.6851 0.81302 0.37591 0.77094 0.55117 0.61836 0.8453 0.24805 0.32231 0.67193 0.58083 0.84989 0.67466 0.27109 0.46935 0.96655 0.88414 0.8674 0.00201 0.73976 0.18029 0.05709 0.78363 0.91232 0.17444 0.79387 0.26742 0.80608 0.38909 0.03176 0.25161 0.04077 0.20491 0.23565 0.57116 0.84174 0.10592 0.84779 0.58989 0.97478 0.08611 0.44861 0.8018 0.83891 0.73309 0.82018 0.59644 0.72673 0.99091 0.76856 0.8619 0.97658 0.65669 0.35311 0.23888 0.05236 0.71343 0.79468 0.03249 0.05885 0.44364 0.74323 0.90322 0.02788 0.83234 0.72056 0.76077 0.77905 0.35742 0.58539 0.46258 0.61182 0.07221 0.71106 0.21926 0.61701 0.27389 0.97664 0.57065 0.65508 0.44915 0.99405 0.38916 0.45259 0.6858 0.96245 0.37391 0.811 0.64819 0.91925 0.09897 0.59929 0.02825 0.53376 0.37021 0.24314 0.18855 0.40083 0.98773 0.17627 0.49909 0.0907 0.46021 0.0124 0.17256 0.78736 0.74811 0.77033 0.48988 0.32193 0.05587 0.46091 0.23819 0.54786 0.14364 0.0502 0.8072 0.41677 0.60308 0.41986 0.67197 0.09102 0.80759 0.60041 0.85967 0.72292 0.21248 0.82929 0.46876 0.83388 0.98567 0.25407 0.76055 0.40349 0.16145 0.22875 0.91172 0.78904 0.66194 0.51125 0.59384 0.63655 0.60491 0.72594 0.19115 0.69836 0.6924 0.02439 0.68204 0.77001 0.55968 0.02694 0.81898 0.37732 0.26488 0.85649 0.0761 0.41586 0.91279 0.83481 0.00692 0.3663 0.95471 0.20455 0.63369 0.66015 0.62275 0.59747 0.5155 0.14237 0.95348 0.90924 0.4018 0.02207 0.09197 0.35973 0.88333 0.87558 0.21034 0.6479 0.86525 0.66334 0.57423 0.12734 0.65656 0.4937 0.91403 0.4088 0.78652 0.75508 0.36709 0.30505 0.54504 0.80139 0.05788 0.69186 0.30499 0.92634 0.24523 0.85822 0.6567 0.56486 0.41605 0.26846 0.6608 0.69701 0.14047 0.00458 0.23854 0.04282 0.84625 0.1055 0.46333 0.77091 0.38109 0.09664 0.69754 0.87055 0.30652 0.95811 0.37112 0.57777 0.28309 0.75579 0.30498 0.42184 0.34953 0.49673 0.57581 0.51627 0.32505 0.31621 0.40492 0.38787 0.00365 0.8861 0.26385 0.98848 0.38855 0.88596 0.36713 0.00602 0.50471 0.28146 0.95446 0.88592 0.08335 0.72518 0.73471 0.41425 0.71462 0.53489 0.18386 0.3165 0.64711 0.44431 0.50946 0.57433 0.68296 0.8083 0.89445 0.37627 0.84568 0.02842 0.68842 0.4522 0.58437 0.6989 0.26233 0.6707 0.08256 0.83067 0.42937 0.11102 0.48851 0.69658 0.39587 0.90124 0.27179 0.16222 0.53016 0.44201 0.54236 0.46368 0.58086 0.02804 0.80332 0.66535 0.27172 0.46979 0.66806 0.05496 0.77504 0.55543 0.50867 0.28817 0.01169 0.52908 0.30696 0.78275 0.08687 0.67744 0.62915 0.65816 0.8367 0.21138 0.68953 0.6781 0.48572 0.96261 0.03906 0.68303 0.43203 0.49262 0.36824 0.16935 0.3233 0.91931 0.21024 0.41061 0.32239 0.72903 0.97873 0.34356 0.50426 0.22285 0.87851 0.4274 0.86215 0.50114 0.80288 0.25278 0.95782 0.10565 0.4867 0.88542 0.14829 0.34685 0.36148 0.52893 0.10204 0.90753 0.07388 0.49713 0.28746 0.27919 0.9174 0.38502 0.22534 0.46035 0.85466 0.29929 0.04285 0.5795 0.4252 0.81259 0.17453 0.73838 0.5602 0.06634 0.39317 0.59966 0.38922 0.06411 0.14996 0.33697 0.76299 0.45208 0.40196 0.44461 0.52568 0.76801 0.86096 0.24637 0.29547 0.43025 0.17499 0.77825 0.29893 0.69342 0.55796 0.04398 0.23773 0.0078 0.35558 0.06069 0.02654 0.18629 0.36274 0.37796 0.16721 0.98443 0.80305 0.85008 0.2829 0.17019 0.91498 0.19885 0.85926 0.92023 0.78609 0.15221 0.35479 0.4662 0.01451 0.21998 0.9307 0.91319 0.02731 0.03853 0.01224 0.01688 0.99236 0.00965 0.5858 0.8345 0.22648 0.57251 0.91429 0.30558 0.29984 0.93197 0.98498 0.76599 0.86551 0.64048 0.64507 0.41193 0.70516 0.59358 0.99017 0.08745 0.13833 0.4339 0.65897 0.04272 0.24935 0.61328 0.75732 0.09062 0.55803 0.96185 0.58211 0.50324 0.86332 0.14886 0.57203 0.0725 0.54141 0.42458 0.5154 0.53393 0.33059 0.74319 0.65159 0.13724 0.31365 0.8822 0.78626 0.0579 0.58133 0.93817 0.39483 0.575 0.04293 0.25803 0.06389 0.8526 0.64412 0.75436 0.52689 0.07026 0.94879 0.51339 0.65827 0.7208 0.14787 0.83332 0.58888 0.00583 0.89544 0.09355 0.69649 0.42034 0.7732 0.45872 0.33263 0.03735 0.24162 0.82685 0.59617 0.26046 0.41594 0.48463 0.87363 0.37799 0.78184 0.26568 0.10657
+0.31443 0.59974 0.0873 0.51807 0.368 0.29798 0.81073 0.84595 0.14567 0.18683 0.02399 0.8655 0.70785 0.13185 0.08098 0.89654 0.99625 0.68896 0.0179 0.97083 0.42392 0.92509 0.94515 0.67049 0.86168 0.76555 0.35273 0.83259 0.40084 0.81201 0.91809 0.81902 0.5 0.76451 0.828 0.16768 0.64051 0.37775 0.90737 0.73813 0.57233 0.19944 0.07946 0.91299 0.9803 0.78322 0.10682 0.65724 0.78391 0.08388 0.89677 0.63585 0.87279 0.76674 0.46489 0.47953 0.26166 0.21832 0.20866 0.0894 0.98301 0.74232 0.95208 0.43494 0.09612 0.54215 0.37689 0.75496 0.79849 0.12222 0.86115 0.30623 0.20016 0.79603 0.95727 0.90213 0.41055 0.3876 0.3566 0.61411 0.19554 0.93642 0.09807 0.52996 0.83754 0.36062 0.80296 0.1101 0.28396 0.19077 0.07931 0.07486 0.81345 0.68926 0.83644 0.43374 0.00437 0.679 0.89611 0.00723 0.57572 0.32917 0.22692 0.31661 0.52468 0.2183 0.88687 0.0056 0.69844 0.16954 0.78369 0.51305 0.63492 0.79398 0.57316 0.1023 0.88108 0.03645 0.4424 0.85012 0.26562 0.7471 0.1056 0.20185 0.5708 0.22799 0.66423 0.15531 0.28039 0.08975 0.53302 0.60873 0.56816 0.39386 0.00086 0.33146 0.89086 0.33076 0.34965 0.86597 0.68953 0.31174 0.33003 0.50615 0.41605 0.13203 0.79509 0.49757 0.19141 0.7521 0.58489 0.73158 0.14687 0.97175 0.22439 0.23517 0.84391 0.75657 0.95626 0.64711 0.05564 0.12398 0.65005 0.65801 0.90245 0.99518 0.1483 0.17053 0.97862 0.63117 0.12341 0.91437 0.37103 0.9447 0.93989 0.76547 0.50957 0.5222 0.10185 0.50027 0.48655 0.06637 0.17425 0.41544 0.55431 0.70871 0.43544 0.48273 0.92437 0.01115 0.71869 0.71168 0.60686 0.08995 0.38089 0.09474 0.89567 0.88189 0.47966 0.11243 0.59329 0.8759 0.8964 0.27751 0.10921 0.25851 0.82013 0.43499 0.43531 0.04381 0.41004 0.64564 0.99198 0.8472 0.15492 0.11791 0.82485 0.9675 0.42516 0.50577 0.47816 0.8453 0.72949 0.21674 0.90303 0.39468 0.07294 0.02726 0.68433 0.33735 0.84436 0.37156 0.52997 0.88698 0.72017 0.34221 0.51313 0.30663 0.1852 0.68828 0.55259 0.97931 0.81093 0.34407 0.26959 0.04837 0.86102 0.52039 0.60586 0.38882 0.18256 0.28087 0.03297 0.47241 0.78713 0.52722 0.07493 0.12194 0.11287 0.45162 0.4153 0.32164 0.38351 0.98705 0.93675 0.98659 0.61172 0.076 0.78134 0.39369 0.96777 0.82292 0.44987 0.52165 0.292 0.23788 0.18462 0.90802 0.38353 0.39587 0.61168 0.55868 0.42176 0.2534 0.11028 0.97199 0.19911 0.41444 0.84609 0.78305 0.85928 0.63007 0.38952 0.5723 0.47765 0.33601 0.50641 0.65197 0.64443 0.12886 0.88968 0.87016 0.81364 0.01065 0.23896 0.78266 0.94988 0.60408 0.48551 0.5466 0.34018 0.94804 0.02512 0.3462 0.82712 0.87859 0.25957 0.05604 0.45768 0.13088 0.60861 0.65505 0.76379 0.91329 0.9738 0.80562 0.75443 0.90909 0.73206 0.82803 0.36822 0.09303 0.6154 0.88643 0.19258 0.93208 0.66984 0.90356 0.04677 0.48709 0.03316 0.6404 0.40005 0.9888 0.09345 0.9711 0.7843 0.18988 0.77048 0.48436 0.9429 0.05748 0.77751 0.90675 0.37477 0.73766 0.21101 0.13908 0.44257 0.44163 0.59365 0.17516 0.69989 0.39148 0.30015 0.88856 0.61767 0.23321 0.30601 0.03301 0.45145 0.0675 0.55433 0.95237 0.76127 0.32666 0.46088 0.58969 0.4775 0.12353 0.60552 0.14454 0.51701 0.83298 0.41234 0.43792 0.46493 0.62381 0.64489 0.32616 0.50219 0.32354 0.38083 0.15012 0.67043 0.26948 0.00406 0.62136 0.25716 0.01938 0.85231 0.65145 0.79063 0.08693 0.74461 0.29368 0.64889 0.84181 0.1037 0.49986 0.89819 0.14161 0.49461 0.52818 0.05189 0.57615 0.70691 0.82451 0.21517 0.96241 0.75313 0.3435 0.01889 0.42268 0.34298 0.53099 0.00704 0.20642 0.09162 0.25068 0.97046 0.47631 0.77032 0.65589 0.51953 0.37966 0.53469 0.6631 0.55738 0.74579 0.90504 0.65509 0.73219 0.52033 0.15753 0.99039 0.91774 0.90476 0.94429 0.46423 0.51389 0.11497 0.98816 0.70367 0.75905 0.64896 0.41052 0.67582 0.68022 0.6927 0.50548 0.00068 0.76805 0.8315 0.6167 0.56084 0.94472 0.17787 0.25394 0.6092 0.9525 0.80383 0.9411 0.03689 0.8177 0.71164 0.05155 0.94984 0.10114 0.8351 0.85829 0.32717 0.23098 0.47448 0.89869 0.84303 0.75846 0.35346 0.37803 0.11511 0.00415 0.21403 0.7636 0.38712 0.27661 0.89296 0.16685 0.45467 0.07244 0.64738 0.11059 0.09935 0.11732 0.13868 0.29295 0.04527 0.60526 0.74247 0.61596 0.67126 0.46531 0.58731
+0.44209 0.80221 0.67777 0.16565 0.60623 0.191 0.33792 0.14079 0.02094 0.43349 0.61408 0.58493 0.17374 0.97498 0.6065 0.80324 0.06478 0.97266 0.81995 0.49735 0.54869 0.31272 0.54308 0.35407 0.25735 0.22381 0.9471 0.11424 0.64325 0.91565 0.8822 0.20289 0.8691 0.15824 0.68702 0.2408 0.52634 0.50181 0.54182 0.30788 0.10909 0.44156 0.96869 0.05323 0.78212 0.06644 0.55169 0.72908 0.89248 0.6663 0.67668 0.32629 0.62706 0.19958 0.84853 0.94251 0.02287 0.14303 0.31919 0.13787 0.95033 0.30642 0.07511 0.0286 0.47492 0.92939 0.19511 0.58672 0.08333 0.67204 0.24684 0.29274 0.62986 0.41037 0.76204 0.61637 0.76526 0.52884 0.08102 0.42847 0.69582 0.71837 0.82671 0.33795 0.81021 0.1914 0.76886 0.23757 0.56476 0.74491 0.00751 0.21223 0.89308 0.96912 0.76441 0.15386 0.62565 0.57239 0.04364 0.60127 0.92805 0.63302 0.85917 0.38369 0.59609 0.26784 0.15683 0.04973 0.33454 0.15693 0.57215 0.91698 0.16001 0.08056 0.82175 0.24411 0.87621 0.96037 0.15491 0.33636 0.85825 0.45294 0.5723 0.66195 0.1681 0.55695 0.45883 0.75771 0.87955 0.49374 0.37139 0.17903 0.03037 0.04675 0.78473 0.08958 0.07388 0.38621 0.99315 0.38963 0.12012 0.8624 0.42775 0.84946 0.48366 0.73062 0.49588 0.73911 0.62782 0.31721 0.31903 0.38715 0.05705 0.22787 0.74793 0.73379 0.31931 0.27881 0.42604 0.85919 0.33235 0.35987 0.50345 0.94412 0.65607 0.6951 0.60741 0.99352 0.31296 0.26872 0.90481 0.70047 0.92527 0.11667 0.51324 0.70129 0.14808 0.03354 0.77762 0.39214 0.38822 0.85743 0.60665 0.1149 0.31262 0.02006 0.66698 0.98413 0.89983 0.52233 0.00748 0.73794 0.76789 0.42491 0.16823 0.60671 0.88055 0.78104 0.69545 0.60514 0.10924 0.86608 0.81988 0.27699 0.76155 0.34818 0.76596 0.08542 0.38536 0.82924 0.26993 0.39229 0.96346 0.22676 0.49856 0.71981 0.79931 0.82137 0.57483 0.8648 0.59107 0.8725 0.45825 0.1505 0.0695 0.97318 0.85513 0.62029 0.16971 0.49314 0.95061 0.39717 0.60115 0.73521 0.51057 0.47757 0.5243 0.65311 0.61841 0.12144 0.91436 0.46612 0.01269 0.12785 0.87658 0.03169 0.64226 0.73593 0.39816 0.31479 0.78283 0.17056 0.37681 0.03223 0.40653 0.60766 0.69252 0.13377 0.02014 0.82605 0.88418 0.33915 0.26137 0.57929 0.67464 0.55185 0.96238 0.97657 0.20515 0.27547 0.35739 0.93644 0.61165 0.77921 0.59795 0.74048 0.93412 0.49668 0.7466 0.60317 0.5569 0.78319 0.12419 0.32949 0.11306 0.67269 0.98126 0.15583 0.98474 0.53488 0.23593 0.79904 0.18798 0.50498 0.7707 0.76938 0.40257 0.34303 0.2428 0.75441 0.85457 0.42375 0.09654 0.23679 0.39574 0.67614 0.65187 0.37538 0.47182 0.84157 0.66676 0.57072 0.91196 0.0581 0.56303 0.87356 0.54388 0.58714 0.81649 0.93979 0.96152 0.28656 0.45699 0.00378 0.18537 0.41591 0.8668 0.95908 0.62131 0.07652 0.71224 0.32465 0.59974 0.4076 0.21181 0.06542 0.73522 0.39352 0.00107 0.763 0.93221 0.32108 0.0851 0.88199 0.92079 0.35065 0.3934 0.33756 0.83675 0.99221 0.85449 0.89148 0.61192 0.09977 0.82703 0.26517 0.16031 0.12701 0.34693 0.76722 0.19038 0.00454 0.70081 0.90011 0.31795 0.20804 0.6788 0.75457 0.97771 0.0208 0.22676 0.23451 0.68481 0.85556 0.04167 0.60006 0.54775 0.75022 0.55621 0.07785 0.27929 0.08086 0.99834 0.83351 0.64423 0.39078 0.41704 0.74997 0.50363 0.6494 0.47295 0.20889 0.42581 0.38324 0.41873 0.77526 0.95931 0.47423 0.38595 0.80348 0.82872 0.27107 0.07516 0.60519 0.89561 0.92172 0.52753 0.59607 0.14904 0.39222 0.00641 0.54026 0.57286 0.74842 0.00078 0.22888 0.50914 0.0066 0.99531 0.09705 0.8062 0.51977 0.26849 0.80124 0.75668 0.9514 0.68863 0.52837 0.69355 0.53107 0.21177 0.86644 0.57249 0.53434 0.16532 0.8324 0.02691 0.61255 0.26003 0.83473 0.08626 0.27294 0.65575 0.64226 0.09968 0.39109 0.6974 0.81315 0.68725 0.47151 0.21272 0.41346 0.79045 0.5961 0.61163 0.91299 0.81285 0.93181 0.85175 0.42679 0.08634 0.90255 0.55737 0.88602 0.19841 0.8626 0.9681 0.26312 0.04179 0.9562 0.09405 0.82 0.17537 0.6001 0.96747 0.30358 0.40202 0.05683 0.47307 0.19524 0.72122 0.26151 0.37888 0.72245 0.6475 0.63208 0.72711 0.29537 0.16575 0.90166 0.1384 0.00799 0.39164 0.96667 0.57615 0.23347 0.78713 0.84621 0.53444 0.59925 0.045 0.95335 0.70573 0.5172 0.14129 0.16776 0.81781 0.61357 0.0415 0.90022 0.55226 0.09204
+0.73153 0.345 0.62614 0.8551 0.76063 0.56231 0.77627 0.15278 0.62309 0.23935 0.63581 0.15621 0.65787 0.63165 0.06753 0.156 0.14806 0.73494 0.79711 0.99734 0.51965 0.4985 0.48137 0.97143 0.12279 0.11278 0.17371 0.90336 0.31707 0.97139 0.76275 0.73616 0.22825 0.6068 0.52313 0.72339 0.98398 0.40268 0.33512 0.43513 0.81784 0.037 0.96051 0.4553 0.70287 0.60886 0.51427 0.27054 0.78147 0.17103 0.28918 0.5902 0.13484 0.45657 0.11767 0.39379 0.67848 0.05241 0.48397 0.76438 0.09061 0.61294 0.35388 0.45295 0.11239 0.8465 0.69345 0.38996 0.08525 0.66872 0.30952 0.10791 0.06754 0.05599 0.98593 0.07861 0.94854 0.74023 0.46195 0.32874 0.75455 0.42506 0.38129 0.03096 0.2528 0.35851 0.88942 0.86666 0.08682 0.09969 0.30626 0.57483 0.37226 0.80249 0.30972 0.91541 0.11619 0.94975 0.43574 0.18817 0.64798 0.03238 0.82457 0.36716 0.11341 0.56258 0.10832 0.66615 0.13349 0.96482 0.18973 0.7173 0.80082 0.9104 0.4235 0.97752 0.29593 0.93171 0.75799 0.64269 0.56869 0.43391 0.87903 0.84983 0.65087 0.3365 0.92969 0.78498 0.04993 0.58044 0.63849 0.98793 0.92447 0.10758 0.57292 0.65512 0.59865 0.5684 0.34344 0.72153 0.22177 0.3506 0.53962 0.1761 0.71289 0.8761 0.5365 0.8734 0.70497 0.4548 0.51791 0.59742 0.37396 0.72557 0.65631 0.21471 0.19081 0.97041 0.72075 0.76866 0.86119 0.3822 0.68964 0.26763 0.40358 0.46174 0.04558 0.21008 0.38754 0.18103 0.55377 0.22015 0.44512 0.24285 0.08716 0.14356 0.05961 0.19493 0.27466 0.84765 0.35988 0.06004 0.97467 0.69286 0.45339 0.16051 0.9116 0.31121 0.84482 0.87291 0.29125 0.24769 0.26331 0.30551 0.93221 0.96804 0.3441 0.92258 0.90612 0.42619 0.23927 0.6793 0.73489 0.8297 0.52794 0.1968 0.49576 0.93379 0.26213 0.39581 0.21563 0.61899 0.14959 0.77602 0.37499 0.21512 0.61426 0.57612 0.93111 0.072 0.30973 0.71326 0.55472 0.61041 0.46516 0.76357 0.2143 0.27784 0.21134 0.40975 0.20052 0.00683 0.44859 0.54155 0.22599 0.4129 0.54019 0.39332 0.71218 0.4848 0.21507 0.47351 0.07407 0.57003 0.09274 0.92448 0.46454 0.55748 0.86919 0.54557 0.56653 0.53972 0.35586 0.35257 0.96957 0.58865 0.21444 0.57514 0.51657 0.03638 0.56316 0.85937 0.6588 0.42637 0.06237 0.92055 0.07981 0.62831 0.14024 0.09873 0.52261 0.06466 0.34607 0.85055 0.32213 0.42326 0.21949 0.75436 0.79579 0.44543 0.11759 0.88073 0.17843 0.41846 0.85893 0.56215 0.64285 0.91497 0.89236 0.43344 0.80805 0.49166 0.49056 0.50365 0.70011 0.25416 0.94748 0.61825 0.3764 0.98497 0.28036 0.09488 0.86208 0.63719 0.92299 0.67299 0.97889 0.63846 0.78515 0.72348 0.71962 0.6927 0.18989 0.74324 0.68952 0.22573 0.21433 0.64678 0.5335 0.47782 0.15123 0.20506 0.30473 0.7471 0.62418 0.19457 0.76846 0.10187 0.27734 0.58428 0.94581 0.27915 0.74069 0.40686 0.71015 0.44799 0.20607 0.3856 0.2799 0.02785 0.78995 0.35335 0.86057 0.44514 0.07425 0.58302 0.88034 0.49915 0.48832 0.38196 0.79699 0.52495 0.51946 0.11433 0.11694 0.86077 0.83488 0.42914 0.70119 0.93902 0.91017 0.49447 0.34106 0.86518 0.43254 0.72625 0.48529 0.21015 0.08512 0.39253 0.35196 0.37084 0.57586 0.98417 0.9881 0.68768 0.20326 0.76684 0.56209 0.95054 0.0202 0.80139 0.96489 0.98897 0.57207 0.9826 0.07499 0.34221 0.61565 0.13565 0.80706 0.77713 0.79369 0.33437 0.42081 0.94654 0.454 0.80898 0.27727 0.31354 0.39685 0.90755 0.52833 0.27842 0.36652 0.71928 0.3656 0.44777 0.5437 0.811 0.35025 0.38013 0.32886 0.08893 0.44834 0.88299 0.84373 0.26668 0.51922 0.89288 0.33662 0.92414 0.89104 0.36783 0.329 0.68465 0.43916 0.56969 0.70353 0.73507 0.77969 0.64529 0.67227 0.99685 0.77859 0.00349 0.03882 0.44178 0.07261 0.68163 0.44338 0.10667 0.62466 0.28947 0.93452 0.27925 0.18155 0.10536 0.16551 0.39138 0.22421 0.73418 0.88809 0.27373 0.91863 0.84854 0.51415 0.27547 0.70693 0.83969 0.34294 0.91395 0.35313 0.40024 0.93431 0.11915 0.29436 0.92396 0.25585 0.91762 0.12297 0.53593 0.1283 0.68619 0.5278 0.10943 0.42652 0.73732 0.05484 0.6902 0.12977 0.96821 0.49634 0.95261 0.68827 0.04991 0.00248 0.01319 0.80257 0.35902 0.79405 0.24552 0.54462 0.13124 0.79982 0.60513 0.85673 0.92188 0.70556 0.59599 0.94228 0.4194 0.13515 0.44674 0.53935 0.50291 0.90014 0.5474 0.74683 0.63487 0.86282 0.00908
+0.91623 0.18559 0.71007 0.9749 0.74473 0.91693 0.12761 0.13844 0.96777 0.88134 0.55924 0.70313 0.7677 0.18281 0.48712 0.49365 0.08056 0.49663 0.86884 0.67154 0.87881 0.04434 0.01312 0.42752 0.14238 0.3304 0.63514 0.91826 0.30624 0.71613 0.458 0.71627 0.19562 0.72274 0.61615 0.24823 0.08298 0.11672 0.63182 0.79952 0.69741 0.22212 0.45491 0.68658 0.98179 0.7878 0.8015 0.12774 0.38838 0.38426 0.60568 0.31837 0.44033 0.76178 0.92982 0.15386 0.21036 0.46427 0.66588 0.85693 0.03576 0.8877 0.73919 0.11366 0.15845 0.23619 0.52804 0.22969 0.57961 0.00085 0.4121 0.98186 0.22893 0.08522 0.51242 0.11125 0.22051 0.12279 0.8635 0.61481 0.46625 0.42871 0.50368 0.19264 0.0385 0.26549 0.1154 0.71942 0.29266 0.89627 0.44395 0.62819 0.02974 0.49033 0.73429 0.88889 0.5533 0.51 0.45241 0.65021 0.50783 0.37059 0.71332 0.77194 0.15546 0.9571 0.67243 0.7921 0.80744 0.42021 0.44374 0.40295 0.16146 0.63205 0.43389 0.47901 0.44694 0.96651 0.74127 0.35983 0.43544 0.80576 0.982 0.39642 0.26169 0.61401 0.58751 0.82972 0.31767 0.92758 0.97863 0.66034 0.91469 0.37822 0.53803 0.22061 0.59554 0.48632 0.38447 0.99811 0.79489 0.81399 0.91255 0.1559 0.84641 0.51845 0.56501 0.73119 0.56208 0.78668 0.11573 0.72593 0.1986 0.08556 0.02079 0.61886 0.6045 0.57106 0.75898 0.92317 0.81938 0.76831 0.84757 0.85261 0.15253 0.20995 0.58879 0.44246 0.28321 0.93856 0.83765 0.88606 0.15963 0.49046 0.06232 0.51376 0.40592 0.44493 0.00684 0.88803 0.01966 0.22607 0.35227 0.67689 0.44511 0.60714 0.94195 0.23873 0.21359 0.28358 0.06062 0.84289 0.48573 0.90089 0.89243 0.60209 0.29023 0.58819 0.14988 0.22124 0.84429 0.4557 0.76488 0.2535 0.50716 0.75953 0.31974 0.92586 0.03842 0.28365 0.87109 0.0863 0.02433 0.81116 0.54876 0.81578 0.83117 0.73114 0.60235 0.5839 0.59291 0.95648 0.76486 0.10083 0.76461 0.61272 0.84458 0.77477 0.05643 0.13193 0.64989 0.6274 0.88704 0.8992 0.43216 0.05703 0.16167 0.42371 0.30021 0.75022 0.56159 0.70839 0.32693 0.08959 0.3231 0.15312 0.70216 0.11728 0.4188 0.81724 0.98988 0.61709 0.69755 0.44868 0.00368 0.06554 0.78443 0.52276 0.10948 0.15046 0.16259 0.26091 0.37376 0.35021 0.34412 0.25688 0.30123 0.28332 0.79158 0.18966 0.2262 0.61212 0.82628 0.4155 0.22626 0.80099 0.86174 0.67449 0.00384 0.19299 0.48695 0.91075 0.50026 0.15014 0.71906 0.84794 0.57742 0.34439 0.59948 0.12665 0.64227 0.72013 0.13736 0.07355 0.12332 0.51299 0.39026 0.77328 0.47752 0.09347 0.25667 0.28791 0.54267 0.98136 0.27732 0.75411 0.80268 0.1671 0.82541 0.30369 0.26586 0.05577 0.41676 0.13642 0.79156 0.11582 0.66436 0.69379 0.63443 0.0897 0.66932 0.13992 0.87798 0.92426 0.97258 0.33344 0.66893 0.25595 0.36406 0.47848 0.63616 0.16833 0.62643 0.54261 0.3677 0.89297 0.33893 0.3627 0.19058 0.56584 0.69657 0.5022 0.30133 0.62878 0.64765 0.84943 0.33436 0.13098 0.34005 0.40005 0.88438 0.67069 0.70663 0.78221 0.70857 0.98201 0.37221 0.78787 0.64141 0.62922 0.88516 0.48952 0.60336 0.10924 0.99069 0.66363 0.90423 0.22972 0.82716 0.64911 0.12434 0.79849 0.95649 0.3206 0.02742 0.65468 0.97148 0.74531 0.68892 0.92514 0.42713 0.69903 0.84739 0.59932 0.43317 0.36909 0.90458 0.67789 0.3505 0.41162 0.73273 0.38675 0.68756 0.42772 0.3929 0.39582 0.65753 0.74132 0.16883 0.48742 0.79713 0.34851 0.12132 0.03621 0.95216 0.62639 0.68217 0.62222 0.76274 0.66008 0.48319 0.39889 0.99426 0.04036 0.03069 0.97427 0.0583 0.85865 0.24084 0.3975 0.79162 0.98576 0.24602 0.99787 0.71582 0.37005 0.1792 0.05358 0.72465 0.29969 0.13079 0.70235 0.08648 0.57954 0.27261 0.68589 0.07898 0.90292 0.4688 0.5907 0.57936 0.23652 0.83432 0.04702 0.55897 0.1357 0.57732 0.95846 0.45132 0.76138 0.7726 0.43931 0.74196 0.4586 0.16579 0.95674 0.5951 0.0947 0.11117 0.11665 0.1978 0.61044 0.65199 0.97672 0.02988 0.53034 0.82198 0.87321 0.93066 0.0129 0.47138 0.71442 0.6949 0.66986 0.38995 0.29508 0.67913 0.02842 0.79062 0.70103 0.33079 0.73926 0.58905 0.07 0.92328 0.60741 0.78129 0.02126 0.82238 0.41028 0.53981 0.19099 0.64553 0.6247 0.52311 0.12405 0.0765 0.9849 0.59952 0.06796 0.2419 0.96756 0.81057 0.1496 0.00094 0.68207 0.62585 0.81787 0.2025 0.72379 0.99104 0.53059
+0.7641 0.31581 0.48062 0.56847 0.63767 0.07914 0.84826 0.71109 0.50806 0.02556 0.12891 0.562 0.23149 0.94167 0.73896 0.72672 0.19848 0.03522 0.88216 0.97674 0.17386 0.91569 0.42881 0.74451 0.37475 0.20603 0.94039 0.80813 0.34023 0.72126 0.69402 0.11776 0.72842 0.82569 0.56883 0.13677 0.28805 0.09239 0.32954 0.52977 0.12738 0.76572 0.89258 0.5745 0.79529 0.71745 0.4629 0.45809 0.49049 0.86851 0.86749 0.706 0.63884 0.59212 0.67829 0.9226 0.14832 0.14474 0.57939 0.6344 0.72425 0.00471 0.91897 0.78624 0.34711 0.91438 0.13161 0.40352 0.54512 0.98518 0.93508 0.10934 0.08236 0.81822 0.94623 0.34759 0.4719 0.24555 0.41912 0.18276 0.07426 0.13841 0.02458 0.97275 0.9675 0.71256 0.73786 0.33038 0.54459 0.2988 0.16776 0.84148 0.42965 0.04028 0.92317 0.13135 0.79391 0.60204 0.3338 0.95277 0.79743 0.49843 0.27455 0.23376 0.1762 0.61583 0.33466 0.52861 0.84965 0.24038 0.59438 0.87628 0.62989 0.60714 0.18698 0.73982 0.82894 0.3161 0.52833 0.29461 0.29328 0.63404 0.48468 0.90958 0.86643 0.60661 0.3937 0.97128 0.74042 0.55234 0.47055 0.74752 0.17416 0.8245 0.06279 0.43689 0.4716 0.62834 0.44181 0.03207 0.5818 0.33476 0.46675 0.88352 0.16863 0.67435 0.94326 0.52443 0.63312 0.2966 0.93251 0.11651 0.42051 0.56399 0.55163 0.27503 0.32222 0.63454 0.94503 0.02867 0.42382 0.23474 0.52475 0.5776 0.06662 0.38362 0.02117 0.37216 0.61591 0.16856 0.16245 0.163 0.58034 0.83191 0.06798 0.11966 0.93962 0.02937 0.07097 0.73222 0.30807 0.60419 0.49112 0.15891 0.60887 0.83098 0.43597 0.21331 0.99447 0.60269 0.15632 0.60229 0.28725 0.21319 0.86174 0.78318 0.84016 0.57673 0.62171 0.6771 0.63078 0.64162 0.08122 0.84505 0.57925 0.87888 0.86234 0.73627 0.04497 0.75863 0.72696 0.58375 0.28107 0.74131 0.22164 0.79538 0.39618 0.38723 0.95769 0.37678 0.61974 0.25782 0.26166 0.06544 0.52301 0.83327 0.94159 0.40666 0.20329 0.63 0.17762 0.41747 0.26422 0.33986 0.02282 0.49523 0.75316 0.11311 0.98679 0.0907 0.46699 0.3365 0.50111 0.57496 0.08504 0.83495 0.73283 0.71672 0.52351 0.96908 0.1164 0.96032 0.64484 0.89617 0.4625 0.63671 0.4628 0.38482 0.22147 0.68295 0.14023 0.54804 0.9372 0.32661 0.48373 0.44275 0.9495 0.59351 0.79825 0.80951 0.93799 0.5689 0.64172 0.04291 0.50538 0.94269 0.88951 0.98729 0.04037 0.67369 0.81694 0.33483 0.59665 0.55835 0.10112 0.63866 0.30168 0.97632 0.93554 0.42538 0.13691 0.79371 0.23106 0.58919 0.39196 0.25646 0.84608 0.7962 0.73119 0.3926 0.38416 0.43628 0.70624 0.01173 0.34984 0.45853 0.17047 0.93696 0.82472 0.32457 0.02397 0.68696 0.60413 0.23151 0.53571 0.64301 0.6683 0.47167 0.97372 0.16887 0.54949 0.86901 0.20336 0.92569 0.13282 0.99282 0.17022 0.61726 0.02971 0.37755 0.11699 0.33753 0.13287 0.1959 0.67344 0.15987 0.78102 0.91807 0.56429 0.68688 0.69636 0.25095 0.32539 0.54683 0.40636 0.78582 0.76743 0.9383 0.83854 0.5827 0.6001 0.89641 0.45674 0.58448 0.51024 0.99486 0.13294 0.46881 0.97158 0.78144 0.82471 0.16823 0.0976 0.89838 0.58843 0.69281 0.82912 0.4186 0.59677 0.0208 0.57218 0.30306 0.05922 0.49535 0.83898 0.20487 0.88455 0.15652 0.05153 0.98214 0.50762 0.1455 0.62191 0.98308 0.02749 0.9341 0.12917 0.28312 0.45927 0.29797 0.32927 0.6646 0.49542 0.90186 0.7798 0.51481 0.43523 0.63694 0.24551 0.31618 0.22349 0.29346 0.95871 0.4893 0.21695 0.90452 0.93966 0.47474 0.18926 0.81444 0.68557 0.3174 0.60699 0.63926 0.47845 0.41744 0.15277 0.39245 0.64801 0.3148 0.92739 0.66923 0.94885 0.53838 0.79072 0.79546 0.4673 0.15699 0.12169 0.13422 0.19824 0.06543 0.72203 0.48323 0.03488 0.46491 0.83627 0.22233 0.59424 0.37925 0.62505 0.10263 0.60948 0.36676 0.64996 0.87134 0.7934 0.50972 0.5615 0.40712 0.15107 0.24679 0.74043 0.24294 0.40835 0.20166 0.66992 0.69389 0.15183 0.73427 0.07611 0.69391 0.77805 0.16129 0.59563 0.78869 0.35478 0.07286 0.73974 0.79112 0.41349 0.57847 0.47488 0.01291 0.03428 0.95436 0.98702 0.5715 0.01182 0.35896 0.4012 0.52498 0.13211 0.56198 0.52506 0.79031 0.96232 0.64918 0.38735 0.02459 0.9014 0.77427 0.20802 0.8759 0.96574 0.57691 0.08207 0.55423 0.25863 0.77413 0.16373 0.89739 0.51228 0.19387 0.3285 0.64874 0.50434 0.91624 0.3341 0.97376 0.43124 0.56293
+0.67597 0.00994 0.93812 0.17205 0.70167 0.04514 0.88239 0.61249 0.30948 0.94786 0.95552 0.81718 0.56356 0.45154 0.7966 0.48411 0.4841 0.97472 0.30377 0.06014 0.1114 0.45575 0.03684 0.42498 0.15574 0.33186 0.56468 0.71506 0.8899 0.6398 0.49753 0.25259 0.86355 0.96767 0.36824 0.06737 0.73784 0.01345 0.38447 0.06845 0.71067 0.68437 0.15222 0.58521 0.859 0.46842 0.86883 0.19662 0.3032 0.1675 0.6087 0.90818 0.16578 0.62343 0.37018 0.0099 0.56376 0.03887 0.45852 0.24022 0.08674 0.72684 0.97305 0.77561 0.26528 0.47554 0.62316 0.96873 0.42519 0.06567 0.78942 0.84526 0.65154 0.97327 0.14643 0.21438 0.58813 0.14567 0.53465 0.38843 0.42361 0.54195 0.9371 0.19153 0.07942 0.94469 0.37146 0.13565 0.69458 0.82086 0.36509 0.59409 0.52211 0.5772 0.60507 0.15884 0.81559 0.29909 0.65379 0.65033 0.39226 0.78779 0.82959 0.65065 0.43696 0.00563 0.57557 0.39482 0.61282 0.43473 0.99397 0.50331 0.76613 0.23207 0.51114 0.69913 0.44753 0.9359 0.78985 0.14669 0.83258 0.25074 0.04463 0.18852 0.42967 0.30663 0.63747 0.71959 0.33807 0.89576 0.71623 0.40333 0.60678 0.67403 0.3233 0.94322 0.70459 0.02226 0.72439 0.42485 0.78698 0.34069 0.6431 0.43543 0.53232 0.59326 0.62502 0.4065 0.57972 0.20408 0.86795 0.93645 0.58582 0.02801 0.27821 0.18154 0.85546 0.95374 0.0103 0.39343 0.25406 0.94451 0.7775 0.76024 0.80613 0.14055 0.33757 0.69002 0.17588 0.7209 0.47544 0.62726 0.17812 0.17993 0.09152 0.08335 0.96072 0.75487 0.35671 0.40859 0.88303 0.22763 0.81616 0.94694 0.95894 0.11286 0.96531 0.56864 0.02039 0.4847 0.37429 0.73894 0.52084 0.56407 0.74746 0.62862 0.08187 0.54177 0.53261 0.91335 0.23624 0.1123 0.63469 0.38653 0.67958 0.68843 0.23515 0.46954 0.12527 0.04646 0.73532 0.34696 0.59249 0.44274 0.04062 0.87661 0.74806 0.13101 0.89961 0.12218 0.63868 0.82078 0.28451 0.2161 0.58036 0.26777 0.19743 0.28637 0.97781 0.45949 0.79793 0.80997 0.51291 0.75567 0.66445 0.97939 0.36562 0.29099 0.8515 0.4433 0.17872 0.60977 0.3293 0.6629 0.0499 0.86642 0.21791 0.02787 0.66808 0.84941 0.61049 0.75082 0.87728 0.19278 0.06021 0.80611 0.53426 0.35305 0.45575 0.84587 0.22384 0.38588 0.32856 0.2337 0.14186 0.03656 0.03041 0.26666 0.45051 0.85093 0.29444 0.30854 0.11105 0.33038 0.76852 0.88296 0.56891 0.25659 0.30018 0.15235 0.52531 0.84855 0.18979 0.24372 0.49781 0.82673 0.74456 0.94641 0.91111 0.9212 0.31202 0.81991 0.03899 0.66593 0.00314 0.65 0.91436 0.03479 0.21098 0.03625 0.84311 0.17072 0.70069 0.07444 0.22963 0.7648 0.13483 0.66348 0.5147 0.06119 0.4535 0.47638 0.9405 0.81705 0.98736 0.8262 0.63715 0.69584 0.12829 0.97943 0.03954 0.2502 0.65085 0.88187 0.81724 0.89324 0.13711 0.81323 0.74741 0.35102 0.06241 0.87571 0.8718 0.35561 0.70197 0.28712 0.04206 0.47767 0.68487 0.06292 0.22488 0.43595 0.94876 0.82611 0.81952 0.33844 0.85864 0.55891 0.18945 0.55933 0.84999 0.97172 0.80302 0.8605 0.32485 0.76911 0.13469 0.87184 0.36678 0.58172 0.49463 0.10625 0.24163 0.88684 0.82235 0.97371 0.93195 0.67195 0.35184 0.69996 0.88949 0.65288 0.37092 0.40786 0.34002 0.41067 0.89571 0.97964 0.29785 0.78423 0.53263 0.04341 0.70467 0.16426 0.11118 0.58991 0.19922 0.40526 0.91418 0.05317 0.72836 0.94922 0.54204 0.67669 0.92032 0.69917 0.82282 0.12953 0.91111 0.83429 0.16171 0.43922 0.80535 0.8957 0.79691 0.16952 0.52316 0.8539 0.59447 0.91114 0.87364 0.31602 0.23913 0.82435 0.28431 0.02574 0.62867 0.61297 0.87334 0.51245 0.70129 0.92869 0.82409 0.78924 0.861 0.49052 0.86871 0.71023 0.06438 0.55553 0.53845 0.10097 0.48732 0.83325 0.11643 0.56257 0.95721 0.23259 0.35915 0.59569 0.35678 0.11934 0.4231 0.15667 0.95438 0.23006 0.37953 0.8804 0.20383 0.16843 0.24886 0.54475 0.47793 0.54818 0.15569 0.04514 0.05797 0.56669 0.0872 0.36656 0.01756 0.84246 0.00769 0.23105 0.27656 0.42226 0.92171 0.25999 0.7862 0.56016 0.89265 0.41176 0.98726 0.88488 0.9526 0.38473 0.58083 0.23793 0.57774 0.00728 0.33489 0.28324 0.95872 0.65986 0.12148 0.876 0.80936 0.52451 0.11388 0.23488 0.89145 0.64599 0.21288 0.09552 0.38369 0.8448 0.18875 0.73483 0.14661 0.75944 0.71463 0.30831 0.41755 0.32805 0.45585 0.36356 0.44787 0.26341 0.28024 0.62148 0.86838 0.10063
+0.7149 0.20734 0.1773 0.97669 0.71772 0.36272 0.95826 0.97707 0.29826 0.79756 0.37746 0.05699 0.66542 0.76691 0.94339 0.55208 0.09833 0.6667 0.75248 0.10642 0.72223 0.82177 0.62853 0.993 0.36104 0.86031 0.23929 0.50835 0.5204 0.46596 0.13975 0.4685 0.13129 0.39483 0.08387 0.91401 0.93873 0.58877 0.60652 0.52217 0.24604 0.70358 0.989 0.51169 0.3887 0.57767 0.2909 0.47914 0.49747 0.82736 0.75347 0.25268 0.22844 0.82315 0.96834 0.94565 0.36331 0.71336 0.42076 0.901 0.42595 0.58641 0.13754 0.29404 0.39665 0.25834 0.48003 0.40647 0.45604 0.79466 0.76684 0.27056 0.67077 0.95649 0.45842 0.79057 0.62382 0.42464 0.40818 0.65473 0.47463 0.73449 0.07056 0.81229 0.03539 0.56131 0.18476 0.85609 0.26544 0.84823 0.10797 0.1258 0.56888 0.90881 0.88964 0.32931 0.91162 0.71259 0.66958 0.90503 0.5795 0.2815 0.03558 0.60159 0.53135 0.08567 0.59872 0.19606 0.54795 0.85453 0.15473 0.09381 0.13107 0.06813 0.75792 0.31259 0.45309 0.57144 0.56093 0.52537 0.57829 0.15466 0.02947 0.80052 0.38039 0.45731 0.74223 0.56571 0.23454 0.03426 0.03056 0.01016 0.38205 0.08596 0.11468 0.91222 0.79776 0.34571 0.61129 0.11259 0.37784 0.73141 0.91519 0.20192 0.75716 0.8819 0.8735 0.9975 0.6154 0.91099 0.22161 0.32361 0.03701 0.46414 0.58069 0.40434 0.13628 0.27465 0.7339 0.35571 0.67375 0.81253 0.21977 0.41235 0.6742 0.20948 0.34301 0.39224 0.39508 0.26619 0.14991 0.88792 0.81508 0.01531 0.16493 0.94433 0.18837 0.387 0.43053 0.11142 0.94162 0.48462 0.47459 0.44009 0.07389 0.29306 0.85009 0.60286 0.01562 0.52223 0.19002 0.13293 0.90626 0.7837 0.59465 0.94855 0.60144 0.80169 0.34505 0.09719 0.62796 0.96918 0.57764 0.79605 0.14781 0.16317 0.15249 0.44664 0.99261 0.42082 0.41304 0.99941 0.38536 0.66537 0.26838 0.66741 0.71974 0.51361 0.06366 0.4883 0.27969 0.87884 0.02211 0.75486 0.65623 0.70946 0.40963 0.50725 0.35244 0.48057 0.90749 0.67985 0.58497 0.25036 0.26333 0.35562 0.2888 0.31624 0.32941 0.41494 0.57771 0.03531 0.88068 0.35117 0.98418 0.74362 0.46384 0.6834 0.07009 0.33965 0.44624 0.27867 0.82093 0.68868 0.0518 0.75096 0.84667 0.70012 0.08147 0.71413 0.98908 0.1135 0.6326 0.35306 0.40576 0.98117 0.67384 0.22595 0.76856 0.32313 0.19971 0.81609 0.01929 0.01717 0.14092 0.26668 0.06689 0.96448 0.46934 0.75331 0.26587 0.3764 0.27415 0.92279 0.44982 0.7071 0.25902 0.36804 0.07988 0.82907 0.55367 0.54452 0.49957 0.63279 0.22354 0.14361 0.69816 0.74616 0.22537 0.36754 0.16548 0.21225 0.6934 0.80457 0.88289 0.59687 0.42036 0.71024 0.78128 0.31832 0.34254 0.601 0.4059 0.63398 0.79534 0.49101 0.5361 0.34232 0.97696 0.87408 0.52136 0.44491 0.10235 0.65544 0.27098 0.37773 0.55859 0.13385 0.9279 0.06429 0.98062 0.97535 0.64671 0.796 0.02107 0.85706 0.04065 0.9424 0.97902 0.58491 0.71099 0.97343 0.67372 0.76944 0.2938 0.1682 0.11327 0.42898 0.45195 0.60586 0.99605 0.34389 0.5427 0.95397 0.29 0.09817 0.19803 0.54859 0.44723 0.33593 0.42803 0.04868 0.41946 0.32071 0.05359 0.3671 0.07473 0.67977 0.55703 0.15096 0.87682 0.93742 0.80178 0.51132 0.49367 0.65849 0.78889 0.52946 0.68834 0.99528 0.96559 0.51483 0.70717 0.74395 0.58546 0.77573 0.57426 0.87099 0.97411 0.96041 0.49585 0.57149 0.93817 0.45394 0.83037 0.42884 0.96507 0.76055 0.96237 0.12644 0.4146 0.74833 0.01067 0.24422 0.08716 0.14999 0.74754 0.97218 0.2652 0.10404 0.74267 0.84285 0.9275 0.42531 0.23388 0.1354 0.98199 0.21772 0.36401 0.93019 0.04998 0.98984 0.2712 0.71474 0.11274 0.18666 0.56476 0.07261 0.05862 0.8158 0.3351 0.95981 0.41375 0.72473 0.84417 0.94047 0.66214 0.86348 0.21694 0.72289 0.52506 0.92438 0.08005 0.8571 0.03386 0.01008 0.55865 0.12528 0.75656 0.25924 0.49622 0.83219 0.1426 0.00383 0.9462 0.06034 0.94656 0.95235 0.91129 0.50328 0.61966 0.6516 0.33706 0.47904 0.56678 0.07895 0.81741 0.33871 0.50039 0.32024 0.07987 0.63946 0.91008 0.08322 0.34164 0.84815 0.85789 0.05802 0.5951 0.12332 0.73097 0.14454 0.09405 0.53751 0.68066 0.18982 0.50687 0.64592 0.94841 0.9583 0.33291 0.66512 0.6134 0.07425 0.20447 0.95628 0.56974 0.89828 0.11736 0.98044 0.68259 0.12795 0.76595 0.7457 0.5479 0.01812 0.9847 0.74998 0.44002 0.17731 0.28561 0.20116
+0.71578 0.77051 0.81384 0.83138 0.46505 0.69842 0.01746 0.72137 0.04957 0.3887 0.54226 0.87647 0.59031 0.53603 0.64904 0.44412 0.54697 0.85783 0.91786 0.0523 0.09001 0.57969 0.60015 0.71428 0.80739 0.74679 0.864 0.20569 0.37569 0.51684 0.77786 0.01782 0.62287 0.36667 0.31127 0.49158 0.5164 0.37554 0.0414 0.72038 0.47365 0.78289 0.98588 0.60486 0.56242 0.11171 0.3438 0.36878 0.76782 0.20488 0.90694 0.75934 0.68645 0.91932 0.76497 0.89175 0.62603 0.71258 0.55878 0.95805 0.60757 0.51668 0.37972 0.5707 0.39829 0.89156 0.32301 0.87528 0.52821 0.29445 0.72593 0.18751 0.45341 0.38184 0.83897 0.01137 0.93939 0.15369 0.84224 0.69303 0.8066 0.88844 0.14753 0.99588 0.61547 0.84867 0.31191 0.53003 0.90843 0.39652 0.0892 0.9579 0.14319 0.15384 0.99905 0.39264 0.38657 0.44459 0.90894 0.72859 0.29659 0.61593 0.52542 0.83771 0.22377 0.98694 0.86847 0.12446 0.43666 0.71772 0.43785 0.71033 0.09952 0.2445 0.5221 0.67225 0.14666 0.38722 0.56909 0.18441 0.29733 0.47717 0.01589 0.29561 0.41916 0.65838 0.70267 0.22446 0.03995 0.36941 0.74934 0.3965 0.69511 0.66989 0.77441 0.20781 0.93272 0.01995 0.0686 0.31652 0.63823 0.24247 0.91731 0.31454 0.61375 0.70268 0.32375 0.79634 0.42779 0.01759 0.10868 0.96953 0.0265 0.14824 0.16713 0.20497 0.40553 0.16908 0.96143 0.87448 0.3722 0.5388 0.46274 0.03421 0.35751 0.50545 0.33431 0.74792 0.11035 0.4494 0.33033 0.62134 0.97696 0.60673 0.31282 0.5753 0.97934 0.14937 0.77198 0.57477 0.51552 0.28559 0.40211 0.07586 0.26966 0.48282 0.07311 0.55321 0.31868 0.259 0.85525 0.03391 0.19962 0.29957 0.31257 0.55671 0.80012 0.21657 0.66773 0.60051 0.57948 0.24987 0.22899 0.65148 0.34891 0.53752 0.38865 0.8843 0.2252 0.38195 0.31346 0.63072 0.42932 0.65076 0.06552 0.40306 0.13155 0.68929 0.44483 0.82562 0.6249 0.36981 0.55262 0.60562 0.7147 0.60333 0.13025 0.98365 0.5289 0.28246 0.37681 0.0836 0.79645 0.99319 0.76638 0.65826 0.51348 0.41265 0.71451 0.89378 0.32732 0.61511 0.35603 0.51372 0.37204 0.59612 0.9025 0.92089 0.93589 0.96083 0.11729 0.58915 0.2333 0.38541 0.78178 0.88399 0.80045 0.25508 0.01824 0.88591 0.24862 0.45575 0.7386 0.98509 0.45108 0.00016 0.52651 0.42614 0.3968 0.74754 0.97648 0.13853 0.51089 0.42431 0.1083 0.22188 0.31364 0.92305 0.15413 0.15989 0.70656 0.68909 0.09429 0.99639 0.40761 0.06852 0.66767 0.36368 0.59373 0.33643 0.62354 0.07583 0.584 0.05074 0.28217 0.88846 0.64346 0.88982 0.12401 0.7777 0.30159 0.10999 0.61887 0.68602 0.54756 0.51298 0.16311 0.06414 0.63502 0.14468 0.09229 0.04527 0.83071 0.16532 0.52954 0.8921 0.33591 0.80648 0.77692 0.82842 0.17778 0.17672 0.76892 0.40718 0.31517 0.32441 0.72643 0.70724 0.09538 0.149 0.7376 0.74184 0.77301 0.10982 0.81318 0.51225 0.94408 0.21795 0.38944 0.1516 0.48108 0.11288 0.23155 0.77983 0.95674 0.13979 0.63102 0.17901 0.02662 0.02049 0.15964 0.80473 0.33201 0.39089 0.63343 0.38554 0.69903 0.80237 0.41517 0.50536 0.42604 0.03011 0.22809 0.69714 0.7216 0.73748 0.23728 0.93735 0.5058 0.19305 0.29897 0.92242 0.61365 0.06201 0.5395 0.81305 0.51443 0.21476 0.14886 0.5704 0.74274 0.97536 0.95894 0.48637 0.15559 0.22477 0.59997 0.05276 0.91158 0.79037 0.29113 0.61445 0.05441 0.14592 0.08628 0.51247 0.94811 0.21081 0.93555 0.7299 0.71012 0.1632 0.1261 0.81527 0.37156 0.7222 0.21129 0.45822 0.01638 0.11611 0.5317 0.54008 0.12181 0.58372 0.63676 0.8244 0.77881 0.27529 0.59703 0.68081 0.71633 0.18453 0.49181 0.44314 0.44484 0.8825 0.13808 0.79356 0.51186 0.77238 0.92475 0.45069 0.84077 0.45158 0.9205 0.30827 0.13408 0.50131 0.86758 0.37244 0.12074 0.32459 0.06727 0.75516 0.44279 0.13744 0.64691 0.83807 0.3404 0.35278 0.90559 0.34811 0.66749 0.19598 0.31845 0.20475 0.51906 0.89139 0.63799 0.49756 0.3999 0.99603 0.0814 0.62013 0.12497 0.32338 0.29291 0.46322 0.02646 0.20564 0.07443 0.26506 0.80741 0.62687 0.57683 0.6389 0.75384 0.72368 0.0981 0.05465 0.70653 0.55549 0.60452 0.99675 0.67806 0.57859 0.87546 0.38029 0.52161 0.50622 0.08758 0.28995 0.27247 0.65561 0.00621 0.5529 0.28257 0.60037 0.92005 0.27136 0.9608 0.07563 0.32902 0.49854 0.62514 0.4269 0.63251 0.54453 0.02841 0.13099 0.71622 0.61004
+0.95547 0.02275 0.34381 0.30681 0.21863 0.18949 0.73591 0.46263 0.23774 0.67501 0.54005 0.74406 0.86836 0.4362 0.8181 0.44957 0.60052 0.43921 0.08723 0.68972 0.10384 0.36135 0.77816 0.65572 0.20401 0.23633 0.627 0.34661 0.16385 0.85907 0.72909 0.72213 0.29167 0.49983 0.20618 0.33654 0.342 0.25118 0.75918 0.19785 0.53191 0.77563 0.371 0.28817 0.9945 0.54481 0.80352 0.57572 0.45463 0.87744 0.37598 0.76887 0.12445 0.09336 0.79036 0.72601 0.1796 0.39747 0.47021 0.35475 0.92442 0.23868 0.82078 0.30383 0.79699 0.60685 0.76556 0.32609 0.06871 0.35293 0.14799 0.53639 0.12827 0.67211 0.52322 0.8291 0.99872 0.94508 0.07254 0.64681 0.15348 0.57829 0.45378 0.75551 0.76409 0.2888 0.86217 0.93522 0.64998 0.65754 0.0421 0.29008 0.04514 0.99982 0.78525 0.92942 0.04362 0.61447 0.41336 0.76565 0.65544 0.73432 0.68601 0.95084 0.91936 0.00111 0.14658 0.08603 0.84279 0.90979 0.64992 0.20413 0.26992 0.91585 0.81055 0.84578 0.09698 0.2511 0.77754 0.93961 0.35738 0.6507 0.08641 0.81114 0.56053 0.19524 0.89309 0.77338 0.38005 0.2572 0.51761 0.43435 0.09641 0.23418 0.43052 0.44555 0.38854 0.55421 0.51578 0.45048 0.603 0.04217 0.60162 0.75903 0.55151 0.06402 0.04562 0.66772 0.06151 0.65134 0.32152 0.92187 0.07259 0.42543 0.19637 0.0657 0.27913 0.95602 0.45005 0.71027 0.43409 0.38143 0.22603 0.43672 0.06509 0.68131 0.11528 0.37059 0.97516 0.45909 0.63468 0.98228 0.44818 0.00061 0.10877 0.36765 0.91652 0.88953 0.8076 0.52156 0.63448 0.81007 0.93353 0.03581 0.59474 0.52686 0.84363 0.0179 0.21697 0.30317 0.987 0.54446 0.95968 0.08636 0.14189 0.98851 0.33742 0.16804 0.41609 0.73784 0.27982 0.64585 0.02262 0.79407 0.06891 0.06289 0.05346 0.8711 0.61663 0.58225 0.70763 0.22547 0.15294 0.71234 0.3058 0.85819 0.01974 0.87672 0.00435 0.5086 0.72348 0.87067 0.20563 0.31047 0.41757 0.20399 0.81099 0.55545 0.34084 0.72423 0.41152 0.1976 0.59826 0.14648 0.95568 0.80724 0.85104 0.86423 0.70494 0.36577 0.65515 0.36726 0.32044 0.02144 0.80008 0.41854 0.19247 0.0078 0.28877 0.9851 0.37311 0.54975 0.01021 0.92251 0.91629 0.5201 0.87847 0.41032 0.96306 0.93098 0.15859 0.28844 0.90129 0.70044 0.02861 0.23043 0.18167 0.80704 0.11779 0.52235 0.73105 0.60248 0.20482 0.40173 0.50069 0.09599 0.74565 0.50596 0.39958 0.60196 0.8803 0.96651 0.40852 0.33629 0.61748 0.40859 0.54715 0.67917 0.30198 0.65686 0.43469 0.53765 0.87717 0.57297 0.69475 0.76786 0.67678 0.272 0.03035 0.08099 0.20357 0.01267 0.25942 0.3238 0.21374 0.38321 0.62271 0.91729 0.51986 0.95162 0.83563 0.61577 0.84004 0.40524 0.63934 0.26922 0.74695 0.51287 0.74453 0.5274 0.80633 0.28289 0.24538 0.03641 0.70412 0.39956 0.91621 0.47572 0.49823 0.31491 0.07379 0.60397 0.29971 0.5928 0.70422 0.93318 0.25586 0.98166 0.40418 0.75037 0.87192 0.95875 0.49188 0.38593 0.81964 0.41237 0.62119 0.85787 0.77703 0.49257 0.98316 0.39894 0.54125 0.9572 0.45196 0.85329 0.60178 0.84773 0.03519 0.15247 0.33916 0.94986 0.15297 0.2991 0.48616 0.60048 0.18553 0.84198 0.35161 0.82015 0.6676 0.59198 0.44383 0.07287 0.02786 0.23734 0.70844 0.51816 0.56728 0.68581 0.3335 0.06123 0.61082 0.40467 0.23581 0.83047 0.08861 0.18317 0.73305 0.88606 0.60338 0.82992 0.34181 0.8098 0.91017 0.72394 0.30604 0.57087 0.66537 0.29661 0.58449 0.87143 0.78315 0.48304 0.90646 0.24347 0.48835 0.22657 0.69595 0.47049 0.40368 0.1211 0.31408 0.35894 0.06794 0.86706 0.40592 0.69106 0.40136 0.56174 0.87561 0.72824 0.97035 0.52834 0.7401 0.3211 0.59196 0.12598 0.08774 0.3142 0.26415 0.86679 0.13284 0.33977 0.31839 0.29083 0.90007 0.02434 0.04885 0.0743 0.80119 0.97554 0.5902 0.37345 0.58393 0.60504 0.63133 0.38702 0.96916 0.51397 0.04808 0.59002 0.43663 0.87178 0.6319 0.05623 0.00931 0.88747 0.67326 0.1538 0.65728 0.44086 0.68087 0.32051 0.76785 0.89126 0.09502 0.54487 0.5572 0.9356 0.52038 0.11234 0.21863 0.59478 0.79044 0.65057 0.53163 0.469 0.76782 0.78827 0.20432 0.08032 0.96888 0.82772 0.08336 0.26517 0.15139 0.05713 0.72922 0.98316 0.91784 0.01471 0.35077 0.28051 0.9841 0.57431 0.27121 0.04554 0.91939 0.04546 0.81275 0.08566 0.91 0.28374 0.85067 0.32493 0.85037 0.67672 0.22818 0.1981 0.18869 0.79905
+0.75919 0.07889 0.619 0.1977 0.63441 0.09465 0.88976 0.7822 0.74212 0.24959 0.73686 0.05483 0.17901 0.20305 0.99417 0.58981 0.85024 0.26143 0.12642 0.42034 0.90531 0.44892 0.23064 0.91636 0.51821 0.95982 0.93887 0.33273 0.67432 0.44656 0.06539 0.34905 0.10713 0.68279 0.39866 0.14028 0.56392 0.6849 0.34042 0.2126 0.54194 0.86588 0.5381 0.25165 0.75266 0.26855 0.19687 0.69503 0.28346 0.13424 0.4388 0.93865 0.90699 0.03584 0.49658 0.56198 0.22985 0.40577 0.58249 0.60626 0.08085 0.33097 0.90239 0.50849 0.57285 0.01781 0.36301 0.04895 0.71893 0.26462 0.28949 0.17979 0.3942 0.7645 0.73982 0.38562 0.47184 0.15865 0.57394 0.75773 0.3124 0.37796 0.39185 0.77118 0.83769 0.24412 0.39581 0.23545 0.64897 0.63693 0.78618 0.61004 0.50195 0.57903 0.07734 0.09202 0.51258 0.5658 0.51258 0.98307 0.13658 0.98275 0.30305 0.27464 0.86954 0.90269 0.11921 0.0356 0.51224 0.26723 0.32774 0.21818 0.77203 0.0457 0.53196 0.26546 0.42596 0.99828 0.10334 0.98529 0.38912 0.29608 0.57045 0.19931 0.38849 0.06929 0.42763 0.91595 0.58949 0.87795 0.38453 0.24351 0.96702 0.44567 0.47493 0.77827 0.3396 0.37005 0.23269 0.18924 0.52531 0.25716 0.58973 0.78667 0.14004 0.6819 0.45738 0.129 0.96236 0.91189 0.75125 0.08019 0.92296 0.00809 0.01371 0.31624 0.53028 0.47578 0.05944 0.99786 0.40339 0.4076 0.36298 0.75502 0.6809 0.65322 0.78322 0.87898 0.33506 0.63019 0.23487 0.29071 0.34908 0.39906 0.90792 0.64676 0.02136 0.92601 0.62086 0.29804 0.17419 0.92395 0.32191 0.13541 0.06321 0.79505 0.61885 0.77022 0.82588 0.36599 0.23642 0.93175 0.32483 0.345 0.08672 0.10914 0.37796 0.30131 0.20214 0.86566 0.49194 0.60974 0.16302 0.87355 0.35802 0.72116 0.74388 0.05922 0.51573 0.86363 0.69291 0.25761 0.42279 0.68795 0.91921 0.02007 0.58059 0.23926 0.26344 0.91221 0.72023 0.01538 0.21425 0.15617 0.90346 0.05985 0.70151 0.66267 0.11789 0.49168 0.50447 0.83016 0.48098 0.9941 0.12302 0.57437 0.64961 0.18634 0.69677 0.88073 0.75076 0.43845 0.71402 0.8222 0.83189 0.2066 0.06021 0.01982 0.01091 0.0263 0.96946 0.26276 0.93846 0.80033 0.08659 0.4768 0.08041 0.44954 0.42827 0.56574 0.91162 0.68249 0.12682 0.88318 0.29352 0.32178 0.28558 0.04044 0.80542 0.68486 0.33 0.28975 0.4941 0.91218 0.51411 0.70315 0.78703 0.30038 0.05311 0.05387 0.58167 0.13423 0.32122 0.32903 0.18091 0.92923 0.65552 0.78413 0.68158 0.06248 0.95672 0.1303 0.9114 0.45722 0.2743 0.81767 0.82905 0.22943 0.96074 0.44236 0.0586 0.64409 0.71218 0.33204 0.16397 0.11382 0.48857 0.48463 0.10849 0.69931 0.43578 0.8812 0.29642 0.53118 0.67202 0.41735 0.96785 0.57497 0.00237 0.53734 0.61252 0.67001 0.97532 0.91105 0.55493 0.46859 0.6538 0.75077 0.05393 0.52249 0.87763 0.61437 0.59424 0.28751 0.61065 0.78026 0.83232 0.18149 0.47965 0.61023 0.07351 0.69105 0.75496 0.42147 0.57048 0.19669 0.97447 0.16701 0.97713 0.27049 0.18651 0.54421 0.94189 0.17904 0.60937 0.15004 0.02818 0.31942 0.61255 0.01727 0.82396 0.74413 0.97562 0.91735 0.70259 0.80244 0.59483 0.14424 0.38918 0.12247 0.10485 0.91093 0.32825 0.76814 0.93379 0.97168 0.07224 0.60345 0.65001 0.70094 0.45596 0.75479 0.03275 0.68084 0.67914 0.72751 0.70236 0.39976 0.03511 0.04577 0.37484 0.23566 0.10038 0.44546 0.30654 0.97739 0.06133 0.18886 0.75635 0.8849 0.58625 0.26049 0.89934 0.35185 0.03664 0.0368 0.59079 0.29657 0.69869 0.35328 0.78308 0.48703 0.3014 0.88173 0.07781 0.7941 0.71805 0.94371 0.7933 0.90811 0.26801 0.51653 0.77998 0.21486 0.64807 0.32827 0.33938 0.11224 0.02259 0.63361 0.36823 0.3453 0.08069 0.26818 0.96659 0.61535 0.46878 0.51218 0.39328 0.69708 0.45109 0.99443 0.50115 0.97606 0.0854 0.158 0.03306 0.34124 0.29238 0.26969 0.78385 0.8254 0.34383 0.3916 0.88595 0.34319 0.45259 0.88784 0.35191 0.74719 0.55576 0.88516 0.00521 0.91491 0.86916 0.13547 0.47081 0.25627 0.38859 0.21097 0.0095 0.02325 0.81633 0.40703 0.83572 0.78813 0.08279 0.35887 0.87145 0.41262 0.39045 0.60559 0.98218 0.81089 0.60321 0.24859 0.46006 0.49188 0.27979 0.33814 0.89077 0.79358 0.87724 0.69309 0.65457 0.35742 0.1225 0.40835 0.12796 0.32069 0.99946 0.74621 0.79373 0.54959 0.79797 0.98154 0.82188 0.95089 0.01599 0.97291 0.17045 0.25695
+0.84776 0.04822 0.90937 0.10122 0.85762 0.68214 0.73526 0.66956 0.21629 0.25255 0.80673 0.26068 0.56848 0.07846 0.1642 0.12573 0.48654 0.75303 0.47644 0.94625 0.4005 0.38849 0.65767 0.33705 0.14749 0.74375 0.98172 0.14925 0.37543 0.98442 0.88674 0.93935 0.44625 0.55194 0.96126 0.39657 0.39784 0.39484 0.00538 0.91189 0.05545 0.46617 0.41319 0.43942 0.30465 0.63906 0.42715 0.04077 0.16922 0.78253 0.28478 0.21918 0.5221 0.63243 0.25215 0.7519 0.93778 0.39299 0.73269 0.30685 0.06148 0.03145 0.26999 0.45017 0.79339 0.65393 0.69739 0.45111 0.19465 0.75952 0.61957 0.75784 0.30993 0.2179 0.84019 0.53906 0.77174 0.0813 0.62963 0.24553 0.03783 0.24456 0.74508 0.57331 0.80416 0.49381 0.38541 0.15517 0.95926 0.87766 0.62422 0.88326 0.47887 0.45209 0.91211 0.25817 0.45894 0.90862 0.61976 0.76467 0.90284 0.8299 0.22527 0.61128 0.42378 0.31604 0.89723 0.62326 0.88566 0.38316 0.5674 0.60043 0.02975 0.02892 0.65986 0.78297 0.93771 0.37442 0.81506 0.25253 0.65395 0.49194 0.78767 0.49554 0.38062 0.49763 0.98502 0.24722 0.71511 0.86239 0.63727 0.41247 0.45917 0.47864 0.30878 0.64499 0.10635 0.22473 0.21347 0.81482 0.88997 0.72595 0.09084 0.61509 0.43298 0.08157 0.99363 0.13139 0.49919 0.7068 0.9765 0.32608 0.32321 0.00701 0.01316 0.65883 0.76634 0.97078 0.85696 0.34323 0.68973 0.48243 0.32279 0.19996 0.02901 0.79877 0.2512 0.65433 0.37548 0.89409 0.80142 0.52777 0.44844 0.27184 0.00821 0.87574 0.99876 0.51601 0.03041 0.00148 0.19776 0.10363 0.70765 0.49977 0.76973 0.24567 0.58708 0.60534 0.86986 0.77095 0.64542 0.21769 0.39585 0.984 0.47238 0.19607 0.56201 0.24846 0.57653 0.63497 0.14262 0.64943 0.77628 0.37297 0.12218 0.99266 0.96995 0.14045 0.17619 0.42787 0.7264 0.16418 0.82688 0.91104 0.92886 0.50848 0.07624 0.55494 0.89421 0.36546 0.05245 0.23233 0.0779 0.40418 0.36607 0.3212 0.28953 0.85283 0.91608 0.9904 0.39264 0.98821 0.62677 0.73277 0.65186 0.93747 0.30205 0.25257 0.45091 0.80252 0.68017 0.38676 0.66165 0.36317 0.24968 0.86241 0.8992 0.64215 0.78341 0.78517 0.17505 0.81235 0.82936 0.9241 0.12063 0.40236 0.23039 0.10304 0.81552 0.20133 0.39476 0.24529 0.81809 0.87058 0.71269 0.45855 0.46844 0.80745 0.40252 0.19575 0.13444 0.81346 0.02947 0.09699 0.467 0.71629 0.55346 0.87973 0.67346 0.13251 0.11724 0.43986 0.27138 0.94423 0.24607 0.59527 0.54244 0.20033 0.53301 0.16171 0.14595 0.03388 0.15922 0.33262 0.22201 0.60616 0.07523 0.15142 0.54199 0.38208 0.52216 0.19542 0.18019 0.78968 0.75776 0.26766 0.66432 0.17278 0.51099 0.52239 0.00891 0.53127 0.92452 0.05869 0.93127 0.44272 0.06436 0.62847 0.58836 0.99157 0.51544 0.30706 0.51848 0.09248 0.24332 0.5364 0.50537 0.90814 0.09138 0.69621 0.84727 0.51686 0.82788 0.79924 0.76384 0.81241 0.56924 0.93427 0.93835 0.5494 0.40735 0.91412 0.10833 0.03813 0.57253 0.06129 0.83849 0.16995 0.85266 0.27457 0.35761 0.20093 0.12493 0.80359 0.84308 0.36738 0.62298 0.47887 0.92524 0.36371 0.68233 0.13532 0.65328 0.51218 0.75132 0.91881 0.49892 0.22379 0.5378 0.02041 0.30207 0.35811 0.46821 0.89056 0.70153 0.47229 0.15213 0.14952 0.95405 0.76448 0.91814 0.04948 0.28022 0.42892 0.49022 0.24533 0.93497 0.18578 0.91848 0.77122 0.35757 0.57926 0.70698 0.75403 0.97839 0.00394 0.47468 0.36808 0.43116 0.8431 0.73543 0.4193 0.47012 0.56363 0.2894 0.01911 0.85102 0.17274 0.9585 0.50618 0.50475 0.81745 0.54567 0.11102 0.11914 0.53493 0.2468 0.20862 0.91678 0.65321 0.25545 0.45073 0.64162 0.42471 0.80985 0.68456 0.02336 0.18172 0.46353 0.8281 0.6127 0.40987 0.36531 0.91879 0.11208 0.70089 0.01485 0.05034 0.98687 0.75934 0.3114 0.22536 0.09243 0.50942 0.69113 0.87815 0.84688 0.07798 0.17895 0.42808 0.5717 0.46451 0.94045 0.73512 0.02863 0.38557 0.83252 0.69863 0.40919 0.65804 0.53033 0.5223 0.48138 0.02717 0.01506 0.62858 0.53067 0.0884 0.72446 0.21372 0.08861 0.21878 0.80792 0.2206 0.17923 0.79432 0.45836 0.61974 0.11303 0.70712 0.68288 0.98646 0.94434 0.02936 0.75192 0.38751 0.78242 0.76971 0.58149 0.96426 0.9633 0.98192 0.11571 0.71161 0.07809 0.1473 0.806 0.26364 0.28701 0.80515 0.96702 0.96787 0.32181 0.14777 0.19924 0.02188 0.15638 0.33038 0.87479 0.65887 0.09802 0.59569
+0.82167 0.25472 0.71455 0.92431 0.03126 0.01649 0.78869 0.25496 0.53703 0.88726 0.4542 0.93253 0.13661 0.12205 0.21683 0.12682 0.26901 0.43328 0.1354 0.26882 0.0002 0.87291 0.34258 0.52535 0.26786 0.53945 0.42783 0.88116 0.33019 0.6332 0.69964 0.35808 0.21696 0.80461 0.04718 0.30704 0.9754 0.79137 0.23684 0.18253 0.05233 0.5666 0.15612 0.25462 0.02352 0.79011 0.38905 0.20071 0.75554 0.53359 0.32873 0.3157 0.43448 0.74885 0.57408 0.76321 0.54977 0.5133 0.61989 0.71044 0.23879 0.42896 0.2992 0.90986 0.58626 0.44359 0.17689 0.97365 0.17884 0.68229 0.90378 0.48174 0.12354 0.75945 0.23906 0.02273 0.30362 0.30682 0.32186 0.36559 0.8376 0.55239 0.1184 0.47678 0.18146 0.8896 0.727 0.78115 0.05038 0.28899 0.10806 0.43343 0.92154 0.37571 0.13458 0.99726 0.94888 0.25596 0.44073 0.95875 0.09508 0.74545 0.4708 0.58105 0.50768 0.05326 0.53184 0.57056 0.21774 0.52432 0.86413 0.09922 0.86763 0.598 0.28781 0.81915 0.61621 0.34325 0.85807 0.13523 0.02803 0.16586 0.27801 0.99019 0.52809 0.63674 0.6336 0.30589 0.53016 0.20406 0.67843 0.51877 0.83589 0.21616 0.64684 0.8702 0.07898 0.19085 0.94921 0.52974 0.18925 0.48283 0.04097 0.00091 0.8349 0.41478 0.1506 0.48143 0.37165 0.93195 0.27335 0.94202 0.62451 0.30411 0.67255 0.19355 0.17443 0.57116 0.33843 0.8159 0.531 0.70601 0.12004 0.27616 0.95501 0.44334 0.65964 0.93127 0.32792 0.85445 0.7379 0.27644 0.98049 0.6618 0.61935 0.84955 0.65817 0.30922 0.41354 0.03748 0.30075 0.19187 0.4965 0.88039 0.7546 0.5584 0.73493 0.52849 0.41241 0.42261 0.9069 0.89887 0.59702 0.88255 0.08808 0.96194 0.3395 0.00065 0.24911 0.14466 0.76323 0.61391 0.83543 0.85544 0.70615 0.59549 0.92959 0.95484 0.75129 0.38163 0.17846 0.84428 0.67634 0.31026 0.92901 0.93285 0.02949 0.57518 0.54544 0.00321 0.59336 0.27965 0.08442 0.89818 0.15185 0.60656 0.14561 0.65452 0.74523 0.94204 0.65437 0.37331 0.80789 0.1503 0.21658 0.73737 0.83287 0.35802 0.42633 0.65244 0.06859 0.26593 0.30997 0.27745 0.98963 0.68808 0.59054 0.43641 0.34733 0.70801 0.44378 0.22732 0.98489 0.40837 0.79855 0.69236 0.43034 0.5269 0.65397 0.89243 0.67534 0.74823 0.75263 0.62252 0.68636 0.12456 0.92444 0.47531 0.79902 0.34582 0.60481 0.02476 0.06791 0.12685 0.14635 0.56984 0.30315 0.23568 0.9334 0.54855 0.44671 0.18791 0.79145 0.5844 0.08373 0.86309 0.43442 0.65666 0.3647 0.50788 0.27002 0.86567 0.26321 0.77894 0.57442 0.10404 0.66731 0.51071 0.87295 0.99281 0.68595 0.70056 0.43197 0.53766 0.14063 0.58096 0.25035 0.029 0.9006 0.66088 0.81418 0.97179 0.38295 0.15811 0.97143 0.70946 0.49288 0.21493 0.45747 0.2042 0.21927 0.69826 0.98707 0.10786 0.9151 0.06232 0.90632 0.14997 0.7898 0.17417 0.82314 0.94866 0.2522 0.31076 0.91487 0.85362 0.32458 0.09944 0.59394 0.36398 0.85404 0.55458 0.25606 0.69732 0.32484 0.13352 0.9989 0.81692 0.02698 0.09631 0.73671 0.32291 0.06861 0.05982 0.69512 0.95322 0.40625 0.20521 0.65232 0.29944 0.48536 0.36413 0.06763 0.59777 0.39167 0.22673 0.18851 0.75982 0.93947 0.19354 0.36173 0.06131 0.71506 0.51083 0.78082 0.10962 0.74434 0.6329 0.95136 0.31374 0.20537 0.67967 0.47016 0.01448 0.61153 0.27582 0.14663 0.25651 0.18603 0.64141 0.65307 0.89053 0.89274 0.47492 0.98039 0.1261 0.35963 0.54212 0.47714 0.40325 0.71456 0.83416 0.19693 0.8753 0.82799 0.42008 0.52204 0.65493 0.60234 0.45663 0.06484 0.7794 0.0352 0.15704 0.02658 0.75741 0.0109 0.96794 0.68147 0.04678 0.71702 0.78611 0.94694 0.8728 0.45182 0.40401 0.07855 0.07536 0.22153 0.69714 0.16717 0.19307 0.73132 0.13839 0.08145 0.52506 0.62833 0.53859 0.72296 0.25679 0.28052 0.35378 0.17339 0.15853 0.58433 0.70211 0.04604 0.18238 0.82098 0.35096 0.71349 0.33081 0.97749 0.43685 0.72601 0.72287 0.66242 0.74892 0.53629 0.35487 0.82028 0.81225 0.12558 0.46613 0.59268 0.3101 0.32541 0.8893 0.48523 0.42041 0.76875 0.42246 0.67872 0.2156 0.44454 0.44373 0.07416 0.98185 0.67925 0.29419 0.33772 0.73989 0.7812 0.70411 0.4835 0.13312 0.58323 0.38345 0.70427 0.00915 0.64863 0.29514 0.52821 0.11545 0.11363 0.93189 0.28492 0.34108 0.87606 0.03574 0.06478 0.6589 0.36892 0.02294 0.20871 0.89158 0.70605 0.64817 0.44079 0.41947 0.64186 0.86577
+0.44775 0.14334 0.77807 0.81755 0.18014 0.81917 0.69863 0.14055 0.153 0.02251 0.44078 0.45172 0.29758 0.34279 0.84669 0.41621 0.60622 0.29562 0.14747 0.00796 0.00104 0.65946 0.1105 0.55308 0.76965 0.66155 0.33752 0.08775 0.98418 0.24282 0.5835 0.08332 0.39451 0.39677 0.38961 0.56111 0.37295 0.76099 0.47789 0.44022 0.87792 0.7758 0.51635 0.10859 0.33532 0.62691 0.60359 0.26554 0.40349 0.58266 0.89421 0.0522 0.79496 0.31164 0.60835 0.48697 0.14153 0.39682 0.52911 0.1335 0.3548 0.96942 0.12385 0.1082 0.99944 0.02055 0.95091 0.18542 0.40075 0.00475 0.99415 0.82422 0.10656 0.87962 0.68924 0.81993 0.45869 0.54707 0.22505 0.29266 0.5743 0.29355 0.18244 0.23561 0.57273 0.225 0.78645 0.36362 0.06726 0.83054 0.88609 0.99819 0.61685 0.75013 0.32132 0.07357 0.98091 0.54288 0.13866 0.52612 0.54872 0.90205 0.76854 0.21761 0.47564 0.18474 0.03225 0.59791 0.08778 0.74363 0.80702 0.84946 0.00084 0.88246 0.61751 0.26427 0.55702 0.75784 0.82563 0.12417 0.83887 0.05047 0.48157 0.64107 0.65652 0.17805 0.00732 0.28325 0.44264 0.11686 0.495 0.37147 0.26287 0.50342 0.48573 0.94834 0.4429 0.54648 0.57484 0.65544 0.32073 0.38139 0.95459 0.32267 0.72241 0.38844 0.57093 0.35013 0.70717 0.23375 0.22921 0.43938 0.5779 0.1231 0.53872 0.3646 0.04676 0.72851 0.68383 0.90184 0.15321 0.33869 0.52747 0.78879 0.56969 0.45372 0.13882 0.01732 0.94741 0.85784 0.14075 0.65641 0.66961 0.17745 0.34323 0.90428 0.09239 0.00077 0.10816 0.75305 0.29722 0.50028 0.83441 0.48762 0.56969 0.43825 0.44139 0.20601 0.98847 0.08888 0.33338 0.78814 0.16794 0.77277 0.40447 0.05214 0.87859 0.60046 0.56256 0.16359 0.28715 0.04048 0.30629 0.62034 0.60345 0.2098 0.541 0.53845 0.86721 0.89935 0.79693 0.88835 0.40054 0.40601 0.91517 0.80875 0.65832 0.32186 0.64923 0.81203 0.76202 0.55338 0.43801 0.71224 0.17436 0.46755 0.96022 0.01512 0.81538 1e-05 0.08391 0.85886 0.98815 0.2481 0.98418 0.22396 0.90374 0.13631 0.16385 0.07606 0.85413 0.45133 0.18931 0.27788 0.97545 0.80815 0.96014 0.76612 0.83621 0.72646 0.20815 0.17981 0.28112 0.98867 0.11188 0.74103 0.85346 0.07695 0.08506 0.12211 0.37619 0.69962 0.07345 0.72588 0.64785 0.75531 0.28499 0.38489 0.02623 0.54232 0.38757 0.24681 0.72208 0.54885 0.71469 0.68971 0.90463 0.84735 0.67543 0.84968 0.13079 0.72275 0.79499 0.2179 0.27403 0.63314 0.55753 0.89107 0.67599 0.43215 0.27785 0.70723 0.45158 0.77821 0.28012 0.22951 0.05098 0.75655 0.23781 0.62846 0.20302 0.08951 0.63618 0.29961 0.14216 0.19348 0.5637 0.31942 0.83589 0.35943 0.33972 0.79464 0.56455 0.25407 0.6251 0.50783 0.95892 0.81309 0.38882 0.91811 0.34307 0.78277 0.13115 0.13369 0.27172 0.5793 0.39888 0.69244 0.32001 0.85615 0.59732 0.9549 0.51935 0.10665 0.72191 0.17263 0.47403 0.40885 0.85461 0.78701 0.11349 0.8149 0.81559 0.129 0.94809 0.78038 0.46343 0.16733 0.94664 0.51281 0.43965 0.08031 0.20124 0.27525 0.17638 0.04922 0.26438 0.50784 0.66718 0.1402 0.92203 0.7031 0.09112 0.70044 0.37283 0.63932 0.28418 0.93727 0.48961 0.71768 0.79342 0.05408 0.5647 0.36354 0.10562 0.73353 0.34716 0.14914 0.20564 0.6951 0.26734 0.97522 0.30711 0.3169 0.1573 0.40059 0.46314 0.96036 0.90434 0.01996 0.38414 0.48961 0.48207 0.22292 0.88283 0.56315 0.88981 0.39784 0.00604 0.63521 0.53105 0.81931 0.82072 0.96744 0.05052 0.85777 0.57577 0.08825 0.48409 0.36084 0.47972 0.01435 0.7092 0.9475 0.17632 0.78364 0.9838 0.55046 0.12214 0.6474 0.86658 0.37954 0.71944 0.72412 0.04544 0.13453 0.20998 0.68112 0.24145 0.88986 0.68163 0.05637 0.82196 0.64336 0.24402 0.87855 0.24923 0.88103 0.28018 0.67522 0.06905 0.46078 0.29043 0.18184 0.26769 0.29815 0.32367 0.64253 0.33917 0.95771 0.98947 0.69165 0.10896 0.86445 0.18439 0.79021 0.46576 0.94975 0.89896 0.85872 0.79255 0.27722 0.69992 0.09081 0.78549 0.13715 0.64668 0.87996 0.28285 0.49159 0.54616 0.6179 0.25331 0.16 0.18002 0.28552 0.14008 0.07655 0.4299 0.22205 0.41953 0.27125 0.97164 0.06627 0.83687 0.92569 0.33934 0.73879 0.57578 0.62917 0.48612 0.00303 0.25391 0.25088 0.18585 0.64453 0.5966 0.0876 0.23836 0.48608 0.63061 0.93353 0.15484 0.96344 0.7014 0.44685 0.38386 0.55487 0.9661 0.42622 0.09626 0.65075
+0.04696 0.35373 0.74835 0.91848 0.57443 0.87605 0.20547 0.61252 0.51429 0.10863 0.30084 0.23699 0.63216 0.05914 0.91451 0.93616 0.68829 0.77941 0.94881 0.63954 0.51915 0.23544 0.88742 0.61699 0.84455 0.54991 0.61288 0.01995 0.95106 0.18275 0.33277 0.21735 0.58984 0.66004 0.98293 0.4848 0.0765 0.90501 0.42629 0.38387 0.46741 0.2169 0.1852 0.22876 0.373 0.41719 0.87898 0.12213 0.57747 0.25508 0.15244 0.61874 0.62497 0.74164 0.91265 0.52312 0.1571 0.0259 0.40757 0.58295 0.38871 0.8502 0.05685 0.3092 0.02701 0.033 0.61086 0.98652 0.66289 0.37874 0.8164 0.01312 0.39347 0.96212 0.80472 0.26164 0.29181 0.64756 0.36922 0.47983 0.75415 0.40626 0.03273 0.40967 0.82049 0.09566 0.94412 0.15692 0.124 0.03002 0.56621 0.79484 0.28358 0.38382 0.9365 0.47512 0.97777 0.51739 0.9072 0.80376 0.34115 0.53223 0.39537 0.12525 0.53171 0.61366 0.77615 0.9639 0.25613 0.72709 0.27904 0.18881 0.50304 0.90961 0.98554 0.43112 0.48446 0.5541 0.93275 0.63142 0.95629 0.81013 0.87237 0.12881 0.04602 0.81154 0.84031 0.88136 0.41053 0.50459 0.86946 0.96731 0.14819 0.69122 0.57028 0.04474 0.71981 0.52907 0.78679 0.20175 0.39845 0.85836 0.71145 0.37763 0.34918 0.96705 0.53636 0.50644 0.66718 0.8168 0.98797 0.84287 0.60348 0.49331 0.03897 0.39318 0.8391 0.19645 0.18992 0.70538 0.57139 0.45515 0.83885 0.20632 0.10193 0.18283 0.01568 0.14464 0.33406 0.48567 0.18001 0.07259 0.95986 0.18055 0.3126 0.96006 0.89006 0.67191 0.65809 0.10758 0.08293 0.92398 0.25837 0.97763 0.11625 0.09821 0.70452 0.0675 0.32778 0.60941 0.15895 0.74476 0.27664 0.91255 0.46664 0.88262 0.96438 0.90302 0.26249 0.01642 0.68871 0.93345 0.64185 0.40336 0.59166 0.80322 0.48672 0.10617 0.34488 0.6376 0.94772 0.40591 0.87742 0.6273 0.02362 0.7777 0.51498 0.365 0.94836 0.75148 0.64149 0.85867 0.41606 0.78926 0.00034 0.92492 0.49242 0.97902 0.37457 0.05661 0.66701 0.95418 0.62941 0.68821 0.37483 0.46474 0.86265 0.53585 0.24958 0.92085 0.63714 0.04809 0.78774 0.27973 0.34651 0.29692 0.70367 0.97806 0.60942 0.60687 0.10074 0.91824 0.63486 0.8399 0.24375 0.20186 0.43501 0.6878 0.38401 0.39796 0.87217 0.8694 0.92591 0.49615 0.46742 0.91232 0.26632 0.56182 0.46888 0.01778 0.31171 0.59633 0.46561 0.36452 0.69753 0.00474 0.43132 0.86968 0.15234 0.24336 0.85445 0.77493 0.30042 0.83091 0.11828 0.20713 0.22606 0.2702 0.07559 0.68509 0.99329 0.95865 0.50881 0.41326 0.31739 0.74589 0.07979 0.61266 0.18822 0.05759 0.48813 0.47331 0.05677 0.63268 0.35333 0.70381 0.17851 0.26137 0.75467 0.89199 0.94744 0.64128 0.31712 0.53473 0.14247 0.93862 0.68418 0.16625 0.32981 0.38008 0.70874 0.37914 0.67558 0.62235 0.80406 0.30244 0.09382 0.87796 0.53237 0.03804 0.50091 0.43251 0.65759 0.08471 0.19277 0.45219 0.23415 0.17243 0.7534 0.44884 0.85921 0.87362 0.21151 0.09405 0.21036 0.59798 0.0037 0.74416 0.1582 0.51802 0.03233 0.28017 0.41059 0.27495 0.8277 0.82304 0.51231 0.77333 0.615 0.8229 0.94795 0.46393 0.9713 0.60943 0.99016 0.62587 0.68081 0.11262 0.7766 0.69986 0.65381 0.86864 0.40201 0.72729 0.64346 0.99264 0.40507 0.27272 0.86792 0.0134 0.75757 0.71976 0.7926 0.89152 0.40404 0.20084 0.99785 0.85034 0.27114 0.6379 0.05339 0.25876 0.9636 0.90866 0.29807 0.72836 0.45977 0.51725 0.40243 0.47002 0.96517 0.75252 0.5018 0.52495 0.55226 0.47156 0.97214 0.25191 0.09078 0.97031 0.41394 0.94244 0.38035 0.08996 0.01926 0.64238 0.44152 0.81654 0.47678 0.64449 0.04321 0.98878 0.53966 0.56661 0.61319 0.74258 0.21275 0.44221 0.97006 0.80491 0.50572 0.47024 0.36563 0.29027 0.53509 0.80097 0.85954 0.95718 0.24047 0.55195 0.96858 0.08118 0.12894 0.76061 0.39903 0.49858 0.04603 0.2987 0.87262 0.27632 0.51013 0.31056 0.32549 0.53275 0.15718 0.74195 0.01473 0.46697 0.00336 0.56067 0.48956 0.67641 0.77877 0.50927 0.21897 0.74249 0.1156 0.03019 0.50145 0.37816 0.48712 0.53103 0.43632 0.39329 0.98574 0.91316 0.94815 0.4452 0.10814 0.08828 0.51056 0.04077 0.1206 0.98381 0.73021 0.45859 0.61057 0.93464 0.36732 0.30993 0.3051 0.85724 0.67953 0.03311 0.64767 0.82004 0.63073 0.25203 0.26566 0.80705 0.81994 0.57292 0.66791 0.34084 0.17758 0.74884 0.4117 0.01835 0.07056 0.81384 0.78451 0.42884
+0.9959 0.77887 0.68311 0.09781 0.50572 0.7166 0.90246 0.72524 0.42747 0.66314 0.89466 0.63072 0.21678 0.52096 0.10638 0.89147 0.84174 0.15081 0.58861 0.47685 0.72524 0.88557 0.61205 0.99926 0.42382 0.97863 0.12116 0.03325 0.47358 0.53688 0.57397 0.03103 0.096 0.71777 0.41078 0.29478 0.06922 0.15444 0.06917 0.87907 0.23909 0.05574 0.71818 0.39741 0.93205 0.75767 0.81635 0.70089 0.65176 0.94922 0.66719 0.03642 0.21034 0.21451 0.17572 0.75045 0.8494 0.52468 0.59696 0.35061 0.67771 0.15593 0.91717 0.05452 0.94984 0.71828 0.42473 0.64569 0.09363 0.54231 0.77768 0.12003 0.5374 0.18879 0.79242 0.99286 0.06936 0.21588 0.07724 0.84785 0.1169 0.11164 0.99845 0.91297 0.0543 0.51375 0.45448 0.91253 0.04825 0.67962 0.40251 0.31836 0.46822 0.80124 0.80725 0.80199 0.33445 0.00851 0.79436 0.49092 0.17749 0.38025 0.80756 0.15022 0.12837 0.78266 0.61099 0.02877 0.59317 0.19956 0.65891 0.50279 0.27357 0.99187 0.46464 0.94572 0.58788 0.4634 0.32871 0.9929 0.8567 0.07625 0.477 0.34619 0.51694 0.51842 0.39448 0.11944 0.92621 0.74047 0.26144 0.71066 0.96995 0.0217 0.4461 0.54768 0.32259 0.488 0.19891 0.62982 0.59391 0.76415 0.87817 0.80853 0.69345 0.53662 0.67121 0.40284 0.89171 0.8236 0.13137 0.75658 0.54703 0.19877 0.81192 0.85418 0.05831 0.68215 0.12575 0.81792 0.72094 0.67964 0.09648 0.30393 0.59595 0.13936 0.10123 0.76578 0.55678 0.46616 0.51125 0.53473 0.69307 0.94654 0.0297 0.9406 0.49472 0.84178 0.28757 0.04296 0.32123 0.41725 0.66019 0.04079 0.86528 0.33552 0.64332 0.64551 0.20988 0.77214 0.60964 0.41026 0.36421 0.5401 0.22545 0.19075 0.20731 0.6627 0.93414 0.39395 0.75948 0.02917 0.16846 0.99478 0.47381 0.18929 0.57313 0.62585 0.96105 0.3865 0.94109 0.03539 0.17214 0.79349 0.49662 0.43302 0.47147 0.22194 0.11588 0.64126 0.50325 0.77235 0.07671 0.39599 0.1919 0.77382 0.33936 0.40261 0.45858 0.65353 0.7676 0.08078 0.17445 0.04678 0.17952 0.2945 0.42502 0.52832 0.83127 0.86181 0.7571 0.86755 0.87698 0.05463 0.35048 0.86274 0.75892 0.17115 0.44474 0.22074 0.3423 0.65505 0.72763 0.2278 0.38302 0.02162 0.02566 0.96506 0.10561 0.55179 0.48699 0.56607 0.50161 0.58142 0.17532 0.89352 0.15576 0.89218 0.17032 0.41188 0.1329 0.57389 0.89854 0.40082 0.09885 0.95213 0.89727 0.5307 0.90689 0.59216 0.32847 0.99722 0.114 0.81155 0.42272 0.42418 0.64554 0.83378 0.82564 0.46159 0.87009 0.44211 0.94904 0.33454 0.93463 0.08149 0.34989 0.5923 0.70569 0.7221 0.63079 0.97269 0.08356 0.46595 0.77771 0.53955 0.23958 0.57834 0.73351 0.02118 0.85497 0.36523 0.50079 0.29144 0.22418 0.51093 0.39764 0.03813 0.7656 0.03731 0.7837 0.68057 0.11905 0.91238 0.31075 0.49988 0.02915 0.58085 0.03283 0.54907 0.92016 0.23469 0.83156 0.47449 0.58727 0.77674 0.56694 0.53159 0.05986 0.7358 0.52722 0.75406 0.31893 0.61797 0.74727 0.6901 0.24444 0.37944 0.14906 0.46365 0.69419 0.56514 0.52674 0.98251 0.8137 0.20381 0.78225 0.67404 0.66214 0.8944 0.89076 0.47084 0.50864 0.17262 0.16179 0.13697 0.04484 0.32234 0.25985 0.59783 0.25131 0.6338 0.87379 0.47966 0.27966 0.22188 0.58303 0.7556 0.12659 0.30363 0.62615 0.52313 0.48606 0.98812 0.58875 0.4121 0.01635 0.36274 0.00198 0.32806 0.20369 0.06083 0.03169 0.22759 0.52159 0.43429 0.3603 0.43459 0.6666 0.21303 0.07103 0.276 0.85227 0.15277 0.73668 0.62245 0.32368 0.66674 0.88246 0.00694 0.3425 0.07132 0.57062 0.89447 0.42736 0.28231 0.02875 0.93613 0.4317 0.02254 0.0433 0.24326 0.95855 0.25711 0.55241 0.0491 0.31457 0.88992 0.64602 0.50613 0.96211 0.48718 0.49747 0.43948 0.70635 0.33066 0.22271 0.34148 0.61855 0.47291 0.68228 0.39687 0.64301 0.41129 0.86317 0.69009 0.73118 0.43865 0.15536 0.05794 0.66838 0.82228 0.93988 0.38259 0.25758 0.91764 0.30206 0.16796 0.78957 0.43002 0.30694 0.59001 0.80233 0.03946 0.88096 0.03171 0.40161 0.96619 0.16599 0.7677 0.32767 0.5824 0.01685 0.95546 0.0942 0.6639 0.42278 0.52374 0.52927 0.38364 0.93026 0.11038 0.6353 0.88451 0.85944 0.90954 0.46833 0.85101 0.87499 0.37648 0.39099 0.7034 0.33694 0.33147 0.88423 0.74718 0.36629 0.92193 0.36179 0.47643 0.90754 0.3255 0.23451 0.27507 0.32188 0.0242 0.24735 0.46045 0.85694 0.80454 0.81998 0.15231
+0.1919 0.47835 0.54898 0.9943 0.22274 0.9482 0.85088 0.43173 0.32846 0.24439 0.14515 0.69753 0.8887 0.60968 0.41119 0.06516 0.46753 0.77871 0.66946 0.39242 0.98961 0.32635 0.23771 0.62118 0.83095 0.65328 0.53128 0.27659 0.72546 0.07024 0.39598 0.76975 0.33294 0.3416 0.74669 0.53686 0.56576 0.42304 0.4954 0.16928 0.34045 0.65862 0.00958 0.41189 0.13255 0.37325 0.49546 0.52459 0.81501 0.56686 0.19822 0.09142 0.37996 0.74661 0.08587 0.32026 0.49963 0.47447 0.39506 0.49493 0.8943 0.21651 0.47195 0.37916 0.598 0.66164 0.49889 0.85468 0.83311 0.01698 0.17371 0.03593 0.48527 0.19988 0.79128 0.99341 0.11221 0.11293 0.7105 0.36921 0.29856 0.87902 0.65638 0.6643 0.89225 0.36581 0.01305 0.94829 0.85696 0.74136 0.14971 0.6943 0.51569 0.86719 0.88917 0.09016 0.5603 0.00047 0.06556 0.79951 0.57688 0.66812 0.33758 0.75569 0.68288 0.92389 0.66112 0.53949 0.96994 0.12198 0.93861 0.02276 0.07611 0.03989 0.95726 0.03842 0.84179 0.99298 0.39623 0.09525 0.94662 0.05059 0.11753 0.94673 0.61266 0.22549 0.97281 0.04359 0.71959 0.34072 0.23028 0.24453 0.88399 0.15601 0.5205 0.23989 0.61509 0.77172 0.01802 0.99688 0.64422 0.01469 0.40564 0.60435 0.35524 0.10711 0.0604 0.38388 0.3038 0.03239 0.50424 0.89668 0.46165 0.04504 0.61054 0.3461 0.91326 0.1657 0.53046 0.79611 0.64839 0.37286 0.17079 0.20453 0.57936 0.75191 0.4153 0.26201 0.36983 0.33105 0.16134 0.56277 0.7467 0.17224 0.79687 0.19525 0.25284 0.78597 0.15646 0.17967 0.4439 0.44979 0.82269 0.75651 0.07402 0.3652 0.68047 0.8344 0.31809 0.08611 0.90495 0.3263 0.52078 0.83022 0.82537 0.13018 0.47778 0.27082 0.1918 0.99756 0.04405 0.03822 0.41871 0.96228 0.28463 0.62723 0.94038 0.47019 0.51405 0.31159 0.68002 0.44448 0.60295 0.35283 0.97823 0.89095 0.53664 0.98495 0.50449 0.30989 0.14749 0.3851 0.90487 0.28527 0.32891 0.40874 0.76035 0.33411 0.85859 0.77759 0.58276 0.3013 0.12534 0.87077 0.86916 0.16479 0.538 0.84485 0.55629 0.22608 0.97777 0.53734 0.31328 0.69399 0.31212 0.78602 0.53864 0.63448 0.60355 0.24862 0.40803 0.20301 0.19333 0.18207 0.90961 0.71976 0.52763 0.12945 0.69852 0.3108 0.87231 0.91096 0.56472 0.16016 0.56095 0.42755 0.59193 0.759 0.67051 0.56499 0.70818 0.21678 0.25049 0.37524 0.60493 0.85973 0.53173 0.8005 0.4857 0.59232 0.77074 0.22609 0.62417 0.13725 0.40631 0.72508 0.42647 0.83603 0.3489 0.95271 0.62636 0.45609 0.27312 0.70537 0.12987 0.32621 0.20541 0.96868 0.25531 0.95456 0.07723 0.49989 0.75542 0.63334 0.07861 0.29053 0.13527 0.61649 0.35959 0.61605 0.06749 0.13053 0.8196 0.725 0.44085 0.2264 0.82966 0.07312 0.27114 0.70653 0.74053 0.41262 0.57114 0.2532 0.05079 0.71887 0.66583 0.47514 0.99066 0.56597 0.47098 0.3835 0.33248 0.31411 0.33862 0.07229 0.80903 0.22059 0.6877 0.78894 0.63374 0.25943 0.35095 0.07045 0.94051 0.88113 0.72037 0.57631 0.00998 0.0364 0.75866 0.20664 0.10493 0.00447 0.21804 0.87378 0.38163 0.78048 0.14343 0.4922 0.65992 0.58866 0.06246 0.80381 0.53057 0.26466 0.35145 0.52062 0.27339 0.74629 0.00023 0.10551 0.13027 0.6103 0.14905 0.04037 0.62353 0.12899 0.3857 0.43174 0.37859 0.87049 0.95432 0.78313 0.26289 0.33858 0.91099 0.14957 0.80307 0.71092 0.32987 0.12366 0.22194 0.53459 0.59024 0.83115 0.28694 0.58845 0.51688 0.59594 0.41362 0.67359 0.91873 0.08319 0.35099 0.22731 0.75008 0.90352 0.68801 0.1072 0.93932 0.23236 0.20986 0.40956 0.10547 0.63193 0.096 0.48056 0.5061 0.04041 0.36999 0.86218 0.81677 0.45633 0.80723 0.47159 0.86381 0.89622 0.79949 0.81506 0.81056 0.44875 0.00543 0.61672 0.36482 0.1986 0.25506 0.24705 0.3878 0.58907 0.49604 0.58665 0.95324 0.2306 0.43536 0.22442 0.72751 0.2134 0.14832 0.62142 0.3213 0.05186 0.97904 0.86259 0.66986 0.14621 0.77502 0.03393 0.30157 0.45226 0.27548 0.57085 0.64827 0.76036 0.63238 0.16119 0.38102 0.19037 0.35083 0.1786 0.3948 0.24642 0.50974 0.44029 0.43669 0.79053 0.62712 0.26527 0.21119 0.16321 0.19503 0.07289 0.21651 0.47072 0.94217 0.73487 0.93234 0.51447 0.37698 0.13447 0.83869 0.89107 0.95663 0.94032 0.6488 0.78636 0.50875 0.55692 0.70487 0.40811 0.92966 0.67246 0.97884 0.93869 0.45466 0.35677 0.6328 0.70675 0.12998 0.96831 0.60362 0.55729
+0.14265 0.06724 0.41029 0.31735 0.08561 0.61967 0.09926 0.97622 0.16231 0.42347 0.43958 0.63897 0.12284 0.60449 0.87471 0.9435 0.40526 0.53533 0.49296 0.38817 0.29521 0.85126 0.12995 0.21472 0.03992 0.18822 0.47135 0.90292 0.58156 0.05663 0.45004 0.09678 0.95229 0.0843 0.12737 0.82309 0.01993 0.72523 0.72876 0.81899 0.52793 0.86691 0.10826 0.79341 0.89056 0.60849 0.16319 0.56547 0.61414 0.65008 0.47212 0.88555 0.8227 0.02446 0.03233 0.51447 0.4457 0.09327 0.57272 0.26714 0.84315 0.68413 0.04198 0.91953 0.06051 0.67412 0.31072 0.76121 0.70821 0.55687 0.89848 0.23881 0.29315 0.76647 0.48961 0.82413 0.53137 0.18911 0.9685 0.37383 0.7309 0.43334 0.60938 0.27326 0.98672 0.27437 0.93724 0.25563 0.56785 0.19122 0.34492 0.49357 0.69402 0.36706 0.4425 0.73533 0.03967 0.96117 0.9327 0.13232 0.52593 0.73496 0.52409 0.5289 0.65524 0.86717 0.065 0.23909 0.67086 0.56213 0.12018 0.31568 0.29704 0.23257 0.97111 0.40348 0.20114 0.75848 0.38604 0.79243 0.64493 0.79316 0.20682 0.34629 0.07129 0.04086 0.53704 0.61076 0.94597 0.01105 0.02766 0.77037 0.91135 0.58786 0.01034 0.65771 0.99906 0.78233 0.16375 0.39357 0.01137 0.41239 0.97557 0.37772 0.92515 0.18772 0.08018 0.8719 0.63489 0.58661 0.36316 0.04632 0.65831 0.02304 0.15268 0.14974 0.35687 0.06628 0.8086 0.27894 0.70857 0.56978 0.55201 0.88625 0.02337 0.22597 0.41117 0.7361 0.08036 0.40214 0.47806 0.88375 0.92858 0.31282 0.78133 0.24831 0.28188 0.05889 0.88883 0.17714 0.21813 0.16313 0.51503 0.36104 0.69073 0.70303 0.46871 0.38858 0.60658 0.98811 0.65487 0.45619 0.8562 0.20569 0.24693 0.58874 0.1093 0.98863 0.66985 0.59877 0.84339 0.64623 0.57293 0.79385 0.25687 0.52264 0.79018 0.32149 0.39532 0.91076 0.23107 0.70459 0.07563 0.20047 0.49685 0.14303 0.28896 0.19574 0.21796 0.13753 0.56985 0.50398 0.82091 0.99441 0.30123 0.49442 0.18086 0.73721 0.3525 0.9509 0.41808 0.19862 0.63567 0.16183 0.94246 0.90126 0.24635 0.34831 0.98542 0.48439 0.88694 0.66192 0.54005 0.94797 0.10532 0.85914 0.88434 0.66049 0.3313 0.19191 0.28855 0.75335 0.25548 0.11411 0.48514 0.36704 0.80315 0.80295 0.93211 0.2474 0.79452 0.75083 0.90258 0.22256 0.68556 0.97988 0.04909 0.67156 0.70774 0.97732 0.85534 0.13842 0.03972 0.71965 0.52092 0.14182 0.49349 0.16225 0.2886 0.56431 0.68809 0.37663 0.14442 0.22059 0.82115 0.53482 0.14053 0.51014 0.31914 0.62474 0.6509 0.62595 0.75717 0.67627 0.83874 0.37334 0.95603 0.33689 0.62062 0.30533 0.82798 0.4234 0.56627 0.10843 0.24344 0.50065 0.20011 0.88077 0.85464 0.1064 0.70236 0.06304 0.99027 0.21633 0.02051 0.25571 0.41053 0.58848 0.47657 0.12334 0.82729 0.53178 0.71137 0.46332 0.68442 0.35969 0.23041 0.42075 0.85687 0.92477 0.79912 0.04243 0.03244 0.62214 0.20667 0.40716 0.05836 0.48394 0.07309 0.94069 0.89355 0.86853 0.15668 0.04534 0.3814 0.89101 0.78116 0.68328 0.66625 0.3832 0.47996 0.7 0.67854 0.3535 0.91959 0.72401 0.35323 0.17582 0.71552 0.32691 0.09991 0.1897 0.52276 0.07185 0.98435 0.69987 0.37884 0.0129 0.6016 0.81589 0.05043 0.94981 0.65456 0.40386 0.43088 0.76437 0.12643 0.15304 0.757 0.7588 0.76032 0.46101 0.74069 0.03755 0.30556 0.82502 0.68396 0.32767 0.30232 0.33032 0.74639 0.64695 0.09398 0.2881 0.83087 0.72058 0.65764 0.61805 0.23157 0.15304 0.04636 0.76486 0.22168 0.85158 0.06158 0.47083 0.38204 0.1069 0.85821 0.03534 0.08853 0.27567 0.08903 0.4057 0.94945 0.38063 0.93691 0.96315 0.23473 0.82505 0.85493 0.43962 0.52106 0.43732 0.16948 0.50025 0.40246 0.49263 0.34464 0.01038 0.99227 0.32554 0.18479 0.99926 0.91205 0.43121 0.66528 0.63091 0.9606 0.58559 0.58098 0.72187 0.48678 0.46781 0.44629 0.21149 0.46043 0.78799 0.92744 0.55816 0.62509 0.60761 0.6958 0.08391 0.84283 0.39641 0.91274 0.48271 0.47285 0.39635 0.70986 0.95666 0.3656 0.69247 0.65681 0.79812 0.87406 0.17988 0.57049 0.98121 0.05384 0.97469 0.46352 0.22989 0.48083 0.58234 0.61854 0.34841 0.36 0.32376 0.06335 0.77072 0.36697 0.59775 0.83833 0.25095 0.26284 0.39876 0.80807 0.76896 0.72664 0.25099 0.80851 0.52388 0.59269 0.91302 0.9082 0.18087 0.79801 0.41421 0.56826 0.77042 0.56133 0.38412 0.97426 0.68618 0.93826 0.02412 0.20324 0.87067 0.30897 0.55371
+0.05172 0.32769 0.90359 0.66075 0.41823 0.24634 0.95285 0.63928 0.54889 0.32733 0.05493 0.68442 0.35788 0.3207 0.34557 0.29639 0.14423 0.25131 0.89775 0.682 0.19748 0.51896 0.08859 0.96864 0.2797 0.36312 0.41854 0.23927 0.36276 0.83564 0.48963 0.70515 0.31705 0.36817 0.03975 0.84279 0.20182 0.65672 0.44172 0.06392 0.42903 0.04213 0.04885 0.5664 0.26599 0.11385 0.53441 0.81042 0.09122 0.22208 0.70313 0.76745 0.42741 0.62333 0.55652 0.4402 0.60242 0.21215 0.1705 0.63982 0.702 0.41534 0.79112 0.31083 0.04567 0.4022 0.59618 0.92959 0.74194 0.07384 0.32887 0.31107 0.47801 0.32506 0.24289 0.33574 0.72582 0.35382 0.78964 0.65172 0.97895 0.34083 0.85912 0.5374 0.36016 0.28891 0.49935 0.81414 0.1198 0.68578 0.41712 0.85096 0.29413 0.41115 0.40856 0.47167 0.25793 0.48156 0.5973 0.27229 0.61405 0.39547 0.92054 0.26519 0.21852 0.62536 0.62951 0.09955 0.93764 0.65406 0.85723 0.59271 0.42965 0.58505 0.09696 0.41733 0.4711 0.48508 0.57041 0.2711 0.022 0.74179 0.34361 0.02798 0.72233 0.49898 0.78001 0.1202 0.79651 0.6928 0.98678 0.56851 0.64577 0.34383 0.12281 0.31811 0.74044 0.82954 0.07853 0.83286 0.50969 0.26217 0.21157 0.77635 0.56042 0.53101 0.44367 0.62273 0.1728 0.77577 0.55527 0.42902 0.031 0.53368 0.21348 0.55787 0.55625 0.65612 0.74559 0.18219 0.47482 0.16249 0.42483 0.52441 0.04167 0.79232 0.71282 0.66222 0.81058 0.59762 0.23152 0.97416 0.52535 0.94085 0.04443 0.75828 0.13853 0.76584 0.17037 0.13235 0.01421 0.02649 0.92603 0.34292 0.41101 0.21212 0.11972 0.45081 0.54939 0.11737 0.59266 0.76506 0.55178 0.10404 0.53992 0.62864 0.60089 0.49563 0.56727 0.62159 0.07376 0.92918 0.81055 0.09027 0.7302 0.28174 0.9433 0.45965 0.12864 0.01487 0.17633 0.16978 0.16747 0.67239 0.12163 0.29664 0.73392 0.80399 0.9039 0.92381 0.04461 0.28385 0.08413 0.14717 0.7874 0.53534 0.87159 0.95826 0.76143 0.96263 0.01268 0.41318 0.9469 0.85904 0.26924 0.48845 0.55405 0.2119 0.2939 0.03766 0.43799 0.73708 0.65405 0.13655 0.56724 0.89685 0.80923 0.7788 0.92392 0.81668 0.19107 0.44184 0.38454 0.86173 0.041 0.57858 0.13558 0.57537 0.87145 0.77956 0.50915 0.16461 0.91298 0.99957 0.51716 0.20232 0.19737 0.99928 0.95397 0.03522 0.97617 0.26423 0.63278 0.56065 0.69714 0.4146 0.73977 0.53052 0.68636 0.09622 0.57448 0.68893 0.68635 0.90071 0.40711 0.89383 0.84125 0.47128 0.02992 0.29529 0.894 0.80442 0.78898 0.80649 0.81308 0.82523 0.40171 0.54822 0.98963 0.68592 0.369 0.42554 0.84856 0.67793 0.39249 0.50442 0.1404 0.01865 0.7543 0.44894 0.92367 0.19158 0.80638 0.86416 0.44505 0.40128 0.14782 0.33881 0.84842 0.20658 0.50784 0.29467 0.60026 0.55155 0.20521 0.66395 0.99832 0.67771 0.82813 0.22981 0.7586 0.19624 0.08983 0.02896 0.3157 0.90343 0.83113 0.45797 0.97944 0.73364 0.35418 0.38652 0.96483 0.59166 0.60769 0.29218 0.89243 0.6809 0.11576 0.02834 0.4171 0.23324 0.1677 0.24548 0.56273 0.12792 0.46894 0.18844 0.50526 0.17386 0.784 0.0783 0.37303 0.60033 0.06815 0.58318 0.91863 0.44123 0.87687 0.51793 0.08317 0.39709 0.56749 0.76375 0.1999 0.99368 0.89016 0.76588 0.54112 0.46661 0.44125 0.36905 0.76358 0.55965 0.91888 0.0492 0.31093 0.89271 0.31159 0.91476 0.81535 0.06312 0.11053 0.98859 0.79344 0.64046 0.48433 0.01227 0.97185 0.80481 0.30722 0.36838 0.83809 0.75717 0.85173 0.17855 0.11075 0.97754 0.08106 0.86021 0.56146 0.38884 0.10029 0.48798 0.78412 0.93771 0.79316 0.71457 0.37809 0.70975 0.15029 0.12166 0.87896 0.33642 0.12659 0.29457 0.74183 0.16806 0.13353 0.79175 0.8158 0.02176 0.58402 0.70673 0.48552 0.75284 0.73759 0.65246 0.50775 0.77251 0.08605 0.16113 0.28549 0.0983 0.14021 0.17499 0.49092 0.96982 0.35869 0.57779 0.68664 0.67104 0.87456 0.69394 0.04495 0.38671 0.26836 0.36584 0.66092 0.43879 0.99055 0.80486 0.12445 0.61203 0.64575 0.55883 0.61315 0.1914 0.36281 0.30013 0.06961 0.33476 0.01567 0.12073 0.37209 0.59899 0.81604 0.70892 0.38452 0.52584 0.06661 0.51915 0.08902 0.69445 0.14578 0.12308 0.01101 0.95866 0.33127 0.61461 0.91424 0.89212 0.55914 0.13993 0.04142 0.23491 0.07646 0.94199 0.72539 0.24965 0.40259 0.93097 0.74741 0.43675 0.24324 0.79284 0.27646 0.45958 0.67044 0.11921 0.36112 0.95669
+0.1492 0.36811 0.24437 0.89965 0.44562 0.07384 0.54693 0.2608 0.64076 0.00359 0.49988 0.2035 0.32251 0.96863 0.23595 0.06825 0.61917 0.14293 0.12375 0.98344 0.73148 0.76797 0.49671 0.99738 0.34515 0.51995 0.5199 0.75769 0.24063 0.54405 0.49032 0.93804 0.158 0.2621 0.18716 0.90165 0.47891 0.78208 0.36704 0.42571 0.8508 0.04315 0.67344 0.21979 0.84074 0.53156 0.81113 0.93747 0.40536 0.85741 0.95139 0.39207 0.09721 0.64701 0.13817 0.69592 0.55412 0.47586 0.31613 0.30423 0.23725 0.21363 0.48233 0.8424 0.47312 0.62982 0.68032 0.60954 0.77245 0.59892 0.17509 0.83129 0.37048 0.14748 0.46873 0.42719 0.18303 0.67164 0.14843 0.15731 0.1161 0.71704 0.3467 0.03129 0.08081 0.11112 0.51592 0.53248 0.84904 0.64102 0.79055 0.11469 0.02435 0.10939 0.80992 0.98907 0.49713 0.83724 0.96906 0.21111 0.57983 0.47838 0.28682 0.29481 0.27348 0.89358 0.12 0.75744 0.6034 0.93052 0.98542 0.39957 0.86844 0.65353 0.33742 0.49929 0.66303 0.39339 0.92366 0.16557 0.44544 0.47747 0.44739 0.55021 0.21308 0.04861 0.30546 0.29522 0.61383 0.54642 0.15171 0.14405 0.98184 0.19455 0.79229 0.48641 0.86486 0.9511 0.19294 0.7184 0.27812 0.0429 0.68244 0.21695 0.44182 0.2675 0.23017 0.05575 0.97709 0.62654 0.09168 0.76795 0.18736 0.82407 0.01523 0.40665 0.17549 0.71829 0.12029 0.08811 0.79926 0.09516 0.68569 0.53679 0.11327 0.97325 0.89623 0.90882 0.12012 0.84415 0.28205 0.01044 0.19977 0.56909 0.93264 0.30787 0.37707 0.39911 0.65593 0.6892 0.75379 0.5581 0.34113 0.45037 0.08763 0.70039 0.26363 0.42598 0.64008 0.96727 0.38705 0.15464 0.74466 0.45004 0.44365 0.11898 0.4814 0.96319 0.26866 0.70682 0.3165 0.34843 0.12664 0.15437 0.17788 0.98768 0.73891 0.59827 0.4111 0.28696 0.68615 0.4032 0.27041 0.07755 0.42245 0.18004 0.21523 0.63852 0.4555 0.30123 0.54173 0.70611 0.83714 0.07427 0.22077 0.22748 0.23213 0.12768 0.06727 0.69223 0.2322 0.70098 0.34931 0.93628 0.39261 0.0939 0.20496 0.66346 0.38948 0.33038 0.67765 0.31845 0.26986 0.85285 0.09924 0.0949 0.6872 0.08407 0.96336 0.54014 0.49443 0.7594 0.59669 0.57767 0.84578 0.37343 0.68462 0.7097 0.59284 0.41762 0.97569 0.31638 0.37189 0.65483 0.74793 0.97919 0.06938 0.75575 0.59748 0.72798 0.78736 0.35531 0.68416 0.38094 0.59329 0.51866 0.85582 0.62982 0.05692 0.67883 0.85831 0.65859 0.18984 0.88831 0.6347 0.90287 0.55912 0.88893 0.3945 0.54796 0.5843 0.36416 0.94908 0.50497 0.47665 0.82231 0.88999 0.86272 0.86446 0.96303 0.17272 0.3797 0.25169 0.97015 0.58946 0.03866 0.21068 0.38916 0.27265 0.89841 0.77284 0.45207 0.17394 0.53101 0.58417 0.63859 0.09325 0.74789 0.78912 0.86808 0.56882 0.90116 0.97757 0.92575 0.63048 0.5157 0.85 0.24036 0.87608 0.64166 0.68021 0.4931 0.24397 0.80648 0.93415 0.78939 0.38986 0.83473 0.34478 0.29976 0.20105 0.17523 0.76064 0.93324 0.59275 0.21969 0.2391 0.70952 0.93373 0.37202 0.47604 0.98793 0.3241 0.01396 0.09385 0.57301 0.90292 0.614 0.88936 0.43785 0.39271 0.50466 0.75932 0.35539 0.29954 0.88987 0.54882 0.99638 0.15811 0.05019 0.7785 0.92094 0.14965 0.31145 0.09702 0.95056 0.26889 0.24833 0.34335 0.56826 0.13124 0.20555 0.53997 0.72883 0.18011 0.07041 0.40232 0.7771 0.51623 0.6761 0.37425 0.85135 0.02611 0.44654 0.36403 0.52658 0.16772 0.72244 0.61581 0.41241 0.89662 0.58695 0.64943 0.55893 0.17172 0.57132 0.63395 0.64657 0.41781 0.70481 0.83538 0.3971 0.76001 0.02859 0.25789 0.03604 0.7714 0.25 0.98259 0.55672 0.0002 0.49067 0.55101 0.83129 0.3432 0.0372 0.39121 0.68479 0.70412 0.23473 0.26883 0.2558 0.13967 0.57743 0.32122 0.55246 0.74633 0.24894 0.07885 0.13327 0.2741 0.26753 0.01887 0.34122 0.4698 0.46661 0.79444 0.80909 0.55768 0.63704 0.78914 0.43877 0.36918 0.16 0.99008 0.49617 0.60799 0.64527 0.0532 0.70539 0.47332 0.23989 0.10092 0.32544 0.14479 0.85599 0.64363 0.75721 0.29648 0.03189 0.92407 0.39003 0.14836 0.3422 0.30645 0.56916 0.20545 0.08375 0.6578 0.89507 0.27493 0.80182 0.09214 0.51198 0.51279 0.19472 0.6033 0.36367 0.5859 0.33258 0.70388 0.17153 0.7669 0.57181 0.88766 0.51603 0.83252 0.81746 0.34628 0.48005 0.2478 0.42475 0.73907 0.72357 0.32628 0.37958 0.41252 0.85945 0.27121 0.87952 0.36597 0.45394
+0.79674 0.92092 0.61445 0.10763 0.49936 0.40264 0.58336 0.37461 0.99746 0.50029 0.33688 0.23198 0.98006 0.93879 0.45243 0.0284 0.76628 0.4389 0.61579 0.52096 0.84372 0.0726 0.90195 0.3712 0.06834 0.39896 0.26621 0.75441 0.0027 0.00559 0.80492 0.92001 0.73297 0.88205 0.68907 0.53837 0.80562 0.53025 0.73228 0.21145 0.81963 0.55405 0.10761 0.82065 0.33185 0.53082 0.31627 0.0994 0.92765 0.96459 0.10989 0.80077 0.86668 0.22756 0.59223 0.91036 0.61373 0.752 0.45759 0.83064 0.12288 0.48573 0.5946 0.04328 0.2407 0.00557 0.81641 0.32568 0.42061 0.89004 0.62211 0.43635 0.2257 0.74066 0.29901 0.02592 0.79769 0.55529 0.68249 0.1483 0.28545 0.9561 0.35132 0.27195 0.49001 0.32684 0.55259 0.67181 0.72409 0.77377 0.0956 0.17974 0.62929 0.67757 0.87443 0.09476 0.05698 0.48106 0.68826 0.54368 0.90411 0.2638 0.91777 0.62985 0.74803 0.70392 0.18896 0.50094 0.5426 0.0684 0.10898 0.74202 0.41552 0.94105 0.33346 0.57259 0.02251 0.22842 0.5118 0.63168 0.16828 0.63615 0.3339 0.00697 0.97574 0.60381 0.24831 0.43267 0.00841 0.88745 0.9462 0.01376 0.5264 0.63253 0.86863 0.30794 0.27702 0.19954 0.74933 0.26125 0.55531 0.12312 0.50928 0.22811 0.93005 0.03445 0.0886 0.99773 0.24388 0.69237 0.96546 0.44078 0.76029 0.36529 0.23872 0.27546 0.012 0.9962 0.15817 0.62911 0.55782 0.01471 0.42714 0.34058 0.66057 0.13774 0.61499 0.0978 0.82007 0.70656 0.56686 0.39326 0.84888 0.40326 0.37538 0.66484 0.85638 0.62675 0.81642 0.17404 0.08869 0.45394 0.65429 0.75576 0.54079 0.31645 0.59749 0.69994 0.01145 0.49974 0.08023 0.9677 0.97752 0.32218 0.9784 0.3786 0.4713 0.68891 0.67795 0.61613 0.39182 0.65896 0.03496 0.96621 0.29483 0.29891 0.3495 0.07723 0.19053 0.54677 0.45619 0.584 0.30434 0.40466 0.03909 0.15778 0.74189 0.98823 0.85447 0.0671 0.47266 0.54022 0.7042 0.87353 0.59828 0.43044 0.13974 0.06026 0.78945 0.97106 0.14658 0.97273 0.02254 0.82179 0.38372 0.9617 0.1967 0.93414 0.7679 0.53628 0.51252 0.71782 0.71569 0.73048 0.02608 0.7984 0.05121 0.00761 0.75219 0.35226 0.65342 0.65124 0.99022 0.6996 0.70694 0.96057 0.01382 0.08764 0.44324 0.28786 0.97367 0.14229 0.90433 0.3372 0.27 0.2889 0.16085 0.82397 0.24176 0.87925 0.12926 0.35321 0.52641 0.68678 0.80359 0.05515 0.75779 0.90861 0.482 0.56648 0.28813 0.6021 0.23982 0.23698 0.51771 0.13223 0.11415 0.26317 0.77678 0.86964 0.81019 0.25009 0.10837 0.287 0.13534 0.00331 0.62849 0.01852 0.16331 0.64278 0.27034 0.36651 0.62632 0.68277 0.81992 0.4497 0.49226 0.45843 0.83091 0.51202 0.62285 0.71791 0.66302 0.92491 0.97522 0.40031 0.07684 0.1666 0.82446 0.13535 0.07783 0.97426 0.45123 0.03653 0.69217 0.48532 0.4401 0.56789 0.12968 0.09386 0.5318 0.07483 0.11549 0.17938 0.63075 0.56741 0.69429 0.02462 0.20293 0.99593 0.88015 0.60181 0.67964 0.24511 0.06014 0.38996 0.84386 0.87723 0.00561 0.12198 0.69929 0.54327 0.37953 0.50793 0.32796 0.9862 0.87653 0.60392 0.64231 0.83722 0.7179 0.95828 0.00559 0.33746 0.27585 0.13988 0.93197 0.15254 0.83855 0.41503 0.07872 0.175 0.11171 0.56262 0.03656 0.18772 0.37665 0.84547 0.48879 0.7361 0.11366 0.4509 0.89066 0.08617 0.50946 0.48961 0.66333 0.08089 0.03118 0.36759 0.64943 0.83009 0.00145 0.16325 0.57281 0.77935 0.05912 0.69898 0.50611 0.44719 0.59219 0.95061 0.60488 0.42097 0.31619 0.17433 0.45696 0.41444 0.33195 0.40557 0.43486 0.0032 0.21859 0.9355 0.84315 0.66244 0.90167 0.82554 0.4803 0.84557 0.06354 0.285 0.3193 0.77658 0.95645 0.1613 0.25864 0.74408 0.10758 0.64864 0.53957 0.74395 0.50412 0.31575 0.30047 0.95394 0.62563 0.81193 0.41459 0.53697 0.81936 0.68003 0.99297 0.99936 0.57722 0.16954 0.78157 0.64617 0.34437 0.64114 0.01722 0.92759 0.15277 0.92624 0.72502 0.71245 0.12642 0.85552 0.7977 0.71428 0.564 0.29778 0.84238 0.75663 0.18621 0.17443 0.82017 0.32445 0.57589 0.6614 0.9377 0.88859 0.74524 0.14999 0.6922 0.24595 0.24258 0.44063 0.26778 0.55678 0.75764 0.83428 0.75374 0.91998 0.15674 0.63355 0.6809 0.6148 0.15177 0.53085 0.33132 0.8582 0.3997 0.53633 0.64449 0.93289 0.12675 0.55947 0.55191 0.74495 0.50623 0.34469 0.17958 0.79896 0.18019 0.22093 0.34703 0.75837 0.47353 0.79027 0.83556 0.80865
+0.80036 0.68327 0.49825 0.41002 0.40837 0.52842 0.26552 0.06056 0.88213 0.92656 0.15896 0.60398 0.7365 0.5042 0.37902 0.45003 0.75984 0.03415 0.87421 0.14563 0.20276 0.54312 0.51363 0.39529 0.29396 0.45888 0.24806 0.20987 0.9311 0.83435 0.29996 0.60547 0.34079 0.40271 0.2603 0.02613 0.0222 0.44798 0.17734 0.19861 0.43547 0.92961 0.00492 0.56741 0.37157 0.79252 0.13628 0.59412 0.88189 0.76501 0.48249 0.99338 0.7276 0.35631 0.4929 0.86524 0.08344 0.61752 0.44705 0.99695 0.41822 0.48731 0.67698 0.08593 0.77747 0.14186 0.60936 0.94457 0.00691 0.55703 0.16749 0.21282 0.50355 0.83851 0.96429 0.65211 0.25028 0.98787 0.49032 0.05329 0.19095 0.52356 0.51387 0.70675 0.07988 0.14902 0.34159 0.27108 0.07324 0.21807 0.10124 0.59089 0.29718 0.52557 0.09331 0.97217 0.39118 0.62601 0.86833 0.67542 0.50485 0.74415 0.18599 0.268 0.28919 0.18274 0.89133 0.3697 0.2087 0.22119 0.38013 0.4781 0.23286 0.1425 0.58636 0.63282 0.56034 0.0619 0.45603 0.46591 0.31276 0.22284 0.32853 0.77888 0.53898 0.30326 0.72512 0.6557 0.23845 0.07857 0.43554 0.42289 0.71184 0.16755 0.63626 0.31088 0.41372 0.88111 0.32677 0.10318 0.38217 0.44083 0.58732 0.31801 0.69459 0.30117 0.73524 0.91629 0.59323 0.46395 0.73707 0.03453 0.0384 0.96315 0.89954 0.15384 0.12448 0.65496 0.58461 0.75719 0.83317 0.10302 0.70606 0.24096 0.83918 0.93354 0.58641 0.58447 0.07178 0.23841 0.63835 0.57315 0.97928 0.135 0.5582 0.69966 0.0094 0.97978 0.69863 0.95512 0.29817 0.82801 0.74573 0.85846 0.66624 0.36328 0.70257 0.1153 0.6926 0.59291 0.33394 0.97064 0.19032 0.00743 0.52384 0.10106 0.49319 0.72519 0.71243 0.84784 0.1057 0.49378 0.78936 0.29232 0.98167 0.76071 0.16342 0.6091 0.52896 0.24783 0.39607 0.73368 0.19299 0.64665 0.51493 0.61995 0.53132 0.84167 0.14336 0.41565 0.55814 0.00259 0.70503 0.12405 0.68961 0.36025 0.74129 0.07611 0.66243 0.08639 0.15308 0.716 0.00921 0.98835 0.02587 0.96213 0.66596 0.34818 0.29058 0.01353 0.23773 0.9524 0.25081 0.92427 0.87774 0.16136 0.24456 0.54481 0.48279 0.67772 0.26599 0.12791 0.04267 0.12178 0.93094 0.53766 0.30004 0.97568 0.5462 0.04094 0.52296 0.89296 0.74102 0.22837 0.28997 0.32959 0.72774 0.25838 0.71178 0.72191 0.69526 0.10397 0.58837 0.64777 0.06177 0.21363 0.03198 0.33824 0.60756 0.77859 0.8885 0.0037 0.23771 0.35941 0.5974 0.30805 0.23948 0.48618 0.90808 0.28626 0.69018 0.9959 0.35868 0.00031 0.18542 0.26578 0.56991 0.31395 0.07146 0.89912 0.92876 0.53018 0.2348 0.17375 0.24912 0.29976 0.53937 0.6797 0.1888 0.73261 0.03737 0.67074 0.31025 0.70014 0.21881 0.58318 0.1124 0.74715 0.36554 0.53537 0.5945 0.32115 0.11602 0.13824 0.79854 0.43467 0.91985 0.62287 0.05267 0.13393 0.5203 0.90853 0.21719 0.45747 0.2778 0.59943 0.72125 0.60882 0.37165 0.95963 0.4876 0.62249 0.12871 0.26238 0.29931 0.58655 0.64631 0.07768 0.36371 0.92984 0.08762 0.44994 0.35936 0.9217 0.31233 0.27918 0.71763 0.60433 0.67446 0.23596 0.20933 0.45161 0.40504 0.92527 0.2436 0.5344 0.43871 0.58575 0.34829 0.64999 0.5254 0.51285 0.32071 0.66071 0.61508 0.47626 0.55664 0.84497 0.65957 0.02473 0.4358 0.44566 0.18092 0.98425 0.33726 0.5788 0.26167 0.2521 0.67049 0.56211 0.91276 0.36105 0.34658 0.97105 0.94108 0.35769 0.34251 0.72193 0.15367 0.92463 0.79569 0.01741 0.18577 0.83026 0.96784 0.6407 0.09516 0.54026 0.30475 0.35392 0.16141 0.16653 0.06258 0.58366 0.90258 0.44407 0.71867 0.47739 0.84931 0.5296 0.5197 0.4157 0.48345 0.81955 0.02932 0.31208 0.32235 0.84828 0.27652 0.17078 0.68701 0.37736 0.75304 0.35269 0.67494 0.61535 0.95452 0.61001 0.08694 0.82613 0.09905 0.04559 0.09939 0.37451 0.01323 0.74883 0.10314 0.70463 0.10496 0.26566 0.94596 0.55579 0.68398 0.16937 0.89321 0.6049 0.52262 0.95001 0.09497 0.67787 0.72908 0.43755 0.40502 0.61967 0.01648 0.62772 0.18189 0.16275 0.11342 0.88673 0.97535 0.68492 0.8151 0.47253 0.19633 0.02855 0.32358 0.49255 0.74262 0.19325 0.21298 0.81907 0.26272 0.68024 0.85471 0.21602 0.60401 0.99467 0.20941 0.53911 0.28057 0.695 0.67697 0.92518 0.41102 0.22626 0.09854 0.48859 0.57637 0.27663 0.41214 0.23838 0.86335 0.28593 0.51522 0.33922 0.12839 0.49425 0.78269 0.05221 0.01225 0.69084
+0.40842 0.69024 0.35548 0.96683 0.6614 0.4713 0.69516 0.99895 0.77789 0.22375 0.93494 0.12967 0.44879 0.73378 0.06833 0.51584 0.25478 0.55137 0.69981 0.81169 0.44554 0.58512 0.84885 0.66495 0.25151 0.96969 0.60811 0.69768 0.8514 0.21086 0.29799 0.84257 0.10748 0.30459 0.58951 0.66659 0.95388 0.00775 0.07047 0.22521 0.42376 0.97234 0.60067 0.69786 0.56396 0.99729 0.37969 0.83628 0.7632 0.67013 0.15697 0.65195 0.06282 0.76809 0.50286 0.99027 0.63591 0.50662 0.29217 0.20768 0.23477 0.87319 0.54487 0.70798 0.50945 0.66449 0.8435 0.61963 0.26685 0.85763 0.75314 0.79482 0.51952 0.6201 0.37951 0.36947 0.5719 0.67303 0.22977 0.26776 0.84441 0.409 0.45679 0.95385 0.73557 0.19024 0.82423 0.58607 0.7193 0.45911 0.09669 0.81428 0.59262 0.92252 0.92129 0.41846 0.07353 0.78494 0.05617 0.33041 0.336 0.33713 0.86558 0.34336 0.95755 0.8547 0.56396 0.39386 0.72096 0.28466 0.66293 0.73952 0.76942 0.13821 0.0022 0.17735 0.72128 0.77516 0.01618 0.0558 0.11494 0.5902 0.68992 0.30554 0.05738 0.82416 0.39664 0.82624 0.4315 0.05371 0.58134 0.82776 0.21111 0.76657 0.34299 0.32101 0.51824 0.96248 0.51598 0.0959 0.76258 0.01778 0.8969 0.88497 0.80518 0.47238 0.50582 0.27403 0.83858 0.71646 0.68771 0.90533 0.89065 0.95273 0.12119 0.27693 0.63762 0.70204 0.36252 0.53859 0.19923 0.11512 0.31426 0.92839 0.40299 0.14693 0.72423 0.99154 0.93449 0.8078 0.22531 0.06819 0.86013 0.88788 0.01498 0.42491 0.97823 0.66257 0.11471 0.12174 0.09024 0.71871 0.10572 0.80374 0.61944 0.77613 0.51598 0.93407 0.53109 0.49341 0.03701 0.29633 0.367 0.92266 0.3414 0.63483 0.72226 0.54037 0.83231 0.7733 0.08336 0.48936 0.64979 0.24047 0.96036 0.88764 0.34676 0.41097 0.8625 0.46507 0.09333 0.18294 0.45148 0.27292 0.66897 0.66177 0.40501 0.19003 0.786 0.20982 0.56459 0.57325 0.14866 0.55767 0.89103 0.25947 0.85984 0.17308 0.0921 0.81992 0.23547 0.98923 0.22885 0.64794 0.06852 0.89756 0.06208 0.10613 0.97738 0.39531 0.02123 0.88291 0.33132 0.57048 0.9287 0.38616 0.68994 0.12838 0.27076 0.76941 0.48317 0.82412 0.56769 0.62306 0.81216 0.7496 0.8057 0.15966 0.60865 0.46134 0.06225 0.03717 0.5117 0.32942 0.42172 0.19282 0.31518 0.43002 0.86552 0.45692 0.75055 0.65726 0.78814 0.51335 0.96201 0.80207 0.3806 0.67785 0.52748 0.99914 0.44531 0.37039 0.01692 0.80287 0.721 0.32177 0.15967 0.0889 0.16549 0.07126 0.11219 0.32923 0.40581 0.45638 0.46052 0.86014 0.46706 0.47518 0.50402 0.93866 0.35334 0.38589 0.21866 0.61971 0.41716 0.01779 0.27496 0.08648 0.13905 0.51588 0.50706 0.11738 0.474 0.64908 0.04419 0.20511 0.04535 0.19394 0.71075 0.4647 0.15847 0.6941 0.04441 0.94446 0.12938 0.92792 0.45403 0.60141 0.38828 0.02677 0.47275 0.84911 0.40985 0.28217 0.94753 0.35748 0.46154 0.27237 0.24504 0.65297 0.08469 0.24361 0.68009 0.27972 0.27367 0.49102 0.34086 0.07347 0.42923 0.77182 0.27847 0.25724 0.94644 0.18054 0.36626 0.41332 0.30616 0.06793 0.87947 0.12118 0.8804 0.00603 0.19669 0.25248 0.5625 0.98869 0.90841 0.24957 0.60402 0.48155 0.19448 0.47369 0.02452 0.03593 0.96532 0.06647 0.88332 0.22726 0.66155 0.78633 0.36146 0.16357 0.8767 0.89971 0.85877 0.91413 0.29584 0.58514 0.62759 0.98698 0.75288 0.49927 0.49631 0.117 0.68154 0.43688 0.44917 0.69399 0.3514 0.00668 0.10968 0.20968 0.80788 0.50566 0.50361 0.20535 0.42396 0.57206 0.35511 0.55504 0.18247 0.18722 0.37125 0.36461 0.59117 0.80745 0.49954 0.2144 0.24386 0.13424 0.59671 0.45332 0.33234 0.23257 0.5296 0.21783 0.95507 0.52916 0.12857 0.01543 0.82399 0.44315 0.1184 0.5008 0.42502 0.17928 0.9389 0.33056 0.95336 0.39382 0.82375 0.3088 0.96596 0.06922 0.22188 0.35197 0.10764 0.05184 0.13837 0.68441 0.67761 0.92315 0.35198 0.12584 0.57748 0.44372 0.4954 0.46648 0.26229 0.69337 0.27116 0.10965 0.35657 0.1434 0.89957 0.83706 0.33521 0.84623 0.16259 6e-05 0.0977 0.29298 0.00697 0.69447 0.85693 0.95411 0.98454 0.76255 0.54789 0.98018 0.12662 0.04126 0.21514 0.28863 0.86444 0.67379 0.94932 0.56636 0.22034 0.41645 0.75726 0.2773 0.41454 0.54944 0.85462 0.745 0.52342 0.7599 0.78179 0.33608 0.7957 0.32564 0.87247 0.64504 0.82043 0.10205 0.73312 0.57992 0.01167 0.20607 0.38581 0.69798
+0.76694 0.68192 0.27503 0.71657 0.74462 0.00985 0.91794 0.97689 0.05768 0.83681 0.73736 0.99175 0.14872 0.60553 0.07311 0.76511 0.65919 0.11445 0.81482 0.63215 0.96328 0.49877 0.11806 0.37177 0.57413 0.07102 0.76941 0.51523 0.77042 0.21825 0.96187 0.78838 0.02465 0.58121 0.8585 0.66516 0.0247 0.18769 0.35967 0.97773 0.50372 0.6164 0.49203 0.68 0.46782 0.78326 0.53521 0.6173 0.47397 0.99898 0.35458 0.30482 0.38549 0.20302 0.17966 0.45765 0.20103 0.29826 0.97645 0.02873 0.73096 0.83721 0.99697 0.82255 0.25511 0.01942 0.1431 0.3346 0.60907 0.35057 0.198 0.86537 0.45826 0.676 0.58001 0.1359 0.74383 0.08077 0.9583 0.75766 0.89328 0.45452 0.87842 0.50724 0.99407 0.87447 0.68147 0.69854 0.15755 0.42583 0.56118 0.29027 0.12157 0.88502 0.53994 0.49046 0.43268 0.84609 0.75631 0.85115 0.6525 0.7387 0.7435 0.10092 0.53913 0.43016 0.25596 0.4289 0.53794 0.62605 0.69664 0.70803 0.16232 0.08178 0.4066 0.6154 0.63811 0.60258 0.63244 0.58123 0.54422 0.9974 0.61373 0.93949 0.73878 0.56809 0.57903 0.25179 0.35037 0.8475 0.32087 0.3981 0.28208 0.57985 0.7106 0.91651 0.74464 0.6133 0.76192 0.92543 0.63809 0.87269 0.42057 0.40593 0.30234 0.11743 0.30407 0.34604 0.84932 0.82459 0.58319 0.47549 0.77743 0.85294 0.003 0.36422 0.529 0.39292 0.799 0.92647 0.45692 0.05305 0.58516 0.10035 0.16288 0.02152 0.93219 0.1356 0.55297 0.85461 0.73233 0.24385 0.66051 0.03846 0.65314 0.39521 0.14141 0.67384 0.4986 0.16196 0.62859 0.33626 0.88913 0.5129 0.98467 0.53032 0.93558 0.35644 0.64737 0.02515 0.28367 0.87111 0.07728 0.8535 0.42577 0.97037 0.92176 0.05771 0.30379 0.16794 0.12271 0.16542 0.18665 0.55926 0.583 0.35736 0.06598 0.35771 0.76896 0.90261 0.17506 0.06445 0.9395 0.36775 0.90496 0.60314 0.43703 0.26184 0.66035 0.41227 0.18878 0.11023 0.75354 0.36494 0.40477 0.52452 0.49242 0.36996 0.67364 0.31996 0.95738 0.48519 0.17666 0.9278 0.72879 0.9118 0.68089 0.51817 0.77293 0.65442 0.67875 0.06077 0.67775 0.7644 0.54171 0.00222 0.78424 0.63849 0.15814 0.43255 0.67197 0.39923 0.31788 0.48367 0.5633 0.44384 0.30644 0.77077 0.61263 0.08066 0.75095 0.225 0.66727 0.76904 0.17533 0.7135 0.21938 0.72065 0.26568 0.029 0.0821 0.4854 0.48446 0.50082 0.92815 0.29753 0.2143 0.69506 0.14112 0.73162 0.90774 0.63176 0.7904 0.61204 0.55878 0.97749 0.13965 0.28508 0.40717 0.68535 0.26155 0.0211 0.68242 0.21458 0.78409 0.583 0.40542 0.01671 0.479 0.59726 0.01124 0.27614 0.12476 0.43116 0.03016 0.64599 0.71696 0.2403 0.708 0.45036 0.93376 0.97845 0.07461 0.87769 0.03954 0.33338 0.51187 0.8053 0.08124 0.62852 0.17183 0.06839 0.90042 0.54529 0.04004 0.20515 0.89424 0.4797 0.4923 0.72946 0.19473 0.85419 0.35922 0.56815 0.65281 0.21317 0.14376 0.52582 0.41997 0.1318 0.24541 0.14637 0.41399 0.43801 0.75305 0.8475 0.11241 0.70468 0.71906 0.7212 0.50078 0.00821 0.56585 0.7114 0.891 0.64005 0.7772 0.04112 0.64087 0.48134 0.38414 0.30827 0.60016 0.59635 0.16027 0.80126 0.76976 0.5993 0.71786 0.24682 0.42885 0.86055 0.76166 0.64949 0.26973 0.86318 0.84003 0.76958 0.45349 0.05604 0.3987 0.90756 0.56483 0.97978 0.47718 0.32828 0.58628 0.7908 0.32935 0.21913 0.78859 0.10316 0.67085 0.09479 0.2723 0.37944 0.2021 0.64246 0.02925 0.23799 0.51077 0.81541 0.05706 0.8811 0.29385 0.04224 0.25835 0.75179 0.41397 0.39776 0.04988 0.96489 0.30862 0.62709 0.77364 0.25547 0.68569 0.00489 0.3133 0.3817 0.26613 0.17038 0.03371 0.71124 0.56349 0.7248 0.61622 0.35606 0.54417 0.96009 0.22449 0.65435 0.70635 0.40545 0.30245 0.83129 0.19342 0.51169 0.96761 0.65639 0.77283 0.13416 0.36871 0.58899 0.56361 0.33547 0.6164 0.50163 0.5671 0.47324 0.77641 0.97379 0.74286 0.90815 0.08017 0.87284 0.11921 0.89738 0.47065 0.3083 0.41753 0.53705 0.14299 0.02704 0.44226 0.40473 0.09492 0.8221 0.25437 0.3379 0.44555 0.78564 0.98196 0.73319 0.72417 0.56555 0.87475 0.99843 0.27158 0.15105 0.36641 0.38542 0.89364 0.07202 0.59731 0.49239 0.25704 0.00066 0.25911 0.75424 0.8461 0.08285 0.09271 0.66203 0.37066 0.14809 0.32809 0.08014 0.59727 0.7254 0.77296 0.03403 0.82729 0.19537 0.9999 0.73986 0.27018 0.32339 0.28315 0.84797 0.06913 0.71928
+0.04837 0.63301 0.21241 0.79226 0.95044 0.73024 0.30701 0.71049 0.49169 0.28109 0.46003 0.67964 0.8434 0.33263 0.12264 0.21944 0.20606 0.55393 0.67165 0.79858 0.40713 0.44692 0.20432 0.76345 0.90558 0.80845 0.58706 0.92967 0.66269 0.416 0.59285 0.05503 0.00974 0.35846 0.36232 0.36585 0.73485 0.05683 0.2247 0.81652 0.14026 0.64293 0.33885 0.3445 0.90356 0.33977 0.04219 0.42091 0.69357 0.63295 0.14166 0.04619 0.03997 0.70542 0.45189 0.79501 0.22412 0.08849 0.86391 0.15103 0.99355 0.67345 0.61202 0.80295 0.93221 0.49614 0.35214 0.23961 0.49389 0.66182 0.82748 0.70844 0.9355 0.46217 0.83393 0.439 0.86688 0.96417 0.08547 0.75397 0.37233 0.5223 0.20884 0.55308 0.87511 0.39081 0.27824 0.4945 0.3818 0.50249 0.12522 0.33034 0.84399 0.05035 0.18656 0.91186 0.0308 0.36529 0.14357 0.0948 0.40046 0.47423 0.09058 0.26853 0.99597 0.74115 0.04493 0.35823 0.36602 0.39947 0.45884 0.80325 0.2652 0.8374 0.25314 0.65132 0.73067 0.38954 0.35912 0.75069 0.18258 0.48635 0.19355 0.51492 0.04798 0.73595 0.09845 0.36014 0.06462 0.57981 0.99089 0.35439 0.20782 0.37984 0.30033 0.77158 0.97891 0.28278 0.86334 0.89961 0.40966 0.1467 0.69801 0.48881 0.92215 0.24895 0.22867 0.04124 0.55193 0.91321 0.36917 0.02073 0.49622 0.70714 0.20722 0.46795 0.61869 0.48261 0.64261 0.54703 0.07019 0.7354 0.65051 0.24564 0.38486 0.9908 0.74304 0.10426 0.53298 0.44508 0.89944 0.62505 0.3251 0.69266 0.81666 0.58923 0.14453 0.89852 0.47703 0.24954 0.83966 0.31843 0.92244 0.85981 0.70845 0.28794 0.07165 0.56403 0.3021 0.02784 0.26818 0.92415 0.57313 0.92642 0.32283 0.54719 0.57333 0.89932 0.35325 0.31986 0.78079 0.30553 0.85293 0.44721 0.02555 0.99502 0.18212 0.67364 0.47937 0.06933 0.32923 0.55495 0.47669 0.87556 0.60426 0.52979 0.19168 0.26 0.69079 0.72975 0.81178 0.21947 0.2811 0.56686 0.00197 0.00643 0.71658 0.13726 0.29872 0.74766 0.91098 0.44037 0.62358 0.54275 0.28485 0.48208 0.23098 0.94535 0.02158 0.86457 0.18864 0.10215 0.99539 0.59956 0.76403 0.64339 0.75596 0.24912 0.4808 0.31952 0.4905 0.96695 0.26026 0.70541 0.16572 0.82202 0.0274 0.85869 0.55311 0.46028 0.9708 0.47386 0.76663 0.8563 0.40116 0.15362 0.09613 0.62157 0.33408 0.51978 0.6897 0.25288 0.92098 0.74291 0.36535 0.84769 0.52594 0.7806 0.25767 0.2937 0.3792 0.52422 0.429 0.15319 0.02203 0.89865 0.56279 0.48787 0.94782 0.11807 0.50451 0.9164 0.46142 0.62558 0.17662 0.11466 0.99483 0.31304 0.84484 0.49877 0.13416 0.60162 0.72263 0.66423 0.47615 0.18181 0.05722 0.18842 0.65455 0.99238 0.58819 0.0366 0.05043 0.67556 0.33741 0.58381 0.06446 0.12941 0.83334 0.44591 0.19349 0.13303 0.77097 0.90027 0.80932 0.12937 0.54607 0.44658 0.5548 0.53607 0.76173 0.03105 0.19455 0.34258 0.97837 0.21619 0.64165 0.88818 0.41319 0.17502 0.74756 0.9409 0.36664 0.40099 0.54176 0.75599 0.48309 0.38799 0.58395 0.54246 0.77696 0.21692 0.49571 0.74479 0.53882 0.01147 0.12188 0.16083 0.08427 0.81886 0.80712 0.30409 0.48556 0.36081 0.28946 0.35178 0.88021 0.9397 0.79038 0.62076 0.55053 0.05857 0.06622 0.37389 0.05865 0.81739 0.43161 0.93584 0.54218 0.6356 0.10038 0.11808 0.80046 0.5153 0.23059 0.20441 0.75468 0.98517 0.23755 0.86347 0.49201 0.84915 0.01816 0.39264 0.44745 0.14661 0.5222 0.37112 0.85329 0.34106 0.83014 0.82163 0.41801 0.1765 0.13662 0.09765 0.26347 0.23415 0.72004 0.66743 0.82278 0.9099 0.9595 0.80429 0.28432 0.49208 0.39641 0.53527 0.96718 0.37476 0.69155 0.61781 0.48153 0.7358 0.53411 0.50077 0.25655 0.24596 0.4808 0.89561 0.93947 0.41283 0.08458 0.44035 0.86744 0.78742 0.33018 0.52384 0.28614 0.12147 0.0804 0.37461 0.26817 0.77083 0.00249 0.51906 0.73741 0.5105 0.67443 0.05552 0.81654 0.3211 0.4486 0.86267 0.33382 0.13043 0.42148 0.44644 0.52894 0.81364 0.34922 0.5617 0.66918 0.97024 0.06108 0.99231 0.71042 0.35826 0.90114 0.8595 0.89549 0.55315 0.02914 0.04081 0.64892 0.95109 0.28445 0.09327 0.07384 0.9584 0.54434 0.68908 0.51267 0.3252 0.21671 0.61324 0.44217 0.30784 0.55687 0.70936 0.45119 0.80464 0.98612 0.80318 0.84916 0.92014 0.44947 0.00917 0.50762 0.30291 0.71787 0.20502 0.61544 0.67591 0.20098 0.81276 0.8129 0.03993 0.48624 0.79229 0.68502 0.72407
+0.88968 0.60647 0.6384 0.95283 0.99071 0.39312 0.29908 0.72508 0.98107 0.81606 0.71944 0.80331 0.51892 0.39355 0.68138 0.033 0.23641 0.25405 0.8755 0.18324 0.12903 0.50239 0.6349 0.93828 0.66386 0.11626 0.92372 0.53058 0.36206 0.35943 0.14859 0.29855 0.77776 0.33429 0.77699 0.52782 0.09908 0.02947 0.1805 0.14584 0.19934 0.579 0.44482 0.01367 0.72164 0.29441 0.41901 0.02644 0.59615 0.63102 0.07777 0.21823 0.30342 0.55284 0.43724 0.38378 0.62005 0.16667 0.16725 0.24855 0.99 0.12399 0.96895 0.43398 0.48831 0.56099 0.71307 0.54212 0.14448 0.60952 0.04384 0.63035 0.33515 0.61572 0.38781 0.97111 0.06581 0.58473 0.31965 0.80114 0.52943 0.60634 0.4702 0.32974 0.1653 0.43777 0.86856 0.51106 0.03654 0.52533 0.3894 0.58021 0.5577 0.17931 0.98775 0.5271 0.53032 0.95293 0.96383 0.64299 0.89106 0.55616 0.89648 0.28766 0.38968 0.11523 0.46875 0.75207 0.5017 0.78839 0.65923 0.36208 0.64229 0.07316 0.63049 0.62169 0.45999 0.75917 0.49099 0.42671 0.35199 0.90093 0.28123 0.22584 0.69153 0.25445 0.74802 0.92057 0.60073 0.27314 0.65595 0.56227 0.34337 0.03096 0.49114 0.75136 0.61002 0.04306 0.56075 0.82446 0.72107 0.36597 0.04143 0.89275 0.8006 0.96005 0.82076 0.81765 0.7379 0.92975 0.81246 0.31634 0.99165 0.86003 0.06555 0.77409 0.05234 0.42622 0.13977 0.9414 0.68718 0.66248 0.79017 0.73408 0.32645 0.52381 0.40421 0.70073 0.73956 0.79007 0.2414 0.59665 0.50661 0.98911 0.26872 0.14022 0.92413 0.61043 0.4552 0.70911 0.48875 0.71184 0.78003 0.48565 0.46156 0.92693 0.30293 0.51686 0.14736 0.86915 0.39679 0.42125 0.30269 0.21176 0.36151 0.50515 0.95047 0.85219 0.77665 0.17604 0.94064 0.13731 0.22715 0.21183 0.65381 0.9347 0.46561 0.79439 0.04002 0.87563 0.38865 0.69742 0.46007 0.75676 0.47664 0.92064 0.89135 0.51307 0.68176 0.84015 0.79916 0.51286 0.74945 0.27998 0.2774 0.45757 0.26115 0.98835 0.05857 0.12342 0.53098 0.19514 0.924 0.75862 0.99898 0.88563 0.04547 0.40082 0.67935 0.74973 0.95294 0.06258 0.03736 0.85448 0.79694 0.46017 0.35206 0.24388 0.87018 0.24507 0.57733 0.36379 0.13623 0.00091 0.53691 0.08367 0.56513 0.33476 0.32414 0.16036 0.92088 0.42962 0.10556 0.96825 0.71565 0.78585 0.57437 0.81901 0.0803 0.12138 0.40507 0.39273 0.93115 0.32492 0.50471 0.64346 0.85601 0.43021 0.53979 0.20111 0.11655 0.45118 0.98287 0.13286 0.56998 0.35816 0.95301 0.14545 0.25433 0.93967 0.18313 0.76063 0.2445 0.3831 0.83886 0.14619 0.66163 0.5481 0.47913 0.42182 0.75365 0.3606 0.78141 0.83104 0.555 0.09174 0.64607 0.29481 0.83924 0.25697 0.0389 0.11714 0.41521 0.43811 0.1868 0.0207 0.89901 0.85305 0.74084 0.59419 0.59276 0.0463 0.52658 0.5523 0.70223 0.07349 0.67395 0.69946 0.80424 0.83468 0.15908 0.06692 0.54454 0.89452 0.70862 0.3514 0.61514 0.89562 0.89334 0.71045 0.93947 0.33785 0.99259 0.11754 0.82211 0.98422 0.07113 0.16905 0.50771 0.583 0.26336 0.47463 0.32578 0.94522 0.34818 0.72583 0.08251 0.42469 0.42109 0.70097 0.33708 0.14776 0.15339 0.53712 0.8288 0.91249 0.73068 0.74931 0.91546 0.34902 0.68513 0.41379 0.20203 0.19676 0.08875 0.4576 0.25099 0.42022 0.70692 0.76369 0.12535 0.85025 0.80465 0.09614 0.36833 0.64461 0.18084 0.4298 0.69438 0.62978 0.44364 0.19791 0.35713 0.41973 0.22025 0.2575 0.47155 0.76547 0.3679 0.6436 0.72538 0.62294 0.28015 0.15989 0.08658 0.3817 0.86566 0.54207 0.41556 0.46811 0.1011 0.93283 0.79899 0.77117 0.8618 0.67714 0.3855 0.60113 0.36986 0.0151 0.38483 0.57756 0.16222 0.14006 0.42187 0.0258 0.36896 0.61752 0.04413 0.06627 0.24446 0.18251 0.43587 0.71041 0.55046 0.22113 0.38707 0.69085 0.74475 0.80412 0.76741 0.03772 0.35316 0.82664 0.94751 0.20361 0.19342 0.79167 0.37922 0.89201 0.56392 0.78133 0.8052 0.03859 0.51196 0.24158 0.79879 0.51988 0.14716 0.34688 0.80784 0.17169 0.91344 0.29143 0.5545 0.53767 0.80095 0.22029 0.26499 0.26336 0.09553 0.83685 0.42625 0.22996 0.12819 0.67258 0.15801 0.32552 0.49165 0.85538 0.43315 0.71968 0.27602 0.11304 0.65507 0.32421 0.77926 0.75976 0.672 0.72384 0.04962 0.60067 0.73893 0.25257 0.72257 0.84158 0.56482 0.48389 0.23098 0.8142 0.06356 0.99154 0.57159 0.45584 0.59713 0.49251 0.24104 0.02792 0.1466 0.98568 0.60336 0.33594
+0.32862 0.14224 0.12 0.45044 0.63194 0.86488 0.42214 0.45294 0.24987 0.35954 0.36475 0.68001 0.6152 0.63959 0.92643 0.80339 0.17373 0.75452 0.72187 0.40225 0.90475 0.16122 0.23559 0.51736 0.31035 0.61863 0.4113 0.33122 0.90626 0.92641 0.02418 0.37604 0.42085 0.21767 0.64862 0.62071 0.78554 0.36473 0.18428 0.98517 0.85843 0.94235 0.353 0.78921 0.84289 0.63958 0.94695 0.23133 0.47219 0.15703 0.52491 0.85653 0.96458 0.92682 0.19567 0.37869 0.77299 0.85044 0.09342 0.78967 0.05203 0.61064 0.52999 0.33831 0.91988 0.91604 0.23097 0.4812 0.08543 0.07814 0.48548 0.67352 0.31894 0.75886 0.12141 0.24459 0.58101 0.08954 0.46485 0.30408 0.94081 0.28923 0.02589 0.83967 0.24932 0.68965 0.66027 0.33642 0.96245 0.60134 0.02459 0.73654 0.69891 0.91268 0.19372 0.10156 0.35309 0.01239 0.84243 0.06989 0.4599 0.54499 0.34182 0.39061 0.86283 0.05571 0.84278 0.01289 0.65238 0.98876 0.36156 0.12259 0.66459 0.37086 0.49676 0.94628 0.25562 0.20392 0.20335 0.79739 0.2984 0.44613 0.79206 0.11051 0.31504 0.94151 0.87406 0.98966 0.55903 0.36582 0.28617 0.56677 0.50078 0.76084 0.10344 0.34672 0.36381 0.30906 0.70641 0.34747 0.53474 0.73051 0.04371 0.33536 0.37327 0.40043 0.51728 0.51139 0.44134 0.9204 0.83043 0.46787 0.54253 0.30464 0.58558 0.13527 0.77534 0.83358 0.89592 0.04515 0.45346 0.35349 0.31035 0.08964 0.7228 0.45823 0.64852 0.60161 0.43095 0.34527 0.97576 0.39684 0.30525 0.79112 0.65344 0.56231 0.98626 0.25288 0.83269 0.07503 0.99282 0.31774 0.89658 0.25289 0.77112 0.17014 0.02021 0.38138 0.99686 0.98605 0.14248 0.08454 0.76062 0.77099 0.42174 0.40904 0.16867 0.28154 0.0056 0.56784 0.03763 0.9517 0.32561 0.02371 0.76616 0.62773 0.58341 0.52437 0.00856 0.91911 0.16775 0.88581 0.80385 0.53739 0.16919 0.65365 0.21109 0.63159 0.14157 0.86549 0.96113 0.35423 0.30175 0.83082 0.83109 0.87597 0.65907 0.3374 0.52985 0.75042 0.42455 0.38304 0.32396 0.38045 0.50011 0.41068 0.89501 0.31853 0.86287 0.59241 0.13607 0.04386 0.3276 0.6189 0.90597 0.36061 0.32512 0.5523 0.39136 0.85159 0.65773 0.04658 0.89567 0.16169 0.91324 0.05439 0.86218 0.35999 0.83222 0.13261 0.30651 0.99065 0.15214 0.83881 0.52212 0.97662 0.54145 0.97418 0.60436 0.94909 0.38093 0.25633 0.16345 0.32817 0.76216 0.36919 0.03601 0.28374 0.72737 0.89337 0.78771 0.1698 0.11723 0.34459 0.50757 0.93599 0.26177 0.39201 0.602 0.67435 0.54273 0.37179 0.98961 0.57029 0.54571 0.36851 0.73991 0.95644 0.16958 0.28469 0.07331 0.28681 0.08528 0.82019 0.41673 0.61262 0.68701 0.93594 0.40632 0.35731 0.41788 0.56677 0.76942 0.71642 0.44603 0.51394 0.70751 0.54124 0.43873 0.13577 0.48721 0.60002 0.00418 0.12557 0.26274 0.69855 0.23001 0.81455 0.27526 0.43318 0.5828 0.82801 0.68873 0.17142 0.10377 0.28893 0.63028 0.52677 0.31739 0.02182 0.26532 0.86138 0.08742 0.44496 0.15523 0.14696 0.74304 0.42056 0.40903 0.24697 0.02056 0.25763 0.5655 0.0962 0.89168 0.49161 0.14859 0.15078 0.04539 0.66079 0.36585 0.59562 0.65639 0.56259 0.51779 0.3861 0.75947 0.5223 0.1709 0.57237 0.23433 0.05609 0.86091 0.61206 0.33149 0.34803 0.79782 0.82642 0.23037 0.30829 0.17913 0.59474 0.72091 0.59595 0.3379 0.52632 0.05761 0.92159 0.67439 0.12105 0.07881 0.47619 0.1445 0.81733 0.69644 0.07581 0.34395 0.277 0.91343 0.13034 0.96645 0.70643 0.60592 0.80736 0.42264 0.75838 0.289 0.71251 0.7842 0.94859 0.8316 0.10728 0.60224 0.74504 0.02166 0.78096 0.67832 0.38039 0.41055 0.53569 0.17634 0.59462 0.11903 0.25846 0.70542 0.80732 0.26748 0.86808 0.79093 0.92269 0.59726 0.47164 0.68606 0.19221 0.65259 0.18492 0.12538 0.02726 0.36725 0.78578 0.98327 0.29695 0.96232 0.53984 0.13857 0.30797 0.46252 0.51342 0.60974 0.93609 0.97345 0.51457 0.73153 0.24917 0.87311 0.65799 0.03157 0.17628 0.47472 0.97212 0.28549 0.35775 0.39178 0.3034 0.96414 0.59066 0.4037 0.74873 0.17683 0.84809 0.49764 0.15062 0.15024 0.04284 0.82273 0.35118 0.36472 0.14755 0.17372 0.30082 0.55923 0.58406 0.94306 0.30716 0.13394 0.56148 0.90344 0.97021 0.61092 0.9793 0.34065 0.45833 0.40472 0.40754 0.37468 0.77502 0.05562 0.56672 0.11181 0.55002 0.10989 0.51037 0.61372 0.02198 0.18966 0.75232 0.9815 0.73974 0.87299 0.64191 0.13615 0.03357
+0.48088 0.16744 0.32094 0.69485 0.04676 0.0685 0.86677 0.35318 0.2672 0.63887 0.605 0.1342 0.11729 0.82514 0.32095 0.66566 0.76997 0.08735 0.26588 0.7662 0.95625 0.14823 0.81581 0.38624 0.936 0.68583 0.8042 0.68984 0.59568 0.57263 0.45465 0.42074 0.03033 0.89155 0.38173 0.77239 0.57601 0.21114 0.91095 0.69291 0.27029 0.20736 0.71259 0.24165 0.11073 0.9905 0.25678 0.22683 0.42713 0.3514 0.06852 0.96238 0.96676 0.6625 0.9065 0.9285 0.78021 0.37623 0.4243 0.62223 0.17675 0.57203 0.0741 0.98336 0.10004 0.58757 0.05459 0.66792 0.77245 0.60769 0.24008 0.59059 0.59409 0.46803 0.38825 0.77363 0.37765 0.25656 0.07628 0.93229 0.56305 0.42224 0.43423 0.58462 0.41735 0.12509 0.46115 0.69442 0.75326 0.80722 0.41632 0.06421 0.15182 0.73491 0.78928 0.79823 0.44288 0.63351 0.2575 0.28645 0.92163 0.87282 0.14659 0.43327 0.18137 0.49675 0.75523 0.96549 0.93197 0.40441 0.64561 0.56426 0.68026 0.29284 0.5054 0.80814 0.93311 0.00472 0.19004 0.78026 0.35589 0.26282 0.70209 0.20397 0.5143 0.36099 0.7559 0.41841 0.82432 0.05537 0.13794 0.86417 0.83336 0.80536 0.75096 0.14 0.36132 0.50808 0.46358 0.71205 0.37143 0.98156 0.74768 0.66371 0.44721 0.50214 0.94044 0.69028 0.14777 0.9945 0.08778 0.72775 0.90798 0.72577 0.8581 0.62719 0.91433 0.33366 0.28174 0.67316 0.17739 0.45655 0.21459 0.06541 0.22599 0.07203 0.41255 0.41313 0.85303 0.90573 0.33264 0.36522 0.18315 0.2214 0.32671 0.27715 0.551 0.78137 0.54815 0.77178 0.80763 0.14086 0.47394 0.69124 0.58124 0.42978 0.58391 0.78666 0.70033 0.29572 0.10111 0.23449 0.10481 0.94385 0.68723 0.25561 0.7867 0.87213 0.11673 0.81814 0.70072 0.65995 0.26556 0.83225 0.0281 0.80006 0.91409 0.33964 0.3588 0.40614 0.82337 0.37458 0.77489 0.20668 0.2312 0.24632 0.60147 0.49491 0.13784 0.66476 0.97732 0.34831 0.85876 0.68318 0.02822 0.63348 0.80081 0.11516 0.01993 0.32264 0.59229 0.99257 0.81439 0.12474 0.92543 0.3579 0.71071 0.6643 0.55352 0.63806 0.27921 0.5497 0.31676 0.51211 0.70641 0.82906 0.6068 0.57443 0.23148 0.4504 0.01878 0.44633 0.22527 0.73198 0.14244 0.53316 0.64471 0.57879 0.10344 0.99721 0.67861 0.79646 0.31449 0.35599 0.75602 0.28653 0.66177 0.59916 0.22463 0.19184 0.27167 0.71231 0.88642 0.31534 0.74683 0.51255 0.11287 0.75585 0.75872 0.27513 0.48285 0.73169 0.37686 0.50435 0.42542 0.98945 0.08291 0.12927 0.74238 0.49079 0.34608 0.12474 0.80511 0.92095 0.92218 0.83187 0.62937 0.43201 0.33259 0.60174 0.53842 0.8789 0.103 0.32237 0.86704 0.0662 0.31601 0.19431 0.16825 0.03336 0.40252 0.42071 0.92484 0.04782 0.69305 0.93322 0.90589 0.68491 0.44704 0.6527 0.48474 0.60828 0.97074 0.6355 0.53041 0.28811 0.55 0.23168 0.07935 0.78724 0.6768 0.69975 0.54989 0.46176 0.69349 0.62044 0.44121 0.20734 0.62924 0.07985 0.98428 0.59436 0.44502 0.15877 0.759 0.90909 0.90208 0.73893 0.8981 0.09882 0.08288 0.73986 0.33542 0.98375 0.56804 0.59877 0.96077 0.74861 0.00785 0.67171 0.78125 0.25744 0.63419 0.23263 0.16202 0.47432 0.16885 0.149 0.16572 0.10988 0.46358 0.29645 0.47226 0.11524 0.50829 0.22029 0.54838 0.15423 0.35986 0.89378 0.54078 0.88479 0.61747 0.60023 0.41449 0.6482 0.77304 0.67825 0.09954 0.04596 0.12797 0.35785 0.58015 0.75306 0.46875 0.65273 0.65869 0.48044 0.96365 0.73833 0.20769 0.61307 0.58838 0.83909 0.25621 0.20416 0.12624 0.6335 0.06724 0.93575 0.64628 0.19555 0.70748 0.61573 0.54703 0.89644 0.69995 0.24541 0.84193 0.02483 0.19928 0.87714 0.1225 0.83577 0.53412 0.77301 0.16422 0.97371 0.35185 0.66484 0.45991 0.0575 0.07471 0.1277 0.01075 0.42769 0.70853 0.37115 0.89533 0.11098 0.45255 0.43111 0.55341 0.6406 0.45589 0.05999 0.12366 0.69028 0.69756 0.65588 0.02862 0.58228 0.46789 0.40226 0.75134 0.46915 0.30022 0.66899 0.06786 0.87255 0.61455 0.82861 0.91139 0.61588 0.77574 0.96021 0.38577 0.12086 0.64527 0.25571 0.12717 0.30038 0.17482 0.83967 0.40292 0.71421 0.59594 0.61033 0.55025 0.10933 0.26993 0.09231 0.90098 0.14412 0.61274 0.72103 0.58738 0.22981 0.62423 0.09267 0.93724 0.35844 0.8001 0.48827 0.98797 0.57355 0.33832 0.91347 0.93849 0.01267 0.26832 0.85741 0.771 0.02461 0.62921 0.91199 0.64316 0.16051 0.09729 0.70029 0.77838 0.63917
+0.9577 0.80522 0.66019 0.46584 0.54692 0.26425 0.10284 0.03997 0.40285 0.03076 0.6246 0.96989 0.83383 0.88833 0.56917 0.98499 0.36811 0.9254 0.89115 0.19559 0.40515 0.90252 0.86094 0.70787 0.04605 0.20725 0.73276 0.80283 0.48784 0.91001 0.72645 0.72861 0.56539 0.24939 0.77107 0.15029 0.25019 0.3982 0.1304 0.78632 0.94364 0.88296 0.52336 0.95422 0.19168 0.64179 0.61571 0.91129 0.03839 0.18221 0.14364 0.6999 0.93849 0.91277 0.39077 0.04882 0.36222 0.86385 0.7535 0.63478 0.27444 0.38309 0.2738 0.61189 0.42353 0.01612 0.01474 0.17363 0.36907 0.30051 0.31851 0.75152 0.35028 0.16531 0.25635 0.18214 0.72618 0.82228 0.08005 0.4905 0.49811 0.27764 0.73325 0.97495 0.22036 0.14487 0.28594 0.44614 0.04627 0.64547 0.27882 0.96014 0.85147 0.20613 0.83795 0.4659 0.21594 0.03934 0.37082 0.04289 0.6202 0.9644 0.71327 0.41409 0.13424 0.97624 0.74868 0.20188 0.31875 0.78842 0.65942 0.03489 0.3862 0.72767 0.68017 0.20572 0.48075 0.03423 0.45659 0.00908 0.37977 0.98063 0.07855 0.01653 0.11383 0.55931 0.82167 0.19918 0.90787 0.34323 0.46946 0.99037 0.96659 0.76663 0.39521 0.6671 0.5638 0.82145 0.40247 0.78557 0.73869 0.9019 0.38403 0.56195 0.74814 0.04091 0.10181 0.45523 0.77348 0.39436 0.26152 0.56102 0.27789 0.02804 0.0298 0.53016 0.87725 0.51016 0.48862 0.62196 0.04817 0.56114 0.95475 0.314 0.72909 0.71252 0.40151 0.10725 0.56788 0.02153 0.02561 0.87692 0.65796 0.46759 0.60995 0.54429 0.64101 0.94439 0.55112 0.31079 0.43232 0.02733 0.80154 0.05483 0.13583 0.41669 0.14976 0.34469 0.90215 0.23232 0.71694 0.22266 0.13133 0.86051 0.40955 0.91488 0.44708 0.74766 0.06633 0.13241 0.13782 0.7988 0.56506 0.23286 0.4812 0.36056 0.96853 0.91087 0.02866 0.34538 0.35616 0.874 0.28593 0.79851 0.63821 0.6924 0.77095 0.72496 0.02242 0.0763 0.36148 0.95784 0.5571 0.52264 0.25802 0.69437 0.43064 0.84393 0.77092 0.66638 0.70321 0.12169 0.79343 0.27521 0.34438 0.4994 0.64121 0.22717 0.06894 0.51734 0.20676 0.52149 0.50771 0.88777 0.53482 0.13401 0.42273 0.36866 0.66241 0.51336 0.28092 0.99273 0.06023 0.46948 0.22101 0.25151 0.93907 0.40457 0.59558 0.16593 0.49718 0.79441 0.76029 0.44471 0.91542 0.22148 0.34453 0.93202 0.10487 0.23119 0.9254 0.15088 0.25527 0.43525 0.16918 0.38503 0.94482 0.88553 0.97218 0.13736 0.80994 0.04084 0.26667 0.33973 0.05016 0.00446 0.69355 0.13677 0.07167 0.31683 0.0707 0.53022 0.16025 0.28019 0.27629 0.99062 0.03906 0.71689 0.20661 0.55553 0.20871 0.60531 0.44928 0.12357 0.98159 0.70531 0.00258 0.0518 0.49579 0.12203 0.15763 0.06557 0.80906 0.39755 0.36637 0.24397 0.03859 0.28668 0.35876 0.57436 0.02387 0.26417 0.90204 0.32189 0.46473 0.447 0.93888 0.68934 0.4709 0.8071 0.16446 0.04534 0.72759 0.98117 0.87679 0.3594 0.15925 0.6832 0.26853 0.31225 0.71336 0.47585 0.04303 0.72405 0.71376 0.17148 0.41185 0.30709 0.08807 0.61924 0.49789 0.83774 0.72365 0.01154 0.42443 0.06809 0.75764 0.24174 0.63365 0.53359 0.28238 0.65443 0.44894 0.87759 0.46465 0.64583 0.851 0.01899 0.34863 0.55059 0.3502 0.94555 0.90949 0.42123 0.37292 0.07836 0.23249 0.28934 0.24744 0.3532 0.96236 0.89748 0.28039 0.46055 0.99096 0.13068 0.78651 0.10301 0.40123 0.88696 0.10093 0.26626 0.30775 0.88813 0.03948 0.04223 0.52433 0.00978 0.25502 0.85096 0.99891 0.98652 0.80786 0.35415 0.99663 0.13566 0.18526 0.71972 0.68304 0.12101 0.27137 0.47835 0.37866 0.0648 0.12195 0.82949 0.57534 0.13597 0.17703 0.54664 0.02635 0.16817 0.51644 0.0051 0.42351 0.0956 0.37373 0.06212 0.29496 0.84372 0.51269 0.20052 0.23245 0.4454 0.17871 0.11196 0.58095 0.73491 0.61153 0.85138 0.19723 0.05082 0.50433 0.84178 0.40564 0.60967 0.57979 0.83652 0.81691 0.58281 0.68736 0.53233 0.32299 0.81013 0.48533 0.88909 0.52582 0.38996 0.6892 0.77088 0.38515 0.4458 0.81835 0.84508 0.15855 0.83704 0.64545 0.15695 0.69183 0.74712 0.96806 0.16165 0.17512 0.71806 0.99541 0.40979 0.68659 0.5509 0.78853 0.56739 0.70288 0.38369 0.65093 0.04397 0.31775 0.83908 0.22901 0.39144 0.81155 0.13256 0.98086 0.68164 0.91958 0.25112 0.92623 0.96571 0.20804 0.34017 0.38861 0.5013 0.22869 0.85252 0.03817 0.26269 0.45598 0.88439 0.48843 0.01587 0.20115 0.68122 0.89609 0.047
+0.50601 0.7439 0.99452 0.77584 0.33993 0.71261 0.66636 0.46618 0.90296 0.72495 0.38127 0.38133 0.77165 0.66536 0.19969 0.61742 0.24429 0.07537 0.86095 0.55016 0.71319 0.61123 0.30335 0.81436 0.01729 0.22855 0.48926 0.66063 0.33964 0.61161 0.92721 0.91749 0.35436 0.82296 0.41714 0.31272 0.38676 0.38657 0.05936 0.23419 0.68942 0.98981 0.00021 0.15106 0.55843 0.24364 0.36671 0.26127 0.79532 0.35559 0.08332 0.13145 0.52411 0.53121 0.66643 0.58716 0.65275 0.04948 0.70121 0.08934 0.78131 0.54536 0.49609 0.58843 0.12448 0.14985 0.28965 0.81707 0.25578 0.70417 0.99362 0.45569 0.36976 0.86407 0.74477 0.91418 0.17067 0.74893 0.63578 0.83032 0.98803 0.11255 0.89857 0.77253 0.75034 0.30774 0.41561 0.71065 0.09908 0.79072 0.994 0.39974 0.11475 0.9724 0.72337 0.6482 0.55181 0.73587 0.77642 0.59735 0.67249 0.22205 0.49697 0.19688 0.18021 0.80341 0.06679 0.69707 0.23565 0.90103 0.33178 0.35734 0.14605 0.79118 0.44671 0.44842 0.51701 0.33399 0.91033 0.5428 0.05089 0.90972 0.06011 0.06181 0.05429 0.11135 0.52768 0.63739 0.32194 0.23784 0.67126 0.61245 0.81962 0.89572 0.71899 0.03481 0.06903 0.20334 0.42908 0.13235 0.73929 0.02352 0.65205 0.83674 0.84848 0.96894 0.80407 0.31163 0.88369 0.48552 0.89971 0.29197 0.16729 0.16333 0.34318 0.39111 0.93107 0.46944 0.94349 0.99286 0.53243 0.25518 0.19571 0.28483 0.57879 0.21659 0.40776 0.91551 0.68782 0.62108 0.44502 0.07661 0.28893 0.718 0.94419 0.79149 0.70643 0.0911 0.65698 0.63291 0.71642 0.5698 0.94754 0.25377 0.63383 0.59473 0.65152 0.64095 0.16473 0.71735 0.52021 0.44248 0.41993 0.2438 0.16905 0.63772 0.60543 0.20911 0.4635 0.31527 0.41066 0.99954 0.42179 0.67339 0.57209 0.27637 0.65084 0.24205 0.15912 0.73669 0.00231 0.1262 0.1958 0.38743 0.21501 0.59938 0.8949 0.16689 0.26238 0.02033 0.48482 0.41642 0.83132 0.81709 0.20572 0.77816 0.65062 0.13037 0.65433 0.06443 0.00665 0.30688 0.83966 0.61409 0.50972 0.9504 0.50902 0.65182 0.85816 0.77242 0.70561 0.09411 0.63968 0.5525 0.61267 0.44099 0.8541 0.67826 0.91053 0.10496 0.07321 0.13018 0.1664 0.05899 0.46652 0.98707 0.27446 0.64366 0.28263 0.58747 0.32847 0.00617 0.37664 0.73422 0.12115 0.89658 0.51098 0.98622 0.72364 0.46428 0.9305 0.75982 0.92479 0.68689 0.54828 0.70484 0.34403 0.13527 0.57097 0.14458 0.20009 0.36031 0.30126 0.59595 0.84939 0.28312 0.78866 0.6829 0.05378 0.10191 0.20283 0.0323 0.89683 0.06211 0.82182 0.22441 0.5301 0.86574 0.42665 0.23561 0.31211 0.569 0.26823 0.37324 0.41642 0.23392 0.24454 0.8863 0.01778 0.434 0.17747 0.68013 0.54266 0.92734 0.71122 0.85717 0.77719 0.72864 0.59133 0.13507 0.28104 0.43029 0.88406 0.15842 0.7143 0.85944 0.06467 0.47272 0.50224 0.76629 0.05005 0.54014 0.81998 0.28179 0.84541 0.48027 0.34787 0.42112 0.35483 0.12989 0.8332 0.55106 0.54785 0.88403 0.89619 0.08727 0.84302 0.79967 0.72339 0.97528 0.27053 0.82912 0.81121 0.64597 0.87688 0.44009 0.00791 0.37889 0.7728 0.74491 0.3491 0.96191 0.09405 0.30936 0.11232 0.04689 0.16292 0.40947 0.76946 0.57866 0.70328 0.87575 0.80819 0.0079 0.27442 0.73273 0.41337 0.9961 0.87367 0.91632 0.50988 0.93816 0.926 0.42811 0.47892 0.88262 0.63097 0.98429 0.92067 0.49685 0.43535 0.6825 0.75273 0.52144 0.35692 0.14975 0.6824 0.94954 0.66432 0.98628 0.49937 0.15934 0.80446 0.06843 0.78104 0.10554 0.74629 0.55078 0.29623 0.33805 0.74468 0.82105 0.5053 0.54886 0.29169 0.11356 0.55337 0.49147 0.23909 0.54389 0.8664 0.57571 0.30449 0.96796 0.54169 0.90667 0.46488 0.91519 0.04894 0.73916 0.18976 0.14158 0.81362 0.32334 0.10336 0.81918 0.19562 0.79763 0.84724 0.27927 0.65198 0.0854 0.41344 0.44262 0.1951 0.19756 0.34968 0.18089 0.65118 0.87465 0.44451 0.09622 0.27121 0.12862 0.22741 0.66519 0.411 0.11948 0.64099 0.35564 0.78262 0.57618 0.46046 0.08441 0.39286 0.10693 0.22517 0.77833 0.16762 0.80287 0.28356 0.82837 0.5435 0.81142 0.08164 0.7704 0.87414 0.11346 0.00278 0.93639 0.2696 0.96442 0.34542 0.52273 0.08089 0.151 0.07297 0.99933 0.75859 0.59772 0.62812 0.59451 0.59435 0.20872 0.2064 0.92183 0.35594 0.05212 0.70668 0.19472 0.41799 0.31416 0.86834 0.04036 0.50481 0.44399 0.07593 0.13909 0.17851 0.15012 0.50073 0.85116
+0.91231 0.63767 0.00506 0.28607 0.19614 0.48013 0.05263 0.09614 0.51001 0.46738 0.56333 0.20754 0.47478 0.14373 0.49006 0.32107 0.0706 0.62874 0.40322 0.1111 0.10915 0.83422 0.30892 0.19422 0.57294 0.70436 0.28271 0.95537 0.61156 0.82019 0.5089 0.59744 0.95333 0.28625 0.96813 0.61086 0.00442 0.58233 0.09127 0.17516 0.06343 0.74113 0.69824 0.51673 0.71014 0.58946 0.77779 0.14563 0.63768 0.43097 0.86862 0.01166 0.12634 0.9337 0.43972 0.28983 0.24292 0.97858 0.3368 0.64596 0.62956 0.21466 0.80561 0.19027 0.31931 0.53225 0.99271 0.43727 0.0181 0.46838 0.04108 0.07807 0.19838 0.068 0.64496 0.45156 0.40602 0.84901 0.26731 0.08459 0.18687 0.83913 0.99245 0.32748 0.58204 0.7857 0.31094 0.18128 0.96667 0.09383 0.03247 0.1386 0.12775 0.61411 0.98311 0.6563 0.50449 0.02511 0.87697 0.69471 0.9534 0.20906 0.35096 0.2212 0.08244 0.4409 0.92967 0.29046 0.85495 0.93286 0.2088 0.83081 0.08354 0.60856 0.53313 0.58856 0.00455 0.38664 0.05442 0.3099 0.06604 0.3001 0.91854 0.51195 0.96986 0.15806 0.7055 0.98339 0.98398 0.58384 0.87797 0.33353 0.18299 0.25595 0.9072 0.44188 0.29012 0.3609 0.56214 0.90458 0.11129 0.04751 0.25543 0.3576 0.89328 0.08463 0.67103 0.4698 0.51504 0.72545 0.90576 0.10001 0.77681 0.05768 0.63243 0.96098 0.1423 0.66881 0.03511 0.20008 0.11887 0.68796 0.88389 0.75918 0.03669 0.82408 0.425 0.6016 0.19983 0.85517 0.72045 0.64115 0.0984 0.38787 0.75368 0.55703 0.40372 0.60475 0.2148 0.22952 0.17764 0.10144 0.15983 0.59321 0.84528 0.63818 0.86573 0.87858 0.56729 0.00711 0.43321 0.49588 0.70241 0.4769 0.76815 0.78098 0.70186 0.16344 0.15713 0.79406 0.94636 0.03868 0.41408 0.6538 0.70909 0.56876 0.66762 0.71855 0.1671 0.28832 0.40858 0.43515 0.2611 0.5848 0.2681 0.20948 0.35057 0.72804 0.13913 0.88734 0.95207 0.6196 0.2369 0.45791 0.57579 0.12834 0.86414 0.86335 0.69068 0.89927 0.48331 0.55524 0.37101 0.20663 0.26032 0.55246 0.0322 0.78075 0.96712 0.75875 0.04254 0.56224 0.13073 0.66311 0.03994 0.41193 0.43399 0.22211 0.29611 0.83635 0.05885 0.42594 0.49759 0.16625 0.769 0.14544 0.0389 0.41976 0.82774 0.00189 0.11991 0.087 0.34871 0.50528 0.64706 0.96463 0.67739 0.72876 0.47914 0.75202 0.26599 0.17817 0.52953 0.92676 0.12137 0.04152 0.49863 0.2213 0.69729 0.33021 0.48066 0.7745 0.78641 0.83189 0.08027 0.2521 0.01841 0.65475 0.38173 0.92887 0.53151 0.48873 0.87262 0.70616 0.9411 0.71379 0.29327 0.90857 0.77786 0.62825 0.59733 0.59017 0.18342 0.57236 0.52685 0.59485 0.07115 0.10054 0.09087 0.64691 0.00287 0.24662 0.58066 0.32954 0.61862 0.63552 0.68312 0.11108 0.65399 0.13285 0.27042 0.71805 0.12241 0.45842 0.19122 0.56971 0.26061 0.43726 0.46995 0.22687 0.46131 0.81837 0.79038 0.81001 0.94592 0.7162 0.54075 0.8539 0.14443 0.84523 0.49564 0.93596 0.61502 0.52795 0.26245 0.56202 0.37112 0.24107 0.38454 0.15217 0.56196 0.0316 0.99652 0.49005 0.24444 0.05523 0.8297 0.79295 0.0849 0.43323 0.34601 0.55078 0.60964 0.20968 0.64154 0.94342 0.30908 0.00509 0.2205 0.82032 0.04997 0.80109 0.03168 0.99948 0.44242 0.55912 0.59831 0.40254 0.79026 0.36309 0.11618 0.53628 0.92906 0.16662 0.76693 0.69594 0.45036 0.2413 0.66891 0.47932 0.4368 0.36565 0.53922 0.96816 0.38797 0.59841 0.86579 0.77523 0.43882 0.52316 0.36801 0.20267 0.44259 0.27395 0.55011 0.59425 0.44044 0.38539 0.70853 0.26582 0.14082 0.95343 0.47186 0.11693 0.28995 0.58162 0.67089 0.33894 0.57207 0.26011 0.65421 0.94717 0.09266 0.58258 0.89005 0.37829 0.21768 0.59554 0.51082 0.97218 0.58703 0.7168 0.46637 0.95334 0.94984 0.79345 0.26115 0.68405 0.37503 0.50669 0.94905 0.69013 0.30262 0.19348 0.15172 0.99037 0.37876 0.94665 0.01599 0.0658 0.78903 0.21737 0.25339 0.30907 0.23862 0.05658 0.76025 0.47459 0.35712 0.53025 0.46322 0.2244 0.82905 0.48528 0.81349 0.55161 0.61764 0.27046 0.869 0.48555 0.64572 0.39996 0.21859 0.34906 0.26422 0.61721 0.52776 0.19804 0.53903 0.83346 0.72141 0.05854 0.43099 0.34403 0.93492 0.84134 0.32434 0.64977 0.43481 0.87531 0.95032 0.54189 0.77937 0.39415 0.57715 0.15004 0.38706 0.15244 0.38518 0.61441 0.54852 0.05481 0.65452 0.84585 0.62305 0.05067 0.32797 0.3302 0.92386 0.10851 0.27121 0.58036
+0.02192 0.84919 0.78434 0.81334 0.8816 0.07266 0.91924 0.26509 0.35968 0.90131 0.60132 0.08066 0.15897 0.0075 0.69019 0.48838 0.60834 0.79218 0.03808 0.97079 0.26212 0.48313 0.20162 0.64371 0.74245 0.04917 0.68644 0.23804 0.03936 0.0451 0.65598 0.46518 0.30896 0.80501 0.1865 0.0792 0.87211 0.398 0.00576 0.02365 0.34446 0.7441 0.51789 0.7746 0.68579 0.56288 0.85522 0.65885 0.27887 0.4303 0.74096 0.22369 0.03324 0.41199 0.62768 0.01372 0.49743 0.92926 0.41159 0.00032 0.2758 0.69055 0.81742 0.65963 0.8614 0.38808 0.89768 0.90937 0.65495 0.99053 0.15225 0.00098 0.05068 0.12218 0.76493 0.41049 0.30255 0.66975 0.53072 0.57022 0.40509 0.62334 0.68254 0.68384 0.79173 0.71892 0.8779 0.71209 0.25985 0.06672 0.10421 0.60211 0.0339 0.00737 0.00137 0.3975 0.71896 0.80884 0.15803 0.20217 0.39654 0.46439 0.95778 0.503 0.44996 0.6816 0.07748 0.60523 0.32931 0.46232 0.79882 0.54045 0.43159 0.94083 0.81195 0.55238 0.35906 0.2803 0.13348 0.75214 0.23281 0.16844 0.45251 0.49234 0.36922 0.29119 0.80326 0.89829 0.89409 0.54561 0.50596 0.05594 0.97167 0.88907 0.30415 0.26052 0.42038 0.22036 0.40983 0.7385 0.56222 0.71528 0.86609 0.09623 0.04648 0.34473 0.02014 0.94152 0.36504 0.54815 0.97627 0.58683 0.81539 0.26597 0.1445 0.58368 0.29184 0.38583 0.33004 0.60581 0.14226 0.48655 0.31284 0.16685 0.94294 0.86046 0.00255 0.38351 0.35958 0.97998 0.47876 0.30416 0.85701 0.02041 0.71505 0.21817 0.47445 0.17217 0.89158 0.76185 0.34525 0.40301 0.66994 0.80814 0.26785 0.37625 0.11728 0.37553 0.47199 0.72253 0.8497 0.89066 0.50389 0.48162 0.33637 0.07703 0.03651 0.27853 0.01652 0.62685 0.31349 0.54875 0.64525 0.27059 0.13946 0.40744 0.48605 0.17654 0.00835 0.75019 0.06225 0.40296 0.67438 0.15361 0.33077 0.55081 0.00201 0.44954 0.96369 0.10911 0.15031 0.06644 0.4169 0.65779 0.79216 0.49604 0.25613 0.83915 0.98811 0.29795 0.3097 0.56476 0.99621 0.88746 0.65622 0.71807 0.02559 0.86515 0.81222 0.75229 0.35781 0.35092 0.64303 0.82255 0.00926 0.48741 0.10089 0.17441 0.28242 0.33716 0.46232 0.90669 0.18255 0.69109 0.74117 0.88316 0.17058 0.57176 0.78037 0.46308 0.54397 0.27811 0.66773 0.7437 0.14756 0.47397 0.55004 0.10425 0.71477 0.01199 0.70599 0.46943 0.45175 0.81508 0.95986 0.66497 0.23412 0.48766 0.38751 0.82392 0.49789 0.48635 0.61293 0.48706 0.3696 0.18437 0.45253 0.08222 0.56253 0.69816 0.53529 0.53251 0.41279 0.00097 0.88323 0.16156 0.86389 0.87732 0.09226 0.32768 0.8231 0.79084 0.52088 0.48303 0.86839 0.45553 0.33251 0.01382 0.7946 0.06288 0.67178 0.65245 0.88362 0.38304 0.33153 0.79849 0.46896 0.21438 0.01042 0.5006 0.84757 0.87566 0.75574 0.20293 0.49618 0.37852 0.03103 0.3548 0.94899 0.72843 0.3236 0.05016 0.88494 0.74265 0.73209 0.78511 0.92214 0.19103 0.50945 0.36048 0.2381 0.50874 0.5775 0.90359 0.75761 0.64219 0.92271 0.39063 0.63888 0.91731 0.4098 0.39011 0.78621 0.73658 0.43817 0.01229 0.98672 0.59479 0.73797 0.14427 0.88857 0.54225 0.94894 0.58092 0.21653 0.79222 0.65956 0.65424 0.08404 0.19395 0.25677 0.68023 0.83327 0.40195 0.75009 0.18515 0.72613 0.98433 0.65442 0.79247 0.35072 0.81592 0.23734 0.52661 0.9338 0.07849 0.95618 0.35808 0.78938 0.10191 0.66254 0.01103 0.05964 0.24883 0.19925 0.78068 0.17413 0.826 0.26159 0.77594 0.24365 0.17326 0.13822 0.47697 0.18973 0.51779 0.74178 0.39892 0.84821 0.71179 0.75987 0.58783 0.71219 0.78366 0.29473 0.94348 0.87766 0.44764 0.11255 0.59476 0.18146 0.63504 0.55503 0.05396 0.31844 0.54299 0.51468 0.43021 0.53253 0.19806 0.2792 0.60944 0.13154 0.9938 0.92343 0.94222 0.08659 0.97272 0.13423 0.0084 0.57484 0.49324 0.66652 0.41822 0.69313 0.23485 0.63916 0.44331 0.5724 0.45736 0.21716 0.16094 0.32318 0.28977 0.62741 0.05453 0.81785 0.98107 0.17033 0.96649 0.64068 0.60365 0.41603 0.11041 0.85422 0.04283 0.06813 0.83029 0.70808 0.16378 0.11951 0.72617 0.75076 0.91011 0.34298 0.25939 0.57635 0.43892 0.64364 0.72962 0.62861 0.26915 0.77144 0.44911 0.66395 0.44871 0.60447 0.95534 0.62244 0.64319 0.5205 0.23237 0.10336 0.29274 0.57308 0.11783 0.03787 0.51762 0.51238 0.44516 0.29558 0.84646 0.55261 0.45884 0.62728 0.37492 0.69343 0.13055 0.43033 0.34567 0.05254 0.03549
+0.96612 0.54042 0.64233 0.66201 0.22188 0.43645 0.76308 0.82783 0.18324 0.91973 0.27626 0.12288 0.6729 0.47582 0.48613 0.63296 0.27365 0.08683 0.36493 0.45813 0.77398 0.6947 0.12898 0.42669 0.07441 0.58339 0.6181 0.74674 0.28322 0.27583 0.24852 0.40993 0.96874 0.97527 0.28599 0.68863 0.56104 0.62518 0.85697 0.17572 0.24723 0.76799 0.56726 0.93588 0.89842 0.02221 0.28733 0.10523 0.25049 0.65419 0.52529 0.48953 0.35627 0.63604 0.95358 0.66293 0.19106 0.94134 0.88817 0.85097 0.1173 0.78699 0.51353 0.29439 0.68907 0.89293 0.88525 0.15617 0.84031 0.07898 0.98214 0.41709 0.49659 0.58197 0.39952 0.55492 0.35557 0.13439 0.3998 0.2897 0.52369 0.53437 0.44531 0.69953 0.97791 0.40878 0.62199 0.82424 0.49424 0.32305 0.33776 0.35518 0.42007 0.0674 0.54709 0.28265 0.19307 0.9163 0.23185 0.02767 0.05667 0.00143 0.74141 0.5744 0.90433 0.59001 0.23263 0.20041 0.76872 0.88381 0.29799 0.83421 0.43364 0.39062 0.55074 0.54315 0.14128 0.7514 0.24451 0.39245 0.11239 0.53679 0.09433 0.43819 0.84158 0.8453 0.68356 0.15025 0.66677 0.73958 0.02718 0.15848 0.11896 0.60119 0.06601 0.75565 0.03342 0.22093 0.33184 0.80982 0.6027 0.28148 0.41147 0.00641 0.96466 0.20227 0.03718 0.40186 0.6834 0.21235 0.72768 0.15496 0.14913 0.23829 0.86608 0.75238 0.3842 0.2583 0.30297 0.61151 0.97921 0.92646 0.31235 0.63103 0.58548 0.02841 0.25441 0.90804 0.50996 0.28214 0.70318 0.4226 0.28093 0.68822 0.4511 0.54524 0.14067 0.55505 0.2451 0.26272 0.80677 0.10231 0.99554 0.69544 0.37225 0.91194 0.10394 0.56572 0.10511 0.22208 0.07716 0.10325 0.5513 0.33676 0.95527 0.02801 0.79014 0.67906 0.74539 0.27854 0.21667 0.83606 0.21369 0.41929 0.39019 0.17195 0.20847 0.93318 0.26918 0.2691 0.02702 0.58493 0.10913 0.32605 0.23489 0.22211 0.4322 0.6505 0.27389 0.24903 0.52331 0.26184 0.2603 0.54664 0.2281 0.95617 0.591 0.85716 0.67965 0.03189 0.81934 0.11222 0.14591 0.90595 0.95501 0.60228 0.91934 0.25128 0.00766 0.59707 0.82365 0.74692 0.28893 0.79503 0.11277 0.25292 0.67711 0.28108 0.49262 0.35464 0.34372 0.37155 0.12348 0.27462 0.25047 0.03326 0.58091 0.36375 0.67103 0.84916 0.50873 0.3188 0.65341 0.98496 0.07375 0.88256 0.17169 0.42592 0.44437 0.58913 0.99547 0.13246 0.29112 0.29801 0.8633 0.46803 0.62974 0.01261 0.96089 0.41889 0.4397 0.11619 0.1441 0.17564 0.06586 0.51031 0.84692 0.3578 0.54753 0.89474 0.52984 0.34996 0.6896 0.86317 0.13475 0.40927 0.79099 0.17341 0.85084 0.36506 0.86851 0.59852 0.45042 0.89687 0.48099 0.23655 0.22315 0.16556 0.22023 0.95018 0.33178 0.13741 0.11448 0.0047 0.70383 0.83894 0.63147 0.60181 0.72068 0.67358 0.43489 0.69903 0.18478 0.03826 0.29955 0.45961 0.06538 0.44898 0.76426 0.54831 0.64361 0.9069 0.97985 0.9863 0.44081 0.80696 0.48899 0.18846 0.56987 0.99397 0.20113 0.91055 0.11882 0.49241 0.57489 0.06835 0.28171 0.60801 0.54396 0.89639 0.0444 0.56715 0.82511 0.74877 0.85255 0.46148 0.36623 0.61486 0.03516 0.49744 0.89824 0.93279 0.72942 0.46738 0.25684 0.25497 0.16811 0.9861 0.54981 0.09105 0.56671 0.74661 0.62384 0.33613 0.2615 0.16227 0.13198 0.11828 0.16686 0.01597 0.07655 0.64825 0.8423 0.06499 0.82222 0.53089 0.28217 0.79043 0.69597 0.48354 0.42559 0.14009 0.8861 0.63339 0.15184 0.06098 0.1497 0.80913 0.17285 0.78844 0.47765 0.13371 0.44746 0.09172 0.75589 0.00516 0.28781 0.34211 0.98546 0.9819 0.72745 0.02518 0.89812 0.66536 0.72702 0.15744 0.37377 0.65533 0.98538 0.80764 0.35608 0.16333 0.96664 0.69014 0.45695 0.05652 0.23332 0.91094 0.34886 0.01071 0.76912 0.23465 0.18763 0.86333 0.30123 0.44663 0.14831 0.19743 0.98684 0.34048 0.41551 0.26024 0.66531 0.67413 0.55778 0.19057 0.34021 0.90528 0.16506 0.10623 0.26875 0.15807 0.96649 0.77833 0.50647 0.20811 0.46912 0.56061 0.86298 0.60436 0.13379 0.28998 0.55901 0.95284 0.09601 0.70324 0.36375 0.74264 0.48954 0.68888 0.73082 0.55232 0.8629 0.96239 0.51402 0.82313 0.2123 0.67169 0.90781 0.65435 0.98058 0.20837 0.49298 0.50276 0.71477 0.18557 0.84646 0.48822 0.73473 0.19273 0.11156 0.92755 0.72213 0.19459 0.63118 0.72869 0.51691 0.82403 0.84248 0.12373 0.04654 0.7279 0.70504 0.73263 0.18751 0.09758 0.70091 0.46566 0.52807 0.77559 0.83304 0.40804
+0.10554 0.01831 0.40472 0.48378 0.49293 0.61977 0.87415 0.38983 0.6734 0.94135 0.95262 0.63896 0.58528 0.16841 0.95784 0.35951 0.97278 0.75266 0.37454 0.3326 0.39518 0.61532 0.38964 0.08586 0.62979 0.67716 0.12926 0.81877 0.71391 0.47198 0.04036 0.03859 0.56482 0.26113 0.10738 0.09602 0.00748 0.98767 0.07693 0.86157 0.63067 0.53834 0.0768 0.33043 0.13412 0.74578 0.73379 0.9926 0.31591 0.01378 0.24366 0.16669 0.46334 0.83138 0.66298 0.17112 0.76984 0.09901 0.04374 0.93612 0.80735 0.77383 0.65167 0.448 0.19657 0.63735 0.59824 0.81854 0.32487 0.89093 0.84111 0.96757 0.38593 0.82895 0.43636 0.55666 0.67072 0.49385 0.06735 0.64587 0.02062 0.95295 0.83054 0.7436 0.24326 0.16233 0.09997 0.2546 0.85277 0.06971 0.69293 0.81807 0.84933 0.17516 0.09359 0.26886 0.55178 0.3714 0.82957 0.59976 0.14704 0.25497 0.61146 0.72855 0.13564 0.69916 0.11999 0.62764 0.24168 0.03283 0.71688 0.29632 0.82557 0.51614 0.44186 0.35826 0.58177 0.7676 0.3904 0.89933 0.7057 0.38261 0.8299 0.22995 0.1986 0.8107 0.54582 0.87555 0.03744 0.50783 0.14086 0.60072 0.52664 0.72886 0.79426 0.9481 0.84211 0.55618 0.54858 0.22431 0.39329 0.21172 0.97229 0.97584 0.16442 0.29491 0.25128 0.9615 0.48466 0.08351 0.6738 0.00947 0.99216 0.25673 0.28911 0.54017 0.00522 0.7981 0.95078 0.00073 0.93941 0.45897 0.05576 0.58827 0.77928 0.21996 0.94816 0.26544 0.04104 0.23793 0.13884 0.86664 0.53195 0.34669 0.48326 0.96117 0.91272 0.82792 0.64436 0.913 0.77791 0.63265 0.3388 0.48837 0.38508 0.42831 0.06783 0.80038 0.65089 0.68294 0.74127 0.67239 0.04731 0.29878 0.59633 0.26579 0.44875 0.1495 0.46995 0.63345 0.23541 0.05203 0.60238 0.41521 0.21228 0.19765 0.93763 0.76008 0.35334 0.98583 0.61982 0.08586 0.28729 0.9079 0.11537 0.21907 0.61993 0.36116 0.49733 0.71551 0.05328 0.87914 0.26491 0.0892 0.87977 0.89702 0.87334 0.32235 0.67263 0.85527 0.51703 0.41042 0.95693 0.45944 0.73364 0.85115 0.77826 0.21294 0.19542 0.12944 0.32745 0.88455 0.00359 0.2271 0.34001 0.20977 0.22534 0.26811 0.86556 0.77475 0.2695 0.45304 0.2769 0.35037 0.38903 0.04559 0.32997 0.28308 0.85301 0.15701 0.66192 0.42051 0.81575 0.53581 0.28723 0.92894 0.69509 0.58703 0.54825 0.90916 0.42876 0.07055 0.79976 0.14898 0.53686 0.54946 0.63146 0.99465 0.6146 0.16165 0.51504 0.73296 0.02103 0.14186 0.52881 0.18039 0.72658 0.26728 0.84928 0.49895 0.95387 0.5416 0.67554 0.05649 0.31737 0.81417 0.19977 0.19227 0.141 0.44893 0.38633 0.19693 0.10752 0.13382 0.45406 0.78855 0.41903 0.98037 0.15498 0.30017 0.13742 0.43014 0.69232 0.81432 0.96925 0.25409 0.98027 0.31635 0.49958 0.48058 0.80364 0.5937 0.81072 0.31427 0.72445 0.98716 0.69352 0.94509 0.35903 0.55966 0.01376 0.47721 0.32495 0.95278 0.52705 0.4966 0.18584 0.86181 0.30643 0.89028 0.77659 0.30197 0.96637 0.59219 0.59834 0.82046 0.65567 0.96171 0.72823 0.37018 0.04573 0.24861 0.00689 0.11959 0.63534 0.82473 0.9935 0.03126 0.65572 0.51383 0.05459 0.52891 0.29202 0.29689 0.00082 0.92242 0.047 0.92019 0.76806 0.76535 0.1756 0.19439 0.58611 0.0473 0.58724 0.65305 0.6784 0.8363 0.09125 0.14531 0.62422 0.33902 0.77406 0.93676 0.66259 0.98623 0.602 0.52198 0.72427 0.03756 0.04724 0.3617 0.12884 0.312 0.16648 0.32803 0.50806 0.45429 0.91481 0.54544 0.66308 0.99745 0.92702 0.92022 0.53062 0.78033 0.37177 0.14521 0.37342 0.44117 0.34545 0.25757 0.11394 0.11502 0.63431 0.41313 0.76071 0.07382 0.46489 0.52621 0.01305 0.44921 0.51548 0.12185 0.9625 0.21387 0.23855 0.3931 0.26611 0.69225 0.14996 0.05663 0.80501 0.7281 0.14246 0.59697 0.57372 0.42844 0.44443 0.80031 0.03585 0.02899 0.44179 0.67684 0.49287 0.87274 0.4207 0.56657 0.044 0.03776 0.81806 0.25253 0.36677 0.10334 0.62469 0.59286 0.51807 0.98975 0.41871 0.60267 0.24798 0.24371 0.77029 0.38612 0.74431 0.82835 0.88843 0.77826 0.40264 0.843 0.52948 0.19362 0.76469 0.59723 0.51359 0.52609 0.34673 0.52394 0.30953 0.31461 0.39608 0.41566 0.30272 0.00431 0.80359 0.95129 0.78191 0.65831 0.26411 0.58644 0.04889 0.47086 0.41054 0.29509 0.69694 0.50051 8e-05 0.00128 0.05795 0.15649 0.88411 0.16597 0.09043 0.40561 0.37045 0.98702 0.6264 0.47198 0.0283 0.43665 0.06974 0.40806
+0.66154 0.78401 0.89135 0.29459 0.48367 0.55874 0.67928 0.54319 0.32657 0.26 0.99104 0.98988 0.17954 0.57886 0.85892 0.09085 0.33573 0.92423 0.10685 0.45292 0.85563 0.30166 0.31784 0.82458 0.56198 0.62525 0.12085 0.96222 0.01263 0.98703 0.44127 0.6899 0.3044 0.67191 0.32726 0.8236 0.53941 0.15669 0.28074 0.83477 0.84421 0.33773 0.89603 0.97573 0.57485 0.51482 0.04429 0.39916 0.26904 0.8341 0.54526 0.18025 0.13149 0.12513 0.47079 0.15737 0.27183 0.94196 0.06959 0.37391 0.52493 0.68656 0.099 0.03663 0.71964 0.41382 0.52546 0.62969 0.94629 0.59022 0.62519 0.05204 0.91014 0.54462 0.40402 0.80567 0.99269 0.49352 0.06304 0.39553 0.12804 0.29376 0.62813 0.44494 0.6917 0.94781 0.77928 0.32652 0.10108 0.57859 0.15991 0.8666 0.55955 0.28459 0.2726 0.82106 0.5075 0.21601 0.08786 0.33906 0.02189 0.78234 0.01015 0.72606 0.48814 0.05731 0.81666 0.13085 0.46967 0.20569 0.49055 0.24862 0.51191 0.20925 0.78892 0.08035 0.60718 0.13777 0.03229 0.42128 0.66957 0.07626 0.93777 0.21845 0.7536 0.66533 0.80138 0.90138 0.43545 0.53092 0.79945 0.41449 0.71441 0.20836 0.51899 0.62954 0.65008 0.79865 0.28208 0.43933 0.62923 0.78044 0.78491 0.72789 0.62314 0.32145 0.76675 0.06995 0.18297 0.26108 0.94653 0.29969 0.55523 0.72021 0.2723 0.51129 0.58333 0.65244 0.62711 0.60759 0.16802 0.16075 0.0411 0.73077 0.64599 0.64739 0.28829 0.09571 0.42856 0.1143 0.35613 0.44848 0.22135 0.36381 0.6348 0.4481 0.18059 0.45486 0.01165 0.84119 0.74806 0.24089 0.05947 0.10194 0.24984 0.23308 0.65505 0.69231 0.25594 0.48458 0.10804 0.69996 0.11057 0.39555 0.88948 0.59485 0.76284 0.58367 0.6734 0.83402 0.59085 0.91104 0.66905 0.62019 0.78174 0.40471 0.26983 0.86793 0.43333 0.65188 0.19935 0.42977 0.33933 0.27307 0.61958 0.86601 0.03472 0.37145 0.88236 0.16135 0.42594 0.38739 0.05542 0.70591 0.87068 0.16579 0.58014 0.06518 0.98963 0.72371 0.18734 0.5155 0.61365 0.03012 0.73026 0.90662 0.70178 0.49538 0.96409 0.28691 0.73954 0.74201 0.99004 0.51607 0.41079 0.41387 0.8264 0.66315 0.63778 0.417 0.49537 0.80676 0.51123 0.8249 0.24742 0.09951 0.10938 0.50373 0.32387 0.94637 0.18513 0.43414 0.75634 0.92893 0.10871 0.54659 0.51214 0.78412 0.98687 0.91957 0.83228 0.74024 0.1409 0.09899 0.37515 0.13101 0.04064 0.53774 0.82906 0.48524 0.29699 0.53347 0.12788 0.07945 0.13249 0.66309 0.89487 0.36189 0.59973 0.41368 0.03843 0.13402 0.70487 0.87756 0.98919 0.22703 0.28457 0.50733 0.00302 0.1763 0.30215 0.73315 0.69242 0.80529 0.75653 0.20315 0.06179 0.03289 0.66811 0.67489 0.77515 0.07091 0.71255 0.57017 0.62139 0.11318 0.22453 0.56642 0.05023 0.60823 0.16362 0.61616 0.33969 0.7798 0.64921 0.73585 0.7157 0.22519 0.68521 0.41042 0.19822 0.13332 0.52593 0.71866 0.86641 0.0072 0.07371 0.18093 0.51197 0.46335 0.58924 0.13982 0.55892 0.1637 0.04942 0.48854 0.36131 0.83054 0.72657 0.15004 0.81127 0.11308 0.36391 0.53174 0.68988 0.27413 0.17142 0.53597 0.10637 0.93531 0.87469 0.39586 0.25624 0.36174 0.83503 0.4609 0.8201 0.20976 0.33324 0.48476 0.77148 0.11651 0.46612 0.60041 0.22881 0.53269 0.24414 0.59634 0.692 0.91562 0.39046 0.46742 0.61511 0.77808 0.46228 0.57379 0.85909 0.67177 0.0144 0.29953 0.56006 0.80149 0.79677 0.26904 0.58843 0.61612 0.3071 0.13829 0.96311 0.80909 0.69436 0.6623 0.17504 0.39537 0.65926 0.00139 0.38167 0.45224 0.06615 0.06962 0.8251 0.79206 0.13529 0.23016 0.99929 0.21868 0.54655 0.74933 0.90665 0.72061 0.14231 0.9994 0.90337 0.38654 0.35686 0.97095 0.27706 0.30389 0.40097 0.48709 0.09287 0.04896 0.54207 0.8531 0.02318 0.55017 0.40127 0.46863 0.00541 0.16517 0.67026 0.75009 0.60032 0.44466 0.20094 0.64806 0.01427 0.05407 0.59704 0.44101 0.54579 0.08095 0.43444 0.44267 0.08032 0.68863 0.72423 0.73548 0.06888 0.15842 0.73151 0.04675 0.19718 0.13966 0.99511 0.55297 0.92675 0.55584 0.5925 0.98216 0.76795 0.57714 0.61958 0.02757 0.38703 0.7037 0.1659 0.92423 0.55008 0.28994 0.12607 0.20307 0.03198 0.46025 0.52615 0.09853 0.9752 0.62252 0.97071 0.26169 0.26479 0.9999 0.24806 0.56766 0.19326 0.00847 0.66057 0.46378 0.77765 0.65431 0.91872 0.839 0.71655 0.598 0.55325 0.30365 0.51098 0.89055 0.38422 0.78693 0.02908 0.81623
+0.50579 0.70707 0.51616 0.0814 0.76263 0.36461 0.88711 0.19822 0.93426 0.45722 0.33946 0.66578 0.50219 0.22043 0.97986 0.66306 0.39676 0.11145 0.9092 0.97995 0.56014 0.28152 0.37938 0.49059 0.54931 0.29328 0.17388 0.91741 0.32787 0.31764 0.38548 0.21353 0.74369 0.45258 0.09946 0.3895 0.20692 0.02804 0.89562 0.17826 0.05382 0.19833 0.32876 0.62764 0.08566 0.13004 0.12509 0.66796 0.64397 0.61349 0.91918 0.65527 0.20772 0.30675 0.06776 0.04889 0.03766 0.39342 0.14736 0.3714 0.86244 0.27514 0.63678 0.61961 0.18583 0.14369 0.74256 0.83024 0.90133 0.70702 0.4357 0.57614 0.74313 0.77694 0.87562 0.43933 0.3513 0.92043 0.63139 0.53633 0.73527 0.92154 0.38259 0.59503 0.99869 0.55226 0.45494 0.70409 0.63843 0.56891 0.83195 0.31873 0.29311 0.9849 0.37934 0.2035 0.03993 0.255 0.50219 0.02353 0.206 0.74233 0.8477 0.18202 0.2554 0.22506 0.11551 0.05654 0.64756 0.6416 0.3444 0.44432 0.54777 0.20933 0.89087 0.08479 0.54984 0.442 0.75775 0.56222 0.92002 0.62443 0.60078 0.87357 0.05683 0.70786 0.71716 0.07054 0.07964 0.91192 0.37654 0.24966 0.10678 0.16154 0.15856 0.31093 0.06172 0.51661 0.71198 0.06239 0.76105 0.25431 0.49409 0.72887 0.03027 0.38383 0.07313 0.77483 0.87288 0.75656 0.27555 0.22169 0.40553 0.13896 0.23925 0.97401 0.49011 0.36344 0.83812 0.96809 0.40666 0.65578 0.30492 0.87329 0.27373 0.3833 0.64702 0.27256 0.8903 0.84565 0.33271 0.56913 0.80014 0.02057 0.75091 0.32044 0.01704 0.54022 0.92301 0.29641 0.9752 0.7339 0.53483 0.27034 0.19427 0.30367 0.60278 0.99863 0.34254 0.34307 0.15456 0.19424 0.0051 0.82029 0.82517 0.9008 0.75349 0.55822 0.80338 0.50422 0.93046 0.86551 0.0006 0.09121 0.59494 0.46106 0.97996 0.17678 0.04478 0.50906 0.64856 0.39228 0.12407 0.01309 0.13223 0.48942 0.6895 0.99594 0.22279 0.8715 0.70312 0.06586 0.54295 0.84624 0.23497 0.58001 0.02962 0.63955 0.1734 0.14366 0.00448 0.27785 0.56322 0.85292 0.29573 0.27374 0.39061 0.45172 0.68464 0.64825 0.07272 0.55418 0.48991 0.83221 0.08258 0.23704 0.51218 0.77262 0.89077 0.27343 0.55345 0.97463 0.90816 0.1641 0.2384 0.78556 0.82854 0.877 0.62391 0.62895 0.38117 0.96936 0.71323 0.53488 0.83443 0.47102 0.87021 0.2305 0.63063 0.04257 0.90195 0.8867 0.60321 0.25504 0.04851 0.64421 0.59655 0.68778 0.05101 0.85459 0.00191 0.22971 0.92755 0.85137 0.44233 0.27799 0.40512 0.00171 0.40184 0.95362 0.75489 0.12677 0.95099 0.26665 0.91481 0.93102 0.02549 0.9711 0.85492 0.61032 0.9733 0.93251 0.09052 0.61741 0.17817 0.90881 0.44361 0.7317 0.90574 0.31985 0.35733 0.05044 0.65758 0.06498 0.63079 0.24996 0.68078 0.51997 0.64013 0.61456 0.6039 0.95509 0.28892 0.65913 0.2007 0.3321 0.47944 0.85175 0.93123 0.45186 0.71381 0.03685 0.19508 0.03415 0.71321 0.41973 0.59488 0.47372 0.74615 0.02578 0.97003 0.35393 0.54701 0.87424 0.41797 0.00249 0.20467 0.79819 0.80393 0.26578 0.16427 0.65992 0.9788 0.82964 0.8446 0.00082 0.58044 0.87292 0.13593 0.04905 0.49079 0.99667 0.80171 0.76801 0.21096 0.48399 0.04977 0.81737 0.26356 0.98774 0.37725 0.85282 0.15164 0.53874 0.02113 0.90954 0.86761 0.12911 0.5716 0.82866 0.57489 0.64716 0.54299 0.53623 0.02325 0.50768 0.42359 0.22745 0.02932 0.90283 0.42177 0.12424 0.03116 0.25631 0.53612 0.65874 0.38371 0.70291 0.00231 0.40041 0.22922 0.83043 0.9151 0.77851 0.10045 0.29761 0.58546 0.38079 0.69709 0.54852 0.73365 0.08039 0.96807 0.25694 0.82111 0.92337 0.46387 0.13227 0.30042 0.56116 0.82088 0.35372 0.07844 0.76541 0.98396 0.40368 0.05292 0.25097 0.82279 0.56498 0.35221 0.09898 0.94636 0.52259 0.71569 0.75759 0.12669 0.73455 0.93931 0.17026 0.24983 0.0615 0.09001 0.3544 0.78006 0.15379 0.6648 0.91606 0.48044 0.80303 0.22891 0.15733 0.33656 0.57072 0.36015 0.59869 0.08534 0.68741 0.5947 0.50818 0.89939 0.14518 0.29565 0.50439 0.0909 0.05174 0.05197 0.94595 0.16777 0.70261 0.18381 0.39568 0.96832 0.53127 0.5304 0.67177 0.27454 0.53714 0.49841 0.90399 0.84842 0.98004 0.90247 0.77462 0.07629 0.31292 0.50843 0.57525 0.18665 0.2357 0.11129 0.6775 0.13311 0.26794 0.58533 0.40096 0.91759 0.41387 0.19348 0.68278 0.99264 0.56019 0.87903 0.06695 0.17651 0.70648 0.26464 0.27277 0.89262 0.60263 0.13724 0.38578
+0.89673 0.32486 0.93177 0.45316 0.70432 0.52045 0.06805 0.65365 0.94154 0.9602 0.14319 0.40774 0.96896 0.63705 0.14404 0.74865 0.8847 0.67989 0.38937 0.77133 0.90808 0.35143 0.4292 0.27633 0.93225 0.29966 0.54449 0.55443 0.29689 0.012 0.2037 0.79055 0.49372 0.13125 0.6649 0.42924 0.55535 0.74015 0.31343 0.01601 0.34004 0.26428 0.11419 0.07187 0.47381 0.13413 0.08102 0.83238 0.87073 0.41371 0.82005 0.95422 0.46456 0.03909 0.01326 0.53858 0.63405 0.63425 0.69542 0.65788 0.28049 0.86981 0.51365 0.38989 0.98611 0.87844 0.47801 0.83603 0.79359 0.64575 0.83473 0.6952 0.73823 0.45891 0.60784 0.43906 0.44589 0.34413 0.50717 0.44905 0.1136 0.44595 0.10586 0.11186 0.88965 0.81046 0.85826 0.62246 0.45881 0.86517 0.57711 0.42744 0.29673 0.14032 0.86652 0.72286 0.14103 0.12938 0.81003 0.91535 0.45105 0.69529 0.53803 0.20872 0.70191 0.72487 0.65493 0.4605 0.7586 0.34153 0.49971 0.03633 0.05122 0.78827 0.23035 0.49573 0.92798 0.24119 0.39581 0.56682 0.46278 0.90237 0.94399 0.33928 0.51386 0.31166 0.39752 0.22554 0.35722 0.96832 0.8376 0.9435 0.94033 0.23757 0.08799 0.73332 0.08877 0.53049 0.90708 0.20195 0.72613 0.43749 0.83016 0.293 0.61058 0.99191 0.39239 0.54109 0.18946 0.29785 0.4803 0.84462 0.50742 0.32129 0.01949 0.59286 0.0518 0.8261 0.52183 0.30113 0.34271 0.38761 0.01666 0.07661 0.60144 0.25022 0.77958 0.19746 0.68404 0.63657 0.27871 0.92008 0.74792 0.49863 0.76997 0.73516 0.89338 0.11571 0.137 0.56724 0.12473 0.13626 0.95911 0.95016 0.16905 0.65669 0.88271 0.55264 0.74488 0.90553 0.03841 0.73206 0.45427 0.08734 0.81245 0.66867 0.93132 0.56879 0.05769 0.43705 0.48705 0.47736 0.03271 0.49571 0.98111 0.78233 0.39869 0.33525 0.30669 0.62262 0.17914 0.4735 0.34309 0.59603 0.19785 0.83897 0.34746 0.51434 0.41202 0.08662 0.24588 0.53582 0.07386 0.77651 0.6654 0.98542 0.77161 0.21812 0.19377 0.0505 0.40756 0.97367 0.59382 0.03786 0.86254 0.48659 0.85514 0.12725 0.91163 0.21938 0.134 0.97106 0.2459 0.77291 0.225 0.26492 0.42188 0.7686 0.83708 0.40199 0.02419 0.04544 0.30269 0.15013 0.36865 0.62927 0.25199 0.01468 0.72121 0.95931 0.29747 0.09418 0.50157 0.7565 0.07703 0.52122 0.39523 0.50044 0.76179 0.3317 0.41607 0.07144 0.26037 0.57269 0.69468 0.54749 0.17123 0.82703 0.34006 0.84388 0.53517 0.71111 0.98787 0.2782 0.3847 0.81611 0.38812 0.52171 0.25967 0.95861 0.08353 0.39484 0.13508 0.15337 0.64026 0.70316 0.32589 0.32224 0.04631 0.42212 0.36332 0.66377 0.49428 0.97211 0.1897 0.70102 0.40199 0.58651 0.80462 0.49217 0.61692 0.58589 0.5581 0.61456 0.28029 0.57904 0.39291 0.83076 0.21649 0.91005 0.39961 0.28392 0.14816 0.68478 0.82848 0.47366 0.12306 0.66105 0.70971 0.48838 0.59349 0.12157 0.61313 0.66591 0.91053 0.80211 0.58614 0.34396 0.4494 0.44285 0.45952 0.10183 0.40737 0.88765 0.60498 0.07893 0.13961 0.62709 0.69473 0.57895 0.76465 0.99104 0.09368 0.20445 0.78044 0.07733 0.85815 0.48533 0.72927 0.61757 0.288 0.58509 0.50779 0.48971 0.36475 0.81665 0.84171 0.73998 0.94119 0.71602 0.12383 0.06646 0.71739 0.63039 0.26984 0.4533 0.89188 0.04479 0.68076 0.85519 0.51364 0.58504 0.27955 0.00091 0.2075 0.0291 0.26935 0.77529 0.80315 0.91453 0.45653 0.17458 0.4294 0.037 0.19831 0.60905 0.93524 0.99344 0.99331 0.12781 0.85835 0.33472 0.79108 0.02602 0.63186 0.86614 0.14949 0.39832 0.3072 0.0231 0.09383 0.75399 0.37308 0.35619 0.52253 0.83817 0.07968 0.57757 0.55111 0.39939 0.30194 0.99147 0.34978 0.98922 0.95689 0.88137 0.34138 0.68968 0.18061 0.68977 0.78392 0.53587 0.30854 0.98898 0.03163 0.78221 0.72374 0.50628 0.31939 0.1106 0.42842 0.45895 0.31271 0.49675 0.94148 0.80429 0.77132 0.64214 0.20766 0.03118 0.22162 0.05627 0.18658 0.2444 0.33489 0.6895 0.15264 0.31631 0.22678 0.42259 0.40544 0.76233 0.04398 0.2909 0.66808 0.82165 0.39832 0.12746 0.92262 0.46823 0.95938 0.28013 0.49301 0.61833 0.05741 0.53566 0.36331 0.48164 0.89303 0.01624 0.83342 0.68416 0.24678 0.96286 0.94145 0.71809 0.34336 0.57452 0.21718 0.13824 0.1195 0.78784 0.93561 0.29044 0.47725 0.17368 0.48232 0.16632 0.47857 0.12387 0.72412 0.40585 0.14586 0.12609 0.69461 0.2046 0.43434 0.77788 0.12825 0.81637 0.84664 0.3554
+0.26666 0.52851 0.90239 0.61732 0.56516 0.08031 0.29176 0.6098 0.98535 0.69089 0.25206 0.99468 0.73164 0.68854 0.46772 0.93757 0.50111 0.47432 0.61323 0.27512 0.26545 0.47705 0.5753 0.22868 0.43936 0.51153 0.86241 0.03078 0.13826 0.49597 0.69276 0.47342 0.21258 0.38893 0.42948 0.16281 0.15207 0.50279 0.10679 0.19651 0.48926 0.37871 0.55068 0.48239 0.79961 0.5703 0.14877 0.40973 0.19942 0.12176 0.46772 0.2775 0.19428 0.04914 0.72662 0.0493 0.58383 0.47532 0.92688 0.31673 0.19448 0.1923 0.42083 0.93934 0.34261 0.87946 0.45355 0.39523 0.01969 0.50381 0.3063 0.7081 0.96067 0.34553 0.78392 0.61131 0.90353 0.36129 0.31972 0.33532 0.96157 0.41838 0.06203 0.25534 0.49407 0.466 0.49312 0.12595 0.30963 0.43131 0.03487 0.37866 0.49216 0.84445 0.1936 0.83125 0.09015 0.945 0.59091 0.46437 0.73985 0.49216 0.50195 0.98348 0.55622 0.52476 0.58942 0.44495 0.01227 0.25126 0.00212 0.24788 0.15718 0.0084 0.41499 0.11476 0.28231 0.84171 0.55813 0.37079 0.66125 0.92193 0.27641 0.9392 0.08914 0.25116 0.82857 0.10785 0.474 0.28974 0.09474 0.29604 0.33588 0.44026 0.5578 0.54814 0.76042 0.04107 0.50693 0.77029 0.21604 0.33735 0.73816 0.97967 0.32878 0.23916 0.71637 0.41989 0.25978 0.79429 0.92798 0.90625 0.21889 0.93585 0.80858 0.4533 0.21697 0.17373 0.45349 0.69644 0.58354 0.552 0.64586 0.74327 0.49611 0.67509 0.65507 0.31947 0.86917 0.24976 0.97531 0.61247 0.49674 0.25582 0.5822 0.02048 0.09443 0.63932 0.83763 0.82987 0.71113 0.84169 0.6307 0.71378 0.20716 0.67877 0.4468 0.72375 0.71238 0.148 0.49156 0.1008 0.7154 0.4022 0.95965 0.06616 0.75472 0.73745 0.82206 0.63159 0.01498 0.16047 0.70323 0.00615 0.58589 0.27217 0.36803 0.56707 0.98015 0.78386 0.24044 0.41468 0.63759 0.8029 0.78929 0.73105 0.47226 0.53941 0.73785 0.81974 0.34795 0.09589 0.96096 0.56783 0.55976 0.68329 0.15164 0.43922 0.77973 0.83673 0.46629 0.50044 0.79267 0.68381 0.69387 0.3264 0.21934 0.4927 0.78889 0.64578 0.1523 0.96071 0.23346 0.36346 0.54482 0.77787 0.3747 0.42544 0.44839 0.19469 0.01287 0.29485 0.43197 0.34874 0.78219 0.70772 0.23601 0.36706 0.727 0.29942 0.77029 0.00429 0.10806 0.19542 0.56981 0.68207 0.44923 0.95826 0.53663 0.87305 0.90705 0.46739 0.78403 0.21984 0.26884 0.65894 0.08642 0.19235 0.95537 0.10585 0.24183 0.43569 0.58778 0.33324 0.16593 0.7581 0.66447 0.91164 0.36595 0.0799 0.02587 0.86686 0.70243 0.74798 0.60207 0.16857 0.89717 0.32047 0.06703 0.89055 0.35168 0.24093 0.35078 0.73558 0.19345 0.45788 0.14125 0.00322 0.5816 0.84545 0.884 0.48699 0.39679 0.13525 0.07193 0.46496 0.60317 0.85639 0.23479 0.02556 0.00679 0.06435 0.72772 0.52814 0.70774 0.48492 0.88633 0.03431 0.13043 0.88843 0.97138 0.75995 0.09923 0.58071 0.50099 0.33721 0.79587 0.05566 0.74709 0.00483 0.06797 0.44665 0.7775 0.27669 0.90889 0.30573 0.73972 0.39637 0.9049 0.66949 0.01449 0.08656 0.26987 0.41641 0.57299 0.99819 0.46182 0.12512 0.74321 0.36183 0.98478 0.27781 0.28754 0.59034 0.18254 0.50947 0.64721 0.00899 0.52534 0.85176 0.05161 0.00361 0.2185 0.35916 0.4538 0.34137 0.55259 0.42502 0.75335 0.12834 0.26918 0.38656 0.35426 0.58649 0.37945 0.39375 0.57228 0.72275 0.40986 0.00138 0.29255 0.31339 0.93179 0.71541 0.5861 0.03317 0.85588 0.44586 0.57261 0.31527 0.79882 0.32772 0.60142 0.02893 0.02278 0.52909 0.25985 0.8996 0.97327 0.03674 0.62097 0.00347 0.50246 0.73439 0.04322 0.27408 0.48591 0.42886 0.82359 0.90332 0.17753 0.5619 0.85787 0.40984 0.08819 0.11449 0.58282 0.10824 0.30071 0.36042 0.79674 0.49558 0.601 0.50384 0.02674 0.8323 0.75495 0.85226 0.57737 0.88153 0.38678 0.94771 0.64599 0.07991 0.47338 0.57813 0.51987 0.3889 0.40841 0.05097 0.75788 0.96252 0.45923 0.37095 0.58225 0.92013 0.66864 0.48772 0.03893 0.40482 0.86541 0.10689 0.70145 0.91515 0.99734 0.84645 0.33246 0.98247 0.17753 0.962 0.39875 0.73237 0.13679 0.92775 0.15002 0.99701 0.14433 0.8903 0.92694 0.62061 0.58351 0.3656 0.25346 0.22696 0.77379 0.04872 0.01969 0.91382 0.28566 0.20526 0.4124 0.77091 0.79536 0.4538 0.14787 0.99899 0.44392 0.70331 0.94587 0.01612 0.37703 0.19399 0.71229 0.27415 0.64298 0.73481 0.04175 0.22588 0.5671 0.94847 0.92941 0.30983
+0.01111 0.38429 0.67335 0.71146 0.27334 0.54189 0.00994 0.74523 0.32381 0.75234 0.09929 0.60251 0.3113 0.81239 0.75915 0.27466 0.84925 0.83336 0.75979 0.06185 0.97194 0.49305 0.84202 0.98265 0.17997 0.10145 0.84612 0.51327 0.76695 0.56316 0.22846 0.69821 0.2812 0.74943 0.43758 0.87697 0.39583 0.31347 0.76546 0.83486 0.80362 0.70129 0.88385 0.42205 0.20239 0.5476 0.89825 0.21207 0.1266 0.50336 0.89884 0.88657 0.89772 0.99289 0.72547 0.08183 0.59177 0.84066 0.93291 0.22996 0.97074 0.53742 0.49659 0.7961 0.6222 0.85817 0.16282 0.44846 0.84222 0.65936 0.90512 0.13696 0.15099 0.6419 0.86775 0.72698 0.33121 0.28105 0.02694 0.91393 0.66563 0.37229 0.42782 0.60672 0.31957 0.50881 0.97927 0.23899 0.86694 0.18202 0.75403 0.18725 0.30284 0.77997 0.21649 0.61719 0.97017 0.05825 0.60182 0.38815 0.47472 0.6129 0.41682 0.90251 0.48965 0.52301 0.16951 0.54715 0.25801 0.28514 0.28355 0.72203 0.66631 0.72405 0.57357 0.82424 0.2401 0.78941 0.26661 0.18013 0.41696 0.65851 0.36587 0.31661 0.23771 0.53423 0.84486 0.38334 0.93015 0.15299 0.35689 0.98114 0.82292 0.66425 0.54804 0.34304 0.02705 0.64856 0.14578 0.41289 0.07622 0.61663 0.99714 0.48983 0.45853 0.83194 0.89287 0.23655 0.43561 0.00384 0.01531 0.21857 0.75159 0.01522 0.18781 0.41638 0.68892 0.17816 0.28316 0.56507 0.42115 0.37816 0.77736 0.22881 0.4932 0.61233 0.90143 0.34216 0.98457 0.63316 0.39001 0.99846 0.07597 0.9063 0.37589 0.89784 0.13707 0.97161 0.43532 0.51439 0.02172 0.16861 0.52108 0.3817 0.15252 0.24625 0.16204 0.87169 0.72671 0.42471 0.69702 0.81511 0.99436 0.29903 0.79347 0.94127 0.30617 0.18082 0.96178 0.15828 0.48213 0.84596 0.98749 0.09999 0.28401 0.37082 0.22283 0.83254 0.24428 0.93625 0.89981 0.98652 0.82399 0.35302 0.87274 0.88058 0.0108 0.00531 0.45008 0.80677 0.77592 0.68554 0.42895 0.58152 0.50986 0.28357 0.36452 0.2482 0.3081 0.34572 0.06088 0.97021 0.79883 0.76863 0.74201 0.90864 0.59771 0.2256 0.54097 0.43974 0.4095 0.90505 0.92244 0.21377 0.2164 0.08845 0.62699 0.96831 0.95721 0.73096 0.7733 0.06918 0.63728 0.54651 0.76903 0.52623 0.50238 0.27712 0.62559 0.40113 0.51131 0.05921 0.6996 0.17516 0.99548 0.14969 0.38236 0.76066 0.47217 0.53768 0.24213 0.12293 0.51399 0.65452 0.91713 0.14144 0.43307 0.21784 0.16016 0.86822 0.02512 0.3043 0.89192 0.33422 0.73017 0.87329 0.75304 0.23847 0.13998 0.26211 0.70974 0.45264 0.09144 0.83707 0.10614 0.92898 0.06235 0.83253 0.51748 0.4874 0.16483 0.31452 0.04958 0.11393 0.97067 0.2576 0.86554 0.75619 0.53363 0.04413 0.25226 0.21401 0.39338 0.33182 0.21893 0.22241 0.41591 0.44256 0.86534 0.1559 0.30213 0.09124 0.68547 0.04698 0.28517 0.12428 0.8084 0.24113 0.76301 0.13404 0.4468 0.54872 0.39559 0.35884 0.75216 0.73764 0.83875 0.9973 0.69914 0.2628 0.29132 0.23134 0.32445 0.55746 0.39156 0.13407 0.78031 0.95242 0.86344 0.06123 0.91282 0.62178 0.6196 0.74553 0.53852 0.73046 0.79574 0.06406 0.7789 0.16567 0.52838 0.93888 0.46775 0.11043 0.43551 0.89301 0.4462 0.01992 0.95721 0.33561 0.55081 0.53607 0.95458 0.83622 0.11307 0.26117 0.88244 0.51105 0.58741 0.34548 0.18006 0.05319 0.02187 0.40163 0.55388 0.01955 0.5888 0.05651 0.90572 0.18324 0.5905 0.24342 0.47699 0.60009 0.59868 0.86126 0.17248 0.65394 0.5485 0.51314 0.21281 0.74916 0.22319 0.4368 0.19472 0.25642 0.02619 0.11206 0.36769 0.24203 0.04715 0.64559 0.96016 0.77744 0.08159 0.07591 0.53811 0.78422 0.04183 0.82758 0.59486 0.83412 0.81359 0.53986 0.77163 0.45008 0.4145 0.95795 0.32003 0.1731 0.33609 0.2333 0.02295 0.49364 0.66928 0.82086 0.68637 0.38008 0.50372 0.9494 0.1045 0.58664 0.07786 0.51482 0.21974 0.57367 0.59271 0.82397 0.91935 0.3137 0.7534 0.17283 0.74807 0.68821 0.06882 0.82218 0.91918 0.66023 0.50382 0.82335 0.06732 0.1255 0.66341 0.62975 0.72166 0.81135 0.68359 0.41722 0.66725 0.43395 0.88018 0.18509 0.24409 0.01624 0.78312 0.33152 0.04322 0.60252 0.48592 0.75936 0.2728 0.38655 0.48354 0.66308 0.55039 0.72969 0.27815 0.15966 0.21257 0.14692 0.57595 0.15383 0.07771 0.45714 0.26847 0.49112 0.71062 0.96456 0.93939 0.29719 0.9765 0.40772 0.49811 0.96531 0.96281 0.77424 0.46867 0.23462 0.94504 0.80569 0.05993 0.8426
+0.55957 0.57446 0.05864 0.2656 0.95552 0.9254 0.16234 0.40184 0.22112 0.18328 0.29197 0.47542 0.45252 0.02188 0.57363 0.59392 0.75146 0.09192 0.89662 0.49137 0.37585 0.30698 0.7284 0.81507 0.17841 0.3595 0.52658 0.58424 0.12117 0.47577 0.63973 0.52348 0.67365 0.21384 0.69295 0.08516 0.71368 0.85299 0.49359 0.8699 0.77824 0.34305 0.7673 0.39026 0.86841 0.83665 0.6749 0.74727 0.01924 0.35488 0.20345 0.18743 0.14054 0.09161 0.07225 0.70681 0.29269 0.76726 0.39674 0.62258 0.32466 0.28769 0.55517 0.97897 0.28177 0.54799 0.25214 0.83975 0.44362 0.39976 0.01855 0.69952 0.48692 0.85118 0.33804 0.09972 0.35594 0.30956 0.08134 0.82089 0.13751 0.97479 0.69208 0.60576 0.55266 0.10467 0.08819 0.31172 0.92908 0.52342 0.22278 0.04527 0.35147 0.14528 0.14971 0.85908 0.23731 0.91686 0.2605 0.02611 0.77965 0.74832 0.91241 0.7644 0.4066 0.1319 0.74463 0.57583 0.17682 0.73668 0.81899 0.4948 0.41847 0.16784 0.64022 0.17098 0.40775 0.79656 0.28074 0.14694 0.31353 0.73195 0.85026 0.01456 0.60737 0.0679 0.58662 0.0956 0.92236 0.2859 0.22457 0.7657 0.05656 0.74161 0.6605 0.42075 0.04764 0.08258 0.6559 0.30301 0.01542 0.32608 0.38394 0.85772 0.88215 0.02085 0.26206 0.22702 0.17914 0.83122 0.1433 0.92331 0.65213 0.27204 0.29347 0.06799 0.92232 0.96024 0.3392 0.4035 0.34594 0.58418 0.03764 0.61736 0.19078 0.46748 0.44874 0.39774 0.50853 0.54815 0.36619 0.27885 0.42629 0.76729 0.86555 0.68481 0.51958 0.12372 0.82278 0.91446 0.14876 0.24234 0.0094 0.60665 0.74275 0.4245 0.36061 0.70812 0.96261 0.23134 0.17615 0.66769 0.54386 0.56897 0.00442 0.00566 0.84962 0.43294 0.12014 0.25318 0.95138 0.94086 0.17254 0.03099 0.58825 0.22214 0.76924 0.7518 0.40247 0.9347 0.74239 0.54699 0.20814 0.93243 0.20053 0.04364 0.52912 0.75441 0.73243 0.66514 0.84967 0.98586 0.85217 0.26838 0.22258 0.95432 0.07855 0.3672 0.54235 0.6016 0.91881 0.96551 0.19799 0.97823 0.25418 0.13217 0.92041 0.0366 0.87424 0.25898 0.71649 0.25971 0.08321 0.6001 0.07205 0.00208 0.47757 0.13326 0.88861 0.9686 0.78958 0.64838 0.45843 0.21711 0.23761 0.38495 0.22559 0.19123 0.22433 0.4806 0.32169 0.15668 0.49874 0.45107 0.96964 0.63501 0.2966 0.62506 0.37989 0.65853 0.45673 0.97206 0.16768 0.42399 0.70655 0.32598 0.61425 0.72266 0.32685 0.07374 0.48864 0.75165 0.1658 0.2182 0.59425 0.00988 0.17461 0.60055 0.52645 0.4722 0.37811 0.48929 0.19889 0.635 0.62714 0.5738 0.80466 0.44199 0.84216 0.70752 0.82493 0.46872 0.83719 0.28911 0.58804 0.73118 0.71767 0.62824 0.72195 0.9719 0.07405 0.95161 0.07305 0.85778 0.00681 0.90657 0.4308 0.18493 0.60008 0.16261 0.86712 0.05552 0.02513 0.98603 0.49833 0.65513 0.11254 0.9132 0.61375 0.71661 0.57184 0.77544 0.39643 0.98623 0.54714 0.73982 0.63006 0.74154 0.96116 0.8058 0.44116 0.69014 0.43631 0.8797 0.13037 0.96652 0.74555 0.68007 0.20269 0.49135 0.58847 0.99868 0.51838 0.73063 0.39543 0.62694 0.78219 0.6473 0.97876 0.13159 0.40744 0.21964 0.62145 0.96938 0.92525 0.34897 0.44448 0.3295 0.03023 0.85123 0.93415 0.49138 0.43879 0.77656 0.90178 0.27614 0.52139 0.76783 0.24411 0.729 0.14017 0.02263 0.08651 0.11169 0.93486 0.02013 0.35713 0.28756 0.51952 0.29287 0.38912 0.38856 0.27058 0.32417 0.85755 0.48789 0.38243 0.64459 0.42007 0.14525 0.99452 0.0349 0.73129 0.02947 0.89352 0.409 0.54599 0.66031 0.63796 0.03756 0.31655 0.77548 0.97136 0.60051 0.33546 0.2242 0.28788 0.63435 0.51451 0.07178 0.97363 0.14799 0.42121 0.66987 0.48173 0.77832 0.71252 0.25281 0.75017 0.92196 0.12591 0.28589 0.89606 0.27179 0.08249 0.67366 0.14779 0.84685 0.96604 0.18336 0.17208 0.46196 0.01555 0.12761 0.7278 0.04791 0.45239 0.67112 0.55466 0.47163 0.72759 0.1025 0.69315 0.62635 0.82212 0.07998 0.15654 0.81948 0.14011 0.69599 0.79595 0.30608 0.28781 0.21332 0.36476 0.72774 0.81675 0.78947 0.71234 0.98431 0.97397 0.17927 0.50818 0.52609 0.08675 0.64453 0.86508 0.01811 0.53129 0.59958 0.65064 0.61501 0.03362 0.86998 0.0616 0.65261 0.75675 0.59652 0.81859 0.96286 0.68225 0.36775 0.00721 0.58919 0.81117 0.9739 0.10184 0.54522 0.36907 0.2047 0.94445 0.5569 0.21005 0.43713 0.05119 0.87862 0.07881 0.62168 0.85305 0.58698 0.52236 0.0316
+0.984 0.58049 0.46668 0.96075 0.28197 0.05803 0.31774 0.86364 0.68979 0.56273 0.12024 0.01461 0.67519 0.77031 0.36315 0.90381 0.40218 0.89005 0.35206 0.37045 0.16417 0.62641 0.37276 0.00056 0.94404 0.49496 0.30016 0.49435 0.28233 0.6612 0.08493 0.69906 0.27196 0.18979 0.40795 0.1331 0.48842 0.80416 0.12482 0.52897 0.54804 0.20646 0.14009 0.3188 0.88798 0.01175 0.02254 0.12287 0.55937 0.60296 0.27346 0.75864 0.08769 0.4696 0.07715 0.74612 0.10905 0.25016 0.71865 0.15075 0.29512 0.40844 0.72905 0.63074 0.21566 0.8018 0.27549 0.96961 0.3696 0.14368 0.43861 0.5296 0.56817 0.74516 0.12425 0.32609 0.39166 0.57255 0.71558 0.58076 0.28913 0.91703 0.38091 0.09933 0.49602 0.92192 0.80019 0.97788 0.14882 0.68665 0.82234 0.40735 0.72653 0.94339 0.16615 0.83136 0.0701 0.94709 0.58744 0.41811 0.6594 0.74105 0.72622 0.48535 0.33078 0.94645 0.20423 0.7394 0.34378 0.43927 0.40745 0.29296 0.88744 0.58624 0.48379 0.42792 0.03348 0.13663 0.19674 0.9956 0.18797 0.54662 0.99656 0.90236 0.13441 0.51087 0.54572 0.63951 0.88916 0.13662 0.97978 0.61346 0.62553 0.15059 0.33167 0.53189 0.48232 0.71209 0.45868 0.21002 0.13258 0.74341 0.4958 0.57906 0.84243 0.06001 0.52242 0.30776 0.58864 0.36013 0.83021 0.50465 0.05871 0.27405 0.6316 0.93221 0.32831 0.11665 0.80927 0.04777 0.59021 0.13508 0.00949 0.90136 0.06401 0.48651 0.91911 0.41509 0.67449 0.52167 0.65973 0.62947 0.56095 0.16172 0.27564 0.08925 0.90144 0.50226 0.6986 0.69987 0.55841 0.19956 0.2611 0.7381 0.04813 0.70216 0.28828 0.97044 0.54585 0.66753 0.98286 0.8198 0.72872 0.25351 0.97702 0.93264 0.95336 0.70759 0.58889 0.94198 0.20934 0.57579 0.49986 0.44837 0.70286 0.97 0.3054 0.91285 0.48632 0.2069 0.65485 0.66632 0.21881 0.11435 0.31454 0.0779 0.18229 0.20002 0.12273 0.33591 0.19674 0.23231 0.25402 0.20273 0.26747 0.98375 0.67242 0.74607 0.07951 0.74476 0.05899 0.17495 0.31878 0.08777 0.57864 0.63034 0.54628 0.77927 0.3584 0.65211 0.60208 0.74872 0.98658 0.78672 0.19293 0.02458 0.43379 0.7713 0.59381 0.9493 0.64962 0.41777 0.12561 0.9128 0.4728 0.71443 0.55828 0.42193 0.11716 0.24745 0.85117 0.37513 0.48767 0.71203 0.685 0.73041 0.09614 0.84501 0.29634 0.31964 0.55603 0.2232 0.55075 0.9454 0.59422 0.1292 0.90472 0.85219 0.45461 0.919 0.83997 0.08433 0.88565 0.07818 0.10732 0.80521 0.1373 0.97609 0.12634 0.96365 0.11796 0.58808 0.78661 0.81034 0.9358 0.20996 0.20095 0.40143 0.10839 0.9645 0.35884 0.99404 0.11328 0.65258 0.37022 0.24965 0.91434 0.39011 0.617 0.56838 0.78245 0.16278 0.57982 0.54656 0.97301 0.96416 0.73231 0.1718 0.30919 0.17679 0.02282 0.22007 0.61395 0.70817 0.15812 0.20158 0.98935 0.83878 0.849 0.31851 0.66277 0.25405 0.66181 0.71244 0.83978 0.24846 0.91552 0.13992 0.48473 0.15718 0.8374 0.23689 0.97797 0.13066 0.20961 0.25192 0.64588 0.97585 0.45147 0.60303 0.44015 0.67729 0.24439 0.59764 0.6396 0.02601 0.62935 0.76843 0.86371 0.7684 0.8422 0.57035 0.04234 0.87595 0.56171 0.80536 0.71822 0.89994 0.13488 0.02106 0.59947 0.55413 0.77521 0.96654 0.38431 0.27352 0.18514 0.31363 0.46257 0.16356 0.41269 0.51779 0.88831 0.331 0.77038 0.80398 0.09569 0.20199 0.00701 0.39766 0.38616 0.81022 0.65071 0.06274 0.43759 0.46529 0.77647 0.1053 0.2178 0.3434 0.10623 0.41792 0.98469 0.23345 0.90402 0.21062 0.57192 0.09714 0.0254 0.95203 0.33684 0.20278 0.00855 0.35513 0.96235 0.02412 0.22509 0.50731 0.25984 0.96215 0.8537 0.21341 0.00154 0.31195 0.54241 0.24796 0.69952 0.60084 0.98558 0.87569 0.5912 0.62449 0.21535 0.43274 0.36688 0.40113 0.4498 0.64455 0.40173 0.41073 0.20822 0.94842 0.05679 0.60233 0.30609 0.22476 0.21011 0.00392 0.95145 0.84625 0.07675 0.02153 0.67055 0.07005 0.41852 0.46648 0.42184 0.94125 0.81359 0.02117 0.99307 0.81997 0.20043 0.23387 0.28803 0.03152 0.0395 0.62777 0.8548 0.68178 0.48338 0.9249 0.47529 0.29299 0.04617 0.38527 0.12846 0.0023 0.73659 0.23172 0.91265 0.37943 0.39306 0.48561 0.81207 0.78829 0.25167 0.56223 0.5235 0.4851 0.01545 0.18556 0.71836 0.83111 0.26826 0.69118 0.29221 0.87653 0.15462 0.36419 0.01483 0.45154 0.5065 0.8242 0.28131 0.69636 0.32688 0.66607 0.34992 0.6157 0.3412 0.04895
+0.73 0.48643 0.74386 0.47152 0.44309 0.37622 0.26113 0.1976 0.50402 0.72595 0.11769 0.73226 0.89858 0.19638 0.71975 0.52453 0.10956 0.2012 0.30214 0.32333 0.77072 0.03191 0.94354 0.46521 0.69738 0.65444 0.73983 0.43385 0.99447 0.92543 0.36544 0.41422 0.55606 0.23641 0.25988 0.38387 0.18482 0.73334 0.65318 0.27293 0.72059 0.28973 0.74255 0.27573 0.59557 0.61021 0.63274 0.71268 0.72714 0.04571 0.41969 0.89638 0.10884 0.48828 0.29764 0.82202 0.35812 0.61636 0.09281 0.04526 0.33886 0.3994 0.9224 0.08933 0.26162 0.89526 0.02001 0.97769 0.98504 0.09297 0.23741 0.13764 0.6217 0.69386 0.15766 0.98312 0.93544 0.07581 0.8426 0.10971 0.20876 0.98605 0.85494 0.10141 0.80687 0.64865 0.94066 0.87308 0.04319 0.56621 0.54278 0.88747 0.6834 0.67554 0.42432 0.54263 0.274 0.24146 0.50604 0.42509 0.48729 0.19267 0.773 0.75751 0.32262 0.36689 0.29803 0.93034 0.22736 0.19504 0.06375 0.73548 0.68741 0.56107 0.40683 0.04484 0.78564 0.44199 0.28328 0.58929 0.97194 0.78886 0.29831 0.4304 0.26115 0.9613 0.48313 0.90336 0.59951 0.69482 0.70676 0.46709 0.74491 0.99054 0.95559 0.58843 0.42975 0.43683 0.26949 0.96001 0.86248 0.86833 0.6101 0.71712 0.23244 0.71207 0.30913 0.23218 0.15883 0.44656 0.10076 0.63 0.61621 0.98824 0.11392 0.01903 0.38386 0.90628 0.69055 0.90911 0.9924 0.71742 0.00798 0.62012 0.26719 0.51812 0.00952 0.61287 0.98325 0.28894 0.50239 0.34413 0.96311 0.5278 0.97719 0.54744 0.87745 0.527 0.69769 0.3618 0.0066 0.79103 0.49974 0.75405 0.86326 0.36131 0.53912 0.80895 0.93316 0.45048 0.27695 0.48478 0.59853 0.81871 0.84406 0.2249 0.7153 0.24877 0.644 0.16349 0.80465 0.43596 0.16492 0.21128 0.36559 0.0537 0.22574 0.73191 0.02174 0.7559 0.53688 0.03758 0.07263 0.26088 0.03149 0.91064 0.66747 0.02875 0.18399 0.84205 0.68709 0.75718 0.63905 0.00238 0.42706 0.71214 0.73433 0.238 0.29911 0.16922 0.168 0.10995 0.04918 0.54573 0.13546 0.67254 0.56134 0.24529 0.81068 0.39645 0.55687 0.93063 0.61132 0.58807 0.94622 0.15903 0.21343 0.66163 0.28592 0.52293 0.18904 0.70782 0.24534 0.95764 0.92702 0.27545 0.06977 0.60274 0.62181 0.94452 0.69121 0.04827 0.70959 0.4111 0.25936 0.24844 0.84909 0.93158 0.05324 0.45704 0.62826 0.01145 0.43895 0.35222 0.02882 0.59268 0.49813 0.40279 0.77848 0.19036 0.13196 0.61772 0.94264 0.27759 0.14129 0.34195 0.34855 0.1122 0.32111 0.03945 0.84997 0.85019 0.88617 0.91848 0.006 0.09625 0.08534 0.2277 0.70031 0.07906 0.6042 0.21238 0.21233 0.0983 0.50358 0.54142 0.96414 0.52653 0.81031 0.38401 0.11095 0.38437 0.75406 0.15227 0.74842 0.39714 0.55312 0.86066 0.54916 0.06962 0.13065 0.58503 0.80903 0.61436 0.1864 0.45667 0.68394 0.45399 0.75463 0.49315 0.25657 0.99539 0.26809 0.94312 0.02897 0.69007 0.32155 0.11368 0.16055 0.55304 0.86468 0.83337 0.90184 0.29727 0.17906 0.13321 0.41977 0.35922 0.28455 0.40579 0.92164 0.36088 0.10768 0.95712 0.85546 0.50913 0.40512 0.43836 0.74663 0.89602 0.1656 0.66523 0.56276 0.53752 0.95691 0.3118 0.67969 0.26978 0.35096 0.48256 0.56506 0.61192 0.14978 0.07866 0.04049 0.31658 0.06801 0.06128 0.77205 0.94188 0.46782 0.81666 0.74889 0.42669 0.50155 0.93685 0.51546 0.09467 0.50589 0.44218 0.35497 0.13047 0.45916 0.32674 0.43319 0.72497 0.43862 0.28086 0.06376 0.29212 0.39366 0.61048 0.22238 0.25452 0.89072 0.82055 0.72972 0.71537 0.61709 0.79703 0.79892 0.24849 0.20016 0.50385 0.29847 0.78471 0.63491 0.0717 0.10308 0.76133 0.28774 0.19638 0.93039 0.97954 0.34164 0.69729 0.17599 0.03278 0.46087 0.34132 0.9154 0.86714 0.08485 0.23781 0.72754 0.17674 0.24666 0.86527 0.41535 0.44964 0.01426 0.94358 0.8313 0.49127 0.73906 0.04344 0.21686 0.14945 0.60483 0.57138 0.16091 0.43492 0.8062 0.45737 0.52307 0.25383 0.34339 0.40761 0.651 0.93019 0.21684 0.71078 0.29524 0.1463 0.55244 0.85433 0.47424 0.20139 0.83565 0.52508 0.66649 0.81836 0.72539 0.08352 0.02347 0.72796 0.38698 0.16078 0.64474 0.37855 0.59855 0.32969 0.62255 0.17629 0.23388 0.51284 0.47147 0.08454 0.22978 0.67251 0.96725 0.42931 0.09559 0.15783 0.4183 0.96617 0.83907 0.5903 0.9342 0.19332 0.63685 0.2035 0.58181 0.62795 0.88564 0.63844 0.00264 0.39359 0.94043 0.63479 0.48645 0.2464
+0.86088 0.71468 0.53778 0.86112 0.2748 0.57635 0.95016 0.82811 0.32867 0.61065 0.83118 0.88555 0.44286 0.07364 0.63076 0.12851 0.67296 0.38794 0.43203 0.02248 0.56881 0.92973 0.47593 0.51586 0.1323 0.60685 0.62397 0.60069 0.92708 0.3804 0.59232 0.89882 0.60024 0.89455 0.96504 0.23431 0.99177 0.81171 0.42136 0.25924 0.11352 0.10869 0.65774 0.53511 0.55095 0.6546 0.17614 0.64773 0.45879 0.15439 0.64232 0.37108 0.80265 0.89919 0.98649 0.65646 0.47587 0.93717 0.3947 0.87783 0.23641 0.33185 0.19418 0.03555 0.05399 0.0924 0.96045 0.69695 0.12329 0.60218 0.61865 0.52547 0.25925 0.67144 0.72474 0.93595 0.93019 0.25022 0.81058 0.94993 0.51256 0.99355 0.61568 0.25412 0.06539 0.64894 0.42699 0.38908 0.42444 0.42669 0.04849 0.07602 0.47481 0.62697 0.76335 0.44358 0.09846 0.41663 0.58661 0.94976 0.18875 0.16817 0.1606 0.16104 0.90149 0.61218 0.47088 0.21106 0.69202 0.44219 0.98425 0.2893 0.94235 0.30947 0.17954 0.29605 0.73143 0.56682 0.5558 0.46971 0.55438 0.74384 0.91819 0.03878 0.94406 0.01818 0.14016 0.30535 0.05748 0.97972 0.38466 0.94251 0.84361 0.67815 0.07017 0.26337 0.26787 0.70958 0.09706 0.2319 0.35421 0.67201 0.2221 0.38227 0.38613 0.03561 0.45453 0.25348 0.18303 0.73121 0.72594 0.60242 0.73789 0.3255 0.00613 0.50256 0.34094 0.1187 0.19681 0.33981 0.20512 0.16039 0.66658 0.63732 0.19677 0.98225 0.34658 0.22951 0.21476 0.87445 0.73497 0.52449 0.02419 0.21323 0.08626 0.81363 0.45513 0.10679 0.31003 0.27108 0.17235 0.47301 0.0776 0.58369 0.9017 0.79354 0.23864 0.00726 0.30899 0.15385 0.04482 0.66113 0.50791 0.38143 0.39514 0.592 0.91798 0.44326 0.03432 0.55695 0.22802 0.66578 0.25964 0.54611 0.65502 0.60239 0.87073 0.89813 0.79322 0.26958 0.16593 0.50176 0.71156 0.88708 0.84977 0.31237 0.14536 0.60566 0.80729 0.19149 0.91433 0.94352 0.98642 0.18863 0.91304 0.56566 0.99315 0.9505 0.06809 0.95311 0.46901 0.50511 0.46922 0.74662 0.01722 0.71553 0.56522 0.59393 0.90532 0.5455 0.1214 0.05117 0.93624 0.96733 0.90748 0.16756 0.0684 0.48186 0.66192 0.89324 0.88755 0.4278 0.86565 0.57444 0.35638 0.0412 0.63715 0.22211 0.23708 0.91156 0.84013 0.4502 0.8382 0.26395 0.02164 0.58161 0.23243 0.10049 0.06425 0.00464 0.75818 0.26822 0.41539 0.36035 0.19903 0.58782 0.43158 0.8399 0.25258 0.78182 0.01754 0.31122 0.52379 0.26745 0.77424 0.2645 0.14789 0.62648 0.18556 0.07033 0.68052 0.8055 0.93966 0.38222 0.35625 0.11545 0.56687 0.98041 0.55028 0.99 0.35348 0.3047 0.03869 0.19771 0.38597 0.25759 0.43221 0.10986 0.65838 0.34369 0.03726 0.48949 0.37824 0.43304 0.98475 0.39452 0.83948 0.47193 0.21343 0.23197 0.55165 0.75837 0.85922 0.51535 0.9811 0.2644 0.06927 0.43957 0.93844 0.27871 0.71097 0.1986 0.17457 0.81945 0.09329 0.71725 0.86963 0.05525 0.93014 0.03106 0.8417 0.48744 0.58881 0.71011 0.09983 0.75736 0.09375 0.49807 0.67223 0.06374 0.63448 0.8156 0.90517 0.47154 0.50327 0.83828 0.63191 0.65485 0.78195 0.5228 0.79876 0.45127 0.76022 0.61121 0.44721 0.83634 0.82005 0.24334 0.03055 0.32493 0.99414 0.88148 0.77646 0.8405 0.21613 0.08176 0.14094 0.4827 0.70142 0.83095 0.64768 0.02591 0.27004 0.29067 0.59266 0.30448 0.0373 0.79608 0.69592 0.75682 0.43237 0.7082 0.33514 0.51218 0.90976 0.76916 0.60576 0.95797 0.74552 0.87455 0.7217 0.52466 0.70024 0.76448 0.30128 0.2632 0.25542 0.69732 0.32252 0.73134 0.1306 0.29008 0.84244 0.37457 0.71713 0.32282 0.34463 0.03243 0.37508 0.17817 0.56884 0.93914 0.75665 0.0233 0.19203 0.90819 0.26783 0.02952 0.58262 0.19922 0.10411 0.4762 0.5999 0.14632 0.09941 0.50074 0.16268 0.0417 0.4368 0.76143 0.11697 0.68627 0.92299 0.0224 0.55604 0.67492 0.15034 0.27754 0.19104 0.67034 0.47645 0.39914 0.63004 0.94229 0.03005 0.28052 0.35588 0.76262 0.55701 0.19063 0.45367 0.15678 0.1712 0.68524 0.21155 0.55643 0.62414 0.58088 0.43942 0.35191 0.92455 0.32014 0.38301 0.29872 0.67131 0.67686 0.22553 0.05211 0.67601 0.57586 0.97421 0.86565 0.02829 0.42801 0.94386 0.96969 0.10924 0.71386 0.539 0.27273 0.61076 0.12209 0.49891 0.61703 0.38379 0.0368 0.02518 0.35861 0.07087 0.30663 0.95507 0.31622 0.45563 0.90279 0.52071 0.69481 0.76911 0.58168 0.16614 0.58089 0.73542 0.20704
+0.60326 0.09288 0.94256 0.94544 0.45367 0.35402 0.63085 0.01819 0.65133 0.83616 0.56952 0.48954 0.09902 0.12707 0.23909 0.45194 0.96926 0.64828 0.06295 0.34766 0.81943 0.93196 0.14842 0.39685 0.59952 0.11229 0.09868 0.52659 0.51274 0.74568 0.19612 0.63536 0.11139 0.45833 0.64183 0.30345 0.226 0.41135 0.7148 0.82212 0.18426 0.68522 0.39597 0.88479 0.76756 0.16071 0.21548 0.55703 0.34239 0.05538 0.54628 0.91449 0.16253 0.18745 0.21808 0.77764 0.13835 0.61749 0.84673 0.68487 0.76899 0.24857 0.65666 0.79339 0.36592 0.56784 0.77193 0.91816 0.3155 0.05062 0.72722 0.17483 0.11454 0.30335 0.54294 0.42437 0.09399 0.85775 0.76787 0.0175 0.65221 0.64184 0.71197 0.27802 0.11666 0.31521 0.60638 0.27859 0.76549 0.32287 0.55631 0.71237 0.52174 0.76826 0.64426 0.52318 0.32446 0.58039 0.47496 0.45563 0.61879 0.75955 0.2751 0.0543 0.30077 0.50139 0.36883 0.98752 0.90946 0.3641 0.45103 0.55125 0.19301 0.39802 0.80235 0.36148 0.44419 0.6167 0.50974 0.92922 0.51031 0.32427 0.37462 0.56605 0.65242 0.8167 0.79522 0.89626 0.66486 0.13152 0.70091 0.87489 0.32053 0.87418 0.71683 0.58958 0.93306 0.5634 0.00855 0.40638 0.32466 0.34487 0.9796 0.49309 0.21068 0.31197 0.05803 0.78439 0.20835 0.14143 0.37378 0.33054 0.77338 0.25723 0.39574 0.4039 0.50505 0.03003 0.37152 0.52913 0.52839 0.33764 0.39323 0.81363 0.42734 0.38708 0.93409 0.99476 0.53097 0.12893 0.33373 0.67388 0.9525 0.66173 0.13876 0.05508 0.21038 0.28724 0.18913 0.76822 0.69555 0.41519 0.86829 0.43932 0.39599 0.60448 0.69783 0.20149 0.40853 0.96304 0.83617 0.14653 0.6822 0.37425 0.57635 0.30149 0.11433 0.68732 0.65032 0.74862 0.7674 0.92564 0.90627 0.99471 0.64232 0.87913 0.98822 0.82687 0.43576 0.81927 0.80553 0.66485 0.87446 0.70582 0.71384 0.78154 0.23507 0.75678 0.78901 0.88307 0.48142 0.22808 0.99544 0.70478 0.05616 0.92769 0.39127 0.65283 0.00058 0.71388 0.41851 0.50312 0.86907 0.17035 0.16107 0.884 0.37382 0.39347 0.40435 0.37894 0.76902 0.85401 0.63337 0.93846 0.4305 0.02176 0.26764 0.86517 0.88707 0.64403 0.44603 0.2196 0.38134 0.48024 0.26748 0.86189 0.70946 0.57825 0.76337 0.07383 0.40867 0.12224 0.95893 0.54509 0.91702 0.83964 0.56201 0.52322 0.29743 0.13495 0.06366 0.33454 0.413 0.60938 0.49088 0.36693 0.64024 0.74397 0.67544 0.34823 0.38478 0.51964 0.24562 0.25598 0.62016 0.24388 0.90208 0.89074 0.28959 0.16453 0.44301 0.14309 0.80113 0.40643 0.3758 0.28483 0.81192 0.97298 0.46656 0.73573 0.28414 0.17869 0.4129 0.19605 0.41462 0.29673 0.97721 0.78406 0.28763 0.17618 0.65914 0.09535 0.2678 0.55516 0.06764 0.47497 0.00103 0.4127 0.55808 0.11197 0.0569 0.65505 0.19259 0.16478 0.71906 0.2589 0.39942 0.14269 0.34542 0.29376 0.29431 0.12596 0.99843 0.66942 0.69892 0.59933 0.25007 0.24216 0.94129 0.73143 0.20409 0.53946 0.79509 0.62331 0.77054 0.08151 0.10043 0.59899 0.81418 0.69447 0.53941 0.06186 0.69628 0.32545 0.48427 0.0354 0.71285 0.53658 0.10027 0.1208 0.21 0.86196 0.50768 0.62184 0.93606 0.99077 0.47465 0.71961 0.95818 0.64864 0.79109 0.97685 0.79124 0.04824 0.99194 0.6396 0.13307 0.51419 0.89746 0.2553 0.31871 0.45083 0.98482 0.09823 0.76045 0.53617 0.71608 0.07506 0.62562 0.87616 0.66487 0.64592 0.36248 0.98256 0.38767 0.19583 0.53364 0.56291 0.57589 0.54867 0.33348 0.2961 0.74889 0.18149 0.94978 0.84851 0.19739 0.28492 0.54774 0.90179 0.62287 0.16952 0.6811 0.54089 0.04872 0.92243 0.90863 0.58383 0.44777 0.05156 0.16162 0.50448 0.64613 0.27738 0.53132 0.97974 0.42908 0.53474 0.59116 0.09559 0.75559 0.7546 0.48472 0.73042 0.70527 0.43822 0.09164 0.74603 0.22608 0.74564 0.5456 0.74543 0.22671 0.05842 0.27631 0.62298 0.90551 0.91641 0.82059 0.44372 0.83323 0.66805 0.22472 0.42425 0.03239 0.70363 0.33471 0.11672 0.81112 0.72121 0.47545 0.66507 0.70821 0.99033 0.22558 0.83016 0.61954 0.59956 0.42617 0.62904 0.35277 0.23806 0.63682 0.74346 0.03456 0.10244 0.4408 0.69923 0.59672 0.66473 0.05174 0.68542 0.31416 0.1991 0.6481 0.86435 0.90391 0.45299 0.73904 0.13451 0.62689 0.33226 0.35117 0.71466 0.40746 0.30823 0.97447 0.48924 0.41244 0.48883 0.75185 0.7144 0.68866 0.77501 0.19595 0.05457 0.93722 0.80953 0.86252 0.04227 0.9911 0.93096
+0.16321 0.78525 0.28695 0.61622 0.87381 0.77416 0.17353 0.84698 0.70763 0.91696 0.53632 0.2594 0.56453 0.93484 0.20234 0.8874 0.46538 0.98831 0.5713 0.66262 0.33865 0.45435 0.88499 0.01636 0.84922 0.6132 0.26065 0.51963 0.78909 0.94703 0.34258 0.34743 0.85351 0.73242 0.78175 0.29261 0.51511 0.47387 0.34375 0.85294 0.91998 0.93474 0.17367 0.06296 0.20192 0.40781 0.25922 0.85713 0.64597 0.27144 0.14366 0.37932 0.66227 0.11192 0.51134 0.12582 0.36757 0.43941 0.58105 0.92991 0.26536 0.85803 0.77127 0.23745 0.29912 0.1461 0.3606 0.79816 0.53908 0.63118 0.06392 0.89768 0.87284 0.255 0.51906 0.13422 0.86642 0.29189 0.53555 0.94945 0.06213 0.48294 0.44433 0.39732 0.2626 0.70387 0.46234 0.06431 0.56231 0.55832 0.0121 0.93097 0.07666 0.14572 0.11528 0.95503 0.96602 0.38249 0.97721 0.3093 0.35082 0.72166 0.49697 0.38643 0.043 0.02318 0.39974 0.30316 0.84767 0.12011 0.20535 0.46593 0.23194 0.69329 0.50856 0.60681 0.28143 0.52435 0.96698 0.0712 0.33598 0.41536 0.36816 0.4892 0.8399 0.32763 0.59551 0.20791 0.91076 0.05505 0.65602 0.40957 0.20281 0.58817 0.05538 0.03114 0.08265 0.3554 0.22067 0.05039 0.36103 0.25415 0.94897 0.98118 0.18126 0.72816 0.64411 0.18568 0.16992 0.95386 0.29687 0.11116 0.1883 0.52106 0.23329 0.26693 0.67203 0.82779 0.14907 0.89974 0.89377 0.75645 0.65031 0.69157 0.14079 0.78722 0.43573 0.26865 0.29138 0.61775 0.91949 0.3258 0.30496 0.68141 0.81206 0.52414 0.61134 0.42811 0.74599 0.70283 0.55984 0.13718 0.84963 0.90102 0.70269 0.62735 0.94088 0.65305 0.13441 0.82094 0.99878 0.95902 0.04613 0.47404 0.08393 0.14813 0.52116 0.0356 0.60717 0.18391 0.1768 0.24005 0.5885 0.20759 0.51126 0.49162 0.15142 0.08731 0.80687 0.0104 0.49059 0.60591 0.89807 0.13891 0.69713 0.6125 0.6567 0.77738 0.77135 0.49379 0.59337 0.99352 0.69552 0.64077 0.13915 0.26129 0.9247 0.43956 0.29905 0.08566 0.5453 0.67865 0.41594 0.7266 0.01719 0.44482 0.45319 0.62166 0.46383 0.93274 0.04019 0.36293 0.14609 0.28934 0.71284 0.19461 0.46526 0.11321 0.99768 0.06403 0.02037 0.05536 0.47493 0.37331 0.37018 0.43444 0.54892 0.12023 0.46701 0.61054 0.76948 0.67308 0.39144 0.24487 0.07566 0.18592 0.45402 0.36868 0.10457 0.09518 0.79754 0.9367 0.33394 0.13984 0.95985 0.22636 0.14749 0.40573 0.31001 0.72857 0.34052 0.30252 0.15154 0.36192 0.02447 0.14307 0.77436 0.81774 0.36737 0.99783 0.63172 0.62417 0.38359 0.61944 0.6643 0.3564 0.68609 0.00296 0.61771 0.34766 0.92793 0.58794 0.97557 0.84602 0.27643 0.95466 0.73709 0.73497 0.66157 0.82833 0.41256 0.92065 0.41155 0.37614 0.80796 0.5367 0.41187 0.70041 0.24889 0.4899 0.43202 0.72525 0.06038 0.25164 0.44573 0.47061 0.70114 0.54528 0.65705 0.31691 0.1011 0.72305 0.55241 0.81143 0.79995 0.87964 0.97775 0.24884 0.41262 0.71129 0.42952 0.68206 0.62203 0.84971 0.61942 0.89537 0.62009 0.44587 0.58047 0.50929 0.42191 0.36363 0.30342 0.66955 0.61995 0.0684 0.76761 0.20542 0.32494 0.8687 0.26624 0.23268 0.00636 0.36053 0.93188 0.86065 0.20683 0.48906 0.39885 0.64377 0.75562 0.38441 0.93179 0.02285 0.36288 0.63891 0.39283 0.70378 0.70315 0.46943 0.84885 0.83988 0.87222 0.76763 0.67753 0.1242 0.88466 0.45049 0.07665 0.46789 0.83653 0.44815 0.51063 0.77199 0.42079 0.3739 0.49933 0.79922 0.24863 0.08853 0.72432 0.93343 0.37918 0.55101 0.14771 0.53865 0.1285 0.06799 0.36011 0.65532 0.5249 0.83065 0.22589 0.9025 0.60304 0.96935 0.87285 0.41659 0.79871 0.20155 0.43613 0.1161 0.46004 1e-05 0.05742 0.24614 0.25091 0.45052 0.01266 0.59605 0.19387 0.39959 0.37628 0.24924 0.5517 0.49735 0.15897 0.92494 0.77324 0.30848 0.8971 0.77294 0.21951 0.65936 0.49561 0.77198 0.50372 0.5604 0.6109 0.2193 0.2772 0.87794 0.52017 0.24016 0.76089 0.13809 0.26571 0.24737 0.28308 0.93687 0.09136 0.36552 0.8547 0.6211 0.63124 0.5609 0.57175 0.13445 0.18939 0.44841 0.10584 0.69499 0.44472 0.28622 0.39326 0.06702 0.03053 0.81264 0.60741 0.96074 0.42592 0.15173 0.65871 0.94906 0.18569 0.32642 0.4184 0.5467 0.49972 0.6028 0.71086 0.47383 0.51944 0.25742 0.46026 0.32466 0.01234 0.80997 0.65122 0.10642 0.33149 0.19849 0.54266 0.20908 0.31049 0.10853 0.42181 0.99901 0.03369 0.47984 0.93788 0.74101
+0.14623 0.77413 0.34008 0.30906 0.31094 0.84327 0.16424 0.55828 0.55811 0.76308 0.45149 0.98718 0.09843 0.43081 0.51489 0.01519 0.07002 0.03777 0.73571 0.19023 0.27169 0.52831 0.41626 0.99013 0.87787 0.12117 0.76458 0.86952 0.87143 0.85042 0.7305 0.72039 0.18234 0.95975 0.47848 0.24264 0.88159 0.70107 0.17971 0.41362 0.04756 0.77169 0.26826 0.57445 0.16436 0.03708 0.35756 0.22966 0.52427 0.34262 0.07778 0.81054 0.91896 0.10947 0.00849 0.89132 0.46198 0.72736 0.37285 0.47809 0.74458 0.17489 0.15016 0.81451 0.75605 0.33769 0.35335 0.83806 0.68192 0.52492 0.58676 0.3058 0.60254 0.81811 0.28273 0.53471 0.16471 0.37698 0.85284 0.55917 0.59495 0.75086 0.18411 0.40656 0.92369 0.98191 0.19322 0.82818 0.00063 0.50121 0.36169 0.36197 0.83234 0.65315 0.65608 0.20468 0.58147 0.95625 0.05538 0.61655 0.69262 0.26289 0.06637 0.71685 0.01909 0.41513 0.65782 0.61438 0.54682 0.18418 0.03195 0.19461 0.22105 0.80922 0.57774 0.62973 0.89031 0.16434 0.38602 0.30418 0.40154 0.4203 0.78454 0.3801 0.21124 0.90798 0.051 0.19507 0.83085 0.52856 0.8243 0.99699 0.49589 0.09162 0.11005 0.60274 0.36066 0.30168 0.79475 0.55566 0.64609 0.31871 0.5779 0.92785 0.4617 0.05704 0.7546 0.35753 0.12389 0.5439 0.20725 0.85798 0.28551 0.80161 0.68771 0.60358 0.51145 0.80793 0.14059 0.41976 0.14913 0.00217 0.61735 0.99732 0.2133 0.76691 0.24514 0.59183 0.11827 0.54384 0.30123 0.682 0.09182 0.74063 0.99812 0.66647 0.18994 0.46759 0.76791 0.78146 0.88957 0.65367 0.8299 0.1651 0.31307 0.3249 0.2849 0.37413 0.81722 0.89071 0.42731 0.25771 0.12417 0.53136 0.62794 0.25221 0.3012 0.12388 0.86531 0.04594 0.43282 0.0202 0.64485 0.74239 0.3876 0.51793 0.17019 0.91978 0.11137 0.4024 0.67009 0.75295 0.44655 0.92772 0.80053 0.55475 0.43688 0.23473 0.63402 0.95466 0.32173 0.15119 0.57706 0.80869 0.51304 0.90842 0.97347 0.15005 0.43095 0.64484 0.61307 0.0448 0.64159 0.17837 0.20384 0.79556 0.2705 0.30766 0.61298 0.19071 0.90725 0.05135 0.94518 0.90509 0.70165 0.03047 0.82892 0.05347 0.61834 0.58119 0.73916 0.7688 0.12985 0.6015 0.41996 0.08541 0.58443 0.63779 0.3127 0.56421 0.30649 0.09199 0.32248 0.59683 0.82024 0.47265 0.07057 0.67169 0.09796 0.71673 0.91268 0.19998 0.11558 0.51667 0.09194 0.93802 0.13713 0.48691 0.76284 0.31069 0.79221 0.32162 0.57189 0.7745 0.8648 0.98679 0.92256 0.33616 0.12428 0.51341 0.65464 0.2338 0.52163 0.71736 0.57465 0.91026 0.59837 0.14991 0.22458 0.31586 0.37567 0.19258 0.64264 0.98165 0.52475 0.56761 0.48175 0.32857 0.31726 0.207 0.77188 0.62532 0.09935 0.17551 0.24269 0.91148 0.63213 0.54346 0.49675 0.27764 0.65283 0.83323 0.52069 0.34412 0.39877 0.76911 0.25605 0.76115 0.13447 0.85421 0.18721 0.81305 0.64319 0.95559 0.78709 0.21941 0.31019 0.23333 0.53211 0.10294 0.15032 0.38827 0.91484 0.77437 0.23492 0.44036 0.35699 0.24757 0.0483 0.74185 0.19091 0.83179 0.41938 0.63987 0.57059 0.82926 0.73144 0.44431 0.40798 0.10569 0.59594 0.04403 0.17111 0.09633 0.76571 0.53546 0.56978 0.41543 0.98215 0.67948 0.45801 0.81177 0.22421 0.66752 0.10724 0.0899 0.14106 0.45643 0.51263 0.61078 0.5492 0.73526 0.65551 0.68485 0.25676 0.73367 0.19078 0.63264 0.99235 0.60327 0.05877 0.08007 0.4884 0.05512 0.85446 0.25484 0.99073 0.57637 0.24148 0.6717 0.11919 0.47979 0.09279 0.53932 0.35327 0.94586 0.46762 0.88042 0.52145 0.27039 0.97286 0.90552 0.83322 0.08216 0.51008 0.14492 0.60847 0.30304 0.78548 0.85742 0.9599 0.64597 0.47632 0.21676 0.97072 0.44823 0.24279 0.96599 0.85607 0.84701 0.0581 0.45321 0.38974 0.58304 0.77306 0.78993 0.83918 0.88097 0.62489 0.75695 0.07197 0.90641 0.58013 0.01572 0.87904 0.57724 0.91813 0.3356 0.3548 0.17473 0.25004 0.6868 0.82585 0.82437 0.09341 0.75704 0.2871 0.68447 0.79161 0.89305 0.56008 0.0469 0.50828 0.5697 0.82885 0.46184 0.84445 0.58342 0.52507 0.14977 0.5977 0.47038 0.20497 0.64918 0.33567 0.40482 0.78806 0.33915 0.25684 0.6029 0.68467 0.7797 0.3893 0.61081 0.54673 0.6028 0.46141 0.9273 0.71072 0.57256 0.50748 0.30812 0.40716 0.97081 0.70314 0.36438 0.92834 0.97454 0.63838 0.57101 0.26993 0.95871 0.01503 0.76364 0.8019 0.70348 0.32664 0.82135 0.95243 0.83766 0.4621 0.79189
+0.1995 0.04871 0.42219 0.84261 0.56563 0.08323 0.25203 0.40246 0.55683 0.92246 0.9027 0.06147 0.10802 0.08655 0.13721 0.98758 0.13516 0.81179 0.58401 0.02255 0.88147 0.82172 0.43794 0.92456 0.30448 0.89235 0.23905 0.76642 0.57604 0.69734 0.44465 0.76227 0.56938 0.23457 0.72509 0.4519 0.96032 0.25647 0.21458 0.08703 0.55513 0.21709 0.75246 0.36732 0.60408 0.29798 0.79477 0.05405 0.52621 0.68359 0.48365 0.92204 0.58593 0.26963 0.97874 0.55915 0.69772 0.28355 0.6766 0.17307 0.6177 0.84064 0.40506 0.96888 0.55629 0.59981 0.65869 0.32449 0.73505 0.07714 0.47764 0.80582 0.98157 0.27969 0.01159 0.94526 0.28423 0.70945 0.31262 0.21756 0.2 0.50312 0.26452 0.05298 0.53221 0.11222 0.09736 0.29285 0.37741 0.74922 0.85843 0.07365 0.1006 0.88477 0.91832 0.86356 0.66729 0.83915 0.0051 0.42432 0.45884 0.77389 0.22651 0.27144 0.09829 0.05591 0.09796 0.91277 0.83299 0.00876 0.63692 0.91839 0.09184 0.55159 0.17902 0.7188 0.20775 0.85852 0.06133 0.06434 0.94776 0.6645 0.98878 0.45684 0.63335 0.53147 0.16164 0.84411 0.8675 0.91776 0.59099 0.52085 0.5275 0.46235 0.3173 0.60719 0.13964 0.25642 0.2462 0.01699 0.33827 0.02061 0.75715 0.95232 0.30482 0.32809 0.78378 0.47869 0.89434 0.68667 0.96072 0.09979 0.88043 0.66496 0.20412 0.02768 0.5872 0.50009 0.73213 0.80206 0.89465 0.60159 0.19972 0.94704 0.30849 0.37523 0.01057 0.30665 0.69574 0.64214 0.90931 0.1242 0.27665 0.21203 0.03245 0.32515 0.35801 0.72615 0.5523 0.06586 0.2966 0.04506 0.36645 0.51613 0.99172 0.91573 0.8388 0.02795 0.91922 0.72885 0.15005 0.49213 0.51658 0.68523 0.0039 0.21923 0.07376 0.32908 0.60524 0.33519 0.10148 0.07761 0.69481 0.82514 0.96005 0.11147 0.87718 0.84512 0.73565 0.41676 0.00863 0.15449 0.99597 0.94789 0.38274 0.71944 0.0184 0.23563 0.60808 0.06168 0.75249 0.10353 0.23245 0.70084 0.92451 0.73219 0.58769 0.74948 0.14092 0.72321 0.36293 0.3413 0.97036 0.87893 0.35505 0.84655 0.06096 0.15025 0.67972 0.20401 0.30454 0.20519 0.32218 0.15671 0.51385 0.24011 0.72982 0.21548 0.88818 0.06127 0.47955 0.34593 0.21471 0.63678 0.64211 0.07182 0.87813 0.90267 0.82033 0.74601 0.81119 0.38559 0.80499 0.44852 0.41044 0.46328 0.9121 0.18749 0.2107 0.36391 0.65488 0.1028 0.0204 0.16541 0.5263 0.7746 0.19067 0.84529 0.55633 0.53014 0.95022 0.84388 0.73477 0.76347 0.15791 0.02226 0.3001 0.51574 0.93531 0.19916 0.30623 0.12811 0.51579 0.9173 0.2367 0.57846 0.01746 0.40991 0.89584 0.67286 0.03698 0.31697 0.67635 0.12725 0.1278 0.9342 0.22378 0.16674 0.67037 0.41712 0.70318 0.29022 0.92761 0.98761 0.88802 0.23081 0.45255 0.54724 0.32333 0.22675 0.33968 0.36291 0.48336 0.66966 0.19294 0.40717 0.87933 0.7081 0.6504 0.07514 0.40201 0.12884 0.65794 0.115 0.67441 0.84526 0.36515 0.08584 0.34062 0.3431 0.26364 0.77504 0.09817 0.26349 0.80011 0.39431 0.78247 0.98709 0.06518 0.75905 0.57429 0.35402 0.33527 0.56645 0.18464 0.55728 0.69191 0.95188 0.14052 0.19485 0.57657 0.51242 0.00979 0.52399 0.41349 0.71739 0.49533 0.67883 0.81172 0.25969 0.62759 0.15683 0.27436 0.07694 0.79493 0.0912 0.72838 0.22911 0.3724 0.40191 0.69801 0.57841 0.56611 0.10321 0.38729 0.12524 0.17537 0.82405 0.97215 0.61162 0.09729 0.01424 0.85397 0.85113 0.72805 0.0117 0.58528 0.10493 0.64498 0.11302 0.21387 0.41342 0.22948 0.33342 0.88771 0.73978 0.78696 0.20941 0.29389 0.54381 0.59237 0.0709 0.8219 0.73083 0.80337 0.36566 0.47588 0.33098 0.89514 0.22325 0.85673 0.22433 0.00906 0.44 0.8248 0.0058 0.18373 0.31542 0.0721 0.42725 0.54551 0.14679 0.31961 0.05849 0.79029 0.86587 0.52025 0.48097 0.14164 0.05669 0.564 0.66004 0.21579 0.98467 0.94559 0.14724 0.03301 0.23774 0.53043 0.57799 0.77367 0.49802 0.97094 0.82445 0.27158 0.11019 0.50589 0.64204 0.36125 0.56296 0.75327 0.61404 0.90258 0.77974 0.88057 0.60655 0.01557 0.7823 0.28372 0.19016 0.06083 0.72555 0.90907 0.66175 0.692 0.87075 0.32959 0.66083 0.80259 0.79615 0.42939 0.67637 0.65333 0.91959 0.81516 0.30321 0.32736 0.5059 0.93954 0.33747 0.82549 0.21801 0.69744 0.94273 0.66027 0.79955 0.43758 0.95554 0.77032 0.1703 0.69311 0.705 0.24933 0.40643 0.61137 0.04511 0.59226 0.31486 0.09834 0.17833 0.36472 0.92694
+0.5408 0.86555 0.71631 0.13479 0.30448 0.73174 0.10813 0.79097 0.4004 0.50571 0.27932 0.34076 0.44121 0.60029 0.84762 0.08218 0.51434 0.63864 0.01156 0.98336 0.19549 0.75303 0.50109 0.40558 0.83305 0.85555 0.0811 0.65658 0.8917 0.62166 0.25135 0.22685 0.72056 0.57143 0.54499 0.44312 0.97782 0.00835 0.5465 0.40347 0.31831 0.03973 0.08112 0.83104 0.94419 0.70976 0.08771 0.33182 0.90038 0.35405 0.57152 0.14721 0.50044 0.1502 0.9302 0.40269 0.99423 0.52581 0.00444 0.50295 0.08486 0.3663 0.19538 0.18948 0.08306 0.62301 0.68514 0.42737 0.46571 0.68465 0.7515 0.68459 0.74616 0.86583 0.11146 0.60812 0.12848 0.3757 0.31306 0.18361 0.31557 0.46404 0.54068 0.01105 0.59738 0.12319 0.1421 0.30212 0.31065 0.96673 0.54459 0.30878 0.16693 0.39674 0.6634 0.62508 0.70372 0.71471 0.60074 0.4242 0.88981 0.91379 0.81057 0.48368 0.14876 0.84163 0.25313 0.55142 0.19573 0.5119 0.08533 0.75402 0.93959 0.73036 0.54103 0.68687 0.25355 0.51048 0.70514 0.84888 0.43751 0.30149 0.81834 0.28256 0.2515 0.42358 0.02087 0.20734 0.25736 0.37326 0.10492 0.20648 0.21319 0.24471 0.96846 0.71494 0.06948 0.54001 0.03938 0.47703 0.8815 0.34814 0.15831 0.70684 0.1607 0.68487 0.12094 0.90431 0.3739 0.08479 0.77682 0.56791 0.78688 0.5051 0.2882 0.63342 0.45272 0.84721 0.4793 0.16021 0.14211 0.98502 0.57174 0.65905 0.85022 0.72719 0.40956 0.6023 0.5879 0.52275 0.44712 0.61845 0.36528 0.55818 0.23862 0.93131 0.00997 0.68324 0.06493 0.96882 0.83875 0.26136 0.04349 0.42119 0.69934 0.84757 0.04857 0.81695 0.3623 0.70472 0.93681 0.36903 0.0882 0.28465 0.64454 0.5195 0.79164 0.8933 0.11047 0.0813 0.24369 0.26091 0.03092 0.1359 0.18222 0.98434 0.6136 0.58431 0.37583 0.44857 0.13345 0.6434 0.79994 0.89813 0.84083 0.34986 0.03573 0.70285 0.63399 0.87779 0.41168 0.50063 0.83399 0.97027 0.59768 0.97858 0.84548 0.78586 0.43015 0.66923 0.47256 0.79858 0.91656 0.47144 0.46169 0.7434 0.69821 0.47042 0.28575 0.07602 0.56303 0.14571 0.81695 0.03162 0.5812 0.43624 0.45371 0.9888 0.5604 0.41948 0.0357 0.53605 0.85949 0.39179 0.50283 0.27688 0.99729 0.72527 0.87976 0.64056 0.31008 0.19001 0.0008 0.16966 0.50659 0.87295 0.1339 0.22874 0.49279 0.75132 0.39256 0.94054 0.73849 0.532 0.58514 0.83483 0.11075 0.62448 0.06752 0.62349 0.98414 0.8907 0.83243 0.18024 0.36024 0.68691 0.69832 0.83624 0.1131 0.24056 0.49168 0.32729 0.50013 0.91526 0.64783 0.66976 0.74843 0.01391 0.17776 0.97109 0.9439 0.9311 0.39364 0.2939 0.88326 0.8332 0.39619 0.31089 0.79776 0.13516 0.95974 0.99575 0.0562 0.52527 0.34563 0.20469 0.02325 0.78157 0.67533 0.54064 0.93763 0.37233 0.75722 0.52279 0.26956 0.76385 0.13114 0.91939 0.19983 0.38795 0.8568 0.65562 0.21378 0.26305 0.62711 0.17033 0.19767 0.1164 0.62019 0.2123 0.73439 0.04218 0.57051 0.67791 0.61045 0.91595 0.79273 0.68998 0.68251 0.03951 0.80972 0.92469 0.98371 0.34928 0.84296 0.61459 0.24748 0.69667 0.93308 0.23272 0.2601 0.30324 0.86172 0.98301 0.50634 0.29988 0.39166 0.44077 0.34724 0.00819 0.6968 0.99325 0.0306 0.59338 0.59717 0.90779 0.32869 0.67169 0.42146 0.46085 0.69897 0.30013 0.6787 0.34498 0.78612 0.7298 0.28664 0.78877 0.07743 0.49284 0.80597 0.49493 0.1981 0.23932 0.42021 0.22371 0.69905 0.63702 0.47196 0.6054 0.79434 0.12551 0.95376 0.71163 0.96115 0.60545 0.45544 0.11591 0.59627 0.04091 0.25676 0.9701 0.89998 0.80023 0.24242 0.33337 0.3482 0.41945 0.19285 0.65337 0.3503 0.46128 0.83234 0.52464 0.21378 0.28997 0.43965 0.79049 0.91431 0.44984 0.42484 0.32512 0.34504 0.47559 0.59556 0.88345 0.02948 0.67299 0.46904 0.6683 0.69004 0.20158 0.02126 0.83462 0.27415 0.39335 0.00975 0.10765 0.97195 0.29381 0.70053 0.31209 0.4299 0.54138 0.36442 0.16943 0.46677 0.90798 0.06103 0.02818 0.54873 0.92354 0.60061 0.04362 0.68937 0.20377 0.87546 0.02439 0.93325 0.71726 0.88769 0.74707 0.35703 0.65758 0.10618 0.73538 0.25006 0.41357 0.21865 0.61351 0.34512 0.19639 0.14353 0.79953 0.61527 0.85412 0.21567 0.72984 0.52866 0.55148 0.56042 0.20475 0.09035 0.57392 0.44123 0.38642 0.54576 0.64416 0.02073 0.06129 0.89131 0.77256 0.018 0.82883 0.34663 0.76554 0.9251 0.03045 0.93759 0.96052 0.91131 0.91909
+0.63078 0.7458 0.71886 0.36838 0.94621 0.3293 0.69576 0.73279 0.97179 0.75927 0.44792 0.89368 0.30331 0.28683 0.11109 0.38705 0.29327 0.77326 0.93169 0.60701 0.50581 0.24977 0.77859 0.2507 0.66165 0.13441 0.57164 0.11819 0.33265 0.75546 0.42192 0.21128 0.41062 0.00329 0.75875 0.36315 0.70296 0.86759 0.09882 0.30013 0.46562 0.85156 0.30227 0.08427 0.18493 0.04087 0.433 0.08673 0.72275 0.89951 0.12128 0.57628 0.93074 0.66319 0.97084 0.4573 0.18488 0.74206 0.5621 0.27538 0.68143 0.86965 0.64233 0.13957 0.53402 0.10268 0.87392 0.87816 0.68343 0.64965 0.2622 0.53134 0.56755 0.69024 0.37858 0.92015 0.247 0.10528 0.43127 0.14229 0.76565 0.84688 0.10739 0.46985 0.11772 0.26564 0.84866 0.36905 0.79138 0.64346 0.05942 0.73048 0.2922 0.53502 0.43273 0.22824 0.27034 0.58618 0.68408 0.83737 0.20897 0.73611 0.60098 0.47959 0.08627 0.0739 0.13595 0.31488 0.81659 0.06937 0.37807 0.67396 0.00819 0.30381 0.50291 0.34814 0.58577 0.46016 0.71102 0.45924 0.32194 0.59912 0.8552 0.87958 0.21249 0.39252 0.76033 0.31951 0.76169 0.85714 0.16834 0.4783 0.27917 0.01262 0.12181 0.1129 0.55726 0.00125 0.88518 0.01234 0.05597 0.09696 0.18182 0.04705 0.97453 0.98899 0.28495 0.78069 0.35757 0.04531 0.85513 0.88136 0.65602 0.94501 0.21681 0.27177 0.73611 0.35176 0.36913 0.42779 0.24968 0.94773 0.0718 0.01914 0.42043 0.48378 0.23475 0.68729 0.89805 0.20799 0.3809 0.41701 0.24541 0.24326 0.49108 0.13792 0.34026 0.17322 0.51479 0.31997 0.38415 0.40018 0.56894 0.21116 0.06876 0.98784 0.58354 0.45035 0.32504 0.3664 0.83362 0.37096 0.87695 0.93428 0.55487 0.67899 0.43005 0.48814 0.65455 0.55242 0.16633 0.85166 0.79572 0.28994 0.06244 0.66526 0.66264 0.45876 0.1424 0.04169 0.68828 0.97665 0.58967 0.15103 0.35116 0.26946 0.8051 0.4087 0.88625 0.06384 0.08491 0.2303 0.21587 0.9383 0.48802 0.19221 0.40493 0.97276 0.02581 0.67172 0.64154 0.86162 0.28607 0.98261 0.564 0.88708 0.74022 0.83122 0.80618 0.38037 0.84537 0.53695 0.73131 0.48303 0.98755 0.15332 0.37204 0.44812 0.18438 0.21319 0.29301 0.32485 0.44701 0.53612 0.47987 0.87916 0.64389 0.86241 0.8105 0.98037 0.05627 0.12694 0.76287 0.18577 0.13205 0.42153 0.81726 0.23515 0.55311 0.06043 0.84471 0.18136 0.20297 0.29085 0.16351 0.56685 0.02685 0.06455 0.36454 0.47231 0.36293 0.01617 0.8832 0.4949 0.78039 0.21687 0.87603 0.77398 0.58318 0.90198 0.98415 0.17088 0.63459 0.00111 0.08429 0.72821 0.3917 0.03468 0.88951 0.18349 0.99853 0.91916 0.89197 0.26044 0.05558 0.86904 0.61469 0.22736 0.53259 0.46148 0.28141 0.46591 0.03886 0.97565 0.92162 0.88574 0.94396 0.61758 0.20746 0.05989 0.51758 0.49008 0.51222 0.86631 0.03873 0.19522 0.71429 0.28183 0.71288 0.89152 0.52742 0.50638 0.88679 0.21245 0.11364 0.0454 0.23604 0.24701 0.89632 0.66775 0.47752 0.89795 0.12287 0.72392 0.52721 0.49679 0.73171 0.44864 0.62488 0.92826 0.57921 0.34762 0.52451 0.12745 0.49841 0.21875 0.11061 0.43469 0.13562 0.00427 0.53748 0.57106 0.1822 0.16851 0.42768 0.37528 0.21452 0.13964 0.26117 0.25883 0.06561 0.25651 0.67751 0.04535 0.7687 0.89058 0.56648 0.66781 0.15633 0.16692 0.60922 0.29884 0.91579 0.85647 0.81688 0.97699 0.34919 0.16418 0.19527 0.44306 0.88189 0.11321 0.71087 0.49059 0.46621 0.84249 0.45527 0.71128 0.70241 0.946 0.78355 0.97412 0.26662 0.28765 0.08621 0.73246 0.58526 0.63143 0.48055 0.49971 0.59166 0.47894 0.36114 0.49912 0.68651 0.10344 0.68513 0.10323 0.04029 0.70161 0.42477 0.08712 0.16767 0.19595 0.8215 0.87741 0.13479 0.29814 0.27918 0.69168 0.69295 0.53772 0.93798 0.1957 0.29788 0.71463 0.60061 0.55021 0.14964 0.03506 0.4093 0.55524 0.01585 0.82404 0.41212 0.66166 0.91873 0.54031 0.78257 0.45629 0.34851 0.84152 0.31014 0.72397 0.438 0.99673 0.14873 0.80033 0.24716 0.10711 0.61003 0.37287 0.27787 0.2974 0.10592 0.41997 0.93718 0.12946 0.93715 0.39789 0.63578 0.66877 0.23082 0.07341 0.76284 0.16684 0.6182 0.19884 0.17933 0.43439 0.18399 0.89531 0.27511 0.80681 0.33494 0.43155 0.84368 0.1597 0.80745 0.34766 0.27069 0.05829 0.46516 0.95816 0.94442 0.65802 0.44473 0.41979 0.65873 0.52097 0.65574 0.11166 0.38792 0.60001 0.65828 0.20254 0.79581 0.77556 0.63168 0.61257 0.05939 0.08213
+0.33045 0.8625 0.55293 0.78781 0.84811 0.23397 0.65431 0.85797 0.67709 0.43778 0.99544 0.05298 0.89599 0.68241 0.95023 0.05265 0.05549 0.05758 0.11383 0.39269 0.57218 0.04871 0.70805 0.45748 0.34135 0.90945 0.50258 0.51164 0.66349 0.8118 0.0278 0.67509 0.7408 0.13958 0.52372 0.18213 0.59587 0.45699 0.19213 0.16983 0.45038 0.8963 0.08292 0.53236 0.35767 0.35332 0.23665 0.26881 0.15254 0.00953 0.8755 0.98777 0.33217 0.36349 0.81863 0.08395 0.82206 0.48905 0.17529 0.07066 0.10536 0.22705 0.85844 0.99285 0.31934 0.71853 0.38623 0.35158 0.34637 0.30096 0.40353 0.71309 0.05057 0.04982 0.84896 0.93144 0.08946 0.68952 0.65114 0.82104 0.60349 0.82351 0.45441 0.26396 0.69406 0.26698 0.5376 0.74359 0.1698 0.03212 0.83064 0.82282 0.50219 0.54385 0.10516 0.08659 0.71068 0.28602 0.55975 0.29188 0.8336 0.61433 0.22121 0.23695 0.74213 0.82642 0.41248 0.5315 0.07369 0.78564 0.82704 0.90982 0.2545 0.71915 0.4912 0.96185 0.12374 0.54414 0.65531 0.39956 0.29608 0.51871 0.29356 0.94474 0.60468 0.64584 0.33685 0.96694 0.47717 0.15455 0.14819 0.97512 0.49654 0.72215 0.60116 0.53468 0.85607 0.35465 0.7512 0.62235 0.71413 0.30037 0.49133 0.33664 0.78242 0.91533 0.67739 0.0619 0.84061 0.02831 0.10649 0.55355 0.80661 0.82276 0.84187 0.99736 0.05199 0.61719 0.01248 0.71653 0.28209 0.56362 0.66053 0.6415 0.4593 0.13552 0.78192 0.46541 0.37574 0.14864 0.93938 0.52069 0.62527 0.41695 0.87564 0.88862 0.93106 0.4538 0.00061 0.89395 0.6495 0.37426 0.10928 0.79693 0.21404 0.20684 0.49756 0.75193 0.11521 0.56716 0.99854 0.50529 0.17285 0.12925 0.51248 0.58999 0.99822 0.72401 0.77965 0.52382 0.87364 0.79103 0.61697 0.50107 0.09072 0.38178 0.82725 0.61727 0.31955 0.6788 0.79489 0.29977 0.35032 0.66318 0.7525 0.46516 0.35282 0.49274 0.21585 0.0273 0.96669 0.9362 0.0154 0.70357 0.80468 0.78083 0.93532 0.57756 0.48804 0.53368 0.46484 0.02793 0.71323 0.43399 0.6717 0.34634 0.22437 0.81193 0.11738 0.17873 0.79376 0.4737 0.97185 0.94439 0.79192 0.42782 0.68395 0.61036 0.35336 0.83932 0.73256 0.20608 0.61158 0.2689 0.10226 0.45201 0.06531 0.65318 0.79004 0.3426 0.90414 0.82459 0.05607 0.33222 0.61912 0.39776 0.54045 0.30627 0.96087 0.48893 0.33707 0.10513 0.08345 0.7832 0.02234 0.91623 0.62255 0.02425 0.85898 0.54447 0.742 0.40908 0.17616 0.70464 0.11981 0.94566 0.04719 0.005 0.58283 0.86919 0.54299 0.11541 0.67961 0.41728 0.78989 0.45493 0.72788 0.99804 0.52369 0.24736 0.42738 0.43638 0.27702 0.54943 0.2015 0.38258 0.17091 0.37267 0.03744 0.37605 0.07506 0.28437 0.45359 0.32853 0.51682 0.23961 0.53979 0.88668 0.12275 0.31017 0.14865 0.70463 0.12741 0.80738 0.51116 0.4729 0.49786 0.32201 0.84511 0.47412 0.83572 0.32179 0.42959 0.48054 0.83378 0.30027 0.59437 0.77362 0.78548 0.2314 0.62305 0.96323 0.30876 0.28142 0.32102 0.65351 0.18038 0.62203 0.03796 0.58919 0.75053 0.69804 0.91321 0.33406 0.14246 0.52158 0.64857 0.28646 0.07477 0.8183 0.43979 0.35503 0.51933 0.82824 0.41719 0.12627 0.24959 0.97349 0.5878 0.20195 0.31289 0.49908 0.44332 0.39794 0.15729 0.48026 0.55995 0.98999 0.09363 0.28704 0.5705 0.75365 0.85898 0.68898 0.93413 0.64379 0.75312 0.771 0.40749 0.6048 0.30076 0.46222 0.15831 0.4978 0.8721 0.80981 0.93776 0.79965 0.21684 0.25271 0.41848 0.41804 0.64175 0.52037 0.32833 0.98467 0.57286 0.84368 0.6327 0.18227 0.56259 0.01212 0.95624 0.86256 0.63906 0.95227 0.90357 0.30737 0.10824 0.99267 0.83215 0.43089 0.55228 0.15572 0.44752 0.10628 0.71165 0.37382 0.43878 0.32069 0.79733 0.58005 0.3025 0.35035 0.01607 0.39466 0.12617 0.53624 0.17521 0.67852 0.07912 0.07325 0.01495 0.59925 0.44152 0.03308 0.72323 0.87189 0.6206 0.13393 0.56452 0.05276 0.74426 0.46313 0.05905 0.5006 0.33485 0.49365 0.94128 0.90217 0.40033 0.92673 0.01855 0.01528 0.4343 0.27309 0.1267 0.31085 0.60478 0.79825 0.25065 0.78173 0.80816 0.60216 0.27592 0.43663 0.35962 0.24294 0.68574 0.31251 0.8406 0.95686 0.38897 0.3336 0.699 0.55606 0.47982 0.52184 0.29483 0.32645 0.20986 0.12254 0.26697 0.10364 0.07857 0.59391 0.60447 0.98471 0.681 0.97458 0.37016 0.42516 0.80667 0.45116 0.60194 0.50832 0.95149 0.4346 0.13752 0.25471 0.3821 0.20388
+0.35247 0.15856 0.93742 0.56426 0.19876 0.76839 0.60979 0.93089 0.21985 0.18749 0.40911 0.59942 0.2369 0.48717 0.11561 0.35886 0.07636 0.49685 0.15815 0.48182 0.38364 0.19387 0.58748 0.56311 0.97725 0.7903 0.20553 0.38319 0.92285 0.49664 0.7817 0.54972 0.0961 0.44467 0.92213 0.99646 0.73324 0.18161 0.19352 0.90098 0.65211 0.42461 0.59288 0.1499 0.79991 0.93636 0.15346 0.94199 0.33951 0.67991 0.11858 0.04797 0.44042 0.06436 0.29745 0.04831 0.30627 0.90851 0.56109 0.83208 0.14895 0.52382 0.3618 0.18821 0.0604 0.08827 0.73121 0.68758 0.99137 0.7683 0.72763 0.70143 0.20188 0.05415 0.8296 0.37273 0.22152 0.43441 0.57567 0.29723 0.45232 0.63178 0.92231 0.82454 0.12891 0.77176 0.36757 0.37824 0.76539 0.15794 0.37666 0.82709 0.06562 0.54716 0.9177 0.19618 0.93981 0.75306 0.48909 0.31005 0.79682 0.6774 0.648 0.48642 0.19023 0.55064 0.41558 0.7991 0.64515 0.37775 0.63366 0.42114 0.14868 0.82638 0.84396 0.93185 0.7668 0.14778 0.96085 0.72142 0.33243 0.36684 0.58232 0.132 0.47013 0.07613 0.97609 0.45721 0.58643 0.15885 0.53535 0.40553 0.91526 0.98789 0.25145 0.78857 0.27589 0.60702 0.27664 0.16382 0.21593 0.36802 0.71718 0.06404 0.8661 0.50735 0.23462 0.60818 0.79693 0.97945 0.48901 0.5117 0.2235 0.03493 0.95818 0.4363 0.90904 0.70623 0.45784 0.51598 0.3394 0.19011 0.87936 0.75981 0.12996 0.86423 0.15617 0.61588 0.85264 0.90726 0.9858 0.98202 0.92372 0.52038 0.80077 0.82126 0.3764 0.38104 0.82581 0.25135 0.35105 0.71714 0.97137 0.47349 0.42514 0.68858 0.94224 0.39432 0.44004 0.77872 0.51978 0.34753 0.7683 0.05009 0.66301 0.21388 0.93125 0.05227 0.29653 0.56753 0.33222 0.0889 0.95928 0.3442 0.22953 0.30199 0.85189 0.21537 0.43526 0.16768 0.30784 0.84999 0.92222 0.99659 0.48888 0.20911 0.74019 0.22115 0.81879 0.60737 0.41386 0.35179 0.30467 0.19606 0.43912 0.20902 0.78409 0.23466 0.57246 0.5009 0.60377 0.94009 0.83198 0.88673 0.53652 0.10515 0.96765 0.98241 0.82993 0.93772 0.24422 0.80732 0.68221 0.47231 0.49384 0.92085 0.36305 0.42092 0.76382 0.26182 0.82719 0.78844 0.05168 0.6098 0.63166 0.45188 0.1891 0.55629 0.12894 0.67264 0.84621 0.4321 0.79727 0.89954 0.34505 0.12615 0.84076 0.56325 0.04618 0.91835 0.48169 0.11542 0.43968 0.21462 0.16081 0.94423 0.78757 0.24995 0.8239 0.40914 0.40351 0.93644 0.81412 0.0369 0.33923 0.68208 0.4928 0.28026 0.63233 0.58595 0.81969 0.49862 0.55762 0.4116 0.19784 0.06593 0.47777 0.25797 0.04791 0.05755 0.18739 0.29319 0.74318 0.9521 0.58236 0.97421 0.96101 0.41086 0.60671 0.04824 0.68717 0.23525 0.77534 0.44884 0.45112 0.61578 0.9464 0.32037 0.92453 0.14798 0.19327 0.644 0.20201 0.30184 0.80049 0.84891 0.79072 0.07051 0.1196 0.71381 0.67155 0.48669 0.03722 0.51645 0.03182 0.07544 0.1293 0.97299 0.18707 0.10999 0.31094 0.99545 0.13816 0.43027 0.2677 0.14519 0.16762 0.59565 0.65527 0.37527 0.67145 0.58762 0.77943 0.90149 0.6482 0.45469 0.92224 0.41635 0.00877 0.26782 0.8082 0.0255 0.34967 0.76139 0.76071 0.66808 0.49126 0.59245 0.01166 0.3638 0.5113 0.03074 0.31251 0.85826 0.76631 0.43613 0.45498 0.83577 0.86532 0.20301 0.92642 0.04726 0.40591 0.77644 0.62059 0.98401 0.57085 0.63968 0.65954 0.12627 0.64719 0.09594 0.94821 0.95086 0.23334 0.7833 0.27751 0.61856 0.12532 0.9674 0.86497 0.57229 0.12355 0.56553 0.94613 0.95474 0.1925 0.86785 0.73182 0.2094 0.87938 0.72825 0.17287 0.03375 0.49968 0.8235 0.2077 0.43748 0.60825 0.71459 0.52489 0.29137 0.2489 0.73338 0.51492 0.9728 0.3473 0.67031 0.34209 0.90773 0.41287 0.29294 0.12665 0.7325 0.97396 0.90274 0.03043 0.07248 0.01779 0.19978 0.92084 0.27963 0.49246 0.86829 0.77714 0.29798 0.65907 0.20764 0.30968 0.37915 0.11999 0.99701 0.6884 0.47878 0.52052 0.52464 0.2289 0.69715 0.5946 0.80731 0.36814 0.91535 0.37484 0.05611 0.16685 0.52995 0.55503 0.10877 0.13649 0.47184 0.73947 0.62299 0.45672 0.99246 0.49243 0.27076 0.30733 0.08042 0.94675 0.58273 0.79754 0.93938 0.80925 0.9796 0.36522 0.45096 0.39 0.07789 0.58474 0.3268 0.78838 0.85348 0.26927 0.61979 0.43953 0.38993 0.53529 0.69096 0.37258 0.97618 0.4854 0.4253 0.38095 0.97041 0.52275 0.38049 0.41872 0.17397 0.68802 0.28421 0.31697 0.14077
+0.24563 0.70137 0.94469 0.51965 0.70553 0.29894 0.69998 0.93542 0.82513 0.02351 0.98621 0.17461 0.04239 0.37439 0.83582 0.80434 0.73167 0.34396 0.91048 0.72331 0.93651 0.10632 0.54618 0.65261 0.31244 0.81462 0.01183 0.83254 0.82041 0.09931 0.1371 0.83751 0.25839 0.57417 0.38263 0.38337 0.09825 0.96634 0.69201 0.09011 0.184 0.55386 0.12493 0.3833 0.19725 0.9853 0.33853 0.20241 0.87244 0.59684 0.50986 0.60329 0.00291 0.03342 0.9093 0.36946 0.92098 0.6024 0.24396 0.04742 0.30444 0.06372 0.55755 0.49508 0.31155 0.02454 0.7405 0.74496 0.4065 0.37354 0.30745 0.54815 0.05956 0.95244 0.40388 0.81334 0.77929 0.35448 0.37492 0.69712 0.46956 0.88185 0.42704 0.68899 0.08779 0.58147 0.28106 0.77068 0.74056 0.43233 0.73051 0.37977 0.33002 0.05822 0.11145 0.95349 0.04419 0.72673 0.90603 0.76036 0.22341 0.35497 0.95532 0.2061 0.97818 0.85077 0.17946 0.63973 0.0569 0.64336 0.94599 0.71828 0.10211 0.13202 0.85002 0.05027 0.13283 0.74272 0.6818 0.08359 0.19461 0.64449 0.87834 0.88275 0.15382 0.57559 0.38895 0.31823 0.02009 0.30307 0.86564 0.40553 0.44322 0.87499 0.91683 0.06194 0.98268 0.86349 0.35755 0.26238 0.091 0.66312 0.12382 0.91857 0.28892 0.13755 0.69802 0.94958 0.01038 0.24123 0.61897 0.60034 0.82554 0.51242 0.6774 0.97507 0.76227 0.9408 0.91057 0.77538 0.78942 0.49542 0.00349 0.21411 0.07977 0.26193 0.29139 0.4028 0.91315 0.10481 0.22539 0.46809 0.20701 0.41 0.34034 0.96507 0.20224 0.296 0.70445 0.0287 0.11804 0.00829 0.39684 0.60828 0.49583 0.94019 0.85975 0.8319 0.93474 0.79855 0.35795 0.02612 0.4519 0.05594 0.23806 0.04817 0.44903 0.23358 0.56648 0.51435 0.68773 0.70141 0.01057 0.29464 0.0537 0.72239 0.29794 0.25092 0.33925 0.61589 0.18783 0.48492 0.72923 0.33695 0.30457 0.76714 0.08576 0.71428 0.24773 0.88343 0.0892 0.70696 0.32978 0.44616 0.96189 0.50753 0.14093 0.07203 0.02663 0.37048 0.51802 0.58577 0.21667 0.77096 0.36671 0.83518 0.14862 0.00829 0.2622 0.30937 0.04271 0.09584 0.89951 0.60726 0.56642 0.16644 0.55244 0.61017 0.36802 0.49163 0.7972 0.53427 0.1699 0.41505 0.74702 0.74738 0.94566 0.97931 0.08468 0.29085 0.24019 0.24412 0.28935 0.6875 0.32874 0.90163 0.06902 0.69913 0.09849 0.66134 0.84634 0.80824 0.95841 0.73595 0.68896 0.98255 0.44373 0.28672 0.56241 0.59426 0.28893 0.86458 0.425 0.7579 0.36255 0.66874 0.39353 0.01673 0.01878 0.29733 0.66013 0.77279 0.34078 0.4972 0.53228 0.03867 0.277 0.37684 0.58251 0.23013 0.15511 0.69887 0.17092 0.12825 0.77011 0.75126 0.86855 0.14058 0.58465 0.03297 0.66044 0.46867 0.22429 0.55657 0.4391 0.31582 0.40933 0.449 0.26422 0.27025 0.72346 0.28183 0.42406 0.98328 0.98579 0.77351 0.70791 0.17775 0.76844 0.46034 0.95517 0.10151 0.55238 0.38091 0.79111 0.2926 0.26731 0.66728 0.45255 0.5564 0.04087 0.45172 0.71864 0.45674 0.04083 0.61475 0.08217 0.06098 0.69192 0.73893 0.34903 0.43383 0.57988 0.97444 0.20951 0.06324 0.4068 0.51773 0.84561 0.61394 0.83696 0.89226 0.52068 0.33275 0.14292 0.7125 0.1282 0.42649 0.83716 0.02285 0.28207 0.61166 0.92916 0.07107 0.00392 0.55306 0.37706 0.45482 0.71472 0.10076 0.08783 0.10139 0.85002 0.98211 0.35288 0.84081 0.84092 0.07278 0.20834 0.25297 0.95067 0.7222 0.48005 0.4785 0.96811 0.36692 0.99806 0.31115 0.24765 0.45082 0.36749 0.91941 0.82302 0.20853 0.1717 0.28605 0.06072 0.6928 0.63521 0.28957 0.62854 0.82878 0.48447 0.77174 0.13594 0.58915 0.18921 0.60099 0.47231 0.79576 0.48679 0.92878 0.78819 0.80394 0.66532 0.6424 0.05365 0.39977 0.37845 0.37288 0.85932 0.15557 0.79879 0.70572 0.33623 0.57118 0.5348 0.32908 0.1143 0.94226 0.80684 0.81382 0.56119 0.57938 0.06964 0.99482 0.76184 0.94928 0.72557 0.41409 0.01151 0.9229 0.58683 0.94043 0.07929 0.36623 0.78713 0.02211 0.78861 0.41922 0.79526 0.69838 0.97556 0.97646 0.93692 0.21902 0.73934 0.43957 0.55856 0.84409 0.22391 0.51278 0.47161 0.56208 0.9746 0.49001 0.19726 0.04785 0.8594 0.94385 0.7059 0.17512 0.46918 0.72865 0.48609 0.47507 0.0755 0.6022 0.42944 0.91632 0.11631 0.38602 0.56493 0.55918 0.43705 0.27062 0.63339 0.93035 0.16334 0.65286 0.07445 0.68256 0.4288 0.71112 0.29921 0.92743 0.83875 0.01582 0.12152 0.57491 0.15218 0.95141
