[qhull] 08/10: Imported Debian patch 2003.1-9

Barak A. Pearlmutter barak+git at cs.nuim.ie
Thu Feb 6 14:03:27 UTC 2014

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bap pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/2003.1-10
in repository qhull.

commit c1ac05c0da2664ec46c745a304be4e7357a7ce16
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 19 20:37:42 2008 +0200

    Imported Debian patch 2003.1-9
 debian/README.Debian                |   8 +-
 debian/changelog                    |  20 +
 debian/control                      |   7 +-
 debian/libqhull-dev.doc-base        |   2 +-
 debian/manpage.in                   |   4 +-
 debian/patches/manpage-macros.patch | 821 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series               |   3 +
 debian/rules                        |   2 +-
 8 files changed, 856 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index 8ba1170..55dc41b 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ Documentation
 Documentation in HTML format is available starting in the file
-/usr/share/doc/qhull/qh-man.htm.  There are also some exemples in the
-directory /usr/share/doc/qhull/examples.
+/usr/share/doc/libqhull-dev/qh-man.htm.  There are also some examples
+in the directory /usr/share/doc/libqhull-dev/examples.  Note that
+these files are available in the libqhull-dev package.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>, Mon Dec  3 20:20:07 CET 2001
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>, Sat, 19 Apr 2008 19:46:22 +0200
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 457ae55..004e0a4 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+qhull (2003.1-9) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/manpage.in:
+    + Fix spacing in <ulink> tag
+    + Remove brackets from email address
+  * debian/README.Debian: Fixed path of documentation and examples files.
+    Also, mention that these files are available in the libqhull-dev
+    package.  Thanks to Jaap Weel for pointing this bug out.
+  * debian/rules: Switch from CDBS' simple-patchsys to quilt
+  * debian/control:
+    + Build-depend on quilt
+    + Fix URL of Vcs-Svn field
+    + Add ${shlibs:Depends} to qhull-bin Depends
+  * debian/libqhull-dev.doc-base: Changed section of documentation to
+    Science/Mathematics
+  * debian/patches/manpage-macros.patch: Add patch for fixing several
+    syntax, macros, and hyphen problems in man pages qhull.man and rbox.man
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sat, 19 Apr 2008 20:37:42 +0200
 qhull (2003.1-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control:
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index c2061e7..e749ccd 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Scientific Computing Team <pkg-scicomp-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.7.3
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), docbook2x (>= 0.8.8-3), xsltproc, eperl, cdbs
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), docbook2x (>= 0.8.8-3), xsltproc,
+ eperl, cdbs, quilt
 Homepage: http://www.qhull.org
-Vcs-Svn: ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-scicomp/qhull/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-scicomp/qhull/
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-scicomp/qhull/
 Package: libqhull5
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ Description: calculate convex hulls and related structures (development files)
 Package: qhull-bin
 Section: math
 Architecture: any
-Depends: libqhull5 (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: libqhull5 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
 Suggests: geomview
 Description: calculate convex hulls and related structures (utilities)
  Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace
diff --git a/debian/libqhull-dev.doc-base b/debian/libqhull-dev.doc-base
index c3b2a7e..8ab020a 100644
--- a/debian/libqhull-dev.doc-base
+++ b/debian/libqhull-dev.doc-base
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Abstract: This manual describes Qhull, a general dimension convex hull
  convex set that contains the points to stdout.  It also generates Delaunay
  triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Voronoi diagrams, and
  halfspace intersections about a point.
-Section: Apps/Math
+Section: Science/Mathematics
 Format: HTML
 Index: /usr/share/doc/libqhull-dev/html/index.htm
diff --git a/debian/manpage.in b/debian/manpage.in
index cff4662..723b672 100644
--- a/debian/manpage.in
+++ b/debian/manpage.in
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are
        allowed: see man(7), man(1). -->
   <!ENTITY dhsection   "<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>">
-  <!ENTITY dhemail     "<email><rafael at debian.org></email>">
+  <!ENTITY dhemail     "<email>rafael at debian.org</email>">
   <!ENTITY dhusername  "Rafael Laboissiere">
   <!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle><:=$command:></refentrytitle>">
   <!ENTITY dhpackage   "<:=$command:>">
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
       This program is documented fully in <ulink
-      format</ulink>, available in the libqhull-dev package.
+      format,</ulink> available in the libqhull-dev package.
