[yade] branch master updated (4060631 -> f5e9a18)
Anton Gladky
gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 13 19:14:06 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gladk pushed a change to branch master
in repository yade.
from 4060631 Update changelog.
adds d42c7de Imported Upstream version 1.07.0
new 72426ae Merge tag 'upstream/1.07.0'
new a421b10 Remove patch, applied by upstream.
new d151f88 Set Standards-Version: 3.9.5. No changes.
new a9616c6 Add upstream file.
new c078bb4 Inject additional parameters for weak archs. Thanks to Roland Stigge <stigge at antcom.de>. (Closes: #733152)
new f5e9a18 Update changelog.
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CMakeLists.txt | 40 ++++--
ChangeLog | 127 ++++++++++++++++---
README.rst | 5 +-
RELEASE | 2 +-
core/main/main.py.in | 10 +-
core/main/yade-batch.in | 7 ++
debian/changelog | 11 ++
debian/control | 2 +-
debian/patches/20_disable_release-mode.patch | 40 ------
debian/patches/series | 1 -
debian/rules | 5 +
debian/upstream | 11 ++
doc/references.bib | 42 +++++--
doc/sphinx/formulation.rst | 14 ++-
doc/sphinx/installation.rst | 88 ++++++++++----
doc/sphinx/user.rst | 2 +-
doc/yade-articles.bib | 15 ++-
.../baraban/{baraban.py => BicyclePedalEngine.py} | 2 +-
examples/clumps/addToClump-example.py | 4 +
.../{addToClump-example.py => save-load-clumps.py} | 24 ++--
examples/concrete/triax.py | 7 +-
examples/jointedCohesiveFrictionalPM/gravityBis.py | 11 +-
.../jointedCohesiveFrictionalPM/gravityLoading.py | 14 +--
examples/jointedCohesiveFrictionalPM/identifBis.py | 91 +++++++-------
.../identificationSpheresOnJoint.py | 120 +++++++++---------
.../jointedCohesiveFrictionalPM/testingJoint.py | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++
examples/packs/packs.py | 11 +-
examples/stl-gts/README | 7 ++
examples/stl-gts/cone.geo | 38 ++++++
examples/stl-gts/convert2stl.sh | 3 +
examples/stl-gts/gts-stl.py | 42 +++++++
examples/tetra/oneTetra.py | 2 +-
examples/triax-tutorial/script-session1.py | 1 +
gui/qt4/GLViewerMouse.cpp | 42 ++++---
gui/qt4/__init__.py | 11 +-
lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.ipp | 3 +-
lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphereLinSolv.ipp | 3 +-
lib/triangulation/PeriodicFlow.cpp | 1 -
lib/triangulation/def_types.h | 3 +
pkg/common/Grid.cpp | 61 ----------
pkg/common/Grid_GUI.cpp | 67 ++++++++++
pkg/common/KinematicEngines.cpp | 33 ++++-
pkg/common/KinematicEngines.hpp | 12 ++
pkg/dem/FlowEngine.cpp | 40 +++---
pkg/dem/FlowEngine.hpp | 13 +-
pkg/dem/Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys.cpp | 33 +++--
pkg/dem/JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM.cpp | 106 ++++++++++------
pkg/dem/JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM.hpp | 75 ++++++------
pkg/dem/Shop.hpp | 4 +-
pkg/dem/Shop_02.cpp | 13 ++
pkg/dem/TesselationWrapper.hpp | 4 +-
pkg/dem/VTKRecorder.cpp | 74 ++++++++---
pkg/dem/VTKRecorder.hpp | 3 +-
pkg/dem/ViscoelasticPM.cpp | 68 +++++++----
pkg/dem/ViscoelasticPM.hpp | 15 ++-
py/_extraDocs.py | 6 +-
py/_utils.cpp | 61 +++++-----
py/export.py | 47 ++++++-
py/pack/pack.py | 6 +-
py/utils.py | 2 +-
py/ymport.py | 40 ++++++
scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/DEM-PFV-check.py | 11 +-
scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/checkViscElEng.py | 59 +++++++++
scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/checkWeight.py | 2 +-
scripts/ppa/.dput.cf | 6 +
scripts/ppa/.mini-dinstall.conf | 21 ++++
scripts/ppa/buildppa.py | 120 ++++++++++++++++++
scripts/ppa/ppa.config | 31 +++++
68 files changed, 1499 insertions(+), 531 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/20_disable_release-mode.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/series
create mode 100644 debian/upstream
copy examples/baraban/{baraban.py => BicyclePedalEngine.py} (95%)
copy examples/clumps/{addToClump-example.py => save-load-clumps.py} (80%)
create mode 100644 examples/jointedCohesiveFrictionalPM/testingJoint.py
create mode 100644 examples/stl-gts/README
create mode 100644 examples/stl-gts/cone.geo
create mode 100755 examples/stl-gts/convert2stl.sh
create mode 100644 examples/stl-gts/gts-stl.py
create mode 100644 pkg/common/Grid_GUI.cpp
create mode 100644 scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/checkViscElEng.py
create mode 100644 scripts/ppa/.dput.cf
create mode 100644 scripts/ppa/.mini-dinstall.conf
create mode 100755 scripts/ppa/buildppa.py
create mode 100644 scripts/ppa/ppa.config
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/yade.git
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