[gerris] annotated tag debian/20131206+dfsg-1 created (now 4a4067f)

Anton Gladky gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 31 22:49:50 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gladk pushed a change to annotated tag debian/20131206+dfsg-1
in repository gerris.

        at  4a4067f   (tag)
   tagging  710192402e0d17c3d2f0c172375268eebddd2bc3 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/20131206+dfsg
 tagged by  Anton Gladky
        on  Fri Aug 1 00:48:03 2014 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
gerris Debian release 20131206+dfsg-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Anton Gladky (22):
      Set compat-level 9.
      Fix FTBFS (update patch.
      Update paths due to multiarc-prefix.
      Remove quilt from BD,
      Update description.
      Add myself to uploaders.
      Bump Standards-Version 3.9.5. No changes.
      Set canonical VCS-fields.
      Update changelog
      Set versioned build-depends for gts.
      Update changelog.
      Update watch-file.
      Use DEP-5 for d/copyright.
      Refresh patches.
      Add missing build_functions file.
      Replace ffmpeg command by avconv.
      Add missing Makefile.in.
      Minor update in install-files.
      Use wrap-and-sort.
      Add autopkgtest.
      Update changelog.

Drew Parsons (76):
      Gerris upstream 0.9.2+darcs081022, dsfg stripped.
      Create debian directory.
      debian/control: set Maintainer to Debian Science Maintainers
      debian/changelog: Set version0.9.2+darcs081022-dfsg.1-1
      Short descriptions: gerris is not a GNU project
      debian/control: register Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser
      use library soname version, let gerris Depends: libgfs-dev
      Upload to unstable.
      Must be Debian Developer to upload.
      Tighten dependency of libgfs-dev on libgfs-1.3-1
      Remove modules licence references from debian/copyright
      Standards-Version: 3.8.1
      Build-Depends: python
      Upload to unstable.
      Check for _FPU_IEEE when fpu_trap_exception is used.
      Debian patch: Exclude armel from fpu; check fpu available
      Upload to unstable.
      debian/rules: explicitly disable mpi support
      debian/control: Place libgfs-dbg in Section: debug
      Debian: install missing files.
      Undo debian awk dependency.
      Upload to unstable.
      debian/control: fixed spelling in libgfs-dbg description.
      Clear out upstream source.
      Merge branch 'master' of ../../upstream-darcs/darcs-to-git into upstream
      Align upstream darcs source with upstream snapshot tarball (12-05-09).
      No debian directory in upstream tarball.
      DFSG: remove modules/RStarTree (copyright licence not available)
      Add version.h from upstream tarball.
      Merge branch 'upstream' into debian-unstable
      autoreconf for latest upstream source
      Update new version and debian/copyright (modules licences).
      DFSG: remove modules/fes2004 (contains non-free Aktarus functions)
      Merge branch 'upstream' into debian-unstable
      Remove fpucontrol-bug350595.patch, fes2004 licence entry.
      Run automake for upstream tarball (not just for Debian)
      Merge branch 'upstream' into debian-unstable
      modules/stokes: CW263.f is public domain.
      Debian: installation of /usr/lib/gerris: arch-dep (libstokes) and -indep
      Remove debian/manpages, gerris.manpages.
      debian/copyright: comment that wavewatch module is not built
      Upload to unstable.
      debian/control Build-depends: gfortran (for stokes module)
      Clear out old upstream source.
      Install upstream source from DFSG-free tarball.
      Enter new version in Debian changelog.
      libtoolize (autoreconf is not enough)
      Standards version 3.8.3
      upload to unstable
      use dh instead of cdbs for package autobuild
      build with and without MPI support
      patches/01_automake_doc_examples builds in separate build dir
      autoreconf to register 01_automake_doc_examples
      include gfs2doc in binary package
      create mpi binary packages
      place conflict between mpi and non-mpi builds
      Handle upstream ChangeLog via dh_installchangelogs
      gerris Suggests: python, for gfs2doc
      Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), for override_dh_*
      mention quilt in README.source
      let dh_install_changelogs handle upstream ChangeLog for gerris-mpi too
      bump library names to match soname increment
      update doc/examples patch to handle Makefile.deps
      make conflict between mpi/nonmpi packages symmetric
      upload to unstable
      copy new upstream tarball 20110329-dfsg.1
      New upstream version 20110329-dfsg.1, Standards-Version: 3.9.1
      new addresses for upstream tarball snapshots
      remove RStartTree and FES references in module build
      autoreconf for 20110329-dfsg.2
      update patch 01_automake_doc_examples
      autoreconf to apply Makefile changes in patch 01_automake_doc_examples
      Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
      upload to unstable
      Test against mpi-defaults 1.0 in experimental
      Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Ruben Molina (2):
      debian/get-orig-source.sh: updating to the new name convention.
      adding myself to Uploaders, and rewording changelog to document it

Sylvestre Ledru (1):
      +  * Check that _FPU_IEEE is actually available on the platform


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gerris.git

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