[SCM] polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings annotated tag, debian/0.8.3-1_exp1, updated. debian/0.8.3-1_exp1

Alexander Dreyer adreyer at gmx.de
Sat Feb 16 15:08:01 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, debian/0.8.3-1_exp1 has been updated
        to  72d4ee22b766cf57bac600a6780d738169eea23c (tag)
      from  6e8594919784cab903b932761398c2033fd27e73 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  dd65a7b3191db27088a05aac996803d012aff37e (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.8.2
 tagged by  Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
        on  Sat Feb 16 14:16:00 2013 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.8.3-1~exp1

Alexander Dreyer (1103):
      Added tag sunCompilesNotRuns for changeset 1cd95bc552de
      merged from dev repo
      nonlining on sun only
      change added
      CHA Changelog updated
      FIX typoe
      CHA recommendation
      CHA moved polybori/aux to polybori/auxiliary (avoid problems in FAT)
      CHA changes updated
      CHA changes updated
      Added tag v0.6.4 for changeset 287816d49ba3
      ADD: Simplified ring declaration in ipbori
      ADD: simple_nf
      ADD: Changes
      ADD: Toy Gauss
      ADD: rpath possible
      ADD: rpath possible
      FIX: strict check whether boost/python is there
      CHA: PBoRiError is now also std::exception
      experimenting with polybori interface
      FIX: ABS wrapped by #ifndef
      CHA: minimal interface for working
      CHA: experimetnal Singular-Interface
      ADD: BoolePolynomial::compare
      FIX: force to use corresponding PolyBoRi installation
      experimenting with objects
      CHA psico running in priciple
      ADD pscio operations
      ADD operations to psico
      ADD psico ( psico
      ADD () more generic
      ADD psico()
      ADD declare_ring
      FIX declare_ring in Singular-Interface
      FIX forgotten refcounting
      FIX: refcounts on lists; fallback of add to radd, mul to rmul
      Changelog update
      Added tag v0.6.5 for changeset 5d23f2000f87
      ADD: psico interface automatically maps context-changed of declare_ring to SIngular
      ADD psico import
      ADD minimal C++ example
      some clean up changes
      FIX typo
      CHA: substitute_variables needs explicit ring to be given
      CHA: moving ordering to CCuddCore
      fix fglm
      FIX: more sophisticated fglm fix
      FIX: more sophisticated fglm fix
      FIX: use of rings for fglm in other_ordering_pre
      CHA: Cleanup removing unused OrderedManager.h
      CHA: Cleanup removing unused OrderedManager.h
      CHA: Cleanup removing unused OrderedManager.h more
      CHA: Cleanup removing unused OrderedManager.h more
      CHA: simplified ordering
      CHA: merging C*OrderBase into COrderingBase
      CHA: compiles and runs again
      Merged changes
      Merged changes
      reverted wrong merge
      FIX: missing comment closing
      CHA: simplified RIng/Manager i nteraction
      CHA: removed unused Cudd relicts: prettyPrint, extra
      CHA: removed unused relict: manager()
      FIX: code now complining (unused relicts removed)
      CHA: removed relicts from Cudd's original c++ interface
      more clean-up
      FIX: using Singleton-like construct for global ring
      ADD tests
      CHA: simplified diagram interface (removed *Assign() variants)
      CHA changelog
      ADD: CExtrusivePtr
      CHA move CExtrusivePtr to different file
      minor changes
      Fix: assigments
      redesigning more
      CHA: new skeleton
      ADD: CDDFacade
      FIX refactored DD corrected
      CHA CDDFacade working
      another simplification
      CHA: removed unused relict file
      DEL relicts
      CHA moved stuff to facades
      CHA: moved file
      minor changes
      FIX better defautl value?
      FIX: BoolePolyRing() ist active ring again
      CHA: BooleRin merged into BoolePolyRing
      CHA: BooleRin merged into BoolePolyRing
      CHA: BooleRing finally merged into BoolePolyRing
      CHA: ring() return const ref now
      CHA: ring() return const ref now
      CHA: CCuddInterface can convert itselt to DdManager*,(but only privately!)
      ADD: wrapper for .* (callback) operation
      CHA: CMemberFunctionTraits gets own header
      ADD: boost/test-based unittests
      FIX: %= again
      Another test for %=
      ADD unittest for polynomias
      FIX: better sun-linker detection
      ADD tests, CHA poly.reducibleBy-> firstReducibleBy
      ADD: allow more files for unittest
      FIX: multiple tests
      FIX: unittests now all together again
      ADD: simplified testing of multiple classes
      FIX merge
      FIX: memory access violations
      CHA: idx_type unsigned
      more merging
      FIX: clarify tests
      FIX clarify mroe
      DEL CCuddDDFacade.ite() (unused but buggy)
      FIX removed obsolete test fpr ite
      FIX: corrected merge
      merged with repo
      merged newest
      CHA: better default for declare_ring's context
      FIX: block orderings do not pollute cache of likewise block orderings (with different bounds)
      FIX: block and bounded lead issues
      FIX bounded lead
      close badbranch, this approach never worked
      back to right branch
      Added tag polybori for changeset af8e1f410531
      next try
      CHA: leadExp not throwing anymore (again)
      CHA: Mor4e generic orderings
      FIX: problems discovered during unittesting
      FIX (temp) issue
      trying to fix more
      FIX: sign-issue (at least on gcc 4.1.2 -O3)
      CHA: idx_type now (signed) int again
      CHA: cached lex lead
      branches together
      cloning old branch
      FIX: test compiles again
      FIX: tests
      FIX: better coverage
      ADD: changelog entree
      ADD: more coverage, fixed checking
      CHA: UNLIKELY marker back
      FIX: make PolyGUI installable
      FIX: install PolyGUI
      ADD Singular/README
      ADD: tutorial for new features
      FIX: typo
      ADD: References to tutorial
      CHA: better names for unit tests
      CHA: recommend boost 1.36 for unittesitng
      Added tag v0.7.0rc0 for changeset b5f3aae35ff7
      FIX: ChangeLog war out-of-date
      FIX: missing files on distribution
      FIX: tutorial issues
      CHA: tutorial/ChangeLog declare_ring does not need explicit gloabls() anymore
      Added tag v0.7.0rc1 for changeset 47994f33c3e6
      FIX: corrected Cudd routine for ...nNodes()
      Added tag v0.7.0rc2 for changeset 3dd47a0bc571
      FIX: updated install information in README, picture path in gui
      FIX: hint to tutorial
      CHA: clearified tutorial
      FIX: another routine more global_ring-independent
      FIX: ChangeLog updated
      Added tag v0.7.0rc3 for changeset 2ba6d0c0c82a
      Added tag v0.7.0 for changeset 794ca6829af3
      CHA: new developing
      ADD: generic versionnumber
      FIX: making versionnumber file reading foulproof
      CHA: renaming subdir polybori libpolybori
      CHA: directory structure in libpolybori/include more standard-conforming
      CHA: adjusted distribute and devel-install target
      CHA: better library header
      DEL: unused header
      FIX: Sage bug #10797
      another function more independend from gloabl ring
      FIX: broken simplifikation in aes.py
      CHA: removed unused stuff, change directory stucture
      CHA: introducing include-subdir common
      FIX: avoid global ring in block stack
      ADD: testing term_accumulate for all orderings
      CHA: deactivating unused Cudd fucntionality
      FIX: flags for sun, Sage Trac #11083
      FIX: zero elements sf tracker id3250426, Sage Trac #11019
      FIX: Workaround for possible compiler-bug. Example HeuristicCryptoTestCase.test_ctc_3_7_20joined_la_dp_asc segfaulted when compiled with -O0
      CHA: simplified ll_red_nf_generic
      FIX: rpm generation
      CHA: Changelog completed
      FIX: removed manual dependences, which can be triggered automatically better
      FIX: avoid absolute paths in pyc files
      CHA: simplified
