[mathgl] 01/01: Disable symbols files, documentation building and Lua interface
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
eftaxiop-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 10 08:10:30 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
eftaxiop-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mathgl.
commit 96738373dcd93097172d6b4eff7130f95e42df6a
Author: Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <eftaxi12 at otenet.gr>
Date: Fri Jan 10 10:08:43 2014 +0200
Disable symbols files, documentation building and Lua interface
CMakeLists.txt | 19 +-
debian/changelog | 2 +-
debian/control | 73 +-
debian/folder/mathgl-doc-en | 3 +
debian/libmgl-dev.install | 3 +-
debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.symbols | 1740 --------------------
debian/libmgl-fltk7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.symbols | 2 -
debian/libmgl-glut7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/libmgl-lua7.1.0.install | 1 +
debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.symbols | 5 -
debian/libmgl-mpi7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.symbols | 104 --
debian/libmgl-qt7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.symbols | 1843 ---------------------
debian/libmgl-wnd7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.symbols | 5 -
debian/libmgl-wx7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/libmgl7.0.0.install | 1 -
debian/libmgl7.0.0.symbols | 3050 -----------------------------------
debian/libmgl7.1.0.install | 2 +
debian/mathgl-doc-en.install | 8 +-
debian/mathgl.manpages | 8 +-
debian/patches/CMakeLists.txt.patch | 35 +-
debian/udav.manpages | 2 +-
31 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 6826 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index fc9f732..7bcc2d8 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ set(MathGL_VERSION_MAJOR 2)
set(MathGL_SOVERSION 7.1.0)
MACRO(MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION option doc default depends1 force1 depends2 force2)
IF(${option}_ISSET MATCHES "^${option}_ISSET$")
@@ -66,18 +69,18 @@ option(enable-all-docs "Enable all documentation building" OFF)
#option(enable-doc "Enable documentation building")
option(enable-all "Enable all core features" ON)
option(enable-all-widgets "Enable all Widgets" ON)
-option(enable-all-swig "Enable all SWIG based interfaces" ON)
+option(enable-all-swig "Enable all SWIG based interfaces" OFF)
option(enable-pthread "Enable POSIX threads support" ON)
option(enable-openmp "Enable POSIX threads support" ON)
option(enable-lgpl "Enable only LGPL part of MathGL")
option(enable-mgl2 "Use names 'libmgl2-*' instead of 'libmgl-*'")
#option(enable-ltdl "Enable loading modules support")
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-site "Enable HTML documentation for website" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-html "Enable HTML documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-info "Enable INFO documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-ru "Enable Russian PDF documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-en "Enable English PDF documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-prc "Enable PDF samples for HTML docs" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-site "Enable HTML documentation for website" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-html "Enable HTML documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-info "Enable INFO documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-ru "Enable Russian PDF documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-en "Enable English PDF documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-prc "Enable PDF samples for HTML docs" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-json "Enable JSON samples for HTML docs" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
option(enable-texi2html "Use texi2html (obsolete package) instead of texi2any" OFF)
@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-fltk "Enable fltk widget" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "N
CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-wx "Enable wxWidget widget" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" OFF)
MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-qt "Enable Qt4 widget" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-widgets" ON)
MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-python "Enable python interface" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
-MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-lua "Enable Lua (v.5.1) interface" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-lua "Enable Lua (v.5.1) interface" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-octave "Enable octave interface" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-octave-install "Octave interface will install for all users" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 37c8e0a..5954d2b 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-mathgl (2.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+mathgl (2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Imported Upstream version 2.2
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 6739b1d..dc41420 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ Uploaders: Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <eftaxi12 at otenet.gr>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), libltdl-dev, libgsl0-dev, freeglut3-dev,
libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libpng-dev, libhdf5-dev, swig, cmake, libxft-dev,
libjpeg-dev, libtiff-dev, libfltk1.3-dev, libqt4-dev, libwxgtk2.8-dev,
- texinfo, texi2html, texlive, texlive-generic-recommended, liboctave-dev,
+ texinfo, texlive, texlive-generic-recommended, liboctave-dev,
libgif-dev, python-dev, python-numpy, libfontconfig1-dev, libqtwebkit-dev,
libhdf4-dev, chrpath, libxinerama-dev, libxmu-dev, libxi-dev, libhpdf-dev,
-Standards-Version: 3.9.4
-Homepage: http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/index.html
+Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Homepage: http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/doc_en/Main.html
Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mathgl.git
Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/mathgl.git
Package: mathgl
Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version})
Description: library for scientific graphs (utilities and examples)
A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (utilities and examples)
Package: udav
Architecture: any
Section: libs
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version})
Description: library for scientific graphs (window interface)
A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF
@@ -40,22 +40,22 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (window interface)
This package contains the udav window environment based on mathgl.
-Package: mathgl-doc-en
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: mathgl-doc, mathgl-doc-ru
-Conflicts: mathgl-doc, mathgl-doc-ru
-Description: library for scientific graphs (English documentation)
- A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
- to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF
- files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt.
- MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of
- languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.
- .
- This package contains the MathGL documentation.
+# Package: mathgl-doc-en
+# Architecture: all
+# Section: doc
+# Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info, ${misc:Depends}
+# Replaces: mathgl-doc, mathgl-doc-ru
+# Conflicts: mathgl-doc, mathgl-doc-ru
+# Description: library for scientific graphs (English documentation)
+# A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
+# to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF
+# files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt.
+# MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of
+# languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.
+# .
+# This package contains the MathGL documentation in English.
-Package: libmgl7.0.0
+Package: libmgl7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (main runtime library)
This package contains the shared object files.
-Package: libmgl-mpi7.0.0
+Package: libmgl-mpi7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (mpi enhanced runtime library)
This package contains the, parallel interface enhanced, shared object
-Package: libmgl-wnd7.0.0
+Package: libmgl-wnd7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (windows runtime library)
This package contains the window opening related shared object files based
on Fltk, Qt and Wx.
-Package: libmgl-glut7.0.0
+Package: libmgl-glut7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (glut interface for windows)
This package contains the glut interface shared object files for window
-Package: libmgl-qt7.0.0
+Package: libmgl-qt7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (Qt interface for windows)
This package contains the Qt interface shared object files for window
-Package: libmgl-fltk7.0.0
+Package: libmgl-fltk7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (fltk interface for windows)
This package contains the fltk interface shared object files for window
-Package: libmgl-wx7.0.0
+Package: libmgl-wx7.1.0
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
@@ -164,6 +164,19 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (wx interface for windows)
This package contains the wx interface shared object files for window
+# Package: libmgl-lua7.1.0
+# Architecture: any
+# Section: libs
+# Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libmgl-data
+# Description: library for scientific graphs (Lua interface)
+# A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
+# to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF
+# files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt.
+# MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of
+# languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.
+# .
+# This package contains the Lua interface shared object files.
Package: libmgl-data
Architecture: all
Section: misc
@@ -180,10 +193,10 @@ Description: library for scientific graphs (data files)
Package: libmgl-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
-Depends: libmgl7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libmgl-wnd7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}),
- libmgl-wx7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libmgl-fltk7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}),
- libmgl-qt7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libmgl-glut7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}),
- libmgl-mpi7.0.0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libgsl0-dev,
+Depends: libmgl7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libmgl-wnd7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libmgl-wx7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libmgl-fltk7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libmgl-qt7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libmgl-glut7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libmgl-mpi7.1.0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libgsl0-dev,
libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libpng-dev
Description: library for scientific graphs (development files)
A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
diff --git a/debian/folder/mathgl-doc-en b/debian/folder/mathgl-doc-en
index f88a292..4c1c15c 100644
--- a/debian/folder/mathgl-doc-en
+++ b/debian/folder/mathgl-doc-en
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ Format: HTML
Index: /usr/share/doc/mathgl/mathgl_en/mathgl_en.html
Files: /usr/share/doc/mathgl/mathgl_en/*.html
+Format: PDF
+Files: /usr/share/doc/mathgl/mathgl_en.pdf.gz
Format: Info
Index: /usr/share/info/mathgl_en.info.gz
Files: /usr/share/info/mathgl_en.info*.gz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-dev.install b/debian/libmgl-dev.install
index 5d583d8..2846b1b 100644
--- a/debian/libmgl-dev.install
+++ b/debian/libmgl-dev.install
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ccf313..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 869ee5f..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-fltk7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1740 +0,0 @@
-libmgl-fltk.so.7.0.0 libmgl-fltk7.0.0 #MINVER#
- FL_NORMAL_SIZE at Base 2.1.3
- KeySymToUcs4 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertBig5ToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertCp936extToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucCnToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucJpToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucKrToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucTwToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertGb2312ToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertUcsToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertUtf8ToUcs at Base 2.1.3
- XCountUtf8Char at Base 2.1.3
- XFastConvertUtf8ToUcs at Base 2.1.3
- XKeysymToUcs at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8CharByteLen at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8IsNonSpacing at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8LookupString at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8Tolower at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8Toupper at Base 2.1.3
- _Z10fl_measurePKcRiS1_i at Base 2.1.3
- _Z10fl_messagePKcz at Base 2.1.3
- _Z10resizeformv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_contrastjj at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_down_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_draw_box10Fl_Boxtypeiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_inactivej at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_init_ximv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_no_labelPK8Fl_Labeliiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_passwordPKcS0_z at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_set_spotiiiiiiP9Fl_Window at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11fl_up_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12fl_fix_focusv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12fl_gray_rampv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12fl_rectboundiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12mgl_ask_fltkPKwPw at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13fl_add_symbolPKcPFvjEi at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13fl_down_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13fl_read_imagePhiiiii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13fl_reset_spotv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13fl_set_statusiiii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_dir_chooserPKcS0_i at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_draw_pixmapPKPKciij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_draw_pixmapPKPciij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_draw_symbolPKciiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_expand_textPKcPcidRiRdii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_parse_colorPKcRhS1_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_thin_up_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14fl_throw_focusP9Fl_Widget at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_border_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_embossed_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_engraved_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_file_chooserPKcS0_S0_i at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_message_iconv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_normal_labelPK8Fl_Labeliiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_old_shortcutPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_open_displayP9_XDisplay at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_open_displayv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_return_arrowiiii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_round_up_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15fl_text_extentsPKcRiS1_S1_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16XRectangleRegioniiii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_close_displayv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_color_averagejjf at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_filename_listPKcPPP6direntPFiS3_S3_E at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_filename_namePKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_message_titlePKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_thin_down_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16fl_thin_up_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16gtk_round_up_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_copy_offscreeniiiimii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_create_bitmaskiiPKh at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_delete_bitmaskm at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_embossed_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_engraved_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_filename_isdirPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_filename_matchPKcS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_measure_pixmapPKPKcRiS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_measure_pixmapPKPcRiS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_normal_measurePK8Fl_LabelRiS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_round_down_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_shortcut_labelj at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17fl_shortcut_labeljPPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17mgl_makemenu_fltkP8Fl_Menu_P10Fl_MGLView at Base 2.1.3
- _Z18fl_filename_expandPciPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z18fl_message_hotspoti at Base 2.1.3
- _Z18fl_message_hotspotv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z18fl_thin_down_frameiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z18gtk_round_down_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z19fl_create_alphamaskiiiiPKh at Base 2.1.3
- _Z19fl_destroy_xft_drawm at Base 2.1.3
- _Z19fl_internal_boxtype10Fl_BoxtypePFviiiijE at Base 2.1.3
- _Z20fl_filename_absolutePciPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z20fl_filename_relativePciPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z20fl_filename_relativePciPKcS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z20fl_sendClientMessagemmmmmmm at Base 2.1.3
- _Z21fl_filename_free_listPPP6direnti at Base 2.1.3
- _Z23fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOXv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z24_fl_filename_isdir_quickPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z24fl_can_do_alpha_blendingv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z24fl_file_chooser_callbackPFvPKcE at Base 2.1.3
- _Z24fl_file_chooser_ok_labelPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z24fl_message_title_defaultPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z25fl_define_FL_ROUND_UP_BOXv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z27fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOXv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z6fl_askPKcz at Base 2.1.3
- _Z6fl_pieiiiidd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_beepi at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_drawPKciff at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_drawPKcii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_drawPKciii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_drawPKciiiijP8Fl_Imagei at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_drawPKciiiijPFvS0_iiiEP8Fl_Imagei at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_drawiPKcii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_findm at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_waitd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z7fl_xid_PK9Fl_Window at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_alertPKcz at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_framePKciiii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_inputPKcS0_z at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_readyv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_rectfiiiihhh at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_rectfiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8fl_widthPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_choicePKcS0_S0_S0_z at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_cursor9Fl_Cursorjj at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_frame2PKciiii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_handleRK7_XEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_heightii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_new_icv at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_no_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_scrolliiiiiiPFvPviiiiES_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_up_boxiiiij at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_xpixelhhh at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9fl_xpixelj at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN10Fl_Browser11item_selectEPvi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN10Fl_Browser11remove_iconEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN10Fl_Browser12linepositionEiNS_16Fl_Line_PositionE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN10Fl_Browser3addEPKcPv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN10Fl_Browser4dataEiPv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser10fileNameCBEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser10save_labelE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser10showHiddenEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser10show_labelE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser11cb_fileListEP15Fl_File_BrowserPv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser12filter_valueEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser12hidden_labelE at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser15all_files_labelE at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser19new_directory_labelE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser19remove_hidden_filesEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser20cb_favDeleteButton_iEP9Fl_ButtonPv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser20cb_favoritesButton_iEP14Fl_Menu_ButtonPv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser21new_directory_tooltipE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser22manage_favorites_labelE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser3cb_EP7Fl_TilePv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4hideEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4showEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4sortE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4typeEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4typeEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5colorEj at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5colorEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5countEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5labelEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5shownEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5valueEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5valueEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6filterEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6filterEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6newdirEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6prefs_E at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6rescanEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser7previewEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser7visibleEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8callbackEPFvPS_PvES1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8iconsizeEh at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8iconsizeEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8ok_labelEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8textfontEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8textsizeEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8textsizeEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser9add_extraEP9Fl_Widget at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser9directoryEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser9textcolorEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser9user_dataEPv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserC1EPKcS1_iS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserC2EPKcS1_iS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Hold_BrowserC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Hold_BrowserD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Hold_BrowserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Hold_BrowserD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Input_Choice15InputMenuButtonD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Input_Choice15InputMenuButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Input_Choice15InputMenuButtonD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Input_Choice7menu_cbEP9Fl_WidgetPv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Input_ChoiceC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Input_ChoiceD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Input_ChoiceD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Input_ChoiceD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Light_ButtonC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Light_ButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Light_ButtonD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Radio_ButtonC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Radio_ButtonD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Radio_ButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Radio_ButtonD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Secret_InputC1EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Secret_InputC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Secret_InputD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Secret_InputD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Secret_InputD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Shared_Image15alloc_handlers_E