[lmfit-py] 07/15: Imported Upstream version 0.7.4+dfsg.1

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca picca at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 26 13:18:22 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

picca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lmfit-py.

commit 08c6321ded9afe63501906e401a58e7aef25b7de
Author: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 26 12:01:25 2014 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 0.7.4+dfsg.1
 .gitignore                                |  10 +
 .travis.yml                               |  57 ++
 PKG-INFO                                  |  35 --
 README => README.md                       |   0
 THANKS.txt                                |  15 +
 doc/ext/ipython_console_highlighting.py   | 114 ----
 doc/ext/ipython_directive.py              | 830 ----------------------------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/__init__.py              |   1 -
 doc/ext/numpydoc/comment_eater.py         | 158 ------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/compiler_unparse.py      | 860 ------------------------------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape.py             | 500 -----------------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape_sphinx.py      | 227 --------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/numpydoc.py              | 164 ------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/phantom_import.py        | 162 ------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/plot_directive.py        | 619 ---------------------
 doc/ext/numpydoc/traitsdoc.py             | 140 -----
 doc/installation.rst                      |  16 +-
 doc/models1d.rst                          |   2 +-
 doc/parameters.rst                        |   2 +-
 examples/NISTModels.py                    | 196 +++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat           | 214 ++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat             |  66 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat           | 274 ++++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat           | 114 ++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat            |  66 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat               | 228 ++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat           |  95 ++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat             | 310 +++++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat             | 310 +++++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat             | 310 +++++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat              | 296 ++++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat             | 211 ++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat           |  84 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat           |  84 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat           |  84 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat              |  71 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat              |  76 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat              |  93 ++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat            |  74 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat            |  74 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat            |  74 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat            |  74 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Models                 | 215 ++++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat             | 188 +++++++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat              |  69 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat              |  75 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat           |  85 +++
 examples/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat            |  97 ++++
 examples/example_anneal.py                |  63 +++
 examples/example_ci.py                    | 112 ++++
 examples/example_ci2.py                   |  90 ++++
 examples/example_covar.py                 |  93 ++++
 examples/example_derivfunc.py             |  85 +++
 examples/example_lbfgsb.py                |  66 +++
 examples/example_peakmodel.py             |  33 ++
 examples/example_stepmodel.py             |  28 +
 examples/fit1.py                          |  63 +++
 examples/fit_NIST.py                      | 163 ++++++
 examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py              | 148 +++++
 examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py          | 147 +++++
 examples/fit_multi_datasets.py            |  69 +++
 examples/fit_pvoigt.py                    |  99 ++++
 examples/fit_pvoigt2.py                   |  87 +++
 examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead.py         | 100 ++++
 examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead2.py        |  85 +++
 examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py |  85 +++
 examples/fit_with_bounds.py               |  62 +++
 examples/lmfit-model.ipynb                | 567 ++++++++++++++++++++
 examples/m1.py                            |  26 +
 examples/model1d_doc1.py                  |  23 +
 examples/model1d_doc2.py                  |  38 ++
 examples/model1d_gauss.dat                | 103 ++++
 examples/models.py                        | 128 +++++
 examples/peakfit_1.py                     |  75 +++
 examples/simple.py                        |  46 ++
 examples/use_models1d.py                  |  44 ++
 lmfit.egg-info/PKG-INFO                   |  35 --
 lmfit.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                |  73 ---
 lmfit.egg-info/dependency_links.txt       |   1 -
 lmfit.egg-info/top_level.txt              |   1 -
 lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt           |  10 +
 lmfit/uncertainties/README                |  14 +
 setup.cfg                                 |   5 -
 upload_wininst.bat                        |  18 +
 use_py26.bat                              |   2 +
 use_py27.bat                              |   2 +
 use_py32.bat                              |   2 +
 87 files changed, 7075 insertions(+), 3935 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5750c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fac278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Config file for automatic testing at travis-ci.org
+language: python
+    - 2.6
+    include:
+        - python: 2.7
+          env:
+            - PYTHON=python
+            - PYVER=2.x
+        - python: 3.2
+          env:
+            - PYTHON=python3
+            - PYVER=3.x
+    exclude:
+        - python: 2.6
+    system_site_packages: true
+    - export DISPLAY=:99.0
+    - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
+    - sudo apt-get update
+    - sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-setuptools
+    - sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-numpy
+    - sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-scipy
+    - sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-sphinx
+    - sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-nose
+    - sudo pip -q install --use-mirrors uncertainties asteval
+    - if [[ $PYVER == '2.x' ]]; then
+    -   sudo apt-get install ipython
+    -   sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-matplotlib;
+    - fi
+    - if [[ $PYVER == '3.x' ]]; then
+    -   sudo apt-get install ipython3
+    -   pip install --use-mirrors matplotlib;
+    - fi
+    - sudo $PYTHON setup.py install
+    # Execute the unit tests
+    - nosetests tests
+    # Generate the docs
+    - if [[ $PYVER == '2.x' ]]; then
+    -   cd doc
+    -   make html
+    - fi
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
deleted file mode 100644
index aaac6b9..0000000
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
-Name: lmfit
-Version: 0.7.4
-Summary: Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints
-Home-page: http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/
-Author: LM-Fit Development Team
-Author-email: matt.newville at gmail.com
-License: BSD
-Download-URL: http://lmfit.github.io//lmfit-py/
-Description: A library for least-squares minimization and data fitting in
-        Python.  Built on top of scipy.optimize, lmfit provides a Parameter object
-        which can be set as fixed or free, can have upper and/or lower bounds, or
-        can be written in terms of algebraic constraints of other Parameters.  The
-        user writes a function to be minimized as a function of these Parameters,
-        and the scipy.optimize methods are used to find the optimal values for the
-        Parameters.  The Levenberg-Marquardt (leastsq) is the default minimization
-        algorithm, and provides estimated standard errors and correlations between
-        varied Parameters.  Other minimization methods, including Nelder-Mead's
-        downhill simplex, Powell's method, BFGS, Sequential Least Squares, and
-        others are also supported.  Bounds and contraints can be placed on
-        Parameters for all of these methods.
-        In addition, methods for explicitly calculating confidence intervals are
-        provided for exploring minmization problems where the approximation of
-        estimating Parameter uncertainties from the covariance matrix is
-        questionable. 
-Platform: Windows
-Platform: Linux
-Platform: Mac OS X
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
-Requires: numpy
-Requires: scipy
diff --git a/README b/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from README
rename to README.md
diff --git a/THANKS.txt b/THANKS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53b7e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/THANKS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Many people have contributed to lmfit.
+Matthew Newville wrote the original implementation.
+Till Stensitzki wrote the improved estimates of confidence intervals, 
+     and contributed many tests, bug fixes, and documentation.
+Daniel B. Allan wrote much of the high level Models, and many 
+     improvements to the testing and documentation.
+J. J. Helmus wrote the MINUT bounds for leastsq, originally in
+     leastsqbounds.py, and ported to lmfit.
+E. O. Lebigot wrote the uncertainties package, a version of which is 
+     used here. 
+Additional patches, bug fixes, and suggestions have come from 
+  Christohp Deil, Francois Boulogne, Colin Brosseau, nmearl, 
+  Gustavo Pasquevich, and Ben Gamari
diff --git a/doc/ext/ipython_console_highlighting.py b/doc/ext/ipython_console_highlighting.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a41be..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/ipython_console_highlighting.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-"""reST directive for syntax-highlighting ipython interactive sessions.
-XXX - See what improvements can be made based on the new (as of Sept 2009)
-'pycon' lexer for the python console.  At the very least it will give better
-highlighted tracebacks.
-# Needed modules
-# Standard library
-import re
-# Third party
-from pygments.lexer import Lexer, do_insertions
-from pygments.lexers.agile import (PythonConsoleLexer, PythonLexer,
-                                   PythonTracebackLexer)
-from pygments.token import Comment, Generic
-from sphinx import highlighting
-# Global constants
-line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
-# Code begins - classes and functions
-class IPythonConsoleLexer(Lexer):
-    """
-    For IPython console output or doctests, such as:
-    .. sourcecode:: ipython
-      In [1]: a = 'foo'
-      In [2]: a
-      Out[2]: 'foo'
-      In [3]: print a
-      foo
-      In [4]: 1 / 0
-    Notes:
-      - Tracebacks are not currently supported.
-      - It assumes the default IPython prompts, not customized ones.
-    """
-    name = 'IPython console session'
-    aliases = ['ipython']
-    mimetypes = ['text/x-ipython-console']
-    input_prompt = re.compile("(In \[[0-9]+\]: )|(   \.\.\.+:)")
-    output_prompt = re.compile("(Out\[[0-9]+\]: )|(   \.\.\.+:)")
-    continue_prompt = re.compile("   \.\.\.+:")
-    tb_start = re.compile("\-+")
-    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
-        pylexer = PythonLexer(**self.options)
-        tblexer = PythonTracebackLexer(**self.options)
-        curcode = ''
-        insertions = []
-        for match in line_re.finditer(text):
-            line = match.group()
-            input_prompt = self.input_prompt.match(line)
-            continue_prompt = self.continue_prompt.match(line.rstrip())
-            output_prompt = self.output_prompt.match(line)
-            if line.startswith("#"):
-                insertions.append((len(curcode),
-                                   [(0, Comment, line)]))
-            elif input_prompt is not None:
-                insertions.append((len(curcode),
-                                   [(0, Generic.Prompt, input_prompt.group())]))
-                curcode += line[input_prompt.end():]
-            elif continue_prompt is not None:
-                insertions.append((len(curcode),
-                                   [(0, Generic.Prompt, continue_prompt.group())]))
-                curcode += line[continue_prompt.end():]
-            elif output_prompt is not None:
-                # Use the 'error' token for output.  We should probably make
-                # our own token, but error is typicaly in a bright color like
-                # red, so it works fine for our output prompts.
-                insertions.append((len(curcode),
-                                   [(0, Generic.Error, output_prompt.group())]))
-                curcode += line[output_prompt.end():]
-            else:
-                if curcode:
-                    for item in do_insertions(insertions,
-                                              pylexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
-                        yield item
-                        curcode = ''
-                        insertions = []
-                yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
-        if curcode:
-            for item in do_insertions(insertions,
-                                      pylexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)):
-                yield item
-def setup(app):
-    """Setup as a sphinx extension."""
-    # This is only a lexer, so adding it below to pygments appears sufficient.
-    # But if somebody knows that the right API usage should be to do that via
-    # sphinx, by all means fix it here.  At least having this setup.py
-    # suppresses the sphinx warning we'd get without it.
-    pass
-# Register the extension as a valid pygments lexer
-highlighting.lexers['ipython'] = IPythonConsoleLexer()
diff --git a/doc/ext/ipython_directive.py b/doc/ext/ipython_directive.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c1f54..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/ipython_directive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Sphinx directive to support embedded IPython code.
-This directive allows pasting of entire interactive IPython sessions, prompts
-and all, and their code will actually get re-executed at doc build time, with
-all prompts renumbered sequentially. It also allows you to input code as a pure
-python input by giving the argument python to the directive. The output looks
-like an interactive ipython section.
-To enable this directive, simply list it in your Sphinx ``conf.py`` file
-(making sure the directory where you placed it is visible to sphinx, as is
-needed for all Sphinx directives).
-By default this directive assumes that your prompts are unchanged IPython ones,
-but this can be customized. The configurable options that can be placed in
-conf.py are
-    The directory in which to save the figures. This is relative to the
-    Sphinx source directory. The default is `html_static_path`.
-    The compiled regular expression to denote the start of IPython input
-    lines. The default is re.compile('In \[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'). You
-    shouldn't need to change this.
-    The compiled regular expression to denote the start of IPython output
-    lines. The default is re.compile('Out\[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'). You
-    shouldn't need to change this.
-    The string to represent the IPython input prompt in the generated ReST.
-    The default is 'In [%d]:'. This expects that the line numbers are used
-    in the prompt.
-    The string to represent the IPython prompt in the generated ReST. The
-    default is 'Out [%d]:'. This expects that the line numbers are used
-    in the prompt.
-- Turn the ad-hoc test() function into a real test suite.
-- Break up ipython-specific functionality from matplotlib stuff into better
-  separated code.
-- John D Hunter: orignal author.
-- Fernando Perez: refactoring, documentation, cleanups, port to 0.11.
-- VáclavŠmilauer <eudoxos-AT-arcig.cz>: Prompt generalizations.
-- Skipper Seabold, refactoring, cleanups, pure python addition
-# Imports
-# Stdlib
-import cStringIO
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import ast
-# To keep compatibility with various python versions
-    from hashlib import md5
-except ImportError:
-    from md5 import md5
-# Third-party
-import matplotlib
-import sphinx
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
-from docutils import nodes
-from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
-# Our own
-from IPython import Config, InteractiveShell
-from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir
-from IPython.utils import io
-# Globals
-# for tokenizing blocks
-# Functions and class declarations
-def block_parser(part, rgxin, rgxout, fmtin, fmtout):
-    """
-    part is a string of ipython text, comprised of at most one
-    input, one ouput, comments, and blank lines.  The block parser
-    parses the text into a list of::
-      blocks = [ (TOKEN0, data0), (TOKEN1, data1), ...]
-    where TOKEN is one of [COMMENT | INPUT | OUTPUT ] and
-    data is, depending on the type of token::
-      COMMENT : the comment string
-         DECORATOR: the input decorator (or None)
-         INPUT_LINE: the input as string (possibly multi-line)
-         REST : any stdout generated by the input line (not OUTPUT)
-      OUTPUT: the output string, possibly multi-line
-    """
-    block = []
-    lines = part.split('\n')
-    N = len(lines)
-    i = 0
-    decorator = None
-    while 1:
-        if i==N:
-            # nothing left to parse -- the last line
-            break
-        line = lines[i]
-        i += 1
-        line_stripped = line.strip()
-        if line_stripped.startswith('#'):
-            block.append((COMMENT, line))
-            continue
-        if line_stripped.startswith('@'):
-            # we're assuming at most one decorator -- may need to
-            # rethink
-            decorator = line_stripped
-            continue
-        # does this look like an input line?
-        matchin = rgxin.match(line)
-        if matchin:
-            lineno, inputline = int(matchin.group(1)), matchin.group(2)
-            # the ....: continuation string
-            continuation = '   %s:'%''.join(['.']*(len(str(lineno))+2))
-            Nc = len(continuation)
-            # input lines can continue on for more than one line, if
-            # we have a '\' line continuation char or a function call
-            # echo line 'print'.  The input line can only be
-            # terminated by the end of the block or an output line, so
-            # we parse out the rest of the input line if it is
-            # multiline as well as any echo text
-            rest = []
-            while i<N:
-                # look ahead; if the next line is blank, or a comment, or
-                # an output line, we're done
-                nextline = lines[i]
-                matchout = rgxout.match(nextline)
-                #print "nextline=%s, continuation=%s, starts=%s"%(nextline, continuation, nextline.startswith(continuation))
-                if matchout or nextline.startswith('#'):
-                    break
-                elif nextline.startswith(continuation):
-                    inputline += '\n' + nextline[Nc:]
-                else:
-                    rest.append(nextline)
-                i+= 1
-            block.append((INPUT, (decorator, inputline, '\n'.join(rest))))
-            continue
-        # if it looks like an output line grab all the text to the end
-        # of the block
-        matchout = rgxout.match(line)
-        if matchout:
-            lineno, output = int(matchout.group(1)), matchout.group(2)
-            if i<N-1:
-                output = '\n'.join([output] + lines[i:])
-            block.append((OUTPUT, output))
-            break
-    return block
-class EmbeddedSphinxShell(object):
-    """An embedded IPython instance to run inside Sphinx"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.cout = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        # Create config object for IPython
-        config = Config()
-        config.Global.display_banner = False
-        config.Global.exec_lines = ['import numpy as np',
-                                    'from pylab import *'
-                                    ]
-        config.InteractiveShell.autocall = False
-        config.InteractiveShell.autoindent = False
-        config.InteractiveShell.colors = 'NoColor'
-        # create a profile so instance history isn't saved
-        tmp_profile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='profile_')
-        profname = 'auto_profile_sphinx_build'
-        pdir = os.path.join(tmp_profile_dir,profname)
-        profile = ProfileDir.create_profile_dir(pdir)
-        # Create and initialize ipython, but don't start its mainloop
-        IP = InteractiveShell.instance(config=config, profile_dir=profile)
-        # io.stdout redirect must be done *after* instantiating InteractiveShell
-        io.stdout = self.cout
-        io.stderr = self.cout
-        # For debugging, so we can see normal output, use this:
-        #from IPython.utils.io import Tee
-        #io.stdout = Tee(self.cout, channel='stdout') # dbg
-        #io.stderr = Tee(self.cout, channel='stderr') # dbg
-        # Store a few parts of IPython we'll need.
-        self.IP = IP
-        self.user_ns = self.IP.user_ns
-        self.user_global_ns = self.IP.user_global_ns
-        self.input = ''
-        self.output = ''
-        self.is_verbatim = False
-        self.is_doctest = False
-        self.is_suppress = False
-        # on the first call to the savefig decorator, we'll import
-        # pyplot as plt so we can make a call to the plt.gcf().savefig
-        self._pyplot_imported = False
-    def clear_cout(self):
-        self.cout.seek(0)
-        self.cout.truncate(0)
-    def process_input_line(self, line, store_history=True):
-        """process the input, capturing stdout"""
-        #print "input='%s'"%self.input
-        stdout = sys.stdout
-        splitter = self.IP.input_splitter
-        try:
-            sys.stdout = self.cout
-            splitter.push(line)
-            more = splitter.push_accepts_more()
-            if not more:
-                source_raw = splitter.source_raw_reset()[1]
-                self.IP.run_cell(source_raw, store_history=store_history)
-        finally:
-            sys.stdout = stdout
-    def process_image(self, decorator):
-        """
-        # build out an image directive like
-        # .. image:: somefile.png
-        #    :width 4in
-        #
-        # from an input like
-        # savefig somefile.png width=4in
-        """
-        savefig_dir = self.savefig_dir
-        source_dir = self.source_dir
-        saveargs = decorator.split(' ')
-        filename = saveargs[1]
-        # insert relative path to image file in source
-        outfile = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(savefig_dir,filename),
-                    source_dir)
-        imagerows = ['.. image:: %s'%outfile]
-        for kwarg in saveargs[2:]:
-            arg, val = kwarg.split('=')
-            arg = arg.strip()
-            val = val.strip()
-            imagerows.append('   :%s: %s'%(arg, val))
-        image_file = os.path.basename(outfile) # only return file name
-        image_directive = '\n'.join(imagerows)
-        return image_file, image_directive
-    # Callbacks for each type of token
-    def process_input(self, data, input_prompt, lineno):
-        """Process data block for INPUT token."""
-        decorator, input, rest = data
-        image_file = None
-        image_directive = None
-        #print 'INPUT:', data  # dbg
-        is_verbatim = decorator=='@verbatim' or self.is_verbatim
-        is_doctest = decorator=='@doctest' or self.is_doctest
-        is_suppress = decorator=='@suppress' or self.is_suppress
-        is_savefig = decorator is not None and \
-                     decorator.startswith('@savefig')
-        input_lines = input.split('\n')
-        if len(input_lines) > 1:
-            if input_lines[-1] != "":
-                input_lines.append('') # make sure there's a blank line
-                                       # so splitter buffer gets reset
-        continuation = '   %s:'%''.join(['.']*(len(str(lineno))+2))
-        Nc = len(continuation)
-        if is_savefig:
-            image_file, image_directive = self.process_image(decorator)
-        ret = []
-        is_semicolon = False
-        for i, line in enumerate(input_lines):
-            if line.endswith(';'):
-                is_semicolon = True
-            if i==0:
-                # process the first input line
-                if is_verbatim:
-                    self.process_input_line('')
-                    self.IP.execution_count += 1 # increment it anyway
-                else:
-                    # only submit the line in non-verbatim mode
-                    self.process_input_line(line, store_history=True)
-                formatted_line = '%s %s'%(input_prompt, line)
-            else:
-                # process a continuation line
-                if not is_verbatim:
-                    self.process_input_line(line, store_history=True)
-                formatted_line = '%s %s'%(continuation, line)
-            if not is_suppress:
-                ret.append(formatted_line)
-        if not is_suppress and len(rest.strip()) and is_verbatim:
-            # the "rest" is the standard output of the
-            # input, which needs to be added in
-            # verbatim mode
-            ret.append(rest)
-        self.cout.seek(0)
-        output = self.cout.read()
-        if not is_suppress and not is_semicolon:
-            ret.append(output)
-        elif is_semicolon: # get spacing right
-            ret.append('')
-        self.cout.truncate(0)
-        return (ret, input_lines, output, is_doctest, image_file,
-                    image_directive)
-        #print 'OUTPUT', output  # dbg
-    def process_output(self, data, output_prompt,
-                       input_lines, output, is_doctest, image_file):
-        """Process data block for OUTPUT token."""
-        if is_doctest:
-            submitted = data.strip()
-            found = output
-            if found is not None:
-                found = found.strip()
-                # XXX - fperez: in 0.11, 'output' never comes with the prompt
-                # in it, just the actual output text.  So I think all this code
-                # can be nuked...
-                # the above comment does not appear to be accurate... (minrk)
-                ind = found.find(output_prompt)
-                if ind<0:
-                    e='output prompt="%s" does not match out line=%s' % \
-                       (output_prompt, found)
-                    raise RuntimeError(e)
-                found = found[len(output_prompt):].strip()
-                if found!=submitted:
-                    e = ('doctest failure for input_lines="%s" with '
-                         'found_output="%s" and submitted output="%s"' %
-                         (input_lines, found, submitted) )
-                    raise RuntimeError(e)
-                #print 'doctest PASSED for input_lines="%s" with found_output="%s" and submitted output="%s"'%(input_lines, found, submitted)
-    def process_comment(self, data):
-        """Process data fPblock for COMMENT token."""
-        if not self.is_suppress:
-            return [data]
-    def save_image(self, image_file):
-        """
-        Saves the image file to disk.
-        """
-        self.ensure_pyplot()
-        command = 'plt.gcf().savefig("%s")'%image_file
-        #print 'SAVEFIG', command  # dbg
-        self.process_input_line('bookmark ipy_thisdir', store_history=False)
-        self.process_input_line('cd -b ipy_savedir', store_history=False)
-        self.process_input_line(command, store_history=False)
-        self.process_input_line('cd -b ipy_thisdir', store_history=False)
-        self.process_input_line('bookmark -d ipy_thisdir', store_history=False)
-        self.clear_cout()
-    def process_block(self, block):
-        """
-        process block from the block_parser and return a list of processed lines
-        """
-        ret = []
-        output = None
-        input_lines = None
-        lineno = self.IP.execution_count
-        input_prompt = self.promptin%lineno
-        output_prompt = self.promptout%lineno
-        image_file = None
-        image_directive = None
-        for token, data in block:
-            if token==COMMENT:
-                out_data = self.process_comment(data)
-            elif token==INPUT:
-                (out_data, input_lines, output, is_doctest, image_file,
-                    image_directive) = \
-                          self.process_input(data, input_prompt, lineno)
-            elif token==OUTPUT:
-                out_data = \
-                    self.process_output(data, output_prompt,
-                                        input_lines, output, is_doctest,
-                                        image_file)
-            if out_data:
-                ret.extend(out_data)
-        # save the image files
-        if image_file is not None:
-            self.save_image(image_file)
-        return ret, image_directive
-    def ensure_pyplot(self):
-        if self._pyplot_imported:
-            return
-        self.process_input_line('import matplotlib.pyplot as plt',
-                                store_history=False)
-    def process_pure_python(self, content):
-        """
-        content is a list of strings. it is unedited directive conent
-        This runs it line by line in the InteractiveShell, prepends
-        prompts as needed capturing stderr and stdout, then returns
-        the content as a list as if it were ipython code
-        """
-        output = []
-        savefig = False # keep up with this to clear figure
-        multiline = False # to handle line continuation
-        multiline_start = None
-        fmtin = self.promptin
-        ct = 0
-        for lineno, line in enumerate(content):
-            line_stripped = line.strip()
-            if not len(line):
-                #output.append(line)
-                continue
-            # handle decorators
-            if line_stripped.startswith('@'):
-                output.extend([line])
-                if 'savefig' in line:
-                    savefig = True # and need to clear figure
-                continue
-            # handle comments
-            if line_stripped.startswith('#'):
-                output.extend([line])
-                continue
-            # deal with lines checking for multiline
-            continuation  = u'   %s:'% ''.join(['.']*(len(str(ct))+2))
-            if not multiline:
-                modified = u"%s %s" % (fmtin % ct, line_stripped)
-                output.append(modified)
-                ct += 1
-                try:
-                    ast.parse(line_stripped)
-                    output.append(u'')
-                except Exception: # on a multiline
-                    multiline = True
-                    multiline_start = lineno
-            else: # still on a multiline
-                modified = u'%s %s' % (continuation, line)
-                output.append(modified)
-                try:
-                    mod = ast.parse(
-                            '\n'.join(content[multiline_start:lineno+1]))
-                    if isinstance(mod.body[0], ast.FunctionDef):
-                        # check to see if we have the whole function
-                        for element in mod.body[0].body:
-                            if isinstance(element, ast.Return):
-                                multiline = False
-                    else:
-                        output.append(u'')
-                        multiline = False
-                except Exception:
-                    pass
-            if savefig: # clear figure if plotted
-                self.ensure_pyplot()
-                self.process_input_line('plt.clf()', store_history=False)
-                self.clear_cout()
-                savefig = False
-        return output
-class IpythonDirective(Directive):
-    has_content = True
-    required_arguments = 0
-    optional_arguments = 4 # python, suppress, verbatim, doctest
-    final_argumuent_whitespace = True
-    option_spec = { 'python': directives.unchanged,
-                    'suppress' : directives.flag,
-                    'verbatim' : directives.flag,
-                    'doctest' : directives.flag,
-                  }
-    shell = EmbeddedSphinxShell()
-    def get_config_options(self):
-        # contains sphinx configuration variables
-        config = self.state.document.settings.env.config
-        # get config variables to set figure output directory
-        confdir = self.state.document.settings.env.app.confdir
-        savefig_dir = config.ipython_savefig_dir
-        source_dir = os.path.dirname(self.state.document.current_source)
-        if savefig_dir is None:
-            savefig_dir = config.html_static_path
-        if isinstance(savefig_dir, list):
-            savefig_dir = savefig_dir[0] # safe to assume only one path?
-        savefig_dir = os.path.join(confdir, savefig_dir)
-        # get regex and prompt stuff
-        rgxin     = config.ipython_rgxin
-        rgxout    = config.ipython_rgxout
-        promptin  = config.ipython_promptin
-        promptout = config.ipython_promptout
-        return savefig_dir, source_dir, rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout
-    def setup(self):
-        # reset the execution count if we haven't processed this doc
-        #NOTE: this may be borked if there are multiple seen_doc tmp files
-        #check time stamp?
-        seen_docs = [i for i in os.listdir(tempfile.tempdir)
-            if i.startswith('seen_doc')]
-        if seen_docs:
-            fname = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, seen_docs[0])
-            docs = open(fname).read().split('\n')
-            if not self.state.document.current_source in docs:
-                self.shell.IP.history_manager.reset()
-                self.shell.IP.execution_count = 1
-        else: # haven't processed any docs yet
-            docs = []
-        # get config values
-        (savefig_dir, source_dir, rgxin,
-                rgxout, promptin, promptout) = self.get_config_options()
-        # and attach to shell so we don't have to pass them around
-        self.shell.rgxin = rgxin
-        self.shell.rgxout = rgxout
-        self.shell.promptin = promptin
-        self.shell.promptout = promptout
-        self.shell.savefig_dir = savefig_dir
-        self.shell.source_dir = source_dir
-        # setup bookmark for saving figures directory
-        self.shell.process_input_line('bookmark ipy_savedir %s'%savefig_dir,
-                                      store_history=False)
-        self.shell.clear_cout()
-        # write the filename to a tempfile because it's been "seen" now
-        if not self.state.document.current_source in docs:
-            fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="seen_doc", text=True)
-            fout = open(fname, 'a')
-            fout.write(self.state.document.current_source+'\n')
-            fout.close()
-        return rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout
-    def teardown(self):
-        # delete last bookmark
-        self.shell.process_input_line('bookmark -d ipy_savedir',
-                                      store_history=False)
-        self.shell.clear_cout()
-    def run(self):
-        debug = False
-        #TODO, any reason block_parser can't be a method of embeddable shell
-        # then we wouldn't have to carry these around
-        rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout = self.setup()
-        options = self.options
-        self.shell.is_suppress = 'suppress' in options
-        self.shell.is_doctest = 'doctest' in options
-        self.shell.is_verbatim = 'verbatim' in options
-        # handle pure python code
-        if 'python' in self.arguments:
-            content = self.content
-            self.content = self.shell.process_pure_python(content)
-        parts = '\n'.join(self.content).split('\n\n')
-        lines = ['.. code-block:: ipython','']
-        figures = []
-        for part in parts:
-            block = block_parser(part, rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout)
-            if len(block):
-                rows, figure = self.shell.process_block(block)
-                for row in rows:
-                    lines.extend(['   %s'%line for line in row.split('\n')])
-                if figure is not None:
-                    figures.append(figure)
-        #text = '\n'.join(lines)
-        #figs = '\n'.join(figures)
-        for figure in figures:
-            lines.append('')
-            lines.extend(figure.split('\n'))
-            lines.append('')
-        #print lines
-        if len(lines)>2:
-            if debug:
-                print '\n'.join(lines)
-            else: #NOTE: this raises some errors, what's it for?
-                #print 'INSERTING %d lines'%len(lines)
-                self.state_machine.insert_input(
-                    lines, self.state_machine.input_lines.source(0))
-        text = '\n'.join(lines)
-        txtnode = nodes.literal_block(text, text)
-        txtnode['language'] = 'ipython'
-        #imgnode = nodes.image(figs)
-        # cleanup
-        self.teardown()
-        return []#, imgnode]
-# Enable as a proper Sphinx directive
-def setup(app):
-    setup.app = app
-    app.add_directive('ipython', IpythonDirective)
-    app.add_config_value('ipython_savefig_dir', None, True)
-    app.add_config_value('ipython_rgxin',
-                         re.compile('In \[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'), True)
-    app.add_config_value('ipython_rgxout',
-                         re.compile('Out\[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'), True)
-    app.add_config_value('ipython_promptin', 'In [%d]:', True)
-    app.add_config_value('ipython_promptout', 'Out[%d]:', True)
-# Simple smoke test, needs to be converted to a proper automatic test.
-def test():
-    examples = [
-        r"""
-In [9]: pwd
-Out[9]: '/home/jdhunter/py4science/book'
-In [10]: cd bookdata/
-In [2]: from pylab import *
-In [2]: ion()
-In [3]: im = imread('stinkbug.png')
- at savefig mystinkbug.png width=4in
-In [4]: imshow(im)
-Out[4]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x39ea850>
-        r"""
-In [1]: x = 'hello world'
-# string methods can be
-# used to alter the string
- at doctest
-In [2]: x.upper()
-Out[2]: 'HELLO WORLD'
- at verbatim
-In [3]: x.st<TAB>
-x.startswith  x.strip
-    r"""
-In [130]: url = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=CROX\
-   .....: &d=9&e=22&f=2009&g=d&a=1&br=8&c=2006&ignore=.csv'
-In [131]: print url.split('&')
-['http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=CROX', 'd=9', 'e=22', 'f=2009', 'g=d', 'a=1', 'b=8', 'c=2006', 'ignore=.csv']
-In [60]: import urllib
-    r"""\
-In [133]: import numpy.random
- at suppress
-In [134]: numpy.random.seed(2358)
- at doctest
-In [135]: numpy.random.rand(10,2)
-array([[ 0.64524308,  0.59943846],
-       [ 0.47102322,  0.8715456 ],
-       [ 0.29370834,  0.74776844],
-       [ 0.99539577,  0.1313423 ],
-       [ 0.16250302,  0.21103583],
-       [ 0.81626524,  0.1312433 ],
-       [ 0.67338089,  0.72302393],
-       [ 0.7566368 ,  0.07033696],
-       [ 0.22591016,  0.77731835],
-       [ 0.0072729 ,  0.34273127]])
-    r"""
-In [106]: print x
-In [109]: for i in range(10):
-   .....:     print i
-   .....:
-   .....:
-        r"""
-In [144]: from pylab import *
-In [145]: ion()
-# use a semicolon to suppress the output
- at savefig test_hist.png width=4in
-In [151]: hist(np.random.randn(10000), 100);
- at savefig test_plot.png width=4in
-In [151]: plot(np.random.randn(10000), 'o');
-   """,
-        r"""
-# use a semicolon to suppress the output
-In [151]: plt.clf()
- at savefig plot_simple.png width=4in
-In [151]: plot([1,2,3])
- at savefig hist_simple.png width=4in
-In [151]: hist(np.random.randn(10000), 100);
-     r"""
-# update the current fig
-In [151]: ylabel('number')
-In [152]: title('normal distribution')
- at savefig hist_with_text.png
-In [153]: grid(True)
-        """,
-        ]
-    # skip local-file depending first example:
-    examples = examples[1:]
-    #ipython_directive.DEBUG = True  # dbg
-    #options = dict(suppress=True)  # dbg
-    options = dict()
-    for example in examples:
-        content = example.split('\n')
-        ipython_directive('debug', arguments=None, options=options,
-                          content=content, lineno=0,
-                          content_offset=None, block_text=None,
-                          state=None, state_machine=None,
-                          )
-# Run test suite as a script
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    if not os.path.isdir('_static'):
-        os.mkdir('_static')
-    test()
-    print 'All OK? Check figures in _static/'
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/__init__.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ae9073b..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from numpydoc import setup
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/comment_eater.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/comment_eater.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e11eea9..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/comment_eater.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-import compiler
-import inspect
-import textwrap
-import tokenize
-from compiler_unparse import unparse
-class Comment(object):
-    """ A comment block.
-    """
-    is_comment = True
-    def __init__(self, start_lineno, end_lineno, text):
-        # int : The first line number in the block. 1-indexed.
-        self.start_lineno = start_lineno
-        # int : The last line number. Inclusive!
-        self.end_lineno = end_lineno
-        # str : The text block including '#' character but not any leading spaces.
-        self.text = text
-    def add(self, string, start, end, line):
-        """ Add a new comment line.
-        """
-        self.start_lineno = min(self.start_lineno, start[0])
-        self.end_lineno = max(self.end_lineno, end[0])
-        self.text += string
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.start_lineno,
-            self.end_lineno, self.text)
-class NonComment(object):
-    """ A non-comment block of code.
-    """
-    is_comment = False
-    def __init__(self, start_lineno, end_lineno):
-        self.start_lineno = start_lineno
-        self.end_lineno = end_lineno
-    def add(self, string, start, end, line):
-        """ Add lines to the block.
-        """
-        if string.strip():
-            # Only add if not entirely whitespace.
-            self.start_lineno = min(self.start_lineno, start[0])
-            self.end_lineno = max(self.end_lineno, end[0])
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.start_lineno,
-            self.end_lineno)
-class CommentBlocker(object):
-    """ Pull out contiguous comment blocks.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        # Start with a dummy.
-        self.current_block = NonComment(0, 0)
-        # All of the blocks seen so far.
-        self.blocks = []
-        # The index mapping lines of code to their associated comment blocks.
-        self.index = {}
-    def process_file(self, file):
-        """ Process a file object.
-        """
-        for token in tokenize.generate_tokens(file.next):
-            self.process_token(*token)
-        self.make_index()
-    def process_token(self, kind, string, start, end, line):
-        """ Process a single token.
-        """
-        if self.current_block.is_comment:
-            if kind == tokenize.COMMENT:
-                self.current_block.add(string, start, end, line)
-            else:
-                self.new_noncomment(start[0], end[0])
-        else:
-            if kind == tokenize.COMMENT:
-                self.new_comment(string, start, end, line)
-            else:
-                self.current_block.add(string, start, end, line)
-    def new_noncomment(self, start_lineno, end_lineno):
-        """ We are transitioning from a noncomment to a comment.
-        """
-        block = NonComment(start_lineno, end_lineno)
-        self.blocks.append(block)
-        self.current_block = block
-    def new_comment(self, string, start, end, line):
-        """ Possibly add a new comment.
-        Only adds a new comment if this comment is the only thing on the line.
-        Otherwise, it extends the noncomment block.
-        """
-        prefix = line[:start[1]]
-        if prefix.strip():
-            # Oops! Trailing comment, not a comment block.
-            self.current_block.add(string, start, end, line)
-        else:
-            # A comment block.
-            block = Comment(start[0], end[0], string)
-            self.blocks.append(block)
-            self.current_block = block
-    def make_index(self):
-        """ Make the index mapping lines of actual code to their associated
-        prefix comments.
-        """
-        for prev, block in zip(self.blocks[:-1], self.blocks[1:]):
-            if not block.is_comment:
-                self.index[block.start_lineno] = prev
-    def search_for_comment(self, lineno, default=None):
-        """ Find the comment block just before the given line number.
-        Returns None (or the specified default) if there is no such block.
-        """
-        if not self.index:
-            self.make_index()
-        block = self.index.get(lineno, None)
-        text = getattr(block, 'text', default)
-        return text
-def strip_comment_marker(text):
-    """ Strip # markers at the front of a block of comment text.
