[lmfit-py] 01/04: add the documentation package

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca picca at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Mar 9 10:41:29 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

picca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lmfit-py.

commit 41dbc2bd4f8d5554addf593d37ba0b6279c588af
Author: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Mar 9 08:36:41 2014 +0100

    add the documentation package
 debian/control               | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/python-lmfit-doc.docs |  1 +
 debian/rules                 |  8 +++++--
 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index d54b5a7..8a5032f 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
+               python-sphinx,
@@ -131,3 +132,58 @@ Description: Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
  This is the Python 3 version of the package.
+Package: python-lmfit-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+         ${sphinxdoc:Depends}
+Description: Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
+ The lmfit Python package provides a simple, flexible interface to
+ non-linear optimization or curve fitting problems. The package
+ extends the optimization capabilities of scipy.optimize by replacing
+ floating pointing values for the variables to be optimized with
+ Parameter objects. These Parameters can be fixed or varied, have
+ upper and/or lower bounds placed on its value, or written as an
+ algebraic expression of other Parameters.
+ .
+ The principal advantage of using Parameters instead of simple
+ variables is that the objective function does not have to be
+ rewritten to reflect every change of what is varied in the fit, or
+ what relationships or constraints are placed on the Parameters. This
+ means a scientific programmer can write a general model that
+ encapsulates the phenomenon to be optimized, and then allow user of
+ that model to change what is varied and fixed, what range of values
+ is acceptable for Parameters, and what constraints are placed on the
+ model. The ease with which the model can be changed also allows one
+ to easily test the significance of certain Parameters in a fitting
+ model.
+ .
+ The lmfit package allows a choice of several optimization methods
+ available from scipy.optimize. The default, and by far best tested
+ optimization method used is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from
+ from MINPACK-1 as implemented in scipy.optimize.leastsq. This method
+ is by far the most tested and best support method in lmfit, and much
+ of this document assumes this algorithm is used unless explicitly
+ stated. An important point for many scientific analysis is that this
+ is only method that automatically estimates uncertainties and
+ correlations between fitted variables from the covariance matrix
+ calculated during the fit.
+ .
+ A few other optimization routines are also supported, including
+ Nelder-Mead simplex downhill, Powell's method, COBYLA, Sequential
+ Least Squares methods as implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin, and
+ several others from scipy.optimize. In their native form, some of
+ these methods setting allow upper or lower bounds on parameter
+ variables, or adding constraints on fitted variables. By using
+ Parameter objects, lmfit allows bounds and constraints for all of
+ these methods, and makes it easy to swap between methods without
+ hanging the objective function or set of Parameters.
+ .
+ Finally, because the approach derived from MINPACK-1 usin the
+ covariance matrix to determine uncertainties is sometimes questioned
+ (and sometimes rightly so), lmfit supports methods to do a brute
+ force search of the confidence intervals and correlations for sets of
+ parameters.
+ .
+ This is the common documentation package.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/python-lmfit-doc.docs b/debian/python-lmfit-doc.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2dbf19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/python-lmfit-doc.docs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index c408b44..e03a842 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ export DH_VERBOSE=1
 export PYBUILD_NAME=lmfit
-	dh $@ --with python2,python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
+	dh $@ --with python2,python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild
-	dh_numpy3
\ No newline at end of file
+	dh_numpy3
+	dh_auto_build
+	PYTHONPATH=. http_proxy='localhost' sphinx-build -N -bhtml doc/ build/html  # HTML generator

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lmfit-py.git

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