diff --git a/debian/patches/manpage-macros.patch b/debian/patches/manpage-macros.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d67d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/manpage-macros.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+Index: qhull-2003.1/html/qhull.man
+--- qhull-2003.1.orig/html/qhull.man	2008-04-19 18:48:31.000000000 +0000
++++ qhull-2003.1/html/qhull.man	2008-04-19 18:53:09.000000000 +0000
+@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
+-./"  This is the Unix manual page for qhull, written in nroff, the standard
+-./"  manual formatter for Unix systems.  To format it, type
+-./"  nroff -man qhull.man
+-./"  This will print a formatted copy to standard output.  If you want
+-./"  to ensure that the output is plain ASCII, free of any control
+-./"  characters that nroff uses for underlining etc, pipe the output
+-./"  through "col -b":
+-./"  nroff -man qhull.man | col -b
+-./"  Warning: a leading quote "'" or dot "." will not format correctly
++.\"  This is the Unix manual page for qhull, written in nroff, the standard
++.\"  manual formatter for Unix systems.  To format it, type
++.\"  nroff -man qhull.man
++.\"  This will print a formatted copy to standard output.  If you want
++.\"  to ensure that the output is plain ASCII, free of any control
++.\"  characters that nroff uses for underlining etc, pipe the output
++.\"  through "col -b":
++.\"  nroff -man qhull.man | col -b
++.\"  Warning: a leading quote "'" or dot "." will not format correctly
+ .TH qhull 1 "2003/12/30" "Geometry Center"
+ qhull \- convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, 
+@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@
+ .PP
+ Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex hulls, Delaunay
+-triangulations, Voronoi diagram, furthest-site Voronoi diagram, 
+-furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and 
++triangulations, Voronoi diagram, furthest\[hy]site Voronoi diagram, 
++furthest\[hy]site Delaunay triangulations, and 
+ halfspace intersections about a point.  It implements the Quickhull algorithm for 
+-computing the convex hull.  Qhull handles round-off errors from floating 
++computing the convex hull.  Qhull handles round\[hy]off errors from floating 
+ point arithmetic.  It can approximate a convex hull.
+ The program includes options for hull volume, facet area, partial hulls,
+ input transformations, randomization, tracing, multiple output formats, and
+ execution statistics.  The program can be called from within your application.
+-You can view the results in 2-d, 3-d and 4-d with Geomview.
++You can view the results in 2\[hy]d, 3\[hy]d and 4\[hy]d with Geomview.
+ .PP
+ .PP
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+ second line contains the number of input points, and point coordinates follow.
+ The dimension and number of points can be reversed.
+ Comments and line breaks are ignored.  A comment starts with a
+-non-numeric character and continues to the end of line.  The first comment 
++non\[hy]numeric character and continues to the end of line.  The first comment 
+ is reported in summaries and statistics.
+ Error reporting is
+ better if there is one point per line.
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
+ other output formats.
+ .PP
+ Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for convex hull. This algorithm combines
+-the 2-d Quickhull algorithm with the n-d beneath-beyond algorithm
++the 2\[hy]d Quickhull algorithm with the n\[hy]d beneath\[hy]beyond algorithm
+ [c.f., Preparata & Shamos '85].
+ It is similar to the randomized algorithms of Clarkson and 
+ others [Clarkson et al. '93].  The main 
+@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
+ .PP
+ The data structure produced by Qhull consists of vertices, ridges, and facets.
+ A vertex is a point of the input set.  A ridge is a set of d vertices
+-and two neighboring facets.  For example in 3-d, a ridge is an edge of the
++and two neighboring facets.  For example in 3\[hy]d, a ridge is an edge of the
+ polyhedron.  A facet is a set of ridges, a set of neighboring facets, a set
+ of incident vertices, and a hyperplane equation.  For simplicial facets, the 
+ ridges are defined by the vertices and neighboring facets.  When Qhull 
+-merges two facets, it produces a non-simplicial
+-facet.  A non-simplicial facet has more than d neighbors and may share more than 
++merges two facets, it produces a non\[hy]simplicial
++facet.  A non\[hy]simplicial facet has more than d neighbors and may share more than 
+ one ridge with a neighbor.
+ .PP
+@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@
+ calculation.  This causes  problems
+ for most geometric algorithms.
+ .PP
+-Qhull automatically sets option 'C-0' in 2-d, 3-d, and 4-d, or 
+-option 'Qx' in 5-d and higher.  These options handle precision problems 
++Qhull automatically sets option 'C\-0' in 2\[hy]d, 3\[hy]d, and 4\[hy]d, or 
++option 'Qx' in 5\[hy]d and higher.  These options handle precision problems 
+ by merging facets.  Alternatively, use option 'QJ' to joggle the
+ input.
+ .PP
+-With 'C-0', Qhull merges non-convex
++With 'C\-0', Qhull merges non\[hy]convex
+ facets while constructing the hull. The remaining facets are
+ clearly convex. With 'Qx', Qhull merges 
+ coplanar horizon facets, flipped facets, concave facets and
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
+ .PP
+ To get a list of the most important options, execute 'qhull' by itself.
+ To get a complete list of options, 
+-execute 'qhull -'.  
++execute 'qhull \-'.  
+ To get a complete, concise list of options, execute 'qhull .'.
+ Options can be in any order.
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
+ Compute the Delaunay triangulation by lifting the input points to a 
+ paraboloid.  The 'o' option prints the input points and facets.  
+ The 'QJ' option guarantees triangular output.  The 'Ft' 
+-option prints a triangulation.  It adds points (the centrums) to non-simplicial
++option prints a triangulation.  It adds points (the centrums) to non\[hy]simplicial
+ facets.  
+ .TP
+ v
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
+ The 'Fv' option prints each ridge of the Voronoi diagram.
+ The first or zero'th vertex
+ indicates the infinity vertex.  Its coordinates are 
+-qh_INFINITE (-10.101).  It indicates unbounded Voronoi
++qh_INFINITE (\-10.101).  It indicates unbounded Voronoi
+ regions or degenerate Delaunay triangles.
+ .TP
+ Hn,n,...