-    """
-    lines = []
-    for line in text.splitlines():
-        lines.append(line.lstrip('#'))
-    text = textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines))
-    return text
-def get_class_traits(klass):
-    """ Yield all of the documentation for trait definitions on a class object.
-    """
-    # FIXME: gracefully handle errors here or in the caller?
-    source = inspect.getsource(klass)
-    cb = CommentBlocker()
-    cb.process_file(StringIO(source))
-    mod_ast = compiler.parse(source)
-    class_ast = mod_ast.node.nodes[0]
-    for node in class_ast.code.nodes:
-        # FIXME: handle other kinds of assignments?
-        if isinstance(node, compiler.ast.Assign):
-            name = node.nodes[0].name
-            rhs = unparse(node.expr).strip()
-            doc = strip_comment_marker(cb.search_for_comment(node.lineno, default=''))
-            yield name, rhs, doc
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/compiler_unparse.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/compiler_unparse.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ffcf51b..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/compiler_unparse.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,860 +0,0 @@
-""" Turn compiler.ast structures back into executable python code.
-    The unparse method takes a compiler.ast tree and transforms it back into
-    valid python code.  It is incomplete and currently only works for
-    import statements, function calls, function definitions, assignments, and
-    basic expressions.
-    Inspired by python-2.5-svn/Demo/parser/unparse.py
-    fixme: We may want to move to using _ast trees because the compiler for
-           them is about 6 times faster than compiler.compile.
-import sys
-import cStringIO
-from compiler.ast import Const, Name, Tuple, Div, Mul, Sub, Add
-def unparse(ast, single_line_functions=False):
-    s = cStringIO.StringIO()
-    UnparseCompilerAst(ast, s, single_line_functions)
-    return s.getvalue().lstrip()
-op_precedence = { 'compiler.ast.Power':3, 'compiler.ast.Mul':2, 'compiler.ast.Div':2,
-                  'compiler.ast.Add':1, 'compiler.ast.Sub':1 }
-class UnparseCompilerAst:
-    """ Methods in this class recursively traverse an AST and
-        output source code for the abstract syntax; original formatting
-        is disregarged.
-    """
-    #########################################################################
-    # object interface.
-    #########################################################################
-    def __init__(self, tree, file = sys.stdout, single_line_functions=False):
-        """ Unparser(tree, file=sys.stdout) -> None.
-            Print the source for tree to file.
-        """
-        self.f = file
-        self._single_func = single_line_functions
-        self._do_indent = True
-        self._indent = 0
-        self._dispatch(tree)
-        self._write("\n")
-        self.f.flush()
-    #########################################################################
-    # Unparser private interface.
-    #########################################################################
-    ### format, output, and dispatch methods ################################
-    def _fill(self, text = ""):
-        "Indent a piece of text, according to the current indentation level"
-        if self._do_indent:
-            self._write("\n"+"    "*self._indent + text)
-        else:
-            self._write(text)
-    def _write(self, text):
-        "Append a piece of text to the current line."
-        self.f.write(text)
-    def _enter(self):
-        "Print ':', and increase the indentation."
-        self._write(": ")
-        self._indent += 1
-    def _leave(self):
-        "Decrease the indentation level."
-        self._indent -= 1
-    def _dispatch(self, tree):
-        "_dispatcher function, _dispatching tree type T to method _T."
-        if isinstance(tree, list):
-            for t in tree:
-                self._dispatch(t)
-            return
-        meth = getattr(self, "_"+tree.__class__.__name__)
-        if tree.__class__.__name__ == 'NoneType' and not self._do_indent:
-            return
-        meth(tree)
-    #########################################################################
-    # compiler.ast unparsing methods.
-    #
-    # There should be one method per concrete grammar type. They are
-    # organized in alphabetical order.
-    #########################################################################
-    def _Add(self, t):
-        self.__binary_op(t, '+')
-    def _And(self, t):
-        self._write(" (")
-        for i, node in enumerate(t.nodes):
-            self._dispatch(node)
-            if i != len(t.nodes)-1:
-                self._write(") and (")
-        self._write(")")
-    def _AssAttr(self, t):
-        """ Handle assigning an attribute of an object
-        """
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        self._write('.'+t.attrname)
-    def _Assign(self, t):
-        """ Expression Assignment such as "a = 1".
-            This only handles assignment in expressions.  Keyword assignment
-            is handled separately.
-        """
-        self._fill()
-        for target in t.nodes:
-            self._dispatch(target)
-            self._write(" = ")
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        if not self._do_indent:
-            self._write('; ')
-    def _AssName(self, t):
-        """ Name on left hand side of expression.
-            Treat just like a name on the right side of an expression.
-        """
-        self._Name(t)
-    def _AssTuple(self, t):
-        """ Tuple on left hand side of an expression.
-        """
-        # _write each elements, separated by a comma.
-        for element in t.nodes[:-1]:
-            self._dispatch(element)
-            self._write(", ")
-        # Handle the last one without writing comma
-        last_element = t.nodes[-1]
-        self._dispatch(last_element)
-    def _AugAssign(self, t):
-        """ +=,-=,*=,/=,**=, etc. operations
-        """
-        self._fill()
-        self._dispatch(t.node)
-        self._write(' '+t.op+' ')
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        if not self._do_indent:
-            self._write(';')
-    def _Bitand(self, t):
-        """ Bit and operation.
-        """
-        for i, node in enumerate(t.nodes):
-            self._write("(")
-            self._dispatch(node)
-            self._write(")")
-            if i != len(t.nodes)-1:
-                self._write(" & ")
-    def _Bitor(self, t):
-        """ Bit or operation
-        """
-        for i, node in enumerate(t.nodes):
-            self._write("(")
-            self._dispatch(node)
-            self._write(")")
-            if i != len(t.nodes)-1:
-                self._write(" | ")
-    def _CallFunc(self, t):
-        """ Function call.
-        """
-        self._dispatch(t.node)
-        self._write("(")
-        comma = False
-        for e in t.args:
-            if comma: self._write(", ")
-            else: comma = True
-            self._dispatch(e)
-        if t.star_args:
-            if comma: self._write(", ")
-            else: comma = True
-            self._write("*")
-            self._dispatch(t.star_args)
-        if t.dstar_args:
-            if comma: self._write(", ")
-            else: comma = True
-            self._write("**")
-            self._dispatch(t.dstar_args)
-        self._write(")")
-    def _Compare(self, t):
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        for op, expr in t.ops:
-            self._write(" " + op + " ")
-            self._dispatch(expr)
-    def _Const(self, t):
-        """ A constant value such as an integer value, 3, or a string, "hello".
-        """
-        self._dispatch(t.value)
-    def _Decorators(self, t):
-        """ Handle function decorators (eg. @has_units)
-        """
-        for node in t.nodes:
-            self._dispatch(node)
-    def _Dict(self, t):
-        self._write("{")
-        for  i, (k, v) in enumerate(t.items):
-            self._dispatch(k)
-            self._write(": ")
-            self._dispatch(v)
-            if i < len(t.items)-1:
-                self._write(", ")
-        self._write("}")
-    def _Discard(self, t):
-        """ Node for when return value is ignored such as in "foo(a)".
-        """
-        self._fill()
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-    def _Div(self, t):
-        self.__binary_op(t, '/')
-    def _Ellipsis(self, t):
-        self._write("...")
-    def _From(self, t):
-        """ Handle "from xyz import foo, bar as baz".
-        """
-        # fixme: Are From and ImportFrom handled differently?
-        self._fill("from ")
-        self._write(t.modname)
-        self._write(" import ")
-        for i, (name,asname) in enumerate(t.names):
-            if i != 0:
-                self._write(", ")
-            self._write(name)
-            if asname is not None:
-                self._write(" as "+asname)
-    def _Function(self, t):
-        """ Handle function definitions
-        """
-        if t.decorators is not None:
-            self._fill("@")
-            self._dispatch(t.decorators)
-        self._fill("def "+t.name + "(")
-        defaults = [None] * (len(t.argnames) - len(t.defaults)) + list(t.defaults)
-        for i, arg in enumerate(zip(t.argnames, defaults)):
-            self._write(arg[0])
-            if arg[1] is not None:
-                self._write('=')
-                self._dispatch(arg[1])
-            if i < len(t.argnames)-1:
-                self._write(', ')
-        self._write(")")
-        if self._single_func:
-            self._do_indent = False
-        self._enter()
-        self._dispatch(t.code)
-        self._leave()
-        self._do_indent = True
-    def _Getattr(self, t):
-        """ Handle getting an attribute of an object
-        """
-        if isinstance(t.expr, (Div, Mul, Sub, Add)):
-            self._write('(')
-            self._dispatch(t.expr)
-            self._write(')')
-        else:
-            self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        self._write('.'+t.attrname)
-    def _If(self, t):
-        self._fill()
-        for i, (compare,code) in enumerate(t.tests):
-            if i == 0:
-                self._write("if ")
-            else:
-                self._write("elif ")
-            self._dispatch(compare)
-            self._enter()
-            self._fill()
-            self._dispatch(code)
-            self._leave()
-            self._write("\n")
-        if t.else_ is not None:
-            self._write("else")
-            self._enter()
-            self._fill()
-            self._dispatch(t.else_)
-            self._leave()
-            self._write("\n")
-    def _IfExp(self, t):
-        self._dispatch(t.then)
-        self._write(" if ")
-        self._dispatch(t.test)
-        if t.else_ is not None:
-            self._write(" else (")
-            self._dispatch(t.else_)
-            self._write(")")
-    def _Import(self, t):
-        """ Handle "import xyz.foo".
-        """
-        self._fill("import ")
-        for i, (name,asname) in enumerate(t.names):
-            if i != 0:
-                self._write(", ")
-            self._write(name)
-            if asname is not None:
-                self._write(" as "+asname)
-    def _Keyword(self, t):
-        """ Keyword value assignment within function calls and definitions.
-        """
-        self._write(t.name)
-        self._write("=")
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-    def _List(self, t):
-        self._write("[")
-        for  i,node in enumerate(t.nodes):
-            self._dispatch(node)
-            if i < len(t.nodes)-1:
-                self._write(", ")
-        self._write("]")
-    def _Module(self, t):
-        if t.doc is not None:
-            self._dispatch(t.doc)
-        self._dispatch(t.node)
-    def _Mul(self, t):
-        self.__binary_op(t, '*')
-    def _Name(self, t):
-        self._write(t.name)
-    def _NoneType(self, t):
-        self._write("None")
-    def _Not(self, t):
-        self._write('not (')
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        self._write(')')
-    def _Or(self, t):
-        self._write(" (")
-        for i, node in enumerate(t.nodes):
-            self._dispatch(node)
-            if i != len(t.nodes)-1:
-                self._write(") or (")
-        self._write(")")
-    def _Pass(self, t):
-        self._write("pass\n")
-    def _Printnl(self, t):
-        self._fill("print ")
-        if t.dest:
-            self._write(">> ")
-            self._dispatch(t.dest)
-            self._write(", ")
-        comma = False
-        for node in t.nodes:
-            if comma: self._write(', ')
-            else: comma = True
-            self._dispatch(node)
-    def _Power(self, t):
-        self.__binary_op(t, '**')
-    def _Return(self, t):
-        self._fill("return ")
-        if t.value:
-            if isinstance(t.value, Tuple):
-                text = ', '.join([ name.name for name in t.value.asList() ])
-                self._write(text)
-            else:
-                self._dispatch(t.value)
-            if not self._do_indent:
-                self._write('; ')
-    def _Slice(self, t):
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        self._write("[")
-        if t.lower:
-            self._dispatch(t.lower)
-        self._write(":")
-        if t.upper:
-            self._dispatch(t.upper)
-        #if t.step:
-        #    self._write(":")
-        #    self._dispatch(t.step)
-        self._write("]")
-    def _Sliceobj(self, t):
-        for i, node in enumerate(t.nodes):
-            if i != 0:
-                self._write(":")
-            if not (isinstance(node, Const) and node.value is None):
-                self._dispatch(node)
-    def _Stmt(self, tree):
-        for node in tree.nodes:
-            self._dispatch(node)
-    def _Sub(self, t):
-        self.__binary_op(t, '-')
-    def _Subscript(self, t):
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        self._write("[")
-        for i, value in enumerate(t.subs):
-            if i != 0:
-                self._write(",")
-            self._dispatch(value)
-        self._write("]")
-    def _TryExcept(self, t):
-        self._fill("try")
-        self._enter()
-        self._dispatch(t.body)
-        self._leave()
-        for handler in t.handlers:
-            self._fill('except ')
-            self._dispatch(handler[0])
-            if handler[1] is not None:
-                self._write(', ')
-                self._dispatch(handler[1])
-            self._enter()
-            self._dispatch(handler[2])
-            self._leave()
-        if t.else_:
-            self._fill("else")
-            self._enter()
-            self._dispatch(t.else_)
-            self._leave()
-    def _Tuple(self, t):
-        if not t.nodes:
-            # Empty tuple.
-            self._write("()")
-        else:
-            self._write("(")
-            # _write each elements, separated by a comma.
-            for element in t.nodes[:-1]:
-                self._dispatch(element)
-                self._write(", ")
-            # Handle the last one without writing comma
-            last_element = t.nodes[-1]
-            self._dispatch(last_element)
-            self._write(")")
-    def _UnaryAdd(self, t):
-        self._write("+")
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-    def _UnarySub(self, t):
-        self._write("-")
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)        
-    def _With(self, t):
-        self._fill('with ')
-        self._dispatch(t.expr)
-        if t.vars:
-            self._write(' as ')
-            self._dispatch(t.vars.name)
-        self._enter()
-        self._dispatch(t.body)
-        self._leave()
-        self._write('\n')
-    def _int(self, t):
-        self._write(repr(t))
-    def __binary_op(self, t, symbol):
-        # Check if parenthesis are needed on left side and then dispatch
-        has_paren = False
-        left_class = str(t.left.__class__)
-        if (left_class in op_precedence.keys() and
-            op_precedence[left_class] < op_precedence[str(t.__class__)]):
-            has_paren = True
-        if has_paren:
-            self._write('(')
-        self._dispatch(t.left)
-        if has_paren:
-            self._write(')')
-        # Write the appropriate symbol for operator
-        self._write(symbol)
-        # Check if parenthesis are needed on the right side and then dispatch
-        has_paren = False
-        right_class = str(t.right.__class__)
-        if (right_class in op_precedence.keys() and
-            op_precedence[right_class] < op_precedence[str(t.__class__)]):
-            has_paren = True
-        if has_paren:
-            self._write('(')
-        self._dispatch(t.right)
-        if has_paren:
-            self._write(')')
-    def _float(self, t):
-        # if t is 0.1, str(t)->'0.1' while repr(t)->'0.1000000000001'
-        # We prefer str here.
-        self._write(str(t))
-    def _str(self, t):
-        self._write(repr(t))
-    def _tuple(self, t):
-        self._write(str(t))
-    #########################################################################
-    # These are the methods from the _ast modules unparse.
-    #
-    # As our needs to handle more advanced code increase, we may want to
-    # modify some of the methods below so that they work for compiler.ast.
-    #########################################################################
-#    # stmt
-#    def _Expr(self, tree):
-#        self._fill()
-#        self._dispatch(tree.value)
-#    def _Import(self, t):
-#        self._fill("import ")
-#        first = True
-#        for a in t.names:
-#            if first:
-#                first = False
-#            else:
-#                self._write(", ")
-#            self._write(a.name)
-#            if a.asname:
-#                self._write(" as "+a.asname)
-##    def _ImportFrom(self, t):
-##        self._fill("from ")
-##        self._write(t.module)
-##        self._write(" import ")
-##        for i, a in enumerate(t.names):
-##            if i == 0:
-##                self._write(", ")
-##            self._write(a.name)
-##            if a.asname:
-##                self._write(" as "+a.asname)
-##        # XXX(jpe) what is level for?
-#    def _Break(self, t):
-#        self._fill("break")
-#    def _Continue(self, t):
-#        self._fill("continue")
-#    def _Delete(self, t):
-#        self._fill("del ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.targets)
-#    def _Assert(self, t):
-#        self._fill("assert ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.test)
-#        if t.msg:
-#            self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.msg)
-#    def _Exec(self, t):
-#        self._fill("exec ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        if t.globals:
-#            self._write(" in ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.globals)
-#        if t.locals:
-#            self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.locals)
-#    def _Print(self, t):
-#        self._fill("print ")
-#        do_comma = False
-#        if t.dest:
-#            self._write(">>")
-#            self._dispatch(t.dest)
-#            do_comma = True
-#        for e in t.values:
-#            if do_comma:self._write(", ")
-#            else:do_comma=True
-#            self._dispatch(e)
-#        if not t.nl:
-#            self._write(",")
-#    def _Global(self, t):
-#        self._fill("global")
-#        for i, n in enumerate(t.names):
-#            if i != 0:
-#                self._write(",")
-#            self._write(" " + n)
-#    def _Yield(self, t):
-#        self._fill("yield")
-#        if t.value:
-#            self._write(" (")
-#            self._dispatch(t.value)
-#            self._write(")")
-#    def _Raise(self, t):
-#        self._fill('raise ')
-#        if t.type:
-#            self._dispatch(t.type)
-#        if t.inst:
-#            self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.inst)
-#        if t.tback:
-#            self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.tback)
-#    def _TryFinally(self, t):
-#        self._fill("try")
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._leave()
-#        self._fill("finally")
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.finalbody)
-#        self._leave()
-#    def _excepthandler(self, t):
-#        self._fill("except ")
-#        if t.type:
-#            self._dispatch(t.type)
-#        if t.name:
-#            self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.name)
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._leave()
-#    def _ClassDef(self, t):
-#        self._write("\n")
-#        self._fill("class "+t.name)
-#        if t.bases:
-#            self._write("(")
-#            for a in t.bases:
-#                self._dispatch(a)
-#                self._write(", ")
-#            self._write(")")
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._leave()
-#    def _FunctionDef(self, t):
-#        self._write("\n")
-#        for deco in t.decorators:
-#            self._fill("@")
-#            self._dispatch(deco)
-#        self._fill("def "+t.name + "(")
-#        self._dispatch(t.args)
-#        self._write(")")
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._leave()
-#    def _For(self, t):
-#        self._fill("for ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.target)
-#        self._write(" in ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.iter)
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._leave()
-#        if t.orelse:
-#            self._fill("else")
-#            self._enter()
-#            self._dispatch(t.orelse)
-#            self._leave
-#    def _While(self, t):
-#        self._fill("while ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.test)
-#        self._enter()
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._leave()
-#        if t.orelse:
-#            self._fill("else")
-#            self._enter()
-#            self._dispatch(t.orelse)
-#            self._leave
-#    # expr
-#    def _Str(self, tree):
-#        self._write(repr(tree.s))
-#    def _Repr(self, t):
-#        self._write("`")
-#        self._dispatch(t.value)
-#        self._write("`")
-#    def _Num(self, t):
-#        self._write(repr(t.n))
-#    def _ListComp(self, t):
-#        self._write("[")
-#        self._dispatch(t.elt)
-#        for gen in t.generators:
-#            self._dispatch(gen)
-#        self._write("]")
-#    def _GeneratorExp(self, t):
-#        self._write("(")
-#        self._dispatch(t.elt)
-#        for gen in t.generators:
-#            self._dispatch(gen)
-#        self._write(")")
-#    def _comprehension(self, t):
-#        self._write(" for ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.target)
-#        self._write(" in ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.iter)
-#        for if_clause in t.ifs:
-#            self._write(" if ")
-#            self._dispatch(if_clause)
-#    def _IfExp(self, t):
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
-#        self._write(" if ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.test)
-#        if t.orelse:
-#            self._write(" else ")
-#            self._dispatch(t.orelse)
-#    unop = {"Invert":"~", "Not": "not", "UAdd":"+", "USub":"-"}
-#    def _UnaryOp(self, t):
-#        self._write(self.unop[t.op.__class__.__name__])
-#        self._write("(")
-#        self._dispatch(t.operand)
-#        self._write(")")
-#    binop = { "Add":"+", "Sub":"-", "Mult":"*", "Div":"/", "Mod":"%",
-#                    "LShift":">>", "RShift":"<<", "BitOr":"|", "BitXor":"^", "BitAnd":"&",
-#                    "FloorDiv":"//", "Pow": "**"}
-#    def _BinOp(self, t):
-#        self._write("(")
-#        self._dispatch(t.left)
-#        self._write(")" + self.binop[t.op.__class__.__name__] + "(")
-#        self._dispatch(t.right)
-#        self._write(")")
-#    boolops = {_ast.And: 'and', _ast.Or: 'or'}
-#    def _BoolOp(self, t):
-#        self._write("(")
-#        self._dispatch(t.values[0])
-#        for v in t.values[1:]:
-#            self._write(" %s " % self.boolops[t.op.__class__])
-#            self._dispatch(v)
-#        self._write(")")
-#    def _Attribute(self,t):
-#        self._dispatch(t.value)
-#        self._write(".")
-#        self._write(t.attr)
-##    def _Call(self, t):
-##        self._dispatch(t.func)
-##        self._write("(")
-##        comma = False
-##        for e in t.args:
-##            if comma: self._write(", ")
-##            else: comma = True
-##            self._dispatch(e)
-##        for e in t.keywords:
-##            if comma: self._write(", ")
-##            else: comma = True
-##            self._dispatch(e)
-##        if t.starargs:
-##            if comma: self._write(", ")
-##            else: comma = True
-##            self._write("*")
-##            self._dispatch(t.starargs)
-##        if t.kwargs:
-##            if comma: self._write(", ")
-##            else: comma = True
-##            self._write("**")
-##            self._dispatch(t.kwargs)
-##        self._write(")")
-#    # slice
-#    def _Index(self, t):
-#        self._dispatch(t.value)
-#    def _ExtSlice(self, t):
-#        for i, d in enumerate(t.dims):
-#            if i != 0:
-#                self._write(': ')
-#            self._dispatch(d)
-#    # others
-#    def _arguments(self, t):
-#        first = True
-#        nonDef = len(t.args)-len(t.defaults)
-#        for a in t.args[0:nonDef]:
-#            if first:first = False
-#            else: self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(a)
-#        for a,d in zip(t.args[nonDef:], t.defaults):
-#            if first:first = False
-#            else: self._write(", ")
-#            self._dispatch(a),
-#            self._write("=")
-#            self._dispatch(d)
-#        if t.vararg:
-#            if first:first = False
-#            else: self._write(", ")
-#            self._write("*"+t.vararg)
-#        if t.kwarg:
-#            if first:first = False
-#            else: self._write(", ")
-#            self._write("**"+t.kwarg)
-##    def _keyword(self, t):
-##        self._write(t.arg)
-##        self._write("=")
-##        self._dispatch(t.value)
-#    def _Lambda(self, t):
-#        self._write("lambda ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.args)
-#        self._write(": ")
-#        self._dispatch(t.body)
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 615ea11..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-"""Extract reference documentation from the NumPy source tree.
-import inspect
-import textwrap
-import re
-import pydoc
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from warnings import warn
-class Reader(object):
-    """A line-based string reader.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        data : str
-           String with lines separated by '\n'.
-        """
-        if isinstance(data,list):
-            self._str = data
-        else:
-            self._str = data.split('\n') # store string as list of lines
-        self.reset()
-    def __getitem__(self, n):
-        return self._str[n]
-    def reset(self):
-        self._l = 0 # current line nr
-    def read(self):
-        if not self.eof():
-            out = self[self._l]
-            self._l += 1
-            return out
-        else:
-            return ''
-    def seek_next_non_empty_line(self):
-        for l in self[self._l:]:
-            if l.strip():
-                break
-            else:
-                self._l += 1
-    def eof(self):
-        return self._l >= len(self._str)
-    def read_to_condition(self, condition_func):
-        start = self._l
-        for line in self[start:]:
-            if condition_func(line):
-                return self[start:self._l]
-            self._l += 1
-            if self.eof():
-                return self[start:self._l+1]
-        return []
-    def read_to_next_empty_line(self):
-        self.seek_next_non_empty_line()
-        def is_empty(line):
-            return not line.strip()
-        return self.read_to_condition(is_empty)
-    def read_to_next_unindented_line(self):
-        def is_unindented(line):
-            return (line.strip() and (len(line.lstrip()) == len(line)))
-        return self.read_to_condition(is_unindented)
-    def peek(self,n=0):
-        if self._l + n < len(self._str):
-            return self[self._l + n]
-        else:
-            return ''
-    def is_empty(self):
-        return not ''.join(self._str).strip()
-class NumpyDocString(object):
-    def __init__(self, docstring, config={}):
-        docstring = textwrap.dedent(docstring).split('\n')
-        self._doc = Reader(docstring)
-        self._parsed_data = {
-            'Signature': '',
-            'Summary': [''],
-            'Extended Summary': [],
-            'Parameters': [],
-            'Returns': [],
-            'Raises': [],
-            'Warns': [],
-            'Other Parameters': [],
-            'Attributes': [],
-            'Methods': [],
-            'See Also': [],
-            'Notes': [],
-            'Warnings': [],
-            'References': '',
-            'Examples': '',
-            'index': {}
-            }
-        self._parse()
-    def __getitem__(self,key):
-        return self._parsed_data[key]
-    def __setitem__(self,key,val):
-        if not self._parsed_data.has_key(key):
-            warn("Unknown section %s" % key)
-        else:
-            self._parsed_data[key] = val
-    def _is_at_section(self):
-        self._doc.seek_next_non_empty_line()
-        if self._doc.eof():
-            return False
-        l1 = self._doc.peek().strip()  # e.g. Parameters
-        if l1.startswith('.. index::'):
-            return True
-        l2 = self._doc.peek(1).strip() #    ---------- or ==========
-        return l2.startswith('-'*len(l1)) or l2.startswith('='*len(l1))
-    def _strip(self,doc):
-        i = 0
-        j = 0
-        for i,line in enumerate(doc):
-            if line.strip(): break
-        for j,line in enumerate(doc[::-1]):
-            if line.strip(): break
-        return doc[i:len(doc)-j]
-    def _read_to_next_section(self):
-        section = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
-        while not self._is_at_section() and not self._doc.eof():
-            if not self._doc.peek(-1).strip(): # previous line was empty
-                section += ['']
-            section += self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
-        return section
-    def _read_sections(self):
-        while not self._doc.eof():
-            data = self._read_to_next_section()
-            name = data[0].strip()
-            if name.startswith('..'): # index section
-                yield name, data[1:]
-            elif len(data) < 2:
-                yield StopIteration
-            else:
-                yield name, self._strip(data[2:])
-    def _parse_param_list(self,content):
-        r = Reader(content)
-        params = []
-        while not r.eof():
-            header = r.read().strip()
-            if ' : ' in header:
-                arg_name, arg_type = header.split(' : ')[:2]
-            else:
-                arg_name, arg_type = header, ''
-            desc = r.read_to_next_unindented_line()
-            desc = dedent_lines(desc)
-            params.append((arg_name,arg_type,desc))
-        return params
-    _name_rgx = re.compile(r"^\s*(:(?P<role>\w+):`(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)`|"
-                           r" (?P<name2>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+))\s*", re.X)
-    def _parse_see_also(self, content):
-        """
-        func_name : Descriptive text
-            continued text
-        another_func_name : Descriptive text
-        func_name1, func_name2, :meth:`func_name`, func_name3
-        """
-        items = []
-        def parse_item_name(text):
-            """Match ':role:`name`' or 'name'"""
-            m = self._name_rgx.match(text)
-            if m:
-                g = m.groups()
-                if g[1] is None:
-                    return g[3], None
-                else:
-                    return g[2], g[1]
-            raise ValueError("%s is not a item name" % text)
-        def push_item(name, rest):
-            if not name:
-                return
-            name, role = parse_item_name(name)
-            items.append((name, list(rest), role))
-            del rest[:]
-        current_func = None
-        rest = []
-        for line in content:
-            if not line.strip(): continue
-            m = self._name_rgx.match(line)
-            if m and line[m.end():].strip().startswith(':'):
-                push_item(current_func, rest)
-                current_func, line = line[:m.end()], line[m.end():]
-                rest = [line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()]
-                if not rest[0]:
-                    rest = []
-            elif not line.startswith(' '):
-                push_item(current_func, rest)
-                current_func = None
-                if ',' in line:
-                    for func in line.split(','):
-                        if func.strip():
-                            push_item(func, [])
-                elif line.strip():
-                    current_func = line
-            elif current_func is not None:
-                rest.append(line.strip())
-        push_item(current_func, rest)
-        return items
-    def _parse_index(self, section, content):
-        """
-        .. index: default
-           :refguide: something, else, and more
-        """
-        def strip_each_in(lst):
-            return [s.strip() for s in lst]
-        out = {}
-        section = section.split('::')
-        if len(section) > 1:
-            out['default'] = strip_each_in(section[1].split(','))[0]
-        for line in content:
-            line = line.split(':')
-            if len(line) > 2:
-                out[line[1]] = strip_each_in(line[2].split(','))
-        return out
-    def _parse_summary(self):
-        """Grab signature (if given) and summary"""
-        if self._is_at_section():
-            return
-        summary = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
-        summary_str = " ".join([s.strip() for s in summary]).strip()
-        if re.compile('^([\w., ]+=)?\s*[\w\.]+\(.*\)$').match(summary_str):
-            self['Signature'] = summary_str
-            if not self._is_at_section():
-                self['Summary'] = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
-        else:
-            self['Summary'] = summary
-        if not self._is_at_section():
-            self['Extended Summary'] = self._read_to_next_section()
-    def _parse(self):
-        self._doc.reset()
-        self._parse_summary()
-        for (section,content) in self._read_sections():
-            if not section.startswith('..'):
-                section = ' '.join([s.capitalize() for s in section.split(' ')])
-            if section in ('Parameters', 'Returns', 'Raises', 'Warns',
-                           'Other Parameters', 'Attributes', 'Methods'):
-                self[section] = self._parse_param_list(content)
-            elif section.startswith('.. index::'):
-                self['index'] = self._parse_index(section, content)
-            elif section == 'See Also':
-                self['See Also'] = self._parse_see_also(content)
-            else:
-                self[section] = content
-    # string conversion routines
-    def _str_header(self, name, symbol='-'):
-        return [name, len(name)*symbol]
-    def _str_indent(self, doc, indent=4):
-        out = []
-        for line in doc:
-            out += [' '*indent + line]
-        return out
-    def _str_signature(self):
-        if self['Signature']:
-            return [self['Signature'].replace('*','\*')] + ['']
-        else:
-            return ['']
-    def _str_summary(self):
-        if self['Summary']:
-            return self['Summary'] + ['']
-        else:
-            return []
-    def _str_extended_summary(self):
-        if self['Extended Summary']:
-            return self['Extended Summary'] + ['']
-        else:
-            return []
-    def _str_param_list(self, name):
-        out = []
-        if self[name]:
-            out += self._str_header(name)
-            for param,param_type,desc in self[name]:
-                out += ['%s : %s' % (param, param_type)]
-                out += self._str_indent(desc)
-            out += ['']
-        return out
-    def _str_section(self, name):
-        out = []
-        if self[name]:
-            out += self._str_header(name)
-            out += self[name]
-            out += ['']
-        return out
-    def _str_see_also(self, func_role):
-        if not self['See Also']: return []
-        out = []
-        out += self._str_header("See Also")
-        last_had_desc = True
-        for func, desc, role in self['See Also']:
-            if role:
-                link = ':%s:`%s`' % (role, func)
-            elif func_role:
-                link = ':%s:`%s`' % (func_role, func)
-            else:
-                link = "`%s`_" % func
-            if desc or last_had_desc:
-                out += ['']
-                out += [link]
-            else:
-                out[-1] += ", %s" % link
-            if desc:
-                out += self._str_indent([' '.join(desc)])
-                last_had_desc = True
-            else:
-                last_had_desc = False
-        out += ['']
-        return out
-    def _str_index(self):
-        idx = self['index']
-        out = []
-        out += ['.. index:: %s' % idx.get('default','')]
-        for section, references in idx.iteritems():
-            if section == 'default':
-                continue
-            out += ['   :%s: %s' % (section, ', '.join(references))]
-        return out
-    def __str__(self, func_role=''):
-        out = []
-        out += self._str_signature()
-        out += self._str_summary()
-        out += self._str_extended_summary()
-        for param_list in ('Parameters', 'Returns', 'Other Parameters',
-                           'Raises', 'Warns'):
-            out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
-        out += self._str_section('Warnings')
-        out += self._str_see_also(func_role)
-        for s in ('Notes','References','Examples'):
-            out += self._str_section(s)
-        for param_list in ('Attributes', 'Methods'):
-            out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
-        out += self._str_index()
-        return '\n'.join(out)
-def indent(str,indent=4):
-    indent_str = ' '*indent
-    if str is None:
-        return indent_str
-    lines = str.split('\n')
-    return '\n'.join(indent_str + l for l in lines)
-def dedent_lines(lines):
-    """Deindent a list of lines maximally"""
-    return textwrap.dedent("\n".join(lines)).split("\n")
-def header(text, style='-'):
-    return text + '\n' + style*len(text) + '\n'
-class FunctionDoc(NumpyDocString):
-    def __init__(self, func, role='func', doc=None, config={}):
-        self._f = func
-        self._role = role # e.g. "func" or "meth"
-        if doc is None:
-            if func is None:
-                raise ValueError("No function or docstring given")
-            doc = inspect.getdoc(func) or ''
-        NumpyDocString.__init__(self, doc)
-        if not self['Signature'] and func is not None:
-            func, func_name = self.get_func()
-            try:
-                # try to read signature
-                argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
-                argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
-                argspec = argspec.replace('*','\*')
-                signature = '%s%s' % (func_name, argspec)
-            except TypeError, e:
-                signature = '%s()' % func_name
-            self['Signature'] = signature
-    def get_func(self):
-        func_name = getattr(self._f, '__name__', self.__class__.__name__)
-        if inspect.isclass(self._f):
-            func = getattr(self._f, '__call__', self._f.__init__)
-        else:
-            func = self._f
-        return func, func_name
-    def __str__(self):
-        out = ''
-        func, func_name = self.get_func()
-        signature = self['Signature'].replace('*', '\*')
-        roles = {'func': 'function',
-                 'meth': 'method'}
-        if self._role:
-            if not roles.has_key(self._role):
-                print "Warning: invalid role %s" % self._role
-            out += '.. %s:: %s\n    \n\n' % (roles.get(self._role,''),
-                                             func_name)
-        out += super(FunctionDoc, self).__str__(func_role=self._role)
-        return out
-class ClassDoc(NumpyDocString):
-    def __init__(self, cls, doc=None, modulename='', func_doc=FunctionDoc,
-                 config={}):
-        if not inspect.isclass(cls) and cls is not None:
-            raise ValueError("Expected a class or None, but got %r" % cls)
-        self._cls = cls
-        if modulename and not modulename.endswith('.'):
-            modulename += '.'
-        self._mod = modulename
-        if doc is None:
-            if cls is None:
-                raise ValueError("No class or documentation string given")
-            doc = pydoc.getdoc(cls)
-        NumpyDocString.__init__(self, doc)
-        if config.get('show_class_members', True):
-            if not self['Methods']:
-                self['Methods'] = [(name, '', '')
-                                   for name in sorted(self.methods)]
-            if not self['Attributes']:
-                self['Attributes'] = [(name, '', '')
-                                      for name in sorted(self.properties)]
-    @property
-    def methods(self):
-        if self._cls is None:
-            return []
-        return [name for name,func in inspect.getmembers(self._cls)
-                if not name.startswith('_') and callable(func)]
-    @property
-    def properties(self):
-        if self._cls is None:
-            return []
-        return [name for name,func in inspect.getmembers(self._cls)
-                if not name.startswith('_') and func is None]
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape_sphinx.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape_sphinx.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e44e770..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/docscrape_sphinx.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-import re, inspect, textwrap, pydoc
-import sphinx
-from docscrape import NumpyDocString, FunctionDoc, ClassDoc
-class SphinxDocString(NumpyDocString):
-    def __init__(self, docstring, config={}):
-        self.use_plots = config.get('use_plots', False)
-        NumpyDocString.__init__(self, docstring, config=config)
-    # string conversion routines
-    def _str_header(self, name, symbol='`'):
-        return ['.. rubric:: ' + name, '']
-    def _str_field_list(self, name):
-        return [':' + name + ':']
-    def _str_indent(self, doc, indent=4):
-        out = []
-        for line in doc:
-            out += [' '*indent + line]
-        return out
-    def _str_signature(self):
-        return ['']
-        if self['Signature']:
-            return ['``%s``' % self['Signature']] + ['']
-        else:
-            return ['']
-    def _str_summary(self):
-        return self['Summary'] + ['']
-    def _str_extended_summary(self):
-        return self['Extended Summary'] + ['']
-    def _str_param_list(self, name):
-        out = []
-        if self[name]:
-            out += self._str_field_list(name)
-            out += ['']
-            for param,param_type,desc in self[name]:
-                out += self._str_indent(['**%s** : %s' % (param.strip(),
-                                                          param_type)])
-                out += ['']
-                out += self._str_indent(desc,8)
-                out += ['']
-        return out
-    @property
-    def _obj(self):
-        if hasattr(self, '_cls'):
-            return self._cls
-        elif hasattr(self, '_f'):
-            return self._f
-        return None
-    def _str_member_list(self, name):
-        """
-        Generate a member listing, autosummary:: table where possible,
-        and a table where not.