at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Shared_Image7images_E at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Shared_Image7releaseEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Shared_ImageC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Shared_ImageD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_Shared_ImageD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Double_Window4showEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Double_Window5flushEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Double_WindowC1EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Double_WindowC2EiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Double_WindowC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Double_WindowD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Double_WindowD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Multi_BrowserC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Multi_BrowserD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Multi_BrowserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Multi_BrowserD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Repeat_ButtonC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Repeat_ButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Repeat_ButtonD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Return_ButtonC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Return_ButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Return_ButtonD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Single_WindowC1EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Single_WindowD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Toggle_ButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN16Fl_Toggle_ButtonD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Display_DeviceD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Overlay_Window4hideEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Overlay_Window4showEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Overlay_WindowD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Overlay_WindowD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Plugin_Manager6pluginEi at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Plugin_ManagerD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Plugin_ManagerD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Select_BrowserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Select_BrowserD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Simple_CounterD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Simple_CounterD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Graphics_Driver3arcEiiiidd at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Graphics_Driver4drawEiPKciii at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Graphics_Driver4lineEiiiiii at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Graphics_Driver4loopEiiiiiiii at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Graphics_Driver5colorEj at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTS18Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS18Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS18Fl_Multiline_Input at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS19Fl_Multiline_Output at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS21Fl_Radio_Light_Button at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS23Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS6Fl_Box at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS7Fl_Tile at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS8Fl_Group at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS8Fl_Image at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS8Fl_Input at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS8Fl_Menu_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Bitmap at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Button at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Choice at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Device at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Input_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Output at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Pixmap at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Plugin at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Scroll at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Slider at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Widget at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9Fl_Window at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9menutitle at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTV10Fl_Browser at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV10Fl_Counter at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV10Fl_Spinner at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV10menuwindow at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV11Fl_Browser_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV11Fl_Menu_Bar at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV11Fl_Valuator at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV12Fl_Int_Input at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV12Fl_RGB_Image at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTV12Fl_XPM_Image at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTV14Fl_Menu_Window at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV14Fl_Nice_Slider at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTV15Fl_Radio_Button at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTV16Fl_Return_Button at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV16Fl_Single_Window at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZTV17Fl_Simple_Counter at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV17Fl_Surface_Device at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV18Fl_Graphics_Driver at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV18Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV18Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV18Fl_Multiline_Input at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV19Fl_Multiline_Output at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV21Fl_Radio_Light_Button at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV23Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV6Fl_Box at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV7Fl_Tile at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV8Fl_Group at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV8Fl_Image at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV8Fl_Input at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV8Fl_Menu_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Bitmap at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Button at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Choice at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Device at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Input_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Output at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Pixmap at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Plugin at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Scroll at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Slider at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Widget at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9Fl_Window at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9menutitle at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTVN15Fl_Input_Choice15InputMenuButtonE at Base 2.1.3
- fl_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK at Base 2.1.3
- fl_NET_WM_ICON_NAME at Base 2.1.3
- fl_NET_WM_NAME at Base 2.1.3
- fl_NET_WM_STATE at Base 2.1.3
- fl_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN at Base 2.1.3
- fl_NET_WORKAREA at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XaCompoundText at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XaTextUriList at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XaUtf8String at Base 2.1.3
- fl_Xatextplain at Base 2.1.3
- fl_Xatextplainutf2 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_Xatextplainutf at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndActionCopy at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndAware at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndDrop at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndEnter at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndFinished at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndLeave at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndPosition at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndSelection at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndStatus at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndTypeList at Base 2.1.3
- fl_XdndURIList at Base 2.1.3
- fl_access at Base 2.1.3
- fl_alphasort at Base 2.1.3
- fl_ascii_strcasecmp at Base 2.1.3
- fl_background_pixel at Base 2.1.3
- fl_bg2 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_bg at Base 2.1.3
- fl_bluemask at Base 2.1.3
- fl_blueshift at Base 2.1.3
- fl_cancel at Base 2.1.3
- fl_casealphasort at Base 2.1.3
- fl_casenumericsort at Base 2.1.3
- fl_chmod at Base 2.1.3
- fl_close at Base 2.1.3
- fl_colormap at Base 2.1.3
- fl_disable_transient_for at Base 2.1.3
- fl_display at Base 2.1.3
- fl_dnd_action at Base 2.1.3
- fl_dnd_source_action at Base 2.1.3
- fl_dnd_source_types at Base 2.1.3
- fl_dnd_source_window at Base 2.1.3
- fl_dnd_type at Base 2.1.3
- fl_draw_shortcut at Base 2.1.3
- fl_encoding_ at Base 2.1.3
- fl_event_time at Base 2.1.3
- fl_execvp at Base 2.1.3
- fl_extrashift at Base 2.1.3
- fl_fg at Base 2.1.3
- fl_fonts at Base 2.1.3
- fl_fopen at Base 2.1.3
- fl_gc at Base 2.1.3
- fl_getcwd at Base 2.1.3
- fl_getenv at Base 2.1.3
- fl_graphics_driver at Base 2.1.3
- fl_greenmask at Base 2.1.3
- fl_greenshift at Base 2.1.3
- fl_i_own_selection at Base 2.1.3
- fl_is_over_the_spot at Base 2.1.3
- fl_key_vector at Base 2.1.3
- fl_line_width_ at Base 2.1.3
- fl_local_grab at Base 2.1.3
- fl_lock_function at Base 2.1.3
- fl_make_path at Base 2.1.3
- fl_make_path_for_file at Base 2.1.3
- fl_mask_bitmap at Base 2.1.3
- fl_menu_array_owner at Base 2.1.3
- fl_message_font_ at Base 2.1.3
- fl_message_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- fl_message_window at Base 2.1.3
- fl_mkdir at Base 2.1.3
- fl_no at Base 2.1.3
- fl_nonspacing at Base 2.1.3
- fl_numericsort at Base 2.1.3
- fl_ok at Base 2.1.3
- fl_oldfocus at Base 2.1.3
- fl_open at Base 2.1.3
- fl_redmask at Base 2.1.3
- fl_redshift at Base 2.1.3
- fl_rename at Base 2.1.3
- fl_rmdir at Base 2.1.3
- fl_screen at Base 2.1.3
- fl_selection_buffer at Base 2.1.3
- fl_selection_buffer_length at Base 2.1.3
- fl_selection_length at Base 2.1.3
- fl_selection_requestor at Base 2.1.3
- fl_show_iconic at Base 2.1.3
- fl_stat at Base 2.1.3
- fl_strlcat at Base 2.1.3
- fl_strlcpy at Base 2.1.3
- fl_system at Base 2.1.3
- fl_tolower at Base 2.1.3
- fl_toupper at Base 2.1.3
- fl_ucs_to_Utf16 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_unlink at Base 2.1.3
- fl_unlock_function at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf2mbcs at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8back at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8bytes at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8decode at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8encode at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8from_mb at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8froma at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8fromwc at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8fwd at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8len1 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8len at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8locale at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8test at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8toUtf16 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8to_mb at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8toa at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8towc at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_nb_char at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_strcasecmp at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_strncasecmp at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_tolower at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_toupper at Base 2.1.3
- fl_visual at Base 2.1.3
- fl_wcwidth at Base 2.1.3
- fl_wcwidth_ at Base 2.1.3
- fl_window at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xevent at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xfocus at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xfont at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xftfont at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xim_ic at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xim_im at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xmap at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xmousewin at Base 2.1.3
- fl_yes at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_fltk at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_fltk_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fltk_run at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fltk_run_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fltk_thr at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-fltk7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-fltk7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dffdd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-fltk7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 68de839..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e9cfa..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-glut7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-libmgl-glut.so.7.0.0 libmgl-glut7.0.0 #MINVER#
- mgl_create_graph_glut at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-glut7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-glut7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3405770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-glut7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-lua7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-lua7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b130e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-lua7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index b90da4d..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b29c6e..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-mpi7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-libmgl-mpi.so.7.0.0 libmgl-mpi7.0.0 #MINVER#
- mgl_mpi_recv at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mpi_recv_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mpi_send at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mpi_send_ at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-mpi7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-mpi7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dce6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-mpi7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index b7066da..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a29a37..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-qt7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-libmgl-qt.so.7.0.0 libmgl-qt7.0.0 #MINVER#
- _Z10mgl_ask_qtPKwPw at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10addEllipseEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10exportMGLDE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10exportPNGsE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10mouseClickEddd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10objChangedEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10perChangedEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10phiChangedEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10posChangedE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10setMGLFontE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10shiftRightEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10tetChangedEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL10wheelEventEP11QWheelEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11doubleClickEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11gridChangedEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11refreshDataEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11resizeEventEP12QResizeEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL11zoomChangedEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL12alphaChangedEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL12frameChangedEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL12lightChangedEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL13copyClickCoorEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL13rotateChangedEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL13viewYZChangedEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL14mouseMoveEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL14usePrimChangedEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL15mousePressEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL16staticMetaObjectE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL21mouseDoubleClickEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL4copyEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL4stopEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL5aboutEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL5printEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL6adjustEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL6setPerEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL6setPhiEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL6setTetEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL6updateEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL6zoomInEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7aboutQtEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7addLineEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7addMarkEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7addRectEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7addTextE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7imgSizeEii at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7refreshEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7restoreEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7setGridEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7setSizeEii at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7setZoomEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7shiftUpEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL7zoomOutEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8addCurveEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8addRhombEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8askStyleEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8draw_thrEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8getRatioEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8setAlphaEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8setGraphEP7mglBase at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8setLightEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL8setStyleEi7QString at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN7QMathGL9animationEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportBPSE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportEPSE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportGIFE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportJPGE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportOBJE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportOFFE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportPNGE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportPRCE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportSTLE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportSVGE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportTEXE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportTGAE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9exportXYZE7QString at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9nextSlideEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9prevSlideEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9setRotateEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9setViewYZEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9shiftDownEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGL9shiftLeftEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGLC1EP7QWidget6QFlagsIN2Qt10WindowTypeEE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGLC2EP7QWidget6QFlagsIN2Qt10WindowTypeEE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGLD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGLD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7QMathGLD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZNK7QMathGL10metaObjectEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTI7QMathGL at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS7QMathGL at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV7QMathGL at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_ZThn8_N7QMathGLD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_ZThn8_N7QMathGLD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_ZThn16_N7QMathGLD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_ZThn16_N7QMathGLD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_qt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_qt_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qt_run at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qt_run_ at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-qt7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-qt7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71965bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-qt7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index f9595a3..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f1a4e..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-wnd7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1843 +0,0 @@
-libmgl-wnd.so.7.0.0 libmgl-wnd7.0.0 #MINVER#
- FL_NORMAL_SIZE at Base 2.1.3
- KeySymToUcs4 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertBig5ToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertCp936extToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucCnToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucJpToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucKrToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertEucTwToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertGb2312ToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertUcsToUtf8 at Base 2.1.3
- XConvertUtf8ToUcs at Base 2.1.3
- XCountUtf8Char at Base 2.1.3
- XFastConvertUtf8ToUcs at Base 2.1.3
- XKeysymToUcs at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8CharByteLen at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8IsNonSpacing at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8LookupString at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8Tolower at Base 2.1.3