+@@ -212,21 +212,21 @@
+ option produces a feasible point for a convex hull.
+ .TP
+ d Qu
+-Compute the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation from the upper
++Compute the furthest\[hy]site Delaunay triangulation from the upper
+ convex hull.  The 'o' option prints the input points and facets.  
+-The 'QJ' option guarantees triangular otuput.  You can also use
+-'Ft' to triangulate via the centrums of non-simplicial
++The 'QJ' option guarantees triangular otuput.  You can also use 'Ft'
++to triangulate via the centrums of non\[hy]simplicial
+ facets.  
+ .TP
+ v Qu
+-Compute the furthest-site Voronoi diagram.
++Compute the furthest\[hy]site Voronoi diagram.
+ The 'p' option prints the Voronoi vertices.  
+ The 'o' option prints the Voronoi vertices and the
+ vertices in each Voronoi region.
+ The 'Fv' option prints each ridge of the Voronoi diagram.
+ The first or zero'th vertex
+ indicates the infinity vertex at infinity.  Its coordinates are 
+-qh_INFINITE (-10.101).  It indicates unbounded Voronoi regions
++qh_INFINITE (\-10.101).  It indicates unbounded Voronoi regions
+ and degenerate Delaunay triangles.
+ .PP
+ .TP
+@@ -249,23 +249,23 @@
+ Output the incident vertices for each facet.  
+ Qhull prints the number of facets followed by the
+ vertices of each facet.  One facet is printed per line.  The numbers 
+-are the 0-relative indices of the corresponding input points.
++are the 0\[hy]relative indices of the corresponding input points.
+ The facets
+ are oriented.  
+-In 4-d and higher, 
+-Qhull triangulates non-simplicial facets.  Each apex (the first vertex) is
++In 4d and higher, 
++Qhull triangulates non\[hy]simplicial facets.  Each apex (the first vertex) is
+ a created point that corresponds to the facet's centrum.  Its index is greater
+ than the indices of the input points.  Each base
+ corresponds to a simplicial ridge between two facets.
+ To print the vertices without triangulation, use option 'Fv'.
+ .TP
+ m
+-Output the hull in Mathematica format.  Qhull writes a Mathematica file for 2-d and 3-d
+-convex hulls and for 2-d Delaunay triangulations.   Qhull produces a list of objects
++Output the hull in Mathematica format.  Qhull writes a Mathematica file for 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d
++convex hulls and for 2\[hy]d Delaunay triangulations.   Qhull produces a list of objects
+ that you can assign to a variable in Mathematica, for example:
+-"list= << <outputfilename> ". If the object is 2-d, it can be
+-visualized by "Show[Graphics[list]] ". For 3-d objects the command is
++"list= << <outputfilename> ". If the object is 2\[hy]d, it can be
++visualized by "Show[Graphics[list]] ". For 3\[hy]d objects the command is
+ "Show[Graphics3D[list]]".
+ .TP
+ n
+@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@
+ the input points and the vertices for each facet.  Each facet is on
+ a separate line.  The first number is the number of vertices.  The
+ remainder are the indices of the corresponding points.  The vertices are
+-oriented in 2-d, 3-d, and in simplicial facets.
++oriented in 2\[hy]d, 3\[hy]d, and in simplicial facets.
+-For 2-d Voronoi diagrams,
+-the vertices are sorted by adjacency, but not oriented.  In 3-d and higher,
++For 2\[hy]d Voronoi diagrams,
++the vertices are sorted by adjacency, but not oriented.  In 3\[hy]d and higher,
+ the Voronoi vertices are sorted by index.  
+ See the 'v' option for more information.
+ .TP
+@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
+ The last two statistics (if needed) measure the maximum distance 
+ from a point or vertex to a
+ facet.  The number in parenthesis (e.g., 2.1x) is the ratio between the 
+-maximum distance and the worst-case distance due to merging
++maximum distance and the worst\[hy]case distance due to merging
+ two simplicial facets.
+ .PP
+ .TP
+@@ -317,45 +317,45 @@
+ normals
+ is greater than n, Qhull merges one of the facets into a neighbor.
+ If 'n' is negative, Qhull tests angles after adding
+-each point to the hull (pre-merging).  
++each point to the hull (pre\[hy]merging).  
+ If 'n' is positive, Qhull tests angles after
+-constructing the hull (post-merging).  
+-Both pre- and post-merging can be defined.
++constructing the hull (post\[hy]merging).  
++Both pre\[hy] and post\[hy]merging can be defined.
+-Option 'C0' or 'C-0' is set if the corresponding 'Cn' or 'C-n'
++Option 'C0' or 'C\-0' is set if the corresponding 'Cn' or 'C\-n'
+ is not set.  If 'Qx'
+-is set, then 'A-n' and 'C-n' are checked after the hull is constructed
++is set, then 'A\-n' and 'C\-n' are checked after the hull is constructed
+ and before 'An' and 'Cn' are checked.
+ .TP
+ Cn
+ Centrum radius.
+ If a centrum is less than n below a neighboring facet, Qhull merges one
+ of the facets.
+-If 'n' is negative or '-0', Qhull tests and merges facets after adding
+-each point to the hull.  This is called "pre-merging".  If 'n' is positive,
+-Qhull tests for convexity after constructing the hull ("post-merging").