-        """
-        out = []
-        if self[name]:
-            out += ['.. rubric:: %s' % name, '']
-            prefix = getattr(self, '_name', '')
-            if prefix:
-                prefix = '~%s.' % prefix
-            autosum = []
-            others = []
-            for param, param_type, desc in self[name]:
-                param = param.strip()
-                if not self._obj or hasattr(self._obj, param):
-                    autosum += ["   %s%s" % (prefix, param)]
-                else:
-                    others.append((param, param_type, desc))
-            if autosum:
-                out += ['.. autosummary::', '   :toctree:', '']
-                out += autosum
-            if others:
-                maxlen_0 = max([len(x[0]) for x in others])
-                maxlen_1 = max([len(x[1]) for x in others])
-                hdr = "="*maxlen_0 + "  " + "="*maxlen_1 + "  " + "="*10
-                fmt = '%%%ds  %%%ds  ' % (maxlen_0, maxlen_1)
-                n_indent = maxlen_0 + maxlen_1 + 4
-                out += [hdr]
-                for param, param_type, desc in others:
-                    out += [fmt % (param.strip(), param_type)]
-                    out += self._str_indent(desc, n_indent)
-                out += [hdr]
-            out += ['']
-        return out
-    def _str_section(self, name):
-        out = []
-        if self[name]:
-            out += self._str_header(name)
-            out += ['']
-            content = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(self[name])).split("\n")
-            out += content
-            out += ['']
-        return out
-    def _str_see_also(self, func_role):
-        out = []
-        if self['See Also']:
-            see_also = super(SphinxDocString, self)._str_see_also(func_role)
-            out = ['.. seealso::', '']
-            out += self._str_indent(see_also[2:])
-        return out
-    def _str_warnings(self):
-        out = []
-        if self['Warnings']:
-            out = ['.. warning::', '']
-            out += self._str_indent(self['Warnings'])
-        return out
-    def _str_index(self):
-        idx = self['index']
-        out = []
-        if len(idx) == 0:
-            return out
-        out += ['.. index:: %s' % idx.get('default','')]
-        for section, references in idx.iteritems():
-            if section == 'default':
-                continue
-            elif section == 'refguide':
-                out += ['   single: %s' % (', '.join(references))]
-            else:
-                out += ['   %s: %s' % (section, ','.join(references))]
-        return out
-    def _str_references(self):
-        out = []
-        if self['References']:
-            out += self._str_header('References')
-            if isinstance(self['References'], str):
-                self['References'] = [self['References']]
-            out.extend(self['References'])
-            out += ['']
-            # Latex collects all references to a separate bibliography,
-            # so we need to insert links to it
-            if sphinx.__version__ >= "0.6":
-                out += ['.. only:: latex','']
-            else:
-                out += ['.. latexonly::','']
-            items = []
-            for line in self['References']:
-                m = re.match(r'.. \[([a-z0-9._-]+)\]', line, re.I)
-                if m:
-                    items.append(m.group(1))
-            out += ['   ' + ", ".join(["[%s]_" % item for item in items]), '']
-        return out
-    def _str_examples(self):
-        examples_str = "\n".join(self['Examples'])
-        if (self.use_plots and 'import matplotlib' in examples_str
-                and 'plot::' not in examples_str):
-            out = []
-            out += self._str_header('Examples')
-            out += ['.. plot::', '']
-            out += self._str_indent(self['Examples'])
-            out += ['']
-            return out
-        else:
-            return self._str_section('Examples')
-    def __str__(self, indent=0, func_role="obj"):
-        out = []
-        out += self._str_signature()
-        out += self._str_index() + ['']
-        out += self._str_summary()
-        out += self._str_extended_summary()
-        for param_list in ('Parameters', 'Returns', 'Other Parameters',
-                           'Raises', 'Warns'):
-            out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
-        out += self._str_warnings()
-        out += self._str_see_also(func_role)
-        out += self._str_section('Notes')
-        out += self._str_references()
-        out += self._str_examples()
-        for param_list in ('Attributes', 'Methods'):
-            out += self._str_member_list(param_list)
-        out = self._str_indent(out,indent)
-        return '\n'.join(out)
-class SphinxFunctionDoc(SphinxDocString, FunctionDoc):
-    def __init__(self, obj, doc=None, config={}):
-        self.use_plots = config.get('use_plots', False)
-        FunctionDoc.__init__(self, obj, doc=doc, config=config)
-class SphinxClassDoc(SphinxDocString, ClassDoc):
-    def __init__(self, obj, doc=None, func_doc=None, config={}):
-        self.use_plots = config.get('use_plots', False)
-        ClassDoc.__init__(self, obj, doc=doc, func_doc=None, config=config)
-class SphinxObjDoc(SphinxDocString):
-    def __init__(self, obj, doc=None, config={}):
-        self._f = obj
-        SphinxDocString.__init__(self, doc, config=config)
-def get_doc_object(obj, what=None, doc=None, config={}):
-    if what is None:
-        if inspect.isclass(obj):
-            what = 'class'
-        elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
-            what = 'module'
-        elif callable(obj):
-            what = 'function'
-        else:
-            what = 'object'
-    if what == 'class':
-        return SphinxClassDoc(obj, func_doc=SphinxFunctionDoc, doc=doc,
-                              config=config)
-    elif what in ('function', 'method'):
-        return SphinxFunctionDoc(obj, doc=doc, config=config)
-    else:
-        if doc is None:
-            doc = pydoc.getdoc(obj)
-        return SphinxObjDoc(obj, doc, config=config)
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/numpydoc.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/numpydoc.py
deleted file mode 100755
index aa39005..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/numpydoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-Sphinx extension that handles docstrings in the Numpy standard format. [1]
-It will:
-- Convert Parameters etc. sections to field lists.
-- Convert See Also section to a See also entry.
-- Renumber references.
-- Extract the signature from the docstring, if it can't be determined otherwise.
-.. [1] http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/wiki/CodingStyleGuidelines#docstring-standard
-import os, re, pydoc
-from docscrape_sphinx import get_doc_object, SphinxDocString
-from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
-import inspect
-def mangle_docstrings(app, what, name, obj, options, lines,
-                      reference_offset=[0]):
-    cfg = dict(use_plots=app.config.numpydoc_use_plots,
-               show_class_members=app.config.numpydoc_show_class_members)
-    if what == 'module':
-        # Strip top title
-        title_re = re.compile(ur'^\s*[#*=]{4,}\n[a-z0-9 -]+\n[#*=]{4,}\s*',
-                              re.I|re.S)
-        lines[:] = title_re.sub(u'', u"\n".join(lines)).split(u"\n")
-    else:
-        doc = get_doc_object(obj, what, u"\n".join(lines), config=cfg)
-        lines[:] = unicode(doc).split(u"\n")
-    if app.config.numpydoc_edit_link and hasattr(obj, '__name__') and \
-           obj.__name__:
-        if hasattr(obj, '__module__'):
-            v = dict(full_name=u"%s.%s" % (obj.__module__, obj.__name__))
-        else:
-            v = dict(full_name=obj.__name__)
-        lines += [u'', u'.. htmlonly::', '']
-        lines += [u'    %s' % x for x in
-                  (app.config.numpydoc_edit_link % v).split("\n")]
-    # replace reference numbers so that there are no duplicates
-    references = []
-    for line in lines:
-        line = line.strip()
-        m = re.match(ur'^.. \[([a-z0-9_.-])\]', line, re.I)
-        if m:
-            references.append(m.group(1))
-    # start renaming from the longest string, to avoid overwriting parts
-    references.sort(key=lambda x: -len(x))
-    if references:
-        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
-            for r in references:
-                if re.match(ur'^\d+$', r):
-                    new_r = u"R%d" % (reference_offset[0] + int(r))
-                else:
-                    new_r = u"%s%d" % (r, reference_offset[0])
-                lines[i] = lines[i].replace(u'[%s]_' % r,
-                                            u'[%s]_' % new_r)
-                lines[i] = lines[i].replace(u'.. [%s]' % r,
-                                            u'.. [%s]' % new_r)
-    reference_offset[0] += len(references)
-def mangle_signature(app, what, name, obj, options, sig, retann):
-    # Do not try to inspect classes that don't define `__init__`
-    if (inspect.isclass(obj) and
-        (not hasattr(obj, '__init__') or
-        'initializes x; see ' in pydoc.getdoc(obj.__init__))):
-        return '', ''
-    if not (callable(obj) or hasattr(obj, '__argspec_is_invalid_')): return
-    if not hasattr(obj, '__doc__'): return
-    doc = SphinxDocString(pydoc.getdoc(obj))
-    if doc['Signature']:
-        sig = re.sub(u"^[^(]*", u"", doc['Signature'])
-        return sig, u''
-def setup(app, get_doc_object_=get_doc_object):
-    global get_doc_object
-    get_doc_object = get_doc_object_
-    app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', mangle_docstrings)
-    app.connect('autodoc-process-signature', mangle_signature)
-    app.add_config_value('numpydoc_edit_link', None, False)
-    app.add_config_value('numpydoc_use_plots', None, False)
-    app.add_config_value('numpydoc_show_class_members', True, True)
-    # Extra mangling domains
-    app.add_domain(NumpyPythonDomain)
-    app.add_domain(NumpyCDomain)
-# Docstring-mangling domains
-from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
-from sphinx.domains.c import CDomain
-from sphinx.domains.python import PythonDomain
-class ManglingDomainBase(object):
-    directive_mangling_map = {}
-    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
-        super(ManglingDomainBase, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
-        self.wrap_mangling_directives()
-    def wrap_mangling_directives(self):
-        for name, objtype in self.directive_mangling_map.items():
-            self.directives[name] = wrap_mangling_directive(
-                self.directives[name], objtype)
-class NumpyPythonDomain(ManglingDomainBase, PythonDomain):
-    name = 'np'
-    directive_mangling_map = {
-        'function': 'function',
-        'class': 'class',
-        'exception': 'class',
-        'method': 'function',
-        'classmethod': 'function',
-        'staticmethod': 'function',
-        'attribute': 'attribute',
-    }
-class NumpyCDomain(ManglingDomainBase, CDomain):
-    name = 'np-c'
-    directive_mangling_map = {
-        'function': 'function',
-        'member': 'attribute',
-        'macro': 'function',
-        'type': 'class',
-        'var': 'object',
-    }
-def wrap_mangling_directive(base_directive, objtype):
-    class directive(base_directive):
-        def run(self):
-            env = self.state.document.settings.env
-            name = None
-            if self.arguments:
-                m = re.match(r'^(.*\s+)?(.*?)(\(.*)?', self.arguments[0])
-                name = m.group(2).strip()
-            if not name:
-                name = self.arguments[0]
-            lines = list(self.content)
-            mangle_docstrings(env.app, objtype, name, None, None, lines)
-            self.content = ViewList(lines, self.content.parent)
-            return base_directive.run(self)
-    return directive
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/phantom_import.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/phantom_import.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c77eeb5..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/phantom_import.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Sphinx extension to make directives from ``sphinx.ext.autodoc`` and similar
-extensions to use docstrings loaded from an XML file.
-This extension loads an XML file in the Pydocweb format [1] and
-creates a dummy module that contains the specified docstrings. This
-can be used to get the current docstrings from a Pydocweb instance
-without needing to rebuild the documented module.
-.. [1] http://code.google.com/p/pydocweb
-import imp, sys, compiler, types, os, inspect, re
-def setup(app):
-    app.connect('builder-inited', initialize)
-    app.add_config_value('phantom_import_file', None, True)
-def initialize(app):
-    fn = app.config.phantom_import_file
-    if (fn and os.path.isfile(fn)):
-        print "[numpydoc] Phantom importing modules from", fn, "..."
-        import_phantom_module(fn)
-# Creating 'phantom' modules from an XML description
-def import_phantom_module(xml_file):
-    """
-    Insert a fake Python module to sys.modules, based on a XML file.
-    The XML file is expected to conform to Pydocweb DTD. The fake
-    module will contain dummy objects, which guarantee the following:
-    - Docstrings are correct.
-    - Class inheritance relationships are correct (if present in XML).
-    - Function argspec is *NOT* correct (even if present in XML).
-      Instead, the function signature is prepended to the function docstring.
-    - Class attributes are *NOT* correct; instead, they are dummy objects.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    xml_file : str
-        Name of an XML file to read
-    """
-    import lxml.etree as etree
-    object_cache = {}
-    tree = etree.parse(xml_file)
-    root = tree.getroot()
-    # Sort items so that
-    # - Base classes come before classes inherited from them
-    # - Modules come before their contents
-    all_nodes = dict([(n.attrib['id'], n) for n in root])
-    def _get_bases(node, recurse=False):
-        bases = [x.attrib['ref'] for x in node.findall('base')]
-        if recurse:
-            j = 0
-            while True:
-                try:
-                    b = bases[j]
-                except IndexError: break
-                if b in all_nodes:
-                    bases.extend(_get_bases(all_nodes[b]))
-                j += 1
-        return bases
-    type_index = ['module', 'class', 'callable', 'object']
-    def base_cmp(a, b):
-        x = cmp(type_index.index(a.tag), type_index.index(b.tag))
-        if x != 0: return x
-        if a.tag == 'class' and b.tag == 'class':
-            a_bases = _get_bases(a, recurse=True)
-            b_bases = _get_bases(b, recurse=True)
-            x = cmp(len(a_bases), len(b_bases))
-            if x != 0: return x
-            if a.attrib['id'] in b_bases: return -1
-            if b.attrib['id'] in a_bases: return 1
-        return cmp(a.attrib['id'].count('.'), b.attrib['id'].count('.'))
-    nodes = root.getchildren()
-    nodes.sort(base_cmp)
-    # Create phantom items
-    for node in nodes:
-        name = node.attrib['id']
-        doc = (node.text or '').decode('string-escape') + "\n"
-        if doc == "\n": doc = ""
-        # create parent, if missing
-        parent = name
-        while True:
-            parent = '.'.join(parent.split('.')[:-1])
-            if not parent: break
-            if parent in object_cache: break
-            obj = imp.new_module(parent)
-            object_cache[parent] = obj
-            sys.modules[parent] = obj
-        # create object
-        if node.tag == 'module':
-            obj = imp.new_module(name)
-            obj.__doc__ = doc
-            sys.modules[name] = obj
-        elif node.tag == 'class':
-            bases = [object_cache[b] for b in _get_bases(node)
-                     if b in object_cache]
-            bases.append(object)
-            init = lambda self: None
-            init.__doc__ = doc
-            obj = type(name, tuple(bases), {'__doc__': doc, '__init__': init})
-            obj.__name__ = name.split('.')[-1]
-        elif node.tag == 'callable':
-            funcname = node.attrib['id'].split('.')[-1]
-            argspec = node.attrib.get('argspec')
-            if argspec:
-                argspec = re.sub('^[^(]*', '', argspec)
-                doc = "%s%s\n\n%s" % (funcname, argspec, doc)
-            obj = lambda: 0
-            obj.__argspec_is_invalid_ = True
-            obj.func_name = funcname
-            obj.__name__ = name
-            obj.__doc__ = doc
-            if inspect.isclass(object_cache[parent]):
-                obj.__objclass__ = object_cache[parent]
-        else:
-            class Dummy(object): pass
-            obj = Dummy()
-            obj.__name__ = name
-            obj.__doc__ = doc
-            if inspect.isclass(object_cache[parent]):
-                obj.__get__ = lambda: None
-        object_cache[name] = obj
-        if parent:
-            if inspect.ismodule(object_cache[parent]):
-                obj.__module__ = parent
-                setattr(object_cache[parent], name.split('.')[-1], obj)
-    # Populate items
-    for node in root:
-        obj = object_cache.get(node.attrib['id'])
-        if obj is None: continue
-        for ref in node.findall('ref'):
-            if node.tag == 'class':
-                if ref.attrib['ref'].startswith(node.attrib['id'] + '.'):
-                    setattr(obj, ref.attrib['name'],
-                            object_cache.get(ref.attrib['ref']))
-            else:
-                setattr(obj, ref.attrib['name'],
-                        object_cache.get(ref.attrib['ref']))
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/plot_directive.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/plot_directive.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 545d2e3..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/plot_directive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,619 +0,0 @@
-A special directive for generating a matplotlib plot.
-.. warning::
-   This is a hacked version of plot_directive.py from Matplotlib.
-   It's very much subject to change!
-Can be used like this::
-    .. plot:: examples/example.py
-    .. plot::
-       import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-       plt.plot([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
-    .. plot::
-       A plotting example:
-       >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-       >>> plt.plot([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
-The content is interpreted as doctest formatted if it has a line starting
-with ``>>>``.
-The ``plot`` directive supports the options
-    format : {'python', 'doctest'}
-        Specify the format of the input
-    include-source : bool
-        Whether to display the source code. Default can be changed in conf.py
-and the ``image`` directive options ``alt``, ``height``, ``width``,
-``scale``, ``align``, ``class``.
-Configuration options
-The plot directive has the following configuration options:
-    plot_include_source
-        Default value for the include-source option
-    plot_pre_code
-        Code that should be executed before each plot.
-    plot_basedir
-        Base directory, to which plot:: file names are relative to.
-        (If None or empty, file names are relative to the directoly where
-        the file containing the directive is.)
-    plot_formats
-        File formats to generate. List of tuples or strings::
-            [(suffix, dpi), suffix, ...]
-        that determine the file format and the DPI. For entries whose
-        DPI was omitted, sensible defaults are chosen.
-    plot_html_show_formats
-        Whether to show links to the files in HTML.
-* Refactor Latex output; now it's plain images, but it would be nice
-  to make them appear side-by-side, or in floats.
-import sys, os, glob, shutil, imp, warnings, cStringIO, re, textwrap, traceback
-import sphinx
-import warnings
-warnings.warn("A plot_directive module is also available under "
-              "matplotlib.sphinxext; expect this numpydoc.plot_directive "
-              "module to be deprecated after relevant features have been "
-              "integrated there.",
-              FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
-# Registration hook
-def setup(app):
-    setup.app = app
-    setup.config = app.config
-    setup.confdir = app.confdir
-    app.add_config_value('plot_pre_code', '', True)
-    app.add_config_value('plot_include_source', False, True)
-    app.add_config_value('plot_formats', ['png', 'hires.png', 'pdf'], True)
-    app.add_config_value('plot_basedir', None, True)
-    app.add_config_value('plot_html_show_formats', True, True)
-    app.add_directive('plot', plot_directive, True, (0, 1, False),
-                      **plot_directive_options)
-# plot:: directive
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
-from docutils import nodes
-def plot_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
-                   content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
-    return run(arguments, content, options, state_machine, state, lineno)
-plot_directive.__doc__ = __doc__
-def _option_boolean(arg):
-    if not arg or not arg.strip():
-        # no argument given, assume used as a flag
-        return True
-    elif arg.strip().lower() in ('no', '0', 'false'):
-        return False
-    elif arg.strip().lower() in ('yes', '1', 'true'):
-        return True
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('"%s" unknown boolean' % arg)
-def _option_format(arg):
-    return directives.choice(arg, ('python', 'lisp'))
-def _option_align(arg):
-    return directives.choice(arg, ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center",
-                                   "right"))
-plot_directive_options = {'alt': directives.unchanged,
-                          'height': directives.length_or_unitless,
-                          'width': directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless,
-                          'scale': directives.nonnegative_int,
-                          'align': _option_align,
-                          'class': directives.class_option,
-                          'include-source': _option_boolean,
-                          'format': _option_format,
-                          }
-# Generating output
-from docutils import nodes, utils
-    # Sphinx depends on either Jinja or Jinja2
-    import jinja2
-    def format_template(template, **kw):
-        return jinja2.Template(template).render(**kw)
-except ImportError:
-    import jinja
-    def format_template(template, **kw):
-        return jinja.from_string(template, **kw)
-{{ source_code }}
-{{ only_html }}
-   {% if source_link or (html_show_formats and not multi_image) %}
-   (
-   {%- if source_link -%}
-   `Source code <{{ source_link }}>`__
-   {%- endif -%}
-   {%- if html_show_formats and not multi_image -%}
-     {%- for img in images -%}
-       {%- for fmt in img.formats -%}
-         {%- if source_link or not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
-         `{{ fmt }} <{{ dest_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.{{ fmt }}>`__
-       {%- endfor -%}
-     {%- endfor -%}
-   {%- endif -%}
-   )
-   {% endif %}
-   {% for img in images %}
-   .. figure:: {{ build_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.png
-      {%- for option in options %}
-      {{ option }}
-      {% endfor %}
-      {% if html_show_formats and multi_image -%}
-        (
-        {%- for fmt in img.formats -%}
-        {%- if not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
-        `{{ fmt }} <{{ dest_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.{{ fmt }}>`__
-        {%- endfor -%}
-        )
-      {%- endif -%}
-   {% endfor %}
-{{ only_latex }}
-   {% for img in images %}
-   .. image:: {{ build_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.pdf
-   {% endfor %}
-class ImageFile(object):
-    def __init__(self, basename, dirname):
-        self.basename = basename
-        self.dirname = dirname
-        self.formats = []
-    def filename(self, format):
-        return os.path.join(self.dirname, "%s.%s" % (self.basename, format))
-    def filenames(self):
-        return [self.filename(fmt) for fmt in self.formats]
-def run(arguments, content, options, state_machine, state, lineno):
-    if arguments and content:
-        raise RuntimeError("plot:: directive can't have both args and content")
-    document = state_machine.document
-    config = document.settings.env.config
-    options.setdefault('include-source', config.plot_include_source)
-    # determine input
-    rst_file = document.attributes['source']
-    rst_dir = os.path.dirname(rst_file)
-    if arguments:
-        if not config.plot_basedir:
-            source_file_name = os.path.join(rst_dir,
-                                            directives.uri(arguments[0]))
-        else:
-            source_file_name = os.path.join(setup.confdir, config.plot_basedir,
-                                            directives.uri(arguments[0]))
-        code = open(source_file_name, 'r').read()
-        output_base = os.path.basename(source_file_name)
-    else:
-        source_file_name = rst_file
-        code = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(map(str, content)))
-        counter = document.attributes.get('_plot_counter', 0) + 1
-        document.attributes['_plot_counter'] = counter
-        base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file_name))
-        output_base = '%s-%d.py' % (base, counter)
-    base, source_ext = os.path.splitext(output_base)
-    if source_ext in ('.py', '.rst', '.txt'):
-        output_base = base
-    else:
-        source_ext = ''
-    # ensure that LaTeX includegraphics doesn't choke in foo.bar.pdf filenames
-    output_base = output_base.replace('.', '-')
-    # is it in doctest format?
-    is_doctest = contains_doctest(code)
-    if options.has_key('format'):
-        if options['format'] == 'python':
-            is_doctest = False
-        else:
-            is_doctest = True
-    # determine output directory name fragment
-    source_rel_name = relpath(source_file_name, setup.confdir)
-    source_rel_dir = os.path.dirname(source_rel_name)
-    while source_rel_dir.startswith(os.path.sep):
-        source_rel_dir = source_rel_dir[1:]
-    # build_dir: where to place output files (temporarily)
-    build_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(setup.app.doctreedir),
-                             'plot_directive',
-                             source_rel_dir)
-    if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
-        os.makedirs(build_dir)
-    # output_dir: final location in the builder's directory
-    dest_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(setup.app.builder.outdir,
-                                            source_rel_dir))
-    # how to link to files from the RST file
-    dest_dir_link = os.path.join(relpath(setup.confdir, rst_dir),
-                                 source_rel_dir).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
-    build_dir_link = relpath(build_dir, rst_dir).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
-    source_link = dest_dir_link + '/' + output_base + source_ext
-    # make figures
-    try:
-        results = makefig(code, source_file_name, build_dir, output_base,
-                          config)
-        errors = []
-    except PlotError, err:
-        reporter = state.memo.reporter
-        sm = reporter.system_message(
-            2, "Exception occurred in plotting %s: %s" % (output_base, err),
-            line=lineno)
-        results = [(code, [])]
-        errors = [sm]
-    # generate output restructuredtext
-    total_lines = []
-    for j, (code_piece, images) in enumerate(results):
-        if options['include-source']:
-            if is_doctest:
-                lines = ['']
-                lines += [row.rstrip() for row in code_piece.split('\n')]
-            else:
-                lines = ['.. code-block:: python', '']
-                lines += ['    %s' % row.rstrip()
-                          for row in code_piece.split('\n')]
-            source_code = "\n".join(lines)
-        else:
-            source_code = ""
-        opts = [':%s: %s' % (key, val) for key, val in options.items()
-                if key in ('alt', 'height', 'width', 'scale', 'align', 'class')]
-        only_html = ".. only:: html"
-        only_latex = ".. only:: latex"
-        if j == 0:
-            src_link = source_link
-        else:
-            src_link = None
-        result = format_template(
-            TEMPLATE,
-            dest_dir=dest_dir_link,
-            build_dir=build_dir_link,
-            source_link=src_link,
-            multi_image=len(images) > 1,
-            only_html=only_html,
-            only_latex=only_latex,
-            options=opts,
-            images=images,
-            source_code=source_code,
-            html_show_formats=config.plot_html_show_formats)
-        total_lines.extend(result.split("\n"))
-        total_lines.extend("\n")
-    if total_lines:
-        state_machine.insert_input(total_lines, source=source_file_name)
-    # copy image files to builder's output directory
-    if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
-        os.makedirs(dest_dir)
-    for code_piece, images in results:
-        for img in images:
-            for fn in img.filenames():
-                shutil.copyfile(fn, os.path.join(dest_dir,
-                                                 os.path.basename(fn)))
-    # copy script (if necessary)
-    if source_file_name == rst_file:
-        target_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, output_base + source_ext)
-        f = open(target_name, 'w')
-        f.write(unescape_doctest(code))
-        f.close()
-    return errors
-# Run code and capture figures
-import matplotlib
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import matplotlib.image as image
-from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
-import exceptions
-def contains_doctest(text):
-    try:
-        # check if it's valid Python as-is
-        compile(text, '<string>', 'exec')
-        return False
-    except SyntaxError:
-        pass
-    r = re.compile(r'^\s*>>>', re.M)
-    m = r.search(text)
-    return bool(m)
-def unescape_doctest(text):
-    """
-    Extract code from a piece of text, which contains either Python code
-    or doctests.
-    """
-    if not contains_doctest(text):
-        return text
-    code = ""
-    for line in text.split("\n"):
-        m = re.match(r'^\s*(>>>|\.\.\.) (.*)$', line)
-        if m:
-            code += m.group(2) + "\n"
-        elif line.strip():
-            code += "# " + line.strip() + "\n"
-        else:
-            code += "\n"
-    return code
-def split_code_at_show(text):
-    """
-    Split code at plt.show()
-    """
-    parts = []
-    is_doctest = contains_doctest(text)
-    part = []
-    for line in text.split("\n"):
-        if (not is_doctest and line.strip() == 'plt.show()') or \
-               (is_doctest and line.strip() == '>>> plt.show()'):
-            part.append(line)
-            parts.append("\n".join(part))
-            part = []
-        else:
-            part.append(line)
-    if "\n".join(part).strip():
-        parts.append("\n".join(part))
-    return parts
-class PlotError(RuntimeError):
-    pass
-def run_code(code, code_path, ns=None):
-    # Change the working directory to the directory of the example, so
-    # it can get at its data files, if any.
-    pwd = os.getcwd()
-    old_sys_path = list(sys.path)
-    if code_path is not None:
-        dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(code_path))
-        os.chdir(dirname)
-        sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
-    # Redirect stdout
-    stdout = sys.stdout
-    sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
-    # Reset sys.argv
-    old_sys_argv = sys.argv
-    sys.argv = [code_path]
-    try:
-        try:
-            code = unescape_doctest(code)
-            if ns is None:
-                ns = {}
-            if not ns:
-                exec setup.config.plot_pre_code in ns
-            exec code in ns
-        except (Exception, SystemExit), err:
-            raise PlotError(traceback.format_exc())
-    finally:
-        os.chdir(pwd)
-        sys.argv = old_sys_argv
-        sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
-        sys.stdout = stdout
-    return ns
-# Generating figures
-def out_of_date(original, derived):
-    """
-    Returns True if derivative is out-of-date wrt original,
-    both of which are full file paths.
-    """
-    return (not os.path.exists(derived)
-            or os.stat(derived).st_mtime < os.stat(original).st_mtime)
-def makefig(code, code_path, output_dir, output_base, config):
-    """
-    Run a pyplot script *code* and save the images under *output_dir*
-    with file names derived from *output_base*
-    """
-    # -- Parse format list
-    default_dpi = {'png': 80, 'hires.png': 200, 'pdf': 50}
-    formats = []
-    for fmt in config.plot_formats:
-        if isinstance(fmt, str):
-            formats.append((fmt, default_dpi.get(fmt, 80)))
-        elif type(fmt) in (tuple, list) and len(fmt)==2:
-            formats.append((str(fmt[0]), int(fmt[1])))
-        else:
-            raise PlotError('invalid image format "%r" in plot_formats' % fmt)
-    # -- Try to determine if all images already exist
-    code_pieces = split_code_at_show(code)
-    # Look for single-figure output files first
-    all_exists = True
-    img = ImageFile(output_base, output_dir)
-    for format, dpi in formats:
-        if out_of_date(code_path, img.filename(format)):
-            all_exists = False
-            break
-        img.formats.append(format)
-    if all_exists:
-        return [(code, [img])]
-    # Then look for multi-figure output files
-    results = []
-    all_exists = True
-    for i, code_piece in enumerate(code_pieces):
-        images = []
-        for j in xrange(1000):
-            img = ImageFile('%s_%02d_%02d' % (output_base, i, j), output_dir)
-            for format, dpi in formats:
-                if out_of_date(code_path, img.filename(format)):
-                    all_exists = False
-                    break
-                img.formats.append(format)
-            # assume that if we have one, we have them all
-            if not all_exists:
-                all_exists = (j > 0)
-                break
-            images.append(img)
-        if not all_exists:
-            break
-        results.append((code_piece, images))
-    if all_exists:
-        return results
-    # -- We didn't find the files, so build them
-    results = []
-    ns = {}
-    for i, code_piece in enumerate(code_pieces):
-        # Clear between runs
-        plt.close('all')
-        # Run code
-        run_code(code_piece, code_path, ns)
-        # Collect images
-        images = []
-        fig_managers = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()
-        for j, figman in enumerate(fig_managers):
-            if len(fig_managers) == 1 and len(code_pieces) == 1:
-                img = ImageFile(output_base, output_dir)
-            else:
-                img = ImageFile("%s_%02d_%02d" % (output_base, i, j),
-                                output_dir)
-            images.append(img)
-            for format, dpi in formats:
-                try:
-                    figman.canvas.figure.savefig(img.filename(format), dpi=dpi)
-                except exceptions.BaseException, err:
-                    raise PlotError(traceback.format_exc())
-                img.formats.append(format)
-        # Results
-        results.append((code_piece, images))
-    return results
-# Relative pathnames
-    from os.path import relpath
-except ImportError:
-    def relpath(target, base=os.curdir):
-        """
-        Return a relative path to the target from either the current
-        dir or an optional base dir.  Base can be a directory
-        specified either as absolute or relative to current dir.
-        """
-        if not os.path.exists(target):
-            raise OSError, 'Target does not exist: '+target
-        if not os.path.isdir(base):
-            raise OSError, 'Base is not a directory or does not exist: '+base
-        base_list = (os.path.abspath(base)).split(os.sep)
-        target_list = (os.path.abspath(target)).split(os.sep)
-        # On the windows platform the target may be on a completely
-        # different drive from the base.
-        if os.name in ['nt','dos','os2'] and base_list[0] <> target_list[0]:
-            raise OSError, 'Target is on a different drive to base. Target: '+target_list[0].upper()+', base: '+base_list[0].upper()
-        # Starting from the filepath root, work out how much of the
-        # filepath is shared by base and target.
-        for i in range(min(len(base_list), len(target_list))):
-            if base_list[i] <> target_list[i]: break
-        else:
-            # If we broke out of the loop, i is pointing to the first
-            # differing path elements.  If we didn't break out of the
-            # loop, i is pointing to identical path elements.
-            # Increment i so that in all cases it points to the first
-            # differing path elements.
-            i+=1
-        rel_list = [os.pardir] * (len(base_list)-i) + target_list[i:]
-        return os.path.join(*rel_list)
diff --git a/doc/ext/numpydoc/traitsdoc.py b/doc/ext/numpydoc/traitsdoc.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0fcf2c1..0000000
--- a/doc/ext/numpydoc/traitsdoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-Sphinx extension that handles docstrings in the Numpy standard format, [1]
-and support Traits [2].
-This extension can be used as a replacement for ``numpydoc`` when support
-for Traits is required.
-.. [1] http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/wiki/CodingStyleGuidelines#docstring-standard
-.. [2] http://code.enthought.com/projects/traits/
-import inspect
-import os
-import pydoc
-import docscrape
-import docscrape_sphinx
-from docscrape_sphinx import SphinxClassDoc, SphinxFunctionDoc, SphinxDocString
-import numpydoc
-import comment_eater
-class SphinxTraitsDoc(SphinxClassDoc):
-    def __init__(self, cls, modulename='', func_doc=SphinxFunctionDoc):
-        if not inspect.isclass(cls):
-            raise ValueError("Initialise using a class. Got %r" % cls)
-        self._cls = cls
-        if modulename and not modulename.endswith('.'):
-            modulename += '.'
-        self._mod = modulename
-        self._name = cls.__name__
-        self._func_doc = func_doc
-        docstring = pydoc.getdoc(cls)
-        docstring = docstring.split('\n')
-        # De-indent paragraph
-        try:
-            indent = min(len(s) - len(s.lstrip()) for s in docstring
-                         if s.strip())
-        except ValueError:
-            indent = 0
-        for n,line in enumerate(docstring):
-            docstring[n] = docstring[n][indent:]
-        self._doc = docscrape.Reader(docstring)
-        self._parsed_data = {
-            'Signature': '',
-            'Summary': '',
-            'Description': [],
-            'Extended Summary': [],
-            'Parameters': [],
-            'Returns': [],
-            'Raises': [],
-            'Warns': [],
-            'Other Parameters': [],
-            'Traits': [],
-            'Methods': [],
-            'See Also': [],
-            'Notes': [],
-            'References': '',
-            'Example': '',
-            'Examples': '',
-            'index': {}
-            }
-        self._parse()
-    def _str_summary(self):
-        return self['Summary'] + ['']
-    def _str_extended_summary(self):
-        return self['Description'] + self['Extended Summary'] + ['']
-    def __str__(self, indent=0, func_role="func"):
-        out = []
-        out += self._str_signature()
-        out += self._str_index() + ['']
-        out += self._str_summary()
-        out += self._str_extended_summary()
-        for param_list in ('Parameters', 'Traits', 'Methods',
-                           'Returns','Raises'):
-            out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
-        out += self._str_see_also("obj")
-        out += self._str_section('Notes')
-        out += self._str_references()
-        out += self._str_section('Example')
-        out += self._str_section('Examples')
-        out = self._str_indent(out,indent)
-        return '\n'.join(out)
-def looks_like_issubclass(obj, classname):
-    """ Return True if the object has a class or superclass with the given class
-    name.
-    Ignores old-style classes.
-    """
-    t = obj
-    if t.__name__ == classname:
-        return True
-    for klass in t.__mro__:
-        if klass.__name__ == classname:
-            return True
-    return False
-def get_doc_object(obj, what=None, config=None):
-    if what is None:
-        if inspect.isclass(obj):
-            what = 'class'
-        elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
-            what = 'module'
-        elif callable(obj):
-            what = 'function'
-        else:
-            what = 'object'
-    if what == 'class':
-        doc = SphinxTraitsDoc(obj, '', func_doc=SphinxFunctionDoc, config=config)
-        if looks_like_issubclass(obj, 'HasTraits'):
-            for name, trait, comment in comment_eater.get_class_traits(obj):
-                # Exclude private traits.
-                if not name.startswith('_'):
-                    doc['Traits'].append((name, trait, comment.splitlines()))
-        return doc
-    elif what in ('function', 'method'):
-        return SphinxFunctionDoc(obj, '', config=config)
-    else:
-        return SphinxDocString(pydoc.getdoc(obj), config=config)
-def setup(app):
-    # init numpydoc
-    numpydoc.setup(app, get_doc_object)
diff --git a/doc/installation.rst b/doc/installation.rst
index 1d6840d..ff1cb24 100644
--- a/doc/installation.rst
+++ b/doc/installation.rst
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ Downloads
 The latest stable version is available from PyPI:
-.. _lmfit-0.7.4.tar.gz (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.4.tar.gz
-.. _lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py2.6.exe (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py2.6.exe
-.. _lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py2.7.exe (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py2.7.exe
-.. _lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py3.2.exe (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.2/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py3.2.exe
+.. _lmfit-0.7.2.tar.gz (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.2.tar.gz
+.. _lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py2.6.exe (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py2.6.exe
+.. _lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py2.7.exe (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py2.7.exe
+.. _lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py3.2.exe (PyPI): http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.2/l/lmfit/lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py3.2.exe
 .. _lmfit github repository:   http://github.com/lmfit/lmfit-py
 .. _lmfit at pypi:             http://pypi.python.org/pypi/lmfit/
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ The latest stable version is available from PyPI:
 |  Download Option     | Python Versions  |  Location                                  |
-|  Source Kit          | 2.6, 2.7, 3.2    | -  `lmfit-0.7.4.tar.gz (PyPI)`_            |
+|  Source Kit          | 2.6, 2.7, 3.2    | -  `lmfit-0.7.2.tar.gz (PyPI)`_            |
-|  Win32 Installer     |   2.6            | -  `lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py2.6.exe (PyPI)`_   |
+|  Win32 Installer     |   2.6            | -  `lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py2.6.exe (PyPI)`_   |
-|  Win32 Installer     |   2.7            | -  `lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py2.7.exe (PyPI)`_   |
+|  Win32 Installer     |   2.7            | -  `lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py2.7.exe (PyPI)`_   |
-|  Win32 Installer     |   3.2            | -  `lmfit-0.7.4.win32-py3.2.exe (PyPI)`_   |
+|  Win32 Installer     |   3.2            | -  `lmfit-0.7.2.win32-py3.2.exe (PyPI)`_   |
 |  Development Version |   all            |  use `lmfit github repository`_            |
diff --git a/doc/models1d.rst b/doc/models1d.rst
index 7040c0e..0bc95b0 100644
--- a/doc/models1d.rst
+++ b/doc/models1d.rst
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Example
 Let's start with a very simple example.  We'll read data from a simple
 datafile, and fit it to a Gaussian peak.  A script to do this could be:
-.. literalinclude:: ../examples/model1d_doc1.py
+.. literalinclude:: ../tests/model1d_doc1.py
 First, we read in the data for 'x' and 'y', then build a Gaussian model.