      FIX: removing absolute path from installed ipythonrc-polybori
      FIX: more standard-conforming spec file for rpm
      FIX: more standard-conforming rpm/spec
      FIX: soem more spec stuff
      FIX: more standard conforming rpm/spec
      FIX: more standard conforming rpm/spec
      FIX: merge
      ADD: manpage for PolyGUI
      FIX: Fedora compatible python_sitedir
      Added tag 0.7.1 for changeset 794b7af1cdc6
      FIX: merged from 0.7-1, renamed restruroing branch 0.7.2
      Removed tag 0.7.1
      FIX spec group
      Added tag v0.7.1 for changeset 7c44ac2b2b29
      FIX: tutorial building in rpm
      Added tag v0.7.1 for changeset 8e21e52e002b
      Added tag v0.7.1 for changeset 52a374b561d3
      FIX: removed erroreous spaces
      FIX: build needs latex
      FIX: distributing versionnumber
      Added tag v0.7.1 for changeset f63f545f6c4d
      FIX: more platform independent dependency
      Added tag v0.7.1 for changeset 1fd41f7ae137
      merged from 0.7.1
      HIgher version number for restructuring branch
      ADD: prepare-rpm target generates spec-file and source-tarball
      CHA: stripped more from Cudd
      CHA: cropping CUDD even more
      CHA: reverting unused Cudd file
      CHA: reverting unused Cudd file
      ADD: CNodeCounter
      CHA reverted ununsed CUDD source
      CHA: SConstruct clean up
      FIX: be compatible with upcoming m4ri
      FIX: do not recompile all of site-packages!
      FIX: namespace issue with operator<<, std:: and polybori:: (gcc >4.5)
      ADD: unittest checked on rpm generation
      FIX: 32-bit clean tests
      FIX: more compatible with old scons/gcc
      CHA: improved workaround for old scons
      FIX: better 64bit test
      FIX: This should be the 64bit test
      FIX: misleading message
      CHA: more generic 64bit detction
      CHA: libpboriCudd removed, libgroebner renamed libpolybori_groebner
      DEL: unused file
      CHA: more standard-conforming header location
      CHA: more standard conforming header locations
      FIX: suitable default release number
      CHA: simplified devel-install header search
      ADD: finally we have a config.h
      CHA: cleanup
      CHA: we do not need a throw-away builder here
      CHA: correct machtype for rpm and deb
      CHA: more code independent of active_ring
      FIX: broken config.h generation
      updated doxygen.py
      FIX: broken doxygen directory settign
      FIX: unittests
      simplified testcases
      simplified testcases
      FIX: let's support python 2.4 (in build system only)
      FIX: let's support python 2.4 (in build system only, ignoring 2.5+ features)
      FIX: rpmbuild for odler suse
      FIX: re-inforce more python 2.4 and scons 0.96 compatibility
      FIX: updated Skeleton
      CHA: constructing BooleVariable needs ring
      ADD: CFactoryBase (Currying approach)
      ADD: MonomialFactory
      ADD: PolynomialFactory
      ADD: VariableFactory
      FIX: explicte rings added
      FIX: broken merge
      FIX: API-changes -> lib->changes
      FIX: explicitely state ring
      CHA: module aes not distributed any more
      CHA: nicer text on config.h building
      ADD: SetFactory
      CHA: BoolePolyRing::variable(idx) return BooleVariable
      CHA: remove unnecessary routine
      FIX: compatible to older SCons
      CHA: VariableBlock uses VariableFactory
      CHA: moved VariableBlock to factories
      FIX: Variable access
      CHA: using VariableFactory
      FIX: newer m4ri has non-selfcontaning headers (Sage Trac #11261)
      FIX: tags
      FIX: building on ppc Mac OS X 10.4 (Sage Trac #11331)
      FIX: always return in non-void function
      FIX: unstack nested includes (where possible)
      CHA: removed cross-dependency ring/BooleSet in headers
      CHA: default constructor BooleMonomial() removed
      CHA: removing some more dependencies on active ring
      CHA: removing some more dependencies on active ring
      CHA: removing some more dependencies on active ring
      FIX: wrong syntax
      FIX: fglm caught wrong ring
      CHA: removed BooleEnv::ring() from fglm
      CHA: removed (ring-dependent) comparision operations from BooleExponent
      CHA: REducing the use of BooleEnv,, in part. gloabl have_degree_order()-> ring.has_degree_order()
      CHA: global have_degree_order() -> ring.has_degree_order()
      CHA: remvoed global change_ordering
      CHA: removed global change_ordering, get_order_code, append_ring_blocks
      CHA: removed another global_ring
      FIX: caught wrong to-ring after fglm
      CHA: more standard conforming pickling and multiprocessing
      CHA: removed more calls of global_ring()
      CHA: experimenting with RingContext
      CHA: removed unused code
      CHA: removed plain Monomial()
      CHA: Removed Polynomial([01]*)
      CHA/FIX: BooleConstant got dummy polynomial interface
      ADD: parallel improved: ring pickling, ring.id()
      removed more Polynomial(0|1)
      FIX: also transfering variable names
      CHA: compress variable names when transfered
      FIX: added explicit ring
      FIX: interpolation points given as BooleSet
      CHA: Polynomial needs explict ring now
      FIX: partially removebringing
      FIX: alternating block variabels
      CHA: removed default constructor from BooleSet
      CHA: removed access to global ring and default constructor BoolePolyRing
      FIX: moved example to doctest
      CHA: deactivated BooleEnv
      CHA: get backtrace from parallel
      FIX: better ring identifier in multiprocessing
      FIX: ring pickling optimized
      CHA: more lightweight pickling
      CHA: Use copy_reg for pickling
      CHA: ipbori does not overwrite Variable anymore
      FIX: removed monkey patch for deprecated Ring.var, blocks for some reason
      CHA: monkey patch back
      FIX: better hack
      CHA: consequent nomenclature
      next gtry
      FIX: broken term-stack
      FIX: we don't need a ring context here (doesn't work on test system)
      CHA: using ring.variable
      ADD: debug code, CHA: deactivated cache in count()
      CHA: stack types have explicit copy constructors now
      FIX: broke copy constructor
      FIX: Workaround remove parallel ring cache after use
      CHA: result vector as argument
      CHA: more assertions
      CHA: even more assertions
      CHA: even more assertions
      CHA: more, assertions
      CHA: more, assertions
      CHA: more, assertions
      CHA: more assertions
      CHA: explicit ring given
      ADD: copy construtor for PairE
      FIX: workaround: soem polynomials are made for wrong ordering, using cheap coercion here
      FIX: FGLMStrategy takes care for rings of trivial elements
      FIX: removed workaround
      ADD: initial version weak pointer supoort
      FIX: assertion only valid for lex ordering
      FIX: broken navigation
      CHA: re-activated cache for count()
      FIX: tests were not up-to-date
      ADD: weak ring pointers
      ADD: python interface now has WeakRingRef
      FIX: CAuxTypes inaccesible (issue 2 at bitbucket)
      CHA: parallel cache uses WeakRingRef
      FIX: pickling taked care of garbage collection for cached rings
      FIX: forgotten header subdirs
      ADD: unittest may be compiled with custom inclusion path
      CHA: tests use official head
      CHA: RingContext improved
      CHA: RingContext improved more, exported all factories
      ADD: also pickle other PolyBoRi types
      CHA: simplified pickling
      CHA: changelog updated
      FIX: broken but unused command in SConstruct
      FIX: broken TEST_CPPPATH
      FIX: highlevel model checking routines
      CHA: allow long lengths
      FIX: use jinja2 if available
      CHA: extracting classes from groebner_alg.h
      CHA: harvesting groebner_alg.cc and pairs.h
      CHA: groebner tables get tier own header
      CHA: minor code cleaning
      CHA: bringing member components together and harvesting nf.cc
      CHA: moved member functions to classes
      CHA: consistent naming scheme
