[SCM] FastJet: Fast C++ code for the kt and other jet algorithms branch, master, created. 20aee533bbea5957252f9902faafa337b5207223

Lifeng Sun lifongsun at gmail.com
Wed May 30 16:39:02 UTC 2012

The branch, master has been created
        at  20aee533bbea5957252f9902faafa337b5207223 (commit)

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
commit 20aee533bbea5957252f9902faafa337b5207223
Author: Lifeng Sun <lifongsun at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed May 23 19:11:32 2012 +0800

    Imported Debian patch 3.0.2+dfsg-1


FastJet: Fast C++ code for the kt and other jet algorithms

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