 This 'model' contains all the Parameters for a Gaussian line shape.  We
diff --git a/doc/parameters.rst b/doc/parameters.rst
index c65258e..91fae30 100644
--- a/doc/parameters.rst
+++ b/doc/parameters.rst
@@ -240,6 +240,6 @@ Simple Example
 Putting it all together, a simple example of using a dictionary of
 :class:`Parameter` objects and :func:`minimize` might look like this:
-.. literalinclude:: ../examples/simple.py
+.. literalinclude:: ../tests/simple.py
diff --git a/examples/NISTModels.py b/examples/NISTModels.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03f6850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NISTModels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+import os
+from numpy import exp, log, log10, sin, cos, arctan, array
+from lmfit import Parameters
+def read_params(params):
+    if isinstance(params, Parameters):
+        return [par.value for par in params.values()]
+    else:
+        return params
+def Bennet5(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0] * (b[1]+x)**(-1/b[2])
+def BoxBOD(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*(1-exp(-b[1]*x))
+def Chwirut(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - exp(-b[0]*x)/(b[1]+b[2]*x)
+def DanWood(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*x**b[1]
+def ENSO(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279
+    return y - b[0] + (b[1]*cos( 2*pi*x/12 ) + b[2]*sin( 2*pi*x/12 ) +
+                       b[4]*cos( 2*pi*x/b[3] ) + b[5]*sin( 2*pi*x/b[3] ) +
+                       b[7]*cos( 2*pi*x/b[6] ) + b[8]*sin( 2*pi*x/b[6] ) )
+def Eckerle4(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - (b[0]/b[1]) * exp(-0.5*((x-b[2])/b[1])**2)
+def Gauss(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*exp( -b[1]*x ) + (b[2]*exp( -(x-b[3])**2 / b[4]**2 ) +
+                                      b[5]*exp( -(x-b[6])**2 / b[7]**2 ) )
+def Hahn1(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - ((b[0]+b[1]*x+b[2]*x**2+b[3]*x**3) /
+                (1+b[4]*x+b[5]*x**2+b[6]*x**3)  )
+def Kirby(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - (b[0] + b[1]*x + b[2]*x**2) / (1 + b[3]*x + b[4]*x**2)
+def Lanczos(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*exp(-b[1]*x) + b[2]*exp(-b[3]*x) + b[4]*exp(-b[5]*x)
+def MGH09(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*(x**2+x*b[1]) / (x**2+x*b[2]+b[3])
+def MGH10(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0] * exp( b[1]/(x+b[2]) )
+def MGH17(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0] + b[1]*exp(-x*b[3]) + b[2]*exp(-x*b[4])
+def Misra1a(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*(1-exp(-b[1]*x))
+def Misra1b(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0] * (1-(1+b[1]*x/2)**(-2))
+def Misra1c(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0] * (1-(1+2*b[1]*x)**(-.5))
+def Misra1d(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - b[0]*b[1]*x*((1+b[1]*x)**(-1))
+def Nelson(b, x, y=None):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    x1 = x[:,0]
+    x2 = x[:,1]
+    if y is None:
+        return  - exp(b[0] - b[1]*x1 * exp(-b[2]*x2))
+    return log(y) - (b[0] - b[1]*x1 * exp(-b[2]*x2) )
+def Rat42(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return  y - b[0] / (1+exp(b[1]-b[2]*x))
+def Rat43(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return  y - b[0] / ((1+exp(b[1]-b[2]*x))**(1/b[3]))
+def Roszman1(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279
+    return y - b[0] - b[1]*x - arctan(b[2]/(x-b[3]))/pi
+def Thurber(b, x, y=0):
+    b = read_params(b)
+    return y - ( (b[0] + b[1]*x + b[2]*x**2 + b[3]*x**3) /
+                 (1 + b[4]*x + b[5]*x**2 + b[6]*x**3) )
+#  Model name        fcn,    #fitting params, dim of x
+Models = {'Bennett5':  (Bennet5,  3, 1),
+          'BoxBOD':    (BoxBOD,   2, 1),
+          'Chwirut1':  (Chwirut,  3, 1),
+          'Chwirut2':  (Chwirut,  3, 1),
+          'DanWood':   (DanWood,  2, 1),
+          'ENSO':      (ENSO,     9, 1),
+          'Eckerle4':  (Eckerle4, 3, 1),
+          'Gauss1':    (Gauss,    8, 1),
+          'Gauss2':    (Gauss,    8, 1),
+          'Gauss3':    (Gauss,    8, 1),
+          'Hahn1':     (Hahn1,    7, 1),
+          'Kirby2':    (Kirby,    5, 1),
+          'Lanczos1':  (Lanczos,  6, 1),
+          'Lanczos2':  (Lanczos,  6, 1),
+          'Lanczos3':  (Lanczos,  6, 1),
+          'MGH09':     (MGH09,    4, 1),
+          'MGH10':     (MGH10,    3, 1),
+          'MGH17':     (MGH17,    5, 1),
+          'Misra1a':   (Misra1a,  2, 1),
+          'Misra1b' :  (Misra1b,  2, 1),
+          'Misra1c' :  (Misra1c,  2, 1),
+          'Misra1d' :  (Misra1d,  2, 1),
+          'Nelson':    (Nelson,   3, 2),
+          'Rat42':     (Rat42,    3, 1),
+          'Rat43':     (Rat43,    4, 1),
+          'Roszman1':  (Roszman1, 4, 1),
+          'Thurber':   (Thurber,  7, 1) }
+def ReadNistData(dataset):
+    """NIST STRD data is in a simple, fixed format with
+    line numbers being significant!
+    """
+    finp = open(os.path.join(NIST_DIR, "%s.dat" % dataset), 'r')
+    lines = [l[:-1] for l in finp.readlines()]
+    finp.close()
+    ModelLines = lines[30:39]
+    ParamLines = lines[40:58]
+    DataLines = lines[60:]
+    words = ModelLines[1].strip().split()
+    nparams = int(words[0])
+    start1 = [0]*nparams
+    start2 = [0]*nparams
+    certval = [0]*nparams
+    certerr = [0]*nparams
+    for i, text in enumerate(ParamLines[:nparams]):
+        [s1, s2, val, err] = [float(x) for x in text.split('=')[1].split()]
+        start1[i] = s1
+        start2[i] = s2
+        certval[i] = val
+        certerr[i] = err
+    #
+    for t in ParamLines[nparams:]:
+        t =  t.strip()
+        if ':' not in t:
+            continue
+        val = float(t.split(':')[1])
+        if t.startswith('Residual Sum of Squares'):
+            sum_squares = val
+        elif t.startswith('Residual Standard Deviation'):
+            std_dev = val
+        elif t.startswith('Degrees of Freedom'):
+            nfree = int(val)
+        elif t.startswith('Number of Observations'):
+            ndata = int(val)
+    y, x = [], []
+    for d in DataLines:
+        vals = [float(i) for i in d.strip().split()]
+        y.append(vals[0])
+        if len(vals) > 2:
+            x.append(vals[1:])
+        else:
+            x.append(vals[1])
+    y = array(y)
+    x = array(x)
+    out = {'y': y, 'x': x, 'nparams': nparams, 'ndata': ndata,
+           'nfree': nfree, 'start1': start1, 'start2': start2,
+           'sum_squares': sum_squares, 'std_dev': std_dev,
+           'cert_values': certval,  'cert_stderr': certerr }
+    return out
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51335f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+Dataset Name:  Bennett5          (Bennett5.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 214)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               superconductivity magnetization modeling.  The
+               response variable is magnetism, and the predictor
+               variable is the log of time in minutes.
+Reference:     Bennett, L., L. Swartzendruber, and H. Brown, 
+               NIST (1994).  
+               Superconductivity Magnetization Modeling.
+Data:          1 Response Variable  (y = magnetism)
+               1 Predictor Variable (x = log[time])
+               154 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               y = b1 * (b2+x)**(-1/b3)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   -2000       -1500        -2.5235058043E+03  2.9715175411E+02
+  b2 =      50          45         4.6736564644E+01  1.2448871856E+00
+  b3 =       0.8         0.85      9.3218483193E-01  2.0272299378E-02
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    5.2404744073E-04
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.8629312528E-03
+Degrees of Freedom:                               151
+Number of Observations:                           154
+Data:   y               x
+     -34.834702E0      7.447168E0
+     -34.393200E0      8.102586E0
+     -34.152901E0      8.452547E0
+     -33.979099E0      8.711278E0
+     -33.845901E0      8.916774E0
+     -33.732899E0      9.087155E0
+     -33.640301E0      9.232590E0
+     -33.559200E0      9.359535E0
+     -33.486801E0      9.472166E0
+     -33.423100E0      9.573384E0
+     -33.365101E0      9.665293E0
+     -33.313000E0      9.749461E0
+     -33.260899E0      9.827092E0
+     -33.217400E0      9.899128E0
+     -33.176899E0      9.966321E0
+     -33.139198E0     10.029280E0
+     -33.101601E0     10.088510E0
+     -33.066799E0     10.144430E0
+     -33.035000E0     10.197380E0
+     -33.003101E0     10.247670E0
+     -32.971298E0     10.295560E0
+     -32.942299E0     10.341250E0
+     -32.916302E0     10.384950E0
+     -32.890202E0     10.426820E0
+     -32.864101E0     10.467000E0
+     -32.841000E0     10.505640E0
+     -32.817799E0     10.542830E0
+     -32.797501E0     10.578690E0
+     -32.774300E0     10.613310E0
+     -32.757000E0     10.646780E0
+     -32.733799E0     10.679150E0
+     -32.716400E0     10.710520E0
+     -32.699100E0     10.740920E0
+     -32.678799E0     10.770440E0
+     -32.661400E0     10.799100E0
+     -32.644001E0     10.826970E0
+     -32.626701E0     10.854080E0
+     -32.612202E0     10.880470E0
+     -32.597698E0     10.906190E0
+     -32.583199E0     10.931260E0
+     -32.568699E0     10.955720E0
+     -32.554298E0     10.979590E0
+     -32.539799E0     11.002910E0
+     -32.525299E0     11.025700E0
+     -32.510799E0     11.047980E0
+     -32.499199E0     11.069770E0
+     -32.487598E0     11.091100E0
+     -32.473202E0     11.111980E0
+     -32.461601E0     11.132440E0
+     -32.435501E0     11.152480E0
+     -32.435501E0     11.172130E0
+     -32.426800E0     11.191410E0
+     -32.412300E0     11.210310E0
+     -32.400799E0     11.228870E0
+     -32.392101E0     11.247090E0
+     -32.380501E0     11.264980E0
+     -32.366001E0     11.282560E0
+     -32.357300E0     11.299840E0
+     -32.348598E0     11.316820E0
+     -32.339901E0     11.333520E0
+     -32.328400E0     11.349940E0
+     -32.319698E0     11.366100E0
+     -32.311001E0     11.382000E0
+     -32.299400E0     11.397660E0
+     -32.290699E0     11.413070E0
+     -32.282001E0     11.428240E0
+     -32.273300E0     11.443200E0
+     -32.264599E0     11.457930E0
+     -32.256001E0     11.472440E0
+     -32.247299E0     11.486750E0
+     -32.238602E0     11.500860E0
+     -32.229900E0     11.514770E0
+     -32.224098E0     11.528490E0
+     -32.215401E0     11.542020E0
+     -32.203800E0     11.555380E0
+     -32.198002E0     11.568550E0
+     -32.189400E0     11.581560E0
+     -32.183601E0     11.594420E0
+     -32.174900E0     11.607121E0
+     -32.169102E0     11.619640E0
+     -32.163300E0     11.632000E0
+     -32.154598E0     11.644210E0
+     -32.145901E0     11.656280E0
+     -32.140099E0     11.668200E0
+     -32.131401E0     11.679980E0
+     -32.125599E0     11.691620E0
+     -32.119801E0     11.703130E0
+     -32.111198E0     11.714510E0
+     -32.105400E0     11.725760E0
+     -32.096699E0     11.736880E0
+     -32.090900E0     11.747890E0
+     -32.088001E0     11.758780E0
+     -32.079300E0     11.769550E0
+     -32.073502E0     11.780200E0
+     -32.067699E0     11.790730E0
+     -32.061901E0     11.801160E0
+     -32.056099E0     11.811480E0
+     -32.050301E0     11.821700E0
+     -32.044498E0     11.831810E0
+     -32.038799E0     11.841820E0
+     -32.033001E0     11.851730E0
+     -32.027199E0     11.861550E0
+     -32.024300E0     11.871270E0
+     -32.018501E0     11.880890E0
+     -32.012699E0     11.890420E0
+     -32.004002E0     11.899870E0
+     -32.001099E0     11.909220E0
+     -31.995300E0     11.918490E0
+     -31.989500E0     11.927680E0
+     -31.983700E0     11.936780E0
+     -31.977900E0     11.945790E0
+     -31.972099E0     11.954730E0
+     -31.969299E0     11.963590E0
+     -31.963501E0     11.972370E0
+     -31.957701E0     11.981070E0
+     -31.951900E0     11.989700E0
+     -31.946100E0     11.998260E0
+     -31.940300E0     12.006740E0
+     -31.937401E0     12.015150E0
+     -31.931601E0     12.023490E0
+     -31.925800E0     12.031760E0
+     -31.922899E0     12.039970E0
+     -31.917101E0     12.048100E0
+     -31.911301E0     12.056170E0
+     -31.908400E0     12.064180E0
+     -31.902599E0     12.072120E0
+     -31.896900E0     12.080010E0
+     -31.893999E0     12.087820E0
+     -31.888201E0     12.095580E0
+     -31.885300E0     12.103280E0
+     -31.882401E0     12.110920E0
+     -31.876600E0     12.118500E0
+     -31.873699E0     12.126030E0
+     -31.867901E0     12.133500E0
+     -31.862101E0     12.140910E0
+     -31.859200E0     12.148270E0
+     -31.856300E0     12.155570E0
+     -31.850500E0     12.162830E0
+     -31.844700E0     12.170030E0
+     -31.841801E0     12.177170E0
+     -31.838900E0     12.184270E0
+     -31.833099E0     12.191320E0
+     -31.830200E0     12.198320E0
+     -31.827299E0     12.205270E0
+     -31.821600E0     12.212170E0
+     -31.818701E0     12.219030E0
+     -31.812901E0     12.225840E0
+     -31.809999E0     12.232600E0
+     -31.807100E0     12.239320E0
+     -31.801300E0     12.245990E0
+     -31.798401E0     12.252620E0
+     -31.795500E0     12.259200E0
+     -31.789700E0     12.265750E0
+     -31.786800E0     12.272240E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49163c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Dataset Name:  BoxBOD            (BoxBOD.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 42)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 47)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 66)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are described in detail in Box, Hunter and
+               Hunter (1978).  The response variable is biochemical
+               oxygen demand (BOD) in mg/l, and the predictor
+               variable is incubation time in days.
+Reference:     Box, G. P., W. G. Hunter, and J. S. Hunter (1978).
+               Statistics for Experimenters.  
+               New York, NY: Wiley, pp. 483-487.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = biochemical oxygen demand)
+               1 Predictor (x = incubation time)
+               6 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+               y = b1*(1-exp[-b2*x])  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   1           100           2.1380940889E+02  1.2354515176E+01
+  b2 =   1             0.75        5.4723748542E-01  1.0455993237E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.1680088766E+03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.7088072423E+01
+Degrees of Freedom:                                4
+Number of Observations:                            6  
+Data:   y             x
+      109             1
+      149             2
+      149             3
+      191             5
+      213             7
+      224            10
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e72e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+Dataset Name:  Chwirut1          (Chwirut1.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 274)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               ultrasonic calibration.  The response variable is
+               ultrasonic response, and the predictor variable is
+               metal distance.
+Reference:     Chwirut, D., NIST (197?).  
+               Ultrasonic Reference Block Study. 
+Data:          1 Response Variable  (y = ultrasonic response)
+               1 Predictor Variable (x = metal distance)
+               214 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               y = exp[-b1*x]/(b2+b3*x)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   0.1         0.15          1.9027818370E-01  2.1938557035E-02
+  b2 =   0.01        0.008         6.1314004477E-03  3.4500025051E-04
+  b3 =   0.02        0.010         1.0530908399E-02  7.9281847748E-04
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    2.3844771393E+03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                3.3616721320E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                               211
+Number of Observations:                           214
+Data:  y            x
+     92.9000E0     0.5000E0
+     78.7000E0     0.6250E0
+     64.2000E0     0.7500E0
+     64.9000E0     0.8750E0
+     57.1000E0     1.0000E0
+     43.3000E0     1.2500E0
+     31.1000E0     1.7500E0
+     23.6000E0     2.2500E0
+     31.0500E0     1.7500E0
+     23.7750E0     2.2500E0
+     17.7375E0     2.7500E0
+     13.8000E0     3.2500E0
+     11.5875E0     3.7500E0
+      9.4125E0     4.2500E0
+      7.7250E0     4.7500E0
+      7.3500E0     5.2500E0
+      8.0250E0     5.7500E0
+     90.6000E0     0.5000E0
+     76.9000E0     0.6250E0
+     71.6000E0     0.7500E0
+     63.6000E0     0.8750E0
+     54.0000E0     1.0000E0
+     39.2000E0     1.2500E0
+     29.3000E0     1.7500E0
+     21.4000E0     2.2500E0
+     29.1750E0     1.7500E0
+     22.1250E0     2.2500E0
+     17.5125E0     2.7500E0
+     14.2500E0     3.2500E0
+      9.4500E0     3.7500E0
+      9.1500E0     4.2500E0
+      7.9125E0     4.7500E0
+      8.4750E0     5.2500E0
+      6.1125E0     5.7500E0
+     80.0000E0     0.5000E0
+     79.0000E0     0.6250E0
+     63.8000E0     0.7500E0
+     57.2000E0     0.8750E0
+     53.2000E0     1.0000E0
+     42.5000E0     1.2500E0
+     26.8000E0     1.7500E0
+     20.4000E0     2.2500E0
+     26.8500E0     1.7500E0
+     21.0000E0     2.2500E0
+     16.4625E0     2.7500E0
+     12.5250E0     3.2500E0
+     10.5375E0     3.7500E0
+      8.5875E0     4.2500E0
+      7.1250E0     4.7500E0
+      6.1125E0     5.2500E0
+      5.9625E0     5.7500E0
+     74.1000E0     0.5000E0
+     67.3000E0     0.6250E0
+     60.8000E0     0.7500E0
+     55.5000E0     0.8750E0
+     50.3000E0     1.0000E0
+     41.0000E0     1.2500E0
+     29.4000E0     1.7500E0
+     20.4000E0     2.2500E0
+     29.3625E0     1.7500E0
+     21.1500E0     2.2500E0
+     16.7625E0     2.7500E0
+     13.2000E0     3.2500E0
+     10.8750E0     3.7500E0
+      8.1750E0     4.2500E0
+      7.3500E0     4.7500E0
+      5.9625E0     5.2500E0
+      5.6250E0     5.7500E0
+     81.5000E0      .5000E0
+     62.4000E0      .7500E0
+     32.5000E0     1.5000E0
+     12.4100E0     3.0000E0
+     13.1200E0     3.0000E0
+     15.5600E0     3.0000E0
+      5.6300E0     6.0000E0
+     78.0000E0      .5000E0
+     59.9000E0      .7500E0
+     33.2000E0     1.5000E0
+     13.8400E0     3.0000E0
+     12.7500E0     3.0000E0
+     14.6200E0     3.0000E0
+      3.9400E0     6.0000E0
+     76.8000E0      .5000E0
+     61.0000E0      .7500E0
+     32.9000E0     1.5000E0
+     13.8700E0     3.0000E0
+     11.8100E0     3.0000E0
+     13.3100E0     3.0000E0
+      5.4400E0     6.0000E0
+     78.0000E0      .5000E0
+     63.5000E0      .7500E0
+     33.8000E0     1.5000E0
+     12.5600E0     3.0000E0
+      5.6300E0     6.0000E0
+     12.7500E0     3.0000E0
+     13.1200E0     3.0000E0
+      5.4400E0     6.0000E0
+     76.8000E0      .5000E0
+     60.0000E0      .7500E0
+     47.8000E0     1.0000E0
+     32.0000E0     1.5000E0
+     22.2000E0     2.0000E0
+     22.5700E0     2.0000E0
+     18.8200E0     2.5000E0
+     13.9500E0     3.0000E0
+     11.2500E0     4.0000E0
+      9.0000E0     5.0000E0
+      6.6700E0     6.0000E0
+     75.8000E0      .5000E0
+     62.0000E0      .7500E0
+     48.8000E0     1.0000E0
+     35.2000E0     1.5000E0
+     20.0000E0     2.0000E0
+     20.3200E0     2.0000E0
+     19.3100E0     2.5000E0
+     12.7500E0     3.0000E0
+     10.4200E0     4.0000E0
+      7.3100E0     5.0000E0
+      7.4200E0     6.0000E0
+     70.5000E0      .5000E0
+     59.5000E0      .7500E0
+     48.5000E0     1.0000E0
+     35.8000E0     1.5000E0
+     21.0000E0     2.0000E0
+     21.6700E0     2.0000E0
+     21.0000E0     2.5000E0
+     15.6400E0     3.0000E0
+      8.1700E0     4.0000E0
+      8.5500E0     5.0000E0
+     10.1200E0     6.0000E0
+     78.0000E0      .5000E0
+     66.0000E0      .6250E0
+     62.0000E0      .7500E0
+     58.0000E0      .8750E0
+     47.7000E0     1.0000E0
+     37.8000E0     1.2500E0
+     20.2000E0     2.2500E0
+     21.0700E0     2.2500E0
+     13.8700E0     2.7500E0
+      9.6700E0     3.2500E0
+      7.7600E0     3.7500E0
+      5.4400E0     4.2500E0
+      4.8700E0     4.7500E0
+      4.0100E0     5.2500E0
+      3.7500E0     5.7500E0
+     24.1900E0     3.0000E0
+     25.7600E0     3.0000E0
+     18.0700E0     3.0000E0
+     11.8100E0     3.0000E0
+     12.0700E0     3.0000E0
+     16.1200E0     3.0000E0
+     70.8000E0      .5000E0
+     54.7000E0      .7500E0
+     48.0000E0     1.0000E0
+     39.8000E0     1.5000E0
+     29.8000E0     2.0000E0
+     23.7000E0     2.5000E0
+     29.6200E0     2.0000E0
+     23.8100E0     2.5000E0
+     17.7000E0     3.0000E0
+     11.5500E0     4.0000E0
+     12.0700E0     5.0000E0
+      8.7400E0     6.0000E0
+     80.7000E0      .5000E0
+     61.3000E0      .7500E0
+     47.5000E0     1.0000E0
+     29.0000E0     1.5000E0
+     24.0000E0     2.0000E0
+     17.7000E0     2.5000E0
+     24.5600E0     2.0000E0
+     18.6700E0     2.5000E0
+     16.2400E0     3.0000E0
+      8.7400E0     4.0000E0
+      7.8700E0     5.0000E0
+      8.5100E0     6.0000E0
+     66.7000E0      .5000E0
+     59.2000E0      .7500E0
+     40.8000E0     1.0000E0
+     30.7000E0     1.5000E0
+     25.7000E0     2.0000E0
+     16.3000E0     2.5000E0
+     25.9900E0     2.0000E0
+     16.9500E0     2.5000E0
+     13.3500E0     3.0000E0
+      8.6200E0     4.0000E0
+      7.2000E0     5.0000E0
+      6.6400E0     6.0000E0
+     13.6900E0     3.0000E0
+     81.0000E0      .5000E0
+     64.5000E0      .7500E0
+     35.5000E0     1.5000E0
+     13.3100E0     3.0000E0
+      4.8700E0     6.0000E0
+     12.9400E0     3.0000E0
+      5.0600E0     6.0000E0
+     15.1900E0     3.0000E0
+     14.6200E0     3.0000E0
+     15.6400E0     3.0000E0
+     25.5000E0     1.7500E0
+     25.9500E0     1.7500E0
+     81.7000E0      .5000E0
+     61.6000E0      .7500E0
+     29.8000E0     1.7500E0
+     29.8100E0     1.7500E0
+     17.1700E0     2.7500E0
+     10.3900E0     3.7500E0
+     28.4000E0     1.7500E0
+     28.6900E0     1.7500E0
+     81.3000E0      .5000E0
+     60.9000E0      .7500E0
+     16.6500E0     2.7500E0
+     10.0500E0     3.7500E0
+     28.9000E0     1.7500E0
+     28.9500E0     1.7500E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0651faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Dataset Name:  Chwirut2          (Chwirut2.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 114)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               ultrasonic calibration.  The response variable is
+               ultrasonic response, and the predictor variable is
+               metal distance.
+Reference:     Chwirut, D., NIST (197?).  
+               Ultrasonic Reference Block Study. 
+Data:          1 Response  (y = ultrasonic response)
+               1 Predictor (x = metal distance)
+               54 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               y = exp(-b1*x)/(b2+b3*x)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   0.1         0.15          1.6657666537E-01  3.8303286810E-02
+  b2 =   0.01        0.008         5.1653291286E-03  6.6621605126E-04
+  b3 =   0.02        0.010         1.2150007096E-02  1.5304234767E-03
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    5.1304802941E+02
+Residual Standard Deviation:                3.1717133040E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                                51
+Number of Observations:                            54
+Data:  y             x
+      92.9000E0     0.500E0
+      57.1000E0     1.000E0
+      31.0500E0     1.750E0
+      11.5875E0     3.750E0
+       8.0250E0     5.750E0
+      63.6000E0     0.875E0
+      21.4000E0     2.250E0
+      14.2500E0     3.250E0
+       8.4750E0     5.250E0
+      63.8000E0     0.750E0
+      26.8000E0     1.750E0
+      16.4625E0     2.750E0
+       7.1250E0     4.750E0
+      67.3000E0     0.625E0
+      41.0000E0     1.250E0
+      21.1500E0     2.250E0
+       8.1750E0     4.250E0
+      81.5000E0      .500E0
+      13.1200E0     3.000E0
+      59.9000E0      .750E0
+      14.6200E0     3.000E0
+      32.9000E0     1.500E0
+       5.4400E0     6.000E0
+      12.5600E0     3.000E0
+       5.4400E0     6.000E0
+      32.0000E0     1.500E0
+      13.9500E0     3.000E0
+      75.8000E0      .500E0
+      20.0000E0     2.000E0
+      10.4200E0     4.000E0
+      59.5000E0      .750E0
+      21.6700E0     2.000E0
+       8.5500E0     5.000E0
+      62.0000E0      .750E0
+      20.2000E0     2.250E0
+       7.7600E0     3.750E0
+       3.7500E0     5.750E0
+      11.8100E0     3.000E0
+      54.7000E0      .750E0
+      23.7000E0     2.500E0
+      11.5500E0     4.000E0
+      61.3000E0      .750E0
+      17.7000E0     2.500E0
+       8.7400E0     4.000E0
+      59.2000E0      .750E0
+      16.3000E0     2.500E0
+       8.6200E0     4.000E0
+      81.0000E0      .500E0
+       4.8700E0     6.000E0
+      14.6200E0     3.000E0
+      81.7000E0      .500E0
+      17.1700E0     2.750E0
+      81.3000E0      .500E0
+      28.9000E0     1.750E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..317f6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Dataset Name:  DanWood           (DanWood.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 42)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 47)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 66)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data and model are described in Daniel and Wood
+               (1980), and originally published in E.S.Keeping, 
+               "Introduction to Statistical Inference," Van Nostrand
+               Company, Princeton, NJ, 1962, p. 354.  The response
+               variable is energy radieted from a carbon filament
+               lamp per cm**2 per second, and the predictor variable
+               is the absolute temperature of the filament in 1000
+               degrees Kelvin.
+Reference:     Daniel, C. and F. S. Wood (1980).
+               Fitting Equations to Data, Second Edition. 
+               New York, NY:  John Wiley and Sons, pp. 428-431.
+Data:          1 Response Variable  (y = energy)
+               1 Predictor Variable (x = temperature)
+               6 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+               y  = b1*x**b2  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   1           0.7           7.6886226176E-01  1.8281973860E-02
+  b2 =   5           4             3.8604055871E+00  5.1726610913E-02
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    4.3173084083E-03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                3.2853114039E-02
+Degrees of Freedom:                                4
+Number of Observations:                            6 
+Data:  y              x
+      2.138E0        1.309E0
+      3.421E0        1.471E0
+      3.597E0        1.490E0
+      4.340E0        1.565E0
+      4.882E0        1.611E0
+      5.660E0        1.680E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe5cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+Dataset Name:  ENSO              (ENSO.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  49)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  54)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 228)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   The data are monthly averaged atmospheric pressure 
+               differences between Easter Island and Darwin, 
+               Australia.  This difference drives the trade winds in 
+               the southern hemisphere.  Fourier analysis of the data
+               reveals 3 significant cycles.  The annual cycle is the
+               strongest, but cycles with periods of approximately 44
+               and 26 months are also present.  These cycles
+               correspond to the El Nino and the Southern Oscillation.
+               Arguments to the SIN and COS functions are in radians.
+Reference:     Kahaner, D., C. Moler, and S. Nash, (1989). 
+               Numerical Methods and Software.  
+               Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, pp. 441-445.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = atmospheric pressure)
+               1 Predictor (x = time)
+               168 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               9 Parameters (b1 to b9)
+               y = b1 + b2*cos( 2*pi*x/12 ) + b3*sin( 2*pi*x/12 ) 
+                      + b5*cos( 2*pi*x/b4 ) + b6*sin( 2*pi*x/b4 )
+                      + b8*cos( 2*pi*x/b7 ) + b9*sin( 2*pi*x/b7 )  + e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   11.0        10.0          1.0510749193E+01  1.7488832467E-01
+  b2 =    3.0         3.0          3.0762128085E+00  2.4310052139E-01
+  b3 =    0.5         0.5          5.3280138227E-01  2.4354686618E-01
+  b4 =   40.0        44.0          4.4311088700E+01  9.4408025976E-01
+  b5 =   -0.7        -1.5         -1.6231428586E+00  2.8078369611E-01
+  b6 =   -1.3         0.5          5.2554493756E-01  4.8073701119E-01
+  b7 =   25.0        26.0          2.6887614440E+01  4.1612939130E-01
+  b8 =   -0.3        -0.1          2.1232288488E-01  5.1460022911E-01
+  b9 =    1.4         1.5          1.4966870418E+00  2.5434468893E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    7.8853978668E+02
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.2269642403E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                               159
+Number of Observations:                           168
+Data:   y          x
+    12.90000    1.000000
+    11.30000    2.000000
+    10.60000    3.000000
+    11.20000    4.000000
+    10.90000    5.000000
+    7.500000    6.000000
+    7.700000    7.000000
+    11.70000    8.000000
+    12.90000    9.000000
+    14.30000   10.000000
+    10.90000    11.00000
+    13.70000    12.00000
+    17.10000    13.00000
+    14.00000    14.00000
+    15.30000    15.00000
+    8.500000    16.00000
+    5.700000    17.00000
+    5.500000    18.00000
+    7.600000    19.00000
+    8.600000    20.00000
+    7.300000    21.00000
+    7.600000    22.00000
+    12.70000    23.00000
+    11.00000    24.00000
+    12.70000    25.00000
+    12.90000    26.00000
+    13.00000    27.00000
+    10.90000    28.00000
+   10.400000    29.00000
+   10.200000    30.00000
+    8.000000    31.00000
+    10.90000    32.00000
+    13.60000    33.00000
+   10.500000    34.00000
+    9.200000    35.00000
+    12.40000    36.00000
+    12.70000    37.00000
+    13.30000    38.00000
+   10.100000    39.00000
+    7.800000    40.00000
+    4.800000    41.00000
+    3.000000    42.00000
+    2.500000    43.00000
+    6.300000    44.00000
+    9.700000    45.00000
+    11.60000    46.00000
+    8.600000    47.00000
+    12.40000    48.00000
+   10.500000    49.00000
+    13.30000    50.00000
+   10.400000    51.00000
+    8.100000    52.00000
+    3.700000    53.00000
+    10.70000    54.00000
+    5.100000    55.00000
+   10.400000    56.00000
+    10.90000    57.00000
+    11.70000    58.00000
+    11.40000    59.00000
+    13.70000    60.00000
+    14.10000    61.00000
+    14.00000    62.00000
+    12.50000    63.00000
+    6.300000    64.00000
+    9.600000    65.00000
+    11.70000    66.00000
+    5.000000    67.00000
+    10.80000    68.00000
+    12.70000    69.00000
+    10.80000    70.00000
+    11.80000    71.00000
+    12.60000    72.00000
+    15.70000    73.00000
+    12.60000    74.00000
+    14.80000    75.00000
+    7.800000    76.00000
+    7.100000    77.00000
+    11.20000    78.00000
+    8.100000    79.00000
+    6.400000    80.00000
+    5.200000    81.00000
+    12.00000    82.00000
+   10.200000    83.00000
+    12.70000    84.00000
+   10.200000    85.00000
+    14.70000    86.00000
+    12.20000    87.00000
+    7.100000    88.00000
+    5.700000    89.00000
+    6.700000    90.00000
+    3.900000    91.00000
+    8.500000    92.00000
+    8.300000    93.00000
+    10.80000    94.00000
+    16.70000    95.00000
+    12.60000    96.00000
+    12.50000    97.00000
+    12.50000    98.00000
+    9.800000    99.00000
+    7.200000   100.00000
+    4.100000   101.00000
+    10.60000   102.00000
+   10.100000   103.00000
+   10.100000   104.00000
+    11.90000   105.00000
+    13.60000    106.0000
+    16.30000    107.0000
+    17.60000    108.0000
+    15.50000    109.0000
+    16.00000    110.0000
+    15.20000    111.0000
+    11.20000    112.0000
+    14.30000    113.0000
+    14.50000    114.0000
+    8.500000    115.0000
+    12.00000    116.0000
+    12.70000    117.0000
+    11.30000    118.0000
+    14.50000    119.0000
+    15.10000    120.0000
+   10.400000    121.0000
+    11.50000    122.0000
+    13.40000    123.0000
+    7.500000    124.0000
+   0.6000000    125.0000
+   0.3000000    126.0000
+    5.500000    127.0000
+    5.000000    128.0000
+    4.600000    129.0000
+    8.200000    130.0000
+    9.900000    131.0000
+    9.200000    132.0000
+    12.50000    133.0000
+    10.90000    134.0000
+    9.900000    135.0000
+    8.900000    136.0000
+    7.600000    137.0000
+    9.500000    138.0000
+    8.400000    139.0000
+    10.70000    140.0000
+    13.60000    141.0000
+    13.70000    142.0000
+    13.70000    143.0000
+    16.50000    144.0000
+    16.80000    145.0000
+    17.10000    146.0000
+    15.40000    147.0000
+    9.500000    148.0000
+    6.100000    149.0000
+   10.100000    150.0000
+    9.300000    151.0000
+    5.300000    152.0000
+    11.20000    153.0000
+    16.60000    154.0000
+    15.60000    155.0000
+    12.00000    156.0000
+    11.50000    157.0000
+    8.600000    158.0000
+    13.80000    159.0000
+    8.700000    160.0000
+    8.600000    161.0000
+    8.600000    162.0000
+    8.700000    163.0000
+    12.80000    164.0000
+    13.20000    165.0000
+    14.00000    166.0000
+    13.40000    167.0000
+    14.80000    168.0000
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd54f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Dataset Name:  Eckerle4          (Eckerle4.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 95)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               circular interference transmittance.  The response
+               variable is transmittance, and the predictor variable
+               is wavelength.
+Reference:     Eckerle, K., NIST (197?).  
+               Circular Interference Transmittance Study.