      CHA: LiteralFactorizationIterator got its own file
      CHA: extracting ExpLexLess from randomset.cc
      ADD: inSingleBlock/in_single_block to polynomials
      CHA: extracting linear algebra und linear lex lead methods
      CHA: using established function names for header file names
      CHA: renames and moved drawmatrix to header
      Added tag v0.8.0alpha0 for changeset b3c563bdb86a
      ADD: alpha0 to versionnumber
      FIX: python 2.5+ features handled more accurately
      Added tag v0.8.0alpha0 for changeset ca457a305e67
      FIX: Avoiding SConstruct patch for Sage
      FIX: strategy initialization needs ring
      FIX: reverting variety_size_from_gb to older version (recent one was broken, see doctest for counter example)
      FIX: enforce SIZEOF_* for Cudd
      CHA: Cudd headers install into polybori include (avoid clash with other Cudd versions)
      CHA: remove workaround for unconfigured Cudd (since we patched this now)
      FIX: removed absolete ring.set() commands
      FIX: incomment line, which incompatible to std::map
      FIXreturn in used_vars
      FIX: patches found in Sage-interface rewriting
      FIX: patches found in Sage-interface rewriting (up to now: valid foe Sage only)
      CHA: deprecated ring-changing stuff, ring.set()/activate removed
      FIX: syntax python 2.4 compatible now
      FIX: recover docstrings of monkey-patched routines
      FIX: adding libpolybori (instead of polybori) to LIBPATH, removing scons-cache on 'scons -c .'
      FIX: libpolybori is indeed a dependency of libpolybori_groebner
      FIX: adding dynamic lookup for darwin platform
      FIX: using shared library instead of loadable modules for plain shared library (possible fix)
      FIX: just append flags (instead of setting)
      FIX: removed experiment from testsuite
      FIX: additional shared compile flags for darwin
      FIX: prepending source include path
      FIX: visibility hidden only for dynmaic modules (on darwin)
      CHA: releasing next alpha
      FIX: prepeding local path
      CHA: scons variable FRAMEWORKS customizable
      ADD: monomial division my be interpreted as division with remainder
      FIX: simplified ipython config, supported ipython 0.11 or later
      ADD: updated change log
      CHA version number
      Added tag v0.8.0rc0 for changeset f45be030b217
      CHA: ring default constructible (but that's a new ring in one variable)
      ADD: FGLMStrategyTest
      FIX: explicit copy constructor for FGLMStrategy
      FIX: FGLMStrategy may be copied now
      FIX: removed useless default cosntructor
      FIX: forgotten return
      FIX: changelog updated (forgotten feature)
      FIX: explicit copy constructor for FGLMStrategy
      FIX: FGLMStrategy noncopyable
      FIX: reformated GroebnerStrategy.h
      FIX: permissions in tarball fixed (scons distribute)
      FIX: tutorial updated
      FIX: ChangeLog updated
      CHA: set version number to 0.8-0
      Added tag v0.8.0rc1 for changeset 09ca6b79ac98
      FIX: also add directories expliction on distributen tarball (for setting permissions)
      CHA: simplified tarball generation
      FIX: do not bundle *.bin
      FIX: using GB_LIBS only where necessary
      FIX: using c++ command in c++ (instead of C)
      FIX: lessons lerned from cygwin, don't use snprintf in C++, boost's libs may be suffixed
      ADD: example custom.py for cygwin
      FIX: resovle dependency cycle, source tarball vs. (s)rpm
      CHA: new release script
      FIX: ensure non-empty matrices for mzd_transpose
      FIX: changelog updated
      FIX: finalizing new release.sh
      Added tag v0.8.0rc2 for changeset 6fc8ffea243a
      FIX: release.sh more generic
      FIX: release.sh shows finalparent
      FIX: typoe in release.sh
      Added tag v0.8.0rc2 for changeset f7e18021ab78
      FIX: typo in dir in release.sh
      Added tag v0.8.0rc2 for changeset 0f488bc7126e
      CHA: STRIPLINKFLAGS=[] per default
      FIX: spec file (for rpm) updated and improved
      FIX: libpolybori is a LIBS dependency of libpolybori_groebner (not a source)
      CHA: update spec file for rpm gneeration
      Added tag v0.8.0 for changeset ec191e5da895
      Added tag v0.8.0rc3 for changeset 8f03001aa143
      CHA: release.sh safer
      FIX: linking via library name, not full filename
      Removed tag v0.8.0
      ADD: CUSTOM_LINKFLAGS (replaces STRIPLINKFLAGS), treating of install_name on darwin
      FIX: static lib renamed (make clear what to link), added explicit interdependence of polybori libs
      FIX: possible race condition directory generation
      FIX: relative symlinks in current dir, shared libs in main directory
      FIX: platform independent globbing
      Added tag v0.8.0rc4 for changeset 6837fcf81fa1
      FIX: bundle extension
      FIX: gentoo-prefix on darwin: link issues
      FIX: install libPyPolyBoRi (darwin only)
      CHA: debian support updated
      CHA: experimenting with loaderpath
      preparing install_name correction
      FIX: issues on gentoo-prefix (on darwin) resolved
      FIX: screwed up dependencies
      FIX: install_name always given (darwin)
      FIX: better install_name call
      FIX: generic module file suffix
      ADD: absolute install_name may be used on darwin
      CHA: debug output
      FIX: wrong dependency
      FIX: do not try to install_name_tool a static lib
      FIX: Need explicite path here
      FIX: guess m4ri compile-flags (See Sage's Trac #11574)
      fix: only check config.header
      FIX: really activate flag
      FIX: append flags also needed here
      upstream version for debian
      upstream version for debian
      FIX: release script
      FIX release script
      FIX: install instead of recursive copy (not so process-safe)
      Added tag v0.8.0rc5 for changeset cb36ff4f88a8
      FIX: Install python extension only if built
      Added tag v.0.8.0rc5 for changeset 09c49e374043
      Removed tag v.0.8.0rc5
      Added tag v0.8.0rc5 for changeset 423f905ec2f9
      Backporting build improvements to 0.7.1
      forgotten file
      FIX: wrong names on backport
      FIX: also install dylibs
      FIX: libs should work withpur python extension
      FIX: libs should work withpur python extension
      libm4ri compatibility (TWO_POW deprecated)
      FIX: more compatible m4ri includes
      CHA: introducoing 0.7.2
      FIX: snprintf may not be available on c++98
      Added tag v0.7.2 for changeset c24e572e84a2
      Closing 0.7.2 branch
      FIX: removing duplicated sub-version on distribute
      CHA: using PBORI_ASSERT and PBORI_NDEBUG instead of assert and NDEBUG
      CHA: better empty command
      Added tag v0.8.0 for changeset 260716c2c188
      CHA: ipbori is now an all-python script
      CHA: PyPolyBoRi now uses shared libs
      FIX: polybori/dynamic/__init__.py now generated
      FIX: PyPolyBoRi.so needs LIBPATH
      FIX: libpolybori_python also need LIBPATH
      FIX: allow int argument for Ring
      FIX: minimal import, fixed doctest
      CHA: even less imports
      FIX dependence on rpm generation
      #11574: add -msse2 only of __M4RI_HAVE_SSE2 is defined *and* nonzero
      CHA: also test for oldstyle m4ri macros
      ADD: use __M if available
      FIX: split  LINKFLAGS
      FIX: Darwin compatibility partially reestablished
      FIX: broken install target and restablushed darwin compatibility
      CHA: using lib targets (not names), removed Singular interface (use Singular's python extension)
      FIX: typo
      FIX: simplified lib generation
      FIX: pyroot/polybori/dynamic/__init__.py generated when build is built
      FIX: be more verbose
      FIX: copy locals() dict before iterating
      FIX: import whole os.environ into build environment to support envornment-based compiler setups
      FIX: relative paths substitutest wrt. env
      CHA: simplified relative rpath
      FIX: typo, help text generated last
      FIX: simplified flags options
      CHA: consistent flag handling
      CHA: Warn for inconsistent fglm arguments