+-Both pre- and post-merging can be defined.
++If 'n' is negative or '\-0', Qhull tests and merges facets after adding
++each point to the hull.  This is called "pre\[hy]merging".  If 'n' is positive,
++Qhull tests for convexity after constructing the hull ("post\[hy]merging").
++Both pre\[hy] and post\[hy]merging can be defined.
+-For 5-d and higher, 'Qx' should be used
+-instead of 'C-n'.  Otherwise, most or all facets may be merged
++For 5\[hy]d and higher, 'Qx' should be used
++instead of 'C\-n'.  Otherwise, most or all facets may be merged
+ together.
+ .TP
+ En
+ Maximum roundoff error for distance computations.
+ .TP
+ Rn
+-Randomly perturb distance computations up to +/- n * max_coord.
++Randomly perturb distance computations up to +/\- n * max_coord.
+ This option perturbs every distance, hyperplane, and angle computation.
+-To use time as the random number seed, use option 'QR-1'.
++To use time as the random number seed, use option 'QR\-1'.
+ .TP
+ Vn
+ Minimum distance for a facet to be visible.
+ A facet is visible if the distance from the point to the
+ facet is greater than 'Vn'.  
+-Without merging, the default value for 'Vn' is the round-off error ('En'). 
+-With merging, the default value is the pre-merge centrum ('C-n') in 2-d or
+-3--d, or three times that in other dimensions.  If the outside width
++Without merging, the default value for 'Vn' is the round\[hy]off error ('En'). 
++With merging, the default value is the pre\[hy]merge centrum ('C\-n') in 2\[hy]d or
++3\[hy]d, or three times that in other dimensions.  If the outside width
+ is specified ('Wn'), the maximum, default value for 'Vn' is 'Wn'.
+ .TP
+ Un
+@@ -366,9 +366,9 @@
+ Minimum outside width of the hull.  Points are added to the convex hull
+ only if they are clearly outside of a facet.  A point is outside of a 
+ facet if its distance to the facet is greater than 'Wn'.  The normal
+-value for 'Wn' is 'En'.  If the user specifies pre-merging and
++value for 'Wn' is 'En'.  If the user specifies pre\[hy]merging and
+ does not set 'Wn', than 'Wn' is set
+-to the premerge 'Cn' and maxcoord*(1-An).
++to the premerge 'Cn' and maxcoord*(1\-An).
+ .PP
+ .TP
+ Additional input/output formats
+@@ -380,14 +380,14 @@
+ Use 'PAn' for printing the n largest facets, and option 'PFn' for
+ printing facets larger than 'n'.
+-The area for non-simplicial facets is the sum of the
++The area for non\[hy]simplicial facets is the sum of the
+ areas for each ridge to the centrum.   Vertices far below
+ the facet's hyperplane are ignored.  
+ The reported area may be significantly less than the actual area.
+ .TP
+ FA
+ Compute the total area and volume for option 's'.  It is an approximation
+-for non-simplicial facets (see 'Fa').
++for non\[hy]simplicial facets (see 'Fa').
+ .TP
+ Fc
+ Print coplanar points for each facet.  The output starts with the
+@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@
+ with the number of indices and floats.  The first pair lists 
+ adjacent input
+ sites, the next d floats are the normalized coefficients for the hyperplane,
+-and the last float is the offset.  The hyperplane is oriented toward 
+-'QVn' (if defined), or the first input site of the pair.  Use 'Tv' to
++and the last float is the offset.  The hyperplane is oriented toward 'QVn'
++(if defined), or the first input site of the pair.  Use 'Tv' to
+ verify that the hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors.  Use 'Fo' for 
+ unbounded regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi vertices.
+ .TP
+@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@
+ .TP
+ FM
+ Output the hull in Maple format.  Qhull writes a Maple
+-file for 2-d and 3-d
+-convex hulls and for 2-d Delaunay triangulations.   Qhull produces a '.mpl'
++file for 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d
++convex hulls and for 2\[hy]d Delaunay triangulations.   Qhull produces a '.mpl'
+ file for displaying with display3d().
+ .TP
+ Fn
+@@ -486,8 +486,8 @@
+ with the number of indices and floats.  The first pair lists 
+ adjacent input
+ sites, the next d floats are the normalized coefficients for the hyperplane,
+-and the last float is the offset.  The hyperplane is oriented toward 
+-'QVn' (if defined), or the first input site of the pair.  Use 'Tv' to
++and the last float is the offset.  The hyperplane is oriented toward 'QVn'
++(if defined), or the first input site of the pair.  Use 'Tv' to
+ verify that the hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors.  Use 'Fi' for 
+ bounded regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi vertices.
+ .TP
+@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
+ Fp
+ Print points for halfspace intersections (option 'Hn,n,...').  Each
+ intersection corresponds to a facet of the dual polytope.
+-The "infinity" point [-10.101,-10.101,...]
++The "infinity" point [\-10.101,\-10.101,...]
+ indicates an unbounded intersection.
+ .TP
+ FP
+@@ -530,15 +530,14 @@
+ The total volume measures the volume
+ of the intersection of the halfspaces defined by each facet.   
+ Both area and volume are
+-approximations for non-simplicial facets.  See option 'Fa'.