+Data:          1 Response Variable  (y = transmittance)
+               1 Predictor Variable (x = wavelength)
+               35 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               y = (b1/b2) * exp[-0.5*((x-b3)/b2)**2]  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =     1           1.5         1.5543827178E+00  1.5408051163E-02
+  b2 =    10           5           4.0888321754E+00  4.6803020753E-02
+  b3 =   500         450           4.5154121844E+02  4.6800518816E-02
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.4635887487E-03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                6.7629245447E-03
+Degrees of Freedom:                                32
+Number of Observations:                            35
+Data:  y                x
+      0.0001575E0    400.000000E0
+      0.0001699E0    405.000000E0
+      0.0002350E0    410.000000E0
+      0.0003102E0    415.000000E0
+      0.0004917E0    420.000000E0
+      0.0008710E0    425.000000E0
+      0.0017418E0    430.000000E0
+      0.0046400E0    435.000000E0
+      0.0065895E0    436.500000E0
+      0.0097302E0    438.000000E0
+      0.0149002E0    439.500000E0
+      0.0237310E0    441.000000E0
+      0.0401683E0    442.500000E0
+      0.0712559E0    444.000000E0
+      0.1264458E0    445.500000E0
+      0.2073413E0    447.000000E0
+      0.2902366E0    448.500000E0
+      0.3445623E0    450.000000E0
+      0.3698049E0    451.500000E0
+      0.3668534E0    453.000000E0
+      0.3106727E0    454.500000E0
+      0.2078154E0    456.000000E0
+      0.1164354E0    457.500000E0
+      0.0616764E0    459.000000E0
+      0.0337200E0    460.500000E0
+      0.0194023E0    462.000000E0
+      0.0117831E0    463.500000E0
+      0.0074357E0    465.000000E0
+      0.0022732E0    470.000000E0
+      0.0008800E0    475.000000E0
+      0.0004579E0    480.000000E0
+      0.0002345E0    485.000000E0
+      0.0001586E0    490.000000E0
+      0.0001143E0    495.000000E0
+      0.0000710E0    500.000000E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89c389e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Dataset Name:  Gauss1            (Gauss1.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  48)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  53)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 310)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   The data are two well-separated Gaussians on a 
+               decaying exponential baseline plus normally 
+               distributed zero-mean noise with variance = 6.25.
+Reference:     Rust, B., NIST (1996).
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               250 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               8 Parameters (b1 to b8) 
+               y = b1*exp( -b2*x ) + b3*exp( -(x-b4)**2 / b5**2 )
+                                   + b6*exp( -(x-b7)**2 / b8**2 ) + e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =    97.0        94.0         9.8778210871E+01  5.7527312730E-01
+  b2 =     0.009       0.0105      1.0497276517E-02  1.1406289017E-04
+  b3 =   100.0        99.0         1.0048990633E+02  5.8831775752E-01
+  b4 =    65.0        63.0         6.7481111276E+01  1.0460593412E-01
+  b5 =    20.0        25.0         2.3129773360E+01  1.7439951146E-01
+  b6 =    70.0        71.0         7.1994503004E+01  6.2622793913E-01
+  b7 =   178.0       180.0         1.7899805021E+02  1.2436988217E-01
+  b8 =    16.5        20.0         1.8389389025E+01  2.0134312832E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.3158222432E+03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.3317980180E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                               242
+Number of Observations:                           250
+Data:   y          x
+    97.62227    1.000000
+    97.80724    2.000000
+    96.62247    3.000000
+    92.59022    4.000000
+    91.23869    5.000000
+    95.32704    6.000000
+    90.35040    7.000000
+    89.46235    8.000000
+    91.72520    9.000000
+    89.86916   10.000000
+    86.88076    11.00000
+    85.94360    12.00000
+    87.60686    13.00000
+    86.25839    14.00000
+    80.74976    15.00000
+    83.03551    16.00000
+    88.25837    17.00000
+    82.01316    18.00000
+    82.74098    19.00000
+    83.30034    20.00000
+    81.27850    21.00000
+    81.85506    22.00000
+    80.75195    23.00000
+    80.09573    24.00000
+    81.07633    25.00000
+    78.81542    26.00000
+    78.38596    27.00000
+    79.93386    28.00000
+    79.48474    29.00000
+    79.95942    30.00000
+    76.10691    31.00000
+    78.39830    32.00000
+    81.43060    33.00000
+    82.48867    34.00000
+    81.65462    35.00000
+    80.84323    36.00000
+    88.68663    37.00000
+    84.74438    38.00000
+    86.83934    39.00000
+    85.97739    40.00000
+    91.28509    41.00000
+    97.22411    42.00000
+    93.51733    43.00000
+    94.10159    44.00000
+   101.91760    45.00000
+    98.43134    46.00000
+    110.4214    47.00000
+    107.6628    48.00000
+    111.7288    49.00000
+    116.5115    50.00000
+    120.7609    51.00000
+    123.9553    52.00000
+    124.2437    53.00000
+    130.7996    54.00000
+    133.2960    55.00000
+    130.7788    56.00000
+    132.0565    57.00000
+    138.6584    58.00000
+    142.9252    59.00000
+    142.7215    60.00000
+    144.1249    61.00000
+    147.4377    62.00000
+    148.2647    63.00000
+    152.0519    64.00000
+    147.3863    65.00000
+    149.2074    66.00000
+    148.9537    67.00000
+    144.5876    68.00000
+    148.1226    69.00000
+    148.0144    70.00000
+    143.8893    71.00000
+    140.9088    72.00000
+    143.4434    73.00000
+    139.3938    74.00000
+    135.9878    75.00000
+    136.3927    76.00000
+    126.7262    77.00000
+    124.4487    78.00000
+    122.8647    79.00000
+    113.8557    80.00000
+    113.7037    81.00000
+    106.8407    82.00000
+    107.0034    83.00000
+   102.46290    84.00000
+    96.09296    85.00000
+    94.57555    86.00000
+    86.98824    87.00000
+    84.90154    88.00000
+    81.18023    89.00000
+    76.40117    90.00000
+    67.09200    91.00000
+    72.67155    92.00000
+    68.10848    93.00000
+    67.99088    94.00000
+    63.34094    95.00000
+    60.55253    96.00000
+    56.18687    97.00000
+    53.64482    98.00000
+    53.70307    99.00000
+    48.07893   100.00000
+    42.21258   101.00000
+    45.65181   102.00000
+    41.69728   103.00000
+    41.24946   104.00000
+    39.21349   105.00000
+    37.71696    106.0000
+    36.68395    107.0000
+    37.30393    108.0000
+    37.43277    109.0000
+    37.45012    110.0000
+    32.64648    111.0000
+    31.84347    112.0000
+    31.39951    113.0000
+    26.68912    114.0000
+    32.25323    115.0000
+    27.61008    116.0000
+    33.58649    117.0000
+    28.10714    118.0000
+    30.26428    119.0000
+    28.01648    120.0000
+    29.11021    121.0000
+    23.02099    122.0000
+    25.65091    123.0000
+    28.50295    124.0000
+    25.23701    125.0000
+    26.13828    126.0000
+    33.53260    127.0000
+    29.25195    128.0000
+    27.09847    129.0000
+    26.52999    130.0000
+    25.52401    131.0000
+    26.69218    132.0000
+    24.55269    133.0000
+    27.71763    134.0000
+    25.20297    135.0000
+    25.61483    136.0000
+    25.06893    137.0000
+    27.63930    138.0000
+    24.94851    139.0000
+    25.86806    140.0000
+    22.48183    141.0000
+    26.90045    142.0000
+    25.39919    143.0000
+    17.90614    144.0000
+    23.76039    145.0000
+    25.89689    146.0000
+    27.64231    147.0000
+    22.86101    148.0000
+    26.47003    149.0000
+    23.72888    150.0000
+    27.54334    151.0000
+    30.52683    152.0000
+    28.07261    153.0000
+    34.92815    154.0000
+    28.29194    155.0000
+    34.19161    156.0000
+    35.41207    157.0000
+    37.09336    158.0000
+    40.98330    159.0000
+    39.53923    160.0000
+    47.80123    161.0000
+    47.46305    162.0000
+    51.04166    163.0000
+    54.58065    164.0000
+    57.53001    165.0000
+    61.42089    166.0000
+    62.79032    167.0000
+    68.51455    168.0000
+    70.23053    169.0000
+    74.42776    170.0000
+    76.59911    171.0000
+    81.62053    172.0000
+    83.42208    173.0000
+    79.17451    174.0000
+    88.56985    175.0000
+    85.66525    176.0000
+    86.55502    177.0000
+    90.65907    178.0000
+    84.27290    179.0000
+    85.72220    180.0000
+    83.10702    181.0000
+    82.16884    182.0000
+    80.42568    183.0000
+    78.15692    184.0000
+    79.79691    185.0000
+    77.84378    186.0000
+    74.50327    187.0000
+    71.57289    188.0000
+    65.88031    189.0000
+    65.01385    190.0000
+    60.19582    191.0000
+    59.66726    192.0000
+    52.95478    193.0000
+    53.87792    194.0000
+    44.91274    195.0000
+    41.09909    196.0000
+    41.68018    197.0000
+    34.53379    198.0000
+    34.86419    199.0000
+    33.14787    200.0000
+    29.58864    201.0000
+    27.29462    202.0000
+    21.91439    203.0000
+    19.08159    204.0000
+    24.90290    205.0000
+    19.82341    206.0000
+    16.75551    207.0000
+    18.24558    208.0000
+    17.23549    209.0000
+    16.34934    210.0000
+    13.71285    211.0000
+    14.75676    212.0000
+    13.97169    213.0000
+    12.42867    214.0000
+    14.35519    215.0000
+    7.703309    216.0000
+   10.234410    217.0000
+    11.78315    218.0000
+    13.87768    219.0000
+    4.535700    220.0000
+   10.059280    221.0000
+    8.424824    222.0000
+   10.533120    223.0000
+    9.602255    224.0000
+    7.877514    225.0000
+    6.258121    226.0000
+    8.899865    227.0000
+    7.877754    228.0000
+    12.51191    229.0000
+    10.66205    230.0000
+    6.035400    231.0000
+    6.790655    232.0000
+    8.783535    233.0000
+    4.600288    234.0000
+    8.400915    235.0000
+    7.216561    236.0000
+   10.017410    237.0000
+    7.331278    238.0000
+    6.527863    239.0000
+    2.842001    240.0000
+   10.325070    241.0000
+    4.790995    242.0000
+    8.377101    243.0000
+    6.264445    244.0000
+    2.706213    245.0000
+    8.362329    246.0000
+    8.983658    247.0000
+    3.362571    248.0000
+    1.182746    249.0000
+    4.875359    250.0000
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff185d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Dataset Name:  Gauss2            (Gauss2.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  48)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  53)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 310)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   The data are two slightly-blended Gaussians on a 
+               decaying exponential baseline plus normally 
+               distributed zero-mean noise with variance = 6.25. 
+Reference:     Rust, B., NIST (1996). 
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               250 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               8 Parameters (b1 to b8)
+               y = b1*exp( -b2*x ) + b3*exp( -(x-b4)**2 / b5**2 ) 
+                                   + b6*exp( -(x-b7)**2 / b8**2 ) + e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =    96.0        98.0         9.9018328406E+01  5.3748766879E-01
+  b2 =     0.009       0.0105      1.0994945399E-02  1.3335306766E-04
+  b3 =   103.0       103.0         1.0188022528E+02  5.9217315772E-01
+  b4 =   106.0       105.0         1.0703095519E+02  1.5006798316E-01
+  b5 =    18.0        20.0         2.3578584029E+01  2.2695595067E-01
+  b6 =    72.0        73.0         7.2045589471E+01  6.1721965884E-01
+  b7 =   151.0       150.0         1.5327010194E+02  1.9466674341E-01
+  b8 =    18.0        20.0         1.9525972636E+01  2.6416549393E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.2475282092E+03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.2704790782E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                               242
+Number of Observations:                           250
+Data:   y          x
+    97.58776    1.000000
+    97.76344    2.000000
+    96.56705    3.000000
+    92.52037    4.000000
+    91.15097    5.000000
+    95.21728    6.000000
+    90.21355    7.000000
+    89.29235    8.000000
+    91.51479    9.000000
+    89.60966   10.000000
+    86.56187    11.00000
+    85.55316    12.00000
+    87.13054    13.00000
+    85.67940    14.00000
+    80.04851    15.00000
+    82.18925    16.00000
+    87.24081    17.00000
+    80.79407    18.00000
+    81.28570    19.00000
+    81.56940    20.00000
+    79.22715    21.00000
+    79.43275    22.00000
+    77.90195    23.00000
+    76.75468    24.00000
+    77.17377    25.00000
+    74.27348    26.00000
+    73.11900    27.00000
+    73.84826    28.00000
+    72.47870    29.00000
+    71.92292    30.00000
+    66.92176    31.00000
+    67.93835    32.00000
+    69.56207    33.00000
+    69.07066    34.00000
+    66.53983    35.00000
+    63.87883    36.00000
+    69.71537    37.00000
+    63.60588    38.00000
+    63.37154    39.00000
+    60.01835    40.00000
+    62.67481    41.00000
+    65.80666    42.00000
+    59.14304    43.00000
+    56.62951    44.00000
+    61.21785    45.00000
+    54.38790    46.00000
+    62.93443    47.00000
+    56.65144    48.00000
+    57.13362    49.00000
+    58.29689    50.00000
+    58.91744    51.00000
+    58.50172    52.00000
+    55.22885    53.00000
+    58.30375    54.00000
+    57.43237    55.00000
+    51.69407    56.00000
+    49.93132    57.00000
+    53.70760    58.00000
+    55.39712    59.00000
+    52.89709    60.00000
+    52.31649    61.00000
+    53.98720    62.00000
+    53.54158    63.00000
+    56.45046    64.00000
+    51.32276    65.00000
+    53.11676    66.00000
+    53.28631    67.00000
+    49.80555    68.00000
+    54.69564    69.00000
+    56.41627    70.00000
+    54.59362    71.00000
+    54.38520    72.00000
+    60.15354    73.00000
+    59.78773    74.00000
+    60.49995    75.00000
+    65.43885    76.00000
+    60.70001    77.00000
+    63.71865    78.00000
+    67.77139    79.00000
+    64.70934    80.00000
+    70.78193    81.00000
+    70.38651    82.00000
+    77.22359    83.00000
+    79.52665    84.00000
+    80.13077    85.00000
+    85.67823    86.00000
+    85.20647    87.00000
+    90.24548    88.00000
+    93.61953    89.00000
+    95.86509    90.00000
+    93.46992    91.00000
+    105.8137    92.00000
+    107.8269    93.00000
+    114.0607    94.00000
+    115.5019    95.00000
+    118.5110    96.00000
+    119.6177    97.00000
+    122.1940    98.00000
+    126.9903    99.00000
+    125.7005   100.00000
+    123.7447   101.00000
+    130.6543   102.00000
+    129.7168   103.00000
+    131.8240   104.00000
+    131.8759   105.00000
+    131.9994    106.0000
+    132.1221    107.0000
+    133.4414    108.0000
+    133.8252    109.0000
+    133.6695    110.0000
+    128.2851    111.0000
+    126.5182    112.0000
+    124.7550    113.0000
+    118.4016    114.0000
+    122.0334    115.0000
+    115.2059    116.0000
+    118.7856    117.0000
+    110.7387    118.0000
+    110.2003    119.0000
+   105.17290    120.0000
+   103.44720    121.0000
+    94.54280    122.0000
+    94.40526    123.0000
+    94.57964    124.0000
+    88.76605    125.0000
+    87.28747    126.0000
+    92.50443    127.0000
+    86.27997    128.0000
+    82.44307    129.0000
+    80.47367    130.0000
+    78.36608    131.0000
+    78.74307    132.0000
+    76.12786    133.0000
+    79.13108    134.0000
+    76.76062    135.0000
+    77.60769    136.0000
+    77.76633    137.0000
+    81.28220    138.0000
+    79.74307    139.0000
+    81.97964    140.0000
+    80.02952    141.0000
+    85.95232    142.0000
+    85.96838    143.0000
+    79.94789    144.0000
+    87.17023    145.0000
+    90.50992    146.0000
+    93.23373    147.0000
+    89.14803    148.0000
+    93.11492    149.0000
+    90.34337    150.0000
+    93.69421    151.0000
+    95.74256    152.0000
+    91.85105    153.0000
+    96.74503    154.0000
+    87.60996    155.0000
+    90.47012    156.0000
+    88.11690    157.0000
+    85.70673    158.0000
+    85.01361    159.0000
+    78.53040    160.0000
+    81.34148    161.0000
+    75.19295    162.0000
+    72.66115    163.0000
+    69.85504    164.0000
+    66.29476    165.0000
+    63.58502    166.0000
+    58.33847    167.0000
+    57.50766    168.0000
+    52.80498    169.0000
+    50.79319    170.0000
+    47.03490    171.0000
+    46.47090    172.0000
+    43.09016    173.0000
+    34.11531    174.0000
+    39.28235    175.0000
+    32.68386    176.0000
+    30.44056    177.0000
+    31.98932    178.0000
+    23.63330    179.0000
+    23.69643    180.0000
+    20.26812    181.0000
+    19.07074    182.0000
+    17.59544    183.0000
+    16.08785    184.0000
+    18.94267    185.0000
+    18.61354    186.0000
+    17.25800    187.0000
+    16.62285    188.0000
+    13.48367    189.0000
+    15.37647    190.0000
+    13.47208    191.0000
+    15.96188    192.0000
+    12.32547    193.0000
+    16.33880    194.0000
+   10.438330    195.0000
+    9.628715    196.0000
+    13.12268    197.0000
+    8.772417    198.0000
+    11.76143    199.0000
+    12.55020    200.0000
+    11.33108    201.0000
+    11.20493    202.0000
+    7.816916    203.0000
+    6.800675    204.0000
+    14.26581    205.0000
+    10.66285    206.0000
+    8.911574    207.0000
+    11.56733    208.0000
+    11.58207    209.0000
+    11.59071    210.0000
+    9.730134    211.0000
+    11.44237    212.0000
+    11.22912    213.0000
+   10.172130    214.0000
+    12.50905    215.0000
+    6.201493    216.0000
+    9.019605    217.0000
+    10.80607    218.0000
+    13.09625    219.0000
+    3.914271    220.0000
+    9.567886    221.0000
+    8.038448    222.0000
+   10.231040    223.0000
+    9.367410    224.0000
+    7.695971    225.0000
+    6.118575    226.0000
+    8.793207    227.0000
+    7.796692    228.0000
+    12.45065    229.0000
+    10.61601    230.0000
+    6.001003    231.0000
+    6.765098    232.0000
+    8.764653    233.0000
+    4.586418    234.0000
+    8.390783    235.0000
+    7.209202    236.0000
+   10.012090    237.0000
+    7.327461    238.0000
+    6.525136    239.0000
+    2.840065    240.0000
+   10.323710    241.0000
+    4.790035    242.0000
+    8.376431    243.0000
+    6.263980    244.0000
+    2.705892    245.0000
+    8.362109    246.0000
+    8.983507    247.0000
+    3.362469    248.0000
+    1.182678    249.0000
+    4.875312    250.0000
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f880b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Dataset Name:  Gauss3            (Gauss3.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  48)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  53)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 310)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   The data are two strongly-blended Gaussians on a 
+               decaying exponential baseline plus normally 
+               distributed zero-mean noise with variance = 6.25.
+Reference:     Rust, B., NIST (1996).
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               250 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               8 Parameters (b1 to b8)
+               y = b1*exp( -b2*x ) + b3*exp( -(x-b4)**2 / b5**2 )
+                                   + b6*exp( -(x-b7)**2 / b8**2 ) + e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =    94.9        96.0         9.8940368970E+01  5.3005192833E-01
+  b2 =     0.009       0.0096      1.0945879335E-02  1.2554058911E-04
+  b3 =    90.1        80.0         1.0069553078E+02  8.1256587317E-01
+  b4 =   113.0       110.0         1.1163619459E+02  3.5317859757E-01
+  b5 =    20.0        25.0         2.3300500029E+01  3.6584783023E-01
+  b6 =    73.8        74.0         7.3705031418E+01  1.2091239082E+00
+  b7 =   140.0       139.0         1.4776164251E+02  4.0488183351E-01
+  b8 =    20.0        25.0         1.9668221230E+01  3.7806634336E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.2444846360E+03  
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.2677077625E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                               242
+Number of Observations:                           250
+Data:   y          x
+    97.58776    1.000000
+    97.76344    2.000000
+    96.56705    3.000000
+    92.52037    4.000000
+    91.15097    5.000000
+    95.21728    6.000000
+    90.21355    7.000000
+    89.29235    8.000000
+    91.51479    9.000000
+    89.60965   10.000000
+    86.56187    11.00000
+    85.55315    12.00000
+    87.13053    13.00000
+    85.67938    14.00000
+    80.04849    15.00000
+    82.18922    16.00000
+    87.24078    17.00000
+    80.79401    18.00000
+    81.28564    19.00000
+    81.56932    20.00000
+    79.22703    21.00000
+    79.43259    22.00000
+    77.90174    23.00000
+    76.75438    24.00000
+    77.17338    25.00000
+    74.27296    26.00000
+    73.11830    27.00000
+    73.84732    28.00000
+    72.47746    29.00000
+    71.92128    30.00000
+    66.91962    31.00000
+    67.93554    32.00000
+    69.55841    33.00000
+    69.06592    34.00000
+    66.53371    35.00000
+    63.87094    36.00000
+    69.70526    37.00000
+    63.59295    38.00000
+    63.35509    39.00000
+    59.99747    40.00000
+    62.64843    41.00000
+    65.77345    42.00000
+    59.10141    43.00000
+    56.57750    44.00000
+    61.15313    45.00000
+    54.30767    46.00000
+    62.83535    47.00000
+    56.52957    48.00000
+    56.98427    49.00000
+    58.11459    50.00000
+    58.69576    51.00000
+    58.23322    52.00000
+    54.90490    53.00000
+    57.91442    54.00000
+    56.96629    55.00000
+    51.13831    56.00000
+    49.27123    57.00000
+    52.92668    58.00000
+    54.47693    59.00000
+    51.81710    60.00000
+    51.05401    61.00000
+    52.51731    62.00000
+    51.83710    63.00000
+    54.48196    64.00000
+    49.05859    65.00000
+    50.52315    66.00000
+    50.32755    67.00000
+    46.44419    68.00000
+    50.89281    69.00000
+    52.13203    70.00000
+    49.78741    71.00000
+    49.01637    72.00000
+    54.18198    73.00000
+    53.17456    74.00000
+    53.20827    75.00000
+    57.43459    76.00000
+    51.95282    77.00000
+    54.20282    78.00000
+    57.46687    79.00000
+    53.60268    80.00000
+    58.86728    81.00000
+    57.66652    82.00000
+    63.71034    83.00000
+    65.24244    84.00000
+    65.10878    85.00000
+    69.96313    86.00000
+    68.85475    87.00000
+    73.32574    88.00000
+    76.21241    89.00000
+    78.06311    90.00000
+    75.37701    91.00000
+    87.54449    92.00000
+    89.50588    93.00000
+    95.82098    94.00000
+    97.48390    95.00000
+   100.86070    96.00000
+   102.48510    97.00000
+    105.7311    98.00000
+    111.3489    99.00000
+    111.0305   100.00000
+    110.1920   101.00000
+    118.3581   102.00000
+    118.8086   103.00000
+    122.4249   104.00000
+    124.0953   105.00000
+    125.9337    106.0000
+    127.8533    107.0000
+    131.0361    108.0000
+    133.3343    109.0000
+    135.1278    110.0000
+    131.7113    111.0000
+    131.9151    112.0000
+    132.1107    113.0000
+    127.6898    114.0000
+    133.2148    115.0000
+    128.2296    116.0000
+    133.5902    117.0000
+    127.2539    118.0000
+    128.3482    119.0000
+    124.8694    120.0000
+    124.6031    121.0000
+    117.0648    122.0000
+    118.1966    123.0000
+    119.5408    124.0000
+    114.7946    125.0000
+    114.2780    126.0000
+    120.3484    127.0000
+    114.8647    128.0000
+    111.6514    129.0000
+    110.1826    130.0000
+    108.4461    131.0000
+    109.0571    132.0000
+    106.5308    133.0000
+    109.4691    134.0000
+    106.8709    135.0000
+    107.3192    136.0000
+    106.9000    137.0000
+    109.6526    138.0000
+    107.1602    139.0000
+    108.2509    140.0000
+   104.96310    141.0000
+    109.3601    142.0000
+    107.6696    143.0000
+    99.77286    144.0000
+   104.96440    145.0000
+    106.1376    146.0000
+    106.5816    147.0000
+   100.12860    148.0000
+   101.66910    149.0000
+    96.44254    150.0000
+    97.34169    151.0000
+    96.97412    152.0000
+    90.73460    153.0000
+    93.37949    154.0000
+    82.12331    155.0000
+    83.01657    156.0000
+    78.87360    157.0000
+    74.86971    158.0000
+    72.79341    159.0000
+    65.14744    160.0000
+    67.02127    161.0000
+    60.16136    162.0000
+    57.13996    163.0000
+    54.05769    164.0000
+    50.42265    165.0000
+    47.82430    166.0000
+    42.85748    167.0000
+    42.45495    168.0000
+    38.30808    169.0000
+    36.95794    170.0000
+    33.94543    171.0000
+    34.19017    172.0000
+    31.66097    173.0000
+    23.56172    174.0000
+    29.61143    175.0000
+    23.88765    176.0000
+    22.49812    177.0000
+    24.86901    178.0000
+    17.29481    179.0000
+    18.09291    180.0000
+    15.34813    181.0000
+    14.77997    182.0000
+    13.87832    183.0000
+    12.88891    184.0000
+    16.20763    185.0000
+    16.29024    186.0000
+    15.29712    187.0000
+    14.97839    188.0000
+    12.11330    189.0000
+    14.24168    190.0000
+    12.53824    191.0000
+    15.19818    192.0000
+    11.70478    193.0000
+    15.83745    194.0000
+   10.035850    195.0000
+    9.307574    196.0000
+    12.86800    197.0000
+    8.571671    198.0000
+    11.60415    199.0000
+    12.42772    200.0000
+    11.23627    201.0000
+    11.13198    202.0000
+    7.761117    203.0000
+    6.758250    204.0000
+    14.23375    205.0000
+    10.63876    206.0000
+    8.893581    207.0000
+    11.55398    208.0000
+    11.57221    209.0000
+    11.58347    210.0000
+    9.724857    211.0000
+    11.43854    212.0000
+    11.22636    213.0000
+   10.170150    214.0000
+    12.50765    215.0000
+    6.200494    216.0000
+    9.018902    217.0000
+    10.80557    218.0000
+    13.09591    219.0000
+    3.914033    220.0000
+    9.567723    221.0000
+    8.038338    222.0000
+   10.230960    223.0000
+    9.367358    224.0000
+    7.695937    225.0000
+    6.118552    226.0000
+    8.793192    227.0000
+    7.796682    228.0000
+    12.45064    229.0000
+    10.61601    230.0000
+    6.001000    231.0000
+    6.765096    232.0000
+    8.764652    233.0000
+    4.586417    234.0000
+    8.390782    235.0000
+    7.209201    236.0000
+   10.012090    237.0000
+    7.327461    238.0000
+    6.525136    239.0000
+    2.840065    240.0000
+   10.323710    241.0000
+    4.790035    242.0000
+    8.376431    243.0000
+    6.263980    244.0000
+    2.705892    245.0000
+    8.362109    246.0000
+    8.983507    247.0000
+    3.362469    248.0000
+    1.182678    249.0000
+    4.875312    250.0000
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e493a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+Dataset Name:  Hahn1             (Hahn1.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  47)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  52)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 296)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               the thermal expansion of copper.  The response 
+               variable is the coefficient of thermal expansion, and
+               the predictor variable is temperature in degrees 
+               kelvin.
+Reference:     Hahn, T., NIST (197?). 
+               Copper Thermal Expansion Study.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = coefficient of thermal expansion)
+               1 Predictor (x = temperature, degrees kelvin)
+               236 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Rational Class (cubic/cubic)
+               7 Parameters (b1 to b7)
+               y = (b1+b2*x+b3*x**2+b4*x**3) /
+                   (1+b5*x+b6*x**2+b7*x**3)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   10           1            1.0776351733E+00  1.7070154742E-01
+  b2 =   -1          -0.1         -1.2269296921E-01  1.2000289189E-02
+  b3 =    0.05        0.005        4.0863750610E-03  2.2508314937E-04
+  b4 =   -0.00001    -0.000001    -1.4262662514E-06  2.7578037666E-07
+  b5 =   -0.05       -0.005       -5.7609940901E-03  2.4712888219E-04
+  b6 =    0.001       0.0001       2.4053735503E-04  1.0449373768E-05
+  b7 =   -0.000001   -0.0000001   -1.2314450199E-07  1.3027335327E-08
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.5324382854E+00 
+Residual Standard Deviation:                8.1803852243E-02
+Degrees of Freedom:                               229
+Number of Observations:                           236
+Data:   y              x
+        .591E0         24.41E0  
+       1.547E0         34.82E0  
+       2.902E0         44.09E0  
+       2.894E0         45.07E0  
+       4.703E0         54.98E0  
+       6.307E0         65.51E0  
+       7.03E0          70.53E0  
+       7.898E0         75.70E0  
+       9.470E0         89.57E0  
+       9.484E0         91.14E0  
+      10.072E0         96.40E0  
+      10.163E0         97.19E0  
+      11.615E0        114.26E0  
+      12.005E0        120.25E0  
+      12.478E0        127.08E0  
+      12.982E0        133.55E0  
+      12.970E0        133.61E0  
+      13.926E0        158.67E0  
+      14.452E0        172.74E0  
+      14.404E0        171.31E0  
+      15.190E0        202.14E0  
+      15.550E0        220.55E0  
+      15.528E0        221.05E0  
+      15.499E0        221.39E0  
+      16.131E0        250.99E0  
+      16.438E0        268.99E0  
+      16.387E0        271.80E0  
+      16.549E0        271.97E0  
+      16.872E0        321.31E0  
+      16.830E0        321.69E0  
+      16.926E0        330.14E0  
+      16.907E0        333.03E0  
+      16.966E0        333.47E0  
+      17.060E0        340.77E0  
+      17.122E0        345.65E0  
+      17.311E0        373.11E0  
+      17.355E0        373.79E0  
+      17.668E0        411.82E0  
+      17.767E0        419.51E0  
+      17.803E0        421.59E0  
+      17.765E0        422.02E0  
+      17.768E0        422.47E0  
+      17.736E0        422.61E0  
+      17.858E0        441.75E0  
+      17.877E0        447.41E0  
+      17.912E0        448.7E0   
+      18.046E0        472.89E0  
+      18.085E0        476.69E0  
+      18.291E0        522.47E0  
+      18.357E0        522.62E0  
+      18.426E0        524.43E0  
+      18.584E0        546.75E0  
+      18.610E0        549.53E0  
+      18.870E0        575.29E0  
+      18.795E0        576.00E0  
+      19.111E0        625.55E0  
+        .367E0         20.15E0  
+        .796E0         28.78E0  
+       0.892E0         29.57E0  
+       1.903E0         37.41E0  
+       2.150E0         39.12E0  
+       3.697E0         50.24E0  
+       5.870E0         61.38E0  
+       6.421E0         66.25E0  
+       7.422E0         73.42E0  
+       9.944E0         95.52E0  
+      11.023E0        107.32E0  
+      11.87E0         122.04E0  
+      12.786E0        134.03E0  
+      14.067E0        163.19E0  
+      13.974E0        163.48E0  
+      14.462E0        175.70E0  
+      14.464E0        179.86E0  
+      15.381E0        211.27E0  
+      15.483E0        217.78E0  
+      15.59E0         219.14E0  
+      16.075E0        262.52E0  
+      16.347E0        268.01E0  
+      16.181E0        268.62E0  
+      16.915E0        336.25E0  
+      17.003E0        337.23E0  
+      16.978E0        339.33E0  
+      17.756E0        427.38E0  
+      17.808E0        428.58E0  
+      17.868E0        432.68E0  
+      18.481E0        528.99E0  
+      18.486E0        531.08E0  
+      19.090E0        628.34E0  
+      16.062E0        253.24E0  
+      16.337E0        273.13E0  
+      16.345E0        273.66E0  
+      16.388E0        282.10E0  
+      17.159E0        346.62E0  
+      17.116E0        347.19E0  
+      17.164E0        348.78E0  
+      17.123E0        351.18E0  
+      17.979E0        450.10E0  
+      17.974E0        450.35E0  
+      18.007E0        451.92E0  
+      17.993E0        455.56E0  
+      18.523E0        552.22E0  
+      18.669E0        553.56E0  
+      18.617E0        555.74E0  
+      19.371E0        652.59E0  
+      19.330E0        656.20E0  
+       0.080E0         14.13E0  
+       0.248E0         20.41E0  
+       1.089E0         31.30E0  
+       1.418E0         33.84E0  
+       2.278E0         39.70E0  
+       3.624E0         48.83E0  
+       4.574E0         54.50E0  
+       5.556E0         60.41E0  
+       7.267E0         72.77E0  
+       7.695E0         75.25E0  
+       9.136E0         86.84E0  
+       9.959E0         94.88E0  
+       9.957E0         96.40E0  
+      11.600E0        117.37E0  
+      13.138E0        139.08E0  
+      13.564E0        147.73E0  
+      13.871E0        158.63E0  
+      13.994E0        161.84E0  
+      14.947E0        192.11E0  
+      15.473E0        206.76E0  
+      15.379E0        209.07E0  
+      15.455E0        213.32E0  
+      15.908E0        226.44E0  
+      16.114E0        237.12E0  
+      17.071E0        330.90E0  
+      17.135E0        358.72E0  
+      17.282E0        370.77E0  
+      17.368E0        372.72E0  
+      17.483E0        396.24E0  
+      17.764E0        416.59E0  
+      18.185E0        484.02E0  
+      18.271E0        495.47E0  
+      18.236E0        514.78E0  
+      18.237E0        515.65E0  
+      18.523E0        519.47E0  
+      18.627E0        544.47E0  
+      18.665E0        560.11E0  
+      19.086E0        620.77E0  
+       0.214E0         18.97E0  
+       0.943E0         28.93E0  
+       1.429E0         33.91E0  
+       2.241E0         40.03E0  
+       2.951E0         44.66E0  
+       3.782E0         49.87E0  
+       4.757E0         55.16E0  
+       5.602E0         60.90E0  
+       7.169E0         72.08E0  
+       8.920E0         85.15E0  
+      10.055E0         97.06E0  
+      12.035E0        119.63E0  
+      12.861E0        133.27E0  
+      13.436E0        143.84E0  
+      14.167E0        161.91E0  
+      14.755E0        180.67E0  
+      15.168E0        198.44E0  
+      15.651E0        226.86E0  
+      15.746E0        229.65E0  
+      16.216E0        258.27E0  
+      16.445E0        273.77E0  
+      16.965E0        339.15E0  
+      17.121E0        350.13E0  
+      17.206E0        362.75E0  
+      17.250E0        371.03E0  
+      17.339E0        393.32E0  
+      17.793E0        448.53E0  
+      18.123E0        473.78E0  
+      18.49E0         511.12E0  
+      18.566E0        524.70E0  
+      18.645E0        548.75E0  
+      18.706E0        551.64E0  
+      18.924E0        574.02E0  
+      19.1E0          623.86E0  
+       0.375E0         21.46E0  
+       0.471E0         24.33E0  
+       1.504E0         33.43E0  
+       2.204E0         39.22E0  
+       2.813E0         44.18E0  
+       4.765E0         55.02E0  
+       9.835E0         94.33E0  
+      10.040E0         96.44E0  
+      11.946E0        118.82E0  
+      12.596E0        128.48E0  
+      13.303E0        141.94E0  
+      13.922E0        156.92E0  
+      14.440E0        171.65E0  
+      14.951E0        190.00E0  
+      15.627E0        223.26E0  
+      15.639E0        223.88E0  
+      15.814E0        231.50E0  
+      16.315E0        265.05E0  
+      16.334E0        269.44E0  
+      16.430E0        271.78E0  
+      16.423E0        273.46E0  
+      17.024E0        334.61E0  
+      17.009E0        339.79E0  
+      17.165E0        349.52E0  
+      17.134E0        358.18E0  
+      17.349E0        377.98E0  
+      17.576E0        394.77E0  
+      17.848E0        429.66E0  
+      18.090E0        468.22E0  
+      18.276E0        487.27E0  
+      18.404E0        519.54E0  
+      18.519E0        523.03E0  
+      19.133E0        612.99E0  
+      19.074E0        638.59E0  
+      19.239E0        641.36E0  
+      19.280E0        622.05E0  
+      19.101E0        631.50E0  
+      19.398E0        663.97E0  
+      19.252E0        646.9E0   
+      19.89E0         748.29E0  
+      20.007E0        749.21E0  
+      19.929E0        750.14E0  
+      19.268E0        647.04E0  
+      19.324E0        646.89E0  
+      20.049E0        746.9E0   
+      20.107E0        748.43E0  
+      20.062E0        747.35E0  
+      20.065E0        749.27E0  
+      19.286E0        647.61E0  
+      19.972E0        747.78E0  
+      20.088E0        750.51E0  
+      20.743E0        851.37E0  
+      20.83E0         845.97E0  
+      20.935E0        847.54E0  
+      21.035E0        849.93E0  
+      20.93E0         851.61E0  
+      21.074E0        849.75E0  
+      21.085E0        850.98E0  
+      20.935E0        848.23E0  
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75cd80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+Dataset Name:  Kirby2            (Kirby2.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to  45)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to  50)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 211)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               scanning electron microscope line with standards.