      FIX: ring.clone(ordering=lp) always effective
      CHA: improved default flags handling (for LINKFLAGS)
      CHA: comment to README
      FIX: using weakref.proxy for handling cross-ref
      CHA: more user of consistent flags
      FIX: python 2.4 compatible build
      FIX permissions
      FIX: Monkey patch env.Install/As to fix permissions after install
      FIX permissions on install
      FIX: wrong argument order
      CHA: started to implement ipbori's doctest runs
      CHA: ipbori -t runs PolyBoRi's doctests
      FIX: installed ipbori shows versionnumber
      CHA: Get version number, if not installed
      minimal example
      FIX: ipbori -t file.py
      ADD: doctest for frontned
      FIX: unique module names for file arguments to ipbori -t
      FIX: some polybori modules have optional dependencies
      FIX: more generic skipping of optional components
      FIX: reestablished python 2.4 compatibility
      FIX: better prereq-test
      FIX: prereq for context
      FIX: python version check while doctesting
      FIX: using real file name (not link)
      FIX: erroreous check-in
      CHA: More generic check for prerequisites of optional modules
      CHA: clean-up
      FIX: alpha versionnumber which is not misinterpreted as suffix of tar-files
      ADD: ipbori -t to rpm'n %check
      FIX: forgotten endif
      CHA: renamed _prereq -> _exists (hopefully more speaking)
      FIX: broken warning
      CHA: Check whether gdImagePng is linking on configuring
      CHA: better warning of gd-based png-generation fails
      CHA: code clean-up in Reduction strategy
      CHA: code clean-up in red_tail
      CHA: added comment, removed unused member function
      FIX: recovering erroreously removed optimization
      CHA: introducing subprocedures for ReductionStrategy::setupSetsForElement
      CHA: refactorizing ReductionStrategy more
      CHA: updateLLReductor simplified
      ADD: starting proper class PolyEntryVector
      CHA: making PolyEntryVector saver
      CHA: some more code clean-up
      CHA: more clean-up
      CHA: add consistent PolyEntry=poly
      ADD: PolyEntryIndices (extracted from PolyEntryVector, CHA: llReductors from ReductionStrategy updates more smoothly
      FIX: fallback return value PolyEntryIndices
      ADD: ReductionOptions
      CHA: PolyEntryVector now consistent
      CHA: moved more functionality to ReductionTerms
      ADD: class LLReductor
      ADD: TermsFacade and MinimalLeadingTerms
      CHA: consistent names
      FIX: minimal leading terms cleanup
      FIX: removed broken copy constructor of LLReductor
      FIX removed unnecessary check
      FIX: MonomialTerms need mass update here
      FIX: partially reverting previous patch, more sophisticated fix found
      FIX: to avoid bugs like the previous one make PolyEntry's constructor explicit
      FIX: hopefully finally fixed PolyEntryVector::push_back issue
      CHA: hopefully better fix
      CHA: removed unused code
      CHA: removed debug code
      FIX workaround for mult6x6mit_lp
      CHA: useful comment
      CHA: minaor cleanup in GroebnerStrategy
      ADD: BooleSet::rExpBegin, rExpEnd
      CHA: simplified tail reductions in GroebnerStrategy
      CHA: simplified tail reductions in GroebnerStrategy more
      ADD you may consistently assign to a PolyEntryReference now
      CHA PolyEntryReference onyl gets what it needs
      CHA: removing redundant code
      CHA minor clean up in GroebnerStrategy
      CHA simplified code more
      CHA: more cleanup in GroebnerStrategy
      CHA: moved llReduceAll to ReductionStrategy
      FIX: GroebnerStrategy::propagate_step ore stable without recursion
      CHA: rewriteen propagation
      CHA: propagate more simplified
      CHA propagate more readable
      PolyEntryIndices::insert back inline again
      FIX: saver improvement check
      CHA: simplified GroebnerStrategy
      ADD: simplified GroebnerStrategy::addGenerator!
      CHA: nonrecursive and simplified GroebnerStrategy::addGEnerator
      CHA: GroebnerStrategy::addGenerator simplified
      CHA: simplified more
      CHA: simplified Singletn criterion
      FIX: poly-> PolyEntry implicitly convertible
      CHA: removed useless explicit
      CHA: ReductionStrategy::setupSetsForLastElement removed (saver now)
      CHA: simplified addGenerator again
      CHA: better naming
      ADD class NormalPairsTreatment for treatNormalPairs
      FIX: PolyEntryVector::append now virtual (avoid incosistencies when casting)
      CHA: using NormalPairsTreatment in ReductionTerms
      CHA: some formating
      FIX: forbit TermsFacade::= to avoid inconsistence
      FIX: forbit some more assignments
      CHA: simplified line
      ADD: Monomial variant of minimal_elements_divided
      FIX minimal_elements_multiplied usable again (though not used)
      CHA: simplied arguments to NormalPairsTreatment
      CHA some formatting
      CHA: explicitely set empty NormalPairTreatment
      CHA: using poly's nice division for BooleSet also
      ADD: helper for generating NormalPairsTreatment
      CHA: improved and better documented normal pairs' relevant terms
      ADD: doctests
      ADD: binary member_function_operator fir unary member functions
      ADD: class RelatedTerms as helper for pair treatment
      FIX: forgotten new file
      ADD: BooleSetSequence
      FIX: making operator more stable
      ADD: Using more general TransformedSequence to transform on the fly
      CHA: Simplified handling of normal pairs
      FIX: forgotten file
      CHA: simplified addHigherImplDelayedUsing4
      CHA: simplified addHigherImplDelayedUsing4 more
      CHA: member function is actually const
      CHA: simplified GroebnerStrategy's addHigherImplDelayedUsing4 and add4ImplDelayed
      CHA: extracting newly introduced classes from other classes sources
      CHA: more new classes got their files
      FIX: corrected creatorship
      ADD: GroebnerOptions outsourced
      FIX: same_rings is generally available now
      ADD: strategy refactoring -> ChangeLog
      CHA: move TransformedSequence to a suitable location
      CHA: move WekRingPtr to a suitable location
      CHA: simplified GroebnerStrategy::addAsYouWish
      CHA: simplified PairManager
      CHA: more simplification
      ADD PairManagement
      CHA simplified PairManagement
      CHA: clean up in PairManagement
      CHA: consistent naming
      ADD: RingMap for convenient ring changing
      ADD NextSpoly, CheckChainCriterion, reactivated PairManager
      CHA: PairManger back in action
      CHA renamed PairManagement -> PairManagerFacade
      FIX: typo (in nonactive code)
      FIX: lessons learned from rpmlint
      FIX: saver docstring concatenation
      FIX: rpm-ownership of directories
      CHA: merged with cudd 2.5.0
      CHA: prefixing out forked Cudd functions to avoid nameclash with original Cudd
      FIX: also prefixing DdManager to pbori_DdManager (maybe incompatible with original Cudd)
      FIX prefixed Cudd's internal  MM*
      FIX: consistently using macro PBORI_FORCE_ORIGINAL_CUDD
      CHA: updating libM4RI to 20111203
      FIX: fallback m4ri is configured during configuring only, cleanup added
      Added tag cudd2.5.0 for changeset e4ee8f86d47a
      Added tag m4ri20111203 for changeset 39c6970ad082
      FIX: ChangeLog updated
      CHA: preparing v0.8.1rc0
      Added tag v0.8.1rc0 for changeset dc9f22f27b70
      FIX: version numbers for deb
      FIX: m4ri called exit in library code
      CHA: prefixing LIKELY and UNLIKELY
      FIX: removed duplicated stuff in Cudd's docu
      FIX: parenthesis for saver '
      FIX: rpm generation improved
      FIX: All PolyBoRi-related macros prefixed PBORI_ (but SIZEOF_*)
      FIX: unecessary builds in rpm generation skipped
      ADD: optional use od m4ri rpm
      ADD comment in spec
      FIX: better scons macro in spec
      FIX -Wall checked
      FIX skipping C++-incompatible code from M4RI's headers (C++98 vs. C99)
      FIX: checking for long long in C++ 98