+0.54371 0.06768 0.81595 0.27954 0.88607 0.1788 0.38622 0.21588 0.25157 0.29342 0.96109 0.01739 0.25669 0.40757 0.56864 0.99459 0.67342 0.37362 0.49749 0.43818 0.32016 0.76993 0.92723 0.52986 0.17924 0.84508 0.80564 0.70348 0.54945 0.1841 0.84831 0.368 0.18772 0.94131 0.22914 0.13108 0.20797 0.17689 0.63865 0.10553 0.06143 0.70727 0.67538 0.20206 0.59772 0.6568 0.94268 0.45001 0.13162 0.5701 0.43582 0.06928 0.72034 0.39532 0.42942 0.13115 0.10948 0.41079 0.98229 0.99168 0.0778 0.80225 0.5016 0.56056 0.04793 0.04046 0.34366 0.91048 0.84963 0.78273 0.78141 0.51383 0.57171 0.86541 0.20437 0.90529 0.1389 0.44409 0.64379 0.38865 0.08424 0.19025 0.16874 0.27288 0.29625 0.63551 0.27367 0.64654 0.13173 0.25398 0.90706 0.68203 0.81887 0.1925 0.67379 0.49524 0.04445 0.30415 0.12956 0.96674 0.36756 0.69226 0.72905 0.68079 0.55051 0.87341 0.38149 0.83794 0.76723 0.12739 0.01721 0.39209 0.76126 0.43439 0.70858 0.41329 0.52462 0.25756 0.65264 0.28029 0.95921 0.86409 0.16937 0.8571 0.8183 0.18066 0.31041 0.63038 0.14733 0.52525 0.25356 0.60696 0.36369 0.98462 0.68041 0.88526 0.16868 0.60855 0.1318 0.3908 0.57271 0.50122 0.31572 0.83948 0.50414 0.359 0.29719 0.01243 0.5277 0.83844 0.51352 0.8123 0.39011 0.74043 0.18774 0.96162 0.42463 0.77467 0.23681 0.7326 0.17443 0.6854 0.29919 0.37699 0.26595 0.95513 0.28422 0.83161 0.68105 0.7063 0.75037 0.15938 0.40672 0.93226 0.88811 0.88444 0.41502 0.19759 0.98159 0.30972 0.39227 0.88623 0.21406 0.27152 0.33281 0.75868 0.28096 0.92909 0.14434 0.48224 0.85063 0.09454 0.52842 0.8001 0.67142 0.72376 0.56227 0.91735 0.30392 0.92503 0.6361 0.86065 0.3425 0.46648 0.03455 0.20845 0.12812 0.68286 0.76178 0.84744 0.43862 0.23362 0.23509 0.87269 0.95697 0.83523 0.44407 0.62893 0.74775 0.50361 0.09613 0.36112 0.71129 0.96149 0.98803 0.28324 0.69533 0.95205 0.82291 0.76982 0.75633 0.72551 0.04372 0.86511 0.93265 0.59573 0.18391 0.76839 0.76742 0.20063 0.90901 0.99239 0.60511 0.45043 0.32064 0.09478 0.25509 0.69054 0.94517 0.94108 0.07081 0.84009 0.58473 0.44788 0.8976 0.4971 0.72976 0.00638 0.87083 0.50306 0.48331 0.02187 0.79176 0.15731 0.45062 0.94972 0.08802 0.35142 0.39101 0.20219 0.27369 0.03103 0.6891 0.96042 0.19637 0.51688 0.25976 0.33755 0.75854 0.67614 0.56763 0.29422 0.13938 0.23626 0.15157 0.80457 0.86967 0.42453 0.25449 0.77148 0.48062 0.29407 0.0713 0.1915 0.33807 0.37665 0.14065 0.59497 0.68452 0.48222 0.29841 0.07214 0.3248 0.07664 0.46471 0.08374 0.6099 0.9305 0.48673 0.1926 0.78325 0.75535 0.96153 0.43296 0.33458 0.62469 0.6623 0.97928 0.06641 0.80799 0.44737 0.99032 0.13919 0.0665 0.67225 0.001 0.61621 0.4316 0.84406 0.19 0.81463 0.71863 0.58633 0.11176 0.64538 0.73594 0.63268 0.31881 0.76424 0.91543 0.75103 0.17964 0.34868 0.98506 0.57084 0.56324 0.92024 0.59275 0.03462 0.65403 0.81873 0.08576 0.27647 0.37182 0.0452 0.64694 0.45969 0.97399 0.02819 0.63986 0.64895 0.39299 0.34603 0.90012 0.42186 0.05745 0.97956 0.97743 0.88104 0.81738 0.47306 0.18172 0.79814 0.50901 0.36348 0.55821 0.81779 0.01301 0.55977 0.1283 0.4169 0.10771 0.81949 0.64584 0.569 0.05929 0.84746 0.42363 0.49394 0.54095 0.36559 0.33088 0.78937 0.53758 0.94407 0.71655 0.01176 0.78644 0.41999 0.40353 0.71024 0.94688 0.98122 0.37716 0.79722 0.84027 0.64774 0.42757 0.04227 0.85441 0.984 0.08009 0.23335 0.12916 0.02862 0.49034 0.30449 0.15827 0.47036 0.15384 0.59547 0.94875 0.85678 0.95847 0.9823 0.32734 0.96755 0.65489 0.95197 0.32483 0.1301 0.77529 0.38063 0.01888 0.22438 0.23608 0.9907 0.30778 0.06746 0.37214 0.52643 0.9532 0.52716 0.93492 0.37686 0.27815 0.39331 0.01761 0.33814 0.36354 0.14764 0.38751 0.21799 0.17502 0.90997 0.13382 0.06863 0.03966 0.42903 0.28872 0.45402 0.24521 0.93355 0.06945 0.23378 0.06418 0.48391 0.72525 0.89528 0.31574 0.56247 0.2975 0.51475 0.25215 0.43912 0.84141 0.30871 0.21993 0.17511 0.97278 0.7804 0.39359 0.23736 0.94618 0.27936 0.89973 0.16596 0.80928 0.07251 0.20348 0.62878 0.94126 0.24594 0.76568 0.50172 0.12883 0.21212 0.73591 0.74583 0.24523 0.36573 0.78671 0.15201 0.82589 0.96812 0.82269 0.39454 0.91736 0.34612 0.12985 0.63459 0.81996
+0.8314 0.78142 0.1704 0.5427 0.32597 0.87721 0.8705 0.90222 0.47005 0.72726 0.22494 0.93778 0.11528 0.19569 0.49558 0.50217 0.29312 0.09116 0.01069 0.42773 0.7983 0.01842 0.38192 0.65363 0.30978 0.28436 0.27295 0.94967 0.65867 0.48575 0.531 0.69964 0.53865 0.42416 0.44013 0.78639 0.84623 0.71095 0.68334 0.0749 0.56801 0.63601 0.94594 0.43728 0.91224 0.18359 0.16238 0.00794 0.07211 0.92292 0.9716 0.06168 0.25792 0.80798 0.48434 0.37516 0.00745 0.23932 0.01915 0.31709 0.06237 0.82251 0.54279 0.23783 0.25662 0.75842 0.88059 0.94733 0.64103 0.2891 0.38663 0.18876 0.02894 0.00149 0.99084 0.69272 0.86493 0.54584 0.96757 0.28272 0.06819 0.40145 0.79548 0.54549 0.47891 0.95998 0.14587 0.48705 0.07943 0.57027 0.85594 0.12213 0.85764 0.66447 0.05776 0.51462 0.07858 0.7118 0.62049 0.34942 0.0299 0.85324 0.87781 0.39945 0.64049 0.43487 0.35652 0.4334 0.44344 0.93409 0.89388 0.1702 0.97195 0.92237 0.25154 0.5472 0.94579 0.72218 0.10658 0.26579 0.67785 0.28268 0.49801 0.04815 0.52875 0.5476 0.44951 0.79352 0.77336 0.99657 0.9111 0.29724 0.19139 0.97932 0.07054 0.86769 0.23037 0.85632 0.97739 0.78553 0.60665 0.82212 0.57974 0.6988 0.34816 0.23399 0.18311 0.59752 0.53688 0.62022 0.07661 0.98043 0.38299 0.99673 0.28415 0.86618 0.02816 0.26968 0.33104 0.16398 0.87725 0.00809 0.36466 0.59329 0.03631 0.26347 0.12896 0.98921 0.77447 0.21422 0.1011 0.29306 0.44228 0.10378 0.26016 0.47232 0.48214 0.76046 0.21657 0.82249 0.79635 0.95361 0.61447 0.73112 0.1985 0.04124 0.0532 0.42579 0.56623 0.41505 0.86203 0.33787 0.76098 0.45591 0.38514 0.35143 0.63368 0.60558 0.39524 0.65884 0.46892 0.78196 0.99163 0.29633 0.36218 0.79331 0.50539 0.17625 0.41881 0.05944 0.23274 0.43256 0.24898 0.60546 0.29235 0.50808 0.92834 0.03669 0.3494 0.18937 0.22975 0.20269 0.18572 0.23764 0.86659 0.54138 0.29166 0.54642 0.82694 0.49038 0.50612 0.84297 0.60167 0.84386 0.03569 0.7692 0.43016 0.93586 0.64805 0.42808 0.70982 0.87817 0.66453 0.61293 0.75394 0.33842 0.49584 0.34784 0.94123 0.8279 0.06447 0.36979 0.91228 0.33813 0.52384 0.38729 0.79295 0.12134 0.24184 0.83971 0.91382 0.45672 0.52155 0.842 0.39488 0.31757 0.57568 0.52572 0.28675 0.80769 0.79515 0.90755 0.21983 0.79979 0.02517 0.95008 0.6506 0.01289 0.95937 0.99091 0.78135 0.88345 0.65426 0.51983 0.70574 0.67109 0.78772 0.69314 0.51776 0.6001 0.22661 0.71158 0.90684 0.38906 0.24755 0.2669 0.67548 0.17193 0.99945 0.83685 0.25964 0.30567 0.87026 0.55281 0.32912 0.95623 0.44785 0.41329 0.51502 0.98848 0.73288 0.00527 0.09008 0.36295 0.55946 0.20003 0.54087 0.31209 0.2589 0.34175 0.55397 0.30106 0.21166 0.57734 0.23357 0.33914 0.02611 0.58056 0.3452 0.09105 0.52834 0.36623 0.94102 0.55899 0.96566 0.28482 0.18282 0.96596 0.17551 0.60053 0.79883 0.68345 0.69368 0.89046 0.48887 0.96409 0.67664 0.30459 0.10007 0.64811 0.25913 0.76721 0.69555 0.51588 0.70725 0.72185 0.10967 0.62567 0.15839 0.09467 0.98636 0.12763 0.11103 0.20324 0.99764 0.24225 0.40426 0.96398 0.83146 0.80742 0.22297 0.17508 0.66861 0.25983 0.25713 0.03537 0.99447 0.80635 0.66783 0.28963 0.95723 0.92327 0.96395 0.47994 0.71136 0.67654 0.61905 0.6498 0.61052 0.89665 0.75576 0.12175 0.81381 0.56866 0.30684 0.47186 0.00958 0.50965 0.60034 0.6957 0.8898 0.01861 0.89043 0.59929 0.109 0.47363 0.31383 0.28582 0.53469 0.78252 0.19342 0.8413 0.1237 0.98856 0.8147 0.83853 0.88471 0.46509 0.04238 0.6966 0.06309 0.36775 0.74696 0.75757 0.09751 0.41488 0.75562 0.23137 0.86127 0.3971 0.07527 0.7462 0.5815 0.30488 0.39079 0.02387 0.70327 0.4834 0.24622 0.57722 0.70204 0.54775 0.37301 0.33384 0.58325 0.60322 0.50008 0.39682 0.38727 0.80424 0.41076 0.92411 0.59681 0.83717 0.60876 0.03779 0.88503 0.43061 0.57393 0.36492 0.15995 0.2543 0.94242 0.61991 0.38379 0.42023 0.30616 0.13887 0.92158 0.71051 0.72058 0.84784 0.70594 0.88315 0.69842 0.2618 0.20447 0.28112 0.8622 0.53981 0.59457 0.82134 0.57171 0.73775 0.00099 0.2114 0.7271 0.52316 0.9735 0.64948 0.13997 0.90095 0.20135 0.5747 0.44057 0.07987 0.84914 0.55578 0.5559 0.58897 0.27206 0.7778 0.94472 0.48077 0.65248 0.2037 0.58213 0.46562 0.75406 0.7499 0.9395 0.85452
+0.53795 0.95623 0.68589 0.16686 0.51296 0.65206 0.23446 0.82073 0.41226 0.72954 0.63223 0.52207 0.43244 0.9995 0.88252 0.612 0.95376 0.89086 0.77931 0.40059 0.65515 0.32494 0.92465 0.82973 0.16574 0.02918 0.76093 0.67725 0.19517 0.40412 0.53914 0.74965 0.85547 0.38602 0.49747 0.73305 0.31983 0.54686 0.11312 0.21026 0.59693 0.05514 0.37439 0.3576 0.22697 0.73849 0.10809 0.22358 0.82929 0.01713 0.33839 0.05023 0.70057 0.4386 0.88804 0.68873 0.15659 0.75507 0.57022 0.94984 0.46386 0.30229 0.60919 0.35109 0.0847 0.27296 0.57361 0.75581 0.93226 0.22643 0.24829 0.46249 0.86353 0.32588 0.11108 0.37691 0.38312 0.25153 0.07402 0.97964 0.32095 0.7343 0.02918 0.69023 0.24094 0.0858 0.50938 0.68227 0.12315 0.01953 0.08603 0.21817 0.72624 0.85004 0.34102 0.18227 0.74583 0.92358 0.39677 0.61596 0.60496 0.37977 0.03224 0.09135 0.64086 0.59713 0.212 0.38856 0.66138 0.59949 0.35309 0.15319 0.86485 0.68717 0.93139 0.27953 0.93719 0.79646 0.60916 0.94653 0.42511 0.12848 0.60931 0.2964 0.57566 0.03372 0.85116 0.30372 0.29712 0.09836 0.59476 0.30092 0.1333 0.02579 0.94292 0.70325 0.76594 0.66646 0.63025 0.54262 0.89981 0.65877 0.63162 0.92318 0.22515 0.67287 0.27087 0.5859 0.32181 0.14001 0.56834 0.34241 0.27044 0.66786 0.02824 0.04429 0.38422 0.58819 0.43284 0.76896 0.93439 0.07691 0.37968 0.79815 0.24958 0.02939 0.70798 0.97769 0.25451 0.1529 0.55639 0.49813 0.08742 0.35817 0.06189 0.92999 0.69948 0.95939 0.28483 0.81771 0.33363 0.57912 0.74047 0.93837 0.03901 0.26445 0.79627 0.12973 0.05385 0.4583 0.15578 0.14102 0.76194 0.53842 0.63624 0.59027 0.5678 0.04042 0.84363 0.21506 0.0586 0.88951 0.1988 0.66433 0.20692 0.97573 0.30304 0.05934 0.81465 0.96243 0.49082 0.33739 0.11246 0.35252 0.89927 0.08687 0.33155 0.83284 0.03338 0.47381 0.13427 0.99032 0.17704 0.58915 0.58099 0.51237 0.17976 0.65174 0.05181 0.13101 0.22164 0.83899 0.61499 0.43694 0.23161 0.03824 0.89303 0.64816 0.26924 0.27442 0.38566 0.3658 0.58974 0.15932 0.46376 0.67658 0.26326 0.03931 0.64217 0.9279 0.64457 0.57302 0.168 0.53883 0.74742 0.76007 0.79569 0.14031 0.46821 0.56979 0.75816 0.82424 0.2613 0.23835 0.71227 0.14866 0.69605 0.41189 0.32723 0.52834 0.11648 0.56774 0.53969 0.67797 0.78998 0.38497 0.75739 0.56425 0.12916 0.06225 0.44177 0.09433 0.93181 0.26747 0.41208 0.65843 0.31213 0.06151 0.80573 0.87641 0.136 0.20674 0.91223 0.15776 0.28303 0.27938 0.50052 0.26979 0.03428 0.29583 0.3501 0.90902 0.68844 0.69089 0.35165 0.67668 0.78283 0.20302 0.64407 0.40344 0.06188 0.13889 0.31527 0.0697 0.59788 0.39688 0.69839 0.23437 0.46492 0.68865 0.64017 0.09126 0.72502 0.60294 0.79162 0.89397 0.12641 0.86541 0.35569 0.61009 0.56284 0.48879 0.49096 0.19372 0.08891 0.62614 0.44832 0.49485 0.9443 0.73103 0.06242 0.15167 0.68014 0.27631 0.50331 0.1098 0.15487 0.94672 0.8168 0.90932 0.54586 0.62205 0.16347 0.95087 0.99618 0.24732 0.52335 0.85281 0.29213 0.55796 0.16961 0.47682 0.66239 0.78592 0.31939 0.01785 0.21655 0.30882 0.85994 0.15592 0.02415 0.73423 0.97882 0.82351 0.26756 0.47467 0.53618 0.86588 0.96206 0.06568 0.00888 0.68703 0.32252 0.9469 0.28148 0.16869 0.60669 0.73001 0.58091 0.44198 0.38227 0.90632 0.5393 0.71903 0.52863 0.54314 0.03614 0.62731 0.67814 0.86262 0.41162 0.93361 0.95643 0.52302 0.34898 0.635 0.17042 0.93422 0.44807 0.52011 0.64934 0.39474 0.49671 0.55699 0.12918 0.80524 0.52885 0.45887 0.89456 0.42805 0.45156 0.48641 0.84395 0.67594 0.4522 0.74189 0.9525 0.28386 0.13025 0.09197 0.82393 0.75534 0.48897 0.8943 0.16503 0.91367 0.44097 0.7177 0.09677 0.80978 0.90202 0.35895 0.49123 0.46986 0.85548 0.66397 0.15226 0.43691 0.95657 0.19035 0.1897 0.55814 0.95887 0.89457 0.785 0.32338 0.10909 0.44524 0.46001 0.35497 0.38179 0.52343 0.09782 0.09091 0.95218 0.64485 0.10645 0.19557 0.62756 0.10925 0.95241 0.35625 0.53385 0.28846 0.17405 0.22387 0.89269 0.80961 0.11415 0.02098 0.51725 0.4209 0.91833 0.29405 0.47258 0.90179 0.94323 0.60718 0.43741 0.70982 0.68971 0.75121 0.78909 0.7456 0.11534 0.39627 0.64049 0.93551 0.02491 0.01122 0.11326 0.38447 0.01723 0.74801 0.802 0.31073 0.81708 0.82106 0.16704 0.32594 0.15959 0.75635
+0.80535 0.03659 0.54327 0.37415 0.47784 0.04104 0.57543 0.35368 0.22531 0.12673 0.3303 0.43603 0.27307 0.22317 0.5144 0.62443 0.21171 0.61775 0.93455 0.94617 0.86804 0.77651 0.99958 0.50996 0.20583 0.17369 0.79899 0.86594 0.959 0.57886 0.05897 0.22064 0.30998 0.49423 0.28506 0.17495 0.50296 0.18922 0.17772 0.59182 0.36721 0.94558 0.21894 0.29887 0.39843 0.21337 0.79335 0.72016 0.67591 0.17975 0.61329 0.60529 0.66377 0.42385 0.5058 0.27958 0.70278 0.95675 0.48251 0.9702 0.689 0.92602 0.09532 0.14658 0.07719 0.47851 0.62278 0.83967 0.70008 0.62904 0.47046 0.2856 0.59823 0.33351 0.71971 0.81507 0.3041 0.87199 0.52495 0.06546 0.77487 0.06414 0.39761 0.47669 0.4211 0.82562 0.68055 0.47172 0.24805 0.9775 0.53512 0.89667 0.02775 0.76609 0.07654 0.69924 0.94814 0.07698 0.34006 0.70155 0.54857 0.06156 0.5375 0.33895 0.68229 0.8551 0.30808 0.46616 0.84319 0.46798 0.02766 0.18478 0.37844 0.58033 0.94025 0.10494 0.54238 0.90951 0.51083 0.50578 0.39892 0.17473 0.06428 0.91157 0.74464 0.53153 0.73622 0.81599 0.23454 0.22561 0.37796 0.21873 0.71756 0.33441 0.20225 0.89913 0.8866 0.81922 0.18533 0.69569 0.8647 0.20051 0.46751 0.79167 0.16412 0.87924 0.03263 0.57269 0.93413 0.85874 0.83419 0.51194 0.14889 0.25681 0.18266 0.01986 0.56903 0.14928 0.03042 0.72577 0.22002 0.76992 0.60482 0.29898 0.07429 0.24395 0.44457 0.88012 0.32782 0.38965 0.22181 0.65907 0.48584 0.19633 0.58217 0.16625 0.78011 0.54012 0.73866 0.52725 0.98035 0.67772 0.74017 0.48625 0.63387 0.74632 0.89011 0.41633 0.67408 0.09265 0.82572 0.09849 0.86516 0.67418 0.60445 0.98744 0.2138 0.81261 0.10932 0.96637 0.77035 0.43925 0.94802 0.90217 0.75341 0.72328 0.15315 0.98182 0.38796 0.42903 0.01399 0.00583 0.15838 0.29667 0.38464 0.66515 0.22154 0.8058 0.6667 0.05358 0.32603 0.61326 0.17616 0.18877 0.08456 0.11732 0.68605 0.28043 0.54488 0.90812 0.44247 0.64746 0.41824 0.35328 0.88215 0.98342 0.47238 0.15712 0.71263 0.6806 0.17048 0.27603 0.8786 0.40866 0.29749 0.24339 0.15543 0.03791 0.32568 0.57232 0.86032 0.11794 0.7472 0.80308 0.15956 0.3798 0.43059 0.71312 0.3465 0.0178 0.54195 0.02408 0.34522 0.27794 0.34743 0.79908 0.67333 0.06855 0.59484 0.99407 0.36969 0.78456 0.88414 0.49865 0.13966 0.54762 0.36429 0.59291 0.20487 0.62219 0.30308 0.28672 0.89524 0.57775 0.29722 0.99523 0.56217 0.0475 0.47739 0.83193 0.86648 0.42226 0.30854 0.47351 0.06898 0.34208 0.04002 0.63395 0.53666 0.08681 0.4347 0.94327 0.08872 0.03356 0.21835 0.04077 0.8883 0.62216 0.6189 0.89321 0.81935 0.90977 0.11501 0.03186 0.18408 0.27584 0.57943 0.79039 0.42949 0.06867 0.73129 0.6457 0.371 0.93474 0.94315 0.33203 0.03437 0.3096 0.14777 0.47165 0.83041 0.58411 0.56997 0.33688 0.19859 0.97083 0.27934 0.12812 0.72899 0.15249 0.14168 0.85627 0.09744 0.00788 0.2176 0.90113 0.81813 0.10245 0.93711 0.43527 0.29078 0.84604 0.94347 0.71115 0.0479 0.98822 0.3118 0.65704 0.83085 0.11664 0.06839 0.84359 0.52345 0.89415 0.84642 0.39199 0.01197 0.58305 0.48718 0.39285 0.47806 0.93719 0.34316 0.17477 0.37757 0.34007 0.53865 0.98697 0.00185 0.54108 0.60718 0.51253 0.58341 0.23525 0.46396 0.17374 0.21066 0.64212 0.49268 0.86884 0.01801 0.36384 0.2131 0.71183 0.08026 0.03107 0.11384 0.8929 0.34139 0.54656 0.79593 0.41364 0.43251 0.47363 0.21011 0.88981 0.67351 0.31802 0.27056 0.62851 0.75795 0.27641 0.52403 0.5599 0.76894 0.78399 0.12189 0.821 0.40985 0.85707 0.10032 0.92572 0.11853 0.58777 0.73432 0.9368 0.96995 0.89269 0.06757 0.59666 0.94453 0.68437 0.00513 0.15341 0.20954 0.27028 0.34735 0.88234 0.31026 0.24729 0.21998 0.80524 0.05745 0.30088 0.42898 0.39981 0.83521 0.79871 0.04737 0.81772 0.07048 0.02806 0.14904 0.39911 0.00559 0.87494 0.94064 0.13455 0.18684 0.73177 0.07948 0.11786 0.26015 0.57569 0.55719 0.99959 0.8462 0.09355 0.45024 0.9533 0.06847 0.53838 0.63191 0.76511 0.58009 0.36141 0.68867 0.8924 0.70527 0.67786 0.09179 0.16307 0.067 0.39445 0.22634 0.74445 0.97432 0.20872 0.3118 0.77254 0.58351 0.01244 0.53241 0.15797 0.36398 0.13796 0.2734 0.28062 0.92627 0.22026 0.721 0.90639 0.9758 0.13862 0.68722 0.15688 0.35553 0.22244 0.86758 0.71027 0.67121 0.54321
+0.03649 0.16403 0.31154 0.683 0.44745 0.57806 0.42443 0.02782 0.84905 0.72223 0.68197 0.1115 0.88433 0.72303 0.67147 0.36919 0.72598 0.79731 0.48148 0.81965 0.16093 0.56642 0.48526 0.14497 0.37841 0.94424 0.16809 0.34682 0.03925 0.93538 0.72177 0.30802 0.24918 0.08096 0.89818 0.5746 0.37834 0.31836 0.25089 0.94389 0.38619 0.77395 0.51187 0.81673 0.20159 0.17184 0.09535 0.44021 0.64327 0.24062 0.42114 0.81473 0.50123 0.5762 0.69682 0.96339 0.95587 0.82453 0.53605 0.54533 0.20005 0.00189 0.36852 0.30009 0.42819 0.62519 0.3601 0.1125 0.36619 0.45217 0.7499 0.82378 0.23475 0.2465 0.167 0.40429 0.26587 0.50787 0.74056 0.10163 0.74 0.61206 0.75879 0.75229 0.40753 0.97549 0.4782 0.68735 0.54404 0.5862 0.6572 0.11444 0.44539 0.8103 0.2998 0.53792 0.21211 0.54162 0.32032 0.56411 0.11286 0.86084 0.4278 0.34442 0.29306 0.51652 0.29512 0.09126 0.3408 0.80729 0.84437 0.1399 0.91852 0.22453 0.33394 0.77365 0.92062 0.7938 0.68199 0.5805 0.55002 0.95752 0.49577 0.55595 0.28229 0.09418 0.64074 0.47182 0.53597 0.01289 0.34926 0.67034 0.70039 0.70511 0.09427 0.79616 0.10264 0.77995 0.5232 0.4667 0.72008 0.54643 0.41083 0.32719 0.52666 0.12427 0.19082 0.72173 0.13114 0.69658 0.12178 0.86966 0.76896 0.39223 0.6755 0.93326 0.98667 0.45173 0.60345 0.16128 0.17864 0.12835 0.22069 0.54974 0.99899 0.01037 0.35544 0.30617 0.70213 0.64 0.28962 0.86884 0.29971 0.90234 0.35452 0.65618 0.66683 0.51793 0.28943 0.69686 0.97594 0.29439 0.95497 0.7663 0.20225 0.62936 0.15903 0.26182 0.79981 0.61222 0.98804 0.96905 0.51057 0.13846 0.50207 0.18693 0.25197 0.68368 0.05844 0.48196 0.14393 0.42977 0.63665 0.02161 0.89228 0.17815 0.61433 0.90992 0.9115 0.86873 0.75688 0.5858 0.34581 0.58428 0.32655 0.32995 0.54256 0.2848 0.57627 0.86872 0.05953 0.11445 0.47077 0.77527 0.72952 0.71858 0.10414 0.13442 0.09927 0.32602 0.28796 0.47526 0.34854 0.02319 0.5734 0.72667 0.57803 0.70496 0.10177 0.36 0.96089 0.11018 0.48419 0.18607 0.0472 0.41592 0.68814 0.98167 0.05749 0.12972 0.52267 0.66756 0.79577 0.04081 0.04753 0.12602 0.16232 0.06622 0.377 0.18399 0.38423 0.10593 0.79115 0.68868 0.14464 0.3704 0.49502 0.55285 0.54806 0.2726 0.59616 0.12351 0.25643 0.207 0.22238 0.08214 0.20981 0.71264 0.37295 0.65926 0.76604 0.43179 0.31069 0.19049 0.52944 0.8442 0.33347 0.49776 0.15646 0.54885 0.99298 0.99373 0.32743 0.13001 0.22688 0.74136 0.25192 0.72772 0.81017 0.74915 0.25991 0.66137 0.4298 0.97629 0.95897 0.83449 0.77789 0.59676 0.92953 0.77209 0.05012 0.53836 0.98254 0.63051 0.15467 0.55633 0.04875 0.52439 0.69643 0.08229 0.93805 0.80451 0.17954 0.48648 0.58378 0.17992 0.20261 0.83078 0.08258 0.06079 0.16616 0.14344 0.59623 0.40437 0.59952 0.17872 0.61645 0.74363 0.6172 0.74758 0.09257 0.49795 0.00533 0.39467 0.03988 0.84966 0.5709 0.15341 0.33065 0.37155 0.92833 0.85197 0.10039 0.23505 0.81503 0.62394 0.63909 0.48037 0.4044 0.68395 0.69595 0.63261 0.40043 0.74658 0.29239 0.60431 0.42809 0.39541 0.4736 0.02728 0.94502 0.87837 0.87241 0.36393 0.63862 0.93704 0.48251 0.05419 0.34431 0.15829 0.09073 0.36155 0.01589 0.69372 0.59668 0.22721 0.4176 0.88541 0.83201 0.14648 0.25448 0.32286 0.93695 0.67439 0.41017 0.88816 0.04569 0.76644 0.81224 0.1696 0.11766 0.94872 0.42031 0.48041 0.93195 0.32739 0.16843 0.52167 0.84873 0.87596 0.96208 0.23693 0.33554 0.91989 0.75102 0.12809 0.82336 0.96584 0.7996 0.06281 0.88008 0.01633 0.3556 0.29833 0.61009 0.64578 0.64205 0.23209 0.27238 0.6257 0.12852 0.07698 0.85406 0.53483 0.7223 0.44856 0.56925 0.17136 0.92743 0.80514 0.37011 0.1843 0.76705 0.66943 0.92549 0.01989 0.74933 0.82819 0.01818 0.4696 0.65796 0.42758 0.50875 0.68714 0.68004 0.09293 0.4364 0.49977 0.71168 0.08056 0.33548 0.80397 0.42546 0.64427 0.61406 0.98111 0.84997 0.32065 0.29805 0.23377 0.40882 0.77837 0.10132 0.76676 0.40111 0.70659 0.07959 0.25103 0.43575 0.19999 0.53478 0.57282 0.69219 0.71022 0.12435 0.63806 0.82679 0.75474 0.45113 0.10359 0.14029 0.52743 0.92672 0.69357 0.11939 0.29294 0.74626 0.10957 0.51605 0.80926 0.49425 0.07115 0.095 0.95413 0.11681 0.81795 0.78726 0.45536 0.02796 0.34268 0.53151 0.81267
+0.88414 0.81855 0.26292 0.04147 0.87436 0.7601 0.37921 0.79494 0.04551 0.54483 0.63574 0.3448 0.02027 0.72081 0.50336 0.01532 0.36447 0.15448 0.27087 0.64532 0.8217 0.04385 0.08375 0.35207 0.22519 0.55964 0.17002 0.68277 0.99022 0.28464 0.48465 0.27105 0.83704 0.7035 0.09366 0.12848 0.08234 0.70367 0.41935 0.37946 0.03131 0.11049 0.72605 0.12159 0.81176 0.71185 0.76057 0.95114 0.84617 0.73515 0.48392 0.45474 0.88511 0.4323 0.29413 0.36077 0.81765 0.00017 0.49959 0.71952 0.07167 0.75896 0.42756 0.99852 0.84834 0.03583 0.01815 0.39537 0.66249 0.55347 0.68741 0.5619 0.78496 0.40662 0.89845 0.03184 0.62953 0.43787 0.2158 0.91161 0.94907 0.43096 0.86902 0.53679 0.49315 0.59622 0.8755 0.74099 0.6912 0.7519 0.11231 0.68167 0.06531 0.84364 0.93051 0.22967 0.38013 0.75511 0.79974 0.92712 0.13724 0.79919 0.03573 0.56185 0.2546 0.46196 0.06291 0.64911 0.4528 0.23908 0.16863 0.1945 0.83066 0.22574 0.32775 0.0667 0.73841 0.91178 0.81359 0.78401 0.48851 0.94076 0.01953 0.69358 0.9455 0.26794 0.50632 0.04465 0.49495 0.454 0.85884 0.8158 0.55457 0.42337 0.55073 0.07351 0.0252 0.86805 0.99994 0.94036 0.37342 0.73475 0.91821 0.68602 0.92214 0.69751 0.91896 0.87283 0.41024 0.3601 0.49394 0.83764 0.91342 0.18574 0.86663 0.38573 0.37911 0.82605 0.56091 0.37109 0.67234 0.85556 0.06251 0.33402 0.35574 0.40112 0.7189 0.80612 0.35177 0.0309 0.98871 0.86475 0.41007 0.59978 0.4747 0.19079 0.31169 0.1011 0.0734 0.6708 0.16642 0.70596 0.13021 0.3986 0.73117 0.99588 0.68072 0.04766 0.98709 0.53683 0.05786 0.18274 0.43677 0.01933 0.47855 0.01719 0.44414 0.871 0.30466 0.54079 0.37691 0.09266 0.10207 0.34461 0.49467 0.97591 0.3761 0.82017 0.51863 0.93293 0.87085 0.47903 0.12674 0.96506 0.81634 0.88749 0.75468 0.16881 0.40012 0.44669 0.11901 0.31573 0.93804 0.64922 0.69589 0.03939 0.8631 0.07688 0.23328 0.4427 0.40387 0.19395 0.44014 0.18434 0.24139 0.78335 0.32446 0.74702 0.98025 0.0344 0.15455 0.90471 0.38809 0.69108 0.02666 0.55576 0.51659 0.31439 0.53206 0.40181 0.24946 0.32781 0.802 0.39796 0.13572 0.96962 0.85886 0.58877 0.03861 0.21516 0.47886 0.9771 0.62797 0.58779 0.42436 0.87738 0.01256 0.16495 0.93155 0.21542 0.84253 0.39894 0.75313 0.89621 0.04944 0.65556 0.56085 0.88757 0.13878 0.57338 0.86166 0.79902 0.33517 0.46579 0.68709 0.81578 0.21509 0.78255 0.52588 0.02805 0.11782 0.0487 0.58776 0.80525 0.32056 0.75438 0.07267 0.6556 0.4876 0.80304 0.87941 0.08238 0.08656 0.29473 0.84597 0.90976 0.46473 0.38649 0.79395 0.76684 0.11854 0.20838 0.86849 0.37534 0.41727 0.23864 0.13002 0.7203 0.84104 0.77463 0.54798 0.44001 0.42975 0.89087 0.71096 0.11762 0.59235 0.33808 0.2072 0.49238 0.65652 0.51234 0.79766 0.36453 0.78259 0.46573 0.05582 0.5877 0.64632 0.44401 0.43705 0.28594 0.37559 0.61286 0.67197 0.82918 0.31216 0.59254 0.40998 0.07875 0.41577 0.48406 0.04592 0.30018 0.99303 0.89958 0.88693 0.53339 0.27844 0.02347 0.60489 0.27698 0.9528 0.99385 0.73332 0.10287 0.74936 0.99912 0.47602 0.07732 0.03013 0.03686 0.67142 0.1671 0.84573 0.00443 0.79548 0.64783 0.56238 0.28346 0.23099 0.06661 0.34977 0.61021 0.54485 0.13654 0.77413 0.28731 0.32569 0.07298 0.00824 0.37042 0.77448 0.56927 0.46761 0.31924 0.63979 0.72215 0.98906 0.57352 0.16906 0.67572 0.23921 0.62261 0.06252 0.81324 0.28781 0.69548 0.50052 0.21182 0.47275 0.81626 0.34266 0.49453 0.62979 0.6493 0.85117 0.20509 0.11295 0.84224 0.13417 0.98654 0.94299 0.62386 0.14046 0.54786 0.15707 0.21722 0.80098 0.32102 0.48564 0.78951 0.25212 0.83685 0.88299 0.52558 0.95883 0.55092 0.8713 0.74857 0.47847 0.71393 0.01381 0.11204 0.59157 0.07331 0.80886 0.74701 0.81352 0.89551 0.23707 0.31854 0.52618 0.29575 0.43071 0.54923 0.43838 0.53151 0.85179 0.51633 0.98185 0.55554 0.15553 0.23725 0.55488 0.41683 0.16215 0.31259 0.693 0.46835 0.07013 0.09499 0.24005 0.02345 0.76635 0.00932 0.98255 0.32701 0.1981 0.19777 0.4106 0.0971 0.15692 0.84845 0.174 0.27349 0.599 0.70894 0.53003 0.65755 0.29725 0.24475 0.52871 0.37545 0.46979 0.34087 0.05525 0.07757 0.50768 0.43202 0.55816 0.54308 0.69911 0.93028 0.45169 0.26151 0.79858 0.2895 0.11785 0.70678 0.88919 0.10178
+0.26872 0.62749 0.29065 0.22416 0.19239 0.13788 0.14905 0.65525 0.97879 0.22602 0.51327 0.79704 0.78041 0.77395 0.04262 0.54138 0.69784 0.65394 0.49749 0.43983 0.91944 0.18076 0.45397 0.7714 0.05717 0.29603 0.24878 0.92179 0.22945 0.28668 0.59419 0.06418 0.27858 0.79702 0.22906 0.98064 0.17739 0.06079 0.64236 0.55951 0.45213 0.39896 0.30341 0.47919 0.24723 0.55339 0.56894 0.83907 0.83279 0.84772 0.9926 0.65426 0.45667 0.83813 0.96063 0.88439 0.48835 0.22176 0.75676 0.48937 0.69592 0.10198 0.104 0.99411 0.42687 0.82142 0.88161 0.95843 0.08423 0.92204 0.93407 0.7356 0.17047 0.83527 0.35466 0.64572 0.25392 0.58878 0.82981 0.31711 0.31092 0.80531 0.04779 0.96206 0.68879 0.93775 0.7994 0.5566 0.69123 0.94194 0.33803 0.94535 0.66827 0.21357 0.23468 0.35966 0.3804 0.52817 0.32483 0.29467 0.7243 0.90956 0.15539 0.308 0.37055 0.70784 0.7029 0.14029 0.95193 0.95358 0.14451 0.15134 0.42268 0.00928 0.17748 0.50927 0.70171 0.33634 0.64284 0.80836 0.33721 0.37851 0.53094 0.46309 0.85872 0.51269 0.47668 0.40787 0.77246 0.08328 0.12497 0.43973 0.96051 0.53119 0.64008 0.26369 0.43721 0.70457 0.63272 0.7521 0.60515 0.19029 0.11383 0.51346 0.54056 0.25114 0.6552 0.07575 0.4649 0.16135 0.57117 0.4928 0.90619 0.21697 0.60499 0.2754 0.70924 0.29135 0.77596 0.46515 0.76785 0.40787 0.45843 0.1293 0.59738 0.07044 0.55597 0.551 0.98236 0.07865 0.43418 0.78766 0.13136 0.54734 0.0155 0.73236 0.14702 0.53585 0.79028 0.3041 0.1506 0.01131 0.17215 0.42083 0.12224 0.06313 0.70809 0.43313 0.91313 0.19425 0.93228 0.67674 0.48564 0.95795 0.8179 0.33687 0.50554 0.79046 0.69955 0.63485 0.65851 0.53303 0.43866 0.3368 0.96103 0.53814 0.1993 0.99505 0.21712 0.16769 0.66563 0.00691 0.66719 0.20702 0.96343 0.57021 0.30592 0.88064 0.44198 0.94752 0.30071 0.25148 0.51493 0.49633 0.94124 0.7725 0.02824 0.1168 0.97465 0.46579 0.46323 0.3726 0.94034 0.27612 0.9726 0.05733 0.48711 0.63825 0.82072 0.56727 0.51952 0.862 0.51075 0.37004 0.50857 0.69737 0.24724 0.85307 0.25337 0.37613 0.36556 0.50875 0.9725 0.18021 0.66521 0.64528 0.33262 0.89841 0.42897 0.23954 0.12131 0.80321 0.67628 0.94347 0.90022 0.06478 0.12213 0.21014 0.77834 0.94851 0.24032 0.70086 0.27337 0.89665 0.65291 0.79268 0.25444 0.79467 0.20488 0.87609 0.20718 0.18974 0.181 0.65582 0.16279 0.69394 0.25311 0.96639 0.65918 0.61014 0.45883 0.39171 0.03322 0.85963 0.98665 0.13923 0.69404 0.08093 0.32425 0.52363 0.60401 0.26846 0.55481 0.75965 0.17982 0.16478 0.97298 0.95553 0.37976 0.94006 0.2745 0.13449 0.10992 0.28924 0.88876 0.81099 0.46818 0.53073 0.70919 0.63922 0.36678 0.3282 0.0737 0.3731 0.2836 0.87202 0.25507 0.24333 0.41903 0.32406 0.72659 0.24254 0.85078 0.51528 0.23596 0.15041 0.17092 0.30393 0.61099 0.59126 0.79955 0.36457 0.86166 0.19819 0.61702 0.60197 0.99156 0.1278 0.06867 0.26601 0.92067 0.28489 0.05457 0.81599 0.74781 0.01798 0.90691 0.28651 0.79646 0.61173 0.31793 0.62948 0.69834 0.15932 0.51041 0.37058 0.11834 0.55962 0.43526 0.17402 0.21305 0.62666 0.56058 0.71831 0.70024 0.34121 0.50297 0.76064 0.30169 0.117 0.53683 0.59534 0.39528 0.85601 0.78387 0.39361 0.60328 0.36087 0.5753 0.56093 0.02918 0.94267 0.907 0.36766 0.66097 0.21625 0.26675 0.37714 0.25581 0.95817 0.49103 0.65876 0.79974 0.74546 0.9578 0.3431 0.45076 0.16107 0.76651 0.05572 0.59087 0.72844 0.97256 0.48619 0.89402 0.49665 0.96951 0.93015 0.71944 0.89162 0.04253 0.25153 0.40445 0.38924 0.61205 0.01135 0.16185 0.7291 0.31973 0.26977 0.36643 0.98172 0.78218 0.13373 0.83485 0.16064 0.38085 0.70454 0.08158 0.72493 0.95623 0.80374 0.61052 0.02997 0.60064 0.75707 0.88539 0.9755 0.25897 0.34652 0.44993 0.63189 0.18949 0.26613 0.80818 0.6968 0.3994 0.73535 0.38062 0.78898 0.57979 0.69965 0.76195 0.21215 0.66202 0.73778 0.32573 0.12138 0.66037 0.50305 0.38826 0.11201 0.3637 0.47155 0.75116 0.77842 0.8539 0.42685 0.84611 0.39042 0.29542 0.87781 0.69431 0.97767 0.74305 0.21005 0.44 0.88573 0.39496 0.38814 0.70802 0.07247 0.95734 0.44559 0.15711 0.34653 0.88345 0.13174 0.64129 0.68364 0.92087 0.664 0.39821 0.56048 0.09207 0.21057 0.13726 0.52177 0.25156 0.31874 0.23318 0.37892
+0.67112 0.93421 0.07637 0.51717 0.09241 0.93895 0.93716 0.34274 0.11726 0.25729 0.56942 0.01386 0.16643 0.35364 0.2276 0.77373 0.5227 0.83773 0.9588 0.41586 0.2174 0.16282 0.29708 0.71791 0.29811 0.75808 0.03334 0.44956 0.75519 0.8382 0.38975 0.6051 0.57167 0.07811 0.04441 0.00407 0.34646 0.29696 0.09697 0.28442 0.90935 0.57094 0.4414 0.68274 0.85223 0.21379 0.03614 0.57176 0.95191 0.3859 0.85137 0.80823 0.51205 0.0021 0.02956 0.51869 0.2298 0.04471 0.77978 0.76688 0.23076 0.50825 0.03365 0.88907 0.90301 0.96894 0.97075 0.04015 0.64881 0.31894 0.53578 0.7913 0.64514 0.53436 0.838 0.60614 0.14799 0.29155 0.02894 0.02732 0.84419 0.20969 0.99331 0.29665 0.73983 0.88352 0.48063 0.84788 0.74188 0.85774 0.97882 0.09236 0.28359 0.27142 0.98815 0.1851 0.00416 0.71992 0.88041 0.15788 0.3771 0.77763 0.78254 0.09433 0.30805 0.69271 0.87674 0.2745 0.01709 0.71182 0.77275 0.40449 0.68987 0.54542 0.59223 0.93286 0.26808 0.53072 0.361 0.39915 0.97057 0.16682 0.85494 0.69607 0.04953 0.46264 0.26243 0.79222 0.28966 0.7973 0.56903 0.67238 0.1105 0.06854 0.79723 0.56524 0.54148 0.9758 0.08398 0.74647 0.51878 0.41655 0.70101 0.04492 0.1921 0.13986 0.72138 0.74226 0.35815 0.39035 0.11949 0.24596 0.37401 0.24701 0.17304 0.22613 0.21823 0.94266 0.04916 0.57596 0.13587 0.141 0.58863 0.45388 0.60343 0.88803 0.48098 0.21034 0.4972 0.88506 0.46939 0.63002 0.38797 0.02185 0.10079 0.85115 0.38072 0.82013 0.67292 0.2618 0.52535 0.88617 0.77583 0.59513 0.39857 0.23025 0.25149 0.74995 0.62439 0.22062 0.22556 0.88985 0.43559 0.06743 0.90587 0.4644 0.15294 0.90629 0.66312 0.83334 0.89489 0.73532 0.04566 0.62137 0.99342 0.85891 0.31798 0.74354 0.0978 0.04186 0.84506 0.82498 0.29918 0.38662 0.20252 0.72682 0.64191 0.79876 0.8343 0.6616 0.34888 0.1726 0.60919 0.97043 0.77976 0.89185 0.99559 0.77444 0.87366 0.44857 0.41002 0.37241 0.65108 0.09773 0.23873 0.87623 0.93131 0.83983 0.49769 0.02544 0.43888 0.05385 0.72637 0.53969 0.11448 0.4975 0.12951 0.25563 0.96848 0.31452 0.57281 0.63098 0.53705 0.65173 0.96985 0.40644 0.59625 0.44801 0.48538 0.18292 0.6559 0.52396 0.46883 0.73645 0.12003 0.18968 0.71825 0.4721 0.42674 0.68231 0.72351 0.06159 0.68013 0.01867 0.59509 0.05768 0.04231 0.45857 0.87537 0.41351 0.62817 0.31131 0.78599 0.73259 0.97588 0.57316 0.17658 0.32321 0.83475 0.35541 0.88017 0.80332 0.61044 0.52253 0.11717 0.57703 0.22698 0.82826 0.21932 0.5968 0.28791 0.40695 0.73424 0.24472 0.95715 0.20286 0.12118 0.58454 0.44597 0.8772 0.65625 0.99932 0.5128 0.03556 0.38892 0.20622 0.89323 0.82268 0.75283 0.77575 0.07482 0.05964 0.33429 0.54573 0.32481 0.43373 0.386 0.10634 0.2269 0.72811 0.85388 0.23728 0.00778 0.58725 0.83586 0.22342 0.80571 0.72862 0.29184 0.49508 0.9425 0.46396 0.40083 0.00968 0.20157 0.34295 0.76271 0.74473 0.57107 0.7411 0.94428 0.76549 0.22459 0.74638 0.93126 0.08768 0.58484 0.61972 0.37976 0.45497 0.21366 0.40993 0.09581 0.59643 0.23676 0.20177 0.01246 0.11123 0.47781 0.86523 0.12429 0.74609 0.68994 0.1939 0.88919 0.26956 0.33178 0.9233 0.92244 0.1645 0.69559 0.66294 0.14746 0.5755 0.36955 0.30038 0.81765 0.78204 0.7878 0.97656 0.68964 0.22917 0.1697 0.47877 0.66589 0.68744 0.29381 0.62534 0.27322 0.56457 0.73011 0.6732 0.29045 0.01367 0.32261 0.89116 0.60013 0.80266 0.17147 0.12014 0.50842 0.76038 0.19112 0.45755 0.20083 0.67988 0.27128 0.12636 0.37773 0.17475 0.71035 0.83366 0.56778 0.89184 0.29751 0.8355 0.57303 0.62799 0.55895 0.83094 0.66568 0.43854 0.89 0.61561 0.7168 0.80486 0.07426 0.84906 0.87289 0.59592 0.80831 0.76908 0.92013 0.16997 0.18746 0.82769 0.98243 0.03049 0.0461 0.70477 0.98949 0.53586 0.7123 0.26721 0.38602 0.14785 0.7379 0.05139 0.82508 0.0075 0.86249 0.37376 0.68514 0.87357 0.63018 0.67724 0.85142 0.71145 0.6483 0.80691 0.98022 0.60423 0.7975 0.1105 0.60496 0.39268 0.60777 0.64659 0.11357 0.82214 0.48905 0.15241 0.4104 0.97218 0.78248 0.67752 0.33076 0.597 0.23267 0.37685 0.45442 0.73437 0.24204 0.09561 0.29293 0.91062 0.4364 0.11266 0.33622 0.92611 0.83418 0.18065 0.10835 0.99317 0.83604 0.43004 0.12111 0.31266 0.89354 0.99689 0.38002 0.84923
+0.92672 0.33862 0.02744 0.64224 0.05991 0.76774 0.13477 0.39593 0.00596 0.83747 0.50218 0.0932 0.57309 0.05167 0.78645 0.68038 0.65191 0.73315 0.90904 0.14213 0.36176 0.99298 0.15829 0.66826 0.92968 0.97363 0.96188 0.72601 0.34551 0.57751 0.2438 0.78898 0.73042 0.53772 0.94555 0.37305 0.27073 0.11191 0.57079 0.24952 0.85364 0.57838 0.11844 0.93007 0.86145 0.56155 0.14012 0.32019 0.95212 0.75935 0.53007 0.4494 0.87312 0.25352 0.02775 0.15562 0.68182 0.777 0.73099 0.42199 0.27762 0.12005 0.02404 0.14746 0.04458 0.05139 0.18664 0.29298 0.65909 0.99594 0.22815 0.53579 0.77221 0.81535 0.58772 0.15032 0.35026 0.37543 0.68483 0.18592 0.2176 0.34151 0.69871 0.55086 0.87979 0.23847 0.94028 0.30976 0.18423 0.29204 0.20174 0.06535 0.45553 0.14258 0.87156 0.26098 0.10158 0.44323 0.92708 0.00918 0.68866 0.35644 0.13442 0.66617 0.21233 0.93574 0.09109 0.3957 0.90284 0.18185 0.64595 0.00278 0.31253 0.20358 0.7239 0.51658 0.58395 0.60317 0.86046 0.7698 0.11701 0.91321 0.56811 0.18759 0.31008 0.63132 0.78168 0.09034 0.88493 0.60566 0.06554 0.90246 0.16441 0.87875 0.95148 0.52711 0.74213 0.74331 0.27629 0.63768 0.57033 0.10591 0.26082 0.09133 0.91818 0.52525 0.14031 0.76313 0.18953 0.70415 0.43877 0.92452 0.947 0.75026 0.05835 0.21184 0.33526 0.34116 0.50076 0.40775 0.8841 0.91517 0.27149 0.62361 0.71832 0.55528 0.22862 0.19648 0.97643 0.05529 0.23454 0.42618 0.74239 0.58737 0.09573 0.13238 0.97302 0.92037 0.33288 0.5056 0.66888 0.27009 0.9548 0.98969 0.46302 0.96946 0.04606 0.22894 0.62721 0.57731 0.27004 0.27754 0.05044 0.76411 0.31674 0.21221 0.82452 0.67051 0.18177 0.90872 0.87957 0.53238 0.96557 0.06082 0.81338 0.65866 0.08767 0.50738 0.67733 0.08914 0.76508 0.79542 0.08654 0.32909 0.33405 0.94646 0.31337 0.17746 0.66171 0.97301 0.28225 0.53231 0.57855 0.68247 0.42408 0.87206 0.44682 0.24838 0.60824 0.25637 0.19431 0.17106 0.70744 0.8544 0.4222 0.22064 0.77955 0.75205 0.65878 0.76016 0.19645 0.56182 0.79052 0.22502 0.93225 0.10882 0.88436 0.99635 0.12769 0.84431 0.59934 0.79713 0.97135 0.12704 0.22293 0.73682 0.57539 0.95513 0.9753 0.60477 0.76192 0.3671 0.33206 0.16196 0.95469 0.33451 0.55061 0.21098 0.4581 0.71308 0.72489 0.86213 0.89426 0.54067 0.06451 0.57839 0.74278 0.48316 0.76268 0.50851 0.87016 0.8032 0.8476 0.65493 0.68917 0.49622 0.7689 0.46588 0.93596 0.93079 0.5044 0.13865 0.79619 0.20881 0.98168 0.51609 0.94562 0.04408 0.39071 0.84195 0.96702 0.6412 0.61602 0.60917 0.28768 0.57999 0.03195 0.21403 0.49485 0.37393 0.06835 0.71829 0.40797 0.02427 0.71818 0.26972 0.97777 0.74008 0.20385 0.38071 0.42271 0.45434 0.05202 0.19374 0.75214 0.762 0.25803 0.73015 0.37911 0.37476 0.42371 0.93971 0.48337 0.3437 0.95731 0.33992 0.27209 0.93438 0.7728 0.56144 0.40994 0.03017 0.8478 0.74637 0.72774 0.36513 0.04192 0.77868 0.3202 0.65574 0.39079 0.04084 0.56815 0.78386 0.01142 0.21793 0.80076 0.34217 0.61031 0.34581 0.84917 0.29123 0.19164 0.58657 0.01388 0.48532 0.74688 0.21401 0.70929 0.07704 0.44811 0.65993 0.56491 0.49228 0.87508 0.97206 0.47873 0.47161 0.4868 0.71133 0.95139 0.75708 0.22268 0.31357 0.9991 0.50139 0.7237 0.17002 0.22347 0.15021 0.50852 0.76606 0.55184 0.17873 0.27968 0.4686 0.85175 0.08116 0.52946 0.44705 0.30631 0.31355 0.99447 0.45139 0.81243 0.09173 0.6334 0.91037 0.17235 0.14105 0.19548 0.20569 0.61268 0.92084 0.20245 0.92662 0.18798 0.4301 0.73482 0.62145 0.47095 0.80366 0.7904 0.59256 0.67504 0.58896 0.68629 0.01602 0.95161 0.22503 0.75742 0.32752 0.21264 0.57712 0.46015 0.00811 0.21783 0.27839 0.96628 0.34361 0.90201 0.06595 0.95396 0.5657 0.08674 0.9023 0.82071 0.5367 0.16534 0.73644 0.12581 0.76448 0.1745 0.49921 0.65716 0.82358 0.18448 0.01984 0.6126 0.77228 0.29164 0.87082 0.54734 0.12942 0.29752 0.58315 0.25271 0.75983 0.69302 0.54896 0.59069 0.90658 0.64732 0.78257 0.46966 0.07522 0.90502 0.2346 0.97686 0.41297 0.07527 0.71151 0.36851 0.17384 0.16912 0.16696 0.47105 0.1865 0.67396 0.35509 0.73975 0.07014 0.09439 0.08478 0.05065 0.02647 0.49245 0.26424 0.91631 0.70075 0.23081 0.37544 0.70818 0.32442 0.08726 0.09455 0.87874 0.76405 0.24618 0.8074 0.23581 0.97136
+0.17018 0.27237 0.01877 0.63437 0.59695 0.66112 0.86248 0.64528 0.68231 0.74038 0.48897 0.46905 0.73132 0.79248 0.88181 0.67334 0.39198 0.73555 0.71477 0.54372 0.44384 0.62871 0.97315 0.6086 0.75445 0.79981 0.44802 0.87343 0.73591 0.63477 0.2388 0.40097 0.18687 0.13415 0.64432 0.17528 0.51473 0.35193 0.2186 0.26713 0.43429 0.56766 0.08839 0.9722 0.43059 0.51882 0.01408 0.49596 0.5915 0.38694 0.25553 0.45791 0.58551 0.69647 0.38179 0.12722 0.09923 0.30139 0.97537 0.90461 0.68679 0.64243 0.87306 0.128 0.26221 0.6083 0.99429 0.94356 0.00878 0.57498 0.52588 0.94749 0.45002 0.56658 0.9502 0.73501 0.04391 0.39752 0.91149 0.86242 0.1593 0.88859 0.22705 0.92876 0.77736 0.98397 0.45317 0.73333 0.19678 0.64975 0.24532 0.16336 0.98089 0.26384 0.99394 0.97436 0.02664 0.763 0.69076 0.16562 0.0605 0.54902 0.0772 0.07052 0.80887 0.67461 0.24238 0.59854 0.39618 0.79099 0.49415 0.6529 0.22147 0.06988 0.94206 0.0693 0.05107 0.63848 0.93183 0.0322 0.9667 0.72249 0.90971 0.05941 0.45975 0.41444 0.46523 0.33773 0.59689 0.98417 0.63571 0.94131 0.44426 0.50025 0.40117 0.93617 0.62372 0.97272 0.30316 0.96377 0.97548 0.40169 0.45296 0.68866 0.22154 0.43992 0.92045 0.08058 0.16759 0.27659 0.42946 0.29672 0.1127 0.4816 0.82523 0.38144 0.54482 0.31234 0.93672 0.26914 0.55235 0.54689 0.79678 0.45124 0.42636 0.24956 0.9207 0.61158 0.25727 0.19411 0.19503 0.39219 0.91137 0.33222 0.59005 0.70845 0.35694 0.50045 0.44051 0.1855 0.07067 0.06313 0.54638 0.06751 0.0386 0.01551 0.99763 0.59207 0.92093 0.07696 0.05519 0.08826 0.05176 0.1631 0.57722 0.28572 0.51366 0.26747 0.82946 0.01436 0.50109 0.00092 0.39221 0.2416 0.91397 0.60075 0.65073 0.8875 0.3409 0.28233 0.46957 0.75635 0.89476 0.54907 0.34971 0.18511 0.46403 0.11077 0.40571 0.79483 0.72523 0.83106 0.26301 0.17453 0.17109 0.28437 0.63568 0.71838 0.7223 0.12908 0.75415 0.35914 0.01363 0.37179 0.17326 0.82164 0.53943 0.22627 0.57535 0.81834 0.31324 0.95064 0.51744 0.82292 0.99201 0.67187 0.67559 0.05114 0.17919 0.26842 0.52013 0.8476 0.60553 0.27079 0.43541 0.09861 0.53172 0.27503 0.57521 0.2509 0.4119 0.73288 0.97476 0.50181 0.09953 0.1981 0.14638 0.94361 0.73216 0.47835 0.06231 0.13224 0.25013 0.66572 0.85631 0.14352 0.24746 0.30722 0.92312 0.74917 0.25705 0.15759 0.22444 0.54336 0.99579 0.85821 0.91145 0.39591 0.447 0.0495 0.30301 0.28383 0.996 0.74158 0.83886 0.47056 0.8844 0.73431 0.76156 0.26684 0.10097 0.4321 0.03634 0.85134 0.15585 0.72066 0.87044 0.32266 0.77559 0.26285 0.49301 0.59741 0.13225 0.7341 0.62331 0.22698 0.88874 0.71079 0.62609 0.00031 0.24098 0.9025 0.3586 0.88959 0.5693 0.09026 0.45039 0.21489 0.79821 0.65926 0.35266 0.81611 0.08423 0.21079 0.21222 0.0591 0.51618 0.34134 0.64145 0.49297 0.191 0.16771 0.4034 0.91173 0.36639 0.17626 0.59113 0.33736 0.21094 0.68446 0.98046 0.64558 0.10639 0.14826 0.66725 0.94053 0.8204 0.36463 0.93301 0.12283 0.39243 0.93264 0.80618 0.33075 0.19981 0.20946 0.64026 0.63638 0.48085 0.13973 0.72889 0.29911 0.40113 0.60659 0.94383 0.95951 0.2944 0.15239 0.30443 0.29201 0.1849 0.88469 0.0108 0.76316 0.67618 0.41603 0.36558 0.81305 0.72654 0.46906 0.69053 0.02471 0.10861 0.76386 0.77724 0.07771 0.7565 0.96911 0.13668 0.30453 0.98997 0.37385 0.0739 0.55491 0.04276 0.64093 0.94581 0.77017 0.77008 0.1331 0.91357 0.60968 0.83026 0.65979 0.80926 0.30631 0.70557 0.18927 0.5925 0.03698 0.48642 0.68045 0.46504 0.9725 0.59436 0.27983 0.63868 0.33328 0.67812 0.57692 0.09388 0.68778 0.18099 0.43525 0.35686 0.32329 0.02383 0.53642 0.98958 0.60405 0.43831 0.44238 0.28546 0.33784 0.20532 0.03998 0.64668 0.60362 0.38423 0.2734 0.26838 0.96683 0.02775 0.93722 0.2492 0.96546 0.26046 0.06906 0.46553 0.97711 0.09859 0.07318 0.87308 0.85429 0.02782 0.82476 0.89473 0.58966 0.00423 0.57265 0.13383 0.31418 0.72255 0.2896 0.4951 0.27604 0.36569 0.4341 0.70746 0.98519 0.39288 0.7433 0.88671 0.31319 0.66115 0.90968 0.25342 0.4182 0.10356 0.11076 0.29527 0.98683 0.5004 0.88646 0.31833 0.27357 0.54531 0.86775 0.66151 0.15368 0.72197 0.20579 0.51457 0.85334 0.43545 0.50753 0.22255 0.92028 0.27122 0.62753 0.13992 0.58473
+0.25098 0.10566 0.29373 0.26907 0.53372 0.5766 0.42364 0.48159 0.31435 0.191 0.21168 0.85043 0.72281 0.28512 0.63867 0.33534 0.68364 0.32387 0.54925 0.20505 0.11473 0.56553 0.26505 0.87227 0.55077 0.30583 0.8891 0.39032 0.47592 0.30987 0.75545 0.88805 0.11782 0.74285 0.8948 0.46994 0.25406 0.27105 0.11874 0.95414 0.41127 0.04444 0.49365 0.53464 0.27407 0.01947 0.91881 0.37177 0.15307 0.12811 0.3683 0.66427 0.76707 0.78594 0.95473 0.41748 0.15976 0.55207 0.65929 0.22611 0.29192 0.60939 0.19601 0.4741 0.63533 0.25981 0.69213 0.67629 0.43876 0.2604 0.00342 0.7675 0.058 0.014 0.74549 0.61846 0.06889 0.36663 0.28586 0.82386 0.32675 0.39175 0.53431 0.41812 0.54836 0.27966 0.82898 0.68301 0.00043 0.92212 0.24502 0.91104 0.13973 0.91121 0.59717 0.87988 0.16666 0.23489 0.28983 0.75927 0.26728 0.27819 0.89553 0.2304 0.51816 0.68408 0.48054 0.59341 0.3996 0.14573 0.81728 0.84228 0.35538 0.44852 0.22172 0.74091 0.85355 0.57974 0.78944 0.46676 0.81554 0.11624 0.36196 0.06176 0.67676 0.88261 0.6913 0.37065 0.94206 0.41732 0.31382 0.58758 0.5035 0.51997 0.98826 0.7261 0.12392 0.60318 0.67424 0.59619 0.14486 0.42883 0.50217 0.4854 0.84942 0.39991 0.62817 0.22008 0.39691 0.59632 0.44353 0.9513 0.7903 0.39074 0.59855 0.85535 0.49653 0.39908 0.5574 0.10492 0.35844 0.25198 0.64808 0.67779 0.28656 0.23517 0.95019 0.93514 0.89201 0.37393 0.56382 0.28141 0.22221 0.19845 0.25303 0.85972 0.0282 0.58503 0.35261 0.48363 0.8341 0.22588 0.6722 0.52551 0.34386 0.45889 0.64735 0.48608 0.60777 0.12014 0.8898 0.14875 0.74995 0.58225 0.17112 0.34675 0.7746 0.66733 0.72864 0.88928 0.36805 0.19188 0.31552 0.50447 0.15747 0.38274 0.60835 0.93524 0.70071 0.36368 0.85848 0.57981 0.03817 0.78507 0.57459 0.45081 0.19898 0.05366 0.86806 0.80345 0.79718 0.69127 0.18382 0.02339 0.19003 0.55416 0.89204 0.68105 0.3272 0.94765 0.5855 0.64271 0.99654 0.12835 0.66067 0.08119 0.92242 0.34404 0.4563 0.35275 0.38565 0.57781 0.58462 0.41825 0.04131 0.43036 0.2923 0.88298 0.89094 0.69186 0.09951 0.20533 0.03215 0.4305 0.30671 0.15039 0.25047 0.27097 0.76651 0.55024 0.86882 0.25111 0.52918 0.31705 0.46512 0.51255 0.51953 0.64979 0.01106 0.53971 0.24247 0.05019 0.22903 0.93543 0.49109 0.89398 0.7547 0.56454 0.28272 0.079 0.83185 0.39487 0.15191 0.09462 0.12561 0.20396 0.88198 0.98765 0.87974 0.95059 0.59315 0.84106 0.23324 0.54762 0.62079 0.14542 0.26625 0.68855 0.44176 0.70883 0.17989 0.09341 0.18772 0.74052 0.98551 0.88963 0.84054 0.50102 0.33058 0.42584 0.8198 0.67599 0.11192 0.65582 0.69134 0.92333 0.41891 0.64383 0.52083 0.93488 0.24863 0.54878 0.14208 0.03503 0.45208 0.42759 0.33362 0.96271 0.79026 0.01539 0.1368 0.61595 0.45054 0.33102 0.37122 0.24871 0.30897 0.32783 0.11908 0.81878 0.61713 0.3736 0.53664 0.18136 0.79003 0.39199 0.33886 0.27051 0.26028 0.20885 0.33135 0.22421 0.75462 0.8029 0.7448 0.65324 0.66662 0.8728 0.06842 0.85066 0.20683 0.36466 0.98897 0.18298 0.87457 0.27916 0.50657 0.59223 0.19802 0.04913 0.26939 0.04598 0.37781 0.93129 0.08957 0.90515 0.21341 0.47873 0.48877 0.63462 0.2272 0.38545 0.06391 0.93346 0.14301 0.443 0.18927 0.47882 0.0389 0.79353 0.14223 0.15587 0.21134 0.43598 0.13323 0.63673 0.65484 0.3829 0.9295 0.34149 0.45711 0.17902 0.43649 0.82097 0.26115 0.61391 0.98662 0.34482 0.96773 0.79043 0.81301 0.81494 0.06354 0.92062 0.69878 0.14583 0.03609 0.16887 0.25676 0.68773 0.90752 0.23177 0.12727 0.81299 0.9195 0.47434 0.3143 0.73493 0.67719 0.73994 0.05607 0.65614 0.38928 0.49609 0.56137 0.4571 0.26028 0.26034 0.51506 0.45048 0.58391 0.48152 0.75752 0.44365 0.79308 0.53109 0.80277 0.35193 0.14828 0.14612 0.7066 0.53811 0.58482 0.98237 0.50189 0.69693 0.81946 0.29426 0.33465 0.83429 0.09644 0.72636 0.19676 0.80277 0.53104 0.93892 0.00052 0.26792 0.99118 0.42064 0.11166 0.0455 0.31352 0.55663 0.1581 0.30791 0.0394 0.26003 0.62842 0.7916 0.30767 0.03949 0.47517 0.22545 0.50241 0.65957 0.96074 0.65623 0.11294 0.04118 0.64412 0.83694 0.17711 0.4607 0.73505 0.78944 0.09552 0.33507 0.19889 0.0197 0.77771 0.46168 0.66376 0.38804 0.05453 0.7748 0.30275 0.87121 0.23957 0.04396 0.95367 0.01061
+0.27323 0.1389 0.80072 0.4225 0.91836 0.42622 0.96348 0.32134 0.75578 0.86425 0.97271 0.26535 0.07173 0.42492 0.5334 0.51915 0.26351 0.82577 0.36572 0.03947 0.93586 0.69024 0.04801 0.00013 0.92987 0.86259 0.79697 0.89067 0.7387 0.08252 0.799 0.19803 0.23029 0.27325 0.69358 0.68834 0.32095 0.69534 0.38061 0.98416 0.98743 0.69305 0.1455 0.71959 0.20064 0.12213 0.95194 0.68953 0.38849 0.0194 0.79383 0.15286 0.19675 0.12035 0.95659 0.7627 0.25764 0.5046 0.79761 0.32719 0.55525 0.08873 0.69532 0.89322 0.70257 0.85252 0.45896 0.01727 0.39142 0.89711 0.8062 0.18681 0.00072 0.19268 0.97238 0.58202 0.41604 0.84042 0.11914 0.48073 0.07099 0.09634 0.80434 0.51422 0.19907 0.71167 0.8399 0.71232 0.09535 0.90207 0.69112 0.65956 0.60721 0.97336 0.59572 0.58784 0.65402 0.63332 0.43511 0.25252 0.87028 0.56154 0.18822 0.01881 0.9185 0.89097 0.59585 0.40076 0.45884 0.07245 0.71699 0.46163 0.50503 0.92758 0.95373 0.5251 0.79145 0.16017 0.98196 0.49809 0.66045 0.56492 0.72758 0.96588 0.23081 0.60763 0.37426 0.90878 0.64786 0.32195 0.21259 0.9585 0.99553 0.69813 0.96117 0.97017 0.37665 0.98866 0.20676 0.89468 0.16711 0.50382 0.70815 0.33901 0.17038 0.69567 0.96 0.72998 0.56237 0.03093 0.59832 0.19822 0.66431 0.1296 0.03189 0.8565 0.26218 0.26489 0.60648 0.14373 0.36462 0.66512 0.6347 0.77197 0.67966 0.16427 0.02788 0.75452 0.34794 0.03296 0.3398 0.13733 0.89409 0.7128 0.11662 0.88648 0.7996 0.84559 0.52494 0.41835 0.67777 0.14661 0.46272 0.68347 0.40409 0.04319 0.8522 0.9592 0.43394 0.93098 0.39081 0.1009 0.53085 0.13737 0.24015 0.50428 0.74053 0.11542 0.55042 0.40694 0.66619 0.92169 0.08704 0.95907 0.08568 0.58031 0.73944 0.69919 0.73912 0.92297 0.91934 0.49794 0.00978 0.45309 0.22754 0.97239 0.06852 0.89714 0.77974 0.12418 0.74841 0.9786 0.02911 0.44211 0.53845 0.62127 0.49409 0.27233 0.92266 0.01478 0.37427 0.60693 0.13626 0.49637 0.03892 0.91783 0.89288 0.72158 0.76173 0.09897 0.03509 0.73639 0.28297 0.97475 0.19934 0.80188 0.60462 0.99153 0.03023 0.11719 0.60688 0.74839 0.61298 0.67339 0.10368 0.54183 0.28097 0.79294 0.25306 0.34525 0.76929 0.82013 0.07148 0.72193 0.37769 0.41773 0.29379 0.90356 0.87966 0.71777 0.80321 0.81153 0.48462 0.56416 0.70044 0.12321 0.77985 0.42107 0.0027 0.29096 0.95048 0.6751 0.40953 0.07524 0.32028 0.34759 0.57623 0.59167 0.59821 0.70511 0.73994 0.88356 0.48359 0.7511 0.85086 0.53055 0.46609 0.83469 0.21975 0.52011 0.74717 0.27017 0.5759 0.45966 0.46158 0.27561 0.48178 0.04822 0.88885 0.9228 0.7124 0.82154 0.57736 0.07292 0.83885 0.14761 0.96667 0.42429 0.37413 0.73494 0.04752 0.42158 0.28115 0.42078 0.82144 0.76748 0.25082 0.1354 0.3111 0.99492 0.21854 0.72468 0.02212 0.03499 0.10214 0.75559 0.45131 0.18084 0.82031 0.01974 0.15733 0.32376 0.22565 0.05765 0.33177 0.09337 0.66271 0.30783 0.26304 0.44018 0.92319 0.01611 0.04405 0.26993 0.60972 0.3157 0.1414 0.79881 0.83437 0.62868 0.8435 0.25502 0.51157 0.67117 0.97582 0.7564 0.19525 0.17346 0.15789 0.53514 0.30062 0.36648 0.20197 0.56656 0.59039 0.13077 0.48426 0.4413 0.09147 0.2202 0.15403 0.64803 0.34313 0.67947 0.97014 0.16891 0.28481 0.86131 0.64343 0.27097 0.44227 0.86753 0.47009 0.68622 0.35869 0.23792 0.23785 0.35838 0.1197 0.24174 0.34284 0.47108 0.47223 0.51848 0.29382 0.74592 0.77042 0.32207 0.55188 0.83018 0.17207 0.26428 0.71272 0.2701 0.92101 0.26149 0.46865 0.24098 0.38054 0.90763 0.0746 0.59403 0.75707 0.59409 0.53212 0.53792 0.47162 0.27246 0.7733 0.83938 0.76655 0.82204 0.94737 0.18391 0.96894 0.31921 0.54626 0.76914 0.53023 0.41597 0.32316 0.64162 0.08428 0.96803 0.30058 0.0597 0.62011 0.40433 0.3344 0.34925 0.39516 0.83407 0.12985 0.9503 0.24147 0.92127 0.66813 0.95079 0.29979 0.76432 0.36687 0.24049 0.55729 0.18522 0.96251 0.97661 0.91849 0.54853 0.63763 0.30269 0.31531 0.71946 0.77533 0.6185 0.76885 0.58252 0.13981 0.32769 0.91782 0.44098 0.98204 0.05771 0.51584 0.21185 0.96325 0.79578 0.82772 0.15666 0.63292 0.83532 0.25954 0.34193 0.90069 0.51537 0.0662 0.88599 0.99146 0.91457 0.02462 0.65086 0.90306 0.78593 0.99409 0.17974 0.30465 0.48767 0.28635 0.78356 0.94029 0.66381 0.61017 0.69201
+0.32853 0.15423 0.33038 0.74276 0.15804 0.5075 0.20597 0.42412 0.34559 0.80305 0.42589 0.78764 0.62737 0.95525 0.95792 0.12881 0.23194 0.12505 0.01151 0.42444 0.91847 0.55135 0.72587 0.99331 0.53146 0.29204 0.61263 0.45308 0.96417 0.72172 0.92586 0.09498 0.9171 0.72223 0.83252 0.01787 0.76457 0.14529 0.95095 0.50298 0.772 0.56218 0.0421 0.27001 0.36132 0.73343 0.62122 0.66263 0.98597 0.73171 0.32972 0.008 0.68902 0.56738 0.1494 0.20585 0.3069 0.0948 0.14538 0.87102 0.55278 0.48137 0.27124 0.61635 0.59371 0.12598 0.43327 0.06367 0.64082 0.55652 0.51164 0.48022 0.24502 0.36275 0.74728 0.03153 0.24018 0.59345 0.71752 0.72044 0.23875 0.11064 0.19351 0.8605 0.69814 0.52961 0.51741 0.17003 0.46594 0.28469 0.45355 0.453 0.55358 0.3797 0.58947 0.72537 0.86032 0.2479 0.40044 0.75889 0.65081 0.72351 0.58578 0.5022 0.26854 0.01549 0.38479 0.24043 0.88615 0.37312 0.61447 0.94675 0.41223 0.24675 0.45567 0.58142 0.57938 0.44797 0.38562 0.00211 0.73095 0.50596 0.51743 0.83867 0.67547 0.64332 0.69205 0.80927 0.48715 0.86886 0.49681 0.58165 0.45403 0.8404 0.16341 0.74694 0.60636 0.97841 0.78147 0.52036 0.22599 0.28032 0.80291 0.48662 0.62893 0.63638 0.70661 0.07543 0.11233 0.47547 0.73528 0.60513 0.75046 0.79337 0.12792 0.54327 0.05062 0.94789 0.16741 0.54791 0.48554 0.04766 0.75321 0.28997 0.2419 0.70491 0.02075 0.00731 0.05937 0.36857 0.89118 0.84923 0.4897 0.58541 0.9569 0.98284 0.3907 0.62102 0.80783 0.16518 0.03995 0.25814 0.6924 0.83543 0.74467 0.9359 0.42142 0.83561 0.67371 0.56218 0.4528 0.8505 0.54972 0.02317 0.51516 0.94502 0.68011 0.14074 0.77611 0.61691 0.64872 0.35357 0.63125 0.56137 0.61621 0.80864 0.26074 0.26283 0.95493 0.72607 0.81152 0.22997 0.6593 0.15985 0.67679 0.42113 0.76806 0.78085 0.82583 0.46975 0.30954 0.49109 0.3344 0.44469 0.96601 0.75911 0.61228 0.34172 0.12655 0.198 0.3099 0.29075 0.59854 0.40953 0.16268 0.50271 0.79956 0.07995 0.10192 0.90962 0.81501 0.99166 0.31794 0.54188 0.63409 0.4148 0.00657 0.86668 0.62448 0.11938 0.55545 0.75744 0.77518 0.58639 0.83984 0.51186 0.06451 0.0132 0.61776 0.45016 0.82156 0.93161 0.59084 0.65209 0.72347 0.22962 0.65594 0.94144 0.28765 0.44513 0.11899 0.50994 0.479 0.05642 0.40973 0.55605 0.64295 0.08705 0.49121 0.1087 0.53762 0.24627 0.19689 0.92098 0.49939 0.91264 0.5494 0.12932 0.03998 0.63177 0.31644 0.58845 0.87597 0.40395 0.88319 0.65557 0.48276 0.42774 0.01173 0.46333 0.58054 0.62298 0.8573 0.96147 0.73651 0.25374 0.7243 0.72079 0.60579 0.50685 0.21487 0.84089 0.06796 0.01884 0.66155 0.70075 0.62065 0.67116 0.11066 0.76008 0.35057 0.63024 0.01835 0.36119 0.20257 0.15069 0.57061 0.52246 0.71656 0.98203 0.89302 0.43341 0.18857 0.73185 0.29766 0.51853 0.85469 0.96586 0.63551 0.49265 0.27777 0.86461 0.6584 0.2283 0.49339 0.62221 0.57075 0.20752 0.22092 0.77481 0.02726 0.17976 0.24883 0.5603 0.86274 0.28197 0.90929 0.55242 0.12412 0.53195 0.90596 0.75782 0.2713 0.7933 0.3177 0.73243 0.29005 0.17912 0.22535 0.40317 0.93909 0.97995 0.35546 0.89423 0.68415 0.12105 0.93513 0.57285 0.94897 0.78455 0.82454 0.31771 0.61571 0.76511 0.42367 0.1721 0.34028 0.8255 0.76562 0.55085 0.95614 0.68012 0.68634 0.54009 0.13746 0.58129 0.08158 0.04762 0.14391 0.37657 0.5371 0.11415 0.24095 0.73785 0.86847 0.72173 0.80879 0.84982 0.61692 0.78272 0.12589 0.30111 0.25072 0.58047 0.35508 0.74669 0.76983 0.95098 0.05905 0.10758 0.32319 0.56766 0.09279 0.911 0.69246 0.80602 0.26276 0.0556 0.06102 0.8753 0.45449 0.73183 0.80348 0.57292 0.4302 0.24521 0.80697 0.4439 0.64932 0.66657 0.366 0.59517 0.0496 0.45795 0.99355 0.72601 0.63716 0.43131 0.71822 0.42438 0.80968 0.51687 0.31884 0.1302 0.52536 0.79053 0.72747 0.95199 0.45698 0.51661 0.22855 0.52946 0.60954 0.30075 0.02724 0.03046 0.30364 0.36872 0.35493 0.26824 0.24433 0.79268 0.70615 0.36211 0.99044 0.31164 0.07841 0.98587 0.78529 0.4193 0.45241 0.1274 0.30103 0.10516 0.24944 0.15177 0.82235 0.2009 0.67696 0.59847 0.28053 0.38558 0.8564 0.2692 0.31394 0.2179 0.61474 0.65965 0.75751 0.97758 0.78563 0.17864 0.82248 0.39123 0.3018 0.40762 0.21766 0.99006 0.21617 0.65657 0.10836 0.75104
+0.59237 0.08852 0.38171 0.62086 0.38291 0.61273 0.86853 0.2796 0.09562 0.79927 0.80832 0.41612 0.59388 0.56114 0.00629 0.6605 0.15567 0.33833 0.94465 0.00283 0.97177 0.14586 0.64935 0.43958 0.36019 0.90069 0.24596 0.70268 0.00079 0.3124 0.22097 0.83799 0.78516 0.60071 0.28288 0.75559 0.918 0.69188 0.72094 0.58247 0.17023 0.04701 0.10827 0.32029 0.2818 0.75773 0.27238 0.21291 0.46682 0.78112 0.16749 0.32977 0.87029 0.95719 0.74563 0.37288 0.45679 0.01406 0.10586 0.55721 0.18803 0.3193 0.62198 0.09196 0.30905 0.24169 0.3247 0.5159 0.75604 0.53411 0.56237 0.40266 0.5691 0.55915 0.36983 0.53008 0.93356 0.52401 0.59211 0.07195 0.43884 0.44028 0.38504 0.82028 0.90234 0.18304 0.33053 0.76314 0.44991 0.71431 0.42321 0.65138 0.99263 0.52006 0.30274 0.6885 0.82472 0.76465 0.69211 0.79652 0.63359 0.74313 0.474 0.99584 0.2131 0.19448 0.78805 0.87369 0.15857 0.58769 0.87541 0.08059 0.67882 0.65326 0.71767 0.87536 0.32529 0.15754 0.10687 0.87652 0.97823 0.93202 0.82796 0.21102 0.97166 0.06449 0.56029 0.47038 0.25161 0.16029 0.54089 0.55759 0.84725 0.57056 0.12655 0.64046 0.45686 0.88834 0.72726 0.26845 0.89824 0.45048 0.69635 0.99284 0.93291 0.9633 0.27789 0.44841 0.14383 0.28456 0.22432 0.56888 0.30006 0.6946 0.50926 0.34348 0.1253 0.88158 0.57884 0.37681 0.65689 0.32317 0.60081 0.38871 0.99967 0.28209 0.62795 0.57124 0.40313 0.53711 0.56549 0.83596 0.4454 0.37473 0.19357 0.33252 0.58035 0.82716 0.22399 0.10686 0.09712 0.56838 0.60538 0.32794 0.45283 0.99249 0.00905 0.80537 0.14556 0.82345 0.43735 0.49097 0.19476 0.78511 0.50162 0.93101 0.58139 0.68391 0.51777 0.50027 0.46607 0.19804 0.95114 0.43876 0.76755 0.14888 0.56896 0.69793 0.53006 0.48368 0.74833 0.69801 0.02857 0.92022 0.68827 0.75548 0.602 0.42988 0.3777 0.36951 0.24008 0.76648 0.7189 0.7234 0.35706 0.50132 0.81095 0.13302 0.61885 0.71912 0.2139 0.9497 0.92524 0.09945 0.56674 0.30379 0.23751 0.74587 0.2151 0.74736 0.34431 0.08662 0.66145 0.59232 0.97623 0.7324 0.66682 0.19579 0.90235 0.82271 0.84711 0.02433 0.25465 0.05069 0.82803 0.79532 0.99681 0.20749 0.33401 0.85519 0.46653 0.77852 0.96115 0.71677 0.26052 0.78088 0.47862 0.37339 0.78093 0.89248 0.28911 0.63344 0.23486 0.31724 0.15902 0.92891 0.72204 0.20545 0.86709 0.48896 0.77511 0.31651 0.93192 0.6191 0.01263 0.78578 0.98957 0.33782 0.58299 0.23477 0.25821 0.02553 0.16141 0.16922 0.70338 0.47289 0.7109 0.28717 0.06283 0.5966 0.07741 0.06598 0.90793 0.02855 0.35865 0.00091 0.16234 0.18342 0.59036 0.1438 0.14209 0.84713 0.40547 0.68291 0.36239 0.79829 0.95544 0.7318 0.87752 0.47042 0.04956 0.96465 0.23215 0.93517 0.07903 0.95159 0.92709 0.13404 0.9736 0.2451 0.96358 0.24055 0.66759 0.93192 0.20379 0.60419 0.97669 0.88407 0.68385 0.00596 0.78542 0.38111 0.65978 0.39177 0.00318 0.20736 0.3418 0.70111 0.46242 0.22367 0.38462 0.96506 0.4323 0.81481 0.44754 0.92976 0.72942 0.61906 0.61034 0.93575 0.31728 0.95333 0.72191 0.06395 0.81305 0.31485 0.48998 0.30039 0.02925 0.57929 0.87255 0.0346 0.18916 0.01176 0.37017 0.45871 0.41113 0.54623 0.01552 0.4834 0.56957 0.14937 0.07975 0.2751 0.32334 0.80928 0.34121 0.60836 0.97812 0.55945 0.84567 0.79554 0.31519 0.80974 0.38284 0.4783 0.39592 0.80412 0.95604 0.37662 0.11026 0.63008 0.74813 0.04716 0.43834 0.01156 0.12734 0.06425 0.4599 0.93897 0.07436 0.45366 0.37762 0.03487 0.38243 0.28284 0.66495 0.61784 0.80036 0.22903 0.58452 0.10273 0.3259 0.3718 0.4944 0.2674 0.01765 0.00758 0.59907 0.04172 0.62542 0.86187 0.50444 0.08655 0.37341 0.66936 0.86539 0.08315 0.61737 0.31152 0.94656 0.50017 0.44903 0.29989 0.18011 0.61442 0.51182 0.95117 0.95704 0.5748 0.13844 0.50095 0.44557 0.20459 0.04111 0.74647 0.80511 0.1786 0.84278 0.45485 0.63735 0.72268 0.85964 0.13352 0.27301 0.51511 0.84182 0.39525 0.63188 0.1524 0.38888 0.29714 0.60882 0.03397 0.49875 0.94733 0.68238 0.36699 0.62305 0.10292 0.25418 0.87487 0.00626 0.40616 0.60042 0.64978 0.77469 0.92827 0.22931 0.16332 0.53282 0.82369 0.38972 0.78239 0.85344 0.79321 0.83841 0.42487 0.76286 0.86187 0.51653 0.86341 0.79001 0.38327 0.72766 0.53055 0.60757 0.57148 0.06366 0.65782 0.90315 0.44565
+0.79604 0.77137 0.42864 0.42689 0.41799 0.92748 0.3001 0.51 0.62559 0.61015 0.42786 0.41896 0.42975 0.11986 0.17058 0.48047 0.14285 0.61688 0.67431 0.11617 0.30051 0.5096 0.62216 0.95402 0.7458 0.58181 0.73092 0.24205 0.36446 0.0635 0.34874 0.16606 0.36519 0.49764 0.30997 0.20884 0.967 0.13841 0.73071 0.26218 0.88762 0.41005 0.83257 0.11788 0.14498 0.2256 0.05872 0.2087 0.47424 0.6271 0.10863 0.47075 0.2097 0.20039 0.59802 0.41171 0.83023 0.79004 0.064 0.71116 0.94413 0.0369 0.23203 0.77316 0.16706 0.52683 0.62252 0.31388 0.76855 0.57826 0.31375 0.14589 0.21507 0.7906 0.13621 0.78179 0.28966 0.80141 0.16259 0.96614 0.75001 0.60704 0.93326 0.27165 0.46927 0.72144 0.32849 0.23888 0.43998 0.41183 0.42062 0.70242 0.44115 0.81577 0.77051 0.603 0.02695 0.80455 0.01657 0.32227 0.35484 0.5464 0.0587 0.21755 0.16132 0.24874 0.02393 0.30794 0.70519 0.00647 0.10816 0.13698 0.40438 0.12801 0.39408 0.8758 0.56419 0.29602 0.42025 0.19909 0.34484 0.78323 0.32152 0.82793 0.01969 0.77543 0.78469 0.69214 0.66116 0.67392 0.00613 0.47044 0.74593 0.00889 0.79872 0.7038 0.20517 0.74774 0.04781 0.76909 0.42844 0.43079 0.09324 0.10105 0.9938 0.10118 0.15779 0.87674 0.21661 0.95684 0.17318 0.62601 0.59607 0.19281 0.6653 0.29648 0.78889 0.39826 0.941 0.71558 0.51737 0.55673 0.17425 0.65142 0.82363 0.78046 0.15174 0.1196 0.18382 0.11527 0.41632 0.08765 0.63929 0.14212 0.15117 0.61259 0.46827 0.98964 0.85962 0.53939 0.86779 0.17959 0.05238 0.21785 0.8952 0.75801 0.50851 0.11819 0.45182 0.17158 0.41202 0.63328 0.13081 0.63274 0.54667 0.84956 0.88226 0.57266 0.84061 0.47912 0.82681 0.93092 0.5294 0.55149 0.93171 0.07946 0.51239 0.97297 0.03517 0.39502 0.79154 0.90037 0.36848 0.64929 0.09144 0.77115 0.44748 0.97835 0.30035 0.36255 0.62835 0.43913 0.92822 0.97665 0.15959 0.76434 0.74206 0.8053 0.09187 0.92911 0.63885 0.65501 0.74007 0.00065 0.90732 0.07938 0.75946 0.50085 0.806 0.98828 0.45775 0.01993 0.58673 0.28468 0.14153 0.76689 0.45402 0.2058 0.3297 0.81401 0.77488 0.48037 0.15483 0.50278 0.46044 0.61065 0.12128 0.51303 0.64278 0.37588 0.80482 0.92304 0.37772 0.66188 0.38515 0.48568 0.00091 0.07816 0.72657 0.665 0.89958 0.96068 0.24123 0.97972 0.96044 0.43102 0.02648 0.09184 0.22032 0.22424 0.02702 0.68761 0.19664 0.63765 0.42185 0.37742 0.15578 0.5549 0.52314 0.89908 0.63629 0.37313 0.18271 0.35185 0.96324 0.17764 0.52274 0.03964 0.39434 0.62269 0.42008 0.67226 0.49732 0.63088 0.48745 0.31053 0.40653 0.68753 0.57279 0.31488 0.34054 0.60134 0.51832 0.69783 0.95268 0.95079 0.56447 0.91899 0.66 0.60199 0.01426 0.95705 0.33006 0.79523 0.21325 0.32483 0.28553 0.91348 0.43211 0.25256 0.22022 0.60039 0.68424 0.50078 0.91223 0.43011 0.48371 0.7565 0.32979 0.25841 0.37176 0.23798 0.13148 0.79662 0.70196 0.85295 0.70447 0.07081 0.65451 0.98251 0.64566 0.46244 0.25249 0.17026 0.5648 0.99882 0.13886 0.9745 0.83078 0.21564 0.1043 0.00982 0.43641 0.13042 0.54013 0.00449 0.38687 0.83804 0.31552 0.69769 0.35134 0.52949 0.52778 0.48463 0.06198 0.85803 0.78195 0.41235 0.51084 0.33403 0.65062 0.53449 0.89169 0.09686 0.89887 0.57654 0.85477 0.94153 0.27353 0.17517 0.98639 0.40823 0.53756 0.97784 0.2061 0.32959 0.54462 0.94362 0.61783 0.821 0.30237 0.82937 0.8035 0.89772 0.68658 0.80035 0.58574 0.94338 0.22546 0.09639 0.72692 0.74742 0.04716 0.64534 0.0629 0.54618 0.34275 0.20634 0.85724 0.79981 0.79669 0.58788 0.57344 0.56497 0.90999 0.59637 0.52387 0.75627 0.55079 0.79356 0.37046 0.65632 0.63241 0.30813 0.82448 0.16902 0.59086 0.39812 0.1265 0.18723 0.41189 0.76936 0.69622 0.12541 0.18845 0.01631 0.74211 0.55849 0.44185 0.52489 0.24271 0.44688 0.52771 0.21432 0.11179 0.51329 0.97755 0.89819 0.19563 0.78909 0.71822 0.06184 0.32033 0.07208 0.75581 0.65125 0.08253 0.35846 0.06158 0.04591 0.88244 0.76801 0.88148 0.80408 0.32152 0.67757 0.39016 0.06458 0.8342 0.66285 0.24284 0.19901 0.14856 0.52168 0.29005 0.4819 0.36262 0.33812 0.18376 0.90697 0.74964 0.04506 0.90772 0.88667 0.06197 0.57644 0.19846 0.98183 0.42124 0.69645 0.09274 0.18229 0.76821 0.95772 0.03611 0.06199 0.89707 0.74127 0.36816 0.78493 0.01139 0.41237
+0.13529 0.70452 0.81959 0.46568 0.74146 0.96418 0.59031 0.05059 0.76701 0.99624 0.71179 0.39414 0.49143 0.24391 0.2675 0.99994 0.93603 0.55314 0.96474 0.42495 0.54976 0.8145 0.68628 0.7069 0.5223 0.99738 0.86373 0.28571 0.06133 0.00192 0.1238 0.34862 0.03927 0.6891 0.21482 0.07541 0.66012 0.75378 0.89032 0.21155 0.06713 0.76691 0.13051 0.61039 0.19847 0.95489 0.26459 0.30983 0.25815 0.31904 0.2484 0.2045 0.5959 0.5991 0.71757 0.44477 0.14811 0.82388 0.96347 0.57783 0.29503 0.31967 0.60458 0.87053 0.37463 0.81811 0.5948 0.77244 0.97767 0.37891 0.49753 0.88436 0.96211 0.09315 0.1882 0.88466 0.95224 0.71046 0.58758 0.83824 0.28099 0.01183 0.08826 0.63775 0.95672 0.51635 0.69128 0.70971 0.56292 0.7865 0.72225 0.80709 0.00524 0.05006 0.75592 0.07971 0.6897 0.33858 0.11534 0.09784 0.94525 0.47996 0.80676 0.93273 0.91644 0.00179 0.82263 0.63244 0.27635 0.06519 0.4911 0.11435 0.61107 0.24342 0.90557 0.08995 0.78996 0.94058 0.25238 0.71403 0.82603 0.95324 0.64012 0.77222 0.71279 0.62209 0.27615 0.17113 0.09214 0.91894 0.54881 0.62307 0.02324 0.25884 0.65856 0.28285 0.92694 0.29272 0.31537 0.86114 0.39887 0.18177 0.92605 0.32801 0.72734 0.8146 0.47693 0.60893 0.55407 0.87009 0.05815 0.16713 0.11693 0.10735 0.54495 0.50229 0.10722 0.36588 0.50017 0.39084 0.60717 0.70182 0.31492 0.45326 0.17164 0.13227 0.43794 0.30088 0.60948 0.27506 0.14598 0.77791 0.96548 0.91196 0.91319 0.94299 0.26241 0.76045 0.51513 0.72532 0.97137 0.7052 0.70663 0.71408 0.04688 0.39726 0.98507 0.67808 0.30126 0.15067 0.37839 0.73526 0.8922 0.31738 0.77643 0.49205 0.59412 0.03352 0.40073 0.95525 0.18166 0.29058 0.70063 0.62386 0.36254 0.32613 0.20013 0.71517 0.24956 0.77953 0.06882 0.29085 0.38578 0.09556 0.15872 0.67125 0.88301 0.46833 0.70674 0.70835 0.61561 0.61419 0.34711 0.70156 0.30423 0.52912 0.08816 0.09449 0.6202 0.84137 0.68865 0.61893 0.78867 0.04207 0.1301 0.74372 0.70495 0.04905 0.69954 0.80956 0.91621 0.32214 0.04174 0.71573 0.44309 0.45163 0.87955 0.66123 0.07953 0.95326 0.13804 0.36361 0.87359 0.28095 0.68835 0.45892 0.5032 0.53533 0.75287 0.11613 0.13957 0.71798 0.04704 0.96924 0.19553 0.54396 0.31259 0.76722 0.72166 0.17448 0.56697 0.18495 0.02567 0.75254 0.9283 0.6188 0.30752 0.25623 0.33242 0.25888 0.24738 0.87613 0.66233 0.57597 0.5617 0.48705 0.07959 0.34146 0.82053 0.75919 0.76227 0.50331 0.68836 0.7307 0.61027 0.29735 0.65592 0.71262 0.58518 0.75623 0.91387 0.18089 0.3414 0.49779 0.28069 0.23814 0.62834 0.41457 0.95083 0.36688 0.21182 0.28157 0.23218 0.70788 0.96537 0.7711 0.41385 0.52084 0.96514 0.79936 0.66031 0.13926 0.37128 0.99386 0.52614 0.28273 0.79364 0.40537 0.68138 0.82986 0.7015 0.57021 0.89128 0.85769 0.28284 0.88692 0.0672 0.83623 0.7848 0.35702 0.71868 0.86372 0.2824 0.49568 0.4155 0.00299 0.49444 0.03979 0.12599 0.41216 0.24358 0.28319 0.16664 0.1627 0.46472 0.79145 0.06752 0.11731 0.40044 0.18508 0.05078 0.11696 0.44493 0.59186 0.17635 0.62402 0.632 0.62739 0.09353 0.48063 0.59088 0.52115 0.04608 0.4622 0.28166 0.04559 0.37771 0.33443 0.08629 0.15863 0.26061 0.49787 0.89327 0.71187 0.66193 0.58777 0.7208 0.00567 0.40145 0.10096 0.66805 0.70923 0.02836 0.13337 0.31661 0.73026 0.45891 0.80169 0.35671 0.96837 0.9937 0.55849 0.03315 0.18971 0.88781 0.21552 0.11702 0.0612 0.28904 0.31636 0.89473 0.61084 0.91928 0.65914 0.97916 0.02624 0.69753 0.8007 0.12229 0.20964 0.98155 0.95709 0.3569 0.11946 0.1293 0.59453 0.66756 0.2035 0.4349 0.76291 0.10233 0.45787 0.57236 0.48058 0.98048 0.85725 0.53408 0.88259 0.17308 0.80199 0.82143 0.28642 0.85433 0.4782 0.90141 0.25974 0.37198 0.46514 0.60536 0.04715 0.78481 0.20191 0.78839 0.72395 0.6959 0.00259 0.49733 0.88463 0.30596 0.4301 0.04913 0.65648 0.61703 0.13408 0.04714 0.73605 0.88994 0.1004 0.55894 0.59124 0.12339 0.59605 0.9529 0.98452 0.01139 0.10472 0.25547 0.46387 0.70808 0.3547 0.63501 0.77275 0.75429 0.92243 0.80558 0.48197 0.43633 0.48986 0.42436 0.97808 0.24801 0.03134 0.49612 0.90933 0.08936 0.57712 0.03613 0.07723 0.97422 0.60957 0.41557 0.65383 0.83955 0.11848 0.60839 0.56844 0.68016 0.52745 0.10319 0.20603 0.82511 0.35025
+0.73017 0.42035 0.13379 0.643 0.87419 0.34334 0.20805 0.2046 0.56159 0.78436 0.14979 0.44545 0.41809 0.34601 0.50181 0.83407 0.13736 0.79913 0.41903 0.68509 0.91242 0.43174 0.42441 0.22284 0.45736 0.18874 0.35441 0.41378 0.23294 0.88488 0.90213 0.0272 0.50485 0.65559 0.50839 0.17589 0.03076 0.26536 0.8976 0.93537 0.68038 0.9611 0.2364 0.92806 0.44169 0.88628 0.31212 0.21524 0.22396 0.8734 0.80639 0.37113 0.40339 0.78105 0.49758 0.51817 0.43722 0.13735 0.97612 0.62637 0.59953 0.52843 0.29835 0.91935 0.87 0.61566 0.56246 0.65745 0.39437 0.31305 0.63624 0.34915 0.58486 0.21748 0.75099 0.54887 0.53687 0.97146 0.16566 0.22068 0.26164 0.53185 0.00275 0.99758 0.49688 0.02201 0.32088 0.17868 0.93141 0.53858 0.08086 0.18589 0.9144 0.72725 0.71491 0.95574 0.54445 0.51695 0.47303 0.75213 0.1509 0.07854 0.7668 0.36324 0.18771 0.51862 0.53343 0.05808 0.17851 0.06989 0.48548 0.13886 0.3033 0.39184 0.40458 0.58658 0.61584 0.49695 0.03277 0.33652 0.83289 0.44129 0.59463 0.03232 0.82538 0.56362 0.77043 0.15871 0.84664 0.91644 0.4827 0.2311 0.07778 0.00499 0.90277 0.33492 0.83739 0.43537 0.52004 0.17294 0.88151 0.06725 0.81836 0.08064 0.04502 0.50709 0.37308 0.33296 0.60229 0.67914 0.95148 0.50493 0.12076 0.24258 0.58915 0.09629 0.34779 0.54373 0.3993 0.40287 0.40317 0.01494 0.41209 0.93386 0.58753 0.31242 0.89026 0.14887 0.66397 0.4353 0.93445 0.30641 0.90077 0.85983 0.20858 0.50542 0.74038 0.56032 0.21621 0.0617 0.49791 0.30322 0.5515 0.0402 0.54023 0.88072 0.41409 0.24902 0.45414 0.44887 0.40976 0.05075 0.06181 0.80363 0.49053 0.41596 0.37374 0.19495 0.93542 0.58947 0.60413 0.26197 0.98781 0.55232 0.44414 0.79573 0.41508 0.19737 0.88556 0.23974 0.37117 0.16293 0.5352 0.13502 0.3424 0.74494 0.15342 0.7356 0.40119 0.34619 0.25267 0.78917 0.68588 0.04219 0.08754 0.07881 0.02192 0.2424 0.18787 0.37841 0.18494 0.17687 0.25822 0.11926 0.36743 0.15248 0.24339 0.40136 0.50281 0.90422 0.33585 0.17493 0.1348 0.81042 0.17516 0.39707 0.70588 0.55639 0.78191 0.5819 0.73601 0.57818 0.43163 0.57265 0.29497 0.30208 0.33227 0.53048 0.09525 0.99417 0.61347 0.66684 0.5762 0.64285 0.13935 0.84289 0.74593 0.7796 0.52448 0.89304 0.48444 0.74757 0.95593 0.43675 0.68146 0.12872 0.80041 0.7455 0.84015 0.47167 0.7812 0.18048 0.30895 0.35687 0.03296 0.08263 0.50121 0.29186 0.16142 0.53182 0.03008 0.10862 0.2833 0.95682 0.63937 0.82402 0.46284 0.73147 0.31451 0.15326 0.425 0.614 0.09811 0.32256 0.41339 0.24041 0.68708 0.59071 0.71987 0.93728 0.75747 0.5688 0.24541 0.9308 0.5525 0.98184 0.41769 0.63787 0.11233 0.83636 0.42498 0.12958 0.654 0.7459 0.92535 0.74711 0.27775 0.62817 0.12765 0.42112 0.26833 0.69456 0.05119 0.9619 0.08935 0.75446 0.01925 0.91028 0.68189 0.78123 0.21655 0.36906 0.24557 0.44226 0.86318 0.46493 0.82568 0.0507 0.34633 0.04214 0.91179 0.08627 0.41593 0.50387 0.29585 0.16759 0.09124 0.02292 0.96488 0.73463 0.41179 0.4233 0.15185 0.68324 0.82137 0.10694 0.41542 0.96633 0.32365 0.0391 0.35878 0.28803 0.31402 0.86933 0.80406 0.42183 0.64859 0.68121 0.73776 0.12202 0.23992 0.6941 0.90058 0.70058 0.25781 0.88987 0.84807 0.3822 0.63802 0.39116 0.33304 0.7927 0.83825 0.35563 0.53479 0.7805 0.34701 0.74345 0.494 0.7286 0.72167 0.28357 0.82143 0.60143 0.47963 0.68432 0.8634 0.60798 0.57114 0.10313 0.54498 0.65666 0.57285 0.60307 0.23402 0.10786 0.90521 0.22003 0.6425 0.12833 0.06899 0.57308 0.07055 0.14704 0.6086 0.36987 0.54224 0.31273 0.32363 0.87522 0.91615 0.91206 0.18626 0.72666 0.83586 0.33823 0.99363 0.17297 0.4403 0.09287 0.74092 0.1218 0.26138 0.96571 0.95606 0.68235 0.51005 0.67072 0.28327 0.64526 0.87679 0.32809 0.11274 0.20845 0.31788 0.71096 0.58336 0.23841 0.42936 0.73914 0.01028 0.1357 0.77447 0.35389 0.72596 0.60776 0.38359 0.03928 0.83281 0.58187 0.11383 0.75211 0.09464 0.10974 0.37112 0.90851 0.22223 0.52988 0.1143 0.25594 0.62487 0.83583 0.45655 0.8554 0.99771 0.8634 0.37368 0.87617 0.8046 0.48242 0.92311 0.33949 0.43229 0.88714 0.31045 0.7757 0.98357 0.81859 0.59067 0.78087 0.15316 0.43279 0.74543 0.71761 0.29073 0.88651 0.28328 0.73525 0.52597 0.61657 0.05486 0.33952
+0.09853 0.58646 0.03074 0.40978 0.95769 0.01551 0.85322 0.85127 0.14333 0.85808 0.98194 0.29425 0.70852 0.53819 0.30375 0.18734 0.47169 0.42526 0.28412 0.95688 0.88449 0.82597 0.16134 0.45525 0.24588 0.36785 0.805 0.75662 0.58621 0.87191 0.44621 0.68322 0.6912 0.55934 0.40474 0.22766 0.53927 0.20049 0.89608 0.34594 0.50814 0.88365 0.09143 0.43119 0.18936 0.01245 0.00475 0.82918 0.95159 0.93939 0.7375 0.07875 0.87401 0.97229 0.12272 0.89303 0.10311 0.61174 0.44301 0.44988 0.40604 0.50728 0.52075 0.04448 0.60626 0.87196 0.34079 0.4315 0.45689 0.85493 0.85901 0.78368 0.19094 0.59505 0.6944 0.39249 0.88521 0.2905 0.6046 0.77732 0.19366 0.95282 0.65071 0.86984 0.38234 0.01841 0.40991 0.98694 0.4691 0.01265 0.26079 0.62833 0.08654 0.29873 0.73525 0.30036 0.19865 0.84481 0.98931 0.99769 0.12069 0.68439 0.00431 0.67692 0.79524 0.51148 0.31121 0.3349 0.58356 0.67829 0.32813 0.45597 0.90086 0.53143 0.42811 0.17512 0.52109 0.51796 0.60021 0.39541 0.47621 0.29733 0.93446 0.07732 0.22268 0.71979 0.55704 0.39395 0.5974 0.23567 0.49035 0.24932 0.02471 0.23857 0.55358 0.37061 0.86571 0.41537 0.22092 0.1243 0.08163 0.55811 0.63629 0.99628 0.74482 0.68033 0.73541 0.54056 0.31444 0.62703 0.92076 0.04165 0.77359 0.91104 0.14545 0.60008 0.46906 0.69929 0.15348 0.55372 0.82704 0.38567 0.74201 0.567 0.53846 0.57534 0.14922 0.45207 0.33306 0.70881 0.72956 0.48883 0.59493 0.78574 0.3478 0.66919 0.60158 0.14411 0.79981 0.29903 0.35825 0.20037 0.48393 0.91801 0.32923 0.61183 0.40903 0.4053 0.67491 0.75838 0.80665 0.37695 0.87204 0.93375 0.21417 0.41609 0.65465 0.64563 0.65563 0.00899 0.39007 0.54467 0.48355 0.20257 0.48012 0.90934 0.52622 0.29654 0.62531 0.64582 0.36776 0.3249 0.95226 0.82271 0.38477 0.30562 0.4656 0.45318 0.05341 0.1235 0.81638 0.62392 0.05442 0.61668 0.82751 0.80698 0.34654 0.53711 0.045 0.73784 0.61673 0.25452 0.87476 0.67645 0.79261 0.83725 0.86187 0.95144 0.50375 0.26905 0.66441 0.78596 0.37452 0.51459 0.40914 0.75718 0.22618 0.28704 0.30072 0.27133 0.46576 0.82413 0.7331 0.42963 0.72515 0.72029 0.52121 0.94476 0.64053 0.85368 0.75097 0.64758 0.08822 0.63904 0.17608 0.1324 0.77197 0.00862 0.60757 0.90795 0.86128 0.50609 0.46035 0.94894 0.21474 0.24913 0.88802 0.52318 0.59354 0.09915 0.24446 0.10975 0.68275 0.63445 0.39173 0.44416 0.58311 0.48415 0.52581 0.18301 0.48978 0.35995 0.42274 0.56158 0.70433 0.18989 0.65971 0.10488 0.09359 0.83583 0.65637 0.08301 0.39061 0.06911 0.841 0.57038 0.46358 0.90684 0.48405 0.24687 0.4703 0.28417 0.53186 0.82682 0.26836 0.39735 0.18233 0.7601 0.96344 0.92143 0.46515 0.97749 0.54715 0.65649 0.45675 0.60498 0.69651 0.02212 0.70306 0.95188 0.4841 0.91211 0.20682 0.10042 0.65624 0.84297 0.86294 0.69926 0.77308 0.74646 0.3538 0.83472 0.42433 0.10677 0.21772 0.23348 0.9508 0.96998 0.50139 0.29879 0.5272 0.72821 0.17655 0.35857 0.30817 0.98565 0.75081 0.81892 0.76174 0.72275 0.99151 0.56835 0.64058 0.35615 0.05791 0.6907 0.05171 0.10782 0.94279 0.18091 0.277 0.06204 0.0835 0.30477 0.01426 0.06545 0.67555 0.67679 0.28076 0.33853 0.86582 0.13929 0.97363 0.69123 0.48795 0.24479 0.94106 0.89794 0.09814 0.9965 0.8053 0.35337 0.4333 0.95142 0.47661 0.06039 0.46885 0.54117 0.09772 0.2544 0.03811 0.49631 0.60449 0.04848 0.37888 0.43433 0.10762 0.10997 0.51445 0.72171 0.71448 0.50526 0.71624 0.68287 0.02751 0.85136 0.49468 0.22633 0.14727 0.68893 0.69838 0.54062 0.63368 0.58848 0.23559 0.21268 0.32306 0.91678 0.82228 0.68989 0.48157 0.16597 0.86023 0.66592 0.01716 0.87993 0.36357 0.39576 0.11101 0.04516 0.29532 0.90711 0.44379 0.20836 0.22523 0.78225 0.85142 0.90073 0.02774 0.76035 0.49167 0.76569 0.40536 0.95643 0.06296 0.59775 0.01244 0.73302 0.94736 0.84759 0.90698 0.35591 0.32452 0.45416 0.32756 0.16798 0.68186 0.88771 0.75398 0.97793 0.8523 0.50863 0.60964 0.43903 0.89258 0.20855 0.51113 0.8632 0.75098 0.62168 0.42076 0.15733 0.75186 0.1998 0.20648 0.63914 0.75936 0.79776 0.52573 0.59295 0.3349 0.35423 0.59361 0.05028 0.68156 0.20981 0.78165 0.40093 0.8369 0.10436 0.03115 0.83332 0.1221 0.55531 0.51807 0.55763 0.48981 0.35729 0.19952 0.39221 0.97334 0.32449
+0.30395 0.49738 0.6364 0.64516 0.60012 0.81627 0.79071 0.01924 0.49273 0.33219 0.51582 0.49855 0.38547 0.92034 0.58541 0.56903 0.63724 0.11756 0.73924 0.23907 0.40196 0.70654 0.8366 0.38948 0.6432 0.49468 0.82919 0.76305 0.43713 0.77457 0.12039 0.73681 0.24297 0.63924 0.13794 0.1092 0.47907 0.1783 0.27722 0.01899 0.05479 0.04343 0.20249 0.99265 0.96224 0.60522 0.64053 0.65368 0.31222 0.60886 0.44828 0.67202 0.01934 0.20462 0.01944 0.54823 0.76758 0.47849 0.55573 0.16226 0.00891 0.93808 0.25013 0.57885 0.78414 0.61159 0.82176 0.09701 0.77573 0.11639 0.51387 0.96764 0.16334 0.68066 0.94046 0.8201 0.39498 0.08825 0.36768 0.14376 0.27961 0.30723 0.81803 0.50512 0.45416 0.40658 0.81789 0.65663 0.05846 0.71712 0.66894 0.46222 0.87809 0.25324 0.45166 0.90343 0.62304 0.88228 0.02326 0.9876 0.45759 0.58579 0.31988 0.52791 0.54543 0.93665 0.24184 0.42189 0.11432 0.75028 0.35329 0.23984 0.13069 0.66135 0.26949 0.58218 0.07274 0.08891 0.40737 0.26388 0.50833 0.97645 0.49291 0.7174 0.06879 0.92653 0.50244 0.38676 0.14838 0.95266 0.34522 0.16637 0.08255 0.85428 0.06612 0.98889 0.48406 0.6832 0.97884 0.29513 0.27677 0.40242 0.51268 0.13408 0.10661 0.92138 0.51299 0.66203 0.70877 0.83201 0.00687 0.05154 0.91257 0.9737 0.99409 0.09068 0.96837 0.99626 0.36298 0.38346 0.24653 0.94173 0.54417 0.80427 0.26246 0.60282 0.0286 0.49703 0.42014 0.69208 0.08857 0.05519 0.34386 0.21829 0.83552 0.49227 0.3583 0.41425 0.62119 0.75343 0.78626 0.00087 0.27012 0.27327 0.52259 0.05722 0.13037 0.00678 0.98081 0.70013 0.83263 0.22498 0.16171 0.30679 0.00515 0.30715 0.22855 0.88057 0.09371 0.51047 0.04261 0.99307 0.67482 0.0678 0.69687 0.58162 0.90881 0.95954 0.78745 0.27525 0.61376 0.61959 0.0464 0.38562 0.84537 0.74512 0.87591 0.30482 0.89449 0.49548 0.92914 0.6258 0.52728 0.30403 0.42218 0.77071 0.26668 0.94331 0.32831 0.26831 0.75859 0.49213 0.75127 0.6919 0.12713 0.87098 0.32745 0.05553 0.13879 0.85106 0.59322 0.91987 0.58348 0.0985 0.28765 0.35284 0.07688 0.22653 0.82791 0.17635 0.77582 0.67807 0.48935 0.02429 0.7047 0.79583 0.32449 0.06774 0.54439 0.59851 0.76215 0.75783 0.48131 0.84915 0.55461 0.63596 0.05378 0.39454 0.75139 0.85204 0.55692 0.20733 0.79876 0.43726 0.2388 0.98394 0.24352 0.81282 0.72459 0.74766 0.54848 0.57235 0.46772 0.01957 0.0788 0.56481 0.23286 0.40652 0.37074 0.1422 0.30657 0.40199 0.13665 0.82725 0.35895 0.13962 0.63167 0.6518 0.04292 0.49968 0.86816 0.51671 0.25599 0.91964 0.75932 0.20333 0.38037 0.50503 0.53492 0.0638 0.59245 0.30978 0.64916 0.6031 0.37212 0.47371 0.80397 0.37441 0.07545 0.86151 0.8656 0.7485 0.79664 0.97972 0.17552 0.6864 0.08218 0.54163 0.37754 0.52989 0.99253 0.41903 0.03178 0.53615 0.09732 0.24975 0.6443 0.83076 0.14106 0.94166 0.96962 0.09819 0.3104 0.00529 0.37458 0.07259 0.9557 0.3888 0.269 0.50289 0.80254 0.682 0.35528 0.66876 0.30511 0.98972 0.13478 0.82637 0.24498 0.44681 0.91009 0.29559 0.17057 0.51087 0.28499 0.74221 0.60888 0.79652 0.86774 0.54627 0.57938 0.57416 0.59785 0.89452 0.18182 0.29132 0.3123 0.48028 0.69505 0.88923 0.12347 0.54568 0.33522 0.54946 0.90003 0.29538 0.69071 0.4623 0.51847 0.93562 0.87176 0.7229 0.10779 0.85481 0.95837 0.97893 0.97137 0.52167 0.81556 0.918 0.11871 0.72714 0.38706 0.44866 0.80568 0.94503 0.52728 0.16107 0.4991 0.10244 0.2778 0.5422 0.37275 0.60705 0.58728 0.16881 0.13853 0.17887 0.8698 0.14424 0.02597 0.99097 0.88655 0.74128 0.3767 0.68474 0.58141 0.44797 0.83273 0.80055 0.1214 0.92842 0.29843 0.85313 0.10949 0.59934 0.46577 0.55035 0.77055 0.73128 0.90493 0.87796 0.26825 0.98381 0.01008 0.21693 0.9778 0.78345 0.35669 0.68792 0.47189 0.24365 0.93583 0.85795 0.29547 0.90472 0.61137 0.06042 0.39088 0.02764 0.84089 0.59102 0.15472 0.93864 0.72847 0.503 0.59253 0.42747 0.74011 0.68136 0.17546 0.27738 0.42624 0.09779 0.40534 0.06166 0.99454 0.47045 0.75446 0.4827 0.34093 0.20705 0.79439 0.39235 0.95799 0.68588 0.41774 0.81791 0.22377 0.47553 0.44083 0.29873 0.17969 0.85396 0.33284 0.30413 0.53478 0.30033 0.1418 0.02411 0.20387 0.42591 0.60121 0.6202 0.83609 0.50433 0.16473 0.10735 0.89959 0.88801 0.26179 0.07481
+0.12508 0.33205 0.10094 0.80014 0.50767 0.42362 0.77016 0.64253 0.96319 0.57131 0.25288 0.21742 0.24635 0.25345 0.64533 0.51651 0.47233 0.90555 0.86816 0.97238 0.76614 0.414 0.52455 0.13227 0.50736 0.2759 0.25586 0.53746 0.60231 0.27557 0.6214 0.76467 0.28719 0.36578 0.16441 0.40902 0.67985 0.43012 0.06666 0.66224 0.28228 0.00434 0.64915 0.78587 0.91745 0.33505 0.9572 0.95257 0.31772 0.20231 0.44822 0.98721 0.43273 0.53682 0.74731 0.96214 0.15913 0.71674 0.81328 0.26515 0.11186 0.58212 0.91906 0.9312 0.22741 0.93778 0.69707 0.17412 0.86297 0.18099 0.08647 0.79914 0.97228 0.80765 0.13215 0.42177 0.16069 0.08426 0.87297 0.71225 0.39367 0.92413 0.3379 0.24601 0.91321 0.15604 0.72386 0.5766 0.12456 0.85372 0.97204 0.11324 0.53091 0.33199 0.4501 0.70427 0.68186 0.53822 0.80828 0.05698 0.54636 0.84115 0.86352 0.22876 0.67042 0.80808 0.57579 0.10889 0.46943 0.48971 0.12998 0.71614 0.39689 0.21859 0.22489 0.35022 0.27669 0.20692 0.77139 0.95427 0.93813 0.2758 0.6667 0.68101 0.29644 0.23504 0.27516 0.7052 0.22521 0.23856 0.6211 0.17277 0.19008 0.20099 0.96186 0.42295 0.59867 0.53282 0.143 0.44128 0.73789 0.6401 0.5446 0.72709 0.85361 0.36389 0.65989 0.88527 0.12478 0.60127 0.60713 0.2788 0.86205 0.01494 0.11429 0.24374 0.28305 0.24416 0.66381 0.23792 0.75704 0.40017 0.01981 0.68107 0.24266 0.53073 0.67618 0.44975 0.03646 0.57943 0.44638 0.32904 0.88955 0.80437 0.82616 0.29438 0.46693 0.01694 0.7475 0.98072 0.40537 0.25433 0.54824 0.54156 0.26138 0.16162 0.35397 0.65552 0.35353 0.31949 0.29384 0.23267 0.07448 0.44311 0.12296 0.05668 0.13276 0.07532 0.54724 0.83232 0.4924 0.64111 0.54837 0.01322 0.01088 0.91504 0.31923 0.17103 0.43978 0.24233 0.17727 0.34197 0.69075 0.79814 0.91383 0.85081 0.89903 0.0635 0.56515 0.01036 0.64596 0.80045 0.33934 0.89403 0.7129 0.56691 0.71117 0.96584 0.25311 0.71224 0.65722 0.76452 0.43529 0.45309 0.82283 0.96174 0.79988 0.63946 0.43885 0.63459 0.7737 0.62063 0.55892 0.43119 0.38748 0.83069 0.00245 0.88896 0.39092 0.47578 0.39492 0.03852 0.99028 0.47738 0.97038 0.8499 0.28192 0.05054 0.00291 0.38675 0.96855 0.22946 0.46241 0.61227 0.39449 0.54052 0.92 0.59709 0.66594 0.54425 0.94599 0.5213 0.2529 0.52491 0.70002 0.19077 0.20386 0.87214 0.69963 0.07583 0.00997 0.611 0.97796 0.56235 0.06511 0.85647 0.85212 0.89634 0.09981 0.47922 0.50611 0.13983 0.65978 0.23444 0.73126 0.18316 0.34232 0.63128 0.47586 0.52895 0.47795 0.34578 0.45589 0.7506 0.48005 0.01429 0.53679 0.55518 0.85567 0.29278 0.9429 0.35571 0.41783 0.34993 0.37987 0.28311 0.94872 0.77243 0.72266 0.58999 0.4017 0.1414 0.21497 0.55913 0.55564 0.81421 0.12407 0.56057 0.92541 0.25409 0.80055 0.9812 0.49414 0.09565 0.38221 0.99688 0.8335 0.07915 0.21736 0.4612 0.13124 0.50254 0.92221 0.4057 0.36178 0.66596 0.0128 0.7889 0.45882 0.64795 0.50294 0.73699 0.21841 0.61091 0.80061 0.64382 0.57726 0.23926 0.49709 0.84034 0.24155 0.80635 0.97539 0.69971 0.24582 0.17414 0.94079 0.45288 0.3885 0.08691 0.89639 0.56013 0.94659 0.01043 0.51779 0.59516 0.55905 0.22365 0.87238 0.37067 0.84527 0.40736 0.38789 0.82487 0.38542 0.14557 0.44149 0.43833 0.27239 0.64424 0.01155 0.76631 0.33281 0.81066 0.55941 0.99301 0.88748 0.97288 0.51723 0.77474 0.34502 0.33143 0.52372 0.60913 0.25367 0.5669 0.28057 0.72037 0.33806 0.89112 0.31468 0.52788 0.45765 0.98677 0.28312 0.17395 0.4122 0.84688 0.63934 0.47336 0.00594 0.26517 0.7015 0.78506 0.19004 0.43002 0.03933 0.96622 0.75432 0.10356 0.05943 0.02072 0.04166 0.75974 0.32147 0.14608 0.99883 0.33247 0.82766 0.23515 0.79325 0.28957 0.94597 0.68062 0.85525 0.80988 0.0977 0.8967 0.79309 0.89514 0.18195 0.38623 0.94 0.68145 0.19491 0.89555 0.27862 0.82168 0.77112 0.51203 0.97024 0.42624 0.05298 0.50482 0.62387 0.17343 0.09615 0.81263 0.70201 0.73998 0.86797 0.40849 0.70613 0.09261 0.67696 0.20898 0.14459 0.64304 0.81648 0.94625 0.3156 0.06153 0.74551 0.32173 0.88377 0.18066 0.0821 0.86529 0.83727 0.64382 0.2723 0.55244 0.46589 0.15331 0.34553 0.95 0.38929 0.08477 0.09133 0.54397 0.63119 0.32167 0.18286 0.11901 0.95165 0.22344 0.84383 0.895 0.76465 0.24397 0.29221 0.45226
+0.14075 0.40722 0.1924 0.82903 0.87948 0.02715 0.43934 0.19923 0.96376 0.69646 0.59254 0.81892 0.47279 0.8676 0.44854 0.10522 0.61114 0.45499 0.552 0.8344 0.57514 0.77931 0.8613 0.79819 0.78104 0.80899 0.5132 0.36808 0.89164 0.72769 0.81484 0.3958 0.94233 0.16854 0.58713 0.33507 0.92289 0.97787 0.74113 0.18422 0.89475 0.61925 0.5881 0.94625 0.69312 0.86007 0.29486 0.99024 0.27665 0.80011 0.02291 0.40023 0.27306 0.52882 0.47988 0.42483 0.93051 0.51754 0.5318 0.7361 0.16454 0.23689 0.43931 0.67133 0.93642 0.75108 0.9685 0.9394 0.25505 0.31347 0.00724 0.54223 0.80196 0.59705 0.63438 0.10752 0.37994 0.00152 0.09575 0.88944 0.41419 0.36446 0.43916 0.95803 0.93339 0.147 0.58043 0.95323 0.46509 0.4859 0.88938 0.02376 0.13019 0.227 0.0239 0.8856 0.45779 0.50231 0.49405 0.47571 0.2901 0.48807 0.08042 0.95789 0.49119 0.62671 0.81739 0.62334 0.26331 0.8868 0.79137 0.20707 0.46273 0.0961 0.88086 0.22388 0.88101 0.52565 0.84331 0.93017 0.47309 0.80327 0.65107 0.17545 0.11758 0.15692 0.11795 0.93524 0.08424 0.47882 0.18499 0.90775 0.03559 0.21505 0.46052 0.72206 0.58319 0.08912 0.38924 0.75854 0.20755 0.89795 0.06813 0.51022 0.31572 0.73357 0.26412 0.11745 0.41145 0.02998 0.65841 0.92802 0.68427 0.55615 0.19099 0.91121 0.63706 0.09266 0.36345 0.12959 0.95638 0.69004 0.06884 0.79667 0.09411 0.4647 0.15895 0.06718 0.20201 0.31558 0.08515 0.88653 0.11482 0.78575 0.93867 0.04675 0.39834 0.00722 0.7244 0.29425 0.37615 0.33899 0.79922 0.69207 0.32657 0.76168 0.15178 0.39157 0.35562 0.90923 0.22558 0.49621 0.2923 0.87864 0.93897 0.10355 0.13984 0.00374 0.28957 0.26508 0.76038 0.67092 0.79071 0.83084 0.16761 0.21203 0.17379 0.76307 0.47608 0.67604 0.31421 0.31266 0.15363 0.025 0.20374 0.20042 0.89878 0.81909 0.86962 0.69348 0.49761 0.18868 0.87387 0.16491 0.29251 0.86658 0.92664 0.05847 0.11448 0.17716 0.74397 0.62453 0.72418 0.72112 0.46191 0.67095 0.29804 0.26703 0.7675 0.97938 0.59354 0.78326 0.09088 0.48301 0.15763 0.4339 0.91451 0.74143 0.39712 0.0258 0.01498 0.36891 0.23735 0.7396 0.62164 0.77803 0.15322 0.19833 0.50062 0.4717 0.96948 0.85926 0.15248 0.46945 0.80067 0.43726 0.27543 0.61949 0.80164 0.1498 0.28208 0.17309 0.12898 0.98428 0.86891 0.35243 0.8303 0.53412 0.29039 0.73726 0.55168 0.98099 0.31929 0.20068 0.88326 0.50863 0.05706 0.40678 0.33144 0.84252 0.15873 0.21141 0.44444 0.83551 0.88379 0.64071 0.94544 0.83251 0.51533 0.82413 0.17312 0.75349 0.00993 0.26975 0.01742 0.76253 0.20061 0.46049 0.80374 0.17362 0.81355 0.60078 0.81982 0.45484 0.90905 0.77273 0.98368 0.85631 0.59144 0.31316 0.70057 0.07884 0.86683 0.34104 0.46318 0.60082 0.04108 0.96791 0.39469 0.47954 0.93654 0.00276 0.85495 0.76469 0.12259 0.08088 0.45771 0.11633 0.52373 0.34681 0.76056 0.58939 0.51575 0.6469 0.29051 0.42284 0.26495 0.81236 0.4984 0.66919 0.62486 0.372 0.35808 0.73084 0.86853 0.98093 0.89372 0.15704 0.19794 0.29348 0.48207 0.99661 0.17708 0.62694 0.80103 0.91036 0.7629 0.32876 0.63672 0.86868 0.55857 0.009 0.67379 0.26977 0.59056 0.24627 0.82669 0.1905 0.17274 0.55449 0.01606 0.96238 0.72031 0.69958 0.86335 0.15405 0.08915 0.21143 0.63249 0.70171 0.9715 0.23088 0.99438 0.43277 0.73884 0.74188 0.2412 0.2082 0.20679 0.87973 0.88301 0.83452 0.89686 0.49105 0.58414 0.3255 0.64154 0.82244 0.01901 0.53585 0.52592 0.29878 0.60325 0.10884 0.96527 0.88305 0.77728 0.40954 0.74679 0.00216 0.97114 0.24909 0.54947 0.88552 0.77083 0.62183 0.2442 0.6277 0.32844 0.64659 0.09384 0.83467 0.94315 0.70549 0.71474 0.60798 0.86505 0.59931 0.58011 0.51238 0.40258 0.2754 0.40631 0.47649 0.73959 0.83146 0.88326 0.90676 0.30016 0.51406 0.76312 0.98419 0.81459 0.70008 0.89196 0.93274 0.32459 0.41395 0.62732 0.37794 0.51403 0.85841 0.74305 0.72161 0.57012 0.38213 0.79065 0.32022 0.90819 0.11487 0.06281 0.70746 0.22899 0.63262 0.69681 0.62207 0.35974 0.42614 0.27873 0.09093 0.2673 0.56838 0.33111 0.90765 0.50347 0.14717 0.33783 0.46663 0.24139 0.65207 0.75631 0.09608 0.57548 0.43896 0.57345 0.31982 0.74792 0.81622 0.94242 0.04859 0.03192 0.82047 0.7363 0.01577 0.22164 0.14661 0.84827 0.42647 0.57681 0.42149 0.51025 0.35506
+0.43612 0.18104 0.45493 0.36975 0.66441 0.7084 0.31793 0.559 0.82745 0.8473 0.51388 0.37841 0.13776 0.69679 0.59814 0.47951 0.08764 0.61824 0.93265 0.49812 0.56521 0.32104 0.09418 0.14081 0.66417 0.98571 0.20371 0.83542 0.32509 0.38973 0.07177 0.22556 0.81356 0.26081 0.33814 0.87813 0.94942 0.42693 0.96657 0.81327 0.96318 0.36069 0.80962 0.68897 0.94073 0.91671 0.41101 0.52411 0.51163 0.26287 0.79915 0.68872 0.6146 0.29421 0.75836 0.15987 0.71655 0.20763 0.06532 0.92644 0.54605 0.97714 0.44208 0.30554 0.79827 0.94211 0.34598 0.82085 0.737 0.83999 0.14102 0.8221 0.80905 0.60562 0.54178 0.69358 0.88686 0.99149 0.69005 0.82093 0.82167 0.05385 0.13794 0.77515 0.80548 0.39962 0.11614 0.60436 0.07802 0.54524 0.10855 0.21977 0.21875 0.19987 0.83574 0.80788 0.0273 0.73697 0.05096 0.20616 0.7043 0.84616 0.07525 0.96625 0.46618 0.68399 0.0936 0.14283 0.88051 0.76107 0.32528 0.37534 0.76072 0.43073 0.82703 0.61395 0.13721 0.74312 0.20889 0.27036 0.7017 0.36433 0.19933 0.433 0.20882 0.62727 0.4551 0.29018 0.96575 0.10211 0.91349 0.46935 0.67179 0.85311 0.34765 0.42032 0.67845 0.27138 0.28876 0.36368 0.59222 0.67247 0.68537 0.65811 0.39733 0.31058 0.54136 0.48826 0.00064 0.82769 0.47246 0.20744 0.74973 0.79093 0.03682 0.24563 0.13432 0.765 0.11149 0.73622 0.77628 0.00672 0.12762 0.84034 0.42452 0.55416 0.98702 0.74132 0.76445 0.79302 0.54527 0.30114 0.69612 0.14703 0.07364 0.90444 0.09372 0.02977 0.10607 0.3547 0.33132 0.54254 0.55815 0.59186 0.64729 0.02511 0.6951 0.9768 0.77685 0.04528 0.81615 0.77335 0.71966 0.7085 0.15311 0.17193 0.39429 0.3781 0.21983 0.18839 0.0441 0.45659 0.71807 0.78094 0.97513 0.76899 0.90367 0.28598 0.5302 0.21931 0.50108 0.96248 0.76236 0.4576 0.54452 0.84405 0.97967 0.30842 0.95123 0.90895 0.87734 0.51984 0.11656 0.21092 0.11036 0.83127 0.86256 0.17561 0.25264 0.92873 0.05009 0.17348 0.32318 0.58814 0.28384 0.08294 0.46552 0.33663 0.3291 0.9645 0.50335 0.03711 0.00073 0.41596 0.74293 0.76618 0.15499 0.13944 0.86943 0.55714 0.72401 0.82295 0.00186 0.81226 0.08582 0.22467 0.96334 0.54986 0.16111 0.8271 0.39767 0.3923 0.04008 0.41652 0.84384 0.40798 0.24195 0.16928 0.54323 0.9738 0.72906 0.055 0.62511 0.62255 0.79244 0.50967 0.00279 0.54447 0.20207 0.52142 0.33407 0.26389 0.84861 0.68733 0.59804 0.28356 0.52634 0.01923 0.25857 0.05813 0.08161 0.44772 0.86865 0.08022 0.61339 0.82658 0.22555 0.26575 0.43596 0.93954 0.49541 0.50921 0.00233 0.29474 0.39967 0.10799 0.33648 0.66549 0.51072 0.57911 0.73499 0.70126 0.13518 0.12192 0.93145 0.25849 0.15175 0.58321 0.68478 0.80218 0.28769 0.66424 0.01532 0.08471 0.46319 0.98322 0.42793 0.89637 0.0925 0.89329 0.4011 0.23366 0.30585 0.98698 0.39313 0.43807 0.924 0.53909 0.95111 0.77473 0.44048 0.75023 0.35861 0.73598 0.28069 0.41934 0.20855 0.50007 0.2217 0.56244 0.23294 0.8018 0.9792 0.87715 0.12599 0.81036 0.05299 0.67105 0.45432 0.80726 0.76553 0.33514 0.536 0.23666 0.43115 0.13795 0.62435 0.29283 0.75071 0.62847 0.21427 0.92269 0.97025 0.65675 0.9781 0.35495 0.60607 0.12477 0.91898 0.36874 0.23292 0.22373 0.59664 0.71517 0.89233 0.7213 0.8495 0.2486 0.97667 0.68155 0.88032 0.87165 0.69757 0.04025 0.99215 0.2274 0.13912 0.06462 0.00484 0.22762 0.98566 0.2832 0.2753 0.99293 0.62574 0.63868 0.84463 0.79566 0.7414 0.43132 0.83518 0.09951 0.37387 0.64158 0.0554 0.96229 0.54342 0.72137 0.84087 0.27358 0.65517 0.15778 0.31166 0.89055 0.50039 0.39324 0.198 0.3752 0.1102 0.34121 0.57393 0.14324 0.31291 0.89011 0.27709 0.50793 0.73885 0.135 0.58635 0.49128 0.2788 0.53659 0.40145 0.27537 0.25263 0.99022 0.35869 0.60283 0.10262 0.18449 0.06628 0.63467 0.88479 0.68597 0.6995 0.4585 0.54136 0.05398 0.3004 0.63821 0.92574 0.66859 0.3187 0.52562 0.48053 0.04724 0.98194 0.76087 0.28199 0.607 0.78317 0.66181 0.18704 0.07936 0.94499 0.96744 0.78996 0.3567 0.66841 0.53495 0.30415 0.6932 0.56276 0.80857 0.85599 0.28703 0.67066 0.47653 0.93514 0.99344 0.52721 0.28724 0.84108 0.13421 0.47136 0.53805 0.98369 0.76689 0.35028 0.24369 0.0978 0.6907 0.36754 0.39073 0.27066 0.03648 0.90384 0.56219 0.1218 0.89637 0.46418 0.28019
+0.48141 0.54389 0.048 0.54109 0.46562 0.20834 0.64773 0.23427 0.44533 0.67838 0.32225 0.5675 0.55371 0.99232 0.68278 0.54931 0.01222 0.76341 0.34407 0.16676 0.24446 0.16931 0.4312 0.5313 0.88494 0.06842 0.79257 0.66799 0.30673 0.3873 0.55998 0.96345 0.20445 0.03885 0.52886 0.98067 0.5606 0.23235 0.88696 0.53163 0.77061 0.10193 0.30155 0.20435 0.44305 0.6013 0.82255 0.48501 0.56785 0.62569 0.19468 0.91804 0.34293 0.81701 0.35937 0.753 0.35326 0.64216 0.33843 0.36674 0.87143 0.54257 0.90564 0.93363 0.41331 0.15647 0.69234 0.91985 0.0246 0.44156 0.64435 0.82112 0.5956 0.08002 0.2921 0.74287 0.66332 0.20216 0.8264 0.53093 0.38278 0.38526 0.73213 0.09232 0.26501 0.29599 0.90777 0.89275 0.95424 0.12364 0.03353 0.40786 0.73937 0.71278 0.18285 0.43594 0.67109 0.17782 0.4816 0.99158 0.21219 0.79298 0.68471 0.46202 0.9379 0.53575 0.75206 0.15688 0.46 0.63887 0.17749 0.99456 0.90632 0.00023 0.07321 0.01985 0.83587 0.13843 0.55319 0.43847 0.4587 0.47898 0.99868 0.31185 0.64854 0.56251 0.88379 0.86275 0.39196 0.32815 0.88921 0.96097 0.4962 0.55694 0.91475 0.64965 0.497 0.68691 0.73838 0.14842 0.83723 0.80672 0.02432 0.57633 0.08287 0.92473 0.86524 0.76045 0.07682 0.77971 0.47107 0.95706 0.39662 0.27041 0.469 0.28662 0.41033 0.8133 0.39932 0.52559 0.08316 0.81037 0.65264 0.36103 0.46906 0.50421 0.55689 0.58287 0.42729 0.34682 0.81527 0.44942 0.90472 0.14181 0.15591 0.98861 0.76035 0.77857 0.48422 0.32034 0.65209 0.06103 0.20069 0.78687 0.06782 0.99832 0.41355 0.27116 0.77708 0.06074 0.66834 0.62748 0.66489 0.03963 0.54731 0.00936 0.48966 0.19332 0.84798 0.44771 0.23375 0.98576 0.25323 0.02559 0.71944 0.41709 0.63845 0.94624 0.85917 0.47477 0.72089 0.92746 0.43224 0.22707 0.75415 0.47264 0.14417 0.04296 0.15683 0.57421 0.29043 0.63685 0.36793 0.7886 0.98529 0.4535 0.63717 0.09012 0.98266 0.03988 0.59493 0.58169 0.43834 0.8646 0.41901 0.69565 0.03398 0.34814 0.06501 0.63573 0.86789 0.63696 0.43383 0.47269 0.20316 0.60476 0.84586 0.70451 0.96587 0.63114 0.73701 0.76917 0.76554 0.21736 0.65767 0.16552 0.63389 0.18391 0.38227 0.90842 0.73922 0.05293 0.82138 0.34554 0.04959 0.44541 0.33483 0.69266 0.01419 0.26973 0.34857 0.252 0.09669 0.64667 0.40833 0.08946 0.92018 0.59898 0.96651 0.60741 0.57152 0.78789 0.9877 0.45915 0.34736 0.85918 0.24489 0.5178 0.61534 0.94998 0.78484 0.28587 0.09012 0.3427 0.566 0.5431 0.16338 0.82278 0.24157 0.02464 0.69315 0.68894 0.79649 0.63398 0.16758 0.59824 0.21089 0.63927 0.59075 0.06254 0.31437 0.56735 0.14703 0.81994 0.6693 0.79308 0.49388 0.35706 0.46719 0.89434 0.47982 0.30627 0.16668 0.4397 0.25696 0.75576 0.84911 0.70037 0.64773 0.22011 0.24024 0.32818 0.55541 0.26661 0.89362 0.60137 0.43689 0.76571 0.91316 0.22865 0.93937 0.90687 0.16921 0.88854 0.78327 0.39458 0.15064 0.51656 0.48039 0.76269 0.17438 0.66971 0.13198 0.72266 0.0775 0.30701 0.38794 0.4432 0.03672 0.59031 0.61071 0.9697 0.17217 0.56464 0.40852 0.25027 0.00112 0.53594 0.77467 0.91826 0.71543 0.0646 0.89727 0.24319 0.87413 0.50023 0.29525 0.17156 0.51159 0.62185 0.5733 0.90829 0.47831 0.64023 0.04648 0.35653 0.68757 0.17612 0.38446 0.20715 0.7073 0.30809 0.68276 0.86131 0.84856 0.30274 0.69957 0.83429 0.41992 0.96222 0.79185 0.51809 0.80522 0.98082 0.64385 0.73675 0.0152 0.06483 0.18918 0.85458 0.01755 0.00696 0.3099 0.66782 0.7455 0.27772 0.88169 0.60189 0.82985 0.11423 0.03584 0.21431 0.13471 0.87122 0.8059 0.26208 0.63279 0.31522 0.32348 0.57575 0.96249 0.46477 0.9319 0.53521 0.22767 0.44032 0.9873 0.658 0.99684 0.08284 0.65196 0.54836 0.32111 0.6554 0.82848 0.60537 0.12554 0.29163 0.88735 0.39396 0.62545 0.33245 0.01406 0.12773 0.78856 0.45246 0.011 0.6097 0.99887 0.96647 0.241 0.76856 0.67295 0.77134 0.69023 0.89686 0.78423 0.31958 0.68515 0.2835 0.40523 0.47103 0.10232 0.04695 0.15387 0.71982 0.21633 0.27278 0.60147 0.76405 0.5936 0.94579 0.53133 0.85411 0.15233 0.84987 0.93029 0.37253 0.45162 0.89289 0.99439 0.49375 0.30909 0.36292 0.28504 0.57069 0.75517 0.76862 0.19277 0.40014 0.96178 0.52415 0.78549 0.35947 0.90405 0.37308 0.75478 0.73981 0.97457 0.74741 0.34313 0.95271
+0.33497 0.8126 0.02283 0.47791 0.40845 0.39387 0.19853 0.1535 0.01537 0.75348 0.63119 0.47256 0.27727 0.91354 0.78906 0.69968 0.18097 0.98702 0.87043 0.23268 0.44101 0.60761 0.06154 0.74229 0.57258 0.33321 0.26731 0.57144 0.33312 0.60058 0.78856 0.7714 0.43497 0.74678 0.46434 0.58426 0.76573 0.85608 0.55936 0.10438 0.65169 0.88085 0.62299 0.75176 0.10015 0.5391 0.99977 0.95539 0.75518 0.28607 0.19187 0.45641 0.31337 0.34417 0.54143 0.37581 0.11288 0.37803 0.77692 0.14462 0.93521 0.87071 0.11588 0.24183 0.36638 0.31803 0.53403 0.84243 0.55337 0.11003 0.91462 0.83683 0.92198 0.27006 0.90047 0.82228 0.1978 0.4718 0.84744 0.04391 0.56233 0.35595 0.29388 0.88706 0.28698 0.60116 0.89331 0.33415 0.85742 0.97267 0.65804 0.60924 0.96655 0.20564 0.55454 0.4681 0.56385 0.19144 0.63222 0.98293 0.96602 0.45091 0.23154 0.83617 0.1874 0.84702 0.32772 0.57951 0.78386 0.50916 0.49728 0.32187 0.33197 0.73276 0.33814 0.36978 0.31875 0.18452 0.23203 0.67133 0.50029 0.92368 0.0234 0.93903 0.56307 0.88092 0.06612 0.39619 0.01185 0.89817 0.39127 0.06656 0.81214 0.57103 0.28215 0.83173 0.71386 0.07756 0.08261 0.03916 0.1975 0.63808 0.67037 0.24731 0.65453 0.46067 0.13691 0.02603 0.6868 0.97586 0.31024 0.30409 0.53091 0.63939 0.01087 0.0034 0.52036 0.80813 0.89451 0.51695 0.12841 0.73393 0.75117 0.10718 0.16029 0.85652 0.45685 0.83495 0.96837 0.54541 0.55569 0.48344 0.49801 0.54455 0.33676 0.70584 0.6666 0.4685 0.22939 0.44032 0.38097 0.89407 0.1966 0.48599 0.00014 0.13408 0.60317 0.95891 0.17426 0.77261 0.94092 0.35898 0.03751 0.68988 0.2664 0.92338 0.4738 0.3243 0.47735 0.01905 0.8543 0.04743 0.49814 0.1063 0.89014 0.71235 0.28358 0.74344 0.69544 0.44822 0.52015 0.89119 0.45572 0.27249 0.43324 0.50215 0.10089 0.62513 0.58953 0.91553 0.06799 0.40995 0.43954 0.6706 0.04083 0.30279 0.27638 0.5594 0.62917 0.59783 0.44427 0.22567 0.19057 0.64958 0.63887 0.64109 0.01128 0.8365 0.73038 0.22358 0.46065 0.71395 0.28097 0.40418 0.70046 0.14011 0.68525 0.40259 0.05655 0.64221 0.90545 0.80476 0.73366 0.49735 0.24163 0.13837 0.14402 0.21211 0.86588 0.32233 0.94753 0.92475 0.47302 0.7699 0.18619 0.8585 0.18696 0.28605 0.66272 0.8148 0.49423 0.69267 0.49633 0.65647 0.74475 0.39754 0.69194 0.54457 0.16804 0.06322 0.11511 0.14656 0.54715 0.27004 0.63515 0.80969 0.41896 0.68285 0.83149 0.36661 0.85511 0.08513 0.7987 0.3064 0.14212 0.74775 0.51615 0.54774 0.42783 0.55687 0.35642 0.93424 0.98345 0.75625 0.20547 0.78649 0.24684 0.73849 0.59777 0.03948 0.02848 0.88566 0.3762 0.18894 0.47114 0.84019 0.07581 0.23303 0.28959 0.42751 0.63518 0.46715 0.75455 0.08943 0.99219 0.96224 0.37805 0.4688 0.02106 0.5051 0.30558 0.11989 0.68135 0.59706 0.11039 0.18352 0.46654 0.16729 0.50658 0.65549 0.25985 0.9647 0.49332 0.16347 0.74883 0.6393 0.41035 0.39205 0.31889 0.02045 0.52336 0.32277 0.64483 0.35401 0.69186 0.72953 0.37048 0.87047 0.09359 0.65543 0.72466 0.74376 0.97353 0.99431 0.95674 0.37415 0.70661 0.21991 0.56451 0.93225 0.56409 0.25766 0.97099 0.58015 0.92851 0.33856 0.96974 0.38074 0.16036 0.36164 0.2216 0.62849 0.13844 0.97432 0.64759 0.96538 0.69137 0.69207 0.6188 0.95388 0.71698 0.82128 0.43382 0.29922 0.93678 0.1432 0.25105 0.65402 0.79062 0.79929 0.1345 0.52434 0.52079 0.57861 0.15347 0.72796 0.33052 0.57071 0.38253 0.98286 0.04751 0.82225 0.83058 0.86437 0.42852 0.53004 0.19198 0.65452 0.22734 0.10672 0.67645 0.51604 0.88572 0.66873 0.67806 0.22088 0.84951 0.16073 0.40985 0.68686 0.94576 0.14636 0.73844 0.799 0.81581 0.34799 0.61292 0.04394 0.22672 0.77876 0.238 0.62147 0.63044 0.02302 0.57196 0.59677 0.62355 0.13652 0.48323 0.77332 0.77202 0.49176 0.11308 0.26602 0.97132 0.76785 0.41252 0.42409 0.7467 0.20154 0.41785 0.32947 0.59413 0.3808 0.79835 0.13046 0.65003 0.78382 0.82839 0.64603 0.37119 0.34678 0.80996 0.01966 0.57072 0.14012 0.32181 0.4956 0.25173 0.00656 0.00382 0.04802 0.76919 0.85474 0.86586 0.41034 0.5676 0.98196 0.70687 0.45669 0.15134 0.55727 0.74315 0.60705 0.87162 0.92925 0.80877 0.70269 0.78695 0.79526 0.06495 0.7053 0.43356 0.19382 0.45636 0.8614 0.89813 0.5224 0.62343 0.39692 0.87427 0.21864
+0.15556 0.52733 0.11851 0.13206 0.14194 0.76606 0.35783 0.04981 0.31328 0.61458 0.25514 0.78701 0.69134 0.50942 0.98653 0.92596 0.7336 0.46613 0.14536 0.62021 0.24228 0.1745 0.7542 0.11779 0.49121 0.11931 0.33963 0.08848 0.82169 0.0253 0.6955 0.10371 0.23881 0.42119 0.69902 0.49542 0.58754 0.78869 0.56053 0.51424 0.29405 0.65481 0.63254 0.22019 0.81412 0.26402 0.14217 0.97752 0.42745 0.77845 0.17818 0.01196 0.5513 0.90869 0.61351 0.84848 0.66659 0.05459 0.98406 0.12868 0.66924 0.79341 0.25759 0.9815 0.6122 0.69918 0.4799 0.87813 0.80518 0.74399 0.23515 0.78838 0.30935 0.22897 0.73203 0.34508 0.66262 0.65251 0.1608 0.49244 0.58958 0.11901 0.06971 0.49573 0.03966 0.25328 0.24808 0.54419 0.20688 0.0838 0.46935 0.00369 0.72854 0.38466 0.82912 0.6334 0.80106 0.0626 0.13496 0.35857 0.4121 0.99672 0.72411 0.0142 0.49479 0.7726 0.93545 0.83173 0.42827 0.77748 0.59588 0.89949 0.03882 0.62421 0.43847 0.73589 0.15048 0.44289 0.07248 0.5955 0.36177 0.82967 0.43298 0.10004 0.82504 0.92593 0.38642 0.02136 0.6196 0.31415 0.21113 0.88454 0.93958 0.97145 0.27338 0.64393 0.90886 0.26359 0.37894 0.36851 0.87635 0.31938 0.5145 0.63497 0.85945 0.17566 0.88963 0.57989 0.07853 0.93268 0.71106 0.69351 0.8251 0.25486 0.00613 0.65312 0.3465 0.84824 0.91114 0.757 0.9294 0.21919 0.34562 0.71779 0.67336 0.32101 0.84234 0.82678 0.09904 0.1636 0.27108 0.13472 0.15396 0.54935 0.88445 0.76624 0.15473 0.13383 0.84689 0.21022 0.4601 0.34766 0.03111 0.39799 0.02058 0.86798 0.24718 0.06174 0.83674 0.77433 0.46035 0.67666 0.09614 0.9254 0.86334 0.3901 0.59009 0.23589 0.26714 0.05622 0.15147 0.10407 0.55714 0.78511 0.81619 0.39736 0.2101 0.55749 0.30843 0.8273 0.84988 0.56034 0.2428 0.89493 0.97505 0.0554 0.35203 0.47251 0.77615 0.32697 0.23638 0.13355 0.0397 0.41388 0.31235 0.22485 0.68987 0.08393 0.48709 0.87376 0.95975 0.11099 0.83614 0.84105 0.20134 0.61533 0.66211 0.3246 0.87124 0.66362 0.81013 0.54573 0.16034 0.08239 0.36346 0.5742 0.41863 0.82492 0.66086 0.84773 0.78726 0.21464 0.9949 0.563 0.41945 0.09657 0.77807 0.8823 0.82798 0.1811 0.22435 0.32404 0.80799 0.44504 0.14622 0.26468 0.22645 0.42727 0.12853 0.36093 0.4158 0.48898 0.56244 0.3805 0.30465 0.68859 0.09052 0.85992 0.13331 0.06256 0.20118 0.37033 0.3227 0.57875 0.70776 0.14447 0.17819 0.32938 0.70794 0.12145 0.23478 0.0392 0.73572 0.53066 0.49145 0.54399 0.62425 0.14509 0.97758 0.73315 0.38583 0.73036 0.67178 0.85695 0.3388 0.81522 0.2705 0.04466 0.18005 0.656 0.78833 0.30232 0.82105 0.88438 0.29401 0.8539 0.99156 0.46774 0.88542 0.32295 0.30452 0.16845 0.52582 0.70394 0.71963 0.55334 0.89987 0.51731 0.20229 0.95271 0.63701 0.44224 0.08143 0.27614 0.81683 0.58885 0.96555 0.13125 0.92271 0.12029 0.67929 0.19727 0.05697 0.06104 0.08424 0.45346 0.03629 0.97449 0.50542 0.54319 0.97385 0.1382 0.82885 0.51238 0.1915 0.76734 0.16086 0.8584 0.10779 0.17758 0.63573 0.66695 0.0151 0.84515 0.86552 0.31489 0.23297 0.51525 0.23557 0.05246 0.19301 0.37187 0.35614 0.94982 0.51655 0.09403 0.22228 0.39136 0.74254 0.26822 0.48309 0.43684 0.50601 0.53469 0.23222 0.92819 0.51258 0.97889 0.03039 0.38654 0.44341 0.03186 0.34868 0.70221 0.95482 0.18138 0.41624 0.80034 0.24985 0.70181 0.11838 0.39473 0.68502 0.34733 0.66842 0.972 0.38646 0.07821 0.30865 0.16243 0.69294 0.25556 0.47183 0.56645 0.35015 0.1214 0.11869 0.43809 0.69922 0.94682 0.77818 0.17498 0.20224 0.61422 0.0196 0.32701 0.37677 0.6339 0.80944 0.32709 0.16521 0.3302 0.80855 0.90865 0.88151 0.02525 0.60064 0.17335 0.32068 0.22436 0.0292 0.86361 0.14435 0.0742 0.80653 0.84741 0.56049 0.85009 0.32813 0.29544 0.10511 0.81642 0.73527 0.96999 0.09944 0.10118 0.36079 0.78552 0.0153 0.96826 0.41538 0.46748 0.11884 0.81048 0.8438 0.22557 0.50509 0.94521 0.22196 0.79653 0.6555 0.22146 0.44191 0.22439 0.43286 0.94582 0.4642 0.25938 0.66337 0.5764 0.2581 0.1076 0.32193 0.81201 0.82514 0.15347 0.04233 0.49849 0.94398 0.70016 0.24691 0.51653 0.40886 0.27578 0.63723 0.38557 0.16399 0.98993 0.84699 0.42717 0.40212 0.24679 0.39455 0.78617 0.08781 0.3091 0.92501 0.45706 0.50997 0.82797 0.43948 0.76245
+0.10758 0.93596 0.71763 0.7609 0.09837 0.41433 0.20551 0.69768 0.24158 0.8876 0.47219 0.35213 0.78804 0.92118 0.50717 0.97386 0.67551 0.83739 0.29553 0.41333 0.71132 0.55758 0.84194 0.07321 0.35029 0.34818 0.02306 0.64378 0.9628 0.94011 0.34015 0.84474 0.66475 0.99795 0.80739 0.25652 0.13388 0.39018 0.30776 0.31443 0.82129 0.53541 0.31939 0.68997 0.05459 0.05046 0.27155 0.05269 0.43268 0.77965 0.29478 0.51274 0.50617 0.52086 0.52178 0.226 0.94766 0.85713 0.02652 0.28505 0.02228 0.37672 0.4917 0.96503 0.5645 0.7328 0.34039 0.83123 0.31882 0.96154 0.56225 0.45547 0.03878 0.70136 0.95981 0.16723 0.13769 0.35121 0.09231 0.32721 0.19515 0.80226 0.17576 0.34739 0.67969 0.31411 0.59393 0.09893 0.15689 0.4803 0.07722 0.57131 0.33867 0.53704 0.58185 0.04503 0.92384 0.20854 0.74144 0.71106 0.69324 0.11799 0.88323 0.44626 0.38809 0.35698 0.61188 0.37324 0.84915 0.30413 0.87331 0.6205 0.31688 0.97593 0.22168 0.30123 0.92773 0.80609 0.62406 0.53455 0.71262 0.49407 0.76036 0.35133 0.86958 0.8688 0.58626 0.74006 0.69173 0.82534 0.29329 0.34793 0.18611 0.66915 0.32577 0.01468 0.60403 0.61411 0.32091 0.10773 0.05441 0.77848 0.88295 0.70879 0.92751 0.73719 0.81834 0.69446 0.53645 0.64259 0.47969 0.66279 0.84909 0.39118 0.17605 0.29305 0.0934 0.25154 0.86797 0.5282 0.08721 0.27276 0.79665 0.46408 0.88235 0.95534 0.18745 0.20308 0.6166 0.55433 0.95217 0.70045 0.54391 0.29635 0.17449 0.27589 0.14927 0.35041 0.78912 0.25769 0.95112 0.24659 0.8468 0.26677 0.55069 0.17014 0.63584 0.18071 0.10365 0.07276 0.83292 0.90882 0.55303 0.14166 0.77272 0.79552 0.68481 0.83377 0.88029 0.91689 0.78098 0.30718 0.61744 0.01122 0.54274 0.11024 0.38788 0.18668 0.42061 0.40087 0.63714 0.05491 0.6132 0.5358 0.2225 0.48906 0.50629 0.3556 0.5634 0.72696 0.1879 0.98165 0.18173 0.09952 0.1967 0.74379 0.69798 0.6658 0.64778 0.83919 0.17225 0.16407 0.77805 0.84053 0.66959 0.68163 0.51033 0.94454 0.25385 0.0105 0.90917 0.32093 0.697 0.79774 0.97016 0.73245 0.42889 0.5881 0.84987 0.92648 0.86395 0.55739 0.73751 0.76719 0.82935 0.67645 0.71758 0.80846 0.06835 0.06064 0.43071 0.25438 0.26022 0.76722 0.4231 0.03517 0.95038 0.63997 0.47704 0.58089 0.44194 0.3121 0.0952 0.249 0.14191 0.81371 0.33724 0.51177 0.73332 0.95739 0.98484 0.72082 0.47135 0.27751 0.62318 0.96127 0.10328 0.06261 0.93439 0.12474 0.28517 0.59175 0.27017 0.93014 0.64102 0.1282 0.61945 0.0871 0.65416 0.89548 0.92135 0.83697 0.13189 0.55567 0.74006 0.05695 0.10548 0.545 0.12343 0.03501 0.96227 0.48103 0.12566 0.19613 0.21156 0.41333 0.1372 0.42141 0.25852 0.28825 0.04632 0.84837 0.84109 0.07737 0.7477 0.95706 0.54525 0.90649 0.43469 0.8469 0.96821 0.3756 0.7715 0.62838 0.45183 0.2971 0.28295 0.44137 0.40714 0.06349 0.59894 0.30657 0.03356 0.477 0.96586 0.88635 0.46052 0.16916 0.66157 0.51959 0.71473 0.57817 0.64732 0.16491 0.2058 0.9953 0.4887 0.49962 0.62711 0.36861 0.55035 0.93807 0.26164 0.57104 0.24353 0.79849 0.70906 0.52294 0.93278 0.53039 0.12337 0.56625 0.70466 0.24926 0.78181 0.70599 0.89909 0.76635 0.96494 0.3722 0.43681 0.33917 0.28151 0.45508 0.99779 0.25786 0.73962 0.24713 0.73062 0.98501 0.65901 0.4094 0.04054 0.11894 0.37078 0.82221 0.23863 0.32221 0.31006 0.19861 0.02659 0.39951 0.50489 0.88431 0.61304 0.24341 0.48259 0.81962 0.23804 0.39991 0.47178 0.97965 0.83258 0.73315 0.50683 0.45257 0.78268 0.37174 0.58527 0.05879 0.28186 0.61049 0.59982 0.28924 0.57043 0.32714 0.71102 0.62036 0.46251 0.8106 0.83443 0.71826 0.65215 0.30757 0.40144 0.36177 0.02667 0.65439 0.67249 0.51931 0.70039 0.18876 0.14337 0.71135 0.3789 0.18169 0.58015 0.96547 0.01681 0.24053 0.49892 0.83501 0.68701 0.14428 0.43065 0.40989 0.13633 0.38634 0.96787 0.85722 0.37007 0.37747 0.13073 0.9881 0.1257 0.11851 0.61471 0.30926 0.37614 0.73333 0.62885 0.31633 0.96682 0.65689 0.83462 0.11132 0.70601 0.83509 0.16984 0.21154 0.50947 0.74537 0.67102 0.6593 0.16799 0.45154 0.44476 0.55257 0.65001 0.80021 0.28752 0.51441 0.33854 0.07625 0.29217 0.96034 0.69298 0.90439 0.52791 0.78003 0.20211 0.73096 0.62519 0.87017 0.49807 0.74329 0.20664 0.03383 0.52096 0.85581 0.84081 0.1992
+0.05168 0.59869 0.07929 0.19612 0.51229 0.2196 0.96667 0.3771 0.55763 0.02304 0.0825 0.96943 0.14458 0.84738 0.74577 0.89844 0.1494 0.42504 0.07877 0.71356 0.87426 0.77659 0.58974 0.98819 0.51618 0.47694 0.37104 0.75119 0.08396 0.12934 0.3088 0.45778 0.31182 0.94166 0.86528 0.8539 0.3913 0.48896 0.0077 0.66816 0.72408 0.00631 0.1997 0.76408 0.26461 0.90463 0.81004 0.37243 0.56927 0.90703 0.20881 0.14701 0.11904 0.09244 0.07103 0.31947 0.33125 0.7905 0.75336 0.90829 0.58825 0.2459 0.6526 0.42465 0.71332 0.92532 0.56874 0.20872 0.07483 0.67833 0.35194 0.10849 0.96069 0.42602 0.40737 0.11901 0.09652 0.10428 0.60778 0.83955 0.85891 0.17225 0.29563 0.98881 0.73842 0.49892 0.33652 0.29941 0.11322 0.71487 0.32892 0.36303 0.55997 0.73152 0.83605 0.42553 0.72153 0.4707 0.49579 0.66579 0.85415 0.49972 0.04321 0.91368 0.85078 0.40832 0.2998 0.36392 0.09693 0.74787 0.36143 0.62009 0.1575 0.36903 0.48996 0.09564 0.98796 0.50726 0.21191 0.42596 0.73743 0.80417 0.54255 0.73038 0.46371 0.00081 0.22752 0.39339 0.83151 0.5969 0.37705 0.59625 0.26852 0.82853 0.65824 0.02868 0.63135 0.5567 0.92117 0.70305 0.10332 0.4814 0.81922 0.75336 0.59706 0.85564 0.44843 0.37244 0.83876 0.90154 0.62612 0.55388 0.07488 0.2118 0.30174 0.75055 0.49236 0.1419 0.23949 0.94155 0.42353 0.26221 0.78694 0.37853 0.01194 0.91979 0.18215 0.03715 0.29388 0.213 0.61489 0.55016 0.2607 0.20848 0.06016 0.10492 0.77189 0.12114 0.82729 0.15285 0.11628 0.13482 0.84471 0.73777 0.11152 0.99656 0.99496 0.23503 0.84257 0.90721 0.24887 0.07575 0.18689 0.67745 0.26769 0.91377 0.48516 0.87598 0.94654 0.87668 0.85327 0.2375 0.0109 0.46253 0.09296 0.02011 0.14824 0.04014 0.59788 0.35381 0.83019 0.38864 0.20807 0.6941 0.88272 0.26232 0.86125 0.14327 0.34266 0.73701 0.99923 0.04478 0.55834 0.71139 0.09978 0.629 0.08472 0.14744 0.84574 0.77938 0.87263 0.2532 0.34228 0.97713 0.12427 0.76118 0.75203 0.3256 0.02067 0.17059 0.15169 0.45002 0.39951 0.84402 0.6619 0.35533 0.17812 0.33332 0.12891 0.57709 0.91549 0.90145 0.80938 0.31882 0.67744 0.51615 0.99195 0.70019 0.60446 0.58997 0.09702 0.41833 0.95883 0.33861 0.57626 0.23437 0.39921 0.27503 0.59962 0.4304 0.5397 0.35557 0.86046 0.93161 0.9307 0.11461 0.81766 0.56664 0.38965 0.89603 0.78038 0.11829 0.76784 0.32817 0.72926 0.09663 0.17391 0.49348 0.93358 0.29017 0.2817 0.56401 0.03605 0.62209 0.0127 0.41581 0.52644 0.29934 0.79915 0.81508 0.17642 0.51542 0.08346 0.86325 0.78714 0.10976 0.8743 0.25012 0.8327 0.60682 0.54909 0.07653 0.51333 0.98616 0.51986 0.06857 0.62481 0.38527 0.47945 0.74624 0.18551 0.95105 0.61975 0.55009 0.31851 0.51579 0.60614 0.02729 0.53374 0.56915 0.41343 0.6975 0.91352 0.27975 0.78074 0.90223 0.25373 0.23339 0.36637 0.20201 0.78396 0.85676 0.82128 0.07111 0.73347 0.39112 0.41695 0.83821 0.09276 0.91718 0.08171 0.23235 0.62878 0.52569 0.90509 0.42769 0.16531 0.45649 0.59887 0.56225 0.26131 0.07558 0.55231 0.77221 0.70016 0.50596 0.48078 0.43034 0.97199 0.13263 0.90788 0.16409 0.65969 0.77417 0.36079 0.77802 0.20704 0.78923 0.2614 0.87358 0.83739 0.07552 0.30498 0.90407 0.31897 0.16111 0.04621 0.08971 0.03892 0.11527 0.48166 0.2537 0.40694 0.01534 0.49906 0.32184 0.45486 0.99568 0.40899 0.11267 0.75913 0.74766 0.12158 0.15025 0.71652 0.1899 0.06439 0.18169 0.62109 0.12547 0.60209 0.44407 0.99738 0.84536 0.29654 0.96792 0.74264 0.72161 0.70672 0.65199 0.49767 0.28228 0.45419 0.36432 0.58317 0.28845 0.77223 0.64348 0.11997 0.04832 0.74786 0.26174 0.81364 0.1802 0.08781 0.57098 0.37972 0.76867 0.1436 0.68606 0.56879 0.53304 0.68557 0.35536 0.47775 0.47105 0.07706 0.33788 0.2509 0.54767 0.15472 0.24676 0.28656 0.52179 0.87507 0.32276 0.37263 0.0501 0.65701 0.18678 0.52815 0.96369 0.92687 0.62067 0.68747 0.03071 0.53416 0.07965 0.07238 0.55141 0.37504 0.97743 0.59225 0.27445 0.59373 0.78121 0.33781 0.83281 0.57233 0.31862 0.2036 0.16652 0.76773 0.96471 0.55841 0.88591 0.56159 0.14794 0.842 0.84252 0.85923 0.50475 0.9674 0.28912 0.71418 0.93864 0.80627 0.67077 0.01242 0.508 0.85267 0.08936 0.57464 0.40074 0.83597 0.32794 0.76586 0.9714 0.02531 0.91607 0.21045 0.00108
+0.59393 0.85894 0.33133 0.89565 0.8523 0.66425 0.45324 0.07127 0.86961 0.2253 0.3787 0.57978 0.46098 0.47878 0.33444 0.4987 0.33922 0.25241 0.79876 0.40559 0.95658 0.62103 0.87563 0.839 0.68141 0.71218 0.05238 0.92257 0.44787 0.40419 0.74332 0.90575 0.77999 0.04347 0.53433 0.65342 0.11071 0.10669 0.28515 0.53148 0.60652 0.82583 0.24901 0.25017 0.32132 0.47885 0.42881 0.66797 0.53847 0.81046 0.77093 0.67904 0.53231 0.93748 0.42577 0.34635 0.07208 0.72832 0.8049 0.56216 0.71086 0.59111 0.42661 0.61646 0.52662 0.54128 0.89748 0.73923 0.2696 0.78749 0.70042 0.84025 0.76868 0.81775 0.83488 0.18139 0.81927 0.37344 0.84816 0.84535 0.6941 0.85063 0.01466 0.62072 0.13479 0.96395 0.42007 0.29286 0.01334 0.99114 0.86376 0.64721 0.79269 0.82863 0.13006 0.7561 0.03607 0.25656 0.61352 0.37828 0.1903 0.7394 0.8669 0.35565 0.06902 0.95364 0.28226 0.93529 0.91196 0.18316 0.27662 0.32417 0.7596 0.35967 0.45541 0.98838 0.14955 0.33239 0.46346 0.74538 0.81783 0.36631 0.07197 0.36197 0.83768 0.02746 0.12573 0.34227 0.2144 0.57608 0.81975 0.57055 0.96118 0.85887 0.44999 0.01064 0.2702 0.00894 0.8901 0.36813 0.09627 0.72176 0.80252 0.36947 0.09021 0.35815 0.91932 0.8106 0.87847 0.5927 0.78867 0.93852 0.23632 0.50572 0.05637 0.97477 0.69227 0.63405 0.52504 0.92303 0.94673 0.89226 0.03896 0.0262 0.43815 0.51851 0.95215 0.22163 0.18123 0.64622 0.62313 0.08346 0.5352 0.95546 0.59482 0.026 0.58369 0.91036 0.86423 0.35476 0.14701 0.30946 0.92577 0.79511 0.86514 0.77535 0.80801 0.7075 0.68016 0.84394 0.99145 0.56377 0.16386 0.82088 0.34859 0.45315 0.62252 0.05657 0.80444 0.18157 0.51401 0.23151 0.73439 0.4059 0.8959 0.64965 0.46253 0.91904 0.20715 0.15491 0.84058 0.48492 0.29608 0.65705 0.9269 0.88268 0.56685 0.93572 0.78677 0.62695 0.46504 0.78396 0.03391 0.84405 0.9102 0.415 0.68342 0.8484 0.75671 0.97685 0.23695 0.30534 0.66318 0.2545 0.61266 0.61351 0.03279 0.86274 0.53971 0.25938 0.76924 0.19836 0.41072 0.62222 0.98836 0.51897 0.72906 0.29466 0.68598 0.09678 0.92933 0.94547 0.11411 0.40125 0.06021 0.92274 0.85744 0.11176 0.54609 0.17865 0.08849 0.22259 0.89897 0.00606 0.56629 0.32377 0.58776 0.7077 0.65839 0.956 0.56107 0.48265 0.52639 0.21925 0.72956 0.81955 0.58587 0.82434 0.67506 0.9539 0.9037 0.42236 0.27479 0.01896 0.77279 0.34069 0.83001 0.1264 0.61737 0.81354 0.25871 0.48694 0.08442 0.66306 0.1542 0.3136 0.49627 0.22512 0.86895 0.74976 0.55362 0.04674 0.27906 0.36073 0.9761 0.31123 0.71009 0.29343 0.90486 0.6641 0.60239 0.9843 0.90929 0.34163 0.80385 0.59005 0.41339 0.99951 0.91058 0.72919 0.62844 0.73966 0.83044 0.23392 0.92347 0.41391 0.97476 0.54113 0.16985 0.23743 0.09422 0.1415 0.44686 0.82566 0.09105 0.48924 0.05254 0.93332 0.00979 0.94464 0.23221 0.52634 0.52915 0.00734 0.73233 0.42223 0.56514 0.71027 0.96942 0.19594 0.17359 0.33708 0.88702 0.45719 0.58867 0.7146 0.48161 0.64425 0.71702 0.23204 0.78791 0.71165 0.61518 0.65249 0.75363 0.26762 0.67119 0.27344 0.61362 0.75448 0.92371 0.40317 0.8984 0.45844 0.64299 0.18192 0.52997 0.78216 0.55063 0.79922 0.82385 0.38758 0.4245 0.55773 0.77799 0.04317 0.55813 0.30225 0.4813 0.36439 0.89703 0.75009 0.04602 0.78862 0.84848 0.17425 0.98466 0.78646 0.14307 0.34141 0.30922 0.66458 0.53638 0.62042 0.85855 0.86166 0.33187 0.41875 0.35045 0.44553 0.10172 0.81682 0.0068 0.28935 0.64967 0.11473 0.76002 0.53971 0.4466 0.74606 0.06514 0.57773 0.22437 0.42373 0.94121 0.92385 0.71388 0.30198 0.23721 0.2197 0.30297 0.79586 0.2557 0.79438 0.76832 0.55022 0.81348 0.80764 0.16907 0.20692 0.86213 0.62506 0.08615 0.03036 0.17681 0.33482 0.16702 0.79337 0.57945 0.70311 0.02973 0.92786 0.12698 0.56956 0.17702 0.08904 0.8372 0.56809 0.98245 0.29267 0.91964 0.335 0.54926 0.75204 0.62702 0.73758 0.02878 0.13621 0.94657 0.66119 0.83496 0.86039 0.4617 0.27136 0.73306 0.45784 0.77187 0.93583 0.30767 0.08682 0.46451 0.20235 0.87173 0.26484 0.31859 0.05426 0.13526 0.05197 0.81895 0.7854 0.37999 0.65465 0.16785 0.25328 0.58474 0.60951 5e-05 0.10895 0.63017 0.93773 0.09682 0.78932 0.04859 0.60527 0.52111 0.12545 0.76364 0.26034 0.01106 0.19697 0.60807 0.77088
+0.49021 0.60612 0.57934 0.29528 0.33637 0.0992 0.2919 0.85861 0.89831 0.07614 0.78729 0.39165 0.08588 0.88588 0.27522 0.07607 0.41509 0.25018 0.9225 0.46589 0.42202 0.1179 0.06901 0.80513 0.21806 0.73769 0.01703 0.45644 0.42784 0.99101 0.08847 0.51768 0.47458 0.29922 0.97717 0.71879 0.02265 0.49985 0.92376 0.28674 0.00405 0.57438 0.22669 0.77276 0.94295 0.18487 0.89 0.98365 0.77628 0.81163 0.24087 0.25985 0.46025 0.18714 0.18221 0.64405 0.39692 0.86268 0.24145 0.71779 0.07651 0.97623 0.54751 0.92131 0.05757 0.72783 0.2953 0.30777 0.35836 0.58643 0.31146 0.42837 0.74097 0.94637 0.5503 0.22201 0.67901 0.215 0.27786 0.86831 0.64351 0.34296 0.86776 0.45908 0.26263 0.86213 0.99689 0.54738 0.50859 0.21864 0.23584 0.6365 0.51139 0.19855 0.25626 0.61913 0.02056 0.52141 0.33972 0.9174 0.37924 0.72516 0.91893 0.9489 0.86149 0.42715 0.39045 0.49526 0.89619 0.68367 0.85389 0.38789 0.126 0.86843 0.09821 0.87275 0.85057 0.1228 0.29735 0.15526 0.79654 0.62505 0.43999 0.80574 0.87062 0.52775 0.06746 0.2147 0.01825 0.89732 0.97964 0.78205 0.62114 0.81546 0.06904 0.30867 0.16992 0.221 0.38084 0.70855 0.94007 0.86048 0.97486 0.66877 0.42428 0.93659 0.0357 0.42291 0.95072 0.22515 0.19153 0.41196 0.39598 0.7958 0.21725 0.73238 0.33784 0.42456 0.35565 0.20016 0.30132 0.68976 0.77378 0.48017 0.88089 0.03218 0.28917 0.20622 0.87883 0.48184 0.07334 0.25548 0.66448 0.28884 0.01938 0.3 0.93689 0.11981 0.44333 0.20085 0.22256 0.46542 0.76155 0.99291 0.47187 0.81523 0.02318 0.15426 0.25083 0.43652 0.37019 0.28592 0.11603 0.20497 0.62374 0.22122 0.59127 0.70279 0.20083 0.64176 0.68047 0.97006 0.48042 0.52017 0.39525 0.21481 0.42484 0.28704 0.76168 0.36287 0.77397 0.73444 0.36111 0.4432 0.67567 0.91367 0.98448 0.48621 0.73102 0.77294 0.57433 0.4032 0.11021 0.62532 0.08711 0.88546 0.7588 0.8144 0.60612 0.59477 0.74623 0.33481 0.31204 0.29442 0.34634 0.52033 0.83735 0.38046 0.4685 0.09299 0.92606 0.84687 0.61776 0.21844 0.0743 0.94688 0.73478 0.09623 0.4918 0.82703 0.65814 0.07349 0.38515 0.91999 0.13133 0.51445 0.67558 0.16507 0.25897 0.61584 0.98086 0.0828 0.57383 0.97463 0.04386 0.28788 0.20575 0.79604 0.46469 0.77286 0.58838 0.89487 0.79643 0.76698 0.61509 0.0162 0.26701 0.24454 0.16568 0.52837 0.76188 0.1603 0.31804 0.30913 0.49811 0.03342 0.24554 0.63748 0.509 0.20485 0.66398 0.51304 0.46491 0.28858 0.91575 0.37813 0.72118 0.35244 0.96294 0.31813 0.82673 0.90196 0.97201 0.44225 0.91579 0.6664 0.4449 0.33628 0.39175 0.63267 0.46023 0.08865 0.00857 0.95391 0.62701 0.75163 0.58708 0.44092 0.42473 0.21326 0.54919 0.60744 0.9968 0.65859 0.32001 0.50443 0.86487 0.51693 0.52688 0.16778 0.45152 0.05943 0.25405 0.05031 0.61336 0.9327 0.40092 0.56205 0.68142 0.68735 0.06341 0.44102 0.07953 0.44861 0.98389 0.45032 0.96125 0.07466 0.54761 0.88967 0.94184 0.74952 0.06609 0.35164 0.51841 0.51164 0.99612 0.75456 0.35981 0.74051 0.49934 0.94072 0.45656 0.94082 0.68466 0.89238 0.75369 0.60786 0.84578 0.11939 0.5978 0.3457 0.98565 0.66149 0.33593 0.31895 0.29936 0.86125 0.63121 0.19144 0.46136 0.34491 0.50515 0.4461 0.97197 0.28212 0.89137 0.56283 0.79938 0.67088 0.93046 0.9747 0.56875 0.60064 0.55695 0.99026 0.69838 0.58946 0.08241 0.49847 0.6132 0.53335 0.18157 0.59241 0.04191 0.16005 0.2338 0.0062 0.62279 0.29262 0.4695 0.99291 0.06482 0.91396 0.38851 0.12281 0.70097 0.64419 0.78838 0.98454 0.99656 0.57938 0.95855 0.70818 0.87843 0.18698 0.17361 0.34779 0.17733 0.84732 0.77973 0.56489 0.39365 0.90988 0.14892 0.36747 0.69545 0.61732 0.85697 0.84481 0.31694 0.50635 0.77544 0.76416 0.22645 0.04647 0.91098 0.59744 0.97264 0.0782 0.46923 0.27625 0.21104 0.60969 0.26067 0.73629 0.50542 0.03122 0.35594 0.58907 0.13317 0.29079 0.64531 0.84694 0.54606 0.83799 0.39292 0.66763 0.42956 0.25353 0.75479 0.91293 0.99864 0.39073 0.85476 0.96224 0.21027 0.60802 0.28113 0.80145 0.78859 0.71059 0.85774 0.16624 0.88987 0.37375 0.25404 0.7184 0.85761 0.08594 0.31716 0.51913 0.67101 0.65271 0.28487 0.19913 0.97513 0.83454 0.5962 0.72361 0.51689 0.36101 0.91545 0.86141 0.35331 0.83539 0.55285 0.3784 0.92049 0.28343 0.67497 0.44081
+0.1038 0.30402 0.79556 0.00541 0.73543 0.30607 0.76575 0.23138 0.56413 0.76594 0.29089 0.35093 0.06705 0.5932 0.87125 0.87236 0.31499 0.60029 0.34344 0.53949 0.32032 0.73553 0.39228 0.02083 0.42369 0.23578 0.39593 0.79861 0.63094 0.37183 0.40384 0.99147 0.44077 0.22648 0.07126 0.00442 0.02334 0.86558 0.63809 0.98386 0.70047 0.60205 0.07512 0.09228 0.36404 0.01089 0.27061 0.56263 0.60643 0.11872 0.03362 0.99381 0.27291 0.17155 0.29289 0.04885 0.83362 0.36752 0.78859 0.08692 0.69582 0.26688 0.09219 0.83095 0.89441 0.11182 0.35915 0.32599 0.29329 0.98599 0.61442 0.53507 0.63675 0.82155 0.59015 0.44984 0.5608 0.49849 0.1011 0.86605 0.62906 0.90737 0.56079 0.56392 0.53954 0.63686 0.71257 0.90671 0.90396 0.81943 0.39729 0.70274 0.13304 0.97275 0.26047 0.31072 0.60842 0.41529 0.63826 0.42764 0.4473 0.2834 0.93315 0.0756 0.15262 0.5566 0.57159 0.47179 0.17656 0.90006 0.355 0.41672 0.69642 0.66276 0.70317 0.75754 0.60704 0.07384 0.13302 0.62075 0.52456 0.49927 0.03904 0.92927 0.36793 0.56941 0.6164 0.74588 0.91924 0.09044 0.67446 0.27756 0.08806 0.88985 0.96893 0.47081 0.1467 0.654 0.06423 0.52137 0.97727 0.37499 0.52387 0.33405 0.2398 0.46499 0.10867 0.44003 0.96641 0.05891 0.96395 0.77893 0.4033 0.2206 0.13716 0.75907 0.32838 0.42881 0.12224 0.52269 0.20454 0.72189 0.50458 0.39892 0.25666 0.09163 0.87714 0.83829 0.42816 0.18766 0.86818 0.13397 0.81799 0.67133 0.86095 0.43527 0.6764 0.42347 0.63187 0.68477 0.45185 0.56775 0.32671 0.79109 0.56394 0.60219 0.89203 0.94065 0.52179 0.53608 0.58886 0.85788 0.73493 0.95006 0.7895 0.85178 0.02783 0.63855 0.60613 0.08127 0.69632 0.67982 0.76025 0.06285 0.26356 0.23206 0.30369 0.07223 0.78186 0.78374 0.5989 0.31698 0.61578 0.80056 0.79024 0.8498 0.74399 0.35314 0.2595 0.12935 0.4602 0.15789 0.35827 0.51516 0.27732 0.40937 0.97134 0.59298 0.82578 0.17932 0.17779 0.44032 0.10263 0.06171 0.53843 0.19796 0.91213 0.84947 0.09377 0.90752 0.59762 0.39804 0.70757 0.36816 0.92993 0.67606 0.01276 0.95798 0.04139 0.24869 0.95026 0.35849 0.50687 0.4901 0.7186 0.72232 0.07161 0.55603 0.58871 0.6621 0.93037 0.78993 0.82501 0.86793 0.115 0.16983 0.93137 0.89054 0.60544 0.25971 0.71536 0.32234 0.94423 0.73673 0.86245 0.50283 0.30542 0.85378 0.69067 0.28265 0.77168 0.70714 0.52782 0.38318 0.46916 0.67552 0.75207 0.47279 0.02857 0.16882 0.40942 0.29329 0.6746 0.77443 0.58605 0.51695 0.19321 0.96124 0.08491 0.8869 0.86896 0.73147 0.0632 0.67896 0.87023 0.79709 0.43466 0.70281 0.5011 0.75032 0.7405 0.13469 0.77928 0.02287 0.56559 0.86009 0.03763 0.47358 0.1708 0.27022 0.80812 0.08256 0.95771 0.30818 0.9761 0.28376 0.97364 0.81719 0.46064 0.01514 0.3948 0.45192 0.94957 0.1888 0.18162 0.46734 0.47959 0.21277 0.16522 0.15001 0.40619 0.39778 0.44349 0.76348 0.65545 0.02883 0.53132 0.99447 0.26896 0.75179 0.28968 0.61628 4e-05 0.14648 0.43837 0.79869 0.06155 0.87814 0.52022 0.27294 0.38885 0.99019 0.61384 0.31965 0.98257 0.74293 0.94703 0.74938 0.48834 0.74137 0.55992 0.46736 0.19394 0.31956 0.66662 0.95762 0.21401 0.76848 0.77443 0.53982 0.42177 0.09634 0.41089 0.99855 0.0901 0.77911 0.27444 0.75909 0.08663 0.48555 0.02177 0.18703 0.59764 0.79135 0.32368 0.25565 0.00306 0.51087 0.11192 0.18255 0.77031 0.32672 0.13609 0.6116 0.6594 0.16661 0.59656 0.1546 0.03063 0.21423 0.94421 0.12179 0.98908 0.97493 0.43371 0.12108 0.41066 0.58255 0.7371 0.61765 0.21601 0.55782 0.36582 0.48862 0.87137 0.75212 0.88491 0.09453 0.90895 0.38043 0.60623 0.01213 0.28174 0.9323 0.36465 0.44126 0.35703 0.47503 0.94397 0.40477 0.08179 0.12391 0.80429 0.72884 0.28137 0.76484 0.19108 0.51158 0.86784 0.26986 0.75972 0.44671 0.816 0.51446 0.8586 0.67628 0.2569 0.70118 0.9599 0.97433 0.2869 0.36441 0.03618 0.05277 0.23476 0.01416 0.60243 0.19766 0.08666 0.96791 0.47616 0.80014 0.78479 0.37883 0.79394 0.04398 0.83907 0.99217 0.23007 0.83645 0.1256 0.97218 0.31665 0.56811 0.59371 0.57163 0.02074 0.43661 0.05163 0.43749 0.65262 0.81687 0.22948 0.52777 0.33414 0.06487 0.39974 0.07067 0.79141 0.87877 0.56114 0.61599 0.57082 0.05476 0.0866 0.01877 0.13705 0.35554 0.21606 0.6094 0.13986 0.0666
+0.90559 0.52467 0.10364 0.78027 0.06588 0.85614 0.60637 0.88635 0.18387 0.34173 0.9479 0.04202 0.30891 0.45285 0.24834 0.99045 0.93489 0.75016 0.07467 0.49495 0.95241 0.55502 0.9491 0.54802 0.17122 0.48552 0.76951 0.33801 0.076 0.15247 0.02959 0.05022 0.87588 0.2128 0.11815 0.53089 0.51176 0.8962 0.82173 0.02343 0.51309 0.09822 0.06627 0.66083 0.88887 0.59148 0.04903 0.003 0.68874 0.31159 0.13297 0.21649 0.21321 0.3088 0.35219 0.73992 0.30622 0.00785 0.21371 0.55735 0.34949 0.57348 0.72154 0.50182 0.57272 0.90869 0.56848 0.75922 0.60603 0.72475 0.78809 0.53885 0.55479 0.67998 0.27255 0.60063 0.9459 0.90023 0.86144 0.76355 0.29206 0.58638 0.3803 0.85491 0.04703 0.04867 0.05534 0.01318 0.02402 0.58913 0.14464 0.10717 0.75263 0.78701 0.35808 0.17928 0.41069 0.32333 0.95081 0.68891 0.43466 0.81473 0.17006 0.71101 0.5189 0.47967 0.27011 0.21288 0.62146 0.2197 0.02986 0.50362 0.80446 0.62465 0.40485 0.18149 0.48871 0.57026 0.18376 0.76064 0.87792 0.4385 0.24233 0.23687 0.16509 0.20605 0.87327 0.00316 0.89963 0.95834 0.46203 0.97127 0.7654 0.75724 0.75499 0.23069 0.47489 0.42261 0.14379 0.13421 0.26909 0.15308 0.79643 0.1643 0.80828 0.46358 0.4084 0.49088 0.05621 0.78182 0.53493 0.10576 0.49245 0.96444 0.18612 0.72775 0.29371 0.6592 0.13597 0.0288 0.72788 0.95378 0.74456 0.92441 0.15813 0.68724 0.50623 0.47736 0.77913 0.98399 0.01455 0.89336 0.59845 0.01903 0.81163 0.27331 0.89537 0.83684 0.6538 0.50558 0.94893 0.01466 0.42243 0.23934 0.3553 0.76553 0.63911 0.87877 0.1684 0.56037 0.3417 0.36329 0.80972 0.2266 0.90338 0.73718 0.73431 0.3694 0.3023 0.15667 0.44899 0.6696 0.21971 0.27723 0.67784 0.96231 0.3276 0.40999 0.94584 0.57507 0.53843 0.82687 0.90372 0.58242 0.19019 0.63838 0.56355 0.50059 0.12398 0.88128 0.33392 0.28134 0.92137 0.12546 0.07677 0.24861 0.33449 0.39738 0.21889 0.51049 0.28921 0.93479 0.99358 0.06366 0.91277 0.2451 0.33828 0.82248 0.35036 0.31588 0.2944 0.10111 0.71319 0.58464 0.87016 0.30025 0.59724 0.49298 0.56729 0.57462 0.94707 0.85953 0.5583 0.21381 0.29926 0.63403 0.03197 0.00277 0.37133 0.37849 0.35512 0.03718 0.85044 0.94323 0.67199 0.42184 0.1183 0.8047 0.13349 0.32271 0.4089 0.80519 0.36042 0.26903 0.30473 0.75969 0.38952 0.576 0.79182 0.89806 0.60883 0.94429 0.75342 0.82358 0.8639 0.58825 0.82774 0.17782 0.1764 0.94578 0.05998 0.79865 0.36366 0.07738 0.89254 0.34321 0.89252 0.00951 0.65031 0.60406 0.55653 0.12284 0.92345 0.69218 0.32475 0.08094 0.21283 0.20258 0.07728 0.22184 0.90345 0.5266 0.0982 0.86828 0.20233 0.84888 0.61754 0.28931 0.28973 0.48952 0.09502 0.08342 0.44216 0.65629 0.99995 0.13871 0.53929 0.59408 0.14578 0.82122 0.41748 0.33466 0.49744 0.42568 0.34971 0.21605 0.63329 0.06107 0.11857 0.75649 0.36307 0.79162 0.26939 0.16107 0.20843 0.66233 0.82876 0.39408 0.45172 0.38796 0.8166 0.93185 0.599 0.33518 0.89905 0.30003 0.62716 0.16688 0.81546 0.95214 0.94289 0.47376 0.44726 0.51519 0.56964 0.81867 0.56264 0.18739 0.32845 0.73016 0.00314 0.978 0.42025 0.31721 0.11149 0.76315 0.02847 0.6021 0.75815 0.23275 0.59811 0.14325 0.53073 0.90329 0.20418 0.34413 0.32214 0.17766 0.87389 0.2971 0.98685 0.74063 0.12705 0.77832 0.11044 0.17134 0.5197 0.71137 0.12606 0.04284 0.53029 0.28396 0.05581 0.47389 0.93978 0.43713 0.66193 0.94328 0.57859 0.76317 0.18809 0.81315 0.14706 0.668 0.16873 0.56983 0.34595 0.47842 0.6816 0.3038 0.97912 0.61738 0.00417 0.53905 0.50008 0.53926 0.26566 0.3483 0.1408 0.29737 0.17828 0.46867 0.05247 0.66971 0.85817 0.35892 0.70215 0.40938 0.12614 0.37446 0.78026 0.84852 0.06018 0.39976 0.80961 0.33392 0.59195 0.01917 0.63645 0.76787 0.96495 0.24631 0.91015 0.05533 0.95455 0.23414 0.46255 0.91229 0.49255 0.59104 0.43389 0.13463 0.84999 0.01892 0.72234 0.29554 0.44036 0.00934 0.62911 0.57652 0.55012 0.6266 0.85453 0.55883 0.88233 0.70044 0.18242 0.46193 0.5773 0.11647 0.14511 0.28849 0.63946 0.48511 0.62977 0.10133 0.74239 0.49005 0.06388 0.48138 0.84074 0.90157 0.39324 0.0222 0.8751 0.86222 0.66905 0.10265 0.34581 0.7438 0.6314 0.56326 0.19154 0.05524 0.35163 0.64557 0.04242 0.55809 0.14137 0.42861 0.31944 0.89537
+0.48348 0.78776 0.91121 0.44155 0.36598 0.1325 0.61579 0.27506 0.02389 0.85047 0.75416 0.32767 0.2166 0.53042 0.51639 0.71523 0.30895 0.03169 0.53105 0.49232 0.54591 0.42789 0.57378 0.45775 0.38856 0.30721 0.65895 0.52937 0.05122 0.27208 0.74398 0.85526 0.55957 0.40466 0.98501 0.23092 0.6595 0.79089 0.7721 0.65298 0.42764 0.7747 0.56391 0.29074 0.09537 0.1654 0.91632 0.35578 0.54488 0.57693 0.54396 0.50368 0.29459 0.46193 0.77034 0.90255 0.72586 0.59618 0.91661 0.49415 0.35461 0.34897 0.57376 0.46567 0.83535 0.49984 0.84185 0.49941 0.65684 0.44121 0.59209 0.29479 0.69286 0.71304 0.55151 0.60587 0.39318 0.52637 0.95674 0.50756 0.40302 0.10141 0.49987 0.97608 0.06827 0.79387 0.76551 0.01082 0.65345 0.01717 0.31222 0.81623 0.21169 0.20445 0.79185 0.06665 0.91871 0.863 0.63042 0.40943 0.24852 0.89494 0.87858 0.09504 0.73744 0.25799 0.37745 0.5446 0.26202 0.0551 0.70957 0.43264 0.51559 0.50999 0.85781 0.09034 0.11021 0.51056 0.99961 0.18013 0.27566 0.85856 0.17056 0.74626 0.5212 0.61829 0.86237 0.71434 0.77518 0.09857 0.70786 0.23294 0.45044 0.3497 0.1394 0.02061 0.86707 0.68934 0.98724 0.66108 0.77638 0.41585 0.21617 0.63554 0.42218 0.52676 0.70292 0.50173 0.78187 0.54044 0.89431 0.95831 0.9146 0.44692 0.53864 0.93694 0.27659 0.01255 0.88456 0.87718 0.64691 0.62536 0.46365 0.21044 0.39447 0.00554 0.10542 0.53757 0.68427 0.99512 0.5467 0.81468 0.36775 0.05032 0.08551 0.85194 0.30496 0.25361 0.32691 0.34494 0.93598 0.64143 0.00305 0.2485 0.82681 0.66533 0.49692 0.62746 0.88532 0.56044 0.86257 0.00697 0.85776 0.40081 0.76523 0.14126 0.86416 0.74122 0.93998 0.70699 0.28366 0.92041 0.46497 0.32664 0.527 0.25716 0.92388 0.15619 0.56045 0.54109 0.294 0.24892 0.36188 0.01096 0.70856 0.70923 0.86598 0.44199 0.71409 0.01658 0.60615 0.66197 0.29288 0.49722 0.1024 0.22961 0.54768 0.11605 0.1938 0.14574 0.76034 0.33195 0.40621 0.29908 0.64646 0.45373 0.78013 0.53012 0.7604 0.04086 0.60032 0.32966 0.77514 0.44684 0.11619 0.57262 0.70036 0.14747 0.77498 0.57163 0.45651 0.64582 0.98328 0.44108 0.06667 0.10736 0.0687 0.45972 0.64648 0.11098 0.83819 0.50925 0.0694 0.03419 0.97088 0.88763 0.39839 0.29427 0.25836 0.74401 0.9878 0.2579 0.38845 0.58638 0.03374 0.39244 0.78092 0.12527 0.9684 0.02329 0.34672 0.1269 0.94474 0.68195 0.82153 0.46678 0.79006 0.44927 0.90758 0.10647 0.59571 0.09049 0.16694 0.87545 0.07847 0.79598 0.69951 0.27074 0.73655 0.03837 0.26977 0.80521 0.18686 0.71095 0.59587 0.69712 0.80965 0.45247 0.57581 0.16844 0.25454 0.80398 0.87627 0.49892 0.10969 0.53274 0.35603 0.72953 0.9695 0.67962 0.4038 0.44504 0.82852 0.73115 0.5116 0.55227 0.19173 0.53157 0.79591 0.36513 0.25193 0.21982 0.96405 0.78582 0.2303 0.20698 0.06024 0.86306 0.77062 0.14074 0.10343 0.4538 0.97434 0.32612 0.72089 0.25211 0.53531 0.90827 0.46821 0.90844 0.85081 0.30794 0.27189 0.31103 0.27822 0.76692 0.7368 0.69527 0.66015 0.44254 0.50289 0.07346 0.25103 0.51182 0.10791 0.54666 0.18879 0.41923 0.1112 0.24913 0.61523 0.1702 0.32468 0.92725 0.15105 0.72313 0.81009 0.93943 0.89 0.55258 0.64474 0.30906 0.0316 0.58605 0.87829 0.91365 0.55947 0.65249 0.16314 0.42189 0.90949 0.13758 0.07756 0.04003 0.38592 0.70486 0.38487 0.36747 0.45259 0.41841 0.34891 0.32288 0.20675 0.11501 0.26865 0.25737 0.50372 0.14687 0.77283 0.3886 0.12697 0.01194 0.75788 0.13909 0.95701 0.99402 0.12604 0.84392 0.21188 0.13794 0.48809 0.91284 0.3141 0.35328 0.28668 0.2292 0.01205 0.30446 0.0635 0.52395 0.51134 0.18635 0.90838 0.16587 0.19683 0.65694 0.27399 0.15164 0.86113 0.23429 0.07917 0.41268 0.61988 0.87676 0.16562 0.31103 0.91872 0.45218 0.48678 0.19386 0.43718 0.56888 0.82802 0.97504 0.02976 0.55553 0.47776 0.42332 0.82347 0.96257 0.27579 0.6474 0.86201 0.63268 0.72754 0.12129 0.9794 0.16301 0.31784 0.28407 0.62972 0.46857 0.22389 0.18333 0.25701 0.15207 0.59021 0.89039 0.69645 0.41303 0.12316 0.47375 0.31921 0.88489 0.38551 0.64625 0.89926 0.85312 0.45895 0.87571 0.91191 0.80394 0.83988 0.62932 0.38355 0.75759 0.35822 0.33439 0.53568 0.05235 0.57758 0.40667 0.06594 0.10012 0.47718 0.0915 0.63006 0.80438 0.80795 0.14212 0.31239 0.59803
+0.68795 0.10702 0.02484 0.76701 0.70081 0.16247 0.92092 0.18047 0.10813 0.56316 0.48358 0.3775 0.83235 0.26681 0.53748 0.7402 0.63646 0.27672 0.25008 0.17515 0.03532 0.17644 0.52873 0.88138 0.9587 0.96344 0.03362 0.00052 0.61416 0.69507 0.02841 0.57617 0.73662 0.05805 0.06397 0.41162 0.67347 0.2535 0.80275 0.39192 0.98601 0.01505 0.0402 0.68563 0.29573 0.18228 0.68185 0.38915 0.40364 0.12544 0.11766 0.39168 0.93852 0.92505 0.73263 0.03976 0.94512 0.05495 0.71434 0.15534 0.70979 0.12536 0.08392 0.73371 0.77865 0.97058 0.08374 0.99503 0.57961 0.59175 0.66938 0.39807 0.41123 0.9624 0.92001 0.39081 0.76109 0.0468 0.66643 0.53767 0.89908 0.46399 0.62067 0.79105 0.2001 0.60119 0.16565 0.76504 0.37989 0.2273 0.22083 0.48762 0.68409 0.96013 0.77466 0.03616 0.8335 0.3794 0.16035 0.79127 0.58395 0.28517 0.86506 0.27679 0.79288 0.13058 0.42209 0.1679 0.06979 0.06241 0.13352 0.90732 0.87438 0.88791 0.60454 0.81747 0.31425 0.34199 0.9907 0.7425 0.24392 0.01198 0.30774 0.83949 0.85655 0.475 0.55727 0.58351 0.53828 0.6145 0.83593 0.7047 0.11165 0.74329 0.07696 0.6551 0.39547 0.24141 0.40673 0.39249 0.82067 0.41743 0.29199 0.12912 0.86575 0.80143 0.97566 0.18149 0.617 0.49889 0.00542 0.94426 0.04219 0.01087 0.46157 0.32525 0.031 0.896 0.45213 0.42679 0.22411 0.24054 0.98973 0.60053 0.16815 0.26021 0.29601 0.10006 0.74461 0.9144 0.53823 0.18845 0.43163 0.3137 0.42101 0.95343 0.16297 0.05339 0.51922 0.96922 0.19793 0.3499 0.58419 0.06655 0.65931 0.706 0.78537 0.01069 0.27182 0.27926 0.73043 0.101 0.20005 0.65886 0.90279 0.64934 0.52975 0.68777 0.30214 0.95629 0.42041 0.70941 0.87456 0.93651 0.02728 0.5325 0.99191 0.47219 0.3116 0.83275 0.21585 0.81867 0.06694 0.84605 0.67448 0.54273 0.60392 0.76315 0.36254 0.37915 0.09045 0.0229 0.40236 0.25734 0.04325 0.01174 0.28905 0.50959 0.70502 0.24017 0.71916 0.82911 0.94482 0.49841 0.65649 0.18976 0.44645 0.06923 0.78733 0.31079 0.5497 0.93986 0.58489 0.21274 0.0009 0.64968 0.05561 0.24387 0.05808 0.22351 0.15067 0.18042 0.54901 0.75141 0.65516 0.43624 0.06209 0.07107 0.76457 0.98533 0.4655 0.08328 0.56487 0.17117 0.01996 0.95147 0.7259 0.27229 0.68507 0.92568 0.93484 0.3483 0.26321 0.72783 0.39657 0.18772 0.07309 0.566 0.51223 0.54414 0.09792 0.35067 0.80185 0.70016 0.29917 0.1562 0.66698 0.45985 0.52528 0.20603 0.90063 0.07524 0.03421 0.49598 0.81617 0.47349 0.80018 0.33687 0.30877 0.43956 0.64145 0.45878 0.96304 0.41577 0.67005 0.34661 0.49397 0.86717 0.00581 0.63922 0.92235 0.61977 0.88598 0.95523 0.79949 0.97607 0.18741 0.10396 0.31827 0.58447 0.49246 0.57683 0.74204 0.62207 0.08959 0.38939 0.18929 0.31064 0.34004 0.47172 0.62887 0.88693 0.86546 0.2152 0.65506 0.90416 0.00581 0.7361 0.15938 0.89205 0.39404 0.19515 0.24167 0.21914 0.82134 0.59364 0.75038 0.93912 0.77129 0.35407 0.00687 0.41575 0.21796 0.36385 0.9051 0.29413 0.5169 0.1294 0.71525 0.3195 0.08921 0.715 0.56191 0.24506 0.11561 0.29861 0.76153 0.11136 0.64771 0.11139 0.48581 0.26206 0.83338 0.81158 0.88297 0.28233 0.64782 0.08535 0.31867 0.88258 0.38474 0.13896 0.13244 0.58686 0.5621 0.8343 0.11081 0.8036 0.24774 0.56877 0.10044 0.99286 0.00542 0.03808 0.36254 0.34341 0.94087 0.99707 0.74256 0.72759 0.72047 0.1758 0.09724 0.74194 0.82827 0.47097 0.64063 0.99721 0.59957 0.10129 0.62616 0.59636 0.9263 0.81896 0.29295 0.05731 0.48076 0.36661 0.54398 0.5902 0.52954 0.57607 0.66962 0.79665 0.29775 0.22555 0.04371 0.86686 0.59051 0.45801 0.73102 0.70572 0.07694 0.82262 0.07739 0.09676 0.03217 0.17827 0.83638 0.06367 0.62964 0.49323 0.4079 0.16374 0.28183 0.32913 0.56404 0.51524 0.12587 0.43487 0.22624 0.57328 0.52142 0.49663 0.76645 0.46787 0.57816 0.93533 0.96993 0.50138 0.2132 0.57758 0.68893 0.45386 0.60761 0.24122 0.88135 0.68788 0.49985 0.51922 0.98474 0.70935 0.81728 0.72595 0.0302 0.11077 0.62748 0.32735 0.46619 0.82305 0.44595 0.44032 0.11011 0.38215 0.05952 0.67573 0.56688 0.56037 0.86814 0.12569 0.32085 0.18996 0.37452 0.54969 0.89486 0.6882 0.73993 0.1925 0.19295 0.35424 0.26952 0.5867 0.39918 0.70944 0.72292 0.05589 0.43801 0.99044 0.15136 0.27221 0.20922 0.25733
+0.17548 0.49517 0.23802 0.89639 0.96223 0.39948 0.37079 0.99718 0.33833 0.60328 0.42998 0.70572 0.115 0.39015 0.10948 0.23143 0.01249 0.43625 0.41403 0.11703 0.15622 0.36706 0.05025 0.80444 0.43318 0.25404 0.25436 0.22257 0.43486 0.34926 0.81472 0.73312 0.74577 0.73024 0.87941 0.55748 0.49282 0.83847 0.43329 0.59187 0.82506 0.68264 0.05789 0.72089 0.20828 0.25987 0.56164 0.62816 0.48282 0.56455 0.19567 0.70114 0.93129 0.83493 0.68226 0.35767 0.86012 0.61664 0.95598 0.48873 0.90156 0.54892 0.52974 0.83373 0.67101 0.35707 0.64812 0.95188 0.65024 0.58302 0.74685 0.6826 0.1686 0.29804 0.80824 0.60259 0.46183 0.9505 0.19019 0.94681 0.11497 0.48538 0.30211 0.14844 0.39421 0.79449 0.66709 0.96293 1e-05 0.55671 0.85025 0.48015 0.60876 0.6364 0.43184 0.70154 0.65369 0.42753 0.65177 0.95195 0.75444 0.04135 0.87151 0.63647 0.75145 0.87371 0.28341 0.44304 0.06335 0.67286 0.89122 0.0615 0.46315 0.55548 0.73732 0.37369 0.82383 0.87705 0.46354 0.15436 0.94924 0.84445 0.53695 0.27507 0.12208 0.42967 0.45763 0.24937 0.30895 0.01433 0.43196 0.43898 0.7487 0.91918 0.69095 0.93369 0.49449 0.72022 0.59003 0.09244 0.86431 0.89164 0.57665 0.01792 0.78698 0.32904 0.25088 0.49547 0.73357 0.39314 0.98809 0.84109 0.71466 0.58039 0.19414 0.47606 0.54631 0.85934 0.58118 0.48179 0.01056 0.337 0.22463 0.85336 0.19705 0.44894 0.09907 0.78209 0.49921 0.47844 0.46982 0.33877 0.67142 0.15556 0.8244 0.84969 0.80171 0.99091 0.21511 0.4787 0.02144 0.89858 0.6787 0.56821 0.19043 0.44283 0.7211 0.71669 0.37293 0.90754 0.24797 0.83194 0.44073 0.16906 0.70252 0.27235 0.22611 0.06071 0.21876 0.93116 0.55142 0.12154 0.39549 0.83141 0.81733 0.0108 0.4629 0.97872 0.03623 0.85201 0.56858 0.82952 0.97257 0.93648 0.61182 0.11929 0.80756 0.47495 0.86611 0.65257 0.54985 0.06391 0.4266 0.70597 0.28438 0.61664 0.36664 0.14648 0.29307 0.50296 0.41972 0.9764 0.58901 0.89286 0.38416 0.45501 0.18519 0.24931 0.14612 0.97938 0.36891 0.76015 0.71761 0.90087 0.43299 0.51133 0.16757 0.13685 0.51747 0.95062 0.60241 0.6936 0.91311 0.8634 0.21672 0.81459 0.46625 0.97297 0.38248 0.72171 0.01159 0.25396 0.97289 0.31683 0.04874 0.14476 0.40716 0.16329 0.18014 0.35127 0.33702 0.60833 0.61092 0.97893 0.41785 0.13616 0.0265 0.85765 0.71092 0.18257 0.76778 0.57794 0.3087 0.66178 0.3626 0.16101 0.47806 0.38308 0.37641 0.43825 0.68672 0.57474 0.88804 0.22842 0.36421 0.79086 0.95452 0.25591 0.66503 0.67242 0.65133 0.32095 0.96382 0.46453 0.57728 0.55301 0.15036 0.79755 0.90388 0.89461 0.81919 0.74515 0.12708 0.21473 0.08201 0.87799 0.32469 0.70326 0.06844 0.59241 0.22589 0.44781 0.05819 0.19118 0.61078 0.94108 0.31785 0.49459 0.96353 0.6514 0.42981 0.69805 0.39967 0.30217 0.48822 0.19808 0.30976 0.83068 0.73771 0.33112 0.64151 0.61749 0.33913 0.1006 0.2258 0.44068 0.63453 0.8103 0.21315 0.26525 0.33594 0.51881 0.95 0.79522 0.68124 0.38 0.58377 0.97497 0.41229 0.86001 0.58215 0.81574 0.23081 0.01865 0.88863 0.55141 0.68564 0.93236 0.52642 0.99476 0.40301 0.67432 0.80475 0.0193 0.92295 0.78053 0.03141 0.04214 0.87828 0.82331 0.63925 0.33018 0.32882 0.77064 0.56275 0.09675 0.01692 0.98116 0.88195 0.48361 0.52247 0.14382 0.01673 0.54226 0.11384 0.33181 0.53779 0.00155 0.82833 0.52384 0.54908 0.19422 0.17009 0.66544 0.46508 0.53007 0.85669 0.84728 0.97452 0.64219 0.33746 0.75203 0.59705 0.58289 0.4464 0.51353 0.88202 0.04801 0.15319 0.95728 0.37191 0.36084 0.89745 0.63333 0.13496 0.79213 0.34297 0.25001 0.93438 0.00373 0.80909 0.94777 0.81244 0.64723 0.50322 0.66474 0.6793 0.48637 0.93458 0.05024 0.06714 0.8873 0.31413 0.0699 0.62415 0.56423 0.65568 0.67992 0.33895 0.55138 0.3228 0.75014 0.20438 0.3958 0.92072 0.22036 0.01129 0.10924 0.96328 0.23668 0.04662 0.25385 0.45425 0.74211 0.90961 0.27812 0.33172 0.64613 0.05008 0.05853 0.24326 0.23242 0.4448 0.10794 0.20793 0.72908 0.92246 0.69586 0.90553 0.90486 0.34369 0.36844 0.78647 0.63078 0.80214 0.53344 0.06829 0.3045 0.12297 0.82905 0.56516 0.11691 0.36104 0.69025 0.75094 0.33399 0.98449 0.79534 0.28172 0.73173 0.82689 0.15256 0.2764 0.34201 0.36574 0.70192 0.77056 0.2782 0.25549 0.12353 0.36606 0.00375
+0.95311 0.53621 0.30797 0.24926 0.96305 0.28405 0.28629 0.48831 0.4188 0.57074 0.20921 0.85936 0.94593 0.36165 0.19219 0.47838 0.17224 0.57301 0.74012 0.22295 0.42269 0.54278 0.67307 0.74459 0.71517 0.74524 0.98833 0.0694 0.30498 0.45181 0.94628 0.68942 0.64121 0.26471 0.11023 0.22493 0.70254 0.02126 0.18986 0.5789 0.89389 0.78785 0.17351 0.79769 0.12287 0.24184 0.35646 0.12513 0.39979 0.89186 0.04501 0.17726 0.73006 0.65658 0.86691 0.60747 0.05178 0.86657 0.62686 0.6299 0.90884 0.22 0.37898 0.6124 0.19233 0.65526 0.33848 0.28644 0.91498 0.80699 0.53244 0.42646 0.98101 0.46935 0.6909 0.21518 0.59122 0.75341 0.53843 0.85781 0.76432 0.07898 0.1728 0.30801 0.08998 0.50211 0.33628 0.73167 0.05155 0.68361 0.11809 0.65125 0.88268 0.48612 0.40309 0.77331 0.12212 0.47822 0.23676 0.79992 0.84312 0.90894 0.38138 0.82401 0.85508 0.25519 0.17233 0.03439 0.18956 0.18162 0.55965 0.40961 0.71038 0.10504 0.14329 0.3817 0.73571 0.29611 0.89045 0.29052 0.30868 0.90332 0.65235 0.07836 0.86334 0.95808 0.03726 0.55937 0.16013 0.0937 0.20533 0.32253 0.74515 0.18794 0.98107 0.19475 0.62203 0.18577 0.00187 0.58521 0.74619 0.72551 0.87679 0.67096 0.61849 0.5599 0.67227 0.88704 0.06569 0.2324 0.26697 0.66068 0.28249 0.25191 0.18165 0.21395 0.124 0.96397 0.77037 0.57326 0.86981 0.68871 0.30271 0.21939 0.1217 0.50081 0.0994 0.64044 0.58442 0.82756 0.74802 0.5333 0.32001 0.73976 0.7691 0.16343 0.88257 0.85564 0.55924 0.18479 0.27672 0.0853 0.6282 0.47171 0.75412 0.24432 0.7691 0.60982 0.56195 0.53304 0.98805 0.86475 0.29756 0.92162 0.52292 0.09188 0.14175 0.66028 0.64425 0.65239 0.10507 0.5932 0.0456 0.15384 0.96903 0.38504 0.2623 0.4164 0.56606 0.92804 0.39686 0.88847 0.13283 0.01094 0.46884 0.40865 0.9189 0.53651 0.70638 0.09011 0.5764 0.3359 0.42694 0.61973 0.09742 0.51591 0.56581 0.94369 0.75594 0.3697 0.7358 0.9026 0.809 0.97915 0.71181 0.63495 0.34558 0.16232 0.86634 0.41105 0.69495 0.03157 0.28188 0.16227 0.41696 0.45245 0.52433 0.66456 0.51785 0.71282 0.98871 0.89931 0.84198 0.36827 0.86026 0.08009 0.52936 0.57457 0.33506 0.2705 0.02782 0.91169 0.5821 0.06987 0.64397 0.88401 0.96951 0.33766 0.30153 0.39351 0.42844 0.77982 0.85558 0.42079 0.4504 0.50852 0.99696 0.87113 0.15477 0.59456 0.80567 0.70363 0.8202 0.47242 0.38812 0.86243 0.70229 0.57406 0.74827 0.60553 0.67803 0.00079 0.53741 0.59686 0.34455 0.72968 0.30095 0.43242 0.18696 0.2166 0.95953 0.90807 0.40411 0.28166 0.31838 0.8557 0.52796 0.9404 0.91416 0.93215 0.59821 0.85584 0.44439 0.92769 0.34176 0.13674 0.14158 0.73796 0.67819 0.76609 0.99888 0.78635 0.93885 0.02903 0.70825 0.34401 0.40739 0.63804 0.11183 0.48466 0.49447 0.40781 0.01006 0.90022 0.62613 0.9381 0.26479 0.81324 0.66508 0.14638 0.53056 0.42351 0.13788 0.13923 0.93457 0.27941 0.17778 0.5532 0.30202 0.6282 0.67389 0.73449 0.10433 0.25024 0.09577 0.41958 0.22465 0.77979 0.88439 0.66321 0.80269 0.88226 0.11319 0.58433 0.43881 0.28547 0.36987 0.35336 0.02232 0.98387 0.48816 0.86863 0.21 0.92149 0.26799 0.76602 0.88865 0.45171 0.9207 0.7834 0.84018 0.38649 0.78093 0.373 0.21285 0.05106 0.42308 0.6526 0.89323 0.65216 0.51041 0.7422 0.99138 0.26322 0.95316 0.547 0.38871 0.01309 0.20041 0.53053 0.00546 0.46475 0.35919 0.39416 0.48758 0.53527 0.18039 0.31319 0.54009 0.14423 0.24588 0.38126 0.37966 0.36537 0.47287 0.91251 0.53461 0.71769 0.02526 0.16774 0.16546 0.66602 0.73307 0.58477 0.06468 0.42626 0.43507 0.2543 0.29337 0.53577 0.24787 0.71272 0.60139 0.20316 0.53865 0.75148 0.72998 0.40378 0.48219 0.69909 0.75529 0.85776 0.93669 0.18943 0.89267 0.70508 0.69586 0.47 0.20697 0.63646 0.81861 0.01196 0.09887 0.16124 0.73402 0.81583 0.68544 0.85359 0.08576 0.49339 0.26941 0.03327 0.65348 0.83883 0.79755 0.43016 0.55234 0.67461 0.44705 0.4804 0.85654 0.89084 0.09355 0.23727 0.63366 0.64516 0.62409 0.83491 0.34797 0.6344 0.18693 0.78917 0.22674 0.72259 0.4812 0.69317 0.89781 0.54112 0.54112 0.37265 0.42575 0.69393 0.13735 0.91832 0.06203 0.6309 0.95505 0.30768 0.62626 0.75799 0.52568 0.2244 0.03726 0.3244 0.15522 0.93036 0.55413 0.52227 0.06663 0.26408 0.97603 0.47369
+0.86646 0.65883 0.38922 0.42517 0.57545 0.54329 0.59106 0.01264 0.10385 0.99691 0.79062 0.66265 0.18638 0.48003 0.93067 0.35521 0.54811 0.74653 0.29212 0.53559 0.26352 0.05784 0.45704 0.70757 0.12079 0.05638 0.11794 0.18041 0.16001 0.85895 0.42488 0.35263 0.07588 0.85431 0.27301 0.80958 0.23717 0.49978 0.29967 0.35969 0.25033 0.91038 0.77234 0.95491 0.0501 0.80477 0.82178 0.70147 0.0436 0.33806 0.14126 0.7527 0.36708 0.53661 0.81594 0.57697 0.67787 0.31571 0.07226 0.94778 0.83844 0.63196 0.47519 0.21275 0.30144 0.32997 0.48679 0.62989 0.89809 0.13047 0.35882 0.51391 0.86076 0.94119 0.01958 0.44621 0.52417 0.33571 0.92427 0.3872 0.25747 0.23264 0.81968 0.08935 0.98972 0.5212 0.39715 0.33366 0.43235 0.24222 0.21712 0.32013 0.44465 0.02491 0.38715 0.3572 0.70647 0.13245 0.88802 0.95053 0.71761 0.68612 0.0621 0.29083 0.73039 0.11996 0.27234 0.47078 0.03946 0.35866 0.97872 0.53582 0.27295 0.66939 0.53545 0.73217 0.40024 0.63989 0.72952 0.66897 0.42992 0.26673 0.94204 0.00217 0.26376 0.91669 0.24498 0.52542 0.05875 0.65336 0.64304 0.63707 0.04267 0.39173 0.44122 0.48636 0.22701 0.24933 0.28129 0.9373 0.15522 0.88431 0.24018 0.66324 0.01893 0.40701 0.80029 0.40324 0.03412 0.76773 0.85089 0.83559 0.54852 0.69912 0.84739 0.50039 0.01366 0.37627 0.57972 0.02661 0.20941 0.54382 0.52615 0.25985 0.03277 0.7224 0.4713 0.58151 0.50469 0.22841 0.63547 0.33037 0.32198 0.5866 0.18526 0.41393 0.35289 0.13693 0.02138 0.13154 0.82767 0.76848 0.48492 0.67723 0.69899 0.19345 0.40031 0.38502 0.58448 0.75681 0.65537 0.04597 0.94458 0.3798 0.20092 0.58853 0.13849 0.09833 0.85798 0.17642 0.79532 0.9963 0.03304 0.48918 0.46455 0.25515 0.39115 0.36026 0.77242 0.32472 0.27067 0.01314 0.20675 0.01143 0.51087 0.65842 0.2613 0.08909 0.54471 0.43301 0.40205 0.65707 0.06259 0.56929 0.96273 0.52473 0.76522 0.26649 0.44371 0.68082 0.16302 0.92453 0.4689 0.07881 0.89354 0.24556 0.70545 0.02817 0.95401 0.43219 0.23997 0.29518 0.37176 0.94808 0.93775 0.39911 0.43237 0.20197 0.66629 0.65239 0.76533 0.42528 0.93809 0.00089 0.89167 0.86712 0.07357 0.61466 0.14554 0.03346 0.37682 0.94148 0.76294 0.23966 0.07346 0.27537 0.32127 0.19467 0.31081 0.79649 0.63603 0.91295 0.39672 0.27203 0.23122 0.74341 0.15043 0.81228 0.40394 0.303 0.96795 0.5485 0.27273 0.08492 0.94682 0.19711 0.65074 0.12982 0.92703 0.34367 0.21199 0.73013 0.30625 0.38954 0.26695 0.92819 0.43556 0.66391 0.22208 0.88293 0.69373 0.20357 0.11488 0.71443 0.84763 0.54764 0.26006 0.85304 0.95581 0.26435 0.23629 0.65667 0.7658 0.51231 0.80484 0.07143 0.15704 0.37534 0.839 0.30764 0.73251 0.11311 0.79162 0.07103 0.01082 0.3025 0.46752 0.30465 0.43788 0.05063 0.56943 0.49799 0.44103 0.81748 0.14773 0.01037 0.75109 0.7331 0.49933 0.09072 0.39421 0.97965 0.90196 0.79501 0.93571 0.22985 0.13001 0.06395 0.27174 0.00999 0.77335 0.55687 0.83388 0.94545 0.27475 0.85788 0.83819 0.5761 0.63536 0.12923 0.97426 0.5305 0.35594 0.1014 0.38881 0.35112 0.22588 0.6646 0.70328 0.06468 0.43824 0.96898 0.87733 0.45412 0.9609 0.94274 0.33295 0.61722 0.40384 0.36963 0.44306 0.76221 0.65735 0.90086 0.97797 0.45541 0.02761 0.05606 0.18355 0.80357 0.65748 0.93478 0.36892 0.76939 0.79539 0.70952 0.08401 0.08973 0.70443 0.74826 0.66152 0.2317 0.66577 0.36117 0.94306 0.91513 0.14589 0.92957 0.80755 0.42821 0.86933 0.63203 0.93233 0.88198 0.32498 0.96553 0.75433 0.03711 0.14997 0.64895 0.70266 0.67958 0.32719 0.9858 0.60052 0.07616 0.82883 0.75192 0.56465 0.04061 0.94829 0.75175 0.2166 0.22512 0.16504 0.4469 0.79288 0.60813 0.42518 0.13492 0.55668 0.86334 0.39259 0.34467 0.07755 0.76167 0.16566 0.08222 0.47926 0.96134 0.96488 0.63062 0.69455 0.08147 0.60674 0.14672 0.96818 0.23407 0.60209 0.61342 0.80341 0.24942 0.17547 0.54692 0.09594 0.55379 0.93059 0.67041 0.17412 0.09141 0.58368 0.30274 0.64302 0.70584 0.15926 0.4564 0.49403 0.70313 0.54617 0.41736 0.53792 0.45777 0.52171 0.3991 0.9763 0.28502 0.06657 0.7953 0.98349 0.18702 0.06934 0.50017 0.90202 0.64149 0.09009 0.55926 0.80523 0.85335 0.0499 0.97125 0.06684 0.69345 0.73858 0.59441 0.09187 0.46668 0.32034 0.44765 0.90423 0.38692 0.07761 0.61452
+0.93823 0.06296 0.98762 0.56385 0.51072 0.06014 0.06589 0.27876 0.92862 0.60388 0.77532 0.31805 0.91835 0.46315 0.9215 0.59175 0.70516 0.43986 0.29644 0.80881 0.77974 0.17129 0.83252 0.45776 0.12215 0.83965 0.53604 0.32824 0.05214 0.28906 0.25876 0.29527 0.12709 0.844 0.44036 0.80712 0.73021 0.55348 0.92107 0.36226 0.77313 0.88225 0.57505 0.9692 0.52572 0.39919 0.23194 0.48212 0.23459 0.89883 0.08075 0.73773 0.68679 0.19619 0.46804 0.70792 0.16917 0.28164 0.04778 0.81526 0.50013 0.48488 0.51407 0.9497 0.17146 0.83524 0.59811 0.59297 0.48787 0.8158 0.75388 0.30282 0.32535 0.62736 0.82423 0.80274 0.71591 0.34892 0.45258 0.52137 0.78102 0.87593 0.00356 0.27684 0.68076 0.98223 0.37175 0.1435 0.95865 0.68761 0.5365 0.30165 0.67519 0.86173 0.59558 0.44167 0.97891 0.24792 0.74866 0.85101 0.63879 0.64235 0.01468 0.06782 0.80928 0.96209 0.67 0.16927 0.48504 0.91607 0.87425 0.9463 0.23477 0.77557 0.50999 0.71192 0.8966 0.23628 0.69016 0.5807 0.4006 0.72626 0.65603 0.36688 0.35514 0.36744 0.45574 0.03734 0.12015 0.00371 0.88917 0.32707 0.60737 0.54158 0.21021 0.69636 0.16782 0.71357 0.36097 0.29223 0.63231 0.11041 0.03871 0.38205 0.07458 0.55809 0.57596 0.11863 0.08363 0.12379 0.60977 0.36163 0.00552 0.39716 0.90926 0.96611 0.21035 0.30205 0.87818 0.34119 0.5703 0.76289 0.34763 0.4861 0.07514 0.34289 0.73007 0.07205 0.76835 0.76969 0.59689 0.65226 0.45917 0.59985 0.86466 0.94969 0.85335 0.58449 0.09414 0.98472 0.63869 0.48481 0.91695 0.59007 0.83382 0.18496 0.82187 0.43608 0.62415 0.69648 0.18148 0.63581 0.84371 0.76375 0.79582 0.5288 0.61966 0.88798 0.15861 0.07837 0.14636 0.65265 0.63249 0.25993 0.65647 0.78823 0.94985 0.48837 0.57042 0.85584 0.15771 0.97489 0.74237 0.11528 0.72676 0.9232 0.41844 0.61071 0.8771 0.85447 0.38231 0.67211 0.03371 0.62971 0.17546 0.14343 0.37076 0.08639 0.92811 0.97181 0.60678 0.80702 0.09425 0.93958 0.77731 0.24293 0.47762 0.74364 0.15003 0.42768 0.69011 0.90285 0.08079 0.43192 0.60787 0.25448 0.24898 0.14366 0.10263 0.0068 0.73067 0.97604 0.10589 0.15689 0.66808 0.59466 0.74762 0.09125 0.72525 0.92361 0.12336 0.57562 0.74402 0.57176 0.01214 0.67633 0.43448 0.17916 0.9654 0.7059 0.55453 0.09096 0.12064 0.19363 0.60131 0.60744 0.57423 0.18797 0.43209 0.18586 0.17812 0.53515 0.07126 0.32938 0.75799 0.08085 0.38387 0.59102 0.0454 0.1666 0.94448 0.68031 0.80781 0.31123 0.47287 0.93905 0.1665 0.54245 0.68727 0.3418 0.63379 0.46386 0.35373 0.79111 0.31472 0.43634 0.54612 0.58862 0.70689 0.03989 0.73572 0.53421 0.52272 0.77677 0.60343 0.3492 0.72066 0.55091 0.53935 0.24998 0.2584 0.4832 0.61003 0.56334 0.38541 0.02487 0.98694 0.83598 0.87012 0.37333 0.19602 0.31321 0.75194 0.49366 0.15041 0.97841 0.5314 0.12369 0.64964 0.95848 0.02632 0.32899 0.33292 0.13165 0.76082 0.75915 0.51604 0.11245 0.6608 0.09001 0.2846 0.18104 0.25938 0.15395 0.17187 0.46164 0.02258 0.91652 0.94489 0.1148 0.39163 0.76944 0.958 0.62427 0.59001 0.17428 0.66429 0.10355 0.33528 0.94142 0.98178 0.30792 0.30778 0.68797 0.94034 0.07873 0.91892 0.52652 0.28823 0.08955 0.0955 0.08715 0.34848 0.6142 0.37654 0.64759 0.31556 0.35342 0.22946 0.0199 0.57667 0.10767 0.07034 0.35409 0.92092 0.09795 0.41609 0.11034 0.83107 0.09438 0.61907 0.70306 0.8937 0.00742 0.33389 0.6446 0.8521 0.93424 0.80292 0.52729 0.94382 0.30658 0.05922 0.19112 0.62386 0.71883 0.61843 0.31697 0.93238 0.77362 0.8228 0.15881 0.17861 0.00433 0.28176 0.22486 0.13042 0.461 0.72405 0.08563 0.79093 0.63728 0.76658 0.51627 0.35362 0.56319 0.87666 0.67237 0.24688 0.48579 0.70685 0.68022 0.79605 0.22872 0.69495 0.64252 0.72298 0.42775 0.14992 0.11614 0.26752 0.83742 0.17997 0.0923 0.8609 0.32642 0.39813 0.44624 0.51192 0.96565 0.64997 0.73058 0.21059 0.79652 0.08443 0.91685 0.00708 0.6654 0.64662 0.47416 0.79702 0.4767 0.89125 0.78207 0.65395 0.65545 0.1226 0.5259 0.43973 0.73116 0.44325 0.86555 0.39585 0.16191 0.72118 0.85583 0.23114 0.59092 0.43991 0.73252 0.49711 0.90204 0.62217 0.15634 0.98145 0.2788 0.20417 0.28946 0.3495 0.07537 0.54121 0.24979 0.43254 0.34463 0.06105 0.56957 0.76463 0.11365 0.95727 0.0279 0.78166 0.06443
+0.74555 0.91277 0.59908 0.38308 0.92024 0.357 0.15658 0.79055 0.07681 0.64245 0.90081 0.3472 0.84387 0.0478 0.33736 0.32696 0.04907 0.67969 0.33404 0.83259 0.89636 0.67241 0.95152 0.65506 0.90599 0.28451 0.51005 0.01806 0.60413 0.23208 0.63762 0.43654 0.15811 0.20983 0.58039 0.41778 0.54569 0.69296 0.45614 0.73668 0.32655 0.65533 0.82572 0.4883 0.90441 0.5184 0.94058 0.86702 0.16579 0.31216 0.23215 0.63929 0.29556 0.40867 0.464 0.6309 0.71405 0.06441 0.34127 0.23223 0.39328 0.95423 0.62312 0.59776 0.69343 0.77538 0.3402 0.97433 0.63333 0.73875 0.95713 0.52929 0.43238 0.41128 0.27255 0.2079 0.93346 0.52195 0.95025 0.25543 0.06385 0.12421 0.71067 0.20574 0.42133 0.42711 0.89411 0.17916 0.73144 0.49914 0.37757 0.77087 0.46266 0.50049 0.57006 0.67179 0.88194 0.75649 0.67597 0.43741 0.03342 0.81168 0.94094 0.89454 0.76536 0.02166 0.42254 0.98213 0.26045 0.10467 0.48375 0.4902 0.00121 0.68319 0.69334 0.08552 0.26512 0.05353 0.09697 0.02059 0.66296 0.07747 0.1336 0.37037 0.3376 0.08557 0.25752 0.65139 0.56427 0.27791 0.83131 0.73864 0.74281 0.63305 0.36048 0.6431 0.20015 0.76808 0.79594 0.73799 0.05068 0.36662 0.1993 0.24366 0.74167 0.50876 0.74147 0.68867 0.13191 0.54768 0.28447 0.74948 0.05515 0.83502 0.17678 0.264 0.19897 0.56858 0.8863 0.71763 0.16591 0.39461 0.15807 0.52574 0.23593 0.25359 0.22803 0.29054 0.21255 0.06107 0.36397 0.23615 0.64713 0.60339 0.8706 0.06029 0.70435 0.05699 0.01363 0.19018 0.40703 0.94694 0.18754 0.1033 0.88583 0.45648 0.13067 0.52134 0.53848 0.12226 0.02888 0.39842 0.97429 0.01985 0.84081 0.88109 0.94853 0.05041 0.68472 0.93628 0.52863 0.22286 0.99881 0.11322 0.84276 0.93847 0.39238 0.8824 0.20868 0.98124 0.49952 0.95679 0.72479 0.24158 0.25169 0.13953 0.94862 0.46377 0.86057 0.61911 0.17202 0.09784 0.62457 0.16947 0.06046 0.86452 0.81986 0.74138 0.95819 0.93707 0.47267 0.79355 0.52453 0.69469 0.11691 0.79047 0.05919 0.96489 0.45312 0.24336 0.11227 0.35382 0.63465 0.56734 0.44093 0.72279 0.68225 0.57043 0.29426 0.17496 0.66954 0.30231 0.60542 0.10225 0.48806 0.75047 0.42064 0.3645 0.98489 0.54342 0.63566 0.05386 0.38092 0.37095 0.41907 0.06533 0.02343 0.70852 0.24496 0.47174 0.59065 0.68969 0.17599 0.83948 0.27579 0.16334 0.01689 0.32775 0.39847 0.59127 0.65752 0.16627 0.81765 0.92836 0.22289 0.73897 0.68945 0.66636 0.00892 0.09214 0.43638 0.48108 0.39663 0.64124 0.32937 0.9396 0.88015 0.52798 0.9509 0.22698 0.01627 0.17343 0.22304 0.81083 0.10372 0.27412 0.96204 0.90919 0.33617 0.20538 0.09695 0.94622 0.26695 0.38556 0.16042 0.4743 0.49523 0.39234 0.84611 0.93458 0.22624 0.02518 0.27078 0.34819 0.55591 0.84041 0.38133 0.39038 0.05734 0.40637 0.94492 0.06865 0.32058 0.2335 0.41693 0.38278 0.64603 0.2808 0.3109 0.96722 0.64806 0.54503 0.02903 0.47476 0.86926 0.7274 0.64786 0.62629 0.90543 0.52265 0.84826 0.13214 0.55975 0.44408 0.90621 0.46756 0.347 0.50596 0.37074 0.38847 0.12448 0.05937 0.02725 0.6531 0.46851 0.70462 0.89443 0.35505 0.92125 0.5023 0.96302 0.42416 0.95253 0.96482 0.68048 0.55937 0.75221 0.87426 0.42211 0.47776 0.29303 0.66916 0.72562 0.86322 0.22611 0.01767 0.65466 0.87844 0.29845 0.99561 0.74898 0.89611 0.13928 0.85269 0.65085 0.85589 0.74383 0.93905 0.65653 0.25547 0.69276 0.17342 0.0646 0.33822 0.73366 0.21213 0.84916 0.51853 0.62706 0.77239 0.98968 0.82711 0.36408 0.44075 0.55961 0.48913 0.51772 0.50504 0.85354 0.06704 0.16808 0.60825 0.71597 0.97578 0.54885 0.51105 0.82307 0.56459 0.60744 0.95775 0.91406 0.72123 0.55076 0.79945 0.28307 0.83882 0.08423 0.37001 0.85553 0.42053 0.07034 0.13281 0.62883 0.42402 0.21602 0.31454 0.96509 0.74907 0.52387 0.25659 0.19056 0.564 0.49941 0.0555 0.01098 0.44793 0.18118 0.34832 0.23842 0.24659 0.91718 0.8294 0.45551 0.88502 0.28227 0.24985 0.73627 0.18142 0.29985 0.71296 0.50907 0.26738 0.70398 0.58862 0.17618 0.35291 0.94589 0.054 0.53966 0.33253 0.79912 0.54785 0.66946 0.41119 0.83218 0.28513 0.1436 0.6945 0.32058 0.18239 0.64815 0.19474 0.34965 0.64448 0.24195 0.92789 0.79343 0.67686 0.44053 0.46098 0.72015 0.73162 0.76026 0.03533 0.71046 0.55767 0.01412 0.14442 0.24456 0.1613 0.12328 0.96479
+0.29438 0.02315 0.995 0.72256 0.48384 0.3012 0.58459 0.7579 0.74988 0.32386 0.53603 0.11773 0.70601 0.60829 0.58867 0.23808 0.16716 0.33443 0.45238 0.82997 0.95538 0.52666 0.3802 0.31951 0.38053 0.84771 0.93679 0.66436 0.41225 0.30566 0.35339 0.10954 0.91505 0.48468 0.97025 0.27122 0.60285 0.80322 0.9601 0.56783 0.03177 0.41115 0.86296 0.68599 0.21245 0.13561 0.85927 0.42663 0.61245 0.76391 0.59161 0.58046 0.69695 0.30494 0.79557 0.12472 0.23567 0.90149 0.41403 0.59465 0.59213 0.28561 0.35272 0.99068 0.6366 0.31064 0.57621 0.14945 0.30392 0.40129 0.42917 0.07107 0.92213 0.2541 0.774 0.39358 0.69111 0.96105 0.35542 0.1678 0.94242 0.69438 0.37611 0.16467 0.4723 0.78186 0.1785 0.96106 0.32483 0.48839 0.47223 0.58577 0.9076 0.04148 0.23799 0.58557 0.68137 0.80197 0.74934 0.89745 0.63603 0.82828 0.06595 0.35891 0.55481 0.42121 0.1707 0.83145 0.03019 0.73558 0.90654 0.89861 0.77473 0.24245 0.13509 0.97496 0.36483 0.42582 0.24235 0.98766 0.30051 0.72741 0.84223 0.44549 0.87329 0.1915 0.29104 0.72782 0.92562 0.76942 0.17819 0.53022 0.09775 0.88925 0.00582 0.43259 0.01782 0.16097 0.72921 0.77677 0.3756 0.21457 0.73108 0.14617 0.76947 0.11679 0.94504 0.22832 0.14654 0.30033 0.71008 0.86167 0.24708 0.90118 0.20559 0.76507 0.64397 0.68145 0.77922 0.02177 0.66834 0.7712 0.38528 0.51318 0.45793 0.52178 0.06911 0.76502 0.75166 0.83698 0.51658 0.74752 0.53855 0.33919 0.56491 0.57964 0.00194 0.70289 0.91447 0.08111 0.03819 0.42892 0.78506 0.36269 0.08974 0.70006 0.88498 0.07975 0.86706 0.30289 0.42473 0.55895 0.32982 0.22583 0.05481 0.09494 0.25211 0.01228 0.34567 0.99807 0.17401 0.33523 0.12037 0.87339 0.53353 0.23418 0.17331 0.51683 0.42927 0.29942 0.00996 0.0725 0.09478 0.4047 0.73594 0.66888 0.1337 0.74867 0.12433 0.89755 0.5731 0.05172 0.63689 0.16346 0.75547 0.78402 0.62836 0.99062 0.97448 0.40385 0.99399 0.22324 0.26182 0.31928 0.32883 0.57632 0.06752 0.84054 0.47538 0.96571 0.64184 0.76599 0.36341 0.33615 0.81274 0.49843 0.00306 0.27933 0.09642 0.75172 0.29405 0.05594 0.79462 0.32937 0.35255 0.9532 0.146 0.42535 0.01227 0.39552 0.66688 0.10846 0.6598 0.11659 0.73038 0.32553 0.80583 0.26437 0.50042 0.54533 0.22371 0.83196 0.2135 0.7528 0.94978 0.38877 0.64459 0.64819 0.90219 0.92641 0.20576 0.71382 0.86304 0.76347 0.72055 0.16988 0.77025 0.04621 0.54914 0.08251 0.42589 0.49246 0.67759 0.36688 0.94448 0.65432 0.85347 0.08765 0.80521 0.95861 0.13346 0.32781 0.07223 0.32711 0.751 0.03299 0.04951 0.76843 0.73479 0.84738 0.61326 0.89331 0.64761 0.85711 0.53547 0.97749 0.86323 0.70559 0.06744 0.34223 0.04402 0.61228 0.81576 0.35104 0.40285 0.00217 0.11064 0.74113 0.67006 0.71198 0.83869 0.48515 0.69846 0.12007 0.16203 0.63413 0.95981 0.33893 0.00921 0.65852 0.64933 0.16391 0.63352 0.38361 0.35839 0.94137 0.91634 0.10612 0.85601 0.25258 0.5539 0.29991 0.9557 0.60972 0.68052 0.03582 0.41776 0.71074 0.44274 0.05783 0.51849 0.82492 0.63776 0.72829 0.44349 0.6082 0.95209 0.31542 0.1257 0.82139 0.9852 0.2239 0.06927 0.01014 0.52022 0.86482 0.9613 0.14224 0.54991 0.04133 0.82248 0.58469 0.68485 0.06412 0.6467 0.326 0.05853 0.83693 0.63977 0.10703 0.75529 0.57444 0.81597 0.20582 0.28345 0.84072 0.57354 0.72444 0.42146 0.36423 0.12682 0.54137 0.22672 0.27072 0.01033 0.40592 0.08331 0.05496 0.99032 0.75665 0.4113 0.61337 0.86813 0.9568 0.8213 0.43953 0.7852 0.6812 0.92601 0.02856 0.88861 0.55872 0.12199 0.9678 0.40277 0.70592 0.10056 0.27301 0.47396 0.72702 0.6977 0.20742 0.85431 0.36614 0.40709 0.39737 0.63817 0.35215 0.85468 0.90515 0.93005 0.92125 0.23466 0.31639 0.53397 0.36499 0.66804 0.07145 0.10487 0.07084 0.99619 0.77955 0.52398 0.34975 0.78384 0.23127 0.68039 0.57989 0.03557 0.49907 0.54552 0.61653 0.05966 0.85053 0.9661 0.60177 0.81596 0.14992 0.512 0.28147 0.61382 0.06857 0.07831 0.22942 0.96765 0.74264 0.1863 0.08707 0.40595 0.60089 0.79562 0.38298 0.86643 0.82264 0.89359 0.78963 0.3105 0.99791 0.13799 0.70526 0.97319 0.9522 0.35287 0.01878 0.25294 0.69633 0.8228 0.8715 0.18918 0.63548 0.52253 0.04591 0.41959 0.98927 0.33851 0.20032 0.38319 0.34774 0.6353 0.18071 0.58732 0.29318
+0.27527 0.38918 0.02167 0.83474 0.33516 0.57713 0.41541 0.37122 0.97414 0.34323 0.19396 0.30742 0.05208 0.45939 0.79903 0.60534 0.48966 0.93021 0.69566 0.55395 0.15294 0.46262 0.16748 0.76032 0.03055 0.42232 0.26154 0.53405 0.87382 0.67344 0.43622 0.93107 0.212 0.75599 0.05667 0.85987 0.59051 0.57666 0.87981 0.3171 0.69218 0.94277 0.39543 0.80303 0.85928 0.3922 0.63366 0.55304 0.65387 0.26995 0.83201 0.91107 0.54036 0.40681 0.49626 0.32674 0.46455 0.07509 0.39177 0.11582 0.17197 0.25774 0.62852 0.55143 0.14252 0.33895 0.4104 0.35045 0.91917 0.4999 0.49903 0.62114 0.74952 0.21209 0.64354 0.07718 0.59409 0.93747 0.85577 0.23031 0.4546 0.70267 0.55515 0.40672 0.39669 0.02236 0.35553 0.0601 0.99167 0.70437 0.18598 0.58346 0.18784 0.3046 0.25228 0.74976 0.93383 0.7467 0.45829 0.62734 0.39113 0.49839 0.30705 0.99193 0.30961 0.417 0.77871 0.31428 0.23022 0.41204 0.66387 0.75422 0.00295 0.49991 0.54905 0.09278 0.77393 0.15601 0.80952 0.40521 0.46241 0.67049 0.82927 0.72205 0.83634 0.46927 0.86608 0.61535 0.22191 0.98503 0.90251 0.98377 0.68359 0.58013 0.3927 0.01329 0.56328 0.451 0.22477 0.90307 0.73936 0.58558 0.79421 0.40634 0.3426 0.26576 0.63355 0.50163 0.54633 0.20839 0.29983 0.65506 0.38731 0.0352 0.51725 0.01111 0.23585 0.28303 0.89229 0.25753 0.56067 0.38015 0.49002 0.56868 0.04524 0.04835 0.44364 0.53114 0.41194 0.39081 0.01681 0.7971 0.76889 0.69742 0.54588 0.85338 0.55658 0.51061 0.61733 0.66462 0.29323 0.22028 0.06807 0.40814 0.41946 0.94526 0.38759 0.88025 0.60899 0.76208 0.8473 0.46563 0.99126 0.60844 0.43886 0.5827 0.242 0.062 0.42963 0.45724 0.5321 0.68273 0.86744 0.99112 0.76727 0.29622 0.65439 0.35258 0.20562 0.48448 0.42585 0.68561 0.49208 0.90298 0.15155 0.43444 0.16059 0.07639 0.12782 0.16725 0.92355 0.43451 0.21257 0.58123 0.73621 0.18998 0.89801 0.03132 0.46072 0.39234 0.92416 0.8981 0.56083 0.50394 0.65996 0.9703 0.80713 0.86809 0.77812 0.89103 0.6081 0.45215 0.68813 0.57884 0.77939 0.88258 0.30948 0.45562 0.01065 0.3033 0.07543 0.9129 0.67648 0.04834 0.82502 0.37604 0.43838 0.87478 0.87324 0.02424 0.27933 0.30653 0.99139 0.25131 0.17333 0.77013 0.55457 0.51719 0.75261 0.5479 0.2544 0.76212 0.95857 0.05112 0.99451 0.50095 0.93167 0.6114 0.58701 0.37088 0.92355 0.64742 0.83154 0.91842 0.63367 0.9561 0.27586 0.01298 0.20481 0.56679 0.39256 0.05277 0.45653 0.43503 0.74998 0.76171 0.63128 0.16488 0.55195 0.36776 0.1984 0.87445 0.23046 0.06858 0.47511 0.21105 0.18306 0.76633 0.28883 0.30112 0.44461 0.46726 0.63557 0.92445 0.26833 0.72439 0.98467 0.47228 0.69477 0.01481 0.76474 0.65072 0.60972 0.0658 0.76378 0.36173 0.7914 0.19423 0.56297 0.16692 0.16727 0.34277 0.87525 0.79472 0.09418 0.05987 0.55989 0.64338 0.69451 0.86183 0.93566 0.50201 0.49817 0.12768 0.64544 0.0714 0.22468 0.5423 0.82154 0.15772 0.24145 0.73433 0.25966 0.57832 0.99424 0.46569 0.62057 0.53757 0.47063 0.6143 0.11472 0.21747 0.0676 0.82314 0.8663 0.03327 0.67649 0.04248 0.48405 0.87394 0.88678 0.93408 0.55643 0.3352 0.10239 0.39987 0.95638 0.47473 0.7951 0.30597 0.37217 0.23549 0.34538 0.73469 0.70186 0.18283 0.29068 0.23475 0.63256 0.31966 0.42081 0.85514 0.13289 0.35745 0.68467 0.24417 0.69906 0.22096 0.51697 0.49609 0.01621 0.05332 0.8416 0.90556 0.54737 0.90851 0.77018 0.30702 0.7209 0.0453 0.57171 0.59289 0.28243 0.37367 0.89442 0.62976 0.14735 0.47464 0.36631 0.23973 0.03134 0.52971 0.9448 0.15474 0.31249 0.59082 0.83828 0.99845 0.80838 0.10239 0.55642 0.96588 0.10042 0.5089 0.31927 0.71854 0.97315 0.69806 0.34911 0.29745 0.21755 0.93016 0.84162 0.10363 0.92331 0.61913 0.54613 0.75741 0.27358 0.60965 0.93284 0.56331 0.4544 0.51554 0.51385 0.9526 0.37649 0.60661 0.53739 0.36855 0.39228 0.11227 0.88327 0.63122 0.92376 0.97491 0.14053 0.08794 0.63913 0.78922 0.49946 0.61408 0.69472 0.84393 0.48929 0.41973 0.96609 0.39734 0.22448 0.03592 0.47058 0.13452 0.69999 0.61485 0.5556 0.78971 0.62575 0.4147 0.08737 0.13514 0.44422 0.47928 0.15096 0.40736 0.42027 0.61926 0.39244 0.40484 0.60468 0.14243 0.18303 0.01281 0.1164 0.2837 0.10727 0.75104 0.26721 0.94031 0.37087 0.54479 0.82051 0.82821
+0.17574 0.76709 0.26549 0.01336 0.66602 0.57064 0.8601 0.77999 0.71008 0.06019 0.77486 0.22239 0.23245 0.61295 0.86751 0.20774 0.36196 0.71029 0.58744 0.162 0.43295 0.73531 0.33923 0.03685 0.57801 0.36772 0.71178 0.16539 0.30935 0.62553 0.89722 0.07927 0.07713 0.76388 0.19222 0.08979 0.79251 0.45136 0.10742 0.02868 0.65264 0.31974 0.22962 0.22429 0.82434 0.71995 0.47875 0.47763 0.3686 0.93374 0.8623 0.08708 0.1662 0.87956 0.43649 0.61553 0.44158 0.92162 0.66163 0.40731 0.63185 0.36918 0.93442 0.97983 0.638 0.38226 0.20581 0.42727 0.6983 0.1951 0.90561 0.52017 0.26171 0.62328 0.2895 0.17495 0.51729 0.03025 0.25243 0.55865 0.56696 0.15833 0.09452 0.74013 0.58471 0.16583 0.99319 0.29458 0.1231 0.10263 0.83607 0.34324 0.9437 0.50178 0.79206 0.33134 0.01559 0.61811 0.4545 0.41091 0.28431 0.56135 0.6852 0.54681 0.92768 0.69171 0.04854 0.65553 0.59102 0.1095 0.59874 0.56444 0.25485 0.11936 0.55672 0.77407 0.74045 0.80793 0.3383 0.18115 0.28161 0.12262 0.31662 0.32568 0.43173 0.28067 0.03753 0.55985 0.88883 0.18733 0.47775 0.16872 0.94045 0.84301 0.494 0.60892 0.15139 0.86254 0.54759 0.08699 0.63764 0.28217 0.86445 0.78482 0.69062 0.05126 0.11859 0.26147 0.05021 0.95271 0.58435 0.35189 0.77203 0.21666 0.15744 0.93033 0.67587 0.1882 0.14397 0.99909 0.07478 0.74969 0.45602 0.41288 0.15477 0.91437 0.82177 0.11571 0.78343 0.00423 0.42747 0.70309 0.90419 0.98399 0.19483 0.04501 0.94794 0.39172 0.62779 0.81778 0.13308 0.34286 0.44506 0.08847 0.20911 0.43418 0.92848 0.67587 0.42905 0.92384 0.1264 0.3645 0.97801 0.66991 0.05434 0.21558 0.94442 0.75269 0.67348 0.89253 0.23519 0.50648 0.95925 0.51879 0.05051 0.55723 0.23115 0.63365 0.98618 0.32566 0.81195 0.42264 0.64297 0.61434 0.87719 0.83888 0.70401 0.3091 0.54263 0.08786 0.16126 0.54122 0.82263 0.82574 0.76314 0.77709 0.54772 0.57735 0.31477 0.01001 0.55327 0.4136 0.14424 0.04644 0.03869 0.48815 0.05203 0.40428 0.36965 0.76141 0.98192 0.67972 0.35212 0.3642 0.96579 0.82178 0.692 0.12102 0.7084 0.22251 0.7682 0.0767 0.95444 0.71718 0.5587 0.73189 0.90012 0.06274 0.96387 0.69427 0.23694 0.90937 0.24732 0.66875 0.28659 0.64377 0.59388 0.03646 0.25522 0.43586 0.21092 0.79589 0.21061 0.39862 0.925 0.73189 0.32706 0.84718 0.16092 0.2998 0.31431 0.47255 0.70277 0.91443 0.4669 0.66163 0.0662 0.91434 0.50424 0.62058 0.1677 0.5558 0.58646 0.62721 0.34955 0.0765 0.10287 0.57138 0.48692 0.16467 0.34916 0.01372 0.4241 0.53128 0.24673 0.92575 0.13016 0.35319 0.28621 0.31169 0.34166 0.80255 0.05775 0.30567 0.71441 0.33335 0.62473 0.19369 0.72032 0.03661 0.51273 0.67431 0.36311 0.28857 0.93214 0.6245 0.63752 0.14464 0.3868 0.82136 0.57018 0.06535 0.81271 0.88304 0.29151 0.46518 0.28889 0.499 0.2282 0.07969 0.36653 0.9387 0.5233 0.23884 0.1915 0.49243 0.60317 0.26917 0.33633 0.13039 0.64134 0.9496 0.81696 0.29946 0.46958 0.68752 0.99374 0.10127 0.94872 0.59404 0.33452 0.6829 0.32342 0.42985 0.15464 0.15323 0.19417 0.67962 0.97162 0.35655 0.56577 0.34755 0.33904 0.94818 0.7815 0.87629 0.6123 0.2616 0.63244 0.33276 0.74584 0.3731 0.95389 0.55021 0.70517 0.4896 0.67109 0.68702 0.61142 0.76309 0.19193 0.77592 0.06816 0.66365 0.2819 0.52992 0.42278 0.30098 0.92006 0.84996 0.04612 0.08491 0.55227 0.94078 0.45291 0.63384 0.68562 0.19536 0.64138 0.87951 0.23075 0.95243 0.05337 0.45 0.13175 0.33885 0.83663 0.65103 0.58358 0.04276 0.27215 0.54913 0.32976 0.31928 0.80307 0.71466 0.77889 0.19821 0.19921 0.1038 0.63641 0.0328 0.17962 0.13961 0.56153 0.36078 0.21222 0.76905 0.27682 0.86002 0.08017 0.8437 0.99879 0.79868 0.87112 0.03774 0.13027 0.39968 0.44296 0.19349 0.08957 0.29377 0.18399 0.8901 0.91998 0.8691 0.30732 0.98756 0.42161 0.31612 0.24843 0.76763 0.82909 0.34797 0.63074 0.02938 0.12875 0.63351 0.81539 0.55205 0.4493 0.88664 0.56562 0.63531 0.25843 0.50779 0.02881 0.08184 0.60879 0.6485 0.98158 0.34617 0.9637 0.06406 0.81546 0.43249 0.69061 0.08453 0.59895 0.73471 0.44257 0.32926 0.23931 0.69469 0.56105 0.88645 0.0292 0.33495 0.95781 0.75326 0.01527 0.86959 0.69894 0.00104 0.38614 0.08082 0.69075 0.81401 0.71979 0.18756 0.35227 0.93143
+0.75091 0.94864 0.7742 0.45834 0.9987 0.78631 0.63426 0.40733 0.88167 0.0782 0.64089 0.95513 0.79198 0.21605 0.28495 0.52163 0.67456 0.34841 0.76812 0.53914 0.2865 0.20526 0.2658 0.26393 0.21816 0.03102 0.04841 0.98104 0.17054 0.07475 0.99892 0.26837 0.79754 0.27527 0.51886 0.83585 0.78769 0.79386 0.05371 0.32186 0.80242 0.58144 0.72634 0.1399 0.20181 0.7893 0.01447 0.87573 0.42918 0.95566 0.39103 0.77338 0.05305 0.7902 0.84302 0.6817 0.16149 0.70162 0.81292 0.20744 0.22252 0.3307 0.03066 0.4705 0.61785 0.45107 0.14499 0.54298 0.09062 0.56007 0.74101 0.24245 0.85946 0.13294 0.68707 0.6124 0.85894 0.07319 0.71235 0.83552 0.58227 0.84049 0.13589 0.33655 0.32711 0.63156 0.11347 0.31695 0.86259 0.20014 0.72995 0.63223 0.51136 0.11491 0.56085 0.89115 0.06841 0.50031 0.46284 0.84778 0.82818 0.94964 0.71227 0.25233 0.77734 0.21102 0.03674 0.13762 0.30081 0.90723 0.60475 0.66085 0.20354 0.19216 0.70466 0.17607 0.18187 0.7214 0.24144 0.10336 0.09607 0.40571 0.5242 0.53349 0.82632 0.66111 0.78945 0.41674 0.87381 0.19279 0.62245 0.61203 0.34777 0.51963 0.02549 0.83256 0.2386 0.2965 0.127 0.92914 0.86849 0.35858 0.05817 0.98292 0.45421 0.0588 0.84735 0.74933 0.34793 0.91994 0.40256 0.24791 0.77596 0.50831 0.76474 0.28544 0.0463 0.96414 0.3121 0.14528 0.53988 0.98946 0.88523 0.42779 0.0602 0.28178 0.84793 0.65573 0.27891 0.38087 0.60032 0.66151 0.80357 0.74396 0.09123 0.36478 0.63473 0.33471 0.11581 0.23425 0.49918 0.43644 0.76579 0.8363 0.5285 0.11954 0.44938 0.45956 0.69152 0.9377 0.42794 0.43823 0.24705 0.36702 0.53861 0.7482 0.03617 0.8897 0.9692 0.85926 0.98173 0.34145 0.31248 0.02536 0.55068 0.78221 0.18688 0.71084 0.71618 0.49497 0.75677 0.64095 0.28196 0.29783 0.21879 0.38796 0.6946 0.12843 0.68604 0.60113 0.82892 0.04304 0.32478 0.90231 0.16437 0.07465 0.36063 0.91873 0.29413 0.85373 0.62009 0.20304 0.34265 0.15323 0.83052 0.83953 0.28798 0.10515 0.67123 0.00731 0.96521 0.51657 0.13025 0.61616 0.20704 0.17635 0.47821 0.27525 0.4075 0.82478 0.13281 0.87296 0.42102 0.85811 0.19521 0.03508 0.28448 0.70467 0.54399 0.1134 0.96263 0.20491 0.85809 0.21172 0.35411 0.92644 0.91702 0.26918 0.67559 0.88622 0.54622 0.5905 0.55842 0.07536 0.36729 0.20492 0.73505 0.74048 0.90313 0.86668 0.03287 0.41822 0.68601 0.35319 0.37157 0.39667 0.56931 0.30035 0.6013 0.9494 0.81902 0.2555 0.9013 0.56199 0.80529 0.13096 0.24488 0.85959 0.17676 0.22153 0.81329 0.94058 0.61573 0.63837 0.18738 0.4069 0.28376 0.70777 0.3869 0.26941 0.2959 0.02149 0.60387 0.06602 0.71344 0.46 0.02136 0.75237 0.65709 0.53675 0.87829 0.48722 0.47969 0.89644 0.02911 0.27784 0.12127 0.15422 0.2975 0.07662 0.71857 0.50445 0.88786 0.41556 0.49091 0.14349 0.94369 0.66543 0.11828 0.1676 0.45889 0.61811 0.13013 0.0084 0.92339 0.81868 0.86331 0.67772 0.00493 0.55724 0.26477 0.20212 0.62773 0.44545 0.1124 0.5312 0.10799 0.55579 0.25374 0.03494 0.26416 0.61363 0.5734 0.42099 0.6516 0.39846 0.01019 0.75855 0.21996 0.58456 0.36807 0.00661 0.22555 0.24986 0.40731 0.47054 0.64114 0.98132 0.73125 0.06949 0.51598 0.39104 0.7441 0.58866 0.77996 0.94542 0.03801 0.47245 0.1691 0.86608 0.47715 0.44368 0.70022 0.90327 0.27112 0.31617 0.42797 0.40938 0.10081 0.61997 0.85144 0.76274 0.16609 0.98895 0.18171 0.97965 0.14315 0.04445 0.08269 0.05083 0.36423 0.57489 0.64898 0.3304 0.31712 0.06533 0.75905 0.91786 0.44241 0.19259 0.7982 0.79992 0.53184 0.05275 0.46403 0.38801 0.36863 0.41439 0.56714 0.13328 0.295 0.73523 0.82116 0.0537 0.6685 0.24393 0.79224 0.00108 0.91048 0.46741 0.3119 0.7453 0.7492 0.01002 0.59442 0.81395 0.04524 0.44136 0.74113 0.94185 0.6274 0.92369 0.49801 0.3597 0.35507 0.86278 0.34048 0.85 0.9249 0.25274 0.63009 0.0955 0.00389 0.408 0.25722 0.40087 0.32433 0.44937 0.33248 0.07773 0.50946 0.2003 0.11167 0.85958 0.43543 0.14257 0.09726 0.78001 0.84526 0.85816 0.87781 0.31523 0.1897 0.70713 0.95692 0.02625 0.65589 0.55611 0.55425 0.09658 0.94176 0.99608 0.35159 0.59945 0.37477 0.60032 0.1978 0.61443 0.60411 0.32249 0.81032 0.05217 0.55435 0.46172 0.15538 0.97179 0.46198 0.13923 0.42224 0.04059 0.92547 0.45182
+0.34954 0.89431 0.33559 0.56274 0.11206 0.23684 0.09528 0.84131 0.32886 0.2846 0.39979 0.42708 0.68308 0.79525 0.09454 0.06441 0.22676 0.98645 0.35535 0.4262 0.94559 0.58281 0.42632 0.49557 0.24 0.98146 0.16711 0.5799 0.21494 0.34679 0.04471 0.22456 0.17027 0.26631 0.24034 0.47156 0.94877 0.59678 0.76543 0.10079 0.40197 0.90549 0.04249 0.42873 0.41423 0.2594 0.66653 0.73693 0.93859 0.84165 0.1809 0.95377 0.233 0.08013 0.19723 0.18986 0.42595 0.60968 0.72535 0.44388 0.03735 0.33717 0.7052 0.56324 0.54598 0.48117 0.13723 0.21331 0.83159 0.87608 0.76437 0.26155 0.80552 0.68991 0.82628 0.97083 0.75689 0.69639 0.92372 0.62789 0.39273 0.11402 0.94959 0.14485 0.74223 0.5238 0.44317 0.61123 0.47168 0.39122 0.01276 0.69364 0.24877 0.09757 0.52965 0.06174 0.61235 0.79901 0.37425 0.69581 0.21957 0.36004 0.47635 0.77896 0.94682 0.2192 0.35059 0.94898 0.3743 0.30021 0.53444 0.05383 0.06447 0.63168 0.62591 0.6217 0.86411 0.72059 0.27406 0.72292 0.65874 0.6813 0.00366 0.0231 0.27753 0.09234 0.21254 0.01317 0.13312 0.78455 0.06918 0.69859 0.09931 0.35691 0.43111 0.18077 0.52571 0.76801 0.65047 0.08132 0.65971 0.53379 0.67383 0.87074 0.547 0.93712 0.51684 0.52274 0.01291 0.88322 0.37754 0.69253 0.63436 0.7675 0.22822 0.45202 0.86594 0.16136 0.88106 0.11127 0.42703 0.56438 0.16128 0.47195 0.53281 0.74663 0.99516 0.9732 0.32322 0.5691 0.94283 0.6076 0.9039 0.42107 0.59279 0.42517 0.92736 0.98915 0.9086 0.95355 0.06202 0.51413 0.9394 0.27088 0.52388 0.40185 0.38343 0.34994 0.63406 0.5548 0.37673 0.82057 0.50209 0.0841 0.09346 0.75806 0.875 0.96243 0.46348 0.25184 0.50098 0.25722 0.82459 0.07597 0.91679 0.66949 0.60063 0.66713 0.39853 0.85895 0.59009 0.7983 0.88832 0.47354 0.5758 0.69202 0.75374 0.92011 0.47099 0.68338 0.49847 0.81802 0.76056 0.14004 0.52897 0.0971 0.49526 0.60844 0.24215 0.91512 0.99559 0.33722 0.54621 0.79124 0.08908 0.46484 0.44474 0.88812 0.26999 0.869 0.51413 0.04324 0.59167 0.47278 0.42011 0.07049 0.68684 0.91729 0.14544 0.44256 0.06873 0.02707 0.68359 0.17831 0.47842 0.69755 0.10504 0.15533 0.41664 0.21951 0.0843 0.99453 0.27712 0.15897 0.66672 0.52977 0.95734 0.40997 0.24417 0.20995 0.21459 0.01215 0.29602 0.29681 0.79635 0.07882 0.32468 0.53925 0.78531 0.30821 0.28174 0.84635 0.95771 0.45941 0.21517 0.42508 0.86064 0.34512 0.39646 0.73903 0.74732 0.98485 0.12053 0.73672 0.05583 0.22592 0.19987 0.1871 0.31808 0.88761 0.06788 0.03765 0.90716 0.46129 0.17849 0.78982 0.24744 0.62288 0.17399 0.91923 0.45486 0.41983 0.72286 0.38617 0.72063 0.75909 0.89749 0.4122 0.71844 0.77514 0.44905 0.19363 0.10678 0.53809 0.98204 0.3484 0.83586 0.76502 0.15399 0.21429 0.34252 0.56661 0.42852 0.55767 0.74603 0.86495 0.8838 0.26871 0.226 0.79778 0.71285 0.31536 0.3588 0.72787 0.6242 0.6815 0.09804 0.1714 0.95888 0.72965 0.7397 0.70005 0.91042 0.58869 0.90686 0.32537 0.93666 0.42517 0.06778 0.63778 0.76865 0.74389 0.72759 0.64467 0.7744 0.49864 0.16215 0.886 0.81847 0.3524 0.95443 0.07041 0.17869 0.15433 0.02304 0.0759 0.40394 0.14395 0.15719 0.10463 0.0385 0.50667 0.24186 0.37414 0.03958 0.55888 0.59578 0.59113 0.3151 0.40063 0.74113 0.52761 0.58207 0.32429 0.01005 0.4714 0.41883 0.45603 0.18571 0.71117 0.29187 0.95043 0.05115 0.31081 0.37699 0.06187 0.33563 0.94191 0.69461 0.35671 0.29817 0.61332 0.50846 0.51877 0.3477 0.45082 0.69928 0.69167 0.37559 0.94423 0.31043 0.27209 0.95778 0.49707 0.53853 0.49767 0.99355 0.03545 0.9097 0.7861 0.29451 0.42393 0.90111 0.39899 0.1325 0.59346 0.78285 0.57108 0.46482 0.50391 0.28496 0.08865 0.65943 0.91402 0.74797 0.34209 0.44034 0.42986 0.15841 0.64985 0.8636 0.3774 0.26385 0.2672 0.41819 0.3974 0.80815 0.32915 0.31607 0.59346 0.12311 0.94249 0.84957 0.58216 0.14618 0.65036 0.39855 0.00244 0.60099 0.85068 0.90738 0.2514 0.94602 0.13584 0.44278 0.40904 0.59523 0.12721 0.39863 0.55224 0.02974 0.48662 0.08631 0.80364 0.67011 0.59901 0.29319 0.07833 0.44855 0.99653 0.21401 0.4052 0.03985 0.51471 0.09599 0.01316 0.2251 0.68898 0.29715 0.42368 0.72536 0.12219 0.75954 0.88107 0.8257 0.39497 0.24085 0.92375 0.47262 0.79131 0.2503 0.22133
+0.44688 0.98489 0.89542 0.36794 0.54074 0.33196 0.33887 0.14666 0.06241 0.55295 0.69007 0.94166 0.37021 0.39071 0.40937 0.10872 0.8095 0.73014 0.36361 0.06647 0.95223 0.18439 0.13433 0.68968 0.40222 0.07212 0.7301 0.4051 0.89512 0.64649 0.22103 0.37139 0.13181 0.99465 0.8082 0.0136 0.61448 0.99477 0.68302 0.85116 0.54399 0.68503 0.16311 0.47601 0.08963 0.69995 0.45165 0.02811 0.06837 0.92734 0.24342 0.50719 0.25509 0.29177 0.74105 0.81861 0.26947 0.91904 0.92903 0.52357 0.90102 0.08507 0.19691 0.2217 0.77595 0.55314 0.35624 0.45561 0.52619 0.26929 0.58527 0.24904 0.2264 0.30008 0.80631 0.66781 0.87377 0.02525 0.69843 0.81301 0.77761 0.79682 0.27847 0.01394 0.36652 0.40545 0.64363 0.14506 0.04723 0.46772 0.81381 0.49394 0.78075 0.21796 0.53239 0.32351 0.50903 0.43133 0.16311 0.58047 0.33312 0.37266 0.34099 0.35616 0.95401 0.8073 0.73128 0.89542 0.1708 0.68585 0.98432 0.69208 0.29331 0.83383 0.49998 0.96198 0.03766 0.92321 0.48437 0.31502 0.07577 0.63993 0.38562 0.7004 0.80742 0.44683 0.04748 0.0268 0.63901 0.69707 0.65225 0.28386 0.25338 0.15676 0.46007 0.51894 0.34689 0.65964 0.06551 0.99756 0.33731 0.9271 0.70099 0.65014 0.00695 0.46746 0.67083 0.74434 0.16392 0.26436 0.56323 0.49444 0.61605 0.76885 0.82606 0.29595 0.63081 0.27036 0.05722 0.10472 0.34572 0.40342 0.11321 0.85883 0.40085 0.2351 0.76381 0.55781 0.01875 0.60494 0.15336 0.36193 0.08308 0.41128 0.90139 0.89792 0.58928 0.51562 0.45436 0.02455 0.6875 0.81082 0.4976 0.08221 0.13982 0.53483 0.45121 0.21693 0.0888 0.08861 0.56876 0.22997 0.17696 0.61833 0.22316 0.65483 0.02697 0.51664 0.61944 0.09944 0.51168 0.0616 0.34265 0.97594 0.79128 0.50105 0.01443 0.23855 0.0728 0.25411 0.30738 0.98788 0.35439 0.30812 0.23863 0.3501 0.71692 0.77291 0.96706 0.20948 0.57659 0.42142 0.06513 0.42809 0.99319 0.30347 0.9226 0.77451 0.37904 0.22609 0.65267 0.7726 0.05311 0.40906 0.00293 0.13781 0.98305 0.76052 0.30129 0.17522 0.48966 0.93171 0.58731 0.33713 0.89738 0.39257 0.57611 0.38044 0.15588 0.49177 0.89358 0.23567 0.39872 0.72251 0.57459 0.42615 0.69313 0.29569 0.76376 0.61573 0.35526 0.41196 0.82392 0.58708 0.55476 0.88113 0.41094 0.70494 0.79173 0.35885 0.75452 0.07279 0.20138 0.1353 0.83664 0.41681 0.22112 0.34971 0.25101 0.93726 0.27262 0.31764 0.44854 0.02353 0.80268 0.71205 0.82763 0.44074 0.34074 0.28487 0.58746 0.30262 0.07618 0.73393 0.13793 0.51219 0.26469 0.01475 0.13509 0.96235 0.30026 0.54914 0.50599 0.46217 0.80923 0.01336 0.20216 0.79377 0.2026 0.80686 0.89835 0.44243 0.78942 0.8704 0.04238 0.39253 0.74543 0.48852 0.11098 0.76373 0.24267 0.0588 0.39529 0.04228 0.35049 0.84572 0.75313 0.79136 0.24005 0.40265 0.44587 0.73192 0.9033 0.01371 0.65138 0.22597 0.03754 0.80435 0.56702 0.15741 0.09693 0.47339 0.9751 0.86636 0.97702 0.46734 0.97044 0.09737 0.0321 0.77959 0.1314 0.1116 0.80689 0.50324 0.85389 0.9281 0.86594 0.14513 0.86696 0.41255 0.14366 0.30855 0.97382 0.90253 0.88716 0.32985 0.87796 0.39387 0.85124 0.32968 0.40648 0.49212 0.16524 0.33302 0.97895 0.50373 0.64135 0.3674 0.08332 0.74808 0.83262 0.26807 0.02955 0.70894 0.11046 0.35027 0.62458 0.92944 0.785 0.58853 0.79044 0.33723 0.21473 0.27866 0.34793 0.63763 0.71824 0.80396 0.0213 0.13375 0.49704 0.60756 0.24829 0.28634 0.68391 0.51442 0.93878 0.34108 0.8359 0.07496 0.92111 0.76874 0.15639 0.84497 0.16608 0.82229 0.20961 0.25539 0.75008 0.32139 0.65529 0.90752 0.96181 0.64791 0.48166 0.32015 0.25256 0.31986 0.01273 0.73756 0.54678 0.62577 0.19381 0.11782 0.9557 0.40514 0.78643 0.42654 0.13112 0.91756 0.695 0.12353 0.59777 0.02392 0.27332 0.90816 0.06 0.04968 0.54846 0.01894 0.92021 0.15155 0.87501 0.55589 0.71942 0.23632 0.00401 0.2748 0.27127 0.35742 0.76013 0.83182 0.75819 0.53658 0.75091 0.39618 0.44546 0.45544 0.70951 0.96041 0.01397 0.39111 0.15345 0.79869 0.44088 0.4016 0.19738 0.19019 0.94384 0.77668 0.71302 0.40702 0.35136 0.14134 0.92554 0.26147 0.22384 0.79511 0.77974 0.19324 0.03506 0.92151 0.02825 0.0096 0.02325 0.82896 0.0211 0.30836 0.8205 0.43685 0.1779 0.17203 0.60534 0.85348 0.09815 0.57968 0.70446 0.29743 0.28221 0.08507 0.65734 0.49756
+0.9878 0.7194 0.26981 0.30641 0.93331 0.10676 0.40416 0.40983 0.53577 0.32688 0.16868 0.62506 0.13628 0.01257 0.33465 0.42257 0.55763 0.40978 0.64511 0.24092 0.44881 0.5552 0.55052 0.20505 0.01732 0.41692 0.31803 0.58972 0.1775 0.08364 0.88647 0.90271 0.01026 0.86997 0.16498 0.61124 0.94383 0.98903 0.75511 0.96911 0.05831 0.13904 0.38128 0.05628 0.85706 0.36289 0.39191 0.53402 0.44999 0.35725 0.97953 0.69144 0.20928 0.31784 0.45705 0.90811 0.54054 0.59507 0.37452 0.1014 0.26104 0.7271 0.46087 0.66813 0.80166 0.89433 0.21682 0.05549 0.26013 0.66182 0.74546 0.3445 0.63406 0.36395 0.28109 0.1271 0.83398 0.25512 0.70137 0.79553 0.17957 0.43734 0.06975 0.67897 0.36602 0.51108 0.8504 0.97931 0.33279 0.22094 0.3384 0.19348 0.59972 0.63662 0.94365 0.08392 0.01497 0.19069 0.73325 0.84598 0.48697 0.75815 0.04616 0.89477 0.69029 0.98009 0.56251 0.11353 0.02675 0.3475 0.00998 0.38188 0.07357 0.64866 0.71754 0.08166 0.08277 0.04687 0.48914 0.96013 0.04102 0.60292 0.43871 0.77189 0.75553 0.45022 0.63632 0.23595 0.41052 0.03831 0.75119 0.13372 0.39159 0.46826 0.20494 0.55193 0.0584 0.48142 0.91239 0.13938 0.26039 0.72078 0.87237 0.75341 0.5776 0.8681 0.13266 0.05288 0.44488 0.10373 0.33146 0.07631 0.60172 0.57814 0.69934 0.63696 0.1169 0.81087 0.26982 0.36385 0.48588 0.70598 0.03514 0.04885 0.59864 0.35277 0.909 0.35289 0.14801 0.87608 0.30016 0.43376 0.06579 0.36211 0.26131 0.12211 0.2607 0.38653 0.86384 0.98592 0.26234 0.95478 0.74837 0.27728 0.05628 0.30003 0.44938 0.80806 0.57048 0.65155 0.28319 0.66744 0.02862 0.10406 0.0873 0.14414 0.98454 0.16423 0.58788 0.44905 0.2802 0.84879 0.31711 0.03957 0.24506 0.93871 0.71231 0.46718 0.6275 0.11259 0.21379 0.16778 0.28097 0.18406 0.66445 0.21487 0.8482 0.53571 0.26943 0.91187 0.17007 0.38061 0.97154 0.57629 0.80739 0.5613 0.51542 0.86828 0.13392 0.81698 0.79187 0.47336 0.68266 0.57192 0.27942 0.08887 0.62171 0.8367 0.34849 0.35115 0.91236 0.92729 0.4515 0.6961 0.84745 0.62275 0.29016 0.83601 0.60241 0.79352 0.17312 0.89378 0.4913 0.94675 0.14216 0.53943 0.85027 0.60694 0.93051 0.31328 0.14995 0.83404 0.4569 0.90885 0.99118 0.88451 0.48463 0.95612 0.57471 0.43362 0.2172 0.11729 0.41051 0.22858 0.95476 0.75794 0.78488 0.48977 0.66385 0.24963 0.59438 0.88895 0.44744 0.78104 0.46887 0.68959 0.33633 0.00269 0.89979 0.69939 0.00959 0.39156 0.45243 0.23261 0.26035 0.32626 0.96321 0.19673 0.02381 0.96032 0.01932 0.41068 0.09834 0.09297 0.41484 0.94134 0.59143 0.32633 0.10884 0.02433 0.85045 0.14562 0.29982 0.249 0.52574 0.21176 0.02929 0.07387 0.56288 0.13864 0.77624 0.8944 0.94211 0.36826 0.67837 0.3211 0.16772 0.37291 0.31218 0.91311 0.92249 0.98742 0.78167 0.05009 0.20436 0.08851 0.36508 0.43558 0.28603 0.88302 0.14827 0.11854 0.0157 0.36142 0.10077 0.02835 0.13408 0.06455 0.23477 0.88984 0.09138 0.95105 0.36886 0.81642 0.25779 0.44269 0.23329 0.18342 0.67119 0.65188 0.38977 0.87756 0.99645 0.64235 0.23839 0.48514 0.27339 0.98053 0.2375 0.35882 0.17581 0.20242 0.09788 0.96279 0.43784 0.93735 0.48483 0.75122 0.81177 0.60891 0.68819 0.73662 0.84559 0.69691 0.40017 0.90926 0.9359 0.17524 0.02331 0.61962 0.07813 0.24677 0.86283 0.95108 0.67513 0.16632 0.44563 0.75457 0.61325 0.0562 0.93259 0.99885 0.18231 0.15409 0.56451 0.29046 0.08777 0.24892 0.82669 0.46673 0.01667 0.26456 0.83035 0.4857 0.45541 0.15485 0.11618 0.10562 0.03559 0.64618 0.76929 0.93637 0.68038 0.39983 0.36675 0.25728 0.70172 0.76466 0.29875 0.26969 0.74766 0.55043 0.33017 0.18869 0.70687 0.89667 0.33155 0.62182 0.52446 0.2272 0.30289 0.96272 0.37425 0.27588 0.19032 0.97206 0.06067 0.61918 0.32963 0.82289 0.47856 0.1286 0.84483 0.20331 0.44526 0.27435 0.93234 0.00618 0.6237 0.29994 0.79958 0.64843 0.25429 0.1405 0.64989 0.37046 0.19296 0.29048 0.96488 0.57514 0.18757 0.63028 0.9753 0.58017 0.59129 0.61482 0.59163 0.93382 0.8955 0.32661 0.33966 0.26254 0.17355 0.05321 0.17104 0.41039 0.30395 0.87774 0.70867 0.68977 0.06041 0.41676 0.17864 0.02547 0.5862 0.00322 0.39448 0.14381 0.06187 0.3037 0.21718 0.54726 0.53549 0.58417 0.23111 0.45462 0.97061 0.45954 0.62818 0.47882 0.41402 0.54129
+0.38489 0.81984 0.61144 0.0129 0.3564 0.05657 0.63319 0.8747 0.49825 0.23796 0.71952 0.85787 0.44513 0.85966 0.52578 0.79826 0.5558 0.68418 0.52658 0.65267 0.99787 0.90082 0.50097 0.96879 0.02051 0.50502 0.58156 0.37371 0.74233 0.21821 0.97535 0.8748 0.23723 0.79523 0.0162 0.73733 0.42075 0.56324 0.72004 0.64798 0.38227 0.6343 0.88834 0.96038 0.31565 0.72474 0.92098 0.4541 0.66453 0.12863 0.6838 0.25367 0.32888 0.68033 0.10013 0.77878 0.04197 0.73875 0.42198 0.27439 0.06843 0.45544 0.527 0.37399 0.23879 0.85604 0.349 0.98567 0.58668 0.56375 0.8533 0.63132 0.15153 0.8009 0.05044 0.26944 0.67685 0.63027 0.00389 0.63932 0.5038 0.70116 0.21214 0.18953 0.71598 0.41544 0.83532 0.35508 0.0521 0.8448 0.11531 0.1024 0.52466 0.0722 0.64258 0.25207 0.00685 0.01485 0.11104 0.35672 0.46555 0.70719 0.96907 0.40268 0.64903 0.68284 0.26996 0.47124 0.03784 0.35065 0.81875 0.26583 0.66752 0.06652 0.35756 0.6967 0.83403 0.60136 0.65578 0.96192 0.82779 0.68855 0.05051 0.16763 0.07991 0.54682 0.36893 0.58086 0.10131 0.08031 0.09273 0.11139 0.11684 0.7134 0.88132 0.22091 0.07058 0.67391 0.09543 0.07824 0.34276 0.47137 0.19565 0.42625 0.23923 0.77555 0.87579 0.96882 0.04699 0.32505 0.54691 0.44592 0.1934 0.33739 0.70502 0.9068 0.15369 0.20172 0.59698 0.09562 0.91697 0.32277 0.53596 0.3421 0.00544 0.68904 0.84431 0.76935 0.38345 0.32368 0.3769 0.44606 0.15452 0.97347 0.76679 0.8641 0.58263 0.34802 0.21172 0.95108 0.39689 0.33836 0.7662 0.04905 0.85257 0.88089 0.72458 0.54409 0.17225 0.44291 0.58193 0.58261 0.1234 0.10507 0.24306 0.29594 0.45785 0.5383 0.77926 0.48789 0.5418 0.59033 0.91437 0.50703 0.49883 0.66625 0.84407 0.57433 0.17092 0.18305 0.4657 0.04818 0.62535 0.73729 0.66566 0.43505 0.80924 0.16046 0.0645 0.32078 0.69054 0.36853 0.24714 0.9131 0.27765 0.65079 0.6887 0.18006 0.20373 0.30998 0.86673 0.1481 0.8214 0.0017 0.49778 0.42384 0.31179 0.12872 0.639 0.88342 0.70284 0.99861 0.265 0.67074 0.31557 0.54755 0.41945 0.71833 0.52457 0.28362 0.5899 0.81288 0.73353 0.94163 0.85955 0.58152 0.39432 0.53285 0.80066 0.94617 0.38391 0.2415 0.07548 0.23677 0.57844 0.86196 0.61684 0.33103 0.52053 0.99883 0.13915 0.96189 0.42661 0.88902 0.99017 0.65661 0.96114 0.42799 0.68373 0.6707 0.07923 0.29794 0.79974 0.92773 0.72294 0.10803 0.6498 0.76482 0.76281 0.67964 0.168 0.9259 0.9783 0.51021 0.25411 0.38914 0.7732 0.67501 0.92942 0.77752 0.68638 0.37732 0.18903 0.38999 0.8672 0.9801 0.94088 0.28155 0.7071 0.33121 0.32496 0.38106 0.87339 0.97283 0.2912 0.34125 0.84658 0.84199 0.95691 0.26852 0.91221 0.49111 0.64532 0.24747 0.51407 0.14069 0.74673 0.5269 0.74506 0.50893 0.92757 0.33586 0.29579 0.98025 0.86539 0.35598 0.67016 0.70058 0.06654 0.85052 0.288 0.31488 0.76667 0.80178 0.74538 0.56741 0.35286 0.35874 0.63643 0.73151 0.09927 0.6864 0.05925 0.42783 0.28646 0.88716 0.76137 0.26708 0.3314 0.49142 0.05303 0.54227 0.56703 0.7058 0.55607 0.89505 0.3327 0.64144 0.97576 0.57379 0.62816 0.92927 0.74462 0.06192 0.6916 0.78042 0.40901 0.26583 0.43563 0.30738 0.12699 0.61216 0.80037 0.61847 0.50341 0.8305 0.45418 0.78077 0.70485 0.17884 0.79712 0.09808 0.63951 0.27559 0.79007 0.47414 0.38728 0.09276 0.30831 0.63064 0.47769 0.1123 0.68085 0.99178 0.57762 0.62777 0.30884 0.81494 0.85094 0.85535 0.46745 0.08867 0.68516 0.02354 0.48216 0.94423 0.72034 0.24766 0.25511 0.88676 0.89188 0.25894 0.07293 0.52438 0.36617 0.9138 0.75547 0.88789 0.03333 0.52546 0.50562 0.68011 0.72151 0.64695 0.50365 0.87941 0.62995 0.25295 0.00648 0.7351 0.8049 0.39426 0.14491 0.1661 0.11957 0.95294 0.94036 0.57287 0.79807 0.19411 0.92509 0.1885 0.77236 0.55466 0.04776 0.97733 0.90257 0.72846 0.95811 0.84222 0.08573 0.00869 0.3248 0.64213 0.24427 0.98298 0.60357 0.25227 0.24599 0.31746 0.74905 0.50383 0.77164 0.33306 0.15744 0.5711 0.86294 0.49146 0.59286 0.59007 0.70377 0.47056 0.54032 0.60761 0.47354 0.17939 0.58951 0.51938 0.56196 0.71216 0.60529 0.07912 0.53548 0.96189 0.52212 0.53782 0.53273 0.71973 0.01822 0.52807 0.30424 0.13726 0.12416 0.5796 0.90782 0.22598 0.25611 0.58335 0.21182 0.11994 0.2395 0.30925
+0.87799 0.84646 0.30962 0.69975 0.02367 0.52196 0.29777 0.12608 0.74889 0.04087 0.32115 0.31325 0.4848 0.49494 0.04749 0.2145 0.09837 0.09839 0.00941 0.73943 0.99391 0.0021 0.15516 0.79961 0.74496 0.62744 0.1548 0.21921 0.07617 0.87304 0.58473 0.18913 0.61881 0.46353 0.39063 0.41417 0.83207 0.41908 0.26587 0.29612 0.91115 0.40465 0.70969 0.85159 0.36531 0.06147 0.93368 0.50402 0.33026 0.29089 0.54133 0.79848 0.02109 0.1207 0.6781 0.02583 0.54892 0.87485 0.69121 0.48335 0.41519 0.12761 0.01491 0.45108 0.79612 0.90952 0.1712 0.33325 0.88949 0.49526 0.45369 0.54898 0.17736 0.29272 0.97534 0.29966 0.48217 0.32907 0.38199 0.17424 0.47792 0.41273 0.3458 0.35439 0.81879 0.20187 0.27355 0.72071 0.57204 0.43404 0.39485 0.72283 0.58259 0.46417 0.85475 0.26805 0.84304 0.01933 0.60105 0.93004 0.65556 0.96244 0.08802 0.08661 0.76328 0.63563 0.07644 0.43771 0.94528 0.81416 0.74368 0.58042 0.3727 0.63175 0.01987 0.71142 0.63884 0.69544 0.93425 0.14847 0.4454 0.52952 0.83023 0.87642 0.15106 0.71243 0.3388 0.1852 0.40621 0.15679 0.23084 0.74902 0.6606 0.37036 0.58973 0.9187 0.02705 0.92268 0.07992 0.72414 0.7145 0.92112 0.46215 0.07871 0.17379 0.02096 0.77634 0.33865 0.5658 0.71612 0.42504 0.18874 0.08103 0.5857 0.25169 0.91429 0.12309 0.17318 0.26526 0.03976 0.27737 0.18151 0.68114 0.17733 0.49363 0.45517 0.5605 0.97082 0.51055 0.61104 0.56419 0.25783 0.85213 0.53444 0.73011 0.87187 0.55777 0.20772 0.16764 0.8507 0.28015 0.01834 0.83069 0.9727 0.04471 0.10266 0.02285 0.426 0.63766 0.02145 0.13239 0.57563 0.12312 0.5111 0.64971 0.72919 0.71086 0.80366 0.40118 0.54524 0.18836 0.06898 0.14974 0.49901 0.1588 0.20506 0.33657 0.28736 0.70159 0.16788 0.37416 0.18308 0.83825 0.73103 0.22272 0.64075 0.26651 0.47325 0.77469 0.06966 0.77904 0.46665 0.34115 0.84615 0.56761 0.28079 0.79521 0.05542 0.65433 0.88629 0.39733 0.83991 0.84653 0.51871 0.31666 0.77367 0.11356 0.68724 0.86982 0.74889 0.72302 0.47177 0.15105 0.41362 0.41562 0.61395 0.76927 0.90998 0.0388 0.2276 0.69052 0.28305 0.16183 0.0115 0.48698 0.91355 0.26417 0.00637 0.29891 0.27922 0.31245 0.62901 0.70999 0.84395 0.29994 0.95426 0.85182 0.52563 0.36699 0.49262 0.60355 0.4498 0.48219 0.06433 0.14309 0.49554 0.05134 0.65292 0.12224 0.62456 0.77969 0.95193 0.42077 0.75249 0.4776 0.35265 0.74692 0.33978 0.24546 0.89367 0.05941 0.37299 0.65673 0.21347 0.70136 0.21288 0.36012 0.48939 0.26219 0.39699 0.24984 0.18315 0.02599 0.30134 0.50225 0.07118 0.934 0.16572 0.90269 0.95003 0.86824 0.56571 0.29482 0.88015 0.84685 0.33994 0.76167 0.72612 0.85277 0.01408 0.81259 0.36541 0.59383 0.50059 0.26484 0.42257 0.85308 0.23161 0.90728 0.91795 0.06139 0.74179 0.37873 0.84847 0.35063 0.08242 0.77759 0.50003 0.44406 0.01967 0.4038 0.35648 0.20031 0.3342 0.12602 0.89856 0.66376 0.4325 0.09886 0.17581 0.29865 0.53924 0.15621 0.24128 0.47535 0.31376 0.75567 0.16712 0.94608 0.80836 0.6214 0.75767 0.07402 0.69318 0.7199 0.34371 0.94031 0.30432 0.05329 0.36808 0.25629 0.18509 0.50739 0.41261 0.54619 0.22267 0.51351 0.46079 0.54703 0.3963 0.24248 0.5902 0.63102 0.70466 0.44172 0.53383 0.56365 0.73064 0.52331 0.9083 0.80792 0.02416 0.56562 0.11354 0.48417 0.7845 0.1172 0.5598 0.39175 0.92383 0.9899 0.73238 0.61049 0.97794 0.64707 0.8134 0.30936 0.96174 0.035 0.76204 0.23645 0.62574 0.83065 0.23323 0.75978 0.25961 0.03038 0.54406 0.16765 0.02887 0.23598 0.85939 0.25118 0.30276 0.69028 0.32518 0.79761 0.74713 0.40013 0.09566 0.53639 0.37521 0.43436 0.27869 0.50872 0.78193 0.68477 0.8099 0.02118 0.89943 0.90469 0.37498 0.09203 0.09966 0.70714 0.19811 0.52185 0.93331 0.94116 0.83333 0.84505 0.5971 0.39327 0.00642 0.2312 0.88455 0.6235 0.88758 0.16745 0.84067 0.15132 0.70297 0.40083 0.63339 0.84716 0.63763 0.75731 0.81186 0.9102 0.38349 0.08655 0.48543 0.54903 0.04815 0.64439 0.57959 0.19057 0.24642 0.1494 0.81515 0.62742 0.86754 0.27571 0.29839 0.8249 0.59841 0.05824 0.6734 0.66776 0.61206 0.84351 0.43649 0.08608 0.72341 0.17526 0.40956 0.11073 0.83888 0.61901 0.67492 0.16498 0.88483 0.94597 0.43144 0.44743 0.15079 0.98773 0.20332 0.74661 0.49491 0.01903 0.25549
+0.11446 0.03288 0.22438 0.30613 0.61449 0.45319 0.22205 0.83798 0.19985 0.92786 0.10708 0.70932 0.03869 0.98612 0.62327 0.94318 0.54816 0.08851 0.66577 0.79 0.93665 0.38531 0.57174 0.10763 0.69017 0.05098 0.59716 0.54733 0.23797 0.2847 0.88866 0.30416 0.36121 0.12736 0.83841 0.26404 0.40461 0.95793 0.42981 0.67622 0.25198 0.9639 0.71557 0.96873 0.17927 0.94573 0.14337 0.48008 0.16018 0.89365 0.79336 0.11586 0.81048 0.61698 0.93982 0.08114 0.6558 0.60954 0.05796 0.20479 0.24256 0.68626 0.98932 0.40848 0.06248 0.34406 0.00917 0.55648 0.30833 0.81394 0.91857 0.81971 0.86238 0.29001 0.63042 0.462 0.87512 0.6148 0.74759 0.9045 0.09999 0.52392 0.84162 0.963 0.28472 0.78288 0.99335 0.38238 0.46493 0.09744 0.64884 0.11036 0.04425 0.13073 0.46523 0.30023 0.08513 0.75109 0.76956 0.39108 0.65433 0.35826 0.37371 0.04095 0.87798 0.25196 0.51043 0.18512 0.5259 0.69415 0.03453 0.65439 0.27079 0.9145 0.13787 0.11434 0.17364 0.72962 0.91407 0.85601 0.49518 0.07239 0.08767 0.59678 0.72196 0.73749 0.32577 0.77937 0.67028 0.51821 0.73384 0.46036 0.97224 0.69935 0.12293 0.45519 0.55793 0.9307 0.02597 0.45289 0.46186 0.62898 0.344 0.49793 0.33339 0.63313 0.98062 0.10734 0.98872 0.35501 0.91565 0.94389 0.00716 0.29754 0.87305 0.37641 0.67221 0.71185 0.85373 0.11323 0.81875 0.1489 0.33787 0.25118 0.81059 0.1847 0.53258 0.58226 0.3327 0.92349 0.10625 0.62591 0.15055 0.82521 0.42381 0.53325 0.8714 0.17416 0.59801 0.4923 0.61172 0.83461 0.89517 0.11023 0.47099 0.34965 0.60023 0.12286 0.3465 0.46057 0.32283 0.30719 0.54059 0.74181 0.23529 0.63505 0.79102 0.70728 0.59155 0.30111 0.30002 0.40254 0.03843 0.54147 0.07249 0.06882 0.81083 0.6926 0.28639 0.10005 0.11722 0.68978 0.58338 0.85496 0.1638 0.48427 0.93275 0.51481 0.65929 0.96889 0.61152 0.10549 0.08325 0.0291 0.56215 0.76004 0.20006 0.56129 0.60327 0.86881 0.47526 0.54189 0.6181 0.34449 0.59016 0.8732 0.33616 0.84973 0.64668 0.90098 0.43605 0.34054 0.80652 0.71522 0.67772 0.55598 0.94072 0.10061 0.8546 0.16854 0.05254 0.72266 0.04631 0.58967 0.80606 0.5754 0.59359 0.51697 0.08987 0.15145 0.26811 0.62465 0.92522 0.54403 0.6802 0.69381 0.922 0.14035 0.66761 0.41743 0.9574 0.05967 0.99883 0.59598 0.77354 0.29043 0.5868 0.558 0.69545 0.20627 0.61414 0.82158 0.90197 0.92708 0.17794 0.53106 0.12435 0.68298 0.62012 0.67659 0.0452 0.75788 0.63729 0.30588 0.707 0.67744 0.9007 0.74234 0.08994 0.21792 0.47688 0.24179 0.44874 0.3794 0.45256 0.16 0.14582 0.82806 0.10806 0.0947 0.27643 0.41308 0.22367 0.73071 0.74291 0.4549 0.27968 0.08105 0.2104 0.63769 0.26778 0.09722 0.15781 0.42166 0.14051 0.95099 0.54192 0.49896 0.47949 0.55388 0.22398 0.5625 0.04452 0.33162 0.31173 0.57334 0.23608 0.98037 0.87378 0.71148 0.8059 0.6982 0.10019 0.95859 0.4718 0.44031 0.42154 0.89739 0.73536 0.2295 0.83611 0.03063 0.00982 0.33873 0.55094 0.88319 0.7322 0.2598 0.32151 0.86189 0.11538 0.30332 0.64506 0.35261 0.22971 0.86244 0.38926 0.54067 0.8785 0.02883 0.42578 0.13866 0.03949 0.90747 0.10528 0.05857 0.89762 0.01354 0.71736 0.79118 0.91113 0.34287 0.79537 0.72123 0.33677 0.61317 0.71665 0.50817 0.81708 0.74233 0.20676 0.25713 0.61323 0.09445 0.27057 0.34162 0.06718 0.50125 0.03193 0.2834 0.29738 0.83997 0.22955 0.92253 0.06383 0.18326 0.58611 0.90202 0.58542 0.056 0.44319 0.61237 0.96308 0.38893 0.0487 0.70813 0.12484 0.90477 0.777 0.2671 0.20902 0.20954 0.74478 0.49277 0.31274 0.92275 0.66842 0.71823 0.33377 0.4819 0.12891 0.87439 0.50857 0.98628 0.88627 0.9567 0.68168 0.60958 0.65962 0.90453 0.34433 0.16467 0.84535 0.92997 0.63676 0.63068 0.43717 0.43662 0.72027 0.63118 0.59873 0.12602 0.29793 0.87135 0.00394 0.94763 0.41253 0.76723 0.53226 0.47847 0.85074 0.54554 0.74713 0.78338 0.30646 0.93979 0.39184 0.23097 0.93414 0.31338 0.25232 0.04329 0.90344 0.78674 0.12085 0.38676 0.00084 0.32712 0.14438 0.69986 0.83717 0.07867 0.24518 0.09821 0.04094 0.75896 0.46947 0.05507 0.74217 0.57382 0.75881 0.85924 0.05666 0.81845 0.54369 0.38009 0.92755 0.75922 0.62864 0.41241 0.45343 0.3404 0.49983 0.14249 0.3873 0.41029 0.25156 0.62237 0.04262 0.8546 0.79165 0.63932
+0.46846 0.16982 0.46932 0.2073 0.67269 0.58268 0.76806 0.83357 0.29903 0.63234 0.48384 0.01799 0.02066 0.13444 0.45424 0.89018 0.69807 0.88368 0.16301 0.99255 0.97553 0.91555 0.53573 0.07773 0.21781 0.52757 0.57213 0.80603 0.05458 0.33434 0.64649 0.19592 0.44132 0.23996 0.2694 0.51498 0.14197 0.66172 0.0151 0.54286 0.48634 0.51907 0.11264 0.6255 0.22449 0.92851 0.32176 0.00103 0.89217 0.85113 0.19004 0.75644 0.56847 0.01268 0.77978 0.96183 0.07342 0.86456 0.57386 0.54294 0.81261 0.15805 0.44151 0.01252 0.79578 0.5915 0.48489 0.97719 0.80348 0.26512 0.39218 0.07144 0.79243 0.57842 0.1045 0.96396 0.90798 0.07406 0.24906 0.26099 0.51689 0.13283 0.55667 0.14697 0.54037 0.87554 0.25249 0.83536 0.47689 0.84332 0.66761 0.72198 0.61767 0.39284 0.35199 0.30454 0.87485 0.65336 0.71735 0.42324 0.80037 0.82103 0.61209 0.52583 0.76322 0.46231 0.28889 0.25584 0.04617 0.06088 0.04945 0.34207 0.93036 0.25559 0.14682 0.25025 0.09829 0.2303 0.04887 0.71459 0.53987 0.79088 0.87417 0.39489 0.80966 0.38173 0.06369 0.66871 0.88912 0.59773 0.41394 0.93725 0.19882 0.6206 0.09646 0.75904 0.00057 0.75626 0.33046 0.19023 0.42474 0.71679 0.90227 0.70837 0.28875 0.4222 0.87137 0.96009 0.77727 0.97178 0.87548 0.89787 0.13672 0.90462 0.86089 0.14807 0.65719 0.35922 0.28866 0.91515 0.36022 0.40981 0.65518 0.65644 0.69813 0.1166 0.65944 0.18947 0.04183 0.70758 0.16061 0.1804 0.3798 0.38771 0.19852 0.98833 0.94274 0.68165 0.80958 0.83399 0.31765 0.73396 0.72826 0.71629 0.32846 0.5409 0.72911 0.05142 0.5353 0.77182 0.5208 0.34302 0.34475 0.29152 0.62071 0.66083 0.95971 0.87752 0.07817 0.67784 0.90811 0.88004 0.08955 0.93099 0.65074 0.0378 0.77556 0.07894 0.63242 0.01741 0.93923 0.86335 0.77325 0.53889 0.54425 0.22793 0.41595 0.01619 0.06792 0.83212 0.43402 0.83029 0.66079 0.37021 0.50109 0.97157 0.80546 0.02678 0.90379 0.24021 0.34112 0.15224 0.13982 0.4313 0.71451 0.62202 0.69768 0.02836 0.2335 0.39479 0.26831 0.31423 0.49234 0.53649 0.77163 0.72687 0.97333 0.01684 0.39554 0.3372 0.75534 0.04699 0.6347 0.78779 0.84389 0.24935 0.0045 0.19283 0.5605 0.33712 0.3722 0.17613 0.89319 0.84067 0.90604 0.87407 0.0337 0.38624 0.22852 0.59249 0.33012 0.55993 0.35063 0.93993 0.92222 0.67462 0.24159 0.34509 0.47199 0.10971 0.36181 0.72527 0.70969 0.81921 0.72996 0.96705 0.89716 0.35536 0.18874 0.72603 0.34423 0.59182 0.19155 0.99257 0.08236 0.41906 0.00385 0.43407 0.97496 0.77069 0.5971 0.55177 0.89229 0.49443 0.22245 0.04323 0.98393 0.63605 0.58053 0.10112 0.62444 0.96701 0.66947 0.21192 0.45394 0.32618 0.88577 0.03436 0.99806 0.47144 0.79903 0.27355 0.52272 0.49259 0.17957 0.94235 0.57702 0.23042 0.36701 0.96218 0.68042 0.20362 0.03519 0.33612 0.73203 0.95824 0.52796 0.63381 0.9797 0.85905 0.58904 0.15089 0.52036 0.27876 0.00607 0.48975 0.04528 0.65438 0.91396 0.48223 0.96253 0.69883 0.20158 0.44544 0.21031 0.51135 0.87077 0.75173 0.60175 0.78032 0.69029 0.83987 0.24002 0.71844 0.15522 0.8143 0.58933 0.28746 0.53243 0.16034 0.93341 0.13279 0.88156 0.84066 0.79142 0.02008 0.48046 0.2324 0.40707 0.88459 0.7648 0.85433 0.49995 0.36934 0.85789 0.35907 0.47381 0.79034 0.14056 0.42022 0.16983 0.32414 0.98414 0.35706 0.31164 0.06058 0.60493 0.82147 0.50452 0.71563 0.87919 0.58132 0.78712 0.23364 0.90691 0.83263 0.67306 0.73191 0.64895 0.17895 0.88234 0.26038 0.14598 0.35058 0.67318 0.39947 0.99117 0.08028 0.47862 0.2458 0.46182 0.03181 0.84333 0.8958 0.44914 0.13117 0.16533 0.77637 0.9779 0.0037 0.35211 0.45932 0.94657 0.91176 0.65811 0.54591 0.39609 0.02681 0.93682 0.20032 0.23919 0.4521 0.26683 0.36718 0.09104 0.99851 0.6548 0.3062 0.99482 0.54415 0.39667 0.061 0.3895 0.1816 0.94192 0.91928 0.70931 0.12477 0.03271 0.2606 0.33658 0.03306 0.23029 0.38941 0.74698 0.41456 0.37763 0.57272 0.93417 0.58441 0.14851 0.50361 0.36945 0.95608 0.69927 0.06484 0.13374 0.9696 0.4676 0.40798 0.86588 0.26964 0.83971 0.8335 0.17802 0.10672 0.04096 0.32774 0.68905 0.11295 0.3876 0.79719 0.10021 0.34627 0.25954 0.18522 0.05259 0.50536 0.9006 0.11977 0.29236 0.21384 0.57932 0.16794 0.70671 0.90659 0.2506 0.24694 0.4046 0.23681 0.36149 0.146
+0.24669 0.48828 0.48021 0.57463 0.5053 0.03897 0.74241 0.31261 0.88626 0.17954 0.39745 0.29325 0.82798 0.86567 0.12378 0.62557 0.46108 0.60637 0.75402 0.75375 0.95007 0.56989 0.33712 0.23841 0.1887 0.56211 0.06431 0.82546 0.28135 0.17798 0.36707 0.43063 0.10818 0.09472 0.03024 0.16594 0.53894 0.34287 0.50077 0.28455 0.66534 0.59918 0.74575 0.6657 0.5374 0.07465 0.40974 0.73223 0.51395 0.34168 0.70884 0.27689 0.89262 0.26985 0.91585 0.7728 0.2235 0.08104 0.97069 0.2097 0.37644 0.59641 0.56181 0.89171 0.1522 0.98931 0.99323 0.03496 0.52053 0.56862 0.78649 0.26469 0.40017 0.28682 0.6119 0.39869 0.31499 0.96576 0.72767 0.59372 0.24532 0.33221 0.57294 0.0515 0.68562 0.17876 0.27192 0.2966 0.26215 0.4145 0.89086 0.56201 0.85137 0.94355 0.4705 0.54938 0.36362 0.40556 0.30692 0.6846 0.67777 0.79665 0.89588 0.65547 0.42725 0.12753 0.17686 0.46753 0.42944 0.03273 0.95511 0.9052 0.90572 0.56669 0.61753 0.60866 0.48068 0.80673 0.5321 0.11151 0.35081 0.53797 0.66099 0.28983 0.62058 0.0962 0.2837 0.57442 0.59818 0.02195 0.15726 0.75319 0.4718 0.73412 0.41076 0.10396 0.03672 0.32976 0.55681 0.06119 0.15527 0.07108 0.7796 0.96417 0.65111 0.02466 0.86139 0.12043 0.47801 0.87447 0.88964 0.8221 0.25859 0.22247 0.68653 0.21071 0.57786 0.21696 0.62914 0.33299 0.84037 0.86969 0.86193 0.68617 0.0843 0.13584 0.49179 0.52088 0.28498 0.07242 0.33499 0.45437 0.3857 0.93381 0.69556 0.9508 0.46446 0.63323 0.34045 0.09004 0.74625 0.12786 0.79944 0.3901 0.46174 0.24935 0.4667 0.74813 0.73468 0.87368 0.66317 0.46523 0.44283 0.97958 0.8822 0.74373 0.24236 0.93556 0.48081 0.97909 0.98616 0.68324 0.91025 0.80708 0.53496 0.94849 0.2269 0.15521 0.35772 0.40816 0.65947 0.36895 0.90162 0.836 0.98991 0.12135 0.38255 0.57296 0.54039 0.28001 0.36425 0.76623 0.01905 0.1697 0.04332 0.29184 0.53652 0.14536 0.037 0.26951 0.07738 0.29363 0.81562 0.65628 0.76794 0.77947 0.03284 0.18457 0.52137 0.69691 0.9435 0.66248 0.28293 0.84974 0.46734 0.14313 0.31528 0.33931 0.19893 0.28259 0.21098 0.74045 0.64672 0.69103 0.66198 0.32761 0.28777 0.05992 0.58347 0.02856 0.13767 0.57533 0.84071 0.66428 0.09177 0.00583 0.43789 0.54216 0.06773 0.43479 0.47987 0.67861 0.56188 0.37392 0.48115 0.77368 0.47864 0.53882 0.4224 0.20366 0.31451 0.74329 0.13381 0.56487 0.82195 0.72189 0.52956 0.8572 0.9887 0.34464 0.28356 0.65793 0.84598 0.41974 0.29252 0.78888 0.71427 0.58543 0.81791 0.99366 0.33084 0.61928 0.86832 0.2973 0.11595 0.65923 0.33074 0.62601 0.86048 0.62811 0.63441 0.28556 0.11208 0.56531 0.97357 0.53456 0.0576 0.28046 0.06407 0.3639 0.95034 0.97132 0.97138 0.90719 0.07057 0.57339 0.8524 0.66335 0.97632 0.2143 0.44487 0.24199 0.58453 0.78362 0.95418 0.52878 0.63256 0.19146 0.18709 0.36312 0.9799 0.37199 0.58878 0.32236 0.97505 0.80241 0.92494 0.47305 0.40284 0.7576 0.24718 0.19946 0.23493 0.06998 0.67278 0.15379 0.62907 0.15446 0.45546 0.61357 0.33982 0.05823 0.47487 0.79537 0.84696 0.37125 0.27806 0.93029 0.04979 0.66896 0.22028 0.96687 0.72732 0.55158 0.33656 0.54017 0.35827 0.62732 0.56701 0.36767 0.29083 0.69903 0.21375 0.48863 0.58525 0.68882 0.26383 0.31828 0.47222 0.26124 0.81769 0.07266 0.75466 0.04965 0.41615 0.37589 0.86234 0.81296 0.31672 4e-05 0.76337 0.29257 0.38038 0.40463 0.99554 0.27897 0.7762 0.31737 0.07571 0.04381 0.65074 0.87631 0.82347 0.57473 0.11854 0.18719 0.65358 0.88831 0.82475 0.78625 0.02441 0.16367 0.59473 0.76617 0.96644 0.38363 0.38167 0.19281 0.27489 0.55371 0.3672 0.80402 0.43073 0.11257 0.16243 0.31577 0.53431 0.30503 0.14792 0.28182 0.75585 0.279 0.41039 0.35718 0.00885 0.00859 0.93564 0.38725 0.46884 0.53681 0.14749 0.83457 0.93891 0.05553 0.43846 0.28894 0.21012 0.4873 0.41632 0.14354 0.52113 0.57983 0.67749 0.87254 0.26291 0.9912 0.31944 0.4597 0.30315 0.17989 0.62976 0.63518 0.85916 0.95564 0.49499 0.53019 0.80309 0.42234 0.22386 0.96341 0.22279 0.13905 0.77357 0.66445 0.66591 0.27761 0.13487 0.05859 0.12356 0.13976 0.57243 0.53372 0.07261 0.49117 0.7001 0.23006 0.89402 0.33785 0.44391 0.84818 0.09536 0.18767 0.67951 0.08793 0.1741 0.60514 0.94931 0.48853 0.53572 0.91344 0.25158 0.58483
+0.28572 0.40281 0.07315 0.73552 0.64652 0.73069 0.54728 0.4878 0.02041 0.13331 0.40499 0.54815 0.24564 0.36773 0.58796 0.80418 0.36345 0.20461 0.38896 0.80596 0.62225 0.48189 0.29207 0.09556 0.33871 0.0978 0.99603 0.46081 0.79889 0.56503 0.10561 0.79643 0.21518 0.91086 0.58826 0.81569 0.78133 0.51977 0.61146 0.74834 0.12171 0.44585 0.63675 0.93861 0.95124 0.75857 0.23242 0.72578 0.807 0.12309 0.45942 0.35571 0.39042 0.54672 0.40684 0.47178 0.65486 0.34067 0.41334 0.65159 0.19329 0.45726 0.8545 0.13804 0.06652 0.72164 0.8312 0.5811 0.84346 0.4646 0.77678 0.09888 0.20095 0.91399 0.38969 0.22059 0.14565 0.08686 0.2238 0.54868 0.987 0.03691 0.61295 0.3129 0.82407 0.61638 0.30258 0.61252 0.12428 0.65364 0.75191 0.50689 0.67537 0.56614 0.28731 0.18816 0.56673 0.31271 0.69926 0.99029 0.29876 0.90109 0.08262 0.1319 0.83147 0.47436 0.79324 0.10686 0.70892 0.86839 0.12478 0.87812 0.50166 0.00793 0.00794 0.91679 0.94899 0.14628 0.18319 0.38762 0.32177 0.287 0.81916 0.75207 0.80544 0.77876 0.57287 0.99421 0.70334 0.36697 0.52539 0.81229 0.95971 0.49003 0.08011 0.11762 0.11927 0.49345 0.92574 0.81803 0.69695 0.09728 0.93402 0.80427 0.0133 0.1055 0.96131 0.35077 0.16499 0.52694 0.40177 0.76977 0.73951 0.3661 0.35923 0.93165 0.97926 0.93965 0.77036 0.27849 0.01785 0.05201 0.1118 0.84131 0.52176 0.86153 0.77449 0.42372 0.98774 0.07832 0.89648 0.72024 0.13203 0.4789 0.92614 0.87671 0.31214 0.13526 0.36958 0.82491 0.41832 0.90061 0.16676 0.56072 0.67491 0.27719 0.07473 0.19495 0.24719 0.14196 0.98397 0.42931 0.13639 0.31917 0.76042 0.85588 0.22348 0.08554 0.05449 0.28593 0.7087 0.94027 0.92515 0.65617 0.25778 0.79453 0.6897 0.42596 0.42162 0.2586 0.39754 0.05606 0.88757 0.12422 0.07679 0.5675 0.85117 0.64543 0.59015 0.56579 0.19227 0.20452 0.5297 0.08811 0.29091 0.7195 0.91323 0.61571 0.77244 0.00632 0.16169 0.25297 0.80585 0.18847 0.67047 0.06764 0.67315 0.821 0.75294 0.48259 0.9544 0.91766 0.16449 0.89372 0.46024 0.87855 0.40536 0.66755 0.27608 0.57999 0.34858 0.05886 0.78374 0.44926 0.27444 0.61271 0.39069 0.28325 0.43703 0.81372 0.53617 0.252 0.82646 0.71894 0.39152 0.30795 0.23313 0.7704 0.12741 0.60227 0.18947 0.98129 0.74141 0.29192 0.37283 0.07004 0.37002 0.11616 0.72533 0.44757 0.2002 0.93874 0.96781 0.81434 0.79325 0.36383 0.90988 0.44006 0.21177 0.81634 0.25275 0.49815 0.56375 0.55854 0.89142 0.14787 0.79241 0.93405 0.06423 0.48316 0.81599 0.02326 0.19572 0.00381 0.12389 0.91986 0.95931 0.99591 0.54988 0.21262 0.88233 0.98808 0.8972 0.82311 0.10697 0.75166 0.90904 0.9746 0.79027 0.70455 0.35179 0.80203 0.88046 0.65292 0.16784 0.53519 0.4432 0.88602 0.89477 0.24655 0.68853 0.69271 0.05731 0.71801 0.38915 0.58814 0.68085 0.73188 0.2645 0.87098 0.01137 0.77157 0.13401 0.06626 0.40486 0.28828 0.73263 0.40269 0.82997 0.85521 0.24328 0.64051 0.59859 0.25803 0.14641 0.82514 0.78484 0.80627 0.93767 0.40162 0.3776 0.26164 0.48293 0.19581 0.21995 0.33632 0.22553 0.93553 0.97279 0.80957 0.18671 0.69612 0.85553 0.26854 0.21778 0.78458 0.72049 0.50294 0.34086 0.31251 0.56724 0.6792 0.69452 0.23956 0.62351 0.49605 0.60337 0.87615 0.75253 0.32512 0.26364 0.24517 0.49548 0.04466 0.68737 0.32877 0.70583 0.77228 0.23537 0.06429 0.02553 0.58471 0.89854 0.60016 0.20989 0.86961 0.98579 0.99519 0.56358 0.36216 0.14702 0.36491 0.07552 0.63584 0.94155 0.71172 0.125 0.15735 0.95127 0.23221 0.96585 0.82694 0.39749 0.13479 0.59813 0.48001 0.095 0.0007 0.21657 0.18589 0.63406 0.72291 0.40299 0.09401 0.63879 0.0814 0.73555 0.82336 0.77956 0.31601 0.57716 0.18944 0.05429 0.69331 0.10322 0.85286 0.39592 0.76381 0.23383 0.37346 0.74997 0.46895 0.61718 0.25773 0.66596 0.15487 0.00585 0.81358 0.42304 0.0631 0.75718 0.04326 0.162 0.75821 0.05453 0.0814 0.08301 0.02464 0.51174 0.18416 0.46255 0.13166 0.2835 0.45632 0.95159 0.87091 0.64678 0.5355 0.6608 0.70103 0.69417 0.26453 0.36979 0.22761 0.35847 0.3222 0.23227 0.86387 0.55627 0.81576 0.85893 0.39939 0.93617 0.50163 0.08505 0.45841 0.55497 0.43252 0.34759 0.64232 0.23624 0.15489 0.99256 0.94701 0.10199 0.05162 0.82236 0.38781 0.29119 0.61913 0.01611 0.77709
+0.99376 0.77885 0.31526 0.8597 0.7354 0.74132 0.76899 0.54023 0.93059 0.80663 0.69355 0.45769 0.52591 0.91212 0.16798 0.83248 0.68813 0.06865 0.32215 0.02652 0.65177 0.99582 0.94974 0.97535 0.39834 0.71425 0.90782 0.83129 0.15366 0.52044 0.80694 0.00729 0.38499 0.68112 0.52428 0.84637 0.39329 0.71851 0.29232 0.28036 0.22582 0.93897 0.7561 0.02365 0.07327 0.16363 0.25168 0.92849 0.80887 0.43434 0.28324 0.78162 0.5656 0.3745 0.0669 0.35321 0.34923 0.84777 0.93339 0.75415 0.36152 0.55321 0.54786 0.62377 0.97877 0.3513 0.69893 0.59327 0.30346 0.85634 0.47248 0.67001 0.40206 0.8546 0.54555 0.03602 0.32732 0.35742 0.02341 0.54834 0.96437 0.75199 0.25973 0.4639 0.82866 0.58467 0.34016 0.2562 0.18967 0.45997 0.28209 0.07295 0.35617 0.92255 0.67156 0.62251 0.88567 0.95686 0.10102 0.35929 0.28229 0.26052 0.80947 0.82545 0.22612 0.01224 0.95818 0.65053 0.94015 0.53047 0.08959 0.61003 0.38006 0.6183 0.09458 0.62783 0.16917 0.45036 0.51193 0.24235 0.97901 0.6287 0.51166 0.98635 0.21208 0.80855 0.33247 0.46121 0.54754 0.0387 0.63218 0.27502 0.06744 0.85527 0.72308 0.39309 0.19577 0.4477 0.00778 0.99499 0.32695 0.37438 0.80363 0.30937 0.75763 0.59391 0.79624 0.3234 0.42264 0.93821 0.40807 0.3959 0.50964 0.36955 0.71272 0.99766 0.97226 0.42962 0.7949 0.64434 0.86022 0.91692 0.90107 0.53026 0.39071 0.11156 0.26767 0.90729 0.62915 0.33251 0.96861 0.24149 0.81158 0.88708 0.94432 0.38319 0.36676 0.66156 0.33343 0.51177 0.47011 0.18759 0.43905 0.27873 0.68161 0.13746 0.87393 0.61688 0.90035 0.19207 0.59196 0.62948 0.59137 0.75338 0.04222 0.42456 0.75187 0.7743 0.51656 0.47368 0.56039 0.21639 0.52147 0.96738 0.76841 0.74178 0.83107 0.11085 0.57769 0.28428 0.34847 0.91872 0.24234 0.42573 0.06291 0.31564 0.69577 0.14865 0.12185 0.89283 0.19692 0.86754 0.15574 0.65467 0.26678 0.42297 0.09321 0.06004 0.65612 0.57921 0.70734 0.02293 0.92982 0.78908 0.12868 0.05516 0.79041 0.8415 0.09829 0.02236 0.02921 0.59644 0.98846 0.6726 0.14998 0.72271 0.47205 0.00661 0.62859 0.94579 0.66871 0.3607 0.55187 0.11033 0.90046 0.50141 0.33394 0.81832 0.29075 0.79157 0.69397 0.11849 0.04749 0.77722 0.99774 0.85593 0.04856 0.2086 0.95354 0.13846 0.06984 0.77314 0.25239 0.83315 0.88003 0.77854 0.46832 0.05862 0.93513 0.09023 0.58405 0.36781 0.81797 0.73617 0.77066 0.74907 0.21276 0.33433 0.2296 0.60907 0.10013 0.35649 0.53163 0.32301 0.06455 0.86658 0.11653 0.06504 0.40448 0.23945 0.88244 0.00264 0.7001 0.29175 0.87944 0.59727 0.79719 0.75873 0.81807 0.20983 0.30798 0.47382 0.49954 0.31903 0.60101 0.16533 0.24157 0.11388 0.60894 0.22597 0.80916 0.49605 0.24405 0.47303 0.03675 0.463 0.40763 0.36246 0.90816 0.27205 0.72764 0.16774 0.858 0.33806 0.45655 0.55995 0.6264 0.30762 0.70251 0.36061 0.957 0.35705 0.33003 0.17553 0.88265 0.74925 0.60759 0.09603 0.04746 0.26405 0.69153 0.41407 0.92681 0.60203 0.63576 0.11256 0.85866 0.67968 0.33781 0.21118 0.96244 0.1713 0.34698 0.05393 0.48959 0.60987 0.69751 0.42369 0.70226 0.19806 0.91138 0.07848 0.90524 0.19736 0.78127 0.43427 0.24308 0.72032 0.87121 0.36355 0.91443 0.72742 0.02785 0.14068 0.83959 0.79726 0.06688 0.17659 0.74833 0.31106 0.93341 0.80187 0.54966 0.99531 0.82606 0.16162 0.81156 0.43062 0.79155 0.25643 0.43881 0.73744 0.7676 0.02485 0.74197 0.07433 0.91177 0.35867 0.33041 0.77705 0.29051 0.32617 0.05959 0.32606 0.71806 0.26742 0.57557 0.93789 0.33007 0.84287 0.99115 0.7077 0.88139 0.03844 0.98605 0.58035 0.93268 0.49521 0.57208 0.51316 0.07457 0.84675 0.3575 0.03058 0.41921 0.97722 0.17691 0.98501 0.62025 0.72548 0.54848 0.16194 0.21899 0.95631 0.77338 0.77338 0.89158 0.77278 0.99957 0.74714 0.49372 0.48723 0.39926 0.09238 0.75937 0.31401 0.538 0.71904 0.42185 0.52483 0.41566 0.79926 0.19515 0.51811 0.90802 0.69306 0.94726 0.04948 0.17873 0.34291 0.70221 0.91903 0.92112 0.01067 0.27759 0.82714 0.97332 0.49714 0.06387 0.00541 0.70861 0.45114 0.63301 0.85082 0.60751 0.81651 0.69906 0.69999 0.94291 0.81738 0.21826 0.33641 0.34483 0.69246 0.74328 0.64103 0.47702 0.30311 0.01315 0.4032 0.5753 0.73226 0.3009 0.91672 0.53766 0.70615 0.04607 0.85516 0.23945 0.19127 0.7726 0.64077