+Reference:     Kirby, R., NIST (197?).  
+               Scanning electron microscope line width standards.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               151 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Rational Class (quadratic/quadratic)
+               5 Parameters (b1 to b5)
+               y = (b1 + b2*x + b3*x**2) /
+                   (1 + b4*x + b5*x**2)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =    2           1.5          1.6745063063E+00  8.7989634338E-02
+  b2 =   -0.1        -0.15        -1.3927397867E-01  4.1182041386E-03
+  b3 =    0.003       0.0025       2.5961181191E-03  4.1856520458E-05
+  b4 =   -0.001      -0.0015      -1.7241811870E-03  5.8931897355E-05
+  b5 =    0.00001     0.00002      2.1664802578E-05  2.0129761919E-07
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    3.9050739624E+00
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.6354535131E-01
+Degrees of Freedom:                               146
+Number of Observations:                           151
+Data:   y             x
+       0.0082E0      9.65E0
+       0.0112E0     10.74E0
+       0.0149E0     11.81E0
+       0.0198E0     12.88E0
+       0.0248E0     14.06E0
+       0.0324E0     15.28E0
+       0.0420E0     16.63E0
+       0.0549E0     18.19E0
+       0.0719E0     19.88E0
+       0.0963E0     21.84E0
+       0.1291E0     24.00E0
+       0.1710E0     26.25E0
+       0.2314E0     28.86E0
+       0.3227E0     31.85E0
+       0.4809E0     35.79E0
+       0.7084E0     40.18E0
+       1.0220E0     44.74E0
+       1.4580E0     49.53E0
+       1.9520E0     53.94E0
+       2.5410E0     58.29E0
+       3.2230E0     62.63E0
+       3.9990E0     67.03E0
+       4.8520E0     71.25E0
+       5.7320E0     75.22E0
+       6.7270E0     79.33E0
+       7.8350E0     83.56E0
+       9.0250E0     87.75E0
+      10.2670E0     91.93E0
+      11.5780E0     96.10E0
+      12.9440E0    100.28E0
+      14.3770E0    104.46E0
+      15.8560E0    108.66E0
+      17.3310E0    112.71E0
+      18.8850E0    116.88E0
+      20.5750E0    121.33E0
+      22.3200E0    125.79E0
+      22.3030E0    125.79E0
+      23.4600E0    128.74E0
+      24.0600E0    130.27E0
+      25.2720E0    133.33E0
+      25.8530E0    134.79E0
+      27.1100E0    137.93E0
+      27.6580E0    139.33E0
+      28.9240E0    142.46E0
+      29.5110E0    143.90E0
+      30.7100E0    146.91E0
+      31.3500E0    148.51E0
+      32.5200E0    151.41E0
+      33.2300E0    153.17E0
+      34.3300E0    155.97E0
+      35.0600E0    157.76E0
+      36.1700E0    160.56E0
+      36.8400E0    162.30E0
+      38.0100E0    165.21E0
+      38.6700E0    166.90E0
+      39.8700E0    169.92E0
+      40.0300E0    170.32E0
+      40.5000E0    171.54E0
+      41.3700E0    173.79E0
+      41.6700E0    174.57E0
+      42.3100E0    176.25E0
+      42.7300E0    177.34E0
+      43.4600E0    179.19E0
+      44.1400E0    181.02E0
+      44.5500E0    182.08E0
+      45.2200E0    183.88E0
+      45.9200E0    185.75E0
+      46.3000E0    186.80E0
+      47.0000E0    188.63E0
+      47.6800E0    190.45E0
+      48.0600E0    191.48E0
+      48.7400E0    193.35E0
+      49.4100E0    195.22E0
+      49.7600E0    196.23E0
+      50.4300E0    198.05E0
+      51.1100E0    199.97E0
+      51.5000E0    201.06E0
+      52.1200E0    202.83E0
+      52.7600E0    204.69E0
+      53.1800E0    205.86E0
+      53.7800E0    207.58E0
+      54.4600E0    209.50E0
+      54.8300E0    210.65E0
+      55.4000E0    212.33E0
+      56.4300E0    215.43E0
+      57.0300E0    217.16E0
+      58.0000E0    220.21E0
+      58.6100E0    221.98E0
+      59.5800E0    225.06E0
+      60.1100E0    226.79E0
+      61.1000E0    229.92E0
+      61.6500E0    231.69E0
+      62.5900E0    234.77E0
+      63.1200E0    236.60E0
+      64.0300E0    239.63E0
+      64.6200E0    241.50E0
+      65.4900E0    244.48E0
+      66.0300E0    246.40E0
+      66.8900E0    249.35E0
+      67.4200E0    251.32E0
+      68.2300E0    254.22E0
+      68.7700E0    256.24E0
+      69.5900E0    259.11E0
+      70.1100E0    261.18E0
+      70.8600E0    264.02E0
+      71.4300E0    266.13E0
+      72.1600E0    268.94E0
+      72.7000E0    271.09E0
+      73.4000E0    273.87E0
+      73.9300E0    276.08E0
+      74.6000E0    278.83E0
+      75.1600E0    281.08E0
+      75.8200E0    283.81E0
+      76.3400E0    286.11E0
+      76.9800E0    288.81E0
+      77.4800E0    291.08E0
+      78.0800E0    293.75E0
+      78.6000E0    295.99E0
+      79.1700E0    298.64E0
+      79.6200E0    300.84E0
+      79.8800E0    302.02E0
+      80.1900E0    303.48E0
+      80.6600E0    305.65E0
+      81.2200E0    308.27E0
+      81.6600E0    310.41E0
+      82.1600E0    313.01E0
+      82.5900E0    315.12E0
+      83.1400E0    317.71E0
+      83.5000E0    319.79E0
+      84.0000E0    322.36E0
+      84.4000E0    324.42E0
+      84.8900E0    326.98E0
+      85.2600E0    329.01E0
+      85.7400E0    331.56E0
+      86.0700E0    333.56E0
+      86.5400E0    336.10E0
+      86.8900E0    338.08E0
+      87.3200E0    340.60E0
+      87.6500E0    342.57E0
+      88.1000E0    345.08E0
+      88.4300E0    347.02E0
+      88.8300E0    349.52E0
+      89.1200E0    351.44E0
+      89.5400E0    353.93E0
+      89.8500E0    355.83E0
+      90.2500E0    358.32E0
+      90.5500E0    360.20E0
+      90.9300E0    362.67E0
+      91.2000E0    364.53E0
+      91.5500E0    367.00E0
+      92.2000E0    371.30E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d23d5e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Dataset Name:  Lanczos1          (Lanczos1.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 46)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 51)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 84)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are taken from an example discussed in
+               Lanczos (1956).  The data were generated to 14-digits
+               of accuracy using
+               f(x) = 0.0951*exp(-x) + 0.8607*exp(-3*x) 
+                                     + 1.5576*exp(-5*x).
+Reference:     Lanczos, C. (1956).
+               Applied Analysis.
+               Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice Hall, pp. 272-280.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               24 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               6 Parameters (b1 to b6)
+               y = b1*exp(-b2*x) + b3*exp(-b4*x) + b5*exp(-b6*x)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   1.2         0.5           9.5100000027E-02  5.3347304234E-11
+  b2 =   0.3         0.7           1.0000000001E+00  2.7473038179E-10
+  b3 =   5.6         3.6           8.6070000013E-01  1.3576062225E-10
+  b4 =   5.5         4.2           3.0000000002E+00  3.3308253069E-10
+  b5 =   6.5         4             1.5575999998E+00  1.8815731448E-10
+  b6 =   7.6         6.3           5.0000000001E+00  1.1057500538E-10
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.4307867721E-25
+Residual Standard Deviation:                8.9156129349E-14
+Degrees of Freedom:                                18
+Number of Observations:                            24
+Data:   y                   x
+       2.513400000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00
+       2.044333373291E+00  5.000000000000E-02
+       1.668404436564E+00  1.000000000000E-01
+       1.366418021208E+00  1.500000000000E-01
+       1.123232487372E+00  2.000000000000E-01
+       9.268897180037E-01  2.500000000000E-01
+       7.679338563728E-01  3.000000000000E-01
+       6.388775523106E-01  3.500000000000E-01
+       5.337835317402E-01  4.000000000000E-01
+       4.479363617347E-01  4.500000000000E-01
+       3.775847884350E-01  5.000000000000E-01
+       3.197393199326E-01  5.500000000000E-01
+       2.720130773746E-01  6.000000000000E-01
+       2.324965529032E-01  6.500000000000E-01
+       1.996589546065E-01  7.000000000000E-01
+       1.722704126914E-01  7.500000000000E-01
+       1.493405660168E-01  8.000000000000E-01
+       1.300700206922E-01  8.500000000000E-01
+       1.138119324644E-01  9.000000000000E-01
+       1.000415587559E-01  9.500000000000E-01
+       8.833209084540E-02  1.000000000000E+00
+       7.833544019350E-02  1.050000000000E+00
+       6.976693743449E-02  1.100000000000E+00
+       6.239312536719E-02  1.150000000000E+00
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f2b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Dataset Name:  Lanczos2          (Lanczos2.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 46)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 51)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 84)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are taken from an example discussed in
+               Lanczos (1956).  The data were generated to 6-digits
+               of accuracy using
+               f(x) = 0.0951*exp(-x) + 0.8607*exp(-3*x) 
+                                     + 1.5576*exp(-5*x).
+Reference:     Lanczos, C. (1956).
+               Applied Analysis.
+               Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice Hall, pp. 272-280.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               24 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               6 Parameters (b1 to b6)
+               y = b1*exp(-b2*x) + b3*exp(-b4*x) + b5*exp(-b6*x)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   1.2         0.5           9.6251029939E-02  6.6770575477E-04
+  b2 =   0.3         0.7           1.0057332849E+00  3.3989646176E-03
+  b3 =   5.6         3.6           8.6424689056E-01  1.7185846685E-03
+  b4 =   5.5         4.2           3.0078283915E+00  4.1707005856E-03
+  b5 =   6.5         4             1.5529016879E+00  2.3744381417E-03
+  b6 =   7.6         6.3           5.0028798100E+00  1.3958787284E-03
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    2.2299428125E-11
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.1130395851E-06
+Degrees of Freedom:                                18
+Number of Observations:                            24
+Data:   y            x
+       2.51340E+00  0.00000E+00
+       2.04433E+00  5.00000E-02
+       1.66840E+00  1.00000E-01
+       1.36642E+00  1.50000E-01
+       1.12323E+00  2.00000E-01
+       9.26890E-01  2.50000E-01
+       7.67934E-01  3.00000E-01
+       6.38878E-01  3.50000E-01
+       5.33784E-01  4.00000E-01
+       4.47936E-01  4.50000E-01
+       3.77585E-01  5.00000E-01
+       3.19739E-01  5.50000E-01
+       2.72013E-01  6.00000E-01
+       2.32497E-01  6.50000E-01
+       1.99659E-01  7.00000E-01
+       1.72270E-01  7.50000E-01
+       1.49341E-01  8.00000E-01
+       1.30070E-01  8.50000E-01
+       1.13812E-01  9.00000E-01
+       1.00042E-01  9.50000E-01
+       8.83321E-02  1.00000E+00
+       7.83354E-02  1.05000E+00
+       6.97669E-02  1.10000E+00
+       6.23931E-02  1.15000E+00
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67c1512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Dataset Name:  Lanczos3          (Lanczos3.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 46)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 51)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 84)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are taken from an example discussed in
+               Lanczos (1956).  The data were generated to 5-digits
+               of accuracy using
+               f(x) = 0.0951*exp(-x) + 0.8607*exp(-3*x) 
+                                     + 1.5576*exp(-5*x).
+Reference:     Lanczos, C. (1956).
+               Applied Analysis.
+               Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice Hall, pp. 272-280.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               24 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               6 Parameters (b1 to b6)
+               y = b1*exp(-b2*x) + b3*exp(-b4*x) + b5*exp(-b6*x)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   1.2         0.5           8.6816414977E-02  1.7197908859E-02
+  b2 =   0.3         0.7           9.5498101505E-01  9.7041624475E-02
+  b3 =   5.6         3.6           8.4400777463E-01  4.1488663282E-02
+  b4 =   5.5         4.2           2.9515951832E+00  1.0766312506E-01
+  b5 =   6.5         4             1.5825685901E+00  5.8371576281E-02
+  b6 =   7.6         6.3           4.9863565084E+00  3.4436403035E-02
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.6117193594E-08
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.9923229172E-05
+Degrees of Freedom:                                18
+Number of Observations:                            24
+Data:   y           x
+       2.5134E+00  0.00000E+00
+       2.0443E+00  5.00000E-02
+       1.6684E+00  1.00000E-01
+       1.3664E+00  1.50000E-01
+       1.1232E+00  2.00000E-01
+       0.9269E+00  2.50000E-01
+       0.7679E+00  3.00000E-01
+       0.6389E+00  3.50000E-01
+       0.5338E+00  4.00000E-01
+       0.4479E+00  4.50000E-01
+       0.3776E+00  5.00000E-01
+       0.3197E+00  5.50000E-01
+       0.2720E+00  6.00000E-01
+       0.2325E+00  6.50000E-01
+       0.1997E+00  7.00000E-01
+       0.1723E+00  7.50000E-01
+       0.1493E+00  8.00000E-01
+       0.1301E+00  8.50000E-01
+       0.1138E+00  9.00000E-01
+       0.1000E+00  9.50000E-01
+       0.0883E+00  1.00000E+00
+       0.0783E+00  1.05000E+00
+       0.0698E+00  1.10000E+00
+       0.0624E+00  1.15000E+00
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55a2d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Dataset Name:  MGH09             (MGH09.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 44)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 49)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 71)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   This problem was found to be difficult for some very 
+               good algorithms.  There is a local minimum at (+inf,
+               -14.07..., -inf, -inf) with final sum of squares 
+               0.00102734....
+               See More, J. J., Garbow, B. S., and Hillstrom, K. E. 
+               (1981).  Testing unconstrained optimization software.
+               ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 7(1): 
+               pp. 17-41.
+Reference:     Kowalik, J.S., and M. R. Osborne, (1978).  
+               Methods for Unconstrained Optimization Problems.  
+               New York, NY:  Elsevier North-Holland.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               11 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Rational Class (linear/quadratic)
+               4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
+               y = b1*(x**2+x*b2) / (x**2+x*b3+b4)  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   25          0.25          1.9280693458E-01  1.1435312227E-02
+  b2 =   39          0.39          1.9128232873E-01  1.9633220911E-01
+  b3 =   41.5        0.415         1.2305650693E-01  8.0842031232E-02
+  b4 =   39          0.39          1.3606233068E-01  9.0025542308E-02
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    3.0750560385E-04
+Residual Standard Deviation:                6.6279236551E-03
+Degrees of Freedom:                                7
+Number of Observations:                           11
+Data:  y               x
+       1.957000E-01    4.000000E+00
+       1.947000E-01    2.000000E+00
+       1.735000E-01    1.000000E+00
+       1.600000E-01    5.000000E-01
+       8.440000E-02    2.500000E-01
+       6.270000E-02    1.670000E-01
+       4.560000E-02    1.250000E-01
+       3.420000E-02    1.000000E-01
+       3.230000E-02    8.330000E-02
+       2.350000E-02    7.140000E-02
+       2.460000E-02    6.250000E-02
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ffbec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Dataset Name:  MGH10             (MGH10.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 76)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   This problem was found to be difficult for some very
+               good algorithms.
+               See More, J. J., Garbow, B. S., and Hillstrom, K. E. 
+               (1981).  Testing unconstrained optimization software.
+               ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 7(1): 
+               pp. 17-41.
+Reference:     Meyer, R. R. (1970).  
+               Theoretical and computational aspects of nonlinear 
+               regression.  In Nonlinear Programming, Rosen, 
+               Mangasarian and Ritter (Eds).  
+               New York, NY: Academic Press, pp. 465-486.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               16 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               y = b1 * exp[b2/(x+b3)]  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =        2         0.02       5.6096364710E-03  1.5687892471E-04
+  b2 =   400000      4000          6.1813463463E+03  2.3309021107E+01
+  b3 =    25000       250          3.4522363462E+02  7.8486103508E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    8.7945855171E+01
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.6009740065E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                                13
+Number of Observations:                            16
+Data:  y               x
+      3.478000E+04    5.000000E+01
+      2.861000E+04    5.500000E+01
+      2.365000E+04    6.000000E+01
+      1.963000E+04    6.500000E+01
+      1.637000E+04    7.000000E+01
+      1.372000E+04    7.500000E+01
+      1.154000E+04    8.000000E+01
+      9.744000E+03    8.500000E+01
+      8.261000E+03    9.000000E+01
+      7.030000E+03    9.500000E+01
+      6.005000E+03    1.000000E+02
+      5.147000E+03    1.050000E+02
+      4.427000E+03    1.100000E+02
+      3.820000E+03    1.150000E+02
+      3.307000E+03    1.200000E+02
+      2.872000E+03    1.250000E+02
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..584f73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Dataset Name:  MGH17             (MGH17.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 45)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 50)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 93)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   This problem was found to be difficult for some very
+               good algorithms.
+               See More, J. J., Garbow, B. S., and Hillstrom, K. E.
+               (1981).  Testing unconstrained optimization software.
+               ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 7(1):
+               pp. 17-41.
+Reference:     Osborne, M. R. (1972).  
+               Some aspects of nonlinear least squares 
+               calculations.  In Numerical Methods for Nonlinear 
+               Optimization, Lootsma (Ed).  
+               New York, NY:  Academic Press, pp. 171-189.
+Data:          1 Response  (y)
+               1 Predictor (x)
+               33 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Generated Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               5 Parameters (b1 to b5)
+               y = b1 + b2*exp[-x*b4] + b3*exp[-x*b5]  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =     50         0.5          3.7541005211E-01  2.0723153551E-03
+  b2 =    150         1.5          1.9358469127E+00  2.2031669222E-01
+  b3 =   -100        -1           -1.4646871366E+00  2.2175707739E-01
+  b4 =      1          0.01        1.2867534640E-02  4.4861358114E-04
+  b5 =      2          0.02        2.2122699662E-02  8.9471996575E-04
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    5.4648946975E-05
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.3970497866E-03
+Degrees of Freedom:                                28
+Number of Observations:                            33
+Data:  y               x
+      8.440000E-01    0.000000E+00
+      9.080000E-01    1.000000E+01
+      9.320000E-01    2.000000E+01
+      9.360000E-01    3.000000E+01
+      9.250000E-01    4.000000E+01
+      9.080000E-01    5.000000E+01
+      8.810000E-01    6.000000E+01
+      8.500000E-01    7.000000E+01
+      8.180000E-01    8.000000E+01
+      7.840000E-01    9.000000E+01
+      7.510000E-01    1.000000E+02
+      7.180000E-01    1.100000E+02
+      6.850000E-01    1.200000E+02
+      6.580000E-01    1.300000E+02
+      6.280000E-01    1.400000E+02
+      6.030000E-01    1.500000E+02
+      5.800000E-01    1.600000E+02
+      5.580000E-01    1.700000E+02
+      5.380000E-01    1.800000E+02
+      5.220000E-01    1.900000E+02
+      5.060000E-01    2.000000E+02
+      4.900000E-01    2.100000E+02
+      4.780000E-01    2.200000E+02
+      4.670000E-01    2.300000E+02
+      4.570000E-01    2.400000E+02
+      4.480000E-01    2.500000E+02
+      4.380000E-01    2.600000E+02
+      4.310000E-01    2.700000E+02
+      4.240000E-01    2.800000E+02
+      4.200000E-01    2.900000E+02
+      4.140000E-01    3.000000E+02
+      4.110000E-01    3.100000E+02
+      4.060000E-01    3.200000E+02
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24f92a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Dataset Name:  Misra1a           (Misra1a.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 42)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 47)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 74)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study regarding
+               dental research in monomolecular adsorption.  The
+               response variable is volume, and the predictor
+               variable is pressure.
+Reference:     Misra, D., NIST (1978).  
+               Dental Research Monomolecular Adsorption Study.
+Data:          1 Response Variable  (y = volume)
+               1 Predictor Variable (x = pressure)
+               14 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+               y = b1*(1-exp[-b2*x])  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   500         250           2.3894212918E+02  2.7070075241E+00
+  b2 =     0.0001      0.0005      5.5015643181E-04  7.2668688436E-06
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    1.2455138894E-01
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.0187876330E-01
+Degrees of Freedom:                                12
+Number of Observations:                            14
+Data:   y               x
+      10.07E0      77.6E0
+      14.73E0     114.9E0
+      17.94E0     141.1E0
+      23.93E0     190.8E0
+      29.61E0     239.9E0
+      35.18E0     289.0E0
+      40.02E0     332.8E0
+      44.82E0     378.4E0
+      50.76E0     434.8E0
+      55.05E0     477.3E0
+      61.01E0     536.8E0
+      66.40E0     593.1E0
+      75.47E0     689.1E0
+      81.78E0     760.0E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0da9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Dataset Name:  Misra1b           (Misra1b.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 42)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 47)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 74)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study regarding
+               dental research in monomolecular adsorption.  The
+               response variable is volume, and the predictor
+               variable is pressure.
+Reference:     Misra, D., NIST (1978).  
+               Dental Research Monomolecular Adsorption Study.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = volume)
+               1 Predictor (x = pressure)
+               14 Observations
+               Lower Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+               y = b1 * (1-(1+b2*x/2)**(-2))  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   500         300           3.3799746163E+02  3.1643950207E+00
+  b2 =     0.0001      0.0002      3.9039091287E-04  4.2547321834E-06
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    7.5464681533E-02
+Residual Standard Deviation:                7.9301471998E-02
+Degrees of Freedom:                                12
+Number of Observations:                            14
+Data:   y               x
+      10.07E0      77.6E0
+      14.73E0     114.9E0
+      17.94E0     141.1E0
+      23.93E0     190.8E0
+      29.61E0     239.9E0
+      35.18E0     289.0E0
+      40.02E0     332.8E0
+      44.82E0     378.4E0
+      50.76E0     434.8E0
+      55.05E0     477.3E0
+      61.01E0     536.8E0
+      66.40E0     593.1E0
+      75.47E0     689.1E0
+      81.78E0     760.0E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64681d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Dataset Name:  Misra1c           (Misra1c.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 42)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 47)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 74)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study regarding
+               dental research in monomolecular adsorption.  The
+               response variable is volume, and the predictor
+               variable is pressure.
+Reference:     Misra, D., NIST (1978).  
+               Dental Research Monomolecular Adsorption.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = volume)
+               1 Predictor (x = pressure)
+               14 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+               y = b1 * (1-(1+2*b2*x)**(-.5))  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   500         600           6.3642725809E+02  4.6638326572E+00
+  b2 =     0.0001      0.0002      2.0813627256E-04  1.7728423155E-06
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    4.0966836971E-02
+Residual Standard Deviation:                5.8428615257E-02
+Degrees of Freedom:                                12
+Number of Observations:                            14
+Data:   y            x 
+      10.07E0      77.6E0
+      14.73E0     114.9E0
+      17.94E0     141.1E0
+      23.93E0     190.8E0
+      29.61E0     239.9E0
+      35.18E0     289.0E0
+      40.02E0     332.8E0
+      44.82E0     378.4E0
+      50.76E0     434.8E0
+      55.05E0     477.3E0
+      61.01E0     536.8E0
+      66.40E0     593.1E0
+      75.47E0     689.1E0
+      81.78E0     760.0E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcf12d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Dataset Name:  Misra1d           (Misra1d.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 42)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 47)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 74)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study regarding
+               dental research in monomolecular adsorption.  The
+               response variable is volume, and the predictor
+               variable is pressure.
+Reference:     Misra, D., NIST (1978).  
+               Dental Research Monomolecular Adsorption Study.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = volume)
+               1 Predictor (x = pressure)
+               14 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+               y = b1*b2*x*((1+b2*x)**(-1))  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   500         450           4.3736970754E+02  3.6489174345E+00
+  b2 =     0.0001      0.0003      3.0227324449E-04  2.9334354479E-06
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    5.6419295283E-02
+Residual Standard Deviation:                6.8568272111E-02
+Degrees of Freedom:                                12
+Number of Observations:                            14
+Data:   y            x
+      10.07E0      77.6E0
+      14.73E0     114.9E0
+      17.94E0     141.1E0
+      23.93E0     190.8E0
+      29.61E0     239.9E0
+      35.18E0     289.0E0
+      40.02E0     332.8E0
+      44.82E0     378.4E0
+      50.76E0     434.8E0
+      55.05E0     477.3E0
+      61.01E0     536.8E0
+      66.40E0     593.1E0
+      75.47E0     689.1E0
+      81.78E0     760.0E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Models b/examples/NIST_STRD/Models
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4dacf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Models
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+Bennett5.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+Bennett5.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+Bennett5.dat-               y = b1 * (b2+x)**(-1/b3)  +  e
+BoxBOD.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+BoxBOD.dat-               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+BoxBOD.dat-               y = b1*(1-exp[-b2*x])  +  e
+Chwirut1.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Chwirut1.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+Chwirut1.dat-               y = exp[-b1*x]/(b2+b3*x)  +  e
+Chwirut2.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Chwirut2.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+Chwirut2.dat-               y = exp(-b1*x)/(b2+b3*x)  +  e
+DanWood.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+DanWood.dat-               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+DanWood.dat-               y  = b1*x**b2  +  e
+ENSO.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+ENSO.dat-               9 Parameters (b1 to b9)
+ENSO.dat-               y = b1 + b2*cos( 2*pi*x/12 ) + b3*sin( 2*pi*x/12 ) 
+ENSO.dat-                      + b5*cos( 2*pi*x/b4 ) + b6*sin( 2*pi*x/b4 )
+ENSO.dat-                      + b8*cos( 2*pi*x/b7 ) + b9*sin( 2*pi*x/b7 )  + e
+Eckerle4.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Eckerle4.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+Eckerle4.dat-               y = (b1/b2) * exp[-0.5*((x-b3)/b2)**2]  +  e
+Gauss1.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Gauss1.dat-               8 Parameters (b1 to b8) 
+Gauss1.dat-               y = b1*exp( -b2*x ) + b3*exp( -(x-b4)**2 / b5**2 )
+Gauss1.dat-                                   + b6*exp( -(x-b7)**2 / b8**2 ) + e
+Gauss2.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Gauss2.dat-               8 Parameters (b1 to b8)
+Gauss2.dat-               y = b1*exp( -b2*x ) + b3*exp( -(x-b4)**2 / b5**2 ) 
+Gauss2.dat-                                   + b6*exp( -(x-b7)**2 / b8**2 ) + e
+Gauss3.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Gauss3.dat-               8 Parameters (b1 to b8)
+Gauss3.dat-               y = b1*exp( -b2*x ) + b3*exp( -(x-b4)**2 / b5**2 )
+Gauss3.dat-                                   + b6*exp( -(x-b7)**2 / b8**2 ) + e
+Hahn1.dat:Model:         Rational Class (cubic/cubic)
+Hahn1.dat-               7 Parameters (b1 to b7)
+Hahn1.dat-               y = (b1+b2*x+b3*x**2+b4*x**3) /
+Hahn1.dat-                   (1+b5*x+b6*x**2+b7*x**3)  +  e
+Kirby2.dat:Model:         Rational Class (quadratic/quadratic)
+Kirby2.dat-               5 Parameters (b1 to b5)
+Kirby2.dat-               y = (b1 + b2*x + b3*x**2) /
+Kirby2.dat-                   (1 + b4*x + b5*x**2)  +  e
+Lanczos1.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Lanczos1.dat-               6 Parameters (b1 to b6)
+Lanczos1.dat-               y = b1*exp(-b2*x) + b3*exp(-b4*x) + b5*exp(-b6*x)  +  e
+Lanczos2.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Lanczos2.dat-               6 Parameters (b1 to b6)
+Lanczos2.dat-               y = b1*exp(-b2*x) + b3*exp(-b4*x) + b5*exp(-b6*x)  +  e
+Lanczos3.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Lanczos3.dat-               6 Parameters (b1 to b6)
+Lanczos3.dat-               y = b1*exp(-b2*x) + b3*exp(-b4*x) + b5*exp(-b6*x)  +  e
+MGH09.dat:Model:         Rational Class (linear/quadratic)
+MGH09.dat-               4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
+MGH09.dat-               y = b1*(x**2+x*b2) / (x**2+x*b3+b4)  +  e
+MGH10.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+MGH10.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+MGH10.dat-               y = b1 * exp[b2/(x+b3)]  +  e
+MGH17.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+MGH17.dat-               5 Parameters (b1 to b5)
+MGH17.dat-               y = b1 + b2*exp[-x*b4] + b3*exp[-x*b5]  +  e
+Misra1a.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Misra1a.dat-               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+Misra1a.dat-               y = b1*(1-exp[-b2*x])  +  e
+Misra1b.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+Misra1b.dat-               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+Misra1b.dat-               y = b1 * (1-(1+b2*x/2)**(-2))  +  e
+Misra1c.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+Misra1c.dat-               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+Misra1c.dat-               y = b1 * (1-(1+2*b2*x)**(-.5))  +  e
+Misra1d.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+Misra1d.dat-               2 Parameters (b1 and b2)
+Misra1d.dat-               y = b1*b2*x*((1+b2*x)**(-1))  +  e
+Nelson.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Nelson.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+Nelson.dat-               log[y] = b1 - b2*x1 * exp[-b3*x2]  +  e
+Rat42.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Rat42.dat-               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+Rat42.dat-               y = b1 / (1+exp[b2-b3*x])  +  e
+Rat43.dat:Model:         Exponential Class
+Rat43.dat-               4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
+Rat43.dat-               y = b1 / ((1+exp[b2-b3*x])**(1/b4))  +  e
+Roszman1.dat:Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+Roszman1.dat-               4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
+Roszman1.dat-               pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279E0
+Roszman1.dat-               y =  b1 - b2*x - arctan[b3/(x-b4)]/pi  +  e
+Thurber.dat:Model:         Rational Class (cubic/cubic)
+Thurber.dat-               7 Parameters (b1 to b7)
+Thurber.dat-               y = (b1 + b2*x + b3*x**2 + b4*x**3) / 
+Thurber.dat-                   (1 + b5*x + b6*x**2 + b7*x**3)  +  e
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6dc9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+Dataset Name:  Nelson            (Nelson.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 188)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a study involving
+               the analysis of performance degradation data from
+               accelerated tests, published in IEEE Transactions
+               on Reliability.  The response variable is dialectric
+               breakdown strength in kilo-volts, and the predictor
+               variables are time in weeks and temperature in degrees
+               Celcius.
+Reference:     Nelson, W. (1981).  
+               Analysis of Performance-Degradation Data.  
+               IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
+               Vol. 2, R-30, No. 2, pp. 149-155.
+Data:          1 Response   ( y = dialectric breakdown strength) 
+               2 Predictors (x1 = time; x2 = temperature)
+               128 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               log[y] = b1 - b2*x1 * exp[-b3*x2]  +  e
+          Starting values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =    2           2.5          2.5906836021E+00  1.9149996413E-02
+  b2 =    0.0001      0.000000005  5.6177717026E-09  6.1124096540E-09
+  b3 =   -0.01       -0.05        -5.7701013174E-02  3.9572366543E-03
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    3.7976833176E+00
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.7430280130E-01
+Degrees of Freedom:                               125
+Number of Observations:                           128
+Data:   y              x1            x2
+      15.00E0         1E0         180E0
+      17.00E0         1E0         180E0
+      15.50E0         1E0         180E0
+      16.50E0         1E0         180E0
+      15.50E0         1E0         225E0
+      15.00E0         1E0         225E0
+      16.00E0         1E0         225E0
+      14.50E0         1E0         225E0
+      15.00E0         1E0         250E0
+      14.50E0         1E0         250E0
+      12.50E0         1E0         250E0
+      11.00E0         1E0         250E0
+      14.00E0         1E0         275E0
+      13.00E0         1E0         275E0
+      14.00E0         1E0         275E0
+      11.50E0         1E0         275E0
+      14.00E0         2E0         180E0
+      16.00E0         2E0         180E0
+      13.00E0         2E0         180E0
+      13.50E0         2E0         180E0
+      13.00E0         2E0         225E0
+      13.50E0         2E0         225E0
+      12.50E0         2E0         225E0
+      12.50E0         2E0         225E0
+      12.50E0         2E0         250E0
+      12.00E0         2E0         250E0
+      11.50E0         2E0         250E0
+      12.00E0         2E0         250E0
+      13.00E0         2E0         275E0
+      11.50E0         2E0         275E0
+      13.00E0         2E0         275E0
+      12.50E0         2E0         275E0
+      13.50E0         4E0         180E0
+      17.50E0         4E0         180E0
+      17.50E0         4E0         180E0
+      13.50E0         4E0         180E0
+      12.50E0         4E0         225E0
+      12.50E0         4E0         225E0
+      15.00E0         4E0         225E0
+      13.00E0         4E0         225E0
+      12.00E0         4E0         250E0
+      13.00E0         4E0         250E0
+      12.00E0         4E0         250E0
+      13.50E0         4E0         250E0
+      10.00E0         4E0         275E0
+      11.50E0         4E0         275E0
+      11.00E0         4E0         275E0
+       9.50E0         4E0         275E0
+      15.00E0         8E0         180E0
+      15.00E0         8E0         180E0
+      15.50E0         8E0         180E0
+      16.00E0         8E0         180E0
+      13.00E0         8E0         225E0
+      10.50E0         8E0         225E0
+      13.50E0         8E0         225E0
+      14.00E0         8E0         225E0
+      12.50E0         8E0         250E0
+      12.00E0         8E0         250E0
+      11.50E0         8E0         250E0
+      11.50E0         8E0         250E0
+       6.50E0         8E0         275E0
+       5.50E0         8E0         275E0
+       6.00E0         8E0         275E0
+       6.00E0         8E0         275E0
+      18.50E0        16E0         180E0
+      17.00E0        16E0         180E0
+      15.30E0        16E0         180E0
+      16.00E0        16E0         180E0
+      13.00E0        16E0         225E0
+      14.00E0        16E0         225E0
+      12.50E0        16E0         225E0
+      11.00E0        16E0         225E0
+      12.00E0        16E0         250E0
+      12.00E0        16E0         250E0
+      11.50E0        16E0         250E0
+      12.00E0        16E0         250E0
+       6.00E0        16E0         275E0
+       6.00E0        16E0         275E0
+       5.00E0        16E0         275E0
+       5.50E0        16E0         275E0
+      12.50E0        32E0         180E0
+      13.00E0        32E0         180E0
+      16.00E0        32E0         180E0
+      12.00E0        32E0         180E0
+      11.00E0        32E0         225E0
+       9.50E0        32E0         225E0
+      11.00E0        32E0         225E0
+      11.00E0        32E0         225E0
+      11.00E0        32E0         250E0
+      10.00E0        32E0         250E0
+      10.50E0        32E0         250E0
+      10.50E0        32E0         250E0
+       2.70E0        32E0         275E0
+       2.70E0        32E0         275E0
+       2.50E0        32E0         275E0
+       2.40E0        32E0         275E0
+      13.00E0        48E0         180E0
+      13.50E0        48E0         180E0
+      16.50E0        48E0         180E0
+      13.60E0        48E0         180E0
+      11.50E0        48E0         225E0
+      10.50E0        48E0         225E0
+      13.50E0        48E0         225E0
+      12.00E0        48E0         225E0
+       7.00E0        48E0         250E0
+       6.90E0        48E0         250E0
+       8.80E0        48E0         250E0
+       7.90E0        48E0         250E0
+       1.20E0        48E0         275E0
+       1.50E0        48E0         275E0
+       1.00E0        48E0         275E0
+       1.50E0        48E0         275E0
+      13.00E0        64E0         180E0
+      12.50E0        64E0         180E0
+      16.50E0        64E0         180E0
+      16.00E0        64E0         180E0
+      11.00E0        64E0         225E0
+      11.50E0        64E0         225E0
+      10.50E0        64E0         225E0
+      10.00E0        64E0         225E0
+       7.27E0        64E0         250E0
+       7.50E0        64E0         250E0
+       6.70E0        64E0         250E0
+       7.60E0        64E0         250E0
+       1.50E0        64E0         275E0
+       1.00E0        64E0         275E0
+       1.20E0        64E0         275E0
+       1.20E0        64E0         275E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5468df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Dataset Name:  Rat42             (Rat42.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 43)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 48)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 69)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   This model and data are an example of fitting
+               sigmoidal growth curves taken from Ratkowsky (1983).
+               The response variable is pasture yield, and the
+               predictor variable is growing time.
+Reference:     Ratkowsky, D.A. (1983).  
+               Nonlinear Regression Modeling.
+               New York, NY:  Marcel Dekker, pp. 61 and 88.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = pasture yield)
+               1 Predictor (x = growing time)
+               9 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               3 Parameters (b1 to b3)
+               y = b1 / (1+exp[b2-b3*x])  +  e
+          Starting Values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   100         75            7.2462237576E+01  1.7340283401E+00
+  b2 =     1          2.5          2.6180768402E+00  8.8295217536E-02
+  b3 =     0.1        0.07         6.7359200066E-02  3.4465663377E-03
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    8.0565229338E+00
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.1587725499E+00
+Degrees of Freedom:                                6
+Number of Observations:                            9 
+Data:   y              x
+       8.930E0        9.000E0
+      10.800E0       14.000E0
+      18.590E0       21.000E0
+      22.330E0       28.000E0
+      39.350E0       42.000E0
+      56.110E0       57.000E0
+      61.730E0       63.000E0
+      64.620E0       70.000E0
+      67.080E0       79.000E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6d1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Dataset Name:  Rat43             (Rat43.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 44)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 49)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 75)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   This model and data are an example of fitting  
+               sigmoidal growth curves taken from Ratkowsky (1983).  
