[python-astropy] 01/01: Merge branch 'upstream' into debian

Ole Streicher olebole-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 12 16:50:29 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

olebole-guest pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository python-astropy.

commit ab3fc2e94d1ebcbb5daedb3e029d067953aa87ea
Merge: b1a0b31 9bf08b8
Author: Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>
Date:   Sat Jul 12 18:35:45 2014 +0200

    Merge branch 'upstream' into debian

 CHANGES.rst                                        |    22 +-
 PKG-INFO                                           |     4 +-
 README.rst                                         |     9 +
 astropy/__init__.py                                |    15 +-
 astropy/astropy.cfg                                |    16 +-
 astropy/config/configuration.py                    |    22 +-
 astropy/config/tests/data/astropy.0.3.windows.cfg  |   149 +
 astropy/config/tests/test_configs.py               |    36 +-
 astropy/convolution/boundary_extend.c              |  8608 ++++++++
 astropy/convolution/boundary_fill.c                |  8737 ++++++++
 astropy/convolution/boundary_none.c                |  8291 ++++++++
 astropy/convolution/boundary_wrap.c                |  8608 ++++++++
 astropy/coordinates/angles.py                      |    10 +-
 astropy/coordinates/representation.py              |    65 +-
 astropy/coordinates/tests/test_angles.py           |     9 +-
 astropy/coordinates/tests/test_representation.py   |    37 +
 astropy/cython_version.py                          |     2 +
 astropy/io/ascii/basic.py                          |     6 +-
 astropy/modeling/tests/test_constraints.py         |     8 +-
 astropy/modeling/tests/test_fitters.py             |     7 +-
 astropy/modeling/tests/utils.py                    |    20 +
 astropy/stats/funcs.py                             |     9 +-
 astropy/table/_np_utils.c                          |  7096 +++++++
 astropy/table/pprint.py                            |     8 +-
 astropy/table/table.py                             |     2 +
 astropy/table/tests/test_pprint.py                 |     8 +-
 astropy/table/tests/test_table.py                  |     9 +
 astropy/tests/helper.py                            |     8 +
 astropy/time/erfa_time.c                           | 19679 +++++++++++++++++++
 astropy/units/quantity.py                          |    27 +-
 astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_array_methods.py |    25 +
 astropy/utils/console.py                           |    16 +-
 astropy/version.py                                 |     4 +-
 astropy/vo/client/tests/test_conesearch.py         |     2 +-
 astropy/vo/client/vos_catalog.py                   |     4 +-
 astropy/wcs/tests/extension/test_extension.py      |    46 +-
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers.egg-info/PKG-INFO  |    47 +-
 .../astropy_helpers.egg-info/SOURCES.txt           |    18 +
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/__init__.pyc       |   Bin 275 -> 283 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/compat/__init__.pyc            |   Bin 1016 -> 1048 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/compat/subprocess.pyc          |   Bin 750 -> 0 bytes
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/git_helpers.pyc    |   Bin 3145 -> 3169 bytes
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/setup_helpers.pyc  |   Bin 46828 -> 47295 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/__init__.pyc            |   Bin 450 -> 0 bytes
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/sphinx/conf.pyc    |   Bin 5115 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/__init__.pyc        |   Bin 346 -> 0 bytes
 .../sphinx/ext/astropyautosummary.pyc              |   Bin 3048 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/automodapi.pyc      |   Bin 10246 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/automodsumm.pyc     |   Bin 17553 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/changelog_links.pyc |   Bin 1934 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/docscrape.pyc       |   Bin 20801 -> 0 bytes
 .../sphinx/ext/docscrape_sphinx.pyc                |   Bin 12329 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/doctest.pyc         |   Bin 1802 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/edit_on_github.pyc  |   Bin 5970 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/numpydoc.pyc        |   Bin 7818 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/smart_resolver.pyc  |   Bin 2692 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/tocdepthfix.pyc     |   Bin 939 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/utils.pyc           |   Bin 2512 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/viewcode.pyc        |   Bin 6640 -> 0 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/sphinx/setup_package.pyc       |   Bin 412 -> 433 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/src/setup_package.pyc          |   Bin 311 -> 311 bytes
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/test_helpers.pyc   |   Bin 7804 -> 7844 bytes
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/utils.pyc          |   Bin 5303 -> 5399 bytes
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/version.py         |    18 +-
 astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/version.pyc        |   Bin 3386 -> 3473 bytes
 .../astropy_helpers/version_helpers.pyc            |   Bin 4983 -> 5015 bytes
 docs/coordinates/index.rst                         |    57 +
 docs/coordinates/representations.rst               |     2 +
 docs/development/building.rst                      |    64 +-
 docs/development/docguide.rst                      |    47 +-
 docs/index.rst                                     |    14 +
 docs/install.rst                                   |    56 +-
 docs/io/fits/index.rst                             |    10 +
 docs/io/fits/usage/table.rst                       |     1 +
 docs/stability.rst                                 |    10 +-
 docs/time/index.rst                                |     4 +-
 docs/vo/conesearch/client.rst                      |     8 +-
 docs/vo/conesearch/index.rst                       |     6 +-
 docs/whatsnew/0.4.rst                              |   140 +-
 setup.py                                           |     2 +-
 static/wininst_background.bmp                      |   Bin 0 -> 158742 bytes
 81 files changed, 61923 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/python-astropy.git

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