      CHA: avoid long long
      FIX: nonlonlong check
      CHA: simplified use of pseudo-long-longs
      CHA: moved classes to own files
      ADD DelayedLongProductTest
      CHA: improved long-long-less check for 64bitted longs
      ADD: explaining comments
      FIX: more portable test
      FIX: removed erroreous check-in of leadingTerms.h
      FIX: undefined statics avoided
      FIX: inherit from python's object
      FIX: don't check random part of random doctest
      CHA: using static function here
      FIX: better product range check
      CHA: using enums instead of static constants
      CHA: delayed comparison optimizes
      CHA: removed unused delayed product comparison
      ADD test for Long64From32BitsPair
      FIX: filter opt_,use_,... from groebner_basis options and give to implementation
      FIX: better delayed product
      Added tag v0.8.1rc1 for changeset ce71a9837085
      FIX: 32 Bits compatible test
      CHA: Use software product
      CHA: Use test more platform independent
      CHA: more eloquent debian generation
      CHA: broken rules
      CHA: broken rules
      CHA: simplify control
      CHA: verbosify rules
      FIX: correct boost_python name for debian
      FIX: debian rules
      do not distribute generated stuff from M4RI
      FIX Hopefully found correct rules
      FIX improved rules even more
      FIX more generic rules
      FIX more generic rules
      FIX: minimal boost versionnumber back
      FIX exclude pattern for distribution
      CHA renamed DelayedLongProduct to PseudoLongProduct
      FIX: undef macro before changing
      Added tag v0.8.1rc2 for changeset 84573c44dafb
      FIX: build works without python extension
      FIX: more idependence from actual interface implementation
      Added tag v0.8.1rc3 for changeset 47664b4d034c
      FIX PolyGUI relocatable
      Added tag v0.8.1rc4 for changeset df3622b879a7
      FIX: import with_statement for doctests for python 2.5
      FIX: install dlls on cygwin executable
      CHA: PyPolyBoRi.py is smart: select Sage's interface if available
      FIX: alternative interface import
      Added tag v0.8.1rc5 for changeset 660a603e0ce1
      FIX: cygwin support reestablished
      FIX: dot is a prerequsite for doctesting polybori.plot
      Added tag v0.8.1rc6 for changeset b3a12752980c
      Added tag v0.8.1 for changeset e67f89018001
      corrected qt requirements of the gui package
      CHA incremented version number
      FIX removing locales pkgs/rpm/PolyBoRi.spec.in
      FIX: prerequisites check for testing plot.py
      FIX dependency m4ri
      CHA: pushing verison number again
      FIX preprocessor misconception.
      FIX explict name lookups (in template base)
      FIX typo in function call
      CHA support not to prefix Cudd stuff (#define PBORI_USE_ORIGINAL_CUDD to do so)
      FIX: list access to ideal, which might be represented as a set here
      FIX: doxygen comment
      FIX use as few libs as possible
      CHA: changelog updated
      FIX: not assuming ideal is list in gbcore
      FIX: work around wrong tool chain on sun
      FIX: reverting previous check-in: custom.py unusable on sunos
      FIX gcc components on sun
      FIX compatbile with IPython 0.12+ (and 0.11 and older)
      FIX: wrong variable name
      FIX: replaceing deprecated os.popen with subprocess.Popen
      CHA: only utilizing __M4RI_SIMD_CFLAGS (instead of full __M4RI_CFLAGS)
      FIX: using subprocess.Popen's communicate() to avoid deadlocks in SConstruct
      FIX: doxygen can be switched on again
      FIX: detect_compiler|detect_linker compatible with multi-word CC
      FIX: ring.clone() was not active partially
      FIX: draw_matrices given to groebner implementation
      ADD: Use m4ri for png generation (oinstead of gd), if possible
      FIX: profiled uses new-style ordering changing
      FIX: avoid to sort on translate_back
      CHA preparing rc for 0.8.2
      CHA: postponing work on conversion branch
      CHA: ChangeLog updated
      FIX: profiled uses new-style ordering changing
      ADD: Use m4ri for png generation (instead of gd), if possible
      Added tag 0.8.2rc0 for changeset 13ebe584c0ac
      FIX: debian changelog
      Modern c++ patch from http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12818
      Added tag release-0.8.2rc1 for changeset 8aed782d9baf
      Added tag 0.8.2rc1 for changeset 30d6854b9e1a
      FIX: not using x(i) in doctest
      Added tag 0.8.2rc2 for changeset 08f2b8063e5e
      FIX: BooleMonomial(ring).index() fixed (Sage's Trac #13133)
      Removed tag release-0.8.2rc1
      FIX unusual tag convention
      Added tag v0.8.2rc3 for changeset 0ab276947c2c
      FIX: broken sunos setup (see Sage's Trac #13124)
      ADD: new option groebner_basis(..., fglm_bound=40000): avoids fglm if variety size exceeds
      ADD: groebner_basis(..., fglm_bound=40000) to ChangeLog
      Backed out changeset eb20d3d5c759
      Backed out changeset 2e381089bfa8
      Added tag v0.8.2 for changeset 19b456b978d9
      ADD: new option groebner_basis(..., fglm_bound=40000): avoids fglm if variety size exceeds
      ADD: groebner_basis(..., fglm_bound=40000) to ChangeLog
      CHA: bump version number
      Fix: detection of boost_* libraries
      CHA: updated Changelog
      Fix: more stable (stripped!) access to $PYTHON in env
      Fix otool arguments
      Fix: Always determine a boost version
      Fix: breaking chicken-egg problem: skip python docs for external extension
      Add polybori/embed.h
      Fix: doc/python depend on python module
      Fix: adding string end to matrix names; more verbose error when skipping 0-dim png
      PolyGUI running again
      Fix: PolyGUI forgets some options
      Updated sf release repo
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.2'
      make LIBRARY_VERSION customizable
      Switching to new debian standards
      Enforcing debhelper>=9
      Separate binary package libpolybori-groebner, added -dbg
      cme fix dpkg-control, .. dpkg-copyright
      Added Package transition
      supporting pkg-config's .pc files
      Supporting polybori.pc
      Improved rendering in tex2html
      Multi-archizing debian build
      Fixing some more multiarch issues
      Splitting PolyBoRi's dev packages
      Support parallel deb build
      Dump version number
      more generic .pc file generation
      more generic .pc file generation
      Package version now 0.8-2, fixed  install paths
      using dh
      Fix change assertion to exception (user-triggerable)
      Support multiple python-versions
      Consistent version numbering
      Added .symbols files
      Added copyright texts for Cudd and M4RI
      Added master package 'polybori', and 'polybori-gui'
      Upstream fix for PolyGUI from commits 72e6bf8dc and e3dd38cfb2
      Added .desktop file for PolyGUI
      Enforcing PEP8
      Fixed broken identation
      Unapply patches
      SContruct takes care of temporary files in doc
      Using version naming scheme as discussed with Debian people
      Support PolyGUI.desktop
      Cleanup patched
      Enforce dependency on libm4ri
      Correct .symbols files' names
      Fixed minor issues from todo list
      Drop unused files from Cudd due to ensure DFSG
      Pep8ify python modules
      Dropped files from Cudd with possibly unfree licenses
      Fixed and discussed most todos now
      Fixed file modes
      Removed setuptools from install target
      Removed obsolute stamp deleting
      Adding ipbori2 and ipbori2.x for multiple python support
      adding build directory to clean target
      Adding PolyGUI2 and PolyGUI2.x for multiple python support
      Cleaner ipbori2 and PolyGUI2 scripts
      Cleaning finally removed build directory
      Also add PolyGUI2*.desktop
      support side-by-side docu for multiple pytohns
      cleaning .sconsign.dblite last
      Fix remove build directory if it contains symlinks (work around bug for old scons)
      Smark hasbang lines for ipbori* and PolyGUI*, more generic .desktop