- XUtf8Toupper at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences16deleteAllEntriesEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3getEPKcRPcS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3getEPKcRPvPKvi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3getEPKcRdd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3getEPKcRff at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3getEPKcRii at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3setEPKcPKvi at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3setEPKcd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3setEPKcdi at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3setEPKcfi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences3setEPKci at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4NameC2Ej at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node12lastEntrySetE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node16deleteAllEntriesEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node3getEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node3setEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node3setEPKcS2_ at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node6removeEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node6searchEPKci at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node8addChildEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node8findRootEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4Node8getEntryEPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences4NodeD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences5entryEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences5flushEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeC1EPS_NS_4RootEPKcS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeC1EPS_PKcS3_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeC2EPS_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeC2EPS_NS_4RootEPKcS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeC2EPS_PKcS3_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_Preferences8RootNodeD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_PreferencesC1EPKcS1_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_PreferencesC1EPS_i at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN14Fl_PreferencesC1EPv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN14Fl_PreferencesC2EPKcS1_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_BrowserD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_BrowserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser12filter_valueEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser19remove_hidden_filesEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser20cb_favDeleteButton_iEP9Fl_ButtonPv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser21new_directory_tooltipE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser22manage_favorites_labelE at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4hideEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4showEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4sortE at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser4typeEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5colorEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5labelEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser5valueEi at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6filterEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6newdirEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6prefs_E at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser6rescanEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser7visibleEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8callbackEPFvPS_PvES1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8iconsizeEv at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser8textsizeEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_Chooser9add_extraEP9Fl_Widget at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserC2EPKcS1_iS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN15Fl_File_ChooserD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Hold_BrowserD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN15Fl_Secret_InputD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Return_ButtonD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Single_WindowC1EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN16Fl_Single_WindowD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Overlay_WindowD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Overlay_WindowD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Plugin_ManagerD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN17Fl_Plugin_ManagerD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Select_BrowserC2EiiiiPKc at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Select_BrowserD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN17Fl_Simple_CounterD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Hor_Fill_SliderD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN18Fl_Hor_Fill_SliderD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZN18Fl_Hor_Nice_SliderD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN18Fl_Hor_Nice_SliderD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
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- fl_stat at Base 2.1.3
- fl_strlcat at Base 2.1.3
- fl_strlcpy at Base 2.1.3
- fl_system at Base 2.1.3
- fl_tolower at Base 2.1.3
- fl_toupper at Base 2.1.3
- fl_ucs_to_Utf16 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_unlink at Base 2.1.3
- fl_unlock_function at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf2mbcs at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8back at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8bytes at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8decode at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8encode at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8from_mb at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8froma at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8fromwc at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8fwd at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8len1 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8len at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8locale at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8test at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8toUtf16 at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8to_mb at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8toa at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf8towc at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_nb_char at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_strcasecmp at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_strncasecmp at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_tolower at Base 2.1.3
- fl_utf_toupper at Base 2.1.3
- fl_visual at Base 2.1.3
- fl_wcwidth at Base 2.1.3
- fl_wcwidth_ at Base 2.1.3
- fl_window at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xevent at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xfocus at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xfont at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xftfont at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xim_ic at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xim_im at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xmap at Base 2.1.3
- fl_xmousewin at Base 2.1.3
- fl_yes at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_fltk at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_fltk_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_qt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_qt_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fltk_run at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fltk_run_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fltk_thr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qt_run at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qt_run_ at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-wnd7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-wnd7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465dea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-wnd7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index d6b927f..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 88dc9dc..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl-wx7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-libmgl-wx.so.7.0.0 libmgl-wx7.0.0 #MINVER#
- mgl_create_graph_wx at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_wx_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wx_run at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wx_run_ at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl-wx7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl-wx7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd8810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl-wx7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl7.0.0.install b/debian/libmgl7.0.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 248a51b..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl7.0.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl7.0.0.symbols b/debian/libmgl7.0.0.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 30b41f6..0000000
--- a/debian/libmgl7.0.0.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3050 +0,0 @@
-libmgl.so.7.0.0 libmgl7.0.0 #MINVER#
- _Z10mgl_isbothPK8mglDataAS1_S1_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z10mgl_label_PmPKcS1_PdS1_iii at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z10mgl_label_PjPKcS1_PdS1_iii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11mgl_spline3PdS_lldRd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z11mgl_spline5PdS_lldRd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12mgl_add_fileRlS_S_RPdP7mglDatab at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12mgl_ask_getsPKwPw at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12mgl_cont_genP7mglBasedPK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_dil at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z12mgl_del_var_PmPKci at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z12mgl_del_var_PjPKci at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12mgl_x3d_mdefP7mglBasePvb at Base 2.1.3
- _Z12mgl_x3d_primRK7mglPrimRK6mglPntPKlPvbd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13mgl_axial_genP7mglBasedPK8mglDataAS3_S3_dcli at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z13mgl_cones_xz_PmS_S_PKcS1_ii at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z13mgl_cones_xz_PjS_S_PKcS1_ii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13mgl_contf_genP7mglBaseddPK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_dl at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13mgl_contv_genP7mglBaseddPK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_dl at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13mgl_difr_gridPSt7complexIdEiS0_iS1_S1_i at Base 2.1.3
- _Z13mgl_write_x3dP7mglBasePKcS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mglStartThreadPFPvS_EPFvP10mglThreadDPdElS4_PKdS8_PKlPKvS8_S8_PKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_check_dim0P7mglBasePK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_PKcb at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_check_dim1P7mglBasePK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_PKcb at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_check_dim2P7mglBasePK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_PKcb at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_check_dim3P7mglBasebPK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_S3_PKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_check_trigP7mglBasePK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_S3_PKci at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_check_vec3P7mglBasePK8mglDataAS3_S3_S3_S3_S3_PKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_difr_axialPSt7complexIdEiS0_iS1_S1_id at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z14mgl_subplot_d_PmPiS0_S0_PKcPdS3_i at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z14mgl_subplot_d_PjPiS0_S0_PKcPdS3_i at Base 2.1.3
- _Z14mgl_surf3_plotP7mglBasellPlS1_S1_S1_S1_St6vectorI8mglPointSaIS3_EEi at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z14mgl_write_x3d_PmPKcS1_ii at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z14mgl_write_x3d_PjPKcS1_ii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15mglStartThreadCPFPvS_EPFvP10mglThreadCPSt7complexIdEElS6_PKS5_SA_PKlPKvSA_SA_PKc at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15mglStartThreadTPFPvS_ElS_PdPKvPS_PKlS4_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15mglStartThreadVPFPvS_ElPSt7complexIdEPKvS6_PKlS6_PKd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z15mglStartThreadVPFPvS_ElPdPKvS4_PKlS4_PKd at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z15mgl_datac_crop_PmPiS0_PKci at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z15mgl_datac_crop_PjPiS0_PKci at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z15mgl_datac_fill_PmPSt7complexIdES2_PKci at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z15mgl_datac_fill_PjPSt7complexIdES2_PKci at Base 2.1.3
- _Z16mgl_obj_prim_oldP7mglBaseRK7mglPrimRK6mglPntP8_IO_FILEd at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z17mgl_columnplot_d_PmPiS0_S0_Pd at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z17mgl_columnplot_d_PjPiS0_S0_Pd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z17mgl_obj_glyph_oldP7mglBaseRK7mglPrimRK6mglPntP8_IO_FILE at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z17mgl_set_font_def_PmPci at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z17mgl_set_font_def_PjPci at Base 2.1.3
- _Z18mgl_data_read_hdf4P7mglDataPKcS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- _Z19mgl_create_cpp_fontP7mglBasePKw at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z19mgl_datac_read_all_PmPKcPii at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z19mgl_datac_read_all_PjPKcPii at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z20mgl_datac_get_value_PmPiS0_S0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z20mgl_datac_get_value_PjPiS0_S0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z20mgl_datac_set_value_PmPSt7complexIdEPiS3_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z20mgl_datac_set_value_PjPSt7complexIdEPiS3_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=amd64 ia64)_Z21mgl_datac_read_range_PmPKcPdS2_S2_Pii at Base 2.1.3
- (arch=i386)_Z21mgl_datac_read_range_PjPKcPdS2_S2_Pii at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8mgl_dropP7mglBase8mglPointS1_dddd at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8mgl_expiSt7complexIdE at Base 2.1.3
- _Z8mgl_expid at Base 2.1.3
- _Z9mgl_ipowcSt7complexIdEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN10mglTexture3SetEPKcid at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL10LightScaleEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL11GetRGBLinesERlS0_RPhb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL3ClfE8mglColor at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL3FogEdd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL4ViewEddd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL4ZoomEdddd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL5AlphaEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL5LightEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL5LightEib at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL6FinishEb at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL7set_penEjd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL8AddLightEi8mglPointS0_cdd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL8EndFrameEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL8NewFrameEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL8pnt_drawERK6mglPntP10mglDrawReg at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL9line_drawERK6mglPntS2_P10mglDrawReg at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL9line_drawEll at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL9quad_drawERK6mglPntS2_S2_S2_P10mglDrawReg at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL9quad_drawEllll at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL9trig_drawERK6mglPntS2_S2_bP10mglDrawReg at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGL9trig_drawElll at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGLC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGLC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGLD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGLD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN11mglCanvasGLD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd11ResetFramesEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd11SetDrawFuncEPFiP7mglBasePvES2_PFvS2_E at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd6ReLoadEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd7GetBitsEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd7SetSizeEii at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd8DelFrameEl at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd8EndFrameEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd8SetFrameEl at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWnd9SetCurFigEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWndC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWndC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWndD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWndD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN12mglCanvasWndD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase10AddTextureE8mglColor at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase10AddTextureEPKci at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase10SetAmbientEd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase10SetFontDefEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase10StartGroupEPKci at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase11ClearUnusedEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase11RestoreFontEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase12RecalcBorderEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase12RecalcCRangeEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase13SetAutoRangesEdddddddd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6AddPntE8mglPointdS0_di at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6CRangeEPK8mglDataAbd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6CutOffEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6XRangeEPK8mglDataAbd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6YRangeEPK8mglDataAbd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6ZRangeEPK8mglDataAbd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase6resortEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase7ClearEqEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase7ReserveEl at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase7SetCoorEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase7SetFuncEPKcS1_S1_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase7SetWarnEiPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase7TernaryEi at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase8AddGlyphEil at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase8CopyFontEPS_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase8CopyNtoCEld at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase8CopyProjEl8mglPointS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase8LoadFontEPKcS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase8SetFBordEddd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9AddActiveEli at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9AddLegendEPKcS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9AddLegendEPKwPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9LoadStateEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9NextColorERl at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9SaveStateEPKc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9SetOriginEdddd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9SetPenPalEPKcPl at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9SetRangesE8mglPointS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBase9vect_plotElld at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBaseC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBaseC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBaseD0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBaseD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN7mglBaseD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN8mglGlyph6CreateEll at Base 2.1.3
- _ZN8mglGlypheqERKS_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureE10deallocateEPS1_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureE7destroyEPS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureE9constructEPS1_RKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureEC1ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureEC2ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorI10mglTextureED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIPmE10deallocateEPS1_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIPmE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIPmEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIPmEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIPmED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIPmED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE10deallocateEPS4_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE7destroyEPS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE9constructEPS4_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsE10deallocateEPSsm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsE7destroyEPSs at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsE9constructEPSsRKSs at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISsED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIK8mglColormEEE10deallocateEPS6_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIK8mglColormEEE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIK8mglColormEEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIK8mglColormEEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIK8mglColormEEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIK8mglColormEEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEE10deallocateEPS8_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEE10deallocateEPS2_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIK8mglColormEE7destroyEPS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIK8mglColormEE9constructEPS4_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIK8mglColormEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIK8mglColormEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIK8mglColormEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIK8mglColormEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEE7destroyEPS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEE9constructEPS6_RKS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdE10deallocateEPdm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdE7destroyEPd at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdE9constructEPdRKd at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIdED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhE10deallocateEPhm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhE7destroyEPh at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhE9constructEPhRKh at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIhED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjE10deallocateEPjm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjE7destroyEPj at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjE9constructEPjRKj at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIjED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlE10deallocateEPlm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlE7destroyEPl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlE9constructEPlRKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlEC1ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIlED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImE10deallocateEPmm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImE7destroyEPm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImE9constructEPmRKm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImEC1ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorImED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIwE10deallocateEPwm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIwE7destroyEPw at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIwE8allocateEmPKv at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaISsEE8max_sizeERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaIdEE8max_sizeERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaIdEE9constructIdEEvRS1_PdRKT_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaIhEE8max_sizeERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaIjEE8max_sizeERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaIlEE8max_sizeERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx14__alloc_traitsISaIwEE8max_sizeERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEC2ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSsSt6vectorISsSaISsEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPdSt6vectorIdSaIdEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEC1ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEC1ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEmmEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEC1ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEmmEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEppEv at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSt6vectorIwSaIwEEEC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxeqIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEEbRKNS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_EESB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxeqIPKjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEEbRKNS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_EESB_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxeqIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEbRKNS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_EESA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxeqIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEbRKNS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_EESB_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxltIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEbRKNS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_EESA_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxmiIPjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEENS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_E15difference_typeERKS8_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxmiIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEENS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_E15difference_typeERKS8_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxmiIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEENS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_E15difference_typeERKS9_SC_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxmiIPwSt6vectorIwSaIwEEEENS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_E15difference_typeERKS8_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZN9__gnu_cxxneIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEbRKNS_17__normal_iteratorIT_T0_EESB_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNK9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEdeEv at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNK9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEdeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNK9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEmiERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNK9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEplERKl at Base 2.1.3