++approximations for non\[hy]simplicial facets.  See option 'Fa'.
+ .TP
+ Ft
+-Print a triangulation with added points for non-simplicial
++Print a triangulation with added points for non\[hy]simplicial
+ facets.  The first line is the dimension and the second line is the
+ number of points and the number of facets.  The points follow, one
+-per line, then the facets follow as a list of point indices.  With option
+-'Qz', the
+-points include the point-at-infinity.
++per line, then the facets follow as a list of point indices.  With option 'Qz', the
++points include the point\[hy]at\[hy]infinity.
+ .TP
+ Fv
+ Print vertices for each facet.  The first line is the number
+@@ -551,7 +550,7 @@
+ of ridges.  Then each ridge is printed, one per line.  A line starts
+ with the number of indices.  The first pair lists adjacent input
+ sites, the remaining indices list Voronoi vertices.  Vertex '0' indicates
+-the vertex-at-infinity (i.e., an unbounded ray).  In 3-d, the vertices
++the vertex\[hy]at\[hy]infinity (i.e., an unbounded ray).  In 3\[hy]d, the vertices
+ are listed in order.  See 'Fi' and 'Fo' for separating hyperplanes.
+ .TP
+ FV
+@@ -561,8 +560,8 @@
+ Fx
+ List extreme points (vertices) of the convex hull.  The first line
+ is the number of points.  The other lines give the indices of the
+-corresponding points.  The first point is '0'.  In 2-d, the points
+-occur in counter-clockwise order; otherwise they occur in input order.
++corresponding points.  The first point is '0'.  In 2\[hy]d, the points
++occur in counter\[hy]clockwise order; otherwise they occur in input order.
+ For Delaunay triangulations, 'Fx' lists the extreme points of the
+ input sites.  The points are unordered.
+ .PP
+@@ -571,12 +570,12 @@
+ .TP
+ G
+ Produce a file for viewing with Geomview.  Without other options,
+-Qhull displays edges in 2-d, outer planes in 3-d, and ridges in 4-d.
++Qhull displays edges in 2\[hy]d, outer planes in 3\[hy]d, and ridges in 4\[hy]d.
+ A ridge can be 
+-explicit or implicit.  An explicit ridge is a dim-1 dimensional simplex
++explicit or implicit.  An explicit ridge is a dim\-1 dimensional simplex
+ between two facets.  
+-In 4-d, the explicit ridges are triangles.
+-When displaying a ridge in 4-d, Qhull projects the ridge's vertices to
++In 4\[hy]d, the explicit ridges are triangles.
++When displaying a ridge in 4\[hy]d, Qhull projects the ridge's vertices to
+ one of its facets' hyperplanes.
+ Use 'Gh' to
+ project ridges to the intersection of both hyperplanes.
+@@ -585,24 +584,24 @@
+ Display all input points as dots.
+ .TP
+ Gc
+-Display the centrum for each facet in 3-d.  The centrum is defined by a
++Display the centrum for each facet in 3\[hy]d.  The centrum is defined by a
+ green radius sitting on a blue plane.  The plane corresponds to the
+ facet's hyperplane.  
+-The radius is defined by 'C-n' or 'Cn'.
++The radius is defined by 'C\-n' or 'Cn'.
+ .TP
+ GDn
+-Drop dimension n in 3-d or 4-d.  The result is a 2-d or 3-d object.  
++Drop dimension n in 3\[hy]d or 4\[hy]d.  The result is a 2\[hy]d or 3\[hy]d object.  
+ .TP
+ Gh
+-Display hyperplane intersections in 3-d and 4-d.   In 3-d, the
++Display hyperplane intersections in 3\[hy]d and 4\[hy]d.   In 3\[hy]d, the
+ intersection is a black line.  It lies on two neighboring hyperplanes
+-(c.f., the blue squares associated with centrums ('Gc')).  In 4-d,
++(c.f., the blue squares associated with centrums ('Gc')).  In 4\[hy]d,
+ the ridges are projected to the intersection of both hyperplanes.
+ .TP
+ Gi
+-Display inner planes in 2-d and 3-d.  The inner plane of a facet
++Display inner planes in 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d.  The inner plane of a facet
+ is below all of its vertices.  It is parallel to the facet's hyperplane.
+-The inner plane's color is the opposite (1-r,1-g,1-b) of the outer
++The inner plane's color is the opposite (1\-r,1\-g,1\-b) of the outer
+ plane.  Its edges are determined by the vertices.
+ .TP
+ Gn
+@@ -613,7 +612,7 @@
+ the difference between inner and outer is too small.
+ .TP
+ Go
+-Display outer planes in 2-d and 3-d.  The outer plane of a facet
++Display outer planes in 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d.  The outer plane of a facet
+ is above all input points.  It is parallel to the facet's hyperplane.
+ Its color is determined by the facet's normal, and its 
+ edges are determined by the vertices.
+@@ -622,15 +621,15 @@
+ Display coplanar points and vertices as radii.  A radius defines a ball
+ which corresponds to the imprecision of the point.  The imprecision is 
+ the maximum of the roundoff error, the centrum radius, and maxcoord *
+-(1-An).  It is at least 1/20'th of the maximum coordinate, 
+-and ignores post-merging if pre-merging is done.