+               The response variable is the dry weight of onion bulbs 
+               and tops, and the predictor variable is growing time. 
+Reference:     Ratkowsky, D.A. (1983).  
+               Nonlinear Regression Modeling.
+               New York, NY:  Marcel Dekker, pp. 62 and 88.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = onion bulb dry weight)
+               1 Predictor (x = growing time)
+               15 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Exponential Class
+               4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
+               y = b1 / ((1+exp[b2-b3*x])**(1/b4))  +  e
+          Starting Values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   100         700           6.9964151270E+02  1.6302297817E+01
+  b2 =    10           5           5.2771253025E+00  2.0828735829E+00
+  b3 =     1           0.75        7.5962938329E-01  1.9566123451E-01
+  b4 =     1           1.3         1.2792483859E+00  6.8761936385E-01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    8.7864049080E+03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                2.8262414662E+01
+Degrees of Freedom:                                9
+Number of Observations:                           15 
+Data:   y          x
+      16.08E0     1.0E0
+      33.83E0     2.0E0
+      65.80E0     3.0E0
+      97.20E0     4.0E0
+     191.55E0     5.0E0
+     326.20E0     6.0E0
+     386.87E0     7.0E0
+     520.53E0     8.0E0
+     590.03E0     9.0E0
+     651.92E0    10.0E0
+     724.93E0    11.0E0
+     699.56E0    12.0E0
+     689.96E0    13.0E0
+     637.56E0    14.0E0
+     717.41E0    15.0E0
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddab210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Dataset Name:  Roszman1          (Roszman1.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 44)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 49)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 85)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               quantum defects in iodine atoms.  The response
+               variable is the number of quantum defects, and the
+               predictor variable is the excited energy state.
+               The argument to the ARCTAN function is in radians.
+Reference:     Roszman, L., NIST (19??).  
+               Quantum Defects for Sulfur I Atom.
+Data:          1 Response  (y = quantum defect)
+               1 Predictor (x = excited state energy)
+               25 Observations
+               Average Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Miscellaneous Class
+               4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
+               pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279E0
+               y =  b1 - b2*x - arctan[b3/(x-b4)]/pi  +  e
+          Starting Values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =      0.1         0.2         2.0196866396E-01  1.9172666023E-02
+  b2 =     -0.00001    -0.000005   -6.1953516256E-06  3.2058931691E-06
+  b3 =   1000        1200           1.2044556708E+03  7.4050983057E+01
+  b4 =   -100        -150          -1.8134269537E+02  4.9573513849E+01
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    4.9484847331E-04
+Residual Standard Deviation:                4.8542984060E-03
+Degrees of Freedom:                                 21
+Number of Observations:                             25
+Data:   y           x
+       0.252429    -4868.68
+       0.252141    -4868.09
+       0.251809    -4867.41
+       0.297989    -3375.19
+       0.296257    -3373.14
+       0.295319    -3372.03
+       0.339603    -2473.74
+       0.337731    -2472.35
+       0.333820    -2469.45
+       0.389510    -1894.65
+       0.386998    -1893.40
+       0.438864    -1497.24
+       0.434887    -1495.85
+       0.427893    -1493.41
+       0.471568    -1208.68
+       0.461699    -1206.18
+       0.461144    -1206.04
+       0.513532     -997.92
+       0.506641     -996.61
+       0.505062     -996.31
+       0.535648     -834.94
+       0.533726     -834.66
+       0.568064     -710.03
+       0.612886     -530.16
+       0.624169     -464.17
diff --git a/examples/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat b/examples/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ecdc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Dataset Name:  Thurber           (Thurber.dat)
+File Format:   ASCII
+               Starting Values   (lines 41 to 47)
+               Certified Values  (lines 41 to 52)
+               Data              (lines 61 to 97)
+Procedure:     Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
+Description:   These data are the result of a NIST study involving
+               semiconductor electron mobility.  The response 
+               variable is a measure of electron mobility, and the 
+               predictor variable is the natural log of the density.
+Reference:     Thurber, R., NIST (197?).  
+               Semiconductor electron mobility modeling.
+Data:          1 Response Variable  (y = electron mobility)
+               1 Predictor Variable (x = log[density])
+               37 Observations
+               Higher Level of Difficulty
+               Observed Data
+Model:         Rational Class (cubic/cubic)
+               7 Parameters (b1 to b7)
+               y = (b1 + b2*x + b3*x**2 + b4*x**3) / 
+                   (1 + b5*x + b6*x**2 + b7*x**3)  +  e
+          Starting Values                  Certified Values
+        Start 1     Start 2           Parameter     Standard Deviation
+  b1 =   1000        1300          1.2881396800E+03  4.6647963344E+00
+  b2 =   1000        1500          1.4910792535E+03  3.9571156086E+01
+  b3 =    400         500          5.8323836877E+02  2.8698696102E+01
+  b4 =     40          75          7.5416644291E+01  5.5675370270E+00
+  b5 =      0.7         1          9.6629502864E-01  3.1333340687E-02
+  b6 =      0.3         0.4        3.9797285797E-01  1.4984928198E-02
+  b7 =      0.03        0.05       4.9727297349E-02  6.5842344623E-03
+Residual Sum of Squares:                    5.6427082397E+03
+Residual Standard Deviation:                1.3714600784E+01
+Degrees of Freedom:                                30
+Number of Observations:                            37
+Data:   y             x
+      80.574E0      -3.067E0
+      84.248E0      -2.981E0
+      87.264E0      -2.921E0
+      87.195E0      -2.912E0
+      89.076E0      -2.840E0
+      89.608E0      -2.797E0
+      89.868E0      -2.702E0
+      90.101E0      -2.699E0
+      92.405E0      -2.633E0
+      95.854E0      -2.481E0
+     100.696E0      -2.363E0
+     101.060E0      -2.322E0
+     401.672E0      -1.501E0
+     390.724E0      -1.460E0
+     567.534E0      -1.274E0
+     635.316E0      -1.212E0
+     733.054E0      -1.100E0
+     759.087E0      -1.046E0
+     894.206E0      -0.915E0
+     990.785E0      -0.714E0
+    1090.109E0      -0.566E0
+    1080.914E0      -0.545E0
+    1122.643E0      -0.400E0
+    1178.351E0      -0.309E0
+    1260.531E0      -0.109E0
+    1273.514E0      -0.103E0
+    1288.339E0       0.010E0
+    1327.543E0       0.119E0
+    1353.863E0       0.377E0
+    1414.509E0       0.790E0
+    1425.208E0       0.963E0
+    1421.384E0       1.006E0
+    1442.962E0       1.115E0
+    1464.350E0       1.572E0
+    1468.705E0       1.841E0
+    1447.894E0       2.047E0
+    1457.628E0       2.200E0
diff --git a/examples/example_anneal.py b/examples/example_anneal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e59fa09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_anneal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+p_true.add('period', value=5.33)
+p_true.add('shift', value=0.123)
+p_true.add('decay', value=0.010)
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    amp = pars['amp'].value
+    per = pars['period'].value
+    shift = pars['shift'].value
+    decay = pars['decay'].value
+    if abs(shift) > pi/2:
+        shift = shift - sign(shift)*pi
+    model = amp*sin(shift + x/per) * exp(-x*x*decay*decay)
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n = 2500
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 250.0
+noise = random.normal(scale=0.7215, size=n)
+x     = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data  = residual(p_true, x) + noise
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add('amp', value=13.0, min=-5, max=40)
+fit_params.add('period', value=2, min=0, max=7)
+fit_params.add('shift', value=0.0, min=-1.5, max=1.5)
+fit_params.add('decay', value=0.02, min=0, max=1.0)
+#p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+#p_true.add('period', value=5.33)
+#p_true.add('shift', value=0.123)
+#p_true.add('decay', value=0.010)
+out = minimize(residual, fit_params, method='anneal',
+               Tf= 1000,
+               args=(x,), kws={'data':data})
+print out.sa_out
+for key, par in fit_params.items():
+    print key, par, p_true[key].value
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'ro')
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'b')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/example_ci.py b/examples/example_ci.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8899b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_ci.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Sun Apr 15 19:47:45 2012
+ at author: Tillsten
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize, conf_interval, report_fit, report_ci
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq
+    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+p_true.add('period', value=5.33)
+p_true.add('shift', value=0.123)
+p_true.add('decay', value=0.010)
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    amp = pars['amp'].value
+    per = pars['period'].value
+    shift = pars['shift'].value
+    decay = pars['decay'].value
+    if abs(shift) > pi/2:
+        shift = shift - sign(shift)*pi
+    model = amp*sin(shift + x/per) * exp(-x*x*decay*decay)
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n = 2500
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 250.0
+noise = random.normal(scale=0.7215, size=n)
+x     = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data  = residual(p_true, x) + noise
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add('amp', value=13.0)
+fit_params.add('period', value=2)
+fit_params.add('shift', value=0.0)
+fit_params.add('decay', value=0.02)
+out = minimize(residual, fit_params, args=(x,), kws={'data':data})
+fit = residual(fit_params, x)
+print( ' N fev = ', out.nfev)
+print( out.chisqr, out.redchi, out.nfree)
+ci, tr = conf_interval(out, trace=True)
+    names=fit_params.keys()
+    i=0  
+    gs=pylab.GridSpec(4,4)
+    sx={}
+    sy={}
+    for fixed in names:   
+        j=0        
+        for free in names:                                         
+            if j in sx and i in sy:                
+                ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j],sharex=sx[j],sharey=sy[i])                                        
+            elif i in sy:
+                ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j],sharey=sy[i])
+                sx[j]=ax
+            elif j in sx:
+                ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j],sharex=sx[j])
+                sy[i]=ax
+            else:
+                ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j])
+                sy[i]=ax
+                sx[j]=ax
+            if i<3:
+                pylab.setp( ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
+            else:
+                ax.set_xlabel(free)
+            if j>0:                    
+                pylab.setp( ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
+            else:
+                ax.set_ylabel(fixed)        
+            res=tr[fixed]                
+            prob=res['prob']
+            f=prob<0.96
+            x,y=res[free], res[fixed]
+            ax.scatter(x[f],y[f],
+                  c=1-prob[f],s=200*(1-prob[f]+0.5))
+            ax.autoscale(1,1)
+            j=j+1         
+        i=i+1
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/example_ci2.py b/examples/example_ci2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2f2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_ci2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from lmfit import Parameters, Minimizer, conf_interval, conf_interval2d, minimize
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+p_true.add('decay', value=0.010)
+p_true.add('amp2', value=-10.0)
+p_true.add('decay2', value=0.050)
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    amp = pars['amp'].value
+    decay = pars['decay'].value
+    amp2 = pars['amp2'].value
+    decay2 = pars['decay2'].value
+    model = amp*np.exp(-x*decay)+amp2*np.exp(-x*decay2)
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n = 200
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 250.0
+noise = np.random.normal(scale=0.7215, size=n)
+x     = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data  = residual(p_true, x) + noise
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add('amp', value=14.0)
+fit_params.add('decay', value=0.010)
+fit_params.add('amp2', value=-10.0)
+fit_params.add('decay2', value=0.050)
+out = minimize(residual, fit_params, args=(x,), kws={'data':data})
+ci, trace = conf_interval(out, trace=True)
+    pylab.rcParams['font.size']=8
+    pylab.plot(x,data)
+    pylab.figure()
+    cm=pylab.cm.coolwarm
+    for i in range(4):
+        for j in range(4):
+            pylab.subplot(4,4,16-j*4-i)
+            if i!=j:
+                x,y,m = conf_interval2d(out,names[i],names[j],20,20)
+                pylab.contourf(x,y,m,np.linspace(0,1,10),cmap=cm)
+                pylab.xlabel(names[i])
+                pylab.ylabel(names[j])
+                x=trace[names[i]][names[i]]            
+                y=trace[names[i]][names[j]]
+                pr=trace[names[i]]['prob']
+                s=np.argsort(x)
+                pylab.scatter(x[s],y[s],c=pr[s],s=30,lw=1, cmap=cm)
+            else:
+                x=trace[names[i]][names[i]]            
+                y=trace[names[i]]['prob']
+                t,s=np.unique(x,True)                       
+                f=interp1d(t,y[s],'slinear')
+                xn=np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),50)
+                pylab.plot(xn,f(xn),'g',lw=1)
+                pylab.xlabel(names[i])
+                pylab.ylabel('prob')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/example_covar.py b/examples/example_covar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1152b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_covar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import sys
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq
+from lmfit import Parameters, Minimizer, report_fit
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren, pvoigt
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def residual(pars, x, sigma=None, data=None):
+    yg = gauss(x, pars['amp_g'].value,
+                  pars['cen_g'].value, pars['wid_g'].value)
+    slope = pars['line_slope'].value
+    offset = pars['line_off'].value
+    model = yg + offset + x * slope
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    if sigma is  None:
+        return (model - data)
+    return (model - data)/sigma
+n = 201
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 20.0
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp_g', value=21.0)
+p_true.add('cen_g', value=8.1)
+p_true.add('wid_g', value=1.6)
+p_true.add('line_off', value=-1.023)
+p_true.add('line_slope', value=0.62)
+data = (gauss(x, p_true['amp_g'].value, p_true['cen_g'].value,
+              p_true['wid_g'].value) +
+        random.normal(scale=0.23,  size=n) +
+        x*p_true['line_slope'].value + p_true['line_off'].value )
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+p_fit = Parameters()
+p_fit.add('amp_g', value=10.0)
+p_fit.add('cen_g', value=9)
+p_fit.add('wid_g', value=1)
+p_fit.add('line_slope', value=0.0)
+p_fit.add('line_off', value=0.0)
+myfit = Minimizer(residual, p_fit,
+                  fcn_args=(x,),
+                  fcn_kws={'sigma':0.2, 'data':data})
+for scale_covar in (True, False):
+    myfit.scale_covar = scale_covar
+    print '  ====  scale_covar = ', myfit.scale_covar, ' ==='
+    for sigma in (0.1, 0.2, 0.23, 0.5):
+        myfit.userkws['sigma'] = sigma
+        p_fit['amp_g'].value  = 10
+        p_fit['cen_g'].value  =  9
+        p_fit['wid_g'].value  =  1
+        p_fit['line_slope'].value =0.0
+        p_fit['line_off'].value   =0.0
+        myfit.leastsq()
+        print '  sigma          = ', sigma
+        print '  chisqr         = ', myfit.chisqr
+        print '  reduced_chisqr = ', myfit.redchi
+        report_fit(p_fit, modelpars=p_true, show_correl=False)
+        print '  =============================='
+#     fit = residual(p_fit, x)
+#     pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+#     pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/example_derivfunc.py b/examples/example_derivfunc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32b87e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_derivfunc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from lmfit import Parameters, Minimizer
+import numpy as np
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def func(pars, x, data=None):
+	a = pars['a'].value
+	b = pars['b'].value
+	c = pars['c'].value
+	model=a * np.exp(-b * x)+c
+	if data is None:
+		return model
+	return (model - data)
+def dfunc(pars, x, data=None):
+	a = pars['a'].value
+	b = pars['b'].value
+	c = pars['c'].value
+	v = np.exp(-b*x)
+	return [v, -a*x*v, np.ones(len(x))]
+def f(var, x):
+	return var[0]* np.exp(-var[1] * x)+var[2]
+params1 = Parameters()
+params1.add('a', value=10)
+params1.add('b', value=10)
+params1.add('c', value=10)
+params2 = Parameters()
+params2.add('a', value=10)
+params2.add('b', value=10)
+params2.add('c', value=10)
+a, b, c = 2.5, 1.3, 0.8
+x = np.linspace(0,4,50)
+y = f([a, b, c], x)
+data = y + 0.15*np.random.normal(size=len(x))
+# fit without analytic derivative
+min1 = Minimizer(func, params1, fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'data':data})
+fit1 = func(params1, x)
+# fit with analytic derivative
+min2 = Minimizer(func, params2, fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'data':data})
+min2.leastsq(Dfun=dfunc, col_deriv=1)
+fit2 = func(params2, x)
+print '''Comparison of fit to exponential decay
+with and without analytic derivatives, to
+   model = a*exp(-b*x) + c
+for a = %.2f, b = %.2f, c = %.2f
+Statistic/Parameter|   Without   | With      |
+N Function Calls   |   %3i       |   %3i     |
+Chi-square         |   %.4f    |   %.4f  |
+   a               |   %.4f    |   %.4f  |
+   b               |   %.4f    |   %.4f  |
+   c               |   %.4f    |   %.4f  |
+''' %  (a, b, c,
+        min1.nfev,   min2.nfev,
+        min1.chisqr, min2.chisqr,
+        params1['a'].value, params2['a'].value,
+        params1['b'].value, params2['b'].value,
+        params1['c'].value, params2['c'].value )
+	pylab.plot(x, data, 'ro')
+	pylab.plot(x, fit1, 'b')
+        pylab.plot(x, fit2, 'k')
+	pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/example_lbfgsb.py b/examples/example_lbfgsb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772dea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_lbfgsb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize, report_fit
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+p_true.add('period', value=5.33)
+p_true.add('shift', value=0.123)
+p_true.add('decay', value=0.010)
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    amp = pars['amp'].value
+    per = pars['period'].value
+    shift = pars['shift'].value
+    decay = pars['decay'].value
+    if abs(shift) > pi/2:
+        shift = shift - sign(shift)*pi
+    model = amp*sin(shift + x/per) * exp(-x*x*decay*decay)
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n = 2500
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 250.0
+noise = random.normal(scale=0.7215, size=n)
+x     = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data  = residual(p_true, x) + noise
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add('amp', value=11.0, min=5, max=20)
+fit_params.add('period', value=5., min=1., max=7)
+fit_params.add('shift', value=.10,  min=0.0, max=0.2)
+fit_params.add('decay', value=6.e-3, min=0, max=0.1)
+init = residual(fit_params, x)
+out = minimize(residual, fit_params, method='lbfgsb', args=(x,), kws={'data':data})
+fit = residual(fit_params, x)
+for name, par in fit_params.items():
+    nout = "%s:%s" % (name, ' '*(20-len(name)))
+    print "%s: %s (%s) " % (nout, par.value, p_true[name].value)
+#print out.chisqr, out.redchi, out.nfree
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r--')
+    pylab.plot(x, init, 'k')
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'b')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/example_peakmodel.py b/examples/example_peakmodel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce0bfea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_peakmodel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Example using the built-in Peak-like models
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit.models1d import GaussianModel, LorentzianModel, VoigtModel
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+x  = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)
+sca = 1./(2.0*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
+noise =  5e-2*np.random.randn(len(x))
+dat = 2.60 -0.04*x + 7.5 * np.exp(-(x-4.0)**2 / (2*0.35)**2) + noise
+mod = GaussianModel(background='linear')
+# mod = VoigtModel(background='linear')
+# mod = LorentzianModel(background='linear')
+mod.guess_starting_values(dat, x)
+plt.plot(x, dat)
+# initial guess
+plt.plot(x, mod.model(x=x) + mod.calc_background(x), 'r+')
+mod.fit(dat, x=x)
+print mod.fit_report()
+# best fit
+plt.plot(x, mod.model(x=x) + mod.calc_background(x))
diff --git a/examples/example_stepmodel.py b/examples/example_stepmodel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bfaad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_stepmodel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit.models1d import StepModel
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+x  = np.linspace(0, 10, 201)
+dat = np.ones_like(x)
+dat[:48] = 0.0
+dat[48:77] = np.arange(77-48)/(77.0-48)
+dat = dat +  5e-2*np.random.randn(len(x))
+dat = 110.2 * dat + 12.0
+mod = StepModel(background='constant', form='erf') # linear') # 'atan')
+mod.guess_starting_values(dat, x)
+init = mod.model(x=x)+mod.calc_background(x)
+mod.fit(dat, x=x)
+print mod.fit_report()
+fit = mod.model(x=x)+mod.calc_background(x)
+plt.plot(x, dat)
+plt.plot(x, init, 'r+')
+plt.plot(x, fit)
diff --git a/examples/fit1.py b/examples/fit1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf278a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize, report_fit
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+p_true.add('period', value=5.33)
+p_true.add('shift', value=0.123)
+p_true.add('decay', value=0.010)
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    amp = pars['amp'].value
+    per = pars['period'].value
+    shift = pars['shift'].value
+    decay = pars['decay'].value
+    if abs(shift) > pi/2:
+        shift = shift - sign(shift)*pi
+    model = amp*sin(shift + x/per) * exp(-x*x*decay*decay)
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n = 2500
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 250.0
+noise = random.normal(scale=0.7215, size=n)
+x     = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data  = residual(p_true, x) + noise
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add('amp', value=13.0)
+fit_params.add('period', value=2)
+fit_params.add('shift', value=0.0)
+fit_params.add('decay', value=0.02)
+out = minimize(residual, fit_params, args=(x,), kws={'data':data})
+fit = residual(fit_params, x)
+print ' N fev = ', out.nfev
+print out.chisqr, out.redchi, out.nfree
+print '### Error Report:'
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'ro')
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'b')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/fit_NIST.py b/examples/fit_NIST.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf1ceaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_NIST.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import math
+from optparse import OptionParser
+    import matplotlib
+    matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
+from NISTModels import Models, ReadNistData
+def ndig(a, b):
+    return int(0.5-math.log10(abs(abs(a)-abs(b))/abs(b)))
+def Compare_NIST_Results(DataSet, myfit, params, NISTdata):
+    print(' ======================================')
+    print(' %s: ' % DataSet)
+    print(' | Parameter Name |  Value Found   |  Certified Value | # Matching Digits |')
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    val_dig_min = 200
+    err_dig_min = 200
+    for i in range(NISTdata['nparams']):
+        parname = 'b%i' % (i+1)
+        par = params[parname]
+        thisval = par.value
+        certval = NISTdata['cert_values'][i]
+        vdig    = ndig(thisval, certval)
+        pname   = (parname + ' value ' + ' '*14)[:14]
+        print(' | %s | % -.7e | % -.7e   | %2i                |' % (pname, thisval, certval, vdig))
+        val_dig_min = min(val_dig_min, vdig)
+        thiserr = par.stderr
+        certerr = NISTdata['cert_stderr'][i]
+        if thiserr is not None:
+            edig   = ndig(thiserr, certerr)
+            ename = (parname + ' stderr' + ' '*14)[:14]
+            print(' | %s | % -.7e | % -.7e   | %2i                |' % (ename, thiserr, certerr, edig))
+            err_dig_min = min(err_dig_min, edig)
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    sumsq = NISTdata['sum_squares']
+    try:
+        chi2 = myfit.chisqr
+        print(' | Sum of Squares | %.7e  | %.7e    |  %2i               |' % (chi2, sumsq,
+                                                                              ndig(chi2, sumsq)))
+    except:
+        pass
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    if err_dig_min < 199:
+        print(' Worst agreement: %i digits for value, %i digits for error ' % (val_dig_min, err_dig_min))
+    else:
+        print(' Worst agreement: %i digits' % (val_dig_min))
+    return val_dig_min
+def NIST_Test(DataSet, method='leastsq', start='start2', plot=True):
+    NISTdata = ReadNistData(DataSet)
+    resid, npar, dimx = Models[DataSet]
+    y = NISTdata['y']
+    x = NISTdata['x']
+    params = Parameters()
+    for i in range(npar):
+        pname = 'b%i' % (i+1)
+        cval  = NISTdata['cert_values'][i]
+        cerr  = NISTdata['cert_stderr'][i]
+        pval1 = NISTdata[start][i]
+        params.add(pname, value=pval1)
+    myfit = minimize(resid, params, method=method, args=(x,), kws={'y':y})
+    digs = Compare_NIST_Results(DataSet, myfit, params, NISTdata)
+    if plot and HASPYLAB:
+        fit = -resid(params, x, )
+        pylab.plot(x, y, 'ro')
+        pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k+-')
+        pylab.show()
+    return digs > 2
+modelnames = []
+ms = ''
+for d in sorted(Models.keys()):
+    ms = ms + ' %s ' % d
+    if len(ms) > 55:
+        modelnames.append(ms)
+        ms = '    '
+modelnames = '\n'.join(modelnames)
+usage = """
+ === Test Fit to NIST StRD Models ===
+    python fit_NIST.py [options] Model Start
+where Start is either 'start1' or 'start2', for different
+starting values, and Model is one of
+    %s
+if Model = 'all', all models and starting values will be run.
+  -m  name of fitting method.  One of:
+          leastsq, nelder, powell, lbfgsb, bfgs,
+          tnc, cobyla, slsqp, cg, newto-cg
+      leastsq (Levenberg-Marquardt) is the default
+""" % modelnames
+parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, prog="fit-NIST.py")
+parser.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method", metavar='METH',
+                  default='leastsq', help="set method name, default = 'leastsq'")
+(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+dset = ''
+start = 'start1'
+if len(args) > 0:
+    dset = args[0]
+if len(args) > 1:
+    start = args[1]
+if dset.lower() == 'all':
+    tpass = 0
+    tfail = 0
+    failures = []
+    dsets = sorted(Models.keys())
+    for dset in dsets:
+        for start in ('start1', 'start2'):
+            if NIST_Test(dset, method=opts.method, start=start, plot=False):
+                tpass += 1
+            else:
+                tfail += 1
+                failures.append("   %s (starting at '%s')" % (dset, start))
+    print('--------------------------------------')
+    print(' Fit Method: %s ' %  opts.method)
+    print(' Final Results: %i pass, %i fail.' % (tpass, tfail))
+    print(' Tests Failed for:\n %s' % '\n '.join(failures))
+    print('--------------------------------------')
+elif dset not in Models:
+    print(usage)
+    NIST_Test(dset, method=opts.method, start=start, plot=True)
diff --git a/examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py b/examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..525f562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import math
+    import matplotlib
+    matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq, curve_fit
+from NISTModels import Models, ReadNistData
+def ndig(a, b):
+    return int(0.5-math.log10(abs(abs(a)-abs(b))/abs(b)))
+def Compare_NIST_Results(DataSet, params, NISTdata):
+    print(' ======================================')
+    print(' %s: ' % DataSet)
+    print(' | Parameter Name |  Value Found   |  Certified Value | # Matching Digits |')
+    print( ' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    val_dig_min = 1000
+    err_dig_min = 1000
+    for i in range(NISTdata['nparams']):
+        parname = 'b%i' % (i+1)
+        par = params[parname]
+        thisval = par.value
+        certval = NISTdata['cert_values'][i]
+        thiserr = par.stderr
+        certerr = NISTdata['cert_stderr'][i]
+        vdig   = ndig(thisval, certval)
+        edig   = ndig(thiserr, certerr)
+        pname = (parname + ' value ' + ' '*14)[:14]
+        ename = (parname + ' stderr' + ' '*14)[:14]
+        print(' | %s | % -.7e | % -.7e   | %2i                |' % (pname, thisval, certval, vdig))
+        print(' | %s | % -.7e | % -.7e   | %2i                |' % (ename, thiserr, certerr, edig))
+        val_dig_min = min(val_dig_min, vdig)
+        err_dig_min = min(err_dig_min, edig)
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    sumsq = NISTdata['sum_squares']
+    chi2 = 'xx' # myfit.chisqr
+    print(' | Sum of Squares | %.7e  | %.7e    |  %2i               |' % (chi2, sumsq,
+                                                                          ndig(chi2, sumsq)))
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    print(' Worst agreement: %i digits for value, %i digits for error ' % (val_dig_min, err_dig_min))
+    return val_dig_min
+def NIST_Test(DataSet, start='start2', plot=True):
+    NISTdata = ReadNistData(DataSet)
+    resid, npar, dimx = Models[DataSet]
+    y = NISTdata['y']
+    x = NISTdata['x']
+    params = []
+    param_names = []
+    for i in range(npar):
+        pname = 'b%i' % (i+1)
+        cval  = NISTdata['cert_values'][i]
+        cerr  = NISTdata['cert_stderr'][i]
+        pval1 = NISTdata[start][i]
+        params.append(pval1)
+        param_names.append(pname)
+        #     myfit = Minimizer(resid, params, fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'y':y},
+        #                       scale_covar=True)
+        #
+    print 'lsout ', params
+    lsout = leastsq(resid, params, args=(x, y), full_output=True)
+    print 'lsout ', lsout
+    print params   , len(x), len(y)
+    digs = Compare_NIST_Results(DataSet,  params, NISTdata)
+    if plot and HASPYLAB:
+        fit = -resid(params, x, )
+        pylab.plot(x, y, 'r+-')
+        pylab.plot(x, fit, 'ko--')
+        pylab.show()
+    return digs > 2
+msg1 = """
+----- NIST StRD Models -----
+Select one of the Models listed below:
+and a starting point of 'start1' or 'start2'
+msg2 = """
+That is, use
+    python fit_NIST.py Bennet5 start1
+or go through all models and starting points with:
+    python fit_NIST.py all
+if __name__  == '__main__':
+    dset = 'Bennett5'
+    start = 'start2'
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        print(msg1)
+        out = ''
+        for d in sorted(Models.keys()):
+            out = out + ' %s ' % d
+            if len(out) > 55:
+                print( out)
+                out = ''
+        print(out)
+        print(msg2)
+        sys.exit()
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        dset = sys.argv[1]
+    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+        start = sys.argv[2]
+    if dset.lower() == 'all':
+        tpass = 0
+        tfail = 0
+        failures = []
+        dsets = sorted(Models.keys())
+        for dset in dsets:
+            for start in ('start1', 'start2'):
+                if NIST_Test(dset, start=start, plot=False):
+                    tpass += 1
+                else:
+                    tfail += 1
+                    failures.append("   %s (starting at '%s')" % (dset, start))
+        print('--------------------------------------')
+        print(' Final Results: %i pass, %i fail.' % (tpass, tfail))
+        print(' Tests Failed for:\n %s' % '\n '.join(failures))
+        print('--------------------------------------')
+    else:
+        NIST_Test(dset, start=start, plot=True)
diff --git a/examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py b/examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453694f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""This runs the same fits for the NIST StRD models but using
+plain old scipy.optimize and relying on no code from lmfit.
+In fact, it goes right down to using
+  scipy.optimize._minpack._lmdif()
+The tests only check best-fit value, not estimated uncertainties.
