[libticalcs] 01/01: Cleanup and minor fixes.

Andreas B. Mundt andi at alioth.debian.org
Fri Aug 9 13:51:40 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

andi pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libticalcs.

commit ddbde632d85a49ebbe520411b0f0f3850715e313
Author: Andreas B. Mundt <andi at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 9 14:56:10 2013 +0200

    Cleanup and minor fixes.
    Use canonical names in URLs.  Make docs available.  Add symbols file.
 debian/control                       |    9 +-
 debian/libticalcs-dev.doc-base       |   11 ++
 debian/{docs => libticalcs2-11.docs} |    1 +
 debian/libticalcs2-11.symbols        |  215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/rules                         |    5 -
 5 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index e2cb610..8a5986a 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ Build-Depends: autopoint,
 Standards-Version: 3.9.4
 Section: libs
 Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/
-Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libticalcs.git
-Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=debian-science/packages/libticalcs.git
+Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/libticalcs.git
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/libticalcs.git
 Package: libticalcs-dev
 Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
+Multi-Arch: same
 Depends: libglib2.0-dev,
          libticalcs2-11 (= ${binary:Version}),
@@ -41,10 +42,11 @@ Description: Texas Instruments calculator communication library [development fil
  required headers and documentation.
 Package: libticalcs2-11
-Section: libs
 Architecture: any
+Multi-Arch: same
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Replaces: libticalcs2-7
 Conflicts: libticalcs2-7
 Description: Texas Instruments calculator communication library
  The libticalcs is a library providing support for communication with Texas
@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ Description: Texas Instruments calculator communication library
 Package: libticalcs2-11-dbg
 Architecture: any
+Multi-Arch: same
 Section: debug
 Priority: extra
 Depends: libticalcs2-11 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
diff --git a/debian/libticalcs-dev.doc-base b/debian/libticalcs-dev.doc-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8caf9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libticalcs-dev.doc-base
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Document: ticalcs-library-documentation
+Title: TiCalcs Library Documentation
+Author: Romain LiƩvin <roms at tilp.info>
+        The TiLP team <tilp-users at lists.sf.net>
+Abstract: This manual documents the libticalcs C API for developers that wish to
+ use the libticalcs API in their application.
+Section: Programming/C
+Format: HTML
+Index: /usr/share/doc/libticalcs-dev/html/index.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/libticalcs-dev/html/*.html
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/libticalcs2-11.docs
similarity index 75%
rename from debian/docs
rename to debian/libticalcs2-11.docs
index 6f12db5..7d452f2 100644
--- a/debian/docs
+++ b/debian/libticalcs2-11.docs
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/libticalcs2-11.symbols b/debian/libticalcs2-11.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a587e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libticalcs2-11.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+libticalcs2.so.11 libticalcs2-11 #MINVER#
+ dbus_recv at Base 1.1.8
+ dbus_send at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_ca_del at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_ca_del_array at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_ca_new at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_ca_new_array at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_data_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_delay_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_eot at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_eot_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_mode_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_os_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_param_data at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_var_content at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_r_var_header at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_dirlist_request at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_eot at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_error at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_execute at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_mode_set at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_os_begin at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_os_data at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_os_data_89 at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_os_header at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_os_header_89 at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_param_request at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_param_set at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_rts at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_var_content at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_var_delete at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_var_modify at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cmd_s_var_request at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cp_del at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cp_del_array at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cp_new at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_cp_new_array at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_get_buf_size at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_recv at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_recv_acknowledge at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_recv_buf_size_alloc at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_recv_buf_size_request at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_recv_data at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_send at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_send_acknowledge at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_send_buf_size_alloc at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_send_buf_size_request at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_send_data at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_vpkt_type2name at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_vtl_pkt_del at Base 1.1.8
+ dusb_vtl_pkt_new at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_addr_assign at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_addr_request at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_copy_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_del_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_del_folder at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_dev_infos at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_dir_attributes at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_dir_enum_done at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_dir_enum_init at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_dir_enum_next at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_echo at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_file_contents at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_file_ok at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_get_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_login at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_new_folder at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_os_install at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_progress at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_put_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_rename_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_screen_rle at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_r_status at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_copy_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_del_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_del_folder at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_dev_infos at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_dir_attributes at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_dir_enum_done at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_dir_enum_init at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_dir_enum_next at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_echo at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_file_contents at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_file_ok at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_get_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_keypress_event at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_new_folder at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_os_contents at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_os_install at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_put_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_put_file_eot at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_rename_file at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_screen_rle at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_cmd_s_status at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_recv at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_recv_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_recv_data at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_recv_disconnect at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_send at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_send_ack at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_send_data at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_send_disconnect at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_send_nack at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_send_nack_ex at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_session_close at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_session_open at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_sid2name at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_vtl_pkt_del at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_vtl_pkt_new at Base 1.1.8
+ nsp_vtl_pkt_new_ex at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_ACK at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_CTS at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_RTS at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_SKP at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_VAR2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_VAR at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_recv_XDP at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_ACK at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_CTS at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_DEL at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_DUMP at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_EOT at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_ERR at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_KEY at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_RDY at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_REQ2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_REQ at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_RTS at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_SCR at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_SKP at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_VAR2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_VAR at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_VER at Base 1.1.8
+ ti73_send_XDP at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_cable_attach at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_cable_detach at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_change_attr at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_del_var at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_dump_rom_1 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_dump_rom_2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_execute at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_features at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_get_clock at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_get_dirlist at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_get_memfree at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_get_version at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_isready at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_new_fld at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_app2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_app at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_backup2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_backup at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_cert2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_cert at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_idlist at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_screen at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_tigroup2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_tigroup at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_var2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_var at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_var_ns2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_recv_var_ns at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_rename_var at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_app2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_app at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_backup2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_backup at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_cert2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_cert at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_key at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_os2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_os at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_tigroup2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_tigroup at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_var2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_var at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_var_ns2 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_send_var_ns at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_calc_set_clock at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_clock_date2format at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_clock_format2date at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_clock_show at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_destroy at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_display at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_flash_used at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_ram_used at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_ve_add at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_ve_count at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_ve_del at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_dirlist_ve_exist at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_error_get at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_handle_del at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_handle_new at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_handle_show at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_keys_73 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_keys_83 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_keys_83p at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_keys_86 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_keys_89 at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_keys_92p at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_library_exit at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_library_init at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_memtype_to_string at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_model_to_string at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_pathtype_to_string at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_probe at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_probe_calc at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_probe_usb_calc at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_scrfmt_to_string at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_string_to_memtype at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_string_to_model at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_string_to_pathtype at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_string_to_scrfmt at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_update_set at Base 1.1.8
+ ticalcs_version_get at Base 1.1.8
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 682a4d1..a518c76 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
 # -*- makefile -*-
-# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
-# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
-# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
-# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
-# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
 # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
 #export DH_VERBOSE=1

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libticalcs.git

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