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- _ZNK9mglCanvas7GetOrgYEc at Base 2.1.3
- _ZNK9mglCanvas7GetOrgZEc at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNKSt6vectorIjSaIjEE4sizeEv at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNSaIdEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIdEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIdED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIdED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIhEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIhEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIhED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIhED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIjEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIjEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIjED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIjED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlEC1ERKS_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlEC1ISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEEERKSaIT_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlEC2ERKS_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlEC2ISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlEEERKSaIT_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaIlED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaImEC1ERKS_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaImEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaImEC2ERKS_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaImEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaImED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSaImED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs12_S_constructIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEEPcT_S9_RKSaIcE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs12_S_constructIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEEPcT_S9_RKSaIcESt20forward_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs13_S_copy_charsIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEEvPcT_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs16_S_construct_auxIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEEPcT_S9_RKSaIcESt12__false_type at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs19_M_replace_dispatchIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEERSsNS1_IPcSsEESA_T_SB_St12__false_type at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs6assignIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEERSsT_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSs7replaceIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEERSsNS1_IPcSsEESA_T_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSsC1IN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEET_S8_RKSaIcE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSsC1IPcEET_S1_RKSaIcE at Base
- (optional)_ZNSsC2IN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEEET_S8_RKSaIcE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSsC2IPcEET_S1_RKSaIcE at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEELb1EE7_S_baseES7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEELb0EE7_S_baseES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEELb1EE7_S_baseES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEELb0EE7_S_baseES7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEELb1EE7_S_baseES7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEELb0EE7_S_baseES7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEELb1EE7_S_baseES7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEELb0EE7_S_baseES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEELb1EE7_S_baseES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPdSt6vectorIdSaIdEEEELb1EE7_S_baseES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEELb1EE7_S_baseES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEELb0EE7_S_baseES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEELb1EE7_S_baseES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIP10mglTextureLb0EE7_S_baseES1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPKdLb0EE7_S_baseES1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPPmLb0EE7_S_baseES1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEELb0EE7_S_baseES4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPSsLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPcLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPdLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPhLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPjLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPlLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPmLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseIPwLb0EE7_S_baseES0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_ELb0EE7_S_baseES4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseISt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmELb0EE7_S_baseES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_Iter_baseISt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEELb0EE7_S_baseES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt10_List_baseI11PRCtesslineSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt10_List_baseI11PRCtesslineSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI11ObjTriangleSaIS0_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI11PRCRgbColorSaIS0_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI18PRCSingleAttributeSaIS0_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI18PRCSingleAttributeSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI18PRCSingleAttributeSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI7ObjLineSaIS0_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI7ObjLineSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI7ObjLineSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP10PRCPictureSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP11PRCGraphicsSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP11PRCMaterialSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP11PRCTessFaceSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP14PRCTopoContextSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP17PRCCompressedFaceSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP17PRCPartDefinitionSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP19PRCCoordinateSystemSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP19PRCUncompressedFileSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP20PRCProductOccurrenceSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP20PRCTextureDefinitionSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP21PRCRepresentationItemSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP7PRCBodySaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP7PRCFaceSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP7PRCTessSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP8PRCShellSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP8PRCStyleSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIP9PRCConnexSaIS1_EE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIjSaIjEE17_M_initialize_mapEj at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIjSaIjEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIjSaIjEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIjSaIjEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseIjSaIjEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE11_Deque_implC1ERKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE11_Deque_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE11_Deque_implC2ERKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE11_Deque_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE11_Deque_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE11_Deque_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE15_M_allocate_mapEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE15_M_create_nodesEPPmS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE16_M_allocate_nodeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE16_M_destroy_nodesEPPmS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE17_M_deallocate_mapEPPmm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE17_M_initialize_mapEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE18_M_deallocate_nodeEPm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEEC1ERKS0_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEEC2ERKS0_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11_Deque_baseImSaImEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIP10mglTextureS4_EET0_T_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIPK10mglTexturePS3_EET0_T_S8_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIPKhSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEEET0_T_SA_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS4_ES3_ImRmPmEEET0_T_SC_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIPmEEPT_PKS4_S7_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIcEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIdEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIhEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIjEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIlEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mImEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIwEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__iter_swapILb1EE9iter_swapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEES8_EEvT_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt11__iter_swapILb1EE9iter_swapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEES8_EEvT_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb0EE9__destroyIP8mglGlyphEEvT_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb0EE9__destroyIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb0EE9__destroyIPSsEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP10mglTextureSt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEEEEvT_SA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEEEvT_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIP10mglTextureEEvT_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIPdEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIPhEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIPjEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIPlEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIPmEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Destroy_auxILb1EE9__destroyIPwEEvT_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Norm_helperILb1EE8_S_do_itIdEET_RKSt7complexIS2_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE12_Vector_implC1ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE12_Vector_implC2ERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE13_M_deallocateEPS0_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE17_M_create_storageEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EEC1EmRKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EEC2EmRKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseI10mglTextureSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE13_M_deallocateEPS3_m at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESaIS3_EED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE13_M_deallocateEPSsm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseISsSaISsEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE13_M_deallocateEPdm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIdSaIdEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE13_M_deallocateEPhm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE13_M_deallocateEPjm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIjSaIjEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE12_Vector_implC1ERKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE12_Vector_implC2ERKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE13_M_deallocateEPlm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE17_M_create_storageEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEEC1EmRKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEEC2EmRKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIlSaIlEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE12_Vector_implC1ERKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE12_Vector_implC2ERKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE13_M_deallocateEPmm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE17_M_create_storageEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEEC1EmRKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEEC2EmRKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseImSaImEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE11_M_allocateEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE12_Vector_implC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE12_Vector_implC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE12_Vector_implD1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE12_Vector_implD2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE13_M_deallocateEPwm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEE19_M_get_Tp_allocatorEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt12_Vector_baseIwSaIwEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS0_E11_M_set_nodeEPPm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS0_E14_S_buffer_sizeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS0_EC1ERKS_ImRmPmE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS0_EC2ERKS_ImRmPmE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS0_EppEi at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS0_EppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmE11_M_set_nodeEPS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmE14_S_buffer_sizeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmEC1ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmEC2ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED0Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt15basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEC1ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEC1ERSo at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEC2ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEC2ERSo at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEaSERKh at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEdeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIK8mglColormEEC1EPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS3_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIK8mglColormEEC2EPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS3_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIK8mglColormEEmmEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEC1EPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEC2EPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEmmEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlEC1EPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlEC2EPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlEmmEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIP10mglTextureS4_EET0_T_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES7_EET0_T_S9_S8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIPSsS3_EET0_T_S5_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIPmEEPT_PKS4_S7_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIdEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIhEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIjEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIlEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bImEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__copy_move_backwardILb0ELb1ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE13__copy_move_bIwEEPT_PKS3_S6_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb0EE13__uninit_copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEEPS4_EET0_T_SD_SC_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb0EE13__uninit_copyIP10mglTextureS3_EET0_T_S5_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb0EE13__uninit_copyIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES6_EET0_T_S8_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb0EE13__uninit_copyIPSsS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEPlEET0_T_SC_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPKdPdEET0_T_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPdS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPhS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPjS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPlS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPmS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyIPwS2_EET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb1EE13__uninit_copyISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS3_ES2_ImRmPmEEET0_T_SB_SA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt22__uninitialized_fill_nILb1EE15__uninit_fill_nIPdmdEEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt22__uninitialized_fill_nILb1EE15__uninit_fill_nIPlmlEEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt22__uninitialized_fill_nILb1EE15__uninit_fill_nIPmmmEEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEC1ERKSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEC2ERKSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEppEi at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEC1EPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEC1ERKSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEC2EPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEC2ERKSt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEppEi at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEppEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt25__lexicographical_compareILb1EE4__lcIhhEEbPKT_S4_PKT0_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapIdSt4listI11PRCtesslineSaIS1_EESt4lessIdESaISt4pairIKdS3_EEEixERS7_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapIjSt5dequeIjSaIjEESt4lessIjESaISt4pairIKjS2_EEEixERS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEE11lower_boundERS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEE3endEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEE5beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEE6insertESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS7_ERKS7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3mapImSt5dequeImSaImEESt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmS2_EEEixERS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEE5clearEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEE6insertERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEE6insertISt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt3setIlSt4lessIlESaIlEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4listI11PRCtesslineSaIS0_EE9_M_insertESt14_List_iteratorIS0_ERKS0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt4listI11PRCtesslineSaIS0_EEC1ERKS2_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt4listI11PRCtesslineSaIS0_EEC2ERKS2_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairI8mglColormEC1ERKS0_RKm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairI8mglColormEC2ERKS0_RKm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIK8mglColormEC1IS0_mEERKS_IT_T0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIK8mglColormEC2IS0_mEERKS_IT_T0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEC1ERKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEC1ERS0_RKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEC2ERKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEC2ERS0_RKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS1_EC1ERKS1_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairIPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS1_EC2ERKS1_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS_IK8mglColormEEbEC1ERKS4_RKb at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS_IK8mglColormEEbEC2ERKS4_RKb at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlEbEC1ERKS1_RKb at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIlEbEC2ERKS1_RKb at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairISt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEbEC1ERKS1_RKb at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt4pairISt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEbEC2ERKS1_RKb at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI11ObjTriangleSaIS0_EE16_M_push_back_auxERKS0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI11ObjTriangleSaIS0_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI11PRCRgbColorSaIS0_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI11PRCRgbColorSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI11PRCRgbColorSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI18PRCSingleAttributeSaIS0_EE16_M_push_back_auxERKS0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI18PRCSingleAttributeSaIS0_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI18PRCSingleAttributeSaIS0_EE19_M_destroy_data_auxESt15_Deque_iteratorIS0_RS0_PS0_ES6_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI7ObjLineSaIS0_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EE16_M_push_back_auxERKS0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EE19_M_destroy_data_auxESt15_Deque_iteratorIS0_RS0_PS0_ES6_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeI8PRCgroupSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP10PRCPictureSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP10PRCPictureSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP10PRCPictureSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP11PRCGraphicsSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP11PRCMaterialSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP11PRCMaterialSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP11PRCMaterialSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP11PRCTessFaceSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP14PRCTopoContextSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP14PRCTopoContextSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP14PRCTopoContextSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP17PRCCompressedFaceSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP17PRCPartDefinitionSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP17PRCPartDefinitionSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP17PRCPartDefinitionSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP19PRCCoordinateSystemSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP19PRCCoordinateSystemSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP19PRCCoordinateSystemSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP19PRCUncompressedFileSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP20PRCProductOccurrenceSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP20PRCProductOccurrenceSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP20PRCProductOccurrenceSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP20PRCTextureDefinitionSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP20PRCTextureDefinitionSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP20PRCTextureDefinitionSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP21PRCRepresentationItemSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP21PRCRepresentationItemSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP21PRCRepresentationItemSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCBodySaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCBodySaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCBodySaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCFaceSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCFaceSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCFaceSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCTessSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCTessSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP7PRCTessSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP8PRCShellSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP8PRCShellSaIS1_EED1Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP8PRCShellSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP8PRCStyleSaIS1_EE17_M_reallocate_mapEmb at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt5dequeIP8PRCStyleSaIS1_EED2Ev at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEEaSERKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEEixEm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmS1_EERKm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEE18_M_fill_initializeEmRKm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEE3endEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEE5beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEE9push_backERKm at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEEC1EmRKmRKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEEC2EmRKmRKS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorImSaImEEixEm at Base 2.1.3