      More generic app and tool names
      dividing platform dependent and independent docs
      inconsistent doxygen setting
      rpm generation updated
      Experimenting with downloading m4ri
      Skipping .symbols support for now (general c++ library issues)
      Removing M4RI directory (downloaded on demand now)
      build path for m4ri
      Append m4ri to LIBS if and only if necessary
      Also binaries need libm4ri...
      fixed cleaning for missiong doxygen
      Fix dependencies for documentation master html; more targets
      Setting sane default values
      Start releasing 0.8.3...
      Removed bashism in release tag
      M4Ri not available anymore
      Fixed position of python doc generator
      Forgot to install convenience header include/polybori.h
      broken rpm spec
      Updating .deb data (should be obsolete soon: package scheduled)
      rpm spec file corrected once again
      Fixes rpmlint suggests
      Experimenting with  rpm spec again
      next try
      tried to get spec build more stable and added -g to .a libs
      minor changes
      Fix names of man files
      FIx License string
      reverted premature partial check-in
      fixed m4ri part of spec file
      smoother handling of fallback download of libm4ri
      PIL/pillow compatible Image* (suggested by Jerry James)
      Syntax error removed
      another syntax
      race condition again...
      ADD: groebner_basis(..., fglm_bound=40000) to ChangeLog
      CHA: bump version number
      Fix: detection of boost_* libraries
      CHA: updated Changelog
      Fix: more stable (stripped!) access to $PYTHON in env
      Fix otool arguments
      Fix: Always determine a boost version
      Fix: breaking chicken-egg problem: skip python docs for external extension
      Add polybori/embed.h
      Fix: doc/python depend on python module
      Fix: adding string end to matrix names; more verbose error when skipping 0-dim png
      PolyGUI running again
      Fix: PolyGUI forgets some options
      Updated sf release repo
      make LIBRARY_VERSION customizable
      supporting pkg-config's .pc files
      Improved rendering in tex2html
      more generic .pc file generation
      Fix change assertion to exception (user-triggerable)
      Enforcing PEP8
      Fixed broken identation
      SContruct takes care of temporary files in doc
      Using version naming scheme as discussed with Debian people
      Support PolyGUI.desktop
      Dropped files from Cudd with possibly unfree licenses
      Adding ipbori2 and ipbori2.x for multiple python support
      adding build directory to clean target
      Adding PolyGUI2 and PolyGUI2.x for multiple python support
      Cleaner ipbori2 and PolyGUI2 scripts
      Cleaning finally removed build directory
      Also add PolyGUI2*.desktop
      support side-by-side docu for multiple pytohns
      cleaning .sconsign.dblite last
      Fix remove build directory if it contains symlinks (work around bug for old scons)
      Smark hasbang lines for ipbori* and PolyGUI*, more generic .desktop
      dividing platform dependent and independent docs
      inconsistent doxygen setting
      rpm generation updated
      Experimenting with downloading m4ri
      Removing M4RI directory (downloaded on demand now)
      build path for m4ri
      Append m4ri to LIBS if and only if necessary
      Also binaries need libm4ri...
      fixed cleaning for missiong doxygen
      Fix dependencies for documentation master html; more targets
      Setting sane default values
      Start releasing 0.8.3...
      Removed bashism in release tag
      M4Ri not available anymore
      Fixed position of python doc generator
      Forgot to install convenience header include/polybori.h
      broken rpm spec
      Updating .deb data (should be obsolete soon: package scheduled)
      rpm spec file corrected once again
      Fixes rpmlint suggests
      Experimenting with  rpm spec again
      next try
      tried to get spec build more stable and added -g to .a libs
      minor changes
      Fix names of man files
      FIx License string
      reverted premature partial check-in
      fixed m4ri part of spec file
      smoother handling of fallback download of libm4ri
      PIL/pillow compatible Image* (suggested by Jerry James)
      Syntax error removed
      another syntax
      race condition again...
      Added tag v0.8.3rc0 for changeset de8f5b23d3ca
      Removed .pc from .gitignore (confusing)
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Updating sources to upstream rc0 of 0.8-3 (include learned lessons)
      .desktop file may not have TerminalOptions anymore
      prepare-install only builds python stuff if HAVE_PYTHON_EXTENSION
      same for docs
      Another mkdir race condition found
      removing virtually duplicated lines
      Next try: avoiding race condition on directories again...
      forgotten target dynlibs in 'install'
      Removed unnessary (and possibly invalid) dependency
      Added tag v0.8.3rc1 for changeset 7e90c7c8875a
      .desktop file may not have TerminalOptions anymore
      prepare-install only builds python stuff if HAVE_PYTHON_EXTENSION
      same for docs
      Another mkdir race condition found
      removing virtually duplicated lines
      Next try: avoiding race condition on directories again...
      forgotten target dynlibs in 'install'
      Removed unnessary (and possibly invalid) dependency
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Release canidate 1 of PolyBoRi 0.8.3
      Removed obsolete patch
      Make use of independent target for documentation.)
      Improved handling of *indep targets
      Improved handling of *indep targets
      Fix syntax error
      Adding plain dh_auto_install and dh_auto_build to the overriden targets
      Add target only if they can be build
      reverted (checkout) SConstruct to upstream
      fixing detection of libm4ri's png
      Adding unittest building and execution
      Correct pre-release numbering
      Correctly detecting libm4ri's png support
      hevea had been deprecated some time
      Avoid to many python doc copies
      Generate doc/python* only if necessary
      Added gd to dependencies in case that libm4ri is not build mit png support
      checked debian files with 'cme fix'
      Moving recurring config variables to custom.py; better test target
      Using DESTDIR, move more config stuff to custom.py
      Removing unused Pre-Depends:
      -dev packages not multiarch (config.h); python-polybori dies not depend on the -dev packages
      ensure that tests take desired build
      Ensure ipbori2.x and PolyGUI2.x access the desired modules
      Developer's version of pyroot/polybori/dynamic uses version specific settigns
      pyroot version specific
      Ensure ipbori2.x and PolyGUI2.x access the desired modules
      Using DESTDIR instead of TMPINSTALLDIR
      ensuredir should obey env
      ensuredir should obey env
      Don't store temp config as py module
      Store temp config as plain file
      Supporting subrevisions like 0.8-3.1
      Avoids possibly undefined variable key
      Added tag v0.8.3_rc2 for changeset fb3bb23e5d9d
      Add target only if they can be build
      Correctly detecting libm4ri's png support
      Generate doc/python* only if necessary
      Developer's version of pyroot/polybori/dynamic uses version specific settigns
      Ensure ipbori2.x and PolyGUI2.x access the desired modules
      Using DESTDIR instead of TMPINSTALLDIR
      ensuredir should obey env
      Don't store temp config as py module
      Supporting subrevisions like 0.8-3.1
      Avoids possibly undefined variable key
      Updating sources to rc2 of PolyBoRi 0.8.3
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Added tag v0.8.3 for changeset 71fae0d4ba4b
      Merge ../polybori.upstream into upstream
      Updating sources to PolyBoRi 0.8.3
      Refined deps
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Remove libm4ri from explicit dependency of libpolybori-groebner