++(1\-An).  It is at least 1/20'th of the maximum coordinate, 
++and ignores post\[hy]merging if pre\[hy]merging is done.
+ .TP
+ Gr
+-Display ridges in 3-d.  A ridge connects the two vertices that are shared
+-by neighboring facets.  Ridges are always displayed in 4-d.
++Display ridges in 3\[hy]d.  A ridge connects the two vertices that are shared
++by neighboring facets.  Ridges are always displayed in 4\[hy]d.
+ .TP
+ Gt
+-A 3-d Delaunay triangulation looks like a convex hull with interior
++A 3\[hy]d Delaunay triangulation looks like a convex hull with interior
+ facets.  Option 'Gt' removes the outside ridges to reveal the outermost
+ facets.  It automatically sets options 'Gr' and 'GDn'.
+ .TP
+@@ -689,12 +688,12 @@
+ .TP
+ Qbk:0Bk:0
+ Drop dimension k from the input points.  This allows the user to 
+-take convex hulls of sub-dimensional objects.  It happens before
++take convex hulls of sub\[hy]dimensional objects.  It happens before
+ the Delaunay and Voronoi transformation.
+ .TP
+ QbB
+ Scale the input points to fit the unit cube.  After scaling, the lower
+-bound will be -0.5 and the upper bound +0.5 in all dimensions.
++bound will be \-0.5 and the upper bound +0.5 in all dimensions.
+ For Delaunay and
+ Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens after projection to the paraboloid.
+ Under precise
+@@ -710,7 +709,7 @@
+ .TP
+ Qbk:n
+ Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points.  After scaling, the lower
+-bound of the input points will be n.  'Qbk' scales to -0.5.  
++bound of the input points will be n.  'Qbk' scales to \-0.5.  
+ .TP
+ QBk:n
+ Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points.  After scaling, the upper
+@@ -741,7 +740,7 @@
+ Output formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'FN', 'FP', and 'Fc' will print the points.
+ .TP
+ QJn
+-Joggle each input coordinate by adding a random number in [-n,n].  If a
++Joggle each input coordinate by adding a random number in [\-n,n].  If a
+ precision error occurs, then qhull increases n and tries again.  It does
+ not increase n beyond a certain value, and it stops after a certain number
+ of attempts [see user.h].  Option 'QJ'
+@@ -760,7 +759,7 @@
+ .TP
+ QRn
+ Randomly rotate the input points.  If n=0, use time as the random number seed.
+-If n>0, use n as the random number seed.  If n=-1, don't rotate but use
++If n>0, use n as the random number seed.  If n=\-1, don't rotate but use
+ time as the random number seed.  For Delaunay triangulations ('d' and 'v'),
+ rotate about the last axis.
+ .TP
+@@ -768,12 +767,12 @@
+ Search all points for the initial simplex.
+ .TP
+ Qt
+-Triangulated output.  Triangulate all non-simplicial facets.  See also 'QJ'.
++Triangulated output.  Triangulate all non\[hy]simplicial facets.  See also 'QJ'.
+ .TP
+ Qv
+-Test vertex neighbors for convexity after post-merging.
++Test vertex neighbors for convexity after post\[hy]merging.
+ To use the 'Qv' option, you also need to set a merge option
+-(e.g., 'Qx' or 'C-0').
++(e.g., 'Qx' or 'C\-0').
+ .TP
+ QVn
+ A good facet (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') includes point n.  If n<0, then a good facet does not
+@@ -783,13 +782,13 @@
+ Qx
+ Perform exact merges while building the hull.  The "exact" merges
+ are merging a point into a coplanar facet (defined by 'Vn', 'Un',
+-and 'C-n'), merging concave facets, merging duplicate ridges, and
+-merging flipped facets.  Coplanar merges and angle coplanar merges ('A-n')
++and 'C\-n'), merging concave facets, merging duplicate ridges, and
++merging flipped facets.  Coplanar merges and angle coplanar merges ('A\-n')
+ are not performed.  Concavity testing is delayed until a merge occurs.
+ After
+-the hull is built, all coplanar merges are performed (defined by 'C-n'
+-and 'A-n'), then post-merges are performed 
++the hull is built, all coplanar merges are performed (defined by 'C\-n'
++and 'A\-n'), then post\[hy]merges are performed 
+ (defined by 'Cn' and 'An').
+ .TP
+ Qz
+@@ -801,8 +800,8 @@
+ Qhull experiments and speedups
+ .TP
+ Q0
+-Turn off pre-merging as a default option.  
+-With 'Q0'/'Qx' and without explicit pre-merge options, Qhull 
++Turn off pre\[hy]merging as a default option.  
++With 'Q0'/'Qx' and without explicit pre\[hy]merge options, Qhull 
+ ignores precision issues while constructing the convex hull.  This
+ may lead to precision errors.  If so, a descriptive warning is
+ generated.  
+@@ -826,14 +825,14 @@
+ maximum outer plane is used instead.
+ .TP
+ Q6
+-With 'Q6', Qhull does not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets.
++With 'Q6', Qhull does not pre\[hy]merge concave or coplanar facets.
+ .TP
+ Q7
+-With 'Q7', Qhull processes facets in depth-first order instead of
+-breadth-first order.
++With 'Q7', Qhull processes facets in depth\[hy]first order instead of
++breadth\[hy]first order.