+0.71859 0.29135 0.29417 0.30703 0.26066 0.5093 0.71061 0.76955 0.3502 0.45984 0.30008 0.81188 0.53061 0.1894 0.84942 0.39006 0.57952 0.52506 0.93599 0.27966 0.89501 0.9992 0.97895 0.20365 0.2283 0.97939 0.03488 0.56694 0.012 0.50323 0.3837 0.57168 0.84583 0.09465 0.9707 0.15667 0.20671 0.89509 0.62794 0.44362 0.45552 0.91192 0.98316 0.77885 0.91043 0.7363 0.34602 0.76677 0.76664 0.30634 0.45883 0.12323 0.82804 0.65433 0.67628 0.9922 0.75819 0.19065 0.02624 0.39695 0.83928 0.41431 0.35527 0.41855 0.37356 0.92755 0.71034 0.63218 0.29689 0.09529 0.22181 0.35633 0.91669 0.03896 0.4985 0.78628 0.65445 0.45533 0.17952 0.04105 0.29597 0.11365 0.86788 0.3815 0.22173 0.66017 0.36139 0.89531 0.3549 0.97772 0.97155 0.50855 0.50271 0.67207 0.56764 0.84457 0.26545 0.65448 0.68327 0.13071 0.06478 0.25251 0.31981 0.4985 0.5601 0.30158 0.09747 0.02054 0.68027 0.25269 0.69527 0.28996 0.93541 0.47331 0.92261 0.16003 0.88793 0.22839 0.3417 0.72189 0.23474 0.22492 0.9088 0.37986 0.89583 0.1917 0.23664 0.76467 0.06279 0.88808 0.16555 0.13007 0.77301 0.18695 0.83913 0.34971 0.98248 0.43234 0.64557 0.77691 0.11199 0.49484 0.85016 0.90096 0.37699 0.58675 0.52864 0.72731 0.16796 0.52401 0.34484 0.10156 0.73766 0.21282 0.39116 0.52184 0.45256 0.65745 0.02952 0.97333 0.45757 0.58869 0.62968 0.99963 0.55977 0.6788 0.29929 0.68366 0.21497 0.09575 0.67622 0.00165 0.59746 0.43593 0.10126 0.10196 0.76733 0.10831 0.92664 0.46749 0.80205 0.02546 0.37854 0.86502 0.89763 0.41773 0.1487 0.61973 0.53827 0.07638 0.79856 0.37396 0.77722 0.11491 0.68027 0.94211 0.87822 0.01758 0.59871 0.46636 0.44804 0.36736 0.76005 0.47837 0.81799 0.74792 0.95258 0.17852 0.79314 0.3454 0.47876 0.61522 0.44053 0.01507 0.06874 0.89395 0.47734 0.44298 0.47496 0.40192 0.60203 0.07027 0.01942 0.50841 0.50526 0.53652 0.95017 0.74702 0.4171 0.47875 0.14483 0.05603 0.43363 0.63575 0.20291 0.69153 0.76784 0.42131 0.65875 0.84721 0.39734 0.61928 0.37324 0.37974 0.83309 0.26162 0.53639 0.43064 0.43203 0.2076 0.7128 0.34569 0.24927 0.19813 0.74462 0.28586 0.02477 0.53763 0.69274 0.35036 0.67013 0.48652 0.3737 0.54225 0.33253 0.10607 0.69881 0.37302 0.57027 0.97556 0.96993 0.65102 0.72964 0.12181 0.12561 0.18468 0.26073 0.34317 0.72931 0.27463 0.72884 0.50347 0.08553 0.98829 0.41849 0.13882 0.35399 0.11832 0.30129 0.48171 0.53964 0.87252 0.7292 0.53042 0.30192 0.04589 0.83223 0.28667 0.73513 0.90763 0.74681 0.16495 0.41693 0.82627 0.37866 0.05159 0.09558 0.79597 0.09758 0.75532 0.46561 0.35452 0.78687 0.14141 0.52655 0.15704 0.46068 0.89993 0.04419 0.60813 0.63037 0.10908 0.42016 0.08741 0.94084 0.0997 0.7621 0.54489 0.3599 0.42829 0.19279 0.25392 0.58023 0.39646 0.65509 0.39533 0.17413 0.54851 0.60788 0.33096 0.96867 0.80488 0.17811 0.73404 0.08267 0.41054 0.96081 0.77257 0.91629 0.19819 0.49762 0.59985 0.69531 0.73349 0.72329 0.75058 0.52943 0.59139 0.86558 0.75379 0.55571 0.69896 0.68563 0.97903 0.05736 0.02326 0.90858 0.20244 0.63608 0.76842 0.15651 0.48946 0.39143 0.20208 0.33607 0.93793 0.85577 0.31931 0.88561 0.5038 0.86657 0.64797 0.97222 0.38407 0.73053 0.67969 0.66919 0.1853 0.54614 0.89022 0.54268 0.1473 0.40368 0.70139 0.67961 0.91737 0.16347 0.85892 0.53856 0.74761 0.09088 0.97764 0.65063 0.47012 0.72943 0.45528 0.73031 0.95705 0.56893 0.33931 0.232 0.61724 0.75413 0.47164 0.74574 0.67267 0.66835 0.95847 0.06323 0.95586 0.41502 0.03729 0.61332 0.21798 0.45803 0.55191 0.52763 0.70086 0.69473 0.12982 0.47422 0.0754 0.74971 0.11176 0.62671 0.49773 0.84453 0.47214 0.0699 0.90625 0.93775 0.54763 0.62428 0.05543 0.05215 0.63327 0.67466 0.77287 0.64625 0.08128 0.87203 0.64117 0.51916 0.51651 0.07403 0.20564 0.4514 0.14048 0.17281 0.16506 0.88833 0.03445 0.67242 0.28505 0.64177 0.74462 0.29797 0.72187 0.54479 0.45893 0.33177 0.66657 0.25246 0.09235 0.49353 0.77481 0.05023 0.11226 0.21271 0.82515 0.56652 0.20311 0.85649 0.90058 0.783 0.96754 0.60989 0.05362 0.17216 0.86248 0.6728 0.99289 0.36508 0.04767 0.61934 0.33386 0.32145 0.20882 0.62917 0.49202 0.15422 0.13466 0.16066 0.64683 0.04325 0.32623 0.89935 0.74495 0.19372 0.27308 0.61151 0.62299
+0.58333 0.11949 0.32617 0.01856 0.59902 0.4213 0.7943 0.32657 0.40199 0.77665 0.501 0.62158 0.24975 0.35709 0.44596 0.18657 0.38572 0.20379 0.02052 0.14014 0.27879 0.41899 0.75811 0.00474 0.54516 0.18899 0.31135 0.08667 0.92397 0.54295 0.50217 0.51771 0.62757 0.97587 0.69338 0.65709 0.07825 0.29948 0.22431 0.91134 0.63635 0.53158 0.10074 0.6376 0.44381 0.45525 0.89222 0.61497 0.29431 0.68628 0.47998 0.1942 0.43276 0.0211 0.38229 0.31021 0.63288 0.71673 0.51151 0.48883 0.45774 0.50017 0.08074 0.35991 0.64311 0.82292 0.08102 0.44841 0.53145 0.929 0.43782 0.94181 0.22748 0.31404 0.06286 0.29087 0.60802 0.73599 0.72573 0.3194 0.86369 0.30638 0.39435 0.26443 0.63033 0.75123 0.40049 0.09941 0.2143 0.75388 0.99952 0.79079 0.13721 0.52901 0.56313 0.26051 0.98962 0.70982 0.55754 0.19327 0.74553 0.28126 0.99791 0.04455 0.5893 0.37182 0.50576 0.89377 0.47084 0.38136 0.60221 0.10473 0.83918 0.91939 0.41524 0.44359 0.9284 0.41119 0.24734 0.92272 0.91675 0.85628 0.31983 0.57186 0.27254 0.75812 0.37244 0.50545 0.61226 0.3223 0.26033 0.38021 0.56242 0.44703 0.59911 0.11189 0.01564 0.86592 0.53884 0.28553 0.42774 0.50689 0.49643 0.92993 0.49471 0.50345 0.34928 0.81711 0.9839 0.55505 0.28563 0.3648 0.68669 0.5257 0.5944 0.46543 0.33084 0.01466 0.55996 0.13931 0.31295 0.53667 0.07457 0.64639 0.86333 0.87824 0.9471 0.75147 0.24443 0.16423 0.9157 0.07096 0.65144 0.23034 0.40762 0.78398 0.89679 0.37489 0.80198 0.87008 0.95036 0.59341 0.44754 0.08084 0.77222 0.89627 0.85654 0.37985 0.48105 0.91867 0.13176 0.34748 0.79785 0.76561 0.12757 0.51508 0.94309 0.23349 0.96368 0.63346 0.70657 0.0574 0.11063 0.60589 0.91595 0.89991 0.22236 0.02511 0.29064 0.5168 0.47395 0.0178 0.91966 0.05198 0.80436 0.82368 0.84309 0.08435 0.38607 0.07504 0.94355 0.3113 0.96212 0.81899 0.90694 0.83647 0.78814 0.19144 0.66514 0.60706 0.78393 0.22238 0.54992 0.12594 0.94404 0.67303 0.74549 0.61147 0.03096 0.16669 0.11661 0.93432 0.01535 0.76542 0.91464 0.46653 0.2207 0.09707 0.29583 0.74362 0.7189 0.54507 0.1443 0.75879 0.68413 0.76913 0.1723 0.17226 0.71269 0.29654 0.30759 0.04442 0.0522 0.94479 0.56807 0.24497 0.70193 0.4613 0.19382 0.14576 0.19161 0.77936 0.83797 0.6823 0.48134 0.7908 0.39972 0.99692 0.14223 0.02062 0.37297 0.04619 0.52188 0.48036 0.73469 0.07363 0.33142 0.18746 0.31897 0.74863 0.17177 0.29531 0.17275 0.57972 0.3418 0.60524 0.51404 0.46842 0.03878 0.49497 0.95959 0.17192 0.77558 0.73702 0.71983 0.48476 0.14938 0.07116 0.2645 0.5916 0.96005 0.01391 0.42495 0.28589 0.84179 0.17677 0.19837 0.03168 0.11044 0.68634 0.49737 0.59688 0.32854 0.38018 0.13964 0.92365 0.11795 0.09385 0.07667 0.69418 0.6762 0.32847 0.21272 0.30469 0.04191 0.21854 0.03947 0.72159 0.36023 0.45231 0.57903 0.62899 0.6826 0.80012 0.61217 0.5829 0.35327 0.95944 0.66717 0.19167 0.13344 0.03423 0.2863 0.50217 0.34009 0.36262 0.1171 0.57921 0.52541 0.85898 0.05404 0.2853 0.81445 0.8758 0.46646 0.04953 0.24607 0.7995 0.66538 0.20448 0.08736 0.82788 0.13658 0.29906 0.57294 0.55291 0.67333 0.04794 0.10813 0.23309 0.19016 0.26916 0.94026 0.79331 0.62054 0.63653 0.61872 0.33823 0.53423 0.10676 0.40724 0.19785 0.21281 0.44962 0.7693 0.11823 0.94934 0.91569 0.1728 0.689 0.93661 0.83609 0.37195 0.37893 0.9749 0.82602 0.70861 0.92081 0.92227 0.47893 0.82533 0.4774 0.67232 0.57325 0.48883 0.58364 0.05666 0.54011 0.92948 0.21257 0.38466 0.59935 0.46944 0.02795 0.05351 0.26052 0.50623 0.10032 0.25369 0.08993 0.52792 0.85555 0.86179 0.02881 0.89551 0.97354 0.5502 0.27702 0.58646 0.9671 0.10494 0.52248 0.26596 0.16033 0.84607 0.41824 0.64183 0.58091 0.83596 0.67908 0.60872 0.45323 0.16682 0.1496 0.41324 0.55726 0.13255 0.70769 0.42063 0.03642 0.29585 0.88276 0.97775 0.58396 0.22003 0.6308 0.89394 0.84909 0.08335 0.81273 0.47081 0.03731 0.0592 0.24624 0.2267 0.54243 0.14018 0.00831 0.80936 0.88639 0.27553 0.38939 0.70241 0.88463 0.9728 0.34479 0.6756 0.06036 0.06228 0.19367 0.83084 0.71684 0.36139 0.30025 0.15868 0.93016 0.44587 0.80191 0.69671 0.25068 0.38679 0.79674 0.15825 0.06467 0.93271 0.61529 0.18475 0.51356 0.7324 0.51982 0.31869 0.93592
+0.74988 0.05399 0.45692 0.96705 0.18767 0.77128 0.57745 0.70853 0.0589 0.36056 0.63782 0.66512 0.93232 0.76584 0.32794 0.2557 0.59714 0.69061 0.73722 0.59839 0.93543 0.42786 0.99754 0.93913 0.49425 0.40482 0.79102 0.3118 0.42594 0.37858 0.35954 0.53325 0.06051 0.37292 0.37117 0.90912 0.13585 0.49388 0.19354 0.79769 0.07667 0.33716 0.59441 0.50395 0.01284 0.59387 0.66361 0.94196 0.25236 0.38787 0.2053 0.74998 0.38301 0.08222 0.23932 0.50441 0.41819 0.56959 0.84266 0.39156 0.1395 0.41596 0.66712 0.92808 0.70313 0.38351 0.70428 0.0287 0.27373 0.92197 0.36401 0.68588 0.20091 0.27177 0.28811 0.84201 0.11084 0.2831 0.73602 0.75998 0.89277 0.9488 0.47352 0.63335 0.39429 0.4693 0.98962 0.78557 0.02075 0.06768 0.77502 0.30605 0.35715 0.99962 0.02539 0.60385 0.96618 0.43912 0.61869 0.69528 0.98726 0.65089 0.14314 0.3393 0.79967 0.58698 0.70848 0.53885 0.24528 0.53478 0.40734 0.13922 0.22916 0.25784 0.47597 0.66126 0.99584 0.24298 0.11854 0.98587 0.51498 0.4518 0.68145 0.73249 0.10286 0.77144 0.86482 0.57311 0.89342 0.58633 0.41656 0.87684 0.60535 0.64033 0.2841 0.53135 0.95872 0.0357 0.01126 0.64871 0.98751 0.07217 0.10606 0.24295 0.65016 0.67442 0.9576 0.79569 0.84547 0.60516 0.87735 0.04838 0.3494 0.44058 0.73273 0.72766 0.71869 0.22256 0.97138 0.11865 0.45199 0.39736 0.69405 0.92308 0.30506 0.64787 0.20131 0.16761 0.4268 0.17161 0.77993 0.10807 0.90656 0.08541 0.96395 0.29461 0.06725 0.78004 0.54144 0.48672 0.73483 0.83114 0.90985 0.39038 0.65947 0.12839 0.12177 0.00772 0.98561 0.79922 0.06455 0.43204 0.96786 0.05681 0.22884 0.28878 0.30371 0.06996 0.60409 0.57731 0.86547 0.10456 0.82764 0.2452 0.89386 0.29263 0.43647 0.23669 0.19275 0.42128 0.76695 0.8604 0.85952 0.63042 0.1756 0.76038 0.31797 0.37579 0.50373 0.09007 0.92862 0.31327 0.44375 0.3124 0.32578 0.54233 0.60645 0.29364 0.96854 0.32479 0.50606 0.1628 0.92155 0.14046 0.36069 0.57437 0.0337 0.598 0.80829 0.93714 0.42364 0.11575 0.68758 0.46105 0.07509 0.11273 0.44777 0.61013 0.89399 0.16841 0.03 0.45999 0.70336 0.62191 0.609 0.50159 0.07247 0.27829 0.2823 0.16902 0.88885 0.44173 0.41496 0.15368 0.61671 0.85242 0.64432 0.27199 0.49219 0.30586 0.80032 0.92073 0.10903 0.74616 0.79663 0.99129 0.81863 0.72709 0.43766 0.70593 0.92202 0.8965 0.53094 0.80989 0.6029 0.694 0.59985 0.97405 0.59791 0.90277 0.28169 0.49428 0.64844 0.79167 0.14438 0.95455 0.5614 0.66321 0.87031 0.1042 0.57637 0.4494 0.3025 0.55732 0.3622 0.06313 0.98772 0.14937 0.41129 0.71418 0.41604 0.66017 0.85605 0.60529 0.535 0.43849 0.34658 0.70437 0.34278 0.36963 0.3202 0.39215 0.92603 0.57435 0.70334 0.23452 0.63419 0.35626 0.9039 0.23587 0.69566 0.61527 0.89361 0.98475 0.79826 0.05365 0.28732 0.5175 0.28115 0.76128 0.15591 0.75312 0.27847 0.59259 0.64874 0.01883 0.28599 0.34237 0.75157 0.35927 0.08992 0.16985 0.69739 0.64091 0.92881 0.73672 0.87709 0.3579 0.3718 0.18728 0.71483 0.26347 0.12258 0.08814 0.45001 0.9792 0.47911 0.02355 0.26679 0.72197 0.10864 0.92494 0.35648 0.40714 0.63415 0.33025 0.92816 0.06314 0.54579 0.1303 0.05714 0.28337 0.23948 0.31629 0.57602 0.00354 0.1876 0.21731 0.95773 0.19575 0.74568 0.44547 0.39147 0.34704 0.86562 0.27905 0.02774 0.0044 0.87905 0.62651 0.46155 0.20256 0.07258 0.46166 0.49622 0.47408 0.315 0.9882 0.5562 0.29609 0.36387 0.85619 0.17955 0.2955 0.23025 0.08734 0.22035 0.08476 0.9809 0.50754 0.82659 0.51301 0.14488 0.16956 0.5894 0.33056 0.39094 0.18491 0.82222 0.76182 0.34101 0.1162 0.36449 0.53354 0.31967 0.72249 0.58627 0.08095 0.10469 0.59972 0.75717 0.8102 0.38447 0.81295 0.37121 0.29023 0.63419 0.59799 0.59139 0.66602 0.97077 0.70173 0.98794 0.05012 0.0466 0.86436 0.62962 0.3375 0.87812 0.47407 0.1394 0.2572 0.2134 0.94518 0.81407 0.00731 0.68893 0.79867 0.456 0.69629 0.18351 0.16455 0.76576 0.26137 0.59276 0.90906 0.90161 0.16799 0.55597 0.28331 0.45312 0.58333 0.66835 0.79465 0.42729 0.68529 0.51499 0.0112 0.01943 0.43745 0.93063 0.67573 0.82424 0.07734 0.64073 0.41694 0.56504 0.54563 0.56356 0.39235 0.7828 0.91351 0.16433 0.88884 0.71969 0.34891 0.48249 0.0961 0.66315 0.12369 0.65632 0.45105
+0.93686 0.37975 0.0291 0.57559 0.62125 0.1799 0.32137 0.6416 0.3126 0.58393 0.14017 0.29105 0.80141 0.24063 0.04249 0.26523 0.36224 0.81021 0.35969 0.13713 0.5584 0.06539 0.59542 0.3232 0.29605 0.3256 0.65183 0.37027 0.27838 0.19356 0.3665 0.59957 0.04102 0.1057 0.56226 0.50769 0.12994 0.97554 0.24515 0.33811 0.98695 0.81486 0.1489 0.36168 0.18456 0.31411 0.47024 0.36368 0.04708 0.33991 0.21676 0.35837 0.3771 0.94846 0.02902 0.35944 0.17978 0.38767 0.28274 0.01116 0.30739 0.71141 0.45667 0.5815 0.27292 0.91803 0.22344 0.32397 0.97022 0.14519 0.31888 0.354 0.62597 0.48076 0.96262 0.25589 0.80233 0.95108 0.77705 0.42162 0.10687 0.09058 0.39478 0.04356 0.1028 0.89289 0.04105 0.4919 0.45637 0.28343 0.52373 0.82445 0.69846 0.19901 0.592 0.35344 0.17309 0.5225 0.45991 0.70087 0.5366 0.0386 0.14323 0.73499 0.38702 0.31598 0.76336 0.61419 0.38645 0.12398 0.13903 0.96647 0.45373 0.41413 0.03959 0.5696 0.80782 0.79801 0.1537 0.12258 0.72067 0.50278 0.32811 0.60828 0.42835 0.31492 0.66425 0.34912 0.48076 0.7877 0.48305 0.87963 0.22644 0.17984 0.52816 0.094 0.83422 0.27771 0.72435 0.63323 0.83608 0.14141 0.71453 0.60806 0.50501 0.31654 0.13525 0.05009 0.5659 0.71602 0.92669 0.58981 0.6623 0.00373 0.39044 0.1943 0.28131 0.63214 0.33985 0.43033 0.20854 0.90853 0.25318 0.57122 0.91283 0.9326 0.02397 0.41783 0.65481 0.11184 0.42557 0.95198 0.95354 0.68569 0.34594 0.46714 0.06251 0.71865 0.6897 0.22547 0.59704 0.57226 0.98747 0.80656 0.0207 0.71538 0.35268 0.86948 0.41099 0.8927 0.92462 0.12318 0.53747 0.35749 0.07093 0.01972 0.43999 0.33722 0.1223 0.66027 0.37584 0.45643 0.24805 0.34624 0.15623 0.21653 0.4853 0.81926 0.73597 0.56759 0.43131 0.19072 0.40296 0.75677 0.49282 0.02681 0.37666 0.53392 0.09424 0.13325 0.07443 0.75553 0.23405 0.66442 0.2369 0.7715 0.75692 0.00567 0.22976 0.51299 0.02059 0.42924 0.40489 0.16069 0.79625 0.32866 0.75671 0.72506 0.26254 0.19061 0.21836 0.30697 0.89537 0.78395 0.8346 0.1402 0.20493 0.23398 0.69221 0.11539 0.277 0.0134 0.88951 0.59228 0.38008 0.19613 0.51207 0.10173 0.47549 0.36889 0.90375 0.05917 0.69266 0.53216 0.00663 0.64899 0.68571 0.08714 0.73955 0.93001 0.99059 0.57223 0.34913 0.95532 0.79598 0.93887 0.62408 0.26966 0.89283 0.82801 0.54019 0.8931 0.01588 0.29037 0.51309 0.93396 0.27618 0.17711 0.14545 0.73323 0.62088 0.52215 0.5683 0.17827 0.8097 0.80854 0.73303 0.35094 0.09559 0.81497 0.76033 0.70324 0.54548 0.8751 0.04112 0.75094 0.03138 0.29002 0.02561 0.29508 0.26891 0.6286 0.81344 0.95838 0.8618 0.62183 0.73879 0.94502 0.18606 0.09483 0.4847 0.06935 0.35201 0.99238 0.64237 0.20723 0.25213 0.68805 0.99209 0.91157 0.44805 0.05465 0.45531 0.72073 0.65481 0.05221 0.60525 0.3493 0.12607 0.05573 0.97861 0.05049 0.69311 0.00066 0.6865 0.51307 0.36294 0.46003 0.42697 0.67188 0.59787 0.01283 0.4516 0.08452 0.36642 0.84649 0.38656 0.86069 0.77149 0.69264 0.24603 0.15641 0.56735 0.13281 0.2088 0.2695 0.90359 0.45139 0.43263 0.35779 0.95128 0.81434 0.11986 0.41203 0.56379 0.71521 0.3933 0.68889 0.28486 0.69699 0.98541 0.53588 0.66252 0.85714 0.9034 0.12378 0.87484 0.08421 0.73652 0.15141 0.33791 0.61369 0.15131 0.73615 0.2997 0.16986 0.08371 0.53156 0.11503 0.81438 0.71251 0.41912 0.19349 0.13224 0.50862 0.28835 0.53633 0.71293 0.93057 0.74626 0.62343 0.79384 0.19823 0.15608 0.5817 0.95465 0.14897 0.53538 0.65104 0.84868 0.24118 0.20686 0.87579 0.06254 0.78955 0.53179 0.0321 0.67583 0.21752 0.31578 0.4047 0.17987 0.2045 0.42935 0.37182 0.56894 0.15733 0.30301 0.23167 0.05096 0.87851 0.01191 0.46935 0.38227 0.58353 0.61315 0.22471 0.38534 0.41781 0.98021 0.81359 0.6785 0.82383 0.4315 0.12687 0.37412 0.96222 0.59231 0.25175 0.46778 0.90845 0.29969 0.04267 0.95479 0.51407 0.67526 0.16074 0.55622 0.53364 0.63274 0.32076 0.26806 0.92116 0.39577 0.48751 0.17232 0.2372 0.02587 0.17758 0.08086 0.70825 0.36374 0.57437 0.40675 0.56747 0.82709 0.67146 0.21207 0.41312 0.94282 0.74383 0.03293 0.60197 0.37489 0.19641 0.17528 0.83175 0.08291 0.88976 0.76912 0.92092 0.55739 0.06793 0.93161 0.05106 0.29354 0.06633 0.14582 0.49843 0.83119 0.04857 0.3132
+0.94432 0.58736 0.72581 0.61802 0.56434 0.73485 0.91115 0.74718 0.45685 0.4087 0.33129 0.73023 0.02894 0.57612 0.40665 0.59354 0.87549 0.44888 0.49257 0.14984 0.02578 0.90195 0.12406 0.82865 0.88616 0.12513 0.70599 0.14144 0.60809 0.86959 0.89016 0.40779 0.52393 0.94959 0.15705 0.87848 0.81238 0.32781 0.2849 0.47511 0.47394 0.47764 0.54092 0.82099 0.97305 0.86954 0.28747 0.13684 0.74067 0.65872 0.24953 0.30633 0.96856 0.08067 0.3111 0.02408 0.82708 0.09683 0.74631 0.87741 0.79698 0.65062 0.94129 0.48897 0.49777 0.10677 0.89081 0.08107 0.06474 0.89854 0.45397 0.01112 0.15758 0.6083 0.84299 0.32518 0.28899 0.40173 0.94134 0.6486 0.55227 0.7062 0.20434 0.13585 0.88112 0.0099 0.18271 0.63715 0.29846 0.26863 0.6155 0.3883 0.0548 0.46639 0.4333 0.64298 0.55084 0.79279 0.91053 0.18815 0.26208 0.06734 0.79272 0.15111 0.22887 0.95003 0.63534 0.52557 0.79245 0.70549 0.5406 0.57059 0.73157 0.71193 0.62466 0.04339 0.56796 0.12245 0.40355 0.42889 0.48339 0.61358 0.89899 0.96262 0.86463 0.18868 0.5924 0.26212 0.54614 0.27169 0.62134 0.62555 0.48257 0.35001 0.29553 0.74886 0.91178 0.30549 0.56132 0.95164 0.82639 0.92528 0.49422 0.63867 0.73833 0.78133 0.0204 0.38781 0.97017 0.13779 0.01872 0.0444 0.64618 0.47498 0.67878 0.34211 0.19055 0.35096 0.38476 0.41189 0.75463 0.92762 0.97194 0.14056 0.44845 0.21744 0.76078 0.35861 0.03567 0.16261 0.0376 0.07953 0.75486 0.16195 0.06232 0.24239 0.20849 0.52905 0.60524 0.74452 0.08239 0.80629 0.77195 0.71762 0.58548 0.90095 0.41621 0.36863 0.11942 0.00664 0.74073 0.245 0.15167 0.48643 0.83231 0.92906 0.57644 0.35254 0.41872 0.00535 0.77418 0.15686 0.89082 0.23855 0.02354 0.19216 0.38378 0.6313 0.88495 0.55046 0.62174 0.91336 0.48736 0.03136 0.76058 0.65243 0.43106 0.31557 0.3347 0.31639 0.99861 0.64569 0.37556 0.66467 0.0073 0.32012 0.68336 0.66719 0.22869 0.95084 0.56761 0.74451 0.10542 0.67405 0.09117 0.09693 0.78338 0.29711 0.12598 0.97142 0.76994 0.60162 0.2603 0.486 0.35616 0.96349 0.1685 0.88037 0.62952 0.35147 0.19627 0.95798 0.99956 0.90479 0.34312 0.18676 0.26485 0.09966 0.5721 0.80858 0.408 0.86046 0.57823 0.56732 0.11521 0.40798 0.96922 0.42718 0.71596 0.86754 0.7964 0.28005 0.93623 0.9945 0.34184 0.5135 0.05453 0.76019 0.77756 0.66686 0.11472 0.0222 0.82545 0.42131 0.98804 0.36339 0.9892 0.12793 0.79562 0.65254 0.93585 0.56716 0.70762 0.03189 0.75491 0.30737 0.24322 0.11134 0.50374 0.91898 0.52383 0.49952 0.78922 0.63822 0.39452 0.9986 0.14611 0.61519 0.49701 0.07289 0.54064 0.76524 0.81127 0.26095 0.62774 0.30322 0.49813 0.114 0.12039 0.2255 0.83603 0.92018 0.70909 0.19504 0.23663 0.04644 0.32672 0.52396 0.10854 0.11786 0.20151 0.87853 0.78779 0.1522 0.34209 0.15629 0.33729 0.64926 0.91115 0.63925 0.51733 0.4967 0.75954 0.36877 0.81822 0.38386 0.50585 0.96001 0.66169 0.05853 0.32174 0.18677 0.67851 0.45149 0.61828 0.84685 0.9564 0.11604 0.05421 0.964 0.58557 0.04356 0.88739 0.12618 0.56839 0.86426 0.28157 0.15157 0.75155 0.98867 0.56043 0.77213 0.75324 0.17558 0.29573 0.49802 0.05179 0.03574 0.48374 0.97185 0.66381 0.04275 0.79467 0.64263 0.07944 0.83099 0.50768 0.1665 0.06837 0.76951 0.79902 0.16485 0.68555 0.11898 0.91762 0.31173 0.13832 0.91079 0.74549 0.0123 0.01443 0.60007 0.74482 0.70546 0.26011 0.7067 0.5481 0.58267 0.98493 0.83145 0.03025 0.104 0.85031 0.62635 0.31173 0.85003 0.26117 0.32547 0.82335 0.45552 0.63174 0.54942 0.96216 0.97754 0.89792 0.50847 0.52332 0.65006 0.59096 0.45779 0.84047 0.88457 0.92502 0.37462 0.02881 0.75226 0.83126 0.78863 0.29852 0.14312 0.03641 0.01956 0.37007 0.05729 0.28007 0.37221 0.76356 0.95166 0.66882 0.51197 0.05377 0.11461 0.7694 0.21468 0.22275 0.26182 0.50707 0.82236 0.30724 0.81715 0.74343 0.07517 0.64993 0.86903 0.10842 0.4905 0.90983 0.53651 0.85453 0.92461 0.3136 0.56504 0.51162 0.29418 0.26145 0.27683 0.88492 0.39556 0.08761 0.23172 0.01537 0.22302 0.94089 0.87249 0.47682 0.55469 0.51063 0.91703 0.42851 0.96143 0.02697 0.06296 0.25798 0.8203 0.10148 0.99087 0.50391 0.72816 0.38654 0.43052 0.23877 0.66688 0.31154 0.35703 0.10836 0.50442 0.23507 0.7249 0.37755 0.38519 0.85141 0.57615
+0.47412 0.85569 0.20126 0.17111 0.55504 0.85234 0.89555 0.00815 0.27608 0.47491 0.34493 0.34187 0.4664 0.64334 0.09654 0.83067 0.68725 0.26481 0.03462 0.01293 0.43591 0.52081 0.18207 0.86317 0.41549 0.21078 0.71754 0.23323 0.48086 0.40485 0.71711 0.93091 0.17121 0.19094 0.97946 0.81276 0.58356 0.30778 0.96411 0.88802 0.90988 0.85669 0.8019 0.57852 0.63664 0.13526 0.1154 0.55806 0.6466 0.87673 0.38647 0.22281 0.93818 0.64917 0.60494 0.30541 0.62016 0.46417 0.88926 0.98177 0.19506 0.73304 0.95841 0.0257 0.2602 0.64217 0.69949 0.85771 0.00304 0.54358 0.85658 0.31103 0.91231 0.72653 0.6396 0.06622 0.17891 0.78928 0.6286 0.09393 0.36938 0.25265 0.10551 0.54181 0.2628 0.73995 0.98018 0.39559 0.76111 0.37788 0.17718 0.21314 0.02829 0.84362 0.55116 0.1589 0.36469 0.63189 0.14416 0.30704 0.0688 0.731 0.2786 0.52849 0.89632 0.11182 0.43628 0.6678 0.48077 0.7776 0.00038 0.33379 0.02963 0.3284 0.19798 0.19373 0.36866 0.91345 0.23317 0.73632 0.12376 0.56245 0.77078 0.24339 0.57073 0.32825 0.76076 0.9965 0.0614 0.37513 0.79846 0.85223 0.74454 0.51968 0.1203 0.41339 0.30999 0.67514 0.08955 0.31621 0.9759 0.07442 0.32068 0.21499 0.7604 0.3138 0.14121 0.61007 0.88845 0.49949 0.14619 0.30676 0.1958 0.825 0.54437 0.85955 0.5187 0.1402 0.93297 0.71344 0.94776 0.54931 0.15649 0.83383 0.65129 0.67241 0.65497 0.93577 0.65259 0.71446 0.41505 0.11616 0.34923 0.27247 0.1127 0.82888 0.62358 0.12219 0.23425 0.87964 0.69518 0.10742 0.42167 0.44751 0.73274 0.69799 0.57541 0.27096 0.1319 0.58922 0.6068 0.68144 0.84322 0.11435 0.19902 0.81717 0.92478 0.7397 0.30908 0.17716 0.91615 0.53817 0.13287 0.10788 0.51354 0.09769 0.77306 0.28513 0.05923 0.33593 0.74067 0.30364 0.68467 0.81276 0.48598 0.67614 0.02042 0.90156 0.02924 0.96536 0.09363 0.33923 0.72636 0.06572 0.70716 0.81844 0.75678 0.59295 0.03523 0.54742 0.37238 0.25337 0.64168 0.5548 0.55105 0.75066 0.20635 0.11778 0.81904 0.04868 0.57502 0.5192 0.98251 0.58546 0.49394 0.89621 0.86525 0.8758 0.24959 0.21115 0.52001 0.59857 0.84456 0.94837 0.88892 0.94368 0.17617 0.81422 0.87034 0.49128 0.88502 0.5581 0.49813 0.0518 0.51422 0.44181 0.77721 0.18746 0.66164 0.999 0.29621 0.36686 0.71628 0.62185 0.51494 0.93225 0.26575 0.3089 0.69562 0.85527 0.08732 0.85686 0.06479 0.37884 0.68445 0.05712 0.91611 0.94128 0.88127 0.74719 0.91242 0.46991 0.0438 0.70604 0.05637 0.54969 0.2671 0.42212 0.95264 0.11635 0.80603 0.62992 0.70271 0.27688 0.4382 0.68207 0.08214 0.08873 0.33204 0.37092 0.49314 0.79587 0.23666 0.78307 0.21325 0.98448 0.09419 0.85353 0.12301 0.11601 0.01693 0.38831 0.02269 0.21333 0.04032 0.68197 0.05617 0.93201 0.27031 0.78771 0.89261 0.26194 0.63589 0.65586 0.02517 0.61665 0.21072 0.81934 0.15485 0.88678 0.78083 0.32133 0.18906 0.98703 0.91425 0.47746 0.01767 0.20116 0.48074 0.49609 0.2947 0.94757 0.91729 0.29636 0.79202 0.6048 0.05228 0.04833 0.43996 0.63803 0.43452 0.2756 0.47429 0.60713 0.93945 0.94548 0.32727 0.06546 0.05468 0.20886 0.00098 0.59825 0.95582 0.52842 0.00822 0.84429 0.3964 0.71995 0.67186 0.71469 0.53565 0.36068 0.94172 0.11434 0.93566 0.97505 0.41304 0.256 0.41438 0.72467 0.52023 0.30079 0.13074 0.54196 0.83651 0.35056 0.39168 0.56908 0.66086 0.26023 0.36783 0.44852 0.85069 0.22884 0.35359 0.4519 0.11594 0.06455 0.68485 0.57391 0.28136 0.16835 0.18362 0.14228 0.47264 0.99192 0.0666 0.6237 0.66006 0.54965 0.53972 0.64638 0.42688 0.98624 0.73625 0.81249 0.26677 0.89021 0.26883 0.78317 0.92727 0.75097 0.23485 0.33724 0.00235 0.36647 0.07548 0.37944 0.26131 0.6144 0.37842 0.22165 0.72026 0.13717 0.2762 0.75227 0.40611 0.44076 0.03098 0.51051 0.43257 0.94845 0.86918 0.236 0.87096 0.95213 0.54341 0.94443 0.89519 0.86889 0.77963 0.75854 0.78194 0.69009 0.78953 0.39379 0.64707 0.8509 0.95386 0.37887 0.23507 0.52787 0.02837 0.60237 0.72304 0.22972 0.83222 0.97232 0.27823 0.38927 0.64628 0.72387 0.01053 0.35143 0.42408 0.76358 0.22493 0.06785 0.22838 0.60139 0.94299 0.20457 0.4888 0.96975 0.38027 0.39743 0.78078 0.99296 0.6655 0.17782 0.3195 0.43375 0.05456 0.22757 0.47839 0.44004 0.99316 0.05811 0.40603 0.0705 0.47235 0.10145
+0.33804 0.56363 0.6644 0.19921 0.12598 0.90186 0.84385 0.12632 0.4816 0.77322 0.98581 0.69406 0.15793 0.93102 0.44028 0.47109 0.95226 0.67961 0.12841 0.18216 0.96055 0.40824 0.10201 0.15564 0.42701 0.72754 0.07516 0.06405 0.29315 0.47764 0.72642 0.15563 0.32026 0.37206 0.60738 0.17103 0.05998 0.48189 0.81094 0.49702 0.57575 0.36873 0.58709 0.94312 0.25962 0.31934 0.47865 0.0307 0.14859 0.00142 0.86669 0.02241 0.11136 0.85011 0.41699 0.49443 0.569 0.66595 0.42437 0.28347 0.60923 0.25868 0.94914 0.18011 0.54304 0.12225 0.74468 0.63146 0.66809 0.61722 0.85045 0.54221 0.68947 0.65109 0.08291 0.28974 0.46075 0.87472 0.13575 0.88122 0.73689 0.62358 0.03261 0.35905 0.86288 0.18349 0.49547 0.84093 0.03384 0.92627 0.37358 0.48993 0.01162 0.58166 0.0322 0.66566 0.0234 0.84288 0.79522 0.98138 0.32127 0.02888 0.76475 0.97692 0.41605 0.05825 0.03945 0.23561 0.47045 0.81657 0.06904 0.37066 0.45822 0.35432 0.89612 0.63749 0.0732 0.50023 0.48528 0.19609 0.29028 0.48358 0.95323 0.32253 0.46805 0.71463 0.47255 0.74781 0.94942 0.63479 0.74232 0.09033 0.92158 0.5508 0.03563 0.35434 0.22362 0.59338 0.92434 0.11917 0.41361 0.67401 0.32662 0.45864 0.63167 0.25635 0.25911 0.49647 0.28475 0.14277 0.48596 0.05158 0.54637 0.41979 0.83774 0.76274 0.47086 0.81973 0.22381 0.49933 0.85584 0.78305 0.90354 0.54015 0.65903 0.04178 0.39849 0.13807 0.99936 0.80772 0.13255 0.60703 0.63755 0.71272 0.51201 0.55632 0.95741 0.45229 0.53785 0.40705 0.4784 0.0315 0.00899 0.54646 0.87285 0.18728 0.31559 0.9303 0.60445 0.71133 0.41907 0.47213 0.48539 0.14053 0.37808 0.42537 0.58604 0.13293 0.39286 0.62342 0.48319 0.16225 0.48907 0.03408 0.91392 0.61864 0.59959 0.70246 0.67862 0.47442 0.76507 0.45226 0.31976 0.74154 0.46093 0.6352 0.85177 0.16268 0.59938 0.15409 0.57734 0.35345 0.94738 0.73594 0.58754 0.69056 0.86678 0.44826 0.51559 0.8778 0.55352 0.00115 0.58305 0.96609 0.68456 0.71482 0.28819 0.01627 0.27324 0.55819 0.60211 0.29591 0.86375 0.608 0.35389 0.22287 0.12621 0.59854 0.24499 0.72802 0.65889 0.86867 0.16942 0.63663 0.08338 0.3663 0.28224 0.38181 0.47228 0.91592 0.08722 0.66566 0.73198 0.16664 0.77612 0.42428 0.51321 0.08408 0.80651 0.07499 0.6805 0.77054 0.03855 0.7363 0.11053 0.6273 0.99356 0.51798 0.78309 0.50251 0.87649 0.4506 0.83507 0.8927 0.82337 0.49677 0.91888 0.48965 0.47723 0.41485 0.03421 0.08174 0.37645 0.97011 0.10617 0.16009 0.45718 0.18144 0.27519 0.51113 0.18969 0.35316 0.45911 0.86155 0.61932 0.51949 0.63276 0.27805 0.60594 0.1743 0.62522 0.93345 0.02657 0.77518 0.67659 0.86146 0.59529 0.40834 0.8168 0.23315 0.92705 0.51353 0.65975 0.53086 0.57864 0.2251 0.44717 0.21859 0.86152 0.94288 0.57957 0.51651 0.33531 0.23257 0.84504 0.5173 0.55701 0.72781 0.3862 0.83809 0.88039 0.18017 0.30286 0.36651 0.87104 0.83177 0.85901 0.27113 0.05193 0.97011 0.32662 0.05533 0.65921 0.19465 0.48614 0.64285 0.33683 0.51407 0.57821 0.96831 0.98323 0.92416 0.34558 0.09846 0.5911 0.73566 0.41398 0.34951 0.88322 0.19712 0.02879 0.64664 0.84644 0.84797 0.191 0.34674 0.74336 0.11734 0.29351 0.07266 0.08935 0.61735 0.94894 0.2366 0.13469 0.8954 0.47958 0.96585 0.42772 0.93041 0.7011 0.78952 0.71302 0.74244 0.16827 0.20741 0.92586 0.18166 0.54199 0.49651 0.0423 0.17572 0.20428 0.03026 0.69763 0.25599 0.55469 0.23527 0.94123 0.13124 0.01789 0.65716 0.69507 0.89147 0.1439 0.41261 0.96691 0.45162 0.81413 0.47515 0.90687 0.10177 0.16507 0.85125 0.7765 0.44407 0.35365 0.23468 0.09776 0.72644 0.9241 0.65349 0.88523 0.55605 0.84203 0.7033 0.57555 0.70293 0.34571 0.68889 0.73339 0.51137 0.3116 0.7332 0.58066 0.50687 0.97433 0.86241 0.34605 0.15874 0.61355 0.70035 0.99011 0.58223 0.99317 0.21744 0.09138 0.037 0.42151 0.26807 0.94403 0.17802 0.41434 0.10151 0.44204 0.40986 0.41314 0.32703 0.01247 0.94083 0.76958 0.74619 0.7152 0.27174 0.6945 0.2758 0.90938 0.93837 0.18844 0.62716 0.79333 0.10424 0.9747 0.70429 0.95652 0.83039 0.53348 0.41353 0.37137 0.71109 0.32142 0.61162 0.13933 0.60701 0.46095 0.61631 0.80013 0.99327 0.47985 0.41611 0.96031 0.7296 0.39192 0.61004 0.26887 0.85133 0.22546 0.09313 0.97333 0.72279 0.35834 0.39844
+0.98075 0.07967 0.13866 0.36836 0.46896 0.9748 0.2125 0.64942 0.78759 0.71368 0.28488 0.51344 0.2404 0.01514 0.97548 0.84753 0.579 0.56813 0.863 0.85608 0.8317 0.49004 0.49221 0.52616 0.10185 0.31609 0.09169 0.30661 0.63763 0.99433 0.78121 0.83211 0.83771 0.21374 0.75959 0.68452 0.23828 0.67635 0.05516 0.53148 0.13596 0.1306 0.05559 0.63084 0.22995 0.16827 0.19456 0.62525 0.68706 0.71431 0.81572 0.34144 0.08143 0.67975 0.6272 0.286 0.22335 0.25268 0.46919 0.7275 0.10533 0.98546 0.99865 0.27242 0.63069 0.4349 0.69516 0.00058 0.04925 0.0421 0.39577 0.04005 0.43273 0.9932 0.7606 0.81948 0.99513 0.77316 0.78226 0.19925 0.45158 0.20576 0.76244 0.38823 0.00291 0.18807 0.90339 0.02663 0.19443 0.60317 0.18631 0.56695 0.98821 0.69308 0.73184 0.5193 0.13041 0.38176 0.92534 0.8609 0.98186 0.48602 0.66671 0.9191 0.64565 0.58568 0.67754 0.3828 0.52703 0.09589 0.33234 0.25331 0.50761 0.30868 0.58328 0.12217 0.29365 0.02936 0.79393 0.02063 0.02307 0.77488 0.62984 0.30205 0.03934 0.14226 0.02614 0.91552 0.04133 0.17805 0.76725 0.62922 0.28446 0.85335 0.81451 0.87087 0.088 0.86331 0.40269 0.22649 0.17979 0.65096 0.55537 0.49622 0.554 0.27998 0.17649 0.1114 0.57205 0.36562 0.34305 0.10846 0.36882 0.69185 0.3641 0.89955 0.60437 0.7298 0.79531 0.25856 0.90437 0.8097 0.16415 0.22409 0.8605 0.93424 0.68525 0.50797 0.9216 0.4985 0.06611 0.57493 0.05985 0.08025 0.39954 0.43856 0.72216 0.30235 0.13025 0.69769 0.81373 0.34374 0.57694 0.89999 0.19104 0.9994 0.80493 0.31855 0.77814 0.08543 0.8849 0.14965 0.03913 0.0849 0.34145 0.68339 0.77554 0.52598 0.62141 0.92689 0.29778 0.033 0.8969 0.6325 0.7681 0.34196 0.6489 0.33565 0.16171 0.58161 0.89112 0.81991 0.79847 0.01129 0.7027 0.6787 0.33378 0.54998 0.68958 0.04617 0.93452 0.73853 0.13962 0.64609 0.22626 0.16661 0.13505 0.00755 0.90762 0.87513 0.11957 0.7143 0.4716 0.68429 0.03305 0.33865 0.9902 0.17611 0.43764 0.93161 0.21579 0.56287 0.8429 0.00247 0.30238 0.70454 0.31077 0.92139 0.61897 0.05021 0.42051 0.90032 0.7364 0.16802 0.5417 0.17363 0.24419 0.5208 0.65826 0.6177 0.55449 0.07387 0.81005 0.36953 0.20274 0.1645 0.43671 0.73938 0.4242 0.11189 0.68701 0.95327 0.61076 0.89337 0.22562 0.41884 0.55049 0.12347 0.1164 0.25006 0.82857 0.08812 0.15104 0.06238 0.44468 0.70509 0.54827 0.88013 0.66142 0.30722 0.48329 0.57484 0.18385 0.2654 0.63482 0.29343 0.35542 0.15331 0.05702 0.86537 0.09755 0.75496 0.87777 0.81357 0.32106 0.94701 0.46935 0.24532 0.76644 0.40783 0.61082 0.49934 0.09625 0.18285 0.19996 0.53663 0.68168 0.13392 0.91119 0.28293 0.58426 0.94056 0.53159 0.49982 0.34905 0.07919 0.58157 0.04819 0.47732 0.80522 0.81556 0.62759 0.77609 0.21948 0.54129 0.83355 0.74755 0.64939 0.67066 0.24952 0.10874 0.65317 0.35861 0.99329 0.75273 0.58096 0.79221 0.29531 0.77668 0.66186 0.82234 0.8457 0.99358 0.79407 0.35396 0.35596 0.59081 0.3837 0.31736 0.59392 0.65123 0.488 0.65236 0.68318 0.69241 0.57354 0.28214 0.7119 0.01497 0.00311 0.7574 0.20074 0.59481 0.1664 0.88451 0.41213 0.30913 0.01931 0.41814 0.04304 0.32303 0.609 0.61794 0.65999 0.6734 0.95461 0.4939 0.89494 0.37974 0.90779 0.21848 0.01279 0.757 0.90975 0.4973 0.13408 0.27532 0.27379 0.88905 0.86092 0.75974 0.44879 0.27695 0.74389 0.89085 0.68018 0.26039 0.85874 0.97214 0.55584 0.70322 0.4097 0.61159 0.94837 0.47059 0.4807 0.87939 0.77042 0.7173 0.87117 0.01715 0.99229 0.91505 0.72243 0.11024 0.73503 0.15521 0.23632 0.91721 0.21773 0.90212 0.31222 0.18808 0.49006 0.97292 0.09025 0.86834 0.72022 0.20437 0.94955 0.85556 0.22353 0.65041 0.42979 0.59992 0.82688 0.44682 0.97059 0.85597 0.55253 0.28657 0.91541 0.19247 0.39597 0.10623 0.45522 0.12519 0.41535 0.40282 0.40009 0.6979 0.27492 0.95989 0.79297 0.76357 0.28374 0.21973 0.47907 0.1188 0.87767 0.43369 0.07878 0.63689 0.48847 0.83962 0.48129 0.84178 0.05566 0.15936 0.54784 0.12491 0.07028 0.42726 0.91998 0.23494 0.53047 0.85354 0.6637 0.8932 0.40002 0.36911 0.07729 0.04634 0.06794 0.85623 0.41035 0.69975 0.71997 0.08485 0.67437 0.60381 0.52606 0.499 0.85629 0.16373 0.25446 0.67845 0.86568 0.91424 0.83373 0.40021 0.5549
+0.29553 0.02383 0.61429 0.05443 0.91371 0.77805 0.15029 0.19567 0.86015 0.9369 0.42451 0.58628 0.55162 0.59914 0.61619 0.60116 0.37121 0.69086 0.83038 0.54957 0.85722 0.68289 0.84831 0.34228 0.19604 0.96749 0.50625 0.59733 0.19886 0.43343 0.50401 0.31246 0.5679 0.79993 0.71455 0.07848 0.41521 0.3627 0.19361 0.29887 0.12234 0.92966 0.46771 0.44941 0.69807 0.18465 0.5832 0.5225 0.7179 0.29129 0.62548 0.5948 0.10713 0.77818 0.87996 0.98318 0.57692 0.60385 0.38036 0.81557 0.69308 0.66291 0.84243 0.78552 0.32592 0.44918 0.63818 0.76957 0.88256 0.4856 0.00438 0.38646 0.42441 0.06791 0.32757 0.81004 0.56321 0.88654 0.00852 0.67968 0.97715 0.36631 0.22982 0.67317 0.01914 0.08613 0.40935 0.12173 0.11583 0.04335 0.79013 0.23171 0.48655 0.89114 0.22282 0.5436 0.39657 0.83387 0.66424 0.59464 0.46419 0.98985 0.26313 0.51023 0.94187 0.71233 0.55158 0.08969 0.12662 0.67692 0.69447 0.76325 0.5814 0.7347 0.98063 0.65435 0.21674 0.83104 0.586 0.37554 0.93402 0.85722 0.26293 0.04409 0.52374 0.49616 0.78489 0.92753 0.22202 0.81099 0.31169 0.75476 0.14231 0.89303 0.77086 0.59423 0.05724 0.84983 0.63782 0.74677 0.75348 0.53384 0.81556 0.36722 0.52444 0.53071 0.13633 0.78482 0.69036 0.49702 0.85567 0.45168 0.5517 0.44614 0.28079 0.94491 0.01015 0.54006 0.67425 0.79451 0.3023 0.45765 0.07583 0.21511 0.4472 0.65876 0.26288 0.43217 0.65556 0.24857 0.95504 0.12551 0.21928 0.717 0.45704 0.4378 0.77619 0.45764 0.44712 0.21617 0.00418 0.47069 0.23936 0.33273 0.35755 0.88134 0.29332 0.75192 0.75325 0.94234 0.01201 0.52317 0.6032 0.91318 0.31394 0.5325 0.31502 0.46958 0.79317 0.0517 0.38624 0.80314 0.28665 0.25908 0.67249 0.07111 0.63283 0.04462 0.47287 0.86538 0.12256 0.95352 0.78989 0.54133 0.47556 0.46288 0.11601 0.48598 0.88037 0.32319 0.36504 0.86185 0.97607 0.58277 0.56995 0.37213 0.25568 0.75435 0.33478 0.90605 0.7868 0.38323 0.88989 0.25948 0.18183 0.75049 0.75531 0.31926 0.55608 0.93543 0.33216 0.53541 0.1496 0.88504 0.52425 0.95645 0.21797 0.06399 0.52358 0.55597 0.22844 0.80762 0.38426 0.17336 0.60246 0.22604 0.50539 0.89592 0.68848 0.31559 0.83185 0.8882 0.1099 0.3059 0.48606 0.70345 0.31234 0.51823 0.33153 0.94616 0.81036 0.6064 0.27327 0.74525 0.51988 0.67263 0.31117 0.43692 0.48882 0.83759 0.48339 0.18774 0.9941 0.72129 0.05125 0.97783 0.69122 0.07316 0.37428 0.7925 0.09496 0.59464 0.5268 0.09851 0.89983 0.68894 0.84307 0.46373 0.83693 0.35716 0.83568 0.10974 0.99778 0.01382 0.94459 0.03312 0.92637 0.76846 0.58577 0.68959 0.43234 0.9199 0.76729 0.91647 0.45032 0.859 0.34989 0.65109 0.35979 0.30947 0.07816 0.01077 0.98695 0.74115 0.01017 0.29576 0.93832 0.93725 0.19916 0.84508 0.96529 0.05991 0.26177 0.76494 0.8588 0.36824 0.07863 0.68164 0.93345 0.6368 0.71467 0.71621 0.85032 0.20028 0.31955 0.95725 0.32243 0.08731 0.73997 0.08347 0.92019 0.86697 0.0435 0.96712 0.90652 0.56101 0.66711 0.6626 0.91745 0.48515 0.15018 0.73379 0.28527 0.35879 0.38154 0.54469 0.72927 0.50171 0.56774 0.30981 0.79606 0.58322 0.64487 0.89179 0.74726 0.0167 0.48944 0.54491 0.10226 0.67204 0.987 0.2034 0.57892 0.70698 0.28449 0.50235 0.56515 0.95679 0.16382 0.01289 0.25191 0.34537 0.79846 0.62591 0.78866 0.09335 0.15996 0.71938 0.35112 0.562 0.96213 0.66407 0.63555 0.21292 0.26915 0.97975 0.76982 0.91946 0.9652 0.39883 0.79238 0.24952 0.05471 0.09217 0.85806 0.10645 0.85643 0.41091 0.47725 0.78923 0.83075 0.88518 0.64836 0.98622 0.70389 0.82539 0.54664 0.40371 0.1522 0.10441 0.56679 0.99632 0.27492 0.33174 0.58413 0.28522 0.38904 0.21473 0.45194 0.45159 0.29664 0.1383 0.22585 0.00948 0.71792 0.89443 0.90936 0.66715 0.11307 0.05432 0.49542 0.99355 0.93544 0.15785 0.08159 0.29884 0.51882 0.4753 0.31532 0.37508 0.23251 0.31114 0.06838 0.64032 0.1272 0.64855 0.25886 0.62447 0.80833 0.49112 0.43507 0.18582 0.41295 0.72624 0.35305 0.58532 0.93678 0.93774 0.15007 0.70974 0.484 0.46406 0.71808 0.45524 0.98904 0.45798 0.97428 0.90367 0.93541 0.81991 0.62128 0.21978 0.64059 0.04966 0.15792 0.83659 0.41843 0.44032 0.51067 0.24197 0.50834 0.00595 0.88734 0.81626 0.85801 0.43679 0.13948 0.23428 0.33986 0.47901 0.68373 0.18352
+0.70647 0.94273 0.43633 0.96989 0.20174 0.36927 0.44292 0.55252 0.06098 0.39963 0.4114 0.35305 0.69685 0.51756 0.0556 0.38601 0.3666 0.34502 0.70703 0.97865 0.58817 0.02442 0.43015 0.01592 0.37916 0.38537 0.92831 0.50034 0.22464 0.46626 0.27731 0.9112 0.84178 0.40823 0.59699 0.32865 0.89353 0.43141 0.86108 0.5313 0.05535 0.46702 0.1901 0.71089 0.12038 0.59055 0.62743 0.98573 0.54305 0.03841 0.38093 0.61149 0.64957 0.97647 0.92546 0.46913 0.45079 0.45722 0.22024 0.61531 0.44006 0.52721 0.25778 0.2679 0.35596 0.88601 0.83581 0.76542 0.07143 0.50965 0.52707 0.33569 0.81319 0.36365 0.68985 0.6173 0.58891 0.63779 0.58301 0.37603 0.22688 0.35409 0.53935 0.91008 0.70886 0.3315 0.82264 0.84329 0.57708 0.93471 0.27657 0.49728 0.41452 0.9216 0.10981 0.05076 0.8553 0.82204 0.38244 0.08802 0.0243 0.85417 0.64091 0.26658 0.69695 0.75018 0.25373 0.59803 0.29858 0.89807 0.0569 0.46209 0.47568 0.04015 0.28837 0.40322 0.35263 0.84756 0.66372 0.30603 0.6997 0.19401 0.1273 0.8629 0.80425 0.86501 0.98801 0.78832 0.45625 0.40419 0.06487 0.97349 0.81637 0.08154 0.70554 0.62467 0.01711 0.4229 0.28315 0.92572 0.67602 0.00839 0.8609 0.38664 0.05121 0.03398 0.43219 0.80638 0.57202 0.36927 0.49039 0.73213 0.35038 0.85243 0.78982 0.28374 0.08087 0.47396 0.19629 0.36968 0.24095 0.88678 0.56074 0.44694 0.24191 0.20779 0.97424 0.36807 0.80865 0.26148 0.04018 0.9178 0.98325 0.30972 0.273 0.82027 0.44891 0.58201 0.32782 0.04763 0.54354 0.16433 0.29348 0.61961 0.79377 0.93829 0.25545 0.58258 0.76228 0.78337 0.72054 0.15571 0.55759 0.86249 0.13577 0.17888 0.41149 0.63725 0.9582 0.78306 0.36144 0.46621 0.14177 0.96372 0.90358 0.83216 0.20248 0.19884 0.59343 0.8084 0.17569 0.59359 0.21206 0.73604 0.31515 0.35309 0.65308 0.94142 0.09827 0.52845 0.53813 0.964 0.31607 0.19212 0.2667 0.45963 0.71379 0.47939 0.17739 0.06566 0.97357 0.92876 0.06686 0.09301 0.23237 0.04867 0.92648 0.63093 0.75009 0.98535 0.27525 0.04582 0.6739 0.31769 0.51395 0.11521 0.97232 0.41864 0.69502 0.87077 0.95675 0.04455 0.13004 0.81972 0.33683 0.21472 0.55965 0.39908 0.20928 0.57925 0.71487 0.83123 0.94081 0.10227 0.22559 0.81326 0.84668 0.49478 0.13498 0.91705 0.57172 0.20764 0.46518 0.33233 0.6852 0.47828 0.21763 0.5284 0.2236 0.56225 0.44075 0.38303 0.91421 0.92544 0.61724 0.15851 0.66391 0.03989 0.34742 0.92164 0.64672 0.32107 0.50171 0.3961 0.87689 0.94262 0.18747 0.07378 0.85152 0.775 0.66278 0.73012 0.55035 0.50844 0.00824 0.12287 0.33903 0.26583 0.98973 0.87041 0.99548 0.36456 0.31769 0.07028 0.55408 0.83759 0.96514 0.2935 0.65262 0.21892 0.70698 0.46047 0.85567 0.80063 0.73596 0.268 0.38941 0.24626 0.23726 0.7929 0.86676 0.56748 0.4174 0.89266 0.16241 0.58247 0.15956 0.41981 0.22263 0.02275 0.00647 0.5309 0.31665 0.01675 0.6919 0.03748 0.12895 0.05276 0.14617 0.19083 0.76183 0.06429 0.55803 0.93949 0.93043 0.41969 0.96164 0.9369 0.10105 0.09778 0.40773 0.49149 0.86778 0.54696 0.02952 0.45175 0.63367 0.10471 0.00431 0.87447 0.69367 0.77497 0.78809 0.10459 0.78245 0.9383 0.12288 0.84444 0.57358 0.72343 0.57219 0.38044 0.26837 0.76218 0.43785 0.26772 0.0759 0.62061 0.27095 0.60184 0.70032 0.46004 0.17377 0.13448 0.94665 0.23022 0.05889 0.77837 0.55806 0.72438 0.66554 0.48221 0.20242 0.07282 0.17629 0.37534 0.09783 0.9677 0.88768 0.34829 0.96589 0.00511 0.22767 0.80686 0.78458 0.28123 0.50438 0.04939 0.98886 0.50604 0.83167 0.25182 0.18918 0.45481 0.56339 0.19767 0.31098 0.83494 0.20813 0.25152 0.39351 0.72969 0.85053 0.03157 0.74029 0.47644 0.56545 0.84264 0.81805 0.72335 0.65636 0.31488 0.86198 0.39495 0.27447 0.21756 0.97641 0.76801 0.04542 0.78335 0.40418 0.53633 0.2719 0.23356 0.19961 0.71279 0.56288 0.05599 0.17843 0.53082 0.56993 0.4841 0.33215 0.2026 0.04558 0.50975 0.29252 0.70678 0.89679 0.37492 0.91781 0.58116 0.18847 0.17406 0.21657 0.71526 0.41078 0.17495 0.83627 0.69498 0.61003 0.5838 0.46662 0.1601 0.32598 0.82829 0.54235 0.33721 0.56 0.97074 0.91453 0.55167 0.12232 0.61358 0.51579 0.17217 0.6468 0.86964 0.38907 0.87953 0.67385 0.03389 0.84754 0.12876 0.34324 0.33352 0.17883 0.60738 0.87966 0.49132 0.34394 0.99351
+0.1095 0.94214 0.64739 0.28708 0.07413 0.53254 0.11257 0.93836 0.44519 0.42739 0.90032 0.38878 0.36571 0.51811 0.47407 0.9776 0.04572 0.39377 0.38687 0.89092 0.93431 0.45972 0.12741 0.72415 0.13932 0.54242 0.41798 0.99113 0.2011 0.3311 0.80475 0.88329 0.08679 0.54257 0.46875 0.36262 0.41713 0.11207 0.0091 0.96857 0.55469 0.31262 0.57455 0.25237 0.5993 0.98466 0.99618 0.09423 0.02554 0.6637 0.54245 0.94668 0.0949 0.15441 0.20242 0.77896 0.43987 0.55415 0.17199 0.78344 0.75599 0.33449 0.8135 0.60795 0.27898 0.6196 0.96433 0.01099 0.79123 0.98263 0.46236 0.42093 0.84029 0.53949 0.15504 0.4169 0.54455 0.99053 0.70717 0.57647 0.19214 0.25414 0.25308 0.28791 0.08244 0.64801 0.53779 0.81397 0.71217 0.92886 0.4359 0.94471 0.02531 0.5355 0.00014 0.90868 0.77131 0.28978 0.77269 0.07271 0.49586 0.98995 0.45006 0.76509 0.74082 0.62267 0.69904 0.8056 0.74769 0.22928 0.90404 0.97966 0.12593 0.26945 0.27424 0.94209 0.03796 0.26178 0.57729 0.85364 0.39702 0.85387 0.49627 0.09202 0.12404 0.78838 0.24335 0.39925 0.11346 0.41319 0.70328 0.35212 0.13656 0.92605 0.7195 0.13177 0.68905 0.31635 0.55516 0.00743 0.64375 0.6359 0.96653 0.2377 0.9255 0.4018 0.59769 0.49806 0.09062 0.80674 0.3942 0.39866 0.06402 0.99526 0.20628 0.6385 0.90777 0.94874 0.69751 0.9365 0.35796 0.27027 0.20444 0.95668 0.45038 0.56954 0.69505 0.11518 0.57569 0.2459 0.31861 0.6604 0.03653 0.95687 0.97454 0.8765 0.21605 0.21591 0.10455 0.18895 0.43658 0.77869 0.3254 0.1903 0.85678 0.27273 0.23572 0.86533 0.68339 0.02421 0.35537 0.71443 0.58766 0.23257 0.49759 0.91549 0.88133 0.84785 0.84552 0.23449 0.99221 0.5941 0.06601 0.89198 0.46535 0.74151 0.83551 0.92809 0.90235 0.67249 0.58748 0.90893 0.80633 0.93502 0.33274 0.69399 0.77908 0.24062 0.12406 0.12123 0.48412 0.32319 0.68877 0.34952 0.36303 0.29564 0.77816 0.61492 0.79465 0.40994 0.34954 0.6954 0.65773 0.673 0.42158 0.52713 0.57368 0.26822 0.16046 0.38863 0.68471 0.67803 0.94792 0.95022 0.61521 0.87114 0.9166 0.97967 0.68447 0.37677 0.26228 0.28674 0.33959 0.35163 0.75091 0.96764 0.9897 0.78216 0.31584 0.16472 0.41329 0.7396 0.58574 0.28014 0.31181 0.1749 0.30138 0.384 0.73601 0.6548 0.51757 0.47015 0.83183 0.01836 0.38124 0.70149 0.57193 0.47092 0.07261 0.97661 0.50783 0.00123 0.11972 0.27348 0.24701 0.68656 0.56379 0.89282 0.66598 0.66639 0.8821 0.69587 0.45636 0.39648 0.80216 0.89676 0.64471 0.26251 0.71939 0.21074 0.29275 0.65444 0.65698 0.46462 0.89523 0.96721 0.7865 0.74879 0.02635 0.08343 0.23029 0.74325 0.07361 0.24293 0.0509 0.90093 0.78069 0.93478 0.97686 0.77385 0.4034 0.72761 0.81099 0.92226 0.46697 0.22607 0.51344 0.17237 0.04825 0.27782 0.54103 0.33131 0.7721 0.0932 0.64382 0.15119 0.98636 0.82609 0.52024 0.0604 0.52134 0.6945 0.53876 0.58937 0.47342 0.36331 0.80518 0.19574 0.62592 0.46142 0.47275 0.75917 0.38442 0.77213 0.21132 0.8589 0.61578 0.26459 0.16387 0.44446 0.18818 0.04262 0.78281 0.36974 0.53669 0.34615 0.02483 0.67221 0.40925 0.80666 0.79176 0.55348 0.69769 0.57347 0.13111 0.56595 0.95358 0.57931 0.91754 0.27777 0.02905 0.16055 0.87712 0.6363 0.43102 0.85132 0.08919 0.07964 0.84637 0.49048 0.0564 0.73983 0.582 0.26588 0.71331 0.69012 0.78189 0.93736 0.74639 0.74754 0.26527 0.18571 0.70367 0.26781 0.11245 0.7549 0.6384 0.47067 0.91325 0.77546 0.62164 0.05959 0.63499 0.52801 0.54251 0.12191 0.7679 0.63938 0.26969 0.14758 0.99174 0.1634 0.75397 0.61294 0.04416 0.54634 0.48987 0.60528 0.87151 0.51656 0.51078 0.37593 0.18527 0.5769 0.68911 0.1106 0.82692 0.44281 0.00794 0.41284 0.71458 0.43057 0.76092 0.20524 0.4224 0.56459 0.9302 0.62236 0.40957 0.59795 0.32867 0.45299 0.83883 0.7596 0.11135 0.04822 0.64958 0.83976 0.90107 0.73121 0.85478 0.31327 0.69175 0.02134 0.93281 0.52377 0.40293 0.02202 0.59474 0.59083 0.93996 0.4131 0.46837 0.6552 0.11155 0.15349 0.11806 0.02476 0.24132 0.42185 0.35075 0.92999 0.00284 0.78033 0.27842 0.00279 0.94644 0.4167 0.76437 0.04694 0.24733 0.94792 0.07729 0.65729 0.8223 0.52352 0.95704 0.53238 0.34007 0.33186 0.12015 0.95071 0.4542 0.47965 0.59413 0.91101 0.33606 0.87104 0.04741 0.65568 0.21333 0.22725
+0.71557 0.72592 0.61385 0.07463 0.12548 0.72869 0.06917 0.29919 0.68514 0.52864 0.12173 0.05238 0.74661 0.65972 0.81532 0.2677 0.93104 0.46652 0.24623 0.44254 0.07507 0.58282 0.19026 0.30976 0.37042 0.23527 0.08925 0.84096 0.66051 0.20762 0.1981 0.70698 0.51791 0.90429 0.31843 0.23568 0.44769 0.60979 0.88413 0.75973 0.07588 0.0892 0.07679 0.80204 0.38724 0.78263 0.8377 0.25306 0.24477 0.21703 0.52726 0.49561 0.23332 0.42549 0.51542 0.32559 0.08997 0.57283 0.92133 0.97207 0.87767 0.41427 0.82777 0.68705 0.55228 0.0794 0.35915 0.22272 0.64065 0.55318 0.49372 0.5995 0.04233 0.1399 0.87358 0.74326 0.72208 0.49874 0.58697 0.18672 0.19486 0.83353 0.37919 0.7936 0.23945 0.50113 0.09549 0.8718 0.91718 0.70267 0.6924 0.28973 0.73814 0.3482 0.08422 0.01164 0.7846 0.6613 0.02829 0.16561 0.32265 0.09867 0.58183 0.44274 0.22356 0.81767 0.8082 0.86552 0.0171 0.92302 0.86104 0.2198 0.51947 0.50229 0.84994 0.28301 0.45742 0.46449 0.75486 0.57087 0.52129 0.46184 0.19129 0.41363 0.61503 0.05461 0.75055 0.32084 0.95154 0.82681 0.4253 0.40093 0.2417 0.36337 0.05192 0.77896 0.3224 0.78873 0.30368 0.99491 0.89259 0.4495 0.79516 0.81754 0.02129 0.57447 0.18376 0.59093 0.76319 0.98422 0.24797 0.90616 0.24724 0.39036 0.46847 0.32149 0.18876 0.99464 0.89173 0.22137 0.13762 0.0357 0.06964 0.39848 0.84685 0.88036 0.45889 0.11327 0.77532 0.48522 0.78394 0.18647 0.44801 0.44944 0.97993 0.00609 0.45506 0.68353 0.34307 0.1893 0.26186 0.56425 0.9761 0.51558 0.92901 0.53179 0.09556 0.58317 0.2372 0.52152 0.27808 0.03423 0.57905 0.89446 0.9654 0.51054 0.18981 0.67748 0.33556 0.66068 0.34803 0.90275 0.05743 0.54328 0.58573 0.27506 0.94657 0.17652 0.31978 0.66988 0.38488 0.41171 0.80791 0.41576 0.39352 0.48659 0.51381 0.69137 0.8236 0.41035 0.9952 0.28343 0.51002 0.64651 0.38165 0.55331 0.23338 0.64421 0.09802 0.38278 0.16169 0.4639 0.55001 0.06186 0.25414 0.2212 0.87582 0.91246 0.99693 0.9815 0.9315 0.15497 0.59293 0.37229 0.67971 0.80846 0.8999 0.82733 0.53442 0.13718 0.55243 0.02872 0.88519 0.68852 0.66755 0.96509 0.96882 0.83682 0.80612 0.36689 0.40283 0.54999 0.76546 0.41319 0.6563 0.02735 0.31178 0.3513 0.45434 0.51414 0.07162 0.41925 0.19142 0.00252 0.94947 0.1009 0.61175 0.41241 0.99184 0.75147 0.56562 0.80425 0.66739 0.68154 0.82074 0.78071 0.64887 0.67686 0.75262 0.69786 0.63478 0.96194 0.68165 0.50642 0.71444 0.55657 0.99891 0.69291 0.29101 0.35616 0.05731 0.65839 0.1886 0.1189 0.09744 0.91859 0.60139 0.99182 0.28801 0.27958 0.47352 0.28506 0.78444 0.16238 0.25497 0.06457 0.5228 0.46788 0.48921 0.76392 0.44546 0.03264 0.9514 0.82682 0.60186 0.1468 0.04964 0.73304 0.59564 0.91262 0.90924 0.51787 0.12641 0.91552 0.05359 0.13 0.6018 0.45202 0.6371 0.50372 0.51427 0.07673 0.07352 0.2056 0.65569 0.23926 0.9368 0.31767 0.41803 0.04519 0.22168 0.2302 0.93626 0.01593 0.91946 0.94866 0.10134 0.56696 0.58492 0.10058 0.88491 0.64595 0.27362 0.67409 0.08339 0.57246 0.03336 0.61296 0.40877 0.87355 0.80874 0.23183 0.26137 0.3077 0.05449 0.18539 0.70698 0.06093 0.27652 0.69847 0.80639 0.90237 0.93137 0.6546 0.25925 0.80043 0.52785 0.29311 0.63337 0.37934 0.40611 0.15113 0.40229 0.08182 0.81348 0.01434 0.05234 0.31264 0.88033 0.2264 0.2137 0.84068 0.93368 0.72784 0.78114 0.54883 0.15355 0.52432 0.16073 0.99994 0.40548 0.21205 0.85585 0.28016 0.48781 0.7473 0.94469 0.14571 0.40146 0.53782 0.8777 0.45975 0.33554 0.58984 0.36072 0.31459 0.74403 0.4111 0.81307 0.03392 0.40092 0.41877 0.29405 0.22874 0.24281 0.75654 0.54698 0.62599 0.58608 0.80948 0.25924 0.07991 0.36746 0.68753 0.18654 0.57528 0.92283 0.70073 0.3148 0.24093 0.06841 0.38705 0.13791 0.28081 0.89115 0.95594 0.32996 0.05628 0.19362 0.29923 0.46989 0.60811 0.30393 0.99886 0.38778 0.30963 0.84363 0.83903 0.05407 0.39644 0.50658 0.3996 0.8332 0.88025 0.43192 0.31209 0.63603 0.5347 0.91776 0.88874 0.10925 0.88122 0.12583 0.60633 0.81439 0.40835 0.63169 0.10287 0.28733 0.10301 0.21043 0.53185 0.40371 0.25269 0.6565 0.05231 0.91212 0.65069 0.15061 0.0168 0.58056 0.79012 0.76604 0.24294 0.67086 0.85886 0.09253 0.63253 0.75893 0.83629 0.27564 0.35266
+0.66578 0.35791 0.09176 0.87243 0.07134 0.82997 0.61103 0.96695 0.61847 0.75932 0.66254 0.59977 0.55749 0.64658 0.08133 0.99514 0.89069 0.49442 0.80773 0.47479 0.69544 0.49295 0.39648 0.84809 0.80043 0.08733 0.49066 0.20329 0.02118 0.63745 0.94558 0.30658 0.83699 0.46934 0.31211 0.40751 0.10457 0.34247 0.49317 0.57314 0.1775 0.616 0.47555 0.57547 0.45783 0.50935 0.40633 0.56099 0.29233 0.04619 0.96425 0.54209 0.56434 0.5538 0.64873 0.73596 0.95188 0.24693 0.80373 0.97669 0.97939 0.34027 0.23104 0.68196 0.78933 0.43311 0.34031 0.69131 0.47621 0.52884 0.54913 0.37574 0.06115 0.62882 0.85661 0.99687 0.31153 0.78821 0.5908 0.98983 0.68781 0.0688 0.72564 0.91172 0.94462 0.66196 0.49287 0.14815 0.12924 0.13795 0.81638 0.86981 0.2649 0.76484 0.28267 0.21488 0.43681 0.72609 0.96266 0.37457 0.32327 0.75466 0.66446 0.99843 0.36372 0.65075 0.32411 0.38064 0.09612 0.89449 0.97559 0.20091 0.27288 0.68069 0.38142 0.84937 0.48663 0.87067 0.57724 0.45959 0.76307 0.26419 0.3861 0.81416 0.83925 0.49406 0.02588 0.1499 0.67517 0.38038 0.8155 0.15643 0.77268 0.32203 0.2438 0.28872 0.26483 0.79582 0.28233 0.13659 0.63321 0.98111 0.36726 0.97686 0.82732 0.53845 0.76167 0.62353 0.65477 0.83511 0.437 0.40459 0.89328 0.81596 0.09004 0.73229 0.67289 0.24788 0.90294 0.37101 0.11885 0.17081 0.53239 0.46748 0.85727 0.69293 0.91165 0.90202 0.18799 0.01149 0.01391 0.1601 0.66295 0.42109 0.33536 0.79307 0.54151 0.78522 0.86837 0.09263 0.76934 0.04394 0.63937 0.1954 0.86078 0.32035 0.94136 0.32318 0.48716 0.09085 0.29279 0.8119 0.28288 0.01311 0.79387 0.96175 0.98798 0.1872 0.29673 0.16844 0.85188 0.72107 0.2278 0.65907 0.25412 0.65073 0.17831 0.72516 0.19931 0.9463 0.8977 0.17889 0.60795 0.76633 0.72266 0.65718 0.63897 0.10649 0.53508 0.6034 0.85125 0.54948 0.16407 0.74398 0.64107 0.20494 0.1164 0.8924 0.18376 0.24623 0.60672 0.30642 0.20168 0.29817 0.66513 0.50358 0.33322 0.27345 0.53829 0.98066 0.43358 0.2372 0.23176 0.72626 0.08747 0.04017 0.8855 0.76227 0.55807 0.08618 0.88569 0.85836 0.18742 0.00391 0.31907 0.78086 0.44098 0.66697 0.57229 0.11944 0.21204 0.4644 0.62161 0.9247 0.31475 0.81039 0.17778 0.11791 0.3798 0.65981 0.41062 0.47937 0.4153 0.66407 0.67775 0.35005 0.40688 0.14802 0.53342 0.7886 0.65814 0.36837 0.64522 0.54151 0.59029 0.04579 0.14968 0.14695 0.57382 0.67001 0.34311 0.32525 0.88085 0.23621 0.91327 0.71311 0.12044 0.58106 0.75374 0.30886 0.2758 0.00024 0.89868 0.30681 0.05935 0.23368 0.13563 0.78661 0.7603 0.32794 0.68553 0.77774 0.07695 0.34125 0.5274 0.34314 0.31395 0.04665 0.21409 0.45341 0.9802 0.9666 0.75811 0.23274 0.19096 0.09751 0.20658 0.27019 0.88302 0.72111 0.6527 0.02428 0.60303 0.23703 0.16681 0.2093 0.49573 0.97586 0.83973 0.75766 0.72885 0.41719 0.52822 0.61404 0.0519 0.00694 0.02087 0.14949 0.10796 0.51583 0.30389 0.20419 0.0663 0.78298 0.69382 0.96819 0.60542 0.30442 0.10254 0.02692 0.88829 0.78735 0.28105 0.84427 0.11884 0.18396 0.25491 0.93648 0.97034 0.55726 0.74599 0.37538 0.10784 0.07447 0.36674 0.40538 0.9685 0.23432 0.46376 0.38314 0.52801 0.03602 0.63558 0.86998 0.26869 0.89381 0.08029 0.11831 0.8846 0.83998 0.04229 0.25597 0.83795 0.88722 0.29512 0.38777 0.60458 0.98146 0.86346 0.76049 0.6575 0.69293 0.25543 0.78749 0.06963 0.35203 0.6464 0.42076 0.63329 0.89914 0.66579 0.45869 0.83766 0.86598 0.99611 0.43003 0.58447 0.41047 0.79312 0.34578 0.6211 0.40357 0.03422 0.13263 0.72831 0.99248 0.40012 0.308 0.046 0.57353 0.99216 0.08541 0.1542 0.68588 0.34314 0.42332 0.08329 0.41739 0.52348 0.99465 0.62678 0.73719 0.24646 0.37759 0.061 0.82876 0.18466 0.73487 0.84236 0.68392 0.3259 0.20827 0.46771 0.6183 0.4241 0.47846 0.20863 0.83474 0.8578 0.12736 0.70381 0.15399 0.85522 0.06528 0.28032 0.29227 0.03397 0.22207 0.3748 0.55998 0.57075 0.84779 0.29078 0.99925 0.64288 0.84405 0.76106 0.98352 0.54378 0.04606 0.95022 0.42506 0.10652 0.22437 0.68584 0.41245 0.94327 0.41379 0.19338 0.72663 0.97477 0.88037 0.57789 0.83997 0.82965 0.48148 0.75236 0.2435 0.63574 0.12326 0.88628 0.0305 0.83051 0.01726 0.64795 0.13614 0.91232 0.5791 0.28341 0.97377 0.49209 0.15815
+0.48519 0.27596 0.7821 0.09298 0.63963 0.32728 0.14852 0.53704 0.24241 0.56229 0.71189 0.45476 0.59141 0.15055 0.1013 0.24755 0.64414 0.07699 0.33052 0.45343 0.83828 0.75328 0.38246 0.0147 0.12681 0.15417 0.56743 0.34062 0.29458 0.60765 0.10683 0.24176 0.77634 0.3788 0.15973 0.0706 0.2327 0.21862 0.49214 0.21354 0.33695 0.1206 0.50222 0.23164 0.19457 0.50751 0.80652 0.30492 0.93696 0.78094 0.95998 0.60092 0.41434 0.6 0.60332 0.7851 0.6997 0.04966 0.03398 0.60237 0.46645 0.03139 0.77615 0.49597 0.8715 0.63654 0.97342 0.09867 0.12464 0.9138 0.24542 0.84501 0.88939 0.65528 0.90815 0.79758 0.79268 0.07982 0.42132 0.55228 0.59823 0.91033 0.50067 0.68671 0.32689 0.28578 0.27532 0.03786 0.31164 0.10328 0.35102 0.82762 0.31559 0.65908 0.45785 0.51595 0.54689 0.6901 0.44583 0.70364 0.29748 0.46454 0.68811 0.69492 0.66095 0.82978 0.85016 0.06951 0.77999 0.75969 0.3538 0.74601 0.00194 0.84223 0.03267 0.49316 0.65866 0.24898 0.58439 0.12228 0.45662 0.99102 0.48571 0.39788 0.68783 0.42172 0.32112 0.18585 0.36683 0.81671 0.33443 0.33064 0.35745 0.3204 0.38857 0.01995 0.16077 0.04282 0.50344 0.80497 0.55487 0.14982 0.85449 0.52341 0.37442 0.84618 0.14945 0.50137 0.23529 0.23039 0.91153 0.01483 0.24343 0.79561 0.58473 0.36943 0.38927 0.08788 0.27064 0.29332 0.52903 0.93862 0.79456 0.90755 0.62648 0.09585 0.90768 0.33203 0.45518 0.62715 0.24528 0.31787 0.77179 0.14332 0.61704 0.55249 0.23734 0.22187 0.11601 0.11529 0.19096 0.77652 0.43139 0.00245 0.90563 0.73204 0.28689 0.07474 0.22872 0.8397 0.64041 0.88877 0.5432 0.28971 0.78048 0.5185 0.0267 0.31907 0.29557 0.31438 0.70936 0.32847 0.35121 0.62158 0.00611 0.80034 0.54672 0.51829 0.92933 0.78478 0.33139 0.17436 0.63447 0.75041 0.70091 0.04478 0.73487 0.078 0.93383 0.87903 0.09665 0.76669 0.47385 0.83625 0.565 0.66311 0.20027 0.91469 0.27793 0.66208 0.77178 0.54938 0.44484 0.42484 0.67863 0.36496 0.31979 0.93829 0.56396 0.3911 0.98986 0.74438 0.82111 0.91253 0.25193 0.94011 0.83873 0.98502 0.43415 0.01038 0.67746 0.62666 0.77996 0.56895 0.33901 0.19033 0.86052 0.47693 0.59621 0.19239 0.47278 0.68685 0.08354 0.21085 0.60111 0.84508 0.46816 0.14399 0.42982 0.69302 0.59738 0.12002 0.93721 0.50355 0.27643 0.19255 0.52971 0.27583 0.48456 0.94854 0.40529 0.13647 0.11185 0.41542 0.81732 0.90591 0.68107 0.31983 0.85075 0.72372 0.49504 0.18357 0.58635 0.74467 0.29194 0.24092 0.84108 0.48898 0.23334 0.71936 0.44742 0.27658 0.09067 0.54054 0.73417 0.69004 0.47487 0.99244 0.01095 0.08078 0.98242 0.61751 0.15393 0.77548 0.07651 0.82504 0.1856 0.5489 0.99396 0.09425 0.18564 0.76578 0.72262 0.95592 0.46265 0.7862 0.28331 0.84851 0.85819 0.031 0.71251 0.04329 0.74448 0.70322 0.96219 0.63954 0.09454 0.93856 0.12791 0.85886 0.24634 0.88575 0.08941 0.56929 0.92276 0.55353 0.4423 0.11562 0.67759 0.43744 0.43735 0.38633 0.75482 0.60623 0.40838 0.04163 0.79548 0.72211 0.52792 0.81341 0.27611 0.49805 0.28629 0.4405 0.82441 0.69399 0.66007 0.68196 0.19874 0.71793 0.17634 0.28819 0.24087 0.18969 0.60738 0.90159 0.21212 0.52811 0.69699 0.48947 0.59943 0.79387 0.7744 0.8727 0.22644 0.1852 0.88888 0.77091 0.18928 0.67432 0.60293 0.93876 0.81214 0.4627 0.2105 0.20528 0.61648 0.10101 0.69895 0.12408 0.29816 0.78205 0.34423 0.8283 0.10135 0.01979 0.57485 0.7456 0.32877 0.5432 0.90336 0.82984 0.85758 0.02438 0.60523 0.58286 0.11212 0.80749 0.11914 0.45934 0.62263 0.57117 0.66456 0.94817 0.22059 0.24957 0.45841 0.53762 0.55382 0.13342 0.53478 0.34238 0.79275 0.14077 0.4568 0.66236 0.4768 0.08801 0.44183 0.99233 0.44931 0.20939 0.08171 0.55578 0.92949 0.80884 0.75668 0.97467 0.13177 0.6923 0.00439 0.76744 0.10923 0.05613 0.60062 0.53788 0.52514 0.68925 0.3215 0.83017 0.85353 0.81844 0.03215 0.17592 0.95197 0.70322 0.65059 0.05518 0.80682 0.2151 0.1555 0.54816 0.33957 0.49876 0.99728 0.54249 0.23059 0.45533 0.62371 0.5634 0.80605 0.98487 0.25013 0.56778 0.52935 0.9604 0.06581 0.61759 0.06479 0.49512 0.32326 0.24771 0.51133 0.73626 0.21706 0.1793 0.84021 0.60613 0.43799 0.57436 0.02738 0.31094 0.53606 0.0338 0.31888 0.0582 0.87608 0.77549 0.09259 0.78272 0.68693 0.81855
+0.39297 0.73434 0.10929 0.69998 0.38166 0.85668 0.73734 0.73318 0.22945 0.57357 0.60054 0.36985 0.06715 0.29355 0.33164 0.14665 0.29452 0.16406 0.57255 0.70322 0.70339 0.69788 0.37207 0.89735 0.69723 0.52281 0.05123 0.90399 0.01029 0.5123 0.9108 0.12611 0.42916 0.91782 0.53601 0.38765 0.04059 0.2798 0.26876 0.71852 0.39703 0.63736 0.68033 0.43994 0.8665 0.3842 0.61731 0.11802 0.25224 0.98201 0.84145 0.06113 0.71801 0.81754 0.62358 0.70116 0.80502 0.59507 0.3012 0.52877 0.41278 0.16505 0.53251 0.52119 0.0641 0.21829 0.01012 0.90233 0.35682 0.55236 0.27046 0.13424 0.58147 0.07271 0.22076 0.16209 0.06824 0.04075 0.62232 0.65636 0.59125 0.35882 0.16169 0.22773 0.60613 0.01178 0.86548 0.13975 0.9893 0.55226 0.93326 0.23657 0.87034 0.41823 0.18239 0.50556 0.01691 0.95814 0.75814 0.54502 0.11635 0.88793 0.80342 0.83612 0.04811 0.46088 0.66949 0.85125 0.31847 0.45539 0.45884 0.57359 0.90194 0.51675 0.27584 0.3116 0.52689 0.7891 0.78687 0.50779 0.54166 0.43559 0.70535 0.49885 0.63389 0.52311 0.87699 0.87763 0.40133 0.98221 0.72437 0.46448 0.17137 0.81832 0.17239 0.97993 0.53605 0.27872 0.70501 0.53357 0.32804 0.25126 0.16874 0.3497 0.67533 0.03298 0.04634 0.07507 0.81542 0.46045 0.70192 0.40789 0.1384 0.75729 0.36082 0.03196 0.39246 0.77992 0.83387 0.1355 0.1741 0.68102 0.47907 0.54291 0.14096 0.34012 0.85571 0.23996 0.60284 0.43836 0.11857 0.77137 0.46074 0.55703 0.98791 0.04898 0.2558 0.46265 0.47573 0.94173 0.70066 0.49921 0.06765 0.56323 0.69825 0.81025 0.42804 0.32876 0.77571 0.85148 0.72219 0.22266 0.35337 0.8517 0.97299 0.45861 0.44514 0.23375 0.5203 0.32931 0.90921 0.8551 0.61716 0.24624 0.82666 0.59572 0.40571 0.08114 0.9781 0.43307 0.36944 0.08444 0.96396 0.64934 0.4972 0.95737 0.20868 0.81322 0.94709 0.20801 0.94178 0.32238 0.33235 0.54991 0.27186 0.74411 0.55527 0.62745 0.02048 0.89868 0.53814 0.20813 0.53701 0.69403 0.11722 0.06107 0.97987 0.98971 0.60788 0.8203 0.01539 0.14615 0.01728 0.16224 0.49034 0.04141 0.37056 0.92723 0.04098 0.14599 0.73684 0.06077 0.83358 0.07488 0.07145 0.68091 0.47889 0.22754 0.71051 0.49809 0.66074 0.55672 0.19703 0.62397 0.95822 0.98721 0.31378 0.82555 0.7454 0.40987 0.74695 0.43391 0.22945 0.77961 0.52128 0.24988 0.18125 0.2463 0.75484 0.41212 0.7148 0.47114 0.54544 0.41685 0.5281 0.48619 0.25228 0.70383 0.51624 0.42269 0.74732 0.5867 0.2845 0.26958 0.44286 0.79663 0.63437 0.69857 0.25223 0.18813 0.25288 0.63592 0.37921 0.82568 0.83916 0.35336 0.12216 0.84321 0.69603 0.74828 0.49828 0.3785 0.69345 0.08998 0.34509 0.74188 0.69513 0.36628 0.27882 0.92174 0.95329 0.256 0.16553 0.36802 0.70069 0.08617 0.57851 0.09093 0.71533 0.08702 0.45259 0.88532 0.41556 0.42625 0.36233 0.23512 0.04867 0.53449 0.16448 0.37157 0.75233 0.89286 0.77182 0.08342 0.37289 0.23346 0.27857 0.06528 0.92868 0.42014 0.61965 0.29254 0.55866 0.53258 0.82747 0.87125 0.45254 0.37041 0.90136 0.68314 0.00228 0.28458 0.3436 0.58075 0.84395 0.59968 0.45507 0.09779 0.92364 0.1014 0.41598 0.26279 0.94873 0.19583 0.1699 0.12268 0.41825 0.63596 0.04578 0.09965 0.1131 0.23132 0.69855 0.881 0.67122 0.64918 0.93194 0.16211 0.95959 0.54726 0.46675 0.33803 0.11118 0.04155 0.34659 0.38011 0.93162 0.72418 0.95105 0.40418 0.8117 0.54049 0.27104 0.82855 0.589 0.04115 0.81245 0.72857 0.96555 0.62766 0.10409 0.60223 0.72674 0.02067 0.62434 0.21351 0.51988 0.27597 0.89954 0.95482 0.73603 0.19123 0.72836 0.39077 0.88874 0.86676 0.60525 0.01276 0.89104 0.37019 0.30425 0.83864 0.15132 0.70856 0.81473 0.25741 0.28985 0.93484 0.54272 0.7967 0.4757 0.90763 0.46073 0.35956 0.37983 0.53994 0.91604 0.40736 0.85323 0.84133 0.68712 0.15003 0.45392 0.92109 0.46695 0.20134 0.1368 0.00552 0.25252 0.24318 0.54264 0.02171 0.36061 0.7803 0.37011 0.08296 0.94963 0.5967 0.71657 0.94006 0.83635 0.08632 0.04651 0.56039 0.20443 0.12041 0.49201 0.00415 0.478 0.41947 0.15886 0.29219 0.16156 0.29758 0.68374 0.27837 0.78365 0.70226 0.32644 0.53641 0.6533 0.69895 0.46687 0.08582 0.36628 0.9196 0.4114 0.96524 0.60104 0.69523 0.51921 0.73298 0.70147 0.28525 0.65061 0.86704 0.25306 0.29068 0.87902 0.1486 0.50854 0.82553
+0.71293 0.00122 0.30217 0.1112 0.34051 0.94699 0.50343 0.57146 0.01227 0.64512 0.34636 0.72146 0.5456 0.28277 0.76819 0.34623 0.48231 0.53881 0.63781 0.25436 0.28944 0.70621 0.80121 0.63209 0.65405 0.10491 0.40905 0.02882 0.90518 0.40256 0.87034 0.57841 0.69396 0.61036 0.26502 0.15421 0.05298 0.09605 0.09523 0.9619 0.77274 0.89434 0.11175 0.35019 0.23726 0.86822 0.84369 0.91055 0.16414 0.19371 0.38449 0.81949 0.74498 0.64649 0.2392 0.16853 0.00302 0.32266 0.76938 0.90857 0.14237 0.99773 0.93502 0.59179 0.491 0.53248 0.139 0.20104 0.64238 0.35431 0.33766 0.5953 0.24823 0.18546 0.22519 0.65851 0.47772 0.22269 0.97789 0.09115 0.19683 0.16519 0.72564 0.07238 0.56968 0.68304 0.44945 0.61232 0.93675 0.92037 0.40042 0.67668 0.07601 0.62321 0.15799 0.86474 0.65334 0.18239 0.12908 0.58707 0.78625 0.66734 0.281 0.26185 0.13484 0.14859 0.94003 0.39603 0.23207 0.82844 0.86221 0.86866 0.69929 0.74617 0.35388 0.37669 0.70034 0.94362 0.85881 0.11692 0.2937 0.55835 0.97189 0.08891 0.5303 0.25482 0.10046 0.35813 0.78763 0.27559 0.05567 0.20467 0.23596 0.8429 0.78422 0.34857 0.59727 0.78786 0.50913 0.88203 0.31774 0.91907 0.78614 0.51025 0.43158 0.17743 0.06201 0.53326 0.23132 0.77581 0.00858 0.89734 0.82316 0.50988 0.00273 0.80619 0.85514 0.97432 0.34306 0.21027 0.70311 0.40418 0.93986 0.10234 0.76372 0.65569 0.84446 0.70944 0.59269 0.89028 0.95417 0.18512 0.30931 0.23756 0.41116 0.08343 0.97272 0.01291 0.42833 0.19984 0.07123 0.2122 0.85572 0.67396 0.42525 0.47499 0.54191 0.89 0.19554 0.83049 0.38523 0.36261 0.43002 0.46805 0.48073 0.42449 0.04462 0.62187 0.3641 0.27791 0.0016 0.15477 0.76314 0.54308 0.01792 0.10977 0.09296 0.00071 0.13723 0.42014 0.40035 0.2683 0.1451 0.20614 0.6897 0.74345 0.85583 0.59648 0.05816 0.38967 0.30964 0.07162 0.11624 0.64891 0.19598 0.28464 0.51452 0.67118 0.40638 0.9734 0.21311 0.72634 0.8149 0.67588 0.60216 0.88112 0.99801 0.18251 0.59522 0.76969 0.95801 0.9229 0.15103 0.01736 0.65075 0.34212 0.05754 0.26925 0.00255 0.42158 0.77633 0.06362 0.56042 0.60408 0.52801 0.55361 0.92025 0.46571 0.06966 0.67408 0.60349 0.72393 0.81503 0.96366 0.91874 0.46265 0.51939 0.47554 0.5616 0.55416 0.53367 0.71288 0.40341 0.21638 0.18858 0.71159 0.27375 0.26819 0.94235 0.49539 0.35162 0.30602 0.23995 0.82306 0.16856 0.32591 0.26281 0.52517 0.39611 0.18311 0.94106 0.61397 0.72667 0.6052 0.63313 0.94496 0.75638 0.12343 0.13953 0.57169 0.82491 0.70074 0.27927 0.49904 0.85842 0.31961 0.46454 0.63362 0.03512 0.77243 0.66631 0.50403 0.42122 0.74252 0.83457 0.2529 0.25544 0.13081 0.8533 0.34036 0.73368 0.18905 0.6379 0.67747 0.77288 0.75276 0.43828 0.32286 0.07587 0.14678 0.85955 0.10473 0.53267 0.43687 0.70723 0.90168 0.9382 0.32037 0.91189 0.06365 0.25845 0.24886 0.75921 0.62135 0.42079 0.95907 0.86641 0.2668 0.14544 0.06521 0.54575 0.04371 0.314 0.71444 0.76271 0.40339 0.0807 0.15827 0.48359 0.35026 0.06917 0.88392 0.6621 0.24966 0.74245 0.7704 0.16576 0.76829 0.4949 0.03077 0.89089 0.83922 0.82021 0.66918 0.25325 0.3536 0.10635 0.62262 0.54801 0.7134 0.2718 0.39213 0.32431 0.00902 0.77433 0.69574 0.95815 0.32683 0.33603 0.91328 0.07106 0.46888 0.12057 0.077 0.4001 0.43322 0.79695 0.10986 0.2871 0.5864 0.66265 0.0981 0.59731 0.81126 0.70188 0.44635 0.23479 0.60819 0.27561 0.22005 0.52648 0.66384 0.76356 0.58913 0.06494 0.6054 0.13423 0.50855 0.14808 0.22565 0.4639 0.16906 0.27949 0.1196 0.85133 0.42769 0.27027 0.97125 0.15025 0.8987 0.04133 0.81552 0.89958 0.49631 0.07099 0.88803 0.34308 0.61541 0.11266 0.70157 0.11033 0.94782 0.29849 0.36889 0.55345 0.67684 0.02721 0.65024 0.50725 0.07591 0.99242 0.36762 0.59624 0.73206 0.42558 0.62646 0.85014 0.28253 0.00214 0.29525 0.54827 0.09671 0.70799 0.48673 0.44532 0.85843 0.0415 0.18318 0.54944 0.81109 0.31149 0.05087 0.72578 0.10572 0.01083 0.00296 0.20588 0.0666 0.43153 0.78184 0.49428 0.0081 0.15063 0.96183 0.071 0.85672 0.23476 0.67242 0.27829 0.95189 0.17981 0.2859 0.10052 0.75792 0.3594 0.10434 0.6489 0.63014 0.61177 0.40826 0.41056 0.10012 0.15817 0.73294 0.74782 0.47626 0.85112 0.27155 0.31764 0.77318 0.41499 0.06932
+0.41438 0.42415 0.73592 0.71638 0.23302 0.49979 0.90003 0.46398 0.64229 0.5249 0.63725 0.91653 0.77841 0.96883 0.69449 0.74887 0.62601 0.49556 0.57573 0.73672 0.50392 0.48989 0.27013 0.92305 0.24178 0.66202 0.42715 0.78867 0.9887 0.0415 0.30826 0.75372 0.27402 0.32232 0.45281 0.99651 0.65019 0.8452 0.1253 0.14415 0.73039 0.993 0.60682 0.8895 0.44139 0.3075 0.87297 0.61274 0.8145 0.01074 0.5085 0.82221 0.35558 0.60857 0.37406 0.30519 0.03554 0.34935 0.98986 0.85438 0.56454 0.47078 0.78647 0.5082 0.90127 0.14577 0.17383 0.84879 0.22329 0.93386 0.12092 0.10783 0.05532 0.11178 0.52969 0.69195 0.72307 0.23751 0.72949 0.10853 0.19463 0.97588 0.14226 0.48741 0.54735 0.10401 0.24787 0.89892 0.64589 0.64522 0.1126 0.55099 0.59985 0.8774 0.04645 0.53849 0.81682 0.50208 0.99809 0.01831 0.47153 0.80482 0.91004 0.47365 0.32552 0.93619 0.92925 0.63031 0.75118 0.15155 0.09637 0.03497 0.91432 0.86658 0.112 0.90687 0.95145 0.87639 0.55091 0.04625 0.61973 0.44503 0.73643 0.10876 0.35044 0.26326 0.02104 0.3656 0.39789 0.93746 0.8504 0.2936 0.64893 0.491 0.52213 0.47574 0.50418 0.28773 0.06505 0.1469 0.73556 0.78813 0.8842 0.14859 0.85421 0.80351 0.18987 0.71842 0.35265 0.52442 0.71598 0.88404 0.6615 0.63157 0.19181 0.2016 0.26274 0.66268 0.87554 0.14764 0.69731 0.24608 0.91866 0.53251 0.93171 0.24642 0.15557 0.3299 0.4313 0.55418 0.01762 0.9076 0.75031 0.69218 0.7943 0.15879 0.98754 0.58843 0.39793 0.4756 0.03326 0.8303 0.51214 0.99062 0.34102 0.17436 0.36801 0.18197 0.31117 0.45688 0.86123 0.15995 0.85952 0.18374 0.4732 0.25829 0.02903 0.99629 0.41467 0.29159 0.57209 0.61772 0.49407 0.80227 0.52901 0.36667 0.20623 0.48208 0.97464 0.622 0.99649 0.62526 0.54566 0.59296 0.65365 0.49918 0.89032 0.24275 0.78857 0.06576 0.71933 0.03958 0.93487 0.59668 0.35998 0.99504 0.64184 0.47579 0.29508 0.33245 0.73877 0.32648 0.51187 0.99957 0.15352 0.33803 0.80859 0.31607 0.9127 0.36066 0.50125 0.87503 0.76935 0.49291 0.35398 0.14028 0.11315 0.67333 0.5029 0.17804 0.53898 0.93461 0.1164 0.47493 0.74465 0.54498 0.03007 0.60412 0.26978 0.02142 0.83703 0.14649 0.97771 0.92114 0.01582 0.10499 0.28206 0.02984 0.2379 0.80272 0.60144 0.34037 0.36485 0.88271 0.9765 0.72262 0.56646 0.01679 0.16582 0.69614 0.23611 0.20168 0.00065 0.86508 0.72242 0.41553 0.46309 0.09887 0.98979 0.27715 0.40908 0.11006 0.9949 0.82181 0.6876 0.87435 0.59374 0.09508 0.57887 0.57774 0.10834 0.98469 0.51135 0.79599 0.07976 0.68139 0.18904 0.50138 0.10642 0.53591 0.44996 0.61084 0.76723 0.76331 0.50719 0.60471 0.75552 0.3824 0.25768 0.49107 0.49 0.96682 0.70236 0.10962 0.76014 0.87614 0.57524 0.16448 0.92532 0.59803 0.61704 0.86641 0.57796 0.02431 0.57884 0.29263 0.65202 0.1434 0.77194 0.42585 0.36545 0.03804 0.5108 0.93509 0.82437 0.30567 0.67243 0.42214 0.76799 0.3663 0.84087 0.51951 0.67885 0.34448 0.8577 0.66092 0.96487 0.4179 0.33819 0.36798 0.09383 0.73955 0.06426 0.72719 0.05128 0.6427 0.60029 0.62106 0.03991 0.80145 0.13956 0.55762 0.55575 0.30833 0.05869 0.81497 0.32899 0.63724 0.08601 0.40587 0.92028 0.6041 0.31656 0.32939 0.74895 0.53116 0.1003 0.25744 0.78557 0.37904 0.7863 0.22175 0.22161 0.94883 0.89438 0.62103 0.90912 0.51858 0.30712 0.02741 0.48316 0.47903 0.18724 0.3151 0.25934 0.9035 0.8089 0.73941 0.19213 0.16986 0.98863 0.43195 0.21585 0.40053 0.44335 0.96662 0.00671 0.7631 0.92057 0.35988 0.45926 0.74146 0.30718 0.06204 0.65718 0.99085 0.26058 0.51211 0.37253 0.70529 0.8944 0.48893 0.08087 0.65225 0.07339 0.47125 0.81314 0.03338 0.59121 0.48768 0.59831 0.88573 0.55373 0.03261 0.11718 0.75328 0.30167 0.8748 0.77773 0.7567 0.49929 0.90505 0.6071 0.25704 0.65985 0.92175 0.23047 0.18698 0.98702 0.26217 0.05032 0.05551 0.14894 0.62588 0.32651 0.89241 0.18525 0.28339 0.89744 0.20909 0.70592 0.52496 0.53389 0.92057 0.29396 0.86269 0.974 0.36152 0.4544 0.5206 0.24637 0.11358 0.99332 0.71418 0.6111 0.3313 0.96381 0.59858 0.82491 0.52928 0.66386 0.05065 0.36765 0.70366 0.67949 0.64546 0.82066 0.83036 0.65655 0.55278 0.55119 0.66736 0.56816 0.66927 0.55451 0.78109 0.91201 0.966 0.24604 0.91404 0.12603 0.11446
+0.11459 0.99586 0.97436 0.72704 0.97543 0.39496 0.79695 0.30401 0.54463 0.80364 0.14306 0.9718 0.32584 0.5572 0.95138 0.64879 0.13331 0.50781 0.81496 0.56975 0.81757 0.65894 0.75234 0.49206 0.00139 0.5273 0.66419 0.00376 0.85228 0.43775 0.4466 0.03382 0.92257 0.15234 0.28105 0.54669 0.80205 0.58904 0.9632 0.71533 0.88213 0.10588 0.90206 0.68364 0.39087 0.09858 0.47411 0.14097 0.60257 0.61828 0.36484 0.04042 0.86666 0.63286 0.06259 0.02487 0.18743 0.00553 0.85067 0.62108 0.09535 0.03308 0.56339 0.22411 0.0557 0.06854 0.56452 0.48215 0.22911 0.93899 0.65142 0.52181 0.0879 0.72759 0.02949 0.7982 0.42706 0.62751 0.17545 0.72547 0.476 0.78599 0.22177 0.96349 0.23893 0.15392 0.63349 0.50571 0.13199 0.61893 0.72739 0.8717 0.99984 0.87447 0.97929 0.00625 0.35923 0.13772 0.32188 0.29363 0.67303 0.83758 0.07693 0.50036 0.29361 0.16267 0.01295 0.7923 0.71054 0.46954 0.94897 0.94427 0.02239 0.95972 0.52375 0.29601 0.20482 0.20323 0.0203 0.65522 0.95315 0.10992 0.99066 0.67223 0.60016 0.10562 0.27079 0.72324 0.80688 0.84535 0.54867 0.15647 0.07197 0.46925 0.87489 0.62156 0.04758 0.71146 0.85695 0.00269 0.77877 0.83981 0.41084 0.62907 0.78402 0.27506 0.05803 0.49551 0.60958 0.29302 0.31553 0.98747 0.91336 0.82993 0.70583 0.36083 0.1966 0.30963 0.3833 0.40672 0.74486 0.66685 0.81697 0.03123 0.00866 0.94114 0.68067 0.85854 0.82585 0.59348 0.21702 0.27416 0.46325 0.09719 0.51305 0.81256 0.36487 0.78189 0.9074 0.02987 0.44449 0.7118 0.20991 0.71265 0.54965 0.46947 0.67774 0.83422 0.12244 0.58451 0.72995 0.55909 0.59343 0.46834 0.32506 0.08159 0.89278 0.42319 0.07283 0.11235 0.48482 0.5097 0.17185 0.58227 0.39663 0.47049 0.15189 0.35973 0.29482 0.61041 0.34073 0.86214 0.38865 0.1167 0.8898 0.80074 0.99809 0.35294 0.71802 0.65288 0.36763 0.9683 0.25851 0.13064 0.62232 0.50403 0.33313 0.67453 0.00032 0.13017 0.64475 0.88201 0.63689 0.85572 0.6334 0.0358 0.20276 0.7404 0.67928 0.03236 0.58504 0.56244 0.66858 0.33738 0.24592 0.96355 0.16642 0.73562 0.77552 0.46811 0.01697 0.43954 0.8139 0.3071 0.7756 0.89589 0.75464 0.59513 0.5098 0.82662 0.03958 0.40098 0.52479 0.34228 0.24378 0.07578 0.96544 0.75341 0.31329 0.50093 0.73707 0.17707 0.90842 0.02088 0.0736 0.42855 0.70176 0.1039 0.4077 0.76987 0.40909 0.3455 0.65285 0.7102 0.63808 0.58782 0.19127 0.82445 0.215 0.86214 0.38561 0.5591 0.74447 0.07187 0.81449 0.8615 0.44315 0.77799 0.25941 0.55357 0.53403 0.5163 0.6172 0.88772 0.95747 0.27405 0.30799 0.59294 0.45782 0.92172 0.1829 0.9289 0.70021 0.22856 0.29703 0.64222 0.18439 0.08668 0.73613 0.7572 0.0801 0.72028 0.22833 0.16336 0.77064 0.22769 0.77804 0.06448 0.8421 0.91998 0.09388 0.67667 0.51068 0.36276 0.91059 0.02214 0.89352 0.04011 0.3898 0.28634 0.93316 0.56755 0.48003 0.07228 0.27774 0.71055 0.09116 0.58109 0.59126 0.14438 0.46102 0.32796 0.12948 0.58387 0.88986 0.38994 0.8386 0.6314 0.79537 0.49899 0.85577 0.26137 0.14532 0.81128 0.45257 0.16685 0.79657 0.03122 0.87981 0.26849 0.31467 0.21456 0.43886 0.80775 0.0283 0.69425 0.9613 0.75449 0.0583 0.50337 0.46482 0.81106 0.20725 0.72422 0.70905 0.27808 0.13179 0.75222 0.55745 0.97708 0.2304 0.70186 0.0292 0.14927 0.58917 0.29402 0.80576 0.39579 0.64553 0.14519 0.34626 0.67313 0.84451 0.23718 0.87063 0.30594 0.69504 0.59565 0.85028 0.11003 0.43527 0.28607 0.13433 0.26978 0.15384 0.76192 0.46817 0.22917 0.27234 0.59419 0.182 0.29479 0.79145 0.37402 0.79628 0.83743 0.05767 0.63007 0.40296 0.59057 0.79932 0.93283 0.45592 0.53476 0.59806 0.81955 0.24556 0.70013 0.12682 0.474 0.00032 0.57765 0.26722 0.83587 0.08264 0.92243 0.01288 0.09028 0.57108 0.69933 0.81235 0.94735 0.33855 0.00803 0.22894 0.59781 0.82987 0.91816 0.67001 0.89374 0.5551 0.61961 0.9807 0.63956 0.28685 0.4958 0.3603 0.53018 0.86536 0.58243 0.87776 0.60927 0.89246 0.08943 0.11004 0.19497 0.24834 0.05867 0.38978 0.99615 0.88729 0.67355 0.03063 0.97029 0.4287 0.54687 0.22184 0.0136 0.32899 0.018 0.22356 0.96104 0.87793 0.90535 0.50464 0.58464 0.87876 0.38692 0.67477 0.10355 0.59548 0.80098 0.96073 0.75438 0.57568 0.51939 0.37594 0.96088 0.20908 0.87153 0.54043 0.33129
+0.50266 0.37714 0.97934 0.56653 0.13076 0.76352 0.9434 0.20879 0.08726 0.39628 0.95774 0.23483 0.35175 0.21983 0.98315 0.73074 0.0041 0.83958 0.15006 0.49837 0.51022 0.52759 0.36649 0.4649 0.43991 0.35537 0.85647 0.53556 0.29389 0.54338 0.86645 0.55546 0.95218 0.58756 0.89421 0.67282 0.35912 0.54032 0.23022 0.49995 0.87616 0.4373 0.73284 0.62179 0.1631 0.49482 0.74298 0.6971 0.45964 0.91858 0.48977 0.09784 0.73976 0.95407 0.35155 0.63542 0.39045 0.81997 0.75402 0.28185 0.59404 0.24942 0.7099 0.30088 0.88345 0.13858 0.59689 0.85012 0.54099 0.32613 0.98936 0.85966 0.97576 0.59231 0.52844 0.77034 0.18899 0.11861 0.51755 0.43592 0.70873 0.70279 0.57578 0.6406 0.86792 0.39302 0.96783 0.14391 0.73014 0.21441 0.42971 0.22384 0.83335 0.35867 0.07338 0.96524 0.98062 0.77862 0.68932 0.44106 0.9517 0.44721 0.5275 0.13239 0.51121 0.91267 0.07561 0.37649 0.13835 0.31594 0.41213 0.61052 0.06789 0.05541 0.52623 0.01137 0.2248 0.75543 0.469 0.85159 0.79033 0.80921 0.54151 0.395 0.07608 0.89425 0.79641 0.37831 0.53057 0.70382 0.27693 0.02538 0.27892 0.33591 0.41075 0.79728 0.51828 0.6434 0.08795 0.48618 0.90419 0.18434 0.07636 0.39342 0.16419 0.6399 0.82987 0.47962 0.08874 0.18616 0.26159 0.93228 0.03071 0.68597 0.72724 0.39265 0.46681 0.97142 0.49441 0.56409 0.82855 0.85582 0.7292 0.13222 0.02573 0.92569 0.41696 0.32948 0.6335 0.01514 0.29989 0.81929 0.89746 0.84625 0.77536 0.9871 0.74489 0.56336 0.25846 0.50155 0.33129 0.93362 0.03373 0.8261 0.78749 0.70098 0.6756 0.64756 0.67729 0.72163 0.60699 0.80668 0.85122 0.53429 0.46165 0.12315 0.85132 0.85974 0.78433 0.37066 0.52691 0.05695 0.17552 0.70427 0.05534 0.32057 0.76419 0.54834 0.82851 0.75227 0.74396 0.45225 0.43774 0.49642 0.58829 0.98919 0.77492 0.7699 0.15631 0.65995 0.7502 0.23808 0.63738 0.38492 0.9854 0.09093 0.76959 0.00467 0.54513 0.10496 0.77483 0.58215 0.83832 0.8717 0.44835 0.6792 0.02433 0.98124 0.924 0.1883 0.90362 0.09227 0.27239 0.02202 0.25048 0.72398 0.76612 0.52141 0.45204 0.97652 0.11358 0.04558 0.6185 0.30013 0.83099 0.39134 0.17369 0.00089 0.78107 0.90199 0.05122 0.63447 0.87634 0.27797 0.73863 0.41836 0.27247 0.636 0.50064 0.41902 0.39328 0.53698 0.22494 0.51575 0.66855 0.71106 0.00205 0.75561 0.17486 0.78241 0.56725 0.81176 0.02055 0.74018 0.96162 0.43208 0.34739 0.42658 0.6194 0.09285 0.49191 0.04515 0.43094 0.01226 0.75309 0.62855 0.91873 0.11273 0.55595 0.67242 0.77064 0.59588 0.94721 0.42963 0.2626 0.27868 0.7526 0.97773 0.62827 0.10379 0.19711 0.98415 0.42791 0.64628 0.78428 0.17212 0.06818 0.29829 0.03021 0.76888 0.36415 0.86564 0.08082 0.35054 0.65737 0.44439 0.92511 0.50075 0.68376 0.20101 0.06384 0.15892 0.46955 0.99172 0.10521 0.05355 0.4326 0.13075 0.70426 0.65537 0.89965 0.09007 0.49611 0.83029 0.97647 0.1153 0.9545 0.796 0.08646 0.95461 0.73295 0.59494 0.33703 0.40952 0.2268 0.8257 0.49471 0.45888 0.66337 0.13878 0.4616 0.84874 0.66896 0.94541 0.04314 0.91692 0.0239 0.05287 0.91979 0.17124 0.78126 0.46871 0.35635 0.39681 0.05773 0.33064 0.70731 0.03845 0.13961 0.15842 0.23521 0.99547 0.91407 0.02417 0.72127 0.07624 0.05722 0.19392 0.0976 0.34947 0.644 0.98481 0.67569 0.33542 0.82282 0.34318 0.41258 0.24597 0.66761 0.62803 0.32448 0.58399 0.61556 0.81283 0.88661 0.93591 0.88978 0.69663 0.01463 0.58925 0.80777 0.62058 0.03778 0.47243 0.17091 0.34248 0.71902 0.91275 0.2462 0.40798 0.43292 0.60554 0.37485 0.21474 0.28537 0.00578 0.2465 0.65745 0.28594 0.2871 0.30658 0.29948 0.67466 0.63894 0.81521 0.15727 0.4119 0.68918 0.89661 0.70324 0.97368 0.11151 0.64722 0.18435 0.59777 0.79199 0.83746 0.93324 0.03705 0.32028 0.58114 0.05415 0.23322 0.08094 0.46483 0.06073 0.48351 0.98057 0.55708 0.18361 0.08213 0.96658 0.98932 0.54389 0.81301 0.66601 0.38451 0.67495 0.63096 0.855 0.76934 0.05916 0.65956 0.77194 0.29515 0.88055 0.46705 0.35443 0.17487 0.04269 0.81515 0.51832 0.19263 0.85068 0.50661 0.49862 0.7079 0.7272 0.61857 0.15136 0.52949 0.54932 0.61359 0.7528 0.13923 0.28423 0.86239 0.84491 0.80172 0.47646 0.20444 0.277 0.54598 0.52306 0.92983 0.08346 0.82511 0.23507 0.30614 0.74139 0.88701 0.3748
+0.40792 0.43608 0.52295 0.53217 0.26868 0.98574 0.03584 0.71785 0.73916 0.88471 0.11608 0.35261 0.65897 0.94383 0.83971 0.37641 0.61646 0.95974 0.29196 0.43298 0.78822 0.37801 0.24955 0.61639 0.85383 0.43427 0.20533 0.92427 0.54793 0.33184 0.00973 0.3951 0.3219 0.69376 0.14108 0.48056 0.90827 0.55304 0.84306 0.27516 0.57492 0.30903 0.93075 0.11182 0.47246 0.44074 0.18555 0.58995 0.3735 0.61206 0.11984 0.91053 0.19909 0.5214 0.41628 0.53589 0.33981 0.26862 0.8363 0.37479 0.16615 0.86805 0.03898 0.06837 0.06481 0.89926 0.97916 0.73924 0.9091 0.8204 0.63794 0.07294 0.06287 0.89573 0.28876 0.95405 0.40568 0.74838 0.59114 0.89209 0.18842 0.72626 0.37815 0.98603 0.20908 0.27657 0.94132 0.00836 0.88753 0.43243 0.22334 0.21833 0.02467 0.7611 0.38995 0.24632 0.47827 0.68348 0.73153 0.6589 0.61067 0.54234 0.68261 0.92506 0.99115 0.97359 0.35175 0.40608 0.80667 0.42953 0.14332 0.99591 0.95994 0.04765 0.77741 0.90452 0.88882 0.28481 0.4785 0.94907 0.90639 0.83243 0.14765 0.35367 0.43504 0.2934 0.26845 0.30775 0.8229 0.84452 0.97331 0.33017 0.518 0.64287 0.92298 0.63914 0.86478 0.50897 0.74625 0.59359 0.76494 0.35693 0.84881 0.34525 0.27937 0.3082 0.29723 0.4974 0.55421 0.40392 0.82291 0.58723 0.44271 0.26889 0.17994 0.85379 0.17421 0.12708 0.93227 0.18259 0.24074 0.00232 0.50187 0.36145 0.10931 0.29386 0.9409 0.26113 0.88028 0.58441 0.6046 0.35702 0.42605 0.32713 0.35012 0.47961 0.58176 0.16119 0.33557 0.40094 0.43348 0.89051 0.78282 0.54452 0.38759 0.42304 0.89875 0.06113 0.90921 0.45654 0.88219 0.9941 0.94902 0.29119 0.23371 0.67373 0.54042 0.45127 0.852 0.3505 0.38496 0.44892 0.96211 0.87659 0.2171 0.38338 0.88157 0.34524 0.31716 0.5617 0.17953 0.52997 0.49791 0.64605 0.76706 0.00475 0.64541 0.18125 0.08827 0.9464 0.90274 0.58359 0.67692 0.38451 0.15023 0.36886 0.8569 0.98471 0.05819 0.91875 0.89125 0.66496 0.20759 0.74926 0.40772 0.26822 0.20569 0.18628 0.81086 0.21156 0.287 0.25124 0.94961 0.31808 0.06668 0.23888 0.03986 0.73257 0.71333 0.705 0.14516 0.72369 0.46557 0.86302 0.47716 0.55708 0.53204 0.28021 0.75679 0.05399 0.24902 0.85453 0.65705 0.51559 0.71482 0.83892 0.98774 0.03196 0.90166 0.62805 0.95926 0.38387 0.13949 0.73483 0.55528 0.68401 0.61714 0.59236 0.81039 0.02504 0.68944 0.66138 0.50893 0.46166 0.79736 0.06276 0.09883 0.51087 0.05251 0.68857 0.19581 0.67065 0.16587 0.7989 0.43851 0.57285 0.56345 0.26554 0.86735 0.21053 0.78535 0.33251 0.96413 0.74123 0.01819 0.86167 0.11406 0.65732 0.7054 0.96684 0.30332 0.70177 0.22895 0.97488 0.82552 0.22126 0.56905 0.22375 0.64508 0.61878 0.12974 0.42367 0.00215 0.70762 0.5431 0.13706 0.84798 0.86991 0.64916 0.70106 0.19753 0.92759 0.68665 0.84596 0.40058 0.71255 0.20418 0.14303 0.86024 0.4062 0.58752 0.13103 0.2195 0.32144 0.93224 0.85363 0.79527 0.94229 0.80803 0.19556 0.65089 0.69333 0.47984 0.04706 0.11736 0.63353 0.22128 0.41132 0.7711 0.07445 0.29434 0.56861 0.42096 0.12012 0.33613 0.65363 0.13332 0.53269 0.06144 0.33629 0.81311 0.78455 0.35339 0.39188 0.52062 0.91342 0.42341 0.51729 0.52171 0.08734 0.38878 0.4097 0.88192 0.09928 0.52348 0.96295 0.67737 0.57664 0.04167 0.77798 0.22319 0.79521 0.35042 0.68891 0.43241 0.10922 0.49214 0.36156 0.56855 0.17366 0.7955 0.22155 0.56624 0.47142 0.51885 0.70421 0.6503 0.90515 0.06442 0.26929 0.2131 0.64684 0.72758 0.78417 0.25255 0.08435 0.61204 0.78102 0.03011 0.54715 0.13425 0.07996 0.75916 0.15314 0.84077 0.57764 0.79076 0.89364 0.52687 0.56992 0.93246 0.24177 0.35485 0.72294 0.12584 0.11714 0.8562 0.97721 0.96102 0.18666 0.22381 0.83822 0.93154 0.04585 0.06939 0.15821 0.98334 0.88335 0.55568 0.53896 0.22172 0.71165 0.72418 0.45116 0.5197 0.84153 0.28936 0.33037 0.14064 0.12655 0.4163 0.84909 0.76615 0.08414 0.43033 0.57411 0.70185 0.80195 0.4376 0.18913 0.39987 0.97449 0.09581 0.35422 0.15139 0.27418 0.17073 0.97643 0.19677 0.79691 0.40436 0.06876 0.10597 0.48764 0.7288 0.91325 0.54085 0.58282 0.29107 0.38407 0.90552 0.37442 0.62978 0.66813 0.16851 0.06133 0.98483 0.16517 0.82077 0.49575 0.15159 0.30164 0.14486 0.78635 0.51097 0.74732 0.42721 0.26049 0.00907 0.53961 0.52421 0.51733
+0.86936 0.97189 0.04284 0.46044 0.83184 0.37475 0.21801 0.8366 0.6241 0.91092 0.83889 0.08034 0.15544 0.19241 0.28654 0.25267 0.14364 0.71488 0.45384 0.9026 0.73484 0.12666 0.60429 0.06391 0.86764 0.40157 0.18895 0.42432 0.56857 0.91602 0.48208 0.07405 0.74606 0.12613 0.81404 0.11896 0.19427 0.88894 0.1941 0.90949 0.17774 0.41992 0.99469 0.64459 0.8042 0.65785 0.59228 0.15835 0.8662 0.32045 0.2549 0.88367 0.30247 0.69418 0.46484 0.95444 0.14433 0.8434 0.56326 0.67051 0.39952 0.12838 0.27923 0.75645 0.7131 0.0306 0.25358 0.57275 0.89392 0.32945 0.52351 0.55709 0.09913 0.72451 0.94671 0.23067 0.3973 0.86032 0.30579 0.86306 0.49277 0.28635 0.98322 0.32178 0.15597 0.30475 0.71713 0.3588 0.40592 0.66243 0.41739 0.34546 0.9848 0.09915 0.23265 0.73563 0.5386 0.91875 0.56226 0.01306 0.96789 0.06521 0.21614 0.76763 0.96389 0.2198 0.2532 0.06713 0.30059 0.75816 0.07923 0.41027 0.01908 0.37697 0.70071 0.85951 0.43277 0.51103 0.70614 0.95319 0.86337 0.6075 0.67105 0.20961 0.74937 0.05219 0.44548 0.68613 0.72966 0.80658 0.5322 0.82464 0.11909 0.96961 0.28492 0.64238 0.1606 0.48775 0.61997 0.2199 0.62231 0.69711 0.08591 0.22689 0.80084 0.35129 0.34137 0.06527 0.2017 0.18381 0.95808 0.71167 0.82984 0.72522 0.99029 0.31033 0.97938 0.11442 0.08463 0.50638 0.10304 0.22113 0.62624 0.60097 0.65992 0.74686 0.33506 0.88272 0.10265 0.8848 0.15702 0.78682 0.73117 0.42281 0.05988 0.83666 0.88962 0.58676 0.23296 0.86256 0.20882 0.8158 0.60649 0.81248 0.45207 0.95014 0.80883 0.1733 0.73575 0.4174 0.54978 0.71029 0.51004 0.72553 0.94304 0.72175 0.31329 0.48515 0.15438 0.5184 0.46539 0.58139 0.4374 0.80872 0.25862 0.59378 0.82568 0.31846 0.69016 0.65159 0.6356 0.89893 0.64102 0.19496 0.27354 0.45539 0.92732 0.63757 0.64115 0.82082 0.73068 0.42101 0.27869 0.79431 0.10893 0.87275 0.41811 0.59903 0.48683 0.13424 0.18156 0.87434 0.47278 0.62455 0.24509 0.02217 0.30895 0.55054 0.62937 0.60523 0.59793 0.97174 0.49443 0.6025 0.81336 0.98003 0.78358 0.90911 0.88398 0.32839 0.28832 0.19646 0.35254 0.105 0.72536 0.50362 0.98935 0.06973 0.67314 0.0995 0.3969 0.18196 0.77267 0.19245 0.47129 0.34472 0.15585 0.24056 0.22299 0.75414 0.29318 0.5473 0.50976 0.69174 0.18237 0.91138 0.74755 0.58436 0.70645 0.33124 0.34447 0.29015 0.45728 0.90858 0.43091 0.51059 0.35301 0.51526 0.08697 0.88311 0.94917 0.94661 0.61418 0.48972 0.44413 0.04828 0.87288 0.05816 0.63195 0.73658 0.23013 0.50797 0.32484 0.55171 0.88772 0.11571 0.96995 0.26055 0.51622 0.16639 0.84338 0.61966 0.25596 0.06399 0.93617 0.62693 0.2675 0.73149 0.6307 0.56004 0.65461 0.81903 0.30152 0.43448 0.11255 0.87434 0.5597 0.32224 0.64942 0.59677 0.45104 0.77583 0.09676 0.17607 0.79543 0.05736 0.50959 0.23918 0.56597 0.91971 0.7611 0.67596 0.69044 0.08457 0.66694 0.09317 0.72597 0.43586 0.12714 0.37792 0.70648 0.9572 0.93098 0.58046 0.02374 0.97723 0.57167 0.71248 0.60291 0.63961 0.19219 0.70646 0.382 0.73055 0.51576 0.07568 0.77 0.93602 0.46463 0.71474 0.04234 0.30213 0.32223 0.41609 0.29007 0.65459 0.0982 0.89101 0.37378 0.39066 0.80712 0.73567 0.29311 0.04056 0.88831 0.94829 0.57651 0.65558 0.36842 0.53774 0.09192 0.18027 0.85746 0.90998 0.2702 0.89988 0.60385 0.76228 0.34159 0.28955 0.03289 0.28771 0.63904 0.97391 0.75863 0.36364 0.15594 0.19612 0.14142 0.75614 0.1894 0.34487 0.76704 0.55506 0.06671 0.01712 0.47802 0.16188 0.87766 0.34548 0.69705 0.90862 0.01487 0.48632 0.09572 0.42854 0.60964 0.61899 0.73614 0.8919 0.09585 0.36316 0.34509 0.95937 0.37322 0.45186 0.12979 0.24187 0.68115 0.67468 0.11673 0.11969 0.85787 0.74012 0.22337 0.2001 0.64772 0.4005 0.61078 0.51604 0.60652 0.46774 0.11221 0.41871 0.87186 0.46245 0.85323 0.43163 0.59631 0.92397 0.54378 0.03625 0.22722 0.96315 0.26088 0.91609 0.66909 0.49336 0.03898 0.80857 0.62337 0.7128 0.09179 0.09821 0.73319 0.97244 0.56247 0.36995 0.803 0.21655 0.857 0.47342 0.8975 0.15884 0.28158 0.30371 0.21764 0.31315 0.5192 0.00358 0.97056 0.56957 0.33822 0.10548 0.65401 0.82032 0.90074 0.35888 0.79273 0.87371 0.03517 0.15284 0.42036 0.99697 0.41306 0.93096 0.02789 0.2618 0.86475 0.06633 0.33921 0.62235
+0.74789 0.80894 0.51593 0.6901 0.13383 0.95525 0.15579 0.31309 0.08644 0.55126 0.83785 0.7828 0.47385 0.43766 0.43499 0.80129 0.82634 0.39406 0.08797 0.20739 0.65399 0.47661 0.09044 0.52595 0.56561 0.35874 0.02846 0.30545 0.23529 0.14808 0.55207 0.361 0.46553 0.59699 0.9543 0.68173 0.45947 0.66611 0.4758 0.25066 0.47847 0.0331 0.18891 0.8767 0.79866 0.9814 0.74929 0.99865 0.77896 0.84406 0.85438 0.31751 0.22521 0.49005 0.66829 0.26788 0.64533 0.29849 0.67258 0.19329 0.44041 0.93999 0.89018 0.5737 0.56389 0.6684 0.15814 0.14157 0.01277 0.94097 0.17234 0.50473 0.49113 0.72135 0.1962 0.4665 0.81458 0.93845 0.80518 0.61332 0.37724 0.93077 0.52928 0.20283 0.75251 0.97833 0.28643 0.75577 0.56788 0.47397 0.3448 0.61375 0.85931 0.05636 0.97256 0.28024 0.31055 0.14968 0.19796 0.96177 0.6559 0.65051 0.35209 0.62449 0.12557 0.77277 0.04739 0.58865 0.66237 0.47796 0.74662 0.60922 0.15505 0.47085 0.42865 0.17063 0.21276 0.5217 0.8671 0.74869 0.36253 0.8801 0.73829 0.0285 0.71786 0.83144 0.35602 0.15394 0.30771 0.63331 0.77389 0.72757 0.54454 0.34402 0.77805 0.98402 0.20977 0.62176 0.80326 0.58824 0.16702 0.03776 0.8745 0.24913 0.62663 0.28274 0.57818 0.20888 0.23137 0.13091 0.26945 0.63242 0.36119 0.58328 0.04797 0.94189 0.68163 0.89064 0.78491 0.62359 0.46629 0.81108 0.67636 0.69241 0.57095 0.60965 0.2899 0.64739 0.14762 0.69497 0.17056 0.79863 0.7409 0.71234 0.76854 0.25221 0.00861 0.93516 0.5112 0.54304 0.66916 0.641 0.32111 0.71687 0.12171 0.38419 0.65551 0.55464 0.8746 0.46144 0.04528 0.77671 0.94976 0.23169 0.18806 0.73566 0.44841 0.62122 0.03284 0.26111 0.44362 0.27799 0.46008 0.03235 0.58547 0.85554 0.30825 0.84628 0.24997 0.26619 0.06751 0.1993 0.23465 0.42348 0.36687 0.6343 0.59112 0.47392 0.59615 0.21964 0.44159 0.87506 0.0244 0.42692 0.37245 0.74065 0.44061 0.96662 0.44876 0.91482 0.40364 0.91942 0.72256 0.54935 0.37881 0.01783 0.622 0.42471 0.51526 0.28299 0.56658 0.1756 0.54465 0.0321 0.85366 0.91146 0.74048 0.07596 0.57483 0.77019 0.88068 0.16113 0.46219 0.06803 0.46432 0.94594 0.95902 0.38294 0.64012 0.52814 0.87262 0.74029 0.48483 0.23344 0.95858 0.24303 0.14947 0.46663 0.39087 0.75634 0.53752 0.40546 0.6443 0.15503 0.35422 0.82661 0.01849 0.38048 0.1838 0.19034 0.73396 0.7645 0.7705 0.41892 0.5472 0.81685 0.02427 0.069 0.1428 0.82259 0.08532 0.64128 0.06855 0.937 0.81433 0.29887 0.50719 0.72879 0.49948 0.77676 0.88501 0.94665 0.22766 0.52256 0.71704 0.70132 0.91401 0.56343 0.5226 1e-05 0.68494 0.16283 0.78045 0.16024 0.89288 0.091 0.82684 0.86923 0.14994 0.56221 0.18437 0.07566 0.92426 0.04488 0.36304 0.95119 0.36208 0.4777 0.87364 0.0285 0.06362 0.41524 0.84235 0.3818 0.13605 0.84407 0.59862 0.95318 0.24203 0.73676 0.40109 0.57753 0.83717 0.16929 0.30009 0.70894 0.54405 0.45399 0.59515 0.89027 0.18058 0.70042 0.09279 0.03268 0.03787 0.86534 0.24525 0.59392 0.26079 0.13969 0.86865 0.32689 0.99881 0.05668 0.52524 0.69698 0.60307 0.26089 0.90631 0.48292 0.55443 0.49275 0.18998 0.2696 0.74442 0.94231 0.65239 0.76573 0.77875 0.65271 0.36427 0.40167 0.91412 0.36358 0.57363 0.88887 0.97167 0.46396 0.85473 0.92802 0.506 0.09757 0.83751 0.48982 0.5041 0.64147 0.69003 0.83104 0.60872 0.70987 0.84412 0.93357 0.92701 0.66611 0.84892 0.64181 0.30927 0.80088 0.54706 0.30903 0.07169 0.10475 0.71925 0.58156 0.10103 0.72258 0.16248 0.1982 0.58818 0.21001 0.28601 0.34101 0.36892 0.39507 0.49711 0.40849 0.06747 0.00436 0.77864 0.72092 0.91271 0.55227 0.52177 0.59303 0.75393 0.03547 0.0599 0.08614 0.53697 0.57549 0.39587 0.52448 0.27604 0.82711 0.25469 0.698 0.07881 0.28443 0.87774 0.02766 0.02058 0.21605 0.90823 0.46617 0.74805 0.03379 0.47933 0.07326 0.66456 0.99223 0.52495 0.98563 0.70412 0.80637 0.2681 0.23772 0.66905 0.50996 0.19966 0.69423 0.38028 0.05564 0.06028 0.29314 0.77599 0.35773 0.64315 0.2537 0.0664 0.14516 0.55049 0.39349 0.51764 0.23952 0.04855 0.22119 0.07969 0.56472 0.09743 0.24734 0.75021 0.44728 0.47515 0.19337 0.21475 0.705 0.76488 0.28347 0.03491 0.19431 0.26056 0.39696 0.73238 0.05909 0.03003 0.98217 0.4035 0.45202 0.47662 0.09068 0.2407 0.55303
+0.96085 0.12956 0.36343 0.89994 0.5193 0.11863 0.00436 0.84079 0.02011 0.61796 0.25627 0.37937 0.43292 0.38447 0.61289 0.64301 0.59861 0.68639 0.17661 0.0058 0.20009 0.08861 0.62897 0.64358 0.28113 0.78509 0.14141 0.88765 0.91888 0.0751 0.91335 0.14358 0.03467 0.39905 0.88302 0.09226 0.8887 0.63657 0.1922 0.26727 0.50444 0.23904 0.86506 0.22164 0.11191 0.8398 0.56415 0.24851 0.14052 0.86238 0.34389 0.63011 0.1386 0.02051 0.88316 0.66823 0.33502 0.40365 0.69264 0.00799 0.65635 0.60153 0.42119 0.19006 0.88413 0.30976 0.47225 0.5031 0.32979 0.00836 0.24357 0.92679 0.32363 0.87528 0.77673 0.26713 0.33992 0.68305 0.91045 0.32709 0.09209 0.53415 0.41463 0.8009 0.40114 0.22305 0.1381 0.78653 0.75549 0.8779 0.6753 0.05462 0.07588 0.98925 0.64872 0.43652 0.7728 0.15842 0.06566 0.31127 0.40679 0.17345 0.58187 0.38924 0.04704 0.59665 0.76275 0.78048 0.89829 0.43438 0.73651 0.66065 0.44475 0.49782 0.64861 0.42404 0.64256 0.52472 0.55814 0.01373 0.7745 0.14108 0.37268 0.77075 0.13072 0.99992 0.83744 0.63013 0.29949 0.90436 0.44714 0.35812 0.00655 0.89338 0.99295 0.19242 0.83804 0.85624 0.82474 0.02556 0.59314 0.67266 0.85804 0.39177 0.53783 0.53985 0.19834 0.81357 0.65543 0.52189 0.56791 0.3964 0.99395 0.85023 0.30109 0.00683 0.1651 0.7272 0.30165 0.1101 0.92511 0.12698 0.87146 0.4424 0.49053 0.73754 0.35497 0.1015 0.72364 0.85837 0.99023 0.44232 0.18559 0.21839 0.2162 0.61225 0.19423 0.57355 0.44011 0.54874 0.17837 0.65058 0.88976 0.78986 0.15804 0.24303 0.18712 0.3589 0.06939 0.57051 0.6796 0.46616 0.40307 0.27672 0.21712 0.3581 0.22934 0.75164 0.51133 0.27087 0.98713 0.37381 0.25029 0.73953 0.29097 0.85895 0.00157 0.12471 0.01884 0.86949 0.10535 0.64534 0.17639 0.87977 0.9234 0.3762 0.95202 0.64756 0.47074 0.19458 0.03657 0.95502 0.05323 0.90107 0.34233 0.28179 0.65265 0.41642 0.27351 0.95879 0.3856 0.53328 0.26992 0.48911 0.17062 0.53233 0.82921 0.45736 0.06448 0.50591 0.7783 0.24025 0.12394 0.02013 0.34604 0.99252 0.81456 0.11373 0.88251 0.1467 0.55071 0.60493 0.49011 0.97808 0.07676 0.94076 0.05532 0.58611 0.30429 0.69906 0.9239 0.74008 0.36114 0.18958 0.23607 0.30134 0.47722 0.22773 0.53441 0.93302 0.60389 0.10782 0.42384 0.83002 0.57011 0.25571 0.57791 0.46855 0.6711 0.04339 0.3497 0.18358 0.98477 0.82406 0.73767 0.04794 0.52297 0.46027 0.38659 0.07976 0.13096 0.41534 0.66736 0.54059 0.89975 0.23974 0.95004 0.25329 0.62319 0.3192 0.74401 0.26648 0.29762 0.45409 0.76023 0.24183 0.01776 0.77416 0.7323 0.08584 0.27681 0.89661 0.34082 0.36024 0.94483 0.64623 0.75564 0.27913 0.75547 0.86937 0.84705 0.71332 0.8747 0.03261 0.44106 0.89996 0.96541 0.2442 0.26627 0.25615 0.60401 0.43351 0.74726 0.26567 0.85358 0.61591 0.37689 0.22684 0.01138 0.9941 0.5653 0.04695 0.83065 0.70385 0.10892 0.74056 0.49119 0.71297 0.22985 0.05337 0.72831 0.45147 0.98832 0.40803 0.28782 0.73544 0.89724 0.79039 0.62778 0.65291 0.0948 0.54756 0.52191 0.5736 0.23091 0.59323 0.95927 0.63139 0.14334 0.95224 0.35004 0.46428 0.39336 0.74372 0.34175 0.22907 0.94897 0.08243 0.76822 0.8207 0.49807 0.46847 0.58801 0.60036 0.78747 0.4271 0.77145 0.52065 0.40175 0.56568 0.45002 0.08287 0.00244 0.51828 0.62926 0.01005 0.89813 0.98367 0.47777 0.02352 0.71835 0.37413 0.4624 0.1193 0.25362 0.26035 0.99647 0.75386 0.01988 0.92795 0.1529 0.64111 0.78811 0.85672 0.06476 0.24954 0.93268 0.23828 0.91811 0.07932 0.57906 0.53084 0.51727 0.40712 0.21123 0.74273 0.80921 0.45433 0.313 0.53905 0.52495 0.2419 0.76266 0.94474 0.78491 0.79902 0.33633 0.80509 0.26962 0.18776 0.15622 0.18181 0.4748 0.11106 0.00618 0.98811 0.55026 0.21302 0.16881 0.70715 0.97763 0.04028 0.46935 0.85469 0.41078 0.80606 0.8491 0.11142 0.51242 0.35325 0.97189 0.90057 0.53898 0.80223 0.93467 0.45336 0.03465 0.04912 0.71289 0.37194 0.52271 0.31643 0.88592 0.81478 0.7405 0.64278 0.87829 0.87382 0.61657 0.06967 0.75901 0.47877 0.10199 0.80026 0.60538 0.84806 0.30898 0.54232 0.81808 0.73223 0.87326 0.29545 0.95284 0.16696 0.90695 0.58437 0.47277 0.42933 0.85863 0.54801 0.32346 0.25764 0.84823 0.22368 0.8399 0.18069 0.61099 0.16773 0.69404 0.71155 0.67218 0.65391
+0.75898 0.83103 0.46752 0.27957 0.36592 0.91728 0.16791 0.79639 0.62231 0.46755 0.10967 0.82283 0.40469 0.28059 0.48325 0.89971 0.49498 0.65577 0.11451 0.8945 0.86688 0.06185 0.00238 0.80963 0.1558 0.22972 0.33023 0.50901 0.33087 0.89789 0.68636 0.09966 0.60557 0.7662 0.1933 0.16043 0.66757 0.0804 0.38791 0.28873 0.17949 0.01089 0.36486 0.53987 0.65707 0.96561 0.12891 0.1634 0.31564 0.61633 0.4626 0.64454 0.01998 0.15695 0.20361 0.15758 0.26559 0.20196 0.60375 0.84543 0.35064 0.52231 0.14518 0.46509 0.10235 0.9973 0.45443 0.17431 0.73543 0.34612 0.18177 0.35912 0.69734 0.65644 0.63143 0.33464 0.88027 0.6809 0.60534 0.9945 0.53503 0.37535 0.95294 0.45883 0.48998 0.66742 0.81631 0.45744 0.3786 0.92651 0.47212 0.83963 0.39555 0.2867 0.04682 0.07017 0.7799 0.22254 0.47954 0.1805 0.72961 0.78787 0.18695 0.08788 0.29975 0.22635 0.6615 0.40546 0.41791 0.40816 0.08346 0.80825 0.9263 0.70339 0.54746 0.78297 0.32799 0.60896 0.53142 0.23183 0.99102 0.42213 0.17232 0.17518 0.99051 0.69848 0.86853 0.38469 0.68788 0.04964 0.30238 0.49114 0.27468 0.96 0.53828 0.1002 0.34088 0.66904 0.0862 0.62914 0.60458 0.11318 0.85694 0.00065 0.85896 0.40265 0.26553 0.95415 0.14961 0.67527 0.24133 0.31018 0.76989 0.98417 0.72879 0.0257 0.77732 0.28572 0.30111 0.50403 0.6805 0.6428 0.26455 0.26929 0.79714 0.16782 0.65448 0.34982 0.53795 0.42674 0.73774 0.56979 0.56718 0.97629 0.30907 0.16448 0.31952 0.0678 0.77749 0.50913 0.03447 0.69573 0.73266 0.23794 0.02815 0.45148 0.58701 0.02457 0.76435 0.54654 0.36854 0.39103 0.39995 0.69669 0.43382 0.29982 0.82517 0.2199 0.12806 0.05493 0.24486 0.202 0.79816 0.75251 0.39918 0.43114 0.4213 0.60589 0.38993 0.6119 0.5721 0.47096 0.46116 0.35667 0.53747 0.97205 0.40282 0.4221 0.57554 0.15972 0.67769 0.47494 0.94855 0.07454 0.50483 0.55131 0.61008 0.89351 0.29253 0.39017 0.65184 0.22721 0.36544 0.92431 0.74361 0.1442 0.00594 0.85921 0.32062 0.14871 0.06647 0.58913 0.31773 0.32786 0.24624 0.85955 0.75842 0.28516 0.92476 0.80817 0.87832 0.80255 0.05263 0.10631 0.34166 0.56636 0.34976 0.79361 0.65788 0.40159 0.976 0.30424 0.77228 0.02018 0.55178 0.0482 0.05767 0.92251 0.74861 0.5033 0.71653 0.35111 0.90099 0.27841 0.3536 0.4108 0.92816 0.21446 0.61514 0.2053 0.63259 0.48546 0.18227 0.83498 0.21343 0.09905 0.97415 0.47784 0.12112 0.22325 0.16493 0.23009 0.31897 0.89232 0.82082 0.18752 0.14496 0.71603 0.83965 0.42672 0.10901 0.40424 0.43565 0.35251 0.52909 0.60994 0.97534 0.92973 0.87937 0.97371 0.52822 0.44443 0.09552 0.05086 0.69007 0.24892 0.15971 0.37339 0.46123 0.66383 0.77564 0.45851 0.02606 0.25427 0.65075 0.36849 0.42782 0.87008 0.28963 0.72807 0.35927 0.32324 0.70992 0.37569 0.00916 0.11324 0.09748 0.7598 0.41633 0.08098 0.60431 0.76032 0.83172 0.63815 0.13577 0.42905 0.8598 0.3995 0.10408 0.57198 0.79672 0.19991 0.31208 0.06563 0.51462 0.70632 0.12212 0.66361 0.54048 0.23319 0.80331 0.70878 0.95942 0.41619 0.09046 0.56021 0.44556 0.19413 0.13821 0.0209 0.12538 0.75656 0.33496 0.02047 0.9825 0.76587 0.12952 0.191 0.30124 0.87025 0.76411 0.60577 0.71276 0.73037 0.91028 0.28605 0.73712 0.82192 0.14447 0.38304 0.29558 0.61023 0.33395 0.49862 0.52181 0.47908 0.35147 0.61608 0.58313 0.78492 0.96367 0.60425 0.01591 0.90283 0.24953 0.20008 0.22357 0.37633 0.6725 0.30376 0.92101 0.18756 0.51499 0.2362 0.1841 0.17525 0.79864 0.25349 0.38714 0.39148 0.38217 0.35024 0.99208 0.14096 0.65071 0.27046 0.22416 0.33348 0.88555 0.30011 0.66286 0.49774 0.98948 0.21411 0.25985 0.37451 0.77308 0.92178 0.70392 0.8686 0.79947 0.09849 0.63999 0.5424 0.28812 0.94579 0.93796 0.99726 0.3073 0.6755 0.91984 0.84815 0.64192 0.48298 0.78267 0.68573 0.47711 0.01233 0.20518 0.30169 0.06312 0.83572 0.91917 0.69328 0.64598 0.42093 0.5051 0.30247 0.65683 0.23425 0.30671 0.13896 0.29347 0.51563 0.68971 0.46862 0.68165 0.22009 0.75482 0.37419 0.11383 0.91278 0.40109 0.92712 0.74302 0.90561 0.94606 0.40928 0.29708 0.4399 0.77551 0.09034 0.59015 0.29899 0.79544 0.28783 0.65434 0.50929 0.50817 0.71283 0.86703 0.90856 0.16172 0.4746 0.21603 0.19471 0.47879 0.1954 0.80269 0.89916 0.03796 0.92435
+0.2048 0.50148 0.03003 0.59581 0.04157 0.2481 0.27281 0.12087 0.03143 0.65939 0.1836 0.28289 0.31468 0.47663 0.82315 0.66843 0.02501 0.83957 0.85672 0.19418 0.23939 0.17088 0.58498 0.14473 0.58897 0.26546 0.29701 0.75412 0.41038 0.97555 0.2654 0.85596 0.88661 0.24286 0.65447 0.08188 0.36368 0.47453 0.56152 0.37253 0.08145 0.85534 0.08557 0.5451 0.42724 0.76628 0.43425 0.73568 0.73206 0.89467 0.44596 0.48003 0.62803 0.64579 0.55713 0.75213 0.97783 0.70176 0.47572 0.76211 0.17195 0.60589 0.79677 0.5966 0.09397 0.11066 0.44297 0.35288 0.43358 0.44947 0.74372 0.98046 0.81023 0.19084 0.62158 0.47846 0.7763 0.76158 0.87172 0.32429 0.63281 0.87624 0.96079 0.23619 0.47757 0.6996 0.9059 0.45662 0.92567 0.67825 0.91909 0.75662 0.14638 0.42879 0.72623 0.44639 0.08345 0.41031 0.48611 0.74975 0.04779 0.50109 0.82755 0.05825 0.15611 0.36446 0.99724 0.03447 0.02258 0.90598 0.38445 0.92801 0.63828 0.60569 0.62041 0.30878 0.72651 0.12255 0.31486 0.03973 0.62255 0.68966 0.14438 0.68813 0.09887 0.38098 0.73361 0.57473 0.43887 0.43329 0.3586 0.49168 0.90706 0.83864 0.46461 0.17164 0.97789 0.0061 0.06521 0.99564 0.0946 0.98824 0.44816 0.60016 0.77694 0.01743 0.92466 0.60818 0.05413 0.09474 0.30466 0.62987 0.26181 0.12115 0.68549 0.33861 0.36144 0.65149 0.54849 0.91655 0.60911 0.84644 0.36082 0.39285 0.10245 0.43513 0.91724 0.48456 0.97653 0.69828 0.36434 0.17348 0.55415 0.51647 0.55092 0.1919 0.19387 0.09299 0.9679 0.80465 0.44225 0.08375 0.07031 0.04282 0.18023 0.71956 0.50181 0.40403 0.86823 0.69123 0.51821 0.14971 0.46317 0.43014 0.65094 0.01178 0.93817 0.56355 0.79307 0.14722 0.09136 0.7363 0.46942 0.5222 0.82163 0.06645 0.54827 0.46804 0.72243 0.52398 0.72933 0.74631 0.81272 0.97842 0.69863 0.4522 0.32352 0.41598 0.74029 0.06434 0.39307 0.02073 0.64609 0.90567 0.66065 0.91822 0.02343 0.91649 0.50552 0.18902 0.65099 0.67284 0.56055 0.69259 0.89244 0.22058 0.23023 0.66963 0.40057 0.92008 0.76073 0.49776 0.86973 0.80462 0.79803 0.97265 0.81521 0.30568 0.75131 0.99489 0.10419 0.586 0.42537 0.62278 0.17181 0.00181 0.63514 0.33488 0.53397 0.74539 0.81596 0.17983 0.36591 0.00746 0.09669 0.50577 0.69581 0.73946 0.02946 0.0875 0.2562 0.26355 0.15629 0.93329 0.73571 0.92305 0.26209 0.02437 0.69237 0.45873 0.99737 0.52256 0.96963 0.99881 0.68658 0.42972 0.39916 0.12469 0.57773 0.83316 0.814 0.08241 0.21529 0.69029 0.19463 0.55496 0.01383 0.80297 0.99298 0.93475 0.65118 0.97071 0.34886 0.12241 0.21066 0.30596 0.99401 0.34187 0.97977 0.25456 0.11228 0.56129 0.41688 0.84462 0.61706 0.91899 0.23093 0.77836 0.80668 0.04338 0.75281 0.54849 0.44335 0.76976 0.50828 0.34006 0.71968 0.7723 0.76004 0.66898 0.58164 0.94047 0.1801 0.3056 0.23432 0.56231 0.32138 0.72605 0.47511 0.02205 0.89795 0.39535 0.72115 0.23768 0.83283 0.23863 0.13643 0.86615 0.11802 0.65563 0.28669 0.41955 0.5036 0.38717 0.10823 0.50839 0.24124 0.99829 0.14409 0.60568 0.88469 0.12663 0.86795 0.15009 0.27646 0.75187 0.75424 0.12433 0.27054 0.9877 0.50697 0.82906 0.70844 0.92232 0.35783 0.80457 0.72288 0.23288 0.81642 0.86102 0.3412 0.68797 0.94982 0.58253 0.51957 0.40363 0.44504 0.7683 0.14724 0.40147 0.63187 0.86933 0.13934 0.99283 0.62077 0.56327 0.46357 0.76041 0.74345 0.93811 0.10771 0.43193 0.51646 0.08852 0.25048 0.60778 0.46337 0.8145 0.76172 0.63377 0.99131 0.42922 0.58135 0.68584 0.50068 0.11295 0.85459 0.13895 0.56741 0.50853 0.45389 0.99065 0.15677 0.15288 0.18901 0.81447 0.54471 0.82217 0.00949 0.02595 0.90877 0.42445 0.7207 0.90811 0.74278 0.15609 0.80464 0.05581 0.575 0.95658 0.93556 0.28637 0.59703 0.76716 0.43232 0.5471 0.39843 0.81546 0.83164 0.99322 0.80912 0.71982 0.49168 0.23053 0.62787 0.82937 0.92295 0.79387 0.64631 0.97017 0.56549 0.87279 0.18514 0.80071 0.4914 0.8391 0.73969 0.36145 0.2967 0.63572 0.29258 0.22325 0.81734 0.73236 0.77105 0.5766 0.23379 0.8218 0.04256 0.36802 0.72858 0.51258 0.42545 0.78436 0.81869 0.68703 0.42528 0.29351 0.40108 0.1483 0.0947 0.94523 0.33387 0.5156 0.88772 0.71611 0.29133 0.25455 0.22774 0.67033 0.18402 0.35771 0.14441 0.37309 0.86124 0.64234 0.31277 0.95754 0.67861 0.53941 0.91499 0.83708
+0.70339 0.33759 0.39857 0.87841 0.53871 0.17101 0.64573 0.89804 0.56715 0.62904 0.17344 0.35298 0.15758 0.35369 0.1325 0.54507 0.0184 0.54779 0.88807 0.76996 0.13429 0.23934 0.20192 0.41605 0.9726 0.65873 0.40108 0.09982 0.21834 0.73892 0.22066 0.74291 0.7026 0.03236 0.78551 0.26118 0.38285 0.228 0.86368 0.41167 0.59105 0.63512 0.72564 0.73352 0.52212 0.12832 0.01416 0.1261 0.51254 0.46221 0.45866 0.48584 0.92823 0.42098 0.06474 0.67989 0.42383 0.55292 0.15391 0.26687 0.47408 0.04265 0.59177 0.72663 0.62346 0.97471 0.00078 0.37548 0.13234 0.75151 0.56215 0.81108 0.48009 0.6532 0.71099 0.88352 0.99964 0.59148 0.94503 0.77218 0.53262 0.69389 0.42495 0.58673 0.16722 0.31733 0.68543 0.66163 0.63895 0.77499 0.9541 0.53535 0.78949 0.9111 0.07665 0.83618 0.27045 0.83405 0.70094 0.741 0.6111 0.0033 0.46867 0.26526 0.33826 0.06055 0.81888 0.45656 0.88232 0.77578 0.24548 0.97907 0.43854 0.11898 0.65236 0.57337 0.95256 0.63517 0.74202 0.65508 0.37036 0.97454 0.02853 0.96487 0.18743 0.45108 0.48667 0.15324 0.64072 0.71198 0.76324 0.53756 0.9726 0.63542 0.46141 0.27231 0.05858 0.99191 0.39718 0.64102 0.55584 0.79966 0.93708 0.84432 0.28485 0.25788 0.92449 0.06929 0.78286 0.44366 0.7542 0.4995 0.90259 0.07644 0.03396 0.3786 0.95252 0.00472 0.7984 0.06565 0.25213 0.15587 0.12773 0.95748 0.15711 0.99473 0.53342 0.53956 0.09805 0.24067 0.2375 0.42083 0.43352 0.02376 0.39901 0.3961 0.06287 0.89162 0.62906 0.0315 0.48736 0.82225 0.79863 0.56762 0.32873 0.3723 0.61063 0.14138 0.80644 0.32975 0.98744 0.44707 0.47657 0.72991 0.67106 0.47991 0.38731 0.06939 0.15108 0.50696 0.25755 0.28485 0.14579 0.59362 0.0235 0.88071 0.83892 0.91508 0.20468 0.98055 0.15548 0.4419 0.75299 0.4957 0.10107 0.74226 0.11473 0.35492 0.22914 0.23514 0.60489 0.36863 0.89004 0.37125 0.7009 0.25887 0.52209 0.57242 0.25168 0.3868 0.25724 0.4437 0.17458 0.66865 0.71868 0.04799 0.32907 0.41589 0.57572 0.11683 0.88736 0.17169 0.0487 0.2741 0.18819 0.00756 0.64704 0.90377 0.00771 0.91018 0.75303 0.4915 0.33068 0.67677 0.21041 0.72928 0.86057 0.99289 0.11332 0.76887 0.79403 0.65244 0.17424 0.90196 0.02507 0.69524 0.23247 0.47882 0.27499 0.31915 0.7574 0.23911 0.87918 0.63166 0.78025 0.52832 0.84301 0.49371 0.39112 0.41534 0.21794 0.52185 0.38039 0.61584 0.5799 0.30059 0.98535 0.22767 0.70015 0.18599 0.18715 0.08574 0.47132 0.57756 0.34118 0.18027 0.44969 0.46469 0.08657 0.39108 0.88477 0.48763 0.55928 0.14604 0.51311 0.63452 0.26526 0.02929 0.7697 0.47814 0.90353 0.57617 0.28039 0.67734 0.84158 0.44079 0.87303 0.22341 0.24993 0.93561 0.06273 0.65805 0.46607 0.14674 0.8478 0.62992 0.63895 0.5798 0.25936 0.76093 0.32578 0.29781 0.78577 0.57263 0.49583 0.40564 0.8055 0.81094 0.51186 0.41248 0.78972 0.79956 0.71996 0.16512 0.15751 0.07995 0.42067 0.82718 0.71466 0.44166 0.74866 0.96395 0.67069 0.26919 0.22954 0.73528 0.86491 0.1142 0.32736 0.79525 0.10662 0.4323 0.04787 0.70794 0.71422 0.56912 0.00521 0.66694 0.88283 0.48651 0.69648 0.58969 0.97122 0.09778 0.16568 0.3678 0.36538 0.68648 0.21469 0.33041 0.28383 0.18918 0.63777 0.36661 0.2201 0.31465 0.02482 0.63586 0.01083 0.52053 0.96455 0.24287 0.51205 0.03952 0.82634 0.84964 0.01747 0.77445 0.24986 0.66733 0.03369 0.90304 0.74315 0.67266 0.97368 0.11592 0.52309 0.80764 0.82935 0.7124 0.9404 0.23652 0.37093 0.98095 0.57174 0.57902 0.29872 0.17039 0.05082 0.2246 0.75054 0.82801 0.17766 0.10663 0.72263 0.37297 0.34864 0.51065 0.70206 0.05274 0.99144 0.24154 0.34916 0.58969 0.06007 0.41831 0.45532 0.11193 0.55649 0.30561 0.3926 0.46503 0.34204 0.62579 0.71401 0.48476 0.47005 0.91834 0.09476 0.80299 0.02761 0.45007 0.21224 0.19908 0.02662 0.25073 0.84819 0.30894 0.99959 0.6844 0.67568 0.8217 0.72441 0.25575 0.93428 0.25492 0.66228 0.40079 0.66028 0.26115 0.13394 0.15065 0.30877 0.53097 0.63149 0.95495 0.00761 0.79861 0.54822 0.40244 0.12647 0.60363 0.64718 0.80557 0.22851 0.93041 0.70206 0.80414 0.8318 0.08062 0.3592 0.42088 0.306 0.3313 0.59 0.86031 0.79914 0.47282 0.93057 0.30887 0.10044 0.78093 0.47431 0.53479 0.75199 0.28952 0.80023 0.10178 0.70599 0.10946 0.50101 0.39874
+0.29898 0.69876 0.68229 0.46381 0.94059 0.62292 0.97125 0.76895 0.49896 0.03838 0.36743 0.07406 0.60584 0.27314 0.77816 0.87009 0.98457 0.93941 0.63201 0.01911 0.94945 0.91616 0.53252 0.66658 0.1318 0.78609 0.84031 0.23819 0.13603 0.83173 0.94541 0.87412 0.56217 0.41702 0.3233 0.49015 0.39717 0.38258 0.6244 0.7229 0.29723 0.98634 0.16982 0.44968 0.11799 0.78623 0.6466 0.52185 0.44241 0.76787 0.2283 0.81528 0.39637 0.89496 0.62493 0.28937 0.36838 0.94939 0.19255 0.25554 0.27965 0.15514 0.44404 0.29132 0.267 0.92269 0.60677 0.69047 0.54548 0.52666 0.55967 0.60313 0.53812 0.96407 0.10442 0.5187 0.01409 0.04162 0.36201 0.49977 0.8968 0.94197 0.37816 0.26221 0.27151 0.47382 0.8068 0.2565 0.42506 0.00575 0.28029 0.37721 0.54686 0.64469 0.57476 0.6719 0.82343 0.76497 0.64726 0.23738 0.59693 0.90384 0.45853 0.88061 0.00682 0.24555 0.98319 0.43291 0.00355 0.47477 0.94907 0.37483 0.78798 0.94077 0.12115 0.20685 0.00328 0.53275 0.19816 0.13667 0.75023 0.36975 0.38848 0.06762 0.47334 0.07873 0.01737 0.22245 0.73658 0.22196 0.56624 0.0283 0.93026 0.69928 0.68666 0.2016 0.41101 0.56814 0.15886 0.7732 0.50627 0.11859 0.7087 0.61513 0.10473 0.23008 0.06807 0.76173 0.1084 0.296 0.6503 0.95145 0.70413 0.38317 0.24389 0.04929 0.31962 0.31557 0.3089 0.5059 0.09439 0.54808 0.62548 0.73181 0.10464 0.20929 0.51439 0.55998 0.71469 0.12479 0.59148 0.31548 0.78099 0.13959 0.39102 0.51089 0.52948 0.82178 0.37715 0.72048 0.59231 0.33436 0.78344 0.30366 0.36361 0.00482 0.35689 0.88594 0.35915 0.96043 0.89056 0.47189 0.0916 0.86006 0.28752 0.4185 0.53525 0.66856 0.362 0.93702 0.65875 0.22102 0.87706 0.81062 0.6789 0.43295 0.11117 0.24985 0.75218 0.52371 0.27075 0.75348 0.7365 0.18972 0.65579 0.75159 0.49989 0.71566 0.91586 0.76706 0.39905 0.05227 0.378 0.19776 0.89837 0.54886 0.66895 0.63581 0.57456 0.3785 0.44208 0.92024 0.11791 0.74956 0.18754 0.95973 0.19625 0.26395 0.89914 0.72464 0.52818 0.29151 0.97392 0.48029 0.81401 0.33724 0.80689 0.42951 0.51524 0.05147 0.96344 0.44078 0.62993 0.24511 0.29329 0.27128 0.2115 0.8245 0.87877 0.22135 0.60823 0.31095 0.97219 0.06073 0.89104 0.73095 0.7523 0.91422 0.53874 0.66105 0.53965 0.78031 0.04429 0.4379 0.15049 0.5858 0.64465 0.28201 0.90942 0.69657 0.36463 0.75678 0.89238 0.27944 0.22694 0.85655 0.69752 0.17342 0.18301 0.4307 0.38397 0.30663 0.65239 0.7192 0.37962 0.30629 0.80971 0.6207 0.61717 0.09353 0.57967 0.74331 0.41309 0.12294 0.47537 0.56565 0.1725 0.19159 0.63579 0.15743 0.41688 0.05116 0.62354 0.16547 0.26187 0.96047 0.64669 0.47216 0.87908 0.22814 0.74921 0.56866 0.80205 0.72646 0.86713 0.50674 0.36419 0.44161 0.70773 0.48406 0.90973 0.26753 0.75936 0.25368 0.58655 0.2059 0.26694 0.63259 0.59236 0.4537 0.29914 0.87722 0.30349 0.80749 0.8845 0.57532 0.19711 0.71012 0.93102 0.02537 0.57042 0.00058 0.21577 0.87984 0.88046 0.5048 0.40813 0.97782 0.83352 0.91944 0.02325 0.96035 0.01629 0.61944 0.7464 0.80993 0.95516 0.55771 0.81641 0.88154 0.50349 0.52125 0.64132 0.73605 0.04356 0.26572 0.28808 0.85287 0.25453 0.55355 0.38519 0.69467 0.35694 0.94402 0.66895 0.67561 0.23269 0.41762 0.60284 0.08696 0.15129 0.0055 0.6547 0.24719 0.79869 0.9549 0.63331 0.34724 0.15687 0.79454 0.02455 0.2244 0.34239 0.3067 0.82823 0.898 0.35506 0.84221 0.41548 0.73058 0.1458 0.28181 0.17025 0.93687 0.47657 0.38001 0.9329 0.57997 0.69331 0.62588 0.29679 0.84691 0.30768 0.90987 0.72779 0.40745 0.27893 0.21767 0.39871 0.66999 0.68101 0.41713 0.40311 0.75732 0.34441 0.4538 0.90154 0.74501 0.6257 0.74191 0.35207 0.57529 0.01614 0.50788 0.03829 0.57171 0.78347 0.52053 0.84255 0.12962 0.03877 0.35987 0.61447 0.68299 0.17649 0.4998 0.01953 0.62536 0.26043 0.65578 0.09911 0.03473 0.19401 0.73137 0.97237 0.74911 0.14324 0.09302 0.12261 0.30753 0.05517 0.36419 0.98668 0.95709 0.16415 0.09058 0.78147 0.70958 0.20609 0.92145 0.94419 0.20339 0.3703 0.6188 0.89988 0.76538 0.04789 0.68898 0.57995 0.10781 0.79455 0.96232 0.82271 0.36113 0.90376 0.25345 0.83173 0.65168 0.3557 0.07524 0.52135 0.01454 0.63335 0.7381 0.42801 0.09825 0.94384 0.85534 0.86625 0.08888 0.66173 0.72014
+0.25359 0.98568 0.32276 0.42193 0.36351 0.08062 0.2061 0.73417 0.46818 0.43526 0.33314 0.4471 0.40335 0.81565 0.85027 0.93743 0.34553 0.90514 0.84964 0.81128 0.98463 0.35726 0.96447 0.17297 0.39825 0.04047 0.47701 0.99603 0.14849 0.59921 0.93702 0.53898 0.59234 0.47654 0.22118 0.31353 0.79495 0.11992 0.69537 0.5887 0.20023 0.00217 0.95106 0.26943 0.45325 0.49841 0.38787 0.67174 0.65418 0.2225 0.17428 0.33509 0.79429 0.56143 0.5147 0.94649 0.31217 0.71462 0.97534 0.90026 0.03154 0.80885 0.59861 0.52027 0.48405 0.90017 0.57649 0.32199 0.26699 0.37076 0.504 0.25749 0.22311 0.09535 0.19209 0.98108 0.01791 0.68394 0.74868 0.44558 0.36372 0.97434 0.35763 0.09645 0.53635 0.89578 0.79212 0.69925 0.40685 0.70263 0.41133 0.24934 0.88741 0.66059 0.21848 0.60405 0.25594 0.80657 0.88624 0.21814 0.86952 0.75087 0.94751 0.45656 0.96839 0.32105 0.65356 0.57336 0.55917 0.47632 0.76476 0.60042 0.5217 0.60491 0.62297 0.32463 0.78394 0.34212 0.83828 0.78629 0.07874 0.9201 0.44219 0.29829 0.44569 0.6289 0.76006 0.17389 0.57606 0.94689 0.69458 0.99335 0.2273 0.61188 0.03453 0.18669 0.52923 0.26305 0.24703 0.67599 0.91231 0.59571 0.33054 0.67921 0.34034 0.8239 0.40946 0.19875 0.06758 0.97268 0.48687 0.20072 0.3422 0.73696 0.15446 0.40679 0.56952 0.63509 0.82768 0.73044 0.79843 0.60815 0.28507 0.40654 0.6469 0.53026 0.66457 0.98395 0.65933 0.76092 0.98627 0.85007 0.48969 0.03118 0.03948 0.16309 0.64863 0.98188 0.40772 0.66755 0.359 0.46067 0.20338 0.00584 0.72852 0.91532 0.08215 0.87154 0.6935 0.60353 0.44056 0.17466 0.79655 0.87533 0.35755 0.85323 0.10671 0.39098 0.70067 0.1968 0.46697 0.59732 0.4816 0.48883 0.38325 0.18225 0.06985 0.36582 0.54724 0.57197 0.8473 0.97946 0.83761 0.43093 0.81376 0.03723 0.75785 0.36871 0.84689 0.96496 0.36909 0.49157 0.28946 0.0977 0.81919 0.95215 0.53636 0.65063 0.41595 0.94871 0.25394 0.07124 0.32672 0.11187 0.89511 0.3302 0.50523 0.65944 0.54188 0.1242 0.22974 0.96982 0.74408 0.51501 0.12908 0.43487 0.17141 0.80433 0.83949 0.19805 0.41278 0.67777 0.7633 0.3891 0.0124 0.25495 0.48516 0.21279 0.43448 0.29143 0.53251 0.29451 0.60451 0.97793 0.98459 0.64923 0.79599 0.59519 0.60576 0.93617 0.29604 0.08512 0.09152 0.71233 0.47268 0.24682 0.49567 0.49013 0.20559 0.60862 0.02269 0.26662 0.32474 0.41998 0.39808 0.05658 0.89683 0.26964 0.25055 0.22094 0.20411 0.49779 0.26072 0.33491 0.13057 0.40225 0.29313 0.58553 0.44571 0.27643 0.8523 0.82218 0.60137 0.64827 0.33127 0.74047 0.43448 0.2196 0.64563 0.21817 0.64585 0.8752 0.60789 0.72144 0.60295 0.47348 0.99049 0.92344 0.33575 0.72445 0.4577 0.52784 0.91996 0.41312 0.61046 0.22479 0.06064 0.36248 0.13638 0.70412 0.27841 0.36247 0.7302 0.50238 0.79123 0.04534 0.5919 0.45018 0.33179 0.85789 0.73312 0.72367 0.36452 0.24601 0.905 0.72198 0.53788 0.90126 0.09254 0.73089 0.38115 0.14095 0.81823 0.95371 0.67945 0.02438 0.43239 0.94652 0.83032 0.44878 0.77438 0.78671 0.20363 0.10474 0.72012 0.59608 0.6158 0.16687 0.64256 0.46998 0.71006 0.47306 0.27443 0.79755 0.30697 0.68086 0.83216 0.28229 0.09913 0.61531 0.04781 0.35934 0.08146 0.79037 0.74546 0.13865 0.83266 0.41496 0.05979 0.24568 0.85209 0.34923 0.44901 0.24356 0.69171 0.78605 0.3859 0.88859 0.76447 0.38564 0.01131 0.05729 0.76136 0.07608 0.4268 0.45802 0.66213 0.4908 0.86893 0.60263 0.9422 0.31924 0.40505 0.21274 0.92713 0.52087 0.70546 0.19864 0.88909 0.896 0.77296 0.92755 0.42748 0.18962 0.05121 0.60899 0.43285 0.18462 0.53356 0.08839 0.49976 0.06348 0.83724 0.90485 0.49546 0.92429 0.02999 0.8698 0.14092 0.26558 0.95835 0.56645 0.14448 0.82492 0.90413 0.31737 0.88133 0.77951 0.24526 0.62566 0.66982 0.29505 0.32278 0.04692 0.64961 0.22968 0.5874 0.10322 0.61307 0.18469 0.14725 0.06796 0.27505 0.02157 0.30145 0.77623 0.71522 0.03549 0.01386 0.13233 0.54528 0.8322 0.6632 0.47384 0.84621 0.38225 0.88173 0.37302 0.44773 0.16786 0.55446 0.45223 0.83813 0.23258 0.75636 0.64905 0.4659 0.70461 0.53621 0.65941 0.10834 0.88009 0.80712 0.94914 0.29347 0.70877 0.48914 0.43681 0.2807 0.58226 0.26952 0.62767 0.16506 0.61746 0.5484 0.31181 0.65008 0.50127 0.29866 0.61791 0.93263 0.61996
+0.85695 0.00764 0.43581 0.34091 0.03369 0.08601 0.55625 0.79232 0.87956 0.41804 0.85664 0.16536 0.05968 0.70227 0.41275 0.58834 0.93988 0.82902 0.22884 0.68855 0.82365 0.16731 0.22126 0.16266 0.07329 0.41859 0.30728 0.85561 0.76312 0.64873 0.48982 0.69818 0.1588 0.53432 0.04321 0.74284 0.58921 0.63834 0.67225 0.90747 0.4367 0.57023 0.19428 0.92967 0.99948 0.38385 0.59965 0.48017 0.06134 0.09266 0.60203 0.47339 0.55316 0.42919 0.3369 0.01502 0.49498 0.30463 0.02488 0.41304 0.2149 0.18179 0.79721 0.34514 0.94467 0.94734 0.06867 0.38115 0.27598 0.52542 0.98592 0.59968 0.92629 0.43508 0.63197 0.42002 0.45172 0.03629 0.58931 0.49232 0.03439 0.92058 0.70967 0.64603 0.22982 0.45229 0.50628 0.06655 0.92634 0.43809 0.77789 0.53613 0.29397 0.31567 0.12355 0.93769 0.33583 0.79991 0.47201 0.05801 0.76561 0.54353 0.07156 0.80884 0.27031 0.00755 0.37407 0.64876 0.91201 0.55119 0.60893 0.91243 0.14184 0.6987 0.35495 0.44293 0.4752 0.2862 0.13876 0.10446 0.79007 0.72423 0.2967 0.28339 0.37588 0.14638 0.36853 0.02378 0.51484 0.37393 0.8678 0.05691 0.76839 0.68689 0.32157 0.57616 0.03895 0.70529 0.89493 0.10361 0.60512 0.85445 0.46899 0.53028 0.22816 0.65374 0.97013 0.17255 0.17283 0.36448 0.74392 0.89145 0.17642 0.02979 0.94076 0.86616 0.64186 0.14133 0.01689 0.12399 0.96831 0.58405 0.30251 0.26806 0.0325 0.18918 0.54133 0.18348 0.63347 0.89539 0.04864 0.68139 0.29985 0.21998 0.94413 0.71691 0.87211 0.70131 0.98823 0.38169 0.97139 0.61626 0.3204 0.04786 0.47648 0.85019 0.25957 0.47022 0.71504 0.19687 0.1204 0.51992 0.76211 0.70192 0.8848 0.09237 0.65735 0.02552 0.76872 0.61731 0.40728 0.39647 0.29272 0.49936 0.55054 0.74629 0.28317 0.2822 0.81125 0.68701 0.22445 0.81747 0.03167 0.88142 0.31678 0.57388 0.33168 0.67274 0.08709 0.99524 0.25229 0.48385 0.12869 0.32493 0.92725 0.62676 0.79767 0.88071 0.9083 0.43408 0.53172 0.42137 0.9677 0.77648 0.50838 0.87635 0.24316 0.3438 0.02195 0.49186 0.0776 0.18691 0.84519 0.8981 0.98217 0.69922 0.64549 0.14149 0.6895 0.71251 0.81712 0.23608 0.75327 0.39002 0.91986 0.40688 0.35401 0.75685 0.37153 0.07221 0.09848 0.5012 0.16842 0.28965 0.26347 0.38067 0.82003 0.58446 0.61504 0.42054 0.22571 0.81792 0.44016 0.76599 0.51617 0.17932 0.37371 0.37547 0.57156 0.63843 0.96594 0.36115 0.45108 0.83543 0.68648 0.98264 0.86888 0.8246 0.52306 0.34972 0.23931 0.20147 0.43843 0.59232 0.94809 0.22823 0.38516 0.59633 0.95016 0.61131 0.80718 0.40312 0.82972 0.93063 0.65912 0.58733 0.48941 0.14634 0.97876 0.42742 0.36963 0.36529 0.91488 0.99392 0.93714 0.27166 0.5794 0.19113 0.14115 0.64054 0.23226 0.97924 0.2462 0.51024 0.34504 0.57238 0.17075 0.91574 0.19867 0.40626 0.90125 0.64637 0.79211 0.15427 0.47922 0.62615 0.11634 0.29072 0.59873 0.06571 0.87658 0.42464 0.61365 0.36637 0.6404 0.28676 0.48378 0.34275 0.3263 0.65819 0.73488 0.13194 0.63673 0.55588 0.57013 0.96475 0.65823 0.18736 0.75598 0.98363 0.98097 0.98124 0.50457 0.47553 0.83971 0.06866 0.97143 0.18912 0.78379 0.37498 0.89754 0.99073 0.18827 0.72451 0.66683 0.47084 0.86474 0.5132 0.92892 0.57597 0.5533 0.63911 0.29387 0.74421 0.84526 0.99397 0.62626 0.54107 0.31104 0.57448 0.84729 0.92821 0.03081 0.99101 0.3477 0.80971 0.81525 0.15179 0.67894 0.73301 0.28817 0.55449 0.37268 0.12818 0.33616 0.38567 0.28035 0.09271 0.68221 0.65887 0.23735 0.602 0.35307 0.40556 0.3874 0.18603 0.22729 0.27675 0.3922 0.23173 0.89425 0.20647 0.97953 0.72268 0.61233 0.57033 0.20769 0.31421 0.59507 0.63562 0.33338 0.32264 0.98052 0.48195 0.59386 0.69961 0.61437 0.12384 0.30072 0.99426 0.19383 0.75186 0.17412 0.04457 0.93739 0.52835 0.90932 0.99964 0.71568 0.31912 0.99839 0.21847 0.05501 0.97925 0.51091 0.38775 0.43829 0.19783 0.28779 0.29066 0.28586 0.78977 0.5162 0.823 0.00992 0.5675 0.23735 0.98672 0.46995 0.75051 0.49382 0.21996 0.16041 0.80996 0.81676 0.53174 0.82738 0.63872 0.89945 0.07765 0.91676 0.24529 0.33171 0.41572 0.90394 0.06003 0.04822 0.12101 0.90702 0.12763 0.79653 0.47337 0.49527 0.47355 0.9258 0.20149 0.97996 0.08541 0.33771 0.9425 0.54486 0.99754 0.24767 0.23531 0.70816 0.89848 0.1013 0.68022 0.04787 0.70879 0.03495 0.15156
+0.63067 0.30323 0.95202 0.7744 0.79329 0.2967 0.57933 0.66998 0.73706 0.83938 0.7307 0.52943 0.0855 0.94542 0.5458 0.91836 0.43212 0.07452 0.13258 0.11503 0.38582 0.29432 0.50652 0.06905 0.05967 0.24941 0.9469 0.40999 0.34811 0.60146 0.44407 0.33933 0.8098 0.2976 0.41928 0.28361 0.99675 0.27399 0.27389 0.858 0.62509 0.33237 0.80145 0.20627 0.11927 0.53093 0.61288 0.61758 0.69683 0.17186 0.05354 0.34074 0.79054 0.67311 0.51675 0.48775 0.87047 0.64132 0.0486 0.55453 0.08869 0.80955 0.59269 0.8108 0.99835 0.65701 0.753 0.16643 0.75 0.1046 0.29558 0.31248 0.08091 0.84501 0.81359 0.55203 0.26909 0.59494 0.46465 0.17878 0.27004 0.29951 0.7705 0.05519 0.91069 0.78021 0.78798 0.39775 0.37833 0.54865 0.09349 0.09345 0.39918 0.38811 0.73723 0.57135 0.80751 0.18583 0.87033 0.73749 0.20894 0.6796 0.70557 0.93418 0.47667 0.89942 0.6844 0.18548 0.7599 0.63003 0.79745 0.35518 0.27084 0.12759 0.05881 0.76655 0.80072 0.65082 0.11836 0.08491 0.87751 0.52903 0.75737 0.65691 0.12554 0.58745 0.2638 0.41594 0.6222 0.4598 0.96819 0.69318 0.70023 0.16016 0.93124 0.75365 0.22197 0.36136 0.68518 0.06488 0.90926 0.85903 0.40875 0.91504 0.56164 0.2151 0.35868 0.79365 0.31448 0.72014 0.9494 0.7411 0.10534 0.10704 0.35232 0.78303 0.98715 0.00357 0.51093 0.60532 0.80651 0.74219 0.55309 0.00827 0.77112 0.559 0.36404 0.6759 0.32199 0.24503 0.37327 0.40669 0.38468 0.45488 0.576 0.1393 0.69163 0.21397 0.62221 0.59423 0.96636 0.92382 0.21438 0.22542 0.50828 0.05168 0.86704 0.44948 0.10288 0.00531 0.69442 0.42714 0.38701 0.78053 0.00575 0.43665 0.83421 0.02787 0.02084 0.74574 0.95257 0.07822 0.02851 0.68504 0.69932 0.30243 0.72788 0.31667 0.14609 0.8125 0.82957 0.69776 0.88571 0.57705 0.95371 0.2014 0.55897 0.76999 0.92601 0.3635 0.86845 0.29209 0.01045 0.76475 0.29482 0.83118 0.89972 0.45421 0.83434 0.48664 0.10656 0.13242 0.24761 0.05347 0.79843 0.09816 0.06674 0.53062 0.00738 0.29294 0.94738 0.0507 0.3161 0.4877 0.73857 0.53831 0.75298 0.51231 0.59886 0.94579 0.27985 0.76002 0.47249 0.97283 0.69401 0.76854 0.99664 0.94466 0.86424 0.91975 0.41282 0.60364 0.23266 0.45608 0.20373 0.09797 0.99087 0.77718 0.87719 0.97081 0.92863 0.61128 0.08366 0.23213 0.94829 0.51129 0.34526 0.28454 0.15138 0.73825 0.65744 0.26918 0.40527 0.66693 0.24269 0.6221 0.67582 0.14743 0.03246 0.0336 0.61342 0.7674 0.56802 0.11659 0.59614 0.2176 0.69268 0.1542 0.59582 0.69239 0.40606 0.10786 0.41733 0.67524 0.99256 0.5975 0.4768 0.55725 0.84675 0.18036 0.59116 0.39902 0.50804 0.77593 0.42574 0.20394 0.12593 0.44737 0.57135 0.35415 0.90445 0.30733 0.74112 0.76762 0.98941 0.27677 0.72962 0.13355 0.56878 0.07497 0.7885 0.81154 0.3042 0.6449 0.58359 0.27279 0.28862 0.97713 0.28002 0.31896 0.34363 0.64394 0.88735 0.18776 0.00955 0.44076 0.96104 0.04063 0.12946 0.52646 0.99068 0.97052 0.74269 0.45756 0.80669 0.83422 0.55416 0.44395 0.82769 0.69372 0.25355 0.53619 0.42942 0.57722 0.84093 0.1152 0.51092 0.76887 0.79125 0.92001 0.01508 0.65981 0.2989 0.36917 0.7527 0.35545 0.49076 0.81261 0.58115 0.35547 0.03644 0.4057 0.52888 0.44861 0.70089 0.90198 0.1813 0.19545 0.24936 0.9778 0.31615 0.64062 0.91695 0.86091 0.92843 0.04848 0.65171 0.55916 0.20274 0.33778 0.62574 0.32875 0.81217 0.57455 0.46684 0.80359 0.09913 0.56124 0.10088 0.38998 0.06359 0.51983 0.48845 0.9109 0.2387 0.77341 0.04409 0.68926 0.16381 0.9358 0.8069 0.05875 0.20207 0.96086 0.44467 0.32727 0.72623 0.51508 0.76263 0.09226 0.26849 0.01932 0.02053 0.35109 0.06393 0.14852 0.63642 0.30516 0.66803 0.96051 0.92324 0.72032 0.48063 0.48171 0.75197 0.10965 0.41675 0.00601 0.61238 0.01131 0.59956 0.66168 0.07957 0.77086 0.63435 0.61961 0.4853 0.71605 0.89672 0.8678 0.40135 0.09849 0.45867 0.42967 0.78714 0.32777 0.07125 0.15036 0.67391 0.60681 0.95533 0.08102 0.47592 0.32286 0.47073 0.86282 0.07645 0.9361 0.38091 0.06412 0.15787 0.58044 0.71686 0.40284 0.77457 0.18604 0.29702 0.84538 0.43787 0.58008 0.63155 0.89815 0.58723 0.8886 0.63935 0.82425 0.20564 0.6537 0.58838 0.0211 0.4505 0.82335 0.22086 0.11639 0.22074 0.32425 0.46545 0.53516 0.54014 0.29419 0.99374 0.12169
+0.25972 0.84684 0.65766 0.29017 0.92433 0.82366 0.21567 0.61447 0.95112 0.39197 0.08495 0.49366 0.36952 0.25299 0.53919 0.4193 0.98622 0.49472 0.6523 0.57708 0.45142 0.68491 0.3243 0.42495 0.17502 0.07869 0.08988 0.97595 0.12065 0.85249 0.97427 0.63639 0.13063 0.62193 0.45866 0.0918 0.83966 0.55793 0.81812 0.01863 0.26009 0.26623 0.92878 0.4765 0.67891 0.64396 0.14372 0.06795 0.50771 0.06981 0.01192 0.09578 0.74834 0.2832 0.87627 0.23177 0.97899 0.94652 0.76609 0.54408 0.82174 0.18245 0.06535 0.52406 0.17024 0.15036 0.24433 0.63888 0.26668 0.38784 0.0378 0.10267 0.159 0.57538 0.18623 0.35293 0.62621 0.79229 0.46494 0.67435 0.81829 0.58015 0.69153 0.60139 0.39591 0.2888 0.24807 0.81658 0.62767 0.49416 0.53014 0.33422 0.97757 0.8644 0.33822 0.1419 0.91463 0.45575 0.81456 0.58109 0.5693 0.75988 0.67402 0.80736 0.94812 0.375 0.61316 0.16008 0.43208 0.94813 0.61757 0.31034 0.18578 0.75272 0.22872 0.49239 0.41593 0.7448 0.99981 0.08097 0.80496 0.60631 0.13132 0.1984 0.15672 0.38885 0.44145 0.22016 0.30354 0.45109 0.33687 0.98175 0.96516 0.50776 0.77589 0.47634 0.54735 0.5934 0.50636 0.09912 0.47928 0.53656 0.18068 0.37964 0.94234 0.23321 0.33036 0.29461 0.23161 0.73055 0.06415 0.46656 0.85448 0.52088 0.69903 0.62196 0.86103 0.02726 0.22798 0.13368 0.71188 0.08126 0.16587 0.20306 0.72677 0.21696 0.86014 0.9898 0.37086 0.85485 0.44239 0.54828 0.61367 0.04973 0.75711 0.12866 0.33834 0.52845 0.9127 0.76517 0.67555 0.32847 0.74381 0.79953 0.28296 0.81779 0.70159 0.25597 0.66304 0.85482 0.71501 0.84681 0.82496 0.83905 0.55954 0.34905 0.38804 0.7367 0.48847 0.79993 0.58344 0.06979 0.24612 0.77593 0.18824 0.87735 0.96637 0.55972 0.65151 0.89268 0.47807 0.60862 0.00948 0.32012 0.98247 0.51812 0.29596 0.38693 0.99447 0.4762 0.69868 0.90434 0.30292 0.70738 0.17774 0.88372 0.74278 0.47073 0.51273 0.80986 0.88964 0.88048 0.62022 0.06029 0.64906 0.59183 0.95644 0.2586 0.79289 0.22504 0.88763 0.20901 0.169 0.3821 0.3749 0.78079 0.77967 0.95812 0.16195 0.16282 0.39493 0.81419 0.8504 0.32128 0.1124 0.9185 0.13066 0.76655 0.40589 0.94286 0.83681 0.95741 0.34816 0.63843 0.31301 0.38805 0.82427 0.569 0.87998 0.22675 0.95121 0.08783 0.76675 0.7551 0.68804 0.52292 0.93659 0.44728 0.27102 0.60869 0.83926 0.01751 0.64592 0.61434 0.19663 0.42779 0.02459 0.90195 0.58102 0.75139 0.88395 0.61545 0.43767 0.354 0.65076 0.08754 0.12203 0.97679 0.90446 0.16774 0.81845 0.11424 0.3049 0.38469 0.99396 0.49315 0.721 0.54641 0.90206 0.43198 0.71981 0.44454 0.44959 0.65164 0.40467 0.64675 0.61241 0.87864 0.21065 0.93145 0.88768 0.13508 0.87143 0.63303 0.86326 0.72631 0.89878 0.57788 0.52154 0.31102 0.36524 0.61632 0.36807 0.9504 0.70802 0.42961 0.64355 0.36108 0.68846 0.49808 0.6417 0.35903 0.59181 0.63816 0.19411 0.71734 0.00195 0.43242 0.82774 0.41474 0.92224 0.42053 0.31936 0.99244 0.10901 0.48363 0.31933 0.69913 0.22687 0.52977 0.37485 0.50997 0.44502 0.91174 0.23298 0.95743 0.70605 0.28441 0.07745 0.34922 0.1353 0.47837 0.86904 0.7185 0.76626 0.32534 0.07707 0.55033 0.47432 0.20308 0.85106 0.21201 0.63244 0.83875 0.63633 0.94858 0.59436 0.86779 0.17606 0.19523 0.92231 0.06792 0.58603 0.24137 0.95561 0.7467 0.77555 0.69419 0.42636 0.93546 0.16788 0.58836 0.24394 0.9894 0.69386 0.73019 0.22073 0.1487 0.85487 0.48299 0.95674 0.71126 0.35411 0.52952 0.48998 0.00566 0.41829 0.40369 0.43374 0.62742 0.70246 0.30934 0.14832 0.03226 0.93632 0.91643 0.44639 0.38445 0.72743 0.90417 0.14765 0.19209 0.5003 0.82469 0.51245 0.91906 0.48233 0.49297 0.93652 0.11462 0.71874 0.31117 0.12291 0.53683 0.22032 0.66642 0.77483 0.19285 0.94805 0.97229 0.9922 0.0785 0.57051 0.12998 0.74901 0.95235 0.79846 0.55855 0.41104 0.13501 0.23503 0.85808 0.42403 0.27121 0.12347 0.07621 0.27788 0.02977 0.37306 0.14532 0.15768 0.41355 0.14557 0.34548 0.47696 0.58448 0.20305 0.15742 0.37387 0.22292 0.25755 0.19716 0.05213 0.14977 0.51446 0.28218 0.33624 0.23515 0.46567 0.88232 0.42982 0.22785 0.77995 0.59901 0.71577 0.26251 0.92851 0.97023 0.95317 0.41275 0.65423 0.51712 0.66112 0.41933 0.11074 0.34622 0.39124 0.18816 0.36387 0.09568 0.83885 0.99641
+0.28228 0.57299 0.25396 0.17382 0.59169 0.26192 0.98212 0.20463 0.85309 0.4136 0.809 0.67304 0.81888 0.25133 0.73075 0.66141 0.10607 0.28302 0.74111 0.91045 0.51181 0.01165 0.15865 0.99811 0.81896 0.41441 0.89657 0.73744 0.18035 0.14688 0.27966 0.46983 0.7144 0.08115 0.97622 0.14373 0.01656 0.28123 0.82167 0.35226 0.99112 0.39551 0.79719 0.44097 0.08073 0.19346 0.3018 0.55266 0.66304 0.78901 0.97912 0.01942 0.51656 0.53741 0.73551 0.40068 0.91204 0.84868 0.5862 0.52447 0.86317 0.18648 0.80232 0.13101 0.88768 0.52114 0.52709 0.17872 0.4701 0.91447 0.3325 0.0709 0.26695 0.86544 0.2828 0.38094 0.56577 0.57359 0.4397 0.3456 0.43971 0.7309 0.35148 0.80522 0.06897 0.30553 0.60819 0.88373 0.62499 0.71808 0.8851 0.73096 0.82277 0.02102 0.15632 0.82495 0.17742 0.23514 0.78873 0.6026 0.09389 0.65497 0.84923 0.44481 0.9471 0.8038 0.83896 0.31357 0.4162 0.33918 0.53923 0.21001 0.98145 0.72798 0.49789 0.3649 0.83483 0.5378 0.16799 0.93069 0.57768 0.65972 0.66105 0.19682 0.7166 0.4401 0.52407 0.1333 0.49179 0.83066 0.39827 0.0528 0.12041 0.49524 0.63782 0.8592 0.78996 0.5165 0.8554 0.84857 0.04916 0.40565 0.80274 0.52766 0.35989 0.9337 0.63201 0.54396 0.57614 0.1365 0.10712 0.38546 0.43536 0.54021 0.5552 0.21002 0.12283 0.79304 0.16475 0.35512 0.56232 0.9289 0.52425 0.0158 0.58975 0.20801 0.91679 0.7532 0.3148 0.752 0.56799 0.87257 0.19705 0.06697 0.85106 0.76536 0.89184 0.87393 0.94722 0.33555 0.38947 0.96201 0.56532 0.12381 0.82549 0.13213 0.19645 0.91561 0.95467 0.69417 0.97612 0.96321 0.88662 0.77284 0.03037 0.00812 0.17005 0.50141 0.64382 0.25063 0.90744 0.28526 0.55888 0.59145 0.49682 0.37673 0.986 0.80128 0.73592 0.55877 0.30834 0.78836 0.65735 0.61867 0.04114 0.60089 0.23867 0.11129 0.21973 0.17697 0.52163 0.12004 0.25507 0.16748 0.26824 0.4592 0.87405 0.61416 0.90835 0.34972 0.11277 0.72364 0.8253 0.44692 0.79746 0.43057 0.68763 0.66625 0.17963 0.78546 0.91396 0.58845 0.18038 0.06942 0.1122 0.59707 0.1478 0.07586 0.43707 0.55065 0.10708 0.16511 0.51338 0.50776 0.67132 0.75012 0.01528 0.96469 0.54262 0.13028 0.93942 0.06126 0.69265 0.57603 0.28818 0.47118 0.20358 0.88152 0.87599 0.23404 0.74239 0.27184 0.08697 0.41284 0.20494 0.00775 0.25437 0.80389 0.57475 0.88422 0.25605 0.40767 0.22234 0.70898 0.54657 0.23647 0.63268 0.09141 0.88343 0.59039 0.53649 0.04961 0.50833 0.61597 0.17841 0.68492 0.09704 0.90944 0.81355 0.90665 0.63907 0.51773 0.63346 0.58918 0.74825 0.14632 0.96295 0.45425 0.76058 0.66033 0.7316 0.39622 0.42365 0.98597 0.08478 0.07991 0.01773 0.47046 0.25955 0.3305 0.02191 0.31546 0.81877 0.90677 0.20279 0.19782 0.56768 0.14197 0.66809 0.44204 0.80016 0.82036 0.07282 0.51636 0.97708 0.26724 0.89761 0.49406 0.84634 0.52089 0.36028 0.40926 0.42324 0.69766 0.01901 0.61516 0.73068 0.85843 0.43237 0.82735 0.24222 0.5433 0.89594 0.84833 0.77179 0.26851 0.23483 0.98462 0.28029 0.89381 0.62764 0.55533 0.96104 0.40054 0.50436 0.22119 0.40362 0.8542 0.96481 0.6559 0.77748 0.3096 0.06454 0.62141 0.74942 0.60309 0.52947 0.95826 0.40496 0.22921 0.51869 0.64318 0.79191 0.64812 0.48796 0.87001 0.9342 0.5352 0.84705 0.7189 0.21546 0.60224 0.9562 0.96873 0.58836 0.57246 0.49758 0.25988 0.74098 0.14844 0.14367 0.5833 0.70621 0.07368 0.24495 0.47257 0.34089 0.38817 0.45596 0.62749 0.05248 0.06018 0.5101 0.81603 0.56852 0.9278 0.33363 0.83021 0.96419 0.97294 0.93337 0.78825 0.47998 0.7653 0.7624 0.44059 0.30863 0.69216 0.25943 0.47426 0.97912 0.41491 0.09422 0.70982 0.95178 0.28479 0.37481 0.22794 0.42607 0.09485 0.98306 0.19619 0.68964 0.44646 0.25913 0.64504 0.18399 0.51891 0.84897 0.90793 0.78821 0.25091 0.82718 0.06117 0.96662 0.9675 0.48423 0.85741 0.21396 0.59415 0.52829 0.41454 0.62061 0.43498 0.22539 0.0266 0.87179 0.05304 0.71287 0.01762 0.80415 0.24886 0.53312 0.86961 0.88427 0.25017 0.55524 0.77009 0.27234 0.09805 0.09527 0.96864 0.38503 0.28692 0.25881 0.10618 0.94813 0.36476 0.93213 0.46913 0.79617 0.82655 0.89743 0.42573 0.55987 0.31521 0.42566 0.30975 0.9486 0.09643 0.07273 0.73317 0.45829 0.63525 0.87943 0.36679 0.27801 0.96339 0.69661 0.89259 0.47661 0.29237
+0.59159 0.07185 0.60502 0.80969 0.43383 0.11526 0.28434 0.91773 0.37518 0.05841 0.80535 0.63638 0.79531 0.52572 0.09694 0.17671 0.73848 0.04648 0.73729 0.67322 0.12678 0.89834 0.35431 0.9311 0.88201 0.26325 0.32944 0.76265 0.4067 0.69436 0.48334 0.5889 0.55107 0.16513 0.64377 0.2126 0.06968 0.604 0.57894 0.95438 0.53849 0.42301 0.03765 0.02939 0.35167 0.10093 0.11739 0.65783 0.71869 0.509 0.02156 0.18765 0.4371 0.64182 0.31948 0.85495 0.57652 0.95288 0.26225 0.4242 0.63186 0.6315 0.2985 0.72875 0.41579 0.19041 0.07424 0.85811 0.32299 0.15208 0.77835 0.10454 0.57311 0.49081 0.24284 0.37937 0.95188 0.62088 0.62408 0.56024 0.70302 0.43564 0.67857 0.05099 0.20618 0.57004 0.41384 0.35128 0.67921 0.91034 0.02755 0.02495 0.69607 0.61191 0.94482 0.97476 0.22758 0.25577 0.85559 0.15586 0.45802 0.44401 0.31031 0.19096 0.16276 0.39646 0.1106 0.30548 0.51882 0.2927 0.16234 0.16373 0.16592 0.04294 0.30218 0.07726 0.01347 0.74966 0.83351 0.14846 0.13761 0.04584 0.17314 0.39984 0.38928 0.88247 0.22929 0.50136 0.72739 0.91955 0.11402 0.38639 0.15143 0.24446 0.90364 0.54628 0.2657 0.16913 0.70883 0.62315 0.33971 0.2388 0.82717 0.73933 0.39977 0.05604 0.28124 0.06661 0.1951 0.61158 0.20209 0.67925 0.88893 0.92805 0.19105 0.042 0.33612 0.58841 0.133 0.11744 0.62346 0.76003 0.5786 0.31994 0.11573 0.89078 0.35973 0.6287 0.03931 0.71577 0.55118 0.40713 0.85064 0.84961 0.3173 0.58758 0.16599 0.36141 0.08091 0.92922 0.82898 0.93705 0.23672 0.36435 0.18404 0.00949 0.38617 0.07786 0.95416 0.04686 0.03215 0.94646 0.52336 0.29891 0.40335 0.1612 0.73052 0.54444 0.26562 0.00496 0.06418 0.64703 0.11944 0.93889 0.0866 0.99333 0.96081 0.70854 0.83523 0.56937 0.31214 0.17178 0.46344 0.54449 0.63397 0.67961 0.51773 0.56286 0.69028 0.07208 0.60115 0.89669 0.87927 0.84502 0.66661 0.41677 0.87346 0.65227 0.79872 0.40671 0.87608 0.24038 0.25738 0.96834 0.22041 0.24423 0.59481 0.05534 0.22721 0.50085 0.9608 0.70788 0.66879 0.49564 0.15596 0.11105 0.53895 0.64247 0.35011 0.70526 0.50881 0.78311 0.60608 0.67634 0.55865 0.84149 0.08139 0.39985 0.57293 0.6038 0.92675 0.26683 0.9874 0.17812 0.45315 0.30527 0.054 0.0542 0.33201 0.46652 0.02548 0.09881 0.51199 0.85854 0.45842 0.19758 0.84208 0.16314 0.88788 0.68372 0.33763 0.88501 0.90501 0.68634 0.09478 0.0904 0.28256 0.01941 0.03299 0.13403 0.35953 0.31295 0.61065 0.25749 0.30536 0.31147 0.89479 0.41265 0.41143 0.67526 0.7397 0.58798 0.67997 0.76984 0.19151 0.33773 0.57594 0.03563 0.55101 0.50242 0.31569 0.38854 0.88236 0.75931 0.79116 0.41785 0.37141 0.23684 0.50684 0.93402 0.08145 0.80492 0.47519 0.82527 0.13952 0.42679 0.00606 0.43827 0.51293 0.97827 0.47577 0.7186 0.46755 0.91188 0.10312 0.55926 0.30072 0.00282 0.55542 0.83248 0.87816 0.7489 0.00423 0.21978 0.0216 0.19747 0.52184 0.84185 0.23099 0.55865 0.48156 0.94362 0.68396 0.06687 0.40631 0.10922 0.68522 0.24718 0.42426 0.23705 0.52314 0.54206 0.03633 0.25989 0.9689 0.85349 0.42884 0.32948 0.28089 0.76566 0.64712 0.98372 0.93437 0.35822 0.36803 0.97573 0.34718 0.68053 0.68553 0.44592 0.11824 0.73587 0.70156 0.38627 0.17593 0.71532 0.42954 0.53544 0.63804 0.79895 0.57174 0.33717 0.01411 0.43178 0.85888 0.55668 0.59422 0.95947 0.23857 0.36077 0.45906 0.60518 0.99944 0.22648 0.64784 0.92457 0.96353 0.40987 0.44105 0.29669 0.6121 0.8349 0.08112 0.71684 0.06753 0.25859 0.1894 0.35567 0.26552 0.55813 0.91699 0.62737 0.25697 0.96535 0.47447 0.52077 0.95474 0.86225 0.83923 0.53942 0.06396 0.91343 0.42488 0.1017 0.79554 0.02607 0.21093 0.04401 0.52864 0.39691 0.46047 0.54973 0.60196 0.55554 0.05338 0.13431 0.52623 0.18598 0.25536 0.68925 0.8175 0.21572 0.87454 0.73542 0.53204 0.57641 0.5075 0.41656 0.72366 0.84124 0.48231 0.18701 0.2084 0.53882 0.95589 0.26935 0.82111 0.15847 0.128 0.87248 0.0933 0.99379 0.27683 0.13912 0.75103 0.8271 0.05097 0.52088 0.1403 0.01092 0.82582 0.98055 0.54419 0.49486 0.80485 0.69077 0.20656 0.62254 0.33093 0.41738 0.97915 0.67364 0.61458 0.52154 0.32615 0.62796 0.84607 0.0698 0.17309 0.52728 0.27562 0.06192 0.49627 0.38984 0.49358 0.01662 0.49419 0.484 0.6668 0.20987 0.73201 0.79617
+0.44543 0.75327 0.69578 0.17692 0.87278 0.05178 0.67378 0.33538 0.04809 0.12639 0.27936 0.64404 0.86145 0.47211 0.97608 0.60244 0.67515 0.21522 0.12614 0.0829 0.89398 0.7686 0.48971 0.19999 0.02593 0.49915 0.03354 0.68502 0.55737 0.91248 0.94655 0.492 0.14559 0.86136 0.2327 0.45065 0.77892 0.50756 0.80663 0.29135 0.13585 0.03419 0.33517 0.19 0.0316 0.38598 0.24132 0.55864 0.89583 0.00379 0.1832 0.2275 0.95356 0.55894 0.56801 0.32705 0.13187 0.19147 0.9792 0.79615 0.62182 0.29457 0.17492 0.92566 0.39537 0.42981 0.6405 0.3624 0.85611 0.51983 0.76734 0.24477 0.23602 0.07018 0.80531 0.21503 0.89052 0.17532 0.02499 0.88066 0.51363 0.20907 0.48687 0.34806 0.64511 0.31871 0.82474 0.30585 0.89156 0.23323 0.46186 0.37899 0.73063 0.26181 0.7426 0.90256 0.74417 0.9809 0.0666 0.04941 0.15529 0.4535 0.2151 0.82143 0.06327 0.08334 0.75216 0.62139 0.96556 0.58734 0.84079 0.18595 0.2182 0.98619 0.90061 0.07642 0.8925 0.33319 0.78874 0.83841 0.819 0.1756 0.0132 0.02258 0.75494 0.97796 0.04197 0.49867 0.99361 0.97676 0.29046 0.49406 0.22898 0.65029 0.69641 0.58429 0.39733 0.11406 0.88199 0.51843 0.63966 0.99562 0.17409 0.60021 0.22765 0.93049 0.4021 0.93029 0.05882 0.61239 0.1884 0.5287 0.63877 0.11729 0.28526 0.53991 0.16726 0.68908 0.07665 0.39361 0.17919 0.96715 0.68775 0.52123 0.82526 0.8257 0.49178 0.13699 0.44699 0.83159 0.25239 0.34029 0.25496 0.90562 0.45703 0.85846 0.99366 0.1745 0.88153 0.42292 0.54858 0.09179 0.34996 0.10935 0.2718 0.42981 0.59756 0.1829 0.70995 0.27348 0.45111 0.61406 0.45277 0.65643 0.80603 0.20291 0.69824 0.64597 0.21336 0.46915 0.64404 0.89556 0.24391 0.7372 0.90244 0.59503 0.10322 0.23439 0.06993 0.57838 0.53193 0.76884 0.73864 0.85902 0.40807 0.64937 0.26802 0.56065 0.89659 0.97059 0.36077 0.61277 0.27703 0.00029 0.07598 0.93935 0.22208 0.78613 0.31042 0.34363 0.89279 0.57197 0.075 0.23071 0.99833 0.27699 0.51242 0.67107 0.82273 0.27946 0.80427 0.0179 0.51935 0.69429 0.48617 0.06283 0.00776 0.98548 0.77197 0.03826 0.30485 0.61998 0.18156 0.3332 0.55288 0.01579 0.52596 0.01491 0.83368 0.05572 0.75873 0.70542 0.90002 0.0912 0.1228 0.59444 0.50892 0.13489 0.28909 0.36336 0.93582 0.72241 0.0728 0.7656 0.84219 0.6355 0.58566 0.65677 0.49381 0.28575 0.50907 0.02649 0.02801 0.59231 0.93242 0.86088 0.64759 0.20176 0.01847 0.11538 0.94757 0.44416 0.68738 0.38104 0.74718 0.66845 0.59643 0.92331 0.30149 0.34813 0.41426 0.40694 0.66669 0.82997 0.30827 0.29205 0.84146 0.97752 0.76815 0.18315 0.10985 0.64472 0.75934 0.10282 0.97895 0.94858 0.43363 0.34888 0.39889 0.83578 0.8145 0.1023 0.73157 0.74345 0.95237 0.52815 0.10876 0.39467 0.60323 0.36665 0.63058 0.23589 0.94443 0.46172 0.0609 0.77863 0.35684 0.48164 0.46826 0.10765 0.67831 0.67972 0.26186 0.29255 0.13364 0.2624 0.19757 0.08302 0.58994 0.07799 0.23085 0.56875 0.79452 0.64978 0.91051 0.2344 0.39489 0.2663 0.4264 0.32182 0.52247 0.03708 0.02681 0.10987 0.83035 0.38138 0.7186 0.0134 0.78894 0.12492 0.34632 0.5541 0.31135 0.80895 0.88136 0.66242 0.10361 0.88661 0.41459 0.64409 0.16544 0.05151 0.27447 0.4764 0.9439 0.1015 0.23545 0.45414 0.92314 0.57233 0.28579 0.85935 0.42093 0.20872 0.11948 0.34048 0.47593 0.10457 0.67639 0.65435 0.43536 0.38047 0.16948 0.36876 0.73245 0.64421 0.64447 0.80616 0.4995 0.92541 0.31395 0.94244 0.39055 0.7025 0.9473 0.29629 0.9634 0.48069 0.43251 0.36071 0.77619 0.58457 0.57623 0.7071 0.93785 0.22483 0.5048 0.01193 0.68569 0.71401 0.82495 0.23528 0.2002 0.49491 0.60268 0.39688 0.90354 0.36344 0.27896 0.13158 0.11712 0.6453 0.12192 0.04135 0.81892 0.41406 0.1545 0.83992 0.62484 0.05896 0.8168 0.93821 0.36404 0.87144 0.81825 0.341 0.11663 0.24547 0.26341 0.64261 0.66323 0.1857 0.79992 0.2718 0.72029 0.97738 0.99929 0.02981 0.12038 0.81456 0.1663 0.97507 0.80727 0.64887 0.20443 0.55848 0.34622 0.61702 0.62817 0.32052 0.64748 0.60084 0.66266 0.96045 0.55131 0.74785 0.66244 0.1884 0.78037 0.26074 0.19194 0.24762 0.53413 0.44224 0.0466 0.50167 0.86841 0.18461 0.99802 0.91332 0.35699 0.89925 0.96177 0.44929 0.57142 0.81067 0.10501 0.24478 0.8008 0.51002 0.71094 0.86641
+0.48101 0.96927 0.85508 0.84988 0.86792 0.82818 0.07967 0.17552 0.09088 0.28829 0.57672 0.43578 0.65786 0.57451 0.5841 0.66931 0.44957 0.90414 0.88323 0.90254 0.89413 0.64663 0.85262 0.6036 0.82808 0.24759 0.20179 0.84417 0.2111 0.63891 0.93637 0.42567 0.8381 0.73949 0.65836 0.64729 0.80845 0.50569 0.40124 0.54644 0.03061 0.58069 0.6077 0.17146 0.50876 0.62611 0.9055 0.01957 0.48046 0.05705 0.99489 0.69401 0.21098 0.90937 0.44132 0.01497 0.71345 0.84312 0.94766 0.63341 0.43469 0.28747 0.87612 0.9017 0.46481 0.83026 0.66599 0.85249 0.01246 0.21146 0.17269 0.41516 0.81026 0.17982 0.50889 0.88092 0.98813 0.41888 0.24282 0.78133 0.41132 0.36691 0.23051 0.24993 0.12882 0.06005 0.17512 0.91341 0.01839 0.51602 0.29455 0.33815 0.68526 0.25034 0.85846 0.28318 0.4099 0.58481 0.99111 0.95179 0.74492 0.67318 0.43376 0.02438 0.74147 0.3525 0.46607 0.9114 0.88371 0.61826 0.8611 0.36289 0.96272 0.14259 0.3526 0.249 0.34943 0.38687 0.38081 0.46129 0.34738 0.06345 0.43969 0.22354 0.56567 0.24987 0.13043 0.8593 0.06415 0.18513 0.50103 0.52085 0.8251 0.03288 0.10908 0.71433 0.78777 0.63154 0.93117 0.6129 0.68261 0.22979 0.96976 0.55451 0.53591 0.04685 0.70258 0.83113 0.71701 0.12772 0.7713 0.14784 0.18927 0.15051 0.80032 0.98083 0.8558 0.2389 0.10342 0.66366 0.38352 0.86589 0.30129 0.92581 0.10574 0.83442 0.32869 0.69521 0.41758 0.57881 0.01636 0.09659 0.31951 0.5415 0.77284 0.71739 0.5389 0.56592 0.28911 0.75123 0.85432 0.49059 0.06879 0.09883 0.99793 0.47829 0.89538 0.81398 0.81511 0.44726 0.09073 0.11301 0.68895 0.7001 0.44015 0.70939 0.07782 0.18831 0.27565 0.90434 0.52521 0.72466 0.0719 0.41555 0.91033 0.52519 0.62794 0.83579 0.12282 0.78868 0.3691 0.7025 0.64326 0.34388 0.93428 0.7214 0.35857 0.67302 0.85833 0.47681 0.51703 0.4258 0.32975 0.04979 0.71743 0.09522 0.16661 0.64652 0.36543 0.7429 0.85734 0.48481 0.40565 0.97894 0.57855 0.74554 0.02016 0.79971 0.77455 0.87252 0.80015 0.81193 0.266 0.15492 0.40443 0.78316 0.01866 0.172 0.97494 0.31851 0.27665 0.49849 0.01522 0.20507 0.6869 0.42548 0.7655 0.93361 0.3994 0.18585 0.82313 0.54097 0.76168 0.68231 0.64489 0.72678 0.71668 0.72348 0.51122 0.54638 0.86173 0.9527 0.94226 0.86495 0.49293 0.56517 0.82962 0.21892 0.85811 0.62403 0.3083 0.42793 0.70055 0.30259 0.81254 0.24017 0.17703 0.14568 0.0998 0.18224 0.69067 0.32845 0.83125 0.75947 0.59658 0.72706 0.76117 0.35197 0.84613 0.46701 0.0338 0.02728 0.78351 0.49967 0.80295 0.30296 0.74344 0.30758 0.89911 0.68869 0.20485 0.35103 0.32562 0.69852 0.4343 0.43808 0.25584 0.66524 0.42459 0.9712 0.61446 0.94857 0.27548 0.47636 0.83971 0.23537 0.89342 0.83216 0.40588 0.8347 0.32933 0.13869 0.16248 0.78623 0.75396 0.3197 0.08068 0.864 0.73153 0.50515 0.17128 0.80515 0.14611 0.22438 0.30821 0.65854 0.30734 0.21763 0.99732 0.67365 0.05565 0.31099 0.031 0.20379 0.39478 0.69119 0.40612 0.52443 0.80056 0.88995 0.87121 0.84011 0.52341 0.90651 0.45618 0.36688 0.18472 0.16787 0.63891 0.71992 0.24396 0.51075 0.66427 0.58658 0.46401 0.84959 0.4689 0.89301 0.32835 0.6232 0.2273 0.69583 0.74088 0.3361 0.99805 0.35479 0.65013 0.436 0.40155 0.31759 0.44181 0.08516 0.90456 0.20923 0.15991 0.03259 0.96241 0.12458 0.3968 0.19702 0.51558 0.57244 0.0164 0.23096 0.29898 0.99841 0.49262 0.3799 0.00572 0.75322 0.97274 0.17407 0.41425 0.49782 0.7894 0.32287 0.36786 0.19086 0.59699 0.9052 0.31248 0.35301 0.80613 0.11716 0.05048 0.23139 0.84823 0.74343 0.01446 0.66652 0.58775 0.91763 0.66766 0.96186 0.46965 0.33636 0.60752 0.62339 0.3213 0.39116 0.98258 0.63598 0.01416 0.09188 0.6881 0.06951 0.86191 0.12735 0.70576 0.96186 0.69017 0.44367 0.56309 0.65828 0.48236 0.05906 0.74283 0.95648 0.71403 0.7151 0.57328 0.02363 0.88246 0.36031 0.93785 0.81325 0.68224 0.2399 0.64219 0.03041 0.03367 0.5168 0.68745 0.38874 0.92244 0.15898 0.46077 0.54339 0.51032 0.09133 0.30371 0.79626 0.22626 0.52193 0.83539 0.74361 0.96289 0.3727 0.28923 0.5738 0.97544 0.44213 0.25663 0.37372 0.72812 0.88051 0.18636 0.43944 0.32349 0.12288 0.33397 0.98625 0.81361 0.49726 0.13485 0.07858 0.68824 0.30219 0.91615 0.57833 0.8343 0.68795
+0.72326 0.10311 0.5714 0.41587 0.43497 0.22922 0.60025 0.86347 0.63225 0.40236 0.97157 0.91836 0.15691 0.45748 0.9711 0.18903 0.94686 0.04016 0.52583 0.90429 0.07888 0.12601 0.21725 0.50527 0.92261 0.62263 0.99008 0.65767 0.68403 0.64784 0.27424 0.96339 0.20222 0.02121 0.82529 0.34196 0.85177 0.59565 0.39737 0.40784 0.59711 0.66125 0.27465 0.18303 0.17542 0.02781 0.76332 0.28599 0.47464 0.45949 0.92918 0.68346 0.72336 0.45448 0.93278 0.02364 0.00241 0.73528 0.41618 0.87946 0.97855 0.31112 0.70198 0.93121 0.87791 0.76106 0.77605 0.73232 0.48084 0.12906 0.04229 0.30281 0.17451 0.23098 0.67937 0.73801 0.48213 0.16641 0.24885 0.42742 0.69905 0.49802 0.70876 0.9445 0.03742 0.45842 0.42594 0.87695 0.34608 0.41174 0.21467 0.32462 0.6731 0.35203 0.31977 0.20418 0.02375 0.83513 0.56734 0.17972 0.9839 0.72564 0.16869 0.65305 0.2499 0.71724 0.97483 0.96756 0.3563 0.90235 0.52991 0.21034 0.15701 0.09171 0.47314 0.66817 0.28882 0.44713 0.8042 0.26409 0.33222 0.2871 0.36435 0.57153 0.65211 0.11938 0.3335 0.99054 0.97143 0.92241 0.88118 0.88048 0.74883 0.69598 0.18269 0.42611 0.45206 0.33436 0.15107 0.86374 0.40018 0.87891 0.68926 0.8388 0.74255 0.61071 0.6736 0.23748 0.59775 0.83627 0.28429 0.04353 0.34189 0.19553 0.51791 0.13178 0.68933 0.15087 0.2565 0.94774 0.20706 0.7579 0.44347 0.86252 0.29432 0.18609 0.46525 0.14107 0.71034 0.42303 0.21373 0.81792 0.71329 0.90794 0.1596 0.59354 0.13937 0.2557 0.77318 0.29219 0.82542 0.744 0.3213 0.81512 0.42396 0.12961 0.19428 0.77621 0.79067 0.82868 0.10542 0.11211 0.85828 0.61198 0.58002 0.32395 0.6363 0.64701 0.28756 0.43972 0.30653 0.78329 0.97624 0.37247 0.50543 0.77891 0.2991 0.52655 0.30186 0.74022 0.6636 0.06971 0.96161 0.07787 0.77508 0.17521 0.34547 0.48682 0.41154 0.6483 0.56077 0.86928 0.7516 0.71605 0.23294 0.98017 0.12799 0.28116 0.16382 0.4087 0.57712 0.24216 0.44228 0.61456 0.84346 0.34532 0.18232 0.4698 0.04378 0.0164 0.93207 0.94443 0.372 0.87143 0.0658 0.00517 0.95276 0.51453 0.96859 0.68397 0.52831 0.55999 0.72893 0.34167 0.93394 0.32835 0.74031 0.57529 0.1349 0.08096 0.65367 0.76781 0.16572 0.25442 0.80529 0.64136 0.22788 0.50686 0.6645 0.03939 0.01269 0.23757 0.65839 0.72193 0.66846 0.84216 0.52794 0.45765 0.67406 0.96162 0.75094 0.94664 0.61316 0.00337 0.70858 0.36581 0.5668 0.65472 0.89287 0.80184 0.17347 0.44021 0.1664 0.88544 0.02251 0.82078 0.06716 0.39726 0.50227 0.55441 0.65804 0.53778 0.48927 0.91782 0.4996 0.77624 0.31556 0.48541 0.94181 0.44459 0.70849 0.73623 0.35588 0.95456 0.81957 0.39157 0.87231 0.42187 0.36831 0.27756 0.74262 0.38612 0.07216 0.41792 0.49552 0.1854 0.29959 0.13211 0.72889 0.94123 0.49522 0.15383 0.29288 0.31324 0.73099 0.03684 0.96841 0.1744 0.00733 0.37797 0.66541 0.95232 0.08371 0.04165 0.38384 0.87767 0.35149 0.05847 0.90209 0.97137 0.60098 0.9481 0.35615 0.49732 0.95586 0.59558 0.86772 0.7351 0.52817 0.46432 0.49101 0.19753 0.79544 0.15567 0.41196 0.94906 0.0077 0.92491 0.49764 0.8156 0.93349 0.38429 0.20872 0.5167 0.81938 0.53318 0.59191 0.89231 0.28264 0.848 0.38631 0.13606 0.0389 0.24162 0.60511 0.67647 0.32754 0.51578 0.37885 0.35487 0.0756 0.32482 0.77752 0.70852 0.00477 0.55964 0.88491 0.99002 0.22815 0.10315 0.13597 0.38135 0.15122 0.79814 0.03818 0.85925 0.58125 0.51583 0.85381 0.5361 0.32322 0.79843 0.30458 0.58444 0.91403 0.88308 0.37285 0.29648 0.91493 0.05242 0.50695 0.95723 0.38353 0.5757 0.66122 0.29363 0.73282 0.60684 0.90868 0.49557 0.81174 0.32871 0.52471 0.15356 0.32162 0.53929 0.9142 0.77749 0.03477 0.34071 0.58354 0.74257 0.91858 0.02235 0.73648 0.09195 0.56532 0.22173 0.49219 0.93835 0.37155 0.07245 0.03438 0.71476 0.22405 0.31453 0.12246 0.83868 0.2714 0.05744 0.32701 0.47349 0.2 0.64038 0.01371 0.05975 0.96655 0.87167 0.42135 0.05838 0.13519 0.18228 0.11044 0.23468 0.81039 0.68385 0.65589 0.92182 0.44723 0.76639 0.53267 0.90332 0.23138 0.05402 0.03046 0.90418 0.97762 0.84203 0.04837 0.70198 0.55613 0.84001 0.52251 0.0598 0.15551 0.3038 0.49214 0.08471 0.16469 0.85251 0.341 0.46752 0.9976 0.55139 0.92439 0.6496 0.33012 0.27013 0.97285 0.81868 0.2126 0.53309
+0.4457 0.98488 0.23953 0.35272 0.5934 0.57135 0.50996 0.1819 0.36568 0.95206 0.60876 0.14083 0.49099 0.44465 0.51693 0.58031 0.40237 0.06211 0.23888 0.79256 0.8437 0.10341 0.66018 0.59769 0.24261 0.55149 0.38172 0.83268 0.51292 0.54379 0.5852 0.57977 0.85159 0.44994 0.05603 0.82786 0.48838 0.9772 0.34629 0.47371 0.25478 0.49786 0.1479 0.80883 0.99874 0.83912 0.94622 0.79933 0.03364 0.14701 0.99837 0.53984 0.73381 0.68132 0.17624 0.7824 0.56029 0.84586 0.06189 0.93397 0.86462 0.75877 0.73273 0.00086 0.06861 0.48166 0.84849 0.7663 0.17036 0.06225 0.43683 0.07327 0.25791 0.99347 0.74356 0.53822 0.9898 0.94412 0.11203 0.82392 0.25857 0.53367 0.15678 0.12737 0.94706 0.98167 0.06261 0.41834 0.00206 0.78624 0.20018 0.1746 0.99404 0.74806 0.11919 0.4162 0.6727 0.52752 0.65193 0.28733 0.96681 0.61389 0.66712 0.21494 0.52987 0.87476 0.78208 0.65368 0.61796 0.43187 0.49784 0.34446 0.10282 0.95386 0.62566 0.17545 0.33714 0.47771 0.84859 0.87862 0.59373 0.2917 0.59877 0.81737 0.08869 0.30069 0.58845 0.07794 0.03919 0.03744 0.59349 0.60009 0.33261 0.94899 0.86484 0.07252 0.19981 0.20259 0.07466 0.43354 0.24683 0.10248 0.91229 0.9346 0.9276 0.80238 0.07924 0.79447 0.62095 0.86699 0.00161 0.1976 0.12423 0.20992 0.03406 0.09981 0.27503 0.42892 0.83689 0.41842 0.72384 0.36261 0.99688 0.46586 0.00053 0.10256 0.70667 0.89935 0.53653 0.37975 0.41429 0.18776 0.52373 0.14023 0.50628 0.54623 0.24164 0.93561 0.68689 0.27685 0.99067 0.11356 0.81627 0.4379 0.6788 0.37391 0.96797 0.93905 0.01903 0.49719 0.85214 0.92746 0.73256 0.55692 0.89846 0.02297 0.97059 0.30635 0.78627 0.08352 0.23185 0.38003 0.33569 0.42723 0.02489 0.0345 0.00091 0.06956 0.76197 0.26582 0.46901 0.35951 0.87536 0.15285 0.06029 0.74287 0.28975 0.99934 0.41142 0.33534 0.10809 0.49257 0.16856 0.27798 0.95835 0.03631 0.56519 0.76071 0.87206 0.02013 0.46283 0.26585 0.57813 0.29633 0.41286 0.71524 0.13571 0.58616 0.7606 0.76355 0.94096 0.68305 0.69811 0.20396 0.17284 0.74801 0.11707 0.9729 0.56401 0.1839 0.16038 0.23798 0.88528 0.23474 0.21634 0.04153 0.77994 0.34541 0.7297 0.6517 0.35004 0.99929 0.45816 0.70391 0.32868 0.80865 0.40963 0.25687 0.17774 0.09269 0.98389 0.50356 0.73895 0.19305 0.38125 0.92709 0.48743 0.57891 0.57888 0.09176 0.71157 0.48262 0.49622 0.35048 0.93108 0.6593 0.6979 0.12646 0.70164 0.47347 0.15987 0.86378 0.4365 0.85916 0.88013 0.39834 0.71262 0.13224 0.96655 0.70371 0.88449 0.83077 0.0136 0.51785 0.21171 0.16283 0.39456 0.88298 0.66167 0.73016 0.5056 0.75182 0.14628 0.66716 0.20427 0.24739 0.27818 0.43982 0.30745 0.66493 0.75852 0.24207 0.28321 0.77337 0.14698 0.36271 0.87767 0.92409 0.84891 0.61666 0.7232 0.93862 0.75259 0.41192 0.62386 0.6164 0.76959 0.58874 0.37131 0.18119 0.06934 0.65766 0.21062 0.12983 0.02374 0.22107 0.49459 0.41688 0.04763 0.25626 0.30666 0.96783 0.63767 0.08789 0.69805 0.80197 0.69794 0.37459 0.80059 0.35216 0.48532 0.71761 0.64641 0.94364 0.57602 0.36167 0.05026 0.74583 0.38973 0.94291 0.4713 0.54205 0.57175 0.85665 0.16576 0.07489 0.90066 0.11442 0.53925 0.69972 0.08733 0.58854 0.18904 0.59317 0.28742 0.13743 0.94879 0.70246 0.36837 0.44171 0.05821 0.78934 0.58358 0.62993 0.17744 0.63844 0.93365 0.7936 0.89411 0.45855 0.85006 0.49312 0.08686 0.65283 0.14853 0.88819 0.97917 0.72991 0.4982 0.11596 0.24133 0.16346 0.30204 0.39296 0.5857 0.44396 0.87182 0.86095 0.08515 0.51618 0.8488 0.87085 0.65744 0.43004 0.30269 0.72951 0.81972 0.41497 0.2209 0.73023 0.43502 0.60495 0.92786 0.99191 0.34925 0.61166 0.32067 0.83706 0.80169 0.47941 0.78018 0.93902 0.95467 0.63609 0.22882 0.11155 0.37166 0.70227 0.4453 0.8482 0.56339 0.11715 0.43486 0.12065 0.96855 0.37405 0.02485 0.66421 0.34567 0.3203 0.09158 0.15388 0.58702 0.71981 0.15316 0.27903 0.76889 0.17117 0.73302 0.28578 0.64607 0.1569 0.87474 0.46782 0.92494 0.3832 0.74092 0.20535 0.94506 0.74615 0.25459 0.92826 0.76179 0.83881 0.02928 0.61055 0.79933 0.0186 0.41965 0.14162 0.21562 0.48697 0.82442 0.05608 0.26152 0.59626 0.01773 0.58697 0.22699 0.79872 0.67966 0.12889 0.0005 0.19764 0.44244 0.9182 0.61351 0.81683 0.5405 0.50157 0.20187 0.24325
+0.92277 0.57209 0.48502 0.9046 0.78904 0.56284 0.20197 0.22198 0.05741 0.79198 0.27433 0.14719 0.4904 0.68973 0.16609 0.18645 0.16437 0.16394 0.64989 0.295 0.36618 0.36483 0.89864 0.74556 0.66071 0.23654 0.60162 0.43685 0.85336 0.24309 0.66255 0.40015 0.11457 0.15751 0.91203 0.15164 0.09154 0.52817 0.87083 0.04874 0.30687 0.1075 0.23963 0.96529 0.26769 0.35269 0.43924 0.93031 0.69222 0.00745 0.09495 0.45665 0.22312 0.90046 0.40573 0.93348 0.43154 0.77757 0.16759 0.71227 0.49096 0.84207 0.09377 0.15541 0.1778 0.4596 0.22838 0.89613 0.56809 0.69789 0.91778 0.41446 0.75006 0.90434 0.12053 0.20777 0.59743 0.91831 0.99073 0.44117 0.7399 0.5544 0.90072 0.21594 0.83963 0.85488 0.85019 0.30878 0.30266 0.87212 0.60879 0.46187 0.1218 0.31449 0.8976 0.76959 0.75413 0.1444 0.33132 0.90802 0.89157 0.99333 0.73899 0.54335 0.70719 0.16948 0.56558 0.56483 0.7904 0.33853 0.36189 0.87862 0.55056 0.00131 0.4246 0.79864 0.93751 0.25134 0.22834 0.81941 0.47713 0.26247 0.92638 0.24111 0.82973 0.94183 0.42665 0.82599 0.90136 0.93589 0.9217 0.39296 0.04548 0.18122 0.77016 0.069 0.99868 0.00065 0.49298 0.51877 0.92251 0.20393 0.85437 0.04556 0.3294 0.15539 0.01662 0.57775 0.81607 0.96883 0.43021 0.74579 0.83577 0.41363 0.29918 0.31189 0.81956 0.13953 0.954 0.26131 0.4315 0.05801 0.47208 0.28557 0.0137 0.25737 0.99213 0.30058 0.49434 0.04004 0.15531 0.66024 0.92877 0.64648 0.40127 0.61927 0.01104 0.39747 0.78227 0.86942 0.34802 0.26566 0.44291 0.82751 0.95663 0.64929 0.32658 0.29336 0.04211 0.74854 0.59488 0.24669 0.23597 0.4534 0.74895 0.29495 0.56596 0.37846 0.63696 0.46813 0.36728 0.50745 0.57317 0.5049 0.02237 0.30178 0.61309 0.46122 0.2774 0.77356 0.56067 0.54689 0.9204 0.87836 0.92681 0.3234 0.40776 0.17702 0.65143 0.56049 0.73826 0.14663 0.9898 0.90764 0.81435 0.13357 0.92513 0.97116 0.85447 0.53239 0.42612 0.21588 0.80775 0.67597 0.2913 0.25561 0.50202 0.2773 0.88784 0.00233 0.56533 0.97875 0.37344 0.38135 0.84718 0.70788 0.96142 0.01302 0.71312 0.68245 0.56391 0.15384 0.37986 0.73959 0.60215 0.73054 0.69483 0.25247 0.42253 0.28042 0.94882 0.4725 0.57785 0.50601 0.31514 0.23212 0.41939 0.29905 0.9058 0.96001 0.54088 0.18132 0.52173 0.44925 0.94435 0.60557 0.45139 0.88135 0.10128 0.06763 0.91865 0.99743 0.78832 0.26048 0.43076 0.18507 0.41419 0.53447 0.39221 0.26764 0.36612 0.32137 0.34988 0.34854 0.89737 0.41029 0.73088 0.85793 0.62831 0.28695 0.8856 0.17474 0.93537 0.40991 0.54618 0.47016 0.04591 0.49054 0.1914 0.59926 0.60397 0.7215 0.64742 0.73158 0.48922 0.99254 0.75224 0.04485 0.15785 0.39102 0.27642 0.40332 0.47692 0.33724 0.403 0.48838 0.43526 0.05679 0.41931 0.54224 0.06258 0.31081 0.64563 0.53966 0.92195 0.24474 0.93863 0.22908 0.59185 0.80303 0.50321 0.89786 0.02159 0.83516 0.65182 0.64095 0.76313 0.23966 0.60657 0.49622 0.05413 0.74827 0.25259 0.39921 0.18111 0.81355 0.11489 0.4998 0.07623 0.23829 0.56942 0.45689 0.79935 0.15655 0.94283 0.03518 0.73169 0.71422 0.78115 0.76013 0.57666 0.09783 0.92503 0.96127 0.89823 0.14072 0.16122 0.60965 0.09303 0.65057 0.19314 0.63116 0.9871 0.44068 0.08743 0.25901 0.34638 0.91037 0.6461 0.06902 0.66627 0.07164 0.01704 0.99242 0.38396 0.76877 0.26277 0.16721 0.20726 0.51242 0.25605 0.28207 0.56532 0.34501 0.73856 0.65047 0.29055 0.33329 0.51366 0.66182 0.18689 0.51204 0.66759 0.65221 0.11017 0.40203 0.59711 0.25591 0.20231 0.82188 0.1291 0.43191 0.73881 0.63568 0.06421 0.69171 0.02601 0.39138 0.18526 0.94704 0.41363 0.68469 0.19001 0.71067 0.45935 0.97561 0.02492 0.19785 0.06895 0.31402 0.1739 0.32382 0.55281 0.87581 0.54456 0.31599 0.83067 0.05552 0.16433 0.59972 0.67043 0.69024 0.01373 0.46122 0.94324 0.98124 0.76582 0.93037 0.20836 0.47867 0.86097 0.40529 0.51594 0.10792 0.99122 0.66669 0.49436 0.35239 0.43475 0.43243 0.02351 0.26815 0.3806 0.78844 0.65383 0.34713 0.54325 0.15471 0.99181 0.91288 0.77382 0.11566 0.85319 0.28834 0.84143 0.6577 0.72213 0.58044 0.90239 0.0055 0.0466 0.41643 0.48244 0.67335 0.96434 0.88151 0.84021 0.88916 0.15094 0.02135 0.0338 0.92664 0.69759 0.67673 0.27569 0.82679 0.02681 0.14327 0.13439 0.71166 0.70986 0.42677
+0.27362 0.2035 0.01197 0.483 0.97184 0.20695 0.89883 0.59476 0.98775 0.76909 0.7726 0.72163 0.07342 0.13757 0.90116 0.23013 0.50788 0.53456 0.92449 0.73286 0.42567 0.43921 0.39835 0.08088 0.44882 0.97303 0.08132 0.69004 0.32918 0.44968 0.71781 0.16382 0.22754 0.97873 0.93673 0.05216 0.42505 0.61016 0.62622 0.40207 0.40198 0.27208 0.72925 0.21668 0.7914 0.64167 0.03914 0.75187 0.38613 0.68847 0.59207 0.33927 0.37685 0.71042 0.69982 0.86831 0.33713 0.80993 0.59282 0.66267 0.29683 0.85548 0.71374 0.05202 0.13024 0.46012 0.25443 0.66276 0.89288 0.78376 0.96865 0.72713 0.90308 0.1479 0.33939 0.62406 0.17177 0.97013 0.94316 0.72662 0.90142 0.18698 0.82115 0.76645 0.92786 0.49656 0.91024 0.34862 0.49642 0.65907 0.4317 0.88552 0.9907 0.08724 0.09201 0.67003 0.88858 0.33474 0.55235 0.07355 0.52286 0.31018 0.83745 0.98358 0.78052 0.69978 0.10256 0.45058 0.87782 0.61638 0.42686 0.16021 0.72091 0.16036 0.04317 0.69881 0.92284 0.98475 0.40569 0.88773 0.12091 0.52328 0.18913 0.16189 0.83851 0.56822 0.49846 0.14318 0.48428 0.44223 0.29176 0.13549 0.94052 0.76943 0.13314 0.1682 0.60212 0.40685 0.68442 0.1914 0.48964 0.59444 0.74409 0.26882 0.02218 0.82345 0.92458 0.65339 0.3405 0.58866 0.04658 0.38546 0.06138 0.23539 0.79155 0.50034 0.51429 0.15768 0.37619 0.16887 0.54474 0.74646 0.69815 0.75971 0.00555 0.4754 0.53807 0.50961 0.71623 0.69398 0.81528 0.6888 0.31867 0.76397 0.86704 0.4655 0.81121 0.2633 0.83516 0.61823 0.42262 0.24353 0.97173 0.88664 0.0906 0.7716 0.34636 0.93964 0.40824 0.23355 0.61349 0.40374 0.35308 0.76187 0.68778 0.5682 0.14668 0.61007 0.62501 0.14031 0.84104 0.63983 0.65536 0.83455 0.78984 0.84184 0.01245 0.2607 0.80603 0.44414 0.03868 0.44297 0.60253 0.88474 0.99036 0.16484 0.68798 0.81007 0.87054 0.68513 0.00708 0.96885 0.15218 0.28466 0.94385 0.50051 0.10909 0.88454 0.80032 0.26971 0.20304 0.59345 0.62634 0.23518 0.26728 0.72898 0.75682 0.77664 0.64372 0.0276 0.90947 0.24057 0.28605 0.32342 0.12217 0.18622 0.8335 0.94324 0.75217 0.06647 0.04163 0.95648 0.63114 0.80336 0.94547 0.62994 0.17851 0.20426 0.93205 0.19119 0.09563 0.49062 0.16504 0.06869 0.17254 0.05561 0.49098 0.36209 0.72241 0.56346 0.1789 0.3875 0.15007 0.16739 0.69571 0.27335 0.34275 0.04863 0.77912 0.03265 0.20439 0.39497 0.59841 0.36243 0.76441 0.21471 0.38114 0.14029 0.48334 0.6579 0.81955 0.99777 0.36805 0.7478 0.38033 0.42138 0.65152 0.35912 0.81816 0.68136 0.25635 0.95414 0.06463 0.87584 0.71573 0.15332 0.18604 0.19827 0.72573 0.1422 0.05995 0.10463 0.79713 0.45044 0.5123 0.11705 0.35286 0.69861 0.32131 0.75207 0.9367 0.54037 0.15682 0.19294 0.929 0.87241 0.63112 0.57634 0.38977 0.69374 0.22076 0.83798 0.79552 0.09412 0.26141 0.81343 0.37957 0.96486 0.67263 0.64786 0.53053 0.62246 0.33968 0.14471 0.09311 0.10502 0.18547 0.90479 0.29997 0.49871 0.43355 0.27005 0.33418 0.65339 0.25815 0.12292 0.66012 0.36528 0.0714 0.1587 0.98725 0.48647 0.94692 0.70136 0.51474 0.84331 0.49686 0.94133 0.07518 0.44901 0.49671 0.64479 0.1512 0.52592 0.17427 0.36802 0.14508 0.97879 0.0331 0.8348 0.81469 0.93826 0.68686 0.23336 0.56427 0.08718 0.40862 0.73018 0.26653 0.87773 0.45452 0.60318 0.47912 0.16304 0.269 0.66093 0.17586 0.33507 0.57009 0.23626 0.75518 0.18016 0.38547 0.60415 0.40141 0.0539 0.02203 0.04006 0.11568 0.60388 0.45987 0.69398 0.84828 0.14268 0.75563 0.06721 0.213 0.61428 0.7154 0.1058 0.52064 0.55877 0.99882 0.2612 0.43805 0.87675 0.19317 0.06087 0.58793 0.98697 0.29948 0.27465 0.94276 0.7787 0.25435 0.5204 0.70178 0.18453 0.52054 0.14627 0.79465 0.71338 0.44848 0.73175 0.52528 0.84075 0.42186 0.98098 0.59745 0.93227 0.03544 0.78638 0.17195 0.99379 0.05961 0.2707 0.94025 0.88601 0.7166 0.17877 0.48648 0.40346 0.2369 0.46882 0.8766 0.04005 0.64636 0.41202 0.93137 0.38691 0.14675 0.87067 0.10156 0.79571 0.37657 0.58042 0.3538 0.19779 0.66451 0.38844 0.91516 0.03163 0.32522 0.16851 0.83 0.38757 0.52301 0.47619 0.50935 0.94235 0.22835 0.65252 0.76054 0.25571 0.56974 0.22962 0.26589 0.98402 0.58745 0.82599 0.38349 0.97247 0.49815 0.96435 0.03125 0.06854 0.38729 0.81485 0.64955 0.24862 0.72128 0.16912
+0.27333 0.84111 0.36718 0.62684 0.32779 0.96959 0.32369 0.97305 0.64461 0.65145 0.59656 0.87373 0.64622 0.11926 0.23707 0.50153 0.28902 0.72387 0.6133 0.8225 0.78273 0.9374 0.11982 0.97821 0.8945 0.31514 0.56905 0.36921 0.21338 0.45638 0.88657 0.21878 0.16434 0.83196 0.1628 0.53191 0.08491 0.96981 0.37302 0.58778 0.9001 0.97662 0.576 0.94831 0.69019 0.27333 0.85529 0.98923 0.5847 0.98342 0.57818 0.54632 0.74422 0.02378 0.02064 0.4495 0.5818 0.69204 0.48206 0.86682 0.01174 0.84042 0.14611 0.0137 0.75 0.32951 0.43246 0.04255 0.67536 0.35319 0.62304 0.80521 0.16754 0.79655 0.83817 0.43146 0.1826 0.27392 0.77763 0.99396 0.53997 0.80402 0.6977 0.21811 0.33936 0.14801 0.11042 0.83312 0.50736 0.22598 0.24287 0.65824 0.35794 0.75333 0.64717 0.98763 0.94633 0.00367 0.58166 0.02132 0.20669 0.17593 0.76807 0.45242 0.73291 0.21726 0.1821 0.25646 0.55966 0.64863 0.94264 0.418 0.96464 0.82459 0.78054 0.74007 0.73642 0.55683 0.89836 0.00864 0.70403 0.13979 0.08653 0.9746 0.51015 0.05839 0.79366 0.68567 0.88289 0.20323 0.11458 0.92004 0.37564 0.98702 0.28599 0.22818 0.97145 0.92216 0.05998 0.39421 0.6266 0.53545 0.78484 0.47567 0.12333 0.09094 0.8225 0.23825 0.75184 0.02996 0.49405 0.26451 0.93963 0.76607 0.60254 0.09815 0.47009 0.33809 0.69873 0.27735 0.30794 0.056 0.82707 0.01204 0.57883 0.34012 0.51097 0.48542 0.2385 0.26156 0.76934 0.22852 0.39929 0.62756 0.98159 0.97501 0.93618 0.70645 0.48672 0.17063 0.59077 0.85047 0.0529 0.51089 0.94569 0.91322 0.18843 0.17348 0.52857 0.10857 0.02739 0.37222 0.88072 0.4454 0.42698 0.79916 0.48411 0.41186 0.40555 0.78751 0.49844 0.26889 0.48485 0.88849 0.87887 0.23193 0.4652 0.83204 0.95245 0.09924 0.03178 0.05918 0.32519 0.79228 0.44678 0.6467 0.90894 0.90274 0.9597 0.05025 0.60629 0.27615 0.559 0.52521 0.88143 0.88071 0.46048 0.56504 0.01971 0.13267 0.43144 0.24794 0.68677 0.44446 0.92976 0.69977 0.82326 0.92938 0.13301 0.0252 0.15534 0.91728 0.71191 0.95502 0.70205 0.25639 0.75534 0.55877 0.93932 0.16095 0.77592 0.95121 0.849 0.44226 0.37529 0.30462 0.27873 0.76719 0.95902 0.13288 0.99765 0.01984 0.38729 0.79006 0.12962 0.38788 0.93721 0.50696 0.91942 0.13253 0.18929 0.15983 0.28842 0.35763 0.64372 0.38053 0.71847 0.52997 0.62765 0.81144 0.88696 0.68017 0.31647 0.9371 0.02852 0.70212 0.53953 0.96798 0.05019 0.62148 0.14813 0.36397 0.67711 0.38718 0.82038 0.29793 0.98005 0.5254 0.93388 0.54177 0.48131 0.10814 0.29645 0.38792 0.85706 0.44003 0.97242 0.6711 0.52309 0.4369 0.62893 0.53265 0.27327 0.43114 0.7804 0.10196 0.33897 0.26509 0.76658 0.53627 0.63201 0.15654 0.32364 0.58808 0.78944 0.56765 0.46347 0.85223 0.12219 0.82324 0.22945 0.24187 0.95482 0.22954 0.93455 0.8675 0.2489 0.20193 0.27211 0.19469 0.10991 0.82432 0.25561 0.00209 0.7081 0.51588 0.18583 0.01753 0.90482 0.98154 0.76871 0.83797 0.06534 0.45785 0.55541 0.98073 0.45652 0.11415 0.09181 0.84694 0.3792 0.98776 0.85737 0.86934 0.80664 0.97323 0.71665 0.98406 0.63515 0.58957 0.36452 0.41001 0.69869 0.58722 0.7987 0.49213 0.79338 0.34643 0.47951 0.01406 0.17888 0.63849 0.76278 0.58735 0.12078 0.50092 0.65201 0.78641 0.08707 0.18507 0.31163 0.85557 0.18251 0.31236 0.27334 0.71087 0.08501 0.94155 0.9741 0.06246 0.02293 0.83427 0.62026 0.38064 0.71841 0.80479 0.02792 0.84037 0.72507 0.91165 0.14056 0.65732 0.47015 0.97231 0.4887 0.42217 0.17654 0.55621 0.82622 0.20671 0.82154 0.78391 0.05903 0.90926 0.53253 0.12742 0.61846 0.73073 0.00105 0.22653 0.19236 0.12051 0.32638 0.10533 0.20191 0.99794 0.86391 0.01044 0.83626 0.55024 0.12868 0.51151 0.14893 0.52369 0.40613 0.05848 0.68646 0.15649 0.65718 0.11773 0.59757 0.30847 0.84433 0.43441 0.7566 0.25441 0.13663 0.36251 0.66519 0.35281 0.62368 0.28792 0.50653 0.46346 0.2569 0.29033 0.46628 0.13952 0.51377 0.1241 0.25254 0.66058 0.9342 0.20956 0.1239 0.35758 0.41102 0.66074 0.2674 0.70328 0.56415 0.32081 0.06879 0.05904 0.23914 0.09063 0.04665 0.55117 0.95571 0.66745 0.5647 0.42808 0.40929 0.92526 0.5229 0.77215 0.42606 0.13234 0.88988 0.64266 0.18962 0.0314 0.29088 0.91621 0.72383 0.20899 0.13472 0.05971 0.34287 0.97847 0.30503 0.23671
+0.07867 0.12119 0.84472 0.31217 0.42476 0.54229 0.65843 0.22411 0.93508 0.80965 0.75214 0.33485 0.92495 0.24692 0.49803 0.64336 0.28913 0.37485 0.55499 0.48994 0.15436 0.74827 0.73495 0.75183 0.61444 0.60512 0.50942 0.32759 0.95886 0.56101 0.22451 0.97039 0.72919 0.39191 0.91864 0.54321 0.34829 0.12168 0.63422 0.21445 0.75303 0.91078 0.01082 0.44177 0.60676 0.78616 0.77122 0.16883 0.47446 0.1102 0.06134 0.52968 0.01091 0.52836 0.17388 0.31986 0.65069 0.73552 0.82999 0.63608 0.44992 0.80332 0.69154 0.36824 0.53329 0.21415 0.02234 0.57738 0.57725 0.37051 0.50848 0.59208 0.1447 0.39734 0.75501 0.4524 0.05962 0.08235 0.47242 0.75034 0.75277 0.96616 0.49108 0.89823 0.27282 0.28408 0.9807 0.14339 0.61855 0.94529 0.12065 0.94307 0.58984 0.83152 0.18958 0.40168 0.90447 0.07246 0.34786 0.24396 0.11519 0.86637 0.13808 0.60198 0.46809 0.17137 0.64438 0.41851 0.75757 0.30983 0.76291 0.35427 0.51521 0.40053 0.74385 0.30288 0.52415 0.48214 0.52595 0.75518 0.14226 0.65 0.41894 0.11397 0.1893 0.2702 0.53713 0.4858 0.58706 0.88104 0.58111 0.05349 0.1423 0.36802 0.3444 0.26192 0.99194 0.52408 0.54656 0.00869 0.23574 0.55767 0.48457 0.53279 0.28216 0.6582 0.86075 0.59558 0.41126 0.86868 0.31351 0.03613 0.40217 0.59215 0.4042 0.86669 0.23102 0.598 0.67564 0.87975 0.21027 0.91594 0.61783 0.18506 0.03626 0.02102 0.43116 0.98001 0.73552 0.20909 0.68602 0.58279 0.56874 0.97655 0.96736 0.61819 0.1806 0.7768 0.59197 0.07551 0.84092 0.50869 0.53384 0.71374 0.19723 0.51732 0.45636 0.07472 0.62805 0.75439 0.04541 0.92327 0.98498 0.74255 0.59524 0.48718 0.67387 0.91284 0.90051 0.47497 0.27653 0.71464 0.06116 0.73192 0.82583 0.52121 0.89443 0.74896 0.5904 0.50089 0.85201 0.73008 0.8989 0.81946 0.2016 0.06281 0.38881 0.77915 0.04152 0.37471 0.08542 0.01866 0.11259 0.8693 0.7318 0.97438 0.56341 0.36379 0.76936 0.86249 0.79992 0.31738 0.18555 0.79414 0.08236 0.83335 0.76603 0.74405 0.92134 0.12992 0.97231 0.65487 0.71587 0.56934 0.52428 0.28509 0.95867 0.93275 0.36655 0.10905 0.18642 0.43531 0.3654 0.91583 0.47992 0.19465 0.66551 0.50316 0.47556 0.93931 0.70537 0.71692 0.91564 0.40045 0.28536 0.24709 0.74554 0.58035 0.63026 0.53138 0.09481 0.93108 0.82615 0.50201 0.58658 0.72636 0.27297 0.94196 0.91159 0.33725 0.53032 0.42296 0.0682 0.05447 0.59555 0.96068 0.77948 0.59539 0.60152 0.38759 0.88447 0.92149 0.27961 0.96761 0.11567 0.52809 0.79219 0.35717 0.66102 0.02349 0.31536 0.72832 0.50129 0.52901 0.91938 0.93275 0.14109 0.47847 0.51879 0.84027 0.33194 0.01221 0.39184 0.76871 0.01822 0.45788 0.58897 0.62397 0.43849 0.88635 0.40035 0.36325 0.65989 0.86612 0.83792 0.96502 0.28057 0.59361 0.03882 0.20718 0.94587 0.96855 0.95618 0.56667 0.18832 0.63089 0.84177 0.36478 0.65713 0.2668 0.32067 0.25544 0.88722 0.35122 0.8076 0.52176 0.08451 0.21638 0.52733 0.02127 0.97729 0.45569 0.01355 0.28985 0.36579 0.65167 0.35773 0.20608 0.49066 0.52286 0.41846 0.01656 0.10889 0.62973 0.69998 0.7561 0.85321 0.30397 0.52482 0.7555 0.46306 0.65268 0.1048 0.77525 0.48095 0.15198 0.16093 0.78721 0.87651 0.27457 0.12797 0.87517 0.61288 0.2669 0.90542 0.22175 0.70913 0.18634 0.08063 0.20091 0.04211 0.79666 0.32403 0.23638 0.79566 0.46191 0.35994 0.90861 0.43259 0.21712 0.43959 0.16899 0.30276 0.25584 0.30009 0.63687 0.10751 0.22769 0.57845 0.08747 0.63223 0.08271 0.46311 0.65833 0.50818 0.62502 0.31732 0.67489 0.00373 0.94822 0.23114 0.94845 0.73804 0.69183 0.97437 0.11665 0.16872 0.1545 0.42597 0.77322 0.36022 0.16078 0.92045 0.99469 0.47201 0.82934 0.93457 0.55334 0.04852 0.58101 0.90442 0.24833 0.29828 0.42401 0.22644 0.08715 0.91411 0.73367 0.85406 0.02845 0.38053 0.81742 0.09095 0.10956 0.11776 0.52353 0.00529 0.36078 0.46511 0.32769 0.15296 0.50224 0.33676 0.42876 0.08477 0.40356 0.70591 0.27506 0.61572 0.46586 0.53606 0.22355 0.02039 0.11943 0.24383 0.35787 0.68093 0.65069 0.82372 0.11507 0.79575 0.47347 0.99998 0.75289 0.60884 0.01632 0.9055 0.33481 0.73971 0.63439 0.66094 0.23622 0.90699 0.54771 0.67449 0.49574 0.49565 0.84034 0.96639 0.42732 0.55639 0.29866 0.96956 0.85766 0.93918 0.67083 0.4853 0.79033 0.21539 0.72102 0.38059 0.85591
+0.21686 0.38683 0.54045 0.56334 0.5927 0.58694 0.35011 0.6131 0.6993 0.54258 0.05797 0.56451 0.64504 0.22629 0.20746 0.91831 0.95966 0.43836 0.43414 0.27886 0.79613 0.59485 0.03383 0.48379 0.52804 0.3993 0.77044 0.12992 0.9948 0.66618 0.43704 0.85785 0.66488 0.89793 0.53533 0.41019 0.65529 0.47184 0.06494 0.37588 0.56459 0.89125 0.53392 0.50775 0.01077 0.49584 0.07495 0.06526 0.4689 0.61879 0.20611 0.84123 0.79635 0.59452 0.12562 0.87248 0.14214 0.21024 0.14624 0.45962 0.71993 0.17212 0.17454 0.27132 0.19273 0.63531 0.15622 0.61628 0.73224 0.04211 0.63876 0.1912 0.4727 0.01192 0.85521 0.63345 0.37599 0.76058 0.58062 0.88258 0.85591 0.48404 0.40247 0.66484 0.11081 0.63447 0.45065 0.39138 0.58074 0.07241 0.22181 0.47435 0.33017 0.69827 0.02411 0.67093 0.42926 0.04722 0.99747 0.44035 0.1922 0.70134 0.44606 0.02175 0.70165 0.84417 0.36898 0.39052 0.08498 0.07103 0.77837 0.72917 0.0056 0.78045 0.12579 0.85013 0.33814 0.11129 0.89561 0.23985 0.40669 0.64878 0.00577 0.58994 0.7109 0.74056 0.88082 0.14649 0.05294 0.35667 0.06173 0.99508 0.80948 0.86217 0.62785 0.7199 0.49837 0.84696 0.96223 0.45843 0.96833 0.27434 0.12772 0.97642 0.97148 0.27488 0.38378 0.39286 0.24426 0.35017 0.52335 0.72774 0.0103 0.70778 0.32773 0.08751 0.17707 0.90252 0.53348 0.26509 0.93349 0.9103 0.06143 0.76003 0.7952 0.29114 0.04191 0.82989 0.06893 0.60406 0.75427 0.87338 0.67123 0.37616 0.51926 0.74646 0.11368 0.18605 0.87406 0.46085 0.66156 0.73099 0.42865 0.41798 0.97817 0.155 0.09838 0.06383 0.45869 0.72892 0.42283 0.83958 0.90851 0.06142 0.7557 0.08009 0.10148 0.83983 0.95415 0.89173 0.54007 0.2465 0.25845 0.20318 0.47702 0.22923 0.54552 0.34017 0.99946 0.58189 0.08468 0.00523 0.00853 0.43186 0.15217 0.4296 0.69606 0.78373 0.35429 0.90869 0.40533 0.52744 0.23821 0.34596 0.47477 0.43314 0.19728 0.79861 0.50681 0.93768 0.76686 0.7919 0.76785 0.19165 0.24932 0.99961 0.94921 0.6658 0.5126 0.49355 0.88093 0.24525 0.32153 0.25279 0.56576 0.78861 0.57288 0.30563 0.82605 0.64049 0.52637 0.13281 0.59312 0.4842 0.46016 0.60569 0.77444 0.90941 0.92622 0.03195 0.98305 0.18876 0.42091 0.53373 0.79171 0.33971 0.14497 0.07354 0.23917 0.42946 0.6509 0.56629 0.66388 0.02268 0.29767 0.3974 0.39648 0.56484 0.97683 0.79452 0.31327 0.15556 0.06406 0.01371 0.42083 0.45073 0.31651 0.3652 0.74063 0.89347 0.1327 0.65087 0.17317 0.53472 0.81311 0.36234 0.64381 0.27814 0.59065 0.01485 0.67079 0.83394 0.84062 0.81813 0.62395 0.59 0.01025 0.01589 0.77951 0.71564 0.22185 0.2952 0.25274 0.99523 0.30497 0.39373 0.23337 0.27656 0.29472 0.50299 0.92998 0.63494 0.61597 0.88498 0.91501 0.58545 0.39404 0.07196 0.47148 0.96078 0.93078 0.33825 0.23089 0.47292 0.13267 0.36538 0.80177 0.27799 0.51651 0.4596 0.99053 0.16605 0.51539 0.93906 0.17526 0.79045 0.4201 0.43869 0.80054 0.69781 0.06861 0.09289 0.37826 0.61072 0.62496 0.30279 0.39399 0.748 0.28383 0.29183 0.12856 0.031 0.19197 0.05649 0.9976 0.56546 0.89074 0.80136 0.0307 0.98673 0.3684 0.84829 0.75991 0.88197 0.50099 0.14743 0.32295 0.95666 0.67143 0.73981 0.90077 0.92273 0.98104 0.127 0.66061 0.79085 0.12553 0.51762 0.82152 0.09784 0.69426 0.63529 0.25844 0.95513 0.16136 0.23564 0.35243 0.30729 0.42901 0.28451 0.95741 0.57013 0.66371 0.10573 0.92313 0.99386 0.71326 0.9998 0.32902 0.11877 0.51071 0.98302 0.96182 0.60949 0.66123 0.39987 0.3407 0.06729 0.08523 0.69162 0.13934 0.90574 0.70428 0.50195 0.19664 0.64466 0.13912 0.47143 0.04149 0.98116 0.21032 0.05914 0.0296 0.34603 0.55875 0.65389 0.52805 0.06712 0.17549 0.42027 0.48613 0.43999 0.61133 0.66685 0.73593 0.50535 0.74091 0.85233 0.43111 0.85177 0.49016 0.26704 0.49133 0.90737 0.67421 0.77683 0.92025 0.42876 0.30048 0.78526 0.51383 0.05686 0.88788 0.88647 0.22354 0.94576 0.35461 0.00708 0.7501 0.31974 0.68219 0.43898 0.3226 0.27643 0.85713 0.37051 0.97186 0.18297 0.69374 0.19069 0.6683 0.76462 0.76089 0.38303 0.01601 0.20829 0.16244 0.20128 0.53818 0.38044 0.21607 0.08909 0.68196 0.48798 0.86783 0.73881 0.19428 0.23745 0.49753 0.22783 0.48508 0.88337 0.95994 0.59123 0.60338 0.45038 0.1219 0.64055 0.57873 0.20453 0.24335 0.43034
+0.57219 0.44451 0.61814 0.85839 0.49781 0.79836 0.23321 0.44695 0.17834 0.66088 0.86544 0.98714 0.57345 0.90465 0.26641 0.63917 0.22537 0.42114 0.62551 0.27771 0.03876 0.99613 0.12665 0.7534 0.17773 0.97245 0.03114 0.7701 0.95485 0.69054 0.98361 0.16918 0.34215 0.47387 0.77605 0.76003 0.82722 0.31655 0.94392 0.3363 0.27887 0.01806 0.67384 0.88651 0.12318 0.95998 0.92968 0.87293 0.884 0.39912 0.45541 0.10473 0.9533 0.26644 0.24344 0.33058 0.24612 0.97846 0.87762 0.86597 0.27075 0.38406 0.94131 0.1353 0.4438 0.24506 0.38144 0.8323 0.83724 0.57585 0.03608 0.59571 0.70858 0.71702 0.12805 0.41081 0.78963 0.59423 0.93631 0.24278 0.92543 0.67396 0.05144 0.28276 0.28653 0.36554 0.91072 0.60565 0.88315 0.63617 0.31239 0.68187 0.90653 0.349 0.22883 0.79587 0.5946 0.8308 0.82959 0.65748 0.71016 0.40327 0.06151 0.0781 0.47099 0.82786 0.62451 0.92943 0.05236 0.74846 0.66293 0.44313 0.73715 0.20824 0.24058 0.28111 0.48686 0.94021 0.29381 0.06929 0.44511 0.2552 0.55498 0.36114 0.60734 0.11413 0.38696 0.55498 0.39164 0.31266 0.62126 0.91757 0.46177 0.25774 0.9865 0.4149 0.49988 0.06653 0.97744 0.01617 0.31736 0.10885 0.90282 0.75474 0.18635 0.38649 0.97745 0.33267 0.67987 0.17154 0.99426 0.52112 0.57655 0.58642 0.37085 0.70951 0.67456 0.32858 0.84652 0.41253 0.09822 0.41351 0.56608 0.96389 0.39879 0.54117 0.46317 0.91481 0.97891 0.0789 0.52892 0.84768 0.87252 0.37046 0.76736 0.60419 0.55055 0.83682 0.37722 0.56572 0.54117 0.86864 0.52184 0.79402 0.1425 0.0893 0.85892 0.97389 0.32183 0.66412 0.75273 0.88701 0.75474 0.84701 0.98867 0.14855 0.10399 0.3173 0.83632 0.80225 0.11969 0.00683 0.02036 0.58328 0.25715 0.77469 0.79895 0.46755 0.93779 0.07717 0.50701 0.24844 0.60348 0.82559 0.55946 0.3322 0.60329 0.06336 0.34103 0.58275 0.91884 0.37495 0.93204 0.63582 0.53778 0.33121 0.96981 0.46367 0.7275 0.23412 0.9472 0.58301 0.8709 0.83159 0.5225 0.88432 0.96 0.43098 0.32015 0.1329 0.89869 0.89249 0.50337 0.9425 0.23788 0.60082 0.51723 0.5413 0.7212 0.31675 0.13635 0.39712 0.84295 0.29039 0.02276 0.32495 0.67458 0.30065 0.85582 0.65292 0.22238 0.24891 0.48856 0.59053 0.91324 0.30301 0.46811 0.45549 0.4956 0.24236 0.75667 0.48092 0.26052 0.20767 0.77199 0.17368 0.62484 0.98355 0.98009 0.45378 0.20993 0.80887 0.3785 0.7997 0.33095 0.68852 0.49853 0.41675 0.05796 0.97961 0.7166 0.9105 0.7989 0.43933 0.42613 0.23435 0.85996 0.40859 0.6217 0.87172 0.98731 0.52173 0.32077 0.0051 0.63235 0.40497 0.50428 0.06732 0.00326 0.67422 0.50248 0.13939 0.88668 0.9992 0.99007 0.30322 0.42958 0.73916 0.48703 0.89059 0.34744 0.40191 0.42463 0.97067 0.54467 0.83752 0.89205 0.95689 0.87723 0.21494 0.66981 0.23114 0.7536 0.81494 0.49877 0.00941 0.29106 0.12927 0.68477 0.1214 0.25126 0.62446 0.22923 0.17944 0.79925 0.72665 0.89367 0.9473 0.25359 0.21109 0.69907 0.43136 0.65034 0.10138 0.75002 0.09105 0.79345 0.28183 0.43791 0.93119 0.37766 0.41855 0.81286 0.54191 0.2573 0.37082 0.14122 0.90065 0.86731 0.70188 0.2473 0.03572 0.1919 0.18667 0.95037 0.46983 0.0983 0.8385 0.20719 0.33715 0.53736 0.23118 0.29779 0.23191 0.94415 0.43961 0.90128 0.53839 0.34234 0.1468 0.20315 0.58146 0.89715 0.39205 0.02351 0.68367 0.31269 0.4556 0.48491 0.57219 0.16602 0.94397 0.60774 0.45241 0.9113 0.52861 0.67434 0.99791 0.23561 0.1592 0.63794 0.71834 0.61986 0.53491 0.25171 0.29621 0.39355 0.3432 0.93121 0.69765 0.11389 0.63017 0.43741 0.93241 0.9858 0.71314 0.69306 0.07199 0.00973 0.94458 0.51448 0.72833 0.64166 0.84622 0.66641 0.56365 0.23666 0.61286 0.59704 0.43091 0.6077 0.57611 0.3592 0.09531 0.66445 0.13502 0.00147 0.49266 0.50558 0.31754 0.65983 0.70627 0.78191 0.60753 0.63187 0.33619 0.89087 0.65107 0.98373 0.58252 0.09641 0.60542 0.83356 0.61009 0.16394 0.64484 0.68351 0.50264 0.45671 0.20846 0.3244 0.90351 0.99535 0.73069 0.21011 0.3553 0.35313 0.18798 0.47536 0.27596 0.7989 0.85961 0.82585 0.6339 0.0092 0.71636 0.25569 0.02809 0.8619 0.80344 0.0131 0.5705 0.2834 0.8185 0.96495 0.78771 0.43658 0.42134 0.75796 0.75632 0.43809 0.26512 0.31485 0.28701 0.12704 0.47975 0.23256 0.26553 0.11124 0.39685 0.44643 0.95771
+0.42867 0.18314 0.46555 0.60893 0.14751 0.6732 0.71514 0.31017 0.85306 0.13596 0.9698 0.35585 0.5694 0.1441 0.89357 0.00976 0.19126 0.81718 0.38163 0.40472 0.95728 0.13443 0.24726 0.4808 0.02439 0.11449 0.76441 0.93472 0.1535 0.18823 0.89423 0.52597 0.01231 0.90121 0.49201 0.43355 0.84404 0.13363 0.93721 0.38449 0.86587 0.89926 0.09235 0.39944 0.19588 0.32111 0.27339 0.58679 0.16527 0.60575 0.58703 0.81859 0.21791 0.09854 0.01272 0.37814 0.96219 0.30338 0.96472 0.98337 0.72511 0.76415 0.3866 0.84772 0.50965 0.22485 0.54074 0.90831 0.64406 0.27521 0.55082 0.4001 0.65835 0.79055 0.52963 0.1507 0.81272 0.80028 0.24805 0.63687 0.12166 0.51328 0.81469 0.39089 0.26511 0.55411 0.37392 0.65762 0.90257 0.96678 0.23683 0.78894 0.18658 0.04287 0.43315 0.99183 0.46906 0.07615 0.91561 0.31606 0.18275 0.78306 0.13732 0.51864 0.26572 0.4517 0.10933 0.35637 0.34805 0.82939 0.70806 0.65305 0.71141 0.84175 0.733 0.89263 0.12108 0.57362 0.28803 0.00121 0.72688 0.67988 0.35032 0.58508 0.80561 0.59931 0.801 0.96205 0.28648 0.12318 0.73436 0.25335 0.7822 0.34888 0.94665 0.27953 0.64175 0.02549 0.79774 0.45394 0.53449 0.53636 0.16658 0.72414 0.51469 0.21087 0.74598 0.84555 0.81379 0.50533 0.94831 0.64455 0.27614 0.69529 0.32201 0.5651 0.40909 0.05673 0.92982 0.91463 0.05022 0.23804 0.98962 0.52342 0.01488 0.79677 0.56987 0.76177 0.0733 0.10995 0.98346 0.56204 0.23737 0.7282 0.64692 0.16932 0.71878 0.201 0.53117 0.95999 0.08235 0.57424 0.1738 0.48636 0.16543 0.76152 0.22423 0.48217 0.10369 0.47031 0.67156 0.11119 0.75942 0.49119 0.65101 0.33781 0.11239 0.33349 0.52451 0.42513 0.12114 0.32905 0.25538 0.04237 0.85814 0.84647 0.62204 0.97072 0.19435 0.72731 0.031 0.39406 0.26842 0.33256 0.68282 0.22816 0.27682 0.96936 0.38217 0.88353 0.15087 0.87107 0.41928 0.91074 0.17855 0.39293 0.92118 0.20644 0.15699 0.2865 0.98833 0.43366 0.8794 0.7229 0.35854 0.92248 0.17621 0.42121 0.12439 0.21428 0.031 0.15701 0.14664 0.29666 0.37628 0.83711 0.0477 0.60737 0.24652 0.78698 0.87945 0.51605 0.31127 0.28449 0.00812 0.34962 0.77903 0.58919 0.6742 0.07509 0.03931 0.2985 0.37492 0.60388 0.58917 0.39338 0.34121 0.85351 0.67339 0.60723 0.91956 0.87494 0.1839 0.72432 0.00494 0.17603 0.8032 0.15571 0.36188 0.38959 0.46589 0.32731 0.13593 0.84325 0.53057 0.09485 0.97888 0.21976 0.19319 0.63341 0.13031 0.58539 0.99433 0.2523 0.09126 0.00125 0.13804 0.73247 0.67447 0.86393 0.22061 0.43424 0.12604 0.76918 0.93212 0.95524 0.81817 0.68529 0.84456 0.48089 0.76506 0.08478 0.3345 0.21594 0.1349 0.74353 0.91222 0.71621 0.33625 0.58305 0.53997 0.62369 0.67272 0.97594 0.79739 0.32748 0.98728 0.99222 0.02943 0.27904 0.96698 0.56173 0.43356 0.08098 0.10667 0.23436 0.04848 0.21415 0.94184 0.32005 0.9272 0.30024 0.62438 0.6752 0.62122 0.16056 0.73646 0.29607 0.02074 0.25576 0.38379 0.79795 0.95178 0.78712 0.796 0.46707 0.0721 0.9517 0.57306 0.04554 0.96346 0.68756 0.56222 0.06398 0.27413 0.17854 0.24043 0.34673 0.13699 0.15941 0.10085 0.9698 0.86368 0.70245 0.99687 0.15052 0.99288 0.1222 0.33829 0.8429 0.51374 0.36406 0.57272 0.60724 0.97297 0.37781 0.35044 0.69301 0.51572 0.30474 0.6233 0.3673 0.79879 0.01942 0.42118 0.03997 0.19337 0.72832 0.41399 0.74171 0.41938 0.4626 0.95491 0.50481 0.05562 0.87441 0.86349 0.06636 0.97721 0.22634 0.86593 0.27565 0.4156 0.09427 0.72613 0.71118 0.37059 0.17841 0.84811 0.72637 0.19817 0.1112 0.75831 0.01331 0.2947 0.25709 0.89565 0.57477 0.14269 0.53325 0.58918 0.9152 0.18886 0.89252 0.85235 0.73862 0.46103 0.35905 0.13455 0.73621 0.44917 0.97899 0.46001 0.9996 0.86196 0.71204 0.21956 0.87327 0.08636 0.81474 0.78225 0.48472 0.81171 0.89392 0.4508 0.6955 0.41461 0.722 0.74698 0.52497 0.49105 0.07864 0.79342 0.47754 0.41289 0.53985 0.05195 0.1127 0.04668 0.0864 0.70311 0.26617 0.07223 0.1024 0.60643 0.98569 0.00995 0.07955 0.88481 0.25675 0.71728 0.52256 0.83241 0.0363 0.04536 0.97136 0.01142 0.84147 0.78124 0.93828 0.76329 0.47381 0.40483 0.4099 0.39589 0.00504 0.71934 0.97878 0.9426 0.22585 0.40748 0.95583 0.87808 0.72717 0.30893 0.12546 0.43534 0.72553 0.76831 0.00923 0.18037 0.19294
+0.90915 0.76577 0.01663 0.00498 0.06247 0.97587 0.98428 0.53171 0.43109 0.42607 0.63593 0.56521 0.66037 0.05485 0.36384 0.86146 0.09212 0.69378 0.81927 0.85085 0.19772 0.64368 0.14813 0.15624 0.62322 0.00643 0.79556 0.04969 0.48165 0.97342 0.25965 0.46503 0.34535 0.8853 0.01035 0.4893 0.24565 0.07637 0.94225 0.7651 0.68513 0.97446 0.20534 0.72376 0.40136 0.2561 0.34132 0.66696 0.07947 0.39767 0.33481 0.04012 0.47901 0.45676 0.54195 0.64402 0.10756 0.50293 0.3243 0.42104 0.48127 0.02566 0.76316 0.04174 0.99021 0.12158 0.65844 0.26456 0.52656 0.57548 0.60003 0.23568 0.21375 0.93857 0.51446 0.47547 0.90281 0.6165 0.95277 0.78254 0.46787 0.5688 0.38335 0.31689 0.57241 0.62399 0.49953 0.85774 0.59593 0.14511 0.28936 0.12214 0.94756 0.99066 0.16932 0.79514 0.86287 0.1695 0.10338 0.68458 0.91262 0.49067 0.22976 0.20458 0.38399 0.24768 0.76412 0.86615 0.11465 0.63613 0.54887 0.80235 0.51543 0.80685 0.36047 0.50428 0.80579 0.33071 0.75134 0.96685 0.33048 0.33407 0.91217 0.67635 0.93528 0.91442 0.96171 0.65241 0.5913 0.54618 0.70388 0.36006 0.25608 0.25047 0.50379 0.68426 0.4921 0.68498 0.74814 0.48742 0.09201 0.97417 0.21692 0.40717 0.41744 0.47507 0.76083 0.34125 0.14124 0.35078 0.32071 0.49936 0.6084 0.89434 0.47567 0.32864 0.09471 0.38831 0.18136 0.3735 0.3859 0.56366 0.83929 0.10436 0.17881 0.33721 0.58934 0.69245 0.1332 0.74815 0.02858 0.50262 0.62998 0.45488 0.0813 0.93755 0.51214 0.6699 0.06305 0.02335 0.58164 0.77813 0.9224 0.96228 0.7742 0.1313 0.41366 0.56347 0.23671 0.43331 0.09585 0.48824 0.68469 0.23712 0.23923 0.40262 0.51128 0.76203 0.44299 0.64773 0.8046 0.40823 0.24587 0.25258 0.2267 0.36933 0.85572 0.94317 0.61192 0.41403 0.14038 0.1859 0.35875 0.71629 0.02351 0.90199 0.30845 0.12853 0.01262 0.54929 0.31923 0.55331 0.65725 0.33416 0.82902 0.34202 0.71764 0.76318 0.80645 0.64221 0.71296 0.10717 0.9732 0.05996 0.02803 0.33747 0.41546 0.59941 0.1609 0.04508 0.96622 0.77888 0.65507 0.75711 0.082 0.4818 0.7449 0.9048 0.34897 0.29084 0.63731 0.03931 0.59706 0.64958 0.82222 0.14351 0.61867 0.76473 0.74931 0.70391 0.46485 0.23216 0.79584 0.65825 0.24041 0.87467 0.8368 0.36667 0.72395 0.51221 0.64372 0.62595 0.36836 0.12409 0.2687 0.44657 0.01907 0.8649 0.93938 0.01789 0.10982 0.73992 0.78183 0.04097 0.48144 0.8058 0.0265 0.39339 0.40009 0.3682 0.70526 0.81843 0.03496 0.59411 0.32669 0.21315 0.17588 0.10814 0.21423 0.65968 0.87025 0.22409 0.76927 0.0639 0.23052 0.10322 0.36649 0.32035 0.23453 0.07002 0.46487 0.28221 0.80405 0.65892 0.5507 0.05929 0.70328 0.49692 0.77754 0.93953 0.41324 0.05211 0.54345 0.74485 0.45936 0.84963 0.4194 0.66331 0.75324 0.12021 0.97459 0.3852 0.59032 0.21783 0.62118 0.86348 4e-05 0.71841 0.3559 0.32291 0.99969 0.98083 0.6433 0.67713 0.56213 0.06205 0.32458 0.86962 0.75095 0.33334 0.16594 0.84669 0.66769 0.56512 0.25394 0.40861 0.15259 0.29401 0.48785 0.14103 0.17064 0.93854 0.68331 0.63696 0.85205 0.99581 0.77565 0.58018 0.03146 0.36673 0.15199 0.01875 0.77249 0.66483 0.109 0.86256 0.24951 0.98555 0.73778 0.4753 0.93881 0.32048 0.53942 0.3847 0.15409 0.80713 0.57544 0.67618 0.24187 0.02386 0.98207 0.03951 0.29542 0.26038 0.13977 0.11937 0.16478 0.11208 0.15935 0.40834 0.20724 0.16019 0.75847 0.24747 0.33025 0.89558 0.72708 0.05916 0.09565 0.60349 0.41231 0.91239 0.77787 0.63061 0.48736 0.02955 0.39124 0.54697 0.46027 0.13506 0.4079 0.69691 0.91017 0.13883 0.73127 0.99665 0.44453 0.25958 0.80414 0.87351 0.42517 0.56884 0.56826 0.99521 0.48374 0.19855 0.51669 0.41234 0.50961 0.75945 0.38117 0.1376 0.48956 0.25096 0.45072 0.08721 0.31866 0.93723 0.66982 0.96246 0.24316 0.17314 0.35727 0.84524 0.6623 0.94682 0.65016 0.96434 0.94369 0.60305 0.03657 0.7807 0.3558 0.12262 0.57434 0.72455 0.80405 0.50074 0.88718 0.55587 0.43705 0.34905 0.00183 0.68057 0.61651 0.62906 0.66164 0.01056 0.66803 0.51462 0.63849 0.7187 0.30122 0.48888 0.53671 0.36916 0.75979 0.14883 0.78574 0.31049 0.23654 0.72815 0.47816 0.92872 0.78739 0.05327 0.59673 0.63147 0.02164 0.71887 0.53471 0.49303 0.73692 0.2022 0.60709 0.87605 0.34028 0.64728 0.80111 0.4045 0.89158 0.20982
+0.50024 0.88848 0.11641 0.15806 0.30098 0.25992 0.83509 0.26296 0.47088 0.45188 0.35958 0.14708 0.7605 0.85673 0.99305 0.0067 0.41703 0.15302 0.65 0.44601 0.40774 0.39114 0.91144 0.69674 0.18255 0.70111 0.52316 0.8325 0.8265 0.82006 0.08905 0.00616 0.86968 0.66245 0.33326 0.09036 0.82144 0.77728 0.35153 0.18345 0.62998 0.63309 0.29766 0.389 0.06697 0.79351 0.40416 0.049 0.42271 0.57705 0.43629 0.98235 0.30912 0.13668 0.90675 0.95238 0.5877 0.15929 0.0501 0.20956 0.57903 0.46219 0.76005 0.90596 0.32509 0.18162 0.86004 0.1478 0.65106 0.97179 0.81806 0.36174 0.37737 0.95834 0.69538 0.83669 0.46783 0.57032 0.97065 0.42142 0.97237 0.13801 0.35184 0.29502 0.48428 0.13883 0.24695 0.38939 0.60713 0.68032 0.9234 0.06296 0.96352 0.6434 0.09065 0.96254 0.34305 0.35115 0.30643 0.03905 0.87911 0.55217 0.81714 0.31155 0.49402 0.70031 0.62923 0.88419 0.26776 0.09214 0.33311 0.66149 0.32341 0.12691 0.08974 0.35327 0.39313 0.41563 0.6795 0.50781 0.96802 0.38305 0.75279 0.38661 0.20079 0.85841 0.83758 0.53156 0.44752 0.60278 0.03634 0.99828 0.15454 0.34696 0.35343 0.99143 0.23125 0.92796 0.75888 0.77142 0.41061 0.85974 0.64455 0.97207 0.30144 0.968 0.19239 0.77454 0.84725 0.28582 0.69813 0.08776 0.75258 0.72392 0.37073 0.66745 0.11237 0.83838 0.65861 0.81704 0.24121 0.12721 0.65974 0.72143 0.18974 0.56702 0.06831 0.22731 0.21881 0.23749 0.70003 0.42179 0.27668 0.53143 0.65328 0.67784 0.19319 0.60857 0.98348 0.20123 0.30697 0.92919 0.70323 0.48513 0.46749 0.24032 0.82407 0.18818 0.98087 0.05298 0.60825 0.37568 0.91899 0.47877 0.78669 0.12018 0.02429 0.64982 0.38808 0.88553 0.95659 0.96735 0.05927 0.28638 0.89784 0.31466 0.11303 0.07269 0.18191 0.10641 0.58262 0.30403 0.68724 0.93659 0.31369 0.66823 0.38715 0.43085 0.82731 0.61249 0.4028 0.73881 0.25141 0.71954 0.10869 0.39445 0.71217 0.27061 0.05193 0.75616 0.65937 0.75385 0.45854 0.17929 0.82675 0.55205 0.34776 0.72978 0.83583 0.29408 0.93502 0.1617 0.12066 0.48096 0.55896 0.4669 0.76999 0.92476 0.75766 0.25237 0.00746 0.59814 0.39755 0.62867 0.37395 0.33411 0.97283 0.96441 0.94672 0.32979 0.65962 0.63553 0.99466 0.20513 0.32586 0.14062 0.12441 0.49153 0.81361 0.0086 0.88562 0.30426 0.38746 0.4211 0.73157 0.48744 0.10863 0.5923 0.67249 0.45517 0.70775 0.35261 0.62049 0.9823 0.86169 0.57782 0.54321 0.70994 0.163 0.44815 0.5625 0.27929 0.85687 0.23964 0.22598 0.91548 0.34154 0.87824 0.06955 0.9405 0.02201 0.98238 0.99049 0.9283 0.26055 0.55827 0.94396 0.86593 0.81175 0.71142 0.15443 0.56562 0.10027 0.83914 0.66004 0.66927 0.38573 0.43458 0.27936 0.61511 0.31739 0.87892 0.86446 0.59739 0.47249 0.742 0.69038 0.16483 0.3964 0.74083 0.37063 0.62197 0.83813 0.86605 0.71628 0.95329 0.32986 0.03663 0.65801 0.01718 0.33363 0.09751 0.05702 0.16426 0.17145 0.99705 0.84357 0.53164 0.05058 0.74201 0.59966 0.19174 0.78722 0.67399 0.21387 0.11491 0.26778 0.1944 0.5715 0.43734 0.3229 0.53926 0.57956 0.49656 0.62485 0.84454 0.51628 0.89081 0.52009 0.00041 0.53673 0.14221 0.24085 0.09557 0.1721 0.95859 0.95588 0.27762 0.83397 0.16235 0.31144 0.06893 0.07803 0.9709 0.55796 0.84246 0.76497 0.11513 0.10801 0.97747 0.83865 0.43411 0.8453 0.01103 0.13249 0.92667 0.49082 0.15773 0.50144 0.22488 0.61246 0.26967 0.93041 0.23829 0.11628 0.06884 0.96899 0.81377 0.71118 0.55522 0.56736 0.71438 0.12441 0.36286 0.92811 0.2744 0.41322 0.69638 0.21904 0.44846 0.94893 0.6707 0.32469 0.40924 0.9085 0.46335 0.4182 0.53972 0.77125 0.72485 0.52294 0.84519 0.43287 0.41507 0.32146 0.01795 0.20428 0.48836 0.91169 0.09876 0.5664 0.6424 0.06121 0.2433 0.72047 0.02686 0.7543 0.953 0.2382 0.5997 0.23242 0.62472 0.58891 0.40342 0.46268 0.78325 0.84979 0.93359 0.84966 0.57823 0.11622 0.95345 0.22975 0.50649 0.43602 0.20499 0.09197 0.14924 0.2607 0.42626 0.97542 0.89779 0.19092 0.28799 0.33232 0.91964 0.92367 0.86892 0.89992 0.52848 0.9632 0.15829 0.54468 0.54354 0.56829 0.9312 0.03934 0.65888 0.65855 0.10195 0.52484 0.60864 0.38327 0.00405 0.54252 0.48737 0.6217 0.3653 0.10133 0.42163 0.77229 0.71349 0.51505 0.64202 0.29187 0.0527 0.30066 0.44812 0.86037 0.93882 0.21337 0.39054
+0.02682 0.14153 0.7702 0.88776 0.80738 0.81332 0.83965 0.94107 0.32636 0.10755 0.1287 0.36224 0.06691 0.8354 0.67114 0.70358 0.13109 0.06574 0.80546 0.58261 0.20482 0.39535 0.14752 0.96264 0.997 0.25722 0.61324 0.3162 0.31062 0.37112 0.43548 0.31626 0.44891 0.2379 0.72128 0.10917 0.60472 0.26598 0.88374 0.65936 0.76888 0.35135 0.9965 0.23757 0.56533 0.48261 0.05824 0.29555 0.34439 0.55846 0.23308 0.59815 0.90522 0.33642 0.61142 0.84271 0.28114 0.38551 0.70925 0.32838 0.69045 0.24622 0.4669 0.24587 0.21281 0.78284 0.61334 0.65909 0.45792 0.08679 0.66462 0.38236 0.01978 0.00504 0.36002 0.4221 0.20162 0.72095 0.0477 0.76151 0.72726 0.88101 0.05344 0.45423 0.60646 0.61348 0.00906 0.60564 0.22248 0.22145 0.82221 0.33998 0.39797 0.50878 0.76005 0.29245 0.19859 0.86623 0.61909 0.41596 0.40732 0.9198 0.15224 0.65128 0.63355 0.87312 0.63793 0.53861 0.02855 0.56835 0.82666 0.20196 0.9956 0.94469 0.18086 0.77763 0.24158 0.50619 0.99421 0.47163 0.45822 0.14989 0.38834 0.63251 0.38752 0.99886 0.50217 0.37416 0.30655 0.32896 0.87137 0.88933 0.36639 0.98801 0.3865 0.55345 0.05276 0.24087 0.34919 0.74885 0.90125 0.99624 0.08771 0.75095 0.77348 0.98937 0.88252 0.21006 0.49289 0.45663 0.84094 0.08099 0.00796 0.27334 0.80257 0.05873 0.64939 0.40771 0.82802 0.00074 0.35197 0.72699 0.48091 0.42465 0.25602 0.98995 0.5187 0.06838 0.57349 0.34885 0.15013 0.64839 0.02793 0.59075 0.71336 0.04743 0.89476 0.53201 0.08929 0.72864 0.0955 0.73177 0.95787 0.44737 0.30522 0.46772 0.13855 0.59295 0.32734 0.63971 0.43487 0.22431 0.73893 0.25638 0.36757 0.78645 0.07737 0.28582 0.70375 0.4604 0.06906 0.03673 0.4003 0.19995 0.74478 0.95837 0.02558 0.39092 0.12158 0.70555 0.38902 0.62401 0.46081 0.84506 0.29914 0.15814 0.53626 0.21796 0.16827 0.23828 0.62865 0.42325 0.87998 0.23747 0.5684 0.55486 0.09123 0.76911 0.30601 0.66699 0.20181 0.81217 0.0719 0.41811 0.69316 0.56922 0.8439 0.25813 0.46686 0.41332 0.52665 0.12901 0.64218 0.4938 0.07311 0.82933 0.01262 0.64284 0.90058 0.39377 0.72197 0.62724 0.75727 0.52281 0.6511 0.72089 0.66259 0.89725 0.05284 0.62902 0.54249 0.46969 0.1796 0.12265 0.73424 0.58525 0.8646 0.76834 0.59469 0.26748 0.49392 0.33174 0.20568 0.33667 0.94146 0.76276 0.47876 0.42197 0.91695 0.80312 0.49147 0.94987 0.60231 0.78921 0.78183 0.16142 0.09946 0.15408 0.57548 0.85028 0.10111 0.41262 0.39125 0.86647 0.46483 0.84044 0.44255 0.06814 0.15419 0.13873 0.14269 0.55731 0.04322 0.69448 0.26116 0.43289 0.58963 0.53769 0.83429 0.60235 0.73361 0.71257 0.23482 0.72329 0.57907 0.2734 0.36695 0.36593 0.15146 0.93277 0.13652 0.31111 0.75842 0.49055 0.88641 0.51178 0.74921 0.86372 0.53328 0.2685 0.27578 0.61913 0.47206 0.63296 0.35821 0.48766 0.07684 0.35386 0.50141 0.7159 0.75039 0.39326 0.49927 0.39636 0.83859 0.28473 0.2149 0.6877 0.36557 0.22392 0.44043 0.05399 0.80135 0.443 0.01904 0.55548 0.68143 0.04275 0.59267 0.29944 0.45985 0.48881 0.0888 0.88055 0.44878 0.38123 0.43964 0.24489 0.20621 0.92614 0.36824 0.39055 0.89604 0.45103 0.54504 0.86103 0.07016 0.22245 0.92759 0.48484 0.45045 0.86775 0.51251 0.82633 0.10752 0.71395 0.76389 0.33365 0.6235 0.06061 0.57253 0.2388 0.8387 0.57138 0.76059 0.67495 0.09445 0.28462 0.17756 0.87724 0.52752 0.70927 0.76947 0.8809 0.13471 0.46494 0.89562 0.85388 0.2824 0.77076 0.36542 0.95686 0.32385 0.15203 0.17579 0.76088 0.02944 0.42196 0.63897 0.83482 0.34523 0.41033 0.57004 0.09452 0.60552 0.04891 0.00159 0.88373 0.47459 0.96615 0.70837 0.70358 0.33259 0.31857 0.65112 0.24128 0.39769 0.77898 0.23413 0.24942 0.2848 0.63335 0.774 0.16186 0.75115 0.2321 0.12177 0.7594 0.41198 0.09441 0.85567 0.87103 0.11149 0.51689 0.25415 0.36837 0.65701 0.41449 0.09925 0.45234 0.41928 0.80129 0.20969 0.78344 0.97693 0.36431 0.0922 0.82904 0.3832 0.90387 0.67378 0.12683 0.93765 0.12675 0.57734 0.6731 0.70901 0.58566 0.84155 0.98342 0.68658 0.73426 0.10865 0.42152 0.07467 0.33892 0.40568 0.09644 0.97194 0.00018 0.70216 0.91489 0.82461 0.74744 0.62482 0.28402 0.17109 0.50158 0.31611 0.09231 0.85168 0.81038 0.75285 0.23519 0.05083 0.97468 0.37929 0.58376 0.8827 0.65306 0.72254 0.22123
+0.70814 0.05779 0.05357 0.05137 0.92649 0.62809 0.33581 0.28188 0.81665 0.34031 0.38609 0.51192 0.52959 0.55955 0.20577 0.38069 0.91113 0.33392 0.54515 0.89464 0.2157 0.76504 0.22359 0.86958 0.10421 0.01416 0.87659 0.85185 0.49931 0.81587 0.6227 0.58237 0.29225 0.02758 0.34226 0.11554 0.98766 0.29303 0.51859 0.52641 0.98193 0.34176 0.3153 0.35923 0.35764 0.04161 0.91912 0.63377 0.10923 0.71929 0.28738 0.10674 0.86048 0.01382 0.7483 0.52232 0.29071 0.46175 0.53435 0.21448 0.22557 0.86527 0.97106 0.03627 0.07223 0.55496 0.43467 0.07903 0.78869 0.90788 0.33965 0.26152 0.60966 0.4821 0.83016 0.79718 0.31383 0.18701 0.06647 0.50223 0.17225 0.48323 0.71203 0.42857 0.93121 0.97424 0.71155 0.85069 0.62229 0.50826 0.56167 0.9873 0.89851 0.77026 0.28771 0.03288 0.3373 0.79117 0.84546 0.93798 0.40788 0.41735 0.78616 0.12057 0.42196 0.02971 0.53153 0.75029 0.0853 0.71603 0.61706 0.58344 0.5307 0.10692 0.6697 0.71919 0.32225 0.10514 0.6246 0.59576 0.95176 0.07121 0.76377 0.22138 0.80297 0.97981 0.74155 0.62693 0.51871 0.55674 0.46296 0.12592 0.81746 0.18801 0.81854 0.80608 0.02184 0.21153 0.06695 0.67981 0.81928 0.26257 0.74621 0.21186 0.05448 0.80837 0.10803 0.58896 0.79235 0.09185 0.89282 0.75733 0.33359 0.76535 0.28057 0.71761 0.0523 0.51086 0.26265 0.30159 0.91231 0.62909 0.6441 0.27226 0.84979 0.55435 0.40656 0.69522 0.69649 0.73719 0.4604 0.5218 0.92096 0.67812 0.55295 0.23099 0.8232 0.7353 0.93644 0.53064 0.78193 0.91342 0.2082 0.73299 0.65963 0.65654 0.3923 0.26052 0.77552 0.13738 0.79273 0.6755 0.62876 0.95953 0.27881 0.16134 0.98175 0.13597 0.99037 0.10009 0.72727 0.5633 0.97892 0.18269 0.93648 0.57233 0.50361 0.80741 0.93679 0.92032 0.42444 0.14511 0.75912 0.06726 0.11009 0.3972 0.62989 0.51626 0.14752 0.84687 0.26442 0.22325 0.30892 0.77014 0.45152 0.06883 0.03922 0.68334 0.76069 0.46089 0.7387 0.07338 0.19232 0.27168 0.06304 0.75277 0.39456 0.36143 0.06184 0.87313 0.31201 0.76184 0.24655 0.85816 0.72396 0.95813 0.56307 0.01166 0.37893 0.14068 0.6836 0.69835 0.59395 0.81803 0.12435 0.9817 0.2536 0.96743 0.95959 0.87643 0.06427 0.01832 0.36025 0.53353 0.59009 0.74994 0.68643 0.96959 0.38336 0.14398 0.25802 0.23404 0.96354 0.93347 0.56273 0.81697 0.74156 0.31447 0.03252 0.10699 0.78642 0.66022 0.31152 0.46024 0.04349 0.18701 0.97145 0.17992 0.85321 0.36459 0.37476 0.16672 0.07516 0.7952 0.93758 0.14252 0.70188 0.12617 0.15604 0.77807 0.84459 0.39052 0.19284 0.90301 0.83656 0.72832 0.54159 0.04037 0.97949 0.96522 0.1951 0.95296 0.51072 0.44079 0.19893 0.83371 0.61609 0.62869 0.1003 0.80839 0.80136 0.03361 0.32011 0.41048 0.05518 0.86297 0.78314 0.79746 0.6042 0.74293 0.53712 0.09278 0.32478 0.45894 0.43 0.4487 0.87853 0.62138 0.07174 0.15732 0.45994 0.87229 0.97047 0.82601 0.92527 0.72118 0.07495 0.0836 0.60752 0.34082 0.45758 0.13944 0.69414 0.31968 0.63057 0.18596 0.4402 0.52346 0.14565 0.18039 0.01706 0.83818 0.88115 0.62919 0.69642 0.421 0.12613 0.78036 0.50789 0.8005 0.33018 0.03492 0.1085 0.56197 0.70287 0.37834 0.40896 0.88144 0.01762 0.03553 0.66643 0.25409 0.28963 0.01242 0.05118 0.30615 0.48763 0.09083 0.37546 0.16955 0.21997 0.33751 0.036 0.76782 0.57567 0.50742 0.59767 0.68845 0.92329 0.97726 0.33506 0.89927 0.88392 0.59714 0.22152 0.66228 0.34392 0.75009 0.14077 0.84887 0.51761 0.99581 0.04429 0.86563 0.25884 0.46681 0.17348 0.12139 0.08136 0.01201 0.25653 0.37452 0.5734 0.70634 0.53715 0.23877 0.29629 0.66377 0.8973 0.88114 0.36556 0.48998 0.47353 0.41004 0.92583 0.32753 0.10284 0.48766 0.85441 0.44615 0.89 0.74074 0.30359 0.41071 0.67536 0.80214 0.88632 0.21656 0.85748 0.09547 0.62731 0.39936 0.24267 0.92866 0.24399 0.08838 0.53011 0.63907 0.39533 0.29709 0.93834 0.1002 0.0368 0.12813 0.61855 0.88577 0.59642 0.78719 0.65954 0.63038 0.06177 0.768 0.74094 0.03741 0.05657 0.078 0.82113 0.03887 0.43462 0.36324 0.71766 0.1392 0.02183 0.37643 0.51154 0.86216 0.37318 0.77569 0.08021 0.72721 0.79353 0.35724 0.23958 0.13153 0.85186 0.06237 0.81004 0.18808 0.93234 0.24545 0.28352 0.72538 0.23938 0.09804 0.76964 0.90057 0.60823 0.71836 0.30291 0.43515 0.12994 0.30479
+0.3502 0.12447 0.0178 0.90948 0.08983 0.51701 0.08286 0.13622 0.93966 0.63833 0.96293 0.02345 0.74866 0.93196 0.23193 0.13256 0.77316 0.11813 0.03903 0.60349 0.21987 0.53475 0.29618 0.05168 0.10171 0.94079 0.78314 0.15498 0.74017 0.15774 0.26403 0.57181 0.5087 0.64846 0.64004 0.17219 0.71652 0.39656 0.65167 0.25191 0.7245 0.4975 0.26379 0.96669 0.87782 0.66406 0.74444 0.25857 0.67593 0.209 0.19912 0.53407 0.29567 0.62362 0.87227 0.93955 0.44409 0.19244 0.29568 0.93274 0.37913 0.67859 0.68995 0.02846 0.50514 0.65434 0.3062 0.2225 0.37252 0.47275 0.81428 0.52701 0.34877 0.86167 0.26825 0.85916 0.48215 0.96927 0.39901 0.14778 0.13103 0.54288 0.88021 0.98511 0.1884 0.98749 0.98387 0.98957 0.91886 0.11139 0.62477 0.5183 0.68776 0.18998 0.966 0.542 0.62764 0.92888 0.13581 0.06841 0.40157 0.75833 0.53076 0.28778 0.50883 0.71063 0.37903 0.49193 0.14145 0.70705 0.24814 0.97943 0.71577 0.88349 0.76851 0.17641 0.27172 0.07388 0.22494 0.41353 0.91186 0.44066 0.14817 0.26325 0.37021 0.77225 0.99351 0.69524 0.88973 0.42807 0.88114 0.4866 0.7764 0.87093 0.8469 0.26028 0.35072 0.82421 0.91868 0.6756 0.41948 0.93342 0.72865 0.75386 0.91456 0.59813 0.56825 0.38662 0.26872 0.81834 0.65324 0.0174 0.63784 0.61944 0.43281 0.00291 0.08003 0.82507 0.39998 0.88956 0.77583 0.83111 0.7305 0.87063 0.04345 0.12762 0.45191 0.81089 0.55877 0.94254 0.10579 0.37891 0.74678 0.09704 0.52231 0.22565 0.60898 0.28757 0.86219 0.08751 0.57065 0.04837 0.47432 0.90143 0.97033 0.88441 0.88355 0.33337 0.02275 0.46793 0.78436 0.30404 0.61487 0.66342 0.40674 0.58747 0.56971 0.72049 0.07991 0.56153 0.67653 0.22364 0.76729 0.35075 0.4141 0.74091 0.63676 0.32963 0.92315 0.92669 0.39681 0.66749 0.76561 0.43781 0.30934 0.34677 0.27652 0.28535 0.65814 0.39072 0.90123 0.47407 0.32729 0.75633 0.78864 0.86526 0.79773 0.0515 0.93402 0.95231 0.73676 0.61417 0.54554 0.42064 0.82048 0.07133 0.15421 0.18722 0.67539 0.4122 0.92604 0.6578 0.78279 0.37852 0.37217 0.38827 0.69009 0.66561 0.37387 0.72879 0.16475 0.30002 0.18133 0.87528 0.06863 0.84294 0.20887 0.36183 0.23853 0.79984 0.82919 0.06268 0.80055 0.46752 0.23524 0.95117 0.38442 0.36956 0.15249 0.56905 0.38426 0.36229 0.91877 0.87224 0.55675 0.59868 0.2643 0.61261 0.989 0.64487 0.0241 0.84814 0.35194 0.33097 0.76991 0.07771 0.88576 0.55216 0.36833 0.69713 0.31957 0.50761 0.7737 0.99994 0.89826 0.48057 0.81189 0.08073 0.5142 0.11916 0.26155 0.98331 0.18412 0.93301 0.54295 0.52063 0.97296 0.29842 0.38845 0.81354 0.60528 0.86893 0.88081 0.08912 0.67928 0.15426 0.18835 0.52062 0.77938 0.26276 0.78131 0.00226 0.24586 0.68143 0.00465 0.44541 0.37309 0.50095 0.62249 0.7106 0.57066 0.23081 0.73013 0.6379 0.03279 0.57376 0.64857 0.87939 0.38455 0.91361 0.6133 0.88492 0.79934 0.70882 0.17604 0.967 0.97408 0.17809 0.74935 0.6644 0.83325 0.45687 0.0135 0.91117 0.703 0.64977 0.11098 0.45747 0.8709 0.40783 0.97952 0.68392 0.93279 0.31486 0.60762 0.80471 0.06978 0.91908 0.86637 0.78445 0.85685 0.7147 0.02656 0.01357 0.74962 0.82871 0.91928 0.05466 0.01194 0.93567 0.59963 0.87423 0.74109 0.23534 0.087 0.89315 0.46217 0.10874 0.48274 0.80534 0.0432 0.48576 0.64388 0.3149 0.23943 0.91949 0.24712 0.20544 0.87735 0.25926 0.19308 0.65078 0.57536 0.89294 0.3529 0.34669 0.0329 0.85637 0.37808 0.78611 0.57477 0.32119 0.8139 0.5088 0.99062 0.69626 0.75829 0.63553 0.06616 0.08615 0.26596 0.19836 0.49911 0.71137 0.68431 0.70753 0.05574 0.3061 0.24642 0.85048 0.87632 0.26896 0.15232 0.90096 0.86052 0.88158 0.34295 0.87168 0.87358 0.14044 0.53156 0.75841 0.85805 0.54233 0.87552 0.36774 0.57156 0.8897 0.67464 0.19096 0.7633 0.32933 0.17207 0.40015 0.68713 0.88375 0.12177 0.1397 0.98285 0.88808 0.97561 0.9151 0.38956 0.14422 0.41758 0.93261 0.4009 0.28628 0.45206 0.8781 0.08718 0.67748 0.8691 0.1696 0.82083 0.23341 0.89252 0.81518 0.73603 0.49679 0.88224 0.54446 0.06241 0.78536 0.8349 0.30778 0.4291 0.74273 0.48997 0.30065 0.93768 0.01361 0.32409 0.19688 0.4169 0.0202 0.67761 0.7875 0.05202 0.93035 0.98717 0.72985 0.28234 0.42168 0.19886 0.01101 0.44724 0.19836 0.75717 0.94816 0.15852 0.41183
+0.4078 0.06959 0.8829 0.06702 0.65535 0.87379 0.38406 0.81789 0.6039 0.09166 0.2841 0.14419 0.02205 0.74361 0.75491 0.23082 0.48814 0.72919 0.70757 0.52979 0.66432 0.73271 0.41892 0.30444 0.05039 0.61118 0.48104 0.8475 0.97684 0.08722 0.15297 0.46921 0.84064 0.04698 0.52658 0.98879 0.5695 0.12911 0.54448 0.96604 0.31921 0.06478 0.16837 0.58572 0.68748 0.88681 0.04453 0.8638 0.55904 0.59568 0.66267 0.55568 0.87564 0.5777 0.44372 0.25527 0.68667 0.99748 0.61444 0.04168 0.8228 0.35742 0.77041 0.71201 0.82517 0.60241 0.671 0.74986 0.93589 0.44336 0.58737 0.68159 0.33591 0.34609 0.58381 0.80532 0.11571 0.72456 0.80493 0.69354 0.49001 0.06071 0.58411 0.60603 0.55664 0.61362 0.07755 0.20768 0.02301 0.89283 0.77602 0.17823 0.36586 0.11852 0.06981 0.76495 0.52507 0.25681 0.0838 0.77108 0.89399 0.11024 0.7436 0.73866 0.71459 0.51069 0.02617 0.40789 0.71453 0.4246 0.96474 0.5917 0.10023 0.28467 0.00852 0.24734 0.75669 0.94354 0.81052 0.73734 0.21445 0.50991 0.30221 0.21851 0.4051 0.28006 0.17478 0.51994 0.27068 0.83423 0.2398 0.8248 0.81919 0.7216 0.28802 0.52097 0.18793 0.96984 0.26667 0.5088 0.70842 0.54554 0.75849 0.3051 0.37082 0.0005 0.58073 0.93293 0.21626 0.68685 0.36989 0.23345 0.49106 0.64692 0.37507 0.40689 0.36188 0.87556 0.11816 0.61879 0.44201 0.16534 0.9231 0.46405 0.81899 0.29666 0.49869 0.51143 0.26905 0.57654 0.65386 0.57479 0.53107 0.79981 0.1817 0.50615 0.45971 0.45293 0.93973 0.60843 0.49369 0.36267 0.29955 0.55715 0.34091 0.8679 0.35517 0.76541 0.32925 0.80733 0.99635 0.85192 0.90105 0.83839 0.76664 0.44552 0.11801 0.89628 0.61803 0.05752 0.01846 0.69012 0.47825 0.19749 0.15036 0.75031 0.61579 0.79048 0.04406 0.2611 0.1911 0.84771 0.34408 0.56357 0.16218 0.14753 0.11192 0.25795 0.54124 0.39397 0.12498 0.82199 0.23789 0.87011 0.50399 0.55071 0.8262 0.77711 0.35406 0.04266 0.84912 0.63513 0.14889 0.29474 0.59327 0.34844 0.76018 0.54252 0.06769 0.1912 0.79787 0.82562 0.04301 0.94435 0.8925 0.61864 0.5144 0.53164 0.73915 0.42107 0.50006 0.939 0.94719 0.15954 0.06754 0.12369 0.26894 0.00157 0.0903 0.42791 0.5281 0.31687 0.79891 0.09014 0.63152 0.8099 0.16401 0.25422 0.98554 0.38996 0.28984 0.46454 0.99009 0.08569 0.13261 0.67704 0.36143 0.4321 0.11916 0.19832 0.63557 0.10896 0.57575 0.32729 0.74268 0.94962 0.09708 0.63636 0.49346 0.99676 0.62333 0.72468 0.47411 0.87707 0.58826 0.22624 0.92812 0.65671 0.13186 0.03865 0.42436 0.23835 0.33185 0.54761 0.70684 0.58994 0.01045 0.06096 0.85448 0.19588 0.62629 0.80487 0.93921 0.19653 0.37814 0.04694 0.90672 0.18422 0.90683 0.16587 0.94999 0.60831 0.76474 0.97007 0.88773 0.15891 0.10342 0.03426 0.68199 0.28588 0.09447 0.8594 0.58069 0.37467 0.89481 0.4558 0.64856 0.01448 0.80035 0.04961 0.41532 0.76554 0.8365 0.87423 0.12077 0.49408 0.12792 0.48313 0.7567 0.99435 0.1577 0.42117 0.2178 0.86758 0.1906 0.03644 0.25431 0.38593 0.83871 0.27289 0.63756 0.71768 0.90676 0.73388 0.1936 0.14307 0.97782 0.32576 0.71383 0.04559 0.40589 0.17248 0.69056 0.21502 0.57941 0.96731 0.28516 0.57755 0.80861 0.63414 0.89478 0.91087 0.28295 0.72505 0.0235 0.64169 0.87968 0.68961 0.19943 0.62595 0.21989 0.12647 0.13199 0.82846 0.14414 0.72694 0.96891 0.33779 0.26037 0.9521 0.99746 0.75125 0.23101 0.53606 0.2173 0.84036 0.83549 0.77479 0.29336 0.45686 0.362 0.55934 0.94506 0.97456 0.072 0.51807 0.53574 0.61004 0.00929 0.11381 0.69257 0.64847 0.22939 0.98543 0.14695 0.0663 0.1096 0.58302 0.87715 0.90281 0.21145 0.1579 0.46816 0.12333 0.58251 0.83774 0.20228 0.16834 0.67879 0.8031 0.95587 0.86929 0.58884 0.12865 0.13516 0.91031 0.76891 0.46851 0.53973 0.11906 0.76999 0.74591 0.44565 0.16096 0.25744 0.82634 0.95232 0.70806 0.37959 0.22689 0.34228 0.68749 0.21559 0.84982 0.00646 0.4892 0.61852 0.86626 0.9256 0.28865 0.05816 0.119 0.37782 0.33199 0.74737 0.66683 0.17596 0.29783 0.91993 0.02863 0.30786 0.81097 0.36222 0.17252 0.6875 0.37945 0.72617 0.51235 0.41607 0.13963 0.55116 0.97974 0.36078 0.91767 0.71446 0.80089 0.24937 0.33534 0.01138 0.27232 0.92069 0.04702 0.99073 0.87516 0.28214 0.65088 0.16574 0.33451 0.70032 0.54657 0.29225 0.16706
+0.56415 0.96303 0.66323 0.44059 0.58398 0.57534 0.42879 0.8562 0.84009 0.24144 0.29703 0.499 0.47144 0.64478 0.27604 0.43558 0.89804 0.80728 0.63819 0.11292 0.17251 0.58826 0.75192 0.32173 0.51939 0.56519 0.19613 0.75561 0.62833 0.40463 0.22485 0.24903 0.63874 0.74629 0.96627 0.02077 0.47105 0.87799 0.46615 0.37283 0.00026 0.56896 0.7492 0.25285 0.56389 0.39696 0.60527 0.09736 0.59238 0.60999 0.22144 0.94561 0.78653 0.60386 0.262 0.55306 0.82186 0.30958 0.45616 0.41882 0.15624 0.94289 0.49557 0.49977 0.73367 0.50429 0.78993 0.13941 0.30572 0.5792 0.3029 0.69377 0.93068 0.12081 0.55747 0.00654 0.48835 0.18964 0.88134 0.05185 0.45433 0.15199 0.14561 0.4408 0.62113 0.76211 0.03457 0.58823 0.88296 0.46957 0.09144 0.92894 0.73176 0.17904 0.83299 0.99346 0.73245 0.59825 0.62079 0.34209 0.09677 0.66213 0.07109 0.13943 0.62378 0.70704 0.87972 0.51382 0.4326 0.43116 0.90794 0.18651 0.41609 0.31539 0.00087 0.43124 0.01493 0.52687 0.60186 0.65043 0.11505 0.28198 0.37502 0.81952 0.96105 0.99075 0.1574 0.73445 0.2466 0.01202 0.48812 0.07181 0.86569 0.8527 0.87071 0.27706 0.49247 0.72827 0.03673 0.97402 0.93312 0.34647 0.52379 0.289 0.1838 0.9209 0.77453 0.91903 0.40067 0.79662 0.99946 0.36071 0.06405 0.29817 0.3264 0.27014 0.65502 0.23545 0.22302 0.95093 0.53865 0.49343 0.80427 0.20571 0.05653 0.45916 0.42311 0.63492 0.13705 0.87713 0.6433 0.93141 0.17475 0.5792 0.7699 0.31684 0.31709 0.84516 0.74315 0.02921 0.86635 0.07394 0.47982 0.38346 0.74027 0.53809 0.19059 0.06967 0.08497 0.34989 0.74623 0.16743 0.32143 0.94774 0.53009 0.13305 0.06498 0.21059 0.21213 0.23906 0.05814 0.62264 0.99522 0.79258 0.20591 0.31032 0.26382 0.63389 0.65723 0.04973 0.78677 0.54223 0.60656 0.31332 0.89555 0.62933 0.76463 0.49076 0.29712 0.79055 0.06011 0.64798 0.78098 0.67085 0.15069 0.31743 0.75939 0.64602 0.71088 0.00876 0.16265 0.59659 0.19585 0.51396 0.17661 0.28862 0.92749 0.12444 0.49218 0.36373 0.75722 0.19134 0.4132 0.43677 0.24104 0.44539 0.24139 0.81905 0.4877 0.73645 0.54211 0.97749 0.53114 0.41917 0.94829 0.81106 0.31472 0.09883 0.88839 0.55292 0.29771 0.25914 0.38382 0.54986 0.47823 0.12602 0.00233 0.41653 0.35705 0.95401 0.49726 0.71353 0.63822 0.37933 0.90437 0.18748 0.89967 0.16918 0.42778 0.7507 0.29712 0.62241 0.84301 0.63354 0.35745 0.93824 0.50977 0.07088 0.21559 0.44326 0.47702 0.0209 0.80325 0.04329 0.97679 0.37822 0.31605 0.67098 0.85214 0.92579 0.69995 0.63117 0.32049 0.08515 0.14119 0.00723 0.93012 0.47509 0.51644 0.27591 0.82642 0.59721 0.53348 0.22952 0.04481 0.92589 0.9218 0.36424 0.62464 0.52807 0.43443 0.22681 0.61227 0.44521 0.28387 0.35479 0.72253 0.86103 0.02978 0.55087 0.77051 0.2045 0.25358 0.10621 0.93455 0.88917 0.99277 0.60505 0.1181 0.66324 0.91602 0.57707 0.01769 0.30949 0.00441 0.71205 0.78898 0.65391 0.3942 0.69541 0.61232 0.74995 0.56019 0.07791 0.32723 0.24404 0.09982 0.65387 0.3135 0.21182 0.30609 0.41217 0.94769 0.69222 0.70521 0.24075 0.97934 0.88425 0.10532 0.09016 0.43071 0.09127 0.26279 0.89804 0.19263 0.14658 0.47376 0.29548 0.08692 0.86194 0.60371 0.53848 0.59494 0.82372 0.48548 0.91518 0.86032 0.77767 0.99679 0.44656 0.92743 0.26643 0.56552 0.65955 0.11752 0.93755 0.13325 0.84331 0.58148 0.51658 0.03128 0.35162 0.44532 0.21122 0.36635 0.0855 0.86372 0.70707 0.49324 0.58921 0.9232 0.32082 0.11992 0.07682 0.58149 0.00967 0.42995 0.90085 0.61019 0.06314 0.95227 0.59516 0.80417 0.00465 0.18411 0.26015 0.41533 0.70703 0.59546 0.92659 0.29378 0.05994 0.19093 0.0423 0.44911 0.35487 0.328 0.46892 0.21527 0.9072 0.25327 0.64072 0.981 0.72461 0.10311 0.05984 0.79866 0.76283 0.07006 0.15333 0.74832 0.10881 0.6162 0.93589 0.0449 0.45939 0.18043 0.17375 0.47909 0.81266 0.4808 0.66136 0.59749 0.64069 0.1663 0.03073 0.41883 0.96803 0.05354 0.15612 0.76074 0.62986 0.27634 0.67913 0.86254 0.90841 0.71307 0.5025 0.27453 0.47498 0.05674 0.1861 0.00553 0.66677 0.13104 0.73072 0.15285 0.38826 0.78676 0.05405 0.41743 0.57298 0.12175 0.79116 0.22935 0.26152 0.45615 0.81646 0.94861 0.14349 0.4271 0.6847 0.54254 0.19145 0.63515 0.939 0.15217 0.98208 0.46968 0.33612 0.34432 0.64893
+0.49924 0.08725 0.02394 0.51135 0.40786 0.97065 0.3334 0.75234 0.08863 0.67679 0.25863 0.52377 0.0516 0.44578 0.2581 0.14099 0.39056 0.14307 0.47456 0.95654 0.00999 0.11527 0.82547 0.56096 0.50161 0.74861 0.08585 0.4656 0.05068 0.32993 0.23046 0.54016 0.21965 0.07115 0.15894 0.00285 0.29498 0.73454 0.71802 0.51759 0.68252 0.25803 0.78842 0.76918 0.50011 0.15551 0.29277 0.70044 0.84503 0.19734 0.95295 0.96693 0.44977 0.8868 0.16856 0.3361 0.73277 0.76445 0.17289 0.31664 0.57256 0.72433 0.52362 0.08549 0.52535 0.67289 0.75561 0.45658 0.48744 0.02057 0.79133 0.01534 0.35576 0.30962 0.20174 0.96673 0.29346 0.22926 0.98536 0.25598 0.84376 0.55405 0.61844 0.73948 0.2647 0.86908 0.8865 0.52174 0.84539 0.86346 0.75923 0.73408 0.26034 0.3614 0.33822 0.85874 0.84742 0.33631 0.98988 0.31563 0.4323 0.05371 0.05648 0.61983 0.91343 0.65942 0.57643 0.40782 0.01146 0.99933 0.27617 0.69374 0.92098 0.60107 0.06249 0.91475 0.29405 0.65612 0.79497 0.34673 0.83038 0.87438 0.89236 0.98073 0.47847 0.13598 0.62833 0.50234 0.25793 0.6363 0.95779 0.32114 0.74513 0.0187 0.39603 0.841 0.40754 0.90985 0.20214 0.54588 0.84986 0.53732 0.79269 0.59881 0.89205 0.16867 0.21404 0.74808 0.76734 0.53901 0.88643 0.00953 0.90696 0.01279 0.11711 0.27432 0.47569 0.36447 0.20241 0.79104 0.17171 0.57116 0.00097 0.81996 0.38191 0.54491 0.11166 0.55268 0.76581 0.91864 0.468 0.40071 0.06477 0.43003 0.47419 0.35947 0.70156 0.12747 0.58185 0.74459 0.97514 0.28506 0.17236 0.12424 0.33673 0.00507 0.69462 0.36354 0.04935 0.33016 0.73831 0.01104 0.43078 0.84922 0.93605 0.13899 0.77669 0.41822 0.48724 0.6961 0.47086 0.19976 0.88033 0.87303 0.81384 0.57149 0.79298 0.21162 0.82812 0.8528 0.96185 0.67182 0.89399 0.12832 0.90799 0.27071 0.04078 0.29274 0.83616 0.58221 0.36394 0.00703 0.6181 0.14584 0.7731 0.9657 0.30387 0.73497 0.65781 0.72503 0.50128 0.57413 0.81548 0.40337 0.30969 0.2942 0.43053 0.12956 0.39324 0.23244 0.21939 0.25928 0.21943 0.6623 0.21292 0.99842 0.8727 0.7204 0.15143 0.2842 0.81121 0.33824 0.86588 0.37407 0.87983 0.20102 0.69881 0.61067 0.0507 0.9555 0.09539 0.78058 0.94708 0.19921 0.5194 0.18021 0.66694 0.83384 0.53433 0.21123 0.9384 0.04046 0.98944 0.22779 0.94805 0.68745 0.54406 0.0389 0.80923 0.08035 0.88864 0.01276 0.65555 0.52028 0.93218 0.12223 0.36753 0.00564 0.03769 0.31978 0.82882 0.7936 0.11136 0.53393 0.29807 0.74558 0.88829 0.08234 0.95955 0.86356 0.1843 0.0794 0.48183 0.31623 0.59534 0.69809 0.6773 0.6681 0.33231 0.33053 0.27022 0.80704 0.52169 0.0798 0.89539 0.33455 0.3779 0.31394 0.42607 0.5948 0.84637 0.88656 0.86224 0.23095 0.33682 0.03266 0.07757 0.57748 0.55836 0.33453 0.65412 0.13048 0.28286 0.1578 0.66587 0.90922 0.21164 0.65229 0.94682 0.81054 0.32921 0.59734 0.77622 0.00589 0.11533 0.67851 0.55335 0.32197 0.47926 0.06258 0.77406 0.53319 0.04068 0.20025 0.51612 0.08434 0.21524 0.22158 0.3943 0.12397 0.09214 0.43014 0.69377 0.30355 0.9664 0.24311 0.64325 0.97395 0.17288 0.99007 0.0313 0.39927 0.34576 0.31442 0.13033 0.35384 0.56971 0.89997 0.384 0.81076 0.61822 0.19412 0.70564 0.788 0.39808 0.43685 0.80941 0.26299 0.54927 0.11259 0.74741 0.02014 0.20188 0.79715 0.70601 0.73662 0.57393 0.07773 0.3769 0.3805 0.41381 0.44895 0.62465 0.51248 0.38628 0.42555 0.19072 0.80586 0.32079 0.43448 0.72247 0.59753 0.21575 0.61544 0.10205 0.16934 0.93098 0.3036 0.70234 0.66369 0.86385 0.22673 0.40076 0.74463 0.11832 0.12435 0.94941 0.55415 0.67183 0.80382 0.63295 0.61354 0.49078 0.78632 0.60357 0.95826 0.10978 0.05415 0.53174 0.95046 0.00906 0.81304 0.33529 0.42659 0.6998 0.23168 0.08865 0.75013 0.35346 0.4209 0.37438 0.03378 0.82702 0.69233 0.69224 0.75663 0.75421 0.04496 0.68387 0.8687 0.49367 0.40732 0.16088 0.39705 0.83471 0.4479 0.58662 0.01393 0.38461 0.40125 0.61066 0.05853 0.85696 0.42464 0.39759 0.54554 0.45479 0.23228 0.6756 0.9258 0.30729 0.54381 0.02342 0.41296 0.85374 0.62463 0.67127 0.41739 0.12927 0.7664 0.62169 0.48791 0.22387 0.37429 0.62225 0.34568 0.14815 0.82073 0.7879 0.56807 0.075 0.40579 0.59743 0.35275 0.37457 0.48342 0.67571 0.75005 0.36367 0.34158 0.61493 0.60795