Dominik Stahl (3):
      ADD initial GUI version
      auto fields introduced

Felix Salfelder (18):
      Initialize git-dpm
      merge patched into master
      record new upstream branch
      imported from obsolete debian-science svn. 2 commits
      move documentation from libpolybori-* to polybori-doc
      debian update
      updated control
      complete transition to debhelper
      control.in no longer needed
      add doc/Makefile to assist cleaning.
      merge patched into master
      add doc/Makefile to assist cleaning.
      record new upstream branch
      merge patched into master
      adaptions to 0.8.2
      fix long lines in control
      + dh_makeshlibs
      new upstream release

Florian Heiderich (18):
      CHA: clarify docstring
      CHA:  New release in Changelog added
      FIX: Added __hash__ to BooleRing
      Added description of value() in CCuddNavigator
      FIX: Corrected typo
      CHA: Replaced "value" by "index"
      CHA: Replaced "knot" by "node"
      CHA: Code formating
      FIX: Corrected tutorial (example adapted to specialsets.py)
      FIX: Adapted example to new name of res.cartesian_product()
      ADD: Added description for HigherOrderBlocks
      ADD: Docstrings
      ADD: Docstring
      ADD: Comment
      ADD: Class to handle Boolean polynomials over finite direct products of F_2
      FIX: Necessary changed due to internal changed of other polybori classes
      FIX: type conversion

Jakub Wilk (2):
      Imported Debian patch 0.5~rc1-2.1

Jerry James (2):
      Import of order codes fixed
      Missing "case" keywords in cuddObj.cc and CCuddInterface.h; typo in main_wrapper.cc; fixes doxygen code