+ .TP
+ Q8
+-With 'Q8' and merging, Qhull does not retain near-interior points for adjusting
++With 'Q8' and merging, Qhull does not retain near\[hy]interior points for adjusting
+ outer planes.  'Qc' will probably retain
+ all points that adjust outer planes.
+ .TP
+@@ -850,7 +849,7 @@
+ Trace options
+ .TP
+ Tn
+-Trace at level n.  Qhull includes full execution tracing.  'T-1'
++Trace at level n.  Qhull includes full execution tracing.  'T\-1'
+ traces events.  'T1' traces
+ the overall execution of the program.  'T2' and 'T3' trace overall
+ execution and geometric and topological events.  'T4' traces the
+@@ -868,7 +867,7 @@
+ .TP
+ TFn
+ Report progress whenever more than n facets are created
+-During post-merging, 'TFn' 
++During post\[hy]merging, 'TFn' 
+ reports progress after more than n/2 merges.
+ .TP
+ TI file
+@@ -900,8 +899,8 @@
+ or if 'Q5' is set.
+ For point inclusion testing, Qhull verifies that all points are below
+-all outer planes (facet->maxoutside).  Point inclusion is exhaustive
+-if merging or if the facet-point product is small enough;
++all outer planes (facet\->maxoutside).  Point inclusion is exhaustive
++if merging or if the facet\[hy]point product is small enough;
+ otherwise Qhull verifies each point with a directed
+ search (qh_findbest).  
+@@ -945,9 +944,9 @@
+ When you do report an error, please attach a data set to the
+ end of your message.  This allows us to see the error for ourselves.
+-Qhull is maintained part-time.
++Qhull is maintained part\[hy]time.
+ .PP
++.SH E\[hy]MAIL
+ Please send correspondence to qhull at qhull.org and report bugs to
+ qhull_bug at qhull.org.  Let us know how you use Qhull.  If you
+ mention it in a paper, please send the reference and an abstract.
+@@ -957,23 +956,23 @@
+ our mailing list.  If you would like to communicate with other
+ Qhull users, we will add you to the qhull_users alias.  
+ For Internet news about geometric algorithms and convex hulls, look at
+-comp.graphics.algorithms and sci.math.num-analysis
++comp.graphics.algorithms and sci.math.num\-analysis
+ rbox(1)
+ Barber, C. B., D.P. Dobkin, and H.T. Huhdanpaa,
+ "The Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls," ACM
+-Trans. on Mathematical Software, 22(4):469-483, Dec. 1996.
++Trans. on Mathematical Software, 22(4):469\[en]483, Dec. 1996.
+ http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/83502.html
+ Clarkson, K.L., K. Mehlhorn, and R. Seidel, "Four results on randomized 
+ incremental construction," Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications,
+-vol. 3, p. 185-211, 1993.
++vol. 3, p. 185\[en]211, 1993.
+ Preparata, F. and M. Shamos, Computational
+-Geometry, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985.
++Geometry, Springer\[hy]Verlag, New York, 1985.
+ .PP
+@@ -995,12 +994,12 @@
+ Harvard University, and Endocardial Solutions, Inc. for supporting this work.
+ Qhull 1.0 and 2.0 were developed under National Science Foundation 
+-grants NSF/DMS-8920161 and NSF-CCR-91-15793 750-7504.  David Dobkin 
++grants NSF/DMS\[hy]8920161 and NSF\[hy]CCR\[hy]91\[hy]15793 750\[hy]7504.  David Dobkin 
+ guided the original work at Princeton University.  
+ If you find it useful, please let us know.
+-The Geometry Center is supported by grant DMS-8920161 from the National 
+-Science Foundation, by grant DOE/DE-FG02-92ER25137 from the Department 
++The Geometry Center is supported by grant DMS\[hy]8920161 from the National 
++Science Foundation, by grant DOE/DE\[hy]FG02\[hy]92ER25137 from the Department 
+ of Energy, by the University of Minnesota, and by Minnesota Technology, Inc.
+ Qhull is available from http://www.qhull.org
+Index: qhull-2003.1/html/rbox.man
+--- qhull-2003.1.orig/html/rbox.man	2008-04-19 18:48:31.000000000 +0000
++++ qhull-2003.1/html/rbox.man	2008-04-19 18:50:33.000000000 +0000
+@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
+-./"  This is the Unix manual page for rbox, written in nroff, the standard
+-./"  manual formatter for Unix systems.  To format it, type
+-./"  nroff -man rbox.man
+-./"  This will print a formatted copy to standard output.  If you want
+-./"  to ensure that the output is plain ascii, free of any control
+-./"  characters that nroff uses for underlining etc, pipe the output
+-./"  through "col -b":
+-./"  nroff -man rbox.man | col -b
++.\"  This is the Unix manual page for rbox, written in nroff, the standard
++.\"  manual formatter for Unix systems.  To format it, type
++.\"  nroff -man rbox.man
++.\"  This will print a formatted copy to standard output.  If you want
++.\"  to ensure that the output is plain ascii, free of any control
++.\"  characters that nroff uses for underlining etc, pipe the output
++.\"  through "col -b":
++.\"  nroff -man rbox.man | col -b
+ .TH rbox 1 "August 10, 1998" "Geometry Center"
+ rbox \- generate point distributions for qhull
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
+ .PP
+ rbox generates random or regular points according to the options given, and 
+ outputs
+-the points to stdout. The points are generated in a cube, unless 's' or
+-'k' option is
++the points to stdout. The points are generated in a cube, unless 's' or  'k' 
++option is
+ given. The format of the output is the following: first line
+ contains the dimension and a comment, 
+ second line contains the number of points, and the 
+@@ -32,25 +32,25 @@
+ 10 random points in the unit cube centered at the origin.