+0.21336 0.74715 0.37997 0.34787 0.67726 0.2505 0.01387 0.31949 0.78424 0.89067 0.66581 0.72652 0.53178 0.36794 0.84605 0.87765 0.08697 0.69777 0.38524 0.44556 0.62675 0.21142 0.26409 0.63633 0.04413 0.14446 0.41908 0.05557 0.29658 0.03132 0.7405 0.058 0.49955 0.72714 0.54023 0.83835 0.44054 0.62213 0.1298 0.57743 0.62889 0.67331 0.36459 0.60674 0.3514 0.37582 0.79859 0.0529 0.21305 0.69069 0.21975 0.98037 0.57297 0.03802 0.89581 0.90872 0.33663 0.7246 0.19633 0.42652 0.12642 0.6084 0.2186 0.36397 0.93046 0.8989 0.08479 0.85561 0.74528 0.87565 0.11306 0.91085 0.51792 0.94858 0.70831 0.65869 0.6097 0.76158 0.52821 0.44098 0.29366 0.72584 0.05424 0.77217 0.00858 0.24055 0.88447 0.82009 0.34638 0.75409 0.44746 0.75279 0.59094 0.48062 0.79172 0.79096 0.73897 0.83277 0.50468 0.52332 0.50329 0.41109 0.10786 0.30337 0.1105 0.71926 0.30725 0.93941 0.58797 0.92097 0.30685 0.99143 0.95138 0.26207 0.4843 0.49214 0.70407 0.50235 0.4356 0.42216 0.15824 0.91136 0.48682 0.93269 0.73883 0.60103 0.86723 0.15998 0.40348 0.29796 0.58006 0.62801 0.54968 0.09462 0.62684 0.36538 0.19101 0.51345 0.25658 0.42794 0.14117 0.36967 0.89183 0.5377 0.0426 0.1836 0.77399 0.23932 0.16586 0.5298 0.94464 0.39013 0.29133 0.96536 0.03183 0.70735 0.21926 0.66762 0.88864 0.42917 0.90249 0.7963 0.90603 0.47714 0.30775 0.37314 0.85473 0.07828 0.06079 0.26957 0.46435 0.30581 0.95378 0.78993 0.40164 0.52485 0.7396 0.21822 0.59111 0.71077 0.00391 0.76092 0.55034 0.09271 0.21282 0.21325 0.02136 0.96123 0.93286 0.00084 0.08132 0.36563 0.00347 0.60544 0.75391 0.91992 0.64948 0.19257 0.87095 0.98942 0.39822 0.67657 0.72179 0.53419 0.85119 0.33246 0.05585 0.34741 0.9808 0.25258 0.98575 0.4671 0.62824 0.93392 0.75499 0.0676 0.57259 0.8767 0.72897 0.88128 0.5956 0.73709 0.99368 0.60123 0.09274 0.18184 0.84997 0.64092 0.02657 0.52267 0.90791 0.20452 0.50801 0.57354 0.50222 0.32816 0.9457 0.95777 0.80308 0.85411 0.37771 0.27675 0.87957 0.11155 0.06858 0.09891 0.65587 0.26388 0.20668 0.28494 0.17723 0.98585 0.27614 0.5297 0.20077 0.17133 0.81181 0.32857 0.45498 0.90874 0.25424 0.00745 0.30433 0.5736 0.32891 0.78328 0.42209 0.217 0.20708 0.18467 0.60236 0.15628 0.14744 0.95238 0.27432 0.48438 0.61288 0.07373 0.51726 0.64227 0.92872 0.72796 0.21198 0.0941 0.3949 0.80821 0.16493 0.084 0.10385 0.98936 0.19798 0.73299 0.05042 0.38338 0.82548 0.30191 0.45752 0.1768 0.75875 0.53183 0.27091 0.47295 0.66779 0.09678 0.17389 0.54434 0.22325 0.58689 0.16614 0.84096 0.56442 0.77215 0.6182 0.78812 0.29107 0.05585 0.84619 0.60582 0.69739 0.05494 0.06486 0.49216 0.67433 0.6209 0.42227 0.1874 0.66277 0.66419 0.83059 0.36752 0.05422 0.41953 0.19465 0.9797 0.94936 0.56904 0.4832 0.52001 0.66392 0.69076 0.98226 0.82134 0.87663 0.12743 0.11851 0.05283 0.30504 0.03495 0.84905 0.2459 0.19161 0.36611 0.56086 0.12946 0.8054 0.04558 0.55551 0.57304 0.24729 0.66378 0.70819 0.54949 0.36051 0.3913 0.93607 0.34822 0.19044 0.01559 0.07949 0.53993 0.72794 0.04941 0.67453 0.75571 0.11653 0.06696 0.32707 0.65404 0.14062 0.05207 0.12223 0.43964 0.20783 0.95122 0.74498 0.57002 0.92543 0.26193 0.72019 0.01464 0.87693 0.76565 0.5567 0.90042 0.37491 0.44784 0.3981 0.73996 0.70445 0.47351 0.6978 0.77046 0.85411 0.06299 0.13616 0.31156 0.38774 0.56971 0.44054 0.64607 0.59526 0.61549 0.26113 0.99699 0.96511 0.16759 0.85928 0.9711 0.47421 0.24356 0.07328 0.21847 0.47663 0.71147 0.4321 0.0141 0.08529 0.35826 0.931 0.9906 0.17985 0.37312 0.78553 0.22269 0.06033 0.07299 0.10677 0.66825 0.54743 0.96896 0.53601 0.26754 0.43667 0.38766 0.57568 0.24808 0.42721 0.5857 0.21461 0.71693 0.13112 0.95633 0.32697 0.55848 0.88376 0.35726 0.65364 0.41309 0.50375 0.39682 0.7548 0.72962 0.56613 0.27386 0.00551 0.84421 0.96026 0.94874 0.46638 0.53571 0.77185 0.07235 0.76458 0.97972 0.22313 0.9288 0.95099 0.18873 0.06137 0.14719 0.42712 0.29394 0.71026 0.92073 0.58394 0.61262 0.10212 0.60068 0.94623 0.07425 0.41275 0.3459 0.74345 0.31301 0.69194 0.92684 0.30219 0.78159 0.70984 0.19423 0.45118 0.44842 0.80246 0.98034 0.9811 0.1453 0.89492 0.95007 0.69055 0.16617 0.21087 0.56397
+0.92555 0.14319 0.63986 0.55243 0.26514 0.44471 0.88019 0.64871 0.17392 0.68811 0.05384 0.17352 0.1531 0.86819 0.04043 0.35525 0.17811 0.15379 0.25458 0.64869 0.33785 0.74002 0.53151 0.37834 0.91346 0.50219 0.7338 0.81001 0.90565 0.19547 0.39776 0.62465 0.95322 0.87748 0.10401 0.27476 0.18094 0.41276 0.47615 0.9426 0.15956 0.92007 0.42019 0.80386 0.71463 0.72617 0.41758 0.71879 0.37904 0.87957 0.99105 0.38254 0.98326 0.96074 0.27573 0.95566 0.00832 0.7776 0.6326 0.88816 0.06246 0.59177 0.22134 0.50982 0.50718 0.4363 0.78894 0.73412 0.82805 0.82895 0.73791 0.68677 0.4697 0.52947 0.07803 0.09635 0.7923 0.22106 0.46176 0.02432 0.10112 0.92898 0.85781 0.33965 0.77997 0.30672 0.67324 0.6674 0.15363 0.87246 0.31222 0.29912 0.13743 0.7233 0.68013 0.86159 0.21105 0.28582 0.9159 0.22263 0.72236 0.91036 0.48124 0.35394 0.46799 0.94443 0.90958 0.09688 0.73267 0.77066 0.43652 0.95752 0.23024 0.47389 0.57884 0.91358 0.96187 0.93273 0.17896 0.0164 0.47598 0.13035 0.47927 0.05075 0.42177 0.76951 0.78874 0.39924 0.00621 0.9296 0.52367 0.67244 0.82211 0.24761 0.78423 0.5346 0.83885 0.69147 0.53461 0.29374 0.16662 0.15502 0.60789 0.12688 0.29702 0.86983 0.67253 0.7891 0.99528 0.54614 0.79782 0.19174 0.87635 0.3634 0.24387 0.19305 0.83613 0.0677 0.31285 0.30505 0.86619 0.98249 0.61805 0.07755 0.82032 0.16537 0.42906 0.56225 0.81073 0.44458 0.53005 0.11704 0.7644 0.85736 0.41165 0.99927 0.02552 0.94004 0.73732 0.95703 0.20154 0.33775 0.35859 0.06252 0.10631 0.85152 0.11341 0.30243 0.78778 0.91337 0.96163 0.60374 0.13685 0.49601 0.01142 0.08318 0.06634 0.28983 0.20803 0.99861 0.48875 0.2676 0.92062 0.87464 0.90794 0.11634 0.65066 0.84109 0.03461 0.91406 0.30623 0.9819 0.32711 0.24616 0.38068 0.37352 0.9432 0.57448 0.9413 0.89674 0.23824 0.89397 0.33059 0.15222 0.1857 0.87247 0.72617 0.72632 0.74892 0.17602 0.64372 0.07027 0.8312 0.34948 0.75952 0.90389 0.16637 0.05978 0.5783 0.93813 0.67984 0.90192 0.94476 0.93748 0.16948 0.75766 0.4366 0.62296 0.61764 0.12707 0.12444 0.3078 0.30352 0.81776 0.70861 0.96233 0.84533 0.19868 0.25505 0.02661 0.65717 0.07032 0.55396 0.38396 0.10869 0.18829 0.80139 0.62064 0.99013 0.43713 0.34296 0.52297 0.13658 0.99066 0.99152 0.7692 0.35296 0.66838 0.96634 0.83421 0.47325 0.53492 0.52612 0.95836 0.79363 0.00592 0.10861 0.94921 0.17507 0.88601 0.68321 0.2975 0.29636 0.29517 0.70245 0.69745 0.50746 0.5474 0.62542 0.93272 0.85486 0.00871 0.84442 0.84998 0.62567 0.89838 0.92077 0.54133 0.55912 0.35981 0.6244 0.02858 0.59201 0.76015 0.23706 0.95451 0.92566 0.24535 0.81497 0.24379 0.4136 0.18713 0.79562 0.09114 0.10139 0.10823 0.11372 0.73894 0.74753 0.40234 0.08094 0.67182 0.15976 0.85072 0.69266 0.9645 0.35718 0.56361 0.79344 0.27541 0.18004 0.04151 0.65753 0.95507 0.60761 0.72705 0.25808 0.19899 0.1249 0.90967 0.805 0.99089 0.64647 0.8142 0.65507 0.53066 0.26142 0.82225 0.38797 0.52446 0.98802 0.35391 0.64968 0.38414 0.46409 0.08968 0.43323 0.77481 0.67871 0.34586 0.60968 0.23067 0.46222 0.3552 0.0597 0.93173 0.36831 0.9937 0.64028 0.19105 0.09507 0.00535 0.49868 0.55277 0.73176 0.81212 0.57407 0.83161 0.10903 0.57031 0.19454 0.52719 0.38317 0.83188 0.5228 0.59415 0.34851 0.0196 0.00114 0.48704 0.105 0.77446 0.70504 0.63297 0.97367 0.76151 0.87915 0.14748 0.97831 0.30474 0.07055 0.628 0.75631 0.42864 0.01264 0.10133 0.52589 0.31288 0.32993 0.23206 0.2835 0.9326 0.28503 0.20065 0.30502 0.74051 0.14189 0.3922 0.32144 0.38003 0.66211 0.33817 0.11662 0.88096 0.8552 0.58423 0.2664 0.20755 0.82715 0.13959 0.00816 0.79363 0.22045 0.88978 0.67265 0.22145 0.65455 0.9841 0.28287 0.15616 0.27004 0.71014 0.95531 0.28044 0.64358 0.31748 0.87132 0.20754 0.34493 0.188 0.12674 0.61194 0.81693 0.79526 0.12337 0.98669 0.24244 0.30959 0.27696 0.29146 0.56541 0.64669 0.31059 0.18626 0.73747 0.85081 0.13104 0.4417 0.20356 0.83106 0.20783 0.45339 0.95147 0.62427 0.71131 0.67372 0.19962 0.77542 0.11238 0.20455 0.75559 0.57046 0.16447 0.89276 0.47893 0.96817 0.46719 0.24236 0.07764 0.83501 0.15442 0.05389 0.42416 0.00156 0.99968 0.00739 0.36448 0.84597 0.72719 0.20443 0.68401 0.75266
+0.38623 0.28873 0.49184 0.17059 0.47079 0.98857 0.63277 0.82651 0.38318 0.82217 0.2441 0.37201 0.41833 0.29389 0.87479 0.42819 0.50357 0.8189 0.28386 0.64161 0.40763 0.28569 0.36731 0.14217 0.22062 0.75119 0.51498 0.37079 0.44696 0.32655 0.16164 0.73813 0.83364 0.29344 0.18069 0.53535 0.87347 0.9127 0.50343 0.79618 0.51775 0.5583 0.86571 0.38772 0.70816 0.79042 0.11897 0.41502 0.94588 0.12763 0.03279 0.02571 0.7977 0.61964 0.77107 0.65317 0.11657 0.25698 0.09102 0.40981 0.18524 0.53814 0.30768 0.80595 0.11062 0.98649 0.61425 0.24311 0.70079 0.34489 0.33961 0.9104 0.5079 0.21388 0.62061 0.06699 0.61137 0.15218 0.21841 0.56926 0.15675 0.45822 0.58698 0.01526 0.87357 0.88104 0.88756 0.77407 0.37265 0.75213 0.23701 0.50508 0.93137 0.16651 0.1622 0.06032 0.64885 0.44239 0.88088 0.46771 0.79431 0.41812 0.91948 0.51956 0.42791 0.50425 0.70288 0.15659 0.85253 0.08253 0.20265 0.92599 0.03664 0.13127 0.07908 0.64642 0.15644 0.35819 0.10799 0.50268 0.54823 0.42697 0.55916 0.99775 0.89677 0.62612 0.215 0.6019 0.26736 0.49817 0.52032 0.19886 0.91138 0.54064 0.05026 0.00031 0.9479 0.92939 0.89153 0.90064 0.66132 0.77003 0.86957 0.62266 0.41369 0.29542 0.66857 0.26939 0.17634 0.54185 0.11509 0.31262 0.59386 0.58254 0.41167 0.7173 0.9649 0.36748 0.35655 0.74467 0.51841 0.28949 0.31902 0.31092 0.59131 0.84472 0.05676 0.79234 0.07973 0.02226 0.23634 0.11882 0.33998 0.32095 0.21191 0.53006 0.73524 0.36844 0.36192 0.52155 0.48467 0.86192 0.39163 0.44323 0.06845 0.20297 0.1751 0.89344 0.29524 0.22839 0.7932 0.46 0.91193 0.35165 0.8179 0.21461 0.20729 0.09799 0.88129 0.1669 0.59424 0.93375 0.23423 0.4169 0.05405 0.53223 0.04534 0.61686 0.2668 0.171 0.29277 0.19697 0.16204 0.51218 0.84501 0.19138 0.67822 0.52958 0.02065 0.94192 0.27396 0.65293 0.70496 0.70128 0.25499 0.77802 0.71625 0.86247 0.02269 0.11659 0.28625 0.7106 0.60469 0.2934 0.81629 0.28222 0.46627 0.54078 0.83039 0.33357 0.67599 0.30561 0.3018 0.49946 0.01216 0.69181 0.63872 0.53932 0.48681 0.75178 0.93807 0.39006 0.87015 0.32406 0.33799 0.51714 0.26754 0.04686 0.09411 0.07745 0.4735 0.82547 0.44682 0.64887 0.0548 0.8107 0.25663 0.08801 0.69869 0.08353 0.97453 0.63202 0.97771 0.14965 0.7895 0.88983 0.96855 0.13494 0.24868 0.47539 0.98479 0.24599 0.16038 0.82388 0.47605 0.70337 0.22981 0.61925 0.17084 0.93582 0.2791 0.51694 0.63803 0.63449 0.11464 0.54882 0.51991 0.10212 0.39664 0.54622 0.45505 0.53798 0.93063 0.42804 0.52348 0.81984 0.8938 0.86889 0.54385 0.52616 0.58787 0.64846 0.91824 0.73078 0.58811 0.0723 0.73096 0.96208 0.97595 0.19472 0.13193 0.92159 0.39205 0.84167 0.24026 0.55679 0.50867 0.37785 0.97581 0.09894 0.7927 0.68444 0.79191 0.968 0.78733 0.86304 0.96953 0.0776 0.88689 0.60983 0.84132 0.31999 0.80677 0.92585 0.46452 0.98584 0.19178 0.25428 0.68081 0.4224 0.03407 0.8744 0.53272 0.18828 0.7492 0.17179 0.64986 0.08742 0.56355 0.52556 0.78299 0.68585 0.62164 0.89698 0.99522 0.94158 0.73232 0.39392 0.93476 0.71954 0.58328 0.79474 0.95493 0.65829 0.59912 0.22616 0.85563 0.42509 0.94059 0.26782 0.03537 0.86533 0.99211 0.27921 0.2897 0.82342 0.96629 0.59738 0.08281 0.56775 0.79525 0.57648 0.47154 0.54642 0.67599 0.15804 0.93896 0.74193 0.15597 0.21895 0.04363 0.27878 0.98255 0.1814 0.93699 0.55056 0.29303 0.96014 0.75527 0.27583 0.81301 0.36229 0.26553 0.96244 0.34535 0.50377 0.8198 0.07534 0.15189 0.05445 0.02435 0.4376 0.47086 0.81276 0.37429 0.06994 0.77974 0.17493 0.5861 0.58903 0.96606 0.95596 0.15808 0.14032 0.20777 0.76125 0.82262 0.87658 0.21722 0.38758 0.81598 0.52265 0.41599 0.22142 0.80536 0.6241 0.98246 0.82682 0.44255 0.70588 0.37555 0.16616 0.51663 0.24551 0.60133 0.53597 0.31923 0.72413 0.88614 0.12875 0.92825 0.79119 0.44363 0.55209 0.50352 0.74503 0.54968 0.31224 0.70091 0.07688 0.10394 0.48325 0.19375 0.19278 0.74243 0.87675 0.03483 0.81526 0.23054 0.96503 0.11978 0.347 0.8227 0.18204 0.01628 0.96405 0.58466 0.28304 0.42089 0.46618 0.22168 0.65507 0.54261 0.61216 0.27754 0.09705 0.32619 0.97545 0.92411 0.53859 0.15003 0.15411 0.56496 0.00504 0.01813 0.92687 0.51717 0.28491 0.53601 0.03958 0.19088 0.30761
+0.13957 0.87274 0.15153 0.5209 0.21362 0.86401 0.01566 0.18546 0.2426 0.0088 0.1404 0.49716 0.5399 0.66 0.3694 0.68458 0.81315 0.32495 0.25764 0.76728 0.11924 0.42696 0.06097 0.6886 0.65578 0.19261 0.22425 0.20905 0.37978 0.25241 0.58859 0.45824 0.86106 0.68447 0.44958 0.49704 0.67569 0.56632 0.30116 0.09871 0.70878 0.24655 0.31419 0.08177 0.32759 0.00513 0.04892 0.75554 0.00682 0.64484 0.50752 0.95052 0.87982 0.97038 0.71832 0.17028 0.25583 0.07704 0.25063 0.03824 0.46981 0.33922 0.28517 0.73634 0.59804 0.50095 0.68732 0.12577 0.96622 0.45785 0.28812 0.96618 0.79368 0.38858 0.37513 0.80192 0.19674 0.07101 0.96701 0.56184 0.88319 0.7714 0.59017 0.80301 0.45532 0.79962 0.78795 0.69319 0.97701 0.05071 0.22176 0.22503 0.77962 0.60069 0.74819 0.75256 0.99204 0.94553 0.1543 0.70621 0.73709 0.48193 0.21277 0.44448 0.33676 0.6309 0.26152 0.62928 0.1595 0.97202 0.80607 0.41794 0.38603 0.67198 0.41632 0.97838 0.50264 0.01523 0.25896 0.84435 0.95181 0.79618 0.56704 0.85545 0.14873 0.79085 0.8284 0.88654 0.50834 0.62365 0.33945 0.98775 0.96913 0.76622 0.12268 0.0468 0.52702 0.69525 0.5307 0.71328 0.51282 0.82538 0.27158 0.58171 0.47049 0.32592 0.00333 0.03097 0.2557 0.71322 0.76181 0.41853 0.80362 0.97573 0.85006 0.82073 0.65901 0.22047 0.02315 0.55513 0.91532 0.75431 0.54142 0.48434 0.36037 0.94741 0.06789 0.03946 0.82428 0.58703 0.5451 0.82335 0.39206 0.29397 0.02376 0.56294 0.09243 0.7233 0.36542 0.91564 0.17278 0.14565 0.7874 0.03983 0.12971 0.10962 0.04035 0.94322 0.86374 0.89523 0.85078 0.81193 0.36065 0.75905 0.93293 0.67052 0.06773 0.81514 0.81363 0.70752 0.47738 0.68789 0.15208 0.00767 0.58987 0.6438 0.60363 0.66156 0.40135 0.52467 0.07019 0.08644 0.89092 0.30477 0.37466 0.66228 0.51258 0.54367 0.98206 0.39265 0.23994 0.35221 0.36045 0.09144 0.35285 0.39245 0.65172 0.0609 0.7689 0.0226 0.12936 0.23657 0.07455 0.2319 0.29947 0.09074 0.62214 0.24691 0.70487 0.43015 0.98888 0.42417 0.38776 0.87265 0.03799 0.82254 0.35181 0.16834 0.77935 0.60366 0.0567 0.57705 0.17118 0.54401 0.01417 0.98912 0.53815 0.02623 0.6112 0.68803 0.18387 0.94957 0.64361 0.29281 0.72387 0.80437 0.87291 0.43439 0.43002 0.49268 0.53238 0.32019 0.75294 0.04639 0.96597 0.78518 0.18558 0.05853 0.81911 0.88374 0.11495 0.77231 0.53047 0.65417 0.14056 0.93173 0.9976 0.6886 0.06174 0.97871 0.71172 0.57988 0.3148 0.26168 0.85251 0.01734 0.99298 0.68287 0.90707 0.50724 0.5855 0.57864 0.8971 0.87046 0.88011 0.35921 0.74486 0.85917 0.07706 0.31234 0.15026 0.86102 0.77432 0.91381 0.2864 0.85627 0.38775 0.68937 0.18483 0.72238 0.01418 0.57559 0.43791 0.37275 0.33014 0.83473 0.30226 0.81116 0.71632 0.91846 0.26216 0.37918 0.6022 0.13645 0.0575 0.04718 0.69742 0.34323 0.57232 0.29212 0.49428 0.5127 0.12936 0.96601 0.69092 0.10244 0.06068 0.33537 0.50203 0.14947 0.73511 0.8253 0.98866 0.09873 0.791 0.78857 0.95079 0.3855 0.8724 0.37673 0.86849 0.31809 0.11438 0.32085 0.17503 0.54501 0.48312 0.41838 0.95088 0.76569 0.76583 0.39052 0.56231 0.03043 0.17149 0.42504 0.00807 0.31454 0.19706 0.46377 0.40829 0.78816 0.36026 0.65921 0.73162 0.20511 0.88406 0.76654 0.31264 0.57644 0.14639 0.20479 0.04644 0.25909 0.99159 0.35998 0.83916 0.756 0.05948 0.78315 0.62552 0.51786 0.57955 0.20843 0.17381 0.43265 0.14288 0.51145 0.86261 0.40923 0.62041 0.18485 0.8686 0.33632 0.85834 0.36374 0.34747 0.86749 0.94203 0.30496 0.93375 0.2053 0.87813 0.11317 0.61588 0.07961 0.34811 0.34352 0.68816 0.04848 0.76128 0.05539 0.39522 0.03704 0.23238 0.29761 0.04605 0.57695 0.5791 0.28151 0.56347 0.63652 0.72792 0.79554 0.22448 0.43134 0.97753 0.27999 0.4323 0.54776 0.43007 0.87861 0.35791 0.77714 0.83338 0.36013 0.28012 0.43862 0.94732 0.79091 0.98194 0.80133 0.12308 0.69137 0.31444 0.66195 0.54496 0.72297 0.59953 0.09298 0.50172 0.67465 0.56083 0.60007 0.87541 0.95053 0.43097 0.98971 0.75447 0.78472 0.33323 0.57883 0.0361 0.90897 0.41337 0.80848 0.59447 0.7983 0.49446 0.75537 0.33315 0.68573 0.69469 0.85425 0.821 0.96289 0.44341 0.27855 0.511 0.14171 0.21219 0.46547 0.47914 0.27743 0.57529 0.93595 0.54139 0.68161 0.30173 0.96464 0.85679 0.65468
+0.21655 0.46584 0.55004 0.49793 0.32013 0.34435 0.87957 0.2763 0.72825 0.73085 0.7776 0.26957 0.22474 0.74748 0.84589 0.90142 0.57828 0.7664 0.42522 0.19699 0.69804 0.37807 0.48609 0.54701 0.3553 0.53928 0.71832 0.52924 0.51656 0.73888 0.77282 0.6778 0.79778 0.07909 0.65424 0.62621 0.50598 0.57047 0.74204 0.03398 0.31293 0.4419 0.23041 0.98874 0.10764 0.90577 0.10465 0.71839 0.41625 0.78286 0.81161 0.46736 0.01077 0.62058 0.53062 0.76308 0.26644 0.76428 0.93083 0.63568 0.78791 0.61132 0.12376 0.71298 0.7912 0.89419 0.56417 0.92877 0.50971 0.82233 0.69761 0.17288 0.78163 0.29498 0.46409 0.31413 0.25586 0.93688 0.81981 0.21933 0.63661 0.75923 0.3377 0.973 0.13947 0.61408 0.27392 0.34315 0.5926 0.7455 0.47933 0.47719 0.89411 0.7341 0.38716 0.8444 0.13819 0.08633 0.94128 0.64704 0.19072 0.19366 0.61084 0.36712 0.78035 0.72619 0.78154 0.32859 0.25036 0.51099 0.02473 0.5085 0.17756 0.6246 0.64133 0.78821 0.65831 0.85463 0.48434 0.11498 0.57694 0.53843 0.90273 0.72799 0.59467 0.49064 0.04742 0.11569 0.99906 0.83909 0.94504 0.53212 0.97965 0.20174 0.41226 0.02307 0.37306 0.18316 0.76212 0.26862 0.69308 0.10095 0.34697 0.11796 0.66051 0.69274 0.69827 0.0987 0.35293 0.00254 0.71144 0.09453 0.20426 0.72326 0.81083 0.80247 0.34303 0.8617 0.41664 0.6343 0.02641 0.32484 0.03672 0.46923 0.54221 0.20311 0.45442 0.6847 0.23999 0.87163 0.34409 0.53558 0.66235 0.60096 0.84535 0.25767 0.40826 0.19784 0.3922 0.83258 0.44751 0.30081 0.16814 0.9296 0.2424 0.70127 0.64861 0.98106 0.82627 0.13783 0.12976 0.07209 0.98918 0.05654 0.9102 0.16264 0.2658 0.79956 0.74878 0.71877 0.38972 0.70669 0.9046 0.26719 0.42691 0.85017 0.40365 0.98578 0.936 0.169 0.87166 0.26005 0.19957 0.81991 0.06921 0.64294 0.14971 0.39252 0.1587 0.08034 0.79119 0.84188 0.87937 0.35567 0.9054 0.84581 0.83854 0.39594 0.49259 0.24871 0.46919 0.60399 0.09734 0.11014 0.27878 0.5856 0.67946 0.75035 0.72332 0.31057 0.03795 0.39336 0.1753 0.04261 0.62691 0.53357 0.18749 0.3759 0.61186 0.35986 0.00557 0.21019 0.15697 0.26074 0.91417 0.13435 0.88813 0.9844 0.88807 0.51666 0.38396 0.17504 0.42384 0.19116 0.41273 0.51475 0.07918 0.51331 0.19576 0.49984 0.03599 0.97549 0.94345 0.72769 0.78675 0.97485 0.41503 0.84545 0.56364 0.54529 0.57729 0.83622 0.22725 0.43301 0.45804 0.74131 0.33088 0.07195 0.49076 0.25321 0.97043 0.33417 0.62323 0.03165 0.52001 0.36652 0.71638 0.02279 0.81904 0.05366 0.21156 0.47437 0.86313 0.92163 0.45091 0.74001 0.78847 0.47323 0.64735 0.9214 0.05338 0.37335 0.43031 0.99804 0.1104 0.2383 0.18781 0.15288 0.39713 0.72462 0.95601 0.8566 0.25472 0.17203 0.77437 0.16228 0.85214 0.01747 0.5072 0.53458 0.87324 0.74323 0.9815 0.28888 0.01413 0.19762 0.32624 0.6747 0.36272 0.46151 0.29943 0.85461 0.22997 0.58922 0.43347 0.73631 0.01445 0.59061 0.74729 0.9411 0.29057 0.90181 0.11984 0.30795 0.02499 0.67336 0.54136 0.40812 0.26687 0.89048 0.09711 0.66912 0.79324 0.77448 0.83579 0.85941 0.20292 0.06955 0.35839 0.11565 0.29551 0.83484 0.5797 0.19967 0.24373 0.69132 0.50149 0.60623 0.84726 0.69629 0.28449 0.46907 0.4046 0.19431 0.44303 0.59714 0.94011 0.77235 0.89166 0.81114 0.2388 0.90182 0.81763 0.1163 0.83793 0.60495 0.8918 0.99524 0.2031 0.2474 0.92247 0.32773 0.95199 0.08721 0.91015 0.05062 0.89016 0.64029 0.49163 0.72794 0.86814 0.19366 0.33071 0.85999 0.81165 0.02044 0.83259 0.42563 0.38944 0.85388 0.85332 0.70329 0.88218 0.97362 0.60305 0.92395 0.21329 0.02858 0.6327 0.45471 0.69225 0.61426 0.83239 0.54769 0.79381 0.19298 0.46034 0.85082 0.96191 0.03254 0.31395 0.4617 0.64993 0.7966 0.74792 0.53341 0.70161 0.86953 0.13634 0.47141 0.57275 0.41267 0.32171 0.00858 0.17325 0.0469 0.66125 0.06693 0.3037 0.85115 0.1583 0.81146 0.5498 0.48588 0.48394 0.95642 0.07562 0.16332 0.23128 0.23799 0.02848 0.20457 0.17847 0.82249 0.46875 0.98374 0.50886 0.29396 0.27469 0.87896 0.70725 0.63573 0.96607 0.28816 0.36156 0.30836 0.39438 0.64602 0.22183 0.38434 0.82995 0.74199 0.40717 0.77052 0.51839 0.79779 0.39931 0.54269 0.81985 0.60351 0.41621 0.92075 0.05542 0.89027 0.3736 0.24576 0.82103 0.05224 0.92188 0.55195 0.1271 0.41905
+0.75043 0.57887 0.44618 0.77504 0.20775 0.96256 0.4636 0.60451 0.48893 0.74378 0.51692 0.93307 0.09935 0.22102 0.4867 0.80951 0.20136 0.55081 0.25749 0.56015 0.17731 0.54155 0.89242 0.76447 0.37736 0.74516 0.17368 0.81312 0.88723 0.95007 0.10126 0.50595 0.3046 0.88618 0.90787 0.0445 0.28127 0.28438 0.44138 0.88406 0.5743 0.93496 0.86335 0.61309 0.6656 0.99608 0.92969 0.70283 0.8696 0.58176 0.69631 0.30411 0.57542 0.15245 0.69776 0.74561 0.78319 0.58374 0.98882 0.95985 0.73806 0.61096 0.21686 0.66967 0.68793 0.11431 0.30114 0.1502 0.24053 0.61361 0.26532 0.15449 0.87608 0.76126 0.15549 0.46514 0.54714 0.18681 0.9291 0.71371 0.69968 0.29703 0.1458 0.18227 0.85878 0.78475 0.10601 0.23586 0.51538 0.38996 0.76631 0.50716 0.75594 0.38411 0.87144 0.6526 0.02011 0.49034 0.01489 0.00033 0.39441 0.66069 0.82272 0.61422 0.72309 0.66131 0.45218 0.40841 0.17759 0.10738 0.00093 0.37033 0.49105 0.69278 0.18516 0.95554 0.44347 0.58513 0.36676 0.7848 0.68701 0.52986 0.13053 0.72525 0.00911 0.80745 0.18645 0.4005 0.49808 0.59601 0.59459 0.05671 0.34866 0.5734 0.19337 0.48959 0.19987 0.00355 0.2396 0.93169 0.31136 0.36725 0.68487 0.15312 0.54382 0.65483 0.40391 0.32943 0.98269 0.78668 0.3933 0.30096 0.29824 0.75647 0.05822 0.61396 0.84747 0.8709 0.34859 0.5693 0.51735 0.12183 0.2409 0.27698 0.0451 0.32507 0.46467 0.48705 0.27148 0.17838 0.41188 0.81866 0.23565 0.06601 0.46255 0.05099 0.34441 0.71112 0.5006 0.47433 0.38948 0.38151 0.4105 0.93534 0.64402 0.47128 0.9162 0.00462 0.64843 0.67488 0.53188 0.23392 0.57743 0.54789 0.77569 0.06979 0.54249 0.48899 0.4268 0.0009 0.19264 0.86273 0.68136 0.71008 0.91918 0.01436 0.73566 0.66182 0.20609 0.23667 0.2984 0.71198 0.89113 0.30366 0.9871 0.59572 0.29406 0.24749 0.45713 0.6518 0.92883 0.3316 0.6233 0.66188 0.59368 0.32647 0.33589 0.10623 0.17259 0.82635 0.22447 0.50504 0.26957 0.30489 0.4005 0.98446 0.34239 0.85256 0.04379 0.19602 0.78168 0.51219 0.1911 0.66806 0.4523 0.00525 0.09581 0.22334 0.24068 0.80186 0.48788 0.66688 0.48312 0.91095 0.13477 0.49673 0.44978 0.341 0.11843 0.86893 0.61675 0.0308 0.87775 0.50784 0.58209 0.61583 0.99923 0.62332 0.15534 0.73867 0.02098 0.31884 0.05706 0.71435 0.26407 0.33596 0.34115 0.90417 0.17211 0.1213 0.75413 0.29822 0.92057 0.49414 0.51984 0.51012 0.42097 0.74562 0.58205 0.36836 0.23937 0.27251 0.86981 0.85656 0.34807 0.9875 0.98995 0.11134 0.12538 0.57914 0.38662 0.7021 0.81222 0.27624 0.91401 0.31475 0.71641 0.94556 0.42438 0.51929 0.66491 0.31779 0.10432 0.96787 0.57894 0.68917 0.31106 0.86924 0.84761 0.8847 0.46958 0.70773 0.50272 0.2532 0.92827 0.20762 0.96107 0.88824 0.30502 0.25642 0.27795 0.26222 0.29647 0.93893 0.70892 0.08831 0.72898 0.84973 0.35299 0.21899 0.71103 0.58015 0.18075 0.41161 0.84646 0.47217 0.42346 0.76579 0.32337 0.92243 0.13699 0.10565 0.08281 0.88863 0.56952 0.95469 0.88831 0.6323 0.55063 0.35957 0.7604 0.9493 0.31529 0.26248 0.59514 0.34865 0.25891 0.44266 0.11173 0.76169 0.79404 0.43466 0.28957 0.0445 0.94393 0.39334 0.24811 0.95088 0.04555 0.2307 0.85114 0.24328 0.13285 0.89843 0.30832 0.57081 0.58647 0.23279 0.88311 0.90359 0.23729 0.00966 0.52 0.6035 0.39466 0.65764 0.09148 0.82091 0.80287 0.40175 0.90441 0.65527 0.20698 0.89782 0.71557 0.26174 0.1169 0.34551 0.89712 0.2633 0.04186 0.70963 0.31564 0.48457 0.1734 0.4262 0.5274 0.88617 0.25504 0.08901 0.17213 0.40988 0.6096 0.47304 0.3151 0.59636 0.83569 0.7056 0.15648 0.14711 0.33432 0.36616 0.68398 0.02991 0.17702 0.92772 0.61054 0.33046 0.28408 0.49656 0.59086 0.93295 0.10817 0.56793 0.29767 0.76186 0.49889 0.66113 0.52276 0.90535 0.85163 0.26838 0.0913 0.54573 0.71307 0.17165 0.16431 0.97929 0.04328 0.6006 0.61718 0.58317 0.81702 0.09142 0.9524 0.14316 0.16024 0.19745 0.26321 0.99341 0.92617 0.12047 0.50351 0.11152 0.86295 0.99295 0.41186 0.48963 0.65993 0.50244 0.22539 0.88047 0.40508 0.24941 0.14286 0.02284 0.21622 0.24826 0.17332 0.74467 0.36329 0.5275 0.29928 0.85623 0.29543 0.27417 0.4066 0.92721 0.95211 0.31491 0.22315 0.80057 0.45394 0.34877 0.2233 0.94081 0.83784 0.31767 0.03063 0.59141 0.49587 0.64261
+0.46771 0.36418 0.32706 0.56114 0.71985 0.31179 0.16865 0.07044 0.32981 0.74006 0.91976 0.39988 0.38613 0.11888 0.34506 0.39824 0.73962 0.37347 0.34867 0.36424 0.33455 0.56667 0.4072 0.12626 0.64928 0.75237 0.45925 0.48648 0.766 0.74795 0.87716 0.24626 0.61881 0.80268 0.21302 0.482 0.82639 0.18729 0.86483 0.51791 0.59571 0.29602 0.6281 0.51989 0.2691 0.09968 0.36563 0.4199 0.95712 0.87376 0.84088 0.01531 0.39352 0.64089 0.87027 0.95396 0.16647 0.54005 0.93395 0.18824 0.55326 0.50341 0.2263 0.22615 0.18646 0.70113 0.66648 0.10253 0.83955 0.25167 0.77524 0.25239 0.92047 0.58681 0.1756 0.32446 0.39751 0.41273 0.16679 0.22284 0.8631 0.81286 0.98101 0.8706 0.50673 0.26875 0.57283 0.22253 0.37943 0.7269 0.02545 0.19001 0.60622 0.29711 0.56483 0.40159 0.43714 0.92518 0.34976 0.01967 0.36334 0.03311 0.43559 0.43619 0.74641 0.42621 0.21579 0.54197 0.15287 0.53822 0.99721 0.95967 0.91638 0.00589 0.49139 0.05621 0.58952 0.99852 0.95978 0.27381 0.23061 0.20399 0.58912 0.96497 0.23537 0.7577 0.15441 0.60307 0.21093 0.92094 0.22997 0.97365 0.06394 0.69717 0.8752 0.7528 0.259 0.38443 0.02795 0.9347 0.87794 0.34034 0.05445 0.75224 0.01498 0.79037 0.5317 0.0895 0.15396 0.64241 0.70973 0.29258 0.8095 0.68957 0.15956 0.74025 0.58089 0.42839 0.96135 0.54327 0.80888 0.92871 0.40509 0.72623 0.59491 0.81837 0.11065 0.37358 0.44159 0.70442 0.86051 0.29823 0.85816 0.90308 0.75609 0.54501 0.12148 0.60186 0.97331 0.7333 0.51532 0.39694 0.9704 0.64007 0.73291 0.65228 0.67194 0.87003 0.87496 0.2155 0.40379 0.95762 0.97438 0.11349 0.179 0.41208 0.02449 0.06924 0.92888 0.6893 0.29043 0.73396 0.73069 0.47211 0.88643 0.21768 0.20157 0.42818 0.94379 0.73355 0.80679 0.34218 0.74031 0.58584 0.54449 0.88823 0.14147 0.09839 0.56616 0.61229 0.00291 0.65636 0.07939 0.76333 0.07317 0.89347 0.88956 0.70671 0.36279 0.01068 0.60798 0.68541 0.28548 0.85545 0.88905 0.48278 0.55024 0.45009 0.99884 0.27253 0.89538 0.13644 0.74862 0.26958 0.42914 0.29384 0.84425 0.26152 0.68326 0.6764 0.35735 0.91027 0.48314 0.3864 0.06196 0.65526 0.14494 0.69823 0.27033 0.06498 0.55113 0.74086 0.8526 0.14321 0.54142 0.95885 0.41019 0.29009 0.38031 0.66493 0.0076 0.59758 0.78105 0.20986 0.97348 0.15859 0.62408 0.01506 0.29208 0.2112 0.56595 0.75022 0.24528 0.3708 0.84028 0.60747 0.68123 0.37928 0.06454 0.07302 0.62292 0.00809 0.29773 0.59641 0.37077 0.02131 0.38456 0.79685 0.36344 0.90147 0.52794 0.8627 0.47089 0.5132 0.26783 0.89746 0.53013 0.55213 0.89851 0.2459 0.55218 0.81183 0.4085 0.85649 0.15216 0.52815 0.72933 0.24667 0.21125 0.75612 0.6703 0.83088 0.03517 0.50654 0.30647 0.89659 0.41981 0.8792 0.42738 0.49928 0.48724 0.20115 0.46503 0.97914 0.79162 0.16398 0.86156 0.98202 0.34942 0.20449 0.35678 0.27952 0.46084 0.12195 0.72742 0.96953 0.19793 0.28281 0.89154 0.86351 0.25862 0.18522 0.89039 0.56475 0.22486 0.23074 0.76216 0.97739 0.46909 0.75645 0.87646 0.55492 0.38643 0.37833 0.87073 0.72816 0.66063 0.24871 0.85782 0.15993 0.89051 0.97425 0.26514 0.0117 0.00064 0.60782 0.32854 0.24695 0.50724 0.27421 0.07304 0.81991 0.27874 0.93787 0.65005 0.6836 0.69055 0.21242 0.64214 0.05313 0.48737 0.41468 0.56271 0.14534 0.45621 0.4872 0.36149 0.16301 0.35419 0.34647 0.03274 0.4128 0.87826 0.36911 0.56246 0.38075 0.16847 0.94126 0.7379 0.44244 0.06425 0.73146 0.6733 0.75386 0.03047 0.34914 0.7501 0.75951 0.07549 0.64931 0.53437 0.85664 0.36131 0.67359 0.41441 0.99867 0.29442 0.43346 0.97125 0.99184 0.89882 0.82124 0.86422 0.8836 0.4745 0.3849 0.12185 0.81372 0.25552 0.4511 0.65937 0.4923 0.71595 0.49678 0.49137 0.9987 0.18491 0.94389 0.75486 0.85566 0.00564 0.96291 0.64291 0.63889 0.90416 0.6945 0.36749 0.50606 0.60243 0.538 0.49575 0.05118 0.96643 0.85476 0.98875 0.08223 0.82461 0.27069 0.84545 0.58233 0.27404 0.03786 0.61445 0.8044 0.0406 0.25828 0.26547 0.25946 0.72791 0.01247 0.25547 0.02933 0.80997 0.09443 0.21079 0.97152 0.90836 0.48048 0.39661 0.74375 0.05976 0.76814 0.20089 0.23952 0.23368 0.70003 0.42569 0.16516 0.13813 0.17164 0.06461 0.93607 0.48816 0.45153 0.89925 0.15698 0.17905 0.8781 0.40904 0.59173 0.57778 0.13008
+0.71241 0.7521 0.47737 0.58392 0.18786 0.25359 0.5628 0.16413 0.15073 0.14109 0.91101 0.28432 0.02238 0.63933 0.67549 0.36421 0.11828 0.6852 0.25268 0.84003 0.42211 0.94758 0.64491 0.46438 0.52066 0.17168 0.61385 0.07595 0.21491 0.23341 0.54162 0.24371 0.25277 0.36225 0.24999 0.35151 0.56324 0.55523 0.92108 0.97056 0.82076 0.05791 0.77823 0.85556 0.1176 0.75926 0.35397 0.27201 0.62707 0.56922 0.00305 0.46944 0.54654 0.58425 0.08253 0.83731 0.22237 0.88866 0.84348 0.38188 0.83352 0.91434 0.42045 0.05595 0.51182 0.25899 0.96305 0.57501 0.54149 0.2385 0.99341 0.65521 0.12488 0.63723 0.99042 0.80165 0.18242 0.65226 0.14969 0.51083 0.51087 0.08475 0.37553 0.87277 0.72793 0.27248 0.19849 0.80575 0.938 0.32974 0.25798 0.19086 0.9955 0.15616 0.01462 0.25555 0.74221 0.45566 0.24046 0.84009 0.06123 0.46085 0.22012 0.85555 0.54593 0.86391 0.07218 0.65866 0.1241 0.74957 0.83378 0.00735 0.23045 0.66023 0.5665 0.72145 0.14196 0.98772 0.4964 0.05413 0.01137 0.57878 0.64129 0.10526 0.08404 0.83544 0.84001 0.13017 0.52777 0.85728 0.43416 0.0532 0.03593 0.98032 0.03408 0.56188 0.38995 0.97805 0.44726 0.81101 0.61459 0.79215 0.22658 0.94328 0.84497 0.82776 0.68652 0.14037 0.20189 0.65339 0.36115 0.25103 0.86662 0.03069 0.92679 0.86686 0.24827 0.62281 0.74831 0.88284 0.06529 0.12601 0.35393 0.96291 0.80006 0.38183 0.71334 0.25836 0.31613 0.42866 0.04211 0.50104 0.05508 0.34826 0.28959 0.77214 0.52146 0.58641 0.4773 0.59613 0.41299 0.98447 0.92954 0.62439 0.09816 0.41663 0.25165 0.92917 0.41435 0.56321 0.5255 0.64887 0.50607 0.44126 0.86107 0.71794 0.71146 0.57286 0.47358 0.58756 0.60953 0.25431 0.2284 0.5398 0.1443 0.99665 0.84026 0.0644 0.41326 0.3859 0.53027 0.31146 0.25141 0.55501 0.95245 0.15126 0.3647 0.68068 0.42497 0.9377 0.26857 0.61771 0.64153 0.36634 0.09771 0.70063 0.06808 0.75308 0.5587 0.38117 0.51315 0.62617 0.3019 0.52957 0.78413 0.9305 0.10457 0.28339 0.24915 0.99112 0.05816 0.08511 0.1583 0.15377 0.65551 0.989 0.2727 0.10619 0.85967 0.60364 0.2198 0.93412 0.72946 0.20008 0.87063 0.46586 0.56435 0.92553 0.76837 0.37085 0.10123 0.1317 0.90905 0.40924 0.39378 0.81354 0.1013 0.63664 0.88524 0.26527 0.21892 0.29875 0.92865 0.0735 0.16026 0.6863 0.28005 0.47443 0.08628 0.0866 0.71053 0.70284 0.24083 0.05762 0.12568 0.43294 0.35185 0.61371 0.39712 0.72053 0.5465 0.75402 0.50027 0.32164 0.99986 0.42142 0.17131 0.5388 0.55478 0.17421 0.19862 0.85291 0.12128 0.02238 0.39975 0.40816 0.06156 0.42265 0.19322 0.34376 0.22945 0.56199 0.20143 0.47034 0.80269 0.84593 0.11735 0.70826 0.95477 0.73839 0.28356 0.28971 0.41243 0.58556 0.04393 0.58194 0.7992 0.56646 0.03869 0.9701 0.22222 0.34254 0.99656 0.30914 0.14466 0.06124 0.04712 0.15715 0.13803 0.22046 0.10505 0.31505 0.10257 0.11295 0.92069 0.39627 0.89402 0.17477 0.94557 0.43313 0.34084 0.42097 0.36376 0.12374 0.56471 0.2372 0.27642 0.40123 0.09345 0.90918 0.48702 0.55741 0.55003 0.19395 0.61809 0.85311 0.02578 0.41901 0.09652 0.46863 0.44563 0.88856 0.3319 0.02661 0.50533 0.70423 0.20636 0.83436 0.46959 0.92581 0.60251 0.31786 0.17935 0.68839 0.20406 0.21705 0.75719 0.47527 0.45223 0.05835 0.15116 0.10433 0.36241 0.81257 0.21749 0.29763 0.61763 0.08612 0.03581 0.75209 0.72026 0.44036 0.81698 0.00235 0.43557 0.86307 0.66727 0.17938 0.48886 0.38647 0.57553 0.78477 0.17687 0.74289 0.15348 0.98912 0.08043 0.62617 0.34307 0.60951 0.55366 0.20214 0.27747 0.96413 0.22197 0.42109 0.4868 0.49195 0.98141 0.44917 0.51337 0.29577 0.3586 0.91477 0.97901 0.11534 0.16416 0.81939 0.04544 0.77465 0.69813 0.77461 0.81843 0.07069 0.63097 0.73895 0.22955 0.5625 0.87573 0.38845 0.59842 0.64631 0.07025 0.7964 0.72309 0.72147 0.52648 0.15705 0.99247 0.10882 0.31829 0.96154 0.02421 0.12761 0.20549 0.31987 0.92944 0.76199 0.16467 0.47009 0.80137 0.42152 0.45503 0.21531 0.26045 0.65049 0.7958 0.03855 0.68852 0.7126 0.65294 0.04913 0.28671 0.2193 0.41379 0.74141 0.00362 0.84538 0.38445 0.99929 0.98737 0.31607 0.12551 0.17827 0.31654 0.55837 0.91416 0.32815 0.39736 0.01649 0.73058 0.81697 0.1336 0.48102 0.13472 0.71921 0.06882 0.17663 0.81981 0.18621 0.55382 0.50106
+0.41908 0.57415 0.51879 0.58364 0.99046 0.01233 0.38997 0.49404 0.36748 0.47602 0.98223 0.83093 0.25237 0.95743 0.34751 0.45535 0.39372 0.89154 0.48823 0.66511 0.62605 0.15269 0.11584 0.28846 0.59991 0.08901 0.08724 0.16143 0.58616 0.66947 0.57155 0.51106 0.14959 0.97128 0.49247 0.12609 0.92237 0.73131 0.69767 0.00923 0.17897 0.09174 0.54356 0.20382 0.67547 0.37335 0.18408 0.16725 0.99088 0.11406 0.6615 0.95839 0.02722 0.55319 0.82263 0.5993 0.7027 0.92349 0.85165 0.1966 0.10325 0.76282 0.69295 0.44552 0.77538 0.62989 0.75432 0.21251 0.26364 0.56763 0.46114 0.98579 0.29168 0.2343 0.53116 0.28125 0.28213 0.66699 0.33893 0.67652 0.6579 0.10412 0.26595 0.22618 0.02506 0.99306 0.6692 0.61747 0.92358 0.28425 0.72558 0.4562 0.3137 0.86146 0.71313 0.77865 0.7711 0.72837 0.80837 0.01451 0.61364 0.84092 0.16774 0.01694 0.69512 0.93906 0.61285 0.64847 0.57864 0.05415 0.06721 0.89676 0.08323 0.21589 0.71257 0.47442 0.28106 0.87252 0.87958 0.91042 0.92355 0.862 0.90525 0.59741 0.2238 0.66291 0.6366 0.24486 0.10982 0.85984 0.64621 0.91778 0.51694 0.96639 0.56446 0.17223 0.43387 0.46198 0.25096 0.83817 0.67168 0.77168 0.19471 0.71297 0.29807 0.32892 0.50996 0.58543 0.64988 0.65906 0.46167 0.22466 0.15342 0.24481 0.58259 0.33571 0.8544 0.55205 0.93985 0.73264 0.26938 0.00616 0.00966 0.27068 0.70835 0.47193 0.30672 0.28451 0.79811 0.19922 0.07365 0.2981 0.49663 0.46767 0.94393 0.94271 0.49408 0.20715 0.0618 0.01693 0.24717 0.29585 0.87748 0.84536 0.59816 0.4537 0.98048 0.01435 0.40915 0.73009 0.70227 0.08794 0.39023 0.02663 0.78612 0.95047 0.93681 0.5044 0.69566 0.77745 0.28485 0.59568 0.47586 0.28813 0.19091 0.53858 0.86208 0.06966 0.27946 0.66902 0.22947 0.25025 0.92594 0.24901 0.21864 0.57373 0.58122 0.44663 0.8209 0.74966 0.7636 0.90844 0.1029 0.4523 0.11277 0.79219 0.08394 0.49539 0.20088 0.73654 0.19728 0.25028 0.4679 0.35577 0.64365 0.56986 0.90307 0.41797 0.7638 0.97711 0.40226 0.84962 0.32804 0.43342 0.26133 0.22403 0.59441 0.13817 0.65094 0.20622 0.08658 0.70376 0.67802 0.2255 0.83528 0.02853 0.8092 0.17032 0.93742 0.24575 0.73178 0.88431 0.66989 0.43173 0.63792 0.23774 0.72231 0.25269 0.13551 0.10865 0.7277 0.76994 0.65558 0.96206 0.78345 0.29954 0.95693 0.42352 0.35522 0.76646 0.34961 0.50122 0.93219 0.53999 0.24239 0.78141 0.08886 0.63799 0.80892 0.54996 0.68196 0.46848 0.37546 0.97558 0.29385 0.63698 0.99014 0.30446 0.30861 0.68853 0.78891 0.03389 0.18061 0.38696 0.20206 0.9499 0.07691 0.23477 0.13452 0.00023 0.28779 0.1741 0.6345 0.85311 0.03152 0.32242 0.8729 0.10827 0.56139 0.514 0.41139 0.30646 0.38227 0.26725 0.93385 0.85815 0.23532 0.66943 0.25327 0.69374 0.55853 0.72972 0.55985 0.00544 0.29675 0.95801 0.72124 0.3635 0.30538 0.16778 0.41281 0.46504 0.19173 0.11231 0.71438 0.32327 0.17891 0.78341 0.38846 0.62649 0.18912 0.81624 0.03844 0.34203 0.6834 0.49808 0.81976 0.15042 0.39523 0.5253 0.15145 0.06823 0.20945 0.57805 0.7432 0.61786 0.63879 0.61898 0.19284 0.75123 0.9179 0.13117 0.42511 0.61047 0.5365 0.83015 0.54343 0.40089 0.83956 0.71435 0.73599 0.74817 0.46776 0.4723 0.06232 0.9538 0.67517 0.67597 0.7507 0.08474 0.67657 0.21535 0.11789 0.72503 0.3195 0.73646 0.22172 0.90165 0.19838 0.43814 0.84422 0.02639 0.53422 0.01632 0.07376 0.18702 0.8223 0.46112 0.70519 0.83704 0.06509 0.2072 0.65595 0.41363 0.8352 0.53141 0.28463 0.51857 0.5824 0.43411 0.48442 0.42357 0.36627 0.17727 0.91768 0.72279 0.09668 0.17246 0.83734 0.69809 0.20565 0.14637 0.27096 0.9667 0.24971 0.74245 0.24369 0.05462 0.33677 0.01311 0.71185 0.66547 0.6763 0.51167 0.38703 0.16571 0.44312 0.30911 0.67185 0.80781 0.90415 0.08892 0.30626 0.72969 0.12146 0.50284 0.68346 0.93563 0.84811 0.36534 0.5393 0.5925 0.03382 0.65502 0.36902 0.02843 0.20471 0.29954 0.1324 0.69172 0.62778 0.42303 0.11181 0.4885 0.07228 0.28607 0.34937 0.90812 0.82202 0.05316 0.2375 0.18239 0.40035 0.01062 0.25455 0.02413 0.83945 0.41073 0.23923 0.67943 0.85986 0.74657 0.63198 0.55856 0.02741 0.43753 0.16127 0.45047 0.35035 0.30601 0.58268 0.91552 0.02135 0.45943 0.10857 0.01473 0.23604 0.02762 0.72527 0.1711 0.5006 0.57136
+0.26225 0.28473 0.51995 0.7886 0.92393 0.46468 0.15648 0.9576 0.68991 0.47298 0.49628 0.3713 0.74429 0.33203 0.10608 0.70288 0.89764 0.86424 0.79868 0.50957 0.77678 0.76513 0.59539 0.74538 0.75723 0.22339 0.2532 0.63945 0.36076 0.63201 0.14128 0.25313 0.34545 0.86448 0.59786 0.69461 0.97314 0.15412 0.19492 0.14047 0.84574 0.4386 0.10042 0.69164 0.44158 0.65942 0.95049 0.26546 0.23071 0.62379 0.07804 0.31393 0.67727 0.02067 0.6537 0.44676 0.79606 0.57926 0.37987 0.09666 0.42157 0.02913 0.98028 0.28253 0.81892 0.12817 0.98361 0.16798 0.10668 0.65043 0.76236 0.49347 0.54654 0.09298 0.69051 0.73709 0.89062 0.20657 0.36619 0.27399 0.6579 0.55304 0.44238 0.93801 0.88879 0.15155 0.02139 0.44578 0.10105 0.93029 0.34036 0.08932 0.8436 0.8287 0.48929 0.94114 0.77977 0.34748 0.43428 0.53371 0.71911 0.13456 0.41832 0.54016 0.89415 0.13886 0.00634 0.68831 0.1303 0.94342 0.3693 0.43017 0.39248 0.00461 0.3657 0.88663 0.76966 0.00456 0.09682 0.0001 0.58645 0.56474 0.94302 0.14125 0.89736 0.16208 0.63078 0.14921 0.28753 0.11867 0.26035 0.98114 0.25471 0.22534 0.29696 0.18784 0.19189 0.37177 0.11353 0.75523 0.2779 0.68408 0.81124 0.01723 0.30751 0.51212 0.73515 0.33263 0.10329 0.09907 0.26145 0.68042 0.61796 0.81157 0.92127 0.79861 0.34658 0.99699 0.76133 0.37005 0.48606 0.37622 0.27545 0.01288 0.6177 0.33138 0.50743 0.03494 0.3567 0.01525 0.25409 0.2318 0.33202 0.98103 0.17068 0.81297 0.48688 0.74174 0.39394 0.76909 0.49068 0.94218 0.43768 0.10542 0.36311 0.05668 0.14834 0.64072 0.33448 0.43864 0.08641 0.69657 0.83803 0.91716 0.45355 0.4133 0.10655 0.84143 0.49922 0.6823 0.17948 0.6016 0.22244 0.40498 0.80957 0.08002 0.24591 0.77022 0.38898 0.83758 0.53406 0.02191 0.72678 0.73447 0.01192 0.82507 0.36186 0.84272 0.16205 0.86674 0.73082 0.52282 0.79474 0.40374 0.07572 0.21892 0.17822 0.47347 0.56932 0.30467 0.16832 0.86952 0.15731 0.58403 0.64467 0.50685 0.56769 0.61257 0.40655 0.29954 0.27838 0.89117 0.38124 0.24587 0.79953 0.87995 0.3947 0.60887 0.5308 0.28582 0.39571 0.89372 0.00347 0.12508 0.91094 0.00313 0.7014 0.08759 0.80347 0.61158 0.96404 0.13354 0.07619 0.29932 0.07721 0.43143 0.74583 0.61184 0.50153 0.14238 0.48062 0.13094 0.81426 0.26793 0.84588 0.43199 0.58493 0.33289 0.56928 0.47186 0.65923 0.39876 0.50276 0.84052 0.98304 0.79521 0.55092 0.23436 0.79663 0.09651 0.80787 0.16317 0.58249 0.81305 0.67873 0.24567 0.26163 0.40082 0.90386 0.87107 0.62634 0.86086 0.18862 0.039 0.35817 0.50115 0.97423 0.27358 0.14315 0.59862 0.50995 0.42949 0.29972 0.46506 0.28015 0.15927 0.76454 0.32104 0.44328 0.97611 0.52039 0.55885 0.70136 0.54442 0.44666 0.69341 0.55715 0.79325 0.93398 0.36469 0.69837 0.22681 0.10557 0.64495 0.96549 0.06826 0.88529 0.4132 0.98146 0.50018 0.76506 0.36401 0.92149 0.03384 0.07291 0.43961 0.48957 0.45095 0.08463 0.54038 0.76646 0.91737 0.43044 0.67681 0.96101 0.50834 0.68115 0.09717 0.29282 0.14621 0.62796 0.53977 0.88934 0.46541 0.55117 0.47195 0.51657 0.29144 0.20595 0.24608 0.5286 0.12575 0.19737 0.39687 0.50469 0.49523 0.06282 0.20733 0.43296 0.92638 0.3206 0.10802 0.12549 0.08914 0.95454 0.1722 0.93483 0.73193 0.60798 0.9223 0.43207 0.31203 0.80623 0.47579 0.56103 0.32758 0.35594 0.37298 0.23829 0.59546 0.90787 0.57986 0.07049 0.85006 0.10741 0.86734 0.25372 0.42108 0.4413 0.15579 0.47571 0.45967 0.70151 0.34842 0.83965 0.54005 0.74463 0.0323 0.88679 0.76638 0.4046 0.96521 0.4222 0.01906 0.37891 0.28426 0.22624 0.30069 0.85767 0.36022 0.9852 0.33071 0.19561 0.40117 0.694 0.84595 0.31367 0.55338 0.568 0.00126 0.54197 0.74293 0.03493 0.09628 0.62592 0.62196 0.40533 0.93042 0.65775 0.80954 0.08839 0.59917 0.35495 0.05155 0.95236 0.04882 0.59609 0.79514 0.9512 0.57179 0.54271 0.11737 0.17556 0.74954 0.21633 0.14646 0.63495 0.47063 0.49868 0.367 0.04823 0.30808 0.36814 0.23115 0.04965 0.44529 0.36921 0.14678 0.32198 0.44023 0.72004 0.40371 0.97964 0.8886 0.74981 0.11901 0.01 0.61905 0.13309 0.53738 0.88597 0.10455 0.99134 0.38488 0.11318 0.52298 0.85575 0.85674 0.9904 0.22479 0.65743 0.7963 0.48166 0.97234 0.46391 0.22669 0.53792 0.10719 0.92269 0.21905 0.20204 0.99956
+0.77461 0.88752 0.52115 0.43958 0.48255 0.04685 0.17184 0.94347 0.09502 0.67245 0.15912 0.66969 0.15256 0.81664 0.9204 0.1726 0.28734 0.65063 0.5381 0.08569 0.06441 0.9103 0.97707 0.52342 0.95013 0.55448 0.799 0.56988 0.97923 0.53269 0.08999 0.61968 0.72427 0.56886 6e-05 0.65202 0.86278 0.57187 0.23868 0.1994 0.86588 0.93194 0.03312 0.93031 0.92145 0.51598 0.75268 0.52403 0.08343 0.5907 0.07887 0.97691 0.35585 0.1651 0.03645 0.73531 0.83547 0.10653 0.1279 0.65757 0.85056 0.86854 0.21297 0.54425 0.07585 0.33753 0.68805 0.04516 0.57228 0.93481 0.9878 0.78943 0.39821 0.29768 0.76578 0.60982 0.14852 0.35779 0.39649 0.75477 0.46775 0.56653 0.91639 0.0794 0.87388 0.62417 0.5807 0.39404 0.87812 0.19705 0.73777 0.59944 0.50628 0.54428 0.83401 0.17408 0.60436 0.02644 0.19713 0.31202 0.31342 0.34104 0.32355 0.63471 0.11061 0.15032 0.07112 0.91003 0.78086 0.84756 0.36392 0.26921 0.71641 0.11927 0.42895 0.22832 0.60182 0.43264 0.29214 0.3507 0.46964 0.07817 0.41966 0.5144 0.04864 0.38219 0.2886 0.52946 0.09466 0.36093 0.22867 0.05537 0.35019 0.3603 0.92802 0.56285 0.10087 0.22605 0.82651 0.60628 0.14608 0.24988 0.70118 0.97076 0.34247 0.70377 0.1941 0.84185 0.91048 0.55343 0.42732 0.31852 0.10498 0.27795 0.44843 0.76299 0.77329 0.01797 0.10059 0.00014 0.01877 0.94889 0.36281 0.10478 0.33762 0.20435 0.36804 0.64568 0.47884 0.29249 0.1509 0.6937 0.19478 0.98878 0.36068 0.78104 0.32298 0.70827 0.53152 0.10477 0.27703 0.63352 0.58627 0.86916 0.08155 0.11818 0.78519 0.31382 0.1146 0.91745 0.48788 0.53357 0.76459 0.97757 0.87764 0.60898 0.15104 0.02876 0.49651 0.77443 0.71777 0.16639 0.32963 0.36197 0.00297 0.73639 0.73528 0.41509 0.26077 0.99078 0.58309 0.40117 0.86732 0.14561 0.95681 0.86758 0.13129 0.38556 0.45711 0.98601 0.61171 0.40392 0.08146 0.01562 0.56841 0.39892 0.65284 0.89227 0.02294 0.13478 0.41684 0.01588 0.31853 0.52815 0.19959 0.55328 0.53028 0.39103 0.82761 0.038 0.90155 0.9009 0.8336 0.24467 0.98641 0.59493 0.86793 0.61403 0.96084 0.9763 0.09313 0.56728 0.18783 0.07008 0.29431 0.667 0.89557 0.19514 0.58528 0.86192 0.88626 0.90106 0.83335 0.24537 0.23714 0.62841 0.35917 0.37172 0.40429 0.85531 0.34533 0.22312 0.07132 0.06615 0.32087 0.01645 0.11348 0.236 0.60379 0.90242 0.1317 0.85185 0.39295 0.95805 0.3035 0.86955 0.74898 0.02626 0.23402 0.07661 0.29537 0.68067 0.82958 0.28227 0.28484 0.406 0.68283 0.13446 0.0538 0.6556 0.72175 0.23277 0.96715 0.18162 0.86542 0.54256 0.23176 0.23294 0.90305 0.88804 0.1805 0.13523 0.84638 0.6966 0.61698 0.7555 0.65936 0.95887 0.43534 0.09298 0.70042 0.97437 0.99152 0.22426 0.13427 0.72278 0.82609 0.47767 0.41732 0.93402 0.32988 0.67357 0.98553 0.82212 0.0698 0.92652 0.37077 0.8184 0.64495 0.0481 0.80722 0.5051 0.33216 0.2157 0.32253 0.39573 0.08982 0.19987 0.83462 0.3166 0.11215 0.80444 0.06053 0.96487 0.57107 0.70333 0.70336 0.74878 0.93269 0.00516 0.02455 0.21612 0.88189 0.56095 0.2705 0.80887 0.84956 0.22122 0.8461 0.3991 0.18924 0.57305 0.30423 0.44529 0.13196 0.09602 0.28363 0.13977 0.25792 0.063 0.65931 0.06482 0.00556 0.9648 0.99173 0.68126 0.91759 0.90344 0.57788 0.38912 0.11091 0.51847 0.9716 0.83309 0.56094 0.25475 0.1638 0.19932 0.75789 0.84393 0.86724 0.56804 0.28034 0.29672 0.64639 0.03133 0.91525 0.60203 0.24726 0.25598 0.83003 0.98302 0.15626 0.30268 0.03571 0.68189 0.89135 0.35593 0.77503 0.33303 0.04497 0.17468 0.73669 0.19241 0.47879 0.46292 0.544 0.99715 0.99927 0.01656 0.20771 0.14116 0.00086 0.54405 0.37982 0.84589 0.8932 0.37902 0.18843 0.83411 0.00706 0.15894 0.06734 0.21432 0.04765 0.14872 0.86538 0.84981 0.2157 0.43196 0.97516 0.21015 0.63518 0.81216 0.09615 0.08738 0.12317 0.66416 0.96586 0.427 0.04416 0.68511 0.16004 0.62878 0.37804 0.02945 0.90808 0.11932 0.75736 0.46109 0.65943 0.85285 0.21727 0.15362 0.50622 0.54115 0.87941 0.70778 0.22168 0.99303 0.62284 0.90238 0.84557 0.323 0.73277 0.21855 0.78252 0.5256 0.13745 0.46151 0.38227 0.56312 0.12588 0.71722 0.09581 0.33319 0.68279 0.79909 0.88669 0.45763 0.25517 0.02629 0.8093 0.42245 0.26912 0.42865 0.41341 0.01115 0.26332 0.8922 0.32391 0.14305
+0.21349 0.81934 0.21367 0.31981 0.43317 0.40901 0.13581 0.17907 0.23337 0.55935 0.04173 0.20334 0.11304 0.67786 0.08299 0.76195 0.59247 0.5285 0.36956 0.76715 0.97118 0.02823 0.98791 0.24136 0.0465 0.12408 0.35373 0.97852 0.14351 0.89551 0.21504 0.21154 0.42462 0.59127 0.86073 0.74945 0.28319 0.41636 0.40359 0.68272 0.03 0.64152 0.32257 0.99239 0.45566 0.60056 0.62951 0.55885 0.72289 0.64578 0.10045 0.26845 0.69209 0.56948 0.4168 0.04173 0.79684 0.97128 0.38454 0.37355 0.30167 0.14122 0.16318 0.71719 0.74228 0.08914 0.66522 0.8211 0.9785 0.37413 0.02164 0.49116 0.14835 0.62728 0.67326 0.40006 0.54086 0.4204 0.73002 0.1068 0.67749 0.74572 0.42327 0.24963 0.78366 0.91136 0.14842 0.50987 0.59431 0.67542 0.15011 0.06286 0.40465 0.35041 0.0173 0.05232 0.82544 0.8329 0.61465 0.9406 0.60357 0.82247 0.80089 0.1938 0.53848 0.44021 0.50375 0.05527 0.05047 0.96721 0.31856 0.52518 0.06207 0.82348 0.19396 0.39362 0.5599 0.859 0.12378 0.95061 0.45232 0.33069 0.33628 0.9095 0.97162 0.76333 0.66204 0.25433 0.92058 0.62687 0.14656 0.11766 0.52423 0.48248 0.22305 0.39896 0.8061 0.65541 0.74557 0.3078 0.72538 0.83279 0.44709 0.99272 0.17979 0.03095 0.5818 0.56737 0.32663 0.6364 0.36846 0.9246 0.06568 0.03061 0.79986 0.40563 0.1896 0.71804 0.60257 0.40594 0.08003 0.02864 0.5772 0.60081 0.33199 0.79751 0.44662 0.05131 0.06781 0.99291 0.67625 0.957 0.29596 0.94523 0.34278 0.71704 0.3203 0.29847 0.98001 0.15306 0.38419 0.06124 0.32992 0.7075 0.70481 0.69443 0.45179 0.44102 0.08097 0.56081 0.14822 0.05328 0.45535 0.75701 0.50689 0.58206 0.72977 0.02062 0.68965 0.12593 0.48568 0.57265 0.47359 0.23983 0.09099 0.44128 0.82351 0.48013 0.56438 0.8892 0.61012 0.94166 0.4785 0.36937 0.96854 0.45794 0.02801 0.45928 0.68484 0.96595 0.67819 0.20084 0.49533 0.62579 0.40304 0.08191 0.62045 0.83453 0.09207 0.05622 0.54788 0.46347 0.51283 0.24426 0.46158 0.89571 0.40794 0.76219 0.10838 0.98325 0.97956 0.55359 0.17368 0.17318 0.17214 0.24682 0.37148 0.83888 0.64413 0.19526 0.58191 0.21353 0.89964 0.76864 0.97892 0.22618 0.66255 0.18174 0.34147 0.94126 0.22071 0.86289 0.08945 0.1049 0.57924 0.92803 0.31681 0.26128 0.2606 0.86674 0.72371 0.75402 0.29703 0.14426 0.63193 0.66136 0.55951 0.52651 0.75697 0.9357 0.66397 0.99366 0.316 0.07027 0.58456 0.25382 0.34351 0.64901 0.43275 0.3207 0.30226 0.30236 0.50893 0.37629 0.68165 0.51178 0.09685 0.72739 0.51714 0.04607 0.53597 0.25919 0.80312 0.65394 0.80579 0.74551 0.20859 0.84049 0.33525 0.79982 0.77676 0.03467 0.47789 0.67651 0.02258 0.64729 0.34085 0.03023 0.70617 0.45826 0.28143 0.56405 0.7928 0.12879 0.74011 0.93478 0.83608 0.70665 0.34962 0.8662 0.36518 0.24699 0.12849 0.73555 0.23149 0.20349 0.82541 0.01894 0.2092 0.48706 0.58392 0.04465 0.86805 0.38585 0.2563 0.6963 0.29747 0.89378 0.92974 0.8387 0.59057 0.39435 0.38605 0.35141 0.45331 0.88341 0.85016 0.38578 0.74391 0.11669 0.78851 0.70964 0.54045 0.7088 0.79576 0.33845 0.73238 0.2646 0.03462 0.06057 0.93416 0.19451 0.47856 0.25827 0.10936 0.77894 0.7793 0.96553 0.78612 0.59713 0.72663 0.02587 0.34187 0.88973 0.27967 0.43513 0.29973 0.21382 0.35773 0.0419 0.10826 0.51185 0.11869 0.01439 0.29961 0.4623 0.76899 0.44708 0.46224 0.47589 0.32031 0.84419 0.73413 0.98845 0.64094 0.90563 0.52386 0.54782 0.72883 0.49092 0.5255 0.31589 0.85953 0.39648 0.14013 0.5032 0.94497 0.44489 0.30949 0.28946 0.71127 0.51025 0.31396 0.9454 0.46939 0.00834 0.73654 0.85019 0.44831 0.50867 0.80421 0.95605 0.63429 0.96732 0.80842 0.33203 0.27565 0.2953 0.4669 0.83674 0.31944 0.46375 0.24704 0.93187 0.11235 0.29684 0.62525 0.63595 0.8588 0.68996 0.46626 0.87501 0.57945 0.26431 0.85661 0.18977 0.24549 0.90167 0.44122 0.44308 0.05274 0.17323 0.17818 0.91558 0.46735 0.29481 0.28859 0.58223 0.95398 0.44459 0.52902 0.04344 0.24505 0.33435 0.28836 0.85346 0.47037 0.95058 0.55569 0.30055 0.25078 0.53532 0.5145 0.498 0.96264 0.68837 0.82112 0.05688 0.90446 0.48485 0.53039 0.62416 0.24985 0.52147 0.05293 0.59045 0.97589 0.38548 0.72999 0.2793 0.09387 0.03217 0.25623 0.09979 0.04589 0.35089 0.57202 0.89285 0.77016 0.24108 0.15072 0.96167
+0.83083 0.35274 0.04569 0.22007 0.93323 0.97599 0.22871 0.94085 0.57804 0.69072 0.03712 0.86893 0.49304 0.5576 0.86899 0.99513 0.81329 0.86843 0.99599 0.51546 0.86483 0.0339 0.11531 0.72893 0.05414 0.06723 0.70915 0.41994 0.3872 0.94021 0.12489 0.91405 0.86596 0.09685 0.52615 0.33512 0.78775 0.72825 0.31017 0.26489 0.73562 0.27895 0.36091 0.9742 0.71629 0.93952 0.97635 0.12377 0.74309 0.34283 0.18339 0.7582 0.87835 0.70852 0.52724 0.79549 0.33304 0.08279 0.87032 0.71461 0.08136 0.06451 0.39973 0.60045 0.64437 0.11009 0.6779 0.66412 0.5436 0.56776 0.38917 0.2475 0.96332 0.43741 0.85389 0.67599 0.03436 0.22516 0.963 0.87842 0.58141 0.96964 0.61839 0.46881 0.66285 0.30475 0.51722 0.25748 0.24055 0.82269 0.28029 0.87766 0.02236 0.631 0.15998 0.29861 0.99817 0.83574 0.33538 0.24415 0.84931 0.1954 0.31941 0.58027 0.01747 0.77188 0.50352 0.98164 0.45456 0.72831 0.56271 0.14575 0.667 0.78997 0.46004 0.81651 0.96724 0.57512 0.66679 0.56183 0.65976 0.34831 0.54658 0.11897 0.70874 0.03262 0.59774 0.68075 0.21775 0.58815 0.01636 0.73294 0.24832 0.23934 0.18606 0.56914 0.24375 0.93129 0.83475 0.56505 0.72376 0.06503 0.08323 0.39305 0.59778 0.4973 0.71839 0.11751 0.11296 0.64982 0.95487 0.17196 0.28373 0.88627 0.99215 0.59479 0.2813 0.20452 0.98098 0.88886 0.94667 0.48706 0.53221 0.82499 0.85446 0.06046 0.19586 0.1318 0.19721 0.45129 0.83775 0.58463 0.45337 0.45172 0.44363 0.30358 0.18239 0.11579 0.66416 0.22365 0.95918 0.48266 0.79311 0.02017 0.36708 0.01658 0.14433 0.05122 0.02464 0.67351 0.78085 0.64024 0.50994 0.12432 0.79319 0.67044 0.05548 0.55601 0.0793 0.1545 0.11369 0.71689 0.88415 0.64696 0.9557 0.65044 0.86831 0.03704 0.44527 0.07666 0.45503 0.90247 0.82103 0.1991 0.07771 0.79643 0.73097 0.06828 0.94903 0.76377 0.74824 0.15783 0.58492 0.93542 0.01126 0.00653 0.62363 0.35462 0.69265 0.20864 0.18327 0.73763 0.77458 0.80138 0.27646 0.16921 0.083 0.95608 0.31417 0.06587 0.44921 0.30095 0.4402 0.00712 0.68334 0.64687 0.51828 0.69574 0.95084 0.18538 0.85201 0.26559 0.77335 0.20193 0.72351 0.20188 0.2723 0.89426 0.41878 0.66471 0.69249 0.36444 0.37936 0.17838 0.03624 0.60703 0.30869 0.36101 0.1269 0.08527 0.79371 0.30621 0.38929 0.71254 0.00584 0.68017 0.32822 0.93037 0.93677 0.31526 0.85989 0.61558 0.49146 0.59242 0.46116 0.30439 0.82277 0.80717 0.62947 0.86899 0.97861 0.48875 0.28959 0.53474 0.82181 0.38819 0.79138 0.82907 0.54993 0.87689 0.3613 0.50078 0.46899 0.10004 0.1287 0.3293 0.44257 0.11455 0.77409 0.41396 0.34596 0.86398 0.53537 0.72471 0.36089 0.63445 0.60582 0.66453 0.37312 0.32402 0.09125 0.49941 0.47568 0.47262 0.26022 0.10533 0.14769 0.13312 0.41895 0.21175 0.89353 0.88545 0.71194 0.27725 0.42185 0.07733 0.23178 0.47021 0.15445 0.75974 0.46112 0.51535 0.73747 0.89192 0.70574 0.37274 0.70593 0.05259 0.56778 0.88163 0.80287 0.27231 0.98611 0.38255 0.87136 0.13059 0.38043 0.043 0.71716 0.89777 0.98121 0.64345 0.38003 0.06837 0.78273 0.4745 0.99569 0.72734 0.5145 0.8651 0.73633 0.95073 0.05245 0.60526 0.13588 0.47172 0.77737 0.39738 0.58865 0.47037 0.78613 0.87531 0.79414 0.58033 0.76623 0.92575 0.12828 0.66759 0.06116 0.20562 0.61465 0.39334 0.99241 0.92818 0.16329 0.72617 0.84893 0.85469 0.34588 0.31395 0.42805 0.79301 0.45041 0.91287 0.53759 0.2785 0.71225 0.19485 0.59278 0.1579 0.74836 0.07728 0.552 0.5931 0.96724 0.45813 0.08812 0.2573 0.58693 0.44443 0.05851 0.07159 0.16662 0.34379 0.13424 0.09465 0.87061 0.04228 0.94892 0.21296 0.42456 0.02544 0.28752 0.68604 0.36195 0.29963 0.65965 0.89886 0.63454 0.67068 0.00469 0.46645 0.82248 0.10965 0.29187 0.95619 0.99138 0.72026 0.70928 0.69451 0.56685 0.37043 0.49195 0.78393 0.05945 0.24776 0.47423 0.27225 0.01801 0.02677 0.6293 0.60008 0.3067 0.34943 0.42428 0.07105 0.53255 0.36255 0.33358 0.29679 0.87936 0.34643 0.50693 0.96164 0.90189 0.60674 0.69293 0.66661 0.18367 0.02189 0.26151 0.89202 0.19315 0.92017 0.41061 0.20948 0.36038 0.80894 0.8079 0.43836 0.76755 0.67126 0.99185 0.83833 0.32475 0.71859 0.52501 0.08706 0.48421 0.88678 0.85239 0.02332 0.55249 0.36403 0.17455 0.25616 0.69256 0.80292 0.03522 0.11967 0.39644 0.96143
+0.38769 0.02667 0.4731 0.70302 0.20146 0.64389 0.7269 0.36061 0.42231 0.58644 0.18601 0.26914 0.5581 0.86455 0.81535 0.76549 0.58256 0.17057 0.88439 0.62196 0.33952 0.81247 0.7877 0.59786 0.82621 0.4717 0.7956 0.7058 0.1289 0.98684 0.54901 0.23557 0.84014 0.84582 0.76848 0.62325 0.68959 0.53049 0.44633 0.65685 0.86724 0.84832 0.81551 0.89061 0.73457 0.26389 0.57067 0.51283 0.90901 0.55198 0.69465 0.30983 0.10427 0.34189 0.49707 0.25953 0.07323 0.02995 0.93579 0.16787 0.12745 0.62281 0.96723 0.40865 0.88766 0.1032 0.09225 0.93791 0.00371 0.60963 0.15754 0.78973 0.77096 0.70926 0.37452 0.64258 0.21684 0.13688 0.72731 0.28118 0.36012 0.83574 0.90626 0.25744 0.09077 0.47637 0.12512 0.58356 0.30913 0.00443 0.6493 0.74513 0.20488 0.49084 0.06028 0.01004 0.29864 0.38244 0.03669 0.95465 0.38676 0.14824 0.45354 0.16511 0.65243 0.22208 0.92359 0.99628 0.6308 0.65866 0.89135 0.44055 0.11044 0.4973 0.12104 0.60358 0.54635 0.07858 0.05242 0.45375 0.86495 0.25173 0.76717 0.7519 0.42006 0.37766 0.3919 0.27571 0.30827 0.14266 0.86468 0.10768 0.75189 0.01928 0.7491 0.52411 0.70632 0.85541 0.90582 0.30559 0.8693 0.29509 0.18662 0.53256 0.94536 0.88686 0.48535 0.80642 0.318 0.57064 0.9984 0.81065 0.91215 0.90226 0.8712 0.99999 0.05078 0.13552 0.56798 0.87673 0.82471 0.90599 0.00468 0.72927 0.87362 0.76901 0.14074 0.48828 0.35122 0.97705 0.30645 0.95896 0.0887 0.56956 0.42883 0.08504 0.82927 0.561 0.86692 0.49218 0.1531 0.06174 0.1116 0.41707 0.29307 0.14046 0.06504 0.25742 0.59687 0.40019 0.91818 0.25786 0.39855 0.01901 0.77307 0.36354 0.82696 0.15357 0.81135 0.66765 0.98666 0.39257 0.90604 0.38193 0.8095 0.7889 0.1311 0.63597 0.46179 0.14263 0.2688 0.91977 0.66653 0.03316 0.5642 0.46912 0.51107 0.84948 0.2423 0.05787 0.24105 0.37142 0.05496 0.29285 0.20536 0.18289 0.89374 0.63841 0.11921 0.82162 0.66329 0.11989 0.91521 0.46963 0.58471 0.02776 0.07041 0.45412 0.91376 0.58828 0.74304 0.90035 0.30654 0.60033 0.77701 0.68662 0.38629 0.04738 0.68618 0.87419 0.51296 0.13034 0.99565 0.59022 0.69626 0.15406 0.64747 0.54776 0.52433 0.23306 0.06143 0.96403 0.63393 0.0293 0.79352 0.38162 0.95739 0.3422 0.13235 0.54797 0.41208 0.42622 0.52955 0.69215 0.78503 0.06755 0.89987 0.2584 0.49464 0.41271 0.02924 0.90344 0.24663 0.86698 0.51644 0.56718 0.54045 0.5959 0.81645 0.66495 0.14791 0.79969 0.74298 0.35798 0.75808 0.54017 0.00748 0.02323 0.36678 0.82023 0.04619 0.09122 0.93579 0.3457 0.57237 0.11658 0.00462 0.84154 0.93563 0.74227 0.28135 0.52873 0.36329 0.13862 0.06688 0.81418 0.59888 0.50856 0.55679 0.27597 0.68218 0.04295 0.95287 0.77643 0.40463 0.02039 0.22055 0.0233 0.96625 0.92812 0.64108 0.69124 0.37735 0.65351 0.89945 0.62594 0.19587 0.83666 0.13878 0.48516 0.67413 0.8502 0.09105 0.61702 0.29899 0.71666 0.78375 0.10566 0.98239 0.41401 0.3444 0.36658 0.69789 0.65305 0.75571 0.37654 0.89196 0.89893 0.86776 0.71923 0.46565 0.2873 0.66 0.48703 0.06057 0.67791 0.06223 0.9511 0.87449 0.43771 0.72474 0.65226 0.99392 0.29019 0.53064 0.40852 0.35558 0.99884 0.98702 0.69245 0.31027 0.13959 0.5744 0.26026 0.38979 0.99439 0.51721 0.66843 0.96898 0.40161 0.1165 0.13651 0.06582 0.64777 0.63341 0.82933 0.26232 0.307 0.58677 0.13874 0.78463 0.24455 0.59624 0.43758 0.04341 0.1396 0.73354 0.5523 0.04297 0.76759 0.60821 0.06737 0.81345 0.71174 0.7525 0.44443 0.88409 0.22944 0.43445 0.71691 0.94922 0.01321 0.90594 0.87823 0.25266 0.06365 0.116 0.95663 0.7464 0.49569 0.96262 0.32927 0.97581 0.85259 0.09932 0.07944 0.70463 0.55139 0.19572 0.52651 0.5083 0.37276 0.60362 0.85298 0.6979 0.16106 0.38137 0.78294 0.33489 0.60451 0.65438 0.01322 0.92555 0.64097 0.09354 0.31085 0.5209 0.41304 0.20124 0.08238 0.87171 0.82053 0.0188 0.18621 0.03833 0.50581 0.26427 0.59522 0.31959 0.07351 0.94939 0.295 0.02149 0.9027 0.8565 0.86593 0.15659 0.15766 0.91835 0.57265 0.1037 0.5429 0.83354 0.16784 0.63352 0.82877 0.94879 0.73533 0.51939 0.22505 0.08189 0.54853 0.33265 0.34023 0.92286 0.05262 0.62282 0.12971 0.1076 0.07207 0.27417 0.74751 0.83337 0.58275 0.41132 0.93547 0.90948 0.92254 0.48377 0.2616 0.18245 0.3257
+0.73602 0.46173 0.00979 0.33604 0.18299 0.45951 0.6633 0.08171 0.98379 0.92458 0.22917 0.44051 0.77667 0.00705 0.01281 0.87052 0.35171 0.1267 0.08044 0.55115 0.38924 0.89143 0.66681 0.56664 0.42209 0.05469 0.70799 0.53465 0.81751 0.78751 0.11308 0.15317 0.635 0.06282 0.4105 0.58418 0.5659 0.83141 0.24925 0.18224 0.68505 0.77999 0.67251 0.28432 0.19129 0.82772 0.47656 0.52554 0.389 0.43455 0.78106 0.99377 0.80217 0.82492 0.02434 0.35568 0.4588 0.7889 0.66891 0.61364 0.89247 0.76605 0.60258 0.37121 0.41502 0.84786 0.74162 0.69498 0.91248 0.69595 0.98804 0.17931 0.56376 0.71149 0.97932 0.87655 0.98326 0.85898 0.08093 0.95924 0.47116 0.17962 0.2412 0.53776 0.18427 0.68229 0.49128 0.60055 0.17082 0.40226 0.72621 0.99393 0.52062 0.51069 0.64199 0.77776 0.52671 0.29544 0.98608 0.02351 0.22506 0.66347 0.8675 0.3626 0.19555 0.46026 0.699 0.23261 0.36781 0.97969 0.07208 0.02322 0.74798 0.78983 0.48353 0.42355 0.14923 0.48378 0.33256 0.60266 0.55723 0.24307 0.74874 0.57644 0.03262 0.14753 0.6316 0.37276 0.77897 0.90927 0.28756 0.58767 0.21498 0.07288 0.20421 0.28594 0.62742 0.47745 0.35288 0.87826 0.5607 0.2962 0.46375 0.31412 0.05727 0.33109 0.18053 0.80598 0.65413 0.65449 0.14026 0.70023 0.3497 0.18828 0.82011 0.79426 0.45593 0.46174 0.2357 0.48145 0.95951 0.53867 0.37782 0.10115 0.54707 0.51652 0.60196 0.88878 0.57072 0.91095 0.71124 0.83126 0.49639 0.84379 0.46737 0.89219 0.80984 0.7582 0.57629 0.83291 0.38025 0.6494 0.54993 0.71188 0.50853 0.90404 0.77458 0.03962 0.42807 0.68015 0.77384 0.90899 0.63721 0.99921 0.13963 0.67448 0.53578 0.82644 0.68756 0.82295 0.81464 0.03013 0.01982 0.92918 0.22573 0.39546 0.80132 0.31611 0.42078 0.49571 0.7607 0.457 0.67368 0.36158 0.16635 0.98161 0.50125 0.17994 0.26836 0.11601 0.82177 0.13752 0.07334 0.51426 0.69003 0.28797 0.79863 0.00861 0.79738 0.07632 0.92635 0.51467 0.57281 0.91558 0.86706 0.44316 0.2812 0.13154 0.77264 0.20436 0.41034 0.92848 0.35105 0.21629 0.49105 0.70873 0.34849 0.93833 0.36589 0.77438 0.88876 0.93568 0.9884 0.35253 0.1113 0.5898 0.62792 0.99926 0.62453 0.47307 0.19666 0.40836 0.31411 0.91831 0.58401 0.85995 0.4208 0.68113 0.15314 0.21895 0.87891 0.16219 0.42355 0.47116 0.388 0.13469 0.9144 0.71 0.71362 0.54724 0.19425 0.12306 0.91149 0.73639 0.93677 0.64727 0.43597 0.74422 0.95009 0.77037 0.83106 0.61979 0.20888 0.05271 0.73295 0.64658 0.50917 0.73525 0.16311 0.37357 0.02921 0.20045 0.86372 0.35363 0.87738 0.2263 0.99422 0.98772 0.10509 0.90701 0.05312 0.48082 0.61465 0.65906 0.89496 0.69826 0.26693 0.5449 0.29644 0.34158 0.99599 0.58538 0.67821 0.75157 0.5514 0.56162 0.24584 0.16642 0.75109 0.41711 0.73907 0.25133 0.69717 0.51546 0.01361 0.82191 0.86263 0.28215 0.14038 0.40487 0.51709 0.88594 0.36348 0.51681 0.52618 0.91502 0.87314 0.15645 0.51304 0.93254 0.86681 0.81073 0.8797 0.34028 0.04901 0.76517 0.53207 0.71707 0.40372 0.95648 0.12006 0.92766 0.74964 0.45138 0.54922 0.03004 0.1234 0.41093 0.47684 0.80078 0.95605 0.22119 0.99087 0.04155 0.08567 0.22966 0.88994 0.46465 0.17173 0.71917 0.10954 0.24348 0.39587 0.53382 0.43209 0.5979 0.73601 0.25319 0.03522 0.73858 0.12611 0.41854 0.56753 0.14577 0.8311 0.62641 0.80606 0.86732 0.44165 0.67077 0.97361 0.3197 0.22591 0.18077 0.93795 0.791 0.22902 0.95408 0.55913 0.69417 0.65886 0.27014 0.05266 0.44959 0.86009 0.07426 0.14754 0.13807 0.62134 0.22969 0.13874 0.70882 0.87122 0.42432 0.63449 0.78559 0.59009 0.76036 0.25136 0.73843 0.96055 0.41436 0.6036 0.02399 0.84281 0.88913 0.22727 0.51048 0.76123 0.66283 0.68317 0.52334 0.96301 0.18915 0.46231 0.14135 0.95886 0.03887 0.2247 0.09262 0.70504 0.81822 0.93753 0.36328 0.68983 0.96624 0.10598 0.51008 0.11514 0.01657 0.23043 0.13773 0.24661 0.46166 0.69613 0.71634 0.68597 0.02459 0.63232 0.10574 0.44882 0.74327 0.04036 0.65611 0.80648 0.5072 0.0497 0.01972 0.89358 0.90891 0.34769 0.65744 0.80757 0.08936 0.4133 0.82647 0.34363 0.29064 0.45665 0.12673 0.68719 0.71792 0.961 0.41935 0.07924 0.29436 0.01778 0.65957 0.29911 0.6092 0.16622 0.61183 0.65403 0.72107 0.32357 0.72912 0.73821 0.27861 0.24669 0.22264 0.37197 0.07033
+0.27795 0.23045 0.55012 0.25675 0.18915 0.92648 0.81006 0.90695 0.17661 0.94475 0.93255 0.29206 0.84933 0.96239 0.65668 0.1665 0.40249 0.11329 0.81033 0.84712 0.6933 0.67574 0.0702 0.47081 0.25306 0.99313 0.22171 0.87693 0.09918 0.4257 0.39027 0.14908 0.33158 0.91164 0.45604 0.53015 0.63943 0.56012 0.0631 0.05532 0.89535 0.99668 0.2637 0.20747 0.84759 0.59963 0.47532 0.03828 0.83637 0.56887 0.30659 0.21232 0.52194 0.02494 0.17676 0.62249 0.46974 0.39015 0.41438 0.26447 0.47144 0.54221 0.98485 0.15408 0.93816 0.82609 0.73297 0.88652 0.1602 0.83554 0.76573 0.93015 0.00652 0.92836 0.06008 0.39436 0.07306 0.85888 0.99439 0.4988 0.73605 0.20961 0.29269 0.55381 0.8881 0.31954 0.83016 0.75093 0.55705 0.49552 0.07309 0.56923 0.97622 0.15374 0.27553 0.2256 0.28022 0.09022 0.83277 0.87386 0.67153 0.51899 0.82995 0.24593 0.5426 0.93984 0.62092 0.42053 0.88718 0.62743 0.31342 0.74487 0.94682 0.54713 0.30592 0.51214 0.64268 0.57105 0.31164 0.96551 0.78331 0.72311 0.89168 0.46867 0.59632 0.67144 0.5452 0.50107 0.62508 0.96532 0.5423 0.80048 0.55748 0.60566 0.06671 0.7001 0.62579 0.49493 0.15036 0.92233 0.73383 0.06656 0.20352 0.93406 0.6493 0.76344 0.9386 0.15679 0.85377 0.26015 0.35328 0.56601 0.90907 0.81249 0.78668 0.25021 0.85708 0.13718 0.11355 0.1442 0.33088 0.10792 0.4137 0.38457 0.22904 0.41319 0.83101 0.28337 0.61797 0.97346 0.34159 0.32773 0.44184 0.5007 0.62822 0.41767 0.0321 0.53455 0.99232 0.09046 0.3473 0.46387 0.77478 0.92636 0.72184 0.38951 0.71 0.55329 0.53474 0.76134 0.57187 0.23985 0.36183 0.26115 0.8198 0.65955 0.64114 0.43124 0.83225 0.42461 0.03319 0.9707 0.8725 0.3756 0.8784 0.14616 0.84006 0.01627 0.86606 0.41853 0.95325 0.46239 0.69951 0.32639 0.45573 0.77052 0.55114 0.62279 0.68675 0.97917 0.42319 0.42311 0.18514 0.62139 0.39418 0.22142 0.35257 0.48302 0.39234 0.33372 0.12358 0.87246 0.45957 0.08859 0.9748 0.57446 0.9049 0.61253 0.75678 0.90133 0.23428 0.90799 0.39901 0.05539 0.24816 0.05591 0.77991 0.03941 0.02879 0.10179 0.40394 0.34092 0.273 0.19695 0.60459 0.8054 0.58353 0.66416 0.54234 0.99707 0.62494 0.91058 0.5798 0.12075 0.77398 0.55894 0.85988 0.99591 0.20025 0.71188 0.29085 0.73978 0.41947 0.06843 0.50232 0.30292 0.75982 0.74976 0.65386 0.75237 0.28273 0.75427 0.26043 0.58117 0.79727 0.82858 0.24441 0.54422 0.48586 0.05799 0.735 0.14647 0.24707 0.26312 0.09346 0.9505 0.1528 0.84518 0.40446 0.24142 0.15851 0.36254 0.17426 0.14554 0.73063 0.0785 0.18372 0.15423 0.14163 0.70216 0.93985 0.02466 0.88105 0.42961 0.86513 0.12694 0.9908 0.18427 0.68655 0.58415 0.71598 0.83448 0.49346 0.33545 0.2592 0.57148 0.46975 0.75123 0.93245 0.38621 0.26427 0.38763 0.7556 0.56412 0.67842 0.07332 0.29252 0.79592 0.31483 0.44255 0.75556 0.8974 0.42935 0.17759 0.01033 0.68674 0.17738 0.99916 0.05526 0.49053 0.38343 0.80903 0.22833 0.60279 0.0514 0.53053 0.09296 0.2909 0.85871 0.65053 0.49466 0.92461 0.20317 0.05843 0.67508 0.53761 0.08011 0.16852 0.96413 0.65743 0.04564 0.34656 0.57444 0.19306 0.87705 0.17816 0.50966 0.84681 0.85218 0.93657 0.16519 0.22439 0.28272 0.66533 0.33796 0.32557 0.27566 0.45476 0.07248 0.31348 0.2378 0.19387 0.77234 0.82189 0.25444 0.42594 0.38671 0.6717 0.38502 0.15439 0.07006 0.17929 0.18934 0.46228 0.32231 0.59093 0.05476 0.90923 0.01437 0.4444 0.03831 0.38907 0.77905 0.29568 0.55636 0.44408 0.49334 0.14157 0.50066 0.57758 0.70467 0.05873 0.38957 0.23038 0.66693 0.76445 0.46766 0.59505 0.54047 0.11706 0.17169 0.29286 0.67849 0.64729 0.51273 0.02686 0.05395 0.28538 0.3534 0.66087 0.4103 0.04999 0.52653 0.90031 0.92406 0.95986 0.00664 0.65252 0.08763 0.38988 0.26952 0.54918 0.94885 0.76984 0.83438 0.83442 0.2616 0.70688 0.26941 0.78319 0.59258 0.73791 0.51613 0.91553 0.34395 0.06219 0.86576 0.9793 0.57353 0.90315 0.10817 0.65559 0.05318 0.70982 0.33621 0.03116 0.07361 0.33851 0.64006 0.65821 0.3977 0.85817 0.27687 0.72628 0.5194 0.7861 0.48235 0.54983 0.38181 0.00723 0.49103 0.64467 0.00284 0.87155 0.87196 0.96895 0.09396 0.15175 0.55488 0.37581 0.61631 0.63102 0.45816 0.651 0.58035 0.61465 0.33362 0.38064 0.06577 0.56521 0.39682 0.60499
+0.30296 0.43473 0.33917 0.43736 0.00112 0.62449 0.57336 0.93752 0.22689 0.24658 0.60999 0.42488 0.21939 0.84563 0.24862 0.94902 0.64133 0.43494 0.93223 0.69247 0.65256 0.10652 0.01775 0.69327 0.64611 0.88997 0.79892 0.92085 0.62546 0.34683 0.96964 0.50083 0.66278 0.5165 0.06735 0.99484 0.66726 0.72651 0.98341 0.07384 0.8637 0.9416 0.79227 0.39339 0.01582 0.02379 0.71129 0.64007 0.11374 0.28028 0.68396 0.75804 0.53127 0.1126 0.51365 0.81507 0.76949 0.81585 0.69007 0.35795 0.22214 0.53606 0.44261 0.90103 0.15181 0.48157 0.3361 0.47415 0.37512 0.51192 0.9315 0.35249 0.86645 0.81661 0.69455 0.45388 0.74341 0.88474 0.53874 0.70767 0.48517 0.10434 0.35213 0.68107 0.99617 0.67789 0.72314 0.79172 0.13569 0.8836 0.45064 0.38539 0.71949 0.66463 0.52035 0.16604 0.79366 0.54808 0.66099 0.33884 0.40782 0.36864 0.4752 0.49209 0.56014 0.8719 0.85498 0.20718 0.48501 0.13676 0.57127 0.75926 0.25388 0.38132 0.81402 0.27906 0.39219 0.29516 0.47059 0.93797 0.88667 0.77164 0.12792 0.58954 0.13667 0.88238 0.43677 0.54026 0.80502 0.78127 0.30886 0.01867 0.00364 0.68102 0.40236 0.25557 0.94259 0.05353 0.22773 0.24686 0.49743 0.87619 0.41167 0.33763 0.41312 0.6376 0.29192 0.19039 0.674 0.56262 0.84558 0.50353 0.11697 0.03495 0.00488 0.98345 0.98099 0.23314 0.83733 0.40524 0.36011 0.26495 0.84538 0.55321 0.11371 0.16102 0.81759 0.19131 0.75887 0.01078 0.19431 0.69444 0.96236 0.47066 0.14939 0.90395 0.18618 0.04604 0.82823 0.91055 0.68675 0.86304 0.80093 0.27871 0.96446 0.32192 0.68148 0.69734 0.35122 0.60868 0.51863 0.81692 0.54307 0.37685 0.86009 0.13562 0.19245 0.26731 0.43363 0.50183 0.86428 0.80407 0.22077 0.71922 0.72101 0.35865 0.74222 0.72674 0.58707 0.05559 0.69965 0.82144 0.29213 0.69473 0.939 0.76589 0.04599 0.51964 0.1042 0.0618 0.96723 0.7455 0.73027 0.7706 0.87627 0.95589 0.40422 0.28213 0.66212 0.55178 0.76901 0.07587 0.29836 0.51794 0.34585 0.79882 0.36116 0.82568 0.30235 0.19354 0.03535 0.703 0.60113 0.72212 0.94776 0.21326 0.98401 0.27535 0.00693 0.44365 0.37762 0.90729 0.02146 0.29378 0.71421 0.20466 0.96233 0.49776 0.74938 0.13471 0.79299 0.8688 0.98733 0.9501 0.92137 0.59542 0.20139 0.47894 0.17384 0.21832 0.14177 0.08762 0.75181 0.65493 0.97409 0.67105 0.01055 0.62109 0.35579 0.05582 0.83777 0.14886 0.74542 0.14168 0.73939 0.46897 0.66644 0.72112 0.65095 0.82113 0.58361 0.67454 0.00307 0.68996 0.17948 0.18578 0.64491 0.61642 0.9674 0.51552 0.87284 0.06851 0.7207 0.76667 0.53421 0.26315 0.37889 0.81875 0.75579 0.08731 0.04253 0.30241 0.91939 0.97196 0.93582 0.09343 0.45716 0.82518 0.91257 0.42232 0.94048 0.97636 0.80855 0.27603 0.01806 0.44136 0.03437 0.56678 0.02986 0.76436 0.05479 0.59841 0.59534 0.33536 0.67173 0.86409 0.98753 0.95841 0.06749 0.13236 0.40623 0.55165 0.80035 0.10701 0.19029 0.83766 0.53065 0.23575 0.55809 0.82903 0.11621 0.12715 0.46807 0.71082 0.85263 0.48788 0.73635 0.69503 0.27602 0.02886 0.81697 0.22953 0.9856 0.74006 0.27711 0.27187 0.21264 0.45618 0.72574 0.60997 0.06158 0.04804 0.02551 0.26034 0.57252 0.59386 0.75735 0.822 0.60842 0.4456 0.5953 0.23138 0.14994 0.92378 0.34621 0.53473 0.42014 0.79105 0.86956 0.2816 0.74016 0.83692 0.66684 0.69604 0.5062 0.3485 0.21254 0.45509 0.13199 0.56564 0.1723 0.86456 0.32846 0.13301 0.45018 0.65238 0.42875 0.13642 0.94624 0.21687 0.99838 0.53273 0.55447 0.56164 0.73644 0.47946 0.471 0.01248 0.99181 0.40856 0.35692 0.97705 0.89549 0.57898 0.47466 0.21618 0.60003 0.93008 0.84028 0.20759 0.19796 0.98109 0.06594 0.98372 0.33735 0.2278 0.34414 0.29389 0.69584 0.4494 0.62767 0.7493 0.8296 0.73262 0.31366 0.1093 0.88529 0.42632 0.24299 0.30641 0.69373 0.53176 0.76864 0.56592 0.1241 0.11725 0.14751 0.60636 0.6872 0.32644 0.05851 0.52898 0.4901 0.12074 0.96818 0.99321 0.63531 0.35321 0.30864 0.00076 0.06476 0.27479 0.8205 0.37491 0.56343 0.25533 0.52234 0.8419 0.34566 0.18191 0.82789 0.29807 0.80253 0.50124 0.94296 0.26404 0.31267 0.88863 0.80386 0.91084 0.14362 0.1282 0.67269 0.27707 0.36869 0.15515 0.65196 0.35533 0.98243 0.1258 0.71441 0.49183 0.79079 0.69364 0.62856 0.01879 0.34708 0.81148 0.82031 0.10863 0.24562 0.54644
+0.10734 0.97714 0.55195 0.04129 0.83041 0.02692 0.35977 0.90593 0.66524 0.12488 0.28299 0.65919 0.1941 0.03659 0.27152 0.90184 0.67151 0.38382 0.77057 0.59135 0.45884 0.95284 0.31892 0.536 0.53516 0.99395 0.78718 0.30208 0.84103 0.91456 0.4673 0.19025 0.11018 0.51576 0.69778 0.32192 0.03662 0.52794 0.33296 0.73568 0.16268 0.09312 0.72991 0.3856 0.62328 0.76601 0.54218 0.23653 0.86315 0.71836 0.36552 0.57775 0.03387 0.45179 0.76518 0.43525 0.24043 0.97279 0.58529 0.29366 0.72352 0.50773 0.41565 0.81464 0.77145 0.78864 0.34673 0.72875 0.13534 0.12356 0.09252 0.72662 0.64502 0.81353 0.77755 0.04535 0.16225 0.67065 0.46624 0.29862 0.13997 0.91828 0.91965 0.60413 0.12832 0.06093 0.19234 0.76995 0.65339 0.87554 0.46008 0.68487 0.5375 0.24239 0.82492 0.91466 0.33346 0.92173 0.57559 0.43432 0.23369 0.87764 0.8446 0.20322 0.26477 0.43154 0.7344 0.35384 0.223 0.18294 0.33324 0.81152 0.949 0.33856 0.20018 0.32492 0.84794 0.21871 0.98901 0.17815 0.59309 0.53245 0.28272 0.07391 0.26629 0.5081 0.84606 0.15983 0.95426 0.87603 0.64402 0.75091 0.3128 0.09581 0.00875 0.61245 0.62867 0.46037 0.73421 0.93495 0.5578 0.05485 0.26564 0.29135 0.00636 0.00542 0.81226 0.20555 0.80192 0.4646 0.24836 0.35784 0.16023 0.69408 0.01993 0.71681 0.91395 0.31157 0.98433 0.76424 0.42229 0.87262 0.78439 0.09283 0.44456 0.93721 0.56379 0.79131 0.72699 0.9391 0.41772 0.05713 0.49441 0.73368 0.73805 0.55079 0.67289 0.35058 0.08562 0.09993 0.15602 0.80865 0.5232 0.7533 0.95731 0.24642 0.57006 0.81585 0.91365 0.93371 0.15348 0.17896 0.30219 0.42375 0.64501 0.08464 0.44633 0.60853 0.9666 0.61251 0.14706 0.54209 0.86892 0.77989 0.71781 0.25071 0.6581 0.46584 0.34327 0.01098 0.05385 0.41653 0.08155 0.12998 0.55468 0.04523 0.7404 0.43756 0.36412 0.48249 0.83148 0.51778 0.79687 0.69635 0.37502 0.65427 0.05871 0.80779 0.68776 0.29004 0.31338 0.52784 0.29918 0.60508 0.7681 0.77199 0.46773 0.02124 0.19173 0.99663 0.1742 0.69505 0.14788 0.38817 0.75337 0.21285 0.60529 0.85675 0.74547 0.52471 0.70698 0.97781 0.79691 0.42947 0.56049 0.37982 0.71964 0.36278 0.00754 0.11151 0.54292 0.32621 0.66548 0.43545 0.02205 0.47127 0.68367 0.17515 0.89465 0.26339 0.69926 0.09353 0.14049 0.29514 0.1977 0.92374 0.72428 0.1155 0.24185 0.38515 0.12712 0.52441 0.97258 0.20959 0.77206 0.06312 0.08469 0.57316 0.43165 0.6241 0.91419 0.56349 0.07746 0.41723 0.79302 0.92598 0.58772 0.9638 0.77881 0.85711 0.11943 0.06899 0.75293 0.9732 0.98757 0.65131 0.4487 0.87392 0.83408 0.02836 0.56206 0.27761 0.84797 0.04337 0.96097 0.89986 0.81405 0.14087 0.82703 0.33858 0.87529 0.09393 0.39349 0.65675 0.5219 0.77894 0.07712 0.08057 0.19581 0.20808 0.9749 0.11185 0.60947 0.67073 0.7129 0.25774 0.35114 0.01946 0.03345 0.87155 0.42467 0.69126 0.49891 0.87861 0.6838 0.2434 0.41483 0.61591 0.6352 0.3364 0.10849 0.75604 0.58257 0.68534 0.08408 0.00473 0.35449 0.07963 0.14793 0.56783 0.23521 0.37399 0.96828 0.08683 0.53811 0.25228 0.61719 0.66578 0.70382 0.86045 0.49614 0.47633 0.29033 0.03102 0.46485 0.24657 0.84461 0.7787 0.03663 0.1655 0.92697 0.31699 0.29636 0.24449 0.53254 0.19516 0.12888 0.21743 0.73642 0.02662 0.40539 0.33564 0.4664 0.2134 0.35799 0.3836 0.30477 0.78362 0.07151 0.14306 0.06836 0.64082 0.9994 0.83716 0.34573 0.79794 0.95683 0.82039 0.12215 0.44149 0.69267 0.89535 0.24104 0.8953 0.52819 0.04305 0.96627 0.69608 0.31179 0.94583 0.95721 0.96035 0.92994 0.65877 0.62247 0.63539 0.38014 0.03773 0.78762 0.24823 0.31875 0.87594 0.79991 0.84648 0.7254 0.97932 0.68282 0.69717 0.66515 0.46157 0.07091 0.30467 0.96015 0.04902 0.16827 0.50521 0.24869 0.70021 0.32791 0.06518 0.98249 0.65413 0.82797 0.24387 0.10798 0.13301 0.01095 0.6739 0.64242 0.0651 0.56391 0.21793 0.12586 0.34847 0.7541 0.24816 0.02997 0.79838 0.19529 0.22666 0.98056 0.86635 0.52638 0.89392 0.82517 0.51473 0.00335 0.99893 0.3803 0.41839 0.72496 0.2135 0.57307 0.97096 0.98866 0.74799 0.55131 0.13489 0.63482 0.92568 0.64432 0.22058 0.53555 0.03356 0.42971 0.49352 0.45374 0.35612 0.30086 0.49095 0.99624 0.73817 0.06593 0.55121 0.84116 0.3503 0.12029 0.45685 0.82278 0.12917 0.41873 0.26219
+0.11814 0.03547 0.52647 0.46636 0.02709 0.8181 0.09435 0.04618 0.94682 0.78394 0.44611 0.07713 0.88371 0.5053 0.05016 0.70641 0.97683 0.17251 0.872 0.76925 0.47056 0.34244 0.34288 0.42092 0.69902 0.38953 0.23664 0.85481 0.02668 0.68878 0.28314 0.12522 0.12381 0.12259 0.28294 0.28026 0.56737 0.04129 0.9375 0.90594 0.7351 0.13901 0.10892 0.62445 0.77356 0.2724 0.30557 0.07825 0.76661 0.52764 0.29359 0.26393 0.65728 0.97593 0.26864 0.18664 0.22826 0.69135 0.63487 0.41903 0.7398 0.10508 0.87375 0.6053 0.84292 0.42381 0.7658 0.54619 0.88526 0.74061 0.78127 0.99759 0.37153 0.86771 0.99966 0.71535 0.0308 0.71498 0.10836 0.04597 0.36041 0.76108 0.43648 0.04218 0.21188 0.83383 0.76843 0.91401 0.71451 0.42648 0.2729 0.21431 0.59523 0.58056 0.41658 0.52198 0.79376 0.94517 0.5228 0.04015 0.93504 0.60664 0.85465 0.17819 0.28783 0.92038 0.58557 0.92575 0.78349 0.81243 0.07607 0.21986 0.36834 0.65542 0.44372 0.44193 0.46453 0.0226 0.7551 0.84423 0.67501 0.08786 0.7064 0.69695 0.99119 0.43363 0.62699 0.68841 0.49852 0.16905 0.92149 0.96584 0.505 0.92464 0.57774 0.05651 0.45658 0.45123 0.76415 0.96006 0.89354 0.21116 0.61312 0.52666 0.89353 0.82002 0.22616 0.75271 0.13924 0.96698 0.8886 0.65332 0.08619 0.79296 0.78378 0.16629 0.59847 0.30689 0.84152 0.04385 0.12499 0.49375 0.28095 0.6498 0.61777 0.61098 0.38093 0.87751 0.21687 0.486 0.25201 0.5622 0.35811 0.51172 0.09038 0.64191 0.90203 0.91417 0.34475 0.34928 0.49775 0.27941 0.88349 0.79528 0.57223 0.47674 0.79154 0.59737 0.07781 0.94143 0.79392 0.01381 0.05276 0.07572 0.56855 0.12542 0.16922 0.5289 0.75052 0.37574 0.90732 0.41042 0.0784 0.24213 0.54063 0.70191 0.31531 0.15236 0.07405 0.63111 0.63159 0.77625 0.84895 0.71667 0.10333 0.20973 0.04983 0.98652 0.66632 0.33465 0.28936 0.8276 0.41464 0.56828 0.19869 0.36139 0.11433 0.0437 0.06064 0.02321 0.06636 0.23437 0.33069 0.29948 0.50298 0.60042 0.87337 0.70699 0.98955 0.37392 0.78304 0.06206 0.3973 0.25795 0.06079 0.82575 0.43104 0.55044 0.44568 0.79203 0.65764 0.89793 0.83492 0.90663 0.85477 0.61985 0.59717 0.06082 0.12017 0.98772 0.67558 0.99247 0.87878 0.93949 0.51845 0.18905 0.59371 0.42089 0.28878 0.48764 0.93652 0.85369 0.45582 0.03155 0.71203 0.45158 0.61658 0.96284 0.41909 0.6319 0.4693 0.46128 0.00776 0.99696 0.95133 0.72583 0.78767 0.98763 0.13078 0.19919 0.06134 0.22332 0.37483 0.86952 0.01967 0.04997 0.45259 0.45294 0.26846 0.86631 0.95971 0.27563 0.24909 0.30103 0.01208 0.7665 0.99611 0.69988 0.59977 0.71882 0.72425 0.08703 0.93509 0.00769 0.54294 0.49659 0.55975 0.4236 0.49001 0.69674 0.24425 0.65832 0.86773 0.62302 0.11499 0.4627 0.22964 0.27424 0.34993 0.92541 0.91902 0.27384 0.09183 0.69974 0.03226 0.09484 0.4175 0.88605 0.53577 0.15288 0.11809 0.85761 0.83067 0.1029 0.12349 0.21393 0.25792 0.3878 0.41714 0.28542 0.87537 0.95988 0.45172 0.68786 0.95226 0.80694 0.64265 0.84126 0.36697 0.54304 0.61513 0.75086 0.03135 0.75166 0.4446 0.20301 0.64381 0.33742 0.69255 0.25928 0.52616 0.39255 0.54429 0.54245 0.31503 0.64516 0.28328 0.96912 0.99424 0.25105 0.75411 0.95081 0.40011 0.80683 0.87711 0.4693 0.39839 0.50617 0.19134 0.42236 0.84943 0.11992 0.46889 0.24625 0.11831 0.84454 0.06581 0.11225 0.73242 0.22545 0.45479 0.51548 0.17105 0.17334 0.37198 0.0039 0.90854 0.32505 0.29654 0.18389 0.60541 0.39788 0.79513 0.66183 0.24831 0.95698 0.2758 0.30832 0.81908 0.64011 0.01916 0.39129 0.47044 0.35643 0.56939 0.99367 0.65765 0.77915 0.72811 0.20682 0.42462 0.85644 0.14684 0.69544 0.49759 0.98213 0.42108 0.43374 0.40313 0.76588 0.08359 0.54652 0.89299 0.05085 0.54825 0.30246 0.28744 0.66935 0.33777 0.76692 0.97913 0.72404 0.30948 0.28601 0.87791 0.88438 0.07772 0.26044 0.08373 0.06766 0.79595 0.70654 0.44067 0.31516 0.17518 0.59235 0.71064 0.7381 0.48753 0.74492 0.4823 0.14607 0.03095 0.03057 0.8122 0.37407 0.28623 0.49647 0.28939 0.89014 0.00411 0.99135 0.09246 0.83768 0.49996 0.14964 0.13226 0.6185 0.19505 0.09642 0.08333 0.24003 0.8445 0.90456 0.07453 0.19318 0.93069 0.40474 0.43259 0.59653 0.25004 0.80081 0.25912 0.67589 0.89861 0.36638 0.76746 0.35954 0.14483 0.22916 0.02029 0.10638
+0.2328 0.98756 0.62332 0.56732 0.37083 0.25867 0.56531 0.32055 0.98502 0.56534 0.22547 0.48182 0.04718 0.11008 0.08339 0.42977 0.55336 0.89679 0.74566 0.47157 0.98318 0.84944 0.02526 0.13567 0.21691 0.50991 0.5026 0.31568 0.53314 0.32688 0.95124 0.78389 0.84007 0.0577 0.19942 0.11957 0.44353 0.4121 0.03289 0.72493 0.87835 0.627 0.40129 0.51983 0.45309 0.17761 0.98436 0.51131 0.36366 0.12851 0.10152 0.39492 0.47603 0.40648 0.96663 0.07097 0.89901 0.69183 0.72243 0.10009 0.27774 0.65625 0.76279 0.86642 0.64301 0.4786 0.80041 0.05034 0.28354 0.71984 0.90345 0.93197 0.70178 0.38577 0.04367 0.41782 0.73775 0.67031 0.33527 0.30461 0.72946 0.58298 0.58104 0.39881 0.18418 0.23063 0.00659 0.28778 0.21377 0.14734 0.31224 0.30865 0.99403 0.10296 0.60131 0.22087 0.53834 0.86266 0.02611 0.27039 0.40594 0.76311 0.00325 0.16513 0.13228 0.60087 0.73536 0.82159 0.20704 0.7628 0.15668 0.06883 0.88447 0.0378 0.18713 0.63201 0.66813 0.34075 0.2444 0.67829 0.68283 0.42193 0.87924 0.66783 0.6238 0.62297 0.88334 0.36083 0.57139 0.51176 0.97777 0.00167 0.55134 0.66194 0.01863 0.60324 0.05718 0.61563 0.50685 0.50559 0.29568 0.27502 0.85438 0.3261 0.05047 0.56052 0.24541 0.29404 0.68095 0.49843 0.26663 0.24097 0.0792 0.57943 0.80345 0.68697 0.81169 0.87689 0.46279 0.66011 0.15837 0.02365 0.08419 0.10005 0.05547 0.01357 0.64787 0.91183 0.40611 0.3204 0.80437 0.64157 0.83617 0.4045 0.6878 0.28189 0.33825 0.60977 0.9285 0.12226 0.6399 0.79909 0.79503 0.55333 0.29281 0.77723 0.60853 0.84519 0.13188 0.82216 0.70795 0.77864 0.48235 0.95549 0.03849 0.36524 0.64833 0.66728 0.34406 0.64387 0.78814 0.8018 0.39674 0.43851 0.64794 0.11031 0.21265 0.24296 0.07227 0.78179 0.43795 0.28162 0.74379 0.77706 0.37636 0.21551 0.72975 0.34542 0.5167 0.03048 0.54752 0.73942 0.23187 0.33474 0.13151 0.13782 0.24366 0.28972 0.55741 0.4396 0.66605 0.22244 0.93377 0.24501 0.67093 0.79782 0.7251 0.5731 0.20247 0.17203 0.4011 0.99461 0.18108 0.83131 0.97398 0.1182 0.83609 0.24036 0.34026 0.95793 0.18543 0.03729 0.45006 0.94847 0.6672 0.03524 0.85718 0.67876 0.91603 0.59124 0.01712 0.32214 0.04351 0.12997 0.68148 0.75123 0.4689 0.76066 0.56304 0.20882 0.45744 0.80335 0.98695 0.31081 0.96993 0.71063 0.5816 0.52187 0.76726 0.9112 0.14624 0.42493 0.89427 0.26808 0.87029 0.16881 0.83734 0.71588 0.89906 0.94357 0.62404 0.69146 0.95246 0.66147 0.75683 0.17947 0.70624 0.22403 0.02697 0.90104 0.73071 0.28964 0.90998 0.20218 0.50594 0.76902 0.65467 0.42095 0.91902 0.88421 0.6112 0.439 0.37696 0.65386 0.7451 0.4878 0.59713 0.60845 0.6373 0.65053 0.01006 0.4513 0.65888 0.83602 0.96273 0.2525 0.85785 0.80709 0.97206 0.81804 0.06581 0.92162 0.00948 0.24445 0.38901 0.86986 0.36653 0.08113 0.57946 0.50889 0.50728 0.30584 0.53486 0.17003 0.60599 0.20853 0.27869 0.08202 0.7484 0.03079 0.11471 0.12704 0.7377 0.51204 0.73564 0.6983 0.23239 0.59762 0.57442 0.8225 0.93309 0.58624 0.6162 0.30374 0.57939 0.26082 0.27895 0.0551 0.60445 0.08212 0.45851 0.11618 0.15313 0.72517 0.6413 0.87991 0.68888 0.00982 0.02633 0.54767 0.24116 0.29324 0.32737 0.8785 0.46034 0.03354 0.73205 0.31773 0.63084 0.11148 0.85597 0.77468 0.63821 0.70354 0.32579 0.90911 0.05239 0.55876 0.46778 0.77418 0.28182 0.27189 0.0918 0.77278 0.31419 0.21905 0.75922 0.02612 0.02031 0.10759 0.77679 0.30195 0.82763 0.79762 0.27514 0.91207 0.24481 0.97981 0.44501 0.12748 0.30462 0.64917 0.83922 0.26472 0.59343 0.17849 0.97201 0.2232 0.24994 0.20279 0.29453 0.40148 0.47717 0.2668 0.88256 0.39569 0.80357 0.68745 0.05956 0.7109 0.31531 0.75798 0.40385 0.248 0.6214 0.22406 0.38284 0.663 0.59551 0.39406 0.87281 0.44971 0.29293 0.48202 0.92096 0.9509 0.03286 0.58242 0.96515 0.99442 0.08653 0.33858 0.55588 0.44171 0.37057 0.01828 0.22142 0.59129 0.28789 0.00457 0.21574 0.98917 0.43989 0.15853 0.64977 0.94143 0.14517 0.46367 0.3747 0.28029 0.05887 0.1538 0.8514 0.35817 0.40832 0.38376 0.59153 0.23335 0.05935 0.58568 0.92332 0.67367 0.57298 0.58501 0.71376 0.81346 0.78784 0.28551 0.27078 0.89853 0.48899 0.92944 0.67473 0.37677 0.11305 0.55906 0.99632 0.593 0.60219 0.22219 0.03274 0.13332
+0.03156 0.53082 0.97774 0.19589 0.35388 0.80656 0.20081 0.67887 0.15412 0.87452 0.35998 0.85049 0.45734 0.80772 0.88912 0.6159 0.60225 0.35089 0.64249 0.93755 0.8151 0.61403 0.06731 0.43371 0.64513 0.43271 0.80153 0.15645 0.62919 0.91709 0.35909 0.07749 0.10396 0.8492 0.08487 0.55807 0.60067 0.31194 0.73431 0.5893 0.51041 0.99421 0.82527 0.69644 0.72487 0.13895 0.85533 0.62562 0.3656 0.75837 0.838 0.50009 0.27554 0.72508 0.81677 0.3324 0.25771 0.45198 0.18878 0.78137 0.78469 0.23775 0.47467 0.14105 0.11407 0.62454 0.72667 0.4052 0.66837 0.51114 0.8595 0.75591 0.72985 0.78596 0.79766 0.98755 0.61661 0.97457 0.75066 0.1089 0.91699 0.31407 0.26179 0.84367 0.73596 0.56519 0.6157 0.85392 0.8648 0.99981 0.69822 0.26302 0.82405 0.44873 0.03733 0.50775 0.84214 0.95291 0.25502 0.19918 0.64023 0.02039 0.78892 0.96095 0.60801 0.51262 0.91273 0.24955 0.34649 0.56562 0.56558 0.18301 0.7836 0.78693 0.38657 0.89976 0.74482 0.04522 0.52031 0.24129 0.70031 0.32434 0.54412 0.92845 0.21411 0.1522 0.96349 0.40077 0.28718 0.22185 0.9652 0.42275 0.90498 0.42328 0.23749 0.09932 0.80191 0.63991 0.38986 0.96299 0.78602 0.7378 0.17144 0.96486 0.40091 0.24392 0.591 0.38054 0.61622 0.74358 0.79751 0.73883 0.33201 0.89186 0.27241 0.03453 0.75135 0.03149 0.10197 0.64616 0.25577 0.93967 0.66958 0.68777 0.16606 0.3357 0.34791 0.13552 0.36607 0.65104 0.72795 0.04942 0.86797 0.66467 0.88677 0.81878 0.8663 0.43935 0.80967 0.72067 0.32413 0.80551 0.98577 0.67974 0.1879 0.76592 0.97461 0.53204 0.69461 0.60615 0.62489 0.93607 0.29691 0.59535 0.56332 0.66555 0.16432 0.67968 0.93147 0.89912 0.6689 0.32543 0.32198 0.68079 0.6621 0.33497 0.46121 0.77944 0.29196 0.26159 0.4883 0.6726 0.37667 0.06024 0.6086 0.70324 0.52862 0.90973 0.37012 0.45191 0.37617 0.9828 0.85721 0.79338 0.32944 0.42363 0.4117 0.1001 0.24362 0.79978 0.65633 0.06429 0.31119 0.62305 0.34004 0.53056 0.34884 0.70816 0.86457 0.66653 0.15219 0.04716 0.38553 0.05228 0.33444 0.67545 0.36607 0.01472 0.72508 0.13958 0.93129 0.35185 0.92644 0.82037 0.89695 0.34979 0.78524 0.11467 0.67094 0.12966 0.50461 0.70438 0.85415 0.4686 0.83015 0.77988 0.43857 0.3514 0.52444 0.982 0.33247 0.62677 0.74418 0.94162 0.18806 0.06852 0.67512 0.18322 0.51798 0.39823 0.61656 0.4748 0.10448 0.64002 0.33408 0.4744 0.34158 0.98754 0.15655 0.35526 0.65122 0.63523 0.51219 0.94475 0.86232 0.71688 0.69069 0.41319 0.40896 0.77028 0.94987 0.90115 0.34938 0.50723 0.03522 0.52932 0.36157 0.89805 0.09771 0.23281 0.97147 0.11192 0.95605 0.23653 0.9127 0.03202 0.44403 0.69781 0.75741 0.44411 0.9297 0.10828 0.80296 0.2254 0.56018 0.55389 0.22108 0.89634 0.96088 0.5881 0.39568 0.28971 0.77062 0.59898 0.05834 0.87373 0.32888 0.19091 0.30989 0.91095 0.90509 0.40091 0.33301 0.60788 0.521 0.53465 0.10312 0.13069 0.60285 0.29584 0.37808 0.81035 0.5885 0.28388 0.85162 0.34298 0.8633 0.88179 0.32648 0.78596 0.43165 0.20511 0.71461 0.32394 0.72095 0.09525 0.06645 0.13937 0.42604 0.61456 0.68909 0.45372 0.54664 0.22064 0.1627 0.06503 0.98275 0.49846 0.13852 0.11381 0.05658 0.91742 0.82338 0.90655 0.61685 0.22964 0.80972 0.0927 0.81748 0.24191 0.76377 0.04178 0.66104 0.51214 0.60021 0.90866 0.96476 0.79867 0.49049 0.99138 0.71194 0.19554 0.83568 0.7667 0.57971 0.04943 0.72577 0.0645 0.67535 0.19602 0.33496 0.86081 0.99876 0.71156 0.53225 0.50184 0.20301 0.54465 0.97851 0.31809 0.56404 0.92983 0.18503 0.7883 0.70053 0.3722 0.64779 0.63435 0.75068 0.6846 0.17607 0.87432 0.51655 0.16774 0.1529 0.28713 0.93565 0.77723 0.17161 0.5776 0.78979 0.54508 0.27335 0.73298 0.78644 0.31759 0.26884 0.54532 0.32717 0.3262 0.71452 0.85752 0.58948 0.71663 0.25497 0.21747 0.34123 0.46891 0.08974 0.67222 0.5232 0.30449 0.19547 0.94496 0.84184 0.9973 0.24298 0.24651 0.30106 0.81915 0.72285 0.57873 0.44818 0.84644 0.40039 0.17087 0.70506 0.71607 0.7063 0.78719 0.14663 0.62041 0.0789 0.50012 0.68473 0.851 0.40529 0.78276 0.96878 0.12277 0.45993 0.65375 0.57433 0.71153 0.79651 0.17586 0.95104 0.2327 0.57995 0.97007 0.06855 0.20666 0.50593 0.08871 0.98575 0.41182 0.40578 0.42906 0.8157 0.45537 0.03533 0.89264
+0.3859 0.55728 0.40788 0.82823 0.70884 0.57358 0.07935 0.14776 0.05589 0.57698 0.26081 0.5912 0.00628 0.73224 0.59617 0.78372 0.87852 0.61938 0.75316 0.48589 0.05639 0.87774 0.00978 0.86772 0.40734 0.01804 0.42609 0.02886 0.787 0.62968 0.56387 0.82453 0.74365 0.89004 0.35882 0.02665 0.73693 0.88062 0.44324 0.64292 0.79792 0.01562 0.32428 0.21803 0.08329 0.59065 0.27883 0.97493 0.42641 0.35506 0.10058 0.50423 0.9522 0.97807 0.29856 0.58776 0.48723 0.65524 0.5505 0.9758 0.20336 0.75533 0.74997 0.19876 0.9369 0.11775 0.2205 0.79377 0.10847 0.26322 0.53435 0.57717 0.5006 0.97296 0.95551 0.86572 0.85269 0.22284 0.84089 0.56554 0.00684 0.30209 0.93628 0.09075 0.11829 0.33302 0.29174 0.00597 0.4873 0.73329 0.89644 0.69847 0.74983 0.62088 0.86777 0.85532 0.9045 0.17662 0.57018 0.33172 0.7234 0.71263 0.47447 0.38429 0.05038 0.18264 0.46646 0.53748 0.55989 0.00228 0.90607 0.03486 0.28255 0.46434 0.36755 0.59797 0.83209 0.05347 0.26659 0.59634 0.30281 0.34638 0.43763 0.33747 0.06082 0.36626 0.96851 0.42503 0.98415 0.6206 0.61715 0.00622 0.18084 0.16064 0.93071 0.32714 0.83955 0.68902 0.099 0.42621 0.20921 0.59118 0.03269 0.19107 0.40872 0.71998 0.64359 0.69954 0.75058 0.08819 0.45798 0.31978 0.30602 0.21663 0.70659 0.58318 0.30893 0.31172 0.74548 0.20417 0.09907 0.99621 0.20823 0.26242 0.12932 0.55062 0.67937 0.14573 0.99658 0.09981 0.9173 0.06528 0.83502 0.62962 0.5515 0.18523 0.5694 0.89482 0.46814 0.6569 0.85571 0.41252 0.4954 0.44814 0.85992 0.95594 0.91414 0.39303 0.61537 0.23954 0.38967 0.28261 0.59398 0.09044 0.67149 0.65311 0.45922 0.82077 0.58809 0.16073 0.53343 0.17841 0.6264 0.62361 0.0001 0.3177 0.65017 0.38092 0.98736 0.90688 0.20713 0.0134 0.43851 0.05974 0.83336 0.55416 0.45327 0.97804 0.89323 0.95809 0.96929 0.37696 0.47228 0.68036 0.51734 0.26084 0.03636 0.06206 0.88843 0.49816 0.29563 0.89717 0.27773 0.33282 0.02364 0.51683 0.29277 0.39441 0.94646 0.0731 0.08104 0.44526 0.1621 0.8924 0.73172 0.35951 0.42893 0.72481 0.35441 0.4031 0.73857 0.46176 0.45814 0.58589 0.90409 0.952 0.54436 0.67484 0.15341 0.32769 0.69833 0.84145 0.42799 0.9761 0.25558 0.46865 0.06275 0.00238 0.45551 0.32337 0.92754 0.10418 0.29087 0.18893 0.06829 0.74747 0.02182 0.34895 0.4015 0.87807 0.39281 0.72739 0.41228 0.92771 0.10728 0.41894 0.60473 0.61314 0.2381 0.9203 0.8164 0.34101 0.34255 0.99243 0.33923 0.25117 0.7366 0.93768 0.08986 0.16174 0.61019 0.94323 0.37258 0.82898 0.5475 0.4306 0.86048 0.34925 0.19571 0.04416 0.61753 0.18902 0.85102 0.4051 0.54106 0.25089 0.12334 0.85497 0.85351 0.87204 0.259 0.03707 0.25464 0.08878 0.1111 0.29211 0.2538 0.05465 0.4357 0.56598 0.19711 0.73571 0.24356 0.92904 0.68259 0.08465 0.60542 0.42867 0.30133 0.28666 0.07362 0.71624 0.13545 0.76908 0.92823 0.32654 0.69761 0.77516 0.47341 0.86952 0.16967 0.85217 0.3329 0.60414 0.32057 0.06664 0.5194 0.62664 0.70792 0.63012 0.27621 0.09237 0.48443 0.48343 0.94937 0.44383 0.82736 0.89311 0.08378 0.03186 0.48345 0.95241 0.75429 0.87152 0.05266 0.64327 0.73214 0.74255 0.28831 0.22848 0.54379 0.0172 0.65415 0.31396 0.53553 0.74575 0.05787 0.00667 0.67807 0.89945 0.12639 0.30036 0.48637 0.17003 0.66133 0.21441 0.08709 0.35144 0.25559 0.80527 0.77166 0.06983 0.19343 0.27068 0.94302 0.32515 0.23219 0.09713 0.08001 0.38665 0.52913 0.38887 0.66776 0.78468 0.69661 0.14009 0.92312 0.83115 0.37022 0.68668 0.41467 0.45475 0.72173 0.92003 0.82674 0.30443 0.41752 0.73677 0.27022 0.11338 0.04144 0.42778 0.41226 0.71852 0.56961 0.87917 0.45935 0.39495 0.42681 0.82158 0.49325 0.65489 0.28689 0.63233 0.02388 0.04767 0.43534 0.96813 0.75974 0.31528 0.835 0.65492 0.15879 0.2156 0.18725 0.59016 0.16332 0.52728 0.13134 0.01736 0.55177 0.90689 0.08562 0.24346 0.33141 0.82863 0.46892 0.29253 0.7667 0.00937 0.11056 0.62078 0.80937 0.86816 0.17501 0.76644 0.57546 0.02544 0.28638 0.83523 0.63022 0.83601 0.04724 0.02549 0.47503 0.20494 0.49294 0.92741 0.11007 0.05728 0.10168 0.03028 0.98875 0.81818 0.53645 0.34737 0.69672 0.05561 0.94525 0.03209 0.63196 0.46334 0.53264 0.29868 0.17809 0.78461 0.2378 0.05248 0.66538 0.24199 0.52622 0.7834
+0.32604 0.7148 0.9208 0.24162 0.50832 0.20377 0.22405 0.51382 0.23708 0.74025 0.43449 0.17396 0.83087 0.59994 0.86776 0.41512 0.33342 0.82915 0.20061 0.02471 0.43666 0.59046 0.97999 0.73572 0.34431 0.15833 0.44673 0.05947 0.56416 0.73861 0.41076 0.67471 0.12935 0.02183 0.13337 0.82812 0.33841 0.29183 0.76316 0.683 0.03426 0.57156 0.79309 0.86044 0.14908 0.09374 0.31134 0.87189 0.83409 0.26214 0.09504 0.52801 0.36058 0.01592 0.82281 0.43269 0.59337 0.86219 0.64937 0.67894 0.86976 0.09502 0.58843 0.71191 0.59255 0.54718 0.0522 0.5606 0.34118 0.8725 0.47201 0.89119 0.44066 0.98626 0.16272 0.0618 0.02963 0.90661 0.49483 0.83105 0.17016 0.2717 0.12382 0.35875 0.08581 0.62038 0.43827 0.44687 0.5905 0.99029 0.68992 0.31216 0.80772 0.81485 0.73456 0.33528 0.10128 0.08777 0.94149 0.66402 0.54622 0.72054 0.93794 0.60307 0.24564 0.34191 0.55747 0.98593 0.05844 0.5383 0.82218 0.27775 0.88983 0.22132 0.07204 0.27339 0.45856 0.05856 0.0563 0.4024 0.81687 0.55018 0.31315 0.05047 0.17612 0.13034 0.56351 0.34964 0.4318 0.99808 0.40446 0.64023 0.07205 0.512 0.61889 0.18631 0.96802 0.09084 0.28229 0.85056 0.24208 0.1269 0.12794 0.51706 0.56562 0.00064 0.63914 0.20429 0.65664 0.60399 0.13087 0.28679 0.49634 0.54502 0.19582 0.38964 0.57328 0.3714 0.87272 0.98902 0.68531 0.89419 0.27972 0.00297 0.75121 0.92422 0.44093 0.45363 0.34044 0.12586 0.96499 0.9232 0.56731 0.44395 0.9949 0.50166 0.47818 0.66964 0.38443 0.1942 0.64851 0.68134 0.17016 0.11564 0.35765 0.40102 0.54318 0.05854 0.76597 0.3462 0.14013 0.00683 0.4853 0.43221 0.70985 0.54591 0.97408 0.92716 0.64259 0.75725 0.64606 0.94959 0.41444 0.4479 0.09917 0.55716 0.99544 0.53619 0.45806 0.98046 0.02716 0.68697 0.85415 0.09094 0.80043 0.33324 0.29817 0.11329 0.96639 0.79719 0.63971 0.53208 0.26198 0.28799 0.02908 0.97874 0.46803 0.3677 0.95597 0.36321 0.21196 0.38884 0.49546 0.82859 0.005 0.7988 0.59816 0.39936 0.94011 0.64516 0.02886 0.72385 0.10165 0.71305 0.36293 0.04666 0.91268 0.5921 0.14302 0.49045 0.68993 0.90593 0.43891 0.50533 0.18521 0.37586 0.17782 0.16434 0.92388 0.19223 0.02873 0.00138 0.73146 0.36367 0.60318 0.33318 0.116 0.08773 0.23205 0.48422 0.96297 0.97261 0.07916 0.5853 0.54337 0.12824 0.98292 0.08199 0.27634 0.11717 0.59356 0.38172 0.61484 0.26683 0.94998 0.36689 0.00155 0.32651 0.62788 0.63416 0.98405 0.39333 0.32272 0.56476 0.84201 0.30927 0.53523 0.98064 0.69473 0.79281 0.94032 0.58705 0.84804 0.01706 0.40103 0.41306 0.65996 0.12447 0.16601 0.52739 0.076 0.27196 0.94085 0.15527 0.09134 0.65304 0.35506 0.57194 0.72048 0.51185 0.81049 0.3588 0.30715 0.15107 0.92531 0.27203 0.37864 0.24913 0.55721 0.30901 0.92079 0.29816 0.01107 0.83543 0.44485 0.45617 0.56007 0.51462 0.33133 0.07111 0.03984 0.65427 0.48175 0.38597 0.39718 0.74421 0.74216 0.82022 0.44507 0.05959 0.4709 0.14658 0.85587 0.36244 0.48467 0.12282 0.88368 0.25473 0.60842 0.36533 8e-05 0.19637 0.39444 0.97727 0.03557 0.40657 0.88084 0.69436 0.40195 0.57657 0.49178 0.37539 0.36469 0.56899 0.73587 0.58265 0.39398 0.08224 0.62123 0.1108 0.23893 0.45729 0.98389 0.95222 0.81672 0.73499 0.62531 0.57815 0.45963 0.1771 0.85013 0.83152 0.21314 0.91369 0.13861 0.10914 0.90585 0.16161 0.32578 0.07527 0.93606 0.56755 0.64661 0.67883 0.12555 0.01862 0.18466 0.72913 0.03043 0.71707 0.00824 0.88904 0.08238 0.47954 0.7707 0.74525 0.55163 0.13076 0.08429 0.96186 0.0883 0.46885 0.01774 0.34944 0.35713 0.49208 0.91896 0.3371 0.02329 0.62662 0.32689 0.79591 0.97761 0.88923 0.86144 0.97948 0.86523 0.04855 0.64902 0.85388 0.3066 0.11415 0.29807 0.84208 0.92333 0.21093 0.02053 0.27693 0.9026 0.80576 0.62852 0.17337 0.92416 0.18865 0.52277 0.07392 0.34046 0.92056 0.15151 0.70794 0.6528 0.61193 0.2387 0.69189 0.7151 0.88576 0.52553 0.15961 0.19891 0.62482 0.14547 0.35893 0.3859 0.41595 0.10386 0.29812 0.16351 0.91609 0.64771 0.95636 0.92403 0.53165 0.33504 0.47906 0.07635 0.95788 0.62848 0.13054 0.03513 0.36632 0.45105 0.27437 0.26636 0.44707 0.71369 0.77857 0.80817 0.49634 0.95123 0.52436 0.0674 0.58972 0.76463 0.47545 0.63586 0.32926 0.12742 0.50036 0.98984 0.64587 0.01488 0.95394
+0.42437 0.25289 0.54017 0.54525 0.68179 0.69113 0.7473 0.01737 0.13827 0.18336 0.84181 0.29874 0.96523 0.9463 0.44571 0.99995 0.76722 0.1611 0.62486 0.21229 0.67533 0.9728 0.36875 0.93014 0.05273 0.87108 0.36117 0.45972 0.64182 0.75104 0.1045 0.5444 0.36596 0.69246 0.69165 0.27049 0.636 0.94357 0.48084 0.69244 0.25908 0.75598 0.45462 0.54404 0.55214 0.641 0.47861 0.76854 0.28489 0.58704 0.68226 0.08253 0.35587 0.50208 0.78238 0.09587 0.93464 0.1538 0.48271 0.67799 0.66188 0.70131 0.97839 0.87529 0.41951 0.00841 0.05993 0.55015 0.04175 0.98436 0.41788 0.10273 0.04451 0.64962 0.13755 0.04034 0.0491 0.55193 0.22086 0.06067 0.76281 0.74171 0.5961 0.97178 0.45471 0.46355 0.54438 0.00065 0.12189 0.72267 0.63354 0.55646 0.88917 0.29008 0.59996 0.60339 0.48359 0.91942 0.0196 0.26529 0.52944 0.22804 0.64516 0.12473 0.49979 0.59413 0.65212 0.46309 0.74657 0.26156 0.61418 0.46405 0.06981 0.42639 0.61541 0.6512 0.59323 0.13411 0.15821 0.67647 0.61768 0.93299 0.7678 0.80409 0.94804 0.15167 0.23924 0.79458 0.35503 0.12821 0.84394 0.5393 0.70389 0.35739 0.71299 0.26207 0.36425 0.79076 0.38927 0.62076 0.87629 0.87497 0.02196 0.99015 0.04721 0.78914 0.16672 0.83437 0.82051 0.11091 0.97517 0.62557 0.03014 0.57084 0.87301 0.60601 0.9059 0.70792 0.88473 0.42018 0.49964 0.63446 0.08216 0.19952 0.7073 0.28411 0.79974 0.82632 0.6835 0.69926 0.50675 0.41588 0.79451 0.33555 0.76379 0.53122 0.72241 0.56952 0.73055 0.31331 0.16398 0.20732 0.99523 0.16609 0.24044 0.52688 0.8138 0.00806 0.60128 0.26302 0.28942 0.11785 0.4394 0.53961 0.61478 0.56877 0.05998 0.6686 0.75884 0.94589 0.99163 0.6494 0.80791 0.90145 0.89486 0.92361 0.02728 0.42721 0.89537 0.69107 0.58548 0.823 0.23293 0.26148 0.65635 0.50625 0.02861 0.61193 0.21568 0.65807 0.43953 0.59915 0.90839 0.84002 0.57778 0.7239 0.06155 0.91834 0.0737 0.05179 0.87111 0.89734 0.66446 0.4476 0.03344 0.80004 0.99096 0.43161 0.80074 0.81085 0.87018 0.0584 0.94913 0.43593 0.80651 0.81703 0.99164 0.01876 0.07173 0.1667 0.18741 0.69082 0.00871 0.10308 0.78469 0.6083 0.11991 0.27986 0.99232 0.70314 0.12301 0.4721 0.1842 0.59513 0.91433 0.84368 0.41609 0.18135 0.9163 0.34904 0.92067 0.72185 0.03904 0.57076 0.2961 0.55095 0.80042 0.08463 0.26785 0.49101 0.83091 0.29568 0.69893 0.03243 0.12135 0.66033 0.69975 0.01252 0.7233 0.13958 0.31138 0.17281 0.25193 0.62688 4e-05 0.88127 0.02918 0.96843 0.04312 0.16522 0.44883 0.18386 0.83946 0.0476 0.67575 0.73134 0.04841 0.0736 0.11075 0.394 0.9733 0.48592 0.24126 0.48942 0.51018 0.61757 0.48893 0.13572 0.19145 0.96043 0.74107 0.33498 0.06882 0.45355 0.40528 0.40156 0.67134 0.6059 0.96946 0.59779 0.19866 0.24627 0.07929 0.46231 0.4847 0.99842 0.68011 0.5597 0.32963 0.09138 0.14397 0.66786 0.96144 0.58796 0.73499 0.17292 0.90731 0.51463 0.53053 0.42146 0.96924 0.04597 0.54581 0.95176 0.26662 0.09528 0.49325 0.78397 0.11107 0.39262 0.95939 0.44379 0.67464 0.87726 0.07746 0.61541 0.70615 0.43629 0.50465 0.77106 0.86922 0.25948 0.83091 0.70077 0.2346 0.69539 0.61336 0.91478 0.45281 0.21243 0.29554 0.56323 0.94777 0.33353 0.63946 0.64778 0.98439 0.65799 0.83065 0.01581 0.97186 0.52676 0.26263 0.67758 0.37504 0.37311 0.28748 0.74321 0.22248 0.44631 0.49317 0.36041 0.02062 0.07013 0.30262 0.14534 0.63455 0.24785 0.08515 0.21055 0.77734 0.75167 0.12864 0.20197 0.59038 0.01377 0.2701 0.24665 0.90629 0.81322 0.85022 0.47332 0.91375 0.39879 0.71682 0.12388 0.64536 0.73327 0.74466 0.07265 0.29371 0.19676 0.21344 0.98067 0.56669 0.80301 0.91595 0.1587 0.12088 0.43232 0.05394 0.28364 0.84273 0.61633 0.12837 0.36166 0.80331 0.09755 0.71722 0.42828 0.58791 0.84234 0.67096 0.95953 0.78876 0.3041 0.74733 0.78494 0.36388 0.21229 0.62966 0.9597 0.941 0.92437 0.83263 0.33826 0.96299 0.75845 0.70325 0.08397 0.42031 0.38827 0.25925 0.6852 0.43985 0.41565 0.46211 0.63328 0.46393 0.95426 0.35596 0.48579 0.25332 0.48923 0.01807 0.19896 0.74098 0.65321 0.20024 0.56491 0.23367 0.52676 0.40953 0.14612 0.78884 0.30175 0.51169 0.67042 0.96565 0.72873 0.35105 0.21974 0.83245 0.52696 0.88667 0.24054 0.84997 0.66063 0.04408 0.47299 0.64738 0.45351
+0.84671 0.55774 0.42089 0.86225 0.15938 0.61185 0.61085 0.02859 0.31664 0.47014 0.04914 0.78371 0.54949 0.72965 0.416 0.5835 0.01105 0.21962 0.49213 0.15347 0.91897 0.69178 0.54172 0.4197 0.47211 0.77352 0.60459 0.07162 0.17606 0.76443 0.64992 0.28849 0.13737 0.12056 0.2135 0.10392 0.45962 0.65706 0.53479 0.98918 0.39077 0.85581 0.76489 0.5434 0.9925 0.22079 0.92774 0.87979 0.41943 0.31533 0.70986 0.12527 0.85438 0.58455 0.22356 0.6489 0.93091 0.31296 0.87162 0.67703 0.16528 0.76186 0.85302 0.33274 0.55407 0.22424 0.33955 0.31205 0.27792 0.9457 0.41658 0.94001 0.15934 0.52385 0.15201 0.01718 0.93489 0.66754 0.73858 0.71264 0.15687 0.8322 0.67063 0.64544 0.48943 0.81095 0.65677 0.47087 0.60035 0.89034 0.14133 0.50284 0.51221 0.44235 0.96097 0.4312 0.27644 0.01991 0.43814 0.52779 0.18926 0.59736 0.50096 0.08141 0.88739 0.71313 0.15126 0.10729 0.08241 0.53315 0.54714 0.0573 0.90893 0.30116 0.91981 0.90599 0.06662 0.03907 0.2848 0.25079 0.52591 0.27332 0.43864 0.91566 0.09867 0.04324 0.82715 0.08845 0.20178 0.32182 0.01106 0.71285 0.02166 0.52374 0.81425 0.9361 0.70553 0.62526 0.72635 0.71762 0.48624 0.0622 0.41748 0.84477 0.06937 0.6037 0.65166 0.54202 0.37847 0.92171 0.17387 0.60974 0.1773 0.1458 0.94713 0.32604 0.79453 0.29784 0.49189 0.26888 0.25396 0.74411 0.21828 0.57261 0.90677 0.2435 0.14524 0.84341 0.19232 0.42564 0.09426 0.19859 0.44654 0.77022 0.25347 0.95905 0.86355 0.67507 0.18608 0.39622 0.59188 0.84433 0.31794 0.34999 0.82965 0.20543 0.13675 0.10615 0.91948 0.31895 0.32556 0.64755 0.38739 0.77113 0.23802 0.40196 0.82991 0.81823 0.55061 0.79922 0.863 0.49958 0.94167 0.79265 0.54208 0.38437 0.25436 0.38941 0.59353 0.31701 0.74106 0.43361 0.13105 0.38918 0.7786 0.13425 0.31442 0.4396 0.16558 0.15294 0.10102 0.15663 0.10217 0.68882 0.43983 0.81014 0.64371 0.28582 0.10823 0.81967 0.71569 0.20976 0.74218 0.91624 0.05909 0.02865 0.62643 0.29268 0.17891 0.56058 0.51768 0.2053 0.31239 0.69884 0.93647 0.62168 0.70233 0.41866 0.30239 0.82142 0.27607 0.54201 0.24049 0.89429 0.07865 0.93238 0.14388 0.76161 0.00542 0.53515 0.24297 0.22964 0.90553 0.50739 0.04094 0.71774 0.445 0.79214 0.51805 0.80183 0.36876 0.08251 0.26323 0.8091 0.05027 0.15289 0.52815 0.35163 0.29167 0.45058 0.47427 0.08698 0.95423 0.33582 0.05535 0.41505 0.05067 0.07831 0.07181 0.57748 0.22216 0.22367 0.20571 0.0461 0.68597 0.30099 0.63606 0.02919 0.36556 0.13312 0.16323 0.17186 0.26077 0.78027 0.73634 0.18765 0.39651 0.54206 0.61839 0.66016 0.06419 0.22748 0.65776 0.65745 0.16205 0.15793 0.39975 0.43996 0.97503 0.82763 0.72741 0.4813 0.31162 0.63853 0.58134 0.3508 0.52034 0.74389 0.73798 0.35298 0.22348 0.2649 0.26733 0.87897 0.7251 0.12872 0.37831 0.88728 0.48517 0.14549 0.45664 0.88485 0.20113 0.80393 0.32392 0.88502 0.33132 0.90421 0.91433 0.51731 0.8266 0.93931 0.3166 0.89506 0.62527 0.53651 0.74995 0.15088 0.63814 0.64183 0.23327 0.57977 0.76729 0.74576 0.04599 0.3065 0.59447 0.36504 0.30332 0.12306 0.46999 0.70034 0.74105 0.66599 0.49919 0.8763 0.98186 0.03364 0.06025 0.00688 0.44381 0.83204 0.0676 0.35175 0.93599 0.35131 0.68778 0.14752 0.40149 0.15954 0.18849 0.64542 0.86307 0.59032 0.00261 0.81022 0.7858 0.42178 0.27771 0.36695 0.73595 0.65655 0.35665 0.01667 0.85266 0.51442 0.26985 0.24048 0.01283 0.78611 0.92198 0.83228 0.13045 0.24891 0.59579 0.95334 0.52923 0.43171 0.02408 0.48337 0.43838 0.6257 0.82129 0.0315 0.1873 0.31659 0.22742 0.37657 0.30023 0.32739 0.27541 0.78412 0.79736 0.34446 0.9715 0.31956 0.27576 0.72855 0.22023 0.50288 0.53707 0.9223 0.14162 0.12164 0.08101 0.58565 0.47717 0.23883 0.47348 0.86926 0.83681 0.92809 0.1801 0.82709 0.67785 0.27334 0.88776 0.96056 0.61973 0.84507 0.58665 0.74201 0.68886 0.29299 0.61132 0.0708 0.39881 0.61002 0.34295 0.72535 0.27876 0.55422 0.65543 0.51599 0.76231 0.55785 0.96098 0.80764 0.9311 0.04295 0.19284 0.4871 0.62333 0.54841 0.71202 0.14598 0.16426 0.63641 0.08022 0.17067 0.4141 0.05348 0.73754 0.86432 0.88666 0.46605 0.48272 0.69386 0.98076 0.30205 0.21277 0.56346 0.73966 0.51457 0.4125 0.31951 0.98657 0.51756 0.23933 0.42449 0.06272 0.58353
+0.07789 0.00606 0.55351 0.3384 0.31837 0.79351 0.98368 0.11277 0.88348 0.03551 0.33152 0.67624 0.00011 0.2803 0.70736 0.84836 0.30471 0.45881 0.64842 0.35255 0.03289 0.18315 0.04101 0.55309 0.14538 0.99957 0.77818 0.62337 0.77474 0.217 0.82574 0.87144 0.41614 0.23632 0.83685 0.15217 0.69853 0.99415 0.72405 0.13126 0.89091 0.59445 0.89446 0.33559 0.2052 0.54293 0.34833 0.60958 0.14678 0.66305 0.88795 0.89458 0.27485 0.59277 0.17393 0.81522 0.22358 0.77369 0.92956 0.59474 0.55067 0.47264 0.62617 0.80499 0.32133 0.0304 0.66364 0.54642 0.4585 0.30265 0.13119 0.53949 0.41854 0.84501 0.9821 0.96223 0.76639 0.10959 0.06 0.99757 0.49288 0.55276 0.06438 0.49276 0.58011 0.6541 0.27921 0.70987 0.14314 0.56714 0.06166 0.41171 0.56932 0.74971 0.82631 0.22677 0.87466 0.11674 0.27655 0.34608 0.63967 0.61105 0.1693 0.21365 0.57153 0.11124 0.45382 0.45277 0.95313 0.8906 0.96584 0.9943 0.30353 0.18307 0.77307 0.65063 0.51475 0.35467 0.67664 0.92446 0.07882 0.48549 0.24897 0.16187 0.74974 0.4359 0.0347 0.36027 0.65843 0.29241 0.30733 0.38011 0.68209 0.54873 0.69034 0.37248 0.40056 0.73004 0.16876 0.94281 0.53843 0.16224 0.28747 0.87927 0.57525 0.30568 0.89561 0.17583 0.60736 0.00022 0.89248 0.03799 0.19766 0.45792 0.42157 0.07594 0.19807 0.11481 0.02116 0.82194 0.64811 0.11457 0.63529 0.02497 0.19909 0.30953 0.88745 0.10267 0.79753 0.70361 0.41104 0.03106 0.83617 0.94624 0.41598 0.24148 0.19617 0.58521 0.76497 0.76665 0.57346 0.27502 0.83948 0.11047 0.35834 0.71649 0.1909 0.78427 0.72344 0.02869 0.66643 0.10122 0.12131 0.28293 0.38863 0.16403 0.46544 0.80617 0.94889 0.10149 0.58168 0.03412 0.21653 0.30708 0.3378 0.06414 0.15217 0.6352 0.5102 0.04491 0.21246 0.52771 0.23576 0.01926 0.91642 0.49002 0.41044 0.03022 0.72319 0.10201 0.24458 0.87593 0.9384 0.42084 0.50717 0.02279 0.76158 0.2802 0.05752 0.96651 0.1068 0.67462 0.13019 0.03535 0.015 0.12448 0.20614 0.94035 0.178 0.03632 0.9705 0.83232 0.22302 0.91946 0.17481 0.96945 0.14268 0.41206 0.01094 0.267 0.59529 0.72049 0.35108 0.77106 0.74703 0.31114 0.57196 0.53108 0.33324 0.7648 0.42397 0.51726 0.09968 0.89766 0.98534 0.82217 0.82947 0.4279 0.86094 0.06034 0.48035 0.48462 0.1823 0.72096 0.55767 0.33024 0.3163 0.36405 0.28458 0.58715 0.53385 0.03681 0.97928 0.22756 0.84168 0.66432 0.27018 0.64516 0.5072 0.34539 0.8963 0.16925 0.80559 0.05866 0.56295 0.22996 0.85956 0.443 0.85532 0.13047 0.70629 0.19278 0.13008 0.24745 0.95895 0.21289 0.93633 0.3777 0.6705 0.58785 0.76884 0.52841 0.85584 0.10289 0.34485 0.5298 0.948 0.19426 0.20377 0.69709 0.09255 0.8396 0.24167 0.42573 0.75005 0.72063 0.83773 0.83154 0.22942 0.45798 0.85867 0.07372 0.80094 0.96998 0.49676 0.8978 0.98069 0.89483 0.63077 0.02783 0.30757 0.12019 0.77386 0.51103 0.89652 0.66846 0.9225 0.29465 0.00762 0.61389 0.2865 0.75331 0.83732 0.75425 0.90476 0.50213 0.77949 0.01765 0.89433 0.82094 0.03399 0.2138 0.94309 0.47611 0.24349 0.74214 0.18599 0.31424 0.84927 0.10491 0.82452 0.698 0.28171 0.21618 0.14931 0.92318 0.74681 0.60349 0.09716 0.08983 0.3401 0.91805 0.80724 0.56924 0.44809 0.92558 0.1158 0.85531 0.78931 0.10235 0.56073 0.78162 0.41971 0.72646 0.67053 0.95638 0.12003 0.92217 0.10177 0.35572 0.28136 0.30583 0.99562 0.94115 0.27228 0.6196 0.93249 0.66895 0.62504 0.01831 0.68862 0.39049 0.07457 0.61193 0.62823 0.62034 0.85328 0.25776 0.21521 0.23011 0.63792 0.01165 0.64983 0.71532 0.89219 0.75375 0.40882 0.69616 0.90726 0.98735 0.72054 0.98031 0.65211 0.9341 0.73676 0.37773 0.4828 0.19355 0.3379 0.15368 0.63386 0.4839 0.81905 0.6979 0.84997 0.197 0.26742 0.48343 0.72494 0.69702 0.80825 0.19197 0.56939 0.04276 0.16315 0.04576 0.32075 0.88628 0.81015 0.67899 0.5663 0.98106 0.77091 0.75837 0.3714 0.77036 0.63903 0.70161 0.55462 0.71328 0.31361 0.88491 0.7772 0.90582 0.50292 0.65155 0.23686 0.26411 0.54332 0.00173 0.3819 0.45199 0.31421 0.41955 0.96062 0.25777 0.53228 0.07477 0.2938 0.92057 0.71781 0.51074 0.85891 0.88162 0.62982 0.90386 0.49398 0.68215 0.77575 0.4024 0.59163 0.41436 0.95208 0.42345 0.16339 0.01186 0.271 0.43723 0.21058 0.91302 0.6468 0.57048
+0.73739 0.09997 0.12844 0.42047 0.31171 0.14199 0.32405 0.11766 0.71944 0.88185 0.97293 0.68397 0.0174 0.83711 0.69952 0.8136 0.323 0.61651 0.7892 0.34904 0.09284 0.87991 0.91021 0.55742 0.37932 0.11702 0.23986 0.13598 0.0399 0.18931 0.8928 0.29269 0.83832 0.14087 0.96813 0.06076 0.53086 0.67695 0.2239 0.53367 0.62578 0.2216 0.3912 0.23853 0.46282 0.37771 0.04429 0.51126 0.60539 0.99962 0.28898 0.49657 0.61688 0.87098 0.09706 0.8867 0.87994 0.52276 0.34786 0.11715 0.68981 0.11175 0.83494 0.19083 0.45848 0.4226 0.39399 0.24666 0.28856 0.81521 0.95118 0.92341 0.85724 0.017 0.98917 0.86832 0.5901 0.42358 0.06345 0.19704 0.86144 0.93254 0.45443 0.59615 0.75612 0.15486 0.3913 0.9385 0.74262 0.634 0.31054 0.68637 0.47254 0.11874 0.77303 0.09472 0.5454 0.29614 0.60988 0.03081 0.14906 0.37549 0.56616 0.47759 0.95277 0.78037 0.72839 0.98878 0.20787 0.11487 0.17638 0.56359 0.52645 0.15684 0.7373 0.23793 0.0833 0.87381 0.72163 0.14915 0.98971 0.57885 0.70916 0.6704 0.84499 0.91124 0.19177 0.51987 0.86217 0.79781 0.9904 0.26127 0.8301 0.70654 0.61927 0.14832 0.40009 0.97026 0.43626 0.41201 0.84846 0.17195 0.2252 0.68738 0.42805 0.7624 0.70594 0.48823 0.46249 0.08146 0.97645 0.98695 0.15351 0.54014 0.19414 0.63795 0.8711 0.93017 0.44144 0.1041 0.15969 0.69002 0.54917 0.24195 0.76342 0.46699 0.08017 0.38373 0.44107 0.88778 0.53847 0.67353 0.24233 0.44113 0.37856 0.24078 0.4633 0.34423 0.21291 0.7384 0.11231 0.06853 0.12015 0.75136 0.0962 0.62777 0.99274 0.90742 0.15894 0.55879 0.98405 0.36949 0.0257 0.45761 0.36805 0.17716 0.49059 0.77743 0.25219 0.21421 0.64192 0.7611 0.452 0.08594 0.97643 0.00407 0.10822 0.10987 0.55245 0.16274 0.70858 0.8052 0.81121 0.6524 0.76357 0.56485 0.96249 0.61269 0.08701 0.03333 0.38523 0.81918 0.75508 0.86796 0.53969 0.07657 0.83673 0.92725 0.8877 0.19117 0.95463 0.4278 0.99739 0.28736 0.94469 0.34747 0.32957 0.5002 0.08645 0.20568 0.56803 0.34377 0.87076 0.04652 0.54716 0.89512 0.79052 0.03134 0.80635 0.11371 0.83586 0.02927 0.0742 0.52032 0.00676 0.81848 0.27818 0.09473 0.05411 0.18928 0.67698 0.36363 0.21667 0.76898 0.62961 0.73061 0.92071 0.27255 0.72647 0.9272 0.78652 0.64123 0.83778 0.86529 0.14416 0.77625 0.44768 0.19371 0.65452 0.1902 0.31631 0.06919 0.50319 0.26376 0.91286 0.42032 0.32078 0.67088 0.51426 0.61736 0.38856 0.81327 0.5898 0.28476 0.56437 0.1195 0.41974 0.4919 0.21947 0.16163 0.26123 0.92205 0.61627 0.76646 0.77859 0.59603 0.01125 0.18857 0.22876 0.92087 0.34566 0.11987 0.69262 0.40922 0.91786 0.44213 0.50592 0.8759 0.20584 0.24158 0.32903 0.72967 0.78205 0.11445 0.83959 0.06805 0.35746 0.36938 0.13345 0.32948 0.32894 0.35023 0.70442 0.77627 0.61612 0.65794 0.73834 0.83734 0.7898 0.05504 0.57929 0.67799 0.17815 0.04733 0.93959 0.54781 0.3287 0.75577 0.30817 0.9657 0.60253 0.641 0.73634 0.53699 0.70665 0.66073 0.41723 0.62613 0.84683 0.55062 0.25536 0.78118 0.10343 0.029 0.14045 0.93147 0.17328 0.71353 0.66799 0.42986 0.56368 0.7089 0.25258 0.60792 0.80184 0.17892 0.02338 0.101 0.94894 0.77611 0.40424 0.47147 0.0725 0.9944 0.87684 0.06099 0.68519 0.4441 0.74454 0.37991 0.97744 0.67324 0.22694 0.24861 0.45174 0.98765 0.41895 0.02843 0.53659 0.14046 0.07584 0.04858 0.73617 0.19906 0.89607 0.20319 0.09645 0.69276 0.25222 0.82357 0.72001 0.95043 0.29628 0.91203 0.80655 0.1322 0.71018 0.16644 0.89153 0.94894 0.36523 0.23863 0.53259 0.41305 0.16495 0.35965 0.18573 0.46905 0.94541 0.5061 0.09873 0.72158 0.44687 0.90512 0.68246 0.47531 0.20712 0.03413 0.12275 0.03031 0.5432 0.45157 0.20344 0.37704 0.07271 0.34114 0.73129 0.67471 0.61116 0.58771 0.96652 0.0354 0.40126 0.38459 0.53064 0.52633 0.12698 0.46823 0.73309 0.20026 0.50934 0.35012 0.15949 0.88173 0.99544 0.32516 0.16203 0.49705 0.49139 0.99683 0.62972 0.81758 0.65836 0.93224 0.68744 0.50247 0.50816 0.54621 0.81155 0.47769 0.59965 0.96775 0.03246 0.18071 0.52353 0.77429 0.80353 0.18107 0.73136 0.65173 0.32706 0.54433 0.592 0.12755 0.7255 0.79298 0.31874 0.87517 0.37617 0.8763 0.01791 0.07146 0.85081 0.121 0.79046 0.49239 0.83366 0.17941 0.40153 0.06919 0.4601 0.52834
+0.13541 0.50265 0.74125 0.81397 0.37472 0.4246 0.85972 0.59856 0.66466 0.32387 0.15787 0.74364 0.01742 0.00058 0.91171 0.11155 0.74971 0.96393 0.79881 0.2191 0.26909 0.80197 0.40681 0.53973 0.02221 0.37832 0.41491 0.92778 0.48416 0.81076 0.82118 0.28778 0.56054 0.21308 0.92878 0.61027 0.25459 0.58602 0.04714 0.25437 0.71871 0.48015 0.39035 0.5748 0.50508 0.59638 0.32533 0.17957 0.31901 0.5581 0.72702 0.04073 0.49716 0.82452 0.7372 0.34647 0.99872 0.34941 0.54363 0.4857 0.67308 0.15991 0.57312 0.58228 0.68673 0.82063 0.41348 0.38318 0.98019 0.2255 0.58129 0.167 0.40972 0.20304 0.82655 0.6146 0.33142 0.19385 0.33749 0.82251 0.00622 0.30759 0.72331 0.03215 0.8413 0.96445 0.82856 0.80739 0.01082 0.51282 0.92842 0.63756 0.92785 0.59325 0.04982 0.38304 0.9093 0.55748 0.61089 0.62887 0.72321 0.67657 0.82384 0.60902 0.8616 0.07385 0.49135 0.09353 0.26041 0.23639 0.85692 0.08456 0.00649 0.21231 0.92408 0.72846 0.48135 0.13981 0.43787 0.6997 0.39934 0.84077 0.23236 0.60216 0.62821 0.73049 0.19386 0.09695 0.06752 0.93401 0.81296 0.37479 0.02816 0.70672 0.88966 0.41016 0.37139 0.49093 0.36431 0.98171 0.14547 0.86462 0.5246 0.4076 0.44864 0.05747 0.33694 0.78745 0.41682 0.22237 0.8763 0.50666 0.60566 0.83845 0.14545 0.1585 0.59751 0.83082 0.05222 0.40411 0.44981 0.49706 0.81814 0.72892 0.24816 0.18751 0.74254 0.17523 0.30089 0.48392 0.82364 0.04659 0.82502 0.37066 0.98146 0.60757 0.18699 0.32859 0.02735 0.73969 0.43124 0.52731 0.41019 0.40134 0.72396 0.64073 0.37913 0.08095 0.18404 0.41691 0.08535 0.58042 0.30435 0.20321 0.90308 0.4676 0.92957 0.89233 0.61606 0.45533 0.97554 0.97975 0.31281 0.91332 0.24767 0.05376 0.50999 0.62652 0.97106 0.60825 0.76846 0.34278 0.29941 0.51038 0.91286 0.15537 0.93691 0.66641 0.95196 0.67728 0.42685 0.57743 0.83484 0.22656 0.44697 0.39003 0.81292 0.27464 0.73525 0.53792 0.29369 0.442 0.6746 0.50531 0.4404 0.77032 0.61817 0.81939 0.16788 0.70166 0.54781 0.62619 0.50382 0.35221 0.5023 0.66494 0.24775 0.69723 0.8252 0.1251 0.86067 0.60298 0.89717 0.70254 0.42652 0.30094 0.31669 0.2701 0.41203 0.83052 0.98905 0.94696 0.69429 0.45648 0.39028 0.93826 0.16397 0.21942 0.75606 0.37068 0.94984 0.3541 0.92669 0.11214 0.28961 0.70866 0.31681 0.82396 0.70606 0.40201 0.83608 0.0933 0.69226 0.54914 0.90984 0.0846 0.15267 0.92121 0.93534 0.64068 0.95804 0.94751 0.99867 0.08263 0.67486 0.63374 0.96572 0.39156 0.63104 0.01227 0.61963 0.04913 0.67565 0.08241 0.23837 0.85545 0.35555 0.57836 0.54539 0.86786 0.6647 0.41726 0.97112 0.83747 0.9533 0.38749 0.25893 0.93173 0.25139 0.3083 0.35543 0.59036 0.8095 0.24759 0.76009 0.74036 0.59867 0.6353 0.27938 0.27073 0.9245 0.43522 0.72537 0.01895 0.39639 0.39067 0.29952 0.89805 0.38911 0.91907 0.66431 0.4859 0.90017 0.16129 0.50595 0.0744 0.62818 0.30423 0.96717 0.69748 0.46054 0.94959 0.80629 0.2317 0.13696 0.62616 0.98445 0.86538 0.67332 0.7472 0.22353 0.22342 0.02392 0.64122 0.57175 0.20309 0.67174 0.00769 0.34407 0.63494 0.75194 0.76487 0.13246 0.29662 0.05508 0.6018 0.27021 0.647 0.51796 0.4679 0.22525 0.6065 0.27587 0.72245 0.5373 0.86496 0.10206 0.71874 0.18371 0.79147 0.24632 0.21374 0.63481 0.65387 0.73236 0.84409 0.92819 0.32891 0.38586 0.24766 0.75179 0.33352 0.07796 0.99938 0.67639 0.96252 0.32675 0.33692 0.03945 0.36756 0.81136 0.13295 0.87371 0.16974 0.7703 0.71556 0.19403 0.50486 0.27705 0.85193 0.92261 0.11036 0.90456 0.13324 0.68429 0.7282 0.8794 0.55399 0.20002 0.32334 0.91108 0.76557 0.65532 0.72362 0.68248 0.64946 0.68552 0.11339 0.68541 0.65334 0.46588 0.15356 0.19534 0.97383 0.02262 0.2971 0.23275 0.70274 0.83431 0.14501 0.00252 0.84557 0.70525 0.79343 0.525 0.21673 0.38143 0.92452 0.62864 0.77982 0.93295 0.05975 0.08257 0.5767 0.78934 0.02718 0.27004 0.99773 0.24869 0.65969 0.98254 0.91714 0.56852 0.94724 0.19807 0.60076 0.74092 0.2335 0.28468 0.53521 0.3021 0.31837 0.42087 0.96946 0.79372 0.14323 0.00799 0.45766 0.92125 0.13302 0.29264 0.91022 0.06254 0.83555 0.31033 0.46826 0.14253 0.78336 0.25057 0.87824 0.89784 0.93011 0.62068 0.91442 0.42887 0.90219 0.58777 0.80531 0.09145 0.20589 0.47072 0.2148
+0.96114 0.692 0.57695 0.32655 0.98053 0.92967 0.31942 0.86586 0.79034 0.59102 0.80847 0.80425 0.475 0.00992 0.70749 0.91679 0.4146 0.74856 0.11892 0.57952 0.64874 0.11782 0.03143 0.30817 0.61925 0.50935 0.88455 0.58201 0.23908 0.74017 0.64217 0.08053 0.24253 0.87846 0.00541 0.44282 0.10974 0.16156 0.76636 0.04114 0.81795 0.01925 0.84741 0.75165 0.44106 0.5423 0.15098 0.46156 0.71523 0.70914 0.90001 0.29248 0.60312 0.84582 0.74872 0.04788 0.58069 0.9275 0.19644 0.9644 0.48089 0.14806 0.30069 0.82928 0.03807 0.82174 0.50212 0.06641 0.36972 0.35013 0.96061 0.03206 0.44291 0.56591 0.00188 0.30259 0.70774 0.90511 0.74614 0.53622 0.92664 0.10239 0.01422 0.41161 0.45857 0.14582 0.13413 0.06124 0.12765 0.65436 0.47234 0.9537 0.59922 0.87813 0.93819 0.88655 0.61014 0.56006 0.48354 0.40184 0.3885 0.63129 0.23797 0.79592 0.14793 0.15794 0.27789 0.09833 0.8011 0.47561 0.58564 0.71629 0.94076 0.83278 0.94219 0.52819 0.49373 0.63326 0.4101 0.76225 0.94156 0.63564 0.54606 0.49442 0.05511 0.59864 0.61456 0.67085 0.43087 0.59075 0.01024 0.13938 0.59923 0.57953 0.28545 0.36342 0.37715 0.17359 0.79481 0.20364 0.85895 0.3567 0.60586 0.98798 0.17483 0.50904 0.39976 0.70516 0.27008 0.0191 0.71388 0.11187 0.1397 0.03971 0.73219 0.50395 0.92661 0.29812 0.95619 0.68208 0.76112 0.92588 0.84945 0.6723 0.51399 0.1842 0.00352 0.43561 0.26186 0.33204 0.96911 0.63082 0.63986 0.6102 0.30124 0.08931 0.20703 0.31639 0.85275 0.55771 0.04618 0.80647 0.05065 0.13093 0.73659 0.37229 0.15458 0.4572 0.3155 0.66128 0.32763 0.50238 0.17737 0.80419 0.82271 0.75014 0.55924 0.11015 0.89598 0.12291 0.69554 0.04261 0.22522 0.40283 0.46405 0.69463 0.40059 0.06687 0.43209 0.9556 0.73818 0.4721 0.9125 0.85298 0.50282 0.06964 0.33361 0.11272 0.19046 0.63806 0.93859 0.46092 0.51205 0.67236 0.42415 0.97012 0.64266 0.48118 0.28631 0.55711 0.25888 0.18455 0.79182 0.30291 0.26004 0.1613 0.45838 0.99028 0.89775 0.28897 0.13502 0.29551 0.59987 0.20254 0.52004 0.50676 0.23665 0.86481 0.37429 0.01253 0.26341 0.6566 0.20229 0.79013 0.60584 0.97913 0.14554 0.98416 0.5149 0.13118 0.19524 0.26511 0.34589 0.62435 0.48028 0.61268 0.36939 0.76959 0.20139 0.90573 0.39434 0.29885 0.1908 0.19005 0.68876 0.0434 0.94704 0.03669 0.90229 0.18031 0.74353 0.99438 0.66621 0.6811 0.34863 0.93067 0.56358 0.78967 0.10644 0.38636 0.29839 0.17398 0.81176 0.87887 0.00528 0.90702 0.19249 0.91767 0.87302 0.79647 0.88887 0.41915 0.23184 0.55508 0.97932 0.21353 0.03506 0.29545 0.35067 0.79428 0.9961 0.58543 0.39064 0.34078 0.52554 0.63846 0.93599 0.31828 0.21092 0.96156 0.5429 0.67911 0.18317 0.64117 0.40159 0.69194 0.30555 0.95039 0.60816 0.54813 0.01918 0.32038 0.11581 0.38354 0.41293 0.55821 0.19556 0.16546 0.76832 0.00599 0.96327 0.98733 0.87352 0.15063 0.2902 0.36781 0.42332 0.76431 0.56738 0.11122 0.24708 0.99698 0.75636 0.09661 0.80936 0.69078 0.5002 0.91579 0.76009 0.16429 0.76142 0.64366 0.80971 0.45263 0.58872 0.23303 0.99203 0.87527 0.98283 0.25047 0.42786 0.62492 0.10182 0.41552 0.7664 0.57568 0.74771 0.89581 0.81267 0.59666 0.05931 0.19367 0.39555 0.84683 0.158 0.84136 0.71033 0.17443 0.21879 0.72513 0.01306 0.6439 0.84436 0.12535 0.84636 0.86056 0.74302 0.70113 0.31948 0.76754 0.27046 0.86487 0.08208 0.5899 0.1168 0.84606 0.21555 0.8846 0.8251 0.61575 0.29978 0.06804 0.29982 0.90489 0.30006 0.22382 0.45449 0.22671 0.5587 0.88128 0.17025 0.0517 0.04997 0.05709 0.2173 0.82135 0.45976 0.48616 0.7671 0.41463 0.1216 0.80074 0.46417 0.23193 0.94161 0.3799 0.38276 0.241 0.79842 0.13038 0.19487 0.92261 0.89555 0.71995 0.27997 0.50869 0.69686 0.56099 0.19733 0.17624 0.17728 0.28055 0.69077 0.38365 0.02786 0.19166 0.25587 0.36003 0.31412 0.68892 0.80167 0.94163 0.3845 0.55971 0.22451 0.16147 0.19872 0.62005 0.34322 0.54995 0.76721 0.05331 0.55653 0.69487 0.05164 0.54337 0.525 0.95356 0.08155 0.34953 0.29431 0.20271 0.89011 0.29738 0.96596 0.50334 0.42148 0.14833 0.4139 0.81471 0.23848 0.58035 0.98046 0.84793 0.10942 0.56949 0.49826 0.12889 0.84859 0.99243 0.14706 0.65861 0.4568 0.25706 0.47542 0.95118 0.35326 0.61151 0.50327 0.68145 0.54689 0.90294
+0.81776 0.44732 0.55252 0.30129 0.84118 0.38214 0.97511 0.48012 0.07452 0.2078 0.93663 0.7465 0.14422 0.47703 0.17897 0.54757 0.08676 0.32731 0.38924 0.56971 0.20043 0.5828 0.28902 0.49305 0.83343 0.24011 0.65642 0.25515 0.39 0.05727 0.80439 0.79069 0.13639 0.9822 0.23051 0.65423 0.38871 0.24932 0.44214 0.35013 0.15428 0.04304 0.1755 0.65818 0.30746 0.88085 0.03184 0.49467 0.83426 0.59402 0.68027 0.65982 0.67122 0.38174 0.5058 0.5492 0.59955 0.79303 0.88333 0.50197 0.19762 0.48033 0.56137 0.84815 0.38788 0.79024 0.92447 0.13904 0.49188 0.2059 0.96912 0.61364 0.68793 0.26284 0.01067 0.45017 0.49673 0.0019 0.36427 0.79074 0.40416 0.66261 0.12139 0.34649 0.033 0.54248 0.22327 0.18575 0.29608 0.40991 0.52461 0.57059 0.42533 0.31944 0.59913 0.03999 0.1603 0.40845 0.54039 0.84267 0.41072 0.49085 0.2002 0.05516 0.51431 0.70784 0.76463 0.8687 0.15902 0.46504 0.58357 0.81325 0.12649 0.17612 0.84377 0.96453 0.57228 0.27757 0.86115 0.1918 0.56032 0.55738 0.97367 0.08701 0.98158 0.89058 0.96326 0.90544 0.32513 0.42263 0.76297 0.13004 0.13368 0.61449 0.67355 0.41111 0.99253 0.1476 0.17089 0.34629 0.6386 0.38042 0.73486 0.29543 0.96632 0.87374 0.26295 0.22559 0.25125 0.29977 0.78785 0.84486 0.3007 0.0027 0.8509 0.21935 0.10539 0.33969 0.47293 0.1861 0.82722 0.29014 0.14421 0.31999 0.94891 0.35742 0.93677 0.76447 0.62812 0.67792 0.87206 0.78138 0.00506 0.95921 0.99809 0.49557 0.16197 0.45961 0.36195 0.20026 0.11124 0.12378 0.62604 0.18296 0.30685 0.45267 0.40373 0.66367 0.5218 0.58816 0.7918 0.30098 0.52724 0.25703 0.42683 0.64153 0.0508 0.33809 0.42259 0.92826 0.29667 0.70463 0.74841 0.31894 0.53805 0.81137 0.79929 0.93996 0.18006 0.76427 0.61622 0.86946 0.47253 0.03967 0.56848 0.13605 0.73584 0.75863 0.10398 0.17266 0.94182 0.56482 0.11793 0.07631 0.95869 0.61903 0.74684 0.942 0.95642 0.87083 0.07059 0.04584 0.70824 0.99142 0.89749 0.47764 0.51589 0.98206 0.27372 0.72969 0.56371 0.2397 0.35528 0.25759 0.46398 0.24293 0.84366 0.62354 0.49707 0.02794 0.19529 0.89303 0.17312 0.65163 0.87599 0.89555 0.49375 0.06096 0.21442 0.93542 0.36114 0.66194 0.96467 0.4063 0.97164 0.72303 0.88503 0.20532 0.71032 0.43745 0.08201 0.81227 0.46192 0.58426 0.84892 0.9929 0.30492 0.3305 0.70434 0.53642 0.78183 0.56995 0.90734 0.50633 0.34427 0.54489 0.97889 0.08909 0.97488 0.11959 0.41028 0.99737 0.66523 0.79748 0.34247 0.75883 0.33293 0.02824 0.26072 0.50484 0.67505 0.46234 0.9313 0.83106 0.32275 0.23253 0.81626 0.70782 0.15427 0.16115 0.55808 0.17338 0.90891 0.15 0.45664 0.22155 0.80983 0.11777 0.87257 0.45084 0.31016 0.93192 0.69409 0.6481 0.40148 0.77167 0.27671 0.59212 0.08197 0.82946 0.71042 0.82698 0.59464 0.18674 0.41015 0.90074 0.32019 0.07303 0.02007 0.42914 0.86859 0.12362 0.19084 0.72783 0.72799 0.94634 0.61503 0.04396 0.06027 0.63586 0.74342 0.17072 0.86735 0.99129 0.47611 0.48443 0.15527 0.84287 0.83212 0.65313 0.0693 0.26551 0.43169 0.84024 0.05449 0.22929 0.05403 0.25099 0.39774 0.06248 0.03353 0.72382 0.12164 0.08037 0.73257 0.78515 0.08657 0.97778 0.29411 0.68236 0.05558 0.29027 0.35364 0.22958 0.30655 0.40066 0.85409 0.33348 0.50778 0.06471 0.7434 0.26932 0.11 0.96199 0.47004 0.67908 0.49355 0.46827 0.0892 0.27464 0.07012 0.45057 0.36931 0.23762 0.08691 0.28117 0.99759 0.27779 0.77969 0.35589 0.943 0.01518 0.25228 0.08225 0.81637 0.10734 0.00702 0.66433 0.84882 0.15117 0.84896 0.03159 0.61483 0.25988 0.81469 0.28067 0.79777 0.26656 0.92675 0.6607 0.09304 0.34947 0.3493 0.90183 0.78782 0.03764 0.8483 0.66128 0.89531 0.4769 0.95993 0.94749 0.00334 0.54805 0.12521 0.3847 0.33709 0.74696 0.09903 0.85328 0.3715 0.9588 0.92112 0.56762 0.60162 0.96941 0.26798 0.14219 0.3833 0.01635 0.29106 0.37873 0.82489 0.30383 0.4118 0.62412 0.83649 0.74648 0.59979 0.19453 0.61117 0.40808 0.48066 0.1719 0.22687 0.64672 0.92491 0.55561 0.65006 0.39196 0.40932 0.0612 0.77399 0.37065 0.25437 0.38157 0.96302 0.00177 0.8396 0.27824 0.06634 0.98905 0.90325 0.23186 0.93355 0.46596 0.41983 0.91981 0.26296 0.93335 0.84047 0.74742 0.86315 0.75472 0.24446 0.20957 0.90345 0.04879 0.79011 0.55178 0.24087 0.25966
+0.78602 0.94929 0.41552 0.83275 0.48075 0.21594 0.73901 0.41358 0.76396 0.54421 0.97645 0.28826 0.75149 0.95924 0.05447 0.5715 0.70528 0.39746 0.67188 0.95611 0.39788 0.6071 0.08481 0.97654 0.55835 0.30779 0.783 0.24577 0.32056 0.54486 0.54522 0.74822 0.85741 0.94153 0.21077 0.97547 0.11055 0.29461 0.13713 0.92831 0.38796 0.28932 0.69793 0.58279 0.39737 0.36076 0.97432 0.01008 0.65501 0.99042 0.12264 0.0144 0.66433 0.98526 0.42435 0.56901 0.34078 0.79891 0.8865 0.52707 0.0066 0.99924 0.51496 0.22992 0.96225 0.57308 0.97594 0.48444 0.48693 0.54305 0.13318 0.34758 0.79403 0.10689 0.15088 0.44079 0.28946 0.1419 0.84817 0.66352 0.68921 0.00718 0.06453 0.09746 0.18063 0.19073 0.71486 0.93206 0.19037 0.26175 0.76718 0.11836 0.4868 0.21823 0.9497 0.9729 0.98953 0.05291 0.96214 0.65078 0.39477 0.29637 0.19325 0.78642 0.21347 0.4932 0.90679 0.13376 0.42109 0.64075 0.86205 0.47734 0.47278 0.68784 0.61419 0.62826 0.92903 0.24509 0.21759 0.41412 0.96395 0.06054 0.81898 0.11517 0.50716 0.71927 0.53708 0.41378 0.93631 0.2185 0.93493 0.96463 0.52946 0.21979 0.52648 0.14123 0.66706 0.30062 0.85232 0.75095 0.22727 0.66747 0.38257 0.71073 0.20816 0.89958 0.91705 0.54917 0.45181 0.49594 0.99139 0.81692 0.67353 0.51285 0.44479 0.97232 0.86775 0.46425 0.80934 0.70575 0.86774 0.57887 0.56329 0.45386 0.35799 0.81265 0.25715 0.72273 0.96047 0.36229 0.02663 0.28658 0.6365 0.95412 0.41148 0.41238 0.94964 0.54356 0.94054 0.84506 0.30606 0.65625 0.20666 0.13432 0.62759 0.03172 0.08932 0.94581 0.05248 0.47405 0.49699 0.40247 0.44173 0.23464 0.09675 0.80187 0.13803 0.07173 0.40898 0.88133 0.66131 0.99981 0.43279 0.67476 0.21609 0.67398 0.8776 0.44798 0.93311 0.04882 0.65433 0.96472 0.12222 0.89662 0.74566 0.95023 0.21825 0.24882 0.95049 0.50584 0.13422 0.81402 0.85006 0.98721 0.39357 0.42452 0.52931 0.84806 0.1874 0.39708 0.86239 0.88836 0.22554 0.82574 0.91235 0.20619 0.63511 0.12065 0.24654 0.09615 0.43393 0.21262 0.34975 0.13752 0.75625 0.92996 0.51489 0.84088 0.55648 0.55842 0.70969 0.67652 0.48761 0.76051 0.00385 0.15103 0.90912 0.53045 0.43969 0.73724 0.17623 0.80875 0.54442 0.4307 0.0644 0.1279 0.84561 0.00337 0.44101 0.87728 0.37854 0.53281 0.26174 0.38922 0.85617 0.32127 0.48107 0.12348 0.27442 0.74661 0.67096 0.61343 0.89124 0.83186 0.85006 0.05944 0.21938 0.29048 0.86754 0.93993 0.94867 0.9367 0.62983 0.63409 0.33894 0.46326 0.9576 0.65108 0.50528 0.35177 0.31271 0.16908 0.53516 0.10631 0.90696 0.64523 0.20159 0.18172 0.44703 0.76397 0.80861 0.26976 0.35048 0.68465 0.01478 0.35173 0.60873 0.76831 0.80203 0.64094 0.14828 0.34495 0.10131 0.3152 0.73011 0.13193 0.50151 0.8325 0.66925 0.04934 0.01695 0.11539 0.92791 0.70206 0.96613 0.76974 0.9605 0.73516 0.3566 0.53001 0.46124 0.31796 0.56429 0.69432 0.63523 0.36698 0.22798 0.05709 0.19709 0.11943 0.05635 0.36821 0.60494 0.61996 0.98166 0.699 0.15608 0.67803 0.40459 0.63378 0.59364 0.81333 0.28881 0.31315 0.5688 0.83248 0.85967 0.1314 0.86111 0.27074 0.00944 0.521 0.01065 0.51282 0.04268 0.36291 0.56331 0.11548 0.33586 0.20814 0.13064 0.7099 0.23845 0.96214 0.3591 0.68969 0.62029 0.19228 0.80728 0.22599 0.89382 0.89923 0.4615 0.81177 0.00829 0.38644 0.36653 0.38537 0.13242 0.14522 0.09284 0.5892 0.68423 0.65532 0.62362 0.80803 0.21249 0.2808 0.07166 0.1924 0.96507 0.81337 0.5431 0.03296 0.75265 0.23593 0.3551 0.53607 0.82503 0.56846 0.13405 0.78762 0.1692 0.80164 0.48529 0.42978 0.68392 0.5112 0.17564 0.09979 0.19806 0.93226 0.85278 0.40363 0.71371 0.1456 0.94796 0.45965 0.8953 0.28024 0.72498 0.29638 0.31272 0.79459 0.4529 0.48763 0.75005 0.05768 0.79242 0.95665 0.93425 0.08057 0.98682 0.24487 0.81383 0.88118 0.68219 0.29416 0.85052 0.77254 0.61836 0.79177 0.24825 0.67695 0.3239 0.34073 0.70499 0.75669 0.58261 0.19762 0.86706 0.35255 0.2425 0.36851 0.06266 0.02502 0.10905 0.43579 0.77702 0.39156 0.83862 0.26001 0.01842 0.54774 0.6881 0.92838 0.49407 0.90349 0.69534 0.183 0.82184 0.50519 0.76245 0.008 0.87621 0.59661 0.50171 0.04488 0.38845 0.44936 0.26955 0.54831 0.87919 0.64973 0.92486 0.93467 0.66044 0.00636 0.82246 0.51864 0.16429 0.8499
+0.18721 0.62777 0.87631 0.99945 0.68559 0.38095 0.23066 0.35127 0.36499 0.10066 0.6226 0.45804 0.74151 0.87416 0.02877 0.38773 0.25928 0.97825 0.5673 0.81833 0.8065 0.25031 0.32467 0.27338 0.42641 0.80733 0.10873 0.92842 0.55496 0.64081 0.0682 0.20656 0.86294 0.12192 0.53908 0.87364 0.74646 0.1634 0.63528 0.80801 0.49284 0.07686 0.76945 0.67989 0.20559 0.11243 0.8735 0.98389 0.85459 0.11977 0.55345 0.71219 0.53303 0.09315 0.09968 0.4525 0.96934 0.70706 0.19421 0.26982 0.45798 0.71104 0.42517 0.58762 0.23232 0.28117 0.2323 0.26871 0.13513 0.77975 0.81256 0.59412 0.56108 0.23141 0.90251 0.2309 0.8601 0.23911 0.94899 0.99601 0.41136 0.47691 0.14658 0.00197 0.31914 0.61394 0.87817 0.86924 0.21952 0.34822 0.76294 0.76326 0.72331 0.22749 0.42776 0.81255 0.94825 0.74915 0.44608 0.32696 0.18181 0.80529 0.60568 0.42221 0.4953 0.79533 0.71898 0.46503 0.95363 0.08754 0.85052 0.5006 0.54907 0.28826 0.03416 0.53191 0.18586 0.6855 0.90981 0.11971 0.80271 0.44321 0.77839 0.91317 0.55724 0.57836 0.41162 0.39903 0.3939 0.4767 0.70579 0.08418 0.19799 0.89593 0.76513 0.97485 0.65357 0.45368 0.29552 0.82188 0.35409 0.46686 0.08417 0.07152 0.5806 0.47556 0.79147 0.56233 0.46282 0.57621 0.03876 0.90735 0.04589 0.38184 0.45884 0.77283 0.60391 0.71511 0.36057 0.04684 0.54366 0.83361 0.52294 0.20248 0.75537 0.78466 0.43697 0.0721 0.84307 0.8186 0.86677 0.19282 0.0837 0.59134 0.58588 0.65811 0.95606 0.3485 0.24991 0.13847 0.48196 0.54734 0.84124 0.56558 0.66021 0.88649 0.69454 0.83749 0.12132 0.53396 0.1282 0.68299 0.34423 0.02689 0.63175 0.83316 0.36842 0.08905 0.18021 0.67097 0.828 0.80354 0.3184 0.50812 0.68567 0.2872 0.01974 0.85531 0.88043 0.32659 0.43219 0.33427 0.4769 0.69943 0.39075 0.1253 0.84156 0.33695 0.71388 0.07819 0.29391 0.67964 0.1101 0.57068 0.90925 0.02826 0.55617 0.19311 0.74411 0.87281 0.2863 0.91092 0.62195 0.99528 0.97231 0.76598 0.80223 0.24028 0.11149 0.13671 0.04038 0.03736 0.88795 0.15587 0.40147 0.68171 0.1418 0.09934 0.56212 0.54563 0.51055 0.46801 0.98084 0.3718 0.12338 0.43844 0.57255 0.80891 0.00546 0.09748 0.49125 0.718 0.50426 0.95054 0.59133 0.85259 0.55532 0.07255 0.5781 0.91511 0.75169 0.97551 0.00235 0.82055 0.2273 0.19569 0.49611 0.2553 0.8419 0.85313 0.38359 0.079 0.1851 0.1949 0.87631 0.11859 0.85094 0.98431 0.07054 0.1361 0.13679 0.09146 0.05448 0.32889 0.03436 0.54921 0.96088 0.4106 0.17487 0.82369 0.07497 0.71707 0.70937 0.94155 0.99777 0.67987 0.61513 0.93397 0.59696 0.67979 0.51022 0.44257 0.37557 0.28234 0.41692 0.53568 0.83649 0.53586 0.08878 0.973 0.35389 0.91111 0.0441 0.09852 0.98952 0.34619 0.42166 0.40748 0.43962 0.93747 0.46291 0.96246 0.90668 0.46761 0.30151 0.28677 0.52918 0.97411 0.01138 0.81605 0.96068 0.5832 0.15908 0.99239 0.35198 0.33455 0.75597 0.01264 0.93138 0.65792 0.15737 0.92235 0.4722 0.00662 0.78931 0.72319 0.1111 0.91099 0.05415 0.77414 0.32644 0.20818 0.16453 0.82192 0.2756 0.00661 0.49036 0.49893 0.1398 0.38657 0.60015 0.08789 0.43689 0.40999 0.24524 0.73601 0.26455 0.86574 0.47226 0.41067 0.7538 0.55852 0.77195 0.20328 0.4606 0.23489 0.97898 0.79615 0.73759 0.11583 0.9479 0.18582 0.26518 0.27095 0.37676 0.38552 0.08896 0.34461 0.33728 0.51673 0.17881 0.24114 0.43371 0.77862 0.69528 0.54241 0.34986 0.40583 0.70104 0.7122 0.39263 0.66128 0.76191 0.09338 0.98287 0.84239 0.05532 0.79872 0.83817 0.87359 0.47305 0.65732 0.06505 0.84332 0.03224 0.44227 0.4792 0.92155 0.39168 0.34471 0.23905 0.16398 0.25372 0.27299 0.43645 0.55043 0.40859 0.74381 0.8054 0.26063 0.50886 0.05402 0.99966 0.24684 0.391 0.52185 0.91153 0.9618 0.09676 0.19871 0.18668 0.02599 0.88474 0.73878 0.25475 0.28813 0.41239 0.24557 0.84566 0.5629 0.66946 0.6287 0.65931 0.68191 0.81779 0.29959 0.09472 0.53188 0.80573 0.98031 0.50473 0.77162 0.06024 0.76042 0.30619 0.75323 0.51495 0.23898 0.07271 0.5447 0.3821 0.80174 0.49924 0.31972 0.27007 0.87866 0.2273 0.77966 0.4247 0.42355 0.08325 0.15923 0.97242 0.42703 0.69922 0.23644 0.99695 0.18289 0.65687 0.77823 0.69966 0.77239 0.89125 0.35591 0.77676 0.85335 0.6692 0.59636 0.88677 0.72068 0.69567 0.50375
+0.36571 0.47759 0.80729 0.60187 0.48248 0.11255 0.74878 0.27399 0.86033 0.20577 0.26279 0.17537 0.80602 0.9909 0.12696 0.77716 0.97042 0.47142 0.04567 0.01379 0.53147 0.87377 0.81032 0.70047 0.26916 0.96902 0.57634 0.76445 0.20739 0.38028 0.80801 0.41935 0.14279 0.61403 0.7979 0.43922 0.99038 0.16154 0.57493 0.96526 0.34517 0.74946 0.57673 0.71514 0.25517 0.60641 0.04086 0.61717 0.93809 0.84142 0.58091 0.92218 0.13751 0.16724 0.04835 0.16032 0.05949 0.50654 0.26013 0.37194 0.05468 0.23242 0.30855 0.97316 0.30962 0.35434 0.8893 0.56861 0.54127 0.29514 0.22176 0.41027 0.91287 0.82198 0.14454 0.94657 0.72229 0.65911 0.75924 0.88255 0.29114 0.47417 0.95724 0.22385 0.17722 0.69929 0.71165 0.81345 0.23494 0.93519 0.17834 0.16023 0.67292 0.72451 0.91172 0.41083 0.8525 0.26729 0.93286 0.87995 0.07076 0.07802 0.61247 0.49123 0.73861 0.12404 0.61377 0.00069 0.56484 0.82493 0.83427 0.07693 0.24679 0.10058 0.68676 0.85586 0.33493 0.34998 0.67091 0.87646 0.36667 0.65251 0.0747 0.87941 0.02968 0.05658 0.82522 0.48917 0.82805 0.96341 0.79588 0.65617 0.47594 0.59078 0.99429 0.85991 0.6754 0.23122 0.18786 0.07168 0.31856 0.39149 0.1575 0.31129 0.43444 0.56079 0.20658 0.62793 0.06338 0.54509 0.3692 0.59486 0.42011 0.95784 0.16012 0.98491 0.46099 0.69666 0.4777 0.62624 0.55284 0.98277 0.01434 0.96033 0.15888 0.20109 0.7152 0.28646 0.87746 0.00854 0.68511 0.47971 0.9849 0.36049 0.83182 0.95336 0.50876 0.20275 0.88305 0.24785 0.23477 0.21653 0.12159 0.57746 0.08619 0.9445 0.82157 0.33717 0.07939 0.82493 0.5525 0.84898 0.77358 0.40845 0.36065 0.97326 0.13526 0.40354 0.14889 0.48295 0.97448 0.20222 0.24874 0.28485 0.47356 0.03628 0.05671 0.39296 0.56779 0.62309 0.79209 0.58883 0.82472 0.96224 0.13837 0.93683 0.93619 0.47756 0.6372 0.49741 0.24737 0.36033 0.63113 0.55747 0.68484 0.01211 0.3462 0.00924 0.54777 0.52984 0.8031 0.58202 0.62195 0.78609 0.21765 0.90592 0.85786 0.20497 0.03945 0.59425 0.88929 0.23936 0.18071 0.17525 0.37138 0.41773 0.1355 0.8977 0.61955 0.41436 0.95891 0.45613 0.34169 0.75308 0.22266 0.6268 0.44345 0.17802 0.70567 0.30393 0.91921 0.5597 0.00156 0.33381 0.40742 0.22289 0.87064 0.13875 0.44085 0.47506 0.65076 0.00375 0.81596 0.38528 0.77768 0.55944 0.35446 0.9974 0.63729 0.37927 0.11942 0.32258 0.39378 0.02796 0.83691 0.68924 0.231 0.51458 0.20355 0.06436 0.08936 0.08016 0.63349 0.07276 0.63565 0.60411 0.82867 0.66648 0.59495 0.73951 0.19491 0.58777 0.55171 0.4263 0.00199 0.64853 0.75538 0.5602 0.97525 0.9927 0.43308 0.08352 0.50072 0.50064 0.55343 0.22402 0.34392 0.42065 0.58932 0.49594 0.66357 0.97592 0.61439 0.76269 0.92883 0.42227 0.18365 0.08495 0.42742 0.34143 0.1676 0.68594 0.3085 0.34646 0.5551 0.35826 0.51681 0.01403 0.32485 0.07581 0.55496 0.54161 0.18563 0.68784 0.11676 0.57182 0.24141 0.02696 0.27763 0.41377 0.82079 0.99775 0.19252 0.51162 0.62646 0.81517 0.35616 0.24616 0.00336 0.303 0.26157 0.30876 0.14617 0.97249 0.73628 0.81211 0.44884 0.3099 0.51852 0.49653 0.5981 0.81877 0.66758 0.37007 0.28969 0.57175 0.05032 0.30296 0.9107 0.40181 0.80995 0.11648 0.03091 0.09042 0.50918 0.6441 0.94291 0.69307 0.72146 0.2715 0.65365 0.69047 0.09727 0.50994 0.54803 0.57956 0.80365 0.76106 0.25218 0.77288 0.32783 0.96351 0.77403 0.73488 0.76861 0.00356 0.2328 0.36728 0.49664 0.96411 0.2758 0.79218 0.30137 0.6432 0.44492 0.92907 0.88818 0.43445 0.11889 0.94884 0.25237 0.12244 0.13886 0.52097 0.86957 0.31811 0.89402 0.0517 0.31751 0.44125 0.92186 0.02642 0.39168 0.01246 0.9947 0.67311 0.46419 0.20335 0.07494 0.72428 0.29618 0.31076 0.11645 0.13674 0.69799 0.77911 0.16347 0.76818 0.2744 0.77334 0.77171 0.37624 0.51994 0.08319 0.83902 0.45862 0.49399 0.371 0.94283 0.40086 0.90264 0.69288 0.12214 0.15462 0.72717 0.5934 0.99656 0.78449 0.13488 0.8054 0.41894 0.69681 0.52227 0.26679 0.52116 0.79735 0.47496 0.43956 0.57155 0.94388 0.82319 0.01995 0.15265 0.25814 0.29509 0.43573 0.67313 0.44644 0.09684 0.42012 0.67907 0.0446 0.22472 0.8741 0.22133 0.73039 0.90261 0.91782 0.22913 0.30864 0.83252 0.87814 0.88861 0.37755 0.96832 0.49671 0.4567 0.51909 0.09916 0.01235 0.61215 0.40631
+0.06006 0.64714 0.84436 0.84809 0.74029 0.81643 0.85713 0.05098 0.66174 0.35001 0.61803 0.52119 0.49997 0.35727 0.0924 0.99843 0.71093 0.1363 0.23882 0.94705 0.48051 0.70666 0.21819 0.84303 0.36813 0.0135 0.28814 0.47623 0.36424 0.18746 0.69849 0.19471 0.74856 0.45706 0.59349 0.2665 0.16813 0.6022 0.52127 0.39013 0.30264 0.60042 0.65245 0.76908 0.7439 0.75316 0.86349 0.23681 0.76442 0.10949 0.48661 0.79794 0.69343 0.10917 0.45903 0.87161 0.55543 0.98648 0.27862 0.42282 0.56439 0.13289 0.54454 0.06474 0.15169 0.50145 0.17306 0.20468 0.80065 0.4409 0.80076 0.37786 0.51463 0.62209 0.11214 0.41669 0.17036 0.45864 0.26096 0.8541 0.03195 0.00284 0.37942 0.4113 0.04012 0.6804 0.30722 0.50157 0.24333 0.71616 0.7071 0.96449 0.19643 0.00939 0.76237 0.75626 0.33542 0.32848 0.396 0.77204 0.09656 0.64685 0.44874 0.47412 0.43551 0.17186 0.64129 0.68103 0.17839 0.40577 0.94757 0.53938 0.76331 0.61276 0.39683 0.76397 0.71788 0.59545 0.9417 0.45429 0.78322 0.13676 0.51683 0.65744 0.19184 0.43259 0.74144 0.45362 0.44132 0.67116 0.77892 0.09789 0.09514 0.86982 0.76598 0.58384 0.51889 0.42765 0.90873 0.36739 0.45155 0.05639 0.78614 0.86529 0.41806 0.68199 0.43332 0.58287 0.04003 0.90418 0.32519 0.17044 0.7437 0.24256 0.11553 0.25195 0.76752 0.11427 0.58845 0.55231 0.11486 0.78307 0.6263 0.46917 0.76085 0.947 0.98382 0.13124 0.24261 0.30905 0.5478 0.44301 0.66749 0.47667 0.74103 0.28428 0.76334 0.62288 0.64868 0.68563 0.06938 0.21805 0.40369 0.37771 0.82851 0.38859 0.84072 0.66005 0.35407 0.91494 0.42845 0.12242 0.63795 0.08952 0.40522 0.00254 0.59713 0.32969 0.04746 0.29961 0.50798 0.89109 0.80151 0.79771 0.34137 0.73256 0.83274 0.74859 0.06716 0.60478 0.22073 0.70882 0.73178 0.3005 0.86178 0.56391 0.90771 0.21756 0.3665 0.92512 0.70254 0.84953 0.53847 0.69114 0.3288 0.91714 0.55282 0.55645 0.29483 0.98875 0.19567 0.94572 0.33824 0.50416 0.631 0.68424 0.9154 0.45658 0.44229 0.71605 0.67546 0.37707 0.20497 0.97652 0.33811 0.12598 0.95592 0.93962 0.59532 0.65536 0.26444 0.63541 0.32617 0.0957 0.1003 0.0417 0.15851 0.41289 0.97438 0.18605 0.77892 0.99604 0.5662 0.86942 0.9204 0.39845 0.45916 0.02768 0.53916 0.02719 0.39838 0.06756 0.69334 0.78391 0.71127 0.0738 0.98629 0.61001 0.13817 0.36643 0.05806 0.42795 0.69784 0.73356 0.05383 0.73249 0.37361 0.81815 0.26895 0.66239 0.49072 0.53512 0.343 0.13359 0.49264 0.03751 0.05517 0.88284 0.86639 0.05829 0.57264 0.44642 0.14442 0.31201 0.22534 0.04001 0.64134 0.55903 0.45039 0.50731 0.83469 0.23579 0.33204 0.33324 0.58764 0.7239 0.78773 0.97651 0.0867 0.10295 0.97195 0.45421 0.56833 0.62355 0.02267 0.32801 0.72672 0.5166 0.08805 0.22139 0.78861 0.06734 0.52554 0.18924 0.6014 0.15145 0.19045 0.83492 0.28173 0.51537 0.4999 0.44807 0.57837 0.44247 0.99659 0.15655 0.14344 0.84365 0.05781 0.64069 0.29796 0.08268 0.67157 0.14661 0.90556 0.87226 0.91211 0.53469 0.66153 0.74169 0.69642 0.90755 0.8926 0.19418 0.05209 0.06934 0.56263 0.59514 0.592 0.8035 0.50519 0.93919 0.99306 0.08823 0.87257 0.20311 0.37446 0.83279 0.63253 0.88824 0.21874 0.37732 0.41648 0.45833 0.44644 0.07278 0.85012 0.58921 0.33423 0.47941 0.83056 0.43408 0.15157 0.39348 0.2837 0.98327 0.00867 0.53133 0.59338 0.02299 0.76402 0.16635 0.82651 0.73251 0.32002 0.12797 0.24669 0.86749 0.25944 0.3758 0.65897 0.54229 0.89495 0.0296 0.47186 0.2122 0.92307 0.67349 0.7736 0.80753 0.90278 0.21922 0.82544 0.06509 0.23385 0.2709 0.54447 0.32484 0.37392 0.21669 0.42455 0.24435 0.42416 0.46649 0.25709 0.45125 0.35278 0.49491 0.4446 0.34428 0.18844 0.52718 0.27996 0.64698 0.61817 0.08893 0.59055 0.99876 0.71212 0.94779 0.0139 0.94205 0.4012 0.807 0.34544 0.14211 0.97649 0.43489 0.78224 0.3078 0.11859 0.77351 0.86604 0.77186 0.59798 0.11939 0.82228 0.58934 0.61883 0.23018 0.23712 0.8652 0.25751 0.474 0.33883 0.39893 0.29665 0.95218 0.44059 0.88922 0.70641 0.3604 0.54694 0.28671 0.42906 0.49691 0.4161 0.69844 0.60924 0.85087 0.51601 0.84509 0.31692 0.53265 0.89392 0.23989 0.54517 0.10426 0.72232 0.92577 0.27716 0.72994 0.6957 0.35098 0.61349 0.48358 0.23156 0.53453 0.11678 0.22307 0.43886 0.53274
+0.62549 0.59671 0.78171 0.27719 0.83743 0.45842 0.06909 0.51608 0.64272 0.9944 0.47393 0.31887 0.35461 0.77013 0.56498 0.36748 0.37981 0.36841 0.49515 0.91029 0.78855 0.34324 0.20318 0.54586 0.38942 0.40743 0.94102 0.94693 0.39792 0.60354 0.2009 0.90673 0.22292 0.82134 0.24809 0.76409 0.65738 0.40834 0.40751 0.9081 0.22765 0.0519 0.48046 0.66316 0.4229 0.94506 0.44187 0.73474 0.19368 0.69396 0.08291 0.13526 0.86987 0.81046 0.89933 0.82164 0.78977 0.27896 0.89975 0.78452 0.06279 0.35306 0.61277 0.84598 0.30397 0.88303 0.6252 0.11997 0.6549 0.28035 0.21799 0.22872 0.62593 0.47052 0.43499 0.39745 0.49973 0.61896 0.19107 0.58901 0.70176 0.59317 0.32245 0.18949 0.0833 0.91642 0.39208 0.80059 0.07533 0.89219 0.64399 0.18235 0.71711 0.96513 0.77531 0.5177 0.18009 0.80439 0.48022 0.97115 0.26597 0.83903 0.74998 0.06549 0.97223 0.57828 0.81549 0.1669 0.97094 0.2122 0.49954 0.329 0.77062 0.72347 0.11715 0.9242 0.38188 0.87065 0.10664 0.23995 0.61812 0.01942 0.91741 0.88021 0.66518 0.35231 0.16029 0.24198 0.50879 0.60966 0.27657 0.17667 0.77998 0.22863 0.11994 0.67698 0.88986 0.52447 0.25037 0.69692 0.64898 0.11697 0.11238 0.22323 0.87764 0.4356 0.00385 0.87927 0.36117 0.92099 0.09733 0.31773 0.35975 0.29196 0.85857 0.67125 0.34866 0.91357 0.83291 0.3054 0.94198 0.07073 0.8895 0.96707 0.24892 0.21867 0.93406 0.49192 0.36932 0.94965 0.60651 0.62057 0.84266 0.79555 0.38328 0.14973 0.1447 0.28142 0.88097 0.98862 0.18713 0.00408 0.29144 0.45114 0.24464 0.08847 0.29555 0.90615 0.06062 0.10858 0.12617 0.32335 0.16251 0.30927 0.88267 0.90457 0.15298 0.39234 0.03774 0.88028 0.38893 0.58647 0.67586 0.00419 0.0935 0.11964 0.35435 0.3504 0.68044 0.04725 0.58285 0.19499 0.86098 0.94828 0.34011 0.71848 0.73789 0.934 0.26894 0.97117 0.92367 0.50978 0.32439 0.86876 0.5767 0.88823 0.137 0.55378 0.20065 0.43279 0.43646 0.723 0.10478 0.20418 0.31515 0.73594 0.92064 0.44919 0.85709 0.21407 0.9884 0.28645 0.6968 0.47283 0.53485 0.4748 0.19268 0.46052 0.36648 0.26396 0.8351 0.17763 0.07901 0.55761 0.63585 0.99985 0.73036 0.39682 0.60817 0.33662 0.08587 0.68311 0.73914 0.63548 0.8749 0.15431 0.80299 0.84448 0.95595 0.27606 0.24714 0.40795 0.78604 0.87242 0.89158 0.24377 0.05831 0.10875 0.37323 0.51379 0.6373 0.14593 0.7808 0.06901 0.40076 0.38094 0.81252 0.54448 0.52126 0.3698 0.83002 0.3849 0.45541 0.43625 0.59632 0.75497 0.47025 0.98671 0.05738 0.82848 0.55871 0.26024 0.55287 0.96102 0.89575 0.8392 0.94842 0.74991 0.02386 0.32488 0.52795 0.01609 0.45745 0.28195 0.90256 0.72053 0.07713 0.24905 0.22199 0.41165 0.94675 0.585 0.6361 0.79645 0.8039 0.24026 0.20413 0.96356 0.8832 0.93969 0.71821 0.30692 0.22389 0.92088 0.7214 0.92692 0.37666 0.5722 0.25961 0.09604 0.9971 0.63815 0.25226 0.6107 0.3934 0.84608 0.53836 0.03629 0.15208 0.44174 0.13833 0.26086 0.03971 0.50489 0.65184 0.02501 0.86238 0.65331 0.71373 0.26278 0.67082 0.78491 0.53251 0.08988 0.5797 0.80044 0.22643 0.63553 0.84488 0.71691 0.18959 0.93772 0.23766 0.37418 0.61626 0.36056 0.78739 0.18004 0.14932 0.2441 0.01663 0.20852 0.49983 0.74804 0.01531 0.29963 0.42734 0.41078 0.89634 0.20714 0.64203 0.93189 0.3351 0.71809 0.56602 0.63813 0.53645 0.03779 0.82433 0.1414 0.27658 0.86647 0.00372 0.33073 0.73907 0.76152 0.32193 0.03569 0.7297 0.91535 0.5318 0.31687 0.23927 0.78394 0.1578 0.62502 0.50616 0.05826 0.81904 0.90316 0.95887 0.59228 0.03745 0.97449 0.63666 0.56279 0.52451 0.17872 0.76159 0.78072 0.10422 0.80531 0.67431 0.19008 0.06262 0.82882 0.46104 0.58163 0.67261 0.04298 0.98154 0.98394 0.43766 0.05589 0.93513 0.95241 0.46518 0.1493 0.76034 0.74156 0.35619 0.37974 0.25228 0.01589 0.1067 0.64428 0.84096 0.57608 0.5336 0.5114 0.49625 0.07237 0.30491 0.9091 0.81564 0.14945 0.76123 0.32231 0.59754 0.67489 0.6142 0.07868 0.30605 0.11023 0.63307 0.45557 0.75665 0.97259 0.33548 0.37735 0.30497 0.78444 0.519 0.72917 0.72672 0.14372 0.5456 0.13262 0.01806 0.48656 0.12323 0.53624 0.06445 0.46225 0.17083 0.91341 0.40543 0.22334 0.8014 0.14311 0.22576 0.46992 0.69095 0.12499 0.5869 0.71977 0.9919 0.68005 0.19718 0.14901 0.10238 0.09914
+0.91331 0.7962 0.53711 0.94627 0.14844 0.93549 0.37156 0.46232 0.64167 0.02754 0.37302 0.21746 0.39367 0.10315 0.79927 0.83415 0.7619 0.82517 0.41697 0.63422 0.09343 0.1839 0.96655 0.63876 0.17868 0.43349 0.78875 0.6297 0.1984 0.99626 0.0678 0.23817 0.05351 0.29668 0.11304 0.60062 0.50278 0.06496 0.48391 0.70611 0.26653 0.86358 0.37177 0.55622 0.22894 0.54951 0.37723 0.97763 0.4648 0.85516 0.76192 0.10716 0.24336 0.65268 0.90788 0.01293 0.23172 0.94718 0.6876 0.02924 0.40594 0.53887 0.4986 0.13135 0.06619 0.29077 0.55599 0.04559 0.3221 0.29248 0.04078 0.38466 0.16552 0.6135 0.06824 0.89522 0.0818 0.42095 0.03966 0.06639 0.74142 0.9674 0.52286 0.78164 0.81639 0.8541 0.95995 0.57038 0.73697 0.2034 0.01394 0.3287 0.16987 0.09189 0.17063 0.22699 0.01278 0.90602 0.96826 0.11024 0.48989 0.57834 0.7203 0.27872 0.28582 0.90239 0.41442 0.58698 0.14749 0.7355 0.41516 0.3527 0.06017 0.98876 0.88014 0.89181 0.26402 0.14829 0.471 0.9078 0.56554 0.64734 0.07839 0.32651 0.93862 0.10165 0.47612 0.78358 0.15338 0.52949 0.42002 0.00632 0.48394 0.15609 0.89433 0.35776 0.3627 0.18331 0.18829 0.69838 0.06423 0.14589 0.1329 0.30126 0.71327 0.29381 0.79885 0.2025 0.99096 0.77241 0.61044 0.29555 0.91353 0.10551 0.07628 0.24263 0.18742 0.00575 0.92322 0.30104 0.59806 0.89594 0.86465 0.65251 0.83263 0.20614 0.22044 0.67642 0.31771 0.82159 0.03317 0.79337 0.9133 0.65238 0.45479 0.2315 0.04461 0.15239 0.81102 0.9991 0.36901 0.67546 0.06875 0.65601 0.46298 0.03519 0.49031 0.72328 0.40756 0.20362 0.75392 0.63194 0.03837 0.44536 0.88831 0.41598 0.22126 0.31694 0.52082 0.82359 0.68609 0.88968 0.78851 0.34564 0.95041 0.36433 0.14824 0.8523 0.79109 0.81223 0.99619 0.18763 0.14306 0.23863 0.81199 0.44397 0.96802 0.94829 0.16382 0.14719 0.36561 0.81989 0.24359 0.60852 0.75083 0.70722 0.37004 0.70136 0.87285 0.95085 0.00644 0.46254 0.07241 0.17341 0.15255 0.65274 0.11071 0.17782 0.3072 0.74017 0.38317 0.41198 0.73883 0.13638 0.51242 0.30203 0.15149 0.14488 0.20092 0.41642 0.06068 0.98893 0.416 0.73263 0.76519 0.96284 0.93099 0.55765 0.7429 0.42572 0.36141 0.28594 0.45338 0.62412 0.37814 0.71425 0.81218 0.21812 0.60459 0.88697 0.17006 0.65601 0.71036 0.72061 0.90339 0.58516 0.91294 0.09972 0.98758 0.27927 0.83009 0.79798 0.06544 0.56312 0.39257 0.46581 0.99406 0.54608 0.06558 0.22932 0.30876 0.70955 0.05993 0.99066 0.90338 0.06549 0.27208 0.86516 0.46447 0.43449 0.85306 0.759 0.3524 0.43112 0.70455 0.74397 0.52311 0.93387 0.88707 0.82075 0.10127 0.53415 0.98833 0.77252 0.80643 0.43269 0.81113 0.97288 0.13587 0.55052 0.17282 0.07991 0.45944 0.85931 0.64747 0.60944 0.58976 0.65346 0.56671 0.97031 0.82476 0.77797 0.6087 0.41201 0.22699 0.50903 0.57634 0.7991 0.44182 0.09282 0.5781 0.35142 0.72383 0.47663 0.09546 0.94972 0.23713 0.30101 0.71292 0.95248 0.49365 0.6861 0.62694 0.89419 0.69705 0.42674 0.03766 0.78943 0.8528 0.03928 0.25711 0.39841 0.83868 0.43058 0.58083 0.27593 0.86145 0.13973 0.4872 0.83749 0.38742 0.67532 0.54997 0.56468 0.90896 0.09166 0.30984 0.92342 0.61677 0.20357 0.87423 0.46331 0.35063 0.14904 0.7297 0.0622 0.51691 0.77758 0.45683 0.80071 0.47981 0.96721 0.92579 0.73447 0.20798 0.86761 0.6325 0.88108 0.24314 0.19904 0.272 0.02708 0.55986 0.33155 0.42293 0.02705 0.71035 0.95697 0.83709 0.17544 0.45387 0.14376 0.78568 0.83719 0.59695 0.33236 0.38199 0.87883 0.04711 0.45124 0.40597 0.2155 0.64555 0.65818 0.70276 0.33901 0.08173 0.51354 0.03959 0.50131 0.74759 0.37318 0.03148 0.40014 0.74148 0.65406 0.42317 0.85094 0.08427 0.52951 0.79269 0.14935 0.32877 0.67037 0.49514 0.26773 0.79209 0.44174 0.52156 0.98771 0.54561 0.79387 0.12867 0.4198 0.30369 0.71947 0.94094 0.66305 0.0371 0.74663 0.30954 0.08083 0.21665 0.82973 0.68018 0.3809 0.44192 0.38167 0.7282 0.18254 0.24097 0.70844 0.00784 0.93594 0.93509 0.375 0.08797 0.41199 0.63496 0.56517 0.89227 0.72337 0.85536 0.50524 0.69709 0.14094 0.80859 0.57027 0.70198 0.85913 0.33807 0.11793 0.19981 0.60197 0.3109 0.76606 0.24471 0.29874 0.09804 0.02514 0.95242 0.39104 0.35795 0.44483 0.04667 0.18639 0.44397 0.99745 0.70925 0.99302 0.07695 0.19557
+0.42924 0.01572 0.18126 0.78119 0.36599 0.27321 0.95959 0.71429 0.39627 0.18304 0.97154 0.05976 0.82229 0.42628 0.96419 0.03811 0.95528 0.25781 0.76017 0.03556 0.21502 0.33363 0.43879 0.07291 0.82116 0.88562 0.27823 0.51317 0.83985 0.56853 0.22525 0.99072 0.76523 0.67077 0.26409 0.19608 0.13459 0.61177 0.48762 0.05341 0.84407 0.19356 0.66973 0.56592 0.37569 0.88667 0.28328 0.21343 0.23202 0.4204 0.13761 0.16488 0.69632 0.98888 0.91556 0.09574 0.60134 0.83527 0.96934 0.96811 0.86425 0.64027 0.78794 0.97937 0.73436 0.7531 0.33394 0.84353 0.53486 0.93844 0.63105 0.77374 0.67817 0.956 0.42087 0.65374 0.08319 0.42161 0.05197 0.65477 0.83598 0.51898 0.59432 0.0858 0.70254 0.7498 0.65856 0.13013 0.6914 0.69543 0.20975 0.05125 0.44874 0.73921 0.04193 0.12911 0.5462 0.94822 0.44758 0.17758 0.25454 0.94587 0.40138 0.97908 0.13456 0.00141 0.71962 0.54821 0.50949 0.96317 0.16732 0.81431 0.92519 0.88837 0.42708 0.79115 0.25874 0.36556 0.70744 0.10285 0.31084 0.80589 0.72687 0.04311 0.80581 0.3323 0.11219 0.18981 0.75325 0.60262 0.98377 0.05311 0.94102 0.60821 0.92394 0.03062 0.63513 0.9705 0.22774 0.01208 0.10309 0.7658 0.94141 0.14306 0.88906 0.39785 0.05039 0.71566 0.99391 0.44673 0.37329 0.10446 0.12444 0.25026 0.89125 0.38919 0.46475 0.9554 0.32598 0.151 0.04479 0.5432 0.14137 0.05041 0.5794 0.77742 0.73466 0.17798 0.0732 0.44232 0.32501 0.36342 0.16941 0.84376 0.12648 0.64849 0.64051 0.02521 0.95327 0.1454 0.0398 0.36316 0.67017 0.96901 0.60585 0.47021 0.83504 0.13403 0.93623 0.94332 0.72606 0.30248 0.32651 0.41931 0.03215 0.12246 0.8279 0.21326 0.96771 0.44533 0.68349 0.47796 0.9647 0.29195 0.42227 0.97335 0.92689 0.26974 0.13357 0.04858 0.66081 0.1601 0.26879 0.31444 0.92085 0.82941 0.09469 0.23773 0.61667 0.66968 0.23683 0.19803 0.28456 0.33768 0.38717 0.51625 0.14605 0.56154 0.02814 0.39848 0.6132 0.76728 0.96553 0.76034 0.44331 0.00639 0.10924 0.26205 0.83482 0.38965 0.9733 0.21542 0.55424 0.75333 0.19862 0.85474 0.60038 0.25022 0.7378 0.1653 0.03877 0.89539 0.22894 0.56994 0.05326 0.50566 0.21918 0.79788 0.74377 0.58726 0.07052 0.40732 0.55687 0.82184 0.92216 0.44198 0.79584 0.6817 0.42623 0.99181 0.308 0.10047 0.58019 0.3654 0.23392 0.60766 0.49717 0.18947 0.00619 0.55793 0.12639 0.88622 0.96034 0.65972 0.379 0.58122 0.32634 0.80651 0.56324 0.26668 0.01403 0.14571 0.84167 0.07419 0.51515 0.74461 0.63602 0.43707 0.95072 0.46771 0.86719 0.77022 0.28886 0.26875 0.83079 0.33081 0.10546 0.57028 0.07748 0.3998 0.29984 0.81465 0.65381 0.16387 0.78421 0.25755 0.17066 0.47982 0.23179 0.07378 0.93307 0.10892 0.86102 0.40409 0.57296 0.44478 0.51689 0.92256 0.98735 0.57849 0.61359 0.44966 0.23689 0.97624 0.72054 0.87554 0.77121 0.05938 0.08075 0.99017 0.08584 0.05794 0.12665 0.16225 0.10657 0.00355 0.53132 0.72107 0.67607 0.62767 0.31193 0.1978 0.78076 0.58832 0.50741 0.4786 0.78824 0.45487 0.93038 0.70158 0.1961 0.79014 0.34848 0.70869 0.39739 0.66463 0.18962 0.12858 0.45955 0.20681 0.09567 0.58688 0.76219 0.12427 0.66277 0.77717 0.62846 0.33518 0.18183 0.44445 0.87668 0.95937 0.64919 0.18399 0.49365 0.27793 0.2993 0.92641 0.9603 0.50119 0.77615 0.38845 0.23481 0.04384 0.31559 0.30696 0.93868 0.27946 0.65416 0.18773 0.64114 0.39224 0.78518 0.06724 0.51485 0.53069 0.08782 0.93995 0.26027 0.70452 0.73217 0.31465 0.35101 0.35674 0.70996 0.12951 0.87441 0.18101 0.70363 0.89964 0.60005 0.34896 0.03857 0.70462 0.20691 0.08473 0.26902 0.06149 0.83187 0.23242 0.37485 0.22132 0.64041 0.12293 0.49889 0.86859 0.85645 0.53967 0.99076 0.70084 0.3031 0.03041 0.91283 0.10526 0.65603 0.53518 0.22825 0.13257 0.66526 0.90283 0.99222 0.60174 0.93063 0.99824 0.53052 0.25674 0.01599 0.79053 0.67953 0.83482 0.65081 0.44594 0.96666 0.11447 0.91929 0.96061 0.36022 0.28439 0.95477 0.52681 0.32611 0.45541 0.37223 0.40549 0.15576 0.65115 0.02741 0.49435 0.8957 0.6184 0.90043 0.76137 0.7357 0.86461 0.15218 0.92577 0.46727 0.29421 0.05564 0.86191 0.46979 0.45753 0.54402 0.96309 0.43047 0.07016 0.40166 0.07193 0.75544 0.59773 0.63071 0.31404 0.43746 0.49395 0.95345 0.77756 0.66643 0.0618 0.50304 0.73289 0.53644 0.17421
+0.28788 0.23908 0.86864 0.14523 0.70808 0.73128 0.8122 0.78767 0.99502 0.73991 0.30973 0.96035 0.25325 0.29618 0.84683 0.29502 0.59631 0.09417 0.56332 0.80287 0.88945 0.40029 0.67428 0.91941 0.55438 0.9589 0.57036 0.17335 0.08363 0.95182 0.80217 0.10867 0.3162 0.89483 0.39251 0.57203 0.69671 0.87838 0.19019 0.52758 0.21738 0.10016 0.75205 0.6161 0.09076 0.68439 0.09412 0.40605 0.5807 0.9975 0.89421 0.37725 0.11627 0.04776 0.12681 0.88206 0.23944 0.10872 0.59057 0.38277 0.82427 0.9696 0.91208 0.32168 0.76847 0.40267 0.56918 0.0874 0.51966 0.42303 0.40157 0.93429 0.13921 0.5105 0.1627 0.29557 0.17473 0.46422 0.15288 0.66879 0.3996 0.85132 0.89033 0.96926 0.95374 0.35962 0.32886 0.40944 0.28643 0.21317 0.13321 0.38076 0.2511 0.77226 0.44685 0.7088 0.54213 0.16137 0.47402 0.05046 0.13266 0.08603 0.64022 0.43878 0.12575 0.35581 0.66238 0.63614 0.77671 0.86619 0.7883 0.0732 0.54285 0.74789 0.0832 0.04084 0.45035 0.67423 0.66139 0.39626 0.26186 0.09135 0.9735 0.74588 0.00265 0.3124 0.37099 0.94019 0.76925 0.15942 0.89859 0.75474 0.2799 0.02768 0.31231 0.51376 0.5082 0.9706 0.71605 0.11832 0.14777 0.48806 0.04797 0.66904 0.23455 0.1421 0.80511 0.02202 0.4707 0.81823 0.15155 0.28873 0.27512 0.65916 0.28166 0.71717 0.54706 0.01505 0.99324 0.86709 0.38005 0.28362 0.31657 0.53497 0.88834 0.3347 0.43572 0.05254 0.80879 0.76981 0.88838 0.31373 0.88497 0.21594 0.10679 0.87759 0.51781 0.88218 0.67445 0.12104 0.63472 0.34368 0.9535 0.04555 0.4513 0.92753 0.32185 0.64624 0.76987 0.08244 0.5566 0.13237 0.54895 0.85637 0.14788 0.60501 0.19471 0.70256 0.87077 0.99204 0.43461 0.29179 0.23421 0.34687 0.82049 0.2582 0.40175 0.28631 0.54494 0.32211 0.43642 0.94851 0.64484 0.79298 0.26671 0.58992 0.9326 0.59832 0.10428 0.34321 0.86595 0.1675 0.97202 0.79854 0.31763 0.25326 0.93386 0.59148 0.34449 0.50338 0.81308 0.96601 0.28842 0.08558 0.15227 0.61327 0.32369 0.0742 0.44099 0.02076 0.05105 0.06309 0.02322 0.62331 0.28996 0.8485 0.75856 0.12798 0.82001 0.36675 0.29092 0.66469 0.51009 0.04398 0.25353 0.82224 0.94576 0.09854 0.26792 0.39376 0.43115 0.0368 0.74778 0.51751 0.86432 0.3825 0.85114 0.73454 0.67562 0.92077 0.79346 0.01265 0.03093 0.02678 0.46411 0.00116 0.35868 0.04025 0.72102 0.41813 0.24757 0.21531 0.69207 0.17514 0.37092 0.01252 0.51032 0.15922 0.82769 0.09863 0.18968 0.1604 0.07808 0.8137 0.67814 0.83758 0.24153 0.25203 0.2173 0.78125 0.92351 0.65808 0.37785 0.75854 0.88152 0.69497 0.14867 0.71294 0.72335 0.53621 0.77112 0.79012 0.17641 0.53298 0.09291 0.27422 0.79576 0.47643 0.68784 0.14298 0.32077 0.02583 0.12611 0.18131 0.78908 0.9195 0.09917 0.85748 0.73169 0.21 0.16682 0.91483 0.51705 0.83026 0.106 0.28077 0.54185 0.40052 0.19573 0.42311 0.16812 0.00403 0.78944 0.39303 0.43044 0.58831 0.27727 0.37556 0.7102 0.62287 0.89091 0.21418 0.47479 0.5163 0.16373 0.65222 0.05332 0.14282 0.9453 0.62178 0.75592 0.07141 0.86351 0.70513 0.89818 0.16289 0.92257 0.21001 0.02706 0.55256 0.14985 0.16029 0.59075 0.35622 0.88938 0.9278 0.2101 0.69489 0.30319 0.40331 0.56121 0.24895 0.06591 0.51113 0.71071 0.32472 0.63869 0.60023 0.34059 0.9436 0.80905 0.29167 0.52246 0.17129 0.86247 0.95921 0.25271 0.28157 0.74963 0.87697 0.03694 0.67653 0.10268 0.09253 0.25861 0.9937 0.11091 0.447 0.00264 0.07048 0.46013 0.5497 0.08752 0.11746 0.20005 0.36092 0.17248 0.95234 0.2864 0.63033 0.7728 0.69313 0.26845 0.80167 0.59463 0.84624 0.63687 0.32726 0.46754 0.46723 0.35753 0.28634 0.91908 0.30591 0.932 0.33786 0.75989 0.45327 0.62963 0.00895 0.54841 0.50941 0.1852 0.72569 0.82476 0.04935 0.09341 0.03873 0.5329 0.72312 0.03171 0.1066 0.2631 0.25388 0.42385 0.96161 0.85368 0.79521 0.98101 0.3537 0.3096 0.10567 0.09009 0.14257 0.07547 0.712 0.39849 0.90672 0.55079 0.41531 0.04303 0.76599 0.30311 0.7142 0.79121 0.24428 0.80448 0.70695 0.96827 0.59701 0.67574 0.32771 0.94068 0.78923 0.21251 0.95581 0.37666 0.2253 0.60352 0.88638 0.73231 0.91535 0.5649 0.5016 0.85433 0.8741 0.69604 0.72918 0.3394 0.51055 0.56484 0.33967 0.16516 0.33428 0.72905 0.72787 0.00681 0.74938 0.18788 0.30179 0.75275 0.90179
+0.42069 0.94062 0.13846 0.09839 0.7844 0.06706 0.03793 0.10995 0.31963 0.15366 0.83842 0.04088 0.814 0.42049 0.91307 0.94807 0.99564 0.51968 0.10599 0.7338 0.88052 0.40141 0.299 0.60134 0.15417 0.69147 0.28176 0.22533 0.62629 0.20422 0.50057 0.32747 0.06652 0.5395 0.78768 0.82117 0.81113 0.47038 0.85873 0.86826 0.1153 0.95336 0.7209 0.33269 0.72934 0.20553 0.73021 0.90654 0.68943 0.65958 0.6339 0.4018 0.17883 0.79885 0.65089 0.57168 0.22243 0.14689 0.90328 0.89335 0.46063 0.78906 0.75647 0.58729 0.59936 0.00868 0.53147 0.34404 0.47925 0.9622 0.25205 0.02672 0.35324 0.58547 0.65052 0.12037 0.9888 0.91892 0.79876 0.21978 0.14561 0.2246 0.77215 0.93508 0.68886 0.65721 0.00535 0.64435 0.45919 0.10618 0.9096 0.08519 0.63217 0.08296 0.63851 0.30761 0.15758 0.61933 0.42895 0.80662 0.54979 0.71946 0.69686 0.32187 0.5274 0.04494 0.71659 0.55978 0.00466 0.89435 0.25179 0.84356 0.25137 0.92438 0.85128 0.57511 0.82256 0.95748 0.79197 0.68112 0.37098 0.85013 0.73313 0.79243 0.47654 0.61892 0.7017 0.002 0.36126 0.80625 0.8635 0.93867 0.22674 0.89919 0.93401 0.49193 0.97393 0.6232 0.29026 0.08069 0.92763 0.98578 0.72651 0.3106 0.96067 0.31938 0.93824 0.12565 0.01583 0.89585 0.88518 0.55522 0.75116 0.78317 0.96012 0.50144 0.29643 0.76895 0.56647 0.72156 0.1034 0.54998 0.41045 0.23793 0.47051 0.38116 0.63354 0.46204 0.70155 0.84427 0.87029 0.4084 0.26548 0.73374 0.93371 0.29514 0.62707 0.13276 0.65564 0.64539 0.66174 0.92288 0.25194 0.6261 0.18253 0.47739 0.37792 0.92628 0.20525 0.66543 0.68647 0.08586 0.00576 0.86336 0.05346 0.26462 0.46959 0.35119 0.06943 0.92911 0.89592 0.42447 0.87718 0.97622 0.93679 0.01072 0.58237 0.53715 0.56275 0.71758 0.83237 0.65638 0.63082 0.23546 0.12199 0.34001 0.20344 0.10835 0.54427 0.30518 0.72838 0.57613 0.24315 0.63278 0.0236 0.78225 0.5913 0.82214 0.22531 0.68303 0.19269 0.73559 0.22359 0.65407 0.15548 0.37691 0.97774 0.52302 0.26208 0.1723 0.27891 0.53372 0.92437 0.65028 0.00023 0.34541 0.95769 0.28497 0.58768 0.99786 0.53316 0.23709 0.33919 0.97364 0.54736 0.99151 0.02473 0.46264 0.89729 0.99072 0.65596 0.85194 0.47335 0.4839 0.71019 0.69207 0.49783 0.46928 0.66011 0.61765 0.08997 0.56914 0.07167 0.67358 0.01727 0.56096 0.78801 0.38669 0.63912 0.23054 0.17797 0.17043 0.22432 0.69911 0.0215 0.72318 0.85004 0.98026 0.36381 0.12083 0.0135 0.72064 0.37536 0.46735 0.91681 0.80812 0.75167 0.67611 0.46704 0.18507 0.12056 0.18497 0.00721 0.44756 0.84795 0.67003 0.52767 0.55228 0.39828 0.06096 0.46547 0.43192 0.24977 0.58561 0.25178 0.6738 0.93981 0.43332 0.91596 0.95046 0.14779 0.42951 0.07841 0.00285 0.80714 0.22022 0.39459 0.02671 0.84672 0.26759 0.70129 0.0127 0.8863 0.15384 0.8979 0.31737 0.94136 0.10341 0.53867 0.88179 0.27237 0.6198 0.48973 0.74085 0.34213 0.36137 0.97555 0.44994 0.57762 0.6747 0.18683 0.98237 0.60738 0.68643 0.81839 0.24453 0.1946 0.16899 0.14345 0.88124 0.53966 0.50119 0.58417 0.54519 0.17694 0.35943 0.71681 0.12689 0.15437 0.29586 0.01193 0.99368 0.51368 0.84465 0.34407 0.11904 0.34106 0.35114 0.50929 0.9766 0.4126 0.57384 0.22225 0.9143 0.24521 0.59717 0.96959 0.37136 0.0701 0.49431 0.85301 0.98315 0.20381 0.34399 0.33055 0.9658 0.21221 0.44812 0.8957 0.81072 0.18011 0.41257 0.37146 0.8966 0.76507 0.85736 0.07547 0.90859 0.01789 0.57585 0.44254 0.07839 0.01206 0.26856 0.93369 0.84217 0.16125 0.58428 0.05596 0.03844 0.38457 0.86491 0.68513 0.12635 0.15374 0.41483 0.61065 0.23538 0.27462 0.81325 0.77511 0.48185 0.11399 0.89519 0.11844 0.5097 0.9095 0.1269 0.08241 0.76626 0.91142 0.16029 0.0963 0.06058 0.09645 0.19409 0.51701 0.6567 0.58352 0.15891 0.41388 0.59878 0.64347 0.29993 0.57815 0.24649 0.64817 0.0013 0.58031 0.16075 0.55684 0.23393 0.80059 0.70423 0.34892 0.05404 0.62313 0.05986 0.36988 0.05351 0.32693 0.17763 0.65835 0.45569 0.8067 0.33031 0.81477 0.27191 0.1711 0.18508 0.1051 0.82502 0.6164 0.19722 0.42234 0.89917 0.47347 0.18782 0.29125 0.10604 0.18737 0.96593 0.82156 0.4739 0.60946 0.38657 0.76721 0.63903 0.32796 0.2834 0.75116 0.30513 0.97505 0.19211 0.52249 0.76302 0.00639 0.09522 0.92587 0.26473 0.58654 0.94398
+0.21163 0.52939 0.44153 0.97807 0.61568 0.6513 0.78573 0.10173 0.87799 0.71173 0.29017 0.87718 0.89898 0.54559 0.89436 0.50521 0.64538 0.31275 0.54879 0.53217 0.01384 0.91265 0.1228 0.31387 0.1876 0.46235 0.60141 0.34736 0.16673 0.2065 0.29187 0.53454 0.484 0.95307 0.62674 0.06029 0.43023 0.42022 0.01654 0.21386 0.68227 0.33328 0.74451 0.42643 0.47011 0.51183 0.5191 0.86521 0.23986 0.55676 0.13322 0.65374 0.13645 0.41439 0.76959 0.82409 0.63897 0.25088 0.01063 0.27086 0.38955 0.24511 0.94335 0.51932 0.32999 0.50964 0.92924 0.87696 0.66865 0.35918 0.0501 0.59815 0.02062 0.5159 0.79384 0.77285 0.60755 0.42697 0.64035 0.11457 0.24662 0.46978 0.6879 0.2272 0.71416 0.6711 0.89601 0.6309 0.07807 0.68088 0.8645 0.11657 0.13024 0.96587 0.46668 0.6854 0.00426 0.1812 0.43515 0.68323 0.61833 0.94717 0.95326 0.24296 0.71399 0.68441 0.1975 0.87221 0.82365 0.77728 0.79734 0.23288 0.98225 0.96228 0.77092 0.20286 0.45119 0.70238 0.55894 0.26602 0.73833 0.32315 0.61119 0.74527 0.89348 0.02928 0.09793 0.49162 0.29283 0.89792 0.26912 0.22166 0.07335 0.92656 0.86081 0.3967 0.41113 0.35549 0.05063 0.92953 0.68711 0.6868 0.58052 0.66301 0.50321 0.41968 0.63431 0.8615 0.19818 0.84092 0.76796 0.05272 0.65762 0.48384 0.23088 0.24779 0.94157 0.86509 0.72352 0.93276 0.07855 0.71014 0.27765 0.89203 0.93478 0.8107 0.7989 0.90804 0.6543 0.79399 0.54692 0.19224 0.65424 0.80219 0.67678 0.40878 0.1613 0.2628 0.82583 0.95158 0.53763 0.14583 0.0796 0.50889 0.93347 0.06456 0.51675 0.18803 0.91275 0.33776 0.94968 0.82201 0.12432 0.28675 0.64752 0.24944 0.58352 0.78278 0.02059 0.39048 0.04031 0.37319 0.50766 0.31414 0.80779 0.03812 0.76479 0.88544 0.22634 0.93765 0.9333 0.44456 0.00744 0.55217 0.18563 0.42558 0.24639 0.60354 0.55554 0.50697 0.54974 0.42284 0.51455 0.00615 0.67161 0.31938 0.46952 0.72932 0.79943 0.65536 0.75797 0.53699 0.75964 0.9218 0.52585 0.54064 0.20386 0.38926 0.5541 0.12523 0.36291 0.53246 0.48907 0.3253 0.32331 0.82512 0.16751 0.92147 0.77094 0.81819 0.32756 0.68178 0.08399 0.49568 0.08928 0.71954 0.25912 0.00341 0.23448 0.63856 0.08617 0.7139 0.0987 0.58542 0.44259 0.50933 0.91514 0.17682 0.65973 0.20287 0.93599 0.05594 0.88594 0.52777 0.50134 0.45665 0.60627 0.53302 0.59349 0.12163 0.39416 0.66348 0.82432 0.78383 0.348 0.49008 0.54745 0.51664 0.85178 0.52595 0.24851 0.8434 0.42033 0.69774 0.15884 0.93643 0.6735 0.91375 0.27412 0.90794 0.21069 0.59586 0.08919 0.45838 0.97806 0.76669 0.80456 0.30398 0.36733 0.52029 0.86321 0.7067 0.65206 0.96123 0.25276 0.35294 0.11393 0.84818 0.38778 0.85276 0.30671 0.45195 0.43516 0.5636 0.85244 0.68674 0.75806 0.98482 0.63568 0.39073 0.72438 0.16618 0.02754 0.23291 0.49212 0.06478 0.70937 0.86616 0.3475 0.546 0.49157 0.7499 0.22808 0.4805 0.44717 0.71331 0.49196 0.86558 0.00563 0.57228 0.14665 0.03919 0.13753 0.85033 0.68325 0.80907 0.0189 0.24486 0.66972 0.17761 0.01205 0.2986 0.42391 0.23377 0.67175 0.88136 0.11045 0.11151 0.58184 0.77257 0.05765 0.58797 0.436 0.34931 0.5183 0.41157 0.13216 0.9449 0.9393 0.7217 0.9504 0.14802 0.30479 0.31035 0.35661 0.28607 0.47191 0.44619 0.36974 0.87245 0.5895 0.99406 0.12755 0.01614 0.80236 0.23416 0.15812 0.45982 0.82295 0.10892 0.0452 0.09357 0.44779 0.52981 0.11884 0.99956 0.25029 0.85843 0.47498 0.61251 0.68138 0.09521 0.8876 0.2294 0.23737 0.9929 0.82869 0.27583 0.55252 0.46883 0.57957 0.12631 0.02763 0.18279 0.47133 0.97155 0.77651 0.68882 0.29538 0.39756 0.2346 0.36031 0.40965 0.58306 0.83369 0.33889 0.71616 0.27802 0.84657 0.43584 0.24258 0.80452 0.74943 0.29839 0.51293 0.79256 0.67674 0.53912 0.57783 0.5248 0.32579 0.55043 0.90395 0.28009 0.79107 0.21281 0.71799 0.41509 0.47416 0.03672 0.21433 0.16882 0.07718 0.75282 0.41765 0.55934 0.86057 0.27745 0.09716 0.69556 0.83765 0.20964 0.56626 0.54796 0.30227 0.71262 0.87582 0.03252 0.30016 0.85949 0.70546 0.66137 0.11821 0.80518 0.94137 0.72427 0.91314 0.00412 0.18246 0.94427 0.63647 0.64139 0.75311 0.31255 0.39556 0.21695 0.36764 0.29543 0.97694 0.12388 0.90905 0.55225 0.8212 0.72583 0.05842 0.88341 0.4785 0.25956 0.70014 0.25084 0.86631 0.43704
+0.15031 0.9681 0.40889 0.043 0.8883 0.40351 0.99669 0.17419 0.16751 0.16099 0.98526 0.78338 0.95975 0.82895 0.38329 0.55923 0.89047 0.92686 0.6253 0.88937 0.47603 0.24777 0.90526 0.40146 0.49785 0.18741 0.2466 0.54637 0.54012 0.48695 0.14188 0.30632 0.80844 0.66339 0.8281 0.68651 0.46344 0.03816 0.57299 0.99094 0.12186 0.96228 0.0684 0.76152 0.32602 0.53952 0.18096 0.89319 0.52983 0.90476 0.82644 0.74448 0.78034 0.75783 0.12563 0.45883 0.70761 0.1536 0.00951 0.70636 0.39996 0.12648 0.87182 0.94459 0.901 0.46252 0.83278 0.72325 0.44757 0.72571 0.51936 0.37304 0.15003 0.96313 0.08176 0.23439 0.9319 0.21596 0.82177 0.4262 0.31242 0.69459 0.43346 0.36893 0.52197 0.8622 0.31484 0.39711 0.47609 0.11625 0.7311 0.19412 0.51806 0.02423 0.52783 0.3579 0.87724 0.26102 0.59599 0.46123 0.31139 0.82881 0.17231 0.99821 0.04669 0.79389 0.88339 0.57712 0.92912 0.21285 0.31732 0.5268 0.16221 0.8935 0.94015 0.22543 0.73967 0.82971 0.71061 0.20767 0.82239 0.23496 0.7425 0.17676 0.30392 0.50542 0.74393 0.54038 0.85107 0.38508 0.88181 0.16154 0.53661 0.12664 0.70536 0.67915 0.10834 0.18994 0.48449 0.80122 0.43674 0.24301 0.23456 0.27922 0.54838 0.12569 0.42086 0.64775 0.09935 0.1699 0.93268 0.58064 0.12441 0.86157 0.96726 0.84061 0.47495 0.16092 0.02584 0.12323 0.38024 0.8281 0.19494 0.45152 0.24253 0.30544 0.30344 0.55485 0.86241 0.0732 0.34968 0.00466 0.23338 0.16791 0.83969 0.43572 0.28853 0.01507 0.93739 0.58108 0.818 0.72904 0.52899 0.62294 0.66379 0.73098 0.3882 0.27588 0.11181 0.039 0.50992 0.96733 0.27279 0.57059 0.37479 0.22296 0.56183 0.54228 0.0118 0.59826 0.61796 0.73799 0.56995 0.64627 0.79767 0.84921 0.45041 0.60732 0.63216 0.7113 0.0809 0.32735 0.15528 0.06622 0.83293 0.52281 0.37439 0.93398 0.51832 0.65994 0.60153 0.82147 0.91252 0.50249 0.61465 0.60265 0.92957 0.85234 0.85928 0.88956 0.80668 0.69559 0.94982 0.94329 0.95777 0.98234 0.44552 0.42968 0.87281 0.2355 0.08305 0.89989 0.37202 0.27719 0.39713 0.89586 0.40455 0.96375 0.31327 0.40464 0.78178 0.18179 0.31681 0.92452 0.06375 0.81979 0.48238 0.21789 0.16083 0.20641 0.73517 0.14194 0.03356 0.06972 0.80209 0.14429 0.10632 0.02343 0.5864 0.82449 0.95124 0.83925 0.66769 0.72974 0.21229 0.65782 0.93427 0.423 0.1744 0.78616 0.22099 0.75984 0.23524 0.66081 0.52728 0.77978 0.25554 0.55976 0.87145 0.27431 0.12808 0.93999 0.32021 0.09824 0.69279 0.20118 0.63165 0.66368 0.56823 0.00189 0.79475 0.55002 0.90368 0.24061 0.74021 0.11992 0.17676 0.92128 0.74171 0.37245 0.59494 0.1071 0.50398 0.89247 0.63537 0.70061 0.26458 0.90469 0.18814 0.48709 0.87146 0.24171 0.99177 0.35504 0.81338 0.74564 0.94002 0.65262 0.68583 0.5245 0.51415 0.21646 0.98106 0.86763 0.11059 0.19858 0.4676 0.68353 0.50593 0.61983 0.31843 0.58401 0.22783 0.41002 0.49286 0.65953 0.3095 0.6947 0.71697 0.07575 0.69736 0.95736 0.96105 0.51461 0.91287 0.86757 0.53009 0.8288 0.35123 0.71159 0.30413 0.87671 0.85366 0.51035 0.5723 0.90978 0.88652 0.72823 0.63883 0.20619 0.83856 0.79933 0.32895 0.25708 0.48307 0.92324 0.06558 0.14508 0.91036 0.24621 0.84499 0.1171 0.71929 0.73295 0.85002 0.46808 0.63982 0.9185 0.8144 0.25053 0.11834 0.67196 0.79515 0.84881 0.10372 0.39941 0.44647 0.75277 0.94323 0.71208 0.76091 0.00557 0.16803 0.10081 0.06562 0.06784 0.39529 0.00713 0.98326 0.83155 0.34026 0.32089 0.90504 0.17517 0.08276 0.76639 0.35821 0.65767 0.23872 0.1604 0.07889 0.86414 0.62034 0.74336 0.63014 0.86518 0.17096 0.81909 0.68275 0.51692 0.76933 0.90716 0.70764 0.25379 0.20461 0.90456 0.90812 0.77827 0.73551 0.46519 0.99936 0.86229 0.43047 0.29732 0.34725 0.29489 0.14024 0.90615 0.5777 0.68743 0.33604 0.86182 0.06095 0.20743 0.87167 0.29662 0.06452 0.58568 0.63369 0.40055 0.40127 0.84507 0.14324 0.76121 0.23472 0.03579 0.29556 0.02447 0.75688 0.45289 0.88967 0.73903 0.77222 0.0054 0.9621 0.63727 0.86414 0.02633 0.69122 0.91577 0.37637 0.10226 0.36788 0.10913 0.65949 0.31223 0.08561 0.41312 0.21649 0.83784 0.33457 0.17405 0.71653 0.84939 0.39193 0.21423 0.94507 0.21076 0.6689 0.81915 0.15488 0.99042 0.07186 0.64709 0.13329 0.34167 0.68296 0.0048 0.31981 0.60249 0.8196 0.69765
+0.99724 0.56911 0.41901 0.52756 0.30502 0.30157 0.60004 0.17917 0.09866 0.60589 0.77885 0.28599 0.89606 0.3119 0.81405 0.60787 0.18131 0.31071 0.10415 0.65917 0.93986 0.43073 0.86191 0.17136 0.37368 0.72581 0.28645 0.43149 0.21064 0.12778 0.1866 0.57583 0.37112 0.11563 0.0486 0.8866 0.26548 0.12867 0.47846 0.10245 0.65478 0.21879 0.80532 0.67915 0.41794 0.88647 0.27168 0.97906 0.03464 0.0377 0.88177 0.16401 0.6204 0.07285 0.37572 0.75719 0.59636 0.47515 0.52058 0.27258 0.55373 0.78601 0.31586 0.15086 0.28837 0.00592 0.55926 0.79129 0.29274 0.06796 0.19274 0.22819 0.62996 0.85962 0.71288 0.15186 0.04005 0.83007 0.99693 0.2098 0.88233 0.35796 0.8904 0.82307 0.07849 0.54217 0.03723 0.77105 0.59429 0.75257 0.63267 0.40041 0.70511 0.54489 0.95654 0.38288 0.31098 0.07579 0.55829 0.46131 0.45875 0.92119 0.3461 0.75631 0.03632 0.76858 0.71613 0.09959 0.53472 0.7296 0.28754 0.06674 0.68046 0.04423 0.13236 0.9563 0.94527 0.80857 0.69743 0.56677 0.6025 0.2909 0.55044 0.02681 0.86311 0.98534 0.28032 0.99503 0.73747 0.40117 0.93997 0.95585 0.44764 0.96983 0.79229 0.18541 0.97367 0.25219 0.07071 0.31376 0.59679 0.47407 0.08401 0.56332 0.20906 0.74528 0.16562 0.94913 0.0967 0.93906 0.05126 0.20414 0.41748 0.52819 0.17199 0.28303 0.91442 0.6464 0.5112 0.94433 0.05081 0.94401 0.86993 0.02347 0.13291 0.19077 0.0335 0.46025 0.61752 0.15233 0.16821 0.82842 0.58248 0.09014 0.55097 0.56094 0.54272 0.71389 0.3923 0.06423 0.43483 0.23019 0.86569 0.50486 0.3205 0.07495 0.46933 0.37155 0.98654 0.47152 0.99618 0.8311 0.56039 0.61278 0.80284 0.26214 0.83086 0.15321 0.91157 0.00525 0.42531 0.78177 0.46009 0.89903 0.4922 0.97103 0.26798 0.21329 0.62488 0.47282 0.74942 0.96866 0.19214 0.03056 0.17563 0.13732 0.02774 0.93427 0.70288 0.70421 0.81253 0.93337 0.61297 0.79225 0.54639 0.29715 0.53992 0.64714 0.43382 0.34796 0.20977 0.71013 0.2248 0.45783 0.82755 0.50971 0.07979 0.21337 0.40453 0.03805 0.56216 0.6546 0.28685 0.32262 0.6712 0.35147 0.25711 0.77923 0.58066 0.15501 0.76427 0.47257 0.60932 0.14439 0.23717 0.02154 0.29881 0.51123 0.64581 0.12117 0.06299 0.25175 0.12325 0.32366 0.61333 0.01014 0.83459 0.94594 0.54274 0.10941 0.91383 0.12529 0.54177 0.82806 0.03796 0.43675 0.63418 0.61885 0.0211 0.42124 0.09413 0.54588 0.44903 0.64904 0.83025 0.62302 0.14485 0.329 0.62041 0.86163 0.42346 0.31047 0.15634 0.29466 0.0245 0.08005 0.78118 0.28653 0.02862 0.27697 0.94519 0.26465 0.67024 0.53057 0.2059 0.75491 0.98582 0.85391 0.71577 0.6328 0.3674 0.38707 0.18052 0.23442 0.07851 0.57805 0.70773 0.2337 0.29821 0.4748 0.99533 0.01722 0.05171 0.85157 0.85816 0.39687 0.35891 0.70154 0.91809 0.91676 0.54238 0.42155 0.31661 0.12602 0.77801 0.11445 0.45983 0.37275 0.11345 0.4315 0.60024 0.12697 0.25444 0.43683 0.74919 0.28487 0.7938 0.11137 0.69909 0.5544 0.068 0.19351 0.95652 0.52789 0.0259 0.73667 0.6969 0.42992 0.07535 0.65372 0.45858 0.73328 0.46612 0.17189 0.01638 0.76148 0.37874 0.81953 0.40615 0.25391 0.75055 0.54907 0.5128 0.17352 0.41085 0.63327 0.9467 0.25882 0.43002 0.75114 0.35019 0.36758 0.2264 0.61188 0.13432 0.07633 0.65385 0.18195 0.89892 0.30826 0.44599 0.0276 0.18083 0.69462 0.70657 0.38773 0.46769 0.05169 0.35417 0.04935 0.6208 0.34337 0.11542 0.20458 0.72994 0.93711 0.54582 0.41363 0.19747 0.11116 0.37972 0.21049 0.22303 0.01535 0.18513 0.10156 0.07634 0.42472 0.98257 0.95838 0.97941 0.00031 0.2443 0.67148 0.65897 0.40315 0.0088 0.93185 0.60489 0.69482 0.77829 0.59634 0.82495 0.914 0.52664 0.309 0.52365 0.27489 0.61474 0.303 0.91855 0.09809 0.51502 0.86468 0.00808 0.10045 0.91037 0.8787 0.48936 0.06343 0.2023 0.39975 0.47313 0.44951 0.60499 0.96303 0.55775 0.27043 0.79306 0.68016 0.19038 0.29097 0.40247 0.30916 0.20549 0.62417 0.73525 0.58684 0.10571 0.27677 0.75005 0.90306 0.89972 0.78479 0.48258 0.45231 0.39157 0.90575 0.27294 0.53822 0.02901 0.34511 0.3259 0.98771 0.55007 0.29686 0.27496 0.70305 0.12747 0.34943 0.56641 0.70585 0.55048 0.33428 0.33789 0.91835 0.88528 0.30248 0.39769 0.16302 0.57115 0.62051 0.56938 0.47039 0.19562 0.2087 0.48198 0.86496 0.47394 0.92903 0.43466 0.68685
+0.7593 0.09 0.90777 0.77296 0.64326 0.31757 0.4901 0.3094 0.17875 0.29926 0.90875 0.74249 0.35846 0.36889 0.04972 0.82852 0.22799 0.92533 0.11324 0.92292 0.61844 0.07004 0.3472 0.002 0.37307 0.14356 0.99528 0.09433 0.00368 0.79058 0.3733 0.65883 0.08514 0.4529 0.77456 0.94796 0.62382 0.43325 0.91745 0.38031 0.79689 0.13539 0.96665 0.85662 0.51957 0.61915 0.80513 0.56362 0.46335 0.78346 0.93839 0.33335 0.54334 0.86401 0.34937 0.79369 0.45913 0.13558 0.6603 0.37284 0.92248 0.87325 0.64742 0.27592 0.66808 0.82002 0.1043 0.93469 0.77239 0.92046 0.16023 0.00952 0.93511 0.77036 0.55663 0.40999 0.58988 0.12717 0.51618 0.20724 0.65567 0.33183 0.87794 0.66783 0.04891 0.28462 0.65913 0.86345 0.91849 0.07206 0.4212 0.57443 0.1993 0.53274 0.75375 0.02641 0.72435 0.2256 0.91615 0.28336 0.0616 0.54678 0.13472 0.79676 0.35992 0.82356 0.71994 0.65034 0.69474 0.12108 0.78146 0.92031 0.50167 0.85594 0.93944 0.98754 0.04046 0.50421 0.92967 0.08987 0.79417 0.1306 0.36148 0.79112 0.49603 0.97365 0.54187 0.86868 0.20616 0.81346 0.40612 0.43784 0.25532 0.45732 0.99798 0.92278 0.01523 0.15377 0.66344 0.12256 0.96255 0.79952 0.07899 0.14171 0.53867 0.35268 0.66441 0.27433 0.10855 0.37038 0.47548 0.58917 0.33167 0.06035 0.20839 0.98032 0.90072 0.32222 0.49486 0.99633 0.62605 0.187 0.29776 0.86833 0.35754 0.75567 0.89532 0.05505 0.93448 0.36499 0.2799 0.48597 0.52869 0.01935 0.26494 0.10125 0.49351 0.71636 0.37466 0.25372 0.96412 0.28108 0.06365 0.01331 0.19124 0.23701 0.20779 0.36971 0.0116 0.6191 0.74385 0.3316 0.25036 0.73715 0.78142 0.23228 0.06037 0.58694 0.81145 0.85718 0.1252 0.66217 0.55256 0.16623 0.5618 0.09125 0.88185 0.78372 0.17874 0.37826 0.33824 0.48145 0.41343 0.01966 0.68897 0.13817 0.77361 0.11427 0.18282 0.45786 0.93654 0.76171 0.28871 0.01741 0.44795 0.60291 0.23926 0.4046 0.01821 0.88049 0.96967 0.00253 0.29333 0.21156 0.24156 0.35864 0.42245 0.08435 0.61488 0.48675 0.23284 0.20738 0.43392 0.00079 0.19052 0.80407 0.82229 0.58283 0.94439 0.70403 0.8894 0.14303 0.69332 0.4047 0.7955 0.13054 0.48571 0.33385 0.00833 0.27366 0.9048 0.47701 0.828 0.21977 0.5998 0.86641 0.44672 0.13787 0.55528 0.31424 0.01532 0.89364 0.96357 0.94098 0.49751 0.03098 0.37308 0.70047 0.0546 0.55026 0.75831 0.62113 0.45688 0.14514 0.94136 0.34156 0.66894 0.95251 0.53562 0.9429 0.15964 0.58558 0.21238 0.12815 0.28239 0.2429 0.9446 0.69873 0.99989 0.86749 0.73658 0.26898 0.63389 0.6475 0.59035 0.48725 0.54974 0.22027 0.58162 0.79255 0.80059 0.49009 0.46631 0.36438 0.20038 0.96551 0.08362 0.50111 0.6424 0.5171 0.01779 0.45315 0.30437 0.74608 0.86379 0.94493 0.61512 0.81169 0.4878 0.25448 0.76995 0.28766 0.5245 0.51153 0.61432 0.22711 0.55499 0.31585 0.56963 0.00025 0.75537 0.30742 0.72889 0.70446 0.75 0.38742 0.55807 0.40877 0.11286 0.84906 0.15516 0.33655 0.59907 0.92083 0.66065 0.78615 0.44507 0.47072 0.75043 0.42257 0.16986 0.76528 0.67153 0.57866 0.76194 0.29845 0.95976 0.12248 0.54612 0.64845 0.85728 0.64726 0.07657 0.99594 0.79609 0.71169 0.32628 0.15577 0.77757 0.77659 0.64405 0.09192 0.50335 0.48202 0.79116 0.51202 0.71153 0.2364 0.3504 0.64866 0.12801 0.21461 0.49971 0.82683 0.54213 0.68964 0.19466 0.7699 0.10794 0.24231 0.34081 0.04575 0.26057 0.26306 0.77308 0.78008 0.60505 0.46429 0.30289 0.47008 0.95921 0.21304 0.44237 0.30796 0.24283 0.21969 0.24164 0.91581 0.25153 0.37605 0.55916 0.21871 0.71617 0.16608 0.38032 0.01389 0.91683 0.63857 0.32095 0.74841 0.72215 0.07015 0.8157 0.57975 0.1812 0.04218 0.48868 0.9458 0.89018 0.03635 0.4136 0.86806 0.51319 0.92369 0.59949 0.27714 0.04347 0.30613 0.21892 0.83231 0.5365 0.46494 0.26022 0.53124 0.56245 0.4224 0.11962 0.72265 0.89759 0.14246 0.62563 0.03645 0.99455 0.5768 0.78863 0.80003 0.86623 0.55098 0.92661 0.48329 0.12198 0.61044 0.11741 0.74876 0.52303 0.56567 0.32509 0.70792 0.47716 0.91925 0.99186 0.68723 0.57785 0.81837 0.71017 0.83669 0.94726 0.05426 0.54676 0.4354 0.70749 0.87276 0.46882 0.91343 0.88087 0.16732 0.47386 0.90478 0.25372 0.29948 0.33267 0.01736 0.55603 0.59472 0.23282 0.28975 0.02236 0.50369 0.37407 0.54804 0.1703 0.16314
+0.14432 0.69989 0.29864 0.59372 0.60796 0.14817 0.70061 0.98632 0.76921 0.71117 0.62485 0.16146 0.70226 0.21568 0.3335 0.16592 0.53993 0.7708 0.39733 0.7935 0.17229 0.4574 0.95173 0.04886 0.25149 0.52207 0.37972 0.91724 0.36117 0.49883 0.77888 0.18242 0.32057 0.74622 0.66048 0.34766 0.9819 0.05485 0.56502 0.89037 0.02544 0.76286 0.66118 0.22366 0.47259 0.64223 0.54333 0.16902 0.5198 0.18955 0.34042 0.02032 0.47149 0.84927 0.94491 0.0651 0.32635 0.0366 0.03302 0.85893 0.40395 0.16372 0.29262 0.89214 0.12104 0.89657 0.99015 0.30172 0.6678 0.97906 0.7804 0.41697 0.39139 0.42476 0.10776 0.5756 0.58727 0.261 0.59654 0.89264 0.66179 0.55093 0.98005 0.64306 0.3445 0.53357 0.49703 0.71488 0.94936 0.3803 0.06354 0.95336 0.33311 0.56199 0.95842 0.4816 0.52846 0.09343 0.82178 0.31121 0.18473 0.15896 0.13778 0.27048 0.60992 0.23878 0.67875 0.55694 0.05281 0.24642 0.68467 0.60807 0.14382 0.07541 0.6804 0.13691 0.04033 0.27213 0.64099 0.89039 0.38507 0.90008 0.01192 0.59577 0.96916 0.73874 0.65992 0.96301 0.55834 0.61585 0.1327 0.06698 0.87391 0.05305 0.93243 0.79318 0.26195 0.00014 0.16798 0.79056 0.66733 0.68198 0.9726 0.4424 0.47336 0.38981 0.65817 0.64531 0.58543 0.68535 0.77117 0.80108 0.26488 0.78227 0.37026 0.33397 0.40198 0.43242 0.09203 0.47087 0.85266 0.80644 0.48765 0.52911 0.57843 0.66246 0.69731 0.2007 0.02705 0.97076 0.70445 0.73117 0.16501 0.15985 0.62474 0.47191 0.29714 0.43438 0.89491 0.63559 0.87055 0.97925 0.67834 0.91611 0.92754 0.0015 0.2987 0.37325 0.59713 0.43639 0.90522 0.99936 0.50856 0.18802 0.01897 0.42162 0.44772 0.66268 0.4499 0.69322 0.5687 0.14162 0.6198 0.4643 0.85728 0.18523 0.54321 0.11211 0.13961 0.34633 0.5148 0.82744 0.36104 0.98924 0.35909 0.49062 0.76735 0.53017 0.67928 0.43718 0.19969 0.78232 0.69 0.80522 0.69949 0.61742 0.95968 0.39535 0.16784 0.11581 0.05484 0.32073 0.21269 0.4404 0.66889 0.00963 0.51701 0.11366 0.6403 0.93224 0.39485 0.12981 0.76999 0.95118 0.76634 0.29034 0.44874 0.4153 0.06838 0.67651 0.32351 0.30483 0.68996 0.61974 0.13704 0.06664 0.11804 0.63745 0.60349 0.14255 0.03133 0.73391 0.31323 0.97602 0.09434 0.12265 0.20639 0.35663 0.75951 0.34648 0.40897 0.02683 0.12361 0.8505 0.24526 0.51217 0.60544 0.05715 0.16374 0.90563 0.10072 0.8089 0.1592 0.95269 0.84999 0.21406 0.86721 0.80675 0.14998 0.05423 0.88108 0.1607 0.13624 0.1329 0.42516 0.56591 0.49203 0.09983 0.80304 0.91067 0.36711 0.8309 0.33246 0.56882 0.20179 0.5222 0.85649 0.01709 0.81077 0.3458 0.14928 0.40683 0.3673 0.03932 0.52036 0.62511 0.86928 0.64397 0.52502 0.35405 0.11135 0.7315 0.2102 0.37829 0.75405 0.14199 0.08027 0.9723 0.00553 0.55151 0.52394 0.10284 0.856 0.75708 0.98034 0.25939 0.55551 0.04035 0.83652 0.16469 0.57943 0.40059 0.43864 0.96106 0.1366 0.86122 0.676 0.94847 0.75498 0.57345 0.01326 0.2336 0.15508 0.27186 0.69635 0.62389 0.91565 0.88945 0.35399 0.18179 0.96122 0.55085 0.92898 0.73445 0.34885 0.37732 0.38772 0.70897 0.34462 0.54426 0.65108 0.51322 0.51832 0.725 0.10821 0.2355 0.39077 0.44507 0.63996 0.97741 0.87222 0.7975 0.80347 0.67591 0.78522 0.32798 0.75563 0.83827 0.23355 0.39753 0.99925 0.96385 0.2298 0.12425 0.29161 0.78826 0.32262 0.36412 0.1733 0.96555 0.09796 0.03369 0.68841 0.38864 0.34388 0.44325 0.30707 0.40036 0.5076 0.92226 0.8338 0.01749 0.39126 0.71412 0.42227 0.43308 0.75907 0.65466 0.58443 0.08339 0.4784 0.9948 0.43442 0.82639 0.4904 0.44313 0.67749 0.03977 0.87478 0.33079 0.25619 0.16103 0.69973 0.89138 0.13131 0.79995 0.54772 0.84952 0.57363 0.62142 0.12038 0.11103 0.96308 0.88359 0.05052 0.53613 0.15766 0.62693 0.98146 0.2952 0.12419 0.55181 0.85125 0.72229 0.32625 0.20341 0.12155 0.10313 0.58996 0.59966 0.86182 0.18363 0.02331 0.4413 0.26644 0.14095 0.99974 0.35684 0.8623 0.9398 0.38509 0.44041 0.18193 0.68314 0.75067 0.43645 0.23733 0.58999 0.00611 0.44698 0.59814 0.5937 0.22121 0.26271 0.08118 0.79764 0.53737 0.83686 0.4799 0.05007 0.71738 0.92462 0.65117 0.47853 0.72885 0.86163 0.81447 0.16509 0.96297 0.11287 0.85206 0.32816 0.24397 0.75713 0.12978 0.81724 0.41883 0.74699 0.74454 0.80782 0.74237 0.2264
+0.46304 0.31686 0.09826 0.70275 0.04396 0.5575 0.91783 0.02152 0.46334 0.3753 0.43439 0.03013 0.35848 0.33084 0.54961 0.51599 0.01386 0.16311 0.22391 0.56088 0.2349 0.41647 0.11377 0.033 0.99861 0.96839 0.17222 0.81671 0.8551 0.58609 0.14281 0.22462 0.73049 0.14448 0.50479 0.54329 0.44302 0.84478 0.71332 0.56343 0.47189 0.88249 0.26968 0.46301 0.79943 0.90398 0.97002 0.10541 0.90782 0.70754 0.96891 0.84895 0.95132 0.74788 0.93859 0.42145 0.94323 0.22521 0.2418 0.78981 0.17527 0.76129 0.80258 0.35252 0.84898 0.50309 0.11968 0.16433 0.69795 0.79187 0.93307 0.08778 0.07737 0.6978 0.80039 0.51933 0.21735 0.23833 0.8225 0.536 0.59291 0.18307 0.75777 0.35891 0.34615 0.58151 0.05011 0.58201 0.38847 0.70993 0.28058 0.95693 0.02395 0.75121 0.56434 0.00168 0.01926 0.55743 0.78127 0.81973 0.59873 0.20347 0.38179 0.23826 0.99944 0.76261 0.79739 0.88397 0.63164 0.79537 0.66593 0.22404 0.20551 0.93206 0.51128 0.15589 0.34081 0.87855 0.76243 0.05102 0.90334 0.70808 0.37512 0.16496 0.60794 0.63085 0.00219 0.68393 0.87078 0.49909 0.84083 0.19289 0.51433 0.19644 0.8914 0.72392 0.6143 0.12979 0.48487 0.49877 0.35738 0.33177 0.14749 0.81401 0.98595 0.94695 0.62702 0.69851 0.08199 0.40782 0.80264 0.17911 0.47499 0.76196 0.62683 0.69999 0.55321 0.75062 0.90403 0.96668 0.00151 0.64908 0.22967 0.77934 0.00949 0.81804 0.60452 0.22626 0.59388 0.87553 0.36584 0.31483 0.65719 0.88887 0.73764 0.00666 0.1067 0.94262 0.06929 0.54192 0.78639 0.36525 0.05978 0.75234 0.05077 0.99145 0.51709 0.11666 0.27826 0.02296 0.31444 0.94737 0.26531 0.13436 0.11727 0.61217 0.35014 0.77741 0.14836 0.14011 0.26751 0.87339 0.39016 0.18108 0.09653 0.25528 0.62118 0.63406 0.11987 0.73088 0.38681 0.66084 0.85638 0.49281 0.02473 0.56283 0.68619 0.42926 0.25628 0.05426 0.30314 0.30962 0.37087 0.76747 0.27629 0.67713 0.41915 0.88968 0.50537 0.47216 0.07643 0.72246 0.69383 0.43108 0.78404 0.62488 0.49683 0.23846 0.94629 0.60558 0.56073 0.90366 0.6552 0.27349 0.35356 0.56671 0.03046 0.31715 0.44003 0.16032 0.7692 0.22258 0.17306 0.7872 0.35735 0.13875 0.66087 0.50278 0.52591 0.27468 0.66247 0.23499 0.62706 0.34609 0.07216 0.86693 0.68704 0.64865 0.28728 0.39701 0.06958 0.05439 0.834 0.29072 0.71308 0.63947 0.56922 0.79572 0.6484 0.94696 0.4357 0.1754 0.48072 0.55847 0.92319 0.98788 0.48 0.74548 0.23354 0.669 0.94028 0.17603 0.28373 0.10835 0.84912 0.25233 0.42964 0.91207 0.89975 0.63486 0.41068 0.24196 0.30006 0.85669 0.86805 0.99599 0.57802 0.45638 0.47964 0.39763 0.68202 0.80009 0.43748 0.68303 0.7874 0.3449 0.65112 0.90326 0.45794 0.50726 0.43913 0.47186 0.44443 0.66157 0.18524 0.44672 0.26485 0.54072 0.56336 0.40247 0.14054 0.69282 0.88949 0.31079 0.12045 0.80209 0.47352 0.51553 0.37926 0.65059 0.04086 0.55314 0.36704 0.77006 0.04025 0.71815 0.76596 0.24166 0.40484 0.53283 0.92794 0.24111 0.0341 0.85836 0.42602 0.34081 0.19189 0.55532 0.99078 0.10497 0.17011 0.75047 0.05753 0.60867 0.92307 0.53164 0.01592 0.02941 0.52586 0.63053 0.6404 0.18723 0.38906 0.02454 0.4121 0.06913 0.72527 0.81617 0.69055 0.07738 0.11211 0.22344 0.80472 0.75685 0.55078 0.57169 0.00828 0.7474 0.49441 0.94203 0.00025 0.98033 3e-05 0.46197 0.51135 0.73887 0.42985 0.23154 0.44176 0.32111 0.93544 0.78538 0.19099 0.67208 0.71178 0.58311 0.11989 0.55577 0.98397 0.55133 0.13196 0.51809 0.71865 0.56475 0.65702 0.08114 0.60296 0.40276 0.00835 0.77212 0.6728 0.23611 0.95404 0.78621 0.3384 0.2622 0.53936 0.88862 0.76497 0.61845 0.78591 0.65949 0.21843 0.00805 0.27836 0.72476 0.15973 0.76423 0.90579 0.06133 0.16864 0.79362 0.75808 0.94523 0.70593 0.24499 0.86966 0.67424 0.88229 0.83959 0.29959 0.81223 0.12178 0.14018 0.84925 0.24898 0.43765 0.27413 0.42386 0.46898 0.30015 0.37614 0.2316 0.10319 0.64385 0.68719 0.66573 0.95919 0.25299 0.53057 0.78826 0.45863 0.99422 0.37549 0.73661 0.89656 0.70219 0.0469 0.90362 0.86182 0.25865 0.16959 0.48419 0.84308 0.12765 0.76128 0.98572 0.18706 0.35231 0.62452 0.70828 0.76494 0.43067 0.79458 0.0601 0.31578 0.04619 0.15829 0.46136 0.24856 0.72501 0.37822 0.44346 0.34957 0.97115 0.37741 0.61079 0.76993 0.59838 0.24076 0.01201 0.13832
+0.84918 0.24946 0.83342 0.75483 0.52398 0.66853 0.15519 0.67392 0.4051 0.56688 0.2243 0.31774 0.38902 0.46438 0.31011 0.77529 0.0597 0.19834 0.86213 0.54171 0.45995 0.06512 0.86877 0.44895 0.67385 0.98699 0.40158 0.34347 0.08364 0.23674 0.88137 0.24516 0.45265 0.67568 0.95389 0.49066 0.27583 0.01526 0.16546 0.03672 0.55279 0.0306 0.187 0.22371 0.24007 0.89507 0.99884 0.16538 0.0211 0.17032 0.35817 0.20862 0.23185 0.23803 0.4919 0.53301 0.29828 0.39943 0.85532 0.37319 0.31096 0.7742 0.1671 0.8927 0.90908 0.64806 0.62395 0.21741 0.80139 0.31415 0.10183 0.85438 0.80115 0.05001 0.06573 0.84092 0.57302 0.78932 0.85222 0.57212 0.46484 0.63966 0.75498 0.01541 0.3263 0.94173 0.22083 0.03884 0.97981 0.74127 0.11508 0.86404 0.91729 0.55618 0.07589 0.26969 0.66035 0.71438 0.68063 0.95854 0.3458 0.6663 0.86992 0.51307 0.49021 0.60475 0.71365 0.69413 0.92181 0.67732 0.91301 0.75635 0.53285 0.77678 0.80689 0.92515 0.23899 0.48891 0.23606 0.7717 0.06386 0.27773 0.70354 0.6216 0.34484 0.81264 0.93056 0.16515 0.5894 0.19273 0.74586 0.40218 0.92419 0.84618 0.83858 0.91571 0.19756 0.19262 0.14528 0.15762 0.11043 0.78716 0.73515 0.87151 0.37632 0.96152 0.48524 0.85571 0.31605 0.19525 0.66082 0.96651 0.19821 0.20704 0.8693 0.99816 0.49264 0.64614 0.15685 0.15189 0.0913 0.15545 0.13625 0.74262 0.76442 0.93972 0.95557 0.03989 0.46276 0.05897 0.87892 0.47973 0.63739 0.50916 0.11545 0.71683 0.593 0.45541 0.83565 0.55356 0.49337 0.70656 0.17803 0.3099 0.77641 0.78322 0.42661 0.93113 0.83711 0.3194 0.76128 0.06195 0.62157 0.19132 0.09113 0.60073 0.02629 0.39617 0.53281 0.76362 0.93081 0.36459 0.83901 0.84846 0.87878 0.8473 0.93168 0.66669 0.33281 0.26215 0.72387 0.08894 0.74636 0.14617 0.03348 0.12181 0.63362 0.51031 0.64827 0.98344 0.42775 0.8929 0.62649 0.53039 0.72296 0.77764 0.86491 0.47379 0.66944 0.55529 0.72924 0.99771 0.09794 0.47643 0.8022 0.45013 0.65856 0.62581 0.90338 0.66869 0.00971 0.22807 0.89322 0.1981 0.31224 0.81435 0.90857 0.97664 0.97903 0.6936 0.68411 0.28345 0.67881 0.66995 0.02898 0.51587 0.92251 0.53909 0.19289 0.24149 0.23687 0.59587 0.93833 0.61206 0.30449 0.21076 0.1815 0.33632 0.39679 0.97718 0.89076 0.79636 0.82057 0.57017 0.66552 0.97052 0.64509 0.89573 0.28536 0.99299 0.9518 0.17699 0.78248 0.7263 0.07512 0.70262 0.01943 0.10329 0.15867 0.61392 0.80897 0.79962 0.37664 0.56369 0.50066 0.79886 0.28722 0.18092 0.71911 0.06322 0.75566 0.34109 0.92147 0.49081 0.95893 0.84476 0.64981 0.29584 0.24795 0.64343 0.90911 0.07146 0.31881 0.13879 0.81861 0.8549 0.29646 0.26075 0.67096 0.46199 0.07626 0.2563 0.54459 0.51853 0.20457 0.28544 0.41845 0.45239 0.64201 0.3248 0.77274 0.80699 0.72105 0.3117 0.55137 0.28451 0.39475 0.01986 0.40508 0.34015 0.64649 0.31402 0.2467 0.89074 0.41628 0.98886 0.12004 0.58803 0.48768 0.73675 0.23303 0.21422 0.88126 0.19085 0.54937 0.78746 0.84581 0.94386 0.77193 0.61873 0.57655 0.64866 0.64601 0.53551 0.23717 0.11827 0.51502 0.93851 0.99676 0.7726 0.09054 0.19653 0.40317 0.56638 0.57908 0.18588 0.4554 0.8135 0.62407 0.66515 0.11823 0.76903 0.31636 0.46966 0.55954 0.23473 0.49677 0.87548 0.9543 0.85369 0.77185 0.60106 0.89116 0.86085 0.68861 0.31179 0.88473 0.65512 0.22605 0.59268 0.99218 0.79626 0.91318 0.10192 0.26025 0.60787 0.38938 0.62392 0.77576 0.99958 0.68216 0.6607 0.30509 0.23814 0.95712 0.08416 0.63261 0.64863 0.35409 0.04709 0.60347 0.31908 0.9356 0.04958 0.75876 0.21276 0.71679 0.95481 0.61678 0.85021 0.15908 0.18443 0.05594 0.29472 0.35966 0.34746 0.64264 0.83391 0.3785 0.65543 0.28634 0.64498 0.3534 0.90488 0.74654 0.68171 0.16622 0.06713 0.75521 0.62785 0.70979 0.39916 0.6411 0.16569 0.56339 0.1841 0.38822 0.97385 0.06136 0.13519 0.05991 0.31634 0.80644 0.09896 0.24485 0.2951 0.61536 0.89866 0.79493 0.51362 0.69422 0.64994 0.12411 0.774 0.23058 0.91238 0.86324 0.36341 0.90822 0.33326 0.02988 0.29845 0.23611 0.5462 0.22477 0.76304 0.42232 0.68698 0.09214 0.24992 0.34952 0.86167 0.13042 0.94149 0.07118 0.51411 0.72321 0.42269 0.93513 0.17116 0.27496 0.02067 0.71235 0.71445 0.19677 0.92348 0.95018 0.4569 0.35687 0.169 0.64939 0.3588
+0.72135 0.1776 0.28626 0.24966 0.85797 0.49362 0.03657 0.38073 0.24993 0.67497 0.84981 0.85046 0.15866 0.29893 0.37282 0.68659 0.27997 0.89187 0.72966 0.56996 0.83058 0.18638 0.77833 0.46409 0.12781 0.5832 0.61302 0.21859 0.21729 0.51362 0.23154 0.41352 0.20524 0.36528 0.96093 0.78112 0.55438 0.16747 0.81527 0.66389 0.62344 0.31048 0.64694 0.57685 0.67106 0.49811 0.40731 0.54065 0.59254 0.11632 0.62516 0.6877 0.23966 0.54794 0.88446 0.25325 0.06081 0.97248 0.59577 0.85383 0.16113 0.76799 0.53398 0.83382 0.23995 0.6591 0.87559 0.79549 0.88268 0.65739 0.41897 0.98956 0.31347 0.79571 0.27365 0.00265 0.76623 0.19322 0.33225 0.24698 0.69354 0.70813 0.96685 0.98724 0.33073 0.41966 0.81969 0.05426 0.53391 0.92173 0.68633 0.76976 0.98084 0.48447 0.49524 0.94479 0.37516 0.85683 0.07166 0.46385 0.21873 0.47637 0.61828 0.00715 0.2303 0.23926 0.38104 0.71019 0.58422 0.46682 0.38994 0.41861 0.14318 0.86911 0.4811 0.21107 0.32501 0.91098 0.62459 0.63255 0.7755 0.24027 0.09289 0.46955 0.38792 0.35408 0.42296 0.43009 0.46042 0.65582 0.41015 0.90203 0.28742 0.39546 0.28495 0.19903 0.45146 0.61212 0.58803 0.63946 0.71585 0.75121 0.69969 0.3621 0.402 0.17249 0.14791 0.58465 0.74886 0.47626 0.69781 0.62901 0.92386 0.00289 0.81915 0.96247 0.47789 0.75624 0.40423 0.08559 0.7144 0.25482 0.66032 0.26731 0.53941 0.60493 0.03852 0.61829 0.12337 0.51067 0.33002 0.33991 0.16569 0.56588 0.65496 0.91423 0.52297 0.9387 0.33919 0.28829 0.15743 0.50768 0.16975 0.75772 0.79906 0.7207 0.95189 0.39345 0.84808 0.9619 0.16197 0.11527 0.87854 0.29494 0.09068 0.4626 0.01759 0.24286 0.59048 0.11453 0.7511 0.99943 0.27069 0.088 0.96063 0.31761 0.32784 0.9371 0.82307 0.13243 0.31897 0.77517 0.31334 0.48783 0.29567 0.86103 0.49608 0.84846 0.33395 0.22739 0.13579 0.64713 0.20732 0.17461 0.45347 0.93169 0.93842 0.34551 0.64446 0.97258 0.99125 0.28296 0.85877 0.17045 0.43578 0.86657 0.65881 0.86892 0.53003 0.5188 0.76574 0.31172 0.97734 0.20679 0.04804 0.02626 0.97658 0.32218 0.14093 0.9092 0.82455 0.08766 0.03084 0.71296 0.58382 0.49425 0.85737 0.76236 0.77833 0.44405 0.13576 0.53792 0.0049 0.89076 0.03573 0.64795 0.69666 0.41082 0.87823 0.58987 0.89252 0.42143 0.38092 0.19697 0.1431 0.24876 0.64067 0.29068 0.49199 0.84868 0.58586 0.17001 0.23477 0.37369 0.94347 0.49382 0.35652 0.42517 0.3647 0.22259 0.55485 0.28656 0.10417 0.71091 0.35647 0.99967 0.37411 0.76728 0.65678 0.88257 0.4411 0.31083 0.99941 0.2905 0.25313 0.21549 0.47555 0.59098 0.61724 0.84414 0.39952 0.71705 0.96767 0.27082 0.03726 0.84992 0.82525 0.66069 0.57459 0.7594 0.60667 0.66544 0.58495 0.96618 0.84982 0.2108 0.52586 0.80411 0.94944 0.19008 0.7832 0.61449 0.1968 0.32958 0.93995 0.50871 0.34292 0.80909 0.19097 0.92248 0.37652 0.36661 0.98315 0.79059 0.46327 0.11885 0.21765 0.38423 0.86024 0.74038 0.50962 0.05267 0.51043 0.22311 0.73246 0.08681 0.27785 0.69567 0.3192 0.22086 0.07144 0.81914 0.52729 0.93442 0.32057 0.67409 0.57162 0.3226 0.124 0.77979 0.35518 0.66897 0.51345 0.33993 0.4086 0.52166 0.90668 0.85955 0.43733 0.89865 0.22109 0.86806 0.13438 0.26331 0.7031 0.78799 0.70834 0.73194 0.73316 0.3449 0.41807 0.78969 0.62159 0.28563 0.76146 0.04392 0.31401 0.71179 0.999 0.43871 0.54654 0.08758 0.44568 0.84126 0.93343 0.82938 0.58589 0.40508 0.31447 0.38213 0.09081 0.08492 0.56974 0.50227 0.46247 0.13262 0.82803 0.84785 0.69138 0.19271 0.86365 0.0359 0.64652 0.11465 0.30992 0.98383 0.20327 0.89757 0.15857 0.31918 0.91214 0.63009 0.57735 0.48631 0.20105 0.22928 0.03203 0.42389 0.93199 0.33032 0.83976 0.06893 0.33426 0.35663 0.24949 0.3911 0.91838 0.49141 0.09184 0.32633 0.33499 0.35095 0.55524 0.38777 0.55681 0.98866 0.81816 0.97951 0.96093 0.38617 0.33701 0.68687 0.35369 0.60836 0.00138 0.09316 0.87243 0.33031 0.47848 0.59456 0.51442 0.60509 0.53029 0.7924 0.93077 0.16303 0.10466 0.97086 0.73864 0.70986 0.53507 0.81913 0.25836 0.34623 0.56398 0.3946 0.09473 0.97726 0.80252 0.79763 0.15513 0.97725 0.38228 0.62935 0.91042 0.04174 0.06735 0.39748 0.01186 0.35807 0.36257 0.34853 0.50482 0.92549 0.37416 0.01492 0.92494 0.755 0.13384 0.14257 0.06677 0.96856
+0.14543 0.26278 0.77504 0.31984 0.13105 0.51721 0.76964 0.11196 0.07341 0.14716 0.11066 0.73981 0.9846 0.6949 0.65513 0.21527 0.99917 0.24936 0.83124 0.79287 0.29182 0.56975 0.20623 0.27583 0.31429 0.20105 0.83653 0.86432 0.77578 0.98958 0.10032 0.8451 0.90457 0.36341 0.40849 0.24355 0.28255 0.73967 0.10594 0.62456 0.93252 0.6847 0.31975 0.09156 0.02518 0.73943 0.2001 0.75098 0.38092 0.67548 0.26876 0.06932 0.35347 0.158 0.39604 0.9229 0.82314 0.65695 0.91874 0.99331 0.46664 0.09545 0.38166 0.88218 0.29173 0.07466 0.30716 0.73421 0.93548 0.7546 0.74989 0.58128 0.00077 0.54333 0.78494 0.73973 0.78763 0.02014 0.05302 0.55728 0.83112 0.62329 0.71024 0.14794 0.84857 0.12704 0.60981 0.44077 0.53237 0.69544 0.89809 0.60453 0.89064 0.81455 0.89993 0.86729 0.49225 0.89481 0.67728 0.75514 0.67753 0.53704 0.86357 0.33138 0.73764 0.65807 0.03417 0.46122 0.6125 0.75177 0.46949 0.23068 0.43145 0.54572 0.8503 0.02518 0.66765 0.9482 0.48624 0.88169 0.41005 0.79607 0.8919 0.05294 0.92347 0.66271 0.85444 0.85408 0.88975 0.32304 0.06057 0.72618 0.14816 0.85991 0.23719 0.19129 0.84756 0.38832 0.53192 0.56382 0.58841 0.14625 0.66907 0.54646 0.01553 0.64657 0.94688 0.8303 0.18025 0.71476 0.15224 0.58113 0.69461 0.18622 0.42618 0.17716 0.78196 0.29098 0.58633 0.03948 0.34178 0.57614 0.86516 0.19412 0.70031 0.81276 0.92419 0.24028 0.6308 0.7985 0.43052 0.48437 0.45598 0.47227 0.72415 0.46944 0.75729 0.98957 0.409 0.84649 0.72828 0.22523 0.30766 0.48323 0.76369 0.73099 0.27034 0.87551 0.27913 0.82263 0.0818 0.93962 0.14717 0.19273 0.67917 0.75315 0.68095 0.81554 0.47662 0.62906 0.83004 0.0429 0.5445 0.3309 0.44074 0.24399 0.94104 0.37233 0.83924 0.30127 0.59797 0.79773 0.75367 0.14033 0.00371 0.41861 0.33529 0.2082 0.70513 0.24279 0.34204 0.62145 0.39931 0.85018 0.91371 0.09702 0.2977 0.7896 0.67735 0.43262 0.20397 0.24201 0.46028 0.40009 0.27218 0.00615 0.07837 0.57077 0.44191 0.07182 0.24814 0.32084 0.33513 0.8561 0.43784 0.54478 0.04803 0.26853 0.60157 0.86418 0.67968 0.00349 0.34635 0.06585 0.22284 0.19058 0.92053 0.71998 0.40812 0.05113 0.91154 0.87678 0.67054 0.47756 0.76378 0.50016 0.50147 0.38461 0.57018 0.27661 0.62261 0.68904 0.21477 0.74986 0.63536 0.96246 0.51065 0.47117 0.94753 0.21049 0.6819 0.98434 0.13611 0.99159 0.44606 0.79102 0.48172 0.88026 0.79729 0.78124 0.5672 0.31048 0.65123 0.08695 0.05202 0.73528 0.54751 0.57373 0.40617 0.06728 0.95009 0.09688 0.98044 0.96345 0.34234 0.18495 0.84801 0.37564 0.58974 0.97276 0.88521 0.09143 0.5057 0.83645 0.50472 0.32089 0.75255 0.07237 0.46115 0.38624 0.49376 0.63238 0.40571 0.22266 0.44549 0.6947 0.82221 0.63758 0.33606 0.46143 0.23186 0.93459 0.79012 0.07946 0.77359 0.45824 0.79188 0.4094 0.2936 0.03584 0.94313 0.90998 0.54399 0.81373 0.25342 0.1355 0.11188 0.65465 0.60858 0.67401 0.50763 0.6784 0.11781 0.70049 0.26822 0.78502 0.17384 0.45087 0.08386 0.39788 0.15704 0.41242 0.73438 0.66139 0.07318 0.75564 0.85241 0.9189 0.47722 0.34009 0.46921 0.51183 0.76634 0.2027 0.90623 0.20926 0.10133 0.68995 0.36008 0.46257 0.31159 0.28008 0.14928 0.90306 0.54954 0.58757 0.27179 0.1451 0.76985 0.23935 0.72999 0.37857 0.39995 0.98638 0.72173 0.01089 0.43144 0.59244 0.09736 0.3192 0.93406 0.75091 0.36736 0.97186 0.12623 0.79081 0.9632 0.55076 0.52146 0.76764 0.25879 0.29507 0.89821 0.8657 0.99738 0.06485 0.8125 0.35963 0.93485 0.97389 0.79692 0.42483 0.97123 0.57905 0.47793 0.68382 0.23339 0.42398 0.05199 0.95441 0.03522 0.64142 0.91077 0.70433 0.25465 0.74679 0.76646 0.13794 0.6194 0.46302 0.56863 0.26171 0.04072 0.45704 0.51861 0.90683 0.05342 0.07186 0.30319 0.28358 0.09187 0.7358 0.32343 0.23118 0.08727 0.66454 0.8205 0.01669 0.60898 0.06108 0.51978 0.30887 0.53373 0.40008 0.93533 0.61622 0.68679 0.31722 0.26067 0.87991 0.20478 0.28768 0.10687 0.34875 0.46154 0.30102 0.92155 0.48472 0.79043 0.89344 0.87827 0.96777 0.44375 0.00427 0.61328 0.38231 0.4 0.53867 0.82597 0.43632 0.75008 0.14288 0.42617 0.29265 0.30243 0.78833 0.73511 0.86118 0.53291 0.40381 0.45563 0.88323 0.44345 0.12622 0.2775 0.01936 0.14466 0.98079 0.1763 0.50543 0.93944 0.13708
+0.5873 0.83249 0.88415 0.33833 0.05286 0.35813 0.32791 0.69462 0.20048 0.84503 0.55646 0.05775 0.96176 0.76573 0.69836 0.37597 0.99617 0.96671 0.67774 0.51425 0.7293 0.45191 0.70118 0.40505 0.97447 0.33743 0.64239 0.63334 0.76473 0.88479 0.87529 0.80806 0.01408 0.38665 0.08229 0.26651 0.94509 0.83547 0.69531 0.1058 0.03005 0.17942 0.80863 0.55477 0.6211 0.91967 0.02789 0.09353 0.37629 0.75016 0.62396 0.20531 0.74348 0.1297 0.0488 0.71021 0.69952 0.42377 0.57086 0.97048 0.13687 0.54415 0.42987 0.28334 0.94654 0.82361 0.64587 0.09423 0.98265 0.38976 0.79291 0.79807 0.97881 0.36033 0.369 0.96165 0.04646 0.38252 0.55331 0.99572 0.57417 0.61562 0.35586 0.74143 0.1162 0.3269 0.35452 0.1704 0.42969 0.46631 0.50886 0.09375 0.15633 0.04247 0.83648 0.28192 0.75122 0.66616 0.01817 0.29995 0.07432 0.83131 0.21723 0.98449 0.7434 0.49452 0.147 0.47923 0.4939 0.75531 0.75719 0.79465 0.54177 0.33087 0.80577 0.33241 0.90787 0.07789 0.45339 0.89197 0.69557 0.99613 0.90162 0.01231 0.24331 0.2191 0.37238 0.73974 0.97266 0.15436 0.75041 0.52735 0.41397 0.77636 0.73808 0.84353 0.83656 0.74283 0.92347 0.09229 0.3321 0.0294 0.29497 0.99444 0.31571 0.79244 0.90593 0.7571 0.99374 0.68975 0.23021 0.22147 0.06347 0.35439 0.34899 0.70892 0.30396 0.83764 0.54287 0.5663 0.03259 0.24583 0.48372 0.60576 0.81125 0.95739 0.27434 0.277 0.42235 0.90863 0.23106 0.62215 0.23387 0.14278 0.76386 0.06444 0.18404 0.85353 0.36343 0.00243 0.08677 0.92534 0.70547 0.99633 0.57919 0.48332 0.97986 0.38239 0.72239 0.597 0.4771 0.05872 0.77172 0.33778 0.07055 0.74877 0.18244 0.80783 0.4059 0.51907 0.60341 0.59634 0.02585 0.00296 0.64263 0.98502 0.43656 0.98642 0.00797 0.76283 0.00696 0.15369 0.37914 0.17971 0.89673 0.14546 0.44782 0.4557 0.83222 0.44739 0.04902 0.68311 0.57843 0.9518 0.86409 0.31923 0.16802 0.94883 0.72947 0.89414 0.19152 0.62088 0.22368 0.81946 0.50719 0.90246 0.26953 0.5981 0.96275 0.28599 0.62997 0.53548 0.65718 0.66005 0.50723 0.61797 0.48988 0.20226 0.07979 0.17018 0.62316 0.526 0.40844 0.35331 0.4984 0.35301 0.6228 0.31934 0.09047 0.36998 0.53349 0.55788 0.73495 0.99692 0.36245 0.59422 0.1626 0.3904 0.33142 0.0268 0.05668 0.98407 0.19556 0.2761 0.08503 0.50983 0.09104 0.52867 0.54303 0.20875 0.27533 0.92693 0.34404 0.7784 0.38516 0.93213 0.08144 0.79519 0.01675 0.14426 0.5939 0.05508 0.46249 0.9637 0.10716 0.07073 0.83823 0.48777 0.37299 0.06703 0.027 0.76679 0.13022 0.0625 0.77667 0.01089 0.82128 0.43251 0.32002 0.06865 0.58904 0.58955 0.96603 0.74076 0.75403 0.16073 0.06668 0.1526 0.58341 0.14628 0.64264 0.15284 0.20833 0.30025 0.00198 0.48959 0.29437 0.57086 0.69776 0.1845 0.33939 0.18424 0.26627 0.72187 0.18116 0.21411 0.88911 0.88851 0.72318 0.0784 0.09196 0.68591 0.22782 0.61372 0.15201 0.17403 0.21289 0.5597 0.78021 0.51428 0.90906 0.36658 0.52454 0.94933 0.06552 0.1059 0.24248 0.24615 0.31308 0.71444 0.83878 0.78022 0.61981 0.73319 0.42991 0.40445 0.19913 0.28116 0.49708 0.86518 0.4066 0.12252 0.58342 0.19313 0.72247 0.59118 0.1922 0.15747 0.34325 0.92842 0.1731 0.14274 0.70717 0.91407 0.61255 0.83491 0.43955 0.30754 0.10139 0.24323 0.14693 0.62386 0.55807 0.10397 0.10548 0.39057 0.71913 0.34751 0.78644 0.76468 0.59521 0.28248 0.68659 0.44077 0.76659 0.50812 0.85386 0.72964 0.25137 0.84944 0.42976 0.207 0.8695 0.45977 0.67789 0.60703 0.87787 0.34539 0.88774 0.8873 0.04228 0.32155 0.22669 0.24209 0.04415 0.95514 0.31084 0.79433 0.11777 0.29049 0.36625 0.27128 0.84181 0.52847 0.99933 0.86037 0.52633 0.72411 0.60138 0.34747 0.51808 0.96084 0.23618 0.68584 0.64281 0.18947 0.4047 0.05198 0.45755 0.04303 0.3509 0.34398 0.00497 0.6705 0.76378 0.91584 0.06117 0.15816 0.27529 0.06882 0.61095 0.13162 0.14104 0.13131 0.32658 0.03058 0.35346 0.97964 0.54397 0.46966 0.36483 0.96753 0.34265 0.0256 0.97954 0.05024 0.82199 0.3935 0.83723 0.12705 0.85527 0.68658 0.42329 0.42731 0.35408 0.53139 0.00666 0.54582 0.03733 0.82016 0.65032 0.19187 0.37521 0.05068 0.01974 0.56337 0.50908 0.59718 0.93854 0.45156 0.98314 0.28823 0.16329 0.31336 0.90904 0.8657 0.63219 0.63481 0.40406 0.34514 0.92186 0.72495
+0.56778 0.32462 0.43375 0.87968 0.94941 0.17718 0.01229 0.24853 0.07895 0.20152 0.41657 0.73271 0.41259 0.43458 0.04032 0.62517 0.86761 0.26536 0.29744 0.44519 0.91037 0.30023 0.31416 0.3517 0.39032 0.91617 0.04015 0.62347 0.45676 0.75688 0.26094 0.33856 0.71968 0.14434 0.62037 0.26136 0.1528 0.81328 0.84773 0.76827 0.01385 0.42675 0.65025 0.99394 0.86487 0.39516 0.21678 0.87486 0.61932 0.1828 0.35497 0.98002 0.2765 0.66367 0.4237 0.66886 0.64278 0.08222 0.59086 0.33857 0.20733 0.11395 0.27743 0.02783 0.48171 0.30967 0.76672 0.71007 0.24815 0.15363 0.91097 0.22607 0.47726 0.71461 0.03945 0.31463 0.12796 0.94956 0.41515 0.29775 0.26012 0.28551 0.50822 0.31063 0.3328 0.25319 0.46645 0.5591 0.65865 0.03648 0.04861 0.05501 0.80527 0.32512 0.46859 0.22435 0.5434 0.22361 0.27511 0.05609 0.97342 0.32174 0.99175 0.03542 0.46625 0.28936 0.1278 0.89352 0.11603 0.63676 0.16095 0.6465 0.01813 0.60554 0.50854 0.39851 0.20468 0.74386 0.90289 0.7067 0.74179 0.79828 0.02137 0.41047 0.15251 0.29864 0.87443 0.35158 0.92706 0.93757 0.58194 0.3539 0.05712 0.44427 0.84489 0.01835 0.48302 0.16582 0.55335 0.45936 0.95839 0.95898 0.17856 0.52425 0.72871 0.43796 0.40178 0.7069 0.9916 0.61143 0.23106 0.84432 0.70549 0.54577 0.79334 0.41341 0.85876 0.91047 0.61271 0.55922 0.78168 0.88605 0.15195 0.70603 0.39212 0.59747 0.84345 0.07364 0.30547 0.13156 0.72625 0.18052 0.68336 0.92517 0.98546 0.28564 0.91134 0.19155 0.7374 0.17233 0.06466 0.08991 0.49366 0.54143 0.74006 0.94134 0.27962 0.2112 0.34533 0.01156 0.53921 0.73418 0.17487 0.50143 0.87677 0.6111 0.29797 0.78752 0.77116 0.57526 0.64466 0.8768 0.59296 0.51046 0.85714 0.7252 0.17531 0.91255 0.67251 0.6601 0.73641 0.7286 0.63957 0.75126 0.87961 0.349 0.45516 0.91873 0.14906 0.20538 0.44934 0.02128 0.93348 0.10177 0.5636 0.78351 0.05158 0.12559 0.2394 0.23177 0.18868 0.00904 0.98108 0.35752 0.74741 0.56458 0.22595 0.51122 0.21383 0.23747 0.74544 0.31098 0.60153 0.69509 0.70021 0.75744 0.75026 0.94214 0.29602 0.46885 0.33768 0.77124 0.1812 0.08237 0.8276 0.71308 0.92994 0.92878 0.79284 0.86494 0.90551 0.13328 0.88454 0.23554 0.06864 0.62062 0.38998 0.76615 0.51721 0.45696 0.66138 0.75232 0.90571 0.29241 0.21703 0.60659 0.52894 0.15819 0.08718 0.56391 0.14855 0.25274 0.07242 0.81618 0.4083 0.41775 0.72057 0.70042 0.4264 0.01877 0.13299 0.2816 0.98178 0.43834 0.21237 0.79855 0.6266 0.27862 0.41232 0.07785 0.35276 0.04258 0.57685 0.45914 0.07599 0.13504 0.6512 0.38635 0.34615 0.759 0.25725 0.70388 0.8712 0.32044 0.08326 0.81778 0.67161 0.2965 0.95941 0.43928 0.95199 0.45444 0.64909 0.43317 0.44916 0.03187 0.23441 0.38314 0.22683 0.2932 0.99086 0.59125 0.18312 0.7951 0.07439 0.48956 0.49492 0.59774 0.31914 0.60667 0.73625 0.61288 0.73433 0.81981 0.83385 0.52842 0.47766 0.87064 0.93903 0.86992 0.73434 0.41516 0.73872 0.3178 0.6319 0.00747 0.97509 0.97067 0.57662 0.2962 0.94876 0.22279 0.96386 0.18307 0.68047 0.3208 0.41719 0.93795 0.71523 0.64231 0.33623 0.9934 0.96873 0.00557 0.67861 0.49447 0.69575 0.14181 0.93967 0.02338 0.38395 0.66641 0.81157 0.83923 0.33707 0.38974 0.66954 0.06245 0.84489 0.39848 0.17081 0.11074 0.39247 0.1181 0.93994 0.96415 0.5475 0.98882 0.06419 0.98924 0.11439 0.42241 0.92866 0.20028 0.35079 0.03763 0.10972 0.89326 0.22618 0.71669 0.76856 0.5861 0.87265 0.93769 0.11926 0.56375 0.70165 0.16217 0.38851 0.97575 0.64339 0.39986 0.58264 0.22165 0.17402 0.79175 0.19723 0.67429 0.57573 0.65489 0.94166 0.05354 0.69151 0.33664 0.00848 0.28571 0.67447 0.55481 0.89919 0.81801 0.91003 0.60387 0.91758 0.38481 0.48067 0.40457 0.83408 0.62583 0.11891 0.4068 0.18878 0.42671 0.98293 0.84827 0.86847 0.55692 0.97875 0.32011 0.52663 0.69804 0.58338 0.61968 0.17324 0.68697 0.75658 0.1283 0.8053 0.3906 0.45735 0.58161 0.52883 0.55299 0.60139 0.16464 0.90188 0.05712 0.53394 0.59099 0.64372 0.62483 0.25635 0.96449 0.95676 0.80994 0.19838 0.81618 0.94335 0.65514 0.06132 0.03578 0.722 0.86309 0.1665 0.45126 0.27815 0.50843 0.21133 0.38714 0.45889 0.30828 0.37408 0.4026 0.1788 0.29234 0.81269 0.38133 0.29582 0.26015 0.26689 0.5011 0.49082 0.91859
+0.16982 0.49372 0.49919 0.86881 0.29878 0.2948 0.98248 0.46294 0.19913 0.42071 0.61313 0.98954 0.42619 0.38158 0.10041 0.79288 0.95988 0.83634 0.25817 0.01832 0.79418 0.81091 0.55294 0.56185 0.82567 0.99861 0.95246 0.4805 0.86765 0.64437 0.32807 0.17582 0.44185 0.79278 0.53138 0.67101 0.49167 0.92906 0.64333 0.26589 0.00252 0.22355 0.49782 0.86936 0.24831 0.56699 0.37211 0.28212 0.94021 0.29913 0.74149 0.6162 0.23527 0.22521 0.74163 0.86082 0.55601 0.74601 0.95976 0.42042 0.76987 0.28406 0.44067 0.04717 0.49831 0.82735 0.69198 0.2165 0.97551 0.4941 0.4309 0.50407 0.55206 0.92762 0.1107 0.62861 0.35392 0.72082 0.1932 0.69631 0.31968 0.66539 0.13677 0.67307 0.911 0.48264 0.29544 0.39243 0.07431 0.1212 0.16329 0.58557 0.05552 0.92763 0.36002 0.87484 0.5976 0.95667 0.976 0.37837 0.64216 0.59713 0.8218 0.01677 0.26767 0.86673 0.17697 0.04625 0.08261 0.90394 0.40202 0.31918 0.40986 0.62069 0.15259 0.03408 0.8868 0.95033 0.34108 0.82597 0.56368 0.32498 0.95788 0.63929 0.7551 0.40597 0.31876 0.79694 0.9577 0.4351 0.759 0.87049 0.71414 0.60939 0.85909 0.38641 0.12995 0.75197 0.24017 0.58694 0.96009 0.45505 0.50552 0.21025 0.77468 0.29363 0.85438 0.39779 0.51627 0.76418 0.64638 0.91277 0.11906 0.34043 0.7616 0.06702 0.36573 0.98482 0.19055 0.89009 0.42572 0.0966 0.27105 0.33505 0.40483 0.27653 0.73558 0.24306 0.91178 0.00998 0.80606 0.90138 0.66117 0.10412 0.19385 0.33452 0.43316 0.77941 0.54403 0.93837 0.35494 0.30908 0.35533 0.48134 0.60962 0.50644 0.23422 0.34224 0.66382 0.48741 0.90254 0.0613 0.39523 0.87345 0.37849 0.00238 0.36019 0.60206 0.09464 0.91945 0.86927 0.39625 0.96089 0.81187 0.87538 0.43479 0.25138 0.93751 0.3684 0.12938 0.40041 0.30318 0.37823 0.55756 0.06877 0.23679 0.60566 0.18902 0.70794 0.93905 0.45362 0.10029 0.17125 0.11096 0.11119 0.64975 0.08754 0.09304 0.62523 0.60962 0.74197 0.73198 0.74313 0.32601 0.58982 0.43351 0.29588 0.70822 0.4749 0.86825 0.42112 0.99991 0.53746 0.63327 0.72948 0.96376 0.85902 0.88196 0.09679 0.26446 0.37464 0.10446 0.02901 0.03987 0.29613 0.33243 0.86415 0.46506 0.15539 0.01334 0.48728 0.82963 0.84479 0.9472 0.74304 0.69509 0.82581 0.96012 0.61248 0.93006 0.80778 0.38891 0.35072 0.94886 0.86041 0.1235 0.43306 0.2972 0.99204 0.29323 0.09516 0.01803 0.34016 0.99717 0.80196 0.49111 0.74669 0.35865 0.41025 0.89582 0.43472 0.67574 0.59508 0.75806 0.91781 0.09766 0.01897 0.67775 0.09274 0.97302 0.98092 0.55752 0.74514 0.95356 0.77978 0.90061 0.21347 0.32603 0.11566 0.68246 0.1047 0.36287 0.78851 0.1051 0.97919 0.53795 0.67522 0.37566 0.78628 0.92932 0.09687 0.48033 0.59156 0.78486 0.39851 0.14875 0.73499 0.61547 0.43174 0.75759 0.26456 0.28121 0.53076 0.22447 0.02898 0.87847 0.63387 0.37957 0.70075 0.47651 0.36469 0.5026 0.32624 0.69074 0.67035 0.81546 0.26064 0.44139 0.69869 0.26276 0.76902 0.08047 0.30213 0.78114 0.6708 0.19912 0.71428 0.12957 0.04346 0.78066 0.87666 0.46866 0.45122 0.70547 0.65009 0.72647 0.04065 0.45338 0.08218 0.42847 0.86155 0.72341 0.3985 0.54299 0.24684 0.78157 0.53463 0.78211 0.57056 0.89414 0.46559 0.2168 0.54766 0.14271 0.20313 0.76748 0.58198 0.16142 0.13651 0.66796 0.45824 0.55133 0.42136 0.55275 0.94357 0.26906 0.90872 0.20546 0.20778 0.4674 0.51504 0.80073 0.44199 0.73968 0.77537 0.02457 0.80673 0.72613 0.85098 0.24096 0.12958 0.24873 0.49114 0.74507 0.29138 0.81858 0.65542 0.73983 0.97859 0.89406 0.09186 0.7082 0.76524 0.85671 0.82349 0.4847 0.06821 0.45912 0.84031 0.83449 0.75529 0.12294 0.76769 0.10396 0.0515 0.71066 0.22971 0.85451 0.22534 0.78447 0.4095 0.14866 0.40147 0.19147 0.41784 0.88623 0.48988 0.81738 0.65647 0.42079 0.67976 0.52469 0.77086 0.47522 0.81923 0.47361 0.16748 0.54555 0.46282 0.39258 0.86241 0.38827 0.5237 0.12023 0.5764 0.11301 0.69914 0.93066 0.32749 0.61413 0.26546 0.34774 0.80419 0.65248 0.88715 0.36614 0.34111 0.11561 0.51397 0.4304 0.07894 0.1184 0.15993 0.73157 0.48416 0.24284 0.33434 0.73846 0.76562 0.04769 0.87215 0.98931 0.70168 0.98233 0.82678 0.69963 0.50775 0.24292 0.52902 0.3413 0.23638 0.63354 0.44292 0.37273 0.25214 0.69952 0.14011 0.17116 0.8119 0.69514 0.67479 0.66602
+0.6922 0.12757 0.8193 0.11203 0.91076 0.91761 0.24972 0.04508 0.52542 0.64847 0.18077 0.97957 0.68995 0.71891 0.94981 0.81123 0.83735 0.03163 0.65196 0.92575 0.66901 0.04043 0.93051 0.84475 0.29818 0.7947 0.46689 0.96831 0.17996 0.12766 0.41432 0.4895 0.39863 0.46677 0.19277 0.25494 0.4004 0.56415 0.38118 0.62825 0.03113 0.1204 0.74993 0.29529 0.4295 0.99581 0.06141 0.91115 0.78294 0.96888 0.02631 0.00865 0.98856 0.72838 0.86952 0.09492 0.88683 0.74004 0.38547 0.60524 0.60393 0.79585 0.4286 0.11485 0.18124 0.07561 0.05265 0.37071 0.05973 0.82671 0.72953 0.83202 0.08531 0.86653 0.38813 0.49113 0.34359 0.30969 0.85308 0.19885 0.76152 0.52246 0.54565 0.66517 0.51576 0.33892 0.20067 0.32921 0.24369 0.7458 0.09135 0.34437 0.22174 0.88952 0.11754 0.63392 0.72716 0.21623 0.48819 0.94889 0.09345 0.7809 0.01829 0.92789 0.41179 0.4082 0.13703 0.46019 0.06393 0.58674 0.66854 0.31691 0.42373 0.661 0.12155 0.89544 0.46549 0.37062 0.40645 0.05302 0.24772 0.48066 0.63296 0.25176 0.29873 0.71645 0.67152 0.9457 0.62521 0.33617 0.9243 0.72849 0.89189 0.47706 0.24445 0.34849 0.7607 0.83394 0.29203 0.59481 0.38796 0.93874 0.37311 0.13241 0.63349 0.41172 0.34303 0.3982 0.62165 0.88827 0.31033 0.16138 0.98331 0.88009 0.82772 0.06494 0.69391 0.7185 0.84799 0.34771 0.22572 0.62087 0.51214 0.02748 0.73796 0.75602 0.11984 0.08632 0.07576 0.84051 0.58295 0.13287 0.59019 0.86995 0.63023 0.87698 0.74059 0.91581 0.91484 0.70008 0.11863 0.44153 0.93903 0.04798 0.19577 0.35946 0.46998 0.07341 0.34434 0.48679 0.7612 0.39787 0.33835 0.76974 0.3772 0.07249 0.1663 0.97553 0.50456 0.5085 0.20694 0.75699 0.14777 0.19075 0.52582 0.60751 0.53713 0.85301 0.6242 0.43888 0.22441 0.77415 0.11062 0.5472 0.4097 0.58918 0.67616 0.88013 0.68477 0.30063 0.13868 0.46057 0.05449 0.89189 0.78238 0.78181 0.54063 0.14758 0.30426 0.69706 0.82607 0.55628 0.09829 0.79576 0.69385 0.69256 0.42689 0.73944 0.47413 0.48593 0.94051 0.8996 0.31437 0.48224 0.44401 0.65241 0.93328 0.17233 0.19699 0.00189 0.88261 0.45543 0.7137 0.99206 0.02614 0.14312 0.52264 0.79197 0.91406 0.87907 0.85111 0.67313 0.66279 0.87755 0.31465 0.08182 0.5987 0.37631 0.62695 0.98637 0.04173 0.74126 0.21026 0.6868 0.13505 0.12515 0.60169 0.62052 0.91142 0.00666 0.37567 0.70284 0.26666 0.89777 0.27645 0.81582 0.66696 0.06283 0.63881 0.12477 0.2499 0.22038 0.30827 0.94637 0.02303 0.9588 0.99606 0.73663 0.33969 0.9233 0.93125 0.12341 0.49943 0.71922 0.87128 0.24895 0.04284 0.08682 0.10544 0.47377 0.01321 0.0216 0.76991 0.89169 0.0728 0.20802 0.4233 0.76465 0.77787 0.96074 0.09243 0.73364 0.00446 0.20022 0.54507 0.55364 0.86677 0.08307 0.7438 0.18654 0.66436 0.34611 0.91491 0.09758 0.89017 0.2467 0.50853 0.2881 0.22115 0.78828 0.27251 0.13162 0.79587 0.18271 0.78223 0.93725 0.25476 0.09019 0.37603 0.62868 0.40211 0.23596 0.43974 0.99816 0.0261 0.89879 0.8513 0.03888 0.05961 0.30331 0.05917 0.15145 0.06307 0.39045 0.58151 0.08049 0.23246 0.18173 0.63401 0.76325 0.84958 0.01006 0.12791 0.44119 0.51815 0.32337 0.68182 0.32573 0.68636 0.40204 0.95974 0.94352 0.38873 0.47167 0.10616 0.3819 0.99527 0.22537 0.45854 0.93306 0.13159 0.37166 0.07582 0.43523 0.0335 0.58608 0.22222 0.68096 0.0575 0.32288 0.46073 0.91211 0.2976 0.36902 0.01329 0.29996 0.87223 0.38391 0.17582 0.09666 0.33946 0.94005 0.80102 0.92987 0.85022 0.55225 0.47175 0.86962 0.84477 0.8571 0.92579 0.79714 0.90915 0.87519 0.12004 0.47573 0.36312 0.88586 0.97776 0.36497 0.49413 0.82462 0.45961 0.82398 0.96739 0.20724 0.1906 0.68792 0.72247 0.1445 0.09467 0.29809 0.11536 0.23957 0.62618 0.71677 0.51201 0.3726 0.62636 0.74171 0.04236 0.20651 0.72813 0.31631 0.61783 0.57346 0.20347 0.56436 0.75164 0.55307 0.49743 0.30562 0.44789 0.79786 0.21025 0.39132 0.97885 0.2253 0.27619 0.07711 0.80753 0.95296 0.07029 0.32184 0.86838 0.8684 0.80207 0.29467 0.79128 0.26688 0.57516 0.75857 0.19628 0.94608 0.35671 0.39091 0.37057 0.03764 0.85429 0.38064 0.0633 0.85414 0.30057 0.48049 0.32629 0.99064 0.09727 0.74877 0.62349 0.59863 0.58134 0.8932 0.61844 0.64405 0.08842 0.00122 0.95692 0.22233 0.37977 0.52818 0.60671 0.57389
