[lmfit-py] branch master updated (edf8e89 -> 4e271d7)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
picca at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 26 13:18:22 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
picca pushed a change to branch master
in repository lmfit-py.
from edf8e89 better dependencies
new b4e7f87 not build with pyhton 3.4
new bf22618 repare to use the system sphinx extensions
new 281ab84 add a dversionmangle for the next source upload
new b758aab wip
new c16bf47 Imported Upstream version 0.7.4+dfsg
new 76e3212 Merge tag 'upstream/0.7.4+dfsg'
new 08c6321 Imported Upstream version 0.7.4+dfsg.1
new 3589b20 Merge tag 'upstream/0.7.4+dfsg.1'
new 576d0f3 use the right watch file and fic the rules now thaht we remove useless files
new f78939d more files to exclude
new cbaaf2f fix the watch file
new 76c7849 Imported Upstream version 0.7.4+dfsg.2
new ca2f272 Merge tag 'upstream/0.7.4+dfsg.2'
new d88e605 fix the build-dep
new 4e271d7 fix the copyright
The 15 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 10 +
.travis.yml | 57 ++
PKG-INFO | 35 -
THANKS.txt | 15 +
debian/changelog | 2 +-
debian/control | 9 +-
debian/copyright | 125 +--
...the-internal-Ipython.sphinxext-extensions.patch | 23 +
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/watch | 4 +-
doc/ext/ipython_console_highlighting.py | 114 ---
doc/ext/ipython_directive.py | 830 --------------------
doc/ext/numpydoc/__init__.py | 1 -
doc/ext/numpydoc/comment_eater.py | 158 ----
doc/ext/numpydoc/compiler_unparse.py | 860 ---------------------
doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape.py | 500 ------------
doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape_sphinx.py | 227 ------
doc/ext/numpydoc/numpydoc.py | 164 ----
doc/ext/numpydoc/phantom_import.py | 162 ----
doc/ext/numpydoc/plot_directive.py | 619 ---------------
doc/ext/numpydoc/traitsdoc.py | 140 ----
doc/installation.rst | 16 +-
doc/models1d.rst | 2 +-
doc/parameters.rst | 2 +-
doc/sphinxext/apigen.py | 427 ----------
doc/sphinxext/docscrape.py | 497 ------------
doc/sphinxext/docscrape_sphinx.py | 136 ----
doc/sphinxext/github.py | 155 ----
doc/sphinxext/inheritance_diagram.py | 407 ----------
doc/sphinxext/ipython_console_highlighting.py | 114 ---
doc/sphinxext/ipython_directive.py | 813 -------------------
doc/sphinxext/numpydoc.py | 117 ---
examples/NISTModels.py | 196 +++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat | 214 +++++
examples/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat | 66 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat | 274 +++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat | 114 +++
examples/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat | 66 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat | 228 ++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat | 95 +++
examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat | 310 ++++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat | 310 ++++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat | 310 ++++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat | 296 +++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat | 211 +++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat | 84 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat | 84 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat | 84 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat | 71 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat | 76 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat | 93 +++
examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat | 74 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat | 74 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat | 74 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat | 74 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Models | 215 ++++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat | 188 +++++
examples/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat | 69 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat | 75 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat | 85 ++
examples/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat | 97 +++
examples/example_anneal.py | 63 ++
examples/example_ci.py | 112 +++
examples/example_ci2.py | 90 +++
examples/example_covar.py | 93 +++
examples/example_derivfunc.py | 85 ++
examples/example_lbfgsb.py | 66 ++
examples/example_peakmodel.py | 33 +
examples/example_stepmodel.py | 28 +
examples/fit1.py | 63 ++
examples/fit_NIST.py | 163 ++++
examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py | 148 ++++
examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py | 147 ++++
examples/fit_multi_datasets.py | 69 ++
examples/fit_pvoigt.py | 99 +++
examples/fit_pvoigt2.py | 87 +++
examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead.py | 100 +++
examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead2.py | 85 ++
examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py | 85 ++
examples/fit_with_bounds.py | 62 ++
examples/lmfit-model.ipynb | 567 ++++++++++++++
examples/m1.py | 26 +
examples/model1d_doc1.py | 23 +
examples/model1d_doc2.py | 38 +
examples/model1d_gauss.dat | 103 +++
examples/models.py | 128 +++
examples/peakfit_1.py | 75 ++
examples/simple.py | 46 ++
examples/use_models1d.py | 44 ++
lmfit.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 35 -
lmfit.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 73 --
lmfit.egg-info/dependency_links.txt | 1 -
lmfit.egg-info/top_level.txt | 1 -
lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt | 10 +
lmfit/uncertainties/README | 14 +
setup.cfg | 5 -
upload_wininst.bat | 18 +
use_py26.bat | 2 +
use_py27.bat | 2 +
use_py32.bat | 2 +
101 files changed, 7149 insertions(+), 6691 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 .gitignore
create mode 100644 .travis.yml
delete mode 100644 PKG-INFO
rename README => README.md (100%)
create mode 100644 THANKS.txt
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0001-use-the-internal-Ipython.sphinxext-extensions.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/series
delete mode 100644 doc/ext/ipython_console_highlighting.py
delete mode 100644 doc/ext/ipython_directive.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/__init__.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/comment_eater.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/compiler_unparse.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape_sphinx.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/numpydoc.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/phantom_import.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/plot_directive.py
delete mode 100755 doc/ext/numpydoc/traitsdoc.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/apigen.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/docscrape.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/docscrape_sphinx.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/github.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/inheritance_diagram.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/ipython_console_highlighting.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/ipython_directive.py
delete mode 100644 doc/sphinxext/numpydoc.py
create mode 100644 examples/NISTModels.py
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Models
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat
create mode 100644 examples/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat
create mode 100644 examples/example_anneal.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_ci.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_ci2.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_covar.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_derivfunc.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_lbfgsb.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_peakmodel.py
create mode 100644 examples/example_stepmodel.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit1.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_NIST.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_multi_datasets.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_pvoigt.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_pvoigt2.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead2.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py
create mode 100644 examples/fit_with_bounds.py
create mode 100644 examples/lmfit-model.ipynb
create mode 100644 examples/m1.py
create mode 100644 examples/model1d_doc1.py
create mode 100644 examples/model1d_doc2.py
create mode 100644 examples/model1d_gauss.dat
create mode 100644 examples/models.py
create mode 100644 examples/peakfit_1.py
create mode 100644 examples/simple.py
create mode 100644 examples/use_models1d.py
delete mode 100644 lmfit.egg-info/PKG-INFO
delete mode 100644 lmfit.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
delete mode 100644 lmfit.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
delete mode 100644 lmfit.egg-info/top_level.txt
create mode 100644 lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt
create mode 100644 lmfit/uncertainties/README
delete mode 100644 setup.cfg
create mode 100644 upload_wininst.bat
create mode 100644 use_py26.bat
create mode 100644 use_py27.bat
create mode 100644 use_py32.bat
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lmfit-py.git
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