- _ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwS1_EERKw at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEE5beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEE9push_backERKw at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt6vectorIwSaIwEEixEm at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNSt7complexIdEmIIdEERS0_RKS_IT_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt7complexIdEmLIdEERS0_RKS_IT_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt7complexIdEpLIdEERS0_RKS_IT_E at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIP19PRCUncompressedFileSt4pairIKS1_jESt10_Select1stIS4_E22PRCUncompressedFileCmpSaIS4_EE16_M_insert_uniqueERKS4_ at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIP8PRCStyleSt4pairIKS1_jESt10_Select1stIS4_E11PRCStyleCmpSaIS4_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSC_RKS4_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIP8PRCStyleSt4pairIKS1_jESt10_Select1stIS4_E11PRCStyleCmpSaIS4_EE16_M_insert_uniqueERKS4_ at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIdSt4pairIKdSt4listI11PRCtesslineSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessIdESaIS6_EE7_M_copyEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS6_EPSE_ at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjSt4pairIKjSt5dequeIjSaIjEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessIjESaIS5_EE16_M_insert_uniqueERKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjSt4pairIKjSt5dequeIjSaIjEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessIjESaIS5_EE17_M_insert_unique_ESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS5_ERKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjSt4pairIKjSt6vectorI11PRCVector3dSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessIjESaIS6_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSF_RKS6_ at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjSt4pairIKjSt6vectorI11PRCVector3dSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessIjESaIS6_EE17_M_insert_unique_ESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS6_ERKS6_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjSt4pairIKjSt6vectorI11PRCVector3dSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessIjESaIS6_EE7_M_copyEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS6_EPSE_ at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE10_M_insert_EPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS7_RKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE11_M_get_nodeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE11_M_leftmostEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE11_M_put_nodeEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE12_M_rightmostEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE13_Rb_tree_implIS3_Lb0EE13_M_initializeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE13_Rb_tree_implIS3_Lb0EEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE13_Rb_tree_implIS3_Lb0EEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE13_Rb_tree_implIS3_Lb0EED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE13_Rb_tree_implIS3_Lb0EED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE14_M_create_nodeERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE15_M_destroy_nodeEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE16_M_insert_uniqueERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE16_M_insert_uniqueISt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlEEEvT_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE17_M_insert_unique_ESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE24_M_get_insert_unique_posERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE29_M_get_insert_hint_unique_posESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIlERKl at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE3endEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE5beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE5clearEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE6_M_endEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE6_S_keyEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE6_S_keyEPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE7_M_rootEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE7_S_leftEPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE8_M_beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE8_M_eraseEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE8_S_rightEPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE8_S_valueEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIlE at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEE8_S_valueEPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIllSt9_IdentityIlESt4lessIlESaIlEED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeI7ObjLineSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessImESaIS6_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSF_RKS6_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeI7ObjLineSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessImESaIS6_EE16_M_insert_uniqueERKS6_ at Base
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeI7ObjLineSaIS3_EEESt10_Select1stIS6_ESt4lessImESaIS6_EE17_M_insert_unique_ESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS6_ERKS6_ at Base
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSE_RKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE10_M_insert_EPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSD_RKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE11_M_get_nodeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE11_M_leftmostEv at Base 2.1.3
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- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE11lower_boundERS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE12_M_rightmostEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE13_Rb_tree_implIS9_Lb0EE13_M_initializeEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE13_Rb_tree_implIS9_Lb0EEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE13_Rb_tree_implIS9_Lb0EEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE13_Rb_tree_implIS9_Lb0EED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE13_Rb_tree_implIS9_Lb0EED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE14_M_create_nodeERKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE14_M_lower_boundEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_ESE_RS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE15_M_destroy_nodeEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE16_M_insert_uniqueERKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE17_M_insert_unique_ESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS5_ERKS5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE24_M_get_insert_unique_posERS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE29_M_get_insert_hint_unique_posESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS5_ERS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE3endEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE5beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE6_M_endEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE6_S_keyEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE6_S_keyEPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE7_S_leftEPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE8_M_beginEv at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE8_M_eraseEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE8_S_rightEPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE8_S_valueEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS5_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EE8_S_valueEPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EED1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEESt10_Select1stIS5_ESt4lessImESaIS5_EED2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8iteratorISt19output_iterator_tagvvvvEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8iteratorISt19output_iterator_tagvvvvEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8iteratorISt26random_access_iterator_tagblPbRbEC1Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZNSt8iteratorISt26random_access_iterator_tagblPbRbEC2Ev at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10_ConstructI10mglTextureS0_EvPT_RKT0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10_ConstructISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES3_EvPT_RKT0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10_ConstructISsSsEvPT_RKT0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__distanceIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E15difference_typeES9_S9_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__distanceIPKdENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E15difference_typeES3_S3_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__distanceIPhENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E15difference_typeES2_S2_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__fill_n_aIPdmdEN9__gnu_cxx11__enable_ifIXsrSt11__is_scalarIT1_E7__valueET_E6__typeES6_T0_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__fill_n_aIPlmlEN9__gnu_cxx11__enable_ifIXsrSt11__is_scalarIT1_E7__valueET_E6__typeES6_T0_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__fill_n_aIPmmmEN9__gnu_cxx11__enable_ifIXsrSt11__is_scalarIT1_E7__valueET_E6__typeES6_T0_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt10__pop_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt10__pop_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofI10mglTextureEPT_RS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofIKSt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEPT_RS7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEPT_RS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofISsEPT_RS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofISt4pairIK8mglColormEEPT_RS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofISt4pairIKmSt5dequeImSaImEEEEPT_RS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__addressofIlEPT_RS0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt11__push_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElS2_EvT_T0_S9_T1_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt11__push_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElS2_EvT_T0_S9_T1_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt11__push_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElS2_EvT_T0_S9_T1_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt11__push_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEElmEvT_T0_S8_T1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeESA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEEENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEEENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIP10mglTextureENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPKdENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPPmENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPSsENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPdENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPhENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPjENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPlENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPmENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseIPwENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__miter_baseISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_EENSt11_Miter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeESA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPdSt6vectorIdSaIdEEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIP10mglTextureENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPKdENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPPmENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPSsENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPcENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPdENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPhENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPjENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPlENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPmENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseIPwENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_EENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseISt15_Deque_iteratorImRmPmEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12__niter_baseISt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEENSt11_Niter_baseIT_E13iterator_typeES5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt12partial_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__adjust_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElS2_EvT_T0_S9_T1_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt13__adjust_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElS2_EvT_T0_S9_T1_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt13__adjust_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElS2_EvT_T0_S9_T1_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt13__adjust_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEEijEvT_T0_S8_T1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__adjust_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEElmEvT_T0_S8_T1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EP10mglTextureS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPK10mglTexturePS0_ET1_T0_S5_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPKdPdET1_T0_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPKhSt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEET1_T0_S7_S6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPKlPlET1_T0_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPPmS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPcS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPdS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPhS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPjS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPlS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPmS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0EPwS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__heap_selectIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt13__heap_selectIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt13__copy_move_aILb0ESt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_ES0_ImRmPmEET1_T0_S9_S8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13__heap_selectIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEES6_ET0_T_S8_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIP10mglTextureS1_ET0_T_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPPmS1_ET0_T_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES4_ET0_T_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPSsS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPdS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPhS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPjS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPlS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPmS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt13copy_backwardIPwS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEENS1_IPS2_S7_EEET1_T0_SC_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEESt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEET1_T0_SD_SC_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEENS1_IPlS6_EEET1_T0_SB_SA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEPlET1_T0_SA_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEES2_ET1_T0_S5_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EP10mglTextureS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPKdN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPdSt6vectorIdSaIdEEEEET1_T0_SA_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPKdPdET1_T0_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPPmS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPdS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPhS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPjS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPlS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPmS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0EPwS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt14__copy_move_a2ILb0ESt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_ES0_ImRmPmEET1_T0_S9_S8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt16__insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt16__insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt16__insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt16__insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt16__insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt16__introsort_loopIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPjSt6vectorIjSaIjEEEEiEvT_S7_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt16__introsort_loopIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElEvT_S8_T0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt16__introsort_loopIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElEvT_S8_T0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt16__introsort_loopIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEElEvT_S8_T0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt16__introsort_loopIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEElEvT_S7_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEPS2_ET0_T_SB_SA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEPlET0_T_SA_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIP10mglTextureS1_ET0_T_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPKdPdET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES4_ET0_T_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPSsS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPdS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPhS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPjS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPlS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPmS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyIPwS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt18uninitialized_copyISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_ES0_ImRmPmEET0_T_S9_S8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt19__iterator_categoryIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E17iterator_categoryERKS8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt19__iterator_categoryIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E17iterator_categoryERKS9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt19__iterator_categoryIPKdENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E17iterator_categoryERKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt19__iterator_categoryIPhENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E17iterator_categoryERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt19__move_median_firstIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt19__move_median_firstIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt19__move_median_firstIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt19__move_median_firstIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt20uninitialized_fill_nIPdmdEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt20uninitialized_fill_nIPlmlEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt20uninitialized_fill_nIPmmmEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt21__unguarded_partitionIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEES2_ET_S8_S8_RKT0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt21__unguarded_partitionIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEES2_ET_S8_S8_RKT0_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt21__unguarded_partitionIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEmET_S7_S7_RKT0_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZSt22__complex_pow_unsignedIdESt7complexIT_ES2_j at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EP10mglTextureS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPPmS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES4_ET1_T0_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPSsS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPdS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPhS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPjS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPlS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPmS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__copy_move_backward_aILb0EPwS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__final_insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEPS2_S2_ET0_T_SB_SA_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEPllET0_T_SA_S9_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIP10mglTextureS1_S0_ET0_T_S3_S2_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPKdPddET0_T_S4_S3_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES4_S3_ET0_T_S6_S5_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPSsS0_SsET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPdS0_dET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPhS0_hET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPjS0_jET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPlS0_lET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPmS0_mET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aIPwS0_wET0_T_S2_S1_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_copy_aISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_ES0_ImRmPmEmET0_T_S9_S8_RSaIT1_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_move_aIPdS0_SaIdEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt22__uninitialized_move_aIPlS0_SaIlEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEES6_ET1_T0_S8_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EP10mglTextureS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPPmS1_ET1_T0_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES4_ET1_T0_S6_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPSsS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPdS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPhS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPjS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPlS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPmS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23__copy_move_backward_a2ILb0EPwS0_ET1_T0_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt23lexicographical_compareIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEES7_EbT_S8_T0_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt24__uninitialized_fill_n_aIPdmddEvT_T0_RKT1_RSaIT2_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt24__uninitialized_fill_n_aIPlmllEvT_T0_RKT1_RSaIT2_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt24__uninitialized_fill_n_aIPmmmmEvT_T0_RKT1_RSaIT2_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt25__unguarded_linear_insertIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP3ShxSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt25__unguarded_linear_insertIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP5DupexSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt25__unguarded_linear_insertIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt25__unguarded_linear_insertIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt26__unguarded_insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt27__unguarded_partition_pivotIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEET_S7_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt29__lexicographical_compare_auxIPKhS1_EbT_S2_T0_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIP10mglTextureS1_SaIS0_EET0_T_S4_S3_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES4_SaIS3_EET0_T_S7_S6_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPSsS0_SaISsEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPdS0_SaIdEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPhS0_SaIhEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPjS0_SaIjEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPlS0_SaIlEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPmS0_SaImEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt34__uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_aIPwS0_SaIwEET0_T_S3_S2_RT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3absIdET_RKSt7complexIS0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3argIdET_RKSt7complexIS0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3cosIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3expIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3logIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3maxImERKT_S2_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3minImERKT_S2_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3powIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_i at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3sinIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt3tanIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEENS1_IPS2_S7_EEET0_T_SC_SB_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKhSt6vectorIhSaIhEEEESt16ostream_iteratorIhcSt11char_traitsIcEEET0_T_SD_SC_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEENS1_IPlS6_EEET0_T_SB_SA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEPlET0_T_SA_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEES2_ET0_T_S5_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIP10mglTextureS1_ET0_T_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPKdN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPdSt6vectorIdSaIdEEEEET0_T_SA_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPKdPdET0_T_S4_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPPmS1_ET0_T_S3_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPdS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPhS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPjS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPlS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPmS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyIPwS0_ET0_T_S2_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4copyISt15_Deque_iteratorImRKmPS1_ES0_ImRmPmEET0_T_S9_S8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4coshIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4fillIPddEvT_S1_RKT0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4fillIPllEvT_S1_RKT0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4imagIdERT_RSt7complexIS0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4normIdET_RKSt7complexIS0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4realIdERT_RSt7complexIS0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4sinhIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4sqrtIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4swapIlEvRT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4swapImEvRT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt4tanhIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt5log10IdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt6fill_nIPdmdET_S1_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt6fill_nIPlmlET_S1_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt6fill_nIPmmmET_S1_T0_RKT1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt7advanceIPKdmEvRT_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt7advanceIPhmEvRT_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt7reverseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt7setfillIcESt8_SetfillIT_ES1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyI8mglGlyphEvPT_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP10mglTextureSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEES2_EvT_S8_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEElEvT_S7_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIP10mglTextureEvT_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIP10mglTextureS0_EvT_S2_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIP7mglTextEvT_S2_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEvT_S5_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEES3_EvT_S5_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPSsEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPSsSsEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPdEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPddEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPhEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPhhEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPjEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPjjEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPlEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPllEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPmEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPmmEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPwEvT_S1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyIPwwEvT_S1_RSaIT0_E at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyISbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEvPT_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8_DestroyISsEvPT_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8__fill_aIPddEN9__gnu_cxx11__enable_ifIXsrSt11__is_scalarIT0_E7__valueEvE6__typeET_S8_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8__fill_aIPllEN9__gnu_cxx11__enable_ifIXsrSt11__is_scalarIT0_E7__valueEvE6__typeET_S8_RKS4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8distanceIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPwSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEEEENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E15difference_typeES9_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8distanceIPKdENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E15difference_typeES3_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt8distanceIPhENSt15iterator_traitsIT_E15difference_typeES2_S2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9__advanceIPKdlEvRT_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9__advanceIPhlEvRT_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9__reverseIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEEEvT_S7_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9iter_swapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlSt6vectorIlSaIlEEEES6_EvT_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9iter_swapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEES6_EvT_T0_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9make_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIP7mglPrimSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEEEvT_S8_ at Base