+0.40271 0.47559 0.4406 0.86939 0.36229 0.70863 0.39996 0.44171 0.8974 0.41074 0.12654 0.51985 0.30274 0.54302 0.7003 0.66041 0.3831 0.07802 0.02384 0.40116 0.92148 0.6791 0.69426 0.56237 0.63338 0.78592 0.1307 0.92788 0.10484 0.40587 0.91199 0.44001 0.03835 0.93804 0.87598 0.69511 0.01262 0.53273 0.44293 0.30118 0.52618 0.53001 0.69579 0.84749 0.68353 0.81063 0.19435 0.40415 0.74285 0.76256 0.13853 0.64615 0.75843 0.90396 0.43533 0.62836 0.41027 0.486 0.66204 0.74381 0.34423 0.81963 0.29546 0.32046 0.97323 0.0259 0.20754 0.01172 0.42929 0.16633 0.89193 0.7814 0.71885 0.33954 0.86299 0.00047 0.66342 0.58692 0.09151 0.44676 0.9777 0.95663 0.97145 0.71673 0.82547 0.11911 0.71293 0.47658 0.53577 0.82387 0.13906 0.6377 0.46572 0.84007 0.72874 0.13409 0.84888 0.86451 0.19685 0.6698 0.96335 0.44434 0.89178 0.43497 0.70542 0.73016 0.55892 0.59457 0.00404 0.25527 0.35946 0.50401 0.10907 0.28709 0.81261 0.34458 0.62829 0.86848 0.72061 0.147 0.81641 0.48287 0.10115 0.30602 0.90311 0.80763 0.88331 0.702 0.77138 0.35045 0.55264 0.76175 0.22503 0.16436 0.25189 0.0169 0.13156 0.44767 0.84014 0.71582 0.54831 0.98594 0.36389 0.61816 0.78043 0.32421 0.69137 0.20163 0.02857 0.4889 0.20346 0.72935 0.63263 0.0662 0.33829 0.39885 0.43398 0.67729 0.42939 0.25489 0.25102 0.53344 0.22716 0.97897 0.99998 0.78299 0.99142 0.07039 0.75003 0.9197 0.82195 0.46945 0.51303 0.98198 0.83059 0.37889 0.4392 0.0463 0.84671 0.85808 0.77513 0.59322 0.42245 0.37671 0.97623 0.5076 0.49016 0.90416 0.00495 0.41035 0.64901 0.72947 0.70356 0.50609 0.60622 0.84123 0.38416 0.36656 0.34257 0.72712 0.50947 0.15061 0.83874 0.71428 0.75931 0.74517 0.76923 0.03678 0.24213 0.36869 0.18332 0.23048 0.90969 0.62245 0.79933 0.4401 0.96142 0.68835 0.59426 0.37304 0.81326 0.84549 0.98593 0.50147 0.14665 0.11999 0.09737 0.16884 0.454 0.03324 0.04379 0.51801 0.28474 0.48113 0.22282 0.45453 0.85531 0.29498 0.69738 0.3937 0.90878 0.16375 0.98443 0.95519 0.72988 0.56261 0.43725 0.67337 0.13243 0.51303 0.53495 0.20003 0.91714 0.9772 0.52648 0.95338 0.01946 0.86023 0.7669 0.49644 0.9864 0.45726 0.87946 0.90999 0.14566 0.01475 0.13785 0.01294 0.61575 0.01506 0.12349 0.17969 0.5901 0.18762 0.14095 0.41676 0.0887 0.42686 0.01528 0.98288 0.84412 0.74842 0.6048 0.01851 0.13769 0.98164 0.20035 0.30929 0.74496 0.78355 0.08481 0.07307 0.82257 0.82202 0.22673 0.31841 0.17908 0.55982 0.47331 0.34263 0.18377 0.31426 0.07627 0.22015 0.41351 0.79855 0.84717 0.73087 0.89872 0.59811 0.12641 0.82872 0.79861 0.02617 0.599 0.59823 0.57523 0.23755 0.78446 0.87887 0.03179 0.27402 0.07645 0.69078 0.93582 0.14599 0.99151 0.07526 0.82497 0.08326 0.35247 0.91151 0.52463 0.79002 0.83539 0.96056 0.87177 0.80959 0.80531 0.6292 0.52425 0.51725 0.2441 0.0282 0.85099 0.04005 0.09524 0.26268 0.6711 0.86906 0.4428 0.87108 0.02979 0.93855 0.64362 0.16635 0.6637 0.46075 0.22961 0.6778 0.962 0.13012 0.61467 0.7553 0.39699 0.57598 0.3567 0.98772 0.75379 0.76974 0.95788 0.31235 0.78297 0.3781 0.80073 0.17888 0.04854 0.03881 0.64678 0.52024 0.83274 0.26549 0.50951 0.15835 0.39749 0.2794 0.62974 0.04784 0.65641 0.97792 0.29181 0.60953 0.17095 0.56494 0.00133 0.34957 0.74264 0.31477 0.55424 0.82977 0.61832 0.37644 0.41289 0.75002 0.88459 0.92601 0.37184 0.06961 0.79275 0.49486 0.35984 0.34603 0.85109 0.54171 0.71999 0.04979 0.71508 0.10337 0.98479 0.35751 0.47232 0.64325 0.15263 0.09354 0.84205 0.05182 0.79294 0.42983 0.56515 0.31339 0.54081 0.88437 0.72459 0.57967 0.74249 0.87103 0.29452 0.5229 0.03284 0.4385 0.45982 0.36757 0.37049 0.47793 0.09368 0.02308 0.79994 0.0834 0.35826 0.63303 0.45316 0.46647 0.91079 0.70892 0.97073 0.5097 0.68005 0.48434 0.05099 0.9207 0.48624 0.93683 0.37352 0.92647 0.26719 0.36116 0.47661 0.92288 0.95682 0.46986 0.25067 0.47398 0.09493 0.67836 0.38918 0.07684 0.67602 0.96661 0.15301 0.34509 0.43463 0.93699 0.90885 0.37712 0.28185 0.41814 0.51188 0.2416 0.54334 0.18564 0.47809 0.82027 0.99909 0.33097 0.07706 0.29311 0.89902 0.98549 0.6786 0.89623 0.29743 0.3146 0.24748 0.77718 0.97457 0.86216 0.2273 0.80141 0.8439 0.68043 0.86681 0.15352
+0.82396 0.89119 0.34014 0.6194 0.93901 0.88509 0.02166 0.7875 0.32215 0.15732 0.90509 0.99497 0.04218 0.29807 0.95214 0.86078 0.59935 0.07632 0.89421 0.89448 0.60714 0.30214 0.39775 0.99675 0.85505 0.62545 0.25616 0.76789 0.36039 0.50776 0.71929 0.50533 0.1273 0.90315 0.34345 0.13254 0.18714 0.97637 0.03413 0.22446 0.60471 0.96998 0.04843 0.5852 0.45376 0.48622 0.036 0.46874 0.25039 0.04955 0.09727 0.62708 0.0037 0.46376 0.79298 0.39804 0.61598 0.48533 0.14152 0.89875 0.10711 0.50933 0.38179 0.95362 0.83236 0.75844 0.04464 0.7313 0.22313 0.12157 0.63463 0.77231 0.3693 0.78825 0.35647 0.09334 0.34989 0.72779 0.12527 0.30858 0.67248 0.42784 0.9727 0.46679 0.93705 0.93176 0.11208 0.28082 0.90616 0.89565 0.26053 0.68024 0.62289 0.80773 0.42289 0.17713 0.60641 0.24455 0.29601 0.86957 0.19912 0.01106 0.08032 0.16214 0.8544 0.14532 0.2449 0.06857 0.10759 0.22999 0.46407 0.4722 0.95626 0.84907 0.0759 0.47901 0.49784 0.93983 0.64352 0.48485 0.88095 0.51933 0.91179 0.50158 0.16722 0.40827 0.50033 0.61754 0.38325 0.98476 0.22827 0.36639 0.21431 0.37217 0.16752 0.09403 0.22555 0.86749 0.18866 0.59032 0.81499 0.31113 0.12487 0.22404 0.89916 0.40888 0.93168 0.68046 0.58801 0.61678 0.16389 0.15886 0.01706 0.35043 0.45222 0.97848 0.3724 0.10108 0.56375 0.51529 0.17868 0.36226 0.15536 0.58158 0.36622 0.23893 0.54658 0.41299 0.27464 0.8282 0.37616 0.88745 0.2565 0.87544 0.29437 0.37221 0.47162 0.78721 0.23683 0.12683 0.22955 0.65093 0.33766 0.29077 0.77811 0.0227 0.33666 0.43686 0.8383 0.46731 0.23893 0.19191 0.64615 0.1551 0.74924 0.84576 0.99023 0.87843 0.36055 0.0988 0.61529 0.13915 0.32468 0.22767 0.28586 0.60338 0.31244 0.5199 0.41179 0.3976 0.77366 0.37063 0.99248 0.18931 0.4703 0.07435 0.30383 0.28299 0.0239 0.36802 0.93872 0.57374 0.44902 0.52244 0.7319 0.70646 0.40808 0.99818 0.3126 0.50064 0.34161 0.44553 0.26436 0.29245 0.58399 0.73531 0.65553 0.46241 0.8968 0.70703 0.48487 0.85993 0.57001 0.55662 0.67739 0.31613 0.71658 0.05807 0.8498 0.37548 0.68868 0.1631 0.82381 0.70098 0.48649 0.05829 0.25815 0.66691 0.93897 0.91567 0.73569 0.97379 0.824 0.97845 0.0303 0.20265 0.39299 0.44161 0.63706 0.48486 0.98415 0.79332 0.9872 0.79614 0.79863 0.84506 0.68067 0.90584 0.13148 0.5461 0.52743 0.47679 0.79501 0.58253 0.28185 0.22315 0.36907 0.47638 0.67277 0.65036 0.30748 0.22238 0.43865 0.44597 0.39734 0.64402 0.59616 0.96968 0.9585 0.75855 0.156 0.2717 0.28327 0.89826 0.6118 0.59228 0.82423 0.49697 0.50144 0.99044 0.88979 0.72956 0.3095 0.91631 0.52522 0.36295 0.30824 0.96136 0.05328 0.88418 0.80437 0.04273 0.88895 0.45201 0.37901 0.12985 0.99087 0.03789 0.13298 0.64637 0.62927 0.37666 0.85169 0.0381 0.56756 0.53987 0.56617 0.31516 0.86177 0.24472 0.08009 0.62956 0.59322 0.10687 0.64559 0.70716 0.83919 0.24546 0.7771 0.13842 0.94284 0.76192 0.78166 0.62446 0.28485 0.5134 0.26228 0.50747 0.18899 0.32524 0.00173 0.91815 0.20986 0.18127 0.41806 0.07446 0.07286 0.59896 0.16566 0.92569 0.21473 0.29901 0.67067 0.69602 0.84013 0.80099 0.58286 0.69763 0.86231 0.27392 0.06939 0.87607 0.94709 0.11182 0.34449 0.58514 0.5633 0.58989 0.26844 0.67912 0.08921 0.31928 0.4059 0.24123 0.74742 0.74224 0.40826 0.25244 0.116 0.72031 0.58039 0.69975 0.90231 0.93645 0.05867 0.96394 0.86889 0.12998 0.93301 0.28249 0.69678 0.9788 0.92757 0.93154 0.59782 0.24538 0.92472 0.99671 0.72707 0.22372 0.83778 0.24542 0.29356 0.72783 0.5595 0.06973 0.68613 0.58292 0.48417 0.95538 0.41894 0.04007 0.2085 0.86461 0.87844 0.97684 0.29516 0.57509 0.14838 0.90144 0.57642 0.82509 0.55979 0.12373 0.73766 0.33575 0.25048 0.89957 0.16531 0.21428 0.62514 0.94347 0.06112 0.13214 0.38421 0.79182 0.00558 0.20492 0.16648 0.1027 0.11864 0.43615 0.78648 0.18511 0.74338 0.7146 0.66455 0.39895 0.67123 0.16994 0.01318 0.3921 0.35751 0.94706 0.34335 0.01683 0.21761 0.5225 0.14082 0.38632 0.81677 0.49787 0.44765 0.1021 0.15526 0.67228 0.49837 0.00984 0.8193 0.31368 0.39748 0.43108 0.03885 0.68839 0.14878 0.14765 0.6345 0.10173 0.40763 0.33722 0.0442 0.42266 0.3394 0.32881 0.35622 0.33166 0.45584 0.95164 0.08397 0.55337 0.72443 0.11294
+0.33897 0.23692 0.48072 0.47127 0.38096 0.16773 0.74521 0.80202 0.70991 0.22772 0.7158 0.46206 0.93301 0.48501 0.82953 0.57205 0.05995 0.22638 0.12457 0.43118 0.81226 0.35961 0.44053 0.02821 0.42001 0.48086 0.68045 0.74511 0.36034 0.60999 0.96212 0.39798 0.60614 0.9111 0.81324 0.80584 0.75603 0.46895 0.95773 0.1289 0.65616 0.87168 0.23114 0.2731 0.10257 0.11921 0.4392 0.38221 0.64755 0.98505 0.50488 0.78698 0.28439 0.7103 0.25144 0.44558 0.21126 0.61776 0.19236 0.02339 0.35706 0.25713 0.62074 0.28916 0.73222 0.87336 0.7312 0.63167 0.28003 0.19658 0.42791 0.97653 0.31441 0.3772 0.53983 0.58272 0.39133 0.06272 0.22425 0.01672 0.22483 0.65642 0.37171 0.84886 0.73452 0.67885 0.59504 0.26968 0.56473 0.8239 0.92148 0.84808 0.77045 0.01512 0.15723 0.86538 0.35179 0.26763 0.80813 0.58795 0.43967 0.23761 0.08156 0.1053 0.02931 0.48572 0.73362 0.3882 0.01127 0.92328 0.96098 0.2597 0.48631 0.99448 0.93627 0.39572 0.85598 0.65073 0.66538 0.3422 0.26844 0.70285 0.29612 0.72303 0.74292 0.66272 0.26533 0.07965 0.64896 0.20951 0.55245 0.29225 0.9893 0.14028 0.75602 0.81487 0.85018 0.60509 0.58227 0.09808 0.15834 0.57479 0.16995 0.90378 0.06803 0.625 0.15502 0.92286 0.30296 0.62992 0.27722 0.51704 0.40348 0.95882 0.54478 0.16502 0.21779 0.7547 0.35838 0.60829 0.91963 0.94266 0.38261 0.0181 0.11566 0.63636 0.44623 0.03425 0.43769 0.28553 0.80394 0.61462 0.09309 0.37916 0.92622 0.52987 0.51162 0.23188 0.61363 0.226 0.94786 0.56153 0.57092 0.59556 0.94221 0.46386 0.21059 0.57253 0.30566 0.48655 0.55995 0.10232 0.80334 0.22329 0.60011 0.14565 0.47771 0.01107 0.45294 0.90337 0.08231 0.55842 0.10516 0.66328 0.74587 0.82714 0.25617 0.34244 0.98628 0.42744 0.28162 0.11546 0.45451 0.78215 0.39119 0.68354 0.96631 0.47909 0.86019 0.72455 0.14335 0.7072 0.43644 0.37109 0.90776 0.74114 0.63143 0.83766 0.20608 0.42835 0.14322 0.55768 0.09755 0.68247 0.22887 0.74589 0.10097 0.01938 0.17574 0.91702 0.71588 0.18004 0.18972 0.21772 0.06935 0.76776 0.61594 0.40793 0.38896 0.1278 0.35903 0.96142 0.56103 0.32131 0.4099 0.97386 0.42809 0.59589 0.57993 0.08477 0.05119 0.59503 0.4473 0.3608 0.44756 0.98829 0.96247 0.26556 0.80927 0.50523 0.77693 0.31745 0.53574 0.19903 0.02284 0.92087 0.08072 0.75176 0.2651 0.99237 0.04837 0.39949 0.12505 0.87839 0.7318 0.50671 0.05684 0.58599 0.65874 0.60087 0.13137 0.92093 0.01604 0.38704 0.06579 0.30326 0.19754 0.10663 0.32254 0.19813 0.68773 0.80177 0.955 0.6889 0.17145 0.94696 0.63487 0.41348 0.28255 0.13117 0.69266 0.7044 0.13247 0.07083 0.74919 0.37582 0.32491 0.44022 0.20322 0.62055 0.06182 0.14349 0.06915 0.35478 0.1351 0.65754 0.81603 0.06367 0.27942 0.19004 0.64278 0.20878 0.9944 0.74551 0.59008 0.66123 0.71381 0.18987 0.84037 0.7284 0.90503 0.5974 0.63621 0.28233 0.05834 0.87754 0.4799 0.35428 0.29541 0.52647 0.70636 0.48264 0.80878 0.28892 0.54035 0.98731 0.20609 0.76472 0.126 0.04251 0.31023 0.04211 0.05459 0.40075 0.80561 0.31689 0.18354 0.79659 0.85158 0.57098 0.75894 0.51064 0.00122 0.47446 0.71206 0.0898 0.36338 0.36667 0.24004 0.4535 0.97934 0.30587 0.26768 0.76705 0.12823 0.83223 0.53354 0.94596 0.95807 0.37651 0.72975 0.47164 0.2292 0.06494 0.91702 0.3868 0.95296 0.65681 0.20057 0.92268 0.45567 0.32485 0.31589 0.37505 0.74671 0.25228 0.3093 0.04191 0.19287 0.21678 0.97145 0.42034 0.12925 0.73672 0.36171 0.93869 0.93524 0.66782 0.46664 0.00722 0.47893 0.54041 0.10463 0.39696 0.57522 0.09058 0.19785 0.32763 0.65379 0.85163 0.25197 0.48828 0.33737 0.00262 0.98501 0.5489 0.56031 0.78061 0.01316 0.89659 0.4688 0.07942 0.36543 0.68932 0.72239 0.04 0.64955 0.48975 0.87192 0.27444 0.28224 0.89925 0.71025 0.87603 0.46978 0.82064 0.01711 0.51126 0.16095 0.54872 0.24231 0.52277 0.16601 0.41003 0.60612 0.67457 0.73537 0.50392 0.26965 0.23131 0.47956 0.68195 0.30668 0.62093 0.42379 0.502 0.49714 0.14108 0.03018 0.32254 0.7773 0.43689 0.40179 0.75386 0.42139 0.33962 0.78428 0.19989 0.67587 0.92521 0.77737 0.80435 0.83612 0.41476 0.97373 0.13082 0.97901 0.29717 0.29147 0.72384 0.69589 0.91477 0.37297 0.00324 0.57521 0.9121 0.42283 0.77541 0.85937 0.9911 0.13339 0.11747
+0.34464 0.24706 0.89843 0.35862 0.19467 0.16406 0.10676 0.73485 0.33294 0.09092 0.16938 0.53302 0.95858 0.3954 0.72597 0.39349 0.29425 0.76807 0.62152 0.32935 0.83492 0.12505 0.77384 0.81247 0.79218 0.102 0.97482 0.78816 0.63601 0.50014 0.5209 0.69915 0.28426 0.72566 0.31126 0.18408 0.17442 0.15913 0.66089 0.33968 0.47559 0.91487 0.62448 0.7828 0.17129 0.99071 0.46249 0.71139 0.44511 0.19849 0.25983 0.38277 0.57478 0.75959 0.83755 0.62109 0.95774 0.25207 0.53864 0.88112 0.14599 0.04127 0.26832 0.59809 0.97426 0.05452 0.70131 0.184 0.4191 0.54719 0.65485 0.37698 0.71435 0.0822 0.21191 0.23436 0.30191 0.85657 0.32093 0.47976 0.8447 0.7504 0.80525 0.06514 0.69367 0.56215 0.5746 0.2119 0.03943 0.36839 0.17235 0.57064 0.49908 0.96078 0.33613 0.06056 0.28329 0.11723 0.01415 0.53106 0.78874 0.15435 0.15303 0.94698 0.91784 0.6283 0.14481 0.40983 0.91916 0.22312 0.77983 0.83836 0.65254 0.98237 0.04901 0.43128 0.00144 0.36861 0.28166 0.84336 0.41991 0.1988 0.28138 0.5334 0.33517 0.54386 0.77406 0.0926 0.67676 0.75364 0.3323 0.66947 0.99509 0.39419 0.84385 0.12679 0.27728 0.52445 0.37156 0.43806 0.46659 0.76064 0.90589 0.98096 0.79724 0.77064 0.35689 0.48596 0.89831 0.56698 0.48079 0.2567 0.51986 0.11767 0.84909 0.11293 0.61641 0.3386 0.06907 0.8205 0.01071 0.38446 0.3716 0.72001 0.68166 0.60516 0.88688 0.33469 0.38398 0.76817 0.02767 0.99064 0.95772 0.21589 0.09151 0.92089 0.27375 0.70925 0.77182 0.56969 0.95291 0.03502 0.7776 0.06905 0.41651 0.47133 0.59105 0.53892 0.16589 0.84974 0.75492 0.93296 0.22066 0.53613 0.07162 0.30602 0.96228 0.69817 0.85953 0.21648 0.27197 0.04439 0.34135 0.11629 0.18588 0.31283 0.26904 0.66643 0.45239 0.2524 0.38421 0.54623 0.21168 0.5374 0.15419 0.51765 0.65243 0.72425 0.8176 0.43533 0.38459 0.74318 0.37338 0.97916 0.31483 0.89301 0.29467 0.43492 0.96878 0.27804 0.67098 0.85221 0.73446 0.56888 0.13463 0.69205 0.53906 0.33999 0.31135 0.49429 0.11269 0.0734 0.26802 0.11588 0.94573 0.49265 0.56535 0.71943 0.77166 0.37877 0.73234 0.95819 0.46966 0.13633 0.13247 0.99769 0.86515 0.00803 0.43304 0.25806 0.41881 0.7837 0.03307 0.85096 0.74624 0.63666 0.96255 0.22668 0.63531 0.37856 0.0988 0.33528 0.63168 0.54994 0.98113 0.9732 0.07231 0.69658 0.04015 0.57854 0.28965 0.94092 0.30494 0.66295 0.87462 0.22747 0.09204 0.3842 0.86038 0.87272 0.76172 0.85293 0.5923 0.19843 0.76732 0.37206 0.28859 0.78722 0.98567 0.35216 0.88177 0.29741 0.21701 0.4762 0.9842 0.60972 0.98299 0.2253 0.16918 0.92916 0.89388 0.55246 0.19225 0.17783 0.41934 0.16279 0.63663 0.91453 0.61485 0.18541 0.52548 0.93688 0.46802 0.4572 0.84872 0.02509 0.70039 0.82098 0.76456 0.9494 0.04398 0.80003 0.8667 0.83503 0.08397 0.12085 0.81395 0.11634 0.77972 0.18466 0.73982 0.84348 0.77632 0.64306 0.672 0.50026 0.07072 0.16302 0.507 0.68348 0.27941 0.59691 0.99966 0.61254 0.38533 0.82458 0.96952 0.30675 0.5012 0.7214 0.09477 0.53772 0.33903 0.72901 0.38831 0.35756 0.74923 0.57385 0.81168 0.43301 0.94026 0.67231 0.74796 0.76561 0.36819 0.47216 0.49534 0.32315 0.45007 0.58189 0.34703 0.41791 0.64582 0.90019 0.49953 0.36357 0.39136 0.62938 0.0689 0.98846 0.44676 0.44335 0.69642 0.73292 0.3203 0.13181 0.60925 0.08394 0.77515 0.85605 0.43251 0.84032 0.23099 0.81161 0.43585 0.10808 0.53717 0.90437 0.2692 0.51686 0.31972 0.9425 0.69655 0.74574 0.71876 0.98304 0.91726 0.54848 0.48892 0.04827 0.74243 0.81795 0.48896 0.7475 0.93127 0.41148 0.96082 0.6182 0.56224 0.94969 0.26493 0.52954 0.52742 0.62327 0.39899 0.18336 0.95661 0.65114 0.97446 0.75328 0.61772 0.45712 0.16085 0.97629 0.16923 0.92701 0.79561 0.36659 0.68387 0.80501 0.04617 0.35632 0.42201 0.85149 0.50505 0.11342 0.44613 0.20264 0.73396 0.76216 0.65809 0.46902 0.36496 0.10954 0.94503 0.94693 0.40718 0.35158 0.13886 0.59954 0.18473 0.25807 0.84553 0.91477 0.1605 0.54785 0.36678 0.27531 0.51321 0.278 0.58849 0.68735 0.20582 0.87849 0.19221 0.22129 0.35746 0.85935 0.39738 0.77032 0.57556 0.94501 0.48929 0.04671 0.88062 0.07404 0.17324 0.99222 0.95141 0.05209 0.52746 0.95562 0.97443 0.96466 0.87779 0.96588 0.4401 0.96063 0.18318 0.29754 0.2791 0.94211
+0.19104 0.05484 0.78499 0.49502 0.02816 0.07987 0.48414 0.37884 0.98592 0.48593 0.24242 0.6457 0.88387 0.68202 0.31994 0.56271 0.26669 0.86824 0.02286 0.18414 0.3686 0.74584 0.73873 0.1985 0.36905 0.90577 0.25128 0.08662 0.01656 0.77057 0.78841 0.13159 0.31135 0.65999 0.2821 0.45762 0.9503 0.33542 0.20493 0.39652 0.32834 0.93398 0.63024 0.65482 0.57139 0.43764 0.88876 0.0589 0.96846 0.59677 0.99178 0.39812 0.88978 0.17266 0.83681 0.12129 0.05445 0.79538 0.12922 0.90666 0.13163 0.36013 0.89919 0.03501 0.18515 0.45458 0.11008 0.65118 0.5496 0.65316 0.94407 0.01193 0.88168 0.65114 0.27711 0.20609 0.67068 0.09937 0.04995 0.05556 0.78094 0.0757 0.87146 0.31309 0.41544 0.67006 0.95206 0.76213 0.87445 0.86088 0.94442 0.26312 0.95756 0.84667 0.7101 0.0234 0.7226 0.73928 0.45322 0.92755 0.35992 0.30128 0.27567 0.74754 0.29237 0.40956 0.3139 0.11069 0.2855 0.07093 0.38077 0.96782 0.3733 0.57306 0.46078 0.84073 0.6103 0.81573 0.26814 0.20334 0.98602 0.50104 0.53688 0.06432 0.75838 0.01276 0.80973 0.78179 0.52433 0.02079 0.18709 0.05955 0.74507 0.7486 0.86222 0.72896 0.88726 0.73573 0.5836 0.02497 0.31247 0.69186 0.54383 0.13653 0.00793 0.78008 0.63066 0.64013 0.99019 0.61149 0.66286 0.60759 0.35188 0.86852 0.39492 0.99064 0.65607 0.68799 0.8588 0.20146 0.16039 0.2124 0.80296 0.88004 0.23221 0.69588 0.80757 0.91058 0.914 0.84289 0.9011 0.6979 0.54715 0.3182 0.10898 0.93661 0.96554 0.46 0.81273 0.57941 0.17378 0.22433 0.63933 0.34354 0.99585 0.3986 0.26634 0.64992 0.36528 0.29957 0.81589 0.54157 0.9732 0.59847 0.46536 0.90173 0.62908 0.59425 0.3628 0.05199 0.07807 0.21019 0.8022 0.1262 0.61523 0.70784 0.05165 0.46722 0.38585 0.89629 0.95581 0.91348 0.34953 0.20797 0.96239 0.85406 0.34838 0.8222 0.29834 0.95559 0.84127 0.65193 0.08256 0.52504 0.71956 0.2631 0.42255 0.30215 0.26122 0.00049 0.95669 0.53251 0.1741 0.32913 0.56586 0.17922 0.87791 0.21893 0.07038 0.38404 0.01823 0.76139 0.9624 0.88709 0.90098 0.2031 0.4745 0.28893 0.7492 0.50312 0.47785 0.04154 0.5561 0.12 0.61344 0.87578 0.73756 0.35105 0.51965 0.56875 0.3495 0.4112 0.39082 0.09505 0.27477 0.76801 0.05805 0.25158 0.62282 0.29565 0.49217 0.15768 0.73587 0.48662 0.15113 0.85891 0.38803 0.25007 0.00354 0.59387 0.1885 0.04223 0.39568 0.86736 0.59432 0.72325 0.6022 0.70741 0.15969 0.9221 0.48086 0.94826 0.2414 0.53274 0.731 0.16624 0.48029 0.43337 0.31266 0.65857 0.76979 0.06973 0.25777 0.67941 0.4395 0.54466 0.50702 0.0037 0.12177 0.61863 0.49756 0.94296 0.94767 0.91814 0.93835 0.00238 0.37259 0.27443 0.46149 0.77631 0.49985 0.22084 0.01741 0.35462 0.69166 0.07323 0.4401 0.67806 0.20867 0.32894 0.94904 0.49806 0.55819 0.93281 0.86331 0.62431 0.38602 0.88208 0.96625 0.64196 0.50123 0.034 0.8846 0.28728 0.47132 0.3033 0.06686 0.21856 0.82592 0.95475 0.71837 0.66924 0.08009 0.17786 0.10453 0.60623 0.84521 0.14728 0.92735 0.66 0.29768 0.91808 0.63706 0.72658 0.01116 0.92825 0.15116 0.72654 0.2151 0.59118 0.54749 0.36785 0.14935 0.90226 0.81059 0.08788 0.52015 0.62312 0.52461 0.76501 0.17783 0.30421 0.88392 0.04685 0.98366 0.80965 0.40807 0.11878 0.83069 0.10715 0.18149 0.08511 0.33379 0.67283 0.54118 0.28094 0.15562 0.77648 0.16229 0.11649 0.66998 0.92595 0.3726 0.15804 0.31728 0.46247 0.96992 0.18158 0.67091 0.65678 0.85227 0.17699 0.70176 0.35123 0.98607 0.06274 0.32096 0.92277 0.98429 0.72595 0.19761 0.97122 0.42602 0.36096 0.56955 0.22586 0.56794 0.36804 0.04994 0.78357 0.18833 0.03904 0.10092 0.3403 0.622 0.83401 0.27292 0.93747 0.59903 0.33956 0.16978 0.31426 0.5043 0.1212 0.87577 0.11076 0.24013 0.6318 0.66006 0.55106 0.73457 0.48343 0.40423 0.16425 0.97423 0.40958 0.79475 0.39132 0.0917 0.6225 0.38232 0.44091 0.27129 0.46904 0.02184 0.5218 0.78296 0.23117 0.57036 0.08635 0.26273 0.66675 0.53925 0.53252 0.93723 0.91692 0.50391 0.88376 0.9007 0.38136 0.8924 0.92716 0.1921 0.05097 0.72102 0.11453 0.21005 0.48158 0.76051 0.79514 0.51177 0.3929 0.13401 0.22858 0.04318 0.0761 0.00876 0.26155 0.77957 0.7621 0.66086 0.81744 0.04589 0.75009 0.72876 0.15296 0.07387 0.99312 0.21665 0.717 0.52473 0.56244
+0.38903 0.85971 0.79063 0.51079 0.34427 0.36123 0.91602 0.89045 0.11531 0.03734 0.71255 0.18458 0.81833 0.39593 0.94472 0.39615 0.56393 0.99795 0.00138 0.37458 0.79016 0.48601 0.86029 0.66688 0.78388 0.27396 0.87004 0.45553 0.38881 0.7497 0.90176 0.79465 0.51585 0.37021 0.13624 0.30472 0.69356 0.85102 0.32664 0.47475 0.39994 0.38324 0.81473 0.12984 0.47392 0.20737 0.7844 0.65011 0.38621 0.17139 0.31314 0.2416 0.56206 0.61431 0.59012 0.15285 0.51547 0.87717 0.1599 0.1472 0.66747 0.55046 0.29697 0.13769 0.57664 0.61088 0.18197 0.69375 0.47278 0.13929 0.41391 0.59046 0.46735 0.36599 0.07721 0.22698 0.29788 0.49717 0.65922 0.36726 0.46833 0.02347 0.64879 0.65385 0.07769 0.75025 0.21975 0.99938 0.88228 0.53765 0.42802 0.94279 0.07764 0.23155 0.36786 0.68867 0.47149 0.68982 0.36113 0.07326 0.33157 0.15358 0.68903 0.0214 0.43771 0.88026 0.01784 0.89667 0.75852 0.25142 0.61635 0.90661 0.04188 0.91113 0.26313 0.2355 0.01258 0.28592 0.15029 0.64421 0.0611 0.58174 0.40574 0.49248 0.21012 0.31157 0.21137 0.74559 0.18782 0.67454 0.27324 0.66636 0.50914 0.00371 0.66025 0.05051 0.38743 0.29851 0.76547 0.49552 0.41795 0.35582 0.4656 0.58588 0.24964 0.63261 0.70507 0.00082 0.05339 0.98645 0.10942 0.21315 0.53539 0.00382 0.39245 0.16777 0.88593 0.24894 0.06017 0.10739 0.80271 0.28675 0.128 0.05913 0.09172 0.81393 0.28237 0.41968 0.36582 0.18099 0.96811 0.33734 0.89818 0.28086 0.25406 0.68948 0.51188 0.08391 0.12276 0.06064 0.93649 0.90816 0.46375 0.6409 0.10391 0.23324 0.04712 0.21551 0.56988 0.8517 0.79865 0.20515 0.38565 0.04071 0.7352 0.44489 0.00175 0.92051 0.23244 0.99015 0.77356 0.1627 0.69664 0.39079 0.4942 0.39304 0.48976 0.9438 0.65918 0.9994 0.93956 0.40504 0.51841 0.6375 0.53654 0.49912 0.07549 0.58646 0.64849 0.06376 0.67811 0.22514 0.75438 0.9497 0.05506 0.61452 0.96599 0.26104 0.59139 0.89245 0.17745 0.56468 0.93531 0.31171 0.52771 0.62168 0.95605 0.59465 0.3856 0.9758 0.73104 0.78307 0.99544 0.62444 0.37207 0.28177 0.24638 0.05125 0.34645 0.51929 0.54045 0.89695 0.21037 0.79087 0.77017 0.60047 0.66813 0.92331 0.93244 0.96375 0.82373 0.43789 0.76737 0.71341 0.26919 0.06003 0.0007 0.87872 0.88282 0.34642 0.16252 0.26804 0.18768 0.27342 0.86482 0.1382 0.02022 0.31696 0.97917 0.025 0.66422 0.98386 0.68225 0.99778 0.73035 0.53117 0.71946 0.18028 0.58647 0.28182 0.33724 0.51336 0.61125 0.52272 0.56013 0.8535 0.78333 0.21597 0.17729 0.6717 0.09004 0.66685 0.56843 0.19494 0.92495 0.68498 0.8405 0.4836 0.04483 0.57946 0.6881 0.93867 0.40544 0.66706 0.65379 0.1765 0.72194 0.77362 0.22644 0.20465 0.16483 0.8806 0.83588 0.08227 0.88977 0.37642 0.60974 0.81367 0.67142 0.38632 0.214 0.61809 0.80121 0.20539 0.60818 0.06163 0.15845 0.17333 0.31398 0.73722 0.50373 0.73076 0.95495 0.83596 0.70469 0.36434 0.35315 0.91045 0.89934 0.87083 0.92495 0.16053 0.72866 0.64079 0.10513 0.14668 0.54278 0.4679 0.02108 0.72837 0.32604 0.09402 0.22814 0.7145 0.89625 0.94278 0.64484 0.37631 0.6905 0.16235 0.13759 0.92883 0.22927 0.52552 0.28232 0.05685 0.53814 0.49923 0.44468 0.7616 0.19076 0.03204 0.30859 0.06585 0.43166 0.69635 0.04281 0.01855 0.04299 0.36648 0.00773 0.10978 0.02908 0.02261 0.63172 0.14987 0.65065 0.13666 0.58365 0.33192 0.0087 0.14111 0.52386 0.94673 0.02137 0.79131 0.31602 0.06204 0.19025 0.70996 0.15447 0.18755 0.05738 0.30579 0.38996 0.12792 0.7424 0.55742 0.62702 0.25433 0.18418 0.91321 0.73549 0.05069 0.12615 0.27695 0.49499 0.2869 0.33379 0.24558 0.32084 0.66979 0.74992 0.37121 0.42246 0.47435 0.95998 0.30376 0.12962 0.5806 0.06287 0.72382 0.29763 0.76012 0.78233 0.36017 0.8402 0.63958 0.0031 0.08887 0.44647 0.43688 0.20433 0.03572 0.60165 0.25673 0.22568 0.22181 0.71805 0.77755 0.58553 0.09751 0.95966 0.48505 0.68415 0.33585 0.90274 0.56427 0.33202 0.02634 0.94378 0.71777 0.62058 0.61391 0.48791 0.03857 0.57262 0.57812 0.18945 0.82833 0.98221 0.29239 0.29429 0.86745 0.60208 0.26864 0.26589 0.00913 0.44666 0.41803 0.23567 0.04989 0.95803 0.21367 0.92836 0.02617 0.11446 0.57553 0.33783 0.84349 0.73348 0.31237 0.45078 0.61268 0.48704 0.58878 0.40722 0.69593 0.05352 0.36648 0.30248 0.2654
+0.1467 0.38309 0.05901 0.30124 0.78806 0.99364 0.37032 0.64534 0.75639 0.87164 0.32012 0.86703 0.94165 0.68628 0.18865 0.88889 0.85473 0.94432 0.76115 0.89518 0.28184 0.14193 0.27084 0.20818 0.47312 0.1752 0.13968 0.53989 0.26248 0.37 0.00806 0.17768 0.58021 0.02396 0.92703 0.77364 0.4633 0.44805 0.40946 0.93714 0.59215 0.83081 0.225 0.94356 0.99167 0.80388 0.36141 0.88454 0.89728 0.638 0.82038 0.68997 0.13258 0.57615 0.98834 0.29941 0.15629 0.00321 0.53491 0.55717 0.61617 0.29611 0.95388 0.15455 0.85521 0.29799 0.22036 0.18126 0.17378 0.55685 0.03289 0.47979 0.49749 0.53831 0.80966 0.47285 0.66027 0.25392 0.32203 0.13196 0.4248 0.47848 0.52519 0.45453 0.48353 0.97257 0.11458 0.49788 0.20817 0.63663 0.63103 0.24414 0.74448 0.71386 0.81623 0.52125 0.79127 0.07352 0.21861 0.35875 0.92083 0.9369 0.42005 0.06611 0.91125 0.57691 0.12887 0.44003 0.19753 0.07122 0.01007 0.09041 0.33964 0.4248 0.01057 0.00472 0.76112 0.95268 0.7396 0.96237 0.21499 0.80958 0.91107 0.37455 0.94337 0.33825 0.43418 0.25951 0.46298 0.26995 0.60414 0.74125 0.4378 0.77752 0.96352 0.00131 0.24427 0.0921 0.11392 0.19566 0.28625 0.63179 0.28849 0.08229 0.79815 0.88964 0.42263 0.45836 0.23213 0.65641 0.70919 0.50128 0.94261 0.85732 0.93782 0.5351 0.7048 0.54283 0.02109 0.55695 0.63274 0.64002 0.49701 0.2312 0.19105 0.94438 0.42938 0.88882 0.35351 0.31032 0.23631 0.24298 0.23991 0.60464 0.01901 0.6882 0.95562 0.32413 0.50701 0.7009 0.42799 0.45816 0.64235 0.46698 0.78187 0.11588 0.63495 0.90158 0.46784 0.62852 0.57668 0.39227 0.01649 0.45455 0.46945 0.11993 0.43679 0.36676 0.92834 0.08906 0.62194 0.24022 0.06366 0.5973 0.10099 0.33697 0.96698 0.13558 0.05112 0.65261 0.19515 0.78635 0.82089 0.18043 0.46957 0.4755 0.71757 0.37447 0.07112 0.73217 0.92013 0.93907 0.23884 0.77886 0.69029 0.75963 0.42361 0.41938 0.37679 0.19626 0.29643 0.14608 0.34139 0.51469 0.43437 0.86633 0.24242 0.42915 0.34474 0.41815 0.94529 0.72502 0.98393 0.87642 0.01986 0.24734 0.91056 0.1249 0.39684 0.04021 0.1013 0.51441 0.63729 0.01507 0.91545 0.97888 0.73147 0.27943 0.38288 0.43045 0.60499 0.72202 0.27427 0.29513 0.58831 0.40376 0.10581 0.49212 0.79838 0.62402 0.88444 0.10625 0.26696 0.98709 0.80675 0.21273 0.73929 0.3189 0.04611 0.34727 0.26187 0.36952 0.9526 0.39747 0.59321 0.45381 0.77412 0.81853 0.07811 0.30292 0.37209 0.08853 0.84856 0.75102 0.80516 0.66236 0.68057 0.49282 0.5818 0.31739 0.62596 0.65742 0.46257 0.58318 0.62102 0.51568 0.81491 0.54391 0.54754 0.55408 0.95621 0.82254 0.34589 0.25123 0.70114 0.01116 0.16293 0.29357 0.72138 0.34633 0.06048 0.61659 0.1926 0.91063 0.90902 0.67346 0.00767 0.62654 0.98669 0.67901 0.58554 0.65755 0.31747 0.86006 0.65373 0.95045 0.3833 0.26914 0.09287 0.96419 0.82255 0.70625 0.07844 0.86263 0.05362 0.51232 0.08624 0.47093 0.72185 0.88179 0.35719 0.06638 0.4099 0.84419 0.20092 0.279 0.17889 0.34401 0.65826 0.40734 0.12503 0.93493 0.1998 0.87051 0.0702 0.39637 0.04027 0.4853 0.6417 0.15022 0.02004 0.40147 0.11328 0.74949 0.3775 0.19223 0.96816 0.13434 0.35392 0.17208 0.47396 0.06561 0.39861 0.58484 0.63726 0.81509 0.26945 0.6018 0.85307 0.93514 0.83267 0.13425 0.56021 0.431 0.95835 0.21434 0.33951 0.5539 0.8112 0.23014 0.86978 0.19426 0.9905 0.01954 0.64337 0.86072 0.88191 0.52361 0.18895 0.26483 0.57063 0.86934 0.91485 0.86163 0.07461 0.91855 0.81029 0.45132 0.93621 0.11884 0.1695 0.49741 0.5018 0.36198 0.90101 0.8533 0.63405 0.87689 0.3399 0.73261 0.63155 0.35178 0.47959 0.44702 0.68232 0.66718 0.0403 0.69759 0.18789 0.35078 0.29155 0.15183 0.5679 0.93086 0.17971 0.01057 0.48442 0.60589 0.29161 0.06539 0.5747 0.97024 0.49152 0.24025 0.7289 0.25881 0.54009 0.7423 0.56207 0.59019 0.46148 0.95982 0.38385 0.30113 0.89282 0.21727 0.60637 0.6464 0.3286 0.41376 0.998 0.32545 0.53204 0.30583 0.07659 0.25985 0.8681 0.65108 0.96097 0.7654 0.03834 0.10854 0.20059 0.53891 0.53932 0.69052 0.55804 0.55968 0.46039 0.28697 0.76893 0.82975 0.55715 0.10135 0.44973 0.60381 0.71273 0.39998 0.60384 0.94188 0.56613 0.50709 0.63915 0.96563 0.67963 0.44482 0.68848 0.14294 0.97128 0.90642 0.18871 0.77144
+0.21123 0.44645 0.36686 0.41566 0.82646 0.19372 0.93013 0.70102 0.99323 0.69571 0.42839 0.72881 0.17689 0.29471 0.32304 0.87914 0.53233 0.4384 0.57531 0.70931 0.73314 0.56551 0.75505 0.12191 0.00065 0.862 0.48363 0.11966 0.98571 0.68824 0.97101 0.41721 0.43089 0.80592 0.99308 0.60696 0.27162 0.63766 0.53044 0.62705 0.74065 0.10226 0.34862 0.55307 0.52994 0.00107 0.26502 0.08748 0.73633 0.57387 0.85982 0.1924 0.57193 0.00539 0.5164 0.447 0.61771 0.52449 0.68353 0.53697 0.10786 0.28029 0.39363 0.57396 0.43264 0.10952 0.09033 0.26747 0.78214 0.80687 0.57108 0.36237 0.89038 0.03789 0.9442 0.7865 0.30612 0.21755 0.42625 0.93583 0.00038 0.41467 0.1343 0.29961 0.21769 0.11694 0.08701 0.75575 0.3865 0.91133 0.31282 0.36364 0.60502 0.21607 0.02761 0.64017 0.91338 0.83015 0.04887 0.82021 0.46596 0.20127 0.08686 0.91154 0.7739 0.6798 0.05751 0.01889 0.0249 0.76149 0.59733 0.90738 0.04868 0.00231 0.50467 0.53784 0.20329 0.98676 0.03869 0.62182 0.384 0.38347 0.91194 0.08462 0.30226 0.10689 0.14769 0.53258 0.32262 0.17679 0.98241 0.15744 0.95002 0.84355 0.99146 0.7545 0.83728 0.8936 0.91666 0.18297 0.02205 0.09976 0.39653 0.90664 0.16566 0.81427 0.52418 0.94839 0.4575 0.86753 0.73284 0.14379 0.21034 0.91439 0.06897 0.5304 0.68024 0.75899 0.58664 0.56151 0.70803 0.56174 0.81389 0.60291 0.329 0.75741 0.68886 0.60277 0.33921 0.85586 0.28455 0.86673 0.3232 0.3558 0.00979 0.55162 0.83378 0.24722 0.99434 0.08854 0.22364 0.83078 0.1382 0.62442 0.70636 0.89517 0.91096 0.78334 0.69723 0.67777 0.36389 0.30186 0.44332 0.69106 0.30937 0.0296 0.02612 0.45686 0.73057 0.45799 0.28518 0.21141 0.56702 0.34201 0.57887 0.60031 0.73519 0.06019 0.75414 0.32155 0.9295 0.56181 0.67937 0.57565 0.45781 0.63114 0.10013 0.22648 0.04776 0.29995 0.7402 0.28444 0.51758 0.66963 0.56263 0.69062 0.65601 0.05274 0.47224 0.77505 0.98522 0.85533 0.80288 0.43938 0.96045 0.79184 0.72092 0.70377 0.40713 0.58455 0.69046 0.50583 0.07948 0.99069 0.46614 0.92693 0.38904 0.56312 0.53982 0.59901 0.77817 0.7914 0.55397 0.9497 0.17403 0.01563 0.28311 0.55765 0.3385 0.11221 0.61977 0.66504 0.92989 0.18713 0.28274 0.60994 0.48973 0.02781 0.96728 0.25609 0.22449 0.36982 0.59258 0.47988 0.92261 0.83057 0.94917 0.48638 0.50665 0.37915 0.92217 0.33861 0.04549 0.57131 0.591 0.38981 0.85668 0.31472 0.84048 0.68114 0.33195 0.7155 0.49999 0.5088 0.1545 0.3204 0.68713 0.65349 0.4912 0.47472 0.93426 0.4171 0.70387 0.16353 0.70866 0.06523 0.21215 0.95041 0.17404 0.76154 0.0915 0.51023 0.39331 0.23468 0.92503 0.92205 0.06884 0.10283 0.15234 0.99914 0.84658 0.36695 0.14812 0.94877 0.69708 0.51173 0.84336 0.58489 0.67121 0.2146 0.39634 0.4233 0.24931 0.06109 0.81162 0.31432 0.58248 0.98669 0.71632 0.38075 0.99446 0.85811 0.56904 0.7004 0.05693 0.99398 0.21041 0.59982 0.53979 0.82683 0.86331 0.42332 0.22622 0.62359 0.2513 0.70647 0.72831 0.86058 0.4909 0.7265 0.65936 0.10347 0.83359 0.63534 0.38156 0.69206 0.09382 0.39635 0.34013 0.58141 0.81586 0.00973 0.79627 0.50517 0.61323 0.7389 0.519 0.27319 0.96946 0.3654 0.57439 0.69313 0.78948 0.6084 0.85997 0.54733 0.57603 0.49487 0.08447 0.04947 0.55171 0.54551 0.19004 0.6635 0.75903 0.87579 0.60081 0.71203 0.38571 0.44722 0.40046 0.73528 0.60093 0.74519 0.96033 0.20065 0.94664 0.55104 0.49268 0.47738 0.18603 0.61219 0.63363 0.84867 0.64492 0.29845 0.28617 0.29355 0.71767 0.59397 0.92326 0.84924 0.62071 0.84716 0.80881 0.35816 0.36573 0.40052 0.48794 0.05144 0.52656 0.36437 0.53675 0.66717 0.70028 0.63181 0.62294 0.67672 0.10116 0.91256 0.0886 0.25725 0.35297 0.70827 0.00928 0.72777 0.02454 0.60513 0.31258 0.26463 0.1243 0.59954 0.30291 0.31861 0.07512 0.28383 0.75459 0.94287 0.59539 0.49537 0.67854 0.11727 0.72977 0.10926 0.41838 0.47475 0.78882 0.64634 0.20156 0.2585 0.3925 0.29196 0.77899 0.37201 0.0493 0.45614 0.32952 0.63466 0.42877 0.34357 0.64963 0.49866 0.70699 0.44488 0.73918 0.30435 0.91417 0.95467 0.99585 0.80247 0.14314 0.39943 0.56866 0.11088 0.69467 0.99848 0.85482 0.72827 0.03831 0.9713 0.59643 0.1804 0.69139 0.14188 0.30071 0.08617 0.45508 0.58751 0.26808 0.67064 0.15477 0.61854
+0.65229 0.35204 0.51981 0.88329 0.66626 0.37912 0.23329 0.49184 0.03253 0.98089 0.04781 0.33895 0.73757 0.61661 0.95124 0.27196 0.88288 0.58312 0.14374 0.47186 0.07083 0.59103 0.35826 0.88988 0.46943 0.49769 0.77347 0.74029 0.23794 0.13341 0.81867 0.15144 0.48152 0.81956 0.90753 0.06692 0.64927 0.66995 0.81606 0.02587 0.86675 0.00831 0.61599 0.88712 0.22229 0.43593 0.18147 0.53399 0.94624 0.85262 0.60039 0.16246 0.23935 0.47475 0.36691 0.08842 0.36657 0.49499 0.03991 0.19712 0.08481 0.05467 0.19711 0.29822 0.94281 0.33481 0.13324 0.29601 0.89668 0.9454 0.03135 0.63043 0.64333 0.69133 0.25264 0.87404 0.37036 0.80182 0.59331 0.5569 0.54099 0.7579 0.06202 0.05879 0.885 0.40931 0.3979 0.75097 0.20195 0.49891 0.37222 0.90028 0.70659 0.63693 0.91571 0.54397 0.24695 0.44879 0.693 0.39435 0.32971 0.71161 0.79322 0.22877 0.07198 0.79698 0.8415 0.85855 0.63474 0.25376 0.28673 0.57916 0.06277 0.10176 0.52645 0.0806 0.82555 0.74126 0.66635 0.10633 0.96051 0.05155 0.91364 0.28983 0.14513 0.48954 0.81224 0.57841 0.92563 0.0732 0.04086 0.58074 0.93137 0.76152 0.07453 0.36617 0.78141 0.00849 0.65995 0.53647 0.90422 0.59039 0.16177 0.85686 0.02197 0.7927 0.43459 0.55097 0.73912 0.089 0.59499 0.02295 0.76873 0.2649 0.45677 0.74313 0.11157 0.20904 0.26933 0.14005 0.79759 0.07534 0.57925 0.64574 0.15174 0.36794 0.07853 0.76203 0.71982 0.30516 0.51789 0.85286 0.43014 0.15577 0.33468 0.6893 0.44752 0.52409 0.16632 0.5541 0.45778 0.77211 0.41229 0.0012 0.73672 0.70707 0.53658 0.155 0.41228 0.48654 0.72372 0.34396 0.41006 0.90102 0.62174 0.29264 0.41703 0.84866 0.23567 0.55228 0.0399 0.7413 0.99504 0.65862 0.63534 0.2898 0.55477 0.19291 0.09066 0.65362 0.62394 0.27814 0.65375 0.43838 0.49198 0.65137 0.60005 0.86249 0.05327 0.34039 0.66537 0.48996 0.60748 0.61607 0.08825 0.1696 0.74539 0.09851 0.74123 0.00368 0.56438 0.74172 0.76497 0.42595 0.33201 0.52992 0.85086 0.85272 0.51178 0.39466 0.51213 0.8467 0.61176 0.45397 0.54274 0.22526 0.1474 0.79292 0.0983 0.54362 0.67582 0.54309 0.77958 0.15783 0.23572 0.32281 0.26812 0.54457 0.85549 0.87095 0.53757 0.79016 0.40887 0.5424 0.89619 0.16487 0.25728 0.13057 0.24748 0.995 0.11479 0.81699 0.27116 0.84085 0.56041 0.44823 0.73501 0.8028 0.29825 0.24909 0.42012 0.49569 0.18538 0.5798 0.72845 0.42857 0.71417 0.36487 0.5653 0.83458 0.94837 0.87147 0.08912 0.86803 0.03721 0.8488 0.74035 0.80693 0.36646 0.30405 0.62553 0.96788 0.05427 0.14955 0.9173 0.94013 0.9595 0.33356 0.68622 0.26536 0.21263 0.03555 0.85095 0.30818 0.99485 0.04659 0.07487 0.87749 0.67452 0.74461 0.26381 0.83842 0.73896 0.40931 0.40958 0.61832 0.56697 0.1826 0.7708 0.66593 0.55643 0.42058 0.55339 0.1437 0.06196 0.65181 0.79323 0.41446 0.80953 0.93154 0.31162 0.29318 0.8341 0.13212 0.76769 0.46806 0.5847 0.85175 0.33684 0.36159 0.3864 0.35326 0.374 0.49235 0.87087 0.74756 0.9155 0.92107 0.43547 0.67639 0.94432 0.17054 0.16288 0.1593 0.93218 0.07267 0.24798 0.40084 0.32788 0.13176 0.07276 0.41899 0.71841 0.07293 0.23332 0.52311 0.72792 0.95361 0.44561 0.92302 0.95797 0.50096 0.32878 0.15874 0.22622 0.39416 0.10415 0.13972 0.91803 0.15012 0.99486 0.93953 0.22847 0.06009 0.55876 0.03573 0.40234 0.50081 0.17762 0.64472 0.16182 0.04344 0.30793 0.45039 0.42021 0.4023 0.9906 0.80116 0.41614 0.94296 0.65078 0.07518 0.19466 0.30973 0.94215 0.50401 0.48212 0.47155 0.05746 0.5843 0.46196 0.50189 0.1946 0.45077 0.85186 0.3862 0.0127 0.5364 0.86102 0.56931 0.97188 0.85732 0.33596 0.35789 0.58425 0.57624 0.80194 0.32347 0.90408 0.21831 0.9072 0.57559 0.42313 0.52089 0.13118 0.37026 0.87909 0.42704 0.79001 0.92035 0.03121 0.54527 0.3595 0.84897 0.58348 0.00522 0.50006 0.97051 0.84968 0.05426 0.1651 0.91322 0.87592 0.87884 0.63503 0.18061 0.55718 0.31177 0.42886 0.19327 0.69444 0.52324 0.03634 0.77714 0.96269 0.84457 0.22406 0.53231 0.90446 0.22867 0.37977 0.01537 0.74927 0.33596 0.58291 0.73454 0.0957 0.096 0.74664 0.06146 0.98374 0.92311 0.66704 0.34353 0.64808 0.52055 0.67476 0.21665 0.84973 0.24069 0.4842 0.28041 0.44272 0.10586 0.94924 0.2627 0.17081 0.9604 0.31893 0.57657 0.82225 0.38848
+0.8958 0.34433 0.24266 0.69631 0.29011 0.07763 0.8776 0.08178 0.39201 0.5822 0.51835 0.44402 0.05986 0.14843 0.81083 0.10195 0.00401 0.32672 0.22979 0.54839 0.08413 0.39618 0.61511 0.20209 0.1514 0.93967 0.54072 0.21036 0.49132 0.60606 0.45017 0.38693 0.72124 0.71833 0.48556 0.48519 0.49965 0.99966 0.28217 0.21505 0.14988 0.67031 0.18513 0.19321 0.10894 0.26026 0.9772 0.46093 0.37344 0.11122 0.9485 0.25407 0.60495 0.56838 0.40801 0.7857 0.8071 0.68962 0.2396 0.34575 0.40122 0.61585 0.94283 0.43902 0.43656 0.40042 0.53095 0.3191 0.82105 0.31726 0.46858 0.9071 0.98847 0.02006 0.83129 0.04156 0.43243 0.8211 0.72274 0.34144 0.30846 0.08095 0.18549 0.0135 0.97532 0.52036 0.92176 0.93929 0.80756 0.03783 0.33928 0.26196 0.78384 0.40484 0.62011 0.21184 0.66927 0.49994 0.4808 0.6391 0.63907 0.17965 0.31668 0.93263 0.91356 0.94995 0.88038 0.72939 0.43534 0.81712 0.63411 0.76425 0.50192 0.70627 0.47226 0.03087 0.82841 0.33198 0.48689 0.40797 0.56548 0.7488 0.68918 0.31187 0.89015 0.35441 0.47421 0.35283 0.73739 0.20605 0.18723 0.03476 0.119 0.87663 0.29424 0.09209 0.64084 0.70993 0.99477 0.47963 0.84706 0.71586 0.43428 0.00658 0.64201 0.3317 0.06093 0.83327 0.76978 0.34878 0.80359 0.00225 0.5646 0.55095 0.64256 0.31381 0.45617 0.6268 0.40405 0.29568 0.17877 0.87797 0.79937 0.07456 0.19568 0.68513 0.14261 0.78761 0.36582 0.56429 0.82576 0.65042 0.71165 0.57673 0.98 0.21311 0.35751 0.7376 0.8817 0.40711 0.74191 0.10173 0.21372 0.41643 0.45043 0.27653 0.62223 0.59321 0.13812 0.55339 0.71599 0.97606 0.48946 0.63489 0.35856 0.53744 0.98364 0.54313 0.98129 0.7003 0.08357 0.46754 0.50664 0.40491 0.67295 0.83143 0.0269 0.81851 0.27105 0.1328 0.91137 0.3327 0.57619 0.0306 0.51253 0.95237 0.24114 0.51151 0.35294 0.95638 0.00896 0.40965 0.59119 0.62707 0.02326 0.18786 0.77725 0.47094 0.14468 0.50034 0.39086 0.8337 0.90979 0.55188 0.04373 0.29081 0.6042 0.44478 0.37238 0.95895 0.63566 0.34327 0.66626 0.80523 0.83307 0.98268 0.68165 0.5875 0.46207 0.27713 0.62416 0.00964 0.40594 0.17611 0.53964 0.31879 0.52078 0.05896 0.40848 0.10832 0.00843 0.4855 0.21054 0.3717 0.39633 0.50329 0.41129 0.72726 0.74473 0.85022 0.59416 0.96285 0.56467 0.30486 0.71586 0.32301 0.02654 0.87362 0.95418 0.85116 0.9955 0.62963 0.32268 0.14635 0.85376 0.93101 0.57836 0.23806 0.25625 0.63676 0.94262 0.09458 0.01961 0.78105 0.60858 0.42515 0.78089 0.50385 0.8398 0.1451 0.11206 0.59325 0.52383 0.66956 0.46065 0.88325 0.67918 0.94459 0.34576 0.76258 0.39442 0.55183 0.56369 0.19037 0.64909 0.35068 0.93026 0.00171 0.01359 0.00431 0.80295 0.38283 0.7863 0.62013 0.89004 0.99854 0.96448 0.16958 0.96361 0.32372 0.68413 0.76784 0.21383 0.53705 0.33158 0.24986 0.99679 0.21109 0.28805 0.2206 0.21643 0.58339 0.08137 0.90743 0.03254 0.77228 0.3081 0.74544 0.39662 0.95031 0.72238 0.2264 0.28884 0.03288 0.46142 0.83097 0.10452 0.9546 0.69765 0.60778 0.78843 0.05473 0.85804 0.36901 0.88825 0.56516 0.46337 0.99292 0.04817 0.88026 0.67521 0.7547 0.0999 0.11382 0.69763 0.66442 0.87099 0.81713 0.46737 0.32692 0.47116 0.14344 0.17441 0.3026 0.97863 0.98994 0.38815 0.60008 0.00251 0.98692 0.89654 0.68769 0.09518 0.84919 0.49123 0.3868 0.05657 0.64642 0.66735 0.14944 0.42762 0.33068 0.04294 0.70407 0.16493 0.26952 0.7426 0.70955 0.38811 0.34365 0.06103 0.89891 0.68082 0.77194 0.04326 0.28456 0.67468 0.64383 0.47606 0.12659 0.51476 0.32098 0.9803 0.4672 0.49175 0.56587 0.2585 0.25451 0.11305 0.717 0.86089 0.9913 0.51747 0.91214 0.83034 0.17393 0.19914 0.51931 0.89685 0.47062 0.50072 0.25292 0.93269 0.67658 0.65253 0.00655 0.29387 0.45724 0.50322 0.34117 0.5476 0.34427 0.14673 0.96772 0.8494 0.6742 0.79442 0.48808 0.55992 0.90552 0.27389 0.26855 0.35281 0.77729 0.39075 0.71837 0.19598 0.11765 0.78711 0.0292 0.93097 0.32158 0.81914 0.92521 0.97327 0.0509 0.52629 0.21686 0.64571 0.82835 0.2744 0.14442 0.56416 0.73571 0.02495 0.27029 0.32036 0.0053 0.61268 0.98927 0.19922 0.98902 0.60214 0.86681 0.48082 0.39956 0.14716 0.99933 0.68357 0.5484 0.49793 0.38213 0.55952 0.56479 0.85655 0.39134 0.45397 0.35858 0.15009 0.99097 0.82201 0.30608
+0.30543 0.00498 0.31165 0.17996 0.90126 0.01489 0.07776 0.15121 0.31187 0.31267 0.86079 0.44323 0.30866 0.61221 0.94742 0.1609 0.95857 0.43895 0.85504 0.20639 0.2015 0.6316 0.16729 0.94334 0.15582 0.8659 0.28865 0.12037 0.33094 0.10159 0.21524 0.86036 0.20923 0.18324 0.32907 0.41809 0.9853 0.22598 0.15145 0.18768 0.5815 0.45199 0.19178 0.91134 0.92305 0.74984 0.56757 0.25962 0.12475 0.3966 0.26038 0.5888 0.6186 0.24545 0.3254 0.98613 0.2831 0.19226 0.48049 0.9632 0.82934 0.64248 0.08533 0.97472 0.91464 0.86774 0.26629 0.58036 0.41774 0.47116 0.95103 0.47614 0.66969 0.64465 0.35007 0.04794 0.31924 0.19938 0.05576 0.04847 0.76613 0.51961 0.8971 0.11669 0.75792 0.19838 0.03529 0.3454 0.72628 0.27262 0.65977 0.89681 0.07198 0.79702 0.73544 0.7931 0.28448 0.57889 0.01358 0.89027 0.11867 0.1476 0.36508 0.78919 0.56284 0.22862 0.48947 0.93189 0.91283 0.52142 0.1817 0.28371 0.50472 0.04009 0.16858 0.76291 0.05201 0.76317 0.51306 0.47865 0.4146 0.2405 0.9018 0.67971 0.07915 0.20234 0.42589 0.02977 0.45827 0.38765 0.3572 0.00491 0.18354 0.64367 0.15034 0.27565 0.85505 0.14038 0.72004 0.63439 0.85126 0.66507 0.21141 0.96573 0.10016 0.3156 0.65486 0.96497 0.11318 0.62129 0.66486 0.50204 0.95465 0.55155 0.51588 0.65896 0.81979 0.65235 0.7378 0.10086 0.46105 0.34063 0.7353 0.71888 0.78225 0.34102 0.90506 0.80185 0.40537 0.32997 0.49402 0.59575 0.56516 0.29261 0.80604 0.26808 0.06227 0.48582 0.53963 0.24015 0.35643 0.80685 0.26156 0.77645 0.92197 0.61062 0.11485 0.62618 0.01778 0.71152 0.39237 0.731 0.39118 0.9854 0.23614 0.27514 0.49436 0.92876 0.73353 0.85244 0.37085 0.08949 0.17835 0.81262 0.7691 0.06101 0.58377 0.60254 0.534 0.16282 0.77929 0.90215 0.39535 0.35834 0.35886 0.64106 0.60584 0.9874 0.39767 0.88632 0.68014 0.30057 0.41527 0.21654 0.18214 0.03102 0.69056 0.65672 0.26239 0.41637 0.74025 0.03728 0.26969 0.89831 0.33779 0.08868 0.62851 0.02968 0.25863 0.63399 0.67041 0.33669 0.86511 0.48374 0.95768 0.61866 0.65036 0.02062 0.88205 0.64593 0.253 0.55797 0.89316 0.75444 0.55708 0.11618 0.16428 0.35255 0.70699 0.7529 0.25819 0.83095 0.45504 0.906 0.24308 0.42112 0.68596 0.76376 0.59401 0.64866 0.97325 0.97456 0.97225 0.09458 0.34427 0.32879 0.70204 0.29208 0.42893 0.12944 0.0488 0.10971 0.14046 0.04556 0.24614 0.43393 0.06184 0.28078 0.91063 0.58352 0.84895 0.75314 0.95458 0.07659 0.93815 0.48585 0.55357 0.14306 0.44809 0.43874 0.08311 0.55522 0.0801 0.9804 0.09028 0.95487 0.09179 0.74269 0.66048 0.38817 0.66458 0.26087 0.4012 0.17393 0.07198 0.87754 0.38729 0.66065 0.48977 0.0449 0.34404 0.89421 0.01852 0.58359 0.24078 0.76062 0.98798 0.34663 0.51431 0.84045 0.68915 0.84781 0.79532 0.28059 0.91766 0.24926 0.22001 0.81826 0.94048 0.27361 0.95583 0.91305 0.66587 0.30053 0.39062 0.15275 0.54164 0.88856 0.06213 0.82213 0.71593 0.8348 0.59039 0.12794 0.91656 0.92433 0.62196 0.07313 0.17809 0.28438 0.69892 0.81671 0.01903 0.72882 0.49424 0.91296 0.5138 0.24722 0.07061 0.68947 0.76549 0.91514 0.88024 0.19673 0.42276 0.17684 0.54497 0.50673 0.81293 0.31817 0.61373 0.80666 0.54649 0.86788 0.87718 0.11322 0.15591 0.59561 0.18613 0.71678 0.83864 0.62201 0.21802 0.05824 0.76239 0.71783 0.42527 0.95278 0.2948 0.40144 0.5512 0.2409 0.89214 0.28791 0.18212 0.10549 0.36088 0.23869 0.20687 0.13015 0.52075 0.41422 0.03255 0.45491 0.28919 0.50089 0.15527 0.66055 0.92767 0.54189 0.21764 0.69467 0.21203 0.50714 0.84188 0.39515 0.40186 0.10924 0.62105 0.37678 0.65142 0.43051 0.96479 0.44282 0.86713 0.46675 0.41053 0.40963 0.43191 0.62815 0.20678 0.02086 0.44461 0.65087 0.17833 0.03317 0.91135 0.03189 0.91281 0.12017 0.5425 0.89503 0.55924 0.52937 0.9297 0.87094 0.69018 0.05767 0.85282 0.55092 0.55249 0.94652 0.21541 0.61745 0.25926 0.03983 0.27268 0.09541 0.3213 0.62671 0.74742 0.22633 0.76701 0.4617 0.32276 0.65225 0.11393 0.66234 0.03198 0.4474 0.06338 0.98735 0.03905 0.93035 0.36437 0.71964 0.82043 0.30666 0.67776 0.99263 0.31604 0.59887 0.96047 0.21532 0.11079 0.2088 0.8246 0.12105 0.48762 0.08489 0.23008 0.56144 0.95638 0.2207 0.93666 0.89658 0.23785 0.0762 0.29798 0.86906 0.82786 0.71148
+0.06507 0.70332 0.4323 0.64924 0.02786 0.69219 0.99708 0.62379 0.69123 0.62303 0.14084 0.09783 0.82408 0.71671 0.78065 0.37083 0.11715 0.33479 0.43466 0.99436 0.95447 0.14913 0.67426 0.7542 0.23299 0.8091 0.9856 0.17836 0.85449 0.85442 0.25085 0.38038 0.45172 0.80575 0.38616 0.12591 0.34246 0.97059 0.97529 0.03342 0.41081 0.30165 0.01416 0.64878 0.83075 0.10914 0.68153 0.6791 0.57458 0.04997 0.60469 0.38111 0.09568 0.34857 0.01854 0.4628 0.48341 0.39066 0.6398 0.96382 0.31376 0.82561 0.94076 0.92422 0.87287 0.72709 0.7069 0.74117 0.28089 0.72606 0.8759 0.81502 0.1166 0.85813 0.82893 0.49262 0.34858 0.6925 0.54438 0.40463 0.7486 0.34057 0.6634 0.48459 0.83122 0.12786 0.17835 0.53236 0.00648 0.921 0.34051 0.8198 0.99573 0.14358 0.20758 0.88766 0.13874 0.59144 0.29513 0.68039 0.69655 0.08265 0.74599 0.05097 0.91938 0.00122 0.62041 0.38779 0.36018 0.44893 0.97359 0.80554 0.94501 0.14666 0.61435 0.60326 0.05182 0.22538 0.65778 0.62761 0.41902 0.75182 0.74522 0.51659 0.97525 0.63292 0.35869 0.24723 0.29421 0.84925 0.81938 0.71638 0.57751 0.47461 0.89885 0.67367 0.18784 0.54178 0.42744 0.15653 0.07626 0.97923 0.41047 0.09875 0.09994 0.63824 0.59772 0.71205 0.14991 0.73019 0.95378 0.12764 0.35603 0.09274 0.02974 0.95699 0.82766 0.30079 0.61579 0.13468 0.44709 0.90642 0.32154 0.54943 0.21953 0.67601 0.95988 0.98829 0.94996 0.89172 0.63327 0.68351 0.94927 0.42965 0.98096 0.91179 0.71019 0.47883 0.33989 0.58796 0.08626 0.19856 0.16635 0.19808 0.18404 0.86893 0.95522 0.34919 0.1106 0.12381 0.37685 0.49334 0.2331 0.99649 0.25215 0.30439 0.4669 0.35684 0.28244 0.75059 0.157 0.73883 0.86312 0.32841 0.81603 0.22384 0.96369 0.41387 0.63461 0.88008 0.63783 0.09014 0.44188 0.32392 0.01153 0.90787 0.74473 0.88645 0.20755 0.65752 0.0914 0.36422 0.194 0.40314 0.44505 0.22084 0.09249 0.59601 0.19441 0.36821 0.54531 0.00524 0.59619 0.05904 0.27 0.42348 0.46893 0.80485 0.52423 0.7464 0.16529 0.38064 0.54158 0.66413 0.85586 0.10183 0.64644 0.5032 0.38892 0.34266 0.29441 0.17745 0.07836 0.71569 0.54909 0.18737 0.33659 0.59613 0.99138 0.74297 0.86928 0.08996 0.45544 0.08772 0.92461 0.95012 0.17717 0.35359 0.42306 0.20222 0.81225 0.41999 0.43678 0.30981 0.65123 0.30423 0.03119 0.82043 0.02194 0.19956 0.22149 0.40943 0.29314 0.85661 0.77361 0.07835 0.36884 0.51462 0.66093 0.70094 0.43524 0.36325 0.11976 0.57852 0.77802 0.10028 0.25605 0.66654 0.67929 0.06556 0.75154 0.60388 0.45061 0.10856 0.59385 0.5732 0.93624 0.75348 0.32844 0.39447 0.65505 0.28896 0.57272 0.62661 0.00868 0.05844 0.29658 0.75689 0.06163 0.76495 0.86284 0.84792 0.07968 0.59376 0.75395 0.37591 0.37006 0.42198 0.06445 0.13802 0.47846 0.32499 0.27695 0.24774 0.14003 0.85417 0.07678 0.65276 0.83627 0.7444 0.58932 0.87149 0.71483 0.55384 0.77975 0.07366 0.11458 0.3917 0.66272 0.5042 0.09553 0.50691 0.23812 0.86899 0.77169 0.38993 0.65069 0.51643 0.02896 0.30223 0.30561 0.0495 0.51715 0.44392 0.91692 0.65622 0.56648 0.38131 0.89691 0.3777 0.21895 0.46444 0.43854 0.87651 0.67103 0.31476 0.82982 0.21561 0.91987 0.03719 0.47437 0.07397 0.7096 0.04157 0.14452 0.29756 0.04892 0.32433 0.40079 0.67275 0.79481 0.90704 0.09396 0.58468 0.50525 0.79779 0.41429 0.03534 0.3027 0.99184 0.53252 0.86455 0.64498 0.12939 0.54622 0.63066 0.4516 0.27669 0.22197 0.19516 0.49884 0.24113 0.65284 0.715 0.31152 0.81804 0.60667 0.33933 0.98563 0.3854 0.43775 0.71089 0.12626 0.78124 0.19807 0.20585 0.02226 0.65362 0.13832 0.5939 0.47875 0.65297 0.05502 0.24281 0.26775 0.10575 0.19842 0.07802 0.75097 0.75968 0.11517 0.44884 0.00329 0.72999 0.33221 0.81216 0.53673 0.61295 0.46389 0.84024 0.91412 0.36789 0.25697 0.35998 0.83901 0.00664 0.09413 0.5522 0.30445 0.69679 0.15385 0.33665 0.55483 0.72722 0.62955 0.90494 0.69376 0.4009 0.68423 0.10678 0.39685 0.92651 0.10732 0.61231 0.51667 0.18699 0.27012 0.56993 0.13694 0.84891 0.9715 0.7942 0.9919 0.20152 0.62775 0.85624 0.25276 0.17445 0.21746 0.78115 0.53531 0.38477 0.58193 0.25244 0.29659 0.67752 0.47011 0.25792 0.77778 0.12371 0.69691 0.51611 0.0247 0.05063 0.58696 0.19519 0.01076 0.60126 0.78427 0.30771 0.57291 0.01127
+0.91278 0.63241 0.83871 0.52433 0.578 0.28228 0.80428 0.48611 0.69783 0.92116 0.84506 0.5813 0.65353 0.78589 0.21356 0.22852 0.49665 0.24019 0.33982 0.42333 0.44732 0.19585 0.94297 0.50193 0.45557 0.52007 0.64467 0.57702 0.82702 0.72539 0.10602 0.48531 0.93168 0.51644 0.57484 0.59419 0.08327 0.75665 0.49009 0.14286 0.80783 0.98116 0.60038 0.26084 0.25577 0.79408 0.09575 0.23688 0.54122 0.08619 0.75116 0.76635 0.794 0.50073 0.85623 0.11708 0.80802 0.51513 0.0775 0.74918 0.32383 0.38114 0.53077 0.67051 0.57566 0.67656 0.98464 0.69296 0.7099 0.71069 0.48424 0.12537 0.116 0.60043 0.18794 0.79132 0.71489 0.68156 0.17339 0.55744 0.1306 0.68288 0.10641 0.08397 0.72067 0.31433 0.59086 0.42686 0.80146 0.5485 0.77516 0.30089 0.03696 0.68755 0.96696 0.34803 0.84144 0.8772 0.92679 0.79127 0.5839 0.47702 0.8107 0.31998 0.21468 0.23152 0.40438 0.74326 0.3947 0.1681 0.38276 0.47901 0.66989 0.48197 0.72928 0.73074 0.59829 0.75934 0.15177 0.16621 0.64186 0.55126 0.05038 0.27997 0.04716 0.84296 0.67128 0.59098 0.02168 0.81441 0.81679 0.11208 0.21915 0.0489 0.58901 0.20371 0.21433 0.92772 0.60057 0.29792 0.74809 0.07269 0.95085 0.23361 0.56784 0.06502 0.93666 0.9115 0.88575 0.45448 0.3081 0.5766 0.93378 0.16134 0.72588 0.2815 0.86125 0.67717 0.16339 0.69751 0.69996 0.7312 0.40243 0.62039 0.97679 0.8742 0.80957 0.14099 0.87509 0.65312 0.0139 0.52451 0.15254 0.45345 0.63224 0.21636 0.87372 0.55557 0.06416 0.85593 0.97335 0.62056 0.46742 0.35417 0.95764 0.8329 0.58324 0.22928 0.22296 0.98319 0.80002 0.01753 0.91091 0.97378 0.07567 0.25168 0.72421 0.9585 0.74285 0.38024 0.75371 0.97121 0.16772 0.83181 0.11665 0.43649 0.80959 0.61908 0.29626 0.26507 0.17595 0.86682 0.72214 0.88104 0.97138 0.8983 0.53917 0.2728 0.35862 0.32382 0.87912 0.3029 0.40173 0.87907 0.77896 0.58806 0.07374 0.51943 0.27916 0.32673 0.40902 0.43588 0.85797 0.8709 0.16495 0.23888 0.74861 0.11563 0.01219 0.65707 0.27977 0.61114 0.88687 0.04013 0.52523 0.96498 0.68032 0.92633 0.33302 0.33148 0.34555 0.54713 0.06786 0.34261 0.64011 0.28686 0.51062 0.48604 0.10998 0.51669 0.16098 0.80275 0.10609 0.02524 0.78421 0.10922 0.19107 0.82112 0.95844 0.88966 0.38516 0.89267 0.97341 0.50965 0.51499 0.67478 0.37622 0.10015 0.33137 0.02075 0.99677 0.59393 0.38232 0.40017 0.29618 0.05174 0.39562 0.99669 0.98622 0.59665 0.78762 0.17011 0.79934 0.37176 0.04898 0.05905 0.9221 0.0253 0.79689 0.62555 0.46536 0.2512 0.01657 0.47176 0.96871 0.60859 0.4605 0.68277 0.71655 0.92415 0.4968 0.32318 0.50939 0.75002 0.00808 0.1228 0.32478 0.4624 0.70577 0.23459 0.88409 0.49525 0.8928 0.78008 0.4046 0.63516 0.67629 0.14514 0.74674 0.87614 0.23057 0.6763 0.04053 0.37591 0.24888 0.85712 0.33806 0.40611 0.04998 0.55436 0.52827 0.67218 0.22886 0.5548 0.39209 0.19033 0.38152 0.98759 0.63577 0.43467 0.68775 0.83381 0.2747 0.63983 0.63166 0.18952 0.18362 0.61793 0.55747 0.48794 0.12224 0.22694 0.27225 0.20112 0.50145 0.06468 0.6294 0.28188 0.43523 0.09267 0.96155 0.52922 0.31094 0.73385 0.57472 0.91651 0.78306 0.73499 0.03012 0.24106 0.68197 0.56101 0.58103 0.84641 0.99994 0.62311 0.28512 0.9898 0.20497 0.02798 0.55968 0.93904 0.17809 0.50743 0.31162 0.89117 0.26757 0.26634 0.94749 0.52096 0.2799 0.70806 0.70808 0.46854 0.25012 0.79332 0.71388 0.38806 0.14496 0.33186 0.33481 0.68869 0.08036 0.81428 0.68639 0.34755 0.28411 0.46215 0.79317 0.43107 0.04329 0.75212 0.77413 0.05196 0.03119 0.25177 0.39043 0.77861 0.52636 0.98064 0.32498 0.92365 0.30363 0.2891 0.74451 0.79676 0.30942 0.4777 0.94252 0.76145 0.09925 0.74754 0.6637 0.3294 0.70769 0.22746 0.86325 0.22451 0.64994 0.99923 0.54455 0.44193 0.21964 0.81873 0.01406 0.19078 0.54924 0.38981 0.79787 0.17751 0.59143 0.52253 0.77146 0.13207 0.95379 0.03225 0.74677 0.70816 0.24683 0.00343 0.82789 0.11401 0.08986 0.35255 0.32571 0.31861 0.30663 0.77365 0.57953 0.91388 0.31516 0.11558 0.12949 0.43437 0.03737 0.43744 0.11407 0.34279 0.26526 0.47882 0.12772 0.05648 0.63593 0.38215 0.37224 0.68358 0.24992 0.15015 0.38593 0.08234 0.63296 0.6065 0.9698 0.09279 0.25094 0.91079 0.84247 0.05954 0.86684 0.3121 0.79179 0.05254
+0.61662 0.59933 0.54529 0.76028 0.66759 0.28027 0.26896 0.01711 0.81399 0.3457 0.96706 0.00357 0.56458 0.81079 0.88927 0.25899 0.3719 0.03367 0.11418 0.33945 0.11474 0.32405 0.85468 0.62075 0.2906 0.54253 0.39652 0.34868 0.9001 0.52842 0.05205 0.05751 0.85899 0.31457 0.22758 0.0279 0.41664 0.58365 0.58721 0.81172 0.15051 0.51651 0.02441 0.68608 0.83798 0.86151 0.11932 0.71157 0.78008 0.00579 0.62403 0.3956 0.80736 0.41276 0.10119 0.73394 0.24063 0.37483 0.24057 0.63324 0.01943 0.58225 0.10942 0.75087 0.91531 0.85497 0.35484 0.33646 0.30406 0.06145 0.19667 0.26791 0.4793 0.58115 0.96047 0.24091 0.29817 0.50852 0.31817 0.26808 0.4621 0.43033 0.83956 0.59332 0.66949 0.42477 0.45031 0.86931 0.79381 0.43484 0.23661 0.93962 0.73636 0.03106 0.34532 0.37368 0.57239 0.45293 0.1419 0.81162 0.6656 0.67915 0.66115 0.27677 0.77832 0.23156 0.93343 0.39944 0.50444 0.09224 0.41144 0.9405 0.55931 0.76768 0.94565 0.24007 0.13538 0.81464 0.35343 0.20056 0.10521 0.43164 0.58984 0.53267 0.90018 0.03548 0.42144 0.01181 0.51568 0.66194 0.05583 0.32643 0.01888 0.45479 0.56502 0.13111 0.82671 0.43561 0.08189 0.12404 0.70567 0.19656 0.22408 0.78155 0.12079 0.87362 0.01131 0.8081 0.94329 0.56784 0.61627 0.70612 0.48776 0.39815 0.76529 0.75576 0.96162 0.55764 0.26967 0.04334 0.17022 0.34053 0.25445 0.52408 0.06962 0.06439 0.13644 0.14524 0.015 0.70396 0.63677 0.61901 0.95357 0.10129 0.25573 0.89865 0.42627 0.66442 0.51354 0.33035 0.09997 0.5599 0.57808 0.59231 0.37201 0.71642 0.886 0.78865 0.08564 0.15777 0.0839 0.80479 0.32356 0.8716 0.07088 0.57647 0.59136 0.28794 0.09273 0.0778 0.5631 0.99749 0.55212 0.61603 0.73831 0.62766 0.82241 0.76961 0.38386 0.25407 0.53099 0.10243 0.05301 0.56421 0.08343 0.93608 0.73417 0.85043 0.64584 0.24406 0.31797 0.20845 0.33738 0.21295 0.6545 0.82078 0.26201 0.52024 0.17648 0.41371 0.75905 0.74153 0.84749 0.25339 0.69439 0.48534 0.22147 0.17284 0.71682 0.74252 0.06575 0.39477 0.15806 0.40513 0.1423 0.80603 0.48791 0.66225 0.73808 0.19959 0.15409 0.83019 0.16847 0.22369 0.77989 0.70908 0.69162 0.34826 0.45245 0.43404 0.5077 0.34388 0.25558 0.07625 0.64397 0.05061 0.49771 0.04963 0.38727 0.85637 0.8409 0.5193 0.64517 0.05659 0.24588 0.92415 0.39926 0.66669 0.35845 0.50598 0.5759 0.95836 0.94268 0.70589 0.62322 0.80666 0.95857 0.14581 0.89805 0.75671 0.21871 0.83575 0.64819 0.02242 0.99295 0.17057 0.44835 0.46364 0.90436 0.83346 0.66965 0.5796 0.89732 0.09928 0.2078 0.35032 0.44535 0.0161 0.44447 0.47279 0.63077 0.93331 0.24756 0.61774 0.91866 0.20416 0.9471 0.99006 0.78708 0.40635 0.13717 0.83217 0.55922 0.31289 0.01871 0.39993 0.1665 0.79743 0.73031 0.61536 0.00089 0.49243 0.98461 0.29348 0.24718 0.475 0.25237 0.40187 0.79044 0.79515 0.15011 0.98975 0.76608 0.00457 0.75254 0.38907 0.72197 0.60449 0.37351 0.67843 0.29057 0.9976 0.00688 0.96794 0.66697 0.71387 0.2661 0.12252 0.86608 0.41313 0.86071 0.55801 0.25328 0.94585 0.07257 0.06662 0.35082 0.63439 0.12004 0.06501 0.52061 0.24443 0.76308 0.21794 0.11164 0.22814 0.95005 0.74309 0.7525 0.52564 0.33929 0.0878 0.32926 0.77466 0.29791 0.74019 0.22526 0.51051 0.45227 0.23907 0.62332 0.22106 0.3044 0.97315 0.89487 0.3198 0.76804 0.30036 0.78378 0.80947 0.87327 0.2123 0.49958 0.25142 0.94979 0.43236 0.21878 0.88915 0.34937 0.26393 0.50729 0.81391 0.723 0.94028 0.38633 0.42013 0.87966 0.57529 0.6944 0.04286 0.03703 0.07399 0.1726 0.21739 0.54133 0.29448 0.25263 0.88596 0.50284 0.94999 0.97181 0.36846 0.67692 0.28241 0.49799 0.16234 0.58382 0.07073 0.75325 0.96221 0.08423 0.66974 0.48175 0.05221 0.9408 0.55116 0.23908 0.54874 0.26618 0.99328 0.25408 0.99981 0.46547 0.34472 0.24106 0.54587 0.60573 0.48218 0.35074 0.94806 0.87556 0.26359 0.45509 0.24495 0.65329 0.79072 0.46935 0.87043 0.23672 0.55788 0.21306 0.36259 0.19864 0.69323 0.84472 0.45916 0.04172 0.82282 0.43687 0.2721 0.53137 0.65923 0.63101 0.75073 0.56042 0.22413 0.83039 0.26705 0.31458 0.28502 0.449 0.05839 0.63827 0.28225 0.36944 0.35795 0.82288 0.89845 0.74846 0.90941 0.89074 0.51566 0.91658 0.92119 0.40926 0.98795 0.28869 0.78598 0.10596 0.38919 0.55278 0.35955
+0.25165 0.22768 0.27163 0.46653 0.87683 0.02402 0.8941 0.83444 0.89147 0.04571 0.31705 0.70074 0.07713 0.15412 0.73448 0.15272 0.78631 0.97428 0.81665 0.23012 0.5988 0.52454 0.68614 0.85291 0.73391 0.22249 0.72239 0.80143 0.14966 0.31341 0.79501 0.69464 0.18963 0.1961 0.67403 0.72231 0.37686 0.71913 0.11478 0.02543 0.07662 0.91866 0.8886 0.85518 0.08263 0.21722 0.70503 0.60185 0.53744 0.7649 0.33678 0.93297 0.89766 0.70874 0.3922 0.83618 0.8747 0.03422 0.93895 0.43065 0.86482 0.32542 0.44767 0.86004 0.84441 0.15655 0.94007 0.10553 0.30705 0.40383 0.09472 0.24381 0.39414 0.45675 0.56119 0.82006 0.17018 0.49428 0.9185 0.88749 0.75295 0.60182 0.99774 0.65045 0.31733 0.85482 0.90859 0.21931 0.08623 0.7349 0.76405 0.17034 0.29652 0.92722 0.68918 0.05897 0.10383 0.72142 0.79403 0.05565 0.75214 0.35879 0.56394 0.69304 0.74043 0.04868 0.32394 0.64293 0.63162 0.90316 0.27515 0.4618 0.20746 0.88613 0.83989 0.37044 0.09228 0.64146 0.22807 0.73675 0.86768 0.305 0.24371 0.96007 0.77921 0.73967 0.88378 0.8535 0.83087 0.6 0.13853 0.87623 0.20909 0.19556 0.05615 0.32199 0.96025 0.98277 0.58648 0.7847 0.67189 0.79281 0.11619 0.36679 0.33101 0.20871 0.377 0.41104 0.18526 0.05663 0.46882 0.78154 0.05042 0.41912 0.0744 0.3536 0.37234 0.76719 0.55912 0.40774 0.2623 0.79973 0.72031 0.177 0.69989 0.24303 0.47133 0.28224 0.23281 0.69562 0.30491 0.48519 0.23658 0.54554 0.59821 0.01804 0.34634 0.74439 0.59763 0.95731 0.64144 0.62815 0.77737 0.59774 0.90009 0.61295 0.18368 0.33835 0.08387 0.13684 0.46108 0.24898 0.57889 0.34891 0.90599 0.34004 0.80502 0.46287 0.21542 0.52843 0.76777 0.2154 0.1225 0.18415 0.7255 0.94574 0.46741 0.96736 0.18749 0.12987 0.00388 0.37636 0.89288 0.64485 0.52384 0.26912 0.12638 0.28351 0.63702 0.02095 0.80774 0.44788 0.48598 0.80427 0.34813 0.94109 0.00111 0.6997 0.02482 0.86814 0.45105 0.57846 0.59967 0.19991 0.65744 0.50158 0.05555 0.02374 0.38577 0.04593 0.68757 0.2699 0.45056 0.17987 0.17571 0.49938 0.88348 0.1237 0.34027 0.54497 0.49412 0.85337 0.3459 0.01859 0.3628 0.86515 0.19802 0.19034 0.39482 0.90772 0.50762 0.56684 0.66583 0.89023 0.60901 0.10602 0.3404 0.14893 0.80776 0.67531 0.94215 0.09371 0.65167 0.55083 0.80542 0.30739 0.45205 0.98773 0.17846 0.96106 0.71226 0.37575 0.34472 0.65158 0.33384 0.04649 0.76065 0.78039 0.5333 0.57604 0.44624 0.19666 0.76878 0.88059 0.61585 0.83207 0.05293 0.06124 0.49524 0.26863 0.92197 0.45239 0.30012 0.73521 0.21813 0.14012 0.29706 0.48384 0.25994 0.71365 0.09941 0.90411 0.2078 0.28504 0.54691 0.06274 0.2499 0.21229 0.04778 0.77398 0.24212 0.91442 0.97494 0.7465 0.06827 0.28977 0.79645 0.19852 0.54339 0.12402 0.06738 0.17602 0.47188 0.45514 0.64911 0.12564 0.87212 0.91867 0.18793 0.876 0.29341 0.96248 0.11494 0.35123 0.23048 0.83613 0.09355 0.66591 0.85703 0.59037 0.43324 0.90128 0.17399 0.50795 0.10068 0.37996 0.53051 0.18408 0.15143 0.83726 0.39778 0.48651 0.16014 0.44796 0.89008 0.07039 0.93685 0.46753 0.79243 0.36577 0.70523 0.88279 0.03251 0.93949 0.91539 0.09799 0.80546 0.56098 0.72295 0.57923 0.1327 0.07783 0.25483 0.28873 0.89309 0.37059 0.38793 0.55617 0.30669 0.81202 0.14762 0.65848 0.89484 0.54665 0.51428 0.39171 0.74031 0.03934 0.69267 0.61687 0.6139 0.54978 0.90844 0.92369 0.6349 0.55777 0.51728 0.00313 0.83484 0.02479 0.31766 0.57702 0.62937 0.50202 0.87596 0.72303 0.94206 0.54495 0.96303 0.60887 0.60019 0.77672 0.77913 0.47075 0.02144 0.47659 0.55084 0.25326 0.85121 0.81651 0.21751 0.55589 0.72427 0.65538 0.73122 0.08072 0.20029 0.50366 0.10519 0.07138 0.14393 0.16371 0.64966 0.90335 0.92759 0.77116 0.7715 0.52632 0.27376 0.73585 0.52782 0.73935 0.68461 0.55208 0.34059 0.91574 0.28295 0.97249 0.38712 0.05427 0.2844 0.44033 0.35318 0.813 0.91983 0.60129 0.17332 0.67479 0.03026 0.59362 0.16396 0.5119 0.54687 0.17459 0.02849 0.69027 0.13516 0.19497 0.97567 0.15458 0.44093 0.73788 0.3934 0.57257 0.63934 0.22084 0.4876 0.88149 0.68537 0.80459 0.70268 0.8245 0.8469 0.46535 0.4436 0.55426 0.04179 0.47352 0.51315 0.53642 0.5851 0.71297 0.35556 0.29308 0.50033 0.36762 0.87751 0.13555 0.02614 0.52151 0.60083 0.85354
+0.42267 0.09086 0.84102 0.39962 0.92897 0.22646 0.47745 0.62993 0.52792 0.87215 0.20432 0.09603 0.5856 0.06798 0.69083 0.73517 0.03486 0.89098 0.33608 0.89111 0.46041 0.19739 0.61532 0.1611 0.4909 0.38397 0.0822 0.11292 0.8417 0.61995 0.93648 0.53275 0.03518 0.00521 0.06478 0.88496 0.58118 0.32431 0.86733 0.02635 0.7324 0.78358 0.80084 0.85265 0.55209 0.86167 0.78579 0.96866 0.95941 0.79766 0.47434 0.22006 0.69413 0.64036 0.05555 0.84152 0.92547 0.44072 0.32576 0.02691 0.75109 0.28605 0.37987 0.01875 0.98574 0.38728 0.78675 0.80419 0.87493 0.65997 0.5618 0.52823 0.68138 0.03751 0.0085 0.86833 0.50972 0.12081 0.1161 0.09368 0.19328 0.60619 0.66688 0.59138 0.90238 0.05029 0.56155 0.84204 0.38287 0.48689 0.26679 0.63796 0.18635 0.75108 0.36896 0.21567 0.98553 0.93402 0.30444 0.32161 0.33356 0.24289 0.37813 0.9998 0.78508 0.17469 0.30605 0.85465 0.36038 0.43581 0.1901 0.39283 0.45117 0.08197 0.69449 0.31886 0.96401 0.28461 0.94642 0.28281 0.47675 0.76711 0.50533 0.95506 0.08516 0.61032 0.73182 0.95839 0.78871 0.45507 0.64691 0.36031 0.40361 0.66862 0.13043 0.53452 0.28688 0.6644 0.44806 0.75894 0.32306 0.53133 0.37655 0.26962 0.70879 0.88961 0.28513 0.76907 0.67353 0.02259 0.69156 0.47161 0.863 0.14867 0.71246 0.45063 0.45285 0.89751 0.33407 0.78549 0.57425 0.18197 0.97118 0.50257 0.27123 0.34247 0.35416 0.08289 0.96799 0.9729 0.81362 0.91804 0.72199 0.11126 0.62793 0.54348 0.84998 0.1944 0.46696 0.52692 0.77303 0.91971 0.75389 0.75255 0.47344 0.3621 0.02261 0.3591 0.0484 0.09025 0.92414 0.29794 0.04538 0.10583 0.04978 0.07829 0.9244 0.32863 0.91003 0.06601 0.29968 0.86993 0.71754 0.2009 0.10306 0.65973 0.00515 0.98693 0.86196 0.85773 0.98781 0.55448 0.57285 0.97171 0.47717 0.18432 0.46963 0.03011 0.79038 0.40966 0.6513 0.0305 0.55403 0.12956 0.5643 0.30361 0.13327 0.32525 0.46121 0.85278 0.03927 0.92508 0.32199 0.11837 0.15217 0.96601 0.12948 0.17822 0.67359 0.71789 0.62505 0.49169 0.61721 0.05799 0.83064 0.9184 0.4738 0.34454 0.12468 0.75773 0.8022 0.33257 0.86603 0.59807 0.17731 0.52914 0.47865 0.45781 0.19403 0.56352 0.94036 0.49343 0.94199 0.3272 0.69139 0.06976 0.59398 0.21701 0.23185 0.38209 0.78598 0.14274 0.86654 0.24902 0.4822 0.94055 0.02518 0.65436 0.31406 0.80028 0.19025 0.12103 0.90411 0.47451 0.46776 0.0108 0.20167 0.79636 0.46427 0.94367 0.85901 0.21753 0.70454 0.28734 0.10821 0.02878 0.041 0.79412 0.61147 0.55884 0.02666 0.49768 0.0886 0.93178 0.19771 0.63943 0.43476 0.40375 0.32287 0.67355 0.97263 0.83417 0.41571 0.70989 0.35022 0.21134 0.94841 0.09062 0.62808 0.38225 0.21512 0.36213 0.1585 0.03511 0.08436 0.46552 0.41279 0.65689 0.62774 0.46617 0.8491 0.7521 0.53565 0.45312 0.45093 0.85177 0.73704 0.6924 0.29769 0.37972 0.61352 0.14157 0.04189 0.03953 0.70152 0.06113 0.16358 0.82698 0.07425 0.55953 0.04152 0.09024 0.1413 0.01887 0.23372 0.02611 0.96801 0.35298 0.84334 0.4126 0.61818 0.62212 0.91341 0.06003 0.67516 0.38896 0.43906 0.48237 0.51917 0.51755 0.03674 0.11302 0.42504 0.30918 0.95442 0.23981 0.85447 0.82049 0.41222 0.74034 0.3905 0.41332 0.50865 0.47042 0.54913 0.64426 0.39961 0.67148 0.98117 0.71866 0.82893 0.81109 0.28174 0.64939 0.53649 0.42567 0.51565 0.39423 0.3746 0.59093 0.97539 0.83126 0.07724 0.97736 0.4767 0.30495 0.00652 0.69935 0.10871 0.22456 0.60291 0.9918 0.35901 0.59566 0.83068 0.57396 0.25945 0.0104 0.40958 0.27895 0.15317 0.90252 0.18124 0.66582 0.44972 0.51679 0.82101 0.62274 0.53867 0.52665 0.68753 0.11809 0.65864 0.83911 0.73659 0.86735 0.91112 0.35459 0.71716 0.50883 0.49535 0.52432 0.67378 0.45496 0.1368 0.74189 0.0562 0.67242 0.92493 0.35062 0.21757 0.58876 0.04266 0.98439 0.48387 0.75348 0.51952 0.21822 0.96225 0.99543 0.5334 0.06302 0.06335 0.4719 0.51981 0.48286 0.99953 0.20524 0.70496 0.27888 0.50798 0.96724 0.7161 0.94928 0.2073 0.5384 0.36187 0.25815 0.46328 0.51173 0.36617 0.48093 0.45908 0.83083 0.62961 0.84031 0.57718 0.89393 0.60145 0.18186 0.88092 0.55494 0.92455 0.42928 0.80991 0.54364 0.00425 0.5663 0.28355 0.76241 0.92223 0.73396 0.73881 0.88039 0.06601 0.7869 0.19862 0.22545 0.51487 0.21681 0.21111 0.25514
+0.19841 0.9733 0.21071 0.24164 0.97136 0.33886 0.9214 0.13266 0.1139 0.12488 0.79107 0.96996 0.60172 0.48858 0.47702 0.10787 0.46511 0.29463 0.05079 0.08251 0.70008 0.17203 0.15909 0.58504 0.97598 0.50901 0.76384 0.4063 0.45062 0.42274 0.89142 0.92393 0.07005 0.66618 0.29838 0.67968 0.97194 0.44401 0.49939 0.5011 0.60568 0.65589 0.01275 0.5006 0.50679 0.48571 0.30699 0.0301 0.16537 0.1212 0.42529 0.56989 0.65898 0.24537 0.78463 0.53773 0.37843 0.57275 0.23035 0.23879 0.58311 0.512 0.0572 0.49766 0.85525 0.7972 0.76573 0.66976 0.25037 0.96867 0.21349 0.439 0.4894 0.43965 0.47537 0.35725 0.49445 0.08394 0.46224 0.17581 0.9635 0.90465 0.3559 0.72627 0.30516 0.77449 0.39711 0.0399 0.32172 0.92025 0.9642 0.02946 0.10217 0.25841 0.81918 0.65372 0.29531 0.31725 0.06393 0.76517 0.4132 0.43962 0.76937 0.43793 0.23975 0.28754 0.29635 0.26703 0.26986 0.93307 0.95998 0.95096 0.98234 0.10806 0.21777 0.30096 0.64499 0.4083 0.27822 0.5081 0.7076 0.4304 0.14378 0.57139 0.31517 0.27418 0.45185 0.12784 0.25379 0.37858 0.71131 0.02821 0.142 0.26768 0.43841 0.44971 0.15843 0.42199 0.67222 0.98631 0.98169 0.58865 0.43263 0.7844 0.3111 0.711 0.54166 0.66552 0.84796 0.50539 0.35077 0.17193 0.14584 0.95109 0.89762 0.01691 0.98021 0.06242 0.23573 0.48443 0.05178 0.1421 0.5933 0.47155 0.52551 0.2788 0.15628 0.94794 0.28941 0.86619 0.12649 0.7842 0.55521 0.14506 0.21401 0.1702 0.05088 0.18564 0.79416 0.43478 0.51644 0.24874 0.97682 0.63972 0.47252 0.59504 0.42255 0.05532 0.72291 0.05195 0.98037 0.52308 0.83475 0.85432 0.02344 0.88409 0.52593 0.76878 0.2098 0.76596 0.0759 0.63349 0.4192 0.81573 0.10308 0.95662 0.01461 0.44193 0.3386 0.42462 0.65648 0.94753 0.15661 0.5112 0.0071 0.23291 0.05452 0.17743 0.73564 0.71195 0.59441 0.92072 0.3797 0.91764 0.73074 0.23585 0.05931 0.66662 0.79846 0.74888 0.90998 0.47098 0.389 0.8289 0.69409 0.95639 0.19061 0.56597 0.5609 0.79118 0.70796 0.33879 0.1403 0.9925 0.31103 0.40865 0.5105 0.98741 0.22847 0.38805 0.91886 0.82771 0.54003 0.03025 0.11822 0.37432 0.48878 0.73641 0.2443 0.96944 0.71823 0.95135 0.0242 0.04342 0.27281 0.40558 0.75683 0.0852 0.68038 0.17477 0.61569 0.68661 0.25812 0.11642 0.16623 0.22833 0.77092 0.369 0.08808 0.8891 0.15032 0.03983 0.5792 0.92845 0.8093 0.17601 0.99758 0.22829 0.09329 0.0744 0.95484 0.29427 0.78137 0.46065 0.84903 0.9363 0.50864 0.93113 0.10141 0.17112 0.34809 0.72565 0.655 0.17021 0.1282 0.60454 0.91996 0.45879 0.31521 0.47423 0.26148 0.69152 0.24791 0.87454 0.21128 0.81823 0.86348 0.5416 0.825 0.82126 0.72991 0.89021 0.18566 0.46916 0.53853 0.44291 0.21268 0.88434 0.98339 0.89438 0.37606 0.56089 0.52548 0.51967 0.88257 0.57175 0.4194 0.4914 0.03826 0.79505 0.90878 0.72778 0.06615 0.91606 0.09884 0.9178 0.16247 0.48981 0.20224 0.88762 0.11153 0.44919 0.46948 0.11318 0.54607 0.05084 0.57796 0.30887 0.06293 0.29933 0.82782 0.5682 0.223 0.36979 0.65832 0.84026 0.8135 0.23069 0.54667 0.29579 0.24219 0.39606 0.10316 0.63006 0.85386 0.33085 0.43684 0.31109 0.07619 0.58124 0.18642 0.05405 0.11696 0.58979 0.21177 0.12126 0.38253 0.16115 0.06443 0.41588 0.87288 0.53434 0.77176 0.23566 0.55237 0.10205 0.40754 0.97271 0.24177 0.16157 0.76207 0.97509 0.19664 0.96693 0.6474 0.31822 0.29897 0.12114 0.23256 0.16942 0.02064 0.9921 0.12638 0.4028 0.85832 0.52808 0.40335 0.25764 0.62922 0.45197 0.69707 0.70778 0.59772 0.77586 0.71525 0.76155 0.7841 0.40522 0.31301 0.37773 0.28417 0.15964 0.62956 0.38442 0.07292 0.49401 0.26588 0.5516 0.11357 0.22074 0.36407 0.30865 0.05162 0.51191 0.55058 0.65134 0.91492 0.21215 0.44621 0.40177 0.85866 0.32928 0.69891 0.66162 0.82517 0.69455 0.08999 0.35075 0.1604 0.05428 0.94222 0.62911 0.47775 0.93423 0.91436 0.37164 0.5038 0.73627 0.68083 0.18348 0.06028 0.45282 0.67724 0.5085 0.33631 0.80567 0.69158 0.71419 0.31078 0.62846 0.59683 0.01854 0.45133 0.44408 0.45102 0.15244 0.04295 0.66948 0.2736 0.36072 0.98694 0.21599 0.87153 0.18701 0.06327 0.03128 0.75679 0.29314 0.4954 0.10684 0.75314 0.8281 0.98666 0.57172 0.73741 0.34714 0.998 0.5136 0.93988 0.79685 0.31971 0.98715
+0.2596 0.06069 0.90133 0.59587 0.93498 0.51458 0.94126 0.63852 0.55775 0.49928 0.72768 0.65635 0.15717 0.77785 0.8802 0.06983 0.73343 0.07406 0.3031 0.49942 0.66983 0.75403 0.60628 0.97744 0.6985 0.73751 0.06084 0.9499 0.0023 0.69492 0.40826 0.8524 0.28971 0.15855 0.29711 0.29855 0.81195 0.47782 0.56228 0.13557 0.13974 0.23612 0.84544 0.6284 0.05504 0.29127 0.51011 0.08232 0.18907 0.63848 0.64151 0.63744 0.31046 0.69403 0.89004 0.15836 0.85281 0.9806 0.66152 0.50674 0.42234 0.20322 0.25246 0.64122 0.24852 0.63491 0.56412 0.5673 0.5951 0.42939 0.21447 0.98529 0.66767 0.43726 0.52028 0.14945 0.96509 0.70602 0.92923 0.89539 0.1377 0.91072 0.50331 0.07314 0.64672 0.11635 0.94413 0.34538 0.67337 0.24037 0.01935 0.77778 0.9749 0.41258 0.91975 0.09906 0.30271 0.45373 0.13417 0.93689 0.50948 0.89056 0.16345 0.97384 0.18549 0.18267 0.05707 0.26558 0.9909 0.85046 0.06027 0.66564 0.68734 0.45724 0.68222 0.94701 0.81403 0.03094 0.72806 0.19281 0.10219 0.85221 0.20222 0.05295 0.59486 0.1651 0.35738 0.83797 0.22762 0.42172 0.29447 0.69766 0.18395 0.072 0.74125 0.07619 0.50037 0.26492 0.84097 0.99879 0.21785 0.42684 0.09001 0.25012 0.93443 0.58061 0.18786 0.4948 0.55487 0.7743 0.63873 0.13416 0.62069 0.04635 0.0682 0.49551 0.11953 0.87059 0.03093 0.94176 0.77619 0.69042 0.75199 0.65819 0.56305 0.87091 0.61323 0.28068 0.59354 0.95327 0.38571 0.78955 0.52482 0.63627 0.69113 0.4447 0.51339 0.21995 0.57196 0.37857 0.70768 0.5981 0.10857 0.17028 0.7802 0.89373 0.31089 0.41661 0.59662 0.83849 0.02702 0.04932 0.85818 0.90374 0.84873 0.50386 0.7901 0.11887 0.03609 0.94383 0.64396 0.06671 0.09397 0.63042 0.40207 0.10463 0.86526 0.14759 0.14919 0.91864 0.60899 0.07715 0.57629 0.55934 0.19704 0.90924 0.87777 0.10391 0.11736 0.85562 0.92386 0.85456 0.01432 0.25212 0.36014 0.38596 0.89319 0.61914 0.13392 0.32697 0.22916 0.29024 0.83594 0.94492 0.69662 0.98293 0.57041 0.59099 0.97801 0.8007 0.88802 0.1882 0.7178 0.20037 0.01592 0.23213 0.66757 0.18703 0.32845 0.48943 0.56126 0.9527 0.12407 0.99475 0.9819 0.96187 0.69378 0.18526 0.58287 0.99532 0.34145 0.46515 0.7027 0.89192 0.97083 0.73933 0.9264 0.78337 0.87149 0.17472 0.75168 0.67945 0.54357 0.7137 0.61315 0.86764 0.14479 0.29177 0.84379 0.62152 0.837 0.71096 0.6371 0.60824 0.02936 0.21464 0.3435 0.20517 0.3138 0.49103 0.39632 0.51925 0.20749 0.12319 0.95805 0.29593 0.5402 0.9531 0.36223 0.07291 0.94504 0.85252 0.61806 0.46039 0.41652 0.18124 0.20381 0.60134 0.48255 0.13478 0.85803 0.51367 0.66991 0.24785 0.60504 0.55864 0.9271 0.16137 0.56748 0.85436 0.51562 0.60561 0.80048 0.59066 0.11715 0.95105 0.90458 0.148 0.03247 0.53472 0.64475 0.11112 0.62809 0.48798 0.61473 0.289 0.86185 0.84975 0.45807 0.78414 0.74133 0.36499 0.70733 0.89774 0.71104 0.01683 0.12714 0.40596 0.82986 0.36126 0.13171 0.23082 0.7645 0.89737 0.85511 0.10068 0.02567 0.14869 0.56657 0.79985 0.46527 0.27562 0.78953 0.767 0.57211 0.21409 0.17562 0.0693 0.85288 0.56816 0.91379 0.05079 0.65118 0.69626 0.3043 0.34983 0.33898 0.17527 0.02908 0.88391 0.51298 0.7839 0.84982 0.21204 0.76857 0.07402 0.23857 0.81381 0.56076 0.26042 0.74909 0.92209 0.06754 0.51873 0.76474 0.29648 0.9152 0.33225 0.34125 0.12793 0.72987 0.49727 0.72143 0.17525 0.94245 0.33754 0.24275 0.31308 0.75819 0.44216 0.45982 0.60171 0.10164 0.62405 0.47343 0.28778 0.72502 0.12976 0.7445 0.60247 0.49846 0.801 0.97646 0.11068 0.73831 0.52341 0.38569 0.38817 0.72239 0.98246 0.94499 0.70696 0.57279 0.20326 0.43527 0.61191 0.77694 0.48612 0.24531 0.42784 0.84576 0.26282 0.65929 0.48313 0.13528 0.37053 0.57211 0.56947 0.27949 0.48483 0.4149 0.32273 0.56172 0.61668 0.51589 0.58419 0.0345 0.90142 0.59619 0.14636 0.17539 0.55974 0.03264 0.51345 0.83028 0.83756 0.43059 0.7331 0.08742 0.75552 0.11797 0.45751 0.92839 0.27122 0.94513 0.3752 0.93424 0.89629 0.13949 0.7753 0.5023 0.50481 0.00156 0.53476 0.3903 0.59735 0.47228 0.40612 0.30617 0.57035 0.06007 0.16493 0.83184 0.28817 0.26119 0.99519 0.7367 0.00428 0.60472 0.18564 0.02407 0.05005 0.65501 0.00962 0.67635 0.44862 0.74655 0.55781 0.66603 0.21347 0.50279 0.33129
+0.65201 0.09178 0.62228 0.0429 0.81459 0.57106 0.07297 0.30905 0.7647 0.08471 0.29001 0.04823 0.04533 0.6266 0.42808 0.79652 0.74056 0.24328 0.24849 0.80449 0.31566 0.9508 0.77165 0.78744 0.09235 0.05198 0.30525 0.68491 0.06725 0.84964 0.33252 0.23065 0.40901 0.50441 0.12678 0.45749 0.33056 0.21415 0.21547 0.47555 0.7883 0.79982 0.19452 0.16293 0.95323 0.96318 0.76462 0.80378 0.7347 0.22885 0.12758 0.93851 0.58843 0.10437 0.23703 0.79012 0.7938 0.64958 0.08244 0.74478 0.21708 0.86626 0.73978 0.87495 0.85731 0.05384 0.71136 0.20234 0.17861 0.73731 0.89068 0.63435 0.04507 0.95529 0.68788 0.49121 0.40922 0.82637 0.92475 0.1927 0.3888 0.25286 0.65344 0.33865 0.6979 0.74134 0.25391 0.80004 0.83782 0.00745 0.08361 0.25349 0.0567 0.09164 0.66383 0.3865 0.89626 0.124 0.40796 0.18643 0.85453 0.5333 0.37176 0.26188 0.45511 0.86649 0.31008 0.73985 0.01759 0.23273 0.73333 0.48208 0.75452 0.5889 0.20348 0.78071 0.77587 0.52216 0.12738 0.57433 0.2566 0.44401 0.48852 0.75647 0.00865 0.34008 0.75368 0.83895 0.17494 0.84616 0.49105 0.55372 0.24435 0.18052 0.49628 0.25672 0.9391 0.19937 0.76496 0.3737 0.56151 0.87956 0.09984 0.5607 0.68091 0.1926 0.66859 0.50705 0.72137 0.60898 0.4983 0.65634 0.78237 0.45393 0.1553 0.09131 0.41591 0.86008 0.69565 0.44185 0.32469 0.64224 0.44463 0.07781 0.9918 0.93419 0.32833 0.41901 0.97611 0.33512 0.44735 0.14432 0.8816 0.45608 0.79687 0.71069 0.98907 0.16343 0.31283 0.44205 0.00807 0.92344 0.42329 0.62181 0.72374 0.31197 0.77104 0.695 0.85697 0.73915 0.73011 0.31552 0.52735 0.17009 0.17141 0.94546 0.58619 0.92925 0.22904 0.5115 0.99359 0.8256 0.27429 0.25687 0.40724 0.5201 0.23766 0.38551 0.74598 0.98666 0.88444 0.3719 0.05263 0.99202 0.13191 0.08545 0.87981 0.39027 0.1784 0.4745 0.08006 0.26276 0.41885 0.99054 0.93612 0.2526 0.77191 0.7683 0.86732 0.36472 0.17048 0.42516 0.66314 0.71673 0.96909 0.91109 0.46716 0.84333 0.81859 0.53731 0.1037 0.91436 0.10053 0.17648 0.86986 0.37876 0.35195 0.61843 0.49049 0.05056 0.04787 0.9037 0.62899 0.01798 0.22941 0.09083 0.43418 0.41723 0.67849 0.79243 0.38187 0.30848 0.10378 0.08395 0.52192 0.47011 0.48731 0.00235 0.26205 0.3179 0.35795 0.89868 0.5176 0.80966 0.67865 0.95184 0.45854 0.19598 0.77745 0.68456 0.7477 0.16248 0.20111 0.74947 0.50416 0.08174 0.71017 0.97189 0.63646 0.34642 0.86818 0.32223 0.27233 0.83293 0.99611 0.25155 0.86812 0.07002 0.65873 0.18717 0.49108 0.424 0.64259 0.67299 0.92936 0.3694 0.6537 0.27737 0.20887 0.10776 0.49839 0.32021 0.82304 0.68295 0.29831 0.36716 0.62904 0.56356 0.1438 0.02743 0.46782 0.19547 0.72271 0.78565 0.43443 0.94513 0.79891 0.12998 0.79897 0.01899 0.44593 0.97714 0.05502 0.07107 0.22534 0.11176 0.01611 0.75528 0.79056 0.0601 0.16829 0.80445 0.66224 0.77716 0.30732 0.77255 0.63659 0.99626 0.26439 0.55599 0.90587 0.47255 0.42106 0.86845 0.18264 0.1938 0.06115 0.47675 0.02751 0.33881 0.19427 0.53871 0.73854 0.42333 0.11337 0.11128 0.54974 0.26314 0.8823 0.48216 0.45708 0.34663 0.94461 0.3543 0.20493 0.61712 0.70071 0.33092 0.9976 0.1996 0.02553 0.62336 0.86123 0.81845 0.781 0.0357 0.42404 0.42661 0.40649 0.48754 0.2007 0.61105 0.27351 0.95995 0.71716 0.69037 0.31871 0.53084 0.22116 0.858 0.03485 0.41175 0.68743 0.99291 0.43091 0.31656 0.40592 0.17011 0.17285 0.31799 0.36245 0.01175 0.01099 0.98715 0.56582 0.57922 0.97326 0.71786 0.91442 0.21982 0.99606 0.06383 0.27304 0.21053 0.27545 0.37887 0.71926 0.12273 0.75263 0.90462 0.50654 0.59216 0.29127 0.38436 0.97914 0.73613 0.12832 0.15608 0.97414 0.60591 0.16447 0.40269 0.49323 0.87805 0.56387 0.20453 0.24121 0.62018 0.52899 0.27319 0.13539 0.86116 0.55308 0.71008 0.02578 0.91246 0.80751 0.46357 0.10615 0.05177 0.77728 0.41998 0.20003 0.70683 0.86591 0.84291 0.57943 0.40081 0.18419 0.98677 0.17009 0.73385 0.40506 0.35916 0.15208 0.80757 0.76704 0.81138 0.36733 0.68947 0.66515 0.44414 0.53458 0.87961 0.36947 0.3394 0.55156 0.24267 0.25091 0.73713 0.55563 0.82351 0.06856 0.0489 0.37346 0.59075 0.73473 0.48828 0.75068 0.27249 0.25433 0.00633 0.33496 0.93541 0.17374 0.47536 0.01828 0.57102 0.53398 0.28516 0.79648 0.29678
+0.73945 0.14637 0.35596 0.32107 0.85179 0.8567 0.02421 0.13763 0.6896 0.45031 0.47831 0.86695 0.00637 0.20132 0.14478 0.56834 0.56943 0.47281 0.70602 0.44239 0.9751 0.12911 0.02695 0.55562 0.03745 0.24186 0.18906 0.58853 0.86915 0.0543 0.60363 0.73469 0.34578 0.19689 0.9726 0.27302 0.63561 0.56514 0.28309 0.65667 0.62222 0.00703 0.79662 0.44749 0.327 0.29919 0.32358 0.92276 0.6098 0.14569 0.1791 0.41179 0.32416 0.36094 0.51059 0.58791 0.68235 0.42243 0.34656 0.90444 0.15341 0.96816 0.39586 0.05659 0.81947 0.3595 0.16429 0.25905 0.65047 0.37534 0.31652 0.96914 0.45454 0.39932 0.84846 0.2234 0.79394 0.8653 0.67187 0.14625 0.90382 0.49992 0.77046 0.48033 0.12919 0.75533 0.01932 0.05198 0.4044 0.06284 0.61154 0.35132 0.0898 0.3111 0.89623 0.30288 0.05173 0.38838 0.63468 0.44833 0.63609 0.91939 0.45179 0.85323 0.89219 0.33148 0.37126 0.24536 0.88144 0.98596 0.51735 0.15139 0.6756 0.93728 0.26902 0.34319 0.23161 0.51438 0.66328 0.56365 0.00844 0.38383 0.57954 0.11599 0.44175 0.40157 0.52268 0.67783 0.32106 0.03884 0.58798 0.64157 0.75318 0.07433 0.61987 0.19456 0.19384 0.26582 0.28391 0.89112 0.57366 0.06012 0.0182 0.88278 0.15358 0.57448 0.72639 0.30349 0.77537 0.6863 0.9458 0.81924 0.10952 0.75849 0.13515 0.1832 0.815 0.35403 0.34104 0.32276 0.95329 0.26359 0.62398 0.37563 0.40873 0.93412 0.85148 0.98764 0.97611 0.87931 0.1167 0.76951 0.0671 0.25597 0.73358 0.71924 0.24711 0.36652 0.45578 0.22489 0.39255 0.76186 0.33712 0.77471 0.14889 0.92608 0.43039 0.80751 0.33077 0.14248 0.39936 0.49297 0.43497 0.13143 0.95963 0.3056 0.09042 0.80651 0.2304 0.26483 0.3751 0.86903 0.02456 0.6927 0.14522 0.00231 0.16826 0.22426 0.82219 0.3305 0.38157 0.31803 0.7062 0.27268 0.44061 0.31043 0.77918 0.36986 0.07265 0.97791 0.65828 0.88905 0.90875 0.94435 0.39722 0.04425 0.06837 0.26213 0.97366 0.55815 0.08784 0.79843 0.00916 0.26524 0.35607 0.72845 0.36312 0.03491 0.59196 0.88565 0.1132 0.07821 0.31966 0.44863 0.12294 0.24493 0.69098 0.17209 0.33055 0.24453 0.29224 0.33467 0.79292 0.86765 0.85769 0.63781 0.57573 0.1821 0.46436 0.06462 0.93065 0.83974 0.08491 0.86731 0.50965 0.07512 0.85339 0.17575 0.34499 0.2274 0.41668 0.45148 0.67141 0.60538 0.5905 0.06786 0.95054 0.73906 0.07277 0.60497 0.56294 0.7633 0.86488 0.65861 0.01175 0.09797 0.05227 0.61581 0.30159 0.67452 0.00562 0.05847 0.85932 0.00163 0.80231 0.27185 0.0795 0.90534 0.33096 0.42731 0.37238 0.79125 0.36612 0.44889 0.31806 0.83732 0.45075 0.29132 0.40795 0.33025 0.19649 0.69877 0.78103 0.82953 0.26704 0.19872 0.36882 0.70086 0.46866 0.98123 0.57872 0.67349 0.10415 0.82767 0.90645 0.38791 0.75639 0.69541 0.24708 0.52634 0.77511 0.7876 0.6328 0.6291 0.84099 0.35321 0.70979 0.16229 0.80218 0.56498 0.83715 0.31994 0.01678 0.25051 0.73303 0.91788 0.04808 0.28582 0.66936 0.794 0.59951 0.87735 0.66373 0.30938 0.48668 0.01463 0.02538 0.70853 0.21947 0.74695 0.96799 0.37211 0.75431 0.04082 0.07624 0.04047 0.26711 0.64945 0.248 0.17446 0.06215 0.79909 0.63327 0.50409 0.93304 0.45488 0.6071 0.17032 0.9209 0.89642 0.72444 0.44363 0.7298 0.58166 0.02178 0.96479 0.10261 0.40646 0.25995 0.34993 0.91525 0.38042 0.43949 0.53175 0.54351 0.92788 0.75532 0.33706 0.20371 0.54445 0.10008 0.79545 0.45548 0.09021 0.82296 0.3029 0.75802 0.59534 0.06985 0.05726 0.60153 0.71391 0.83334 0.05166 0.89431 0.91559 0.00138 0.18691 0.9233 0.75619 0.17178 0.66661 0.94397 0.7038 0.18087 0.29001 0.86617 0.49917 0.01617 0.6533 0.60948 0.37031 0.00507 0.76791 0.61047 0.80396 0.62713 0.10691 0.55199 0.38779 0.81001 0.46521 0.91465 0.26054 0.97463 0.60928 0.40722 0.19465 0.66761 0.50571 0.22642 0.28412 0.69144 0.96818 0.16032 0.56127 0.42246 0.25798 0.09282 0.70114 0.56087 0.09404 0.64488 0.11245 0.91531 0.98883 0.21653 0.2991 0.4666 0.35757 0.45598 0.68372 0.51387 0.42294 0.46068 0.199 0.12651 0.76288 0.11807 0.22071 0.11976 0.47436 0.49019 0.64144 0.91586 0.27334 0.40341 0.7659 0.63117 0.14379 0.01437 0.90413 0.85766 0.82782 0.77692 0.51128 0.06143 0.45963 0.81944 0.82475 0.21412 0.18518 0.77077 0.36049 0.41619 0.05634 0.30625 0.93627 0.75163 0.03639 0.40713 0.18634
+0.23158 0.81419 0.40593 0.20194 0.56118 0.06597 0.70927 0.32548 0.75892 0.00373 0.40175 0.18896 0.51981 0.53728 0.97221 0.61382 0.63003 0.12263 0.17103 0.16754 0.85616 0.51178 0.65553 0.73167 0.04516 0.49677 0.81889 0.76169 0.91836 0.03276 0.31719 0.02337 0.14489 0.03355 0.2094 0.06677 0.84338 0.83803 0.83846 0.5201 0.26393 0.49384 0.13421 0.71669 0.02984 0.66755 0.67362 0.24914 0.1033 0.3473 0.77473 0.73928 0.8486 0.33849 0.53622 0.29039 0.20941 0.35288 0.77953 0.62314 0.34482 0.2038 0.1325 0.40351 0.96628 0.30983 0.21999 0.88501 0.4947 0.07008 0.0614 0.10254 0.72642 0.25688 0.16587 0.06515 0.81787 0.95538 0.99426 0.8935 0.45492 0.2759 0.1701 0.42529 0.34259 0.03425 0.52574 0.18461 0.97818 0.64411 0.59388 0.27275 0.26039 0.88315 0.91038 0.4013 0.61808 0.76128 0.59794 0.73065 0.75037 0.36298 0.27354 0.81616 0.31918 0.51009 0.35332 0.73172 0.66332 0.41802 0.73263 0.35869 0.68845 0.84757 0.57027 0.75782 0.05672 0.3787 0.24656 0.26406 0.81182 0.0519 0.78674 0.01829 0.72553 0.22922 0.88255 0.64634 0.69517 0.74891 0.48759 0.14323 0.59768 0.92558 0.2796 0.77056 0.493 0.41867 0.58516 0.28784 0.10282 0.5222 0.80853 0.57472 0.32133 0.11458 0.55199 0.5774 0.30423 0.60761 0.3901 0.98661 0.52319 0.34935 0.18018 0.42082 0.25378 0.17651 0.89995 0.87641 0.13962 0.59643 0.38645 0.1236 0.34681 0.17565 0.89711 0.63117 0.39465 0.02384 0.95432 0.87909 0.86644 0.18232 0.48403 0.62554 0.22441 0.45184 0.95045 0.52567 0.05563 0.64178 0.9052 0.82151 0.02987 0.88174 0.32585 0.21745 0.35665 0.57066 0.55615 0.75824 0.03722 0.15293 0.22009 0.57688 0.57063 0.39759 0.20203 0.29987 0.33294 0.19935 0.98635 0.9342 0.07033 0.03678 0.30137 0.49907 0.7208 0.44524 0.39011 0.10272 0.85944 0.97226 0.69194 0.9814 0.95161 0.94607 0.34608 0.2312 0.50071 0.55372 0.88437 0.21042 0.52573 0.54374 0.92468 0.56654 0.50742 0.23605 0.23893 0.71069 0.4448 0.38278 0.11918 0.67433 0.87091 0.75224 0.54912 0.39344 0.47957 0.01411 0.52558 0.8572 0.56575 0.22825 0.90709 0.53093 0.27314 0.61379 0.74012 0.36935 0.92923 0.44839 0.18044 0.21428 0.08489 0.44988 0.54689 0.91124 0.5034 0.25351 0.27489 0.63145 0.1693 0.74278 0.0911 0.22611 0.78118 0.83242 0.52714 0.79596 0.84226 0.19776 0.04322 0.89926 0.63061 0.16167 0.01633 0.47323 0.73885 0.86964 0.90902 0.46877 0.67466 0.73048 0.92524 0.46735 0.99364 0.67252 0.56029 0.24163 0.13973 0.88694 0.16775 0.30215 0.79437 0.66957 0.8361 0.11268 0.02971 0.05442 0.62585 0.568 0.4814 0.55351 0.96609 0.32559 0.31301 0.31185 0.13256 0.59337 0.52142 0.6463 0.33218 0.72748 0.03001 0.45088 0.96012 0.26723 0.87071 0.96965 0.56682 0.20291 0.5656 0.81879 0.43088 0.9083 0.49872 0.65992 0.93356 0.94153 0.60622 0.07939 0.89793 0.04634 0.78442 0.70874 0.63481 0.13876 0.9847 0.29947 0.39662 0.8286 0.17631 0.6831 0.57492 0.3151 0.42987 0.37691 0.35016 0.85091 0.47906 0.2072 0.79679 0.10521 0.94764 0.59215 0.05921 0.28372 0.25759 0.17353 0.76232 0.20118 0.3062 0.10185 0.30103 0.31992 0.80531 0.25533 0.14955 0.62918 0.89915 0.12354 0.702 0.55626 0.56968 0.37403 0.17545 0.66157 0.31132 0.85531 0.11288 0.81143 0.57271 0.37433 0.5814 0.10474 0.60377 0.9707 0.363 0.04455 0.0816 0.25359 0.6132 0.85328 0.00175 0.8379 0.7677 0.11588 0.08894 0.00815 0.77605 0.73241 0.04194 0.47659 0.2607 0.8805 0.94414 0.58489 0.17926 0.37799 0.48444 0.03944 0.19606 0.3413 0.88427 0.64878 0.57015 0.5304 0.45863 0.56295 0.57567 0.29413 0.51185 0.86144 0.54968 0.34838 0.9656 0.726 0.08459 0.45416 0.63143 0.70882 0.60462 0.01098 0.25151 0.64441 0.77993 0.77803 0.42788 0.42333 0.37185 0.99493 0.13244 0.1334 0.69404 0.46894 0.02214 0.29176 0.36927 0.76454 0.55211 0.97147 0.62397 0.19568 0.56855 0.05768 0.07846 0.95091 0.97575 0.5347 0.11799 0.66427 0.04456 0.90318 0.11963 0.89446 0.05351 0.0897 0.75137 0.65442 0.63465 0.7846 0.0565 0.43897 0.2548 0.10826 0.37898 0.20824 0.85706 0.89331 0.98111 0.60199 0.93194 0.42818 0.17909 0.27468 0.52421 0.63495 0.31871 0.76552 0.32139 0.76425 0.9579 0.98505 0.30808 0.9017 0.37449 0.56375 0.1355 0.90112 0.8574 0.98011 0.76259 0.87384 0.10134 0.74766 0.56635 0.89298 0.46316 0.86408
+0.28067 0.79077 0.14115 0.64964 0.28134 0.57216 0.58947 0.83073 0.55405 0.65101 0.28525 0.27988 0.75777 0.18325 0.37275 0.76987 0.67235 0.13293 0.26284 0.97385 0.30979 0.63101 0.00546 0.7238 0.29333 0.1669 0.08587 0.78681 0.40946 0.29914 0.95561 0.87086 0.68586 0.24352 0.38234 0.22639 0.29534 0.61537 0.98332 0.39313 0.18682 0.89602 0.87413 0.27158 0.03221 0.92194 0.71092 0.31444 0.04561 0.5574 0.0522 0.08319 0.63868 0.77222 0.11405 0.64494 0.30146 0.74304 0.94826 0.64195 0.29967 0.644 0.3533 0.45315 0.97584 0.91399 0.65187 0.8065 0.25402 0.20925 0.01771 0.90376 0.5428 0.95617 0.5497 0.94105 0.80923 0.50647 0.38812 0.92005 0.27001 0.18613 0.82065 0.9731 0.9253 0.28198 0.45926 0.73544 0.71 0.6754 0.04818 0.4776 0.02538 0.40273 0.45902 0.1892 0.12422 0.75634 0.04734 0.52934 0.49922 0.37919 0.80558 0.51456 0.7312 0.63708 0.99462 0.51765 0.6294 0.8545 0.55912 0.18103 0.34842 0.92826 0.53206 0.26571 0.75514 0.30484 0.11456 0.3108 0.63084 0.51322 0.42453 0.24275 0.14052 0.94343 0.04241 0.96682 0.82334 0.19094 0.81469 0.1173 0.32451 0.11457 0.43476 0.33449 0.90439 0.66408 0.79157 0.67732 0.69871 0.69503 0.27474 0.05507 0.35769 0.47228 0.8209 0.02497 0.45783 0.94182 0.68958 0.20759 0.38785 0.21529 0.38899 0.35405 0.54467 0.91222 0.63159 0.95469 0.13189 0.90487 0.3796 0.3313 0.74071 0.87183 0.22338 0.07413 0.55452 0.53359 0.2311 0.15577 0.42715 0.60101 0.53577 0.27689 0.86769 0.49824 0.53312 0.3805 0.81284 0.43119 0.18229 0.62887 0.73056 0.11159 0.98627 0.24389 0.1774 0.93893 0.57795 0.29439 0.0522 0.45457 0.57954 0.5466 0.97404 0.78383 0.7543 0.36777 0.29742 0.09149 0.1956 0.5022 0.73055 0.80113 0.74102 0.2318 0.03756 0.72089 0.7391 0.63677 0.28134 0.14317 0.53963 0.07969 0.00566 0.51229 0.51341 0.3016 0.0313 0.81677 0.39887 0.52449 0.37127 0.50478 0.73475 0.02871 0.18799 0.82508 0.95133 0.03126 0.7602 0.48628 0.56901 0.39972 0.78615 0.90144 0.93888 0.33028 0.32977 0.23418 0.0289 0.85397 0.25772 0.98566 0.28614 0.48658 0.44725 0.04424 0.96992 0.47119 0.3665 0.82023 0.61729 0.11159 0.32284 0.25054 0.77945 0.13138 0.49149 0.39153 0.84304 0.06402 0.34871 0.36051 0.237 0.18289 0.09436 0.79734 0.45832 0.8029 0.21757 0.9434 0.43718 0.3857 0.35597 0.0067 0.87988 0.63459 0.93471 0.01984 0.56411 0.94509 0.21283 0.43168 0.37908 0.39395 0.85535 0.00368 0.94841 0.45904 0.34732 0.3101 0.19649 0.28405 0.17906 0.00494 0.44297 0.6566 0.1272 0.60934 0.10967 0.02194 0.68133 0.97548 0.1573 0.09259 0.5733 0.96443 0.36162 0.2558 0.90578 0.39753 7e-05 0.82327 0.09362 0.66208 0.97597 0.93553 0.91792 0.37926 0.54045 0.90229 0.05355 0.79255 0.82546 0.30016 0.31506 0.48516 0.73631 0.42474 0.61203 0.81813 0.10072 0.02856 0.73361 0.70519 0.0999 0.18853 0.77118 0.5052 0.57399 0.36906 0.97356 0.77985 0.7267 0.6956 0.0123 0.67191 0.58649 0.14264 0.19592 0.37814 0.88342 0.32153 0.06113 0.86385 0.21073 0.49918 0.24346 0.8662 0.61218 0.85944 0.53495 0.88145 0.45412 0.70244 0.74372 0.1094 0.88173 0.08075 0.59789 0.69786 0.16945 0.96912 0.319 0.32134 0.96387 0.67474 0.97826 0.34178 0.57797 0.93427 0.10329 0.29516 0.22809 0.52528 0.88915 0.36766 0.08642 0.31959 0.06488 0.15444 0.9896 0.52469 0.20405 0.13097 0.81167 0.10553 0.51841 0.22433 0.44467 0.6117 0.42184 0.03147 0.72066 0.90069 0.6665 0.82559 0.1061 0.21235 0.36158 0.98005 0.32165 0.39469 0.12597 0.97934 0.54615 0.58419 0.40505 0.93241 0.6641 0.0316 0.81804 0.03139 0.31259 0.23053 0.80762 0.24508 0.46274 0.58186 0.84121 0.41394 0.84162 0.70413 0.66959 0.67155 0.34832 0.01731 0.85422 0.47246 0.86085 0.54663 0.88924 0.95982 0.43745 0.18222 0.79779 0.02934 0.16412 0.06089 0.03734 0.52576 0.21467 0.69237 0.12794 0.75358 0.51248 0.52119 0.53388 0.58807 0.87627 0.03398 0.14209 0.09675 0.21752 0.22805 0.10242 0.76474 0.22113 0.98454 0.18515 0.78866 0.37678 0.8432 0.29095 0.41163 0.00887 0.29435 0.94131 0.36954 0.62453 0.56292 0.19793 0.90122 0.90244 0.67571 0.40263 0.50457 0.14334 0.85751 0.42531 0.54789 0.81139 0.66516 0.09424 0.24089 0.74624 0.14437 0.14882 0.65871 0.99527 0.31281 0.69374 0.68565 0.94417 0.87464 0.51305 0.04279 0.04218 0.2182
+0.74173 0.78398 0.52346 0.06352 0.60671 0.64118 0.14498 0.74207 0.50271 0.38416 0.34158 0.93526 0.84559 0.31768 0.2265 0.48647 0.42297 0.81645 0.24367 0.92959 0.06465 0.9028 0.1912 0.22934 0.73092 0.8166 0.05081 0.74486 0.88121 0.60037 0.8019 0.1553 0.30281 0.27108 0.55948 0.50547 0.10009 0.55363 0.8193 0.5664 0.37001 0.67924 0.08983 0.26978 0.37423 0.50611 0.33881 0.37133 0.54213 0.12871 0.85825 0.64784 0.85016 0.22785 0.1312 0.09199 0.75866 0.56169 0.03679 0.7276 0.74733 0.52481 0.1825 0.27932 0.0109 0.42656 0.95404 0.94944 0.13107 0.36278 0.01443 0.81649 0.16526 0.19767 0.09547 0.78398 0.92017 0.95248 0.80661 0.08014 0.63077 0.74807 0.03015 0.9876 0.93149 0.75249 0.4668 0.98005 0.42358 0.36966 0.87817 0.76587 0.86081 0.29179 0.25333 0.22266 0.73811 0.8693 0.68655 0.19606 0.24999 0.81924 0.41045 0.98735 0.58461 0.6755 0.55015 0.55828 0.03729 0.67649 0.3478 0.43621 0.67659 0.03648 0.289 0.3861 0.68459 0.5292 0.29128 0.27881 0.82828 0.13886 0.00027 0.83369 0.0025 0.22531 0.45395 0.6254 0.09348 0.4986 0.3955 0.17484 0.31441 0.7629 0.79555 0.58293 0.93119 0.67061 0.09895 0.18335 0.32547 0.44127 0.3201 0.9119 0.65678 0.6505 0.1816 0.769 0.23967 0.97496 0.97854 0.50845 0.4129 0.36095 0.12568 0.58146 0.76106 0.08848 0.56287 0.01139 0.06396 0.51526 0.48303 0.93319 0.48484 0.38562 0.16661 0.58086 0.9675 0.40667 0.1717 0.20268 0.13573 0.74242 0.95143 0.85741 0.63604 0.94067 0.88737 0.63021 0.39814 0.69396 0.28093 0.32717 0.93384 0.95571 0.252 0.70942 0.26257 0.54673 0.38154 0.6514 0.88051 0.95821 0.49913 0.35974 0.66307 0.31353 0.64014 0.80047 0.15495 0.63684 0.31212 0.79112 0.52918 0.33801 0.39419 0.44041 0.82891 0.07331 0.40674 0.26259 0.45708 0.28175 0.5727 0.90866 0.38677 0.31508 0.77475 0.14412 0.12021 0.30832 0.39127 0.67384 0.81634 0.40124 0.86492 0.85702 0.02837 0.2498 0.27349 0.64439 0.32042 0.97939 0.52824 0.48718 0.86717 0.88408 0.08902 0.22248 0.24495 0.15139 0.67212 0.2509 0.88245 0.35544 0.60431 0.0658 0.60782 0.57171 0.26652 0.15625 0.99272 0.05094 0.53485 0.18785 0.42048 0.69221 0.74195 0.63937 0.08474 0.44125 0.82409 0.41174 0.5586 0.14017 0.21879 0.31244 0.57963 0.76862 0.33598 0.52457 0.52411 0.13236 0.80284 0.13352 0.00906 0.90681 0.98846 0.96618 0.44101 0.53557 0.1365 0.14221 0.38134 0.06433 0.94657 0.17086 0.28505 0.63441 0.80479 0.68096 0.68612 0.26974 0.96527 0.22091 0.40248 0.7603 0.739 0.41985 0.87859 0.5618 0.60677 0.02394 0.40158 0.76955 0.29141 0.68442 0.06539 0.60564 0.97737 0.75705 0.22308 0.6912 0.62372 0.79233 0.68677 0.26348 0.74728 0.19148 0.49517 0.08596 0.24799 0.97557 0.63247 0.23347 0.15942 0.23768 0.10303 0.41155 0.1599 0.11322 0.19412 0.88267 0.90361 0.16761 0.37931 0.0415 0.00524 0.70681 0.26581 0.01264 0.94185 0.47759 0.97305 0.21159 0.85319 0.38591 0.14092 0.39504 0.90649 0.88205 0.9556 0.77433 0.11241 0.10394 0.66042 0.94188 0.22883 0.48175 0.62138 0.53462 0.04775 0.28147 0.4442 0.15958 0.2906 0.6909 0.14821 0.14245 0.49921 0.70577 0.22169 0.06545 0.39306 0.67856 0.49199 0.27742 0.66332 0.32374 0.84584 0.11889 0.96237 0.50113 0.91853 0.23415 0.05634 0.14238 0.66239 0.39699 0.12798 0.77924 0.6228 0.2252 0.09239 0.486 0.16234 0.87731 0.04658 0.95927 0.08912 0.62437 0.42015 0.82114 0.29131 0.30138 0.65935 0.54942 0.61177 0.20348 0.51447 0.98662 0.10676 0.36953 0.27227 0.0379 0.52142 0.89047 0.54176 0.51824 0.2262 0.05721 0.91938 0.61479 0.97037 0.22941 0.97073 0.48028 0.24821 0.10439 0.44776 0.65102 0.27229 0.73045 0.73911 0.59976 0.41542 0.10746 0.23359 0.8424 0.79734 0.53986 0.86298 0.05069 0.13397 0.08522 0.8588 0.80997 0.08129 0.19014 0.27398 0.68284 0.05532 0.39639 0.61134 0.25181 0.08066 0.29739 0.8577 0.67036 0.51948 0.96852 0.83482 0.60761 0.25365 0.94673 0.81449 0.31937 0.65396 0.98042 0.58667 0.43365 0.15056 0.61016 0.50291 0.31255 0.10233 0.82881 0.79831 0.6437 0.16561 0.58351 0.30571 0.25633 0.08986 0.90623 0.25038 0.99227 0.45402 0.5481 0.18693 0.59803 0.60383 0.97189 0.0849 0.53955 0.13823 0.7694 0.52397 0.31579 0.57959 0.58833 0.86425 0.94963 0.20069 0.60292 0.45878 0.69369 0.62777 0.66066 0.57587 0.17696
+0.77024 0.94638 0.76333 0.87685 0.09842 0.58799 0.41065 0.44991 0.46211 0.00823 0.46399 0.75054 0.10124 0.98976 0.47378 0.84073 0.51248 0.28901 0.6141 0.72773 0.5338 0.59161 0.30788 0.68519 0.70554 0.69447 0.70005 0.58945 0.05152 0.91112 0.74554 0.29447 0.55896 0.60994 0.10454 0.22069 0.42795 0.46349 0.22799 0.47796 0.70996 0.2777 0.34053 0.76283 0.79072 0.15138 0.63709 0.05972 0.859 0.10919 0.3059 0.89576 0.82973 0.58164 0.92024 0.51782 0.73589 0.31719 0.63264 0.60915 0.95232 0.29147 0.55259 0.9325 0.30495 0.4269 0.65969 0.78557 0.99809 0.97207 0.07015 0.39044 0.1677 0.15308 0.95427 0.18148 0.00177 0.48828 0.18139 0.11029 0.57815 0.88814 0.22368 0.2342 0.66392 0.78896 0.41081 0.2372 0.30986 0.31661 0.67174 0.03439 0.0847 0.05764 0.91174 0.64891 0.59763 0.59907 0.26738 0.15397 0.61183 0.29052 0.76252 0.00874 0.22665 0.22921 0.93228 0.12596 0.64777 0.30999 0.82246 0.73415 0.47663 0.38516 0.64344 0.96228 0.76783 0.91888 0.24014 0.50355 0.51923 0.73978 0.46632 0.25068 0.1056 0.86324 0.67493 0.62674 0.99646 0.29423 0.02637 0.90123 0.47748 0.49913 0.65211 0.47974 0.32758 0.97396 0.57474 0.22733 0.30316 0.82314 0.92975 0.68978 0.44288 0.48671 0.19746 0.28956 0.45313 0.93202 0.33837 0.37901 0.52203 0.71755 0.76526 0.04529 0.39066 0.46575 0.69456 0.26137 0.465 0.01623 0.0494 0.59749 0.59209 0.88134 0.25486 0.62174 0.08375 0.95647 0.93871 0.00373 0.41769 0.99034 0.73481 0.93325 0.57879 0.46698 0.40698 0.22126 0.10175 0.31464 0.90771 0.18375 0.62625 0.7599 0.18876 0.96929 0.27528 0.64674 0.58472 0.23608 0.13518 0.53455 0.40616 0.213 0.75259 0.2822 0.09046 0.85654 0.67505 0.85982 0.70731 0.50424 0.73336 0.44403 0.19125 0.17144 0.25525 0.67899 0.55535 0.36202 0.89332 0.55874 0.83449 0.30641 0.11016 0.87497 0.22609 0.80545 0.69027 0.32451 0.20384 0.82092 0.38523 0.38635 0.07345 0.64204 0.13091 0.21245 0.50682 0.74461 0.63524 0.65024 0.47654 0.93338 0.40855 0.68661 0.02034 0.61099 0.0158 0.42279 0.07688 0.88913 0.62669 0.28948 0.09823 0.78362 0.6161 0.29819 0.29141 0.02879 0.9898 0.96021 0.42405 0.25039 0.35557 0.83626 0.30579 0.73398 0.40538 0.64965 0.96556 0.57688 0.07572 0.33973 0.80155 0.65812 0.80486 0.73368 0.473 0.82161 0.86697 0.32135 0.27207 0.06467 0.1952 0.43303 0.03016 0.27293 0.68725 0.55961 0.76332 0.46361 0.46495 0.32138 0.14317 0.12279 0.38274 0.00179 0.39931 0.41031 0.02851 0.42743 0.72997 0.8292 0.83736 0.45542 0.42114 0.43992 0.64105 0.94223 0.15933 0.03891 0.27874 0.71487 0.72639 0.48699 0.18031 0.83207 0.67409 0.78483 0.99096 0.28289 0.57494 0.62666 0.39963 0.3096 0.79975 0.52658 0.12014 0.36864 0.54546 0.57936 0.81462 0.32213 0.1507 0.61374 0.72389 0.84428 0.22313 0.1445 0.85061 0.65497 0.9316 0.86059 0.81221 0.42947 0.64612 0.9976 0.5002 0.9724 0.88491 0.40875 0.43285 0.8632 0.64989 0.53744 0.93963 0.14517 0.2675 0.23232 0.00632 0.3229 0.77477 0.33525 0.35822 0.22286 0.53006 0.34505 0.80345 0.38317 0.79786 0.15819 0.62503 0.09551 0.12531 0.02808 0.16886 0.79091 0.90997 0.27118 0.1656 0.08253 0.58226 0.01223 0.89443 0.13347 0.17865 0.06859 0.26546 0.05641 0.0011 0.34856 0.40578 0.41149 0.01308 0.51131 0.94428 0.19108 0.17727 0.0045 0.79691 0.88681 0.17955 0.19786 0.15968 0.80147 0.57831 0.02051 0.36798 0.77703 0.09202 0.49379 0.62858 0.08865 0.19642 0.69983 0.05612 0.1145 0.65443 0.23288 0.88641 0.948 0.10021 0.63305 0.04106 0.40104 0.51613 0.66471 0.04768 0.78849 0.33306 0.57223 0.64937 0.69163 0.61539 0.61403 0.34707 0.17958 0.73328 0.30625 0.78892 0.1543 0.05104 0.992 0.26497 0.27801 0.34339 0.40278 0.00016 0.46471 0.98611 0.08182 0.05781 0.14668 0.69366 0.50882 0.71135 0.23129 0.47422 0.79173 0.36315 0.44771 0.29586 0.72825 0.8454 0.2393 0.75812 0.59745 0.53993 0.02771 0.82994 0.38066 0.65554 0.54212 0.79067 0.26801 0.6903 0.69283 0.53952 0.4863 0.98574 0.79942 0.19581 0.26797 0.33669 0.92175 0.99296 0.84651 0.97993 0.97355 0.85332 0.02658 0.55332 0.52062 0.37716 0.986 0.32346 0.70309 0.18771 0.20658 0.31813 0.85748 0.74842 0.45231 0.61583 0.12244 0.05858 0.90278 0.69563 0.59394 0.88478 0.60665 0.03536 0.34977 0.40855 0.17513 0.70809 0.12718 0.17735 0.05117
+0.186 0.68039 0.84378 0.89842 0.75319 0.71587 0.94377 0.14034 0.66891 0.80546 0.49579 0.44138 0.76019 0.34293 0.72322 0.73688 0.71192 0.18088 0.74538 0.07967 0.51913 0.84175 0.73985 0.07049 0.45443 0.00563 0.09708 0.79969 0.30909 0.64062 0.43318 0.93953 0.39134 0.52384 0.31143 0.79182 0.74511 0.46745 0.52877 0.71778 0.23398 0.93945 0.34509 0.98151 0.60801 0.63777 0.07801 0.8003 0.00812 0.74793 0.49156 0.89925 0.35305 0.04282 0.06535 0.97049 0.15458 0.76779 0.17323 0.6061 0.9564 0.17635 0.5952 0.10344 0.29262 0.12465 0.43819 0.00607 0.11875 0.14637 0.03318 0.74631 0.81959 0.73012 0.21498 0.81434 0.31721 0.9967 0.84016 0.48017 0.52402 0.83723 0.06427 0.75165 0.49317 0.23241 0.88071 0.23288 0.56449 0.01155 0.86656 0.5987 0.33541 0.6854 0.01913 0.23953 0.33761 0.96394 0.01775 0.62816 0.69355 0.2985 0.28775 0.622 0.48756 0.47994 0.26554 0.42034 0.51395 0.46115 0.96034 0.89486 0.16286 0.35676 0.84848 0.05026 0.80201 0.87014 0.68252 0.38665 0.33493 0.71237 0.81853 0.13003 0.17176 0.08344 0.89649 0.39994 0.84835 0.84676 0.70198 0.50438 0.55897 0.17174 0.28657 0.45101 0.67097 0.30239 0.86397 0.93523 0.88075 0.92166 0.54382 0.61557 0.02452 0.8209 0.77162 0.4461 0.98302 0.31684 0.47972 0.13493 0.19979 0.17525 0.01981 0.34337 0.005 0.23197 0.93973 0.3353 0.5129 0.99284 0.35353 0.25779 0.87844 0.0778 0.21581 0.95684 0.55685 0.12213 0.82208 0.23717 0.70989 0.4777 0.94031 0.49294 0.76043 0.57774 0.93075 0.35682 0.25503 0.514 0.5807 0.45726 0.83015 0.30667 0.57745 0.14897 0.64022 0.58053 0.24416 0.5702 0.34887 0.18459 0.94773 0.60175 0.23467 0.52185 0.79711 0.46667 0.75404 0.71375 0.91654 0.3845 0.91771 0.21528 0.04693 0.27141 0.2695 0.67909 0.49181 0.44038 0.44115 0.63007 0.08781 0.97802 0.61572 0.72183 0.66198 0.08308 0.42238 0.87155 0.68224 0.29499 0.98841 0.32293 0.98897 0.65238 0.28168 0.25845 0.60992 0.79594 0.28135 0.20959 0.52121 0.33651 0.42267 0.77945 0.62105 0.84553 0.02395 0.20532 0.51079 0.83836 0.61745 0.75285 0.6173 0.57199 0.46017 0.28105 0.71714 0.89394 0.93655 0.45397 0.70796 0.59512 0.0356 0.89913 0.19888 0.07958 0.067 0.1605 0.68327 0.66347 0.95142 0.99767 0.46067 0.77509 0.66579 0.20801 0.16324 0.6446 0.8838 0.59975 0.39284 0.66228 0.38026 0.64331 0.40358 0.49721 0.24614 0.51667 0.50708 0.10291 0.25438 0.4687 0.93749 0.92588 0.52503 0.57649 0.07856 0.8837 0.77777 0.86889 0.99029 0.65291 0.51347 0.18476 0.3927 0.16955 0.94946 0.85382 0.91589 0.76824 0.3314 0.72168 0.66928 0.40668 0.09768 0.11045 0.97294 0.37337 0.24949 0.41828 0.34096 0.76656 0.0104 0.80826 0.11127 0.04069 0.45544 0.98139 0.46752 0.54699 0.95956 0.41014 0.1619 0.68342 0.39092 0.27834 0.9252 0.29754 0.16045 0.97644 0.06754 0.15058 0.78075 0.40518 0.46595 0.77138 0.80229 0.71637 0.72627 0.67594 0.30644 0.94271 0.72643 0.8524 0.5389 0.99742 0.11809 0.38349 0.09236 0.21971 0.5257 0.12905 0.47415 0.78781 0.1932 0.07489 0.91601 0.6005 0.57612 0.42604 0.27796 0.31417 0.37723 0.34577 0.17377 0.37804 0.62422 0.13025 0.94997 0.51265 0.55049 0.78278 0.53373 0.32063 0.34218 0.61812 0.08098 0.61422 0.46972 0.9602 0.74953 0.20688 0.00777 0.17238 0.76329 0.89883 0.49188 0.80246 0.37093 0.84128 0.1261 0.12997 0.98047 0.62044 0.15009 0.98127 0.73156 0.86706 0.8881 0.64423 0.99714 0.04489 0.845 0.33839 0.95044 0.65363 0.5873 0.33977 0.66141 0.86269 0.63477 0.11127 0.49558 0.29428 0.42509 0.63339 0.10554 0.37944 0.97423 0.63366 0.58636 0.51348 0.96253 0.57957 0.21131 0.96333 0.7755 0.02327 0.09825 0.67973 0.38218 0.27096 0.10097 0.23561 0.45929 0.24671 0.86995 0.43044 0.2482 0.27112 0.45911 0.65019 0.43504 0.0916 0.24809 0.96351 0.20422 0.0283 0.15074 0.007 0.81442 0.85703 0.84809 0.53799 0.39581 0.62299 0.91848 0.86945 0.30523 0.62102 0.69111 0.92865 0.61843 0.80409 0.85085 0.6886 0.93234 0.08061 0.55164 0.329 0.41125 0.79125 0.56204 0.29443 0.63169 0.66252 0.32992 0.74988 0.14995 0.08189 0.5797 0.83798 0.52917 0.22181 0.35947 0.09507 0.04732 0.95453 0.7452 0.25843 0.05989 0.91846 0.86995 0.67982 0.54047 0.89059 0.66345 0.01879 0.41703 0.62325 0.4574 0.9301 0.42372 0.90709 0.85929 0.57375 0.65001 0.92982
+0.51931 0.43948 0.86327 0.35277 0.47074 0.42117 0.58604 0.02681 0.67691 0.03394 0.2685 0.97783 0.33896 0.11225 0.77295 0.56309 0.06876 0.63733 0.78959 0.10362 0.30258 0.13047 0.10146 0.47802 0.40545 0.01861 0.89848 0.81099 0.78728 0.13272 0.90835 0.88532 0.91732 0.01426 0.91887 0.93072 0.79471 0.11506 0.87655 0.65665 0.20116 0.35602 0.71306 0.02224 0.50474 0.77143 0.52029 0.66029 0.71474 0.60111 0.70132 0.67444 0.36946 0.24851 0.55548 0.83978 0.20388 0.38954 0.11494 0.45801 0.8547 0.43294 0.62416 0.1183 0.34145 0.18202 0.29381 0.49768 0.4244 0.42356 0.45556 0.58697 0.83675 0.35628 0.3176 0.02118 0.58525 0.12394 0.161 0.24177 0.65379 0.62578 0.7282 0.32003 0.22501 0.60132 0.17624 0.5465 0.72681 0.77984 0.89178 0.86059 0.11254 0.92956 0.35021 0.30286 0.66502 0.70417 0.12278 0.01147 0.3483 0.27979 0.49269 0.19923 0.51885 0.06707 0.96198 0.97022 0.71387 0.50612 0.51384 0.06795 0.51785 0.92622 0.08101 0.19612 0.33586 0.52067 0.58837 0.68583 0.64765 0.11303 0.82174 0.56547 0.81116 0.57244 0.98528 0.886 0.19767 0.42195 0.79335 0.94141 0.03545 0.8797 0.30845 0.84694 0.02201 0.79553 0.8697 0.26596 0.32871 0.95884 0.4072 0.84092 0.68891 0.38645 0.23997 0.52653 0.04731 0.29709 0.05559 0.11282 0.07252 0.72819 0.526 0.90147 0.92891 0.61832 0.46165 0.57543 0.9374 0.30878 0.83267 0.55864 0.67418 0.94388 0.54093 0.36317 0.00594 0.26875 0.88216 0.4686 0.30974 0.89548 0.97311 0.66951 0.23761 0.00687 0.87649 0.01085 0.69381 0.65954 0.04545 0.25297 0.62464 0.63302 0.36307 0.90044 0.84987 0.85665 0.8244 0.143 0.49021 0.19134 0.38789 0.25938 0.37591 0.82788 0.83506 0.46246 0.18201 0.7893 0.05926 0.13561 0.47039 0.1477 0.24257 0.03781 0.22528 0.13883 0.37653 0.71323 0.3358 0.59197 0.29895 0.43932 0.5159 0.8193 0.32329 0.82367 0.8561 0.4723 0.80686 0.7738 0.14517 0.89758 0.45242 0.76055 0.30315 0.98297 0.6325 0.92453 0.96483 0.79731 0.36264 0.0681 0.35582 0.54243 0.17933 0.77053 0.94694 0.57993 0.1059 0.2118 0.64043 0.20194 0.72458 0.43526 0.95573 0.56244 0.83773 0.07754 0.96925 0.81356 0.59994 0.67006 0.72533 0.30763 0.89873 0.08967 0.54821 0.97853 0.07828 0.91505 0.20312 0.49441 0.98623 0.27675 0.78463 0.49768 0.04515 0.38279 0.05552 0.09672 0.63567 0.17031 0.44284 0.14347 0.90582 0.29914 0.03787 0.94601 0.12848 0.6447 0.52552 0.72648 0.63356 0.01561 0.78794 0.25657 0.08473 0.87041 0.9838 0.75891 0.97396 0.48445 0.40642 0.55197 0.637 0.69878 0.97212 0.97863 0.32577 0.85998 0.3516 0.31914 0.02968 0.23036 0.19663 0.76395 0.67782 0.13888 0.98749 0.94281 0.60488 0.20834 0.55327 0.06412 0.06782 0.64479 0.11149 0.98481 0.28797 0.91758 0.68235 0.12464 0.52188 0.90215 0.97471 0.65443 0.35623 0.1151 0.1757 0.22366 0.07212 0.43922 0.32399 0.25664 0.88062 0.77674 0.74196 0.78873 0.93379 0.04648 0.65081 0.39541 0.00595 0.66855 0.62026 0.05826 0.7992 0.64886 0.74171 0.69495 0.63032 0.1594 0.29447 0.47247 0.00396 0.2921 0.14834 0.46662 0.55229 0.33139 0.49496 0.36813 0.87691 0.53085 0.06508 0.18029 0.53029 0.04744 0.01363 0.90715 0.57318 0.83433 0.24837 0.20933 0.32058 0.00439 0.61515 0.65559 0.57398 0.33612 0.32514 0.3571 0.07855 0.5691 0.38108 0.24678 0.55166 0.46755 0.84336 0.20315 0.88821 0.01613 0.0451 0.07866 0.87207 0.08188 0.71421 0.16256 0.57863 0.28204 0.40139 0.66505 0.62457 0.43715 0.1608 0.7943 0.05227 0.70029 0.02496 0.23057 0.4395 0.70715 0.88886 0.2263 0.34203 0.00345 0.34493 0.22136 0.1176 0.88773 0.70813 0.595 0.01487 0.40535 0.33923 0.44663 0.41265 0.07299 0.57895 0.64001 0.08345 0.09892 0.2486 0.09818 0.54716 0.48661 0.78597 0.42752 0.75761 0.52543 0.47002 0.95121 0.11662 0.53469 0.02689 0.11552 0.32794 0.37251 0.88706 0.33952 0.80362 0.86078 0.04583 0.11329 0.38802 0.88311 0.53424 0.66793 0.93466 0.43546 0.14645 0.41554 0.84308 0.64583 0.6676 0.51399 0.97413 0.27642 0.2508 0.98177 0.03254 0.3582 0.11021 0.85488 0.53924 0.24266 0.2749 0.55907 0.44778 0.09912 0.40227 0.50619 0.69819 0.63587 0.70796 0.6611 0.66332 0.70683 0.11275 0.77732 0.67868 0.33436 0.23914 0.92581 0.02851 0.24246 0.36108 0.84905 0.41529 0.03831 0.21323 0.56574 0.92153 0.35325 0.74805 0.36486 0.05628 0.56009
+0.12012 0.33943 0.30117 0.69724 0.45468 0.33814 0.28406 0.10112 0.19077 0.8641 0.28525 0.15541 0.9372 0.12253 0.52403 0.59068 0.76267 0.99486 0.5064 0.53519 0.45216 0.08077 0.89403 0.84972 0.16851 0.97828 0.50787 0.88341 0.0541 0.06358 0.48292 0.72708 0.71565 0.63742 0.78961 0.21035 0.22875 0.26247 0.99442 0.64008 0.02603 0.85868 0.37463 0.58124 0.59538 0.20495 0.21111 0.1637 0.82426 0.40356 0.75907 0.60333 0.39497 0.24762 0.90629 0.01519 0.59865 0.08956 0.35356 0.85865 0.45791 0.57435 0.54016 0.7982 0.85673 0.92565 0.6912 0.95443 0.58088 0.44241 0.23535 0.35504 0.88042 0.05324 0.9205 0.1313 0.43215 0.10967 0.05314 0.2027 0.83636 0.79729 0.80549 0.64862 0.68931 0.71046 0.95026 0.96754 0.33352 0.55923 0.59327 0.75089 0.25469 0.89785 0.11627 0.77315 0.43603 0.75179 0.24712 0.22155 0.28337 0.90866 0.54124 0.83101 0.42507 0.71274 0.11653 0.77443 0.78744 0.98781 0.18559 0.91309 0.87474 0.24929 0.7656 0.748 0.29897 0.32619 0.36461 0.231 0.34427 0.46892 0.46644 0.7709 0.44488 0.02874 0.11065 0.0088 0.79029 0.6614 0.94107 0.80416 0.7949 0.7042 0.42777 0.64622 0.57946 0.54806 0.06149 0.0531 0.22621 0.76445 0.22805 0.88347 0.55382 0.12647 0.7055 0.13908 0.08042 0.86667 0.44362 0.65535 0.3861 0.45791 0.91441 0.29237 0.74799 0.43978 0.91328 0.3974 0.23079 0.0953 0.5816 0.80404 0.76149 0.87164 0.14708 0.23033 0.84685 0.39818 0.13993 0.32489 0.18728 0.90516 0.19462 0.01513 0.09388 0.21363 0.85504 0.64613 0.09695 0.3757 0.09918 0.47531 0.99759 0.27387 0.5686 0.64548 0.91843 0.2743 0.60521 0.82698 0.10415 0.42184 0.18727 0.74008 0.587 0.90831 0.27884 0.05594 0.78227 0.65145 0.73773 0.30186 0.68366 0.6259 0.64104 0.52919 0.77991 0.93768 0.98551 0.19152 0.80441 0.08863 0.21853 0.39906 0.13645 0.93936 0.67654 0.95813 0.86498 0.8246 0.02028 0.54188 0.14961 0.74279 0.05798 0.07539 0.82287 0.56859 0.63773 0.09641 0.81221 0.05498 0.12633 0.69962 0.83176 0.22209 0.1647 0.79394 0.95883 0.8917 0.06694 0.2432 0.51429 0.38741 0.28115 0.25011 0.13735 0.17533 0.01638 0.0834 0.26649 0.20979 0.88439 0.48691 0.17892 0.02107 0.21081 0.2542 0.14279 0.8953 0.7419 0.78062 0.55351 0.87865 0.33666 0.34065 0.16838 0.75744 0.82523 0.76144 0.94419 0.8607 0.02432 0.04938 0.51071 0.32986 0.28706 0.17002 0.86778 0.89702 0.04657 0.33684 0.79794 0.5409 0.06588 0.99497 0.05653 0.57429 0.78042 0.42143 0.51104 0.07353 0.7708 0.45782 0.22918 0.06916 0.58843 0.4551 0.40233 0.8589 0.35387 0.09908 0.55393 0.13955 0.73181 0.84521 0.7588 0.70088 0.12682 0.43534 0.31194 0.99549 0.63005 0.86625 0.99841 0.90724 0.23791 0.71906 0.6665 0.52408 0.72954 0.92864 0.42692 0.16569 0.8261 0.72473 0.80347 0.95491 0.96527 0.26468 0.777 0.18866 0.05755 0.89681 0.9058 0.41015 0.20507 0.8816 0.91128 0.8466 0.38273 0.39409 0.35931 0.88291 0.90522 0.06163 0.05244 0.21821 0.89105 0.70945 0.58677 0.37765 0.86479 0.01902 0.88864 0.73047 0.85274 0.8508 0.39506 0.79506 0.26534 0.80603 0.50533 0.46751 0.45193 0.12499 0.31714 0.86515 0.42118 0.77182 0.12973 0.04017 0.99211 0.3814 0.8144 0.65845 0.59423 0.40785 0.50693 0.23085 0.09207 0.70714 0.10499 0.82242 0.19405 0.01308 0.98662 0.1597 0.24352 0.89198 0.47941 0.93185 0.88376 0.28526 0.90525 0.78888 0.50708 0.771 0.88036 0.37823 0.83683 0.05591 0.37257 0.07184 0.36382 0.01836 0.23283 0.85253 0.04867 0.87153 0.9813 0.4431 0.55372 0.08936 0.70098 0.50478 0.15431 0.74794 0.04717 0.89011 0.83489 0.27228 0.79228 0.01222 0.36399 0.28294 0.49349 0.92952 0.17328 0.35664 0.40386 0.17454 0.63645 0.48698 0.58267 0.15035 0.44868 0.41245 0.09989 0.53518 0.06748 0.68662 0.39458 0.04909 0.74223 0.9068 0.93878 0.75591 0.35915 0.37127 0.61694 0.47531 0.2124 0.38999 0.46622 0.00836 0.96843 0.68278 0.79471 0.86449 0.20129 0.61529 0.40514 0.97442 0.08962 0.26706 0.72025 0.03991 0.92304 0.55144 0.73495 0.5353 0.3215 0.82069 0.44464 0.48615 0.88756 0.1961 0.02209 0.1155 0.6562 0.42698 0.39351 0.81671 0.92938 0.55764 0.64038 0.91705 0.32795 0.55351 0.63748 0.53982 0.84257 0.78708 0.6311 0.79811 0.42571 0.24511 0.90633 0.70975 0.74998 0.12579 0.09801 0.19428 0.79896 0.09268 0.61763 0.45699 0.66283 0.72446
+0.29301 0.4408 0.5708 0.14983 0.94861 0.28156 0.72256 0.83612 0.46466 0.23019 0.71784 0.36191 0.60037 0.19997 0.10507 0.95627 0.74849 0.93337 0.7983 0.17002 0.45175 0.99455 0.10998 0.8901 0.25121 0.08034 0.79496 0.06546 0.05639 0.19073 0.3033 0.11946 0.7202 0.83637 0.76963 0.332 0.96352 0.04444 0.54398 0.13867 0.18904 0.96875 0.56056 0.00809 0.10737 0.95257 0.44604 0.38821 0.03802 0.5463 0.98362 0.00715 0.57769 0.21573 0.24966 0.39787 0.93815 0.82632 0.15971 0.20522 0.09322 0.8176 0.25986 0.64273 0.36022 0.19619 0.55944 0.05313 0.26227 0.5636 0.31925 0.57742 0.09595 0.13453 0.57935 0.51563 0.07222 0.43013 0.51056 0.99962 0.57136 0.88199 0.51132 0.51531 0.99167 0.98399 0.74001 0.1219 0.06941 0.581 0.76347 0.11346 0.8582 0.89838 0.19556 0.04219 0.34177 0.48206 0.39385 0.66457 0.60096 0.78924 0.00571 0.20702 0.98053 0.04353 0.06486 0.08675 0.25862 0.70398 0.74035 0.4617 0.8277 0.26728 0.63995 0.67217 0.57861 0.83182 0.99785 0.48041 0.1801 0.19375 0.75797 0.58571 0.64173 0.42279 0.71634 0.08156 0.65619 0.7739 0.89124 0.26574 0.00615 0.37739 0.27363 0.58379 0.18743 0.83301 0.87514 0.52071 0.78998 0.12761 0.65235 0.58963 0.69091 0.42075 0.90718 0.63713 0.17393 0.80763 0.29297 0.90402 0.24285 0.78237 0.18107 0.56035 0.98479 0.67155 0.26046 0.53038 0.09914 0.61137 0.88416 0.98479 0.90838 0.98589 0.48832 0.25632 0.54216 0.85839 0.52633 0.91494 0.44244 0.89761 0.32795 0.30502 0.3956 0.00098 0.38348 0.91036 0.77231 0.61612 0.95394 0.08023 0.06759 0.25298 0.12335 0.84547 0.13752 0.21255 0.70465 0.45158 0.35379 0.56685 0.46396 0.77483 0.48207 0.70031 0.33991 0.31341 0.89544 0.10267 0.28387 0.46919 0.51144 0.7611 0.5036 0.81859 0.23729 0.86025 0.6894 0.22458 0.43367 0.19552 0.10534 0.26196 0.03745 0.83421 0.8467 0.44551 0.66198 0.51273 0.85577 0.2701 0.99947 0.50382 0.95158 0.22821 0.12888 0.46343 0.76146 0.75241 0.66622 0.09682 0.154 0.6131 0.70353 0.33796 0.07752 0.9095 0.1605 0.49695 0.72894 0.8771 0.81871 0.46377 0.59035 0.2731 0.14698 0.91848 0.01169 0.04696 0.16809 0.037 0.96671 0.22709 0.55641 0.36033 0.29886 0.99107 0.72758 0.02808 0.50451 0.98545 0.90808 0.06032 0.61596 0.79747 0.1864 0.95758 0.77172 0.6638 0.01592 0.37104 0.79639 0.04484 0.97587 0.16582 0.63201 0.15393 0.66011 0.58648 0.27391 0.27569 0.08691 0.87147 0.50064 0.95446 0.11632 0.5346 0.77859 0.25801 0.22686 0.55846 0.5755 0.16232 0.12662 0.98002 0.12334 0.62785 0.44426 0.6203 0.95515 0.93375 0.13071 0.96067 0.33743 0.60039 0.02772 0.87195 0.15946 0.03851 0.34006 0.5101 0.68109 0.99478 0.74557 0.85092 0.80722 0.75014 0.58275 0.89901 0.70471 0.82749 0.84211 0.02591 0.47881 0.05525 0.66487 0.8389 0.52345 0.82549 0.28027 0.93366 0.5175 0.94011 0.83404 0.15611 0.59783 0.22259 0.55704 0.04324 0.45376 0.01941 0.23881 0.57796 0.88669 0.96159 0.15095 0.51203 0.31439 0.35077 0.70652 0.10444 0.20777 0.51005 0.39709 0.30151 0.45133 0.60729 0.58514 0.20997 0.53149 0.94 0.44638 0.11004 0.45436 0.98005 0.14522 0.18461 0.54892 0.55513 0.01317 0.55672 0.46168 0.69277 0.36375 0.50407 0.69202 0.22643 0.76978 0.06957 0.79197 0.86583 0.50047 0.13589 0.413 0.31077 0.82561 0.76994 0.4821 0.68237 0.63829 0.96973 0.10015 0.45986 0.96798 0.48751 0.9221 0.08549 0.90154 0.51648 0.51883 0.9707 0.80776 0.04375 0.20126 0.70088 0.44691 0.81685 0.47124 0.40568 0.52855 0.08161 0.24413 0.00178 0.11384 0.65164 0.13132 0.00314 0.74119 0.75077 0.41305 0.76754 0.32909 0.08331 0.13514 0.63046 0.01728 0.90398 0.22465 0.54416 0.34211 0.50516 0.77189 0.84492 0.16867 0.88916 0.831 0.71531 0.03323 0.93025 0.53083 0.32489 0.3742 0.80133 0.44772 0.43507 0.3619 0.50959 0.55237 0.14442 0.20062 0.99941 0.371 0.78391 0.13566 0.38232 0.69899 0.18087 0.15139 0.01986 0.859 0.78331 0.32519 0.28725 0.32868 0.45295 0.88368 0.36274 0.44586 0.74072 0.8925 0.89567 0.24298 0.92751 0.43548 0.02119 0.8426 0.52466 0.23515 0.24639 0.32122 0.45454 0.48027 0.26038 0.3164 0.73997 0.36272 0.24057 0.47841 0.48121 0.17397 0.91325 0.08119 0.13345 0.2284 0.34061 0.52389 0.12003 0.91411 0.47973 0.11975 0.30737 0.15614 0.90072 0.96555 0.66711 0.30506 0.39431 0.39297 0.17855
+0.83934 0.55172 0.96894 0.829 0.90303 0.10846 0.31693 0.01108 0.63985 0.60115 0.33671 0.83441 0.68693 0.71208 0.27539 0.67179 0.46119 0.62686 0.8995 0.87406 0.46092 0.76173 0.89462 0.82062 0.17962 0.11078 0.61558 0.2791 0.40528 0.18923 0.43824 0.17734 0.77538 0.86891 0.58966 0.76517 0.31057 0.28483 0.50551 0.53616 0.73759 0.89259 0.38969 0.55767 0.10682 0.92846 0.02589 0.64916 0.38274 0.8673 0.04282 0.33462 0.0069 0.38983 0.19624 0.54557 0.3424 0.43371 0.76326 0.3245 0.78531 0.90105 0.26729 0.79456 0.42967 0.31975 0.30673 0.11123 0.30703 0.91159 0.81879 0.32155 0.5182 0.65715 0.3075 0.56009 0.68656 0.25899 0.77971 0.26271 0.29543 0.90384 0.95707 0.85421 0.01754 0.92079 0.07343 0.93805 0.53946 0.26216 0.09113 0.37731 0.83076 0.26537 0.10579 0.97111 0.4436 0.08203 0.13771 0.04384 0.56676 0.07074 0.93758 0.43266 0.20773 0.1507 0.41069 0.76416 0.164 0.68632 0.89211 0.10531 0.81994 0.31587 0.85858 0.26704 0.43019 0.34149 0.93452 0.71203 0.0673 0.26004 0.09944 0.07249 0.73274 0.61084 0.18863 0.77731 0.82615 0.31889 0.09104 0.24312 0.56228 0.7148 0.19219 0.65039 0.04367 0.61083 0.77283 0.96125 0.10834 0.00571 0.55611 0.24824 0.91835 0.90324 0.20682 0.97341 0.09823 0.92488 0.93249 0.56245 0.75452 0.87818 0.60207 0.61935 0.17723 0.42348 0.71565 0.83095 0.76604 0.01782 0.58101 0.52528 0.20328 0.67955 0.20899 0.35693 0.01341 0.13603 0.46205 0.03491 0.58285 0.52627 0.74691 0.07835 0.02563 0.83582 0.6357 0.68614 0.51463 0.99441 0.06964 0.37926 0.51361 0.9567 0.52855 0.12867 0.02771 0.47693 0.97723 0.0546 0.91858 0.37692 0.76204 0.25584 0.1909 0.12499 0.15886 0.39359 0.65043 0.14489 0.89498 0.85198 0.4186 0.28715 0.32637 0.6193 0.95236 0.8323 0.2777 0.87569 0.36188 0.8841 0.41802 0.61168 0.63818 0.61971 0.46469 0.09389 0.21303 0.71985 0.26615 0.95472 0.07651 0.97932 0.97971 0.75905 0.08557 0.1486 0.56132 0.56382 0.53507 0.10625 0.01742 0.39247 0.02882 0.51277 0.22708 0.4103 0.49197 0.17813 0.22928 0.65932 0.62302 0.36555 0.40173 0.03368 0.14603 0.78106 0.54356 0.18051 0.23541 0.66316 0.07364 0.87082 0.80648 0.11805 0.50738 0.05998 0.83414 0.90128 0.643 0.11718 0.70841 0.76891 0.76295 0.88463 0.09108 0.00051 0.82711 0.06649 0.23454 0.28581 0.78587 0.6911 0.84695 0.83375 0.9739 0.63436 0.23092 0.46028 0.24148 0.86329 0.91781 0.02366 0.52339 0.51822 0.49161 0.90513 0.68689 0.34749 0.70792 0.31939 0.19788 0.60832 0.87618 0.85017 0.0687 0.58774 0.3677 0.64039 0.03399 0.55443 0.54534 0.91291 0.33468 0.41406 0.40511 0.17519 0.10707 0.46156 0.61954 0.07783 0.1135 0.27887 0.84176 0.89637 0.99038 0.67837 0.3976 0.52323 0.97766 0.70013 0.01327 0.76808 0.55322 0.51652 0.46805 0.34745 0.58908 0.83631 0.50389 0.90692 0.70313 0.44021 0.37944 0.87074 0.13802 0.58193 0.36703 0.48304 0.98733 0.89813 0.62844 0.58814 0.56001 0.96407 0.23119 0.09502 0.24427 0.93668 0.33943 0.14482 0.56099 0.55079 0.10515 0.47494 0.88728 0.3722 0.69639 0.18229 0.27987 0.51623 0.63296 0.55022 0.26861 0.59507 0.67637 0.17223 0.6887 0.12688 0.12209 0.22663 0.45942 0.68589 0.40226 0.5704 0.33323 0.46075 0.56409 0.0474 0.53884 0.17364 0.5184 0.80908 0.30346 0.15488 0.95885 0.44017 0.1767 0.74673 0.63884 0.98031 0.43683 0.44495 0.45537 0.51831 0.30299 0.72467 0.64396 0.12107 0.61503 0.28858 0.73439 0.62527 0.87093 0.86715 0.06471 0.60373 0.20852 0.79491 0.64118 0.5696 0.12904 0.56561 0.76263 0.79113 0.87848 0.78132 0.02877 0.86307 0.13847 0.90607 0.62234 0.88249 0.26608 0.28238 0.50321 0.20533 0.80758 0.50125 0.41432 0.7823 0.32365 0.60719 0.96128 0.81357 0.99988 0.17271 0.26299 0.41366 0.89753 0.31728 0.89764 0.16463 0.07635 0.39866 0.28647 0.36407 0.00078 0.99716 0.90819 0.55449 0.34972 0.92209 0.599 0.32079 0.12861 0.00634 0.03304 0.44855 0.3271 0.64633 0.78896 0.56149 0.9708 0.69139 0.16063 0.47479 0.78141 0.82479 0.31821 0.12166 0.88422 0.91509 0.58096 0.93961 0.98308 0.03753 0.62049 0.58396 0.43984 0.34249 0.24887 0.86106 0.60069 0.78595 0.62404 0.06507 0.59118 0.58235 0.5155 0.07603 0.73146 0.77387 0.79608 0.70169 0.57524 0.51397 0.36589 0.47946 0.22581 0.16378 0.38627 0.8156 0.56374 0.90829 0.01822 0.91766 0.25584 0.53276
+0.79729 0.76941 0.96483 0.58898 0.41311 0.03121 0.01641 0.29242 0.04037 0.17691 0.69084 0.74587 0.49038 0.92378 0.10021 0.66081 0.59896 0.72267 0.38706 0.09221 0.01831 0.32452 0.1611 0.08339 0.4911 0.32201 0.12075 0.58419 0.57419 0.23126 0.95269 0.0539 0.50237 0.95408 0.57888 0.17981 0.87202 0.42836 0.85731 0.85676 0.86736 0.94987 0.70361 0.60717 0.65346 0.49973 0.94486 0.02973 0.61249 0.23616 0.73572 0.36735 0.82579 0.35763 0.06972 0.75126 0.48575 0.77599 0.32056 0.45895 0.34359 0.44159 0.83802 0.58102 0.92078 0.86054 0.92913 0.8323 0.67553 0.57695 0.50896 0.38054 0.90428 0.87128 0.28169 0.73304 0.29103 0.96439 0.93344 0.77866 0.53276 0.35 0.37735 0.27558 0.45022 0.8675 0.37201 0.62072 0.34344 0.33015 0.12425 0.80221 0.88569 0.75999 0.94594 0.20151 0.31017 0.09203 0.60865 0.47455 0.80215 0.02381 0.50412 0.17476 0.2743 0.04156 0.24988 0.10035 0.4118 0.08876 0.60556 0.55728 0.17318 0.54885 0.12645 0.49071 0.67619 0.07281 0.24922 0.80565 0.61965 0.14221 0.13158 0.68907 0.10637 0.25255 0.43216 0.87015 0.0506 0.86448 0.53709 0.54766 0.59176 0.05372 0.76554 0.34512 0.88647 0.80127 0.44676 0.13366 0.76156 0.43902 0.24213 0.62229 0.11344 0.56597 0.33202 0.10873 0.22578 0.35323 0.68492 0.45916 0.44429 0.04308 0.79961 0.91409 0.58997 0.51292 0.47947 0.83739 0.37226 0.91399 0.08757 0.42854 0.48251 0.97201 0.01599 0.74749 0.2015 0.88957 0.71273 0.31754 0.8947 0.379 0.29419 0.48988 0.55525 0.87978 0.05392 0.45424 0.56064 0.86185 0.2123 0.66089 0.83564 0.04223 0.49343 0.16645 0.16848 0.26606 0.72382 0.6144 0.72237 0.22096 0.94057 0.81699 0.66729 0.84677 0.7552 0.37242 0.56961 0.81528 0.6352 0.72853 0.07199 0.83344 0.55901 0.81312 0.42725 0.05366 0.75273 0.00663 0.67657 0.8503 0.49552 0.20671 0.40036 0.23386 0.44271 0.99715 0.77227 0.91932 0.98842 0.77361 0.13813 0.4338 0.81382 0.54406 0.87455 0.34704 0.69661 0.27775 0.84017 0.84477 0.67575 0.71021 0.44559 0.3799 0.56418 0.11831 0.13731 0.53624 0.27057 0.60976 0.16399 0.90384 0.46539 0.06847 0.8344 0.8386 0.26681 0.57983 0.87505 0.15038 0.74917 0.1004 0.14731 0.38999 0.84503 0.97093 0.41043 0.83943 0.99423 0.42464 0.7455 0.86228 0.76369 0.52993 0.15317 0.72214 0.0534 0.40867 0.33053 0.9804 0.94807 0.41551 0.33035 0.34319 0.517 0.8671 0.97548 0.09712 0.34588 0.56253 0.71958 0.08402 0.77588 0.93421 0.77693 0.9408 0.60677 0.42127 0.41925 0.83999 0.03804 0.64237 0.35539 0.86259 0.22708 0.86677 0.58598 0.72515 0.91656 0.64129 0.57174 0.7174 0.43668 0.99449 0.43435 0.61597 0.68563 0.99242 0.96979 0.72771 0.57271 0.51797 0.18583 0.03237 0.48868 0.97876 0.51968 0.85969 0.34943 0.62679 0.13015 0.97219 0.05694 0.3187 0.79982 0.14005 0.81601 0.40303 0.1717 0.51234 0.56105 0.96327 0.24445 0.99645 0.81072 0.57473 0.75836 0.9757 0.12058 0.38288 0.5918 0.77173 0.57611 0.59872 0.0952 0.41326 0.12113 0.93415 0.50138 0.25449 0.35296 0.73805 0.79895 0.43463 0.11208 0.49455 0.15786 0.30131 0.04799 0.60909 0.22112 0.20991 0.45779 0.60499 0.78597 0.78414 0.36281 0.64966 0.40281 0.34471 0.68643 0.67041 0.08046 0.71557 0.29498 0.67198 0.81218 0.69191 0.62228 0.72999 0.03746 0.86795 0.92326 0.48929 0.51523 0.53322 0.26507 0.73233 0.70507 0.98579 0.56983 0.05352 0.05375 0.53621 0.41191 0.25779 0.75284 0.72691 0.57275 0.55307 0.15268 0.41729 0.62341 0.17076 0.95684 0.37066 0.86419 0.42266 0.18455 0.32281 0.8647 0.80861 0.63055 0.15986 0.50884 0.39569 0.12181 0.75743 0.34474 0.17414 0.24627 0.77811 0.74405 0.30286 0.38104 0.04087 0.2493 0.13163 0.34484 0.11438 0.02962 0.33866 0.31355 0.17442 0.50144 0.49425 0.35219 0.68596 0.10133 0.34783 0.67593 0.29436 0.92858 0.68817 0.71902 0.47194 0.62187 0.73247 0.58698 0.72202 0.06411 0.226 0.36277 0.66516 0.50649 0.92084 0.52138 0.97811 0.26324 0.0799 0.81772 0.99162 0.85219 0.40392 0.78638 0.87784 0.94796 0.37029 0.82076 0.56368 0.60933 0.04227 0.42764 0.68049 0.95774 0.20849 0.12052 0.066 0.00137 0.78139 0.98568 0.2292 0.87481 0.07301 0.03258 0.5151 0.4607 0.93967 0.61806 0.57378 0.53196 0.76069 0.65434 0.65126 0.44675 0.05364 0.70443 0.48724 0.46993 0.1605 0.09348 0.69202 0.69033 0.97127 0.55201 0.3246 0.34017 0.2646
+0.52984 0.54217 0.48208 0.88615 0.95665 0.56248 0.90998 0.29333 0.74168 0.77028 0.00624 0.47998 0.91832 0.66646 0.61253 0.65958 0.39888 0.1123 0.12201 0.28328 0.42557 0.49346 0.06377 0.91448 0.42444 0.99917 0.99814 0.12223 0.50641 0.99907 0.77924 0.61395 0.24721 0.82975 0.12402 0.32695 0.28947 0.03717 0.85734 0.27231 0.45028 0.82611 0.3314 0.02018 0.29471 0.89064 0.08732 0.1142 0.92705 0.66653 0.11562 0.97136 0.84464 0.80052 0.64935 0.21408 0.68362 0.63272 0.14817 0.86939 0.63889 0.96669 0.0335 0.61523 0.89049 0.36749 0.16692 0.66546 0.53623 0.67359 0.91239 0.56221 0.37315 0.82849 0.95992 0.10848 0.79276 0.05661 0.91077 0.92329 0.9603 0.79776 0.58478 0.71125 0.70754 0.15554 0.90317 0.48197 0.31253 0.23708 0.00934 0.39781 0.39454 0.11081 0.62276 0.08966 0.29903 0.97972 0.60307 0.24489 0.51161 0.88232 0.55605 0.58333 0.86545 0.30617 0.31427 0.93945 0.74814 0.44847 0.5626 0.43031 0.98602 0.29072 0.13663 0.39524 0.28604 0.9617 0.92867 0.91222 0.81119 0.9563 0.0406 0.25734 0.79573 0.10436 0.76739 0.64521 0.81297 0.29166 0.51953 0.14081 0.11644 0.19175 0.90252 0.27509 0.59235 0.9279 0.05739 0.92725 0.42073 0.95247 0.98051 0.15356 0.72126 0.16578 0.36552 0.73488 0.78604 0.02681 0.01851 0.979 0.4755 0.44146 0.75906 0.75491 0.88992 0.36054 0.31104 0.08834 0.37884 0.68326 0.26428 0.62557 0.68099 0.67704 0.20841 0.95741 0.61853 0.06469 0.19804 0.9155 0.93242 0.21848 0.35104 0.86375 0.96705 0.71883 0.32403 0.3262 0.14705 0.89674 0.1177 0.57171 0.07848 0.16738 0.40577 0.43923 0.70068 0.63523 0.04147 0.58713 0.35778 0.66517 0.13084 0.32362 0.43098 0.96475 0.30866 0.87995 0.04934 0.46584 0.61388 0.5339 0.85422 0.48421 0.22241 0.81231 0.2484 0.15793 0.36517 0.0999 0.77774 0.27585 0.46072 0.9987 0.44592 0.18109 0.54825 0.73007 0.25642 0.08621 0.06579 0.91507 0.32691 0.48369 0.09709 0.4216 0.16066 0.85821 0.57452 0.51525 0.52969 0.37733 0.48992 0.96541 0.41408 0.95819 0.97906 0.02902 0.52841 0.57554 0.23725 0.64091 0.31555 0.08844 0.96461 0.41381 0.94923 0.54766 0.25335 0.87223 0.40766 0.12091 0.93516 0.88878 0.07069 0.13163 0.32907 0.95272 0.93452 0.34109 0.60545 0.65087 0.04809 0.53498 0.4363 0.01385 0.37772 0.68816 0.35692 0.50345 0.6526 0.87672 0.06568 0.54591 0.31505 0.3243 0.43202 0.04555 0.75656 0.8574 0.8622 0.40801 0.51824 0.82397 0.70686 0.50507 0.65913 0.43742 0.17147 0.29935 0.49146 0.36533 0.3925 0.20486 0.28051 0.32705 0.57237 0.64893 0.41762 0.58366 0.38316 0.49563 0.26896 0.59135 0.39174 0.71832 0.57474 0.75764 0.57118 0.73418 0.74828 0.9105 0.19945 0.07052 0.12946 0.07967 0.6355 0.33979 0.65537 0.83286 0.49477 0.71552 0.63615 0.73087 0.28225 0.0183 0.22939 0.27434 0.86809 0.51057 0.59452 0.57291 0.14875 0.07786 0.66625 0.82816 0.7985 0.37625 0.17775 0.49146 0.57101 0.33163 0.80238 0.0939 0.47648 0.26138 0.89178 0.69999 0.44739 0.0869 0.6194 0.49818 0.93954 0.20076 0.31189 0.04533 0.75407 0.04395 0.87219 0.51825 0.26962 0.41026 0.56756 0.38269 0.17886 0.81387 0.52168 0.76551 0.48249 0.84459 0.92773 0.00074 0.3608 0.68425 0.49662 0.32905 0.85639 0.38649 0.71826 0.54688 0.79212 0.94557 0.23142 0.87146 0.44592 0.83097 0.38325 0.78316 0.6108 0.70651 0.41293 0.90743 0.43082 0.71436 0.30884 0.93218 0.11147 0.89993 0.87823 0.78646 0.27284 0.52352 0.61433 0.35072 0.37169 0.9025 0.71316 0.15043 0.45546 0.79897 0.09495 0.90633 0.30409 0.64206 0.28211 0.23755 0.8968 0.54798 0.40321 0.47195 0.7613 0.16556 0.56044 0.69996 0.47292 0.35783 0.4994 0.81181 0.84289 0.68383 0.10488 0.22128 0.95779 0.00477 0.55838 0.32775 0.2245 0.33292 0.80463 0.89722 0.46013 0.24327 0.8946 0.29383 0.41006 0.86379 0.47593 0.52529 0.51654 0.73596 0.69722 0.507 0.83418 0.74724 0.32339 0.82064 0.36706 0.47822 0.61954 0.75867 0.12075 0.77337 0.48032 0.84258 0.41852 0.60692 0.65661 0.53309 0.56645 0.12543 0.70028 0.71853 0.54647 0.59077 0.06922 0.0085 0.97817 0.96695 0.06312 0.90407 0.47581 0.61408 0.32026 0.90943 0.74287 0.78609 0.45676 0.35923 0.90336 0.11547 0.53583 0.08943 0.68573 0.31382 0.22341 0.82417 0.59264 0.31668 0.62625 0.48112 0.53791 0.7578 0.84641 0.82573 0.35607 0.16694 0.90752 0.85034 0.33655 0.21644
+0.85743 0.88469 0.28352 0.49077 0.80035 0.80725 0.42462 0.52633 0.86742 0.98445 0.46969 0.92481 0.34634 0.41432 0.27007 0.59055 0.38127 0.71613 0.49002 0.56785 0.96493 0.71788 0.99534 0.52875 0.54219 0.11508 0.22838 0.6816 0.73424 0.58977 0.47324 0.6702 0.82823 0.1216 0.19965 0.119 0.46639 0.88506 0.32799 0.90747 0.19426 0.48295 0.22115 0.81487 0.17777 0.54795 0.87334 0.41311 0.77872 0.43941 0.21369 0.35858 0.11769 0.38705 0.22359 0.11874 0.0906 0.30362 0.44122 0.12771 0.21459 0.20088 0.19797 0.96392 0.26228 0.96069 0.5403 0.85826 0.7854 0.32059 0.64603 0.05307 0.29634 0.80885 0.6838 0.21449 0.69714 0.65568 0.19591 0.92177 0.97373 0.8968 0.74768 0.07899 0.60246 0.86433 0.85867 0.49017 0.23443 0.24139 0.96454 0.71869 0.95102 0.10238 0.23403 0.9793 0.83412 0.73427 0.77819 0.22328 0.40527 0.61837 0.09806 0.48996 0.4142 0.59539 0.99644 0.56555 0.84684 0.21037 0.01267 0.66496 0.3343 0.16245 0.43282 0.42087 0.14945 0.11077 0.23519 0.49693 0.17139 0.41718 0.35418 0.31796 0.82121 0.58437 0.55357 0.00734 0.47854 0.09233 0.20602 0.57946 0.39758 0.92599 0.7507 0.13683 0.42732 0.76838 0.16217 0.67028 0.96702 0.47 0.39079 0.87593 0.5404 0.05203 0.00292 0.14277 0.67748 0.07362 0.61742 0.87261 0.18065 0.8257 0.05441 0.1762 0.86901 0.96256 0.71139 0.82107 0.78874 0.79526 0.66824 0.942 0.60903 0.02851 0.52931 0.60093 0.12928 0.57324 0.63807 0.51937 0.17273 0.17715 0.13111 0.93378 0.80881 0.85573 0.84289 0.80511 0.01712 0.8131 0.57048 0.67039 0.13916 0.7901 0.09532 0.2327 0.0538 0.08216 0.63829 0.3743 0.22638 0.30323 0.60612 0.20355 0.14357 0.7051 0.28133 0.08335 0.1604 0.79205 0.86725 0.0843 0.03451 0.25264 0.78375 0.79904 0.98062 0.97333 0.46395 0.31323 0.8109 0.11585 0.48064 0.05377 0.5696 0.59055 0.07393 0.78167 0.67725 0.8807 0.68426 0.32369 0.82986 0.89536 0.47874 0.49042 0.83164 0.06959 0.53756 0.84776 0.54428 0.25597 0.10019 0.06384 0.06775 0.78804 0.56412 0.05343 0.71304 0.31299 0.88016 0.89439 0.4945 0.20057 0.03066 0.44156 0.89775 0.35369 0.1116 0.0293 0.23357 0.98847 0.78862 0.45638 0.19142 0.67785 0.82597 0.36958 0.67059 0.98099 0.13709 0.17836 0.64844 0.12214 0.04889 0.95314 0.90515 0.88191 0.96719 0.39519 0.49056 0.75213 0.25993 0.34554 0.75981 0.72005 0.24058 0.49082 0.5533 0.45928 0.28364 0.04387 0.04206 0.48944 0.79742 0.64188 0.20646 0.06946 0.56755 0.15411 0.63258 0.10097 0.60731 0.36561 0.26177 0.90078 0.63171 0.49527 0.61009 0.76057 0.06706 0.84073 0.14226 0.79023 0.38777 0.70423 0.89862 0.54395 0.15578 0.38234 0.89945 0.58513 0.60003 0.38309 0.45722 0.03023 0.59593 0.88723 0.6129 0.19322 0.26271 0.47508 0.30448 0.13447 0.66045 0.00199 0.90256 0.16248 0.8709 0.3852 0.26897 0.47746 0.00919 0.21666 0.29225 0.72277 0.71368 0.27789 0.7435 0.17692 0.23609 0.58058 0.45165 0.59016 0.57071 0.93065 0.7319 0.12652 0.1975 0.22274 0.0378 0.71177 0.33934 0.20931 0.75947 0.57085 0.21351 0.25033 0.83585 0.16791 0.99586 0.06412 0.43564 0.29772 0.2524 0.00503 0.05865 0.55703 0.03946 0.70979 0.20657 0.96898 0.63761 0.43517 0.5019 0.14422 0.08149 0.35033 0.40029 0.61341 0.75263 0.28831 0.17102 0.59388 0.51159 0.1174 0.70961 0.3885 0.68257 0.1188 0.18898 0.43354 0.39386 0.86148 0.91673 0.9 0.31377 0.99616 0.18178 0.938 0.23254 0.63351 0.92619 0.66772 0.1923 0.39405 0.67328 0.61521 0.23742 0.20946 0.76494 0.17038 0.99287 0.49173 0.83064 0.65275 0.93041 0.88001 0.35754 0.13601 0.52742 0.55375 0.28927 0.13305 0.66566 0.26815 0.00465 0.90547 0.97608 0.87033 0.3046 0.76565 0.28411 0.04772 0.1265 0.31238 0.8301 0.82797 0.54843 0.72073 0.86097 0.88259 0.06987 0.17091 0.90859 0.65187 0.02091 0.01023 0.58412 0.84044 0.36452 0.63844 0.02424 0.07731 0.38671 0.78719 0.85859 0.99424 0.082 0.37142 0.72287 0.82649 0.54451 0.18626 0.85672 0.06704 0.78296 0.34817 0.86352 0.7013 0.85744 0.51783 0.19705 0.04075 0.8316 0.6323 0.30849 0.29652 0.65312 0.4552 0.98607 0.27925 0.60414 0.9968 0.13916 0.9189 0.90735 0.37317 0.88089 0.1527 0.14743 0.33833 0.36008 0.18239 0.31998 0.54198 0.20373 0.81288 0.69295 0.80993 0.22778 0.73832 0.8703 0.41821 0.98571 0.52047 0.33059 0.97292 0.27439 0.17134
+0.09352 0.27033 0.11885 0.38419 0.36368 0.55322 0.44742 0.14503 0.85167 0.61102 0.75635 0.38585 0.52005 0.9812 0.38135 0.84124 0.7831 0.7354 0.11248 0.95386 0.47203 0.01572 0.13279 0.76322 0.30759 0.9383 0.83852 0.06591 0.97148 0.86063 0.63826 0.01768 0.81467 0.64021 0.82328 0.08777 0.82605 0.4496 0.01087 0.38099 0.10364 0.84356 0.56486 0.35853 0.10539 0.03678 0.54847 0.62037 0.64134 0.19667 0.61322 0.94813 0.14057 0.15789 0.9588 0.19836 0.40165 0.78355 0.44124 0.24807 0.42628 0.517 0.43695 0.59776 0.45528 0.68473 0.97812 0.1554 0.27574 0.25875 0.11647 0.17541 0.09217 0.96553 0.10261 0.43666 0.94248 0.34489 0.16722 0.96876 0.6484 0.81658 0.25499 0.25813 0.51209 0.44043 0.85956 0.55333 0.97816 0.93294 0.89445 0.44026 0.88736 0.53153 0.49137 0.19678 0.17875 0.10538 0.90795 0.40708 0.95996 0.53922 0.17598 0.8942 0.05233 0.78855 0.02993 0.65511 0.00354 0.98942 0.29681 0.42632 0.88764 0.14247 0.86353 0.25281 0.21403 0.57044 0.50883 0.93871 0.79332 0.07488 0.35315 0.03658 0.52713 0.61627 0.64928 0.93649 0.46482 0.88935 0.62781 0.68039 0.57963 0.28841 0.05892 0.1612 0.34177 0.93021 0.51243 0.5796 0.85931 0.35427 0.97032 0.21382 0.73762 0.40442 0.31674 0.54353 0.40889 0.37201 0.09363 0.7296 0.39096 0.01652 0.55275 0.2042 0.11198 0.07595 0.12945 0.54931 0.34341 0.76161 0.37379 0.31961 0.39898 0.24043 0.43587 0.27944 0.99728 0.95762 0.06056 0.76812 0.2304 0.45021 0.81271 0.49534 0.69665 0.6167 0.23066 0.94132 0.67295 0.11151 0.60672 0.22847 0.66505 0.86256 0.84114 0.60671 0.91548 0.34001 0.67318 0.95945 0.219 0.96571 0.22729 0.81687 0.55458 0.74762 0.13297 0.37092 0.27409 0.41534 0.50417 0.62649 0.24611 0.84062 0.66494 0.42204 0.78544 0.96188 0.4051 0.78424 0.54134 0.79389 0.37893 0.08429 0.83745 0.24852 0.39697 0.77178 0.43799 0.61646 0.83547 0.45476 0.9885 0.92138 0.54984 0.32228 0.98598 0.8166 0.49359 0.45054 0.69279 0.50411 0.30366 0.62526 0.52821 0.07669 0.75847 0.62425 0.97513 0.05866 0.99143 0.40037 0.69738 0.60403 0.59843 0.17681 0.88109 0.7574 0.67585 0.46941 0.81257 0.64355 0.77652 0.97753 0.05614 0.36219 0.17943 0.20797 0.56703 0.88485 0.77095 0.4228 0.41215 0.06229 0.14741 0.86534 0.29376 0.51815 0.86586 0.66973 0.95783 0.6505 0.11581 0.47931 0.79793 0.48974 0.41769 0.82185 0.24136 0.9498 0.92903 0.13098 0.84323 0.84038 0.17179 0.03337 0.02767 0.38254 0.05819 0.45814 0.81058 0.5529 0.98937 0.67465 0.11781 0.06664 0.80737 0.59276 0.45656 0.83554 0.22024 0.01491 0.23691 0.40028 0.14612 0.73968 0.02342 0.83315 0.60257 0.46735 0.6987 0.28101 0.9574 0.4117 0.31705 0.47807 0.87672 0.94656 0.51889 0.12378 0.97696 0.38473 0.46684 0.40537 0.54571 0.92616 0.75623 0.52091 0.98176 0.60248 0.05137 0.62593 0.63119 0.12329 0.99549 0.64878 0.98965 0.38425 0.65934 0.15491 0.20205 0.81744 0.4266 0.70282 0.77655 0.15191 0.42897 0.85797 0.45026 0.3455 0.45443 0.67074 0.12275 0.49442 0.17686 0.26361 0.67905 0.47323 0.60008 0.84514 0.64678 0.80167 0.17659 0.93251 0.95639 0.7824 0.40419 0.5992 0.18464 0.20896 0.75958 0.7741 0.75538 0.75072 0.68738 0.62319 0.62011 0.06696 0.07979 0.41942 0.72228 0.0055 0.63373 0.80856 0.84501 0.69111 0.99694 0.11676 0.16627 0.57087 0.98176 0.06151 0.94056 0.92578 0.57859 0.01395 0.6317 0.92209 0.05021 0.96389 0.84203 0.21209 0.07464 0.26796 0.86963 0.1758 0.53589 0.73166 0.93837 0.50338 0.39133 0.08296 0.53984 0.50719 0.98318 0.05616 0.99 0.11331 0.89292 0.60585 0.73368 0.67739 0.64054 0.17069 0.4879 0.90929 0.21109 0.81471 0.3512 0.26352 0.85835 0.69299 0.2455 0.7731 0.07633 0.46399 0.26161 0.22515 0.71656 0.85631 0.35723 0.92023 0.9409 0.39038 0.78612 0.11744 0.9855 0.83384 0.3897 0.63971 0.59627 0.85821 0.86849 0.93647 0.70363 0.66387 0.67328 0.96064 0.59118 0.84584 0.58611 0.17 0.43068 0.66207 0.67896 0.39823 0.83443 0.76773 0.19758 0.77655 0.52752 0.09256 0.795 0.27078 0.56794 0.75422 0.16227 0.87196 0.40084 0.0385 0.00876 0.58716 0.55034 0.62797 0.16284 0.88256 0.88168 0.17884 0.81364 0.25203 0.745 0.03246 0.56967 0.97567 0.0015 0.65166 0.31034 0.54821 0.43722 0.62194 0.23906 0.98711 0.93841 0.42376 0.13775 0.48755 0.50624 0.21296 0.1982 0.57276
+0.49628 0.25961 0.84742 0.96916 0.36733 0.83172 0.35273 0.55458 0.48878 0.6131 0.58084 0.53679 0.56581 0.97774 0.50689 0.55804 0.09925 0.37206 0.30594 0.56868 0.2903 0.1344 0.06644 0.44659 0.44906 0.45336 0.15954 0.05568 0.1083 0.12255 0.7433 0.87955 0.10321 0.73206 0.86537 0.3933 0.41885 0.84334 0.09678 0.26914 0.67063 0.55853 0.60951 0.27683 0.8603 0.0233 0.01796 0.33669 0.8149 0.24378 0.85783 0.8991 0.59959 0.08272 0.72028 0.43741 0.49989 0.21417 0.01556 0.38585 0.81855 0.58632 0.85775 0.68694 0.67675 0.69684 0.98526 0.49956 0.46255 0.50626 0.23499 0.22333 0.67598 0.16526 0.01934 0.51241 0.56538 0.66762 0.14713 0.63661 0.39787 0.43631 0.42676 0.1134 0.50559 0.58323 0.28212 0.30995 0.01379 0.05782 0.90689 0.40315 0.32155 0.26536 0.08048 0.86909 0.26077 0.64652 0.86159 0.67849 0.9543 0.91901 0.21331 0.99259 0.77267 0.33234 0.50196 0.27933 0.71482 0.85719 0.9673 0.59303 0.5058 0.54251 0.7456 0.4858 0.97115 0.50477 0.69519 0.53914 0.87868 0.63457 0.61129 0.7997 0.19834 0.22694 0.29409 0.77157 0.52269 0.31663 0.88623 0.12916 0.52035 0.70825 0.09739 0.36145 0.81628 0.93536 0.55981 0.82589 0.17077 0.65061 0.85322 0.7008 0.93213 0.61971 0.38768 0.43966 0.7069 0.4066 0.41233 0.85045 0.77297 0.79599 0.86394 0.50177 0.12911 0.59421 0.17079 0.88725 0.08562 0.42851 0.60602 0.7755 0.69301 0.2862 0.98537 0.70175 0.51043 0.1976 0.58291 0.71284 0.63204 0.56814 0.69095 0.73032 0.17572 0.26247 0.21832 0.69773 0.39551 0.53996 0.54589 0.34864 0.54998 0.75866 0.88123 0.18223 0.95605 0.60492 0.79724 0.33386 0.95116 0.27081 0.02123 0.41135 0.09161 0.76262 0.88954 0.01672 0.17676 0.08387 0.37069 0.35586 0.56864 0.97184 0.0854 0.48894 0.3246 0.73082 0.13533 0.34639 0.9864 0.32463 0.39186 0.63896 0.0119 0.99556 0.75428 0.83091 0.84075 0.32425 0.51504 0.26143 0.0737 0.34769 0.51037 0.74795 0.48307 0.29678 0.07352 0.53575 0.3621 0.77196 0.46389 0.23502 0.64894 0.08613 0.89082 0.58893 0.43969 0.4079 0.99715 0.47127 0.83351 0.35491 0.06496 0.7658 0.49952 0.9256 0.50574 0.72371 0.63677 0.85804 0.64944 0.59075 0.93607 0.83682 0.50691 0.59742 0.22907 0.28372 0.25085 0.04452 0.45366 0.52725 0.77674 0.12371 0.11515 0.2555 0.63991 0.22783 0.20875 0.8334 0.56975 0.76236 0.40056 0.13076 0.65494 0.79154 0.95694 0.51315 0.56594 0.93889 0.20036 0.47953 0.00577 0.07419 0.63618 0.07401 0.35421 0.50231 0.53558 0.08715 0.92758 0.96657 0.35501 0.47236 0.0464 0.29384 0.827 0.13446 0.14937 0.83942 0.21439 0.25829 0.77582 0.62025 0.7709 0.34096 0.49561 0.81805 0.12685 0.49837 0.69074 0.23656 0.51949 0.80642 0.05742 0.47533 0.40228 0.57769 0.46244 0.54238 0.91252 0.89541 0.15499 0.25902 0.72981 0.05647 0.92217 0.17198 0.59029 0.12502 0.97042 0.99162 0.42 0.54931 0.58535 0.54911 0.70358 0.93627 0.46995 0.71813 0.70207 0.83196 0.7125 0.94136 0.56981 0.51479 0.74537 0.98988 0.65585 0.09407 0.50126 0.55821 0.77021 0.20656 0.52319 0.71734 0.00374 0.24896 0.47995 0.43718 0.29559 0.87841 0.00234 0.00983 0.07539 0.02941 0.19801 0.51146 0.10189 0.28377 0.5926 0.00894 0.0625 0.75207 0.07385 0.32584 0.19225 0.45503 0.10299 0.51015 0.17161 0.68639 0.13217 0.32681 0.15793 0.57341 0.1009 0.00472 0.24588 0.26276 0.60071 0.56505 0.59782 0.40895 0.48462 0.19345 0.99214 0.40809 0.42055 0.56414 0.27425 0.13036 0.11949 0.29821 0.93678 0.40587 0.26698 0.87037 0.33932 0.86112 0.90212 0.29869 0.66609 0.69264 0.09503 0.71891 0.98601 0.93754 0.92456 0.30565 0.15162 0.45029 0.49778 0.98638 0.29975 0.36552 0.45261 0.77974 0.40365 0.92478 0.04531 0.7889 0.99048 0.33314 0.63479 0.19865 0.05916 0.65757 0.72381 0.14473 0.15987 0.79628 0.05249 0.62912 0.73364 0.24393 0.55866 0.12092 0.10775 0.88262 0.44928 0.66303 0.28473 0.82993 0.52795 0.90621 0.22334 0.18835 0.01074 0.59931 0.41524 0.02847 0.5582 0.93847 0.80869 0.96102 0.96407 0.9085 0.661 0.74759 0.90004 0.37866 0.95345 0.89912 0.30475 0.84129 0.71223 0.09272 0.32325 0.78114 0.74141 0.38255 0.99555 0.44989 0.86096 0.46761 0.93082 0.85381 0.53551 0.88235 0.93876 0.2276 0.35877 0.25809 0.52533 0.76769 0.17743 0.40238 0.60641 0.21533 0.61876 0.30969 0.99883 0.43325 0.96523 0.60655 0.37057 0.05055
+0.47349 0.8828 0.07038 0.84378 0.03391 0.58868 0.25305 0.50498 0.43322 0.98457 0.89305 0.53151 0.78192 0.78716 0.53492 0.52115 0.84336 0.14424 0.81804 0.08935 0.08724 0.33269 0.89218 0.99553 0.78666 0.31033 0.7941 0.24454 0.48416 0.93221 0.81344 0.25859 0.74524 0.54074 0.67547 0.62423 0.78725 0.69487 0.68784 0.78879 0.22129 0.04618 0.69124 0.01249 0.6178 0.40577 0.09384 0.1146 0.30023 0.99553 0.02469 0.02966 0.71544 0.97964 0.74822 0.898 0.86405 0.3249 0.5395 0.87634 0.1715 0.02122 0.55064 0.74804 0.96414 0.74273 0.44014 0.84501 0.31049 0.43438 0.61576 0.95219 0.32033 0.36453 0.28459 0.98551 0.8391 0.61248 0.50611 0.37603 0.84475 0.90827 0.47393 0.68156 0.04612 0.71916 0.40023 0.06915 0.21645 0.62788 0.78704 0.1937 0.38841 0.7761 0.08082 0.44771 0.74392 0.02112 0.12968 0.60718 0.23953 0.31695 0.04746 0.98078 0.83326 0.90774 0.72784 0.30697 0.23012 0.7136 0.62849 0.46744 0.08797 0.10028 0.75318 0.78804 0.93772 0.40031 0.42902 0.12599 0.38376 0.77318 0.3539 0.81199 0.03108 0.50146 0.71599 0.294 0.75295 0.42632 0.2648 0.70143 0.48619 0.94697 0.62095 0.32131 0.93269 0.98833 0.3327 0.56158 0.03994 0.15043 0.337 0.66884 0.68227 0.73005 0.97994 0.51095 0.3032 0.14214 0.00901 0.65489 0.51 0.89607 0.55483 0.15822 0.62291 0.82468 0.6441 0.14435 0.59111 0.48261 0.65981 0.56063 0.90953 0.97975 0.58425 0.03582 0.92965 0.52706 0.25615 0.12676 0.6951 0.5316 0.61228 0.35916 0.56269 0.13725 0.10048 0.06354 0.52104 0.22834 0.89866 0.6267 0.66166 0.98045 0.03408 0.02842 0.0787 0.45885 0.54706 0.69976 0.20747 0.33355 0.25124 0.33188 0.80682 0.32202 0.08778 0.51883 0.60787 0.74485 0.59772 0.87588 0.50617 0.10714 0.90769 0.32587 0.28135 0.5027 0.59763 0.59433 0.2973 0.84234 0.13815 0.10472 0.65107 0.91678 0.67205 0.75209 0.51843 0.20101 0.44376 0.76994 0.86195 0.51784 0.54904 0.31012 0.33377 0.37739 0.59879 0.45217 0.08762 0.79426 0.93355 0.86767 0.67802 0.48786 0.56741 0.47577 0.34584 0.49275 0.69367 0.62195 0.29413 0.54243 0.70296 0.83182 0.9753 0.05992 0.74743 0.7279 0.47729 0.82756 0.91521 0.59392 0.9302 0.75164 0.95769 0.67131 0.47021 0.40908 0.53624 0.92257 0.13985 0.57169 0.01697 0.13592 0.55597 0.92656 0.97979 0.64384 0.94168 0.68874 0.38776 0.0819 0.13971 0.585 0.07578 0.03796 0.40501 0.16997 0.67347 0.54449 0.77304 0.78627 0.84458 0.77313 0.51036 0.3852 0.23391 0.1068 0.03025 0.32193 0.44155 0.83176 0.47933 0.03591 0.36641 0.13525 0.14865 0.29663 0.79461 0.1443 0.43138 0.82947 0.09687 0.35254 0.69418 0.15645 0.55852 0.68115 0.2549 0.71899 0.87583 0.19786 0.83551 0.11752 0.61118 0.54033 0.25565 0.73563 0.67258 0.71236 0.02104 0.27562 0.74827 0.04822 0.19565 0.45691 0.89849 0.79639 0.01606 0.88595 0.03169 0.67016 0.26293 0.53657 0.35169 0.28274 0.0407 0.74814 0.40895 0.95703 0.16669 0.51594 0.0161 0.05555 0.50496 0.91817 0.73624 0.82433 0.08808 0.2989 0.03414 0.23084 0.57453 0.2593 0.32021 0.12874 0.63746 0.46954 0.51204 0.01517 0.08338 0.8763 0.23453 0.58385 0.48223 0.8612 0.86894 0.02645 0.82174 0.99944 0.29322 0.81828 0.46066 0.65344 0.99799 0.15333 0.25784 0.36648 0.87107 0.02813 0.90077 0.70283 0.72225 0.50746 0.81709 0.81195 0.6828 0.75176 0.11647 0.90407 0.71246 0.38697 0.35164 0.36538 0.45394 0.3967 0.46602 0.5398 0.37443 0.82234 0.43919 0.82206 0.30288 0.4387 0.74136 0.61659 0.96054 0.22674 0.16846 0.77861 0.80642 0.52319 0.18612 0.91521 0.1072 0.31589 0.69156 0.7546 0.52867 0.61748 0.78632 0.12096 0.6097 0.66404 0.69272 0.07754 0.86328 0.88672 0.07561 0.89629 0.91982 0.41547 0.97543 0.27082 0.12378 0.73998 0.88631 0.49895 0.21163 0.24402 0.68655 0.54382 0.3112 0.51522 0.61381 0.32309 0.58881 0.83057 0.61309 0.11814 0.63193 0.04815 0.33386 0.26272 0.5726 0.95667 0.17571 0.41411 0.31881 0.56525 0.8358 0.31267 0.39843 0.88263 0.9695 0.11684 0.94263 0.84392 0.23413 0.70428 0.85198 0.03281 0.64187 0.5026 0.62008 0.48936 0.9578 0.91601 0.77818 0.23991 0.37864 0.44604 0.75164 0.72161 0.78252 0.54506 0.23266 0.72129 0.70663 0.52483 0.50117 0.13124 0.58734 0.26988 0.39138 0.03358 0.60163 0.90235 0.23007 0.30532 0.11549 0.85931 0.49894 0.54726 0.40039 0.73568 0.73918 0.30102
+0.08894 0.83377 0.71445 0.88692 0.73866 0.88509 0.25792 0.60432 0.29501 0.60734 0.43911 0.87153 0.2943 0.36555 0.51936 0.62168 0.6538 0.5469 0.39796 0.0812 0.25902 0.17066 0.16066 0.05856 0.15494 0.97221 0.26396 0.47751 0.41418 0.45674 0.5418 0.55772 0.0903 0.62289 0.15658 0.6624 0.05847 0.48142 0.69197 0.85982 0.80962 0.48183 0.02957 0.50343 0.64062 0.56983 0.9504 0.66544 0.51441 0.77116 0.0992 0.28036 0.6032 0.05509 0.41685 0.85073 0.43825 0.66878 0.07463 0.93399 0.51383 0.25661 0.74201 0.31383 0.53632 0.05223 0.83046 0.71695 0.09231 0.09532 0.09739 0.99842 0.85167 0.73966 0.05841 0.39278 0.8193 0.39737 0.23853 0.25444 0.42934 0.62083 0.13373 0.72668 0.6982 0.99955 0.1902 0.8367 0.76498 0.08329 0.05474 0.35825 0.37081 0.22289 0.63217 0.76039 0.69533 0.86028 0.95534 0.03399 0.62575 0.69116 0.86002 0.70955 0.33265 0.8351 0.21016 0.41431 0.71031 0.42426 0.57903 0.02692 0.7687 0.53534 0.94798 0.53036 0.3504 0.08119 0.21646 0.56969 0.03311 0.39023 0.57199 0.10991 0.7406 0.79674 0.98293 0.78722 0.75492 0.51907 0.82643 0.88218 0.10225 0.94898 0.1145 0.82543 0.2298 0.69173 0.65029 0.37899 0.50194 0.90014 0.9311 0.82672 0.99479 0.64382 0.72496 0.79364 0.66448 0.30618 0.59941 0.86136 0.57698 0.52011 0.89444 0.3608 0.26213 0.68047 0.05364 0.95598 0.17295 0.0524 0.9005 0.66496 0.70081 0.92998 0.07696 0.98968 0.97243 0.00684 0.36398 0.80415 0.62295 0.82421 0.47387 0.23456 0.93959 0.89624 0.22468 0.04008 0.65165 0.02477 0.49102 0.88829 0.55141 0.23266 0.44835 0.64111 0.40817 0.24248 0.5026 0.60562 0.61734 0.72172 0.79004 0.61879 0.5436 0.85543 0.76836 0.55474 0.48692 0.75306 0.94849 0.72522 0.16848 0.39987 0.33263 0.47908 0.82841 0.8589 0.36299 0.44208 0.92307 0.51888 0.0291 0.15975 0.7424 0.9009 0.53076 0.76316 0.08386 0.20786 0.79885 0.61893 0.79132 0.28934 0.24192 0.07204 0.98676 0.3 0.73356 0.03277 0.54168 0.64706 0.50167 0.43379 0.39076 0.98054 0.53043 0.70331 0.2606 0.14039 0.83363 0.95997 0.65353 0.14282 0.99694 0.15727 0.66079 0.73109 0.81228 0.33614 0.11073 0.41087 0.50092 0.04003 0.00376 0.88804 0.28343 0.19562 0.28517 0.55019 0.70736 0.03511 0.17649 0.19207 0.22614 0.9408 0.29928 0.72257 0.54492 0.98602 0.09119 0.52636 0.60691 0.15715 0.37636 0.97916 0.01879 0.01831 0.34765 0.42818 0.43752 0.36799 0.28308 0.69613 0.71733 0.59562 0.51138 0.86852 0.95687 0.58722 0.76899 0.72786 0.86931 0.06869 0.43964 0.49026 0.06146 0.8872 0.27177 0.0896 0.74323 0.47798 0.1521 0.82687 0.10053 0.19219 0.04316 0.45688 0.71667 0.58104 0.8568 0.54207 0.46256 0.36784 0.09491 0.98471 0.31936 0.23895 0.0878 0.12215 0.02346 0.74886 0.92479 0.50902 0.92172 0.14752 0.83275 0.48853 0.38238 0.9696 0.422 0.80378 0.24275 0.04264 0.78651 0.71858 0.37666 0.21903 0.44097 0.38139 0.58979 0.14429 0.54099 0.47475 0.52569 0.22224 0.26462 6e-05 0.95461 0.0679 0.26156 0.20027 0.03664 0.56503 0.02298 0.88492 0.6701 0.024 0.04748 0.35322 0.84207 0.58426 0.50276 0.816 0.30891 0.60782 0.54239 0.61335 0.64986 0.54324 0.993 0.73969 0.08361 0.79745 0.0195 0.31599 0.87242 0.24132 0.44422 0.40539 0.26739 0.18967 0.79838 0.74241 0.68578 0.02314 0.08787 0.49196 0.1281 0.95393 0.33532 0.66191 0.08404 0.27654 0.43062 0.35899 0.49705 0.04717 0.51825 0.67114 0.14048 0.32181 0.91739 0.97942 0.75278 0.68964 0.40457 0.1505 0.09579 0.28317 0.7227 0.09333 0.84054 0.94088 0.41545 0.85085 0.70795 0.21411 0.83219 0.776 0.8869 0.15648 0.66359 0.8264 0.968 0.12307 0.46202 0.27724 0.55534 0.14788 0.84948 0.88953 0.73238 0.3121 0.71476 0.75246 0.87963 0.89131 0.45628 0.04419 0.14969 0.23657 0.22383 0.01735 0.15498 0.29075 0.95241 0.32252 0.93764 0.69301 0.34317 0.35195 0.82295 0.00827 0.41228 0.94566 0.64794 0.76499 0.08725 0.6904 0.55532 0.04391 0.37644 0.51273 0.34169 0.4771 0.68412 0.64867 0.12459 0.92735 0.08288 0.99992 0.92543 0.91707 0.10137 0.86538 0.79816 0.93085 0.7171 0.8586 0.18058 0.83484 0.38792 0.25139 0.35358 0.27884 0.65697 0.72293 0.88566 0.51656 0.05758 0.42258 0.21182 0.17398 0.1948 0.56135 0.86934 0.73159 0.66273 0.18936 0.86325 0.19851 0.6446 0.30963 0.76347 0.64113 0.52692 0.91506 0.75034 0.35748
+0.87987 0.37853 0.03895 0.52383 0.53367 0.98655 0.81749 0.08556 0.79622 0.2593 0.66936 0.88909 0.14389 0.18303 0.31925 0.38334 0.63371 0.82645 0.24838 0.44553 0.18158 0.08271 0.12211 0.08774 0.87883 0.40775 0.70234 0.91618 0.48509 0.82181 0.50504 0.56325 0.03714 0.7193 0.50453 0.30028 0.97366 0.64942 0.74036 0.92824 0.51803 0.63648 0.47714 0.10022 0.51666 0.18901 0.63739 0.11545 0.33523 0.71366 0.36775 0.40344 0.25273 0.20154 0.92625 0.54131 0.2474 0.75372 0.64159 0.08234 0.82494 0.09479 0.614 0.32985 0.78249 0.67539 0.84173 0.38444 0.02708 0.42607 0.14522 0.97475 0.69675 0.15632 0.10877 0.79345 0.51806 0.2472 0.63822 0.99049 0.93321 0.43008 0.38519 0.72433 0.19887 0.68274 0.9972 0.58403 0.1777 0.90364 0.11707 0.811 0.8877 0.19581 0.91886 0.98798 0.47017 0.09993 0.84761 0.38164 0.82685 0.99797 0.75607 0.62016 0.29293 0.96232 0.82657 0.86304 0.04104 0.08831 0.44896 0.74949 0.59425 0.5195 0.51649 0.84721 0.3914 0.47422 0.91196 0.92947 0.46305 0.25946 0.72097 0.99677 0.53993 0.43413 0.45858 0.27297 0.28785 0.53187 0.61147 0.49411 0.90926 0.15251 0.24928 0.97224 0.51697 0.28736 0.49687 0.02452 0.13119 0.86164 0.08395 0.36125 0.2773 0.74256 0.84455 0.34652 0.21208 0.07806 0.79559 0.81832 0.97825 0.15851 0.60543 0.33295 0.57136 0.20463 0.61062 0.26702 0.12631 0.48522 0.32749 0.57452 0.63765 0.7519 0.74352 0.46967 0.80872 0.93011 0.98517 0.28576 0.85806 0.66204 0.27929 0.65552 0.29502 0.44529 0.09014 0.7157 0.14019 0.28192 0.4252 0.30676 0.81592 0.93625 0.7048 0.90214 0.23537 0.12195 0.36986 0.46474 0.06912 0.70011 0.53752 0.28267 0.5202 0.28819 0.98302 0.32089 0.25721 0.00086 0.06984 0.59523 0.8575 0.37087 0.76206 0.13611 0.40784 0.58796 0.33934 0.68406 0.87214 0.27229 0.91579 0.2974 0.13365 0.79157 0.412 0.56871 0.75253 0.86444 0.62104 0.37709 0.53819 0.20949 0.36449 0.12635 0.55351 0.86289 0.39011 0.66928 0.09644 0.44792 0.82721 0.22953 0.80559 0.99039 0.52079 0.45636 0.25072 0.6804 0.2089 0.03243 0.08204 0.55708 0.0661 0.92984 0.49324 0.01574 0.12759 0.16808 0.4571 0.05521 0.88606 0.16357 0.31218 0.5204 0.76786 0.8291 0.172 0.91295 0.23902 0.15834 0.60253 0.57973 0.6538 0.40366 0.11117 0.28116 0.59564 0.1942 0.72977 0.96715 0.83076 0.53316 0.84903 0.19717 0.54705 0.85773 0.81633 0.2239 0.66927 0.14265 0.66371 0.17479 0.08021 0.85755 0.49455 0.54979 0.44578 0.25385 0.74139 0.61603 0.30293 0.07183 0.76156 0.19755 0.38824 0.42667 0.70758 0.11207 0.86212 0.83188 0.25608 0.65808 0.60191 0.05626 0.53198 0.06815 0.53233 0.32509 0.8541 0.17476 0.63182 0.33003 0.27404 0.36161 0.96808 0.57298 0.32541 0.38825 0.4897 0.59026 0.86669 0.67659 0.71686 0.63962 0.62678 0.82199 0.6289 0.591 0.75167 0.424 0.29916 0.05719 0.2119 0.54552 0.84565 0.23134 0.25663 0.656 0.33981 0.12547 0.3612 0.43681 0.82261 0.8033 0.08882 0.10576 0.79583 0.56095 0.16638 0.61272 0.02531 0.14041 0.94686 0.57885 0.23355 0.62521 0.51512 0.59564 0.53327 0.89693 0.13379 0.79133 0.12845 0.18622 0.03233 0.4047 0.011 0.30424 0.99748 0.91866 0.3021 0.15737 0.32379 0.86749 0.47992 0.29103 0.43115 0.59505 0.68737 0.87517 0.22244 0.4509 0.03789 0.01273 0.04161 0.62317 0.53488 0.68128 0.29631 0.74563 0.9518 0.79157 0.84682 0.802 0.55963 0.14937 0.10595 0.76138 0.8112 0.80737 0.22791 0.51351 0.93971 0.54359 0.77168 0.78154 0.63495 0.57173 0.68072 0.64185 0.27693 0.24154 0.00747 0.32208 0.14078 0.11384 0.35819 0.98654 0.55694 0.1132 0.0396 0.44311 0.70864 0.85067 0.25881 0.10721 0.79634 0.91313 0.45322 0.89822 0.65248 0.13493 0.9034 0.16977 0.29694 0.10519 0.76771 0.83766 0.23823 0.18346 0.1328 0.14062 0.60218 0.71903 0.7774 0.71927 0.59426 0.08258 0.15634 0.74177 0.9852 0.34332 0.61158 0.43041 0.4302 0.86813 0.24602 0.16219 0.12366 0.34048 0.89812 0.59225 0.93374 0.17416 0.69885 0.02602 0.52282 0.01135 0.31243 0.12549 0.11726 0.99432 0.14526 0.78454 0.72384 0.53172 0.33389 0.69143 0.52856 0.28355 0.5496 0.86937 0.59047 0.18977 0.57932 0.66988 0.16188 0.09924 0.43655 0.15726 0.9974 0.91452 0.28199 0.18068 0.0577 0.61901 0.35291 0.94512 0.39626 0.87503 0.87044 0.17935 0.23859 0.5951 0.61077 0.47818 0.66013 0.46422
+0.03479 0.73156 0.49269 0.17602 0.62727 0.96274 0.67282 0.07381 0.29662 0.46088 0.90761 0.3912 0.57805 0.00454 0.43663 0.57076 0.32242 0.87732 0.0448 0.0608 0.71501 0.078 0.9946 0.97521 0.09486 0.52262 0.17928 0.4009 0.23611 0.84351 0.96552 0.70623 0.16817 0.22848 0.13237 0.91769 0.3626 0.73932 0.57234 0.35941 0.93144 0.85029 0.15722 0.36402 0.36941 0.68756 0.9158 0.85647 0.88713 0.87014 0.60378 0.71879 0.65777 0.03161 0.45475 0.50258 0.49666 0.08615 0.09788 0.67421 0.68332 0.80667 0.80625 0.75399 0.76534 0.61018 0.62408 0.5612 0.60457 0.60365 0.39657 0.25834 0.47188 0.09185 0.68267 0.70064 0.05303 0.80829 0.39997 0.43355 0.69455 0.07273 0.34218 0.4242 0.68126 0.76071 0.85559 0.16621 0.72488 0.33821 0.17437 0.19199 0.15135 0.79349 0.52458 0.803 0.36607 0.15199 0.97775 0.79608 0.63367 0.43295 0.34621 0.09289 0.71237 0.06686 0.616 0.9334 0.4381 0.18729 0.12261 0.39904 0.81004 0.53714 0.45242 0.39712 0.41553 0.44267 0.95592 0.29484 0.27518 0.05561 0.85626 0.88607 0.14738 0.6009 0.90916 0.04422 0.57755 0.77955 0.07171 0.02958 0.07909 0.94004 0.97333 0.68226 0.00401 0.37158 0.99565 0.00298 0.68293 0.34845 0.98455 0.68103 0.71471 0.80743 0.23007 0.18139 0.8239 0.80971 0.86446 0.24842 0.60452 0.93398 0.95881 0.78562 0.23519 0.80776 0.57133 0.92111 0.60822 0.8117 0.10411 0.11124 0.42478 0.6936 0.87244 0.05451 0.78375 0.74415 0.36894 0.26624 0.96945 0.39528 0.04325 0.01719 0.41191 0.73103 0.30668 0.99065 0.7239 0.66631 0.23889 0.16368 0.2151 0.43474 0.91496 0.85724 0.67439 0.95517 0.00556 0.51161 0.7331 0.90578 0.98297 0.94206 0.1753 0.6279 0.33714 0.0653 0.3843 0.75495 0.00808 0.14157 0.17095 0.1749 0.34203 0.82926 0.59304 0.31398 0.34324 0.82574 0.86112 0.64187 0.51179 0.63873 0.1694 0.51408 0.00557 0.1378 0.99437 0.77291 0.00182 0.96595 0.34124 0.68254 0.15115 0.07485 0.23674 0.30015 0.18963 0.55028 0.76255 0.80816 0.17208 0.62539 0.1865 0.12159 0.96198 0.56879 0.85478 0.42733 0.39698 0.90837 0.82097 0.43457 0.39334 0.30154 0.54459 0.37644 0.00678 0.51465 0.18456 0.04115 0.77605 0.41049 0.68298 0.24931 0.72929 0.57485 0.45284 0.11075 0.48064 0.93324 0.92577 0.37303 0.78586 0.1271 0.6319 0.1659 0.08063 0.07224 0.51609 0.61176 0.6003 0.12096 0.8235 0.48204 0.3709 0.71623 0.76558 0.8018 0.06503 0.47764 0.05677 0.93411 0.97317 0.08289 0.1929 0.23355 0.64723 0.6804 0.89366 0.77017 0.40831 0.07908 0.63836 0.46324 0.38951 0.10152 0.34411 0.5892 0.32523 0.07882 0.93646 0.21592 0.21959 0.40207 0.59936 0.43764 0.35788 0.02908 0.25388 0.73004 0.10225 0.82673 0.78379 0.98591 0.14382 0.14318 0.01901 0.38339 0.32017 0.94686 0.79568 0.57781 0.33733 0.38835 0.46199 0.64365 0.99493 0.78389 0.72658 0.92519 0.48313 0.05894 0.42681 0.36589 0.15455 0.16101 0.21572 0.02852 0.22567 0.97616 0.07191 0.70586 0.00435 0.28534 0.55048 0.54584 0.59957 0.78276 0.39395 0.17491 0.62564 0.09358 0.06434 0.42157 0.29923 0.23827 0.4741 0.70377 0.16885 0.83911 0.09574 0.56948 0.81964 0.03358 0.47689 0.81632 0.46442 0.4514 0.53684 0.07242 0.58176 0.90901 0.92829 0.97411 0.54748 0.56022 0.1457 0.99432 0.17395 0.74629 0.64265 0.19925 0.67251 0.3535 0.8913 0.19141 0.79224 0.25988 0.0557 0.67113 0.65725 0.89356 0.84423 0.82818 0.50003 0.1402 0.4225 0.86925 0.14804 0.76657 0.17296 0.69328 0.30561 0.55366 0.00667 0.44533 0.11029 0.2644 0.10412 0.59514 0.54568 0.47955 0.53684 0.62203 0.27338 0.67205 0.68445 0.55038 0.59504 0.81389 0.05593 0.15266 0.29497 0.74988 0.00852 0.63184 0.36235 0.45787 0.54381 0.16428 0.48777 0.56423 0.60944 0.562 0.72185 0.51269 0.82117 0.92353 0.2937 0.01238 0.36951 0.85429 0.89082 0.50457 0.02859 0.73204 0.50868 0.09214 0.28386 0.63902 0.62977 0.37607 0.57607 0.6166 0.94503 0.5465 0.58968 0.2497 0.89782 0.65517 0.65457 0.85106 0.09091 0.94865 0.33092 0.57016 0.43392 0.27068 0.03489 0.49226 0.93121 0.2908 0.04356 0.4566 0.38715 0.56743 0.92228 0.28099 0.38487 0.68267 0.47763 0.31993 0.11148 0.00452 0.46053 0.49931 0.13943 0.6006 0.13492 0.45856 0.91186 0.85512 0.49231 0.59453 0.64791 0.74858 0.55849 0.56058 0.2394 0.55575 0.92607 0.31283 0.35306 0.93372 0.73993 0.99988 0.9158 0.95927
+0.09059 0.54011 0.27478 0.93319 0.07509 0.19845 0.0009 0.9902 0.25404 0.70962 0.66272 0.11641 0.46008 0.35899 0.63018 0.56712 0.2188 0.72287 0.24352 0.51856 0.9743 0.52943 0.48142 0.90731 0.3901 0.26545 0.0008 0.67336 0.33736 0.87069 0.22472 0.74947 0.21999 0.1306 0.31023 0.94794 0.98646 0.44908 0.9595 0.22838 0.2761 0.96244 0.18479 0.51069 0.27045 0.39282 0.79091 0.42838 0.17343 0.76842 0.82189 0.40194 0.42266 0.75948 0.16888 0.90375 0.66316 0.03612 0.64987 0.59927 0.80452 0.63766 0.67696 0.79568 0.35885 0.50146 0.53201 0.74503 0.97336 0.62714 0.8737 0.81019 0.23184 0.98029 0.77972 0.63813 0.57961 0.89239 0.37926 0.51692 0.53124 0.36686 0.62137 0.47787 0.88895 0.56242 0.4947 0.14403 0.17691 0.70052 0.5201 0.72554 0.80784 0.93914 0.62844 0.16794 0.19596 0.40623 0.93119 0.54721 0.2552 0.65147 0.21608 0.28639 0.14364 0.32899 0.97802 0.83101 0.97747 0.60156 0.16036 0.10147 0.96414 0.65878 0.28141 0.15394 0.89132 0.88062 0.22562 0.40375 0.9631 0.19949 0.142 0.10706 0.42822 0.93032 0.92674 0.26595 0.8732 0.74497 0.69019 0.9272 0.4998 0.5792 0.95465 0.79958 0.55278 0.43474 0.09199 0.81164 0.11691 0.13825 0.19524 0.43217 0.7568 0.59199 0.62384 0.50214 0.04532 0.1748 0.95944 0.63835 4e-05 0.71797 0.19905 0.16021 0.95515 0.91866 0.81003 0.9453 0.5251 0.27211 0.23196 0.48957 0.19703 0.6767 0.77376 0.18387 0.19958 0.29564 0.68982 0.74403 0.8724 0.16877 0.61541 0.44915 0.50028 0.13605 0.59129 0.48243 0.37293 0.27174 0.52277 0.86698 0.78959 0.05379 0.93071 0.69074 0.90727 0.61276 0.92114 0.87801 0.41091 0.83089 0.27178 0.71931 0.95286 0.70323 0.38201 0.85486 0.23042 0.69777 0.63014 0.98705 0.09252 0.66078 0.71855 0.59005 0.82654 0.42279 0.90724 0.71256 0.26248 0.19368 0.799 0.23889 0.03615 0.63161 0.84601 0.45642 0.88582 0.0164 0.40907 0.87457 0.96257 0.11398 0.07882 0.80067 0.22605 0.51031 0.61239 0.45597 0.30933 0.9826 0.65366 0.29854 0.85931 0.789 0.71122 0.82574 0.39976 0.6622 0.775 0.46124 0.91832 0.71754 0.19267 0.43219 0.44992 0.23928 0.23559 0.70315 0.8964 0.54636 0.46009 0.46539 0.47608 0.88046 0.80242 0.58888 0.42761 0.94379 0.03061 0.34425 0.11122 0.75716 0.42416 0.00075 0.78696 0.07362 0.5006 0.37594 0.13136 0.85055 0.70355 0.6629 0.1815 0.03703 0.27992 0.67019 0.96086 0.89991 0.86495 0.01147 0.40841 0.82617 0.80728 0.43847 0.33019 0.9486 0.96996 0.98308 0.13935 0.26591 0.62361 0.16734 0.761 0.50749 0.70887 0.52677 0.71623 0.61146 0.4442 0.39734 0.40944 0.67661 0.79083 0.06849 0.59999 0.54326 0.34902 0.47779 0.69828 0.33914 0.63138 0.22212 0.91244 0.93947 0.54133 0.15133 0.26915 0.2769 0.66193 0.18386 0.90139 0.84528 0.81581 0.87481 0.835 0.34778 0.47079 0.7685 0.19905 0.79571 0.69777 0.44301 0.49186 0.77882 0.76633 0.53647 0.82701 0.14231 0.68633 0.66103 0.96236 0.16845 0.45706 0.51651 0.99727 0.72544 0.92689 0.37853 0.07725 0.49528 0.94157 0.85357 0.83339 0.27393 0.72887 0.11523 0.83381 0.83947 0.03155 0.69878 0.18529 0.64277 0.14909 0.5127 0.97513 0.03698 0.57788 0.11606 0.16841 0.94572 0.7433 0.87645 0.07388 0.67789 0.58777 0.98878 0.30176 0.08055 0.45252 0.68726 0.0484 0.71406 0.43726 0.15339 0.02125 0.44902 0.40968 0.93074 0.0759 0.64499 0.68888 0.8624 0.41872 0.47652 0.81051 0.13622 0.29445 0.94095 0.11658 0.76908 0.56438 0.68455 0.86344 0.17495 0.1167 0.12093 0.11125 0.62964 0.88808 0.68229 0.57509 0.58937 0.57811 0.99934 0.45591 0.40542 0.99462 0.70788 0.10159 0.05303 0.79838 0.36074 0.95776 0.01773 0.88323 0.47352 0.92086 0.01331 0.14507 0.9122 0.06347 0.0611 0.15956 0.7558 0.30958 0.36309 0.25948 0.04287 0.12731 0.64312 0.52115 0.36353 0.46776 0.07009 0.51881 0.78076 0.47753 0.86136 0.22805 0.91553 0.76004 0.27835 0.46611 0.28971 0.24291 0.36313 0.82844 0.84866 0.41132 0.80193 0.44668 0.74508 0.193 0.25186 0.39913 0.20469 0.39506 0.29934 0.57051 0.11373 0.58619 0.32192 0.06776 0.2984 0.3796 0.72842 0.13877 0.56586 0.14306 0.7649 0.38869 0.41082 0.55338 0.18674 0.13981 0.27422 0.10696 0.58437 0.87347 0.35269 0.06366 0.68037 0.71302 0.65934 0.51558 0.26496 0.91609 0.72032 0.22652 0.76926 0.83571 0.076 0.35617 0.47433 0.84459 0.91506 0.92244 0.51924
+0.13464 0.80467 0.25233 0.67439 0.47438 0.27759 0.91373 0.92723 0.09414 0.44751 0.56952 0.48344 0.68914 0.51746 0.79186 0.54059 0.40132 0.16624 0.91401 0.71531 0.95231 0.16192 0.66724 0.83369 0.95738 0.54127 0.32898 0.79717 0.01723 0.2483 0.05297 0.40958 0.98893 0.80196 0.37789 0.42855 0.56103 0.21043 0.55898 0.21921 0.80545 0.27782 0.00686 0.98184 0.22178 0.69737 0.15984 0.81538 0.19671 0.01419 0.5532 0.04608 0.99633 0.9283 0.37456 0.30237 0.52353 0.83089 0.98766 0.81766 0.73739 0.24534 0.66161 0.94541 0.07193 0.90841 0.05473 0.52563 0.18989 0.37176 0.72857 0.06773 0.63466 0.64008 0.57738 0.98309 0.32936 0.17436 0.30564 0.0021 0.42087 0.86397 0.33344 0.50501 0.40765 0.07693 0.71202 0.82447 0.71641 0.32912 0.70689 0.91672 0.24155 0.74313 0.10599 0.94604 0.59111 0.70757 0.95983 0.732 0.60384 0.06365 0.01665 0.76137 0.33051 0.75518 0.9678 0.98251 0.63336 0.1905 0.00845 0.94389 0.7183 0.21733 0.32923 0.16615 0.08082 0.688 0.62769 0.4409 0.95876 0.27448 0.28776 0.01256 0.50841 0.89871 0.43475 0.11175 0.44592 0.8642 0.03456 0.47004 0.04616 0.07671 0.31914 0.2325 0.29452 0.50708 0.73305 0.48389 0.17815 0.3168 0.29991 0.75051 0.82449 0.75609 0.96119 0.79516 0.28903 0.83851 0.49608 0.31496 0.30065 0.31371 0.96105 0.81806 0.56536 0.89204 0.72708 0.83443 0.50905 0.49857 0.54882 0.36425 0.38767 0.09591 0.05544 0.4035 0.78132 0.89023 0.98429 0.62787 0.27599 0.37055 0.33903 0.20296 0.43981 0.49268 0.88986 0.69777 0.56785 0.39564 0.04892 0.41996 0.89441 0.41014 0.16339 0.11646 0.16117 0.45135 0.96696 0.76268 0.64737 0.95024 0.40136 0.71982 0.99612 0.29827 0.37189 0.75922 0.89359 0.66465 0.66546 0.2265 0.77207 0.56192 0.10965 0.69025 0.93448 0.12688 0.38472 0.04229 0.52748 0.52794 0.48589 0.44158 0.91028 0.66023 0.20459 0.7676 0.14256 0.10974 0.16085 0.35271 0.17564 0.17008 0.88364 0.6355 0.95305 0.78757 0.12479 0.86437 0.01191 0.88675 0.36565 0.75573 0.57766 0.03293 0.57156 0.41142 0.49984 0.64142 0.51094 0.24404 0.6399 0.93476 0.27578 0.02833 0.14827 0.60132 0.34598 0.71376 0.65419 0.24981 0.45015 0.37943 0.73717 0.32026 0.46202 0.47766 0.41386 0.3785 0.89481 0.46451 0.62098 0.36037 0.80818 0.96429 0.85093 0.78097 0.32162 0.44954 0.53602 0.54633 0.69646 0.45313 0.90795 0.4159 0.63141 0.85876 0.50827 0.60915 0.12039 0.56499 0.1035 0.9784 0.77023 0.175 0.22596 0.97304 0.28735 0.4238 0.1002 0.33882 0.69104 0.56922 0.54755 0.75987 0.91986 0.49157 0.5906 0.25229 0.32373 0.72781 0.0702 0.21403 0.15615 0.38563 0.94586 0.95611 0.49301 0.60263 0.4984 0.3982 0.63246 0.56452 0.73103 0.88641 0.95641 0.91889 0.8653 0.9444 0.013 0.15644 0.77079 0.74322 0.61264 0.45478 0.42638 0.36014 0.31118 0.41788 0.76996 0.15025 0.89442 0.36397 0.66235 0.15099 0.09559 0.67105 0.06889 0.51522 0.99365 0.75522 0.82361 0.90868 0.51559 0.35468 0.78504 0.51976 0.51887 0.39234 0.24853 0.58491 0.28671 0.06223 0.26894 0.81732 0.33241 0.05568 0.79401 0.20265 0.78592 0.88644 0.24082 0.30457 0.43598 0.63226 0.48956 0.39683 0.77892 0.90911 0.57518 0.26696 0.89682 0.82878 0.45318 0.20503 0.29087 0.70901 0.35582 0.32135 0.0932 0.09038 0.74181 0.59198 0.83111 0.001 0.77329 0.04965 0.86339 0.1255 0.22017 0.93305 0.5685 0.32426 0.71107 0.3662 0.32053 0.40543 0.20446 0.70202 0.82862 0.58849 0.84359 0.71486 0.47671 0.4036 0.08264 0.58903 0.64386 0.58317 0.7691 0.00528 0.74821 0.66302 0.55474 0.84471 0.15675 0.99041 0.44649 0.76606 0.24444 0.02754 0.40004 0.88864 0.49939 0.29738 0.06601 0.43204 0.07844 0.4641 0.23135 0.29842 0.85481 0.75582 0.59271 0.79119 0.82969 0.29664 0.81449 0.72843 0.21545 0.93754 0.90692 0.32174 0.96581 0.06899 0.38936 0.73496 0.26592 0.44445 0.12842 0.06301 0.03977 0.4695 0.35072 0.81916 0.79547 0.68934 0.56016 0.74192 0.88775 0.97013 0.45362 0.12442 0.45954 0.18392 0.8082 0.2325 0.8326 0.70199 0.48836 0.78108 0.49479 0.83714 0.89643 0.41914 0.42886 0.50004 0.81854 0.65167 0.51334 0.86339 0.43191 0.17932 0.92024 0.03163 0.98216 0.0677 0.56617 0.37039 0.83878 0.97488 0.09603 0.75839 0.33383 0.9705 0.99103 0.03511 0.18477 0.00921 0.78009 0.32213 0.13524 0.74971 0.33471 0.92946 0.48739 0.46053 0.14157 0.38533
+0.55871 0.34754 0.48691 0.20959 0.11927 0.89632 0.75809 0.16117 0.93364 0.29962 0.95964 0.02939 0.2796 0.28 0.96778 0.27531 0.56186 0.64829 0.28052 0.08448 0.47824 0.29156 0.21222 0.72097 0.48756 0.35065 0.93993 0.23406 0.65958 0.15521 0.61516 0.49595 0.29357 0.53379 0.73093 0.7381 0.00901 0.66325 0.97176 0.46811 0.94415 0.04253 0.62319 0.54845 0.58461 0.96151 0.96909 0.14346 0.6134 0.59562 0.12226 0.00192 0.34932 0.89453 0.28962 0.17832 0.00058 0.24562 0.70548 0.40368 0.7013 0.90903 0.50659 0.44677 0.85511 0.15954 0.71987 0.30089 0.0996 0.41104 0.64007 0.08823 0.28677 0.64874 0.70825 0.21231 0.44651 0.40408 0.76103 0.97099 0.35192 0.74375 0.01704 0.0076 0.69307 0.90911 0.35795 0.1291 0.08192 0.60304 0.02648 0.29487 0.89732 0.19735 0.23886 0.28139 0.91082 0.61049 0.88205 0.83647 0.26363 0.81882 0.1653 0.09872 0.95755 0.89382 0.95691 0.72878 0.65921 0.27473 0.93289 0.17188 0.94409 0.32148 0.03978 0.04288 0.73893 0.21856 0.97474 0.88226 0.26557 0.80296 0.87345 0.28425 0.45029 0.12921 0.19882 0.50873 0.56089 0.48918 0.35812 0.85232 0.06392 0.45722 0.53712 0.58541 0.97818 0.06266 0.4067 0.75746 0.17863 0.80404 0.29824 0.11493 0.73272 0.0656 0.22812 0.98821 0.30313 0.30608 0.89458 0.19949 0.85894 0.43063 0.77082 0.9535 0.11004 0.93471 0.74155 0.23478 0.87082 0.6258 0.8195 0.7772 0.15662 0.35163 0.82636 0.70333 0.81048 0.50052 0.16107 0.31085 0.21783 0.69405 0.11518 0.32408 0.44991 0.80605 0.84842 0.89237 0.60044 0.7147 0.47017 0.30157 0.84198 0.95168 0.34697 0.19814 0.8869 0.20162 0.06642 0.1058 0.33641 0.69722 0.18108 0.79414 0.00322 0.0918 0.95973 0.22131 0.12014 0.77425 0.93941 0.55546 0.10636 0.0896 0.44508 0.56173 0.47919 0.4343 0.12734 0.54399 0.18594 0.36465 0.28736 0.03325 0.07904 0.98707 0.55935 0.05313 0.74555 0.29421 0.38471 0.02686 0.019 0.32838 0.01008 0.15833 0.91602 0.87241 0.53225 0.2135 0.52469 0.80332 0.48782 0.34163 0.22043 0.04171 0.24689 0.72353 0.71966 0.1368 0.73023 0.25202 0.75135 0.10892 0.27927 0.43183 0.83728 0.28266 0.27908 0.36825 0.38306 0.71758 0.80344 0.17089 0.04955 0.13949 0.47217 0.0195 0.65427 0.44362 0.5817 0.46839 0.34983 0.64123 0.68285 0.54842 0.21001 0.06448 0.67209 0.23281 0.9831 0.62858 0.67645 0.66636 0.44503 0.50031 0.47752 0.86773 0.37835 0.02151 0.0017 0.48669 0.69135 0.68562 0.09607 0.5237 0.23784 0.42465 0.72549 0.8018 0.99534 0.44858 0.79197 0.55617 0.08931 0.43589 0.32257 0.97153 0.81053 0.50444 0.69334 0.30044 0.95768 0.87401 0.35119 0.57408 0.46677 0.52917 0.07749 0.86287 0.76115 0.56891 0.26213 0.83526 0.20068 0.73863 0.42923 0.64075 0.74122 0.42421 0.65744 0.7473 0.5554 0.34219 0.01991 0.75688 0.75066 0.89729 0.87575 0.79004 0.58041 0.45418 0.75543 0.16044 0.97699 0.91328 0.43016 0.03429 0.83459 0.54058 0.1265 0.16071 0.71733 0.60209 0.5332 0.44727 0.73496 0.55643 0.10736 0.80084 0.62046 0.94587 0.60772 0.48204 0.76364 0.90464 0.88353 0.36549 0.89605 0.16024 0.55078 0.39379 0.77825 0.0461 0.15116 0.53059 0.2687 0.90415 0.09229 0.14545 0.33149 0.17272 0.91911 0.91646 0.81456 0.37551 0.23469 0.03929 0.05849 0.51798 0.08751 0.1134 0.45012 0.51685 0.24132 0.8434 0.997 0.90741 0.42202 0.20427 0.32985 0.39992 0.3853 0.49345 0.67105 0.02506 0.55374 0.92779 0.86677 0.85573 0.1678 0.17655 0.52197 0.55279 0.90273 0.50005 0.11449 0.16857 0.75623 0.3296 0.286 0.09939 0.70561 0.124 0.06954 0.11475 0.4708 0.93301 0.13636 0.35706 0.61148 0.7722 0.12616 0.45481 0.34634 0.14468 0.52599 0.30007 0.2351 0.52496 0.41843 0.06074 0.16209 0.39087 0.8577 0.29365 0.01336 0.46088 0.11078 0.29134 0.415 0.87835 0.51805 0.27863 0.01381 0.71661 0.36917 0.90786 0.2104 0.62215 0.52684 0.59615 0.91701 0.4413 0.46421 0.39493 0.39132 0.12671 0.6018 0.81165 0.35279 0.81178 0.8192 0.25072 0.3665 0.27855 0.37653 0.46536 0.28444 0.40626 0.08118 0.37036 0.54393 0.73325 0.88343 0.97509 0.93455 0.22194 0.05251 0.35746 0.2744 0.56717 0.11731 0.18987 0.25082 0.03562 0.16931 0.17868 0.74415 0.51002 0.19799 0.81667 0.02373 0.32173 0.33061 0.65641 0.38646 0.34673 0.77363 0.8526 0.08541 0.1721 0.30693 0.02753 0.93978 0.37947 0.57295 0.54911 0.96288 0.64405
+0.13344 0.98287 0.13414 0.78188 0.15321 0.29413 0.02884 0.42107 0.81327 0.30428 0.6487 0.16815 0.42756 0.41306 0.4452 0.60883 0.02104 0.08367 0.17071 0.65563 0.18456 0.85008 0.59398 0.87289 0.10143 0.44112 0.9599 0.92354 0.03973 0.23552 0.54429 0.39946 0.63253 0.9536 0.8384 0.18186 0.64409 0.22771 0.20601 0.94079 0.15254 0.69494 0.7834 0.70933 0.63082 0.94738 0.41622 0.52837 0.25858 0.89225 0.99913 0.5425 0.62974 0.81614 0.16841 0.16059 0.00965 0.20026 0.14814 0.86028 0.19001 0.57277 0.75892 0.01716 0.91536 0.4609 0.64655 0.81403 0.03832 0.4616 0.32042 0.94585 0.80569 0.94361 0.55117 0.43273 0.83904 0.66221 0.2376 0.39547 0.57327 0.62984 0.70933 0.69755 0.31746 0.98248 0.35177 0.96915 0.32728 0.77816 0.66629 0.12441 0.69704 0.34555 0.24576 0.57685 0.81132 0.4461 0.7834 0.9241 0.88074 0.94507 0.12284 0.95793 0.16052 0.07556 0.81874 0.73764 0.54023 0.87317 0.81425 0.25779 0.01184 0.04242 0.18548 0.43937 0.72333 0.31811 0.73888 0.01072 0.8817 0.40854 0.98625 0.90067 0.89675 0.34046 0.95383 0.65764 0.22384 0.87717 0.41197 0.27084 0.04309 0.10331 0.79954 0.60273 0.44719 0.53946 0.84933 0.83976 0.17394 0.73685 0.90646 0.2924 0.42871 0.88155 0.2956 0.92528 0.11759 0.74583 0.86599 0.97072 0.88761 0.61908 0.17046 0.09905 0.68876 0.45394 0.11067 0.74809 0.94998 0.99361 0.80672 0.38463 0.63544 0.3826 0.10188 0.30296 0.94221 0.68948 0.91839 0.36994 0.0322 0.20234 0.64025 0.80228 0.33373 0.08918 0.31804 0.14746 0.23988 0.91274 0.47789 0.64748 0.82797 0.62411 0.49557 0.74235 0.6456 0.3381 0.17337 0.18299 0.9624 0.64182 0.22974 0.91216 0.60057 0.28674 0.59555 0.64045 0.56617 0.8005 0.91096 0.56833 0.54104 0.57726 0.75234 0.61349 0.14289 0.96298 0.69033 0.34896 0.06736 0.38747 0.90421 0.29063 0.37793 0.66531 0.87009 0.90221 0.57781 0.13187 0.41853 0.18427 0.26663 0.32014 0.62 0.79362 0.98595 0.80801 0.5227 0.39442 0.56911 0.13678 0.1991 0.99995 0.85882 0.07523 0.99338 0.45669 0.98247 0.56071 0.1262 0.89079 0.74661 0.82775 0.85952 0.42593 0.40917 0.67952 0.92719 0.36979 0.3573 0.5751 0.65467 0.06086 0.16067 0.98011 0.21185 0.29193 0.46324 0.98147 0.98431 0.60784 0.79863 0.00769 0.66102 0.36227 0.70945 0.88245 0.8365 0.51792 0.97031 0.75857 0.3714 0.3322 0.23286 0.21804 0.79677 0.14593 0.26096 0.0774 0.65851 0.13692 0.04313 0.2202 0.06889 0.92926 0.48031 0.95385 0.23504 0.06745 0.64478 0.17441 0.36453 0.51312 0.08524 0.74397 0.99224 0.71507 0.23767 0.15447 0.51952 0.70121 0.21779 0.31075 0.84864 0.31258 0.21387 0.31097 0.02735 0.29 0.05484 0.3184 0.0134 0.86942 0.62643 0.9037 0.30946 0.42951 0.49913 0.41686 0.95471 0.57012 0.81011 0.80388 0.21199 0.30832 0.42086 0.56303 0.85414 0.26118 0.66765 0.36748 0.8903 0.77047 0.22088 0.40082 0.68402 0.07412 0.67858 0.88108 0.86109 0.71811 0.23717 0.07189 0.02128 0.19695 0.80469 0.46532 0.59142 0.69503 0.40032 0.65515 0.688 0.08301 0.3258 0.16189 0.25854 0.67102 0.25349 0.5722 0.05279 0.89423 0.22473 0.48098 0.45285 0.09581 0.83127 0.46652 0.52007 0.05102 0.51346 0.27879 0.40791 0.71199 0.51384 0.43525 0.60859 0.8695 0.25392 0.67123 0.26304 0.95083 0.93152 0.15563 0.91837 0.23221 0.20375 0.9325 0.69185 0.75662 0.68526 0.04281 0.90752 0.96307 0.3256 0.34093 0.91012 0.3339 0.45057 0.87587 0.92925 0.11447 0.79341 0.57334 0.97765 0.5761 0.02932 0.43246 0.09021 0.60363 0.39872 0.32312 0.28194 0.00289 0.66742 0.50724 0.75934 0.26124 0.0114 0.50394 0.57172 0.44102 0.46284 0.84404 0.40035 0.12101 0.56567 0.08544 0.5642 0.82865 0.17938 0.72643 0.00295 0.07845 0.19883 0.26109 0.5493 0.13272 0.09696 0.29492 0.09535 0.30796 0.64258 0.33019 0.07443 0.86184 0.54792 0.31549 0.08622 0.01185 0.95551 0.47323 0.19061 0.70425 0.29683 0.03451 0.20913 0.34345 0.33113 0.15177 0.86258 0.94405 0.28872 0.64346 0.27423 0.57861 0.5415 0.98068 0.59558 0.10878 0.77471 0.3827 0.16209 0.08707 0.55364 0.30929 0.49376 0.97304 0.76877 0.83491 0.49048 0.39526 0.18156 0.75258 0.36058 0.12258 0.3032 0.66705 0.15598 0.56243 0.65981 0.79326 0.95085 0.86219 0.34143 0.69524 0.03761 0.624 0.76726 0.11351 0.75234 0.90153 0.75362 0.35705 0.32626 0.84209 0.91868 0.93385 0.57406 0.69758
+0.75393 0.38804 0.27986 0.62523 0.69114 0.32439 0.68156 0.65199 0.21972 0.35349 0.78959 0.1578 0.55025 0.03988 0.3961 0.17712 0.25314 0.95423 0.8502 0.24531 0.23448 0.27034 0.94684 0.12091 0.59735 0.92212 0.15215 0.2729 0.19976 0.47043 0.21841 0.16108 0.18887 0.46928 0.66467 0.18067 0.02403 0.37143 0.48917 0.28485 0.70741 0.51052 0.66144 0.67324 0.37298 0.67981 0.27641 0.35161 0.57837 0.1579 0.92535 0.52433 0.26148 0.83965 0.92964 0.04112 0.45746 0.66122 0.50392 0.72877 0.73973 0.51057 0.9359 0.31936 0.92648 0.42571 0.33451 0.56799 0.94257 0.38645 0.49002 0.05321 0.03545 0.53646 0.08457 0.76104 0.04274 0.23335 0.65571 0.87688 0.53488 0.97796 0.14386 0.84742 0.0592 0.93899 0.4317 0.14522 0.44349 0.27853 0.49097 0.14381 0.52037 0.24679 0.74801 0.48385 0.52919 0.45578 0.10977 0.51615 0.04161 0.14172 0.11924 0.02591 0.0261 0.30453 0.46549 0.38417 0.96683 0.92156 0.62965 0.5899 0.2024 0.48589 0.18223 0.70469 0.69138 0.45601 0.24656 0.49787 0.06748 0.72698 0.57339 0.53005 0.0607 0.80644 0.03871 0.1898 0.64438 0.1864 0.58114 0.21028 0.73986 0.38678 0.58652 0.98625 0.86938 0.43052 0.50955 0.72463 0.49045 0.1721 0.38112 0.67357 0.0981 0.71296 0.59934 0.63153 0.77084 0.35508 0.14957 0.89145 0.64271 0.05753 0.64233 0.42161 0.16271 0.01029 0.87378 0.02717 0.02632 0.87587 0.72862 0.69687 0.05998 0.85541 0.22533 0.19367 0.38487 0.46629 0.78949 0.2969 0.20225 0.60426 0.5792 0.52525 0.07765 0.01607 0.06707 0.17836 0.22892 0.89633 0.24168 0.97654 0.4415 0.26823 0.09355 0.4501 0.17896 0.35958 0.06979 0.48137 0.26663 0.59421 0.50091 0.12199 0.77167 0.47873 0.86659 0.04531 0.71256 0.84713 0.60464 0.48216 0.12977 0.34228 0.1485 0.95743 0.28912 0.78345 0.5628 0.03537 0.37242 0.06825 0.92695 0.60898 0.61623 0.52222 0.02667 0.22605 0.74424 0.91598 0.57992 0.51021 0.50049 0.41298 0.67948 0.88703 0.17491 0.21319 0.21459 0.82127 0.33635 0.34778 0.97223 0.49567 0.06951 0.39809 0.76079 0.47172 0.78921 0.79955 0.0379 0.25401 0.15109 0.92888 0.2617 0.53467 0.29122 0.23575 0.25977 0.66386 0.07901 0.60233 0.62744 0.12538 0.3409 0.81745 0.48754 0.43604 0.82001 0.51395 0.81889 0.53683 0.28152 0.1211 0.03183 0.76716 0.84408 0.22639 0.2272 0.56168 0.96606 0.03039 0.68597 0.15209 0.85105 0.00725 0.53325 0.2642 0.07283 0.94715 0.18702 0.39969 0.86507 0.31342 0.03458 0.03356 0.71223 0.00203 0.13953 0.11744 0.42725 0.45451 0.38218 0.4048 0.99113 0.52142 0.31112 0.4554 0.1751 0.77245 0.98911 0.48831 0.89381 0.79342 0.85531 0.59491 0.97783 0.97175 0.44174 0.92543 0.73862 0.40947 0.7952 0.22585 0.96785 0.70672 0.31521 0.04098 0.15382 0.90416 0.83856 0.82646 0.08488 0.84835 0.86747 0.38256 0.17975 0.3736 0.35615 0.20518 0.57506 0.67493 0.87553 0.1658 0.41625 0.5386 0.7275 0.20957 0.52829 0.89576 0.72826 0.3522 0.55744 0.90646 0.296 0.34154 0.41285 0.84371 0.35936 0.84232 0.51578 0.28041 0.82431 0.36368 0.16644 0.41742 0.98468 0.15766 0.50079 0.40505 0.08074 0.36583 0.41969 0.55792 0.74775 0.72509 0.95671 0.34912 0.2462 0.23115 0.16993 0.11013 0.89326 0.96527 0.9786 0.32886 0.3547 0.15569 0.76656 0.3981 0.86533 0.83462 0.0947 0.22799 0.27036 0.50898 0.77901 0.16083 0.91083 0.00258 0.96294 0.59422 0.74408 0.87655 0.94582 0.28264 0.71063 0.2458 0.89631 0.09871 0.51364 0.3658 0.91925 0.04474 0.68789 0.02068 0.23437 0.5893 0.13167 0.4763 0.43237 0.43874 0.70872 0.06437 0.83528 0.9934 0.62604 0.69133 0.32477 0.69028 0.46305 0.85727 0.40378 0.60976 0.63256 0.09628 0.40786 0.40793 0.1382 0.2934 0.08998 0.76122 0.78247 0.45652 0.98623 0.61409 0.24424 0.54213 0.08735 0.28827 0.24863 0.83944 0.74367 0.23169 0.14472 0.54583 0.10519 0.40283 0.27683 0.21777 0.95538 0.66153 0.7825 0.60838 0.86778 0.89165 0.89522 0.66964 0.7864 0.65162 0.55892 0.81067 0.68232 0.12012 0.65775 0.94523 0.4915 0.40196 0.84028 0.36806 0.12363 0.00341 0.06337 0.44498 0.4903 0.16213 0.81747 0.24861 0.6888 0.64587 0.65839 0.83163 0.65452 0.78029 0.29572 0.04196 0.13577 0.67311 0.90642 0.94847 0.04541 0.5549 0.06119 0.8901 0.18419 0.06603 0.48771 0.99953 0.59374 0.34589 0.44441 0.40504 0.25781 0.97313 0.26114 0.87046 0.57753 0.49593 0.21525 0.05571
+0.10972 0.0367 0.7549 0.75332 0.96487 0.00055 0.72017 0.82119 0.7435 0.71572 0.77951 0.61231 0.21464 0.35356 0.77663 0.54706 0.0949 0.56564 0.18319 0.16363 0.54141 0.30689 0.01536 0.77225 0.42002 0.54567 0.07322 0.85775 0.75301 0.70607 0.21389 0.3358 0.70246 0.37065 0.02153 0.04842 0.90119 0.41294 0.04438 0.85652 0.11187 0.12747 0.24995 0.8071 0.56278 0.05964 0.08409 0.862 0.72467 0.60193 0.73271 0.0467 0.34744 0.69656 0.73068 0.20585 0.92208 0.03903 0.19508 0.9551 0.5197 0.45891 0.10264 0.24312 0.87992 0.38594 0.71146 0.72876 0.04397 0.14602 0.7053 0.60689 0.2365 0.68473 0.67805 0.60077 0.72767 0.91508 0.75842 0.06239 0.03416 0.81651 0.66131 0.5616 0.32787 0.97136 0.18794 0.27531 0.67923 0.52184 0.4133 0.13625 0.81025 0.76908 0.98168 0.48158 0.90645 0.24953 0.75104 0.47642 0.18359 0.11059 0.8339 0.06084 0.04014 0.09009 0.85444 0.99428 0.95196 0.58498 0.74663 0.60089 0.98995 0.33708 0.84758 0.15239 0.17353 0.93549 0.76331 0.87539 0.44145 0.63699 0.73306 0.3131 0.3998 0.04767 0.27653 0.6449 0.36562 0.04129 0.34842 0.43914 0.18933 0.46946 0.22031 0.7465 0.38242 0.26157 0.17624 0.62902 0.76841 0.06154 0.25406 0.08511 0.96165 0.42932 0.99614 0.04731 0.93779 0.19542 0.22476 0.13808 0.07682 0.65053 0.03363 0.40168 0.10288 0.88915 0.98926 0.42241 0.23601 0.8783 0.88982 0.20828 0.14173 0.42022 0.92546 0.41531 0.60991 0.96115 0.22041 0.80648 0.21779 0.38852 0.93994 0.32156 0.63637 0.22552 0.63652 0.57784 0.9602 0.8762 0.51902 0.19044 0.68872 0.87403 0.6039 0.28868 0.83155 0.42568 0.15266 0.3216 0.16206 0.65564 0.69851 0.34443 0.7691 0.51129 0.39244 0.22169 0.0866 0.97336 0.92738 0.98466 0.16514 0.21703 0.15976 0.16932 0.54044 0.37939 0.36927 0.91324 0.78134 0.19939 0.10891 0.26992 0.50227 0.99414 0.85875 0.43051 0.22823 0.73241 0.42514 0.459 0.04549 0.90356 0.32932 0.0973 0.30838 0.84972 0.69049 0.40856 0.51892 0.64816 0.18571 0.57486 0.64346 0.47589 0.04581 0.24652 0.22745 0.47511 0.22732 0.3165 0.56577 0.25617 0.51921 0.82292 0.34771 0.18749 0.68817 0.30662 0.5755 0.16007 0.61691 0.59461 0.28684 0.34757 0.92816 0.16946 0.92826 0.86679 0.89115 0.90952 0.57446 0.87981 0.17662 0.22165 0.7808 0.13789 0.5361 0.2223 0.18592 0.19671 0.65158 0.3497 0.30792 0.76693 0.71089 0.78124 0.80657 0.60612 0.20679 0.87479 0.20237 0.81676 0.9814 0.27006 0.82693 0.92875 0.19916 0.68945 0.65614 0.83574 0.0559 0.88348 0.52006 0.33799 0.34669 0.94895 0.71086 0.88401 0.20821 0.24858 0.51937 0.87518 0.56402 0.08175 0.40924 0.11343 0.85457 0.80571 0.42292 0.8122 0.43809 0.79237 0.3886 0.12715 0.13954 0.60556 0.91599 0.61351 0.51949 0.25622 0.15971 0.35711 0.02019 0.44261 0.79513 0.91713 0.23117 0.23999 0.33359 0.17278 0.6399 0.52959 0.60713 0.96591 0.61882 0.00847 0.21709 0.92645 0.70808 0.07565 0.55846 0.19526 0.08399 0.05983 0.78954 0.68317 0.2563 0.85647 0.65656 0.10864 0.35711 0.56377 0.9559 0.40105 0.61909 0.16756 0.82587 0.46876 0.2177 0.64862 0.63961 0.7823 0.75145 0.84475 0.11779 0.59442 0.74177 0.67318 0.19769 0.00076 0.15897 0.86058 0.64846 0.88279 0.65604 0.68336 0.52387 0.09864 0.32949 0.19995 0.92162 0.36685 0.16586 0.74615 0.85567 0.20665 0.06619 0.815 0.73945 0.08741 0.94078 0.33132 0.0191 0.55875 0.42851 0.39089 0.2641 0.62801 0.91507 0.50139 0.06481 0.38105 0.91422 0.29564 0.66397 0.92248 0.6158 0.88308 0.92103 0.2232 0.36173 0.64439 0.13351 0.73389 0.24516 0.00143 0.24049 0.72536 0.19791 0.05474 0.13407 0.00235 0.66099 0.70875 0.8161 0.5542 0.64115 0.24541 0.20988 0.46678 0.07831 0.75294 0.03916 0.56294 0.19013 0.24844 0.58357 0.3905 0.40543 0.50124 0.29342 0.49221 0.45735 0.57044 0.3617 0.68222 0.20258 0.09778 0.36631 0.86494 0.17935 0.82831 0.61324 0.79769 0.72003 0.537 0.80113 0.04889 0.17468 0.63898 0.2449 0.89453 0.37089 0.80862 0.0666 0.57939 0.0606 0.70059 0.05645 0.55253 0.08262 0.84757 0.39817 0.35999 0.06341 0.82385 0.8252 0.56506 0.01786 0.9071 0.51925 0.73166 0.02753 0.08364 0.34447 0.89855 0.47664 0.59247 0.18142 0.39359 0.18699 0.9484 0.51005 0.14123 0.23397 0.82782 0.64123 0.24235 0.1533 0.84543 0.53824 0.49899 0.10827 0.5296 0.19527 0.78087 0.79203 0.9253
+0.19921 0.32393 0.1664 0.38967 0.17244 0.41487 0.89046 0.54289 0.65261 0.2884 0.03564 0.66331 0.8909 0.28045 0.62045 0.37418 0.92007 0.17777 0.36269 0.45208 0.98459 0.56578 0.77851 0.31993 0.55422 0.51035 0.51307 0.33112 0.45238 0.33233 0.37505 0.95296 0.92025 0.1096 0.38867 0.77228 0.46268 0.60092 0.40695 0.08591 0.12879 0.39189 0.85632 0.72558 0.92719 0.76077 0.68352 0.21694 0.38994 0.53387 0.05223 0.8617 0.02664 0.65223 0.89559 0.87773 0.24792 0.03621 0.77706 0.05211 0.56402 0.60137 0.43907 0.01892 0.68133 0.21306 0.4335 0.42093 0.91699 0.89979 0.98458 0.88669 0.52832 0.27691 0.99402 0.26734 0.45073 0.03474 0.94284 0.59742 0.41146 0.45129 0.64923 0.41988 0.30289 0.08493 0.73284 0.00315 0.23966 0.93464 0.06596 0.80544 0.13804 0.42385 0.75319 0.93644 0.89381 0.98088 0.81406 0.7228 0.84787 0.51202 0.93505 0.03926 0.61929 0.92449 0.68909 0.89925 0.44852 0.45229 0.40281 0.81695 0.98447 0.96399 0.58041 0.01523 0.71249 0.47018 0.58477 0.92622 0.79448 0.80478 0.05931 0.13367 0.86925 0.71819 0.01735 0.53731 0.22126 0.0324 0.3419 0.97193 0.81729 0.44761 0.94334 0.13653 0.97242 0.88535 0.73947 0.5843 0.62758 0.64249 0.23555 0.27972 0.53014 0.84411 0.4523 0.33938 0.76672 0.50162 0.88528 0.41626 0.00646 0.03867 0.2549 0.07578 0.55867 0.84282 0.50241 0.51161 0.37673 0.57131 0.39519 0.6392 0.49072 0.31893 0.45276 0.82381 0.99285 0.69154 0.19171 0.0531 0.47778 0.54034 0.05638 0.46977 0.55648 0.31388 0.69645 0.55165 0.15693 0.19078 0.88278 0.28961 0.0699 0.04826 0.34966 0.16651 0.6405 0.61172 0.63682 0.53084 0.01609 0.18812 0.94115 0.87438 0.36542 0.30788 0.23611 0.76264 0.7519 0.83627 0.86051 0.08103 0.93445 0.87757 0.56477 0.63699 0.26983 0.17427 0.11446 0.24458 0.68748 0.53535 0.48575 0.82569 0.59774 0.76698 0.44054 0.30408 0.02311 0.05329 0.49575 0.96398 0.79228 0.81489 0.5433 0.60134 0.02977 0.55458 0.94668 0.43252 0.66021 0.71506 0.4232 0.43552 0.88743 0.01794 0.52754 0.0028 0.30449 0.63685 0.46112 0.44991 0.72343 0.20747 0.35292 0.73519 0.53584 0.3833 0.20484 0.31437 0.14124 0.84524 0.54636 0.5786 0.0315 0.23504 0.71176 0.61007 0.55452 0.07356 0.30026 0.64389 0.83236 0.22469 0.103 0.91521 0.66404 0.50191 0.75909 0.79452 0.4757 0.37028 0.92978 0.65092 0.17324 0.4279 0.21611 0.46519 0.65719 0.9205 0.9423 0.32998 0.99884 0.1254 0.66006 0.54642 0.02279 0.43224 0.98113 0.8399 0.39005 0.00212 0.75559 0.4184 0.15211 0.26693 0.64922 0.49311 0.19576 0.59307 0.59594 0.94901 0.83208 0.06178 0.19646 0.055 0.91884 0.10185 0.65315 0.79994 0.85771 0.01506 0.90783 0.0794 0.75836 0.36103 0.71176 0.98587 0.9794 0.86385 0.4811 0.83387 0.62924 0.45762 0.13133 0.55919 0.92814 0.29231 0.16393 0.02121 0.5016 0.89041 0.37092 0.18975 0.87124 0.80278 0.94451 0.40974 0.33463 0.90912 0.98936 0.92915 0.06341 0.51678 0.3819 0.77803 0.66248 0.97769 0.90703 0.84052 0.9925 0.52204 0.92289 0.75612 0.81573 0.40706 0.6392 0.95494 0.92026 0.8376 0.28294 0.002 0.01052 0.69667 0.50632 0.32278 0.81636 0.46063 0.74541 0.69594 0.51621 0.06377 0.75822 0.79622 0.29891 0.90117 0.05355 0.45419 0.96963 0.82039 0.47093 0.85341 0.86 0.60185 0.79806 0.10014 0.43484 0.83637 0.58252 0.76434 0.87995 0.17014 0.17365 0.02119 0.41454 0.79292 0.68247 0.33642 0.83052 0.87 0.06042 0.42305 0.83446 0.76913 0.05243 0.57419 0.91619 0.89925 0.10935 0.00732 0.37783 0.38789 0.60835 0.42592 0.67536 0.45083 0.95907 0.17213 0.83804 0.65957 0.94293 0.35672 0.11669 0.94724 0.73926 0.62238 0.27988 0.27706 0.43273 0.32216 0.32675 0.16507 0.67927 0.43063 0.53266 0.98735 0.01398 0.66391 0.32826 0.03179 0.14437 0.56283 0.24102 0.29949 0.74749 0.68498 0.20332 0.74911 0.95719 0.26947 0.95182 0.15471 0.50342 0.97268 0.48447 0.96767 0.10637 0.61524 0.0412 0.34099 0.39277 0.22905 0.60907 0.93596 0.70201 0.5244 0.94709 0.19984 0.75341 0.78649 0.25063 0.02323 0.77049 0.59132 0.35602 0.21376 0.5383 0.0123 0.22233 0.77918 0.90247 0.92581 0.22087 0.85627 0.65212 0.95055 0.55606 0.02432 0.82395 0.42111 0.84482 0.66695 0.30845 0.58822 0.22331 0.54336 0.8854 0.75675 0.76084 0.49725 0.80259 0.68425 0.94574 0.38499 0.26345 0.78049 0.30422 0.40594 0.65494 0.78799
+0.67284 0.6307 0.61011 0.62325 0.93686 0.33074 0.45557 0.1407 0.50318 0.10722 0.51756 0.78808 0.13793 0.34381 0.39047 0.32095 0.50297 0.32483 0.3731 0.23069 0.51064 0.17627 0.32736 0.47855 0.69256 0.94636 0.87244 0.3592 0.66178 0.7288 0.98414 0.36448 0.74394 0.3576 0.29899 0.93198 0.79413 0.02887 0.42228 0.44561 0.16425 0.24308 0.02232 0.68773 0.10759 0.45976 0.77458 0.90292 0.43344 0.67734 0.2873 0.77097 0.90572 0.77487 0.61981 0.93492 0.33314 0.34939 0.36465 0.95005 0.59301 0.79561 0.73244 0.06008 0.04437 0.14509 0.53296 0.47742 0.14964 0.08481 0.85924 0.34228 0.31837 0.85919 0.67795 0.4651 0.83765 0.11679 0.25555 0.35318 0.41661 0.4265 0.69947 0.1823 0.86742 0.14712 0.78167 0.27941 0.73532 0.22888 0.02741 0.2618 0.15382 0.29804 0.99859 0.5433 0.46417 0.69435 0.11843 0.32575 0.39987 0.4134 0.11377 0.49784 0.83655 0.03952 0.88932 0.53227 0.74875 0.89752 0.53519 0.6268 0.08841 0.46772 0.26972 0.29638 0.25175 0.05831 0.84593 0.2032 0.71258 0.63062 0.61365 0.71589 0.49232 0.62657 0.29604 0.42901 0.57356 0.81322 0.10095 0.21442 0.88256 0.18912 0.95326 0.7677 0.03163 0.75461 0.97264 0.68167 0.98015 0.27687 0.80931 0.5194 0.16628 0.9605 0.85939 0.92791 0.15185 0.50692 0.38038 0.7524 0.77065 0.15782 0.09063 0.87463 0.70926 0.46689 0.27367 0.61691 0.10898 0.48811 0.72108 0.01438 0.67575 0.04269 0.72198 0.09441 0.41609 0.72451 0.80372 0.9777 0.83838 0.62162 0.11196 0.435 0.84173 0.89836 0.72504 0.13501 0.68265 0.745 0.00445 0.41363 0.49982 0.65148 0.41437 0.62582 0.84486 0.54428 0.07877 0.05748 0.29083 0.41741 0.00128 0.72469 0.37405 0.15991 0.88796 0.57529 0.93169 0.79359 0.23877 0.42987 0.54523 0.626 0.42669 0.62912 0.94577 0.0315 0.65714 0.53863 0.33265 0.91768 0.6657 0.11017 0.92703 0.2925 0.53704 0.04004 0.2537 0.04049 0.01472 0.53499 0.41853 0.71347 0.77057 0.7188 0.36962 0.43369 0.90103 0.07683 0.96357 0.05558 0.76311 0.52146 0.68034 0.5612 0.76587 0.78373 0.3516 0.70925 0.2763 0.85057 0.99144 0.94877 0.02842 0.56469 0.67028 0.56675 0.70925 0.68275 0.97081 0.07902 0.58647 0.17874 0.57042 0.85358 0.2375 0.14319 0.01952 0.6882 0.7508 0.89053 0.97831 0.84005 0.25624 0.51784 0.74253 0.5205 0.80512 0.5157 0.44471 0.22923 0.24915 0.7258 0.79448 0.75298 0.26115 0.30854 0.49311 0.9592 0.55073 0.80912 0.528 0.5109 0.75644 0.22455 0.86234 0.80703 0.08087 0.21566 0.93892 0.16507 0.7469 0.66192 0.60949 0.6165 0.4567 0.94315 0.01421 0.83595 0.39873 0.2033 0.78801 0.17352 0.58384 0.57272 0.49132 0.93694 0.41621 0.50125 0.92423 0.4726 0.06887 0.36296 0.21875 0.65536 0.97912 0.84152 0.78001 0.41034 0.42636 0.17906 0.38007 0.03135 0.44687 0.14931 0.67474 0.06887 0.16846 0.34992 0.32133 0.31589 0.38298 0.19413 0.58223 0.59527 0.18024 0.32333 0.59442 0.47128 0.46336 0.29288 0.42226 0.35184 0.43879 0.43237 0.40922 0.86862 0.62043 0.92776 0.34398 0.41738 0.66136 0.8834 0.14487 0.7499 0.5785 0.70481 0.71074 0.36394 0.35693 0.4756 0.61511 0.625 0.09545 0.67146 0.96185 0.38493 0.27431 0.24491 0.26623 0.18165 0.27994 0.68089 0.83044 0.79432 0.23925 0.01441 0.14296 0.55966 0.28674 0.56035 0.41237 0.21267 0.36852 0.52501 0.44562 0.25958 0.39781 0.8044 0.14857 0.30472 0.37177 0.08616 0.56295 0.31611 0.23508 0.28979 0.98511 0.60832 0.18245 8e-05 0.90165 0.06798 0.22365 0.61809 0.73429 0.24475 0.28651 0.90509 0.86218 0.89224 0.90712 0.79416 0.17904 0.57644 0.93799 0.50717 0.92864 0.51814 0.06929 0.40644 0.83619 0.17227 0.79917 0.88227 0.8474 0.75018 0.24792 0.80421 0.26532 0.72034 0.10154 0.32484 0.04398 0.78294 0.25972 0.5273 0.83925 0.17565 0.43851 0.0384 0.6539 0.16393 0.42935 0.19368 0.48718 0.30279 0.33239 0.99425 0.31422 0.89636 0.73429 0.91041 0.1372 0.65634 0.64997 0.2842 0.512 0.29279 0.29609 0.69827 0.25322 0.27868 0.00376 0.0902 0.48134 0.35633 0.22674 0.6466 0.11959 0.81201 0.07921 0.14721 0.20037 0.19173 0.28272 0.37922 0.30649 0.4047 0.39751 0.1431 0.1631 0.74128 0.60583 0.98799 0.80241 0.96618 0.31603 0.28426 0.96497 0.82494 0.84157 0.94148 0.16652 0.49882 0.34986 0.97802 0.09587 0.86096 0.38893 0.67372 0.13564 0.71841 0.68735 0.48256 0.14216 0.08487 0.03195 0.88968
+0.74591 0.98422 0.46617 0.80775 0.09717 0.13022 0.19672 0.24347 0.76826 0.53835 0.50413 0.52687 0.34783 0.79916 0.83705 0.60599 0.62883 0.41011 0.90478 0.96912 0.57486 0.29957 0.02319 0.39096 0.92489 0.5589 0.82756 0.79733 0.96099 0.3323 0.28718 0.97273 0.45972 0.07911 0.62587 0.42126 0.04045 0.02964 0.27338 0.26874 0.26199 0.85313 0.06167 0.14546 0.9444 0.70062 0.85511 0.53337 0.71402 0.50912 0.58344 0.6347 0.1655 0.77963 0.43375 0.18339 0.80664 0.20304 0.18863 0.71211 0.16833 0.15812 0.5022 0.94173 0.6242 0.1444 0.71622 0.31198 0.25924 0.07941 0.69975 0.89678 0.84618 0.37628 0.47991 0.93417 0.4029 0.24392 0.29416 0.59305 0.4837 0.99842 0.06502 0.52497 0.25448 0.55609 0.43706 0.81232 0.35506 0.35738 0.96952 0.7001 0.46224 0.49745 0.03679 0.69743 0.20064 0.75996 0.72118 0.79199 0.18456 0.83752 0.21706 0.58605 0.74065 0.4991 0.09026 0.65866 0.19689 0.64075 0.39325 0.77708 0.07118 0.12036 0.01695 0.79157 0.1679 0.94672 0.04398 0.48934 0.61061 0.69429 0.28496 0.14398 0.79601 0.1322 0.13615 0.35689 0.58994 0.70819 0.82431 0.34085 0.91633 0.34805 0.49995 0.30576 0.47775 0.68423 0.99277 0.00948 0.31393 0.2453 0.63066 0.68727 0.75949 0.8012 0.98072 0.38156 0.04272 0.50141 0.10653 0.88096 0.89669 0.40561 0.4375 0.08388 0.11576 0.06693 0.88603 0.36933 0.03017 0.01367 0.25815 0.11879 0.23494 0.53734 0.12518 0.97043 0.01941 0.71202 0.59574 0.9855 0.1032 0.42485 0.50865 0.28912 0.88415 0.84684 0.7291 0.26172 0.7881 0.35264 0.20256 0.83602 0.84242 0.41483 0.76932 0.94836 0.0061 0.382 0.72204 0.76834 0.14844 0.633 0.562 0.88148 0.99454 0.6801 0.20968 0.11764 0.75012 0.88151 0.90073 0.32247 0.42485 0.04755 0.01846 0.24959 0.59386 0.89486 0.26389 0.67805 0.67922 0.96961 0.58279 0.16711 0.68031 0.7987 0.15664 0.60882 0.13111 0.45128 0.50791 0.59512 0.62238 0.50145 0.98383 0.83271 0.82297 0.47176 0.04581 0.6641 0.0055 0.47091 0.68794 0.27773 0.67894 0.3981 0.46929 0.7222 0.75212 0.21923 0.0656 0.76334 0.01405 0.67185 0.55072 0.64023 0.86165 0.18006 0.19344 0.60915 0.16533 0.19912 0.85928 0.36149 0.19352 0.08284 0.20043 0.24462 0.64915 0.41404 0.95233 0.08366 0.54332 0.58477 0.54037 0.93197 0.95725 0.41419 0.42732 0.74686 0.59988 0.82833 0.1632 0.91711 0.81289 0.50253 0.05341 0.43555 0.8074 0.5185 0.44775 0.74404 0.16021 0.45967 0.36777 0.28689 0.36741 0.43559 0.20997 0.48275 0.42864 0.75526 0.99135 0.85494 0.24063 0.93269 0.62254 0.61572 0.87581 0.11944 0.21568 0.55059 0.73149 0.30682 0.09562 0.8433 0.75867 0.49474 0.7712 0.64403 0.89717 0.75302 0.3063 0.34923 0.25286 0.4908 0.4871 0.09244 0.50356 0.75012 0.6944 0.50479 0.12227 0.84427 0.42752 0.73785 0.91293 0.70064 0.91149 0.00658 0.62111 0.139 0.54146 0.10163 0.24905 0.68388 0.94664 0.25428 0.69692 0.45087 0.70888 0.10569 0.15124 0.16753 0.11475 0.0362 0.30141 0.39135 0.70161 0.96321 0.81132 0.50758 0.98383 0.37125 0.11591 0.47067 0.1291 0.53471 0.25693 0.34169 0.89846 0.55943 0.96756 0.39639 0.56062 0.20112 0.41318 0.09521 0.75528 0.87566 0.328 0.90483 0.37775 0.52944 0.12029 0.77675 0.98759 0.80588 0.44668 0.94197 0.54646 0.9424 0.39191 0.27838 0.89615 0.67793 0.50815 0.47518 0.95639 0.30307 0.85235 0.1712 0.40314 0.41997 0.38106 0.74866 0.70228 0.86007 0.22384 0.08628 0.11859 0.69936 0.56614 0.29145 0.60176 0.73508 0.13229 0.63207 0.48684 0.03694 0.70762 0.19702 0.26344 0.23276 0.27334 0.49747 0.78811 0.31783 0.73931 0.19856 0.41395 0.02682 0.89938 0.25888 0.12659 0.6977 0.82513 0.78834 0.39761 0.90228 0.12799 0.5496 0.00902 0.07086 0.35754 0.80471 0.42599 0.30369 0.24928 0.61943 0.56384 0.87871 0.51967 0.81441 0.77962 0.81633 0.70561 0.91215 0.90441 0.4331 0.00199 0.51514 0.75003 0.95785 0.33486 0.90415 0.17627 0.87175 0.68935 0.66651 0.67669 0.49907 0.43885 0.52465 0.65849 0.46864 0.44521 0.34997 0.32598 0.60581 0.54914 0.87859 0.86002 0.89021 0.08433 0.83028 0.20067 0.89877 0.17871 0.91106 0.06314 0.40713 0.43347 0.74119 0.1976 0.33806 0.17965 0.4854 0.131 0.75236 0.96818 0.45955 0.01186 0.30883 0.75696 0.86242 0.95802 0.25337 0.58893 0.70531 0.37267 0.53944 0.20861 0.02579 0.53064 0.73042 0.92534 0.54571 0.27842 0.509
+0.55464 0.56044 0.19747 0.26625 0.27617 0.53336 0.08715 0.3895 0.18969 0.23989 0.35849 0.52609 0.01809 0.42155 0.91093 0.37647 0.40702 0.52839 0.37619 0.02122 0.18428 0.91291 0.33934 0.89195 0.50799 0.60343 0.20318 0.97203 0.40005 0.90673 0.64304 0.87463 0.42716 0.89704 0.47439 0.6911 0.37036 0.03411 0.09439 0.99336 0.13933 0.15933 0.2232 0.63557 0.89016 0.14628 0.99713 0.19746 0.61282 0.84302 0.82433 0.07019 0.01547 0.71737 0.28945 0.63259 0.75077 0.45513 0.44085 0.68985 0.68787 0.47728 0.09666 0.76591 0.82279 0.38897 0.02712 0.99329 0.90366 0.55582 0.09334 0.98448 0.31271 0.70578 0.63288 0.64103 0.68536 0.84702 0.45592 0.19948 0.38973 0.00201 0.44016 0.81794 0.26695 0.02231 0.36592 0.24719 0.45829 0.94511 0.55008 0.43701 0.66944 0.3977 0.62795 0.78093 0.74128 0.84357 0.26051 0.23651 0.84844 0.72169 0.4111 0.2874 0.28154 0.90489 0.63133 0.09264 0.24598 0.45492 0.51583 0.84386 0.80894 0.17152 0.62624 0.33331 0.96163 0.08775 0.19166 0.2017 0.64856 0.76841 0.07594 0.10125 0.61357 0.98946 0.44156 0.24709 0.44811 0.95028 0.93775 0.40221 0.91975 0.06622 0.23032 0.54669 0.29312 0.15911 0.80964 0.60377 0.03307 0.27018 0.18206 0.25103 0.7322 0.63945 0.01095 0.8433 0.60965 0.41384 0.62298 0.67438 0.80033 0.9273 0.74087 0.14055 0.86639 0.73849 0.80624 0.6208 0.82861 0.82018 0.55608 0.35515 0.0362 0.99809 0.84112 0.57427 0.26905 0.77385 0.93685 0.70125 0.78041 0.62383 0.2066 0.25627 0.57672 0.87063 0.96174 0.11638 0.94288 0.87733 0.93691 0.83153 0.03441 0.73235 0.96288 0.78907 0.00907 0.05567 0.51367 0.60139 0.04073 0.39005 0.16168 0.12711 0.67325 0.55248 0.92234 0.52544 0.81496 0.26426 0.97668 0.91897 0.89375 0.745 0.7254 0.68948 0.74886 0.60653 0.95937 0.1109 0.06932 0.94717 0.36377 0.12362 0.30763 0.63856 0.18833 0.39385 0.65502 0.27358 0.39551 0.41605 0.90245 0.94293 0.34907 0.31076 0.87424 0.6167 0.25757 0.88421 0.37187 0.03853 0.42527 0.11949 0.76826 0.02117 0.57881 0.15158 0.06663 0.95231 0.85102 0.66527 0.76673 0.29809 0.0438 0.07668 0.63958 0.88188 0.1991 0.62494 0.98021 0.89596 0.43521 0.88384 0.41502 0.43962 0.91744 0.42264 0.95175 0.40352 0.6593 0.22471 0.12313 0.87485 0.82599 0.18696 0.44378 0.4522 0.69222 0.96647 0.53127 0.58001 0.77059 0.92117 0.16839 0.04641 0.12864 0.74678 0.89639 0.59995 0.53747 0.33237 0.88902 0.09632 0.52912 0.97558 0.83437 0.10852 0.07354 0.25659 0.9215 0.61164 0.36398 0.88521 0.90208 0.31404 0.74157 0.43946 0.4141 0.31582 0.32322 0.14141 0.21772 0.04009 0.00345 0.06217 0.56833 0.99383 0.29859 0.59925 0.57047 0.49891 0.67436 0.82768 0.51545 0.76926 0.26072 0.60547 0.16363 0.9179 0.75726 0.48122 0.42817 0.25953 0.27745 0.2209 0.93929 0.30724 0.6156 0.83971 0.63613 0.85617 0.79253 0.4251 0.54349 0.66268 0.35504 0.23232 0.48951 0.68326 0.98626 0.33511 0.00979 0.04332 0.96445 0.31815 0.0487 0.61167 0.58655 0.82627 0.34135 0.28638 0.15823 0.11438 0.06378 0.41277 0.90247 0.23129 0.21497 0.25611 0.32587 0.7058 0.86446 0.69228 0.79136 0.26117 0.96829 0.37318 0.31931 0.1745 0.85594 0.54362 0.2425 0.225 0.63643 0.62573 0.90486 0.30989 0.54571 0.54669 0.3479 0.34923 0.97815 0.18545 0.73029 0.99285 0.42392 0.75406 0.03596 0.27194 0.62413 0.01874 0.58343 0.3992 0.38778 0.99981 0.35151 0.58081 0.74339 0.83935 0.86815 0.03474 0.37641 0.31357 0.28907 0.93829 0.20916 0.04637 0.74911 0.56254 0.28085 0.00408 0.2752 0.22982 0.65887 0.41981 0.77887 0.28179 0.09846 0.54269 0.29905 0.96874 0.66759 0.62946 0.20134 0.2696 0.70258 0.59349 0.80728 0.06844 0.39361 0.40739 0.86325 0.63982 0.46171 0.07716 0.97899 0.10543 0.32914 0.51569 0.09869 0.21669 0.10092 0.05042 0.26899 0.02142 0.7181 0.5353 0.32985 0.77978 0.57509 0.20972 0.10163 0.845 0.20243 0.04411 0.1682 0.69926 0.68361 0.19318 0.72181 0.25694 0.13288 0.71527 0.23235 0.1363 0.33042 0.93883 0.24925 0.59093 0.64342 0.08105 0.60345 0.42374 0.16463 0.08867 0.17056 0.33498 0.48204 0.91416 0.85352 0.21747 0.80094 0.39918 0.16922 0.12488 0.63873 0.80566 0.87964 0.63933 0.92053 0.25039 0.6278 0.02304 0.80498 0.14264 0.26649 0.9036 0.80507 0.51309 0.64766 0.13451 0.8801 0.27096 0.60869 0.4416 0.57413 0.13183 0.85422 0.90008
+0.69217 0.61526 0.9908 0.31393 0.30332 0.53585 0.25923 0.85838 0.83584 0.6067 0.78919 0.54114 0.80766 0.63694 0.61449 0.30135 0.45034 0.96043 0.53827 0.89035 0.31555 0.7806 0.86437 0.70559 0.41857 0.67339 0.63833 0.40147 0.94584 0.65748 0.0131 0.89715 0.27511 0.20679 0.81338 0.31157 0.02396 0.30076 0.16006 0.45928 0.36826 0.95314 0.57231 0.57758 0.69528 0.02648 0.28677 0.91792 0.41449 0.92471 0.89002 0.54494 0.70588 0.84879 0.4404 0.92223 0.06035 0.13028 0.05023 0.7297 0.42825 0.70602 0.3577 0.49039 0.75156 0.42002 0.7872 0.13564 0.95023 0.66719 0.3925 0.22615 0.48473 0.25505 0.99633 0.55318 0.65887 0.45883 0.49222 0.35249 0.60539 0.5309 0.03695 0.36587 0.0827 0.23182 0.85015 0.89675 0.21494 0.9268 0.75019 0.27287 0.73506 0.95956 0.14608 0.53854 0.03646 0.2491 0.91948 0.37688 0.39685 0.3409 0.3645 0.37618 0.43946 0.18909 0.21913 0.47877 0.32283 0.90562 0.64201 0.09466 0.13105 0.47626 0.6895 0.62032 0.03732 0.94941 0.82736 0.49211 0.02674 0.34174 0.58718 0.29374 0.61868 0.11412 0.11087 0.79948 0.17522 0.7332 0.26973 0.88918 0.8072 0.18013 0.80739 0.96847 0.69364 0.9059 0.40491 0.74067 0.27196 0.02236 0.95664 0.92511 0.83143 0.45135 0.56737 0.0637 0.98937 0.6475 0.84583 0.64651 0.67641 0.18124 0.49766 0.04941 0.79207 0.78955 0.06748 0.31889 0.12077 0.71221 0.15231 0.93264 0.81042 0.12769 0.29293 0.48734 0.31897 0.61082 0.00809 0.29393 0.01669 0.54652 0.49997 0.53059 0.07829 0.54802 0.52243 0.47807 0.93661 0.23755 0.16576 0.24094 0.52463 0.55802 0.24922 0.14514 0.02762 0.38116 0.14577 0.35059 0.14688 0.6529 0.42421 0.57318 0.46337 0.13013 0.45801 0.47741 0.42576 0.04039 0.66815 0.63955 0.91961 0.07738 0.53787 0.5172 0.27635 0.50475 0.40379 0.54533 0.49289 0.69687 0.93714 0.22203 0.67821 0.10374 0.4465 0.84014 0.71998 0.52003 0.90389 0.67628 0.31513 0.536 0.21902 0.30108 0.53976 0.73431 0.22842 0.98631 0.17249 0.06884 0.94408 0.00036 0.80294 0.60829 0.94291 0.62653 0.20201 0.43011 0.87506 0.11097 0.39643 0.60935 0.378 0.49018 0.68261 0.03718 0.44155 0.10604 0.73651 0.69762 0.26085 0.11333 0.08007 0.22366 0.61899 0.39135 0.24988 0.59225 0.62905 0.38965 0.39697 0.21873 0.26905 0.35074 0.39479 0.56989 0.97632 0.15505 0.38008 0.17541 0.93813 0.64718 0.69086 0.18777 0.99926 0.14441 0.91956 0.32434 0.1917 0.67129 0.50192 0.41945 0.55231 0.11623 0.32658 0.7768 0.88018 0.15609 0.69844 0.79436 0.29737 0.35622 0.71846 0.459 0.50954 0.79631 0.68339 0.10563 0.33324 0.31868 0.78985 0.41096 0.1159 0.16799 0.75496 0.05775 0.96432 0.05787 0.34512 0.54871 0.49542 0.54307 0.98282 0.80521 0.13678 0.697 0.91498 0.06573 0.56896 0.51569 0.2062 0.17501 0.47969 0.37029 0.14248 0.1019 0.14843 0.52079 0.38592 0.77763 0.60962 0.11963 0.59862 0.62931 0.92611 0.42273 0.13799 0.66307 0.31239 0.0092 0.82729 0.19821 0.65396 0.31569 0.33789 0.41332 0.80473 0.4255 0.20602 0.50728 0.00543 0.74348 0.31601 0.43192 0.10327 0.49057 0.35256 0.86002 0.75605 0.78211 0.81105 0.08529 0.22338 0.02549 0.04931 0.72721 0.18559 0.3795 0.37364 0.42469 0.73943 0.15941 0.5361 0.62474 0.82127 0.58708 0.93919 0.37843 0.8637 0.76695 0.39118 0.67807 0.71415 0.0985 0.95537 0.98387 0.05106 0.81027 0.19071 0.88352 0.08833 0.95548 0.02758 0.63795 0.52423 0.12571 0.88116 0.59753 0.97227 0.17014 0.89636 0.57744 0.36571 0.02803 0.6864 0.11764 0.63833 0.64252 0.18091 0.52921 0.64396 0.55019 0.20459 0.15415 0.67897 0.05196 0.04411 0.71801 0.6551 0.66654 0.37501 0.14912 0.35386 0.02363 0.7174 0.13964 0.33188 0.62598 0.83048 0.37102 0.63814 0.37963 0.64934 0.46885 0.73984 0.89859 0.32422 0.83968 0.03257 0.1862 0.4452 0.92429 0.04823 0.12199 0.30331 0.42463 0.73771 0.59723 0.03432 0.46807 0.02204 0.01978 0.66294 0.5297 0.39026 0.24515 0.48444 0.3386 0.73361 0.82499 0.58356 0.88566 0.84997 0.06396 0.54745 0.25041 0.66531 0.66503 0.24303 0.7706 0.90374 0.14174 0.62562 0.2164 0.93528 0.01336 0.46275 0.75408 0.87336 0.24275 0.57315 0.39301 0.4787 0.96316 0.88252 0.047 0.5656 0.95741 0.04652 0.05543 0.29216 0.06518 0.32207 0.36314 0.30646 0.77328 0.68511 0.96343 0.08356 0.31221 0.38756 0.29662 0.4741 0.28951 0.37585 0.49133 0.55709 0.98822
+0.22582 0.19085 0.72177 0.73088 0.95939 0.54503 0.20069 0.91119 0.23615 0.49898 0.33219 0.60137 0.05029 0.94376 0.18469 0.80372 0.09516 0.8238 0.78024 0.91873 0.56704 0.86149 0.05598 0.25232 0.21682 0.31102 0.52112 0.78877 0.25454 0.85832 0.20349 0.0572 0.43343 0.00249 0.08037 0.87369 0.73833 0.43929 0.25355 0.76141 0.88258 0.48898 0.73722 0.85178 0.40112 0.1101 0.76397 0.10765 0.57601 0.48835 0.33235 0.7426 0.87958 0.26031 0.45079 0.30693 0.60824 0.44615 0.95081 0.52342 0.58081 0.25284 0.75415 0.78555 0.476 0.69196 0.14424 0.20533 0.31956 0.58435 0.58754 0.67776 0.51563 0.76954 0.24953 0.18005 0.80825 0.25726 0.15043 0.28598 0.49749 0.56208 0.63809 0.01665 0.35429 0.5945 0.65436 0.62447 0.48818 0.09144 0.57333 0.77923 0.0577 0.75161 0.11568 0.28746 0.57666 0.7062 0.62349 0.72684 0.48324 0.15009 0.53777 0.48483 0.04236 0.25168 0.5981 0.63212 0.35606 0.3802 0.96392 0.06815 0.75091 0.24207 0.30942 0.99922 0.30314 0.7128 0.17095 0.64924 0.12931 0.72734 0.01916 0.05065 0.20797 0.33512 0.90162 0.32953 0.66109 0.40124 0.9253 0.20295 0.53101 0.06986 0.38091 0.45462 0.99083 0.07142 0.48913 0.16759 0.14727 0.32281 0.55578 0.06757 0.03851 0.14534 0.96589 0.47808 0.28543 0.99358 0.11335 0.69803 0.58707 0.81667 0.87665 0.27778 0.53471 0.60148 0.25882 0.15488 0.56626 0.95875 0.01466 0.53365 0.55369 0.98734 0.10379 0.97657 0.04629 0.52364 0.51533 0.15462 0.8603 0.36523 0.78752 0.61877 0.66995 0.11973 0.86997 0.55275 0.67806 0.26346 0.66391 0.15651 0.30195 0.13453 0.87947 0.33965 0.7829 0.41976 0.34842 0.58743 0.80314 0.79985 0.60643 0.59724 0.54412 0.13441 0.72798 0.16301 0.98427 0.03668 0.07954 0.21982 0.82689 0.4003 0.03957 0.11929 0.94019 0.20125 0.7132 0.86126 0.11612 0.15288 0.46799 0.35981 0.21669 0.38074 0.86227 0.72228 0.72217 0.05277 0.17917 0.49689 0.7343 0.2394 0.63579 0.00422 0.17761 0.78334 0.62373 0.87182 0.4388 0.36272 0.4128 0.46197 0.7769 0.9218 0.46784 0.96939 0.73514 0.06423 0.41552 0.12806 0.71982 0.30343 0.30287 0.96227 0.58896 0.07118 0.20725 0.29228 0.05711 0.10809 0.4116 0.5674 0.07265 0.99026 0.18715 0.16411 0.99282 0.01502 0.27111 0.92714 0.33989 0.93562 0.31359 0.60357 0.94273 0.49068 0.08093 0.44457 0.99949 0.17467 0.90449 0.80039 0.60631 0.49227 0.04346 0.02068 0.44652 0.94399 0.42428 0.19692 0.01934 0.11244 0.03372 0.49983 0.36378 0.4928 0.55682 0.84435 0.65827 0.51498 0.2687 0.09938 0.06823 0.20149 0.36749 0.79286 0.06173 0.345 0.02897 0.08208 0.11225 0.21372 0.26277 0.50175 0.66928 0.85493 0.98208 0.92494 0.21699 0.6696 0.54125 0.94676 0.10339 0.12005 0.30243 0.92786 0.27979 0.96033 0.34668 0.07102 0.32028 0.23456 0.17878 0.19615 0.8228 0.74553 0.84346 0.35744 0.39225 0.28821 0.24349 0.85081 0.6084 0.56339 0.10227 0.90725 0.34787 0.12358 0.04777 0.10308 0.94823 0.73176 0.85861 0.68523 0.14075 0.35011 0.21336 0.8166 0.84352 0.9829 0.81669 0.21807 0.24631 0.9558 0.50203 0.32484 0.58311 0.48217 0.37476 0.29433 0.14932 0.58995 0.86768 0.29754 0.75324 0.89199 0.21758 0.38211 0.78191 0.69086 0.36905 0.36634 0.27577 0.75142 0.38955 0.47951 0.83084 0.93138 0.60729 0.26334 0.00419 0.3398 0.21519 0.47437 0.77151 0.358 0.69116 0.02578 0.2778 0.82213 0.0847 0.62049 0.06774 0.86219 0.02484 0.54281 0.26092 0.36008 0.62247 0.92165 0.37227 0.26913 0.82018 0.29459 0.13255 0.36077 0.38633 0.43441 0.19858 0.85936 0.79563 0.2074 0.73301 0.19259 0.47827 0.59898 0.83911 0.19715 0.44769 0.66165 0.08315 0.75082 0.6998 0.19433 0.00046 0.33368 0.46349 0.92602 0.09717 0.18131 0.14203 0.20281 0.48738 0.09203 0.52641 0.75879 0.3701 0.69668 0.34551 0.18852 0.03914 0.66306 0.05036 0.83029 0.49296 0.60514 0.47718 0.24807 0.97115 0.28639 0.07907 0.63432 0.54589 0.44896 0.55192 0.78779 0.66035 0.57759 0.97317 0.52569 0.10589 0.64211 0.33546 0.31231 0.1304 0.6137 0.10409 0.25521 0.45638 0.97721 0.00388 0.95185 0.04852 0.38862 0.15671 0.85237 0.05107 0.98311 0.0185 0.79854 0.1004 0.05936 0.45768 0.11047 0.49421 0.78169 0.8912 0.42299 0.01861 0.05123 0.67629 0.85485 0.40282 0.43153 0.43145 0.05187 0.03122 0.72062 0.04503 0.86235 0.72308 0.77722 0.49873 0.74249 0.36775 0.94642 0.21808 0.08996
+0.60062 0.06364 0.42551 0.06148 0.3015 0.96608 0.7743 0.77851 0.34672 0.63751 0.49952 0.44149 0.49582 0.91069 0.52644 0.30692 0.81128 0.4676 0.36701 0.94936 0.3262 0.5751 0.08164 0.69572 0.27776 0.59541 0.51208 0.85664 0.42955 0.65366 0.86454 0.46069 0.72791 0.52505 0.65961 0.64397 0.07095 0.76073 0.63371 0.88508 0.23983 0.30134 0.08325 0.78768 0.91472 0.07053 0.42644 0.6255 0.8569 0.61792 0.49082 0.36059 0.43397 0.15635 0.93796 0.88877 0.20684 0.83193 0.90106 0.75838 0.16631 0.40667 0.61294 0.76471 0.58075 0.83039 0.66991 0.87723 0.5535 0.98769 0.20172 0.26767 0.47602 0.2419 0.79698 0.09626 0.77061 0.66702 0.70715 0.92668 0.27253 0.06374 0.35683 0.03381 0.96649 0.56613 0.32133 0.5845 0.14355 0.73578 0.7962 0.69332 0.70343 0.42109 0.81342 0.73206 0.28332 0.19357 0.84057 0.60236 0.81229 0.81478 0.0142 0.88699 0.64347 0.07687 0.30336 0.06748 0.36354 0.94553 0.27078 0.597 0.81122 0.39083 0.6584 0.66704 0.56016 0.26355 0.04658 0.06515 0.59361 0.33727 0.84673 0.55068 0.3789 0.51851 0.99408 0.71133 0.89229 0.60502 0.82882 0.40789 0.02988 0.82452 0.51079 0.29527 0.17092 0.73016 0.48741 0.23708 0.09318 0.97822 0.10324 0.11851 0.97686 0.25316 0.33039 0.16546 0.10091 0.85987 0.07241 0.25705 0.64051 0.05343 0.16702 0.00904 0.06965 0.3908 0.3877 0.34444 0.03194 0.74092 0.07076 0.31166 0.75437 0.86901 0.60069 0.72102 0.62131 0.72388 0.30846 0.97095 0.27163 0.87466 0.36385 0.15101 0.37284 0.63383 0.35181 0.50831 0.52795 0.4691 0.79311 0.58305 0.30894 0.24402 0.57333 0.18977 0.02133 0.45611 0.60627 0.21457 0.86741 0.00564 0.15707 0.05171 0.65475 0.24309 0.54317 0.51056 0.69357 0.56955 0.76119 0.69718 0.8491 0.91307 0.82362 0.6655 0.5253 0.8403 0.645 0.46391 0.34822 0.53405 0.89071 0.42194 0.87857 0.00526 0.31942 0.69636 0.70474 0.88542 0.1185 0.85034 0.1622 0.13462 0.99522 0.65469 0.69412 0.53801 0.422 0.71949 0.963 0.84678 0.67135 0.9019 0.58966 0.75599 0.80696 0.68809 0.12294 0.98981 0.73848 0.7886 0.37272 0.81018 0.34393 0.39643 0.65474 0.77778 0.39414 0.30689 0.68524 0.99465 0.21824 0.78544 0.59182 0.04162 0.47675 0.18011 0.58932 0.47448 0.627 0.4744 0.3008 0.38538 0.25571 0.49369 0.49712 0.86023 0.59342 0.30875 0.08978 0.77822 0.57934 0.05897 0.84705 0.22474 0.69338 0.76143 0.52283 0.49341 0.77874 0.6962 0.64579 0.13538 0.87653 0.81276 0.11279 0.52237 0.24795 0.11386 0.24622 0.4176 0.40533 0.90865 0.55091 0.70107 0.74999 0.23809 0.1423 0.78481 0.30683 0.4886 0.80139 0.11082 0.25688 0.27935 0.93589 0.11524 0.0132 0.75175 0.20772 0.80998 0.17102 0.5629 0.66701 0.80509 0.13613 0.52267 0.7154 0.74155 0.29796 0.12221 0.02196 0.34922 0.63989 0.95357 0.20759 0.56417 0.16968 0.31609 0.73094 0.42962 0.04021 0.11676 0.01003 0.10924 0.66109 0.08276 0.64409 0.9874 0.75418 0.26327 0.29252 0.46293 0.14187 0.74126 0.53563 0.1524 0.29952 0.45231 0.32025 0.21573 0.50314 0.33729 0.36388 0.8037 0.75738 0.46498 0.25765 0.37405 0.65058 0.96021 0.9889 0.5803 0.92608 0.8464 0.25652 0.94045 0.24617 0.12646 0.6795 0.18477 0.41761 0.26292 0.71348 0.13696 0.01922 0.04182 0.24216 0.6583 0.56087 0.45776 0.15887 0.4078 0.18578 0.32839 0.87518 0.92693 0.92587 0.32916 0.41869 0.76076 0.43316 0.36389 0.27107 0.9208 0.31784 0.1261 0.7022 0.45148 0.19989 0.262 0.94533 0.73284 0.84563 0.87491 0.39784 0.86788 0.54772 0.78689 0.6243 0.73584 0.13422 0.43672 0.03518 0.48077 0.08113 0.90755 0.20594 0.20261 0.75089 0.62194 0.99717 0.92005 0.76913 0.78453 0.85475 0.83287 0.33257 0.72794 0.79792 0.80079 0.03202 0.96316 0.13974 0.59612 0.1788 0.74674 0.7612 0.53093 0.80488 0.24323 0.82304 0.89057 0.9605 0.10643 0.48581 0.28168 0.54726 0.93604 0.357 0.44458 0.48789 0.58862 0.99812 0.56164 0.00515 0.33932 0.75775 0.14448 0.46731 0.70062 0.48198 0.05837 0.99923 0.10164 0.60573 0.85314 0.55574 0.54651 0.19797 0.51948 0.71091 0.57718 0.82115 0.9585 0.75735 0.30781 0.50065 0.47926 0.79807 0.13482 0.771 0.30972 0.67662 0.38355 0.4479 0.23545 0.79369 0.04504 0.35423 0.37828 0.00973 0.86528 0.69299 0.23895 0.00022 0.65824 0.7788 0.5107 0.59043 0.51971 0.83535 0.78091 0.13496 0.90725 0.11536 0.53958 0.06221 0.8726
+0.9872 0.79144 0.8592 0.82875 0.59735 0.77854 0.2562 0.86456 0.17043 0.81104 0.21656 0.07723 0.54755 0.74595 0.21709 0.72475 0.97448 0.08549 0.51431 0.07031 0.92492 0.43978 0.55631 0.54099 0.95749 0.84871 0.77992 0.07494 0.36613 0.08692 0.04135 0.26118 0.01603 0.378 0.75041 0.02096 0.7667 0.68708 0.54354 0.2651 0.22196 0.49356 0.86115 0.94196 0.67141 0.47989 0.42918 0.29202 0.68189 0.73719 0.54869 0.26725 0.29187 0.99262 0.92251 0.17621 0.02101 0.3803 0.90542 0.75165 0.157 0.2144 0.59816 0.71903 0.89242 0.84473 0.84348 0.57828 0.5548 0.18292 0.03323 0.03791 0.73256 0.28799 0.7478 0.72766 0.03087 0.08146 0.48994 0.03342 0.62579 0.26953 0.94999 0.77105 0.79487 0.05368 0.50487 0.50026 0.12465 0.81152 0.76491 0.9576 0.09035 0.36299 0.51586 0.81021 0.70809 0.19908 0.72144 0.20457 0.87349 0.93793 0.20247 0.38278 0.54545 0.18998 0.04698 0.12159 0.77233 0.19289 0.52539 0.75209 0.9624 0.34331 0.47068 0.15595 0.619 0.35681 0.07263 0.35678 0.76594 0.9967 0.10119 0.42458 0.1955 0.71445 0.46103 0.60621 0.42627 0.2767 0.22994 0.9448 0.96387 0.42366 0.47425 0.49035 0.06343 0.67435 0.64282 0.15009 0.09557 0.10935 0.46621 0.71705 0.55538 0.10071 0.9531 0.99033 0.51804 0.66022 0.93918 0.41478 0.49121 0.97338 0.17538 0.2201 0.19209 0.77656 0.15949 0.59525 0.64939 0.13698 0.7444 0.07319 0.70115 0.39302 0.7231 0.44253 0.82363 0.30309 0.08413 0.54273 0.38592 0.82068 0.53429 0.68508 0.68476 0.10459 0.57924 0.24125 0.20299 0.01437 0.35308 0.03979 0.751 0.21567 0.08444 0.55056 0.54684 0.73481 0.96816 0.63511 0.0847 0.08359 0.82456 0.09373 0.33254 0.61242 0.80301 0.30825 0.95854 0.12499 0.68905 0.80342 0.78077 0.5248 0.63008 0.57955 0.48522 0.58863 0.31822 0.99636 0.89239 0.53988 0.31938 0.86222 0.03832 0.56894 0.15454 0.64445 0.82056 0.22205 0.20973 0.37277 0.86217 0.56694 0.08746 0.84985 0.1761 0.66732 0.24642 0.58975 0.06273 0.61981 0.10984 0.65484 0.57655 0.34569 0.43785 0.10874 0.62046 0.71577 0.06263 0.63095 0.06458 0.09602 0.03277 0.20712 0.2023 0.28167 0.04453 0.44507 0.76174 0.3142 0.03548 0.78475 0.43391 0.23519 0.38287 0.56161 0.3331 0.61333 0.48352 0.41701 0.4534 0.314 0.64061 0.08025 0.72232 0.73589 0.73953 0.72077 0.01444 0.06103 0.25386 0.29765 0.941 0.69697 0.02328 0.08303 0.03442 0.35564 0.86296 0.98809 0.80525 0.33666 0.90185 0.38978 0.25044 0.33819 0.96782 0.71083 0.01519 0.36854 0.60923 0.87117 0.3411 0.19618 0.01395 0.68882 0.77486 0.84434 0.05006 0.4576 0.66576 0.73775 0.77711 0.24343 0.31767 0.43611 0.54621 0.64058 0.1251 0.57358 0.9955 0.4703 0.53149 0.07892 0.91553 0.35145 0.8638 0.53783 0.78642 0.08061 0.5791 0.56283 0.03095 0.12172 0.54405 0.61878 0.85335 0.65706 0.75729 0.28733 0.91234 0.2066 0.41671 0.55642 0.79705 0.65791 0.06399 0.21571 0.41084 0.16024 0.18968 0.38598 0.98787 0.23842 0.49242 0.62631 0.76931 0.79968 0.92635 0.19971 0.61132 0.32364 0.49662 0.16925 0.11852 0.70488 0.13828 0.29528 0.72527 0.36753 0.24548 0.38956 0.59764 0.41552 0.41977 0.94597 0.68191 0.01121 0.05319 0.12391 0.05855 0.16854 0.64961 0.63382 0.56795 0.50224 0.09068 0.0867 0.53202 0.89373 0.74111 0.31839 0.95154 0.18118 0.48474 0.48696 0.27477 0.54269 0.66251 0.91537 0.35309 0.90238 0.22234 0.38313 0.27008 0.38782 0.31024 0.8326 0.64439 0.79582 0.11893 0.73975 0.30786 0.74908 0.83396 0.95366 0.44385 0.62936 0.29939 0.15982 0.07117 0.38099 0.57191 0.76153 0.39576 0.82015 0.53649 0.91272 0.56295 0.64008 0.74143 0.37722 0.70828 0.40275 0.62099 0.12403 0.14055 0.90366 0.11268 0.14471 0.65019 0.69782 0.79104 0.33372 0.99877 0.61713 0.75648 0.36155 0.53303 0.87196 0.15939 0.05497 0.54076 0.34024 0.29681 0.79812 0.53293 0.44563 0.81441 0.65001 0.78599 0.15896 0.65826 0.27923 0.38967 0.95421 0.6509 0.0424 0.49123 0.38525 0.0962 0.84167 0.10138 0.21408 0.85162 0.55321 0.92308 0.59799 0.68065 0.05407 0.84979 0.17589 0.52555 0.84132 0.92488 0.39406 0.41181 0.9112 0.04236 0.86972 0.65875 0.55241 0.96804 0.30439 0.86129 0.93673 0.89541 0.97645 0.42199 0.70972 0.76154 0.39083 0.73044 0.44165 0.51003 0.32374 0.42289 0.95224 0.07585 0.71564 0.34645 0.82249 0.36115 0.11986 0.35964 0.91623 0.55438 0.47891