+Currently, not all tests pass.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import math
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.optimize import _minpack
+from NISTModels import Models, ReadNistData
+    import matplotlib
+    matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except IOError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def ndig(a, b):
+    return int(0.5-math.log10(abs(abs(a)-abs(b))/abs(b)))
+def Compare_NIST_Results(DataSet, vals, NISTdata):
+    #print(' ======================================')
+    print(' %s: ' % DataSet)
+    print(' | Parameter Name |  Value Found   |  Certified Value | # Matching Digits |')
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    val_dig_min = 1000
+    err_dig_min = 1000
+    for i in range(NISTdata['nparams']):
+        parname = 'b%i' % (i+1)
+        thisval = vals[i]
+        certval = NISTdata['cert_values'][i]
+        vdig   = ndig(thisval, certval)
+        pname = (parname + ' value ' + ' '*14)[:14]
+        print(' | %s | % -.7e | % -.7e   | %2i                |' % (pname, thisval, certval, vdig))
+        val_dig_min = min(val_dig_min, vdig)
+    print(' |----------------+----------------+------------------+-------------------|')
+    print(' Worst agreement: %i digits for value ' % (val_dig_min))
+    return val_dig_min
+def NIST_Test(DataSet, start='start2', plot=True):
+    NISTdata = ReadNistData(DataSet)
+    resid, npar, dimx = Models[DataSet]
+    y = NISTdata['y']
+    x = NISTdata['x']
+    vals = []
+    for i in range(npar):
+        pname = 'b%i' % (i+1)
+        cval  = NISTdata['cert_values'][i]
+        cerr  = NISTdata['cert_stderr'][i]
+        pval1 = NISTdata[start][i]
+        vals.append(pval1)
+    maxfev = 2500 * (npar + 1)
+    factor  = 100
+    xtol = 1.e-14
+    ftol = 1.e-14
+    epsfcn  = 1.e-13
+    gtol = 1.e-14
+    diag =  None
+    print(" Fit with: ", factor, xtol, ftol, gtol, epsfcn, diag)
+    _best, out, ier = _minpack._lmdif(resid, vals, (x, y), 1,
+                                      ftol, xtol, gtol,
+                                      maxfev, epsfcn, factor, diag)
+    digs = Compare_NIST_Results(DataSet, _best, NISTdata)
+    if plot and HASPYLAB:
+        fit = -resid(_best, x, )
+        pylab.plot(x, y, 'ro')
+        pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k+-')
+        pylab.show()
+    return digs > 2
+msg1 = """
+----- NIST StRD Models -----
+Select one of the Models listed below:
+and a starting point of 'start1' or 'start2'
+msg2 = """
+That is, use
+    python fit_NIST.py Bennett5 start1
+or go through all models and starting points with:
+    python fit_NIST.py all
+if __name__  == '__main__':
+    dset = 'Bennett5'
+    start = 'start2'
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        print(msg1)
+        out = ''
+        for d in sorted(Models.keys()):
+            out = out + ' %s ' % d
+            if len(out) > 55:
+                print( out)
+                out = ''
+        print(out)
+        print(msg2)
+        sys.exit()
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        dset = sys.argv[1]
+    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+        start = sys.argv[2]
+    if dset.lower() == 'all':
+        tpass = 0
+        tfail = 0
+        failures = []
+        dsets = sorted(Models.keys())
+        for dset in dsets:
+            for start in ('start1', 'start2'):
+                if NIST_Test(dset, start=start, plot=False):
+                    tpass += 1
+                else:
+                    tfail += 1
+                    failures.append("   %s (starting at '%s')" % (dset, start))
+        print('--------------------------------------')
+        print(' Final Results: %i pass, %i fail.' % (tpass, tfail))
+        print(' Tests Failed for:\n %s' % '\n '.join(failures))
+        print('--------------------------------------')
+    else:
+        NIST_Test(dset, start=start, plot=True)
diff --git a/examples/fit_multi_datasets.py b/examples/fit_multi_datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b22b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_multi_datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# example fitting to multiple (simulated) data sets
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, report_fit
+def gauss(x, amp, cen, sigma):
+    "basic gaussian"
+    return amp*np.exp(-(x-cen)**2/(2.*sigma**2))
+def gauss_dataset(params, i, x):
+    """calc gaussian from params for data set i
+    using simple, hardwired naming convention"""
+    amp = params['amp_%i' % (i+1)].value
+    cen = params['cen_%i' % (i+1)].value
+    sig = params['sig_%i' % (i+1)].value
+    return gauss(x, amp, cen, sig)
+def objective(params, x, data):
+    """ calculate total residual for fits to several data sets held
+    in a 2-D array, and modeled by Gaussian functions"""
+    ndata, nx = data.shape
+    resid = 0.0*data[:]
+    # make residual per data set
+    for i in range(ndata):
+        resid[i, :] = data[i, :] - gauss_dataset(params, i, x)
+    # now flatten this to a 1D array, as minimize() needs
+    return resid.flatten()
+# create 5 datasets
+x  = np.linspace( -1, 2, 151)
+data = []
+for i in np.arange(5):
+    params = Parameters()
+    amp   =  0.60 + 9.50*np.random.rand()
+    cen   = -0.20 + 1.20*np.random.rand()
+    sig   =  0.25 + 0.03*np.random.rand()
+    dat   = gauss(x, amp, cen, sig) + np.random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.1)
+    data.append(dat)
+# data has shape (5, 151)
+data = np.array(data)
+assert(data.shape) == (5, 151)
+# create 5 sets of parameters, one per data set
+fit_params = Parameters()
+for iy, y in enumerate(data):
+    fit_params.add( 'amp_%i' % (iy+1), value=0.5, min=0.0,  max=200)
+    fit_params.add( 'cen_%i' % (iy+1), value=0.4, min=-2.0,  max=2.0)
+    fit_params.add( 'sig_%i' % (iy+1), value=0.3, min=0.01, max=3.0)
+# but now constrain all values of sigma to have the same value
+# by assigning sig_2, sig_3, .. sig_5 to be equal to sig_1
+for iy in (2, 3, 4, 5):
+    fit_params['sig_%i' % iy].expr='sig_1'
+# run the global fit to all the data sets
+minimize(objective, fit_params, args=(x, data))
+# plot the data sets and fits
+for i in range(5):
+    y_fit = gauss_dataset(fit_params, i, x)
+    plt.plot(x, data[i, :], 'o', x, y_fit, '-')
diff --git a/examples/fit_pvoigt.py b/examples/fit_pvoigt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f828f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_pvoigt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import sys
+from lmfit import Parameters, Parameter, Minimizer, report_fit
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren, pvoigt
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+    import matplotlib
+    # matplotlib.use('WXAGG')
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def per_iteration(pars, i, resid, x, *args, **kws):
+    if i < 10 or i % 10 == 0:
+        print( '====== Iteration ', i)
+        for p in pars.values():
+            print( p.name , p.value)
+def residual(pars, x, sigma=None, data=None):
+    yg = gauss(x, pars['amp_g'].value,
+               pars['cen_g'].value, pars['wid_g'].value)
+    yl = loren(x, pars['amp_l'].value,
+               pars['cen_l'].value, pars['wid_l'].value)
+    frac = pars['frac'].value
+    slope = pars['line_slope'].value
+    offset = pars['line_off'].value
+    model = (1-frac) * yg + frac * yl + offset + x * slope
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    if sigma is  None:
+        return (model - data)
+    return (model - data)/sigma
+n = 601
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 20.0
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp_g', value=21.0)
+p_true.add('cen_g', value=8.1)
+p_true.add('wid_g', value=1.6)
+p_true.add('frac', value=0.37)
+p_true.add('line_off', value=-1.023)
+p_true.add('line_slope', value=0.62)
+data = (pvoigt(x, p_true['amp_g'].value, p_true['cen_g'].value,
+              p_true['wid_g'].value, p_true['frac'].value) +
+        random.normal(scale=0.23,  size=n) +
+        x*p_true['line_slope'].value + p_true['line_off'].value )
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+pfit = [Parameter(name='amp_g', value=10),
+        Parameter(name='amp_g', value=10.0),
+        Parameter(name='cen_g', value=9),
+        Parameter(name='wid_g', value=1),
+        Parameter(name='frac', value=0.50),
+        Parameter(name='amp_l', expr='amp_g'),
+        Parameter(name='cen_l', expr='cen_g'),
+        Parameter(name='wid_l', expr='wid_g'),
+        Parameter(name='line_slope', value=0.0),
+        Parameter(name='line_off', value=0.0)]
+sigma = 0.021  # estimate of data error (for all data points)
+myfit = Minimizer(residual, pfit, iter_cb=per_iteration,
+                  fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'sigma':sigma, 'data':data},
+                  scale_covar=True)
+init = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, init, 'b--')
+print(' Nfev = ', myfit.nfev)
+print( myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree)
+report_fit(myfit.params, modelpars=p_true)
+fit = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/fit_pvoigt2.py b/examples/fit_pvoigt2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13df297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_pvoigt2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import sys
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from lmfit import Parameters, Parameter, Minimizer
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren, pvoigt
+from lmfit.printfuncs import report_fit
+    import matplotlib
+    matplotlib.use('WXAGG')
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def residual(pars, x, sigma=None, data=None):
+    yg = gauss(x, pars['amp_g'].value,
+               pars['cen_g'].value, pars['wid_g'].value)
+    yl = loren(x, pars['amp_l'].value,
+               pars['cen_l'].value, pars['wid_l'].value)
+    slope = pars['line_slope'].value
+    offset = pars['line_off'].value
+    model =  yg +  yl + offset + x * slope
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    if sigma is  None:
+        return (model - data)
+    return (model - data)/sigma
+n = 601
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 20.0
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data = (gauss(x, 21, 8.1, 1.2) + 
+        loren(x, 10, 9.6, 2.4) +
+        random.normal(scale=0.23,  size=n) +
+        x*0.5)
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+pfit = [Parameter(name='amp_g',  value=10),
+        Parameter(name='cen_g',  value=9),
+        Parameter(name='wid_g',  value=1),
+        Parameter(name='amp_tot',  value=20),
+        Parameter(name='amp_l',  expr='amp_tot - amp_g'),
+        Parameter(name='cen_l',  expr='1.5+cen_g'),
+        Parameter(name='wid_l',  expr='2*wid_g'),
+        Parameter(name='line_slope', value=0.0),
+        Parameter(name='line_off', value=0.0)]
+sigma = 0.021  # estimate of data error (for all data points)
+myfit = Minimizer(residual, pfit, 
+                  fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'sigma':sigma, 'data':data},
+                  scale_covar=True)
+init = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, init, 'b--')
+print(' Nfev = ', myfit.nfev)
+print( myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree)
+fit = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead.py b/examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790ae9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import sys
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from lmfit import Parameters, Parameter, Minimizer, report_fit
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren, pvoigt
+    import matplotlib
+    matplotlib.use('WXAGG')
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def per_iteration(pars, i, resid, x, *args, **kws):
+    if i < 10 or i % 10 == 0:
+        print( '====== Iteration ', i)
+        for p in pars.values():
+            print( p.name , p.value)
+def residual(pars, x, sigma=None, data=None):
+    yg = gauss(x, pars['amp_g'].value,
+               pars['cen_g'].value, pars['wid_g'].value)
+    yl = loren(x, pars['amp_l'].value,
+               pars['cen_l'].value, pars['wid_l'].value)
+    frac = pars['frac'].value
+    slope = pars['line_slope'].value
+    offset = pars['line_off'].value
+    model = (1-frac) * yg + frac * yl + offset + x * slope
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    if sigma is  None:
+        return (model - data)
+    return (model - data)/sigma
+n = 601
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 20.0
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp_g', value=21.0)
+p_true.add('cen_g', value=8.1)
+p_true.add('wid_g', value=1.6)
+p_true.add('frac', value=0.37)
+p_true.add('line_off', value=-1.023)
+p_true.add('line_slope', value=0.62)
+data = (pvoigt(x, p_true['amp_g'].value, p_true['cen_g'].value,
+              p_true['wid_g'].value, p_true['frac'].value) +
+        random.normal(scale=0.23,  size=n) +
+        x*p_true['line_slope'].value + p_true['line_off'].value )
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+pfit = [Parameter(name='amp_g', value=10),
+        Parameter(name='amp_g', value=10.0),
+        Parameter(name='cen_g', value=9),
+        Parameter(name='wid_g', value=1),
+        Parameter(name='frac', value=0.50),
+        Parameter(name='amp_l', expr='amp_g'),
+        Parameter(name='cen_l', expr='cen_g'),
+        Parameter(name='wid_l', expr='wid_g'),
+        Parameter(name='line_slope', value=0.0),
+        Parameter(name='line_off', value=0.0)]
+sigma = 0.021  # estimate of data error (for all data points)
+myfit = Minimizer(residual, pfit, # iter_cb=per_iteration,
+                  fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'sigma':sigma, 'data':data},
+                  scale_covar=True)
+init = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, init, 'b--')
+# fit with Nelder-Mead simplex method
+supported_methods = ('BFGS', 'COBYLA', 'SLSQP', 'Powell', 'Nelder-Mead')
+print(' Nfev = ', myfit.nfev)
+# print( myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree)
+# report_fit(myfit.params, modelpars=p_true)
+fit = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead2.py b/examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bac47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_pvoigt_NelderMead2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import sys
+from numpy import linspace, exp, random
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren, pvoigt
+    import matplotlib
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def per_iteration(pars, i, resid, x, *args, **kws):
+    if i < 10 or i % 10 == 0:
+        print( '====== Iteration ', i)
+        for p in pars.values():
+            print( p.name , p.value)
+def residual(pars, x, sigma=None, data=None):
+    yg = gauss(x, pars['amp_g'].value,
+               pars['cen_g'].value, pars['wid_g'].value)
+    yl = loren(x, pars['amp_l'].value,
+               pars['cen_l'].value, pars['wid_l'].value)
+    frac = pars['frac'].value
+    slope = pars['line_slope'].value
+    offset = pars['line_off'].value
+    model = (1-frac) * yg + frac * yl + offset + x * slope
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    if sigma is  None:
+        return (model - data)
+    return (model - data)/sigma
+n = 601
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 20.0
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp_g', value=21.0)
+p_true.add('cen_g', value=8.1)
+p_true.add('wid_g', value=1.6)
+p_true.add('frac', value=0.37)
+p_true.add('line_off', value=-1.023)
+p_true.add('line_slope', value=0.62)
+data = (pvoigt(x, p_true['amp_g'].value, p_true['cen_g'].value,
+              p_true['wid_g'].value, p_true['frac'].value) +
+        random.normal(scale=0.23,  size=n) +
+        x*p_true['line_slope'].value + p_true['line_off'].value )
+pfit = Parameters()
+pfit.add('amp_g', value=10)
+pfit.add('amp_g', value=10.0)
+pfit.add('cen_g', value=9)
+pfit.add('wid_g', value=1)
+pfit.add('frac', value=0.50)
+pfit.add('amp_l', expr='amp_g')
+pfit.add('cen_l', expr='cen_g')
+pfit.add('wid_l', expr='wid_g')
+pfit.add('line_slope', value=0.0)
+pfit.add('line_off', value=0.0)
+sigma = 0.021
+myfit = minimize(residual, pfit, method='nelder',
+                 args=(x,), kws={'sigma':sigma, 'data':data})
+print(' Nfev = ', myfit.nfev)
+fit = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py b/examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe634d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import sys
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from lmfit import Parameters, Parameter, Minimizer
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren, pvoigt
+from lmfit.printfuncs import report_fit
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+def residual(pars, x, sigma=None, data=None):
+    yg = gauss(x, pars['amp_g'].value,
+               pars['cen_g'].value, pars['wid_g'].value)
+    yl = loren(x, pars['amp_l'].value,
+               pars['cen_l'].value, pars['wid_l'].value)
+    slope = pars['line_slope'].value
+    offset = pars['line_off'].value
+    model =  yg +  yl + offset + x * slope
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    if sigma is  None:
+        return (model - data)
+    return (model - data)/sigma
+n = 601
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 20.0
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data = (gauss(x, 21, 8.1, 1.2) + 
+        loren(x, 10, 9.6, 2.4) +
+        random.normal(scale=0.23,  size=n) +
+        x*0.5)
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+pfit = [Parameter(name='amp_g',  value=10),
+        Parameter(name='cen_g',  value=9),
+        Parameter(name='wid_g',  value=1),
+        Parameter(name='amp_tot',  value=20),
+        Parameter(name='amp_l',  expr='amp_tot - amp_g'),
+        Parameter(name='cen_l',  expr='1.5+cen_g'),
+        Parameter(name='wid_l',  expr='2*wid_g'),
+        Parameter(name='line_slope', value=0.0),
+        Parameter(name='line_off', value=0.0)]
+sigma = 0.021  # estimate of data error (for all data points)
+myfit = Minimizer(residual, pfit, 
+                  fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'sigma':sigma, 'data':data},
+                  scale_covar=True)
+init = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, init, 'b--')
+print(' Nfev = ', myfit.nfev)
+print( myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree)
+fit = residual(myfit.params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/fit_with_bounds.py b/examples/fit_with_bounds.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e46e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fit_with_bounds.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
+from lmfit.printfuncs import report_fit
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, pi, sign
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+p_true = Parameters()
+p_true.add('amp', value=14.0)
+p_true.add('period', value=5.4321)
+p_true.add('shift', value=0.12345)
+p_true.add('decay', value=0.01000)
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    amp = pars['amp'].value
+    per = pars['period'].value
+    shift = pars['shift'].value
+    decay = pars['decay'].value
+    if abs(shift) > pi/2:
+        shift = shift - sign(shift)*pi
+    model = amp*sin(shift + x/per) * exp(-x*x*decay*decay)
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n = 1500
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 250.0
+noise = random.normal(scale=2.80, size=n)
+x     = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+data  = residual(p_true, x) + noise
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add('amp', value=13.0, max=20, min=0.0)
+fit_params.add('period', value=2, max=10)
+fit_params.add('shift', value=0.0, max=pi/2., min=-pi/2.)
+fit_params.add('decay', value=0.02, max=0.10, min=0.00)
+out = minimize(residual, fit_params, args=(x,), kws={'data':data})
+fit = residual(fit_params, x)
+print '# N_func_evals, N_free = ', out.nfev, out.nfree
+print '# chi-square, reduced chi-square = % .7g, % .7g' % (out.chisqr, out.redchi)
+report_fit(fit_params, show_correl=True, modelpars=p_true)
+print 'Raw (unordered, unscaled) Covariance Matrix:'
+print out.covar
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'ro')
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'b')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/lmfit-model.ipynb b/examples/lmfit-model.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f9b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/lmfit-model.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+ "metadata": {
+  "name": ""
+ },
+ "nbformat": 3,
+ "nbformat_minor": 0,
+ "worksheets": [
+  {
+   "cells": [
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "The ``Model`` class is a flexible, concise curve fitter. I will illustrate fitting example data to an exponential decay."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "def decay(t, N, tau):\n",
+      "    return N*np.exp(-t/tau)"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [],
+     "prompt_number": 1
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "The parameters are in no particular order. We'll need some example data. I will use ``N=7`` and ``tau=3``, and I'll add a little noise."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "t = np.linspace(0, 5, num=1000)\n",
+      "data = decay(t, 7, 3) + np.random.randn(*t.shape)"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [],
+     "prompt_number": 2
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### Simplest Usage"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "from lmfit import Model\n",
+      "\n",
+      "model = Model(decay, independent_vars=['t'])\n",
+      "result = model.fit(data, t=t, N=10, tau=1)"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [],
+     "prompt_number": 3
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "The Model infers the parameter names by inspecting the arguments of the function, ``decay``. Then I passed the independent variable, ``t``, and initial guesses for each parameter. A residual function is automatically defined, and a least-squared regression is performed.\n",
+      "\n",
+      "We can immediately see the best-fit values"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "result.values"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 4,
+       "text": [
+        "{'N': 6.8332246334656945, 'tau': 3.0502578166074512}"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 4
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "and easily pass those to the original model function for plotting:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "plot(t, data)  # data\n",
+      "plot(t, decay(t=t, **result.values))  # best-fit model"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 5,
+       "text": [
+        "[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb9a28cc>]"
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "display_data",
+       "text": [
+        "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0xb9a28ec>"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 5
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "We can review the best-fit Parameters in more detail."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 6,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.0502578166074512 +/- 0.0675, bounds=[-inf:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.8332246334656945 +/- 0.0869, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 6
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "More information about the fit is stored in the result,which is an [``lmfit.Mimimizer``](http://newville.github.io/lmfit-py/fitting.html#Minimizer) object."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### Specifying Bounds and Holding Parameters Constant"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Above, the ``Model`` class implicitly builds ``Parameter`` objects from keyword arguments of ``fit`` that match the argments of ``decay``. You can build the ``Parameter`` objects explicity; the following is equivalent."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "from lmfit import Parameter\n",
+      "\n",
+      "result = model.fit(data, t=t, \n",
+      "                   N=Parameter(value=10), \n",
+      "                   tau=Parameter(value=1))\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 7,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.0502578166074512 +/- 0.0675, bounds=[-inf:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.8332246334656945 +/- 0.0869, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 7
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "By building ``Parameter`` objects explicitly, you can specify bounds (``min``, ``max``) and set parameters constant (``vary=False``)."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "result = model.fit(data, t=t, \n",
+      "                   N=Parameter(value=7, vary=False), \n",
+      "                   tau=Parameter(value=1, min=0))\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 8,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=2.9550822200975864 +/- 0.0417, bounds=[0:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=7 (fixed), bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 8
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### Defining Parameters in Advance"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Passing parameters to ``fit`` can become unwieldly. As an alternative, you can extract the parameters from ``model`` like so, set them individually, and pass them to ``fit``."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "params = model.params()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [],
+     "prompt_number": 9
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "params['N'].value = 10  # initial guess\n",
+      "params['tau'].value = 1\n",
+      "params['tau'].min = 0"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [],
+     "prompt_number": 10
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "result = model.fit(data, params, t=t)\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 11,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.0502578132121547 +/- 0.0675, bounds=[0:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.8332246370863503 +/- 0.0869, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 11
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Keyword arguments override ``params``, resetting ``value`` and all other properties (``min``, ``max``, ``vary``)."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "result = model.fit(data, params, t=t, tau=1)\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 12,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.0502578166074512 +/- 0.0675, bounds=[-inf:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.8332246334656945 +/- 0.0869, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 12
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "The input parameters are not modified by ``fit``. They can be reused, retaining the same initial value. If you want to use the result of one fit as the initial guess for the next, simply pass ``params=result.params``."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### A Helpful Exception"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "All this implicit magic makes it very easy for the user to neglect to set a parameter. The ``fit`` function checks for this and raises a helpful exception."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "result = model.fit(data, t=t, tau=1)  # N unspecified"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "ename": "ValueError",
+       "evalue": "Assign each parameter an initial value by passing Parameters or keyword arguments to fit().",
+       "output_type": "pyerr",
+       "traceback": [
+        "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m                                Traceback (most recent call last)",
+        "\u001b[1;32m<ipython-input-13-6d8fedbef3f8>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 1\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mresult\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mt\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mt\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtau\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0 [...]
+        "\u001b[1;32m/home/dallan/lmfit-py/lmfit/model.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfit\u001b[1;34m(self, data, params, sigma, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m    191\u001b[0m             raise ValueError(\"Assign each parameter an initial value by \" +\n\u001b[0;32m    192\u001b[0m                              \u001b[1;34m\"passing Parameters or keyword arguments to \"\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m+\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 193\u001b[1;33m                           [...]
+        "\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m: Assign each parameter an initial value by passing Parameters or keyword arguments to fit()."
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 13
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "An *extra* parameter that cannot be matched to the model function will throw a ``UserWarning``, but it will not raise, leaving open the possibility of unforeseen extensions calling for some parameters."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### Weighted Fits"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Use the ``sigma`` argument to perform a weighted fit. If you prefer to think of the fit in term of ``weights``, ``sigma=1/weights``."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "weights = np.arange(len(data))\n",
+      "result = model.fit(data, params, t=t, sigma=1./weights)\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 14,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.096728970589659 +/- 0.113, bounds=[0:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.7514922300319453 +/- 0.256, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 14
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### Handling Missing Data"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "By default, attemping to fit data that includes a ``NaN``, which conventionally indicates a \"missing\" observation, raises a lengthy exception. You can choose to drop (i.e., skip over) missing values instead."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "data_with_holes = data.copy()\n",
+      "data_with_holes[[5, 500, 700]] = np.nan  # Replace arbitrary values with NaN.\n",
+      "\n",
+      "model = Model(decay, independent_vars=['t'], missing='drop')\n",
+      "result = model.fit(data_with_holes, params, t=t)\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 15,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.0547114484523323 +/- 0.0677, bounds=[0:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.8308291273906265 +/- 0.087, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 15
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "If you don't want to ignore missing values, you can set the model to raise proactively, checking for missing values before attempting the fit."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "model = Model(decay, independent_vars=['t'], missing='raise')\n",
+      "result = model.fit(data_with_holes, params, t=t)"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "ename": "ValueError",
+       "evalue": "Data contains a null value.",
+       "output_type": "pyerr",
+       "traceback": [
+        "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m                                Traceback (most recent call last)",
+        "\u001b[1;32m<ipython-input-16-788e0b6b627f>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m      1\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mModel\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdecay\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindependent_vars\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m't'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmissing\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'raise'\u [...]
+        "\u001b[1;32m/home/dallan/lmfit-py/lmfit/model.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfit\u001b[1;34m(self, data, params, sigma, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m    196\u001b[0m         \u001b[0mmask\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m    197\u001b[0m         \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmissing\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m!=\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'none'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001 [...]
+        "\u001b[1;32m/home/dallan/lmfit-py/lmfit/model.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_handle_missing\u001b[1;34m(self, data)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m    117\u001b[0m         \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmissing\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m==\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'raise'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m    118\u001b[0m             \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnp\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0many\u0 [...]
+        "\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m: Data contains a null value."
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 16
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "The default setting is ``missing='none'``, which does not check for NaNs. This interface is consistent with the ``statsmodels`` project.\n",
+      "\n",
+      "Null-chekcing  relies on ``pandas.isnull`` if it is available. If pandas cannot be imported, it silently falls back on ``numpy.isnan``."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "### Data Alignment"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Imagine a collection of time series data with different lengths. It would be convenient to define one sufficiently long array ``t`` and use it for each time series, regardless of length. The [``pandas``](http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/) provides tools for aligning indexed data. And, unlike most wrappers to ``scipy.leastsq``, ``Model`` can handle pandas objects out of the box, using its data alignment features.\n",
+      "\n",
+      "Here I take just a slice of the ``data`` and fit it to the full ``t``. It is automatically aligned to the correct section of ``t`` using Series' index."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "from pandas import Series\n",
+      "\n",
+      "model = Model(decay, independent_vars=['t'])\n",
+      "truncated_data = Series(data)[200:800]  # data points 200-800\n",
+      "t = Series(t)  # all 1000 points\n",
+      "result = model.fit(truncated_data, params, t=t)\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 17,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.2221825353028226 +/- 0.159, bounds=[0:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.5296051307920768 +/- 0.221, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 17
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Data with missing entries and an unequal length still aligns properly."
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "model = Model(decay, independent_vars=['t'], missing='drop')\n",
+      "truncated_data_with_holes = Series(data_with_holes)[200:800]\n",
+      "result = model.fit(truncated_data_with_holes, params, t=t)\n",
+      "result.params"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": [
+      {
+       "metadata": {},
+       "output_type": "pyout",
+       "prompt_number": 18,
+       "text": [
+        "Parameters([('tau', <Parameter 'tau', value=3.2397946733749583 +/- 0.16, bounds=[0:inf]>), ('N', <Parameter 'N', value=6.5107676500014584 +/- 0.219, bounds=[-inf:inf]>)])"
+       ]
+      }
+     ],
+     "prompt_number": 18
+    }
+   ],
+   "metadata": {}
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/m1.py b/examples/m1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42af60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/m1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit.models1d import  GaussianModel
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+data = np.loadtxt('model1d_gauss.dat')
+x = data[:, 0]
+y = data[:, 1]
+model = GaussianModel()  # background='linear'
+# model.guess_starting_values(y, x, negative=False)
+# model.params['bkg_offset'].value=min(y)
+init_fit = model.model(x=x) + model.calc_background(x)
+model.fit(y, x=x)
+print model.fit_report()
+final_fit = model.model(x=x)
+plt.plot(x, y)
+plt.plot(x, init_fit)
+plt.plot(x, final_fit)
diff --git a/examples/model1d_doc1.py b/examples/model1d_doc1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed6b136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/model1d_doc1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit.models1d import  GaussianModel
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+data = np.loadtxt('model1d_gauss.dat')
+x = data[:, 0]
+y = data[:, 1]
+model = GaussianModel()
+model.guess_starting_values(y, x=x)
+# model.params['amplitude'].value=6.0
+init_fit = model.model(x=x)
+model.fit(y, x=x)
+print model.fit_report(min_correl=0.25)
+final_fit = model.model(x=x)
+plt.plot(x, final_fit, 'r-')
+plt.plot(x, init_fit, 'k--')
+plt.plot(x, y,         'bo')
diff --git a/examples/model1d_doc2.py b/examples/model1d_doc2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ae418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/model1d_doc2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit.models1d import  GaussianModel, VoigtModel
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+data = np.loadtxt('model1d_gauss.dat')
+x = data[:, 0]
+y = data[:, 1]
+model = VoigtModel(background='linear')
+# get default starting values, but then alter them
+model.guess_starting_values(y, x=x)
+model.params['amplitude'].value = 2.0
+init_fit = model.model(x=x)
+# the actual fit
+model.fit(y, x=x)
+print model.fit_report(min_correl=0.25)
+vfit = model.model(x=x)
+mod2 = GaussianModel(background='linear')
+mod2.fit(y, x=x)
+gfit = mod2.model(x=x)
+print mod2.fit_report(min_correl=0.25)
+print 'Voigt    Sum of Squares: ', ((vfit - y)**2).sum()
+print 'Gaussian Sum of Squares: ', ((gfit - y)**2).sum()
+plt.plot(x, vfit, 'r-')
+plt.plot(x, gfit, 'b-')
+plt.plot(x, y,    'bo')
diff --git a/examples/model1d_gauss.dat b/examples/model1d_gauss.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d4bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/model1d_gauss.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#  col1  col2
+  0.000000   -0.305196
+  0.100000    0.004932
+  0.200000    0.192535
+  0.300000    0.100639
+  0.400000    0.244992
+  0.500000   -0.001095
+  0.600000   -0.017190
+  0.700000   -0.138330
+  0.800000   -0.065546
+  0.900000    0.150089
+  1.000000    0.021981
+  1.100000    0.231610
+  1.200000    0.186122
+  1.300000    0.224188
+  1.400000    0.355904
+  1.500000   -0.069747
+  1.600000    0.062342
+  1.700000   -0.025591
+  1.800000    0.052080
+  1.900000   -0.329106
+  2.000000   -0.012132
+  2.100000    0.205438
+  2.200000    0.118093
+  2.300000    0.018204
+  2.400000   -0.113374
+  2.500000   -0.086265
+  2.600000   -0.074747
+  2.700000    0.179214
+  2.800000    0.168398
+  2.900000    0.067954
+  3.000000    0.076506
+  3.100000    0.433768
+  3.200000    0.019097
+  3.300000    0.239973
+  3.400000    0.006607
+  3.500000   -0.121174
+  3.600000    0.162577
+  3.700000    0.042030
+  3.800000    0.288718
+  3.900000    0.137440
+  4.000000    0.593153
+  4.100000    0.480413
+  4.200000    0.901715
+  4.300000    0.868281
+  4.400000    1.301646
+  4.500000    1.093022
+  4.600000    1.531770
+  4.700000    1.772498
+  4.800000    2.346719
+  4.900000    2.716594
+  5.000000    3.333042
+  5.100000    3.688503
+  5.200000    3.821775
+  5.300000    4.583784
+  5.400000    4.805664
+  5.500000    5.125762
+  5.600000    4.964982
+  5.700000    4.988856
+  5.800000    4.854896
+  5.900000    4.738134
+  6.000000    4.815129
+  6.100000    4.070525
+  6.200000    3.983041
+  6.300000    3.107054
+  6.400000    2.841105
+  6.500000    2.610117
+  6.600000    2.146078
+  6.700000    1.683386
+  6.800000    1.317547
+  6.900000    0.789538
+  7.000000    0.585832
+  7.100000    0.494665
+  7.200000    0.447038
+  7.300000    0.441926
+  7.400000    0.393547
+  7.500000   -0.033900
+  7.600000    0.042947
+  7.700000   -0.116248
+  7.800000    0.061516
+  7.900000    0.183615
+  8.000000   -0.127174
+  8.100000    0.368512
+  8.200000    0.194381
+  8.300000    0.301574
+  8.400000    0.045097
+  8.500000    0.110543
+  8.600000    0.263164
+  8.700000    0.190722
+  8.800000    0.425007
+  8.900000    0.253164
+  9.000000    0.201519
+  9.100000    0.132292
+  9.200000    0.304519
+  9.300000    0.129096
+  9.400000    0.269171
+  9.500000    0.189405
+  9.600000    0.243728
+  9.700000    0.411963
+  9.800000    0.080682
+  9.900000    0.332672
+  10.000000   -0.067100
diff --git a/examples/models.py b/examples/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee24ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Sun Apr 22 04:24:43 2012
+ at author: Tillsten
+from lmfit import Parameters, Minimizer
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+class LmModel(object):
+    """ 
+    Base class for all models. 
+    Models take x and y and return 
+    """
+    def __init__(self,x,y):
+        self.x, self.y=x,y
+        self.parameters=Parameters()
+        self.min=Minimizer(self.residual, self.parameters)
+    def print_para(self):
+        for i in self.parameters.values:
+            print i
+    def func(self,paras):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def est_startvals(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def residual(self,paras):
+        return self.func(paras)-self.y
+    def fit(self):
+        self.min.leastsq()
+        self.y_model=self.func(self.parameters)
+class Linear(LmModel):
+    """
+    y = a*x + b
+    """    
+    def __init__(self,x,y):        
+        LmModel.__init__(self,x,y)  
+        self.parameters.add_many(('a',0), ('b',0))
+        self.est_startvals()
+    def est_startvals(self):        
+        a, b = np.polyfit(self.x,self.y,1)
+        self.parameters['a'].value = a
+        self.parameters['b'].value = b 
+    def func(self,paras):
+        a=paras['a'].value 
+        b=paras['b'].value 
+        return a*self.x+b
+class ExpDecay(LmModel):
+    """
+    y = a*exp(-x / b) + c
+    """    
+    def __init__(self,x,y):        
+        LmModel.__init__(self,x,y)         
+        self.parameters.add_many(('a',0), ('b',0),('c',0))
+        self.est_startvals()
+    def est_startvals(self):        
+        c = np.min(self.y)
+        a, b = np.polyfit(self.x, np.log(self.y-c+0.5),1)
+        self.parameters['a'].value = np.exp(b)
+        self.parameters['b'].value = 1/b
+    def func(self,paras):
+        a=paras['a'].value 
+        b=paras['b'].value 
+        c=paras['c'].value
+        return a*np.exp(-x / b) + c
+class Gaussian(LmModel):
+    """
+    y = a*exp(-(x-xc)**2/(2*w))+c
+    """
+    def __init__(self,x,y):        
+        LmModel.__init__(self,x,y)         
+        self.parameters.add_many(('a',0), ('xc',0),('w',0),('c',0))
+        self.est_startvals()
+    def est_startvals(self):        
+        c = np.min(self.y)
+        xc = x[np.argmax(abs(y))]
+        a = np.max(y)
+        w = abs(x[np.argmin(abs(a/2.-y))]-x[np.argmax(y)])*2
+        self.parameters['c'].value=c
+        self.parameters['xc'].value=xc
+        self.parameters['a'].value=a
+        self.parameters['w'].value=w
+    def func(self,paras):
+        c=paras['c'].value 
+        xc=paras['xc'].value 
+        a=paras['a'].value
+        w=paras['w'].value
+        return a*np.exp(-(self.x-xc)**2/(2*w))+c
+y= 5*np.exp(-x / 3.) + 3+ 4*np.random.randn(x.size)
+plt.plot(lm.x, lm.y)
+plt.plot(lm.x, lm.y_model)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/peakfit_1.py b/examples/peakfit_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f1b734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/peakfit_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from numpy import linspace, zeros, sin, exp, random, sqrt, pi, sign
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq
+    import pylab
+    HASPYLAB = True
+except ImportError:
+    HASPYLAB = False
+from lmfit import Parameters, Minimizer, report_fit
+from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss, loren
+def residual(pars, x, data=None):
+    g1 = gauss(x, pars['a1'].value, pars['c1'].value, pars['w1'].value)
+    g2 = gauss(x, pars['a2'].value, pars['c2'].value, pars['w2'].value)
+    model = g1 + g2
+    if data is None:
+        return model
+    return (model - data)
+n    = 601
+xmin = 0.
+xmax = 15.0
+noise = random.normal(scale=.65, size=n)
+x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add_many(('a1', 12.0, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('c1',  5.3, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('w1',  1.0, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('a2',  9.1, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('c2',  8.1, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('w2',  2.5, True, None, None, None))
+data  = residual(fit_params, x) + noise
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+')
+fit_params = Parameters()
+fit_params.add_many(('a1',  8.0, True, None, 14., None),
+                    ('c1',  5.0, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('w1',  0.7, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('a2',  3.1, True, None, None, None),
+                    ('c2',  8.8, True, None, None, None))
+fit_params.add('w2', expr='2.5*w1')
+myfit = Minimizer(residual, fit_params,
+                  fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'data':data})
+init = residual(fit_params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, init, 'b--')
+print ' N fev = ', myfit.nfev
+print myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree
+fit = residual(fit_params, x)
+    pylab.plot(x, fit, 'k-')
+    pylab.show()
diff --git a/examples/simple.py b/examples/simple.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0495e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/simple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Parameter, report_fit
+import numpy as np
+# create data to be fitted
+x = np.linspace(0, 15, 301)
+data = (5. * np.sin(2 * x - 0.1) * np.exp(-x*x*0.025) +
+        np.random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.2) )
+# define objective function: returns the array to be minimized
+def fcn2min(params, x, data):
+    """ model decaying sine wave, subtract data"""
+    amp = params['amp'].value
+    shift = params['shift'].value
+    omega = params['omega'].value
+    decay = params['decay'].value
+    model = amp * np.sin(x * omega + shift) * np.exp(-x*x*decay)
+    return model - data
+# create a set of Parameters
+params = Parameters()
+params.add('amp',   value= 10,  min=0)
+params.add('decay', value= 0.1)
+params.add('shift', value= 0.0, min=-np.pi/2., max=np.pi/2)
+params.add('omega', value= 3.0)
+# do fit, here with leastsq model
+result = minimize(fcn2min, params, args=(x, data))
+# calculate final result
+final = data + result.residual
+# write error report
+# try to plot results
+    import pylab
+    pylab.plot(x, data, 'k+')
+    pylab.plot(x, final, 'r')
+    pylab.show()
+    pass
diff --git a/examples/use_models1d.py b/examples/use_models1d.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..239f12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/use_models1d.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import numpy as np
+from lmfit.models1d import LinearModel, QuadraticModel, ExponentialModel
+from lmfit.models1d import  LorenztianModel, GaussianModel, VoigtModel
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+x  = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)
+# dat = 118.0 + 10.0*np.exp(-x/7.0) + 5e-2*np.random.randn(len(x))
+# dat = 18.0 + 1.5*x  + 5.6*np.random.randn(len(x))
+sig = 0.47
+amp = 12.00
+cen = 5.66
+eps = 0.15
+off = 9
+slo = 0.0012
+sca = 1./(2.0*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))/sig
+noise =  eps*np.random.randn(len(x))
+dat = off +slo*x + amp*sca* np.exp(-(x-cen)**2 / (2*sig)**2) + noise
+# mod = ExponentialModel(background='linear')
+# mod = LinearModel()
+mod = GaussianModel(background='quad')
+mod = VoigtModel(background='quad')
+mod = LorenztianModel(background='quad')
+mod.guess_starting_values(dat, x, negative=False)
+init = mod.model(x=x)+mod.calc_background(x)
+mod.fit(dat, x=x)
+print mod.fit_report()
+fit = mod.model(x=x)+mod.calc_background(x)
+plt.plot(x, dat)
+plt.plot(x, init)
+plt.plot(x, fit)
diff --git a/lmfit.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/lmfit.egg-info/PKG-INFO
deleted file mode 100644
index aaac6b9..0000000
--- a/lmfit.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
-Name: lmfit
-Version: 0.7.4
-Summary: Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints
-Home-page: http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/
-Author: LM-Fit Development Team
-Author-email: matt.newville at gmail.com
-License: BSD
-Download-URL: http://lmfit.github.io//lmfit-py/
-Description: A library for least-squares minimization and data fitting in
-        Python.  Built on top of scipy.optimize, lmfit provides a Parameter object
-        which can be set as fixed or free, can have upper and/or lower bounds, or
-        can be written in terms of algebraic constraints of other Parameters.  The
-        user writes a function to be minimized as a function of these Parameters,
-        and the scipy.optimize methods are used to find the optimal values for the
-        Parameters.  The Levenberg-Marquardt (leastsq) is the default minimization
-        algorithm, and provides estimated standard errors and correlations between
-        varied Parameters.  Other minimization methods, including Nelder-Mead's
-        downhill simplex, Powell's method, BFGS, Sequential Least Squares, and
-        others are also supported.  Bounds and contraints can be placed on
-        Parameters for all of these methods.
-        In addition, methods for explicitly calculating confidence intervals are
-        provided for exploring minmization problems where the approximation of
-        estimating Parameter uncertainties from the covariance matrix is
-        questionable. 
-Platform: Windows
-Platform: Linux
-Platform: Mac OS X
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
-Requires: numpy
-Requires: scipy
diff --git a/lmfit.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/lmfit.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e73feb1..0000000
--- a/lmfit.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lmfit.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/lmfit.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/lmfit.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lmfit.egg-info/top_level.txt b/lmfit.egg-info/top_level.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 536bcc8..0000000
--- a/lmfit.egg-info/top_level.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt b/lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce63a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2010, Eric O. LEBIGOT (EOL).
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/lmfit/uncertainties/README b/lmfit/uncertainties/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..497740a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lmfit/uncertainties/README
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This is a modified version of the uncertainties package Eric O. Lebigot.  See the Python Package
+Index (PyPI) and/or the github source repository (at https://github.com/lebigot/uncertainties) for
+more complete documentation on this package.
+The changes here were forked from version 0.9 of the uncertainties packages, and add the ability
+to calculate uncertainties on wrapped python functions that include keyword arguments.  This is
+important for lmfit, as it allows estimates of uncertainties in constrained parameters.
+The changes made here were submitted for inclusion in the uncertainties package, but not
+accepted. Since the enhancement is useful for lmfit, the forked version is included here.
+--Matt Newville
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 861a9f5..0000000
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-tag_build = 
-tag_date = 0
-tag_svn_revision = 0
diff --git a/upload_wininst.bat b/upload_wininst.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebfe392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload_wininst.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+REM  %HOME%\.pypirc must be setup with PyPI info.
+SET PATH=C:\Python26;%PATH%
+python setup.py install
+python setup.py bdist_wininst --target-version=2.6 upload
+SET PATH=C:\Python27;%PATH%
+python setup.py install
+python setup.py bdist_wininst --target-version=2.7 upload
+SET PATH=C:\Python32;%PATH%
+python setup.py install
+python setup.py bdist_wininst --target-version=3.2 upload
diff --git a/use_py26.bat b/use_py26.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c36bda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/use_py26.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ at echo off
+SET PATH=C:\Python26;C:\Python26\Tools\Scripts;%PATH%
diff --git a/use_py27.bat b/use_py27.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115eb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/use_py27.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ at echo off
+SET PATH=C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Tools\Scripts;%PATH%
diff --git a/use_py32.bat b/use_py32.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6672ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/use_py32.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ at echo off
+SET PATH=C:\Python32;C:\Python32\Tools\Scripts;%PATH%

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lmfit-py.git

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