- (optional)_ZSt9make_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9make_pairI8mglColormESt4pairIT_T0_ES2_S3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSt9sort_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPmSt6vectorImSaImEEEEEvT_S7_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStdvIdESt7complexIT_ERKS1_RKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStdvIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_RKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStdvIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSteqIcEN9__gnu_cxx11__enable_ifIXsrSt9__is_charIT_E7__valueEbE6__typeERKSbIS3_St11char_traitsIS3_ESaIS3_EESC_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSteqIcEbRKSaIT_ES3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSteqIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEbRKSbIT_T0_T1_EPKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSteqImRKmPS0_EbRKSt15_Deque_iteratorIT_T0_T1_ES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZSteqIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEbRKSbIT_T0_T1_EPKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStltIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEbRKSbIT_T0_T1_ES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStltIhSaIhEEbRKSt6vectorIT_T0_ES6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmiIdESt7complexIT_ERKS1_RKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmiIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_RKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmiIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmiImRKmPS0_ENSt15_Deque_iteratorIT_T0_T1_E15difference_typeERKS7_SA_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmiImRmPmENSt15_Deque_iteratorIT_T0_T1_E15difference_typeERKS6_S9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmlIdESt7complexIT_ERKS1_RKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmlIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_RKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStmlIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStneIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEbRKSbIT_T0_T1_ES8_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStneIdEbRKSt7complexIT_ES4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStneImRKmPS0_EbRKSt15_Deque_iteratorIT_T0_T1_ES9_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStngIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEESbIT_T0_T1_ERKS6_PKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStplIdESt7complexIT_ERKS1_RKS2_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStplIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_RKS1_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStplIdESt7complexIT_ERKS2_S4_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStplIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESbIT_T0_T1_EPKS3_RKS6_ at Base 2.1.3
- (optional)_ZStplIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEESbIT_T0_T1_ERKS6_PKS3_ at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTI11mglCanvasGL at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTI12mglCanvasWnd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTI7mglBase at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTI9mglCanvas at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS11mglCanvasGL at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS12mglCanvasWnd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS7mglBase at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTS9mglCanvas at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV11mglCanvasGL at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV12mglCanvasWnd at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV7mglBase at Base 2.1.3
- _ZTV9mglCanvas at Base 2.1.3
- mglColorIds at Base 2.1.3
- mglGlobalMess at Base 2.1.3
- mglNumThr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_legend at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_legend_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_legendw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_light at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_light_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_light_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_light_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_light_loc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_add_light_loc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_adjust_ticks at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_adjust_ticks_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_area at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_area_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_area_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_area_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_area_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_area_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ask_func at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_aspect at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_aspect_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_xy_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axial_xy_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axis at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axis_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axis_grid at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_axis_grid_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ball at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ball_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_barh at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_barh_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_barh_yx at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_barh_yx_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_bars at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_bars_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_bars_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_bars_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_bars_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_bars_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_beam at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_beam_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_beam_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_beam_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_belt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_belt_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_belt_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_belt_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_box at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_box_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_box_str at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_box_str_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxplot_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxplot_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxs at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxs_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxs_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_boxs_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_buf_fnt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_calc_scr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_calc_scr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_calc_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_calc_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_candle at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_candle_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_candle_xyv at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_candle_xyv_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_candle_yv at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_candle_yv_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cexpr_eval at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cexpr_eval_v at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_chart at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_chart_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_chrpos at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_chrrgb at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clear_legend at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clear_legend_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clear_unused at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clear_unused_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clf_rgb at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_clf_rgb_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_click_class at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_close_gif at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_close_gif_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cloud at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cloud_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cloud_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cloud_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_val_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_colorbar_val_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_columnplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_columnplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_combine_gr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_combine_gr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cone at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cone_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cones at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cones_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cones_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cones_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cones_xz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_xyz_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont3_xyz_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_gen at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_x at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_x_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_x_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_x_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_xy_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_xy_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_y_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_y_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_y_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_z at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_z_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_z_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cont_z_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_xy_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contd_xy_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_xyz_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf3_xyz_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_gen at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_x at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_x_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_x_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_x_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_xy_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_xy_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_y_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_y_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_y_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_z at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_z_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_z_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contf_z_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_xy_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_contv_xy_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_copy_font at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_copy_font_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_cexpr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_data at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_data_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_data_file at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_data_file_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_data_size at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_data_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_datac at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_datac_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_datac_file at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_datac_file_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_datac_size at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_datac_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_expr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_expr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_gl at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_graph_gl_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_parser at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_create_parser_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_crust at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_crust_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_cur at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_curve at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_curve_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_add_dat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_add_dat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_add_num at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_add_num_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_clean at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_clean_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_column at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_column_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_combine at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_combine_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_cosfft at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_cosfft_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_create at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_create_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_crop at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_crop_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_cumsum at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_cumsum_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_data at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_delete at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_delete_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_diff2 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_diff2_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_diff at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_diff_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_diff_par at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_diff_par_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_div_dat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_div_dat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_div_num at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_div_num_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_envelop at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_envelop_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_evaluate at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_evaluate_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_export at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_export_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_extend at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_extend_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fill at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fill_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fill_eq at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fill_eq_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fill_sample at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fill_sample_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_find at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_find_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_find_any at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_find_any_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_first at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_first_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fourier at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_fourier_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_nx at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_nx_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_ny at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_ny_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_nz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_nz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_value at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_get_value_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_grid at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_grid_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_hankel at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_hankel_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_hist at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_hist_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_hist_w at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_hist_w_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_import at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_import_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_info at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_insert at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_insert_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_integral at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_integral_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_join at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_join_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_last at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_last_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_linear at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_linear_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_linear_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_linear_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_link at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_link_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_dir at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_dir_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_int at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_int_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_real at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_max_real_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_dir at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_dir_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_int at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_int_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_real at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_min_real_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_mirror at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_mirror_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_modify at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_modify_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_modify_vw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_modify_vw_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_momentum at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_momentum_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_momentum_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_momentum_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_mul_dat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_mul_dat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_mul_num at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_mul_num_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_norm at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_norm_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_norm_slice at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_norm_slice_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_put_dat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_put_dat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_put_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_put_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_all at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_all_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_dim at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_dim_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_hdf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_hdf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_mat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_mat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_range at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_read_range_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_rearrange at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_rearrange_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_resize at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_resize_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_resize_box at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_resize_box_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_roll at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_roll_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_roots at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_roots_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_save at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_save_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_save_hdf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_save_hdf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double1_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double2 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double2_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_double_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float1_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float2 