[cpl-plugin-vimos] branch debian created (now c806c95)
Ole Streicher
olebole-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Nov 7 08:20:43 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
olebole-guest pushed a change to branch debian
in repository cpl-plugin-vimos.
at c806c95 Correct installed sice of -calib package
This branch includes the following new commits:
new ccf284c Initial files
new 940667c remove deprecated DMUA flag
new a4ecb26 push to version 3.9.4
new a306d24 Fix FTBS for irqlib on i386
new 2bff572 Remove calibration packages since they may get huge
new 220f0ea Add Readme to descript missing calib
new 3fd0b10 Re-insert calib but (optionally) remove all "real" calibration files The "calib" tar file contains the subdirs "cal", "gasgano", and "dic" dubdirs. "cal" contains potentially huge fits files which can be choosen to removed not.
new d05a5fd Create scripts and install during build; download calib on calib pkg install
new 9e4797f Re-insert the calib package as download helper
new 7febc04 Add plugin as dependency to calib file
new 8c4fd8b Change distribution to contrib for calib downloader
new 7f54edf Update download information
new 4fdc4b1 Fix dh_install rule
new 664a2fb remove generated Debian files on clean
new b0b538d Automatically detect whether the calibration files are included, and build downloader only if not
new 380651f Remove README.debian if not needed
new ac34eb1 add lintian-overrides for empty calib package
new 70fc86d Remove lintian-overrides on clean
new d79848a Create README.Debian only if calibration is downloaded
new f89284f Change data dir to /usr/share/pipeline-version to be more consoistent with ESOs setup
new ec619cb Add get-orig-source target to debian/rules
new 48ad790 Replace Upstream-Author by Upstream-Contact confotming to copyright format
new cf148fe Change packaging license to GPL
new c449240 Add option to remove huge test data sets
new ca83773 Generate manpages for all recipes
new e6b1316 Bugfixes; add HTML documentation
new 2f15a23 New paragraphs for input and output files if possible; remove parameter description
new b101e81 wrap-and-sort
new 5bb4e3a builddeps corrected
new 74e2cff Add doc-base
new e053b3d Escape ' char
new 34c17bc Add pyfits: needed for python-cpl
new 66f809b Fix name of doc-base template
new e512aef Rewrite to fix wrong names and give better abstract
new e71afa7 Slightly reorg to have better structured TOC page
new f927407 Fix (again) variable naming
new f8add71 File paths corrected
new f5a4ef7 put spaces around default values
new 6eb04bd First adaption for VIMOS
new e7075b4 Merge branch 'debian-template' into debian
new 2f641a0 Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
new 209609c Explicitely delete internal cpl.Recipe._recipe after use VIMOS does not allow to have two recipes initialized in parallel: it will crash when the second is removed, due to static variables in libpil/pil/pilmessage.c
new 263c65a Add cfitsio and cext library search patches
new 708d422 Add fixes for common compiler errors
new c806c95 Correct installed sice of -calib package
The 45 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cpl-plugin-vimos.git
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