+0.95979 0.43349 0.98566 0.98431 0.78154 0.15846 0.94384 0.60507 0.21788 0.87553 0.75864 0.60812 0.04421 0.3124 0.56133 0.56078 0.16698 0.48025 0.5233 0.87505 0.20839 0.14194 0.39851 0.2027 0.5798 0.06314 0.61723 0.23864 0.43942 0.95128 0.35768 0.88893 0.40372 0.69019 0.18182 0.05988 0.73846 0.91317 0.25272 0.85554 0.37624 0.12234 0.8587 0.81299 0.1854 0.18614 0.85776 0.81228 0.36838 0.07313 0.54362 0.35362 0.05567 0.25897 0.71674 0.26018 0.91168 0.86349 0.25186 0.63059 0.95255 0.32287 0.22989 0.44012 0.47909 0.68059 0.76729 0.03975 0.89346 0.10237 0.13021 0.85925 0.28259 0.26216 0.21665 0.38333 0.12129 0.80734 0.17363 0.46305 0.17911 0.91587 0.99926 0.10293 0.88975 0.50713 0.99544 0.08543 0.89641 0.91483 0.44364 0.41535 0.55424 0.83744 0.33529 0.63922 0.34239 0.59655 0.97031 0.252 0.23762 0.90512 0.68794 0.96743 0.87036 0.35523 0.37711 0.11656 0.29032 0.22867 0.91642 0.58029 0.05677 0.66109 0.76435 0.09376 0.0439 0.41469 0.20674 0.30874 0.23881 0.4026 0.6148 0.53472 0.85859 0.58734 0.12758 0.4406 0.74514 0.73745 0.39705 0.1258 0.55414 0.80473 0.63753 0.13617 0.95311 0.85455 0.45892 0.32495 0.3178 0.2351 0.47332 0.40047 0.3384 0.28778 0.63671 0.0535 0.21139 0.67043 0.74885 0.56306 0.12979 0.66617 0.13414 0.30875 0.37716 0.9544 0.15189 0.5826 0.03924 0.85559 0.64932 0.95223 0.54058 0.87193 0.63337 0.77669 0.5973 0.32557 0.68739 0.38547 0.05127 0.72606 0.82057 0.22083 0.52201 0.62267 0.49028 0.15978 0.20087 0.51872 0.38633 0.21438 0.97899 0.00934 0.84626 0.05792 0.92234 0.50981 0.83426 0.511 0.89169 0.57192 0.44643 0.08445 0.39869 0.31942 0.09062 0.43624 0.44034 0.71762 0.85641 0.51905 0.53439 0.07741 0.71901 0.69253 0.44017 0.62007 0.91175 0.69342 0.9577 0.18305 0.6226 0.07859 0.19327 0.83158 0.3881 0.57053 0.03229 0.57296 0.86772 0.07463 0.50923 0.8931 0.04271 0.88264 0.45951 0.7764 0.51229 0.96057 0.11592 0.77635 0.72504 0.25573 0.95302 0.24737 0.5544 0.66568 0.69643 0.83146 0.12005 0.95877 0.64891 0.89668 0.28244 0.30585 0.91534 0.3483 0.51162 0.88144 0.70961 0.87153 0.49719 0.26158 0.25018 0.58731 0.98763 0.59324 0.46008 0.35967 0.13411 0.40762 0.00017 0.7097 0.38487 0.01759 0.16695 0.92636 0.02672 0.27234 0.79874 0.13457 0.42566 0.84709 0.11419 0.09693 0.58838 0.80685 0.04049 0.42931 0.64679 0.07133 0.6168 0.99268 0.90477 0.5453 0.154 0.49983 0.89922 0.13868 0.43301 0.13397 0.26505 0.04894 0.91122 0.88457 0.17721 0.33076 0.87149 0.87999 0.84969 0.54688 0.23403 0.20038 0.26583 0.02992 0.9586 0.47426 0.00208 0.09397 0.62028 0.23638 0.4214 0.35422 0.79145 0.24895 0.07579 0.9561 0.24756 0.59365 0.48295 0.64294 0.68763 0.63816 0.80549 0.72794 0.47178 0.2018 0.04162 0.36144 0.45504 0.03071 0.79138 0.30655 0.00232 0.63203 0.7909 0.22394 0.51695 0.04165 0.98703 0.74782 0.79895 0.54193 0.72933 0.0524 0.07214 0.16296 0.25234 0.1316 0.32239 0.56659 0.88952 0.16023 0.87268 0.96908 0.12709 0.9738 0.37675 0.69661 0.4581 0.44335 0.26552 0.49774 0.42794 0.83795 0.24937 0.68598 0.92515 0.16053 0.87826 0.13243 0.23253 0.61112 0.99386 0.13318 0.74507 0.49308 0.22021 0.07834 0.42506 0.68765 0.95507 0.20558 0.63596 0.47292 0.46436 0.64824 0.08943 0.294 0.19345 0.53889 0.4615 0.19276 0.22375 0.65519 0.33976 0.14915 0.25995 0.45559 0.16156 0.17857 0.2882 0.89783 0.96924 0.16486 0.31216 0.60886 0.90087 0.43503 0.35736 0.53956 0.73751 0.12728 0.294 0.67726 0.59199 0.40995 0.78342 0.22051 0.5614 0.91253 0.44594 0.40383 0.22556 0.21519 0.63699 0.37727 0.91452 0.07945 0.41753 0.55939 0.85723 0.69829 0.29425 0.52732 0.31302 0.74391 0.24202 0.18409 0.48766 0.02437 0.05908 0.33549 0.49027 0.33891 0.73132 0.01742 0.55601 0.21776 0.50723 0.19259 0.49443 0.79554 0.56382 0.28487 0.3992 0.86865 0.99355 0.9285 0.61973 0.83127 0.81926 0.32838 0.34212 0.173 0.65146 0.52797 0.09561 0.7799 0.51222 0.41253 0.61531 0.9162 0.61034 0.67391 0.80388 0.50039 0.15831 0.75414 0.31542 0.8345 0.78292 0.43595 0.61757 0.24867 0.02272 0.30528 0.06809 0.26482 0.01142 0.43919 0.92681 0.24142 0.07349 0.20708 0.90093 0.91218 0.24456 0.68592 0.10739 0.92789 0.27337 0.99461 0.95335 0.04108 0.19734 0.02977 0.17 0.95748
+0.22954 0.1195 0.7653 0.77356 0.61583 0.09027 0.68725 0.23233 0.59686 0.49146 0.32337 0.69371 0.45822 0.95966 0.25222 0.69599 0.104 0.28156 0.01992 0.3042 0.39781 0.20232 0.99384 0.66186 0.88046 0.74426 0.02351 0.04995 0.41411 0.73469 0.39949 0.24558 0.28127 0.33131 0.98644 0.69257 0.23739 0.7657 0.2776 0.66142 0.27488 0.445 0.07628 0.50737 0.45177 0.13556 0.08189 0.94861 0.58673 0.97681 0.89038 0.17588 0.6222 0.17457 0.72808 0.97688 0.6995 0.30755 0.24482 0.7603 0.33351 0.95534 0.3386 0.02725 0.88056 0.39628 0.57926 0.54242 0.52311 0.45481 0.07453 0.65091 0.23463 0.94834 0.1244 0.29298 0.65675 0.11833 0.58016 0.59189 0.06036 0.45995 0.63383 0.38466 0.71263 0.79103 0.69193 0.4497 0.10217 0.23173 0.74466 0.13235 0.32381 0.09905 0.0629 0.81676 0.82751 0.35871 0.26483 0.26286 0.98444 0.23755 0.203 0.28211 0.65834 0.009 0.80195 0.1295 0.3042 0.45955 0.3132 0.48815 0.99652 0.99942 0.98584 0.37865 0.91707 0.25044 0.15531 0.23917 0.39277 0.05371 0.29931 0.72218 0.5981 0.70065 0.67264 0.98801 0.72833 0.96718 0.63885 0.95137 0.40435 0.5647 0.95594 0.56623 0.09055 0.64672 0.3247 0.5838 0.22913 0.71398 0.6447 0.65667 0.062 0.64939 0.76855 0.17282 0.68566 0.02653 0.27021 0.11791 0.95257 0.43308 0.50545 0.55979 0.05592 0.26271 0.66899 0.82982 0.13302 0.63521 0.95528 0.17033 0.31982 0.69717 0.99761 0.81228 0.51475 0.23289 0.39998 0.71965 0.93794 0.33948 0.16229 0.33296 0.0258 0.69327 0.11171 0.25461 0.02627 0.64114 0.87083 0.70954 0.03662 0.57012 0.27827 0.6408 0.65955 0.56657 0.29675 0.56329 0.45955 0.63533 0.05868 0.07343 0.61811 0.72898 0.15095 0.17174 0.36482 0.92651 0.30943 0.15166 0.04465 0.57445 0.29156 0.94599 0.5245 0.47057 0.18942 0.96046 0.12355 0.28637 0.58155 0.31143 0.09417 0.10796 0.53273 0.46571 0.77956 0.27624 0.58821 0.53943 0.33356 0.67649 0.88915 0.2065 0.95214 0.94413 0.17376 0.30025 0.88841 0.93168 0.67822 0.30474 0.50979 0.82204 0.53945 0.41527 0.6932 0.20967 0.97658 0.69297 0.51436 0.3017 0.87039 0.61312 0.47583 0.20661 0.47955 0.0669 0.21257 0.90776 0.92317 0.15461 0.08226 0.8397 0.1165 0.03204 0.51663 0.69928 0.22204 0.79627 0.59354 0.68961 0.74998 0.63197 0.76059 0.60077 0.80899 0.54042 0.0188 0.25504 0.5689 0.68719 0.09849 0.83224 0.22966 0.48307 0.68144 0.12944 0.37375 0.29308 0.63997 0.9098 0.65228 0.3146 0.16023 0.86645 0.02941 0.95843 0.27128 0.99028 0.54893 0.40971 0.84813 0.18283 0.92382 0.24368 0.61648 0.42957 0.83921 0.56802 0.76734 0.97529 0.2633 0.81909 0.63013 0.08307 0.83698 0.71426 0.82824 0.79569 0.29983 0.88812 0.51081 0.70916 0.18664 0.05 0.16489 0.51566 0.08655 0.80837 0.22822 0.85328 0.88885 0.83902 0.26968 0.96917 0.7521 0.37736 0.48076 0.39341 0.46913 0.06617 0.09735 0.0017 0.20056 0.49184 0.29517 0.82803 0.22279 0.39831 0.76358 0.30963 0.18014 0.15317 0.83847 0.73187 0.50071 0.21476 0.33629 0.87617 0.10639 0.33683 0.43001 0.20119 0.81319 0.52477 0.12929 0.18126 0.67811 0.25815 0.10396 0.81845 0.81335 0.07077 0.38498 0.40018 0.01773 0.20735 0.42111 0.11654 0.67973 0.99562 0.05041 0.5203 0.5348 0.89867 0.43888 0.82422 0.86723 0.57677 0.31156 0.73378 0.36809 0.04766 0.31383 0.32099 0.06052 0.10908 0.92072 0.88011 0.8409 0.60295 0.63565 0.01119 0.60476 0.95658 0.54166 0.09693 0.41202 0.41824 0.23173 0.22793 0.61025 0.67654 0.24572 0.62569 0.08756 0.44499 0.29633 0.26903 0.4247 0.22559 0.54251 0.02549 0.55881 0.00182 0.47616 0.88712 0.62702 0.15283 0.47755 0.03325 0.19106 0.91168 0.67332 0.22654 0.65297 0.31357 0.76815 0.87197 0.92445 0.32008 0.3842 0.84687 0.51405 0.35342 0.77994 0.65713 0.85008 0.96931 0.86449 0.21175 0.67986 0.99717 0.91885 0.01101 0.80487 0.1835 0.69236 0.61864 0.33647 0.5311 0.94753 0.54267 0.74699 0.44211 0.53551 0.34472 0.79385 0.34201 0.83179 0.38122 0.81458 0.77726 0.33536 0.61811 0.39891 0.49096 0.28975 0.3437 0.99276 0.42656 0.96974 0.67898 0.79782 0.41418 0.87343 0.31923 0.88335 0.18885 0.83171 0.55297 0.39021 0.72335 0.60702 0.48845 0.83281 0.60101 0.90961 0.86254 0.18321 0.62813 0.09155 0.72088 0.9313 0.73279 0.05284 0.83562 0.20353 0.0342 0.5005 0.56144 0.17507 0.96287 0.62595 0.34307 0.93603 0.29835
+0.25792 0.63826 0.98209 0.60702 0.98826 0.62679 0.91484 0.8502 0.43131 0.47974 0.49845 0.93198 0.51849 0.1094 0.15859 0.31649 0.99271 0.89159 0.36099 0.72143 0.27065 0.44502 0.18599 0.5428 0.58977 0.39794 0.12763 0.85842 0.06345 0.06648 0.75583 0.75487 0.88379 0.81342 0.46645 0.47308 0.29186 0.62338 0.11185 0.94994 0.02827 0.98491 0.23027 0.05258 0.91189 0.37229 0.60019 0.01756 0.95932 0.78172 0.86501 0.80909 0.92248 0.53612 0.70888 0.92957 0.57551 0.99049 0.37033 0.85768 0.93287 0.95663 0.36302 0.25255 0.88049 0.9601 0.42071 0.34413 0.8079 0.27067 0.29451 0.90951 0.88746 0.31267 0.03888 0.00776 0.33998 0.6049 0.4477 0.86494 0.7535 0.21818 0.03293 0.46158 0.3037 0.89659 0.1858 0.02472 0.29479 0.7453 0.60218 0.32503 0.32526 0.68058 0.75388 0.66428 0.98833 0.51233 0.75907 0.10977 0.08716 0.17232 0.97483 0.98154 0.90321 0.62929 0.57468 0.36779 0.46703 0.18614 0.44662 0.41243 0.45733 0.75893 0.72897 0.08293 0.36215 0.89385 0.20693 0.08072 0.63516 0.42717 0.38364 0.24196 0.38802 0.66347 0.80474 0.47439 0.15615 0.61324 0.97777 0.96597 0.21462 0.01326 0.36571 0.74401 0.59851 0.34414 0.62557 0.11082 0.96967 0.44467 0.2402 0.77073 0.30946 0.3846 0.88455 0.81292 0.78155 0.36156 0.81234 0.48204 0.42656 0.32356 0.28251 0.69034 0.74583 0.97887 0.61465 0.49186 0.76869 0.87146 0.3317 0.94593 0.76086 0.22116 0.55231 0.76965 0.57298 0.60899 0.68876 0.53374 0.30174 0.27409 0.72489 0.7424 0.30274 0.22638 0.37902 0.38552 0.46215 0.76222 0.93065 0.87707 0.70533 0.83054 0.20777 0.53988 0.47266 0.66178 0.98718 0.40887 0.03293 0.31214 0.22652 0.35215 0.94167 0.84529 0.10443 0.44309 0.07094 0.58865 0.06138 0.89647 0.07695 0.53136 0.06809 0.43686 0.9583 0.9554 0.45904 0.40035 0.83802 0.89952 0.92164 0.07429 0.06744 0.43622 0.58217 0.47896 0.61182 0.50998 0.64412 0.75985 0.16778 0.44177 0.47014 0.32513 0.60302 0.01035 0.21012 0.06536 0.43227 0.5245 0.73035 0.31915 0.01556 0.12062 0.27875 0.99117 0.14568 0.52387 0.21996 0.08905 0.94416 0.63478 0.26758 0.66824 0.41035 0.04195 0.10976 0.617 0.74753 0.68466 0.9129 0.61302 0.31287 0.75471 0.27315 0.06727 0.19815 0.11606 0.81135 0.35521 0.4976 0.83671 0.34845 0.93795 0.9569 0.09304 0.09082 0.55195 0.88382 0.30737 0.71212 0.74275 0.18782 0.50918 0.00419 0.85033 0.47526 0.21795 0.75864 0.10538 0.13253 0.38784 0.07227 0.60043 0.1685 0.87459 0.29278 0.0108 0.17198 0.77218 0.96826 0.47109 0.64221 0.52859 0.86145 0.07384 0.6835 0.42718 0.34719 0.45926 0.35511 0.41468 0.78023 0.67019 0.43957 0.11905 0.13754 0.12256 0.84178 0.11257 0.07086 0.71557 0.4254 0.54254 0.09856 0.78209 0.82957 0.55365 0.67958 0.36095 0.50893 0.01267 0.44065 0.03874 0.20624 0.43984 0.74743 0.8905 0.80325 0.48946 0.28537 0.95872 0.6457 0.54567 0.40426 0.40714 0.10113 0.12589 0.57013 0.28381 0.03364 0.55208 0.92947 0.02222 0.58903 0.19817 0.11534 0.07139 0.00342 0.46396 0.65878 0.55521 0.05788 0.49093 0.46583 0.75361 0.59788 0.63258 0.43105 0.65381 0.10848 0.84391 0.29547 0.13286 0.16811 0.31365 0.02838 0.78 0.50642 0.70384 0.96613 0.17717 0.29929 0.64745 0.89125 0.91925 0.08932 0.75549 0.49629 0.15085 0.8495 0.59286 0.36904 0.68811 0.10634 0.47087 0.83094 0.1818 0.50376 0.25566 0.31096 0.62778 0.92709 0.7192 0.95311 0.75808 0.17367 0.49166 0.285 0.15015 0.18787 0.57817 0.03202 0.62908 0.66461 0.09819 0.60664 0.28436 0.70568 0.54989 0.01378 0.78293 0.4696 0.3819 0.22132 0.21252 0.7152 0.70427 0.1713 0.38566 0.23445 0.79192 0.31119 0.90917 0.10916 0.641 0.60501 0.85001 0.04744 0.71692 0.64116 0.82735 0.48541 0.03236 0.53488 0.52012 0.03234 0.86812 0.3793 0.3029 0.87008 0.0583 0.56399 0.7109 0.19841 0.12987 0.53426 0.99263 0.26606 0.25908 0.2798 0.9231 0.55125 0.72628 0.47444 0.8459 0.68027 0.17767 0.96747 0.55129 0.42751 0.20007 0.33356 0.84255 0.13284 0.49628 0.99253 0.45368 0.05378 0.64765 0.6814 0.44607 0.78947 0.8689 0.5275 0.85019 0.75305 0.3002 0.57979 0.629 0.64893 0.19526 0.19931 0.58585 0.27204 0.70825 0.28982 0.7318 0.608 0.14259 0.41233 0.63462 0.26816 0.17421 0.9366 0.23333 0.12564 0.40452 0.24716 0.41828 0.34291 0.7257 0.67632 0.94053 0.84704 0.48011 0.43841 0.83352
+0.36856 0.74475 0.73588 0.13012 0.65088 0.77785 0.03716 0.59085 0.35307 0.70067 0.80631 0.63147 0.97122 0.22004 0.52029 0.20383 0.37281 0.9851 0.8994 0.20382 0.82971 0.21964 0.5328 0.47772 0.15536 0.90857 0.99268 0.45612 0.77909 0.24579 0.22835 0.25613 0.10612 0.84631 0.3848 0.06455 0.98128 0.54474 0.08329 0.48466 0.80509 0.65699 0.26181 0.58458 0.77257 0.14493 0.22355 0.37618 0.81683 0.25189 0.12178 0.97236 0.17138 0.40559 0.11647 0.53599 0.6075 0.02983 0.14032 0.87442 0.98679 0.4168 0.44577 0.89698 0.692 0.97818 0.10247 0.67442 0.47595 0.52106 0.44891 0.37336 0.20062 0.37216 0.47813 0.92234 0.84891 0.56987 0.59649 0.4307 0.85843 0.78955 0.56529 0.46419 0.15204 0.38181 0.03879 0.51175 0.70485 0.67627 0.60231 0.18701 0.01982 0.87312 0.05522 0.09672 0.40456 0.24061 0.03749 0.34715 0.46601 0.19948 0.06506 0.68581 0.0286 0.46408 0.60039 0.18504 0.62326 0.22956 0.73442 0.19059 0.42356 0.44452 0.07256 0.61525 0.44416 0.77139 0.99435 0.78352 0.26882 0.79118 0.03334 0.24231 0.85894 0.09694 0.39053 0.53331 0.20919 0.02462 0.63732 0.46538 0.57026 0.83604 0.84902 0.92439 0.81735 0.22378 0.34544 0.53827 0.73375 0.70246 0.22997 0.15792 0.56772 0.25979 0.32323 0.62225 0.52608 0.39166 0.62923 0.5353 0.58448 0.92606 0.36261 0.80272 0.76391 0.74777 0.95597 0.94411 0.1837 0.19738 0.52926 0.83725 0.92355 0.47552 0.20435 0.13278 0.63003 0.76472 0.79584 0.40211 0.76678 0.00121 0.53673 0.08503 0.52246 0.60026 0.86624 0.31904 0.61232 0.91048 0.76914 0.67747 0.90165 0.45127 0.51523 0.75518 0.45962 0.14052 0.92589 0.81745 0.28293 0.7317 0.9597 0.69348 0.00664 0.75188 0.78515 0.83133 0.45873 0.593 0.65639 0.51135 0.31475 0.93764 0.55589 0.64368 0.36453 0.46773 0.24566 0.11079 0.85654 0.01373 0.95886 0.92345 0.7703 0.11927 0.88724 0.47323 0.80657 0.57777 0.81122 0.34374 0.34829 0.35926 0.78156 0.84512 0.48806 0.94108 0.09097 0.73754 0.76021 0.03655 0.74711 0.26682 0.66977 0.11433 0.90526 0.35577 0.71901 0.63928 0.21991 0.8828 0.19572 0.79461 0.50467 0.93802 0.61696 0.22258 0.32803 0.46571 0.38503 0.184 0.70802 0.93626 0.095 0.79835 0.58476 0.35901 0.6484 0.97307 0.85122 0.36539 0.89857 0.56021 0.60709 0.70791 0.27957 0.88299 0.87974 0.02074 0.94869 0.05558 0.38213 0.05239 0.77886 0.07648 0.01987 0.41297 0.91661 0.14936 0.03311 0.06734 0.71388 0.67546 0.32848 0.97052 0.68121 0.413 0.74975 0.28197 0.5286 0.97754 0.76627 0.23362 0.06228 0.46576 0.47014 0.23567 0.28836 0.69987 0.21859 0.03542 0.71307 0.53129 0.15263 0.73678 0.4946 0.27175 0.25168 0.03207 0.84479 0.61292 0.5628 0.79991 0.23405 0.44257 0.76077 0.15813 0.02894 0.82287 0.8991 0.18655 0.56617 0.21823 0.67659 0.75203 0.99439 0.82679 0.58872 0.14676 0.08997 0.95016 0.66299 0.76235 0.20021 0.67604 0.88138 0.02484 0.98183 0.00252 0.37222 0.2731 0.97725 0.36562 0.4793 0.14383 0.32955 0.99516 0.41092 0.1267 0.52009 0.60537 0.11446 0.38419 0.14778 0.77364 0.64745 0.24312 0.58074 0.04323 0.70197 0.11309 0.26488 0.48093 0.80182 0.81555 0.00377 0.13401 0.2567 0.19927 0.37757 0.16163 0.54607 0.08291 0.24161 0.43413 0.83843 0.60616 0.09946 0.52657 0.76958 0.85849 0.99663 0.35824 0.36953 0.00849 0.78417 0.06736 0.23009 0.72491 0.05475 0.28326 0.47428 0.62328 0.77086 0.95369 0.69423 0.07744 0.47452 0.93419 0.55799 0.44206 0.47078 0.71783 0.8459 0.64857 0.31367 0.79143 0.49027 0.15256 0.69463 0.75647 0.44844 0.81702 0.41734 0.76696 0.3121 0.34597 0.58267 0.46223 0.4121 0.98996 0.176 0.27398 0.95523 0.41261 0.96443 0.54152 0.98024 0.89632 0.30209 0.67675 0.55445 0.99804 0.48985 0.71355 0.07674 0.27804 0.72081 0.62767 0.65006 0.1158 0.07296 0.7116 0.06942 0.7026 0.80222 0.29295 0.99102 0.24618 0.46071 0.76087 0.20093 0.94889 0.90397 0.10216 0.3191 0.92303 0.61738 0.12021 0.29716 0.27266 0.64562 0.69157 0.62487 0.52359 0.23745 0.3326 0.79655 0.36778 0.57478 0.5817 0.92498 0.83009 0.86555 0.45699 0.49657 0.9237 0.1068 0.21588 0.37645 0.48969 0.36851 0.11324 0.74118 0.46872 0.12866 0.78249 0.87431 0.32477 0.3545 0.30593 0.31909 0.65328 0.91434 0.99723 0.03117 0.03244 0.22972 0.61493 0.67071 0.69094 0.96482 0.50563 0.84446 0.35335 0.28503 0.95848 0.14249 0.482
+0.0816 0.51598 0.3439 0.92918 0.64222 0.47483 0.20118 0.37331 0.27331 0.99062 0.76113 0.58579 0.15527 0.8719 0.37396 0.47953 0.33148 0.71362 0.45893 0.60228 0.21117 0.07718 0.92887 0.48244 0.33186 0.94214 0.0166 0.59272 0.68849 0.4761 0.89884 0.54659 0.96371 0.49725 0.41727 0.01978 0.33452 0.26684 0.33137 0.05194 0.87871 0.90731 0.65863 0.96831 0.19486 0.8802 0.62565 0.92342 0.13387 0.12243 0.40475 0.93727 0.45369 0.31179 0.7096 0.93259 0.53144 0.27213 0.84614 0.17314 0.90423 0.31768 0.90113 0.35152 0.34412 0.83807 0.3484 0.68976 0.87459 0.0564 0.57911 0.39833 0.00423 0.93855 0.71189 0.43799 0.34472 0.05883 0.62477 0.70628 0.51229 0.61882 0.32415 0.16978 0.65795 0.75106 0.72606 0.45287 0.85823 0.61183 0.13937 0.07091 0.77063 0.8916 0.66696 0.01612 0.91021 0.14439 0.40584 0.67899 0.27183 0.58336 0.81157 0.88742 0.73192 0.44067 0.0771 0.4074 0.38386 0.23276 0.97229 0.36241 0.31163 0.14082 0.70418 0.07274 0.95751 0.34961 0.08594 0.86526 0.40893 0.84211 0.47523 0.44331 0.22855 0.93556 0.10665 0.69237 0.63759 0.53971 0.24046 0.65816 0.15862 0.76022 0.51595 0.83328 0.58468 0.75912 0.8252 0.88064 0.86926 0.72473 0.7398 0.78835 0.89832 0.88455 0.74714 0.4288 0.56983 0.70606 0.57126 0.37362 0.71126 0.86858 0.14515 0.62548 0.59129 0.22334 0.07178 0.99636 0.94738 0.79132 0.34245 0.17198 0.05281 0.05305 0.41174 0.27622 0.90356 0.89791 0.38584 0.91168 0.33223 0.3461 0.60238 0.3171 0.24698 0.39131 0.00758 0.97911 0.01634 0.05373 0.13191 0.90594 0.11455 0.53202 0.71351 0.1358 0.71011 0.99618 0.83101 0.61368 0.13665 0.32378 0.87377 0.6947 0.53272 0.71987 0.70754 0.90211 0.06344 0.94982 0.42909 0.45292 0.06095 0.17703 0.82044 0.78857 0.80672 0.31098 0.51214 0.76148 0.8538 0.23069 0.39115 0.46808 0.31942 0.91646 0.93025 0.06582 0.86562 0.00257 0.98115 0.40842 0.76222 0.54835 0.52614 0.18078 0.3008 0.10774 0.00108 0.6626 0.83642 0.56895 0.5967 0.1797 0.64025 0.55606 0.63991 0.89311 0.52073 0.57058 0.43288 0.3362 0.85934 0.89743 0.63432 0.60883 0.00664 0.52377 0.15167 0.50692 0.37363 0.46698 0.4243 0.41728 0.46983 0.40527 0.07226 0.50086 0.97993 0.92059 0.73793 0.26381 0.61496 0.05136 0.92685 0.52729 0.63597 0.31126 0.48295 0.55716 0.45382 0.9055 0.38796 0.46712 0.06329 0.61899 0.08473 0.59735 0.32238 0.79334 0.80821 0.93508 0.94408 0.36666 0.33605 0.41945 0.25904 0.40231 0.90897 0.09098 0.18616 0.50252 0.69733 0.20069 0.40872 0.86896 0.00042 0.39473 0.12934 0.24216 0.0928 0.34613 0.52463 0.30345 0.70996 0.54425 0.0189 0.26154 0.15435 0.43043 0.99265 0.47875 0.58549 0.09508 0.55591 0.36851 0.75728 0.76433 0.62962 0.29794 0.68144 0.09388 0.92734 0.13454 0.93037 0.79981 0.14932 0.87813 0.30861 0.27855 0.26759 0.50232 0.59428 0.71068 0.5103 0.86348 0.60847 0.2435 0.41358 0.07248 0.83214 0.99633 0.02495 0.75662 0.67261 0.16587 0.39822 0.31606 0.29152 0.86659 0.80654 0.12901 0.96098 0.52253 0.06166 0.71852 0.35225 0.29967 0.05412 0.02244 0.058 0.605 0.99944 0.65628 0.90256 0.12456 0.21363 0.31295 0.01669 0.34939 0.06616 0.68716 0.79269 0.29165 0.17914 0.05639 0.89818 0.80687 0.49421 0.77422 0.44118 0.8694 0.91809 0.49421 0.77606 0.67854 0.8554 0.14409 0.401 0.88788 0.95145 0.14256 0.9079 0.06118 0.57542 0.77162 0.94549 0.49731 0.67238 0.6357 0.67323 0.75657 0.94284 0.83866 0.78219 0.95909 0.69115 0.21076 0.58234 0.88591 0.04934 0.92738 0.38937 0.70539 0.73058 0.47926 0.45696 0.5679 0.61422 0.42161 0.08765 0.07025 0.59682 0.13338 0.9046 0.40439 0.40171 0.4334 0.82586 0.19451 0.76422 0.27189 0.25821 0.78115 0.79555 0.16888 0.92586 0.84924 0.97091 0.09948 0.83568 0.5531 0.97414 0.59568 0.90572 0.97513 0.30786 0.58796 0.21435 0.08099 0.66265 0.69237 0.63602 0.81697 0.31598 0.62126 0.01017 0.44756 0.13419 0.62102 0.73855 0.10396 0.10635 0.62409 0.97173 0.83189 0.16083 0.93561 0.74303 0.34648 0.73848 0.80736 0.08998 0.33338 0.48813 0.68945 0.72161 0.49667 0.85893 0.24009 0.25968 0.24939 0.7683 0.34624 0.56587 0.79799 0.10594 0.18129 0.79484 0.66176 0.97421 0.31722 0.18132 0.51701 0.11485 0.67195 0.46127 0.38548 0.48173 0.01586 0.5211 0.08627 0.6107 0.26962 0.46079 0.19451 0.68569 0.20025 0.43703 0.1552
+0.45601 0.90149 0.69099 0.66293 0.87432 0.92359 0.69611 0.30422 0.30257 0.15688 0.05714 0.93996 0.35674 0.6929 0.7221 0.25993 0.0177 0.54728 0.9344 0.57836 0.14804 0.3641 0.34029 0.59104 0.2955 0.67969 0.20257 0.45941 0.20403 0.36674 0.62408 0.93736 0.48197 0.94526 0.61778 0.43018 0.85336 0.48317 0.78765 0.62514 0.04129 0.35003 0.60558 0.58441 0.02136 0.11546 0.29022 0.57249 0.23991 0.76092 0.71141 0.67934 0.4676 0.13383 0.75469 0.58566 0.56144 0.02749 0.82041 0.77954 0.33864 0.8746 0.74153 0.21682 0.07407 0.0028 0.24448 0.95165 0.06414 0.34903 0.10487 0.5518 0.17105 0.50552 0.2826 0.62904 0.95872 0.69855 0.59656 0.6234 0.35586 0.59313 0.59617 0.59261 0.32267 0.87693 0.55182 0.65564 0.02759 0.75085 0.6628 0.58705 0.91665 0.21253 0.26092 0.51235 0.76283 0.42628 0.23761 0.37862 0.12828 0.33084 0.28874 0.35743 0.7294 0.09754 0.28203 0.82204 0.54189 0.86408 0.0759 0.59 0.79274 0.66096 0.30601 0.81229 0.93189 0.57753 0.95274 0.04894 0.17431 0.21917 0.97689 0.15772 0.22561 0.89694 0.99626 0.72962 0.60865 0.16954 0.67884 0.34656 0.4277 0.50457 0.05668 0.94451 0.04 0.72814 0.35367 0.94787 0.44947 0.74152 0.56898 0.10294 0.21871 0.51944 0.45374 0.7569 0.28811 0.85159 0.12917 0.52508 0.70001 0.51336 0.34414 0.52649 0.58046 0.11099 0.69317 0.45083 0.46009 0.91003 0.90058 0.11424 0.6477 0.66064 0.91795 0.10513 0.45457 0.75087 0.16526 0.95979 0.76451 0.63624 0.91807 0.42781 0.5808 0.62151 0.36938 0.80836 0.13212 0.05043 0.28947 0.75471 0.49638 0.7068 0.19657 0.207 0.0224 0.99555 0.30982 0.06449 0.87682 0.88547 0.67374 0.26877 0.11368 0.76468 0.37694 0.03992 0.26404 0.77461 0.02866 0.74006 0.22998 0.05187 0.13945 0.10632 0.14219 0.44309 0.75993 0.23543 0.59306 0.49222 0.96986 0.15021 0.00044 0.90863 0.98806 0.45591 0.17635 0.98079 0.66334 0.14975 0.9027 0.14365 0.02325 0.99881 0.70821 0.54775 0.53596 0.55825 0.22214 0.27023 0.14795 0.05375 0.2046 0.52273 0.00771 0.11873 0.17127 0.3478 0.51219 0.45296 0.47732 0.80982 0.34792 0.64904 0.91597 0.28534 0.46946 0.19565 0.1195 0.59245 0.64687 0.08804 0.2909 0.01619 0.71943 0.12788 0.92571 0.59261 0.38028 0.81292 0.87248 0.10048 0.1541 0.54775 0.44413 0.0513 0.62812 0.91105 0.63953 0.35711 0.51115 0.48697 0.90762 0.24993 0.11056 0.93595 0.03971 0.6959 0.16847 0.64364 0.72015 0.89766 0.84712 0.52121 0.86418 0.61023 0.9244 0.46926 0.69335 0.9031 0.97069 0.88825 0.56811 0.79956 0.10047 0.84743 0.81336 0.29768 0.16291 0.2321 0.37924 0.71359 0.27179 0.62718 0.76128 0.79009 0.87427 0.85364 0.61744 0.36863 0.68551 0.37168 0.69341 0.02042 0.56565 0.36678 0.40801 0.04623 0.42665 0.36646 0.18495 0.25477 0.06683 0.32944 0.17477 0.45823 0.63217 0.92528 0.656 0.97421 0.64997 0.50202 0.77797 0.19843 0.8682 0.89509 0.45141 0.75199 0.14246 0.79826 0.23051 0.4149 0.07539 0.03116 0.029 0.03442 0.67327 0.18469 0.93125 0.70578 0.02673 0.10725 0.60821 0.38821 0.15903 0.18595 0.03464 0.77543 0.59904 0.94745 0.15913 0.83324 0.1647 0.60182 0.26849 0.4659 0.12102 0.20521 0.32717 0.31028 0.31499 0.09326 0.03774 0.26635 0.90583 0.32629 0.64269 0.55376 0.50446 0.7007 0.07539 0.86549 0.1908 0.47293 0.70919 0.24788 0.75114 0.05837 0.80449 0.08899 0.75544 0.44795 0.79005 0.2602 0.90545 0.40085 0.31381 0.26081 0.39831 0.37416 0.75255 0.18388 0.33342 0.46196 0.95507 0.36619 0.8446 0.2212 0.17471 0.9642 0.96713 0.01061 0.92576 0.06127 0.27261 0.75084 0.26439 0.09391 0.42208 0.37405 0.37165 0.14003 0.79517 0.26501 0.19393 0.95749 0.74255 0.97078 0.26885 0.18914 0.99454 0.80039 0.14982 0.74816 0.02184 0.29974 0.67377 0.67454 0.46416 0.78968 0.23563 0.27787 0.52847 0.42386 0.74214 0.57142 0.66976 0.77603 0.62958 0.38509 0.35747 0.30073 0.71959 0.76508 0.5496 0.78714 0.90193 0.49459 0.29466 0.50637 0.28882 0.3307 0.59869 0.01715 0.40055 0.017 0.02091 0.95563 0.1462 0.5345 0.13917 0.33538 0.26389 0.72634 0.71989 0.53274 0.96394 0.44573 0.34617 0.89225 0.81161 0.91135 0.03734 0.00617 0.80131 0.12796 0.89538 0.92993 0.76759 0.59756 0.20411 0.26327 0.3632 0.87756 0.86588 0.10181 0.47894 0.67715 0.79235 0.41673 0.25074 0.32733 0.3032 0.29935 0.17574 0.15098 0.40135 0.63112
+0.99372 0.78927 0.181 0.12688 0.53083 0.68184 0.98729 0.72357 0.53989 0.89021 0.16231 0.91252 0.18115 0.68174 0.78516 0.76526 0.55763 0.02967 0.52767 0.71871 0.0741 0.85223 0.52358 0.06648 0.62002 0.61397 0.78834 0.76117 0.96986 0.69534 0.00157 0.49748 0.2964 0.27311 0.67536 0.39612 0.9728 0.7597 0.07737 0.96324 0.87415 0.45161 0.44088 0.79107 0.99834 0.13157 0.51701 0.11128 0.02857 0.10322 0.58894 0.85791 0.03713 0.11842 0.98712 0.04614 0.37751 0.86379 0.05325 0.04716 0.05944 0.24672 0.16658 0.39068 0.41228 0.71874 0.48982 0.03081 0.92691 0.0708 0.93592 0.61291 0.49893 0.64748 0.50051 0.88964 0.03761 0.67535 0.2331 0.73628 0.6463 0.79409 0.48737 0.01115 0.78655 0.46606 0.1266 0.09644 0.83714 0.08472 0.47641 0.02559 0.21538 0.51658 0.69798 0.17617 0.11554 0.98314 0.87322 0.06478 0.3902 0.16756 0.25733 0.28001 0.99165 0.69618 0.13317 0.09028 0.47759 0.22373 0.07664 0.37616 0.05251 0.357 0.20812 0.65225 0.8672 0.90808 0.59865 0.21147 0.53861 0.53616 0.03175 0.65476 0.37681 0.92729 0.56723 0.2865 0.8469 0.15651 0.016 0.19238 0.76601 0.48419 0.42972 0.63692 0.15305 0.35383 0.56402 0.31267 0.42051 0.73472 0.9745 0.47765 0.1858 0.5418 0.71253 0.84427 0.36205 0.19065 0.43436 0.15919 0.25922 0.98696 0.34423 0.77991 0.77668 0.62778 0.95348 0.50874 0.05078 0.66022 0.94243 0.98945 0.1394 0.60879 0.7874 0.91695 0.94176 0.62772 0.98181 0.10443 0.71124 0.11887 0.34461 0.15206 0.83567 0.3695 0.97861 0.38626 0.95429 0.50716 0.54138 0.06734 0.14881 0.76997 0.16759 0.79073 0.80668 0.19595 0.29903 0.93585 0.72303 0.51984 0.67054 0.90911 0.72683 0.60195 0.953 0.41075 0.6367 0.35733 0.2882 0.64524 0.57889 0.15971 0.03478 0.37959 0.70798 0.20007 0.47419 0.74144 0.58651 0.77098 0.86596 0.42601 0.07394 0.77107 0.73502 0.55879 0.43445 0.27904 0.84369 0.75393 0.66968 0.5071 0.13849 0.27805 0.49322 0.03133 0.59475 0.65627 0.46006 0.59116 0.37966 0.72031 0.38035 0.31948 0.18469 0.31403 0.17165 0.15045 0.70617 0.39854 0.36975 0.67699 0.1815 0.26402 0.18441 0.66438 0.08102 0.2334 0.66448 0.06846 0.26248 0.5453 0.02702 0.37278 0.25118 0.47043 0.22144 0.62451 0.18649 0.25881 0.20387 0.78209 0.88555 0.98259 0.52922 0.60037 0.17271 0.88415 0.17631 0.22536 0.29492 0.27886 0.16046 0.82122 0.77618 0.81147 0.40754 0.74718 0.69323 0.36856 0.66834 0.08861 0.94808 0.92994 0.89482 0.21378 0.5999 0.16051 0.1749 0.51497 0.67616 0.31047 0.07109 0.12179 0.32865 0.55795 0.95449 0.28738 0.21712 0.78894 0.76971 0.78954 0.36025 0.57316 0.74385 0.64808 0.36883 0.08594 0.83797 0.35348 0.41651 0.8742 0.088 0.42629 0.97884 0.07595 0.32687 0.1028 0.21138 0.19795 0.98041 0.26584 0.80893 0.33756 0.60964 0.31393 0.05775 0.06831 0.86463 0.67912 0.98711 0.11506 0.93102 0.97871 0.87731 0.7207 0.04806 0.24064 0.06106 0.40943 0.26972 0.26077 0.32186 0.44356 0.20746 0.78105 0.50615 0.39861 0.07997 0.45143 0.98403 0.29177 0.08022 0.80344 0.97736 0.39073 0.32375 0.92019 0.69177 0.70949 0.75605 0.19952 0.21582 0.62075 0.2633 0.89447 0.06469 0.3802 0.22787 0.64185 0.81294 0.66958 0.97201 0.9578 0.64675 0.42964 0.93423 0.74676 0.22336 0.5059 0.94139 0.37736 0.79685 0.52436 0.07867 0.68307 0.78835 0.58979 0.58427 0.96705 0.32318 0.12517 0.99537 0.12508 0.57002 0.36249 0.74872 0.22813 0.2291 0.63959 0.84021 0.91693 0.39839 0.9241 0.23453 0.405 0.69906 0.92536 0.14924 0.79242 0.95625 0.73466 0.02927 0.73447 0.6971 0.23422 0.94528 0.61429 0.18739 0.68699 0.5626 0.36757 0.25564 0.9059 0.0211 0.54849 0.21397 0.41835 0.24677 0.85871 0.35154 0.65956 0.81167 0.22324 0.49871 0.12015 0.1704 0.1801 0.92361 0.54838 0.97724 0.76094 0.04403 0.14573 0.50467 0.01115 0.46935 0.2279 0.37535 0.50451 0.04819 0.4081 0.58112 0.98651 0.01796 0.22019 0.49522 0.7444 0.15864 0.94393 0.52339 0.87677 0.41337 0.6864 0.59365 0.29706 0.32161 0.8478 0.94804 0.17897 0.42181 0.31576 0.52796 0.25005 0.85362 0.17963 0.98691 0.8054 0.15831 0.0752 0.82898 0.16162 0.23848 0.31415 0.66399 0.28225 0.52262 0.23965 0.6786 0.21526 0.66306 0.1237 0.94106 0.82205 0.46598 0.31232 0.99964 0.67965 0.50849 0.0113 0.03469 0.56585 0.27564 0.38432 0.65508 0.59241 0.14632 0.56193
+0.5315 0.14601 0.78499 0.90311 0.87004 0.4396 0.0897 0.97212 0.80671 0.92948 0.5306 0.33305 0.36891 0.38962 0.85294 0.78887 0.49948 0.38472 0.3204 0.73219 0.22784 0.71317 0.30336 0.60312 0.9898 0.16275 0.15205 0.88267 0.63715 0.14706 0.40063 0.73366 0.28887 0.47667 0.82649 0.10949 0.82263 0.43481 0.43872 0.54548 0.21189 0.71623 0.08802 0.77379 0.7248 0.98894 0.37611 0.69801 0.53736 0.89 0.26173 0.68876 0.96971 0.28296 0.7566 0.85876 0.43484 0.95107 0.57873 0.04467 0.6893 0.26331 0.25303 0.22414 0.21329 0.59927 0.33115 0.10156 0.90602 0.94567 0.33347 0.55291 0.21997 0.34128 0.75887 0.99994 0.97568 0.12745 0.81135 0.31568 0.07 0.83498 0.76087 0.01632 0.36809 0.75595 0.02671 0.2077 0.60731 0.41888 0.91629 0.47684 0.86351 0.36904 0.67025 0.52583 0.27611 0.78193 0.75746 0.34716 0.46695 0.91298 0.2091 0.45773 0.39366 0.94002 0.62162 0.21737 0.77844 0.65401 0.79506 0.60034 0.71794 0.71184 0.21962 0.87269 0.163 0.12707 0.91104 0.2263 0.21711 0.55747 0.26686 0.65867 0.56828 0.69372 0.90575 0.6164 0.41987 0.19648 0.58629 0.05717 0.43559 0.88951 0.75638 0.1018 0.02179 0.54232 0.42023 0.5578 0.00572 0.97761 0.94713 0.87517 0.80668 0.0091 0.22827 0.7666 0.81951 0.90482 0.32324 0.80092 0.11159 0.80748 0.88909 0.18414 0.82364 0.20121 0.41313 0.57255 0.03846 0.87363 0.69697 0.08038 0.92586 0.23329 0.48855 0.6477 0.9321 0.87489 0.73527 0.47293 0.83123 0.62656 0.20289 0.4474 0.46708 0.04939 0.4701 0.14951 0.45695 0.51845 0.46154 0.18497 0.15045 0.98296 0.782 0.38411 0.09918 0.73021 0.67995 0.0427 0.90587 0.36707 0.10054 0.00774 0.93503 0.818 0.73762 0.74662 0.66448 0.9434 0.26879 0.34864 0.75967 0.29359 0.21946 0.59057 0.69359 0.32375 0.54356 0.68723 0.75449 0.47595 0.72196 0.20277 0.70733 0.83233 0.38487 0.50364 0.39805 0.73881 0.18168 0.14344 0.87502 0.73143 0.58869 0.53043 0.88212 0.43901 0.26923 0.08896 0.67031 0.65023 0.65567 0.73177 0.98349 0.94571 0.34407 0.52501 0.73719 0.92216 0.12269 0.67709 0.35682 0.66458 0.18612 0.58234 0.90214 0.46986 0.8078 0.28198 0.49853 0.67403 0.18395 0.9445 0.46241 0.82648 0.06691 0.38442 0.14509 0.96153 0.74008 0.56571 0.17417 0.74646 0.0829 0.11281 0.5748 0.8817 0.84129 0.0672 0.37843 0.4583 0.48658 0.73457 0.61734 0.25746 0.79294 0.29022 0.934 0.40544 0.03319 0.80525 0.97413 0.84056 0.45527 0.95897 0.8996 0.73543 0.15588 0.82144 0.8367 0.43239 0.64605 0.86943 0.39435 0.51332 0.21977 0.63214 0.47342 0.17569 0.78527 0.55258 0.86459 0.0983 0.42719 0.96285 0.87844 0.1268 0.62728 0.74464 0.14666 0.5963 0.16036 0.84453 0.83347 0.64176 0.9981 0.88828 0.60165 0.57323 0.16047 0.83948 0.58584 0.29926 0.87218 0.15965 0.85008 0.14592 0.52116 0.09076 0.55699 0.93561 0.00995 0.3552 0.24011 0.51046 0.33202 0.31384 0.0288 0.74537 0.53888 0.59081 0.56257 0.84166 0.21193 0.03554 0.0757 0.17373 0.95578 0.80249 0.05262 0.3603 0.38597 0.73291 0.49318 0.4994 0.03274 0.90438 0.4925 0.54734 0.92751 0.33846 0.4522 0.48218 0.13956 0.47904 0.70214 0.98304 0.43172 0.5555 0.55632 0.08116 0.72836 0.58821 0.08789 0.68903 0.94786 0.17702 0.93697 0.68918 0.81267 0.55809 0.80616 0.73195 0.34076 0.42393 0.66132 0.2411 0.1316 0.4314 0.07845 0.41856 0.98616 0.31425 0.17138 0.35563 0.97324 0.45159 0.7222 0.29808 0.85464 0.52307 0.67499 0.15218 0.77164 0.63423 0.75093 0.79429 0.37941 0.48841 0.43038 0.16416 0.41812 0.14645 0.01252 0.13977 0.80324 0.25425 0.64151 0.57777 0.21814 0.41986 0.66979 0.26501 0.30275 0.72937 0.48787 0.93069 0.98604 0.27374 0.6342 0.85734 0.96421 0.20651 0.93011 0.71139 0.55682 0.65756 0.83123 0.58889 0.89168 0.06678 0.37765 0.66718 0.2371 0.58396 0.1334 0.29489 0.88157 0.4547 0.17836 0.22923 0.27095 0.80131 0.33074 0.77514 0.61923 0.75628 0.56383 0.94709 0.77818 0.7409 0.95138 0.85117 0.84403 0.0994 0.59909 0.49153 0.54306 0.13043 0.39899 0.31152 0.52838 0.98165 0.40383 0.18439 0.55007 0.03501 0.3145 0.49207 0.66912 0.59444 0.99739 0.11855 0.44019 0.85908 0.35227 0.48391 0.49259 0.74127 0.40223 0.70865 0.58086 0.41812 0.81312 0.83982 0.53871 0.22446 0.72254 0.33711 0.3364 0.87587 0.43072 0.01808 0.88037 0.31444 0.22961 0.07326 0.23784 0.35152
+0.13021 0.15357 0.79185 0.81851 0.45168 0.49025 0.67434 0.99851 0.54252 0.13697 0.2792 0.67407 0.70041 0.40186 0.73875 0.45282 0.00237 0.95952 0.32164 0.03816 0.01364 0.47123 0.54098 0.86259 0.66031 0.02534 0.51478 0.17902 0.18421 0.64131 0.42731 0.09452 0.29231 0.15162 0.4127 0.75084 0.85038 0.72825 0.06087 0.45138 0.94462 0.75411 0.33603 0.6479 0.69858 0.29637 0.96584 0.54667 0.9378 0.33573 0.22147 0.96483 0.48562 0.49076 0.14601 0.70068 0.77867 0.56101 0.99148 0.88275 0.94598 0.82692 0.34879 0.28901 0.7315 0.96931 0.82411 0.61179 0.96741 0.27012 0.0866 0.07913 0.89598 0.56246 0.09806 0.6845 0.99928 0.37198 0.53285 0.63363 0.98425 0.40903 0.74126 0.98165 0.39601 0.13826 0.51675 0.75553 0.43048 0.34512 0.51124 0.05481 0.76216 0.47485 0.88147 0.51443 0.08171 0.14387 0.14416 0.11603 0.72212 0.90893 0.97775 0.77 0.88239 0.99137 0.7331 0.3976 0.02175 0.24578 0.94568 0.67513 0.72441 0.38754 0.51868 0.80917 0.14602 0.0028 0.38224 0.70404 0.03736 0.10969 0.20102 0.36826 0.85748 0.21298 0.35316 0.39665 0.39563 0.41707 0.65585 0.21204 0.19273 0.39299 0.71982 0.42994 0.84066 0.79148 0.68478 0.76507 0.79673 0.01971 0.0538 0.47176 0.276 0.85076 0.96218 0.23636 0.39696 0.55175 0.22911 0.91127 0.3765 0.26364 0.29774 0.37181 0.69806 0.12366 0.84987 0.30018 0.54179 0.7604 0.30349 0.33133 0.20559 0.77074 0.73918 0.36064 0.13785 0.52137 0.60895 0.21808 0.05841 0.8556 0.79713 0.85188 0.94758 0.6715 0.78237 0.27379 0.13038 0.31231 0.63402 0.19676 0.1829 0.09718 0.03814 0.20391 0.25241 0.96846 0.12468 0.80466 0.89135 0.05399 0.78247 0.90007 0.28602 0.53568 0.95369 0.35919 0.36531 0.06318 0.74106 0.89787 0.4805 0.14337 0.42881 0.23104 0.32675 0.22763 0.43511 0.62362 0.76826 0.80219 0.93971 0.11488 0.53669 0.03571 0.28408 0.71416 0.6453 0.48387 0.41568 0.02211 0.3527 0.82543 0.3303 0.54242 0.3037 0.57896 0.08054 0.82498 0.86428 0.65465 0.22476 0.38405 0.27695 0.29179 0.02122 0.64987 0.77776 0.33548 0.81797 0.99349 0.16134 0.81394 0.61785 0.64739 0.2508 0.10895 0.64165 0.69627 0.0315 0.00046 0.95246 0.89595 0.87109 0.34418 0.32434 0.54963 0.48479 0.29401 0.71237 0.97828 0.34441 0.71709 0.56332 0.40125 0.59473 0.97286 0.05718 0.97516 0.14559 0.05686 0.85788 0.57482 0.06838 0.60863 0.35044 0.08093 0.97431 0.16619 0.06456 0.92738 0.9176 0.87968 0.99103 0.36134 0.99175 0.55122 0.03478 0.87449 0.61973 0.87204 0.99046 0.21424 0.50954 0.86159 0.87228 0.87474 0.98495 0.26598 0.0695 0.88567 0.77803 0.19819 0.42976 0.9031 0.14359 0.83456 0.18907 0.58039 0.94708 0.50312 0.38625 0.45463 0.04139 0.79218 0.2844 0.89805 0.71893 0.83176 0.70823 0.00705 0.90992 0.99187 0.03919 0.60701 0.00661 0.81746 0.13018 0.51839 0.93494 0.01284 0.62468 0.87387 0.23241 0.09021 0.54468 0.62272 0.25991 0.19648 0.46081 0.40465 0.71246 0.90054 0.31321 0.60371 0.45654 0.76849 0.07128 0.63783 0.62826 0.70153 0.7257 0.44011 0.37612 0.43075 0.33898 0.68044 0.2775 0.93877 0.8931 0.91099 0.22812 0.20222 0.66192 0.01755 0.36892 0.19802 0.1137 0.88861 0.8219 0.2231 0.3832 0.80852 0.36589 0.2548 0.21168 0.57871 0.52463 0.55354 0.03175 0.45917 0.3933 0.64879 0.30184 0.19151 0.12103 0.33305 0.88962 0.73738 0.53683 0.70704 0.67117 0.3387 0.10764 0.17375 0.25805 0.50876 0.09283 0.38164 0.26293 0.37596 0.87857 0.15858 0.56861 0.37065 0.10631 0.26452 0.7445 0.29067 0.04472 0.14545 0.62022 0.62315 0.76076 0.22545 0.36141 0.62873 0.95016 0.85843 0.96974 0.06771 0.30141 0.72666 0.28304 0.21287 0.60321 0.12404 0.79473 0.93513 0.63277 0.96593 0.47531 0.30021 0.29212 0.8841 0.78709 0.90495 0.36487 0.13812 0.08134 0.59442 0.82733 0.51189 0.2518 0.94974 0.07147 0.82696 0.72655 0.49219 0.9438 0.75072 0.08255 0.75108 0.43267 0.53417 0.79891 0.81729 0.51612 0.66639 0.22279 0.43862 0.27946 0.63519 0.15762 0.41441 0.84582 0.60483 0.21082 0.09195 0.31776 0.24257 0.43323 0.5483 0.95124 0.34974 0.57577 0.65575 0.43497 0.74507 0.54852 0.05988 0.22458 0.99715 0.83323 0.98081 0.94695 0.19835 0.01016 0.42172 0.69306 0.75482 0.90938 0.88463 0.56191 0.90066 0.62344 0.07854 0.63253 0.8831 0.83731 0.70856 0.50442 0.93279 0.63407 0.86064 0.85162 0.56876 0.9329 0.14956
+0.51747 0.38597 0.3968 0.25847 0.84426 0.59117 0.64493 0.37322 0.00121 0.13006 0.55607 0.12391 0.9569 0.94648 0.36403 0.08085 0.12662 0.06749 0.53228 0.46884 0.36201 0.25018 0.64618 0.36497 0.13925 0.95668 0.85869 0.31187 0.45388 0.02809 0.38294 0.96423 0.07713 0.00928 0.65227 0.86895 0.73201 0.21735 0.51591 0.09843 0.87012 0.45532 0.04199 0.9158 0.84022 0.12753 0.60606 0.57302 0.62379 0.13479 0.23977 0.66425 0.89074 0.8185 0.63759 0.24781 0.95375 0.36297 0.80342 0.70806 0.78825 0.51035 0.02404 0.60199 0.7752 0.68978 0.79469 0.85796 0.23086 0.50241 0.06443 0.44429 0.15184 0.25153 0.13307 0.17294 0.16292 0.88252 0.85774 0.09771 0.64537 0.5484 0.73642 0.47278 0.99482 0.1101 0.15504 0.39219 0.29106 0.48865 0.12693 0.17036 0.03996 0.36054 0.30867 0.49071 0.07773 0.09638 0.25855 0.11151 0.73894 0.02966 0.06864 0.31764 0.53757 0.26273 0.03421 0.83938 0.86315 0.68711 0.3954 0.23338 0.17635 0.74786 0.04793 0.56333 0.03612 0.79306 0.05006 0.915 0.53123 0.35507 0.92656 0.74284 0.56405 0.09546 0.87339 0.07042 0.72314 0.4098 0.61006 0.59791 0.77281 0.70386 0.56028 0.13478 0.4719 0.90024 0.32781 0.59143 0.94247 0.17251 0.75485 0.68845 0.44308 0.91856 0.69754 0.63166 0.69953 0.11879 0.4064 0.93897 0.87742 0.30213 0.36865 0.95384 0.27676 0.08567 0.7233 0.47234 0.1965 0.27561 0.19575 0.17873 0.70092 0.38896 0.69252 0.08234 0.45567 0.02049 0.91701 0.37605 0.059 0.46188 0.18374 0.20734 0.86 0.33434 0.11453 0.28438 0.71413 0.37511 0.7755 0.60543 0.05945 0.59179 0.44753 0.78687 0.63387 0.65125 0.73441 0.77813 0.13443 0.89625 0.82493 0.72678 0.27874 0.10945 0.602 0.35169 0.46463 0.91108 0.09155 0.07441 0.09268 0.87054 0.53851 0.57964 0.25879 0.05268 0.03223 0.76547 0.80657 0.81119 0.00289 0.24512 0.27743 0.89619 0.7612 0.42362 0.89413 0.55656 0.03371 0.22145 0.95382 0.17669 0.91832 0.26373 0.51563 0.12139 0.75912 0.88359 0.84787 0.11716 0.59222 0.24107 0.6013 0.48089 0.39401 0.65237 0.65638 0.04796 0.3171 0.37783 0.40511 0.76376 0.65234 0.04306 0.8204 0.93521 0.75526 0.658 0.25415 0.33322 0.78622 0.84391 0.19312 0.77279 0.63742 0.47054 0.74842 0.02904 0.86141 0.51716 0.80804 0.98206 0.6877 0.09748 0.14959 0.7478 0.62717 0.41604 0.09509 0.5992 0.5489 0.08148 0.65144 0.803 0.8092 0.69705 0.58842 0.42393 0.03973 0.53452 0.13024 0.44032 0.22689 0.02604 0.81922 0.43816 0.96017 0.8298 0.46365 0.41899 0.29196 0.54509 0.50132 0.71181 0.75212 0.03438 0.61979 0.51101 0.64151 0.26299 0.28415 0.71637 0.75513 0.69819 0.91278 0.63446 0.92796 0.47273 0.95487 0.91928 0.24032 0.98868 0.38991 0.64698 0.61595 0.96598 0.1369 0.10382 0.6162 0.81152 0.05324 0.73478 0.7227 0.72184 0.40882 0.2325 0.50269 0.19775 0.85747 0.00213 0.05252 0.87617 0.55631 0.82752 0.18645 0.86626 0.99693 0.71338 0.60117 0.27806 0.34943 0.14101 0.00723 0.35744 0.90374 0.63151 0.55371 0.14554 0.11583 0.22492 0.40019 0.37584 0.86536 0.39288 0.5741 0.8478 0.10707 0.70808 0.99236 0.53419 0.38861 0.0412 0.15782 0.76188 0.50976 0.50369 0.14478 0.99713 0.52778 0.25548 0.93255 0.28519 0.33064 0.88899 0.44232 0.59128 0.4943 0.1784 0.57418 0.87347 0.70717 0.60893 0.68168 0.84101 0.19929 0.33133 0.74426 0.37828 0.02742 0.875 0.03444 0.65891 0.26712 0.07091 0.42962 0.2621 0.51109 0.1626 0.10064 0.8826 0.23934 0.8518 0.46204 0.66945 0.89617 0.22261 0.91598 0.20972 0.42456 0.98069 0.50472 0.79783 0.01565 0.61313 0.99349 0.78684 0.00472 0.58091 0.46885 0.87137 0.57461 0.36978 0.49554 0.76545 0.2827 0.84702 0.62882 0.99842 0.19588 0.87022 0.32032 0.92113 0.96995 0.51591 0.74633 0.51586 0.55925 0.65154 0.7212 0.25472 0.46496 0.52039 0.35735 0.60705 0.30644 0.41714 0.13836 0.43634 0.15836 0.10062 0.36 0.65027 0.49371 0.94954 0.61973 0.37753 0.62505 0.00427 0.63269 0.17896 0.90469 0.24492 0.77242 0.56554 0.56035 0.6339 0.87199 0.13612 0.79318 0.71774 0.51221 0.24517 0.45187 0.39706 0.66686 0.92724 0.38954 0.49427 0.38383 0.21572 0.90709 0.77828 0.49018 0.44742 0.15967 0.26927 0.55845 0.56841 0.89445 0.48778 0.37539 0.26737 0.95616 0.66987 0.63643 0.8124 0.09686 0.32052 0.38346 0.66545 0.93214 0.76873 0.4191 0.63981 0.37521 0.88943 0.79621 0.69907
+0.02103 0.13003 0.77571 0.42523 0.04562 0.20127 0.51338 0.81343 0.86596 0.77343 0.81822 0.02282 0.30953 0.36555 0.64208 0.60174 0.94641 0.14207 0.94553 0.41129 0.52649 0.04366 0.98303 0.00048 0.88943 0.19516 0.86608 0.69968 0.66832 0.64253 0.6907 0.98617 0.85895 0.92421 0.48326 0.4045 0.36047 0.4071 0.84385 0.15833 0.72087 0.19808 0.70295 0.28876 0.1922 0.93251 0.87386 0.78475 0.64997 0.52041 0.95405 0.93732 0.24181 0.35982 0.27281 0.31277 0.90163 0.33816 0.37563 0.99539 0.50792 0.3262 0.40998 0.92305 0.50465 0.55586 0.3633 0.43265 0.10677 0.23516 0.36343 0.16027 0.18114 0.86522 0.47175 0.56142 0.62712 0.65837 0.46392 0.41783 0.8118 0.17336 0.03259 0.8583 0.53562 0.78186 0.00162 0.41454 0.83325 0.28256 0.23072 0.52275 0.35991 0.10687 0.8219 0.86837 0.39127 0.30585 0.07821 0.01611 0.60976 0.64289 0.81022 0.22246 0.17667 0.82538 0.99915 0.61763 0.98047 0.95391 0.18435 0.78553 0.7462 0.61916 0.09732 0.11639 0.40124 0.54862 0.21578 0.48889 0.46048 0.64461 0.27482 0.29886 0.77243 0.2334 0.71419 0.67176 0.84783 0.28328 0.65068 0.44355 0.11912 0.26267 0.9648 0.81312 0.56903 0.5968 0.71495 0.32472 0.90064 0.29111 0.71697 0.56802 0.26565 0.85627 0.90798 0.34782 0.85329 0.40247 0.38417 0.99331 0.13688 0.70309 0.16127 0.56286 0.62975 0.87171 0.5548 0.42473 0.17277 0.92435 0.93915 0.29505 0.30082 0.67781 0.76798 0.99301 0.46384 0.16657 0.33081 0.64827 0.81632 0.09936 0.44685 0.95922 0.25008 0.96877 0.41545 0.4646 0.42283 0.68625 0.87869 0.85421 0.68901 0.51305 0.04919 0.7338 0.80743 0.83948 0.23446 0.89921 0.68859 0.76931 0.02876 0.52739 0.84772 0.36771 0.64477 0.74657 0.85183 0.3707 0.00621 0.77451 0.0933 0.57726 0.96334 0.38169 0.99052 0.19763 0.04299 0.423 0.92803 0.32689 0.93768 0.73501 0.34811 0.13255 0.95124 0.60909 0.87628 0.6509 0.85807 0.02957 0.41881 0.55563 0.3731 0.311 0.87256 0.3483 0.88903 0.94704 0.17319 0.5466 0.25602 0.5307 0.98642 0.0288 0.73844 0.38268 0.29554 0.20648 0.92691 0.96489 0.94842 0.91598 0.41247 0.80488 0.4405 0.2548 0.25957 0.44451 0.24599 0.63781 0.43044 0.46659 0.64164 0.20188 0.41673 0.05174 0.7082 0.02624 0.19817 0.6649 0.37849 0.50368 0.51732 0.35716 0.75619 0.87509 0.66111 0.33025 0.20383 0.27028 0.17415 0.3532 0.2846 0.31149 0.28464 0.68448 0.29767 0.10388 0.91695 0.22813 0.41937 0.36291 0.00374 0.58645 0.73374 0.95363 0.93559 0.30459 0.76618 0.64983 0.6883 0.525 0.02939 0.77009 0.67941 0.72613 0.16415 0.78542 0.61221 0.00272 0.94983 0.93602 0.86239 0.8539 0.03824 0.22106 0.98678 0.41023 0.80787 0.35926 0.07103 0.76348 0.41631 0.09597 0.66624 0.96667 0.3007 0.32731 0.46936 0.74497 0.28375 0.30614 0.43554 0.99994 0.67765 0.34273 0.95487 0.46429 0.88735 0.31686 0.05479 0.16715 0.56005 0.45312 0.75592 0.97574 0.60257 0.75085 0.91112 0.86042 0.05117 0.82752 0.76433 0.46588 0.58578 0.42804 0.51808 0.17755 0.12993 0.65023 0.04223 0.24999 0.11301 0.39961 0.56498 0.20911 0.33273 0.37592 0.28053 0.90043 0.83092 0.01331 0.43754 0.73075 0.87783 0.94669 0.4422 0.49276 0.09088 0.65345 0.52966 0.25645 0.97228 0.38532 0.02618 0.98897 0.14504 0.51733 0.96741 0.85709 0.93022 0.15469 0.26961 0.83197 0.9657 0.87911 0.89513 0.96371 0.80897 0.59735 0.09909 0.19295 0.41648 0.49228 0.9353 0.30972 0.80599 0.06441 0.70806 0.77178 0.01718 0.81185 0.4988 0.41159 0.42512 0.71806 0.38262 0.14169 0.49907 0.55493 0.88886 0.67312 0.50818 0.14383 0.03314 0.8915 0.87549 0.80214 0.55717 0.62449 0.19701 0.81638 0.86529 0.06324 0.3341 0.31328 0.59353 0.40282 0.29977 0.76214 0.34351 0.41831 0.94358 0.34136 0.19743 0.84314 0.18327 0.31693 0.14649 0.59706 0.66045 0.70365 0.73815 0.79349 0.29085 0.07036 0.8526 0.23606 0.29315 0.69611 0.07921 0.82043 0.69246 0.86596 0.61286 0.16115 0.78508 0.64177 0.64018 0.48252 0.95717 0.95627 0.05159 0.77713 0.16056 0.83148 0.61018 0.00903 0.22138 0.19775 0.6947 0.6492 0.16172 0.73428 0.89553 0.48581 0.5005 0.5652 0.80901 0.76612 0.60151 0.58057 0.74439 0.86815 0.9494 0.42918 0.99167 0.78769 0.05557 0.1181 0.85571 0.35583 0.25293 0.15629 0.96198 0.02343 0.9652 0.87972 0.48661 0.30119 0.14557 0.35144 0.90504 0.51919 0.58566 0.21032 0.62324 0.7126
+0.85592 0.56375 0.10082 0.32561 0.63742 0.06369 0.5291 0.83967 0.0971 0.88247 0.96091 0.39206 0.25904 0.10958 0.78774 0.00326 0.92069 0.36186 0.10318 0.19837 0.34141 0.87198 0.39275 0.1701 0.56143 0.47824 0.11784 0.83457 0.11474 0.90729 0.48233 0.10113 0.59506 0.05195 0.33693 0.41317 0.15715 0.06518 0.03357 0.89237 0.64599 0.81733 0.43339 0.91818 0.28533 0.79026 0.8008 0.78604 0.24492 0.54528 0.69241 0.37676 0.13224 0.54286 0.06705 0.27844 0.53564 0.41297 0.27883 0.23217 0.3609 0.82647 0.34177 0.33261 0.26256 0.22506 0.52546 0.67022 0.25305 0.36876 0.47776 0.35028 0.4259 0.47591 0.63906 0.26653 0.01084 0.91786 0.36441 0.82201 0.80827 0.01993 0.73261 0.05803 0.57174 0.94636 0.07978 0.03026 0.18489 0.76119 0.61666 0.25463 0.05531 0.4969 0.56979 0.50905 0.5931 0.51985 0.38892 0.62933 0.67014 0.30101 0.0526 0.54586 0.94094 0.88278 0.85154 0.90789 0.59504 0.76327 0.76354 0.05802 0.41354 0.03227 0.86307 0.29682 0.17021 0.2149 0.22367 0.77656 0.24701 0.09616 0.93341 0.72976 0.62278 0.67669 0.5952 0.55613 0.28795 0.95349 0.07061 0.36429 0.00822 0.33591 0.29692 0.91081 0.51986 0.05587 0.5228 0.19707 0.7475 0.64655 0.72691 0.73579 0.07087 0.65701 0.07138 0.0989 0.7691 0.01065 0.15928 0.62931 0.35072 0.34629 0.21464 0.69636 0.54015 0.88394 0.86613 0.18846 0.64519 0.33482 0.78501 0.82059 0.10932 0.24663 0.41858 0.19792 0.70347 0.39243 0.43873 0.92377 0.58048 0.09902 0.06453 0.28496 0.41288 0.19831 0.67864 0.21214 0.92837 0.32911 0.51334 0.56222 0.98199 0.33394 0.11026 0.59191 0.95864 0.89164 0.89602 0.69769 0.62629 0.8505 0.39373 0.82005 0.17243 0.26339 0.53231 0.48759 0.7993 0.28075 0.90061 0.50977 0.59459 0.67224 0.38666 0.03579 0.67755 0.46618 0.23866 0.09711 0.05653 0.51813 0.84708 0.24167 0.68664 0.96886 0.33547 0.26249 0.61001 0.31992 0.05855 0.67889 0.92601 0.73067 0.84053 0.41376 0.27964 0.72305 0.72393 0.84262 0.53278 0.73106 0.69475 0.22504 0.60795 0.06227 0.53416 0.56112 0.83874 0.47655 0.82143 0.9164 0.43847 0.99159 0.01517 0.35726 0.16733 0.81076 0.81625 0.82703 0.44961 0.51828 0.96193 0.02367 0.13275 0.6893 0.54412 0.47051 0.11561 0.45489 0.98631 0.63762 0.9042 0.68332 0.39483 0.12445 0.37773 0.0472 0.58853 0.45517 0.51682 0.45922 0.96255 0.09469 0.44576 0.55022 0.60383 0.2366 0.40406 0.32192 0.208 0.97256 0.94111 0.26853 0.44647 0.37225 0.40101 0.0124 0.57163 0.27069 0.19475 0.27977 0.78943 0.9087 0.59788 0.53285 0.2859 0.74957 0.68354 0.6162 0.70948 0.234 0.66091 0.58777 0.50404 0.41226 0.12469 0.61417 0.98704 0.88766 0.89945 0.93821 0.11575 0.07437 0.29803 0.29651 0.15261 0.97348 0.26793 0.92251 0.17018 0.11948 0.97768 0.90597 0.19156 0.8216 0.47688 0.20496 0.94311 0.79853 0.74546 0.74706 0.7242 0.34265 0.89132 0.73651 0.1635 0.35005 0.95358 0.71091 0.0931 0.20402 0.56751 0.72043 0.88444 0.22711 0.78945 0.10657 0.80275 0.34373 0.15555 0.40973 0.38611 0.30138 0.47801 0.56948 0.7107 0.52603 0.80869 0.43617 0.70281 0.51824 0.17856 0.09453 0.3539 0.31636 0.78624 0.98342 0.35384 0.93169 0.31048 0.26311 0.11251 0.43893 0.1607 0.8338 0.54455 0.72369 0.63674 0.57933 0.49888 0.94257 0.96202 0.51837 0.13665 0.41693 0.54504 0.15254 0.76972 0.30554 0.71668 0.43551 0.67579 0.79189 0.99581 0.55969 0.74167 0.43393 0.70194 0.94267 0.18452 0.36561 0.1972 0.239 0.18531 0.15069 0.92232 0.87078 0.49836 0.57004 0.11527 0.40808 0.10537 0.30929 0.07984 0.16299 0.69135 0.02483 0.47569 0.15504 0.03965 0.63413 0.16404 0.16216 0.07152 0.00426 0.32363 0.08083 0.30094 0.2784 0.64798 0.44928 0.65581 0.74115 0.60403 0.88278 0.66425 0.45048 0.34008 0.19669 0.20145 0.80252 0.42236 0.22887 0.55359 0.39152 0.60601 0.88647 0.97843 0.8202 0.44557 0.99187 0.05054 0.86135 0.25159 0.25364 0.31184 0.68935 0.05018 0.15844 0.92636 0.8921 0.11783 0.1116 0.72107 0.83866 0.34386 0.43336 0.00952 0.74523 0.20993 0.15139 0.91371 0.65453 0.72859 0.44644 0.42707 0.82247 0.58834 0.18832 0.5302 0.51398 0.27935 0.87172 0.71241 0.86867 0.03091 0.57192 0.997 0.59843 0.05688 0.59698 0.11325 0.31498 0.21141 0.75252 0.86853 0.42356 0.91132 0.63278 0.62786 0.1928 0.17608 0.02013 0.25967 0.45901 0.52046 0.37845 0.50942 0.46782
+0.76312 0.47628 0.34262 0.01809 0.83321 0.08123 0.21934 0.1377 0.36847 0.8048 0.4445 0.17869 0.7837 0.36777 0.38338 0.67032 0.52907 0.01831 0.31703 0.97513 0.3472 0.90252 0.01994 0.55352 0.49743 0.89105 0.42496 0.47314 0.06254 0.55979 0.42602 0.30294 0.04304 0.03686 0.34478 0.71703 0.24625 0.13617 0.85445 0.17963 0.77652 0.70537 0.39833 0.26498 0.46166 0.25524 0.81115 0.47747 0.53267 0.11448 0.13482 0.72704 0.58603 0.18644 0.07815 0.44993 0.70402 0.63372 0.84286 0.42661 0.38727 0.60612 0.54285 0.55278 0.97699 0.76347 0.30185 0.0919 0.86872 0.82508 0.74378 0.79711 0.15038 0.2604 0.51596 0.61904 0.19048 0.90037 0.62415 0.96554 0.83953 0.14233 0.17006 0.63602 0.57748 0.70653 0.97955 0.62355 0.5715 0.58842 0.32503 0.65464 0.88849 0.62882 0.95875 0.85727 0.63662 0.50533 0.48759 0.26456 0.62762 0.25246 0.47389 0.30254 0.97996 0.29854 0.79579 0.34228 0.49043 0.62215 0.13571 0.33285 0.22823 0.2164 0.0571 0.01663 0.99812 0.05806 0.95122 0.96384 0.31811 0.30331 0.87998 0.26677 0.21321 0.73619 0.21403 0.96054 0.40594 0.7415 0.959 0.12736 0.1191 0.93766 0.4721 0.9714 0.38303 0.2064 0.96982 0.2072 0.48472 0.04541 0.74124 0.89587 0.23069 0.9771 0.63614 0.1724 0.10539 0.78368 0.60956 0.83208 0.4379 0.29766 0.80357 0.882 0.65634 0.50286 0.21115 0.65762 0.81899 0.00037 0.8239 0.18504 0.03807 0.47841 0.14343 0.62121 0.70084 0.86288 0.88478 0.58308 0.88547 0.87187 0.83291 0.90583 0.25789 0.42892 0.89881 0.27921 0.77894 0.21852 0.62741 0.67862 0.28142 0.5881 0.97777 0.58733 0.40794 0.41562 0.43536 0.82074 0.59949 0.74632 0.83212 0.95501 0.47005 0.64919 0.4714 0.01886 0.68623 0.55994 0.15228 0.08706 0.38516 0.92122 0.6944 0.33056 0.26522 0.09546 0.56575 0.72598 0.24303 0.97538 0.73929 0.77899 0.63149 0.05288 0.24509 0.54034 0.09952 0.97805 0.8123 0.05069 0.67901 0.71636 0.2904 0.52018 0.05104 0.05418 0.6176 0.33478 0.2774 0.24442 0.65874 0.8147 0.29567 0.65437 0.64747 0.21711 0.8976 0.27441 0.58805 0.46272 0.40235 0.6572 0.36744 0.18125 0.31085 0.12878 0.05138 0.7153 0.46362 0.01229 0.96232 0.60543 0.90547 0.86343 0.43372 0.35319 0.59577 0.77559 0.26402 0.17635 0.27519 0.14831 0.48158 0.95315 0.37057 0.20352 0.90137 0.45016 0.57309 0.65921 0.09048 0.55793 0.02652 0.80589 0.74922 0.64592 0.94263 0.98446 0.5349 0.42103 0.12162 0.19891 0.6078 0.12172 0.95571 0.10954 0.73138 0.88423 0.32837 0.58154 0.41542 0.92703 0.23304 0.43843 0.31009 0.88966 0.25274 0.10528 0.09351 0.30673 0.31618 0.32979 0.96592 0.66067 0.61599 0.58378 0.62664 0.91713 0.45153 0.50455 0.61724 0.06412 0.0237 0.19346 0.96279 0.70659 0.98378 0.44688 0.35632 0.17552 0.65623 0.96599 0.29382 0.78873 0.36884 0.56614 0.92376 0.58013 0.43234 0.44491 0.23676 0.38533 0.68541 0.47665 0.83115 0.24124 0.00628 0.24855 0.84418 0.73203 0.61136 0.94674 0.66015 0.57823 0.63951 0.21602 0.56641 0.35698 0.00095 0.96954 0.10703 0.40724 0.70933 0.91296 0.45297 0.43031 0.24848 0.66825 0.91272 0.07806 0.5678 0.0351 0.61991 0.76115 0.61647 0.82744 0.0537 0.04357 0.62157 0.92311 0.68763 0.92644 0.51642 0.74002 0.4773 0.6939 0.49788 0.4538 0.89142 0.02858 0.69063 0.35177 0.10623 0.90559 0.19962 0.7196 0.60216 0.43136 0.55604 0.42957 0.14911 0.93873 0.03101 0.26361 0.82976 0.8836 0.01958 0.54212 0.58608 0.67696 0.40173 0.11046 0.82477 0.15336 0.97768 0.42823 0.82501 0.15949 0.77503 0.35429 0.39075 0.21847 0.76304 0.82785 0.05942 0.82445 0.13758 0.94165 0.47201 0.34315 0.72783 0.67111 0.29019 0.06764 0.00206 0.90303 0.80567 0.43844 0.08046 0.46123 0.98453 0.18377 0.69741 0.61758 0.64079 0.22901 0.26949 0.26565 0.46493 0.17599 0.22505 0.64494 0.53092 0.68843 0.48386 0.41165 0.78077 0.2186 0.9008 0.35673 0.51743 0.30506 0.66671 0.97623 0.87048 0.86706 0.01369 0.98843 0.61909 0.06068 0.92887 0.33625 0.34256 0.44817 0.56615 0.06618 0.5789 0.26183 0.55821 0.0008 0.66367 0.42681 0.09271 0.88023 0.36483 0.25751 0.10469 0.15829 0.59072 0.99835 0.68469 0.93989 0.99899 0.41288 0.37246 0.93578 0.20433 0.72487 0.03866 0.99252 0.34168 0.4491 0.47577 0.38453 0.30856 0.57942 0.87714 0.79391 0.78032 0.39779 0.0946 0.17469 0.1991 0.44351 0.28979 0.89231 0.57202 0.2234
+0.44622 0.30095 0.39444 0.68273 0.76093 0.41319 0.19971 0.02709 0.68576 0.33537 0.5817 0.81382 0.06909 0.82501 0.15901 0.12825 0.81774 0.39806 0.89047 0.72752 0.03326 0.10497 0.01778 0.90926 0.23813 0.26142 0.7792 0.08926 0.49311 0.81588 0.91203 0.26758 0.68478 0.02311 0.73103 0.31748 0.26853 0.24317 0.16928 0.08346 0.10602 0.87219 0.77437 0.70509 0.40969 0.6329 0.8793 0.39744 0.18471 0.3091 0.6106 0.5416 0.30077 0.29784 0.19656 0.5588 0.48019 0.68497 0.05951 0.12015 0.30069 0.14985 0.76354 0.35654 0.65806 0.49224 0.86976 0.35466 0.89543 0.49861 0.83801 0.36466 0.10034 0.60524 0.57183 0.54946 0.43624 0.77989 0.26837 0.52375 0.8906 0.76486 0.39195 0.20471 0.29796 0.78276 0.85765 0.85006 0.49458 0.75144 0.48788 0.58732 0.19434 0.97948 0.96306 0.13273 0.55804 0.93071 0.83903 0.52336 0.69501 0.35424 0.34135 0.68817 0.31513 0.01851 0.43401 0.72097 0.92798 0.60487 0.49851 0.92492 0.59664 0.70313 0.87526 0.05201 0.09399 0.12526 0.1299 0.9839 0.7748 0.01395 0.73348 0.41849 0.98393 0.97596 0.22721 0.81448 0.44504 0.41982 0.71532 0.54158 0.3822 0.414 0.26082 0.00945 0.7595 0.28489 0.30837 0.07572 0.30196 0.75541 0.08446 0.07927 0.20669 0.73838 0.61854 0.13108 0.76075 0.581 0.5661 0.76967 0.63951 0.04506 0.45501 0.46213 0.64805 0.30514 0.72605 0.27357 0.0029 0.449 0.85782 0.83996 0.77849 0.91397 0.71637 0.47014 0.04215 0.5687 0.30872 0.48131 0.85556 0.57184 0.76631 0.42393 0.84429 0.99843 0.45155 0.15976 0.75963 0.95041 0.96708 0.28666 0.05491 0.3112 0.55742 0.4067 0.02202 0.29942 0.19984 0.68987 0.31103 0.49995 0.85665 0.02124 0.03894 0.69729 0.76438 0.19029 0.2659 0.54588 0.81921 0.58679 0.37556 0.74729 0.35137 0.5482 0.82916 0.52357 0.35766 0.10107 0.75088 0.73208 0.45736 0.75485 0.94004 0.16632 0.67776 0.39189 0.69644 0.06198 0.43212 0.48179 0.17257 0.48626 0.90916 0.39116 0.16129 0.72982 0.72651 0.94438 0.56288 0.80665 0.08793 0.56594 0.02749 0.28773 0.78452 0.27518 0.11305 0.35177 0.08206 0.83539 0.90693 0.25357 0.52142 0.09252 0.79662 0.09931 0.47296 0.64584 0.56994 0.30319 0.54041 0.11284 0.16786 0.94125 0.72223 0.18077 0.55025 0.80783 0.14796 0.72986 0.67874 0.87599 0.024 0.77855 0.2093 0.74644 0.1479 0.73108 0.70566 0.39478 0.15051 0.55529 0.20043 0.08487 0.19235 0.69868 0.77596 0.78221 0.69612 0.56239 0.47647 0.74444 0.01516 0.02508 0.96499 0.58362 0.90837 0.24065 0.69642 0.2938 0.85578 0.79884 0.22039 0.30341 0.48723 0.52457 0.06007 0.0333 0.05434 0.74659 0.422 0.49226 0.88884 0.13687 0.4761 0.33069 0.62143 0.57971 0.21629 0.61796 0.94409 0.58538 0.36314 0.37755 0.16505 0.41093 0.11996 0.78694 0.01864 0.56866 0.48422 0.2941 0.34638 0.1902 0.69518 0.05136 0.65865 0.93589 0.72801 0.89943 0.47597 0.78795 0.45455 0.57088 0.93923 0.07971 0.23388 0.70355 0.32476 0.72726 0.61167 0.96997 0.64062 0.63716 0.56034 0.28399 0.44214 0.31508 0.7676 0.03879 0.32604 0.46982 0.01504 0.19524 0.05397 0.27871 0.61889 0.12485 0.3929 0.25731 0.53964 0.13758 0.8214 0.81264 0.60829 0.49707 0.94699 0.8907 0.2834 0.73278 0.25373 0.29832 0.31241 0.02438 0.5716 0.40468 0.82335 0.197 0.60355 0.75638 0.87868 0.82339 0.31148 0.767 0.29024 0.41026 0.44915 0.25477 0.25376 0.15817 0.41954 0.24487 0.68046 0.7219 0.31807 0.7324 0.01668 0.71042 0.25102 0.49663 0.7774 0.65154 0.94888 0.54872 0.41573 0.53674 0.21056 0.24282 0.87473 0.68805 0.497 0.07527 0.64892 0.48152 0.11012 0.37093 0.78396 0.36081 0.10727 0.90685 0.31847 0.58802 0.29739 0.80187 0.88453 0.72636 0.04393 0.39546 0.036 0.87195 0.3778 0.65645 0.6444 0.56569 0.55013 0.79501 0.24624 0.31509 0.96946 0.84435 0.88565 0.19107 0.3729 0.74276 0.16329 0.57969 0.20437 0.97728 0.7571 0.7889 0.50144 0.47273 0.47381 0.41478 0.33501 0.86949 0.53051 0.31943 0.49147 0.15539 0.22989 0.23127 0.87796 0.58243 0.31839 0.05472 0.76039 0.47152 0.94079 0.9822 0.81495 0.36151 0.53469 0.24012 0.43223 0.29482 0.17807 0.03171 0.42401 0.91101 0.03849 0.35333 0.64712 0.27593 0.74048 0.16753 0.66604 0.90453 0.69423 0.04895 0.33841 0.14376 0.34293 0.34978 0.58212 0.69568 0.24309 0.68966 0.87669 0.72439 0.71105 0.73173 0.33313 0.25162 0.22249 0.09686 0.57304 0.8588
+0.22752 0.83308 0.98557 0.54648 0.84328 0.96821 0.11247 0.85854 0.82602 0.39651 0.86161 0.35072 0.00564 0.6272 0.83479 0.64248 0.42922 0.19029 0.12885 0.962 0.46054 0.64776 0.30404 0.81553 0.40923 0.01 0.42036 0.48639 0.12826 0.57083 0.57328 0.87896 0.99529 0.28405 0.41615 0.80329 0.17856 0.24088 0.59058 0.15999 0.37789 0.91726 0.55708 0.66447 0.97396 0.42374 0.0573 0.33819 0.72386 0.68764 0.76692 0.30608 0.04228 0.46074 0.99495 0.37176 0.94357 0.60633 0.43792 0.85922 0.10583 0.18469 0.13653 0.69169 0.16406 0.51175 0.08837 0.28604 0.00728 0.85305 0.41512 0.16915 0.16504 0.71266 0.59842 0.45438 0.37167 0.91956 0.18334 0.17434 0.03495 0.92225 0.15308 0.28735 0.34205 0.93526 0.25194 0.90128 0.14185 0.60201 0.25966 0.60382 0.54196 0.09326 0.45667 0.63125 0.44134 0.35856 0.80447 0.96913 0.59992 0.36566 0.13878 0.01742 0.77856 0.62707 0.23377 0.6962 0.77907 0.86724 0.79093 0.58627 0.09311 0.75959 0.16506 0.13235 0.92905 0.31535 0.78441 0.0392 0.9814 0.00209 0.44396 0.57703 0.92791 0.26996 0.08755 0.11867 0.9031 0.83053 0.47234 0.53147 0.83283 0.31245 0.38553 0.79464 0.41992 0.67668 0.45599 0.28818 0.65008 0.05655 0.03487 0.88735 0.43143 0.01799 0.77975 0.66492 0.8183 0.7798 0.58871 0.41083 0.86731 0.35249 0.79815 0.77591 0.82008 0.69392 0.39323 0.89816 0.33365 0.56603 0.09978 0.41815 0.598 0.69877 0.48108 0.9444 0.49678 0.76205 0.5247 0.13415 0.97203 0.4291 0.96844 0.68835 0.43188 0.81352 0.33888 0.39002 0.20888 0.602 0.08197 0.08895 0.78777 0.03949 0.06084 0.57585 0.64526 0.18859 0.96775 0.60333 0.83124 0.59619 0.54789 0.01824 0.56274 0.86482 0.10236 0.14786 0.00504 0.76107 0.61653 0.05669 0.14719 0.95517 0.16022 0.00237 0.32342 0.0626 0.49345 0.88505 0.84723 0.83031 0.58353 0.34057 0.11029 0.96424 0.23362 0.73543 0.88339 0.59979 0.16016 0.15144 0.85142 0.29333 0.1249 0.91089 0.74091 0.23579 0.07153 0.23512 0.74076 0.60102 0.73324 0.27699 0.58681 0.33586 0.65227 0.95265 0.7377 0.33659 0.42874 0.70189 0.04139 0.91768 0.07638 0.63044 0.83838 0.98966 0.50501 0.96081 0.22648 0.08357 0.57167 0.38791 0.13017 0.27545 0.22326 0.71083 0.07041 0.15136 0.8412 0.65422 0.2649 0.52433 0.17647 0.66399 0.62246 0.6188 0.69105 0.44701 0.87067 0.13017 0.63618 0.69563 0.14352 0.37713 0.57204 0.43685 0.94229 0.15811 0.80028 0.29974 0.73242 0.39681 0.23006 0.8268 0.91973 0.04276 0.6102 0.59198 0.28666 0.7702 0.74356 0.9346 0.64285 0.45793 0.22438 0.68265 0.17546 0.10314 0.90653 0.71169 0.65958 0.90608 0.79801 0.90761 0.4336 0.1488 0.34471 0.72033 0.6473 0.86351 0.94281 0.15147 0.16619 0.00082 0.23671 0.66974 0.4864 0.61613 0.28916 0.0913 0.2662 0.76853 0.72355 0.60515 0.74192 0.82405 0.78698 0.80721 0.29479 0.87882 0.19534 0.31255 0.66255 0.70595 0.5215 0.5782 0.54326 0.771 0.05726 0.60242 0.16459 0.30248 0.18277 0.73854 0.8706 0.27888 0.38358 0.19273 0.08872 0.89077 0.60651 0.70423 0.72912 0.00424 0.45496 0.9026 0.57787 0.62911 0.25693 0.10098 0.17765 0.44433 0.93605 0.30671 0.93575 0.15659 0.34259 0.39308 0.41115 0.52346 0.0184 0.41923 0.70981 0.57888 0.73927 0.80755 0.57514 0.75183 0.21168 0.70964 0.36284 0.20298 0.71206 0.73397 0.14698 0.58563 0.38832 0.77367 0.49463 0.43647 0.2722 0.2464 0.66733 0.41231 0.20741 0.90221 0.37195 0.90827 0.43805 0.20281 0.2363 0.13889 0.4175 0.15186 0.37501 0.79769 0.91739 0.09475 0.67236 0.65815 0.99533 0.86194 0.17442 0.49683 0.51169 0.66948 0.51673 0.10562 0.91939 0.14003 0.10027 0.1725 0.29152 0.34847 0.49249 0.62372 0.80644 0.06302 0.84337 0.68783 0.95394 0.35606 0.6629 0.14076 0.44294 0.47645 0.01719 0.06058 0.24632 0.64578 0.82397 0.03316 0.90022 0.95841 0.85213 0.2116 0.26524 0.01734 0.26414 0.80214 0.04946 0.21674 0.22821 0.4084 0.67823 0.07712 0.242 0.45935 0.32684 0.20502 0.1125 0.71268 0.78427 0.95961 0.05881 0.81586 0.33761 0.91248 0.33138 0.0563 0.72642 0.95538 0.53243 0.74102 0.23833 0.94295 0.67978 0.25062 0.85357 0.53626 0.89939 0.43362 0.72273 0.02016 0.31287 0.71126 0.22198 0.94084 0.0555 0.06017 0.655 0.86642 0.55373 0.9498 0.27697 0.84919 0.27694 0.59414 0.0949 0.50172 0.98943 0.58417 0.59584 0.9227 0.63619 0.20238 0.93521 0.42224
+0.32325 0.62023 0.24672 0.57683 0.30472 0.71286 0.37618 0.13635 0.45476 0.31015 0.96302 0.59064 0.09185 0.50633 0.37182 0.94059 0.20073 0.66493 0.87472 0.7594 0.65032 0.58052 0.36299 0.25195 0.04161 0.29482 0.02816 0.84183 0.42821 0.4573 0.51601 0.71858 0.66213 0.97807 0.49876 0.71962 0.99411 0.25973 0.15112 0.87534 0.44087 0.37917 0.22901 0.80202 0.73085 0.17031 0.08257 0.14157 0.52342 0.77368 0.1636 0.06984 0.41708 0.03095 0.49174 0.10071 0.99659 0.75417 0.41239 0.26007 0.78428 0.365 0.70402 0.5735 0.79004 0.74844 0.64434 0.81815 0.88389 0.70748 0.7099 0.54235 0.78445 0.6755 0.8158 0.50544 0.6932 0.86342 0.5933 0.85568 0.11097 0.17429 0.81357 0.44566 0.09942 0.38721 0.70476 0.83213 0.09924 0.2197 0.92105 0.70326 0.83144 0.95798 0.96814 0.73216 0.11135 0.2854 0.2213 0.60427 0.53315 0.2243 0.82193 0.07465 0.11778 0.30418 0.03034 0.95306 0.23578 0.3113 0.8947 0.03337 0.02616 0.07723 0.72269 0.53697 0.35286 0.44891 0.82686 0.81457 0.18139 0.43626 0.8637 0.20324 0.98933 0.90334 0.69103 0.6232 0.23608 0.74509 0.79976 0.27795 0.03432 0.10569 0.18182 0.23297 0.40693 0.75578 0.91985 0.66495 0.73259 0.6061 0.11487 0.59448 0.50863 0.7238 0.78955 0.23789 0.94142 0.77582 0.80557 0.70591 0.8542 0.88192 0.63071 0.64206 0.88647 0.61104 0.19329 0.23066 0.09076 0.49722 0.27526 0.13116 0.6362 0.20251 0.1026 0.03541 0.69701 0.86032 0.79203 0.50533 0.29924 0.01134 0.93443 0.47318 0.80864 0.97878 0.44867 0.27534 0.31375 0.11619 0.21662 0.56091 0.12647 0.5144 0.38514 0.20304 0.96652 0.59523 0.37699 0.10266 0.0524 0.55851 0.45126 0.04796 0.53779 0.40844 0.0472 0.17716 0.21039 0.71809 0.67708 0.90517 0.42193 0.59309 0.61997 0.68135 0.38617 0.18016 0.67756 0.53765 0.80897 0.76254 0.28428 0.45967 0.20691 0.39567 0.33368 0.43284 0.08946 0.05882 0.01726 0.25426 0.82436 0.7501 0.21756 0.31926 0.14393 0.70115 0.68239 0.21395 0.3407 0.47432 0.70962 0.69999 0.99818 0.4231 0.51199 0.08146 0.84447 0.24883 0.44786 0.80028 0.84148 0.63201 0.29681 0.24066 0.6299 0.30515 0.71889 0.15452 0.94833 0.53065 0.65468 0.75959 0.17299 0.04992 0.50606 0.92096 0.72372 0.49325 0.68944 0.1659 0.27336 0.43233 0.20783 0.27615 0.48463 0.38286 0.26881 0.09459 0.25852 0.36064 0.51774 0.55521 0.44988 0.85538 0.9379 0.61083 0.17473 0.3896 0.11278 0.25741 0.11714 0.21979 0.25686 0.29382 0.60333 0.13754 0.59083 0.102 0.05843 0.58528 0.78338 0.16581 0.66224 0.95255 0.01623 0.81107 0.18147 0.59988 0.59607 0.11882 0.02582 0.31949 0.92154 0.72573 0.50936 0.41688 0.23853 0.96489 0.92168 0.53804 0.88341 0.34951 0.79251 0.69995 0.55263 0.59369 0.8802 0.17904 0.37333 0.9367 0.63845 0.37316 0.15098 0.05696 0.53303 0.50872 0.76955 0.57687 0.09348 0.67895 0.09202 0.56145 0.39612 0.51616 0.19978 0.5056 0.28391 0.04124 0.3358 0.51598 0.51664 0.73455 0.55563 0.83236 0.31027 0.01545 0.16951 0.2683 0.25408 0.75037 0.57295 0.64889 0.57028 0.05127 0.92289 0.07984 0.37855 0.07064 0.93043 0.21957 0.95451 0.85199 0.36867 0.67164 0.8052 0.57147 0.65658 0.98205 0.71362 0.35106 0.54197 0.06089 0.85892 0.16323 0.66453 0.77189 0.99888 0.5428 0.82136 0.15582 0.87844 0.66436 0.93258 0.52121 0.21906 0.84265 0.2851 0.02996 0.20727 0.01261 0.39811 0.74122 0.48301 0.43643 0.2529 0.20975 0.7727 0.6751 0.81341 0.68216 0.76529 0.54618 0.07494 0.24992 0.64788 0.85818 0.67196 0.97571 0.34232 0.23128 0.89763 0.79071 0.79325 0.86026 0.12958 0.92954 0.73487 0.40702 0.53043 0.46494 0.71472 0.94918 0.80724 0.41049 0.62728 0.66852 0.81894 0.4237 0.27725 0.6418 0.16967 0.04702 0.72948 0.50181 0.43879 0.73636 0.82761 0.0421 0.39406 0.79591 0.22713 0.2064 0.893 0.21559 0.16695 0.48625 0.24724 0.50646 0.85046 0.74531 0.94415 0.14992 0.70587 0.6026 0.48604 0.79747 0.18555 0.62359 0.46059 0.7107 0.67248 0.6981 0.48722 0.12948 0.74293 0.5154 0.81481 0.60327 0.35563 0.05257 0.3234 0.96766 0.23833 0.38482 0.09549 0.91819 0.34094 0.47388 0.32587 0.91384 0.95646 0.09811 0.07246 0.3509 0.16603 0.92755 0.92562 0.62071 0.93462 0.40043 0.81513 0.8445 0.44421 0.54276 0.23055 0.65691 0.34233 0.33473 0.40136 0.48743 0.19906 0.76161 0.97761 0.75532 0.40709 0.85277 0.01412 0.5434
+0.39611 0.45889 0.91861 0.63559 0.59992 0.43606 0.42939 0.68709 0.77728 0.99206 0.85592 0.8499 0.88823 0.75028 0.80865 0.13519 0.30862 0.647 0.45579 0.93526 0.41044 0.4434 0.05507 0.99539 0.53144 0.02448 0.60916 0.72226 0.43503 0.32489 0.97005 0.10168 0.11395 0.10265 0.06784 0.93188 0.21363 0.02232 0.22695 0.53861 0.97083 0.54896 0.97041 0.28609 0.29249 0.24268 0.70972 0.77151 0.95706 0.33906 0.64266 0.75848 0.51098 0.97837 0.95697 0.48037 0.03932 0.96392 0.13943 0.71976 0.15347 0.32086 0.30223 0.81863 0.77465 0.46228 0.08875 0.44534 0.81931 0.49462 0.07277 0.65425 0.07278 0.81462 0.58178 0.80546 0.31185 0.04803 0.68577 0.48958 0.99204 0.81767 0.74587 0.14067 0.7156 0.69659 0.80876 0.18823 0.27675 0.71131 0.45488 0.28334 0.49438 0.85325 0.38703 0.38922 0.24566 0.64509 0.70467 0.17367 0.6625 0.30203 0.74782 0.47768 0.28585 0.77108 0.75914 0.7127 0.16388 0.21416 0.45757 0.3367 0.71556 0.211 0.69968 0.88195 0.98303 0.24013 0.84462 0.07106 0.79964 0.03057 0.08168 0.85845 0.29323 0.47622 0.1626 0.4714 0.34315 0.91633 0.15888 0.7801 0.60426 0.30562 0.55018 0.79459 0.14162 0.84043 0.1245 0.23384 0.17331 0.24613 0.49469 0.80367 0.23038 0.95881 0.63311 0.02736 0.15186 0.29198 0.55985 0.02531 0.12954 0.80693 0.01736 0.82575 0.6261 0.23709 0.44447 0.73344 0.04365 0.15946 0.65776 0.43235 0.34957 0.68754 0.59332 0.52825 0.04608 0.25603 0.61794 0.14241 0.27818 0.9595 0.29504 0.60647 0.9369 0.38651 0.71466 0.42473 0.25199 0.24226 0.624 0.75503 0.21351 0.16268 0.46494 0.53086 0.96157 0.0414 0.87574 0.67437 0.61329 0.59471 0.52123 0.97534 0.77446 0.12737 0.96786 0.09351 0.26252 0.33048 0.50472 0.8374 0.06215 0.69905 0.0581 0.64538 0.5945 0.71187 0.92469 0.28476 0.41219 0.36151 0.00682 0.47303 0.94078 0.03321 0.36181 0.56143 0.82111 0.43157 0.68578 0.83257 0.62543 0.65493 0.13433 0.29812 0.08368 0.88758 0.02047 0.97705 0.16785 0.0843 0.48427 0.56303 0.77097 0.86288 0.00408 0.29509 0.26175 0.31209 0.64597 0.80331 0.58257 0.26835 0.16432 0.83878 0.5295 0.03711 0.91312 0.71602 0.60084 0.166 0.95977 0.41389 0.80576 0.22261 0.909 0.07003 0.69751 0.00319 0.58152 0.68923 0.69539 0.77285 0.08665 0.09553 0.25388 0.31516 0.54061 0.41523 0.03689 0.29899 0.7088 0.27959 0.28283 0.15484 0.77219 0.74431 0.09648 0.00272 0.88598 0.49786 0.86502 0.89459 0.616 0.95078 0.67005 0.78732 0.83916 0.72683 0.02041 0.66628 0.34085 0.72001 0.00073 0.79952 0.46965 0.50373 0.14947 0.75518 0.24989 0.59327 0.07992 0.05116 0.24645 0.59549 0.74993 0.35086 0.77625 0.62252 0.55755 0.80261 0.59029 0.52253 0.21187 0.83918 0.48325 0.12157 0.21439 0.19798 0.77602 0.4099 0.4863 0.1462 0.89592 0.45458 0.57255 0.3199 0.89266 0.63073 0.1635 0.36838 0.58968 0.07924 0.32219 0.87982 0.48399 0.94906 0.72624 0.2827 0.76165 0.91362 0.39887 0.827 0.9459 0.01162 0.71241 0.06607 0.86391 0.66649 0.47095 0.24903 0.65608 0.29074 0.56108 0.27222 0.79963 0.84875 0.71919 0.20876 0.26959 0.51508 0.30173 0.43459 0.62489 0.68986 0.04253 0.72285 0.71036 0.2887 0.31641 0.65151 0.21415 0.45669 0.56726 0.20485 0.70143 0.89335 0.20728 0.16564 0.99002 0.2334 0.89554 0.05173 0.25857 0.70867 0.31793 0.28807 0.23979 0.57159 0.74918 0.88443 0.91916 0.35991 0.47577 0.12282 0.65978 0.38223 0.85601 0.49429 0.68514 0.57586 0.12121 0.61203 0.84355 0.16028 0.6058 0.84908 0.90348 0.67924 0.68222 0.3322 0.5236 0.75783 0.51368 0.90717 0.11604 0.97183 0.91173 0.36936 0.87627 0.5503 0.70436 0.67745 0.58232 0.36394 0.91941 0.80297 0.81583 0.61654 0.60495 0.28361 0.49946 0.7266 0.72275 0.46528 0.77534 0.85061 0.11936 0.83733 0.78756 0.74764 0.38785 0.54325 0.31355 0.64862 0.25511 0.13739 0.86015 0.09018 0.4066 0.03361 0.57783 0.39328 0.02601 0.65982 0.33244 0.36226 0.39683 0.28978 0.20091 0.13025 0.76267 0.39475 0.5991 0.41498 0.08152 0.95264 0.52324 0.90991 0.02629 0.98209 0.56368 0.72668 0.55189 0.97772 0.57311 0.4664 0.99649 0.19697 0.01659 0.36621 0.20574 0.52998 0.48376 0.01158 0.55399 0.51082 0.47728 0.31283 0.24718 0.10593 0.01446 0.97552 0.54057 0.96785 0.25716 0.54609 0.54412 0.13318 0.82453 0.98286 0.80012 0.49085 0.68011 0.98444 0.10039 0.08666 0.03062 0.08417
+0.9903 0.57981 0.59589 0.14258 0.74175 0.54308 0.7137 0.88634 0.16678 0.47485 0.57647 0.85672 0.24158 0.32704 0.65029 0.92766 0.97462 0.48351 0.38176 0.3762 0.40649 0.23711 0.08962 0.89683 0.22121 0.80482 0.51454 0.03619 0.15226 0.1246 0.65166 0.24367 0.59154 0.26073 0.08225 0.08872 0.58615 0.08686 0.99203 0.31843 0.27643 0.49491 0.56025 0.80305 0.61095 0.61934 0.98123 0.57563 0.79713 0.85778 0.07184 0.63764 0.55737 0.04082 0.24345 0.63737 0.90549 0.52843 0.66215 0.47606 0.58141 0.84784 0.69449 0.37311 0.74713 0.65398 0.6153 0.1278 0.21822 0.73462 0.31831 0.5548 0.7849 0.73815 0.13985 0.39197 0.32577 0.68599 0.10058 0.87434 0.98663 0.57083 0.64669 0.33858 0.82756 0.8779 0.57886 0.41368 0.0277 0.53445 0.13596 0.7619 0.07192 0.09495 0.41368 0.80156 0.10119 0.40029 0.31061 0.32345 0.44407 0.94245 0.53333 0.01704 0.72784 0.52502 0.09495 0.02199 0.06595 0.89244 0.29068 0.72996 0.99235 0.74538 0.62293 0.69274 0.19395 0.60349 0.88311 0.05475 0.32635 0.87933 0.48589 0.85704 0.933 0.49642 0.20188 0.49963 0.96324 0.04843 0.26023 0.10174 0.43182 0.43049 0.98715 0.41954 0.97042 0.17383 0.3597 0.84665 0.25623 0.02408 0.9776 0.77644 0.70443 0.85457 0.63664 0.5534 0.71096 0.37076 0.63403 0.54137 0.64892 0.06231 0.86287 0.9797 0.06647 0.6438 0.78063 0.03818 0.93402 0.38214 0.78856 0.43252 0.48065 0.21824 0.3642 0.45755 0.78568 0.00964 0.78132 0.34537 0.9787 0.24335 0.24351 0.61484 0.80662 0.50647 0.89405 0.37595 0.36624 0.7977 0.38307 0.05374 0.89016 0.72806 0.3826 0.24417 0.41506 0.03971 0.38589 0.25489 0.58774 0.9596 0.59869 0.09966 0.54015 0.32117 0.66517 0.70426 0.34963 0.12541 0.31077 0.21273 0.80171 0.61418 0.85391 0.63497 0.79656 0.67614 0.74123 0.01226 0.79926 0.02691 0.10283 0.43083 0.51839 0.4017 0.33347 0.58429 0.52653 0.66212 0.08524 0.41802 0.91614 0.78361 0.15078 0.64064 0.54369 0.21417 0.97368 0.61055 0.1006 0.7548 0.06603 0.12899 0.04177 0.81788 0.70438 0.75787 0.62797 0.54821 0.89272 0.57662 0.69366 0.18116 0.53507 0.99634 0.04275 0.3482 0.83958 0.44241 0.4866 0.96347 0.26941 0.51924 0.66481 0.35146 0.65234 0.86915 0.29217 0.95127 0.29932 0.3122 0.46626 0.277 0.48579 0.67927 0.55976 0.40295 0.37885 0.72326 0.79569 0.18941 0.42572 0.10005 0.03179 0.06184 0.2578 0.55886 0.82492 0.35194 0.4292 0.80756 0.07313 0.61099 0.96633 0.1673 0.3302 0.29604 0.24117 0.53109 0.06631 0.38947 0.93944 0.82884 0.53548 0.6785 0.24041 0.56891 0.52905 0.1474 0.80564 0.49934 0.714 0.91398 0.03008 0.54438 0.70502 0.99969 0.64659 0.69872 0.45094 0.44167 0.51202 0.01702 0.06339 0.7879 0.69816 0.44846 0.5531 0.52589 0.3016 0.74197 0.16913 0.22973 0.69761 0.5205 0.64903 0.22905 0.92202 0.0806 0.56574 0.14865 0.39084 0.6533 0.53594 0.19406 0.61177 0.65065 0.88272 0.56954 0.03553 0.43372 0.49211 0.7809 0.7674 0.94001 0.18702 0.07222 0.70798 0.56081 0.79539 0.66818 0.84179 0.60076 0.55529 0.38304 0.89496 0.56862 0.61898 0.07648 0.97555 0.26164 0.22309 0.3242 0.93528 0.66417 0.97184 0.34101 0.60931 0.01187 0.55327 0.85269 0.44105 0.39971 0.37979 0.40941 0.78755 0.51415 0.01973 0.58642 0.56081 0.72154 0.37271 0.82581 0.10162 0.07283 0.06651 0.82575 0.06523 0.29758 0.48004 0.19132 0.35996 0.39835 0.08307 0.27095 0.96949 0.83944 0.9653 0.78658 0.30794 0.94451 0.72421 0.46439 0.93768 0.56223 0.93863 0.90192 0.68478 0.50919 0.56159 0.41592 0.87646 0.11924 0.10517 0.90789 0.69405 0.03852 0.18049 0.87634 0.2 0.16117 0.18471 0.53076 0.84954 0.35782 0.15326 0.87947 0.59437 0.07373 0.20296 0.64818 0.29752 0.71151 0.28138 0.28037 0.99037 0.40762 0.80164 0.09219 0.903 0.8394 0.5751 0.24468 0.03629 0.62801 0.85253 0.95414 0.99989 0.80564 0.00358 0.2437 0.75227 0.13985 0.08928 0.27203 0.95836 0.07532 0.7539 0.67848 0.53877 0.5794 0.57119 0.83031 0.49947 0.81049 0.17037 0.39813 0.98695 0.89562 0.97893 0.27498 0.16401 0.78983 0.00413 0.75547 0.62539 0.0468 0.80827 0.71095 0.14028 0.76231 0.93826 0.83959 0.97147 0.71373 0.84062 0.61117 0.10284 0.36854 0.4676 0.56814 0.20277 0.13049 0.68918 0.12078 0.91297 0.89407 0.80868 0.58582 0.54965 0.34557 0.21564 0.52794 0.93147 0.01208 0.19973 0.62285 0.89487 0.3144
+0.94991 0.86202 0.69689 0.95173 0.40511 0.33906 0.74459 0.13467 0.39892 0.29782 0.30443 0.23341 0.17128 0.30928 0.03548 0.03394 0.93163 0.36278 0.05813 0.38706 0.39321 0.25065 0.7608 0.88937 0.33015 0.06648 0.45489 0.53945 0.69726 0.41993 0.77908 0.77716 0.17753 0.81503 0.65645 0.41274 0.08245 0.08796 0.44547 0.95681 0.2161 0.06478 0.31742 0.13964 0.30831 0.28187 0.04806 0.5727 0.35032 0.33664 0.93674 0.94958 0.31231 0.99596 0.57181 0.13522 0.1602 0.59939 0.55323 0.82073 0.38283 0.81133 0.73783 0.33683 0.26831 0.38473 0.77084 0.66539 0.68916 0.38992 0.54471 0.5029 0.48405 0.96872 0.46202 0.80691 0.76583 0.64865 0.92425 0.88665 0.65008 0.36591 0.92832 0.8569 0.18202 0.17984 0.09905 0.49075 0.37425 0.55636 0.50228 0.67172 0.80981 0.8927 0.56948 0.84203 0.48713 0.56274 0.41057 0.40647 0.05226 0.543 0.4733 0.10335 0.34263 0.65193 0.39455 0.30444 0.85648 0.61595 0.86401 0.31861 0.73492 0.336 0.45055 0.05517 0.64409 0.72283 0.77047 0.39405 0.1443 0.53203 0.1552 0.57957 0.49112 0.15091 0.09037 0.21113 0.02142 0.11711 0.29232 0.78695 0.9994 0.3301 0.14401 0.38709 0.2084 0.08039 0.05579 0.39378 0.41916 0.09271 0.18086 0.11784 0.90965 0.69476 0.43506 0.29467 0.15342 0.32533 0.21397 0.03877 0.76735 0.70114 0.39516 0.94154 0.59674 0.2985 0.74195 0.90687 0.98844 0.23018 0.01022 0.96729 0.68764 0.66702 0.63306 0.34575 0.19615 0.21211 0.04359 0.38068 0.96911 0.05405 0.57973 0.07346 0.81426 0.6284 0.54098 0.43964 0.53479 0.14034 0.22876 0.96485 0.02829 0.74601 0.14384 0.88549 0.51843 0.58659 0.16388 0.64988 0.34758 0.18059 0.72104 0.72431 0.61879 0.09548 0.34927 0.98684 0.70071 0.11879 0.57894 0.70835 0.98431 0.90331 0.06611 0.97516 0.35104 0.04101 0.45228 0.75764 0.44054 0.38771 0.64362 0.08558 0.25381 0.72989 0.62501 0.05818 0.8896 0.82293 0.57145 0.2172 0.9108 0.11352 0.98665 0.13173 0.61231 0.63419 0.74689 0.6381 0.54248 0.94272 0.76888 0.033 0.29055 0.35913 0.44199 0.23108 0.38514 0.45273 0.91975 0.52676 0.04799 0.12911 0.73612 0.56441 0.72218 0.52349 0.53997 0.66742 0.04931 0.65551 0.51237 0.2809 0.16418 0.31415 0.71273 0.91214 0.03935 0.65446 0.50911 0.22985 0.23952 0.7304 0.5007 0.0194 0.91843 0.51132 0.57359 0.95823 0.52994 0.99025 0.19011 0.77356 0.59216 0.20648 0.83071 0.43745 0.2395 0.51291 0.07315 0.87667 0.42598 0.30257 0.32223 0.28264 0.05845 0.69386 0.95624 0.29819 0.84427 0.44636 0.25305 0.63404 0.58269 0.46331 0.45378 0.13291 0.89108 0.47073 0.31951 0.00206 0.14253 0.98535 0.76606 0.22698 0.60418 0.40013 0.79158 0.90243 0.32579 0.31901 0.42464 0.79606 0.04266 0.70496 0.96024 0.76834 0.46765 0.33104 0.88202 0.27265 0.61161 0.23223 0.63534 0.47377 0.20316 0.23998 0.14704 0.14793 0.38746 0.77799 0.36664 0.57641 0.13808 0.78031 0.18694 0.78923 0.82661 0.0486 0.5222 0.01378 0.33294 0.30963 0.50132 0.95144 0.2574 0.28952 0.98739 0.43085 0.85201 0.93076 0.76672 0.06847 0.22873 0.77898 0.00091 0.7928 0.60921 0.01848 0.14024 0.41108 0.35587 0.21869 0.77514 0.36402 0.56718 0.21401 0.60028 0.43105 0.98713 0.64108 0.84966 0.42157 0.04178 0.91321 0.8022 0.73303 0.70236 0.12776 0.99436 0.35571 0.66341 0.11819 0.5503 0.2645 0.16755 0.37174 0.20278 0.86597 0.13271 0.44295 0.49922 0.12933 0.35869 0.71118 0.67915 0.69289 0.28591 0.21722 0.13825 0.03566 0.34203 0.27914 0.54524 0.29702 0.65418 0.53726 0.51526 0.89382 0.09624 0.07837 0.2605 0.60829 0.57751 0.76095 0.36427 0.29255 0.9133 0.80046 0.89063 0.17847 0.67679 0.18992 0.30139 0.7002 0.41264 0.378 0.34199 0.99588 0.5008 0.25064 0.60425 0.36136 0.48927 0.39971 0.19667 0.10796 0.99564 0.99332 0.30643 0.30579 0.34934 0.1651 0.22438 0.26841 0.40931 0.51141 0.54184 0.17517 0.87784 0.9684 0.93406 0.68964 0.90329 0.38051 0.16041 0.24602 0.01593 0.28744 0.70618 0.8643 0.82895 0.76087 0.80713 0.45507 0.37455 0.4466 0.23899 0.14383 0.29828 0.21815 0.20589 0.23422 0.86465 0.38372 0.64198 0.22039 0.84186 0.26377 0.43102 0.63031 0.04668 0.0748 0.97393 0.48459 0.50377 0.83004 0.10196 0.8297 0.52952 0.72743 0.02207 0.87497 0.7391 0.58781 0.82229 0.74295 0.48071 0.51377 0.48076 0.82925 0.87517 0.18208 0.96329 0.102 0.52931 0.61803 0.41591 0.53699
+0.97749 0.7896 0.68034 0.20741 0.21756 0.98443 0.32327 0.58069 0.06017 0.99776 0.77138 0.97979 0.79485 0.22767 0.82394 0.35754 0.37346 0.00919 0.80163 0.62715 0.75956 0.68631 0.24818 0.281 0.60339 0.46562 0.15241 0.99614 0.28538 0.92859 0.38077 0.35824 0.96839 0.18945 0.06802 0.98746 0.16909 0.23215 0.29514 0.8069 0.3574 0.46613 0.76392 0.24689 0.46493 0.71591 0.88835 0.54349 0.3377 0.21071 0.65917 0.71131 0.14986 0.9773 0.69831 0.71852 0.80359 0.56297 0.36259 0.36771 0.59892 0.11934 0.87927 0.65709 0.20232 0.40052 0.2971 0.52144 0.78156 0.65211 0.44334 0.04962 0.76244 0.20333 0.84607 0.20717 0.62672 0.70195 0.68298 0.6239 0.82374 0.36345 0.25801 0.67769 0.50005 0.41794 0.19334 0.44096 0.5406 0.95737 0.54602 0.8916 0.06345 0.80626 0.28556 0.7605 0.71469 0.50452 0.37601 0.67428 0.48746 0.9632 0.30771 0.78901 0.72615 0.89778 0.01711 0.42623 0.2884 0.60338 0.42058 0.45212 0.30612 0.05176 0.8392 0.9302 0.34176 0.82987 0.12753 0.84474 0.62124 0.23139 0.75898 0.03594 0.66861 0.93804 0.05672 0.41237 0.19702 0.16861 0.50958 0.48517 0.44833 0.56284 0.19924 0.73537 0.06669 0.40634 0.193 0.64272 0.40766 0.19806 0.77171 0.74358 0.27945 0.32809 0.64199 0.73343 0.85932 0.26014 0.2313 0.68256 0.38704 0.1871 0.30208 0.29939 0.01794 0.24451 0.34776 0.84262 0.66463 0.32214 0.88821 0.60667 0.53566 0.24218 0.9042 0.45034 0.13735 0.38243 0.87801 0.94 0.00493 0.16508 0.42769 0.72617 0.97042 0.59846 0.63246 0.98876 0.40177 0.9297 0.38658 0.66643 0.34146 0.75313 0.796 0.11856 0.87346 0.70364 0.56473 0.27677 0.3697 0.06788 0.36979 0.76738 0.67203 0.6892 0.87241 0.06808 0.08706 0.95321 0.01244 0.66917 0.92221 0.24248 0.23925 0.57853 0.5181 0.28566 0.05633 0.20615 0.79894 0.26265 0.98083 0.10257 0.12017 0.31203 0.82587 0.16286 0.02851 0.45878 0.37299 0.26838 0.65007 0.60168 0.91252 0.73063 0.12864 0.80764 0.5615 0.70413 0.59489 0.39826 0.78555 0.72604 0.44795 0.09364 0.97189 0.89063 0.87582 0.7426 0.55139 0.05443 0.27284 0.2976 0.03909 0.78352 0.75499 0.95387 0.69519 0.05732 0.28063 0.32854 0.33676 0.85295 0.24619 0.64176 0.5762 0.59638 0.7763 0.40425 0.21329 0.65031 0.11362 0.12606 0.40467 0.72735 0.79451 0.93198 0.39044 0.38859 0.14728 0.78702 0.35971 0.41775 0.4401 0.65526 0.95781 0.33366 0.4443 0.16342 0.43998 0.06969 0.57839 0.80951 0.36537 0.84514 0.76522 0.3591 0.295 0.05125 0.7467 0.43855 0.93009 0.28754 0.75121 0.18055 0.12228 0.34648 0.26628 0.1701 0.27815 0.90115 0.66925 0.58282 0.66131 0.73815 0.23505 0.39162 0.8906 0.41278 0.71502 0.79467 0.29071 0.29567 0.0124 0.87372 0.39371 0.62971 0.87939 0.10669 0.35619 0.80692 0.71414 0.79709 0.04432 0.81163 0.89757 0.07281 0.59888 0.24023 0.63665 0.74496 0.37362 0.12355 0.89562 0.50219 0.47243 0.98824 0.50364 0.21097 0.18446 0.00914 0.81086 0.08216 0.41709 0.27478 0.09706 0.17826 0.64824 0.14361 0.26982 0.74941 0.76827 0.98798 0.82577 0.434 0.30705 0.18221 0.11108 0.98616 0.13791 0.59733 0.75208 0.73222 0.42919 0.58912 0.16075 0.63277 0.86135 0.91975 0.28032 0.25383 0.17608 0.60356 0.04192 0.95168 0.26374 0.69095 0.24418 0.12252 0.58513 0.01157 0.28908 0.47252 0.5721 0.72137 0.50591 0.57774 0.27494 0.38346 0.5569 0.60993 0.68282 0.14446 0.19934 0.52118 0.48286 0.48077 0.38925 0.68555 0.9844 0.54789 0.02633 0.59754 0.85221 0.80777 0.50539 0.14375 0.50422 0.76984 0.42159 0.49275 0.34792 0.96276 0.04706 0.61729 0.91936 0.75318 0.77241 0.05917 0.05446 0.38759 0.81352 0.60893 0.23465 0.92414 0.37884 0.75429 0.11341 0.31619 0.93296 0.9447 0.02094 0.02364 0.80704 0.94846 0.67346 0.87507 0.85057 0.2193 0.64621 0.06191 0.76893 0.17995 0.26812 0.21765 0.81591 0.15889 0.62263 0.2962 0.89479 0.78984 0.94324 0.54773 0.37374 0.25706 0.51656 0.65935 0.76249 0.12631 0.40674 0.63333 0.65498 0.49958 0.54345 0.71113 0.38675 0.91717 0.95051 0.6367 0.14203 0.87814 0.92347 0.28259 0.51475 0.98445 0.54209 0.85657 0.93554 0.2063 0.73557 0.93153 0.59213 0.48522 0.23966 0.39053 0.74597 0.35653 0.3744 0.85263 0.21619 0.63543 0.52987 0.51238 0.01141 0.01508 0.97867 0.62232 0.1078 0.16273 0.59859 0.81585 0.32738 0.49393 0.75728 0.32655 0.28681 0.57459 0.37041 0.09737
+0.95296 0.92314 0.04387 0.05947 0.76642 0.19517 0.4005 0.07132 0.87913 0.96353 0.87779 0.62908 0.16056 0.24128 0.18503 0.12437 0.65745 0.77918 0.84013 0.07318 0.6277 0.85432 0.82947 0.03364 0.25822 0.21619 0.87156 0.88709 0.20272 0.71484 0.29366 0.47196 0.04451 0.18811 0.24582 0.93388 0.63248 0.41549 0.7362 0.97885 0.24753 0.7642 0.30178 0.82244 0.44271 0.45456 0.13539 0.64312 0.49115 0.82552 0.69161 0.4729 0.48692 0.16115 0.77827 0.52375 0.0174 0.14102 0.10773 0.49742 0.43856 0.03259 0.43842 0.77699 0.88943 0.74584 0.6992 0.46425 0.12645 0.96466 0.72653 0.2775 0.27714 0.53145 0.44984 0.4647 0.54056 0.08916 0.35579 0.32242 0.78204 0.99025 0.36069 0.13798 0.08766 0.22016 0.34013 0.19159 0.82353 0.25941 0.90686 0.44113 0.43116 0.73853 0.95509 0.8825 0.63043 0.70513 0.23127 0.70272 0.30757 0.78464 0.13356 0.54404 0.49095 0.5911 0.89858 0.97683 0.43123 0.23224 0.77479 0.32798 0.08363 0.55294 0.22079 0.25027 0.5507 0.04792 0.62918 0.13307 0.40558 0.60896 0.36945 0.32685 0.78569 0.18137 0.4642 0.33479 0.88322 0.95481 0.63039 0.13895 0.18197 0.9568 0.70013 0.31159 0.04033 0.68122 0.06139 0.30016 0.0162 0.84732 0.82816 0.63727 0.46448 0.69466 0.54628 0.74534 0.02058 0.86776 0.5631 0.10578 0.30865 0.77028 0.89291 0.66282 0.71054 0.47483 0.5454 0.12623 0.50959 0.82302 0.99245 0.45996 0.68734 0.35577 0.3015 0.71479 0.74116 0.81203 0.13842 0.97368 0.44892 0.90855 0.36598 0.39914 0.79038 0.12369 0.55352 0.67614 0.19841 0.92785 0.50409 0.07769 0.57641 0.20253 0.57489 0.92626 0.46817 0.29393 0.96587 0.041 0.81208 0.19471 0.5332 0.16588 0.80939 0.32775 0.53066 0.69676 0.47273 0.1092 0.1262 0.57378 0.16716 0.4979 0.48803 0.65909 0.68492 0.57807 0.87167 0.23198 0.36988 0.69966 0.27546 0.21025 0.12142 0.66698 0.24261 0.66107 0.03514 0.08664 0.19256 0.62314 0.67697 0.18252 0.37524 0.91521 0.64229 0.84223 0.66057 0.07364 0.23323 0.18641 0.2116 0.76107 0.04746 0.63846 0.88016 0.91618 0.78608 0.54293 0.12117 0.22099 0.27967 0.29536 0.05456 0.31618 0.10212 0.25355 0.84741 0.46359 0.10382 0.49245 0.77268 0.16871 0.22044 0.28216 0.79611 0.65081 0.78594 0.16679 0.34962 0.96127 0.97515 0.67799 0.64617 0.53394 0.35408 0.94917 0.34416 0.75343 0.67484 0.25922 0.32583 0.50068 0.07394 0.61385 0.6379 0.20851 0.44387 0.02218 0.64022 0.71217 0.27792 0.01002 0.03479 0.38746 0.4789 0.05414 0.00765 0.26817 0.62236 0.37434 0.15062 0.14673 0.48799 0.31198 0.6831 0.91035 0.60672 0.87712 0.47327 0.76997 0.37739 0.24986 0.81415 0.41566 0.43701 0.23079 0.40115 0.92481 0.83299 0.77484 0.56621 0.65206 0.16327 0.27055 0.93958 0.76002 0.23077 0.36714 0.09364 0.04767 0.13334 0.46818 0.14519 0.695 0.94777 0.12983 0.75539 0.97324 0.11033 0.02103 0.55599 0.52695 0.82494 0.90534 0.09703 0.12544 0.02292 0.6719 0.33697 0.56459 0.78844 0.9269 0.58569 0.80892 0.9618 0.35078 0.00681 0.37207 0.09296 0.90688 0.51104 0.79511 0.84007 0.54765 0.47755 0.87798 0.23416 0.73189 0.66998 0.31088 0.44625 0.22395 0.41833 0.10697 0.95564 0.82344 0.45078 0.19446 0.6309 0.96476 0.43867 0.45239 0.87999 0.98106 0.15739 0.05632 0.75399 0.39076 0.47733 0.90458 0.96565 0.48481 0.429 0.50687 0.79192 0.60031 0.06418 0.03387 0.52874 0.11369 0.74727 0.23573 0.95249 0.44309 0.64096 0.74213 0.70435 0.38091 0.6601 0.38129 0.91147 0.47218 0.18905 0.16003 0.22013 0.01721 0.20466 0.46107 0.31649 0.76045 0.53113 0.66196 0.0289 0.18024 0.96677 0.4735 0.00317 0.49768 0.00048 0.29056 0.60145 0.083 0.69076 0.98307 0.54178 0.37683 0.94027 0.34 0.1504 0.89193 0.8667 0.2137 0.2335 0.82353 0.72127 0.1764 0.69464 0.35103 0.22639 0.66959 0.81588 0.3233 0.27702 0.94329 0.96299 0.41556 0.41111 0.80192 0.50915 0.07887 0.10752 0.59618 0.54126 0.18227 0.90615 0.89655 0.23355 0.69464 0.57339 0.76116 0.72686 0.89283 0.43448 0.76714 0.01345 0.2389 0.88179 0.97518 0.48158 0.55131 0.28623 0.15035 0.39531 0.41339 0.15956 0.26994 0.17048 0.48916 0.0917 0.25383 0.14378 0.36767 0.81073 0.66729 0.32128 0.20099 0.06406 0.57532 0.24609 0.50211 0.06178 0.6861 0.15008 0.83557 0.89587 0.94954 0.11058 0.66434 0.20786 0.72884 0.71667 0.17986 0.77382 0.00277 0.02741 0.12738 0.24604 0.91035
+0.64215 0.89459 0.70114 0.87902 0.50023 0.11344 0.56148 0.04335 0.56341 0.23904 0.31026 0.8124 0.73194 0.14069 0.83274 0.38429 0.18298 0.16743 0.87129 0.91558 0.60349 0.23044 0.98718 0.09845 0.75608 0.80171 0.9231 0.5025 0.99089 0.8449 0.49845 0.98485 0.18507 0.15701 0.45596 0.60734 0.35174 0.62295 0.37927 0.21494 0.61081 0.9762 0.63527 0.81228 0.66983 0.61572 0.33991 0.6339 0.18991 0.49455 0.25245 0.55179 0.47934 0.34919 0.46981 0.00433 0.59124 0.20375 0.87673 0.48572 0.90758 0.68313 0.41371 0.62146 0.17031 0.20977 0.95392 0.34722 0.3301 0.5056 0.8986 0.18711 0.5702 0.50405 0.58371 0.38208 0.03131 0.86586 0.56699 0.89511 0.81377 0.99672 0.2216 0.40142 0.85571 0.48359 0.05236 0.32208 0.79153 0.90482 0.84196 0.75975 0.75586 0.01641 0.64391 0.41063 0.64373 0.56383 0.04954 0.89141 0.56493 0.64265 0.68863 0.50054 0.76862 0.4808 0.44084 0.53323 0.10881 0.04899 0.85187 0.65063 0.60954 0.71878 0.94046 0.83276 0.33332 0.16864 0.89005 0.66654 0.56938 0.04349 0.77617 0.41222 0.92443 0.99964 0.85427 0.01454 0.42508 0.62773 0.08647 0.49862 0.5387 0.46813 0.47784 0.38058 0.42857 0.92873 0.32379 0.03628 0.35479 0.20245 0.55446 0.23228 0.61656 0.50691 0.31822 0.10408 0.91298 0.88904 0.17902 0.33319 0.8088 0.68071 0.5844 0.82382 0.46817 0.50727 0.52642 0.07082 0.51335 0.05342 0.26516 0.74368 0.34051 0.6619 0.2232 0.91412 0.13392 0.32804 0.69224 0.05073 0.3426 0.16926 0.73175 0.24847 0.61801 0.14878 0.1839 0.2685 0.40101 0.82405 0.383 0.91361 0.13805 0.38292 0.97891 0.16137 0.03671 0.24171 0.01009 0.35658 0.78068 0.16156 0.39076 0.85566 0.27621 0.29797 0.82347 0.33317 0.09952 0.77688 0.52571 0.7727 0.26192 0.80622 0.77083 0.54351 0.87684 0.51842 0.93643 0.83352 0.00993 0.85294 0.2738 0.18388 0.38782 0.10678 0.00928 0.25302 0.95284 0.18077 0.1482 0.44984 0.65728 0.82611 0.17252 0.096 0.90907 0.2327 0.93131 0.71824 0.044 0.88536 0.70071 0.30725 0.07595 0.8863 0.88097 0.85482 0.44654 0.67546 0.52321 0.71892 0.45049 0.42902 0.09831 0.67362 0.18878 0.51537 0.48952 0.46249 0.21778 0.24053 0.35753 0.29724 0.28158 0.90048 0.47954 0.14584 0.85627 0.00129 0.39359 0.83915 0.91139 0.11698 0.96232 0.82944 0.94304 0.75787 0.78858 0.43399 0.20919 0.2927 0.19125 0.90848 0.7751 0.37905 0.29718 0.15163 0.11923 0.52153 0.75797 0.30807 0.15839 0.74426 0.41417 0.57532 0.33337 0.85074 0.18467 0.53101 0.07767 0.52973 0.26163 0.47056 0.9161 0.06313 0.51916 0.19835 0.54129 0.68219 0.35575 0.73511 0.64858 0.24599 0.0485 0.50621 0.85615 0.17318 0.28272 0.50745 0.9404 0.14328 0.18118 0.13151 0.19221 0.77432 0.31643 0.12065 0.88368 0.97218 0.03015 0.71213 0.77748 0.09473 0.70532 0.3822 0.19043 0.28391 0.41232 0.21094 0.72164 0.094 0.05624 0.545 0.74853 0.02673 0.19374 0.33506 0.18037 0.46265 0.18394 0.31323 0.01279 0.94794 0.74826 0.47345 0.77594 0.86695 0.59402 0.80481 0.56728 0.98811 0.00801 0.56144 0.63419 0.11566 0.58338 0.14783 0.88751 0.38256 0.47368 0.75797 0.39965 0.89898 0.39525 0.06732 0.70311 0.43009 0.76983 0.82573 0.10421 0.29753 0.1402 0.21473 0.44002 0.24533 0.2963 0.53067 0.75152 0.18282 0.46799 0.1373 0.35989 0.03402 0.22982 0.30848 0.38211 0.62377 0.35621 0.87321 0.92721 0.99404 0.86606 0.4326 0.40941 0.8087 0.7917 0.96048 0.32722 0.26927 0.81996 0.47304 0.14203 0.03917 0.76819 0.47579 0.989 0.82798 0.50754 0.1507 0.44565 0.12404 0.76365 0.62616 0.33258 0.79549 0.6229 0.94942 0.01741 0.83053 0.0985 0.15623 0.58198 0.6849 0.31296 0.51753 0.86569 0.06359 0.18916 0.92681 0.64633 0.92352 0.51637 0.62284 0.93347 0.10167 0.49726 0.82889 0.48879 0.21726 0.94917 0.03655 0.76831 0.03138 0.68386 0.93112 0.12767 0.61091 0.79903 0.25728 0.28028 0.06422 0.20713 0.86517 0.61478 0.77731 0.1026 0.60918 0.89413 0.02985 0.10375 0.27289 0.95651 0.87762 0.16988 0.69579 0.78576 0.12703 0.86324 0.66195 0.33041 0.05399 0.25154 0.3986 0.15519 0.21434 0.53896 0.97188 0.99643 0.45524 0.67189 0.38468 0.70701 0.38692 0.3848 0.98995 0.41831 0.99074 0.05915 0.81762 0.98694 0.13148 0.41822 0.41173 0.7976 0.6324 0.32784 0.82581 0.6822 0.09886 0.19788 0.14463 0.05694 0.37452 0.48035 0.1625 0.07462 0.64206 0.07398 0.24636
+0.56797 0.34008 0.76318 0.87249 0.91532 0.42723 0.90186 0.87588 0.84222 0.84521 0.12582 0.73161 0.5905 0.49551 0.81489 0.94743 0.01777 0.71707 0.04483 0.80608 0.38214 0.8463 0.38216 0.89591 0.21008 0.39655 0.34869 0.77636 0.16462 0.29816 0.06449 0.2933 0.15063 0.48386 0.96143 0.21688 0.8832 0.50609 0.18075 0.62273 0.25095 0.01307 0.90531 0.19092 0.6182 0.92389 0.78663 0.87964 0.88268 0.15538 0.63745 0.03883 0.42736 0.19611 0.80852 0.87132 0.10545 0.25718 0.23363 0.77869 0.13359 0.95947 0.7067 0.4245 0.50289 0.91912 0.0431 0.86975 0.23926 0.73253 0.75828 0.77686 0.28446 0.65017 0.88402 0.44142 0.21269 0.70565 0.31096 0.40167 0.21582 0.17473 0.45208 0.04679 0.17187 0.13264 0.28102 0.33866 0.95217 0.09948 0.49333 0.37274 0.25142 0.83857 0.77211 0.71938 0.03143 0.55573 0.66911 0.04689 0.1371 0.55668 0.23998 0.89427 0.89623 0.72934 0.19756 0.09849 0.30624 0.51843 0.58821 0.18295 0.2436 0.4774 0.86524 0.14469 0.49896 0.22996 0.93455 0.65527 0.65431 0.59666 0.59444 0.73327 0.42767 0.472 0.33706 0.72783 0.38157 0.21616 0.64138 0.49834 0.76274 0.28968 0.91834 0.9007 0.18381 0.59877 0.56786 0.69728 0.27204 0.86362 0.69192 0.78877 0.81115 0.67395 0.65793 0.14837 0.09829 0.48078 0.36789 0.98613 0.40245 0.47013 0.2558 0.20609 0.76642 0.05629 0.22872 0.20637 0.02703 0.98078 0.67089 0.85355 0.01789 0.71916 0.65575 0.70774 0.21745 0.69218 0.97723 0.90957 0.18009 0.63645 0.28992 0.47181 0.14842 0.54535 0.27145 0.54944 0.58069 0.84222 0.11228 0.24078 0.96165 0.43401 0.61105 0.70889 0.75831 0.44015 0.60325 0.55631 0.02311 0.31328 0.18359 0.66644 0.40648 0.80492 0.21862 0.07203 0.33768 0.62849 0.30197 0.29882 0.65232 0.13298 0.97365 0.84054 0.14911 0.07868 0.12746 0.06225 0.37067 0.54013 0.3131 0.38078 0.86898 0.44567 0.69206 0.23777 0.62212 0.4759 0.04707 0.70306 0.80753 0.34899 0.41205 0.05116 0.80183 0.37713 0.06441 0.58943 0.22209 0.76518 0.23664 0.72504 0.67098 0.1532 0.51949 0.2762 0.84171 0.19463 0.43984 0.85187 0.31841 0.46139 0.74368 0.66158 0.41587 0.68667 0.47672 0.2489 0.8328 0.53723 0.40762 0.55239 0.5285 0.77412 0.18339 0.65126 0.34062 0.70357 0.73573 0.95214 0.55436 0.62174 0.73828 0.66688 0.60159 0.11261 0.0558 0.9663 0.7881 0.44376 0.49209 0.94954 0.94033 0.03152 0.37112 0.76632 0.71276 0.51991 0.76003 0.40285 0.69489 0.47558 0.8016 0.02386 0.52741 0.21172 0.99973 0.55223 0.38892 0.0414 0.67817 0.07881 0.34242 0.63242 0.20151 0.61033 0.7594 0.68692 0.47648 0.21136 0.79932 0.09523 0.073 0.05577 0.31659 0.82549 0.59001 0.73323 0.16181 0.34641 0.19274 0.09757 0.43995 0.27188 0.32511 0.05455 0.91724 0.65136 0.21673 0.3009 0.62635 0.11058 0.56089 0.06264 0.41124 0.35697 0.03803 0.91025 0.36885 0.48531 0.68262 0.26914 0.61086 0.28848 0.21387 0.1676 0.36184 0.71003 0.23292 0.1117 0.8503 0.46224 0.61487 0.01434 0.8498 0.62615 0.20086 0.50331 0.63806 0.93407 0.8024 0.78581 0.70129 0.20798 0.3561 0.96895 0.137 0.20457 0.97945 0.12299 0.46387 0.58916 0.98034 0.39764 0.51451 0.18609 0.064 0.66951 0.83479 0.64818 0.6066 0.17518 0.45177 0.75108 0.03094 0.78187 0.45629 0.57205 0.42881 0.23519 0.1424 0.92422 0.83206 0.30363 0.78922 0.64812 0.76467 0.25914 0.88282 0.15465 0.6877 0.97425 0.98857 0.50113 0.02889 0.0467 0.90496 0.74336 0.78427 0.6627 0.18736 0.47875 0.05468 0.87065 0.57798 0.64319 0.74594 0.66541 0.58245 0.5476 0.39282 0.06118 0.05915 0.32265 0.10323 0.79148 0.84136 0.5842 0.0075 0.1834 0.02755 0.46399 0.05419 0.0321 0.80954 0.64089 0.71963 0.78265 0.59493 0.57015 0.22767 0.60937 0.93103 0.68378 0.87806 0.54783 0.49583 0.30084 0.86328 0.70731 0.90884 0.70043 0.77656 0.04731 0.59941 0.70177 0.83981 0.7626 0.12691 0.71329 0.70814 0.2876 0.7266 0.14614 0.83243 0.90816 0.82684 0.03461 0.19003 0.21983 0.78257 0.34372 0.47768 0.32382 0.32304 0.58921 0.35213 0.94373 0.334 0.29977 0.04623 0.37124 0.84702 0.83017 0.17513 0.75405 0.92473 0.86555 0.95261 0.38737 0.25994 0.75172 0.31709 0.52256 0.461 0.98709 0.62936 0.68931 0.1984 0.08306 0.39009 0.00368 0.14941 0.74488 0.33884 0.35302 0.99186 0.86522 0.16953 0.16632 0.71981 0.95746 0.77181 0.77643 0.67734 0.99965 0.51984 0.85778
+0.82335 0.39915 0.84088 0.05043 0.264 0.62593 0.32861 0.61616 0.14846 0.0452 0.51747 0.3448 0.68958 0.85471 0.6564 0.32927 0.61853 0.06053 0.02699 0.66084 0.41317 0.3049 0.51782 0.73907 0.97688 0.08116 0.67995 0.75035 0.08633 0.93004 0.23879 0.08484 0.84898 0.7974 0.09554 0.75232 0.02131 0.58273 0.02239 0.08654 0.67163 0.11921 0.87298 0.22971 0.52136 0.68072 0.57738 0.14716 0.908 0.01997 0.61892 0.68659 0.12608 0.75962 0.75124 0.18776 0.97491 0.55686 0.10086 0.83211 0.2031 0.0786 0.89278 0.11227 0.32789 0.03148 0.72548 0.69263 0.89254 0.38702 0.71503 0.43194 0.31822 0.25863 0.72407 0.67577 0.97146 0.08421 0.45799 0.77921 0.1994 0.47168 0.65071 0.37237 0.14917 0.98449 0.14356 0.21741 0.08731 0.28618 0.61034 0.38171 0.8402 0.54559 0.18158 0.37439 0.29573 0.5678 0.33848 0.8445 0.48675 0.56911 0.41903 0.3148 0.29226 0.44755 0.41877 0.16347 0.98756 0.85641 0.69604 0.31837 0.3445 0.31053 0.3666 0.72527 0.1826 0.68437 0.55792 0.80502 0.69958 0.31877 0.90498 0.47374 0.46676 0.12604 0.05036 0.52243 0.74245 0.40295 0.79072 0.6329 0.7514 0.28851 0.80053 0.92926 0.05443 0.88681 0.91745 0.56632 0.81407 0.20373 0.65434 0.23296 0.71213 0.92591 0.42879 0.29963 0.96945 0.18209 0.3481 0.87858 0.07743 0.80909 0.01458 0.37583 0.68056 0.43855 0.43448 0.84652 0.7142 0.53864 0.53408 0.02467 0.22283 0.62825 0.04708 0.07984 0.57713 0.33779 0.38764 0.32334 0.95407 0.3079 0.99134 0.6767 0.0815 0.69495 0.1318 0.75292 0.36026 0.88121 0.94976 0.55242 0.77905 0.71546 0.97751 0.31978 0.16224 0.75052 0.19555 0.30771 0.69898 0.35163 0.89711 0.52667 0.73258 0.29362 0.99164 0.09354 0.7016 0.13706 0.24544 0.65913 0.1306 0.46225 0.39023 0.55992 0.97734 0.12663 0.52967 0.33783 0.2667 0.03905 0.58577 0.72307 0.77565 0.40056 0.7923 0.81588 0.09627 0.12263 0.15271 0.83324 0.07732 0.74563 0.55145 0.43572 0.22667 0.54846 0.47214 0.26729 0.84478 0.08006 0.05974 0.22971 0.22334 0.36587 0.02891 0.86826 0.8135 0.42125 0.96478 0.70577 0.55318 0.16751 0.55114 0.58665 0.31481 0.79003 0.38858 0.78302 0.06042 0.4201 0.30371 0.0194 0.50178 0.38596 0.74995 0.00944 0.87254 0.73681 0.07276 0.11206 0.37774 0.53971 0.51889 0.34618 0.93517 0.08383 0.54087 0.96656 0.08162 0.98493 0.47993 0.16787 0.44001 0.56473 0.62508 0.6159 0.73366 0.56037 0.48431 0.63856 0.45715 0.00246 0.47478 0.9804 0.83291 0.19398 0.59037 0.40723 0.57007 0.62554 0.3001 0.40589 0.75639 0.58568 0.35647 0.24331 0.19727 0.90291 0.04079 0.29419 0.2962 0.96593 0.90749 0.15038 0.73787 0.56895 0.01628 0.77256 0.18347 0.85204 0.39616 0.0699 0.82533 0.73734 0.85662 0.65718 0.45213 0.63228 0.78051 0.5419 0.82358 0.04371 0.34127 0.43916 0.94057 0.03805 0.64331 0.00212 0.61798 0.92859 0.29454 0.26925 0.22011 0.61488 0.65392 0.12105 0.96936 0.98094 0.53177 0.96287 0.36961 0.71995 0.50244 0.37947 0.86076 0.39018 0.60174 0.05474 0.49035 0.83643 0.01656 0.2283 0.32157 0.42136 0.75712 0.93249 0.53009 0.91793 0.08511 0.53192 0.24782 0.75042 0.82661 0.88977 0.68107 0.65128 0.82131 0.56188 0.3249 0.32881 0.74761 0.233 0.52551 0.96484 0.57555 0.24926 0.15215 0.9074 0.51629 0.75457 0.63605 0.30769 0.57558 0.48999 0.46219 0.64846 0.57944 0.34907 0.96088 0.99417 0.69839 0.63057 0.30015 0.41326 0.91485 0.40283 0.08929 0.28447 0.7706 0.35292 0.46685 0.32287 0.11972 0.14114 0.95184 0.23552 0.14054 0.89991 0.22661 0.94285 0.4091 0.37645 0.03358 0.34505 0.35514 0.82548 0.15821 0.73564 0.24546 0.61068 0.99961 0.69565 0.63357 0.70576 0.83688 0.74295 0.12566 0.01648 0.66638 0.60566 0.4493 0.38458 0.87549 0.28878 0.78918 0.83251 0.26189 0.2558 0.89197 0.05731 0.81104 0.66183 0.58876 0.67888 0.1003 0.91153 0.42632 0.22443 0.49701 0.28047 0.46377 0.27965 0.93819 0.09333 0.2749 0.66071 0.97053 0.03841 0.6277 0.60933 0.06397 0.42214 0.94068 0.38368 0.26247 0.50513 0.90621 0.71123 0.63927 0.94139 0.48234 0.91447 0.97851 0.94305 0.00476 0.32775 0.19992 0.08385 0.43394 0.08773 0.18509 0.72881 0.03336 0.7995 0.65092 0.17471 0.25648 0.17025 0.16711 0.11181 0.73742 0.6238 0.03752 0.409 0.55186 0.50939 0.026 0.18389 0.04394 0.42782 0.88645 0.61106 0.3956 0.60558 0.04671 0.05271 0.86387 0.70152
+0.1888 0.41419 0.80735 0.57817 0.60759 0.8942 0.50269 0.92289 0.82404 0.04151 0.36155 0.27443 0.42027 0.32291 0.59778 0.81657 0.91919 0.3606 0.64515 0.26573 0.5173 0.63252 0.34944 0.83247 0.57844 0.41192 0.00067 0.61362 0.78671 0.65134 0.50409 0.14719 0.43419 0.47895 0.01534 0.6863 0.95529 0.73202 0.23234 0.33261 0.73241 0.11973 0.09261 0.6888 0.49128 0.96703 0.27317 0.51375 0.74779 0.34739 0.68916 0.37474 0.95428 0.13018 0.37302 0.7053 0.67797 0.75174 0.99212 0.70386 0.95554 0.31312 0.46368 0.46741 0.92516 0.68969 0.28008 0.88515 0.13103 0.23696 0.47766 0.59027 0.59752 0.38796 0.38729 0.04304 0.89081 0.2403 0.53831 0.1628 0.52533 0.5389 0.95239 0.21295 0.87082 0.33065 0.53097 0.65724 0.70361 0.40048 0.6019 0.06023 0.26704 0.90151 0.64353 0.50993 0.27215 0.10094 0.6295 0.74832 0.87214 0.90287 0.08396 0.28843 0.98992 0.93463 0.8942 0.97196 0.6688 0.18965 0.7179 0.74167 0.10534 0.49732 0.13815 0.39397 0.84785 0.82051 0.99151 0.2468 0.42125 0.40274 0.66942 0.17679 0.11772 0.55517 0.62995 0.46662 0.63509 0.77947 0.13822 0.9307 0.9905 0.55189 0.58351 0.35182 0.11859 0.88701 0.20668 0.03976 0.0172 0.14764 0.82474 0.94128 0.57628 0.50054 0.47128 0.67567 0.1827 0.54134 0.10421 0.01114 0.11866 0.84254 0.35922 0.89799 0.96096 0.34919 0.55566 0.84711 0.62066 0.04898 6e-05 0.32721 0.85725 0.94726 0.3333 0.57957 0.22639 0.59223 0.56374 0.18133 0.4828 0.63134 0.28246 0.99459 0.89319 0.77659 0.90875 0.32594 0.24857 0.99853 0.2545 0.8107 0.04544 0.21605 0.42186 0.45148 0.11248 0.40609 0.31599 0.62269 0.85665 0.96452 0.62198 0.13217 0.39556 0.88316 0.20907 0.6247 0.36076 0.11734 0.03837 0.97602 0.84183 0.21981 0.14817 0.03439 0.05315 0.7955 0.61165 0.5422 0.03199 0.96356 0.0413 0.50152 0.08006 0.14147 0.55791 0.42486 0.65283 0.25875 0.10179 0.97939 0.58612 0.82607 0.39414 0.18452 0.81806 0.57507 0.15101 0.79484 0.98521 0.40952 0.78559 0.53076 0.88938 0.93562 0.06801 0.23112 0.3438 0.77281 0.98019 0.62696 0.09745 0.72303 0.01494 0.83454 0.18173 0.49331 0.08886 0.48801 0.55102 0.77878 0.91943 0.03551 0.00198 0.01197 0.00587 0.72945 0.35993 0.73334 0.95832 0.40758 0.88845 0.71437 0.79516 0.77816 0.17997 0.75598 0.9709 0.2407 0.51235 0.18492 0.43854 0.58499 0.98047 0.28849 0.09927 0.61844 0.73454 0.70439 0.1535 0.15544 0.16748 0.1469 0.48833 0.95387 0.44754 0.75553 0.7784 0.05999 0.98795 0.52445 0.36346 0.02793 0.56197 0.18109 0.94866 0.94276 0.18421 0.54124 0.06635 0.54259 0.97082 0.21589 0.0508 0.53564 0.3006 0.2793 0.59405 0.71835 0.21943 0.9767 0.783 0.25355 0.57557 0.17881 0.65832 0.82201 0.75617 0.77148 0.91823 0.23178 0.80412 0.35046 0.9608 0.8516 0.2199 0.60173 0.62514 0.2242 0.57895 0.46721 0.275 0.96052 0.31016 0.30363 0.26445 0.05637 0.8636 0.4261 0.28867 0.19319 0.43752 0.83216 0.95758 0.19706 0.65679 0.06045 0.90919 0.37013 0.55035 0.96666 0.63771 0.65937 0.12675 0.87477 0.11299 0.54427 0.63949 0.93025 0.98287 0.47211 0.52209 0.78753 0.57893 0.91891 0.04126 0.51268 0.67153 0.41598 0.46372 0.64042 0.19591 0.06604 0.67069 0.57216 0.79317 0.47837 0.44412 0.96682 0.71977 0.00459 0.88395 0.16183 0.18266 0.20276 0.62774 0.57361 0.10918 0.00531 0.55386 0.02696 0.72595 0.87271 0.41902 0.29275 0.11207 0.81402 0.36953 0.64924 0.55136 0.87666 0.77915 0.11546 0.08417 0.40744 0.7988 0.26475 0.30884 0.23231 0.87326 0.75199 0.78567 0.01449 0.84667 0.59735 0.55407 0.1601 0.15305 0.28512 0.55627 0.99281 0.13719 0.40114 0.19756 0.91194 0.42608 0.48631 0.53321 0.01451 0.12451 0.37669 0.03961 0.59799 0.70643 0.99999 0.19936 0.79266 0.60778 0.30143 0.97207 0.41127 0.38285 0.32136 0.67453 0.05602 0.78863 0.59957 0.91634 0.84126 0.53556 0.00886 0.46168 0.20128 0.12086 0.20961 0.73637 0.28086 0.28121 0.36017 0.51779 0.3614 0.77865 0.4363 0.84285 0.86585 0.84055 0.6057 0.24665 0.99499 0.69861 0.07008 0.68248 0.89992 0.52275 0.95834 0.08702 0.77159 0.35983 0.12024 0.44936 0.03319 0.97668 0.82161 0.47037 0.51796 0.67016 0.68825 0.05874 0.49347 0.89725 0.05925 0.9007 0.23261 0.0744 0.75675 0.59727 0.93711 0.63762 0.86269 0.88869 0.68612 0.30725 0.40599 0.55245 0.81522 0.88384 0.52027 0.73253 0.26409
+0.30538 0.64892 0.55833 0.58024 0.20477 0.51176 0.15323 0.77759 0.03773 0.98415 0.77618 0.76256 0.24923 0.15598 0.30552 0.66625 0.36837 0.87623 0.05685 0.87054 0.60891 0.87649 0.56508 0.42781 0.4383 0.33924 0.39448 0.55714 0.79631 0.46769 0.36354 0.61307 0.1184 0.37344 0.94801 0.54194 0.55329 0.36659 0.94925 0.39357 0.84657 0.75396 0.50189 0.55909 0.01827 0.95623 0.07833 0.57454 0.4984 0.38471 0.63651 0.31261 0.37554 0.54717 0.88655 0.23199 0.1165 0.5558 0.22648 0.90692 0.92087 0.7049 0.41998 0.14062 0.71325 0.74489 0.49932 0.13034 0.01169 0.9688 0.62448 0.25881 0.01403 0.82196 0.42879 0.74976 0.89611 0.18406 0.7236 0.47776 0.649 0.22113 0.98142 0.13189 0.02604 0.84128 0.89711 0.4522 0.18437 0.62303 0.95339 0.83333 0.52273 0.53953 0.71486 0.81023 0.23545 0.06815 0.48761 0.23921 0.04978 0.3344 0.4013 0.82822 0.00586 0.1592 0.27569 0.76513 0.50446 0.72941 0.28833 0.93814 0.38364 0.61276 0.68535 0.0118 0.73032 0.5417 0.27959 0.26899 0.64923 0.19001 0.6331 0.79709 0.15813 0.36109 0.86452 0.46684 0.51135 0.72731 0.63307 0.04482 0.23718 0.56934 0.86994 0.48468 0.27968 0.9787 0.00193 0.41333 0.07573 0.59308 0.25325 0.03481 0.49953 0.40972 0.01182 0.69801 0.70341 0.01368 0.81241 0.06701 0.94007 0.72879 0.13644 0.8827 0.94937 0.87195 0.93607 0.71027 0.44798 0.63434 0.95953 0.51329 0.28735 0.77403 0.77454 0.54463 0.37055 0.73134 0.29112 0.8408 0.49999 0.29861 0.98837 0.05952 0.94367 0.23227 0.42815 0.38193 0.09355 0.07665 0.44562 0.64808 0.03507 0.82637 0.99003 0.79097 0.81308 0.55692 0.76011 0.73053 0.18068 0.32308 0.78017 0.70321 0.10369 0.1199 0.77089 0.82929 0.29718 0.45046 0.86427 0.18018 0.77345 0.40946 0.86805 0.35845 0.33153 0.11597 0.04527 0.55599 0.80892 0.77001 0.8935 0.46953 0.28483 0.21027 0.02349 0.54587 0.75861 0.36409 0.5173 0.06364 0.9499 0.92165 0.43358 0.84221 0.54936 0.61125 0.30035 0.79251 0.58179 0.57193 0.26102 0.68086 0.14162 0.67185 0.35915 0.98322 0.11267 0.20205 0.98179 0.12904 0.12215 0.57315 0.70906 0.9628 0.71376 0.79549 0.40332 0.82258 0.88972 0.03731 0.62847 0.67704 0.84676 0.88516 0.99975 0.49205 0.80947 0.68827 0.68047 0.36547 0.37653 0.87296 0.10454 0.01066 0.83109 0.60955 0.18564 0.7072 0.9021 0.63537 0.1346 0.43157 0.61893 0.00271 0.67723 0.29122 0.98611 0.10696 0.15445 0.60369 0.12604 0.30461 0.21832 0.22077 0.53532 0.96003 0.37988 0.88916 0.12066 0.68494 0.10571 0.09489 0.74848 0.64924 0.5529 0.79707 0.62419 0.10902 0.43341 0.65854 0.64152 0.84286 0.16162 0.75049 0.92402 0.22273 0.61276 0.69992 0.95215 0.05692 0.74563 0.17722 0.71935 0.57088 0.16762 0.69089 0.70613 0.00302 0.71425 0.7776 0.00119 0.8691 0.24849 0.63101 0.85887 0.96725 0.63226 0.33155 0.95694 0.22614 0.685 0.59136 0.87663 0.57612 0.92875 0.78278 0.06088 0.06027 0.026 0.48988 0.62559 0.80004 0.94703 0.98913 0.87634 0.7844 0.06263 0.69647 0.44483 0.33051 0.61637 0.82144 0.23351 0.59314 0.45137 0.71938 0.81175 0.12754 0.08734 0.44962 0.97804 0.61224 0.57462 0.87962 0.20695 0.09365 0.23322 0.38274 0.72488 0.4413 0.39621 0.64955 0.9092 0.10288 0.44986 0.08041 0.88045 0.56588 0.63549 0.30215 0.83523 0.0056 0.16375 0.67697 0.8184 0.6919 0.94349 0.84328 0.95154 0.06963 0.68647 0.99578 0.65417 0.22147 0.38007 0.36055 0.59281 0.09434 0.45078 0.01087 0.25653 0.83712 0.09846 0.97954 0.66296 0.35105 0.73938 0.59785 0.70905 0.87056 0.17408 0.53919 0.53825 0.96479 0.7605 0.50182 0.28573 0.10353 0.75285 0.77588 0.19089 0.84533 0.04393 0.36846 0.0183 0.17132 0.69369 0.63249 0.20033 0.09622 0.2875 0.53565 0.20271 0.94432 0.29619 0.08049 0.84819 0.40402 0.71461 0.85261 0.58755 0.39324 0.63854 0.06816 0.20464 0.75004 0.25104 0.25493 0.33445 0.12566 0.52261 0.55596 0.63151 0.11214 0.05171 0.09231 0.45899 0.80173 0.7448 0.351 0.89159 0.45106 0.20831 0.39386 0.09486 0.77611 0.12746 0.92218 0.81799 0.94851 0.74586 0.85411 0.67882 0.39485 0.35434 0.48725 0.1709 0.03832 0.8684 0.62863 0.69682 0.45868 0.35871 0.32551 0.98892 0.63529 0.72111 0.38412 0.03782 0.87805 0.15832 0.07714 0.54029 0.33275 0.44765 0.36427 0.96263 0.62454 0.88334 0.33755 0.25144 0.35122 0.73793 0.88809 0.22176 0.58166 0.88849 0.89312
+0.93031 0.03443 0.33367 0.73198 0.24101 0.7187 0.54357 0.17208 0.40945 0.00817 0.14221 0.23179 0.15309 0.13659 0.70686 0.34366 0.32708 0.69066 0.78483 0.4241 0.05468 0.15056 0.54877 0.36255 0.54083 0.37216 0.75717 0.7618 0.59877 0.16521 0.75643 0.64194 0.08916 0.53614 0.11965 0.36878 0.89044 0.11517 0.81374 0.77883 0.98283 0.49385 0.87258 0.19857 0.22909 0.69636 0.9876 0.3586 0.0199 0.48605 0.74851 0.86655 0.83684 0.20949 0.34562 0.83028 0.58221 0.50961 0.8039 0.15202 0.21142 0.984 0.94893 0.13912 0.37281 0.88441 0.43738 0.52072 0.94605 0.41444 0.70443 0.56201 0.62178 0.96315 0.02692 0.17094 0.858 0.28976 0.54745 0.68796 0.10674 0.39944 0.17945 0.88692 0.60611 0.88226 0.22241 0.23798 0.39953 0.07041 0.60468 0.74555 0.47149 0.53974 0.31659 0.95068 0.04988 0.80257 0.35958 0.13284 0.11468 0.77837 0.79198 0.70861 0.4123 0.9978 0.29337 0.65488 0.52781 0.98789 0.10122 0.01756 0.42628 0.45021 0.31868 0.51445 0.54071 0.79614 0.53159 0.30597 0.59361 0.52687 0.0868 0.37272 0.29646 0.86495 0.12343 0.57626 0.9834 0.35439 0.35717 0.23536 0.90186 0.46185 0.4197 0.59892 0.17243 0.72153 0.60145 0.33836 0.12339 0.01666 0.32151 0.27017 0.34415 0.18679 0.66386 0.05651 0.09583 0.28321 0.95521 0.42966 0.89206 0.17615 0.56714 0.48453 0.10814 0.66023 0.7203 0.75483 0.91659 0.82728 0.42744 0.10225 0.40966 0.39696 0.93575 0.43229 0.39135 0.92342 0.73833 0.74807 0.84837 0.5475 0.14884 0.99225 0.91429 0.28353 0.81385 0.50535 0.17135 0.32812 0.38417 0.67298 0.69063 0.75286 0.62868 0.40886 0.44697 0.19898 0.37814 0.0603 0.90579 0.35901 0.20834 0.17649 0.8881 0.03319 0.88609 0.63122 0.52589 0.14487 0.91326 0.02138 0.43862 0.33245 0.81922 0.75735 0.88872 0.67606 0.12047 0.603 0.08064 0.76134 0.15563 0.89313 0.748 0.0792 0.31195 0.87687 0.13499 0.57414 0.50344 0.43538 0.74206 0.2047 0.29181 0.03743 0.40897 0.89613 0.04662 0.29791 0.82678 0.29925 0.21191 0.46808 0.513 0.49261 0.84358 0.88178 0.92037 0.82196 0.93276 0.92997 0.22201 0.76315 0.19568 0.22744 0.54653 0.0527 0.92341 0.69993 0.89452 0.17155 0.09648 0.41455 0.45216 0.48613 0.55699 0.78651 0.45199 0.63016 0.22757 0.55705 0.00868 0.88489 0.34436 0.28666 0.99039 0.93748 0.36996 0.40351 0.91331 0.06007 0.42846 0.44325 0.66223 0.74891 0.42172 0.99956 0.96675 0.1344 0.22509 0.23015 0.61726 0.4261 0.95568 0.41063 0.56851 0.24097 0.64406 0.87851 0.26779 0.95017 0.09575 0.58874 0.90395 0.15159 0.50747 0.52685 0.65608 0.86078 0.23717 0.06463 0.30872 0.18565 0.52022 0.12297 0.29779 0.91244 0.59896 0.84528 0.82243 0.07957 0.86567 0.67227 0.04546 0.09537 0.57041 0.0472 0.17298 0.76387 0.83017 0.67775 0.68491 0.95858 0.09927 0.96046 0.38407 0.54687 0.63156 0.8134 0.11066 0.61126 0.14715 0.95717 0.35184 0.70999 0.54249 0.44906 0.02495 0.82553 0.72332 0.05374 0.18992 0.36078 0.49088 0.45663 0.6933 0.29305 0.71011 0.6355 0.49881 0.31473 0.7301 0.34274 0.95427 0.11423 0.22312 0.39339 0.16428 0.26503 0.94582 0.39373 0.83841 0.04022 0.5256 0.88488 0.74963 0.25228 0.62916 0.93852 0.24957 0.51415 0.69552 0.50638 0.54897 0.39377 0.1559 0.03725 0.67769 0.04915 0.7319 0.97605 0.646 0.90257 0.44989 0.70877 0.40479 0.7682 0.94371 0.11055 0.84271 0.31945 0.23744 0.28429 0.24626 0.38486 0.74392 0.20925 0.33552 0.47534 0.73773 0.88717 0.97084 0.36383 0.17541 0.81293 0.02843 0.88472 0.1254 0.79785 0.08532 0.03001 0.25404 0.98408 0.37576 0.25974 0.46832 0.79659 0.34509 0.48393 0.59044 0.03938 0.46794 0.52166 0.4917 0.77828 0.34163 0.43688 0.03041 0.2582 0.51951 0.32378 0.29682 0.00316 0.14466 0.84777 0.55577 0.94688 0.66366 0.13095 0.594 0.45974 0.74764 0.11004 0.94219 0.34159 0.46569 0.24963 0.89265 0.32275 0.15501 0.79088 0.38659 0.60501 0.5216 0.53413 0.08803 0.19761 0.66685 0.44188 0.52743 0.55468 0.15138 0.36133 0.39821 0.72776 0.43494 0.49843 0.04249 0.44116 0.69586 0.97368 0.09304 0.67993 0.10889 0.40918 0.09681 0.45478 0.54852 0.06013 0.32616 0.40029 0.38862 0.45846 0.92985 0.36321 0.15379 0.78298 0.98624 0.17655 0.42506 0.66794 0.94859 0.98412 0.90864 0.0224 0.79542 0.76739 0.78251 0.35243 0.64985 0.37383 0.68532 0.4448 0.27557 0.37345 0.25667 0.38662 0.3793 0.92106
+0.84906 0.88999 0.09001 0.28402 0.64234 0.938 0.21021 0.31342 0.81109 0.8694 0.02766 0.23936 0.42326 0.90316 0.72122 0.0272 0.43663 0.57437 0.50302 0.86681 0.77622 0.7086 0.81004 0.23018 0.17284 0.70414 0.2705 0.72264 0.19645 0.69369 0.47582 0.17223 0.00389 0.07631 0.99451 0.10669 0.06909 0.20756 0.10022 0.54859 0.0958 0.77851 0.24793 0.48217 0.33185 0.6051 0.83237 0.12976 0.80405 0.32571 0.59549 0.29181 0.06971 0.68084 0.80486 0.16669 0.69625 0.61094 0.30763 0.2235 0.62141 0.8892 0.501 0.70518 0.26921 0.13908 0.63929 0.91836 0.50383 0.59853 0.14475 0.89615 0.68623 0.42152 0.04348 0.77345 0.92945 0.997 0.52332 0.23154 0.63365 0.79235 0.8556 0.16198 0.93541 0.31978 0.28933 0.44192 0.52214 0.88561 0.02423 0.32455 0.51559 0.04505 0.57602 0.59566 0.41933 0.95833 0.13786 0.14976 0.85183 0.00822 0.57264 0.57394 0.00157 0.3533 0.32282 0.49491 0.43343 0.50896 0.28 0.59565 0.43579 0.30657 0.93012 0.42251 0.0159 0.06408 0.133 0.06952 0.56916 0.86746 0.76679 0.67594 0.42899 0.87859 0.22005 0.86399 0.32058 0.67223 0.33762 0.31017 0.10642 0.80802 0.2753 0.3748 0.78718 0.92376 0.15653 0.66285 0.32944 0.69007 0.89414 0.89979 0.15541 0.31446 0.37578 0.70914 0.1679 0.48718 0.64421 0.53567 0.58911 0.09321 0.87875 0.89417 0.78471 0.11638 0.45343 0.20779 0.02393 0.15895 0.20395 0.33139 0.8976 0.94537 0.72216 0.40053 0.25798 0.30931 0.89564 0.02685 0.82061 0.22375 0.90818 0.48624 0.89655 0.58185 0.06711 0.80676 0.39427 0.46358 0.29107 0.92718 0.41919 0.43465 0.35561 0.20271 0.51497 0.53434 0.69969 0.46006 0.20076 0.93496 0.37821 0.76411 0.83846 0.62665 0.44246 0.61082 0.61284 0.29494 0.39293 0.38236 0.71114 0.37137 0.10424 0.77151 0.17471 0.99856 0.54144 0.2808 0.70451 0.79692 0.39956 0.60459 0.35694 0.77723 0.14144 0.24308 0.44878 0.75948 0.31887 0.24108 0.53611 0.17834 0.39207 0.12339 0.10463 0.4887 0.22312 0.46171 0.62511 0.86583 0.09672 0.93426 0.62498 0.92928 0.05492 0.28875 0.32122 0.2818 0.44548 0.71751 0.5969 0.91896 0.06822 0.23628 0.92838 0.29522 0.70543 0.76914 0.79876 0.86966 0.29922 0.53687 0.1471 0.07625 0.96547 0.4943 0.27693 0.67978 0.53326 0.494 0.84822 0.20692 0.05619 0.21521 0.24438 0.70796 0.26708 0.09953 0.75913 0.73084 0.89982 0.64452 0.65834 0.2567 0.24913 0.67674 0.25392 0.71253 0.26421 0.71169 0.43186 0.93499 0.60861 0.0282 0.7521 0.13389 0.89525 0.56017 0.33144 0.4787 0.56913 0.64999 0.50549 0.28246 0.88519 0.52171 0.69795 0.23915 0.39554 0.25377 0.70481 0.01954 0.98338 0.74405 0.80255 0.96598 0.66723 0.06256 0.73672 0.8078 0.85693 0.64436 0.30635 0.01895 0.67012 0.06642 0.24644 0.74521 0.63933 0.77554 0.12672 0.05179 0.91355 0.99269 0.96675 0.74419 0.77232 0.18925 0.55554 0.41101 0.6094 0.11477 0.67894 0.37793 0.35338 0.85939 0.36623 0.64815 0.70484 0.50339 0.38387 0.02526 0.38947 0.44952 0.66756 0.61322 0.85736 0.91816 0.9144 0.86588 0.54284 0.34666 0.55466 0.76549 0.60154 0.94151 0.10194 0.71952 0.5926 0.59812 0.1947 0.03095 0.79546 0.22793 0.391 0.43243 0.8383 0.90727 0.67731 0.62487 0.00833 0.3937 0.59121 0.90715 0.2974 0.33632 0.18158 0.81974 0.4733 0.76536 0.59374 0.82041 0.62914 0.5693 0.77873 0.89552 0.85397 0.41528 0.5106 0.89444 0.10115 0.36506 0.73971 0.18187 0.79524 0.78373 0.69142 0.21135 0.04057 0.30077 0.16449 0.11474 0.13518 0.34073 0.71124 0.67306 0.11816 0.59659 0.30963 0.26419 0.42869 0.88267 0.06095 0.91224 0.31397 0.01636 0.40357 0.82355 0.03231 0.49888 0.00738 0.29427 0.47852 0.39632 0.3924 0.91132 0.86703 0.15643 0.60492 0.94667 0.02876 0.81928 0.76625 0.53248 0.74181 0.78463 0.27578 0.82752 0.35355 0.13701 0.94132 0.52751 0.36532 0.75844 0.9433 0.73678 0.489 0.15103 0.68235 0.99881 0.48087 0.60039 0.95773 0.74292 0.81948 0.72022 0.28927 0.87709 0.41452 0.80393 0.71947 0.72148 0.30591 0.49508 0.04074 0.89006 0.34914 0.95626 0.78872 0.16356 0.53481 0.79936 0.44197 0.87938 0.02868 0.06439 0.82029 0.40638 0.47042 0.45641 0.03605 0.99183 0.03148 0.69006 0.25452 0.41682 0.25501 0.55939 0.68976 0.53694 0.66586 0.83792 0.53793 0.4905 0.2378 0.58273 0.86709 0.25294 0.76698 0.08722 0.55876 0.80515 0.81317 0.69379 0.52732 0.79063 0.82435 0.81074
+0.56722 0.59813 0.27258 0.75032 0.61748 0.31027 0.02958 0.66817 0.88137 0.58901 0.66058 0.67224 0.52482 0.75042 0.51346 0.19812 0.0069 0.04114 0.96183 0.00705 0.05146 0.41092 0.61314 0.13259 0.64721 0.94098 0.78658 0.6382 0.80264 0.44794 0.47094 0.60939 0.28772 0.9132 0.04194 0.15276 0.69368 0.02055 0.96475 0.75987 0.81749 0.74155 0.81143 0.05167 0.68028 0.55114 0.69367 0.45554 0.59931 0.51126 0.0678 0.47883 0.52588 0.8392 0.24668 0.90323 0.66985 0.09373 0.30794 0.02973 0.34418 0.59438 0.06867 0.8691 0.49211 0.29508 0.86069 0.45345 0.72202 0.67714 0.14738 0.24094 0.2928 0.6854 0.2572 0.20521 0.36494 0.57545 0.97286 0.08922 0.23579 0.02085 0.33006 0.22194 0.09495 0.1801 0.2931 0.20091 0.48474 0.68233 0.88456 0.258 0.48153 0.70758 0.54958 0.40785 0.3983 0.76708 0.82142 0.77908 0.50603 0.43084 0.34739 0.30008 0.46473 0.48856 0.25724 0.26118 0.4858 0.50687 0.51543 0.77152 0.4139 0.33009 0.08534 0.89236 0.83562 0.34297 0.84247 0.77953 0.14948 0.94811 0.97156 0.95178 0.58266 0.06011 0.42458 0.80467 0.83402 0.30168 0.21124 0.65001 0.18538 0.30106 0.06874 0.02069 0.39418 0.14341 0.18792 0.42992 0.27098 0.26173 0.91748 0.90179 0.13279 0.95435 0.26162 0.41825 0.96143 0.92922 0.84377 0.23081 0.19986 0.4077 0.32456 0.48258 0.701 0.49966 0.432 0.21418 0.80361 0.13378 0.76031 0.43944 0.02864 0.50973 0.87933 0.58319 0.47442 0.26031 0.24485 0.80565 0.75651 0.37949 0.32102 0.38755 0.31922 0.62981 0.73375 0.04155 0.45091 0.72392 0.87887 0.59987 0.19044 0.94663 0.87006 0.10291 0.74374 0.49145 0.06349 0.8562 0.34835 0.60946 0.47843 0.82933 0.66468 0.1487 0.27018 0.62494 0.38385 0.54024 0.41981 0.0689 0.05267 0.89411 0.78168 0.41696 0.83434 0.12361 0.70601 0.77024 0.23221 0.65476 0.79043 0.56957 0.73428 0.80144 0.44992 0.81956 0.37203 0.75413 0.89631 0.82535 0.18071 0.92243 0.72851 0.80964 0.99686 0.84976 0.89582 0.61217 0.59546 0.35699 0.1733 0.08433 0.74567 0.81278 0.93898 0.18979 0.80175 0.82165 0.08824 0.39224 0.06286 0.00318 8e-05 0.48557 0.33526 0.02878 0.93802 0.93698 0.7811 0.09032 0.43231 0.98247 0.15043 0.88728 0.02213 0.15335 0.9365 0.5794 0.54466 0.12973 0.9803 0.12701 0.15779 0.76579 0.47021 0.27326 0.92879 0.67352 0.27665 0.97004 0.29745 0.61698 0.59225 0.65582 0.90314 0.8525 0.66554 0.58752 0.51832 0.96606 0.67471 0.43332 0.71153 0.62277 0.00917 0.25042 0.163 0.40119 0.44207 0.85596 0.06032 0.31163 0.25713 0.31635 0.82528 0.2105 0.19691 0.33805 0.26797 0.31957 0.90704 0.63594 0.95545 0.39996 0.76776 0.25685 0.84333 0.1289 0.70868 0.11515 0.27028 0.49431 0.10802 0.6386 0.65698 0.17468 0.68019 0.29131 0.54346 0.19887 0.75522 0.93083 0.43362 0.06506 0.31767 0.6831 0.01112 0.90705 0.48273 0.10269 0.49693 0.31802 0.26207 0.55553 0.0025 0.20805 0.98542 0.97454 0.70424 0.96608 0.69591 0.26291 0.70538 0.10867 0.07832 0.65763 0.95526 0.94883 0.78114 0.28822 0.6899 0.33023 0.7576 0.65087 0.79203 0.01207 0.28759 0.14379 0.18897 0.93046 0.54747 0.29252 0.98945 0.41891 0.45076 0.32758 0.5947 0.56959 0.92464 0.91321 0.93033 0.71212 0.86508 0.8953 0.07755 0.12275 0.44668 0.73542 0.8274 0.64985 0.66637 0.02189 0.93689 0.9269 0.09782 0.62835 0.62447 0.42582 0.83497 0.68383 0.38816 0.28135 0.72569 0.00384 0.47159 0.13939 0.77175 0.04711 0.87017 0.04493 0.61404 0.79234 0.39846 0.42077 0.76331 0.24588 0.67074 0.67545 0.28457 0.22876 0.4387 0.61115 0.49175 0.16417 0.07871 0.07703 0.53046 0.23459 0.19888 0.11272 0.80101 0.75591 0.13209 0.7154 0.58396 0.55053 0.52061 0.0063 0.95973 0.82984 0.07541 0.5405 0.9894 0.75346 0.84679 0.57606 0.49341 0.121 0.76007 0.74736 0.55073 0.67575 0.40098 0.29065 0.23634 0.72333 0.38143 0.40122 0.13722 0.56926 0.65131 0.79072 0.77961 0.8529 0.45596 0.22255 0.85275 0.75837 0.726 0.53031 0.55385 0.18497 0.07804 0.66529 0.63517 0.78103 0.58882 0.54211 0.92316 0.43593 0.0982 0.89362 0.30442 0.51388 0.03926 0.06181 0.9334 0.98931 0.58842 0.1513 0.97357 0.93901 0.85117 0.06747 0.76533 0.64495 0.20445 0.55768 0.63634 0.61598 0.30608 0.32041 0.47524 0.71342 0.97953 0.65514 0.66365 0.37014 0.8684 0.60313 0.18268 0.74228 0.7169 0.85444 0.65504 0.08293 0.88527 0.46825
+0.10379 0.80273 0.64092 0.41845 0.11198 0.73804 0.81123 0.08729 0.5703 0.60187 0.58149 0.56724 0.04151 0.43657 0.98506 0.51869 0.13746 0.9147 0.67117 0.22143 0.6189 0.29163 0.93229 0.92473 0.86892 0.7572 0.37487 0.37358 0.95252 0.81204 0.592 0.82079 0.72749 0.31085 0.5532 0.4461 0.22491 0.3538 0.51824 0.05232 0.46024 0.91668 0.764 0.84751 0.45383 0.98879 0.99694 0.63554 0.3065 0.62592 0.49616 0.86312 0.03961 0.28876 0.33454 0.50645 0.22566 0.78514 0.51138 0.12009 0.94122 0.06142 0.304 0.47436 0.35227 0.33695 0.98652 0.26845 0.16383 0.84679 0.03516 0.36107 0.54816 0.7282 0.58731 0.26453 0.75126 0.05858 0.18208 0.59447 0.25944 0.14796 0.4093 0.6924 0.83408 0.86619 0.95329 0.47455 0.8278 0.42252 0.49017 0.66164 0.75774 0.8804 0.99433 0.54999 0.17574 0.00497 0.06339 0.12768 0.10163 0.50415 0.86201 0.58241 0.18655 0.4649 0.75362 0.90757 0.90844 0.87128 0.18416 0.83494 0.33388 0.04237 0.6387 0.99143 0.42108 0.54952 0.86719 0.07516 0.48181 0.80089 0.57273 0.71347 0.67136 0.98041 0.3785 0.45962 0.76303 0.01013 0.04226 0.41128 0.74008 0.53886 0.91973 0.66577 0.51675 0.93692 0.70849 0.12536 0.91658 0.10868 0.02309 0.73452 0.54196 0.38598 0.51292 0.72934 0.39881 0.2256 0.16139 0.32421 0.88518 0.15738 0.98439 0.12468 0.09903 0.83227 0.63706 0.72248 0.74684 0.45917 0.43102 0.60861 0.64341 0.36769 0.54243 0.70311 0.99272 0.05079 0.35855 0.55624 0.30106 0.79614 0.73239 0.50169 0.93199 0.8327 0.01318 0.55556 0.32617 0.98326 0.26022 0.56624 0.5655 0.5795 0.41299 0.12304 0.40301 0.8455 0.96196 0.98971 0.42077 0.71776 0.83934 0.83595 0.10634 0.69402 0.52206 0.02521 0.51589 0.36653 0.66148 0.91964 0.41352 0.42924 0.04967 0.0857 0.86211 0.03271 0.80303 0.09176 0.07743 0.09214 0.17042 0.30599 0.79484 0.27277 0.63175 0.99691 0.35521 0.29247 0.63969 0.80843 0.29403 0.91253 0.42313 0.47457 0.2226 0.36199 0.66539 0.72842 0.50059 0.20619 0.00793 0.21988 0.25021 0.56988 0.90782 0.46426 0.61547 0.27158 0.67482 0.88138 0.29159 0.51327 0.63029 0.06424 0.41837 0.77901 0.72133 0.83363 0.139 0.31977 0.13186 0.78155 0.11403 0.80167 0.95084 0.28018 0.33089 0.89711 0.35198 0.41172 0.87625 0.95222 0.5942 0.83058 0.56806 0.70618 0.07496 0.49804 0.28794 0.70775 0.22363 0.48034 0.35808 0.87301 0.98096 0.80358 0.30095 0.82713 0.93261 0.33288 0.61095 0.08702 0.2409 0.12161 0.00567 0.85229 0.31072 0.12647 0.58585 0.91308 0.17648 0.99712 0.13101 0.96573 0.57056 0.87966 0.14758 0.96859 0.24329 0.08099 0.38237 0.8594 0.7277 0.57123 0.29069 0.35326 0.32104 0.35075 0.63341 0.39738 0.40104 0.81897 0.73275 0.62604 0.5108 0.73209 0.05401 0.30466 0.47131 0.95826 0.57559 0.29115 0.7721 0.5686 0.90043 0.99115 0.12127 0.14883 0.72881 0.92537 0.29874 0.99734 0.86558 0.31656 0.09353 0.52981 0.62561 0.51359 0.2193 0.26993 0.10422 0.40601 0.84483 0.37327 0.70642 0.9951 0.39979 0.21291 0.2977 0.87198 0.30771 0.71656 0.7388 0.69874 0.67083 0.39992 0.08988 0.20732 0.68257 0.19213 0.74108 0.02692 0.22836 0.06947 0.09879 0.47685 0.84701 0.72035 0.07965 0.49989 0.20846 0.21018 0.89372 0.8837 0.12066 0.02548 0.37061 0.68005 0.37048 0.37947 0.24236 0.99487 0.28903 0.26075 0.83335 0.21804 0.12773 0.69992 0.85308 0.08164 0.2565 0.44308 0.22784 0.70859 0.08293 0.26909 0.0863 0.4943 0.08278 0.8712 0.46241 0.48803 0.04722 0.20593 0.71393 0.3048 0.64758 0.1522 0.65605 0.3583 0.61132 0.45746 0.17065 0.45799 0.07317 0.49555 0.36979 0.30033 0.80526 0.95831 0.8079 0.68768 0.77752 0.24271 0.80688 0.74762 0.7544 0.48153 0.6799 0.77499 0.90434 0.97789 0.07754 0.54605 0.75328 0.42488 0.13445 0.1556 0.2689 0.72963 0.47128 0.67706 0.52204 0.62409 0.18629 0.06047 0.36924 0.36908 0.25481 0.17012 0.33639 0.45929 0.76894 0.03773 0.95236 0.82153 0.01352 0.76944 0.40497 0.9644 0.72931 0.68248 0.3387 0.16674 0.17347 0.6948 0.52899 0.04358 0.37031 0.46157 0.5036 0.44789 0.87189 0.18699 0.15464 0.12849 0.19377 0.33507 0.07086 0.62273 0.3478 0.58477 0.99103 0.63756 0.49561 0.842 0.18285 0.48826 0.1258 0.83888 0.75292 0.48356 0.56457 0.87798 0.06439 0.84646 0.52667 0.5705 0.50513 0.62727 0.67308 0.88844 0.25303 0.34348 0.9638 0.39983 0.50988 0.34303
+0.34289 0.06981 0.10597 0.76354 0.46138 0.65954 0.45158 0.63167 0.01696 0.47606 0.38098 0.92762 0.71698 0.52507 0.54318 0.94722 0.10642 0.12975 0.0639 0.118 0.09142 0.49003 0.52089 0.0047 0.13019 0.32076 0.77266 0.4242 0.67189 0.13577 0.81311 0.35026 0.80947 0.8525 0.00037 0.01008 0.99202 0.87685 0.14187 0.62184 0.88358 0.24598 0.65791 0.19015 0.33434 0.18243 0.12683 0.8086 0.38538 0.82031 0.02767 0.50123 0.32822 0.18602 0.13724 0.99258 0.51881 0.64615 0.53406 0.9593 0.1709 0.76042 0.29265 0.1522 0.91317 0.22413 0.66577 0.24905 0.45128 0.34538 0.7649 0.50506 0.67537 0.40705 0.46335 0.06957 0.27386 0.11755 0.05351 0.56535 0.22573 0.91207 0.34782 0.89956 0.18566 0.77203 0.36935 0.87751 0.04311 0.37668 0.31838 0.18661 0.46858 0.87311 0.1186 0.49491 0.3086 0.66428 0.80975 0.76047 0.85954 0.04229 0.40963 0.10771 0.07229 0.61034 0.87866 0.55224 0.87388 0.37968 0.83593 0.72493 0.79149 0.25265 0.5682 0.72659 0.94549 0.8236 0.02761 0.96685 0.94414 0.71595 0.1665 0.58407 0.12816 0.88115 0.20929 0.66981 0.44021 0.24385 0.79687 0.47868 0.02718 0.05514 0.99481 0.38501 0.15358 0.19219 0.62877 0.22337 0.01812 0.08944 0.16754 0.64453 0.84822 0.86454 0.2312 0.69738 0.40585 0.50693 0.76775 0.60546 0.98768 0.68835 0.52046 0.02138 0.87097 0.91827 0.16054 0.87464 0.96526 0.39629 0.43384 0.17666 0.45282 0.04508 0.05599 0.0284 0.92635 0.69331 0.97222 0.24694 0.75279 0.18436 0.51364 0.54598 0.36639 0.42002 0.42801 0.23982 0.18292 0.98791 0.7873 0.68884 0.75743 0.71109 0.70692 0.51113 0.40158 0.45789 0.79337 0.78463 0.40676 0.12203 0.8999 0.8129 0.7569 0.16413 0.65918 0.57267 0.6565 0.10661 0.64506 0.54116 0.59068 0.06455 0.7226 0.78785 0.64368 0.32364 0.82775 0.44386 0.11749 0.09157 0.30901 0.14378 0.96183 0.06777 0.41874 0.92325 0.86526 0.21236 0.74199 0.82411 0.19332 0.62732 0.95183 0.57012 0.07519 0.76544 0.55492 0.4458 0.69977 0.2625 0.14405 0.91932 0.69413 0.05089 0.08788 0.56039 0.79975 0.57951 0.47797 0.17009 0.82692 0.27938 0.9747 0.7663 0.63667 0.50802 0.79721 0.61906 0.3018 0.39178 0.22095 0.27515 0.44127 0.64126 0.11311 0.28384 0.78242 0.91746 0.03065 0.64495 0.45961 0.14817 0.23221 0.93423 0.14504 0.5826 0.00141 0.68745 0.45145 0.56556 0.62324 0.52078 0.60158 0.83283 0.61712 0.07561 0.97161 0.40661 0.21102 0.15933 0.96912 0.2587 0.64251 0.21019 0.67019 0.74959 0.58867 0.89842 0.69356 0.44375 0.2862 0.16449 0.6823 0.29032 0.28837 0.10347 0.72605 0.93446 0.1211 0.09891 0.51952 0.40297 0.36055 0.35111 0.00566 0.78533 0.50053 0.26441 0.43907 0.0522 0.32506 0.38499 0.65134 0.15057 0.13746 0.3541 0.06588 0.7195 0.49845 0.34119 0.02826 0.72556 0.74001 0.77187 0.63434 0.15076 0.93321 0.83557 0.10054 0.71853 0.22248 0.62478 0.69057 0.54633 0.32804 0.97135 0.15186 0.33447 0.61213 0.78986 0.53981 0.31675 0.64541 0.69801 0.8602 0.80068 0.78291 0.61897 0.6633 0.81641 0.51398 0.54944 0.97759 0.48649 0.42354 0.19736 0.19938 0.09743 0.7375 0.35435 0.37474 0.74853 0.41945 0.57137 0.75265 0.34042 0.32132 0.80736 0.99524 0.56798 0.49228 0.47668 0.98507 0.29571 0.94931 0.35679 0.61513 0.54202 0.64952 0.13977 0.14333 0.11778 0.25753 0.47336 0.28866 0.15536 0.99263 0.65296 0.5548 0.86191 0.35924 0.69607 0.19363 0.50412 0.35818 0.7737 0.25799 0.80965 0.30644 0.5348 0.19062 0.03322 0.51088 0.6463 0.23678 0.72094 0.55809 0.39045 0.02326 0.37486 0.63941 0.97415 0.3964 0.92294 0.40337 0.8334 0.49554 0.86186 0.3723 0.97433 0.04871 0.86237 0.70839 0.27467 0.20335 0.77511 0.69836 0.42687 0.69687 0.11818 0.89201 0.15146 0.05294 0.07963 0.31317 0.87975 0.6113 0.07431 0.46411 0.43446 0.76632 0.94796 0.69328 0.34367 0.90464 0.07635 0.88506 0.83014 0.50439 0.88525 0.78829 0.92876 0.7371 0.29054 0.3179 0.30716 0.71258 0.54557 0.24078 0.38604 0.4057 0.87308 0.19512 0.09829 0.96011 0.24189 0.31148 0.1551 0.68117 0.73329 0.82568 0.00598 0.73682 0.38178 0.03161 0.24523 0.46988 0.33717 0.03446 0.74094 0.84158 0.33593 0.3986 0.98967 0.00586 0.76022 0.42938 0.25149 0.35316 0.56567 0.88627 0.77031 0.66864 0.28536 0.72204 0.66271 0.30228 0.32543 0.61507 0.427 0.08041 0.38444 0.13877 0.20386 0.34492 0.88103 0.56932 0.14554
+0.17717 0.26267 0.95851 0.01158 0.85817 0.39393 0.87696 0.13554 0.16605 0.95316 0.0683 0.38004 0.38887 0.6644 0.45102 0.79403 0.49133 0.69952 0.78372 0.45109 0.44397 0.10273 0.42704 0.53337 0.07723 0.95513 0.04386 0.56544 0.61775 0.68072 0.96989 0.09037 0.879 0.72106 0.41251 0.13653 0.36119 0.24646 0.27841 0.22799 0.26702 0.83759 0.62604 0.17695 0.48964 0.53965 0.73804 0.77576 0.35551 0.77352 0.75451 0.07831 0.765 0.04981 0.83465 0.83264 0.04422 0.80086 0.17854 0.83955 0.87635 0.93202 0.31264 0.63162 0.23747 0.14347 0.35751 0.52611 0.04792 0.83036 0.45007 0.76796 0.5625 0.30379 0.00828 0.7446 0.93874 0.1025 0.97464 0.62238 0.43867 0.69028 0.63984 0.44587 0.62846 0.40631 0.00052 0.4005 0.73913 0.02787 0.50261 0.77737 0.00509 0.86799 0.54552 0.82782 0.97929 0.85047 0.33795 0.12627 0.34115 0.92124 0.27947 0.68698 0.3508 0.73279 0.82629 0.05007 0.33356 0.29039 0.8674 0.17794 0.28308 0.26084 0.60216 0.78672 0.73952 0.21874 0.04439 0.00941 0.04051 0.33979 0.55364 0.07704 0.65602 0.70726 0.78857 0.16168 0.18662 0.55681 0.36101 0.96416 0.89219 0.05847 0.10373 0.80376 0.17582 0.26258 0.8104 0.60029 0.41631 0.9138 0.21925 0.60984 0.44604 0.62506 0.77519 0.35858 0.92427 0.74213 0.83413 0.36327 0.4599 0.53879 0.75695 0.39414 0.28117 0.17665 0.11181 0.3044 0.87567 0.66675 0.9751 0.75288 0.20885 0.27505 0.48992 0.48406 0.83812 0.22867 0.29292 0.5387 0.71667 0.48079 0.91057 0.04066 0.02982 0.25651 0.53415 0.0532 0.64533 0.02922 0.13659 0.48829 0.00695 0.81931 0.03823 0.85613 0.99836 0.54561 0.04928 0.15426 0.4773 0.96007 0.02889 0.98779 0.10608 0.35692 0.91873 0.66036 0.48128 0.21351 0.45849 0.3957 0.85417 0.98888 0.3183 0.91803 0.37179 0.87506 0.1997 0.50856 0.83983 0.9647 0.73412 0.40782 0.03888 0.47089 0.47664 0.92341 0.73929 0.42359 0.7556 0.25335 0.17701 0.67834 0.16211 0.81572 0.1464 0.28299 0.0369 0.49515 0.11597 0.96881 0.06008 0.86076 0.48793 0.13633 0.25613 0.97754 0.4235 0.54709 0.04765 0.51453 0.10554 0.78945 0.53303 0.41507 0.15383 0.91851 0.86755 0.76193 0.78051 0.15878 0.35518 0.19706 0.72769 0.56706 0.81282 0.69181 0.55743 0.39807 0.1223 0.8453 0.2732 0.62696 0.58518 0.99223 0.35841 0.01159 0.27909 0.80728 0.52886 0.11231 0.14026 0.53154 0.50596 0.84765 0.8322 0.77985 0.35057 0.48243 0.9417 0.00306 0.44057 0.55212 0.18403 0.62362 0.8959 0.233 0.11655 0.35086 0.55203 0.24077 0.99828 0.28293 0.51828 0.35888 0.26755 0.00677 0.72005 0.08735 0.89522 0.69828 0.02114 0.9202 0.95217 0.74651 0.37942 0.9128 0.43493 0.14978 0.39643 0.13171 0.85204 0.59345 0.96114 0.47143 0.67262 0.95152 0.85786 0.09725 0.92405 0.58456 0.00743 0.22933 0.4197 0.49453 0.26193 0.97729 0.91625 0.75525 0.4756 0.95059 0.51531 0.40521 0.87985 0.16253 0.64293 0.79733 0.1727 0.86588 0.92164 0.81285 0.65467 0.87732 0.6272 0.67444 0.65214 0.65947 0.58882 0.77858 0.95765 0.73589 0.75557 0.14106 0.78969 0.67703 0.18462 0.55131 0.46016 0.5091 0.33235 0.73259 0.88386 0.87229 0.2351 0.8551 0.74742 0.06764 0.34057 0.24896 0.88219 0.47917 0.63297 0.05726 0.47567 0.99529 0.03637 0.15106 0.44808 0.57623 0.74324 0.40952 0.31642 0.63483 0.05424 0.84601 0.051 0.10206 0.38214 0.30941 0.15519 0.84908 0.80156 0.5765 0.41036 0.86344 0.15284 0.09607 0.84969 0.29137 0.77252 0.50877 0.09964 0.46439 0.00132 0.42951 0.52811 0.74092 0.63084 0.64684 0.55028 0.81222 0.9918 0.31084 0.88107 0.62667 0.66558 0.02169 0.60838 0.73528 0.17918 0.45232 0.10771 0.06079 0.06262 0.15559 0.6453 0.08695 0.66053 0.82106 0.50991 0.05225 0.44377 0.02868 0.28875 0.94652 0.56879 0.30018 0.74305 0.11223 0.33046 0.21301 0.63397 0.04378 0.45689 0.85245 0.53256 0.35087 0.83744 0.13803 0.71859 0.39638 0.31631 0.20742 0.97936 0.74826 0.93145 0.08959 0.16212 0.9308 0.68762 0.41349 0.44828 0.39936 0.35997 0.15057 0.05946 0.94869 0.53856 0.60036 0.40048 0.62018 0.81683 0.30992 0.66547 0.97814 0.22357 0.49647 0.92448 0.05001 0.63648 0.1983 0.05996 0.17577 0.78553 0.35413 0.0483 0.69832 0.40323 0.24141 0.99594 0.63804 0.24195 0.9985 0.36777 0.66234 0.21695 0.92852 0.28165 0.67202 0.74191 0.90109 0.04566 0.50364 0.66212 0.74573 0.09323 0.0257 0.75443 0.00792
+0.69691 0.74152 0.80677 0.27071 0.44958 0.81098 0.26548 0.3841 0.37484 0.44523 0.30451 0.37498 0.22098 0.75349 0.30799 0.01644 0.81271 0.10411 0.69448 0.6682 0.38921 0.52464 0.88074 0.72837 0.06382 0.73546 0.85957 0.86124 0.48689 0.97671 0.25031 0.27322 0.23102 0.71427 0.45465 0.39514 0.64041 0.4982 0.0446 0.56759 0.1629 0.95192 0.42943 0.53088 0.16888 0.09142 0.00585 0.10248 0.99077 0.62062 0.33034 0.66176 0.46674 0.24191 0.33293 0.98686 0.35401 0.47837 0.575 0.91242 0.30441 0.30946 0.21539 0.10728 0.20085 0.603 0.29792 0.8203 0.05643 0.81311 0.07244 0.78591 0.42583 0.24292 0.68137 0.11879 0.68104 0.02959 0.95625 0.62131 0.0863 0.26642 0.65711 0.76923 0.4284 0.50125 0.20829 0.35222 0.64098 0.73928 0.68988 0.86231 0.73692 0.76926 0.91204 0.37554 0.32333 0.2751 0.58934 0.04139 0.02066 0.87535 0.03473 0.4535 0.4769 0.02589 0.88897 0.45732 0.74824 0.76289 0.09559 0.03358 0.40983 0.53425 0.76731 0.91133 0.8462 0.18575 0.48322 0.81641 0.33151 0.23313 0.39199 0.18532 0.76674 0.20083 0.92053 0.15136 0.35578 0.63221 0.17873 0.39156 0.19695 0.33656 0.31321 0.94796 0.91949 0.13303 0.9773 0.23316 0.69279 0.50536 0.71851 0.47099 0.39002 0.3798 0.78215 0.72593 0.36584 0.38321 0.46261 0.3048 0.48178 0.77949 0.29053 0.62115 0.60053 0.12652 0.09452 0.51662 0.01095 0.37224 0.27605 0.48576 0.5975 0.78514 0.95107 0.46617 0.3383 0.36019 0.55138 0.70986 0.47549 0.76958 0.74632 0.1353 0.32586 0.12047 0.33643 0.01758 0.1613 0.79325 0.76435 0.19934 0.12646 0.87748 0.48731 0.39888 0.99512 0.19 0.81855 0.82028 0.53363 0.35599 0.43838 0.01821 0.15995 0.66311 0.89743 0.71233 0.85629 0.20665 0.14339 0.70524 0.51829 0.20014 0.59381 0.75291 0.2395 0.81186 0.02232 0.26935 0.5777 0.8332 0.74431 0.23859 0.35576 0.74471 0.03751 0.79909 0.56614 0.89448 0.44733 0.56476 0.92091 0.18763 0.72695 0.60949 0.62723 0.25182 0.40803 0.34983 0.82769 0.45393 0.89987 0.93566 0.91061 0.26622 0.2103 0.25682 0.72689 0.35822 0.6969 0.63615 0.89194 0.70282 0.84175 0.65604 0.16736 0.11085 0.85253 0.36472 0.64418 0.97507 0.02401 0.67908 0.57476 0.30281 0.86476 0.00608 0.53044 0.56263 0.99359 0.0109 0.88896 0.09629 0.3295 0.16111 0.20823 0.74619 0.60574 0.57566 0.12641 0.37553 0.67267 0.2957 0.3702 0.31798 0.96013 0.79753 0.75445 0.69809 0.63799 0.50457 0.16137 0.69631 0.3878 0.28926 0.98909 0.4523 0.6816 0.71576 0.73373 0.5089 0.5341 0.40342 0.30744 0.81945 0.64768 0.72291 0.71944 0.64189 0.01769 0.61982 0.52155 0.40768 0.22059 0.42882 0.58911 0.40213 0.23411 0.59052 0.85384 0.88549 0.92138 0.90976 0.85693 0.12574 0.19257 0.99675 0.67879 0.7291 0.75253 0.17175 0.77574 0.02312 0.54006 0.26227 0.14229 0.65336 0.99206 0.73556 0.77425 0.90571 0.15331 0.67469 0.33835 0.01455 0.3873 0.07817 0.81575 0.99258 0.17766 0.10512 0.47455 0.47655 0.086 0.64962 0.02699 0.23588 0.30927 0.34221 0.13348 0.37578 0.84625 0.32879 0.58718 0.93416 0.60693 0.45847 0.40775 0.56616 0.75348 0.13717 0.82903 0.02497 0.76015 0.91015 0.14147 0.08678 0.33191 0.51887 0.02891 0.74399 0.55494 0.63572 0.38385 0.35783 0.08353 0.7599 0.19409 0.27276 0.48495 0.71841 0.57006 0.83927 0.06004 0.85771 0.22422 0.08945 0.73762 0.12329 0.30389 0.94648 0.72607 0.18045 0.25404 0.07482 0.56915 0.50033 0.47173 0.05636 0.99365 0.53043 0.94909 0.64206 0.18253 0.87406 0.35783 0.28031 0.30792 0.27786 0.15108 0.44436 0.78456 0.09063 0.31015 0.54654 0.16202 0.8737 0.17666 0.65288 0.0815 0.29214 0.92317 0.95485 0.7528 0.59271 0.22137 0.79476 0.89966 0.61604 0.49388 0.9779 0.323 0.61821 0.89155 0.86113 0.16161 0.34046 0.85308 0.4939 0.21956 0.12178 0.37506 0.32527 0.73445 0.21761 0.79492 0.08622 0.1966 0.01918 0.75654 0.89493 0.73099 0.2175 0.03606 0.63863 0.25018 0.88994 0.08467 0.78233 0.25049 0.7669 0.17456 0.30576 0.75847 0.73865 0.02962 0.42698 0.33729 0.91582 0.47641 0.08917 0.10392 0.09111 0.20445 0.44705 0.13674 0.46381 0.1147 0.29664 0.50029 0.76894 0.3041 0.25782 0.02653 0.90131 0.38263 0.45119 0.01985 0.75301 0.8584 0.05218 0.70943 0.62496 0.49588 0.86651 0.91821 0.71415 0.89816 0.04362 0.18209 0.45327 0.15348 0.47067 0.91762 0.85312 0.4448 0.01617 0.77267 0.69088
+0.21548 0.14947 0.96533 0.28348 0.7198 0.22343 0.40917 0.3433 0.04113 0.99969 0.27868 0.3347 0.91589 0.16118 0.20092 0.83649 0.6339 0.00074 0.67839 0.67801 0.15674 0.07221 0.16628 0.23978 0.83737 0.66654 0.69089 0.02729 0.80947 0.09448 0.83574 0.77983 0.30326 0.25708 0.12077 0.64887 0.85448 0.47097 0.179 0.84402 0.42267 0.00318 0.06918 0.67238 0.11072 0.78341 0.60363 0.15275 0.49624 0.01657 0.08297 0.02014 0.85101 0.69195 0.04738 0.62517 0.13261 0.25381 0.15083 0.02084 0.00732 0.13356 0.0751 0.91622 0.99936 0.35699 0.66989 0.55701 0.69395 0.37986 0.2245 0.66152 0.18793 0.99781 0.10705 0.6673 0.80526 0.58536 0.68848 0.5802 0.43913 0.16482 0.94773 0.05234 0.94543 0.34128 0.2083 0.80256 0.75524 0.12576 0.00358 0.81379 0.71619 0.30248 0.14969 0.82926 0.99948 0.3607 0.08671 0.63974 0.652 0.65217 0.61432 0.25229 0.65865 0.82894 0.22332 0.28063 0.36124 0.14696 0.32865 0.52426 0.13414 0.77233 0.82407 0.84752 0.16222 0.96393 0.68512 0.31212 0.39817 0.91687 0.43321 0.57752 0.64269 0.8225 0.99121 0.78363 0.5738 0.67988 0.85914 0.57586 0.47921 0.99482 0.42134 0.29815 0.4805 0.28524 0.04787 0.67298 0.83068 0.55769 0.26458 0.93748 0.07742 0.34145 0.21221 0.31237 0.26943 0.58737 0.01512 0.62204 0.38607 0.23207 0.41498 0.00414 0.98221 0.29468 0.31384 0.59971 0.07534 0.20991 0.56841 0.86295 0.40593 0.37841 0.53969 0.16493 0.00831 0.67634 0.62678 0.88536 0.44223 0.76931 0.41904 0.36135 0.52431 0.19266 0.48398 0.66179 0.5859 0.66747 0.11748 0.09462 0.64167 0.71591 0.74441 0.96429 0.73941 0.5082 0.64793 0.33105 0.20147 0.88306 0.62461 0.84966 0.65111 0.88674 0.26216 0.48019 0.68509 0.34781 0.45406 0.96603 0.04632 0.83311 0.93895 0.54073 0.91699 0.45598 0.04327 0.771 0.03006 0.18172 0.56248 0.88276 0.26754 0.26251 0.1133 0.26414 0.90238 0.45889 0.40827 0.34204 0.31642 0.40712 0.57531 0.68537 0.68981 0.6663 0.9853 0.55282 0.08249 0.59437 0.4402 0.63359 0.99748 0.96261 0.65326 0.11323 0.33813 0.25584 0.0557 0.20437 0.23849 0.89384 0.54348 0.60051 0.3504 0.31112 0.29276 0.51621 0.50683 0.16148 0.98136 0.18991 0.72346 0.20835 0.06959 0.18236 0.28262 0.60524 0.09069 0.29794 0.39279 0.45565 0.95071 0.81951 0.76626 0.12315 0.86436 0.24106 0.64835 0.28668 0.07335 0.43168 0.66428 0.99606 0.22869 0.11658 0.26083 0.63466 0.02579 0.07783 0.3851 0.75267 0.92127 0.26883 0.45049 0.99629 0.79059 0.68844 0.55733 0.56247 0.53333 0.3202 0.68499 0.80924 0.52372 0.05162 0.27376 0.47234 0.00157 0.91227 0.45339 0.40521 0.71344 0.92288 0.68714 0.13939 0.96648 0.41337 0.96241 0.52462 0.78426 0.96379 0.42654 0.36362 0.56276 0.17284 0.12974 0.61478 0.03369 0.34889 0.95373 0.62398 0.98309 0.94691 0.54538 0.51549 0.53732 0.28753 0.98907 0.26081 0.53518 0.00967 0.194 0.73594 0.34396 0.46062 0.32021 0.52445 0.41258 0.95115 0.34824 0.56084 0.16259 0.80471 0.79877 0.20613 0.58965 0.96282 0.15952 0.32273 0.13665 0.84114 0.06306 0.08742 0.93715 0.92762 0.02571 0.54571 0.49049 0.19923 0.01873 0.82261 0.42762 0.63984 0.17695 0.37732 0.78706 0.79697 0.92074 0.56804 0.95368 0.67896 0.96386 0.76252 0.3149 0.99248 0.04247 0.79631 0.50498 0.40776 0.19706 0.52006 0.56325 0.22062 0.88607 0.40792 0.72334 0.67035 0.53255 0.64184 0.11318 0.6415 0.49491 0.91196 0.25998 0.62999 0.66983 0.77112 0.73221 0.60769 0.91707 0.67544 0.18964 0.51691 0.9075 0.3129 0.10259 0.76549 0.63174 0.56514 0.81026 0.57174 0.52451 0.77998 0.28369 0.39439 0.56648 0.21405 0.99823 0.05603 0.92552 0.11523 0.10446 0.54417 0.52153 0.30269 0.3152 0.53867 0.99174 0.72956 0.81995 0.93633 0.94952 0.33078 0.46214 0.56845 0.723 0.05378 0.061 0.269 0.10966 0.19397 0.14429 0.69839 0.23312 0.65665 0.15598 0.89367 0.51951 0.81165 0.32286 0.55078 0.13014 0.08893 0.06228 0.2142 0.18494 0.31217 0.52869 0.34688 0.67589 0.10306 0.83068 0.46151 0.19834 0.49182 0.81302 0.282 0.42631 0.35748 0.03733 0.79531 0.59011 0.87956 0.87014 0.00014 0.18504 0.04247 0.08916 0.98268 0.1053 0.44773 0.82082 0.11923 0.25996 0.75426 0.32172 0.95402 0.98336 0.63066 0.22657 0.15256 0.18973 0.98549 0.4334 0.62447 0.09525 0.98653 0.06535 0.80863 0.23068 0.63793 0.23703 0.91991 0.51888 0.00624 0.52494 0.42855
+0.46457 0.05199 0.67981 0.91728 0.09088 0.78168 0.59726 0.4175 0.03792 0.99482 0.39588 0.81023 0.90244 0.46995 0.78951 0.58626 0.83137 0.43032 0.95347 0.47752 0.8287 0.64575 0.12985 0.51379 0.79757 0.61755 0.59667 0.73649 0.85484 0.30649 0.49034 0.96338 0.9122 0.17586 0.54618 0.98433 0.90174 0.75284 0.68677 0.38685 0.31672 0.87195 0.71651 0.79065 0.77224 0.01877 0.81445 0.00454 0.27054 0.03608 0.51944 0.97408 0.45627 0.90256 0.0136 0.81011 0.29564 0.1383 0.60786 0.06884 0.98381 0.16158 0.85844 0.38274 0.56692 0.49194 0.25509 0.80905 0.80356 0.07742 0.48475 0.43168 0.11262 0.45117 0.07091 0.03847 0.79509 0.44511 0.05669 0.52942 0.06581 0.33846 0.74346 0.02819 0.18934 0.13189 0.93957 0.72903 0.92695 0.99704 0.9261 0.01601 0.5906 0.32197 0.25018 0.04122 0.61864 0.71435 0.60981 0.99752 0.67281 0.50882 0.01642 0.01045 0.21246 0.25003 0.49945 0.30815 0.58161 0.55407 0.80884 0.67191 0.85117 0.11043 0.91155 0.56475 0.73116 0.53342 0.48964 0.17151 0.78856 0.10682 0.86578 0.35895 0.71828 0.05989 0.87537 0.54732 0.31364 0.53982 0.64911 0.57209 0.13834 0.32111 0.84289 0.12958 0.36982 0.76031 0.07095 0.92628 0.37655 0.12714 0.67045 0.49928 0.88381 0.78373 0.42907 0.01554 0.62857 0.41918 0.30748 0.98467 0.97458 0.89768 0.38019 0.6673 0.85903 0.29769 0.72362 0.07317 0.54441 0.88627 0.05609 0.66958 0.15784 0.75444 0.72183 0.81691 0.94565 0.48943 0.26285 0.40678 0.92447 0.8724 0.06654 0.27378 0.06821 0.60821 0.94333 0.35571 0.82633 0.2103 0.3 0.25138 0.07147 0.16349 0.45696 0.88036 0.16669 0.3079 0.41699 0.25497 0.27433 0.85436 0.59952 0.70405 0.06512 0.73286 0.68095 0.3623 0.31506 0.35197 0.85363 0.88602 0.38756 0.00067 0.82305 0.36148 0.7813 0.70404 0.34114 0.69405 0.70722 0.69014 0.08895 0.10543 0.03922 0.95461 0.77372 0.67594 0.15506 0.21331 0.63352 0.03657 0.12889 0.25656 0.39664 0.70648 0.20822 0.20072 0.69833 0.72519 0.89047 0.03454 0.40824 0.21611 0.70146 0.75928 0.11136 0.24247 0.63009 0.26437 0.014 0.36071 0.31037 0.03736 0.18191 0.54267 0.61129 0.12327 0.20542 0.25426 0.10741 0.37188 0.35249 0.75203 0.77121 0.68294 0.59441 0.09392 0.72856 0.04477 0.83602 0.63487 0.2619 0.07065 0.07525 0.50891 0.23659 0.92562 0.42449 0.96823 0.26837 0.28187 0.46503 0.92156 0.40732 0.04747 0.44116 0.92703 0.74317 0.07232 0.65195 0.04383 0.91989 0.70731 0.59025 0.68149 0.74193 0.16446 0.64232 0.51772 0.23076 0.58507 0.9832 0.08056 0.36015 0.62724 0.56712 0.3251 0.08186 0.11198 0.53153 0.6205 0.39612 0.32067 0.42724 0.68543 0.19805 0.86172 0.82678 0.95215 0.20666 0.88958 0.20515 0.75967 0.24702 0.12575 0.21167 0.66497 0.30428 0.29195 0.11048 0.56299 0.83993 0.58845 0.25621 0.19492 0.67899 0.63373 0.41253 0.54468 0.05876 0.14829 0.8448 0.79436 0.48593 0.39908 0.80549 0.89227 0.32292 0.49858 0.39737 0.85604 0.87262 0.22028 0.74108 0.57596 0.11144 0.74306 0.68033 0.40155 0.13333 0.0534 0.17741 0.12308 0.43605 0.5235 0.889 0.4169 0.40163 0.27988 0.12949 0.53633 0.48003 0.68235 0.02204 0.9753 0.79058 0.22029 0.55092 0.33697 0.94513 0.02403 0.95309 0.00136 0.5398 0.39054 0.94014 0.35778 0.0083 0.02863 0.54809 0.14468 0.23369 0.60489 0.85288 0.39196 0.97328 0.4472 0.28146 0.83203 0.95093 0.41382 0.91012 0.976 0.6182 0.35366 0.28532 0.78555 0.32794 0.79421 0.32622 0.72027 0.68157 0.59314 0.35865 0.43992 0.55139 0.87738 0.3833 0.94691 0.58921 0.12577 0.34511 0.41202 0.06478 0.17988 0.09388 0.82914 0.92159 0.36923 0.38731 0.40695 0.56696 0.445 0.41653 0.35079 0.46971 0.23358 0.50049 0.63191 0.36695 0.79305 0.40675 0.6407 0.25278 0.97443 0.11929 0.21388 0.47009 0.17854 0.06038 0.28648 0.64952 0.75923 0.87179 0.94743 0.49945 0.01146 0.77731 0.14546 0.69597 0.5978 0.89118 0.47779 0.11179 0.63899 0.67676 0.46079 0.87376 0.54072 0.97306 0.3676 0.66694 0.244 0.16745 0.32679 0.75989 0.92186 0.29705 0.92276 0.24102 0.49389 0.88237 0.39607 0.83201 0.74701 0.86305 0.27472 0.85892 0.2356 0.80803 0.58298 0.16445 0.47847 0.93764 0.02102 0.90849 0.47154 0.26831 0.45668 0.29757 0.51528 0.45779 0.62889 0.92664 0.63956 0.64081 0.84502 0.61512 0.28581 0.13243 0.23998 0.8884 0.2786 0.89185 0.03096 0.43571 0.54036 0.25221 0.5562
+0.0352 0.73907 0.07832 0.12603 0.70045 0.19086 0.41544 0.43122 0.28806 0.90188 0.10849 0.90839 0.61039 0.6868 0.9569 0.9604 0.21371 0.17163 0.42695 0.02797 0.35825 0.13757 0.91286 0.18043 0.06611 0.74589 0.62299 0.78444 0.73016 0.08263 0.6631 0.44479 0.86018 0.32322 0.03575 0.11759 0.54713 0.99118 0.069 0.95933 0.57042 0.50184 0.70676 0.06241 0.70958 0.08527 0.38057 0.12963 0.46354 0.26146 0.83491 0.9953 0.05208 0.34648 0.63346 0.99905 0.14729 0.21381 0.33809 0.97506 0.96427 0.8259 0.44656 0.12619 0.67458 0.42697 0.1507 0.3422 0.7397 0.70639 0.46897 0.8931 0.95818 0.53486 0.76146 0.23458 0.31573 0.73187 0.8459 0.88485 0.67739 0.28355 0.74115 0.29156 0.26369 0.30526 0.5556 0.96483 0.99014 0.20944 0.85048 0.53071 0.31605 0.45046 0.38378 0.53054 0.75504 0.15208 0.06698 0.56301 0.19475 0.80641 0.55276 0.15111 0.15353 0.85426 0.21454 0.4953 0.69919 0.70139 0.03115 0.42327 0.67158 0.98623 0.04892 0.84366 0.91161 0.35 0.65158 0.35919 0.05602 0.58823 0.66959 0.48287 0.38585 0.39642 0.47255 0.49878 0.5215 0.9253 0.93083 0.43514 0.2285 0.6919 0.74881 0.48851 0.51756 0.49847 0.04052 0.40861 0.44246 0.12951 0.50696 0.73832 0.10089 0.13485 0.58378 0.34377 0.66134 0.96968 0.74095 0.86689 0.29177 0.75783 0.50122 0.33317 0.1028 0.71748 0.63929 0.70531 0.45114 0.23706 0.08387 0.10945 0.60017 0.05036 0.57708 0.65806 0.26045 0.78411 0.66385 0.0834 0.96295 0.77716 0.48024 0.50809 0.27594 0.50836 0.01959 0.09202 0.49248 0.87323 0.5352 0.26334 0.11833 0.85993 0.44347 0.86857 0.48472 0.50209 0.64754 0.78389 0.31644 0.65564 0.50869 0.14166 0.81214 0.96708 0.66251 0.10992 0.51148 0.94656 0.59949 0.94784 0.89517 0.36645 0.56234 0.59488 0.93215 0.16226 0.39999 0.64693 0.80629 0.25508 0.92802 0.38165 0.79945 0.0388 0.8881 0.28548 0.46937 0.82603 0.28471 0.8601 0.5723 0.69115 0.78716 0.53256 0.67479 0.80234 0.43614 0.70638 0.22903 0.7972 0.0363 0.68069 0.39756 0.74797 0.60696 0.24085 0.91496 0.4562 0.69068 0.66111 0.4149 0.40726 0.49805 0.37523 0.28422 0.72489 0.08881 0.66361 0.52146 0.96124 0.15183 0.46549 0.52994 0.88786 0.56275 0.94041 0.19096 0.43627 0.17437 0.93884 0.08874 0.42743 0.36018 0.04964 0.20196 0.75718 0.5222 0.35144 0.72343 0.53693 0.22435 0.06376 0.21192 0.30156 0.67543 0.1134 0.39678 0.79882 0.69483 0.59992 0.96331 0.31983 0.96018 0.97426 0.48614 0.76969 0.71732 0.21 0.41839 0.92252 0.69477 0.13383 0.77108 0.08894 0.75773 0.19315 0.1062 0.23019 0.74821 0.53129 0.56643 0.77077 0.87111 0.14586 0.00025 0.80626 0.96037 0.09302 0.00721 0.40298 0.9198 0.70298 0.53057 0.38045 0.90575 0.35302 0.76617 0.33005 0.81133 0.44719 0.43029 0.34804 0.86709 0.97952 0.53715 0.10164 0.15357 0.68074 0.72022 0.7482 0.07755 0.75845 0.1654 0.12284 0.17894 0.68448 0.25909 0.55071 0.76963 0.12534 0.13936 0.79303 0.20311 0.90697 0.41114 0.66068 0.98883 0.81763 0.01606 0.84409 0.78244 0.78557 0.25389 0.48925 0.949 0.30604 0.40857 0.95488 0.74675 0.84921 0.38091 0.05646 0.34939 0.83753 0.19906 0.92996 0.66965 0.07511 0.30353 0.89537 0.89812 0.57612 0.86607 0.98593 0.47571 0.1862 0.5097 0.31221 0.63023 0.14948 0.88837 0.96265 0.5311 0.15399 0.54221 0.94402 0.13484 0.98023 0.5416 0.46248 0.70413 0.03229 0.18711 0.69357 0.33514 0.91327 0.38781 0.71412 0.64501 0.23249 0.55792 0.93415 0.30952 0.88694 0.38047 0.65559 0.68543 0.24777 0.85306 0.99267 0.88837 0.26413 0.17609 0.47283 0.335 0.53196 0.80631 0.68379 0.25858 0.08995 0.55554 0.85655 0.8591 0.90291 0.21408 0.41609 0.49828 0.08709 0.56392 0.84337 0.07651 0.27026 0.88894 0.30647 0.61416 0.49352 0.05287 0.10415 0.43606 0.27321 0.87394 0.34534 0.46154 0.53271 0.66156 0.1836 0.15803 0.40914 0.8422 0.93812 0.66011 0.30894 0.4248 0.42018 0.38071 0.13271 0.5122 0.40946 0.52317 0.5052 0.43243 0.4935 0.06875 0.26611 0.94983 0.52402 0.25236 0.69611 0.7796 0.37719 0.439 0.82885 0.42259 0.71876 0.77393 0.95743 0.76865 0.31156 0.05504 0.65178 0.67623 0.12569 0.16914 0.12812 0.55841 0.95519 0.9239 0.38179 0.88318 0.02554 0.75823 0.3486 0.85803 0.75059 0.01902 0.79369 0.7074 0.57616 0.32789 0.21705 0.26512 0.92467 0.79832 0.31813 0.70669 0.96699 0.60384 0.40513
+0.07032 0.25694 0.6019 0.69384 0.02889 0.14617 0.15022 0.47003 0.09851 0.06602 0.26838 0.40584 0.90371 0.89788 0.99547 0.94171 0.84704 0.7964 0.00185 0.6263 0.65887 0.3534 0.30988 0.27481 0.5531 0.80839 0.36079 0.42858 0.83002 0.65305 0.5613 0.32256 0.40243 0.92073 0.50341 0.74069 0.4507 0.45434 0.91198 0.81707 0.41087 0.527 0.82058 0.0483 0.39304 0.63468 0.07101 0.83498 0.28372 0.9593 0.60617 0.5706 0.74169 0.34655 0.41719 0.06424 0.12684 0.69721 0.76324 0.85872 0.28866 0.9649 0.21659 0.61994 0.58418 0.37346 0.24138 0.27476 0.72176 0.13851 0.55474 0.64516 0.79552 0.17622 0.19132 0.77103 0.1945 0.1817 0.50811 0.285 0.5707 0.32429 0.19733 0.34416 0.46813 0.85642 0.86203 0.44219 0.13691 0.52163 0.14184 0.05361 0.08153 0.03794 0.55263 0.0923 0.11118 0.06408 0.96683 0.94297 0.57845 0.45169 0.08767 0.24254 0.89902 0.15601 0.38774 0.79916 0.53213 0.76772 0.56815 0.78531 0.55096 0.0211 0.28699 0.5268 0.54978 0.53492 0.04432 0.87523 0.02589 0.76524 0.22074 0.85867 0.90699 0.51855 0.44985 0.64167 0.27471 0.81728 0.83388 0.56608 0.24157 0.95597 0.25602 0.30812 0.34757 0.36242 0.49053 0.14822 0.59782 0.59404 0.69626 0.88834 0.54695 0.67349 0.71739 0.29897 0.78479 0.16719 0.69356 0.80778 0.30107 0.39924 0.94831 0.52651 0.32218 0.78091 0.91297 0.489 0.65079 0.3781 0.52684 0.64852 0.51752 0.44377 0.28621 0.45969 0.08202 0.13006 0.34968 0.23206 0.8514 0.87857 0.78799 0.12906 0.98455 0.19957 0.77289 0.19465 0.31924 0.82784 0.68744 0.41283 0.60191 0.44412 0.15904 0.59482 0.5972 0.99734 0.73601 0.75053 0.4947 0.22318 0.30381 0.58271 0.34081 0.69795 0.66988 0.42306 0.11479 0.29122 0.28305 0.05503 0.59839 0.99209 0.80864 0.33781 0.84491 0.55145 0.86851 0.09561 0.45657 0.16134 0.01383 0.24787 0.79793 0.94204 0.68203 0.9187 0.07272 0.38982 0.78448 0.21025 0.54808 0.48871 0.65461 0.6323 0.68435 0.29808 0.57985 0.36111 0.85531 0.3926 0.22031 0.36294 0.38063 0.968 0.65745 0.92691 0.67365 0.30774 0.57524 0.42887 0.6069 0.10781 0.848 0.79893 0.6154 0.26439 0.65101 0.05928 0.47272 0.93636 0.30484 0.86542 0.53289 0.06752 0.93182 0.44726 0.58789 0.55174 0.10868 0.15535 0.60346 0.33118 0.11949 0.20505 0.70262 0.21013 0.85801 0.5915 0.22797 0.20282 0.59941 0.33579 0.07807 0.02676 0.46595 0.91097 0.78687 0.80172 0.1879 0.86368 0.2744 0.35213 0.5845 0.0838 0.6175 0.6705 0.87711 0.5791 0.81414 0.11491 0.07364 0.2656 0.84585 0.3262 0.11943 0.42565 0.13448 0.78895 0.21509 0.25992 0.0847 0.44624 0.00276 0.9831 0.13999 0.41653 0.94051 0.64583 0.87119 0.2524 0.32826 0.84261 0.34409 0.79575 0.4994 0.16009 0.55048 0.30131 0.64392 0.39453 0.46794 0.08983 0.36693 0.6198 0.28466 0.24161 0.3234 0.22719 0.43373 0.23919 0.01428 0.17516 0.29511 0.62742 0.23888 0.15531 0.10718 0.5936 0.25102 0.82358 0.4503 0.04682 0.73694 0.31424 0.64578 0.68473 0.14451 0.63714 0.50601 0.46121 0.37376 0.93774 0.53755 0.61069 0.68622 0.80659 0.74303 0.353 0.94157 0.62805 0.28601 0.33183 0.38939 0.09673 0.44968 0.09523 0.55822 0.85632 0.66683 0.35615 0.23047 0.76493 0.35935 0.55356 0.6841 0.73683 0.84258 0.54733 0.05399 0.14808 0.98611 0.50766 0.4545 0.85737 0.92912 0.21453 0.87668 0.95617 0.47469 0.45609 0.59099 0.82329 0.16093 0.64816 0.78453 0.48008 0.841 0.07028 0.28427 0.99452 0.47752 0.80069 0.38823 0.8591 0.10097 0.18059 0.67476 0.84417 0.78405 0.0644 0.22805 0.55131 0.49938 0.46424 0.16653 0.10853 0.39823 0.86506 0.91486 0.0722 0.45106 0.34496 0.12399 0.90128 0.77316 0.68429 0.20175 0.60615 0.41925 0.46482 0.8791 0.13641 0.44381 0.78031 0.98491 0.14377 0.06543 0.39635 0.83092 0.53656 0.97707 0.14117 0.37895 0.84468 0.65537 0.02178 0.80599 0.03859 0.76874 0.0736 0.85729 0.29645 0.06816 0.78601 0.63455 0.52481 0.35463 0.12157 0.15892 0.68411 0.43743 0.08672 0.19858 0.65797 0.88446 0.24136 0.08932 0.57566 0.65468 0.06587 0.15554 0.95521 0.86024 0.04531 0.4968 0.24112 0.56828 0.93046 0.75223 0.47527 0.15781 0.13148 0.23058 0.93511 0.34621 0.95485 0.01881 0.95675 0.64125 0.27287 0.8194 0.02059 0.74284 0.13315 0.56765 0.38401 0.36983 0.72561 0.98817 0.4672 0.82963 0.65871 0.45041 0.07802 0.92388 0.6198 0.79351 0.0909
+0.83808 0.98897 0.01819 0.81421 0.54908 0.96802 0.31467 0.64347 0.1963 0.89267 0.78791 0.6942 0.22131 0.04503 0.74652 0.76846 0.58673 0.54925 0.11507 0.4527 0.0129 0.53979 0.42841 0.15229 0.67891 0.76272 0.38824 0.08801 0.82571 0.91658 0.74957 0.01677 0.43588 0.51189 0.68108 0.1926 0.73347 0.87406 0.52136 0.84613 0.91472 0.80656 0.9259 0.87153 0.06811 0.24534 0.21609 0.63936 0.46614 0.97172 0.65077 0.56427 0.13208 0.80023 0.87696 0.09371 0.68769 0.6951 0.3001 0.3529 0.65972 0.46575 0.9607 0.75019 0.27603 0.50956 0.17596 0.31836 0.61352 0.02776 0.26055 0.30356 0.36636 0.54525 0.05803 0.04846 0.17977 0.79717 0.61736 0.43534 0.51213 0.7033 0.47252 0.1931 0.90488 0.62701 0.15929 0.82474 0.14713 0.34019 0.69748 0.75138 0.58616 0.00868 0.0911 0.22476 0.13965 0.41103 0.0148 0.99424 0.39778 0.49474 0.54116 0.84139 0.35659 0.47834 0.9571 0.19549 0.7587 0.49049 0.63993 0.90918 0.73726 0.01923 0.82096 0.66011 0.66585 0.97047 0.43272 0.05745 0.3171 0.65204 0.62951 0.90123 0.52669 0.12823 0.52092 0.42119 0.82323 0.203 0.17665 0.88035 0.075 0.60655 0.76113 0.96136 0.34902 0.26911 0.36083 0.76658 0.69055 0.49445 0.44863 0.98457 0.09711 0.00635 0.52219 0.54548 0.94983 0.61302 0.01584 0.40102 0.91438 0.5687 0.48268 0.92561 0.52492 0.87161 0.41009 0.8813 0.79076 0.06034 0.44993 0.63811 0.1531 0.41277 0.7434 0.79856 0.34999 0.55205 0.21988 0.06277 0.41381 0.50209 0.90775 0.48829 0.50545 0.65286 0.8943 0.16763 0.82153 0.00127 0.80728 0.37287 0.18745 0.69491 0.52921 0.67018 0.98281 0.45097 0.62805 0.33453 0.85396 0.05166 0.29003 0.09246 0.29869 0.16276 0.3918 0.59084 0.56177 0.25995 0.44857 0.44227 0.08093 0.4807 0.47144 0.88338 0.84527 0.40323 0.47913 0.1007 0.75117 0.53775 0.68511 0.2382 0.71837 0.01066 0.76982 0.16002 0.9495 0.60577 0.12592 0.68796 0.09436 0.44231 0.42568 0.26087 0.20836 0.9711 0.20061 0.39509 0.65332 0.81918 0.1602 0.79256 0.31144 0.14743 0.50696 0.64578 0.12372 0.49401 0.41021 0.80663 0.9224 0.10587 0.81839 0.62697 0.24419 0.94945 0.29821 0.96027 0.27555 0.34925 0.92929 0.77932 0.18017 0.94972 0.67999 0.45412 0.78238 0.64679 0.12442 0.37327 0.61657 0.38586 0.79295 0.85945 0.83952 0.89024 0.32854 0.1923 0.89911 0.07017 0.82807 0.53478 0.10482 0.57947 0.31567 0.7884 0.48781 0.88345 0.66397 0.77696 0.49946 0.433 0.47223 0.87249 0.06989 0.91318 0.4337 0.70479 0.65875 0.83262 0.01569 0.68131 0.41968 0.34337 0.8209 0.53191 0.02438 0.62546 0.63229 0.9334 0.63514 0.58425 0.9749 0.91557 0.074 0.21877 0.40677 0.27834 0.81447 0.96974 0.19254 0.19141 0.8026 0.50592 0.6052 0.31251 0.68524 0.39437 0.99615 0.71322 0.11385 0.28367 0.80314 0.24421 0.51185 0.58459 0.1006 0.76022 0.49278 0.7412 0.42726 0.46985 0.49621 0.63097 0.47569 0.32657 0.53649 0.53048 0.02167 0.01776 0.22071 0.13045 0.45024 0.18718 0.17628 0.76106 0.6369 0.27313 0.90264 0.76023 0.45049 0.75127 0.36334 0.22487 0.38894 0.87535 0.26247 0.60877 0.38618 0.46268 0.29162 0.73907 0.05047 0.62336 0.35391 0.80648 0.23177 0.99157 0.8199 0.19001 0.74743 0.05124 0.29027 0.41499 0.26898 0.69856 0.94938 0.75556 0.95716 0.73203 0.91301 0.80262 0.54551 0.31718 0.32489 0.79609 0.69971 0.70252 0.72805 0.1248 0.33528 0.55356 0.79536 0.94078 0.09834 0.96991 0.9367 0.62554 0.52236 0.77454 0.34947 0.88083 0.19137 0.88345 0.60947 0.2413 0.74714 0.00277 0.8136 0.00394 0.58412 0.3076 0.17952 0.24836 0.73155 0.43034 0.04982 0.42391 0.13908 0.19874 0.96365 0.4488 0.59043 0.50507 0.46698 0.77404 0.60431 0.23493 0.762 0.74031 0.19751 0.11366 0.10157 0.4157 0.67485 0.61028 0.05984 0.72325 0.33135 0.42733 0.37497 0.88522 0.78923 0.22669 0.23071 0.5462 0.71196 0.82261 0.54751 0.04135 0.67704 0.12706 0.25949 0.24998 0.51334 0.8058 0.27885 0.30211 0.08113 0.28411 0.53394 0.18386 0.68591 0.96852 0.68771 0.45329 0.5191 0.09759 0.68957 0.08346 0.49866 0.46274 0.5614 0.47973 0.65977 0.88231 0.50319 0.56124 0.25066 0.88573 0.97544 0.99269 0.55712 0.51247 0.88863 0.13322 0.33064 0.79485 0.67758 0.82131 0.88439 0.47463 0.33801 0.03799 0.68612 0.70299 0.22891 0.06543 0.37895 0.03525 0.50997 0.67268 0.61892 0.00755 0.8009 0.58609 0.31153 0.37234
+0.44455 0.73216 0.05001 0.60169 0.3477 0.40861 0.55252 0.17536 0.92151 0.0307 0.82405 0.2804 0.58071 0.69849 0.81115 0.65439 0.66296 0.99248 0.9468 0.95959 0.42686 0.61299 0.59524 0.79282 0.57803 0.68562 0.46375 0.12844 0.21652 0.07319 0.1111 0.24817 0.86721 0.64568 0.54316 0.95678 0.00286 0.20029 0.90196 0.33333 0.99367 0.20622 0.42049 0.31729 0.68334 0.63379 0.34523 0.54375 0.65199 0.6528 0.50515 0.20019 0.52935 0.72192 0.69333 0.50645 0.01716 0.77431 0.08366 0.66659 0.16844 0.49869 0.41593 0.96259 0.78435 0.18526 0.01946 0.01966 0.91883 0.57353 0.42924 0.09415 0.99698 0.3399 0.89116 0.40984 0.46102 0.54371 0.27994 0.43783 0.69672 0.29891 0.37739 0.59365 0.71941 0.06075 0.57699 0.99747 0.23315 0.61647 0.27957 0.22505 0.02302 0.86 0.44091 0.73841 0.35025 0.87993 0.25219 0.71161 0.2453 0.50444 0.97986 0.37602 0.06034 0.7705 0.71881 0.07916 0.46643 0.56028 0.18497 0.54483 0.10003 0.61785 0.1827 0.20456 0.81637 0.2778 0.97028 0.18382 0.43256 0.60022 0.81814 0.09716 0.78372 0.07483 0.46565 0.49216 0.31356 0.20727 0.93034 0.02068 0.71738 0.69982 0.75 0.02549 0.39193 0.62205 0.97202 0.39391 0.2 0.40032 0.81399 0.44609 0.13184 0.12314 0.66552 0.16152 0.82176 0.66176 0.21916 0.84759 0.22912 0.54481 0.89171 0.03203 0.06713 0.69877 0.24454 0.63074 0.97936 0.79236 0.48695 0.96779 0.04625 0.54309 0.46878 0.91158 0.44037 0.28794 0.89522 0.84921 0.14198 0.85067 0.43371 0.21009 0.24208 0.39971 0.14711 0.32825 0.72007 0.80756 0.52532 0.2327 0.44878 0.05254 0.05603 0.73889 0.82986 0.71711 0.54239 0.38696 0.43351 0.3036 0.17278 0.99169 0.05161 0.70058 0.30327 0.96853 0.59541 0.62769 0.13571 0.76306 0.97084 0.89312 0.5344 0.38211 0.6236 0.56839 0.42956 0.71807 0.97517 0.10266 0.01152 0.56453 0.66616 0.60851 0.43505 0.5645 0.949 0.51546 0.86106 0.39032 0.61611 0.29074 0.99533 0.21807 0.30848 0.80798 0.08732 0.83634 0.98835 0.53478 0.2531 0.89145 0.21634 0.00123 0.99518 0.97266 0.91782 0.21954 0.27867 0.60541 0.40007 0.27212 0.57273 0.58382 0.66173 0.82957 0.05366 0.06661 0.09293 0.22541 0.71523 0.309 0.50465 0.06939 0.9564 0.43851 0.98182 0.51708 0.98106 0.49056 0.53737 0.21995 0.68548 0.95743 0.36273 0.50785 0.15258 0.90983 0.23175 0.6092 0.52368 0.30038 0.6663 0.00802 0.52719 0.85777 0.12782 0.53989 0.50943 0.6971 0.74047 0.89579 0.88586 0.1072 0.33213 0.55242 0.51213 0.77527 0.93367 0.45435 0.02503 0.94713 0.25539 0.36694 0.99778 0.327 0.39041 0.02323 0.73782 0.13494 0.03258 0.00702 0.96088 0.18702 0.01517 0.53706 0.64198 0.96178 0.5854 0.28415 0.36644 0.6198 0.64631 0.45565 0.13378 0.13876 0.88626 0.3724 0.70198 0.78868 0.82574 0.08529 0.14584 0.7784 0.29977 0.17234 0.31867 0.15277 0.99765 0.94012 0.48589 0.71507 0.44052 0.84722 0.93911 0.42778 0.36998 0.13686 0.52159 0.196 0.85961 0.03743 0.38698 0.52057 0.92713 0.86866 0.58728 0.94717 0.70093 0.11606 0.42179 0.46563 0.45086 0.98984 0.85355 0.94033 0.8677 0.43446 0.67397 0.67631 0.65482 0.32269 0.14437 0.90303 0.1826 0.80235 0.71061 0.40355 0.93152 0.59995 0.82425 0.14353 0.65704 0.85983 0.60481 0.16664 0.48391 0.88624 0.23979 0.44039 0.92333 0.93407 0.88219 0.10523 0.01908 0.0023 0.92185 0.89191 0.13185 0.96308 0.46963 0.86131 0.45841 0.80473 0.87457 0.92045 0.23473 0.61133 0.04947 0.41771 0.35125 0.36899 0.8353 0.4413 0.1816 0.65126 0.03807 0.67554 0.0732 0.69909 0.88149 0.21411 0.26066 0.5431 0.73741 0.44099 0.23694 0.22373 0.05157 0.04139 0.47932 0.91675 0.14317 0.77243 0.14926 0.89826 0.89778 0.54489 0.76416 0.55565 0.66874 0.79461 0.28095 0.12756 0.12998 0.05276 0.28339 0.08091 0.63526 0.99608 0.09605 0.64159 0.23538 0.18584 0.34602 0.86664 0.60336 0.60393 0.25577 0.2345 0.4628 0.7917 0.08051 0.89753 0.23965 0.03455 0.35518 0.84392 0.30136 0.21776 0.15637 0.91207 0.25153 0.67018 0.8808 0.88136 0.92295 0.56006 0.44062 0.36077 0.02506 0.00566 0.11865 0.00983 0.14992 0.34403 0.20122 0.92571 0.82168 0.49222 0.06213 0.03559 0.383 0.1387 0.53639 0.88327 0.02089 0.174 0.92597 0.99725 0.32326 0.97236 0.82102 0.48819 0.67013 0.91636 0.37497 0.92915 0.2924 0.05825 0.64914 0.00904 0.44888 0.98536 0.93668 0.89717 0.20033 0.65093
+0.2633 0.35086 0.08368 0.24355 0.26436 0.75294 0.94009 0.05519 0.19065 0.59256 0.23546 0.06302 0.67891 0.67444 0.3416 0.44825 0.19883 0.69592 0.11134 0.00394 0.03198 0.85523 0.33858 0.79493 0.30732 0.71468 0.61779 0.20967 0.35722 0.53484 0.89719 0.58976 0.34076 0.2934 0.99882 0.24168 0.48258 0.59203 0.09444 0.67372 0.89078 0.70341 0.83817 0.5985 0.73304 0.19967 0.51825 0.18356 0.36128 0.14025 0.54638 0.2095 0.91273 0.79502 0.04732 0.86902 0.12533 0.09996 0.61511 0.15937 0.73437 0.13853 0.82536 0.79921 0.38447 0.98418 0.82487 0.83265 0.29703 0.56191 0.86498 0.50665 0.33331 0.17707 0.49065 0.86044 0.55139 0.68241 0.21591 0.96731 0.74681 0.98404 0.50484 0.62966 0.22546 0.07689 0.72504 0.2896 0.7932 0.28319 0.4545 0.80722 0.24313 0.0136 0.33602 0.61284 0.19051 0.79487 0.58996 0.52815 0.28655 0.63194 0.69259 0.06855 0.05454 0.0531 0.00828 0.8838 0.42655 0.99608 0.37186 0.02311 0.64133 0.09485 0.64928 0.32199 0.71859 0.19804 0.40043 0.12429 0.0322 0.62124 0.6031 0.19306 0.95069 0.53657 0.94666 0.38793 0.29635 0.44815 0.9688 0.47013 0.26652 0.65968 0.84759 0.99129 0.3046 0.15466 0.19863 0.6986 0.09196 0.67702 0.17408 0.67885 0.10544 0.8759 0.74564 0.28872 0.21899 0.42921 0.32899 0.22037 0.1992 0.3242 0.0009 0.71779 0.58701 0.9468 0.99147 0.9919 0.71207 0.52928 0.60073 0.89517 0.05621 0.24128 0.22607 0.34179 0.89643 0.37586 0.78899 0.98568 0.47811 0.73545 0.63662 0.18418 0.00263 0.38518 0.36683 0.10338 0.70508 0.50524 0.10976 0.32001 0.33024 0.69241 0.9433 0.16276 0.13986 0.68899 0.18646 0.03523 0.28801 0.26789 0.73375 0.75777 0.87854 0.42827 0.28846 0.1265 0.64994 0.5811 0.09578 0.26128 0.12786 0.26049 0.87502 0.34689 0.99985 0.20422 0.3864 0.92053 0.56408 0.76665 0.34119 0.36653 0.0201 0.45591 0.02876 0.8521 0.52616 0.26454 0.79982 0.35423 0.8845 0.37416 0.82166 0.12188 0.71439 0.53686 0.9831 0.75318 0.56551 0.88773 0.54944 0.97547 0.45537 0.53263 0.40617 0.18824 0.19797 0.48775 0.09132 0.05278 0.91558 0.46984 0.29731 0.52266 0.65007 0.69183 0.30509 0.6196 0.78985 0.65328 0.66993 0.1459 0.1202 0.66625 0.01083 0.75132 0.67395 0.5936 0.78515 0.05945 0.11844 0.1795 0.69535 0.87798 0.71105 0.18209 0.76072 0.2954 0.42 0.9442 0.61055 0.90045 0.92364 0.14294 0.2006 0.86997 0.71859 0.39677 0.85084 0.39265 0.21952 0.26898 0.02904 0.05911 0.73388 0.55238 0.52891 0.08583 0.63889 0.08503 0.02481 0.58601 0.91972 0.02879 0.04782 0.75813 0.92689 0.2691 0.75355 0.44789 0.41504 0.68361 0.00634 0.51946 0.97441 0.15794 0.29823 0.10589 0.94616 0.35646 0.88217 0.755 0.50135 0.26399 0.46098 0.40344 0.77192 0.4265 0.28707 0.26248 0.65161 0.87235 0.06543 0.04117 0.62852 0.68798 0.04095 0.22713 0.90435 0.94312 0.62425 0.59656 0.88877 0.75028 0.71656 0.0576 0.46869 0.70009 0.09095 0.95571 0.30766 0.21909 0.11441 0.76408 0.78055 0.29279 0.82352 0.73839 0.30958 0.65471 0.62757 0.90521 0.55912 0.70889 0.10046 0.24001 0.46287 0.67314 0.41749 0.74594 0.48679 0.77696 0.39038 0.80788 0.89134 0.88034 0.69747 0.65521 0.12736 0.78001 0.17967 0.21265 0.38491 0.53551 0.60046 0.44962 0.8759 0.11274 0.86725 0.07941 0.13105 0.11311 0.26405 0.51441 0.90602 0.86286 0.34716 0.80367 0.18423 0.84055 0.38873 0.41731 0.81595 0.10604 0.86699 0.55 0.87075 0.33719 0.52962 0.53276 0.32583 0.97903 0.05736 0.56606 0.01459 0.72324 0.2938 0.47318 0.90544 0.63535 0.08598 0.61031 0.20669 0.04407 0.12139 0.80694 0.58976 0.44812 0.98229 0.99058 0.54253 0.2343 0.98369 0.36294 0.22765 0.57383 0.04511 0.89416 0.75648 0.69654 0.14596 0.22353 0.14799 0.15985 0.01603 0.4331 0.38422 0.88132 0.12778 0.30677 0.196 0.63334 0.87007 0.54979 0.90739 0.79197 0.72792 0.05364 0.48858 0.10404 0.64404 0.85194 0.95289 0.01378 0.63209 0.62585 0.6935 0.53761 0.19824 0.33597 0.6741 0.97547 0.20326 0.70053 0.74189 0.44681 0.21781 0.94174 0.804 0.84115 0.88956 0.14686 0.68042 0.28175 0.93845 0.91211 0.24475 0.99657 0.57834 0.27199 0.70437 0.39258 0.76972 0.36213 0.80973 0.45559 0.08778 0.41707 0.56665 0.92678 0.3969 0.85177 0.93834 0.14749 0.09285 0.58926 0.35801 0.17658 0.96132 0.79647 0.68684 0.39078 0.66192 0.84498 0.40178 0.56745 0.15331 0.81293
+0.10704 0.06269 0.11505 0.96652 0.19423 0.18009 0.96147 0.45928 0.76214 0.74664 0.31579 0.41924 0.12135 0.12824 0.71162 0.28325 0.90202 0.94668 0.02869 0.94335 0.4587 0.56433 0.05392 0.15504 0.04731 0.2065 0.30957 0.96489 0.38534 0.39038 0.90207 0.83786 0.09864 0.20785 0.83073 0.42154 0.06312 0.49129 0.29787 0.64233 0.41583 0.85433 0.66433 0.56466 0.52015 0.4379 0.51523 0.90673 0.23845 0.91229 0.12651 0.10294 0.91793 0.52686 0.8538 0.61096 0.7885 0.63454 0.86457 0.71568 0.53693 0.57563 0.3971 0.92751 0.64151 0.97524 0.04632 0.54474 0.32536 0.90264 0.47859 0.12145 0.61791 0.51294 0.28607 0.43414 0.50903 0.46922 0.86119 0.95975 0.63082 0.25972 0.35552 0.61115 0.85323 0.39624 0.4193 0.31217 0.75239 0.76226 0.001 0.64925 0.89691 0.95382 0.00838 0.13476 0.0382 0.04878 0.09041 0.60741 0.14598 0.77028 0.77862 0.69104 0.31122 0.22126 0.00859 0.68298 0.21373 0.90271 0.49274 0.21013 0.31059 0.37054 0.81554 0.4791 0.08296 0.06953 0.65726 0.17495 0.39141 0.24749 0.4514 0.60041 0.31857 0.27411 0.98338 0.7734 0.48296 0.6727 0.34346 0.34105 0.29352 0.34189 0.74348 0.62823 0.58846 0.97896 0.00922 0.99582 0.90052 0.90369 0.77779 0.76299 0.11423 0.09454 0.58983 0.07316 0.63511 0.22274 0.74562 0.91131 0.31755 0.6588 0.37191 0.30706 0.49941 0.1725 0.35882 0.50459 0.86869 0.67462 0.83641 0.18007 0.44389 0.10742 0.58516 0.14342 0.72039 0.22872 0.23754 0.81753 0.75927 0.93611 0.54511 0.20048 0.69106 0.0102 0.68211 0.25555 0.30703 0.37515 0.12421 0.42598 0.31926 0.43427 0.80824 0.16196 0.15588 0.21504 0.38003 0.06742 0.90431 0.8945 0.3308 0.25891 0.42263 0.80038 0.68745 0.60033 0.96096 0.04604 0.38389 0.91928 0.80849 0.3468 0.83683 0.28689 0.79466 0.6749 0.4481 0.44381 0.34477 0.45732 0.20931 0.06443 0.52348 0.5469 0.84456 0.5047 0.17258 0.96556 0.03949 0.49932 0.09646 0.07332 0.41478 0.58071 0.84219 0.67335 0.32093 0.68886 0.14765 0.41982 0.11418 0.78464 0.68621 0.51177 0.10081 0.18682 0.31447 0.56689 0.37747 0.70901 0.05642 0.69676 0.79715 0.30261 0.19207 0.16791 0.11598 0.37384 0.5493 0.4471 0.43924 0.01859 0.18235 0.14139 0.5013 0.29684 0.11061 0.61813 0.7215 0.10028 0.90886 0.32257 0.87732 0.04931 0.72526 0.50193 0.46708 0.47377 0.28684 0.71589 0.51018 0.21178 0.18487 0.2597 0.8151 0.27136 0.66626 0.7328 0.16432 0.04466 0.54247 0.98218 0.25788 0.5615 0.7221 0.38779 0.74804 0.05693 0.45987 0.1839 0.81402 0.65102 0.01093 0.1359 0.95198 0.75804 0.67307 0.78429 0.26655 0.41693 0.79589 0.29745 0.76247 0.36765 0.53305 0.07215 0.14257 0.13536 0.94919 0.97933 0.32162 0.42901 0.12335 0.16082 0.37588 0.74015 0.98359 0.7388 0.31086 0.88464 0.60393 0.2954 0.86032 0.92255 0.2934 0.93233 0.94246 0.52817 0.49486 0.11535 0.36698 0.66161 0.9219 0.35806 0.85342 0.05258 0.09422 0.26988 0.21178 0.75473 0.82357 0.04459 0.07378 0.69885 0.0134 0.62973 0.99772 0.16417 0.47468 0.06849 0.95926 0.88337 0.88563 0.90005 0.40762 0.77201 0.37743 0.83907 0.07559 0.36566 0.75096 0.08793 0.2569 0.3514 0.67324 0.46573 0.61694 0.30143 0.19052 0.50619 0.06208 0.72859 0.98189 0.94581 0.92522 0.61482 0.6915 0.28552 0.07765 0.02285 0.06418 0.29917 0.41264 0.45124 0.54955 0.05852 0.97939 0.32497 0.28111 0.21971 0.76583 0.87615 0.20116 0.75569 0.50801 0.0429 0.52767 0.28533 0.81974 0.39205 0.36294 0.56515 0.5172 0.48154 0.6344 0.0126 0.71175 0.2067 0.04595 0.70306 0.63113 0.22087 0.84018 0.14413 0.23618 0.83674 0.22357 0.44348 0.80212 0.4928 0.19573 0.83344 0.39831 0.19092 0.56112 0.19673 0.8226 0.06894 0.88452 0.51062 0.92853 0.59243 0.3363 0.36428 0.09443 0.75061 0.28051 0.53124 0.74103 0.55388 0.39616 0.60339 0.41706 0.91594 0.93435 0.40559 0.40485 0.70556 0.99081 0.27275 0.16945 0.171 0.51145 0.03046 0.99273 0.42754 0.5322 0.36376 0.0296 0.54557 0.58818 0.21205 0.08333 0.8308 0.64314 0.67946 0.09357 0.4942 0.89317 0.38452 0.05328 0.13622 0.349 0.65073 0.21244 0.67585 0.69403 0.82276 0.12325 0.95218 0.11243 0.4085 0.62635 0.85122 0.87897 0.1116 0.23618 0.10523 0.7941 0.9172 0.49004 0.6565 0.96609 0.424 0.24374 0.00315 0.52013 0.63168 0.81481 0.2108 0.25243 0.71477 0.26962 0.55676 0.59035 0.97839 0.88216 0.00352
+0.75724 0.78493 0.31312 0.3734 0.09914 0.58353 0.54872 0.36138 0.49576 0.95802 0.71476 0.25089 0.36967 0.87468 0.49944 0.44634 0.48739 0.69036 0.13486 0.97602 0.80991 0.19631 0.73315 0.27156 0.03494 0.88579 0.61256 0.001 0.63401 0.71623 0.24926 0.51375 0.12353 0.84938 0.26062 0.04911 0.65443 0.16062 0.15304 0.0862 0.85508 0.48841 0.27636 0.60373 0.32153 0.23523 0.58642 0.81551 0.84115 0.09161 0.45277 0.87649 0.06932 0.79639 0.23277 0.76932 0.81679 0.21 0.61121 0.44153 0.26396 0.48785 0.5565 0.87131 0.33221 0.63543 0.18304 0.13246 0.64833 0.72018 0.3222 0.14447 0.4421 0.19658 0.77391 0.96258 0.67604 0.39818 0.27618 0.16894 0.85907 0.38337 0.93822 0.15646 0.6625 0.86297 0.90562 0.95069 0.89268 0.06915 0.39126 0.99753 0.13852 0.61427 0.32908 0.79836 0.75962 0.16681 0.93829 0.94453 0.67343 0.35817 0.61069 0.84948 0.9118 0.56174 0.55821 0.28803 0.90099 0.58495 0.14511 0.42492 0.63086 0.46152 0.18277 0.71594 0.3124 0.49796 0.39068 0.62365 0.95438 0.86171 0.09283 0.66747 0.4391 0.49685 0.51026 0.43099 0.67571 0.60177 0.63936 0.48485 0.49454 0.84765 0.03367 0.21536 0.13018 0.56946 0.86415 0.79579 0.4519 0.58159 0.43595 0.3266 0.27789 0.80624 0.95165 0.02305 0.82051 0.70668 0.13308 0.62719 0.81013 0.09229 0.02661 0.51919 0.82778 0.01242 0.44896 0.27824 0.49707 0.65769 0.05354 0.60167 0.52467 0.27903 0.6946 0.57162 0.18298 0.31783 0.62252 0.65719 0.61939 0.20759 0.13796 0.8885 0.30532 0.34918 0.70158 0.03765 0.75082 0.10098 0.96589 0.69304 0.72348 0.99224 0.72844 0.82188 0.90257 0.41022 0.45574 0.91954 0.80485 0.01762 0.63259 0.00542 0.35309 0.62562 0.6796 0.4554 0.5054 0.71467 0.20178 0.08619 0.22179 0.74937 0.75815 0.3503 0.83149 0.01963 0.77162 0.90255 0.06533 0.81177 0.99767 0.88736 0.80058 0.78568 0.20091 0.22408 0.9082 0.25143 0.9465 0.87091 0.6049 0.50818 0.55715 0.78004 0.1655 0.58334 0.42246 0.37198 0.36399 0.94849 0.17977 0.92891 0.00303 0.03692 0.22419 0.95218 0.22363 0.86942 0.95284 0.26018 0.06914 0.73596 0.38264 0.3626 0.20397 0.64052 0.05475 0.72531 0.04653 0.99851 0.31504 0.62715 0.16954 0.60462 0.15091 0.13015 0.3015 0.8903 0.76166 0.99054 0.88953 0.43433 0.57421 0.1251 0.96923 0.60698 0.85161 0.86028 0.08239 0.72415 0.23119 0.02979 0.09631 0.28038 0.63166 0.84956 0.36366 0.517 0.91324 0.3693 0.84675 0.85252 0.86399 0.32972 0.03812 0.34531 0.59369 0.47438 0.19627 0.97836 0.89925 0.29563 0.05672 0.34588 0.98873 0.77042 0.98818 0.73464 0.34564 0.7539 0.2015 0.65178 0.30399 0.81039 0.624 0.87868 0.95 0.21565 0.32604 0.13337 0.7645 0.65342 0.03074 0.83549 0.50931 0.6745 0.21436 0.34498 0.3025 0.61582 0.80191 0.99847 0.11903 0.76074 0.83749 0.22102 0.35335 0.05256 0.15403 0.71716 0.04953 0.52544 0.51011 0.6533 0.88226 0.00664 0.08229 0.25672 0.9126 0.92356 0.61331 0.51179 0.47999 0.99306 0.45904 0.5108 0.75094 0.76516 0.3135 0.93922 0.14793 0.8084 0.44347 0.31849 0.87569 0.00126 0.59308 0.05615 0.25398 0.77478 0.13223 0.38755 0.21215 0.65225 0.38277 0.74547 0.36294 0.81317 0.24962 0.21639 0.00314 0.53809 0.68965 0.56891 0.23271 0.34747 0.96167 0.702 0.87822 0.62193 0.31013 0.63241 0.17478 0.28413 0.37451 0.88301 0.01107 0.725 0.45702 0.52051 0.60353 0.04343 0.79635 0.82924 0.28154 0.22613 0.6856 0.53796 0.9453 0.56041 0.22252 0.39534 0.0384 0.72708 0.68662 0.48165 0.99302 0.08669 0.07501 0.323 0.67392 0.02506 0.70143 0.15393 0.34684 0.60077 0.74898 0.257 0.2424 0.48281 0.10941 0.39863 0.20516 0.68592 0.74449 0.55288 0.73429 0.83317 0.54468 0.35424 0.42132 0.38405 0.49458 0.72557 0.34274 0.78124 0.15903 0.441 0.97737 0.26452 0.24417 0.36362 0.66613 0.36673 0.24629 0.55695 0.94679 0.57392 0.37269 0.35586 0.02538 0.51683 0.16625 0.06476 0.29298 0.78073 0.85981 0.27053 0.9857 0.95887 0.83909 0.77071 0.44185 0.23784 0.33388 0.33135 0.47516 0.05699 0.06817 0.22277 0.13442 0.31932 0.78686 0.20978 0.79809 0.82522 0.41164 0.83264 0.69255 0.11899 0.95016 0.40906 0.34898 0.47105 0.22661 0.73573 0.70509 0.97505 0.49544 0.38026 0.19825 0.04092 0.14338 0.53887 0.13476 0.84525 0.21469 0.53693 0.96969 0.62743 0.77538 0.55735 0.66662 0.39892 0.62591 0.18555 0.07404 0.73393
+0.08654 0.32613 0.09222 0.92627 0.48487 0.89011 0.4753 0.82686 0.48122 0.75895 0.10331 0.89039 0.28082 0.3092 0.04575 0.38966 0.42389 0.36393 0.06223 0.44498 0.30176 0.21451 0.69424 0.08494 0.49272 0.09421 0.57494 0.19418 0.2568 0.51802 0.82195 0.22783 0.57188 0.69334 0.40602 0.6844 0.85882 0.71753 0.33914 0.17984 0.18012 0.19031 0.11239 0.45974 0.02705 0.38123 0.97769 0.35223 0.22451 0.37042 0.76398 0.65812 0.95636 0.14019 0.42558 0.3899 0.60958 0.14468 0.70169 0.91563 0.95234 0.86339 0.17807 0.20705 0.97525 0.88072 0.0453 0.55187 0.32348 0.48068 0.29705 0.91809 0.79307 0.85873 0.92128 0.63418 0.4967 0.75134 0.51093 0.27221 0.62934 0.26049 0.39848 0.1724 0.72424 0.59141 0.14469 0.16593 0.59644 0.87636 0.34174 0.97339 0.90631 0.15843 0.85715 0.59168 0.2431 0.46684 0.95513 0.04024 0.9801 0.04389 0.40474 0.93407 0.59984 0.32517 0.00205 0.08246 0.09487 0.74439 0.99101 0.34896 0.93814 0.09057 0.71083 0.11382 0.74101 0.33815 0.61996 0.91751 0.95861 0.12164 0.35366 0.79948 0.47233 0.1492 0.5098 0.44407 0.53232 0.9396 0.7843 0.10765 0.40324 0.47389 0.41023 0.93486 0.50762 0.84364 0.90811 0.32148 0.82659 0.22082 0.49988 0.73135 0.66962 0.33316 0.84954 0.584 0.99121 0.34916 0.82935 0.95189 0.0362 0.40558 0.30878 0.20321 0.91077 0.98025 0.65133 0.91074 0.36228 0.38349 0.05123 0.75582 0.30405 0.70102 0.0614 0.49227 0.38896 0.34584 0.0819 0.12693 0.217 0.46883 0.19283 0.43762 0.30274 0.10847 0.43256 0.99024 0.7802 0.83926 0.06657 0.65437 0.80308 0.10894 0.05194 0.37907 0.96051 0.63588 0.86454 0.6789 0.93804 0.11763 0.07554 0.94393 0.53087 0.2773 0.67014 0.36954 0.52598 0.23246 0.12215 0.38724 0.68726 0.21546 0.98923 0.06315 0.804 0.948 0.89057 0.68951 0.81416 0.90832 0.10565 0.84056 0.11119 0.94444 0.84491 0.95226 0.39144 0.60627 0.34034 0.94933 0.36371 0.43058 0.45864 0.96246 0.05214 0.54767 0.55138 0.16778 0.53323 0.77977 0.12829 0.62597 0.49037 0.60383 0.07477 0.66869 0.86298 0.02918 0.65116 0.45475 0.11884 0.49682 0.10604 0.11487 0.44924 0.51932 0.64158 0.62861 0.83651 0.39141 0.64978 0.02585 0.70993 0.67586 0.58664 0.71695 0.17427 0.06847 0.77231 0.62138 0.49412 0.75729 0.69722 0.82426 0.27381 0.91057 0.34637 0.64058 0.44202 0.35315 0.16899 0.68046 0.13838 0.54673 0.15431 0.23337 0.72743 0.36808 0.74106 0.14927 0.54548 0.02489 0.40152 0.88985 0.72876 0.97328 0.10139 0.81109 0.92987 0.0204 0.57234 0.83045 0.75545 0.78741 0.13857 0.9455 0.49873 0.25225 0.18599 0.03281 0.42786 0.11526 0.88 0.37414 0.27963 0.1494 0.03047 0.43561 0.829 0.45695 0.13938 0.98068 0.95382 0.97319 0.60837 0.61488 0.92873 0.76702 0.12855 0.89747 0.96005 0.92295 0.53602 0.73936 0.19288 0.45909 0.15281 0.24547 0.24565 0.85668 0.90639 0.86628 0.67412 0.818 0.00342 0.57461 0.22489 0.46735 0.08879 0.43452 0.57877 0.44861 0.95753 0.75344 0.15623 0.4517 0.33128 0.82098 0.38027 0.47326 0.445 0.68035 0.94319 0.35483 0.81291 0.06054 0.81522 0.51303 0.55244 0.65602 0.67067 0.10104 0.25481 0.09054 0.17453 0.57947 0.67633 0.79545 0.28245 0.15012 0.9787 0.71978 0.09141 0.14342 0.64302 0.24685 0.63762 0.3595 0.58651 0.61285 0.70103 0.80304 0.43784 0.99449 0.66724 0.24711 0.76843 0.55849 0.26152 0.51361 0.33283 0.18082 0.89342 0.47609 0.36819 0.26577 0.68169 0.26948 0.74721 0.03258 0.59097 0.96036 0.9737 0.53763 0.44134 0.56164 0.6072 0.36241 0.31713 0.59786 0.85347 0.80918 0.10705 0.24989 0.98591 0.50404 0.3944 0.68051 0.64203 0.99053 0.21448 0.93463 0.77041 0.51866 0.32846 0.07106 0.2002 0.94029 0.68212 0.54346 0.32474 0.69789 0.91732 0.60067 0.65845 0.77988 0.47751 0.90826 0.45074 0.02078 0.28342 0.5166 0.47149 0.69091 0.58585 0.74821 0.86326 0.76038 0.78305 0.17992 0.04988 0.70179 0.7585 0.93962 0.96533 0.02403 0.67402 0.11234 0.67792 0.18831 0.69433 0.83477 0.11719 0.58702 0.19224 0.23422 0.31658 0.97469 0.09206 0.01355 0.41897 0.63845 0.14112 0.15756 0.71773 0.21894 0.79624 0.89003 0.23656 0.59848 0.48231 0.71742 0.05836 0.68136 0.70675 0.37607 0.20511 0.30683 0.45659 0.63253 0.4853 0.1759 0.14791 0.85444 0.28275 0.6272 0.79051 0.69757 0.82226 0.59786 0.10137 0.59954 0.22594 0.27265 0.57193 0.01241 0.76489 0.17904
+0.41325 0.50713 0.49999 0.13196 0.53172 0.26911 0.92811 0.45429 0.28848 0.94917 0.19659 0.49986 0.87053 0.59056 0.76028 0.61109 0.03408 0.5449 0.67678 0.49247 0.8247 0.45014 0.01041 0.84494 0.14064 0.32126 0.98424 0.83907 0.73931 0.02468 0.14599 0.12301 0.47758 0.00484 0.74249 0.44697 0.56247 0.42328 0.7425 0.42886 0.48474 0.90381 0.60176 0.86971 0.93747 0.33453 0.43752 0.814 0.47608 0.42172 0.91952 0.59612 0.78983 0.53554 0.56526 0.87922 0.61706 0.47139 0.00071 0.20329 0.19238 0.83683 0.93422 0.50682 0.0418 0.77468 0.62035 0.97329 0.32217 0.64677 0.10896 0.65173 0.60861 0.24064 0.78833 0.60651 0.4085 0.08099 0.38169 0.65169 0.43439 0.50942 0.57618 0.89475 0.22388 0.96995 0.87303 0.35086 0.91553 0.44594 0.94734 0.78478 0.44649 0.67282 0.52747 0.53084 0.19091 0.96987 0.47573 0.33957 0.56854 0.31194 0.96335 0.76771 0.23598 0.82243 0.71766 0.14415 0.31558 0.13856 0.33792 0.17433 0.00323 0.59443 0.24174 0.68347 0.36555 0.44209 0.2273 0.79858 0.14929 0.93179 0.62757 0.59367 0.85696 0.22743 0.97781 0.35022 0.52584 0.03639 0.66048 0.06204 0.82617 0.48629 0.696 0.4596 0.20281 0.66511 0.21656 0.33074 0.56981 0.05636 0.31584 0.40267 0.37189 0.84053 0.33511 0.09937 0.58344 0.98368 0.32896 0.71759 0.95624 0.6265 0.46985 0.96095 0.49452 0.75812 0.47763 0.16347 0.33875 0.01341 0.7086 0.61419 0.16052 0.33524 0.51639 0.22195 0.84903 0.5424 0.65364 0.9112 0.27591 0.91105 0.63761 0.02203 0.65535 0.23258 0.64146 0.24967 0.37751 0.3635 0.20386 0.16126 0.99654 0.62939 0.9827 0.45774 0.27382 0.29163 0.28187 0.75718 0.60202 0.11893 0.08651 0.17188 0.07466 0.86861 0.38279 0.88096 0.43834 0.94262 0.7588 0.42199 0.72963 0.56855 0.81538 0.73301 0.06732 0.93674 0.76902 0.41544 0.33009 0.11815 0.46521 0.84702 0.50031 0.98892 0.87017 0.66294 0.49721 0.57503 0.98721 0.79542 0.78753 0.43423 0.43964 0.7835 0.07956 0.30306 0.54546 0.59259 0.15289 0.76439 0.98716 0.48599 0.24264 0.7104 0.05725 0.08313 0.90698 0.42912 0.66432 0.7258 0.8149 0.50602 0.30244 0.05931 0.25088 0.86975 0.7813 0.10719 0.39366 0.20307 0.28478 0.03791 0.394 0.75855 0.20822 0.50266 0.38612 0.64017 0.17587 0.47785 0.91381 0.78201 0.90658 0.98592 0.15722 0.17408 0.10094 0.72585 0.18893 0.16892 0.2269 0.30816 0.42726 0.96084 0.52473 0.85464 0.40403 0.99923 0.74645 0.4961 0.61906 0.7534 0.1006 0.01123 0.32206 0.99116 0.86667 0.94977 0.4885 0.2419 0.86813 0.93652 0.10707 0.66561 0.65699 0.96694 0.19806 0.51969 0.79973 0.393 0.1231 0.57223 0.50795 0.6209 0.3762 0.94572 0.02012 0.73863 0.43257 0.2554 0.04558 0.10137 0.94618 0.5058 0.83153 0.40252 0.60028 0.58046 0.05386 0.24227 0.98814 0.13421 0.9995 0.61519 0.93824 0.20981 0.20604 0.48722 0.63986 0.30586 0.67581 0.98377 0.24843 0.46943 0.62447 0.83142 0.88071 0.61581 0.6372 0.43241 0.61325 0.58429 0.1368 0.62512 0.87069 0.34252 0.04768 0.98156 0.63789 0.70885 0.19197 0.9878 0.0363 0.10387 0.82844 0.24497 0.35045 0.04943 0.75473 0.22753 0.85572 0.32384 0.26274 0.82866 0.58795 0.63525 0.58111 0.8692 0.75018 0.55564 0.90003 0.32055 0.52895 0.83748 0.57848 0.46399 0.0612 0.4239 0.17678 0.06816 0.97709 0.87395 0.26591 0.1781 0.25202 0.51833 0.40739 0.63016 0.85804 0.87956 0.4327 0.67767 0.68102 0.54915 0.87039 0.0643 0.96773 0.73399 0.22438 0.79251 0.93225 0.08044 0.95401 0.67475 0.70253 0.64278 0.06563 0.76802 0.01699 0.0233 0.78493 0.27069 0.93886 0.23483 0.91996 0.79685 0.93279 0.6363 0.51758 0.81168 0.35956 0.70721 0.37217 0.36503 0.14839 0.34516 0.87984 0.10778 0.01191 0.19971 0.47641 0.69336 0.09704 0.73457 0.79072 0.00971 0.65309 0.24593 0.3492 0.86181 0.20929 0.67963 0.31467 0.2493 0.87063 0.02856 0.42878 0.36976 0.66388 0.29246 0.02419 0.44622 0.2153 0.80298 0.67144 0.27728 0.31277 0.17705 0.3855 0.78142 0.67233 0.53218 0.13753 0.86463 0.15759 0.69597 0.39352 0.43672 0.115 0.50529 0.08069 0.15534 0.6832 0.35955 0.96796 0.27235 0.66217 0.82768 0.38583 0.23688 0.41345 0.92196 0.03026 0.66024 0.20247 0.53941 0.70192 0.33159 0.7377 0.96054 0.62915 0.43677 0.03696 0.55003 0.45927 0.89804 0.9104 0.40815 0.1182 0.34865 0.65475 0.52956 0.2464 0.56275 0.20229 0.64857 0.65876 0.09165
+0.81162 0.70336 0.35652 0.65735 0.80718 0.25381 0.55653 0.18534 0.48978 0.19358 0.52343 0.9795 0.15518 0.50499 0.99363 0.97282 0.89967 0.81965 0.62036 0.18967 0.8166 0.48348 0.45298 0.68073 0.00982 0.72586 0.14512 0.10788 0.86264 0.92521 0.87527 0.57483 0.20689 0.86694 0.33527 0.28318 0.77917 0.15651 0.12984 0.46379 0.2446 0.54596 0.41631 0.93986 0.22316 0.54079 0.16272 0.17911 0.8573 0.37972 0.85723 0.44989 0.41157 0.59846 0.04275 0.78767 0.17334 0.50055 0.81646 0.3837 0.22087 0.43777 0.46803 0.87136 0.57141 0.44311 0.14634 0.2927 0.42914 0.54291 0.08801 0.20647 0.22646 0.93447 0.77767 0.9939 0.55982 0.80611 0.55526 0.79534 0.84486 0.39781 0.59344 0.94569 0.3791 0.38444 0.70824 0.82467 0.83927 0.48936 0.93851 0.40782 0.06927 0.62762 0.05132 0.41982 0.5869 0.29445 0.89179 0.57459 0.29845 0.27433 0.70041 0.95518 0.50337 0.9168 0.67783 0.36095 0.64222 0.79417 0.71167 0.68568 0.37296 0.41866 0.15901 0.47267 0.10707 0.76051 0.81887 0.50721 0.00203 0.98177 0.54023 0.33536 0.65758 0.883 0.89528 0.49478 0.95932 0.72872 0.70305 0.05774 0.39011 0.44571 0.59862 0.83549 0.74785 0.59926 0.40184 0.24451 0.60678 0.351 0.13196 0.36599 0.56177 0.52992 0.30917 0.1849 0.40521 0.59771 0.07158 0.7534 0.32135 0.25824 0.58626 0.51577 0.50445 0.9523 0.35587 0.79723 0.00581 0.13313 0.91881 0.16137 0.80451 0.95687 0.50608 0.35038 0.40727 0.01106 0.82572 0.63194 0.306 0.01526 0.51444 0.37935 0.65819 0.18128 0.36022 0.32721 0.18023 0.96475 0.7002 0.77757 0.97429 0.74776 0.74711 0.76951 0.11683 0.67194 0.49073 0.90596 0.47131 0.94747 0.99352 0.36549 0.28957 0.29031 0.83391 0.86379 0.51615 0.96094 0.11492 0.5757 0.63279 0.1037 0.41148 0.63134 0.97432 0.00845 0.39592 0.78687 0.47813 0.25548 0.28451 0.22837 0.05808 0.07876 0.48512 0.16867 0.38396 0.42958 0.94049 0.97117 0.23856 0.1107 0.27447 0.80826 0.96861 0.24256 0.96365 0.68293 0.73821 0.82993 0.70418 0.35705 0.64726 0.7554 0.69819 0.56823 0.33903 0.1956 0.96991 0.63515 0.39506 0.14507 0.91666 0.66477 0.19339 0.11406 0.11043 0.72112 0.73763 0.37199 0.33735 0.18807 0.76389 0.68227 0.95624 0.03225 0.46409 0.33245 0.23602 0.99506 0.85218 0.29323 0.07621 0.2922 0.66233 0.49371 0.71004 0.85863 0.71241 0.76964 0.98387 0.92192 0.1991 0.11114 0.13016 0.47243 0.57327 0.49972 0.52303 0.83258 0.98207 0.15088 0.70832 0.6582 0.63592 0.40499 0.53189 0.63064 0.431 0.38542 0.11018 0.48588 0.4224 0.22177 0.38187 0.19583 0.42171 0.73347 0.1671 0.63433 0.80072 0.57469 0.11099 0.85895 0.79612 0.32105 0.12941 0.71728 0.4371 0.33795 0.76663 0.03304 0.93227 0.67373 0.85527 0.62373 0.25777 0.7 0.27617 0.93471 0.98588 0.83837 0.5519 0.26491 0.62238 0.32832 0.79449 0.30058 0.30985 0.40138 0.25138 0.45373 0.28515 0.06316 0.83785 0.74494 0.85116 0.46199 0.90308 0.79229 0.4922 0.50532 0.14617 0.52228 0.79849 0.71474 0.60806 0.15229 0.91276 0.48631 0.59896 0.57552 0.23212 0.00732 0.25563 0.36727 0.1342 0.52008 0.46488 0.1323 0.87394 0.12266 0.367 0.64542 0.21211 0.89446 0.75894 0.4357 0.13027 0.82395 0.67889 0.24349 0.18168 0.62147 0.17023 0.92285 0.15049 0.63599 0.17627 0.11391 0.93789 0.83145 0.66193 0.53801 0.55753 0.35588 0.07455 0.98499 0.86802 0.54252 0.07649 0.20683 0.955 0.47292 0.62045 0.35644 0.97045 0.94763 0.87761 0.91993 0.66346 0.36656 0.46379 0.4859 0.10918 0.88973 0.93676 0.9104 0.08285 0.07565 0.68808 0.6593 0.92447 0.39528 0.72048 0.53797 0.55435 0.01339 0.73152 0.79421 0.40587 0.80336 0.00631 0.12128 0.91931 0.71871 0.11085 0.85304 0.1129 0.87606 0.65192 0.34551 0.74272 0.39414 0.58068 0.99733 0.40127 0.89777 0.77182 0.89736 0.82233 0.7508 0.97784 0.50711 0.48602 0.1199 0.39455 0.40738 0.76138 0.92742 0.77552 0.45992 0.99112 0.35637 0.73345 0.22789 0.22324 0.56847 0.20287 0.64962 0.64692 0.24161 0.00833 0.04231 0.67932 0.82066 0.39763 0.56398 0.06565 0.83051 0.40771 0.57227 0.99454 0.31061 0.61893 0.89905 0.21277 0.73307 0.47018 0.34603 0.89838 0.98104 0.60032 0.54907 0.34494 0.00047 0.89443 0.51491 0.83767 0.7729 0.25138 0.39457 0.56114 0.87446 0.1782 0.20136 0.01222 0.32071 0.73189 0.08426 0.29369 0.45569 0.65878 0.06866 0.27084 0.5114 0.99256 0.50265
+0.11376 0.11175 0.9872 0.176 0.81131 0.35246 0.72059 0.88953 0.67403 0.30692 0.74278 0.90179 0.88951 0.28263 0.99065 0.82017 0.86175 0.10479 0.58856 0.9535 0.00541 0.85853 0.4186 0.64745 0.68393 0.62745 0.71925 0.23904 0.74586 0.85568 0.39168 0.65018 0.95883 0.80733 0.74071 0.42242 0.98324 0.66176 0.4893 0.57922 0.98719 0.2203 0.98938 0.4648 0.31482 0.94328 0.90162 0.93095 0.08062 0.89174 0.57961 0.59322 0.93065 0.27051 0.89786 0.32394 0.28892 0.46692 0.97214 0.73106 0.02658 0.40369 0.67397 0.4905 0.92452 0.44253 0.0648 0.09595 0.2127 0.99193 0.03082 0.58492 0.41957 0.2591 0.5375 0.28547 0.80071 0.35075 0.32713 0.72478 0.37678 0.83523 0.66341 0.88751 0.964 0.54247 0.0305 0.65149 0.91747 0.50157 0.47648 0.06408 0.79654 0.92385 0.29979 0.11568 0.29801 0.29433 0.09999 0.13051 0.75216 0.69104 0.806 0.44425 0.74951 0.21588 0.10951 0.2075 0.63776 0.97487 0.42679 0.28633 0.88905 0.02445 0.16557 0.71947 0.52283 0.28151 0.48612 0.91512 0.49907 0.95262 0.21406 0.62596 0.84152 0.39362 0.76786 0.89512 0.54951 0.01772 0.52995 0.63123 0.94993 0.13085 0.41418 0.14935 0.70246 0.38235 0.01238 0.09229 0.73469 0.1703 0.12128 0.13073 0.53296 0.21566 0.18625 0.02781 0.39576 0.16809 0.91168 0.96017 0.80396 0.84446 0.38612 0.55511 0.36145 0.1777 0.12909 0.4504 0.50008 0.15292 0.90532 0.29869 0.56603 0.01047 0.69816 0.93524 0.90228 0.3307 0.44405 0.70493 0.50078 0.04077 0.97938 0.63275 0.50619 0.6758 0.95424 0.6915 0.86404 0.02936 0.40827 0.3075 0.16454 0.809 0.00865 0.85037 0.05764 0.41155 0.70557 0.63253 0.08064 0.95716 0.52389 0.4439 0.37437 0.51301 0.96594 0.37633 0.21305 0.56741 0.2384 0.57996 0.22291 0.18234 0.46922 0.74043 0.56212 0.10535 0.0531 0.43575 0.52799 0.06118 0.12888 0.09003 0.55597 0.0228 0.48538 0.87993 0.69062 0.63969 0.97052 0.48594 0.57212 0.55572 0.24219 0.92562 0.5202 0.47849 0.06112 0.02688 0.55618 0.49308 0.22132 0.53691 0.09167 0.46106 0.68641 0.35236 0.88899 0.7404 0.77228 0.0297 0.25421 0.37803 0.54855 0.22911 0.55671 0.27456 0.95762 0.91255 0.29829 0.85916 0.28808 0.54241 0.72562 0.53219 0.26079 0.22437 0.89148 0.79137 0.62525 0.19884 0.56967 0.15642 0.66392 0.87603 0.31945 0.0721 0.84727 0.8934 0.48869 0.39461 0.31016 0.13008 0.6716 0.98268 0.61832 0.44614 0.56108 0.92635 0.59831 0.73911 0.00218 0.93159 0.334 0.97373 0.78758 0.6468 0.1704 0.95916 0.81283 0.19161 0.93404 0.20379 0.94018 0.75972 0.6135 0.67112 0.53397 0.11186 0.90736 0.02929 0.92847 0.52592 0.96477 0.58478 0.06638 0.57244 0.41621 0.01579 0.54905 0.26423 0.86067 0.2305 0.71312 0.66864 0.08053 0.12332 0.33819 0.58036 0.76435 0.82384 0.39029 0.70727 0.76301 0.16842 0.53694 0.12776 0.88775 0.70545 0.38424 0.69349 0.15757 0.96142 0.65914 0.30665 0.67843 0.96346 0.08476 0.62012 0.08985 0.85152 0.62961 0.16671 0.4973 0.27346 0.04555 0.77231 0.75675 0.10525 0.25028 0.1609 0.14394 0.70921 0.39527 0.51747 0.92769 0.99125 0.95593 0.83922 0.20183 0.96918 0.71498 0.31037 0.90069 0.68762 0.02467 0.5 0.73644 0.90859 0.66713 0.03351 0.75165 0.1198 0.10229 0.92054 0.60278 0.04368 0.06101 0.63293 0.15192 0.62197 0.80219 0.14677 0.18335 0.98248 0.28805 0.17729 0.24529 0.74637 0.47044 0.49669 0.31378 0.6958 0.40786 0.91661 0.11847 0.59456 0.04599 0.00099 0.45668 0.11274 0.57629 0.36695 0.88261 0.48987 0.53568 0.65848 0.71856 0.42455 0.1487 0.57492 0.26445 0.18221 0.27647 0.47052 0.10982 0.22302 0.81046 0.76713 0.91674 0.84981 0.10417 0.23531 0.22859 0.83522 0.24961 0.59263 0.13806 0.65594 0.54286 0.77589 0.74943 0.35628 0.58179 0.33203 0.00479 0.22355 0.60569 0.45346 0.47411 0.30602 0.9508 0.76106 0.21362 0.81699 0.70659 0.51042 0.62852 0.45894 0.59046 0.18754 0.65107 0.20538 0.0414 0.34405 0.26132 0.27325 0.2833 0.21808 0.89887 0.85334 0.98991 0.09182 0.30994 0.12908 0.42435 0.31771 0.41269 0.57434 0.97117 0.61029 0.70381 0.03917 0.48623 0.74882 0.55581 0.05861 0.64696 0.99994 0.46219 0.50106 0.73084 0.60552 0.05344 0.49801 0.21404 0.43684 0.81285 0.55066 0.62944 0.1013 0.11114 0.38845 0.86527 0.90288 0.17345 0.37702 0.2706 0.85367 0.03063 0.90223 0.90806 0.80133 0.11404 0.93914 0.21782 0.53673 0.63684 0.14355
+0.78062 0.10939 0.88397 0.22028 0.76025 0.82691 0.81926 0.33829 0.92449 0.91705 0.66328 0.09549 0.63765 0.21057 0.87849 0.3684 0.6509 0.46002 0.51444 0.11816 0.80641 0.23471 0.86193 0.18911 0.62851 0.79885 0.08547 0.779 0.6443 0.74103 0.08135 0.71833 0.2554 0.78888 0.80122 0.07006 0.12252 0.32148 0.87419 0.01489 0.40608 0.16079 0.72772 0.30271 0.36434 0.45247 0.34166 0.69114 0.02747 0.34532 0.86114 0.68955 0.91292 0.7026 0.24379 0.33507 0.07248 0.33037 0.14498 0.98016 0.28107 0.5676 0.99178 0.94046 0.625 0.34081 0.44784 0.5104 0.33405 0.11508 0.27349 0.06573 0.72332 0.20005 0.57799 0.33464 0.11837 0.28548 0.80539 0.26555 0.67352 0.47438 0.4741 0.05542 0.87369 0.22219 0.47851 0.18469 0.63793 0.6848 0.68509 0.12968 0.37462 0.14517 0.22587 0.0955 0.53655 0.17043 0.27867 0.24689 0.20401 0.22345 0.55129 0.71209 0.91684 0.56989 0.0525 0.89254 0.36822 0.43747 0.63012 0.83491 0.11296 0.3397 0.32505 0.25322 0.33108 0.17635 0.08575 0.77133 0.87599 0.69005 0.50931 0.27366 0.87514 0.96746 0.25956 0.93072 0.73033 0.12076 0.31197 0.33064 0.82393 0.30342 0.00625 0.27432 0.77136 0.30411 0.7416 0.68111 0.92378 0.43952 0.49942 0.81447 0.1661 0.1044 0.31073 0.56287 0.74915 0.12933 0.98615 0.38905 0.33836 0.84568 0.22365 0.83582 0.12485 0.86287 0.20827 0.60287 0.36083 0.52829 0.97978 0.23683 0.85101 0.9554 0.87025 0.10391 0.59583 0.98933 0.67866 0.42712 0.81164 0.40691 0.46641 0.68822 0.23952 0.17306 0.26385 0.74636 0.40462 0.64908 0.11411 0.46104 0.60667 0.65784 0.74151 0.75308 0.69157 0.35982 0.72161 0.70833 0.16003 0.82913 0.26417 0.20384 0.69259 0.43131 0.58436 0.57265 0.61575 0.0723 0.77149 0.69303 0.60507 0.34476 0.45581 0.21345 0.88274 0.40589 0.22802 0.34436 0.73983 0.39208 0.98786 0.65883 0.74159 0.67449 0.08891 0.76646 0.00936 0.83872 0.50406 0.01148 0.47184 0.59072 0.62714 0.05639 0.62832 0.52878 0.02364 0.80159 0.22206 0.89358 0.52021 0.83141 0.8907 0.10713 0.24224 0.10367 0.87717 0.45723 0.63088 0.07987 0.47274 0.76417 0.62066 0.9398 0.17585 0.36056 0.30166 0.15923 0.29136 0.03097 0.16994 0.8823 0.79688 0.30061 0.84186 0.31929 0.04315 0.26547 0.63615 0.57636 0.62044 0.07286 0.86433 0.72379 0.34251 0.83801 0.00081 0.38698 0.60537 0.37444 0.64749 0.20337 0.07566 0.25715 0.07643 0.78712 0.9092 0.42467 0.74236 0.20874 0.31574 0.81081 0.10232 0.16608 0.39688 0.33989 0.70144 0.84745 0.47223 0.16087 0.58224 0.92579 0.72786 0.67219 0.56426 0.58425 0.96848 0.64669 0.20293 0.62771 0.26658 0.60806 0.2686 0.2461 0.59279 0.05725 0.78429 0.56461 0.50278 0.95993 0.47172 0.09028 0.0356 0.49598 0.98678 0.58085 0.34891 0.20621 0.31127 0.68994 0.4541 0.18816 0.85772 0.35766 0.23666 0.30554 0.38019 0.92928 0.86435 0.5198 0.49509 0.55714 0.98365 0.49076 0.29674 0.22725 0.33842 0.52371 0.79015 0.10248 0.32575 0.60822 0.46869 0.64027 0.59432 0.19713 0.32621 0.9177 0.48888 0.59739 0.6856 0.32874 0.20923 0.2136 0.0722 0.58711 0.01024 0.69297 0.13694 0.48995 0.16248 0.00805 0.5569 0.21426 0.00317 0.55754 0.89099 0.02254 0.30853 0.73863 0.8892 0.39791 0.93391 0.74523 0.589 0.65741 0.08422 0.19264 0.21409 0.00175 0.90253 0.80339 0.54498 0.55189 0.73809 0.57138 0.12288 0.31313 0.82971 0.65975 0.24082 0.08327 0.63725 0.06184 0.08827 0.09739 0.77255 0.2147 0.38131 0.72299 0.90304 0.78381 0.00192 0.05204 0.65498 0.49441 0.53924 0.96562 0.30292 0.60567 0.60873 0.76155 0.12188 0.09062 0.74376 0.67556 0.972 0.41708 0.65007 0.01829 0.73441 0.42064 0.88919 0.165 0.09265 0.80696 0.18433 0.35178 0.98003 0.60727 0.43591 0.39461 0.46881 0.18958 0.31321 0.41177 0.35449 0.62847 0.76916 0.68716 0.62 0.26357 0.98874 0.77974 0.61003 0.62452 0.03883 0.11936 0.01745 0.73086 0.97186 0.4174 0.0796 0.60306 0.96118 0.9431 0.29384 0.72895 0.57759 0.12147 0.56047 0.86802 0.30021 0.22705 0.53898 0.55437 0.81757 0.86215 0.33261 0.7933 0.78699 0.00543 0.32266 0.51655 0.91092 0.68633 0.16684 0.82343 0.9902 0.37709 0.42995 0.21296 0.73492 0.03183 0.54469 0.5953 0.42376 0.19896 0.30245 0.5679 0.70103 0.55355 0.79158 0.98674 0.62089 0.2285 0.32075 0.8324 0.50583 0.23571 0.44107 0.71936 0.60533 0.01766 0.56815 0.5872 0.60192 0.99856
+0.24265 0.7326 0.11779 0.84577 0.63197 0.99752 0.33875 0.73648 0.88301 0.20497 0.62194 0.16998 0.94929 0.29456 0.0371 0.86568 0.76601 0.56482 0.03451 0.71273 0.87969 0.81928 0.03223 0.35732 0.50456 0.49592 0.36901 0.79193 0.25576 0.79728 0.28308 0.30884 0.39503 0.12472 0.68887 0.82055 0.52297 0.40262 0.86594 0.42974 0.75566 0.51689 0.13023 0.78775 0.71241 0.20072 0.45057 0.90258 0.74093 0.40927 0.247 0.40492 0.16991 0.76054 0.82772 0.35623 0.87972 0.205 0.15749 0.18957 0.0563 0.85867 0.08858 0.98859 0.12356 0.97208 0.63676 0.96197 0.86352 0.48958 0.08952 0.99186 0.73815 0.55557 0.88241 0.79468 0.82952 0.21687 0.28246 0.20942 0.54004 0.70299 0.51562 0.92498 0.76294 0.19659 0.66612 0.70019 0.47868 0.00215 0.61642 0.4791 0.19379 0.70182 0.31567 0.0574 0.34763 0.7621 0.28549 0.686 0.01168 0.54467 0.90398 0.13715 0.87201 0.33157 0.02378 0.23898 0.94557 0.62255 0.90445 0.51824 0.06463 0.46497 0.34233 0.22796 0.57612 0.15422 0.3838 0.60214 0.7879 0.78563 0.404 0.43702 0.25092 0.63399 0.96933 0.94392 0.61703 0.51773 0.33975 0.85002 0.92919 0.01783 0.81618 0.28321 0.6583 0.59498 0.87503 0.92868 0.64327 0.75843 0.04321 0.01352 0.11122 0.97392 0.06165 0.29214 0.91548 0.01673 0.30026 0.9558 0.95445 0.92196 0.72855 0.56001 0.64737 0.93005 0.96051 0.18583 0.27731 0.20227 0.3104 0.53835 0.09411 0.01685 0.24859 0.13669 0.86847 0.50735 0.05735 0.02413 0.63619 0.79755 0.35848 0.84821 0.62059 0.40862 0.39232 0.89216 0.02007 0.18437 0.84675 0.42356 0.16678 0.9769 0.52251 0.50755 0.18195 0.08162 0.75602 0.99501 0.2121 0.47328 0.62856 0.04827 0.81616 0.77535 0.7557 0.93774 0.37016 0.32054 0.71057 0.31947 0.24118 0.46624 0.50883 0.28778 0.65931 0.9966 0.29262 0.21591 0.22956 0.00489 0.81917 0.42276 0.18622 0.46473 0.48879 0.35932 0.53542 0.4209 0.09423 0.88854 0.41913 0.2022 0.51799 0.76529 0.92662 0.42209 0.33739 0.19774 0.00573 0.0663 0.58785 0.45388 0.78558 0.89177 0.17915 0.76464 0.858 0.80467 0.36844 0.54899 0.7577 0.88773 0.16428 0.0431 0.23211 0.1166 0.26506 0.38364 0.39726 0.38422 0.10048 0.44243 0.68961 0.36373 0.65151 0.65259 0.37901 0.68249 0.56058 0.58403 0.16852 0.4668 0.81076 0.59629 0.22608 0.74598 0.71529 0.60969 0.95871 0.14811 0.36687 0.88211 0.0433 0.36603 0.30161 0.72893 0.00112 0.39443 0.46187 0.8372 0.73228 0.32948 0.59264 0.68911 0.93925 0.1195 0.25176 0.29674 0.93175 0.57737 0.97672 0.6857 0.95742 0.81873 0.14777 0.40566 0.098 0.53918 0.67681 0.05219 0.9184 0.75668 0.64656 0.63919 0.74501 0.01362 0.34532 0.60776 0.11818 0.93667 0.01327 0.36934 0.60044 0.96356 0.49306 0.73711 0.19091 0.26211 0.33517 0.06283 0.80167 0.74126 0.83629 0.17088 0.69783 0.02837 0.40838 0.61122 0.14819 0.91115 0.97186 0.33408 0.46207 0.05589 0.30028 0.39196 0.14816 0.77987 0.43339 0.26924 0.49167 0.73958 0.30866 0.94362 0.83411 0.58736 0.47767 0.54917 0.36392 0.62699 0.21297 0.07995 0.95028 0.92002 0.25537 0.48392 0.07107 0.71934 0.37246 0.96894 0.93209 0.49478 0.55492 0.6815 0.44204 0.15427 0.55715 0.87055 0.058 0.0642 0.04415 0.92512 0.83409 0.46551 0.40644 0.51755 0.42542 0.90822 0.32119 0.71528 0.23971 0.87525 0.78527 0.3717 0.28794 0.32817 0.49451 0.4501 0.59802 0.20518 0.20381 0.45326 0.09988 0.82661 0.95739 0.17558 0.27773 0.0444 0.4026 0.32078 0.9653 0.68865 0.71997 0.15272 0.40561 0.16905 0.07108 0.62543 0.80876 0.57402 0.79456 0.52795 0.61167 0.61127 0.88415 0.17614 0.69024 0.75507 0.29864 0.98647 0.06936 0.66441 0.47814 0.36833 0.79949 0.08093 0.26516 0.132 0.64223 0.37901 0.28951 0.27349 0.39571 0.09675 0.84146 0.46923 0.29434 0.95429 0.47724 0.51549 0.89384 0.58564 0.66688 0.36786 0.35935 0.36842 0.16344 0.65692 0.55316 0.64485 0.80104 0.84906 0.24486 0.15487 0.6028 0.63941 0.54191 0.35466 0.44062 0.21024 0.43096 0.86626 0.76687 0.45318 0.68466 0.70172 0.90557 0.66222 0.03614 0.87199 0.77892 0.37911 0.08851 0.1445 0.31892 0.66168 0.57112 0.27085 0.52514 0.92019 0.50324 0.18324 0.06709 0.37309 0.97374 0.34734 0.68676 0.14883 0.31535 0.55884 0.68426 0.57933 0.65494 0.68312 0.96097 0.59545 0.51617 0.22132 0.14871 0.64861 0.60518 0.17587 0.00793 0.31765 0.17689 0.47714 0.10605 0.86167
+0.66256 0.37898 0.58872 0.41743 0.56247 0.3367 0.62434 0.20267 0.35314 0.32903 0.73241 0.62267 0.13648 0.96869 0.44862 0.80856 0.75812 0.35483 0.09178 0.60267 0.90712 0.69272 0.65448 0.1646 0.45125 0.86998 0.24712 0.19516 0.69366 0.88951 0.38755 0.50912 0.22448 0.68036 0.28577 0.93485 0.92081 0.90712 0.22445 0.63153 0.27217 0.99872 0.72286 0.80257 0.72845 0.83318 0.95851 0.42225 0.4274 0.76407 0.66246 0.86704 0.07723 0.41524 0.14699 0.32181 0.37293 0.87067 0.03144 0.36162 0.0358 0.65675 0.28074 0.07776 0.13085 0.23111 0.35317 0.74427 0.41639 0.08058 0.79161 0.78035 0.67686 0.81153 0.57371 0.59227 0.31732 0.42105 0.85086 0.09767 0.35306 0.66005 0.25048 0.72874 0.05125 0.76522 0.50159 0.86364 0.80848 0.08018 0.95102 0.19497 0.18387 0.91976 0.55958 0.19949 0.06903 0.71387 0.09558 0.01483 0.31836 0.73202 0.74058 0.42048 0.81212 0.71506 0.24276 0.02541 0.25847 0.74006 0.33347 0.27049 0.6261 0.13316 0.49636 0.87911 0.74134 0.96435 0.6354 0.99304 0.19276 0.68321 0.24309 0.41149 0.07064 0.69801 0.4333 0.88552 0.32314 0.98654 0.6537 0.46413 0.75114 0.54447 0.77104 0.47329 0.24484 0.29578 0.88607 0.22097 0.82047 0.72269 0.15421 0.80169 0.95946 0.98211 0.78757 0.33357 0.2703 0.24216 0.8192 0.16155 0.56015 0.38948 0.13336 0.11719 0.7743 0.14901 0.64753 0.57392 0.98638 0.02338 0.2983 0.71087 0.5709 0.29228 0.07941 0.25093 0.87761 0.24334 0.48444 0.08767 0.93153 0.29877 0.72838 0.30946 0.72837 0.0528 0.50065 0.37667 0.33945 0.76701 0.89154 0.41004 0.31048 0.6723 0.20729 0.64793 0.36964 0.31043 0.74821 0.62524 0.216 0.46599 0.62093 0.1909 0.40658 0.62175 0.48154 0.82198 0.85696 0.89572 0.84548 0.29567 0.222 0.03623 0.5824 0.89395 0.2696 0.03776 0.04263 0.70714 0.83483 0.07896 0.95967 0.80939 0.73151 0.35753 0.55337 0.40915 0.26983 0.26787 0.00769 0.88705 0.66634 0.79809 0.10161 0.27894 0.90376 0.57478 0.49693 0.91499 0.43783 0.74372 0.90828 0.99633 0.80849 0.85504 0.58889 0.61443 0.75521 0.02978 0.78791 0.90704 0.93545 0.38914 0.65879 0.4209 0.74127 0.47282 0.50691 0.92301 0.77841 0.65517 0.75762 0.71079 0.64849 0.58642 0.20195 0.19079 0.27244 0.02077 0.88425 0.50085 0.48255 0.87877 0.42871 0.16312 0.86713 0.06943 0.82792 0.89014 0.4438 0.16889 0.36958 0.87328 0.65276 0.32888 0.08886 0.37952 0.38664 0.65587 0.38106 0.57368 0.85079 0.04017 0.8714 0.19128 0.65383 0.45516 0.80233 0.74238 0.76827 0.98393 0.09333 0.43666 0.92257 0.32551 0.32328 0.47828 0.21138 0.50464 0.19435 0.77107 0.29537 0.36138 0.80373 0.38406 0.02948 0.83473 0.00018 0.79491 0.36012 0.57896 0.80119 0.29786 0.9728 0.41752 0.79421 0.18775 0.00526 0.36919 0.72206 0.49578 0.37527 0.12284 0.38174 0.61516 0.304 0.31635 0.02389 0.42846 0.07467 0.41622 0.71467 0.09532 0.70536 0.44227 0.06776 0.51008 0.76663 0.43213 0.80684 0.35697 0.90465 0.416 0.72022 0.58385 0.08858 0.19186 0.75315 0.24242 0.09318 0.86086 0.55785 0.29302 0.28857 0.19152 0.89844 0.09356 0.24814 0.21392 0.26027 0.31999 0.35407 0.92393 0.6282 0.04222 0.64546 0.16298 0.65878 0.68639 0.56128 0.44051 0.36269 0.73518 0.68026 0.47266 0.74014 0.16825 0.86016 0.57755 0.28243 0.20037 0.18715 0.96259 0.83538 0.88502 0.58283 0.07142 0.05987 0.11706 0.59589 0.45272 0.90933 0.93929 0.552 0.0949 0.71215 0.19276 0.2134 0.94049 0.01138 0.79561 0.34964 0.34174 0.93575 0.20554 0.93662 0.02365 0.58673 0.93346 0.32287 0.96458 0.04796 0.47215 0.92768 0.46195 0.55144 0.51415 0.772 0.82584 0.65882 0.57823 0.55901 0.18932 0.95627 0.22481 0.71466 0.49759 0.50522 0.44118 0.10358 0.71412 0.09883 0.40709 0.40298 0.38622 0.31727 0.55791 0.67048 0.47727 0.3301 0.98529 0.48317 0.94092 0.43918 0.51333 0.75623 0.54216 0.84252 0.61391 0.07858 0.31266 0.01336 0.19886 0.44323 0.05793 0.48828 0.96675 0.07222 0.14026 0.69323 0.36412 0.23122 0.74671 0.111 0.28704 0.14454 0.67866 0.19658 0.0327 0.56909 0.41472 0.74507 0.63984 0.10444 0.57045 0.75543 0.63367 0.93144 0.36203 0.30139 0.81957 0.81444 0.55716 0.01972 0.26106 0.74359 0.3337 0.76202 0.02853 0.13099 0.0631 0.18164 0.62409 0.22468 0.95923 0.26418 0.46671 0.95092 0.96268 0.5005 0.32205 0.28209 0.68901 0.56523 0.20354 0.42904 0.10938 0.46543 0.72142
+0.60568 0.31342 0.36968 0.67743 0.38608 0.15013 0.33469 0.49337 0.93642 0.2102 0.41492 0.47708 0.04504 0.91987 0.92175 0.21528 0.31275 0.75372 0.53075 0.27148 0.82849 0.76297 0.29979 0.634 0.84138 0.29935 0.08311 0.57037 0.91315 0.64949 0.99652 0.06319 0.69883 0.12107 0.34725 0.37665 0.46045 0.37758 0.78443 0.31884 0.82419 0.24168 0.06356 0.58676 0.16907 0.4121 0.50416 0.73608 0.27969 0.66344 0.27442 0.94527 0.36172 0.33831 0.99421 0.95549 0.35943 0.96335 0.74939 0.20058 0.46583 0.71597 0.57285 0.45832 0.36338 0.72977 0.41787 0.11705 0.47736 0.81641 0.47594 0.535 0.96046 0.43513 0.39563 0.11874 0.67781 0.65588 0.12528 0.84873 0.64385 0.31061 0.11713 0.27087 0.09873 0.44266 0.81609 0.60032 0.53651 0.53426 0.81911 0.84029 0.63406 0.01247 0.79834 0.5323 0.99395 0.76728 0.02102 0.29346 0.50333 0.26136 0.25099 0.09223 0.65646 0.21638 0.27645 0.34459 0.53005 0.95436 0.87464 0.5835 0.89653 0.79722 0.55788 0.48629 0.81135 0.39169 0.77796 0.0471 0.54206 0.88381 0.85797 0.25592 0.31975 0.05461 0.66404 0.6776 0.20219 0.77075 0.68255 0.50583 0.50967 0.01472 0.62859 0.21088 0.38207 0.74442 0.06296 0.25367 0.54344 0.44677 0.62457 0.19341 0.62489 0.17193 0.01337 0.23914 0.43762 0.42904 0.84167 0.54866 0.09469 0.94929 0.58942 0.21312 0.49816 0.32401 0.08397 0.48439 0.14373 0.31104 0.91578 0.66461 0.74788 0.28185 0.12694 0.69724 0.13144 0.19993 0.63194 0.94224 0.32366 0.51551 0.33099 0.65384 0.69271 0.82998 0.96366 0.72531 0.51686 0.68517 0.08323 0.2399 0.13836 0.12355 0.16583 0.40913 0.92851 0.74888 0.00603 0.45122 0.69233 0.34454 0.70131 0.55591 0.43566 0.42336 0.22701 0.19824 0.0238 0.52096 0.28949 0.46325 0.38081 0.86147 0.80483 0.39619 0.37742 0.75346 0.91471 0.63614 0.51918 0.29695 0.29618 0.66599 0.73091 0.34436 0.38034 0.61661 0.97513 0.64342 0.49779 0.38865 0.12053 0.94624 0.69829 0.84945 0.74201 0.51141 0.23322 0.2923 0.99073 0.63131 0.92721 0.4144 0.90316 0.48798 0.05512 0.67252 0.23896 0.57259 0.03985 0.35815 0.78829 0.3644 0.87301 0.96799 0.55233 0.37887 0.45644 0.31253 0.72167 0.55437 0.37812 0.20559 0.0688 0.14905 0.91834 0.9246 0.6861 0.72908 0.10611 0.52176 0.15507 0.03283 0.27088 0.14481 0.30277 0.32262 0.56582 0.43161 0.14063 0.04506 0.09803 0.17439 0.51289 0.21742 0.12033 0.51995 0.41487 0.35968 0.44999 0.73336 0.7586 0.72331 0.59437 0.60375 0.17668 0.87489 0.98775 0.1618 0.9349 0.43878 0.84373 0.17377 0.80876 0.49416 0.40527 0.81269 0.00965 0.81726 0.30119 0.82441 0.46522 0.34883 0.06513 0.16633 0.30736 0.50025 0.80246 0.85799 0.1663 0.18686 0.80734 0.30634 0.96723 0.23099 0.9114 0.85609 0.3242 0.09415 0.12897 0.78989 0.53754 0.09727 0.99724 0.43004 0.78303 0.25054 0.45321 0.73455 0.26133 0.36653 0.43974 0.18501 0.83239 0.84428 0.76613 0.83286 0.29967 0.35473 0.30829 0.96936 0.16505 0.16126 0.57142 0.63941 0.40297 0.14841 0.57674 0.99568 0.96048 0.39163 0.00079 0.7395 0.2623 0.27673 0.50398 0.97838 0.642 0.88387 0.41584 0.32033 0.17347 0.65414 0.77804 0.2199 0.68362 0.44148 0.54751 0.50357 0.5601 0.34321 0.68299 0.2932 0.24478 0.8264 0.9244 0.50213 0.45429 0.01913 0.59544 0.49794 0.21735 0.30591 0.07903 0.04116 0.63602 0.70177 0.62057 0.28419 0.19643 0.56245 0.89003 0.91338 0.65435 0.53207 0.91244 0.98239 0.93537 0.17651 0.77137 0.74136 0.1511 0.79845 0.00742 0.35483 0.76007 0.67218 0.40186 0.75128 0.82988 0.94571 0.89405 0.82233 0.95767 0.58953 0.3133 0.51491 0.444 0.89955 0.59568 0.33876 0.62064 0.30074 0.21234 0.81229 0.25149 0.92423 0.41841 0.18029 0.31529 0.47264 0.57858 0.5129 0.38873 0.9484 0.54301 0.07471 0.98341 0.03658 0.0286 0.54285 0.75201 0.32136 0.25494 0.63301 0.78993 0.30638 0.89484 0.50104 0.55056 0.65008 0.22794 0.03809 0.0678 0.36578 0.36309 0.41716 0.95431 0.75589 0.91073 0.26991 0.03778 0.89614 0.87317 0.40731 0.02946 0.18232 0.91967 0.12049 0.68548 0.64128 0.10036 0.36638 0.68489 0.95236 0.67325 0.85028 0.39667 0.60712 0.42978 0.40518 0.49224 0.258 0.39578 0.6131 0.98032 0.00201 0.81504 0.73828 0.48829 0.94267 0.95182 0.65897 0.05166 0.94947 0.96461 0.68547 0.97279 0.28804 0.95148 0.91002 0.69226 0.34546 0.93909 0.16357 0.17915 0.50644 0.30374 0.69787
+0.89068 0.88021 0.97131 0.96631 0.29766 0.48552 0.71459 0.27433 0.58534 0.41456 0.00378 0.42735 0.77412 0.21812 0.92924 0.63244 0.32188 0.89807 0.61371 0.64238 0.47809 0.56618 0.97016 0.63519 0.80211 0.80267 0.23032 0.33593 0.33144 0.52728 0.10969 0.48897 0.71833 0.56415 0.5212 0.79922 0.2839 0.74002 0.1281 0.10306 0.91587 0.95686 0.24463 0.26854 0.1971 0.85109 0.14429 0.14611 0.69932 0.7217 0.78692 0.56275 0.74811 0.67178 0.54393 0.25235 0.1902 0.66099 0.97845 0.92482 0.2992 0.28666 0.3279 0.02813 0.26525 0.14135 0.66411 0.1143 0.92252 0.0994 0.45492 0.6881 0.30504 0.51164 0.19968 0.07417 0.83558 0.24998 0.25864 0.71486 0.59277 0.61605 0.65691 0.86143 0.72165 0.40836 0.907 0.96737 0.79358 0.94882 0.9535 0.32374 0.74791 0.26087 0.20525 0.21314 0.6879 0.87593 0.10754 0.47077 0.805 0.9292 0.7669 0.73543 0.39626 0.70528 0.51671 0.56665 0.57641 0.94583 0.34438 0.71459 0.47558 0.13336 0.23586 0.75916 0.38981 0.83287 0.25364 0.44373 0.14757 0.53294 0.43375 0.0387 0.4878 0.30626 0.0999 0.95345 0.29747 0.40238 0.42965 0.40112 0.89258 0.06982 0.97056 0.79526 0.12285 0.56656 0.73356 0.22782 0.01659 0.45922 0.03348 0.16467 0.50741 0.65672 0.36903 0.713 0.80146 0.12541 0.39264 0.10242 0.29362 0.07217 0.91348 0.46632 0.42842 0.6598 0.96672 0.16592 0.01643 0.24707 0.79562 0.48913 0.9142 0.20475 0.9064 0.67167 0.17632 0.79603 0.80704 0.12657 0.45612 0.92332 0.64427 0.16684 0.60273 0.45124 0.4599 0.82424 0.35776 0.78691 0.95592 0.89429 0.94337 0.21053 0.6731 0.077 0.2393 0.36445 0.78977 0.51249 0.26822 0.50253 0.41566 0.44243 0.10732 0.26984 0.52829 0.4436 0.20952 0.72529 0.36018 0.94313 0.46116 0.06595 0.79995 0.03853 0.58132 0.47096 0.35479 0.032 0.97803 0.16607 0.45432 0.81894 0.47092 0.21658 0.3587 0.73458 0.04216 0.60782 0.20079 0.47519 0.52003 0.63804 0.39744 0.60932 0.28174 0.15224 0.05308 0.04763 0.21208 0.8733 0.34318 0.28273 0.17935 0.86279 0.70907 0.92156 0.84215 0.08596 0.67574 0.43294 0.06446 0.19415 0.83704 0.72459 0.21653 0.23583 0.6922 0.57086 0.64794 0.87805 0.95665 0.76406 0.74163 0.84422 0.97795 0.44607 0.13021 0.81256 0.19203 0.71175 0.91527 0.04134 0.55069 0.22373 0.13077 0.52916 0.07878 0.22545 0.6287 0.40755 0.19266 0.4516 0.49191 0.67692 0.06837 0.89372 0.97576 0.35254 0.42263 0.951 0.89698 0.27786 0.93053 0.88427 0.86723 0.79966 0.21313 0.98919 0.82064 0.70785 0.6697 0.36948 0.71836 0.22689 0.42627 0.03379 0.37439 0.83769 0.93543 0.89872 0.67262 0.8071 0.12653 0.56141 0.39826 0.62851 0.07387 0.08405 0.18892 0.39313 0.99237 0.85328 0.61323 0.37917 0.44964 0.93972 0.7319 0.11394 0.32539 0.92976 0.96412 0.76009 0.57443 0.62984 0.26736 0.95041 0.29705 0.57191 0.00572 0.14208 0.47978 0.8771 0.65326 0.54589 0.54637 0.74958 0.02883 0.5807 0.12968 0.17345 0.55497 0.31424 0.95521 0.8437 0.39751 0.91817 0.82193 0.81301 0.10757 0.99842 0.62131 0.89538 0.63823 0.62571 0.63118 0.86565 0.95609 0.09171 0.11132 0.55826 0.30935 0.00542 0.99487 0.85259 0.33719 0.55426 0.79241 0.85859 0.28107 0.45131 0.8621 0.77836 0.71825 0.89859 0.23394 0.2684 0.89631 0.40394 0.62529 0.5832 0.69655 0.57455 0.11594 0.98751 0.50079 0.75571 0.06272 0.61607 0.48046 0.10826 0.85463 0.11145 0.42519 0.11027 0.52885 0.35363 0.88093 0.93839 0.50868 0.05021 0.27148 0.67405 0.95291 0.26032 0.1589 0.25685 0.13116 0.77006 0.52112 0.14121 0.94226 0.81141 0.71287 0.31687 0.14367 0.58608 0.64749 0.99709 0.5904 0.63808 0.49639 0.05625 0.98344 0.54641 0.00356 0.54405 0.2528 0.0217 0.14281 0.26181 0.48912 0.48408 0.96837 0.88569 0.71995 0.6783 0.23877 0.42238 0.08041 0.66122 0.78285 0.23156 0.14992 0.83634 0.07485 0.11069 0.73117 0.23379 0.83343 0.21664 0.32508 0.33428 0.6544 0.49839 0.95211 0.98556 0.85254 0.07407 0.15584 0.80855 0.10907 0.3435 0.20871 0.5993 0.6825 0.32934 0.52521 0.39397 0.28834 0.49876 0.56958 0.69427 0.15638 0.47864 0.62211 0.79097 0.49812 0.9295 0.93988 0.87553 0.65145 0.31492 0.26742 0.03046 0.26175 0.56536 0.95977 0.03709 0.68336 0.84037 0.47145 0.48277 0.04542 0.79666 0.62564 0.96487 0.28343 0.56769 0.41455 0.64898 0.71523 0.1618 0.22424 0.49354 0.4797 0.33327 0.68113 0.5617
+0.91018 0.87048 0.09992 0.45564 0.62912 0.54833 0.58998 0.363 0.89125 0.03075 0.13986 0.06456 0.71925 0.43396 0.69085 0.96766 0.46758 0.99549 0.62531 0.39002 0.5312 0.7998 0.79783 0.41527 0.17221 0.82617 0.32232 0.84927 0.29164 0.02885 0.8871 0.32589 0.92709 0.6532 0.1626 0.09026 0.48138 0.18917 0.44867 0.73389 0.75775 0.6185 0.9742 0.44955 0.88977 0.4638 0.64111 0.25048 0.62175 0.45346 0.27503 0.86682 0.7888 0.9849 0.10704 0.7416 0.10282 0.64924 0.20668 0.21178 0.56294 0.26345 0.26255 0.18433 0.6433 0.20516 0.2491 0.24859 0.24269 0.58648 0.25388 0.0658 0.4141 0.35025 0.71197 0.28103 0.52952 0.60995 0.98848 0.0029 0.37059 0.84497 0.83993 0.42316 0.13473 0.89874 0.7108 0.23776 0.89505 0.29095 0.18845 0.20813 0.53666 0.34106 0.51809 0.82305 0.25866 0.8429 0.63845 0.85241 0.56822 0.65672 0.88837 0.76041 0.00677 0.11938 0.37971 0.38759 0.02108 0.43717 0.50017 0.41955 0.00916 0.10894 0.38149 0.35052 0.34243 0.01421 0.77787 0.44081 0.05123 0.62681 0.43033 0.9777 0.65936 0.99052 0.3062 0.06518 0.51462 0.36692 0.81779 0.18242 0.4942 0.67735 0.48394 0.97508 0.32796 0.03633 0.56676 0.97537 0.90223 0.64626 0.60495 0.41612 0.16167 0.63806 0.01098 0.24793 0.08396 0.40525 0.15135 0.76849 0.97983 0.87651 0.12266 0.87522 0.02824 0.15101 0.55547 0.25694 0.18813 0.73024 0.76696 0.38702 0.75868 0.95595 0.54671 0.38739 0.58858 0.24256 0.50253 0.64167 0.19897 0.22673 0.3822 0.86142 0.1501 0.35762 0.26288 0.38977 0.40433 0.13652 0.66194 0.6301 0.49743 0.4872 0.09583 0.69198 0.16934 0.36657 0.77509 0.93836 0.70693 0.19601 0.70569 0.63682 0.94905 0.3496 0.47865 0.14611 0.9866 0.05448 0.88244 0.89822 0.01655 0.30516 0.17045 0.37061 0.16508 0.39569 0.65833 0.09322 0.66212 0.34812 0.89646 0.51909 0.13841 0.40639 0.05259 0.73705 0.11255 0.92647 0.22414 0.43629 0.50548 0.78523 0.59277 0.06556 0.53161 0.4965 0.93431 0.25566 0.68761 0.20248 0.08881 0.72876 0.53344 0.62089 0.22859 0.84475 0.48116 0.67913 0.37563 0.73659 0.13547 0.15668 0.24089 0.09173 0.82814 0.24822 0.71158 0.50989 0.53503 0.22701 0.6702 0.67406 0.06162 0.76011 0.8464 0.68436 0.2608 0.87998 0.17255 0.06888 0.24261 0.4745 0.83543 0.64701 0.33105 0.85836 0.24361 0.06181 0.45761 0.13714 0.54723 0.39699 0.02943 0.4768 0.28592 0.35437 0.93575 0.91413 0.29309 0.91522 0.89621 0.77383 0.61811 0.95594 0.95278 0.53044 0.9435 0.8419 0.01815 0.84349 0.32299 0.66009 0.26302 0.74409 0.69518 0.12047 0.27377 0.45089 0.75623 0.16108 0.0092 0.80448 0.19458 0.95808 0.22654 0.03299 0.76889 0.32336 0.24497 0.58776 0.58093 0.42495 0.70337 0.5834 0.79046 0.35602 0.54361 0.29814 0.4724 0.00593 0.40125 0.88646 0.38396 0.92563 0.93839 0.46783 0.11978 0.89735 0.95154 0.62515 0.8259 0.54488 0.04586 0.29212 0.94898 0.45848 0.57492 0.47835 0.57966 0.78715 0.64814 0.695 0.72031 0.05571 0.65224 0.56258 0.86605 0.13322 0.85971 0.27789 0.89881 0.21936 0.93968 0.02044 0.07852 0.17573 0.89992 0.43303 0.53805 0.9154 0.67263 0.47647 0.56515 0.86127 0.7635 0.43889 0.64263 0.89812 0.81074 0.71426 0.21032 0.50219 0.0898 0.66806 0.62085 0.889 0.30417 0.9768 0.02721 0.11123 0.73685 0.18027 0.5607 0.88013 0.3018 0.44959 0.95666 0.26322 0.80387 0.00432 0.16379 0.95305 0.58698 0.53669 0.98739 0.23366 0.6091 0.06845 0.70722 0.72785 0.0952 0.26937 0.71539 0.46716 0.81468 0.43371 0.7183 0.58122 0.5615 0.00547 0.75464 0.9909 0.02407 0.9239 0.74819 0.20998 0.52479 0.7817 0.89032 0.16696 0.43924 0.45332 0.1092 0.50751 0.90603 0.58771 0.07539 0.47399 0.47929 0.052 0.76144 0.43095 0.57333 0.68461 0.29382 0.30378 0.30922 0.67777 0.12901 0.30207 0.86465 0.53274 0.10182 0.13759 0.09733 0.73948 0.68798 0.01488 0.61447 0.84839 0.2636 0.96103 0.65481 0.60428 0.23217 0.1661 0.10151 0.06216 0.52239 0.5979 0.73931 0.46187 0.03799 0.29964 0.07908 0.11444 0.0463 0.31061 0.00247 0.48542 0.66081 0.14477 0.77874 0.34325 0.62183 0.55898 0.11457 0.6098 0.25143 0.84542 0.88545 0.84689 0.03034 0.66907 0.89295 0.66783 0.27932 0.33919 0.51609 0.92674 0.09608 0.28403 0.05013 0.22458 0.74621 0.3685 0.14491 0.66646 0.91014 0.81473 0.91016 0.99995 0.51859 0.78265 0.93516 0.9855 0.91674 0.99772