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float2_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_float_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_id at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_id_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_matrix at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_value at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_value_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_values at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_values_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_set_vector at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sew at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sew_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sinfft at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sinfft_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_smooth at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_smooth_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_solve at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_solve_1d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_solve_1d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_solve_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sort at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sort_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_spline at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_spline_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_spline_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_spline_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_squeeze at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_squeeze_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_stfa at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_stfa_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sub_dat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sub_dat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sub_num at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sub_num_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_subdata at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_subdata_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_subdata_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_subdata_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sum at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_sum_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_swap at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_swap_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_trace at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_trace_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_transpose at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_transpose_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_data_value at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_abs at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_abs_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_arg at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_arg_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_create at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_create_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_crop at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_cumsum at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_cumsum_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_data at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_delete at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_delete_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_diff2 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_diff2_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_diff at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_diff_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_extend at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_extend_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_fft at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_fft_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_fill at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_fill_eq at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_fill_eq_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_get_value at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_hankel at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_hankel_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_imag at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_imag_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_insert at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_insert_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_integral at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_integral_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_join at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_join_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_linear at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_linear_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_linear_ext at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_linear_ext_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_link at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_link_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_mirror at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_mirror_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_modify at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_modify_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_modify_vw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_modify_vw_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_all at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_dim at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_dim_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_hdf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_hdf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_mat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_mat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_read_range at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_real at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_real_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_rearrange at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_rearrange_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_roll at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_roll_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_save at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_save_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_save_hdf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_save_hdf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_ap at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_ap_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_complex at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_complex_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_double at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_double_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_float at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_float_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_id at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_id_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_matrix at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_ri at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_ri_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_value at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_values at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_values_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_set_vector at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_smooth at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_smooth_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_squeeze at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_squeeze_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_swap at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_swap_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_transpose at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_transpose_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datac_value at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_datas_hdf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_def_font at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_def_font_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_del_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_del_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_cexpr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_data at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_data_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_datac at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_datac_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_expr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_expr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_graph at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_graph_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_parser at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_delete_parser_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens3_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens3_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_x at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_x_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_y_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_z at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dens_z_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dew_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dew_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dew_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dew_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_diff_expr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dots at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dots_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dots_a at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_dots_a_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_draw_class at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_draw_graph at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_draw_thr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_drop at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_drop_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ellipse at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ellipse_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_end_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_end_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_end_group at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_end_group_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_box at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_box_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_exy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_exy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_error_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_eval_expr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_export_mgld at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_export_mgld_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_expr_diff at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_expr_diff_v at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_expr_eval at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_expr_eval_v at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_face at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_face_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_facex at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_facex_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_facey at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_facey_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_facez at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_facez_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fact at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fall at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fall_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fall_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fall_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fft at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fft_alloc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fft_free at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fft_freq at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fgetstr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_find_root at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_find_root_txt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_find_root_txt_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_finish at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_finish_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_1 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_1_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_2 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_2_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xys at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xys_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyza at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyza_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyzas at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyzas_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyzs at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_xyzs_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_ys at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fit_ys_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_3d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_3d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flow_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_3d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_3d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_flowp_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fplot_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fplot_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fsurf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fsurf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fsurf_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_fsurf_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_gauss_rnd at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_gen_fnt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_fit at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_flag at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_height at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_height_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_last_mouse_pos at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_last_mouse_pos_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_mess at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_num_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_num_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_obj_id at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_obj_id_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_plotid at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_quality at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_quality_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_rgb at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_rgb_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_rgba at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_rgba_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_spl_id at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_spl_id_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_time at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_time_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_warn at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_warn_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_width at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_get_width_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grad at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grad_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grad_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grad_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grad_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grad_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid3_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid3_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_grid_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_gridplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_have_color at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_highlight at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_highlight_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_hist_x at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_hist_x_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_hist_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_hist_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_hist_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_hist_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_import_mgld at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_import_mgld_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_info at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_inplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_inplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ipow at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ipow_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_is_active at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_is_active_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_is_frames at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_istrue at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_jacobian_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_jacobian_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_jacobian_3d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_jacobian_3d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_label_y_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_labelw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_labelw_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_labelw_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_labelw_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_legend at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_legend_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_legend_pos at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_legend_pos_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_line at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_line_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_load_font at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_load_font_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_map at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_map_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_map_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_map_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mark_y_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mat_pop at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mat_pop_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mat_push at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mat_push_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mesh at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mesh_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mesh_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_mesh_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_multiplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_multiplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_new_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_new_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_next_data at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_numg at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ode_solve at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_file at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_line at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_line_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_linew at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_text at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_text_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parse_textw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_add_param at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_add_param_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_add_paramw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_add_var at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_add_var_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_add_varw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_allow_file_io at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_allow_file_io_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_allow_setsize at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_allow_setsize_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_calc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_calc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_calcw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_cmd_desc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_cmd_frmt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_cmd_name at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_cmd_num at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_cmd_type at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_cmd_type_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_del_all at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_del_all_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_del_var at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_del_varw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_find_var at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_find_var_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_find_varw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_restore_once at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_restore_once_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_stop at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_parser_stop_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pde_solve at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pde_solve_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_perspective at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_perspective_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_3d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_3d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_pipe_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_plot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_plot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_plot_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_plot_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_plot_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_plot_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_puts at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_puts_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_puts_dir at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_puts_dir_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_puts_fit at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_puts_fit_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_putsw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_putsw_dir at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qo2d_func at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qo2d_solve at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qo2d_solve_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qo3d_func at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qo3d_solve at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_qo3d_solve_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_quadplot_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_quadplot_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_quadplot_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_quadplot_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_quadplot_xyzc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_quadplot_xyzc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_radar at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_radar_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ray_trace at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_ray_trace_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_region at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_region_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_region_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_region_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_reload_class at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_relplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_relplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_reset_frames at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_reset_frames_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_restore_font at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_restore_font_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rhomb at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rhomb_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rnd at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rnd_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rotate at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rotate_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rotate_vector