Ket Kalda (95):
      first commit
      ADD: BooleMonomial tests for LCM and GCD
      ADD: BooleMonomial tests for logical operators and small methods
      ADD: BooleVariable tests started
      ADD: BooleVariable tests continued
      ADD: BooleVariable tests comment added
      ADD: BooleVariableTest comments added for all nonworking lines
      ADD: BooleSetTest started
      ADD: BooleSetTest continued
      ADD: BooleSetTest continued
      ADD: BooleSetTest continued
      ADD: BooleSetTest continued
      ADD: BooleSetTest continued
      ADD: BooleSetTest finished
      ADD: BooleExponentTest empty file
      ADD: BooleExponentTest divide, multiply. BooleMonomialTest and BooleVariableTest expanded.
      ADD: BooleExponentTest multiply expanded.
      ADD: BooleExponentTest multiplyFirst.
      ADD: BooleExponentTest LCM and GCD.
      ADD: BooleExponentTest add_remove, BooleMonomialTest constructor.
      ADD: BooleExponentTest continued.
      ADD: BooleExponentTest done. BooleMonomialTest small addition.
      ADD: Merged after update. Tests changed appropriately.
      FIX: BooleExponent::popFirst assert replaced with if condition
      FIX merged
      ADD: BooleExponent constructor from BooleMonomial, appropriate tests
      ADD: BoolePolyRingTest
      ADD: BoolePolyRingTest::test_variables
      ADD: BoolePolyRingTest tests continued
      ADD: BoolePolyRingTest::test_ordering and test_dd_type
      ADD: BoolePolyRingTest::test_coerce
      ADD: BoolePolyRingTest::test_constructor and test_hash
      ADD: BooleConstantTest
      ADD: BooleEnvTest
      ADD: BooleEnvTest
      ADD: BooleEnvTest::test_dd_type, test_variables, test_ordering
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest started
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest and BooleEnvTest continued
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest and BooleEnvTest continued
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest and BooleEnvTest continued
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest::divideFirst
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest::test_divide, test_multiples
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest::test_multiples more bugs, comments
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest::tests
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest::tests continued
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest implies and refCount
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest ring and constructors
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest ite constructor
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest nNodes
      ADD: CCuddDDFacadeTest == and !=
      ADD: empty LexOrderTest.cc
      ADD: unittests_facades
      ADD: LexOrderTests::testproperties, test_getters
      ADD: LexOrderTests::test_compare
      ADD: LexOrderTests::test_lead
      ADD: LexOrderTests::test_blocks
      ADD: DegLexOrderTest
      ADD: DegLexOrderTest buggy example
      ADD: DegRevLexAscOrderTest
      ADD: BlockDegLexOrderTest
      ADD: BlockDegRevLexAscOrderTest
      ADD: test_compare_blocks
      ADD: test_lead_blocks
      ADD: todo added
      ADD: todo added
      ADD: todos added for tests
      FIX: lieInSameBlock endless loop
      FIX: rename isDegreeReverseLexicograpical
      ADD: CBlockOrderingFacade started
      ADD: CBlockOrderingFacade continued
      ADD: appendBlock checks
      ADD: BlockDegRevLexAscOrder inherits from CBlockOrderingFacade
      ADD: leadIterator fcts moved to COrderingFacade FIX:remove m_indices from BlockDegRevLexAscOrder
      FIX: leadIterator fcts cleaned from orderings
      changed BOOST_CHECK to .._EQUAL or ..._NE wherever applicable in the block tests
      changed BOOST_CHECK to .._EQUAL or ..._NE wherever applicable in the ordering tests
      changed BOOST_CHECK to .._EQUAL or ..._NE wherever applicable in the booles, facades tests
      cvs relicts removed(@internal blocks)
      ordering tests expanded for lead(poly=1), lead fixing started for poly=0
      lead fixing finished for poly=0 for orderings
      poly=0 checks commented out from BoolePolynomial
      lead test slightly extended for degree orderings
      putting branches together
      finally bringing together
      finally bringing together
      ADD: small additions to tests to increase code coverage
      ADD: small additions to tests to increase code coverage
      ADD: small additions to tests to increase code coverage
      ADD: more complex tests for BooleMonomial
      ADD: more complex tests added for coverage
      ADD: PBoRiErrorTest.cc
      ADD: more tests added for coverage

Ket Shcherbakova (32):
      CHANGE: orderings folder in include
      CHANGE: iterators folder in include
      CHANGE: errors folder in include
      CHANGE: routines folder in include
      CHANGE: literals folder in include
      CHANGE: cache folder in include
      CHANGE: pbori_func.h moved to routines
      CHANGE: stack related headers moved to iterators
      CHANGE: ring folder in include
      CHANGE: diagram folder in include
      CHANGE: added to ring and diagram
      Superseded tests removed
      Unused tests removed
      CStringLiteralTest added
      FIX: all tests added to unittests
      ADD: term_accumulateTest
      ADD: term_accumulateTest test converted to new format
      ADD: spolyTest
      ADD: GroebnerStrategyTest started
      ADD: GroebnerStrategyTest added to
      CHANGE: define guard namings for subfoldered includes
      CHANGE: remove newly superseded tests and prepare for cudd ripping
      CHANGE: define guard namings for polybori includes
      FIX: docs generated now for libpolybori again, scons excludes unnecessary cudd files
      CHANGE: more cudd files to remove: cuddObj
      CHANGE: some doxygen warnings fixed, some cudd files removed from scons
      CHANGE: chopping cudd started
      CHANGE: more chopping
      FIX: CCuddInterface chopping
      CHANGE: Reordering algorithm chopping
      CHANGE: zdd reordering algorithm chopping
      FIX: typo in scons exclusion

Michael Brickenstein (56):
      landscape for plotting/Alexanders idea of ll_constants
      easy linear polynomials
      patch for substitute_variables
      replaced ring
      really set ring
      hopefully fixed problem with comparison
      hopefully solution for Martins bug report
      made some tiny steps improving LA code
      implemented new delay heuristics
      la changes
      removed max_nodes
      always inherit from object, new style classes
      added normal_form
      use reduce option
      use reduce option
      ll, handle len==0 ll system
      new criterion
      high probability idea
      avoid some overhead
      warning for ring.var
      consider linear factors for new trick
      tweaked it a little bit
      new trick: avoid extrem cases
      fglm patch
      libs hack
      removed hardcoding I entered
      added cluster.py
      debugged a little bit cluster.py
      mentioned cluster.py in ChangeLog
      minimal imports
      commented trick
      more evil conversion stuff
      more evil conversion stuff
      add break to option filtering
      finish for today, at least some things compile, need to extract real polys from nodes, and testing, bugfixing, cursing...
      now begin debugging...
      HeuristicQuickTestCase passes for new conversion
      Merged in brickenstein/polybori-conversion-branch (pull request #1)
      avoided double action, crashes
      monomials in conversion instead of exponents
      reduced overhead by using navigators
      fixed missing protocol bug
      fixed boost::python::range disambiguity by explicitly using namespace
      fixed missing protocol bug
      fixed boost::python::range disambiguity by explicitly using namespace

Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel (2):
      add the todo file
      add missing dependencies

dreyer at node079.hercules (1):
      partially reverting changes

dreyer at t2.math.washington.edu (2):
      Added tag beforeSun for changeset 49441b7525c9
      FIX compiles (not yet linking) on solaris

michael (3):
      default parameters
      default parameters
      fixed a lot of rubbish


polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings

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