+0.05895 0.44009 0.57956 0.67708 0.96172 0.83589 0.15397 0.85326 0.85197 0.81069 0.88833 0.26462 0.8624 0.84696 0.21588 0.07002 0.09338 0.42998 0.8701 0.84501 0.37988 0.5139 0.37743 0.50857 0.35155 0.55559 0.73779 0.54224 0.05486 0.03666 0.68834 0.18841 0.52679 0.05542 0.78316 0.7095 0.85908 0.43246 0.82796 0.85378 0.42488 0.4794 0.03632 0.72758 0.41381 0.81842 0.28826 0.89334 0.78457 0.66411 0.70295 0.77503 0.69298 0.2263 0.7477 0.68847 0.16814 0.40894 0.60196 0.64366 0.82043 0.84056 0.2739 0.03057 0.55703 0.23247 0.3562 0.70582 0.52448 0.83195 0.16787 0.5191 0.18399 0.44674 0.77629 0.74709 0.36055 0.39015 0.23963 0.60812 0.35371 0.36401 0.97778 0.13875 0.71089 0.58558 0.33647 0.3974 0.84075 0.7493 0.56551 0.843 0.2833 0.5422 0.79833 0.87513 0.10519 0.51482 0.83726 0.09533 0.47577 0.17223 0.973 0.29175 0.60676 0.07849 0.31393 0.19302 0.30573 0.32433 0.08879 0.85463 0.0208 0.55583 0.54797 0.49489 0.65814 0.79926 0.79246 0.04023 0.20214 0.56825 0.63161 0.10609 0.45023 0.86494 0.22911 0.09069 0.88271 0.69594 0.48482 0.11228 0.44377 0.39333 0.85603 0.5822 0.00303 0.93351 0.41402 0.50532 0.46538 0.36096 0.03789 0.09333 0.29767 0.49179 0.36994 0.94754 0.71099 0.73741 0.33529 0.96155 0.16371 0.54158 0.82043 0.19944 0.19882 0.56878 0.5294 0.85816 0.50797 0.94352 0.17345 0.05671 0.34468 0.12578 0.55393 0.30579 0.60907 0.403 0.16945 0.13818 0.62662 0.98361 0.37429 0.0185 0.46065 0.40771 0.48324 0.51662 0.11191 0.86121 0.95036 0.31052 0.2659 0.95731 0.10743 0.29279 0.50616 0.21204 0.3293 0.52581 0.49229 0.35135 0.82566 0.67789 0.88416 0.25692 0.5103 0.71558 0.54444 0.0774 0.05356 0.52925 0.71002 0.6077 0.74777 0.55186 0.98625 0.02177 0.44206 0.63932 0.91114 0.85972 0.36071 0.1602 0.17674 0.33248 0.31088 0.2837 0.88567 0.59097 0.30476 0.70694 0.12689 0.2455 0.37033 0.28953 0.22146 0.17147 0.24868 0.17734 0.82054 0.5165 0.39703 0.34126 0.43742 0.29778 0.72628 0.46855 0.42714 0.9572 0.85499 0.25828 0.56884 0.34672 0.75583 0.15234 0.32482 0.76608 0.94601 0.93264 0.94767 0.81791 0.4394 0.14667 0.37233 0.62645 0.89371 0.45441 0.03886 0.37973 0.14118 0.18256 0.19467 0.16668 0.98211 0.85561 0.11824 0.65124 0.89096 0.72294 0.10814 0.4089 0.2288 0.08499 0.001 0.90782 0.56155 0.65761 0.44887 0.18319 0.55498 0.68742 0.23036 0.17742 0.43629 0.78292 0.51822 0.94914 0.22987 0.7187 0.52173 0.39946 0.40189 0.96935 0.1919 0.48479 0.85756 0.28125 0.42306 0.85319 0.0011 0.40498 0.73487 0.35649 0.48221 0.99895 0.60018 0.85331 0.38461 0.57814 0.94696 0.01755 0.04181 0.2035 0.52609 0.80469 0.27707 0.93902 0.31515 0.15129 0.48278 0.08272 0.58253 0.4925 0.08429 0.89265 0.76702 0.88929 0.84177 0.26819 0.81987 0.86617 0.70248 0.63666 0.66733 0.6808 0.66185 0.26941 0.41334 0.8739 0.7259 0.6838 0.5789 0.14702 0.72742 0.79363 0.83341 0.98816 0.92393 0.34257 0.21161 0.37909 0.51227 0.80664 0.85905 0.86689 0.57099 0.36632 0.70611 0.72249 0.77612 0.3956 0.54801 0.88017 0.53095 0.98565 0.69605 0.32585 0.41568 0.7269 0.77843 0.60811 0.72321 0.45213 0.48707 0.61645 0.43831 0.69283 0.99758 0.69279 0.20376 0.38513 0.94499 0.34088 0.34522 0.24298 0.53421 0.87891 0.38752 0.8958 0.77557 0.31486 0.39423 0.95138 0.7139 0.05637 0.15602 0.05332 0.52421 0.29155 0.11533 0.57924 0.4145 0.28403 0.27083 0.56205 0.42343 0.24463 0.36656 0.10179 0.17017 0.84682 0.10909 0.15513 0.38929 0.41911 0.10436 0.13549 0.92468 0.43704 0.72773 0.61034 0.76662 0.82767 0.32152 0.31462 0.65281 0.28802 0.32906 0.4435 0.29478 0.67994 0.75918 0.06772 0.26047 0.02672 0.20441 0.44786 0.98097 0.37573 0.91695 0.28922 0.87137 0.84862 0.02726 0.54989 0.68202 0.26974 0.92426 0.73643 0.53721 0.31832 0.43291 0.88422 0.73856 0.97554 0.34388 0.74333 0.43429 0.98633 0.40656 0.95969 0.01762 0.88382 0.89818 0.56771 0.81642 0.11579 0.62087 0.36176 0.44976 0.4394 0.14515 0.77472 0.33648 0.41597 0.98292 0.64729 0.25082 0.76 0.75073 0.49163 0.07672 0.53868 0.82805 0.9606 0.82002 0.02307 0.52865 0.83822 0.36659 0.02635 0.18943 0.47555 0.76391 0.16847 0.26052 0.0596 0.21305 0.23438 0.58306 0.80708 0.02233 0.46244 0.08186 0.10783 0.97876 0.61934 0.8943 0.92021
+0.7844 0.2802 0.13842 0.78462 0.19852 0.45506 0.71595 0.72554 0.09212 0.50241 0.73106 0.40432 0.69684 0.07511 0.90206 0.70585 0.92847 0.89917 0.39239 0.07457 0.86243 0.30771 0.69279 0.66648 0.02048 0.85369 0.35621 0.15122 0.90374 0.24787 0.45235 0.69079 0.38752 0.30215 0.53717 0.18865 0.92896 0.6102 0.76763 0.67905 0.74193 0.26675 0.5623 0.41086 0.76768 0.91031 0.26068 0.57434 0.15602 0.21918 0.07121 0.87443 0.24128 0.89286 0.96059 0.1638 0.59938 0.82902 0.32097 0.86542 0.90502 0.62051 0.0296 0.57389 0.58737 0.92015 0.55777 0.48036 0.47741 0.14069 0.02797 0.87412 0.91628 0.81977 0.76128 0.56356 0.12603 0.24243 0.2269 0.65616 0.65557 0.41739 0.81359 0.56897 0.18389 0.80042 0.43824 0.01151 0.11562 0.84487 0.99087 0.58255 0.32088 0.40169 0.0009 0.9505 0.7535 0.45535 0.34786 0.22139 0.02429 0.10878 0.30005 0.54131 0.84336 0.73156 0.06011 0.17385 0.4939 0.94908 0.99337 0.00737 0.71362 0.13506 0.4601 0.44258 0.76988 0.54833 0.5886 0.44109 0.07474 0.23771 0.12623 0.49572 0.26068 0.40166 0.92923 0.786 0.13242 0.92872 0.39335 0.10611 0.36873 0.95002 0.77934 0.02548 0.99128 0.51582 0.00151 0.19534 0.88481 0.50473 0.63328 0.3328 0.33796 0.30001 0.72376 0.34662 0.05004 0.63018 0.43424 0.72915 0.92032 0.0799 0.61538 0.71347 0.07672 0.44146 0.60047 0.3765 0.90791 0.2899 0.55082 0.9742 0.54901 0.263 0.20318 0.46344 0.65803 0.8641 0.41438 0.25453 0.81265 0.40746 0.01205 0.48391 0.08486 0.64181 0.27273 0.00593 0.62497 0.66473 0.05325 0.89771 0.32445 0.38486 0.70209 0.49108 0.22242 0.02226 0.84674 0.52935 0.62057 0.36609 0.83558 0.84043 0.50837 0.45201 0.96075 0.96342 0.4396 0.33378 0.51279 0.33643 0.07484 0.52966 0.76033 0.58796 0.20684 0.76648 0.30995 0.83154 0.53883 0.6998 0.78323 0.92089 0.35131 0.35824 0.76989 0.15113 0.92819 0.24662 0.26524 0.55911 0.85456 0.80386 0.42583 0.80168 0.22475 0.86474 0.20217 0.32819 0.13029 0.00274 0.62001 0.55906 0.95301 0.25886 0.08846 0.33346 0.10977 0.63169 0.06881 0.73409 0.98525 0.36255 0.5828 0.13465 0.68954 0.8418 0.30504 0.1353 0.75615 0.02496 0.1367 0.56065 0.62278 0.05251 0.1078 0.05761 0.45687 0.85028 0.85948 0.47462 0.74788 0.26521 0.42841 0.93954 0.18908 0.45869 0.14793 0.66344 0.25356 0.20529 0.93455 0.51998 0.02812 0.80779 0.38206 0.24757 0.98422 0.67151 0.52319 0.65685 0.41874 0.92818 0.20347 0.67684 0.45695 0.54295 0.12647 0.73651 0.00417 0.31943 0.57184 0.46779 0.41077 0.38184 0.30038 0.88189 0.15205 0.65012 0.06042 0.15607 0.39613 0.7401 0.10428 0.0666 0.782 0.72004 0.94661 0.73864 0.26544 0.76754 0.6268 0.08397 0.35024 0.18115 0.31195 0.26834 0.4943 0.27207 0.42961 0.1769 0.82554 0.23446 0.88744 0.62804 0.18161 0.48659 0.83213 0.27586 0.11682 0.53148 0.08323 0.05187 0.02986 0.55145 0.14034 0.41131 0.06499 0.87083 0.77051 0.81326 0.56699 0.36621 0.74063 0.79447 0.35104 0.70822 0.26146 0.54227 0.2982 0.77759 0.26865 0.30507 0.30131 0.10372 0.9163 0.57696 0.1247 0.29126 0.97176 0.29959 0.61314 0.88963 0.18972 0.46249 0.93142 0.55216 0.42625 0.48043 0.26578 0.54243 0.42064 0.91301 0.93293 0.61169 0.10992 0.49403 0.61568 0.5749 0.84783 0.68532 0.64244 0.20597 0.05124 0.52234 0.47962 0.14145 0.11163 0.9148 0.43678 0.97737 0.19129 0.58922 0.06519 0.39544 0.66538 0.98418 0.59856 0.83892 0.9114 0.68178 0.60571 0.1924 0.08636 0.97078 0.75741 0.7476 0.33768 0.32168 0.02885 0.92649 0.78767 0.79505 0.27486 0.62706 0.99323 0.6865 0.15138 0.28324 0.49202 0.1218 0.91662 0.5967 0.77289 0.00209 0.85424 0.53645 0.63216 0.49656 0.97113 0.76981 0.90578 0.40936 0.83168 0.21832 0.90962 0.14263 0.45848 0.73308 0.42368 0.74768 0.96007 0.58556 0.37232 0.87978 0.20476 0.0577 0.45896 0.80856 0.06817 0.86569 0.64142 0.79644 0.31824 0.05584 0.83902 0.3362 0.90661 0.15783 0.009 0.93687 0.49464 0.7141 0.10812 0.74103 0.12316 0.12209 0.31977 0.59935 0.91142 0.08132 0.99939 0.12959 0.92735 0.05027 0.36692 0.43489 0.46646 0.85833 0.59295 0.1977 0.85297 0.58973 0.12075 0.78513 0.04257 0.33889 0.98767 0.96933 0.94419 0.88256 0.7907 0.42887 0.88483 0.015 0.90071 0.44543 0.51999 0.76847 0.60086 0.7478 0.22911 0.30523 0.76471 0.98264 0.22871 0.96573 0.49821 0.58061
+0.59986 0.85707 0.38409 0.51527 0.66243 0.60932 0.02517 0.59201 0.14682 0.88061 0.99988 0.40582 0.73761 0.00329 0.71027 0.42391 0.54464 0.71535 0.87206 0.02857 0.47527 0.87671 0.98191 0.06902 0.01867 0.53192 0.36571 0.49212 0.16456 0.70601 0.08307 0.83667 0.95787 0.00071 0.07988 0.89586 0.03653 0.4492 0.03752 0.71829 0.57195 0.3117 0.36992 0.61841 0.89858 0.68814 0.31616 0.98027 0.28778 0.63222 0.43583 0.10583 0.96758 0.02134 0.16537 0.60962 0.80064 0.6386 0.71583 0.75472 0.21966 0.60466 0.83802 0.76238 0.90844 0.2224 0.37292 0.49843 0.80385 0.24198 0.43753 0.088 0.18017 0.71661 0.11782 0.75289 0.55511 0.08274 0.85858 0.51371 0.6032 0.9057 0.3237 0.05544 0.85397 0.84458 0.06211 0.77455 0.5246 0.54297 0.79879 0.41437 0.0909 0.11316 0.46765 0.9251 0.39041 0.61574 0.71752 0.61031 0.03899 0.48726 0.60549 0.74336 0.52986 0.81272 0.39114 0.15934 0.08309 0.2765 0.04443 0.90026 0.06379 0.95944 0.57238 0.50074 0.24727 0.9294 0.312 0.84119 0.839 0.35672 0.74309 0.57986 0.02002 0.40089 0.37388 0.04117 0.42428 0.18435 0.74171 0.70488 0.7585 0.79146 0.45827 0.82299 0.39923 0.86261 0.68592 0.68098 0.15394 0.23854 0.63845 0.13972 0.48616 0.49713 0.83534 0.47191 0.55533 0.7047 0.15105 0.56588 0.51185 0.03937 0.07218 0.54836 0.49598 0.4542 0.65369 0.92937 0.56225 0.59614 0.85365 0.02183 0.99215 0.81227 0.14243 0.96472 0.51918 0.48634 0.20789 0.43401 0.0018 0.81002 0.50126 0.31662 0.75508 0.21303 0.4064 0.53694 0.07698 0.7212 0.00501 0.50793 0.95493 0.68832 0.20843 0.13713 0.25995 0.67391 0.19027 0.85055 0.67749 0.72285 0.6379 0.02759 0.6261 0.98111 0.64533 0.57734 0.24026 0.39321 0.02549 0.11975 0.49468 0.18049 0.93649 0.05085 0.99769 0.75629 0.80224 0.00205 0.40329 0.58397 0.8074 0.68837 0.3524 0.16887 0.12041 0.48237 0.05993 0.83577 0.84073 0.29426 0.21112 0.76486 0.62547 0.43767 0.21931 0.96325 0.11532 0.21442 0.92438 0.72507 0.10892 0.06076 0.47527 0.12314 0.34958 0.95643 0.47152 0.40057 0.67941 0.55037 0.85032 0.76577 0.49581 0.29381 0.29269 0.00491 0.10162 0.04264 0.21191 0.64546 0.06837 0.03777 0.51405 0.52768 0.83235 0.11732 0.59781 0.75835 0.15141 0.71626 0.13404 0.79916 0.38568 0.45424 0.69246 0.3631 0.38227 0.81278 0.60919 0.1675 0.38857 0.09586 0.70589 0.06725 0.43279 0.78658 0.60745 0.41525 0.69233 0.77111 0.02608 0.49793 0.01277 0.60528 0.21839 0.59296 0.94541 0.95196 0.24267 0.51781 0.02327 0.95064 0.33035 0.90889 0.72364 0.20936 0.03004 0.60753 0.3841 0.1887 0.20526 0.85803 0.66063 0.1332 0.29395 0.16879 0.7935 0.5328 0.82337 0.13123 0.11118 0.81362 0.87375 0.46964 0.33848 0.5252 0.10148 0.27381 0.48768 0.59325 0.59132 0.93678 0.69373 0.96497 0.44098 0.16313 0.5759 0.56585 0.11915 0.02053 0.07176 0.27302 0.68643 0.90474 0.85702 0.44451 0.05715 0.66219 0.43169 0.32579 0.265 0.55367 0.15573 0.49516 0.13103 0.82102 0.93268 0.13614 0.49326 0.6251 0.38053 0.94089 0.81267 0.04696 0.8225 0.65625 0.90908 0.93838 0.65676 0.62772 0.99169 0.51755 0.998 0.25789 0.0705 0.17108 0.31894 0.16478 0.32112 0.19165 0.86122 0.0439 0.27314 0.84825 0.87964 0.32078 0.27181 0.62103 0.22106 0.49593 0.3532 0.67409 0.93037 0.7078 0.23141 0.52119 0.61424 0.87208 0.20501 0.14099 0.3685 0.73346 0.22461 0.16839 0.69955 0.19104 0.46155 0.80851 0.23655 0.28945 0.82375 0.08672 0.30973 0.28755 0.11308 0.3037 0.45747 0.88822 0.62382 0.40923 0.48659 0.64626 0.30054 0.2872 0.2327 0.42549 0.01777 0.71885 0.6431 0.94934 0.2453 0.75349 0.79572 0.22568 0.09622 0.60437 0.08629 0.34086 0.51369 0.4448 0.06953 0.26362 0.14559 0.21478 0.72124 0.28561 0.14769 0.19535 0.11338 0.96953 0.0847 0.89818 0.00309 0.08806 0.52819 0.26815 0.49572 0.65098 0.7298 0.37671 0.05348 0.0672 0.11495 0.85636 0.92463 0.29897 0.36968 0.92062 0.96279 0.35712 0.18081 0.3981 0.12169 0.67967 0.28988 0.02603 0.15611 0.95697 0.6505 0.28158 0.08266 0.6749 0.44805 0.39956 0.31353 0.22586 0.5911 0.92776 0.21742 0.63412 0.96191 0.6394 0.53039 0.72503 0.44356 0.64178 0.70705 0.4162 0.48662 0.00288 0.75618 0.44622 0.34922 0.35662 0.10131 0.91895 0.05267 0.98733 0.29375 0.60092 0.42083 0.24451 0.32279 0.55587 0.36276 0.87702 0.96317 0.27893
+0.7933 0.72328 0.90683 0.61263 0.93474 0.56854 0.07963 0.37959 0.43604 0.11091 0.00049 0.56533 0.2216 0.16809 0.69612 0.97365 0.10302 0.18095 0.6579 0.01853 0.25956 0.74813 0.78873 0.24043 0.86697 0.22325 0.95931 0.88187 0.90514 0.27387 0.93525 0.47603 0.23827 0.88183 0.19399 0.80223 0.51909 0.51883 0.93799 0.61449 0.13085 0.03039 0.47775 0.27386 0.28823 0.70316 0.22933 0.99688 0.08895 0.94698 0.23188 0.80598 0.42838 0.73478 0.00121 0.08346 0.73537 0.42334 0.77707 0.91094 0.44963 0.75134 0.35775 0.05477 0.31921 0.53433 0.45677 0.9609 0.36567 0.79085 0.73488 0.326 0.42434 0.21575 0.46395 0.36442 0.16184 0.72474 0.53983 0.02534 0.93284 0.96749 0.97073 0.47194 0.54981 0.82979 0.49194 0.75924 0.12129 0.47669 0.6533 0.91368 0.67506 0.4072 0.09748 0.23611 0.9601 0.69238 0.45786 0.43607 0.70274 0.20891 0.26131 0.74371 0.66091 0.76371 0.12914 0.43095 0.7215 0.64688 0.00972 0.24247 0.08156 0.07524 0.23428 0.57554 0.50307 0.40736 0.75064 0.87378 0.67755 0.77256 0.07517 0.4738 0.13442 0.25405 0.1237 0.60443 0.39807 0.38738 0.57499 0.76268 0.43255 0.72231 0.64586 0.31307 0.1937 0.77412 0.73558 0.21962 0.63376 0.07534 0.97872 0.43006 0.31886 0.55782 0.61485 0.93302 0.97013 0.17423 0.34509 0.45375 0.69077 0.15922 0.23627 0.97031 0.54646 0.30346 0.11781 0.76629 0.51849 0.04465 0.03758 0.02693 0.95381 0.53648 0.65196 0.25805 0.10573 0.82663 0.23108 0.83609 0.33461 0.33569 0.14398 0.71595 0.00498 0.75815 0.88686 0.57907 0.82556 0.76082 0.67084 0.83624 0.8812 0.77377 0.66769 0.78744 0.96584 0.6315 0.31344 0.30183 0.4356 0.90528 0.83798 0.06329 0.94804 0.13479 0.40422 0.02529 0.26862 0.13154 0.65565 0.7564 0.81035 0.98492 0.4741 0.8402 0.95489 0.2775 0.65083 0.57797 0.14959 0.41911 0.77461 0.40593 0.79955 0.13417 0.61781 0.15493 0.88154 0.76385 0.33313 0.06645 0.44656 0.77126 0.51729 0.15478 0.80013 0.14537 0.50067 0.94273 0.69945 0.59272 0.256 0.2976 0.83505 0.47954 0.38317 0.12472 0.64946 0.78362 0.95326 0.71068 0.95521 0.26775 0.81766 0.30078 0.04354 0.60874 0.94939 0.71804 0.05206 0.62755 0.58132 0.3539 0.19245 0.24709 0.3527 0.69994 0.2696 0.37356 0.76228 0.89521 0.20004 0.16139 0.38704 0.74599 0.88815 0.17848 0.4862 0.85857 0.90356 0.61319 0.56752 0.71463 0.80885 0.25958 0.17157 0.77662 0.62834 0.16714 0.26879 0.7838 0.5862 0.57729 0.04336 0.71386 0.03797 0.46276 0.3482 0.50227 0.86941 0.47363 0.20631 0.81346 0.31676 0.0434 0.11701 0.37885 0.58023 0.1518 0.66416 0.29003 0.01418 0.77483 0.07904 0.65382 0.27272 0.09992 0.75637 0.03552 0.12644 0.62985 0.64789 0.70815 0.6576 0.09005 0.09628 0.12329 0.4592 0.25979 0.60975 0.3708 0.65169 0.5732 0.88877 0.54051 0.97048 0.09297 0.55163 0.379 0.58159 0.18687 0.56808 0.9893 0.85273 0.31939 0.55524 0.0427 0.07652 0.71208 0.24993 0.91524 0.06234 0.57731 0.59833 0.37227 0.88445 0.93557 0.60782 0.30288 0.38183 0.30216 0.21949 0.572 0.60295 0.65755 0.93971 0.54819 0.18838 0.23204 0.56265 0.7973 0.74631 0.60471 0.19341 0.74634 0.06195 0.41072 0.7032 0.45558 0.21613 0.16986 0.95597 0.84363 0.20119 0.67198 0.55875 0.34948 0.13122 0.34256 0.7577 0.25712 0.58566 0.87485 0.72884 0.88304 0.03128 0.45144 0.98092 0.96209 0.12258 0.1836 0.9683 0.73715 0.55937 0.89921 0.5832 0.06776 0.0527 0.33948 0.97528 0.42195 0.66023 0.06799 0.70574 0.68781 0.53422 0.6794 0.42953 0.21466 0.61786 0.79627 0.46221 0.63866 0.65198 0.9197 0.7639 0.29898 0.46722 0.12847 0.36971 0.5333 0.01553 0.58327 0.45018 0.30026 0.84979 0.66814 0.79345 0.47209 0.49916 0.17841 0.9782 0.52821 0.62405 0.75736 0.6844 0.28535 0.52836 0.06756 0.23807 0.4796 0.56078 0.01845 0.11844 0.39501 0.02426 0.02206 0.38111 0.95297 0.85768 0.19431 0.92109 0.723 0.74624 0.78292 0.76077 0.88517 0.34488 0.14745 0.02463 0.64697 0.80075 0.36265 0.46408 0.23032 0.75007 0.6363 0.68526 0.59977 0.46324 0.52687 0.77633 0.99364 0.95467 0.97762 0.51455 0.85532 0.03827 0.04897 0.06769 0.62193 0.09333 0.08104 0.95963 0.73193 0.29741 0.05625 0.74882 0.74923 0.0031 0.76428 0.95201 0.35551 0.73311 0.17582 0.71149 0.81433 0.81045 0.65587 0.64729 0.8294 0.90395 0.18927 0.14601 0.60593 0.50512 0.60519 0.47877 0.73574
+0.16699 0.61967 0.44313 0.04031 0.87367 0.44477 0.35076 0.22056 0.97741 0.76129 0.25838 0.56109 0.44619 0.93835 0.35731 0.67855 0.57938 0.8385 0.02729 0.53754 0.38543 0.55113 0.25725 0.92377 0.12248 0.16796 0.04155 0.67578 0.37678 0.07805 0.85834 0.21209 0.03637 0.41427 0.65688 0.42885 0.46759 0.84386 0.70197 0.41884 0.00697 0.71203 0.89348 0.29324 0.84537 0.49638 0.6433 0.90859 0.30711 0.75322 0.30646 0.32583 0.59577 0.89676 0.12326 0.98408 0.05404 0.26509 0.12231 0.22104 0.95748 0.40249 0.82713 0.7771 0.34861 0.15096 0.58893 0.1007 0.25601 0.01117 0.22024 0.22139 0.50689 0.51116 0.85608 0.11947 0.91392 0.8937 0.35764 0.71423 0.54127 0.15625 0.36718 0.56215 0.97065 0.50353 0.67991 0.87087 0.75527 0.57041 0.27605 0.54157 0.52178 0.3842 0.75097 0.41553 0.64975 0.88897 0.78362 0.73718 0.96754 0.46308 0.61804 0.24647 0.82192 0.6083 0.60576 0.31926 0.65717 0.39009 0.46965 0.03847 0.13341 0.73641 0.74953 0.86236 0.4891 0.28572 0.13731 0.03643 0.0443 0.839 0.69223 0.6806 0.8772 0.43363 0.19148 0.68942 0.40968 0.48709 0.07899 0.63967 0.36976 0.68407 0.27514 0.32399 0.18035 0.27303 0.41931 0.55109 0.75174 0.18488 0.30973 0.46361 0.473 0.90129 0.536 0.36337 0.92643 0.64749 0.36046 0.34448 0.78651 0.77811 0.31284 0.25783 0.75917 0.84594 0.93808 0.93921 0.29136 0.33728 0.8754 0.79046 0.46869 0.67052 0.72479 0.48635 0.7821 0.69235 0.9018 0.56146 0.04601 0.4912 0.7708 0.58921 0.95259 0.91517 0.62668 0.75414 0.33893 0.49722 0.26469 0.2951 0.5156 0.7053 0.98883 0.3583 0.34016 0.76312 0.32827 0.2852 0.42963 0.44993 0.54108 0.30763 0.45063 0.14067 0.63939 0.8455 0.53543 0.57014 0.22517 0.01098 0.44451 0.86177 0.95576 0.82796 0.75913 0.60821 0.12247 0.3725 0.26956 0.23423 0.28495 0.82498 0.74002 0.02589 0.13351 0.7427 0.35336 0.54777 0.58232 0.16109 0.61639 0.3728 0.40401 0.32916 0.20815 0.50758 0.83404 0.02163 0.52625 0.23798 0.86535 0.52726 0.00794 0.8272 0.26799 0.50602 0.30513 0.346 0.47542 0.98566 0.32018 0.41203 0.51391 0.36106 0.93145 0.56614 0.64205 0.60751 0.30254 0.97305 0.52155 0.46758 0.33935 0.40859 0.98493 0.40869 0.02549 0.79211 0.64618 0.42379 0.29862 0.20948 0.8948 0.37478 0.58764 0.10846 0.94995 0.68028 0.80846 0.32392 0.97537 0.87873 0.04496 0.58918 0.36945 0.29054 0.51199 0.77317 0.40124 0.80068 0.49087 0.13252 0.95887 0.96466 0.98322 0.33598 0.54899 0.19885 0.67671 0.54651 0.12881 0.35208 0.14648 0.04634 0.20045 0.5008 0.0468 0.61384 0.30844 0.02142 0.86537 0.97676 0.74875 0.71474 0.55218 0.65786 0.95161 0.55808 0.81778 0.94158 0.68391 0.80928 0.00627 0.99724 0.8551 0.23822 0.63316 0.09037 0.42981 0.85536 0.78503 0.13544 0.84447 0.92204 0.18035 0.38149 0.23559 0.06018 0.94254 0.95335 0.09014 0.07897 0.37069 0.979 0.86429 0.48173 0.88493 0.3474 0.67914 0.93469 0.48851 0.73669 0.44262 0.74886 0.32746 0.74495 0.31645 0.4423 0.94424 0.18625 0.33789 0.56146 0.01486 0.04758 0.44196 0.59363 0.38246 0.04896 0.55405 0.6879 0.02126 0.56643 0.46796 0.39996 0.09826 0.39935 0.19517 0.20871 0.93334 0.65906 0.01531 0.81647 0.66902 0.71779 0.24367 0.78132 0.30312 0.71958 0.37102 0.05996 0.59641 0.89357 0.00589 0.10344 0.03122 0.11649 0.52595 0.83373 0.52417 0.73364 0.33476 0.11517 0.37278 0.24863 0.09491 0.27876 0.22517 0.69512 0.47915 0.79151 0.45663 0.64011 0.96542 0.08987 0.82209 0.64554 0.10937 0.94091 0.97973 0.81852 0.5507 0.4051 0.33431 0.6481 0.32044 0.66601 0.29577 0.26259 0.23489 0.18899 0.80572 0.50914 0.8589 0.72631 0.69132 0.52436 0.78077 0.14397 0.99009 0.53208 0.68324 0.03659 0.13 0.05437 0.44783 0.01353 0.13637 0.63004 0.41927 0.65189 0.48452 0.20227 0.52792 0.21242 0.94539 0.88062 0.97145 0.30038 0.83356 0.57516 0.92987 0.18677 0.46123 0.92183 0.9291 0.07276 0.72545 0.4481 0.25078 0.61236 0.79812 0.58643 0.29571 0.76239 0.75957 0.69472 0.2317 0.5415 0.63322 0.57641 0.33198 0.40126 0.38348 0.31957 0.93066 0.44343 0.36054 0.58428 0.90498 0.186 0.61334 0.50488 0.76129 0.36965 0.62151 0.11412 0.44595 0.31378 0.51912 0.2339 0.73131 0.76471 0.40428 0.52678 0.2205 0.6465 0.23948 0.79838 0.65904 0.28273 0.37851 0.87737 0.72983 0.59205 0.02237 0.23049 0.90658 0.829
+0.08464 0.28642 0.93237 0.76693 0.11279 0.7265 0.41618 0.47242 0.49059 0.16773 0.18209 0.30094 0.34946 0.48085 0.60009 0.41412 0.42907 0.44735 0.93935 0.95127 0.6078 0.05483 0.49668 0.15158 0.42794 0.17333 0.8801 0.80082 0.14888 0.81405 0.27499 0.9257 0.5322 0.72593 0.04519 0.30875 0.98572 0.55554 0.09198 0.71966 0.59239 0.78597 0.1973 0.97336 0.04825 0.59578 0.9248 0.15042 0.30858 0.45218 0.80711 0.30374 0.40377 0.17214 0.25179 0.72856 0.4398 0.78493 0.45371 0.47431 0.11287 0.50784 0.64245 0.87928 0.71144 0.90475 0.35964 0.48363 0.37671 0.61006 0.81244 0.72914 0.25524 0.83175 0.51817 0.17145 0.25414 0.91336 0.11791 0.87262 0.32932 0.96602 0.51425 0.51065 0.81669 0.35147 0.99758 0.16183 0.49684 0.24917 0.08933 0.18977 0.15249 0.68308 0.3438 0.64922 0.8779 0.2591 0.5865 0.99486 0.9997 0.43321 0.90434 0.56468 0.87266 0.26159 0.15661 0.49783 0.95933 0.18356 0.48536 0.80703 0.43507 0.13443 0.64401 0.59259 0.65949 0.23732 0.01822 0.07364 0.36878 0.33746 0.81852 0.64522 0.41017 0.60048 0.28545 0.9181 0.31367 0.04871 0.31865 0.24891 0.84006 0.09814 0.09378 0.89952 0.85183 0.14402 0.26986 0.69776 0.17445 0.84936 0.20265 0.77539 0.38633 0.35897 0.1845 0.80626 0.42657 0.36992 0.25808 0.71834 0.62037 0.24486 0.43662 0.17701 0.47913 0.35357 0.39242 0.42485 0.06464 0.38448 0.17798 0.35481 0.29729 0.27992 0.44873 0.9306 0.27235 0.42391 0.0417 0.40797 0.59524 0.90405 0.56988 0.86989 0.90815 0.56174 0.68724 0.61989 0.62094 0.44425 0.99232 0.26249 0.44577 0.189 0.93241 0.11707 0.81421 0.04954 0.1994 0.00789 0.69283 0.65244 0.25104 0.23175 0.89835 0.48209 0.4794 0.082 0.17026 0.5802 0.81535 0.38039 0.86867 0.84559 0.84097 0.13116 0.69688 0.03804 0.73753 0.18153 0.00261 0.54963 0.96187 0.93981 0.42259 0.24302 0.5358 0.97071 0.09247 0.42437 0.60083 0.37189 0.13252 0.55131 0.68286 0.44899 0.43735 0.80823 0.52133 0.06265 0.53543 0.33464 0.68332 0.73981 0.73751 0.37015 0.45468 0.22232 0.10314 0.92854 0.32981 0.84856 0.09474 0.79297 0.57375 0.95941 0.87415 0.62494 0.57179 0.25478 0.44135 0.09549 0.32733 0.00791 0.02472 0.85595 0.86075 0.42452 0.22518 0.01237 0.16505 0.44691 0.77497 0.30646 0.14714 0.30653 0.5 0.48978 0.7672 0.81314 0.59439 0.81439 0.14164 0.8275 0.91229 0.40939 0.60388 0.60863 0.65264 0.85965 0.86532 0.01164 0.17826 0.94836 0.24478 0.98093 0.69902 0.02949 0.99628 0.12766 0.05316 0.09093 0.80981 0.15705 0.84951 0.09978 0.0451 0.5958 0.39914 0.91111 0.22239 0.65414 0.93217 0.46882 0.98401 0.45789 0.89353 0.93936 0.73538 0.23989 0.63539 0.59511 0.23551 0.25334 0.71569 0.21353 0.99566 0.0671 0.30507 0.07073 0.21581 0.31202 0.58498 0.61465 0.46368 0.87567 0.49661 0.05091 0.22132 0.74903 0.14041 0.45129 0.56626 0.70106 0.3549 0.75688 0.44111 0.15904 0.6383 0.7723 0.05242 0.82638 0.03045 0.19049 0.15455 0.65679 0.2746 0.60295 0.7136 0.91019 0.1195 0.52963 0.821 0.72496 0.47086 0.38507 0.82276 0.49725 0.14907 0.82179 0.31102 0.88448 0.3306 0.29109 0.72462 0.00473 0.96202 0.33982 0.54197 0.77205 0.53928 0.21571 0.5128 0.12234 0.18266 0.49004 0.34658 0.1238 0.92847 0.70717 0.82463 0.79106 0.92774 0.08063 0.66398 0.72843 0.80648 0.61269 0.45319 0.47846 0.10092 0.4712 0.14658 0.90051 0.03941 0.3647 0.77128 0.18903 0.73772 0.66447 0.29885 0.7932 0.23636 0.33895 0.54979 0.20107 0.06884 0.20913 0.53637 0.68224 0.80994 0.40109 0.58907 0.36086 0.69146 0.51851 0.15067 0.79885 0.46857 0.05821 0.80744 0.70006 0.73184 0.66946 0.44617 0.55547 0.13116 0.69413 0.83148 0.77656 0.83658 0.58668 0.36187 0.83404 0.61735 0.75237 0.25818 0.18359 0.0039 0.87378 0.29842 0.88733 0.04951 0.18672 0.98254 0.64024 0.58844 0.0607 0.98992 0.82611 0.50584 0.1653 0.02705 0.73983 0.93002 0.62696 0.39935 0.61853 0.34075 0.17588 0.8947 0.33806 0.28362 0.35291 0.391 0.58779 0.08958 0.01117 0.12451 0.49986 0.3028 0.6659 0.69207 0.45205 0.52749 0.65422 0.9445 0.70924 0.1861 0.18876 0.26019 0.93817 0.25375 0.92031 0.35653 0.38916 0.50628 0.09247 0.79879 0.59332 0.13711 0.76821 0.36714 0.67769 0.90998 0.11648 0.81448 0.38123 0.0524 0.02207 0.81116 0.55181 0.57624 0.76486 0.63365 0.40834 0.9802 0.37789 0.72084 0.37696
+0.48291 0.7323 0.3991 0.83019 0.59167 0.22359 0.16042 0.21349 0.24337 0.57747 0.38085 0.59961 0.5554 0.05976 0.42038 0.6422 0.45252 0.4836 0.57147 0.03924 0.67549 0.91341 0.68954 0.97864 0.23003 0.14725 0.34 0.4018 0.9454 0.21522 0.74022 0.4602 0.75199 0.91642 0.79868 0.27566 0.32746 0.08417 0.68186 0.0982 0.16232 0.97545 0.43617 0.84987 0.71697 0.79798 0.00986 0.41591 0.78577 0.53458 0.89402 0.80803 0.58164 0.44614 0.9844 0.29451 0.21735 0.06133 0.88528 0.18991 0.38076 0.19758 0.09061 0.83996 0.66972 0.42072 0.31164 0.24115 0.00351 0.09823 0.10253 0.48573 0.54984 0.87599 0.44246 0.28134 0.20223 0.92593 0.26648 0.73222 0.22181 0.29635 0.33318 0.60007 0.20947 0.06944 0.15994 0.06616 0.51413 0.84824 0.71148 0.0189 0.9127 0.9874 0.02158 0.68355 0.26333 0.89278 0.06856 0.009 0.30165 0.97573 0.1736 0.23498 0.26461 0.42588 0.53949 0.22292 0.25362 0.6346 0.61992 0.313 0.24655 0.98902 0.95914 0.36863 0.33739 0.72215 0.31271 0.70231 0.57207 0.81836 0.26023 0.14585 0.24234 0.28766 0.12353 0.46084 0.50175 0.88026 0.74293 0.74748 0.71044 0.62807 0.61071 0.02849 0.2135 0.75774 0.67974 0.32857 0.4996 0.86086 0.41523 0.7209 0.01373 0.01108 0.51439 0.63361 0.34262 0.16026 0.34481 0.22806 0.64725 0.32586 0.32541 0.72078 0.25167 0.00836 0.45094 0.77322 0.64021 0.80189 0.40205 0.4171 0.72492 0.19921 0.64524 0.82294 0.26961 0.75809 0.70674 0.8657 0.31853 0.86274 0.26656 0.30662 0.55356 0.1601 0.6861 0.08493 0.47445 0.94124 0.95373 0.9321 0.01024 0.51812 0.45832 0.67742 0.36964 0.38196 0.70584 0.22604 0.05516 0.67815 0.78225 0.96227 0.32748 0.48812 0.38514 0.86909 0.34827 0.88902 0.64236 0.5875 0.85108 0.71832 0.93882 0.46449 0.1572 0.06893 0.5431 0.05429 0.16164 0.81572 0.46168 0.84776 0.27656 0.80299 0.29039 0.76066 0.2503 0.80808 0.1898 0.7555 0.91206 0.53706 0.40237 0.84341 0.9578 0.32227 0.38639 0.76011 0.71112 0.44058 0.68983 0.36846 0.26799 0.90735 0.72342 0.08541 0.94074 0.38774 0.25905 0.67106 0.49328 0.49793 0.20818 0.33618 0.23243 0.5894 0.43391 0.80749 0.74619 0.86732 0.88895 0.36296 0.26411 0.00728 0.4096 0.30961 0.6576 0.97654 0.93906 0.09065 0.38456 0.36792 0.6984 0.30835 0.89517 0.8007 0.54697 0.15194 0.0905 0.27133 0.0359 0.47631 0.94244 0.38636 0.47071 0.52798 0.27839 0.14391 0.44592 0.35669 0.93466 0.18094 0.34011 0.13889 0.60555 0.18951 0.48707 0.06314 0.8255 0.29431 0.99116 0.43326 0.03451 0.71281 0.50831 0.44416 0.35773 0.22333 0.54308 0.01751 0.65757 0.71167 0.1066 0.52848 0.29449 0.66131 0.00106 0.00708 0.65097 0.32331 0.87705 0.93276 0.38422 0.9001 0.18309 0.27901 0.79067 0.91902 0.71378 0.34604 0.54127 0.58816 0.86283 0.93366 0.25215 0.46403 0.46437 0.7664 0.96246 0.66454 0.93633 0.25907 0.41134 0.15468 0.00092 0.20532 0.00648 0.12768 0.6388 0.30275 0.65059 0.43087 0.51747 0.45216 0.54121 0.37601 0.18696 0.64255 0.85037 0.17018 0.69378 0.99086 0.0273 0.85047 0.65646 0.25437 0.03353 0.16586 0.86172 0.0223 0.297 0.37733 0.72121 0.70051 0.79359 0.2601 0.02507 0.65127 0.03058 0.51934 0.25694 0.56767 0.84076 0.46961 0.73211 0.57927 0.7108 0.25794 0.03006 0.66335 0.14366 0.95366 0.79459 0.18233 0.15194 0.90866 0.16124 0.40642 0.73096 0.88059 0.39022 0.53571 0.35984 0.28773 0.94365 0.08915 0.30212 0.35135 0.37534 0.12563 0.01139 0.57306 0.01438 0.29247 0.02088 0.62844 0.41193 0.13244 0.76658 0.37297 0.73131 0.77221 0.84589 0.89018 0.06168 0.10849 0.02275 0.67665 0.16455 0.81795 0.37523 0.38919 0.70572 0.23034 0.97207 0.60487 0.23905 0.4018 0.19441 0.5647 0.62716 0.35773 0.93255 0.22837 0.5956 0.9832 0.65876 0.41192 0.71963 0.55291 0.58423 0.61993 0.39747 0.88404 0.37395 0.4475 0.1218 0.00926 0.79669 0.93287 0.68902 0.79946 0.16266 0.5008 0.16777 0.41144 0.62566 0.17379 0.32464 0.19328 0.71419 0.59854 0.34909 0.97788 0.44956 0.81684 0.14034 0.91982 0.56403 0.33851 0.29478 0.15021 0.78204 0.28818 0.46197 0.03934 0.00126 0.41183 0.07063 0.92481 0.52786 0.86176 0.68181 0.70682 0.01395 0.55165 0.3599 0.74891 0.6011 0.72929 0.40917 0.53923 0.70027 0.90244 0.56294 0.63184 0.97024 0.98504 0.0753 0.4582 0.74136 0.1127 0.14637 0.40448 0.86038 0.07733 0.66218 0.94995
+0.45065 0.67879 0.91334 0.33498 0.2309 0.14179 0.20925 0.53814 0.23735 0.01521 0.74928 0.78561 0.37708 0.64473 0.55861 0.0199 0.61391 0.36948 0.98828 0.67244 0.65464 0.68514 0.8018 0.50252 0.33861 0.99818 0.97407 0.44421 0.78532 0.18448 0.61636 0.168 0.05516 0.16551 0.29822 0.70446 0.38425 0.59438 0.21431 0.86555 0.04151 0.86486 0.52412 0.63352 0.86481 0.4929 0.69015 0.22106 0.32673 0.43515 0.73115 0.35114 0.29321 0.35115 0.10768 0.52191 0.76153 0.1626 0.64925 0.47451 0.20822 0.29536 0.8636 0.71275 0.85185 0.33823 0.74077 0.89476 0.87194 0.99857 0.75842 0.5862 0.48886 0.07237 0.35963 0.86015 0.28627 0.74731 0.41145 0.07425 0.20726 0.34361 0.12516 0.41132 0.02248 0.44058 0.98383 0.22039 0.70201 0.29475 0.42384 0.22845 0.20082 0.79936 0.66479 0.44648 0.41547 0.27284 0.27231 0.08458 0.88976 0.8411 0.00418 0.86608 0.08546 0.93336 0.76923 0.60538 0.42936 0.96235 0.43191 0.44656 0.88158 0.27058 0.92152 0.54377 0.13844 0.69682 0.77725 0.35713 0.00329 0.90986 0.29044 0.42794 0.70083 0.53811 0.45405 0.98126 0.41526 0.27114 0.13594 0.22009 0.35278 0.81805 0.64523 0.46692 0.69083 0.08023 0.05234 0.74764 0.67553 0.31861 0.90518 0.79956 0.01687 0.23322 0.75464 0.22793 0.74097 0.00138 0.30758 0.76639 0.82804 0.27867 0.68749 0.86551 0.8587 0.77559 0.24052 0.21031 0.51176 0.1222 0.31631 0.54426 0.29256 0.81696 0.67496 0.37976 0.60767 0.75037 0.79772 0.41728 0.58106 0.38147 0.49451 0.12592 0.65367 0.87832 0.94896 0.23212 0.97849 0.89519 0.05667 0.93381 0.05114 0.76443 0.70129 0.45438 0.78711 0.19288 0.49943 0.26735 0.61005 0.88529 0.79528 0.34603 0.49091 0.08253 0.37682 0.60345 0.41015 0.5221 0.7089 0.89136 0.99964 0.56017 0.24381 0.21763 0.88035 0.90766 0.69134 0.50751 0.73887 0.82153 0.3416 0.88962 0.41594 0.06145 0.63607 0.14006 0.87079 0.9239 0.30696 0.57882 0.65693 0.53991 0.66257 0.30195 0.44689 0.34469 0.26645 0.75208 0.4212 0.48794 0.70773 0.8391 0.27561 0.07962 0.04223 0.76037 0.32889 0.53511 0.20423 0.03749 0.79301 0.20361 0.05713 0.96402 0.7359 0.21649 0.61507 0.0267 0.25525 0.15602 0.73423 0.53122 0.38576 0.65084 0.61753 0.8491 0.92989 0.94933 0.05614 0.99015 0.63671 0.76172 0.63456 0.86883 0.50094 0.54544 0.42805 0.51473 0.11348 0.75041 0.84887 0.29645 0.26514 0.74398 0.84575 0.48034 0.09015 0.20701 0.68831 0.62693 0.4384 0.24472 0.41343 0.66894 0.05241 0.73345 0.85174 0.69366 0.9711 0.80758 0.28819 0.85917 0.54018 0.08193 0.11465 0.95982 0.06159 0.96613 0.54056 0.16277 0.77746 0.18905 0.21935 0.47656 0.50804 0.34534 0.69134 0.25259 0.0722 0.76734 0.60752 0.29263 0.63019 0.75211 0.45595 0.91461 0.2534 0.18314 0.14847 0.63356 0.51069 0.99842 0.70817 0.46354 0.84321 0.41849 0.79958 0.72259 0.51172 0.37588 0.39317 0.69352 0.44511 0.80047 0.80737 0.80241 0.58119 0.47749 0.93309 0.7111 0.61188 0.69054 0.59023 0.40919 0.01614 0.75768 0.47902 0.67993 0.28804 0.29893 0.97286 0.08996 0.39729 0.29102 0.44114 0.20274 0.80852 0.88471 0.51439 0.0787 0.30115 0.27003 0.42979 0.90033 0.66612 0.67128 0.82006 0.54442 0.61288 0.73171 0.35882 0.7762 0.06381 0.824 0.45632 0.10392 0.72191 0.33106 0.5712 0.65158 0.38337 0.17653 0.90046 0.14041 0.099 0.00852 0.87494 0.08002 0.52968 0.12609 0.44032 0.06932 0.25149 0.39616 0.04061 0.3613 0.33723 0.39777 0.14967 0.33782 0.38307 0.53325 0.67178 0.23291 0.71328 0.95495 0.62664 0.48858 0.34243 0.66679 0.83783 0.10537 0.05141 0.38148 0.2596 0.41967 0.28233 0.05594 0.31355 0.90335 0.74592 0.32589 0.41169 0.29898 0.75286 0.16201 0.33715 0.36539 0.64866 0.96061 0.41067 0.9658 0.84613 0.32361 0.35353 0.68426 0.04255 0.44776 0.95924 0.52482 0.04115 0.9799 0.41281 0.36565 0.52548 0.40482 0.42843 0.984 0.86774 0.04166 0.03274 0.74856 0.43468 0.15459 0.94579 0.95082 0.99902 0.08197 0.86347 0.68591 0.78538 0.39463 0.81718 0.48146 0.05645 0.69033 0.8641 0.92004 0.73141 0.82517 0.74881 0.30587 0.26248 0.5043 0.65388 0.68625 0.80394 0.68739 0.48775 0.6969 0.38129 0.07375 0.53221 0.52915 0.89676 0.10995 0.43346 0.17322 0.14975 0.58048 0.34713 0.50986 0.71158 0.7949 0.5195 0.29735 0.47736 0.0158 0.08609 0.57355 0.71333 0.97155 0.1402 0.20687 0.9952 0.47111 0.33877 0.27385
+0.26014 0.68476 0.03478 0.83721 0.1862 0.76258 0.07158 0.69991 0.51644 0.55985 0.49763 0.45212 0.02476 0.71985 0.60904 0.52966 0.03756 0.52913 0.51257 0.04536 0.53227 0.39411 0.22251 0.34017 0.54915 0.04862 0.00764 0.72202 0.25179 0.98024 0.10002 0.1426 0.2159 0.37963 0.13861 0.01954 0.02896 0.01279 0.88975 0.83412 0.89338 0.95702 0.33809 0.43224 0.12075 0.29552 0.14159 0.74638 0.86218 0.56805 0.74509 0.63999 0.1567 0.23333 0.17974 0.60025 0.78848 0.57935 0.79651 0.70913 0.32941 0.04694 0.90057 0.04709 0.68659 0.52919 0.98561 0.6327 0.0292 0.10837 0.53389 0.58966 0.04982 0.83364 0.8595 0.0304 0.43475 0.85797 0.89408 0.09097 0.18273 0.2467 0.58708 0.79063 0.19239 0.5082 0.18932 0.07504 0.17216 0.45765 0.83222 0.88559 0.33158 0.1756 0.00265 0.22931 0.99285 0.62631 0.49814 0.39636 0.06127 0.88969 0.54042 0.88755 0.52892 0.40015 0.70572 0.54212 0.47389 0.40045 0.10341 0.25234 0.87367 0.10768 0.70431 0.56838 0.93748 0.44733 0.70849 0.32054 0.07549 0.7403 0.36601 0.15392 0.28153 0.99404 0.49109 0.38147 0.82129 0.14074 0.26697 0.75748 0.79008 0.18518 0.74424 0.46933 0.50526 0.5499 0.32066 0.4769 0.16709 0.21082 0.85739 0.76314 0.50906 0.06838 0.19837 0.18992 0.49398 0.16919 0.60178 0.38925 0.31779 0.72904 0.30793 0.79994 0.12127 0.76424 0.94799 0.25173 0.26297 0.78595 0.76868 0.29776 0.81496 0.59065 0.94816 0.65166 0.15996 0.78946 0.91246 0.72152 0.65366 0.86281 0.28725 0.73125 0.49077 0.46062 0.39241 0.29499 0.69168 0.60501 0.31288 0.02673 0.8741 0.3539 0.16169 0.13348 0.23046 0.94274 0.97121 0.17184 0.08195 0.69477 0.98765 0.68936 0.6435 0.42211 0.95497 0.31647 0.82475 0.78623 0.22358 0.41843 0.89873 0.00566 0.96168 0.52796 0.95295 0.21592 0.39266 0.26544 0.6577 0.96286 0.76288 0.46841 0.60942 0.96242 0.11479 0.10579 0.58538 0.49122 0.31851 0.7488 0.45317 0.18957 0.05035 0.49888 0.63737 0.9224 0.51647 0.18324 0.163 0.66858 0.75238 0.31546 0.19142 0.51231 0.33363 0.49455 0.03518 0.23873 0.28263 0.64019 0.481 0.7053 0.7404 0.04141 0.28041 0.88874 0.12844 0.17306 0.66941 0.2754 0.39897 0.46878 0.68719 0.39124 0.36725 0.20781 0.62521 0.49276 0.67803 0.35583 0.27894 0.74177 0.41153 0.69664 0.70793 0.90262 0.45036 0.9336 0.94034 0.23542 0.55105 0.00054 0.12754 0.56932 0.09471 0.10528 0.3951 0.13164 0.63981 0.89945 0.42172 0.23525 0.22137 0.72753 0.19542 0.80521 0.05464 0.1819 0.19487 0.84757 0.0226 0.90121 0.96742 0.20761 0.4291 0.35899 0.28872 0.35919 0.29669 0.56438 0.80795 0.96751 0.91395 0.13244 0.70828 0.46218 0.29076 0.77375 0.95254 0.07862 0.36859 0.07994 0.9818 0.97176 0.84798 0.18974 0.54212 0.87319 0.92414 0.584 0.08976 0.77035 0.02795 0.01422 0.50988 0.19088 0.98721 0.99489 0.95461 0.76518 0.48254 0.60077 0.86011 0.2537 0.56126 0.42997 0.46339 0.78501 0.48757 0.14742 0.94322 0.61022 0.28509 0.99332 0.15919 0.1565 0.88977 0.95902 0.9858 0.44172 0.73867 0.64172 0.83151 0.88763 0.62821 0.04817 0.7455 0.80082 0.76737 0.26739 0.99834 0.90092 0.26079 0.09052 0.27555 0.48958 0.33238 0.33697 0.16173 0.03043 0.55315 0.62984 0.48951 0.71548 0.51524 0.65833 0.44238 0.43847 0.67383 0.40117 0.25171 0.00352 0.67789 0.83345 0.08637 0.12343 0.4056 0.95567 0.60385 0.58849 0.75695 0.4098 0.25031 0.49089 0.37225 0.6578 0.62622 0.34221 0.0282 0.04041 0.37102 0.22728 0.82855 0.67838 0.05734 0.03866 0.8612 0.37695 0.16313 0.99375 0.63551 0.6176 0.59339 0.35965 0.86182 0.78382 0.07788 0.26113 0.75227 0.62168 0.19226 0.52124 0.59041 0.22434 0.331 0.04949 0.05232 0.79695 0.411 0.00699 0.70897 0.96656 0.63671 0.17833 0.62482 0.35052 0.51091 0.10091 0.56176 0.48155 0.62271 0.04338 0.65986 0.05699 0.16067 0.62941 0.42905 0.94065 0.42243 0.96362 0.18068 0.44409 0.42165 0.29068 0.95325 0.57289 0.78435 0.95523 0.96577 0.51127 0.6796 0.88794 0.8026 0.10093 0.97166 0.86482 0.59108 0.82518 0.298 0.07363 0.85397 0.74997 0.16353 0.26884 0.49121 0.75572 0.57007 0.64615 0.31769 0.8989 0.95159 0.92883 0.15172 0.9213 0.32753 0.36578 0.07055 0.88996 0.86187 0.18772 0.432 0.18733 0.22938 0.7247 0.70461 0.85704 0.26507 0.77022 0.12814 0.66838 0.1023 0.16166 0.79625 0.87956 0.99447 0.91201 0.68594 0.57135
+0.31213 0.99693 0.97392 0.47853 0.85893 0.03723 0.23797 0.111 0.04023 0.29444 0.66792 0.58305 0.12463 0.71651 0.58288 0.85956 0.54018 0.91354 0.26521 0.50555 0.6186 0.87286 0.75483 0.08655 0.48342 0.83254 0.28967 0.72679 0.33438 0.13823 0.91666 0.46571 0.50361 0.86205 0.31035 0.21168 0.74286 0.57976 0.19511 0.55296 0.57727 0.22854 0.48479 0.28697 0.5245 0.96223 0.7356 0.06369 0.64431 0.6548 0.95624 0.31457 0.04998 0.53832 0.22824 0.92113 0.72628 0.52331 0.46361 0.72603 0.7569 0.44304 0.67424 0.90476 0.57985 0.87254 0.20492 0.40717 0.31693 0.87701 0.98393 0.45322 0.16177 0.407 0.16584 0.01917 0.90086 0.11018 0.74945 0.45236 0.64785 0.83007 0.26406 0.42785 0.29001 0.5843 0.32279 0.57202 0.53836 0.49809 0.75707 0.90628 0.98818 0.10726 0.01169 0.53247 0.39387 0.97419 0.81534 0.69521 0.66874 0.25337 0.12923 0.16601 0.93322 0.24151 0.69267 0.24328 0.75826 0.1438 0.55323 0.05964 0.20314 0.97912 0.53176 0.35989 0.89869 0.75859 0.34266 0.19878 0.23847 0.86406 0.23336 0.90217 0.68293 0.53259 0.988 0.67737 0.92847 0.83247 0.55615 0.86368 0.63456 0.41942 0.47365 0.90835 0.66801 0.94384 0.02305 0.11142 0.02155 0.65143 0.93192 0.40659 0.40535 0.3859 0.94321 0.42265 0.88348 0.59101 0.08346 0.08796 0.70823 0.65059 0.71182 0.46359 0.6369 0.29084 0.9242 0.81372 0.18147 0.4871 0.82318 0.41626 0.18972 0.3271 0.46455 0.70012 0.50594 0.66912 0.16516 0.94922 0.39595 0.73553 0.10182 0.18748 0.72735 0.69535 0.46464 0.14712 0.99285 0.68397 0.87091 0.30566 0.56526 0.26494 0.2267 0.12253 0.99973 0.53634 0.12945 0.79936 0.34134 0.37711 0.82256 0.58261 0.98332 0.86267 0.7819 0.31643 0.31502 0.17681 0.82012 0.57169 0.71358 0.17557 0.54968 0.53044 0.37675 0.47902 0.07421 0.23233 0.95072 0.26081 0.4275 0.01105 0.2814 0.16721 0.30902 0.60011 0.20527 0.5826 0.99933 0.78903 0.4106 0.13032 0.61994 0.08604 0.01457 0.34983 0.29299 0.63257 0.77588 0.7636 0.16931 0.2806 0.90712 0.02279 0.71321 0.16719 0.54844 0.41218 0.96077 0.82697 0.50879 0.81171 0.91521 0.04333 0.77794 0.1995 0.22625 0.03262 0.67298 0.32273 0.78232 0.15315 0.84911 0.68238 0.24266 0.40563 0.08599 0.92227 0.12054 0.07162 0.45153 0.94285 0.54164 0.133 0.40213 0.43894 0.30203 0.41932 0.49141 0.38096 0.30992 0.07159 0.85825 0.04267 0.55876 0.81558 0.27879 0.27511 0.12141 0.41822 0.19426 0.3445 0.1914 0.37774 0.84266 0.78332 0.88523 0.60236 0.91344 0.75371 0.47703 0.7096 0.17136 0.33358 0.79658 0.34092 0.26834 0.22865 0.88067 0.0112 0.65131 0.17403 0.84314 0.6757 0.61601 0.98971 0.92344 0.9556 0.45254 0.29456 0.52224 0.56444 0.97673 0.91626 0.85121 0.56718 0.49375 0.12303 0.98814 0.42233 0.77465 0.19232 0.55072 0.00757 0.58205 0.67537 0.17805 0.73649 0.67404 0.56163 0.66927 0.02248 0.46628 0.56119 0.38723 0.11786 0.91062 0.24873 0.69209 0.00309 0.62339 0.0066 0.34339 0.19993 0.01633 0.71837 0.67133 0.81907 0.52826 0.29517 0.33414 0.80798 0.19827 0.79448 0.79041 0.31634 0.27917 0.94555 0.79086 0.85498 0.50964 0.36536 0.78948 0.56929 0.70112 0.42718 0.40266 0.65118 0.56329 0.71454 0.84349 0.15664 0.64343 0.40536 0.98985 0.96768 0.02431 0.36016 0.24389 0.21226 0.61248 0.06265 0.45648 0.89478 0.71643 0.08537 0.52737 0.11163 0.60202 0.71177 0.34803 0.13608 0.68487 0.02349 0.27862 0.33893 0.74717 0.87483 0.84964 0.2321 0.27795 0.35751 0.03669 0.0924 0.15414 0.4766 0.69874 0.80627 0.37879 0.11742 0.84087 0.70647 0.86799 0.81056 0.71845 0.88411 0.57019 0.76742 0.91586 0.54553 0.59036 0.85063 0.64963 0.16381 0.39555 0.23294 0.18258 0.64275 0.12911 0.25488 0.40945 0.67746 0.74039 0.25079 0.44397 0.61034 0.98404 0.57944 0.05406 0.00015 0.16652 0.3502 0.03294 0.62557 0.6806 0.74453 0.24579 0.41323 0.91511 0.68717 0.95302 0.61119 0.50234 0.99872 0.25452 0.72169 0.27846 0.79593 0.81199 0.50615 0.68588 0.21362 0.2269 0.74076 0.99836 0.78747 0.39491 0.87903 0.36348 0.38509 0.28738 0.2538 0.77939 0.14592 0.64424 0.8182 0.40347 0.03568 0.7151 0.54445 0.12866 0.08839 0.94445 0.40725 0.58395 0.1384 0.67019 0.4701 0.58597 0.26241 0.43523 0.91365 0.69624 0.28472 0.34661 0.84058 0.79294 0.46576 0.68502 0.17171 0.14935 0.35655 0.71473 0.31117 0.36789 0.60543 0.72433 0.8602
+0.19103 0.90163 0.48945 0.93409 0.92802 0.32752 0.31927 0.15305 0.16114 0.00307 0.89337 0.20593 0.39927 0.89468 0.93254 0.74224 0.18507 0.66176 0.15508 0.89678 0.5678 0.13619 0.94451 0.32073 0.44161 0.95142 0.47083 0.19531 0.98929 0.30932 0.65509 0.12958 0.03631 0.77902 0.47013 0.03553 0.72626 0.15809 0.23968 0.19303 0.45991 0.07926 0.11791 0.04923 0.98011 0.65017 0.89137 0.26663 0.45606 0.96379 0.71426 0.0753 0.11425 0.0013 0.35578 0.06524 0.68663 0.08184 0.54101 0.48681 0.09517 0.70594 0.62516 0.97519 0.14528 0.3176 0.67668 0.33019 0.48159 0.47002 0.30544 0.12606 0.1594 0.56647 0.95323 0.23141 0.73969 0.74617 0.26818 0.86446 0.59645 0.24836 0.35827 0.15912 0.26949 0.14129 0.0075 0.95596 0.92282 0.54194 0.02419 0.61188 0.02533 0.97399 0.55942 0.24447 0.81121 0.23025 0.00132 0.27569 0.50654 0.2831 0.88148 0.39565 0.94552 0.80745 0.40038 0.03979 0.06654 0.05714 0.45153 0.63983 0.67789 0.17414 0.72512 0.27664 0.99548 0.26811 0.11779 0.50156 0.04412 0.99684 0.41878 0.51696 0.50394 0.61655 0.34779 0.30973 0.67902 0.29421 0.94947 0.75302 0.4889 0.12091 0.06069 0.65202 0.17061 0.13926 0.89129 0.42373 0.90394 0.44768 0.63287 0.30073 0.15692 0.5124 0.24096 0.5204 0.32165 0.51399 0.22761 0.70785 0.42176 0.59445 0.45821 0.37939 0.77399 0.73363 0.73919 0.05605 0.1009 0.05947 0.34419 0.72642 0.26634 0.95274 0.5924 0.85583 0.83183 0.56082 0.10305 0.7881 0.30757 0.41463 0.29717 0.30116 0.07742 0.23836 0.02659 0.3115 0.58091 0.63516 0.28413 0.47513 0.74144 0.76965 0.95023 0.74948 0.7925 0.04115 0.25263 0.81737 0.48159 0.67376 0.13776 0.75196 0.11827 0.57318 0.33237 0.58841 0.8274 0.96008 0.21606 0.76384 0.04783 0.67431 0.01709 0.06525 0.12063 0.37475 0.04046 0.33155 0.75665 0.16323 0.28547 0.61048 0.31604 0.21473 0.1888 0.16036 0.59693 0.1552 0.93038 0.11865 0.99082 0.89821 0.80904 0.33048 0.86103 0.17982 0.3931 0.04299 0.84438 0.77063 0.90833 0.52989 0.3656 0.33513 0.7234 0.48821 0.40863 0.08078 0.23684 0.25786 0.27013 0.86467 0.29098 0.06648 0.22505 0.53411 0.6144 0.25849 0.2317 0.35887 0.79326 0.17133 0.9376 0.57243 0.68315 0.32579 0.55361 0.76389 0.3835 0.76567 0.49815 0.61931 0.87458 0.46588 0.39425 0.04582 0.719 0.73183 0.72996 0.51117 0.29546 0.36492 0.98901 0.00992 0.17925 0.647 0.58798 0.23986 0.45958 0.11607 0.71505 0.25594 0.57316 0.5998 0.42962 0.1967 0.43921 0.45969 0.99424 0.26536 0.17765 0.16614 0.34148 0.07306 0.62201 0.76928 0.70869 0.5334 0.56645 0.36365 0.55175 0.50448 0.9094 0.87425 0.66344 0.10872 0.65335 0.76442 0.91473 0.58601 0.73702 0.70489 0.14159 0.92404 0.77822 0.86893 0.56213 0.222 0.15691 0.9145 0.57005 0.3084 0.00486 0.48278 0.86832 0.59619 0.63344 0.36059 0.58899 0.89857 0.52031 0.78233 0.90818 0.4327 0.30792 0.50226 0.51619 0.39783 0.74652 0.01919 0.7845 0.90048 0.42374 0.39214 0.46923 0.36135 0.79236 0.57822 0.62981 0.38255 0.5761 0.14803 0.38971 0.63451 0.47149 0.78188 0.8402 0.37233 0.79278 0.5079 0.64568 0.62336 0.93566 0.51627 0.19991 0.72609 0.85848 0.74723 0.15683 0.05832 0.26257 0.58714 0.65944 0.90838 0.54773 0.38418 0.47931 0.58937 0.1195 0.09426 0.49008 0.83648 0.42129 0.18962 0.43822 0.24542 0.92857 0.28936 0.53398 0.12703 0.04902 0.82764 0.84804 0.67772 0.5187 0.43245 0.86635 0.99126 0.86407 0.67955 0.6957 0.20596 0.62874 0.72052 0.66132 0.16249 0.0519 0.62371 0.71377 0.04748 0.51517 0.03561 0.61992 0.15901 0.3729 0.9038 0.79516 0.80225 0.46709 0.33838 0.33282 0.1804 0.02742 0.39526 0.47287 0.86416 0.48079 0.33721 0.24206 0.69363 0.17661 0.21039 0.3433 0.27591 0.70434 0.96755 0.01523 0.80097 0.01908 0.74861 0.61724 0.00939 0.47712 0.17883 0.29164 0.14405 0.85833 0.64111 0.8613 0.62421 0.78425 0.08039 0.62627 0.36518 0.76079 0.85218 0.8285 0.83175 0.4679 0.39913 0.37087 0.757 0.26192 0.64592 0.94241 0.75089 0.92422 0.99991 0.41331 0.09037 0.13695 0.34513 0.28656 0.26359 0.62006 0.85173 0.00927 0.99722 0.99914 0.60302 0.61231 0.9878 0.01611 0.48149 0.55247 0.93471 0.64683 0.49574 0.49521 0.08759 0.546 0.82483 0.38153 0.13126 0.08814 0.6183 0.35257 0.8679 0.89291 0.90315 0.00229 0.94616 0.81125 0.2976 0.1086 0.42967 0.34618 0.33244
+0.96586 0.15368 0.66243 0.7624 0.61965 0.83227 0.68732 0.3616 0.33148 0.27968 0.21465 0.2437 0.80184 0.00694 0.02779 0.26439 0.13172 0.16326 0.34684 0.64464 0.15253 0.48484 0.44369 0.85669 0.81268 0.99421 0.12607 0.88158 0.09535 0.74934 0.92569 0.08937 0.2156 0.22887 0.92047 0.88787 0.58224 0.30222 0.05791 0.39204 0.49293 0.47973 0.95385 0.93244 0.24103 0.98959 0.73282 0.07697 0.57368 0.4566 0.71505 0.59432 0.38784 0.77421 0.12229 0.58465 0.69642 0.26862 0.39254 0.09616 0.83421 0.78255 0.92615 0.64927 0.88988 0.76601 0.29639 0.35742 0.35882 0.75854 0.8586 0.9173 0.89576 0.32917 0.56067 0.47914 0.92009 0.49861 0.58563 0.07067 0.25744 0.13001 0.62899 0.55721 0.27964 0.2561 0.06758 0.07752 0.41403 0.85723 0.88409 0.76039 0.41525 0.96384 0.99847 0.94463 0.64768 0.90401 0.19238 0.09414 0.13124 0.14738 0.14005 0.70392 0.95382 0.11431 0.76473 0.07132 0.42414 0.91485 0.25216 0.92588 0.64494 0.58476 0.26541 0.95032 0.38557 0.07576 0.15646 0.48185 0.44326 0.55169 0.17533 0.67412 0.3673 0.16249 0.13284 0.10538 0.57287 0.86048 0.88714 0.8897 0.00431 0.98102 0.26786 0.19942 0.17175 0.31496 0.45455 0.62382 0.38718 0.93674 0.06522 0.79218 0.57045 0.0644 0.04943 0.2941 0.66105 0.22179 0.85231 0.97664 0.53158 0.14423 0.67056 0.08093 0.83029 0.17489 0.3773 0.10498 0.61385 0.00216 0.1193 0.24096 0.18804 0.71437 0.78887 0.5499 0.29174 0.86985 0.4634 0.81275 0.40127 0.75036 0.9769 0.41583 0.28645 0.46468 0.76429 0.83724 0.38795 0.31654 0.50113 0.80326 0.43116 0.49967 0.57467 0.93744 0.70552 0.17904 0.91926 0.85581 0.65199 0.15578 0.08067 0.1342 0.69924 0.44704 0.08436 0.7721 0.93978 0.2695 0.14775 0.73687 0.05662 0.27127 0.14566 0.28859 0.83241 0.43617 0.45471 0.19988 0.99865 0.30903 0.1354 0.68243 0.53111 0.17623 0.35659 0.93971 0.90694 0.14807 0.53222 0.07582 0.74921 0.35509 0.97953 0.16172 0.42989 0.534 0.17034 0.7341 0.39741 0.00875 0.247 0.40514 0.09375 0.86925 0.42842 0.33175 0.58452 0.48271 0.501 0.04339 0.50485 0.37724 0.13509 0.36444 0.10312 0.47797 0.45258 0.33874 0.4354 0.01801 0.07734 0.99598 0.22789 0.32943 0.03844 0.73439 0.73317 0.91972 0.98744 0.61917 0.36326 0.82355 0.75251 0.80788 0.96402 0.18941 0.62397 0.84601 0.6886 0.37758 0.25848 0.28146 0.0209 0.14661 0.14438 0.71356 0.15575 0.44088 0.80305 0.13203 0.23195 0.4908 0.67576 0.26481 0.56717 0.06097 0.35225 0.63346 0.99939 0.20544 0.69269 0.71722 0.92869 0.55546 0.53528 0.67628 0.95951 0.58184 0.18464 0.13337 0.51224 0.15181 0.2171 0.59803 0.0012 0.90906 0.99724 0.9353 0.78877 0.43618 0.76689 0.1229 0.56627 0.55282 0.86078 0.31882 0.79159 0.14611 0.36449 0.51421 0.45831 0.39632 0.00936 0.21725 0.33124 0.14508 0.47638 0.6423 0.70023 0.22972 0.31936 0.02774 0.07606 0.53804 0.35952 0.78924 0.07344 0.54766 0.43505 0.29501 0.47656 0.69553 0.98476 0.96516 0.99297 0.67511 0.23508 0.66004 0.91551 0.95204 0.62387 0.76722 0.7204 0.21376 0.08887 0.904 0.23695 0.93622 0.02699 0.16517 0.89217 0.8023 0.3467 0.94987 0.58483 0.74393 0.04646 0.41113 0.42238 0.90251 0.55929 0.39723 0.26051 0.69103 0.29583 0.0688 0.49691 0.87757 0.94554 0.2232 0.92042 0.92646 0.10035 0.40652 0.43806 0.21486 0.74445 0.5168 0.33346 0.03322 0.46185 0.39851 0.26803 0.53794 0.20308 0.16058 0.2329 0.15312 0.04895 0.76943 0.512 0.21314 0.13089 0.15728 0.38284 0.85086 0.83816 0.99984 0.42436 0.35648 0.59614 0.01845 0.35044 0.0505 0.64622 0.78861 0.65996 0.14924 0.44508 0.99712 0.54068 0.52739 0.66128 0.00413 0.29291 0.44564 0.17533 0.85778 0.23028 0.11867 0.25498 0.95485 0.7867 0.68534 0.32957 0.87976 0.10979 0.58292 0.59333 0.17983 0.34886 0.22476 0.70012 0.28902 0.72426 0.15716 0.26288 0.05688 0.98024 0.62941 0.82017 0.71237 0.94069 0.08294 0.59196 0.6389 0.49482 0.24936 0.89693 0.36082 0.51811 0.76455 0.69377 0.16117 0.88658 0.07554 0.42559 0.61918 0.33188 0.72271 0.21317 0.0182 0.20767 0.26482 0.12936 0.2806 0.78171 0.64713 0.89779 0.32307 0.43419 0.30016 0.6289 0.33037 0.25434 0.51264 0.56615 0.99423 0.35324 0.88428 0.35333 0.90182 0.29883 0.21863 0.77095 0.36496 0.82309 0.00682 0.49048 0.96181 0.65871 0.65563 0.50502 0.69574 0.62997 0.82096 0.52486 0.22377
+0.71047 0.26665 0.80915 0.67711 0.64396 0.77951 0.31977 0.64772 0.27834 0.11924 0.99817 0.50471 0.55935 0.09734 0.71756 0.00054 0.69257 0.4753 0.5193 0.18163 0.45446 0.8035 0.1446 0.6611 0.548 0.53066 0.53592 0.14215 0.85016 0.56747 0.666 0.70921 0.30545 0.65027 0.1717 0.23117 0.91551 0.93295 0.34397 0.27241 0.44812 0.01665 0.4321 0.83841 0.61255 0.78198 0.71662 0.71587 0.10914 0.89849 0.14412 0.99421 0.33171 0.98945 0.7059 0.65358 0.11513 0.06567 0.98789 0.79735 0.19012 0.52958 0.06197 0.34653 0.18016 0.42204 0.06826 0.35703 0.45846 0.27774 0.97425 0.33505 0.17887 0.7 0.19938 0.51587 0.64935 0.75107 0.31961 0.66687 0.93749 0.22488 0.92804 0.26073 0.6434 0.71759 0.22866 0.0451 0.66568 0.79238 0.11988 0.89262 0.83025 0.74556 0.49908 0.55878 0.64446 0.84619 0.97272 0.32595 0.7568 0.53964 0.35355 0.25607 0.7849 0.26032 0.18487 0.22854 0.93901 0.75535 0.87802 0.34512 0.87025 0.43305 0.78745 0.85734 0.15273 0.02902 0.70111 0.53063 0.35017 0.13086 0.72399 0.25657 0.24494 0.9909 0.35204 0.51571 0.74063 0.80173 0.40755 0.10655 0.836 0.71661 0.78823 0.89263 0.7546 0.5645 0.23564 0.93122 0.40266 0.66796 0.50058 0.35896 0.25214 0.04231 0.4259 0.41292 0.9653 0.47992 0.7353 0.00987 0.67686 0.64818 0.18599 0.85458 0.70371 0.67485 0.33348 0.45148 0.19993 0.01861 0.08901 0.18049 0.72885 0.56151 0.08591 0.05978 0.11718 0.77543 0.80045 0.53337 0.551 0.29801 0.33677 0.93152 0.82133 0.86054 0.52054 0.64853 0.61337 0.5932 0.55654 0.4238 0.9927 0.19831 0.38772 0.29097 0.81147 0.25534 0.45721 0.69733 0.39978 0.52269 0.13953 0.37107 0.37103 0.12079 0.56068 0.90099 0.56755 0.19408 0.28232 0.13292 0.07296 0.70747 0.42517 0.43532 0.46326 0.96984 0.29467 0.72195 0.89127 0.4974 0.82716 0.8425 0.78327 0.17978 0.05675 0.87244 0.41291 0.78409 0.77511 0.39333 0.97394 0.24031 0.42174 0.70116 0.23365 0.84648 0.95258 0.4184 0.80645 0.47538 0.68545 0.4912 0.43043 0.21489 0.3198 0.2717 0.18129 0.95134 0.8732 0.29486 0.64416 0.71276 0.7748 0.95919 0.02446 0.43122 0.83751 0.47931 0.23726 0.15382 0.13691 0.12987 0.44448 0.70616 0.8213 0.73836 0.14372 0.95434 0.31036 0.27018 0.63278 0.81187 0.76171 0.10078 0.98506 0.81214 0.70189 0.13819 0.74716 0.47323 0.51114 0.00096 0.95241 0.55738 0.69128 0.77007 0.01935 0.23035 0.43372 0.61531 0.32333 0.0626 0.92639 0.40866 0.08553 0.54374 0.51727 0.11929 0.25139 0.63379 0.96568 0.89995 0.9267 0.01442 0.14478 0.70326 0.84812 0.58491 0.01399 0.72797 0.61191 0.37069 0.52867 0.63748 0.40115 0.05942 0.03474 0.90146 0.10516 0.81603 0.94585 0.18514 0.78999 0.93024 0.41255 0.25305 0.71854 0.31604 0.28748 0.20805 0.76187 0.76668 0.871 0.73352 0.0595 0.00772 0.37771 0.4513 0.61105 0.65098 0.77142 0.29981 0.7478 0.82403 0.48507 0.91097 0.89428 0.6982 0.84582 0.00944 0.29424 0.87402 0.37086 0.45746 0.28628 0.22188 0.03754 0.23917 0.57831 0.33697 0.37699 0.21244 0.91134 0.73978 0.55051 0.39164 0.02883 0.14905 0.23073 0.0612 0.64409 0.07824 0.12948 0.34461 0.24893 0.61612 0.69594 0.65086 0.30974 0.51432 0.18145 0.0464 0.25054 0.91344 0.5114 0.86805 0.02711 0.43152 0.09528 0.21134 0.9629 0.88067 0.1435 0.7051 0.31062 0.10166 0.89298 0.12737 0.84771 0.48 0.50364 0.3797 0.01395 0.69196 0.48499 0.00963 0.89877 0.95879 0.49958 0.68423 0.78212 0.00965 0.03381 0.78043 0.7842 0.39767 0.73064 0.2371 0.63389 0.2336 0.97186 0.84607 0.96048 0.64334 0.40353 0.31389 0.90938 0.9165 0.83771 0.64712 0.00554 0.7523 0.07294 0.87451 0.29284 0.72376 0.38383 0.65001 0.85592 0.66843 0.46586 0.77839 0.39318 0.23932 0.47954 0.6491 0.86051 0.3984 0.29653 0.35979 0.08858 0.14251 0.33071 0.59143 0.46154 0.57913 0.67934 0.01432 0.34163 0.48704 0.79508 0.40259 0.77711 0.07104 0.85313 0.88314 0.18795 0.94772 0.39644 0.18976 0.99086 0.2152 0.04518 0.1989 0.60409 0.82122 0.3507 0.36581 0.64032 0.70194 0.98754 0.19511 0.57269 0.6826 0.13275 0.82042 0.08624 0.05454 0.22593 0.91507 0.24371 0.60924 0.78031 0.90348 0.16327 0.6329 0.11847 0.36798 0.28383 0.75404 0.26961 0.27312 0.36272 0.8834 0.10128 0.74005 0.55705 0.49501 0.59836 0.19273 0.54915 0.43647 0.37693 0.10075 0.7469 0.5623 0.7066 0.41854
+0.97428 0.9342 0.25219 0.33068 0.27619 0.00712 0.999 0.88138 0.66651 0.19077 0.9758 0.44074 0.25415 0.49531 0.17231 0.0636 0.19177 0.30271 0.12744 0.33613 0.26807 0.63987 0.37502 0.13168 0.05306 0.31367 0.7706 0.93881 0.61041 0.66904 0.04793 0.3294 0.87732 0.53453 0.46372 0.86642 0.1253 0.20176 0.66949 0.25928 0.1403 0.624 0.02796 0.55564 0.85928 0.87301 0.4154 0.85105 0.94377 0.55534 0.32156 0.0637 0.19784 0.1908 0.72428 0.6017 0.62422 0.42294 0.57891 0.79995 0.30429 0.96719 0.93279 0.38748 0.42739 0.89681 0.70689 0.9263 0.60054 0.24369 0.74552 0.91667 0.71916 0.78594 0.0134 0.91722 0.72943 0.79004 0.43797 0.12913 0.34316 0.14589 0.0725 0.41374 0.73561 0.73117 0.1454 0.06832 0.89572 0.8471 0.36844 0.38819 0.83037 0.316 0.00778 0.98349 0.89293 0.69516 0.31015 0.27297 0.68842 0.01183 0.85749 0.55068 0.10822 0.81863 0.9629 0.92555 0.97135 0.84518 0.26963 0.8035 0.3194 0.35417 0.95949 0.24885 0.06765 0.39643 0.99748 0.18501 0.72959 0.03837 0.58116 0.09926 0.17901 0.42322 0.52655 0.15574 0.75599 0.86686 0.97827 0.70402 0.81728 0.87023 0.34716 0.89156 0.05661 0.52733 0.15637 0.00014 0.93713 0.36575 0.0906 0.66445 0.29176 0.71756 0.03278 0.66083 0.37629 0.25349 0.58456 0.64581 0.01851 0.50686 0.15868 0.61923 0.16166 0.73324 0.28718 0.71251 0.6294 0.15617 0.43894 0.28152 0.5948 0.89605 0.20897 0.6236 0.06673 0.67711 0.04314 0.35236 0.00882 0.15988 0.01316 0.20961 0.7751 0.05005 0.2113 0.45166 0.22967 0.56865 0.0991 0.96445 0.33549 0.3907 0.07518 0.12223 0.83772 0.38222 0.22451 0.62668 0.99952 0.53255 0.43693 0.61259 0.13571 0.37423 0.28024 0.74736 0.35426 0.50005 0.95834 0.17501 0.44279 0.40892 0.65145 0.54665 0.0604 0.79648 0.43745 0.24788 0.55111 0.50632 0.5625 0.76628 0.43694 0.85778 0.84694 0.24816 0.83456 0.61507 0.57593 0.46496 0.36878 0.26222 0.39631 0.78261 0.87633 0.52874 0.42913 0.74468 0.81598 0.71886 0.25247 0.44354 0.3376 0.88119 0.94871 0.64651 0.57846 0.62118 0.16972 0.11631 0.56528 0.54716 0.75192 0.10053 0.16827 0.44626 0.91304 0.85746 0.86633 0.11373 0.25035 0.24228 0.34481 0.26761 0.90481 0.5056 0.3682 0.82044 0.87327 0.76095 0.18528 0.52251 0.18287 0.732 0.00433 0.82431 0.53524 0.04806 0.97633 0.56663 0.98015 0.55261 0.74623 0.23066 0.27217 0.72733 0.03233 0.22628 0.28179 0.4908 0.45508 0.89629 0.81242 0.1552 0.8358 0.16763 0.19306 0.0987 0.7723 0.3842 0.26418 0.39974 0.45325 0.19769 0.66066 0.09806 0.07835 0.68459 0.8695 0.7562 0.21472 0.91642 0.44158 0.80737 0.92678 0.17265 0.76865 0.98481 0.72459 0.55727 0.26713 0.95277 0.22176 0.07499 0.60904 0.3829 0.78433 0.10352 0.91092 0.80009 0.48525 0.64531 0.78751 0.31215 0.32696 0.70486 0.81887 0.95583 0.31679 0.13195 0.0601 0.70283 0.88761 0.48196 0.34669 0.65724 0.81542 0.66763 0.96668 0.45886 0.79675 0.19662 0.20114 0.65955 0.1237 0.28269 0.22776 0.7461 0.44125 0.27361 0.85568 0.76218 0.19847 0.09919 0.66161 0.70703 0.11072 0.312 0.95431 0.7487 0.6073 0.23076 0.54059 0.24636 0.14957 0.73593 0.37032 0.48303 0.02598 0.54702 0.47126 0.09752 0.34908 0.99796 0.80677 0.96442 0.96734 0.10856 0.19014 0.93453 0.07843 0.831 0.1383 0.27536 0.0175 0.38207 0.29087 0.02962 0.63663 0.36258 0.29396 0.91173 0.40101 0.19354 0.58484 0.56755 0.90834 0.09825 0.97193 0.0545 0.39171 0.43154 0.85761 0.81304 0.76756 0.08544 0.00377 0.70917 0.57927 0.01698 0.0671 0.95845 0.03468 0.71398 0.54266 0.34138 0.3709 0.94093 0.43701 0.81065 0.60745 0.18251 0.55862 0.36121 0.42796 0.90453 0.8668 0.57298 0.43467 0.06459 0.19041 0.56004 0.96933 0.11031 0.23109 0.48721 0.85358 0.55395 0.03775 0.26976 0.95299 0.8655 0.04852 0.29409 0.76085 0.57047 0.47907 0.64407 0.16067 0.20143 0.60594 0.46416 0.77775 0.76147 0.07676 0.8864 0.02853 0.80545 0.5469 0.24345 0.95692 0.08449 0.69556 0.69942 0.0645 0.68448 0.66106 0.14288 0.48067 0.87103 0.07929 0.93359 0.42892 0.82367 0.15647 0.90665 0.33741 0.86861 0.46485 0.86676 0.9096 0.75427 0.58598 0.65331 0.17303 0.1153 0.32182 0.01695 0.67355 0.65659 0.74069 0.59144 0.03228 0.32532 0.47362 0.26711 0.80448 0.39021 0.65424 0.62576 0.78444 0.76391 0.55434 0.81633 0.44438 0.14367 0.86295 0.90438
+0.13987 0.63811 0.32325 0.21564 0.96766 0.29177 0.35354 0.38815 0.21605 0.2976 0.15958 0.981 0.90098 0.70041 0.46397 0.27341 0.48874 0.80573 0.80422 0.57731 0.13613 0.3975 0.99052 0.70011 0.24687 0.84408 0.23082 0.17813 0.16926 0.40638 0.05823 0.97775 0.34888 0.11765 0.47899 0.18101 0.00407 0.57888 0.95097 0.15436 0.26188 0.43756 0.59625 0.11282 0.14359 0.57375 0.46326 0.08793 0.37149 0.52057 0.38091 0.09435 0.48905 0.76363 0.23564 0.65742 0.13407 0.39348 0.05454 0.68127 0.13987 0.49112 0.39979 0.8559 0.65124 0.93718 0.02553 0.90124 0.11749 0.12675 0.70458 0.13311 0.47929 0.11884 0.32048 0.72017 0.70551 0.28472 0.5544 0.42758 0.22048 0.55447 0.07743 0.68526 0.5867 0.79015 0.52785 0.34936 0.58993 0.41266 0.01572 0.45623 0.59182 0.72273 0.76612 0.80552 0.45996 0.00702 0.31439 0.96286 0.05209 0.35244 0.06449 0.03111 0.92748 0.09215 0.42991 0.61178 0.67855 0.57328 0.52463 0.54509 0.80291 0.40571 0.41153 0.3182 0.76404 0.49179 0.0992 0.48539 0.14195 0.00684 0.37166 0.8033 0.03799 0.69404 0.70464 0.4962 0.46429 0.15747 0.62867 0.62215 0.07454 0.63043 0.00273 0.35578 0.94017 0.69773 0.50106 0.67545 0.86723 0.70849 0.11954 0.36161 0.2904 0.27738 0.35193 0.85388 0.24176 0.78042 0.20959 0.00947 0.27266 0.41368 0.20038 0.75806 0.96027 0.1186 0.91921 0.85281 0.29584 0.58485 0.7001 0.89111 0.89728 0.66297 0.39216 0.50525 0.2623 0.85778 0.98052 0.6948 0.2891 0.81763 0.35758 0.38417 0.75375 0.35298 0.27634 0.62227 0.09686 0.94688 0.33377 0.0141 0.00053 0.34991 0.86659 0.59284 0.41773 0.16521 0.25249 0.42785 0.23708 0.77585 0.09643 0.18481 0.63669 0.6972 0.56814 0.78427 0.06575 0.72738 0.3396 0.18367 0.25332 0.50121 0.88008 0.57278 0.3028 0.4901 0.07192 0.31556 0.95367 0.20223 0.8213 0.01729 0.80213 0.54627 0.93402 0.26992 0.58794 0.1523 0.95298 0.1398 0.31954 0.55607 0.37539 0.17228 0.14952 0.5667 0.53856 0.08518 0.7885 0.36886 0.22412 0.93132 0.75648 0.88682 0.19499 0.25798 0.91544 0.32552 0.25883 0.16432 0.44557 0.70458 0.38223 0.39779 0.16238 0.0102 0.47821 0.90224 0.48122 0.70872 0.95895 0.05741 0.50157 0.84572 0.96247 0.65419 0.43204 0.66942 0.97771 0.89418 0.13554 0.43007 0.24979 0.46171 0.77436 0.14931 0.22702 0.98256 0.91429 0.20269 0.92118 0.5303 0.61047 0.39152 0.53812 0.3781 0.07911 0.05201 0.83093 0.75927 0.52113 0.78461 0.75104 0.9016 0.28598 0.28998 0.54154 0.94293 0.87783 0.79039 0.22995 0.59038 0.41346 0.23162 0.5776 0.72544 0.306 0.64303 0.94568 0.08123 0.37732 0.48132 0.10524 0.45587 0.95864 0.54757 0.82396 0.20544 0.08487 0.03005 0.66492 0.26211 0.34909 0.68506 0.40763 0.89859 0.30536 0.69615 0.90229 0.69244 0.70068 0.36447 0.09675 0.12013 0.11712 0.7864 0.19551 0.62028 0.29562 0.33055 0.68701 0.8606 0.0812 0.17353 0.0286 0.50988 0.68892 0.08641 0.28939 0.73363 0.19838 0.88309 0.33364 0.84215 0.4724 0.55847 0.0821 0.06887 0.28087 0.62592 0.02722 0.08586 0.27734 0.98607 0.76605 0.58695 0.45155 0.40806 0.44012 0.32625 0.72222 0.9223 0.01377 0.61629 0.87111 0.34168 0.31227 0.07435 0.45575 0.01807 0.92228 0.26137 0.31953 0.10079 0.14724 0.84598 0.29005 0.73431 0.12939 0.72096 1e-05 0.36739 0.21644 0.34967 0.81184 0.98733 0.79877 0.46871 0.99172 0.77162 0.77065 0.78188 0.6469 0.26609 0.35445 0.12743 0.95723 0.36354 0.17499 0.12821 0.09207 0.42188 0.35541 0.57299 0.76934 0.13395 0.49242 0.90485 0.96658 0.24 0.77164 0.29258 0.35284 0.34373 0.26499 0.32417 0.82152 0.40602 0.03605 0.91584 0.61399 0.27271 0.57973 0.19056 0.79567 0.61115 0.63836 0.04998 0.85644 0.15175 0.00409 0.54665 0.07222 0.429 0.90046 0.50196 0.47179 0.6191 0.38505 0.65663 0.28778 0.63007 0.87245 0.26203 0.00888 0.2153 0.40073 0.25637 0.24045 0.20861 0.36679 0.1486 0.50832 0.85646 0.58923 0.61274 0.99729 0.10922 0.20433 0.0038 0.3695 0.16532 0.70774 0.06441 0.90027 0.54644 0.69507 0.35801 0.08624 0.84955 0.4659 0.16289 0.29959 0.59963 0.87668 0.00418 0.23878 0.23062 0.70391 0.21949 0.33933 0.37063 0.25671 0.99688 0.97672 0.92243 0.46321 0.93147 0.28793 0.65377 0.18294 0.91462 0.94669 0.33522 0.14243 0.34581 0.19518 0.54034 0.43191 0.09751 0.55769 0.99194 0.79946 0.20209 0.78617 0.34835 0.8827 0.3678
+0.51086 0.28467 0.78802 0.07858 0.54943 0.61436 0.51777 0.4923 0.54923 0.88577 0.87542 0.95869 0.12405 0.90791 0.37316 0.6649 0.89563 0.96087 0.08938 0.09529 0.75677 0.59316 0.64345 0.50215 0.20135 0.04139 0.24533 0.55173 0.3563 0.13594 0.88214 0.9589 0.19569 0.45728 0.13299 0.77838 0.94958 0.84709 0.67238 0.53687 0.73216 0.59738 0.28136 0.29849 0.66686 0.89135 0.30572 0.0248 0.14936 0.37378 0.78712 0.14101 0.24451 0.02246 0.40576 0.54509 0.74045 0.241 0.88399 0.32917 0.12166 0.20022 0.58749 0.13919 0.66737 0.48443 0.87972 0.3839 0.33256 0.57635 0.19922 0.68994 0.53876 0.85463 0.86344 0.65007 0.18636 0.69722 0.74026 0.7788 0.42701 0.67239 0.88363 0.41629 0.75369 0.80214 0.83431 0.86641 0.22064 0.89373 0.91348 0.95533 0.59004 0.33568 0.73672 0.86835 0.24593 0.64078 0.08159 0.64654 0.11311 0.1755 0.99456 0.05744 0.71118 0.45918 0.38951 0.52737 0.63847 0.43485 0.08761 0.25064 0.02563 0.97016 0.66209 0.4826 0.022 0.62309 0.34049 0.64623 0.20059 0.57848 0.18724 0.42652 0.57155 0.48712 0.49104 0.00315 0.06892 0.05857 0.88358 0.62414 0.21594 0.33159 0.00897 0.35402 0.4899 0.78427 0.13801 0.53205 0.00211 0.46453 0.08678 0.34794 0.34453 0.18607 0.64016 0.30658 0.13355 0.33186 0.24339 0.38946 0.08881 0.09132 0.54961 0.39604 0.82144 0.45426 0.11258 0.88321 0.13682 0.24621 0.76201 0.58484 0.56168 0.69983 0.54555 0.1761 0.9447 0.49387 0.64341 0.22627 0.34711 0.84707 0.32925 0.8577 0.10168 0.60285 0.26178 0.95464 0.90972 0.56719 0.30347 0.13596 0.19961 0.2523 0.06186 0.52887 0.66112 0.86452 0.23146 0.30829 0.20099 0.51772 0.47542 0.28665 0.35702 0.70892 0.88008 0.51883 0.94493 0.85115 0.90733 0.07742 0.52698 0.86188 0.36024 0.68514 0.77428 0.53787 0.17852 0.57505 0.68924 0.14237 0.66177 0.99551 0.35431 0.95245 0.61568 0.02361 0.14344 0.55387 0.19135 0.60016 0.0256 0.6891 0.59487 0.95334 0.34286 0.54821 0.68482 0.55367 0.29603 0.69495 0.23053 0.04785 0.04272 0.0305 0.56065 0.17668 0.14906 0.80614 0.44337 0.45619 0.23434 0.93163 0.62016 0.53984 0.30172 0.81473 0.13899 0.36599 0.74523 0.98352 0.52786 0.07137 0.53662 0.1602 0.99757 0.54627 0.23604 0.72999 0.81517 0.63257 0.35119 0.90252 0.60674 0.57826 0.88064 0.76912 0.8493 0.66788 0.92418 0.54078 0.53742 0.41247 0.84215 0.34414 0.19512 0.70025 0.37627 0.12148 0.4489 0.93883 0.94732 0.76225 0.91326 0.9772 0.15501 0.40994 0.78512 0.81466 0.31131 0.81019 0.05696 0.23857 0.45674 0.73473 0.73428 0.66678 0.80223 0.49626 0.92306 0.89102 0.73401 0.4027 0.54872 0.98298 0.50698 0.69459 0.52169 0.63666 0.39627 0.03681 0.52503 0.07622 0.43337 0.58286 0.01353 0.04529 0.10403 0.57048 0.33925 0.50966 0.58541 0.88093 0.40852 0.99745 0.94277 0.78069 0.436 0.20553 0.15601 0.3457 0.57703 0.99714 0.05447 0.56667 0.98057 0.00034 0.46158 0.61263 0.73313 0.23809 0.7527 0.4977 0.68508 0.52623 0.86956 0.90846 0.87863 0.23713 0.35533 0.33947 0.79992 0.39538 0.93472 0.69067 0.35773 0.19224 0.72053 0.71562 0.20873 0.81032 0.4626 0.70965 0.57585 0.43052 0.34993 0.71243 0.24871 0.1124 0.18343 0.26494 0.55919 0.84912 0.18807 0.27202 0.07489 0.27324 0.31059 0.05575 0.35715 0.67041 0.9812 0.5218 0.99129 0.44438 0.58301 0.7093 0.79676 0.22133 0.64408 0.09378 0.84278 0.04838 0.8821 0.46023 0.6152 0.68356 0.12201 0.54861 0.08536 0.07475 0.19005 0.4555 0.89903 0.19052 0.97311 0.63043 0.17449 0.59435 0.5713 0.39972 0.95173 0.49814 0.32107 0.9747 0.67773 0.27904 0.44144 0.04188 0.86951 0.04364 0.02879 0.79158 0.53623 0.20965 0.14412 0.83156 0.18211 0.94498 0.39073 0.30912 0.43684 0.91103 0.14699 0.81565 0.00229 0.86822 0.01491 0.3223 0.71645 0.25598 0.64287 0.23987 0.24893 0.64772 0.04533 0.28467 0.15735 0.50183 0.46445 0.44229 0.74632 0.99711 0.13964 0.11558 0.66637 0.92131 0.25696 0.86149 0.01584 0.35083 0.57759 0.25771 0.65052 0.99498 0.23069 0.78941 0.92605 0.37886 0.12269 0.47895 0.78612 0.48893 0.05661 0.75518 0.45369 0.06523 0.17834 0.591 0.51146 0.53007 0.29595 0.84289 0.8273 0.4642 0.68178 0.66662 0.79403 0.19118 0.24182 0.66177 0.26593 0.29151 0.56399 0.131 0.67312 0.18141 0.33593 0.51912 0.27876 0.61859 0.05451 0.14967 0.00354 0.93 0.66052 0.79001 0.48333 0.85499
+0.4192 0.81321 0.87057 0.20141 0.52082 0.03509 0.61414 0.50053 0.73034 0.76734 0.74432 0.46631 0.18826 0.55309 0.53368 0.03097 0.20787 0.92358 0.92789 0.89635 0.24492 0.74015 0.89315 0.15541 0.41261 0.472 0.91784 0.07324 0.11478 0.00806 0.17414 0.82292 0.22992 0.04025 0.78751 0.72909 0.93119 0.94202 0.57365 0.33126 0.5264 0.06396 0.09578 0.98361 0.73235 0.09252 0.88959 0.46476 0.89534 0.21348 0.96577 0.90554 0.72493 0.7473 0.84944 0.53002 0.0709 0.0296 0.23384 0.89422 0.05684 0.41105 0.68166 0.53842 0.46666 0.41905 0.94699 0.36823 0.05753 0.3381 0.41959 0.22085 0.63429 0.91699 0.69148 0.72147 0.44523 0.53231 0.54288 0.50762 0.44527 0.30283 0.90745 0.86858 0.23513 0.79936 0.99167 0.88373 0.02984 0.27937 0.0149 0.70513 0.74806 0.22815 0.90003 0.98582 0.46818 0.16008 0.37473 0.50928 0.8983 0.72899 0.89913 0.5656 0.05166 0.25208 0.52646 0.7707 0.11627 0.68825 0.04264 0.71142 0.72184 0.81241 0.68346 0.29443 0.63043 0.0459 0.02663 0.48073 0.80848 0.49079 0.15923 0.08404 0.65689 0.08731 0.60347 0.84073 0.97443 0.28085 0.11928 0.10319 0.55584 0.55283 0.81594 0.14974 0.36909 0.05726 0.75182 0.1716 0.78211 0.27833 0.52783 0.75629 0.86085 0.77567 0.09516 0.06881 0.8154 0.46413 0.10043 0.89089 0.61228 0.20641 0.38764 0.994 0.28379 0.38283 0.72787 0.97687 0.69364 0.5575 0.33355 0.52471 0.65928 0.16777 0.27091 0.43627 0.41985 0.32786 0.53187 0.45019 0.79698 0.16731 0.36086 0.18135 0.2505 0.88264 0.83665 0.29515 0.99974 0.9618 0.61391 0.16855 0.1973 0.7121 0.40158 0.98137 0.07698 0.73198 0.0698 0.96823 0.53265 0.32273 0.7416 0.58879 0.89845 0.19928 0.36108 0.27105 0.29599 0.85458 0.83356 0.28764 0.81475 0.16308 0.82648 0.49006 0.49636 0.70924 0.47214 0.38595 0.04299 0.79006 0.12145 0.83764 0.49812 0.86467 0.6029 0.44802 0.0935 0.14171 0.81802 0.42805 0.06627 0.60513 0.80947 0.25594 0.86854 0.06252 0.07204 0.99169 0.22843 0.68975 0.29654 0.81184 0.9386 0.8199 0.79161 0.23683 0.19536 0.50624 0.4611 0.9204 0.78277 0.52174 0.71413 0.56872 0.98023 0.80872 0.88785 0.84074 0.25468 0.55887 0.50488 0.51305 0.5914 0.7394 0.9654 0.22665 0.68024 0.75383 0.96264 0.34221 0.31353 0.96236 0.69566 0.55907 0.46343 0.63757 0.47144 0.19335 0.07118 0.10796 0.37368 0.172 0.15723 0.84437 0.62201 0.74035 0.58899 0.70644 0.58522 0.41096 0.02958 0.26765 0.67327 0.85314 0.1757 0.19969 0.49526 0.55012 0.78467 0.7565 0.14845 0.62062 0.08316 0.19069 0.00571 0.19661 0.88661 0.47289 0.85825 0.37102 0.67288 0.59326 0.87829 0.64891 0.48386 0.77649 0.7173 0.01353 0.91315 0.01153 0.31212 0.87711 0.85731 0.60409 0.60743 0.34731 0.58682 0.2311 0.03202 0.73424 0.60017 0.73482 0.93842 0.26642 0.18373 0.89855 0.60443 0.95736 0.06699 0.23065 0.94055 0.1066 0.00539 0.34642 0.91147 0.28017 0.30207 0.35225 0.27356 0.98094 0.23575 0.9183 0.61067 0.8089 0.72953 0.46996 0.08284 0.52312 0.75389 0.79652 0.94003 0.97285 0.70587 0.82746 0.00037 0.41903 0.85809 0.39539 0.56162 0.925 0.98615 0.68264 0.03734 0.98862 0.41948 0.95759 0.77095 0.64916 0.16588 0.16139 0.39328 0.98644 0.00312 0.33205 0.19264 0.8826 0.57461 0.03294 0.57846 0.49698 0.76567 0.49158 0.96528 0.51981 0.80745 0.84741 0.62802 0.85926 0.85477 0.5442 0.86651 0.27566 0.49355 0.89016 0.03758 0.20286 0.86823 0.62074 0.91709 0.55312 0.74122 0.92958 0.08516 0.58904 0.5846 0.52984 0.14262 0.19824 0.1543 0.80195 0.10757 0.17459 0.67655 0.44908 0.1417 0.70119 0.5847 0.87005 0.99554 0.64107 0.88675 0.31535 0.1896 0.45177 0.31297 0.82721 0.58192 0.16363 0.55449 0.50048 0.83227 0.33164 0.08798 0.68992 0.01688 0.18816 0.63811 0.12687 0.8876 0.59899 0.23288 0.31497 0.04339 0.57347 0.98903 0.25034 0.74462 0.27897 0.56341 0.21931 0.30671 0.39358 0.9681 0.74944 0.46392 0.15547 0.69632 0.51625 0.40454 0.3543 0.45366 0.29395 0.39376 0.94082 0.67178 0.61805 0.84728 0.12296 0.22846 0.7755 0.79212 0.75378 0.52057 0.84899 0.08171 0.39154 0.66426 0.40999 0.14579 0.24807 0.54851 0.50949 0.95111 0.66842 0.11975 0.76333 0.68572 0.62481 0.21372 0.07837 0.40217 0.80481 0.30381 0.01694 0.13184 0.41474 0.39114 0.03478 0.67946 0.46097 0.9437 0.74988 0.91412 0.83475 0.10836 0.94173 0.09116 0.65927
+0.38487 0.58659 0.86782 0.23453 0.00262 0.08709 0.35013 0.45869 0.35164 0.83279 0.24711 0.83599 0.69829 0.22885 0.92815 0.34786 0.5905 0.98982 0.09247 0.31321 0.58921 0.62916 0.71559 0.26423 0.99797 0.66984 0.99556 0.98228 0.63359 0.06051 0.07842 0.15626 0.75131 0.11328 0.22683 0.97736 0.15876 0.32131 0.36763 0.4854 0.5158 0.7323 0.81066 0.73181 0.05638 0.58091 0.06745 0.26048 0.04398 0.9098 0.77034 0.38893 0.09615 0.69217 0.27203 0.03386 0.61731 0.2878 0.47533 0.30762 0.69787 0.18502 0.7725 0.99969 0.80297 0.70558 0.21974 0.8883 0.20157 0.80669 0.22832 0.63895 0.91734 0.11784 0.79439 0.87159 0.51354 0.51966 0.88956 0.52682 0.53733 0.99974 0.35544 0.42055 0.98618 0.43019 0.23736 0.93834 0.57803 0.13938 0.68248 0.82072 0.13036 0.37308 0.76697 0.74858 0.54489 0.58363 0.5815 0.90099 0.83991 0.00437 0.72379 0.30167 0.75841 0.004 0.60305 0.29948 0.59467 0.70788 0.67308 0.18023 0.47842 0.9488 0.0126 0.6853 0.45679 0.36339 0.71753 0.42419 0.11115 0.72532 0.10323 0.51658 0.59796 0.35237 0.91543 0.02207 0.45477 0.30799 0.8147 0.03188 0.45759 0.50581 0.80632 0.42291 0.19563 0.60404 0.2852 0.34846 0.90134 0.50972 0.91153 0.11557 0.98433 0.0805 0.29426 0.23363 0.42034 0.10877 0.72788 0.95369 0.7292 0.19571 0.40555 0.50841 0.73493 0.00931 0.79206 0.59829 0.66811 0.637 0.1792 0.72034 0.36405 0.58019 0.33157 0.85162 0.67886 0.13478 0.26943 0.39297 0.18792 0.25132 0.66097 0.08576 0.46185 0.91095 0.2627 0.2125 0.75189 0.64334 0.35624 0.97333 0.16224 0.17675 0.51349 0.77078 0.31804 0.41379 0.22178 0.75322 0.62708 0.63949 0.22082 0.11117 0.4538 0.52411 0.38433 0.94508 0.25985 0.53129 0.00773 0.07584 0.08239 0.10573 0.79019 0.93595 0.08554 0.06636 0.24145 0.12793 0.97351 0.16322 0.1551 0.254 0.10278 0.63156 0.07675 0.14685 0.45982 0.31534 0.99357 0.95645 0.03908 0.87001 0.21218 0.91913 0.40094 0.40922 0.38679 0.55515 0.14294 0.37388 0.91989 0.52562 0.71616 0.03727 0.27497 0.44669 0.12804 0.04731 0.94181 0.14217 0.92346 0.03042 0.89637 0.80393 0.76551 0.18481 0.90219 0.90819 0.04344 0.12091 0.82136 0.53821 0.77258 0.32811 0.9476 0.7592 0.22087 0.14712 0.94367 0.18411 0.45444 0.10815 0.98913 0.01227 0.25767 0.34229 0.5833 0.70461 0.76941 0.05937 0.36311 0.80217 0.34471 0.98151 0.87484 0.44479 0.1522 0.68388 0.39327 0.06621 0.59754 0.48698 0.5188 0.85298 0.94227 0.65751 0.40176 0.4135 0.59964 0.8958 0.60079 0.19992 0.23658 0.51108 0.33893 0.49403 0.44604 0.18533 0.63882 0.60224 0.24791 0.96536 0.7802 0.16053 0.50648 0.58059 0.36102 0.7474 0.65226 0.57364 0.86729 0.59541 0.88503 0.84654 0.60088 0.42216 0.17117 0.66921 0.99697 0.78793 0.97067 0.09975 0.30601 0.89547 0.06524 0.09815 0.04445 0.07928 0.24139 0.67989 0.82296 0.70658 0.02975 0.12318 0.60766 0.55159 0.73483 0.53723 0.40906 0.2392 0.57575 0.53562 0.56139 0.07419 0.30136 0.37068 0.74011 0.48298 0.73034 0.31771 0.21985 0.82049 0.07131 0.49194 0.38276 0.91918 0.21927 0.65752 0.20115 0.17009 0.3157 0.36199 0.16595 0.60717 0.44593 0.96854 0.13212 0.86485 0.95393 0.22866 0.02876 0.36807 0.10222 0.90679 0.23769 0.32188 0.27208 0.39712 0.21581 0.71988 0.14324 0.46279 0.34098 0.882 0.32204 0.11972 0.66837 0.85337 0.41069 0.69107 0.20864 0.1365 0.93808 0.69844 0.01637 0.81462 0.99149 0.17106 0.49571 0.73789 0.83859 0.78879 0.00051 0.93024 0.74748 0.30846 0.35726 0.99306 0.26748 0.3571 0.28926 0.51495 0.47923 0.04534 0.0118 0.02677 0.03425 0.75211 0.29489 0.88261 0.43498 0.08742 0.26913 0.43044 0.53629 0.01073 0.52053 0.54559 0.29661 0.91215 0.10749 0.13576 0.55847 0.2417 0.19581 0.96082 0.63096 0.95142 0.18323 0.38033 0.00046 0.41027 0.76455 0.98265 0.04856 0.10904 0.62693 0.38746 0.31842 0.08477 0.10732 0.04647 0.75597 0.80662 0.84051 0.51821 0.82071 0.19532 0.3175 0.40376 0.0973 0.14537 0.26773 0.66031 0.05612 0.57448 0.78435 0.05186 0.40113 0.28052 0.68148 0.03359 0.48921 0.53004 0.71663 0.65464 0.54644 0.68817 0.61408 0.2492 0.90902 0.06509 0.33259 0.63257 0.95084 0.99311 0.20073 0.88315 0.07072 0.49796 0.64548 0.47971 0.36985 0.69649 0.16058 0.65553 0.81646 0.77874 0.05015 0.13625 0.80629 0.35887 0.69971 0.67919 0.22176 0.52102 0.52256 0.37236
+0.46371 0.39665 0.8476 0.1653 0.09396 0.49767 0.05884 0.51267 0.24829 0.64112 0.46283 0.19508 0.22043 0.62849 0.22775 0.75906 0.42843 0.04851 0.58553 0.3308 0.89459 0.16787 0.88217 0.55538 0.66046 0.40529 0.36776 0.22722 0.52581 0.04601 0.22639 0.24911 0.20078 0.07378 0.78555 0.07242 0.06771 0.2697 0.63372 0.83632 0.22681 0.92876 0.97765 0.81696 0.78323 0.94664 0.46057 0.26288 0.53474 0.54553 0.66832 0.96278 0.05413 0.88115 0.40928 0.96223 0.84455 0.03519 0.36672 0.73149 0.00928 0.47274 0.94616 0.60043 0.73355 0.25333 0.38347 0.9865 0.18725 0.66652 0.093 0.90478 0.22784 0.99096 0.39156 0.06922 0.6266 0.12017 0.15535 0.20417 0.57477 0.90557 0.3882 0.852 0.43365 0.87049 0.86661 0.36575 0.0372 0.18003 0.47695 0.46915 0.56006 0.84978 0.72694 0.16832 0.55013 0.2012 0.85687 0.3483 0.4481 0.37929 0.40282 0.62245 0.0855 0.66409 0.97438 0.90086 0.54801 0.82395 0.76615 0.44277 0.63386 0.10227 0.49714 0.44006 0.00806 0.36085 0.78658 0.62942 0.56982 0.23881 0.37733 0.4693 0.10855 0.70097 0.83614 0.77032 0.84053 0.01696 0.35419 0.80182 0.3286 0.74825 0.27294 0.57885 0.82058 0.3047 0.28691 0.12536 0.37298 0.001 0.62272 0.11038 0.4338 0.0342 0.09185 0.54229 0.16369 0.60354 0.14158 0.29632 0.37733 0.07831 0.28454 0.98568 0.56826 0.47705 0.07746 0.59204 0.7264 0.69282 0.58468 0.83674 0.93584 0.50614 0.95057 0.90858 0.547 0.61686 0.31279 0.34923 0.2351 0.43047 0.35162 0.13746 0.13653 0.4343 0.28098 0.21911 0.36685 0.27139 0.57581 0.91212 0.53337 0.28341 0.46238 0.13312 0.54806 0.94165 0.46491 0.69006 0.82043 0.33039 0.01727 0.90306 0.37573 0.45785 0.14077 0.79736 0.28974 0.16216 0.66074 0.72624 0.34759 0.99986 0.66107 0.65629 0.89664 0.25133 0.69299 0.39004 0.62911 0.33591 0.0203 0.35817 0.30536 0.43144 0.97393 0.0622 0.60158 0.31039 0.29706 0.96606 0.57403 0.61762 0.43325 0.25837 0.00591 0.27772 0.41409 0.90371 0.28302 0.25845 0.76745 0.58783 0.05056 0.69303 0.98941 0.09607 0.3394 0.15625 0.106 0.29814 0.2163 0.41355 0.23849 0.32105 0.75393 0.13111 0.03135 0.28429 0.63102 0.31503 0.30682 0.37564 0.06339 0.41792 0.33226 0.15182 0.4065 0.56204 0.7088 0.43949 0.21473 0.91878 0.87741 0.59119 0.18799 0.89103 0.97053 0.27444 0.7058 0.26595 0.36729 0.89726 0.31079 0.91541 0.01845 0.33864 0.35922 0.71573 0.4621 0.0302 0.61884 0.24651 0.40632 0.15367 0.35394 0.90015 0.18528 0.38955 0.18504 0.72927 0.8977 0.32823 0.76049 0.26771 0.26548 0.93908 0.51097 0.4514 0.8629 0.43668 0.11562 0.65459 0.67462 0.42795 0.90621 0.0784 0.74073 0.83294 0.78395 0.29094 0.5814 0.72679 0.42285 0.79481 0.56926 0.60509 0.65789 0.45356 0.54103 0.52532 0.51889 0.47922 0.72716 0.92634 0.65062 0.80533 0.51551 0.91409 0.35499 0.99666 0.3447 0.97757 0.97652 0.94186 0.31951 0.18524 0.39313 0.31134 0.41781 0.85343 0.13463 0.16956 0.32194 0.44588 0.53823 0.11003 0.9355 0.98279 0.27762 0.54212 0.35936 0.19313 0.54253 0.78834 0.72875 0.62673 0.36651 0.06242 0.70339 0.04299 0.01503 0.52691 0.25626 0.20919 0.65452 0.50805 0.67237 0.78411 0.86716 0.87721 0.6793 0.08058 0.59433 0.82334 0.76633 0.19922 0.93482 0.23421 0.96925 0.73943 0.29415 0.93945 0.52908 0.39162 0.74105 0.09148 0.68063 0.5141 0.77803 0.74607 0.03504 0.39497 0.62437 0.55617 0.48704 0.14463 0.13521 0.6353 0.30212 0.43215 0.20171 0.68493 0.67583 0.64474 0.57127 0.93017 0.90042 0.76632 0.56184 0.29771 0.17835 0.51761 0.98084 0.79957 0.65464 0.39466 0.26013 0.1565 0.83186 0.89998 0.84436 0.94356 0.62663 0.04343 0.2771 0.22611 0.33796 0.89155 0.89003 0.24421 0.01646 0.33426 0.50622 0.88741 0.56463 0.36891 0.00583 0.75876 0.83462 0.42126 0.9157 0.47979 0.06757 0.93619 0.51416 0.26502 0.28095 0.37653 0.2875 0.66308 0.39297 0.45921 0.5702 0.58091 0.01064 0.50013 0.92084 0.21779 0.66837 0.76805 0.45329 0.77055 0.23074 0.82005 0.89852 0.06226 0.44229 0.49105 0.92244 0.53162 0.58367 0.14225 0.05538 0.51633 0.34308 0.12535 0.36831 0.26469 0.30271 0.03687 0.29853 0.77699 0.48299 0.49104 0.74097 0.43059 0.19826 0.25581 0.67237 0.94107 0.22981 0.49156 0.93586 0.75844 0.8412 0.23383 0.69274 0.118 0.97217 0.0564 0.02724 0.82047 0.02501 0.29456 0.0085 0.60673 0.36965 0.95662
+0.49619 0.97897 0.73023 0.33601 0.89152 0.41367 0.78084 0.50827 0.25657 0.75169 0.90183 0.73437 0.92575 0.4399 0.91433 0.31208 0.48529 0.74093 0.1047 0.43968 0.32322 0.76228 0.30105 0.64668 0.99083 0.80532 0.8709 0.04678 0.77355 0.08082 0.639 0.2604 0.93847 0.58245 0.27461 0.96767 0.37857 0.74057 0.22148 0.62488 0.50841 0.9789 0.82094 0.45708 0.54132 0.0864 0.13011 0.91475 0.95591 0.14733 0.83356 0.99299 0.31825 0.73046 0.60619 0.24015 0.97892 0.92412 0.44946 0.24171 0.89994 0.90495 0.83872 0.12259 0.53846 0.68911 0.27473 0.07511 0.11195 0.69404 0.7143 0.39966 0.08655 0.3099 0.0339 0.03978 0.25606 0.51423 0.05408 0.20651 0.25427 0.52381 0.15922 0.13944 0.54432 0.10567 0.54951 0.67049 0.599 0.90766 0.50042 0.16459 0.60325 0.63706 0.10586 0.90963 0.7414 0.78409 0.14417 0.78927 0.19997 0.92843 0.53916 0.80664 0.70628 0.64342 0.1595 0.94423 0.71006 0.20616 0.79802 0.33134 0.42034 0.11626 0.31771 0.95975 0.14888 0.51909 0.42778 0.05863 0.92241 0.32675 0.77136 0.2918 0.13599 0.53864 0.775 0.35126 0.01181 0.34429 0.42041 0.14489 0.71884 0.13107 0.63542 0.8882 0.83913 0.13992 0.27477 0.82839 0.24344 0.97772 0.74627 0.90342 0.7476 0.57879 0.34324 0.82112 0.22758 0.25603 0.38019 0.8952 0.44573 0.58837 0.32485 0.08928 0.47635 0.22578 0.05844 0.68577 0.60595 0.90676 0.91043 0.0551 0.97057 0.8968 0.1578 0.26085 0.11704 0.21874 0.53134 0.51651 0.00592 0.76667 0.11111 0.01058 0.41211 0.05912 0.65757 0.90739 0.59819 0.20954 0.46271 0.50339 0.54457 0.54773 0.59843 0.07933 0.22928 0.53139 0.40314 0.61526 0.38323 0.28594 0.4492 0.98562 0.39769 0.18066 0.98874 0.46811 0.29549 0.01477 0.3443 0.15092 0.39509 0.11133 0.98729 0.36593 0.48648 0.83942 0.73677 0.06329 0.75279 0.31512 0.45573 0.27342 0.76312 0.73514 0.55146 0.73146 0.93693 0.57039 0.87649 0.75237 0.47397 0.50058 0.88278 0.21569 0.9606 0.35037 0.84728 0.82452 0.2977 0.91653 0.50504 0.95466 0.16749 0.83872 0.58806 0.70726 0.46995 0.94973 0.0649 0.1688 0.99511 0.67404 0.22792 0.49972 0.41349 0.78405 0.94669 0.76903 0.41268 0.95126 0.72537 0.31113 0.47627 0.02034 0.75451 0.4154 0.55243 0.31023 0.3712 0.0824 0.2614 0.33842 0.17831 0.74934 0.0057 0.38742 0.69099 0.79319 0.00852 0.11897 0.55094 0.94537 0.15744 0.34064 0.00468 0.43788 0.32584 0.34351 0.95186 0.13215 0.57359 0.52688 0.69744 0.54021 0.80376 0.41909 0.84301 0.40855 0.71049 0.05041 0.5316 0.84205 0.12559 0.07442 0.17211 0.50354 0.10607 0.16782 0.45674 0.00561 0.05515 0.25452 0.13249 0.65434 0.59804 0.252 0.23538 0.44937 0.9139 0.96488 0.07933 0.91649 0.05097 0.7967 0.92425 0.6132 0.34367 0.44124 0.19669 0.16196 0.63395 0.98371 0.53965 0.95015 0.79721 0.79482 0.63873 0.92126 0.10169 0.1601 0.29229 0.57142 0.35672 0.94388 0.28181 0.99294 0.61538 0.62648 0.29474 0.67541 0.26093 0.75915 0.87209 0.79705 0.32058 0.69944 0.85881 0.44214 0.70324 0.55984 0.91666 0.89342 0.47392 0.60668 0.43558 0.15456 0.76498 0.20775 0.70134 0.80254 0.62674 0.6031 0.98319 0.97843 0.37621 0.89043 0.98789 0.79785 0.44442 0.73726 0.99831 0.7755 0.5539 0.89943 0.23577 0.84147 0.59414 0.46816 0.24667 0.19559 0.72526 0.95136 0.33744 0.97049 0.32443 0.38496 0.24158 0.65962 0.01761 0.07338 0.66534 0.26326 0.69739 0.0177 0.81038 0.59194 0.34439 0.10761 0.10672 0.86046 0.87524 0.99123 0.29885 0.32462 0.89087 0.47135 0.39621 0.67786 0.71075 0.43193 0.25714 0.65654 0.18193 0.50609 0.62436 0.92186 0.37253 0.27367 0.73721 0.31086 0.9735 0.47059 0.40541 0.45678 0.39086 0.92929 0.68153 0.10603 0.66191 0.85205 0.43361 0.51991 0.75338 0.49438 0.01484 0.33897 0.16209 0.91577 0.73092 0.19524 0.37769 0.36968 0.37893 0.73553 0.56173 0.3671 0.73073 0.87065 0.67123 0.65706 0.2186 0.23983 0.39878 0.53148 0.6122 0.62802 0.87274 0.99581 0.94172 0.92158 0.98553 0.30175 0.33245 0.84222 0.0413 0.43544 0.94421 0.16539 0.3082 0.1237 0.91762 0.01224 0.58514 0.31536 0.58607 0.37295 0.07181 0.69472 0.20879 0.39099 0.68696 0.53025 0.22458 0.03323 0.53872 0.63021 0.35631 0.85169 0.21329 0.12283 0.34717 0.70631 0.18883 0.28211 0.24439 0.62643 0.17657 0.96147 0.53266 0.94118 0.25636 0.33541 0.88645 0.33606 0.27666 0.72482 0.97159 0.98134
+0.03672 0.29228 0.34141 0.49608 0.65906 0.19626 0.24324 0.92723 0.3125 0.47967 0.51051 0.14522 0.13683 0.72021 0.03939 0.34191 0.87001 0.94767 0.65969 0.03307 0.4515 0.50705 0.84323 0.52942 0.08773 0.35379 0.69057 0.58179 0.57498 0.32586 0.87966 0.28396 0.76608 0.87564 0.16094 0.78913 0.75499 0.39204 0.50118 0.41739 0.83448 0.41752 0.33795 0.7228 0.71465 0.29443 0.23002 0.51407 0.68917 0.00742 0.20841 0.12396 0.46337 0.69151 0.07903 0.20094 0.3627 0.20176 0.7969 0.53772 0.56413 0.14223 0.31912 0.55652 0.74449 0.87915 0.85305 0.63996 0.62348 0.25496 0.22995 0.88063 0.84383 0.95441 0.35733 0.1394 0.03855 0.45773 0.19228 0.68895 0.7508 0.89757 0.62508 0.366 0.47667 0.75802 0.6376 0.08882 0.70979 0.00904 0.16601 0.03156 0.47338 0.09572 0.78685 0.1046 0.80533 0.68225 0.51925 0.09414 0.2957 0.97728 0.27558 0.50406 0.13447 0.11939 0.86811 0.24249 0.88988 0.23288 0.53527 0.90424 0.2336 0.88706 0.8186 0.78693 0.25119 0.59087 0.53732 0.62551 0.60034 0.81052 0.26918 0.05581 0.25932 0.28321 0.34319 0.65342 0.92941 0.66611 0.33866 0.33851 0.45189 0.905 0.82359 0.48391 0.22592 0.85931 0.72979 0.58987 0.98663 0.2487 4e-05 0.73109 0.18981 0.72309 0.86257 0.51788 0.75812 0.27447 0.13704 0.58197 0.51819 0.54086 0.57461 0.80401 0.23904 0.0257 0.05077 0.32873 0.34247 0.53891 0.23761 0.80524 0.96895 0.34233 0.97544 0.64142 0.27275 0.14801 0.23968 0.60425 0.53255 0.74363 0.01683 0.69234 0.05808 0.0736 0.7932 0.7434 0.56435 0.22996 0.03986 0.57721 0.66679 0.68714 0.3996 0.92204 0.40231 0.23103 0.54014 0.87441 0.42354 0.44027 0.30083 0.69095 0.99807 0.40521 0.592 0.65708 0.39126 0.69844 0.67417 0.70048 0.07586 0.19651 0.09292 0.5192 0.66938 0.08643 0.55274 0.74788 0.14385 0.76339 0.30573 0.70455 0.94317 0.91318 0.0934 0.99086 0.94597 0.33561 0.71778 0.13304 0.18414 0.12697 0.02669 0.81355 0.56566 0.98636 0.05308 0.36329 0.87933 0.1584 0.85497 0.01542 0.93886 0.46428 0.97055 0.4557 0.00115 0.59356 0.99125 0.2153 0.07982 0.20862 0.96858 0.3948 0.83055 0.89792 0.22839 0.92907 0.53917 0.41089 0.7137 0.29784 0.9 0.38368 0.8578 0.05857 0.7058 0.74284 0.76037 0.26109 0.52182 0.91147 0.19848 0.45935 0.06545 0.78744 0.38775 0.2049 0.02627 0.21295 0.51636 0.45045 0.19233 0.41191 0.00939 0.16653 0.13747 0.63457 0.02973 0.18487 0.12567 0.9555 0.68704 0.56479 0.06553 0.02257 0.44417 0.35057 0.63445 0.74635 0.53119 0.27066 0.82818 0.26763 0.83436 0.55215 0.01509 0.81825 0.12939 0.61671 0.71507 0.23875 0.58174 0.78986 0.62626 0.42589 0.43374 0.68787 0.26668 0.98784 0.62246 0.55215 0.63355 0.8018 0.38246 0.05654 0.52613 0.7197 0.57548 0.3512 0.02391 0.05588 0.19254 0.77699 0.24343 0.35936 0.05179 0.26052 0.4829 0.64644 0.44644 0.12869 0.55549 0.29142 0.5796 0.30066 0.41847 0.79634 0.79635 0.99005 0.19329 0.46677 0.63554 0.18769 0.07865 0.22584 0.81402 0.1675 0.02737 0.31862 0.80037 0.60918 0.31199 0.38878 0.14792 0.1303 0.81268 0.52443 0.4221 0.07892 0.82743 0.97083 0.54826 0.46871 0.96266 0.93 0.07824 0.37917 0.38989 0.34858 0.8106 0.29994 0.15499 0.47633 0.00896 0.50203 0.85158 0.45947 0.4925 0.63919 0.45603 0.99744 0.22862 0.36775 0.56646 0.75217 0.41645 0.93842 0.08707 0.66116 0.7347 0.44025 0.38924 0.58343 0.39758 0.27608 0.66309 0.08465 0.27319 0.82357 0.15987 0.47718 0.52241 0.85281 0.4331 0.57998 0.74066 0.20477 0.1801 0.84571 0.14644 0.24763 0.42547 0.12506 0.13313 0.86774 0.18529 0.75305 0.71337 0.8012 0.61522 0.62148 0.60841 0.51322 0.02401 0.59963 0.04841 0.41194 0.39286 0.80831 0.10415 0.26983 0.67348 0.85062 0.30241 0.11966 0.312 0.83116 0.07734 0.1274 0.94343 0.98281 0.75769 0.03038 0.9585 0.62662 0.56961 0.55037 0.03579 0.95439 0.51216 0.23666 0.11788 0.1761 0.55962 0.43782 0.429 0.96901 0.19295 0.04378 0.27031 0.12023 0.4714 0.80957 0.2597 0.4213 0.03945 0.52807 0.48248 0.48273 0.02325 0.4382 0.11728 0.08229 0.80083 0.37699 0.09702 0.54488 0.61219 0.86726 0.10831 0.11108 0.83852 0.24887 0.75892 0.44237 0.2778 0.30722 0.46763 0.59737 0.40003 0.71421 0.47477 0.97303 0.37605 0.54358 0.11878 0.56195 0.14027 0.43655 0.46261 0.60505 0.05228 0.14326 0.8635 0.24035 0.7412 0.14668
+0.97973 0.11352 0.65176 0.89939 0.28677 0.32938 0.69548 0.00865 0.84538 0.37892 0.44853 0.40841 0.78768 0.62266 0.57275 0.55655 0.10847 0.11929 0.21102 0.36714 0.8751 0.79319 0.621 0.93538 0.43854 0.30699 0.20872 0.60451 0.80265 0.09825 0.342 0.68697 0.41524 0.9022 0.21456 0.07023 0.57664 0.43185 0.42095 0.77254 0.75686 0.44959 0.49875 0.23352 0.62003 0.48919 0.54866 0.76819 0.8639 0.23244 0.40169 0.21857 0.01416 0.98099 0.25917 0.77756 0.55314 0.43252 0.84119 0.54068 0.4465 0.34844 0.64941 0.4743 0.14558 0.87717 0.71576 0.68633 0.1614 0.58023 0.13721 0.67766 0.3877 0.15299 0.26739 0.40897 0.83268 0.26932 0.73801 0.10314 0.78415 0.62276 0.9474 0.55018 0.31226 0.83247 0.60705 0.467 0.80102 0.5732 0.38182 0.15733 0.69985 0.07544 0.60911 0.74409 0.33758 0.58428 0.10941 0.37654 0.23206 0.29998 0.29438 0.30014 0.64427 0.23202 0.4288 0.0615 0.56047 0.58671 0.74146 0.92089 0.52225 0.72351 0.94757 0.51075 0.61632 0.07798 0.64371 0.29308 0.06841 0.2074 0.24469 0.06625 0.0714 0.66334 0.02905 0.436 0.48877 0.92135 0.9094 0.46506 0.55008 0.99318 0.98689 0.83083 0.41256 0.76627 0.62714 0.8381 0.78095 0.02659 0.81501 0.68403 0.97454 0.20419 0.85106 0.93527 0.17561 0.65879 0.58226 0.47822 0.48525 0.71819 0.43447 0.64841 0.2115 0.05431 0.70195 0.33133 0.04776 0.25696 0.47248 0.49752 0.95394 0.59254 0.77551 0.37837 0.10586 0.37178 0.72308 0.41374 0.78972 0.46852 0.52782 0.34525 0.53963 0.07148 0.60159 0.77376 0.53012 0.53793 0.24786 0.0396 0.98108 0.63096 0.43886 0.47473 0.77927 0.66288 0.12419 0.40738 0.20122 0.24557 0.05497 0.91365 0.56904 0.91283 0.57953 0.88991 0.83147 0.94955 0.00211 0.8812 0.17725 0.40036 0.80729 0.92204 0.59288 0.934 0.96759 0.05817 0.53182 0.61552 0.80296 0.8558 0.93648 0.5623 0.1756 0.26261 0.5569 0.75616 0.15635 0.29774 0.35825 0.38917 0.84003 0.53971 0.44037 0.0382 0.12011 0.71667 0.3129 0.97975 0.49721 0.63085 0.45968 0.22085 0.24359 0.27652 0.74605 0.51261 0.36699 0.2164 0.62089 0.29781 0.22999 0.39158 0.26947 0.45346 0.51134 0.48096 0.21679 0.97558 0.70812 0.207 0.59703 0.73386 0.26486 0.6228 0.24269 0.71315 0.49419 0.7107 0.57269 0.88075 0.58413 0.12534 0.45487 0.57792 0.47126 0.37512 0.01195 0.79853 0.04815 0.43681 0.97756 0.6687 0.28162 0.46168 0.42995 0.7947 0.15103 0.88684 0.71978 0.42649 0.28045 0.36905 0.93903 0.80289 0.96099 0.41092 0.34828 0.08523 0.48267 0.70296 0.50381 0.60839 0.27284 0.42549 0.25073 0.84767 0.57924 0.68934 0.20906 0.85275 0.14125 0.18237 0.83756 0.881 0.95782 0.61382 0.47741 0.72016 0.43038 0.69524 0.51724 0.94817 0.76742 0.08102 0.45465 0.5937 0.35561 0.90518 0.90313 0.04608 0.34623 0.35297 0.95904 0.36564 0.87181 0.54493 0.40568 0.68248 0.62838 0.63114 0.60936 0.57336 0.39996 0.74758 0.16316 0.71021 0.60286 0.58753 0.6364 0.59328 0.10711 0.91955 0.30944 0.72489 0.29629 0.52319 0.21903 0.13364 0.08054 0.73477 0.29836 0.99354 0.77382 0.23711 0.60093 0.38729 0.63546 0.58957 0.53819 0.3207 0.16724 0.41515 0.92547 0.52267 0.00066 0.97334 0.95203 0.2952 0.3979 0.96956 0.68359 0.97516 0.01429 0.62241 0.65276 0.27957 0.89901 0.88826 0.43737 0.99282 0.71354 0.94759 0.88897 0.63644 0.31373 0.00245 0.68858 0.06414 0.57817 0.86819 0.78611 0.38701 0.05 0.70493 0.19412 0.92715 0.32067 0.66582 0.95747 0.03928 0.50967 0.88768 0.1615 0.24505 0.05535 0.85651 0.9006 0.44005 0.21577 0.52108 0.04705 0.7753 0.78859 0.27125 0.75773 0.53114 0.72641 0.41209 0.193 0.80085 0.64255 0.56707 0.41526 0.12468 0.05195 0.55041 0.19896 0.1003 0.78177 0.98033 0.69874 0.40448 0.89674 0.98124 0.47506 0.99383 0.96851 0.12975 0.0131 0.13809 0.53259 0.5769 0.19431 0.65687 0.75507 0.07067 0.73567 0.32192 0.19503 0.28317 0.05758 0.14528 0.84499 0.95207 0.59819 0.83339 0.55106 0.03415 0.94282 0.67813 0.66011 0.75686 0.3313 0.64884 0.25129 0.53899 0.34296 0.55502 0.00663 0.97573 0.81795 0.72408 0.45273 0.45073 0.84786 0.99392 0.51386 0.00775 0.71797 0.30364 0.35113 0.18387 0.64162 0.60262 0.38227 0.67109 0.66251 0.73587 0.71501 0.60041 0.74755 0.54621 0.77513 0.57146 0.19609 0.23107 0.26592 0.86689 0.43625 0.84168 0.56692 0.38812 0.27692 0.25955 0.40479 0.41296
+0.98509 0.83546 0.30158 0.93669 0.67382 0.12139 0.33514 0.14762 0.90476 0.93425 0.42606 0.71016 0.08166 0.01922 0.9316 0.10742 0.8685 0.7763 0.8654 0.55481 0.11937 0.29272 0.92639 0.37142 0.57147 0.91564 0.6541 0.20238 0.02414 0.34304 0.09601 0.50768 0.89453 0.31818 0.11283 0.31679 0.42542 0.25282 0.04161 0.59527 0.77176 0.71466 0.00366 0.02866 0.29737 0.88182 0.18939 0.46054 0.1804 0.94428 0.52336 0.94439 0.20989 0.24688 0.91308 0.89042 0.22209 0.33227 0.6022 0.35409 0.47909 0.26327 0.50369 0.99595 0.51284 0.43847 0.27063 0.10728 0.24262 0.85814 0.63871 0.56371 0.00969 0.54804 0.10748 0.36571 0.72454 0.72456 0.33717 0.34268 0.4346 0.36605 0.83244 0.70308 0.71553 0.91638 0.7987 0.13706 0.1167 0.53959 0.65547 0.01153 0.29742 0.87886 0.1307 0.90199 0.11854 0.37825 0.98619 0.21003 0.35743 0.7537 0.65303 0.99789 0.19923 0.25781 0.78926 0.74498 0.90837 0.98097 0.50561 0.0668 0.50666 0.30073 0.96633 0.41869 0.3538 0.07573 0.79136 0.36594 0.74988 0.31742 0.23376 0.69213 0.21999 0.81156 0.81542 0.2668 0.41003 0.20134 0.78156 0.83655 0.36673 0.26982 0.84295 0.23434 0.44169 0.13422 0.29817 0.36032 0.53634 0.17874 0.04361 0.31233 0.12146 0.0537 0.61439 0.82299 0.49206 0.79231 0.58317 0.23532 0.08925 0.96295 0.0698 0.53748 0.97734 0.22686 0.92101 0.04848 0.06899 0.54008 0.11195 0.82556 0.82429 0.19262 0.34168 0.70621 0.99565 0.36941 0.41969 0.74766 0.93361 0.5175 0.14512 0.63393 0.25886 0.39793 0.08671 0.1999 0.45271 0.35028 0.43933 0.16374 0.37599 0.42537 0.59393 0.72976 0.00215 0.12011 0.04152 0.76389 0.52398 0.77142 0.84795 0.98698 0.07346 0.08753 0.99986 0.19242 0.23913 0.31647 0.3261 0.14101 0.03918 0.40505 0.44212 0.91197 0.25828 0.50686 0.33719 0.16621 0.25307 0.18394 0.25057 0.25657 0.29487 0.46585 0.07908 0.53116 0.40648 0.40218 0.37851 0.06847 0.46639 0.10118 0.70421 0.09629 0.43861 0.21815 0.56074 0.42212 0.75338 0.84964 0.05417 0.00713 0.73474 0.71054 0.80762 0.70697 0.57416 0.78371 0.50467 0.36766 0.68869 0.94296 0.71032 0.69494 0.15692 0.26722 0.97558 0.54736 0.9598 0.83967 0.22813 0.94921 0.60495 0.10384 0.60837 0.48475 0.84941 0.98893 0.17717 0.97251 0.7957 0.61227 0.18482 0.86066 0.08055 0.41875 0.87071 0.05577 0.96189 0.3544 0.96881 0.37711 0.26755 0.5573 0.87266 0.12724 0.62206 0.77973 0.31201 0.09909 0.7486 0.56633 0.18426 0.82252 0.54784 0.51306 0.44407 0.50597 0.73879 0.84634 0.73628 0.90085 0.93902 0.98058 0.74437 0.4579 0.36943 0.42351 0.44907 0.86979 0.6057 0.11889 0.35878 0.29309 0.51459 0.50967 0.34843 0.06043 0.57552 0.50121 0.13836 0.91255 0.13919 0.66344 0.20578 0.42877 0.70182 0.49253 0.54229 0.45187 0.37965 0.06809 0.7071 0.81797 0.58035 0.12979 0.57183 0.02352 0.2778 0.78986 0.71305 0.03925 0.13975 0.84763 0.73051 0.17382 0.62803 0.98956 0.19991 0.52394 0.61108 0.364 0.97344 0.04492 0.93507 0.21884 0.94346 0.27958 0.4062 0.99464 0.17201 0.79873 0.26047 0.13467 0.81123 0.43331 0.44397 0.61375 0.88426 0.00801 0.6973 0.3746 0.07896 0.22464 0.3267 0.35812 0.69342 0.3619 0.31346 0.82438 0.76452 0.01907 0.57118 0.95764 0.40428 0.39074 0.82977 0.74703 0.16858 0.39314 0.56191 0.11776 0.47451 0.07398 0.58813 0.21081 0.2604 0.01415 0.79483 0.17996 0.7837 0.38792 0.12587 0.02202 0.46612 0.98854 0.17147 0.24819 0.47436 0.05415 0.18561 0.37254 0.76981 0.00786 0.14252 0.92482 0.5615 0.99358 0.01216 0.7679 0.95877 0.71219 0.22591 0.54914 0.7783 0.07726 0.77551 0.66553 0.37724 0.64447 0.16719 0.79746 0.3983 0.459 0.87463 0.06067 0.95457 0.68799 0.42442 0.01186 0.88457 0.68491 0.69292 0.83342 0.94607 0.54207 0.95615 0.65768 0.51319 0.72575 0.00387 0.60097 0.78789 0.90924 0.76539 0.55179 0.90273 0.14194 0.22505 0.25593 0.32275 0.07897 0.66723 0.59477 0.74478 0.18329 0.14857 0.43403 0.82891 0.83376 0.94904 0.39689 0.60098 0.73208 0.61504 0.96985 0.48013 0.78081 0.79988 0.98921 0.60595 0.37325 0.59564 0.63077 0.2054 0.8046 0.91573 0.3512 0.02163 0.5179 0.49118 0.21805 0.74043 0.2786 0.34995 0.42672 0.80157 0.82171 0.65287 0.51697 0.39004 0.82926 0.23112 0.75213 0.38058 0.0929 0.17745 0.48596 0.40051 0.04685 0.62733 0.7325 0.81285 0.08259 0.12057 0.97095 0.04855 0.07444
+0.51419 0.22474 0.18969 0.69613 0.48641 0.32081 0.20637 0.9749 0.66794 0.37801 0.75721 0.48103 0.77072 0.67899 0.55284 0.62961 0.66568 0.60452 0.85553 0.68526 0.48592 0.20932 0.38052 0.9232 0.46774 0.46042 0.08159 0.45314 0.96313 0.436 0.51124 0.14783 0.39797 0.73182 0.16308 0.22475 0.48489 0.33976 0.04102 0.13891 0.54639 0.21771 0.8871 0.96324 0.17509 0.93442 0.5178 0.19387 0.1065 0.39709 0.27036 0.97093 0.96212 0.88576 0.12852 0.78092 0.7698 0.22343 0.13277 0.42303 0.38867 0.10039 0.25817 0.89706 0.53887 0.4216 0.03859 0.09492 0.73431 0.56832 0.33748 0.79637 0.47267 0.54599 0.04423 0.99196 0.16217 0.75347 0.50669 0.61698 0.20517 0.89087 0.71228 0.37842 0.88601 0.5202 0.95613 0.78983 0.31544 0.01925 0.65619 0.95514 0.92139 0.4499 0.2406 0.40972 0.40584 0.40225 0.45029 0.01847 0.22106 0.32338 0.47722 0.91137 0.89983 0.25883 0.59278 0.31897 0.39014 0.13193 0.20542 0.96155 0.49115 0.10906 0.72329 0.79536 0.18166 0.0509 0.34629 0.60091 0.99475 0.63544 0.5302 0.18132 0.05235 0.37881 0.93387 0.12123 0.27526 0.82906 0.28722 0.285 0.74309 0.8617 0.93913 0.19831 0.42279 0.89671 0.72888 0.05879 0.46607 0.36084 0.18102 0.85146 0.15312 0.64011 0.53345 0.37664 0.74022 0.83001 0.38923 0.05745 0.23431 0.91417 0.99669 0.04426 0.10272 0.41611 0.16494 0.65812 0.65688 0.22456 0.9474 0.27854 0.15866 0.00979 0.43197 0.78103 0.63968 0.75871 0.8313 0.4562 0.17293 0.32452 0.23911 0.53838 0.70309 0.0568 0.49387 0.43291 0.39096 0.69434 0.39599 0.90101 0.21533 0.67698 0.18949 0.39606 0.73351 0.14082 0.39431 0.70581 0.0927 0.36346 0.83734 0.01476 0.47646 0.87766 0.3549 0.13643 0.09625 0.63883 0.76014 0.65209 0.52779 0.02293 0.91452 0.49306 0.54393 0.9675 0.31057 0.03239 0.0714 0.31913 0.92886 0.13981 0.56767 0.62699 0.34264 0.8311 0.39475 0.32403 0.33111 0.21696 0.159 0.7978 0.36186 0.39574 0.54496 0.40855 0.13462 0.00021 0.31952 0.22101 0.25527 0.15183 0.23328 0.79594 0.21137 0.3206 0.38951 0.89545 0.83652 0.77239 0.96119 0.65615 0.29826 0.37959 0.87289 0.08987 0.17666 0.89451 0.72584 0.93816 0.64607 0.76231 0.96832 0.19941 0.13421 0.68508 0.28898 0.38193 0.07336 0.70294 0.62158 0.3284 0.29032 0.07883 0.60036 0.54777 0.34525 0.43687 0.93945 0.1549 0.647 0.89197 0.45829 0.62578 0.42477 0.2016 0.92415 0.19606 0.55674 0.97744 0.41339 0.34105 0.41968 0.05773 0.73943 0.3697 0.39478 0.324 0.16602 0.87005 0.23762 0.11196 0.0005 0.55957 0.19091 0.17789 0.25732 0.15307 0.20607 0.08444 0.46557 0.24416 0.10321 0.60334 0.33437 0.89993 0.14916 0.92326 0.10838 0.86361 0.7912 0.70965 0.65624 0.65663 0.74575 0.93091 0.77023 0.46053 0.58411 0.61912 0.78661 0.77168 0.66568 0.61954 0.82793 0.23584 0.10705 0.80788 0.09171 0.96878 0.21783 0.69609 0.29821 0.10107 0.37864 0.40884 0.87478 0.76548 0.71121 0.18621 0.95836 0.19971 0.27687 0.05252 0.74565 0.85616 0.70721 0.39832 0.85763 0.71204 0.27328 0.03939 0.70216 0.96166 0.26119 0.11927 0.14281 0.14008 0.99549 0.33041 0.60586 0.07644 0.19504 0.42394 0.8759 0.56692 0.231 0.11925 0.52443 0.21894 0.10079 0.79375 0.93332 0.99027 0.00459 0.79372 0.45855 0.48594 0.20521 0.68696 0.37926 0.10276 0.16129 0.2567 0.2766 0.7386 0.66605 0.25393 0.20283 0.20239 0.79552 0.0948 0.01168 0.566 0.3622 0.52339 0.31969 0.41772 0.22339 0.92431 0.96756 0.7855 0.22239 0.96792 0.78513 0.53037 0.61445 0.56396 0.37141 0.47817 0.98385 0.13037 0.54378 0.39254 0.53677 0.98004 0.72377 0.48976 0.25258 0.41843 0.46914 0.94811 0.78343 0.38334 0.50807 0.89602 0.30279 0.94587 0.77597 0.45372 0.1848 0.82208 0.67021 0.16871 0.25968 0.87486 0.49635 0.25672 0.25168 0.85997 0.58025 0.05072 0.76621 0.95508 0.67241 0.51299 0.73012 0.84976 0.58578 0.05058 0.73025 0.75135 0.58741 0.23139 0.14712 0.53638 0.86301 0.12352 0.45838 0.25183 0.99458 0.48086 0.9413 0.62079 0.59202 0.62518 0.45419 0.0856 0.17192 0.41124 0.59599 0.0029 0.16699 0.18739 0.87285 0.41583 0.15907 0.20498 0.35084 0.27452 0.76433 0.84395 0.96579 0.5026 0.0854 0.37729 0.12203 0.75748 0.40904 0.06017 0.93882 0.25254 0.07087 0.32038 0.40145 0.16192 0.67889 0.11174 0.12673 0.13652 0.15812 0.87332 0.54247 0.40987 0.12782 0.07394 0.97091 0.79173
+0.66268 0.11185 0.82323 0.36698 0.91126 0.86102 0.89977 0.7058 0.92873 0.02855 0.29275 0.19057 0.60052 0.18103 0.92814 0.54724 0.00699 0.85538 0.78014 0.45372 0.20123 0.13253 0.94039 0.31501 0.12491 0.17405 0.38508 0.50105 0.01581 0.51238 0.38503 0.04814 0.97444 0.38493 0.24299 0.11192 0.64427 0.03862 0.95385 0.93266 0.56122 0.76545 0.50382 0.53618 0.26854 0.91166 0.96229 0.21218 0.97582 0.96168 0.25406 0.26747 0.3181 0.15256 0.44519 0.39624 0.5494 0.40898 0.84144 0.14113 0.29474 0.41398 0.51819 0.38153 0.73317 0.36026 0.06457 0.55338 0.52146 0.79239 0.4204 0.44554 0.74862 0.53234 0.2084 0.14312 0.58169 0.97815 0.36535 0.65878 0.00142 0.94391 0.78861 0.11465 0.24031 0.01037 0.77712 0.86845 0.86211 0.82616 0.45712 0.65578 0.63454 0.59375 0.40044 0.79209 0.69907 0.67104 0.13882 0.43191 0.21493 0.73423 0.31974 0.11241 0.44867 0.37081 0.20966 0.09417 0.16416 0.60308 0.52473 0.79122 0.17599 0.26008 0.2663 0.51625 0.11345 0.99236 0.20115 0.49587 0.38601 0.95491 0.97185 0.09337 0.67841 0.6133 0.25545 0.3731 0.64827 0.73425 0.60193 0.46994 0.11996 0.54149 0.24011 0.66255 0.58665 0.36076 0.65072 0.36087 0.03448 0.42348 0.90314 0.65005 0.8062 0.05125 0.91762 0.9353 0.75309 0.73344 0.75147 0.40998 0.418 0.34499 0.26806 0.93473 0.93241 0.79878 0.43539 0.37503 0.42843 0.1108 0.76671 0.09986 0.24976 0.17908 0.78076 0.51843 0.82156 0.33964 0.21499 0.88765 0.84104 0.28444 0.12482 0.82072 0.10069 0.10366 0.34444 0.11779 0.22746 0.74909 0.90313 0.33622 0.96246 0.50294 0.31815 0.84184 0.15224 0.02299 0.80728 0.86282 0.75232 0.63848 0.15832 0.82014 0.97169 0.76687 0.93903 0.58498 0.65732 0.4385 0.38455 0.38968 0.68436 0.56771 0.94857 0.3945 0.48433 0.57342 0.67226 0.57452 0.52944 0.52125 0.81526 0.80219 0.04332 0.92687 0.32411 0.59572 0.63475 0.35403 0.37492 0.14411 0.2183 0.35448 0.46715 0.52546 0.79952 0.13263 0.84141 0.36808 0.64653 0.3043 0.37176 0.22335 0.73842 0.26608 0.33799 0.31956 0.9664 0.03355 0.75359 0.1007 0.47165 0.3616 0.31666 0.76882 0.704 0.03152 0.20768 0.06067 0.24426 0.4955 0.23377 0.07515 0.84258 0.64638 0.1317 0.61789 0.26077 0.01053 0.58446 0.94073 0.76825 0.60597 0.65325 0.32518 0.72536 0.30354 0.5162 0.35774 0.98191 0.90592 0.87642 0.14559 0.04693 0.0716 0.45689 0.03522 0.24741 0.21122 0.47928 0.54634 0.90706 0.22914 0.08847 0.1715 0.77853 0.02146 0.21269 0.70933 0.09316 0.45879 0.92367 0.03507 0.76056 0.81443 0.74089 0.79227 0.65436 0.69601 0.81223 0.41242 0.28971 0.36233 0.87583 0.61764 0.59964 0.29493 0.84574 0.72513 0.75807 0.27922 0.83335 0.54136 0.95637 0.29165 0.0319 0.86348 0.78743 0.85295 0.62013 0.62369 0.24487 0.48505 0.29646 0.14326 0.75709 0.36241 0.88224 0.94396 0.84173 0.15669 0.02972 0.18012 0.07898 0.37168 0.5064 0.26597 0.80799 0.77488 0.71299 0.22518 0.46059 0.2128 0.33327 0.14035 0.40123 0.82279 0.83742 0.53739 0.43643 0.85445 0.98147 0.6286 0.81583 0.33514 0.95187 0.58421 0.25163 0.64344 0.31778 0.93935 0.67142 0.97656 0.50035 0.72287 0.2014 0.52019 0.86195 0.17646 0.6783 0.24138 0.34649 0.08168 0.90088 0.00884 0.57734 0.18127 0.16388 0.64729 0.29769 0.22123 0.71867 0.90522 0.78961 0.00851 0.4038 0.38224 0.31421 0.54513 0.08282 0.67254 0.63933 0.5889 0.91521 0.14588 0.67833 0.90223 0.07139 0.64976 0.5314 0.47934 0.30081 0.16644 0.92392 0.23476 0.01499 0.81452 0.27979 0.97535 0.85125 0.14914 0.14067 0.89906 0.03769 0.21672 0.17455 0.71609 0.79822 0.08497 0.95327 0.81341 0.59669 0.67626 0.82129 0.88477 0.7312 0.60137 0.64789 0.06053 0.23721 0.12688 0.35359 0.42419 0.81264 0.27178 0.49238 0.66637 0.32184 0.26358 0.93681 0.52204 0.86322 0.62382 0.05304 0.14983 0.49078 0.24225 0.2771 0.83603 0.08666 0.62656 0.60452 0.45411 0.95561 0.50752 0.19845 0.67499 0.9839 0.89329 0.30939 0.49904 0.77171 0.99259 0.13726 0.1484 0.87838 0.19796 0.76849 0.97331 0.37264 0.2058 0.88324 0.43089 0.4251 0.34539 0.21015 0.29626 0.93746 0.90225 0.31586 0.42407 0.46698 0.26611 0.57957 0.27666 0.5619 0.80139 0.13711 0.92925 0.90503 0.84181 0.88285 0.21772 0.55348 0.16184 0.70575 0.43046 0.93115 0.06452 0.21354 0.54587 0.98367 0.69514 0.82751 0.50059 0.13032 0.84336 0.729 0.70466
+0.20367 0.83007 0.60481 0.46929 0.61091 0.81851 0.28898 0.44467 0.29798 0.69689 0.72304 0.9991 0.06517 0.47393 0.09179 0.73042 0.71616 0.55341 0.78971 0.55799 0.44635 0.00531 0.05639 0.00205 0.52359 0.16949 0.0704 0.08871 0.01437 0.25039 0.19471 0.02959 0.62202 0.21999 0.48501 0.60847 0.71531 0.19624 0.41036 0.51579 0.04465 0.0126 0.89814 0.46561 0.69669 0.2369 0.92493 0.46095 0.7821 0.60636 0.46963 0.15359 0.52615 0.90674 0.08288 0.81309 0.17714 0.90081 0.77329 0.7619 0.34593 0.24401 0.24203 0.87141 0.6814 0.85175 0.87058 0.53896 0.70147 0.30416 0.74259 0.90356 0.4244 0.98707 0.69486 0.4967 0.37089 0.98342 0.40152 0.36125 0.11432 0.52418 0.21077 0.1566 0.81602 0.76272 0.43224 0.89579 0.18959 0.79085 0.90482 0.85981 0.65599 0.40645 0.19269 0.77166 0.58425 0.99869 0.9956 0.80263 0.66034 0.79865 0.24231 0.48576 0.87783 0.29151 0.3109 0.5656 0.60947 0.00682 0.07334 0.23528 0.9536 0.3575 0.7122 0.77925 0.47367 0.93548 0.30958 0.46832 0.31142 0.3226 0.48597 0.64251 0.54103 0.19265 0.09146 0.33739 0.91101 0.45423 0.79075 0.94994 0.95821 0.79578 0.47957 0.29385 0.40976 0.8368 0.34365 0.80439 0.88301 0.51431 0.67329 0.78453 0.07754 0.49936 0.67817 0.38697 0.12079 0.09045 0.42735 0.40297 0.78908 0.01395 0.42762 0.77361 0.21844 0.87933 0.91075 0.78721 0.9908 0.91696 0.63018 0.13317 0.82235 0.84694 0.10713 0.17655 0.31622 0.13379 0.41268 0.76196 0.87166 0.16537 0.31848 0.15349 0.68502 0.73337 0.84915 0.55256 0.9198 0.68625 0.05218 0.19149 0.64081 0.48431 0.88253 0.52143 0.03868 0.80924 0.47735 0.52854 0.27266 0.56663 0.41629 0.8992 0.63421 0.28974 0.51215 0.24587 0.24582 0.34901 0.85588 0.48999 0.68272 0.55787 0.02623 0.90684 0.75971 0.54113 0.37491 0.5819 0.77795 0.66935 0.83607 0.35296 0.13391 0.80182 0.90593 0.48053 0.30881 0.19279 0.18497 0.15142 0.0016 0.97296 0.2091 0.80172 0.79729 0.83388 0.00754 0.33157 0.40424 0.19224 0.68469 0.3699 0.63688 0.81558 0.0696 0.16185 0.0401 0.64012 0.73486 0.0268 0.53281 0.7464 0.53874 0.79178 0.22269 0.09956 0.98723 0.86176 0.36456 0.22627 0.23903 0.62808 0.4036 0.82038 0.16643 0.89275 0.28374 0.66227 0.53805 0.37049 0.59275 0.16314 0.6861 0.68205 0.46809 0.60999 0.54087 0.22835 0.7935 0.08625 0.45217 0.77093 0.07496 0.30936 0.15936 0.75709 0.27035 0.57151 0.22316 0.76571 0.82797 0.53526 0.76974 0.87597 0.7851 0.55548 0.97309 0.36906 0.04636 0.95539 0.1737 0.63935 0.86763 0.97346 0.43253 0.39944 0.36272 0.65756 0.33975 0.85693 0.79567 0.51311 0.19601 0.86506 0.90623 0.94159 0.61068 0.02238 0.98067 0.78362 0.55202 0.87689 0.27692 0.97805 0.26605 0.80491 0.83816 0.90144 0.85135 0.35851 0.99229 0.38927 0.26227 0.61732 0.00379 0.8468 0.16534 0.35298 0.77726 0.40486 0.12228 0.59599 0.83576 0.64332 0.73386 0.05193 0.41354 0.32758 0.6837 0.01661 0.70336 0.42787 0.71805 0.29936 0.30199 0.43317 0.40015 0.72252 0.39976 0.01038 0.82257 0.39385 0.66984 0.98106 0.84412 0.70986 0.5222 0.30953 0.32523 0.63049 0.92377 0.25161 0.59736 0.66885 0.83279 0.44474 0.03545 0.20304 0.0015 0.86658 0.69974 0.31968 0.94357 0.90336 0.89897 0.16694 0.39974 0.75022 0.55793 0.70162 0.0951 0.52266 0.36064 0.73989 0.63734 0.85202 0.38372 0.4138 0.71237 0.64172 0.97655 0.53453 0.97199 0.5911 0.12688 0.67974 0.57422 0.61101 0.71371 0.18554 0.69556 0.63642 0.22697 0.26076 0.40378 0.14776 0.62504 0.61685 0.52616 0.49889 0.36961 0.29446 0.11986 0.26507 0.3496 0.92614 0.2456 0.93537 0.10692 0.27727 0.1508 0.8722 0.20568 0.24986 0.58269 0.42807 0.45298 0.93226 0.06948 0.39388 0.25679 0.92951 0.75356 0.7756 0.83849 0.69193 0.157 0.41869 0.26249 0.33018 0.29728 0.50587 0.0025 0.5193 0.61917 0.2488 0.09501 0.42134 0.35683 0.38418 0.01002 0.74324 0.98365 0.26425 0.82645 0.37911 0.30538 0.25223 0.51139 0.69477 0.29927 0.33515 0.57885 0.33921 0.14639 0.226 0.02177 0.79066 0.67399 0.08339 0.95154 0.41395 0.68894 0.61309 0.79352 0.74972 0.24235 0.42861 0.09478 0.72598 0.82448 0.73759 0.22056 0.57978 0.03009 0.38917 0.88071 0.32621 0.16931 0.18181 0.56916 0.56144 0.46047 0.4243 0.40894 0.68403 0.29189 0.54137 0.07702 0.38562 0.96892 0.56447 0.0872 0.1777 0.30879 0.03603 0.25774 0.25388
+0.54784 0.01285 0.91404 0.34597 0.13948 0.61287 0.37538 0.65048 0.08136 0.61705 0.0544 0.22491 0.87627 0.73013 0.97664 0.85087 0.15271 0.98075 0.96429 0.74212 0.98106 0.45688 0.80254 0.19567 0.2561 0.6348 0.52504 0.53079 0.6886 0.0939 0.70355 0.53628 0.64471 0.08491 0.26518 0.06154 0.02297 0.52421 0.7415 0.12084 0.66146 0.9681 0.61492 0.60031 0.36545 0.07915 0.83147 0.58225 0.18725 0.59365 0.86369 0.3557 0.98911 0.19884 0.5753 0.98213 0.78198 0.34283 0.14488 0.87029 0.62451 0.75714 0.19355 0.55052 0.88939 0.65355 0.87358 0.86992 0.84075 0.77372 0.45373 0.2421 0.2445 0.27821 0.15502 0.42009 0.89427 0.42644 0.7095 0.34112 0.28241 0.70068 0.08441 0.81549 0.17627 0.16675 0.58389 0.65386 0.62346 0.30438 0.13728 0.80915 0.03658 0.44379 0.5863 0.30284 0.82597 0.28289 0.17228 0.20786 0.82784 0.69119 0.14247 0.48949 0.45945 0.02922 0.34982 0.24201 0.20433 0.37013 0.67983 0.54759 0.793 0.21616 0.68636 0.73917 0.13129 0.54792 0.10159 0.94379 0.21087 0.54903 0.64099 0.9437 0.48275 0.875 0.47607 0.78507 0.70279 0.76438 0.80438 0.41684 0.78667 0.95431 0.41046 0.55699 0.09823 0.51975 0.43083 0.06826 0.36984 0.18618 0.57579 0.39074 0.37324 0.01292 0.174 0.77619 0.79634 0.71747 0.50751 0.47051 0.0453 0.4399 0.11722 0.11963 0.64031 0.5734 0.11917 0.05121 0.94204 0.16602 0.19104 0.16229 0.96995 0.61517 0.42964 0.35893 0.45814 0.79462 0.67836 0.6796 0.8545 0.90758 0.93862 0.48468 0.32565 0.76238 0.52181 0.21804 0.16839 0.48988 0.94839 0.99752 0.66521 0.00391 0.63927 0.79982 0.65052 0.47883 0.20275 0.43788 0.65713 0.08412 0.94392 0.66409 0.70658 0.80158 0.41962 0.62901 0.30449 0.18928 0.67035 0.95519 0.08242 0.01042 0.72737 0.7609 0.35446 0.70873 0.3612 0.76004 0.87044 0.16133 0.20895 0.65726 0.00268 0.84129 0.58281 0.72223 0.70125 0.19906 0.52959 0.37561 0.81364 0.10724 0.30338 0.16368 0.27773 0.36851 0.24277 0.94019 0.47328 0.42555 0.42504 0.25046 0.41066 0.32305 0.83456 0.62556 0.7604 0.1709 0.4268 0.36471 0.33959 0.43641 0.24343 0.7614 0.57996 0.90855 0.77076 0.65906 0.4011 0.54702 0.92281 0.03204 0.68093 0.7125 0.537 0.58799 0.74379 0.61053 0.63139 0.01276 0.86741 0.99954 0.95894 0.13706 0.46108 0.91645 0.13211 0.70335 0.99123 0.77944 0.83138 0.40077 0.51013 0.41244 0.62994 0.48579 0.65467 0.71372 0.07413 0.21175 0.98262 0.42883 0.60537 0.76447 0.26138 0.79286 0.4549 0.14876 0.54201 0.64773 0.49959 0.82816 0.19199 0.09787 0.128 0.54002 0.38862 0.99957 0.2665 0.16446 0.68723 0.50379 0.01529 0.97158 0.93936 0.89538 0.00764 0.31905 0.27508 0.00368 0.3246 0.55344 0.6435 0.55884 0.82091 0.34855 0.4147 0.57017 0.74864 0.88075 0.96404 0.15719 0.89234 0.23147 0.72484 0.23367 0.92119 0.77046 0.39513 0.18581 0.16654 0.20234 0.18862 0.38435 0.91068 0.93522 0.73053 0.63401 0.31135 0.25452 0.40244 0.1447 0.80623 0.04237 0.34575 0.73546 0.96451 0.58653 0.88846 0.23102 0.1868 0.20716 0.76887 0.08006 0.42086 0.55215 0.73316 0.51702 0.04869 0.67052 0.17357 0.07576 0.91982 0.82493 0.52286 0.19824 0.62877 0.18789 0.95501 0.3397 0.21992 0.79625 0.21139 0.66525 0.24672 0.52289 0.7113 0.83677 0.92176 0.45465 0.59137 0.66493 0.58991 0.79915 0.47464 0.58831 0.45891 0.92932 0.76908 0.40185 0.30048 0.6102 0.72038 0.95632 0.53321 0.76358 0.26438 0.22808 0.80167 0.90271 0.18459 0.53641 0.55465 0.82194 0.40058 0.43933 0.27085 0.77717 0.33135 0.97651 0.35993 0.35733 0.80936 0.06628 0.3822 0.77124 0.43676 0.83692 0.19327 0.56686 0.62381 0.93702 0.26848 0.62606 0.6249 0.57193 0.18531 0.80378 0.59357 0.58594 0.40159 0.6445 0.03721 0.75461 0.42435 0.60497 0.81283 0.50308 0.59265 0.63596 0.51622 0.39013 0.14495 0.21309 0.43691 0.80997 0.08698 0.33786 0.36067 0.38483 0.16363 0.56548 0.88851 0.71648 0.46885 0.00613 0.24141 0.22883 0.91583 0.55648 0.39482 0.2875 0.00714 0.46528 0.32295 0.31424 0.12327 0.76335 0.87006 0.093 0.47656 0.66138 0.30887 0.49339 0.0416 0.15965 0.51633 0.59042 0.25186 0.67073 0.36954 0.34787 0.96503 0.10284 0.73525 0.7434 0.19566 0.63972 0.42983 0.80884 0.76382 0.69012 0.91393 0.62542 0.92841 0.25493 0.74355 0.0556 0.7144 0.62092 0.66278 0.58489 0.49059 0.33904 0.38514 0.8548 0.95178 0.17544
+0.92016 0.58382 0.84238 0.82267 0.3443 0.57102 0.08629 0.45526 0.59551 0.2173 0.60102 0.40947 0.45562 0.05202 0.03894 0.59769 0.67836 0.95194 0.12115 0.73232 0.05027 0.20903 0.56842 0.7963 0.83474 0.2751 0.44374 0.51521 0.05756 0.09651 0.01578 0.15162 0.5223 0.47891 0.06069 0.97143 0.07985 0.28777 0.94994 0.04842 0.07123 0.50179 0.23606 0.21512 0.60294 0.0718 0.58429 0.95377 0.1833 0.68787 0.64938 0.33608 0.11488 0.82009 0.5796 0.38398 0.76438 0.26907 0.02484 0.45172 0.74351 0.52469 0.63898 0.61623 0.68712 0.7145 0.7435 0.62943 0.88834 0.42184 0.73129 0.98376 0.98596 0.86496 0.32652 0.22626 0.02129 0.76137 0.1363 0.20469 0.5278 0.97537 0.26196 0.96076 0.9645 0.67084 0.1871 0.60501 0.05608 0.37238 0.02502 0.2903 0.12233 0.92307 0.15361 0.77107 0.58663 0.61776 0.38171 0.98516 0.60727 0.87256 0.28723 0.88037 0.79105 0.12918 0.42236 0.10253 0.58146 0.81342 0.84235 0.66798 0.00484 0.39557 0.02146 0.90928 0.60074 0.01606 0.65283 0.06736 0.5437 0.73868 0.77859 0.35157 0.67906 0.36668 0.99273 0.14113 0.31732 0.0025 0.55967 0.36643 0.36708 0.74242 0.49343 0.83814 0.72964 0.17154 0.24126 0.77467 0.69574 0.37893 0.0183 0.3716 0.18952 0.15337 0.58238 0.62456 0.17667 0.26108 0.99382 0.02699 0.31532 0.89154 0.24845 0.40283 0.54964 0.05769 0.32433 0.18413 0.48747 0.08195 0.15702 0.73993 0.33338 0.10886 0.53364 0.03405 0.68306 0.01031 0.88293 0.53973 0.40813 0.79185 0.90976 0.05273 0.86475 0.4995 0.72004 0.18975 0.10622 0.74315 0.37901 0.85897 0.92893 0.92707 0.78777 0.61692 0.91033 0.79924 0.23809 0.23572 0.06648 0.19957 0.64572 0.96888 0.67542 0.7719 0.3403 0.62152 0.57988 0.09642 0.12246 0.23031 0.91726 0.13279 0.01469 0.50728 0.21079 0.60717 0.8684 0.54875 0.7904 0.84609 0.85955 0.86133 0.61612 0.99637 0.24237 0.00489 0.04116 0.26442 0.85054 0.48344 0.0731 0.16869 0.40865 0.50304 0.0329 0.22113 0.43017 0.74348 0.79274 0.40437 0.35913 0.56471 0.70194 0.07811 0.8253 0.18557 0.25391 0.88676 0.49057 0.77041 0.4139 0.00447 0.44302 0.36123 0.04725 0.38221 0.49594 0.21937 0.77037 0.44322 0.26123 0.97741 0.76241 0.71227 0.17887 0.44021 0.48883 0.54554 0.76125 0.95554 0.67565 0.15967 0.15892 0.66494 0.80816 0.34931 0.68322 0.53337 0.99142 0.50947 0.46816 0.82591 0.10717 0.18405 0.84552 0.95274 0.24424 0.21882 0.6001 0.59336 0.3742 0.86661 0.69968 0.03404 0.44614 0.46776 0.42763 0.40587 0.58537 0.49971 0.58629 0.72904 0.72448 0.30386 0.88917 0.24263 0.27124 0.9324 0.31808 0.86792 0.96787 0.3103 0.88359 0.09102 0.06903 0.32932 0.94061 0.35742 0.94563 0.62103 0.87904 0.97259 0.23136 0.67529 0.48628 0.08074 0.91244 0.06295 0.99342 0.02067 0.8671 0.75605 0.24523 0.93257 0.81242 0.81576 0.07026 0.76237 0.13146 0.95812 0.03192 0.7749 0.65527 0.01777 0.40355 0.2336 0.7937 0.11213 0.13821 0.40385 0.68591 0.00028 0.30583 0.18664 0.81837 0.44285 0.61373 0.24707 0.25664 0.05835 0.35972 0.80435 0.9393 0.57684 0.23605 0.92909 0.76286 0.45363 0.33453 0.06413 0.11983 0.86063 0.61938 0.91054 0.90892 0.34802 0.62922 0.81958 0.86269 0.21249 0.74527 0.49886 0.39757 0.96902 0.03383 0.30366 0.73667 0.54402 0.03169 0.4594 0.30931 0.97348 0.39798 0.1099 0.36897 0.64434 0.82085 0.71646 0.1366 0.51635 0.32414 0.68672 0.33003 0.32682 0.8792 0.61408 0.84518 0.68997 0.06214 0.2156 0.1957 0.1914 0.6253 0.27179 0.15256 0.59443 0.47826 0.8278 0.1216 0.29113 0.39277 0.67995 0.97798 0.12138 0.5311 0.21771 0.12011 0.76733 0.80586 0.01604 0.35113 0.75722 0.48468 0.84459 0.41663 0.54142 0.53944 0.29561 0.6836 0.56175 0.96355 0.41732 0.38917 0.48321 0.42736 0.54071 0.60059 0.91696 0.52226 0.05586 0.17159 0.99355 0.58913 0.51196 0.62999 0.70791 0.06415 0.69541 0.26175 0.76283 0.80299 0.65671 0.71375 0.26568 0.37795 0.87959 0.41181 0.79911 0.75275 0.72066 0.73511 0.01346 0.62482 0.21903 0.46103 0.77711 0.10066 0.66515 0.89614 0.53265 0.61641 0.53421 0.53584 0.70064 0.64102 0.50325 0.94778 0.46922 0.4137 0.92357 0.71384 0.942 0.69815 0.70428 0.81417 0.5349 0.37786 0.37875 0.95287 0.58552 0.07851 0.58729 0.64419 0.98257 0.61836 0.75802 0.56806 0.95137 0.9899 0.73832 0.7718 0.17659 0.46297 0.37747 0.88303 0.55233 0.68967 0.15218
+357.76682 15.52643 15.41456 15.39743 15.30751 15.12317 15.10437 15.05586 14.97215 14.95116 14.89953 14.80868 14.79457 14.72332 14.68542 14.63161 14.54824 14.51876 14.43473 14.39619 14.35533 14.34099 14.28227 14.25196 14.224 14.18849 14.14696 14.08621 14.07092 14.0478 13.99554 13.96481 13.95052 13.91731 13.88834 13.80712 13.78927 13.72949 13.71821 13.64984 13.61477 13.60514 13.53211 13.51086 13.47732 13.45874 13.43397 13.40933 13.37311 13.31796 13.30471 13.24929 13.22562 13.21887 13.1798 13.14303 13.1344 13.07212 13.05392 13.03064 12.98153 12.93796 12.91757 12.89641 12.88552 12.86033 12.81691 12.78145 12.73433 12.69871 12.68553 12.63734 12.62926 12.61324 12.58701 12.56449 12.52565 12.47484 12.45361 12.4265 12.41933 12.40088 12.3701 12.34851 12.32324 12.31238 12.26548 12.2415 12.19227 12.16959 12.11239 12.09964 12.07642 12.05783 12.01832 11.9831 11.9757 11.92701 11.91718 11.90109 11.89456 11.84178 11.82147 11.75852 11.74883 11.73213 11.69589 11.68015 11.64498 11.61524 11.59849 11.55503 11.54582 11.51488 11.471 11.46147 11.45587 11.43684 11.37201 11.33591 11.33313 11.30967 11.28584 11.23972 11.21931 11.18177 11.1293 11.12346 11.10987 11.08685 11.07396 11.05238 10.99769 10.99088 10.97392 10.96869 10.93381 10.91177 10.88517 10.85303 10.81949 10.80905 10.78209 10.7574 10.71801 10.70986 10.69611 10.65991 10.65319 10.63211 10.61215 10.584 10.55336 10.53488 10.50922 10.49549 10.47862 10.44635 10.43641 10.3879 10.37965 10.37323 10.34255 10.32781 10.27818 10.27281 10.23907 10.20591 10.19657 10.18685 10.12578 10.09213 10.07434 10.0599 10.05272 10.02988 9.98385 9.97712 9.97198 9.95253 9.92179 9.90578 9.89102 9.85061 9.83949 9.80489 9.77369 9.75576 9.74715 9.72158 9.6985 9.66636 9.65828 9.64102 9.60015 9.59675 9.58727 9.56412 9.53102 9.51889 9.50599 9.49095 9.44742 9.41566 9.41012 9.3864 9.36112 9.32275 9.3187 9.28019 9.25263 9.2463 9.2393 9.20868 9.17214 9.16345 9.14064 9.13119 9.1164 9.06169 9.04558 9.01609 9.00034 8.97074 8.96191 8.92775 8.92387 8.88827 8.86086 8.84264 8.83731 8.79216 8.77628 8.75445 8.73632 8.71418 8.70008 8.68454 8.65483 8.6354 8.61811 8.60626 8.59006 8.57574 8.54132 8.51632 8.49284 8.47937 8.46205 8.43261 8.43017 8.37973 8.3577 8.34643 8.32743 8.31082 8.27295 8.25915 8.23913 8.21655 8.20737 8.19143 8.16599 8.14625 8.12267 8.11255 8.09305 8.06601 8.05106 8.01184 8.00729 7.98274 7.96934 7.94467 7.91785 7.90679 7.87272 7.85822 7.82267 7.80876 7.79896 7.77794 7.77051 7.75285 7.7237 7.71316 7.70522 7.66322 7.63613 7.60989 7.60653 7.56144 7.54403 7.53211 7.52658 7.512 7.46799 7.46003 7.4426 7.42538 7.40379 7.37507 7.36206 7.34975 7.33028 7.31506 7.27581 7.26011 7.22546 7.22121 7.19359 7.1665 7.13281 7.11313 7.10894 7.0922 7.07738 7.07006 7.04136 6.98727 6.97808 6.94429 6.93865 6.92673 6.90984 6.89476 6.87668 6.84958 6.82969 6.82256 6.81285 6.78009 6.74691 6.7336 6.71126 6.69125 6.66963 6.64153 6.63053 6.60577 6.58672 6.57018 6.54114 6.52326 6.5031 6.49867 6.483 6.45923 6.44324 6.42804 6.39044 6.35603 6.34805 6.3342 6.33171 6.30821 6.25833 6.24006 6.23599 6.21051 6.20915 6.19415 6.17463 6.15133 6.12708 6.10152 6.06838 6.04302 6.02764 6.01267 5.99759 5.95712 5.93365 5.91191 5.90342 5.87269 5.869 5.86249 5.84495 5.82003 5.80156 5.767 5.74409 5.72622 5.69308 5.6742 5.66876 5.66578 5.6324 5.6061 5.5895 5.55768 5.54461 5.53142 5.49546 5.47115 5.45524 5.44625 5.41038 5.39384 5.38094 5.3601 5.33521 5.33259 5.2907 5.28211 5.2524 5.24768 5.22597 5.21298 5.19624 5.13832 5.11969 5.10472 5.0909 5.07677 5.07203 5.03822 5.01992 4.99062 4.9562 4.94794 4.91964 4.8891 4.87242 4.84446 4.83218 4.81162 4.79147 4.77894 4.76193 4.74289 4.73178 4.71066 4.68942 4.66584 4.62784 4.60632 4.59175 4.57183 4.54056 4.52768 4.51798 4.50046 4.48616 4.45236 4.44136 4.39886 4.36612 4.35311 4.33636 4.30752 4.2886 4.26438 4.26222 4.21485 4.19615 4.18689 4.17355 4.14094 4.08944 4.08123 4.058 4.0495 4.03808 4.01045 3.99872 3.95504 3.93052 3.91004 3.89269 3.86019 3.85263 3.84308 3.8159 3.7898 3.78822 3.74905 3.73219 3.71776 3.66229 3.64192 3.63745 3.59507 3.53419 3.51734 3.48793 3.47832 3.44136 3.39866 3.37839 3.36466 3.33164 3.28808 3.2792 3.22871 3.21011 3.19459 3.17017 3.15501 3.11254 3.10333 3.08043 3.00561 2.97546 2.94268 2.89275 2.83906 2.81473 2.7979 2.75646 2.66901
diff --git a/examples/testdata/svd/wiki.example b/examples/testdata/svd/wiki.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2299989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/testdata/svd/wiki.example
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+4 4
+4 1 -2 2
+1 2 0 1
+-2 0 3 -2
+2 1 -2 -1
+6.84462111 2.26853141 2.19751698 1.08436446
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/testdata/svd/wiki.qr.example b/examples/testdata/svd/wiki.qr.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b7027c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/testdata/svd/wiki.qr.example
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+3 3
+12 -51 4
+6 167 -68
+-4 24 -41
+190.56724372 32.85688323 13.69492038
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt
index 1de176b..6a6b956 100644
--- a/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ endforeach()
- foreach(tut amg blas2 blas3 iterative iterative-ublas matrix-range qr spai sparse structured-matrices vector-range)
+ foreach(tut amg blas2 blas3 iterative iterative-ublas lanczos matrix-range power-iter qr spai sparse structured-matrices vector-range)
add_executable(${tut} ${tut}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${tut} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
+ target_link_libraries(lanczos ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES} boost_system)
+ target_link_libraries(power-iter ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES} boost_system)
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt~ b/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 8772248..0000000
--- a/examples/tutorial/CMakeLists.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-foreach(tut bandwidth-reduction blas1 custom-kernels custom-context fft viennacl-info)
- add_executable(${tut} ${tut}.cpp)
- target_link_libraries(${tut} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
- include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
- foreach(tut amg blas2 blas3 iterative iterative-ublas matrix-range qr spai sparse structured-matrices vector-range)
- add_executable(${tut} ${tut}.cpp)
- target_link_libraries(${tut} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
- endforeach()
- include_directories(${EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR})
- add_executable(iterative-eigen iterative-eigen.cpp)
- add_executable(eigen-with-viennacl
- eigen-with-viennacl.cpp)
- target_link_libraries(eigen-with-viennacl ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
- foreach(tut iterative-mtl4 mtl4-with-viennacl)
- add_executable(${tut} ${tut}.cpp)
- target_link_libraries(${tut} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
- endforeach()
- #ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wall -pedantic -O0 -g)
- ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wall -pedantic -O3)
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp b/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp
index 24e52b8..73bcf18 100644
--- a/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp
+++ b/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp
@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ int main()
// set up ILUT preconditioners for ViennaCL and ublas objects. Other preconditioners can also be used (see manual)
viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilut(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::block_ilu_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType>,
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag> ublas_block_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
// Conjugate gradient solver:
@@ -124,8 +127,13 @@ int main()
std::cout << "----- CG Test -----" << std::endl;
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag());
+ std::cout << "Residual norm: " << norm_2(prod(ublas_matrix, result) - rhs) << std::endl;
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilut);
+ std::cout << "Residual norm: " << norm_2(prod(ublas_matrix, result) - rhs) << std::endl;
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilu0);
+ std::cout << "Residual norm: " << norm_2(prod(ublas_matrix, result) - rhs) << std::endl;
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_block_ilu0);
+ std::cout << "Residual norm: " << norm_2(prod(ublas_matrix, result) - rhs) << std::endl;
// Stabilized BiConjugate gradient solver:
@@ -134,6 +142,7 @@ int main()
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag()); //without preconditioner
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilut); //with preconditioner
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilu0); //with preconditioner
// GMRES solver:
@@ -145,6 +154,7 @@ int main()
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag()); //without preconditioner
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilut);//with preconditioner
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilu0);//with preconditioner
// That's it.
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp b/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp~
similarity index 82%
copy from examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp
copy to examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp~
index 24e52b8..a734afc 100644
--- a/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp
+++ b/examples/tutorial/iterative-ublas.cpp~
@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ int main()
// set up ILUT preconditioners for ViennaCL and ublas objects. Other preconditioners can also be used (see manual)
viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilut(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::block_ilu_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType>,
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag> ublas_block_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
// Conjugate gradient solver:
@@ -125,6 +128,8 @@ int main()
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag());
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilut);
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilu0);
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::cg_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_block_ilu0);
@@ -134,6 +139,7 @@ int main()
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag()); //without preconditioner
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilut); //with preconditioner
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::bicgstab_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilu0); //with preconditioner
// GMRES solver:
@@ -145,6 +151,7 @@ int main()
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag()); //without preconditioner
result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilut);//with preconditioner
+ result = viennacl::linalg::solve(ublas_matrix, rhs, viennacl::linalg::gmres_tag(1e-6, 20), ublas_ilu0);//with preconditioner
// That's it.
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/iterative.cpp b/examples/tutorial/iterative.cpp
index 6b2ed06..2fde7ff 100644
--- a/examples/tutorial/iterative.cpp
+++ b/examples/tutorial/iterative.cpp
@@ -156,10 +156,17 @@ int main()
viennacl::copy(vcl_coordinate_matrix, stl_matrix);
- // set up ILUT preconditioners for ViennaCL and ublas objects:
+ // set up ILUT preconditioners for ublas and ViennaCL objects:
viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilut(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > ublas_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::block_ilu_precond< ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType>,
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag> ublas_block_ilu0(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > vcl_ilut(vcl_compressed_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > vcl_ilu0(vcl_compressed_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
+ viennacl::linalg::block_ilu_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType>,
+ viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag> vcl_block_ilu0(vcl_compressed_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilu0_tag());
// set up Jacobi preconditioners for ViennaCL and ublas objects:
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/lanczos.cpp b/examples/tutorial/lanczos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d605e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tutorial/lanczos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+// include necessary system headers
+#include <iostream>
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ #define NDEBUG
+//include basic scalar and vector types of ViennaCL
+#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
+// Some helper functions for this tutorial:
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_sparse.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+* Tutorial: calculation of eigenvalues - lanczos and poweriteration
+template <typename MatrixType>
+std::vector<double> initEig(MatrixType const & A)
+ viennacl::linalg::lanczos_tag ltag(0.75, 10, viennacl::linalg::lanczos_tag::partial_reorthogonalization, 1700);
+ std::vector<double> lanczos_eigenvalues = viennacl::linalg::eig(A, ltag);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i< lanczos_eigenvalues.size(); i++){
+ std::cout << "Eigenvalue " << i+1 << ": " << std::setprecision(10) << lanczos_eigenvalues[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ return lanczos_eigenvalues;
+int main()
+ typedef double ScalarType;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> ublas_A;
+ viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> vcl_A(ublas_A.size1(), ublas_A.size2());
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_A, vcl_A);
+ if (!viennacl::io::read_matrix_market_file(ublas_A, "../examples/testdata/mat65k.mtx"))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error reading Matrix file" << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ std::vector<double> eigenvalues = initEig(ublas_A);
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/power-iter.cpp b/examples/tutorial/power-iter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6d4927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tutorial/power-iter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+// include necessary system headers
+#include <iostream>
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ #define NDEBUG
+//include basic scalar and vector types of ViennaCL
+#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/power_iter.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
+// Some helper functions for this tutorial:
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_sparse.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+* Tutorial: Power Iteration for finding the eigenvalue with largest modulus
+int main()
+ typedef double ScalarType;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> ublas_A;
+ if (!viennacl::io::read_matrix_market_file(ublas_A, "../examples/testdata/mat65k.mtx"))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error reading Matrix file" << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> vcl_A(ublas_A.size1(), ublas_A.size2());
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_A, vcl_A);
+ viennacl::linalg::power_iter_tag ptag(1e-8);
+ std::cout << "Starting computation of eigenvalue with largest modulus (might take about a minute)..." << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Result of power iteration with ublas matrix (single-threaded): " << viennacl::linalg::eig(ublas_A, ptag) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Result of power iteration with ViennaCL (OpenCL accelerated): " << viennacl::linalg::eig(vcl_A, ptag) << std::endl;
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/qr.cpp b/examples/tutorial/qr.cpp
index a355809..2f3b629 100644
--- a/examples/tutorial/qr.cpp
+++ b/examples/tutorial/qr.cpp
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
typedef viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, viennacl::column_major> VCLMatrixType;
typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType> VCLVectorType;
- std::size_t rows = 36; //number of rows in the matrix
- std::size_t cols = 48; //number of columns
+ std::size_t rows = 113; //number of rows in the matrix
+ std::size_t cols = 54; //number of columns
// Create matrices with some data
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
for (std::size_t j=0; j<cols; ++j)
- ublas_A(i,j) = -1.0 + (i + 1)*(j+1)
+ ublas_A(i,j) = -1.0 + (i+1)*(j+1)
+ ( (rand() % 1000) - 500.0) / 1000.0;
if (i == j)
@@ -150,22 +150,6 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
std::cout << "Max rel error (ublas): " << ublas_error << std::endl;
- // QR factorization in ViennaCL using OpenCL only
- //
- std::cout << "--- ViennaCL only ---" << std::endl;
- std::vector<ScalarType> viennacl_betas = viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr_viennacl(vcl_A, 12); //this is a OpenCL-only implementation
- viennacl::copy(vcl_A, ublas_A);
- //
- // A check for the correct result:
- //
- Q.clear(); R.clear();
- viennacl::linalg::recoverQ(ublas_A, viennacl_betas, Q, R);
- double vcl_error = check(ublas_QR, ublas_A_backup);
- std::cout << "Max rel error (ViennaCL): " << vcl_error << std::endl;
- //
// QR factorization in ViennaCL using Boost.uBLAS for the panel factorization
std::cout << "--- Hybrid (default) ---" << std::endl;
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index bf8c661..fde3e3d 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-foreach(PROG blas3 fft iterators matrix matrix_range scalar sparse structured-matrices vector vector_range)
+foreach(PROG blas3 blas3range fft iterators
+ generator_inner_product generator_matrix generator_matrix_vector_product generator_vector
+ matrix matrix_range matrix_slice nmf
+ scalar sparse structured-matrices svd
+ vector vector_range vector_slice)
add_executable(${PROG}-test src/${PROG}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${PROG}-test ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
add_test(${PROG} ${PROG}-test)
diff --git a/tests/src/blas3.cpp b/tests/src/blas3.cpp
index b4e3a9d..569dea9 100644
--- a/tests/src/blas3.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/blas3.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
============================================================================= */
//#define NDEBUG
// *** System
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ template <typename ScalarType, typename F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
ScalarType diff(ublas::matrix<ScalarType> & mat1, viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, F, ALIGNMENT> & mat2)
ublas::matrix<ScalarType> mat2_cpu(mat2.size1(), mat2.size2());
- copy(mat2, mat2_cpu);
+ viennacl::copy(mat2, mat2_cpu);
double ret = 0;
double act = 0;
@@ -92,6 +93,11 @@ ScalarType diff(ublas::matrix<ScalarType> & mat1, viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, F
act = fabs(mat2_cpu(i,j) - mat1(i,j)) / std::max( fabs(mat2_cpu(i, j)), fabs(mat1(i,j)) );
if (act > ret)
ret = act;
+ if (act > 0.1)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Offending index: " << i << ", " << j << std::endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
//std::cout << ret << std::endl;
@@ -105,9 +111,12 @@ template< typename NumericT, typename MatrixTypeA, typename MatrixTypeB, typenam
int test_prod(Epsilon const& epsilon)
int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
- long matrix_size1 = 157; //some odd number, not too large
- long matrix_size2 = 91; //some odd number, not too large
- long matrix_size3 = 73; //some odd number, not too large
+ //long matrix_size1 = 157; //some odd number, not too large
+ //long matrix_size2 = 91; //some odd number, not too large
+ //long matrix_size3 = 73; //some odd number, not too large
+ long matrix_size1 = 128; //some odd number, not too large
+ long matrix_size2 = 64; //some odd number, not too large
+ long matrix_size3 = 128; //some odd number, not too large
NumericT act_diff = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tests/src/external_1.cpp b/tests/src/external_1.cpp
index 593b80b..328c15c 100644
--- a/tests/src/external_1.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/external_1.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/coordinate_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/hyb_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/circulant_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/hankel_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/toeplitz_matrix.hpp"
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@
#include "viennacl/linalg/gmres.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/direct_solve.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp"
#include "viennacl/fft.hpp"
#include "viennacl/misc/bandwidth_reduction.hpp"
@@ -58,6 +61,8 @@
#include "viennacl/io/kernel_parameters.hpp"
#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp"
//defined in external_2.cpp
void other_func();
diff --git a/tests/src/external_2.cpp b/tests/src/external_2.cpp
index 0689de5..62e5739 100644
--- a/tests/src/external_2.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/external_2.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/coordinate_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/hyb_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/circulant_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/hankel_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/toeplitz_matrix.hpp"
@@ -45,6 +47,8 @@
#include "viennacl/linalg/bicgstab.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/gmres.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/direct_solve.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp"
#include "viennacl/fft.hpp"
#include "viennacl/misc/bandwidth_reduction.hpp"
@@ -52,6 +56,8 @@
#include "viennacl/io/kernel_parameters.hpp"
#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp"
void other_func()
typedef float NumericType;
diff --git a/tests/src/generator_inner_product.cpp b/tests/src/generator_inner_product.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecca138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/generator_inner_product.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// *** System
+#include <iostream>
+// *** Boost
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+// *** ViennaCL
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp"
+using namespace boost::numeric;
+template <class TYPE>
+bool readVectorFromFile ( const std::string & filename, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<TYPE> & vec ) {
+ std::ifstream file ( filename.c_str() );
+ if ( !file ) return false;
+ unsigned int size;
+ file >> size;
+ if ( size > 20000 ) //keep execution times short
+ size = 20000;
+ vec.resize ( size );
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
+ TYPE element;
+ file >> element;
+ vec[i] = element;
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename ScalarType>
+ScalarType diff ( ScalarType & s1, viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> & s2 ) {
+ if ( s1 != s2 )
+ return ( s1 - s2 ) / std::max ( fabs ( s1 ), fabs ( s2 ) );
+ return 0;
+template< typename NumericT,unsigned int Alignment, typename Epsilon >
+int test ( Epsilon const& epsilon, std::string vecfile, std::string resultfile ) {
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ viennacl::scalar<NumericT> vcl_res ( 0 );
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> vec;
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> vec2;
+ NumericT res;
+ viennacl::generator::gpu_symbolic_scalar<0,NumericT> symres;
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_vector<1,NumericT,Alignment> symv;
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_vector<2,NumericT,Alignment> symv2;
+ viennacl::generator::cpu_symbolic_scalar<3,NumericT> symscal;
+ viennacl::generator::cpu_symbolic_scalar<2,NumericT> symscal2;
+ if ( !readVectorFromFile<NumericT> ( vecfile, vec ) ) {
+ std::cout << "Error reading vec file" << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Running tests for vector of size " << vec.size() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----- Alignment " << Alignment << " -----" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_vec ( vec.size() );
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_vec2 ( vec.size() );
+ vec2 = vec;
+ viennacl::copy ( vec.begin(), vec.end(), vcl_vec.begin() );
+ viennacl::copy ( vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), vcl_vec2.begin() );
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "testing inner product..." << std::endl;
+ res = ublas::inner_prod ( vec, vec2 );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symres = inner_prod ( symv, symv2 ) ) ( vcl_res, vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inner product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Diff " << fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inner product division..." << std::endl;
+ res = ublas::inner_prod ( vec, vec2 ) /ublas::inner_prod ( vec, vec );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symres = inner_prod ( symv, symv2 ) /inner_prod ( symv,symv ) ) ( vcl_res, vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inner product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing scalar over inner product..." << std::endl;
+ res = 4/ublas::inner_prod ( vec, vec );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symres = symscal2/inner_prod ( symv,symv ) ) ( vcl_res, vcl_vec, 4.0f ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: scalar over inner product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inner_prod minus ( scal minus inner_prod ) " << std::endl;
+ res = ublas::inner_prod ( vec, vec2 ) - ( 5.0f - inner_prod ( vec,vec2 ) );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symres = inner_prod ( symv, symv2 ) - ( symscal - inner_prod ( symv,symv2 ) ) ) ( vcl_res, vcl_vec, vcl_vec2, 5.0f ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inner_prod minus ( scal minus inner_prod ) " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing nested inner product" << std::endl;
+ res = ublas::inner_prod ( vec, ublas::inner_prod ( vec,vec2 ) * vec2 );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symres = inner_prod ( symv, inner_prod ( symv,symv2 ) * symv2 ) ) ( vcl_res, vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: nested inner product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( res, vcl_res ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return retval;
+int main() {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "## Test :: Inner Product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ std::string vecfile ( "../examples/testdata/rhs65025.txt" );
+ std::string resultfile ( "../examples/testdata/result65025.txt" );
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ {
+ typedef float NumericT;
+ NumericT epsilon = 1.0E-4;
+ std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " eps: " << epsilon << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " numeric: float" << std::endl;
+ retval = test<NumericT,1> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+// retval = test<NumericT,4> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+ retval = test<NumericT,16> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+ if ( retval == EXIT_SUCCESS )
+ std::cout << "# Test passed" << std::endl;
+ else
+ return retval;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/generator_matrix.cpp b/tests/src/generator_matrix.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751255f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/generator_matrix.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// *** System
+#include <iostream>
+// *** Boost
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+// *** ViennaCL
+#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/direct_solve.hpp"
+#include "examples/tutorial/Random.hpp"
+#include "examples/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp"
+using namespace boost::numeric;
+const int matrix_size = 100;
+template <typename ScalarType, typename F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ScalarType diff ( ublas::matrix<ScalarType> & mat1, viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, F, ALIGNMENT> & mat2 ) {
+ ublas::matrix<ScalarType> mat2_cpu ( mat2.size1(), mat2.size2() );
+ copy ( mat2, mat2_cpu );
+ ScalarType ret = 0;
+ ScalarType act = 0;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mat2_cpu.size1(); ++i ) {
+ for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < mat2_cpu.size2(); ++j ) {
+ act = fabs ( mat2_cpu ( i,j ) - mat1 ( i,j ) ) / std::max ( fabs ( mat2_cpu ( i, j ) ), fabs ( mat1 ( i,j ) ) );
+ if ( act > ret )
+ ret = act;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << ret << std::endl;
+ return ret;
+template< typename NumericT, typename Epsilon >
+int test ( Epsilon const& epsilon ) {
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ ublas::matrix<NumericT> mat ( matrix_size, matrix_size );
+ NumericT cpu_scal = static_cast<NumericT> ( 42.1415 );
+ viennacl::scalar<NumericT> gpu_scal = static_cast<NumericT> ( 42.1415 );
+ viennacl::matrix<NumericT> vcl_mat ( matrix_size, matrix_size );
+ viennacl::matrix<NumericT> vcl_mat2 ( matrix_size, matrix_size );
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_matrix<0,NumericT> symm;
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_matrix<1,NumericT> symm2;
+ viennacl::generator::cpu_symbolic_scalar<1,NumericT> cpu_sym_scal2;
+ viennacl::generator::gpu_symbolic_scalar<1,NumericT> gpu_sym_scal2;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mat.size1(); ++i )
+ for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < mat.size2(); ++j )
+ mat ( i,j ) = static_cast<NumericT> ( 0.1 ) * random<NumericT>();
+ ublas::matrix<NumericT> mat2 ( mat ) ;
+ viennacl::copy ( mat, vcl_mat );
+ viennacl::copy ( mat2, vcl_mat2 );
+ std::cout << "Testing addition..." << std::endl;
+ mat = mat + mat2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm = symm + symm2 ) ( vcl_mat, vcl_mat2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace addition..." << std::endl;
+ mat += mat2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm += symm2 ) ( vcl_mat, vcl_mat2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing substraction..." << std::endl;
+ mat = mat - mat2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm = symm - symm2 ) ( vcl_mat, vcl_mat2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: substraction" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace substraction..." << std::endl;
+ mat -= mat2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm -= symm2 ) ( vcl_mat, vcl_mat2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "testing cpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ mat = mat*cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm = symm*cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: cpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace cpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ mat *= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm *= cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace cpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing cpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ mat = mat/cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm = symm/cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: cpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace cpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ mat /= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm /= cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace cpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing gpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ mat = mat*cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm = symm*gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: gpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace gpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ mat *= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm *= gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace gpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing gpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ mat = mat/cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm = symm/gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: gpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace gpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ mat /= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symm /= gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_mat, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace gpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( mat, vcl_mat ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return retval;
+int main() {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "## Test :: Matrix" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ {
+ typedef float NumericT;
+ NumericT epsilon = 1.0E-3;
+ std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " eps: " << epsilon << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " numeric: float" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " layout: row-major" << std::endl;
+ retval = test<NumericT> ( epsilon );
+ if ( retval == EXIT_SUCCESS )
+ std::cout << "# Test passed" << std::endl;
+ else
+ return retval;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/generator_matrix_vector_product.cpp b/tests/src/generator_matrix_vector_product.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd59f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/generator_matrix_vector_product.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// *** Boost
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/triangular.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_sparse.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+// *** ViennaCL
+#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/direct_solve.hpp"
+#include "examples/tutorial/Random.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp"
+// -------------------------------------------------------------
+using namespace boost::numeric;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------
+template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int Alignment>
+ScalarType diff ( ublas::vector<ScalarType> & v1, viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment> & v2 ) {
+ ublas::vector<ScalarType> v2_cpu ( v2.size() );
+ viennacl::copy( v2.begin(), v2.end(), v2_cpu.begin() );
+ for ( unsigned int i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i ) {
+ if ( std::max ( fabs ( v2_cpu[i] ), fabs ( v1[i] ) ) > 0 )
+ v2_cpu[i] = fabs ( v2_cpu[i] - v1[i] ) / std::max ( fabs ( v2_cpu[i] ), fabs ( v1[i] ) );
+ else
+ v2_cpu[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ return norm_inf ( v2_cpu );
+template< typename NumericT, typename F,typename F2, unsigned int Alignment, typename Epsilon >
+int test ( Epsilon const& epsilon ) {
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ static const unsigned int SIZE = 100;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> rhs ( SIZE );
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rhs.size(); ++i )
+ rhs ( i ) = random<NumericT>();
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> rhs2 = rhs;
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> result = ublas::scalar_vector<NumericT> ( SIZE, 1 );
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> result2 = result;
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> rhs_trans = rhs;
+ rhs_trans.resize ( result.size(), true );
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> result_trans = ublas::zero_vector<NumericT> ( rhs.size() );
+ ublas::matrix<NumericT,F2> matrix ( result.size(), rhs.size() );
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < matrix.size1(); ++i )
+ for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < matrix.size2(); ++j )
+ matrix ( i,j ) = random<NumericT>();
+ std::cout << "----- Alignment " << Alignment << " -----" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_rhs ( rhs.size() );
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_rhs_trans ( rhs_trans.size() );
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_result_trans ( result_trans.size() );
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_result ( result.size() );
+ viennacl::matrix<NumericT, F, Alignment> vcl_matrix ( rhs.size(), rhs.size() );
+ viennacl::copy ( rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), vcl_rhs.begin() );
+ viennacl::copy ( result, vcl_result );
+ viennacl::copy ( matrix, vcl_matrix );
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_matrix<1,NumericT,F,Alignment> symm2;
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_vector<0,NumericT,Alignment> symv;
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_vector<2,NumericT,Alignment> symv3;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "matrix-vector product (no temporary)" << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::prod ( matrix, rhs );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = prod ( symm2,symv3 ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: matrix-vector product (no temporary)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Prod times inprod (no temporary)" << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::inner_prod ( rhs,rhs ) *ublas::prod ( matrix, rhs );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = inner_prod ( symv3,symv3 ) *prod ( symm2,symv3 ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: Prod times inprod" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "matrix-vector product (temporary)" << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::prod ( matrix, result );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = prod ( symm2,symv ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: matrix-vector product (temporary)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "prod minus ( v minus prod ) " << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::prod ( matrix, rhs ) - ( rhs - ublas::prod ( matrix,rhs ) ) ;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = prod ( symm2,symv3 ) - ( symv3 - prod ( symm2,symv3 ) ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: prod minus ( v minus prod )" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "prod minus ( prod minus v ) " << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::prod ( matrix, rhs ) - ( ublas::prod ( matrix,rhs ) - rhs ) ;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = prod ( symm2,symv3 ) - ( prod ( symm2,symv3 ) - symv3 ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: prod minus ( prod minus v )" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "v minus ( prod minus v ) " << std::endl;
+ result = rhs - ( ublas::prod ( matrix,rhs ) - rhs ) ;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv3 - ( prod ( symm2,symv3 ) - symv3 ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: v minus ( prod minus v )" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "v minus ( v minus prod ) " << std::endl;
+ result = rhs - ( rhs - ublas::prod ( matrix,rhs ) ) ;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv3 - ( symv3 - prod ( symm2,symv3 ) ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: v minus ( v minus prod )" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "Nested matrix-vector product" << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::prod ( matrix, ublas::vector<NumericT> ( ublas::prod ( matrix,result ) ) );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = prod ( symm2,prod ( symm2,symv ) ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: nested matrix-vector product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "Double nested matrix-vector product" << std::endl;
+ result = ublas::prod ( matrix,ublas::vector<NumericT> ( ublas::prod ( matrix, ublas::vector<NumericT> ( ublas::prod ( matrix,rhs ) ) ) ) );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = prod ( symm2,prod ( symm2,prod ( symm2,symv3 ) ) ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: double nested matrix-vector product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /*std::cout << "Complicated mess..." << std::endl;
+ result = result + ublas::prod ( matrix,result ) + ublas::inner_prod ( result, rhs ) *ublas::prod ( matrix,rhs );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + prod ( symm2,symv ) + inner_prod ( symv,symv3 ) *prod ( symm2,symv3 ) ) ( vcl_result,vcl_matrix,vcl_rhs ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation : complicated mess" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( result, vcl_result ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }*/
+ return retval;
+int main() {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "## Test :: Matrix-Vector Product" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ {
+ typedef float NumericT;
+ NumericT epsilon = 1.0E-3;
+ std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " eps: " << epsilon << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " numeric: float" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "---- Layout : Row Major" << std::endl;
+ retval = test<NumericT, viennacl::row_major,ublas::row_major,1> ( epsilon );
+ retval = test<NumericT, viennacl::row_major,ublas::row_major,16> ( epsilon );
+ std::cout << "---- Layout : Column Major" << std::endl;
+ retval = test<NumericT, viennacl::column_major,ublas::column_major,1> ( epsilon );
+// retval = test<NumericT, viennacl::column_major,ublas::column_major,16> ( epsilon );
+ if ( retval == EXIT_SUCCESS )
+ std::cout << "# Test passed" << std::endl;
+ else
+ return retval;
+ }
+ return retval;
diff --git a/tests/src/generator_vector.cpp b/tests/src/generator_vector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cf3cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/generator_vector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// *** System
+#include <iostream>
+// *** Boost
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+// *** ViennaCL
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/convenience_typedef.hpp"
+using namespace boost::numeric;
+using namespace viennacl::generator;
+std::string my_modifier(){ return "1/exp(-X)" ; }
+template <class TYPE>
+bool readVectorFromFile ( const std::string & filename, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<TYPE> & vec ) {
+ std::ifstream file ( filename.c_str() );
+ if ( !file ) return false;
+ unsigned int size;
+ file >> size;
+ if ( size > 20000 ) //keep execution times short
+ size = 20000;
+ vec.resize ( size );
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
+ TYPE element;
+ file >> element;
+ vec[i] = element;
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int Alignment>
+ScalarType diff ( ublas::vector<ScalarType> & v1, viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment> & v2 ) {
+ ublas::vector<ScalarType> v2_cpu ( v2.size() );
+ viennacl::copy( v2.begin(), v2.end(), v2_cpu.begin() );
+ for ( unsigned int i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i ) {
+ if ( std::max ( fabs ( v2_cpu[i] ), fabs ( v1[i] ) ) > 0 )
+ v2_cpu[i] = fabs ( v2_cpu[i] - v1[i] ) / std::max ( fabs ( v2_cpu[i] ), fabs ( v1[i] ) );
+ else
+ v2_cpu[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ return norm_inf ( v2_cpu );
+template< typename NumericT, unsigned int Alignment, typename Epsilon >
+int test ( Epsilon const& epsilon, std::string vecfile, std::string resultfile ) {
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> vec;
+ ublas::vector<NumericT> vec2;
+ NumericT cpu_scal = static_cast<NumericT> ( 42.1415 );
+ viennacl::scalar<NumericT> gpu_scal = static_cast<NumericT> ( 42.1415 );
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_vector<0,NumericT,Alignment> symv;
+ viennacl::generator::symbolic_vector<1,NumericT,Alignment> symv2;
+ viennacl::generator::cpu_symbolic_scalar<1,NumericT> cpu_sym_scal2;
+ viennacl::generator::gpu_symbolic_scalar<1,NumericT> gpu_sym_scal2;
+ viennacl::generator::cpu_symbolic_scalar<2,NumericT> cpu_sym_scal3;
+ viennacl::generator::gpu_symbolic_scalar<2,NumericT> gpu_sym_scal3;
+ if ( !readVectorFromFile<NumericT> ( vecfile, vec ) ) {
+ std::cout << "Error reading vec file" << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Running tests for vector of size " << vec.size() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----- Alignment " << Alignment << " -----" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_vec ( vec.size() );
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT,Alignment> vcl_vec2 ( vec.size() );
+ vec2 = vec;
+ viennacl::copy ( vec.begin(), vec.end(), vcl_vec.begin() );
+ viennacl::copy ( vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), vcl_vec2.begin() );
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "testing addition..." << std::endl;
+ vec = ( vec - vec2 );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv - symv2 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace addition..." << std::endl;
+ vec += vec2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv += symv2 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing substraction..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec - vec2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv - symv2 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: substraction" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace substraction..." << std::endl;
+ vec -= vec2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv -= symv2 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "testing cpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec*cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv*cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: cpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace cpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ vec *= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv *= cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace cpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing cpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec/cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv/cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: cpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace cpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ vec /= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv /= cpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace cpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing gpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec*cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv*gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: gpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing cpu and gpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ vec = cpu_scal*vec*cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = cpu_sym_scal2*symv*gpu_sym_scal3 ) ( vcl_vec, cpu_scal, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: cpu and gpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace gpu scalar multiplication ..." << std::endl;
+ vec *= cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv *= gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace gpu scalar multiplication " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing gpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec/cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv/gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: gpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing inplace gpu scalar division ..." << std::endl;
+ vec /=cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv /= gpu_sym_scal2 ) ( vcl_vec, gpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: inplace gpu scalar division " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "testing addition scalar multiplication..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec + cpu_scal*vec2;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + cpu_sym_scal3*symv2 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2, cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: addition scalar multiplication" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "testing multiple addition..." << std::endl;
+ vec = vec + vec2 + vec;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + symv2 + symv ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: multiple addition" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing substraction with parenthesis" << std::endl;
+ vec = vec - ( vec2 - vec );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv - ( symv2 - symv ) ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2 ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: substraction with parenthesis" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing tree expansion right minus" << std::endl;
+ vec = vec + cpu_scal* ( vec2 - vec );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + cpu_sym_scal3* ( symv2 - symv ) ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2,cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: tree expansion right minus" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing tree expansion right plus" << std::endl;
+ vec = vec + cpu_scal* ( vec2 + vec );
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + cpu_sym_scal3* ( symv2 + symv ) ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2,cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: tree expansion right plus" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing tree expansion left minus" << std::endl;
+ vec = vec + ( vec2 - vec ) *cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + ( symv2 - symv ) *cpu_sym_scal3 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2,cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: tree expansion left minus" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "testing tree expansion left plus" << std::endl;
+ vec = vec + ( vec2 + vec ) *cpu_scal;
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue ( viennacl::generator::custom_operation ( symv = symv + ( symv2 + symv ) *cpu_sym_scal3 ) ( vcl_vec, vcl_vec2,cpu_scal ) );
+ if ( fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) > epsilon ) {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: tree expansion left plus" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs ( diff ( vec, vcl_vec ) ) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return retval;
+int main() {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "## Test :: Vector" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ std::string vecfile ( "../examples/testdata/rhs65025.txt" );
+ std::string resultfile ( "../examples/testdata/result65025.txt" );
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ {
+ typedef float NumericT;
+ NumericT epsilon = 1.0E-4;
+ std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " eps: " << epsilon << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " numeric: float" << std::endl;
+ retval = test<NumericT,1> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+// retval &= test<NumericT,2> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+ retval &= test<NumericT,4> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+// retval &= test<NumericT,8> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+ retval &= test<NumericT,16> ( epsilon, vecfile, resultfile );
+ if ( retval == EXIT_SUCCESS )
+ std::cout << "# Test passed" << std::endl;
+ else
+ return retval;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/matrix.cpp b/tests/src/matrix.cpp
index 6962959..0108760 100644
--- a/tests/src/matrix.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/matrix.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
// *** System
diff --git a/tests/src/matrix_range.cpp b/tests/src/matrix_range.cpp
index c0ff983..c53470b 100644
--- a/tests/src/matrix_range.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/matrix_range.cpp
@@ -37,11 +37,37 @@
#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"*/
#include "viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp"
+#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector_proxy.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp"
+template <typename VectorType, typename VCLVectorType>
+bool check_for_equality_vector(VectorType const & ublas_v, VCLVectorType const & vcl_v)
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<value_type> vcl_v_cpu(vcl_v.size());
+ viennacl::copy(vcl_v, vcl_v_cpu);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (ublas_v(i) != vcl_v_cpu(i))
+ {
+ if ( std::abs(ublas_v(i) - vcl_v_cpu(i)) / std::max(ublas_v(i), vcl_v_cpu(i)) > 1e-5 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << "): " << ublas_v(i) << " vs " << vcl_v_cpu(i) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << ublas_v << std::endl;
+ std::cout << vcl_v_cpu << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
template <typename MatrixType, typename VCLMatrixType>
@@ -58,10 +84,13 @@ bool check_for_equality(MatrixType const & ublas_A, VCLMatrixType const & vcl_A)
if (ublas_A(i,j) != vcl_A_cpu(i,j))
- std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << ", " << j << "): " << ublas_A(i,j) << " vs " << vcl_A_cpu(i,j) << std::endl;
- //std::cout << ublas_A << std::endl;
- //std::cout << vcl_A_cpu << std::endl;
- return false;
+ if ( std::abs(ublas_A(i,j) - vcl_A_cpu(i,j)) / std::max(ublas_A(i,j), vcl_A_cpu(i,j)) > 1e-5 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << ", " << j << "): " << ublas_A(i,j) << " vs " << vcl_A_cpu(i,j) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << ublas_A << std::endl;
+ std::cout << vcl_A_cpu << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
@@ -69,21 +98,24 @@ bool check_for_equality(MatrixType const & ublas_A, VCLMatrixType const & vcl_A)
template <typename T, typename ScalarType>
int run_test()
//typedef float ScalarType;
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<ScalarType> MatrixType;
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> VectorType;
typedef viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, T> VCLMatrixType;
+ typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType> VCLVectorType;
viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> gpu_pi = ScalarType(3.1415);
- std::size_t dim_large = 51;
+ std::size_t dim_large = 151;
std::size_t dim_small = 37;
- //std::size_t dim_large = 5;
- //std::size_t dim_small = 3;
+ //std::size_t dim_large = 35;
+ //std::size_t dim_small = 17;
//setup ublas objects:
MatrixType ublas_A(dim_large, dim_large);
@@ -387,21 +419,9 @@ int run_test()
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "////////// Test 6: Products //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test 6: Matrix-Matrix Products //////////" << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Inplace add of prod(): ";
- ublas_A_sub1 += prod(ublas_C_sub, ublas_D_sub);
- vcl_A_sub1 += viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_C_sub, vcl_D_sub);
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_A, vcl_A))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
std::cout << "Assigned C = A * B: ";
ublas_A_sub1 = prod(ublas_C_sub, ublas_D_sub);
vcl_A_sub1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_C_sub, vcl_D_sub);
@@ -450,6 +470,55 @@ int run_test()
+ std::cout << "Inplace add of prod(): ";
+ ublas_A_sub1 += prod(ublas_C_sub, ublas_D_sub);
+ vcl_A_sub1 += viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_C_sub, vcl_D_sub);
+ if (check_for_equality(ublas_A, vcl_A))
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test 7: Matrix-Vector Products //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ VectorType ublas_v1(dim_large);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v1.size(); ++i)
+ ublas_v1(i) = i;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_range<VectorType> ublas_v1_sub(ublas_v1, ublas_r1);
+ VectorType ublas_v2(dim_large);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v2.size(); ++i)
+ ublas_v2(i) = i - 5;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_range<VectorType> ublas_v2_sub(ublas_v2, ublas_r1);
+ VCLVectorType vcl_v1(ublas_v1.size());
+ viennacl::vector_range<VCLVectorType> vcl_v1_sub(vcl_v1, vcl_r1);
+ VCLVectorType vcl_v2(ublas_v2.size());
+ viennacl::vector_range<VCLVectorType> vcl_v2_sub(vcl_v2, vcl_r1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_A_sub1, vcl_A_sub1);
+ ublas_v2_sub = prod(ublas_A_sub1, ublas_v1_sub);
+ vcl_v2_sub = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_A_sub1, vcl_v1_sub);
+ if (check_for_equality_vector(ublas_v2, vcl_v2))
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/matrix_range.cpp b/tests/src/matrix_slice.cpp
similarity index 75%
copy from tests/src/matrix_range.cpp
copy to tests/src/matrix_slice.cpp
index c0ff983..acdc09b 100644
--- a/tests/src/matrix_range.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/matrix_slice.cpp
@@ -37,11 +37,37 @@
#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"*/
#include "viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp"
+#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector_proxy.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp"
+template <typename VectorType, typename VCLVectorType>
+bool check_for_equality_vector(VectorType const & ublas_v, VCLVectorType const & vcl_v)
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<value_type> vcl_v_cpu(vcl_v.size());
+ viennacl::copy(vcl_v, vcl_v_cpu);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (ublas_v(i) != vcl_v_cpu(i))
+ {
+ if ( std::abs(ublas_v(i) - vcl_v_cpu(i)) / std::max(ublas_v(i), vcl_v_cpu(i)) > 1e-5 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << "): " << ublas_v(i) << " vs " << vcl_v_cpu(i) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << ublas_v << std::endl;
+ std::cout << vcl_v_cpu << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
template <typename MatrixType, typename VCLMatrixType>
@@ -58,10 +84,13 @@ bool check_for_equality(MatrixType const & ublas_A, VCLMatrixType const & vcl_A)
if (ublas_A(i,j) != vcl_A_cpu(i,j))
- std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << ", " << j << "): " << ublas_A(i,j) << " vs " << vcl_A_cpu(i,j) << std::endl;
- //std::cout << ublas_A << std::endl;
- //std::cout << vcl_A_cpu << std::endl;
- return false;
+ if ( std::abs(ublas_A(i,j) - vcl_A_cpu(i,j)) / std::max(ublas_A(i,j), vcl_A_cpu(i,j)) > 1e-5 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << ", " << j << "): " << ublas_A(i,j) << " vs " << vcl_A_cpu(i,j) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << ublas_A << std::endl;
+ std::cout << vcl_A_cpu << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
@@ -75,15 +104,20 @@ int run_test()
//typedef float ScalarType;
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<ScalarType> MatrixType;
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> VectorType;
typedef viennacl::matrix<ScalarType, T> VCLMatrixType;
+ typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType> VCLVectorType;
viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> gpu_pi = ScalarType(3.1415);
- std::size_t dim_large = 51;
- std::size_t dim_small = 37;
- //std::size_t dim_large = 5;
- //std::size_t dim_small = 3;
+ //std::size_t dim_large = 196;
+ //std::size_t dim_small = 64;
+ //std::size_t dim_large = 75; //Note: ensure dim_large > 2 * dim_small
+ //std::size_t dim_small = 34;
+ std::size_t dim_large = 75; //Note: ensure dim_large > 2 * dim_small
+ std::size_t dim_small = 34;
//setup ublas objects:
MatrixType ublas_A(dim_large, dim_large);
@@ -96,50 +130,50 @@ int run_test()
for (std::size_t j=0; j<ublas_B.size2(); ++j)
ublas_B(i,j) = ScalarType((i+1) + (j+1)*(i+1));
- MatrixType ublas_C(dim_large, dim_small);
+ MatrixType ublas_C(dim_large, 2 * dim_small);
for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_C.size1(); ++i)
for (std::size_t j=0; j<ublas_C.size2(); ++j)
ublas_C(i,j) = ScalarType((j+2) + (j+1)*(i+1));
- MatrixType ublas_D(dim_small, dim_large);
+ MatrixType ublas_D(2 * dim_small, dim_large);
for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_D.size1(); ++i)
for (std::size_t j=0; j<ublas_D.size2(); ++j)
ublas_D(i,j) = ScalarType((j+2) + (j+1)*(i+1));
- boost::numeric::ublas::range ublas_r1(0, dim_small);
- boost::numeric::ublas::range ublas_r2(dim_large - dim_small, dim_large);
- boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<MatrixType> ublas_A_sub1(ublas_A, ublas_r1, ublas_r1);
- boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<MatrixType> ublas_A_sub2(ublas_A, ublas_r2, ublas_r2);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::slice ublas_s1(0, 2, dim_small);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::slice ublas_s2(dim_large - 2 * dim_small, 2, dim_small);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_slice<MatrixType> ublas_A_sub1(ublas_A, ublas_s1, ublas_s1);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_slice<MatrixType> ublas_A_sub2(ublas_A, ublas_s2, ublas_s2);
- boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<MatrixType> ublas_C_sub(ublas_C, ublas_r1, ublas_r1);
- boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<MatrixType> ublas_D_sub(ublas_D, ublas_r1, ublas_r1);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_slice<MatrixType> ublas_C_sub(ublas_C, ublas_s1, ublas_s1);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_slice<MatrixType> ublas_D_sub(ublas_D, ublas_s1, ublas_s1);
//Setup ViennaCL objects
VCLMatrixType vcl_A(dim_large, dim_large);
viennacl::copy(ublas_A, vcl_A);
VCLMatrixType vcl_B(dim_small, dim_small);
viennacl::copy(ublas_B, vcl_B);
- VCLMatrixType vcl_C(dim_large, dim_small);
+ VCLMatrixType vcl_C(dim_large, 2 * dim_small);
viennacl::copy(ublas_C, vcl_C);
- VCLMatrixType vcl_D(dim_small, dim_large);
+ VCLMatrixType vcl_D(2 * dim_small, dim_large);
viennacl::copy(ublas_D, vcl_D);
- viennacl::range vcl_r1(0, dim_small);
- viennacl::range vcl_r2(dim_large - dim_small, dim_large);
- viennacl::matrix_range<VCLMatrixType> vcl_A_sub1(vcl_A, vcl_r1, vcl_r1);
- viennacl::matrix_range<VCLMatrixType> vcl_A_sub2(vcl_A, vcl_r2, vcl_r2);
+ viennacl::slice vcl_s1(0, 2, dim_small);
+ viennacl::slice vcl_s2(dim_large - 2 * dim_small, 2, dim_small);
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<VCLMatrixType> vcl_A_sub1(vcl_A, vcl_s1, vcl_s1);
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<VCLMatrixType> vcl_A_sub2(vcl_A, vcl_s2, vcl_s2);
- viennacl::matrix_range<VCLMatrixType> vcl_C_sub(vcl_C, vcl_r1, vcl_r1);
- viennacl::matrix_range<VCLMatrixType> vcl_D_sub(vcl_D, vcl_r1, vcl_r1);
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<VCLMatrixType> vcl_C_sub(vcl_C, vcl_s1, vcl_s1);
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<VCLMatrixType> vcl_D_sub(vcl_D, vcl_s1, vcl_s1);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
std::cout << "////////// Test 1: Copy to GPU //////////" << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Testing upper left copy to A... ";
ublas_A_sub1 = ublas_B;
viennacl::copy(ublas_B, vcl_A_sub1);
- std::cout << "Testing upper left copy to A... ";
if (check_for_equality(ublas_A, vcl_A))
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
@@ -149,9 +183,9 @@ int run_test()
+ std::cout << "Testing lower right copy to A... ";
ublas_A_sub2 = ublas_B;
viennacl::copy(ublas_B, vcl_A_sub2);
- std::cout << "Testing lower right copy to A... ";
if (check_for_equality(ublas_A, vcl_A))
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
@@ -162,9 +196,9 @@ int run_test()
+ std::cout << "Testing upper copy to C... ";
ublas_C_sub = ublas_B;
viennacl::copy(ublas_B, vcl_C_sub);
- std::cout << "Testing upper copy to C... ";
if (check_for_equality(ublas_C, vcl_C))
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
@@ -174,9 +208,9 @@ int run_test()
+ std::cout << "Testing left copy to D... ";
ublas_D_sub = ublas_B;
viennacl::copy(ublas_B, vcl_D_sub);
- std::cout << "Testing left copy to D... ";
if (check_for_equality(ublas_D, vcl_D))
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
@@ -387,20 +421,11 @@ int run_test()
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "////////// Test 6: Products //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test 6: Matrix-Matrix Products //////////" << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Inplace add of prod(): ";
- ublas_A_sub1 += prod(ublas_C_sub, ublas_D_sub);
- vcl_A_sub1 += viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_C_sub, vcl_D_sub);
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_A, vcl_A))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_A, vcl_A);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_B, vcl_B);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_C, vcl_C);
std::cout << "Assigned C = A * B: ";
ublas_A_sub1 = prod(ublas_C_sub, ublas_D_sub);
@@ -450,6 +475,55 @@ int run_test()
+ std::cout << "Inplace add of prod(): ";
+ ublas_A_sub1 += prod(ublas_C_sub, ublas_D_sub);
+ vcl_A_sub1 += viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_C_sub, vcl_D_sub);
+ if (check_for_equality(ublas_A, vcl_A))
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test 7: Matrix-Vector Products //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ VectorType ublas_v1(dim_large);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v1.size(); ++i)
+ ublas_v1(i) = static_cast<ScalarType>(i);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_slice<VectorType> ublas_v1_sub(ublas_v1, ublas_s1);
+ VectorType ublas_v2(dim_large);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v2.size(); ++i)
+ ublas_v2(i) = static_cast<ScalarType>(i) - static_cast<ScalarType>(5);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_slice<VectorType> ublas_v2_sub(ublas_v2, ublas_s1);
+ VCLVectorType vcl_v1(ublas_v1.size());
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VCLVectorType> vcl_v1_sub(vcl_v1, vcl_s1);
+ VCLVectorType vcl_v2(ublas_v2.size());
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VCLVectorType> vcl_v2_sub(vcl_v2, vcl_s1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_A_sub1, vcl_A_sub1);
+ ublas_v2_sub = prod(ublas_A_sub1, ublas_v1_sub);
+ vcl_v2_sub = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_A_sub1, vcl_v1_sub);
+ if (check_for_equality_vector(ublas_v2, vcl_v2))
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
@@ -458,7 +532,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "## Test :: Matrix Range" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "## Test :: Matrix Slice" << std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
diff --git a/tests/src/nmf.cpp b/tests/src/nmf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e68f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/nmf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/nmf.hpp"
+#include "examples/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.hpp"
+typedef float ScalarType;
+const ScalarType EPS = 0.1;
+float matrix_compare(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& res,
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& ref)
+ std::vector<ScalarType> res_std(res.internal_size());
+ std::vector<ScalarType> ref_std(ref.internal_size());
+ viennacl::fast_copy(res, &res_std[0]);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(ref, &ref_std[0]);
+ float diff = 0.0;
+ float mx = 0.0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < res_std.size(); i++) {
+ diff = std::max(diff, std::abs(res_std[i] - ref_std[i]));
+ mx = std::max(mx, res_std[i]);
+ }
+ return diff / mx;
+void fill_random(std::vector<ScalarType>& v)
+ for(std::size_t j = 0; j < v.size(); j++)
+ v[j] = static_cast<ScalarType>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+void test_nmf(std::size_t m, std::size_t k, std::size_t n)
+ std::vector<ScalarType> stl_w(m * k);
+ std::vector<ScalarType> stl_h(k * n);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> v_ref(m, n);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> w_ref(m, k);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> h_ref(k, n);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> v_nmf(m, n);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> w_nmf(m, k);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> h_nmf(k, n);
+ fill_random(stl_w);
+ fill_random(stl_h);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&stl_w[0], &stl_w[0] + stl_w.size(), w_ref);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&stl_h[0], &stl_h[0] + stl_h.size(), h_ref);
+ v_ref = viennacl::linalg::prod(w_ref, h_ref);
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ //Timer timer;
+ //timer.start();
+ viennacl::linalg::nmf(v_ref, w_nmf, h_nmf, k);
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ //double time_spent = timer.get();
+ v_nmf = viennacl::linalg::prod(w_nmf, h_nmf);
+ float diff = matrix_compare(v_ref, v_nmf);
+ bool diff_ok = fabs(diff) < EPS;
+ printf("%6s [%lux%lux%lu] diff = %.6f\n", diff_ok?"[[OK]]":"[FAIL]", m, k, n, diff);
+int main()
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ test_nmf(3, 3, 3);
+ test_nmf(3, 2, 3);
+ test_nmf(16, 7, 12);
+ test_nmf(160, 73, 200);
+ test_nmf(1000, 15, 1000);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/src/sparse.cpp b/tests/src/sparse.cpp
index ab60b43..8ccca8d 100644
--- a/tests/src/sparse.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/sparse.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/coordinate_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/hyb_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
@@ -258,6 +260,8 @@ int test(Epsilon const& epsilon)
viennacl::vector<NumericT> vcl_result2(result.size());
viennacl::compressed_matrix<NumericT> vcl_compressed_matrix(rhs.size(), rhs.size());
viennacl::coordinate_matrix<NumericT> vcl_coordinate_matrix(rhs.size(), rhs.size());
+ viennacl::ell_matrix<NumericT> vcl_ell_matrix(rhs.size(), rhs.size());
+ viennacl::hyb_matrix<NumericT> vcl_hyb_matrix(rhs.size(), rhs.size());
copy(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), vcl_rhs.begin());
copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_compressed_matrix);
@@ -266,6 +270,7 @@ int test(Epsilon const& epsilon)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::cout << "Testing products: ublas" << std::endl;
result = viennacl::linalg::prod(ublas_matrix, rhs);
std::cout << "Testing products: compressed_matrix" << std::endl;
vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_compressed_matrix, vcl_rhs);
@@ -276,15 +281,49 @@ int test(Epsilon const& epsilon)
retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
-/* std::cout << "Benching products: coordinate_matrix" << std::endl;
- vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_coordinate_matrix, vcl_rhs);
+ std::cout << "Copying ell_matrix" << std::endl;
+ copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_ell_matrix);
+ ublas_matrix.clear();
+ copy(vcl_ell_matrix, ublas_matrix);// just to check that it's works
+ std::cout << "Testing products: ell_matrix" << std::endl;
+ vcl_result.clear();
+ vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_ell_matrix, vcl_rhs);
+ //viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(vcl_ell_matrix, vcl_rhs, vcl_result);
+ //std::cout << vcl_result << "\n";
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs(diff(result, vcl_result)) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "First entry of result vector: " << vcl_result[0] << std::endl;
if( fabs(diff(result, vcl_result)) > epsilon )
- std::cout << "# Error at operation: matrix-vector product with coordinate_matrix" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: matrix-vector product with ell_matrix" << std::endl;
std::cout << " diff: " << fabs(diff(result, vcl_result)) << std::endl;
retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
- }*/
+ }
+ std::cout << "Copying hyb_matrix" << std::endl;
+ copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_hyb_matrix);
+ ublas_matrix.clear();
+ copy(vcl_hyb_matrix, ublas_matrix);// just to check that it's works
+ copy(ublas_matrix, vcl_hyb_matrix);
+ std::cout << "Testing products: hyb_matrix" << std::endl;
+ vcl_result.clear();
+ vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_ell_matrix, vcl_rhs);
+ //viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(vcl_hyb_matrix, vcl_rhs, vcl_result);
+ //std::cout << vcl_result << "\n";
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs(diff(result, vcl_result)) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "First entry of result vector: " << vcl_result[0] << std::endl;
+ if( fabs(diff(result, vcl_result)) > epsilon )
+ {
+ std::cout << "# Error at operation: matrix-vector product with hyb_matrix" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " diff: " << fabs(diff(result, vcl_result)) << std::endl;
+ retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tests/src/svd.cpp b/tests/src/svd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88bfcd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/svd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp"
+#include "examples/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.hpp"
+typedef float ScalarType;
+const float EPS = 0.001;
+void read_matrix_size(std::fstream& f, unsigned int& sz1, unsigned int& sz2) {
+ if(!f.is_open())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("File is not opened");
+ f >> sz1 >> sz2;
+void read_matrix_body(std::fstream& f, viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& A) {
+ if(!f.is_open())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("File is not opened");
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float> h_A(A.size1(), A.size2());
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < h_A.size1(); i++) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < h_A.size2(); j++) {
+ ScalarType val = 0.0;
+ f >> val;
+ h_A(i, j) = val;
+ }
+ }
+ viennacl::copy(h_A, A);
+void read_vector_body(std::fstream& f, std::vector<ScalarType>& v) {
+ if(!f.is_open())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("File is not opened");
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
+ {
+ ScalarType val = 0.0;
+ f >> val;
+ v[i] = val;
+ }
+void random_fill(std::vector<ScalarType>& in) {
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
+ in[i] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
+ }
+bool check_bidiag(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& A) {
+ const float EPS = 0.0001f;
+ std::vector<ScalarType> aA(A.size1() * A.size2());
+ viennacl::fast_copy(A, &aA[0]);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < A.size1(); i++) {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < A.size2(); j++) {
+ ScalarType val = aA[i * A.size2() + j];
+ if((fabs(val) > EPS) && (i != j) && ((i + 1) != j)) {
+ std::cout << "Failed at " << i << " " << j << " " << val << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+float matrix_compare(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& res,
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& ref)
+ std::vector<ScalarType> res_std(res.internal_size());
+ std::vector<ScalarType> ref_std(ref.internal_size());
+ viennacl::fast_copy(res, &res_std[0]);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(ref, &ref_std[0]);
+ float diff = 0.0;
+ float mx = 0.0;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < res_std.size(); i++) {
+ diff = std::max(diff, std::abs(res_std[i] - ref_std[i]));
+ mx = std::max(mx, res_std[i]);
+ }
+ return diff / mx;
+float sigmas_compare(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType>& res,
+ std::vector<ScalarType>& ref)
+ std::vector<ScalarType> res_std(ref.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < ref.size(); i++)
+ {
+ res_std[i] = res(i, i);
+ }
+ std::sort(ref.begin(), ref.end());
+ std::sort(res_std.begin(), res_std.end());
+ float diff = 0.0;
+ float mx = 0.0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < ref.size(); i++)
+ {
+ diff = std::max(diff, std::abs(res_std[i] - ref[i]));
+ mx = std::max(mx, res_std[i]);
+ }
+ return diff / mx;
+void test_svd(const std::string& fn)
+ unsigned int sz1, sz2;
+ //read matrix
+ // sz1 = 2048, sz2 = 2048;
+ // std::vector<ScalarType> in(sz1 * sz2);
+ // random_fill(in);
+ // read file
+ std::fstream f(fn.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
+ //read size of input matrix
+ read_matrix_size(f, sz1, sz2);
+ unsigned int to = std::min(sz1, sz2);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> Ai(sz1, sz2), Aref(sz1, sz2), QL(sz1, sz1), QR(sz2, sz2);
+ read_matrix_body(f, Ai);
+ std::vector<ScalarType> sigma_ref(to);
+ read_vector_body(f, sigma_ref);
+ f.close();
+ // viennacl::fast_copy(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), Ai);
+ Aref = Ai;
+ Timer timer;
+ timer.start();
+ viennacl::linalg::svd(Ai, QL, QR);
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ double time_spend = timer.get();
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> result1(sz1, sz2), result2(sz1, sz2);
+ result1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(QL, Ai);
+ result2 = viennacl::linalg::prod(result1, trans(QR));
+ float sigma_diff = sigmas_compare(Ai, sigma_ref);
+ float prods_diff = matrix_compare(result2, Aref);
+ bool sigma_ok = (fabs(sigma_diff) < EPS) && (fabs(prods_diff) < EPS);
+ printf("%6s [%dx%d] %40s sigma_diff = %.6f; prod_diff = %.6f; time = %.6f\n", sigma_ok?"[[OK]]":"[FAIL]", (int)Aref.size1(), (int)Aref.size2(), fn.c_str(), sigma_diff, prods_diff, time_spend);
+void time_svd(size_t sz1, size_t sz2)
+ std::vector<ScalarType> in(sz1 * sz2);
+ random_fill(in);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> Ai(sz1, sz2), QL(sz1, sz1), QR(sz2, sz2);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), Ai);
+ Timer timer;
+ timer.start();
+ viennacl::linalg::svd(Ai, QL, QR);
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ double time_spend = timer.get();
+ printf("[%dx%d] time = %.6f\n", (int)sz1, (int)sz2, time_spend);
+int main()
+ test_svd(std::string("../../examples/testdata/svd/qr.example"));
+ test_svd(std::string("../../examples/testdata/svd/wiki.example"));
+ test_svd(std::string("../../examples/testdata/svd/wiki.qr.example"));
+ test_svd(std::string("../../examples/testdata/svd/pysvd.example"));
+ test_svd(std::string("../../examples/testdata/svd/random.example"));
+ time_svd(500, 500);
+ time_svd(1000, 1000);
+ time_svd(4096, 512);
+ time_svd(2048, 2048);
+ //time_svd(4096, 4096); //takes too long for a standard sanity test. Feel free to uncomment
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/tests/src/vector_range.cpp b/tests/src/vector_range.cpp
index 3a6ab05..efdd2ed 100644
--- a/tests/src/vector_range.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/vector_range.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
/*#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
@@ -50,23 +54,37 @@ bool check_for_equality(VectorType const & ublas_v, VCLVectorType const & vcl_v)
std::vector<value_type> vcl_v_cpu(vcl_v.size());
viennacl::copy(vcl_v, vcl_v_cpu);
+ bool error_detected = false;
for (size_t i=0; i<ublas_v.size(); ++i)
if (ublas_v[i] != vcl_v_cpu[i])
- std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << "): " << ublas_v[i] << " vs " << vcl_v_cpu[i] << std::endl;
+ //check whether there are just some round-off errors:
+ if (std::abs(ublas_v[i] - vcl_v_cpu[i]) / std::max(ublas_v[i], vcl_v_cpu[i]) > 1e-5)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << "): " << ublas_v[i] << " vs " << vcl_v_cpu[i] << std::endl;
+ error_detected = true;
+ }
+ if (!error_detected)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
return true;
-template <typename T>
+template <typename ScalarType>
int run_test()
- typedef float ScalarType;
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> VectorType;
typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType> VCLVectorType;
@@ -105,80 +123,72 @@ int run_test()
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "////////// Test 1: Copy to GPU //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Copy to GPU //////////" << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
ublas_v1_sub1 = ublas_v2;
viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v1_sub1);
std::cout << "Testing copy to begin of v1... ";
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
ublas_v1_sub2 = ublas_v2;
viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v1_sub2);
std::cout << "Testing copy to middle of v1... ";
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
ublas_v1_sub3 = ublas_v2;
viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v1_sub3);
std::cout << "Testing copy to bottom of v1... ";
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "////////// Test 2: Copy from GPU //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Copy from GPU //////////" << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Testing beginning of v1... ";
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
std::cout << "Testing middle of v1... ";
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub2, vcl_v1_sub2))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub2, vcl_v1_sub2);
std::cout << "Testing bottom of v1... ";
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub3, vcl_v1_sub3))
- std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
- else
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub3, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "////////// Test 3: Inplace add //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Assignments //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ std::cout << "Testing vector assigned to range... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 = ublas_v2;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 = vcl_v2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing range assigned to vector... ";
+ ublas_v2 = ublas_v1_sub1;
+ vcl_v2 = vcl_v1_sub1;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing range assigned to range... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 = ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 = vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Inplace add //////////" << std::endl;
std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
@@ -186,37 +196,169 @@ int run_test()
ublas_v1_sub1 += ublas_v1_sub1;
vcl_v1_sub1 += vcl_v1_sub1;
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1))
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at middle of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub2 += ublas_v1_sub2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 += vcl_v1_sub2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at end of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 += ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 += vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at end of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 += ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 += vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add of vector with range: ";
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ ublas_v1_sub2 += ublas_v2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 += vcl_v2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Inplace sub //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub at beginning of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 -= ublas_v1_sub1;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 -= vcl_v1_sub1;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub at middle of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub2 -= ublas_v1_sub2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 -= vcl_v1_sub2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub at end of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 -= ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 -= vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub of vector with range: ";
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ ublas_v1_sub2 -= ublas_v2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 -= vcl_v2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Inplace mult/div //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ ScalarType s = 3.14;
+ viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> vcl_s = s;
+ std::cout << "Multiplication with CPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 *= s;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 *= s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Multiplication with GPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 *= vcl_s;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 *= vcl_s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Division with CPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 /= s;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 /= s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Division with GPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 /= vcl_s;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 /= vcl_s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Vector Operations (norm_X, inner_prod, etc.) //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v1.size(); ++i) //reinit values
+ ublas_v1(i) = static_cast<ScalarType>(i+1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub2, vcl_v1_sub2);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub3, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ double result_ublas = 0;
+ double result_viennacl = 0;
+ std::cout << "Testing norm_1: ";
+ result_ublas = norm_1(ublas_v1_sub2);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::norm_1(vcl_v1_sub2);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Testing inplace add at middle of v1: ";
- ublas_v1_sub2 += ublas_v1_sub2;
- vcl_v1_sub2 += vcl_v1_sub2;
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1))
+ std::cout << "Testing norm_2: ";
+ result_ublas = norm_2(ublas_v1_sub2);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(vcl_v1_sub2);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Testing inplace add at end of v1: ";
- ublas_v1_sub3 += ublas_v1_sub3;
- vcl_v1_sub3 += vcl_v1_sub3;
- if (check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1))
+ std::cout << "Testing norm_inf: ";
+ result_ublas = norm_inf(ublas_v1_sub2);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::norm_inf(vcl_v1_sub2);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing inner_prod: ";
+ result_ublas = inner_prod(ublas_v1_sub1, ublas_v1_sub3);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(vcl_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
@@ -234,7 +376,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " eps: " << 0 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " eps: " << 0 << std::endl;
std::cout << " numeric: float" << std::endl;
if (run_test<float>() != EXIT_SUCCESS)
@@ -242,7 +384,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
if( viennacl::ocl::current_device().double_support() )
std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " eps: " << 0 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " eps: " << 0 << std::endl;
std::cout << " numeric: double" << std::endl;
if (run_test<double>() != EXIT_SUCCESS)
diff --git a/tests/src/vector_slice.cpp b/tests/src/vector_slice.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f3c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/vector_slice.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+//#define NDEBUG
+#include <utility>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+//#include "../benchmarks/benchmark-utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
+/*#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"*/
+#include "viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp"
+#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp"
+#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp"
+#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector_proxy.hpp"
+#include "boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp"
+template <typename VectorType, typename VCLVectorType>
+bool check_for_equality(VectorType const & ublas_v, VCLVectorType const & vcl_v)
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
+ std::vector<value_type> vcl_v_cpu(vcl_v.size());
+ viennacl::copy(vcl_v, vcl_v_cpu);
+ bool error_detected = false;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ublas_v.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (ublas_v[i] != vcl_v_cpu[i])
+ {
+ //check whether there are just some round-off errors:
+ if (std::abs(ublas_v[i] - vcl_v_cpu[i]) / std::max(ublas_v[i], vcl_v_cpu[i]) > 1e-5)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error at index (" << i << "): " << ublas_v[i] << " vs " << vcl_v_cpu[i] << std::endl;
+ error_detected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!error_detected)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename ScalarType>
+int run_test()
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> VectorType;
+ typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType> VCLVectorType;
+ std::size_t dim_large = 90;
+ std::size_t dim_small = 27;
+ //setup ublas objects:
+ VectorType ublas_v1(dim_large);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v1.size(); ++i)
+ ublas_v1(i) = static_cast<ScalarType>(i+1);
+ VectorType ublas_v2(dim_small);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v2.size(); ++i)
+ ublas_v2(i) = static_cast<ScalarType>(dim_large + i);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::slice ublas_s1(0, 2, dim_small);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::slice ublas_s2(dim_small - 1, 2, dim_small);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::slice ublas_s3(dim_large - 3 * dim_small, 3, dim_small);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_slice<VectorType> ublas_v1_sub1(ublas_v1, ublas_s1);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_slice<VectorType> ublas_v1_sub2(ublas_v1, ublas_s2);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector_slice<VectorType> ublas_v1_sub3(ublas_v1, ublas_s3);
+ //Setup ViennaCL objects
+ VCLVectorType vcl_v1(dim_large);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ VCLVectorType vcl_v2(dim_small);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ viennacl::slice vcl_s1(0, 2, dim_small);
+ viennacl::slice vcl_s2(dim_small - 1, 2, dim_small);
+ viennacl::slice vcl_s3(dim_large - 3 * dim_small, 3, dim_small);
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VCLVectorType> vcl_v1_sub1(vcl_v1, vcl_s1);
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VCLVectorType> vcl_v1_sub2(vcl_v1, vcl_s2);
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VCLVectorType> vcl_v1_sub3(vcl_v1, vcl_s3);
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Copy to GPU //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Testing copy to begin of v1... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 = ublas_v2;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing copy to middle of v1... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub2 = ublas_v2;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v1_sub2);
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing copy to bottom of v1... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 = ublas_v2;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Copy from GPU //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Testing beginning of v1... ";
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ std::cout << "Testing middle of v1... ";
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub2, vcl_v1_sub2);
+ std::cout << "Testing bottom of v1... ";
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1_sub3, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Assignments //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ std::cout << "Testing vector assigned to slice... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 = ublas_v2;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 = vcl_v2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing slice assigned to vector... ";
+ ublas_v2 = ublas_v1_sub1;
+ vcl_v2 = vcl_v1_sub1;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing slice assigned to slice... ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 = ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 = vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Inplace add //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at beginning of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 += ublas_v1_sub1;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 += vcl_v1_sub1;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at middle of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub2 += ublas_v1_sub2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 += vcl_v1_sub2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at end of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 += ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 += vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add at end of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 += ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 += vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace add of vector with slice: ";
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ ublas_v1_sub2 += ublas_v2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 += vcl_v2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Inplace sub //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub at beginning of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 -= ublas_v1_sub1;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 -= vcl_v1_sub1;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub at middle of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub2 -= ublas_v1_sub2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 -= vcl_v1_sub2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub at end of v1: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 -= ublas_v1_sub3;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 -= vcl_v1_sub3;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Testing inplace sub of vector with slice: ";
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ ublas_v1_sub2 -= ublas_v2;
+ vcl_v1_sub2 -= vcl_v2;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Inplace mult/div //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v2, vcl_v2);
+ ScalarType s = static_cast<ScalarType>(3.14);
+ viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> vcl_s = s;
+ std::cout << "Multiplication with CPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 *= s;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 *= s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Multiplication with GPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 *= vcl_s;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 *= vcl_s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Division with CPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub1 /= s;
+ vcl_v1_sub1 /= s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "Division with GPU scalar: ";
+ ublas_v1_sub3 /= vcl_s;
+ vcl_v1_sub3 /= vcl_s;
+ check_for_equality(ublas_v1, vcl_v1);
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "////////// Test: Vector Operations (norm_X, inner_prod, etc.) //////////" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "//" << std::endl;
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<ublas_v1.size(); ++i) //reinit values
+ ublas_v1(i) = static_cast<ScalarType>(i+1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub1);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub2, vcl_v1_sub2);
+ viennacl::copy(ublas_v1_sub3, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ double result_ublas = 0;
+ double result_viennacl = 0;
+ std::cout << "Testing norm_1: ";
+ result_ublas = norm_1(ublas_v1_sub2);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::norm_1(vcl_v1_sub2);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing norm_2: ";
+ result_ublas = norm_2(ublas_v1_sub2);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(vcl_v1_sub2);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing norm_inf: ";
+ result_ublas = norm_inf(ublas_v1_sub2);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::norm_inf(vcl_v1_sub2);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Testing inner_prod: ";
+ result_ublas = inner_prod(ublas_v1_sub1, ublas_v1_sub3);
+ result_viennacl = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(vcl_v1_sub1, vcl_v1_sub3);
+ if (std::abs(result_ublas - result_viennacl) / std::abs(result_ublas) < 1e-3)
+ std::cout << "PASSED!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "TEST failed!";
+ std::cout << "Ublas: " << result_ublas << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << result_viennacl << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "## Test :: Vector Slice" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " eps: " << 0 << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " numeric: float" << std::endl;
+ if (run_test<float>() != EXIT_SUCCESS)
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ if( viennacl::ocl::current_device().double_support() )
+ {
+ std::cout << "# Testing setup:" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " eps: " << 0 << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " numeric: double" << std::endl;
+ if (run_test<double>() != EXIT_SUCCESS)
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp b/viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0242c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/ell_matrix.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file ell_matrix.hpp
+ @brief Implementation of the ell_matrix class
+ Contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko.