at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_rotate_vector_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_alpha at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_alpha_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_alpha_default at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_alpha_default_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ambbr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ambbr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_arrow_size at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_arrow_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_auto_ranges at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_auto_ranges_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_axis_stl at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_axis_stl_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_bar_width at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_bar_width_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_click_func at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_color at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_color_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_coor at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_coor_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_cut at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_cut_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_cut_box at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_cut_box_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_cutoff at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_cutoff_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_def_param at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_def_param_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_def_sch at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_def_sch_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_facenum at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_facenum_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_flag at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_fog at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_fog_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_font_def at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_font_size at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_font_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_func at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_func_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_legend_marks at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_legend_marks_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_light at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_light_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_light_dif at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_light_dif_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_light_n at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_light_n_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_mark_size at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_mark_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_meshnum at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_meshnum_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_num_thr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_obj_id at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_obj_id_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_origin at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_origin_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_palette at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_palette_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_plotfactor at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_plotfactor_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_plotid at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_plotid_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_quality at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_quality_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_range_dat at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_range_dat_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_range_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_range_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ranges at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ranges_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_rdc_acc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_rdc_acc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_rotated_text at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_rotated_text_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_size at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_size_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ternary at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ternary_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_test_mode at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_len at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_len_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_rotate at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_rotate_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_shift at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_shift_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_skip at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_skip_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_templ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_templ_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_tick_templw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_str at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_str_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_time at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_time_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_valw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_ticks_wcs at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_transp_type at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_transp_type_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_warn at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_set_warn_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_setup_window at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_setup_window_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_show_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_show_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_show_image at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_show_image_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_sphere at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_sphere_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_srnd at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_srnd_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_start_gif at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_start_gif_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_start_group at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_start_group_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stem at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stem_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stem_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stem_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stem_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stem_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_step at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_step_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_step_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_step_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_step_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_step_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stfa at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stfa_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stfa_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stfa_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stickplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_stickplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_strcls at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_strlwr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_strpos at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_strtrim at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_subplot at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_subplot_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_subplot_d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_xyz_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3_xyz_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_xyz_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3a_xyz_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_xyz_val at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf3c_xyz_val_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surf_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfa at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfa_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfa_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfa_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfc_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_surfc_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_table at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_table_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tablew at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tape at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tape_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tape_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tape_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tape_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tape_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tens at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tens_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tens_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tens_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tens_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tens_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_test at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_test_txt at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tex_symb at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_text_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_text_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_text_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_text_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_text_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_text_y_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_xyr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_xyr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_xyzr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_xyzr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_yr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmark_yr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmarkw at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmarkw_xyr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmarkw_xyzr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textmarkw_yr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textw_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textw_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_textw_y at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tile at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tile_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tile_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tile_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tiles at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tiles_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tiles_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tiles_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_title at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_title_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_titlew at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_torus at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_torus_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_traj_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_traj_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_traj_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_traj_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_transform at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_transform_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_transform_a at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_transform_a_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triangulation_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triangulation_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triangulation_3d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triangulation_3d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xyc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xyc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xycv at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xycv_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xyzc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xyzc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xyzcv at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tricont_xyzcv_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triplot_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triplot_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triplot_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triplot_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triplot_xyzc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_triplot_xyzc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_r at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_r_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xyr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xyr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xyzr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tube_xyzr_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tune_ticks at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_tune_ticks_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_use_graph at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_use_graph_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_use_parser at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_use_parser_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect3 at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect3_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect3_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect3_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_2d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_2d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_3d at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_3d_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_xy at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_xy_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_vect_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_view at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_view_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wcslwr at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wcstombs at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wcstrim at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_adjust at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_adjust_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_animation at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_animation_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_get_delay at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_get_delay_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_next_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_next_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_prev_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_prev_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_reload at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_reload_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_set_delay at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_set_delay_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_alpha at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_alpha_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_light at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_light_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_no at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_no_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_rotate at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_rotate_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_zoom at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_toggle_zoom_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_update at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_wnd_update_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_bmp at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_bmp_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_bps at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_bps_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_eps at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_eps_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_frame at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_frame_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_gif at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_gif_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_jpg at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_jpg_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_json at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_json_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_obj at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_obj_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_obj_old at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_obj_old_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_off at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_off_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_png at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_png_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_png_solid at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_png_solid_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_prc at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_prc_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_stl at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_stl_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_svg at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_svg_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_tex at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_tga at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_tga_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_xyz at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_write_xyz_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_zoom at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_zoom_ at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_zoom_axis at Base 2.1.3
- mgl_zoom_axis_ at Base 2.1.3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmgl7.1.0.install b/debian/libmgl7.1.0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2967a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmgl7.1.0.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/mathgl-doc-en.install b/debian/mathgl-doc-en.install
index 17b3c06..537fc9a 100644
--- a/debian/mathgl-doc-en.install
+++ b/debian/mathgl-doc-en.install
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
debian/tmp/usr/share/info/mathgl_en.info* usr/share/info/
debian/folder/mathgl-doc-en /usr/share/doc-base/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/mathgl.manpages b/debian/mathgl.manpages
index b161a9a..17e2c78 100644
--- a/debian/mathgl.manpages
+++ b/debian/mathgl.manpages
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/patches/CMakeLists.txt.patch b/debian/patches/CMakeLists.txt.patch
index e882225..c22e0f2 100644
--- a/debian/patches/CMakeLists.txt.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/CMakeLists.txt.patch
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -60,42 +60,42 @@
+@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
+ set(MathGL_VERSION_MINOR 2.0)
+ set(MathGL_SOVERSION 7.1.0)
+ MACRO(MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION option doc default depends1 force1 depends2 force2)
+ IF(${option}_ISSET MATCHES "^${option}_ISSET$")
+@@ -60,14 +63,14 @@
option(enable-double "Enable double precision in MathGL library" ON)
option(enable-simple "Slightly increase drawing speed but disable mglDataA class")
@@ -16,26 +26,12 @@
-option(enable-pthread "Enable POSIX threads support" OFF)
+option(enable-all "Enable all core features" ON)
+option(enable-all-widgets "Enable all Widgets" ON)
-+option(enable-all-swig "Enable all SWIG based interfaces" ON)
++option(enable-all-swig "Enable all SWIG based interfaces" OFF)
+option(enable-pthread "Enable POSIX threads support" ON)
option(enable-openmp "Enable POSIX threads support" ON)
option(enable-lgpl "Enable only LGPL part of MathGL")
option(enable-mgl2 "Use names 'libmgl2-*' instead of 'libmgl-*'")
- #option(enable-ltdl "Enable loading modules support")
--CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-site "Enable HTML documentation for website" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
--CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-html "Enable HTML documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
--CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-info "Enable INFO documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
--CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-ru "Enable Russian PDF documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
--CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-en "Enable English PDF documentation" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
--CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-prc "Enable PDF samples for HTML docs" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-site "Enable HTML documentation for website" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-html "Enable HTML documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-info "Enable INFO documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-ru "Enable Russian PDF documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-pdf-en "Enable English PDF documentation" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
-+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-prc "Enable PDF samples for HTML docs" ON "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
- CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-doc-json "Enable JSON samples for HTML docs" OFF "NOT enable-all-docs" ON)
- option(enable-texi2html "Use texi2html (obsolete package) instead of texi2any" OFF)
+@@ -83,19 +86,19 @@
CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-zlib "Enable zlib support" ON "NOT enable-all" ON)
CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-png "Enable png support" ON "NOT enable-all" ON)
@@ -50,8 +46,6 @@
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-wx "Enable wxWidget widget" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" OFF)
-MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-qt "Enable Qt4 widget" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-widgets" ON)
-MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-python "Enable python interface" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
--MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-lua "Enable Lua (v.5.1) interface" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
--MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-octave "Enable octave interface" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-jpeg "Enable jpeg support" ON "NOT enable-all" ON)
+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-gsl "Enable gsl support" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all" ON)
+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-hdf4 "Enable hdf4 support" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all" ON)
@@ -63,7 +57,8 @@
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-wx "Enable wxWidget widget" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" OFF)
+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-qt "Enable Qt4 widget" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-widgets" ON)
+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-python "Enable python interface" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
-+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-lua "Enable Lua (v.5.1) interface" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
+ MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-lua "Enable Lua (v.5.1) interface" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
+-MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-octave "Enable octave interface" OFF "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
+MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-octave "Enable octave interface" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION(enable-octave-install "Octave interface will install for all users" ON "NOT enable-lgpl" ON "NOT enable-all-swig" ON)
diff --git a/debian/udav.manpages b/debian/udav.manpages
index 1c478d5..9d080c8 100644
--- a/debian/udav.manpages
+++ b/debian/udav.manpages
@@ -1 +1 @@
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mathgl.git
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