+ .TP
+ rbox 10 s D2
+-10 random points on a 2-d circle.
++10 random points on a 2\[hy]d circle.
+ .TP
+ rbox 100 W0
+ 100 random points on the surface of a cube.
+ .TP
+ rbox 1000 s D4
+-1000 random points on a 4-d sphere.
++1000 random points on a 4\[hy]d sphere.
+ .TP
+ rbox c D5 O0.5
+-a 5-d hypercube with one corner at the origin.
++a 5\[hy]d hypercube with one corner at the origin.
+ .TP
+ rbox d D10
+-a 10-d diamond.
++a 10\[hy]d diamond.
+ .TP 
+ rbox x 1000 r W0
+ 100 random points on the surface of a fixed simplex 
+ .TP
+ rbox y D12
+-a 12-d simplex.
++a 12\[hy]d simplex.
+ .TP
+ rbox l 10
+ 10 random points along a spiral
+@@ -62,22 +62,22 @@
+ 1000 random points on the surface of a narrow lens.
+ .TP
+ rbox c G2 d G3
+-a cube with coordinates +2/-2 and a diamond with coordinates +3/-3.
++a cube with coordinates +2/\-2 and a diamond with coordinates +3/\-3.
+ .TP
+ rbox 64 M3,4 z
+-a rotated, {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} lattice (Mesh) of integer points.  
+-'rbox 64 M1,0' is orthogonal.
++a rotated, {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} lattice (Mesh) of integer
++points. 'rbox 64 M1,0' is orthogonal.
+ .TP
+ rbox P0 P0 P0 P0 P0
+-5 copies of the origin in 3-d.  Try 'rbox P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 | qhull QJ'.
++5 copies of the origin in 3\-d.  Try 'rbox P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 | qhull QJ'.
+ .TP
+ r 100 s Z1 G0.1
+-two cospherical 100-gons plus another cospherical point.
++two cospherical 100\-gons plus another cospherical point.
+ .TP
+ 100 s Z1
+ a cone of points.
+ .TP 
+-100 s Z1e-7
++100 s Z1e\-7
+ a narrow cone of points with many precision errors.
+ .TP
+@@ -85,22 +85,22 @@
+ number of points
+ .TP
+ Dn
+-dimension n-d (default 3-d)
++dimension n\[hy]d (default 3\[hy]d)
+ .TP
+ Bn
+ bounding box coordinates (default 0.5)
+ .TP
+ l
+-spiral distribution, available only in 3-d
++spiral distribution, available only in 3\[hy]d
+ .TP
+ Ln
+ lens distribution of radius n.  May be used with 's', 'r', 'G', and 'W'.
+ .TP
+ Mn,m,r
+-lattice (Mesh) rotated by {[n,-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...}.  
++lattice (Mesh) rotated by {[n,\-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...}.  
+ Use 'Mm,n' for a rigid rotation with r = sqrt(n^2+m^2).  'M1,0' is an 
+-orthogonal lattice.  For example, '27 M1,0' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x {0,1,2}. 
+-'27 M3,4 z' is a rotated integer lattice.
++orthogonal lattice.  For example, '27 M1,0' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x 
++{0,1,2}. '27 M3,4 z' is a rotated integer lattice.
+ .TP
+ s
+ cospherical points randomly generated in a cube and projected to the unit sphere
+@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@
+ add a unit cube to the output
+ .TP
+ c Gm
+-add a cube with all combinations of +m and -m to the output
++add a cube with all combinations of +m and \-m to the output
+ .TP
+ d
+ add a unit diamond to the output.
+ .TP
+ d Gm
+-add a diamond made of 0, +m and -m to the output
++add a diamond made of 0, +m and \-m to the output
+ .TP
+ Pn,m,r
+ add point [n,m,r] to the output first.  Pad coordinates with 0.0.
+@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@
+ .TP
+ z
+ generate integer coordinates.  Use 'Bn' to change the range.  
+-The default is 'B1e6' for six-digit coordinates.  In R^4, seven-digit
++The default is 'B1e6' for six\[hy]digit coordinates.  In R^4, seven\[hy]digit
+ coordinates will overflow hyperplane normalization.
+ .TP
+ Zn s
+ restrict points to a disk about the z+ axis and the sphere (default Z1.0). 
+-Includes the opposite pole.  'Z1e-6' generates degenerate points under
++Includes the opposite pole.  'Z1e\-6' generates degenerate points under
+ single precision.
+ .TP
+ Zn Gm s
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4eefdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 9f63eeb..8cf16f0 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk
 debdir	:= $(CURDIR)/debian
 deblin	:= $(debdir)/libqhull-dev/usr/share/lintian/overrides

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/qhull.git

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