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/kernels/ell_matrix_kernels.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ template<typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT /* see forwards.h for default argument */>
+ class ell_matrix
+ {
+ public:
+ ell_matrix()
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::kernels::ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::init();
+ }
+ ell_matrix(std::size_t row_num, std::size_t col_num)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::kernels::ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::init();
+ }
+ public:
+ std::size_t internal_size1() const { return viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<std::size_t>(rows_, ALIGNMENT); }
+ std::size_t internal_size2() const { return viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<std::size_t>(cols_, ALIGNMENT); }
+ std::size_t size1() const { return rows_; }
+ std::size_t size2() const { return cols_; }
+ std::size_t internal_maxnnz() const {return viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<std::size_t>(maxnnz_, ALIGNMENT); }
+ std::size_t maxnnz() const { return maxnnz_; }
+ std::size_t nnz() const { return rows_ * maxnnz_; }
+ std::size_t internal_nnz() const { return internal_size1() * internal_maxnnz(); }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle1( ) const { return elements_; }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle2() const { return coords_; }
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename T, unsigned int ALIGN>
+ friend void copy(const CPU_MATRIX & cpu_matrix, ell_matrix<T, ALIGN> & gpu_matrix );
+ private:
+ std::size_t rows_;
+ std::size_t cols_;
+ std::size_t maxnnz_;
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> coords_;
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> elements_;
+ };
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void copy(const CPU_MATRIX& cpu_matrix, ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& gpu_matrix )
+ {
+ if(cpu_matrix.size1() > 0 && cpu_matrix.size2() > 0)
+ {
+ //determine max capacity for row
+ std::size_t max_entries_per_row = 0;
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator1 row_it = cpu_matrix.begin1(); row_it != cpu_matrix.end1(); ++row_it)
+ {
+ std::size_t num_entries = 0;
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator2 col_it = row_it.begin(); col_it != row_it.end(); ++col_it)
+ {
+ ++num_entries;
+ }
+ max_entries_per_row = std::max(max_entries_per_row, num_entries);
+ }
+ //setup GPU matrix
+ gpu_matrix.maxnnz_ = max_entries_per_row;
+ gpu_matrix.rows_ = cpu_matrix.size1();
+ gpu_matrix.cols_ = cpu_matrix.size2();
+ std::size_t nnz = gpu_matrix.internal_nnz();
+ std::vector<cl_uint> coords(nnz, 0);
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> elements(nnz, 0);
+ // std::cout << "ELL_MATRIX copy " << gpu_matrix.maxnnz_ << " " << gpu_matrix.rows_ << " " << gpu_matrix.cols_ << " "
+ // << gpu_matrix.internal_maxnnz() << "\n";
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator1 row_it = cpu_matrix.begin1(); row_it != cpu_matrix.end1(); ++row_it)
+ {
+ std::size_t data_index = 0;
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator2 col_it = row_it.begin(); col_it != row_it.end(); ++col_it)
+ {
+ coords[gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * data_index + col_it.index1()] = col_it.index2();
+ elements[gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * data_index + col_it.index1()] = *col_it;
+ //std::cout << *col_it << "\n";
+ data_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ gpu_matrix.coords_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, coords);
+ gpu_matrix.elements_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, elements);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void copy(const ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& gpu_matrix, CPU_MATRIX& cpu_matrix)
+ {
+ if(gpu_matrix.size1() > 0 && gpu_matrix.size2() > 0)
+ {
+ cpu_matrix.resize(gpu_matrix.size1(), gpu_matrix.size2());
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> elements(gpu_matrix.internal_nnz());
+ std::vector<cl_uint> coords(gpu_matrix.internal_nnz());
+ cl_int err;
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle1(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * elements.size(), &(elements[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle2(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint) * coords.size(), &(coords[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ for(std::size_t row = 0; row < gpu_matrix.size1(); row++)
+ {
+ for(std::size_t ind = 0; ind < gpu_matrix.internal_maxnnz(); ind++)
+ {
+ std::size_t offset = gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * ind + row;
+ if(elements[offset] == static_cast<SCALARTYPE>(0.0))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(coords[offset] >= gpu_matrix.size2())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "ViennaCL encountered invalid data " << offset << " " << ind << " " << row << " " << coords[offset] << " " << gpu_matrix.size2() << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ cpu_matrix(row, coords[offset]) = elements[offset];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ /** @brief Returns a proxy class that represents matrix-vector multiplication with a hyb_matrix
+ *
+ * This is used for the convenience expression result = prod(mat, vec);
+ *
+ * @param mat The matrix
+ * @param vec The vector
+ */
+ template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
+ vector_expression<const ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_prod > prod_impl(const ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & mat,
+ const vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> & vec)
+ {
+ return vector_expression<const ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_prod >(mat, vec);
+ }
+ template<class TYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
+ void prod_impl(
+ const viennacl::ell_matrix<TYPE, ALIGNMENT>& mat,
+ const viennacl::vector<TYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>& vec,
+ viennacl::vector<TYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>& result)
+ {
+ assert(mat.size1() == result.size());
+ assert(mat.size2() == vec.size());
+ result.clear();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "vec_mul_" << 1;//(ALIGNMENT != 1?4:1);
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::ell_matrix<TYPE, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "vec_mul");
+ unsigned int thread_num = 128;
+ unsigned int group_num = 256;
+ k.local_work_size(0, thread_num);
+ k.global_work_size(0, thread_num * group_num);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(mat.handle2(),
+ mat.handle1(),
+ vec,
+ result,
+ cl_uint(mat.size1()),
+ cl_uint(mat.size2()),
+ cl_uint(mat.internal_size1()),
+ cl_uint(mat.maxnnz()),
+ cl_uint(mat.internal_maxnnz())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief Implementation of the operation v1 = A * v2, where A is a matrix
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
+ */
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> &
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::operator=(const viennacl::vector_expression< const ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ viennacl::op_prod> & proxy)
+ {
+ // check for the special case x = A * x
+ if (proxy.rhs().handle().get() == this->handle().get())
+ {
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(proxy.rhs().size());
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), result);
+ *this = result;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/forwards.h b/viennacl/forwards.h
index ea57b1a..8695f96 100644
--- a/viennacl/forwards.h
+++ b/viennacl/forwards.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- @mainpage Source Code Documentation for ViennaCL 1.2.1
+ @mainpage Source Code Documentation for ViennaCL 1.3.0
This is the source code documentation of ViennaCL. Detailed information about the functions in ViennaCL can be found here.
@@ -128,6 +128,12 @@ namespace viennacl
class coordinate_matrix;
template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT = 1>
+ class ell_matrix;
+ template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT = 1>
+ class hyb_matrix;
+ template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT = 1>
class circulant_matrix;
template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT = 1>
@@ -146,13 +152,25 @@ namespace viennacl
class basic_range;
typedef basic_range<> range;
+ template <typename SizeType = std::size_t, typename DistanceType = std::ptrdiff_t>
+ class basic_slice;
- template <typename MatrixType>
- class matrix_range;
+ typedef basic_slice<> slice;
template <typename VectorType>
class vector_range;
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ class vector_slice;
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ class matrix_range;
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ class matrix_slice;
template <typename T>
struct is_scalar;
@@ -228,7 +246,18 @@ namespace viennacl
op_prod > prod_impl(const viennacl::coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & ,
const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> &);
+ template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
+ viennacl::vector_expression<const viennacl::ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_prod > prod_impl(const viennacl::ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & ,
+ const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> &);
+ template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
+ viennacl::vector_expression<const viennacl::hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_prod > prod_impl(const viennacl::hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & ,
+ const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> &);
//forward definition of inner_prod_impl function
/*template <typename V1, typename V2>
typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_vector<V1>::value
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp b/viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b7f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file compound_node.hpp
+ * @brief Structures corresponding to binary nodes in the expression tree
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <set>
+#include "viennacl/generator/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief Binary node class for storing expression trees
+ *
+ * @tparam LHS_ LHS of the expression
+ * @tparam OP_ Operator of the expression
+ * @tparam RHS_ RHS of the expression
+ * @tparam is_temporary_ Boolean for storing whether the binary node is temporary.
+ */
+ template<class LHS_, class OP_, class RHS_, bool is_temporary_>
+ class compound_node
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef LHS_ LHS;
+ typedef RHS_ RHS;
+ typedef OP_ OP;
+ static const bool is_temporary = is_temporary_;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return LHS::name() + "_" + OP::name() + "_" + RHS::name();
+ }
+ };
+ template<class LHS_, class RHS_, bool is_temporary_>
+ class compound_node<LHS_,inner_prod_type,RHS_, is_temporary_>
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief Specialization for the inner product
+ */
+ typedef LHS_ LHS;
+ typedef RHS_ RHS;
+ typedef inner_prod_type OP;
+ typedef typename result_of::expression_type<RHS>::Result IntermediateType; //Note: Visual Studio does not allow to combine this line with the next one directly.
+ typedef typename IntermediateType::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ static const bool is_temporary = is_temporary_;
+ enum { id = -2 };
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return "__global float * " + name() + '\n';
+ }
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return LHS::name() + "_inprod_" + RHS::name();
+ }
+ static const std::string scalar_name()
+ {
+ return name() +"_s";
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Specialization for the matrix-vector product.
+ */
+ template<class LHS_, class RHS_, bool is_temporary_>
+ class compound_node<LHS_,prod_type,RHS_, is_temporary_>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS_,prod_type,RHS_, is_temporary_> self_type;
+ public:
+ typedef LHS_ LHS;
+ typedef RHS_ RHS;
+ typedef prod_type OP;
+ enum { id = LHS::id };
+ typedef typename result_of::expression_type<RHS>::Result IntermediateType; //Note: Visual Studio does not allow to combine this line with the next one directly.
+ typedef typename IntermediateType::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = result_of::expression_type<RHS>::Result::Alignment;
+ static const bool is_temporary = is_temporary_;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return LHS::name() + "_prod_" + RHS::name();
+ }
+ static const std::string size2_name()
+ {
+ return "size_"+name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size2_name()
+ {
+ return "internal_size_"+name();
+ }
+ static const std::string name_argument()
+ {
+ return " __global " + print_type<ScalarType*,Alignment>::value() + " " + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return name_argument() + ", unsigned int " + size2_name() + ", unsigned int " + internal_size2_name() + "\n" ;
+ }
+ };
+ /** @brief Addition operator on 2 elements of the same type */
+ template<class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if< is_same_expression_type<LHS_TYPE, RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<LHS_TYPE, add_type, RHS_TYPE> >::type
+ operator+ ( LHS_TYPE const & lhs, RHS_TYPE const & rhs )
+ {
+ return compound_node<LHS_TYPE, add_type, RHS_TYPE>();
+ }
+ /** @brief Substraction operator on 2 elements of the same type */
+ template<class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if< is_same_expression_type<LHS_TYPE, RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<LHS_TYPE, sub_type, RHS_TYPE> >::type
+ operator- ( LHS_TYPE const & lhs, RHS_TYPE const & rhs )
+ {
+ return compound_node<LHS_TYPE, sub_type, RHS_TYPE>();
+ }
+ /** @brief Helper for the inner_prod operator */
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ struct make_inner_prod;
+ template<class LHS, class LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR,
+ struct make_inner_prod<result_of::vector_expression<LHS, LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ result_of::vector_expression<RHS, RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS,true> Result;
+ };
+ /** @brief Inner product operator */
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS,true> inner_prod ( LHS vec_expr1,RHS vec_expr2 )
+ {
+ typedef typename result_of::expression_type<LHS>::Result LHS_TYPE;
+ typedef typename result_of::expression_type<RHS>::Result RHS_TYPE;
+ typename make_inner_prod<LHS_TYPE,RHS_TYPE>::Result result;
+ return result;;
+ }
+ /** @brief Product operator */
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ compound_node<LHS,prod_type,RHS> prod ( LHS vec_expr1,RHS vec_expr2 )
+ {
+ return compound_node<LHS,prod_type,RHS>();
+ }
+ } // namespace generator
+} // namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp b/viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83cf9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/custom_operation.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file custom_operation.hpp
+ * @brief User Interface for making custom operations.
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "viennacl/generator/get_kernels_infos.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ /** @brief A class for making a custom operation */
+ class custom_operation
+ {
+ public :
+ /** @brief CTor
+ *
+ * @param expression the expression to build the interface for
+ * @param program_name_hint the code for this expression will be stored in the program provided by this name
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ custom_operation ( T const & expression, std::string const & program_name_hint="" )
+ {
+ program_name_ = viennacl::generator::program_infos<T>::value (program_name_hint, sources_,runtime_wrappers_);
+ create_program ( static_cast<bool> ( viennacl::generator::tree_utils::count_if<T,viennacl::generator::is_inner_product_leaf>::value ) );
+ }
+ /** @brief DTor */
+ ~custom_operation()
+ {
+ for (viennacl::generator::runtime_wrappers_t::iterator it = runtime_wrappers_.begin();
+ it != runtime_wrappers_.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ delete (it->second.second);
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns the list of the kernels involved in the operation */
+ viennacl::generator::KernelsSources const & kernels_sources() const
+ {
+ return sources_;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the generated sources */
+ std::string kernels_source_code() const
+ {
+ std::string res;
+ for (viennacl::generator::KernelsSources::const_iterator it = sources_.begin();
+ it != sources_.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ res += it->second + "\n";
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns the program name */
+ std::string const & program_name() const { return program_name_; }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 const & t0)
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0, class T1>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1 )
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0, class T1, class T2>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2 )
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(2, viennacl::any((T2*)&t2)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3 )
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(2, viennacl::any((T2*)&t2)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(3, viennacl::any((T3*)&t3)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 & t0, T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4 )
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(2, viennacl::any((T2*)&t2)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(3, viennacl::any((T3*)&t3)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(4, viennacl::any((T4*)&t4)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 & t0, T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4, T5 & t5 )
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(2, viennacl::any((T2*)&t2)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(3, viennacl::any((T3*)&t3)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(4, viennacl::any((T4*)&t4)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(5, viennacl::any((T5*)&t5)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 & t0, T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4, T5 & t5, T6 & t6)
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(2, viennacl::any((T2*)&t2)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(3, viennacl::any((T3*)&t3)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(4, viennacl::any((T4*)&t4)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(5, viennacl::any((T5*)&t5)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(6, viennacl::any((T6*)&t6)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience for enqueuing the custom operation */
+ template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6, class T7>
+ custom_operation & operator() ( T0 & t0, T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4, T5 & t5, T6 & t6, T7 & t7 )
+ {
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(0, viennacl::any((T0*)&t0)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(1, viennacl::any((T1*)&t1)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(2, viennacl::any((T2*)&t2)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(3, viennacl::any((T3*)&t3)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(4, viennacl::any((T4*)&t4)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(5, viennacl::any((T5*)&t5)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(6, viennacl::any((T6*)&t6)) );
+ user_args_.insert( std::make_pair(7, viennacl::any((T7*)&t7)) );
+ add_operation_arguments();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ void create_program ( bool include_sum_kernel )
+ {
+ std::string kernels_string;
+ for (viennacl::generator::KernelsSources::iterator it = sources_.begin();
+ it != sources_.end();
+ ++it )
+ {
+ kernels_string += it->second + "\n";
+ }
+ viennacl::ocl::program& program = viennacl::ocl::current_context().add_program(kernels_string, program_name_);
+ for (viennacl::generator::KernelsSources::iterator it = sources_.begin();
+ it != sources_.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ program.add_kernel(it->first);
+ }
+ }
+ void add_operation_arguments()
+ {
+ for (generator::runtime_wrappers_t::iterator it = runtime_wrappers_.begin();
+ it != runtime_wrappers_.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ std::string const & kernel_name = it->first;
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& current_kernel = viennacl::ocl::current_context().get_program(program_name_).get_kernel(kernel_name);
+ const unsigned int arg_pos = it->second.first;
+ generator::result_of::runtime_wrapper * current_arg = it->second.second;
+ std::cout << "Enqueuing : Kernel " << kernel_name << " Argument : " << current_arg->name() << " | Pos : " << arg_pos << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ current_arg->enqueue(arg_pos,current_kernel,user_args_,temporaries_);
+ }
+ }
+ private :
+ typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned int> CurrentArgsContainer;
+ CurrentArgsContainer current_args_pos_;
+ std::map<unsigned int, viennacl::any> user_args_;
+ std::string program_name_;
+ std::vector<viennacl::ocl::local_mem> lmem_;
+ viennacl::generator::KernelsSources sources_;
+ viennacl::generator::runtime_wrappers_t runtime_wrappers_;
+ std::map<std::string, viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > temporaries_;
+ };
+ inline void enqueue_custom_op(viennacl::generator::custom_operation & op, viennacl::ocl::command_queue const & queue)
+ {
+ for(std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = op.kernels_sources().begin(); it != op.kernels_sources().end() ; ++it)
+ {
+ std::string current_kernel_name = it->first;
+ std::cout << "Enqueueing " << current_kernel_name << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ enqueue(viennacl::ocl::current_context().get_program(op.program_name()).get_kernel(current_kernel_name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp b/viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c72e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp
+ * @brief Contains the stuffs related to the elementwise_modifier
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <string>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "viennacl/generator/forwards.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the elementwise_modifier
+ *
+ * @tparam T the underlying expression to modify
+ * @tparam U the function returning the modifier's expression
+ */
+ template<class T, std::string (*U)()>
+ struct elementwise_modifier_impl
+ {
+ private:
+ static std::string expr_name()
+ {
+ std::string res = U();
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),'/','o');
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),'*','x');
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),'+','a');
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),'-','s');
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),' ','_');
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),'(','p');
+ std::replace(res.begin(),res.end(),')','p');
+ return res;
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef T PRIOR_TYPE;
+ enum { id = -2 };
+ static std::string name()
+ {
+ return expr_name() + '_' + T::name();
+ }
+ static std::string modify(std::string const & replacer)
+ {
+ std::string result(U());
+ int pos;
+ while( (pos = result.find('X')) != std::string::npos )
+ {
+ result.replace(pos, 1, '(' + replacer + ')' );
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ /** @brief Operator for creating an elementwise_modifier from an expression */
+ template<std::string (*U)(),class T>
+ elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U> elementwise_modifier( T const & t )
+ {
+ return elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/forwards.h b/viennacl/generator/forwards.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..123483e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/forwards.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/forwards.h
+ * @brief Forward declarations of the important structures for the kernel generator
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template<class T>
+ struct is_temporary;
+ template<class LHS, class OP_TYPE, class RHS, bool is_temporary = false>
+ class compound_node;
+ template<class T>
+ struct inner_prod_impl_t;
+ template< unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT = 1>
+ class symbolic_vector;
+ template<class REF>
+ class tmp_symbolic_vector;
+ template<unsigned int ID,
+ typename SCALARTYPE, class F = viennacl::row_major, unsigned int ALIGNMENT = 1>
+ class symbolic_matrix;
+ template<class REF>
+ class tmp_symbolic_matrix;
+ template<unsigned int ID,typename SCALARTYPE>
+ class cpu_symbolic_scalar;
+ template<unsigned int ID,typename SCALARTYPE>
+ class gpu_symbolic_scalar;
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/get_kernels_infos.hpp b/viennacl/generator/get_kernels_infos.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e00bbd
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+++ b/viennacl/generator/get_kernels_infos.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/get_kernels_infos.hpp
+ * @brief Provides information about kernels
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+// #include "kernel_utils.hpp"
+#include <map>
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/tokens_management.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/make_code.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template <class T, bool is_first = true>
+ struct arguments_list;
+ template <bool is_first>
+ struct arguments_list<NullType, is_first >
+ {
+ static const std::string string_value() { return ""; }
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, bool is_first >
+ struct arguments_list<typelist<Head,Tail>, is_first >
+ {
+ private:
+ static const std::string add_comma ( Int2Type<false> ) { return ", "; }
+ static const std::string add_comma ( Int2Type<true> ) { return ""; }
+ public:
+ static const std::string string_value()
+ {
+ return add_comma ( Int2Type<is_first>() )
+ + Head::kernel_arguments()
+ + arguments_list<Tail,false>::string_value();
+ }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct requires_local_buffer
+ {
+ enum { value = is_inner_product_leaf<T>::value };
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct requires_local_buffer<inner_prod_impl_t<T> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct requires_local_buffer_list;
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct requires_local_buffer_list<typelist<Head, Tail> >
+ {
+ enum { value = static_cast<bool> ( tree_utils::count_if<Head, requires_local_buffer>::value
+ || requires_local_buffer_list<Tail>::value )
+ };
+ };
+ template<class Head>
+ struct requires_local_buffer_list<typelist<Head, NullType> >
+ {
+ enum { value = static_cast<bool> ( tree_utils::count_if<Head, requires_local_buffer >::value ) };
+ };
+ template<class TLIST, class ASSIGNED>
+ struct calculate_tokens
+ {
+ typedef typename TLIST::Head::first_type current_token;
+ typedef typename TLIST::Head::second_type token_op;
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return make_code<current_token, token_op, ASSIGNED>::value()
+ + calculate_tokens<typename TLIST::Tail, ASSIGNED>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ template<class ASSIGNED>
+ struct calculate_tokens<NullType, ASSIGNED>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return ""; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct get_temporary_dependancies
+ {
+ typedef typename get_temporary_dependancies<typename result_of::expression_type<T>::Result>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<class T, class SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct get_temporary_dependancies<result_of::vector_expression<T,SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ typedef SIZE_DESCRIPTOR Result;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct get_temporary_dependancies<result_of::scalar_expression<T> >
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct get_temporary_dependancies<NullType>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct get_temporary_dependancies<typelist<Head,Tail> >
+ {
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::append<typename get_temporary_dependancies<Tail>::Result,
+ typename get_temporary_dependancies<Head>::Result>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct get_kernel_arguments;
+ template<class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool _is_temporary>
+ struct get_kernel_arguments<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,_is_temporary> >
+ {
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,_is_temporary> Arg;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<Arg, is_regular_kernel_parameter, typelist_utils::compare1>::Result RegularLeafs;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<Arg, is_temporary_kernel_parameter>::Result TemporaryLeafs;
+ typedef typename get_temporary_dependancies<TemporaryLeafs>::Result TemporaryDependancies;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<RegularLeafs, TemporaryLeafs, typelist_utils::compare1>::Result TmpResult0;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<TmpResult0, TemporaryDependancies, typelist_utils::compare1>::Result TmpResult1;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::no_duplicates<TmpResult1>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct get_kernel_arguments<typelist<Head,Tail> >
+ {
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<typename get_kernel_arguments<Head>::Result,
+ typename get_kernel_arguments<Tail>::Result,
+ typelist_utils::compare1>::Result TmpResult;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::no_duplicates<TmpResult>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct get_kernel_arguments<NullType>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template<class TreeList>
+ struct kernel_header;
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct kernel_header<typelist<Head, Tail> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typelist<Head, Tail> Arg;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::expand<Head>::Result ExpandedHead;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::flip_tree<ExpandedHead>::Result NewHead;
+ typedef typename get_kernel_arguments<Arg>::Result Arguments;
+ static const std::string shared_memory ( Int2Type<false> ) { return ""; }
+ static const std::string shared_memory ( Int2Type<true> ) { return ",__local float* shared_memory_ptr\n"; }
+ public:
+ static const std::string value ( std::string const & name )
+ {
+ return "__kernel void " + name + "(\n"
+ + arguments_list<Arguments>::string_value()
+ + shared_memory ( Int2Type<requires_local_buffer_list<Arg>::value>() )
+ + ")\n";
+ }
+ };
+ template<class TreeList, bool is_in_temporary_kernel, bool is_first = true>
+ struct kernel_core;
+ template<class TList>
+ struct finalize_inner_products
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return ""; }
+ };
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct finalize_inner_products<typelist<Head,Tail> >
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return make_code<Head,assign_type,Head>::value() + finalize_inner_products<Tail>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ template<class Head, class Tail, bool is_in_temporary_kernel, bool is_first>
+ struct kernel_core<typelist<Head, Tail>, is_in_temporary_kernel, is_first >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typelist<Head, Tail> Arg;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::expand<Head>::Result ExpandedHead;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::flip_tree<ExpandedHead>::Result NewHead;
+ typedef typename generate_tokens<NewHead, is_in_temporary_kernel>::Result Tokens;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<typename NewHead::RHS,is_inner_product_leaf>::Result InProdsT;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::no_duplicates<InProdsT>::Result InProds;
+ typedef typename Head::LHS LHS;
+ static const std::string additional_declarations ( Int2Type<true> ) {
+ return "float sum;\n";
+ }
+ static const std::string additional_declarations ( Int2Type<false> ) { return "" ; }
+ static const std::string head ( Int2Type<true> ) {
+ return "{\n"
+ + additional_declarations ( Int2Type<requires_local_buffer_list<Arg>::value>() );
+ }
+ static const std::string head ( Int2Type<false> ) { return "\n" ; }
+ public:
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return head ( Int2Type<is_first>() )
+ + finalize_inner_products<InProds>::value()
+ + calculate_tokens<Tokens, LHS>::value()
+ + kernel_core<Tail, is_in_temporary_kernel, false>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ template<bool is_in_temporary_kernel>
+ struct kernel_core<NullType, is_in_temporary_kernel, false>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "}"; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct remove_temporary
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template<class Ref>
+ struct remove_temporary<tmp_symbolic_vector<Ref> >
+ {
+ typedef Ref Result;
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class OP, class RHS>
+ struct remove_temporary<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,true> >
+ {
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS> Result;
+ };
+ template<class TreeList, class Assigned>
+ struct get_all_temporaries
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename TreeList::Head Head;
+ typedef typename TreeList::Tail Tail;
+ typedef typename remove_temporary<Head>::Result NewHead;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::register_temporaries<NewHead, true, Assigned>::Result Registered;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<Registered,is_temporary>::Result Temporaries;
+ typedef typename get_all_temporaries<Tail, Assigned>::Result NewList;
+ public:
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<Temporaries, NewList>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<class Assigned>
+ struct get_all_temporaries<NullType, Assigned>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct Unroll
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct Unroll<typelist<Head, Tail> >
+ {
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<Head,
+ typename Unroll<Tail>::Result >::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<class HeadHead, class HeadTail, class Tail>
+ struct Unroll<typelist<typelist<HeadHead, HeadTail>, Tail> >
+ {
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<typelist<HeadHead, HeadTail>,
+ typename Unroll<Tail>::Result >::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Unroll<typelist<NullType, NullType> >
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct find_prior_implementations
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ struct find_prior_implementations<compound_node<LHS, inner_prod_type, RHS,true> >
+ {
+ typedef inner_prod_impl_t<compound_node<LHS, inner_prod_type, RHS,true> > Result;
+ };
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct find_prior_implementations<typelist<Head,Tail> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename find_prior_implementations<Head>::Result NewHead;
+ typedef typename find_prior_implementations<Tail>::Result NewTail;
+ public:
+ typedef typelist<NewHead,NewTail> Result;
+ };
+ template<class TreeList, class Assigned>
+ struct register_kernels
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename get_all_temporaries<TreeList, Assigned>::Result Temporaries;
+ typedef typename register_kernels<Temporaries, Assigned>::Result CurrentList;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::erase<Temporaries,
+ typename Unroll<CurrentList>::Result>::Result NextTemporaries;
+ typedef typename find_prior_implementations<NextTemporaries>::Result NextList;
+ public:
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::append<CurrentList, NextList>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<class Assigned>
+ struct register_kernels<NullType, Assigned>
+ {
+ typedef typelist<NullType,NullType> Result;
+ };
+ template<class TreeList, bool is_in_temporary_kernel, class Enable = void>
+ struct kernel_string
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string name)
+ {
+ return std::string ( kernel_header<TreeList>::value(name)
+ + kernel_core<TreeList, is_in_temporary_kernel>::value() );
+ }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct make_impl;
+ template<class LHS_, class RHS_, bool is_temporary_>
+ struct make_impl<compound_node< LHS_, inner_prod_type, RHS_, is_temporary_ > >
+ {
+ typedef inner_prod_impl_t<compound_node< LHS_, inner_prod_type, RHS_, is_temporary_ > > Result;
+ };
+ template<class Temporary>
+ struct format_temporaries;
+ template<class Head, class Tail>
+ struct format_temporaries<typelist<Head,Tail> >
+ {
+ typedef compound_node<Head, assign_type, typename remove_temporary<Head>::Result> NewHead;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::append<typename format_temporaries<Tail>::Result, NewHead>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct format_temporaries<NullType>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> KernelsSources;
+ template<class TemporaryKernelsList, class MainOperation, int Start, int End>
+ struct fill_sources
+ {
+ typedef typename format_temporaries<typename typelist_utils::type_at< TemporaryKernelsList,Start>::Result >::Result CurrentList;
+ static void execute(KernelsSources & sources, std::string const & operation_name)
+ {
+ std::string current_kernel_name("__" + operation_name + "_kernel"
+ + to_string(typelist_utils::length<TemporaryKernelsList>::value - 1 - Start));
+ sources.insert( std::make_pair( current_kernel_name,
+ kernel_string< CurrentList, true>::value(current_kernel_name)
+ )
+ );
+ fill_sources<TemporaryKernelsList, MainOperation, Start+1, End>::execute(sources, operation_name);
+ }
+ };
+ template<class TemporaryKernelsList, class MainOperation, int End>
+ struct fill_sources<TemporaryKernelsList, MainOperation, End, End>
+ {
+ static void execute(KernelsSources & sources, std::string const & operation_name)
+ {
+ sources.insert(std::make_pair(operation_name,
+ kernel_string<MainOperation, false>::value(operation_name)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::pair<unsigned int, result_of::runtime_wrapper*> > runtime_wrappers_t;
+ template<class U>
+ struct foreach_functor
+ {
+ static void execute(unsigned int & arg_pos, runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers, std::string const & name)
+ {
+ foreach_functor<typename result_of::expression_type<U>::Result >::execute(arg_pos, runtime_wrappers, name);
+ }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct foreach_functor<NullType>;
+ template<class T>
+ struct foreach_functor<result_of::scalar_expression<T> >
+ {
+ static void execute(unsigned int & arg_pos, runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers, std::string const & name)
+ {
+ runtime_wrappers.insert(runtime_wrappers_t::value_type(name,
+ std::make_pair(arg_pos,
+ result_of::scalar_expression<T>::runtime_descriptor())
+ )
+ );
+ arg_pos += 1;
+ }
+ };
+ template<class T, class SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct foreach_functor<result_of::vector_expression<T,SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ static void execute(unsigned int & arg_pos, runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers, std::string const & name)
+ {
+ runtime_wrappers.insert(runtime_wrappers_t::value_type(name,
+ std::make_pair(arg_pos,
+ result_of::vector_expression<T,SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>::runtime_descriptor())
+ )
+ );
+ arg_pos += 3;
+ }
+ };
+ template<class T, class SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct foreach_functor<result_of::matrix_expression<T,SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ static void execute(unsigned int & arg_pos, runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers, std::string const & name )
+ {
+ runtime_wrappers.insert(runtime_wrappers_t::value_type(name,
+ std::make_pair(arg_pos,
+ result_of::matrix_expression<T,SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR,SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>::runtime_descriptor())
+ )
+ );
+ arg_pos += 5;
+ }
+ };
+ template<class TemporaryKernelsList, class MainOperation, int Start, int End>
+ struct fill_args
+ {
+ typedef typename format_temporaries<typename typelist_utils::type_at<TemporaryKernelsList,Start>::Result >::Result CurrentList;
+ typedef typename get_kernel_arguments<CurrentList>::Result Arguments;
+ static void execute(runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers, std::string const & operation_name)
+ {
+ unsigned int arg_pos = 0;
+ std::string current_kernel_name("__"+operation_name+"_kernel"
+ + to_string(typelist_utils::length<TemporaryKernelsList>::value - 1 - Start));
+ typelist_utils::ForEach<Arguments, foreach_functor>::execute(arg_pos,runtime_wrappers,current_kernel_name);
+ if(requires_local_buffer_list<CurrentList>::value)
+ {
+ runtime_wrappers.insert(runtime_wrappers_t::value_type(current_kernel_name,
+ std::make_pair(arg_pos,
+ new result_of::shared_memory_wrapper())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ fill_args<TemporaryKernelsList,MainOperation,Start+1,End>::execute(runtime_wrappers,operation_name);
+ }
+ };
+ template<class TemporaryKernelsList, class MainOperation, int End>
+ struct fill_args<TemporaryKernelsList, MainOperation, End, End>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef MainOperation CurrentList;
+ typedef typename get_kernel_arguments<CurrentList>::Result Arguments;
+ public:
+ static void execute(runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers, std::string const & operation_name)
+ {
+ unsigned int arg_pos = 0;
+ typelist_utils::ForEach<Arguments, foreach_functor>::execute(arg_pos, runtime_wrappers, operation_name);
+ if(requires_local_buffer_list<CurrentList>::value)
+ {
+ runtime_wrappers.insert(runtime_wrappers_t::value_type(operation_name,
+ std::make_pair(arg_pos,
+ new result_of::shared_memory_wrapper())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template<class ARG>
+ struct program_infos
+ {
+ typedef typename tree_utils::register_temporaries<ARG,false, typename ARG::LHS>::Result NewARG;
+ typedef typelist<NewARG,NullType> MainOperation_Init;
+ typedef typename register_kernels<MainOperation_Init, typename ARG::LHS>::Result KernelsList;
+ static std::string value(std::string const & name_hint, KernelsSources & sources, runtime_wrappers_t & runtime_wrappers)
+ {
+ std::string operation_name = ARG::name();
+ std::string program_name( (!name_hint.empty()) ? name_hint : operation_name );
+ fill_sources<KernelsList,
+ MainOperation_Init,
+ 0,
+ typelist_utils::length<KernelsList>::value - 1>::execute(sources,operation_name);
+ fill_args<KernelsList,
+ MainOperation_Init,
+ 0,
+ typelist_utils::length<KernelsList>::value - 1>::execute(runtime_wrappers,operation_name);
+ return program_name;
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace generator
+} // namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp b/viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae8dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp
+ * @brief Directives for generating code for simple expressions.
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ struct make_expression_code
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string const & loop_accessor)
+ {
+ return T::name() + '[' + loop_accessor + ']';
+ }
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID, class SCALARTYPE>
+ struct make_expression_code<cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID,SCALARTYPE> >
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string const & loop_accessor)
+ {
+ return cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID,SCALARTYPE>::name();
+ }
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID,class SCALARTYPE>
+ struct make_expression_code<gpu_symbolic_scalar<ID,SCALARTYPE> >
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string const & loop_accessor)
+ {
+ return '*' + gpu_symbolic_scalar<ID,SCALARTYPE>::name();
+ }
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class RHS, bool is_temporary >
+ struct make_expression_code<compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS, is_temporary> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ static const std::string value(std::string const & loop_accessor)
+ {
+ return T::name() +"_sum";
+ }
+ };
+ template< >
+ struct make_expression_code< NullType >
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string const & loop_accessor)
+ {
+ return "0";
+ }
+ };
+ template<class T, std::string (*U)()>
+ struct make_expression_code< elementwise_modifier_impl<T, U> >
+ {
+ typedef elementwise_modifier_impl<T, U> EW_M;
+ static const std::string value ( std::string const & loop_accessor )
+ {
+ return EW_M::modify(make_expression_code<T>::value(loop_accessor));
+ }
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class OP, class RHS >
+ struct make_expression_code<compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, false> >
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string const & loop_accessor = "k")
+ {
+ return make_expression_code<LHS>::value(loop_accessor)
+ + OP::expression_string()
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value(loop_accessor);
+ }
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS, unsigned int Alignment>
+ struct dot_product_impl
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string lhs_loop_id,
+ std::string rhs_loop_id)
+ {
+ return "dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value(lhs_loop_id) + "," + make_expression_code<RHS>::value(rhs_loop_id) + ")";
+ }
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ struct dot_product_impl<LHS, RHS, 8>
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string lhs_loop_id,
+ std::string rhs_loop_id)
+ {
+ return "dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value(lhs_loop_id) + ".s0123" + ","
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value(rhs_loop_id) + ".s0123 )"
+ + " + dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value(lhs_loop_id) + ".s4567" + ","
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value(rhs_loop_id) + ".s4567 );"
+ ;
+ }
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ struct dot_product_impl<LHS, RHS, 16>
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string lhs_loop_id,std::string rhs_loop_id)
+ {
+ return "dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value(lhs_loop_id) + ".s0123" + ","
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value(rhs_loop_id) + ".s0123)"
+ +"\n + dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value(lhs_loop_id) + ".s4567" + ","
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value(rhs_loop_id) + ".s4567) "
+ +"\n + dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value(lhs_loop_id) + ".s89ab" + ","
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value ( rhs_loop_id ) + ".s89ab) "
+ +"\n + dot(" + make_expression_code<LHS>::value ( lhs_loop_id ) + ".scdef" + ","
+ + make_expression_code<RHS>::value ( rhs_loop_id ) + ".scdef)"
+ ;
+ }
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ struct dot_product
+ {
+ static const std::string value(std::string lhs_loop_id,std::string rhs_loop_id)
+ {
+ return dot_product_impl<LHS,RHS,LHS::Alignment>::value(lhs_loop_id,rhs_loop_id);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/make_code/inner_product.hpp b/viennacl/generator/make_code/inner_product.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..101c1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/make_code/inner_product.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/make_code/inner_product.hpp
+ * @brief Directives for generating code for the inner product.
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ struct inner_prod_impl_t
+ {
+ typedef T PRIOR_TYPE;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return T::name();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return T::kernel_arguments();
+ }
+ enum { id = T::id };
+ };
+ template <class TOKEN, class OP, class ASSIGNED, class Enable=void>
+ struct make_code;
+ template <class T, class OP, class ASSIGNED>
+ struct make_code<inner_prod_impl_t<T>, OP, ASSIGNED>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<T,is_pure_inner_product_leaf>::Result::Head ARG;
+ typedef typename ARG::LHS LHS;
+ typedef typename ARG::RHS RHS;
+ static const std::string main_size()
+ {
+ return result_of::expression_type<LHS>::Result::internal_size_expression();
+ }
+ public :
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return "sum = 0;\n"
+ "for (unsigned int k = (get_group_id(0) * " + main_size() + ")/get_num_groups(0)+ get_local_id(0); k < ((get_group_id(0)+1) * " + main_size() +")/get_num_groups(0); k += get_local_size(0))\n"
+ " sum += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("k","k") + ";\n"
+ "shared_memory_ptr[get_local_id(0)] = sum;\n"
+ "for (unsigned int stride = get_local_size(0)/2; stride > 0; stride /= 2)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
+ " if (get_local_id(0) < stride)\n"
+ " shared_memory_ptr[get_local_id(0)] += shared_memory_ptr[get_local_id(0)+stride];\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
+ "if (get_local_id(0) == 0)\n"
+ " " + ASSIGNED::name() + "[get_group_id(0)] = shared_memory_ptr[0];\n";
+ }
+ viennacl::generator::compound_node< const char*, add_type, const char* > value(const char* arg1);
+ };
+ template <class T, class OP>
+ struct make_code<T, OP, T, typename enable_if<is_inner_product_leaf<T> >::type>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<T,is_pure_inner_product_leaf>::Result::Head ARG;
+ typedef typename ARG::LHS LHS;
+ typedef typename ARG::RHS RHS;
+ public:
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return "sum = 0;\n"
+ "local float " + ARG::name() + "_sum;\n"
+ "for (unsigned int i = get_local_id(0) ; i<get_num_groups(0) ; i+=get_local_size(0))\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " sum+= " +ARG::name() +"[i];\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "shared_memory_ptr[get_local_id(0)]=sum;\n"
+ "for (unsigned int stride = get_local_size(0)/2; stride > 0; stride /= 2)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
+ " if (get_local_id(0) < stride)\n"
+ " shared_memory_ptr[get_local_id(0)] += shared_memory_ptr[get_local_id(0)+stride];\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "if(get_local_id(0)==0);\n"
+ +ARG::name() + "_sum = shared_memory_ptr[0];\n"
+ "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n";
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/examples/tutorial/Random.hpp b/viennacl/generator/make_code/make_code.hpp
similarity index 58%
copy from examples/tutorial/Random.hpp
copy to viennacl/generator/make_code/make_code.hpp
index 93d37ca..d4ef013 100644
--- a/examples/tutorial/Random.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/generator/make_code/make_code.hpp
@@ -1,52 +1,33 @@
-/* =========================================================================
- Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
- Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
- TU Wien.
- -----------------
- ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
- -----------------
- Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
- (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
- License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
-============================================================================= */
-#ifndef _RANDOM_HPP_
-#define _RANDOM_HPP_
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-inline void init()
- static bool init = false;
- if (!init)
- {
- srand( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );
- init = true;
- }
-template<class TYPE>
-TYPE random();
-double random<double>()
- init();
- return static_cast<double>(rand()) / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX);
-float random<float>()
- init();
- return static_cast<float>(random<double>());
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/make_code/make_code.hpp
+ * @brief Convenience header file for the code generation step
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/inner_product.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/matrix-vector_product.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/regular_compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp"
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/make_code/matrix-vector_product.hpp b/viennacl/generator/make_code/matrix-vector_product.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d0dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/make_code/matrix-vector_product.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/make_code/matrix-vector_product.hpp
+ * @brief Directives for generating code for the matrix-vector product
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/make_code/expression.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template<class T, class OP, class ASSIGNED>
+ struct make_product_code;
+ template<class T, class SIZE_DESCRIPTOR, class OP, class ASSIGNED>
+ struct make_product_code<result_of::vector_expression<T,SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>, OP, ASSIGNED>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename tree_utils::remove_if<T, is_pure_product_leaf>::Result SCALAR_EXPR;
+ typedef typename tree_utils::extract_if<T,is_pure_product_leaf>::Result::Head ARG;
+ typedef typename generate_tokens<compound_node<NullType,assign_type,SCALAR_EXPR>, false>::Result Tokens;
+ typedef typename ARG::LHS LHS;
+ typedef typename ARG::RHS RHS;
+ typedef typename result_of::expression_type<LHS>::Result MatExpr;
+ typedef typename MatExpr::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ typedef typename MatExpr::Layout Layout;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = result_of::expression_type<LHS>::Result::Alignment;
+ static const std::string assign_res(Int2Type<true>)
+ {
+ return ASSIGNED::name() + "[ row ]" + OP::expression_string() + "dot_prod ;";
+ }
+ static const std::string assign_res(Int2Type<false>)
+ {
+ return ASSIGNED::name() + "[ row ]" + OP::expression_string() + make_expression_code<SCALAR_EXPR>::value ( "k" ) + "* dot_prod ;";
+ }
+ static const std::string expression_string()
+ {
+ return make_expression_code<LHS>::value() + "*" + make_expression_code<RHS>::value();
+ }
+ static const std::string fill_ith_row(viennacl::row_major)
+ {
+ std::string internal_size_2_expression = MatExpr::internal_size2_expression();
+ if(Alignment==1)
+ return " dot_prod += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("row *" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n";
+ else if (Alignment == 16)
+ return " unsigned int scaled_row = row * " + to_string(Alignment) + ";\n"
+ + "dot_prod.s0 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("scaled_row *" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s1 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+1)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s2 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+2)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s3 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+3)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s4 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+4)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s5 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+5)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s6 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+6)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s7 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+7)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s8 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+8)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.s9 += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+9)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.sa += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+10)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.sb += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+11)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.sc += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+12)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.sd += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+13)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.se += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+14)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n"
+ + " dot_prod.sf += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("(scaled_row+15)*" + internal_size_2_expression + " + col","col") + ";\n";
+ else
+ }
+ static const std::string fill_ith_row(viennacl::column_major)
+ {
+ std::string internal_size_1_expression = MatExpr::internal_size1_expression();
+ return " dot_prod += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("row + col * " + internal_size_1_expression, "col") + ";\n";
+ // if(Alignment==1)
+ // return " dot_prod += " + dot_product<LHS,RHS>::value("row + col * " + internal_size_1_expression, "col") + ";\n"; ;
+ // else
+ //
+ }
+ public:
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return
+ "for (unsigned int row = get_global_id(0) ; row < " + MatExpr::internal_size1_expression() + " ; row += get_global_size(0))\n"
+ "{\n"
+ + print_type<ScalarType,Alignment>::value()+" dot_prod = 0;\n"
+ "for (unsigned int col = 0; col < " + MatExpr::internal_size2_expression() + "; ++col){\n"
+ + fill_ith_row(Layout() )
+ + "}\n"
+ + assign_res ( Int2Type<is_null_type<SCALAR_EXPR>::value>() ) + "\n"
+ + "}\n";
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class OP, class ASSIGNED>
+ struct make_code<T, OP, ASSIGNED, typename enable_if<is_product_leaf<T> >::type>
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ typedef typename result_of::expression_type<T>::Result U;
+ return make_product_code<U,OP,ASSIGNED>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/make_code/regular_compound_node.hpp b/viennacl/generator/make_code/regular_compound_node.hpp
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index 0000000..bb13afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/make_code/regular_compound_node.hpp
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/make_code/regular_compound_node.hpp
+ * @brief Directives for generating code for the matrix-vector product
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "expression.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ struct get_loop_bound_impl;
+ template <class T, class SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct get_loop_bound_impl<result_of::vector_expression<T, SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return result_of::vector_expression<T, SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>::internal_size_expression();
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct get_loop_bound_impl<result_of::matrix_expression<T, SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef result_of::matrix_expression<T, SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> Arg;
+ public:
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return Arg::internal_size2_expression() + "*" + Arg::internal_size1_expression();
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct get_loop_bound
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return get_loop_bound_impl<typename result_of::expression_type<T>::Result>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class ASSIGN_OP, class ASSIGNED, class Enable>
+ struct make_code
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return "for ( unsigned int k = get_global_id(0)"
+ " ; k < " + get_loop_bound<ASSIGNED>::value()
+ +" ; k += get_global_size(0) ) \n"
+ + "{\n"
+ + make_expression_code<ASSIGNED>::value("k") + ASSIGN_OP::expression_string() + make_expression_code<T>::value("k") + ";\n"
+ + "}\n";
+ }
+ };
+ template<class T, class ASSIGN_OP, unsigned int ASSIGNED_ID, class ASSIGNED_TYPE>
+ struct make_code<T, ASSIGN_OP, gpu_symbolic_scalar<ASSIGNED_ID,ASSIGNED_TYPE> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<ASSIGNED_ID,ASSIGNED_TYPE> ASSIGNED;
+ public:
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return "if(get_global_id(0) == 0) "
+ + make_expression_code<ASSIGNED>::value("0") + '\n'
+ + ASSIGN_OP::expression_string() + make_expression_code<T>::value ( "k" ) + ";\n" ;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp b/viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5f17bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file typelist.hpp
+ * @brief Generic implementation of the typelist
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template <class T,class U>
+ struct typelist
+ {
+ typedef T Head;
+ typedef U Tail;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return Head::name() + " ; " + Tail::name();
+ }
+ };
+ namespace typelist_utils
+ {
+ /*
+ * Is Empty
+ */
+ template
+ <
+ typename T1 = NullType, typename T2 = NullType, typename T3 = NullType,
+ typename T4 = NullType, typename T5 = NullType, typename T6 = NullType,
+ typename T7 = NullType, typename T8 = NullType, typename T9 = NullType,
+ typename T10 = NullType, typename T11 = NullType, typename T12 = NullType,
+ typename T13 = NullType, typename T14 = NullType, typename T15 = NullType,
+ typename T16 = NullType, typename T17 = NullType, typename T18 = NullType
+ >
+ struct make_typelist
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename make_typelist
+ <
+ T2 , T3 , T4 ,
+ T5 , T6 , T7 ,
+ T8 , T9 , T10,
+ T11, T12, T13,
+ T14, T15, T16,
+ T17, T18
+ >
+ ::Result TailResult;
+ public:
+ typedef typelist<T1, TailResult> Result;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct make_typelist<>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template <class TList>
+ struct is_empty
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct is_empty<NullType>
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ /*
+ */
+ template <class TList,template<class> class Functor>
+ struct ForEach;
+ template <template<class> class Functor>
+ struct ForEach<NullType,Functor>
+ {
+ static void execute() {}
+ template <class T1>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1) {}
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2) {}
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3) {}
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4) {}
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4, T5 & t5) {}
+ };
+ template <class T, class U,template<class> class Functor>
+ struct ForEach< typelist<T, U>, Functor >
+ {
+ static void execute()
+ {
+ Functor<T>::execute();
+ ForEach<U, Functor>::execute();
+ }
+ template <class T1>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1)
+ {
+ Functor<T>::execute(t1);
+ ForEach<U,Functor>::execute(t1);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 &t2)
+ {
+ Functor<T>::execute(t1,t2);
+ ForEach<U,Functor>::execute(t1,t2);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3)
+ {
+ Functor<T>::execute(t1,t2,t3);
+ ForEach<U,Functor>::execute(t1,t2,t3);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4)
+ {
+ Functor<T>::execute(t1,t2,t3,t4);
+ ForEach<U,Functor>::execute(t1,t2,t3,t4);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+ static void execute(T1 & t1, T2 & t2, T3 & t3, T4 & t4, T5 & t5)
+ {
+ Functor<T>::execute(t1,t2,t3,t4,t5);
+ ForEach<U,Functor>::execute(t1,t2,t3,t4,t5);
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ * length
+ */
+ template <class TList>
+ struct length;
+ template <>
+ struct length<NullType>
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <class T, class U>
+ struct length< typelist<T, U> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 + length<U>::value };
+ };
+ /*
+ * type_at
+ */
+ template <class TList, unsigned int i>
+ struct type_at;
+ template <class Head, class Tail>
+ struct type_at<typelist<Head, Tail>, 0>
+ {
+ typedef Head Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, unsigned int i>
+ struct type_at<typelist<Head, Tail>, i>
+ {
+ typedef typename type_at<Tail, i - 1>::Result Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * index_of
+ */
+ template <class TList, class T>
+ struct index_of;
+ template <class T>
+ struct index_of<NullType, T>
+ {
+ enum { value = -1 };
+ };
+ template <class T, class Tail>
+ struct index_of<typelist<T, Tail>, T>
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, class T>
+ struct index_of<typelist<Head, Tail>, T>
+ {
+ private:
+ enum { temp = index_of<Tail, T>::value };
+ public:
+ enum { value = temp == -1 ? -1 : 1 + temp };
+ };
+ /*
+ * append
+ */
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ struct compare1
+ {
+ enum { value = static_cast<int> ( T1::id ) < static_cast<int> ( T2::id ) };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct compare1<NullType, T>
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ struct true_comp
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <class TList, class T, template<class,class> class Compare = true_comp>
+ struct append;
+ template <template<class,class> class Compare>
+ struct append<NullType, NullType, Compare>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, template<class,class> class Compare>
+ struct append<NullType, T, Compare>
+ {
+ typedef typelist<T,NullType> Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, template<class,class> class Compare>
+ struct append<NullType, typelist<Head, Tail>, Compare >
+ {
+ typedef typelist<Head, Tail> Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, template<class,class> class Compare>
+ struct append<typelist<Head, Tail>, NullType, Compare >
+ {
+ typedef typelist<Head, Tail> Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, class T, template<class,class> class Compare>
+ struct append<typelist<Head,Tail>, T, Compare>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typelist<Head, typename append<Tail, T, Compare>::Result> TypeCompareFalse;
+ typedef typelist<T, typelist<Head,Tail> > TypeCompareTrue;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<TypeCompareTrue,TypeCompareFalse,Compare<T,Head>::value >::Result Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * fuse
+ */
+ template <class TList, class T, template<class,class> class Compare = true_comp>
+ struct fuse
+ {
+ typedef typename append<TList, T, Compare>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head1, class Tail1, class Head2, class Tail2, template<class,class> class Compare >
+ struct fuse<typelist<Head1, Tail1>, typelist<Head2,Tail2>, Compare >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename append< typelist<Head1,Tail1> , Head2, Compare>::Result NewResult;
+ public:
+ typedef typename fuse< NewResult, Tail2, Compare >::Result Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * erase
+ */
+ template<class TList, class T>
+ struct erase;
+ template <class T>
+ struct erase<NullType, T>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, class Tail>
+ struct erase<typelist<T, Tail>, T>
+ {
+ typedef Tail Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, class T>
+ struct erase<typelist<Head, Tail>, T>
+ {
+ typedef typelist<Head,
+ typename erase<Tail, T>::Result> Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail, class Head2, class Tail2>
+ struct erase<typelist<Head, Tail>, typelist<Head2, Tail2> >
+ {
+ typedef typename erase< typename erase<typelist<Head,Tail>, Head2>::Result, Tail2 >::Result Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * No duplicate
+ */
+ template<class TList>
+ struct no_duplicates;
+ template <>
+ struct no_duplicates<NullType>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template <class Head, class Tail>
+ struct no_duplicates< typelist<Head, Tail> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename no_duplicates<Tail>::Result L1;
+ typedef typename erase<L1, Head>::Result L2;
+ public:
+ typedef typelist<Head, L2> Result;
+ };
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cf935
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+++ b/viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp
+ * @brief Various metaprogramming utilities
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#define VIENNACL_STATIC_ASSERT( x ) typedef char __STATIC_ASSERT__[( x )?1:-1]
+namespace viennacl
+ class any;
+ template<class T>
+ T any_cast(any& a);
+ class value_base
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~value_base() { }
+ virtual value_base* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual std::type_info const & type() const = 0;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ class value : public value_base
+ {
+ friend T any_cast<>(any& a);
+ T t;
+ public:
+ value(const T& t_) : t(t_) { }
+ value_base* clone() const
+ {
+ return new value(t);
+ }
+ std::type_info const &type() const {
+ return typeid(T);
+ }
+ };
+ class any
+ {
+ template<class T>
+ friend T any_cast(any & a);
+ value_base* v;
+ public:
+ any() : v(0) { }
+ template <class value_type>
+ any(const value_type& v_) : v(new value<value_type>(v_)) { }
+ any(any const & other) : v(other.v ? other.v->clone() : 0) {}
+ any& operator=(const any& other)
+ {
+ if(&other != this)
+ {
+ any copy(other);
+ swap(copy);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void swap(any& other)
+ {
+ std::swap(v, other.v);
+ }
+ std::type_info const & type()
+ {
+ return v->type();
+ }
+ ~any() { delete v; }
+ };
+ class bad_any_cast : public std::bad_cast
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual const char * what() const throw()
+ {
+ return "viennacl::bad_any_cast: "
+ "failed conversion using viennacl::any_cast";
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ T any_cast(any& a)
+ {
+ value<T>* v = dynamic_cast<value<T>*>(a.v);
+ if(v == 0)
+ throw bad_any_cast();
+ else
+ return v->t;
+ }
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ struct NullType
+ {
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return "Null\n" ;
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ inline std::string to_string ( T const t )
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << t;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ inline std::string to_string(viennacl::row_major const) { return "rowmajor"; }
+ inline std::string to_string(viennacl::column_major const) { return "columnmajor"; }
+ template <int v>
+ struct Int2Type
+ {
+ enum { value = v };
+ };
+ template<class TypeTrue, class TypeFalse, bool cond>
+ struct get_type_if
+ {
+ typedef TypeTrue Result;
+ };
+ template<class TypeTrue, class TypeFalse>
+ struct get_type_if<TypeTrue, TypeFalse, false>
+ {
+ typedef TypeFalse Result;
+ };
+ template<class T, class U>
+ struct are_same_type
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct are_same_type<T,T>
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <bool B, class T = void>
+ struct enable_if_c
+ {
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct enable_if_c<false, T> {};
+ template <class Cond, class T = void>
+ struct enable_if : public enable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};
+ template <bool B, class T = void>
+ struct disable_if_c
+ {
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct disable_if_c<true, T> {};
+ template <class Cond, class T = void>
+ struct disable_if : public disable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};
+ template<class T>
+ struct print_align1_type;
+ template<>
+ struct print_align1_type<int>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "int"; }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct print_align1_type<unsigned int>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "unsigned int"; }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct print_align1_type<long>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "long"; }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct print_align1_type<unsigned long>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "long"; }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct print_align1_type<float>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "float"; }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct print_align1_type<double>
+ {
+ static const std::string value() { return "double"; }
+ };
+ template<typename T, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct print_aligned_type
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return print_align1_type<T>::value() + to_string ( ALIGNMENT );
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct print_aligned_type<T, 1>
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return print_align1_type<T>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct print_type
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return print_aligned_type<T,ALIGNMENT>::value();
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct print_type<T*, ALIGNMENT>
+ {
+ static const std::string value()
+ {
+ return print_type<T,ALIGNMENT>::value() + "*" ;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp b/viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f946a62
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+++ b/viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp
+ * @brief Declaration of the types related to the operators
+ */
+#include <sstream>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ struct assign_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " = "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "eq"; }
+ };
+ struct add_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " + "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "p"; }
+ };
+ struct inplace_add_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " += "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "p_eq"; }
+ };
+ struct sub_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " - "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "m"; }
+ };
+ struct inplace_sub_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " -= "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "m_eq"; }
+ };
+ struct scal_mul_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " * "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "mu"; }
+ };
+ struct inplace_scal_mul_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " *= "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "mu_eq"; }
+ };
+ struct scal_div_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " / "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "d"; }
+ };
+ struct inplace_scal_div_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return " /= "; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "d_eq"; }
+ };
+ struct inner_prod_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return "_i_"; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "i"; }
+ };
+ struct prod_type
+ {
+ static const std::string expression_string() { return "_p_"; }
+ static const std::string name() { return "p"; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct make_inplace
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct make_inplace<add_type>
+ {
+ typedef inplace_add_type Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct make_inplace<sub_type>
+ {
+ typedef inplace_sub_type Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct make_inplace<scal_mul_type>
+ {
+ typedef inplace_scal_mul_type Result;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct make_inplace<scal_div_type>
+ {
+ typedef inplace_scal_div_type Result;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/convenience_typedef.hpp b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/convenience_typedef.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4929f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/convenience_typedef.hpp
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file convenience_typedef.hpp
+ * @brief Convenience typedefs for quick creation of symbolic types
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ //Symbolic vectors : float
+ typedef symbolic_vector<0,float,1> symv_0_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<1,float,1> symv_1_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<2,float,1> symv_2_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<3,float,1> symv_3_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<4,float,1> symv_4_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<5,float,1> symv_5_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<6,float,1> symv_6_f;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<0,float,4> symv_0_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<1,float,4> symv_1_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<2,float,4> symv_2_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<3,float,4> symv_3_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<4,float,4> symv_4_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<5,float,4> symv_5_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<6,float,4> symv_6_f_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<0,float,16> symv_0_f_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<1,float,16> symv_1_f_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<2,float,16> symv_2_f_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<3,float,16> symv_3_f_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<4,float,16> symv_4_f_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<5,float,16> symv_5_f_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<6,float,16> symv_6_f_16;
+ //Symbolic vectors : double
+ typedef symbolic_vector<0,double,1> symv_0_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<1,double,1> symv_1_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<2,double,1> symv_2_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<3,double,1> symv_3_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<4,double,1> symv_4_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<5,double,1> symv_5_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<6,double,1> symv_6_d;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<0,double,4> symv_0_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<1,double,4> symv_1_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<2,double,4> symv_2_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<3,double,4> symv_3_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<4,double,4> symv_4_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<5,double,4> symv_5_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<6,double,4> symv_6_d_4;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<0,double,16> symv_0_d_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<1,double,16> symv_1_d_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<2,double,16> symv_2_d_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<3,double,16> symv_3_d_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<4,double,16> symv_4_d_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<5,double,16> symv_5_d_16;
+ typedef symbolic_vector<6,double,16> symv_6_d_16;
+ //Symbolic matrices : float
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<0,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_0_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<1,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_1_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<2,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_2_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<3,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_3_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<4,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_4_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<5,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_5_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<6,float,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_6_f;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<0,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_0_f_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<1,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_1_f_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<2,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_2_f_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<3,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_3_f_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<4,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_4_f_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<5,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_5_f_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<6,float,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_6_f_r_16;
+ //Symbolic matrices : double
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<0,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_0_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<1,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_1_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<2,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_2_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<3,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_3_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<4,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_4_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<5,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_5_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<6,double,viennacl::row_major,1> symm_6_d;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<0,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_0_d_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<1,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_1_d_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<2,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_2_d_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<3,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_3_d_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<4,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_4_d_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<5,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_5_d_r_16;
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<6,double,viennacl::row_major,16> symm_6_d_r_16;
+ //CPU Symbolic scalar: float
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<0,float> c_syms_0_f;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<1,float> c_syms_1_f;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<2,float> c_syms_2_f;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<3,float> c_syms_3_f;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<4,float> c_syms_4_f;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<5,float> c_syms_5_f;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<6,float> c_syms_6_f;
+ //CPU Symbolic scalar: double
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<0,double> c_syms_0_d;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<1,double> c_syms_1_d;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<2,double> c_syms_2_d;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<3,double> c_syms_3_d;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<4,double> c_syms_4_d;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<5,double> c_syms_5_d;
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<6,double> c_syms_6_d;
+ //GPU Symbolic scalar: float
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<0,float> syms_0_f;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<1,float> syms_1_f;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<2,float> syms_2_f;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<3,float> syms_3_f;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<4,float> syms_4_f;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<5,float> syms_5_f;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<6,float> syms_6_f;
+ //GPU Symbolic scalar: double
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<0,double> syms_0_d;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<1,double> syms_1_d;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<2,double> syms_2_d;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<3,double> syms_3_d;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<4,double> syms_4_d;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<5,double> syms_5_d;
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<6,double> syms_6_d;
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f474f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_matrix.hpp
+ * @brief Implementation of a symbolic matrix type
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief Symbolic matrix type
+ *
+ * @tparam ID The argument ID of the matrix in the generated code
+ * @tparam SCALARTYPE The Scalartype of the matrix in the generated code
+ * @tparam F The Layout of the matrix in the generated code
+ * @tparam ALIGNMENT The Alignment of the matrix in the generated code
+ */
+ template<unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE, class F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ class symbolic_matrix
+ {
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<ID, SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> self_type;
+ public:
+ enum { id = ID };
+ typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
+ typedef F Layout;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = ALIGNMENT;
+ typedef viennacl::matrix<ScalarType,F,Alignment> runtime_type;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ F layout;
+ return "m_a_" + viennacl::generator::to_string(layout) + "_"
+ + viennacl::generator::to_string(Alignment) + "_"
+ + viennacl::generator::to_string<long>(id);
+ }
+ static const std::string size1_name()
+ {
+ return "size1_" + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string size2_name()
+ {
+ return "size2_" + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size1_name()
+ {
+ return "internal_size1_" + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size2_name()
+ {
+ return "internal_size2_" + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return " __global " + generator::print_type<SCALARTYPE*,Alignment>::value() + " " + name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + size1_name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + size2_name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + internal_size1_name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + internal_size2_name()
+ + "\n";
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<generator::is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, assign_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,assign_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<generator::is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_scal_mul_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator*= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_scal_mul_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<generator::is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_scal_div_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator/= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_scal_div_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<generator::is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_add_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator+= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_add_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<generator::is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_sub_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator-= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_sub_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ operator compound_node<self_type,assign_type,self_type>()
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,assign_type,self_type>();
+ }
+ };
+ template<unsigned int ID,typename SCALARTYPE, class F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ class tmp_symbolic_matrix<symbolic_matrix<ID,SCALARTYPE,F,ALIGNMENT> > {};
+ } // namespace generator
+} // namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0776da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_scalars.hpp
+ * @brief Implementation of the symbolic scalar types.
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ /////// REGULAR SYM SCALARS //////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * @brief Symbolic scalar type. Will be passed by value.
+ *
+ * @tparam ID The argument ID of the scalar in the generated code
+ * @tparam SCALARTYPE The Scalartype of the scalar in the generated code
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ class cpu_symbolic_scalar
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID,SCALARTYPE> self_type;
+ public:
+ typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
+ typedef ScalarType runtime_type;
+ enum { id = ID };
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "c_s" << ID ;
+ return oss.str();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return print_type<SCALARTYPE,1>::value() + " " + name() + "\n";
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Symbolic scalar type. Will be passed by pointer.
+ *
+ * @tparam ID The argument ID of the scalar in the generated code
+ * @tparam SCALARTYPE The Scalartype of the scalar in the generated code
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ class gpu_symbolic_scalar
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef gpu_symbolic_scalar<ID,SCALARTYPE> self_type;
+ public:
+ typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
+ typedef viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> runtime_type;
+ enum { id = ID };
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "g_s" << ID ;
+ return oss.str();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return "__global " + print_type<SCALARTYPE*,1>::value() + " " + name() + "\n" ;
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, assign_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,assign_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_scal_mul_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator*= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_scal_mul_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_scal_div_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator/= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_scal_div_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_add_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator+= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_add_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_sub_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator-= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_sub_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ operator compound_node<self_type,assign_type,self_type>()
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,assign_type,self_type>();
+ }
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// SCALAR MULTIPLICATION ///////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ /** @brief Scalar multiplication operator */
+ template<class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if_c<is_scalar_expression<LHS_TYPE>::value || is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>::value,
+ compound_node<LHS_TYPE,scal_mul_type,RHS_TYPE> >::type
+ operator* ( LHS_TYPE const & lhs, RHS_TYPE const & rhs )
+ {
+ return compound_node<LHS_TYPE, scal_mul_type,RHS_TYPE> ();
+ }
+ /** @brief Scalar division operator */
+ template<class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if_c< is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>::value,
+ compound_node<LHS_TYPE,scal_div_type,RHS_TYPE> > ::type
+ operator/ ( LHS_TYPE const & lhs, RHS_TYPE const & rhs )
+ {
+ return compound_node<LHS_TYPE,scal_div_type,RHS_TYPE> ();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_vector.hpp b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_vector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c1a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_vector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/symbolic_types/symbolic_vector.hpp
+ * @brief Implementation of a symbolic vector type
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief Symbolic vector type
+ *
+ * @tparam ID The argument ID of the vector in the generated code
+ * @tparam SCALARTYPE The Scalartype of the vector in the generated code
+ * @tparam ALIGNMENT The Alignment of the vector in the generated code
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ class symbolic_vector
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> self_type;
+ public:
+ typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = ALIGNMENT;
+ typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment> runtime_type;
+ static const unsigned int id = ID;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return "v_a" + to_string(Alignment) + "_" + to_string(ID);
+ }
+ static const std::string size2_name()
+ {
+ return "size_"+name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size2_name()
+ {
+ return "internal_size_"+name();
+ }
+ static const std::string name_argument()
+ {
+ return " __global " + print_type<SCALARTYPE*,Alignment>::value() + " " + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return " __global " + print_type<SCALARTYPE*,Alignment>::value() + " " + name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + size2_name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + internal_size2_name() + "\n" ;
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, assign_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,assign_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_scal_mul_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator*= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_scal_mul_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_scalar_expression<RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_scal_div_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator/= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_scal_div_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_add_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator+= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_add_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ template<typename RHS_TYPE>
+ typename enable_if<is_same_expression_type<self_type,RHS_TYPE>,
+ compound_node<self_type, inplace_sub_type, RHS_TYPE > >::type
+ operator-= ( RHS_TYPE const & rhs ) const
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,inplace_sub_type,RHS_TYPE >();
+ }
+ operator compound_node<self_type,assign_type,self_type>()
+ {
+ return compound_node<self_type,assign_type,self_type>();
+ }
+ };
+ template< unsigned int ID,class SCALARTYPE,unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ class tmp_symbolic_vector<symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ typedef symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> ARG;
+ public:
+ typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
+ typedef typename symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT>::runtime_type runtime_type;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = ALIGNMENT;
+ static const unsigned int id = ID;
+ static const std::string name()
+ {
+ return "tmp_" + ARG::name();
+ }
+ static const std::string size2_name()
+ {
+ return "size_"+name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size2_name()
+ {
+ return "internal_size_"+name();
+ }
+ static const std::string name_argument()
+ {
+ return " __global " + print_type<SCALARTYPE*,Alignment>::value() + " " + name();
+ }
+ static const std::string kernel_arguments()
+ {
+ return " __global " + print_type<SCALARTYPE*,Alignment>::value() + " " + name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + size2_name()
+ + ", unsigned int " + internal_size2_name() + "\n" ;
+ }
+ };
+ }
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/tokens_management.hpp
+ * @brief Creation and management of the tokens list
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/compound_node.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ /////////////////////////////
+ ///////// TOKENS ///////////
+ ////////////////////////////
+ template<class T, bool is_in_temporary_kernel, class TList = NullType, class TokenOp = add_type, class Enable = void>
+ struct extract_tokens
+ {
+ typedef TList Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary, bool is_in_temporary_kernel, class TList, class TokenOp>
+ struct extract_tokens<compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, is_temporary>,
+ is_in_temporary_kernel,
+ TList,
+ TokenOp>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> T;
+ typedef typename extract_tokens<LHS, is_in_temporary_kernel, TList, TokenOp>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename extract_tokens<RHS, is_in_temporary_kernel, TList, OP>::Result RHS_Result;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<RHS_Result,LHS_Result>::Result ResultFalse;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::append<TList, std::pair<T,TokenOp> >::Result ResulTrue;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<ResulTrue,ResultFalse,is_product_leaf<T>::value>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class TList,bool make_operator_inplace>
+ struct tokenize_operators
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename TList::Head Head;
+ typedef typename get_type_if<typename make_inplace<typename Head::second_type>::Result,
+ assign_type,
+ make_operator_inplace>::Result NewOperator;
+ typedef std::pair<typename Head::first_type, NewOperator> NewHead;
+ typedef typename TList::Tail Tail;
+ typedef typename tokenize_operators<Tail, true>::Result NewTail;
+ public:
+ typedef typelist<NewHead, NewTail> Result;
+ };
+ template <bool make_operator_inplace>
+ struct tokenize_operators<NullType,make_operator_inplace>
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, bool is_in_temporary_kernel>
+ struct generate_tokens;
+ template <class LHS,class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary, bool is_in_temporary_kernel>
+ struct generate_tokens<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary>, is_in_temporary_kernel>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename tree_utils::remove_if<RHS, is_product_leaf>::Result NewTree;
+ typedef std::pair<NewTree,OP> LinearToken;
+ typedef typename extract_tokens<RHS, is_in_temporary_kernel>::Result Products;
+ typedef typename tokenize_operators<Products,
+ !is_null_type<NewTree>::value>::Result TokenizedProducts;
+ public:
+ typedef typelist<LinearToken,TokenizedProducts> Result;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp b/viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp
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+++ b/viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp
+ * @brief Provides a set of metafunctions for the identification of types
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/operation_types.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/typelist.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_scalar_expression_impl
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_scalar_expression_impl<result_of::scalar_expression<T> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1};
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_scalar_expression
+ {
+ enum { value = is_scalar_expression_impl<typename result_of::expression_type<T>::Result >::value };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_temporary
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 } ;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS>
+ struct is_temporary<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,true> >
+ {
+ enum {value = 1};
+ };
+ template <class REF>
+ struct is_temporary<tmp_symbolic_vector<REF> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1};
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_temporary_kernel_parameter
+ {
+ enum { value = is_temporary<T>::value };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_temporary_kernel_parameter<inner_prod_impl_t<T> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_regular_kernel_parameter
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID,class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct is_regular_kernel_parameter<symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID,class SCALARTYPE, class F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct is_regular_kernel_parameter<symbolic_matrix<ID,SCALARTYPE,F,ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID, class SCALARTYPE>
+ struct is_regular_kernel_parameter<cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, SCALARTYPE> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID, class SCALARTYPE>
+ struct is_regular_kernel_parameter<gpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, SCALARTYPE> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_pure_inner_product_leaf
+ {
+ enum { value = 0};
+ };
+ template <class LHS,class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct is_pure_inner_product_leaf<compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS, is_temporary> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1};
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_inner_product_leaf
+ {
+ enum { value = is_pure_inner_product_leaf<T>::value };
+ };
+ template <class LHS,class RHS>
+ struct is_inner_product_leaf<compound_node<LHS,scal_mul_type,RHS> >
+ {
+ enum { value = ( is_inner_product_leaf<LHS>::value && is_scalar_expression<RHS>::value && !is_inner_product_leaf<RHS>::value )
+ || ( is_inner_product_leaf<RHS>::value && is_scalar_expression<LHS>::value &&!is_inner_product_leaf<LHS>::value )
+ };
+ };
+ template <class LHS,class RHS>
+ struct is_inner_product_leaf<compound_node<LHS,scal_div_type,RHS> >
+ {
+ enum { value = ( is_inner_product_leaf<LHS>::value && is_scalar_expression<RHS>::value && !is_inner_product_leaf<RHS>::value )
+ || ( is_inner_product_leaf<RHS>::value && is_scalar_expression<LHS>::value &&!is_inner_product_leaf<LHS>::value )
+ };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_pure_product_leaf
+ {
+ enum { value = 0};
+ };
+ template <class LHS,class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct is_pure_product_leaf<compound_node<LHS,prod_type,RHS, is_temporary> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1};
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_product_leaf
+ {
+ enum { value = is_pure_product_leaf<T>::value };
+ };
+ template <class LHS,class RHS>
+ struct is_product_leaf<compound_node<LHS,scal_mul_type,RHS> >
+ {
+ enum { value = is_product_leaf<LHS>::value
+ ||is_product_leaf<RHS>::value
+ };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_null_type
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct is_null_type<NullType>
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct is_compound
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 } ;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct is_compound<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> >
+ {
+ enum {value = 1};
+ };
+ template <class EXPR1, class EXPR2>
+ struct is_same_expression_type_impl
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template <class EXPR1, class DESCRIPTOR1, class EXPR2, class DESCRIPTOR2>
+ struct is_same_expression_type_impl<result_of::vector_expression<EXPR1,DESCRIPTOR1>,
+ result_of::vector_expression<EXPR2,DESCRIPTOR2> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef result_of::vector_expression<EXPR1,DESCRIPTOR1> LHS;
+ typedef result_of::vector_expression<EXPR2,DESCRIPTOR2> RHS;
+ public:
+ enum { value = LHS::Alignment == RHS::Alignment };
+ };
+ template <class EXPR1, class LHS_DESCRIPTOR1, class RHS_DESCRIPTOR1,
+ class EXPR2, class LHS_DESCRIPTOR2, class RHS_DESCRIPTOR2>
+ struct is_same_expression_type_impl<result_of::matrix_expression<EXPR1,LHS_DESCRIPTOR1,RHS_DESCRIPTOR1>,
+ result_of::matrix_expression<EXPR2,LHS_DESCRIPTOR2,RHS_DESCRIPTOR2> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef result_of::matrix_expression<EXPR1,LHS_DESCRIPTOR1,RHS_DESCRIPTOR1> LHS;
+ typedef result_of::matrix_expression<EXPR2,LHS_DESCRIPTOR2,RHS_DESCRIPTOR2> RHS;
+ public:
+ enum { value = LHS::Alignment == RHS::Alignment };
+ };
+ template <class EXPR1, class EXPR2>
+ struct is_same_expression_type_impl<result_of::scalar_expression<EXPR1>,
+ result_of::scalar_expression<EXPR2> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template<class EXPR1, class EXPR2>
+ struct is_same_expression_type
+ {
+ enum { value = is_same_expression_type_impl<typename result_of::expression_type<EXPR1>::Result,
+ typename result_of::expression_type<EXPR2>::Result>::value
+ };
+ };
+ }
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/traits/result_of.hpp
+ * @brief Provides a set of metafunctions for type deductions within the kernel generator framework.
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/generator/meta_tools/utils.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ocl/local_mem.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ocl/handle.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "CL/cl.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ namespace result_of
+ {
+ class runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ protected:
+ bool is_temporary_;
+ std::string name_;
+ int arg_id_;
+ public:
+ runtime_wrapper(bool _is_temporary, std::string const & _name, int _arg_id)
+ : is_temporary_(_is_temporary), name_(_name), arg_id_(_arg_id) {}
+ bool is_temporary() const { return is_temporary_; }
+ int arg_id() const { return arg_id_; }
+ std::string name() const { return name_; }
+ virtual void enqueue(unsigned int arg_pos,
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k,
+ std::map<unsigned int, viennacl::any> & runtime_args,
+ std::map<std::string, viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > & temporaries) = 0;
+ };
+ class shared_memory_wrapper : public runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ public:
+ shared_memory_wrapper() : runtime_wrapper(true, "shared_memory_ptr", -1 ){ }
+ void enqueue(unsigned int arg_pos,
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k,
+ std::map<unsigned int, viennacl::any> & runtime_args,
+ std::map<std::string, viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > & temporaries)
+ {
+ unsigned int lmem_size = k.local_work_size();
+ k.arg(arg_pos, viennacl::ocl::local_mem(lmem_size*sizeof(float)));
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE_T>
+ struct vector_runtime_wrapper : public runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ private:
+ unsigned int size_id_;
+ template<typename ScalarType, unsigned int Alignment>
+ typename SIZE_T::size_type size(viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment> * size_arg) { return size_arg->size(); }
+ template<typename ScalarType, class F, unsigned int Alignment>
+ typename SIZE_T::size_type size(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType,F,Alignment> * size_arg) { return size_arg->size2(); }
+ template<typename ScalarType, unsigned int Alignment>
+ typename SIZE_T::size_type internal_size(viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment> * size_arg) { return size_arg->internal_size(); }
+ template<typename ScalarType, class F, unsigned int Alignment>
+ typename SIZE_T::size_type internal_size(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType,F,Alignment> * size_arg) { return size_arg->internal_size2(); }
+ public:
+ vector_runtime_wrapper(bool _is_temporary, std::string const & _name, int _arg_id, unsigned int _size_id)
+ : runtime_wrapper(_is_temporary,_name,_arg_id),size_id_(_size_id) {}
+ void enqueue(unsigned int arg_pos,
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k,
+ std::map<unsigned int, viennacl::any> & runtime_args,
+ std::map<std::string,
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > & temporaries)
+ {
+ SIZE_T * size_arg = viennacl::any_cast<SIZE_T * >(runtime_args[size_id_]);
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle = NULL;
+ if(is_temporary_)
+ {
+ if(temporaries.find(name_)==temporaries.end())
+ {
+ temporaries.insert(
+ std::make_pair(name_,
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(
+ viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
+ size_arg->internal_size()*sizeof(typename T::value_type))
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ handle = temporaries[name_];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ T * current_arg = viennacl::any_cast<T * >(runtime_args[arg_id_]);
+ handle = current_arg->handle();
+ }
+ k.arg(arg_pos, handle );
+ k.arg(arg_pos+1,cl_uint(size(size_arg)));
+ k.arg(arg_pos+2,cl_uint(internal_size(size_arg)));
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct vector_expression : public runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ typedef T type;
+ typedef typename SIZE_DESCRIPTOR::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = SIZE_DESCRIPTOR::Alignment;
+ static runtime_wrapper * runtime_descriptor()
+ {
+ return new vector_runtime_wrapper<viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment>,
+ typename SIZE_DESCRIPTOR::runtime_type>(viennacl::generator::is_temporary<T>::value,
+ T::name(),
+ }
+ static const std::string size_expression()
+ {
+ return SIZE_DESCRIPTOR::size2_name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size_expression()
+ {
+ return SIZE_DESCRIPTOR::internal_size2_name() + "/" + to_string(Alignment);
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE1_T, class SIZE2_T>
+ struct matrix_runtime_wrapper : public runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ private:
+ unsigned int size1_id_;
+ unsigned int size2_id_;
+ public:
+ matrix_runtime_wrapper(bool _is_temporary,
+ std::string const & _name,
+ int _arg_id,
+ unsigned int _size1_id,
+ unsigned int _size2_id)
+ : runtime_wrapper(_is_temporary,_name,_arg_id), size1_id_(_size1_id), size2_id_(_size2_id) {}
+ unsigned int n_elements(){ return size1_id_*size2_id_; }
+ void enqueue(unsigned int arg_pos,
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k,
+ std::map<unsigned int, viennacl::any> & runtime_args,
+ std::map<std::string,
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > & temporaries)
+ {
+ if (is_temporary_) {}
+ T * current_arg = any_cast<T * >(runtime_args[arg_id_]);
+ SIZE1_T * size1_arg = any_cast<SIZE1_T * >(runtime_args[size1_id_]);
+ SIZE2_T * size2_arg = any_cast<SIZE2_T * >(runtime_args[size2_id_]);
+ k.arg(arg_pos, current_arg->handle());
+ k.arg(arg_pos+1,cl_uint(size1_arg->size1()));
+ k.arg(arg_pos+2,cl_uint(size2_arg->size2()));
+ k.arg(arg_pos+3,cl_uint(size1_arg->internal_size1()));
+ k.arg(arg_pos+4,cl_uint(size2_arg->internal_size2()));
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct matrix_expression
+ {
+ typedef typename SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ typedef typename SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR::Layout Layout;
+ static const unsigned int Alignment = SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR::Alignment;
+ static runtime_wrapper * runtime_descriptor()
+ {
+ return new matrix_runtime_wrapper<viennacl::matrix<ScalarType,Layout,Alignment>,
+ typename SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR::runtime_type,
+ typename SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR::runtime_type>(is_temporary<T>::value,T::name(),
+ }
+ static const std::string size1_expression()
+ {
+ return SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR::size1_name();
+ }
+ static const std::string size2_expression()
+ {
+ return SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR::size2_name();
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size1_expression()
+ {
+ return SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR::internal_size1_name() + "/" + to_string(Alignment);
+ }
+ static const std::string internal_size2_expression()
+ {
+ return SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR::internal_size2_name() + "/" + to_string(Alignment);
+ }
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct scalar_size_descriptor
+ {
+ static unsigned int size(viennacl::ocl::kernel & k) { return 1; }
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct scalar_size_descriptor<compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS,is_temporary> >
+ {
+ static unsigned int size(viennacl::ocl::kernel & k)
+ {
+ return k.global_work_size(0)/k.local_work_size(0);
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct scalar_runtime_wrapper: public runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ typedef typename T::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ scalar_runtime_wrapper(bool _is_temporary, std::string const & _name, int _arg_id) : runtime_wrapper(_is_temporary,_name,_arg_id){}
+ void enqueue(unsigned int arg_pos,
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k,
+ std::map<unsigned int,
+ viennacl::any> & runtime_args,
+ std::map<std::string,
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > & temporaries)
+ {
+ if(is_temporary_)
+ {
+ if(temporaries.find(name_)==temporaries.end())
+ {
+ temporaries.insert(
+ std::make_pair(name_,
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(
+ viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
+ scalar_size_descriptor<T>::size(k)*sizeof(ScalarType))
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ k.arg(arg_pos, temporaries[name_]);
+ }
+ if(arg_id_==-2)
+ k.arg(arg_pos, temporaries[name_]);
+ else
+ {
+ viennacl::scalar<ScalarType>* current_arg = any_cast<viennacl::scalar<ScalarType> * >(runtime_args[arg_id_]);
+ k.arg(arg_pos, current_arg->handle());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID, class ScalarType>
+ struct scalar_runtime_wrapper<viennacl::generator::cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, ScalarType> >: public runtime_wrapper
+ {
+ scalar_runtime_wrapper(bool _is_temporary, std::string const & _name, int _arg_id) : runtime_wrapper(_is_temporary,_name,_arg_id){ }
+ void enqueue(unsigned int arg_pos,
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k,
+ std::map<unsigned int, viennacl::any> & runtime_args,
+ std::map<std::string, viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> > & temporaries)
+ {
+ ScalarType* current_arg = any_cast<ScalarType * >(runtime_args[arg_id_]);
+ k.arg(arg_pos, cl_float(*current_arg));
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct scalar_expression
+ {
+ typedef typename T::ScalarType ScalarType;
+ static runtime_wrapper * runtime_descriptor()
+ {
+ return new scalar_runtime_wrapper<T>(is_temporary<T>::value,T::name(),T::id);
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ * Compound Nodes - General case
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ struct expression_type
+ {
+ typedef NullType Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename expression_type<LHS>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename expression_type<RHS>::Result RHS_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef typename expression_type<compound_node<LHS_Result, OP, RHS_Result,is_temporary> >::Result Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Compound Nodes - usual operators
+ */
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR ,class OP ,class RHS, class RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR ,bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<vector_expression<LHS,LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ OP,
+ vector_expression<RHS,RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef vector_expression<T, LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR,
+ class OP,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<matrix_expression<LHS, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ OP,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef matrix_expression<T, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<scalar_expression<LHS>,
+ OP,
+ scalar_expression<RHS>,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef scalar_expression<T> Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Scalar Operators
+ */
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR,
+ class OP,
+ class RHS,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<vector_expression<LHS,LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ OP,
+ scalar_expression<RHS>,
+ is_temporary> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef vector_expression<T, LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS,
+ class OP,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<scalar_expression<LHS>,
+ OP,
+ vector_expression<RHS,RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef vector_expression<T, RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR,
+ class OP,
+ class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<matrix_expression<LHS,LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR,LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ OP,
+ scalar_expression<RHS>,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef matrix_expression<T, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS,
+ class OP,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<scalar_expression<LHS>,
+ OP,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS ,OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ typedef matrix_expression<T, RHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, RHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Compound Nodes - Non Trivial Operators
+ */
+ //Matrix-Vector product
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<matrix_expression<LHS, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ prod_type,
+ vector_expression<RHS,RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ typedef vector_expression<compound_node<LHS,prod_type,RHS,is_temporary>, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR > Result;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct expression_type<inner_prod_impl_t<T> >
+ {
+ typedef scalar_expression<T> Result;
+ };
+ //Matrix-Matrix product
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type<compound_node<matrix_expression<LHS, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, LHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ prod_type,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ typedef matrix_expression<compound_node<LHS,prod_type,RHS,is_temporary>, LHS_SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, RHS_SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR > Result;
+ };
+ //Inner product
+ template <class LHS, class LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR,
+ bool is_temporary>
+ struct expression_type< compound_node<vector_expression<LHS,LHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ inner_prod_type,
+ vector_expression<RHS,RHS_SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>,
+ is_temporary>
+ >
+ {
+ typedef scalar_expression<compound_node<LHS,inner_prod_type,RHS,is_temporary> > Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Elementwise Modifiers
+ */
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)()>
+ struct expression_type< elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U> >
+ {
+ typedef typename expression_type<T>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct expression_type< vector_expression<T,SIZE_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ typedef typename expression_type<T>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, class SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR, class SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR>
+ struct expression_type< matrix_expression<T,SIZE1_DESCRIPTOR,SIZE2_DESCRIPTOR> >
+ {
+ typedef typename expression_type<T>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct expression_type< scalar_expression<T> >
+ {
+ typedef typename expression_type<T>::Result Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Symbolic Vectors
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ID,typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct expression_type< symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ typedef vector_expression<symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT>,
+ symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> > Result;
+ };
+ template <class Ref>
+ struct expression_type<tmp_symbolic_vector<Ref> >
+ {
+ typedef vector_expression<tmp_symbolic_vector<Ref>, Ref> Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Symbolic Matrices
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ID,typename SCALARTYPE, class F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct expression_type<symbolic_matrix<ID,SCALARTYPE,F,ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef symbolic_matrix<ID,SCALARTYPE,F,ALIGNMENT> T;
+ public:
+ typedef matrix_expression<T, T, T> Result;
+ };
+ template <class Ref>
+ struct expression_type<tmp_symbolic_matrix<Ref> >
+ {
+ typedef matrix_expression<tmp_symbolic_matrix<Ref>, Ref, Ref > Result;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Symbolic Scalars
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ struct expression_type<cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, SCALARTYPE> >
+ {
+ typedef scalar_expression<cpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, SCALARTYPE> > Result;
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ struct expression_type<gpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, SCALARTYPE> >
+ {
+ typedef scalar_expression< gpu_symbolic_scalar<ID, SCALARTYPE> > Result;
+ };
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp b/viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53ec317
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+++ b/viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/generator/tree_operations.hpp
+ * @brief Functors for modifying the expression tree.
+ *
+ * Generator code contributed by Philippe Tillet
+ */
+#include "viennacl/generator/elementwise_modifier.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/generator/traits/general_purpose_traits.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator
+ {
+ namespace tree_utils
+ {
+ /*
+ * Count if
+ */
+ template <class T, template<class> class Pred>
+ struct count_if
+ {
+ enum { value = Pred<T>::value };
+ };
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)(), template<class> class Pred>
+ struct count_if<elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>, Pred>
+ {
+ enum { value = Pred<T>::value + count_if<T, Pred>::value };
+ };
+ template<class T, template<class> class Pred>
+ struct count_if<inner_prod_impl_t<T>, Pred>
+ {
+ enum { value = Pred<inner_prod_impl_t<T> >::value + count_if<T, Pred>::value };
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS, class OP, bool is_temporary, template<class> class Pred>
+ struct count_if<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary>,Pred>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ enum { value = Pred<T>::value
+ + count_if<LHS, Pred>::value
+ + count_if<RHS, Pred>::value
+ };
+ };
+ /*
+ * Count if type
+ */
+ template<class T, class Searched>
+ struct count_if_type
+ {
+ enum { value = 0 };
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct count_if_type<T,T>
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template<class T, std::string (*U)(), class Searched>
+ struct count_if_type<elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>, Searched>
+ {
+ enum { value = count_if_type<T, Searched>::value };
+ };
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)()>
+ struct count_if_type<elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>, elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U> >
+ {
+ enum { value = 1 + count_if_type<T, elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U> >::value };
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct count_if_type<compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, is_temporary>,
+ compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, is_temporary> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, is_temporary> T;
+ public:
+ enum { value = 1 + count_if_type<LHS, T>::value
+ + count_if_type<RHS, T>::value
+ };
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary, class Searched>
+ struct count_if_type< compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary>, Searched>
+ {
+ enum { value = count_if_type<LHS, Searched>::value
+ + count_if_type<RHS, Searched>::value
+ };
+ };
+ /*
+ * Expand
+ */
+ template <class LHS, class OP, bool is_temporary, class RHS_LHS, class RHS_OP, class RHS_RHS, bool RHS_is_temporary>
+ struct expand_right
+ {
+ typedef compound_node< compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS_LHS, RHS_is_temporary>,
+ compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS_RHS, RHS_is_temporary>,
+ is_temporary> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS_LHS, class LHS_OP, class LHS_RHS, bool LHS_is_temporary, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary>
+ struct expand_left
+ {
+ typedef compound_node< compound_node<LHS_LHS, OP, RHS, LHS_is_temporary>,
+ compound_node<LHS_RHS, OP, RHS, LHS_is_temporary>,
+ is_temporary> Result;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct expand
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)()>
+ struct expand< elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename expand<T>::Result SUB_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef elementwise_modifier_impl<SUB_Result,U> Result;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct expand<inner_prod_impl_t<T> >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename expand<T>::Result SUB_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef inner_prod_impl_t<SUB_Result> Result;
+ };
+ template<class LHS,class OP,class RHS,bool is_temporary>
+ struct expand< compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> >
+ {
+ typedef compound_node<typename expand<LHS>::Result, OP, typename expand<RHS>::Result, is_temporary> Result;
+ };
+ #define make_right_expandable(__OPERATOR1__ , __OPERATOR2__) \
+ template<class LHS, class RHS_LHS, class RHS_RHS, bool RHS_is_temporary, bool is_temporary>\
+ struct expand< compound_node<LHS, __OPERATOR1__, compound_node<RHS_LHS, __OPERATOR2__, RHS_RHS, RHS_is_temporary>, is_temporary> >\
+ {\
+ typedef typename expand_right<typename expand<LHS>::Result\
+ , __OPERATOR1__\
+ , is_temporary\
+ , typename expand<RHS_LHS>::Result\
+ , __OPERATOR2__\
+ , typename expand<RHS_RHS>::Result\
+ , RHS_is_temporary>::Result Result;\
+ }
+ #define make_left_expandable(__OPERATOR1__ , __OPERATOR2__) \
+ template<class LHS_LHS, class LHS_RHS, bool LHS_is_temporary, class RHS, bool is_temporary>\
+ struct expand< compound_node< compound_node<LHS_LHS, __OPERATOR2__ , LHS_RHS , LHS_is_temporary>\
+ , __OPERATOR1__\
+ , RHS\
+ , is_temporary> >\
+ {\
+ typedef typename expand_left< typename expand<LHS_LHS>::Result\
+ , __OPERATOR2__\
+ , typename expand<LHS_RHS>::Result\
+ , LHS_is_temporary\
+ , __OPERATOR1__\
+ , typename expand<RHS>::Result\
+ , is_temporary\
+ > ::Result Result;\
+ }
+ make_right_expandable ( scal_mul_type,add_type );
+ make_right_expandable ( scal_mul_type,sub_type );
+ make_left_expandable ( scal_mul_type,add_type );
+ make_left_expandable ( scal_mul_type,sub_type );
+ #undef make_left_expandable
+ #undef make_right_expandable
+ ////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////
+ template <class T>
+ struct make_temporary;
+ template <unsigned int ID, class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct make_temporary<symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ typedef tmp_symbolic_vector< symbolic_vector<ID,SCALARTYPE,ALIGNMENT> > Result;
+ };
+ template <unsigned int ID,typename SCALARTYPE, class F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ struct make_temporary<symbolic_matrix<ID,SCALARTYPE,F,ALIGNMENT> > {
+ typedef tmp_symbolic_matrix< symbolic_matrix<ID,SCALARTYPE,F,ALIGNMENT> > Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, bool only_first_order, class Assigned = void, bool is_nested = false>
+ struct register_temporaries
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, bool only_first_order>
+ struct register_temporaries<T, only_first_order, T, true>
+ {
+ typedef typename make_temporary<T>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)(), bool only_first_order, class Assigned, bool is_nested>
+ struct register_temporaries<elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>, only_first_order, Assigned, is_nested>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename register_temporaries<T, only_first_order, Assigned, is_nested>::Result SUB_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef elementwise_modifier_impl<SUB_Result,U> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary, bool only_first_order, class Assigned, bool is_nested>
+ struct register_temporaries<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary>, only_first_order, Assigned, is_nested>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> T;
+ static const bool is_non_trivial = is_pure_product_leaf<T>::value ||is_pure_inner_product_leaf<T>::value;
+ typedef typename register_temporaries<LHS, only_first_order, Assigned, is_nested || is_non_trivial>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename register_temporaries<RHS, only_first_order, Assigned, is_nested || is_non_trivial>::Result RHS_Result;
+ typedef compound_node<LHS_Result,OP,RHS_Result, is_non_trivial&& ( is_temporary || is_nested ) > RecursiveResult;
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,true> EarlyStoppingResult;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<EarlyStoppingResult, RecursiveResult,is_non_trivial && only_first_order && is_nested>::Result Result;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ //////// EXTRACTIF ////////
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ template <class T,
+ template<class> class Pred,
+ template<class, class> class Comp = typelist_utils::true_comp,
+ class TList = NullType>
+ struct extract_if
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typelist<T,TList> TypeTrue;
+ typedef NullType TypeFalse;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<TypeTrue, TypeFalse, Pred<T>::value>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class T,
+ std::string (*U)(),
+ template<class> class Pred,
+ template<class,class> class Comp,
+ class TList>
+ struct extract_if<elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>, Pred, Comp, TList>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename extract_if<T, Pred, Comp, TList>::Result SUB_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<TList,SUB_Result>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class T,
+ template<class> class Pred,
+ template<class,class> class Comp,
+ class TList>
+ struct extract_if<inner_prod_impl_t<T>, Pred, Comp, TList >
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename T::LHS LHS;
+ typedef typename T::RHS RHS;
+ typedef typename extract_if<LHS, Pred, Comp, TList>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename extract_if<RHS, Pred, Comp, TList>::Result RHS_Result;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<TList, LHS_Result>::Result TmpResult1;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse<TmpResult1, RHS_Result>::Result TmpResult2;
+ typedef TmpResult2 TypeFalse;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::append<TmpResult2, inner_prod_impl_t<T> >::Result TypeTrue;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<TypeTrue, TypeFalse, Pred< inner_prod_impl_t<T> >::value>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary,
+ template<class> class Pred,
+ template<class,class> class Comp,
+ class TList>
+ struct extract_if< compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, is_temporary>, Pred, Comp, TList>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> T;
+ typedef typename extract_if<LHS,Pred,Comp,TList>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename extract_if<RHS,Pred,Comp,TList>::Result RHS_Result;
+ typedef typename typelist_utils::fuse< typename typelist_utils::fuse<TList, LHS_Result, Comp>::Result,
+ RHS_Result,
+ Comp >::Result TypeFalse;
+ typedef typelist<T, TList> TypeTrue;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<TypeTrue, TypeFalse, Pred<T>::value>::Result Result;
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ //////// FLIP_TREE ///////////
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ template <class OP, bool flip>
+ struct invert_flip
+ {
+ enum { value = flip };
+ };
+ template <bool flip>
+ struct invert_flip<sub_type, flip>
+ {
+ enum { value = !flip };
+ };
+ template <class OP, bool flip>
+ struct flip_operator
+ {
+ typedef OP Result;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct flip_operator<sub_type, true>
+ {
+ typedef add_type Result;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct flip_operator<add_type, true>
+ {
+ typedef sub_type Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, bool flip = false>
+ struct flip_tree
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)(), bool flip>
+ struct flip_tree <elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>, flip>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename flip_tree<T, flip>::Result SUB_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef elementwise_modifier_impl<SUB_Result,U> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary, bool flip>
+ struct flip_tree< compound_node<LHS, OP, RHS, is_temporary>, flip>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef typename flip_tree<LHS,flip>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename flip_tree<RHS, invert_flip<OP, flip>::value >::Result RHS_Result;
+ public:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS_Result, typename flip_operator<OP, flip>::Result , RHS_Result, is_temporary> Result;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ //////// REMOVE_IF ////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ template <class OP, class RHS>
+ struct handle_unary_minus
+ {
+ typedef RHS Result;
+ };
+ template <class RHS>
+ struct handle_unary_minus<sub_type, RHS>
+ {
+ typedef compound_node<NullType,sub_type,RHS> Result;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct compound_to_simple
+ {
+ typedef T Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP>
+ struct compound_to_simple<compound_node<LHS, OP, NullType> >
+ {
+ typedef LHS Result;
+ };
+ template <class OP, class RHS>
+ struct compound_to_simple<compound_node<NullType, OP, RHS> >
+ {
+ typedef typename handle_unary_minus<OP,RHS>::Result Result;
+ };
+ template <class OP, class RHS, class Enable=void>
+ struct get_new_operator
+ {
+ typedef OP Result;
+ };
+ template <class RHS_OP, class RHS_RHS>
+ struct get_new_operator <sub_type, compound_node<NullType, RHS_OP, RHS_RHS> >
+ {
+ typedef RHS_OP Result;
+ };
+ template <class T, template<class> class Pred>
+ struct remove_if
+ {
+ typedef typename get_type_if<NullType,T,Pred<T>::value>::Result Result;
+ typedef typename get_type_if<NullType,T,Pred<T>::value>::Result TmpTree;
+ };
+ template <class T, std::string (*U)(), template<class> class Pred>
+ struct remove_if<elementwise_modifier_impl<T,U>,Pred >
+ {
+ typedef elementwise_modifier_impl<typename remove_if<T,Pred>::Result, U> Result;
+ };
+ template <class LHS, class OP, class RHS, bool is_temporary, template<class> class Pred>
+ struct remove_if<compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary>, Pred>
+ {
+ private:
+ typedef compound_node<LHS,OP,RHS,is_temporary> T;
+ typedef typename remove_if<LHS,Pred>::TmpTree LHS_TmpTree;
+ typedef typename remove_if<RHS,Pred>::TmpTree RHS_TmpTree;
+ typedef typename compound_to_simple<typename remove_if<LHS,Pred>::Result>::Result LHS_Result;
+ typedef typename compound_to_simple<typename remove_if<RHS,Pred>::Result>::Result RHS_Result;
+ typedef compound_node<LHS_TmpTree,OP,RHS_TmpTree> TmpTree0;
+ typedef typename compound_to_simple<compound_node<LHS_Result,
+ typename get_new_operator<OP,RHS_TmpTree>::Result,
+ RHS_Result,
+ is_temporary> >::Result Result0;
+ public:
+ typedef typename get_type_if<NullType, TmpTree0, Pred<T>::value>::Result TmpTree;
+ typedef typename get_type_if<NullType, Result0, Pred<T>::value>::Result Result;
+ };
+ } // namespace tree_utils
+ } // namespace generator
+} // namespace viennacl
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deaf71c
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file hyb_matrix.hpp
+ @brief Implementation of the hyb_matrix class
+ Contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko.
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/kernels/hyb_matrix_kernels.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ template<typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT /* see forwards.h for default argument */>
+ class hyb_matrix
+ {
+ public:
+ hyb_matrix() : csr_threshold_(0.8), rows_(0), cols_(0)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::kernels::hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::init();
+ }
+ hyb_matrix(std::size_t row_num, std::size_t col_num) : csr_threshold_(0.8), rows_(row_num), cols_(col_num)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::kernels::hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::init();
+ }
+ SCALARTYPE csr_threshold() const { return csr_threshold_; }
+ void csr_threshold(SCALARTYPE thr) { csr_threshold_ = thr; }
+ std::size_t internal_size1() const { return viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<std::size_t>(rows_, ALIGNMENT); }
+ std::size_t internal_size2() const { return viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<std::size_t>(cols_, ALIGNMENT); }
+ std::size_t size1() const { return rows_; }
+ std::size_t size2() const { return cols_; }
+ std::size_t internal_ellnnz() const {return viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<std::size_t>(ellnnz_, ALIGNMENT); }
+ std::size_t ell_nnz() const { return ellnnz_; }
+ std::size_t csr_nnz() const { return csrnnz_; }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle1() const { return ell_elements_; }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle2() const { return ell_coords_; }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle3() const { return csr_rows_; }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle4() const { return csr_cols_; }
+ const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>& handle5() const { return csr_elements_; }
+ public:
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename T, unsigned int ALIGN>
+ friend void copy(const CPU_MATRIX & cpu_matrix, hyb_matrix<T, ALIGN> & gpu_matrix );
+ private:
+ SCALARTYPE csr_threshold_;
+ std::size_t rows_;
+ std::size_t cols_;
+ std::size_t ellnnz_;
+ std::size_t csrnnz_;
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> ell_coords_; // ell coords
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> ell_elements_; // ell elements
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> csr_rows_;
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> csr_cols_;
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> csr_elements_;
+ };
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void copy(const CPU_MATRIX& cpu_matrix, hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& gpu_matrix )
+ {
+ if(cpu_matrix.size1() > 0 && cpu_matrix.size2() > 0)
+ {
+ //determine max capacity for row
+ std::size_t max_entries_per_row = 0;
+ std::vector<std::size_t> hist_entries(cpu_matrix.size1(), 0);
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator1 row_it = cpu_matrix.begin1(); row_it != cpu_matrix.end1(); ++row_it)
+ {
+ std::size_t num_entries = 0;
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator2 col_it = row_it.begin(); col_it != row_it.end(); ++col_it)
+ {
+ ++num_entries;
+ }
+ hist_entries[num_entries] += 1;
+ max_entries_per_row = std::max(max_entries_per_row, num_entries);
+ }
+ std::size_t sum = 0;
+ for(std::size_t ind = 0; ind <= max_entries_per_row; ind++)
+ {
+ sum += hist_entries[ind];
+ if(sum >= gpu_matrix.csr_threshold() * cpu_matrix.size1())
+ {
+ max_entries_per_row = ind;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //setup GPU matrix
+ gpu_matrix.ellnnz_ = max_entries_per_row;
+ gpu_matrix.rows_ = cpu_matrix.size1();
+ gpu_matrix.cols_ = cpu_matrix.size2();
+ std::size_t nnz = gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * gpu_matrix.internal_ellnnz();
+ std::vector<cl_uint> ell_coords(nnz, 0);
+ std::vector<cl_uint> csr_rows(cpu_matrix.size1() + 1, 0);
+ std::vector<cl_uint> csr_cols;
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> ell_elements(nnz, 0.0f);
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> csr_elements;
+ std::size_t csr_index = 0;
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator1 row_it = cpu_matrix.begin1(); row_it != cpu_matrix.end1(); ++row_it)
+ {
+ std::size_t data_index = 0;
+ csr_rows[row_it.index1()] = csr_index;
+ for (typename CPU_MATRIX::const_iterator2 col_it = row_it.begin(); col_it != row_it.end(); ++col_it)
+ {
+ if(data_index < max_entries_per_row)
+ {
+ ell_coords[gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * data_index + col_it.index1()] = col_it.index2();
+ ell_elements[gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * data_index + col_it.index1()] = *col_it;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ csr_cols.push_back(col_it.index2());
+ csr_elements.push_back(*col_it);
+ csr_index++;
+ }
+ data_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(csr_cols.empty())
+ {
+ csr_cols.push_back(0);
+ csr_elements.push_back(0);
+ }
+ csr_rows[csr_rows.size() - 1] = csr_index;
+ gpu_matrix.csrnnz_ = csr_cols.size();
+ gpu_matrix.ell_coords_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ell_coords);
+ gpu_matrix.ell_elements_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ell_elements);
+ gpu_matrix.csr_rows_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, csr_rows);
+ gpu_matrix.csr_cols_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, csr_cols);
+ gpu_matrix.csr_elements_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, csr_elements);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void copy(const hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& gpu_matrix, CPU_MATRIX& cpu_matrix)
+ {
+ if(gpu_matrix.size1() > 0 && gpu_matrix.size2() > 0)
+ {
+ cpu_matrix.resize(gpu_matrix.size1(), gpu_matrix.size2());
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> ell_elements(gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * gpu_matrix.internal_ellnnz());
+ std::vector<cl_uint> ell_coords(gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * gpu_matrix.internal_ellnnz());
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> csr_elements(gpu_matrix.csr_nnz());
+ std::vector<cl_uint> csr_rows(gpu_matrix.size1() + 1);
+ std::vector<cl_uint> csr_cols(gpu_matrix.csr_nnz());
+ cl_int err;
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle1(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * ell_elements.size(), &(ell_elements[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle2(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint) * ell_coords.size(), &(ell_coords[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle3(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint) * csr_rows.size(), &(csr_rows[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle4(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint) * csr_cols.size(), &(csr_cols[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), gpu_matrix.handle5(), CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * csr_elements.size(), &(csr_elements[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish();
+ for(std::size_t row = 0; row < gpu_matrix.size1(); row++)
+ {
+ for(std::size_t ind = 0; ind < gpu_matrix.internal_ellnnz(); ind++)
+ {
+ std::size_t offset = gpu_matrix.internal_size1() * ind + row;
+ if(ell_elements[offset] == static_cast<SCALARTYPE>(0.0))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(ell_coords[offset] >= gpu_matrix.size2())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "ViennaCL encountered invalid data " << offset << " " << ind << " " << row << " " << ell_coords[offset] << " " << gpu_matrix.size2() << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ cpu_matrix(row, ell_coords[offset]) = ell_elements[offset];
+ }
+ for(std::size_t ind = csr_rows[row]; ind < csr_rows[row+1]; ind++)
+ {
+ if(csr_elements[ind] == static_cast<SCALARTYPE>(0.0))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(csr_cols[ind] >= gpu_matrix.size2())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "ViennaCL encountered invalid data " << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ cpu_matrix(row, csr_cols[ind]) = csr_elements[ind];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ /** @brief Returns a proxy class that represents matrix-vector multiplication with a hyb_matrix
+ *
+ * This is used for the convenience expression result = prod(mat, vec);
+ *
+ * @param mat The matrix
+ * @param vec The vector
+ */
+ template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
+ vector_expression<const hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_prod > prod_impl(const hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & mat,
+ const vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> & vec)
+ {
+ return vector_expression<const hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_prod >(mat, vec);
+ }
+ template<class TYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
+ void prod_impl( const viennacl::hyb_matrix<TYPE, ALIGNMENT>& mat,
+ const viennacl::vector<TYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>& vec,
+ viennacl::vector<TYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>& result)
+ {
+ assert(mat.size1() == result.size());
+ assert(mat.size2() == vec.size());
+ result.clear();
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::hyb_matrix<TYPE, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "vec_mul");
+ unsigned int thread_num = 256;
+ unsigned int group_num = 32;
+ k.local_work_size(0, thread_num);
+ k.global_work_size(0, thread_num * group_num);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(mat.handle2(),
+ mat.handle1(),
+ mat.handle3(),
+ mat.handle4(),
+ mat.handle5(),
+ vec,
+ result,
+ cl_uint(mat.size1()),
+ cl_uint(mat.internal_size1()),
+ cl_uint(mat.ell_nnz()),
+ cl_uint(mat.internal_ellnnz())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief Implementation of the operation v1 = A * v2, where A is a matrix
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
+ */
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> &
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::operator=(const viennacl::vector_expression< const hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ viennacl::op_prod> & proxy)
+ {
+ // check for the special case x = A * x
+ if (proxy.rhs().handle().get() == this->handle().get())
+ {
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(proxy.rhs().size());
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), result);
+ *this = result;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/bicgstab.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/bicgstab.hpp
index 82ca73a..d3609a6 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/bicgstab.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/bicgstab.hpp
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ namespace viennacl
ScalarType inner_prod_temp; //temporary variable for inner product computation
ScalarType new_ip_rr0star = 0;
+ if (norm_rhs_host == 0) //solution is zero if RHS norm is zero
+ return result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tag.max_iterations(); ++i)
@@ -197,6 +200,9 @@ namespace viennacl
ScalarType new_ip_rr0star = 0;
ScalarType inner_prod_temp; //temporary variable for inner product
+ if (norm_rhs_host == 0) //solution is zero if RHS norm is zero
+ return result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tag.max_iterations(); ++i)
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b386926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp
+* @brief Implementation of the algorithm for finding eigenvalues of a tridiagonal matrix.
+* Contributed by Guenther Mader and Astrid Rupp.
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include "viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief overloaded function for copying vectors
+ */
+ template <typename T, typename OtherVectorType>
+ void copy_vec_to_vec(viennacl::vector<T> const & src, OtherVectorType & dest)
+ {
+ viennacl::copy(src, dest);
+ }
+ template <typename OtherVectorType, typename T>
+ void copy_vec_to_vec(OtherVectorType const & src, viennacl::vector<T> & dest)
+ {
+ viennacl::copy(src, dest);
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
+ void copy_vec_to_vec(VectorType1 const & src, VectorType2 & dest)
+ {
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<src.size(); ++i)
+ dest[i] = src[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the bisect-algorithm for the calculation of the eigenvalues of a tridiagonal matrix. Experimental - interface might change.
+ *
+ * @param alphas Elements of the main diagonal
+ * @param betas Elements of the secondary diagonal
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix defined by alpha and beta
+ */
+ template< typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename VectorT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ bisect(VectorT const & alphas, VectorT const & betas)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<VectorT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ std::size_t size = betas.size();
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> x_temp(size);
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> beta_bisect;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> wu;
+ double rel_error = std::numeric_limits<CPU_ScalarType>::epsilon();
+ beta_bisect.push_back(0);
+ for(std::size_t i = 1; i < size; i++){
+ beta_bisect.push_back(betas[i] * betas[i]);
+ }
+ double xmin = alphas[size - 1] - std::abs<CPU_ScalarType>(betas[size - 1]);
+ double xmax = alphas[size - 1] + std::abs<CPU_ScalarType>(betas[size - 1]);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
+ {
+ double h = std::abs<CPU_ScalarType>(betas[i]) + std::abs<CPU_ScalarType>(betas[i + 1]);
+ if (alphas[i] + h > xmax)
+ xmax = alphas[i] + h;
+ if (alphas[i] - h < xmin)
+ xmin = alphas[i] - h;
+ }
+ double eps1 = 1e-6;
+ /*double eps2 = (xmin + xmax > 0) ? (rel_error * xmax) : (-rel_error * xmin);
+ if(eps1 <= 0)
+ eps1 = eps2;
+ else
+ eps2 = 0.5 * eps1 + 7.0 * eps2; */
+ double x0 = xmax;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ x_temp[i] = xmax;
+ wu.push_back(xmin);
+ }
+ for(long k = size - 1; k >= 0; --k)
+ {
+ double xu = xmin;
+ for(long i = k; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ if(xu < wu[k-i])
+ {
+ xu = wu[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(x0 > x_temp[k])
+ x0 = x_temp[k];
+ double x1 = (xu + x0) / 2.0;
+ while (x0 - xu > 2.0 * rel_error * (std::abs(xu) + std::abs(x0)) + eps1)
+ {
+ std::size_t a = 0;
+ double q = 1;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ if(q != 0)
+ q = alphas[i] - x1 - beta_bisect[i] / q;
+ else
+ q = alphas[i] - x1 - std::abs(betas[i] / rel_error);
+ if(q < 0)
+ a++;
+ }
+ if (a <= static_cast<std::size_t>(k))
+ {
+ xu = x1;
+ if(a < 1)
+ wu[0] = x1;
+ else
+ {
+ wu[a] = x1;
+ if(x_temp[a - 1] > x1)
+ x_temp[a - 1] = x1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ x0 = x1;
+ x1 = (xu + x0) / 2.0;
+ }
+ x_temp[k] = x1;
+ }
+ return x_temp;
+ }
+ } // end namespace linalg
+} // end namespace viennacl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp
index c7b7b57..d02affd 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp
@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ namespace viennacl
CPU_ScalarType norm_rhs_squared = ip_rr;
//std::cout << "Starting CG solver iterations... " << std::endl;
+ if (norm_rhs_squared == 0) //solution is zero if RHS norm is zero
+ return result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tag.max_iterations(); ++i)
@@ -181,6 +183,9 @@ namespace viennacl
CPU_ScalarType beta;
CPU_ScalarType norm_rhs_squared = ip_rr;
CPU_ScalarType new_ipp_rr_over_norm_rhs;
+ if (norm_rhs_squared == 0) //solution is zero if RHS norm is zero
+ return result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tag.max_iterations(); ++i)
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/coordinate_matrix_operations.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/coordinate_matrix_operations.hpp
index 8b46b7f..8dd03e8 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/coordinate_matrix_operations.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/coordinate_matrix_operations.hpp
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace viennacl
op_prod> & proxy)
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(proxy.get_lhs().size1());
+ vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(proxy.lhs().size1());
viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), result);
*this -= result;
return *this;
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/block_ilu.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/block_ilu.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e62fb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/block_ilu.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/block_ilu.hpp
+ @brief Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilu0.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ class ilu_vector_range
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename VectorType::size_type size_type;
+ ilu_vector_range(VectorType & v,
+ size_type start_index,
+ size_type vec_size
+ ) : vec_(v), start_(start_index), size_(vec_size) {}
+ value_type & operator()(size_type index)
+ {
+ assert(index < size_ && "Index out of bounds!");
+ return vec_[start_ + index];
+ }
+ value_type & operator[](size_type index)
+ {
+ return this->operator()(index);
+ }
+ size_type size() const { return size_; }
+ private:
+ VectorType & vec_;
+ size_type start_;
+ size_type size_;
+ };
+ /** @brief Extracts a diagonal block from a larger system matrix
+ *
+ * @param compressed_matrix The full matrix
+ * @param block_matrix The output matrix, to which the extracted block is written to
+ * @param start_index First row- and column-index of the block
+ * @param stop_index First row- and column-index beyond the block
+ */
+ template <typename MatrixType, typename STLMatrixType>
+ void extract_block_matrix(MatrixType const & compressed_matrix,
+ STLMatrixType & block_matrix,
+ std::size_t start_index,
+ std::size_t stop_index
+ )
+ {
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1 RowIterator;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 ColumnIterator;
+ for (RowIterator row_iter = compressed_matrix.begin1();
+ row_iter != compressed_matrix.end1();
+ ++row_iter)
+ {
+ if (row_iter.index1() < start_index)
+ continue;
+ if (row_iter.index1() >= stop_index)
+ break;
+ for (ColumnIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin();
+ col_iter != row_iter.end();
+ ++col_iter)
+ {
+ if (col_iter.index2() < start_index)
+ continue;
+ if (col_iter.index2() >= static_cast<std::size_t>(stop_index))
+ continue;
+ block_matrix[col_iter.index1() - start_index][col_iter.index2() - start_index] = *col_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief A block ILU preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
+ *
+ * @tparam MatrixType Type of the system matrix
+ * @tparam ILUTag Type of the tag identifiying the ILU preconditioner to be used on each block.
+ */
+ template <typename MatrixType, typename ILUTag>
+ class block_ilu_precond
+ {
+ typedef typename MatrixType::value_type ScalarType;
+ typedef std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > InternalMatrixType;
+ public:
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > index_vector_type; //the pair refers to index range [a, b) of each block
+ block_ilu_precond(MatrixType const & mat,
+ ILUTag const & tag,
+ std::size_t num_blocks = 4
+ ) : tag_(tag), LU_blocks(num_blocks)
+ {
+ // Set up vector of block indices:
+ block_indices_.resize(num_blocks);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<num_blocks; ++i)
+ {
+ std::size_t start_index = ( i * mat.size1()) / num_blocks;
+ std::size_t stop_index = ((i+1) * mat.size1()) / num_blocks;
+ block_indices_[i] = std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>(start_index, stop_index);
+ }
+ //initialize preconditioner:
+ //std::cout << "Start CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ init(mat);
+ //std::cout << "End CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ }
+ block_ilu_precond(MatrixType const & mat,
+ ILUTag const & tag,
+ index_vector_type const & block_boundaries
+ ) : tag_(tag), block_indices_(block_boundaries), LU_blocks(block_boundaries.size())
+ {
+ //initialize preconditioner:
+ //std::cout << "Start CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ init(mat);
+ //std::cout << "End CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ void apply(VectorType & vec) const
+ {
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<block_indices_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU_blocks[i],
+ LU_blocks[i].size(),
+ LU_blocks[i].size());
+ detail::ilu_vector_range<VectorType> vec_range(vec,
+ block_indices_[i].first,
+ LU_blocks[i].size());
+ viennacl::linalg::detail::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, vec_range);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void init(MatrixType const & mat)
+ {
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<block_indices_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Step 1: Extract blocks
+ std::size_t block_size = block_indices_[i].second - block_indices_[i].first;
+ InternalMatrixType mat_block(block_size);
+ detail::extract_block_matrix(mat, mat_block, block_indices_[i].first, block_indices_[i].second);
+ // Step 2: Precondition blocks:
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> mat_block_adapter(mat_block, block_size, block_size);
+ viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU_blocks[i], block_size, block_size);
+ viennacl::linalg::precondition(mat_block_adapter, LU_adapter, tag_);
+ }
+ }
+ ILUTag const & tag_;
+ index_vector_type block_indices_;
+ std::vector< InternalMatrixType > LU_blocks;
+ };
+ /** @brief ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines.
+ *
+ * Specialization for compressed_matrix
+ */
+ template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT, typename ILUTag>
+ class block_ilu_precond< compressed_matrix<ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT>, ILUTag >
+ {
+ typedef compressed_matrix<ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT> MatrixType;
+ typedef std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > InternalMatrixType;
+ typedef std::vector<ScalarType> STLVectorType;
+ public:
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > index_vector_type; //the pair refers to index range [a, b) of each block
+ block_ilu_precond(MatrixType const & mat,
+ ILUTag const & tag,
+ std::size_t num_blocks = 4
+ ) : tag_(tag), LU_blocks(num_blocks)
+ {
+ // Set up vector of block indices:
+ block_indices_.resize(num_blocks);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<num_blocks; ++i)
+ {
+ std::size_t start_index = ( i * mat.size1()) / num_blocks;
+ std::size_t stop_index = ((i+1) * mat.size1()) / num_blocks;
+ block_indices_[i] = std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>(start_index, stop_index);
+ }
+ //initialize preconditioner:
+ //std::cout << "Start CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ init(mat);
+ //std::cout << "End CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ }
+ block_ilu_precond(MatrixType const & mat,
+ ILUTag const & tag,
+ index_vector_type const & block_boundaries
+ ) : tag_(tag), block_indices_(block_boundaries), LU_blocks(block_boundaries.size())
+ {
+ //initialize preconditioner:
+ //std::cout << "Start CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ init(mat);
+ //std::cout << "End CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ }
+ void apply(vector<ScalarType> & vec) const
+ {
+ viennacl::copy(vec, temp_vec);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<block_indices_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU_blocks[i],
+ LU_blocks[i].size(),
+ LU_blocks[i].size());
+ detail::ilu_vector_range<STLVectorType> vec_range(temp_vec,
+ block_indices_[i].first,
+ LU_blocks[i].size());
+ viennacl::linalg::detail::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, vec_range);
+ }
+ viennacl::copy(temp_vec, vec);
+ }
+ private:
+ void init(MatrixType const & mat)
+ {
+ InternalMatrixType temp(mat.size1());
+ //std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU_cpu(mat.size1());
+ //copy to cpu:
+ viennacl::copy(mat, temp);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<block_indices_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Step 1: Extract blocks
+ std::size_t block_size = block_indices_[i].second - block_indices_[i].first;
+ InternalMatrixType mat_block(block_size);
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> temp_adapter(temp, temp.size(), temp.size());
+ detail::extract_block_matrix(temp_adapter, mat_block, block_indices_[i].first, block_indices_[i].second);
+ // Step 2: Precondition blocks:
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> mat_block_adapter(mat_block, block_size, block_size);
+ viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU_blocks[i], block_size, block_size);
+ viennacl::linalg::precondition(mat_block_adapter, LU_adapter, tag_);
+ }
+ //viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> temp_adapter(temp, temp.size(), temp.size());
+ //viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
+ //viennacl::linalg::precondition(temp_adapter, LU_adapter, _tag);
+ temp_vec.resize(mat.size1());
+ //copy resulting preconditioner back to gpu:
+ //copy(LU_cpu, LU);
+ }
+ ILUTag const & tag_;
+ index_vector_type block_indices_;
+ std::vector< InternalMatrixType > LU_blocks;
+ mutable STLVectorType temp_vec;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c323638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp
+ @brief Common routines used within ILU-type preconditioners
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
+ *
+ * Generic implementation using the iterator concept from boost::numeric::ublas. Could not find a better way for sparse matrices...
+ *
+ * @param row_iter The row iterator
+ * @param k The final row index
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ void ilu_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(T & row_iter, unsigned int k)
+ {
+ while (row_iter.index1() < k)
+ ++row_iter;
+ }
+ /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
+ *
+ * Specialization for the sparse matrix adapter shipped with ViennaCL
+ *
+ * @param row_iter The row iterator
+ * @param k The final row index
+ */
+ template <typename ScalarType>
+ void ilu_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> & row_iter, unsigned int k)
+ {
+ row_iter += k - row_iter.index1();
+ }
+ /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
+ *
+ * Specialization for the const sparse matrix adapter shipped with ViennaCL
+ *
+ * @param row_iter The row iterator
+ * @param k The final row index
+ */
+ template <typename ScalarType>
+ void ilu_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> & row_iter, unsigned int k)
+ {
+ row_iter += k - row_iter.index1();
+ }
+ /** @brief Generic inplace solution of a unit lower triangular system
+ *
+ * @param mat The system matrix
+ * @param vec The right hand side vector
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
+ void ilu_inplace_solve(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec, viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
+ for (InputRowIterator row_iter = mat.begin1(); row_iter != mat.end1(); ++row_iter)
+ {
+ for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
+ {
+ if (col_iter.index2() < col_iter.index1())
+ vec[col_iter.index1()] -= *col_iter * vec[col_iter.index2()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief Generic inplace solution of a upper triangular system
+ *
+ * @param mat The system matrix
+ * @param vec The right hand side vector
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
+ void ilu_inplace_solve(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec, viennacl::linalg::upper_tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_reverse_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type ScalarType;
+ ScalarType diagonal_entry = 1.0;
+ for (InputRowIterator row_iter = mat.rbegin1(); row_iter != mat.rend1(); ++row_iter)
+ {
+ for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
+ {
+ if (col_iter.index2() > col_iter.index1())
+ vec[col_iter.index1()] -= *col_iter * vec[col_iter.index2()];
+ if (col_iter.index2() == col_iter.index1())
+ diagonal_entry = *col_iter;
+ }
+ vec[row_iter.index1()] /= diagonal_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief Generic LU substitution
+ *
+ * @param mat The system matrix
+ * @param vec The right hand side vector
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
+ void ilu_lu_substitute(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec)
+ {
+ ilu_inplace_solve(mat, vec, unit_lower_tag());
+ ilu_inplace_solve(mat, vec, upper_tag());
+ }
+ } // namespace detail
+ } // namespace linalg
+} // namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilu0.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilu0.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1ba7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilu0.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilu0.hpp
+ @brief Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners with static nonzero pattern. Contributed by Evan Bollig.
+ ILU0 (Incomplete LU with zero fill-in)
+ - All preconditioner nonzeros exist at locations that were nonzero in the input matrix.
+ - The number of nonzeros in the output preconditioner are exactly the same number as the input matrix
+ Evan Bollig 3/30/12
+ Adapted from viennacl/linalg/detail/ilut.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp"
+#include <map>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ /** @brief A tag for incomplete LU factorization with threshold (ILUT)
+ */
+ class ilu0_tag
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @brief The constructor.
+ *
+ * @param row_start The starting row for the block to which we apply ILU
+ * @param row_end The end column of the block to which we apply ILU
+ */
+ ilu0_tag(unsigned int row_start = 0, unsigned int row_end = -1)
+ : _row_start(row_start),
+ _row_end(row_end) {}
+ public:
+ unsigned int _row_start, _row_end;
+ };
+ /** @brief Implementation of a ILU-preconditioner with static pattern
+ *
+ * refer to the Algorithm in Saad's book (1996 edition)
+ *
+ * @param input The input matrix. Type requirements: const_iterator1 for iteration along rows, const_iterator2 for iteration along columns
+ * @param output The output matrix. Type requirements: const_iterator1 for iteration along rows, const_iterator2 for iteration along columns and write access via operator()
+ * @param tag An ilu0_tag in order to dispatch among several other preconditioners.
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename LUType>
+ void precondition(MatrixType const & input, LUType & output, ilu0_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef std::map<unsigned int, double> SparseVector;
+ typedef typename SparseVector::iterator SparseVectorIterator;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
+ typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
+ typedef typename LUType::iterator1 OutputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
+ typedef typename LUType::iterator2 OutputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
+ output.clear();
+ assert(input.size1() == output.size1());
+ assert(input.size2() == output.size2());
+ output.resize(static_cast<unsigned int>(input.size1()), static_cast<unsigned int>(input.size2()), false);
+ SparseVector w;
+ std::map<double, unsigned int> temp_map;
+ // For i = 2, ... , N, DO
+ for (InputRowIterator row_iter = input.begin1(); row_iter != input.end1(); ++row_iter)
+ {
+ w.clear();
+ for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
+ {
+ // Only work on the block described by (row_start:row_end, row_start:row_end)
+ if ((static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()) >= tag._row_start) && (static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()) < tag._row_end))
+ {
+ if ((static_cast<unsigned int>(col_iter.index2()) >= tag._row_start) && (static_cast<unsigned int>(col_iter.index2()) < tag._row_end))
+ {
+ w[static_cast<unsigned int>(col_iter.index2())] = *col_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Put identity on the excluded diagonal
+ w[static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1())] = 1.;
+ }
+ }
+ //line 3:
+ OutputRowIterator row_iter_out = output.begin1();
+ for (SparseVectorIterator k = w.begin(); k != w.end(); ++k)
+ {
+ unsigned int index_k = k->first;
+ // Enforce i = 2 and
+ if (index_k >= static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()))
+ break;
+ detail::ilu_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(row_iter_out, index_k);
+ //line 3: temp = a_ik = a_ik / a_kk
+ double temp = k->second / output(index_k, index_k);
+ if (output(index_k, index_k) == 0.0)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "ViennaCL: FATAL ERROR in ILUT(): Diagonal entry is zero in row " << index_k << "!" << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (OutputColIterator j = row_iter_out.begin(); j != row_iter_out.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ // Only fill if it a nonzero element of the input matrix
+ if (input(row_iter.index1(), j.index2())) {
+ // Follow standard ILU algorithm (i.e., for j = k+1, ... , N)
+ if (j.index2() > index_k)
+ {
+ // set a_ij
+ w[j.index2()] -= temp * *j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set a_ik
+ w[index_k] = temp;
+ } //for k
+ // Write rows back to LU factor output
+ unsigned int k_count = 0;
+ for (SparseVectorIterator k = w.begin(); k != w.end(); ++k )
+ {
+ output(static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()), k->first) = static_cast<typename LUType::value_type>(w[k->first]);
+ k_count ++;
+ }
+ } //for i
+ }
+ /** @brief ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
+ */
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ class ilu0_precond
+ {
+ typedef typename MatrixType::value_type ScalarType;
+ public:
+ ilu0_precond(MatrixType const & mat, ilu0_tag const & tag) : _tag(tag), LU(mat.size1())
+ {
+ //initialize preconditioner:
+ //std::cout << "Start CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ init(mat);
+ //std::cout << "End CPU precond" << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ void apply(VectorType & vec) const
+ {
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU);
+ viennacl::linalg::detail::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, vec);
+ }
+ private:
+ void init(MatrixType const & mat)
+ {
+ viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU);
+ viennacl::linalg::precondition(mat, LU_adapter, _tag);
+ }
+ ilu0_tag const & _tag;
+ public: std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU;
+ };
+ /** @brief ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines.
+ *
+ * Specialization for compressed_matrix
+ */
+ template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
+ class ilu0_precond< compressed_matrix<ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT> >
+ {
+ typedef compressed_matrix<ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT> MatrixType;
+ public:
+ ilu0_precond(MatrixType const & mat, ilu0_tag const & tag) : _tag(tag), LU(mat.size1())
+ {
+ //initialize preconditioner:
+ //std::cout << "Start GPU precond" << std::endl;
+ init(mat);
+ //std::cout << "End GPU precond" << std::endl;
+ }
+ void apply(vector<ScalarType> & vec) const
+ {
+ copy(vec, temp_vec);
+ //lu_substitute(LU, vec);
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU);
+ viennacl::linalg::detail::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, temp_vec);
+ copy(temp_vec, vec);
+ }
+ private:
+ void init(MatrixType const & mat)
+ {
+ std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > temp(mat.size1());
+ //std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU_cpu(mat.size1());
+ //copy to cpu:
+ copy(mat, temp);
+ viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> temp_adapter(temp);
+ viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU);
+ viennacl::linalg::precondition(temp_adapter, LU_adapter, _tag);
+ temp_vec.resize(mat.size1());
+ }
+ ilu0_tag const & _tag;
+ //MatrixType LU;
+ public: std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU;
+ private: mutable std::vector<ScalarType> temp_vec;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp
similarity index 62%
copy from viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp
copy to viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp
index 13681b7..61e2175 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* =========================================================================
Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
-/** @file ilu.hpp
- @brief Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp
+ @brief Implementations of an incomplete factorization preconditioner with threshold (ILUT)
#include <vector>
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/common.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace viennacl
@@ -66,48 +68,7 @@ namespace viennacl
double _drop_tolerance;
- /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
- *
- * Generic implementation using the iterator concept from boost::numeric::ublas. Could not find a better way for sparse matrices...
- *
- * @param row_iter The row iterator
- * @param k The final row index
- */
- template <typename T>
- void ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(T & row_iter, unsigned int k)
- {
- while (row_iter.index1() < k)
- ++row_iter;
- }
- /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
- *
- * Specialization for the sparse matrix adapter shipped with ViennaCL
- *
- * @param row_iter The row iterator
- * @param k The final row index
- */
- template <typename ScalarType>
- void ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> & row_iter, unsigned int k)
- {
- row_iter += k - row_iter.index1();
- }
- /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
- *
- * Specialization for the const sparse matrix adapter shipped with ViennaCL
- *
- * @param row_iter The row iterator
- * @param k The final row index
- */
- template <typename ScalarType>
- void ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> & row_iter, unsigned int k)
- {
- row_iter += k - row_iter.index1();
- }
/** @brief Implementation of a ILU-preconditioner with threshold
* refer to Algorithm 10.6 by Saad's book (1996 edition)
@@ -146,10 +107,10 @@ namespace viennacl
//line 3:
OutputRowIterator row_iter_out = output.begin1();
- for (SparseVectorIterator k = w.begin(); k != w.end();)
+ for (SparseVectorIterator w_k = w.begin(); w_k != w.end(); ++w_k)
- unsigned int index_k = k->first;
- if (index_k >= static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()))
+ unsigned int k = w_k->first;
+ if (k >= static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()))
@@ -157,51 +118,49 @@ namespace viennacl
// ++row_iter_out;
//if (row_iter_out.index1() < index_k)
// row_iter_out += index_k - row_iter_out.index1();
- ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(row_iter_out, index_k);
+ detail::ilu_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(row_iter_out, k);
//line 4:
- double temp = k->second / output(index_k, index_k);
- if (output(index_k, index_k) == 0.0)
+ double a_kk = output(k, k);
+ double temp = w_k->second / a_kk;
+ if (a_kk == 0.0)
- std::cerr << "ViennaCL: FATAL ERROR in ILUT(): Diagonal entry is zero in row " << index_k << "!" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "ViennaCL: FATAL ERROR in ILUT(): Diagonal entry is zero in row " << k
+ << " while processing line " << row_iter.index1() << "!" << std::endl;
//line 5: (dropping rule to w_k)
if ( fabs(temp) > tag.get_drop_tolerance())
//line 7:
- for (OutputColIterator j = row_iter_out.begin(); j != row_iter_out.end(); ++j)
+ for (OutputColIterator u_k = row_iter_out.begin(); u_k != row_iter_out.end(); ++u_k)
- if (j.index2() > index_k) //attention: manipulation of w(k->first) would invalidate iterator!
- {
- w[j.index2()] -= temp * *j;
- }
+ if (u_k.index2() >= k)
+ w[u_k.index2()] -= temp * *u_k;
- ++k; //attention: manipulation of w(k->first) would invalidate iterator!
- w[index_k] = temp;// - temp * A(index_k, index_k);
- else
- ++k;
} //for k
//Line 10: Apply a dropping rule to w
- //Step 1: Sort all entries:
+ //Sort entries which are kept
- for (SparseVectorIterator k = w.begin(); k != w.end(); )
+ for (SparseVectorIterator w_k = w.begin(); w_k != w.end(); )
- if (fabs(k->second) < tag.get_drop_tolerance())
+ if ( (fabs(w_k->second) < tag.get_drop_tolerance())
+ && (w_k->first != static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1())) //do not drop diagonal element!
+ )
- long index = k->first;
- ++k;
+ long index = w_k->first;
+ ++w_k;
- double temp = fabs(k->second);
+ double temp = fabs(w_k->second);
while (temp_map.find(temp) != temp_map.end())
temp *= 1.00000001; //make entry slightly larger to maintain uniqueness of the entry
- temp_map[temp] = k->first;
- ++k;
+ temp_map[temp] = w_k->first;
+ ++w_k;
@@ -235,67 +194,6 @@ namespace viennacl
- /** @brief Generic inplace solution of a unit lower triangular system
- *
- * @param mat The system matrix
- * @param vec The right hand side vector
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
- void ilu_inplace_solve(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec, viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag)
- {
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
- for (InputRowIterator row_iter = mat.begin1(); row_iter != mat.end1(); ++row_iter)
- {
- for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
- {
- if (col_iter.index2() < col_iter.index1())
- vec[col_iter.index1()] -= *col_iter * vec[col_iter.index2()];
- }
- }
- }
- /** @brief Generic inplace solution of a upper triangular system
- *
- * @param mat The system matrix
- * @param vec The right hand side vector
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
- void ilu_inplace_solve(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec, viennacl::linalg::upper_tag)
- {
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_reverse_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
- typedef typename VectorType::value_type ScalarType;
- ScalarType diagonal_entry = 1.0;
- for (InputRowIterator row_iter = mat.rbegin1(); row_iter != mat.rend1(); ++row_iter)
- {
- for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
- {
- if (col_iter.index2() > col_iter.index1())
- vec[col_iter.index1()] -= *col_iter * vec[col_iter.index2()];
- if (col_iter.index2() == col_iter.index1())
- diagonal_entry = *col_iter;
- }
- vec[row_iter.index1()] /= diagonal_entry;
- }
- }
- /** @brief Generic LU substitution
- *
- * @param mat The system matrix
- * @param vec The right hand side vector
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
- void ilu_lu_substitute(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec)
- {
- ilu_inplace_solve(mat, vec, unit_lower_tag());
- ilu_inplace_solve(mat, vec, upper_tag());
- }
/** @brief ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
template <typename MatrixType>
@@ -316,7 +214,7 @@ namespace viennacl
void apply(VectorType & vec) const
viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
- viennacl::linalg::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, vec);
+ viennacl::linalg::detail::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, vec);
@@ -354,7 +252,7 @@ namespace viennacl
copy(vec, temp_vec);
//lu_substitute(LU, vec);
viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
- viennacl::linalg::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, temp_vec);
+ viennacl::linalg::detail::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, temp_vec);
copy(temp_vec, vec);
diff --git a/viennacl/misc/bandwidth_reduction.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/eig.hpp
similarity index 53%
copy from viennacl/misc/bandwidth_reduction.hpp
copy to viennacl/linalg/eig.hpp
index be237b8..6ba8e6f 100644
--- a/viennacl/misc/bandwidth_reduction.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/eig.hpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
/* =========================================================================
- Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Institute for Microelectronics,
Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
TU Wien.
@@ -17,21 +17,12 @@
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
-/** @file viennacl/misc/bandwidth_reduction.hpp
- @brief Convenience include for bandwidth reduction algorithms such as Cuthill-McKee or Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer. Experimental in 1.2.x.
+/** @file eig.hpp
+* @brief Convenience header file including all available eigenvalue algorithms
-#include "viennacl/misc/cuthill_mckee.hpp"
-#include "viennacl/misc/gibbs_poole_stockmeyer.hpp"
-namespace viennacl
- //TODO: Add convenience overload here. Which should be default?
-} //namespace viennacl
+#include "viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/power_iter.hpp"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/gmres.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/gmres.hpp
index ca3d704..35a7a05 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/gmres.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/gmres.hpp
@@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ namespace viennacl
CPU_ScalarType norm_rhs = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(rhs);
+ if (norm_rhs == 0) //solution is zero if RHS norm is zero
+ return result;
unsigned int k;
for (k = 0; k < krylov_dim; ++k)
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp
index 13681b7..91e8c18 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp
@@ -18,377 +18,12 @@
============================================================================= */
/** @file ilu.hpp
- @brief Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners
+ @brief Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners. Convenience header file.
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
-#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
-#include <map>
-namespace viennacl
- namespace linalg
- {
- /** @brief A tag for incomplete LU factorization with threshold (ILUT)
- */
- class ilut_tag
- {
- public:
- /** @brief The constructor.
- *
- * @param entries_per_row Number of nonzero entries per row in L and U. Note that L and U are stored in a single matrix, thus there are 2*entries_per_row in total.
- * @param drop_tolerance The drop tolerance for ILUT
- */
- ilut_tag(unsigned int entries_per_row = 20,
- double drop_tolerance = 1e-4) : _entries_per_row(entries_per_row), _drop_tolerance(drop_tolerance) {};
- void set_drop_tolerance(double tol)
- {
- if (tol > 0)
- _drop_tolerance = tol;
- }
- double get_drop_tolerance() const { return _drop_tolerance; }
- void set_entries_per_row(unsigned int e)
- {
- if (e > 0)
- _entries_per_row = e;
- }
- unsigned int get_entries_per_row() const { return _entries_per_row; }
- private:
- unsigned int _entries_per_row;
- double _drop_tolerance;
- };
- /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
- *
- * Generic implementation using the iterator concept from boost::numeric::ublas. Could not find a better way for sparse matrices...
- *
- * @param row_iter The row iterator
- * @param k The final row index
- */
- template <typename T>
- void ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(T & row_iter, unsigned int k)
- {
- while (row_iter.index1() < k)
- ++row_iter;
- }
- /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
- *
- * Specialization for the sparse matrix adapter shipped with ViennaCL
- *
- * @param row_iter The row iterator
- * @param k The final row index
- */
- template <typename ScalarType>
- void ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> & row_iter, unsigned int k)
- {
- row_iter += k - row_iter.index1();
- }
- /** @brief Increments a row iterator (iteration along increasing row indices) up to a certain row index k.
- *
- * Specialization for the const sparse matrix adapter shipped with ViennaCL
- *
- * @param row_iter The row iterator
- * @param k The final row index
- */
- template <typename ScalarType>
- void ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> & row_iter, unsigned int k)
- {
- row_iter += k - row_iter.index1();
- }
- /** @brief Implementation of a ILU-preconditioner with threshold
- *
- * refer to Algorithm 10.6 by Saad's book (1996 edition)
- *
- * @param input The input matrix. Type requirements: const_iterator1 for iteration along rows, const_iterator2 for iteration along columns
- * @param output The output matrix. Type requirements: const_iterator1 for iteration along rows, const_iterator2 for iteration along columns and write access via operator()
- * @param tag An ilut_tag in order to dispatch among several other preconditioners.
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename LUType>
- void precondition(MatrixType const & input, LUType & output, ilut_tag const & tag)
- {
- typedef std::map<unsigned int, double> SparseVector;
- typedef typename SparseVector::iterator SparseVectorIterator;
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
- typedef typename LUType::iterator1 OutputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
- typedef typename LUType::iterator2 OutputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
- output.clear();
- assert(input.size1() == output.size1());
- assert(input.size2() == output.size2());
- output.resize(static_cast<unsigned int>(input.size1()), static_cast<unsigned int>(input.size2()), false);
- SparseVector w;
- std::map<double, unsigned int> temp_map;
- for (InputRowIterator row_iter = input.begin1(); row_iter != input.end1(); ++row_iter)
- {
- /* if (i%10 == 0)
- std::cout << i << std::endl;*/
- //line 2:
- w.clear();
- for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
- w[static_cast<unsigned int>(col_iter.index2())] = *col_iter;
- //line 3:
- OutputRowIterator row_iter_out = output.begin1();
- for (SparseVectorIterator k = w.begin(); k != w.end();)
- {
- unsigned int index_k = k->first;
- if (index_k >= static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()))
- break;
- //while (row_iter_out.index1() < index_k)
- // ++row_iter_out;
- //if (row_iter_out.index1() < index_k)
- // row_iter_out += index_k - row_iter_out.index1();
- ilut_inc_row_iterator_to_row_index(row_iter_out, index_k);
- //line 4:
- double temp = k->second / output(index_k, index_k);
- if (output(index_k, index_k) == 0.0)
- {
- std::cerr << "ViennaCL: FATAL ERROR in ILUT(): Diagonal entry is zero in row " << index_k << "!" << std::endl;
- }
- //line 5: (dropping rule to w_k)
- if ( fabs(temp) > tag.get_drop_tolerance())
- {
- //line 7:
- for (OutputColIterator j = row_iter_out.begin(); j != row_iter_out.end(); ++j)
- {
- if (j.index2() > index_k) //attention: manipulation of w(k->first) would invalidate iterator!
- {
- w[j.index2()] -= temp * *j;
- }
- }
- ++k; //attention: manipulation of w(k->first) would invalidate iterator!
- w[index_k] = temp;// - temp * A(index_k, index_k);
- }
- else
- ++k;
- } //for k
- //Line 10: Apply a dropping rule to w
- //Step 1: Sort all entries:
- temp_map.clear();
- for (SparseVectorIterator k = w.begin(); k != w.end(); )
- {
- if (fabs(k->second) < tag.get_drop_tolerance())
- {
- long index = k->first;
- ++k;
- w.erase(index);
- }
- else
- {
- double temp = fabs(k->second);
- while (temp_map.find(temp) != temp_map.end())
- temp *= 1.00000001; //make entry slightly larger to maintain uniqueness of the entry
- temp_map[temp] = k->first;
- ++k;
- }
- }
- //Lines 10-12: write the largest p values to L and U
- unsigned int written_L = 0;
- unsigned int written_U = 0;
- for (typename std::map<double, unsigned int>::reverse_iterator iter = temp_map.rbegin(); iter != temp_map.rend(); ++iter)
- {
- if (iter->second > static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1())) //entry for U
- {
- if (written_U < tag.get_entries_per_row())
- {
- output(static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()), iter->second) = static_cast<typename LUType::value_type>(w[iter->second]);
- ++written_U;
- }
- }
- else if (iter->second == static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()))
- {
- output(iter->second, iter->second) = static_cast<typename LUType::value_type>(w[static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1())]);
- }
- else //entry for L
- {
- if (written_L < tag.get_entries_per_row())
- {
- output(static_cast<unsigned int>(row_iter.index1()), iter->second) = static_cast<typename LUType::value_type>(w[iter->second]);
- ++written_L;
- }
- }
- }
- } //for i
- }
- /** @brief Generic inplace solution of a unit lower triangular system
- *
- * @param mat The system matrix
- * @param vec The right hand side vector
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
- void ilu_inplace_solve(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec, viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag)
- {
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
- for (InputRowIterator row_iter = mat.begin1(); row_iter != mat.end1(); ++row_iter)
- {
- for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
- {
- if (col_iter.index2() < col_iter.index1())
- vec[col_iter.index1()] -= *col_iter * vec[col_iter.index2()];
- }
- }
- }
- /** @brief Generic inplace solution of a upper triangular system
- *
- * @param mat The system matrix
- * @param vec The right hand side vector
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
- void ilu_inplace_solve(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec, viennacl::linalg::upper_tag)
- {
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_reverse_iterator1 InputRowIterator; //iterate along increasing row index
- typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2 InputColIterator; //iterate along increasing column index
- typedef typename VectorType::value_type ScalarType;
- ScalarType diagonal_entry = 1.0;
- for (InputRowIterator row_iter = mat.rbegin1(); row_iter != mat.rend1(); ++row_iter)
- {
- for (InputColIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin(); col_iter != row_iter.end(); ++col_iter)
- {
- if (col_iter.index2() > col_iter.index1())
- vec[col_iter.index1()] -= *col_iter * vec[col_iter.index2()];
- if (col_iter.index2() == col_iter.index1())
- diagonal_entry = *col_iter;
- }
- vec[row_iter.index1()] /= diagonal_entry;
- }
- }
- /** @brief Generic LU substitution
- *
- * @param mat The system matrix
- * @param vec The right hand side vector
- */
- template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
- void ilu_lu_substitute(MatrixType const & mat, VectorType & vec)
- {
- ilu_inplace_solve(mat, vec, unit_lower_tag());
- ilu_inplace_solve(mat, vec, upper_tag());
- }
- /** @brief ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
- */
- template <typename MatrixType>
- class ilut_precond
- {
- typedef typename MatrixType::value_type ScalarType;
- public:
- ilut_precond(MatrixType const & mat, ilut_tag const & tag) : _tag(tag), LU(mat.size1())
- {
- //initialize preconditioner:
- //std::cout << "Start CPU precond" << std::endl;
- init(mat);
- //std::cout << "End CPU precond" << std::endl;
- }
- template <typename VectorType>
- void apply(VectorType & vec) const
- {
- viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
- viennacl::linalg::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, vec);
- }
- private:
- void init(MatrixType const & mat)
- {
- viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
- viennacl::linalg::precondition(mat, LU_adapter, _tag);
- }
- ilut_tag const & _tag;
- std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU;
- };
- /** @brief ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines.
- *
- * Specialization for compressed_matrix
- */
- template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- class ilut_precond< compressed_matrix<ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT> >
- {
- typedef compressed_matrix<ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT> MatrixType;
- public:
- ilut_precond(MatrixType const & mat, ilut_tag const & tag) : _tag(tag), LU(mat.size1())
- {
- //initialize preconditioner:
- //std::cout << "Start GPU precond" << std::endl;
- init(mat);
- //std::cout << "End GPU precond" << std::endl;
- }
- void apply(vector<ScalarType> & vec) const
- {
- copy(vec, temp_vec);
- //lu_substitute(LU, vec);
- viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_const_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
- viennacl::linalg::ilu_lu_substitute(LU_const_adapter, temp_vec);
- copy(temp_vec, vec);
- }
- private:
- void init(MatrixType const & mat)
- {
- std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > temp(mat.size1());
- //std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU_cpu(mat.size1());
- //copy to cpu:
- copy(mat, temp);
- viennacl::tools::const_sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> temp_adapter(temp, temp.size(), temp.size());
- viennacl::tools::sparse_matrix_adapter<ScalarType> LU_adapter(LU, LU.size(), LU.size());
- viennacl::linalg::precondition(temp_adapter, LU_adapter, _tag);
- temp_vec.resize(mat.size1());
- //copy resulting preconditioner back to gpu:
- //copy(LU_cpu, LU);
- }
- ilut_tag const & _tag;
- //MatrixType LU;
- std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> > LU;
- mutable std::vector<ScalarType> temp_vec;
- };
- }
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilu0.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/block_ilu.hpp"
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp
index 69b374d..042c594 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp
@@ -150,6 +150,31 @@ namespace viennacl
//std::cout << "viennacl .. " << std::endl;
return viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_impl(vector1, vector2);
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_inner_prod >
+ inner_prod(viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> const & vector1,
+ viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> const & vector2)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_inner_prod >(vector1, vector2);
+ }
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_inner_prod >
+ inner_prod(viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vector1,
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vector2)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_inner_prod >(vector1, vector2);
+ }
} // end namespace linalg
} // end namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/jacobi_precond.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/jacobi_precond.hpp
index 4ceac0a..4afb2d7 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/jacobi_precond.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/jacobi_precond.hpp
@@ -161,8 +161,14 @@ namespace viennacl
- k(viennacl::traits::handle(diag_A_inv), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(diag_A_inv)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(diag_A_inv)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)) )
+ k(viennacl::traits::handle(diag_A_inv),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(diag_A_inv)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(diag_A_inv)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(diag_A_inv)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)) )
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf5560a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp
+* @brief Generic interface for the Lanczos algorithm.
+* Contributed by Guenther Mader and Astrid Rupp.
+#include <math.h> //for sqrt()
+#include <vector>
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp"
+#include <boost/random.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_sparse.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ /** @brief A tag for the lanczos algorithm.
+ */
+ class lanczos_tag
+ {
+ public:
+ enum
+ {
+ partial_reorthogonalization = 0,
+ full_reorthogonalization,
+ no_reorthogonalization
+ };
+ /** @brief The constructor
+ *
+ * @param factor Exponent of epsilon - tolerance for batches of Reorthogonalization
+ * @param num_eigenvalues Number of eigenvalues to be returned
+ * @param met Method for Lanczos-Algorithm: 0 for partial Reorthogonalization, 1 for full Reorthogonalization and 2 for Lanczos without Reorthogonalization
+ * @param krylov_size Maximal krylov-space size
+ */
+ lanczos_tag(double factor = 0.75,
+ std::size_t numeig = 10,
+ int met = 0,
+ std::size_t krylov = 100) : factor_(factor), num_eigenvalues_(numeig), method_(met), krylov_size_(krylov) {};
+ /** @brief Sets the number of eigenvalues */
+ void num_eigenvalues(int numeig){ num_eigenvalues_ = numeig; }
+ /** @brief Returns the number of eigenvalues */
+ std::size_t num_eigenvalues() const { return num_eigenvalues_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the exponent of epsilon */
+ void factor(double fct) { factor_ = fct; }
+ /** @brief Returns the exponent */
+ double factor() const { return factor_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the size of the kylov space */
+ void krylov_size(int max) { krylov_size_ = max; }
+ /** @brief Returns the size of the kylov space */
+ std::size_t krylov_size() const { return krylov_size_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the reorthogonalization method */
+ void method(int met){ method_ = met; }
+ /** @brief Returns the reorthogonalization method */
+ int method() const { return method_; }
+ private:
+ double factor_;
+ std::size_t num_eigenvalues_;
+ int method_; // see enum defined above for possible values
+ std::size_t krylov_size_;
+ };
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the Lanczos PRO algorithm
+ *
+ * @param A The system matrix
+ * @param r Random start vector
+ * @param size Size of krylov-space
+ * @param tag Lanczos_tag with several options for the algorithm
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues (number of eigenvalues equals size of krylov-space)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ lanczosPRO (MatrixT const& A, VectorT & r, int size, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ // generation of some random numbers, used for lanczos PRO algorithm
+ boost::mt11213b mt;
+ boost::normal_distribution<double> N(0, 1);
+ boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> B(0.5);
+ boost::triangle_distribution<double> T(-1, 0, 1);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::normal_distribution<double> > get_N(mt, N);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> > get_B(mt, B);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::triangle_distribution<double> > get_T(mt, T);
+ long i, j, k, index, retry, reorths;
+ std::vector<long> l_bound(size/2), u_bound(size/2);
+ bool second_step;
+ double squ_eps, eta, temp, eps, retry_th;
+ long n = r.size();
+ std::vector< std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> > w(2, std::vector<CPU_ScalarType>(size));
+ CPU_ScalarType cpu_beta;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(n);
+ VectorT t(n);
+ CPU_ScalarType inner_rt;
+ ScalarType vcl_beta;
+ ScalarType vcl_alpha;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> alphas, betas;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<CPU_ScalarType> Q(n, size);
+ second_step = false;
+ eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
+ squ_eps = sqrt(eps);
+ retry_th = 1e-2;
+ eta = exp(log(eps) * tag.factor());
+ reorths = 0;
+ retry = 0;
+ vcl_beta = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r /= vcl_beta;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, 0) = s;
+ VectorT u = viennacl::linalg::prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(u, r);
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ w[0][0] = 1;
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ long batches = 0;
+ for(i = 1;i < size; i++)
+ {
+ r = u - vcl_alpha * r;
+ vcl_beta = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ r = r / vcl_beta;
+ index = i % 2;
+ w[index][i] = 1;
+ k = (i + 1) % 2;
+ w[index][0] = (betas[1] * w[k][1] + (alphas[0] - vcl_alpha) * w[k][0] - betas[i - 1] * w[index][0]) / vcl_beta + eps * 0.3 * get_N() * (betas[1] + vcl_beta);
+ for(j = 1;j < i - 1;j++)
+ {
+ w[index][j] = (betas[j + 1] * w[k][j + 1] + (alphas[j] - vcl_alpha) * w[k][j] + betas[j] * w[k][j - 1] - betas[i - 1] * w[index][j]) / vcl_beta + eps * 0.3 * get_N() * (betas[j + 1] + vcl_beta);
+ }
+ w[index][i - 1] = 0.6 * eps * n * get_N() * betas[1] / vcl_beta;
+ if(second_step)
+ {
+ for(j = 0;j < batches;j++)
+ {
+ l_bound[j]++;
+ u_bound[j]--;
+ for(k = l_bound[j];k < u_bound[j];k++)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][k] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ }
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = vcl_beta * temp;
+ second_step = false;
+ }
+ batches = 0;
+ for(j = 0;j < i;j++)
+ {
+ if(fabs(w[index][j]) >= squ_eps)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, j), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][j] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ k = j - 1;
+ reorths++;
+ while(k >= 0 && fabs(w[index][k]) > eta)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][k] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ k--;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ l_bound[batches] = k + 1;
+ k = j + 1;
+ while(k < i && fabs(w[index][k]) > eta)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][k] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ k++;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ u_bound[batches] = k - 1;
+ batches++;
+ j = k;
+ }
+ }
+ if(batches > 0)
+ {
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = vcl_beta * temp;
+ second_step = true;
+ while(temp < retry_th)
+ {
+ for(j = 0;j < i;j++)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ retry++;
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = vcl_beta * temp;
+ }
+ }
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i) = s;
+ cpu_beta = vcl_beta;
+ s = - cpu_beta * boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i - 1);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(s, u);
+ u += viennacl::linalg::prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(u, r);
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ }
+ return bisect(alphas, betas);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the lanczos algorithm without reorthogonalization
+ *
+ * @param A The system matrix
+ * @param r Random start vector
+ * @param size Size of krylov-space
+ * @param tag Lanczos_tag with several options for the algorithm
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues (number of eigenvalues equals size of krylov-space)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ lanczos (MatrixT const& A, VectorT & r, int size, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ long i;
+ ScalarType vcl_beta;
+ ScalarType vcl_alpha;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> alphas, betas;
+ CPU_ScalarType norm;
+ long n = r.size();
+ VectorT u(n), t(n);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(r.size()), u_zero(n), q(n);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<CPU_ScalarType> Q(n, size);
+ u_zero = boost::numeric::ublas::zero_vector<CPU_ScalarType>(n);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(u_zero, u);
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ for(i = 0;i < size; i++)
+ {
+ r /= norm;
+ vcl_beta = norm;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i) = s;
+ u += prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = inner_prod(u, r);
+ r = u - vcl_alpha * r;
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ q = boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(q, t);
+ u = - norm * t;
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ s.clear();
+ }
+ return bisect(alphas, betas);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the Lanczos FRO algorithm
+ *
+ * @param A The system matrix
+ * @param r Random start vector
+ * @param size Size of krylov-space
+ * @param tag Lanczos_tag with several options for the algorithm
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues (number of eigenvalues equals size of krylov-space)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ lanczosFRO (MatrixT const& A, VectorT & r, int size, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ CPU_ScalarType temp;
+ CPU_ScalarType norm;
+ ScalarType vcl_beta;
+ ScalarType vcl_alpha;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> alphas, betas;
+ long n = r.size();
+ VectorT u(n), t(n);
+ ScalarType inner_rt;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<CPU_ScalarType> u_zero(n), s(r.size()), q(n);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<CPU_ScalarType> Q(n, size);
+ long reorths = 0;
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ for(long i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ r /= norm;
+ for(long j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ {
+ q = boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, j);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(q, t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = temp * norm;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i) = s;
+ u += viennacl::linalg::prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(u, r);
+ r = u - vcl_alpha * r;
+ norm = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ q = boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(q, t);
+ u = - norm * t;
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ }
+ return bisect(alphas, betas);
+ }
+ } // end namespace detail
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the calculation of eigenvalues using lanczos
+ *
+ * @param matrix The system matrix
+ * @param tag Tag with several options for the lanczos algorithm
+ * @return Returns the n largest eigenvalues (n defined in the lanczos_tag)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT >
+ std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type >
+ eig(MatrixT const & matrix, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::vector_for_matrix<MatrixT>::type VectorT;
+ boost::mt11213b mt;
+ boost::normal_distribution<double> N(0, 1);
+ boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> B(0.5);
+ boost::triangle_distribution<double> T(-1, 0, 1);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::normal_distribution<double> > get_N(mt, N);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> > get_B(mt, B);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::triangle_distribution<double> > get_T(mt, T);
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> eigenvalues;
+ std::size_t matrix_size = matrix.size1();
+ VectorT r(matrix_size);
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(matrix_size);
+ for(std::size_t i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)
+ s[i] = 3.0 * get_B() + get_T() - 1.5;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(s,r);
+ std::size_t size_krylov = (matrix_size < tag.krylov_size()) ? matrix_size
+ : tag.krylov_size();
+ switch(tag.method())
+ {
+ case lanczos_tag::partial_reorthogonalization:
+ eigenvalues = detail::lanczosPRO(matrix, r, size_krylov, tag);
+ break;
+ case lanczos_tag::full_reorthogonalization:
+ eigenvalues = detail::lanczosFRO(matrix, r, size_krylov, tag);
+ break;
+ case lanczos_tag::no_reorthogonalization:
+ eigenvalues = detail::lanczos(matrix, r, size_krylov, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> largest_eigenvalues;
+ for(std::size_t i = 1; i<=tag.num_eigenvalues(); i++)
+ largest_eigenvalues.push_back(eigenvalues[size_krylov-i]);
+ return largest_eigenvalues;
+ }
+ } // end namespace linalg
+} // end namespace viennacl
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+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/lanczos.hpp
+* @brief Generic interface for the Lanczos algorithm.
+* Contributed by Guenther Mader and Astrid Rupp.
+#include <math.h> //for sqrt()
+#include <vector>
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/inner_prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/io/matrix_market.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp"
+#include <boost/random.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_sparse.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ /** @brief A tag for the lanczos algorithm.
+ */
+ class lanczos_tag
+ {
+ public:
+ enum
+ {
+ partial_reorthogonalization = 0,
+ full_reorthogonalization,
+ no_reorthogonalization
+ };
+ /** @brief The constructor
+ *
+ * @param factor Exponent of epsilon - tolerance for batches of Reorthogonalization
+ * @param num_eigenvalues Number of eigenvalues to be returned
+ * @param met Method for Lanczos-Algorithm: 0 for partial Reorthogonalization, 1 for full Reorthogonalization and 2 for Lanczos without Reorthogonalization
+ * @param krylov_size Maximal krylov-space size
+ */
+ lanczos_tag(double factor = 0.75,
+ std::size_t numeig = 10,
+ int met = 0,
+ std::size_t krylov = 100) : factor_(factor), num_eigenvalues_(numeig), method_(met), krylov_size_(krylov) {};
+ /** @brief Sets the number of eigenvalues */
+ void num_eigenvalues(int numeig){ num_eigenvalues_ = numeig; }
+ /** @brief Returns the number of eigenvalues */
+ std::size_t num_eigenvalues() const { return num_eigenvalues_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the exponent of epsilon */
+ void factor(double fct) { factor_ = fct; }
+ /** @brief Returns the exponent */
+ double factor() const { return factor_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the size of the kylov space */
+ void krylov_size(int max) { krylov_size_ = max; }
+ /** @brief Returns the size of the kylov space */
+ std::size_t krylov_size() const { return krylov_size_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the reorthogonalization method */
+ void method(int met){ method_ = met; }
+ /** @brief Returns the reorthogonalization method */
+ int method() const { return method_; }
+ private:
+ double factor_;
+ std::size_t num_eigenvalues_;
+ int method_; // see enum defined above for possible values
+ std::size_t krylov_size_;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the calculation of eigenvalues using lanczos
+ *
+ * @param matrix The system matrix
+ * @param tag Tag with several options for the lanczos algorithm
+ * @return Returns the n largest eigenvalues (n defined in the lanczos_tag)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT >
+ std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type >
+ eig(MatrixT const & matrix, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::vector_for_matrix<MatrixT>::type VectorT;
+ boost::mt11213b mt;
+ boost::normal_distribution<double> N(0, 1);
+ boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> B(0.5);
+ boost::triangle_distribution<double> T(-1, 0, 1);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::normal_distribution<double> > get_N(mt, N);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> > get_B(mt, B);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::triangle_distribution<double> > get_T(mt, T);
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> eigenvalues;
+ std::size_t matrix_size = matrix.size1();
+ VectorT r(matrix_size);
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(matrix_size);
+ for(std::size_t i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)
+ s[i] = 3.0 * get_B() + get_T() - 1.5;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(s,r);
+ std::size_t size_krylov = (matrix_size < tag.krylov_size()) ? matrix_size
+ : tag.krylov_size();
+ switch(tag.method())
+ {
+ case lanczos_tag::partial_reorthogonalization:
+ eigenvalues = detail::lanczosPRO(matrix, r, size_krylov, tag);
+ break;
+ case lanczos_tag::full_reorthogonalization:
+ eigenvalues = detail::lanczosFRO(matrix, r, size_krylov, tag);
+ break;
+ case lanczos_tag::no_reorthogonalization:
+ eigenvalues = detail::lanczos(matrix, r, size_krylov, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> largest_eigenvalues;
+ for(std::size_t i = 1; i<=tag.num_eigenvalues(); i++)
+ largest_eigenvalues.push_back(eigenvalues[size_krylov-i]);
+ return largest_eigenvalues;
+ }
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the Lanczos PRO algorithm
+ *
+ * @param A The system matrix
+ * @param r Random start vector
+ * @param size Size of krylov-space
+ * @param tag Lanczos_tag with several options for the algorithm
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues (number of eigenvalues equals size of krylov-space)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ lanczosPRO (MatrixT const& A, VectorT & r, int size, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ // generation of some random numbers, used for lanczos PRO algorithm
+ boost::mt11213b mt;
+ boost::normal_distribution<double> N(0, 1);
+ boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> B(0.5);
+ boost::triangle_distribution<double> T(-1, 0, 1);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::normal_distribution<double> > get_N(mt, N);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::bernoulli_distribution<double> > get_B(mt, B);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt11213b&, boost::triangle_distribution<double> > get_T(mt, T);
+ long i, j, k, index, retry, reorths;
+ std::vector<long> l_bound(size/2), u_bound(size/2);
+ bool second_step;
+ double squ_eps, eta, temp, eps, retry_th;
+ long n = r.size();
+ std::vector< std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> > w(2, std::vector<CPU_ScalarType>(size));
+ CPU_ScalarType cpu_beta;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(n);
+ VectorT t(n);
+ CPU_ScalarType inner_rt;
+ ScalarType vcl_beta;
+ ScalarType vcl_alpha;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> alphas, betas;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<CPU_ScalarType> Q(n, size);
+ second_step = false;
+ eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
+ squ_eps = sqrt(eps);
+ retry_th = 1e-2;
+ eta = exp(log(eps) * tag.factor());
+ reorths = 0;
+ retry = 0;
+ vcl_beta = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r /= vcl_beta;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, 0) = s;
+ VectorT u = viennacl::linalg::prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(u, r);
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ w[0][0] = 1;
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ long batches = 0;
+ for(i = 1;i < size; i++)
+ {
+ r = u - vcl_alpha * r;
+ vcl_beta = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ r = r / vcl_beta;
+ index = i % 2;
+ w[index][i] = 1;
+ k = (i + 1) % 2;
+ w[index][0] = (betas[1] * w[k][1] + (alphas[0] - vcl_alpha) * w[k][0] - betas[i - 1] * w[index][0]) / vcl_beta + eps * 0.3 * get_N() * (betas[1] + vcl_beta);
+ for(j = 1;j < i - 1;j++)
+ {
+ w[index][j] = (betas[j + 1] * w[k][j + 1] + (alphas[j] - vcl_alpha) * w[k][j] + betas[j] * w[k][j - 1] - betas[i - 1] * w[index][j]) / vcl_beta + eps * 0.3 * get_N() * (betas[j + 1] + vcl_beta);
+ }
+ w[index][i - 1] = 0.6 * eps * n * get_N() * betas[1] / vcl_beta;
+ if(second_step)
+ {
+ for(j = 0;j < batches;j++)
+ {
+ l_bound[j]++;
+ u_bound[j]--;
+ for(k = l_bound[j];k < u_bound[j];k++)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][k] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ }
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = vcl_beta * temp;
+ second_step = false;
+ }
+ batches = 0;
+ for(j = 0;j < i;j++)
+ {
+ if(fabs(w[index][j]) >= squ_eps)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, j), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][j] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ k = j - 1;
+ reorths++;
+ while(k >= 0 && fabs(w[index][k]) > eta)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][k] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ k--;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ l_bound[batches] = k + 1;
+ k = j + 1;
+ while(k < i && fabs(w[index][k]) > eta)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ w[index][k] = 1.5 * eps * get_N();
+ k++;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ u_bound[batches] = k - 1;
+ batches++;
+ j = k;
+ }
+ }
+ if(batches > 0)
+ {
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = vcl_beta * temp;
+ second_step = true;
+ while(temp < retry_th)
+ {
+ for(j = 0;j < i;j++)
+ {
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, k), t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ retry++;
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = vcl_beta * temp;
+ }
+ }
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i) = s;
+ cpu_beta = vcl_beta;
+ s = - cpu_beta * boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i - 1);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(s, u);
+ u += viennacl::linalg::prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(u, r);
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ }
+ return bisect(alphas, betas);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the lanczos algorithm without reorthogonalization
+ *
+ * @param A The system matrix
+ * @param r Random start vector
+ * @param size Size of krylov-space
+ * @param tag Lanczos_tag with several options for the algorithm
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues (number of eigenvalues equals size of krylov-space)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ lanczos (MatrixT const& A, VectorT & r, int size, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ long i;
+ ScalarType vcl_beta;
+ ScalarType vcl_alpha;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> alphas, betas;
+ CPU_ScalarType norm;
+ long n = r.size();
+ VectorT u(n), t(n);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(r.size()), u_zero(n), q(n);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<CPU_ScalarType> Q(n, size);
+ u_zero = boost::numeric::ublas::zero_vector<CPU_ScalarType>(n);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(u_zero, u);
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ for(i = 0;i < size; i++)
+ {
+ r /= norm;
+ vcl_beta = norm;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i) = s;
+ u += prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = inner_prod(u, r);
+ r = u - vcl_alpha * r;
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ q = boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(q, t);
+ u = - norm * t;
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ s.clear();
+ }
+ return bisect(alphas, betas);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the Lanczos FRO algorithm
+ *
+ * @param A The system matrix
+ * @param r Random start vector
+ * @param size Size of krylov-space
+ * @param tag Lanczos_tag with several options for the algorithm
+ * @return Returns the eigenvalues (number of eigenvalues equals size of krylov-space)
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorT >
+ std::vector<
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ >
+ lanczosFRO (MatrixT const& A, VectorT & r, int size, lanczos_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ CPU_ScalarType temp;
+ CPU_ScalarType norm;
+ ScalarType vcl_beta;
+ ScalarType vcl_alpha;
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> alphas, betas;
+ long n = r.size();
+ VectorT u(n), t(n);
+ ScalarType inner_rt;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<CPU_ScalarType> u_zero(n), s(r.size()), q(n);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<CPU_ScalarType> Q(n, size);
+ long reorths = 0;
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ for(long i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ r /= norm;
+ for(long j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ {
+ q = boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, j);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(q, t);
+ inner_rt = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(r,t);
+ r = r - inner_rt * t;
+ reorths++;
+ }
+ temp = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ r = r / temp;
+ vcl_beta = temp * norm;
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(r,s);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i) = s;
+ u += viennacl::linalg::prod(A, r);
+ vcl_alpha = viennacl::linalg::inner_prod(u, r);
+ r = u - vcl_alpha * r;
+ norm = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(r);
+ q = boost::numeric::ublas::column(Q, i);
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(q, t);
+ u = - norm * t;
+ alphas.push_back(vcl_alpha);
+ betas.push_back(vcl_beta);
+ }
+ return bisect(alphas, betas);
+ }
+ } // end namespace detail
+ } // end namespace linalg
+} // end namespace viennacl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/matrix_operations.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/matrix_operations.hpp
index 0b2f7bc..1dcc167 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/matrix_operations.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/matrix_operations.hpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp"
#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp"
#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
#include "viennacl/meta/enable_if.hpp"
#include "viennacl/meta/predicate.hpp"
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
#include "viennacl/traits/size.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/start.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/handle.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/traits/stride.hpp"
#include "viennacl/tools/matrix_kernel_class_deducer.hpp"
#include "viennacl/tools/matrix_prod_kernel_class_deducer.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/kernels/vector_kernels.h"
@@ -54,6 +56,53 @@ namespace viennacl
namespace linalg
+ /** @brief Assign a matrix (-range/-slice) to another matrix (-range/slice).
+ *
+ * Computes mat1 = mat2.
+ *
+ * @param mat1 The destination matrix
+ * @param mat2 The source matrix
+ */
+ template <typename M1, typename M2>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<M1>::value
+ && viennacl::is_matrix<M2>::value
+ >::type
+ assign(M1 & mat1,
+ M2 const & mat2)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<M1>::type value_type;
+ assert( (viennacl::traits::size1(mat1) == viennacl::traits::size1(mat2))
+ && (viennacl::traits::size2(mat1) == viennacl::traits::size2(mat2))
+ && "Incompatible matrix sizes in assign()!");
+ typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< M1 >::ResultType KernelClass;
+ std::size_t block_size = 16;
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), "assign");
+ k.global_work_size(0, block_size*block_size);
+ k.global_work_size(1, block_size*block_size);
+ k.local_work_size(0, block_size);
+ k.local_work_size(1, block_size);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(mat1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(mat2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat2))
+ )
+ );
+ }
///////////////////////////////////// addition and subtraction///////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -86,14 +135,17 @@ namespace viennacl
k.local_work_size(1, block_size);
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat1)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat1)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat1)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat2)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat2)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat2)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(result))
@@ -123,10 +175,12 @@ namespace viennacl
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat2)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat2)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat2))
@@ -235,6 +289,7 @@ namespace viennacl
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(result)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(result)),
@@ -317,7 +372,8 @@ namespace viennacl
const viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>,
op_prod >(mat, vec);
/** @brief Carries out matrix-vector multiplication
* Implementation of the convenience expression result = prod(mat, vec);
@@ -326,26 +382,39 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param vec The vector
* @param result The result vector
- template<class TYPE, typename F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT, unsigned int VECTOR_ALIGNMENT>
- void prod_impl(const viennacl::matrix<TYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & mat,
- const viennacl::vector<TYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> & vec,
- viennacl::vector<TYPE, VECTOR_ALIGNMENT> & result)
+ template <typename MatrixType, typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value
+ && viennacl::is_vector<VectorType1>::value
+ && viennacl::is_vector<VectorType2>::value >::type
+ prod_impl(const MatrixType & mat,
+ const VectorType1 & vec,
+ VectorType2 & result)
assert(mat.size2() == vec.size());
// Inplace matrix-vector products like x = prod(A, x) are currently illegal: Introduce a temporary like y = prod(A, x); x = y; instead
- assert(vec.handle().get() != result.handle().get() && "No direct inplace matrix-vector product possible. Introduce a temporary!");
- result.resize(mat.size1());
+ assert(viennacl::traits::handle(vec).get() != viennacl::traits::handle(result).get() && "No direct inplace matrix-vector product possible. Introduce a temporary!");
+ //result.resize(mat.size1());
- typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< matrix<TYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> >::ResultType KernelClass;
+ typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< MatrixType >::ResultType KernelClass;
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), "vec_mul");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(
- k(mat, cl_uint(mat.size1()), cl_uint(mat.size2()),
- cl_uint(mat.internal_size1()), cl_uint(mat.internal_size2()), vec, result));
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(mat),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result))
+ ) );
// trans(A) * x
/** @brief Returns a proxy class that represents matrix-vector multiplication with a transposed matrix
@@ -405,8 +474,20 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), "trans_vec_mul");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(mat, cl_uint(mat.size1()), cl_uint(mat.size2()),
- cl_uint(mat.internal_size1()), cl_uint(mat.internal_size2()), vec, result));
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(mat),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(mat)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(mat)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(mat)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(mat)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(mat)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result))
+ ) );
@@ -421,13 +502,12 @@ namespace viennacl
// C = A * B and possibly transposed variants
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3 >
- void prod(const T1 & A,
- const T2 & B,
- T3 & C,
- std::string kernel_name,
- int block_size = 16) // [JW] added ability to set block size from outside ..
+ void prod_slow_kernel(const T1 & A,
+ const T2 & B,
+ T3 & C,
+ std::string kernel_name)
- typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename T1::value_type >::type cpu_value_type;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename T1::value_type >::type cpu_value_type;
typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< T1, T2, T3 >::ResultType KernelClass;
@@ -435,28 +515,105 @@ namespace viennacl
//std::cout << "KernelClass::program_name() : " << KernelClass::program_name() << std::endl;
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), kernel_name);
- k.global_work_size(0, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size1(C), block_size));
- k.global_work_size(1, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size2(C), block_size));
- k.local_work_size(0, block_size);
- k.local_work_size(1, block_size);
+ k.global_work_size(0, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size1(C), 16));
+ k.global_work_size(1, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size2(C), 16));
+ k.local_work_size(0, 16);
+ k.local_work_size(1, 16);
+ cpu_value_type alpha(1);
+ cpu_value_type beta(0);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(alpha,
+ viennacl::traits::handle(A),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(A)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(A)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(A)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(A)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(B),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(B)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(B)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(B)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(B)),
+ beta,
+ viennacl::traits::handle(C),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(C)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(C)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(C)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(C))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // C = A * B, using fast kernel
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3 >
+ void prod_fast_kernel(const T1 & A,
+ const T2 & B,
+ T3 & C,
+ std::string kernel_name)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename T1::value_type >::type cpu_value_type;
+ typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< T1, T2, T3 >::ResultType KernelClass;
+ KernelClass::init();
+ //std::cout << "KernelClass::program_name() : " << KernelClass::program_name() << std::endl;
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), kernel_name);
+ k.global_work_size(0, viennacl::traits::size2(C) / 4); //column blocks
+ k.global_work_size(1, viennacl::traits::size1(C) / 4); //row blocks
+ k.local_work_size(0, 16); //columns
+ k.local_work_size(1, 4); //rows
+ cpu_value_type alpha(1);
+ cpu_value_type beta(0);
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(A),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(alpha,
+ viennacl::traits::handle(A),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(A)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(A)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(A)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(A)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(A)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(B)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(B)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(B)),
cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(B)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(B)),
+ beta,
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(C)),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(C)),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(C)),
- viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(cpu_value_type) * (block_size+1) * block_size),
- viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(cpu_value_type) * (block_size+1) * block_size)
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(C)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride2(C)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(C)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(C)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(C))
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3 >
+ void prod(const T1 & A,
+ const T2 & B,
+ T3 & C,
+ std::string fast_kernel_name,
+ std::string slow_kernel_name)
+ {
+ if ( (viennacl::traits::size1(A) < 64)
+ || (viennacl::traits::size2(A) < 64)
+ || (viennacl::traits::size1(B) < 64) ) //there is most likely not enough to compute, rendering kernel launch overhead considerable
+ {
+ prod_slow_kernel(A, B, C, slow_kernel_name);
+ }
+ else if ( (viennacl::traits::size1(A) % 64 == 0)
+ && (viennacl::traits::size2(A) % 64 == 0)
+ && (viennacl::traits::size1(B) % 64 == 0) ) // allows the use of the fast kernel only
+ {
+ prod_fast_kernel(A, B, C, fast_kernel_name);
+ //prod_slow_kernel(A, B, C, slow_kernel_name);
+ }
+ else //TODO: use four kernels
+ {
+ prod_slow_kernel(A, B, C, slow_kernel_name);
+ }
+ }
@@ -472,8 +629,7 @@ namespace viennacl
prod_impl(const T1 & A,
const T2 & B,
- T3 & C,
- int block_size = 16) // [JW] added ability to set block size from outside ..
+ T3 & C)
assert(viennacl::traits::size1(A) == viennacl::traits::size1(C));
assert(viennacl::traits::size2(A) == viennacl::traits::size1(B));
@@ -482,8 +638,9 @@ namespace viennacl
assert(viennacl::traits::handle(C).get() != viennacl::traits::handle(A).get()
&& viennacl::traits::handle(C).get() != viennacl::traits::handle(B).get()
&& "No direct inplace matrix-matrix product possible. Introduce a temporary!");
- detail::prod(A, B, C, "prod_AA", block_size);
+ detail::prod(A, B, C, "prod16_AA", "prod_AA");
@@ -502,8 +659,7 @@ namespace viennacl
const T1,
op_trans> & A,
const T2 & B,
- T3 & C,
- int block_size = 16)
+ T3 & C)
//std::cout << "size2(A): " << viennacl::traits::size2(A.lhs()) << std::endl;
//std::cout << "size1(C): " << viennacl::traits::size1(C) << std::endl;
@@ -515,7 +671,7 @@ namespace viennacl
&& viennacl::traits::handle(C).get() != viennacl::traits::handle(B).get()
&& "No direct inplace matrix-matrix product possible. Introduce a temporary!");
- detail::prod(A.lhs(), B, C, "prod_TA", block_size);
+ detail::prod(A.lhs(), B, C, "prod16_TA", "prod_TA");
@@ -535,8 +691,7 @@ namespace viennacl
const viennacl::matrix_expression< const T2,
const T2,
op_trans> & B,
- T3 & C,
- int block_size = 16)
+ T3 & C)
assert(viennacl::traits::size1(A) == viennacl::traits::size1(C));
assert(viennacl::traits::size2(A) == viennacl::traits::size2(B.lhs()));
@@ -546,7 +701,7 @@ namespace viennacl
&& viennacl::traits::handle(C).get() != viennacl::traits::handle(B.lhs()).get()
&& "No direct inplace matrix-matrix product possible. Introduce a temporary!");
- detail::prod(A, B.lhs(), C, "prod_AT", block_size);
+ detail::prod(A, B.lhs(), C, "prod16_AT", "prod_AT");
@@ -567,8 +722,7 @@ namespace viennacl
const viennacl::matrix_expression< const T2,
const T2,
op_trans> & B,
- T3 & C,
- int block_size = 16)
+ T3 & C)
assert(viennacl::traits::size2(A.lhs()) == viennacl::traits::size1(C));
assert(viennacl::traits::size1(A.lhs()) == viennacl::traits::size2(B.lhs()));
@@ -578,7 +732,7 @@ namespace viennacl
&& viennacl::traits::handle(C).get() != viennacl::traits::handle(B.lhs()).get()
&& "No direct inplace matrix-matrix product possible. Introduce a temporary!");
- detail::prod(A.lhs(), B.lhs(), C, "prod_TT", block_size);
+ detail::prod(A.lhs(), B.lhs(), C, "prod16_TT", "prod_TT");
@@ -694,16 +848,81 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(proxy.rhs().size());
viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), result);
*this = result;
- return *this;
viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
- return *this;
return *this;
+ /** @brief Implementation of the operation v1 = A * v2, where A is a matrix and v1, v2 are vector ranges
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
+ */
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value,
+ viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> & >::type
+ viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>::operator=(const vector_expression< const MatrixType,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<VectorType>::type cpu_value_type;
+ // check for the special case x = A * x
+ if (proxy.rhs().get().handle().get() == this->get().handle().get())
+ {
+ viennacl::vector<cpu_value_type> result(proxy.rhs().size());
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), result);
+ *this = result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Implementation of the operation v1 = A * v2, where A is a matrix and v1, v2 are vector slices
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
+ */
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value,
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> & >::type
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>::operator=(const vector_expression< const MatrixType,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<VectorType>::type cpu_value_type;
+ // check for the special case x = A * x
+ if (proxy.rhs().get().handle().get() == this->get().handle().get())
+ {
+ viennacl::vector<cpu_value_type> result(proxy.rhs().size());
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), result);
+ *this = result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
//v += A * x
/** @brief Implementation of the operation v1 += A * v2, where A is a matrix
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/nmf.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/nmf.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7136717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/nmf.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/nmf.hpp
+ @brief Provides a nonnegative matrix factorization implementation. Experimental in 1.3.x.
+ Contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko.
+#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/kernels/nmf_kernels.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ //const std::string NMF_PROGRAM_NAME = "elem_wise_ops";
+ const std::string NMF_MUL_DIV_KERNEL = "el_wise_mul_div";
+ const std::string NMF_SUB_KERNEL = "sub_wise";
+ template <typename ScalarType>
+ void nmf(viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> const & v,
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> & w,
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> & h,
+ std::size_t k,
+ ScalarType eps = 0.000001,
+ std::size_t max_iter = 10000,
+ std::size_t check_diff_every_step = 100)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::kernels::nmf<ScalarType, 1>::init();
+ w.resize(v.size1(), k);
+ h.resize(k, v.size2());
+ std::vector<ScalarType> stl_w(w.internal_size1() * w.internal_size2());
+ std::vector<ScalarType> stl_h(h.internal_size1() * h.internal_size2());
+ for (std::size_t j = 0; j < stl_w.size(); j++)
+ stl_w[j] = static_cast<ScalarType>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ for (std::size_t j = 0; j < stl_h.size(); j++)
+ stl_h[j] = static_cast<ScalarType>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> wn(v.size1(), k);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> wd(v.size1(), k);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> wtmp(v.size1(), v.size2());
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> hn(k, v.size2());
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> hd(k, v.size2());
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> htmp(k, k);
+ viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> appr(v.size1(), v.size2());
+ viennacl::vector<ScalarType> diff(v.size1() * v.size2());
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&stl_w[0], &stl_w[0] + stl_w.size(), w);
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&stl_h[0], &stl_h[0] + stl_h.size(), h);
+ ScalarType last_diff = 0.0f;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < max_iter; i++)
+ {
+ {
+ hn = viennacl::linalg::prod(trans(w), v);
+ htmp = viennacl::linalg::prod(trans(w), w);
+ hd = viennacl::linalg::prod(htmp, h);
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & mul_div_kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::nmf<ScalarType, 1>::program_name(),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(mul_div_kernel(h, hn, hd, cl_uint(stl_h.size())));
+ }
+ {
+ wn = viennacl::linalg::prod(v, trans(h));
+ wtmp = viennacl::linalg::prod(w, h);
+ wd = viennacl::linalg::prod(wtmp, trans(h));
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & mul_div_kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::nmf<ScalarType, 1>::program_name(),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(mul_div_kernel(w, wn, wd, cl_uint(stl_w.size())));
+ }
+ if (i % check_diff_every_step == 0)
+ {
+ appr = viennacl::linalg::prod(w, h);
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & sub_kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::nmf<ScalarType, 1>::program_name(),
+ //this is a cheat. i.e save difference of two matrix into vector to get norm_2
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(sub_kernel(appr, v, diff, cl_uint(v.size1() * v.size2())));
+ ScalarType diff_val = viennacl::linalg::norm_2(diff);
+ if((diff_val < eps) || (fabs(diff_val - last_diff) < eps))
+ {
+ //std::cout << "Breaked at diff - " << diff_val << "\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ last_diff = diff_val;
+ //printf("Iteration #%lu - %.5f \n", i, diff_val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp
index 2428a99..b6d0cdc 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/norm_1.hpp
@@ -86,6 +86,28 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::op_norm_1 >(vector, vector);
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_1 >
+ norm_1(viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_1 >(vector, vector);
+ }
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_1 >
+ norm_1(viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_1 >(vector, vector);
+ }
} // end namespace linalg
} // end namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp
index 3c38c28..e10bb9a 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp
@@ -153,6 +153,29 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::op_norm_2 >(v, v);
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_2 >
+ norm_2(viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_2 >(vector, vector);
+ }
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_2 >
+ norm_2(viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_2 >(vector, vector);
+ }
} // end namespace linalg
} // end namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp
index 8ddcd20..3dc1b48 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/norm_inf.hpp
@@ -90,6 +90,28 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::op_norm_inf >(v1, v1);
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_inf >
+ norm_inf(viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_inf >(vector, vector);
+ }
+ template< typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_inf >
+ norm_inf(viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ return viennacl::scalar_expression< const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_norm_inf >(vector, vector);
+ }
} // end namespace linalg
} // end namespace viennacl
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9674fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/power_iter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file power_iter.hpp
+ @brief Defines a tag for the configuration of the power iteration method.
+ Contributed by Astrid Rupp.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include "viennacl/linalg/bisect.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/norm_2.hpp"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ /** @brief A tag for the power iteration algorithm. */
+ class power_iter_tag
+ {
+ public:
+ /** @brief The constructor
+ *
+ * @param tfac If the eigenvalue does not change more than this termination factor, the algorithm stops
+ * @param max_iters Maximum number of iterations for the power iteration
+ */
+ power_iter_tag(double tfac = 1e-8, std::size_t max_iters = 50000) : termination_factor_(tfac), max_iterations_(max_iters) {}
+ /** @brief Sets the factor for termination */
+ void factor(double fct){ termination_factor_ = fct; }
+ /** @brief Returns the factor for termination */
+ double factor() const { return termination_factor_; }
+ std::size_t max_iterations() const { return max_iterations_; }
+ void max_iterations(std::size_t new_max) { max_iterations_ = new_max; }
+ private:
+ double termination_factor_;
+ std::size_t max_iterations_;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Implementation of the calculation of eigenvalues using poweriteration
+ *
+ * @param matrix The system matrix
+ * @param tag Tag with termination factor
+ * @return Returns the largest eigenvalue computed by the power iteration method
+ */
+ template< typename MatrixT >
+ typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<typename MatrixT::value_type>::type
+ eig(MatrixT const& matrix, power_iter_tag const & tag)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::value_type<MatrixT>::type ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<ScalarType>::type CPU_ScalarType;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::vector_for_matrix<MatrixT>::type VectorT;
+ CPU_ScalarType eigenvalue;
+ long matrix_size = matrix.size1();
+ VectorT r(matrix_size);
+ std::vector<CPU_ScalarType> s(matrix_size);
+ for(std::size_t i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)
+ s[i] = (i % 3) * CPU_ScalarType(0.1234) - CPU_ScalarType(0.5); //'random' starting vector
+ detail::copy_vec_to_vec(s,r);
+ //std::cout << s << std::endl;
+ double epsilon = tag.factor();
+ CPU_ScalarType norm = norm_2(r);
+ CPU_ScalarType norm_prev = 0;
+ long numiter = 0;
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<tag.max_iterations(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (std::abs<CPU_ScalarType>(norm - norm_prev) / std::abs<CPU_ScalarType>(norm) < epsilon)
+ break;
+ r /= norm;
+ r = viennacl::linalg::prod(matrix, r);
+ norm_prev = norm;
+ norm = norm_2(r);
+ numiter++;
+ }
+ eigenvalue = norm;
+ return eigenvalue;
+ }
+ } // end namespace linalg
+} // end namespace viennacl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp
index 3e147f7..dde1f3d 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp
@@ -150,6 +150,19 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::op_prod >(A, B);
+ template< typename MatrixT1, typename MatrixT2 >
+ viennacl::matrix_expression< const MatrixT1,
+ const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >
+ prod(MatrixT1 const& A,
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2> const& B)
+ {
+ // std::cout << "viennacl .. " << std::endl;
+ return viennacl::matrix_expression< const MatrixT1,
+ const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >(A, B);
+ }
template< typename MatrixT1, typename MatrixT2 >
viennacl::matrix_expression< const MatrixT1,
@@ -170,6 +183,24 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::op_prod >(A, B);
+ template< typename MatrixT1, typename MatrixT2 >
+ viennacl::matrix_expression< const MatrixT1,
+ const viennacl::matrix_expression<const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ op_trans>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >
+ prod(MatrixT1 const & A,
+ viennacl::matrix_expression<const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ op_trans> const & B)
+ {
+ // std::cout << "viennacl .. " << std::endl;
+ return viennacl::matrix_expression< const MatrixT1,
+ const viennacl::matrix_expression<const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixT2>,
+ op_trans>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >(A, B);
+ }
@@ -181,12 +212,41 @@ namespace viennacl
const viennacl::vector<NumericT, ALIGNMENT>,
viennacl::op_prod >
prod(MatrixT const& matrix,
- viennacl::vector<NumericT, ALIGNMENT> const& vector)
+ viennacl::vector<NumericT, ALIGNMENT> const & vector)
// std::cout << "viennacl .. " << std::endl;
return viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(matrix, vector);
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::vector_expression< const MatrixT,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >
+ prod(MatrixT const& matrix,
+ viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ // std::cout << "viennacl .. " << std::endl;
+ return viennacl::vector_expression< const MatrixT,
+ const viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >(matrix, vector);
+ }
+ template< typename MatrixT, typename VectorType >
+ viennacl::vector_expression< const MatrixT,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >
+ prod(MatrixT const& matrix,
+ viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vector)
+ {
+ // std::cout << "viennacl .. " << std::endl;
+ return viennacl::vector_expression< const MatrixT,
+ const viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>,
+ viennacl::op_prod >(matrix, vector);
+ }
template< typename MatrixT, typename NumericT, typename F, unsigned int ALIGNMENT >
viennacl::matrix_expression< const MatrixT,
const viennacl::matrix<NumericT, F, ALIGNMENT>,
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp
index e0f28fd..07286bb 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
============================================================================= */
/** @file viennacl/linalg/qr.hpp
- @brief Proivdes a QR factorization using a block-based approach. Experimental in 1.2.x.
+ @brief Provides a QR factorization using a block-based approach.
#include <utility>
@@ -313,10 +313,6 @@ namespace viennacl
template <typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
void write_householder_to_A_viennacl(MatrixType & A, VectorType const & v, std::size_t j)
- //for (std::size_t i=j+1; i<A.size1(); ++i)
- // A(i,j) = v[i];
- //using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
- //using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
using viennacl::range;
using viennacl::project;
@@ -325,117 +321,359 @@ namespace viennacl
- /*template<typename MatrixType>
- std::vector<typename MatrixType::value_type> qr(MatrixType & A)
+ /** @brief Implementation of inplace-QR factorization for a general Boost.uBLAS compatible matrix A
+ *
+ * @param A A dense compatible to Boost.uBLAS
+ * @param block_size The block size to be used. The number of columns of A must be a multiple of block_size
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType>
+ std::vector<typename MatrixType::value_type> inplace_qr_ublas(MatrixType & A, std::size_t block_size = 32)
typedef typename MatrixType::value_type ScalarType;
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<MatrixType> MatrixRange;
+ using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
+ using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
std::vector<ScalarType> betas(A.size2());
- std::vector<ScalarType> v(A.size1());
+ //boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> v(A.size1());
+ MatrixType v(A.size1(), 1);
+ MatrixType matrix_1x1(1,1);
- //copy A to Q:
- for (size_t j=0; j<A.size2(); ++j)
- {
- betas[j] = setup_householder_vector(A, v, j);
- householder_reflect(A, v, betas[j], j);
- write_householder_to_A(A, v, j);
- }
- return betas;
- }*/
- class range
- {
- public:
- range(std::size_t start, std::size_t end) : start_(start), end_(end) {}
+ MatrixType Y(A.size1(), block_size); Y.clear(); Y.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ MatrixType W(A.size1(), block_size); W.clear(); W.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- std::size_t lower() const { return start_; }
- std::size_t upper() const { return end_; }
+ //run over A in a block-wise manner:
+ for (std::size_t j = 0; j < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); j += block_size)
+ {
+ std::size_t effective_block_size = std::min(std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()), j+block_size) - j;
- private:
- std::size_t start_;
- std::size_t end_;
- };
+ //determine Householder vectors:
+ for (std::size_t k = 0; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ betas[j+k] = detail::setup_householder_vector_ublas(A, v, matrix_1x1, j+k);
+ for (std::size_t l = k; l < effective_block_size; ++l)
+ detail::householder_reflect_ublas(A, v, matrix_1x1, betas[j+k], j+k, j+l);
- template <typename MatrixType>
- class sub_matrix
- {
- public:
- typedef typename MatrixType::value_type value_type;
- sub_matrix(MatrixType & mat,
- range row_range,
- range col_range) : mat_(mat), row_range_(row_range), col_range_(col_range) {}
- value_type operator()(size_t row, size_t col) const
+ detail::write_householder_to_A_ublas(A, v, j+k);
+ }
+ //
+ // Setup Y:
+ //
+ Y.clear(); Y.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ for (std::size_t k = 0; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
- assert(row < size1());
- assert(col < size2());
- return mat_(row + row_range_.lower(), col + col_range_.lower());
+ //write Householder to Y:
+ Y(j+k,k) = 1.0;
+ project(Y, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = project(A, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(j+k, j+k+1));
- std::size_t size1() const { return row_range_.upper() - row_range_.lower(); }
- std::size_t size2() const { return col_range_.upper() - col_range_.lower(); }
- private:
- MatrixType & mat_;
- range row_range_;
- range col_range_;
- };
+ //
+ // Setup W:
+ //
+ //first vector:
+ W.clear(); W.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ W(j, 0) = -betas[j];
+ project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) = -betas[j] * project(A, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(j, j+1));
+ //k-th column of W is given by -beta * (Id + W*Y^T) v_k, where W and Y have k-1 columns
+ for (std::size_t k = 1; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ MatrixRange Y_old = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
+ MatrixRange v_k = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
+ MatrixRange W_old = project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
+ MatrixRange z = project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
+ MatrixType YT_prod_v = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(boost::numeric::ublas::trans(Y_old), v_k);
+ z = - betas[j+k] * (v_k + prod(W_old, YT_prod_v));
+ }
+ //
+ //apply (I+WY^T)^T = I + Y W^T to the remaining columns of A:
+ //
+ if (A.size2() - j - effective_block_size > 0)
+ {
+ MatrixRange A_part(A, range(j, A.size1()), range(j+effective_block_size, A.size2()));
+ MatrixRange W_part(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, effective_block_size));
+ MatrixType temp = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(trans(W_part), A_part);
+ A_part += prod(project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, Y.size2())),
+ temp);
+ }
+ }
+ return betas;
+ }
- //computes C = prod(A, B)
- template <typename MatrixTypeA, typename MatrixTypeB, typename MatrixTypeC>
- void prod_AA(MatrixTypeA const & A, MatrixTypeB const & B, MatrixTypeC & C)
+ /** @brief Implementation of a OpenCL-only QR factorization for GPUs (or multi-core CPU). DEPRECATED! Use only if you're curious and interested in playing a bit with a GPU-only implementation.
+ *
+ * Performance is rather poor at small matrix sizes.
+ * Prefer the use of the hybrid version, which is automatically chosen using the interface function inplace_qr()
+ *
+ * @param A A dense ViennaCL matrix to be factored
+ * @param block_size The block size to be used. The number of columns of A must be a multiple of block_size
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType>
+ std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type >
+ inplace_qr_viennacl(MatrixType & A, std::size_t block_size = 16)
- assert(C.size1() == A.size1());
- assert(A.size2() == B.size1());
- assert(B.size2() == C.size2());
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type ScalarType;
+ typedef viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> MatrixRange;
- typedef typename MatrixTypeC::value_type ScalarType;
+ //using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
+ //using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
+ using viennacl::range;
+ using viennacl::project;
+ std::vector<ScalarType> betas(A.size2());
+ //boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> v(A.size1());
+ MatrixType v(A.size1(), 1);
+ MatrixType matrix_1x1(1,1);
+ MatrixType Y(A.size1(), block_size); Y.clear();
+ MatrixType W(A.size1(), block_size); W.clear();
+ MatrixType YT_prod_v(block_size, 1);
+ MatrixType z(A.size1(), 1);
- for (std::size_t i=0; i<C.size1(); ++i)
+ //run over A in a block-wise manner:
+ for (std::size_t j = 0; j < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); j += block_size)
- for (std::size_t j=0; j<C.size2(); ++j)
+ std::size_t effective_block_size = std::min(std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()), j+block_size) - j;
+ //determine Householder vectors:
+ for (std::size_t k = 0; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ betas[j+k] = detail::setup_householder_vector_viennacl(A, v, matrix_1x1, j+k);
+ for (std::size_t l = k; l < effective_block_size; ++l)
+ detail::householder_reflect_viennacl(A, v, matrix_1x1, betas[j+k], j+k, j+l);
+ detail::write_householder_to_A_viennacl(A, v, j+k);
+ }
+ //
+ // Setup Y:
+ //
+ Y.clear();
+ for (std::size_t k = 0; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ //write Householder to Y:
+ Y(j+k,k) = 1.0;
+ project(Y, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = project(A, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(j+k, j+k+1));
+ }
+ //
+ // Setup W:
+ //
+ //first vector:
+ W.clear();
+ W(j, 0) = -betas[j];
+ //project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) = -betas[j] * project(A, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(j, j+1));
+ project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) = project(A, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(j, j+1));
+ project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) *= -betas[j];
+ //k-th column of W is given by -beta * (Id + W*Y^T) v_k, where W and Y have k-1 columns
+ for (std::size_t k = 1; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ MatrixRange Y_old = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
+ MatrixRange v_k = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
+ MatrixRange W_old = project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
+ //MatrixRange z = project(W, range(0, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
+ //std::cout << "should: " << k << std::endl;
+ project(YT_prod_v, range(0, k), range(0,1)) = prod(trans(Y_old), v_k);
+ project(z, range(j, A.size1()), range(0,1)) = prod(W_old, project(YT_prod_v, range(0, k), range(0,1)));
+ //project(W, range(0, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = - betas[j+k] * (v_k + prod(W_old, YT_prod_v));
+ project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = project(z, range(j, A.size1()), range(0,1));
+ project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) += v_k;
+ project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) *= - betas[j+k];
+ }
+ //
+ //apply (I+WY^T)^T = I + Y W^T to the remaining columns of A:
+ //
+ if (A.size2() - j - effective_block_size > 0)
- ScalarType val = 0;
- for (std::size_t k=0; k<A.size2(); ++k)
- val += A(i, k) * B(k, j);
- C(i, j) = val;
+ MatrixRange A_part(A, range(j, A.size1()), range(j+effective_block_size, A.size2()));
+ MatrixRange W_part(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, effective_block_size));
+ MatrixType temp = prod(trans(W_part), A_part);
+ A_part += prod(project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, Y.size2())),
+ temp);
+ return betas;
- //computes C = prod(A^T, B)
- template <typename MatrixTypeA, typename MatrixTypeB, typename MatrixTypeC>
- void prod_TA(MatrixTypeA const & A, MatrixTypeB const & B, MatrixTypeC & C)
+ //MatrixType is ViennaCL-matrix
+ /** @brief Implementation of a hybrid QR factorization using uBLAS on the CPU and ViennaCL for GPUs (or multi-core CPU)
+ *
+ * Prefer the use of the convenience interface inplace_qr()
+ *
+ * @param A A dense ViennaCL matrix to be factored
+ * @param block_size The block size to be used. The number of columns of A must be a multiple of block_size
+ */
+ template<typename MatrixType>
+ std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type >
+ inplace_qr_hybrid(MatrixType & A, std::size_t block_size = 16)
- assert(C.size1() == A.size2());
- assert(A.size1() == B.size1());
- assert(B.size2() == C.size2());
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type ScalarType;
+ typedef viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> VCLMatrixRange;
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<ScalarType> UblasMatrixType;
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<UblasMatrixType> UblasMatrixRange;
- typedef typename MatrixTypeC::value_type ScalarType;
+ //using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
+ //using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
- for (std::size_t i=0; i<C.size1(); ++i)
+ std::vector<ScalarType> betas(A.size2());
+ UblasMatrixType v(A.size1(), 1);
+ UblasMatrixType matrix_1x1(1,1);
+ UblasMatrixType ublasW(A.size1(), block_size); ublasW.clear(); ublasW.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ UblasMatrixType ublasY(A.size1(), block_size); ublasY.clear(); ublasY.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ UblasMatrixType ublasA(A.size1(), A.size1());
+ MatrixType vclW(ublasW.size1(), ublasW.size2());
+ MatrixType vclY(ublasY.size1(), ublasY.size2());
+ //run over A in a block-wise manner:
+ for (std::size_t j = 0; j < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); j += block_size)
- for (std::size_t j=0; j<C.size2(); ++j)
+ std::size_t effective_block_size = std::min(std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()), j+block_size) - j;
+ UblasMatrixRange ublasA_part = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, j + effective_block_size));
+ viennacl::copy(viennacl::project(A,
+ viennacl::range(0, A.size1()),
+ viennacl::range(j, j+effective_block_size)),
+ ublasA_part
+ );
+ //determine Householder vectors:
+ for (std::size_t k = 0; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ betas[j+k] = detail::setup_householder_vector_ublas(ublasA, v, matrix_1x1, j+k);
+ for (std::size_t l = k; l < effective_block_size; ++l)
+ detail::householder_reflect_ublas(ublasA, v, matrix_1x1, betas[j+k], j+k, j+l);
+ detail::write_householder_to_A_ublas(ublasA, v, j+k);
+ }
+ //
+ // Setup Y:
+ //
+ ublasY.clear(); ublasY.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ for (std::size_t k = 0; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
+ {
+ //write Householder to Y:
+ ublasY(j+k,k) = 1.0;
+ boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasY,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+k+1, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(k, k+1))
+ = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+k+1, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+k, j+k+1));
+ }
+ //
+ // Setup W:
+ //
+ //first vector:
+ ublasW.clear(); ublasW.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
+ ublasW(j, 0) = -betas[j];
+ boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasW,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+1, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, 1))
+ = -betas[j] * boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+1, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, j+1));
+ //k-th column of W is given by -beta * (Id + W*Y^T) v_k, where W and Y have k-1 columns
+ for (std::size_t k = 1; k < effective_block_size; ++k)
- ScalarType val = 0;
- for (std::size_t k=0; k<A.size1(); ++k)
- val += A(k, i) * B(k, j);
- C(i, j) = val;
+ UblasMatrixRange Y_old = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasY,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, k));
+ UblasMatrixRange v_k = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasY,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(k, k+1));
+ UblasMatrixRange W_old = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasW,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, k));
+ UblasMatrixRange z = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasW,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(k, k+1));
+ UblasMatrixType YT_prod_v = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(boost::numeric::ublas::trans(Y_old), v_k);
+ z = - betas[j+k] * (v_k + prod(W_old, YT_prod_v));
+ }
+ //
+ //apply (I+WY^T)^T = I + Y W^T to the remaining columns of A:
+ //
+ VCLMatrixRange A_part = viennacl::project(A,
+ viennacl::range(0, A.size1()),
+ viennacl::range(j, j+effective_block_size));
+ viennacl::copy(boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, A.size1()),
+ boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, j+effective_block_size)),
+ A_part);
+ viennacl::copy(ublasW, vclW);
+ viennacl::copy(ublasY, vclY);
+ if (A.size2() - j - effective_block_size > 0)
+ {
+ VCLMatrixRange A_part(A, viennacl::range(j, A.size1()), viennacl::range(j+effective_block_size, A.size2()));
+ VCLMatrixRange W_part(vclW, viennacl::range(j, A.size1()), viennacl::range(0, effective_block_size));
+ MatrixType temp = viennacl::linalg::prod(trans(W_part), A_part);
+ A_part += viennacl::linalg::prod(viennacl::project(vclY,
+ viennacl::range(j, A.size1()),
+ viennacl::range(0, vclY.size2())),
+ temp);
+ return betas;
} //namespace detail
//takes an inplace QR matrix A and generates Q and R explicitly
template <typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
void recoverQ(MatrixType const & A, VectorType const & betas, MatrixType & Q, MatrixType & R)
@@ -480,350 +718,6 @@ namespace viennacl
- /** @brief Implementation of inplace-QR factorization for a general Boost.uBLAS compatible matrix A
- *
- * @param A A dense compatible to Boost.uBLAS
- * @param block_size The block size to be used. The number of columns of A must be a multiple of block_size
- */
- template<typename MatrixType>
- std::vector<typename MatrixType::value_type> inplace_qr_ublas(MatrixType & A, std::size_t block_size = 32)
- {
- typedef typename MatrixType::value_type ScalarType;
- typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<MatrixType> MatrixRange;
- using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
- using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
- std::vector<ScalarType> betas(A.size2());
- //boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> v(A.size1());
- MatrixType v(A.size1(), 1);
- MatrixType matrix_1x1(1,1);
- MatrixType Y(A.size1(), block_size); Y.clear(); Y.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- MatrixType W(A.size1(), block_size); W.clear(); W.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- //run over A in a block-wise manner:
- for (std::size_t j = 0; j < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); j += block_size)
- {
- //determine Householder vectors:
- for (std::size_t k = 0; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- betas[j+k] = detail::setup_householder_vector_ublas(A, v, matrix_1x1, j+k);
- for (std::size_t l = k; l < block_size; ++l)
- detail::householder_reflect_ublas(A, v, matrix_1x1, betas[j+k], j+k, j+l);
- detail::write_householder_to_A_ublas(A, v, j+k);
- }
- //
- // Setup Y:
- //
- Y.clear(); Y.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- for (std::size_t k = 0; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- //write Householder to Y:
- Y(j+k,k) = 1.0;
- project(Y, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = project(A, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(j+k, j+k+1));
- }
- //
- // Setup W:
- //
- //first vector:
- W.clear(); W.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- W(j, 0) = -betas[j];
- project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) = -betas[j] * project(A, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(j, j+1));
- //k-th column of W is given by -beta * (Id + W*Y^T) v_k, where W and Y have k-1 columns
- for (std::size_t k = 1; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- MatrixRange Y_old = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
- MatrixRange v_k = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
- MatrixRange W_old = project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
- MatrixRange z = project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
- MatrixType YT_prod_v = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(boost::numeric::ublas::trans(Y_old), v_k);
- z = - betas[j+k] * (v_k + prod(W_old, YT_prod_v));
- }
- //
- //apply (I+WY^T)^T = I + Y W^T to the remaining columns of A:
- //
- if (A.size2() - j - block_size > 0)
- {
- MatrixRange A_part(A, range(j, A.size1()), range(j+block_size, A.size2()));
- MatrixRange W_part(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, block_size));
- MatrixType temp = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(trans(W_part), A_part);
- A_part += prod(project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, Y.size2())),
- temp);
- }
- }
- return betas;
- }
- /** @brief Implementation of a OpenCL-only QR factorization for GPUs (or multi-core CPU)
- *
- * Performance is rather poor at small matrix sizes.
- * Prefer the use of the hybrid version, which is automatically chosen using the interface function inplace_qr()
- *
- * @param A A dense ViennaCL matrix to be factored
- * @param block_size The block size to be used. The number of columns of A must be a multiple of block_size
- */
- template<typename MatrixType>
- std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type >
- inplace_qr_viennacl(MatrixType & A, std::size_t block_size = 16)
- {
- typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type ScalarType;
- typedef viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> MatrixRange;
- //using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
- //using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
- using viennacl::range;
- using viennacl::project;
- std::vector<ScalarType> betas(A.size2());
- //boost::numeric::ublas::vector<ScalarType> v(A.size1());
- MatrixType v(A.size1(), 1);
- MatrixType matrix_1x1(1,1);
- MatrixType Y(A.size1(), block_size); Y.clear();
- MatrixType W(A.size1(), block_size); W.clear();
- MatrixType YT_prod_v(block_size, 1);
- MatrixType z(A.size1(), 1);
- //run over A in a block-wise manner:
- for (std::size_t j = 0; j < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); j += block_size)
- {
- //determine Householder vectors:
- for (std::size_t k = 0; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- betas[j+k] = detail::setup_householder_vector_viennacl(A, v, matrix_1x1, j+k);
- for (std::size_t l = k; l < block_size; ++l)
- detail::householder_reflect_viennacl(A, v, matrix_1x1, betas[j+k], j+k, j+l);
- detail::write_householder_to_A_viennacl(A, v, j+k);
- }
- //
- // Setup Y:
- //
- Y.clear();
- for (std::size_t k = 0; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- //write Householder to Y:
- Y(j+k,k) = 1.0;
- project(Y, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = project(A, range(j+k+1, A.size1()), range(j+k, j+k+1));
- }
- //
- // Setup W:
- //
- //first vector:
- W.clear();
- W(j, 0) = -betas[j];
- //project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) = -betas[j] * project(A, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(j, j+1));
- project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) = project(A, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(j, j+1));
- project(W, range(j+1, A.size1()), range(0, 1)) *= -betas[j];
- //k-th column of W is given by -beta * (Id + W*Y^T) v_k, where W and Y have k-1 columns
- for (std::size_t k = 1; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- MatrixRange Y_old = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
- MatrixRange v_k = project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
- MatrixRange W_old = project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, k));
- //MatrixRange z = project(W, range(0, A.size1()), range(k, k+1));
- //std::cout << "should: " << k << std::endl;
- project(YT_prod_v, range(0, k), range(0,1)) = prod(trans(Y_old), v_k);
- project(z, range(j, A.size1()), range(0,1)) = prod(W_old, project(YT_prod_v, range(0, k), range(0,1)));
- //project(W, range(0, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = - betas[j+k] * (v_k + prod(W_old, YT_prod_v));
- project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) = project(z, range(j, A.size1()), range(0,1));
- project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) += v_k;
- project(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(k, k+1)) *= - betas[j+k];
- }
- //
- //apply (I+WY^T)^T = I + Y W^T to the remaining columns of A:
- //
- if (A.size2() - j - block_size > 0)
- {
- MatrixRange A_part(A, range(j, A.size1()), range(j+block_size, A.size2()));
- MatrixRange W_part(W, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, block_size));
- MatrixType temp = prod(trans(W_part), A_part);
- A_part += prod(project(Y, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, Y.size2())),
- temp);
- }
- }
- return betas;
- }
- //MatrixType is ViennaCL-matrix
- /** @brief Implementation of a hybrid QR factorization using uBLAS on the CPU and ViennaCL for GPUs (or multi-core CPU)
- *
- * Prefer the use of the convenience interface inplace_qr()
- *
- * @param A A dense ViennaCL matrix to be factored
- * @param block_size The block size to be used. The number of columns of A must be a multiple of block_size
- */
- template<typename MatrixType>
- std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type >
- inplace_qr_hybrid(MatrixType & A, std::size_t block_size = 16)
- {
- typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type ScalarType;
- typedef viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> VCLMatrixRange;
- typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<ScalarType> UblasMatrixType;
- typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_range<UblasMatrixType> UblasMatrixRange;
- //using boost::numeric::ublas::range;
- //using boost::numeric::ublas::project;
- std::vector<ScalarType> betas(A.size2());
- UblasMatrixType v(A.size1(), 1);
- UblasMatrixType matrix_1x1(1,1);
- UblasMatrixType ublasW(A.size1(), block_size); ublasW.clear(); ublasW.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- UblasMatrixType ublasY(A.size1(), block_size); ublasY.clear(); ublasY.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- UblasMatrixType ublasA(A.size1(), A.size1());
- MatrixType vclW(ublasW.size1(), ublasW.size2());
- MatrixType vclY(ublasY.size1(), ublasY.size2());
- //run over A in a block-wise manner:
- for (std::size_t j = 0; j < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); j += block_size)
- {
- UblasMatrixRange ublasA_part = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, j+block_size));
- viennacl::copy(viennacl::project(A,
- viennacl::range(0, A.size1()),
- viennacl::range(j, j+block_size)),
- ublasA_part
- );
- //determine Householder vectors:
- for (std::size_t k = 0; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- betas[j+k] = detail::setup_householder_vector_ublas(ublasA, v, matrix_1x1, j+k);
- for (std::size_t l = k; l < block_size; ++l)
- detail::householder_reflect_ublas(ublasA, v, matrix_1x1, betas[j+k], j+k, j+l);
- detail::write_householder_to_A_ublas(ublasA, v, j+k);
- }
- //
- // Setup Y:
- //
- ublasY.clear(); ublasY.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- for (std::size_t k = 0; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- //write Householder to Y:
- ublasY(j+k,k) = 1.0;
- boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasY,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+k+1, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(k, k+1))
- = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+k+1, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+k, j+k+1));
- }
- //
- // Setup W:
- //
- //first vector:
- ublasW.clear(); ublasW.resize(A.size1(), block_size);
- ublasW(j, 0) = -betas[j];
- boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasW,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+1, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, 1))
- = -betas[j] * boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j+1, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, j+1));
- //k-th column of W is given by -beta * (Id + W*Y^T) v_k, where W and Y have k-1 columns
- for (std::size_t k = 1; k < block_size; ++k)
- {
- UblasMatrixRange Y_old = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasY,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, k));
- UblasMatrixRange v_k = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasY,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(k, k+1));
- UblasMatrixRange W_old = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasW,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, k));
- UblasMatrixRange z = boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasW,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(k, k+1));
- UblasMatrixType YT_prod_v = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(boost::numeric::ublas::trans(Y_old), v_k);
- z = - betas[j+k] * (v_k + prod(W_old, YT_prod_v));
- }
- //
- //apply (I+WY^T)^T = I + Y W^T to the remaining columns of A:
- //
- VCLMatrixRange A_part = viennacl::project(A,
- viennacl::range(0, A.size1()),
- viennacl::range(j, j+block_size));
- viennacl::copy(boost::numeric::ublas::project(ublasA,
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, A.size1()),
- boost::numeric::ublas::range(j, j+block_size)),
- A_part);
- viennacl::copy(ublasW, vclW);
- viennacl::copy(ublasY, vclY);
- if (A.size2() - j - block_size > 0)
- {
- VCLMatrixRange A_part(A, range(j, A.size1()), range(j+block_size, A.size2()));
- VCLMatrixRange W_part(vclW, range(j, A.size1()), range(0, block_size));
- MatrixType temp = viennacl::linalg::prod(trans(W_part), A_part);
- A_part += prod(viennacl::project(vclY,
- viennacl::range(j, A.size1()),
- viennacl::range(0, vclY.size2())),
- temp);
- }
- }
- return betas;
- }
/** @brief Overload of inplace-QR factorization of a ViennaCL matrix A
* @param A A dense ViennaCL matrix to be factored
@@ -835,7 +729,7 @@ namespace viennacl
if (A.size2() % block_size != 0)
std::cerr << "ViennaCL: Warning in inplace_qr(): Number of columns is not a multiple of the block size" << std::endl;
- return inplace_qr_hybrid(A, block_size);
+ return detail::inplace_qr_hybrid(A, block_size);
/** @brief Overload of inplace-QR factorization for a general Boost.uBLAS compatible matrix A
@@ -849,7 +743,7 @@ namespace viennacl
if (A.size2() % block_size != 0)
std::cerr << "ViennaCL: Warning in inplace_qr(): Number of columns is not a multiple of the block size" << std::endl;
- return inplace_qr_ublas(A, block_size);
+ return detail::inplace_qr_ublas(A, block_size);
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/row_scaling.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/row_scaling.hpp
index 45d045d..ee3fd0c 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/row_scaling.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/row_scaling.hpp
@@ -205,8 +205,14 @@ namespace viennacl
- k(viennacl::traits::handle(diag_M_inv), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(diag_M_inv)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(diag_M_inv)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)) )
+ k(viennacl::traits::handle(diag_M_inv),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(diag_M_inv)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(diag_M_inv)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(diag_M_inv)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)) )
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db04702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file viennacl/linalg/svd.hpp
+ @brief Provides singular value decomposition using a block-based approach. Experimental in 1.3.x.
+ Contributed by Volodymyr Kysenko.
+// Note: Boost.uBLAS is required at the moment
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/linalg/kernels/svd_kernels.h"
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace linalg
+ {
+ //const std::string SVD_KERNELS_FOLDER = "../../non-release/svd-kernels/";
+ //const std::string SVD_BIDIAG_PROGRAM = "bidiag.cl";
+ const std::string SVD_BIDIAG_PACK_KERNEL = "bidiag_pack";
+ const std::string SVD_HOUSEHOLDER_COL_KERNEL = "house_col";
+ const std::string SVD_HOUSEHOLDER_ROW_KERNEL = "house_row";
+ const std::string SVD_COPY_COL_KERNEL = "copy_col";
+ const std::string SVD_COPY_ROW_KERNEL = "copy_row";
+ const std::string SVD_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE_KERNEL = "transpose_inplace";
+ const std::string SVD_INVERSE_SIGNS_KERNEL = "inverse_signs";
+ const std::string SVD_GIVENS_PREV_KERNEL = "givens_prev";
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ static const float EPS = 0.00001f;
+ static const std::size_t ITER_MAX = 50;
+ inline float pythag(float a, float b)
+ {
+ float absa = std::abs(a);
+ float absb = std::abs(b);
+ if(absa > absb) {
+ return absa * sqrt(1.0f + pow(absb / absa, 2));
+ } else {
+ return absb * sqrt(1.0f + pow(absa / absb, 2));
+ }
+ }
+ inline float sign(float val)
+ {
+ return val >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
+ }
+ inline float norm_lcl(std::vector<float>& x, unsigned int size)
+ {
+ float x_norm = 0.0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) x_norm += std::pow(x[i], 2);
+ x_norm = std::sqrt(x_norm);
+ return x_norm;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void normalize(std::vector<T>& x, unsigned int size)
+ {
+ float x_norm = norm_lcl(x, size);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ x[i] /= x_norm;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void householder_vector(std::vector<T> & v, unsigned int start)
+ {
+ float x_norm = norm_lcl(v, v.size());
+ float alpha = -sign(v[start]) * x_norm;
+ v[start] += alpha;
+ normalize(v, v.size());
+ }
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ void transpose(MatrixType& A)
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(), SVD_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE_KERNEL);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ A,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.internal_size1()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.internal_size2())
+ ));
+ }
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
+ void givens_prev(MatrixType& matrix,
+ VectorType& tmp1,
+ VectorType& tmp2,
+ int n,
+ int l,
+ int k
+ )
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(), SVD_GIVENS_PREV_KERNEL);
+ kernel.global_work_size(0, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size1(matrix), 256));
+ kernel.local_work_size(0, 256);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ matrix,
+ tmp1,
+ tmp2,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(n),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(matrix.internal_size1()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(l + 1),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(k + 1)
+ ));
+ }
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
+ void change_signs(MatrixType& matrix, VectorType& signs, int n)
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(), SVD_INVERSE_SIGNS_KERNEL);
+ kernel.global_work_size(0, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size1(matrix), 16));
+ kernel.global_work_size(1, viennacl::tools::roundUpToNextMultiple<unsigned int>(viennacl::traits::size2(matrix), 16));
+ kernel.local_work_size(0, 16);
+ kernel.local_work_size(1, 16);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ matrix,
+ signs,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(n),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(matrix.internal_size1())
+ ));
+ }
+ template<typename MatrixType>
+ void svd_qr_shift(MatrixType& vcl_u,
+ MatrixType& vcl_v,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<float> &q,
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<float> &e)
+ {
+ int n = q.size();
+ int m = vcl_u.size1();
+ detail::transpose(vcl_u);
+ detail::transpose(vcl_v);
+ std::vector<float> signs_v(n, 1.0f);
+ std::vector<float> cs1(n), ss1(n), cs2(n), ss2(n);
+ viennacl::vector<float> tmp1(n), tmp2(n);
+ bool goto_test_conv = false;
+ for (int k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
+ // std::cout << "K = " << k << std::endl;
+ std::size_t iter = 0;
+ for (iter = 0; iter < detail::ITER_MAX; iter++) {
+ // test for split
+ int l;
+ for (l = k; l >= 0; l--) {
+ goto_test_conv = false;
+ if (fabs(e[l]) <= detail::EPS) {
+ // set it
+ goto_test_conv = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fabs(q[l - 1]) <= detail::EPS) {
+ // goto
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!goto_test_conv) {
+ float c = 0.0;
+ float s = 1.0;
+ //int l1 = l - 1;
+ int l2 = k;
+ for (int i = l; i <= k; i++) {
+ float f = s * e[i];
+ e[i] = c * e[i];
+ if (fabs(f) <= detail::EPS) {
+ l2 = i - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ float g = q[i];
+ float h = detail::pythag(f, g);
+ q[i] = h;
+ c = g / h;
+ s = -f / h;
+ cs1[i] = c;
+ ss1[i] = s;
+ }
+ // std::cout << "Hitted!" << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n";
+ // for(int i = l; i <= l2; i++)
+ // {
+ // for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
+ // {
+ // float y = u(j, l1);
+ // float z = u(j, i);
+ // u(j, l1) = y * cs1[i] + z * ss1[i];
+ // u(j, i) = -y * ss1[i] + z * cs1[i];
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ float z = q[k];
+ if (l == k) {
+ if (z < 0.0f) {
+ q[k] = -z;
+ signs_v[k] *= -1.0f;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (iter >= detail::ITER_MAX - 1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ float x = q[l];
+ float y = q[k - 1];
+ float g = e[k - 1];
+ float h = e[k];
+ float f = ((y - z) * (y + z) + (g - h) * (g + h)) / (2.0f * h * y);
+ g = detail::pythag(f, 1.0);
+ if (f < 0) {
+ f = ((x - z) * (x + z) + h * (y / (f - g) - h)) / x;
+ } else {
+ f = ((x - z) * (x + z) + h * (y / (f + g) - h)) / x;
+ }
+ float c = 1.0;
+ float s = 1.0;
+ for (std::size_t i = l + 1; i <= static_cast<std::size_t>(k); i++)
+ {
+ g = e[i];
+ y = q[i];
+ h = s * g;
+ g = c * g;
+ float z = detail::pythag(f, h);
+ e[i - 1] = z;
+ c = f / z;
+ s = h / z;
+ f = x * c + g * s;
+ g = -x * s + g * c;
+ h = y * s;
+ y = y * c;
+ cs1[i] = c;
+ ss1[i] = s;
+ z = detail::pythag(f, h);
+ q[i - 1] = z;
+ c = f / z;
+ s = h / z;
+ f = c * g + s * y;
+ x = -s * g + c * y;
+ cs2[i] = c;
+ ss2[i] = s;
+ }
+ {
+ viennacl::copy(cs1, tmp1);
+ viennacl::copy(ss1, tmp2);
+ givens_prev(vcl_v, tmp1, tmp2, n, l, k);
+ }
+ {
+ viennacl::copy(cs2, tmp1);
+ viennacl::copy(ss2, tmp2);
+ givens_prev(vcl_u, tmp1, tmp2, m, l, k);
+ }
+ e[l] = 0.0;
+ e[k] = f;
+ q[k] = x;
+ }
+ }
+ viennacl::copy(signs_v, tmp1);
+ change_signs(vcl_v, tmp1, n);
+ // transpose singular matrices again
+ detail::transpose(vcl_u);
+ detail::transpose(vcl_v);
+ }
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void eye(viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& A)
+ {
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> foo(A.size1() * A.size1(), 0);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < A.size1(); i++)
+ {
+ foo[i*A.size1() + i] = 1;
+ }
+ viennacl::fast_copy(&foo[0], &foo[0] + foo.size(), A);
+ }
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void copy_vec(viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& A,
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& V,
+ std::size_t row_start,
+ std::size_t col_start,
+ bool copy_col
+ )
+ {
+ std::string kernel_name = copy_col ? SVD_COPY_COL_KERNEL : SVD_COPY_ROW_KERNEL;
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(),
+ kernel_name);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ A,
+ V,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(row_start),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(col_start),
+ copy_col ? static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size1())
+ : static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size2()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.internal_size2())
+ ));
+ }
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ bool householder_c(viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& A,
+ viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& Q,
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& D,
+ std::size_t start)
+ {
+ std::size_t row_start = start, col_start = start;
+ if(row_start + 1 >= A.size1())
+ return false;
+ std::vector<float> tmp(A.size1(), 0);
+ copy_vec(A, D, row_start, col_start, true);
+ fast_copy(D.begin(), D.begin() + (A.size1() - row_start), tmp.begin() + row_start);
+ detail::householder_vector(tmp, row_start);
+ fast_copy(tmp, D);
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(), SVD_HOUSEHOLDER_COL_KERNEL);
+ //kernel.global_work_size(0, A.size1() << 1);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ A,
+ Q,
+ D,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(row_start),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(col_start),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size1()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size2()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.internal_size2()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(Q.internal_size2()),
+ viennacl::ocl::local_mem(static_cast<cl_uint>(128 * 4))
+ ));
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ bool householder_r(viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& A,
+ viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& Q,
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& S,
+ std::size_t start)
+ {
+ std::size_t row_start = start, col_start = start + 1;
+ if(col_start + 1 >= A.size2())
+ return false;
+ std::vector<float> tmp(A.size2(), 0);
+ copy_vec(A, S, row_start, col_start, false);
+ fast_copy(S.begin(), S.begin() + (A.size2() - col_start), tmp.begin() + col_start);
+ detail::householder_vector(tmp, col_start);
+ fast_copy(tmp, S);
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(), SVD_HOUSEHOLDER_ROW_KERNEL);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ A,
+ Q,
+ S,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(row_start),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(col_start),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size1()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size2()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.internal_size2()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(Q.internal_size2()),
+ viennacl::ocl::local_mem(static_cast<cl_uint>(128 * 4))
+ ));
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void bidiag_pack(viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& A,
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& D,
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>& S
+ )
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel& kernel = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<float, 1>::program_name(), SVD_BIDIAG_PACK_KERNEL);
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(kernel(
+ A,
+ D,
+ S,
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size1()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.size2()),
+ static_cast<cl_uint>(A.internal_size2())
+ ));
+ }
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void bidiag(viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& Ai,
+ viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& QL,
+ viennacl::matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, ALIGNMENT>& QR)
+ {
+ std::size_t row_num = Ai.size1();
+ std::size_t col_num = Ai.size2();
+ std::size_t to = std::min(row_num, col_num);
+ std::size_t big_to = std::max(row_num, col_num);
+ //for storing householder vector
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> hh_vector(big_to);
+ eye(QL);
+ eye(QR);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < to; i++)
+ {
+ householder_c(Ai, QL, hh_vector, i);
+ householder_r(Ai, QR, hh_vector, i);
+ }
+ }
+ } // namespace detail
+ /** @brief Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix A. Experimental - works for single precision (float) only. Experimental in 1.3.x
+ *
+ * @param A The input matrix. Will be overwritten with a diagonal matrix containing the singular values on return
+ * @param QL The left orthogonal matrix
+ * @param QR The right orthogonal matrix
+ */
+ template <unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ void svd(viennacl::matrix<float, row_major, ALIGNMENT> & A,
+ viennacl::matrix<float, row_major, ALIGNMENT> & QL,
+ viennacl::matrix<float, row_major, ALIGNMENT> & QR)
+ {
+ typedef float SCALARTYPE;
+ viennacl::linalg::kernels::svd<SCALARTYPE, 1>::init();
+ std::size_t row_num = A.size1();
+ std::size_t col_num = A.size2();
+ std::size_t to = std::min(row_num, col_num);
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> d(to);
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> s(to + 1);
+ // first stage
+ detail::bidiag(A, QL, QR);
+ detail::bidiag_pack(A, d, s);
+ // second stage
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<SCALARTYPE> dh(to, 0.0f);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::vector<SCALARTYPE> sh(to + 1, 0.0f);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float> h_U(row_num, row_num);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float> h_V(col_num, col_num);
+ fast_copy(d, dh);
+ fast_copy(s, sh);
+ detail::svd_qr_shift( QL, QR, dh, sh);
+ boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float> h_Sigma(row_num, col_num);
+ h_Sigma.clear();
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < to; i++)
+ h_Sigma(i, i) = dh(i);
+ copy(h_Sigma, A);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp b/viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp
index 2cceee3..dc214c4 100644
--- a/viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp
@@ -33,12 +33,51 @@
#include "viennacl/traits/size.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/start.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/handle.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/traits/stride.hpp"
namespace viennacl
namespace linalg
- /** @brief Addition of two vectors. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
+ /** @brief Assign a vector (-range/-slice) to another vector (-range/slice).
+ *
+ * Computes vec1 += vec2.
+ *
+ * @param vec1 The result.
+ * @param vec2 The addend
+ */
+ template <typename V1, typename V2>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_vector<V1>::value
+ && viennacl::is_vector<V2>::value
+ >::type
+ assign(V1 & vec1,
+ const V2 & vec2)
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<V1>::type value_type;
+ //TODO: Ensure that correct alignment is chosen for the kernels.
+ const unsigned int ALIGNMENT = V1::alignment;
+ assert( (viennacl::traits::size(vec1) == viennacl::traits::size(vec2))
+ && "Incompatible vector sizes in inplace_add()!");
+ //unsigned int size = std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size());
+ viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "assign");
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
+ );
+ }
+ /** @brief Addition of two vectors.
* @param vec1 The first addend.
* @param vec2 The second addend.
@@ -67,9 +106,18 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "add");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)) )
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)) )
@@ -100,8 +148,14 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_add");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
@@ -136,9 +190,18 @@ namespace viennacl
//unsigned int size = std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size());
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "sub");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)) )
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)) )
@@ -167,8 +230,14 @@ namespace viennacl
//unsigned int size = std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size());
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_sub");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
@@ -201,9 +270,15 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "mult");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
@@ -234,9 +309,15 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "cpu_mult");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
@@ -261,7 +342,10 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_mult");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
@@ -287,7 +371,10 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "cpu_inplace_mult");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
@@ -320,9 +407,15 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "divide");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
@@ -347,7 +440,10 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_divide");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
@@ -386,10 +482,19 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "mul_add");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
@@ -425,10 +530,19 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "cpu_mul_add");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
@@ -462,8 +576,14 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_mul_add");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
@@ -495,8 +615,14 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "cpu_inplace_mul_add");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
@@ -532,10 +658,19 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "mul_sub");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(result), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(result),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(result)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(result)))
@@ -568,8 +703,14 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_mul_sub");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
@@ -602,8 +743,14 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_div_add");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
@@ -636,10 +783,16 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<value_type, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "inplace_div_sub");
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(std::min(vec1.internal_size(), vec2.internal_size()));
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
- );
+ );
@@ -653,6 +806,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param vec1 The first vector
* @param vec2 The second vector
* @param result The result scalar (on the gpu)
+ * @param dummy Dummy parameter used for SFINAE
template <typename V1, typename V2, typename S3>
void inner_prod_impl(V1 const & vec1,
@@ -695,8 +849,14 @@ namespace viennacl
|| (k.global_work_size() / k.local_work_size()) == 256
|| (k.global_work_size() / k.local_work_size()) == 512 );
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(value_type) * k.local_work_size()),
@@ -704,7 +864,10 @@ namespace viennacl
ksum.local_work_size(0, work_groups);
ksum.global_work_size(0, work_groups);
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(ksum(viennacl::traits::handle(temp), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(ksum(viennacl::traits::handle(temp),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
@@ -737,6 +900,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param vec The vector
* @param result The result scalar
+ * @param dummy Dummy parameter used for SFINAE
template <typename V1, typename S2>
void norm_1_impl(V1 const & vec,
@@ -781,7 +945,10 @@ namespace viennacl
|| (k.global_work_size() / k.local_work_size()) == 256
|| (k.global_work_size() / k.local_work_size()) == 512 );
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(value_type) * k.local_work_size()),
@@ -789,7 +956,10 @@ namespace viennacl
ksum.local_work_size(0, work_groups);
ksum.global_work_size(0, work_groups);
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(ksum(viennacl::traits::handle(temp), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(ksum(viennacl::traits::handle(temp),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
@@ -798,6 +968,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param vec The vector
* @param result The result scalar
+ * @param dummy Dummy parameter used for SFINAE
template <typename V1, typename S2>
void norm_2_impl(V1 const & vec,
@@ -842,7 +1013,10 @@ namespace viennacl
|| (k.global_work_size() / k.local_work_size()) == 256
|| (k.global_work_size() / k.local_work_size()) == 512 );
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(value_type) * k.local_work_size()),
@@ -852,7 +1026,10 @@ namespace viennacl
sqrt_sum.local_work_size(0, work_groups);
sqrt_sum.global_work_size(0, work_groups);
- sqrt_sum(viennacl::traits::handle(temp), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
+ sqrt_sum(viennacl::traits::handle(temp),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
@@ -861,6 +1038,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param vec The vector
* @param result The result scalar
+ * @param dummy Dummy parameter used for SFINAE
template <typename V1, typename S2>
void norm_inf_impl(V1 const & vec,
@@ -905,7 +1083,10 @@ namespace viennacl
|| work_groups == 256
|| work_groups == 512 );
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(value_type) * k.local_work_size()),
@@ -916,7 +1097,10 @@ namespace viennacl
max_kernel.global_work_size(0, work_groups);
- max_kernel(viennacl::traits::handle(temp), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
+ max_kernel(viennacl::traits::handle(temp),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(temp)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(temp)),
@@ -946,7 +1130,10 @@ namespace viennacl
//cl_uint size = static_cast<cl_uint>(vcl_vec.internal_size());
k.global_work_size(0, k.local_work_size());
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec)),
viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(value_type) * k.local_work_size()),
viennacl::ocl::local_mem(sizeof(cl_uint) * k.local_work_size()), h));
@@ -986,8 +1173,14 @@ namespace viennacl
assert(viennacl::traits::size(vec1) == viennacl::traits::size(vec2));
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "plane_rotation");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)),
diff --git a/viennacl/matrix.hpp b/viennacl/matrix.hpp
index f7f9a4c..9f4d46b 100644
--- a/viennacl/matrix.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/matrix.hpp
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ namespace viennacl
*this = proxy;
+ // matrix_range
matrix(matrix_range<self_type> const & proxy) : rows_(proxy.size1()), columns_(proxy.size2())
@@ -223,7 +225,26 @@ namespace viennacl
*this = proxy;
+ // matrix_slice
+ matrix(matrix_slice<self_type> const & proxy) : rows_(proxy.size1()), columns_(proxy.size2())
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> >::ResultType KernelClass;
+ KernelClass::init();
+ elements_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*internal_size());
+ *this = proxy;
+ }
+ matrix(matrix_slice<const self_type> const & proxy) : rows_(proxy.size1()), columns_(proxy.size2())
+ {
+ typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> >::ResultType KernelClass;
+ KernelClass::init();
+ elements_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*internal_size());
+ *this = proxy;
+ }
//copy constructor:
@@ -245,6 +266,8 @@ namespace viennacl
return *this;
+ // A = trans(B). Currently achieved in CPU memory
matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT>,
op_trans> & proxy)
@@ -264,13 +287,7 @@ namespace viennacl
- /*
- for (size_t i=0; i<proxy.lhs().size1(); ++i)
- {
- for (size_t j=0; j<proxy.lhs().size2(); ++j)
- std::cout << temp[F::mem_index(i,j, proxy.lhs().internal_size1(), proxy.lhs().internal_size2())] << ", ";
- }*/
+ // now transpose it
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> temp_trans(internal_size());
for (vcl_size_t i=0; i<proxy.lhs().size1(); ++i)
@@ -278,13 +295,7 @@ namespace viennacl
temp_trans[F::mem_index(j,i, internal_size1(), internal_size2())]
= temp[F::mem_index(i,j, proxy.lhs().internal_size1(), proxy.lhs().internal_size2())];
- /*
- for (size_t i=0; i<proxy.lhs().size1(); ++i)
- {
- for (size_t j=0; j<proxy.lhs().size2(); ++j)
- std::cout << temp_trans[F::mem_index(i,j, proxy.lhs().internal_size1(), proxy.lhs().internal_size2())] << ", ";
- }*/
+ // write back
elements_ = viennacl::ocl::current_context().create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
@@ -296,30 +307,31 @@ namespace viennacl
matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const matrix_range<self_type> & mat)
resize(mat.size1(), mat.size2(), false);
- // clear matrix:
- clear();
- // use inplace_add:
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, mat);
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, mat);
return *this;
matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const matrix_range<const self_type> & mat)
resize(mat.size1(), mat.size2(), false);
- // clear matrix:
- clear();
- // use inplace_add:
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, mat);
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, mat);
return *this;
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const matrix_slice<self_type> & mat)
+ {
+ resize(mat.size1(), mat.size2(), false);
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, mat);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const matrix_slice<const self_type> & mat)
+ {
+ resize(mat.size1(), mat.size2(), false);
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, mat);
+ return *this;
+ }
/** @brief Resizes the matrix.
@@ -416,7 +428,7 @@ namespace viennacl
op_add > (*this, other);
+ // operator +=
matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const matrix< SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & other)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
@@ -429,6 +441,33 @@ namespace viennacl
return *this;
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const matrix_slice< matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> > & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <unsigned int A1, unsigned int A2>
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
+ const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
+ op_prod > & proxy)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::rank_1_update(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <unsigned int A1, unsigned int A2>
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const matrix_expression< const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
+ const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
+ op_prod >,
+ op_prod > & proxy)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::scaled_rank_1_update(*this, proxy.rhs(), proxy.lhs().lhs(), proxy.lhs().rhs());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // operator -
matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT>,
op_sub >
@@ -438,42 +477,36 @@ namespace viennacl
op_sub > (*this, other);
+ // operator -=
matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const matrix< SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & other)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
return *this;
- template <unsigned int A1, unsigned int A2>
- matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
- op_prod > & proxy)
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const matrix_range< matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> > & other)
- viennacl::linalg::rank_1_update(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
return *this;
- template <unsigned int A1, unsigned int A2>
- matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
- op_prod > & proxy)
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const matrix_slice< matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> > & other)
- viennacl::linalg::scaled_rank_1_update(*this, static_cast<SCALARTYPE>(-1.0), proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
return *this;
template <unsigned int A1, unsigned int A2>
- matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const matrix_expression< const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
- op_prod >,
+ matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
+ const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
op_prod > & proxy)
- viennacl::linalg::scaled_rank_1_update(*this, proxy.rhs(), proxy.lhs().lhs(), proxy.lhs().rhs());
+ viennacl::linalg::scaled_rank_1_update(*this, static_cast<SCALARTYPE>(-1.0), proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
return *this;
template <unsigned int A1, unsigned int A2>
matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const matrix_expression< const matrix_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, A1>,
const vector<SCALARTYPE, A2>,
@@ -569,6 +602,7 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), "clear");
cl_uint(0), cl_uint(0),
+ cl_uint(1), cl_uint(1),
cl_uint(size1()), cl_uint(size2()),
cl_uint(internal_size1()), cl_uint(internal_size2())
diff --git a/viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp b/viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp
index d1ebc72..324d07c 100644
--- a/viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp
@@ -52,68 +52,10 @@ namespace viennacl
////////// operator= //////////////////////////
- /** @brief Copy-constructor: Writes the entries from the matrix_range to the wrapped matrix.
- *
- * Note: A generic overload of operator=() is insufficient, because then the compiler generates the copy-CTOR!
- *
- * @param other The submatrix to be assigned
- */
- matrix_range<MatrixType> & operator = (const matrix_range<MatrixType> & other)
- {
- assert(size1() == other.size1());
- assert(size2() == other.size2());
- typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< MatrixType >::ResultType KernelClass;
- std::size_t block_size = 16;
- viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), "assign");
- k.global_work_size(0, block_size*block_size);
- k.global_work_size(1, block_size*block_size);
- k.local_work_size(0, block_size);
- k.local_work_size(1, block_size);
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(*A_),
- cl_uint(start1()), cl_uint(start2()),
- cl_uint(size1()), cl_uint(size2()),
- cl_uint(A_->internal_size1()), cl_uint(A_->internal_size2()),
- viennacl::traits::handle(other),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(other)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(other)),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(other)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(other)),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(other)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(other))
- )
- );
- return *this;
- }
template <typename MatrixType2>
matrix_range<MatrixType> & operator = (const MatrixType2 & other)
- assert(size1() == other.size1());
- assert(size2() == other.size2());
- typedef typename viennacl::tools::MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< MatrixType >::ResultType KernelClass;
- std::size_t block_size = 16;
- viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(KernelClass::program_name(), "assign");
- k.global_work_size(0, block_size*block_size);
- k.global_work_size(1, block_size*block_size);
- k.local_work_size(0, block_size);
- k.local_work_size(1, block_size);
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(*A_),
- cl_uint(start1()), cl_uint(start2()),
- cl_uint(size1()), cl_uint(size2()),
- cl_uint(A_->internal_size1()), cl_uint(A_->internal_size2()),
- viennacl::traits::handle(other),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start1(other)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start2(other)),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size1(other)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size2(other)),
- cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size1(other)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::internal_size2(other))
- )
- );
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, other);
return *this;
@@ -285,13 +227,13 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size2());
//copy each stride separately:
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
entries[j] = cpu_matrix(i,j);
- size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start1() + i) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2() + gpu_matrix_range.start2();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size2();
+ std::size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start1() + i) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2() + gpu_matrix_range.start2();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size2();
cl_int err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -307,12 +249,12 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size1()*gpu_matrix_range.size2());
//copy each stride separately:
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
entries[i*gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2() + j] = cpu_matrix(i,j);
- size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start1() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
+ std::size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start1() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
//std::cout << "start_offset: " << start_offset << std::endl;
cl_int err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -337,13 +279,13 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size1());
//copy each stride separately:
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
entries[i] = cpu_matrix(i,j);
- size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start2() + j) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1() + gpu_matrix_range.start1();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1();
+ std::size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start2() + j) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1() + gpu_matrix_range.start1();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1();
cl_int err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -359,12 +301,12 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size1()*gpu_matrix_range.size2());
//copy each stride separately:
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
entries[i + j*gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1()] = cpu_matrix(i,j);
- size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start2() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
+ std::size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start2() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
//std::cout << "start_offset: " << start_offset << std::endl;
cl_int err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -396,10 +338,10 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size2());
//copy each stride separately:
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
- size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start1() + i) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2() + gpu_matrix_range.start2();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size2();
+ std::size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start1() + i) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2() + gpu_matrix_range.start2();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size2();
cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -408,7 +350,7 @@ namespace viennacl
//std::cout << "Strided copy worked!" << std::endl;
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
cpu_matrix(i,j) = entries[j];
@@ -418,8 +360,8 @@ namespace viennacl
//full block can be copied:
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size1()*gpu_matrix_range.size2());
- size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start1() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
+ std::size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start1() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
//std::cout << "start_offset: " << start_offset << std::endl;
cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -429,8 +371,8 @@ namespace viennacl
//std::cout << "Block copy worked!" << std::endl;
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
cpu_matrix(i,j) = entries[i*gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size2() + j];
@@ -450,10 +392,10 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size1());
//copy each stride separately:
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
- size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start2() + j) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1() + gpu_matrix_range.start1();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1();
+ std::size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_range.start2() + j) * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1() + gpu_matrix_range.start1();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1();
cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -462,7 +404,7 @@ namespace viennacl
//std::cout << "Strided copy worked!" << std::endl;
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
cpu_matrix(i,j) = entries[i];
@@ -472,8 +414,8 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(gpu_matrix_range.size1()*gpu_matrix_range.size2());
//copy each stride separately:
- size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start2() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1();
- size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
+ std::size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_range.start2() * gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1();
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_range.size1() * gpu_matrix_range.size2();
//std::cout << "start_offset: " << start_offset << std::endl;
cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_matrix_range.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
@@ -483,8 +425,8 @@ namespace viennacl
//std::cout << "Block copy worked!" << std::endl;
- for (size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
- for (size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_range.size1(); ++i)
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_range.size2(); ++j)
cpu_matrix(i,j) = entries[i + j*gpu_matrix_range.get().internal_size1()];
@@ -517,18 +459,396 @@ namespace viennacl
return matrix_range<MatrixType>(A, r1, r2);
- /*template <typename MatrixType>
- matrix_range<MatrixType> project(MatrixType const & A, viennacl::range const & r1, viennacl::range const & r2)
+/////////////////////////////// Slice /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ class matrix_slice
- return matrix_range<MatrixType>(A, r1, r2);
- }*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename MatrixType::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<value_type>::type cpu_value_type;
+ typedef slice::size_type size_type;
+ typedef slice::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef value_type reference;
+ typedef const value_type & const_reference;
+ matrix_slice(MatrixType & A,
+ slice const & row_slice,
+ slice const & col_slice) : A_(&A), row_slice_(row_slice), col_slice_(col_slice) {}
+ size_type start1() const { return row_slice_.start(); }
+ size_type stride1() const { return row_slice_.stride(); }
+ size_type size1() const { return row_slice_.size(); }
+ size_type start2() const { return col_slice_.start(); }
+ size_type stride2() const { return col_slice_.stride(); }
+ size_type size2() const { return col_slice_.size(); }
+ ////////// operator= //////////////////////////
+ template <typename MatrixType2>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator = (const MatrixType2 & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator = (const matrix_expression< MatrixType1,
+ MatrixType2,
+ op_prod > & proxy)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> &
+ operator = (const matrix_expression< MatrixType1,
+ MatrixType2,
+ op_add > & proxy)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::add(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> &
+ operator = (const matrix_expression< MatrixType1,
+ MatrixType2,
+ op_sub > & proxy)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::sub(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
+ return *this;
+ }
- //TODO: Think about const-matrix...
- /*template <typename MatrixType>
- matrix_range<const MatrixType> project(MatrixType const & A, viennacl::range const & r1, viennacl::range const & r2)
+ ////////// operator+= //////////////////////////
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator += (matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator += (const matrix_expression< MatrixType1,
+ MatrixType2,
+ op_prod > & proxy)
+ {
+ MatrixType temp = proxy;
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, temp);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ////////// operator-= //////////////////////////
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator -= (matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator -= (const matrix_expression< MatrixType1,
+ MatrixType2,
+ op_prod > & proxy)
+ {
+ MatrixType temp = proxy;
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, temp);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ////////// operator*= //////////////////////////
+ template <typename T>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator *= (T const & val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ////////// operator/= //////////////////////////
+ template <typename T>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator /= (T const & val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_divide(*this, val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> & operator /= (cpu_value_type val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, cpu_value_type(1.0) / val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ////////// operator+ //////////////////////////
+ template <typename MatrixType2>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType2>::value,
+ matrix_expression< const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ const MatrixType2,
+ op_add > >::type
+ operator + (const MatrixType2 & other)
+ {
+ return matrix_expression< const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ const MatrixType2,
+ op_add > (*this, other);
+ }
+ ////////// operator- //////////////////////////
+ template <typename MatrixType2>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType2>::value,
+ matrix_expression< const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ const MatrixType2,
+ op_sub > >::type
+ operator - (const MatrixType2 & other)
+ {
+ return matrix_expression< const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ const MatrixType2,
+ op_sub > (*this, other);
+ }
+ //const_reference operator()(size_type i, size_type j) const { return A_(start1() + i, start2() + i); }
+ //reference operator()(size_type i, size_type j) { return A_(start1() + i, start2() + i); }
+ MatrixType & get() { return *A_; }
+ const MatrixType & get() const { return *A_; }
+ private:
+ MatrixType * A_;
+ slice row_slice_;
+ slice col_slice_;
+ };
+ /** @brief Returns an expression template class representing a transposed matrix */
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ matrix_expression< const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ op_trans> trans(const matrix_slice<MatrixType> & mat)
- return matrix_range<MatrixType>(A, r1, r2);
- }*/
+ return matrix_expression< const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ const matrix_slice<MatrixType>,
+ op_trans>(mat, mat);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////// CPU to GPU ////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //row_major:
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ void copy(const CPU_MATRIX & cpu_matrix,
+ matrix_slice<matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, 1> > & gpu_matrix_slice )
+ {
+ assert( (cpu_matrix.size1() == gpu_matrix_slice.size1())
+ && (cpu_matrix.size2() == gpu_matrix_slice.size2()) );
+ if ( (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) && (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) )
+ {
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_slice.size2() * gpu_matrix_slice.stride2(); //no. of entries per stride
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(num_entries);
+ //copy each stride separately:
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_slice.size1(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_slice.start1() + i * gpu_matrix_slice.stride1()) * gpu_matrix_slice.get().internal_size2() + gpu_matrix_slice.start2();
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_matrix_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*start_offset,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*num_entries,
+ &(entries[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_slice.size2(); ++j)
+ entries[j * gpu_matrix_slice.stride2()] = cpu_matrix(i,j);
+ err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_matrix_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*start_offset,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*num_entries,
+ &(entries[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //column_major:
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ void copy(const CPU_MATRIX & cpu_matrix,
+ matrix_slice<matrix<SCALARTYPE, column_major, 1> > & gpu_matrix_slice )
+ {
+ assert( (cpu_matrix.size1() == gpu_matrix_slice.size1())
+ && (cpu_matrix.size2() == gpu_matrix_slice.size2()) );
+ if ( (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) && (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) )
+ {
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_slice.size1() * gpu_matrix_slice.stride1(); //no. of entries per stride
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(num_entries);
+ //copy each column stride separately:
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_slice.size2(); ++j)
+ {
+ std::size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_slice.start1() + (gpu_matrix_slice.start2() + j * gpu_matrix_slice.stride2()) * gpu_matrix_slice.get().internal_size1();
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_matrix_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*start_offset,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*num_entries,
+ &(entries[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_slice.size1(); ++i)
+ entries[i * gpu_matrix_slice.stride1()] = cpu_matrix(i,j);
+ err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_matrix_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*start_offset,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*num_entries,
+ &(entries[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////// GPU to CPU ////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //row_major:
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ void copy(matrix_slice<matrix<SCALARTYPE, row_major, 1> > const & gpu_matrix_slice,
+ CPU_MATRIX & cpu_matrix)
+ {
+ assert( (cpu_matrix.size1() == gpu_matrix_slice.size1())
+ && (cpu_matrix.size2() == gpu_matrix_slice.size2()) );
+ if ( (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) && (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) )
+ {
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_slice.size2() * gpu_matrix_slice.stride2(); //no. of entries per stride
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(num_entries);
+ //copy each stride separately:
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_slice.size1(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::size_t start_offset = (gpu_matrix_slice.start1() + i * gpu_matrix_slice.stride1()) * gpu_matrix_slice.get().internal_size2() + gpu_matrix_slice.start2();
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_matrix_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*start_offset,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*num_entries,
+ &(entries[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_slice.size2(); ++j)
+ cpu_matrix(i,j) = entries[j * gpu_matrix_slice.stride2()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //column_major:
+ template <typename CPU_MATRIX, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ void copy(matrix_slice<matrix<SCALARTYPE, column_major, 1> > const & gpu_matrix_slice,
+ CPU_MATRIX & cpu_matrix)
+ {
+ assert( (cpu_matrix.size1() == gpu_matrix_slice.size1())
+ && (cpu_matrix.size2() == gpu_matrix_slice.size2()) );
+ if ( (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) && (gpu_matrix_slice.size1() > 0) )
+ {
+ std::size_t num_entries = gpu_matrix_slice.size1() * gpu_matrix_slice.stride1(); //no. of entries per stride
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> entries(num_entries);
+ //copy each column stride separately:
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < gpu_matrix_slice.size2(); ++j)
+ {
+ std::size_t start_offset = gpu_matrix_slice.start1() + (gpu_matrix_slice.start2() + j * gpu_matrix_slice.stride2()) * gpu_matrix_slice.get().internal_size1();
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_matrix_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*start_offset,
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*num_entries,
+ &(entries[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i < gpu_matrix_slice.size1(); ++i)
+ cpu_matrix(i,j) = entries[i * gpu_matrix_slice.stride1()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename MatrixType>
+ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & s, matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & proxy)
+ {
+ MatrixType temp = proxy;
+ s << temp;
+ return s;
+ }
+ template<typename MatrixType>
+ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & s, matrix_slice<const MatrixType> const & proxy)
+ {
+ MatrixType temp = proxy;
+ s << temp;
+ return s;
+ }
+ //
+ // Convenience function
+ //
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ matrix_slice<MatrixType> project(MatrixType & A, viennacl::slice const & r1, viennacl::slice const & r2)
+ {
+ return matrix_slice<MatrixType>(A, r1, r2);
+ }
diff --git a/viennacl/meta/predicate.hpp b/viennacl/meta/predicate.hpp
index 88029b0..a3c7151 100644
--- a/viennacl/meta/predicate.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/meta/predicate.hpp
@@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ namespace viennacl
enum { value = true };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_vector<viennacl::vector_slice<T> >
+ {
+ enum { value = true };
+ };
@@ -108,6 +113,11 @@ namespace viennacl
enum { value = true };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_matrix<viennacl::matrix_slice<T> >
+ {
+ enum { value = true };
+ };
} //namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp b/viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp
index e73a5ab..ba52a8f 100644
--- a/viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
-/** @file result_of.hpp
+/** @file viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp
@brief A collection of compile time type deductions
@@ -130,6 +130,12 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef typename cpu_value_type<T>::type type;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct cpu_value_type<viennacl::vector_slice<T> >
+ {
+ typedef typename cpu_value_type<T>::type type;
+ };
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename OP>
struct cpu_value_type<viennacl::vector_expression<T1, T2, OP> >
@@ -151,6 +157,12 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef typename cpu_value_type<T>::type type;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct cpu_value_type<viennacl::matrix_slice<T> >
+ {
+ typedef typename cpu_value_type<T>::type type;
+ };
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename OP>
struct cpu_value_type<viennacl::matrix_expression<T1, T2, OP> >
@@ -212,6 +224,60 @@ namespace viennacl
+ //
+ // Deduce compatible vector type for a matrix type
+ //
+ template <typename T>
+ struct vector_for_matrix
+ {
+ };
+ //ViennaCL
+ template <typename T, typename F, unsigned int A>
+ struct vector_for_matrix< viennacl::matrix<T, F, A> >
+ {
+ typedef viennacl::vector<T,A> type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, unsigned int A>
+ struct vector_for_matrix< viennacl::compressed_matrix<T, A> >
+ {
+ typedef viennacl::vector<T,A> type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, unsigned int A>
+ struct vector_for_matrix< viennacl::coordinate_matrix<T, A> >
+ {
+ typedef viennacl::vector<T,A> type;
+ };
+ //Boost:
+ template <typename T, typename F, typename A>
+ struct vector_for_matrix< boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T, F, A> >
+ {
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename U, std::size_t A, typename B, typename C>
+ struct vector_for_matrix< boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<T, U, A, B, C> >
+ {
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename U, std::size_t A, typename B, typename C>
+ struct vector_for_matrix< boost::numeric::ublas::coordinate_matrix<T, U, A, B, C> >
+ {
+ typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> type;
+ };
+ #endif
} //namespace result_of
} //namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/meta/tag_of.hpp b/viennacl/meta/tag_of.hpp
index 85e833c..edeeaf4 100644
--- a/viennacl/meta/tag_of.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/meta/tag_of.hpp
@@ -227,6 +227,18 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef viennacl::tag_viennacl type;
+ template< typename T, unsigned int I>
+ struct tag_of< viennacl::ell_matrix<T,I> >
+ {
+ typedef viennacl::tag_viennacl type;
+ };
+ template< typename T, unsigned int I>
+ struct tag_of< viennacl::hyb_matrix<T,I> >
+ {
+ typedef viennacl::tag_viennacl type;
+ };
template< typename T, unsigned int I>
struct tag_of< viennacl::circulant_matrix<T,I> >
diff --git a/viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp b/viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp
index 36bab81..a5e25f8 100644
--- a/viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp
@@ -153,6 +153,12 @@ namespace viennacl
+ /** @brief Sets the context device type */
+ static void set_context_platform_index(long i, std::size_t pf_index)
+ {
+ contexts_[i].platform_index(pf_index);
+ }
static long current_context_id_;
static std::map<long, bool> initialized_;
@@ -244,6 +250,17 @@ namespace viennacl
set_context_device_type(i, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR);
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting the platform index
+ *
+ * @param i Context ID
+ * @param pf_index The platform index as returned by clGetPlatformIDs(). This is not the ID of type cl_platform_id!
+ */
+ inline void set_context_platform_index(long i, std::size_t pf_index)
+ {
+ viennacl::ocl::backend<>::set_context_platform_index(i, pf_index);
+ }
///////////////////////// get queues ///////////////////
/** @brief Convenience function for getting the default queue for the currently active device in the active context */
inline viennacl::ocl::command_queue & get_queue()
diff --git a/viennacl/ocl/context.hpp b/viennacl/ocl/context.hpp
index 28fe598..25b49de 100644
--- a/viennacl/ocl/context.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/ocl/context.hpp
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ namespace viennacl
context() : initialized_(false),
- default_device_num_(1) {}
+ default_device_num_(1),
+ pf_index_(0) {}
//////// Get and set default number of devices per context */
/** @brief Returns the maximum number of devices to be set up for the context */
@@ -266,12 +267,13 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_program> temp = clCreateProgramWithSource(h_.get(), 1, (const char **)&source_text, &source_size, &err);
- err = clBuildProgram(temp.get(), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ const char * options = build_options_.c_str();
+ err = clBuildProgram(temp.get(), 0, NULL, options, NULL, NULL);
- char buffer[1024];
+ char buffer[8192];
cl_build_status status;
clGetProgramBuildInfo(temp, devices_[0].id(), CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS, sizeof(cl_build_status), &status, NULL);
- clGetProgramBuildInfo(temp, devices_[0].id(), CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(char)*1024, &buffer, NULL);
+ clGetProgramBuildInfo(temp, devices_[0].id(), CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(char)*8192, &buffer, NULL);
std::cout << "Build Scalar: Err = " << err << " Status = " << status << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log: " << buffer << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Sources: " << source << std::endl;
@@ -317,6 +319,22 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Returns the context handle */
const viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_context> & handle() const { return h_; }
+ /** @brief Returns the current build option string */
+ std::string build_options() const { return build_options_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the build option string, which is passed to the OpenCL compiler in subsequent compilations. Does not effect programs already compiled previously. */
+ void build_options(std::string op) { build_options_ = op; }
+ /** @brief Returns the platform ID of the platform to be used for the context */
+ std::size_t platform_index() const { return pf_index_; }
+ /** @brief Sets the platform ID of the platform to be used for the context */
+ void platform_index(std::size_t new_index)
+ {
+ assert(!initialized_ && "Platform ID must be set before context is initialized!");
+ pf_index_ = new_index;
+ }
/** @brief Less-than comparable for compatibility with std:map */
bool operator<(context const & other) const
@@ -342,7 +360,7 @@ namespace viennacl
std::cout << "ViennaCL: Setting all devices for context..." << std::endl;
- platform pf;
+ platform pf(pf_index_);
std::vector<device> devices = pf.devices(device_type_);
std::cout << "ViennaCL: Number of devices for context: " << devices.size() << std::endl;
@@ -438,6 +456,8 @@ namespace viennacl
std::size_t default_device_num_;
ProgramContainer programs_;
std::map< cl_device_id, std::vector< viennacl::ocl::command_queue> > queues_;
+ std::string build_options_;
+ std::size_t pf_index_;
}; //context
diff --git a/viennacl/ocl/enqueue.hpp b/viennacl/ocl/enqueue.hpp
index 1b001b2..422289c 100644
--- a/viennacl/ocl/enqueue.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/ocl/enqueue.hpp
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
namespace viennacl
+ namespace generator{
+ class custom_operation;
+ void enqueue_custom_op(viennacl::generator::custom_operation & op, viennacl::ocl::command_queue const & queue);
+ }
namespace ocl
@@ -136,6 +141,17 @@ namespace viennacl
enqueue(k, viennacl::ocl::current_context().get_queue());
+ inline void enqueue(viennacl::generator::custom_operation & op, viennacl::ocl::command_queue const & queue)
+ {
+ generator::enqueue_custom_op(op,queue);
+ }
+ inline void enqueue(viennacl::generator::custom_operation & op)
+ {
+ enqueue(op, viennacl::ocl::current_context().get_queue());
+ }
} // namespace ocl
} // namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp b/viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp
index 2cd386b..5085158 100644
--- a/viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ namespace viennacl
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
kernel() : handle_(0)
@@ -428,7 +430,7 @@ namespace viennacl
return *this;
- /** @brief Convenience function for setting twentythree kernel parameters */
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 23 kernel parameters */
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
@@ -446,11 +448,206 @@ namespace viennacl
return *this;
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 24 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 25 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 26 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 27 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25, typename T26>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25, T26 const & t26
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25); arg(26, t26);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 28 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25, typename T26, typename T27>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25, T26 const & t26, T27 const & t27
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25); arg(26, t26); arg(27, t27);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 29 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25, typename T26, typename T27, typename T28>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25, T26 const & t26, T27 const & t27, T28 const & t28
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25); arg(26, t26); arg(27, t27); arg(28, t28);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 30 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25, typename T26, typename T27, typename T28, typename T29>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25, T26 const & t26, T27 const & t27, T28 const & t28, T29 const & t29
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25); arg(26, t26); arg(27, t27); arg(28, t28); arg(29, t29);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 31 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25, typename T26, typename T27, typename T28, typename T29,
+ typename T30>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25, T26 const & t26, T27 const & t27, T28 const & t28, T29 const & t29,
+ T30 const & t30
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25); arg(26, t26); arg(27, t27); arg(28, t28); arg(29, t29);
+ arg(30, t30);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function for setting 32 kernel parameters */
+ template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10, typename T11,
+ typename T12, typename T13, typename T14, typename T15, typename T16, typename T17,
+ typename T18, typename T19, typename T20, typename T21, typename T22, typename T23,
+ typename T24, typename T25, typename T26, typename T27, typename T28, typename T29,
+ typename T30, typename T31>
+ kernel & operator()(T0 const & t0, T1 const & t1, T2 const & t2, T3 const & t3, T4 const & t4, T5 const & t5,
+ T6 const & t6, T7 const & t7, T8 const & t8, T9 const & t9, T10 const & t10, T11 const & t11,
+ T12 const & t12, T13 const & t13, T14 const & t14, T15 const & t15, T16 const & t16, T17 const & t17,
+ T18 const & t18, T19 const & t19, T20 const & t20, T21 const & t21, T22 const & t22, T23 const & t23,
+ T24 const & t24, T25 const & t25, T26 const & t26, T27 const & t27, T28 const & t28, T29 const & t29,
+ T30 const & t30, T31 const & t31
+ )
+ {
+ arg(0, t0); arg(1, t1); arg(2, t2); arg(3, t3); arg(4, t4); arg(5, t5);
+ arg(6, t6); arg(7, t7); arg(8, t8); arg(9, t9); arg(10, t10); arg(11, t11);
+ arg(12, t12); arg(13, t13); arg(14, t14); arg(15, t15); arg(16, t16); arg(17, t17);
+ arg(18, t18); arg(19, t19); arg(20, t20); arg(21, t21); arg(22, t22); arg(23, t23);
+ arg(24, t24); arg(25, t25); arg(26, t26); arg(27, t27); arg(28, t28); arg(29, t29);
+ arg(30, t30); arg(31, t31);
+ return *this;
+ }
/** @brief Returns the local work size at the respective dimension
* @param index Dimension index (currently either 0 or 1)
- size_t local_work_size(int index = 0) const
+ size_type local_work_size(int index = 0) const
assert(index == 0 || index == 1);
return local_work_size_[index];
@@ -459,7 +656,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param index Dimension index (currently either 0 or 1)
- size_t global_work_size(int index = 0) const
+ size_type global_work_size(int index = 0) const
assert(index == 0 || index == 1);
return global_work_size_[index];
@@ -470,7 +667,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param index Dimension index (currently either 0 or 1)
* @param s The new local work size
- void local_work_size(int index, size_t s)
+ void local_work_size(int index, size_type s)
std::cout << "ViennaCL: Setting local work size to " << s << " at index " << index << " for kernel " << name_ << std::endl;
@@ -483,7 +680,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param index Dimension index (currently either 0 or 1)
* @param s The new global work size
- void global_work_size(int index, size_t s)
+ void global_work_size(int index, size_type s)
std::cout << "ViennaCL: Setting global work size to " << s << " at index " << index << " for kernel " << name_ << std::endl;
@@ -544,8 +741,8 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_program> program_;
std::string name_;
bool init_done_;
- size_t local_work_size_[2];
- size_t global_work_size_[2];
+ size_type local_work_size_[2];
+ size_type global_work_size_[2];
} //namespace ocl
diff --git a/viennacl/ocl/platform.hpp b/viennacl/ocl/platform.hpp
index 663c2d8..83c4e21 100644
--- a/viennacl/ocl/platform.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/ocl/platform.hpp
@@ -39,17 +39,18 @@ namespace viennacl
- platform()
+ platform(std::size_t pf_index = 0)
cl_int err;
cl_uint num_platforms;
- cl_platform_id ids[3];
+ cl_platform_id ids[42]; //no more than 42 platforms supported...
std::cout << "ViennaCL: Getting platform..." << std::endl;
- err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, ids, &num_platforms);
+ err = clGetPlatformIDs(42, ids, &num_platforms);
- id_ = ids[0];
+ assert(num_platforms > pf_index && "ViennaCL: ERROR: Not enough platforms found!");
+ id_ = ids[pf_index];
assert(num_platforms > 0 && "ViennaCL: ERROR: No platform found!");
diff --git a/viennacl/range.hpp b/viennacl/slice.hpp
similarity index 64%
copy from viennacl/range.hpp
copy to viennacl/slice.hpp
index 88b13d8..361195b 100644
--- a/viennacl/range.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/slice.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* =========================================================================
Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
-/** @file range.hpp
- @brief Implementation of a range object for use with proxy objects
+/** @file slice.hpp
+ @brief Implementation of a slice object for use with proxy objects
#include <vector>
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
namespace viennacl
- /** @brief A range class that refers to an interval [start, stop), where 'start' is included, and 'stop' is excluded.
+ /** @brief A slice class that refers to an interval [start, stop), where 'start' is included, and 'stop' is excluded.
* Similar to the boost::numeric::ublas::basic_range class.
template <typename SizeType /* see forwards.h for default argument*/,
typename DistanceType /* see forwards.h for default argument*/>
- class basic_range
+ class basic_slice
typedef SizeType size_type;
@@ -44,28 +44,29 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef value_type const_reference;
typedef const_reference reference;
- basic_range() : start_(0), size_(0) {}
- basic_range(size_type start_index, size_type stop_index) : start_(start_index), size_(stop_index - start_index)
- {
- assert(start_index <= stop_index);
- }
+ basic_slice() : start_(0), stride_(1), size_(0) {}
+ basic_slice(size_type start_index,
+ difference_type stride_arg,
+ size_type size_arg) : start_(start_index), stride_(stride_arg), size_(size_arg) {}
- size_type start() const { return start_; }
- size_type size() const { return size_; }
+ size_type start() const { return start_; }
+ difference_type stride() const { return stride_; }
+ size_type size() const { return size_; }
const_reference operator()(size_type i) const
assert(i < size());
- return start_ + i;
+ return start_ + i * stride_;
const_reference operator[](size_type i) const { return operator()(i); }
- bool operator==(const basic_range & r) const { return (start_ == r.start_) && (size_ == r.size_); }
- bool operator!=(const basic_range & r) const { return !(*this == r); }
+ bool operator==(const basic_slice & s) const { return (start_ == s.start_) && (stride_ == s.stride_) && (size_ == s.size_); }
+ bool operator!=(const basic_slice & s) const { return !(*this == s); }
size_type start_;
+ difference_type stride_;
size_type size_;
diff --git a/viennacl/toeplitz_matrix.hpp b/viennacl/toeplitz_matrix.hpp
index e50b1b9..9e7c9c5 100644
--- a/viennacl/toeplitz_matrix.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/toeplitz_matrix.hpp
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ namespace viennacl {
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
s << "(";
for(std::size_t j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- s << tmp[(int)j - (int)i + (int)size - 1];
+ s << tmp[static_cast<int>(j) - static_cast<int>(i) + static_cast<int>(size - 1)];
//s << (int)i - (int)j;
if(j < (size - 1)) s << ",";
diff --git a/viennacl/tools/adapter.hpp b/viennacl/tools/adapter.hpp
index 99467c7..2dcc182 100644
--- a/viennacl/tools/adapter.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/tools/adapter.hpp
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ namespace viennacl
bool operator!=(self_type const & other) const { return !(*this == other); }
- int index1() const { return i_; }
- int index2() const
+ size_type index1() const { return i_; }
+ size_type index2() const
if (is_iterator1)
return 0;
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ namespace viennacl
bool operator!=(self_type const & other) const { return !(*this == other); }
- unsigned int index1() const { return i_; }
- unsigned int index2() const
+ size_type index1() const { return i_; }
+ size_type index2() const
if (is_iterator1)
return 0;
diff --git a/viennacl/tools/matrix_kernel_class_deducer.hpp b/viennacl/tools/matrix_kernel_class_deducer.hpp
index 898a779..b942c51 100644
--- a/viennacl/tools/matrix_kernel_class_deducer.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/tools/matrix_kernel_class_deducer.hpp
@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef typename MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER<T>::ResultType ResultType;
+ //support for matrix slice:
+ template <typename T>
+ struct MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix_slice<T> >
+ {
+ typedef typename MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER<T>::ResultType ResultType;
+ };
diff --git a/viennacl/tools/matrix_prod_kernel_class_deducer.hpp b/viennacl/tools/matrix_prod_kernel_class_deducer.hpp
index 6905537..3c3b6f9 100644
--- a/viennacl/tools/matrix_prod_kernel_class_deducer.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/tools/matrix_prod_kernel_class_deducer.hpp
@@ -74,6 +74,17 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef typename extract_matrix<MatrixType>::type type;
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ struct extract_matrix < viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType> >
+ {
+ typedef typename extract_matrix<MatrixType>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ struct extract_matrix < const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType> >
+ {
+ typedef typename extract_matrix<MatrixType>::type type;
+ };
diff --git a/viennacl/tools/matrix_size_deducer.hpp b/viennacl/tools/matrix_size_deducer.hpp
index 0f6e564..ccdd043 100644
--- a/viennacl/tools/matrix_size_deducer.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/tools/matrix_size_deducer.hpp
@@ -101,6 +101,22 @@ namespace viennacl
op_trans> const & lhs,
viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType2> const & rhs) { return rhs.size2(); }
+ template <typename T1, typename MatrixType2>
+ struct MATRIX_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::matrix_expression<T1,
+ T1, op_trans>,
+ const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType2>,
+ viennacl::op_prod>
+ {
+ static std::size_t size1(viennacl::matrix_expression<T1,
+ T1,
+ op_trans> const & lhs,
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType2> const & rhs) { return lhs.lhs().size2(); }
+ static std::size_t size2(viennacl::matrix_expression<T1,
+ T1,
+ op_trans> const & lhs,
+ viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType2> const & rhs) { return rhs.size2(); }
+ };
// A * B^T
@@ -136,6 +152,22 @@ namespace viennacl
op_trans> const & rhs) { return rhs.lhs().size1(); }
+ template <typename MatrixType1, typename T2>
+ struct MATRIX_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType1>,
+ const viennacl::matrix_expression<T2,
+ T2, op_trans>,
+ viennacl::op_prod>
+ {
+ static std::size_t size1(viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType1> const & lhs,
+ viennacl::matrix_expression<T2,
+ T2,
+ op_trans> const & rhs) { return lhs.size1(); }
+ static std::size_t size2(viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType1> const & lhs,
+ viennacl::matrix_expression<T2,
+ T2,
+ op_trans> const & rhs) { return rhs.lhs().size1(); }
+ };
diff --git a/viennacl/tools/tools.hpp b/viennacl/tools/tools.hpp
index 243e90c..dec2942 100644
--- a/viennacl/tools/tools.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/tools/tools.hpp
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Create a double precision kernel out of a single precision kernel
* @param source The source string
- * @param platform_info An info string that contains the OpenCL platform vendor
+ * @param fp_extension An info string that specifies the OpenCL double precision extension
* @return The double precision kernel
inline std::string make_double_kernel(std::string const & source, std::string const & fp_extension)
@@ -189,12 +189,37 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> ResultType;
+ template <typename LHS, typename VectorType>
+ struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<LHS, viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> >
+ {
+ typedef VectorType ResultType;
+ };
+ template <typename LHS, typename VectorType>
+ struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<LHS, viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> >
+ {
+ typedef VectorType ResultType;
+ };
template <typename RHS, typename ScalarType, unsigned int A>
struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, RHS>
typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> ResultType;
+ template <typename VectorType, typename RHS>
+ struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>, RHS>
+ {
+ typedef VectorType ResultType;
+ };
+ template <typename VectorType, typename RHS>
+ struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>, RHS>
+ {
+ typedef VectorType ResultType;
+ };
//resolve ambiguities for previous cases:
template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int A>
struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> >
@@ -202,6 +227,19 @@ namespace viennacl
typedef viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> ResultType;
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<viennacl::vector_range<VectorType>, viennacl::vector_range<VectorType> >
+ {
+ typedef VectorType ResultType;
+ };
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ struct VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL<viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType>, viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> >
+ {
+ typedef VectorType ResultType;
+ };
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
@@ -221,6 +259,23 @@ namespace viennacl
//take care: using a plain, naive .size() on the left hand side type can cause subtle side-effects!
+ template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int A, typename RHS>
+ struct VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, RHS, viennacl::op_add>
+ {
+ static size_t size(const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> & lhs,
+ const RHS & rhs) { return lhs.size(); }
+ };
+ template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int A, typename RHS>
+ struct VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, RHS, viennacl::op_sub>
+ {
+ static size_t size(const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> & lhs,
+ const RHS & rhs) { return lhs.size(); }
+ };
//Standard case: LHS is the vector type and carries the correct size
template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int A, typename RHS>
struct VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, RHS, viennacl::op_prod>
@@ -264,6 +319,21 @@ namespace viennacl
static size_t size(const viennacl::coordinate_matrix<ScalarType, Amat> & lhs,
const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> & rhs) { return lhs.size1(); }
+ template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int Amat, unsigned int A>
+ struct VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::ell_matrix<ScalarType, Amat>, const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, viennacl::op_prod>
+ {
+ static size_t size(const viennacl::ell_matrix<ScalarType, Amat> & lhs,
+ const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> & rhs) { return lhs.size1(); }
+ };
+ template <typename ScalarType, unsigned int Amat, unsigned int A>
+ struct VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER<const viennacl::hyb_matrix<ScalarType, Amat>, const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A>, viennacl::op_prod>
+ {
+ static size_t size(const viennacl::hyb_matrix<ScalarType, Amat> & lhs,
+ const viennacl::vector<ScalarType, A> & rhs) { return lhs.size1(); }
+ };
//special case: transposed matrix-vector product: Return the number of cols(!) of the matrix
template <typename ScalarType, typename F, unsigned int Amat, unsigned int A>
diff --git a/viennacl/traits/handle.hpp b/viennacl/traits/handle.hpp
index a5ea9b3..c60e7c7 100644
--- a/viennacl/traits/handle.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/traits/handle.hpp
@@ -44,28 +44,57 @@ namespace viennacl
return obj.handle();
template <typename T>
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::vector_range<T> & obj)
- return handle(obj.get());
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
template <typename T>
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::vector_range<T> const & obj)
- return handle(obj.get());
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::vector_slice<T> & obj)
+ {
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
template <typename T>
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::vector_slice<T> const & obj)
+ {
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::matrix_range<T> & obj)
- return handle(obj.get());
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
template <typename T>
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::matrix_range<T> const & obj)
- return handle(obj.get());
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::matrix_slice<T> & obj)
+ {
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> handle(viennacl::matrix_slice<T> const & obj)
+ {
+ return viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem>(obj.get().handle());
} //namespace traits
diff --git a/viennacl/traits/size.hpp b/viennacl/traits/size.hpp
index 59b3f1f..665c835 100644
--- a/viennacl/traits/size.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/traits/size.hpp
@@ -194,6 +194,14 @@ namespace viennacl
return vec.get().internal_size();
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<VectorType>::type
+ internal_size(viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & vec)
+ {
+ return vec.get().internal_size();
+ }
// internal_size1: No. of internal (padded) rows for matrices
@@ -206,6 +214,11 @@ namespace viennacl
typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
internal_size1(viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> const & mat) { return mat.get().internal_size1(); }
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
+ internal_size1(viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & mat) { return mat.get().internal_size1(); }
// internal_size2: No. of internal (padded) columns for matrices
@@ -217,6 +230,9 @@ namespace viennacl
typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
internal_size2(viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> const & mat) { return mat.get().internal_size2(); }
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
+ internal_size2(viennacl::matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & mat) { return mat.get().internal_size2(); }
} //namespace traits
} //namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/traits/start.hpp b/viennacl/traits/start.hpp
index f2364fb..0d70b8f 100644
--- a/viennacl/traits/start.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/traits/start.hpp
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ namespace viennacl
return 0;
// start1: Row start index
diff --git a/viennacl/traits/stride.hpp b/viennacl/traits/stride.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43dab07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viennacl/traits/stride.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Institute for Microelectronics,
+ Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
+ TU Wien.
+ -----------------
+ ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
+ -----------------
+ Project Head: Karl Rupp rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at
+ (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
+ License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
+============================================================================= */
+/** @file stride.hpp
+ @brief Determines row and column increments for matrices and matrix proxies
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
+#include "viennacl/meta/result_of.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+namespace viennacl
+ namespace traits
+ {
+ //
+ // inc: Increment for vectors. Defaults to 1
+ //
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<VectorType>::type
+ stride(VectorType const & vec) { return 1; }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<VectorType>::type
+ stride(viennacl::vector_slice<VectorType> const & s) { return s.stride(); }
+ //
+ // inc1: Row increment for matrices. Defaults to 1
+ //
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
+ stride1(MatrixType const & mat) { return 1; }
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
+ stride1(matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & s) { return s.stride1(); }
+ //
+ // inc2: Column increment for matrices. Defaults to 1
+ //
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
+ stride2(MatrixType const & mat) { return 1; }
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename result_of::size_type<MatrixType>::type
+ stride2(matrix_slice<MatrixType> const & s) { return s.stride2(); }
+ } //namespace traits
+} //namespace viennacl
diff --git a/viennacl/vector.hpp b/viennacl/vector.hpp
index 8ae4981..9af975e 100644
--- a/viennacl/vector.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/vector.hpp
@@ -103,17 +103,24 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param vec The vector over which to iterate
* @param index The starting index of the iterator
- const_vector_iterator(vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> const & vec, cl_uint index) : elements_(vec.handle()), index_(index) {};
- const_vector_iterator(viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> const & elements, cl_uint index) : elements_(elements), index_(index) {};
+ const_vector_iterator(vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> const & vec,
+ cl_uint index,
+ cl_uint start = 0,
+ vcl_ptrdiff_t stride = 1) : elements_(vec.handle()), index_(index), start_(start), stride_(stride) {};
+ const_vector_iterator(viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> const & elements,
+ cl_uint index,
+ cl_uint start = 0,
+ vcl_ptrdiff_t stride = 1) : elements_(elements), index_(index), start_(start), stride_(stride) {};
value_type operator*(void) const
value_type result;
- result = entry_proxy<SCALARTYPE>(index_, elements_);
+ result = entry_proxy<SCALARTYPE>(start_ + index_ * stride_, elements_);
return result;
- self_type operator++(void) { ++index_; return *this; }
+ self_type operator++(void) { index_ += stride_; return *this; }
self_type operator++(int) { self_type tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; }
bool operator==(self_type const & other) const { return index_ == other.index_; }
@@ -126,16 +133,20 @@ namespace viennacl
// return *this;
// }
- difference_type operator-(self_type const & other) const { difference_type result = index_; return result - other.index_; }
- self_type operator+(difference_type diff) const { return self_type(elements_, index_ + diff); }
+ difference_type operator-(self_type const & other) const { difference_type result = index_; return (result - static_cast<difference_type>(other.index_)); }
+ self_type operator+(difference_type diff) const { return self_type(elements_, index_ + diff * stride_, start_, stride_); }
- std::size_t index() const { return index_; }
+ //std::size_t index() const { return index_; }
+ std::size_t offset() const { return start_ + index_ * stride_; }
+ std::size_t stride() const { return stride_; }
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> const & handle() const { return elements_; }
/** @brief The index of the entry the iterator is currently pointing to */
viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> elements_;
- std::size_t index_;
+ std::size_t index_; //offset from the beginning of elements_
+ std::size_t start_;
+ vcl_ptrdiff_t stride_;
@@ -176,7 +187,7 @@ namespace viennacl
typename base_type::value_type operator*(void)
typename base_type::value_type result;
- result = entry_proxy<SCALARTYPE>(base_type::index_, base_type::elements_);
+ result = entry_proxy<SCALARTYPE>(base_type::start_ + base_type::index_ * base_type::stride_, base_type::elements_);
return result;
@@ -184,11 +195,11 @@ namespace viennacl
operator base_type() const
- return base_type(base_type::elements_, base_type::index_);
+ return base_type(base_type::elements_, base_type::index_, base_type::start_, base_type::stride_);
- // forward definition in VCLForwards.h!
+ // forward definition in forwards.h!
/** @brief A vector class representing a linear memory sequence on the GPU. Inspired by boost::numeric::ublas::vector
* This is the basic vector type of ViennaCL. It is similar to std::vector and boost::numeric::ublas::vector and supports various linear algebra operations.
@@ -200,6 +211,7 @@ namespace viennacl
template<class SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
class vector
+ typedef vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> self_type;
typedef scalar<typename viennacl::tools::CHECK_SCALAR_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENT<SCALARTYPE>::ResultType> value_type;
@@ -259,7 +271,7 @@ namespace viennacl
* Entries of 'vec' are directly copied to this vector.
- vector(const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & vec) :
+ vector(const self_type & vec) :
viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<SCALARTYPE, 1>::init();
@@ -276,7 +288,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Assignment operator. This vector is resized if 'vec' is of a different size.
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & vec)
+ self_type & operator=(const self_type & vec)
if (size() != 0)
@@ -294,9 +306,9 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
template <typename VectorType> //use template to cover const/non-const of VectorType:
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
//std::cout << "vector::operator=(vec_times_scalar_proxy)" << std::endl;
@@ -309,9 +321,9 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
template <typename VectorType> //use template to cover const/non-const of VectorType:
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
- op_prod> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::mult(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
@@ -323,9 +335,9 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
template <typename VectorType> //use template to cover const/non-const of VectorType:
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_div> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_div> & proxy)
//std::cout << "vector::operator=(vec_times_scalar_proxy)" << std::endl;
@@ -338,9 +350,9 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
template <typename VectorType> //use template to cover const/non-const of VectorType:
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
- op_div> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< VectorType,
+ op_div> & proxy)
//std::cout << "vector::operator=(vec_times_scalar_proxy)" << std::endl;
@@ -353,11 +365,12 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator = (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_add> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const self_type,
+ op_add> & proxy)
- resize(proxy.lhs().size());
+ assert(proxy.lhs().size() == size() && "Incompatible vector sizes!");
+ //resize(proxy.lhs().size());
//std::cout << "vector::operator=(vec_times_scalar_proxy)" << std::endl;
viennacl::linalg::add(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
return *this;
@@ -368,15 +381,21 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class.
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator = (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_sub> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const self_type,
+ op_sub> & proxy)
- resize(proxy.lhs().size());
+ assert(proxy.lhs().size() == size() && "Incompatible vector sizes!");
+ //resize(proxy.lhs().size());
//std::cout << "vector::operator=(vec_times_scalar_proxy)" << std::endl;
viennacl::linalg::sub(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this);
return *this;
+ // assign vector range or vector slice (implemented in vector_proxy.hpp)
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_range<self_type> &);
+ self_type & operator = (const vector_slice<self_type> &);
///////////////////////////// Matrix Vector interaction start ///////////////////////////////////
@@ -389,8 +408,8 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
@@ -398,17 +417,17 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
@@ -416,18 +435,18 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 = trans(A) * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
@@ -435,55 +454,55 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- op_trans >,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_trans >,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += trans(A) * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- op_trans >,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_trans >,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= trans(A) * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- op_trans >,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_trans >,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + trans(A) * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- op_trans >,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_trans >,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - trans(A) * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a dense matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <typename F, unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- op_trans >,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const matrix_expression< const matrix<SCALARTYPE, F, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ op_trans >,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
@@ -494,35 +513,35 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type compressed_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type compressed_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type compressed_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type compressed_matrix.
@@ -530,8 +549,8 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const compressed_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
op_prod> & proxy);
@@ -542,47 +561,71 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type coordinate_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type coordinate_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type coordinate_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type coordinate_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const coordinate_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
+ // ell_matrix<>
+ //
+ /** @brief Operator overload for v1 = A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type coordinate_matrix.
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class
+ */
+ template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const ell_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
+ //
+ // hyb_matrix<>
+ //
+ /** @brief Operator overload for v1 = A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type coordinate_matrix.
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class
+ */
+ template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const hyb_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
+ //
// circulant_matrix<>
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 = A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
@@ -590,45 +633,45 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const circulant_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
@@ -639,45 +682,45 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const hankel_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
// toeplitz_matrix<>
@@ -687,45 +730,45 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const toeplitz_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
@@ -736,45 +779,45 @@ namespace viennacl
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator=(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 += A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator+=(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator+=(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 -= A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator-=(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type & operator-=(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 + A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator+(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator+(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
/** @brief Operator overload for v1 - A * v2, where v1, v2 are vectors and A is a sparse matrix of type circulant_matrix.
* @param proxy An expression template proxy class
template <unsigned int MAT_ALIGNMENT>
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator-(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
- const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy);
+ self_type operator-(const vector_expression< const vandermonde_matrix<SCALARTYPE, MAT_ALIGNMENT>,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
@@ -834,7 +877,7 @@ namespace viennacl
scalar<SCALARTYPE> tmp;
cl_int err;
- err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle(), elements_, tmp.handle(), sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*index, 0, sizeof(SCALARTYPE), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(), elements_, tmp.handle().get(), sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*index, 0, sizeof(SCALARTYPE), 0, NULL, NULL);
//assert(err == CL_SUCCESS);
return tmp;
@@ -849,7 +892,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace addition of a vector
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & vec)
+ self_type & operator += (const self_type & vec)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, vec);
return *this;
@@ -857,19 +900,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace addition of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 += alpha * v2, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
- {
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
- return *this;
- }
- /** @brief Inplace addition of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 += alpha * v2, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator += (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
return *this;
@@ -877,19 +910,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace addition of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 += alpha * v2, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
- {
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
- return *this;
- }
- /** @brief Inplace addition of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 += alpha * v2, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator += (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
return *this;
@@ -897,9 +920,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace addition of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 += alpha * v2, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator += (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_div> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator += (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_div> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_div_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
return *this;
@@ -909,7 +932,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace subtraction of a vector
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & vec)
+ self_type & operator -= (const self_type & vec)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, vec);
return *this;
@@ -917,19 +940,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace subtraction of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 -= alpha * v2, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
- {
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_sub(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
- return *this;
- }
- /** @brief Inplace subtraction of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 -= alpha * v2, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator -= (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_sub(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
return *this;
@@ -937,9 +950,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace subtraction of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 -= alpha * v2, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator -= (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), -proxy.rhs());
return *this;
@@ -947,19 +960,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Inplace subtraction of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 -= alpha * v2, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy)
- {
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(*this, proxy.lhs(), -proxy.rhs());
- return *this;
- }
- /** @brief Inplace subtraction of a scaled vector, i.e. v1 -= alpha * v2, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator -= (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_div> & proxy)
+ self_type & operator -= (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_div> & proxy)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_div_sub(*this, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
return *this;
@@ -970,7 +973,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Scales this vector by a CPU scalar value
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator *= (SCALARTYPE val)
+ self_type & operator *= (SCALARTYPE val)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, val);
return *this;
@@ -978,7 +981,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Scales this vector by a GPU scalar value
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator *= (scalar<SCALARTYPE> const & gpu_val)
+ self_type & operator *= (scalar<SCALARTYPE> const & gpu_val)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, gpu_val);
return *this;
@@ -986,7 +989,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Scales this vector by a CPU scalar value
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator /= (SCALARTYPE val)
+ self_type & operator /= (SCALARTYPE val)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, static_cast<SCALARTYPE>(1) / val);
return *this;
@@ -994,7 +997,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Scales this vector by a CPU scalar value
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & operator /= (scalar<SCALARTYPE> const & gpu_val)
+ self_type & operator /= (scalar<SCALARTYPE> const & gpu_val)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_divide(*this, gpu_val);
return *this;
@@ -1006,29 +1009,19 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Adds up two vectors
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator + (const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & vec) const
+ vector_expression< const self_type, const self_type, op_add>
+ operator + (const self_type & vec) const
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(internal_size());
- viennacl::linalg::add(*this, vec, result);
- return result;
+ return vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const self_type,
+ op_add>(*this, vec);
/** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 + v2 * alpha, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator + (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
- {
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
- viennacl::linalg::mul_add(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this, result);
- return result;
- }
- /** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 + v2 * alpha, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator + (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
+ self_type operator + (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_prod> & proxy) const
vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
viennacl::linalg::mul_add(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this, result);
@@ -1037,54 +1030,35 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 + v2 * alpha, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator + (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
+ self_type operator + (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy) const
vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
viennacl::linalg::mul_add(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this, result);
return result;
- /** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 + v2 * alpha, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator + (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
- {
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
- viennacl::linalg::mul_add(proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs(), *this, result);
- return result;
- }
- //free subtraction:
+ //
+ // free subtraction:
+ //
/** @brief Implementation of result = v1 - v2
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator - (const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & vec) const
+ vector_expression< const self_type, const self_type, op_sub>
+ operator - (const self_type & vec) const
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
- viennacl::linalg::sub(*this, vec, result);
- return result;
+ return vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const self_type,
+ op_sub>(*this, vec);
- /** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 - v2 * alpha, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator - (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
- {
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
- result = *this;
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_sub(result, proxy.lhs(), proxy.rhs());
- return result;
- }
/** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 - v2 * alpha, where alpha is a GPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator - (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
+ self_type operator - (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ const scalar<SCALARTYPE>,
+ op_prod> & proxy) const
vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
result = *this;
@@ -1094,21 +1068,9 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 - v2 * alpha, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator - (const vector_expression< vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
- {
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
- result = *this;
- viennacl::linalg::inplace_mul_add(result, proxy.lhs(), -proxy.rhs());
- return result;
- }
- /** @brief Adds up two vectors, i.e. result = v1 - v2 * alpha, where alpha is a CPU scalar
- */
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> operator - (const vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>,
- op_prod> & proxy) const
+ self_type operator - (const vector_expression< const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy) const
vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> result(size_);
result = *this;
@@ -1120,7 +1082,7 @@ namespace viennacl
//free multiplication
/** @brief Scales the vector by a CPU scalar 'alpha' and returns an expression template
- vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const SCALARTYPE, op_prod>
+ vector_expression< const self_type, const SCALARTYPE, op_prod>
operator * (SCALARTYPE value) const
return vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const SCALARTYPE, op_prod>(*this, value);
@@ -1128,7 +1090,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Scales the vector by a GPU scalar 'alpha' and returns an expression template
- vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const scalar<SCALARTYPE>, op_prod>
+ vector_expression< const self_type, const scalar<SCALARTYPE>, op_prod>
operator * (scalar<SCALARTYPE> const & value) const
return vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const scalar<SCALARTYPE>, op_prod>(*this, value);
@@ -1137,7 +1099,7 @@ namespace viennacl
//free division
/** @brief Scales the vector by a CPU scalar 'alpha' and returns an expression template
- vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const SCALARTYPE, op_div>
+ vector_expression< const self_type, const SCALARTYPE, op_div>
operator / (SCALARTYPE value) const
return vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const SCALARTYPE, op_div>(*this, value);
@@ -1145,7 +1107,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Scales the vector by a GPU scalar 'alpha' and returns an expression template
- vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const scalar<SCALARTYPE>, op_div>
+ vector_expression< const self_type, const scalar<SCALARTYPE>, op_div>
operator / (scalar<SCALARTYPE> const & value) const
return vector_expression< const vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>, const scalar<SCALARTYPE>, op_div>(*this, value);
@@ -1179,7 +1141,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Swaps the entries of the two vectors
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & swap(vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & other)
+ self_type & swap(self_type & other)
swap(*this, other);
return *this;
@@ -1187,7 +1149,7 @@ namespace viennacl
/** @brief Swaps the handles of two vectors by swapping the OpenCL handles only, no data copy
- vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & fast_swap(vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> & other)
+ self_type & fast_swap(self_type & other)
assert(this->size_ == other.size_);
@@ -1222,6 +1184,7 @@ namespace viennacl
+ cl_uint(1), //increment
@@ -1318,7 +1281,7 @@ namespace viennacl
if (gpu_begin != gpu_end)
cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
- gpu_begin.handle().get(), CL_TRUE, 0,
+ gpu_begin.handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*gpu_begin.offset(),
sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*(gpu_end - gpu_begin),
&(*cpu_begin), 0, NULL, NULL);
@@ -1380,7 +1343,7 @@ namespace viennacl
std::vector<SCALARTYPE> temp_buffer(cpu_end - cpu_begin);
std::copy(cpu_begin, cpu_end, temp_buffer.begin());
cl_int err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
- gpu_begin.handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*gpu_begin.index(),
+ gpu_begin.handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*gpu_begin.offset(),
sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*(cpu_end - cpu_begin),
&(temp_buffer[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
@@ -1427,7 +1390,7 @@ namespace viennacl
//we require that the size of the gpu_vector is larger or equal to the cpu-size
cl_int err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
- gpu_begin.handle().get(), CL_TRUE, 0,
+ gpu_begin.handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * gpu_begin.offset(),
sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*(cpu_end - cpu_begin), &(*cpu_begin), 0, NULL, NULL);
@@ -1484,15 +1447,21 @@ namespace viennacl
vector_iterator<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_DEST> gpu_dest_begin)
assert(gpu_src_end - gpu_src_begin >= 0);
- if (gpu_src_begin != gpu_src_end)
+ if (gpu_src_begin.stride() != 1)
+ {
+ std::cout << "ViennaCL ERROR: copy() for GPU->GPU not implemented for slices! Use operator= instead for the moment." << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (gpu_src_begin != gpu_src_end)
cl_int err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
gpu_src_begin.handle().get(), //src handle
gpu_dest_begin.handle().get(), //dest handle
- sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * gpu_src_begin.index(), //src offset
- sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * gpu_dest_begin.index(), //dest offset
- sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * (gpu_src_end.index() - gpu_src_begin.index()), //data length
- 0, //don't know -> check!! (something related to increment?)
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * gpu_src_begin.offset(), //src offset
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * gpu_dest_begin.offset(), //dest offset
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * (gpu_src_end.offset() - gpu_src_begin.offset()), //data length
+ 0, //no events
@@ -1565,8 +1534,14 @@ namespace viennacl
viennacl::ocl::kernel & k = viennacl::ocl::get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::kernels::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::program_name(), "swap");
- viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
- viennacl::traits::handle(vec2), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)), cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
+ viennacl::ocl::enqueue(k(viennacl::traits::handle(vec1),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec1)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec1)),
+ viennacl::traits::handle(vec2),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::start(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::stride(vec2)),
+ cl_uint(viennacl::traits::size(vec2)))
diff --git a/viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp b/viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp
index d138472..f6d7107 100644
--- a/viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp
+++ b/viennacl/vector_proxy.hpp
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
#include "viennacl/range.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/slice.hpp"
#include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
+#include "viennacl/tools/entry_proxy.hpp"
namespace viennacl
@@ -31,14 +33,19 @@ namespace viennacl
template <typename VectorType>
class vector_range
- typedef vector_range<VectorType> self_type;
+ typedef vector_range<VectorType> self_type;
- typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
- typedef range::size_type size_type;
- typedef range::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef value_type reference;
- typedef const value_type & const_reference;
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
+ typedef range::size_type size_type;
+ typedef range::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef value_type reference;
+ typedef const value_type & const_reference;
+ typedef typename VectorType::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef typename VectorType::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<value_type>::type cpu_value_type;
static const int alignment = VectorType::alignment;
@@ -48,24 +55,189 @@ namespace viennacl
size_type start() const { return entry_range_.start(); }
size_type size() const { return entry_range_.size(); }
+ /** @brief Operator overload for v1 = A * v2, where v1 and v2 are vector ranges and A is a dense matrix.
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class
+ */
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value, self_type &>::type
+ operator=(const vector_expression< const MatrixType,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
template <typename LHS, typename RHS, typename OP>
- self_type & operator = (const vector_expression< LHS,
- RHS,
- OP > & proxy)
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< LHS,
+ RHS,
+ OP > & proxy)
- assert( false && "Not implemented!");
+ VectorType temp = proxy;
+ *this = temp;
return *this;
+ /** @brief Convenience function, which allows to assign a vector directly to a vector range of suitable size */
+ self_type & operator=(const VectorType & v)
+ {
+ assert(size() == v.size() && "Vector range and vector size mismatch!");
+ if (size() > 0)
+ {
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ v.handle().get(), // src buffer
+ v_.handle().get(), //dest buffer
+ 0, // src offset
+ sizeof(cpu_value_type) * start(), //dest offset
+ sizeof(cpu_value_type) * size(), //number of bytes to be copied
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function, which allows to assign a vector range directly to another vector range of suitable size */
+ self_type & operator=(const self_type & v)
+ {
+ assert(size() == v.size() && "Sizes of vector ranges don't match!");
+ if (size() > 0)
+ {
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ v.get().handle().get(), // src buffer
+ v_.handle().get(), //dest buffer
+ sizeof(cpu_value_type) * v.start(), // src offset
+ sizeof(cpu_value_type) * start(), //dest offset
+ sizeof(cpu_value_type) * size(), //number of bytes to be copied
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator +=
+ self_type & operator += (VectorType const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
self_type & operator += (self_type const & other)
viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
return *this;
+ ///////////// operator -=
+ self_type & operator -= (VectorType const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator -= (self_type const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator *=
+ self_type & operator *= (cpu_value_type const & cpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, cpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator *= (value_type const & gpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, gpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator /=
+ self_type & operator /= (cpu_value_type const & cpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, cpu_value_type(1) / cpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator /= (value_type const & gpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_divide(*this, gpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// Direct manipulation via operator() and operator[]
+ //read-write access to an element of the vector
+ /** @brief Read-write access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ entry_proxy<cpu_value_type> operator()(size_type index)
+ {
+ return entry_proxy<cpu_value_type>(index + start(), v_.get());
+ }
+ /** @brief Read-write access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ entry_proxy<cpu_value_type> operator[](size_type index)
+ {
+ return entry_proxy<cpu_value_type>(index + start(), v_.get());
+ }
- //const_reference operator()(size_type i, size_type j) const { return A_(start1() + i, start2() + i); }
- //reference operator()(size_type i, size_type j) { return A_(start1() + i, start2() + i); }
+ /** @brief Read access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ scalar<cpu_value_type> operator()(size_type index) const
+ {
+ scalar<cpu_value_type> tmp;
+ cl_int err;
+ err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(), v_.get(), tmp.handle(), sizeof(cpu_value_type)*(index + start()), 0, sizeof(cpu_value_type), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ /** @brief Read access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ scalar<cpu_value_type> operator[](size_type index) const
+ {
+ return operator()(index);
+ }
+ ///////////// iterators:
+ /** @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector (STL like)*/
+ iterator begin()
+ {
+ return iterator(v_, 0, start());
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the vector (STL like)*/
+ iterator end()
+ {
+ return iterator(v_, size(), start());
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns a const-iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector (STL like)*/
+ const_iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return const_iterator(v_, start());
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns a const-iterator pointing to the end of the vector (STL like)*/
+ const_iterator end() const
+ {
+ return const_iterator(v_, size(), start());
+ }
+ ///////////// Misc
VectorType & get() { return v_; }
const VectorType & get() const { return v_; }
@@ -74,6 +246,34 @@ namespace viennacl
VectorType & v_;
range entry_range_;
+ //implement operator= for vector:
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> &
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::operator=(const vector_range< viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> > & r)
+ {
+ assert(this->size() == r.size() && "Vector size mismatch!");
+ if (this->size() > 0)
+ {
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ r.get().handle().get(), // src buffer
+ this->handle().get(), //dest buffer
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * r.start(), // src offset
+ 0, //dest offset
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * r.size(), //number of bytes to be copied
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
template<typename VectorType>
@@ -97,7 +297,6 @@ namespace viennacl
///////////////////////// CPU to GPU ////////////////////////
- //row_major:
template <typename VectorType, typename SCALARTYPE>
void copy(const VectorType & cpu_vector,
vector_range<vector<SCALARTYPE> > & gpu_vector_range )
@@ -116,14 +315,25 @@ namespace viennacl
+ /** @brief Transfer from a cpu vector to a gpu vector. Convenience wrapper for viennacl::linalg::fast_copy(cpu_vec.begin(), cpu_vec.end(), gpu_vec.begin());
+ *
+ * @param cpu_vec A cpu vector. Type requirements: Iterator can be obtained via member function .begin() and .end()
+ * @param gpu_vec The gpu vector.
+ */
+ template <typename CPUVECTOR, typename VectorType>
+ void fast_copy(const CPUVECTOR & cpu_vec, vector_range<VectorType> & gpu_vec)
+ {
+ viennacl::fast_copy(cpu_vec.begin(), cpu_vec.end(), gpu_vec.begin());
+ }
///////////////////////// GPU to CPU ////////////////////////
- template <typename VectorType, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, typename VectorType>
void copy(vector_range<vector<SCALARTYPE> > const & gpu_vector_range,
VectorType & cpu_vector)
@@ -145,6 +355,357 @@ namespace viennacl
+ /** @brief Transfer from a GPU vector range to a CPU vector. Convenience wrapper for viennacl::linalg::fast_copy(gpu_vec.begin(), gpu_vec.end(), cpu_vec.begin());
+ *
+ * @param gpu_vec A gpu vector range.
+ * @param cpu_vec The cpu vector. Type requirements: Output iterator can be obtained via member function .begin()
+ */
+ template <typename VectorType, typename CPUVECTOR>
+ void fast_copy(vector_range< VectorType > const & gpu_vec,
+ CPUVECTOR & cpu_vec )
+ {
+ viennacl::fast_copy(gpu_vec.begin(), gpu_vec.end(), cpu_vec.begin());
+ }
+ //
+ // Convenience function
+ //
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ vector_range<VectorType> project(VectorType & vec, viennacl::range const & r1)
+ {
+ return vector_range<VectorType>(vec, r1);
+ }
+/////////////////////////////// Slice /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ class vector_slice
+ {
+ typedef vector_slice<VectorType> self_type;
+ public:
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type value_type;
+ typedef slice::size_type size_type;
+ typedef slice::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef value_type reference;
+ typedef const value_type & const_reference;
+ typedef typename VectorType::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef typename VectorType::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<value_type>::type cpu_value_type;
+ static const int alignment = VectorType::alignment;
+ vector_slice(VectorType & v,
+ slice const & entry_slice) : v_(v), entry_slice_(entry_slice) {}
+ size_type start() const { return entry_slice_.start(); }
+ size_type stride() const { return entry_slice_.stride(); }
+ size_type size() const { return entry_slice_.size(); }
+ /** @brief Operator overload for v1 = A * v2, where v1 and v2 are vector slices and A is a dense matrix.
+ *
+ * @param proxy An expression template proxy class
+ */
+ template <typename MatrixType>
+ typename viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value, self_type &>::type
+ operator=(const vector_expression< const MatrixType,
+ const self_type,
+ op_prod> & proxy);
+ template <typename LHS, typename RHS, typename OP>
+ self_type & operator=(const vector_expression< LHS,
+ RHS,
+ OP > & proxy)
+ {
+ VectorType temp = proxy;
+ *this = temp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function, which allows to assign a vector directly to a vector slice of suitable size */
+ self_type & operator=(const VectorType & v)
+ {
+ assert(size() == v.size() && "Vector slice and vector size mismatch!");
+ if (size() > 0)
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Convenience function, which allows to assign a vector slice directly to another vector slice of suitable size */
+ self_type & operator=(const self_type & v)
+ {
+ assert(size() == v.size() && "Sizes of vector slices don't match!");
+ if (size() > 0)
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator +=
+ self_type & operator += (VectorType const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator += (self_type const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_add(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator -=
+ self_type & operator -= (VectorType const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator -= (self_type const & other)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_sub(*this, other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator *=
+ self_type & operator *= (cpu_value_type const & cpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, cpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator *= (value_type const & gpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, gpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// operator /=
+ self_type & operator /= (cpu_value_type const & cpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_mult(*this, cpu_value_type(1) / cpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ self_type & operator /= (value_type const & gpu_val)
+ {
+ viennacl::linalg::inplace_divide(*this, gpu_val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ///////////// Direct manipulation via operator() and operator[]
+ //read-write access to an element of the vector
+ /** @brief Read-write access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ entry_proxy<cpu_value_type> operator()(size_type index)
+ {
+ return entry_proxy<cpu_value_type>(index * stride() + start(), v_.get());
+ }
+ /** @brief Read-write access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ entry_proxy<cpu_value_type> operator[](size_type index)
+ {
+ return entry_proxy<cpu_value_type>(index * stride() + start(), v_.get());
+ }
+ /** @brief Read access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ scalar<cpu_value_type> operator()(size_type index) const
+ {
+ scalar<cpu_value_type> tmp;
+ cl_int err;
+ err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(), v_.get(), tmp.handle(), sizeof(cpu_value_type)*(index * stride() + start()), 0, sizeof(cpu_value_type), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ /** @brief Read access to a single element of the vector
+ */
+ scalar<cpu_value_type> operator[](size_type index) const
+ {
+ return operator()(index);
+ }
+ ///////////// iterators:
+ /** @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector (STL like)*/
+ iterator begin()
+ {
+ return iterator(v_, 0, start(), stride());
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the vector (STL like)*/
+ iterator end()
+ {
+ return iterator(v_, size(), start(), stride());
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns a const-iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector (STL like)*/
+ const_iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return const_iterator(v_, 0, start(), stride());
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns a const-iterator pointing to the end of the vector (STL like)*/
+ const_iterator end() const
+ {
+ return const_iterator(v_, size(), start(), stride());
+ }
+ ///////////// Misc
+ VectorType & get() { return v_; }
+ const VectorType & get() const { return v_; }
+ private:
+ VectorType & v_;
+ slice entry_slice_;
+ };
+ //implement operator= for vector:
+ template <typename SCALARTYPE, unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> &
+ viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT>::operator=(const vector_slice< viennacl::vector<SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT> > & r)
+ {
+ assert(this->size() == r.size() && "Vector size mismatch!");
+ if (this->size() > 0)
+ viennacl::linalg::assign(*this, r);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & s, vector_slice<VectorType> const & proxy)
+ {
+ typedef typename VectorType::value_type ScalarType;
+ std::vector<ScalarType> temp(proxy.size());
+ viennacl::copy(proxy, temp);
+ //instead of printing 'temp' directly, let's reuse the existing functionality for viennacl::vector. It certainly adds overhead, but printing a vector is typically not about performance...
+ VectorType temp2(temp.size());
+ viennacl::copy(temp, temp2);
+ s << temp2;
+ return s;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////// CPU to GPU ////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename VectorType, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ void copy(const VectorType & cpu_vector,
+ vector_slice<vector<SCALARTYPE> > & gpu_vector_slice )
+ {
+ assert(cpu_vector.end() - cpu_vector.begin() >= 0);
+ if (cpu_vector.end() - cpu_vector.begin() > 0)
+ {
+ // OpenCL 1.0 version: (no use of clEnqueueWriteBufferRect())
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> temp_buffer(gpu_vector_slice.stride() * gpu_vector_slice.size());
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_vector_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*gpu_vector_slice.start(),
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*temp_buffer.size(),
+ &(temp_buffer[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<cpu_vector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ temp_buffer[i * gpu_vector_slice.stride()] = cpu_vector[i];
+ }
+ err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_vector_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*gpu_vector_slice.start(),
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*temp_buffer.size(),
+ &(temp_buffer[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////// GPU to CPU ////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename VectorType, typename SCALARTYPE>
+ void copy(vector_slice<vector<SCALARTYPE> > const & gpu_vector_slice,
+ VectorType & cpu_vector)
+ {
+ assert(cpu_vector.end() - cpu_vector.begin() >= 0);
+ if (cpu_vector.end() > cpu_vector.begin())
+ {
+ // OpenCL 1.0 version: (no use of clEnqueueWriteBufferRect())
+ std::vector<SCALARTYPE> temp_buffer(gpu_vector_slice.stride() * gpu_vector_slice.size());
+ cl_int err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(viennacl::ocl::get_queue().handle().get(),
+ gpu_vector_slice.get().handle().get(), CL_TRUE, sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*gpu_vector_slice.start(),
+ sizeof(SCALARTYPE)*temp_buffer.size(),
+ &(temp_buffer[0]), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<cpu_vector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ cpu_vector[i] = temp_buffer[i * gpu_vector_slice.stride()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Convenience function
+ //
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ vector_slice<VectorType> project(VectorType & vec, viennacl::slice const & s1)
+ {
+ return vector_slice<VectorType>(vec, s1);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
ViennaCL packaging
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